HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-29 - Newport Balboa Press[ • 'ntere --.tlllDP lbat l -a Uttle about, but one of the UllnP l kn-1--about. newopaJ!"'. But Brick Galnu •1" to me, ''Heins. I am plJC away for a couple of w.eea to catch up on .llOllle loq polltponed ~. and try to at •-ret my thrM . bucka back that. I lnvuted In & llcenM. Juat break:J!ll' even on tbe deal would be flne." So ben: l'0'9· Wbile doinC a lltUe anooplnr. bee&~ that ta what a guod new• bound 19 auP" poNJd.' to do, I found out that our trtend Brtck ta a u:nart and very fa!'9fflng indJvldual. Of courae he took Stella along, and we know u a cook &he t. tope and ln ad· dltlon he al8o bu Mam.ma Rosl1 at whom when It come8 to high· cla.ss fodder there 18 none better. See what I mean! The lllY ca.n't loee &nd Uncle Benny will pro- bably have to buy a blg'ger chair for Brick to rooat In. A.BOUT OUR HABBOR While going down the at.reel the oth:er day I bumped into a fellow and he saya aome thlnga about the Harbor. so I aaid, "So what", we have a flne Harbor. Probably there are some thing• you don't like about It, but all ln all we have one ot .tti.e flneat ple~re h&rbors ln the world a.a of now, a.nd tt will be Iota bigger and better when we pt around to developing the upper bay. There again la a lot of work to be done. • ................. A llllmll" ol the maiit .. ~~­ .f"' the cln6nJa -Ill Couta1 ~ , .. ' ' • . ... • • i OVER -DAMA.OE --by tlllo n.. ID tbe pnge and E. Balboa Blvd.. Jl&lbe&, ~ aft.ernoon.. Ploture above "'M l,.tarted la the ~ from epontaaeoua combuatlon. - • ~--~--. . SllVINe THI INTlll WIOI AIU • SECOND LARGEST HOME C:Ololl~UNITY IN NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, THURSDA • • ·ss . ' SIXTEEN PAGES FIVE CENTS I I Ahno ""bo":!, fair and ..::i:al, and thWI to r and retain l'Upport. NUMBER 18 !I PLANS $250,00 DEVELOPMENT MESAHASll,825 . Presaging & quarter ~lllion dollar developmen of facllltlea for the Newport Beach branch of the Preliminary ~unt of th~ census Bank or America. wu the purcha..se this w eek of he 262 foot tronl&ge on Newport Blvd. e.t 28th fo~ Ute City 9r Newport Beach -as tabulated bj Ray Adkinson of Street by the capitol Company or lJos Angele.a. he property, preaently oct:Upled ~Y the "-·ater de· the Cenau. BUreau in River side. home or Georce H. Ooffln, 1 JSZ ta.ken ahortly after the blaze (Preas Ptioto) partment ya.rd.a and warehouses of the City of N wport Beac h, was .aold by the city for $31 ,000 t o Ca~if., ia 12,2i.p. according to an the realty holding compa.py of the Bank. arlnouncement / by Mayor L. L.. Plans for con•truction or a new l.lJbell today. Jt wu learned that been held ln a~ya.nce for more 825. 1 Plana have to be made, agree· menta to be worked out, and moat important of all, money. It bu to come from aomewhere, but that la nothing new. The present harbor ·wu not built over night. It ai.o took a lot of work and money and the road at tlmea wu very rough. The people who worked and planned then did not, give up and l still bielleve we have the Mme klnd of folks today. We must give these old Umen. a pat on the back for doing such a wonderful job under adverse con di lions. So teta ro11 up our aJeeve11 and finish the job they started, that's the finest compli· ment we c•n pay them. GARAGE, HOUSE, CAR BURN · IN S350Q FIRE ON BALBOA PENINSULA TUES. branch building }l1 the bank have Nat·1on;wlde Horace He·1dt l~e censue fo Cool& Meaa •• 11.- tha.n two yean pending the acqui· Most 111urprl.ing result of lht" •ltlon of the proper location. Ne-Show at Re'n. dezv-ous Sunda y lowor-than·expected census flgur· gotiatiorui have been alternately es Is that the Newport Beach on and off with the Griffith Com· Township hu a total population pany for a building site in the rif only 24 ,045 o r nearly 6.000 area of the Lido . Shop develop· Sund~y at 6 p. n1. Is the lime when Horace Heidt will bring hjs short of the necessary popula• mmt. InabUlty to reach a salts-popular radio show lo the Rendezvous ballroom for a coast to coast tion to e.!llabllsh a Class A justice factory arr & n gt men t there broadcast folowed by a two hour performance by 60 of his top court, which wa.s recently opened prompted the purchase of the OJghl stars. Newport Harbor's Zonta club is sponsoring the event here. Whether thilt would effrct Newport Boulevard ptoperty by with all proceeds going to the future Hoag Memorif! Hospital-lhe present court wa.s not immc· FISH FRY Then another fellow aay• to me, "Heinz., how did the ttah fry turn out'!" Well. I UYI .to him, "A grand success u u•ual. We fed about 4500 wtth all the Uona Club members workJng overtime to put It over and they did." At present It looka llke they wtll reali· u about $4000 net on It. That Is wonderful becauae every penny of tt goes to the local youth agencies and alter the dlama.J showing of the Community Cheat drive they wtll need It. Thousands of people saw and heard about Coeta Meu u4 ~ •iiKiiiiiiMfo "11114 tel~n. The flab fry ta setung bigger and better and wtll con· tlnue u an annual affair. THE -ELECTION One more thing. Some people have been uklnl' me about the election. Well November la •till a few month8 &Way and • lot of work wUI have to be done before election day. People to aee., que11· Uone to be answered. But above all I want to thank a.JI my friendJ: for the fine support they gave mt and the wondertul cooperation In my campaign: One of the thlnp that imp~ me moat during the campaign wae the deep Inter· est ahown by the voters In the iuuea and candidate&. One promise t wt11 make now ht that I wtll try and make & good Supervtsior if I am elected In N~mber. An estimated $31100 was caused to the reaklence of George H . Coffin, 1132 E . Balboa Blvd., BaJboa, by a rtre that started at 1 :50 p. m . Tue.aday. • Two Newport Beach engines re- sponded to the call and in & 11hort time the pentnaul& wu j&mmed with hundreda or apectatora u the billowing smoke waa vtaible for mile.a. The blue began In the Corrin garage, apparenUy Ignited by l!lpontaneou.s combu•tton in paint rag:a, the fire department report- ed. Two can. were In the rara.i"e at the time and one, belonging to Miu Helen Hillman, Loe Angeles. 81.sler of Mrs. Coffin, WU driven to aatety. Flame• qulck.Jy en· ~~ U. e;Mt•.s:llf wttte ._...,,.t wu eomplete!7 o.t.oyed. Mra. Coffin told rtretm!n that ah.e wu In the garage "ten min· utea" before the tire broke out to get •ome paint and saw no evi- dence of any conllarratlon. Shf" wu ln the front or the bay rront home when Ufe flre · wu ctl.a· covered. Beginning In the gvage blue ate through the wall the adjoining aervlce porch kitchen. One bedroom wu &leO ba.dly damaged a.nd much of the hoUt-e wu d~ed by amoke and heat. Content.a of t.h,c;-garage we.re completely deatrqyed. ~ When diacovered the bJa..ze wu am&Jl but It suddenly reached a tarp quantity of ~lnt !tOf'ed in the pr&S"e and banit out o( con· troL West Newport Group Joins Matching Land Opposition , . the Bank. · Presbyterian. diately determined. A bullding encomp&Mlng at Tic kets can be purchued at the Newport's figure of 12.220 il"I leut ~.000 square feel wlll be following places : Balboa, Cham-175 percent over thE> last regular constructed there as soo f-i a.s the ber of Commerce; Newport, Rich· A N census taken in 1940 when 4.438 property Is vacated by t~e city. a rd's Lldo Market: Bslboa Island, ssn. , ames person~ w~re counted. This rep· Ample pa"rklng apact" w11; be pro· Earl Stanley Realty Office, 22~ rcscnl.5 an increase of 7,782 p~o- vtded a.nd some property .will be Marine Ave.; Corona del Mar. T D pit>. available for other commercial Hampton's Harbor Drugs, Sl9 reaslure ays ~pecial Federal census taken in uae. Coa.at Blvd.: Coat& Meaa, Brat 1948 ghowed 10.994 residrnts so Offered l&nd Befon! Shop, 1809 Newport Bkrd.: La· in the past two years, 1126 ne"-'· The City of Ne\Yl)Ort Beach had guna. Mariner's Stationery Co., The Corona del Mar Business comers h&ve settled here. offered the pro~rty for sale on 225 Foreet St., and the Chamber Aa90Cialion voted at Its Tuesday The' announced figure will be several occastofts In the past of Commerce at Anaheim. Fuller· evening membership meeting to booaled slightly higher when all when pl&nl!I '!(°f!.re first on the ton a.nd Huntington Beach. hotd the 1950 TTerurure Days on the individual census r eturru. of drawing board; for the "corpora· Mall orders should go to Mra. ~day and Saturday. Oct, 6 and persons who · were out of town lion yard.a" at the form<'r dump A . E . Stockton, 1006 Cout Blvd., 7. when t he ce~sus takers camr site at l&th fi_lreet. It wa111 plan-Corona del Mar, and tickets may ! These dates wer~ c hosen so tha.t around, are malled in. They w ill ned at that , time to use the pro· also be purchued at the door. _t-re11h lobster would be ava.ilable all be sent to Washington, D. C . ceeda from ;the sale or this prop· P'tve local winners ln the Heidt for the ma.in feature of the event where a final official figure wlll erty for th,e new buildings a_t the talent auditions were announce<l -the lob•ter' bake (lobster aeuo n be allllounced later. ·• dl\"'P el.to. tlow•~\ellt. ear1ter· --"T!IOJ' lnclu~ ~ Oct. 11. The otber big r..-. ·r;s-to be H11her . l'Unde wefi realised from the w• Adriane Wager, autoharp and tur@-tfte Trerurure Chest hunt-Census had been expected to b,, · of otbe~/W&ter department prop· singer. 513 Poppy Ave., Corona wa8 acheduled for Saturday morn· ·somewhat higher as the city's erty and V&rloue land.a to virtually del Mar. Stephen Hope, uke and Ing, rather than Sunday morning public util1Ue11, water. gas. elf"f'· complete the building pro~arn. inger 400 Dahlia Ave Corona aa la.at year, eo that the winner trlcity, telephone, indicate a popu. It t• presumed that the $31,000 ~el Mar 'tton Whll!lo~· sing-er C~ be announced al the lobster lation of a.round 20,000. realized from the sale will be ~ Balboa !~land Norman 'sttngley' bake. . I Cf'nsua for Orange county WA.! to conl!ltruct the propo8ed main singer, Santa 'Ana and Vina M~ Booths displaying the ·•treMures revealed al 214 ,061 or an incrc&Sf> wa.rehouae and office building al Harmer , a ccordion. Sant.a Ana. qf Corona del Mar·· again \Viii be or 63 .7 percent over the previous the city yards. part of the Trea sure Daya attrac· 130, 760. Santa Ana is aga in top The property purchaaed by thr Uon. Corona del Mar's artists. city with 45,534, an increase or Capito! Company haa a frontage craftsmen and busine81!1eS will 13, 613. of 292.09 f~et on Newport Blvd. $947,000 Budget have the opportunit y to displa y Other cltiel!I with the new ,ccn- and 212 reet on the old railroad their ware!! to the public. sus figures are: Anaheim.14.522 ; (Coatlltued on Pace Z) Wltltout a munnur from a A genen.I committee will work Fullerton, 13,939: N~wport Beach. .•. ~ "·elt-nlled oouncU chamber, out the details or Treasure Days 12,220; Costa Mesa, 11,8~: Or- FIREWORKS.- BREAKFAST TO FEATURE 4TH _ no -. 11o.-·o1•n. ..... ~ ....... . ir.•.,.. 1111--..!r .. 'f ...... .l .. ., ... IJ.,....-t ---..... o.ora ........... • ............. bm-... ---~ ~.AC I rr •I st 11 11 ••• , • ........,, ,.., "'11 fw JIJ a ,,l.M e:'W .. ........ ~--., .... _ • ' ......... n lioM. ne ..... .. .. ..... e I 4 · -ll I I, ;t ... .-'tllMm.C• -···--.. , • Newport Beach'• clt.v council· and submit a plan to the next angc, 10,0~3 : Laguna. 6.188: Ln men quickly appro,·ed the pro-membership meeting in July. The Habra, 4,974: Garden Grove, 3,769; posed $941,000 budJet for the committee includes Actlrtg PreBi·, Seal Beach, ~8; Brea, 3215: fl8Cal year 1960..51 at Monday'• dent Arva Haapa. Conrad Hidy, Wel!llmin&ter, 3122; Newhope, meeting. George Euhlberg, Lyell Butter· 2228, San Clement~. 2008: Stan· The crowd had pthered ex. more· and Association Directors ton, 1762: Placentia. 1681; Mid- pecUnr to hear eome dl~u.,. Fred Butler. Russell Hafnpton. "'ay City, 1418; Cypre¥, 1321 ; l!llon but no one had anythlnl" Monica Smith. Harold Hetrick Tustin, 1140. to A&.y and the nea.r-mlllon dol· and Se~retary Fra.i;ik<-Powers. I Bigge.!l p~rcentage of increa.s,. lar budpt ,,,... p&YeCI lq 1esa Speaker al Tuesday's meeting was shown at San Clemente than a mlaute. wu Hay La.ng-enhelm. "'Tlch jumped 319 percent. ·~~~~~~~~.:....'--~~~~~~~~~''--~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- DICK CONTINO, FORMER WINNER OF HEIDT· . SHOW I IS VACATIONING HERE ' Dick Contino, 20·year·old accordion virtuao who ma.de a .senaa(lonal .rift in the entertainment world after winning a Horace Heldt Youth Opport~unlty Contest, la vacationing In Balboa. With Dick at the Sea l•le Court, 201 E . B&lb:>a. Blvd., are hll!I mother and father, h.l.a sister, Josephine. 18., and ht.a brothera; Victor,' 16, and P ete. Jr., 9. The young mualclan'a ~nee here h~ resulted only from hi.a determinatJon to l&ke a brief real after tWO·&n~·a·ha.lf hectic yean or contests arid atage ahowa, he saya. and h&a: no connecUon wtU'I the Horace Heldt pretentatlon be· Ing of,ered &t the RendetvoU8 ballroom on Sunday. After ht. tnltl&l wtn in l h e Heldt conleat ln December, 1947, at Fresno, hta native dty, Con· tlno topped &ll comera for 14 co~tlve weeka "from catlfornla to N~r}(., and then ~t on to take the ~.000 tint prize In the grand finala tt Wublngton. D. C. juat & year ~ his tint -.Uc· cea. Since Ulen M h&8 been on tour wtlh h1a own ahow, and lri tbe meantlmt b.W famJty haa ....,_ to Gi...dale. California. The Cmitlnoil will ttlum to Glend&le after the rourt.11. of .July~ &nd Dick will. work on an album of atterdlon MlecUona for Victor records before bead!nC> for Cbl; eac<! whmt he i. to open .. a au.-;:-.f.1. ~ ortmai Tl>•i ~tre ..;:-;:'; ••. t'o ~9y~ . a date ot· llio 8tarllpt ~ of Ille W-Auatorta. ' • \ Tile olx-fool, 1111 """"" ~­tqe~ WU eel'la t.t9tecf-_. ..,.,... nt1' -•-ll:f •.:_a;W;.i lllbJe laq',lara amtracti .... 1'j' a •.aumw ttf v' · •.aet. ~ vthiill• of ""' .... .. dlon, -~ be ~ -... t • .-. I I i "j I ... '_ONE OF DD r.VA!IT.MID of _, a _, ,...._ • . 111fC lfRll tnt'li ..,. llrl.. O&b ft B•rlltw. tllle .. ~ c-w. Ill .&. .. ,. ...... ... •• ..... "' - flf ... <fl .... fUf .. , W ........... Oiwi~, fte,. .. Ii.. -.,._.., -Ille --........ o.;-.. -t ti 72 f la ee•rn , t~ !_'llG<oil ' • • • • ' ' ... ' ' • • • P_.,l#E 'l -PART I -THURSO.l\Y, JUNE 29, t9SO.- :l~iZ!:!ia.E S S--B • ., •• IJfNISIDltlllr U)(%A..l ~Al'D • Pu-ed flftty '!'1n1n<!a7 at Newport BNcb, C&llfomla. Ottk. and pt1Jlllng Plant at 2211 Bolboa ---Phone Harbor WI Entered aa ~ matter June 18. lMO, at the peat. ottice al · N""'P"rt Be&cll, COllfomJ&, under the Act ot x..-h 8, )f7p .. -. ' \ll•b•r Clallfonda Jlle• 4 =Pzv .hM+era 4-•••U. M--. Jfau..r.-......., •sssda&lom -................... ,#ralli"'-N_,.... . ...,.__._ -11 I ot ._(loo •MJ' la----~ U:N o. Rllt>DlCX. -ud l'llbllah•f . ROmT '8'. wu.•J«U. ---MaM ... A. ALEXANhER HAMILTON, Adverll.dnJ Manager fte Pr.m hall been •dJudpd a newspaper ot l'tlD•ral ciro:W&Uon 1>y dilcree ., the 8upertor Court of Orange County and ls fUU7 qualltia4 to publlab all k1ndl: of lepJ n9ticn and adverttaement.t. OFFICIAL PAPER OP' THll CITY OB' NEWPORT BE4CR , !IUB8CBIPTION BATES: , . NiwPoRT·••J,804 PRESS eveey Thu'.nda.Y " Ja o_,. C..W.tJ, PM 11ff 1-: '1.IO m moat ... , (lt.U - -thl) (AlllO ........ t11o NEWPOa.T-BALBOA NEWS-TIMCS .. ~) OU._ tlle couaty '4-00 per 1 .. r. . . . ~ JOHN Q. i>tJBLIC WILL PAY Americans -ri"htfully expect to support, th.rough their taxes, ·legitimate co9ts of government. • Their paycheck deductions,· taxes on property, the many dollars drained off in "hidden" taxes in everything they buy are actually individual investments, on a nation·wide scaJe, for .govern· ment. Yet, far too many Americans have disregarded the ma nagement of their taxed investments. They wo_uld re- bel if private concerns, in which they had invested their money, continually ran in the red. Yet the fact is that their national government has operated in the red and created a staggering national debt which the.ii and their children must psy. Carried to logical ends, this kind of free spending plus this apathy on the part of the people can result only in national bankruptcy. For-instance, cast of the national government in 1949 was 'just twice tbe•total profits of all American corporations in 1948. Our government ran in tb'e red to the tune of FIVE BILLION DOLLARS during fiscal 1950 and will ·be an ee· t imated SIX BILLION more in arrears at the end of fiscal 1951. • According to the U.,S. Budget, ll.4 BILLIONS, only two billion less than our national defence bill, has been sla ted for "social" apending. Included in this category are : the farm subsidy pro- gram f or HIGH price supports, federal entry into controls of housing and education through federal support and a national "social welfare" apending spree. Stockholders in privately managed enterprises have ownership control of most American corporations to make certain their inveeted money ia doing the best possible job. American voters have control, too, over the apending of their invested tax monies through their private balloting booths. I It's time we realized this pay these costs of government and also that nobody will bills but John Q. Public: M.M. ----·---- FREEDOM AND mE PRESS "It ia you who enable the American people to be free, by apprising them of the truth. You provide the stimuli for the thinking of the American people. When you pre- psre an editohal, you perform a vital function: You cause the average man on the street to l!ause and consider. It isn't essential that he agree or disagree with your view· point ; it is important that be think to a concluslon of his own." From Senator Kefauver's .. speech to the Na.tional Editorial Association. ----.•----• SAFETY ON THE FOURTH The automobile has been made as· nearly foolproof as possible. But it can't be. made DAMFOOLPROOF. Keep this in mind, especially if you drive ·over the Fourth of July weekend. Don't travel so far as to make it necessary .to race there and race back. • • . -.. , Ca,,nt'I · HIW l _Q •t I a .. ·0. ,.._ WMllJ --' r-N_,,_. a ftiin. ...,_ 11----~~~!_ __ :).., ~AMS. MRS. KJ:Nm:l'H Jll.-. ~e~l -. -·~ ....... °"'* °"9tJ' ~ • SC ... of iiMi ---~ ot1 u..,. IQ.oli wl\h cw&c llP at Ith~ <Glltlllued antlea ol rat pnp Fd baodlumo, rousllboo••ns and pi&ul~ 11!1': ilerenoei..o cltlsono (be 111~ 111ey .. d•t..,..le•) with llnp\tllltyl olmolL .ot cql&rot, now &1141 ui.n • hood·, . .... pta ~ In .i.u. -to th~ ol4 ~ 111,n•-a111.-. l ... l '• _._~ .. ' ·1 ., .. .,, 1..-to ctw them d:Ker- nrita~ ~ .-W cme ald•Umer nee.nUyJ He oP\>k• '""'· ~ ...... l\lno, in u.11 'eounty when the men wtth! bo.dS40 applied .pr&cUcal reforma- tion. tec ... uet to the dlaorderly hoodhan ·un1ortW1&te enou1h to fall 'kilo their handa. n. "90dlllm. '°' --· landed' In U.. cllnlr. Bllt he l'ot deterttn~ flPll. And lt wwally worked. Re wau't likely to come back tor more. it wu bettel' than probal tlCM\._ and caet leu. . Tfte old·tim' officer didn'f ea· pl~ about cSeterreq.ta:. He Just amUed grtmJy when he · aaid It. Deierrt>nts never showed in the' o~, a1Te.st report.I. ThfY juat flhowed Qn the prt.onera: 't'heiae came limping or rubblnl' the eeat.8 of their trousers, wherever deter· rent.8 had been applied. A g ood peace officer in those daya wu the one w1th the No. 12 ~hoe, at the end ot a tree·swingtng leg . It was a rough end ready sort of jUBtlc., givinl' the hoodJum his own medicine, 80 that he could see how It taated. 'I'hey ~ldom uktd tor a second dCMe . "Jail doesn't bother them," a&Jd tht" old timer acomfuJly. ''They like that. It brings them attention. and that's what they love. But they never liked what we u11ed to give them before they got to jail. That'• why they hardly ever tried it again. "You can·t strut when you 're getting deterrent.I. You can't show off-anyway not to advanta([e. It's a fine remedy tor rat gang~. "But of coune i ·d not recom· mend It ," he hutened to add . '"It's not nlct>. And you know w e ha\'e to b enlce to the5e-rat gangs.'" The okl timer smiled grimly again and took hia parting shot. "We've g ot too much law enfor ce· ment these days·and t oo many lawyers In these Ca&el'I,"' he observ· ed. "mterrenta are outmOded- but, boy how they worked!" YAl.E \\1AS \\'ISNER of tht• lntPttolif'siate tbr • N'el\•port Rarllor \'arht <'lnb lal'lt \\'f't>k , bt•a tloc l 'nl\·enalt.y of C..lltoroJa by ju"t ODf' pain . la the three day• ... rlt"•. 4.t rac(•s \\"t'l"'f' Wied \\'llh tbr el.-vt>n 11ehool!i chanl(lnc cr11ws and boat• iw'tiivfflll ~ .. race. Top 11huto Jiiho\\"!t MUmf' of tbf' IA"lunu dlnshY• br t"'·er11 f'M'i" at lhf' float •y the Joh.ii A. MatJibay homt>, 930 \·la t.ldo l\'ord, Lkk> JU>, U!M'd aa a 8tartlac ma.rkrr. &ttom pjf.tu"' catelwoe tlw unllN -AIDI!!, CARL San Bernardino. ARTll:RBURN, MRS. V.-Loe An- aele1. BELYEA, R . A.-Nowpan. BIUOOB. 1'l.ARY F.--Oorona dol , Mar. 1112\NDON, WUJJA.M-N.wport. lllDaCH. ~_,,,_ . Hllla'lllUn', WAN> JIC.-New-port. . ltDINJTZl:ll, Mllll. L. Jll.--a>M Kl:PPaH, R. L.-BeJ• .. NAf10IU'J', PAUL--a.1-lalland Pllllt80N, MN. t.. J'.-Nowport. PIPJ:ft..JOllNllON-Bolllao 1 Pll1DllAll. R. S.-a.-JalliDd PIUNOLS. MRS. RALPH-New- portt, TIU.Nl'LllY, nla>-Rollywood. TOUBLl!T, IL--Cooea 111- WAurrAI>, OJ:ft'l'ftUDll--Orut Fallo. Moatana. CRANGll or ADD .... BAOQN, ft. 1---. lo~--· COllD~ J'.-No1111 Hollywood lo·-DllHNillON, MJUI.-OIX>.--a>M lo Loo~ .... OICNDSL, llLUl'l'IN--Loe .UJ•l<s lo NOwport. HOAG, MRS. a. 0 .-Ban Marino lo .. , ...... ICJLLION, W. L.-Newport lo Lons-IL l'tNCIUiifi?, c.-a.a· Bemardu.o lo Newport. P08Tl!!L, M. &.-Newport to eo.ta Mesa; SCHOJ:NFSLZ>, MRS. W.R.-. Beverly Hilb-to Newport. SKINNER. MRS. F. T .-Bever1y Hilla-to Newport. WARHURST, E . H.-Balboa 1'1l to Corona deJ Mar. WHITMAN, HARRY E .-C. M. to 1856 Orangl!, Co.'lla Me.ea RICNEWAL8 BELYEA, R. A .~Newport CAMPBELL, DEAN-Balboa CLANCY, N . J.-Corona del Mir DRESDEN, 0 . V.-Newport GRAUEL MORTUARY C. M . IRWJFN, S. M.-Newport Dr.'_O~ucas -Bar lUO -~ w. Central Nll:WPQRT Bi:ACH Dr, JI. ~WISE:i ~ral and •• D y HU ~ 111.._~I Bar, ~ .... -by ap tment -ll&rold C. er;-Dlr.S. Oral surleoa . . . PracUc• llml\Od U>-j. JJ:stractlon 43' -32nd Bd DIAcnoel• N•wport Beac~ X·Ray Harbor 2200 I Lelt.er A. Beckj.r, D. D. ~ D~Y 17811Newport811,Coata M~ MedleaJ Bid&. Beacon 87~ D06 ll. Ba7 A ., Balboa 11ubor :p'l-J • · I OPl'OM T8 MORTI~ I BALTZ MO::T1JAB11' t.dy Atte d&llt l uo C-t (b_, CORONA Orji. MAR . DAY AND ti_J~BT PbOIM! llarj r U INSUJtA:'NCI: Old Eotabllahed i Inrurance Agen<t All -"i".!" .... BOWARD W. iQERRIS 1808 N ewport Blvd.t Costa M PHONE BEAOON ~161 of thf' y.·lnnlnJ "klppt-ni and c n-ws. IAft to rlsllt: llt.lrd pi.<'• y.·lan•n,, &b Harwoecl aad Gf.orp ('olllnR, Gf"orgt> \\'ashlngton l 'nl\·f'Tfllty; tlrat p&air.. wl•Mra. drtppl.a1 we\ f~ lM"lal tOllM'd la the bay, lJlr k Carff't and Bo b ~llnPttt, \\'ho "''u alM ladl\·klu.at acort.ns J.>MIPr. l'a.,.~ lf'COIMI place '''l~nPn. Bill Flc kf'r and J...arry Sht>p, CaJlfomla. 0.. t~ f'Xt""'1\e lf'ft ia ~rt Allaa. Jr .. lluttor lslt", M"Crt.•tary of "'Hit.to rn lntercolh>&latf> CHaahv Racl111 aq(M.'latlon. ! (Becka.er PhotOI) l BE SURE -INSUR MULL, MRS. EDITH-Balboa PIERSON, MRS. L. F .-Nt"WpOrt PRIDHAM, R . S.-Ba1boe. Ulland STRONG, A. M.-Balboa THOMPSON, CLAYTON-Balboa TOBIAS, MRS. W. A.-CDM ULLMAN, CHA.S.-B&Jboa .f Jl.IU.14 U. C""°" ~i.... C I i l'lan Huck Finn Day w1th l ••• about China Cov• Assemblyman Earl Stanley Speaks Pi~::' ru , at Irvine Partc Sat. :.;m;J%: I •r~~ .;:~·~~;~~-:~,~h: ~":~~ on World Movement to Pro-America New Play Harbor· :;~S!~;:~E;~~ Er:.:~:f 1 .. _0_5_-___ "_v_ .. _+_ .... __ blaa __ 4 h· Cove.ctty Beach equabble. Pres-Play Harbor, that unique bl.Yi· attract between 3600 and 6000 ST&TE ~ lnter·•ectJonal beJJy .acheJ11 without ed a talk by Ass('mblyman Earl stand 11.gair1~t the World F ederalist erta inmeht and enjoyme nt ot jun1' lake next Saturday. LIJl'IC • AUTO • FIBE taking on any more. Stanley was presented members of mo venient end for t he loyalty ior me ml>era of-the NC!wport·Hat< Six ba.&k W~ton League chap· W, L DIS ently, we have more than enough A varied program which includ· nt'h ven ~ure deatfnf'd for tbe ent~ junior &n(len to Irvtne park lnAuranceiJ)aBie& Since we are alrea dy bl?i ng Pro An1e rica when they met at oath. bor area l betWPen the aceai ot 3 to! ters compriaing the cou nty coun-606 Yz ~ S.y, Balboa taxed t o death, lets raise the the home or Mrs. M. T. Gracey. Earl Stanley s~1 12 i• hoid:nr a ah•kr<lown c:niis~ ell will aponsor the even\, w tth Har. !U ·R I a.nte a. few mort' mils and ha ve 8 2515 Vista Dr ive. Bay Shore with Assembly ma n Earl s t an I e y Saturday July l . I John P. O'K&ne of Anaheim a a ~1 rs. Alene Ba lcl \\·in EhrE'sman k b · f l bo t ... · " · -neral 'c•·,·rm · l ed b th !!=======~====~ real city.wide park aystem. If spo f' r1 f" y a u 11esnngs on Frank 1 Raful and Al Tltt'anyJ .-..... an, &&S ta Y e we can aurvtve the operation, presiding. tht' World F ederalist movement . owners and cr .. tor1 ot Play Har]: six chapter heads, ,. China Cove can be pu rcvhased, ~1 rs. Ehre!"man first introduct'.'d Voted on by t~e Rtate legisW.t ure. bor . ha v• five entertaiM\Jftt facll F iahing during the d ay will be W • Stuart Foote N ewport Height.a will have 8 real Mrs. George E. Lewis of Corona It wa..~ accepted as fi rst prese.nted \ties fQ.l! t he y°*'pten ln th~ allotted In 20-minu te spana to GENERAL I NSURANCE del Afar who read a letter from t rt t t r p A • ~ua•· of 2•n ea h th h t th park. we ~ill st ill own our bu a er pro ea 11 rom ro mer -park, includin&"a merry·ro-round,i -.. u.. ""' c roug ou ,. ; ocean beaches, and the State can Guy GabriE!lson of N £'w York, na· ica, tlle D. A. R. a nd League of ferris wbeel. boat rlde, auto ride!. day. IM> that all may be a ccommo· ittj Balboa1 1 81,·d. g o to heU ! tionaJ chairman of the Rt'publican w omen Voters, vot e on the bill and a rin,lanet ride. 1. dated. The contests start a t 9 t . h' h I t Id r I l'l -.. N'P"'port Beub Ph. Har_. !4{ Perhaps there will even be 8 }Jar Y in w ic ie 0 o P ans was rescinded. H e alao touched Pia~ Harbor Waa carved out.I a. m. .1. ne Ikes will provide all I little money left over for several for a school \A1herf' young men liC'h lly on the China Cove s itua· of a pleoe of the l'reat upp.r bay! equipment and bait for the con· smeller parkB scattered a round would be e<lucatt'd in political and tion. area a nd covers mo.,re than an acre.' te~tanu. who are advised not t o Jn our fair city. Sure it means 8 precinct work. After this came a question anfl Complete picnic grounds u well a bring their own. bond Iss ue. However. In the long Gt•rman !"lt11atlon &nil'W er period regardini:' the F ed· a dozen bthe r entertainment ar-.. 1Best coetumes of Huck F fnn, run, the pro~rty ownen will be A no t her speaker \\tas Mrs. Lois. erali.s t movf"men t and the changef'I will be providf"d when th• formal T om Sawyer and Becky Thatche r ahead, as there 11 no better faun-Glick of Corona del Ma r. who has which woul d have t o be made In opening Is held J uiy 21. will be awarded prise• at 13:30 dat lon to maintain and lncrt:a!le recently returned from Europe as the cons titution t o provide fo r a i P. m. At noon, a "diape• derby" property values than a sound sys-8 represc nlatiVl' of the Jnterna-world government of t he futtfr e. M R b SL 1 la kbeduJed for c hildren of )>re· tern of beautiful city parks. tional Mt>tlical Relief association. No meet ing of Pro A merica will f5. 0 ert K.i 8$ school .age. If lntlstlon keeps up---how e lse S he told of st arvation and de!lt i· be heJd ,n July. next being on Fri-H d B f .. Tom Regan, Loa Angele8 sports are .they going to pay oft t hp na· tulion of the people of W est Ger -day, Aucuat 2:) at the home or onqre 8 ore announcer, wW broadcaat hf.I un· .tlorJal debt-we may find when many and of their rie{'d fo~ mE'd· M ra. J ack Corn, Balboa Island. L T uaual l p. m . program Crom Ir· ' the time com es to pay off t hE' !cal suppllCf'S. They are turning to eavin9 on our vine park that day, over s tations park bond.I, that we purchased Russia, s he ~a id, and t hat country latlll, Acalllres j1 KXLA. KFOX ~ several other•. our be•Utitul parks at a vfry is helping them for 'thr s"ole pur· .,-A twofold mot if inspired a rer attracUve figure. pose of absorbing them Into the cent tea. ho.teased by Mn. Van • ( C.tla\IM hoa h1e I) h 81 ~ Cordially, ,W . ~tuart Foot e. Soviet Union. She stressed further R obinson ot 824 W. lit . ., .,.._. and continued he lp from America . riirht or way. It atretcile1 109 ta Meaa, in compliment to K EARL W. Nota;;1i;ublic I I • Pllone H"""'t 1718 \ lt2ll Mat1Jle +-lolan, •' . WILLIAMS ST TIO~ • OFFIC~:uf Pl.IES I ~ 6116 1 bor Sta J Prompt • But if you feel the urge to drive like a damfool is The Zonta Club ot Newport irrpressible then ask the sheriff to lock you up untJI Harbor wiahe.s to thank you f or afte h h lid v ll your generoua cooperation In help-r t e o ay. ,. ou' be better off in )ail than in lnr to make the Ho nlce Heldt Of inter('!'lt \\'BS the photostatic feet in depth from t he boulevard. Robert 8kilea_ copy of the declaration of candl· The le cal descrlptloo ia Lou The prletty affair celeQirat41d M dacy for superintendent or public 8. 9, and 10 ot Block 227, Section Skiles qirthday and alao a/tor<~ schools a.s file-d by Bernadette A or Newport Beac h •Ubdlv is\o.n . fl'\ends ,_n opportW\lty to Vf1-tl M Doyle in Santa Ana. w hic h stated It ill~ rouahly aligned wi\h 28th GodlpeeQ befor e ahe and Mr. bil~ sl\e \\"Rs a registered Communist. Street which dead endf at the ·ea Jeft..-oJ1i p extcn~ lllU$al=tGU 'Robins NOTES DR • .JOHN j , Bffl8 Clllropodlot-ijt Sarree• the morgue and a lot of other motorists will be safer. bepeflt &how for the Hoag Mem- ·-----------------------~--·J orlal HO.pital a succeM. lllU81C 8TUDENT8 ' ' ' We are aure that the asaiatance • • Do . You G ive A Profession•I Audition1 Art You Receiving Co•ching & Instruction ·From One In The Profession1 ' STUDY .with· the TOP MUSICIANS of RADIO, TV •nd FILM STUDIQS and publicity throuch etoriea and adveH.ialng published In t he coun- ty paper wiU help In filling the . Rendevoua Ballroom nut Sunday evening. Thanks again. Sincerely Yours 'The Zonla Club ot Newport~ Harbor By Mn. Kathleen Coleman All instruments: Voice: WRAT RAVE vouT ~~~~-<Composition Orchestr.tion Yoonr boy """""" )•an• whlle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I IWimmlng in -Channel . nee.r Ba.J . -&ltrra • ,.,.. Al __ ,. • ~n bo& Covea. In "almoet" nature111' own, boy a.ska to borrow pant. or tl"Wllu. in whicll lo co home_ A One pair of new broadcloth, lrUb.U were loaJMd to boy a moa.t.b •ao. With "prom.18e" to re.. turn ame "in few daya!" -No alp ol boy or -lt'Wl)p! ! Owner at 51 Balbct9 Covra 1M0UJd appre- ciate JaaYlac "Plt.OMlSE KEPT". • •••• • E.njoy a B9Qt1fy HAl~:oo· at ETHEL'S BEAUTY SljOlf -..w •• ........... 4 (~~..:.~ ..... 'ftWWD ··-··· IAllNISt OWl!lr ... 0p•4'W -. "CONFVCIUS SAY • . • '"HE WHO BORROWS, USUALLY BAJlE8 ALL ...... (Not olp..Si GUll'll'f OOllNTI' 'IWOt;~ Traolt ftalllnc .... -good ~ • -11tnama 111 Olenn County: rr11rf\a tM Ha~ Auto: ... a.i.. MaaJi ... ta ..... -'8liaio -Ulo &lo'Mft -I 5° I ,,_ flw to eljMll mclMe a-.u.,·... . • ...... --wl>olol ...-o11u..111o.e---~­~-~---------~-.;";..;.· ...... ----J IJ-... --..... .,,,.,.,. 134 l11t 1'* St._ Cius M111 ~~ q11 . < • • • .. ' , • • . ' • had been trained to work out com· propertf. of the n)idweat. A atlowe? ot munU.y problems with a scientific An arnemaitt wu mtde be· ly huuii:erchlef• wu p,....-n Marxist a pproach. twttn the city and the pnrchaaen the pop~lar honorff. Mrs. J . Will is Bennie, Qrange reyreaentod by lhe Harbor Invest-Amo~ t he .guest• were Mme , county chairman. of Pro A merica, n1 ent...Compa ny of Newporl Bt'ach, William! E . Nickell, Harri• Cotti , reported on a meeting or the gov. permitting ... the 90 days fr om the Dallas B.l ut", Gunning Butler, P . crning board of Califo rnia chapter close ot escrow to V'!cate the pa r· Chamberlin, Carlton Meara, Geo on JU.ne 14 at La Va lencia hotel, eel ot lend. gc Gay,. Harold Fink, Florene La J o11a. Highlighted were t he dis· Baker. le. W . Fernandes, U o y cuSidon of the world government DR. RALPH J . BU NCHE. at Connell , Ellis Shaw, E. V. Rfl'a. mQvement. the loya lty oalh a'nd ca·a Invincible gtren•th haa al· a.nd Dal~ Holker . I, the plan ned program ot work tor ways been In the voluntary ad· Unable to a ttend but aendin the coml.ng yt'.'s r in local units., herence of free men w ith f r ee gifts wer e · Mmes. Heins KaiM Pro America. she sa.id, tAkes a minds to democracy." .1 Cana V!ele 8.nd Bertha Ande THEODORE ,ROBINS Two important event.1 will ta.ke place beTe ln u.e nu.\ few daya- theo Horace Hetdt show and broad· cast Sunday at the Re ndeavoua Ballroem tn BeJboa llPOO.OTtld by the Zonta Club and tbe American Legion Bre&ktaat put on in. c.on. Junction with Rtcard'.1 Market Saturday momins t :80 'Ul 11 :00. Thlll annual break.fut features a eood meal and all you can eat tor ~-All proceeda are tor t he A.mertcan ~ Poet 291. The unployee I uo llltorduciac to you tbia week la Jim Cooper, a mechamc ln my repair depart· ,,,.,,._ Jim -!lad ...... , yoan aperieace la U.. automoblle b\Lsi- nea here and elMwhere ln South· HI So, SL Santa Au berlJ I-I • .... Balr~tyllq -• 8poclalt7 Du - DAN'S BARB SRO la-Tb~Blds. ,., s.. ... , •• m& .. ._. em Californie Qd came to Call· llA~ fomla wtU. Illa puen.. fron> -.-........i!.TnUen ' Pl>oeDlll. A-when lie .... ,...,...... ~ Ml: year old. He wu ln lite Mer-llEAOON ' , l · c:Mnt Marine from ltf2 u n t 11 o.&a Hem 0.. 1Hll -... -.., ... with hll wife.....,. .. lllelr own-.. at tl51 Newpo_, ..... .-it w. •~·· amt.. s..lbm. I ========~=:::::::t: · "--rem•' Ir me. JQUr aparta --all -.. , ....,.. I ll'riM dll! J'onl Doaln', --lfOU ....... -~ ._in "-,_ autarnob'le or ~ ~ We ue -. . ... ~ow_...,.,... nDa ll·P•SUIN~ lnla w J alN e. U.. ~ -111<1,... Clllt !aiot·-..,. ~· -...... Ill at tul NweJ!urt .. ,,a .. 8awJift' liiten. 1.-s •sell It wtl be Wd t. trampDr& ~·wmll11a te ..,......~ 8IYcl a.ad oar paat ... _.., p -...... ft ' At ... "'"" l1lh4 -left to.rlpt. C. .. lljoN. -.. .._ --., al i19·-'1t., N-ijoot ......_ lslel Al tr 111. Mil••• • 11tw; ...._., llMrJB'• wtie l:lve .. ~t. ....... tart.... ••••i:._ Mt . ...,. .... tt -.. ~set ; • pa 'O 1.a_L._. . ..,.. a.It: Md~.,_ A:. •11rllrr. •111 ~(' • ~I .-0 ,.t ....._ -N....... .. ' . I ~ -) " --~ • . - • • • ·' • ' • • • , • • • ' • • • -, I A chaµge for the better I . F~r 64 years First National Bank has been serfing Santa Ana, growing Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association. 1t In affiliating • . ' with Santa_ Ana ... and h~lping Santa Ana gro,. * In 1~9, Mr. W. H. Spurgeon founded Santa Ana on 73 acres of what wu ~en El Rancho with Bank ·of America, First National broadens the ecope of ita ~rvioe .• · • to its cuetomen to include every fa cility of the most complete financial Sa J ta Ana. Seventeen years later, when First N~tional opt ned ita doors, • organizl\tion ever craited. * Yet, in taking this step, First National l~ he lleCIUlle its first president. * Over the yeare, Sjinta Ana baa progreHed ~m a littl~ ~t~lement boasting only one sto~e 1 Fourth ~d Main •.• to the present thriving trading center in the heart j<>f South,rn California. .,s * First National has kept pace with its nati~e city. It'\ has outgrown ts quarters several times and the First Natit al B.ank \Building now stands on the site ol Santa Ana's first si re. ~ Oj June twenty· sixth, First National took a etep that' i11 oonei1tentiwith its basic none of·ita·local identity, for the same merr who have guided the deatinies of.First National will continue at the same deak.s in the aame building. 11 In service to the community, nothing ia changed but the name of the bank; in service to our customers, no detail of perl!Onal contact is lo st ... and n1ucl1 is gained in greater acope, • . \ I policy of ever·incl't!ll'sing senioetoitheil0111111unlty.,. making ' . increased fa cilities and the inherent stability of a11 institution firmly rooted in every sec tion and almo st every community in the rich and diversified State of California.' * The officer• · of the world's ~geat and·~ ·progreaive Ii.Dk .•• ' 1 of the vast Bank of America family . • I IN SANTA AN OFFICERS J. A. TAYLOR. O..irman o/ 1A. Board W. B. 'lflWAMS,Pr...,_.., \ • • • • l A. f . TBA ")CL v;...1'>widuw; L». MOllTENSOM, Y_,.,.,,;'-' All TniH <¥-; D.11. BOYLE, CM!oiu; A. II'. SClllJlljLTZ. .c .. ;,.,.., Tm1 OJlcor; C. A. !WA.NSON, ""'"""' C.r-\ P. G. ~ "'"""""' C..oW..; A.C. Ya&nSJ.D; ......... C-1H11; c. D. IUSEll, ,, ...... , c. L nueir;aG. ~· c...i.;. I\ DIRECll'ORS '. I - •• J'. lldCf&U. B. B. lll'll'COM . GIO. Pil1D GEO. S. $111'l11 I B. L.'W:•IJr:BAJI I 11'. ll.111JJI 14)15 4 • --':---.. ,-----·-- , I I ' i jl 'l ' . ) , J ! ' •. .. fEDEBAL RESERVE II E M B E R .\ PE DER A L \ :;;;::::::;:::::;:::::::============= 5 Y i ·T I II • DEPOSIT I coaPORATION . I • ' , , • • ' . ' • .. - \ . ' PAGE 4 -fi-¥T I -··THURSDAY, JUNE 29, _1950 ·~~-a . -~cl;~ ..A-=:: PRESS~ . ' . HELP! · ·HELPllTrlp/e Link Club e Installs Officers W.E"RE OVERSTOCKED $25,000 WORTH OF FUR~ITURE SllLE • Look at These Prices Redwood Fumlture ~dwood Claabe LolUlp with vat-<lyoct bo•od 1 r5 pad ..................................... . Redwood Barbecue Table 16 96 and bencbea--8 tt. ........... . Foldln.r ~wood Cb&lr and vat-<lyod boxed 175fl dlge pad .......................... . Heavy Redwood Club Chair and vat-dyed boxed 22'6 edp pad .......................... .. Slncle Redwood 24 .. Gilder .............................. . Doable Redwood 32'6 Glider ............. : ............... . '2" Rolmd Redwood 1190 Umbrella Table ............... . 1r5 Drop-leaf Redwood Ser\iRI' Cart ................... . SUJlJl~lrcle Redwood Table with lazy...ausan-attach. 3ftll5 ed bencbe&---&eat11 eight 7 Aluminum Fumiture 42" Aluminum Table fln· l11hf'd either whJte or aluminum, can't rust ..... . AJwnlnum fo'oldLnr Chain Re~l•rly s12.oo ···········- Deeco aluminum Chaise and p&d ················-···-······ 1495 995 2495 De~:..·;:~~-~-~~~~--~~~ ·1896 AJumlnum Club Chair with Spring-construc tion &ad pad -................................ .. Alurnlnum Contour Chair (the' relaxlnl" t}•pe) ...... .. Swings Five models ln •wnlnl' •trip. soUd colon and nora.1.8-eJJ. l'f"Stly ~ ttduced. Garden Umbrellas ; ~4;,t .~.~~················· 13•a up to mod.ell! la •trlpea. .alld colon ~"&C;~cb----- 8 f~esi:e=~~;e.~~..... 695 Miscellaneous BNch Back Heat. (The S%.86 hanl"·ood vamiAhed frame kind) ....................... . St.earner Cha.In - replarlyS.85--N ow ....... . F oldlnC Steamer Chair wttb canopy and footrest hardwood and be&utU'ully vvai.boct .......................... .. Yoeht Chalra ................................. . lnlt&U,.tion cerenlonle. Monday June 28, tn the Coat& Mesa bome of Nina Lolmaugh launched • new term ot activities for the Triple Ltnk Club of Men. Rebakah Lodge 402 . ..Inducted by Mn. Lolmaugh were Lois Stewart, president; Gladya Bird, vl~president; Iva Coe. aecretary and Bertha WaUon, treasurer. · GifU we.re received by the out- going offlcen and the Incoming otficera were presented corsages of· cymbidium orchids by Mrs. Lolmaugh. It 1was voted to hold fututt meetlng1 the fourth Mo nday of each month at the home of mem- bers. • At the clO&e of the 8esslon when a number .of local Odd Fellow• stopped by to take their wlve.l!I home, a thoroughly delightful au- prt~e was tendered Mr. a~d Mrs. Harry Wat.tlon on the occa1lon of their 41st w edding anniversary. Mr. Watson Is noble grand of Har- bor Harmony Lodge, IOOF. Center of attraction during the refreshm~nta Interval waa a beau- tltully decorated cake. gtlted cele- brants from their daughte r, Dor- othy Turman a nd three . other membel"'!I of T orosa Rebekah Lodge, Santa Ana. Martha. Pem- berton. Betty Huber and Ann Whi t ing. Vlsitor8 present were Shirlene 3troud, Cora McQuown. Ella .Ves t phal and Ma mie Wllllam8. Members sharing the out.stand· n g a(!alr w e re ~va Coe, Florence ::onner. Effie S late n. Colleen Sla- ~en. P earl Back es, Nellie Walker, r inta Small. Gertrude Edic k. Mary Tay lor . Ann S liver , Hele'tl C8.w- .:hon, Gertrude Watkins, Loh11 Stewart, Ethel Smith, Lydia Hams. Be rtha Watson , Marg a ret Kllley, Patricia Churchill, F1o rence Switzer and Gla dys Blrd. -rnthC male~ contingent ·were Andrew Lol&U8'h. Elmer Smith, William S tew a rt, Clau.e Backes and Harry Wat.son. Hard\Vood 'Yacht Chatr>- Hade by Maboney to laat fOl' years ................... . 696 Tllere Are !! lower Fares! lfl.n,lwood. Offtttr Chairs with vat-dyed covera and frlnCe ........................ .. -RoU. ............................... . Rattan 3 Piece Solld rattan itee· ttoaal wttb vat -dyed clllhlone for outdoor or Indoor ,_ 988.95 ........................ . Clpb Cllair-<lolld rattan &o match above ........... . Battaa a,aiee Loonso wtµ. vlit-<lyed cuahlon .. Batten Coffee Table9 ,lb.II mabopay top R&tta.a. End TablN, beau«- :.:.::i::;------·---·-11 14 lltltalt--$ pieee .ectlonal ~· atick ''Zopl\yr' -. No~ coutrncttoa 8ft95 -aprtac Wied cuabloao 77 . Wrought Iron -LJcbtfoot d~lped l:O x to Glau-topped Table with "4 dman covered Ch&t,n OU&l'antffd not to nnt tor ftve yeara ............... . 8eme M &bon la alzc IO ll: g ························-····· N~~ ~~ ........... 1611 Roor Covering 5 x 1 Woven G...,. Rap !.~s~ .... mmuu 395 R-· quality Gram ~ 'IS ooaat, tho 25; -....... -......................... .. S.-. fool Ill alao foot ....._ Jarrer....,. ..,.u,, -... GABDB• ,11 t ••• , ,,,, •• , NIWPOIT llACH fl&'DBIVllY • ( NEW YORK ••• , , • $49.10 WASHINGTON, , , • • 47.45 DETROIT ••• , • , • • 42.80 CLEVELAND •• , , , , 41.75 MINNIAPOllS • , ,', 34.65 ATLANTA ••• , • , , 40.90 NIW ORUANS • , ,. , 14.40 KANSAS CITY •••• , 29.70 0... n., ,_ ,._ ,...,,.., ,.... ~ ............... ~,.,.. Complete, Carefree EXPENSE·PAID VACATIONS MAb JOUt trip Eut a GttfbouM Ex· ~Pl.id Tour! Hotcll, si.dir«'rin•, side trip• all ,,.,..,"••tttl: iadudcd with rfanspora.tio.n I.I: OQC uuziakfJ '-/ria-Each tour mad<:-•o-onkf ..• bi& snin.p meta extra ash for csua nation fun I . s ,,, .. Lew c.t r .... tr. NEWPORT IEACH cn1we. 9.0., a..# r-... uu1 ceuw1 11e111s.12-Do> r-. nus 111 n• nn. JJ·Do> r ..... 111.0 llllUIC Wt 11·0., r-.. Ill.II .... ,.. .. n ... 2 F ~ .. m. 'Cl.....,._, '"A4;dd ftia; 81 1 ... •0a.--~ ........ . ·llDIOUD • . . , , ' , 1 •• THAT'S WBJlT TBE BUYING PUBLIC .IS ~AYING ABOUT . _fHE ! Bea · I CBBYS,LEB • COME IN •ND ~SK FOR A DEMONSTRATION· OR CALL BEACON 6515 THREE OF THE HARBOR AB.EA BEAUTIE.8 wtto -have entered tbe coatat to rep~ New- port H&rbor ID the County Fair Queoa coat.ea& are pictured above. They are (left to ~ rt~t) Mary Ann Morrison ol --lallllld,-.... A,. Morrlsoa ol Balboa Ioland, Barbara Sc~olenold * Open Wednesday • Frida• nf Corona det Ma.r a.Dd Anita Cout.e of Balboa Island. A.a.It.a and Mary Ann were photoEphed I at the Df'W swlrnmln&" pool at ~en Ni.lee' Vllla M artna on Bayskle Dr .• w h pt'f' the local con •t w1U E ' • T"ll 9 p M ' be held Sunday, July 9. The Newpo1't Harbor la ntor Charnbt-r or Commorce Is sp:-iruo c thP ~8Dlft~ I • • contrst.. The. County Fair Queen will be chosen on the opPnlng day or, th,. FaJr, A ue. j18. '11 qu•cn candldat .. wlll be dlnn., SU""'" of the Ju nlM Chamber Thu,.day. July 8, at th' Hurley N E w p µ RT ' A R B 0 R M 0 T 0 Rs Bell lnn, Corona del Mar. I Pho tos by Howard fFolsom .) h I Past Potentate tatee o r Al Mala ikaif tempi• or ' 6515 Emma Hug es Hot Ln• Angeles. was on tpe advi•ory 249_1. Coast Hig,way I Phone Beacon F11 ted at Series Misses Convention board ror the Sh riner~ convention Fred J . Wad.ley Jr .. 211 Ma rl-but beca.U11e of iU -h.eaJ.th was no t ~==========~=====================:======== of Birthda.y Events giit;1ld avenue. who l.~ 70 years old able to attend. This the first con· : and one ot four living past pot en-ventlon he ha.s ever mlR&ed. One of the m°""t feted persons In t he Harbor area was Emma HuKhes (Mr8. Charles) H olt ot Balboa when she had a birthday recenUy. Th.e cele bration began In a mild way on Wednesday when she had friends in fer cocktails and to m eet her houaeguc8t, Mrs. C. V . McCarty of Sii.n Diego. fo r· ml"r Balboa n. and her niece, Mn. Madeleln McDevttt. Next day Mr. and Mrs: Bill Wll- Uameon were hoet..s at afternoon cocktails ud ln the evening. Ute ~8!' 'Wll!Qilll of laltnd a ven~ha the group In tor cocktalle, !offOwed by dinner a t Balboa Inn. On Friday (the birthday) Mr. I and Mrs. Holt entertained Com· t mdr . utd Mrs. Walton Hinds: Mesars . and Mesdames Fred Croa- ter, Ray Rlnderkenech t. Dick Mel- rOl!lc, Dean Campbell, Bill Wiiiiam- s on ; ble!;dames H arold Bird. :r.tc- Carty. McDevltt. Vera J o Cueva, Mirelle Bouchey , Una Fergu•on. Da wson Burke, Gracie Downe: Arlene Burke, Isabell Hiner, Bev- erly Beede. George Potter-. Cliff Bltrmelr &nd Ed Rohr. T:lls was zenith of the celebra- t ion which bega n t o taper off o n Saturday w he,n the Holts enter· talned at dinner fo r Mrs. Bouchey, Commdr. and Mrs. Hinds and Mrs. Cueva. who le tram Naples; but on Sunday the Commander and h l8 wtfe assumed host duties with a buffet dinner at their home, 2177 East Ocean boulevard. M08t or Friday's guests were present, wit h the addition ot Mr. and Mr8. James Reno. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie, Capt. and Mrs. Tho mas Oates, Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Kaiser. Dwight and Dave Shaver. Tuesday saw the tine.I event when Mrs. Dean Campbell host· eased a cana8ta. luncheon tor Mrs. Holt, gue!lts beLng Mra, Bernie Hafenteldt, Mrs. Crosier and Mni. Holt. Aloha Party for . Sam & Alice Emmes Happiest couple 1n Honolulu these days. la Sam and Alice Emmea, who ·sailed lut week on the Lurline in a stateroom hung with hlblacua and with friends: pfe•ent for a real Aloha party ln- cludinl' danctng and iJlland muaic. They are renting their home here &nd' wiU Uve In Honolulu. The Emmes wi.U long remember Thursday, June l:S u OtJe of the moat lmporta.nt days In their Uves: for happenings all on that one day were: Fox Studioe hired sam·e schooner Rendezvous f9r their forthcomtnc picture Btrd'"Of Pa.ra- dla:e, locaUonj: to be on Hilo and Kauai, alao S&m · for lechnicaJ: dJ- rector-1000 bucb a week: they received notice they could pt the Brillah ear th•y bad been want.Ins for a lOftl' Ume: and, moet impor- tant._ ~ey were. able to pt c~· eellod ~tlono on W.. LQrlln•. &eeinc them ott were Joel and Helen Cobun>, l{m& and Perce Marple&. Betty Cll&ltock, Cather- ine ~. P&t Boyer, Virslnl& and R&I Batt, Bill and - R&rper. Kr. and Kn. & w. B&ns- •rt. ,Mr. and .Kn. P,laal l\IL Joluwoa. ~a Crane. Dr. &nd Kn. W. T. lloooq, 1-ud ud Bm11co Pr---~IM: nido. nm.,-!Aa Dalle, ~ and ilaty Colt -Nuq, ~ IW'!4 • ~. ~ BWiT>u~-...0 o.a_, 000.-1~ DUe, _,, ....... »ooteK1wru41>u JldCliiildia.---... -----~ . • • • ·.' all the timi Takes it eas I • ,,..rfofllKJtic fkHd Dri¥e Tra11..mion conrid1 0ffft199 compod lmif1 ... "''°' Flvid Dri¥e , the Sofefy CMdt orwl ,,.•to-tic Tro111minion. focll unit i1 fl.Jig,.llJ witlt o Mifti'"'9 I • of mo,.iftg port1, ond lfOdt unit ir 111og.dfr bvitt ~ oM lrouOle·frM 1ertice for fM llfeti•• of tlte cor. istokel Although most cars use the Fluid Drive principle that Chrysler Arsf in troduced 12 years ago-there's on oll-imJ>:Of"fanf di erence in automatic gear shifting todoyf Chrysler a nd only Chrysler gives you full control of yow car. While others shift you up and own-even when you don't want to shift-Chrysler's simple, cool· · rvnni transmission takes its orders from _you. Even at 12 miles on hour, · slow moving traffic, you're in high while othen shift down to '°wer gears. How uch quieter your engine runs! How much more smoottily1 What a d ifference n high-gear economy! Come see what fluid Drive does for youl Examine rysler workmanship ... compare the quality of materials ••• discover the beneflt1 of Chrysler engineering! You 'll find built-in value all the way lllrourz/o that hos no eqvolf Extra money's worth, we're sure, that will make ou a Chrysler buyer for lifel See It-drive It ••• th•r•'• built-In valli,• all the way thro Ad¥-1et1e1 of Chry1ler'1 Pluid Drive • • Aclva.,,..e1 of Chry1ler'1 Hltlh C-pre11lon Spitfire lntllnel O.ry.,•r'1 Advantae•• In Comfort ancl Stlfety 2491 .- - ' • ' ' 'llotetpn-1 f111:itJe.---prew11~ ttaRi"V hi roi11 °' high woMt'I l......,... Cyllff« w.n......-ch."'lcal ~few JMl"9GMCI lffe. II_.~ rower- help1 ellml..ot. flbraM". S~ ........ ~-edvc:e ftictio;. kltt lo"f9r. lirHff Y•W. Seel l••rl• Hd"'9 1tMd for wo • grl..dhtgl '""' ,,._ OI ,_., k••'P' .ii cM.11 I 1 ' The Beautiful with Fluid Drive I . PIN 11 : B• -9Sl5 B i'llO'tOAS ..... ~ TlwD .. • .. <ia.K 11111....,. • ' • ' , I I I I . ' i• '. I l . ' !·· ·-' NE~TDIF.8 -Everj Tuesday -~ NEWPORT BAY POST....,.. Wediiesdays . NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS -Thursda~ . ' M'w,_. ..., PM& C!n 'lled &d9 _... .ma la tbe h::•'taJ' ~ Kew..'l"lal. er &be Tbu.nda7 .. ....._ lllNUltJJI AO 18 t LI.NF.A / M Os :Uled ... m..a lie paid tol' OMlri la ad¥....-. at IKlblkaUu'.a. t U-I tlmr $ .76 t IJaM Z tlmee l.!111 t U.... S ttmee 2.CICI ~ Har. 1914. aaac tor .. Ad TUer" or Mild ad and ~nJttant.-e to NSWPORT RARBOR PUllU8HINO (](). 1111 ...,._, Bhcl.. NewpUri Bwb,, ..-OtornJa 11lle pqblllibe.ra "'1D not be re8p<JDl!llble tor mo~ Ul•n one lncurrccl lll&8ll'Uoa ot UI adverUmelne.nt, r~e the right lQ correc-Uy claealf.Y Ml1' ud all &dll and · to reject any advertiaemenl not contormlnK to nalM and re:cuJatJona. Advertl8cmente and canctdlAtlo ru will be acoepted up to 6 p.m. on the day precedlng publication. Ph.. Har. 1816 -.Ul!INESll GUIDE I az-BUlLJ>INO SERVICES CO~l'E HOUSE CLEANING Bath Rooma .uvlce. FUmlture and rugs I Glau Bloclu Mampooed. Free eBtimate!I-DEL M.A.NGELS ll'ully lnoured. TILE CONTRACTOR Al's House & Rug Ogl~ St.· C09ta Meaa REACON Oi~3R-M l :.!l I Cleaning Co. Beacon 6111 r 121rc ) ------------- --------1 REPAIRING and Handy Man Service j F.ENCING a Specialty! PAINTING Lawna, LJght Hauling, Painting Renovating TEXACO STATION 1780 Newport Blvd., Costa l\.fesa Bea. 6087 -Bea. 6934--W 79p93 REASONABLE. Large or small jobs. Free estimates. Walker, 126 -~th St., Newport Beach. 1 Harbor 3087-J. ·' 58c60H Painting by "PAT" KEYS MADE Experienced Locksmitli 14 HOUR SERVICE 1 Call Sat. & Sun., Bea con 505:>-J Owera the entire Harbor are&. ACE KEY SERVICE 101 Ka1n, Balboa H&rbQr 1199 I 83c39H I MOVING? • Harbor Transfer [IVlar. OR LONG DISTANCIO PbaDe Bea. 8127 or Bea. 6272-M. 1* Harbor Bl•d.. Coota Mea 20c21H 11-BUILDINO MATERlALS 13 Years Service In Harbor Area 288 . 22nd St .. Costa 1'-lcsa PAINTING by Harry Hall COLOR SPECIALIST and DECORATORS 15 years service in Orange Co. Workmanship and materials Guaranteed. Ph. Beacon 541 3 14-PERSONALS FREE CHECKlNG SERVICE RAVE YOUR WATCH TESTED FOR ACCURACY ON OUR NE\V TIME MASTER MRS. GLENN ANDERSON J)08e9 ln her btl~I go\'-'n· She ls the tenner Janice Martt" E\'~rt.!I, IO\'f'ly dau&1'tt>r o r )Jr, and Mn. Walter E\"e rta ~r., of Balboa IAl&nd. Anderson -Everts Rites Solemnized in Presbyterian Church, Winnebago, Ill. The First Presbyterian church marriagt' Jnnjce ~farie Everts, or Winnebag~ DI. wa!I setting ror I daughte r nf ~Ur. and ~t rs. Walter candlelight rites which united in Ev~rts Jr.. t 18 Dlaznond avenue l-BU81Nn18 GUIDE l~BUSINE~~ GUIDE ' Low SKILLED CRAFTSMAN Beautiful Chair Bottoms and Backs Restored Using Cane, Reed, Rush, Etc. Price -. Hig h Quality Bring to-- HARVEY'S FURNITURE 'REP AIR 2050 Santa Ana Ave. • Costa Mesa THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS • WALLACE CALDERHEAD l ------~-Bea __ co_n~6-133_-J _______ _ Jeweler PAINT UtlUty white paint per gal ........ . Enamel undercoater . ... $2.40 all work dnnc tn our nwn .'Jhop 817 CoaJst Blvd., Corona dcl Mar 4-Jtr<" 28-SITTJATIONS WANTF,D \Vff ,L TAKE CHILD -full or part tim4:'. Can furnish trans. O"Ar·on 6321-J. 77p82 ---------~-- ZD-llF.1.P WANTF:D DINLNG RO()J\.·t WAITRESSES with t ray .::;.-rvu·c C'Xp<>ri ,,nCf' prcferrf'fl. Apply In p('rson. flag· an ·~ nc~ta urf111 I . l!l!'i Coast WANT SEWING, ffi.ONlNG 1-f tghwny, ('orona d1'1 Ma"r. l . • I ' I . j • toOlwl.,._,_:= Nowi-t 11u11or ~~PAGE s . ..:.. PART I -THURSDAY, JUN 2.,1· .... ~, V.... Jtoy Andorwoa or c1u1>! o.,_ clef--· ~~=-~M~:==~-~~1-·r-.~*~-·-"P-1· s ""41Jl with a Poter Pan coUari ot n-,.i OOota M-. ~ ;;-~"l I ..e.i pear1a and Juliet cap W!Ut 1.;;;;:;;;:;;;:;· ;;;;;9;;;;;;;;;;~=~~;;..===;;;;;;======;;;;;;=;;;:;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; n11 rradU&Uns rrom llnprtip I to 1 • bem of 4reM. Ber boUquet COftlll!ll· ed ot white orchidl and wb.lte~ n&Uona. A.Uenckntl were Cl47tA>J> of Hannlba~ Mo.; . Robert Kluack. •later .or ~· brtdqTOOm; · and _ Mra. Ro d O..kea, Columbla, Mo. They· w re attired ln · chartrewte A..leJ'tlf<'h lace and carried colontal ~· ~ueta or tallaman ~ ¥d gladiolus. Mn. Evert.II w .. eowqed 'n navy blue Alencon iace &nd the eenlor Mr8. Anderaon wore s.qua crepe. ( Serving-Mr. Andereon wf Robert KlMack, beet m11.n, of Winnebago; Rol11.nd Oakes of - lumbla., Mo.; Kenneth Bound.II lot Ka.nu.a City, Mo.; John Wilcbx· .t0n .of Redland.11 and John Fetro ot Rockford, 111. Tommy Klu8.ck wa. rtngbeanr and Sherry Corn- IBh aerved u nower girl. Rf v,. L. R. QllUa.nd officiated A reception for 260 gueata wu held In the church following the :eremony. Duke.ts of peonlea were used trr decoration oi·•'t.he !"eeeptloa halJ where the -four. J erred wedding cake wu cut. Mra. Anderton wu graduated In May from Stephens College where J.he was. treaaurer of PanheDenic and a member of Eta Epsilon Gamma Sorority. Her husband Is a senior at the University of Mis· sourt where he I.a affiliated with SJgma ChJ Fraternity. The couple left Immediately followinr the reception for a honeymoon at Mackinac I11land and will be at home In· Wlnn6- bago for the 1ummer, i-eturnlng to the campus at the University of MIMOuri In the ta.II to com- plete Mr. Andenon'a .schooling. Dentists le«jin Fund Campaign Mem bers of the• dental profee- slon In the Southland are raising $2~.ooo to equip the cllntc 'n90r of & new building tor lhe Univer•- lly of Southern caurornla School or DenUtry which SC wtll 1Jt&rl to build on the campua thll 'tall. Dr, Fred B. Old.a of Loa An- ~les Is general chairman or the building commltttt, which will reach approximately 3000 g-radu· ale!! or the SC dental school t hroughout the nation aa well as about 1000 other denU!lts In the Southern California area. Working on the fUnd-ralaing campaign here Is Dr. Wllll&m J . Dolan, 400·A 3lal St., NewporL I j ! I •149d. f.0.1. hrt of En1 . I ' SHf GfTS AWAY l 1K[ A SCAlfO llAlllT SHf ITOf'I OM Ttlf P ~A5" Of A l IOKT . $Hf O:UISfS SflfNflY AT .0 M. P. K. • " $Hl TIAVEU 100 MlllS ON fJ ClflTt WOITOO<GA& • • ' • • • • • • • • • • , -• .~. HUGS THE CURVES LIKI CRAZY I .And that'a beca..., the Hillman MINX was buill lo make time on the winding roads and coun· try lanes of England. Fin<: bal. ance, not sheer tonnage, makes it Nick to thie road like that white line. Alk ~engineer you trusl, if the •pring suspension 0£' 1he Hillman isn't lbe big reason v..·hy you cover 80 much ground with· out the tligbtesl driving strain. Ask you r.;elf why you pay the cost of capacity to haul 7 or 8 passengers and hundred! or pounds of luggage, when you UJe · it so rarely. Ask yourself ""'hy you toss away your hard· earned ca.sh so freely, when you could be driving an over 30. • miles-to-the·gallon. funily·•ia , Hillman, with 8landard Ameri· can·size tires-and relax Dnan· cially and phyaically while doing it. It certainly i.s fun to driYe a car lhat savea money. Come i.a and try it today ! HILLMAN mtnx·· .............. 0 • • MUNRO MOTORS • SOth Street lllld Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Phone Harbor 2522 Open 15veologs until 9 p. m. Distributor has other profitable franchises available ~r gal. ....................... $3.75 Atcoht1liUJ An1>nytnoW!I Write P CJ. f.;...u1. 197 BAlboe lalaod, Callt. · Pbon• KimberlJ. a-6391 BABY -Sf'ITtNO 8'0c81 nr pa.it U.116-~~~:-~-f...:~-~~-"~~-~-•.::;;::,;+. __ f'hone Beacon 5718-M MANICURIST Wblte stucco paint per gal ........................ $3.95 Marine house paint per gal ......................... $4.'!2 PLYWOOD 1/4" h8 DF' .... 13 \1,c sq . ft. 5/8" 4x8 DF .... 23 \l"c sq. ft. 3/4" 4x8 DF ....... 27c sq. ft. Dbl. Hung Windows 2 Ox3 6 - 2 lights ........ $1.50 2 Ox4 6 -4 lights ........ 2.23 2 8x3 0 - 2 lights ........ 1.70 2 OxS 0 - 2 lights ........ 1.40 4 Ox4 6 -4 lights ........ 3.60 Doors 2/8x6/8-3 panel ......... $6.95 3/0x6/8-3 panel .......... 7.95 BAYVIEW BUILDERS SUPPLY 818 Coast Highway, Npt. Beacon 6025 11-BUILDINO SERVICES CALL "The Craftsman Co." FOR Mrs. Britt"s Nurocry Sch ool Hours 8 . 5 Rate~ $1 0 n10. full tin1e $25 m o: half rl:iy!'i Care by weC'k , day Qr h0u r. 701 Marguerite. Corona de! Mar Harbor 870·J i7<::78H \VILL BUY Ei':VL1SH POUNDS (S terling) will pay dollars in [4. A. against London credit. S. W . TAYLOR, 561 Graceland Dr .. Laguna Beach Saturday & Sunday 79c81 RUG A UPBOU!TERY CLEANING We specialize ln cleaning Ruga It Upbolatery onJy. Done in your 0\11?1 home using the Fam· oua HILDE 1y1tem. ll'or Free e.stimatea pb. BANLEA ·s Beacon 611f·R. ~tr 15--SllARE l "Ol"R CAR LOCAL :P.tAN wants transport&· lion to and from Los Angeles daily. 8 :30-4 :30, 503 Poinsettia. Corona de! ~la r. 80p81 22-LOST A:\'D FOI'SU LOST-\Vorking girl lost black purse in front of .fsland Rooms, 12i Agate, Balboa ll!l., Money needed badly. Call Har. 1173-J 79c81 Your painting and decorating. Es· Umatea submitted with no obli-1 pUon. Authorized applicator or I one coat. Multi·Colored Zola-------------~ tone, the moet durable and dee-24-SCHOOL--.INStRUCTION oraUve pa.Int coating ever de- vtaed. v. 8. Blancbard--Owner H&rbor <HM-W 80pU3 UNIVERSAL Bldg. Maintenance F\Oot" wax.Ing -W indow cleaning. wall wuh~, Venetian blind8. ror butldinp, stores. offices & bomea. PHONE HARBOR 3163. 78p87 W.utT YOUR DIRTY WONI: DONJIT 00 TO BAL·.·. 0 l''te ~ntns ea"ISoe ~ ... _to __ _ .......... tm•tel Clll llUbor lTM-W UpG Violin Instruction by JACK ELFORD L.C.V. f Formerly London Symphony Orchestra) H!rbor 1&40M Fees Mode rate 80p82 "8-81TUATJON!J WAl'o"TED VICTOR CHARNEY BUTLER- SERVI!: Luncheom, Dtnnera and Cocktallil Help Plan Your Part)' Help ln the Kitchen Potiah, Clean Silver Clean Houae -A to Z •. Valet Sef.vtce 65c68H B/\ B\" SITTING by rerined ma· lure lady. Rere rcnccs. Home addrf'ss. 1522 Miramar Dr., Bal· boa. Harbor 294 . 80p82 \VASffiNG or 'IRONING In my home. rinishcd or rough dry. By pil'ce or hour. Phone Beacon 6203·J . 68p70 \\" . .\~TED by College ScniOr - child carE>, day or night. Cor· ncr Edgewater and Monaero. Balboa. 80p82 FI::"\E IRONING _:_ Pick up and deliver. Help with dinner par- ties. Mrs. Williams. Harbor 1552-M. 1r no ans. call Har. 2030-M. 80p82 EXPERIENCED high school girl want." care of children. Phone Beacon 5390R 80p81 RELIABLE WOMAN with car. Ex~rienced, -11 do Housework by day or hour or care of chil- d ren. Ph. Harbor llU-M. 80p82 RESPONSmLE W.OMAN will care for children at their home. Ph. Beacon 5938. Mra. C. B. Soule. 80p82 COLLEGE BOY, colo red, experi- enced. Wishes job a.a butler, houseboy, chauffeur or reatau- rant worker .. Have trana. Call Mrs. Howard, Harbor 0720-R. 79c81 RELIABLE LADY 56-Do house- work, cook eve. meal 90c hr. Tend children day or night 55c hr. Hanaen 116-22nd St., Apt. 6, Newport. 8lp JUNIOR COLLEGE graduate wants summer work. Hu had experience in auto partJi sales. \Vould &180 like work tn engi- neering line, drafting or sur· veying. Har. 1778-.J. 8lc83 • \\..I\ NTED, $35 J::'URranlC'(', plus: i O' ~ comn1!s. sion. Expt•r iC'ncPrL Klmbcrly 3·6103. 806 \\". 17th. Santa Ana. 8lcS3 I \\'ANT-NunsfM,\ID. Expr rlenc. <'d. Rrf,,renePs. l.1ve in. $100 mo. Bt•a con 6386·1\.f . 8lcS3 -tll--.~A I .F., ~tJSf'F:l .LASEOfJt' New Singer* ELECTRIC CONSOLE CABlNE'l' ROUND BOBif'l. wtth sewing lea· aone and lifetime guarantee an~ aervtce. I . $1 2.50 NG CENTER 30~ \V. 4th. K 2·394~. Santa. Ar.a •Rer. U .S. Pat. rt . by Sir.Mtg.Co. I l lStf(' FOR SAL~raftsman Jig Saw. l ~" rlec k, 101 table. A·l condt~ lion, complete with '4 HP. mo- tor. Price $~. Call Harbor 604. ! 77p82 Laun derail • AUTOMA'fIC WASHER Special! thle w eek ! $~9.95 DA VIS-BB.OWN CO. 1886 Harbor Bt'd. Costa Mesa USED LUM.BEjR from dismantled pier. Some tlmbers. crort &1 Neville Inc. 1201 Coast H y , Newport 13each 80c8L lts FT SLOO~ decked, Center board, Sall I ratr conditio n. can UBe with out rd. $150. HOSPITAL co with mattress $12. 201 E. Bal, Blvd., Ba.1~2 ' Dbl. gar!Lge -$285 Guest house livf'red lo yo 6404. x 22-$2M. de- r loL Ph. Anaheim 80c82 MAN'S SCH Conllnental • bicycle with• gear ahift. Call NEWPORT HARBOR Harbor 238. i T9pl1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY BRn'ISH mad~ boy's lightw<tpt Full of Pa.rt Time ~elp b4,.cyclf!. Newf946. $20. Needa Restaurant, Dome.Uc, tires. Har. 3 J , 152 Undine, Offlee, etc. " I Udo l sle. 79pll SO:S'l'i E. Bay st., Balboa ~ Phone Batbor 2924 E G H. H.· HOLBROOK 70pM 72Uc FOR YO TRAILER DJIPJ!:NI>Am.E PLUMBING FINll:---IRO-NIN--G-,-cu-rl&lna,--ohl-rta,-----------1-n--• WE !!'ILL UTANE and Pbone Harbor ~ CORONA DEL MAR MANAGER ror 18 Ul!!t bl'.IU .,...... PROP~TANKS . A ~ etc. Your home or mine. Hdp qualltlcatlona to Bos· tlli, Bal· 9 11 • • . tlue Vele..._.. with dinner partiea. llra. WU· boa Iala.Dd. • 11ttc Complete tloa.. rwpa1r -:' -1'1&-W llama. Hul>or 1MJ.K. Ir Do !--------...,----and ~ ~ all Trailer *' .. _ llhd.. Newport-ana. call Bar. 1113&-K. T4p79 EXPi:RD:NCllD baby 'a1aop clerk. ll:qulpmeot. i IR ·-JtT-J_A_B_LJll ___ -1,-A·D--O:S--.....,--t-Chlld--Write, lllatln& &il1 A opeNnce.. Bennan IC.~ l!:ll1A K., Porter PAINTING can 117 -.. dA¥ or week. Baz B 1 CJ5 N"ewpott' -l!Ubor ORAN CQAF/f ob .a -... ALSO ....,,, eare of new._;;,.. Publl.Mtns: C.O... . T9c&1 . JW\AL SHEJi'LIN -----w~~ "lfalcea TRAIL~SUPPL,. -QaporriMAplu cblldren'• putloa c:bof, ror a.a Dan Cub -. 1910 BULVD. · ~ ~ It.. ca.ta -Bar. Ula -Hu. lllG-M _.._ m Did St.. ~-Coal& x-B•ocm -· • • -a&IT·M Ttpea ---_ IOpU A9PlJ 8 tcr U a. m. --' -9'jk J • • • • AGAINST THE PUBLIC AND INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE SERVED BY FIVE WESffRN RAILROADS I . .. . .. . . . . . . President Tru111a11'1 EMERGENCY BOARD recommends a 40-hour. w••.l ·•~t incretlH I " .... ,. .. · l of 18 eents an llour, or $1.44 a day for switchmen represented lay the Switch• ... '1 Uni11 of llot th AMl'ica. . .. • llotwith1tandi119 the tremendous increase i• their expemes i11volJed, the • • Railroads' answ~r to Board is ••• •• • I Union lttad~rs' •nswer to Board is I •• ... • In face of loard finding• to the cbntrary, union leaders Insist on 41 hours pay for 40 hollr• work!. This would be an average In- crease of 31 cents an ~r, or .2.41 a day. So Union leaders have. Cllll•d a c..,.t•t•IY univ eel 1trlke on 5 Western r.all• roads, effective June 25. I On June 15, an Emeriiency ~ ap- pointed by Prmident Truman uhder the terma of the Railway Labor ~ recom· mended the railroada annt swi!Himen a 40-hour -1< and a wap mer+ of 18 cent. an hour, or SJ.« for an 8-hbur day. Deoplle the add..t financial burden in· volved, the railroada are rmdy Ip aocept. tbMe reoommeixlationa, u they jbave aJ .. waye occopted Eumpncy' eo.rd ....,,,,. mmd1tiom on national ..,,. I BIR the 1-len of the S:it>=h.......:a Union nm.. to ~l They dml..m '"° ~ ma-oea1 cllHTll &N ouaoa $248ADA~-al"'°UChdieir t ....... .,.... ...... batlblllJJy hill-' &ban of ...... ill~ in4wlzM! 8wd a.,. Ih n•r u111-iw Ill ... 1..,..e, tile Bo.rd lhil de- _... an;w111e1 by Ill tile - -Rd. It. poiaW oat &liat -W the tbe. ewik:hWll ao ~ adnn; *'-' over oc.i.r -al · -pia.,;.. a;.i ........ *Id IDo -1 • billdoii .. ... _ . I ......... .., .... ol • ~ aaiDll •• ,.,. ... ... '•• ol _;.-:;..-,-. ·ec2t!· r-48•:..at....., •. strike in an outrageous and recklese c1t- tempt to force qemands which the Board !dearly labels .. unjustified! LeaderR of the Switchmen•s Union are 'callin1 thia strike in defiance of the Board : -in defiance of the facta-and at the ex· 1 peooe of the public! ln ita. report on thiA case, the Board ,made thia statement: l "the r A ••II lrMluatry, tfte .._... IN• ...... neH• ............. ~rl•ll ., r•k"" 81A:llty,.te ... ..,., en4' •ap1 ttMH ....... ftt ................. ....... !"" .... " . Deopite thia ,..am;,;,. the leaden of the witchmen'a Union are upsetting tb8 ppl&cut-forcing a cqmpler.ely anjust.i· atrib apinot everybody who..,. the r j I • I FIVE WESTERN RAILROADS AFFECTED BY THE JUNE 25 STRIKE JM llw ,.,;,,_. off...-tH ~ rM drib, wltid -· .,,,. *1fett "' 6.-00 A. M. 'loco/ -· s....loy, June 25, 1950, ..... caic.., __ .....,_. Qlclp, __ , __ _ 1'1-&llolr ___ _ __ .....,_ "'---- • --~~~~~~~~~~~~~J .. It u time to put an end to 111cb 1111• American tactical . Tiie Auwer ID a Raw A~· · Al Dictatonbip la "Nor In theintereatof the public who~ an the railroada every da,y, ~~JI'~ one._ to thia ~and dJcU. torial action by the 1-lora al the 8wfllci,. · • ami'a Union. And that.......,. ia-"HOP' • • f I ., I I I. • • ~ ~""';i~1'""'.;, ~• 7g::r..~~J1.'.i' "1'~:·~-·";,;;;;;. ~:::_:::':~ ..:~~~~:5';.>::.,~ .. ->:. ·~,'::-I;;;,:.:; . .ipl'J.~c. ~~Y;.,;;:J!i"":~' ;;:..:--:;;;~;:,.~ T""l-t~~ .. ........ r--~~·~-~~~~:<;;·;·:·;::·~·;;:;;.;;;~-;::;,-;;:r:~;;;'r1.'.':"'~~'1.~ ...... ~:-; .. ;;:.:~·.':-.;;~.:;::: .. ::.::-;:-:r.:,;.::~'(f' .... ~.~-... .,.~~!'."'.' ... '!'i"~":"'.'."!",~~-1 ·,"::" ..... T1 ... ~'.'."':-~.~"'~'::','~-~.F.~!~'l . I ' I • • • ) --~~iw..· .·., za:...11turoii~--'_ ~,.. ~· t ... l'Cla..U . t:e dii;i(a ----DAL UT•Tll ..._ ... . . ---- SkEJ DALE before you buy! SPlilCIAL -New Dx12 Jut. .• mlnatu rug (reg. '102) reduced to _ -'811.00 9Xl5 A.xmtmter (reg. $109.75) now ........ -..... $89.SO " Hollywood bed frame. ··---··s.n,.95 . More Clas·sff ied ~on Page 5 · t::l~:~~ :.:~=t~;~-"9·50 • "). •.1 aide table ......................... .,..$40.00 .. --------------._, ..... ..._ ___ _, . ._.. _ _,----llrf~ lp:ner spring mattrua '17.50 .. •&1.g1 lll8CIELJAND)tJll • "-•• , .. IQ9Cl!ll·"*t18 &ll Springs to match ..... -.$17.M Used TV Sets f AND Phono Combinations Originally f'M . , Now $1M ADMIRAL TV Brr combined with radJ.o and plwmo. Beautttu.J pieee of turnttv.e. walnut fin· fah . 16 month.I old. An out· at.anding value. Orlginally $450 .. Now $119 A KAGNU'ICENT mahogany pbono--radlo CXNDbinatlon out of a prominent doctor'• expenaive riome. Haa T em po-tone radio (made by Magnavox l. &: brand n,. Webste r 3 · apeed r ecord cMnl'•f'- SellUIJ at $60 below our cost. • Orjgillally $139 ... Now $65 PIJILCO PHON OGRAPH and radio combtnatioD, uaed only 1 month before It was traded in on Hottman TV set. MANY OTHER BARGAINS in used TV's. radios, wire recorders and p o r t a b 1 e 'phonographs. TIDE TV CO. 3011 NEWPORT BLVD. HAR. 208 Open evea. and Sunda ys PAINT SPECIALS . THROUGH JULY 8 • Save 16c on quarts or 50c on g al. dlecontlnued colors DEVOE VELOUR FINI SHES OEVOPAKE ONE C O AT i'I..ATWALL. 20 ~ OFF Rubbertite Floo r Paint Introductory Offer DEVOPAKE D.D.T. FLAT WALL PAIN'J'. --PATIO .FURNmraE ftedWood chalao ......... with pad .... -.... "-.. ·--···'18.95 Ottleer chain -·-····---' 7 .1115 ' ANmlnum dlalN lounp, wl~ pad ..... _,, ____ ..... le.95 -ood I ft. b&l'becue teblo and bencbe• ···-··-·····-····-··-Sl 7 .915 A.Jeana 11a.mmoc1u --------·-·' s.ec. 4r AlumlnllDl top umbrella '!"abla ----·-···---------------$17.9[1 Alumtliwn folding otncen Cbalro -·-······-··-··---...... $ 7.9~ T n.. garden umbrellu .... $13.9~ up Beach., unmbrellu, 6 tt ......... $ 7 .95 See one of the largest displays, · rattan, redwood, aluminum patio f\lmtture tn Southe..TI Ca!.tfomla. Lowest Prices on RE-COVERS for chalra, pads and timbrellu. Garden B"N1.ngs -B arbecuet House and Garden 611 C°"t H tway, NewpOrt Beach Beacon 5277 ,8!lcll0 New Summer Clothes at Special Prices GIRL'S' P E DAL !?USH ERS, red. blue and yf'llow .......... $1.50 BA TI9TE BLOUSE S, ln.ce trimmed, pink ond blue .... $2.95 P RINT DRESSi!S, pure !iilk $12.95 JENN'S 1006 W . Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 212 r:i 77c78 ANT CONTROL GUARANTEED F OR 60 D A YS Complete power spray service>. Lawn moth, f ruit tr('es , orna- mentals, etc. Free lnsp<'<'lion -..and estimate. Average home S7 t o $8 Hollister Bros. Nursery Phone Bea con 5200 Ne.w a,pt. size gaa range .... $89.60 Gatten and Battler Gu Ranges Intemat1. Harvester Ref'rtgerton l!lngtander AJr Foam Mattreue. Vfe buy good u.aed fumJtul'&- Free A ppralsal Highest Trade-In· Allowance Bank Term• .. Dale's Furniture 1929 Jlarbor Blvd. Be.a. 6107-W GA S R~GE -..(pt. hOUM atze, good condition $25, 118--SSth St.; Newport. after June 30. 80~1 MAPLE DINETTE SET, maple davenport and overstuff¢ chair. Ph. Harbor 2782W days or H arbor 2281J after 5 p. m. . 80c81 MOVING-MUST SELL! Furniture and misc. dishes 1438 So, Garnsey, Banta Ana . Klmberly 2-8417. 8 t p83 CHI NES E Agttque F\Jmltur~ Chests, sc rl!i'ns, tableit, cha lrit, etc., also some cher-ry a nd w a.I· nut Early A merlca.n. 41 8 Hill St., Laguna. Beac h 1-1392. 79p81 SS-ROA TS, SUP~LJF.S • BOAT WANTED 26 rt. or n1 orc-r(>gardlcss ot con- d ition. Price must be reason- ablf'. \Viii pa y cash. Wr ite Ben Hawkins, 4 03 1.~ Westm inJll l'r A ve., V('nice, Calif. 76p81 F'OR . S ALE-Penn"'l"a.n Dinghy. 8 '. A-1 shape, $75. Call Har - bor 60-1. 77p82 Walt's Trading Port Used Marine Gear ..A nchor.'J, propellors, fitting s, rope, nautical deco rations, etc. 3108 Lafayett e Ave., Npt. Beach Open Sundays-Ph. Har. 1020-W 50c5111 UST SOLD OUR HOME:! f Must sell this 90 . day old high class ~urnit~. ' 8 pc. Chine&e modem blonde dining set Gaff rs A Sattler apt. el.le stove. 7 pc. Modem Bedrm. Set. . ·Supe Cluvme Breakfast eel. . Dix. ~hilco Refrigerator, 7 cu. ft. (2 yrs. old) ' -. WILL MAlCE SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS or take clean late m Kiel car to equal val11e for all or part. , PRINCIPALS, .Beacon 6118-W. . • U-llOAT8, IUPPLDlll 10 FT BOAT with outboard motr. AJao aaJI oat-both for $160, o r · eell se1 rately. 117%: Ola-· m ond Ave. Balboa laland - Harbor 127 -i.t 80c82 :U-HUSICA RADIO HAMMOND PINET 0 R O A N . Come In ar hear and play thla wonderful organ. Htar the chlme9. E µ1y terma. DANZ- SCHMIDT RIANO CO., Santa Ana, 520 N , Main. ' TWENTY Fl •E RECONDITION· ED PIA.NC$ from $85. Terms as convenle rit as $5 per mo. at SHAF ER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 o. Sy.c amore, Santa Ana. KI. 2f-0672. RENT A PI NO Sri m o. Rental appll~~ on fut ure purchase at SHAPER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 >Jo. Sycamore, Sa nta Ana. KI. !I 0672. ' ' • 4a-BU81NESl! OPPORTUN. S.ERVICE STATION, 6 yr, leue, Lube and g•rage equipment. Will 9ell a ll or part. 639 Broad- way, Laguna Beac~ Ph. L. B. 1026. 8Jc83 • For Sale by OWller eumnesa netting 11000 per mo. located In COsto Meea . Prlce 126,000 -116,000 doWn . Owner mu&t move awa'} from beach area due. to health. For app't . Write Box Q-1, c/o Newport Harbor Publishing Co. 79p84 ' . . . =· u"""'1llbod. 2 ll•Uw>ome. lldwd. floon. J'tN-- Jll¥e, . "75 • month on -"' Joi "° 5111·.t. Jumtne, Carena & ~Harbor 1978-R "" .. I IOc82 BIC.A Y tum!lhed Lido Iale o, I bedroom, Lge .living roo wltll tll'eplace, Com· pletel cozy lanai, 2 car By week r mOnth. . J . Davies 07 Cout H ry_ Corona de1 Mar f •rt>Or 11166 80c81 :x>RON.A [ li:L MAR--2 bodrm. furnlahed apt. Utilltte1 pilld. Phone HI •ll<>r 21Ml9-R. ll0cl2 INOLll Al for July A: Ausust. near ~~· $23 week. 124-tOth St., N~rt Peach. Ph. Harbor 0848-R. ! • 80c85 ft~~"' SJ>ECIALISTS eai1-~ .. inwoo Vic1', Rltor. --~llld. liar. IOU. - NEWPORT BLAND Wate r Front, Aparbnent-1 bdrm. $60 wk. 2 bed.rm 5 week. 3711 Chan- nel Place, Newport Island. Ph. Harbor 1 17-J. _ 74c82 .fOOERN 1 URNISffED 2 et ory how:e In Coata Meaa. 2 large bednna. 1 win beda. Sun room and &leeplr g porc h. 3 or 4 adults. no peta. I 5 mo. Gardene r ser- vlc.e. A . P Wad.IJworlh. 'i~ G£'n- S297 b~• lovt y Jl ttle be.by S pinet . 110 pPr IT o. Bench included DANZ-SCHMIDT\. 1520 No. Main, com er 8th. 4!-WANTEO TO RENT j eral deli\'cr)', Costa Mf'sa. -------------80c81 SPI NET P lAr.OS -All bargain s! K lmbftl, K be, \Vurli tzer, Hard· mlln, Lest e , Ba ldwin, Qulbra.i•· !len, Harr tntrton, Winter. Come ln and see our Immense stock . DANZ·SCH \{IDT BIG PIANO STORE. Satita Ana. 520 N orth Main , Corn r 6th St. • E MPLOYE D W 0 1.1AN wa.nte r m. in Corona dPI Mar a t a 111e118ible rnt(". RPfl'rf·nces glvl'n. P hone H arbor 2290-\V , ask for Lee. 8lc83 4S-APARTMENTS & HOUSES NEWPORT ISLAND Waterfront. P ier &: lloat. Furnished house. Sleeps 6. 3901 Marcus, Harbor 1045-M. 64trc ~ BEDRAf. ~early new, furnlflhl'd houae. Beiit location. Corona dl'I Mar. S I~ mo., yr-a.rs IPl\.'\t>. 418 N arci.t.sus. Call owner H n r. 241 2-W ~te r 9 p. n1. or Long Beach 80~16 days. 8 1p83 " BEDR00 "1' H OUSE furnis hed com plete. Large patio. Bc>auti- fully kcp yart.1. ShoY.' place. No pets. 7 D J\.'lain St .. Hunting· ton Bea c Ph. H . B. 6-23 20. ;, 8t p83 PIANOS, US ::oD. Prices start at $39, 14~. S ~nd up. Full trade- l?) allowed I up t o two yeaNJ. Ba by Grand 1387. Another Ba by Gra nd for 11481 . Spinet Piano f\Jll k eybo rd. $297. Terms. DANZ· SC MlDT P IANO CO .. Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, cor- ner 6th St. BALBON ISLA ND, 4 bdrm. home nicely fu rnls hr d on South Bay \JEW AT'TflACTIVE studio apt .. Front. \Vonderfu l vle-w. Very special rnde by \\'t'f'k or n1onlh. clean & com fo rtable. Harbor ., ill Ht'liot topf'. CoronA dtl Jl.1a r. 2694-\V. 74trc 1 H a rbor 22f'38 -\V. 81 c83 SPINET. A Wauty. Just like ne\\'. SUMMER R ENTALS -Two 2-l l bdrm. furnished home.a-Special rates by month o r season. 113 ALBOA PARTM ENT -2 Via Kora n, L ido Isle Ha r . 2671 -J 1· r oon1s, O('jr ba y e nd ocran, $~0 69c83 per week. See Mr. Danirll , 4118 GOOD INCOME . · UNITS - R·2 LO'!'. dbl. gar, eoncnte lllk. eonalMJctlon. -l B. R . knotty plne apt. Room to build In tront Beautiful lawn, $8600. 3 unlta on cor. Jot. 45xll8, I~ yra. old. 2 car garage. Shake shingle con5truct ion . Shingle roof. Two 2 -bedroom unit.a 1 bachelor • apt., all cotnplete.ly furnished. 1 unit leased 'tll Jone ·~1 . $85 mo. 2 untta now ready to take advantage> of eumme r rentals. Hurry. It'a priced to sell! Ed L. Sedelmeier 1523 Coast Blvd. Corona cl.el Mar Phone Harbor 2766 BALBOA ISLAND On Lil lie Island, furnlahed 3-B. R . \vith income ap t ., Near South Bay. $15,000 GERTRUDE A. WALDRON F. P . WALDRO N, BROKER 308 Marin@, Balboa Illland Harbor.234-R ~EAL !ST Al?E ,J " c:.·~nO FAMILY HOME 2 etory Dutch Colonial _Patio Fine Landscaping 3 bedroom.a 2 b&tla 2 Ca.r Garage PRICED RIGHT VALUE 2 bedroom Modem home Well loca ted Garage at tached 17950 ATiiuCTI\rE TERA.IS FORFUTuRE IMPROVEMENT On R2lot W ell alt uated Livable 2 bedroom H ome on rea r Room tor another unit $80-00 SMALL DOWN PAYJ.1 ENT -------BOc- 8 - 2 MARGUERITE BEST SECTION, CORONA DEL 2 bt'droom home Ave· MAR -Ownet transferred-3 Carpeted hdwd floors bedroom ~Rex Brandt design. Like new I mmedia te occupancy. 12100 A-1 Construction down. Call Harbor 1245-R Ownf'r must move 80c8 1 $1 0,500 GOOD INCOME CHARMJNG 3 , BEDRAf., 2 bat h home. Fireplace. Patio, Den. PLUS C'UlP 1 bed.rm apt. AL80 bachelor room with bath. 12 Blk. to bay, Balboa lsland. $24,000 Marilyn Leidy, Realtor 3_15 :P.1 ARINE, BALBOA IS LA ND. ;Harbor 1958 80c82 $500 DOWN T WO NEW 2 BEDRM. H OMES FOR Jl.fR. & A1RS. G. I. LoL'! of nice rea tures that make a · real home. F ire plac e, hdwd. fl oore. Dbl. garage. Nicely lo- cated in Cor ona de l Mar. YES, ONLY $500 DOWN! S<'e :NEAL HOUGAN ;>(}() Coa.i;t Blvd., Corona de) Mar 2 LOTS t 60x85 to alle-y) i:.! block from ocean, Newport FULL PRJCE $1 300 Owner Harbor 3063-J 8Jc83 OY.'NER LEAVING BE ST TERMS BEAUTIFUL LIDO New borne 2 bedrooms S trtklng interior design Many fine appoin tments Walled patio Profuse planting 35 ft fronta ge Shown by ap1>01ntment GEO. J. DA VIES 507 COAST HIGH\\' A Y Corona del Mar Ha rbor 1665 RESULTS ~ben you "''ant RESL'L TS on i.JDO ISLE you oon1 e-to HEAD- QUARTERS. If you \\·ant a good BU Y or if you \\·a nt to sell come to the DEVELOPERS ol LIDO ISLE. This \~·rek ...,,.~ arc otrr ring Sf'Vl'ral ('Xcellent BUYS. Such a s : Kills Insect s on Cont act Qt•. $1.25 Gal. $4 .00 69p881 I. C. R ACING class dingh y, new sail. Sia S"e Saturday a nd Sunday. 2022 1olirar.1ar, Balboa. H a r bor 1803-\V. 78c81 Repo~essecJt J ust pa y out bal· a nce. Allother in walnut case. $385. DAN -SCHM1DT PIANO CO. The f ome or the Knabe P lano, 520 I o. Main, Santa Ana _B_A_L_B_O_A--A-p-ar_t_m_e_n_t_, __ &_roo_m_•· i E . Ba l~a l Blvd., Balboa. Inqu lr~ 901 East Bay F ron t, I Ba lboa . 73p87 Bl pS2 Must :;K'JI 3 bedrm. home In S.· _ \V . Snnta Ana . G. I. Loan . l . On one of lhe choicf' strrf'ts of LIQO ISLE is a spa cious 3· bedroom hom e t hat hns evl.'ry- l hing. An extra lovely Ian ni opening Into cozy covered patio. unit hl'a l, 2 baths, stall tih· s howers, copper pipl':S, \\'('a th<'r - ntripping, corn pte tc planting, ovf'rsize garag<'. are just a rC'V.' or t he many DELUXE features of this splendid hon1e. Con1- pletely c arpeted, thie bon1t' is Ideal for a family v.:it h child r('n. Don't mias t his -special prt('r and t£'rms. YES, "'" are F.X- C LUSIVE agl'nts on this. WHITLOCKS \ HOUSE OF COLOR Servel Gas Refrig. S ~'0\\1BIRD i'n ex:crllent con- dition, r('cently rcftni°ehed wtth doily. 2040 Ocean Front, Ni?w- Ri:NT A PIA 0 , $5 per mo. Rent credit allow ~d if you buy '\~rlt!i· tn t erm. L t the kiddie• learn. DANZ-SCH' !IDT, 520 N. Main. Santa Ana, oomer 9th St. LIDO ISLE N LEASE-!..-Ne\\• bedrn1. cof tagt>, Corona de-11 Ma r. unfurnis hed 2-\\'ill tnkC' lot in Harbor area. 6 ·cu. tt. m odel 508 Marinold , Phan<' Ha1bor 1086-\IV. 79c81 $135 81 c-83 2607 W . Newport Blvd. Har . 2938 Newport Beach DAviS-BROWN CO. • por t Bea ch. See F t1day t hn.i Sunday. P h. Ha rbor 0368-R. 79pS1 FOR RENT seven.I beafltltul apartment• by the w eek or month. Aleo when you want a good house u a summer rental SEE US. • 80c81 1885' Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa BABY GRA1!JD. Kimball, used. J BEE ~EST HA VEN ~----~~~---~~ Television Service RADIO REPAffiS l.4l.n7 llwen • • Harold Hamm Technician• KESA RADIO A TELEVISIOS 106 Broadway, C. M. Bea. 5808-J 50t.fc FIREWORKS W orld's Biggest Stand FREE ~p ARKLERS a wbole bOlr to each pt'rson brinJin& this ad. TERRY'H J'lRE WORK8 ~ ml. Wut ot "Archea" on Cout Highway. N~w port 79p81 2 FISHING CHAIRS-"ic:ely uphol- stered. Heavy construction. Ex· cellcnt condition . Cost new $1 65 each, Will take $50 each. I nquire at Balboa 'tacht Buin office. 80c82 MARLIN F I SHING ROD, 10. 0 Penn ree l and line. Uaed oncf'. Complete, $55 Harbor 2016-Yl 81 c83 FOR S ALE OR EXCH ANGF. HA VE white table top r;:as ran~l'. Good condition. Want a pt. siZP gas range. 721 Poppy. Corona del Mar. 8tc8:1 ll~WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY small ~faste r. bil t skill . !:law. Beacon 5817 -R. 80081 12 F'l'. J O!-lNSO:-J -SAILING DINGHY, good order, complet e. $30, _332 Buena Vista Blvd., Bal- boa . 79p81 Sl':IPE. exC'f'llent condition. First rt-asonablt• offer takes. 458 E. 18t h Costa J.tesa. Bea . 8037-\V. 79c81 OFF SHORE MOORING, Bt>acon Ilay. j us t overha ul£'d . Call D ick Logan, \\'hitney 4245, Los An- gelrs. 1g.ps1 S Ai i.I NG DING HY, Watts aall. i1 :10. Owner !roving. muRt sell by F rida y. 130J No. Bay Front, Balboa Isla.nd. Harbor 24~1-M. ~9p8l WATSON DINGHY complet e. With fittings. Ca}I Harbor ~8. 79p81 Less than })alf price . Gorgeous tone. Trad~ In your old piano. ,-DAN Z-BCHifIDT P I ANO CO., Santa Ana. 520 No. Main, cor. 6t h. Knabe P ianos. E LECTRIC R GAN. Used less t ba n six ~onths. B ig saving. Re al pipe J?r gan tone. E as,.· tenn1. DANZ-SCHMIDT, San· t a k a . 520 tN°· Main, cOmer ~th. WANTED: ;f> used pianos. ·tor rental. Tt-a e yours. H ighest c a & h allo ~ance on Organs, Pianos and T elevision . ~I. on ea•y t erm1 DANZ · SCHMIDT PlA_NO CO. 520 No. Main, San- ta 4na. LIDO ISLE PROPERTIES, INC. 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1600 Mite f?<>flta Af esn.'sJ most beautiful trail I er court. Spaces 115 to l17.5ll per m onth. 1741 P om ona, Co~ts Mesa. Beaton 6747-J . 47trr \V A T E R F'RONT A partment- Summer r('nt a l nO\Y, $35 wk . to July l at . $50 wk. after. 3711 ! Channel Place, Newport I.stand. 1 LILY TRAILER PARK Ha r bor 1217-J . 74c82 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISH ED - brand nf'w la rge 2-bedrm., n <'ar wat('r. Sumnl('r or ll'S..'!l'. 503 Carnat ion , Corona del Mar. 80c82 Open under· new m anageml'nt Spaces $4 per week. i 2560 NIEWPORT BLVD. cqsTA MESA ' 80p!I.'"• ' I '4-ROO~lS k R RENT Lido Isle Bay Front FURNlSHED ROOM. Private en: APTS. 1 & 2 bedrm., prlv. t;ieach. I trance an4 bath C,1)81'2 Mari- .., 2 ONLY By wel'k or n1orith. R easonable 1· gold, Corora del ' Mar. Stc83 S ·uh I Full I OOMS FOR RENT by dny, W("~k h'V.t Y use · Y guarantef'd . MODERN• 2·bedrm: unfurnished or m onth, eaaonable ra te&. 123 Big savings 1:e~:"' $10-~r 1,110· house with stovc and refrig . 28th &t.1 t-c.wport Beach, ~~cH W11 Nlilli:D GOOD ~:Y!<;l ' Refrigerators! ~I -'i mi.klQ.&' long , Wades: these -------------- a. atop in and aee the new S%-FURNITURE FOR SALZ modela on d!Jplay at · 551· stone Ketch P ACKi\RD ~LL T ELEVISION . fates. Harbor 2652. 70tlc ' at.H :SHl\,F . S MUSIC · CO.. 4_fJ ults or with teen ·a g ers 2 · ' ' · 1 • I Since 1907 ~ 42'1 N o. 'SycSn1orl', • .b1k8 l b Shd'p:' ci\'at: ttHb' Ha~bor ... 1 -~_.-t ii~ J ' ·! 1 ·~,, l • SA.nla Ana.• Kl . 2-0672. Blvd., Costa Meaa. 79cSl • ,_.ftENT~ 1' JSCELLA~EOUS Recently completel y r efin- ished. Beaut iful d ec k s, l FURNISH ED 4-room house. Se r-j Factory pace for Lease DAVIS-BROWN CO. GENUINE RATTAN 1116 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mf:sa APRICOTS Accor ion Sale Fumit.ure m·ade in the Philippines: Teak t rim. S to S radio. vel, Bendix. Appl)' a fter 4 1 3000 to 8000 sq. f t . \n and ln our own work shops. Lots of sails, 1 2v water SP ECIAL IM PORT PURCHASE o'clock. 1593 San BerJ'\&rdlno I Cc sta Mesa See the largest selection In So. t. O 0 1 P.lace Coal& Mesa 79c81 cooled gener at or . Universal, 1t n Y • ' · · f Ca. ll +arbor 1964 Calif .. compare pricea. Bk. trms. 120 bass Bofelll Italian a ceordl · HOUSE AND GARDEN reduction drive, m o t 0 r . on (reg. $2l 5>. while theY. last sµMME R RENTAL on ocean 80c82 We specialize in tree ripened 611 Oout HJway, Nwpt. B. 5277 SI 8 2 h d T $169.96, trictcJ,lng ·case. Terms Front. Balboa. 2 bed.rm. ·a pt. 53c54 eeps • ea S. op fu rnished $225 mo. Phone Har-c·, •lJTOM' Dn •a, TJB•o R 1 · f h d d"t ' $19.Q5 dn., S mo. at SHAFER'S itt--,... •• ~ £..:;:, oya apncots or ome appearance an con 1 ion. MU S'IC co., (since 1907) 421 N , bar 1422-w. 79c8t 1 canning. 4c, 6c and 8c lb. Bamboo Small trade-in acceptable. Sycamore, santa Ana. KI. NEW APTS. Furn. or unrun.-Up 'No Do· rn Payment 5 lb. baaketa & 2fi lb. lugs. Rattan Furniture $14,500 2..oea. or down sta iro. WIL•on and 1 .About 30 aro to chooae from. Principals. Beacon 6118-W· •11:-noos c" ""a P~. Newport Blvd., Costa Me::i~ I '~ ,and p; for lnalance. 8 New o0c82 -• ,. , • .., ~ • .., 1.cs1 · $195 car. 10.n per month. Hillside Orcha" rd ••. N ~--t Bl d La B v.i. . .>o-t • ...........,, V ., gune e nch_ WHIT~ PE~ PUPS-A. K. C. NEW 1:RM. 1 bedrm. _apt. $60. ·BEAUTIFUL HOMES Ne\\· 2 bl.'-drn1 . h\\'d. Ors., fln:•place, dbl. gar ... s 9.4 ~ New :i bUrm. hwd, firs. ri rl'place, dbl ga,rage .... 11 ,900 Ed L . Sedelmeier 1523 Coa st Blvd. Cor ona del Mar Phone Harbor 2766 · :\~l\IOSEY TO LOAN • FOR LOANS On good residence and commerc1· al property, it will pay you to W. E. Flack 515 No. Main Santa An!l Kl. 3·7778 97c93 LOANS For Homes j ' • • Wlt.h , 4;J!>., ~!fi 1h '70 Int. Long t erm. Low paymtnt Specializing in F. H . A. and 0 . I. Plarui. 5 ~~ ~4 Cona:trucu on Loana CALL BOB SA 'ITLER Har, 3163 for Free Appralaal Re p. P OIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro. Lite Ina. Fund&. KI 3-!5185 44t!c t..OANS TO BUILD, IMPROVE BUT, MODERNIZE, OR REFIN.t.NCIC We Buy Trust Deeda . 'lEWPORT BALBOA P'ICDEK.AL SA VINOS & LOAN ASSN. 33.'13 Via Udo Pb. Har. 1000 : Si nmons CJJsed C r Exchange 1_116_ ... _-{J() __ L_LE_CTI_o_N_A_oc_v_. _ 2251 TuoUn .Ave. Costa M•sa. -----------7-3t_rc BOOKS-SEA BOOKS Toydom .str.ln. 6100 SeW1hore Lease desir ed 1 blk to Co•ta 79c81 Drive, Newport Beach. Harbor A-fesa b.usiness district . Adults. NORGE n>frigerator '60. 2 door A fine st ock of books on all yacht-OI26~W. i 81c83 no pets. Phone Beacon 6017-W • NAVY SURPLUS PAINT outside while, gufrant~ Per gallon $2.95 Surplus Store 1&29 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Beacon 8204 7k93 Don't Throw It Away! &llLL rr TO NEWPORT · SALVAGE _Wo 8'17 ~ .1-, Kotelo, ·ai-Rap: • .,.,oot Jmrr· ~- Frigidaire $150. Two rattan Ing subj C'ctt:1-Plus a ll current J'' before 10 or after 6. 79c81 chairs. P hone Harbor 1~33. books . Lending library. • 80c82 4o-BU!llNJ: OPPOftTUN. SUMMER RENTALS at BEACH The Islanders . l . . HOUSE APTS. Now available. 1315 s. Ma. I . . s. A.. KI 2-54~ 39c53 1949 HILLM+N MINX 4dr 8edan 111,000 mllet Radio. $800 u Is. I Original o er. 369 Eu t 17th BED DIVAN Sl5~ Glass: top corner 214 Ma rine, Balboa I s. H a r 1547 WATER 1 COMP AN"Y Everything furn. 112 . .50 w eek . table $12. Metal ice box $10. 135 ___________ aoc __ s_1H~ t 616 W . Ba lboa Blvd., Balboa. Topu. Balboa Island. P hone delivers wa r to over 500 79p81 Harbor 2387-1.{ 80c82 SNrPE, completely cquipl. Xlnt. lls St. Costa eaa, Apt . A. I I 80p82 condiUon"'With mooring So. Bay, homes, has four deep we • LOVELY C LEAN APT. on water 1 ' d F · bank 10-40 MERCURY 4 d.r sedan. Ex· Balbo4 Island. Owner transfer-Peer ess nn ll1I' s~ 2 bdrms ., bat h, shower, uv. rm. ,...... cellent con<1ition. W ill trade for red East-Harbor 2392-R, 207 Morse pun ps, miles of pipe kitchen and brkrut nook. 1,40 o r •41 P ickup. 2o2o Placentia 18th Century Mahogany 3pc ·BED- ROOM SET, sleigh t ype bed, box spring • mattress in perfect c011dition. 712 Beacon St., New- port Height.a. Beacon 5291-J Coral Ave., Balboa bland. $800 Frigida.Jre, garage. $300 for Ave. Costa Me&&. 80p81 80c82 lines, inc me over July and Aur. $60 m o. to June , ------------per montl l•L Harbor &91-W. 79trc i1eu~ifP;:;A~~flo:-CcomNiivliER;:R-·i'niBiBLE::E New Hunt Craft 33 be th •'New paint ~!>-motor complete-80c82 BREAKFAST SET, oventuffed - chair, 3 lalr\Jle. mt.c.., ltema. See at 3016 W. Newport Blvd. . 80c82 HOME FURNIBmNGS for SALii: Income Cl n more an YE.ARLY-Small tumlahed houae, I '\: ., ly overba ed -in spl~ndld SA VE•$3po<) doubled h, installing water Corona del Mar to resporudble mechanical , nd!Uon. $50 down meters -Which h.U been couple. Write to 3572 Nort.l'l D., land ~ paymenta .. Phone Factory to you' San Bemar<11no. Phone 817-lllS ~-~, I BOc82 · · • approved Jty Railroad com-, 79c81 ~ ~ "The most of the best T!,;0 • for the least" m.ia81on. 17" company is CHILDREN WELCOME. 2 bed-!!'~-::?~~~!....---...:_· __ Rel•~ washer, bed-apr. A: mat .. m.lrrora. antiquea, din. 8Uite, 9xU rug 6 pad. ptcturee.• 2033 E. Oce&ll Blvd-. Balboa. Ph. Beacon 6ll8-W Incorporated and is In the rooma; oleepo 5 or 6, i'&Uo, Duk 1 FT. HOl 'slC TR.AILER, le• 20 Fr. CABIN CRUISICR . =: ' =;::~tBm& to re-~;::=·r-•~ PU!o ~ a!.iet~ ;., ~~~ .... 8= don't have no USe for, do you llabare ~ By iflatalling ALSO bachelor 2 room &JeloPll 3 "Call Ma&et, Bar. 2950. , 80c82 80p82 W1IDt It? $12SO. See at Bal-_.._ 'tional Income or 4 $25 wk. 1 llH& CU8IDl.AN motor aoooter. S'lliiilL J'OLDJNO TWIN -"bed Oofto. Call at Harbor. U92-R. _.., Own•r ~ nl Newport 't~~O~K~&!!l'~l'O~LO~AN~-...:..-- • FOd -.11on Ma. N~ -• 11.t. flUllll Bed Dinn '40: , ndl will pay 't company In a ~ 2MU( - • ()!!-~ .. -... ~-U...-W ~pi. wood &"!' llFT.REDWOODPISHnlGdor7 ~-years. IOdll "·-,I te Loans Jf~ -~ .. 'fetlel c:llalf ~ S Twin --~O H.· 1'. JOhnoon -•-... £. G. =.t' __ ,. ~ WlDOW W1LL • ... _ .. IL-...... • •• ~-~ ,ye ..,.. SllAIUI Bay .• •'II --· • •-__,... tlllt .. ---.ea: ~WSJ na.ct4J baaid motor. Prac:t.lcally MW. 8'al9 home '"-i....ta ...._. ~·nr··-·. tllMll'-.. ... ...... ......... A1oo. H.P.~·--··-~ ' No ass .... Write .. boacb wltll -fGr ~. JUcb , .--w --N .---· ---~ ~ <' ' -.. or motbor wttll I or 2 1 ••ta AM Oo. RMJ1Gn .....--Y awpo."l lamp '3. ~_!" -coqd. 3S7 , ............ ble. '112 Cl')'ltaJ, •Doo Boz R-.l . • tlli8 ~· cbil4iwi.. Bee-.-JU-WK II lw. tfl• ......... XU.7U4 ., ,,. -ll'lt. tocll .Vill Udo ...-.. Udo 1olo. _ _. -nd. Harbor i._ --• ..., . ~ • ..,..-... nctl. " • . • 49c:P • Ttc93 . ' I COLL·ECTIONS The oldest o rga.ni%atlon in Orange County specia llz:ing In the col- lection of delinquent a ccounts. Established in Santa Ana for 28 years. Appling Collection Co. Commercial Nat'l. Bank Bldg. 4th and Bush, Santa Ana KI. 2·3570 end KI. 2·3579 9ttc 81-REAL l!'.8TATll DCJIANOE MODERN HOME • and Duplex" nearly new. AU nicely tumlthed on P enl.nsula Point. Belbcw Want aubdivta.foa aCftal'• °" Iota or tmall well located pro~ erty In eomo good community. Write owae:r, M.Ol.5 Brt&Jlloo Way, Rm. 2'1. JkTerlY Hlll• CReotmw. UUl ott Harbor 0812-W •eek -10tfc V>JLL TIU.Dll )l.,.U. .. ,. i'n>nt Lot OD Udo ~ fOC" -OJl4 kit on Bafboe •.aud Phone ~ -""' llOcl2 2. Al.so on LIDO IS LE a !H11art brand nC'w 2 bf'droon1 hon\r, ideal for weekends or i;t1~ady y('ar a round li ving. Very JatrMt in modtrn des ign and conv1·ni- t>n c£1s. Herc is HAPPIXF:SS for a small a mount of nion('y PriCf'd a( 0 1\"LY S13.900 T his hag a loan of Si500 on it T his ls value. YES on LIDO lS l .E . ALSO On LIDO I SLE som"' "·ond••rful building sites, <'i l her for In- come purposes or single ho1ne-s . T HINK of buying a \.\1 ATP.R· FRONT lot -45 fl . fo r only $12 ,750. S:ri,()00 band lr~. Al ~o other lol.8 on LI DO JSLF. ti t t ensibh.• prices wilh easy t•·r ms. 114 ~°'? ISJLE a li~Ue buyM a Lidci Isle Properties, Inc. 3333 Via Lido ~rwport Beach. Calif. Harbor 150Q Here's another lovely 2 bed -• room home typical of Co- r o n a deI M a r . H as every- thing a nice house s hould have. HOWEVER this on e can be bought fo r only $1000 down, $85 mo. Sf"e NEAL HOUCAN 500 Coaat Blvd., Gorona del Mar Exceptional Home THIS BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrm. place wu built by a good builder for hli dwn borne. Rear yard wa ti ~encloa.ed. Walking diet.a.nee lo town. $10,000, terms. SO n . ctoee tn Eut side k>t. $1,350 cuh. HARBOR BLVI). Best Buys Close In C~1;~8~u-~.1r~~~~r.~~GE M Jt 130. corner ---r--'6,&00 -I Good U.tlnga warted ROBT. H . MQT'"'*1'"''E""T'" 1900 Harbor Blvd., COst.a Mesa aea. 122•-' it.... Bea. 5n7-J Owner in Santa cr\lZ phoned us and 88.ld "Sell My House on :u<Jo." J Ita 2 oto<y, 3 ltedml, 2 baUuo with an u.cdlent e.,Uo, near Cl-Priced at '11 ~ IMlt iemember . c:....-. "Sell" p-., Hubor, 1100 • • BLANCHE 'A. GAT~. Realtor • ' HOWARD F. CARNAHAN, Salee • "'· 311 Marine Ave., BalbQa Island Pho Bar. 1871 or 1672 Harbor. 7f6.1' eventnp· $21,000., INOOMEc Charming , 2 B. R. home PLUS l B, R. Apt. Both comp. furn. Beaut. patio. , Dbl. gar. Nr. No. Bay " shop. center. Xlnt term.a JlEAI.I,Y a buy. . $9,960. A little gem, nr. So. Bity. Two B. R., din, rm. patio. Landllcaped I< fenced (yrs. old, terms. $12,000. Waterfront home, S B. R. ·l'h ha. dbl. gar. HOWie la old hut very livable, and lot alone is worth uklng price. $3000 down. $19, 7!50. Beaut. 4 B. R., 2 ba. home. Patio, sun deck. Dbl gar. Nr. shopping center. Furnished. Terms. We have three or four residential (R2) Iota for aale and 1 business lot. Ask for pricea. CORONA DELMAR ' $1,000. dn. to G. I. Beautiful new 3 B. R. home, Forced air heat. H. W. firs., frpL, dbl. gar, 1000 aq. ft. in house. Xlnt. terms for non G. I. $11,900 ATTENTION G. I. $650 dn. with low monthly pay· menta. Move into brand new beaut. 2 BR· in° <llvidual home So. of Hgy. Hdwd. firs. Dbl. gar. HURRY aa this is almost completed and WI)\ he sold quickly. · , INCOME. 3 Units. Just completed. Near Ocean Blvd. with marine view. Beautiful 2 B. R . 2 bath, din. rm. home, unit beat. H. W. firs .. charming inter· ior and exterior, PLUS large one ·hj!<I rm. apt., and most attractive bachelor apt. with kitchen. ' Dbl. g a r . and parking space. Exceptionally well built and unusually good .incom.I property. Grounds landscaped. • LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL BAY SHORES $10,500. Charm. 2 B. R. home 1 yr. old Patio. dbl. gar. Xlnt. terms. $14,000. Beaut. new 3 B. R. home. 1 1/" baths. Wa lled Patio. Dbl. gar. Xlnt. terms. COSTA MESA YOU DON'T NEED TO BE A VETER:AN to take over G. I. loan on charm. 2 B. R. & den home. Dbl. gar. Large fenced & landscaped grounds. $2500 dn. low monthly payments. ~st residen- tial section & near schools. / LISTINGS WANTED BLANCHE A. GATES -Realtor CORONA HIGHLANDS New Owners New Prices! New erms! Rolling hillside homesites overlookln hills ·and Newport Ha~bor. Only in Coron& Hi hlands can such spacious building sites be secured for eo little money. As long as·5 years to pay f r lots. All improvements are in and paid for Residents have access to private beach. Fully estricted to guarantee future values. Prices reduced as much a;s 50 '70 AT CORONA DEL MAR, CAµF, · CORONA HIGliLANbs Newt Coz, Sal"" Mgr. Walter B. Mellolt .. Inc Owner PH. HARBOR 414-J HAjROOR 2533 I F:REE ADVERTISING GUARANTEED . . • 'd G. N. Wiili J.S I arok•r · ' " -Good 2 Bedrm. Home 1 % ;rra. o14. N"'81y 1•-Md. bis iot. 0ouop1ot.11 ,...,,.., .... ~aide, ftDo ~ Price MOOO. $1000 Down, _$58 140. 2 Bedroom Howie oa .... of ...,uad. Ill&' -.. ror ho ....... tc: c-to -seooo. Take .11 to JO -tn~ .,. tn .. down ...,...t. -NICI: TWO JIEDltOOK RQMll OJl 1/3 ...... -utltllllJ plaats od to fruit ~ ......- and tlowera.1 Gara ... A G~ Buy at $6360 GOOD ' LnTLE two bedroom • . . • CORONA DEL MAR + . ' • . . . . [ # i TIES " -. ' w Lyll!I • Realton L. Lynn :7:i.:;;db~::.::.=~i;:t. l~ -:;: ;; = ~ houae, South of mvd., 2 hlocb ~ Ocean, C D. M. e living room with fireplace and beamed ceill!'g ,; Fellced yard, wn, patio dbl. garage. A; B AIN, DEFINITE,LY. Monthly ~ymenta mu 1-th'f1 rent. · . VIEW 3 bedroom home.on-;-ft. Jot; hd,.'.d. ~ .. fire~ beamed celling; enclosed patio, dbl. gar., lawn.In rear "11th. TRElES. Full ~rice $18,000. . . ·I I FIRST OFF'ERING "FOR SALE"-187 ft. OOAST BLVD. FRO AGE, CDW SEE MR. LYNN. i I ' --I • • .ALSO lilzclwilve llfferlng, entire block, Coast Blvd. Frontage, C. b. M. Incl g all build· ns of health, owner of these established bus 11418 JI) t retire. • llip, separate businesses, fixtures, furnishings ant=ocll: .. ~;'.~:: .::;1yklt:;,~~ ~· New Bra ch Office in Far~house Motel, 1364 poast B vd., ~, D. M. garage and ~ corral w1lh bam. Full ,pri<• onlJ J7000. .• CORONA DEL MAR . PROPERTIES Owner boqht ranch In ldallo N · ..!.> C d ) 't.I ~ and rl!&lly wuta to .. ll ew ch Office at 1304 Coast Bouleva1u, oro a e -..r You Name the Terms 411 Coas Boulevard, . Corona del Mar !Phone arbor 1037 Only $2000 handles· lovely new _, front home?!? No telephone lnfor· mauon. - Lovely big 3 bdTm HOME. Df'ntng room, full tUe kitchen, 1 11ervlce porch, both stall ahower and tub in b&tll· room, haf.dwood floors, fire· place, floor furnace. Beautiful yard, both front and bac k. Redwood shf'lter, doublt> garage, large lot w ith rear yard ft>nced. Paved alh~y. Only $3000 band.lea. 4 1# loan on balance. Full price Sll,800 . Be sure a.nd see this one before you buy. Dandy little home Right in town. Large lot. Big shade trees . Only $4600. JOE McKEE, Salesman GEO. B. WEISS, Bualneas Broker 1790 Nev.·port Blvd., Costa Mesa "THE BEST TOWN ON EARTH'' Phones: Office Beacon 5181 Rn. Phone Beacon GM~J. or Beacon !'.~29·M 2 B. R. Home -1/2 ac, A N ICE PLACE built In 1947 with lots o f elbow room. Hu garden and fruit trees. H ouae Is well built w ith hardwOQd floors, tile work and other quality features, attractive, clPan and nl"&t a.11 a pin. A Best Buy -$7,250 -· $2360 down -- ONE OF THE LOVELJEST 3 • btdrm. homes tn C09t& Meu'11 Broadway tteetlon. Built 1947. . Has fireplace, hdwd. firs., patio and is i n immaculate condition. Monthly paymenla $~.80 Priced fa r below a ctual cost. $10,900 Newport Heights VOGEL VALUES I ~ BALBOA FOR R NT WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE 2 year old two sto , 6 bedroom home, Arl , across from public beach, unobstructed marine view. 3000 aq. ft. of superb construction. See this today! Harbor ~45 or Harbor 14 7. ,.. . ON LIDO ISLE We have an unusual value in this 2-year old completely charming three bed, room two bath home in tropical motif. Light wood· panelled living room pro- videa a delightful hack ground for the rattan furniture (which is optional) large corner picture window with permanent Bay view. Payne fltrnace-attractive front patio. $21,900. Harbor 1960 . Keys a.t 434 32nd St. (next to Newport Be!lch Poet Office. BAY FRONT AND BRAND NEW -with lots of plate 'glass and modernistid wood panelling 40' water frontage, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, FHA loan available and builder own- er will sell for $18,000. This you must see! Harbor 1960 or Harbor 2476. · CORONA DEL MAR $2500 .DOWN buys completely furnished 3 bedroom home---separate dining rm. Hardwood floors, fireplace. This has everything including lov.!ly blonde modern- istic furniture and a 49(-loan which can be assumed. Full pr. $14,500 Har. 17~1 THE JOHN VOGEL COMP ANY . 100 Main, Balboa 177-22nd St., Newport Beach 1301 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar 434 • 32nd Et .. Newport Beach . • G. I. Resale $1400Down BUY A HOME PERFECT VIEW HERE IS THE BEST B U Y in thia locallm.Y ! Located on a corner Jot pn Broadway, Costa Mesa, lhla 2 bedrnt. home is only 4 year.A old. Hu nice llv· Ing rm. Full slze dlning room. ·Fireplace, · f\lmace, Full tile bath with ! tub and showi!r. Shingle root . 2 car garage. Pay. menl.!!I are bnly $1 9.20 \For a good buy, Jet u.<1 s how you th!" pro(lf'rty . . DON'T FORGET, bNLY 1 7'> INTER. EST! I _ . ' Approx. 1 acre, $2000 FIRST! ! A NEAT 1 BEDROOM HOME, well JocatC'd near Hl&h School. Lnrge living f'CM)fl\ Md Mdrm. Plenty closeta. Built to add 2nd bdrm. later. $6800. $1000 down. NEWPORT HEl'.dltts a bedrOom beauty. Big Jlv. room, nreplace, dln. room, over 1300 sq. feet. Prtce $11,000. Teml9 an.tlable. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, 2 bedrm . home, hdwd. n oon , tile, near hlg-h tJC:hool and grade acltool, 2 years old and looQ like new. Paved streets and alleya paid for , aewen and utllltiee all In. The prtce or $8350 makea this the best buy in the Heights . $3300 down. LARGE OLDER H OME facing the Santa Ana Country Club on M esa Drl..ve. Lot 70x1:5o0 FULL PRtCE $7000 $1000 dn. and $r'>O per month. YOU CAN'T AFJ'ORD TO RENT ). * * $100DOWN TO ANYONE for the very . nice 1 B. R. home 2 yra. okl. Located among lovely homes on an 80' wide lot. Hu large living roont, dining area., tile k itchen bath and extra large bedroom. $5800 Full Price S60 per month. * * * CLOSE IN Af.proxlmately 1 a cr e or ground, l~'x.301' cbaf in, full prL<1e ls only $2000 -IT's A" STEAL ! 1- Exceptionally Good ONE ACRE-3 bdrm. home, lot BEA1JTIFUL NEW 3 B. R . home is 125' wide,\nlce HUrroundlngs, (lCl&o eq , fl.) hdwd. tloot'I - clo.se to blvd. & main school, Dual turnace, detached double n ew chain link fe nce. Plenty guase.-. value h&re. G .J. re:sale-,10,900. LOT 72' x 117 • • ..... aTA.ft, • a w•••.mr•n ' •' . • STANLEY SPEClALS : r EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS • •• • • CORONA DEL MAR R&JUILY--. °"" llDd • buy lllle t..-s -.. s Whf. UU. 1""9td?.r.ce on ID' fl'cmtaa•.. l:xcb.&stN 8ecttoa ol Cor<ma dot Jl&r, Loni)", -""" "'~•peel .....-wttll -ol Paclfle. Oni;J '21.llOO corapletaty fUnllabecl. OoGtact T-Payne at Barbot-247• ftlr ~r IAfonnatloe on WO --t- BAUBOA BAYSHORES ' ATJ'RACTIVE 3 bedl"06m home wltll flreplac•. Wall to wall carpetlag throughout, dlnlD1 room. bath with atall ebowe<, 1oto of tile. llecluded patio. Tard completely fenced and -•peel. 2 car g&nl•· THIS HOMJ: I ll IM DOl4CU0 , ~TS CONDmoN. Call Carl '")"mu·. at a.aeon 07'1 to aieie UU. home. Owner Must Sacrifice -El Bayo Tract o,n~Uon income p)ua UJa9taira 3 bedlOom well f'unUllled bome. Giant Uvil:l.g room with Bay and Ocean new, bard· wood floon, 1 ~ ~tha-over 8 garase rentala for ~ can. Block trom Newport Y. C. and J:w> feet to fines~ bathibg on Balboa Bay. Garage income underwrttea taxea, upkeep. submit OFFER. Contact Mary Dlck:Bon at Harbor 1013 or Mr., Deems at Harbor 177a. Evenings-Harbor 1.115,1.R. BALBOA'S MOST ULTRA MODERN 4 UNIT APT. BUILDING ONE BLOC:K FROM EITHER BAY OR OCEAN~i:ach apt. hu exct-pttonally Jargr living room , roomy bedroDJr\ attrac· tlve balh, up to minute kitch@n. and ample cloaet apace. It also contains a sun deck, well a rranged la\andry room and showers for bathers. Thf'y are complf'lely furnlahed with the very beat of everything. This property la a MUST for you to see if you are In the market for rental Income. It !hows a net income of 13'/t-. Ph. Beacon 5795 or Har. 1013. EARL W. STANLEY 17th aod Cout Htway lmPport Beach ' Realtor 22!5 Marine A ,.e. l~tll Uld l'.nllW Newport Beaclo 815 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Balboa Jaland 3113 W. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach • SEE "UPPER BAY HEIGHTS" 1562 MESA DRIVE .. BETWEEN SANTA ANA COUNTRY BALBOA BAY CLUB .&:ND Country Living Near the Beacij! 44 BETTER 3 BEDROOM HOMES Large Lots Real Fireplaces Hardwood Floors All Tile Kitchens and Pullmans Decorated Walls • 2 car detached Garages. GRACIOUSLY DESIGNED for f'nlf'rtaining and private com· fort _ . . See this spacious ocean view home, 3 bedrms. with 2 tile baths. Flagatone fi rf'placf', large d ining rm. a.nd many otMr charminl' feature•. Price $15,500 The owner ~as taken a lot of tlmC' and Jfide Jn mak¥ig this Into an Id eal home w!lh bea u. l tltul •urroundlngs. 'IWo bedhns., a dining room, frpl. $2000 handles. WILL FHA or a . 1. Oi'FICE ON TRACT -OPEN EVENINGS A BIO LIVABLE> HOME, 3 B. R. FULL PRICE $8750 PHONE Kl.-2-2904 We Guarantee Weekly Advertising on Your Property ·" j UNTIL SOLD! BRING YOUR LISTINGS TOI us FOR QlnCK ACTION BEACON HILL . 'REA~TY 466 Newport Blvd. Bea. 5713-R (2 blocks abOve Arches) Hdwd. and a large w indow t o view the surrounding mountains I A rt?Ost bety.Jtlful patio that has 1 a harbecOO ' a.i\d also a lath house with varloU. plants and d in. rm., hdwd, floors, tile ln * * * ' kl\ .. fenced back yard, dbl. gtr.. . . , . ; , • · F . fr· A. _ .. .. , · ·~· G, I. nloe. ~1a~,1qL 1~ and $2000 ; ,;JN'ew,nn•t· He;.,.i.+a . . • . , . ·'-! ... I -' ~· ii• 111 , l ; .. ,' , l . ., . L:J!.il._ . dn. Take over the 4% G. I. 1•""'V ~Wl w LO ooWN PAYMENT ....... I N G Ulf1VN loan A TTRACTJVE 2 bdrm. home, 10 ROBERT L. BOYDI 1 shrubbery. 1 1k Acre of Jt!:ound t hat has every ! known vark ty or fruit tree - I There-are l _gra pes, boysenber· rtea, blackrerriea and a very , nice garde~ Grounda are nicely \landscaped. · YJ'9. new. Located on beautit'Ul --~-------------------- 1213 Coast Highway . Coropa de! Mar M-1 Lot Phone Harbor 2242 I Locate4,,. ln c hoice lnduatrial di!l- tr1ct . Has small atorage bldg. o r garage on rear. Balboa Peninsula Saalticing th;is lovely 2 story •- bedrm. ocean front home. PIUll 1 bedrm. apt. over dbl. prap. . * * * • * Estate Ownership, $11,500 MUST SELL -$3250 703 Begonia Bav & Beach Realty Corona del Mar HOO Ba!ooa Blvd. Harbor 12M 78c80 SOtrrH OF WGHWAY 2 B. R . ------------ home, 24 ft. living room with beamed ceiling . Enclosed yard, 2 car garage, laundry tray, only 8 mo. old-owner leaving city. MU.st be seen to be appreciated! A Lot for Sale 35x90 Facing bay, unobstructed view, there's only one Uke It ln Bflboa, BETTER HURRY! MAGNIFICENT VlEW LOT -corner lot with adjolnln• 50 k>t. A bove N ewport Harbor. $4625 Lots of flowers, shrubs, treea Will give all or part of takes It. HURRY. and wonderful prden_ PaUo A b8.rbecue. $8500 Full Price $20,000 IN CASH Plus a 1946 -Twin Screw , Flying Bridge .wm FHA;r <;I.* 46 FT. CHRIS -CRAFT CRUISER Industrial Frontagll Fully F.quipped -Perfect Condition 180' rlsb\ 1n town ,_ than .,o Original cOllt over ~.000 per ft. BETTER HURRY For a 'IJ'Hl'.S. Newport Harbor Furniahed ResidenOll \ * * * Up to a valuation of $42,500 i; Thls ls fl Top Listing! IT'S A-REA:L B UY and that's .Barney Fr.ancque. no exaggeration! , \ REALTOR • Full Price $;10 ,800 LILLIAN u PICRLlll Auoclatea B. A. NERESON 400 E. 17th st. at Tustin Ave. PHIL SULLIVAN, A ssoc. Coata Mesa, Ph. Bea. 11179.w 1982 Newport Blvd. • Coata )feu Beacon 5226 1 ----•-------- %-ACRE -Santa Ana Heights. One of the beat. $1800. ... LARO~ 2 B. R. in exceU~nt cl Waterfront -$18,000 RED BARN . Botb completely fUmished Houae hu 1 ~ bat.ha. large liv- ln&" room with ft.replace, sun room ott livinc room, dining area. Kitchen with breakfut nook. Porch upataira and down. PaUo between hou• and gar- ag .. FULL PRICE ONLY $14,000 Terms SEE Earl Cham'Qerlain Bargain at $8500 Brand new FARM HOUSE lo· cated ln Balboa Coves-3 B. R . 2 baths, F .P , Unit heat. parquet noon. Exel. con.st.-Terma. One or thO.!!le attractive small two bedroom homea. i'urnlahed and landacaped, already to move right In. ~TRA VALUE JOHN B. PRENDERGAS'r tt 1a 1: 01c1e 1oca0on. hdwd. n;:.· REALTOR . tire~•· Sepuale al&ll •how r 223 MARINE A VE. BALBO. A ISLAND HAR, . 1331 i'enofd yard, patio, land8ca . ------------'-'------'----r SDIM-Wlll 0 . I. or lrHA CHARMING HOME In a nice new neighborhood sur- rom1ded with other new homea. Lovely ~ bedrm. home, 3 blka. from center of C0.9ta Mesa. Cozy living-room with large picture window. Dlnlnc area, kitchen. Service room. Fu 11 bath. Cara;:e. U ::d.'1C8!>t',' with i:trube :ind Clo\Vl·r'l. Co.npk-~cly f c :iced. Priced to s:ll a t ~ "'•Ith terma_ · We are taking rewrvaUoM for · aummer rent:ala. Olive B., Miller 200I Court Ave., Newport Beach Pbone Barbor M3 I REAL ESTATE Lc]ans . . . Insurance ... Builders MKt Coe11t Blvd., Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 * * * * BAY FRONT PROPERTY If you are lookinc for bay tront prope.rty we have over 20 ex. cellent Uatlnp ranging In price trom $35,000 I<> $100,000. C&l1 fol' lnlonnaUon. ~-&llllOC. 3UI Mowpwt lPM. Jiu. 11161 Have g~ Summer renta\a tor July & August. H. 0 . PETRIE; 004 % W . Balboa Blvd. Harbor 08M 80c82 2 BR Modern Home CORNER LOT, 3 blk.s. from town Dout»le gar., fenced, completely fUrn~hed, $8500 reas. tefDlS 2% ACRQ , -t .... u.. o...-·- Phone Harbor 16oo $9950 For Sale in Corona del Mar Choice Corona de! Mar locttlon. New 2·bedrm farm home on 4~. We haw the -key, TA.ICE A LOOK! foot loL Ocean side or the Blvd. Double garage. ·- F or Rent in Corona de! Mar Small 2·bedrm. home, partially fUrniahed. Yearly lease. ' $60 month. Fitzmorris Realty Co. Real Ea.tale and Buatnna Brokers 113 ODut liU't'd.. Barbor 2152 • eor-a del - lllaltlple Llltlnc Ralton Linwood Vick 312 Marine Ave., Balboa hland Harbor 2042 Will Exchange . Equity in 5 acre Costa Mesa ranch for 28 ft. or larger fishing boat. WANTED ---.-------- Mo.,..'l -.ii _...u.. to FULL PRICE '3liOO Waterfront -$15,000 Stanley Hadfield ~to c. I Galen Denison Realtor. OEO .. T. EVli:RSON, fltleaman f90 Newport; Blvd.. Coote M Beio. 1243-W (ll:w. Bar. :\U7·~) ~ONDERFUL f BUILDING SITES 2 LoC.o I 100' wldlll .., Blutt of ~·• ... $oklng Bay oct•11!9and Lido Ide. S2500 TOTAL PRI ·~-r -I Lot' ,_ oceen on MUI !IL space. ••n•hlne 1 and alr. bo Z" b~:°wme•-2008 n..l SL -Bar-. Ml. ---r _,.._ta...._ R. W n&n~ .__,,_1B.R.home- Nlle!l a 3 bedroom home? ~ ,,1 .. 1" --. WANT • ~"" .. .,!' ,.._a naat-,..rt rum. Tllla 1a Ulr.e Corona del Mar! .., -IM••o. -a •--. • -~ It! • "" .... Ill at ---.. 21t¥aru. ... tr'srnd l---+---------4 We MYe .. a:cdeat buy tor ....... 1'5 ~ •• ,.... W : c. O••*PrLI ••• Riilme ~ .1900 . w ..... 1t ·• -.... n1ce17 ..., -..._,. 1117 -:W.:•'"'£•..._ C01U1111:& I.DI', __ rr1•c..------------- 1a<ete« .... -0--0. unit '° I .-, 11 ''el • ' C~~~i~~~$?~i~ naa ... -. 1 -. to .ut..a Jlust Sell ~ dlll.at ~· lllld le unftr. • •s £11 .._ m' a as _...., OM 1 ~ l''?f 1 ..... Uaxtl& Dat I t 2 dk IK . .. -a • • an 'II u Pl .-,. UID •-. 1 -opat'•• •" 1·t1art $11 ·900 terms • •• ..... p a •IJIOC. -Jago Iii) }!JI .,.._ .-ll'ULL PllICS Sla,aGO. -I<> ut. OWW, • --H1tAL BOW1JC -''••••4PIA -· -a...ta sUa • ..., - -ow-. "' Ida, ear. -"' 111 vta ~·Lido -· ~--0oeo& •-. 0ocw -x.. ~ sq'n'\J ..... Ja. '1 11n.t-. sUa Ou *i)' ~ .... • f"'1 ~~. .... ' ·~ , . ) ' • • \ r OPEN 1~~.~. ~sr.rrof Attractive 3 bedroom home almOllt completed at 442 Redlands, Newport Heights, corner Qay. Large living rm. and dining rm, dbl. g"r&l!"· Will be fenced. ToW price $11,500, $2liOO d~. Bal llll:e rent at 5 % payable S?O per mo. I Alao very nice new 2 bedrm. home.. :t nice neighborhood for aame low 'down paymen Price $10,5ob unfurn. $12,000 nicely and comp , furn. Call Mr. Joneio. Phone Beacon 80{2. OUTSTANDING VALUES ! CHAJUONO 'on<1 dlatlnctl"' 2. NICE 2 B. a. 4tare. J'rpl.. p&t!Q, -pr. Jlan.y I B. R. Apt. o _._ B. R. home GIJ Bal-Point. PatJo.Yard, ~ot Inoa+ 'mrtna. StJ.000. A Barplll! SU . LUZsTIJOI IM•• 1 apt& p1ua moBWAY ·J'ROi:tt;" I B. R. c:<>ttap. U _.., an of lllRA.CUI . :o.:o..-% --bay. w " ... -~' . sOUTH coAsT REALTY. OOMP Ktll.Tll'Lm Llll'ftNQ UAL'l'.'0118 . -1faln 8t. ..... • 'Pllme ·~ .... I I . I ;......--~-..-.~~~~-""--..... -----~~'-1 ........ '--~''·-"'--..... '' -'J • ' I ' J l r , • I ~ · 1 " '· • i < / . • ' "'~ . '<4>.t .... """' .t~~' '·""'~ ... ' ' ,,·'i ... ~. ,.. .... ~ . ,,.,.;·' '"<f 4'("l,><.. ~ -~ ,.., ..... 1-I;: ,~ ... .., \ 't' , ... ' " c,.· "'·'-·-"'-... ~ ~-,,.. "' ... ,.,....,........,,_t,<oa,;;_<rf,. ;,..,..~ .,, Sl."WPORT BEACH GETS IMPR V • I I ' 0 ED P. E. SERVICE Dlgnltariee of Newport Bea.eh were oa band t-0 lnapect on~ of the ne"' delu.xe mot-Or coach~ l'Olng Into service on the Loe Aa~lee route .luly S durtnc • pre,ie\.\· tour .lune ZS. A moftl' those ~ho examined the '5--ptMenpr lnter- clt)' coach "'f".re, left t-0 rtcht: Roland Wr1.1"ht. Chamber of Commerce preeldeat; Ha7 Lenpnhelm. Chamber of Commeoroe secretary; lobn Boyd, .lames G. Shea. P. E. pubHc reJ.atjo.._; Ben Reddick, Francl!t Hon"tth. Councilman RoM Grttley, R. 0. Chrlst-lwen, P . E. traffic manacer: J. V. Aa- U.ta, P. E . ...-ent ln .Se"'port Beach. -· Miss Barbara Hend is Hostess Sunergous Group> The Sunergous group of the Costa~-----------­ Mesa Community Church wa.s en-I i-ar, Robert Johnson, Bradley tertained recently by Barbara Hughes, Tho~um Thompson. Ira Hand, daughter of Rev. and Mn. Baker, Ray Fj.e lda, Ed J efvls. Charles Hand of Church St., Costa Mesa. Kiwanlans to View Navy Films On the progra.m. or the Kiwanis club today will be_ ottlclal navy movies .from the last war shown by Lt. Comdr. Chad Twichell ot the Naval Reeerve. • Newport ~ l ..,.._ model plane mtbmluta lntendiJI&' to en- ter Ule &authem cauto.t'ftla Ply- mouth Model Plane Meet. Loi Altgeles, July I and I, were ad- vloed toc1ar by Andrew Peteroon, contut dtrector for the event. that tull informaUon and entry blanks can be obtained from the automo- tive ahowrooma of Harvey Somers, Newport Harbor-Motore, 2491 Cot.at Hlgbway. . • Local Plymouth . dealera have 1 1olned forcea with over 200 of thelt Southland ueoclatee, and, u the Plymouth Dealen of Southern Cellfomla, are apoll.80rtrtg the Southern California event In order that the cream of the 1tate's mod- elers can be picked to repre1ent thla area In the Fourth Interna- tional Model Plane Contest, to be 1\eld ln Detroit later thls year. Nine Southern California young- sten wit.,. quality tor the expenac- pald tripe: to the International Conteat where they will compete with tlOO modlen from all aectlons ot the United State• and abr0ad tor 127 trophlea and $7,000 in U. S. Saving• Bonda. In addition to the nine trips set as top prizea In the Southland meet. over ~O troph.lea will be awarded winners of the· twenty- tour events. Events· are scheduled for all typea of mOdet planes in- cluding control line, tree tught gu and rubber, and Indoor model!:. Food Sele Seturdey et Cororie del Mer . ' . . ' MRS. WILLIAM NELSON MeOOW~ .. ~ who "la the fonne r l'tllM M.arilyn Julla Woods. .Jov~ ~ter ot Mr. and· Mn. Ot>orcri Campbell Woods ot Loe ~aJee and Balboa Island. Vo~ ''·ere repeated June !I In B~ Ooarreptlonal church and after a honeymooa. ln liort.hen C&tltontla U.e )'oung couplr wlll ht-at home at 181· 8ouU. BQ' PYolit.. Balboa 181a.nd. (Preas Photo) • I • Atwater-Kent W inner to Sing Sundey 1et Coste Mese Church An • outatandlq youns .,_.., •inger of Leia 4nc'eJN wtll be la Costa Meaa Sunday evenbl.I' at I for a concert pruented at the worahJp bt.ur at the Conununtty Methodlat Church. WUllam De -Valentine, young Negro alncer of UTiusua.I ta.lent; won the Atwater- Kent auditions tut year, and will soon go Ea.8t to c.onttnue ht. studies. A member of the Wesley Me~h1t Church of Loi An,.elea he ~a~e gueat singer for the Southern Ce.llfomta-Artzona A.nu- al Conference seaalon.11 of the Met hodist Chu~ held lul week at Rcdlann,,__yntvenilty. Accompanying Mr. Valentine f rom Wesley Church on Sunday evening \Viii he Mn. E . W. Rake- straw. wife or We.aleyn Church'• pasto r, and a group of high echool people, all o f whom were In Camp Seeley last summer where local youth attended camp. Local junior and .!lenio r high youth will a ct u hosts at a fellowahlp hour fonow- !ng. the evening worsh.ip ae;rvtce. HIT, RUN CHARGE George W . Anderson, 22, 181~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, was booked at the county jail Tuesday afternoon on a. hit-run c::>mplaint by California Highway Patrol. Anderson wal!I charged with hitting a county road barrier in Newport Beach. Mese Couple Home From Alabeme Visit 1'-fr. and Ml"8. Vaupn Taylor, 358 Ea.st 19th street, Colla Meaa .hp.ve returned from two week.I ln Alabama where they vtatted rela- tives a nd were present tor the marriage of Mrs. Taylor's brother. -People do read the Preu ada. All of the five groupe ot Capilla Circle wtll joln tn holding a baked tood sale next Saturday, July 1. The sale will be held In Stoddard'.s Patio, 1~06 Coa.at Blvd., Corona del, Mar. DonaUona ot baked food are requeated. The sale will begin at 11 :00 a. m . The weekend holi- day will insure a large demand for tiaked goode. Help to meet the de- mand by bringing In your contri· butlon early. Beach Life9uard Position Op.n ' ._....;:...._ _________ _ ~· R efreshments ro\IT1ded out the evening. Among members' and gue!!lts p~sent were Thora J o Thompson. Elouise Owen, Doris Biiiings, Marq Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luckhardt, June Far- DR. LEE A. DuBRIDGE, Pasa- Kdena. Pres. Fat Tech-"The basic iMUe betwe~~ Soviet Commun- ism and 'imerican democracy stripped of 911 the phil080phlca l trappinp. Isl simply th'e issue of freedom ve"f& slavery." _La.at week City Clerk C. K . WALNUT CANYON MONUMENT Prlset gave "educational fact.a and . Walnut Canyon NatJonal M.onu- flgures, false or otherwise," ac-ment. located near Flagstaff I • Ray ~1ath ewson, manager ot the only-and the la.at day for filing ap- Santa Ana ofice of the CaUtornla ·pUcaUoD.1 w1ll'be July 22. Math~w­ Departmcnt ot Employment an-aonjtated that announcement Bul- nounccd today that an exa.n'l.lna-letirui ltattnr entrance requirc- tion for the po:iii tlon of Beach Lite--men.ta. fa.eta' about the cxamina- guard Supervisor fo r Huntington Uon aIJd the poettlon, the scope of Bf'ac h has bl'en scheduled by the the exa.mhiatlon and medical Tl"· Slate PC'r~onnel Board for August qutrement.I a.re avallable at~th<' 12. 1950. 1ocaJ. outce at 701 North Flo\l.•er FLOWERS S52 Newport. Boulevard at WeetmJ.m:ter Phone Beacon MU-W cording lo the club bulletin. It also Arizona, la reported by the Nat· stated 'Thoae who walked out on tonal Automobile Club to contain Charlie ahould pay." many )ndl&n cliff dwellings. The examination Is open lo men Street. IJ&nt& Ana . • WIDE ~EST "I doubt lhal~ere. l.s an r •ln&ie qency of ~v~ent~t hu .uch wide In rut for so any peopt,. u do the '?Jfed actl tlet of thhe Flah and JdUfe Sefce." -Albert M . Dali pirector, . 8 . n.h and WlldUtt !Service. -. ' .. And lio m)' .cbutlf"r I k-&\'f" mv new refr1.&f"r&l or , . . pro\·ldi:-d he keeps It wf'll strK'kj•tJ "'Ith frnll. ~tter t&Atlng f"ry1•NO from HOLLO"''AV ,.,AR~ts :" -•OUl.TllT """' ....... {'8.,,.• 8rove ~· C ARDEN GROVE BLVD . west ot H.1rhor Bl"d. Garden Grove AYalla.ble lD HatbOr area at BOABDMAN·s B&lboa Island RICHARD'S UDO MARKET WELCH'S COSTA MBA ·--621 .. W ORANGI 0..-. lllJ Davis-Brown Does II Again! • Laguna Beach Furnitul'f Co. Open Nites a.td Sunday JASY TERMS LAS 3 DA1Y :s . • •. I I Final Clearance Sale l .59.00 Hotel Matt. & Box Spring, .............. . 2 29.50 Hotel Box Springs ........................... . l 24.75 Knight-rest Mattress ······[········ ....... . 2 24. 75 ACA Knight Box Springs ............... . l 7 .50 Rose · Floral Cotton Pad -~ ................ . l 49. 75 Super Body-guard Box S g. . ......... . l 99.00 Orthopedic Matt & Box pring ..... . I 129.50 Simmons Studio Lounge .•.. .... .. . . 2 19.95 Deep-Sleep Coil Springs .................. . 1 21 .75 Sleep-rite Mattress ........................... . 1 3,9.75 Hotel Box R:: ~= J~CJ~ .. m m 47.95 21.95 10.95 17.95 4.95 39.95 . 79.50 99.95 12.95 12.95 29.50 Broadloom ~arpet Roll Ends & Remanants Throw R119s 500-.SO Rosh Squa~Floor covering .21 2 49.l!O Television Chairs, Plastic ................... 39.95 1 145.00 Mod. Sofa, green damask ................ 99.50 l 99.50 Mod Lounge Chair, Green . . .. . .. .. . ... . .. 59.50 I 36.50 Mod. Occ. Chair, Turquols ................ 29.95 I 72 .50 Lounge Chair, Green .................... .... .. 59.95 I 47.50 Provincial Occ. Chair ........................ 39.95 6 99.50 Plllow-"""k lounge chain .. . ... . ......... 79.50 l 89.50 Provendal Barrel c~ ···················· 69.95 1 174.50 Provenclal Divan, green .................... 119.50 1 79.50 SlmmOM Lonnge, blue . .... .. ...... ........... 59.95 2 17.95 Mahy. Drum Tables ............................ 10.95 1 39.50 Rock Maple. Bookcase ........................ 19.95 2 64.95 Mahy. Drum Tables, Inlaid ................ 29.95 1 59.50 Mahy. Three Tier Table .................... 29.95 s Zll.60 Solid Birch Lamp Tabletr .. .. ............... 12.95 1 195.00 Cherry Butch Cabinet ···········-··········· 129.l!O l 28.95 IJme OU Comer Table .................... 12.95 2 25.00 Walnut'. Step· End Talilea .................. 16.95 2 10.00 '!llahy. B6tler. Tray Tables .................. 4.95 1 36.00 Mahy. Corner Bookcue .................... 16.95 1 19.95 Walaat 8'!cord Cahbaet ......... ........... 6.95. 2 l'-9.00 BloNl lioclera Elld Tables ... _........... 16.95 1 ~'9.40 Qvenbe 8Qf-UO-etl8blona, pMD 384.95 i 179.50 llahopll)' Seqetary Deak ........ T""" lZll.llO 75.00 5-pa. Cbrome ~ Set ................ 69.llO 2 29,,00 Oordowu lbhog. .... 'hMoa. ..... :.... 111.95 2 U.00 Cor40fta Mabog. CoekWJ TablM .... 19.115 2 M.00 Bllllld Jlodem Cocktail Talllm 19.95 •• Final Drastic Recluctlons I 1• all Depw l1&11tnfL • Milny Piec1.1 Below Cost S • Y.. Up ... (iQ%) J . \ ' l 25.00 Monarch Twin Mattress ..... !.. ........... . l 51!.50 Simmons Full Box Spring ., ............. . l 32.95 Pine Twin Bed ..................... t·············· l 95.00 Fr. Prov. Uph. Hfl'ldboard ............... . I 184.50 Birch Highboy .. ,---··············-r············· 1 44.'75 1win Spool Bed, Birch ..................... . 3 84.76 Birch Chest of drawers ..... :. ............ . 1 62.1s SoUd Maple Twin I Bed ......... , ........... ... 12.95 49.50 19.95 59.50 99.50 29.95 89.50 29.50 t • • 1 87.l!O Rock Maple Dres8er ............ .!...... ....... 69.95 l 129.SQ fk>ck Maple Dbl :Dresser ... :..... ........ 89.95 3 85.0Q C!lblts Budolr Chain ·········t············· 28.50 1 49.50 Cherry Full size 'Bed ........ 1 . ........... 39.50 2 59.llO Mahy. Twin Beds ................ .............. 29.95 2 28,95 Metal Twin Bed ... d Spring I.............. 12.95 10-9.95 A~bye Baby Chairs ........ '-·············· 1.95 I Heywood • Wakefield Dining Room , Bedroom • Upholstered pieces 1 294.liO Solid Birch Stman Table .. 6 L..iderbaek Chain .................. 199.50 2 37. 75 8c!lld Biidi Captain Chair ................ Z9.95 1 36.95 Plae Dlneite Set; 5 ~ ........................ 19.95 1 lli,50 W · of iw.ity. Dining Chain ............ 87.50. 1 20&60 l't; Prov-W Dbllag Set ................ 119.so 1 99.MI Fr. Pro~al Server ............... ,'........ 79.50 ~-19:.-: ~ ~~:.~tw.UiCi .8iii~· 16:::J 1 88.50 ..:·~·Buffet ............................ 49.95 ~ z:oo JlcMid Mod. D1n1na Set .... ........... ..... 149.50 .50 ~le O,Op.leaf Tabl... ........... :.......... 19.95 llOO-. 75 ·::.r 8qaare&-Floor covertng ........ .49 1 175.00 JllOj)era Dining. 7-pe. Set ........ 109.llO 1 l&C!-00 ~ l'lne Dlnillg Set .................. 109 YtPff . • led Spre•• Lined Dnlfl 1rie1 Al Drapery and Uphoktery Y•clage . 00 · WORTH OF TOP· FROST , . AT THE ALPHA BETA WITH THIS New 1950 8.1 cu., ft. --· ~--. , • . . It's tat~r . T~in · You Think! .. .. NOW IS THE TtMf TO FREEZE Fresh Fruit for the Wi~ter, While · Fruits and -Vegetables are . Plentiful •ml Low Priced ' SAVE TWO , WAYS ! Buy Your Freezer at the Low ' DAVIS-BBOWN Pri.-and get a whole load of Free Food ' " " , . 98 PKGS. C&uJiflower Squ .. h cut Corn Corn on Cob Mpced Vegetables Sliced Bearui • S~cota.ah Peu a.nd Carroll • ' Lima Seana P .... Spinach Rock!Wl Cod Salmon H8ddock Scallops Perch i \ NO MONE'f 1 ' DOWN Pay o I ·$3.0lr per we k. -I • - I - I ' • .. f • I ,_ ~ > l i s • • Eipec~_lnbaard Regatta. Tues. To llraw · Record · Entry List '11ore t.b&o 12..000 fan.a will aee a p robable record array Of 80 Speedboat.a to. irpraya over famed Marine St&diwn ln Long Bu.ch 1\tem&y &Re.moon ln the second NaUonal Independence Day aJ.1- lnbo&rd regatta, otttctale s&ld today. Ficker Leads Star Elimination BIU'e Star elimination ·races tor • the Pacific Star bOat cha.mpion- ahlp to be held ln AugUat ott New- port. were begun Sunday at Bal- boa Yacht clbb wtth the following boat.I In lead place•: Pint, CW&aer 11, Nilled by Bill Ficker: second Rogu~. skippered by Dic k Hahn; third, Stormy. by Sa.int Cicero-and fourth, Rambunc- tloua, sailed by Jim Lewts. Fickler. who sailed last Augu.at in lhe American Star championship races at Seattle, will carry the burgee of Newport Harbor Yacht club In the eUmlnaUon racea while both Rahn and Saint Cicero carry the Balbo& Yacht club orange and black. TbLs coming Saturday the local Star neet will atart their elimina- tion -to determine a representative from Newport Harbor for the world 'champloJUlhl p Star races to be held at Chicago in the latter part of Auguet. These will Ia.st over three weekends. Se\'.en n&lional chavnptona and I record -holding drtvera, including one woman, will be ln the huge July 4. entrjt array revealed by \General Chairm&n Lionel Dyck, qt the apon80ri.ng Long Beach JwLor Chamber or Commerce. The woman, Trudy Maurer of San Diego, will debut ln the 48- cubic inch hydroplane class. Eight other entrt~ in the new "mighty atom'' fleet will also bring to hUi first b~g-time motorboat competi- tion Lou Meye r, Jr. of Inglewood, 19 year old son of the three- time Indianapolis race winner. St&rl• at I p. m. The motorboat claaslc, to st.Art at 1 p. m. wjll enlist, In ad- dition to l~ heats of racing for seven Inboard divblons, two brief lntermi33ion evenUI. One will ~ a college coed !Ive-minute aal.llng race aboai'.d the unique' new Fly- ing Fish "8&1lboard11. Another will be a water 8kt stunt reature. One top-hea"y class numerical- ly. the• gaudy Cracker Box run- abouts. have 2<' entries, led by U. S:. champion Ralph Phillip.a' ~agon B-Hind or Inglewood. The blue ribbon racemttt Is the second or three National H oliday regattas in 19~0 on Long Beach's rough-show "lanky lagoon." -Cl&aifled ada are read by folks .. 1 .LIKE A MAN who 18 proud who are looking to buy. -People do read the Preas ad8. ot the pta'ce where he lives." Abe -Be wtae.-tell people--adverti&e! Lincoln ... eoo by the l11t or July. NOW ON OUTDOOR FURNITURE SPECIALS Portable Brazier on Wheels with Spit and Stools lncluded 19.95 Lar9e 24" Brazier wtt.h Detachable Legs 19.95 Dolux• Portable Barbecue with Brick lined Firebox and Many Extra Features '59.95 Redwood Furniture Values Club ·chair 14. 95 . pad included Coffee Table 7.95 AU Clea.r Redwood Bar~ SPECIALS Beach Umbrellas 6.95 7 ft. Tilt Type Garden Umbrellas 14,95. Tiit Type Aluminuin pok- 7' Garden .Umbrellas 22.$0) 42 lncb -\\o'hlte Umbrella Tables 14.95 Cleanr -Red\\'ood Umbrella Tables 11.50 Officer's Chairs 8.95 bardwood-Guarant~ . l Adjuotable Clh&I.. I Redwood Lounqe 16.95 1 Table & Benches 19.50 ..... ~clod-rt DEECO -RUSTPROOF ALUMINUM R OBtp"'°f S prlaf. Bue A.dJun:able -· wit.II Pad CHAISE L()UNGE 24.95 ~-1 LOUNOE -boa"]' 44" ,Pad.Dome t - Ann Cllahj 18.50 Wiiii Pad • LOWER BAY FERRY doe.uli't aJwaya set a pae8fl.ll&'elr lf?OUP like this one, bo& s kipper Bob t Krocher wouldn't complain if It did. Glrla. lf'ft to rt1bt, are.: 1'1areell.ne WhJte, Dorothy Marke.t, I Dolo.r-N ChlnboJ"I'; Anne SchJeck. Dlane Rlplt.>y, Shirley Bramwell Anne la fmm Re9eda, whl.le tht> " ot.hen are a.ti recent &'J'Mluate9 of Manual Art !I HI.ch School, Lo9 AnS"'lN, vaca.tlonln 1 In Balboa. 1 Summer Round-the-Island and B. I. Yacht Club Low~r ·Bay Ferry Runs Begin to Open July 7 A chubby, curly-headed 4-year-old looked up trom his perch In Friday, July 7 will see Balboa the stern ot the Lower Bay F erry and Inquired, "Mister, does this Island Yacht club opening Its 28dh boat make a noise when 1t takee oft ?" 11ea.son with It.I first 'h"ltttlng and The question wu addreeaed to 1lender, 30-year-old Bob Kocher, announcement ot ltA .summ8r one ot two summer season !5klppen who are operating scheduled taxi .sport.I achedule. rtt"d Bob Halderman i8 commodo11e services in Balboa Bay water!. Bob operates .J'll8 30-foot conve of the young yacht.smcn·s ~rouP. yacht on the lower bay run, while which number11 members from 14 jovial Glendale auto mechanic!! Island's end, the vessel veered left. to 16 years of age. Serving as an tr:achf.'r. F'ted Wilson. plloU his 33-following the line of the shore. a.dv)sory board are Joseph Bee k. !nnt "Islande r" on a tour of Balboa "I've been coming to the harb1r Fejtx kngl'I and Rona.Id Barlow. fsland. since the days when Balboa Island Eugene Baum serves as race com· The cratt are propertlt>l'I of J. A. wui just a strip of tule land In mlttee with Bill Bangs siding oh BPek. whlJ also owns the Island·tlJ· the middlf' Qf the! bay." \Vilson the memorial trophies. Mrs. wY.- B h I con ridcd, •'hcfore IL Wal'\ dreds:-ed man William", rormer diving Mainland auto ferry. ot Vf'sse s '>rlgi.nn •e their runs fronl the RUtO up and deposit.ed in its present cha_mpion. l'IUpcrvlseJll diving anti (f'rry dock nn the Island side with location, but I. ve never had so Mrs. Ronald Barlnw, former long ... nly KoC'h~r hrlnging his b~at to I much fun as in the last couple o f distance swimmer, Is in charge 9f the mainland ferr y slip for pas-su~mers whil~ I've been operating l'IWilnmlng . senj?er pickupa. • I this watC'r tax1. Thr program1fnllnw!'l: Monday. "Both tour,1 t&.ke about f\ half "The peoplr y ou meet un this 10:30 a . m., paddlcboard races; hnur:· Kocher explained ,"depend-run .. Fasci nating-~ l '\•e got a l :30 p. n1 .. Snowbird and Balboa ing somC"what on how many stops high class c lientelr. I'll tell you. dinghy racCIJ; Tuesday, 10:30 a. m/. and starts we make enroute, and "Look nvcr therr." he r nintPd, swimming and diving; Wednesday, arc In r,peration frnm 9 :30 in the "Sec that power boat with. the 10:30 a. m .. rowing. morninK until 11 at night -two covers on it? Set those little let-The weekly meetings are hclil hours IRlf'r nn Saturdays. Fare5 ters on the stern tarp?" H e sp<>lled at 7 :30 each Friday evening in thf' are the same on both boats, 25 them out: D-E-S-1-L-U. "The club house \vest of Bcek's of-- cents for adults and 15 for chll-'Desllu' belong-a to Lucille Ball and flee wilh the first PlCQiC 8Chedul- dren. for the full run, and a dime her husband Desi Amez. She was ed for July 18 and foltowing ones for those who just want. to makC' o~e or m~ customers last summer. I every other v.:rek With Mrs. Hal~­ R. ship to shore jump or snme nice girl. erman. 'sobs grandmother. 1n othf'r suC'h l'ICrvlre." A youngish, t18.rk-haired man charge and m others aiding. DuC's l.A'a\'e& Dock Ai. he spoke, Kocher was easing hl.s craft awa)I' from the dock, and the qui~t t)\.ro~ ot tb.e enctne Seemed to· dlfitPJSQlltr't.he 4-year- old. A few mlriute& later he wa~ tying up on the opJ)Of'llte •side of the bay. next to the auto ferry. and in another tlve minute& was in mid-bay once more, headed for the jetty. "Last year we had quite an at- traction for the passengers on this part of the run," Kocher said. wa.ving an arm toward the right short line. "Alm03t every day ll little black cocker spaniel and a big white duck would be chasing IO'ac h other along the water's edge. Then the duck would awim out a ways, and the pup would be rlgbt .after him. Haven't seen anything of them this season." . The Lower Bay Ferry made stops at all the public piers, pick- ing up and disctiargtng passengers, as w ell as at any other point.II where the service waa desirai .. .. People just yell, acream. wave their handkerchiefs, whatever they can do.,., Kocher aaid, "and we pull In for them." who W &R work.i ng1 on his boat. for the sea.son are 60 cent.II wa \'ed at Fred. a.s we pa..ssed. "That's Jay Carlb1le of the Pink- erton Detective family." Wllaon eaJd. "He told m~ once lhat 'he WU one ot the f&rrlily who l!lpend.I the money. not ma.kes It." Swimmers Place In . DleCJO M'eet Two local swimmers were prom- inent In the Southweat A. A. U . "I gel paln ters:lwrlte~. photo-swim meet held Sunday at N orth lt"T'aphers-lot.R of artistic JX'Ople, .. 1 Park. San Diego. They were Wilson continued. "If a fellow Don Pteston of Bay Shorea and wanll'J to take a picture, or some Kay Prlc;tham of Balboa Island, one wante a c loser look at a par-both entering from the Huntington ticular house. t ·m always glad to Beach Swlrn club. accomodate. Lots of folks are in-Preaton placed fourth in thP tereeted in architecture, and we 1 men's 100 me~r back stroke. Kay have AOme rare exi\mples on these I received a medal u second plat:e i!lands. winner in the 50 rneter rrcC' !>tyle "We're not set up to do a de· race for girlll l~ and under. ~nd scriptlve tour on these ferry third place medal t or 100 yneter boat.a,•• Wilson went on, "but I al-breut stroke, gtrl8 15 a.nd under ways shoot the breeze with the She was aleo a member of the passengers who are near me. and first place 200 meter free strle quite often I get rare stuff on relay team . aome or the fabJ ious islandet'3. You see:· he added. "I get my poop from the hired help. "How about that home?" Wll- son Inquired, lndlc~ting a sprawl- ing building on the west point of Harbor Island. set· low on white sanda, like some south sea para· dlae. "Jasha Heifetz built It," he expl11.ined, "and for my money, that the most magnificent site ln the&e part.3. ' PEDERSEN R EOOVERJNO Friends · a.nd associates will be glad to learn that Don Pedersen, or "Viking Port" i.8 improving, after a l'Jerious back-injury, due to 30-foot fall from hoist at h is place of business. It la hoped by all who know him, that he will soon be back on the job and back to par in health at an early date. • . . -• • • Anc PAGE I -PART II -THURSD,AY, JUN ~ 29, 1950 :·~k~!"~iEss -il or · w~1 l . By -Rltdljna" Catalina 11..ri.<1. ulne honort..d weatller indicator tor inatnlandera, did a conlwllnl" , ~vera&I lut Satu rday· when it locfn~ up ap- parently within •wlrflmlng die· tance and nothing halneo. Moat or us know trom pe onal obser- vation that when · atallna le ·clearly visible It me , U\e weath· er ma.n is arranging 1 meterolog- ical phenomenon w e w~n't like, ~t when the laland retr tJ5 beyond the horlson, we ClrJ>eC~alr weath- er -maybe even ~o hern Call- tomia weather. La.st Saturday morn g Catalina crept awfully clo•e: e sun lurk- ing somewhere In a re; bank cut a jlckly glow on Ila tut end re- vealing ba.re, a"Jrup~t lbanka with puzzling · cla.rity~ ween. the ocean lay flat, a.nd a Flora Mae Rogers remarked, it vt the color ot dirt and resembled prarie a.nd Catalina a barren hill beyond. We went t o bed lhBJ. night eure that nature would unleil.1th a 1torm by m orning and awokfof lo one ot the bluest, balmiest ya Balboa can offer . During th night the Island had wrapped pl8elf In a haze and departeC. frTm view no doubt chuckling as It r.ent. 't ;t: ~ . The PC fleet la al'f&YS raclng and full o( vir ility &a ever al· though Sid Wilklnaon lnd Ed Oitf- dings arc no longer present t o kttp the rlE.'et temper lure above normal. I • Friday June 30 Saturday July 1 Sunday July 2 Monday .July 3 Tuesday July t Wed.n~Sday July 6 Thuraday July 6 Tl DE TABLE (Pacific _Standard Ttn1e) IDOH ' 11 :29 a. m. 3.9 10:12 p. m. 15 .~ ' 12 :17 p:m . 3.0 10,~9 p. m. 6 .4 I :02 p. m. 4 .0 11 :46 p . m. 5.8 1 :49 a . m . 4.1 0 :34 a . m. 5.1 2 :38 p. m. • 2 1:26 a .m . ... 3 :24 p. m. ••• 2:30 a. m . 3.6 4:11 I?· m . 4.0 :) @ (f FIRST. FULL LAS1' QtT ARTltR MOON QUART~R ·July 22 June 29 ' July 6 LOW 4 ,~3 !. m. 3:MI p. m . 5:37 8:· m. 1 :~8 p. m. 6 :20 a. m. 5:42 p. m. 7:03 a. m. fl:41 p. m . 7 :4~ ,. m. 7:M f . m. g ,26 a. m. 9 :27 p. m. 9 :06 a. m. .Tm NEW MOON July 11 ~. ' STOCKS • BONDS • COMMO~ITI ES UNDERWRITINGS f DEAN WITTER le Co. M.EMlflS NEW YOIK STOCK EXCHANGE I Cltleoeo loor'd of Trad• . • . Son frontltca 5tocli bt,..ng. lo' Ang•l•1 Stocli E~chan99 I LEASED PRIVATE WllfS 533 Coast Blvd. South LAGUNA BEACH La;Lna 84 5G11 frantltca • Loi Ang•l•1 • tww Yott • s.-r- ....... J.7 2.1 -1.5 2.1 -i .l 2.3 0.7 2.( -0.1 2.4 o.~ 2.3 1.1 2.0 The old question ot which is J faster a PC or a Rhodp will pro-I · ~~~~:c~;·· abed~~~~le~l~e~~:d ~ -------------------------'--'----t have a definite edge, laving won I MORTIMER SCttt"'OL 1 1 rout out of five matfhed racee. ! V In the most recent m~tched race (1-~oundrd 1919) Carl Long in 21, re led to be l SO•. COR•• A\'E,,' RALBOA ISi.A.ND :JAR 8.52 the hottest PC in the flet't, took ~ -r' ... · fi•~l with Hook B~cdslee In SUMMER SCHOOL Rhod~s 8 $CCOnd and ~as in both OPENS Jli:'lri"F. 27 t third and fourth place•. I I In case you don't 'V1ow about 6 day!!' "'f'<'kly. 9 &. m . 'O: noon matched races, the fouq best boats J for SIX "'EEKS. (1!nUI Aur. 4l from one class cnmp~tc against I C.ttful lnfll\'hlual tuJtlnn In the fnur best from anpthcr ch1ss I Grades, lll~h School a.nd College !Prepara.tlon. and each foursome sall4 as a team. SumlwMj l .. lmltetJ. I l using team tactics toJ box In or 1 G. A . 1'10RTI1'IER, l\f.\ A. Oxford, ~rtnclp&I ~ blanket a hot conten~r-maneu-~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vers that should be infcrestlng t o ------------- watch. Very difficuU. iO box In, we undcrslar'id, is ~1r. Beardslee. j Fred Smalcs' Pamlin 30, the ma11ogany ghost lhal glldes right PIANO INSTRUCTION through , the fleet regardleas of I V.'hethcr the Commodore o r his wife , 1s at the tiller. is still the pride of the PQ!.. With Don H a.s- kill s k ipper1ni::» she \\'on the crews· raCP Jnst weekend. Dr. Gayle Suese whose Gaylln 10 ts hotter than a firecracker right now, misl'led hll!I ftret race In many . a 1'ea.k. to a•' &lbacwe flab. Ing las{ Sunday. Hla crewmen Bob Jordan, CtlrUa Mason 11.nd Keri Swift performed nobly In hie ab- sence, h owever, taking a second a.nd the Doctor caught an albacore and so th(' day worked out. I 1-~leet. N e"-corner Nf'wcomcr to the fleet is Cllf· i ford Hakes of Beacon Bay who . races 68. Hake& ha& a "pro" crew : of YOlJng fellow:. from Ala.mttoe Bay and the rest of the fleet Is waiting for the day when they catch Hakes out with an "ama- teur·· crew aboard. PRESEI'\'TEIJ rs i\S 11\'"TERESn~·a A~'D l JNOt:~!->TANOING MA.NNER I SPECIAl.IZE IN BEOL'1"NERS JAMES BLOD-Gm HARBOR lOlSI HARBOR 1721 DEVOE Yacht Finishes It.a brilliant white ~tactically refuse.a to discolor in spite of frequent washings and exp08ure to water-borne oils and gre&SeJI. It haa excE.'plional gloss-retention. Goe.a on smoothly without brush markB. Also'ln Semi-Gloss and Flat Other Tettted De\'oo !\larlne Product.A Dev(){' South Se&.21 Copper BroMe DC'voe Deck and Top-side Enamels Devoe Hong Kong Spar Varnish Devoe Engine Enamels Devoe Hard Racing Fini.shes AT YOUR REGULAR DEALER or WHITLOCK'S HOUSE of COLOR Harbor 29S8 I Louie Burke. aleo at Beacon Bay, who crews ror his 16 year old son Mike on 29 18 becoming more and more or a challenge. Heber Erickson,. former owner of 29, ha.s not entirely deserted the Kettenb\lrg family, lncidentaUy, as he is the proud owner of a Ket- tenburg 38 known as Scandia, win-, ner of the l:n&enads race . In the Burke living room hange the loveliest color print of a PC you ever saw and the story of how •;..===========================;;• Before reaching the mouth of1 the jetty. Kocher pulled over to-1 ward Corona del Mar and tn a few minutes wa.s gUdlng put China Cove and the Kerckhoft Marine Laboratory. At a point oppoette Park Avenue pier, he turned to- ward the Island ~tde ot the chan- nel, revened bi• direction and wa.s soon back at the ferry dock from whi'ch he had atarted. Elaps- ed time-just oY.er 30 minute.s. "I could go on and on, the peo- ple, the homes. °le boat.8 . . :· And with a boyieh I grln, he added -:-unnece.uarily-"I! love to talk. It came into Mr. Burke's poues- sion is lovely too. One Sunday this spring he and son Mlk::. were heading out to aea tor the start of BIG FISH. LITI'LE Lll\'"E a race when they were hailed by ·Theae lady anglers. Mabel a fellow standing on the Balboa. Beclno lalor.nd Tour "Of course." he !!&id, "lt'a not all glamor on the run. Lot of the Glendale people who summer here know me and qulte often they leave their kids on my hands. We go round and roun the l8land Ull High school teacher Fred Wilaon th~y come back tor them . WM ju.st about to take out the "An intereet lng feature for me I.slander, a.a we docked,, and he 111 that I never k~' ow who the h'aJled us. "Now that you've seen atr ang,r on board may turn out the lower bay, ... he called. "c'mon to be. The other y I had men· over and ru give you the round· tJoned to a tellowt,that I was a the·lsland tour• The-otter wu no achool teacher and he replied, •rm sooner made than accepted, and • 1 aort of a teacher 111yaelf.' Tu.med minute later we were moving ~ out t.o be the pree:ident of one ot ward the jetty. But u we reached the big univenitid:• • . ' . t , Steveneon. 118 22nd St., Cost.a Yacht Club dock aurrounded by Me&&. went out the second day photog'.15 pa~phanalla. of the albacore run on her hus-"It's a terrible thing to uk. band Jlmmy's boat and caught an I but may I go along?" he called. 181;.i pound albacore on three-1 As It happened, the Burke• thread line. This kind of line has were short a crewman that day a breaking &tren~ of nine ifs. and they cam e about and took the when wet. They ended-up the fellow and hi& equipment aboard. day with aeven albacore. He turned out to be a newapaper columnist frorrl Colombus, Ohio, out here to write a serlca or col- umrui on Hollywood. A lake yachtsman, he had taken a bu• to Newport and a taxi to the Bal- boa Yacht Club Just to watch 90me yacht races and when one Mlled by Shorthanded. be couldn't real.et the temptation to hall her. • SAlllON,ASGLING GOOD Salmon anglC\s have been en- JoylnJ M>me ftrst-rate aport dur- mg the paet week Att the waten ott San Francisco, according to the National Automobile Club. Mo.t of them have been bringing 1n 1lzable fllh ol good color. He took excellent ahotl or Mlke and his dad ln acUon and lat.er .from lhe dock a perfect picture ot 29 a3 she aa..lled. away. STATE BOUNT.IES "State b:iunUe. on anlmala will not mat.eria.Uy 'rec:tuce predator.. but It will reduce the count)"-&nd state treuury, and result l.n mon• ety needleaely equandPred.."-New York State CanoervaUOfllot. ~ •11 'n """'!'".... ...,_,,. .---.. Two Special Services for Newport,.lalboa Area Investors Brought to Your Home 1. IUSINESS NIWS, E. F. Hutton & Company's radio program, brought to you in your home or office, with a digest of business and financial developments which are important to every investor, every day. Tune In "IUSINUI NIWI• ICM,C-710 on your dl•I I : I 5 ~· M. "'h _.Ir day 2. YOU RH -Call E. F. Hutton & Co. on ZEnith. 6725 when you want s,,.Cific and cur- rent invesqnenr information or when you want ~ enrrr orden -right from your J>omc . * E. F. HUTTON & COMPANY . . -'""'""""' Brolln-Sioa l!lo4 ' tit L •OAltWAY • \OM9 9UCM W IOUfM '"'NO 171:10 ·LOS AIMll'I Z..•1 &11<06-71.ll • Z&.ith 672J •t•l ftl NIW YOlll lfOCIC . ' 1616 1616 • • 4l , • • \ • • I • • • I· I 1 • f j I STERLING PARJSr · M .. Of Announces the Op~n i~~ of bjs Offices °I the Balboa Inn Arcaf e 103 W. Main BALBOA Har~138 PRACTICING GENERAL MEDI E SURGERY .i\ND OBSTElrRICS , otnce--. 1 to 5 or 1t.J a ppolnt-awat • -- · I ~ .. -6091-R I \ ·-- • ' . • !. • . I " L -....... _ ...... ~ .... . ~ .--....... : ........• ~ . ~ ........................ .. ----············· ... ....... -......... '1 4 .. a Pct. ·-... , .-.... . .Sii .111 • L. ntS State SUffets to at ~f ·-.-T~·LOsses : NIJMi. loctJ nG will be ~ • ""!""~young p count)! art-i..o. <i -than 124,000,000 lirta wt>-exOf.Uen work the pat ln 'tt...,nt1 ofi. royaltiea, to the y&ar Jiu eecured for them the State of Calltbrnt& wu announced cha.nett' to exhibit the Junior art today b)r State OontrolJtt Tbomaa gaUerj at the lfS annual Feat· H. lCuchel. • ' ! tval oq Art in Irvt Bow~ ~uly ·22 TM Controilet Mid that aum throUf.h Aupst s. ·. baa pOed up in the State T!'eaaury. l'feapwt ....... .,. ... 1 ....... ..... . .....• :. ........... 0 • ' J~qg of the county achool wttere It will be held untU final .ooe work lhaa been fupteted by a cJectakm. on ·pending tltlgatlon In jury cbmpoeed of la Katherine tf\e tlOeland dl~te. Dectslon on Pqe LPorter. tant rn art ,t.htl JH.ISi:tkln will nx exact bouna .. edUC1ltlan, Bev"1'1 Hills ochoola; -Oii the ~ed land1. comi.s- Saturday~ta . .ba at Ful-leJt<lft: Oraqe at Lquna Beach; Newport 8e&ch• at An&belm. Smtday -Fullerton at Santa Ana; Laguna Bea.cir at Orancei Se&l Be&ch at Newport Beach. ·r !!onta Aaa, a1Ur walloping New-port Beach. 18-8, eat.urday, won ap.in Sunday at Co8ta Me.a, ~-3. tn Ora.ng-e County American Le- gion .Junior Leq;ue bueball. Bert H.aysom~ struck' out 10 N'91port ~era while got·ng au tbe way for Sant.a Ana. Rex Babcock and Eddie Fouch got two hita apl~. Bos ·Scoree: Mr•. lta:tord t. arttwt, eo.. 1't.e Jou, Kuchel uld, continues 'l'Ol'l& 61 •al", and ftuMell Iredell, at the rate ot 1700,000 monthly, t.eirtm.a m.f8t a pre.stdent of n oil l"OJ&)ty revmues on the the J'e.ttval ~f ueoclation. th!'M-mlle Ude1and 111trlp yleld that ~ tor t fourth annu-.-mount. !ll j~tor art ~x ibitlon at the DeclSkm of the United Stat~ FeM.lv'l are Mrs. erner c. Beck, Supreme Court .• handing the rich M1n \{aTjorle a ger and Mias royalttet1 to the Federal govern· Chari& Dgner of guna Beach ment, wal'! rendered June 23, 1947. and Mrs. Evadn Kraus Perry: Only recently, the court handed Sant& rAna, consul nt In art 'edu· dOWfl confirming de:clsions on cation for Orange unty. . clalm.11 of Texas and Louisiana to Amaltg-thoac! ce.ivins rtb~n tidfl.landl adjacent to their shores. awa~ and · hono ble mentions Net etfe-ct of the federal seizure, which entitle the to show their Kuchel said, haa bee n to deprive Ne•']M>rt BNcb AB I work at the festlv 1 are: Berb~ra the StatE''.s general fund of more tong 11.nd Bill Ja kson. Newport than 114,000,000, -$7,207,049.84 R H Harboi Union Hlg school; grade which woold have been the state's 0 8, T£Jrli Hat ch; ade 7, Paul share of the royalties a.nd $7,193, L.lAdaey, lb-c .............. 4 Wet&el, 2b .................... f g 0 Breithaupt; grade~. Rick Balla-rd 2S9 appropriated by the State • I - • ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rust and corrosion rvined this fuel pump on a 1949 air! • • • • • ---Lane, 88 ........................ 4 0 1 and RQbert J o hnsorl: Grade 4, Car-Legislature from the general" fund 0 1 ter Nicholas; Gra~e 3, Roxanne tor acqulaitlon of new beache!" and 1 Rogers, all or Newport Beach and parkli. . This fuel pump fre>m a popu~ Jar-make car v.·a s ruined by rust and corro;;ion in less than one year! The ov.·rier could ha\'e .c:aved the trouble end ex- pense of rl'pl::icement by using llust-Proof _gasoline. I -. . . I -OPEN fO THE PU&I Cj -- ~-- .- Our new club house ilB dining luuch room and other facilities arf' and no)V open to the public. Pa.rty accomnl<>dationa are also available for you: club or group by appointmt>nt. Visit Us Soon. Pbone . Kl-2-5974 WILLOWICK PUIUC GOLF COURSE WEST i'lTH ST. AT RADIO TOWERS, SA~"TA A:SA Burdick, c-p ................ 4 Swingle, ct .................... 4 OsWald, rl .................... 3 t>a v.ta. 3b ...................... 3 lA..Bono, p .................. -4 HaJUIOh, It .................... 4 .Totals ..................... 34 Santa Ana Bakt>r, 3b .................... 6 Schlicht, ss ................. 4 Babcock, 2b .. . ...... 4 Bryan, lb ... 3 Ha.vsom, p ... . .. 2 Kelley, ct .................... 4 Strand, If 4 Fouch. c . . ... 3 Crosley, rf 3 Lyons, rJ ... . . ......... 1 Total.a ................... 33 SeorP by Inntac" l 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 I I 2 1 0 0 0 5 n Newport 000 201 000-3 Santa Ana 020 201 OOx--6 0 from Costa Mesa. ~haron Perkins, In addition, the beach fu nd suf- 1 grad€' ' 1 2. fered a I08s of $5,605.483.21 and lh~ Statf' park fund, $11 ,21 Q.966.43, ~ Ma ste r Poi ntt'Open according to Kuchel. 7 T ourn11ment cheduled -Poople do read tbe want ad•., ' . Tht;> Newport H rbor Duplicate o C lub will sponsor master point O open tournament on Sunday July 2 2nd at the Friday !Afternoon Club O H oust" on Wl'st 18jh St. in Co:'!ta O Mt!~&. Pl:iy ·will st rt promptly at 1 one o'clock . . l In the gan1c held on Friday E!'Ve· 2 nlng east->A·<'st winner~ were Mr1. o Robert Brown and Mrs. Carl Ben· O son and N orth-Routh high 11corers were Gt'orge Mitchell an'd P erry 6 M cAdoo. RunnE'rs-up ee.st·west were Mrs Mih.Jred Lytle and Mel- H E vln Burdicl< tying with Glenn Rust 7 8 and E. E . Bruce ; Mr. and Mrs. B. F . Baum ; Mr. an't! · l.1'rs. Floyrt 6 5 Buell; Mr. and Mrs. James John- son IN MEN 'S WEAR YOU CAN BE SURE OF THE QUALITY All .over the Wes.t ,,motorists are enjoying the money-saving protection of.Richfield Rust- Proof gasoJir>1. r --.._ Since ·Rust-Proof ·gasoline was introduced a year ago,. it has W"'ered \Vestern cars more than 5 billion miles. In your own car, that would be equal to driving 10,500' round-trips' to the moon. Yet in all that time, R ichfield has received not one single co1nplaint of fuel sys. t e1n rttSt or corrosion. Rust-Proof gasoline ow,e_J its remarkable ability to ·•top r11,st to its amazing ingredient- RD-119. Rust and corrosion, result from mois· ture that condenses ,Paily in every car's fuel system. This moisture rusts and corrodes the g asoline tank, fuel lines, fuel pomp and carburetor. The result is loss of power, poor perform- ance, frequent repairs and costly replacement of damaged parts. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Protected hy Ridlfield hst·Pl11f Gas1k11! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ............ www ... ~ ............. ~ Lido Boy Gets t Hole-in· One· Runners-up north-south were Mrs. P l'ggy J ohnson ·and l.frs. A r- nolt.I Gasser; Mrs. Hervey Bodman end Arnold Gasse r ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jester; Mrs. Frank R eed nnli Harry Springmey er: Mr. and IF YOU G ET IT A T RD-119 makes moisture harmless. In new cars, rust and corrosion can't g~t started. In other ca"rs, rust and corrosion are stopped from doing further damage. • • This fa~I pump-from 6act1J the same m:'lke and ytar of car as th~ one above -Sho\\"S no sigri" of rust or corrosion after one year. R ichfield Rust-Proof ga.;;olifle v.·:t<:: u~ed ·e:icicl osivel.y. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SOOi'B COAST MATERIALS COMPANY SPECIACA TION READY MIXED CONCRETE ~~· Wn t Wlhloia (between Neweort and Barbor BIYd.) Co.a !Imo PllOile ~ Pd I In case anyone doubts i f . 16- 1 year-old M ike Doyle of Lido Isle ~. ha~ five witnE'sses to vuuch f.1r hi ~ hole·in-one on the 11 4·yard par· ~ three l\iEcond hole r.t t!te ~nnta : Ana Cocntry club. I His partner , Tun1 1-Jcnd rrsori . 'Jr., saw It as did a four-80me of Mr. and Mrs. Evi"rett ThWnE"y, Mrs, J . K. McDonald and Mrs. R . A . Emison. who-obse~ the-sh .__.,._..,..-.,, • .,,..,.,,,,,,....,...._,,.._,....,...,,._.,.._..,._...,, • .,,._,.._,.._,.. ... ,,.._,....,..._.,._.,.._..,.,.,, • .,, ... .,,..,,.._,. ... ,.._,,.._,,. • .,,...,_.,.._..,._...,, • .,,._.,,..,..,.,,..,,.._,,. • .,_..,_..,.._...,..,.,.,-.,. • .,.,,.._,..._,. from an adjoining tee Monday. AMERICAN LEGION AO You Can . Eat .soc: • Served from 7 to 11 ,;_ m. SATURDAY, .JULY 1st at RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET .. 3 Chow tin·es -8 Grills -8 Chefs We guarantee speedy service I GRAND PRIZE -TELEVISION SET l Many Other Valuable P rizes -- " ..................... . cr.t-. .•• ·s•ia>- • fin ·611• • ~'lllidttNlown ·~•le~' :. , ~ .. :Primttlli1lflit~, t ' .. . , n•'"*=·~ n-• Young Doyle, who carded a 77 for 18 holes in a rou.nd with Hend- e rson, used a eight iron for his hole-in·one. The ball hit s ho rt ailc.'1 rolled into the cup. Doyle, a Newport H a rbor l li~h !!K:hool student . is the son of J r.hn B. Ooyk>. 152 Via Undinf'. Lido Isle. H e is the younge~t sin~le· shot msker at Santa .A na Country club since Don Kennedy i.coretl an ace at the age of 13. Parked Car Entered On Balboa Lot Two motorists had items stolen from their cars parked In Balboa parking lot Friday, t hey repor\ed I to Newport police. I Right front windwtng of his ca r was forced open and a $50 coat and a S5 jacket l'lnd tools were taken from the inside. Don G. I Perkins. Baldwin Park. reported. Jane Hog-an. Belmont Shl"rl'. said f her car was entered through a I rear unlocked window. She said two coats were taken 'rnn~ the car I owned by Lois Dolan, 42•) Seventh I St., Huntington Beach. ME8AN JN REDLANDS l I l Walter B1rd of ·Coat.a Mesa spent Thursday tn Redlands visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Car'f>Ck and !'Mln Johnnie. • • • • Mrs. A . W . Tumn1el. The Newport Harbor Duplicate Brit.lgc Club will hold it" next reg- • • • • • • • • ular ffi i'l'ting on Friday evening !::======:;::=======;; June 30th a t the Ebel! ch.ib House You save money because, you no longer have to pay for fuel pump and carburetor parts ruined by rust and corrosion. Your rust-free car runs better, delivers more miles to the gallon. Engine tune-ups are not as frequent. Enjoy tl1is money-saving protection in your car. See your Richfield dealer regularly for Rust-Proof gasoline. • • • • ln NPwpo"rt Beach. Boys' C~sb Nine 1ps l':iililiin. 5-4 The Newport Hllrhtlr 'Bo~R' chlb •'A 's'· baseball team, edgt>d Ful- lerton·~ 20-30 club juuio~. ft-4 , Monday at 'Costa MeRa . Newport got itR win.,ing run in tht> extra eighth lnni.'l~ wheil John Murphy, who had· ~i;g led ttnd stolen second and . thirrt .scored on Eed Martiilcz· sque<'ZE' play bunt. Dine 5icore: f.~ullerton Jrs. 000 301 00-4' 11 4 Harbor Boys 100 200 11 -5 fl l Channel Swimmer Needs Assistance Wl'ston Sprague. 34, of Whit· lier attempting to swin·1 across the North Balboa Island •:hannel. be· carne fatigu("(f and v.•as ·given fitsl aid by the Newport Beach fire department Monday aJtemo<1n. H e was taken by nn1huln.nC'e to Santa Ana Co mmunity hospital for treatment. R IJ\t A \\'ISS n .4.f'E Ronnie Rime, 21, son of Keith and Florence Rima, 3911 Marcus Ave., Newport took first place .Jn· the CIOS6 0 utility race at Lon Beach Marine Stadium Sunday, June 10. Name of the boat 18 Uncle Remus. He runs i.he sport- fishing boat Nobilis from the Newport Beach Pier. Seat Covers TAILORED TO . _ IilT YOUR CAR M•t let1--FabrlC111--Raynn C"X>MPl.ETE AUTO UPHOLSTF.RISO TAYLOR'S TRIM SROP 1102 InduAtrlal \Vsy -. ., I Costa. ME'M. Rl"ncon R!l:iO RICHFIELD Rf~ORTfR AGAIN ON NBC ' . J I • Chevrolet trucks give you ' more powerful pe~orma~ce, l thriftier operation You mn great things of these new Chevrolet trtcks. They're the "'!'5t powerfvl hwdts vrolet has ever built, yet they cost surprls1n9ly little to c.pe;ale. T-, wonder-working Valve-tn-Head engines-the Thriftnwwwter 92-li.p. and -Laadmaster 105-h.p.-brlng you petftii111WliW ttiat laves yO., time and . N-Power-Jet ~..., p19Yldes anw::'.~l 11111~ acc1~1°"8R, ..,.. the 4-speed Stnduo-Mesh trcmsniiHlOll ill heavy-., 1111•h W11ia1• fml• and 91water safety an the grades. To you, th11 • ns wonderful new perfomiance ••• less time on ====:::1~· rood ••• less time ·in the haul. Sa .. yourself. faw•. Vlill -eur bmwawa•• "'*'t · O•v:.aliat ......i ·11-1,. whd yOo .... 11 • • • • • • 1 : \. . ~ . t\ • 1t • !j • 1:' •••••• I I ! t •v ANCE·DESIGll .ta UC KS I -1 ·-· -..,.-..;-..... '~~*I Ct t I IW.•t•j Ns~;;1111.-iswt , • J ~ 19»Jae lgyn(Ql'Olf .• 15 11 ••A11., 1• , .... aw l l • • . - • ' •. .. I ········-·~·-r ·-----.. ·--.. "' /err lhiltl 4 1/2• e"'h! ' • I J1s rastt n~r i:-111- ii's rr•I orl.ir1•-n•· ru rC"'s answC"r ro lrhC' 1hi11r quC"ncher t"Ve-ryb<fidy w1nft! Nol cnbo111Jrd1-~.il•ltt'- izrtl /f.W' JJ11rif1-•o · Jrpori11, •O "''""'I· Buy GREEN S.PO~ today 1 ·····················-·,·-·~······························· • w&~c• l"OB ova • Rexall Sales COUPON • Tide 1• •&L M18 MOEi.ES NEWSPAPERS ftDY WEEK nun.. Fri .. and Sat. ,,_, 29, ...... J9 -.... , 1 WASJllNG POWDER J tor 74; CAMP ST&OlS ...... TE.NIS. BALLS .... 1•:lt .llNDANAS R·~n ~-99 ¢ . ' ~~.~-------------~ MEN'S -Rf'«. 1.91 , SllDWl~H BAGS .... 1 .. r POLO SHIRTS 2•0·1.19 1....i.11 1 ... 1..an, Alnnal IENtELOPES FAC:. .. ':~D~~OO ___ Re_r_._ .. _._._5 __ ,o_r_1_3_r BEACH TOWELS · 89¢ • Dorotby Gra7 FACE POWDER i .oo ,.., .. 2 tor 1.01 Colof'llNI 11 .. ,..na Rubfonllltrln PAPER NAPllNS 11q. 111< 5 ror 29r LIPSTICKS Four to Cue 1.0Ct WIRING PAID HAIR PINS ud lllatchlnr EnvelopP• wr -va1 •• · J ror lO r _____ RA"_r _. _-__,_. ___ _ O• Dated 'FiLM 1/4 off cWo..-...,..... NIGHTCUAM ' 1.00 ......... Rf'frlgt>ra&or "'at@r BcmLE 11<-g. Ille --· RELISH DISH ft<'w-.Ille 80 .._ Jlllll si-~ , PITCHER Rrg. S9c c:owaoY suns ICE .,u· 6wsEs 2.49 .... ... . 7; . POWW PWM . l ,, Wltll .._ C-10¢ tnWT • ora. llAlllTtl.E 0-C,,Of-........ MAlllll Rf> ... 1.49 • SURF \Vuhlnl" ~owder o~ Stu RINSO AUilMGWC& aeir. t.11 1.1' ,_ • JUICE UlkACTOll~ ' ...... , u; 1Y towns • ()lo ... __ ,,.. -%4"":.se'' ,,. IA&O·GOLD 15¢ C -'"'<DY Reg. Uc MILK CHOCOLATE CM'DY 59 ¢' Pull -ad B0m17 HRo~ CANDY .... lb. -lb. 291 tAEFY KISSES lb. 39; . CANDY .JAR wtu..v..-• ·11; , .... - Reg. IOe * llYll 11t11Y &lASSWARE SOW l'UtES ......... SHllBERT DISH 6¢ CUP Rf>s.' 8c SAUCIR WINE GLASS Jl<olf. I .. SALAD'IOWL Jleif, lie 15# .... DISH JI0&,1e llNNa l'LATE ...... 14# .. ___ .,.,.. . -W. 1.i;t " ........ .,.zl ' I • .' ' fl JE~~~-~ RAVOIS FINE c.nc1ous quoU1y candy 1-ft. packed In cello, bog. Get • ... •lie 190 several bogs at low price. /e.i-lr"5u-"'"' 1·•· ..... 21• ..... ltro--A,,. "9 Or1111 src.s ..:.;t, 19- . SweM fllllts ..:.;~ 25• . ' ~ C111ws --=~ 1te Plfctn1 W1tllwoot ,.!:..";:. 45e ' . NU,..,At••••P Elllsfle. 2e:a1• om "3.54 bu ·2:;;;;•1-om 3.54 , ..... 1 .... -"0..'W.,.'bottle 3 28 .... ,. ..... , t-n. ltk:; ,,_., 24 • -........ .., ffw -ooly In Salowoyl lfdMtd tewlf It. To• en oddittonol • . ' • For your convenience Safeway Stores in Costa Mesa aad Laguna Beach will be Opea July 4th SUGAR 8EUE brings you ·r ' Net inary flyers; •• thete are pan-ready. Tou ~k everfthlne yeu pay for. Jullf Ji. the delicate ilCIVIM' ••• the Juicy ~der· nna·. I • of thne aelect chickens.. Discover the bettw they otF.. Eedl blr .. it comPletely cleon • cvt into ftyUie-siD pi-and padted ht ill · corton. l'tesfl "-111led ht by '!"Ide IL free • ••• refrigerotlon prot...1ed till' yw bvy. -. ....1ouo.uc1< ..... 17.S.GOOD Cradeleef. • fancy peas at -o pennies-vi,....sweet, tender-eoling 19' /ower price I 10 !-2-or 2-17-or.cans,27c. 2 ceis · 8-IJT'"~-Do;J Glltn, first Qualily a, ~A .. f lift Quartered and Cartoned VT• TOMATO JIJICE ~~ 2 1:::lle CllNNEIJ Mii.i(.~~ 3::29~ Mii.ii CHEESE Clieddar 1'...Cut Wrapped tlllll IM Tll N(IU Airway CoffeeJ .... t.77 .... W I Nob Hill Colfoo 2 .... 1.221 .•. 6l• ' ....... _ Contfll>wy 41 ... ·1· V8 '"'II.a Black ~.. • ; Froarant. stlmuloting. (Pkg. of 16, t'c) (MlerHry Tea,; 1:.~ 15• Cool off thew hot ~ wtth ic ed tea. Gd'ts Ct11s 'II • ~ ' . . ..... .. .. .. ,.,,.., . s· 1•s·2 .. . ... f. ~. DUTCH MILL t(f EESE -~Style. 1'4 O.llclo11•1ato,.., 2-A. 1 .. s.,,.,.._ ..., ~ or for ce!o'rlng. IBlllEZI . CH~HFOOD Aldt, cnr9"'1· MfYe ~··..,,. _...._ ,,.. dellc'- t:i&9• I. lllltll Mll T Boloana .. L~.. '!i· 49- Pimiento loaf si;,.o •. 55• Cooked Salami •. ,5. liYer Sausage F•esh •• 45° Braunschweiaer •. 63• -----------------------SWEETHEART SOAP BA TH SIZE. l bar 11 with purchate of 3 ban al ftgular price. Sl'lCIAL .. ICI 4 ... 31• --------------------- ' •.. , ...... ,., a , '. 4..,JB-. • I ' ' . . . ~ . ' .. ...1--. ....... ..- '' 2- 17D .. 1wpDi I .. C141w . ' • • ' > • • • • • • ' • .. ·••111' ...... ................ -- • ' • w I . llll't Ml ' J i i • " .. • • • .. •• ,, I f • ) • i • I ' • r • ' I -.. . I ~. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NE\VPORT BEACH rccelvied Its charter from national offk.en at ceremonJ~ held Tue&day iD the recreation room at Newport Harbor lJlllo• BJsb 9ChooL orncen were also installed and new provblo~!I and sustalulng memben Wf!k'omf'd. Abo,•e are: f~Jt to rtcht) Mn. Roland Lage rtof, cha.lrman or AMllltance LA-acue Juniors; Mn. Virginia Catie, dele(!-le to thr National Connell; MrJ!il. \\'lle-y Cocbn.n preAldr..nt; ·Mra. Harold Ram11e~ national pN'SldPnt: l\1"'. Stevf'08 F&rl(o, natlonai rroonll.og 8f:'Cretary a nd Ml'8, C. G. ·Parson~. nat~nal vice prel'lldrnt "'&1111 ln8t&lllng orncor..., Lo"·er plctuM 111ho\\'M the ne\\' pro,·lslooaJs. Sratrd </tll to rlirht) are: J\tesd.a.me!t .John Robln11on, Har l..nng('nhl"!m. Paul Rogrrs. Bowan.I Petenon and H&\1land Rogers. Standing, l\lesdamN4 '\\.'aJtrr .ff. ltltrhman, L C. l..owe, Cbarlf's .. ~. Sulll\·an, Alt>xander Ham.II ton nnd Dale Ram~ry. .J (Press Photos) 41>-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Newport Beach Assistance League Millionaire Life at Harbor Due Receives Charter From Nat. Officers NBC contestant , Reinhold Home Sold for $78,500 • • Awarding or a national charter Newport Harbor ts being dang!-Completion or one er Newport to the Assistance League of New-benefit to humanitarian causes ed temptingly over 103 NBC H a rbors biggest real estate trane- port Beach at a. meet~ng of mem-, provided by the members or the broadcasting station_, throughout : actions or -the ye&r \Vas revealed bers &nd many prominent guests League trilln_ed for leadership and the country for five days this today when it became known that from Orange county and other volunteer service during World week, bait for Pu and MaJi of Wllll&rn R Smith, auto d ealer ot chapters of the National Assist-War II. talent who have a yen to "Live Artesia and Paramount had pur- ftiPce League wu notable evidence In preaenting the chapter to the Like a Millionaire:' That's the chJUed the Fred Reinhold home at o r the outstanding record of phil· president or the Newport Beach name of the program, on from 111 E. Bay Front, Balboa I.elhn!l anthi-opic activities ot thJs group group, M~. Wiley Cochran, Mrs. 1 11 :30 ~· m. to 12 noon, on which tor a_ reported ,$78.:WO. . rounded In 1940 as an auxiliary Pa~n,19 . commended the chapter · Ken ~1lcs of Villa _M.o.rlna . i!9 ex-The property transferred la one ol the Orange County chapter. for their own record of community pounding the beauties or the Har- 1 of lhe•largesl bay frontages in the Attending the meeting were service and reminded them that bor area. area running ~ feet In length and n~ly elected naUona.l officers, the group "Shall be obHgated to The program i.. & contest in h.avlnc a pier and slip In the bay. Mn, Harold Ramaer, praldent: CllrTV out philanthropic. work of which had boy or flrl presents a The bame la a 15 bedroom, 3,000 Mre. G. C. Paraona. vlce-preatdent all kinda". parent, whom they think bu tal-' aqua.re foot property. one or the a.nd national council chairman: As •he received the charte r Mrs~ e nt. Winne~s of each day'3 con-' choicest on the l11land. Mn. Ste vens Fargo. recording Cochran stated that. "It was ac-te8t will appear on the Friday The purchMc lntroJved a trade secretary. ~e ptcd \Vi th humility and pride .... p:ogTam a.nd the final winner and of other property which was not Afra. Rams~r in welcoming the humil~ty in recognizing the sup-hJs/her family "lives like a mil· on record In the offlcca ot the N;ewport ~ach group to the Na-port qr the many persons ln the ltonaJre" tor a week at Newport County Recorder . Uonal Council stressed the motto community who had made the where everything is arrange(! for I Records show that the tranaac- ot the League. "All tor Service work 'f.f the League poaslble, and their pleasure including trips tion was handled by Realtor W. W. Yid S ervice For All" . ..emphaalz:ing pride Jin the achievements of the about the harbor and to Catalina, Santqrd ot the Stanley Hadfield \hat the remarkable history of National Council." vtalta to the shops and d~er at Office at 216 Marine Avenue, Bal~ ~utn&llltarian eftoru or t he Assis-· ·1 · . various places. I boa lal&nd. fa.n ee League of Southern Calif· · Offtoen I.oat.ailed • .brnla stemmed from t~ tact that Installed n.a oiflcen of the new they were tau·nded as. and have cha~t r weje: Mra. Wiley Coch· remained, service organizations. ran, president; Mrs. Stanley History o f Leacue . C ra, lat v1ce~preaident : Mrs. AI T8. G: C . Paraons, national E. A -t Crary. 2nd \ice-president; council chairman aerVed u in•tall-Atrs. ~gar Hill, recording secre- ft.g ottice r. ~· Parsons recalled ta.ry; !Mra. George Penney, corre- lbat lhe parent chapter, the Assil!I-spond,ng secretary; Mn. Lonnie ta.nee .Leaf:Ue of Southern Calif. Vln~pl, treasurer-, or'nl.a.. wu Ute outg1"0Wth of vol-Wetoome to memberal\ip were untecr~ effort.a organ.laed by Mrs. ten~visional and t en sustaining .ll~k Banrung ·to aid the mem rB. Pfovtslonals were: Mrs. bimcan Red Crom during Wo rld Ha. d Rogers. Mrs. Alexander p ar I. Ft>Uow1nc the wap lhue Ha.mi ton, Mra. W . H . Hltchnlan. women recogntaed the need 'for an Mrs. ay ~enhetm., Mn. L c . atg&nia.Uon which would meet t..owel Mn. Howard P_eteraen. Mn welfar,. ~ of all age groupe, Dale ~y. Mna. John Robinaon. 1be first proj~ laµncbed In 1!119 Mn. f'-ul Roc•n. Mra. Charlu F . wu a Day NUnery tor chlldreJl Sulll . Suat.atnina members Of working rnothera. later pro-were Mr"I. B. B. Brewe:r. Kn Jecta ol the P!-ftllt League and Cha Boice, Mrs. Jule.s Axelaon. UK.e of ,Ute cbapters have empha-Mrs. Helen McEJdowney. Mn ~ service to children. U.....vor. Mar Healy, Mn. Frank Splane. ... l;lbenJ welfanl pollcios of the Mrs. Leroy Lblnard. Mrs. Fredo '6apten b&ve mad.e It PoUible to Mrs. Claude Bolman. Kn. ......., all II&"• 111"""9· Projocte A!" Shir y MoMM. . . , . u varied .u the communlUee SUV· Tb meeUnc wu hold In tho at. ed; Toy ~ 1lbra.r1a.. summer trac ve n9W recr.lion fQ01n at -p _.._ halldlcnr.tt clubo the Union ·Hiib ocbooL ' tor Ille blind, '1ontal ellnlcs, main-Kn. -"°"~ the com- t•-ot ~tat--. ocboW-mitt on ~IL --lbqlo, 'dlnlc» ,r~. prevention of ot J"'1ior Awdll&ry pr<!Oldlnc ,. tu• ID Qlll4rela, equlpm111t at tea -_, Jin. Alter 't~ 11oopitala "'"" p.a lncul>atorw Kn. R. N. • .~~ ~- ,..... ...... _ G!< ....... -"' -0 .... ., ......... , .... •"•• ti .. i..c-.. l'Aijl.• m>v~t •• • t.llie .._..., LOST -R ed leather purse, vi- cinity Ferry or Fun Zone, Tll~s­ day ntte, June 20th. Reward. Call Worth, Hatbor 24~9-R. LIV ERMORE DRY SEMILLON • A so/4 ..,//ow, faU.ltotli.J .i,;~ ubl~ ,,;,.~, J~licio•1 With lig61 ~•b, ,..,,,,. µ.. SPORTSMAN'S Ll9UOI STOii __. -,__. . ----· .----~.Jin. wu-IOIL, ~ died the ~ llam, I ... llWi!!id ......... l M ......... ae1t z .... "ertlie&. . {Giorbardt pllplo) ' School Princi off for Long •'• . • ip . Jin.' Grayce , prlndpal of eon.a& "'1 Mar ~ and MIN ~~ Vutal,' J!rilid~ of New- port -ll ocbool, ""' leaving Sal· urday, July I to a t .. tn trip wblch wW c:any around the Uiilted stat.ea and home through Ctn•dL irheir ft...t •toe 11 be El Puo when the7 Wilt Pa~d Cav· el'NI: neat _at lfe;f. ~rleana, then Wuldnaton, D. C. !and on to New Yodl dcy Whon tjiey will attend swnmer ecbool ·~I .Columbia uni· venlty. An.er that they go to Montreal, Quebec, L.d then aCl'OM Canada to lee vaitcouver, thence down lo Bealue': San P'rancl8co and then home to ewport Beach. "I LIKE A KAH who la proud ot the place wb.erJ be Hvea." Abe Uncoln , ..... by the lst of J uly. !UUNO YOW OllJ:VllOLl:T .. OU'llllOlllLE -eo1111 ro. .. n1co ' • 0.0.. LQrtca-l.!6 eO ... ~lM • WMll. .... Vaonmn OJe&a.. lqJM, • .,_ ai-·1as e Boti!alot l!ervlee A Pam' oft Body 0.pL I . ·1 ~-Fri-I .,or ~tJ' Work ~-- Culbertson Motor Co ( Ull Cou' lllpwa7 8-oon 6"% • Free Pick-Up add Deli''"r)' courageous • • The mu who k ad1 an army qainst an C"ntreKIKd enemy it brave The man wbd doea battJe apinst hit owri prejudices and weaknestct it cour11touL The EpiKopal Oiurc:h can hC"lp YoU... throuah Christianity, Co conquer .1ourtelf ..• the only C'DC"m7 who can de(eal 7oa. St. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8208 Via Lido . . . N1CWPORT BEACH 1opklng-thal'• •f Joan Craw• fl'~ ca.reeer. SHOP 9i every nationally adv ised baby ity , BRAT I SHOP 1809 Newport Ave. Cos~ Mesa BeacOn 6959 YOV CAN DO BEmR AT '·Danlger FURNITURE CO. • I We Buy and Sell New and Used • • Furniture 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Be. 5656 lflfll • CREATED PURSUANT TO AN ACfr OF TH~ UNITED ST ATES CONGRESS TO PROVIDE A SAFE AND PROF IT AB LE PLACE FOR YOUR SAVINGS RIMIMllR •• .t laclt Month • • IAYINGI bcelvecl by the 10th • • IAtN PROM_ the 11tl • I 1 I ~ • • • ' • \ ' • • - ' ' ' Harbor Couples Brin g in Albacore 'I C .-D. fvt Church Sermon Subject PAGE 5 -PART 11 -THURSDAY, J SAILOR SANDY SAJS: • Kr. &Dd Kn. Bam Kl-er, "Getltn&' <A Thrill Out of Ufe" Ralph Maokoy, lllr. and Kn. BCina will ,be tile, a1b~ of tlle lttmOD Ka19er and Kr. and lll'.n. Jobn at (he Corona 411 lllu Community ;a:i.NQ:!~llE • "For a Slack to beat al Slack Yalues it's ' PLYLON • GAB A R.D. l'N.E INTRODUCING A NEW. MODERN MASTER WEA YE "a wonder for Wear" Specially Processed for Wrinkle Resistance and Shape Retention Priced at 'f 95 Going to Build Soon? lF YOU WANT new distinctive designing, highest st3ndards of construction, honest value with all uo- nooesssry profits and expenses eliminated; II. you \Vant au details. of planning, financing and construc- tion handled by a qualified, competent general con- tractor then have your new home or Income property "~uitable Built." Plans and addresses on request of "Equitable Built" homes in Pomona, Pasadena, Altadena, Alhambra, San Marino, Anaheim and Newport Beach. WORLD Yllt1le brcollht In ....... albf,core • Ji(onday when they went out on Church, ~anal. next Sun· board the Jackpot, p-.-gtng a day. The mlnlatA!r, the Rev. Pnry seesiOll wtth the preuure cooker 'II'. Schrock, wW preach. ' ... (or women of ll'I~ party and a. de-1 Harbor Area Girl Scouts Enjoy ' Fun and Uctouo addition to wlnt..r menu.a. Work ~t , T rabuco Canyon Day Ca/!Jp I :e~~.; =_.;:.::.irx:.4 by 'Mn. wiuiam s: Tritt · Claugbt..r Roebptle,ot ~l/l<A -om ... _ _,,,...,'-t ••-'"'rla ddl d had a vii.it a feYl days· ~ .,..ln .. 1 u1e ··-··~ "-'ft> •· took. tuma teJling rt ea an • ~-rd' ... _ ..... .._._ , by the b _. 1 San Fem.a.ndo Valley wtth Mr&. .....-u"' ~ ~t"""•• tunny stories. sue &•lg ea. 81 d' g.nl.I ~'die Ham, In "'" •••ly . Still r 1 pe.renta. Mr. •nd Mra. c.u -.... ..,.,. aquea.la and moron ator1e.e. p mornlnl' until depart.vie at three FUN. Befor~ Craft time •tarted Stanl!'Y hllllpa. ' in in the afternoon at O'Neill the girle cjimbed all the nurby Park. FUN ia the order of the trees and the •troJling photog- day. The aite of NerpOrt Harbor raher, Mrs. R. K. Harvey, waa Girl Scout Day Camp ln Tra-1.ble to catch many lntereating pic- buco Canyon la a be&uutuJ one ture.a to be shown la.ter at t;tie &mong the rolling hW. fllled with Girl Scout House. flowers and tree. and dellghttully The Camp Director, Mra. • warm. 1"1nt off on arrival after Flag Salute a.nd teveral peppy eongli led by Mila Jea.n Ttylor, Execu- tive Director, announcement.a a.nd special dlrectlona tor the d&Y,. the different unlta go oft to thel"i' special spota tor It.he bualne&1 of Fun. Our particular unit. or Brownies went to our lunch table some distance from Headquarters under a large shade tree, the le&vea or which were being rustl- ed by a genUe breeze. After hangtnc a cord from two branches for Ditty Bap. we •tart- ed to build our fire-place tor cooking lunch from acratch. Eve rybody acrambled about for ~arge and amall rocks, acraps of kindling plu. a large log and within a short time a really ef- ~1ctent u well u pretty rock 1tove wu col?)pleted. Soon the Brownies were peeling potatoes, onions and carrot. for stew and oaring app1e• for "W .. lklng Salad." Appetites In · ~rcued by the moment and ttle 1mcll of brewing coffee wafted from Headquarters site tor Lead· •rs was heavenly. Everybody help· ·d with the cookout lunch and 1oon It wu on the table. Aft.er KP waa comple ted 11 rest period of thirty mtntea began, luring which Interesting storle111 were read lo the g1rb who then Wayne Crbwl, an expert in Cra.tt work, arrived at our hideaway and gave us some ln.strucUon on Leaf Print. The Browniel!I col- lected from nearby, beautiful and dainty fiower11 to be put on plain white cloth to be made lnto apron•. Green printers ink Im- printed beautiful designs for each job and executed the print tor girl who teamed how to do the job and execute the print for herself. Ea.ch day the units decide on one of many In t eresting Cr&ft.s such a.a copper . work. spatter prjnt, puppet-making and numer- oUa others u the next day's proj- ect, or they decide to take a hlke, sketch or learn" a.rchery or camp- fire craft and coo!(ing. Before the day ls done the Unit goes into a huddle to dl.scuaa the menu for the next day &11 d a.re they ever good! . The bus horn sounds a.nd there Is a general scurr y to finish up I all business on hand, collect be- longings and rind a scat. Evory- one ls happily tired, but not too tired t o l'lin~ all the way home to the various • ~us i,tops. Oh, the beautiful patience or all the nice Girl Scout Oa.y Camp Bus Drlv· et8. Anothl'r pleasant· Camp day Is finished with the girls, Lead- ers and Mariner a.ssi stant.5 all on tlp·loc for the nC'xt to start. Church Women Surprise Natal Event 1.aur.-:h National Honors C.D.M. Matron, Registration Pro~ect Mrs. Fred Wendling A na tlon·wlde movement of Ellen Wendling !'l 17 NA.rclssu'l I Protutant women ha• been a vcnu('. Corona d('! Mar had a QUEST OF JANE NUNAN Majorie Gregory dt San Bemar· dlno la vtaltlng Jane Nunan, daughter of Mr. an Mrs. Everett Nunan, 208 36lh f>l.. Newport' Beach. I ~tlec:J. aaa are reaa by tolke who are looking to \ buy. The Centra Bible · Churcr. OF OOSTA . SA OranC'6 A\·e. at % rd '8lre~t Two blocks eut of Newport Blvd. on 2~rd • Bible Centered lEvangellcal INTER!'.'ENOMIN~TIONAL SERVICES' Sunday School 9:1:> a. m. Worahtp 11 :00 a . !TI· Evening Youth services 6 :30 EvangellstJc Service 7 :30 p.m. OUIJllTS AT DINNER Mr. and Mn. Kenneth KeeeJ and eon Kenneth Jr. ot Coeta Meu were guest. at a potluck· dinner given &nday by Mr. a.nd Mr& LawreJI~ Sexton of Santa Ana. faehlon 'llt!~~ed t ••••• CLOTMl•e SOU> OH\Y l"f' . Equitable Built Homes Co. launched in the Harbor area by the Newport Ha.rbor Council of church a birthday on Tuesday, June 27 Women in the form of a registra-but plnn111 for the celebration AS Uon project , called "The" First Mil· arrP.,i;-cd by h!'r hu~band, Fred lion". It Is planned as a demon-~. Wenrlilnsr. \.verl' n complete sur· 'ltratlon of womc"t's interest In prise to her. First came a the Ecumenical church, "The luncheon an<l reception at R oA· whole family of the whole church .moi;p calc. wbere a &'mnp 0 ( fdencll. In the whole world". The goal Is gathered around to wt.eh her many to have at lea.st one million Pro-happ)-· returns. 'tAltS. IOHUCX AHO. CO. .. ' Wm. E. ANGOLD Realtor -Builder -Insurance 901 CoMt Highway ' Newport Beach Beaepn 60M-W Res. Harbor 1288-W A phone •11 anytime wtll cet 700 lmmedlate . penonallUJd Service WORLD'S BIGGEST STAND I • ' FREE SPARKLERS A WHOLE BOX TO EACH PERSON BRINOING THJ8 AD TO I TERRY'S FIREWO'RKS teet.ant women enrolled acrOM the Mrs. B essie L . Benedict brought country. b:!st \Vlshcs for Order of the East· Each woman who registers con-ern S tar Rnd Dr1lly Pnckard rep· lributC.!i a dollar for lntemomln-resented Iiclcn Gculd auxiliary, atlonal work. a.rnong church wo· BadglC"y Camp 30, United Spaniah men. At the end of 19~ the United War Veterans. PaMdena. Council of Church Women will After luncheon which featured · join seven other lnterdenomlna· chicken on the menu , everyone tional a.genciu ln the new Nation· went to the Wendling home where al Council ot Church~ in Christ. many lovely gifts were opened by Locally, a key woman In each the delighted honoree, afterward of the 12 churche.!i forming ·the the hos[ served ice cold watermel- Harbor Council of Church Women on, red and ripe. But this was will provide envelopea tor regtatra-not all. .. in the evening there were tion, cards and stlcken for all wo· games of cards to round out a. men l.n her·churc.h. The local sec-completely happy da.y. , retary of re~tratlon la Mrs. H. ?,resent to honor Mrs. Wendling B. Klnlf, 600 Cliff Dftve. Newport we fe: Mr. a nd Mrs. U. S. Packard, Beach. Roxie Mason.6$"ophla Benson. Mr. Capt. e _nd Mrs. Kandie Entertain. for Portland Relatives Summer, tradJllonally the time for vacation jaunta, aleo aee.a many · Coeta Mesa realden4tl •pending Yz MILE WEST OF THE "ARCHES'"' lelsu~ly da)'11 at home. Many ON PAC[EJ:C COAST HJGRWA~ have houae gueata who have trav· l"(EWPOBT BEA~ eled from 'other cllmet1 to relax L!=========================='~ I in the refreshing locale ot this community. and Mrs. Albert Gale and Mr. I and Mrs. J esse Elderkin ot Pasa- deJla; Mrs. BC3$1e L. Bendict, Car- rie!· Ramsey. Frida Taylor, Mr. and ~Ira. C. M. Meeks. Mrs. Rob· ert Am<'s. Mr and Mrs. James Fttzgerald, ~Ir. and Mrs. Carl Ivy, Corona del Mar; Mr. and .>fr&. Walter Sherry, who moved thla week frrom qoron.11. del Mar to Laguna Beach; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Han.sen. San Clemente: Mr. anq Kenneth Lee, Santa Ana ; Mrs. T . Hdrd Seeley qt Balboa a_nd Mr. and Mn. A . G.I Andre.eon of New· port. I I FIRST Gml~G ACCj)UAINTEp SALE We want you to kllow ltbe lowly thlap we ee11 (~d (exceptlnc 11.00 Jewelry) we oll'r all1 of this new aad' exqulalte mar- chandbtt at %53 off L.... alway• hlexpeulve, _you'll acree this """".. It amazlnpy .... I I CapL and Mra. H . V. Kandle, 23:1 E. 20th SL, have been dispen- sing hospitality to Mra. Ka.ndle'.e brother a.nd fatnl1y. Mr. and Mt8. A. A. Parent ot Portland, Ore. The Kandlea broucbt together a company of friends and relatives Sunday for a picnic ln Santiago Park In honor of the '\.iattors. Jesa Cub1Scout P~ck Picnics Su ~day at 0 'range City Park I "MY •»EA o•-AN AGREEABLE PERSON 'is ONE WHo I I AGREES WITH -~ .. Ho..-Erwood. ~fore ~ast~ Mesa Scout Pack 'j. inaeti'tltle+ for the IJUmmer m tha, mem rs and their funi- li gathered unday for a picnic at I Orange Ci y Park. Varioua ,.ines and teata enlivened the joUy fete. 407 East Balboa Blvd. Balboa ~r 0166-J j · o.,... 9ftlllaP --;rw-.Loo•lse '~··Mr- Among those aharinR the happy outing were Mn. Vina Lemire, Arthur Parent. Mr. &nd Mra. W . C. Canon ot BeUnower, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Green of Barbor City, Mr. and Mra. ICmll Brost of Glendive, MonL; William · Lamlre, Mr. and Mn. William Van Heem.slc.erck and children. Bobble, Nina and Mich- ael: Capt. and Mn. KandJe and chlldttn, Terry SklPJ>Y and War- ren. Cost.a Mesa. fhe gamea.f, nnen and prizes art __ listed u f llowa: Boys' Sack ~e -How Graham, Ftnt. knife: Dewayn Pirtle, second, yo- yo;j Girl&' sack race-Marilyn Ro~ce. aecond.J autograph book: ~nta' lhree-lj?gged aack race-- MrJ &nd Mt8. j H. W. Grahain, wa4te basket. j U N. I T _y -. • . ., N91••• .... ~ Scliliel. &....'• ....,,. ..... M M. -0, IQ • .-• --C:.Olllwolo • • IUMDAY Slll'flCI -lltll A.. W.. -llV. 1$1'1\U tA1lOI DY~" "DIS IW,U.U !'O"W Cl9' IQICD" -.., °'DAL~ SOMD4T SCMOOI. ... A. M. -•ICIM. .. Cj+D .. II(_ -.u,_ IMsc:an&Y- ._,. lH\ll:IDAT ~J 19 P. W. _, .. P. M.. ..._, OM~ -~ ._.,...,.,..__...,, -··~··pl .... :-........ ._ Music and dancing at tbe home of the E. L. Greens provld~.1 the concluding phase ot the gather- ing'. New Granddaughter For Mr. and Mrs. E. Hill "Eila.stlc race or women-Mni~. Brqwn. M.ichea.1, Pirtle, G~ and Royce, si ice box dl9h99; boy.' pie ea.ti g contest-Allan Boria, knife; dad'• pie eaUng con- teet-Paul Huttman, wub clot1' aoap; bean gueaalng contest-IL · C. Brown,· box of candy; Mom'• pte conteat-M.ra. Neal Conlon. lee box dish. . Mr. and llln. Sc1car HID of Lido Iale are telltnc prwdly of the ar-- r1 .. 1 of their ~ ~ .... bl.- er, Bazbua l.Oailfe. born June 18 to Mr. &Dd Kn. ...... IL HID of Loe AJlcdoo. 'ftlo local coapJe an4 t.IMV" two -·•'• ' B and . 1---.~ --en.ry ~ ._t n .. _,. at AUar -_, --after ute -o6-Lutheran [)elegates· Attend Trainin9\~chool M repn•e11tatt-r. of. tbe Jfew· ..U ci,•S, ~UDO cLba port ~ i:.au.e.... -~ . "" 1>oJa o6 '14 ---· Kr. -D. c. w-... .,... "-Mtadodt .... cit• ••• ......,. ... LMiHe and Mm 8blrli7 ........ -2 to l-P...1111!----· Tbq ol o.a lll---~ Mw·tM.r ...._ •::#blNp and are .... •week~• •rr .. oe o1 Ute t..ut111e} llulJdlns. -~ and· ._,,.. ~1e 'l'talnl"lf ...., bOat& • ;·.:_ -1 :_-8dtoo& at A-\ - eoo1 'l'Rgrlm' ... . SUMMER HATS ' 1" Band wowen HIMltl body tmport.. ed from ctatna! l'uhion&ble ~~~~Geoli­... ........, man loather -. ....-.i. '" to T\i. WZ u,&U ZAST PA1'1111J(r l'L4ll: 4lq ..J:' $ '" tit PloO or -m.,. .. .. ..... ~ ..... --•*° am ..... ..,tlilW'tsretaum:.-. a.t ... .., ,., .... . . • • • '" . • • . ST. JAMES CH~RCH • El'l800PAL S•11tmer Ser tl ces ... A. IL-II~ °"'r' ... lO:OI A. 11..--Merlll.as Wonlllt ... Svta•• <Jlo-llelleOI la~,._ .Tiie Rev. ha!_,.,~-· 1%1' l'l/l UDO BT lll:ll.CB I I A .4 -+:4--/ " ... Wherever you ~pend JULY 4th you'U need thrifty fashions to help yo feel your best, to pad your pocket.l>ook. So look to Sears . . . . whert> smart new styles ;.lwl'l'• cos less! .. Just Think! Y~ ActuaHy Save ~10 on this ~~e ~.~~n~ 1~11~ Leis.ure Coat I Better Hurry for This ••• Friday a11d Saturday Only • Reg. .. . 1&,83 • Novel inverted Pleates • • Smart saddle bag pockets Careful hand sti~chlnc~ ' . One of this country's leading dealenera really .. went to town" on this superb coat. Seara atr&ight·line dl.st.ribution m..ke.a thia $2.IO saving! posalble. Shop Se&r.1 today. · -rid Here are the Slacks All new spring etylea, fabrics, plete the smart outfit. Sav•! colors lo I Men's 'Gold lond' tASUllS Budget Priced 98 6 maA for lot.a of Cllll\lals ~U \e&ther up· hard wear. U" tit ?ieel ra with in • ';\u 6-11 See them~ MEN! Save a big $1 ; on Reg. 2.49 Men'~ 'PllfJl'lm' DRE-SS S :IRTS , .. A.et llOW ••• aad Satard&)' •• . •... ..:i ... O.li.O.. ... .;,,.~~ ....... ~ .... ~"-'-~~-~~..,:_·:....:;..:::.~:::..:.::!:~'......~:.::..:~!:~.:..,;:...::c:.:. ~ • ,~c__~~~.-..:~---=~=-"--=··----:_ _______ ...... =....,;;.,;i;.:.. __ .....:....:.:_,..:..:J'.C..,,c.:._----:.:...__.:.'----------------~--- ii • . ' \ - PM!' t-itMt·I('-ft:llMSD~'f, ~2t, ·i.-eo .L-1 ~-tarss -B ~ OOtolft' BA.er . HOWie, Robert C. SWly 90' (ltlc por « !Ml!) ·-··--c-·-a Pollard, -bkao Biiiy llO' -···--_,.:_ ___ 11) -----------_.,._ '-"====~==~-~----,, Pollard. Euaeblua BEiy W ...... ·-·-·---· U) Pollar<f. Euaeblus BJCl7 l50'·N1117 \i .... lf) . Dellnqae~ 'l!n a"'1 hsessment Ust City of Newpor< -·~· II-of qouto-N"~*"-fW~1"'f. -Clt7 .......... &w1w-•ta --....'fof Webb, i!mest P . -··-···--·-················-J.--• . ooi.&N PllOliT T&AOll' Hart, Edwin Oliff ...... _ ........... -.............. , ... _ 8 STAT~~ ) '· Th H RIVEll ~~-27' <'·· sW :". co•--y .o" o~ •Roi! > •. ygesen, eruy Y --s ~ Uff• ~-~ atrlp In 8ocllon -J• :: cri'Y OF N!:Wl'Olt'I' BEACH ) adj) Bd Nll:ly by Btat.e Hwy ~. .I. Ji, R. llods;~lnaon, u EX-cifticlo :l'U' Collector, In anct tor the BEiy by teth Bl ........ 10 • ctfY Of :ffe•ptttt Beach, Count) '1f Otl:nge, ~le of C..llfomia, Valentine, Mary A, et at ............ ·-·-·-·--.. --I ... • REitJtBT OIVE NOTff!J!'-tltat, denott haying been made In the , FIJtST ADDmON • : .. rc;s ..... ., tuee and •• , .... due to the~ al Newport Beech TO NEWPORT BEIGllTS •for the ftacal year ending-June 30, 1950, upon the proptrty heretn./ 5 r atter ~ and that. UU. Aid taxes alKl aaaea.ne~ta • ~~ty,y,WTUlheodlamoreH.S. ···-······························· 18 .,delinquent, ~tiler with all '*""'°"' and .-. dUe thereon, lie paJd • '~ ...... -...... _ ....................... . · •l the Tax Colleetor'1 ortlee In Ute City Haiti on er l;>efore P'rklay, McCu,Jloch, Clarence ··-··--·············-················--· 1 l .June 30, 1~. AT TEN O"CLOCK A. M. of that day, all· of n.ld McCulloch, ~~~ce . .' ...................................... t! -property deacrtbed ln the within It.st on which said taxes and aasess-Tingley, Orv e · ···························---···········- , menu, pmaH.Jes &Ad cosb are tlleft unpaJ•, 'ftll) on Ute date and Weyant, Eugene D. --····-··-···························· 1~ . the bout above irpe:d.ned, BY OPEftA.TtON OP' LAW, be sold to Wefn.nt, Eugene D. ·······························-······-1 tbe City of NewJ)ort Beach, e.nd that s;ucb aaJe will be made tn the Ahls trom. John D. ············-···--···············-······· 20 OFFibB: OF THE TAX COLLECTOR ef Mid City. Quisenberry, Cherlt'1! M ................................. 9 · R . R . HODGKINSON Stevens, Will K ................................................ 10 Ex 0 T ll l t TroU.t:, Ab@I L. SEly 6-4' ....... -............... 22) -fflclo ax Co ec or o • N Bea h c Ur 1 Trout, Abel L . SEly 64' ........................ 23) NEWPORT BEACH TRACI'. ewport c ' a o rn a. I Trout, Abel L. SEly 64 ' ........................ 2t) Total Daniel, Robert H . Jr. .................................... 1 • • Ma111at O..W.r IAt 8 25 lllocll lkllaq..eacy [ ~iel .. Robert _H . J .r ........ ,............................ 2 24 $ 8.9{1 M1ller, ·Glen .L ................................................. 24 ~ cannon, R. K .................................. . Berrtn, Marie .................................................. . • . THIRD ADDITIOl"if .. Richards, Mernon C ............................... __ 4 • Rtcbarda, Mem<lrl C. .. ................ -.................. l!i R iehalda, Mernon C ....................................... _ 8 Richardt, Menton C. • SEly · % ............ -.. 7 ltlvEB SireTIO!f Sentenn, H enry T . SWly 3~' ................ 9 Bonner, Walter R ........................................... 16 Me.11ton, Alexander C ..................................... 15 Mestoa, Atexander C ..................................... 16 Tuc ker, Chu:. H. Corp. ................................ 2 Tucker, Cha.a. H. Corp ... ;................................ 3 LAKE TRAcr Cunningham. Floyd E , ............ : ........ ----····--.. 3 Nunan, Evf"rett 0 . .................................. 4 Winaa.Jp, Earl B. .. ......... __ ............. 17 Wll:laliip, Earl B ............................................. 18 W!ruhlp, Earl B . . ..................................... 211 Wlnah.tp, Ea.rt B ............ ~ .................. -........... 21 H ebert, Thomas R. Ely t6' .............. -.. --.. 1 He~rt. Thomu R . Ely t6' .................... 2 CA'SAL SECTION Butle r, PauJ T ................................................. 13 Butler, Paul T NEly 3.57' ................... 14 Jofinatone. Bruce B . . . ...... .. ......................... 10 Roric k, James B. .. ......... .............................. 5 Adam.a, Ella Grace ..... .......... ............... 7 Ketring, Cal.11nthe Grace ·-.. ........................ 8 Ketrlnl'. Calanthe .Grace SEly 15' ........ 9 West. Charlton L. .. . ............................ 5 Norton, Bun R. .. ... ..... ....... ...... . 7 Norton, Burt R. ...... ...... ................................ 8 Of"bban, Merle C . ............................................ 5 LANCASTER'S .WDITION Wingerhoff, Louis et al ................................ 1 W lngerhotf, Louil'! et a l ........... .................... 2 Wlngerhoft, Louis et al ...................... , ...... 3 28 s..36 1 Bosw orth, W11Bon ., ................... .,............. .... 2 Miller. 1-1. Earl ................................................ 1 38 38 38 38 39 39 43 43 136 136 128 130 234 234 234 234 235 2311 142 142 {43 332 333 340 3"0 434 439 439 635 Walkey, Oliver T ............................................. 16 6.77 l.fowry, Howard F . . ....................................... 24 45.72 Bac}ces, R. c ..................................................... 22 6.77 3.88 • TRACT "4 Rhoden. Eva F ............ -................................. 37 4_75 Otey, Charles 1 w 9 . -·-......................................... ~ 5 33 Beckner, N<'i ......... -.................................... . .:31 Blakely, Charles A .. Jr ................................. BQ 21 .09 TRACT 819 11 .56 P ier ce, Mark A. et al, SEly 100' ........ H 5·33 TRACT 11:13 6.48 3~_7g ·}5.80 2.59 :l-4 .78 2.59 24.3 1 2.&8 2tL55 1.57 73.53 24 .97 33.81 22.82 4.31 23.30 32.68 6 .77 18.17 .6.00 4 .74 5.65 Watkins, Ray M ............................................... 57 TR . .\C'T 90'7 Chapma n. C. W .. Jr ....... · .............................. 67 Chapmoh, C. W ., Jr. . S!:ly 1.1: ...... ... 68 BroY.'O, Nacio H .............. : ............................... 274 Brown ~ Nacio H. NEly 11' ·. . ..... 275 Clark, Virginia C. All (ex SWly 9.8') ....... 293 Clark, 0 Virglnla C ............................................. 294 Clark, Virginia C ...... .' ...................................... 216 Clark, Virginia C ............................................ 296 Ring, Haster R . SWly 20' ............... _.351 RJng, H oster R . NEly 25' .................. Jt;2 Loskamp, Charles U ..................................... 536 .Brown. Major B. NELY i,) ............... 600 Bro\VTI, 1'.fajor B ............................................ Al Sznooke, Marlon G . et al NEly 19' .... _ .. 099 Smooke, Marion G. f"~ al SWly 26' ....... 780 Richards. Martin H . . ........................... 715 Ri('har~. Martin H . SWly I~ ................ 718 RECORD Sl1RVEV-9-4S (SN.con .. J) McCarthy, Romaync ................................... 29 Ha rgraves. Kathryn L. .... . ........... Sf Russell. Burto n N .................................. 3l5i King, Chas. M. I.st Add Beacon Bay ........ 3 6.56 ACRF'-'OE ' Wlngerhoff. Louis et al ------...... ,..... 4 Wlngerhoff, Louis et al ................................ 5 32' 324 324 324 324 324 32< 324 324 324 324 324 7 .39 Eva ns. Russel C. Z acres In 11/2&-&-19 Wlngerho!t, Louis et al ........ -............ 6 Wlngerhoff, Louis ct al ............................ ., 7 Wtngerhoff, Louis et al ................................ 8 · Wlngerhoff, Loul.11 et al ............... 9 W lngerhoff, Louis et al ................. .. Wingerhoff, Louis et al W lngerhoff, Louis e t al ................... . Pletcher, H arry L All (Ex Wly ·20· ID ........ 11 12 of Nly 40') ............ 3 Pletcher , Harry L ................................. .. Hoffman, A lbert C .............. , ....................... . ~entleth Century !:nginttring In~ 1'wf'ntleth Century ,.Engin eering Inc. . ........ Twentieth Century Engtneerlng Inc. • SEC'TIOS A ~ q q 18 ' Bruns. Martha L ................................ -......... ~~ Laurie, Alton P ...................... ~. 4 Laurie, Alton P . .. .. . . ... . ................. 1~ Ebrlte, Alva R .............................................. 21) Ebrlte, Alva R. ........................................... 21 TRACT 2S4 I Latham, Allen L. .. ... . ................... 1, P~nkal , Edwin ~~-·~~ .. -~ ........................... 1 1 :II }'1enkal. Edwin J . .... . .... : .. . Scherf, Cbarles F . .. .. . . .. . . Dennison, C. F . -------.... .. Dennison, C. F .... 1. .. ..................... lI Lua.; ~;az:.~~Na~~~~ ...... :~~~ . .' . .' ........ '.-1 LUBlnk, Hazel M. f't a.I .......................... 1$ Burnworth, Fred ... . . . .. .,. ......................... 2i Vincent, James C. Estate All lEX Sly 7' of Ely ll'l If Vlncent, James C. Estate Sly 7' of Ely 11 ' 1. ~ 1 , Vincent, James C. E.etate ........................... , 11 , Vincent, James C. Estate ............................ 1$ t SUB OF Bl~OCk A.-EA.~T SE"'PORT ~ 1 Wilder, Winifred Pr ............................. _ -· ... 3* summers, L ydia M. .................... . 86 1 • White, Clarencf" Q., .. .... . . ............ .1Gt, , Bvans, J ohn R ... ,. . .... _.. . . ........ 13~ NEWPORT BA 1' T R ACT I t'lncent, J atnf'!I c l 3 Warlaumonl, F1oyd ... -·· .............................. 13, Stern, Deborah K ..... _ ................... 1• Sile llF BLOCK C Nl:l\'PORT BAY TRACI' Come!iaon. Harry H . ...... .. .................. _........ 7 CorneliBOn, Harry H . NWly 32.ot' of 8Bly 64 .08' (Inc bet...,. Ir. high tide line) 87 BALBOA TRACT Blue R oom of Balboa Inc. ............................ 1 • 81ue Room of Balboa Inc ........................ -... 2 1 Blue Room of BaJboa Inc ........... _ ........... ___ 3 ' EAST smE ADDmON TO , BALBOA TRACI' ' : AND BALBOA BAY FRONT t Karl. Eb~ R. All (Inc bay rtontage) .... 8 ! ~ Elole R . All (Inc bay tl'onf."«e). .... 9 1 -ero. JOl!eph B, .................................... -. 'll -· • Romero. .J09eph B ............ ____ ,,,_ ........ ·-··-···-' 11 t ,.Yffd, Robert 1. ....... -....... -... : ..... _,________ ' l TRACT 011 I , I.ycaa. 1-aa R. ---...................... -................ 5 • KallJJ!s;l;r, Thomu o . --............ _ .... __________ 18 1 :8~m::~ ~!.;, .. D._ ........ SEi;·--i··;··:::::=:~:: ! -t, Austin D. ---.................... ,_ .. __ 5 : ~ B. Cedric _________________ ,, __________ )C l hrrlqton. H•len ............. _,,_ .......... :... .. __ ,,'. 3t 1 OieN, Orepry C. ··--·-···-· .. -·---·--------7· • • i<ellor, 8-JI ''" --·---· ----u ·• MeWland. A.Iva A. , ______ :...._ _______ ti. : HwtcMnp. Nonnan a --• t llalloy, LucUle W. All (Ex M17 L'' ud - • 817 4.t.5'. Nly ~· • : .... ~r---• .. Cl.,W') -.. ~ i ftAC't ,,. • , •• . • a•, A.. ... II.. • ..... a•. A. W'. B. I Mww,J dilDA... • •• l 3211 329 329 331 331 331 119 120 120 227 227 10 18 18 109 109 100 3 3 4 10 Ill 10 10 A A A A 2 4 • c c 7 7 7 15 JO 19 L 20 A c D D D • I 3 .,,K L 0 u : I , ' 17 .68 Bd Nly & Wly by Ctty 20 .. 16 Limits-Sly by 1:1 MOto 20.46 • Tt'act; Rly by Hlghlaiid 21 . lr'i 11 8.63 2 1.15 17.68 St ext C'OltONA Dl!L MM\ Hoyle. Ralph L., Jr. NWly 98' ........... .. nE-S t iB OF OORONA DEL "Ml lO.l O Burt, Clyde A . NEly 1,2 ... ,... Jl 9.12 Rurt, Clyde A . .......... . ......... 13 ao.:14 Thoma.~. Gonion NWly ~ ...... ... 1 J[).82 Thomas. Mabel SWJy 10' of NWly % ..... 3 3 .78 Thomas, Gordon · .. --.. --................ , .. ......... .... 2 3.08 Thomas, Gordon ..................... _ ................. 1 4 Shipll'y, Leola A1 . NEly 10' .................... • j:hipl.ey, Leola M . SWly 2tii' ·. is 4 ·19 f.ynn. Robert B. tot al ................................... 19 ~::: J.ynn, Robert B. et al SW1y110' ............ l2 !:~~ Smyth, Ro=~=~·~· .. ·~-~~ .. ·~~····-............ io Bellinger. Wayne ........................ ~ .................. /1 24 .!'JG Bellinger. Wayne SWly 16' 1.................... 3 r ... ynn. Robert B. l't at' sWty .............. 9 Lynn. Robert B. et al. I'{Elyt• 2fY ..... 1...... t l !l.4 4 8 . Hole. Willltts D . .................... .................... I ~2:~.~ Hole. Wlllitts D. . ........................................... fl :10 Bt-nnett., Cornella ..... ................. . .. . ........... n ;4 :~:~ Stov.·ers. John T . N&ly ~ ... , .................... £ ~~:~e9;g~0:w;~ ·······Nmy···i·6;·1::::::::::::::::'.::: t• 1 j .73 • Holmbe rg. Edwi.n .................... 1 •. r ......... "'.......... 1 t0 .~10 Lippitt. Warren R._ NI.:Jy 15' .................... 1 13.0!l Lippitt. Warren R ........ -....... _ .. J. ................... JS 1taste~. Charles W .................. 1 .................... Jl 8.36 Masters. charl~ W ........................................ 13 3.00 Masten, Charles ·W .......................................... f 5 45.51 Gilbert. Everett ................................................ 2 9.70 J oyce, Frank ..................... .,.............................. 1 Golish, William R .......... ~....... ..~... ................ • 24 .11 Gehardt, Walter J .................. 1 .................... 17 52.H Eeli~r. Martin H ....................... ! .................... J • M .ft3 ~ellgf'r, Jl&rtin H ..................... r ................... ·1 s 2:f.l:l Hiil, DaJe Log11n NWly ~ ~· ............... 11) Hill, Dale Loga.n NWly ~ .1 ... 3) '14.71 fB.17 9!1.88 G'f'ah1lm, Frances ......... : ......... i ................. J2 Graha.m, h ances SWly 17 ' 1 ................ if Tritt, WlDia1n R. . .. ~ .................... \ 7 'Prior. Royce' W ........................... -................... \I P.rior, Royce W ..................... ~-~................... I' 116.60 :M'ealy. William M . . .................. ~ ................. t2 Leona.rd, HaroJd T ........... --............................. ~ King, Marton Barth ....... : ....... -.......... ,., .......... li Estok, Mike ...................................................... di 3·92 Cr1Bfielcl, John W ....................... , .......... -........ 19}.. ~ Hutchins., Albert R ............................ -........... 11 21 .86 210.28 87.•8 118.82 25.77 flli .70 ~-"" 3180 HulchJns, Albe.rt R. . ........................ ·-·········· t• Hutchin.s, Albert R .................... -··-----·········· M Parker. C"-les H ............................... -·····-· IS Parker, Charles H . . ........................... ___ ,,,, __ t• Behn, H1nm 1. ..... _....................................... T Stanger.\ Betty ................................... _ .. _.. I Joroan, Mary Wright NW!y 58' "---·-~---lT Jordani Mary Wright NWly • .. -........ 19 J ordan, )(ary Wr1Cbt N:Wly :IS' ............ 11 Lin~. Vlz:.eent ._ ................................ -........ 22 ~t. Eugene F . -·--··-···--·-··· .. ···•· .. ············-··· }.. ltombea.u, lMc:l1e :&. ·····-···· .. ······ .. ··-··-······-··· 16 Rombeall;, LiUcile ........... _-.............. -.. ··-·-17 10.~ ~. lUdtard. J. NEl.y 16' ......... --... 8 19. Huttmal., RkJ1Vc1 ~ ...................... _ ...... _ ...... 10 2443 ,.. .•• --L-• G ~a1 J ' .~ A~;. ~ a: ~ ... al ~···sWiY"'i6:-·~==-~~~=::: · .: .... U .90 . TBAcr IU t0.73 Remy, TbomaR 1. All (Ex BWly liO') ___ 1 7.02 -...ett, a-lea A. All (Ell Hwy) _ ' 2~=-:;:.,'\},.,,~B.~-~a'r.:.'..exs_wy>. ~ 10.':'3 .......... Jol>D T. ---·-•---:----·---·--t St-,Jqlin T. _ __..:--'------· 2 ' . . DAO.-. "-<• Noifte C. --• --• 1lf 2111» ...... fl''8la c. NKb '.6 ----• .S.U. 11&,_,..i P. , All t• .fllry) ~ a t;Oll -. ~ P. All I• Jl!WJ'I ~ • ' t.te Bean,·~ P . 4ll (lb W.,.) -If ..... -. ..... -p,' All (llo llWJ') -• • t II 1 1 1 • 07 .. 180 12 12 71 21 24 24 24 24 30 30 38 30 30 32 32 32 38 37 37 37 38 , 35-6-10 132 132 131 133 134 JM l:W l:la "" IN lilt 234 234 231 23e :z:n :z:n -242 242 an -3lM 3S4 335 3311 335 335 33, 33'T 432 436 431 5:119 M!9 029 029 632 637 637 638 MO -•1 t38 139 139 839 140 ---m '\''" ·~" ';: 735 -131 731 .tu 1U Q llol llol z A.A 'llA • • ... • .. • 1e.11 1.H Evangelist Holding Retlvek in Long Beadrr lM~1 lfere Now Uving In a.Ibo& t. Dr. Mem. a (Merv) ft.ow.I, fated ev&n- 0.\8 Celiat, who 11 realdlng at Ubmphre)"• Perch, 307 Edl'ew~ter. Roeell, whose Greater Lonlf &aeb revival Is in ita fourth week , 13."6 wu 90 tmpre&Hd with the' HarbOr area that he chase to atop ht>r~ rather than In Long BeaCh. .Wlth1 hJm an h.iJI wife, Violt>tte, his 'daughter Merlynn, 13, and hi• two,•--------------0 son1, Garth 11, and Jan, 6 . Only 38 yearB cf age, Ro9ell hu O Bpent half hie life preachJng. H e 1 •46 has been an a.aoclate of famed 3·07 BlUy Graham ln many evangeliatlc Ask Improvement of Bristol St. effort.a. A raat talker who uaea humor effectively, RO.!lell waa at tl.7S one time a dance-band mualeian 59.76 and still plays the saxaphont> and 34.00 plano In hl.8 revival vlbrk. R.eque1t that the boan:l of su per- visors COJl.8tder "Immediate con· structlon" 'Of S . Bristol M d Nev.·- port Boulevard wu filed with the board of wpervlsoMI 1\J.eeday. 1.80 He studied for the ministry at 44.91 No rthwe.11tem College, Minneapo- 35.50 U.. a.nd ruakf"s hi.a home In Roches- 8 .28 l ter, Mlnneaota. 09.46 Rosell'a recent campaign was· 9.63 hi.11 flr!t in Long Beach, but he ta 8.2;) I well known In Southe rn California Petition wu filed with the coun- ty board from the South Briatol St. 'Extension cpmmlttee, and b•11e signatures of 13 partl<>.11, heftderl by that or R oger S. W&tson M cli.'.1.l r· ·m&n of the highway co111n1ittef' ot the CMta Meaa CillfJ!ni;;· coun- ciJ. through his a c tivities In Los An- 12.71 geleB, San F ernando Valley, and other nearby areas. 36.53 7.38 30.~ 52.37 6.28 -32.59, 147.18 11 .10 4.10 40.78 11.71 20.68 111:1.27 78.13 158.90 28.82 77.3:, 8 .S5 5 .3-1 17.33 7.02 9::0 84 .97 9.33 78.52 6.J5 12.12 3 ,.:;·1 5 .01 88.t>4 5.86 81 .91 35.~7 70.<tO 39.t 9 10.73 101.33 9.40 3~.28 11 .15 2.79 16.00 9.16 5.68 40.0i 168.23 5.40 25.5 1 31 .42 4.45 85.sq 9.96 4.58 18.:.!7 5.58 2.92 . 36.00 106 Chun:h~ .loin More than "JOO churche.11 ot many denominations joined In the spon- sorship ot Rosell 's rE'cent revival meetings, and an average of near- ly 6.000 ·persons a dAy passed through the huge t ent situated near the Intersection of Carson and Cherry streets . The can1pnlgn grew out of a be- li f"f in many of the churches that a lll>f"CIBI program was required to focu11 attention on "negligence or religlou11 obllgntlnn" a.! evidenced by "rat packs" and other tonns ot delinquency, r~me. and o ther soci· el evil!. RoBell , himAelf, produced stat is- tics revraling that America ha~ thrE'e times rnorc> criminals than college Atudents. four llme.11 as many lawbrrokeM'! as ftCh ool teach- e rs, and n1ore girl bartenders than coed8. He sold that a murder Is recorded every 40 minutes, 11 rob- bery every 10 minuteM and a burg- lary every two minutes, costing the nation $15,000,000,000 a year. The petitioners uld re-cords of the Santa Ana Helgt°'l!t Weter Co. show there are morf" tht1n 800 homes in the area of the r1 oposrd extension of Brt.11tol south t o a junction with Newport boulevard. at Palisade!! Rr. and thtlt thou- sands drlvt-dally from Santa A nil to Ne\\•port Beach a.nd Co:tt a Mesa and w ould be 'bf'nf'fitted by hav· Ing a roadway o the.r than S. Main St. which has "very congrsted conditions.'' County of!klals have opprovr d the propo8ed extension A~ hH\'e be-en pu.r chutng rlght-of·\vsy fn r an 80-foot rOBdway. ANNUAL YALUE "The annual value of hunting and flebing lo the State In Cf"ntrnl Vallf'y waters gr038es more than 43 million dollars. Capltolized at four per cent, this represents an asset of one billion dolla rs , a s un1 which deserves full con11iderat!on when r eleases ot water ore r e- quested t o maintain lbese resour- ces."-Seth Gordon, consultant, Thomp5on Wills All Property to Widow , California Wlktllfe Conservation Will of Roland Thompson, pro- minent Orange l'OUnty attorney, who died lost ThUrM!ay, v1as or- fered for p robate ln 8Uperlor court Tuesday. Va lut> o f thr ·estate was not disclosed other than that it in- cludel'I prrsonol p ropert y worth "in c>xce38 of $1 0 000" anrt 011e- elghth interE>st In 160 acres of unimprovet.I land at Desert Hot Springs. He bequeathed nil to his widow, Mrs. J ane A. Tho1nspon ot the home place at 620 V1/. Surf St., Balboa. ' Woman Injured in. Highway Collision Cathe rine> A1uri n Lillil'. 25, Lo!=: Angelel'i, failed t o apply her bra kt>s in time Bl Coast H ighwa y avenue an<l 17th s tret't , Sunday afternoon, and cresh("d int o the l'l!Hr ,o r n C'a r dri\·en by 1'tanuel Paul Conteras. 36, Hawtho rne, S('ndin~ it into the rear of a ca r tlr iVl'll by George \Villlsm Norris. 48. PortC'rvilll'. CH P r eports srO\V The collisio n ocl'urre.1 appr oxi- mately in the niiddi!' of Ba:bon Blly bridge. Mari1-1'1::i Cn1:tl•r!J s. 34, w a" takrn to E m.:!rgl•ncy hos- pital with minor in j•irit•s. ••t LIKE A MA.N who Is proud or the place whe re he llve111." Abe Llncoln ... GOO by 1 ~ 181 of .luly . Board. NO SYMPATHY "I have no sympathy fo r the hunter who goes atield ,simply for the pur pose of killing all lhC' gnn1l· he can gel."-J . Harpmond Brown. president, Outdoor \Vriters of A merica. LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 624 . .t\N ORDINANCE AAfENDING &_ECTION 311 2 OF THE AfUNI· t IPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR C AMP FIRE AREA NO. EIGHT The q ty Council or the CiQ• ot Newport Beach doei1 hereby or- dain as: rotlows: SECTION I : There is h!'reby added to Section 3112 of the Mu· nicipai Code of the City of New. port Beach the following camp- fire area site ant..! d C'Bignatrtl as;; "Can1pfir e Area No. 8". to wit: "Campfttt. ArPa" No, 8 Beginning at the intersect ion ol. the southv.•esterly prolonga- t ion of the northwesterly line of Iris Avenue w ith the southwest- e rly line o! Shore A venue, a s said streets are laid out and shown upon a map of the Re- subdivision of CoroRa del Mar. recorded in Mlsc~llanl"Ous Mo.ps, Book 4. Page 67, R ecords of Orange County, Califo rnia ; thence southwesterly alo ng snid southwesterly prolongation of the northwe8ter1y line of Iris 2.6'i , --_---------------------.,....--~-- 7.90 ' ' 2 .09 3-4 .G5 35.00 58.01 7.";J 18.38 8.79 3.7' 24.61 7.33 7.33 38.(13 AUoPJtM"d O\\'DPir Lot Block Dellnqu,.nr'' 19.85 2.9~ 19.9!"• 42.";' \ 6.23 29.82 6.23 14.01 8.36 18.47 3.'i8 73.:.!l 3.78 10.61 8.23 20.52 20.•3 2.19 ~.51 2.'5 15.87 JS.81 84.H 1,2-\ S.61 . 2&.26 '• 18.91 2.25 TRACT 1028 Clay. Horoce S . ... .................. . ................ 12 Clay, Horace S. NWly ~~ ............. -....... 13 RE-SUB OF SECT.ION 1, BALBOA ISLAND Martin, Agnes W. et al ............................... 25 Foster, George M .................................. .,__ 3 'J.•oster, Gl'Orge At . . .. .. ................. ............... 4 Myers, J ohn W. .. . . .. . ........................ _ 24 Oenkert. J oseph A . .. ........... ....... ......... 32 Yarn011, H ubert P . . ............... ~........... ... 13 Paine, Albert S ............................................ 23 ofi"o11l er, Solon .U.. .. ................................. _. 9 Fruehnn, Edward C ..... __ ........... ,. ................. 17 Eldred,-A . G. All {ex a l ) ................. ...... 1 SECTION Z, BALBOA ISLAND Sha.ran, RuM<"ll E .................. : ............. _ ...... ~ ... 18 Carter. Flournoy P . ,. ... .-.................. : ... -......... 15 Schrofr, Albert ................................................ 13 Holloman, J oe B ............................................... 13 SECTION S, BALBOA JSLAND Moonna.n, Florence W ................. -..... .......... l Brewster. Harry C ........ -.................... -......... 34- Naylor, Ida P ................................................... 36 SECTION '· BALBOA llll.AND Walsh, Janies J . Ely 39' .............. _____ .,_ 17 Scottco, Inc .............. : .............................. -........ lt Naylor, Ida P ........................................ -......... 3 Richardson, Angus S .......................... -·-········ 8 Richal'd8on, Angt11 S .......... : ........... ·-···-········· 7 Eaatman, Robert A ....... ~ ................... -............ 17 'ryler, Olyve M ........................................... ..,.-... 18 SECTION 5. BALBOA• tsLAND 11..Gn, John WlUla.m . .' ........................ ·-····--iJ: Gilman, Etbel 1. Nly * ... -...... -.... --.. n Gtlm».n, Ethel L. ...... -··········-··-···-·············-· 16 .TIL&.cr 'J'U (VeM,._• Plw) llorn.:in. Alex M. ··---L·--·-·-·-·····-···--t• Morrt.9oft. Ales M. ···---·--··--····-·-·-·-··--41 Morrtooo, A.Jn M. ---------------------· 48 TllA.CT 1111 Flaher, W. E.. ---·---·--·--··---25 tnlne ·Beach an4 qouni.,. Qub Dtatoo -"'I --:.. . TL\.OI' ••• . • ' 4 5 • 7 8 10 10 11 12 14 1 3 8 9 13 17 18 1 2 - 11 11 11 12 14 % • 3 3 81 .12 12.i '.? 43.2t. 69.90 111 .80 2803 53.60 20.82 72.42 '149.19 66.23 65.91 48'.42 19.24 34.16 31.1:? 47.64 22.~ 45.88 31.fl3 211.62 33.« 17.58 6-0.55 46.27 29.84 13.'i2 et.81 15.98 80.ID · 12.97 7.73 10.70 ... . ,., ... Jl<nMo, 1. .. ---------·--· ' ' 4.07 11•12 Plckertns;, .o.rt• C. el al ----~----·-· 11 S.!16 · 4ll ~~-clNcribed la .. , • .,.., In the corporate ' -til of the CDT or li-:>")llT ialicm_. oomt'fY <D' ORAKG!t, 1u1 tnATE o:r CA.LD'OllMlA. • • 1 U2' Dated Udo olpth day of Jlm1t, .... . .• . ,Ul · . · . R. .. ._..,NllOH, t.'18 I ~-~ ... J..-::S -...:...t .. •=ra t mr •Jllle'• , e - 1M No. 4'1S-...,... IPIM ... ,_I. l!f, II ud .. UM. - • A venue t.o an ~oo wttll Ute Ea.st Jetty of Newport Har- bor: thence northerly alona' aa1d. East. J etty to an lntereecUon with the said southweaterly line of Shore Avenue; thtl'lce aoutb- eaaterly along said aouthwest- erly Une of Short Avenue to the point of ~ginni.ng." SECTION 2 : Th.la ordinance la hereby deC'lared t o be a.n f"m~r­ gency measure nece-Mary (or tht lmmrdtate protection of tht publll' peace, health and safety, and sh.all take effect immedl8tPty upon It.a final passage. The folluwinl' 111 a statement of the fac::te show- ing it.a urge ncy': Tiie uncontrolled building of camp fl.es on the bt>ach l'OD8lllutes a threat to the-public bealUt, safety and property or the cJ U- ze.n!t of Newport BH.ch. SECTIONS.: Thia ordlnanct shall be publh1hed at least one(' in the Newport BalJ?oa Pttft.s. a new.11- paper of gC'neral circulation p rint· eel and published-In the City of Newport Beach. The forC>golng ordinance waa in- troduced at a. regular meeting of the City council of the Ci~y of Newport Bi:'a Ch held on thf' 12th day of June, 1950, a.nd was 1111ally paSkd and adopted on the 26th ~y of J une. 1950, by th~ follV\\"· Ing vote, to-wit : A YES, COtJNCILMEN : F inch . DrakE', Greeley. Blue. Isbell NOES. COUNClLMEN, Nuut>. ABSENT, COU N C ILMEN. None. , L . L. lSBELL, Mayor. ATTEST : C. K . P RlEST, C ity CIPrk. N o. 488 Press-6-29-rtO NO'l'.ICE OF SA.LE or llliL~I. PROPERTY BY TBUSTEll U NDER DEED OP TBttST T~t Ne. lfM WHEREA9. WILLIAM J. GAN· NON and M A R 0 A R ET M . GANNON, husbn.nd and wife, by Deed of Trust dated October 14th, 1948, recorded October 19th, 1948 in Book 1716, page ~6 of Official Records of Or11nge County, Cali- fornia. did grant and convey the property lhE""rein and herelnafter dC>scrlbed, to the Orange County Title Company, as Trus tee, to 8€· cure. among other obliga tions, the payment of two notes, o ne for S·lfi00.00 end one tor $5-00.00, dated October 14th. 1948, In favor ot NC'wport Balboa Federal Savings ancl Loan As.ciociation , a corpora- t ion, or ord!'r, with interest from date at the rate of 6 per cent peT sn11um. Said $-4500.00 note Is due in n1onthly installments of $45.00 eac h on the 1st day of each and evf'ry n1onth, begiJ?.ning on D<>cem- ber l s t. 1948, and said $500.00 not e is due in monthly installment.8 of $25.00 each on the 1st day of each and eve ry menth. ~gin ning De· cember 1s t . 1948; and \.\7H'EREAS, default hu occur- r('(j in that the Installment 01 principal and lnte re~t due upon .<1aid $4500.00 not e on September 1st . 1949 has not be!'n paid; a.nd WHEREAS, default hu also oc- curred in that the installment of principal an<1 interest due upon i:;ail! $500.00 note o n August l et, 1949 hai;;•not been paid ; and \\IHEREAS, Ne~port Balboa Federal Savings and Loa.n As90Cl- ati9n. owner and h older ot aaid Qote~. heretofore demanded that said Trustee sell said property and on March 1st . 1950 duly recorded in th(' office of the County RPcor<t- er o f said County. in Book 1977, page 81 of Official Records there- of. a notice of said de fault and of its election to cause said property t o be so1 J and more than three n1011thr-. have now elapsed since lhe recordation of said notice. The ~~t:1r!Al ~«i~~4 f~~m:~ 1st, 1 9~9. is now due, O'\~:lng nnd unpnid on said $4500.00 note, and the s um of $335.82 principal. and int!'r!'~t thr r l'on from Ma r ch 1st. 19:10, i.-. nov.• due. owing and un· paid on said SM)().000 note. and there Is also secured by said Deed of Trm t the Trustee's fee and ex.pt>ns<'S o f sale estimated at J290.00. together with any sums paid nnd advanced by the owner of said notes in accordance with the provisions of said ~ Def>d of Trust . v.•it h lrltereHt oh said la.st mentioned sums . NOW THEREFORE.' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tht> Mid Orangr County Title Company, by virtue o! the authority veicted In it as Tru1'tee under said Deed of Trust. ~·i U seU at publk auction to the highest bidder for cuh, lawful money of thf" United States of America, on thr-10th day of July, 1950 at the hour of --eleven o'clock A . M . of said day at the South front door of the Orange County Court House lo the City of Santa Aria, C&J.Uomia, all of. the interest conveyed to It by said Peed of Tru.!lt ln aild to all that certain property aituaUd ln the City of N~ Beach, County ot Orarige, State ot C&llfontla. de- 8Crlbed u followa:, to-Wit: Lot P'tftee.n In lllodl W'l't'e Hundred Porty-two ot "Co- rona del Jib..r .... u 9"°'1m on. a Map ..-1n Book S. pogu 41 and 4.2 9f M.l.acellaneowr Maps. ~rds of Orance Counti. ealtt~ or ao much. ot lald property u allalJ be n~ to .. aold to pro'ride • --•t lb pay the total MIOWlt -by aald De<d of Trmt: Dated June Ith. 1900. ~ ORAN<lll COUNT'I' TITLE COllPANY, (Corpo.-te Beal) , By· G"llO. A. P.DlllZll, . iPl ·ar,'trt, ByC.W'.~ !lfeenlar7. No.--~ j ' Pul>ll* 3-i:..21-.-~ • C&lttl#ldA~ 01!' llUl!JNE!IS F1dlttou. 1'7rm N&me 1 • 'fBE UNDEIU!JGNEI> do e,a heftby certify that they a.re CO!l- dueUng a retah •5 and 10 buaineu at 300 Main Street, Balboa. City ot N ewport Be~, Count1 ol Or· ange, St.&'te cit California. un<kr lhl' tfctJtJou.s q name of BALBOAS J O STORE and that •Id, k1hq_'-Is 90mpoaed of the folk>wbW ~n.'l, whose names &.nd addiPeA~8" kre &.!! fol- IOW5, to-wit: A\ ' L. D . DON LOSON, "° . , Box B08r 0 1nak:. \Vashin~ •_.,: - WJLMA G. boNALDSON, 606, Omak. \Vashlngton S our hands thi..e 8th da e, 1950. DONALDSON ~WILMA. G. DONALDSON Stat of WaahllCOOn. Coon y •oc Okanagan. ss. ON' THIS ith day o f April A. 0 ., £ before me thC' und<'r· Big n , a Notary Public in and for Mid ounty and Sta t e, N>Sldln1: tht>re.t duly con1n1b!sluned .anJ s""'or , J>('rsonnlly appeared I~. f l DON I.DSON and \\'ILMA U. DON LOSON knov.•n to 1ne to b" the persons v.·hose nan1e~ are suh· scrl~ to the 9''ilhin Instrument, &nd *know!Nged to me that tht>~ execu ed the samf'. IN \.\11TNF.SS WHE EOF, I havC' hcrl·Untn s1 t my htnd and .:tfftxc.d niy o f f j(·J:d seal e day and year 1n ttul'l r'f"r· tltil'a e firs t obove \\'l1ttt>n. {SEAL) Wm_ l'I F.LLIOTT. ?l{otary Public in nnd for sa1J ·Q>unty and StatP. j M y ¢:on1mlssloa Expirf's 5 18 5::!1 No. 4f6-Prt•RS ~ Publl$h Jun~ S-1t\·22-2D, 1950. • NO'ItCE OF SALr: Of>" RF..:.\I. PR(>PP.:RTY B\' TRt .~TElr. VlfnEA DE.P.O Ot" TRI.ST Tnt§& So. 1 .. 50 . \\I REA S , JOHN C J<ILEY and ELVA D.; KILE '\". husbftnd a.nd 1ite , by D ried of Trus t dat.--U July 2th, 1948 land rf'cordecl July 17th, 9'4 8 Jn BM k 1671 , page 71 of Offlci I Record.'>! of Orangl' Coun- ty , C~Ufornla. ldtd grnnt and C'On· vey t6e propert:Y therein and hf'r('- inafte-descrtbep. l o thr Orangf' Cou n~ Title Co'flpany, a!=: Trustf'-e. to St'C\lre, among othf•r obhgat1ons. the ~yment ot one note dnteU . ' July 2lh,,19'18 Jt&yabl e to \\'1\1 1tJn1 Mc Mtfnamim ~.ncl Margaret ~ft•­ Menarrum, husband alld v.•iff', ar-. joint ! tenants, or order. fo r the prl nc~al sum of Sl!J00.00 with in- terest! from datq a t thr rate nf 6 pE'r ct nt per annum ; principal and inter$t due in n1onthly install- ment.I of $25.00 each on thl' l st ' day Q< each afldi every ntonth. be· ginnlhg S eptemt>,->r 1st. 19\8 ond conti~uing untlf.fully paid ; and "rffEREAS, efault . has OC· curred in that c installment o r principal and I terest due upon said note on Se~tember 1~t. 1948 has not been pal~: and WHEREA·S ,. r:illlam M cMena· mim and Marg r ct 1'.1cJi1rpami~!!.,, owne rs and hol t>t !l of .<1a ld noW". heretofore dem,nded thst ~aid Trustees sell saib prope rty and on F ebruary 20tfl, l~:"lfl Uuly reeordt"tl in the office o( th!' C<1unty l~r­ corder o! S&icl County. in n .. nk 1971 , page> 2it!) of Officia l Rt't-nrJs thereof. a n otice n f said df"fAult and ot their election to cau~ s:t1d property to be sOld and mor e than three m onths ihav(I no\v elapst•ll since the recordatlon nf Fait.I no- t ice. Thf'1 Sun1 of $1::000,00 pr1n· cipal and inte rest thr reon fr11n1 July 12th. 1948, ls now due. nv.·1ng and unpaid on gaid nntE' and tht'r•· is also secured by said D<-·"d of Tnr ~t the Tru,te.:-'s fc" And ('X- penses of sAile> esti1nnlt·d at $1 50.00, togethtr v.•i th any io;u n1s pe.id and adva nced by the 11\~·n1•r:oi of ~d nQte ill accordanc(• \\'1 th the t>wvbt<JM ~f f.9rflj1t ~'.P.·d of T.rus(. ~.;.;ith ihterrHl on R:tfd ln!'it mentloriNI sum~. NOW THEREFC>RE, N OTtrF. IS HEREBY GIVEN that th!'.: Hnifl Orange County Tit}e Co1npRny, by vi rtue of the 8iulhor1ty \'e~ted in it-ae Trust<>e under AA id Dee.I ot Trust. will Mil at public au<'tion to the highest biddf'r for ca~h . lawful money of thr United S tal eR of America. on ltht> 24th day <1f JuJy. 1950 at th~ hour of rleven o'clock A . M . ~fl sa id day nt the South front cl r o f the Ornngf' County Court use in lh<' ('ity o r Santa Ana. prornia. all <•f th,,. interest convey 1 to it by said DePd of 'T'nJ~t I and to nil that certain property si t uatC'd in the County of Ori~~ e, ~late ~f Cali- fornia, descri as fQllowR ; to- wit :• · Lot& S lxty-11 e and Sevrnty of Fairview ighland.~. T ract No. 653, as · wn on a. n1ap recorded In k 19, page. 42 of M:tscellan 1 s A1aps, rC'C"· ord.a of Or.11nge County, Ce-Ji- fornla, or so much o f sa Id property •BB aball be neceH."l.11.f'Y to be aoJd to provide a sum i;ufficient to pay the total amount eectl"f'd by sakl Dttd ot T)'ual. Dated June 2 t, 1950. ICorponlle S..I I ORA1"'GE COUNTY TITLF) COMPANY, By 000. A. PARKER ,J PrC*i.dent, By ~1 \V. BAXTll:R, Secretary. No. 487-~ Publ1sb JWMO ""I W7 IJ..13,, 1900. ' . A&llLUIBAS ff ATE PICNIC Tbe annUal si&te Arkanso pie· nlc WfU be lteid ,, iuly 4 at Amer- Jge puk, West [ CommocwM.lth, PUlJertoo wltb • lucl< lWlCbeon Jla.le!t_ for · 12 11 according to ~~ ofi Bue.na Park, pr ~t ot u., -'ety. who In· -• all ~=~r and their m-11>'1 • .. I f: .· ' ' • • \ • • • • ' ~ .. ' • • . . WHE .R'E TO DINE . . . • • ENTERTAINMENT •·THEATRES for a band decorated WEDDING or'BmTllDA'Y OAIUC, ""11 • GENE'S RISTAUIA'NT AND BAKERY e· -t 1111 ' ·-* * , nu:NCR and ITAUAN 01lJ8JNE THE ARCHES CAFE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE • OPEN 10 a. m. Through 2 a. m. • Ne'WpOrt Blvd. 01) Coast Highway NEWPORT • • . Stta.. Mon.. 'l"oes, hily !-S-4 Jack C.rson In Ldf ltlot ''THE GOOD HUMOR MAN" Mes a.--¥1.1 ''l ' .,':I, J~ ~1 • .. Now Thro Saturday .llllle 2&-1 Bf"tty Grable, Victor l'flatare "WAIASH AYINUI" -tnd TflChnicolor F ... na~ \\'F. ARE CLOSED ON THURSDAYS Ra.ldolpb Scott, Rnth Rome ===:::=::=::=::=::=::=::=~::=~I "COLT .45" CAPE COD HOUSE EXCLUSIVELY SEA FOOD Oysters-Lob!lters-Cbims-Shrlmp--Flsh ALL KINDS OF SEA FOODS , From North --South -F.ast -West l'For A Taste Treat" SAM'S SEA POOD ·Complete Course LUNCHEONS-DINNERS Start.fl S unday luly 2 Monty CllJt, Paul Douct- "THE llG LIFT" 1_;1111b s.tuntaY Monty CKH, Paul ~ "THE lfG l#r;' ltmmy Du_.....,.e In 'THE GAUT RUF •r Sun., Mon., TllM:. .July 2-3-t, Robrrt Taylor, l olm Hodlak "AMBUSH" ,·. p 0. u. 1 0 . : • ~~ ' • •S • ....-n> rt,lli& !II--·--,···· Wed.. T!ftmL. Ft<. !lat. I luao Ill. H, 80, llllJe I .. "l .. BE,., lllD nw• TEXAS' Au& !flarltby, Oale Sto?'M wm Gfte•, w1111am Ta1ma11 The trae story of the Wetlt'• 11109t aotolio11• onttaw, "Bitty tllie Kid," Wllo smttrd JHce an -f'f ..,. ldlled 11... ,..., devft lftc!araate Aloo "TIE CAPTURE" Lew AyrH, TPl'f'U. Wright Edwin Rand, .lacqlM'llne "'bltf' M1Arted by ht11 consclf'net', he ealdd not •top untJI he lee.med the tnUt about htmself. 81111., Mon., Tu..,., Joly 2-S-t "W~NMASTER" Ben lohntton, JoannPJ Dan\""'' Ward Bnnd De roartng thutller of wacon• rolllnC oa•·ani, rtee~ Amrrl· ~·• not:"' front~r. Also "THE GOLDEN GWVE STORY" llllllt"!ll Dunn, Kay WHtfall htroduC'l'ng °"'""Y Martin. Thr pfcturfl "'Ith tlmt Pxtra f'xpfottatlon "8Ck. llPl'XltAL AWARD NlotlT J!>very Tllun. Nlpt Heerts is Diversion for Pofice Auxiliary Hearts was game of the evening when the Womrn·s P olice auxll- "At the Sign of the S.,.ordfjs~" Beautiful New and Enlarged Coettail l'?unge ••••••••••••-.l, j iary mc-t Tue~ay evening wi.th Mary Cusumano, 6800 Coast boul- SURFSIDE Jltrotv.·ffo Sf-al Bea.ch and SunM"t lkiaeh Pbone!I: ll24-05 -80Z-OO -8'0-79 90(jl't iiaAllY ""d RALPH f'IOllOAN In . "HE~'fES CAS ~AIT" _ Tl1r pla:r• rroht '''hirh tbe plet_}!rP "II P re Cornf"S 1l°fr· IOT<lan" ...,. ..,,..,.., \\'Ith R(., ... rly ClampbrU and H erbert \'lcfan w£o .• Jf'NE 28 ttr.ru MOS .• J1Tl~V Srd. Ev~. 8:SO SlTN. Mat. 2 :SO AMERICAN LEGION HALL AVAILAltLE for?? I Newly decorated; large hall and stage; kitchen !tac!litiel'l !or group dinners, lodge meetings, etc. j FOR OP!N DATES REASONA~LE RAT~S C &l1 on RAl.PH IR\Vll'\~-1 528 Nf"wport Blvd. Beacon 572l·W AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 45S NICIELODEOI. M8 ~-Cent Blvd. J..acuna BrAeh Ph. cm smm.-,. ...... 'Vllhfly 7:tMJ a 9:15 L'orttlnno1"° Swnla.}"111 fl'fMll 3:99 Thnr!i!,, Fri., Sat. .111""' 29 -Jiiiy 1 Anton Wal brook (Star bf ''ftf>tl SitoMI") hi "A_DV£l'i'TU R m OF Ml<JRAEL STAOOOFf"' with Aktm Tamtrotr Fay ftatntrr and OM.-TIMe . Fttckrr Com udy Short" Snn., ~Ion., July 2-S A.cadr.rny A.\\·ard Wlnnf'r "SHOE SHJNE" Italian Dlalocuf', Enl'llMh Tltlf'8 TUMll., Wed .. .July 4~ . ''TllF. MUMMY'S JIAND .. &IMO ''SLIGHTLY HOSORABLI:" Comrdy! &fyMtPJ"l'! Chtlls! Meetinp 1st and 3rd Monday of each mohth. ,,. . . -~-~~~ c As IN 0 sA'N -eLEM ~'NTE ,.f!it'A#11'1flE'W . ·!MOW Mc ·o IY YOU R F"'tORtTE. evard. Winning at theo game were Ginger Cassel, Elaine Montgomery and Alda Gorton." Three birthd.nys wrre ohSE'rVed, gifts being prest.1ntcd Alda Gorton and Mary CU!!umano, whilr one wa!!I sent to Eliznbeth Wa.ltze. &verly Burdsall presided at A .!lhort business session. Members prC'sent weore viola CornecJ, LaVf't& Lace, Alda Gor· ton. Mary Bate11. Lorr aine Mont- l'Omery, Beverly Burd.8all, Bee IA.ce, Ginger ca.Mel and her niece 11nd house gue!!lt, Mrs. W11.lter Ben- nett of Boston, Ma~s. Doris Luckhart is 5-uf>per Hbstess to Friendsh~ Girls ' Ot!'<l'otlng the .,,vening hours to making scrap bf,o ks for the Los Angeles H o.<>pilal, the ~rid Friendship Girl.I of the c'osta Mesa Co1nmunl\y Church met Tuesday. A potluc k supper prP- ceded the w ork seossion at the home of Doris L ckhardt. 248 E . 20th St. Pr~ent were Donna Nelson. Cta~ford, Bever I Mrs. Luckhardt. Helen Keating, loris J ones, Ann Thom psoft , anll Ann Crawford of Orange Ave., . ~ ~o~tca.'i ~~ th·~·-gr~u~ July . ,... • . ''{· ... ,,•4 V acatioh S · ool ' ' • • • IACR 'IVILVOX ""'*I. of o..ta Meoa, tTylnc °"t a t tbe ~....,. H f'ltlt ·a.udttk>n '"°""' at tbP Oorona del Mar Grmnmar School, la<lit 1vttk. sbow will bf. ~ntecl at Rt'ftdM.,·ous Ballroom, Sunday a t 8 p. m. Friday Nite Dances on Summer Schedule at Lido Isle Club Long Beach and Harbor Y's Group$ to Picnic at Orange City Park First of the seeson'8 Friday h.ld .t For1nulating p1an!i for the an- ntght record danc('s wa~ nual joint picnic of the Long Beach Ll<io Isl<! commt1nlty club house and Newport Hai-bor area Y's with Mr. and Mrs . Wayne Mur-Me n's and Y's M enett{!s Club dock in chargr. Colored lights are convened Thursday in the home of an nttr:ictlvr note a.nd, as every-Grace Wrig ht, 232 Walnut Pl., thing Is dlm:lnctly informal, every-. Costa Mesa. , one is 11.AAUrl"'d Of a good time. The picnic will be held July 16 Two fnmlly groups in evidence starting at noon in Oniute City were the Gf'orgt;> Wards with da-Park. Loura Jont-s, vice presl· ughter Di,ane and son Dick. and dent .. presided in the absence of lhe Jim LewisC's with Billy and President Bet:y J~nks. &irbara, Couples inciutlP the The picnic will be-ht"ld July 16 Me~rs ,'\ntl Mes~es Spalding starting at noon In Ornr.ge City Eas tman, A . W. Lewis. Mack Ren-Park. Laura Jones, Vier pre.st~ tro. l{ennc lh Brooks and William 1 dent, pr('Sided in the absence of Thomas. 'President Betty J enks. , I n thr. younger group Wfre .'-fDr· J Wit!'! procef'ds eermarkeci for the Lewis dnnc·iag with T rd Tiberg the purchase of h ospital ehef'ts and he-r Mi-iqer Donit>, :T;h Bob for Camp Osceola, a wbite ele- Roblns: Thea Beaman w l'I with phont salt,> \WU be helcf Ai the n ext D~n Ward, Nancy Dnvls with meeting of the club July :IO in Michael . Srhhmdeman and Satty Ule home of Doris Luckhardt. Davis \\.'Ith Hugh Wil<Jon. RefreshmC'nts of Ice crcnn1, ber- Th.e snark bar 18 open Friday r\t"Ji, cook le.s ·1nd ;.. ffee w e r,! serv- t>ven1ngs for the danee, fron1 8 :30 Lau Jo • M ti Lon El' . ra ne.,. yr P g, 1za· to II p. m. (and daytimes from b··lh Ztmmf'r, France~ C11:1nt::. f'rit· 10:30 11.. m . to 4 p. m .) zie Jack80n, Grace Wrigftt and ---·I Dorothy Bradle:r. Mrs. F. E. Wend.ling ----- c1ass1fJed ads cost little, do much. is Surprise Honoree Frt'de rick E . \Vending, !l17 Nnr· clssus nvenue, Corona del Ma.- honor ed hl.<1 wife Ellt'n with a !'lur- prisr luncheon and reception Tues- day at RosAn1o r<' cafe. A rterward the pnrly went to the Wendling htJ nle for opening or gifts and refres.hm £'nts of ict'd watermelon , the day being completed by an evening at cards. 1 Present were: Mr. and Mrs. U . S . Pa_ckard, Roxie Mason, Sophia Benson, Mr. snd Mrs. Al~rt Gale, Mr. and Mrl'J. Jesse Elderkin or Pasadena; Mra. Bessie BenedJet, CUTle Ramsey, Freida Taylor, Mr: a.ncf Mrs. C. M . Afeeks. ).!rs. RoMrt An1 es. Mr. and. Mrs. James Fitz- geraJd 1'.fr. and Mrs. Carl Ivy, Cor · nna del M Rr; Mr. and Mrs. \\ralteT Shc>rry. Laguna Beach: Mr. and Mrs. C. M . Hansen, San Clemente: ?.tr. anll ).frs. Kenneth Lee, Santa Ana: 1t1rs. T . H ord Seeley. B11dboa anti '-fr. and Mrs. A . C. Andresen, N <'Y.'po rt. Mr. & Mrs. J. A.Taylor Entertained Guests Over Weekend Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Collins, son-in-liiw and daughter of M.·. and Mrs. J . Arthur Taylo r of Lldu Isle were wrek encl guests In the Taylor hom e. On Saturday evening they were ~. • • 't. , •4 -.~ Cooks' houseguests,. Robert Brinkley. a cou.<1in fron1 N <-'W Mex- ·THE CIRCUS ROOM ONE OF AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING RESTAURANTS! Food Espe;tly Prerri- ' ond 0 rtM'.lotlAly Ser.tad, lo Our Unique Dlalq Boom Free Indoor Parklaa NeXt Door. t .fn Long Beech . • ' . 11111 l?tlla10 -- .. • HAS NO PLACE "Prt.ctlca.l pollttca ha.a n~ place tn . pra.ct1caJ ·oonservatlo .. _De Until tbe:lr n t.bme a~ <Wat Royal lS comp1~ l:M:r. and Mn . Ma.rshall HobSon l...,.e bouae ~ or Mrs. M . B . Brill 188 Broo.,,..y. trolt Tllbee . $1.85 TOPS ln FOOD TOPS IN l!lN • TERT AINM'.ENT Coat& Mesa. f1RN lN v0tri! tnbrru:; CAPS .,. T RICRAllD'S I UDO MARflEI' I or at ~ .i.R. PEPPER ~~G 00. II " Grand tjpening 11 •• FRIDAY, JUNE 30 SATURDAY, JULY. 1 MONDAY, JULY 3 . , I HORACE HE I Bil ' I Sunday I -~·U .~rt ...;-f~trP!. M ~t :. , . ~ITELY • d T\\'O RIG NITES -_,tTLY Srd and -Ct. Flnt1 Food -Coektalltt -C'.okfl Bar -9 p. rn. Admlfl.!11.lon: Saturday1o1 and. Hollday!l, Sl.00; W nJ~ 15c ' Buz~:i' Onoene "l!.O OLIE O' TOOLE 116 TIME: R"DIO "RTISl Classes to Receive C.ttificates[ Friday , Cehificates wil} be awarded stu- dentS ot the 011.i~ Vacation Bible Sch~l of the flr:1t Bapti!'tt Church ot odsta Mesa at1. corr:mencen1l'nt 'P't"~am tomorrt,w I Frlllay 1 'll 1 :30 p-m . In the !c hurch. ico and Miss Toni Kur;ermitz of ._ __________ ..;;_;~---------------------·1'1-... ---Portland, Oregon. Just graduated ..... 5 from Oregon State coUeg-e, she Is touring the United States and Eastern Canada with her parents. They will return the northern route and she will teach at Salem, • How. Ab0'1t Your ~M Phone Har»Or I ~ ' J • ' u?· 6 • Girts • e Glrl!li e Or"gon in the fall. I A\'l'~rage daily :itter.dlnf"e has totallea 170 chll r en. RES01 TRCES ARE TRUSTS ''Unles.'i we think of our natural r<'SOUrCe!'l as trusts for oui' heoirs, lhel"f> will con1e a day when -there \VIII be no gon1e to hunt or fish to catch."__:Governor Earl WR!'• I 0 SS I Fine Italian Din111tr1 OPEN FoR LUNCH COCKTAILS Ultt c-t RWJ'. P11. nu. nl!O c-.i.1 Mor Jrood ... ..-to 1:11 .. m. STt;AL CRllllCB SJGN Tlrif'ft Of a flbrr board lfgn troO\ the corner near the Eben club ln Balboa Saturday nJg!lt was reported to Newport police enl'ty Sa.nday by Rev. 0. H. Wied) man of tbe Fjrst Baptl.8t cllUn:b.. The aip. tta.d ''Welcome-Baptlllt Cllurch." .. ' . lfALllflJT JftlN • . -Oo·-.a. ... -"' ......... •llo .... _.,. le .... • ' . ''I µKE A M1N who ls proud ot th' place \Vhe~e he lives." Abe Uncoln ... 600 bf the l"t of luly. ren. 80bTT BRAD and RALPll MORGAN •tar la "fk. .. \·1•n C'an ~'!"-" second fft:riac of tae Gralmm Playen at ttW' t.aruna lk!lfl't• Pi.yh()l)ff@ opcnlns Wf!daeA<ta-y, June !8t.IL Tiie popalar c.,~,.10e4"'11Y-f&lllUYj on whlcb tbe ple tlll'e "11f're Comes Mr. Jordan" W'afl M8ed f~-Uttii Bf'l\'f'rly Campbell ,;88d Herflett ~ISfml In ~rtlaa re~ Othforw tn Uae e919-f ol 24 tne,.._ Georse Re)'llolds. Modrtne Cooksoa. BH1 SMe!dy, Ir, -- (I ... H. Ho¥ G .... W.U.. "H~ftll,.. wUI ba\·e a Mx· all(bt run wt\b a S~y matlaee at ~:so. All .... r..ce • ..........u ... -1 11e -~ ea11- , hl'C' .....,_. 1968. the bos otnce •l:a,yw open trom J l &. m. •Ill. p.m. ......... t• .. tl1 !Ill atMt• I , j On-the Oeeaa·· Fron at . . BALBOA • nJLY FOURTH ••• 8:30. P. •• ~ • • BA LIO.A • zo • • • ' • • . . I • • •f t ~~~'--'·~-""~·---'-'i........~~~-~·-...L...--=--==~1.=.~~....::..~~-....;.;~~...:;;....:..~~~~--............................................... ...;.:;..;.....;;..;..;.:.;.~;:.;.;.~.:.:...:.:..::i..;.u.:;i.:;.;o.:.:..;..:.;.:.....;;;.;.i I •. • . -. . r-'l"-~..,....~,..........,.......,....,.......,.,,....... . ..,.,~~~~"1"7'T'~T· '""~~~ • ' 1 PAGE I -PART ) fi-' THURSDAY, ii!'le it;~lffo .t:~~.,, •.•• ~ ' -• • .. . .. ---: . ~ mni•.n Dr. Ren'dolph Mille r' .Ajlnetto llblrleJ, who makea be~ 11qme With~--~· to Spealc Sunday ot~ M-Lo itaylng ..iU. Mr. S J Ch h ond 1rr9. Barty c. lllirdlcl< .. 2u •t t. emes urc MacnoUa Ave01 while Kn. Klua- lllUI and daqHr AJyce are vlatt- lng la mcic-t. ICll. X>. . -.&.'("AD' 1'ISW - While their new home at Palm spm,.p U! under coaotruollon. Mr. and Mn. C. O. 'llcQuown of Rivera .are gue.u Of Mr. -and Mrs. A. H. 8maJ1. 2311 Sparb St., Collla 11-. n... ~-br. RaJldolph M.lllor, profemor of the Church DivlnJty school of tb.e· Paclfic... will preach tble °comJng Sunday at botb the 8:30 and 10 a.. m. wor8hip services at St. James Eplacopal church. There will be celebration of Holy Communion at both services. Church schoot·wtll be at 10 o'clock b uaual. • Ma& llOYD llOBE&Tll .,Ent•rt&inln&' .-ntl;J.. at th.. Lido lsle bom.e-or...,_~;;_-JOrru\(I Spangler. 113 Via Koran, Mn. BoY,d Roberta wu hoe:teaa ~o a local bridge group. .A. dea.eert COUnt' ot. boyaert· berry pie topped \vlth tee cream, and coffee was the prt:lude to the card dee.ling. S..:ortng were M'1ne1. P . V. Parkes, Roberts and Wlltlain E. Nickell. OtheTs present were A1Jnes. Gunning Butler. It. J . WrlRht, Bertha. Tillo tson and C. H. Ridley. f WJlli•m S•lisburys I Vis if M•s• .B•~fi~e s · · · lUFFUD '.PE f U-NIAS ~j :I J. .....10' Mr. and Mra.0 WUllam, S1llibury ' A.u. DOVBU: · an~ oona..Blll¥. Dlc)<y, Jimmy and PETUNIAS ~··log "'--~ •of '°71• :._ 25¢ Jol)nny of Berlcley, former Ooata .---._ • ..,.u .. ._ M-relldentll. ...., belng groeted ll&DDING ' . + :~m;,.:Y::·~·~frl.= BEGONIAS ~1o:..... .' b 10¢ · home ot Mr. and Mn. Uoyd Salls-COLEUS la l'ota • 10¢ bury, 070 Vlctorlo St. U.. of pretty eolon! ..tch Trlpa t0 San · ntoiro. Hociywood , 5 & 10¢ Nursery l a.nd other point.a have been ar· ranged tor the entertaihmSit of I f..illiUiiZiilllii,So.iiiiiii' iiNii•iiwpoiiiiiirtmii"'iivd.m••TiiiUllSTINiiim••••'li'ill mj~Th~u~ro.~~ the Sallaburya. I' Walter Longrrioor and Mildred Miller United· in Rites at Christ Church ---~~~~~~·.,....--'--~-~~~~-~~-'----~~~~~--~~--~-~-----~-~--~--~~~~~-~~+-~~·~ At tour o'clock rite.I aolemnlaed ._.. ____________ _ lD ChNt Church by the Sea unlUd In marriage Walter M . Longmoor, 18 Beacon Bay $lld Mra. Mildred Letson Miller, 1118 Ea.at Whiting, J"ull~n. The single ring. cere- mony wu performed by Dr. Gra- ham C. Hunter. put.or of First Preebyterian church or Fullerton. The brtde wore a 'white linen ault trimmed with white lace and a white hat with sequin•. Her ac- ceuortea were white glove• and pink shoes, the color beinf repeat- ed ln her bouquet of plnk roeea and etephanotia. Lovely attenti&nt.s were her twin daughtere. Jean a.nd Joan Miller, In white organdy over pink taffeta.. They wore pink hat.I and carried nosegays of pink roeee and white dalslM. Miss Bette Dolan ot. Fullerton sang Because &nd, following the ceremony, The Lord'• Pr&yer. Or- gan ascompanlments and the wed- dJng-marchta were' played by Larry King. Or. Charles Sparkhul, son-In-law of the bridegroom, wu best man a.nd ushers we~ Howan:t lrwin and Glenn Cahill. Mn. Charles Sparkhu1, daughter of Mr. Longmoor, and weddlng attendanta served the weddlng cake, hors d "ouevre1 and cham- pagne at the reception. held at Newport Harbor Yacht club. The JVilW Mrs. Longmoor wore a g-ray i;rabardine !lult on the trip to Lak~ Ts.hoc. She attended Northwestern· and Columbia uni· versities and her hu..,band the Uni- versity of Southern California. Mr. Longmoor ha.ci been active In civic and county affairs and serves a.s chairman of the ci ty planning commission. They will return July J 0 from Lake Tahoe and will be at home at 254 Driftwood Road, Shore Cliffs, Corona de! Mar. . / Nutritive Values in Home Preserving of Various Foods Rclain the grcalel'lt nutritive value In home preserved foods says Mra. Marian PrentiSA, Home Ad- visor with t he _A.gr1cu.ltural Ex- tension SeT"Vlce. Any methOd of food prl'!iCrvlltion will result In some lo..'"' of lhe lutrlents of foocts. For the smallest los."' in canned fooda-u.!le all the liquid in which the food is canned, proce&9 no longer and at no higher t empera- ture than is necesaary for the pr~aervatlon of the food. A&corblc add can be saved by solid packing and the exclusion of air from the jars. Ribofiavln Is sen11ltlve to the light and ls likely to be 108t if gla.s.oi jars are exposed to the light. For the smallest loaa In dCehy- dratlng or drying foods, steam blanch rather than water blanch. Treatment with sulphur wlll pre- serve the color and a large part of the vita.min C {ascorbic acid) in fruits; packaging to exclude the air al•o encourages the reten- tion of vitamin C. Low tempera- ture s~rage 11lows thiamine lo.ss. In rreezing storage prompt handling from field to locker ts Important .. for retention of vita- min C and possibly thiamine; steam blanching of vegetablea leaches out fewer of the water aoluble vitamins and minerals than water blanctting. Prompt uae when foods are defrosted is lmpoi-- ta.nt. There is no \o!ll!ll of nutritive value due to the freezing proce88. New Bego nia C ir cul a r Issued by Agricultural Service Home flower growers will be tnteruted in a new pubUcatlon just releued by the Collep of Agriculture. The subject is bel'On· tu and how to grow them, and it wa.a written by Harry M. Butter- field, agrlculturi.st In the Untver- aity of California Agricu1ture Ex- tension Service. It ls noted in this clrcClar that there are eight claues of be&on- lu which can be crown ln C&llf- ornia. They can be g1"0WD both in- doors, and out dOM&-wherever thl!! soil, -temperature and motatuTe are suitable. and lf tbey -.re grown with proper ferttU&aUon, prun.ntng and winter protection. These eight claaaea. ot cource. include many varieUee. 'nse cir- cul&r describea the v&tiou.I klndl of begoniu., and teU.. how to gTOW them. It Lo available from the ~­ rlc:ulturaJ !Cxto..i--office. ll<K Wm Sib SlrMl, 'Banta Ana. C&litoml&. Southern District BPW to Meet at. Harbor Hi July 16 Southern OJ.atrlct meeting ot Bualne&.1 and Protj?aelonal Wom- en·~ clubs wtU be held Sunday. Ju1y 18 at Newport Harbor Union High 9Chool "1th Newpol;'t Har bor club a.a b011leal group. They will a1eo have charge ot thi luncheon, to be held tn the cafeteria wtth Hanna Gilli• catering. Mabel Flbmorrta, president, will wel· come delegate•. / Theme of tbe meeUng I.a "To give specific _help to officers and chairmen tn . work for the new year." ~peaker of the day I.a Geneva McQuatters, national di· rector of legWlation and Waah- ington repreaentattVe tor the National F~eraUon. While keep-. ing her membenhtp in Ontario B. & P. / W ., Southern Di.strict, she tipend.s three weeks of each month In Washington, D. C. aad one week Ln New York City ·1n order to keep up wtth legialatlon. She l..a also lcgt.slatton chairman for the club magazine, lndepend-'\ ent Woman. County groupa who will be tr charge at tbe meeting will ln· elude: Anaheim. music; Orans;e and Huntington Beach, envelopes. receipts a.nd, badges; Santa Ana, decorations: l.aguna Beach, fav. ors; F)Jllerton Seniors, progTa.m : Fullerton Juniors and We:!!tmln- ster, door prlies; Newport Har- bor, luncheon. Regtatratlon wilt be at 9 a. m. doors to be open at 8 :30. Dorothy Suthe rland la registration chair- man and luncheon and regtatration feea of $2.~ ahould be malled to her at 233 Flower street , Coeta Mesa by July 11 . St. James Parish . Ann . Brid.ge-Lucheon to be Held July 19 Looked forward to as one of the amsrtcst events ot the eummer i!IOClal aeuon Is the annual card nJt.rty held by the Woman'a aux- iliary of St. Jam~ pariah. Thia y ear, as last. It will be 8 12:30 - luncheon to be held Wednesday. July 19 at the parish house. Therf' have been cancellations of two tables, reports Ethel Brewer, ge~­ eral chainna.n, and anyone desir- ing them may ce.11 her at Harbor :\02. There are table prizes from I. Magnin's and many beeutiful door prtiea wtll be given away. Cecile Keran Is a.asl..ating Mrs. Brewer with prit:ea and ticket.a and Mau- rine Elder a.nd Alice Harvey are chairmen of opportunities. Helen Durkee is chairman of prize packages and on that com- mittee and serving are BeUy Cole, Frances Hamilton, Herache Allen, Ann Holstein, Dorothy Hall, Dor· olhy Yardley, Abbie Rutter. Ma.r- ga.ret Prendergast. Kathleen Gook· en and Margie Markham. On the luncheon committee a.re Elisabeth CUnningham. Katherine Sturtevant, Aiary Seeiey and Elen Borehaenlus. Chairmen of supplies· are Sue Hitc hman and Norma Allen. Matrons & Patrons Assoc iation Has Pot Luck Dinner Put Matrona and Patrons a.a· soclatton, 0 . !:. s .. held their latest meeting at the home ot Mr. and Mra. Walter Peck, 1114 Balboa boulevard, a pot luck: dinner being followed by a.n evening of canuta. Present were the Messrs. and· Mesdames Sam KlMfather. W..lter Donnelly, E . I . Moore, W. E . t..acb- ~myer;. Arthur P'ltzmorris and ;Jie Me&damea Etta Mae Coffman, Sylvia Place, AnnJe Walker, Id& Naylor a.nd Maude Slbley. Unity Study Group Will Not Meet July 4 The Unity Study Group which meets regularly on Tuesday nij;hta at 1221 West Balboa Blvd., will not ba ve a l~ture next Tue.a· d&y which la the "4th of Ju.iy'"- The next meeting will be Tuesday, Jbiy 11 at 8 p. m. and the sub- ject Will be "P'allb." Everyon. Lo welcome. · Cheese & Crax Club to See Bomb Films -Faith of. Our Fethers st. Andrew's C11eeM and cr&ck- Sermon Sub1·e ~t .,. chlb Will meet tonisht cThura-~ lay) •! the chllrch 1rilb Chad Twi-et St. Andrews o11o11 -c mm. ot Ute atom • bombing at llUdnJ &toll and Ute -Faith ot Our P'&u.e;._" ia ..,._ batUe ol Ol:ln&wa. '"lbe. Jl'leet ...... -ject ot the Rn. -. Ulat ea-"' lltaT'- 1111. DI-Utlo _..._ 8'•-7 at 8t. ~. ~ ·cllardl. VllqTll IN llEDLUID8 =-~ a -an· •Uttaa IW!c· Kn. WIWam B . Traaty ot DO • l &anta Au. An.. Mewpo<t_Qetpaa. 'l!lo f-.,. 8'ill!lq, .J"'7 f, -t Wnn i1oy 111 --wlD lie -<fl t11e rlteo ol t:llltlJlg lllr. Q.i llnL "-}(. lllc- llaptl---or.a_~ COmmlUlloa. cian-· . · KRISPY CRACKERS SUNSHINE POUND aox SALAD MACARONI GOLD MEDAL POUND CEUO . BOSCO !MILK AMPUFtEll CORNED BEEF . ORANGE ADE WINE VINEGAR LIBBY'S PEAS SLICED BEETS 24 oz . JAR AIMOUIS 12 OZ. CAN GIUN SPOT 46 OZ. CAN MAYNOR PINTS NO . 303 ~N FOOD CllJI NO. 2 CAN DEL MONTE CATSUP 14 oz. BOTTLE POODCRAPT • DILL PICKLES TIA Tllll COOKIES l/.S. NO. I tARIE SIZE . . 25c 19c 4 '3c 42c LINDllY PITTID LAROI RIPE OLIVES • WE·SSON PRll IS WHITE ROSE ,OTATOES ~·l!?~e~CU\tK -r n P vr --i.-=nr ,., _,.,, ______ _ """',,,.. m PE& n w EL -~ ztr ....... -a s -a _ --:--.. IXTIA FA#eF•ltf lfTUe1tr WO#OEI• • POtEIEANS . -.. et ,_, _ _.., ._ q • R 0 T .... • a • w a IOttl# IA#TAM•&Alll fAll• # . · iWEET CORN ' •f~" o -Fl C ·n 0 "° 7 & ,.. 1h •. ST -s -0$ c4 ~ ut. a Oi ;:t) I L , U£ :..,; \N!.-4A 'dr ~~--•.a. m.-to 6 ,p. m.-W ... clays 9ao .... 6iJo • °'EN -'SATURDAY ~NK$111 UNllL . ~ . . • ' 1 ·· ... • ·- . ~ ~ GRAPEFRUIT ~~0~ ~~ 25c ~ ~ .. , '•· ,. CRUSHED PINEAPPLE No~~ 26c ; ~~~~~~~~....;._....;._~::._;.;;:;..:....:.:..:_.=..:::..::~ SLICED PEACHES N~~Dv,ac':N 21c ~ CIDER VINEGAR M. C. P. PECTIN HEINTZ OUAITS. TAil CANS MARCO DOG FOOD CLOROX BLEACH HALFJ~t~ON No RUB WAX OlO ENGLISH I WRISLEY HAND so~~ ~:~~E DIAL SOAP IDIOOHIZING I 1.b. I ,.; I 6 23c :. . 11c ~ ' 25c , 26c ~· ' 59c ; 59c -: ~ ~7c '; ~ ,, I 63 ~ CUT 1.0/N ROAST .. ic. 8RIAKfAIT "'" PIHty of.Fr .. , ... "' acM:ll P. M. ' I c