HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-07-22 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News~· • • . . ~ \. . I i " .I • ' •• . ... J . EVERY THURSQ~ Y . AND .. f • . . . . . . ... . . . ~ 1 . .. ti( • 4 • • ' ~. j J J I t. • ;~ ·°""··. t41WSPAPa covBuN&· ·tHe Etmll .' IAY ,; AIM · cOnA KESA. COBOKA· imLf llAJL'-1'a•.0n.· ~A. I.Ilk>. ... ,.,.DD . ~•908· .llLAllDI. · ~D UGUM · · · · · · · , • • • • • • : •• _,,.; • ... .1-r,-· , :.&" ,,. "l'.,,,.t "" i ... • .I ~~~.~ ~. ~.::·~ ~: j ._ .. -~.: .: : .. ,.,..~~. '.~~~;: ~~~:.: .:: : ~ :Tli~;; ·J~iy .. 2_2, ; ~~::T::•t · :N~W :_Pi:tk:e~t ~ lilieS ·:·:$M!il · D~t~ ~L-li1. ~Builder's · UiiiO" ·fight '"M.MIU II" ... ,....,.._ ... .., .Costa Mesa Citizens Will Ficjht County Zon~CJ Plan By DA YID A. llUKRO A meeting of the Costa Mesa Citizens Committee was held la~t evening to further discuss and propose action on the ilOning law amer.d.menta as proposed by the O~an.ge Ceunty Planning Commwlon. Last night's meeting was almU.lr to the town meeting on June 30 when Costa Mesa demonstrated its anger at the zoning Jaw proposed for thia and all other unincorporated "towns" ln the county. Coeta MHA brou1bt lnto betnc;------------- Uae clUun1' committee to combat 1------------- and foreat.U the ordllaance.-.nd Maybe a Swimming t.hJ.I comm.JttH l• a lult)' 9"dlln1: Pool for the Mayor Sn lu week.17 meeUnp It bu al· redy bq'Un ~ act llke a town oouncU, like ,..,ernraent. Eled Jtes,reeeataU.e• Wertunen .,.....,... la d1&'1IDC a laole fer tile flacpo&e a& tile Dt11f Newport Beeirh CH7 1aaU d.Jcla't atrik.e oU, but tlle7 an laannc troublfl with UNI UdetL Alter dlaia1 a ltole enl7 a few teet de.p. tile 1nen f.and Uaat lt .... ,...adlJ fUUna .ntta wat.tr. Now tlae7 >"! able &o -.u tlte tJdM from UMJ amoaat of water In tile laol4. Did aomeoae me.ati•n lite tact Ula& It'• a 1ood tlllnc tile aew cltr laaU was a.unt ea ,Un T Yacht Clubs Stage Regatta At the tlrat m~Un• of the com- mittee, held · at the home of Mn. Buel c .ll, Co.ta )(ea& poatml•· er-, two "precinct.men" from each flf UM nine prf'Clnct..I were ele<:~ "7 thoee ,,__t. and the tem- torary C'Olnmtttee thu.e tooll on per· aanent atatu It nam~ C. R. Gle•er, bH.d of the Glover traUn worka, .. ~rmanent chairman. OU.er memben of the pumanent commlttH, a.nd the areu they rep- reMot, are. W B John.on an• Mr. Glo•er, No. 1, R&lpb J . SrW1D ancl David A. Munro, No. 2; Owen hlu!n)' and Alma Sc:bwarU. No. J; LeRoy Ander110rr and Walter Kil- ler, No. •: J. L. Mun90n and Hetu Ka.Leer, No. I; Hele-n Powell and Henry Forsythe, No I; Baale Two tamou.1 yachtlnc 1roup1, the Loun.1berry and F . B. Owen, No. T; Pactflc eo..t Yachtln1 A.uocla- rred Opp ~d Harold K)"le, No. I ; tlon and the Southern California Buel GUI and Or. P. A. Chamber-Yachting .A¥oclatlon, bave united Ila. No. t, with Clem Knox and aa, Dlckereon belnc named dele-to ala~ the bis Annual Reratta at ptee .. ,.t tarre" but ~prefffttlnr wblch a lonr list of Pacific eo..t ._ta Ana Hel1ht..1, beyond the Champlonahlp1 will be decided. The Hatta of Coata Meaa. ~ptta wlll open Mond&J, Auauat &o New,.rt llutHw 1..ten1&1 In a campaign that began this week with a construc- Hea.lns. a11e .. belas re..-..w la Uon project in Corona del Mar, the A. F. ot L. Building • u•ld•c ~oediUoa .n Swuet and Construction Trade council put into opera tlon a plan ~1 al "~·-t c d taUo .to line up contractors all along the Orange Coast for ... ,I'll: oc _.... uar • n re-ts -.,ith h · · . ed --" t 10 .,,. • d. agreemen w1 t e union. . ce1v a ._.... a :ou yu .. er a)' . A di ' ' morninr that th• ''Maude II", own-cieor ng to a statement made to the Post by Jame11 ed by Joe Dlck90n of Newport J. Bardwell, union representative, tomorrow .will see a Beach, wu takini on ,,.at.er and new picket line thrown around an important construction waa in ~ alnkina condJUq.n wllb at. projeet ln the eoast area. This will be followed by other ~rson.t aboard.. Accordtn1 to &a'n campaigns from Laguna Beach to Hungtington Beach, he M&te R. Balnbrldre when be ar-stated. rived o~ the acene the Coaat Cu"rd -------------.a In auwer to a ch.arae by Corona Cutter "Blackthom" ,,...., already del Ku conU&ctor . .Ralph Wiimot UM to U.e "Jlaude Ir' and WU Post ·surv. -..• , ·... that u.e P4cketiq of b1a 1>r~ject at pumplnv wr&ter (rom btt' hold. Tbe Orc.hJd Sl and Cout Hlway .,.. "Blackthorne" escorted the boet Reveals 3,750 a l'tolaUon to the Taft Hatt~ back to Newport Harbor where taw, Mr. Bardwell· ata1ed that tile the ''Walru1" took OVM and r~ Homes in Mesa Bulldiq ·and Ooutr~ ,...... turn~ It to p<>rt. Council t. "~ COYtteci bJ the Taft At Poet prea time, the cauae ot h UM wHll Ha polklJ t• de-Hartl~ law." • the near atnktnr wu atilt undla-UYel' a 11e••P•c•er to e.el')' Wilmot, who hu co.tracW to clolf'd. tlome·ln u.e -...., TM Ne't!'· build • u.e.ter tot the Peddu Another tt•~C YURI, the "Kalb-pert a.,. Poet aad SMpplna Corp. la aoro.. deJ Mar, -.Id u. l~n." own~ by J. }f. McJtvoy of News la new easa&"ecl ln taldtaa unlOa baa threetenH to. .. lntmere- Alhambn, sent out a dlatre• ala-aa ntenaln eea.ua •f all ta.. with the theater ~roject. nal wbea her fuel pump became diubl~ The Coa.at Guard located ltocnee IA tile bQ cemmunlUH. W .... &e Talk the boat about 8 miles off the Wilen eompieW, tide .une1 Accordleta to llr. Bardwell, U.. breakwattt, and towed her to port. wtll be t.lae metJt ~ and unloa "&. willlbs to Mnd ftter • conelM tan,. an.Uable of all tbe backward.a In rettlq totetb&r t. TAX COMMlnEE STUDYS .SAi ES TAX, CO. ASSESSMENTS The Newport Chamber ot Com- merce Tu Study Committee meet.a tbla noon at the N.wport Yacht Club to ctflCUM th• Jropoeed Qty I Salea ~ and eqaalisatlon of u- aeamenta In coonty taxes. Accordlns to adftllce report., Mayor Olclr Drake bu been uked to speak at thf' meettnr, called by chalrman Braden Finch. The rroup will atudy reporU that the Oranre County CouUloe la carrylnr a be.a vier ta& burden than ot.bar CO\lDty area.a. It bu been ata~ that county aueumenta for coaat- llne propert7 are eet hlaher than tax uaeanienta for Inland cities. The tax committee la expected to uk tor '"equalluUon of Aasea1- menu" throu1bout the county. bomee In dab ....... alp an ~eelDent •ith U)' ~­ Te -... a Utereucla cJaeok of Uae realdentl&l eommunltlea of Coe&a 1199& and N • w p o r t ~t. ,. • .,.,. a &ow ot s.100 lllomM UMn. T1lla fllun WU arrt.-eMI at after POIJ& repreMn· aau.-. lll Unlaa -up earrier -.o,. fer t.lte .,.... eocaate4 H· f1J'7 ree.WeatiaJ atroetutt. 'l"'llie P..& f eeb tllat tbe IUP... "" will reftllll the utoun4tnc pewtla ln bulldJar aa• ,opul&- tractor." He stated that all the unJon la aakflls of WUaot la ~ same tbe7 uk o( M7 cont.ractor. that t.. •lsn an al'teement u tct wase-, boura, and type ot work the men a.re required to clo. Bardwell stated thal be bl of· f•rttd ~ meet with Mr. Wilmot at any time to d&.cuu cltUeren~ &act come to an a.cr•ment. At lu~ report., ha.enr, WUmot •&a un- wllllnr to .trn wlth the ualon Ila• lcu there wu no other W&.J'. . ~ lneerporatton At aubeequeot meetinp lt de- Yeloped that. however like a town co11ncil the cot11UDlltH mlsht ap- PMr, It.I member• were by no mMna 1'11 convinced that orJ&lllsa- Uon Into an Incorporated town wu a dealrable move. Or. Chamberlin anti Kr. Opp, for In.lance, were the local Jeeden credited w1tb de- featina the tut move toward ln- oerporation In a recent referendum. LeRoy Anderaon, Costa )(eu at- tomey, prominent In the Chamber ol Commerce, denounced l.he aur- .-Uon tbat the committee 11et up bJ-lawa, polnUnc out lta h11hl7 temporary atatua. These funda:. mental dlaqreement..I u to the permanence of the commlttH pre- olpitaled a wranrle when the mem- bership tried to &ff'ff on a name for the commlttee. They preclpl- tate4 another WT&n&l• when It ...... aune-ted that aub<:Ommlteem be 2., at Newport Harbor. Alt.ndlnr A ft.-&.. the aa111nr meet will be the larr-"ttempts 1 IR'TT tA.a tile 11a,. U'M .... .ualned atoee Uae laat national 'Mnam ... made. We fflel tut tbt. ae.-.pepet wW IJe rauwtD1 a nal oommaalt7 1111moe la mak· la& Ulf!M flf\ll'e9 publkl U IOOD aa t1te7 an OOftlPUe4. htare t.....ee of &lae poll& wlll contain •tatllltlca oa u.e oumlwr of laomee ht UM Newpoti Buch. Corona Del Mar, Balboa., Udo and Barbor blan• eommunl- t.IH. Wa&cll for u.em: tOOO Voters SianWater Petition by conatruction job with an elec-More than 1,000 namet trtc drill. O.Yla stopped the ,.outb have been obtained on the eat auembly of pleuure aaUlnr .Of luflclilMJ Tools (().aU. ..... Pap I) craft ever rather~d In one port at one time. Make Prepa.ra&t ... Elaborate preparatlon.a are beln& made to m~ the demand.I of vt.- i tora, who will attend trorn all aec- tlob.1 of the Pactflc O>ut. Host Club to the vblUna yacht.I· men, the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, la carylna out extf'nalve alter- ation• and lncreulnr lta fa~llltlea and maklni ready to welcome vi.- ltfn&' bOata, OWMn, era.ft. and er~. A race achedule which will Include eventa for every alH and class ot aa1lln1 craft from 160 auz- lllary achoonera, all the way down to plnt 111'19 dln1hy1 bu been planned. Plan En&ertalllfDf'nf Entertainment for •'riaitora wilt -------------.J afford an unendln1 Nrlee of d .... ltahtful eventa. new and full of • COUPON SPECIALS ON PAGE TWO 1Urp"-. City otttclala of New- port Harbor are cooperatlnr In the Procr&m. and the Balboa and Udo Taeht Clube will join with othen to uat.at 1.n CUJina the hamr- trtde Pl'Ol'J'&llL The occuloa 18 itc.beduled to be the blas•t week 1a yacbtfns In Soutbem Calltomla la Mftral yean,, aocc>tdlna &e Walts JC.. t.wL1. Olm .... al~ Mew· '-----------port Banor Yacht QU. Quick action on the part ot John OaYia, 31& Osle St., Corona del Mar, thwar1ed a weold·be thief Monday at the Cata.nu Marlnu n~zt to KJnp Uindlf\&'. OaYia reported to police that a youth about 19 7ean old attempted to walk otf a near- who e.caped In an automobile, parked nearby. Polle. atated that other artlclea hav. been found to be m1.taln1 from the job which la the site of lhe new Croft and Neville buildlnc. They_ Were Biting petitions circulated here tor admittance of Newport Beach to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, lt was announc- ed today by Attorney Harry Ashton, chairman of the Water for Newport Beach Committee. Th• first STOUP of petltiooa. about DOO .tpature1, were tUecl Y"terdq with Col. )(. 0 . Wellln1· ton. MWD repruentatlve. The to-- , tat of namee i. approxlmatetr three ti mea u man)' u are neoe<IM to qualJry for admittance Into the district. When all thei petltJona have beea flied. tbe MWD trill then p..., oa them and .tat. coadltJona under .. •·hlch th~ 1'111 furn.lab tht wattt here. Then vot.r• here will have a chance to cut t.her b&JJC>U Oil the propoeaL Ttle Water for Nt"'POrt 8eedt Comfllitt.e,· t. a SJ"OUP of local cltl: zena appointed by MaJor D6c* Drake to atuclF the acute ....- altuatioll taen ud J1an • ooune ot ac:UCJL ~ coaunltt. d.18ocw· erect that the oai7 W.,. to tuu ... an MhQuat. RP•l7 ot water tr"Oal4 bit t.e Jl'll ._ KWD aa4 ~re O>len411rhw,..., • .. , >l\o . .- ~ ) • I ~ ;'W r4 ,, ~ 0 ~ • ~ ~ ~ "' 1 • :t • ~ 5 I ~ == -< c ·ir I·-§ •1~ lif = lri ·it· ; §~~; k ~ ' . • ~.. a. ~ "' ~,. I ii. ~ wj.. c:: ~ I s .. e ~: a! f :! i: s t ·~ ~ t I n ~ ~, , ~ ; if ~ ~ ~ i ~ r·1 f I I ~ I ~ . :z: ~ t ~ i ~ ~ 1 '~ ~ I j ;I ~ • l ~ l t~ n ~ • ... ~ ·r s ~ l l ~ l I • ~ I lJ ~"' l & E! c.. . "' 1 I ~ I n 1 ,. !. l! o 1 1 n I -n • 1 n 1 ., I g i:::Ji=r:g 1" g t~::: g g . ., ... ~ • . ~ I ~ •. I ~ I ~ -~ • ~ -r 2: f I 2: ~ 11i : I I T •I • I : I • .. I I i I -~1 tit -I ·-.. _. N W _. ......._. .. :~~t != r · · 8 8 f ' ~ " 3 • ~&:i Cl ?!e:a : ·ii C9 § • ~ ;11 ~ ti i g . •I I ~ ~1 1 !I tit .. . 8 . ~ E ~rjct :11! ! ,llT;x! ~ ~ ~ 0 l 0 ~ I I ~ ~ l Ir ~ 0 'I l 0 3 • ~ ~ "''"' 2: II r: • • "' ,.. ~ I c-:t ~!io C 5!i g ~ c:: ~ .. r~ " -o ~ J I! I-c;:. tr ~ 5. Z It ~ '< l l &:;; -~ I g ~ .,,,,, I i ~~"a ,.u. 2: ~. .p ~ I ,~ I ~ .c....C-:. • .,. ~ -~ ~. ...... .~ "' . ~ . ' : I ' . ' . • • • .~ I'; • . . . .. ' ST AllONERS. -..... . . • ; . • . -~ Coroaa del ~ ·-... . .. .. "Tlure ls No Substitute-for ()tiJity" .. . ' . . I . . . Are":FiainO• ·:. ·. ' . . . j tot Gmll~ WORK ~ . at MODllA TE : . \ PIUclS .._. ~'.;. ·: i . • . . . n:·E·i '.;i '.f 'l ··t ; s·A LE 'N:O:i =_·;ifi;~! " -----------------·-··-~---~-~. • • L ............ ; ... Olit atil.e ••••••••••••• •.,. ar Of• I JI,•,, • •••••····--~ ........... ~ ........ _._ ~ ,,. ... Ptz'n •• . .....•...•.•• : •. ·~llJll Over the years we .have built up a steady patronage based on Quality, Seriice and fair · ,. · " .. · dealing. Our new . itore will· ~e h,i,ce the size ~f our present quarters. " , • • --.. • • f • • . . . . . . \", ~ .. ' . ' . ' To-save time, handling. and posslble damage we have gone thro4gh the store· with. ·.a .'. ' -. '• . ' . .. . "' ' ·RED PENCIL and in many cases we are takin·g a 1011. ' I Sense your need1 end save $$$' in this great event.. on DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FINE JEWELRY, RINGS, BRACELETS, COSTUME JEWELRY. . . .. ' •I Hundreds of items we can't enumerate. Hundreds of Real Bargains. Ill "• romth .. , ·. m M1M . . • • ,. l=ree DaUy Presents • ~ ~ •.. 1.0 Master Presents at Close Of Sale .. o • '°• I I " f " '° • !!l!C ~ .. R.~~--~........... '1'185 . . ~o~~!••~•••.,••HH H ••"• $97~ ~.!: ~ ... ~.~~ ... s12ss I y AN [)~SE~. -Jewel~ I • j I . SANTA ANA s.,,~~ $ $ W ~dt!ings Birthdays &utn x,,... FM. " ... \ .. - ....._ ... -, ....... .,. .. " . . . ... .. I 4 ii U - \ OOIWWWtRr • OO&ONADJU.J4A& l'lteMBA·tm-W .. .FOR FUN- . . CaretuJ, e~ pro· t e a s I o n a 1 beauty wor\( Is your auur- ance of a soft natural 100Jdn1, Jons lUtln1 per~· nen t yvave .. Come artd tee us for t r u I J profeulonal service. Cowt., '9111 fNffM "°" H•IH CGMMlla ~Mtlll€ENT~~-· ~~ . BEAUTY SALON BAJrrA AKA .... ~ ..... .. ........... ' ...... .,... • Me·' •• PBAL • ....-S ... '·" • a.ts · Nina says ... 4.tl & I.ti . :'f vn loshions ·~·.. ····' aw,.a. -a>llOfitA U9. MA.M _...... .... · LlclO ·CleaMn r ........ .,a= .... • R*·VP & IWlftry CAIB & CAJIBT .......... ~ ............ ()OftA mil& hr ~ apectaat aotber, we 110W ban 110me nH• ..S llladl .Wta to retail for '1UI. ' Tbe7 are ha an attnetift ar~ of colon t.nd fal>r1ca, l\lltable fer lwam•r 01' Fall; allo of ln- wre.t for .._cbwear, we baft blue .__ llllOIU for -.- bra'• SIM a n ct the cf• n l m jack.ti for-... OI .,..._. taa.r.tt to ltOO.ta. LI the ..... ef .,._ uort. la white, blue_ browa and re4 for •1.11. 'nlq .,.. la ..... 1, •• u. .... 1&. Ai.o -.... at • clcmout are odd ..._ ol pJ&7 Mota are Ii.-._ '14, f and I. abota ,_ flM. MGllt ., tlMet .,. .... 4-:'"·' ..... . U'·'°A llLABD .. ~ .. Upoo Pllai .. cy .,... ... ...... lfewport Pbarmacy ......... Newport Bar.,_ Dnap ........ c.... ... ., m•r your YARNS Oolumbla -Bot&DY -Beiut THE Pli i ING BAG Ill &. l~th ~t. Costa M .. - Beaoon i H O-W Free J .. ll'UCUOll• •"'" . 'ftb h Ille &lme I• &Ile tbtfftJ a•p,.r a. IMQ'. lllaa1 of -., d4»P9 lift ltPtq ..... -4 ---.................. ~.o- 1n911 wtao IDM.,. .... ma&eri.ala ..... ,..._ ........ set aome real barplnt u• MH a &ool -wanlrobe to ~ •zt )'Hr't ..,.., aD41 ., I .... n ~·it& llMJ .. .,. pnlm • ..U ~low .... Ill ........ ,.._ U..Q .. ,,_ tM rWs flf _.,sn, ov• I ~cft.ee. Brighten Y ""' Hornt With Flowers We b•v• a COlllp~te eeJeeUan 4>f nll!R cut nowen • • . ROMe le CarnaUona. Bowl •rra.n,.meata .....S. '° or4tt • Balboa Flower Shop .. E. Cieatnl (IN BALllOA) PHONE BA•POK Utz summer . dresses/ We mutt make room for our new fall stocks. Sale includes Rayon9, Jerscy1 and Gabardine• in solid colon anal printt-all the "new look." 8izct range from 9 to 17 and 10 to 20. Wt. even have a few larger tizea up to one-half off . VALUES TO NOW I 27.95 11.tl 24.95 -16.tS 22.95 -14.tl 19.95 • 11.tl 17.95 11.tS I ,.. OFF 14.95 \ t.tl ·- 12.95 7.tl POLLY APPAREL i WOMEN'S WEAR AND BABY-SHOP • s..-' s.. • ;...,, ,,.,,SH,. com -' sum H>A ,AU COSTA MESA c ' • • ••• ....... for s.nn..i ' Obr atock hlcl1Mie9 tM ton.w- t.as white a'OOfa tot your plq cloth ea, dremee a a d biom.: SHARKSKJN ~wide, U.3t Jd.. ... BATiirE-LA W!f--ORGANDT -DllClTY-DOctZD 8 WI I I PIQUE -J:D:Lrl' PIQUI: - 0R&L -TI: R 1l Y CLOTH. ErELET TRDOONC8 AND BUTTONS. SNIP 'N' STITCH •• ,.,,.., Weer • ftez r Nta Clilldntl•1 Wen 1 to I s.,.,;e_ ,.,.. .., At.. , , .... ,., .. fw ... ur At-, .. .,. ,..,. Balboa lll•d Rcnbor 744-Jl Convert Your Old Foot-Power ~ ~ w g g = :I:~ -. - Any llnu or 1~-.. A99t -little GI ~I ....... --------.. ~ •• cn9I httou. belts 0 a4 'Jaddea ~ Complete Llne ot ~ SEWING NOTIONS SEWING MACHINE d F"" Ntw J.lac/.,.,,t1 Nov At>11i/11blt ~ ~ ~ REE PICK-UP AND DB.IVBY G <.---------~~~~---------------.illC , ... AUTHOllZED SEWING MACHINE CENTER 309 If. lycpaore Saata Alla Our Kew Telephone lfmnher la J[Jmberly l-5051 MAL COM'S .. e IDq.Wte N~ tor tlM Brille A UH Dltounae • • Wst" s OswM ........ v.u. ·~aowu ' ......... ........ -- • ... . MA n1NGLY1$ ••• SANTA ANA Brings great 1evin91 to you on fine f a1hion-ri9ht qu•l- ity clothes you need NOW •• *' Clothes you 'II we•r for ' / months to come. v.1~e1 .,. am•zin9. ; • Saving• Un• believable. Remember it's the · store behi"d the sale' that _counh. • l~ Wool 1•41. Wool COATS SUITS " 0...1d1 .......................... ..... ............... bi11 ............ ... 111111 w' .............................. . ........,... .................... .._ ,.. -................. ftkll ....... . ¥11011 to sss.oo va1 ... to sst.ts sn--sir sir n -RE·S s ES . . . -"""'\.. ISO ......... •l•C'W from OU retain atoc:k la tlala "°" ... ltJH ._ d oci11lou ••• julor. npln ... IMIU me. ••• maray flnt time ..... Ya~e1 to $35.00 sr -~r -· '1415 -'1615 PLAY SUITS . SWEATERS .... -All.-.._..,. w•a with matching SKIRTS ~ .... ·'91ts ••.••••••••••••••••••••• ¥do11•• St.ti· ••11'1• 114..11 _.Ill.II . -• • IP' MANY ITEMS NOT ADYllTISID · Of~~·. t-.31 to 5:31 . ~. ' \ . I ~ ._ . . r L ' - . . ' • 17th 8t. 6 Cout lllahw&Y Newport· lleada S...con 157'5 f/os~ flltJtal RDTAORANT· -CaUt ~ IOUUa WGWA a&t,al. cwa. PllO!fll'tll FINE FOODS SELECT WINEa -lll:Rvm> J'RENOI 8TTUI . ROSSI . . RNI---. If ALI•N· DINNBS -. COCl(TAILS. r nu.a • nDIS UBI • 1111 OOAn m. a&& u. OOllO!f.& D& MM • a.,,. "-·· --........ II , ;. 'r-n.u.-N_, ""0&-·--... 8l&tp ...... _ .. Yoic1 of tlat Turli' July 27th thru Auamt lat LKMJORS • . ftonl JOHNNIES' 40'1Jla Coat IDglawaf . ow ....... ___ a•• _ ••• ¥•"41 LP as a ~<••-••-•.,.... -··- Hlway 101-Tuatln Jaly It Tiana M ................... , ... ... ~ '1M Ttcket•: IOS io 6 E1-etrlc, Blue laU.. elod1' Sbop ........... I s.mr. Wl'l'll ., .. ,... DAFFY'S . COFFEE SHOP -,,. , • -. , SwrJ Ume -. tFD aroyiid. an- • • Grqo17 : ii.ther Wllltami ta reallJ ~ ... "Take x. Out to tM Bal a.me.·· with l"rank Slnatra an4 Gae Kett~ Sb• cleclai., .,,._ la th• part \..,. been waltina for.• -· After belq. 1n the country fa. One way to 80lve the tum pro- blem, and tbe bicb COit Of food. woul4 be to develop a method of , pttln1 food from tanna to tabl• without too much added apenee. A.tt.r workJq with five men wttb beard.I ln "'Yellow 8117," Anne But.er wut home only to find lwlband John Bod1ak rrowtnc one for. bia nut plctun. lt'a about time for the ID4iaaa to petition the United Natlona ._ Rarey J&.IUI la pJannh,., an ln-make the Unlt.d 8tatu tttuna dependent production,, • n t I t I e d tlMlr lu49. I tmllllW ~ ~- En.Jo7 afternoon• u well u Hednp In Tb• Sky Room onrlooklns lam· nttaa B&lka Ba)' • ..Sip not.lo troJ>-lcal 4rln.lre In th• Informal atllKI• obere ot th• South 8eaa. OJ>•n ••U7 dt7 durl~ the wmmer M&80D. W&tcll'em Out tor ats ()po at CH1U8TIAN'6 HCT •• • Ar .., J BALBOA. CALJPOaNIA Sa'1- ll JOU are havtna diffl~ obtalntnr your favorite DqQOl'I, llle.b u Seacram'1 V. o .• Walllen De Luxe, ltralcht or Bonded Bourbon-. bud-to-pt lcotchea, eto.. •.•Our Qe': claJ-wlllle It iut._J:ut.l'Q Ptl.Mner ~ el M U~ bottle. on)J ia.oo, 1>h111 depoeit •• • Sportsmans Uquor Store 1111 .... C:."-1 ...... 0... ta..-. t. llWaiPt I• Year~, ............. 1,.. He t..1'1 1;.-fnlni~• Liq"' Slare ....................................................... - '\ ! 11 ' . • . I .. : . '-' -. ,, .e· LINOLEUM ' ~ BROADFELT • e RUBBER and e ASPHALT TILE Install eel lmmulidte Service! • .. THE HOUSE OF BEAUTIFUL WALLPAPERS , • • • Lury ~. l'H .. .th '-------------------.---' eo.t. ir.a: to BECOVEll DI KODD•m Cell '-,,.. fdlmclw House of, Future NEWPORT ... OENTBAL llAILllOB 1111-W FLOOR WAXING Lit u llieautir, your upbalt We. bardwoocl, l1aol9u.m Of .-crete noon. InYellt.lpt• out attnct.1ft otter to kMP ,_ ftoort o1eaa and lllJ.nq. AL80: DDT l\11alsatt- Ru1 a-n•na WbliAew Wub.ln1 Woodwork Wuhlq • Qaeral a--• ... Newport Mdn•••• ca Senlce Rug C~aning .... ..me • .., Newport M ' P•••c• 5erYlce \ ........ ., a.cl ... ....., Also: • ~Floor waxing ___ _ w i11J~ V>1Ulii•9 1' .JI '"'' wootl'llJot'I .,,.,,,;,,, Ge•n'•I maiflf~""'' . . -. '· MOVING • I STOllAGI ••1aTr•1,_Co. .......... 111 . I QUALITY RUGS AT .LOWEST eRICES IN YEARS! VELVET 9'xl9'l"----- CANDY STRIPE VELVET 12J.SO 9'x20' 111.00 CARVED WILTON 9'x6'10"-----lt.25 . 6RAY FREIZE 9~6"x9' 71.00 GRAY VELVET 9•xt, 54.00 -" , LOOP HOOKED WILTON ) 7'6"d' 4t.SO REfllF.&R YOUR ROOMS bJ Havtns Your • .. C.pe11 Cle•1cl ~ ...... -nY ... wea."- SPECIALISTS ID CARPET, auG inti UPllOLS'rµtY · · , ' . . \ I MANSION HOUSE AXMIN$TER, fixl8'-1HM· .. • EMBOSSED WILTON · " 9'xl2' ll0.11 AXMINSTER · BROADLOOM 9'xl3'5" ~ ~71 Seme-9'xlS' It.II • 1 Seme-9'xl4*t•• n.11 DARK WtLTO~ LEAF llJ,OAD· LOOM, 9'x32'6"-yct 7.tl U6HT WILTON LEAP BROAD.t . · 'LOOM, 9'x2J' yd. 7.tl ..... 1.U. ·-CBLO Pl& •. ' , . .,7 \ . - ' •• -~ t. .. . .. . Lge. C lox --~ :. PE No.2- .-.C Cans (Umlt 1: FOR MllACU SUDS HA POLAR ICE Cj . . PURE C ·& H CANE ' ream C.1- , ' 10.LB. . Pint .BAG c Ctn. cu.at It U..) Suns No. 2 .-c~ Cans . Tomatoes . LOG ·cAllN Hunt's-Solcl Pack Del . New " No.Ji Pint c Pkg. Can c-(lllllt ~ . >.2} mlS mlt I ) :ATSUP . C.H.I. TOMATO lfCJ• ,tffe mshine Crispy Socia :RACKERS DeDcious Ftavors . . ' kg. alt 4) VITA-PAI . CRUSHED ' . FANCY MAltGAllNE:-I (Limit l Lb.) . 1 Lb. Box .. Royal Disla 4iralacl NO. 2 : _. CAN CAllADIAll wa111gy . . . SHgrmn's Y .O. FIFTH . ~ $ -35 &ALLON • • • 5 · BYD CllOWM Dillollll· . . . . . -. -.-. . Doz. lbs. ...... ' . ~ ' BEER .. . s3n .. I I ,. -- l . •• • - 1·t•11a-. wear i C"f ..... ~ _, pate tM I ~eel ........ to ~ ~ wftll Jemon j\dc. ... .usar .... ., • -.... ---.. ·DISTINCTIVE . . A wNINS ~'NO CANOPIES • Patio A Garden Furniture . . • Canvu a Leatherette Yardap · • Pada and CUlhloDI . ' for Home and Boiata Phone for Estimator S-ta Alla .T..+& .. A.-g . ~Y · 1121 L llaia--Phone ._ . •' fWOR COVERINGS • ~ ftLll • LDfOLaJll • lllSOA.Dn:Lt.' Cell ,., hw M--. ... ... ,...,. "'.1 nl.'IPI! n AnD ft'VI 1rw ~-••••• • ..,.., .... " l'WUft 11111All'1 I • a. tars••• .. "' ..... .... ft+' ... CJiiliP-I ..M~-- V9'1 ad cmtlqael wind .. .,, .............. . ........ .....,..... ~.Co. .,. a. Kaba a -KI 1-nu -sAllTA DA U•der Tiiis OH Roof - ••wlltUM,. & 8oo8119 c. ••t ad CoDcnte Tlllll...._ IDkttm ....... ..... T...tta C:O.trol CaN-t Wodc ..... at .•• Belt • . Vwtla.M9'• UJ. ...... .... .... Ceraalca ... Tiie SJa11t 1Ceta1 . . Weatt.r atdppADt cmd Bw11w1Df PabatlDg & Decoratlot 011r LoVJ OvtrluaJ M tan1 a Sa"ing to You/ For Estlnun Jmt Pita•• Kl 2-471 t Styled for Gracious Outdoor Living • PA.TIOS and BARBECUES hy Ackerman ... Adct on outdoor flvlng room wftfi a beautff ul ,atlo a n d .. Mcue COMtructed from ulltCICltve two-tone l>rtcll or Maono flapton.. Pt-one to- .. let VI look d¥fW your ,_.. ond gfve you an "'j. -* ... no oblltoflOft. ~ . . .AcLerman ... :Jiu_ .Ar~locral o/ :J.mcing . . • You achieve all three with the new "Ackerman• 19"1 relnformd cona ••• fenca. It mak• on ottractlve bock· 9round for home and garden, 91"'9 you prlvocy In your own yard and ~ protection for cftlldren and. p.ta. lN Adcennan fence ft tt.. some on both 1ld .. , no runners or posts ond built to give o lifetime of awvk:e on.I eatlafactlon. The lnltf al COit la ,,,. Oftfy ~. ... Alsoa QOTH!S POI.ES, INONERATORS, CHAIN LINK FENCING. . , Wood Fencing-. Portable Barbecues I . • F.HA T~EREE-ESIIMATES---------- A£1E N -FE-NCE co·. 11~M4l"S~ M •l•n"* ~... * 1 : .. ~ •• :.~.-la~ u u .c.'\:tJ t .. .. . ... • ... , t -. ··~- , . " 1 . . ' . ' ... ,. . . . ' ( . ' . -L '" • I .' • i. 25 um-. 2. .. a. Tuuala. 4.. AUl'\l8t-la ~d. ll. The Tournament of Cham- pion.a. Then s. a fad to th• m!nc1a o1 ----N •• that leadt to th• belief that ow Stroing Oran9t t:ount~----- tb• bJaer • thlns set. to be the ~ TUXEDO RENlALS ~~=-- better It la. WEDDINGS & SPSCLU.ft Death 11 the one t.b.lq Ulat con· •lnce. IOIDe people that the world ean set alona without them. I ·1741 NEWPORT AYE. COSTA MESA IEACON 6049 · FOLGER'S MAJOR'S 221VI.4tla T ~=-e: Santa Alla Ill W'ft& • -•AYFIELD'S MARKET COSTA MESA'S COMPETITIVE FOOD CENTER WE BESE~VE THE BIGHT TO LDOT QUAJrnTIU • t ..... ·-:-• --•• ...~ ::.::""-...... ,.~ ~ .. '=~.t.I~~-~ I . -. - . Cleen~;:. .. UT C:-.. Sa•_,. ~ .. ... ... -·--... ~--· Batior 2116-J . .. a.Ii .. •·. " ~ . ' Tlii1 Costa M tsa ov,,.ttl anJ op"11tttl .rn11,.lttt buys . · from ~ Gncer1" 1 I. COFFEE All &rilMll ,., •. c c ,, 4.._.34c • w •• ....,,. ~ SOAP .. •• VITA-PAK v .. o .,.. 25c ror1c & le ••u~ ....... J,.. a....-... 25 CANNED MILK 2 !;:, . c NOW IN ITOCll scon TOILET TISSUE v• • 8lr.W7 DOG FOOD PINEAPPLE 29c i.-..a. DRE FT .................... . ~ N 2 c.. .. -llf BUVY 8DUP-~~~~~-·~~~~~' ........ 65C ,..._o_. ________ _. AT NO m'BA QIAJIGB'" ._. ... n1 ..... I.-LIP,_, MEATS ........ w ..................... ~a···· .. awe., hctlretlq .. .._ 111ds._ wll. FRESH YIGET AIW 'W811Aft2UBar . ..... Alll.ll Pan Ready \ Colored Flyers . 7~-i._- •• Will Slim lacon· Squares (Saga Qa.a) I Pwe Pork sa I ~ 4r .--57c . ' . . / TURKEYS OYEN READY I • •• u L. _:. --.. -. -. -. l*Wa a..m Z-6:-:10.to .11 Jbl. ....... 1h .......... . • . · 10R -CAlllllllG • ... I 'l • ~ I " • "'I -' ... . - • Dr ••• A. a;,...11a CIDftOPIUCJ'Oft 19'4 New,.n Bwlnar4 CXJ8'J' A Ja:84 ftw•ru••W Rome ~ t. ll»llor Ana Dr. C.oW llaua · X-RAY DI) DDROmNcr SIJRVJCll llM W. Cr ... .&...: 5ewJWI D?W._ ,. . The tdUHtort tell ua that we ean The only dltferenoe between & DOWK 'l'O 'IBS BSA Df aNO..,...,. M09t ol tboM wbo part!· learn fn>m tb• put but It cu't t.. bu1t.nH1 auoclatloQ ucl a ~ m,et..1 la 1ut ,...,.. nee an enaenac taaelr appUcatlau for Ulla . do •~ m•-- Dr " • llOO' ,.re _.,. .enaL Boata an be~=W. &a4 -.llll ••ted for n• un-Jou an • ~ to unlon t. that ~ former W"Ut.I • • •• lf2T · . ttlie 'II nee wfllkb tliki. plaft • Aqwrt L rud. more profit.a and the latter la· PBtBJCUK 6 1t11tOmoN • -....;""-.·-,-----------------....-----r.=::c========= ereued wacea. X-R.\'r rw ,..n -.o .. ne .... r npeetM Adn~ .. ~ soM SALE ----- c • t. ltN t. ... tM .. Y wbn the ...._ proqieot,ift tUl'tcmen bal't One ot the .. c1a,. eome ot tbe IOO W. OrrlU.a .... Ru'-• •· 1nr el -...U. ...W welcome....,. te ..-.; ~ llleMa tt 18 .... & v.. wortd'• problem. wtll be lol•ecl but u.a ....,...... aooct ...,. • ~1....._ •--.JM. u. .... wtll alW"a71 rem&1a thtap w COME THESE EAGERLY AWAITED, Alf,.-NEW AUSTIN MOTOR CARS . * U llL RB GA110W * UATDlt u•llOLllUT * ovDllEAD VALYD * lllDEl'DWWW ii llOll I W•111. IUD'DllO• * G&Al2ruL ITl'UllQ ·'AL JOYCE MOTORS .. 901 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT IEACH fiHONES BEACON 6216, 6217 ••kw • • vauu11 G.u ~ puule mankind. •a.....,..., Oelm -. .:~ ... ~.~ .... $1200 lt6 • ., .......... $650 -. C:..•W't.. .•. •• .~ :..!'"::W:-t .. ~. $450 W•llH•Co. •o..tlDcla~ . ........... lhH• 1711 oaau•··- SPORT TOPS SIATCOYEIS A.t1•1•lk Us! 11111..._ • • ...... T..-0 , .... TAYLORS TRIM SHOP DOUAEynr Y1c11i1a FUI ! _,.=--. •j 1" : ~ ... _......._ --. .T '-f . ::.-_-. _ .___~ i. -· ~ ---== GOOD QUAUTT · SEAT COVERS . ·SS.SO ..._.. .. o..-• $6.50.,.. .... a.... S9.9S ..._.,.. .... TRIM ....... Ml .... ----SHOP ................. _ ........ ~ ... -..... ., SU .... ....._ ... ._ -. .............. , . ................... _ _. --~-.... • • # .. I ' .. ,. . .. . WEDNESDAY · ' I • • IS . . . ( AND SHOPPING NEWS DAY I LOOK _FOR THESE BOYS WHO DELIV.ER ; .. . . ... MY . POST -IF YOU WANT TO BEAT THE -- • • . . . .. . · HIGH--COST -Of' LIVING --YOU ·Will TOO! WIJJ.IAM UNO -BILL" • -. .. wn.1.1•11 llELTU .. u.v tiWfD 80l&Witt.L •.. , .. ,. . . THESE 10 IOYS DELIVER 1• IOITI IJf COllO•A DEL JIAI . 1m .on1 o• aAJ.mOA DLAJID 415 IOll OR UDO AJID llAJmOll llLAllJ)L BACOR UY AJID BAT aom . ~ 48 BOYS DELIVER 12,000 POSTS EACH WEDNESDAY --\ IN COSTA MESA, CORONA DEL MAR, BALBOA. N E WP 0 RT; IAliOAt HARBOR AND· UDO ISLANDS AND l A 6 U N A -ADVERTIS"ERS ARE M: ' -~ .. --J VITEO TO SEE OUR COMPLETE AND ONLY AVAILl\ILE SURVEY OF THE IAY AREAi · . --. -I..--.____ .... _ --.,,.,----...! - ---.......... -.:..-,.--~, .....___--~-"""~....:;....t.. e • .. • . ..,, NOTH IN& 'TAKES Ti'.tE . ~~4~e ·E OF CIRCU·LATION . . ,.,...,. . , • . -~t • . . ~ . . ' ) I ... .. ~ I .. • t ..... lta prellml...,. election of otttc.n ~-Ia a ...Uce Hnt to all mem: 11ien, n aall\• ba•e w.. ptaoed Jn nomination. , . . . · -·, .. • ,._ .. I 0.-~--·~: •• '•, • ,, w • "sR'fl i.~ I . . ... ~ c ......... N.w t .ft o 1*lroom home. Hud1t"ON nn.. ttnpk.ce. n. furn_. ,_tJo. dltl pr. ._ seat . for '11,166. . ' . ' ··~ N1W,0tt .Helil11 . Be.udtlll a B.B. ~ Wood .. ~ .... '"""' ' ,, .. tin.. • U!llls 1'J!L. • cl1a. ...... . . . ~ .~' did.. pr .. jd ~ .... tUlck i.a1e Sll.ICIO. • S-Utlrul almost MW I BJl. home. Oomer lot. Dbl. pr .. lud~. Tbla can be bouebt for pOOO. • • Co•a·Mesa . Tio ACRES and t.hJ'ee Wroom. bomM. ~ ot fruit tnea.. Bis prdu. U 7ou w&at p1-tT ot .room. ... this. ~08'1' aew I B.R. home, h4. wd. f11"L4-beaut1fully bit., larp ~ ~bl pr. Pl500 dowa and small moathl,-P9.Jlllenl. 0.L .a.TS ~ u ti. bu been trauf•rnd. · TWO BA bom• oa . cornet' lot lJOKJJ2. • ao-ln oa ~ aide. : ~ A bU7 at ff&OO. , Of u.e;-Jftmllen are "sup~ to cbooN .• who wlll vfe fo.~ .~· 1 ·~~~r~~r~t~~~~~~~r=-~~~~~;;~~~~~~;;s=~~5~~5=;~ ·orncee ln tit flnal ilectloa to .,.1,; .. ·b·:::~ b-:·-~ JACK SULLIVAN ..... ...._. poor 1a..nm-:-~. met Auoclataa .... Tber• ta M •~ t• W•• .-ice, appUN t. wbatn. II ..._ · ton JOU. 8o .. wbat ,_ ...._ Who NIM•Mn •lMla tM .... ...,. pred.lct.tnc tMt t.ba Nltlll .-. watton wu ...... , mD llELP! BAVK &QUWU I FOB SALB • •• ..,.. h -, IVDLvl llATDIAL·· ro• ... ,,, uunmaonn CLAllll#l&D ··Lot . -. •11• ..... $2711.00 W. L JORDAN· - &ASS~~ .... ~ • •••AQA llAllBORlll ,, EXCLUSIVE NOT EXPENSIVI Hen oa L1DO IBLm w baH for .&le a ••aparklla1 braa6 n.,... bov• tbat la SXCUJBIVm &Dd Not' l:X· Pl:NBW,lt Plet1l.N a' J..1Mdroom a • d ._ ~ doee to a prlnta ...a wttll -· ~ ,.,.. ........... ·~ of_ad&. THDQC.; OE h11a1 a llcMIM • UDO 18Ll1 with cia11 ..-. '°'"-All rooma·atra !up: kUt wtU.ln a Jnel,J waDlll JAtio-Wait Wl JOU .. UM -flie of Ule praae, ... '-ut.tf\ll .irlloDa na.-· lltone ftrepl&ce and t.b• lnte-....., .._..Uoa. AIL tbll ANO 2 bathe, Pa1M t~ ~ lt•t. cop. ,er pipes, w•tber atripplns ... ....,, m&n7 othe.r ..... tu.na. TftY AND FIN AS KUCH FOR rOUft MONh ELSEWHER.J:. PRICE. $11,IOO -'6800-00 On. UDO ~ISLE PiOPEITllS. '. 1 -" • .... \'Ja l.w. Ne..,.,t B•elt. Oallf. In COrona Del Mar $5500 full price for one of the best 45 ~.comers in town .. with • smeil beech cottage. Two more units c•n be built on the front . A smell down payment takes a nice I bedroom cottage on a very good corner, some furniture goes also for $7850. A new home, good location, very attractive, priced to sell et $1750, terms $2500 ~own, balance Hite rent. . C....J ' 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors throuah~ut. fireplace, floor f urnece, electric heater in bathroom, tili la•th end · kitchen, stieck bar, fine . enclosed patio, the cutest, piece in town, $3500 down, balance like rent . The fin_est home in town, ell large rooms end lots of clc:-set · - 1~ce, hardwood fl~or1, ftreplac:e, floor f~mace, ell tile : kitchen, 5 bedrooms, l baths, extra lge. garage with service room. The entire property i' fenced and l•ndsceped. This is en estate, see it and make a legitimate offer. Very liberal ' terms can b.e ·arranged. I have se.veral good rentals, both. summ~r end year round. ' ~ ) • JACK-SULLIVAN . ~ 411' COAST Hl&HWAY · COIOllA . DIL MAI . . . .. 1;9. IWS17-MHmMt 1137 ·HAllOI 1031 r -I ; ' • I . . OFJ'lCS GJRL-amut. ror su.nal ef'ftc!e wortr; telephone llOlldta. Uoa. J>boa. He.rbor UIL ftOMPT PLUMBING Mnlee. A 91lOJM eau brine• aa. 41utck. Bea.co• ,t111. Ranor ~bin• ~ i 1111 )MW.-C ........ CloMa M-. aaoADl'ELT • ilPllALT Ul• U• , .... ti,. laet&lW. l••e'1•1-W· ••lee. L • A. conttaetor'• prbL E. C. Pake, Beacon Hlt·R. IH Bal· I ka at.. COtJta Me-. Odd Jobs 91u9 kokUT Door llPMl .. T Lode •Md tlxl•f? lerecn• • menT l"aueeu lea Inf? Fluu~ A .. mpa MM ,..._utq Call R.arbH Hl·W t&y err ~bt. C.b1Mte 6 1heh .. -.ut. p&Jntlq A c:ar\)e.llt.r7. No job toe....... I HARDWOOD PLOOIUI SJCRVICI: PORCH . J ft..OOR l'URNACl:S ""!OUNGBTOWN-8'i UL .KITCIUiN &a\El:NS AND SHA.D• B0Um..a QARAGWI LOT8 tO • 110 r- AlL trrn..n'D8 Toal Pries ·a.a, -lo,JOO SEE THESE LOVELY HOMES 18th 6t IRVINE AVES: COSTA MESA N cw Costa Mesa Hom et NEW-thNe att a br. bomN; NEW-dlnfns al"9; dbl pr .. We, UU10 and Sll,000. snoo down to Gl-$2900 nu. NJ:\!-2 . br.; cute kitchen, ranee with laundry. Sl,000. Term.a. NS\Y-2 br.; S blockl from P. 0. f7,llOO. Term.a. NEW-cute 1 br. bo~. knotty plAe . IAaide and out-ecreeoed porcb on lot SOCS rt. dtt~tln­ lalled to 1 u It In J w e e II a. sa,ooo. TermL c~r~ EKTt:b9n B~0~~1.~· COMPLETELY R.IDIODELED-2 floor ca.y0 1:\ A wu.lns. wtaclow Br. with lncome unlt. fT.~ SMC> 11...,bl•, ea&a kins. palollac, rus do ' Jns. All work panu1tMd.. W1L • tor ,.._. •tJ .. tea. »-.eon Ills ~~Hou .. • window Cl.an· W. A. HUSCROFI" 2131 N.wport Blvd. eo.t.a 11 .. -BE 58&1-.J Eft: &7SS:R MOWER.8 SHARPENED. Pow.-r BOATS It MARINE EQUIPT. Pa.rpen.r, 11 .to. Are la su weld· 14' SJ(IFJI'. T '6 horee motor. Id.al .... Oads1t1 fixed. Duer• Pllrlt for nebtns. .Almoet new. A real all .... op. JU A::aat Urd· St.. C••ta buy. 8ell Hparately. l'llM>•• Har-• bor Utl·R. OVERHllAD GARA.GE DOORS In· ••Ued. Old doora a«juat-4. PbODe ...... Au Kia1t.rl7 a-UH. NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOVSL Y I-BR. HOM Bl. ba...,w'OCM! f1oon. Ule. double cu •• ,.. .. lmmecUat• poSMAIOn. l l:Z termL Call S..C!On un-J, CONSTRUCTION Drawlosa fro• •· L. C.' II' ILOOP No. I .:s•:t eoDdl"oQ--1 aulta .atia • uh,..__. wlaaJa• boeL ti M. Kabor nn-w. Aa.lral .........•.••••••..• ~ ~ ········""···········-- IRONERS 17' ll:NCL08KD ttul•r. h.Per De· I rt•.-9'....~-a-~ lwie ~ri• Cratt. ...... rev. ~J-ron -..,..._....__., •••.. U1'• ... , new. No cka1en. Ca.II ll'r. New G&ed.lron. ............... .... l\fcLEAN ~tOTOR CO~IPANY. 1N7 PONTIAC I SJCDANrr'I'S '8'15 DOWN . 1N1 PONTIAC I C'ONVJ:RTIBLS '900 DOWN 19'4' Cl:IEVROLE'I' ..BD>AN tao DOWN lHS FORD CONVIIR'MBLIJ ~DOWN lMO J'ORD TUDOR .. llat VORD COUPll mo 1938 CHRYSLER ROYAL f1'6 1M1 CAD. OOUPll $n6.00 ~IcLEAN MOTOR COMPANY TBJt.1111 I-ft. .._..,. ea.... ll·ft. ... a.n wit ...... raeka. almoet ..... A '1arw&la Call Beaco• HO. A.al for BOB. &LSCTRIC RICFRIOERA.TORl!L Two a-4 onu llfL Don'' ml• at tlf Coaat H11bwa7. SJll .. ApplLancle. l'Pntrr piano• for reat. t111r1sMa u low •• U .tt "r mo. All Nat aUo•ed up to ala aOfttha It ~ r11rcllla .. late.r. DAN&-aCHKlpr. II N. Main, Banta Aftl.. Xl:NlilORJIS W A9RlNO liUCRJNt, SH. Clllld'a crib. Botla uclnt. eoacUtlon. Ill la"t.lre It.. Balboa Jal.and. . ' 8PINET-Loula XV •tJle art cue. A little damased l• ahl.1>m1nt but aow In ab80lute'7 "rt'ec& onndt· Uoa. Bao on .. tblrd. 'hrlhL D.4NZ-9CHM10T PIANO CO .. Ba.nu Ana. nt N. Main. Or •Ill nat. ~ CIU WLICT'8 URSO t'UnaJture. We llOJQIT TQ LOAM bu7, .. n or lrMlie for wbat :rou • uve or wanL 1111Newport81'fd,. -------~-----­Costa Meea. Beacon 1116. IUfJ.B• GRA~D. 8t.lawa7 Ora.nd.. Both lorseou• toJM.. AlllO a beau-tiful plnet In blon• wOOll. R•· " ... ~. Bell for bal. T•rm.a. DANZ·8CHMIOT PIA.NO CO., Ban- ta Ana. We llave tM 80t.0-YOJt; HEW .tJ Np A INT II D rarall•re C1a•t8 dTa Wen, table a. daalre, ebaJn, bookca1H, r.oord cablaeta, .Coola. •ta. Flnlahlns If dHJred. J'rM CS.livery. 1111 Newport BhL. Coat.a Mu&. , V A .C k .T ·I 0 N Md·NEY ~ . - WRY DEL.l~ TH& JINJOT• _MDT or A VACATION a. CAtnm or LACK or CA811t BORROW "811 KONft YOU NBD QUlaa.Y AT PACIFIC FINANCE • "f· ..... JfO DDOllaRa NDDED. JUllT PBONll OR CX>Jm Df' . PACIFIC FINANCB .... 7•ar uetct..• w. cllpplnsa. Har· bor DraCtJns~ Service, ltU Cout HlS~WaJ'. • Harbor 1'4'7. Corona del Mar. 210 N. Maia Pb. KI s-m1 W ANT&D-H uMCS pl~ for "r .... rnt4ll d~L H£1but prl~ al· 1io-.d. You can "-)Oii.i' uld pla.oo aa a full down ~)'ment on new 8pl••f or Orand. •• Um• tf pa,J Mlaace.. t>ANZ·8C Ml[)T P .ANO C0.1..u• N • .ll&l .. Mtant Ana. Vil . .ICI •·IUt. Aero. fto1a I. J... Hotel r. I).. DAVID801"1 cabinet •bop. 11tJI eablneta, wardrow cloMta. 9Ct'Mn-wlndo• fT&mH, patio tuT· •Jt11re.. IH Walnut Btr"t. Co•ta ••-. lkacon HH..J. .JAlfiUK)N Jl'LOOR8-&n41ns • tin· .. bhls. BeUIOD llH. llYltR BIT 70111' ~umb wlllt a ham· ••r? The" ,.ou =• It le mucb le• pelatul lo Oirouslt t.be Cla.Hltled Columoa ot '"Tb• Bbop- •lft&' New.-tor bulldlns and ~ ,.ir ~ ... k. JOW' Mnloa• ~· ... , ••1-rl&bt ha-a. CAREFUL WORKMEN-Wai Floore. Waab Wladowe, Walla. Wood• worll. Home A Bual•••• ma.lat••· -~ P'F'ff HtJmateL Harbor JHI. Me1rp0rt Jl&Jnte1umce 91rYlee. PIPE lt,MO tHt of n•• ll In. sa1'f. water anlsattC'ln pipe. Co111p1ate lltodlr of tolleta. lavato-rt•a. tube, alnlll. au"'7 traJa, 1t&ler beatera. Complete ~lum'bln• llll• lDc1. 9011 Jilpe aa4 llttlns• ayallab .. for l.m· •edlate del'fer,.. lAt u• Mlp 7oa wltb JOW' plombtns 11rottJem• O.,.n Batul"M:r •tn 1 :tO f.JL S'ONTANA PLUKBINO, Bk 6041 1111 Newpon .A.,. .. Co1ta Mea BALBOA PENINSULA Vuy new la oon•tructlon and mO* dim ld .. a. Pumice brick and •Id· Ins. Dual w•ll heater with thu· rnostat-lot• of tile, bath fl:atuttt1 In blue, J br. and l bath with a •tall llbower. w a t • r aoftener. Wallctd·ln patio. CloH to Harbor entrance. Very lo' •11. -Asr ... bll term• can be arTansed. llt.IM. We alao b••• eeveral ••clual"• ll•tlns• on lot• on Ball>oa hnhl- nla. Ju.are Y""' tuture wltb Balboa lnC'Ome proput7. Oood rental unit• t"'m II.Ht up. " Beverly Realty Co. .m E. CRlral A venue i'OR IALZ-'11 Ford V·I ........... tor, compl•t• tranamlaloo., eane-ttator. ntanlfolda, ... neral•r, et.o. l:a•ll>' c:onv•Obie lO tq&J"tne. A ti&r1aln. ltOI Seaabol"9 DrtY• .• N•wa>or& 8-c9'. w A.NTED-<Jood.. CIMA ueed cara. Lot. of ti-•m an4 we will par TOP price! • Aleo. •• want 70\H HM.lr work-c:ompl•t• motor repatrlq, W'llll•a. tune-up, met.al and pa.loUns. Good. FAST .. rvlC)9 and ,_.,nabie pTlc.e&. Tbeodore RPW--. YOUR F<JHD DE~ LER, Jtnd la C'entral. Newport Beacll. Yllone: H.arb<lr JI OT llt. ftADJDUl a n•o.q •MS Balboa Harbor 17'8 or 168 TRAILER HOllES-H .. t Ha ... DOW o~n. New, modern. quiet. uclu•-he. Walkins distance to Coet.a Mua 1bopptns. Adult.I on1~11l Pomona A venua. Beaoeia Hlt·J. NEWLY DECOR.A.TED •lore, •IM llxfO. JUI Harbor Blvd., C0tita l"'U&NlT1JU A llCJll:9 AftL Ke-. Bucon UH-J. W1IT NOT el.._. IHNMT J:veaODe a.a. a ..,..... or a room tuU or oat- med .. farnltur-.. Why not s•t rl4 or 7oun and ll]Jlnd th• .Pn>Olldlf •ltlt OD• of our tin• furnttare •lclNeT Tbe .. New LookH In 1our be•• •Ill f "'• roa a.n4 Ul• eoUN ta1nU7 a II r . BPINl:"l'-.llaple flnla>i. A beau,,.. '°' N. MAIN DJAL Kl J..IMT i"lllliDfO .~ •-.WO 0&Aa IUabtl)' danaqed 11' •hlpment. You •• ••• almoal one-tt.J..., OI\ thlL Alao 8plH\ Jn rna.lll4*an1. r.poe--------,-~-~--­MllllH. Juat pa~ oat balancie. DANZ4CHllllOT PIANO CO .• llt N. Mala. 8ant.a AnL .,,. DAV• almo•t ltt planoe from nteb to chooM. H tlft,.....t _.... A dOMn ,.arfo•• rnod.ala. AU • Wood.. All prtc.e. JC.aeteal • tw"'a. One full ;, .. r trial on '°"" ~urchaN. :-Jo lnauranca char1ea. l)ANZ-8CHMIDT VIANO 00 .• 14 Jn. In OTanae Cou•ty. UO No. MaJa. 8anta AnL Kt J·ITl1 altv BOW TO PLAC'I& Aw AD •• IR THE IBOPPDIG ltl!WI . .. , .. La METAL IC'll BOX. ~ YOUR aua.>rr 18 OOODI .,.. EXCELLENT location for anUque lh<>P. _Karine Ave .. Balboa t.land. PIM>•• JH. 801IUi.. -a Htt-J. call HA.RBOR •t aad -., ~ ALMOST NEW bed dl9an, ~l Utt, WA8HJNO MACHINE, '•ptnnu t{S .ow fH. tH Tope.a 8tNet. BallMe N ... • work. a.11 cb .. p. 1 wut· to ~ an add" • • • adl,. Jaland. Harbor HtM or lfHJ. ::r1~J .. or lunday. UH P e.tw4 ap to Moada, n.tctat - BALBOA ISLAND-I br., I batt.: blk. from B•cb on Little la .. ad. Pr1ce ta rlsht! Julr 1'-S..t. 15. Harbor Jl41·J.daYL BLONDE dinette l.altle and t cbalra. lofa and clla.lr. Bartlor UH. ._utltoJ Harbor M plMld la -rD IROPJ>Dm Df'Dl18'l'lll.M M~ &JM to1JO.rln1 Wed•11ifl. l'nWl ltSTlllA TES • D•w bcnn• BtJSD0:M .OITOBTCND'lll:I •n•tnactlon and remodellnS. Ll· E"4 General Contractor. A. D. STBlP AT UPRIGHT, tone. O on eoacUCkle. IHl-K. ... TllN PSR CIXN'T b7 .... 90XlllOM8 JI JooktBC for tut ... la -· cbedr. ._,. or • •• · -.Otcw, lithe. eqJ.ne. tra.et.r, ma.. , __ JOH. tH llUa ·~ N•wport cb. Ml.BO.-JBLAND-1 w. 01l Little m.1uc1. I It' lo" room to klld I Dlu oa troat. .Abeohatelt -..i ... tat ~•P8r1F le area. Q91M. .. ~ or tratf6o tn rr-t. · Lot. ._ worth ,noe ef U&.tM. can Mraa, Barbor I H l-111. TBll BAY Area I• one or 0.. tutHt srowtns eommualttu I• C.Ut.rola. 1Jatural17, , ..... are ma"y .. ~ .... hi b\ialMJta qpportonltl-. 1neJI "°" r .. 1 "1h• .,... to mu• eom• ....,.. ow If "°" wut '* •11 _7oar baela ... eon.ult ... ef lM bueJ· ... •P.-U•lt.7 bftken who ad-Ycr\lal• tn Ult. eec:Uoa or n• u a4 JftnelL wn a IU.8llfll llQlJll'Mmft' BOAT J'CR aAUI 1a111.. lktft, hlb' ..-tJIPe'. ttL --""""· . roa UL&-Tu fibre rq. Good ..n.dJllon. $17.H . ltl To.-&. I ELECTRIC JUD'RI08R.A. -4. Ooof 09aaJUoft. z::: ... llJt '"'-,. FURNI'IURB RBFINJ.9{B[) KEN GRENSTED • fl~ ... .=t•·t~f· :::•e:;1i. .._ . ...._ ,.. ,a.a.. or ""8 •• •• •• the c1aa1ned •• -.. er ..at uaUI we .,.... Doppln• He..,.r.. ,_ • • • wwna1e •" o.u.om. TrUtt11 ,_. '!" ... .., U.. ~ wttlt --1•...-i.. UHM.-. ad OltJot -a O.tnl A ......... Slut llet L, Coeta II--. , I J l l J l J ~- - • COFFEE . u..-4~ Canned Goods siilT nAs ~ "0:-11c iE.A·N·s· .. KMll''~: l§c Pi' AC Hi'$ ·-a!.~ 23c . . ··-~ ..... ·PUNCH ... v';;;.:M; i lier J9c iEErs·· _, tc iuff-: Beans 2~15c Mezzanine Shoppe . Jfa·Twlat Gcul• or lleacJa SUN HATS 1 or 4 Place HAMBURGER . FRYERS Sectional Plat.·Wtti c.p l•ctlon PICNIC SETS .......... time la a. lllW.• ..... I dql. Wldp ap eU'f ••I 1 wttla Pd-tmtlat food tMt ·ca. ... W9 .. dpt oat of tbe ecm or ,,.,... la llftr..... .... n.it'1 .. ...., • J wcdDI .. .... •• oa:y ....... lo ccmt .. toMy ad stock ..... . f' I ..rlety Qi ···•••time food1. Showing News Specials ........ SPRY· 1.4"m ' Tai It IT Noodle Dinner 8MUea 11' . 81.U-" eaut..ia <M CATS UP ..... WW..lleM YELLOW TAIL ..... Tomato Sauce . ...... .. ...... ...... .II DRESSING ..... O' ...... Tomato S•p ...... . Breakfast SuKgestions . Riel CRISPIES J•25c lu#r U s;~Prft.'!33C M i'L K ':.:. 2,. 25c Frozen Foods La.-"anles • Pw ....... ., ...... Soaps ~ 2-ltc NYLON DIP 1 ............... J9c I P.AOKA.Om •..••••.••••.••.•••••••••••••. le :8 .................................. . JAKER Y TREATS TBOBSDAT-JULT II t:aif'ast Rolls .... 7c .....,.a,, .... COOKIES SATUBDAY-JULT It mcH TARTS .. 15c PLENTY OF. FIEI N' EASY PADIN' ... \