HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 - OASIS Senior Center Rebuild ProjectCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 12 January 11, 2011 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Public Works Department David Webb, Deputy Director of Public Works /City Engineer 949 - 644 -3328 or dawebb @newportbeachca.gov SUBJECT: OASIS SENIOR CENTER REBUILD PROJECT- COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT NO. 3888 ISSUE Staff requests approval to accept the OASIS Senior Center Rebuild Project, Contract No. 3888, at 801 Narcissus Avenue as complete. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Accept the completed work and authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion for the project. 2. Authorize the City Clerk to release the Labor and Materials bond 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded in accordance with applicable portions of the Civil Code. 3. Release the Faithful Performance Bond one year after this Council acceptance. DISCUSSION Summary of Completed Construction Contract Awarded Final Cost at Benchmark Actual Contract Time Contract Amount Completion Target Contract Time Under ( -) or Change (days) Over ( +) $11,254,000.00 $11, 563,484.00 Contract +2.75% 377 -1 Plus 10% On March 10, 2009, City Council authorized the award of the OASIS Senior Rebuild Project contract to KPRS Construction Services, Inc. for a total contract cost of $11,254,000.00 ($11,047,000.00 base, plus $207,000.00 for alternative bid item A3) plus a 10% allowance for contingencies. The contract included complete demolition and removal of the existing building and site improvements; installation of retaining wall OASIS Senior Center Rebuild Completion and Acceptance of Contract No. 3888 January 1 1, 2011 Page 2 and re- grading of the site; and construction of a new 43,232 sf Senior Center facility with accompanying parking lot and site improvements. The contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works and Recreation & Senior Services Departments. During the course of the project, a total of 13 change orders were approved over the twenty month construction period. The changes orders included approximately 131 cost and time item changes associated with unforeseen conditions, plan clarifications, incomplete or revised construction details or methods, deleted or upgraded items, additional code requirements and weather delay allowances. Additionally, the cost for alternative bid item A3 was renegotiated down from $207,000.00 to $206,507.00 as a result of some design modifications. A summary of the contract cost is as follows: Original bid amount (including alternative bid item A3) $11,254,000.00 Change Orders $309,484.00 Final contract cost: $11,563,484.00 A summary of the project schedule is as follows: Estimate Completion Date per July 2009 Schedule October 15, 2010 Project Award for Construction March10, 2009 Contract Completion Date per NTP & Approved Extensions September 20, 2010 Functional Completion -Staff in /Facility Ready to Open Date: September 17, 2010 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW On December 9, 2009, the City Council approved Mitigated Negative Declaration ND2008 -002 for the new OASIS Senior Center and the temporary trailer complex constructed in the parking lot off 5th Street across from the site. PUBLIC NOTICE During the concept, design development, environmental document certification and construction award phases, the City provided ample public notice and discussion on the project at the various City Council meetings, community meetings, as well as in the City Manager's Newsletter and on the City's website. Additionally two weeks prior to starting work, a City prepared notice was distributed by the contractor to residents within 500 feet of the site. A project sign with contact information was also displayed on the corner of 5t" and Marguerite during the entire project. FUNDING AVAILABILITY The total construction contract expenses paid to KPRS Construction Inc. for the OASIS Senior Center Rebuild Project at 801 Narcissus Avenue, contract No. 3888, were as follows: OASIS Senior Center Rebuild Completion and Acceptance of Contract No. 3888 January 1 1, 2011 Page 3 Original bid amount (including alternative bid item A3): $11,254,000.00 Change Orders $309,484.00 Final Construction Contract No. 3888 Cost: $11,563,484.00 In addition to the actual KPRS construction contract expenses, the rebuilding of the OASIS Senior Center included many other project expenses such as design and construction management consultant cost, geotechnical /special inspection and testing cost, printing, temporary staff trailers, Builders Risk insurance, a storm damage insurance claim, audio /visual /data installation contracts, new phone system, computer and routers, FF &E for the new facility, and several other related items. The total overall project cost is summarized as follow: Conceptual Design & Development $75,167 0.48% Design, and Project Management $1,873,361 12.03% KPRS Construction Contract and other items $11,762,413 75.51% Construction Management, Testing /Inspection $791,805 5.08% FF &E, Gym Equipment, Telephones, Computers $988,715 6.35% Temporary Staff Quarters $85,656 0.55% Total Project Cost $15,577,116 Funding for the entire project was expended from the following accounts: Account Description General Fund General Fund OASIS Senior Center Rebuild Total Project Cost Account Number Amount 4410 -8080 $51,460 4410 -8200 $11,866 7453- C1002007 $15,513,790 $15,577,116 The OASIS Senior Center Rebuild project also had several sources of offsetting revenue /grants. These revenue sources were as follows: Private Donations Irvine Co. Park Dedication Fees Interests $4,043,683 $5,600,000 $226,727 SCE Savings By Design $43,178 Total Contribution $ 9,913,588 Prepared by: Submitted by: 142A, David Webb S ep . Badum Deputy Public Works Director /City Engineer i orks Director Attachment: Location Map LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE OASIS SENIOR CENTER CONTRACT NO. 3888 P O� PROJEC �J LOCATION o 9 P y f F H J F N. kcyG J P�? V�