HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-02 - Newport Harbor News Press (2)I l i ' • .. • • • FLOAT TAKES City of Glenda.le'• Easter Bukel, showing animated Bunny which turned ·head at ducklinga, plua beautiful Eaater flowers, was fin;it place winner of it. clau at today'e TO\U"Dament of R oses. Float was deu1gne<l by Newport Harbor'11 veteran float creator, L.e•t• Sta'lley. ... . . A d B d •t D . ' FtFTY GOLDEN YEARS SEAL rme an I Uo,-,. 1 1 ~:~=~::.! ... ~~~:=-=~a -:1 s:::.=r.•IX>~e~ Mal w111 be available for UM oo 1t.a.tloner)'. envelop;-• to carry Newport fksch bertta.ca fa.r tulid Wl<\e. Suspects Nabbed HARIOR WEATHER Tan~ ""9 pul w.dl: I• tbe Barbur Md '""': J4Qnday, Dec. 28 ...... 12 Tutlllday. Dee. 27 . 80 WMnNday. Dec. 28 ...• 60 Thur9day, Dec. 2D .... l'i1 Friday, Dec. 80 I'll! Saturda.y, Dec. 31 -··· l'iQ Sunday, Jan. l ... _ .. bT Low .. " .. .. 39 9 Minutes after Newport Beach Job. Pair Caught Nir}e minutes ·after an an:ned robbery waa committed in Ne\o\t>Ort Heach Fr1day night, Huntington Beach police h11d the two suspects in cu1:1tody. Sloppe.J lri • cilr conta.ln!n11 "I 1non•'Y no cuina " rh~oa qutlt\"d J:.! ... 1 re•·ulvt>r and 510 ln lllll• C tox.,ll iu tellinr h1n1. J whl<"h had 11\!tgcdly jt1<1l !Men The 1 unn11'n tuok lhl" bdlll Chf'- Name Caprons 11aken a l gun pulnL fruih L'arl t'().11 han•le<! h!n\ a.tad urrt•·red !he vlclun lo th• rear ol th" etore.. J 11mea Chl'COI, propntlor of · the (;u1to1nrr Rlche rd l'let< h"r Peck Boulev~rd Liquor Sto~ at 449 of Norv.•a.Jk en \erPd t he hQUOr In Anaheim Newpol'.t Blvd , were drift!' of t.M •lor e ... CrwteU ran out thr door autu, Denni• Rose r:van.. z.a. or aM "'•• a ble to g1Ye ln•·atlK'•t· ln1 ot'Mf!en a dMCTiptton of tlle Nu' lsance s· Ot 222 8th St.. H unllngton Bearh. •Cll P' car and IYI dr1Yrr. UI .. nri Gale R. cro ... 11, 26. of S.Ut.h CAPTURED-Shortly after a. Newport Beach liquor store robbery, Friday nlgbt. Huntington ae.ch police 11.pprehended Dennis R. Evane, )eft, &nd Gale Roy Croxwell. They await trial on the charges. -Sta.ff I i.;ate. L'hf'l'O<I meanwhile gut hhl r u n CheCO!I we.11 takrn to Hunllnl'-" a nd nm out.ahi.. fl rtr'I~ a t thf' , .. , • SANTA A NA (OCNB' -A ton Jic.oach Fruby night whf're he 1w1y vehi<'I• I.I It rletJ .-,orth on complainl fo r abatement or nu1 .. itlentlfled Croxell KB the runman Newport Bh <I. A N""·port Bea.ch &nee, r"trllinln&" of tre1i--. •pee· w ho held h un up 111 7 .OJ p n1 Chi!'· v-trol car In the Y\cln11y 10111 thl' Ifie: performance. da.ma.gea a.n<I <''>II 11a1d ""fire<.! thre .. tl1ne• with auto u It r ut off t ''l&a~ H1gh...,·ay, ttulet UUe wu flied ln Supe:rior hill uw11 ~un u the r obbel• w ere through lloag H a.pHN and up .Court hece V'riday, b)' the owner• <!riving r1om th!' ecenp_ Two .,uJ· Pli1cent!1t AvP. to V!ct1>ria a nr! •'"if t.M J't>x Tbe&tN buUdtnl" ln let hulea were located Jn Ev&na' acroq t he rtYet·boltom to H unt-Photo -~-T" ............ .ae:p--~w t•W ' • PHONE. HARBOR 1918 I I 'I YEAR'S !flRST BABY IS GIRL · ~ _,: \o M bom ta.0.. K"' YMr et ,._. K....tal Bciilpltal WU a l(hi ... jut Wee a cirl aha tooll Mr own u-1n am~. . 7000 Fir~ I . The dilld, daqtMr ot }Ir, "'4-.JilN. Jotul Blecker. 2114 KiiifoTI& Aw., Oolta aa-, didn't arrive UnW l :fO JUler- day at'temoon. Lut dllld to M "'8f'n Ill I.ha okl 7.ar .... boy' -ol. M.r. Loss; Car,· • • i!!~~ Boats Burn in Avalanche A U.S. Army clvtllan employ« Leavitt Garage in Bay • fTo m Nt!wport lie.ch, J ohn A . Shores Gutted by Blaze Ol'Ol'ge. 33, of 300 Fiernleat Al'e , narrowly e*i•ped death tn ..n Al· pine av111 !an.:he w h ich Salut1!11y c la!n11!'d th" J1vea of r..,ur renw•"" 1J1 a Nrw Year'• Eve 1k!1ng part}' 1 ~\ garagi: in thf' Uay..Shoree J11~lrict containing a. new on .. southern C.hforntan. Rtr h-C'ar. twu boat.fl and l.l<)\\'l'i tov la \1.-'a~ enlJrt>ly destro yed by arct Jackaon. 34. ot 1•11.Jm :Spring.• ftr(' t•arly Y'--~tt'rtlay niornin~ >,•/!lh t.Iamagi• <'8l1malcd 1.t w._. an1ong th..-e who p.-rL•ht'd lll $7000 11n ... k.'ll uf "l)' lire · Leavitt de· the av•lanche nrar D11vt>a, S><lt· · ~rland I The t1r .. Ln thf' gsragt t><:,11'.Jngini.:: ~hu c•.J \. 1 .. 1. \\' 1 .... ,. ·tt Ji _11~, ,,,, A ~.~1•ta r.t F'1r .. <'h1er Ph!\ Hay- ''l'°"' l ln•1· bo·i;:-w.n >obnu\ I 13 11 m •h·n "'"'-' l11ul chllT(t' Of t'l(hUn,s: torv 111.11 • Cl\'LI e~1n .. er 110<1 h1.o ·,~·tiil.> :-;,..., Ye"-l''s E \·r 1,;;ir·o·, "''r" ·~-fll ~ ..... 1 •II.,.., rr( tne l>la1e wife, Karollnl! '1r1>1!¥l', La 11,.1 ... 1 illll K"llll!; on h1t>1 1. ·1 l>o·• n tJ,.lermlnN Lt'a.Vltt llroegl! 11 IUll'J 1n !he cny d1rf'1 at tbe aame a .lure-. H., u ""l·. ployed by th• L'S. Arn1y in !-.t un· .... Oro.tee and another C&l1fom l11.n Daruel Schlavooe. 27. ).fanhat t1111 [t All.• pl!rhll p" !•JrlUl\11.U f"t !hf' J.,.u,·itt• th"' 1"·r• .. n11 111 AN"a .w.-rr 9tlll a><11.k .. a l 111&1<1 u1 .. g•n•l't' ooor had been i..n l"&r'tl) u ~n 1<.nJ \J\e fire Jn&)' have. bo·<:n "Wrt .. .i by a n1atch toa.eed by 11 n•'"'' >""•f'• r~veler. Thi.I i.. th" k1.'1Jll•l tiaJ I t i' In thLll an& ho\J r be-ca~ unothe1 .,i:a~e /lf'<lt t •luor Wlil.li tartlnl(' lo ca 11.·h tlrt' Bea.ch. wrre due out of lht ano"'' Vld Lhe.i r.iwn h•,u~ .......... .,nds..n-Jn fhr l'""t 1tx tnUnth•. the !Ire •Ode. A t the time of U1e lra,redy i.::~n-·l w!'len neighh•..-i ruahed out ,1 .. 1111.rt111enL. a&11l llix peraon• !n the pa..rty we,... 1kl· llild ~ran )'OH in.: wat,.r frvtn I N"r;u• t.:~1' {,~~-!l!\EP_ _ In( over newly falle.n anow on the_ guden ho!lt'!I on th<: f\a.rrl'"~· Some-Leavitt 111111~ Ill• lou conal.tfd ot famou. Ptuiael'I •. on-e ritltffi the fir .. tlf'p&rt1n~nt. ll lll~ '81..t.lf'•blle, a 17·1t. motor-~ S<'hlavone·• l\a..nd waa ba.dly JN Ri'.;Jl A ·ut J' b()at, • .aJk,t aallbo&t. outboa.~ tro-tbilten but N!1 11.ntl Droegr. ' . ); . 111otor. and power tooi., In ad~ were unharnie.:I u ccpt ror ahock I Vavttt and h1• hunll; had fO'I' lion to th•· gar1.1e itnicture en· Sear<::her11 dUK Jnlo niore than to l:>«l early a.nd l'lnC•· Lhey 11.ief!p 1 t!tely df'~troyffi. F1remen u.14 10 feet o f •now ·recovt'rlng the I in th•• front part. or the house a.bout Q (I p&lnt dam..-e wu done body nf anuthrr Amertc:an a nd twv they d!J not know Rbout the fln! 1.-u th11 nclc-hOOrin( eara1e French akltra. 1.ir1l\I ui~y 11~ard tile (0111n1ut1un 1 NeWJ..ort police offlcera Robert ouU!de. I Broe.Ir\~ and Robert Jelenaky •tOQd DrOl!p gradua ted from Sewporl H U "It wu. Ol\6 of tn. ~leet by t r • .-1.•t with traffic ~-ontrol a.r,Qp,c nlon Hip School In 19~0 where M P'&Yed tootbeU .. Ji4,. was • 111• suant on th• Corona de! Mar main bH.ch.. HI• p&rll!nll lll'li!d blN bvt wen nath•e of O.rtnany. '• _t.a.µ»c-~ 4i.t bare. 10,000 More Gala Openmg of Me~_.)~ Set in Costa Me5a · f uesday • ~·l~. car by lnvullgal!ng orflcl'r• afle1 lnr;ton Beach. I ,.:: W endell. H. Payne and wife, the 11upe<:t111 were boakKI In New-PIC.'S.14 t'P PU.'ISPEC."N' ,::Jr'Jlaablith A. Payne, tllroucht the port Beach jail. Officer Jack Bllll~r or Hunt- ~-.,C.Uon . ..,.m.t Oeor1•. f'.apron and Jntert'OgllliO!\ or lhe •usper:t.a lngton ~ach. on Jt'f':neral patrol. t' ~ R. c.proci.. wellknown New· bl Jetei:Uve• connectl"d theM with r~ived the armed robbery broad- ~ Ji&rbclr propert,y ownU'IL te<:flnl Jobe pulled hi. Midway City cut rrom Newport Beach alld CLAIM Tj)UBY ARREST SOLVES 12 BURGLARIES Costa Mesa Notes Huge Postal Gain Opt'nlng of lhl' nrw U .8. N•· new f'M:ll tU• ~ prot'lde • com. llonal Bank bUHdlnl" ln Cott.a M.,. plete baruthll Mr"Ytc:e and .uffl- u.. TUe1d•Y. JR 11Chf'duled lo ba a cll'nt lr&IJW'll Pl~ to bndle ,;ala. arfalr. accordlrll" to Paul all MNN'M dW1nJ' tbe -H.nk· ~ C re1,rtiton. bank ma.11a.1er. The lnl" wun", .aid 0... n W IAkle, ntw, modn-n banldnc bulldtnl' • .-iber of U.. '-"" of U... Na· .--oru11tructed by the South er-t dona! Bank and dlalnsl• 91 UM Cot1•lructlon C o.· under prnoitlll Costa Meu bn.tlr:h adftlCllrJ' CGlll· •upervlalon ot \\'a lter )(ll!llott', la mfttee.. Mr. TeWlnkle U Gibe ot sa.Jd to nffer 90n1e of the J!>Olll Coata w .. a'• lelld1JIS ~ Ar .'lUl.t&ndlng banklnl r .. tur<!a In ure11. J-ie i. • p ... t ~. l'Olll-. Mea.a. and tJw h•rbor •rea. t1r11t mayor, arn.ox11" IW...aol Coa~ M eu. POlltmuter Mr1. ll la located •I J'fewport Ave. and d!1Unctlons. Ha bu been a IWll- • I ~,-A<:COl'dbll' to the complaint, the llnd Compton. picked u p rUght of the robbery ~et!idanl.a occupy prope:rty ad· A!nlf:D FOR OR.00 ca.r, alo!WinS" lt In liunUng1.on Ch~• ••Id CroxeU enten!d the Bear:" wh~~e Officer Fred R . De-jacmt to the plablUft on Uie aouUi. 11tn1·e and a11kl"d for a bottle of "'h t 11.ul11tf'd hlm ln • ah>11k@down ~ p~Uff 11.llega the def•n- dant h• conaructed air vent• 3 f..t. overhanctnr the· "plaintiff propel'tJ'. Th1m obetrocU lhe lre.e UM of the plaintiff boldln1r•. the COll'lpl&lnt &Merta. ' -Ttie defendant. alao are a cr:uM'd ot' maklnl" four air vent.a In a wall •lthout th• plainUft r:on91!1lt. ,' Furthermore. the plait1llff11 •I- \\'hi~ky \Vhen Checoa t umed w\lh the whl.'!k}', CIJ)xell hl'ld 11 blued ~terl nn·oh't'r on him. "Give me Of lhf' llUlO. A~eat or the ffUllpe<t• \l.'U m 1de at 7 l:l p.m. J.'r1day, ~~~~~~~~~~- Bissonnette Pleads McConnell Innocent Burglary Count on rot 01.Nonetle Jan. 30 on the re- HU!;l 111 today a.nnOUJ'lc9d a pin H bo Bl d Jent ot Collta. )(-for «I ,_,.. vi 1:11,715 in poaal tltCl!lpui ''ll I ar r " • 1966 over 1904.. Th• I~ lo.taJ It I• ll'le flrat ba11k In the Har-Sl:R VI CE roUCY amounted to l 117.IM.3l. M.ni.. 0111 bor area to ~er drlv.r·ln Window '"Tbe U.8 . NaUon.t e.nJr ... Hilgren Claims Innocence lnvestiC)Cltors look 2 as Mesons N!ported compared to 1904.1 114:i,. ti-nklnr 9erv1ce . ~la window •er-alway• promoted lnfor1Ultt7 la 971.J t. ' ' v1ee 11.dj11rl'nt lo lhe JOO car deal!nJt' w ith bank client.. We be- pavf'd park1nl:' lot 1n rear or bank . .l.leve th• •J>eelal d•lrn and ,,.._ Uunnt the Me .. Chrt•trnoa-roah. A larr;e r~sr ~nt ranre. ln asldl· ll'1~hln1a of the new bank llmlcl• M r>1. GIU "'''•a.led 424.~ lettera t lon ta the ml'llln ,.n1ranroe. 11ro-ini;:-truly renrx:t the Informal_... we:-e d!!Jll'tched from !)o"(', !2-23, vi<1ea '"'~Y 1~11 10 U•• bal'k vice pollcy or uur orran-tuuon .. , &11 aver-.1e or S2.P4 letter per 1 frnn1 the p11rk1n~ lnl. 11a1d M ,..,., Wllaon, bank ~ By 811.J, MllLLIF8 Coopt·rat1ve work by Oranp County 5,herilt'• office and New· port Be*Ch ind Co.ta Me.a de· ttttlvea had today cleared up • appro:a:lmately 13000: burgl.arle• or day Thie WQ JO,OOO m o.-.i mlll-1 f)11STA'.\'.Dl'.\'.O t•t:AT1'1CU denL The bank hu l(1"0Wn h'ola lll\'9,11 Pf-r flay lhlU\ were handl!'d II million dnllar• 1t1 retOUr'<*I te the M-Cub, Bavarian Inn, Bob'• In '11:9&•·• Yuletide bllU, the poat-Other ou.t.atan<llng fl'•' 1re11 tn-8portirll' Good;!, two nlllng •ta.-m a.Mer, 1111-1J. • e lude: wall . to. wsll e-arpe,t ing. over M:'i mllllon doUan In ,_., a tklnll at 17th .St. and '1\1.tUn, 81 l'Bl da t.hl• Chn.tm.u lll'll· rolorful mural• Jn loung<'-1 y p e few y .. ars. It w•• •lfta.d. Chall'lbe•aln Fence Co.; the .re-U ..,. __ Y 10 h lobby complelr eRcrow drpart-F'ree gift.a ror lM l&dl .. and E defendant. have bffn ua- pll-Mill"tway of the plalnllff w_lt.h9,ut con..ent. '1\ A1'.\ .i OCNSl Counta nf l111rglary and gnind thl'ft wrre (hsn1i11!1t'tl agAumt Donald J . Bl!I· 11nnnette, 21, or Ora.nge. ~"rlday . !'<1~ rlefen1l11.nt plelld"'-1 11'tn0<"ent on a rereivl"K •lol.en pro~y count -n·.·oh 1nl:' :-;,.,vport De11.rh lh,.ft. ~111.ry a.nd gi'a.nd theft count. In dozen burglanea and one petty • he orlg1nal Information becau,,e theft 1n the H•rbor area. The • dft •u 1n1ned the pto111"("1Jtion had "lll"e-"tlgKtlnn resulted in R.obf'rt not 11hown ft prtma fllr ia caM> 1n-Howarcl l 'ouby, 23. of C011ta Ml!A• J t'JH:n<k'nl o f \he derPnd11nt's 111-g1,.ing him1telf up to the 8her1rr·1 llOrl wu v=. w l'r\ mo.-.i than ' been lanJI cra.cklrlll' at Courtney A Lester and 84.000 letten woere di• atchl!d I n1ent. frer n1,.ht <lepoirrltory facl-men hu ·p 9d for Ute open- P""lty theft or 11. I~. vt.lue drill f the Mu& t oUI P Ea.ch HUc•. ufl' depn!!lt <l•p11rln>f'!lt, Ing day . Specla.I pura.e tub.it ot . f' :lffw Samls Son , ... Mr. a.nd. Mra. Stanley Sarni,., 114 >,ii W . Balboa Blvd., Newport ·.~h. are the parent.a or 11. 110n :k m DK. 23 In Hoa.I' H011p!t•L Judg<' Shell 11!at"'1 11 Jury trll•l • 1·11·1ng !!lu! .. n g lXl\lll CTllllll. Judi:::t: S h"a di.,n11"-'!ed the bur- c;.,,..I tun(cs::;1r.,1 •tatM11r11t H11'fTlr1 It· l• 11.cruscd or /1clp!ng In lh• b11rgll\ry of Ru11hnj.: (,;<J ~f,.r,(>flnt•IJ'>1 home In FlallXMt. BRUINS SAIL TO VI CTORY ~ of who w ins the great gridiron fl<i ~sie. the UCJ .. A Bruin~ \\'on t!-te tradltional Rose R atta snili itg seriC's ovt r thr r rt chigan Et<f~ advc1 :~ar1cs by a '1-point m.arg' Boated by Newport H.:rbor )'acht Cll!b. t hree '"'o-n1ari crc·Ha from e4cb ege a&iled Mix races in Lt-hman lnteN:lub di n~ic-s h•<;t Jo"'r1day (or lhli>In P .' or ~tu:il trophy. TGe \\'inning Cruin ere · sh9wn hf're 1nL·luJr~ {I tit r) p&in Jaclt Tay lor end rrew Dick \V ilbur -v.• i v.·crc also inllividu:il laJ..poi.nt winnen; Paul Renfrtt and Karen Fluick ; and Dick Wheatbn and Pele *l'1tt. -ffeckner Photo . I • • - nrnce Thur~11y night on a chargf! <>f ftrint"d rnbbrry of Secret Har- bor t,.;a(c ~nr! !e-<I to 11..rrl!llt of .\IRX ~!Rrlln J-lill'tf!n, 24 , RllllO or c(~~tft .\I r~"· on tu&pirion of ann- ed rnbbe1·.1·. U"th m"n >11rc today in <'U\111\y JRll i't;t~K 8Al.f"KANK All dl'p11rtmr.nlll WePe lOOa y l!l'('k 1ng another •u•pe..·t impUcat· e•I in .te''eral of thr bur'!l(larle• ><'lth Tuuby J11mf'• A. Sa.lrrank \\'ho WllJI la.st heard of 111 lhe F"re•no area and bcheYed returri- lnj!: to O r.ni:e Countf. I Sgt ~"n Pollom , Oi4ta Me• ln ~'i'!!ll lJ,"111< r "81<! Totlby. who I• bro\hPr 'f H1rhanJ IYall TO\lby. nm.· on 11r11te prillon on a felony r i:ni h t•I •dmlltl'd to '"lirht ~I··-~ t.111 ~larh·•. inrJ udlnJ:: thr rl'· r n~ -57~~1 ,.,,,r .. -rnirMln g~ Jotl 11 1' .u1 tntv & L<-!!ller T11:e Company ,;, ~""!"''' A"I!: nnd 16th St.. a utl ,,re ~tty u. .. rt 11f1ce la•t .-ur1n·c: ~ I i. t ~·r-pt \' 'I ~1r ~l11nigsl of l\°f"T·-r1 Ul!111 h .said Touby •d· rn i:t,.,1 four bur-gJ11.r lr• ht!r e. larg- est h1 •···-: th.-.ft or 11 rrroxPn"t"IY f1:.n f , "' \\11~11''• Ir • CrP.Am P;i:lor "" r.-.. ,1 111._11 .... ·Ry f"l.Al'I" l ,,·'.\'.n(·t:~<·t; H ll."r r·1 L"\d '"f"'''"'' h" 1''1111 and belt from pic kup of J~et1 ' l=r that ":mu h~ rree 6-<'olo r C-uRtomeT "pereonal-famou"' per-fume~ and "luelrJ"' Gallacher at 2077 Placentla Ave. office bu i:o;:: Ulidl~ from ::-:\zed" rheck•. n1<'lllll_line f!oor for.' ffOrR shoe• oont.a.lrtlq •new pa.a lllllt June: · '"' lo five Umee: llr• Olli' not,.,J r "mpl'>Y"I! Jounx-r llh<i conl'eren« ny . wilt bf! dUill'lbffted. Beat~ TORCH tlA.'\'DlLR!' ' room. "d11yhKhl' llghlinc systrm b1 anrhe1 in Loi An.-elN Jd ~ ~ rt k lJ l!dl h&11dled the From De<:. 12 to Dec 27 lhi1< ·1n<! ~r1u~t«u!! t .. 11 .. r 11rrllnJ: .. %f'nl Dlf·go Countlt'a, U.S. Na'Uoll&J b.U • 11 t11.n a eg Y C Yultide. !.tr11 Gill ' reported, 3177 "DrlYe In w1ndpw bllnkliig l'lf'T· a branrh in Fullerton. torch usecJ. lo open t,!!f bourtney I bags ot parce l 1)0.llt Wf!re r<'reivr•I '''""ha~ bccoml' one 11 R :'>IA 1y"· Ao Letller Mil<' ll.fter ''1u Y broke •nd d lJ • --• b 1• •1 ' ' · Id e Vt r.,.. Y ~>t' ,. e'lll po11t itJ'' vrry popular llf'rvlce~ l our Borr d G T-L In &rid d!MO\•erl'd he c~ nr.it do of(IC() "'h1le 2426 blll'll nf flil!C'PI llranch clth•~" l<&l'1 \V (' !ell OW• llfl gaeft the job alone Salfran.k hiu alaQ I , II · h c · · · h ~B were < apalc ed rron1 OllUI ivi"'t ''l<:e pr·r1'!<1ent of Lile o .. ta bf'en conn,.rtf'd with I e M.,,... Meaa. from Dee -t Df! 23 · Theft of • ,gun h'om the nar Club Bavarian Inn and pt'lty thl!-ft I · ' 0 ( • Mr'lll branch 11c•l or hla car w .. reportAtd to Jnti.' ._. .,..,.11 •• !Ionic Tollby hall A] rorerunn"r to ln1·r1:ased N!'w b"11 lt1n,i: hour!! ror the Ne\\·port Beach pollce Tbu,...,. Ill.fol 1 1 N t Br h g-n:iwth or the Co~t• ~'""" post rOl'!a. i.tr•a brnnrh Wf're "lllO nn-by David I Pridham of 3120 Bnw.d "'1m N 1 " n 0 _ f'Whp<>T• b "'h · I office during the New Year nounred bv lh" mo nk l':ff<'<'l1ve · f n ewport •=&c . ou y M d · !-<t. Pridham eald It W1UI a Rend .. -n connl'<"led with bnr la of groun Wll-!I broken for a new '.":'llh oroenln~ th<' new blllldlng ton 22 autom•llr: nne wtMcll M ~lmatel1' 1100 from ~e'?u.rn 1po11t11.J1tructure Friday. Con•t.ou~'-lue111l1y, th" h•,\.H'11 will l>f' rron1 had borrowed from ::r.. ,,_ Can th ·rt t t t I lion la expected to e•t underwfl)' JO-A A! to 3 ·P . M., Monday Ha1U10n ot 371 lllh t., C.... nery, ' , 0 H a.n :mp Y sa • uu. Wl'ek, ).tn. Oa.U Mid. ' I through ThuN1<.t11y 11-nd trom 10 Meu.. trom Christan" ut, urgln.ry of A. M .. to 6 P . ).i. on Fr1day1. ··0ur ---------------an. eddlng ma<::hlne and check writer from P.1a~co Corp. In Irvine Ter-TM:e, and the Ice CN!arn parlor brea.k-ln. Handling the Jnveatlf{atloo. are D;u-iny RIM and Byrl BatteUa or the Sheriff'• orrlcl', Pollom of Costa Pi1f'U.. Mc Manl!l('BI and Del. St:L Leruy John110n for Newport Beach . UCLA Wins Rose Regatta h• ... 1 ·:i' 1'11 •v •~lrm•:>11n "''hf"fl 'UCl..A'a 1 . .el11nan •hni:ohy 111o1tp-r .. 11h" l,.•I nltl<<'!~ tr• 11 r11n h•l•'lf'd 1'14't• •vl.>ll F'riC!iy'• R ulOe Reg11.1ta 1n \hr :.'.''""! h<'h111d 1'>.'>CI Sul"•· on Ne"'port 1311)', ll"Cordill£ to llOl .\I <' C':":.i. ~lf"'"ll, h ODll! n ( t>ICI" ofrl<>tii.'!_111 X""f"' \ 1111.tbor rn.t n ~1, i"' • r an"""'" 11'fio'flP4 Y11i:ht Club T r.ip ,.11 r11rtr ror the 1~l;r (;', • "u.":r l ·•;;!P,~Oll.,.,~l:(!)'l fitUUI l"'n1 w~" J••i< 'fevlor 4{} ~11 • r I·~ \I"• Pllfl'-r1nrk1n t; po•nt•. fullo•·e;,-.b\ Jen r •llPll~l"ll, • n~\ •"''1 ~.-.,1 .... 11011 "' .-.1r1 'nt11• I f'a.111 Ren•i ,.,. 38 ru!rita. and Pete I ·n ., I r~·l}ll ~f"•11.n,.; r:"l-..1 .. Abbott. 22 po1nta ouhy b1<kcd llll)l;'.ren" •lory that 1.lwhiJl;'.a n ~l-.t~"-~klpr-@t!! were H1li;rr!\ ,,,1:0 not 111•01,·l:'(I r:11l lh11a1er 20 J)<Hnl,., Tuny WU· 1· .. i •V\·<.I~' l'l lth l Jrk 71 pou:t ~ 110<! .\l11ry K 1·nr-r. burirlarv nf th,. \V11J:911 \\'h .. r l \8 l""lnt ~ A 01rf' fl In 7 knot Ca.Ir, whrre thr 11U11~·1 Ml •n111,.0 1,r.,..u_ -n111.a. • IO.llhn~ plea¥&Dt. n!l!J)QIWbtilly ror damal'• M •l"'-C• commltteem.11 rl!Porttd. ' --. NEl~ l '. S. Nl\TlON,\J, BANK -This shows exterior o( new COlta MNI W. 1l or U. 8 . Nattonal Bank of San Die go which will be open tomorrvw f« h'IJ*N at. ill new k>c&tion, , Newport Ave. and Barbot' Blvd. ' • . , ( ... _ " ' , • 1· I • I ..... -......... _... __ .. ---·---··· ·---·-"'"""'-'"'.,.~. 1....,~ -.-.. ... -·---·. -·~ .. I • ,,_. . - ' . THAT N1GHT THEY WORE W&TE but In the morning informality wu the key- n ote u Debe of 'M and ·~ were entertained at • get-acqu.a.lnted party at the ot ¥iM Sally Newland. Let to right ue M.iaeea Shirley Sta.bler, Newland, Taja Tohill and Se.Uy Pfieter. -Staff Photo. Episcopal Church and Mission W .ill Hold Annual Meetings Saint Margaret's Guild to Serve Both Dinners dore J<'!hns<>n 11 11!1 .\l rll H~11ry EeeL"y a re t o·c.h1.1r1llf'n tor the dln.ntr, The:lr comrn1ttet! n1en1h1·ni a.re the t.ln1ea. John DonneTiy and .• Am A· Cati•ra" (NM llt~ w 1•dl d t'M ~) -PlU!I - Katherlae Hepbuni Rot.ano Braa:d "Summertime" TH.r: OllO.lN VOU CA S 1•uw AT o~c,;: l.M woaderf'UI - HAMMC\NI> CHORD ORGAN The "'bnle Family C- l 'lay It \\"ILlh)Ut 1..-.GA! DEBUTANTES OF 'M we~ h06tesaes on tille mom - Inc of the Debutanle Ball t o ~hlll of '55 at an in - tormal~h in i.he Alva Ne~rland home, 213 Vi a Udo Nord. Left to right a~ MiAaeft Sally Nel'·land with Tux, the poodle ; Cora Peters and Suan Betz. thia year'11 Debe ; Nancy Tritt and Mni. ~ne Patter- wn ~J ane N unan). -Staff Photo . Floyd H ubbard. j The ftrst annu&.l dinner of the Costa Afesa Episcopal -cu1Jd n1en1b.>,.., ........... 11in1 ,·a · Mi88ion will be held Thursday at 6 p. m 111 St . J ames nllla &Jl·I &tui.n1P"•• In Hrdl"r ln ,.,.rn I , t.,.·u coffee pot11 Jnr th•' rti1M.11on pariah 9&1.1. It will be. a pot-luci< dinner for all member-1' and ) ll b h b ti. d I Gl ILJ) r.1.t:f'T1"0 SEA LARKING NE WPOR T HARBOR their families, fo owed y a s ort W5lncu mee ng an ,1 t t t I ee 1011 o "!u·•·r~ w11.11 rrin-eiection ot officers. tlu\'te•! 111 the 1,,.,,..11,bf'r t11e<"t1nr By GINNY (IKllS. EDWABD LESTER) SMITII I ABOARD TTl'EE: A Happy, a b.lne!lt all her h11 rct work and Happy New Year, and rn1y 19!'le tha t of h er con1n11t!et! for nia ny I brLD.s Ill fOUt rtreana 1pla1hing montlul past. r MJly p11ld ort In throu,l'hl tha t Utl1 party .,. ...... lh• lo vlle11 St. ~1·1 Guild LI ln charg,. fbnn11t1on on the d lnnl"r conlA<"l ot St. Mar1;i.ro·t • (;u1ld. n .. 1t1 11, ot the dlnnf'r. The c:ommllttt 1he 1·.,·ch&1m11"n tor the dinner the hun1 ,. uf M r-t'l .. vol Jl ubbilrtl .\.I ra. \\"dHam ~'Uher. I.I si:,· 217 l1r 12~ Sa.nt" An• A--•' .... ll.Jn ... 11•,,r•· cha.lnnan, &1k• tha.t 1.11yone not Mr1 K .. ~rt ~Oller, LI &-24 rh•1rmtt.n. ~lrB Juhn Ll\1nn~111 r·•· cont...:ted lhould br1ng a hot J iah, Fo tt ST. ~AMY.ii I ch1unn11.11. J.t r1 John T .. 11gle 11 •. ,. ll.llad Of" dealert and their own ne women ot St. Marl(11ret"1 are retary, .\Ira. Howard J),., k.\HI dl.&be1 anti .Uverwa.re. Thi chll-lll90 m&Jcln1 pla n1 to ,..._t,.r the !rea1ur~r. Mra. Cllrtorol Th,,rnu dren Will be cared for (lurtn1 U\r SL J1.1nea annul.) dlnn,.f "II Ja..u pubhclly, Mra ltobtrl t.l1JJ .. 1 ' bualneM meeting. For t'Urtller ln· 12 to turtller AUim-.nt the Mi.-CHalaTKA8 RJtOAITA l••t i nd 11111ootheat running ever .. )I~ broul"bt O\lt u.Uor. .-a-t:Verythl.nc we:nt off like <'lock - lore : _ , akirtin( the fleet a• ob· work · · . Deba J!)()kl'<J radlllnt, ""°n .. •polled t.bat run lov · their tre&h young beauty ael off tp1 Jacbt MJ.chlgan ; J'our Q ueens by their fl uwlnlt" .,..hlte h ill U--fsom )(lMetonka: Tyr e. Lin da, length bouffant lt"OW'tlJI 1C11.h1!I or L.A.; Donn.a and Clll 8mlth on l(inals irttme<I n1oat pop ulllr) .. M.ar1111ro (wl th ttny llrh~ ltt YFORlJ IRVl:"ll'.: preaente<I Chrl1tmu trM high •tor th e thti debut1ntell Elliabeth b e<'k, m11l ); Dottle and H oward Ah-Susan a .. t:r;, Jl"anne Caatendyr k matl.90ft dolnir .an'lfl "StrlU. sail· Ann Clbaan. Mari:arct t-flrlh. El1- lng .. i lhllr 10 met"'" a i..o had ur.IM-th liOwf'll, f'1M11>u1<.lnl Hoyt. been &dorn•d W'lth • Hchted t reti Meli nda Leithuld, Denise N1le11, high on the n111..11t~ lo""t1rnba. Mac· Cora Peter•. S11.lly rtl•ter. Clllrfl k1 anti Ow~ l'11.r1•r aruUtns out !mlth 11.11d TaJ• Toh ill . the harbor •board b challter . · ENJO YING the f'ven1ng , 111 w1tchlnP" th~ r•r Mg1er1 per-Bubble II.lid Bob Ca rlann, li1arc:ele furm. !\""othlni;:: llke I day Ln the ,nd \\'a y n e Ferrell. Dorothy liay CounR lm&l• W'lth Aildy Kirk, ~-ANNtl':: .A ND Al. CLOUD W1.nda tHenderaon ) •n d BUI w•!I holr! •n OJl"'ll hou~~ to<111y Holzhlluaer. Har1ett 1.11<1 Gf!Orfe rf'•lurlnK th• U.t: 1 •. A -M1ch!JU1 Pfleger, H ar1ett &Ild J oe Hall. I Mt•l• Roee Bo..,I 0.,.1e t vi,, the ~l lldred iUld 8111 Caraten. Ruth 1.1r w1va l at lh•lr lrt"'1nu1g new 1.1\J H ugh \\'•ll•ee, i.<athryn ,,nil homa.. Rou Ca.eteadyck ( w t;u1e IO\·ely MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'a Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARB.OR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1956 TUDOR CHRISTMAS DRAWS LOCALlTES TO YOSEMITE ll w1u1 v•IU'I anllcJpallon of ~pending Chrt.tmu a l Ahwwt" Lodiie. 'i0Km1t,, lhat Mr• Juliette M IUlkMt of Lido I.le •n<l "Ira. it l'll~n R&lldall uf Coron& del Mar left he~ lut Wt'tk. It they •rnveiJ lht'y are poulbly •till there !Of" ro&da Int o the µ..rk h11,·e ~en 1•\nlled aince the atorm. The H11.rbor duo !()(Jkf'(! forwa rd to the tradlllonal Tudor l!:ngl1eh Chn11tm..,, •• ob.~rv .. d a t the A.hwane<'!, <:<Jmplet• "Ith yule 1011. routed ~r -.nd peacock, per90IUlel In •ulhenll, rostun1e1. Th,y pul ln the!r re'"'rv1tloo1 two ytcr11 ago, \fl'tire nollfled lu L July thaL tni-y could comt! Th"J h•d ~Pf'Clt!d t., v111\ lrlen<.11 In San Franrl..ro altt!r i..v1n1" V A C A T I ON IN G . Dacothy dauahter Jeanne WU preMenteJ 1.! "lO'Hara1 u d li11.t1k L•mney, -..d F'ann1c e nd A l Cloud, ... lhr II.'-----------'-------------------Marian and Burr J.Uple are du• Payne Tha1er1 !Elea no r wa.a Deb home any day now fron1 a fly1n1 ~lunan a nd dirl a terrific Job• SA LMAGUNDJ tl1p to Ouat•male. wherf' th,y rlnK-•I~. tr1e Ed Warm1nK· l--------------- Panhellenic Party Fun Natal Fete for Mirkovich Duo ' A doubl• nala! party Wedne .. d1y nlghl celebrated the birth- day• of Richard and Phlllip Mir· kovtch. 144 Rocheisttt St .• Co.ta Men, on Jan. :! e.nd 8 re•pec:llv•- ly. The party wu held early lhll YAU" u the boya left for oolleg1 Sunday. R ichard I• a freahman •l OC<'l- denta.l anti Phll!Lp 1 sophomore a t J'runo State. BoUt were lit· termen In MTI!lr&l •porU at Hu- bor High., l"ormer Harbor Hl(t! fr1udli on hand to help celebrate wrre J lmy Mct.f\\11.11, L u n K S.ac.h 8 t1!e ColleJl"e. Tod Whltr and Gian Thomu, Occ-ldental. lllld Oaorga M•bff. aenLor at Harbor H lfh. Dual Celeb ration at Beckett Home Pre-ball Party for Debutante .Stanley honored their daughter Su.&&n. 1 C'hlldren"1 t.antti and Hoskin, a t their homt1 Uvc l.lecor pink. H ome Soc'lfly tleb11 · her escort Donald a pre-ball party 1n on Udo l11lf' The fe1- w1a rarr1~ out Ui The t.ueat l11t Included the Ort1e'1 a.later K11..1· .. 11. bruther arL i;r•ndpar,nt. Mr. and II. G. Albre<:ht an<I Eugene Bet:r: l r'lm Mlchli.:•n. 1110 illld M r1 0 . D AnderJtOn . J.l r. M.r1, R T Dinwiddie and !-t r . Mn . J r.hn R. Da\·1e11. hon· S<u· M~. c. M' an•I ..., AAUW Book Group Mrs. Harold W 1laon, J IJ~ 8ay- 1!de Drive. wlll be ho1teiu Jan. 4 •t 7:)2..J.m. to rnembera ot the book round tahl1 of Am••rican A.a- aoclatlon of Unl\'e!"lllty \\"omen, Sant.a. Ana bl'IU"ICh. Mr•. Robert Th• a.t1n11al <"Omblned Chrl.tt-Hom of Corona <lei i\la.r wlll be rnaa and birthday e• ·~bn.tion din· PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY LIDO sHoPs A.PPUANC"E.."'J -Ro~hokt Pa.rt& -Dealer -Serv1.:1 LIDO EL.r:CTRIC Stu \'La U6o -~I 4 711 A IJTOMOBILE DEALERS New and UMd Can Nlauta.TZ STVDJBA&.Dl l!l.ale11 t>ervloo Pan. ~16 Newport. IU•IL -Hu'. 619 BANKs Despite 'Ceiling Zero' SJKDl ChrUUnu •.. 1!•.-. 11ue tona, the llick R !C:h.11.n la. Be.v •nd boiDe~ Phyllla •nd Bob Taylor Bob B&rne!. M1yor Dora Hill Wllo bav1 ,been ln Lonl1o n ... and Ed~1r Jill!, Robert a. (11n"l dowm P alm ipt1np wily, have she •llr11.ct!vel .... Toni J.lcOtiuiell. b-. Dor.; &n4 Dtck M11..rHllu1, Ma.ry •nd Jun Hoyt , . d-.nclnll'. B1Jl and Toby Wllcoa and Bob W ini and El f.1•• \!'1, Oliu1y 1.n11 ud BobllU Cari.on. Art Wll\lam1, PMt lllld 'Cniery C O OXP IT ~CUTTLEBUTT: Hanl!len. 11.ncl a bout 6?0 °U!.•i:a. A !eatlve party o( ttie ho!ld11y gaml.'• wer1 hu•banda Bert 1:11- 'tCMll Mould -IJLOtic "Sea She.II OVER AN"D OlJT "•""" w11 8 enjoyelf by men1~r11 pi1111. \\"111\a m Grundy, Roy Hall- ... 1.1un1 hOllt.e... .... of M« Via Amer1oa NT • Udo -liarbgr ft IT 9t th« o.,,.-:,s.....11:,tl r.muy. ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I 214 E. 2lll SL, Coeta M--. '"''I 1 he.Id at the Beckett home Ute BARBER SBOPS ... .... C Jl.r l •t m aa T ?ff"' Jack Gray nr Harbor P11.nellt"n 1c anti" th.-lr berg, \''alter Hat ch a nd J o l'l n ~ tor D o r o thy (Mra. tARE c d 'huab&Me whf'n they .1t1t!'ierl.'d In Cai '"n Their WW~•. aided by Sunclay before (,"tlrtatmu. Ge th-SA·VE UDO S HA VI.NO MUO --1 for !hf' oocaaion were Mr. f.11 Ndwell'• Stoni tor M en Glor,.) Y&l"d ley ... Have yuu rusa e.. the Ari Center tll Ore 1111:11 Cout ~tr11 !.;U>l'e G11.ll11 gh1r. wire ho 11· an d Mr•. Leroy Nee l and daugh-S-4%8 ~'la Udo _ Uarllor ns.i t•r LenLca or Lyn,.,·ood. Mr. and SAFELY ,,...,.,.. about U do Ja;le"• '"Hobo -l <.;ollrg~ for an 111lor m1J Chrl."lt-lr~l't'.'! fnr the party a n1t m1n1r11d Bop'" .ran. 211 At tha belm b S Continuing rn a• ..almajt"Undl r11rty The during 111e <'ours!! or the t!venlng Mr• otc.k Mye~ and Ma rl•. al.IO BEAUTY PARLORS Col. ltatt Ober Jr .... another weather man <'OOpt!r~t~d by fur-t o l!lt'r\•c tC'frt1hn1e.nt• to every· of Lynwood; the Biii 8chooler1 ~ 1...100 SA.l..ON OF Bl':AOTl' Lkl.o ~l·fun ;>arty com1nr up CARE'a c•nipali:-n tn lend U. S ni11hlnR 11. bl a7kf't or f•t1t of thoi onf' of Dana Pglnt a nd Mrl . Lilli 1415 NpL Bh•d. ; Har. U71 Wealgate of ~guns Beach. On Chrl1tmu d•Y t.1r . &nd Mr1. Beckett werfl <1lnner gue1t11 of Mr•. W ilma Le111n of South Gate. I.I UM Udo lala Women'• Club'• rwvernmenl 1ur11lua fO<OIJ to hun· '"1;:ellln11; :r:;,ro" v1r1cty . '1>. 1plt t! Al the end of the party wheo pre~¥9 dlnn•r dance J an. 14 ITY people In ntt\ly are•ll over· nr .,..h1ch 11. lari.,:e crnwd v .. ntured thr !11.at prl:r:f' had been a warded wilb )Ira.. ftobert rr.mbley a~ •er.a Wlll contlnue beyond I.hr forU1 for a n e~·t1n 1ng of fun. and the laat carol aun&". t~e group th& helm · · · Helnt anti Hal'T}" holldaya. Ed"'·•rd J, i:tlynn, .,..eat-I A hollday dec•1r "''as Cllrr1~ dll'persed Into the fOR oncfl rnore K•llo decll1ed that th.• beat pla<:e f'rn J irrr :ir annou'nc"'d to.Jay l()ut by a id of a bel\ullfully hlt"hl-Frosts at Oja i t.o spend New Tear• Eve w•• Contribut.ona 111 •n)" Amnunt niay ll(I C'hrlstrrtas tre.c loaned bl the M ,around their own f\reelde .... h ... r~ be aent \cl f'ARE, s:.:'i s BrOlld-colle.x1 tor lh11 OC'C'aalon ""'' gllt-esans Attend ~ U do l1le nel11:hbor1 Join· .,.a}, Los Ani;ele1I I i.erin,lt or n11.men l\, 1nade by L h l" Mr. and Mrll. J11.mea E. Fr011t ed. ul,ern lo..IH t hP New Year ln. CADt.-.,.~ .... C d 1 d Rnlvh Mlr hel!!t'o fan1lly olr cor11.l "IJ y 1 p and llOIUI J.lartln ttnd Carl. ~39 B••~6'A' BAY" C LUB was ...-.• r •......, ruei. '°' 11 :ien -I fl U e artr"es Catalina. Or!v11 . .11pent Ctir\11lma.'1 ~ '"' 22 lbll of nillk. butter •ll•I the w11ll8 1tnd "''"1" 11u~pen1" riever m ore bee tllul th•n \Ved· I h b • th ,, rrnri the reillnjt". Th•• b/1.111' ur lhe wit h the aenlor Je.mu F rost fa.in- t tt t k d Ilk c ee11e • roa .. Ill P 1•lt• of 11· I . A I ! "h 11 In OJ I nead1y nigh w n oo e e t:rc "'·a3 µ!led h1i:h \\'!th i;::1ft~ Iler e11 o ._. tl11tm11.• g11ther-Y a · h !I l pol•nd11 for S I ('Ir 220 lb~ f<>r j · 1--'----'------------a ptnk cloud oaled ln to 1 h food tirOUJ!hl for \hf' 'nl'r•!y qf 1 he ings pre11.pled Mr. •n<1 Mra. Al-fonn • back.......,,u for 13 of New-i!J. T e i;:oea t'l rcniji(r., I 0 ,,,,,,11n1l \' a.k f , •·-Id k Jiirnll1!'.~. dll!pl1tcti! l"'l"MOnll the c . b. rl fl:: Jnhru1nn nr rn.t.,_ MeAll Sound jul1gmenl m ,.,. I\ Ml e port• \ovtle11t ' '""" In 1na e . · E:ng1ncenni;:: ! h,. ''ariely .,( ... 1 dtivf'r. a C'con11ng to the Natlonll.l """• to-•t 00 •"l~"itoclt!ty, hoa1t l<'811 1tnd nfl.edy '" 111.ttny •111rng l hr ho!1rlll y week•·nrt Al u-.... " r ,.,. Automobile Club, VIRGINIA ( r11. ·rndf Oviatt p11tt11 n r.urnpe Rn•l A111" r11r Pa1\lllltn11 Satun ls.y. lhe .John...,n•l--------------- d<:-1. Golnr U> Loa A ngeles In the Pnldtlmt or th Newpo;irt Haroo; proJ('ct .. ts.rte11 II." II L"hrt.'!tn111"11 'exas Brid e A..uxUJ.ary of t e Chlltlrf'nll Home prngr'f" 11 nd w!ll •'"ntlnuoi, w hdt' Boclety, look~ lovely Ln a ne11h lhf' f1'0<J Is 11Vlhl8bl••. 111.:l!ortlfni.,: f h F toned boUffa l ball gown U ."lhe lo Flynn. ~I or J 0 n ry e\•e111 n~ t hl'y Wtrl dinner KUNtl .fT91\atl the, l(UflltJI at Lhe en-""\'"ith thl' help 'lt Am .. ri.-11n of the A. A Johnann11. with " V.ce ot the 811.y Club . . bell t!onor11. C ARE will J!f't thl11 11ur· 1 J ohn l':rnr,.1 Fry. to0n of Mr. group of frlend11. ctiafrnum, Patty !Mr•. ''Vllllam) plu11 food lo tho•e who need It ~l rll. F. E . F'ry of 2l4l Or11.n1e On Sund11y they at.tendC!d 1noth- CW-Mtt.. pretty •• tver, w•• the mo1t,"' Flynn .s •Id "'C.."t11ldn-n Ave . Cnita Me1111. 11 i::ral1uatf"' of "r annu11.I dinner 1.11d Chrt1tma.11 cai-t VIP l h1v1 ev•r ~ a l e.broad a re aufltrlnr !ron1 1na l-Ni wport tlarbor H igh School. crlf'bn1 llnn e t the JoMph M nutrition. homt \e191 f1m llles a.re wu m•rrled recently to the f or· Meyer h omf' In Loni" Beach. A.f- in urgent nt!ed and Lnalltutlona mer Ralma Dean Grllrlth of Sher-l f'r \'lltt ln~ lhti F . W l,..,,Luc11 have tn8ufflC'1ent l'\Jltda to pro: man, Te:ii:aa. In the home or thr npmf' In North Lon,: Hc11ch, a .. ride adaqu•tl! food for orphan1 pr .. ltllng m!ni.11tr r. Elder J H 1final 11top v..·~ mid~ •t thf' •n- DO YOU NEED ' MORE INCOME? WI: C r'P"C R SEL[CTtO 18T MORTGAGE LOA~& WITH 8£Al/ICE .. MAo;I" .. 0 ..... ., ...... •<><.•C•T•"l>NI T ltU llT DllO• •O UQMT AMO llOlO WM. B. HOLT Legion Groups at VA Hospital and the aged. \Ve 1h1 ll conllnue Ch i•m Church of Chr111t m inu1ter nu11I npen hou1c gJ1therln~ 11.t the distributing-It on the be.•!• of in Sh~rm•n home of J.1arciA Snede n, Long 160t"I. ti.,19l ~T~fn . V.NlA ANA.C:l.l!J. At Orange County'1 Institution Leading H0:me Lending . CONTINUING TO PAY 1/2 cro PER ANNUM --~uicaJt 1As1on P o1t an ti ~lo 191. 40/1 antll/40 of New- port 8-ch went to °'-Long s..cb Veten..na Admlnl1tratlon HOipttal 8uriday nlsht rnr the ChNlm&,11 party planned for t.he pe.Uenta. The proan,m ...,.. by Bob Crolby J.h• "Bbbeat.I" anti •'Jilothnlalra"'. Wbmtns the ,._rt• of all patltint.I WU Kathy, lhl 11 )W-old da'upt.r of Crollly. nH<l only and ""'ll"•rdlesa of raC'e. The brhlt rhQ"e 11 rhari-oa! U~•rh. lllMtft~T .).7111 color or crH"d."' grey 1utt "''Ith .,.·hlle 1ccf'.!la0ri.,..I F-;:;;;::;;;:;;;=====..;;;=================i il ALL ACCOUNTS F lynn potntttl out that many for h1r we<ldlnfr a nd wa11 altenrl· ola world countrlu ob-..rve the ttd by Mi•• R1t11. Go rh11.rn. Harril·I INSURED UP TO $10,000 hollda ys through Tweltlh NLrht Brt11:11. ac rv1 n11: w ith the groon1 and that •urpl1111 f ood pa.n::el• ar-•t Perrin F ield. AF'B. TtK"-'. we" riving .. l•l• O l l day1 1rter beat man. Mr and Mr•. Fry 11.r e Chrl1tmu may 1\lll becom1 • nm. •l horne J1t 1307 N o. Cleve- part or local c11.ebraUon.. l&nd St., Sht1rm1n. RICHARD CHARLES CRINGLE Certified Public Accountant ( \ That Announce& he All Accounts Opened On Or Before The I 0th of tho Month Earn From the I st BOOKS BOOIL OASE S411 \'la Udo -Harbor 4t04 CAMERAS IJ SoppU.. VINCtNT UDO DKUOS S'61 \"la Udo -ll&r9or JOOS CARPl.'TS & DRAPERIES DICK. MACKEil 14.?0 vi. Lkl1>-l1&rbor tS28 CATERING Rlt:HARD 'S UDO MARK.El' ~43S \'Y Udo -Harbor 28!8 Clotblag-Ohlldrmia If Want. .JE RI'S OP' UDO st~ Newport 8.1.vd. CLOTHING -at...'o Jlolall BIDWELL'8 8.HOP FOR MEN IHI VLa Udo -Han.or "'8 CJLO'l1UN6-Womea'e lkltaD LA REINE 6"Vla~f.llG LIDO h.SHIO!'i8 1411 N pL. 81..t. -~ M71 SHADOOCJl08 W t \'I.a Udo -Harbor N11 VAOABOND epusr.; Imported Sportbw'ekr U!I \.la Lido -Hanor 1~ DANCING -Ballroom KIXO ST UDIOS u+0 Via Oporto--ilarbor toll DRUG STORES VINc&.,T8 LIDO DRUGS ..,1 va. lJ4o -Harbor IOOI ELrJCl'RJ<J OONTRACTOBS LIDO ELECTILIV MS4 Via I.Mo -lluiMlr •'717 Come In and Prove If to Yowwlf alH ID\'U. you to c.om1 lll Lr1 the new llafuol.ood DANZ -SCHMIDT BIG l'IA:"o"O £: ORGA."'I STQ~ llea.Jquart"'ni ft1r A.II Madelz llun1nt1nd Oreana Kl %-4 140 610 So. M ala Seal.a A..D9 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FURNITURE 010 11. MAC&.£8 JilO \'la Udo -~r fJ%1 GIFT SHOP IUCHAJU>'8 UDO lllAll&ET MU v• Udo -llarbor USll INSURANCE AOENTS W. O. BUCK. JNO. l40G vi. Udo -llarlM!r «« INTERIOR DJ!XJ0BA7'0811 BLANCllD: FVIAES&UN .&.J.0. Utt va. ua. -......-.. .... Dlt:lll llA.Cll&a. UJO Via Ude -81'"'-or f.111 DON CR£10 HTON A-L D. ~-... port. 600 Via Mala&• -~ IU1 lllABK!:'l'S itu:HAJurs LIDO MAMMft u,,h \'la Udo -Barbor IUI REA:L E!TATE r . "--PALMER t:Na lUI ria 116& -Mrttor IHt \'00 I: L COKI" ANY S411 \la UdO -~r .. ,. RAY A~"'i'D Bl:AOB &EA.LT1' \'I• Udo Bridsa Ot1loe II I! La.l"a:r.,tt.e -ll&ltlor 1M1 LlDO Kr.ALTY .A.8llOClU.TK8 Udo SI.JN 4 Ren~ •too \'a. Udo -Haltt« "" SAVINGS IJ LOAN A8SOOLUION8 NEWPORT a.t..LBO•UVIKQ8 &. LOA..N .uaoOl.4%'.IOJlf' A S&Yinc• WdttrUoa l.o"&' T-Homa I.o&QI 1111\'laU..-....... ~ !IEBVl<JE llTATIONS UDO~ MU H_,.... .,..._..,, fll1 mou-..._ .• lllDwa.&18 lftOaS l"09i M&JI ":'I Via U,. -_._, .... BBOICll, WOXEN &UJ.:.&"8 OW OALD"Omlfl& Mlf V'-1•11 ..... l'OY8 LIDO '°YLU!D MUVla......_ _ _.__. TRAVEL AOJ:NCID BAaBO& T&A vm.. 4GD"O'I' MU N..,,.n m.'11 -·NM ..u.nta tn lroa hmr• ·''"e"' t to th9 ncreaUon he.JI to U.. fl&"V and refruhrnenla. LA'fE~T HAIR STYLIN(; FOR HOME PERMANENTS hrui moved t o new offices Al LAGUNA FLOWEBS UPBOLS'l'EBING 8.IC1l.UIY8 LIDO ~ • DICK MAOllr.& --. ~ tM 40/1 -re bu.y J*1111as out h'\llt to p11tlent. In t.M ....,. wM -. .m.bl1 to at· ....... .....,._ Tlllilt· D'ml Newport w 1 re O._.P,., Fr&nk D . Moo,.. Jr .. xr. Uld Mn. Aoblrt Brt,-191 Mr and )(n. Robert Charlt.4)n. ~I r and )In. L., A. Rlemy, Ro~rt ectawamb, \Vhlt tl1m1, anJ sv-t. MlM lkrel& Abel. ' .;--- DAN'S IARIER SHOP IJALaOA. T'B£\ Ta& Bl.DO. ILU.llOA Op.-~ta.rw~ L ) • 1828 Fullerton Avenue Co"1ta Me1a, California I Botwoon 18th and Broadway) Liberty 8-3320 FEDERAl SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Jn Oqeall ... __ ho.1 H T &-llTI LAGUNA BEACH ' - c.o.....,.._Table A.rn.ngemeni. MU Via Udo -:ti ..._ &ISi l4U \'la Udo -Barbor UZI WATCH REPAlll VINOENT'S W.roa .-r.&.111 LIDO D&U08 Mta va. Ude WINDOW OOVElllNjj THE •BADE 880P / Nllllt t. Pw( orn.:.---&r. - ! ( I . \ . " .I ·' . • .· l ' ··-:-. " • • -i:lliJpTINa :riJl:vsELVES at 0ne or the teen ,,.. dance. ill the Balboa Bay Oub'a Bay Window room are 8tlaul Mutelt. a.nd Earl Clark. -Terry Boni Photo 'Taming the Forty-niner' ~eyiewed by Haarstad ' u,.,,, ~ • ........., UM..,.. ..... o.la._ ......,,.. ..... ' , ,,. ... ,,, oPas~den·a~Girl lli.de_oL_ · N ewpor.t Youth Crumley•Turner Nup~ial Date Set for'June 30 Hoetinr a Cllrlltmu open houae Dec. 28. Y r. and Mn. George Willwt:l Turner o[ Puadena &llDowief.d lhe en.gap llMllt ot. their daughter, Mi.ts Katherine Gile. Turner, to Kenneth Word9n Crumley, .on of Mrs. Edwarden Crumley, 2li Coral Ave., •!tit U,a Late Mt . Cnlmle ~r of lM 1-te Mr. and Mn. rr.d f · . Wal~.-H~tan a.11(1 tha lt.t. N r W~Jllt'tl BELLS 1 •nd l-fr-a. Georg-9 AJ~rt turner. ai Wb.lt.e weddlna·o.11• ori w. &olt.l• ut-Anrela . 'Mr. Cn.imUt t• ·a -' Chiut.mu l.l"ee di~ lo third &~rat.Jon Ca.llfornlu and , \11 the (T&n~ of the late K r cloM Mend. Jarw: 10 .,, pi..tin9d &nd Mr.1. Horace John Prtnca of Loa A nrete.. • ...... . .. . ' ·• PRING LES • --..... ----· ~-,.,._.,uo.i ftDed 'UI lt .... me ii1~1 wtt.11. ...... .... "' w.ck ..... wMCer. .._ U'J, U1. ttt. ut. UIM(& .... Mhr....., .... ... --.-.......... a roll vf Ille .._. tilM FltEE. x....-........ ... Ii• &an. air.rr. 16 DOU & SDVICI;; The couple met while att.andinc Uta Un.Jvanilty of 804.IUl•m Cali· fOf'Tiho. wbeu Ula brlde-•lect l.1 • member or Alpha Chi Oniega .1oror1ty a.nd Mr CTu1nley wa.1 , atnll•ad w!OI Slpna A Ip b a J:~lon. ANG!:LEN~ Mt .. '!'IW-nPr la th• 1ran&.l•UC"h- HARBOR AREA BUSINESS James Hogan KATHERINE GILES TURNER Third in ~e . ~GUIDE _ Cu.rtJ. Studioe M.r. and )1.-1. Jamea A. HOfi.n• l----.·.,,-0•.,,.-•.,•.,----., --------------------------------------IZlt'ito Manne Ave, ...:1.lcoCJ1.:i l ---~=-=-c===--- TRI-HI-Y CLUB GIRLS GIVE HOLIDAY BASKETS C'hi·Mlvsta, Trl·Hl·Y chlb at. the Oraqti eo-t. Y.M'.C.A., eoU.d.94 &Ad dMltdMlt.ad buk.U ot food &NJ 11ftA to needy ·tamU.. foe ~ Qi.rUUau holdap. ~ club •l&rted col- l.c:Un1 callMld toodl oa llUkrtreen. Juat Wor. Chn.tmaa tMy bl'CIUt91t tDlr tl"Mll. tr'Utta,. meat. and mold• to lb• hom• or lhetr adtrt.w, Mn. Lordoa l.inJ•A. 'nl•J fUkd ·and decorUed Ul4o "-keb. with S"Old ceUo- ph&11• a.nd l&r(I reel boW9. n. liz1a, au jwl.&an U\ N"'JIO(t Hart>or Unloin. Hll'h Behool, u.c.&wie JIMiy B«w &ha.ro. BriSP, JOUI ~. Kary i-HaJ'llla, )feacy. 8-Uip, s.n.n. J eweU, o.. An.n• Ludl. ~ MMt ..... a.tty Piper, J .... c:a Roberti, Dtana B-...n-. Pat 8h1el"-, J"47 9at.lter, Beth St.&Aley, W~ Tn.utwetn, Jo Altne 'Ylnolnt. Ltnd& WDlarey, Kar1&nne Wu- 1ta.m90n '2!_ T1"0rlfte Wa.ra.U. 'nle,..... -enppct bl a food u.d clothU,.. drive tor UM DOC't.bs1l C&li.toaai& t1oo4 vletima. FILM SHOW, AWARDS Festive ·Eve for Mesa Cub Pack " -' Calendar of Events Lbe1r tlr-at eon e~.AJ~~ HOil.i U>m~le ColJJak>a ~·~ ------------•l tto,,p1t.11.l He w~ 1 Iba.. All&e p.,..U.. · ~:n ~..i:: .. Horan. Janae PATCH'S IODY Alt.MuJ'h thlrd 111 the t&lJIUy tu & PAINT SHOP carry uie n•rn• J f.111"'•· then 1.1 R p TCH no "Jr." for ~ paternal J'rand· · W. A. l'rre E'•firN1ta• ta~ la J-.,mu C. H O(&n. Thi!' TT)' Utt l ltttC baby'• moUM1· !.1 the tormC"t An · iu W•t. 1'1Ull St. ------------·I ole Je&n Davia. da1,1&hler or Mr•. Qieta 111-. c:..w. ,J-. I JOMpJI J1y Davis ot K.&l.Ju1, O•· U ....., .. nJCJlSLA SOCI.ETY' _ tnat&Ua-hu, pre11t1ttly ot San F'r'and..co. I •-----------·I lion 7:SO p . rn. Rpa BchooL "' :\iem!>f.r of • prominent Kawa.I· COSTA MESA ( SO R OPTI KI ST -8 a.~ la1· fs.m lly, .ne la an •Ulhonty on MOTOllS 1•awa.-d'a Rat..l.ur&nL chlLllLI anC hW. d&.ncea. £BELL TIU.. VEL Sect.Ion -8 p. rn. -Ebtll clW!hOUM, ,_. .!!IT. AND!lEW'8 1'tiDow9hlp 12:30 p, m. •t chw'Ch- ST, ~'8 OUlld-11:50 p.rn. !U~rAT .. C ATHOLIC Womeri'• Counctl- 12:50 p . m. Pllrlah halJ. ..... JllBEL.f,. CLUB -12:30 p. D'I. -Hall B 4 PW_.:46 p. m. Ridgways Entertain Complete AutomoUYe Servlca Body A: P aint Departmml Bra.lla Shop Mr. •IMi M r1. Ri;io..rt ~mlng '' HOUB TOWJltO RJdpa y, 1~73 Ocean Blvd., re-"A.A.A." APPROVED cenlly entPrtalned at dlnner 'M'r UbertJ l-Z2M and Mn. l-E. Coffman ot Shu- m&n O&Jq, TI'le 1-tte.-couple &:Tl' 114.0 Newport Bomevanl Coalll M-, Ca.tifonlia Mra. R.ldpay'a moUter and et..ep--1 ·-----------·I father. M.-. Cottm..a 1-& retired •t.Al1T'Y SMO,. 8ear1 croup man.a.u. I ----'=="-'="-----I McMillan Gues ts ChNtmu dlnn..-~~ al J. MARINE BEAUTY SALON NHYC. 1 :30 O. W.eMUian 'J r. horna, 340 R.ed- 11.llds Ave .. were. Kra. IL.lld Mrs. -Dan KcMlll&n and XUJ'ly, K1M UNITED CHURCH Wonin. -Gtncer Cook ot L&rwa Beach Jo~·s DAUGHTERS p. m. f' AC h.&11. ..... •zpwt Bt11~g -.fi\o.P"'g P~-,,t• -Tint."" BttpenuNl •• Violet· J1:SO p. "llf CD)( Chmd't. and Mrs. and M,... ft.. J . DobJe_ot F /£ BOOK Be<t;U-. l2:IO p. m. El SeJW!.do. """""'-· . ;:;;;.::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:::;;;;;::; "-···· 2 CoavealeM: ~ .. Nwp0ri8-b * ....... .... -, .......... ft.. Ru. I. t Service .·~ Eld:I. 1Mmni or home fabrte sew la• _..._ __ eaport~ .. •potleM. •parkllag -1 aph•dldly pt'..-1. " l tl Mvtoe A.Te. -Jla.Aior til l BAiboa l•la.nd lMUi- LUSTEllWASH .A.1d°"'°Hc Car WiaaMng 11C 4U ,.._t , .... w. Oout Hl,fbway Newport Be.ach, ~f. PbolM U bert7 3-4.UZ ( Arro.a From P-l 'C?Ns:I COKTllACTOIU CHAMfERLAIN & SON MAX W. POPE, Inc. Ge"4!ml C01'1lrnctO"t.1 C~.~llpltD P::JN llM•~ ..... P1ioa.e Ube.rtJ &-lUS C-ta M-., OM1L FOOO Locy&•• HAlllOll MEAT CO. -..-, ft.. FDM IAdlc!~ ,...._ ..... ~~ MMi. o-17 11 ..... ' 1-k• ---c..,_ ~ c.u1-c,~ ~ · C... ,_........ rw., Tv~ a..._ &11 • ...-. 8'-llat1Mtr t'fti N--- 'Mftr •OW FU.lltmllt! FINISHING ...... n.-1. ,,...._ ... l).lf_,. ....... ,. ...... a.u.,.,. _,,...._.. , U .... 'lllll -u~ --- I I ~--·· T ..... >1 .... in 8~1 c..,.i.e.1,. ··~""" S••iolt<U..• a..--1 ..... MAl(O A UOIV~ W£JT.[..IJ( £L«.CTllJC 8-vk'.11 l'alterim ~ A.JI ...... .IL DALE RAi'BE8 '11ean .. !T Ceo1t"'' Sot N . .w.Jn 11 811ata Au Kl J...allO ; MO>moc 2 Sk.lllPd, lnaured 6 Fut MOVJl1R.!i only '8.86 hour P'ne s.tUnai.-Oii ~ St.le or N ..U..• Wld<'J L0Wi:6T .P.ll.C. RATES N!WMAN Transfer &. S.-99 Ultoari," J.111• ur '40).\ WOODWOllTH ......c.m_, L 14Wiooo ~ ....i 0..1-• ~I.rt. S•1e ~ u .... "1·--· °"•-· l..J•• -•••Lalo -J..n. ... , MlO S:. OMat R"7. BM. Nf1 Corou. doel )(...,. ', .., y..,.a,· '·hi...__. H. H. -Houaoois, •Moe JNO . ,._~,_ ... _ ...... W•IH H-1 ... o -D°'ll M• . ,._, __ .. FRZJ: l'ATDIA.TSS Z801 \\'. a.... BIY4. llar.,'11.t NP.W,....rt "'-di. GILLMAN ·ri..wMJ Co. c-tr ... 1-. -._.,._. • 1111111 -w_.._..,.. w..a "-r--ri..r ....._..._ 'lt·llet8L ~ ... a..&1•- Newport a-ell Povt.TllY HALL'S RANCH CO. e Raod. Fnidi •F~ r..-. !UI ......... lllvd. ~-. Uberl7 MM6 o..&& Htm. Ot.W. H.RVICI. n'AT10M IAYsiiou ' IUCtfP'JD . ·~~~. BILL JVIUOB'l', 0.0.... tot We.rt C:O..t Hwy, l'1'. Ubert.)"; ..... '6 NfJ'W):IQl't lkoM1l. CaD(. . l'ov~ JV oad APPLIANCI -· All .,.,,_ r:r T,.. ....... lllaTtq -~ ..... ~ .. 41*'!o1s ... ' I'll. • ···"l "34j7 . ........... ~0....-- J:f@!T•ALD CL.All(' IWEQ J'UD 8CH&Nat ~"-._, .,. .... ..,._~ -.,........,. .. •a,... /U.N!WllJ _ .... - -I .. ' I ' ----,._. . .. • < ' ' ..,,__. .. ...._. -. ··--. -·--··--__ _._ ----------. • • • ,_ •· ·-----.. ·-· ... .·· ......... _ -··---··-... _..._._,....,..._ .. ' ' -... J: ~,.'-~~-. ~·; ··-'-*-·-~ir -._)fu, ·-41o .' 'ff1'1hu~•i~C:· 3w ·~-t--'l'J rl'A&E 4: ,.-AllJ I NEWPollT ~ N1EWS:'115S .M()NMy: JAHUnY 2. 1"6 •• .. .. ... l "GQd. ~r.ri .;. the uroojty to eccept. tho . tNnga wo .~t ~; tho~ lo ci-p·lhe-llli•·W. -·oncl..i.o • 1B .. Ii'.usli -couI'~tTRv witebft lo k,.,... tho dif~." (A. Anon.) • .Et>-ITOR·IALS .,.. . · -. ~ J. ou· RNAL 117 ' ' . •llfl&ACS •••• H7' ·~l·"."'---":"""..__,,_..__.;.... __ ..,.;-...-- ---, New Year Looks Bright as ¥oo ·.see-wca1-· Progress Year's News~ Show Harbor AreaHa~u5y Time (M. !f• -n.a. ..... .,. lliilM6 .....;._ ....... .. ............. ,, ............ ,.. ............ _. .......... ~~ ......... ,...., . ·' - Ru Brandt, noted Callfomla _..._, _-In blo earlier worb a pa.int.mr I've long ldmind. Ra b:e m,y· 8elf, baa wa.ncjered over the bruah eomtry JUcbwaya and bywaya. His bold &nd •ure ~-ot the bru9b ban In wiah1nc you a Happy New Year, accompanied by ~earttelt ·~ that it be a prwperous obe for you, the New•-Pni. today call-. attention to the 1ucceutul, continuln' ~ lD Newport Beach bu1ineM. Aa alwaya, t.binp Were popfinc t'iU.. Harbor •area dwiDc the Joor juot COlldludocl. • N...-l'T'eill today pre.enta a detailed a.ceouD!--of lem5 n bJ#cbt.9, .. caa(ht in color aoena J try to pa.rliany catcti. lo worde.. ~ J ha"91'1't -n;:;b• f0t· nearly a cs.Cao.. I wealler9d pUnUas In 9'Jlne )'Mn t.h4I ~•r .,,.,. o( U.... t t • I d • Tb .. ia molt .nident when you look al the inonthly, t.br:-month ud y.riy city l&le. tu: receipt.I of the 1-cc:nt 1"y on taqbJe purchaaea. To ahow you the contintrlnc riM of bmfb-here, we append the follow· lnc table b:i.Cludlnc' by liz·mohtb and year tota.11. -- moath~by-.mooth. v .IANtJ'UY, 1111 'nl• montll bt...,a with talll ott 1 m.are •r bet..,,... ca.ta ..__. and N -port Beach. Thi P&cJQc Telephone and T"-IT&pll Co. mMle lb• opttmt.ue bot lnaocu'- lHi llllO 1161 l ili02 1"3 · 1964 I~~ &11.nounc,;.ememt that lbrrlor -:----,::-:-:::---,,,::-:----------"--...0.:.:..:. _ _:.:c; ..U.tlanp phonM:,;::.,.. -· J 10,1e2 11.ltl A.IHI JI.Ml 1._,au 11,660 11.T• nrted to dl&l t -,.~ 1,.0. _I .SU 11.Mf 11,ot.M 14.,IQ 1',112 II.Alt\ >I •.712 !,603 'l.060 ,,2M t ,INIJ I.JOO a,1t1)lat• ln 19M. !How do JOU Mk• A f ,JU I .MA 7,Ull 13,270 11.w 16,t lO lt,615 thrm !) ' --M A.840 0.863 16.t Oll 13.273 17 ,1 ~ 16.181 11,111 'n\en city polk:e ll!l ... bed a ju· • J . 6,71& fl.117 8,0611 7 .300 9.8'6 10,807 11.Mt f "'9.tlt '6,HA U ,080 f%,N3 'M,ut 'M,111 ...... J 14,0t O 12,MH 11 126 22.208 23,126 21.084 %1.%11 A l t ,902 lfl.11111 18,709 18,033 21.W 2 ... 7t2 ao,7t1 8 7.077 8,ISO 9 .UMI t0.1118 16.233 !6,882 11.llU 0 17.00'2 lt.,i30 111.7911 S-0.777 30,Ul S0.110 IO,f%4 ~ N 10.6'4 l t .1"9 lS,:61 13,1111 16,11 2 lll.H7 16,tf1 : •D 3.8&11 t .8i3 t ,tl07 1.1<.le T.1'32 7,100 f,Ml [ 11 4.6.JJ 110.111 12V~ ll'>0,60ll 1119.MO 1911,761 tts,M4 1~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phone Solicitors Bilking Public on Subscriptions A group of telephone .oliciton of the m09t irre- 1pon1ible type have been bombarding resident. of the Newport Harbor area, aeeking aubecriptiona for out- of-town new1papen. The llOliclton ha.ve made gr08ll m.iarepre~tatlons that tend to ma.lr:e local resident. thin k they are 1ubscri blng to a community newspaper in this areL This iii not true. The eollciton a.IAo e..llege that part of the proceed. or their campaign will go "to t he Boyt' Club... They have no connec:UQI\ MUI the Harbor Area Soy1' O ub, no r, 90 far u we can a.certaJn, with any Boye' Oub anywhere. A \~eck with the papen in this portion of Orange Coun ty' ba. affirmed that none of theln is conductinc phone tolicitaUon• tar IMJbKrlptiona. ven1la itope rtnr ""1th • raid n.•t.. tine ee"en youtlw In a NSW"p(lrt home. And the Bly 111 .. d &hoot· 1nir Un 11e<l thlnC• up. WunlcipallJ' ~lnf, ~ dly et.1rtll!r w .. ratlt1ed by tba at.at& ~n1t1. Maurte etan1ey ...... .Wee· te<i pra d<lent or th1 NltrpOrt Ha rbor C haml>tr ot Ooin.man:1 11'1'1 no-.. h1"1 compoaln1 b.la --.a. eone prob11bly for early n • • t month u hi t.um.. lh4! balm •••r to 1 aucc•aor. January 1aw much n4!..,. ln lh.• w1y or Co1ta Me .. btc annu:1- uon de111, n-ahopptnr cent.I" development 1nd the llkt betoni It clOHd w1th Bii" Bill eon.ut Mn lnl" favored by th& N•-~ a porworlJ Onnr• County N-.i Service reporter, Pill Mlchaa.11 of th1 Santa Ana OCNS BurMU. l{e found what 110 Calltornla n.- p&per ha.4 bHn abl1 t.o do-Bon- •111. A1 Jf'ebtuary dawnlllll the Co.ta Me .. City Oounctl made • clleek- •r~rd play tor tha flll·lot Hal• cN.1t 1ubdl•l.ton a nd Rlc!!:ft•ld OU r-.va&ied 90 p« c.nt ot th. land or that city ru 1.-..d be· twetin l llU. and W l1-8t.. -t ot Harbor. The Mua p&rll bowd ot director• a1ked wperriloor ap- pron.I ot a 1 ·acr• park lit. P\ll'- cll&H tor $32,000 0n th• edp ot Santa Ana River mt Vlcton.. St. apla pu~ a ~mo.tlq" U · t ra" ... wtw.m Anr.d, a t.ranai· .. t. kiiOilMc) tllil Udo Ilk t.o..a ol Am 0..r, .aot. omow WlW&m Talboti, t1-""'""'4• .... AM T.t. Pilot Ortor'S" .Lil. wbo bUlM trw. h1-J•l 94 m mph ta hbNl.ry. JaavM Boq Hmpit&l.. ll portrayq I.I vlvwtly t my '""' ••ow.r • IM&nted" la pnpar- rnJnd. A m&ll bo1, • CUl"Y'tni" •tioa fOt IJ)llrM m oilfUIN,. 4 '1 d iftt.o • tarmyaru, • crtaktn1 wt.nd· wouk1 U.-he.Ttly p}M.tad Oehh mill, and commandhl& OU. hid.I ~ ow.r aM wlods-" ta almOM Southern C.lllomta -• • unbarnmta!We rank rf'OWtlll 1t burdened nek1 or barte:r-n'"' tor u.. ''ralh am1 f " lll• huncry cul ol the barve.tt.tt. n.. lle1&.aol at April • ., more ..... ee•-attou, tM ..,.o&I ~ ror M~ Beacb and OAta --pt i.dy lo ~ AM tb1 r.ce wu What 1t\lbborn bClpll l'O Ullo It i. ttUld, ··0n lbe highway to U.. plowlne . tbl 418cle.-, har- Saa Jacinto,•• but tor 90flle reuon-'°"fin•. and tlu.lly d rlWJls ..rt m1 nrat r&aetton Wu "'p&tnted on 'th--i......-id hill&. Atw•y•. ln Ul.e W lnfhe•ter country."• and h. -.ma, Lb1ra are n:t.r.mea, it w-. Rd h&d caueht the -• IJthlr ~roded htllatdM. or on the h1J11way runntne throqstl 1Wnm1r--bakld &oi.J , wttA a apar.11. the hll!.a o1 Auld, .A lamoa. Dom· brlaUJ beard ol und.-deftlopld nep nl 'lallf!y and W1ncheeter hil:-p-a.in. Too mw ,....,.. theo m•· No R-t f .L. w T t~n Temecula and Hf'met. nr. rr ~ -.. ~ with Cl.Ill• '-"' Q[ L.lX eary-axpaytt la tlie home Of t he dry land fllrm• or cove.red with a W"1Mlly blantlf!t ---------------------------· 1er and the rolUnc hill• ol grain-ot &beep. tryin1 In 4-parallon tn a truly bountltul p..lntlng ot h•· l"'900UJI aom' of the lolll labor and ON TO anD:l'IADA Aa May tluttld out her W"blll cklwil d&ppUq Mu. lki• It waa Newport -~ raoa weall:. N 0 C 0 M M E N T ""· ,_,.., ,.,,., , -·1· PICAS UP &l:.N !'l.°18 ftUE OAMJU,ER May ot.. And Bob Dalt.on dl.clOMd By .IAHD W. DO~ Today In thf! clear m ldmomlnr plana tor bl.& qUMUr-mlWom dol· j---------'-------------------llWI I drove from Temecula to l&r Udo Wharf ~urant Im· Hetn4!t to pic k up my old "bru&h prov'ament. Thia tJa Me.a called WASHINGTON -G e tt In I approai;:be•. (Ive• polnt lO a re-buddy" K1rl Henn18 who had Newport'• &11111llat1on hand and compet•nt bualneum•n to It.ave cent obee~tlon by Charle• E. fl>ll!ftl 10 ~: ..,1 1 .. _ " launched. &.rma:ll&llon ot a mil• lhf'lr Jobi W"lth 1.nduetry and come Wlbion. the Secrel+ry ot Oeten.11. pltal. It wa.e December r.lld th• •trip of land barrlcadlnr thla to Wa ah!n(ton to work for lht! Mr. W lbion .... you know. hu mult1<·u1 ... ,1 t..i"'"" .. ,, " ~ clty'.1 lllp&.nai.on northw~ ot th• OovernmG'lt requlre.1 ru.J per-ua· bacom1. t.hrou(h tha IChool ot U · n101.11t •nd •·olorful with 1~ IJo!,(11 city diapoaal c rounda. W lll'I Ulla. live powera and ll.ut!ly l.ll •P-perle1ica. ona ol Lh1 nation'• tor ... either fr eahly harrowed or dnll· a.nythlD,&" could happen ILnd did . pea.I lo patrwiUam . moat aulllorlUu on ··Att&clu ed Sonlf! of th~ unp!1.nt.-.J fleld• 1.1 CalltonUa new1paper publlah· It really II one or the moat d\f· Made on Bu•!nenmen ln Oo•ent· I reall&ed were L&nly. beca ulM! u era held a quarterly CNPA. tie•· tlcuh t.aaka cont ronttns w lll.tever rnant." my d•1'·1n·l&w wily farmer of eloa In Newport Beach. \f!tl eon.-AdmlnJ&traUon la In power. Thi• But throueh It a ll he l\aa re· Rtveraide CCMJnty :1tatt11. "AJwaya 'l'lnced !JUI I.a n11:. placa. l.1 true ot t ha Eilenhowt r Ad· ~ed hla aerue ot humor .• w hich have your barley In b • f o r 1 Un pl-sant thtn,p oocurred u mlnletratloo. It allo wu true ot undoubtedly ... tllted him ln ae t· ThanX.•giVlng:·· And IOU arU•t a l t-year-<11d molhlr ·and a. mall the Trwnan .Admlnl1t.i:a Uon and tin e up the tollowl.nc qua.Utica· that he \1, he ha.11 alway1 been w1r. boo)l:ed on ch&r(M or n+r· Roole•elt'1 and Hoover·• -and t!on1 tor 11. top pc>mtlon In th& De-able to -look at a treebfy pkJwed coUc1 po.....ton. Than Mn. Al· Coolld1['1'1 and on bae)I:. partment of Oete.n11: or "'drilled"' field and t.u you bwt Dl.lphino report.Id to police So chara:ee by 1.nU·bo.Dinf!U '"fl I The official mual bl &n juat how g-oqtt a tanne:r ta tann- &.n<XlymOUI plwn1 ca.1111 thrMt.en · crltlc& that bu•lneeamen leap at honeet nian. lnl" It. 11 the llell!d bed IOtt &lid lne bar bom• w1th bomblnc. An· th• opporllll11ty to e•t Oovem· "1 2) He mult know .IOmtthln,y will pr.pa.red ~ Ari lha plow pal· other kind ot -.IYO ,.,... t Ir• d mant Jo b. juat don't rl..ac true. •bout the work he wlll do and tanl.& repl+r a.nd well planned! ~ •• N.-.....l ---1 r·"·• lo be !ntere1ted In 111.mln< mo ni. Ao I d 1 .,.,._, ·-.....-· '""""'"'' ....... It I.a a.U11ad, ot cou.-... by the roYe noted thr plow reeein word ot Uai aupem.oni' erlUca ll\&t the bu.tln•Mmen uae "'13 ) He mull not think ht 11 p&ttenw on the willhldf hllla or •.... ' ••• -K 1lcll wh•n he IWMll. w ··--........ o ..._. OY&r ewpo, • ar· t.helr w ... 1i.1nrton connecuon.. to ln.,....t.er. &me we.r• rOod. bor . Thi. ruulted ln di.em!M&I ot obtaln lnllda lntarm.aUon which "(4 ) He mu1t liave good h•b-aom1 bed, a.nd oU.er1 .,ere ju1t veter&11 city clerlt, c . K .Prl .. L I.a tl'l.ll-.nltt.d ..crt Uy bl.ck to !ta -not c•t drunk at th• wron11: lndlNtrent. be&pe+kinr tba ak.IU TI1'U. Thaodor. N ... for dWmfM. lhelr comn•nt• 90 th.al lhoy ~•n Ume. · ot lb•ll' maker. For a Um1 each .. • "·--M ...-· .__, •"(0 ) H e muat be a damnt'd · Y ._......._ -U'™>n 8cbool profit tln&nctaJ!v t rom 'lnfonna-ta.JI lhua J)'tlema &1v• a.n / lndl· Dl·•-1 l l -.... u .. ~ fool -otherwt&e he would ool ..., c rui ......, .... rtaon Uon not aY&J.kbla to ltli lr com· viduallty to MCh 91parat1 bt JI 81.nbom l'"Nl..-S 01tt ot • y m· peUlon. conaldcr laklnr the jOb.'' and I.bey liY• wirh theti-own p&r· pa.thy. I t th1 atllc k1 on bullnrMmtn Uculu pu"9Clll&Uty. ~ ""'" WOactM'll NEWS l'"AClTS Dln"ERENT In Govarnment ani carrlld much Women'• new& look tM May The fact.a. ot eoune, ~e quit• farther YO'll will Mnd It tivan moni YEAS OF LABOR apotllMht .. Mn. Wlllttr.d B&r· d1rr.re nt. A1tda' f"l"om Uielr niluc~ 111t!leult than lo Uie put to c et fl.ex'• patl\Uas tlkYU&tM-the But ~· dry bt.nd tanner II.II• 1 true pmaler ..-lth th• dlu.ppolnt- rntlf'lt ot tb1 b&rV.et -.on bf!. hlnd hlm ca.II.a tor "cant•'" and A "new deal" ln I.he tall P arched vn hl• tractor he marrtly puU. the plow1 ti.hind. Thi& will be a Wl't year, he optlmlattcally hopee, A!'"•1n the hllt.. writhe and con1a to llfe wtth I.ht plow pattern.1. Unrecul•led naln I.I hi• Nem- 111., loo much or too llttJ1 i.. dt•· u t.roua. Ha d l'"Mm9 al. .,tt. ee.rlh· qti•ncblll& drtalu at ju&t th a rig-ht u.,._ 'Iba bMYJ ~r .. th1 brl(ht unclou4ed •kl•, and th& hot wtnda f torn olf th& de&· •rU ..,.. U\e CJLtl°'em ea JM. ~· UncorwclOU11ly h 1 pr~rfUJ.ly trle• to regulal1~ them like tu.rTt . Ing the handlea ou • fhOltly llhowt r bath. PRIZE WJN?n:K ThJ.a nne palntui.e ot Re•'•, lUc a the tlLT!ner'• droutn burnt Melda haa been nileg-ated t.o th• iru· • Ing callle 1.nd ,abeep. Thia ~t·. In,-tha .t won many prl&e• a n d hung In the New York "ft or Id a.Ir Of 19!9 and tll1 .Ban F ra.n· elac:o , W orld .Jralr In llMlO had th• tottom badly ~ by an ~I· d~b!.• Dollar q damaginJ to. aom1 -i..nt th• ovv...aJJ bal· '~ ans:• ot t.11• pletur.. But Uk.a th• • Subecrlptiorui to the Newport Harbor New•Pr.. may be entered by t.,alling Harbor 1616 or contactinc the local carrier boy "ah your route. .\. Farmer McCabe Writes. • • And the N-•Pr-ee. am. Us for rnon ~ trvm tbe Cabl- ornJa Nnnpaper Puwtah..-. A...- -oct.aUon, wtnnln• .-.oond. It• et nnn pboto, da1a.. w ..UU., MOOod, M9t tront ~ ~ and u. honor..W. .rn*11.U-. •m- eri.1 ~. TM f"rMdom. Tu.pay"" 1-· ... "'"·""""''.)("" ~~ .. to-.f'C'tbt ...,~·~ ~ bno reoel-..d ftm gL&cl ....arda taaca to oom• to W11hinrton ln qul.lltted bu.tneMmen to. aeeept culmtoaUon .of lhl ,,_re Wbor. ror the N..._~ LP t.a. "M'.•· th ftrlt piace, you will rlild that Government poalUonA. tuU .and boua.utlll. la ~ l o be uc.aa FlduaUoD of PT'NI w o-~lft 1.1'1 J111t aa m oral, Th.I.a ,_uy wOWd be Mr1ou1. a bounutul y•r, or a~ tha l'lllna -·• "bat warn•"• ~1r1t" ju.t lol law abidln(, Juat aa patrl· t.or ~Ir kn°""ledp and lmaw--ollc. ._aui to boid. tbdr a ll . Lm· award&. otk aa u y oth,. l"f'OUP of people. how _,.., -.enll&.I to I.bl naUon'• portaat 'W&ter& from the '"dry n. 'WV\an p.N appronJ to But l.D. lnten&ive effort I• be-wcltani. land far"m4irli" ol R.1.....-.kla OMin: U. 116-oc4mt JUch school tu onr-ln1 mad• at the pr-.nt ume. SE&V.JCl'-8 NltEDED lyf J'\111 rslu we Ilia,.. mlaald dry laiid tatrnu, Rf!'.ll Wat.lo h \ 1 • '*"-h and with the coloni h• ~ 1111.ndlea ., well. ba cllle...ru.lly ,,-,· now. lnt.o anot.h.w wtnta &heat o r I papw wttlch ha ai.o hop. I.a IU'I• other bounUhLI ~ A lot of rcuona have ~ giwn for the incftue tn Juvenile Delinquency, but.'udne of ern make u mu~ aenae u the one &.9: old Doctor g• ve me tbt other He aay1 the real reuon for Juvei..ue Delinquency'· that "too many pa.rent.a farm their younguna Out wb.ile they work trying. to get enough to retire in teD yean with ~ .Cadillac and a Swimming Pool" ... [ think be'a purty cl~ to rjght. too. . ' Farmer McCabe (all rleflta r"eMrYe!lJ Grass Roots Opinion · RUNGE. TEX., NEWS , "Given time and a lot of it, ~ven a Government eventually leam1 a thing or two. For example, the U. S. Government pl&n11 to buy wrpl~-~· but· irtlltead· ;:Jf placing-it" ln '"11torage, it will supply It to school children a.nd needy penom." and tha l'llft.e" hlstnn.y· comm! .. ,lkln yllllded lo K-prot.N, de· laylld t~ N.-p<>rt rr-..w..y ona ,,,_r . .And then cam• an old tea: Newport'• city ~ell planned condemnauoa of Pad.no mactttc l&l1118 &ad. tacwu.. Mtween N.,... Jl'ort and Balboa BIYdll. &ad IOt:h It. ud llchdllen PiM!e. Then Upper Bay a..n...Uoa bepn. llOC· cMded. la &pi.la ot K.., and OOlln· l J protMb.. ~ll'1 fat. WU I• doullt W"IU. tt11 1ehoonar on roc:Jla I t CadrOI llla.A4. And I 111Ulkln-dollc-addition Lo Hoq Htwplt.&J WU aoq11t, irUU b. u two \oca.t bt•r••-•n. P. ,A. Pallur and Wilbur Buell:. rued kilt.I acatft1t -.ell otMr, a lltUe lat1r ·Balboa Bay c 1 u b at.oclr: ..... .....l b)' Tuu T• coon Clint W . Wul"Cht.on. ._,.. o.uo: IUJlal a.tu. Ua11 1lnl'lll dn.'llJ!I ~ UM ccunty to OJIPOel Nnrport'a Up- ~r Bay annaaatlon. And Ula hlg-h 11ehool bU&t ffil .. 11:eo tor • M- ride, • J 1rtIo 11 lrr,..wa.rltl• and It b.u ~ Plne on tor aev· ln h.ct. In th .. • d&y1 ot atom· clla.Tpa toU.Wld. B&ltltp ~ •ral m onth&, to convtnce the pub-lc·h ydrogen mlracle11. It I• only POiit Ol'fle1 became a iftlbltaUon Uc tha'\ Bii B111ln•1 I~ runnlng belnc reall1Uc to "'am tha t the ot NIW"p(!rt 8-.ch Poll Ottlce U\a OoTernmot In W'aaiiin(ton 1ervicu ot compel.Int bu1tne ... and U'ppl:I" 1'ewport Bay otttclal· for 1.ba bfsn1flt of Big Bu slne.111. men 111 OQvefnmenl ar1 eNMUal ly becama part ot• the city. Thl1 Cll!lpaJrn la lnt 4!nded to tor thi nauon·e -urv,;...al. Than Na ., y a r at n ...-oa the help th& New Ol&lera recaptuni So, the peopf1 who are dolne Wutern Sprblt Champlonahlp at th• WbJt.e Hou. and reta.ln con-•v1rylhlnr P'OM1b~ to p~vent the H&rbor'1 er-l1Ptta and trol of Con.gTMa In th1 elec:Uon dldlea te<l, boneat IJld pttrloUc 8t.anford na.ed out WMltln nu:t Novwnb&T. buatneumen fYom aervtnr lhelr for •· .utplV& MOond. And all" ol PW.l:NZD:D CSUSADE country .. Government otflcl.ala a auddell It wu June and ft1a ~ cn.i&ad1 ~•l ar1 fllrtbig with dldlter and co.TA. KUA '"811 ftT buain..._ trtl.!ch you can be 1ur111 their 1ctlona &hould be condamn· , Th• anuat Kaaa n.f!, Fry will be llit.natttld aa th• election Id by 1verJ rl1"ht·lhlnktnc ~r.an. drew T0,000 paraon.a._ • tlsur• bit· I--------------------'----.::._:_ __ tarld by Newport Blach Ellmlfl· ta'ry S chool Dlatrlet·a r •c o r d ftU, 181 ~L And th• m. trlct'1 ABC r eport card .ylltem ,.... approved. Then cat1111a hwnan nru...., with Newport'• popula· lion raaehtng 11.r.41 and Cwt+ wea·. 17,320 u •pedal ftdlr&I ~en•uaea .conC"liuded. Jilli• 13 wu traupt with luck or dl-..tw ... Rell Rachi, locaJ Rl&Jtor, na'."rnrw- ly Helped de1lh by runlftOt In bi.I Oc-.n P'ront Hotal. ti.Ill~ Nerwport Beach'• colde11 annl••"tllle.ry 7.e&r upcomtnc . T&ll.le wri c u t 6 eenll by Newport city council. M.onterey t.llt.I Newport No . 7, lb• hoped· tor bonUl&a Whkh never oame to pa.a. A rnlnor tempeet d4'Ylloped whe the Harbormaater, toBow· Lnr .tall law, ~ t.o let un- llctnaed ootboard& Into U pper Bai . And then c a m 1 Johnny end Torrtmy Hapnnan O..y In COeta Eh$.1! l1unchld lta city clean-u p ptan a.nd t be annual Loblter Bake and Tre ... u re Day1 celebration drew lh.ouu..nda, mad& i2000 tor the youth center bf.law H+rbor VllW School. r.ent ta11 override election to bulld • ne_. high fChOOI on t~ 170-at'!r. CLEVELAND, MlSS., NEWS-ENTERPRIS E : "One old SAAAB atta. And, It 'll'U award tlmJ act-In, Miii&, I.hank& to Orange Cou nty tll.I N..,....p,_ W"1rmln( Ila top-New• 8en'1c• reporter, Pat Ml· nioat ot lh1 year -'"Beat UM chael& dlacoverlfll: ne\Lher he nor ot Pbot.o~phy"', nr1t place. Na-ht1 brother had bad 11. rtal birth· Uonal lC4Jtotlal A.uocl1Uon an-day party alnc1 becomln,-inval- nual contaat. Aa June anded, U\• Id&. Wl!at a pa rty! The lecaJ beltla openad on.r ConaUtuUon.a.Uty ot the city ~ tar hoUday rental ordin&n«. Ro- V4!!1 ·8plegel Co. allawed Ila Op· tlon on llO a.era& tor a h o me trut w111t ot Harbor Ru t Me· mor\al Park to la pae. And .Ae· treoaa Jane W lth•r'9 .,.. wed to Keith l:1·r11.lr 10 ml lu at 1 e a. follo'flllln,s: a big rec1!pllon at the Rorer Cunnlncbam'1 Bay laland home. of the tlr&ngeat notiona that can pervade • people is The (rand Jury, In a hport. erltlclJ:ed Co.rt.I M • 1 a M 1. I 11 that the •tate haa money of it.a own -and nowhere, School tor g-rouri4-ot cl&&nltne.u rrand 'jury recomm1nded t h • CAME THE KICAT county cl1rk handle eehool elee· Sepllm bllr blew In on hot Vtolenc1 nantd u a OCC teach· er and a Colla 'Me• woman bull driver were, lnvolYed tn r.ll alt11- ca lion on r her dlactpUrunr of Ml ao11. Sh• t iled a dam•... action. ..,.rha ... , ia that notion more firmly fixed than in the larply lnOUeed by tll• fly prob-- ,,.. t'u l1m. And mid • March •W 1• United Stat.ea. Thi• ia in face of the fact that It i1 candldate1 -e1i:m1 N~rt eou.n. ell job& under lbe n_. cha.rtar. very clearly evt.~eot to anyone who will ,jwrt. 1tbp a ni. wlnn•n 1un •t at th• 00111 •• moment and think that there I.a no MtCh thing .. " d i t.lblt. / ----------------------------! lnter-.cbool dltf11'11A de-nf- tlon1. Wutern Ca.nnera acquired wind• .. a record heat wa ve the old Weit Coa.t Packlnr Co. c111aad death,. ot untold thou.11nd1 and N~rt Beach P01t Otne. or chlckM• and doll.are to their 1-...ct pniperty at Rivera.Ida Ave. owner•. The M"e&a planntng-com· ~~~~-.on St. tor th• new,. Jlf9t. ml.mrton nnlehe<l th1 city'• m..-er plan and NtW""l>Or1. Beacli cd• bratld Ill "9th birth!fly. Th01 n the 1tm-01phera nlled w1th toot· ball1 and OCC'•new aladlum WU dedica ted. NOVEMBM eooam The lat1 autumn month OJI<!: 1ed "1Ui Cwta w:--. bulldlne per- mit. topptnr th& million ~ mark -tOI' tile thlr'd llraiJht month. And Ectw&rd Crowley Jr. ...,..._ namtd pralden,t fJf Balboa Bay Club. Then Newport , police • ' BARBOR JOIWP<>RT PR~S .l'OI~ 0. l'f_,..wll&lboa N ... Tima. Mid u.. :ZC..,,..n.·Balltoa ~ ReWS AD; oped .Slh Oraai-eo,..t ... eo111p P'Outnl or JUL v .. )!;Ins &lie· Np .clleol 'tO mow Ttl• "lrldapmdmce" mqnth op· 1ta propoMd lllte tro.. Uonptd&. anec1 ..-lth • bane tor th• Nnr11· tba con.c. to ___. loc.Uon Oii l>nM which celebr1led by tl•rt· N..-port Bl~ .._.... ol. f\ltlln las lhe Olorloue Fourth week dSecfpllne pro.._._ No Iliff. ...-Ith It. current lhrlce wffkly ln1.a Co.. w-t.d plw tG publle1.Uon. Other exp•n•lon .. ..., ch?&lop to IMl1""9 ltwtwWi Jl"Tlrl1 a i12 million Collta Mf'•• rubdl· Tet"r&.e1 u<d A~ An. far ~on d eal rn~ Wlth the Coat.a rwt~ K-city cl1rk by A lll-9f1n Honer A.Z'IML .... aAl'lfK Co. and Rov•n · Spl1 j!:el Co .• Loa Ju th" h!.'llt wave •b&lt'd a S"f· unuhad tlle OC1UDfY·wid1 bUrl"larJ" •nl fltlO-acre foot waler 1tor9.&"• rins ~ble "for 1ooUn1 U.. ilkl" on the e ... t aide o r Mac· Jik!C!onnall borne and a . $100,000 Arthur Blvd wu 11ua:ge1led by 4am&J'I actJGn YWdl.cti ,.,11 ra- lrvlne Co !o Ne1Vp0rt"1 counc\J. tumid .,.-aiUt UM Bay Clu~. ta- Mor" pl.1n1 were l•ld for t h I tar tc be ~ ~y the Jud.Je. e!lv"• g-llldf'n •nnlverq ry the fol· 1°"'"1n r Si>ptembar'. Ml.,_.l'llOllUI •w Dona.ld:..,.llnllcn .C.ty· Par)!; Chief w c . )h~c charp b.1.11 falh.,, Harace, -..ter- BEX B&AND1' P AINTIN.o -'"On Uio hfch-y t.o S&n JacintQ" 1howa grapbicaDy ·~e heavy banwt la· the Winchf'flter country ........ Hone. Parker PMto9. · ·. PstbO ' ..._. --...,, W I • ~ _. ,....._,. 1tJ ... A41fS u Apil ~ liar ~1lt11. Then St•gho11nd. New· WU!~ .Jlartltlft ~ opabad port· Karbo1 T&<-ht Club ent ry, ~ ~ UMI ,o... Ra.new toolt nrat pl&Cf' In the Tr•n•·PI· Kl~ Fl(l. ctaaptw ..,.. ..op -.0.· dfle race lo Honolulu. Yacht. on. J•~· ~ ~ men ware &ad<l1ned by the pu .. Donald took a b rief v.•ftlk . T4!lW71· Mi local educll.tor .. wtU. tnoompe- ld to hi. poat latar. ''l'rqedy t.:M:a. Thi "P&Nlll waa · defanded .......: The&e hawing linee are •truck ..._ t"!!'"o Pl"Oft• were !tilled bT hi• cowaaeJ wbo rave hhn lllltt common aight on ·hill• of the Winchest.w oounU7., d i.rue ~t.elt.. · lnc of Oonunodon Cl&u.d4\. G. s.n., la i.lfli ...... "ht~ Putnam Sr. of l'fHTC, UM1 "*r, .. ..,. ~o <Xtlll'Alfl" U.11 ..._ M&WW •MW. OMD' ...... ...,._ lfll tld M'dlli;J. U7 ---. fll. ~ aru.t.. -;;;;;;;,;;-;;;;;;a:;;:;;;;;:;:;-;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;-.;;-&;;;; IU.. -11 "etl7 w 71 eoe _. Al July waned Ula N-•Pt-t'CI R 1 f • ..._.. ~ ..-_. Mtwl' 11111 "' il .._.. uau.1 .,._l ot u... -t1oa la6dl joumalietkl Uld ct..-tc hi. ..,_., .. •1-.,._..,a.... o... a~,, ... &-al'MI ..... -..-ol • I a.er r n M ' ~ u••.sg,,:..,':9 ; $~··. r -~~}If ... ....., !ISM p..,.\pJC&. PUBUDml WJll.J'AM A. Wl9M, .. \« mlll01'D .. l\Ot~ ~ ~. CW••ra A.. .AIUla"l'ROHQ, llw•n'c.I ~~ I } \ fOr D"9r • cl'owdee -..uon... t.ory wtt.b It. pin bl.II "pay ,.. Alld 8eUpoC.'• -,,_., lllte wu nelWllln filmy. 'MNn -.toi.nc. ltoqtil tro. Jim and BW ~ mm& to th• front -JttchUd tcw tile '11Ai ..a... .-.i ... to ~l. Jl, l.o. All~• 1tude•l. ~ .... t. .....,__ .... ~ Min' by ~ H. ........ Da kl I t •• tu. i..aV'--. .... o.briel cunlr.clot". ....,,.., &4 .~'1 ..._ • ..,.... . AUOtJwr 8NOWBUD8 tw a fl\ 1tO MW la ,.... Uld on.. came pie......riur ttm• u A~' ..., Stu1sJ ope.-ta. anaU&I fttpt ot lhe 8ncnr- ICI ~ -CO 1, ht ftP\ W .U.. ~ --. -by Bll:lppar Lann.)' ~ Clll ...n ............ ,..... ~ ..-ct Newport Harbor Ex· trom au14 Ana ft.lftt -tb i. pi.. ecout. ~ t.bfir rood' lM bordt-T wUI tour &en>ll lh& Ill {Ion to U.. 1t1tn" 1 T n • ~ ...... "Pre.-Can&dl&I! Stout> jarntior1e:. a dt'•r· '" a colllDon betw"n the achoon-~ and ~ry ~ An • •-·, --"'•• ... _ • .-i .--. abowtn.r Hill of individual (a.rmer. tr Eacapad1 n &nd a to-ft. •peed ....... ' •--............. & ... f""""' port." Beaela....~ O.y wa~l.::---~-----------------~~ boat In Uwr IM)Mft. ltac'lfl "7 ~ ..... ~. eltJ: ~ ~c ~l.!'.~ed : a&d. 'l"hl· Sul.If bo&ld&Y~ ren,1'l:' y pal'e~ from the lrv1n1 Co. Kain Bliaclt lteca~ ott ~-law WM totind t~l '.'-J'!d La a t 12000 ~ acre . tacUon Wit.ft ttie ~auon An 11.1-y.,_ wat to trtal Oil Pl"'!'lt.. Theii police d lacow red i Hoar dlf ,... ordeftd .. Ula fDOGt.h •d-•laytna, lat.Ir ~ be found iruJJty Ka.pit.al attendant with druge on acl. ~blr .adld wtth ,..._ ot ~-. btm. And mid-December the flrllt NIUoa al K. T . Kendall, roundel"-ClqlJll'nlA8 lllOPPIMO I~ ba.n)I; bur"J1ary ....... New· h-.d flf Balboa Bay Club ... .._.,.. .C--o.-nber aad Uta Wud port Harbor B&nk'• n la:ht dep<lllt cbl-boopt btm ou.t. l,..U.. WM Mata 1t14 '° •• boa. rtnact lo pr.ent a euu.un· OCl'OBD OPEN8 votu. Ml>!-.:! -· At.a, the high .chool W ltb Octobv . underway 1 n.... Vet.rui 0mta ~ f'OmK:I._ ltoan:I apprOY'ed pNllmlnary plau eo.ta M•aa area lnctu•trtal •II• tn&J1 Chart.,• Te:W\nllM netcMI fbr a J4-duaroorn irdlnc• at the waa announced a nd ptUUcea ff•'• W<Mdild ftnall:J w1tll ap-prwnt .tt1. • ware nll<l tor the recently YOt.ed-pohf"Un4fnt ot. .A.ioiur Ii. .._.,.., · a:uaGLA.aT '"RA.SR'"" dotrri Ward 8yetam to •*' N-· enotMr hard -WOl'kiq a. ... d · A ,...... ol t t bug"l&riell roUaw- pnrt ("0\fncil mambf.r1 J11 nl o ~t Y1C: ~r "nd ODH& If-Un~ at! tM be-Ilk ••111au1··. Ttl<t C. H , Harry ·home w1111 ..,.....,.. ., J p r1&e1 In tha cit y'• ch.amber·-sion- aol't!llt Chrl•tm ... · U(bt(nc coat.t. A•d U\f:D c+llll lhl• week·• ...,. which ,..., mor• N--..P:l"am - <:IUllVH, Neb u the LirSci& lal<f project betnc 1tudled by Howard Ahmanaon, U'I• prom!.. oC a •w eeplnr !Nper"'-1&.I lnquirf of Juvenile hall condtUona when U.. yttr·•n<l holiday nm.'"hee. Ketb• tnc but a bu.ay year tor Newport It arbor. wltb p mml" ot mo r • l <"llon In thfo <1ay1 a.b-.d, -.Y• Wl\k h will -UM N -.i • p._ u U1uaJ nret wttb tb.1 JatAltt. . ,~ . -·-- • • , I l --.... _ ..... ·-·---" ·~--. ... -------·-~-.... _ --·~-·~· .. ~·--_;;;... _ _: ___ .. -.... ·-·-----., • • I • HANDCUFFED IN JAIL -Robert Touby, 23, left a.nd Mu M&rlln Hilgren, 24, both of Co.ta Mee.a, were booked on a.rmed robbery a.nd 1wiplcion of armed robbery here Fridaf in connect.ion with dozen burglariea and some robbery count., climax- ing joint probe or local. Me&& police and Sheriff's offict> Capt. V. I. McM•nigaJ, Newport Beach, talk11 to pair from right. Hilgren and Touby both pleaded Hilgren·~ iooocencft. -Sl&!f Photo SPITE MESA BACKFIRES FOR COSTA BOY IN JERSIES ' THEFT A 12·yeu-old C08l& Me ... boy ....... on voluntary proM.· Uon with Coala Me-P'Wtce l>tpa.rtment tOO..y &Jler 11.e a d- mitted Lakln1 100 Harbor Boys' Club Jeralea from Colla Ne&& Park locker roum to •plle authonl.lr1 at I.h t Boy•' Club. Police C."hlet Art Mc..Kensie a&Jd the boy broke 1n\o Ille locker room beneath tha ball pa.t k bleacheni to take tile DURING 1955 -c-Jt:r•I• two wttlu •10 . Later. he dunlped "L.ht Jerltlee vn the front porch ut lbe A. B. i;~ncer home at 2820 tc.1vei-•1d• Dnve, PQlJCt: •&Ld, thlnkln( ttult WU the horn e or Albert Spencer, uecullv" d1reclo r or Harbor Boya· Club. Fullerton in Phenomenal City_ Growth l"U1...LERT0?1 (0CNS) -~"ul· lerton'a pht.nomenaJ. crowUi dur- ing I llM 18 a.ho.....-n ID. a 3ll. 711 W ---------------------------·leent Lncre&.M ln popu.la llon and a \'olu-111<11 ot butld1ng pe.rmJt.a whlch doubled lill4. Judge Irked by Antics in Newporters' Divorce Trial · The otflclal l"e!U\a npre com- piled !.n October gave F\Jllet1 .. C1l) a popula tK>n of 34'.0ll , a plly ot !i 70 O'rar the 1 1111~ censu.1 ot't7,- M8. -· i:lo1\dlng permit& !or 1953 tot.al 541,'fi98,J33, aJmon double the lil~4 figure of f:lt.1107,fll. SANTA ANA. IOCNS ) -Irked by t.h11 •lur ,rtah.ne, .. or pro:ceod.ln,-•. 8 uJl"'r1or Court Juda • Franklln \'i'~•t Thuraday attamoon .-ailed attomey• and wltn~ !n th<11 eon· tt•led divorce !rial or Miriam 8. 8 m 1th &n<l Hobert W . Smith-of l'\ewporl Beach The jud1a Indicated S mith. • runlraclor and ~bdlvlder, ~ wu · evaAl\'<11" 1n tu. an•wer• lo quN · t•on1ng by both hl1 a tlorney and J.l rJ Smith'• a t!orne y ''Thr record will 1how L.hal a t no Un1a 1n th1 MU.Ing ot lhl• 1.a11e wa1 It n llri••te<1 at n>ore than onr <!av duration " Judg e Wett r nn1mentetl "Nnw "'e ha'rfl al~1dy irnne 1l li or lf=''llli fla y1 I dt<t nnt &flll.IOIJ>ale IUCh length t 'OU113'"1 roul'1 have 1nllrlpa!ed the t rl&J w•• irotn,; to run long. .. Wt: have been UAln g up !Jmfl tKhnlc&I que.Uor.-. So Jar wltne ... ISOlllh) ha1 not an. a que•Uon. It !1 J>O'lslble !ha t money rn Mn8 IO little to him that he cannot re member the: de- ta.l!a. hut It l• not probable. It 1!1 tha court·1 duty to comment th&t 1n.1t1&d o r retune iit th• lacLI, f•cta ue being avoided. "A n.-wen eortUnua.11;7 ot •1 tton't k now,' I don't recall 1.11d I ran 't rflmember. •nd I don't h11.va th• 11t«h!Mt Id ea 11.re tlardly ac- cepl.8.ble when 1199 pe~na out or a 1000 could rtva ll detinHa an•-· ~r. I would llkt to upe<Ul• UU.. trial u quickly u poa•lble. J udg1 We.it nc-.d ~ l r1&1 lat• Thuraday untn TO a.m. "flmrt f'rid&y. l I• oe• up'-ftr decUlon an the valldlly or the Smith man1qe and mon•y complaint.a. Each hu a money compla lnt aga.J nst the other. Mra. Smith obtain~ ao Inter- locutory dlvo11:e decree In CaJUor- J o ·a N8T-O-N E's Mesa AMto Wreckers UllM ••to Put. aMA .,._ IO'l6 l'looealla Ave. IDwtJ' I-YIU C..\a .... Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBbR BOAT PATRC>t CAU COMM•CIAL SICUlrrY l'ATROL Kl 2-7077 nla Ln 191H from Kenneth 8chmktt. The latter r ot a "qu!c:JU1" dlvorc• fro•n th• preauit Mt a. Smith ln Mexico. H owever, evldll!I CI h.u dl11:l01Jed lhat Mni. Smit~ married her cur· re_nt male. before hu mant1a 10 .. y ye_ar ,,.·1.1l!ng ~rlod Wl.e up Th•t II t h e req11lre.ment Wldl!r t:aJHor· nla law. Schm idt r emarried_ The: SmlUu we_re Wfld In Enaenad a. Mex M r1. Smith clalm• her •ep&ra!~ h1uband 11 Indebted to her ror a p- prox:tm a tely t lOOO. Sha a8M.rll he prom!M'll to repay her the money He o'.!efl)'• th.-bortOWJrll or auch monry Sml\h, .,., ho helped fle•·e.1011 H l't- bor Park F".al•l e" and Harbor P11.rk Hom.,.,, contend.I ti.II mate ow• ·•Lrn OlOne_y He u.y• h" a cted u ~ontr&cto r tor the hulldlng or the SmH.h home a t ~7 V!a Udo Sou!!. Udo Lile . Tha SrnlUu were m•rr1ed J une 23, 1;01 arid wpuated Oct. J I, 19~4. They have no children. A. ,third "1-menl:Sed complaint by U>o r,t-,lntltr e.hus-u Srnltn 'wtth I keep nl' "'open and notorlou. corn · ~" Wllb. llr-.-CAmlU. 1A.sh8'~ w1re at Arth11r LaBhelle. Newport Beach reeta urant ownflr. Build Your Own Boat . We Have SEVEN Dlff...r ........ FREE Rapid Inc~• In popula t.lon "'1th r•ultanl heavy 1ehool en· n•llrnent ron;-&d. <'lly 11chool• to Lllld,.rLake 11. tr1!me.n,1r.1111 t.Xpa.ll•ton prnKr•in L11..11t March L, voter-. ap- provf'd rive KhOOJ flnance laauel total!ng $0,100,000. But lhfl claa1N!lflm ahCK"ta.ge hu n'l been eolved. Voteni Wiii go to the poll• ag1ln next Ma11:h I lo vote on • 53 .~.000 state loan ror •d <l!llonaJ t lementaTy ac,p ool ta.elllUu . . Ready Mixed Concrele i. •P' .. •t iM 0...-' a ortag-e We Are Makins IP::very PM&Jble Error\ t.o SaU.ty Ule Nl!'f!lda ol Ow-G...,LD.C CQQltntUtlQ'. l'cw Olacntli -OMJ Va. ,WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE U4 OotuDerdal w., CIOM'A l(U4 :u 8-&n2 Qu1DcJ • o.,,.., "JMj_ HuaUJll"ioa Bea. , l.e.L Mist WARD & "HARRINGTON WMIER CO. 3300 W. c-t HkJ .. "°Y -Newport Beach PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DE LIVERY Uberty a.3411 -, ·orlice:--Co11ty· Leui 11 Statel i1 '.Jitionar l iif4ii i .foim · Co11ty Cierra Retirement ""REWPORT H"AlllOlr News:P«ESS -P:iuT"r -~A81 I MONDAY, JANUAAY Z:·l5 •• aAClt.A..J(tNTO, DEC. M. -tan ·~ ll accowiUn.s for over (U.P.>-A. ,,..,..t ftlTn1 ol "'" hall Ot· Utt ~bufldin.r ln Ule port. ot--..,...1 a1encl• ~ Ital• Of ·~• and tor • tv- Mown U.. trelflen~ propor--1er total tb&a IJ!.y Male OU.. U.. ot tM liOmebu.Ud..lnl' bl;lom than ~ ~ Callfom._ ov•r tha put yaar The 90Ut.Mnl blllt ot c..utomla ~ a tlalf , -.ped:ILtlY 11\,-----t'tl e-t I• OMIP~J. wtUt -penntts for .IO\lthem &Na. e>n.n11 County aboul 14.000 dweUlftl" unit.I In fllol4I • top ..,ot.. the Cir1t six monUui ot J9$:i. b ... l19mebl.1J.ldjq l\ltbU1hLI {rorn a ccounted tor more: lh&n 70 J)f!r ~ ol 'o.. Burff.lil ot Labor cent ot ll:~• 11at1 total. StaU#Uca and I.he Reaearcb De· partmesit or 8ee·urtty P"trat N•- tm.J Bank of Loa An11I• ln-d-. !: }.,__ C.ltroni.. la tt•• 1.a1ng MAIL ~ox TAKEN ROM .AREA HOM "'9.le tn th1 nation !n homabull4>' TI11 poat office de~Ttment IAt. with a voluma mor• th• n wu not.Wed reeenll.f wb&D. d0ubl1 that or HiCond-place New • mall boll w... •tolen trom York. Liie hC»ne or R. HJ. w-r. SANTA. ANA, iOCNBI -TM OQUnlJ' clerk'• employ-l'Mt'4 • fattWeU pr.rty for mlrtas-County Clerk B. J . Smith, Newport Beach. W ldnuday In tha clf!:ril.'• ofttce at the cou"' ~. , Smith'• co-worker• pl'<l!Pll!fl'ed him with • wr11t watch. The pariy vi-.. an open · }iou.e witn a multltudot or eou..11ty eal- ployee_a. Tha.e out.Ide county Mir- vlce came lo •hake Smith'• hand and wlah him well 1n •the day• ahead. -~m1lh fib 1pe~nl :I I years u an OrlUICe County employee. He wtll bl\' repll.ced by hill chief dep-- uty. Lynn B. Wall•c• on Jan. l. 2, Lo. Ao1ele1 County b: ex· U20 Curt Dr . Newport P o-clffi~ by only two 1tate1-CA!tf-lice reported. \VATER JJJ;ATT.R.'1 or nla and New York. M-r aafd the t.rge SJ\• SAL'S Sl••ICl •• ., •IPAll S .,'-~.:·~T~~,..... ~7';,.1£~2~.~=:~~~ Joe ,tl::;,6Jo/J 6. San S.m~<iulO coun ty I• .:1o.· Tue9day. ,, • ..,, It '" CINT oo- oelded tn volume or homab\lild-1 :;::;.:::::--:::-::::----· 1 i~::;::;:'"":-::i.._~ ... ~~·~-~~~~ ... by ooly " ,,.,M. Clout Cuts - -- P. 1"= ~·~ ,., .o1rht> er BE SURE . INSURE ranltln&: county ln eoul.hen:i CaJU-Two convertible car top. we.re JO. &ad Kn. &4wta ~ 3SO Pu.1IM Pia.ct.~ eo.ta - &nl the. ~ta Of a boJ ... ,. born .I>«. ·15 Ui lloq !lo9p&tal. l'ts "Wirth"-.. H! '- If It's "Wlrtta" havllltl • SllverpJatlng •• •• Sllversm iftfS e Cloaabog • Butftng • Uw:querio1 Copper .•• BraM 8bver jr Pewt.et "'"E GlJA.Jl.A...,'Tl:r:: C-plete eu.t.o~r S&thl.cdom omiJ.. u cef)d,. e!&:hl 1tate1 In alaAhed. e..rly Wt"neaday by a car wllh h0111ebulldtnr Vl'llume. . !KA tnll CI!: 8TA?li"LEY • WIRTH'S • c louter who obta.Jned only an I OaJ ti, Th• IA• A.n1eleB Metropoll· empty w&.llet, JD card.a, a book ot rb!'..,~r t~7f. la tan ·area I• acr.<>unt1n1 tor mol"i! blank non-pe:!'llci nal type cl'leck• 13!5 E . Cout lflsb"·a, yside Plati119 Co. CONCUTI • l'OUlt IT e TH• IASY WAY AND SAVI e IJberty a.221J BAYT ' • •• • • 71 J w. 17tli'$t. n"' dWe!l!ng unit" than any oth· I.lid ooe hub cap for 1111 trouble, Oeroa.a .,,, Mar Jllf. Harbor Blvd. er metropollt•n e.,.e• In the Unit· !'l"ewport Beach pollce. reported. I ~::;:;;:::::::::::::::===::;::::::==~ Co.La Meea -U 8-1"81 <>OSI'.\ ...... '"d St.ate• ln the tlr•t hall ot I~ The v!cttm11 "'ere Patricia R.ob-I 1____ I '~::;:;::;:;::;::;::;:;::;:;~::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;~~====:== tho ~ Ang-elf'~ •re• led lf!COtl..1 er~. 2!1, &01 -B P"PPY Ave , troni M :\TTRE.88f:8 I 1 • pl11.ce New York · Northeutern wno.. ca.r L.he llun& "'ere taken, .W.ta -tlOCDQI -Trallen New JetMy mtlropolltan .. r e a arid her roommat.:, Ba.rl>an& J f rrr.iruW Shi.pea Ir)' mora tJUlll 13 per cent : more Stephen10n. no i.;..., reporte<I. Po--~ ~ublecl the tot.&l ef'9dltad to Hee MJd the rn..pect made • root· COSTA ~~';'="M~~r:ss co. • lca,.n matropOlttan •re•. lonl" •l&Ah ln ~h top In order to and wu nearly t rtpl1 lh• tota l re&ell down arid open lh• .door11. %1MI ·"e.,·port Bh·q. for tl\I Detroit M•tropol!tan U•L RA..Ng9 Tl:NTH 7.,,,.. &an Bemanllllo • RJvw- •lll# metropolitan area In 190' rt.n.k~ 10th aIT1onc i ll th• metr"· 'ROBERT FORBES polltan 11."'V In tha nation ln \ .1-,...,;7 Bo'--A\·'"'. MAX W. POPE Inc. um1 ol hol!'lbutldln,-. _. ._ • Newpoft a.ali a. TM Lo. An1eJN n111tropoU~·..!:========'=0=0=""'=-=llAJUIO===="='='c .. -:=o=======~~=='c--='=·="='="p~L=="'='="'-·_:•,:,'::,"~'"======~';D;;:;;;";,,;';;';;';;a:..l The Friendly Bank that has gro"'!n fast.er because it serves you better, cordially invites you to the opening2f a NEW KIND , OF.~ BANKING SERVICE ·-· TREE GIFTS ON OPUllfG DAY FOi TllE LADIES -Each lady ptOSeDt will recerve a purse tube ooo- talning two Nlps of famous [l!:rfumet ... one Nip of Evening in Paris'" and one Nip of *'Breathleu~ . FOi TllE MEii Eac~ man pr~t will receive a .,ucky hone shoe key chain conWn- ing a new penny . I in COSTA MESA • TUESDAY, JANUARY 3td •• •• Thlly th• bani::" tomm!QW,':';dM!•e! to \><tter servo you In a frleod!y, heipl.a and coo perative manner, kl a p'1 7 2·7' "penooalized" atmo<pbon."baobd by experilmoe and undoritazidlns Wi'*lll during."""' 40 years " rucomfW bcli. q -. Tlie·lrlendly !=Ii ..... thoroughly equipped to ROder I ~ ' pleto bankfng 1orvfco tncludln1 l&h dopo1i .. boxe1, escrow and trust. ]om with u1 In tho opening of °"' new bani:: buflcllng. Tueoday, I_,.~ 10 A.M. ID & P.M. • WIKlll8 HOURS: l -·, 10 A. M. to I P, W. w..loJ 1hrou1b Tbwtda1 aad IQ A. M. to 8 P. M. oo F(ldorl. • \. ..--... 2i INTEREST ON SAVlllll -.. DIM-111 WlllOOW S0¥1CE Now for the fint tim e In ~ · harbor area, you will be 1bie to drive up to our tervice window, at rear of building and make your de posits. Another modern bank.in& 1ervlce. EXTIA nEI SEl'llCD: nEI PAIKlllC LOT Paved parking lsd!Jties have been provided for 100 Can: adjolnlng ow rear bank entrwce. Night deoosltory • Pemnali.od lull-cob cbeeb • t'.>rw.in w!ndow honking· BanJc. by ... 111 (postap-fne) · Large parking lot NEWPORT AYE . AT HARBOR BLVD. If.II EJITIAJIC( FUTUH Spaciow rear entrance fOr customer coovenJeoce from our largo, free parklng-uoo. i-11......ti-tbolat .. .._. .. .-lo "'-"' i-J4tll.' ,---------i THISllM i : •• bavt llllln J t-~~~- COSTA MESA ' ~U:IBl:R FEDERAi. DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATIOll • MEMBER F'EllWI. RES0M • 1.. .............................. "'1'i11111111111••111••••••••111••••••••••••••111•llliiiillililliiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii:o ................ .;;:::::;.;;:;; ... i;;,~~;.,-.::...;::::::;:.::':-::.. __ :~::....:::.. ______ _::::::C:·-..._~~ ~ • .. • ................ ·-· ·~---------~;. -~·f"---~ .. ·--·--. . .... _ -··-· ~ -----· ···'-' ---..... ~· --·-.. ~ CAGE SLATE AT HARBo~vs· 1v -s-aoas · CLUBn. ~!.1"~.t!~~~~!~y ROMP OYER Tomonvw ttom a'?Je p. m... to 5 :16, tM mua 1Jn4en p&a.,. -_, ............ ., Athloll< -.... .......... PILOT RYE / . rrom t :ao p. m. to t :ao tomorrow, ~tb ·,....oen J'<ll'fOmL. Wedntiuday &ttemoon, Hartin& U l :IO. lt'U be U.. tUth ~ -.D&&.Jll&tll •t.atUQs .&L-IUO. ... Lba .11.lP-.cbQQl a,.,._ 1'l11kJ, .ta.rt.inc at :s p. m., third &J'ld towth (ndeni ha" •l IL Nm Monday, ·~ at S:SO p. m., It'll IM u.. "'9ftnt.h lftdeni. . " PAI*+ -PART I -NEWPOltT'H_..Olt ~ MONDAY, JANUAltY 2, 1956 "All Harbor &l"M. boy• Who want to be placed on i.a.m. h&ve only to N!port a.ccordinc to I.he .c:hedul•," Ma.eMllll&n IUl.nOUnoed.. He 11&1d Bor&C9 &nalp ftth II.Ad MYent.h "'*4- '"' would IM picked up by Harbor Boye' Club tiu. but l'IOUld hav• to rWniah their tasn ~ bOIM trom tb• &y.' Club. Willi JUT"T JC.mper &ad Boll Ymqnna kMPbii u. 0011111 mp. plq, u.. Newport Rarboc-RIP junkM' Yllnlty SaUor quJ,ntat eJob. ~ .m..o.Wor'• TV• •It ID Tar IJ'lll rrid&y nil(ht. Kemper and VII~ dead locltld. t• liLg'b .OOA bonol"9 wll.b. U polblll •&ch. _ ..._ Sa, ... ilor-l ... '1~Ei11llv lrop.-Oft- 'Ib• Junior Tani ~ IQ trcmt 7 S·~VAGE Jot AHEAD ::···t"' "'i:·.~".':: ~ '~ De141ocke4 Fray Fri4iy · Nic~·t 30-23 at the three-fluart.r mark and rM.l.ly. poured It on ln UMi final canto, oonnec:Unl' for 18 ('OWlt•r. t o th.a rlvW' elchL Villagran& hit tor lh: f!.eld fo&la while Ke m p e r collected t1ve roaJ. and two tree tJuv.r-.. Tar · New Year Resolution Made to . Upset Excelsior Nat KhedUI.a ouunr tor th• Junlo~ TU'9lty COIDM in tl?e 8\lll· Ml l..t&lll• o pener ln Bailor rY111 Dflt•nninl!4 to wva,.. one vtc· de&dlocJt tor runnerup bonor1 llt th• attemoon of J&n. 10 .,.UUt tory out o r a lhrM·game 11er1.e. It ft.ch. Banta An.&'• SalnU. w hich h&41 d•veloptod wllh the po-Remainder of the Tar .cortn1 : Colda lblmly Mlllar'• Newport Harbor Hip B qulnt.t ~p9d a 3J.1ol tn.7 to &xo.utor,.. upi.- •els_bta ln l.ha Sanor IJ'll'I ~ nl&'ht an. ftn Um. f1Pl1n&' lalo & dto&dlodcoad _,.. la the nu.r b&1t. ,,.. Tar ---l9d M- u a l .ad Of U.. tlllrd quartw on JAMIS bull! ot two quk:lt soaJ. b7 Jlln Muldar. Muldu wound uP aeeond to £Jr.· ~ .. Olma Payna for pin.a tqb 11COr._ btttinl' fo.r 17 mark· -. t.o 11 trw U.. PUot partonnoer. Otber loc&J aeonn: J ohn H91l!V- Un, II; RJchud PaWerrt, 15; Bud Tbompeon. t, and· Dick Moralea, •• D. RAY P ol"'. two iuai., one gin. t°""'. O; 6 cortn1 rundown for tha Tan tent !:Jlcelsior PUoll, Coac h Jule• Mabee, three goo~. '· liouiton . •1al.Mt JCxcelator Frtday: Don G I ,.. & .n.ra -.onlraclor Bu '1lder Gage and hla Newport Harbor one Vft, l ; Harper, two .-oaJ.1, 4; Babb .. three Oeld p&I•, e ; Jack HJ.-h Sallor quintet were today Dave Tamura., four g1tla, t : Smith, four Vtt to.-, 4; Jim 000 0...t at,rO. W c<l.wsdoy S<:rap A ~ ill •k'c1llpuu'41,t OOft· ~ ---....,,, tr.. a. .............. "1 --,~ ---~ .............. ... 1t.e1e1t7 «>m•• .... _.. No. I. -ta Ow ' (0, ' ) rvu..ir. • . . ( OHAHIW"t6 JOHNSON SIA·HOIS.11 Yow old Mdio ... 1* wo r'b •••#I I IAc'I ll.llc "tnd•io'" -• •p1rltli•s ••• •s• ,, Jobnaoa. NU.. .,._ •odcJ•, ! ro JO iiipl South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. &t ' isrd St. , Harbor 2600 .• h "' uo nson .1 ... , ..... plotting an up11et when they tip Green. thr('e goa.ta, two &1fta, !; Bento, five goat., 10, and Gene OOkONA DEL Jl.'l& PBONC RA.RBOK •1U 101 DIPINDAllLllY off 11g11-ln11l the Pilot. al o 30 an"'.'.d:_D~~~l~•:•::.·_1~w:o~go~&~I•~·_'.'~· :_'_..'..H::'.o:bba::'.:'~d'.:.,~"~":•~r:'.'.oa!:'.:,_2~.-----'."-=:=========================~:_------------- ' TATIOO FOR TARS p. 111 Wedneaday ln 1he annual - Co1n11Lon touroa1nenl Tl'<'V ~"m,. cloa,. t'llough ln Tar (Yin 1-'n <!Ky n11<hl lo 11t lrtLSt h11 ne1 Exc'l~h;r 1 .. xcellt'nl t111., 1. a.t.l!nc lha1 buoclll:et on the rebound 111 Rl!'h Palaferr1 ot Coach Jllllm7 "1UeYa ;Newport HarbQr ll1gh S11.Uvr B qu1n~t. Plil•· -:--;-· f•rr1'1 .. Ym polnla helped du"ll !'11 ...... mounl 6!-3 4 hen! huit ·• •MIL IUch -001'""1 I!) nia rk ~ra 11.g11ln11t 1-:x• • l111ur Frid10y night t-eruro· the lo•••! I 1 d 11 ~nuckled unl1er 53-i !l In the Huntlngtor. De,.,r h tourna ment. th!'-P 1lot11 turnl>ln.l tht: T1r1 ln a ~0-~J dere"'t. dun1ptnc the Gage g u\'11 Into a third place flnlah. •·t.AS H'E-START wl\.ln the loc&.1 B'a lo•t !:12'·4e 511.rr 1·11 .. 1u HARBOR BOYS' CLUB COPS 5 FROM RIVALS Fnr 1wh11., 1n .. arty ala11 ea ()f th" • .. ,.,,.~1 ~-,.,,,,.v "'t'l!, lh" 1; .. b, 1hro·111 .. n ... 1 1 .. run "fr 11.nd t111!., trnrn lh" l'll(lta pihng up an 1 11 :1 lt•1nl 1n lht' lutil quart<"r I Th··•r ah1 f1loio; <l••ff'n.\I"' w11.a out· ~\lllldlnJ: •• the ~a1lor11 kep L the rov•!" f ron1 p .. n .. l r•llnJ.: bo·nealh !hi' llll<.k•'L .. n,1 l'au! l..Ort'rUz.,n Harbor Bo}'11' Club buketba!l lea.ma uiopp.d ttve cor1teat,. fnln1 1...acuna Beach. Boye' Club nppt)ll- I Wlla PIJPJHl>J the IJ"lut8 lhrOUKh. the hoop w1lh n1a,.n1n .. -¥un r11p!d- llon 1n r..,ata ,_,,.,.,. Th1lr••h<\' a r.111y lerno"n Hn•I n1"'ht In Ur"""' In 1h' .JP('Ond period the Pl\"ll 0-iunty ~ague pla_1 I •ta rting h1tUt111: w ith lung 11hot11 Thr !O<'al hl11:h ,,. h.,01 A A IJUlfl· from thf" oul~i<le and li:x<'als1or'11 lu It A d tel won 43-2'0. tht' HB<' A 111ju11d l flr<Jwn \uuk the play 10w11y r roni ,.a n erson, WU vlcl<•rl"Ull 2~-1~•. th,. .,/~hth llJl1J.: Tnn1 H'<>uaton ot the Tllrl grade culli,:l'eg11t.ion triun.pheU ~7-! b"nllalh the bHrkbollr(1a . Uut, atlll M. ulder, Ankeny ll; for th .. 'l:!l'\'enth 1irad~r-th~ l...orenUen. Gevrtti M1.~ .. and win .:11111.• 4:S·8. 11nd th .. 1t1;11\h fti.ly Danl• !1 it~·,,~t "nc.u.i;h t<i cr•de vutt1t J•lt:1he11 uver the rh·· 1 kerp the Tttrs a h.,ad 26·:0tl at II. BC M I ai. :ii ·28. hal!tin1•. USC emen The lfarbor Ir"•'• !lf'Venth en•t H AKrEK ARL£ '"Jim Mu\O.r wtll'I 12 eon.ecuUve •Jg-hth i:ract<"rl pl&y H orii.('., En-1 S('(lrlng nn lhe third atama tlp- .. rM> throwa, Walt Andt.r.10n with ••gn Thur"<11ty, the l1Jcal high otr play, Ex!'etaior 11ur1t!!'! into a .ctiool A 1n1I AA tean1,, take on i ll-30 lead Larry H•,.."'r be,~ '14 l>ukell In two mlnute. anl.l f\JJlerto Th 1 1 ht l · ... - Oorll1 Ankeny w ith l' poU upa n ur11< ay n g · . 11"' I ron•lnc: up w ith th• rPboun~ and the .'OUl.lh ,. M'•enlh. IUld l'IChlh tip~ I' & ruolr "-d•• th• b••k•I ""-'e Harbor Boy•' Club oo.e™l 1 c-...01 •-• •--· g-nu PT& go ai.:ain"t ru '"rtOll tv <:>ft·1ft the bl• book> D•-•-cl -.mpa In thee. ca t•ror!M In th• lh Sat 1., , "' ... '" ere ur, ', 1 w11.a anl\Oun" beOan hltt1nr with tor tbe PtloU. -~rrnan rontN t hiald dtJrln11 the by A thleU Dit~t R >d M M.JI ChM•tmu va<:•tlon. 11 c or ' · ac ' At end or Lh• third canto, the T I ut •n. Pilot. cluno to a 3T-3e '""0 e. o p muac emen bl e carnpe-Boy11' Club !lcnnni.: b\' \,am• ..,,... ti"--.,,.-, t d Thi d Brown. Den1ara and Rybold v! ......... •u nc o en e: r Thur'lday: AA txi n Ple1Le 8. IA ~· d o II the Invader• contlnul!4 t heir rub ren 'V•"-'•IJ' , pu upe Bii! Lan1b 10. r.11 Hh11rp e, Bob P'ourth -ll'r&nll: Durant., 4 tree Willl:Pr L%, Don Dolt>.-., II. Of 11corlnt le polnla per quarter throw1 · Jl~I " 10 "II In the ttnal period end jum.,.,. In-' nu • p u. UJll A -Larry Shrader 4, Carl ,,_v ·-d '' .... t -· c~· k to !l t !:l-38 lead w ith four mlnutee .... .,..... a a. .•u• -uuc Bergeron :i. \Valt An•!erson I~. Kablll. 4 trea throw1 and 30 b&a-F.lghth Jj'.rade Jt•rry Hehn O, lett ln I.hi! pme Ga_l!'e lent h.11 kat.: Bob Shipman, 10 pllllUJl"I. Brian l~ucu 1&, Toni Huber 8. ch&rff'll Into a ·tuU court pre1111. S I ... ....___ e o r F or $ time It ettmed like that Jl..., -~ .... •uny ryan, ~ Tvrn•ny 81ndova: 2, Bob Slt'g•I .. -·• 0 p U Brl • • I might do the trick . •v-, \I up•; an LA:W A, 8, Slt've Roblnaon 3. J lm Ch~lk .. •··k•" s •• R ·" Guard G•..., Green chlmt'd in .... .... evna..., ~ u,,... .... 2, Pete Fealher1ton 3. -J MONEY GROWING ONT ES'' • ' l This is what thousands of satisfied people ill 48 states · and in man] foreign parts say about putting their savings to WOik witll us. They' we learned to "Sm Safe!} Wllere Saving Pays.· .---... Y00r money is loaned by us for baildin~of homes in Orange County, the fastest growing area in the West -the safest of safe loans. Rapp, 4 frM ~. 41 ballket..: Sevenlh grad» _ Nell McMll· on the pullaUng point barrag' Mika Bolton, 8 pullupn. l:Jgh.th _ Ian lO, J im f'8ot lereon 8, Dick with Lo1-en~n And Eddie Pope ~rlan Luo.a&, 5 fr'ff lhrvw~ 71 Butterworth 8. J ohn l-luf(e• l'l, 8111 and the Balklra pullf'rl to 48·•~ ~alA; Pat• r-u..raton, lO .SOOtt 4• Rullaell Rapp z. Glenn and 01~9 In th1 final n1oment1, ( Jf1'11pa. Gardner 2, Tom A lll'n 2, Butch but no c loaer. _ ~t.b-~ 8cbllcllenmay-Vineyard ~. PAUL POPS 'EM ' And mry dollar of yours up to $10,000 Is insured by an agency of the United Staies GO'leflllt1ent. Besides your· savings ar e withdra~e ~ ") in fuD, always at par. .. ·'"'· 10 frM row1; ftonnle Wood -Slx!h irradl! -Brian J..ew1• 111, Lorenaen wa1 high point pto- a:lde. "' ell. Htrh School Denn i.~ ('arprnt"r l•I, ·1,,111 Brya? ducer with 11 on el1ht 11t<ld g°"I• Bill Lamb, 152 buketa; Mulder, 8, JeJ lfov~tun 4, ttnd1ier \A/ataoli and on• connection from the foul 11 fr'ff lll"""11; ~. 7• baa-t . Dick PPttil 3. D11ve Ros.> 3. line. Brown and Demar• or the ltat.a; Anllqy, 14 pullupe. Bob Norris 2'. E1liloe Hhrtt 2. Pllola each fired 11even goala tn OCC TEAMS SHOW QUINTET OF TIRES IN CONFERENCE lndlaM Cop Third-•· F ULLll:RTON, IOCNS ) -Th.e. h11'h achoo1 India n. defeated C•- thedra.J 78-74 In ov,rU~e to take third place In the Covina cage ,tour nament Friday nlj\'ht Long Beach Poly won the crown. do.,.,·n· Ing D>vln• 48-38. yw.r, Oranp 0M.t Coller-ath- i.tto teama ti.av• captured tlve I: a at a r n eohfel"ftlc• champion· ah.lp.9 1.11d fO\q' ot theae h.a ve been by Pin.IA dl&mond forcea. P ick· ena' poka'h h"'" Won UlP. EC l:lilMball till• for Ul• laat three _ ... Tb1 only o!Jier champlnn11h lp run up the mut by the Pirate C1'fin came in football C'Ndlt for the mOl!t EC epor t1 crowns ,.oea to the F'ullerton H om•l• wtlh-31. Ol theH, 1:1 oam1 In buok•l ball, ntne In b&lte- bell. nv1 In track atid two on tha pidtran. Sant• Ana rank• HCOnd w1 th JI tltlea. Tn.lllnr come R iver- .id.. l 'J ; O uattey, 7; 0CC and Mt. San AJ\toniO, ll. and .!!&n B~ t:W'd\no, t. Th• Dona hli.n natl~ Oie foot- OemonstraUhg on" or the l't&· wn. for the Newe-Prr11" choice of B1<11tb&.ll Coach \Vrn<!e!l P1rk- en11 U H•r~r area cnech •J! lh' tr&ck. 2. Orlltlgc Cofl.'!l ~·llol ­ ti..ll. J; b&~kl'lbR J1, 0 , b11.:1chllll. 4 ; track, 0. ,.ft S AC -F'ootball, 1. ba.akelbil.11. l, rn., . ..,.b11ll. 0 , tr~rk. 3. San Btit don -F'0<1tb11ll. J; bE1a- ketb8ll. l ; ba,.eb11-ll. 0, tr1tck, 0. ~ SOUTH COAST CO. Z3rd .e N-pori m~·d. the Richard Beeson Company Landscape DaiC)n and Construction OOROXA DEL MAR rRONE UAR.BOK 1158 Rl!paJni • • lnatallaflua ball crown 10 Ume.11 ... d ll'le \rar..k "NELS anr1 ooc·• buntlnr t1Lr;ht Umea. F'Uller ton f:UCTRJCAL 00:0.TRAfTORS STAFFORD & SON l•ada Ul• paelll: lo ca,-e fll\am p!Ofl-P iton.. Libert) l!-'2?76 &blpm. 1:1, and ba11eb&ll. i . 11 0 RJvf'ralde A,·rnue N r"'·P'>rt Cha mjllon&hlp by .ehool11 : F'ui-1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:::;:::;:::;:~::;::::;:=========~ [ larton -i;"ootbr.11. 2 : bukt<tball. I I J ll ; bueb&H, i ; track, II. Santa An• -Football. \O ; 1>&aketb11.ll. O: bueball, O; tr.ck. 8, Rlver8'1de -rootball. s: b&aketba.U, e ; ba.ff- ba.ll. O; trac lll:, S. Chaft•y '--F oot· b&l1, 3; baaket'-11. 2; buet..11, O; .i..,_, M O, Alfa Roo.neo ....... .....,., AlQthl, llilorrt• A•llll ltMtau.JI ftW 0Aa SALE8 A "l':.H\,CE CL&A.N USED CARS Imported • Dom•Uc ....... JOEAA I SA.N'IA AN" aa-1J' I-Mil Kl 1-t'7M -............ ........ ' SOUTH GOflST CDUSTRUCTIDU CD. RESIDEN-TIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL :IOih SI.., Newport BoaM Huboc WI ,_A. .... Dl•IUO•I ····--~ &•1111 •LOMClllln P.A. P.U .. R .. W&lftRI.-• ULPll P.-IY C.W.hWlllKU .. PAUL&. P&LlllR ~ .......... JRIHRIC1l L CROXOll ... .. _ '-Offlew WALftR L8PICI• lTIA llAU•H --IAMUIL A. MIRR ,_ &e•ll •LOMQUIA' --IP&LDlll•~ ~11•11.Ma-~ -ROUllT L J!'!,!i, 11.o•ma UllL ---........... -........ -'-.,........ . ;;iilt. Regarilless of your motive Future Security, Cllildren's Education, Travel, Study or good old New England Thrift -start an account with Newport Balboa Savings. As Uttle 1IS $5 does il Samgs received up to ~uary 10 earn frool January I (/J/ien dn ~nl .A'OUJ I 9n &'et0on m l;y .;((al,/ . W-lflt Oii unbrok9ft rec(HJ ol cr,..,.;a.,.Js '°' 20 years we ore currently paying ol th. OIW'tVOI rote of ......... Mardi :11, ,.,,.. 30, ........... 30, Dece ... er20 TO OUR IFFICllMT NOMI It's 1 ...,..., of effociency wllefe 1 customer is aa:orded foster ..me. io 1 friandJy and pleasant atmospllere. r 11 11 · 1111 I:: : · --liillllllll11•\_~ Amp'9 Cvstomef P•ritNtg CActlol1& S.h 0.po&it Vhlt S.vingt Accounts Privm CcMlpon Booth& U.S. Oov_•.mment Ion• Conf"9ftd loom 1-ns to auy, luiW, c.mplete b«owfo S.-tc. or 1.-n•d•I MensJ' 0nMn IMur~ *11 I £'t An.ric .. &,.... Tr~ C ....... NEWPORT . BALBOA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION .P. A. PALMER, ,.,_ldent 3366 VIA LIDO • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFC)RNIA CORONA DIL MAR OfFICI TIUFllHI llARMNt 4aoct • 2407 .. ST COAiT llllGllWAY • ftUPHCHll HARaOlt S220 MEMBER, FEDERAL HOME LOAN BAHll SYSTEM -fll)[RAL SAVINGS AM> LOAN INSURA NCI: CORFORATION -SAVINGS ANO LOAN FOUNDATION, lltC . • '· I , ; ' "' '. • ' . ;NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE S ' ' • . . . ., CHBISTKAS CAROLS -A choral group of young;;tcrs from <.:t1r1st Chun:h by-the-Sea above, draws attention of children aod Roy \'oursto11e, president of Newport Harbor KJwanls Oub at annual club Christm~arty he ld Dec . 22 in \.ilia ~farina Restaurant. More t.b&n 100 children a ttendctl. "-- ' SANTA AND TOTS -Pro~d mother at left beams as yo 0 ungsters at ri&"ht (~eive (i!lf from Santa in front of Chrialm"8 tree at annual J{iwan1;; Cl ub party . • • WWIY& '1'.t:BLI: Er:itertain2Dg the children at ......... an Klw•niam, from left around table. Police Chief J ohn Upson, Lee BoUn, standing and Carl Thomas. Carl BoaweU atanda lo left of Bolin. ,, I TREK TO TREE -Cb.ildJ:en guest.a Ot Kiwaniana abo\•e were part of long Me wbiCh marched. to Christ- IIUl.li tree wberil they received. pn&enta from Santa • ·-....... ,,~. .. ·-· - Claus. E . S. R lss. a Ki\\·:inian, ste· Staff Photos y U onarJ Sargeant ;il\\'ANIANS VISIT SANTA -Some top officers of Ki wanis also visited S<>u',. mainly 1.lcnt to watch the children get g i,flB . In rear from left, John Albarian. in . , J oe Guerin and President Roy Youretone. ... IEAD TABl~t: -Pt"l"Sidcnt Roy Youratpne, lelt. talks with young female gtJMlt 1teated between him &nd Jack Nelson, cbairrukn of Christmas party chi!- • • I , ' drcn'e committee. At right is Frank T.. O'Brien, rlub pie.nis\.. NellKln wu in charge of day's le1Uv- it1cs. ~--.... ~ '--. • I • • ., ,_ I I I .. . . PAGE .2 .• P.\~T 11 ME'.'.'PORT I !ARBO R NEWS.PRESS '"40NOAY. JANUARY 2, 1951> • $42 "111~1 .IUS J>l~AN -Dark lines on thU1 map indi· cate the drainage channels which would be built under 11 nood control plan proJ>otK!d. by the Orange County Board ot Supervtaon. A $4.2,620,000 bond 1~ue for t he plan will be voted on at the regular election next June. One of the longe11t cbnnnell would be the Santa Ana River, extending acrou the nriddle of the map. Thia w ould run 20 mile., f r6m the uutlel at the ocean at Newport Beach to the Placentia-Yo rba bridge. Emptying into the river channel would be the Carbon Canyon Creek diver- sion channel, ninning Into lhe river from a dam 11ite approximately 3830-feet north of the intel"8eclion of Imperl&l Highway and ROllO Ave. A n exten.sio n of Utla ch&nnel a.lao would eXtend westerly in to the we1t--central .ection of the county. Moot or lhe pro- poeeci dnln.a.ge channels are in t..he western and central 11ectiona of the county. Tll:\NK.S C01'tf1\Jlf1.'EE--Derry Noga, Newport. Beach's 'exchange atudent from Germany. lhn.n l:s members or Newpoz:l, Harbor Student Exchange committee f or their g..'.'nc rcsity in arranging a Chrietma.11 telephone Jor 'him to hill mot her. Mn. Frieda No.;a. in Urcmen. Th~ committee, Jer t to right, Airs. PhiUp Burton, Mrs. Kenneth Cooling and Chairman Mrs. Leonard Graves. -SW! Photo • RIGHT TO WORK CITED ·gy WEit A AN IN GRAND JURY 'BRIBE' PROBE •. BY PAT MTCRAf:L"l SANTA ANA (OCNS) -"This la a cue ot whether a. county em- ployee bu • rl&"bt to work ror otha.r organlutton• afta.r: -he 11 tt""°urh. with hlll work Inc hours," c farence Welm an. M , of Lonf S-cb told OCNS Thu rad•y. Welm a.n wu .cheduled to be what rn.tnct Attomey"1 office tn.-Us"aton deacrtbecl u "th• pr1nc1pal wttn._..., tn lb• cn-nd jury'• probt of th• al!CC«I bW· board acandirra On.ns• County. Walman WU lntervl•wed .. b• •t oui.td• th• O.part.ment On• Chamber• 'llfh•NI: th• l~ ~ 1 Jury i. lntarviewlnl a battery ot wtm-ln t.be C:WTent lnY•U· pUon. Be •t ln & cU1r, clutch· '"S i. wbpena which had aum- hlCGM IWn before llle nnlra. H• WU w.IUftC' to t.ett(y, · aD'UISU AI"fSWEa ~ lf Bl '"" .tlll efl'pioTed M a ttPUdlaS in.p.c:tor In oh.up ot blllboM9 aM 1lp.t. Wa.lman ra.- n.ed to_ auww. "I can't •J' &AJ'· llLlnC Uk1 that."' tM taU. pey, I dillUncUl.abed. .. klok.lnf ln.lpt<:tor 1 lltatld ••r.1 conf.-red wtt.b an at· I blnMIJ' 1.n tone Beach and b• told .. not t o a.7 ~-" w~ u.e clllet of lll• lliaa' jupect:or'• ottloe ateted Wetrna WU~ lut tar 1"9UORll wbJcb coWd not "'' &led "J turned that lntor-r1119 to ~ ,.nnd Ju.ry," ~ Cb&rl• Don&h\M oe><a. 1l111 companlea, Wa.lm&n 1tated: I , "I \l{Orked for aeveral people AW C 'MON SANTY llftll.r my, worklnf houra ror th• • ' county, The tact that their bual-QUICHER FOOLIN '! ne111u were compaUble with my work of l.napectlnc 111,rrw, It Mimi to me, la none of the oount1"1 bu.st- nua. A man hu a r:ll'l'lt to hold tlown mor• than ~ne job -and to offer h1a tre. lime 1ervlc• to whomevv ti. w&nla to." Welmal:I A.Id be ·bad boMrl ln tb1 IJ'm.Y Corpa ot En&"lnMn tor 16 yeara.. MI worked tor man,. other orf'Ullatlon.1 whlla ln I.bl Mr· vie.," be a.dded,..-.nd DObod;r erir compl&ined." , At leut on• yoU.n1"•ter In th• Harbor area w\11 think Sant.a Claua !• a11 lndlall giv- er uni"' a tlr. ancina 1' r-.- 1~"1. Mq.. P at Ori• of l lf, .Am· eU\yll A.\e., Thlll'Mlay In- formed Pf>Uc• ot poaalbla tha.h. from bn }'lorn• of a pedal car, nr. enrtna r.a wltJ;l a !Mlf on th. aide. Wetman wu acheduled to tGUow a &'l"OUP ot •i&"n oontracton Who Wl~ bet'Grl UM Jury Wld: lHuthd befor-a. t.M Juron-today .. r;.19da,)1 .aid lhey w.n tn~t­ Se-...ra.I. offld.QI appeued betore ed prior to th• J1V7 -ion by ID· the ju.ry with comp&n.y boob MCI YMtla;•t.Dr• u to wbltbw they pa)'l"Olla -wb.Jch tbe7 -.Id. had ,had paid ''bribes'.' to alloW lip bMn called for by u.. snnci Jury. lft<lUon ln ~ Oount1. 8LltUTll8 ANNOYED Thi oounly 1**J11A81 omc. Mold ~ Allol'MJ'• otnoe ln· .-e.U,...ton u:pra..ed obvto\UI lr- rlt.a.Uon OTer the lntervi-~ tweea OC'.N8 and Welman. lnv•U· pt.or JOll. II&)'• pae«l back and tort.II 1"1.t.bln eu·.taot ol. thtl Abt.Ir- 't11W 11ea.n•, and a t Oll4I Um.. Dl.l- t rlct Attoro.,. Robert KbMland. h.lm.aelt. ·~ out.aide th• jury room to ,.1ance at u.. tat«T'8w Mme' mad .. A. quloll buddl• WM mad. betWMrl tbll three mm and then n.,... r-a.wmed hi. patrol 11.ft•r nr. ~ &Jmoet all Wedn..S..,. Wllman W'M lmPloJ'· ad in the bull~ IMpeet.or• ol· nee lut MaRh J&. Th&. par90Mlll ornc1, buW•••, had no reecrc1 ot bJa &ll•S"ed dlllm1-al HOl'lllNO TO RIDa "l ha•• ~ to hide," Wei· man aaid 1'~ about bl.a !Or\hoominC i.mter'Yt-befOhl lhl rr~ Jury ... rm Col~ to la;,.-th• tau oa u.. tabl.. • man bu a rlJhl to ... k ouuitde 1mpltJ)llaatl attr. WOl1tl.ft&' hoUn.' ot.bW wttaa.ea Wide •upertor Welman at.ted be W'OUld not \We Cotit Departmwit Ona. th• ntth. a.momdJn.mt bafor. CT&nd Exchange Student Gets to Call Mother in Bremen 'Jb4t .,ll1t of Chrt.una. exterut - "6 ~ th. -over the holl- daya w!lm Derry Noca. e11chllllg e .tudent a t N~rt Harbor Un- ion mp School. t...lephon9".l hla motha.r Kr.. Frieda N'>C'• In are- .men, Germany. The phona C•ll w.. paid f or by lhe :'>le-'A'p<Jrl Ha.rbor 1tudent aiu:h&nge com- mltte. .tor t.he A mutca n Field S.niet1. •The ATS WU atarted In 1914 by aome Arnertcan1 In Paria 10 tunU.ah 'ambul&ncee and driver• for the rrencit Army In the t1n11 World War and ...... taken over b,.-the U.S. Arm,.-w hen thl.!1 country eriter..:1 the ~r. In the .-c<>nd W orld War the A1'~S again furnlahed ambUlancm &n d drlvcrr1 but for vanou. umlu. The pterMnt Pl'OITaJR ot bring- Inc forel(fl atudenta to thi1 coun - try tor one a.chool y-r to live In prlvala homea d•te1 ft"om 19'i 7. HEU SINCE AUOU8T Dt"rry hu been llvtng ln the J . B. 8todd.t.rd home. 2928 Oc:ean Rlv.J .. ••nee AU(. 8 He arrived In thla country June 2~ and hA d a lhrfle • week trip throUfh tht1, St11-le11 before landing In Newport. Th' 16-year-old Gennan yo11l h !!.lao wu 11ble to •peak to hie brother , Peter, d uring the tr1111a.- Atlanttc phone call which wu ar-- ranged for ln a m atta.r of min- ute!! by the local office of Pa.cin e Telephon• and Telerrapb Co. The actual . phon• call waa not put through. thou1n. until !:20 a . m. Saturday -wh.lch la about 12 noon ln Germany . Derry llaid he wu ablfl to hear ht. mother and brother ve.ry clearly &tld car- t"led on hi1 end of th• conworaa- Uon In a nonnal ton• of -rolce. CHRl8'1'MA.8 ocrr The phone eall wa.a Den')'°• Chr11tmu ('lft.. But •v.n more Import.ant t.~ h1m ln the 1a.t •Ix month.I ha.I been th• C(lrltr1buUon of member. of UM N~rt Har-- bor etudent exchan11e In brtnrtnc him-to lhl1 country. He.II.din&" thla eommlttM t. M.rs. Leonard GraveL Th• loeal -ch&n111 committee wa. formed only laat 8 prln1. The a..,.rap con of brlnrtrir a atu- d«lt t.o lhia country for orwi J)Bat'. they fU'WMl, w-u M:IO. They had to ralaa. tbrM-tourtha of tha coat, tM AP'8 t.hti balanc., acconllnr to Mn. ors...._ ND"lll' Ule com.rillt- tea. ii' w.n on Ila way to nn1111c. &!I American 1tudent for a por- Uon ot ht. coela fOf' two montha abroad lo the IWnft'l•r. L&A.&.N' nMT-11.ANb • 1be objecUv• of the •tuderit nc~r• 111 not t.o provide a foi:.- mal edUolatlon for Ar •tudenta. They ar• brou&'ht over f or the pu~ of acqulrinc' a ftf"lt·hand knowleds• ot lh.l.a ~try. Later thay ntum to "'lhetr own coun· tnaa. and 11....-mt.nata u.. nnt-- haod knowled(I I.bey haft pl.&80 of tlle Unlt.d 8t.ate11. • • .....,.,,.__ -- ' RABID DOG · SCARE BASELESS; CAN.INE GIJARDS DEAD SPANIEL -... r4'Wd doc ~ t.. o-ta ·-Pf'O"d ........ 'ltr'9cl- 11eac1a, ,...t... It turned o.t a dos tMq'bt to 11.aYe kUhd oanln• w ... m1Nly prot.eeUn& bod,.-al 1'-friend. rou.d.mut1r Jl""4 0.Y•port nvear.ed.. Jll"L DoroOty M orp.ti nf 101! Ari»or A.Ya.. ntpOrtird t"f 111v-t•• monl(MI ..,..olectll:lr Ila 6'ad' t>udd,.-tn rur yard I& I"''~-.0..11-.port eNa•n'4 t.M--lMl4¥ a.o4 ~ covered tha mlxa.( t.!>"d cocker &~el Md appa~nUy br.<r-n fatally lnjured by a ahot tn the 1houlder Mra.. M orren ~ported l'\1fl lhot.a bad been hf't.rd ln the Uump an.a nea.rby. \ Christmas 'f aiJs to Remove . . Scars from Juvenile Hall OCNS Rep-r Finds OvercrowMd .Conditions, l"i'd•quat• •Facilities ) • DUTH NOTICI Al"t'!'ON UllAO a..nw.-· tor A.ai.o tJIMc. .... _.,. ~ TJ. Ill JOO o..il "'-t. who tiHI W1ta ¢27. 4l 0ra.ni1 .. c-t-, Jtol9LIU..I an.r • u:tended 10.-. wt.Q •"'-11"111 "'-'•Y ",, ..... ~. *"':: lbdley Mort~ Cba,.a UI lM ~~~ .............. I"-JntermDil wl~ .,_ HutllW Recrt Mf:m0r1•1 Cemetary. 11, ~ no known .._inot'f'Of'S .IMlt a Mtt of fnend.I to m9'lrn ..... p-11 .. lnt A natl.,. ot AuA1.rta. IM ~a111" tlCaltf•>rnla tri 1 Pi 6, natt-- '"I nut t N*'wport and 8&n P.,.. rn tor • V"'',.. qn ht. own bo&t.. The cnitt burnfod thl"fl! y ean ... aMI MP' ~ T'e'ttr.d f'Y'OM MU.- flahlnl( then ..:1. Uln ... foUowcrd. Ht bo!ram~ ; ~taen of ~ Unit~ State• tn IM!. Mr1 GrM'e All.n Ora.nt. Tt . of Z!l \'i.a li:boll, dicrd OK. SO at Mr home a!ler a tan(thy LUn .... C. wu a n•llve ot New York and had ., A. Clul hall Jn N OOSLl!'I' nl&:ht untll J o 'clock ln Lht morn· Juv~n111' f ing. ll\•ed Ln Ca!Uorni. tor L2 ,_n. br~•UJ[hl St-v .. ral i;uar<1a ar,. r,.ap<in1ible [Sh• 11 aurv1ved by 1. • 10n. AU.a fnr the bovo ,,,... tinn and <"••• ,, Ormabree or l.Jdo I.Ale amt 1. •lMp-llOmti war ilh anfl (llll .. r but nnl " •• h u11e tesrh.·r "'h" 1a in ,h•r•• or td&UJ'.hlt'r. Mra. Pru.cilia MoreboUloe enough lo M!move t e •••T~ ••f . th .. overc weird rondi11un.~&IHl the 11hu1• "h"'' .. ho·~,. 1.,11rn 111,.•h· of 1ilauarhWll!tlA , a •lat er, MT& lnthlPqulllt c lhtlt'I wt11rh n•· an11 " iHlll "lhl"r lrilulf'~ Gertrutte Kina: ot ~ew York. roa1n In lh11 rllllxe Cvun1}' 111-School r.,,' •l•I!!< lur Lho,;e un· 6erv1cll'a y,·111 b. held tomornnr alltuUon. df'r 16 ;ear" Qt ·~~ 11r .. prov1d""'1 at 2 p rn 1n Ba.It.& Co.it• Mesa Th.i afternoon thl• OC!"S r ... hv the lJr&n~" ('1Ju111y 1r ht>1•I de· Chapel w ith the Rev. J amu 8. porter pal<! Mn un11nnruln<'t:•I v••lt P><rtrnt'nt Tht'rt: ar.-t"'u full -Ste,,.·art of!l<:l&.tln&: I nta.nnent will " juv.-nlle hall a Chr1~lln.11.' p81 t1u, .. t .. a, h•·r~ IH~I """ p11r-1 (lint' be In \Vl'atrnlnltf'r M~morl-.l Parta, IV tor aon1"' -10 to ~O boy11 11n•l hun1,. r<'••n'"''''" tra<'htr 1'l1f'11 .. ~irl~ In the 11,.h,_..,1 th•'"' ....,11,, ""Mf ~ta rr 1h .. ~•h••ol wh"·h l><k•·• KIND OF SHOCK RJMln91!1''"1j by \ht' &tllf f <HI" (if "''''"! t,i) 'h1ldl "'1 Th" party was t.•ld 111 a r111rl; "Thr <'IHU1!'' ~·h•>nl rl.-1'-•rtrnent. n1.;xlern, l11;hl an,! •lry rlu.,.roon1 "hl<'h l'''"VI ""~ ,lhi• ~•~If \\"oul(1 one ut the latrr addition& t u the Lt' "'1!la1 !>" f,, ,,,,,,.,,1,. 1t ll••lh<'• olrl hllll t~m rtl~r 1!1 !Ak<" 1 ~'" ••f lh•~ n>1n1 ~f,JW,.vl'i'4 the other qu111·t,.r~ 1,( hf"r <'f 1·h1l !r•·r1 if "~ ha11 n1•1rt' JUvt'nlle tl!!.11 a re not an bttl(hl 11..:h·,,,,1 l11<1l!U"-i.' li"•narJ n>t.!n- and rh<"erf11I u thtl l'h'""'\"·'" t11 .,,.,i l'l.P:t:f-' (l!'ij 1--l,.IHlll 'f'hr '1 .. 11!\f"d The .l(lilR' o!nrmH"r\' •1·11~1,..1 th11' •11<•1• '1 .. ...,.,(. 1i. .•J•l r<!' u ur Mrs. Washburne Finds Sting on Ear Pellet llCl<"flt t,, hl•llllt' ltl., ~"•II'..; Ill· mat~~ J'r•lf>erly Ii,., 1&11s,. •I Ill• 1 .. rk "' h,.Q. 1t n<l tl<••r ~!"" · .... , .. ··rt.I i::;il,. ~ro-fo1r,f'd '" ~ ·•·p '1 n1 1 tl1~s.at." on the l"l•l , 1111lu 1 flvor ~ t;~•·lh ! ' •• !···! 'Bu! 1,,. '"r•tLlllw•I '""rvnn" E,·t.n ...,·hen you find out ""'11.1.t h11pr ... ·n"•! two d a .1·1 la tt.r, lt 1tiU f,.el• tnsr '"" 1"''• I• ""'"t" h•~ . 11 1 ah k to "l"1t•1r l.1•"!1 ~"t 101" th1:0 vld 1 ~;;:::";.,:"1 :":;~"t\1111:~0~.; a p:,.rlt "11'1'1'""' :-0•• n,,., .1 iriin11.! "'"•' ~hont 1roi;: tlll' Country \\'..,.hburnff ~·.,n~! .. n\,, l.oc 1 •·1J,,,.,J •<rll '1J.:hl or \3~6:! t: J'a ulu \no. S•nla An• """ "" 1111" 1n•l1Jlu11{ " n""' e~ I lle111:h l,... 1h11.co\'erf'•I Ju l "'tt.k. c~il BfomarJ. juv"nllf' tuill ><•l · penl\!\'t' hi-11t1nt; plant p<"t1nt rn•1o:nt "'ho 111111nl>t 1n• the ....,.t:\\' JU 'IJ.l>I,.,.(, ~ITf: h111l h •.~ HU\£'Tn"'" ti!!" J.:ltl• ra< Ill '\\'~ HI! !<•·! 11111! 11 "'" haJ a I-1n°t1ni.: !l hrile ln Lhe cloth top ,,f l•l~ 1a1 t0Uov.1ng a Tue.ad.a}' n1f(ht tl n•·,. with 1111 w1ft, \\!u h· I , I , I T•~~-111!1'• ,,...ir1 1h11 t 11 t··w ,, .. .,~ n~,,. i11t" w1t n 8 11 ""' t.111J.11n,.: "''-" 81{n the hall .,..a,.''' """''f""''""•1 1·••L1ll 11or11 bv th1' t')(f"'!'l•·n1 r .• ,,f that rpany t..'.o)h t•h•I l» ~l"'I• <>!l Hl tl•'!" IH lr.•\Jng 1·l>tfo' A ,,.,ilHll·h the ce1n,nt floor ol a11 <Hlld(11.Jr 11!! oth .. r 1n•t•t1.Hu•n• '1A•·e \\',. baaketb&.U court du.ring . th~ win· would th"n be able to provtde 'o:r IM!ttt.r rehabi\ltat'lon m'thr~i. \()0, Lunle 1!to~·a1ed to '"'arch h11 Ve• j I 111< Jo• \\'ht•n h, fO•lnd 11. pellet It! 1 lhr ""lu 11nd 11111 .,..u, arrived a.t tba eoncluaion tha t v..•hat 1he · \ t hought w u an !n1Kt bite Oehl~~ ... _ I her ~•r ha d actually b<!f'n the 1'h!a year betor• the holiday" and g1ve rnore persona.I a ttention lh• hall had a populatio n ot 9() to ev .. ry b(iy and Kiri " tJ, "'" and girl•. Today there 1tr' Bern"rd n1,nl1oned H h .. t>ftn 711 . but Berna r d expecta th11 nu<n-re-cornmended that such an lnaU· be r to lncrea&e by the end or the tullon "prov1rle """ 'tart counaelor week ~lnet.,en girl.a 11-re pre!lt'nt-1 rot every 12 lhilt!ren ly houa"'! In their dormitory. And "But." liern&rd 11.<ltled, "I do ln Uie boya M"Cllon lhf're ar~ 47 t not think lt 11 pO<lalble to 9\atr older boy1 Lfl.-t 14 younJl;l'r onea th1~ plare l!ke that, I <lo not To ca re ror the g!rl1 \hr.re are1think the ta.xpayer1 would be In two ma trons on duty 1\urinr the fa vor or a 11reater tllx 9urden put da y a nd one m atro n !rn rn I mid· on by add1n11 m ore counaelnra " pellet •lr1k lnc h"r. the \.\.'aah· I~\ bumM notlfied police o f the ln- c1d e.nt at 6 .30 ,p 111 yr.a lerdsy. The Waahburn~a 1tr.1d th~ 1hoot· lnJ' a pparently took p!!!.re. al a p- proalma t1!y ti p.n1 T11t1d a y while 1 they were driv ing on Ha y1l~ 11 Or1ve near lha. Hit ha Nlaon Y ac ht~ la.ndlrig \\'hen th• fin•d ~!let atrnck Mr•. \>,'u hburne. they ._id, 11 11llg htly broke the ~k i n rH AllUI! CURREN1 EARNINGS tf lie bid been qufllt lcmM o..tz1ct .A.ttom•y"a ofn ce In- tor. <r" ltl'llultle. rereh·f'd bWbou'd ma.nut•ctur~fll 1tn<l' 'Thia wu •uppoetd to be one jury, but ..-ould "t ell lhem the ot t.h-hu.h-btu1h deal•." • di .. rA<'ta.."' '111• C'lOl.utUUonal amend· lrlet attorn1y'1 otftre tnr.,rm~nl "ll!flt allOW8 Wltn-to r t.ru.e t .,1.-t OCNS "Nol"'.l<ly w11111 •"l'l'°""''j to anawer que.tlon1 on th' (ToHndl! (t> Know atiowt IL" O( Mlt·~Uon. At pruent. th.,re are 1:1-4 ATS etudmta In tlle US rtpteaenUn&. 2t n&tlonl. l~,1! RUmmi-r 90l Am- :,.,wtont 328 AMERICAN AVE. Ph. HEmlock 7·1203 ' •• --· • ·- )._ __ --. -. ' ' I I r ' ......... -................. .. . . FARM-=.EXPEAT POINTS ~---.nimay ~M11no , I \ . n0.r.... ,;i .llli • ......... ~ ,.._..,_ 11 IN . SUPERV~tO.~~. ",~lSStl ~11 .i11:· -=,.,ef::v~!.:;~~,= l ~ 1JnUMl1¥ ~ '( ~' iiiojiW ll'Mt ..... od '>' tliat Wii'~ eoD -I Of~~~.i~ ~ ~t':!.~~ r;; W~ ~ ~.;.t :r.ii l,Jt1 = UJ.I~~ ~ earrier .. 1'ltq JDUr ..,., i .... I • .• n ! I •• JANUARY -SPEC~ Will HA~ BRAID (,_..-,.) ta-tit not ehd,.,, ~ UM oo.t ot be lmePttil)I Md WdN' .u ot lht acr;t. loM 1" J(l'D ...,.. 61 Dal I ~===:::::::::::::;::=============~~ j!D!:::'!: .... ~!_!eed~_;l'~e !P!F '!..,. ___ , -•=-.... -.. ' · ~"'r i. • tN. .tati.Mat. • I; ~~-~~~~:ce: =~=l ~·;--.... -.. -= =~"-.... ·1 ..... _.,-~o.. .. ~r~1-""'i::""':~".,otJ·-::, • . •..• s· . ifi·1eil-~ ... · m;~".''.'l'IU.L.·-..;'"-.... :r.t:#. __ ._·::_ WOOL ROOS. ' 'nl• kUit1" WU ~icri~'by G90f'l'e upqJ\ the out~ ot Uie folk>w• dtUOn t.O Ut. M' ach 6iol ~ ~-.... ..... ---v K~lot'S -0!' Yorlii& I.Jack. <OMI~ inc: u.apa,,_. ya tW dlfb'ktt~.tut-j9U m&.n o r • Wbc<lmmlttft ()f • "I . If lhe Unll9d StatN ot ~ S\,,l'f'Wt .......... ed. --L08T-Y.UOW Panbet .o.c. JI. watw r~Mli --~ orUM 111.mlco c1Ha Jloil iet ui 'turth•r WWI t.&X• on. \.09.. ol di.red!·-""'----------.-----... ---...,,----• I "1dn.lt.J BICmJ, Raed. Cltftllaftl'I OT•f1,1e County l"vrn lk&nM.i. .U.C.tnr: \RUT from i ur COlll. per w. "'°"" _.. ~ NEWPORT · HARBOR NJ!lWS.P&Ess LI 1-131'7. 61c:61 A .C.twt7 of a_ propoMd. $42 mil· ·11aUoM.I U11D1.Mt; and Thi Nloh.,. •c·a ..._.. . llon Mood wnll"OI plan. which will Mealcan oft lal• have already ..... ..,. _.......,,, W ..... ., ~ frid&r be,. ... ,.. ............... ~ .. _.............. oo-a ..... aT SRO--Pi>EB 'W"" _.. !• 9 * "" -·-the 1ubcoma nt&.M,. a.nd lJl• ~ll-fll7 "2. u t).e atatc .. of A riaone LJGAL N01'1CI Qg........, -""D~JS • a mat.rial (lpar-) AT $2.50 SQ. FT. Meotioo t.hJa ad few specfs l cOniildentlon The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow ~ 80. M'.AlN BT .. OOllOl'tl. COl\ON'A TTI ·-·we HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNlnJRE t•rrp bur .. u recommended f\Jrt.her dot.I not rel e cre•ter anocatlo•j -;;::::;:;::;:;:;:::;;::;:;::;·j --0;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;~A<;;-;:;;o;to;;:-;;(;i;;~~i;;;;:p;;;p--China Painting ettJ<IY of Vii• m.uiic pla.n ;..n.er !Mn tJrlat l'"&ntecl at Pu-'lo; and ~A.Ta or BlT~ 0...... ....... ...._ ,_ .. '*" "°'.•ttr'llQ l'f...,.,._ rece1vlnc tile subcommittee'• re· Ole cue now tiietore the eupreme l'1SM ·N.&lm 6 ....... 1 llllertkm $LOO add'l. .... .S5 -. °"7 a:!. m;:' lf<;:,--~l.::ZB::'::rR'°'olp;;,._W.;..;:aa"'led=-----! "IO~=-~~~D~·~-~.,.~-~--- port. court oI lbc na~· The um~ do. hereby 4 U.. • I l..ertiou 1~ . add'L HMe .%6 • PbM9 L!b9rt1' l-6MI Mt:t - The l~ter i.. an o utrrowlh of CONORN mu.s certify that ti. le OonducUl\I" a 4 IJlw S bderilaiDa 2.00 add"L llw .25 -. >;::;&cOU TIRED OF KATEY DOANE tn..t etl.ICI,:. &od KeUO(a t~ .la-~·a. It IM upper bMin •lat .. 1-...1 •hip ,.-rd ........ ~ an • r..aw ... 4 luertloD9 1.60 .sd'L laee .%.6.. EARL y AMERICAN Nearly New Apparel •lie wtUl UMfi •taleJJU!t1l. whlcb he •t• not 11.Uow«I to ta ll• ta. purut Bayside •Driv•. H ftfpOl't 88ch, ,......._ W.:.&.d A.ft lriU ~ 11~ dlacotulL Cull la..Wva&o11 f;MltJ'. · -rr Q CROSS· TOWN for women and children. •l!rtbul"' to "~ertaln ~ounty 0f· and besl Wiler trom Ute upper c..IUo~. ~ \ti.I ftnn nam• IOl'lfDIUM .\,I) 18 6 ~ BTENC~O ~ ro&d feat on TR..AFJ'IC W• do all kind.I fl/ alterallotw. flclalt"' that I• it che•per to pur-r~he1 ot the Col.orado and tran.,. and llf.yMI of BABOf SHIP TA.RO, ~ ~ .._. 19uat M ,.W ,or o..it ill ~aw vi ,.."cet!e, tray" bolte. and turnltur.. Re--ROUTINE INSIDS: WORK 2721 I!:. Cout Blvd., K.lnde.11 .. P•Uci. ~·hMe water trorn ·M"WD •l '8 LO pori It to the 111ut•rn •lope ot lh• ..00 that aajd nnn LI oompoMd ot Tk•· p~ wUJ not bl napon.aible tor mof9 than one tncorrec:t P~ GI rMtocll::tc Oftl"inLI -LOIS or PAY FOR VACA-Corona <lei Mar. t~.S $IO per a cre root lhan 10 plan on Rockie•. and lh<!rr are now llf'V· Uie followiftl" 51er:.oa, to· wtt : ln.rtJ~ ot an ad, rNetv• the rtsht ta cornctly e!Ul!(ty any &nd all J>9i(tenta.. TIONS con...n-aUon of Oood Wilen aJ bt11 ..... to do )Wt ada &n4 to rejoct ~y ad not conf_or onnin&" to nil .. &nd reSUla.Uofw. DA f or even.In( c ........ Mn. F . • er I 111 ~·o•\11' SPENCER DOWNEY J . WOOD. lier. 081PrW 4tce1b -.NO CHANCE FOR ADVA.NCE-~'HIL.r. IT LA~TS thMt .w A <h•< <h• al-&Jd O-o-I In --~~~---------! ·--Fresh Hear in g BATrli!RIES Aid ' -. .. u ~.... r -·· ... DE:A.01..CN"l:S for pi.c.tiir or cance I I ada are: . nu:..i•, lie adti.. "lh.J• i.. a corr.ct •tale· "' U n•tu"' h1 kind e.nourh .10 oawn., r-..1.dM at 411 , •iloal Jfor Jllon4ay Publication _ i'rld.ay 5 p.m. TUTORINO tn ree.dlnr and •J>9.ll· ment and au11mpllt1n provhllng We: re.turn tu 11 wet eye It 110 lhal th• Road. N9W}IOl't llMdt, CalifomlL ror Wldneaday PutilicaUQna -Tuuday l p,m. 1.nr for eJeme.nt&ry throu(h Apply 1030 I:. Flr•t St.. l·oUhl ("(l ntlnue l o purchll..r' Ill! ''~~total tluw "' !he: Colo rado Riv...-WILn .... my .,_tun thla 2l•t For B'rid.ay Pu.blicaUon -Thuntda.y l p.m. Hlgb Bchool af~ Atter Kbool SUit.a Ana, Mon. ta Fri . Wa OIVI S.11 Oreea Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. the w•ter we de•lr«I rrnm lhe 1ay bt aornlfWtl•l flN.f' whet It day al. Dacember, lta6. NEWPORT IL\BBO• f'UBJ.aHI?iO 00. or Saturd.aya. State credtn.tla la 8:30 &. m. to ' 00 p m. M''\lfJ •1r tf'Onl any oth<"r 111urce "'•• ~tl rnet<')d to N at Ul• t ime SPENCE!l DOWNEY HU ~ &Iv!(. N-pert 8-dli. Cal1J"Qrm... teacher. Har. 1~1'·K e-.. • M..a.tn St. at Be.Ibo& Blvol_ Ba.Ibo& He.rbor 01~. 98ttc a t ~u,·h a 11r1,.t " the Pueblo Compact wu ag~ed STATE o r C::.A.LlVOllNIA ) \Oo'eekenda. 62c.">4 SOUTHEJl:N COUNTI ES Thf' pUr<'h&U prp· .. "' ..... Irr le uprin .. COUNTY o r ORANG.II: I ... 8preda.I N otiem 12--Bnlktlnr ~ '2 62e0.( (;As co. SJI •!unng "'"llH<"r monltl" "r1<1 51•• ~=•<"n Jf a lt \hHe: .,,. d$"'ltled ! On lhla 21•l day of December.• ge:, ll .. h,. • •1ntlnura. anrt •i.pll•1n• aIJ•I U1oe fJrMnl,. L-Ounty \l.'atoer In ~d for Iha e.tor-.ld ()Qw:1ty ennen Um Ing d.Urlll& Ule eunUJ"<er. '"!! we UUJ !tw.1·or11.Wy Lu L:aWurna. M WD li&b bei'OTe me .. Notary Public x Newport Harlx>r J Pl b. 28--SltuationA w~ ··1_...al yfar thoe cntJnty ... ,11,.r l •1atn•·t. 1he ,.nt1rt rlow to .wh1cb ,1 • .; atau, p.reonally a ppee.red ' B. P. Q,/i':.. RepaJr work, a 11pecialty Swe d·ish M l'llttnct rcq,,e111ed "' l"tal .. r 73 orK1 .'vf\.\"W "'"Ill r,-e .. nt1t],.d will ~ !rio • Spencer Downay. known to me lo 176f. d 5S4g e •e ra te .. t. bul lh• weter w..,. •hut I p..M..0 •Ad u..e<t by !970. Krllogr be tb• pel"90n whoae Mm• Ni eub· eYlll)' Thurlday 8 p.m. '\later hPa le.r1 on time Jlayrne.nll Ladles. by l\Ppolnunent Ui or: becau .... Of. th• low levoe l <>t j add~ ..crlbt.d lo~ wttll.la Sl•tn!menl VJ.a Oporto -Cantril Ave.. 21:119 N~wµort Blvd . .Newport yuur h.ome. J..-kc Ma\lht>wa and 111" lill'OKUal Thoe11 v r11.ng" r uunty wHJ have I' a lld · a.cltnowt_,,_,, l.o m• Lhal h• N•--B••A" Be•ch. H•r, 6385. Ree. liar. P'onn11rty maaaeuae •l ArrQwh<"&d .• ---.-"..-'~ ........,, 4.:US7·J . t.7~H. u <'nian•I for wat"r tor th,. rltJ~• lQ lvok 111 <•th<'!r .ourcee for w•· Ul!u:·ui..4 u.. ............ Albert H. MaUhewa. Ex&.lted. Ruler Spnu.g1 Hotel t!Ur1n11: lh,. a uu:rrier .,.·1th th .. ,.,. ter lo e .. rv11 the: oevt.,.1ri<>r.a.J111 ln Y.'ltn.a. Whereof I have .. t ,. Pl-cal&. Harbor '7a6 or Harbor ••1 11 t h.a t woe only ullt•in .. J 1;1)<$1 pvpulaUu11 , he: pvlllte 0\.11 . an4 .ny h1t.11d and e.tttxed my otflc.111..1 • ...___ __ , n.1-.... ~,. CARPENTRY 70. ' ~OpM •• r,. f"l!I or 1 .... ·o Ullrtla .,r .,.h•1 1Ueta proble1n• ln thoae '"olhflr ee:al Ule day and y-.r ln thl• Car· i -----~---u-~--~----- v.•,. llB kM tor. •l a c<»t "' .ourc.... uri~i..e n,.t above written. MINOR REPAIR WORK Cl.E.ANLNG • m ONING by U\e Sl~3fl00 " ,,.ll "ST!lr:~ 01'" OR'!{US TOM W . Al:N"DER!ON MQTTE LL'S NO JOB TOO SlllA..U... day. !:xperien~ Be.lboa. Lil.and R~<(U"&l f.,r 111 .. C"Omlng yoet1r I• TheM inrlutl .. the Fe111her Hlvoer H. o. A.nd*"IOl:I pretcrf'ed.. Kl ~. ti rlotary Pubuc 1n 11.11d tor th• AND PEEK t•>r· 117,('VO •c:ni toeet , rrnrn ~\\\·Li. pn •J e:r !, wh1l·h by lil7t:i l!r l•ler 101.( It. Balboa Blvd., B&lboe. HANDY MAN, mlllntl!D.a.nce ol 10111 \tu• •1tpenl1a upv" ··.,.·"'t"'r l"ouJtJ !l<!llv~r art atJgn1ente<1 1<o·ate:I' ~~~!~~: Oranrc, Statt or Colonial Mo rtuacy Ha.rbor 24.30 83llc ...-ep•lr or wh&l? Jlar . .,,~.v.·. ll'l'oel In IAll.e M&tthewe. "'l'a.&Ona , ~11ppty al an Mtlm1t6d co•t Qf No. 641 7801 Bol9&--Jutt wNl Qf \\/rel· ASPU ••T TILE 4~t!c: falne and demand lor •,.rvi.·"" b:J Sort to $M peor •croe fool, KellOfr Newi ·Prue 1212e. lll6:.o m illeC.•r Me:mona.J Park. ~>.no.Lo •••Jr:< t>r!r,ng1ng to M\\.'[J · Kel-"&Jd provl<Jed Lh•l LINOLEUM l u ~K ••h1,..l "°Tl'le: le:g1•Latu .... C•n etr•lghten 1/:1, ii, 1•. ll6t AA Of'Ul.I"• County lnelituu.on 1"\o\I) THIK™ ON l.l' out (be 'counuu Q/ origin· prob--NoTICE OF J:?'l'TL'"DED SALE 8arril'lf tamlUea o( all f&Jlhe 'Tn,. 47,•l(l(l al'r111 te.t r,.ceiv.ad lflm 'tal.tpbaoe (ToU Fret) l"~t 1• .. a-r . two thltt1e of th<' an1ount "Conl!nuoua Utlu to e:ae"''' NOTJC.W: JS liEJUCBY 01'\IEN: Zllntth t:i23 1 i na t WlLLLUol C. MOORE and 1· .. 4u<Yl~. wa. 1u!l !t per cenl or wal1r lll lf!Vui lo Soul.Men c.J.I.. BERNlCE J. MOORS. lna.ab&nd 1 ''"' 1·nt1r" an10tJnl O! "'"•ler ln1 · tu rril a. and 'wtla. Vendor•, "'~ addrflU /~•rL ,.d from tha Colorado ltl•er by "1111 ~P'e of "8o1111ioem CaH· Af \.\"J), or twlea Ute •moWJl lh• tnrnta •UUl6tfU ind Vole 1 $:1 la •Oli South HMperl.&n 8tr .. l. in 1 n1 1nty .,.lll<"r <fllltrt("t woulrl ha voe l bllllon bond l••IJ<" tor coruilrucUon l h.e Clly or 8e.nta Ana, County ot Orange. llt.ate ot C..llfornla. In · bo r n HlllU ed lo had UMra l>ean OI lh111 •Ylt•rn. lornde 10 ••II to LUCY E". Ma.cCAR· ,. n~CoNally for proratloo or walort.. 0The ra.cha nJl.'al drteJb are not Tli:R. • mu-rled womU1.. \lend~e. h • t<a l•I ln•11rmount.1.ble." wa-..,..._ I.& NO' Dopood -----------------------!St.net. 111 14• ctt.)' ot eo.c.a M...a. No -ever tum9d away becauee ot l&ck ot !wide. ~ ~ COAST Oll'll'ICE l:QUIPME:l\'T TypflWTIU:t11 4.ddin.lf n1achwts Dupllca tor.,_S uppUe• lnltl.l.J the a.bov• chuper tha.n mOllL Ataoat.U Tile 8t Linoleum.. Non-union, 20 ~t.n e.irperience . Compare and ir.ee - BILL COKER n.r. 41911 or Long Beadi 7·6973. lltuc FOR RENT Sltlll Saw•, Ele:c. On.Ill, P oU.ber., all type.a Qf 8a.ndere, Wbeoalbar- rowa., etc. BOYD'S IIDWE. Roy's Maintenance Hou.ae c::leanlns -B'\oor w&lllnr Wa.1.1 wuhtnJ-window clunui1 Veneuan bltnd .. UpbQtatery Iuured. J"ree a:.t.lmat.u Liberty &-11!2. llfc RELIABLE JAPANESE- AMERI C AN WA NTS GARDENING IN HAR- BOR ARJ!;A"BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYATT ~71 """' -Hu lnte.re:M1ng nut· of· doon job.I tor hlf:h 11Cho.•I 1:r11.duate.1t 18·46 W1L'1 llOf'Tl'" IH.-Ch1.J11ce.J aptllud~. :,.Jay. ·lu )•r week :,:!·'~ \\.'V~ti:::;.; (Jffh.r Juba I•• tc.ry 1111cl (iOfTI<"allc ~lALE •l·CotJnl&nl. 11ev!!re.l en.ginor•r• ,\ vlber1. Ntw Jrih~ dslly Jl..'"NE FAK..RAK EMf'"L. AG'CY 402'.-T-J~nd St .. Nl'"wport Acros• f rom City 11&.ll YOUNG llral ij;.etlll<I ~·lMDlan tor a~ltv., nffit:f!\ Have a prover. eystoem J ur makln~ II)()ft ,.y. f::>!:· ceUent opportunity for • wrirk· •r. We wall tra.ln you. H.11..r bar 6100. ~lt fr ltXPERJ.ENCED cockl&ll .a. foo.od w allrellt. Al.to want dll!hWjj,8hoer RENRY'S. 2030 Coe.et HIKhway ONLY .• EXPERJJCNCED NP.:~:!) APPLY. O\ic:l2 WOMAN book. klt'p<!r, mach1nt uperlence Taqulred. 0 da.y werk C.cellenl work I ng: condlUon. G 1 v e. cQrnpltte qua11nca1lon1. A pply P. 0 . Bo• 3M N_.port Beac::h, C.ilil. Ol e~ !:ill.11 'X 11''!JIA:.; R0\\1:-;, /~•·II plpr•. t ... a.i"'t mo, '1'11.•l"" pur•t•. briu:.-le:la 1.-.. thf'~ flllr""' flr ltl Kl..._. ui.nnt<l "''Qlvt, bc>b><"tol•, IM11rJ. •n•nk , ....,,,o. '''" n!\.-r, t.eb\•t·r . Na'•l" 1,lan11~1.a ~nr L,·a p• l .~M.!•11.,. rt'U\I ! lnc-h~ .S. i;une B1u,•M.,k1ri lr"llMn •qua.,.. dreu. tlf'''' HI 11r,. Jiit E 16th St .. CO.~ta ll•a. :)21"6• M.A.RQUt.""ITI!: Ar.;: \\'~IJe1 one'.''! I hp A l r C...1npr....,1nr 2:.!0 Voll &Ingle phu~ ~l"f! at l'ATC H "~ 17th St. al P l:t.1.•erH1111 Ll it 7:'.IUS BAMBOO DRAPE S Zltf CUHTOM MAO~; A:O.'Y HlZE Prtc,.,. .. tart1n~ al 21• ll eq tt he:auufu1 Nr.,.. Wovrn Pa!lr;rne Fo r AU l•ff<Jr• Klnich (.'Urt11.ln • T l&V<:t'&e H.t>1.ll s .. Them (Jn LJ111pl&.y ln I 1ur !:ilt>re SA?'>.'TA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. SA~TA A.SA 1626 S. 1-li.ln Kl 2·3!.4t> t Otta LO(AL VETS PRESENT YULE PARTY AT TB WARD ~·1 n ,.,n t:hll(lren In lht tubereu· l0111.o "'"•rfl ur Or.nr"' County Hoa· p1tal had " ha ppier ChrlllmM l19y be c i..u ae ot Ute Oranl{e ~·ounty \lolt ure •O el II. American ~jlKH\. •re conflntod there tor yea.re. Ora th• contr•I)'. lheJ jump a bout lbelr bord1 or:ii;eltadty wh9Q 1t.11y- thln,g Ilk, a pa rty II (Olnl" Qn County ot <>ranee:. l!U .. t e of. eau. f11mi... u . tGUowlr\6 c&to9crlbed p.caou.J property, to-wit; AU Koek h1. lrad.a, nature.a, etfWPm&nt aad soocl wW QI a c•r· lit.ift tr.U. NJ• MMl •uppU. bu•I· -· kao1"1 ... Y ... Dor Tr-.ller lupply, and localed •t 2167 Har· bor Boulevard In the Ctt7 ot Oo1ta Mua.. County ot OT•nit, Slat.. of Ca~!fM"nl• _and ,...... .e. M.le. t r&M· t.,r and ,...lpmeTI\ of the -ma will M m.e.dt. and the coulde1'11.tlon thoererore will b9 pat4 •t 10:<>0 o·clock a .m., on the: 17lh day ol January, JMO, at the .crow 0.- parlm•nl ot Bank of Am•rlca NaUon•l T ruet and S.v1n11 All· MJCl•l\on •t Newport S.a.ch. Jn the City ot Newport Beach. Co11n· t 7 of o ,..._,,e:. II.a~ 0( CaUtornla, IAU:& R.El'l.'TALS 1986 HM.rbor Blvll., Cae4.e. M-L.lhtr•v •-779' CEMENT~& BUILDING All Klnda 2830 W. COAST HIGHWA 1" W:be.rty ~ "~ BCb 21ll1: ' 0 ainting, Oecora~ Paper ll>pging _ Beacon Pereoniiet Kni~rs Ex • d G d 100%.employer reta.ined W!:LCOME to 1ny]w 11h01" Con1e per1 ence er ener &gen.CJ 1n and he.Ip m b1u1d towa rrt LANDSCAPING NO FD collected tr"Om applkant your _,,. for n lreratt. and CLEAN UPS u 3-:not N-.O" ...... I Sit N. nit LlbertJ_-S.1609 31 3 E Btlbo9. Blv .f Bal!Joe. :IOt!o !'°'!!!::::--~~~~--~~:,.._----J2ttc A comnlitltt of Lhe voltu~ head · ... 1 by \\.'hit Helnu. 3310 w , oc"'an ~-ro11t. •t•rffi a child"• dream ot 11. ChrUrtnlM p.r1.y Ill 10 ll rn t:hn-11tma11 n1ornlnJ right In lht TH ward. Sant • Clau1. BtJd Pett ra frnm '1'111Un. wa• th.,.• to dJetrlbutoe r•~~ent• lo the klddlu . ranging In •&• t rnm 6 1nonl.h• to 10 ye:.ar•. !!ach th!ld tec::«lve<I at lt>Ul lwO f!:lrt•, HeJm11 11ald, plue candy. nutll, lee cn-a.ni and other g oo.I· 11'11, eet off by e rttord prognuu ur lullaby muel<: rovs •·01t nAR\' The ti.by received a rattrt and • 14nllary rubber oli"-ill, Hehn11 ••id. Ohler glrlt we:r<" 11:~vc11 a doll •nd lht boys • 1r1•<'h None ot lhe young1tar1 woere iri~n horn.I l><!cau11oe lhfly are not alld'wed to uee thrlr lunge to 00 any bloWlnc . h.e MJ<I. Helnia. chalnnan ot <"hlld Wel· fare for Ute volttJr11. re.Id voyll,(~t• ft"Om 40 et 5 have been gl1'1n1f The volture andeavora to Ne tb.al p&rtlf'a bappen th.,-or pretty O• Len. Ev•ry thlrd Frlda.y ot elll":h month. ln tar t. wtlh •n eatra. p r••· tnt tor Lha YOWl Pttr who l• coel~ brallnl a birthday MA.RINES LEND AJD ps?t:~or;t~~ • f~'•.,!!;e c=::: by rniLnY lnt~e11ed groupe wt~ 1ofanne• trom Ir.I Toro dOing Ui1 letr work of putting up th .. df'co- n1\lqn11. Natur•llJ !11er,. "'a• a huK• C,rilltmu tree. Nor la th• effort confln-.d to th1 th<' men. M re. Olady1 Fried. chter norwe tn ch•rge ot p<9dt alrlr1, roop~r•l•fl In the arrangement• it.II did Wive:• of voHurt member&, .w~h fl.a J<"nnl111 He.lll)fl. About 10 comn1'ttea menibl!r1 (oelO!<l the 10 boy TH pt.lie:nUI and five girl•. Including Chef-de· Gue Coec•J C•1nt'"ron of Brea M d Chlef-<l,.·T'r•ln Mu Sagni.vee at i-u.un. \ FREE ESTIMATES Wberty 8~109 29U General Contract.or Llic;EN8ED ....,ljew Work :.._ Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W ~trc Dated° ~emb.r $0, toM 1------------- WIU...l.A.M C. MOOR.E, Vendor lc.:11.""MlCll J . U:OORK:. V.n4or LUCY E. Ka.eCARTER, \lendM NQ. 1•2 New1-Preu 1/2/0f NO'ftCE OF INTEJ'lo"TION TO CHA Tl't:L MOft. TOA 0 E C A"RP E N T Repair Work r, ~ row-Hom• inea Re~rtn' ~ Re..iuodelin&" ? Call Frank, L.Ibwt'j'-.8-49M A ll Work Gu•ranteed -T4 Uo Notice ta hereby ~ve:n. puniuant I ---~~---------1 to the provllllon1 or Section 3'40 ot U>e C'lvll Code: of lhe Stat e of Callfomla. th•t •• Er~A ftD v. !At..rrOftE. Qt 4~= 'th St., 15anta Ana, Call{~OWT1er ot f!x- t uru e.nd equJpm , and loca ted at "01 &e.e.t 4th St , Santa <A-n-. Calif., lntoend• tO a · "-. chattel PAINTING -- PAPERHANGING · H &r 2404 or 1~7 ·R GEO. ~URKHARDT LICE.. '"OHTR.AC"I'OR 878 W. ".llllll t., Oost.e. :w. ... Wi>uty 8-15628 Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourseJ:yes. 30 yee.n exputenCJe Uce~ • aured. S&U&!&c::Uan ILllt._ttd. F.ltlmat.• J tmale, LI 8-2687 9 81tfc p M. Llcel\Rd LI 8·3321 280 A VQUdo, Coe ta t.f<"Sll '"" I PAINTING JNTERIOR EXTf;RlOR ALSO MARINE PAlNTlN.0 LlCJi:NSEIJ -INSURED G len n J ohnst on !IOI -311tt St. Newport Bee.ch Harbor 3176 'llltfc _C_l_EA_N~U~P-JO_B_S_ "~.':.~":,.~:":, ~.:',._,P~1 -1_9_5~6 -W_O_R_L_D_B_O_O_K_ Ya.rd llaintenaote He.rbor 2189-.J evN . U ttc THE ONLY C'RADED E'NCYCLO- 'nlree ----'41>«1 P'mOIA. (R«ommtm<IM by e<IU· ,~ -""""' SELL ON" TERMB ce.t<1r11\. thia toaJ,Jty, 1 rr. DELICATESSEN c ..... ftOO. EDUCATIONAL ""'' LI 8-37~ «tte --1•• ON"ll e tt. ...... .., .. ~-tor ···--""'" COUNSELOR General\Housecleening BY TWO YOUNG WOMEN •. 51.0CI tu-. each. Harbor 0802. Olp63 GARDEN ING and CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LIBERTY 8-6139 O:llfc Carriei--Wanted FOR BALBOA JSLAND ROUTE, thla route cover~ AmeU\y1t, Apolena, Coral. Sapphire and Nort.b and.. Boulh Bay Front• between the11e 1\reell. MR. PARKER, HARBOR 161 6 O.NI: laq:e comma.re. rdrt(". f'T:S., 1 SCALES. le.:!. l GONDOLA JJ&. HAZEL BJSHOP C&JI own. u M221 mam1np or 723 Hickory, S.A. KI a.ttet 6 p..m. 9t.te G~s;~~~~Nf!. ~;~_$4950 GAFFERS & SA.Tn&R whtte ~e top gu range witb oven control ··-················-···-······-··"······ .... $79.50 WESTERN HOLLY gas range wilh oven control very clean ........ ·-······-······-············-···········-··········$79.50 KELVINATOR Refrigerator 6 cu. J\. -·-····-·······$59.50 GIBSON 6 cu. ft. Refrigerator ··-· ······-····-·········--",$64 .~ WESTlNGHOUSE 7 cu. fL Refrigerator ............ $99.50 SERVEL Refrigerajor 5 11'.! cu. f t., left hand door $80.50 itELVINATOR 8 ci\ ft. deluxe RefrigeraU,r .... $99.50 KENMORE wringer wuher deluxe ...... : ............... $45.00 -theal Ctl1'11tm~ par!'tea ·NI UN .. Tl:I wa..rd for the pul rlve: yee.re. Thia le the: 1CConl'I year he h111.1 been In ~ OL The youn111ter1 , lodk ~ro~rd eagoerly to lh• pa.rllu. Helm1 .. Id. Juel I.& i.n.ake •ure one. ll·ye:ar·<Md rtr1 who ....... dtech•rroed from U.e w•rd Ul l'etl we.eke •,go won't b( dh1•pjH)lntf'd. HelmN" coml'l"\lltet bM ii"tnt her e prutnl, too. at mortr.,oe upon fl N'•, equip· me.nt, n'lachin•J' and goode located at l.be above i.t•tfld plac e ol bu.ti· s.r.~f~~~,~ ~~!!( " neu. 1------------'<--I 4 f"lat top otrlce de•k!l I wooden " drawer file c:e blnPt cmirteoua N ew•Prus c.'18.s11!•' A.11.-Tak•,. e.re t r•ined to · le GOMPLErE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUOEN!: 0. SA UNDKRS O lRL8 - EARN MORE THA.l\f EVE}t BEFORE! EASY SPIN DRIER, deluxe model .............. -... $59.'50 WESTINGHOUSE electric ran&"e. late model _ .. $99.M L & H eiecm c rante. detUJ:e mod~ ..... . . . .,. .. $99.6'r AIL OU.A.RAN'l'l!ED , 'nMI younaettl'I do not"" aeem 1lc kly. he .. Id, • aJl.hoUch r hoffie. . UTT MAKES PUBLll"'.Ai~~RT A ~ le homefollra wu how OD~ -Jamea &. UU. ~ 111-talk to eltl"tottl• of ONnr• Cou.nt7 r-U...l'MI ht ttt- 1\.«.r'MUOD H&JI fl/ thoe BINaed Bacnm•nt Betloal la Weet- l:Ain&ar Laml w~. Tvwn CpUt wtr-. tnYlttd to at\Mid tlite """'· UOft .,. _.,ben of tAe Kntstit.1 Of COlutnbUt, lloftm 'tJlf th• ......... ~WrM a.Dov•~ ''""' left u Utt 0 w9a llkb"rM uw ,.wm b-Ult 1n..Clf\I •r• FT\ R<Mi:t ~ pa-.ot .t u.. ~ Ba.e:ram"'rit cttumh: Roi-t Miditll.....,._, O~ K"'Pt o< the 8t. CQ1um1-11"1 Oeuncll; K. C., and ~tmt.n J".:.. ULL -8tatr Ptaoto 1 1teel 4 dr•wcr file ca blllel I lntertype 3-c•m· # )4aJ 1 lfltert ype C·l-20·M # 18172 10 rul!. me.p.zJ.nee •nd 1nat1 9 epltl ma.ga1tn.M •ml mat. II lr&y11 Qf m•U. eorta, etc:: 1 ne<W1 p!'Ol.lr pnia 1 full pare V&J1df'tC:QQk Comp. Rm. Cylinder proot prf'" ! h•ntl RouM mlterlng n1achln1 I hand ltad and 1lug cutter 1 1lngl e type cabin•t fwoo..I fra.me1 wllh 2t cue. Qf lype 2 doub\11 ly pt r ablpoel1 l •te•I 1 treme I wHlri M •-oil tl"l" 1 Sort ca binet I Mlli.t-bencll ••we T ateel compotll\&" tali.Ir• t full par e Utt t UrtlH I hoe•vy (kily "Gola" ma l l"Oli<"r ii I t !! 2 rull pafe e:lcctri~ IC:Of'('here l mat ~nlfe aaQ IM:rtch 1111 .. 1 top tulJ or .ly~ 1 .... ood~ I fHU p&g• nat c ... u n.r box 1 8t11rolype eaw 1 ~ lb. 111e:te.J pot J !!It erotype router 4100 Iba.. ot 3un.otYP9 n1etal ,.._ m~oe or the M.l d pl"Op- •rt.J l1 It) !Ang SMcll l"9lkrtlJ S.vlnir• • Loan ~laUon (21 t..uU M. .JuW. and J911n.I~ J 11le1. · tt6 121 AJllertee.n. A venue, Lo~ 8-eh. C..Ht . Th• 91Jd mortp,. wtll h ue· c::uted aM Ule con..tden1Uon the.re- '-" wt.U be ,..ti Oil W .. n9da,y, th• t1U. day el J ..... ry. J .... at th• Ml.w •f 111°' o•coc1t A.M., at '30 -...C Wl llt.. lm\I' -.ea., C.Ut'. Dated Dlee,.,b*r JOta. IHI .tr.cu..-. ade. !'iOO 311t Street, N ewport Beach Harb&r-2915 or B a.r. 4{41. tfc l----~~-------1 Throu(h tonr experience and 4-stom thorough undtr1tanding of advrrl CABINET WORK Using we can put your want• Into Done on prem1ioe11 WOl',d• tl'lat ••l a ctloo. N o job too a.ma.II. Phone Kl 3·33,8. 46<::60h OtJr new, higher •tarting wage and frequent ll'lc::ra.uu ~voea you thla opportunity. Open!n1"1 now for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS We wlll train you and you·u re· WASHING M.ACHlNF.S, AUTOMATIC A"NO WR.INGER 1TPU Sli:VE.RAL TO Sll:LECT P'ROM AW.. RE.A.BONA.BLY PRICl:.D-BUDGET nr:;R'.M..S-F'ft.l:E Dl:LJV. KNOX HARDWARE co. 420 Ea.at 4th St. Sant& Ana Kl 2-23M c::eive 1nany olh111r beneftt.... 1--------------------------?----Apply - 14-Penonal9 614 ~ No. Ma.In Street, Rm. 2ll, $0:-8-AppllaDoee TOOLS Se.nl.il Ana. ·r; . Loe1 us help you Aell . BOATS AJcoboUJ A.nonymoua v ·oo to •:OO P· Ql. C lea ra nce Special! FURNITURE w • · o. eo:. Sil PACIFIC TELEP~ONE LARGE 14 IT. REFRlG-Ne . • Beach, Calif. BUSINESSES Pll , Barbor •Tiii VOlJNO l1<dy lo 00 cleani.n& FREEZER Rllt'r1iferator 191)6 PhUco Delua• le.rs• family •We, R•~ h ... laf"Sl!I cobred v~ptable crlti· per, 8hal,._ Ill UI• ckror A all u t.rM. a Jt. runni.-notbtnc lo pe.y do'"llfll If c redit 0 .K. by Bank. lat paym.nt of $8.83 tm.e In 45 day•. Bal. due le l.161 .n . See e.nyUm•DaTorEve.ittM l W. Chapman. Ofangoe. 1nornlng1. xm•ll hotel. Perman· OOMBINATION CARS & TRUCKS -------11)-----:;:--'r-\I ,:.-'-'"~'~":··~·~'~-~H~·~'~-~609":"'~'-~-~,~·~u~' I -HO\JSEHOLQ ARTICLES '. :\y REG. S ELLS FOR $579.~ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ,J_~ ___ ._.,. _ _,__o_u_r_C_ar ___ ,,__ 1~ ~v~~;: .. ~i:.•; ':...,.droy h:t:~ ';:i~ L.Jl<E NEW ........ NOW $185 • OR Gi.'T A TENANT FIND YOU A J OB GET Y_9Y A HELPER WA:-0'"1' ride to Sllnt.a Ana or nll.- he:lm by 8 s.m. !Cir Hlgh.Sc'10<Jl girl Cflll Har OJ.~~·M "V,Jr1· or Kl 2·152·11 r1'l 286 d•Y~ ., TheM New1·Pr .. 11 Cla.sittfle.o:i Ad· l~Tran11~rtatlon Take:~ oe.poert• and thty e re atl"-;;....-"~""•-CC..=="----- your 1e.rvlce. Jwt pbone F T .. Y HARBOR 1618 New1-Presa Claaai!ied Ads HARBOR 1616 Moat Re&! F..8tate Cluoitied Ade DC~ NON ·STOP N.Y.C. 550• CHJCAQO $1511 • .o Round Trip Only l"TI'e Umou1lne to A.lfPOrt Bo.& LuncbM, Free. Tic.kct Dehvrt)' V.'A81i1NGTON, D.C. _ ·-Ji7 PH~ DZ::LPHl.A. ·········-··-US DAu..A.8 ·--·----·---549 um'ROJ1'1 ·-···-··-·· S7fl day. H ar. 474 , tilc.'IJ 0 ~E GAS OMER &: WOMAN 2.!'i to t.~ to arrange ap-AUTOMATIC WASHER pointn1t>nt11 only No 11 .. 111ng1 OUl.J)£ELL NEWfor$600 Salary • or C-Om ll1111111lon p\\la. «llr a.Jlow&ncoe 6r bonuA. Mr. E·BUILT, AS GOOD ~mlth Har 2!138·J J to 15 pm. A S NEW ····-···-·-$189.9S 62p.')4 ) c.1l Collkt KE &-r.1111. l~l:JQBT CUBIC rr. f'lfrig . c"004 condlUon "6--908 8. Bay Front or Ku. 6U7. ~2 SELECTION OF IMMEDIATE o~ntng-•t Orange. JRoney's Cooult Collece for lnlermedL•'" D USED REFRIG'S stt-no<lerk •tart.Ing aal•ry 52!..: FROM. $49.95 Ir: UP..,---,Small · Appli•nce per mo. Spilt glilft houri from TERMS TO SUIT 1 10 o p.m. and 15 :30 to 10·30 ...... • ~· Repairinll pm . .Mon . l.hru Thure. 8 lo 0 JAKE'S pm Frldey. Apply In pe.non a t m.., CIOtt99 ~ eke BUl1neu office or Collece ln Ad· APPLIANCES Z2S2 M 8"'d.. Costa K-. mlnltlr1t1on ftld&'. IS'2CM 1917 Harbor 819'(!. r. al V 6 Npt.. m.d..) LI ..... ~--Ll M071. •leuh -Whoelhflr you e.Nt ln bull-ror ... --... )'OUr.,.Jt or worlt tO'f" ~ e1-. l ==-c,.,.---,,,,--,,--.,------llOdi-,--•-I you cJ.11 UM ~ eluel.Oed a.di' lo REW ARD MO.OO for _,. .....,.,., O'K:D:rE 6 XERR1'IT rsnp., '115 trc/ ltDWAJtD V, 8 /.1.JT'oftt M<i~r ;a; Lolrm M . .nn.za fl/ JEKMI& JULl:fl ,....,_ ' The N,.a..Prea publl•hc• MV· Mal lUn• u many n al r•t•te O •••''kd Adlr aa ell otbf'r loclll pt.P1r• c:omblne4. HONOLULU -·-··· . ···-··-St 08 NH:W TORK .. -··--·--f8.8 C KICAOO . -·····-··-·-. 189 All Fe.ret -Plu. Tu 12( W. Ocean Blvd., L. 8 . PUC !:·&ti~ -NI!:..-. &-463& Sant.I A.I'll!.. 1 t T t: 3rtl KI 3·fl340 rour advantat"• to Mil riur _... oa pw'Cbuol of • ,_... Hamilton mpcML 1...-m• 6: ckJc& wlt.b °"" ""~ pn:iduce or ~. a\Jtoma.tle 'IPUher, phae ~ J.lmt-r. ctlrom. plA brollifr, and -M01'9 '°d more aave..U-ni ar. tlndlnl It prorltablt-. t.o WIC NEW8- MlJ:l'I~ c.i.a.inad 1U1e. chain drtvt'ft tr-Uc..~ down. that Utt up top. UMd Ofle No pa11n911l W 1906. month. S14.t.m cuti. t>r P"1 II THRON80N"8 Jll& NP'J)Ort Ave. per rfto. t«t W. Chapnuin. KD. eu Pf"-~ 1/2/M IL\llBOR 1616 'Co111.a· M" tl Onui.p . Q 8.0817 • lf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~-':~~~~~~~~~~~--,,--<~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ ./ ' • I . I -I : I r L • r r ,• • tr-m, t..m,.uun a.a N'o down. ,.,..._l. l .N per ·•k. 1 ~NaoN'a mo M....pan.A-. ~:'a a.. <:oo<a ,.__ t1 tYK-. 6. X.fT1.tl ru r&q:e llM 6d~ toldlq'--to' modfl u. .u chf'Qm• .-rtdd1. on top, lamp 6 ck>a. wtt.b O'Y"m\ Ulnu, Chrornt' ptll broil .... 'OMCI -17 ' ...-tM, lktn&' tftmtm't'H l:l.t. Uk• 0¥.,. my oontra.ct Wllb tb• S..IUI 6 pa.y ~ u.. b&l. of. 1111.-. °'1!7 pa7 11:82 pw rnoblb.. No ..irti needed. Ky oqult7 ff"M, ... -..,. Uma Day or Eva. at 1ttl W. Chapman, Ora.nca. Call C.Ollect KE 8-611f. ' ~Furaltare for 8-le • BEDROOM ..... 8 • 9 DR.A.WEI\~. mirror. bookcu.t bo&dbo&Td, trom a,:19 .60 TWIN Maple bed w1lh mat~ .. tam: ~. only . _ ... $.Mt.60 oa. I 6 9 DfU.WER ma.pk dr-r. A::l~--·~·j;~~ :~: ttnd With our low ov•rb y U be •Ul"pl1M(I haw much W• ca.a aaYo you. PJ- ta.k• • k>ok.. ll wW pay you. -. . ' We I • ' -... • WE HOPE TO llAxE IT MORE. ENJOYABLE BY . pWTTING YOU I~ A ' 19fi6 BUICK .. .. . ' COME IN -SEE & DRIVE •• CHECK OUR DEAL • . - Toke Pride • '" Best Buick Selling '~he, Yet \ • ' .. ' TERRY BUICK ' ~TH AND WALNUT. HUNTINGTON LE!XINGTON 6-4[)88 :~\ ,•. GOOD TER.Ma. ~ ... ' RETAIL rtJRNrI'URI: BROKQUI ~ .'\ o,i:.n Trlday Eve. Kl l ·U.38 l ---~---------------~·""-~..-''-----~rd at Bpurs:-on Sant.a Ana •"A--__ .. ...__,__ ' ' • , .\ _________ ___'."":'.'.'.'~'f ~---~":-.'-'~""'-''-0.o'~c:;:oo_ __ l olG--Ao&oe and w..RGE .....ru:' "''"''" '"~" YEA~ END CLEAN UP .Housken-n map1. rocker • m apl• ahlp• Wl'le.I mirror. H.a.r. !eM-~'-• SALE . SPORT CAR, 02(:.:)4. ~ ' JAGUAR. M..O. ' COM.Pt..rn runutur• And tum . NO IS THE TIME TO AUSTIN-H.EAl.JC tor 2 bdrm. twJu.. lnclud1n1 SAY REAL MONE't ~~~1~Q~~ Coldlipot dect. mrtc., , ... r&Jl&'ll. ON A USED TRUCK. ft.JCNA ULT ~ . l"tn. uphol•t..f'9d cba.lni and d av.np o rL Oro.el hlrhtaoy •• FROM i romo 10 Z1~~tse.lea' •lr-r .A: mirror, ehMt 4 ma.k• .lm· up table w1th mirror, s·1.,.b WHEE LE s. PICK-J'?r~ an '"'"' "°"' "'"·" "'' '"'"''' • UPS, PANELS , STAK · '"'' ""''(""' • , y ANA ~~!_~~ l~;~am;d~ ES ANO DUMPS, ALL '93} -· · 1 lion. M119t ..U. 301 Am.t.hyet. MAKES NO REA CM'TA ..I B&J..,. 1'l&nd. 00<'1 • • LI ..... , \11- , SQ NAB LE OFFER -., -· "' ATT Antique ~ra Repair C HJNA. Ol...A88 It BRlC-.A.-BRAC Eleanor O'K1&fa U.22 Wallr.•r JAcluoon 7-2T7T Cypr-lf 14--Mulcal,-TV Knowlton Electronic. TV ANTENNAS (Clear Bea.ti -HI Gain) • INSTA.LUCD compl.t.• to your Mt. $9.95 lllttc Piano _ ~n!_'!i~. ANKllUK PJA.No sJ:Rnci: KI 2.-TllO. 49Uc REFUSEQ AS W£ n-Aot0 .~. '' MUST CLEAN UP > THE· Lo T Motor Ovt1rhoul • NO M~ J5!lwN W. W . WOODS * with thi~,ad * GMC DEALER -. ., ~ e eyi., -~--$<8.88 91C.-lll !:, 4th St .. S..nta Ana Cy .,.. "~ A- T'r11('il: lleadqua rleni for OrllllJ• C<i. 8 !.; ··----. .,....: .• .: .. .., .. ....,0.M ------------'---l lncludea bout labor1 and p&rU. CAflll...LA C 'tl3 .-..2 ffd&n. po""e.r •te11rln1. W1ndo"" Urll, r•dlo- h••t11r 12290. Ll 1-1284. C.2p0-4. :ii J'ORD 2 d r w1tl\ J'o n10111at1c. V•ry clean. Or1ve H and you "'Ill buy IL 270 E Palm•r, C.M. LI 1·71174. a2cot Gront w. Musick Your Hudson Dealer SALES a.nd SER VICiif -1 ~ N. Loo Angolea KE 5-7278 N ..... rtn.1a. wrt1t plne. ""''" irtnd. ntUnre of',11:111lhl and ~ taeartnp. ~pert lhptor tun• up. llO-day or •.000 .pdlf (ilarante.. {NO MONET DOWNJ. .llEBUIL T EN OINES • -UP ~16 ·woNTHS TO PAl'4 Built In our own l act.oty by ekJUed machlnl9la. Dll!a';,-'Pl'lll.eDd w1Ur. th• mld<ll1 mat1=·8~. &rect... REBUILT. &nd Qlf A I .I .ED SHORT -... -', l'ORD ............ .'.--...t...1--_:.. 1129.&0 Clim¥ROLET --:4-+-1149.60 rLTK .• 001>9Z -~ . a1M •lUCl CHRTB. A DIC SOTO _ a1TO K-~.,.=P~T~U'ITLE----.. -P-C_Y_M_O_UTH_ ITUD.l:BA.K.l:R --~"'·-M___:_ a1TO Bclv'l4orti v..a ctub IOdan f.t. OLD8 4 PONfPU'.C 1 It--;--JlTO --::--_1 --~""'. --· e~ 1 "'lllClt t ~ jlTO t rim. duai Jnw11ar1, ri.dJO. aqua..-. • '• 0--• - • white t-Wo tono. LOW M.JLE-BUD80N ---:-----,-a1T6 AO!: 12100 Pr1 KI Lou Ou --~ 1'no Towlns . vat~ o..-nar nEW CAR GV7Ul~._ EE 8 PIK ET p. aPINrnl. M•aral 6·1•41 mor-nlnp 6 avenlnp. Biock muat m.-t · · •lan.da rd1 ir-.t Nfttal i'a.tUn).11 llk• new• I -~-=--------•-•_u_c Pig t.a.xeii }uk ud OU 1101na B&lom Maple, Blond Oak. J902 CHEVROLE'I'. 2 dr. aedan. -Op<mBEL•l,.E~ .. 5; lOEa.N~IN' p.Em .. rz-ench · Pr<wiDclaJ. Bav• JIM>. Shaved 6 lowered. Radio &.l'ld .._.S:::7 ... to 1115. T.rma Ju.t 1111:'! rimt pl~. l~ 11..1crna11 ~d. MO(l. REBUJL~S on bNano&. DA.NZ -8CHXIOT, Harbor 2302.' Otc63 L.l'C" UO N. Ka.In, Santa. An.a. '01 FORD cu1tom 2 dr. R. H • Open 0&1ly • io T ' lit.at.I Bon4ld YEAR END ~"'"" ™"· ~· 023•·w NEW .LOCATION OJI.GAN SPECIAL ! , '"" 310 East \frd St. ~r modtl Conn M1nu.t 19/1.0 MERCURY Monlclalrt. lwo BA.NT •. A. AN.A 8Jllfte' orpn.. L.Lka nllW. Bava tono eroam, ' d'r .. f)ow•r br,ka1, _ -----"-,~-,,,,,_ ___ _ 1216. I..J.bonJ l.rMla, Cdn•silent R6H. Unl~ 11..;, WSW t~ 0 .,., ·~ i-at 1ea11. 3,000 mile.•.· eo.t 1t1>t .. U-TrMien • , BHAl'l:R'8 (81nco 190'1) Ju.t broken ln 1211911. W I -MOO. * PORT ""R A.'ATGE' * 'll-'111 N. 8ycamoro, Santa Ana ti0cll2 \J' ~-. Phoae K.lmborly 2-oe72: 'T'lJ .& 11 -~ES lt4T BUICK .· 2 l'lr. Mdan. food ..... ~,_ Cram.C'O Oowaty'i Of'f&ll. Hdqtra. condition. ehea.p. GLI Station, "fld S ~ - northwe1t corner 17t h A Coa.11l 2200 ·/t'/: Coa.at .. l:lJw&y. YEAR END SPECIAL! OM MJ.y, mirror typo upri(ht p I an o , ln porfect oondition Torma, 126 doWn 6 II per mo. at llKAf'llR'B !Sinc:ie lilOT) tll-'111 N'. Bycaruon, s-ta Ana Phal1 Klmborl)' 2-0872 TV REPAIR J'AB'I' BCRVJCJ:. JUCA.SONABLI:.• Buvlco call.I till I p.rn. LI 8-GJOO " DO IT YOURSELF -.-HI-Fl B UILD YOUR O\\'N HI f'I phonal'r&f)h. Ul-inC Newcnmb • Hurnon-K~n AM-F"M u1n•r•. •mpUtlon. 1poak•rll A rocot-d pl.,-.n. Come In and .eee them . We wtll h•lp you uMmble 1.l. DAVIS-BROWN ' 18'e. H.arbor Blvrt. COit.. M--LI 11-343T • &.2.c6• Hla'hwa.,Y. u l -481C.. ~2 Newport Beech:.· LJ 8-4420 1966 C ADtl.L.AC 92 8odan, ~-'02-16' Happy J-tome~.t... l6M daft red, pracUcall)' nt'W. 4000 Mi-Hli', _:rravole.h ~o ia& m.IJea. extru. 1•400. Owner Mr. M -1• . Kel'laill retrr-l*ake• s pel Batty, U 8·2211. tlltfc '69-'I ' ParamOunt,-'!M.1 DI.count. '49 STUDEBAKER.. &e.9t buy yet! U -..d only u .. 2nd car." Ca.IL Mrll. OrT at Har. SIM>. lilcM New and U.ed TRUCK AND Pa11en9er TIRES 8-Hour Racappin9 ... Service Complete Br&ke Service AND Frorit End Ali&'nment ROAD 8PVJCB: FlrMlOllo Uud,a:at PJ.a.n Youn tor lb• Aaktni We raee<I clr_•~~~ed c trad11-ln1. PAN AM·.a<ICAN Pa.ra.,.;l;Jlllli.-kenuw · 'rra~leae-'J"erry . ~~ Mt fa 4l~wauu,d to~ . ~ Rentals Wanted Wr-rir-ed 1pl.11 11ntJ )\ou..1'9 In a tl -•~tlou fo r OOU1 i'fnttr and Y'-ar'• 1 .. a.e. f'11 1n o,. unrurn. • If you have 1. vivancy. rhl)llf' !OOIC)' - Tho Vo9,I . Co. 3201 \\' l:!il. Hwy., 1'..wpo1t B<"h Phone Llb!rty· 8-348 1 208 Ma.rln11. S.lbOa llland ' Phon• Harbor 444 "417 £. CO&#t HY .. cOro111. itfl Mar Phon• Hti.rbor 174,1 Lido O<tlco, Ml• \"la LldQ Harbor •t'71 1702 N•wpo,-t Blvd .. e:.~'keaa LJ'be.rty 1-3697 7 trc '3-A-Apta. for Beat TWO BICDfUC . .APT. t\rro.., rar. Wlater ronlal. Bea alter 8 p. m. 131--44lh St .• N•wpor\ Beach. ' 41Uc • * * ~NJOY LIVING on the Ocea.n F'ront. Kltc,hen11tte apt.a. 4 rrra. with priY_;At. bath. Kaid M r•lca. TV. 231)t Wul 0c-.o l""°°L H~bor ll091. * * * fl'OR S AU: and FOR REST, lJu- plu. turn 1 bdrm. apt avaJla bt .. Garace. Excellent locaUon Own· r r pay1 water, $82.M-CA.LL Wb9rty 8-1409. !Utt~ CHANNEL trvnl turn YEARLY RENT AL8. One bllr. lo bu• • U do ShOJM. Studio $~. two bdrm. I~ or l80 unfurn. A la<J •1tra W1e. I bdrm a pl. modern now redecorating:. $8U Leu fur w inter. Dock available. 91~ 31th Sl. Newp<1rt ~h. 01~3 YEARLY RENTAL~ bdrm . turn apt 197.6-0 mo. Wel•r paid. Neu bu• .A: bualnu. th•l. Lido Har. 1112-M. Cle~ BALBOA. ISi..£, yearly. k>Yt.ly claan .i.n1l• apt. Nlcaly _rum. Re1p<1ruilbJ. IOb9r adult. I~. utll pd. A'I'l&ntlc 1-036.5 or wr1t11 1121 Lorain Rd., San MLflno. 6Jpti! TWO BDRM. Modern unfum. duplu.. TOO Acacia. Corona de! MLf. Har. 209-V.' Ole~ DELVXE apt. ror 9 mqa. or yrly Laa• Nlcoly rum. 8mall bed- room • bath down ala.Ir•. Larre l11>1n1 room. Double bed room et(" .. OYer double 1ara1r. With tin• vi-of Bay. Doell: pr1vl•1- ea e•tr•. To quiet adulta wtth- out pet.I 112:) -109 SOU Ul Bay F'ront. Balboa l•l•nd. Har. IT14. tilt M LIDO ISLE 8.ACHELOR anti ono • two bdrm. apt.. She.rt term and yeuly. A.l.80, Udo Homu and ea.,. Front Home& ud apo.rt.menll. LI.DO REALTY AMoclateo ~ea Shell . Apts. l It 2 BEDR.M.. DELud ruRN. A PT8. To pretern<I tooa.nt.I. IAti • Up, uUI. Incl. ln<J W. 8&1bcM. Blvd., Newport Beach. 39ct12h LIDO ARMS APTS. & Marina VERY NEW V.'a.11 to .... ..i1 carpeting • dr•pu, G. E. Rf!f rl1 .. delu•e 1tove11, l!:ach ApL hu private rarare. TmiMta havt !Int N.11 for •lip•. One halt blk. to bu.ine.u cenlllr. 3408-12·18 6 20 Via bporu:i Office Har. l 002 alter a p. m . U 8-2111 tit lfe if'EAN VIEW drlwte I bedroom turn. a.pl. %ZU'. Marrtttttte~· Call own•r Harbor 47. ' BALBOA !BLAND ii bdrm. turn. bou.o 106 mo. Ull Jun11 16. ln· qu.Jra at proport7 2111 A.m11thyst or liLfbor ~ I ti0e02 E!RANO h"l!:W duple,,;. (\lnrurn.J, 2 """1rm• 176, We.•l •ld11 Colt.a Mua. Harbor O!TC>-J. 60c62 BA.L.BOA !BLAND. (lice turn horn• on Apolrna, 2 l)drm~ 2 both•. rlreplaf'._ He-..onabl1 l& lil'ht puty. No p.-: .... U 8·71!12• 01~3 HAW A 11 AN modem twu. 1 bed- room houa.e. Ma.hOJ . lr.lt.chen. dtlpoaal. W aJllld tropical patio $80 mo unl!I Jun .. J:') or $12::0 yrly Hu. l'l02. !!VU 2308-R ,,.,., BALBOA ISl...AND turn. •ttn.c· tiv• 3 bednn . 2 ~Lh borne, complele.ly t&.rpel.ed. Thermo he.at, fireplace., love.ly tropical patio Inti mo. winter-water ~'.\, or 126-0 m<."lflth, yearly. Hu. l'l(l2, eve.a 2306-R C.leM UNFl.TRNIBHXD on11 bdrm. t ol- t..,-o, v•ry pr1nto. atn.all )'Ltd. Stove, r11trt111rator • brl&)daat •el turn.. 349 Eut l~lh St. Tel. U l--4008. 61¢3 ,.., . -- LOANS for Homes 6" -IO 'JT. ~ Construction Loons ·flEll BOB 8A'ITLD. 2Gltl mA.8T 00A8T BLVD. Corona d•l X.f' H&rtlor !88! rt.p. POJJUER KORTOAOE CO. Mot~ Clo lnll. ~ Kl J--6t!le. 4.8ttc LO.A.NS TO BUILD, nwROV~ BlJY, MODER.NIU:, OR \ R1711fANCI!: We Bu)' Tn.iat Deed.a NJ!iWPORT BALBOA SAVlNG8 6 LOAN ABSOCL\ TION 33etl Via Udo Ph. Hu. 4200 "' NO CO MMISSION No Appra.iaal Fee IALQ -R.&rll'fANCE OONSTRUCTION Call fQr Fl"la Fut Commitment. on Reltdanoaa a.Ad Un.ti.. ooJ1 Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th SL 00BTA KUA u 8-0Ml Ll CASH ••• i"OR TRUST OJ:l:D8 ,...,., Wk. B. H OLT lil,ORTOAGE SA.l'iKING ' SINCE 1830. 1609 N. BUSH BANTA. A.NA KDiCBERLY 3-7118 I I . .. ' GOOD PAKILY HOME. N...-So. Bay. Lee. ,.rd. 3 bodrm. 1\0 i,.tha-, '28,l!OO About 200 tt. f!'Om No. Bay. Noot I boclrm.. f\D'D- lshed home. -Suhmlt down. $21!.000 LIDO NORD B&Y i'BONT JNC()VFl Lara'o lot. ~ bdrm. SY,, hath houae plua t.usual 2 B. R. apt. o~r 3 ca..r g&ra.ge. Both un( newly funiia.bed. QUALITY STREET, Wat<erfront at lt. ~t. Fine pier and fioat. Lge. lawn &r. patio. 3 flne BRa and 2 ballu, maid'• or guest rm. &: bath, Out.aide 1hower rm., (. &. beat. Gluaed ln l.a.nal. Alling $73,500. Good tenn.1 to qualified buyer. Har. 1n5 -Eve;t. Edith Maroon RYatt .. -· John Macnab, Harbor 53:S9. EARL w. STANLEY, Reoltor 2~ Marine Ave., Balboa ill.and NON-VETS OR VETS $290' impounds mo"e.H you in new 3 bedrm l 1 _ Back Bay area home-1'l<J'A' Taxe-a paid to 0eci 1956 , ' I bath, ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1$57 Newport Rl \'d. t...:Otita Jc!t"'t'IJl 1 .. 1 8-1&32 • Eves LI 8·140U CORONA DEL MAR I UVA.Bl.JC • roomy. Untum. 2 bdrm. home on Newport. Blvd.. !6~l=~R~ool~!_!l:a~t~ot~e_.!~~·~h~u~rf!_ Center of Coat.a MeM LA.rre Oiannmg rustic 2 bdrm. l.ome itet a'rnon~ tall p 111" lree8. 15 x 24, ft. living rrn . with lge. bay wi ndow, ru-eplace. boo k ahel"ea. Tik> In kit & b""11th t'ront pc.h., cedar r oof. Nice rdwd, renccJ ya.rd :! c11 r garage & laundry. The hi)mes nn eRt h i>ll h' ar1> &el ha.ck 80 there ls lots of room. Only Sl4 .~1'llO \ yard, 1lr. To b-9 rldeeon.ted. Harbor ~toe. tillfc SINGl..ll Cotta.111 -•ttra.tUv•. mod•m .A: clUJI.. Fully turn. Jlt.a.11 eho...-1r, bar kit.chan, tan- r.ed y a rd. Yrly. lnclud ...... It wa.Jitr~.IW ,.ml). Av.JI. Jan. l fJIJ·h IC. Bay A va., e.Jboa.. H.lr. 1087-W, Ole6# 3 B~DRM. ttous.r:. unturn. elec. •to••· TV An t. 6 walar tncl. E nc l. yard 190 mo. LI 8-2436, 2124 Nau. Ave., C.0.ta. Mieaa.- 62p04 BALBOA ISUND. f\.lm. hou.e- 2 bdnn. ( l •mail) 'r.A. h11.t. gar. • patio. Very ehoertul. nr. 1hopp1n,f. a real b&rpln IT~ mo.·wLnter. Har. 2128·M. 02ttc SM.ALL CABIN rum. '"° yoarJy. lntl. UUI. Ji.a.r. 740-W. ti2cM 1 BDRM. HOUSJ: w1th double l'•t- P'urn. or untum. near Bay lllld ahopptnr dlatr1ct, Balboa. WUl r:odeearall fnt....d111Ja.ble_ t..,:i.e.nL Glfn R. Patton. P. 0. Boll 3M. Chino, Callr. LYcomlnfi 8-1947. C.2pti• UNF'URN. two bedrm., boa.th, liv\ni: room. kitchen with r•rbel'r dlap gar. Neu beach, avall/oble Jan. 11'1. H.ar. 0849-W, \ 52tft LADT &Joni\ hM ~ lin nle• Today's Trade 8 UNITS PEN INSULA Oroeo yearly In.Como 13400 w1th permanent year around ltnAn!•. No .ummor renl&la. -1'11 unlta 1padoua, nearly 10,000 feeL 2 lot.. Loan now 132.000 a.t $300 mthly. :')"'"'· Wiil trade oqulty of 130,000. fo r : CLEAR H 0 ¥E TO $30,000 OR SM..A.LLll:R H O Mll AND CASH, OR WHAT HA VIC YOU ? "THIS IS HOT! !" Mo. pymlli $7~. The VogefCo. • 2667 E. C.st. Hw y .. Corona del Ma r H . 1•177 . 0757 Harbor_ Highlands .. ( ... Tt-IU ~1A ~ "('" Tl-IO~tA~ Gordon L. Andrew, Rltr. LI &-M21 £v•. Har. l2T3-'J ...,,, l 9l2 Viv1a.n Way ' NEW 4 brdroopu, 2'-i bol!h;11 Ju •l BEST EXCLUSIVES CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL! cornpll"ttt! -Ready In niov~ into. U nde~ s:ro.000 ttrinl'. - • Costo Meso CLIFF !IA \'E~ 3 bdrrn exce1- 276 Magnol ift l"1t <'OO•lll!On $18.000 or 8 ~room.a, 1-rlf' hvlnr; Ct.ffl'F" MA VEN Ch&• 1111n1 3 ~- room, l<!!p•r•te. dlnln( ro(un. 1 !'(Miii! rnolle• n $1 ~.:WO modern k llchen. On 2 Joi.. I , • • • Fruit lrtt ... \VU! af'll WLlh 11n111ll l'• 1(t!):"\'.A r>~:l. ,\,AR down payn1ent or µurchJ.M> l'0/1· • n~oie Ull•I :2 t)r,-lriiOm trac t. 11!'11 t l..n\·rly Hl<"(lm• 52:1,1$1{) Duncan Hardesty 1 u Ar.u<~A B ,~ ~:H.:1'·-r ;-.:,r .. l'I HOW ABOt.rr A TRADE, for man· 2 -.:• ope"ted c:J~r Income prop- erty w11t ~ of Loi A.ngelM. Valued al 166,000 wtUt ove.r 110,000 • ye11.r Lncom11 A low UpenM. Am rellrinl' 4 am tn- luOlled 1n B&¥ Front pr-o~rty. Will trad11 up or down. Owner, WEbllter, '6961 or write 2901 &>utb Coehra.n Avo., Loi An- Jol61 18. BROKERS INVITJtD REAi .. TOR I bdnn .. 1o1r t 0 h•~111,.0 nnly $:lll.~OO 2602 Newport 81\'d, Har 4718 CX.'1'.:"'1". ,..RV.'\"T ··F111er-l"pper". -----t l.><h·nia. l'Ll'S g11rage apt. A•kln1 11 11.000 43ttc HAPPY NEW YEAR homo tor ..mpklfea ~· LL • • ..MY EQUITY 81)M8. :i:ettc lN LAGUNA BEAC H ~mini Back Bay UA YSHORF:S \\'ATER Ji"RONT- Plrr A •lip for 4-0 toot boat - 4 bdrm• 4 hf.thli !ge_ n1mput1 'foOht ~llltnft1 1 'IUIC:l'll!n IM.000 1 -BR ... b .~.r.e, tani.l.l.l! flon:ie, ~J'ew :it.Int. cond!li()n-n1ay l11ue With Ol!:LUXE P"URS". APTS. 81n(1U ••••. ""mo.~· .... ,. NEW OFFICES lOf E:. Bay Ave., Balboa Kubo: houu . A•klnc sn.ooo wtth potentlall-tncoma ot approic. 1300 mon-lhly. Property la on 3 Iola with t ronl•I'• on i...una Can-1 ::u.o:::o~u~ .. w <ll hil;~ ::::: ''C'' THQ~AS , RJtr yon Ro.d. • & ASSOCIATES ~""· 8Uc e IDEAL FOR PROFES-Balboa Bay Properties, . i::.oo; V.'. &Joo. Btvd. RENTAL ,t SPECIALISTS c an !!:fin• Craig Blanche G a tos, Rlt r. 3 11 Marine Ave. Balboa laland. Ha'r:-til'T'1 -72trc Cha.rming HLrbor Haven Aputmenta • Patios N'ltW 4 ROOM., at1'"1!4!1l lev11I. Near .c:hool•. ahopplrtl' dlttrlCL Quiet. plrua.nt. '-xchi..lve. Oubaro dta- poa.al. laundry, rtorare rooma, garag11. $.82.60 up. OccuplM en· Ure 1trf'f't. OQo(I •Upervlalon. M.(r. lti-01 Haven P lace l Bloclr. South o( H.l (h &::hool ALSO FURN'JSHEO API'S. WINTER RATl!:S Otfc LA.ROI!: deh111e unfurn 2 bdrm. 2 bath a pt. St.o'*e • retrtr. rur- ni.hed. 709.... M.•rf\ler1l•. _Call owner Her. ,7. FURN . .8TUDJO A.PT 202 -Tth 8l , Balboa l60 yeuly Util. pd. H.ar 14.M or Har. 2221-J . 02eC.t L'ORON.A DEL MAR, I ~rm. apt. turn .• 183 Incl. uUI l bdnn apt. turn• JT6 Incl. uUI. 6 I 1t1.1dlo apt. turn . JM ln<.I. utU. L..1 8-tl"l!UI nr Har. 1378. :'12PM THR£1i: ROOM P-URN. APT,"Wlll SIONAL o~ BUSINESS USE. [ Kar . 6188 or 1219-J. Olel:t1 Loc•.ted in - flubor Invest.nient Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd. TWO UNIT hou.ff a.nd/"rare Jl'or tf bouM 111p or down o lot ... dn. H&r. 1600 -------------payment. 243 It. 120th St .• L.A. !'EW BLDG. PL 6·-021T. a2¢\ C.Or. -19th 4 Piac.nUa."'C. M.. FOR RENT two bdrm. horn• ....! 111lov• It refr1f . tum.) lnclude1 1-------------- •toro room • two oftie. 1pa.ce1. J'OR. BALS BT OWN"J:R.----.f. ~- 1100 month. OR WUJ nnl upa-room home, l" ·ba.lhll, l&nd· rately l otttce at 176 and 1 at seapod • feocod. IJ'HA loan. ~ month.. .u.o amall .noro SlOO Freedom hom11 area. cau mo. Call owner J.Jborty 1-8223 Liberty 8-622! momlnp or 1DOminS• or an.er o p.m. tuc after a p. 111. lfl!c HARBOR BLVD. FRONTAGlt 'J'woo fDltfetftll Locafion1 One wlUI Office, one w ith Bunp· Low. Mc.Man1111 ltff H.a.rbor W 8-3333 46Uc SPARKW.NG cloui ' rm. arfloe. plua Jl*rklnf 6 adwortlllna: •pac~on bWly N•wport Blvd, Ct.ta Meu.. Har. 1:>108-6ltte C'OZY. A WA.RM WATERJl'RPNT. Newport X.le bun1alow. 'ONLY $11.000, term.. H.A.RBOR lNVE8'l'MEN'T CO. Har. 1800 Cvea. Hu. ~4-J 6l°C6s BY GWNER LZql THAN QQ TR. OLD - I 1'ednn., 2 baUJ homo. hWd. noon. t f'e.r •-N•· IU.600 • f2" Kn.~ Pl.., eo.ta x .... 3 BR. Harbor Hld11 . beauty 11 7.760 224 \\'. Coul Hl"''"Y _ Ll 8·Mi2T Vltw IOU . IC26-0, $MOO, 18000 up 2 ACRES .. ~·-··-···· Prlc.ci Rtght. COBTAi MlCBA -M-1 kldJ .. 2000 -.q. IL, le.JI or r'-. Claire Von · Horn Attentio~ Investors! PRICE R.EDUCED Newport &ac:h "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS £orona Highlonds Panoramic Oc•an View BRA.ND NEW duplu., deluxe con- •tructlon In rull1c mockm .... Lhf!tle 2 t-.llt, ~ fVll7 CU• ~led, have olectrlc o•etl9 and "" irrUla. Income IMOO ))Ir 1•r. F .P. $31,600-47' MomJnc Can· yon Road. Kar. 37UJ. tildfh ror ciwck acUon on · thlll bu.mMS property, 2 modern buUdlnc"• OQ l -------------- 13' • 13T lot that abould Ju.fl or rent tor a total of at leut PIMI per month.. P'Mnty of room tor ~oa. A.dequat. puk- ~-Located ln tbe r .. tut ~ put ol eo.c.a Me•. rlfbl ln the he.rt ol. a large, MW abopptq C-t.r', Wben lhla .. pa. . , . U..t'1 ltl Approa: fll,QOO cMb doWl\ ,...wred:. Calf °""""" LlbertJ a...usi ~ or alt« I p. m. tic PJ:NIN8ULA • Ul11t apt., 4 pr., !! yrs. old. 'iii block to t. y. $S4 .~ x:a.y tarm.1. Alao NEW· PORT HD.ORTS l bdrm. home, S 71"11. oic!, WW carpeUn1 tl19- plac. dbl. P'· plu., $10,600 ita.y t.urna. Owntr, 4oe ft.JYW- BICBT BUT Qorona dol Kar duplu . Modern 2: br .• :Z bath bom,.__ Sepante I br. &!Ml bath apt. Only $19,600, tanna. HARBOR INV"ll8TJOJNT 00. Har. 1800 ltv•. Ku. "8'H-J IUCIN $9,400 OWNER 'I'RA.NUERR&D, I Md- room1, w.U landeolp«i. t-W.. e&rpeUfll'. drapfti ... 11000 dn .• low mo. pa.ymen.t.a. 1980 Federal,, Colt.a w--LI 1--211 l. OOe63 " HOWARD RY AN '8-A.pta. A fl•: ! l ac«pt 1am• hou-orll: u po.n r..ym11n L Her 411116 lltt•r 6 p.m . RV8TIC REDWOOD BLDG. U by 5da Dr. L1 8-Sll&. 4ic64 Ll Mll8 4lcM 14 wlt:b parktn1. Oood BaJbc;m. Blvd, locaUon. Ck». lo n-LIOQ R 3 WATERFRONT OUPLICX. Lower o~ -120 n. • two----tO rt; all a.djolalnc Back s.,-~Id bo '°"'' lota-SeD all or aepa· rate -Caab oir t.onna. Ownar want. adJcG.. Elllr. 13411 19Uo - ·tt .POUR DR. 12 CA Dll..l.AC. tMI'# f'Wll. WW W-, upholllt.r· tac •ciaptklll&D.J ckia.n. runa fl*l llaM ...... lb.rbor TOI. ""' 801 · 809 W, i.t St. IANTA ANA KI S-&MJ ' ..... ATrllACnvs land 2 bdrm.. t\r.rn. .w-t12c64 City Tnllar Park. n .. --.ble -2 br., l" t.th-Upper 1 br. &nd BT O~llR to.UO l'L lot acl'09i uuuu.-paid. l QI' , c."lrildr-.n. .t.un.41'J room. 8 L U I: T 0 P 4,PT_ MCYJ'EL ~ Kewpc:rt 81"'1. Mpt. ._. Jut .-.., UM An:lllle. JM:te ._ .. .. CLLPT KA Vl:N n-apt.., I bd"71. rent. lo..I toe-otn~. bvber ~ 2 -10 "-loU oa Bo. fll,7 l"n:mt. baUl. Honie A Uu»m• ONLY from most eUta property In ty.rn $1Kl J'T IJ. -.. 1-. LJ •tt or will remockl to GJ.lt ten· a:tt,000 each. CaJ1 T . 0. ao,.,.._ 126.000. Coirta Mm&. Good tor •Pk· J.4619, 211 SL And,.....• Road. alll. a-at lhtl W. a.Jboa Bl•d if~. llJoM...W, or RT.._ l-eo21. HARBOR 1NVE.8'nfElllT cp. Mm• a.t '3600-Llb4!rty --6103. N'-part 8-ch 62e64 lfa.rhof 4072. ak&t lltlc Har. 1800 ltvM. Har. ~•4.J fl~~ 4kfltl _ _:_:_:__~~~~-:--~~~~~~~~~~:__:__~~~-,¥-~'-'-'--~~~~~~ \ r r~ ' ---.. I ' i ' • • . I I l r \ ' 1% Reol- VOGEL VALUES SEEING IS ' BELIEVING A.T BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS -2 BR. hotD6 plua 2 BR. apt. over large gar&ge. Near South Bay with brick patio &nd nicely fumiehed. Listed SM,000. Move right in $10,000 do. IT'S A BEAtrrY -Nearly new thick t1hake roof, ranch style home with 18 x 25 ft . living room, large open be&Jll ceiling, and p&neUed wa.11.s. Complete electric kitchen with thermador oven, diehwuber, brick tiled aink, and cor k floor. Giant t1iz.e fireplace, and furnace heat. Two bedrooms, one is king tiize with wardrobeti and drawers. f.'ull bathroom, garage, & laundry r oom. Fine drapes, curt.a.ins, wall to we.U carpet. Priced $28,500 and well worth the-money. Call now for apPQ,intme11L Harbor 444 ' THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A\•cnu e, Balb11R !:>land Next doo r to the P08l Offh:e Har. 444 Eve• Har. 1229-R Har. 424.R-R '· .. ·-' . BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. J. Leonard Sm.ilh, Oloden .M. y a.nd Ra.nd&ll F. Geddem , • and Associates Extend Best Wishes for the New Year NEWPORT-BALBOA Gloden M F'ay, Mgr. Katherine Olson !o.1a rJoric Chase .. -:.. 1-i Cha.se f{u lh Telfer, ~c. l ·l~ W . BALBOA Al.\'D .. (ARBOI~ 126-l LIDO . R . C. Greer, Mgr, Worthington Lee Dick 1''orton Hel .. n Baum Ann lfulch1n.eon , S('(' 3112 LAF'AYE'l"IE HARBOR 3643 • U Reolblale. CORONA. DEL MAR Thomu CampbeU, Mgr. Doria Walker Charles 1-lam.ilton 8530 E . COAST H IGHWAY HARBOR 5249 ' . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • P.A61 I MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1956 ·, a •..i"±t / EARL W. ST AN LEY. Realtor MILDRED ST AN LEY STAFF and ASSOCIATES Join , v v Best Buys Corona del Mar , COSTA MESA OFFICES HAPPY , in Extending HOLIDAY GREETINGS ,, and l . SHORECLIFFS, Ocean VJl.'W honies.' ~cveral ex<:lu - 11ive lilltlngs W1th ua. _ 2. DUPLEX -One bOOrm. each, C~lr lot .... ~ t 7,500 3. DUPLEX-2 bdnna. ea. cot . lot. Exclusive $22.500 4. CORONA lilGHLANDS -Juat lb1ted ocean view, immaculate 2 bdrm. & den, 2 baths. Only $28,000 ~-OCEAN VIEW, 3 UNITS -45' lot . A steal at $38,::iOO. Only few feet to ocean front & China Cove. SEE US F'IRST for better buya i n homef!I & build- ing sit.ea tn Corona del Mar. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LtSTlNGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRJd; T. McCUISTION, Res!Lor , 3«7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona de! ?.far Bank ) REALTORS From Balboa, Balboa l sland, Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach Extend our hearUest thanks to you for the privilege of Kt'Ying you in 19~. Our aJm In W is to cotitinue to merit your confidence~ .. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach ST ART THE NEW YEAR RIGHT With one of these firat claaa Balboa. Island properties; Unuaually nice Monterey home, 4 bedrma.- dining room, forced air heat plu11 attractive 2 bedrin .- •pL with ti.replace. $38,000 terms. Little l11land spacious home -large li ving room, garden room & dining room all adjoi ning patio. Three aunny BRs. upslain, ample closet & atorage space. $35,000 terms. Owner anxious to sell-eute 2 bedrm home with large 11un.ny patio. Room to build apt. over the prage. $18,750 low down payment. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD -Realtors -HADFIELD Park Ave. at Mutne:, Balboa l•land Harbor 2462 SELECTED LISTINGS! BALBOA COVES:-Waterfront. pier&. slip. OwnC"r hu moved' to the Valley and can't use his boat , ao it goea with this fine 3 bedroom 2 bath home. LIDO ISLE :-A choice wide lot at $12.000! BAYSHORES :-Extra! Extra! Very fine large 4 bdrm. home-owner will trade for sm.&lier one-Story home. CORONA HJGHLANDS:-Barg11.in In R-'2 lat. CX>ST A MESA :-Out of the ordinary triplex. all rented -Real good tenru1. ... SOtm-l LAGUNA :-In Thre• An:h Bay -one-of the finest ocean rroot homoe in Soutllern CaJjrorn1a. Out-of-thbi-world ''i~! Owner in Mez:k o and we have the key. I R . F . Geddet1, b.igr Arthur Tiet&, Mgr. Robert Goo&Jen Gillette Batley M~ry Rell, Sec. Bobbie DcFir 1875 HARBOR AL\10 1696 NEWPORT BLVD. l ~~~~~~~~~~L_1_s_E_R_TY~~8·_i_i_l·l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LIB~-ER~TY~~8·_1_1e_1~~~~~~~ P. a. palmer developers Lido Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upstairs wlth decka. 2 bedrnt 1 bath do'>'i'T1atair11 with E"ncloaed patio. Roth <1pts . ha\'e fo rced air furnace. fireplace. <'ar· pcl1ng, drar<'s, rC'frigt•rntor, stov~ Un beiLevabl y prlcet.1 at ooly $57,000. $12,000 dO'i''n. ..., bed.rm . houHC plua sleeping room and 1 :.: bath attached to garage. Newly decorated & onJy 22,500 New 3 bdrrn. 2 bath ho.me with full furnace', mas- siv~ fi replace. w8lled and planted. $26,500 !\cw 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with a ll extra.a on \'ii\ Orvieto. Thu; is a fine house in a.n excellent locat1on . $32,500 40 ;r;: 110 8 1\ 'l'VJEW lot acr oss from community beach on Lido 8oud. $14 ,000 p. a. palmer, incorporated -ole ha.nson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 incorporated of Lido Isle Happy Holidaya will be youn forever in this cute 3 BR. 2 bath bome located on Kings Rd. Harbor Vie"·· 2 patioL Room for a pool -$24.500. HAPPY NEW YEA.R -Bill F&.nU1worth New Home, New Year all the ea.me time. You and your family can st.art the New Year in your new home on Lltlo. It will be completed juat in time for you , to celebrate -3 BR. 2 batha, flrepta.ce, eliding doors \o the Patio -$32.500 HAPPY NEW YEAR -Dave Osbura Year Yes, • one year old home on beautiful Lido I.le .. G&ily deeo~ted thruout-3 large bdrm.a., 3 beautiful bathroom11, and one of the smart.est powder rooms YQU will ever lie.fl, family room. extras galore. HAPPY NEW YEAR -J oe Kincaid p. a. palmer, incorporated ole ba.nBon co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty S-M13 LOOK AH.l-:AI> TO THE NEW YEAR . HELP US LOSE SOME MONEY! Houston Values I f':njvy 1hr pride or nwnl nK yflur u1<o•n hr.irnr AS K 10 8 1-:t-: lh~ 2 hrolrr11. h O:nnel .nn :he l''"n•n,.\llR l '<11nl fron1 Sl!'l.8.')0 1n 17.~\ 1111 rum111hM l<O•l l(o•JO I to>ru1~ IF vnv J.lliE Tl!~"; A l{~;A 'lf>SO ''' the !ot.•111~· 111 JJ.,,,lb••ll 11ntl rh.>"e to th" tiay "'" h;\'"' thrn1 1r.,n1 $1 2,:">o•~ to $17,nf/O ' One of our cht•t1ts just bought a home. tben had a. change of plans -can't uae it -must sell it. 2 BR's. large din. rm .. cute kit., huge liv. nn. with fireplace, lovely patio. House carpeted wall to wall. A reasonable down pmnl. and assume (of all things) a (;. 1. lo<rtl' will get you In . Best location - Only 515,250. better hurry. Full Price $7500 N'!CAT 2 BDRM., 21,!1 yr8. old, cemvit blk. fence, on ewer Only I~ 1ln. Owner a1111;lou.. E11;cJ. prop. Only 112.~oo. I" tenn•. BEST WISHES ·tor a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR PANORAMIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HOME Large family \•iew home, 6 bedrooma, 5 1 ~ batla and• slip out front for your boat. This sound. older home in a prime l...id o location w1U offer a wonderful way or life !or every member of that large family ot youn. -you too, Dad. Full price $74 ,500. Submit ·your ~rou. By the. way, the owner wiU trade for good lncomC or buaineu property in!.,. A, o r Orange County. llDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Udo R-3-Strada comer lot •O x 115. Price $20.000. Your Wt cha.nee to develop your own income on e.x:clu.aive Lido late. NEW LIDO THREE BEDROOM With 2~ balha. Huge carpeted muter bedroom with private sun deck. Thi. at.reel to atreet Lido homa bu many lux.ury feature. such u built-in •love and ov"'°, diabwa.aher -loada or clOlleU - used brick fireplace and a.n. ~-" large laundry and ·storae-e room. Price S31 ,750 with euy terms. For these a.ad many other exclu11ive listinp on Udo Isle call • < LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES -W.KEMPTON GENE VREELAND 3400 Via Lldo J . H. GROHMAN VIRGlNIA MANSON Ha.rbor «« (Acrou from Richard'• Market Entrance) l~' YiJl' J•J;l~FER n hv111e wltJ1 Int"""'" luu, .... ,. hoi.1r 1h<>~" from s 1 ~ ;::,n to 1~2.wn R. l." ~T~~~~EL~~0ealtor S;~ ,~::.r~~ .. ,'!vt, Only $1500 D·own\ -------------- 3622 E. Coast llwy., Corona del Mar'\ Har. 2774 ' 11-" \'DU HAVE CHU:KIS HEO t.h11 d,:11,., 10" o"' n • ta.y rrnnt hon1e I ----------------------1 "'' l\a vr " wonrle1 fn! d•1pl"ll v11 111rol "t 15~.oo" 1<o11h 'pr1"~,,. tor 11r.h. p11r rli:;h l• w..11.J only ' 2 BDRM .. rir'!pl, on &0"K l9~ lot. EZ U rtn• on ba !Mtr-, only 6 VOGEL VALUES -COST A MESA yee.n old. * * * Choice M-1 • Exitellent C-2 Development Opportunity 70lll2i O NLY t 7:100 F"l "LL PRlClt l .t kcres one block oft Newport Blvd., leu than 1Aa rr \\"ll,L HI·: A PLEAl;l "l\E f!•I !his 1 .. ni.:: ''"'"h!l11l1rd flrn• to 11.,111•t ~ .. 11 In sf'lrctlni;: " ht•n•" In ID!itl. A proeperoua and · 3 br. -100x300 lot J the property developed wiLh mont.hly• income ot ,S.215. A 330' z: 19-i' parcel of land cloee to eo.ta I Mesa Oty Center1 ripe for developing. $6000 down. HAPPY NEW YEAR ~ Balboa Realty Co. t ~ppn•11e K·1,k tll Ano,.t lf'!\ lt•>~3 c;,,,eJ~y F:•l r~ I Al 1 .1r11(·l1n~ .J • "tpl1lne \\"et.b i <H) F: f\11 jb('IA Blvd ., B•lbo~11 )'hnn" u ... oor ~277 Balboa Dl:PLEX. rurni9hetl Sl t .&O Two :?-bdrnL Qt.. All on one OOOf. \\"11lk 1nlf t11 11t1U1ce lo •lownto"'·n Bfl lbo11.. Sho...,•!ng good lnc0me Submit on ltrn1• · Ocean Front $1 ~.000. UOOD T!;RM8. 3 1>'111rm older 11nm,, p11Tt111!1y t'11rnl1thftl. t'·l rone H"l'lrt ,.,.f B•tb(>a 2 <'Ir lii'.ar111i:. 1tr~ ror apL •bo'l•·t Cgast Properties HAPPY NEW YEAR to all DORIS BRAY, Reeltor ~1 1DGE ~11 CK JlM Bt,QDGETT CLARENCE LAKE 216 Marine, Balboa Island H~. 20 or 64 ·· BILL'S BEST BUY NOW Uf.JDER CONSTRUCTION NEW-3 and 4 bedroom homes with 2 bathroomt AJ low aa $395 down and $75 a month Many Modern Conveniences . , . even Sidew&!Ji:a ONLY A FEW LEFT -SEE US NOW! "you'll like our f~nd1y 9!1!rvice" . , , ... • i10.000 -GOOD TERMS • Houston Realty Co. '4000 down-Corona de! Mar-Permanent ovean 'flew. ... ASSOClAT~ Few atepe to be&ehem. " bdrJ:na. See UU.! 609 Ce.oter: St~ ~ MeM -Full price $2(,~ Ll 11-8911 ... w 8-7784 .. LYTLE -Ev". Ph. U 8·204.2 PIC'TrrrE -Eve. Ph. LI 8-M87 iOiYMOUR -Eve . Ph Ila. ~298W Bay Shores 2671 Clrcle-Drtve 0 Pf!ln Delly -t-4.:JO NO\V PIUCE.:O T O SEI..L S bdrm., l % bath, trpl., F. A. heal,. all elec:. kitchen. Sp&cioua $8000 Buys nice 2 bdrm. home two bloc:lu from ahopplnc di!ltrict. Room to build for income. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Uberty 8-~97 paUo -built In BBQ. Ov-eralMI ---------------------- ' g•r11ge, ge.nero1111 •tora,re. RALPH P. MASKEY REALTOR 341 l NtW'f"'rl Blvr1. Npl. Bcb. ' Ha.rbor 401 LAGUNA ROOMING HOUSE ruJI prke only $22,000 with monthly In-or •pprox. $300. Property la on 3 lot.a . with IAJwl& Canyon Rood Croat.age. 0-will conolder • e.xc:b&nge ror local property. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES -- ' I t ' ' I • '¥- I •. • ., '• 11 Skin bck wtth 6 tlerL H11lda I 1klr~ .. , •.... 69c l.!t ~T'9r Al•t&l Sklrt Rad1 ................... 99, 810UM Tr. with 1wlvtl arm.1 tor 6 blou.a~•· .... -69c 11 T~ Hen.,.r Set, for 3 p1!r1 .•..•••. ·, •• 4Sc I.JI WoDJ.91!1.'I Sho. Raclt for !I p11r•. ····1.7 9 0 8 Shoe R&eli. for 12 pair• r..t wou1fn'1 eh<~.1 .,. 2.79 1.91 lti.o. Rack fort r e!r1 of woinen'• "'"'°"" .. , · 1.1S ft Dampen.Jn• B&p, jumbo 11zt, clter 1>la.ur ... ·BBc 11 lk• C7f Two Sweater H•i"I· ~·1th Z•/!l'"I • .... 88c 11 &ft oI Four S•Mter Bap, en "l!lope atyl• . -88c 1.lt Jumbo Sls.t Blanket B1..,1. llol<l t"'"· .. -88c th Ibo.pl~ Coftr1 f or wumtn'a p rmenta ... 4 '$1 ~Shoulder Con r1 for men'• a-•m1eot.-... ,3 S1 ua Oum.nt Bae•. jumbo dn:&I 91t~.. .1.98 l/11 Drw. 11.t1d BlouM Hanlr"rB 111 rla~tu· 8 89c l/tl Women'• Solt li1ur1111 "''ilh c!1v1. , .•.. ,4 89c • ............... JU and eh P-.IM and Br111delolh~. yard. . .J7c fie WM, ANDflSOH.IS~Al.11• l'llNTS. A lo v •tr Sftllp ol on~reailtant cot tuna. . .. • ..... S 7 e: l .U to Ul WooJ..111 •nd Woohn blends. Eitel!t!nt 1k1rt aad 1ui\ w1l1'hU.,. · • · · · · · · · • • • • • · · · · ·• · • • · 2 .87 1 .4~ C&m.all11e Reyo11 Fl•nn•l. cnu h '"11.tt1nt •... t .27 1.96 Sa!1ri ,.,,na ll11oe11. T1Llon be1u11tu!!}· ..... 1.67 Glfh •IHI Le111,. • l.16 l111si-n.4 a')'ft.al J•m OT ~nd!ment J1r1 ...... si'- lL~ B~ L&mp1 11' 4 1ty\n . Antique or brollH r!n- Yll. So-S4'" tall. ................. , ........ 9.99 l.MPORTEO CUPS AND SAUC!:RS tor the ~ol ­ lector. A tboiee ot Ill 1hllpe1, a 'll'id• v1riety ot color1 ..•.........................• for 2.99 '4 nl1M Eliube'b A.rden Blue Gr1a1 or J une Ger band lotion. 16 ou .. with diapenHr .......... 2 . l:li1.1.betb Arden ~. hand lotion with rli~pen~er .. S2" A rden Fikmou1 Firmo...Litt lolion, 15 11i-11lu1 • 1pf! pkr. of Special Salon Oil a nd i'erfeC'l1un Cr,.1111 SS" 1.60 111.,.., ClieM Cream Bojly M1u1aa:e ........ 1.50" Fl.l!I011.1 Dorotb' Gray bt1ut-, aid1, apecially prited !.2~ Dry Skin Miitur1 S1 • S'Z Drv Skin l.otion S1 • S• Dry 81d11 >f.a 1 .75" 2.60 Jl ormon1 lid. Cr. t .25" p c.norm Hormone Cn1rn ................... 2 .50" 1k411ty Aida bJ" PrillH Mat.chaboelll: '2 Ducheaa of Yori Colo1r11e .................... 51 • •a Dach .. a of YoTlt Co\IJ1r?l•· .. ·•········•····1.50" 12 Va.Jue Ducheu Soa p ....................... -1.25 1.60 Valu• Abano bath cap1ule1 ................. s 1• Hll.ua Rublnatein C rum spec:oal!\: .. Value E1trop.ai1 Hormone Crtafr• ,.orl l!ormnn• on ....................................... 1.so · Eatl"OC'lnlc Ronnon• Cre•m, nor. 3.5-ll: llorn1one oi l 2.60; Silk Tone S~l&l "ll'ith Hormones. rt ir. S-J. S,.t of th• I, a 19 ...-aiu •••••.••••. : •.•.•..•..•... ss· $3 Wrlal•J SCllp. 1';rencll-mllled, E!11:ht t1~3 .... 1.98 1'tlaay 1pe.ciai.: •t Wind and WulJ'leT Lotioft .................. 50<• U Wlud 1.nd Weather Lotion ................... $1' t2 Band Cr•am .•• :5 1• 1.7~ Cream Sh"mf'!"·····S1 •.60 Ciro Toilet Wawr, Ne,.. Hoti1ona, ~·u rr ... ,,d .. ~. O.ncer, Refft•ion1, OT Ricochet .............. 1 .95 • BJ J acquelin• Cochran : 1.11 Lotion Quk lr: Clean1er ................... 1.so · t2 Vil!. ReYlon Aquamarine i .otion. Double 'iu. 1.25" ·" f3 Valu. So!-S.t No-Lac, 12 1!w plus $1 1i1111.of Uri· Mftt deodorant. Botb ......................... 52• J6 Bonn• Bell Plu1 SO Cnam ................ 2 .50" S2 Vlllue Houbigant Hand Lotion plu1 d11pen1er 1.50 " 1.75 Dubarry N..,.. Lotion Superti.i ............ 1.10° 1.76 Rkhard Hudnut Crt!rn• RinM .......... · .1.10• 1.50 Endoc:rt!m. Clean11lnt: Crearu .....•..... · · 1.25 • JS Lucien Lel..onc Colorrne. Balalaika, Jndi1rrew 2 .50° !.50~C.Olonial Damcm all pu rp-O&e c1'1!an1 .......• 1.25 ° 1.60 C.Olonial ·Dames 1il in freMmrr ... , ....... • · . S1 • SA VE ON TISSUE !!le F'luffr F'acie l Tluue, 300 1lna:le ~httU or !Otl 3-plJ. White. ~ach. blu1: Jmlf!ll, f1!llo ,.. 5 /S1 !!le Fluffy T oll't T111ue, 600 2-pl' 11leet.s. fac11I type. Whil.e, peach, blue. rreen, !'ll'llo"ll'. Cat.e nf JOI rolb ...... , ...................... · .$10 ~-f l Wm11M1'• Linen Hanliie1 in pr\nU. J&"' •i1e .•• ,59c $1 Women'• s .. is. Hankiff w1lh embrold,l'y ...•. 59c l l Womezi'a Whit. embroldand M•deira h1nk:ie9 .. S9c 11 .Ken'1 Linen Jniti•ls. 19 .. 1111. &:r~ .... , .6 ,'2.15 M>e llfer1'1 Linan BandkeTChi.fa. Alao wh!le cord. t7c . 4 1$1 ' • I _,,..-- ' ' save ORE on everyth"1n9 for yourself ..ru .. f·-" h • • • 1 --...,,.y • • • your ome , JANUARY brings you quality WHlTE_ "'EDS at, the lowest prices in fciwn! Sheets and Beddi11g "MOHAWK" MUSLIN SHEET>-- 130 Count 2 ~!l-72xl08" or twin top <ir f~,unr .. 1hlH!t.oJ , .. ' 89 :!g!l......,Sl 1 l08" "! f!O!.ll1le WI• o;,i IJ<,•tturu •~•tcb, ti 6!1c-l:!1:!ti" p1ll<1,.. rallt'• •• 2.t~ l jllca H1a,-, ~11.1tl n ~h .... 1.a 1-&0 eoun1 2 ~'J-iZ..1011" or twin !.il11 ur butt(>rll "1heet.. .. "a. 2.49 :.' '.•!! 81 1108" or do1.1b!1 l.Qp or OOu orn 1hr,u .. ea 2 .69 1;\•c-,'.:!136" l•llit•w r1~1 ... t• S9c \[oh•,.~ Pere•~• Shl'eta, bleer h...! •nuwt wh1 ~ ~ J:t-i::1 J01j" ur \"ll'U\ Wp or botton1 1h.,..u .. ra. 2.69 J ~~--!Il l LOii" or do1.1bl1 wu or b(.tt""' 9het-ta .. ta, 2.89 ::S Ml-901108-~.itr1 "ll'idth aheo:!t.1 ............ ea. 3 .29 :1 fl!J...--721120 .. utra lon11: twin 1M .......... , •. 2.99 3 !l'.l-8J:rl'ZO" ti:tr& lonv dou ble sn.e ....... ·••· l .39 b 95-IOO'':r l:!O"'ldoir or queen 11:1:1 1hteta .•.. I.a.. 5 .49 ~:1<·-,t2:i;38 .,,.'1ullow ra1es ...•.•..... ,, .. , ... ea. 69c Muha"k P,rcal1 Shce.l.I, \n yellow, ro1e, lrlua, 11:rttn, 111n~ ·1 r.:.-7~1llJif' or 1w1n Ute holtom 11\fi~l.a ., ... ea. 2.99 3:•'.1-8\1!llk" or dnYbl1 tM"lt1.01n 1heeUr. ....... e.1. 3 .29 )u,·--12138'-i pillow c•1,1 ....... , ..•........ ea. 79t 1·~11uot "plu~-1-ervini" muahn abeell. t;1lra !ooic . 2 J!l-7211}3", reversibl1 hema •. ,, .....•.. ea 2.59 3 l~-,81111 3". r'vrn1bl1 hem1 ......... ,., .. ea. 2.79 6!Jc-,t:t1Jti"' J'lllow east'~..... . •..... , .... •9c \\f1m1utt.1 "'Suptrt ale" ':rtra f1n1 1hf'<!'LI. 5 95-72r!08~ .. ea. •.•S 14 9!>-IO-'l1l:?21, 6 85--81 11 08~ .• ,. 5 .35 .... 10.95 . 1.00---12 •. 18~ (Ul!•-·1.to i ·16-!;0:rll!>i" .. e1. 5.95 I !i:..-&51Jil" c1s,.1 .. 1 .~$ V.'am1'lt1.1 h1rn1l1t.chtd "Su11rN""1le" quality 1hce.u.. 6,:cb--721108" .. ca. •.as 7.25-8ti10H" .. e1. 5 .75 7110--oo.1os·· 1heet.1 ........ , ............ , •. 6 .35 1 .8l>---4t:tJ8'11~ pillow cases., ..•....•.. ·····"· j·H I !10---45138'-;."' villnw caH1 ........... , ...• 1a. .40 5 9.., Pu run Pdlo .. a bv J•u roll•d. Syntlu~to' f1lli nlt' 4 .95 10.'.lb Ru11r1ty Jo.}·•~ ~lie down pilluw, 16-oi. 1Vl. 8 .9 5 li: .. nwno•f1 '"l.ynJJ" 100"'~ "'""L hl1nkf"l.3. r1yon 1at1n bin1hn1r. With f>.y .. a r mnUl-proot icu;orMl''NJ! 17 :t:•-T"''" 1-...rl "'te· ..................... ., · 12.ii 111 ~"·-ft"ul•I-11".J •ite ................. , •..... 14. !:J \I '.•II~ 1 n'"" ].,,,,.. ~!> .... •,, •,, • • • · , . •. 24, f lR51 l.T IUf~UMS'/ NfW !OW fll/CfS ON GENfft.tl flfCTlf/C .tUTOMA11C ll.tNll:ETJ ~1vt SIO ''" th• Gf: Lit:htwelll'ht A1.1t.omatk! r.:,.wly li 1rh1v.~111:hl for <!&Rf wathinir and ha1>d· !1n1e :-;1eep-liua td control f11r Yt•r rou nd c.omforL Mnthpr11o.1{. of rourie. RoM pi nk or lUTQUOl~. r""' :!\l.!15 Twin Bed, one tonuol ........ ·19.95 reir 34.!I.~ l)ouble Bed. Qr" contrn! ....... ·2•.9S lath Shop 4•.rJ 9'112' llOOM Sill ALLlll'JOH •UG IY MOHAKH. \'1sco1e a nd 11ylou... • .....• J •. 99 Other l'Kll''"lar 111.1•' 2.f,0-21:1 :16'" .•. •1.9! G95-3f):i:GO" •. f ,99 3.W--2~ll4rt" .... t 9 I 0.!16~1 6' .. , . . 49 4.!l5-27x ~8" .~ ... 3 '.9 32.95-fix9' .... t :99 IJ.!1:,-.'{0if,.1·· .••• Ill. 99 4~ :it.-~!x 12· .•• 3•. 99 J65-!•r1 r.· .............•.•............ 49 99 I 50 Lid l'o,cr1 tn m•Lch tJ'\e Allerton rua1 .• f9c CAllAWAY "ll'OY.tlTY" 1111•Y TOWll.S. Yarn dyed, 1..tin-we1v1 borden. Abaorbanized for fast dryinic l.!ll:!--2&x 4~" b1th s11.e ................ , ... 119 911c-lf,:1;!U" h•nd 911,, ............. , , .... ·t < 39c-l.1xl:'.I" (q.ce tlotha .•... -............. c 3!1r-..f.~~rtip ~"'el~ ..... · .......... ,,... c P.f&ttr<'•B l'ads, 001 •titehed, •ith hleat hed filler. 3.MI T,..111 !Ju .... 2 .95 t f>O llor.ible aiu ..•. 3 .95 :->a 11for ~~·<l ~!all•"\'~~ p,.,i. with r!aub!~ h":r ~titchinit. <l.9fl Twin 111e .... 3,95 5.95 1Joubl11iu .... 4,95 8!l5 Kin[t ~u.e ................................ 7,95 l l~cre>n ·~illl"<I M11ttr"~" Pada with dou hle ho1 1t1tchln10 l;'l~, Twr.n ~11• .. 4 .95 ll.95 Double ~ize .... 6 .95 l ll .95 Jlesvv (_'h~ni!I~ B~<i~prf'•<l~ with rounded corn"r• 1l the ro"l i'•nr r .. 1 .. r~. 1nrlo;•t1na: '"hilt ..... -8 .95 .----- Save on Hou \cware~ Housewo,.1 GIGANTIC SALE OF BLUE DESCOW ARE rt~ .... ondertul , .... Lnn eookw•re 1><1To:ela111ized 1n colorful Oel/l btua . , . hind :i•1nted ... 1th deep bl ue pei..,I clu1t.er1. You'll ne~r 1a1lt1 -1uth •·•"lflCJ on th11 oopular wa re I ~ .11'1-1 '-i pt. ('(J'f•red 11ucepan •• , . , .•.... J ,•7 II 70--3 pL eQve1'1!d a1uc,pan .•....... ·• · ·•.17 !) ,~..,. .. COY,rtd 1k1l!e1 .............••. 6.27 I:? !llJ-11 " covered 1k 1llet . . . . . • . . . . . ..... 1 .57 ~ !l~-1 % pL. eoverecl round CllM.-Ole .. · • 3.17 7 9.~ pl. round c-overed t'laffrole ....... 5.IJ'!' !:I Y[i......3 qt. oval coveN'ld cauerole.: .....•. '4.9 , 14 bo-.bYir. qt. round o:-overed UY1n .. , .•... 6.97 t ~O Butt.tr melter ..................... t .97 I i.96 32·po:. Oneida Stalnl1a1 Slol!'e! F\1t,..ar1, Sen-ice for II. lncludu II plac. Mtlinc-of Dinner Kn i!1, Dir.- ner Fork, Salad Pork, Soup Spoon. Tta1poon plua 2 T1hle.poon.1. Valor and PaTad1 1>•tt.ern1 ....... 9 .99 14 96 Proctor lroninc Board for 1it-dowri ironina .9.99 Diftfterwore lmno rt.ed Ch1l'll Di nnem~. 98 i nd 99.p\ec1 111.a, .erv- 1e1 !or 1%! A 1peo;:.ial pun:haH. f our p1tttr11a .• 59.95 Arf Heedlewort, 'ral"U 65< Meado .... pun Yim by Bernat. Th~ply, Ml')". ny· lon, 60"'• wool. Antl-1hr1nk. 20 colon ...... 01.. Slc ~k Cnlumhla Minerv• "Montfrey" Dt"ff1 Y1r n, All wool. nuhby tne. Fo11.rte111 colon .········ .Os. 69c .15-c Bernat '• Needlpolnt TaJ)411try Y1rn, 40 yd1. ·29c 4.•I ,ANC'f SOl'A 'ILLOWS. 1611& Mlf·welt 1t7\1, ka pok lllltcl. Co...-rT"ed in Fortl11n oT l>oucl• 2 .98 ~ 9~-4.DS Imported Needlepoint Ch1ir Piece~. 23i:2~" ~.91 !'lamped Linen Tablecloth1, cros1-at1t.ch or la1y dai•'· :193--62170" ..... ·l .91 •. ~8--60:18'!" ..... ·l .91 llKc Rern11'1 Nylo Gtriru1ntown Yam, 4-ply, MJ~ nr· IQn, 50$'~ wool. 2 oz. 1kei11 .................... 75c U"'brello Shop SPECIAL PURCHASE OF UMBRELLAS I ... 4.91 le S.tl ~ 2.99 A real downpour of 1avinpl He,.. ara the rre•t.- est UD\bN>lla f1~hion1, &JI bf a farnnu1 de1!p1t. Ch0011 frorn lonr handlM u1lim..Jima," can• ha ndlu. 1Vallo:ina 1tkk 1tyln:. A «ood collection <If checks, pla id., 1olid colon . a nd color combil'll- tlo n1 . Buy no,.. for a rainy day! loolt1 $11 Bihlu, IUnll' Jarne1 Vinion. With n ference and concordane.. Per1ia n Morocco btndln11: .. , ....... S6 SJ WOftlD WIOe' COO« I OOK, moTI l h a n 400 f?&~e1 ............. ·····; ·· ............ 1.95 l.ittle Golden i nd LitUe Wonder Book•. Childnn ne...-e r 1 ire of them. Some 1li1rhtlf "dotr ea nod" ..... ·l lS1 $.l tn $5 Adult Booki. Only. · • · · · • • · · . · ... 59c. 2 /$1 .. fUGINOll C.tSEMfNT CLOTH 0.tAW 0.tAl'fll'lfS •'• ,.., • .i. ,.i 1ll k o~d <><••o•• -bl .... tio• l• •..blltr ..---. n.oy -i.. IJ ~.,., c•t.. --· •• "'%0"' The "81 -Sizo Chart" for Fuginoil D~aper ies: W idth l6" l•n91h s4 "I ~G!h 63"1 l.n9th 72"1 :; ,':. _ l_fJ ::. _ \ __ :'_,_;':_. ____ 1_ 1 l.i_!"_"· _ _,__:_:_!_::_. I ... 1,50 ! .., 14 JS l '7 •I SO 1 a ... JISO 1 • ... Jl 1S 6 .99 11 99~ 4 .59 _ 1!:_59 22.~9 ..... so ·1 " f • ., ''·'' I a-., JI'' I • .,. 10.JS 7 .99 I 3 .49 J4,i49 22,J9 25.!9 ~ ----- 8 .99 1•.99 18.•9 1 2•.6 9 I~ 11.7S 78.29 IS1 io I //lfl 10 I lfll 1" ju..... ~i<z: -___:i_!_ ~ .... 11.00 I ..... IS.TS I .... t!l.00 27.99 l0.29 36.99 ..... ,_,, ]0 .99 I .... 40.SO 34.29 --- 1 ·2o.'990 I .... IJ.lS ..... • .,. 41.2J , •. 99 .... 4S.SO 31.!9 1 .. 10 TS • .,. ll JS a.,, JJ 00 1 ... JI.SO I ----1---~-1----1--• ..,. 14.JS I .... lilSO .... 17.15 I ... •S.IS • .,. JO.lf a ... St.00 I • ., ••so ... "·'' 9 .99 16.•9 20.29 27.29 11.29 37.99 41.29 •9.•9 --- ---------1---I a ... ti.t s • .,. 1s.1s 1-.,. 41 .00 • .,. ••.ls [ .... S4.SO '!fl· 64.Js 12.29 29.69 l•.29 41.99 •5.99 53.99 --• ., 11.00 _ 1 _ .... 11.1, 10 .6 9 17.89 - tZ.'i io W U.. .... 4'.ll ]9.29 a ... JJ.00 «.99 ·~· •t.10 51.9 9 .... II.TS 10.99 • .,. JJ,JO 19.H , ... 1900 lt.tt l!ll· 45.JO Jl,29 4S.ff >1.00 >9.tt S.tt ---~--l ·----1---~ I .... 11.lJ 26.19 • .,. s1.10 [ -,-.,.-,-,_-.,-i -,-,.-.-,-1,oo_l_'~"l-.-c,~,.~ .. ~ ~~ ~~-~~ ·j •. 29' ·1~.'9900~j 1le.'2f l ·!_i_~_·00 I 1_61_.'_99_.so I 'li.991 l .... th 90 " left9th 96" l1nt1th 1·0~' .... II.SO 11.99 ..... l4.1S 20.•9 --·--~ .... 11.11 I .... ''·'' 13.99 I 21.49 .... IJ.7S 27.!9 •7-:--. m I • .,. u .1s • .,. 11.0o •.99 23.69 J 0 .!9 • .,. 41.00 • .,. S•.JS • .,Joi. l-0.00 .... ll,00 I ...... ll.00 I J6.29 41 .99 >v.H SS.tt 67.29 l!J· IJ.09 71.99 • ., .• , .oo J9.29 • .,. f4,7S 45.99 ~,-,.,_-o,~,_,00-,,1-,,~.,-.~.~U~,cl ·~ H-:-11-1-0-o,,-. ~OL~.~.- )4.f9 61.99 11.tt 19.00 - ' I Curffhtt, Ota 1le1 l \ l!.16 F'uirinoH Cuemenl Cloth Dr1w Or•llO'tit! !'ou t 7184''. Sil i nd 1ne.Llte nubliy "'""'·-. S... othr t 111'-'1 on thj rhart ... '..... 10.99 t'inul Wt!_111e F1~r1rl11 r1.1 rt:11n1 Thr1· leun<l~r 10 1u•t ...,_..n m1"nute1. oevrr n~I 1run1n1. ~l••I• in d1u>t} h ut d1.1r1ble ma rqul~tto: wea\t ~o ... I t i""'•-'t I!'""' 111 our hutory l'r l>r 11\a• 7 7~ pr -9tix36'" 11 7~ pr -Vtlrt b" "• ~O IJt -!11\156" 33:Jb 1ir -:l7ll1 ~1~ flutch St'(lr ·;.2• .89 .S9 ;,911 pr-8t 'l"'.?h"' 2 .99 <~I (H.-.. •.'1JU.'.' •.. J.6299 4 !If> r>r -114•:!11" . . .. J 115.: ytl. vala nr1a11; for ihll.t n ~nd l'•!Klliat •. , .. , , 19t l'1nod1 !9$ ~" 42:irR!' .. 1 5~ .'\i·l.,n !'1n,.1~ ... ,t;·~~~~l ' . ............. 2.29 :-;., .... .,.r n .... 1,29 Table Liften1 Quaktr Lac• T1bltc"loth1 , !\n4 q1111l1ty 7.9t.-k172" ...... 5 .9 5 !l!lf1-.it1llO" •... 7 .9 6.9.">-&41.54''. .....•. 95 ~ !l!>-t1xR 1 "'. • • , . 6 . 9i 1 2 .96-72xl 08~ ........ ...10.9 IMIOlfffO OAMASk SITS. ~:mhaMy p a tt er fl 1nJ "ll'hite. oink, irold. 11:r"""n. <>r icr•v r11yuo and c·•)!lon damaak 10.95--64112" ,..ith II n1pk1 n1. ... . . . 7 .99 1 2.~~~•84" ,..1th 8 napkin• ....•....... 9 ,99 18.9~:1104" .. 1th 12 n•pk101 •........ 1)." Californfa Hand Print Ta~lotha 1n tht bea ullful 1puo ra)'tln and cott.on Dr! Mir doth :t 9~64:r64" ...... t .77 5 9'1 ~l.ti2".. J. 77 &9c K1nd1I Dith Towel'! in rf'd. 1evld, 11:re.on, b\ut llo!•l ~r• so, Cu1tom made aluminum ln1ul1ltd T1ble P1d1 \I\ hrnv.n 1'.'nulaUd l1ather "ll'llh bni.,..n (ell l,a(kina. or 1~or) with tan. ,. ......... ,_ ..... '9~ t Ox!lll" .. , ......... 1 :9 •~x$4" ...•........ 1l.9 Time Sh09 LarJf' '>UI, atlll 2Sc t'('r 1n.<·h ! ...... ,.~. I.IP IV l ~'. 2.9S 17.J.-I Swu1 ,.ateh~,. J11r men •nd "'"If\'""· !'1.&101~,. Steel 1porl atyleio, w1ttrprr.of and ~hoclqiro).,r Al~" \ove!y dt•11 -.•1teh'' . . . •. .. . .. .. -·· 19.95' ...., Man'1 Automatic J7 .J1wel sflf·wind1n 11: "''K!rh . -29.95' "l'lus f,..J~n1I I.Iii luy .,_, .... ,.h - BUFFUMS' TIME CLUB PLAN NO DOWN l'AYMINT NO INTl•llT .... Mne QI •111 .,_, to PG'f', Trade in your old "ll'&t.ch! Wt iri'·e • libei'1! allo"ll'• aooe ... reaardl ... of condition. .· Stotionery 79.c •nd 11 Stationery and noUt by famou• ri•m•~. in· cludinr MGnlaJr. A ll bo1ed •..... . ....... 2 /S1 11 UATHlll l lU/OlDS I Y l.t.tONIT, hariralnt 1t ev'n their former pri~. All Jeold tooled or nail ~~ b~~~d~~~'. ~.•.d.'. ~'.~~·. ~~.~~~~'. -~u-~q-~~i1.:/9~- Open 1l.ol'k atationery and envelope•. ti7 Montar. made foT ~u!l'u ma'. 80 1het'ta 1irline pa~r 1n ,..,hilfl or blur. 20 hned en...-al opu ...... Piper, 2/$1: Env., !l/50c Sl BoI ot All·Oeeaaion Ca rdi, DO"ll'· ..... t bo:r19 $1 12 Quilted P la1tle card table covers, 3 atylr1 .•. '· 1.5 9 . 8 C1t of 12 Candle1. One color, or e n 1111-0rlment. l .&O boo 10" candles ......................... 1.27 1.80 boI 12" candlr.1 ......................... 1.Sl 2.10 boi: 16" candle1 ......................... 1.78 / 5il...-er,..ore luy vour 111"'' at ,,._. urvlne1 .. -. erid D11y •n BUFFUMS' SILVER CLUB PLAN NO DOWN PA,YMINT, NO CAllYINO CHAIOf, Platv.·Rre or hollo,.1re , Onlr 16 per month for purchaaet 1,1µ to $120 Only 7.MJ rer month for purch1ae1 up to 1180 Only •to r>f"r month for n.un:ha11e1 up to 12~0 Jntrr116 t1na ( ~1!ve r Cu. Aniencan ROM Pat~Tn 129.54 4-Plece Tea and Cotree Set .......... 90,16 64.10 20" W•iWr ................. , · .. ·····•0.16 31..8% Doubll Vere1.abl1 Di1h ..•••••••.•.•• t2.)3 Slit 8!'1'11.d Tray · .................... 11.46 16.90 11'" Round Tre:-.. , ................ ·1111 19.lili l :J" Round T rey ..................... . 22.'13 15" ft.011111'1 iray ....••..•..•.••....•... SU-rlinir Silver ~·:atw1rr. By An1erka'1 l\n,,.t 1f1Ylf• 1mtth,. 2 pattern~: Larnhl>oth Manor, C1nterhJ ty l!,11. J50.8S 32-Pe:. Ser"1ca foT II in no-tarnith chfat .99,9i JR.86 •·l'!ece ~lar1 Sett!nr .................. 1~ ... s 27.60 &-Pr.tte I la!'f! S.tt 1n1t· .............. •·,. ·>1 llollo"ll'•r• by llolmn •nd Ed"ll'•rd• 17.60 Cuvoired Veget.hl• Di1h ................ 11.9S $10 Ov1I Servlnr l)i,h ...................... ·5.95 17.60 P lat1.rT ••. 11 .9~ 22.&o Pl11ter ...... 1,.91 110 Bl"l':ad TT•J· ·.4.9 13.r.o GT•"Y s,t ..... 9 • 22.60 Wei\ and Tree P 1tt.er .............. ···1 .9 3.96 Glau Butter Diah with Sil"1'·P.111.e<l CJ.,..r. I" all tb1 18'7 Ro~n pettern~ • .. , .... $! AU ,,.,-lt:•t pl1t• f.d•ral I"• W•lloce Sil,.et C.mpo•y'1 "JuM 111 JoftlHlry" S,ec:lol An lmpn!UiY1 SlL\'ER PIECE GIVEN flEE with your pun:buot of f rou ll9 nf odd pl-1 in vou r Wallatit pa.ltf-1'11! . With • p'lll'Chaat. fta' Mf'Tfl' Withe" 1't1tthase, Ir• celi:1 br .. k:tr With JOf.• puttlaN, l-p'-IJtttk .,.t • J:IM!t ""°" ~ VJ!Olt ~ Both stores open 9:30 to 5:30; Fri4ays 12 noon io 9-Toll Free phones: Long Beach HE 6-9841, ZE 9l41 ; Santa Ana Kl 2-6262, ZE 2626 ' • • ..