HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-11 - Newport Harbor News Press'., • • • • • • .. l )eWPORT ' • KCW.S · ,- • • • JAN. ll. 19116 PHONE HARBOR 1818 -. -' "''"'"' • ,; ~ , • r VAN DYKE NAMED REW · 'llv CHAMBER .PRESIDENT-· ~~:"F1· nNAUY ASH<.JRE -Marine Sgt. Robert Rigp, 26, right. who bailed out of an El Toro AD Skyn..ider at 7000 feet into fog-ahrotlded seu, Monday, reccivei1 aid with hia one--man life raft from CoMt Guard Chief Boat.sw&in'11 mate Ronald J. Weibelt. Jett and Selllllan Benton L. Bradshaw, of cutter which brought Rlgga uhore after traruifer from Voy&ger. -_St.a.ff Photo by Robert F. Willmea Stanley Robbed • ID . Jam. Vu r>ptre. wGI M .... aaJkd .. pr..idlllt et tM N-· port K&tklr Cbambm-°' Com· muc• dwi.A( ~ annual b&AqlM:l at Newport Harbor Yacht Oub. Fri.day n.1p t.. 8lal9d to M -i..cs In the otnce:n panel wtlb Vu Dyke u. William O'Bryon, nnt vice·pr"Mldent; Georr• lJ.nd, MC· ond vice-prNddenl; H. PayM Thayer, t..reuurer. thy IA.n&"- h<'•m .,..Ill CC)ntinlMI .. MCnlarJ' and exer-ullve m1.na ger. I An &ward of the Man ot tlle Year w ill be pre•nled du.rtn1 th<' ~M1on 11.l the yacht club a:id ccrt1flcatea ot m erit will be pnr- 111entl!'d to 1.nd1vidu•le who record- ! ed pa.rucolarly n1erttorioua aer- vice t.o the comn1un11y or the cnarn~r ot con1merca durtn1 Ula put year. \\in H Spur1eon will remln· l•ce on the de ve lopmflfll at "Old :"o:wpozt" &ruj I.he 1Urt01tAd1q Ha rbor a ret.. I Muaic 1•0HI be provided by the a c-apella chot.r ot Or&n'' Co&a Cul!"~"· ReaerYat>ona ma)' be n111de by calllnc Ula N~t Harbor Chamber or Oo~ at U™rty 8-1.l :IO. Directors who "'1U HrY• UI• chamber fM I.be comt.nc )'Mr, Ul a!Ul!llOll to the otnceni &re: .._. Home by Bandits! B&rre tt, Haney Boo:lei-' RbiUtd i-------------- Marine Bails front Blazing · plafte, Saved .. Tn l11"911n1 ..... "Up..., Rt! I Ywel xa rtn• a.1-...t &t>ert m,.,. wtw> ballad out M• ... , ...tl.ermaa from th• n..mtn&" Id" MCU. of ht.I AD-8.QnldU, u:riYed aahly lt1 N•wport Ha r b \r Kcmday rurtit a.boud t.J• !Deal Cout Qua~d cutter. 'Pf.le craft ha.d ren· ~vollM!d 1t ..,.~ 5 m ite. olf Dana Point w ith l.M ooounert:la.I ltah- lnc boat. Vo7ar1r, which had p1c:ked fUAa. a two-Urne Korean vetera.n . out of th• ... about " mllu ott Ul• ooaat between N-- port a.n4 Lac'un• BMch. l Voyqu, halltnr f1 um the •tale · ot Wa&hlaaton, had cle&red San Pedro Moocky arternoon. Th• cra!t happened. to be In Lh• TICI· n.lty o f an ocean r1acll wit.ere Rirr• wa. no.uni" In hh on•- .-lif---~-AUboup ..-venJ. boat.I p..ed the airman without -1n1 him tn aou.py tor . Rlcr ahot two oar.. when Voyac•r appea.red. The .....i ho Ye to a.nd picked him out ot the -ani1 notified U.. eo.t Ouud. f: Veteran float Decorator Prisoner Dll'ing Thefts W r!ght. Moote Ortm• Mutl. Bo- den. H&f'Old Caldw.U. ~ .A.J- I en, Roy Maypole, NeYoll lt&t• fonl. Orville Schlue!Alr. 3 NAMED AS HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELORS Two etrong -ann b&ndita 18.st ntgbt robbed Lewis Stanley, veteran Tournament of Ro.es priz.e-winning float deefcner, in ru. home ot $15 ui ca.ah , plua other items, he told the NewpQft Harbor ~ewa -Preu today. W. born e, 2201 CUtt O n .-•, wu r~d The old m an dMcribl!d •• aa r. .,.. be&d priaion.er, he 8&id. WMriDI' a.n overt:~t ~ b&C.. ran-A t th# r~~ m~~.w ofu~ Stu&.ky -.id '-,._ .-orkio&" • i..-Newport n.a6VU'I" -1•n ~ bU atlit >te. fJt UM u...ucroom -.c~ Ul t houMJ, • ., a&ht. School bot.nl of .-Utlflla Kofi· _ . ---.._-.. -.. hekl dowa b7 th• u.n. per-._.. ~ U1 wMlt t.o BMa .am4I to hi' door, you!Jl. Tbe7 ulled hSa-w._. ' uklnJ'. t.o -. hi.a Wephone.. He hi. ~ .WU Ht repu'.cl ln Ida OO'IPMUq t taft. ~.tr.,.,,.- ahowed I.Mm In 1.nd poin t."'1 out wallet r:O. ~hlch the Su wu ma& hu been ap~ ~ UK ptLone location. One man •enl ( 1 tional oouraekir, J ollll xcew.u to UM It I.be othu wa.tche<I S~-e::l:tr&c.ted.. YOCSUonal ~ aud .6J Ifwta le u b,. wo.clc.M oii. ha al.&Lt· I A dd.ll,lonlllly. lhe b&ndllA took pu-.;in&l couA"'llor. ~ Y ta S~ley • pt.nny ptru-bAak-hal! T he hig1i llChool will eo11UruM rn: dd.n.J St.&llk)' id the tull, ht• (•r k•y• and ripped out It. teachu-coun.Mlor •Y•t.em and u y. · d _...._. ... : l•U I hl• telephone. They aleo took a th~H thrtoe mfln torelher wttll )"OU11C11T m.a.ll. e.c, ,....,... ... I ' ' Ll .... will wtth cu rly, duk ha ir S-f'bbe<I hit bottle of I quor &nd Sta.nley 1 formerly appolnted specl •trl.n u., and •l&rted t.o clloke lountatn pt.n. act a• re.eourc• penooa and wtU 1 " Alter U!ey '"' t 11 •n alao counael 1tudenta. hlm •.. and be1d me down on the a :...., p. m.. Each will devote half Uale to llOfa. Stanley thr nr OP'"' win· St&nM7 went to Ilia nel1hbor'• hi• ,,_.la.I .. ,1...,...,•Dt and t..lt dow •-•-· aa bt waa thrown on home. could h ot rouae anyone-, ao r -•--cur-Ume t.o lUe teaChlnS uelpun .. L ll'I• ooucll, hoplnr neiraboni W{)U!d w&lte4 unW Ulla momlnc" tu ~ The procram will be c~ aiee th• 9)tlbery. But heavy tor port ll'I• en.me. ' by Mra. Fay llarblaon, one tit ar>i>-rwlUy prevent.d anyone t rom Stanley la the brot.Jwr of A.aaem-the vtce-prtnclp&la. -.eiq lb• robbel"f In ..:lion, blyman Earl Bl&nlay, Balboa I.I-Harrrm-.n .,.,. ~t ot ta.. Btu.Le1 ~d. 1-d. r~ulty Clllb ~tyo t.tm.I • Rabies Vaccine Dog M11st Mesa CUY M.an..-er Georce Ootfe7 ot Colla w .... warned do( own•r • ln- dde the city limit.• u.a.t. acarrd- n, t.o U'le newly a ppro.-ed M.a 10I" onlinance. lh•lr pet. muet .be Amendt Tosses Hat in Ring for Assembly bu be-en an inaltrUCtor Iott 10 yftra and has coontlnated tbe visual educa.tlon procrazn. Mc- Gowen. al.o & tonnu p re1ldem.t of the Faculty Club. ill one ol. the football cO&C"hea a.NI la IA Industrial art. ln•tructor. Irwin. a former 1tudent Qf Newport Har- bor H!J'l'I: h.u been tootb&JJ. eo&c:b and will become ;ootll&ll coordln- a tor ne:ict Uno.. Arranpm-.ta .. _. macSe to truwifer R.lqa trom Vorare to Ule cutter-. matter wbiah took mora th.n two bour1 aa the two boela had to ftnd eech otMr l.n lha thic k tor. wi.m RJrv ,,.. depc»it..:I al the k>caJ Caut Guard dock he. wu ln frHh dry raccinl.led for rablee thl• month. clothlnc wppUed by h11 rMCUfi'r1. "Bt&rt.lnc f'eb. l." Coffey ~- Rlgr1. 1pparently under order• l'IOunced today, "Poundm.aater F"rtd DOt tu talk, d~llned to aay what Da venport will berJn lmpoundln.r 1tarted th• fire In the eln:rafl'• iop not vac:dn&ted by that tlm'-" taJI .ec:Uon. Llkewlae he had no Coffey expalned the new Mfflr. comment on th1 kind o r mlaai-On :>rd!nance provide. th1t ltceneu on which .he wu twictlontnr u cannot be lel!Ued unttl owner• ra<l•r operato r. lhow rable• vacclnallon receipt ~peeled t o tile b.la papeni tor candidacy tor Allffmbly In t.ht 74th Ol.ltr1ct Hrvlnf the aout.h euoter-r area ol Or&ll.I• 'County I• Johl} T. (Jack) Amendl of Banta A.n.a.. .Amtndt I• 1 rtlloduate o r Book Local w-n on lad Check Rap R11g• aa.ld wt:ie.n he .. w the from a veterinarian. toS benk unde.r him .. be balled ''The county health departme.nt out at 7000 feet that he. wa• not l\u ma.de an acreement with vet· worried aboUt the tor aa much u ertnarlana for a $2 rabtM vaCcina- where he might land. Uon fee dur\n( thl• month," Cof· Newport Be. a c h detectlvN Thurtday alteraoon booked Marte l re,.e Thompaon, 37. of 200\i E . Balboa Blvd. on a b11.d c he c k c.11argt. Th.ty aaid Ult •U•pecl haa approximately el(ht checks out on loc11.I bank.I amountln1 to $1 {10. The euapect hu allegedly 9l(n- ed her check• with either the M.arle or Mni. A. ME SA'S GoT REA L, LIVE, ST RONG ONE 'nat t-.J,. llva atToq4rm • burJl&r' • .UU al wwll oa --,,,... w~ Pa)'ne ot ?fl& 8~7 .-oLJtt •d eo.t.a ¥-pobc4o Molld9.7 Ulat a wubblr madi1M wel.i"hJnc IOO ta bad beerl stoi.i rrom bemdil him ........ Paytte Yal• ... Ula wub# a t s111i. The two other Marine• aboard te7 reminded.. "Atttr January, •r- th• SkynJ4er broorht Ule era.ft ra.n.-.m enla have. bee!\. made at the beck to !:I Toro Marine Air Bue ~Yeral anlnu.l ho-pltals to vac· wher. crash crew per90nnel put :lnate d.oga at .$2 on Thunday out th• nre hl Lbe tall. Marine Crom 2 to e p.m. eacb week. Other- ~en blamed tauJty wtnnr ....a.. lh• charJ• will ba aornelh!IW Complete List of Yachts tor the nr.. ike $6." $60 MILLION EDISON PLANT SITE SOUGHT · ' llOutllera Callfon1la llld~ Com- ~ ~ necotlaUnr to aciq11lr• ap- pl'OEinately 80 acru of property In th• cit)' Umlta of tluntln('l.on a.ch 1..1 a elle for • 1team-elec- trio pn•r•Mn( etatlon. accordlnl" to C. D. Bhedtnhelm. l'.dt.aon di.a-t---,-• ma.n .. w . \\'Ith Lhe flnt two aoo,ooo kUowat l 1en1r9.tlnr unlta. t..be plant w1U repreeent Ml ln.,..t- mmt Ui exc.,.. of $t0,000.000. (P'or comment -Edltori&l Paa"eJ "The record lndutrlal, commer- dal a.nd don1t1tlc r-owth of Or- ~ Count7 durtn.r rec..nt y •ra ~ c r.&lld an ever lncr...ins-de-- man<! fot morw eleetr1rlty," Shed· lfthelm ald.. Lut ,._... alone Uiere __.. more U!M 14.000 homM WJ,lt Ln Ole COWlt)". The nlw Edl· .. -~-l .rUl ~ ~ .......................... ls ..-illal to lhe continued grow· th and pf""Ol"r-of the a "". he cl.aimed. Location ot the future n1utti- mllllon dollar develo pm*"t 11 wto..1t of the Sant• Ana River. north of the P9cltk CO&ll Highway IUld "'1t.hln Ule city Umlll of HunUnc- t.aa. Hffcb A Ud•l&nda aite n-rr. Shedenhelm .. 1d. be· caUM of the n~ for l1rge quan- UUe• of ocean -wr for conde~ ar c:oolJnl" In the p1&nt. Th• •ta- lion will be built north or thf hi(hway a.nd Lbe oondulla which carry -wattor for coounr will IH under,rround. Stt.denhelm -.erted th1t lhf' d•Yelopmmt woukl add 1ublltanu - al17 to the tu ~ of U>e Clty or Hu ntln('l.Of!. 8-.h and Or- ur• CDuat7. & .i.o .aJd UMi .(or '•Papt) in San Diego-Acapulco ·Race fty NEAL BECltNER The following ll•l of eaU1e1 tn lh" San 01ego-Acapulco yacht n ice i~ con1 p\Ple lo l.h.e belt.. of lcoel knn .. •J...-IRt ._. of pree1 Ume, I the rhronolo~y Ultd betnr ~ "VISlli ••• "'"'"'-·• u, I er'a name. boflt, rtr. lan&th O"Ytr all . wuer llne lenrth. ratlnr and Loyola UnJv .. r•lty tn i....., An&£>1f'~ ~·et·ht club. It follow•: and 11nLahed . hl.I e.lucoilion •l ' ("I.AS~ A Georc•town Unlver••t v tn \\'•,.h- lnJlun, u C. He took h1~ i)O('toi \ J Vhn Scripps. ~ov1a ~I Mar, of l'l11IOll<.lJlhY in l-'ohl 1c.!1.l Scll':nce ketch. 89 .. 67, :19.o. SDYC, Jl.mtl fn..rr. Geur g~.o .. ·n )Ctirnp,. ~pade. yawl. 72, M, During \.\'orld \.\•a r 11 An,endt 1M .2. NHYC. 1>1. H. Wyma.n, Dla- W&ll wltn the Unhl!<I S••l~a Arn1y montl Uf'a d. Y•"·I. 73. ~. :)3 .414. rrom 1~"3 to ip,.5 and Arter u1,, + Sli:AT'TLE Y.C.; l~ymiw FarweU. tA..-U"re Anny Air Seedrlfl. achoon~r. 8!'>. tlO. 01.3. l"oroc In both W .. hlnglon, D. C. N}f..,.C; and lf.oarope In po.l.ltlcal and eco-L. S tat'ham. Mam Bang. ketch. nomk: lntell.j"en~ M . :,-0, •8.3. CBYC; Gene Trepte. Ptl'Hntly ha la enca,:ed u e.i;i Eveninr Star, yawl. o•. 00. •2.i . Instructor at Imnla.c ula te. Heart SDYC; CbU . Ullman. Lor.:rend. Coil-C•. Loii ~lu. •loop, ~. 43. 42, LA YC; Denni• DT and Mre. Amendt and \.hair Jordan. Marthm. ketch. 60. 46, two aona rMide 1t 2226 North 41 26. St. J'tancLI Y.C .. Spru~ St.. Blnla A.n• He .. CIA8S " plannlni-to campalln for the .e•t Rux Schuh. Alt&Jne.r, •loop. 41!. which wlll be Y&C•tl'd by Ear1 W • 32, 31.•. NUYC; W B t:Jum, K1· Stank!'7 who hu •l•ted th•t he [ 1Loa. yawl. 41. 3."i. 37. !It ll"rancl• p~LO rTUT• Mt.er I.Al Cu.rrflDt Y. c . Joe F'llck. A.at.rea., l(hoon· t.a. I -. OJ. 19, 16. WCYQ; PM.-~ Grant. Nalu n, aioop, "'· s3, J3.T, NHTC; L. R. Gray, VMJ'blc"at. cutt., 43, 341, 30.8, BWOC; Bruoe BmJth, Nymph. llloop. !8, 30.1. SDYC; Torn CltYerdon, Dpt Belli. eut-- t•r, 42., J7, Jt.5, Bua FtancQoo T . C.; J . H. JDrnmel, EI• I t a., ~hooller, •:i, 11.7, BWOC. CLA.88 0 Gould Eddy, Y-Como, cutt«. 40, 28, 18.:1. BKYC; A.ah Bow1l, Carouetl. cutter, •O. 18. 28. 80- YC ; DI• Brown, Mletre-. 1loop, 37, !7, 27. CYC; Bob J oyce. Mii- agro. ketch. 38. 2e.7, BWCC: 8 le" e N -mark. Evenlldila, ketch. 37, 32, 26.3. WCTC; BW v o,.el. Moana, Jt•l.ch. JO, 17, 23.4 Voy. YC ; J oh.n Kello(r . Seaiark.. H t.ch. S7, SO. 2S.4, Voy. YC; Jed r~b1an. R.Molute. keldl, tO, "· 22.7 •. cah. "IC. New Frey Baby A beb7 rJr1 waa bom. Dec. -24 to Marina Major a.nd Mn. t..eRoy 1'•tlkltt ,.,..,., .. 32 Ma(lJOka llL, \ ea.ta MIN, la U. I . Ma'lal Hoa-I ~ .Trailer Park Plans in CoUapse! HAuaa ·WEATHER T~ UNI poaal weelil In the Bartiera.ros,,...: Thur..:la.7, Ja.n, 6 &8 Jl"r1day, Jan. • .. 87 Saturday, J&11. 7 •.... ~7 8 wida.y, Jan. 8 ....... M M.ooday. Jan. ~ . f>8 Tul!IMl&y. Ja.n. 10 ..... (16 Wedneed11.y. Ja.n. l t .. 04 U. Doctor Found Dead Car Here in .. " .. JO ., " " Manager Not Ready with Revisions; Meet .Killed Cc>llapse of current plllM for the city'• propoeed new, pl ush muni.c1pal tra.iler ~rk waa evideot tod&y u the city ·manager faded to tlave projected revliliona rea.dy tn time for an adJOUrned city council meeting le~ for 4-p. m. Rumbllnge of counr.:1lma.nJc di> came ap~ to dty otflda.11 CQntant er~ Ulrour h I.he city current pian. did .oc. allow tor hall Monday nig ht when ln•tead ol modem. ~fL l.oac pluab. Lr&l.len "l"'nlng b1da on th .. pr .. viou•!y ap-w .:.-ompared .'° 1111'9r. 1av1eh tnlll•r proved tnuler p&.rk pl.&A.11., the parka et.ewta.H. cvuncU •Ide-tracked them to d l.e· Bo COWld1 ~ed M011.da7 cu.a propoetd n!VlllOM. A tive-ntrht wtth UM a"1W'ld pu~ ol mLnulAI re<'eaa wu declar.d to hear recetrinr ~ whtob would ~ ·~IOmell'll.nc j111t S"i•en U.." ln l.hern at t.odq'a ~ M&Uof, Mayor Dor& HW'e la.n('U&le. But at ! p. m.. nm Ce.o:M w~ from the council -Ion came t.o order th• city mana1er'1 office t.b.lili qaln wtlh nolhllll said lbol.il the mMlinl W0\114 rw;tt be held tock.Y trailer park plant. u lbe T9n.id ~ ue not .,.t. roUowlll&; the council .u11.toa. r.-dy. cOWlCU member• Informed. th• ~ a ca.lroveraia.1 io.:.l ~. N1w1·1"uu ~y wete not M UI-the trail• park. .tlt b.&1 Mn. fled with the preYklualy wbmltted aw.pt by aome STOUPI fQr • J*b- ptan. oo which. bid& had i-n l1o recn&Uona! pa.rit-bea..::h .,...., called.. Th~y decl.at'94 tbla pliaaa A Uir.e-meai.b* council comJnlt• needed revta!Qn to briq '\Mm ·~ i.. ~ a pprovw. latHl todat.a '#tlh t.od&J'• nMaa. pi-tor "-'111.1" U\e aid trailer OU~ tnLller ~ --. and park "2n1o & ~ 9l)er.Uon bWMlen' opmkm.I _,.. IO!Cht and whlcb wvukl• llTl"I" the •t1 lilll9Ut ct,,.. 11:7 ~. oow.cil when jt be-t 72.000 "1IO a\:IUl)t per ,_.-. ll'OUIEJl Tll:NAJIY;._ Kn. llatk Sco&1d of 714 ,...,,_ A ... 1oob -n.i u9td to be ~ kitchen of a home at 707 Orchid Ave., which ... delilb:O)'ed by fire. thia morning. Mn. Scofie.ld, daughter-in-law of H. C. Scotwld,. 708 Ordaid A.Ye., 11i"ho bea.rd the nnt espLoeion. uaeP to live in thia home belon: .. moved to ber -· --8laif l'bol4 • l f ., l I - PAG·E-2 ~PART I -.NEWPORT HARBOR NEW>i'Uss WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 , 1956 H ow much time do you apend bl your car? It might he lnlerest1ng for you to check: and' find out : we juat did and were amazed to dlacover that we are behind lhe wbec.l uf our little coupe more than 10 houh every week! ~ r epresents a full day'• employment with plenty or ov.,... tune, a.nd morf' time than we spend in eating, ge\ting 11cquaintcd with our child, or just about any act ivity other t han breathing, sleei>fng o, ·Working. M011t of U.!I have become dependent on the aut.omolttie. '1'ho1e who aren't at.ill like tD look at the ne-.e c&rB, com pr1cet1 &nd styica, &ncl browse a.moo.g t.he v&rlou. moda l t'• a great American putime, OM that we fully endorw. And ao, for your enjoyment, the 4th Annual Balboa Bay C.1ub Aul" Sho w will be9pre&ent.ed on lb.e Club ground11 thil week-end -Saturday and 'Sunday, January 14 and 15 - from 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. da:lly . \Vhether you're in the market for a car er not we ~ you'll get a kick out of t bU. remarkable dia_play Of mach;nee which includee more than 20 dif!erent ll. S. and foreign makes. It would be a mi(hty jaded motorut who dtdn't find a car of 1ntere.t ln thia collection. You do NOT havr tu ht· a men1ber of t ht.· Balboa Bay ('lub to att1·nd. ·r1ckct11 tu tht• i;how are fr(-e 11.nd may ):>e &ibtaiued frqm any one of the 13 South C()atlt dealers par· dcipating in the 11how. 'rheir nan1es are Ji.sled in an auto •how advcrtiaement publis hed by the dealers elsewhere in t hia Uu!ue. The 1956 mode.Ls &re s trong vn styles, comfort, hor8e· )>Ower a.nd convcnienCf". l'owe r fi:atu r es and such 1nnova- ·t 1onJ1. all pt111hbuttc.rn dri ve et"Jecto rl-l make the nt•w cans practically <'ffortOt'"KK t o of'('rate A ll yuu have t o J" now iii watcb out fot,. the other )i;U)'. And bruthcr, yuu bt:ller had~ One of the most fasc:.nating n('w featur('i:i o ffer('d t.hia year LS the auton1obl!e rl'"co rd player. Driving can ht fl he-ct1c experience, so the flow of un1n t.·rruptt>d mu81e now provided by th.Lit mechani!lm should do much t o ~oothe jangled nervca. Aa a at.art.er for your c.\r record collection we ~uggl"!lt the foll owin~ numben · 1-"Ain't 1'i111beh11.\•1n'." Turn it to full \'ulume when stopped by a. traffic o!firer . 2-"l hear You Knoc.kin' But You Can't Come in." J u.et the thing to play for teen-age hltch·h1ken who thump your window at ~top llghta. · ~"Someone To Watch Over ~Je." R .. a big man - aerenade the baelt-aeat driver once in a wh ile .• 4-"Slaughte:r on lOt.h Avenue:' O r on Coa.et Highway or the FreeWay or ally other thorougbfa.rr. They're all dangcrowi, and here's a mwdeal reminder t u drive aaJel). ~ * * * One or the most delightful ideas for a party we've heard about in aome time ha.a been fuhloaed by the Don Wood. warda. the John Clarks, the Toby WH coxes, the E. Morril S mit.ha.. the 0. W. Eisenlohn and the Randall j ;eddea. Their brainchild ia the '"CalypRO Party" which wUI be the Club'a mont hly event tor January. lt'a .acheduled for Friday eve· iing, January 20, complete with calyp&O ba.nd, the Round- ·rs Orchefitra, lobeter or prime rib dinner and colorful Car- ~1bcan decorations. A very promiaing start for a happy iew year, this. ftR8'r DEPOSITOR -William B . Johnson, lo ng Um.e reeident of Cost._ Mesa, wa11 the finrt depositor in the original Bank of COeta Mesa ·when it opened on O.C. 8, 1947. J ohnson (center) was again the first depoeito~ in the n ew Coal& Meaa branch of the U.S. Natlona.J Bank when it opened for business Tuesday, .,.. 8. C. K. Sovde (left) la uaiat&nt cuhier of the .., bank, and wu one of the orga.nizen of the ortg-ial bank. Teller, Kn. PhyW. Iaaa.c (right) a.ccepU iio dopooit from Johnoon. -S..l<Der Photo I ~ Woman · Bus Driver Resigns School Position KN. Jaclt P'hllUJ*>n of 3i2 R.al · Oct. 2G to dlscuu d1J>clplln11ry cam Placoe, who last. N ovember I tre.tment M.r a. PhllUpM!n h11d tor· tued a i:at,000 ..-uh. 11nd bn.l -[ ced upon hLa eon on the b1.111 •he te17 wit qa!nat &n OMlnge C'o11st "'.,._, dr\\'l.n( the ;:it•Viou• d11y. Mrs. eou.c-lnat.ructor Who aUeJff'dly I PhHttp«in 11l&Jmed Ke•l rr•bbed .bo"ftd l\tr to th9· (loor In th" h.-r 11hould"'" 11nd fon:ed her t o .choOl bum ,...,._,. at 'litt h St. 1111d the noor while she wu •till C'On· Newport Blvd., OJtta 1'1 raa. Oct. vale.-ctn,c from abdominal •urrtrJ. 2:), r.cet1Uy w'1trlltte<I ht.r -re· 11lp&Uon fro mher ..,,hool bu• drl"dllc' Job' - ,,.. rulpaUcm wu acct"pted by thtl Oaeta Meu. Ul»On School Ola· trtc:t board ot ll"Mt.eN. In htT p~ lh• bbard • It.Ired' H owaT"d Ktn,i, wtto,jtM ¥1"G' b _tnw \lr1..-- er tor ONq-e1Cout Oolle1"· Sollth Coast Cauples Tako Mexico Jaant Th• George Ptnney11 Of Coron• de.I Mar and the Henry 1¥4u of Rancho Sa.ota F111. lhe William Sanfel"'de, Ba I boa l11land1 h!tt hl!re Ja.n. 8 for Puerto Vallart&. Jol u ico. The1 \l•lll joln al• other couple• 1n, M1!!~1co. Tl'!" f~r .... Nlltp11"~ n a mM wttl cum1t11ncf"11 a1 hOl'nc'" •n<t 11 ""••fk i<J"'Od lhr nl'xt month •I l'"ut'rtD )'OUnl"•l•r... ,,·.1111 1t11. kn"'l''n prh1r1p•lly rnr R~rt J Ke .. t ol S..nl• Ara.1.1 11, btln•na t'rof• Th"' Jiarbarltf'& lhf' Or•nr r·,.,, .• , Coll<'&•• 1n~!ru• · 1 "·•fJ "nrl•.iu• •• l'•JU•n• for U1111i.la· l or aamM In !hf' ...,•ult •nd """' 11ra 11·h,.re lhry \\"JU "P'""'1 • r ...... 1 .. ry ooull, t.11~ _....t h• UM J "a..n bdoni n)'trit to rtu-1"\1\ VIII · M t'• WI.LI r anili:t lhe mom1n.: f)f l•rt,., 11,n h••11r • tllght ,.,.,.., Gmn u .-...on tor he:r rHlgn•- llon ,In • hitter r11ad l:ty ~upertn· tenOM'lt EYl!....U R-. "''ere "cir· -_,_._.r --_ .. __ ..,, .... -UDO 'DRUGS "'()ae Df· die L169 ...... 3461 Via lJ<lo. Newport 8-h PAYLESS lronlll<) loard All me~l.a. MIJ"9table ,..... tWly , .. 11u.......,.._11 ...i.-ht ...._.._.~ ~f,8.95 $5.49 t'ORTAIU.I: l . ..A l 'Sl>RY 24 CARTS ••·h·•l•hffl .. -.. t'l&hl, fur •1'1'*i' "-t'J' C'&ll \ .. ba.1"1 ..... ...... 8-'f'T ....._.. mu. • m&.n. Just Uie U.U.1 f u-. ... .t~ .._..._, .,49 .f.,. ,,..._ ,_,. MATS "'"'" ,. ....... 1 ........... BILLFOLDS ..... '·" -= ~\T\Itr • ........ Cone •• DOvau Cone .• Hand Packed .Plnh J()c Quarts SCJc t Gallon • 8'alk Style • 79c • • • HAUOR DRUGS UOl E. Caut Hy, Oo,._ de! Hu · 'PAYLESS .. ~ .. ~,RiW~ .311 UMaTU> • • • • tlllllf • • - ·. ·~· .. · ·- SPECIALS For Tlaurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 12-13-14 HERE ARE TO CHEER ABOUT . Buy Now & Save! M,.t&J tw-a. I.It Waste Ba•kets a rt .... ., Bowl Set ... SAKDWICH BAGS 2 •• ; 'sc ... LU!ICH BAGS 2 tor 15' SCOT _..I\~ TOILET PAPER SCOT Napkins 3 ·::IT ~7c "tr-"' 2 ,., 25c SCOT_ PAPER TOWELS 2 BOLLS 3SC IO coon coPFF.R Pot Cleon•~ flrK· Ilk" 3 for lOc Jotll\At.:LE t>LASTIC foanl Sponq• ft.el· "" 49c DISH CLOlHS 3 ,., 21c ltc~·-· . .... Still 11 Few ,, 'PAYLESS . . . For Liquor & Wines GAMES 1 ... n r mn1 fKlr Hum l\uy :-l1.,..-Jaj• t OFF SHADY GROVE BL&ND PlPTH f. Yr. Old SO PROOF l{entucky Host KPntucky &OtJRBOlf • Ylilll OLD 100 P&OO:r rtFTB Silver ~pple Gin • Pll.OOP 267 Your PrucrtptloM are compounded "1th pre- cWoo h)' Vlncent•,. Pha.rmadab ..• yoa CUI depeod oa U• for M"CUl""M'J, r htt.ktd aad doublfo chod«<I. • .. ., • I ' VOCALISTS TO · ENTERTAIN The Orange Coast CoUege A Capella ..Choir will pre.tent a program at lhe a..nnuU tnislall•lion or the Newµo rt Harbor Chamber of Commerce to be held at the Newpc1rt Harbor Yach t Club Friday. First row (I to r) Deniae Nil•, Newport Beach.; Joan Tonne, Co8la Mesa ; Edna Granger, Huntington P.each : J&nioe Hender· liDn, We»tnunat.er. Soco nd row (I tor), Douglau D'Arnall, Coeta Meu.; Roger Ken nady. Hunlington Beach : Dick Elsner, Newport Beacb ; and Lawrence Ruoff, Newport Beach. Director (far right) ii Howard Kay. . . . Winter Term Registration Starts at Coast College Complete Sch.clule of Classes Released by Adult Education. Adult1 regl•t,.red for wtntfr term el1.11R• 11 1 Orange CDLlt College 1tarting J•n. 3 aecord- ln( to Dr .. Thom.,. A. Blakely, dean or adu lt edt1c1l1on. Heg>etrallon for •JI c1 .... e1, b<.ith feoe &n4 noo-ree. w 1!1 be held during the nr•t n1f'4'!1n~ nf t11.ch el11.111<. Dr Bh1kely reove11.Jed. Th11 11 11 dep&¥ture frnn1 th,. fo rmeor pre, \l('f ot hohll111< " "J"'Pllll rt~- 1~\1·11.Uon peri0<I for r·l a,,..,t>!I Jn .... hlrh r~ .... w .. re r..h•l'lo( .. ,l ( "0 .\1 l"tir.fY. ~("JI ~:llt "I .I': lra. Wtdn~aye, 7·10; p11.ln ting , Tuellday• and Thurlday•. 7-10: pl1no 1Detrtnnln11, Monday• 7- 1 .30; Wednalda.y1 (lntarml!dte.te). Mond11.y11, 8 :30-10:00; Wedne9<1&)'11, 8:30--10: .•culptu nnr. Tue...ct.ay1, 7- 10; womtn"• thorn.. Tue1d1.y•. t - 11; P'rlt\.aye, 9-10:30; Mech•nlc11.I d N.fting, Tu1•d&y•. 7-10 : weldinc . Monday1 ILrld Wed- n e 11 d 1. y •. 7-10: woooJ worlttnc. Tue.lday11 e..nd Thurl<lay11, 7-10; furniture r1nnl.lhlfl&", M o nd a y 1 11 nrl Wedneld•y•. 9-12, 1'-lond1.y1 Th .. '"mplf'I•· 8Chtodule nf rlA~!I rirul Wedn-iaYll. J-1; g&rdenln(, o rf1·11n1-;, l n r!ude11 . ~eran•w~. \\',.dnelld1.y1. 7•30-10; lntrrinr de- •IOn•'""'"• Thur.~·tay•, 7·10. r111· cwr1llon , MondaYll And Wedn11a- •m1r~ .. nd porc .. Ja1 n, Mondll}'!I, 7. d11.y11. 7 ::!1>-9 .30, lampahade mak- 10. r htr•" .p1o1lnt1ni;. \\'~·dnt'""I"'~' LnK, Moad ay1. l "JI ; F'tid•y•. 1-1; 7-l fl J""'"'" l)' 1nnn1 eh11g TJ)11r1-pi:rent rduca tlnn .,..ork.ehop. Mon· d11 v"-lo-12, jew .. lr\ · lt1!1l \.,111x d11yA, t 0-2 . Tuee<1.ll.y11, 10-2; ru,;- fT\o lhn•t Tu-"<.!•)~. \1·12 11r11I 1·4 .j niU<lnr. Monday11, 9·12 •i:\eal J ~""lry m1k11,; 1he1:1nnor11:1 s .... ch t. Thursdays, 9-12 (\\'PBl- T1"·~·kl\·•. 1 -In •a ti "A n r " '1 1 I nllnlll er\. eewlnj. • Mo nday.1 11.nd Th•·• .i11 · • 7-1 0 ~ .... ~Ir\ \u•a· \\'edn,.11rl>1yll, 7-10: Thur9Clay11. 7- tion'•I \\ ~<t·,.•.•J11\'~ 7-10 l11p1· 10; tailorlnJ . Tue-RdayR and Thur•- ""'~' 1i11!~11nr•l lAl"' Thu r•,ltt ye, da.Y•. 1-10; upholstery, Mari.day1 110 1P.'.11nnlnl':'l. Tuto•d•y!I. 7-l and Wfflnesd•y •. 7-10; Monday• 10 ph"'o1:r1 phy ~I 'n•IAY ~ An<l 9·12 an<l 1-4 . Wednudaya. 9-12 \\',.dr"·"'"Y-•. 7·!•J I'll""''""'"· 7-1 11nd 1-4 , Tue.1day1 and Thu.-.daya, IO w• ••'ln,;. r.1·•ml11ys and \•t .. d-9.12 . Tu""<lAY• And Thurldays. l - nr •il11 11. ~ · 12 ~lnn•t11y11 11 nd 4 l\iead11 y11 and Thurllday•. 7-lo: V.'"'tn ... -vtoty11, 7 11'1, ,\fr·on•lay s 11.nd I Fridays. 9-12 11.nd 1-4; 'f'O(!e.tlonal Y•~ ~t1f'...,t11y1, 2·1 ca terlnl!'. and pu ti-y making, P'r1- l 11•1 n~!'~ cun •"p••11 r'f'n1·e. Tu~11· d•y•. 9-12. \\'fflnelld•y1, 9·12; •1..t··~ and Thur . .,le)'~. •·\i , rreallY" Thur~d1ty11. 9-12 . Monda.y1, 9·12; 1vrllln11;, \Yf!d n~"d11.y11. 7-10; Arialyllc geom11try. Tue1day1 l'l f'nt'h • IM&:h•n1ni: l. T,,.,,..111.v11. 7-an•! Thur11daya. 7-9; al1ehn1. i be- ' ft ·~: I" r en I:' h nnt~edlattL g'l nnlnc l. Monday, and Wednts- Ttn1r11•l.1y~. 7-9 30: puhhc 11pf:11.k-'1ay11. 7-9; algebra (1dvanced.L 11>;:. Th>P••l·1•·11 7 'l :lO \Ve{l n ~.11-"l'uead11 y, e..nd Thurtday1. 7-9, 'h:.y.• 'll•1 nlln);lnn H~11 rh \, 7·1l JO Amf!rlcan !("OVernmenl, Wedne.1- 1" .. M<llnr .,,,.,..i lkh<Jr11tnry, Mon-daya, 7-9:30; ca.lculue. Tuuday• rill ,·~ ~·!I Rr,•nl1'h 1 be1inn\n ~J. and Thurlday.1, 7-9; Callfornta P.11'1'nd"}~ IU\d Wer:ne.11d11y1. 7-9; hl•tory, Tue9day11, 7 -9 ::50 : doc S!'"r•-h 1i"\le:medli'l le1 , T'l1f:vl•J • ol>edtel'lOll (beg'tnntng ), Monda.y.1 end Ttur11rl1y11. 7-9 : 8p1 nl11h •Mld-7-t : (advanced), Thur9day1, 7-9; way C11,·1, Mnnd11y11 11nd Thu r•-general ma t hem 1.tlc11. Monday• dl)'ll. 12 30•2:30 . ("lt,1.,llJ:H(tlA I. t:l .A SSU &okk<'epl:i1;t. T ue Id I y a &Jid Thur11·l~vs. 7.9; grnc-rry 111erchen- rh!ltn11-. l '\J .. a.111~·11 11nd Tbured•y•. 7-10. le."' fur lhe fn.mily, \\'edn.<t•· <l11y11. 7-\i . offh·,. n11u •hlnP!I, T\1f!!I· d1y11 n:i<I T'iur· •'llY, 7-P. off\re pracll""· T11P.otl .. y.•. 7-10; Wedne .. d11 y11. 7-10 . 1pnl f'!lll\!r lAW, \Vf'd- ne.,.;J11 \"ll, 7·10 .. ~• "<\h11nd 1inler- mf'(Jln.Le 1, ="~·n•IHy.• and \•o ,.M\e!I · dnv11. 7-P,·J.O . •h"l:1n111 ni.:). Mnn-dP~ll 1<nd Wll•!n""''"""'· 8 ·30-10; 1yjoln1< 1 tH•"!nn111111 . Mon ,111.\•11 end \\,.-edn .. ,.dnv11 7-8 .11), I int~n•1f:d­ l11te 1. 1'-lnn<\1ty11 llnd Weodn~!t<ll!.yll. 8 :3n-10. 1\Mottlnnlui:I. T'l1f'•day11 1n<l Thur~y11. 7-ll, Or11m ", Mond11.y11. Tuf:flrlay11 and 1'hur.1d11y11. 7·J0-9 :30, mu1lc •P- p1~1!11ion. T\1e1<l11.y11, 7 ·9 ; on::he1- SprinCJ Semester Opens Jmi. 30 at Coast Colleqe •111111 Rprtna: .eeme11ter fo r re1t- ul.&r f\111 -time •tudent.. a ttend- In&" day cl._e. at Oran..., Coast OoUe!fe wUI commence J M . 30." e.anouneed Dr. Jame. W . 'n'lorn- totl, vlce-pr•ld1nt. Opportunltlt• wlll be 1.v1..llable In mo1t fields of 11tu<ly fnr new .tu den I.I to enter l:N!!(\nnlfll' clN-. Veteran• w !ll '!lpecle.lly find ll advAnl.a(ll!lt)lll to re•Um• their collegf: educa tion 1t the mid-year ~rlod. New •lu~nt• pla nnlnr to en- roll 11hould 0111ke 11.ppllcatl011 for 1.dmi.111lon .1t the ~ll•l po-.lble d a l• !o 0-n of 8tud.nta. Dr. Donal.I ratilk•. rre -r.ct.tn.Uon e.Uml11a tlon1 wlll be f1•en on Jan. 21 and 1.,;aln on Jan. H a t s a. in Coun..elln,c .eerv!CM an anlla ble dally In th• coun9'11ift( otnl'U on campu11 All 11tudentt are ur~ to CCN'l- .ult 1 rnun!W'lor and romplete p~re2l•tr•t1on •t •n Harh· 11a te jn ('f•l .. r tn "'"'"rl rorinlr t1 1n .c::b~uunr ,.1, ....... ' Van de Kamps . SPlClALS Jon. 12, 13, \4 . • = CAKIS4,_31' .... 4 lar lk) • 1., h111t w&..ntoft JIUYROU .... 27•~ .... ..., ~•~<~~ OOllONA DEL llAA Mio..& Rw7. AOOIU>'S LAOUNA BEA.CB Ml.._...,. llALllOA 18LA..VD "9 ...... A-.. s r.V..'"POKT KACH a2t1 r.--t Hwy . and WeJneed¥y•, 7·9 ; r eoloty, Mon.day•. 7-10 ; phllo.aph y, Thur1- day1, 7-10, plan• J'eofTI•try, .Mon- ila y• and .,.,..edne.ldaya, 7-9, and tris;onom1try. Tue• day• a nd T hurlday1, 7·i . DEATH NOTICE. THO MAS ILA.lDr Ho l7 ~ry wtli be -.Id t~ nJ rht at 7 o'clock In Pa.rk•-Rld- ley Mortuary Chapel for Thomu R.aldy, 71, who died Dec. 30 In an Or&.nJl'.e Reil home. ll!ntomhmenl wtll bl Thurllday In Harbor Reet Memnrial P•r k where h1 WM em· pJgy•d until hJ.1 ~enl Ula••· H t !s .1urv1vld. Ofl!y by 1. elate!' who te1ld~11 In Botton, M .... HOME LOANS LAGUNA flDUAl. SAVlNliS a LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO Ol'l'ICIS Te S.... YClll LA4UNA llACH ANO SAN CLIMINTI QUICK 14 HOUR !lft"ltCI LOW LOW "RIDUCINe" INTIUST RATH EASY MONTHI. Y rA YMIHTI FlllNDLY m#A?MlllC~ UCROW tMVICI. UO!C!Ln\Y. OPllM9> LA6UNA 811>.CH mo.--. ~ Kr ...... " SAN CL .. llNTI '°' H .• ~ llo.t "'«>NI HY ... l-1191 .,. HY ..... 1-119' ' l \ RETURN TO .SCEJ':IE OF CRIME PROVES SUSPECT'S UNDOING NEWPORT HAll.IOll. .NEWS-1'11.ESS -PART 1 • PAGE 1 Note _ lttrea-WEDNiSllAv. ~ANUARY 11 , 1956 .., . . ' -,. · , ·of U-C01oei11 .flll WJ.ils Honored-In 56 H!!!J~!.. Yei'!:. .-.rt DwW ~ti'-ll.MI ....... i.c-. ...... .... ,.,. .... u.. ttl if? Id ........ ., Wll....... ft.wait: ..,..,... et ~ °""9i I f:pt ... ........ ...and....................... . •J(41Wport. a..c. ~ ~ ~·~ T!IO ...... na..., cm a ,.,_., ~ cMrp. \,;..,: ..w-11119 p&9lllld a fteUI' .. MO aMcll at ~·· .............. a WUl ,aco.. ._.. ....... ..,.. ~ u , Doll.w..LM ll&rttleJ',_,. ~ht COlige Yftlo's -Who :.:'!::-==~'!':: Da'IM o~ Woods.'.-ot Mr. and 11'1'11. o. A. Woodl. m Col· nu.· J.v.. l. -. or 11 .WJaltU.r • Dr. i.-.. ~ .. nport.t ..... ..... • • 1----.... -..------.... ---~~--------"'·--~ ~&f. JI••·=--tOr In-.• ..... .1a::.a. ·-•7'ilftlon-'bl v_.w-.. 1·11an·.-' ."M t·':· r..:.-.-· _.,, .....,,~,,..,. ..... ,,,,_ .... .,.,., ""--\MllrX ~~~-~·~- ,t•·.·.0pen .• •t '°' .·. ~~· ~;.~ ~~~~:; .~.,. .. ......, . ., ---~ .. ''*"'*' subject.I. •tv-lhll ~ •· u.ie· ~ ~~~­...,:.-. u.e· voea~K11ia t S ,_\ll,9r. .U--~tal ror cUnf.-Ill.Ip! ~Ip .. Ri'('sz:;«1rrtcu- -.. le 1tart 111 Otans-~ cal ~ t11 .run.. lar ud ~to ibttft~ cit!· ~ • Ju. 11, It .... IMiiit ' Cllaia&I ~I LI civm. In the •uD.l.P &nd "ntol ti:i, ~ with dildo.d •1 Df'. BeM.J. 11. P~ eanc. """ Oonimunltl' BohptW prc6.Yie o1 tutuft" ....,..._. m -;, p......_L -...4 la It. lOMpll.'a Ho.pl.ta&. i>ur-lM&.lla-UCI ~. , ' ltal' the ••s-tomth d1nicaJ P4f· Waodl .. a Mllkir at Whtttlar, The Onnp cout oonere ~ lod. train-r-.tn a .Upend m&jorlq ln •peecb correctkm. He rram 11 accredltad by t.be Bt.at• tro111i u. bollplta.i.. P'or -.ch or hu i..i pruid•t or UHi men'• Board of N~ J:iuun.Jn.n and the flrit two monUla of tRininc. L&ncer1 ·8odety and lbe 8kl Club. by tbe Nation&l Aaodatlon ol 500 WI p&ki, wtU\ J.86 a month Wooc.t. wu premid.,t ot We rr Pr&ctical Nu r a I a r l'.duuUOa. rt•en tor the final five mont.ru.. berl' Men'• Dormltor')' a nd I.I an Ii" "Graduai. Qf our Pf'OIT&m have "Tlwo d<tm&zl.d fol' qualltled nur-.acUY• mamb&T of lbe awitnmtnc ~ • an u:tnmely lllfh ratin1, .. A-.. ha. llC"rer been u CT•l u tuni.. 'J •-.led by N9ulb of Bl.ate flX· at ~-preMnt t!me,., Dr. Pat.er· Ra I.I now encaa:ed In ellnk1! ~ ... IUnlnaUon.. .. weJJ M by Ole .::in Mid.. "We urire alJ thoM who 1tudJq at "the ~ correetton f. eT&Ju...Uon Of .U~aon In em-ar. lnteruted In thi.1 procram Geputment of Wlltttler. W hen he ployin& ho.pit.al.I," Dr. Peler90ll to restiter without dela y .·• iraduate. 1n February, W ood• u..td. w!U uaume ckJlle• .... .1pMcll cor-lt il. o. Dunoan. ~ ....... ot U.. 1.o. Aac'eJN otno. ol 0.. .. 8rad.l l"Mt.. e...i.s tw. ,.. vpon Ua. f\cu.... In the CUnmt )ll'o. ffll'lbe.r Jtefe~~• 9ooa. o.itan -point. out that In 1NI -ltl buatn-• '<ll(ere Ii.tad ~ 0.. A BndslrMl; lOlh.y th-.,.. 2'° cl•rpn--a 28 per ie.pl In• '~· Ttie Reference Book, lnddlnt· aUy, U.t.5 only mU1uta.ctunn, lrhol-1en, ret&lll'l"'I, &nd •me .. ma. ~m~ea, euch M ap.m • dri• and fuoJln• 'Mr'Ttee ftaUorul . ~ pointed out t.b&t IOI' th• .ritir-9 book, covertn,-ovu I0,000 comJnunlllu and conl&llllJlC' ... 19.· M .U.tlnc• In ~ u .s. aQd ()an. ad.a, there were 277,23" ......_ dw1n« the yu.r. A d aughter wu bani to Kr, and" Mn. John Poll.el", Mt KDnt. VI.Ile. A VII! , C:O.ta )C .... 0., 28 ln Hoac Hoapltal. "'lndow O&a. A11t.o O&Me. ...__ ---Thoae wl..tlbl.1" to r1g1.1ter tor rttUonl.lt tor th111 M onrovia ..eh0<>I -.l;"'ll~l'l.ll,!~ the one-yeu OCC coul'M 1houJd Gold Bracelet Lost 1y1tem. -Model GI.-Co. con.ult coWUN11on at once In or -A moonatone bracelet of real The Ba.Ibo& Ial&nd youth h ~ 11 DA VIO O. WOODS In \\'ho'• Who Ml.R.RORl!li AND OLAN wm. der that t bey may be a.cc~m-('Old valued at a bout l l!Wl wu received accl&im In Uttle n .. - modat.ed tn ~. Dr. Petenion la.t by Mra. Martin M. Hlr9C.h. atre producucm. ln lht.1 area li18 1lr--.ed. Claaaroo1n h1.1lrucUoo 2001 W. Coa.1t Highway. New-late•t portrayal ha.I befln •• Un- wtll .ta.rt on JAn. :St . Follotirln( port Beach, recently, pdl.lc• wire ele Tom In the production "Uncle on• •m•tar of peyc.holoty, child Informed. Tom '• Cabin.. w!Uch enjoyed • Uberty MS3J 1ucceutul 11umm11r -lone 1n1r1g•- nie.nt 1.l Knott'• Herry 1-·arm BLrd Cage The&tr11. IMf. Sapertor .&.- 0-lo - FOODS EDWARDS EXTRA-RICH w.MM ..., • eirrt 1 '*" t L liM11.•••·· ....,_ y-.... ,._,.. -"""· -lw. ~.... ~ ...-----FINE COFFEES IN THE WHOlE NOB HILL '.!; 65c UOMATIC tw.MI of lt.Of'ty cciffH1 fr-tfte ll-11 ~ ond C•ntrol A....,.ico" t99ion1. G<lnd lo )'OOO'I' ,..._....._.. OI Sof•wcryl USDA CHOICE IEU AOID 10 ntl NAie Of RAYOl IY WIWAY119Clll Mm JUICY, PINI fOl PAH-AYWG OI SUCCUUNT SWISS STIAKSI IOll£ II M BONILESS ROUND STEAK lb. 75• · .. W1Bll 6Ull-flD PORK SPARERJBS SLICED BACON CORNED BEEF GROUND BEEF = FRANKFURTERS ·5 :.: 39' DRY SALT PORK ~ i:: 29' 1-,....ty.,....... ..._..~.-bo;t11 111 SMAU. SIZI Moo. --Cap&alm'• a..1-Sea F- Fllt Ge.. Pri :: 39' Fiil .. w. :: 49' DEVIL'S fUDOI RANCH CAKE .... ridt •1111•1 "-M -o.w _... ,_. tto.ffnql So .. w....., "-"" ~ly 39.: 33' MU, WllGHT'S .. ISH NEAD ........ Q, 11.,,...,1.ew ... ....... -18c ................ -.... Wh"-•~ .... ----26c u SI Ml Dti81€111 -;; at -- AIRWAY =S .. •xa•&11 ,..•w.~::::::::::::::::;::;::::::::::::::::::~ ol ... 0111; ......... .. .,......,.; ....... - LONG SPAGllETR _,...,_,.,,., ............ OCX.O s-; f I PUIELAID ~ ...... ,,. -' ZIPPY PKJ'riS • i •:-.. Dll, su .. .i ,..._....._..,.. -.; HAMM'S BEER 6 '!:';I» a---r:oW _.,.._I It I 14 -CIOP lAIGE llAYBS Oold.m ---.. ....... _.... _.,. °""' ;.ow ....... far ....... ' .... ..... ~_...,,.... __ PE I POUllD -·--y "' ..... r-.d ..... ~ IJCllal DEIWS /!d .11r PREM IUM OUALllY FROZEN FOO!"S .X a\ND K'FF • (;s: 31· -= u· ----.-.-u,1i14--· --..,.....,. __ _ ......... __. ..................... _ _..,.. __ __ • --,,,_I_ °""J' • 1' I • I • I I . . ·-- PA&I :f PAltT I -NEWPO RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1956 • • CHAMPION AJ'_ "'ORK -l t'e Bill Champirin j 51. Hnra.ce En11ign A cage forward, HAR I 0 . R \)O~ lllLL l'ffiLLIPS, l!pcirta• !'.dll<>r HOLLYWOOD JESTERS PLAY HERE TONIGHT ~ith proceeds going toward purcba.e or 8 portabl(' l:iattiDc cage. Harbor Boy•' a ub •(IOnl-On a comedy buket- ball pme featuring the HoUywood J~ttn in Nt>¥i'J><H1 Har- bor HJgh Scb6ol gym tonight. The pr~m geJa underway at e :30 p. m. with preliminary games betwe<."n R11ys' 1.·1ub t-=.. ol A.that1c:1 OU.Clot R.od "'•Y of P<:irtlal1d. r>au .... p,., •II'" Jlac.M11Hu.. of \\'lbuf'fi>rt'.; t'n•v~•..,11,· , 11•1 A t 1:1() p. m. the JMtera, led Bob Sav11i;t o f (\"' l'I ,n I•· bJ U ·Har1-oioo.-1.J'otle.r Jack· The batuni: 1 a ~ .. v..11 t•· 11 •~·1 I• WhJt.e. who ite•rnatu hlmM'lf by Uie r-~1 ·1n1.1 ... 1 I••"' q.,,1 ... u NU.• W'Ol'ld'1 1Tfflt.1t knock-a rea y<H.111~~1<·• • "' ".i1 l·I, kneed" C&C• perform..r, lake to Midget Le"r~ .. ~1... •·, , lhe floor fOI" llllered warm-up H•tl>vr ,.R,.,., ''l.111 purp.:>9M. Tip-oft ror Ule n1aJn r .... tur Al ~1 ... ,,, evrnt la IJ('.hedul.,.j tor 8 I' tll Whlte'a lramma 1;.1 1nch.1'1 .... 111 er (ln.,.tJn1e Harlerll Gl"b• lr ottrr ac"" auch llll Ker.Tl\" l.ip~< ""'h Z1i::gy Mar-c el a.nd Toni :->11•1lh Ont uf t.b" p .. rtn1 tH .. r.~ rur tn..- JtBlt r• la Bii! L. .... u1~n k11, "" "~ the '"Mtt t{n·!an"" dUt-!11 111~ h!1 r<1 w ood antic•. 11 ''i°fll< I \ht "liJ..h 1-· url• I " '" CAREFU L SERVI CE ~~· for your • f., r \ S'ea .,1,/tnt:~ who Jusnps for point.a again!Jt 1-larhur l~{1ys' Club ba.sket.eer.; neath the backboard 1s Eruugn Forward Justin !\ 1t-n1H·c-I IO ~. ac~ the court il'I Denny Post (7 J. E.n:s1gn plays in Orange School League. -Slaff l'hoto here. Waiting be- H.ui;hine-up fron1 County Elemtnlllry Al"° Oii th" Jf:et.·1 1u~1., 1., Sully Drake, l"h•r•...;•1 ('\Jb ""! 1 fl,lde.r v.·ho ~rfnn11 ... 1 111 ,,·n-<11 llfl nal •••nlth -hlll111 ,.; •l\I" ,,,r l/1·· l.11& A..n.gel"a A.1,i:rl; a!\er l ~<1fl .. r1nc a tlrokf:n a nkle laat Ma -1 •"" I 11•.n .. r Je•Lers •rt Hill Barne, "' l'tp~n:l.lnt, C h.ar!u Rte•I ol , ' \\/n!U"r St.ala, lt H J.\a,G1J-~ /'-'>-;. • • j~I (' lf ,, •J. THE SPORTS WATCH Private Police • By BILL PHILUPS [kpert '"),,.-_.,. outhoord mo1or repa irs Scribes Put Hex on Hornets; Tab Fullerton Tops ---------------------------·I F' U L LE RT 0 :-.", JOCNS ~ MERCHANT PATRO L and HARBOR BO AT PATRO L C>\Jr mC'<h•n•c• air l•·hr.1•.,1- U110..J 1n che u•c "' 'I" d f~Or)'·l\j>c' !(><:JI• 1 -ht·i "''" Jolln.on p.itt' fr()fTl , <IC [., .,,. u ock , 111uron1: )<)U ,,1 ,.,,i. 1he finru m~ioirn•n<~ APld I( p•ir ... orlt on your .,,,11 ,.,,,,J motor . looki1111 fo r • ,,,,.. Sa-1-lonel \X'r h••e 1ht-"1 ~! pt"i~ you'll •ppr...-u1t . KEY MAN IN PIV OT FOR El-.J SI GN 1 would like to commend the Newport Harbor Union High School Dis~rlct board of trustees a nd Superintendent Sitlney Davidson for their quick approval Monday afll'r- n.oon of prlq .. 1sed coachin g changes. rcvt·alC'd cxcluaively in 11 front. p.!!~e 11tory by the Nc""·a-Prc88 last V.'ednesda y. ll••~r<I n1r1111\·al mean 1 that the hono r a.nd fun of perfonoinll" on the -.11.ralty. A1""PPORTINO ROILS E 1111lern Conf••rence •pw-l.~wr1ter1 1 fe~t f'•lllCh Alex 0 1n•ltv·1 Hvt· :~:n~ll capture the loup ca1 e I Ha.n Bern11.r<Uno wu ra t~ the "nu1n~r t.,.·o" t ell n1 . while Or-1 &Ill(t" (",,,.,.( w11..• picked tn flnl1h th!rcl Chllffl'V "''Ill rated ln the fourth 11pnt v:tth Mt . San Anton- io, 11. co-rh1unp1un from la&t year, 111r ked fur f1Jtb poaJUon_ Firing for a tteld goal as Horace Eneig n'.11 A baskc1t ball t et.m JefeatlJ Harbor Boys· Club ei&hth (T&der1 in the Ne"'JNrt gyru last "'r\.'.k 1s Ce'hte.r Deuny Pc1st. ~1 ... , - tacular ,•hota like thia are the norm for 1'011t, &c1.:ur,!111g to Enaign C11ach N•1rm Stillwell Io junior high frays this scat:iun, l'ost has averaged more U1a.n 18 pointa per outing. -Staff Phot o It" a<·tullll~· lhf! devl'IOpt1n•11t l l WM the (eneral to1aen1u• m""'"" lr1t.1 r<Jte or football coor-nf the~ yuuths that rt\akee h!l;'h U111.t Rtvenlde •nd 8a.ntA Ana I , , , _ H ,,.-hool •po.•rt~ lmp<ir-ta.nL T he st11rs W••"I-' ... _ .... -~'-0.-•• to• •• , I t11r,... n1aJ~>I" c"11.Ch!n& 1hlfta w ill tak., pl1r e next ye1r A! lrwln, I 8 11lvr KTH! rn11ch lur t og hl year11. CAU SECURITY COMMERCIAL l'ATlOL South Coast Co. iRAMSLERS LOS E IN 1 MATER DE i FINALS "'"a ur . ~n urn~. ...au1tant u ..._.._.. -..... ""'' , u1 are naturally 11lar1. Th'lll'" 1n c.-JL&r. NeM·port lll,·d. at '!:\r1I Jl&rhor 2Goo ,:n•l r""' l. ''" two )"•r1, \11.ke• 11uppt1rtJnl' role1 mu.t h a \·e • i --------------- .-,,, r a.s J.c,111 v11r•1ty mPntur, r hft.Tlre to rfevf!lop. But. w1thn1u EVEl&YBODY IN ACI'-Jeri Buche rt or 403 BelVue IAne, Horace Enaign student, felt ehe could do 11~ well u the Enaicn buketbaJI performerR. So :ihc sr&bbed the ball at halftime and tried her hand. He(" eye wu u rood u bet form. She sa.nk it. -St :iff Photo BUCS PLAN CRUCIAL FRAV AGAINST HO RNETS · F~~:J .. V . ,.. In a . fint round EaslCl'll Confcren ct• <'R!!l' ('.r at·i.il I SI J1,.'t('h1111 1 Rllmbler,. of C"Ot!ta J.le 11 a won threti •lla1ghl 1111n1e>1 u!lly !n ol.Jt1p t.11..-,\11ter Dei· Oran gr Cnun ty f'1Hh'l!LC lfl 11nmar 11elu~·l rai::P toum!lln .. nt til l<' 1,. St HonJface over the • ",.,.krnd. Sr UonlfRca Uowne-.1 the ..,,..,_ Ill. IK'l1ool qutnlet :11 11. l'roc.·e•~!lntr undeft11 ted to 111e flnHI• howl!'Yo:r, thr R1tn1- bl.:r~. <'<1H~'hffl by ROO Mac- i\ILl!lnn. &thlet1r oli c1~tnr a t Jinrbor Uoy11' Clul:J. l apl_u1ed tilt.., f ro m 81. Ct11 herine'11 M!lll•ry Academy l!l -0· SL Mvy'• 2(J-16 : and St Annn.i 28·14. . .Dei!Uir RI ch. a rd ill~tl paced the Rambler11 In tour- ney vorlAg with 27 f"'.'lnt.~ UCih ~~Igel a <1<1"d !7, J•n• i\l c- Mahlln t ."i. T o111 Grahan• 10, Jo~red Martin <I, Rill K,..nnedy 11.11d \\'ayne \\",.,lrklni.: 2. a.nJ Ronald K irby I 3 OUT OF. 4 HBC Quintets Win . All But A Squad Fray a11•! B11J 8tra""' ~un .. ntly C bu-thl'm. 11'here 111 y'1U r ream~ kt tUall , u a f h, tJ.-cnnit:i1 htiu.I 11r <our11 ... v•1nn1nr;:" tsn"t """tY· I th1ni:-A OOy muat 114 a A:'""' tn1~k Ctollt>h ln1 ... r Th'r"'" no dts~c' t1<'1ni: .\IA,1111t 1'111:\"T ''""!led by a ~tter C•f1po'lnt nt <.r Thr nlll j"r l""nt 1n lh-shl!ti t r-111u Ru t lhf'Cf! I>< cPrtRlnly "'' 1~ th, n111111 n.-; .,r Jrwin to t he l lRw "l:'lln•l lfl.l('ce11" r<irrt'<"tly l•h· t ..Ol blioll 1 t 1 J tRlt•t-•I , "'!her. All footba.11 <iM">r-'. CuO llo '""<.Jr IKHI• ton. nl d1nat..,r. Jrwln can "~ t o It Rll \'l'W nf the hui;e i.:n<1 1ron p 1u-U11" bnv• w hv wa.nt '" p lay !'Kn I ~i an,i lnatKHeu in A 1111nf•rri ""'' 1dnv t~>"<t tl11'y rll.ll !o>Rrn not "nlv u. .. :,;un1n Le11i:ue d•Jni1ii 1o liun f'Jt-1 r .. "" ll/)J'rt'c111tiv,. winner• ·. hilt I .,r,1~~! IH the L"IJl•,nl~l .••for thP l!;Oorl IOll('r.•. afid that r-:,11.pnrt l f'"l!l rive yt-11.r ... lhl>1 "'Iii 11.t ltasl flarbor ha:o R KrJ 'I '.'»<111 rep r"'""- be the sta1-t or Newport Haibor'a tatlve Of the Dest in ablllty 11nd e hallmre to th•t don11 nat!on. Al fOOd .porlamQ&hlp. the ta.me time, cr1•at Ion of t h e It~ knowa t hf! tull valu"' nf nev.· poeltlon ln the high ..otiool'a I.hf! be9t fflot bll.11 ha. to off~r. }-!,.. phyalcal educau on at,. ft 1a1r H WM oa& If .Newport ~r • 1111- over tome o r the hui.;e adtnlnl-time a ll-around athlett~ lfTPAt.•, .•tr .. tl Y~ bur<l,.n Whlrh )HUI &]OWiy he pb1yed Up !n the _llni',. V-'h<'!o' pll~<l upo n l+.IJ11el!c "Oltfetor th<' c11 ln>:" 1~ nl"""\'~ rug~t'd, f.,1 ltali•h Hfrtl O\"t'r thf" 2~ y•·ll r t h.r t;run•I {Jlol i\l11n .. r f011lb&!I period he ha, ....,rve<I 10<·11.l P'""I' Amo• A Jonz.o St.ai;:F RI Cn tl .. gt- alhletu. · •>f l'•cillc. he 11a.." d"veof)al '"'"'' lrwln'~ new Job plarM hlni ln rharge or a!I foothAll Al!ll!ltl' at the hlt:h ac.b.ool -Yll..fl'llty , Junior var•ity, B and C. It "''Ill en•ble horn to i;:lvr a conlln111ty lo th" ti:>r Jlr(l grtat,q in OuRn• f>ut1pu11 of the Loa An~tl'~ fi.am~ • n ff 1 Gino Marchetti o! the Balt1n1ur'" Q:lllJll. Tar pipkln prog-ran1, llr•t lly In-l• so Important to high sch o o I 11tal/ing the .. me •YRl•·rn ~·f play youn&&tera ? It t Pac hes ~IU.'rifir,. for all ClltPgOri l'lt. H>'Tf-1,,fvr". the and wor k. Jt t .. ar he.s ftRm play I '1 en11>huh1 h&.11 beerr ''" fl"'llw l~ "" &ri d unity with oth<>r.s. It te11<""h•·~ GOOO TF.AC'llER \\'hat dot~ football 1 .. at'h that t he Sallor var•Hy lh.U 11111. n" J i;Uta and SYl'eat. l+.n<l in trt\/lll d yoU111fllt1r• hnvt lo•! lnt~n·•t in g1Ye• the thrill nf rnnipe!i11o.,. th1• llgJitwelght •qui .. l.s •qu•d:o Rlld u,,, 1ppr~i11llnn or health "·hlch .•11ould be lh·· ~··urt·e or It 11 for lhc...e r~Mnn.-<. nn 1I H a 1 1,.1r n 0 .. ,~'"'' -.,,,., <••-11upply for f uture \'111111!\· .. 1,,v..-n.• h 1 , .,. J '-' • , nl l'r~. t Hl.l !'Op., rt.~ ha \'I'! 11 .. ,,.,.. ••el lo 1t11nl1n!flon B··i«·h 11.nrl Ar1111-ll<P:\\" ~r.r-1·1 · fn•1nd t111• o:n·a!e.•I drter<'nl tn h• ''" !ho• wrr ~cod ·After tekini: l+.Cf1>rd1«I tl1e uppoi·tun,t;· or rt'-JUV"nl lc 1Ll'l1nq uC'flcy. thre~ nu! uf fnnr frnrn Full,,.rton <:'•'lvi n jt "0"11-'llratlv,.. H.ltPnUon I t•~ plt-a~ant to knnw \hr N<'W- flu1unl11i• "" lh<' 11.,11 ,,. rlnnr 1\\•ith \hr !1li.: l><iyi<. U•.-rr i~ 110 port Harbor Union High S<"h•l•1l q" , h Di11t n r t h">1nl of tru~tee1 Rn<I the Thi-!' Sut11r<111 v ll •~ 9..-,·pnth llnrl e~ ion t " n, . .,... -~•·l-1•1' \1•111 lm- IJr v tt •-rll11l r"·I 1111p!"rlnt"ndent xpprrc1-l ,.11:t1th 1tr11od1r"' i;o to AnRht'om in " e '" Tt'<"<JI'(.,,, "'"I 01,.rrr,,rr th" ll•Ornlni.; 1111,1 th<' 1,,,irllo i.:ro<!-lht. lntertst, of lhe IJ~hlw"'l•':fil Rte 111" v11lu<1 of ~pnrt11 in ~'(!111·11- l era •nd hl1th ll<"h•)f)I A TPlltn~ frtk I pli;11k11n1e~"· l+.n.J by hai·in.,; the tivri.,, hnd g--,,.,..,th Hnd are wlllln~ boy• plll'lh <h t !o approve the plan d'v111ed by t11 Huntington llf'a o h 1n the B(ter-1 ' J, .. g e Mine "'Y11lcn1 0 nonn. MondRi• noi.:ht. the local rootba!I fro1n 111_e lime t hey ertter Reed and hi. at.aft to improve eli;:-htti !'Ind h t..:h ~·-hool A 11quadtt hl&h sehool until the~ roach "¥"" th.11 loca] phy&lcal education pro- ho~t S11nta Ana. Sp11n!~h CYO •lty ranka, pro11pecta wht,..h haft> :';;'=""'::;·::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;!( tl'Hrlle a r 7 •ml s I' 1,. Tu,. ... la•· be<'!\ ctropp1n i;: by \ht-"'"nyald~ r nl1o:llt th!.' tfi1:t1 S• hoo•! AA lean\ "·)ll bf' prC'po!>rly dC\"f'h11••'<I \\"ATER HATER.'! i:n••.• to F\Jllt•I• n n n 1 11, ,,_. \Vrol-1 S11rt, th.·rl" are a nuoitwr nr 5AliS, 5U YJCi .... l ll'Al•s neo.<11v 11ftrrn••·n t )•,. ~,1·,.1_•h llnlt vn11nl!'~ll'1~ '""hn romr ~nn..: Ilk" J B. /, /JI /hii;:h i!<"hool A 'qtp" !akl" O"l f.11 l 'h;,rl"' LI•r1y and l'aul L.(111.'11!· OePL'-.!nJC"·'·,l;O{C 1t1ro•p J uniut 11 1 h "' ~·•nt" A.n u ,:'fr,'""' ._.,.,.cl:" S.·hu11r who ar" ....... ·" I n t!'l~ l<><.:111 II•"'' \ 1•h 1·~1r,.l lv ••l•~blr of J•u n1nj!' \'1<1" l"l•MS It 'f• CfNr DOWN '·•· , ""<h < , < , , 1 1 · ., <~ !ho 11 ""l'h" , .. ,,. )'f'"r \:::;::::;::::;:i;Pi;•i;-:::;:i;":;:;••:;•~·i;•~•~::;;;::::::=~ ,... 1.:" 1 • • • •·r··n• '•• 1._.,.,.1 • ir~ 1, 'h !lldll,n •7-Hut 11o•l111l ab .. ut mfljoritv .,f the l ,. , . '' .,, . ' I 1 'r l.ktl1J" !hn,p "'hn rt11 "C•T 1j,.,·ttnp "' " " 1 • •• ~ •• ".,. BE SURE INSURE ;''lint~ lht ,.:i1,,,.. 11., · t•i~} ~'"'ll''h '"' ''fll'•1ly ""'" 'lnT!l th .. tr • o;:.ai..'\.e Uuc.1. :. ,111, · I" ooint .•fln1or vc•r' Hy l1eln" 111}1' to l ,,·ltb Coach Stu lnma.n's OT:'.l'lg"1~ ("ll!l~ C'oll c-1::'('.' l,irt:t c--: I .11~:l' rin:il 1 .,_,· 1 1 11,,.,_ rnm" "I' t hrt>llJJ:h th .. '«nu· 11v~trn1 MA1-Rlrt: sT,\..,-UY Fr1day night 1fith th(' pOIVCrflll f'ulJcrt un J lorr1t'I S I 1 tht' riv·'~ T I 1 I '~1 .. 1 t!\'CI ''r•phoy. ~tnitini;: a1 i··~ O"lu\•l nl:I l'hlr~~.'","i."':, ... o,n!!,, tw I M,. 0 "11. ll1••n jllT1!'>T VAl .••ty, 1 • n • «1 rival floor . , •pt_u .. ! 1 ,1, '., , ' I"' ' t•· 't t•l~:ctl •1l'· ~~I~ F.. CuL\f lll1th""•Y U1~et' ~rtbfick~ T•·,. l'•'rn"'~~ f<'I rl"at I ~).,!Ir · · •l r --~ r •-111 "'1> •Ar>nG:t' ln.Jt "1'''""1Y ~rv .. lrip -rornna <.l<'I MAr lt'1 d llllnlte, Uu! r La>1h .i.~ ''I II• !Ill b"'"''' 1 lilr< IH,: l , '!. \ , 9.h l"lo.l·) trd124 :M)o11!.1< fn I ;> ~·..,nn· ' Tht ;":'·:·_>:·~":'~"~'"~':'~··~' -':':' _':'~':':":':'J::__::''~'_:::============::: ,or , .. e r ... h youn" Ru«~ •)', th" h , .. ,,, 1 ,, ,. .. , ,. ~'""""' l t'w • .,, l ll \"•l n.I••"~· .. ..:. '''I•--(•••,, "'' ,·;-rne 1 Me.._ Al'ld Inman ·1~ 11oplni< h i~ •'..'.'IO t•rll)" 1 , i. , Lhe J , ll r ,., , 1tir ou11h •···tlh ~ ;.~ -1 "1n lo inv J •«~In xuy• lurn In tt.-1r (-' .j•,t .,• 1·1 ,,.: d··•. '"" ,!f• ,,r, top 11• IP'1 '1'11· 11,.· Hot:.-,'- pe&k. perfonnana. •• 11d 1n•kt l>I~ ff'nt.... I worth anfl Bulch ~, 1 ""'' v.·vrt Ult a ci:.uclal affair tor lht H"r-1 L.i;h tt•m" hllndll)'· ('llptured hl(h wHh 11 a nd 1,1 polnt.1 re-I net. aa Wl'll. l h•·, , wllf.-r, Ip" Ol ":l • l"l'I. tho• I' r• •:ltf"!lVf'iy ' ' Tha tW1l lq\Ul tl l r la.h'"o "n<' .. ll!r< ·~•u 'n t flu·.-~" t-11.11,I tht So:ir;th ara(\"'r" rt-11,..,n..,1 on tnp ti.ton ~ •e&aon. At lh,.t llm ~. f [ '"1PT • 11 ~' '! ~: :'< II I ~.I .1.... "~ t h•·1r 1 .. Rl(U•' ""' lo • 28-1 l 11.·\n ll"ull-1.0n cruahed Jnmau·· "I' il""""v"r Kh'"''" 1-,,. ~ • ·• 1vcr F\J1 1"t!nn .ri ... ("1.otrl~ "''II~ start trMhm-rlw bPnf'ltl• " •11• ?J•~tmenl <lw•ll~r 1111, ,,. .. •···1 f"P rrnn .. -,1h ', 'fh" High conclUetft 7t -46 acoTP. But lht w h1!..-the M<"Unt1..., •r" rnn'J1•1 .. rt-'1 ~"110l'll A (t-8tl'\ d ... p1t .. lflVl n« a .....,.. i... p~ and lM-l a rinh plM'I: tlnlahttr l+.ni! whlle l bi1t td.C• 111 h"•l!ht, put 11p 11 t.t- Ptra'-! • .,. •teadlly •harpenM F''tlll,rlt1n I~ a unan1n .... 1• p1r1t t" tit' beflllt ,1r· •1>1un 1; thtH Ur•l IJl4i6r &Ct.Mo • tuck ,..,. .• y lllf' U!l•· u.~ 1·,, .. 1"" •-rue t•un" "' in .. ,,.,., 't"-M tc. ODE TO THE "VOLUME" DEALER Did '''"''n1 ) You Know, That \\ ....... , lt""' "" ,., 'h"" ~ \nd proh1y "'""' l•llL, • • • • • • LOU REED Chrysler -Plymouth -lmp•rial on I I ..,, ...... u.. 1am• 1 JUlva bM>l'I "'l.eg-ated to a third I und .. fn1-.1 F'1111('r-"' , .• , l M - llhould lloe di!.. 'nt! Ptr.tH h•-•rv-t ••Ind ur ll:l'm n fl."'"~ .,,.r .. •• "uii J'2 ~---1200 ", ('opt Hl-1'-ay U 8-3486 Lots of Entries The Torrey P ine• apora c11r r•>a<l racee •rt ell~le<I to - 300 C011luanUi on hand Jan. 14 and 16, accordln1 Lo the Ca.lltor- n1a Sport.a Cat Club. Kl 2-7027 Jollnson "Sl-J'-=- See the Beautiful All New One Place 1956 Models • In at the 4th ~nual Balboa Bay Club AUTO SHOW ON THE llC GROUNDS AT· 1221 W, COAST HWY. NEWl'ORT BEACH Saturday, January 14 /rwo DAYS I . l 0 a . m. to 4 p. m. Dally Sunday, 15 January Cotnf} .. , a.nd pre1>a.rl" to be duded by th e aUck convrrtiblef', lhr Klan1or n1111 ha'r1l- U1ps, ihr s porf.14 (',.aMJ a nd long, regal 4-doon ! IS leading South CoMt. a.11lo1uo- ltil" dt'&&ers hal'e ('h~n ~ cream ot th'" dome8tlc artd fortign car crop for dis- play In ftd111 unlqut1 a uto show. So drop In p.tod browAe around -oom pal"f' st ,,·l- in.1o:, colon , cngia eii and conveat.JDce fflltnne. \'ou'U enjoy r\•r ry mlnulfoc or II ! I Pick up your FREE TICK ETS from any of the Porticipeting Deelors listed below : C. E. S l t~MONSMA fhlldl !10 ftmM-1 IA('Un& ftfoMoll LOU REED (:lioryWr-Ply•noul~-lmPf':-ri!lll A ~rn"• l rorn BHC !<i """port 8ieM:h THEOllORF. RORL~S •"nn1 & TlluJHll'rttlrd a1 oo \\". C-1 Blvd . ,•_., • .,.. l",TI llrM"h MC)NTl: Y .. PF.TE il.~ 0..""910--P lr-utb • ~I ll S . llr<-1M"ay 8-&a A•a MILLER CHEVROLET 0.Pvin~ -Okl9ft:iobllt! I 000 •W. Of!.at lfv.')'. N""""Pl'lrt~ McLEAN MOTOR CO. VadlllM- t OJ S . M atn ......... MAIN ST. GARAGE ""-410 M.&ln ~1 ...,....1 HU:Un,rh11t ~h IOHN80N a !ION ..... ~ .. .... .._..,. -UoeU-ta! too 'A'. C-t Hwy . S~rt ~ Al. BEATJ"Y MOl'ORS ·~-.f'l)-rno.Ui 1ao ~ewpott Bl•d. c-.•- HAR VE\' HlERS Pfkok&rd ~ <11 J1JM'~ fl2t "" 111" !o<t . ~nla Ana· HARRISON PONTIAC l'olltiM" 2nd• Sy~o"" ~a.rila Ana lfAUSKl':N·WATSON -'a.cua.r--MO-A to~lln· tt .. alr, 19!'1! llarh<.>r, (''111la M'"~• 1201 !". Ma.ta. Saal.a An• CXYrl'ON fiOFt~ \' f!lk•"·aci-n-1 'urr h,. !I HI :o-· .... p<orl nl ~d Sewpnrt 11#.,.h • .. TAR HARRIERS FACE ARGOS PANTHERS MAKE IT CLO SE FOR TRIBE OR.A.NOii, C0CN8) -Or· a.nre Hlftl 8ebDOI'• eMAbl. va.ralt7, pl•Ylnl' wilbout the Mrv1C• Ot FOir'WV'd ~Kan Pure.IL, dropJ*l, a cloarl Ml- M> df!cifton to P'Ullertl'l f• In· rl!an1 1n open1n1 cluh~f the Sun,,...t !Aairu• buket0..11 race tor 19~ H igh polnt man l or Or· •ng• 'W&• F"o rwa.r,J Jim N l!if- rr who buck <'ted 21 po1nt11 for t he Panther ca~ H i1tl'I po!nt man tor F\lller- ton "''Ml Marllhall Stenlnn who .co~d 111 p u!nll tor the lnjun" GOOD START Merchant Nine Bangs Out 8-1 New Year Win 1 Co1ta Mu&'" M erch1.11t1 opene.-1 th• n-year Sunday with an 8-1 Or1n1e County Winter Bu,.b&ll 1-gi.ie YlcLOry ov a r Garden Grove on the Tin.I dlamond. N ext Bund1.y'1 fray w 111 b<e at Costa w ... Pitrk a t l :30 p. m. Catche r Tony Lcmb&rdo pac!'<I the t riumph. ban(inc out f C>Ur blow1 In r1v1 a t bat.I. He c-.rner· ed a d<>ubl e, a.lone with Bob W.-t- ~I a.nd B!l\ IA.mb, while Buddy P ierce t ra.cked oul a p .. tr of twu b&cgers. ,;, ;:~ lh""1, "hown capturlng the Newp<irt Rartior-Fullerton" I'll" , , .. ,~1ty r ro'°" count.Ty n.in. a ll by hiniselr i .. t Wl!'l!'k , i•n n .. •t th" line nf ~Mllnr •·11rJ11ty runner•, ~bove, .,.-auut O..rdf'n i;,..,,,. un •n~ n''lll ''"urRr th11 Alt.emoon. H ood'• time tor th1 1 JI 11oll• run Wfl,JI 8 ~8 1ga\n9t P\i.llerton -Sta.If PhotOll M'-nurllnr ... the h ip 1pot of the ti..lUe, ti"""'e"'w. Bl( Jer- ry Rice w1111l the t\r.t Ulr•., fr&mM, whllft~ •lfbt of nlne batter• faced. ~, e&m• W a)'l"le Couptry tor I.Mi next t.r1o of eui- U.. ~d wbttf.a e!(ht a1-o, but ''" up one hit anti .ame wa.lQ. Don Le\,f'h. the third Oruie-1!' Coe.at Collere repre1ent&Uve, fln- l•fted up. allowln1i: two hllJi !or Uie lotle oppo•ltlon tal!y. -----------======= ..... =="'""ii , MEN'S & BOY'S SHOP eon j First Anniversary Mrn·~ Sport Shirt.K ontJ Rr•1ui11rl.v I J :•.~ • t.!I~ ~ ~{!</. 15.95° H• 'I· I t 9.~ " 5 9.5 R• !J 16.9fi d 7 9.5 grou1• of short sleeve. --8 ALE 12.95 .... S ALE ... SA.LL p .&:lo SALE~ M!tN"S F A.NCY DR!t88 BHIRTS (one gi-oup) f\•9 ••. ,0 " i95 _ .. !iAL£ It .la . "LANl'li:R '" DltF.:SS SHIRTS -Newut PJ.mtel She.de• R.:u. I I 'I,'.; ··••••·• .Ii.A.Lt: JS.•:lo ·-~ ' \\"UOL, & VlCARA JERSEY SHlRTS n· •. , s-; 9.~ " ,. fl.5 \\ •·rr .. '3~.-.o ,\tt:N'S SPORT COATS lr1111ort""I 4• l)ume~llc \\'oolen' '3 1 :~• w~r .. '3211-0 "'""" hli.MI S4,%..\0 '35"' llrnkrn ~I r.••• '3 , .. OFF I MEN'S JACKETS "'""' S IO.ill'i sro S.Jf' - Mt;N'S ROBt::S l''ul l)· l..ln ed ~ .. u n Kr(. 5:13.9,\ '10" .. ,ll,. ln1110rtf'd lt1··-11 6.8~ ....... l<ltl'};, \\"ool '13" BELT ll 'l'IE RACKS ~.~~~.~ .·tr Mf'n'1 So:t: Re ... 11.ot pr. S..-····--··-·······P'· ~lany nthf'r lt,.11111 on We not lilted bt!lrl.· .... , ... KEN'S 8UIT8 ,,_ li..ti&a ~-_ 3295 1'"1n.e W ool l'lanael ... 4950 lm~d All \\'ool P1a.n.ael 54 50 ...... . ···········-··············· n .. J.rnported o~ . 50 ~~ ~~--··---······-·-·-54 \\'rre 111.N Sale ······--------Were fl•M ~ ·-··--·---·- ~ 1"'*1" ........ 1:11 SPORT SIURTS SLACKS ~AOKET8 IPOIR OOATll l.on,c I;. ~hnrt ~lf!l!l\"N 100~ .. "'°°'Flam-" l'lannrl,. Ill Cotlon1 "'ere .... ..... $J95 w.~ S195 ..... • • -' \\'1'1'11 s2 211 WON .... f ':!.Bl\ .,_.. •5 95 • • J!eon j RewenilW. 8llle. ... lJ St.. I .. JI .... .... WON .... . ..... ·~095 ,,_. . •sso • • ...., ... ..... .... ..... ,, •st ... •7•5 -.... • .... •1•95 ......, • ._ "-"• •:1 --·-- WHITE. HEMROTIN SPARK TARBABE COURT TRIUMPH • NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRES$ -PART I PAGE s 8011 V11q1iU. Y/EDNESOA.°!, JANUARY 11, 1956 i --..;..,_-RS-~. "'--......,......---.......:....iyiq1e ros · Fi11' SAILO M~Gf TO -==~=~~.'. GET-· PAST ·SANTA ANA S7~E~ i~ • •,._ -'IO to T~. to m.ak4_ I\ uotber ?"-n-• By BDL PlllLLIP8 -.. ....Und of buket"'8 for I lbe t)oa •peedbl.imen, &itferiq' u otfeutve" ftlapM l1milar to & m.t.er&ble Friday nla:bt ll'I• non. ~d ~ made three. weeks a.co in dropping & fray to weak on UI• lllchJY favored Cbatt"Y ~unt Hilb, Newport Harbor High School'• SailoN Panlh-n> to g In • ~"' mapped out of It lone tJnougb bere iyeeterd&y to down Santa to win the 1'.utem , Cobfer8llc-<'" A.na'I B&inl,p U-Sl. It wiu thf' fOUJ' co.J&, two ln -.ch b&lt. ~~1-•l Bill OOO k tym ln S.n- 0.._ .. i ... Su~t i.-,-ue Ht-to for ,__,. s~i. IJl.f. led bl1etl) ln the fll'9t Holdlnr a commandlnc •i to 28 both *l~-period 1().9. Pope'• la,y-up ju.t did &.4-et haltllme a,catiut Ole.n- HalfUme .oot. Mr•ly• t•vored put lha Ta.ra Lato I.hat 11-10 lead dale, the Don• n•rrowly eecaJ>'"d tb• k>cal ladl 1&--1"-Tbe:r Jumped Ill the bun.er. For ll abort time ll lut minute outbur•t • bJ' O len· n the 90C0nd quarter, Ula Sall-dal• u they t ied the ICOl'tl wl!h lnto that u.me on6-palnt lead In o" led by thrff marttd. TbanU Mm tft•n 7 -mlnut.t'I Nlma1nlnf:. t.he tint quar1Alr 11-J(l. to the 1.s..1 Mme defenae that n Cf'nter ~b H ullden o:>nn«t· Tbe HCOnd qlllllrter hit a prob--Cll(Y Gaga Ml up for them. the ed on three free lhrow toMea to S•tlorw managed to cont&l.n th., put the Dun1 out in front r.c.1n able 8unM1t l.M-("e .cor~ low or ,Saint.a a.nd cJunr to Ole 1:1-14, to 1tay the Mll.IOn. Both 1ldell hit !or halrunoe ma1·ftn. Jf\UlJ"'h, u,., cipy DcJft eantoor four point.. All of lb• Tar potn\.11 Lorentzen"• •P""' ln lha third f rom Or1tnge, 1T&bbiMI l'itcts 900r· at thU •lal"• ot the contest cam,. I quartecr. aided by n elde!"I tram Ing honor._ tor both teem.a. pot- on tree lhrvws. two of thf'm by G u•rda Dave Tam ura and Gary Uni 22 pqlnta. Don Gu.ud L f' e Cent.r Larry Harper. :r~n. ga'"" thr Gobi • al.ll point Mathew• connet-te.:t tor 16 a nd I FOK POl"E bulgf! at f'nd ot the third c•nto. Dcu1, l"orward J ln1 St&IUfJ' h l t Eddie Pope w .. the only mem-?9-23. tor l t . ber of the normally eharpe.hoolln.:-A pair of long buc)lf't• by M1kf'lo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; Sallora who re,Wter.cl m orf! than Jmniell ot Sanu. Ana 11.nd th11t MARINE INSURANCE • Sparked by brilli•nl 11et~lve I Th• ClltiP ,,...,. tu rlh•T -wtdenf'd Olle Mild ('O&.I In the n r-1t haJr Hr I PPf'•Ted frlttered •way But 1-'flpt' ' pla)ll by Bob White and John H ui· by kmg •hot. from Dick Mor•.h·1 1°~-~~oh. J .. I-Oaie dldn"t boLhfr popped through a nettf'r anJ Lur-• • &mi Bud<1y Thomp81'ln to 32-?1 11.t ..__._.._ v -.enUen fu!towe<1 "'-"ith a drt\'t'·!n t o ~moolh S.lllnl" roUn, the N<!wport HA.rt.or r11.r · I lhe entl nf th•• lh!rd Ql.ll!rt ~r t alking-to Ill.I c.har(el •l halftln1e reetore that n1iea.g-re margin an<1 O.bornr-t'orl<tn "'-lty Clo. b&b.,. bu.rlketball tt'aor• 1ol!r<I 10 1:-;ewp<•rl ,_,.,,ng Ht:nrotin. 16 lt w .. a.I I too tlear .,.,hat th.-¥ enabl" thf' g11_il1Jr! lo llluwly pull ~!'l!!'I \\". l "oaat Rl(ll-., • :i.2-26 vi ctory O\"f"r th~ lurkll'Ni \Vhite lO l:lr)'l!.rit o Th,,,,,11..,,11 n .. ede<I. He M!ftt thf!m right fH1t a1,1,'&} ,~~=~'~-~lbo~rt~1~•~->~06l~~ Santa Ana Saint (''11 on tht' :,j•nl1t I 19. M or11.lf"~ u J.! u I ct" r, ~-o.n lh1 floor tor ·• 1hoolln1 drill I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'"-.;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I An• court y .. stf'rd11.y I Schon,•1, 2 during Ole 1nt.-ml&1lon. Th• ""'"'" "'"-''" ''" "' ,,,., _ Appannuy 1< ,... orr. " '""" J 0 H N ST 0 N E ', S quarter by holol111)( th•· 1·s1 bahr.~ I .. rar .. pottln" P•u.l Lorf'nti:rn Mesa Auto Wrecken to "!ghl po1nll "'"h1J,. , .. 1n!n•· I Argona uts Lose G o ...... concerned. He bucketed tour "I l>Hld Aiato P•rta four .. Thi! srronl'\ qu11-rter .• •• w 11. GARnr.~ GROVP: IOCN Sl goala ln the third quarter •nd two a.ad A~rle.11 rev .. r.e In tB•1 1r~ "~ 1h~ ·11.r C""nl .. 11n11r.I li1i;l1 S1hf•ui 1 ba~k.-t·i RWr" In the flnal &t&n&a to n•b 2075 P lattntla A\·e . bab..a ecor_. JI pu1n1_, to lhf 1._.,r., 111..•'. ,,..,..,k drf(">1t<'1J <:ur1!t11 same tugh 1COre honor• wtth I~ -I _J Uberty 8-"l'OI! t ·-1. MeM Saint.a f'l Kht 1;1uvf! :i ;.33_ Pope toUowed w1tb. el(ht <1la-ill 011 ·----..___. - "' .... ~ ~+ .. .. y.., "#' i1~. c""'",._J-1 I --. • ., • 1·F 1 wo·N s·&4 .,o~o:o •.• rdtstlll go.for Eleven reellars ~af1 63• It wouldn't make """" to pay more for wine moo you know this aecret: ' • Eleoen Cellars Wmes are produced in el"""'1 'different wineries. Each winery specializ.es in the wines that are made best in its district: California Port in one winery, Muscatel in another, and so on. These eleve~ wineries joined forces to bring you good wine at a r easonable price. Today, you can bny fine Eleven Cellars Wines for just 63c a fifth for sweet wines-.58c for dry. Enjoy the low.cost lwmry of Eleven Cellam-tonighU lllORE PRIZES FOR FLAVOR THAN ANY OTHER WINE! E':i~~ F& the third atroight yeor, Eleven Cellar1 nos 0 -won more Awards fo r.Exatllence than any other wine ot its price -Special Divisions, 1955 Cali· fornio State Fair and Loi Angel.s County Fair. (In Spedol Divisions, samples judged ore1 actually taken from store shelves.) ELEVEN CELLARS WINE • C 1''"0 1Ntol WINI AStoC.lallOM -S"N 'ltAMCIKO. CAlJflOllMtA SOUTH COAST 00. %3rd .a Newport llhC- ••• _)ltJ.• 1 I I , ' A SUNNY WEEKEND at Desert Air Hotel. Palm Desert, wu enjoyed by the Andrew Friedrichs of this city. Mrs. FrLL-dr1ch i.8 the "Marilyn'' or Marilyn's Fuh- ion Apparel, Coeta Mesa, and her awim suit ill made or foam rubber with lace rulfleo. ' A NEW CAREER ia being cazved out by Mn. J. M. <Dorothy) Dean. based on her own eq>erience and her deeire to serve others in a similar situation. Now auociated with Harbor Rest Memorial Park, she stands beside P..eterpaul Otfs "heeling," one of the fine pteces or &eulpture which will besutify th'e grounds and bui1dinp or the cemetery. -SWf Photo Business Woman in New Career at Mesa Ju11 l rt-turnt'd to her rlutlr• Rl lhf' ;legree or b11.cheln1 ,,r n1111ic, H11rbcr Re11t M•mor\11.I t'11rk l~ and rrorn Wrtl(ht -M1'M11.nun EK· Dorothy (M r1. J . M ' De11.n who. ecutive 8Pc rt't11rl11I Sr.hool. S..v· with a dlveraiflllil bu11inPs11. hac k · erly Hl\ls. She ;erved ~, !l r a1e ground. ha• cho11en a nf'w r 11.rtf'r w orker In the Pll!;lllil<'nu uffu·•· of. in a field ~ldom enter<'<! by wo-Burrau of Publi,· Al'!:!•,.tRnc ... Lo" men. An1ele11 County. Thl!ll. with ll Hoag Meets ·- Auxiliary J an. 27 Th .. ftt•l n11'l'lln1;: or 19.~8 of th" Auxllu•ry of H un);" .Men1orial 1-1.,,.pltal will be h~ld at St A"· drr"'" Pr1l'11bytt-rl11n Church Jan. 27. 11! JO a. ni Mr11 I) M. Hun1· "'"'· 11re~ld11nt . •nn'"'"<"l'N that. l..ll n11lJ!l1111dlng pr•1Kr111n i.~ pl11nn .. d . Th,. exe<;utlv•· •Pr rt lary o f Blue..Cmll.ll wil l IOJ!f'ak 11nd ~trs. \\"(nll'red B11con, ho.•pll.-.J admlnl: •traCor . "'·Ill ll'cl "·" modt'rator on II p11nf'I <ll /Of'UMl nn" hy tloctors or th~ ho1'plt11I 1'lAff. whr'\1'f' ~uhjrct v.·111 N' "Op.or11t1on •l f Ho.•pit11l v.·11h lntri;::r1Uon of the Aux· 1ll11ry" A w1dow with no children. 1'he real eat11te UcenAe. w•" with her had the f'Si.:pe;rlenc• of having to b rolher, Ktn BuAAty. for a )'t'llr maJle Important declalon1 1t a In SIU\ Bt"1T111rdlno l..A tf'r !!hf' tlrne. ~en It -med almn11t tm· worlc rd in the le1:111 r1,.p11rlmcnt powible to do ao. Re1n1flllllb-er\nJ: of !hf' F'!'<t .. ral Ji;u1~1n1t Adrninl· her own m letakf!• 1he1 now wh1hp 11tr11t1on. next In \hr f'lo{"rnw <lf'- to ""'' ..olhera, aidln1 lht'm w il!\i partmenl of' the f'oont'cr Title ln- adv!ctr . ln pro\1dln1 for f11mily 11ur11 nrt' And T n111! ("omr11n~ S1'n memor1 •1 and k nowtnr Lt 111 lm · Btrn11rd1no I •porta.nt for economioe rea.aon11. , It I• ~au11e ,.hr 11 .,..,-,.rely likr~ IO 11 111 • boo:11t rrvitw "' 10 l~i Mra. Dean wu paduatlld rn:im people. lllld ~·11u"" ,.he hall' niurh I Lunrht'()n f'lllov.·~ ''" thost . -..... 1 -..::.r... ...... . .... .·--------------·,tiav• b e en •Pftll leamtn1 to BlRTH DA Y SURPRISE wa11 really lhat for ~l rs. ll arold Roberlon. tcenter) ptHi- dent of Zonta Cl ub, before she left for a trip to Florida. She was attending what wu suppotwd!y a fund-raising luncheon at the home of Mrs. M. C. Sheely. At left is the nur~ 1n MN. Robertson'ti off1cf', lit right a gue11t, Mra. Danni.an. -Zonta Photo NEWPORT HARBOR • octe MRS. WlNlFRED BARBRE. Society Editor Sain t J oachim Ladies G uild Nam es Officers Newly t-lecled orricer1 of S t J()Achlm 1Adte1 Oulld aaJl'Jml:"<I duUe1 ot U1e!r J>Qt -•Ona ror the new year, wlth ill1t.1.Ua tlon t ak· 1n1 place 1t Ult-t!r1t meeting 1n PAGE b • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ,.,.,.,,_ I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY t /, 1956 Selected to d lr.ct the aeU•!t1ea ------------------------------lof th• org111izallon In ita commg j seaaon w ... Mni. Gt11.)rge Paul, pre· aident. At1l11t1.ng Mr1. Paul •I'll I Mmea. Robert W lnkll'r, vil·e-pre- eldent; Loul1 Sche11en1, H;cretary I and Ellrl Trapp. a«retary. Prt· 1!1dlni" u ln11t&.JlaUon offlc.,r wu Mr•. Harry V. Kandie. A BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON FOR CDM FELLOWSHIP The \\·omrn'• Ji"e!Jow1hlp or Corona dtl Mar Commun\l1 Church, Congr1"ga11on8.I, w ill hold lta 11.11nu11.J b1rthd11.y lunche ... n Wtdnt11day, Je.n 2:'1 at 12 30 p.m . 1n the1 chureh 11()(:l&J hAll HOAtt•1e1 will be membo-r• or the Churf'h School Guild 8.n•t P1-•t preeldt'nl.JJ will be honored. E.acti member or th!' f.'ellowAhlp !1 uktd to bring a penny for e•ch yee r ot her 8.1(" a• a turUlday offrring, 11.11d to bnng rrlrnd.s Re&erv11Uon1 ahould be. 10&.de. A co.Lor him, "Goo<t Vol.-e 11.11(\ Cra.ndmothf'r River'· will t>.. •hown. THEY TELL STORY Ebell Enjoys Lecture on Philosophy of Hats "~ origln.al--Or get out of the W 1ll!11.m) Gamble. rn11.y be made with G11nt. or Mr•. Phil ReMrva.Uon• Mrt. A rthur French. An entertalnlng prowrarn hu been prepared by progTa.m chlllrman, Mr1. B&.11\1 Ptteraon, -which wUl reat..ur.i the well kl'IOWTI &nd popu- lar m a l • quartet., ''Tht' 01p- loml!lt11 " '-1r1. Edmond H oyt. d11trlct cha i"rnu•n of Orang .. C o unty Fed- er1l1un of Women'a Club11. 11poke on c::luh acllvitieA 11t lhl! national level wd aub1equtnt world wide rt•ull.!o at tht1 cloff: of thl! lunch - A v11r!N\ procram of bu•tneu I lllld 90Cl11J function• ""'11.s outlLnr-d by the new prtaldent, A• wrtl llll a member11h!p drive aoon to get undenivay. Special lntere1t wa.s roculled o n the third wnuaJ I M8.r(ll Graa danc<11 ala ted for Ji"eb. 11 undtr the g:enerid d lrt1eUon of ' Mrs. Anthony Palaterrt. I Yoliowllll 1nter1-lnment and a 1 IMX1a.J hour retruhment.11 w' re served by t h e hoate1M4, !olr•· 1 Walter Mii ler and Mr&. Ja1111e1 McM&.h.an. •4UOM...,.. 8irl .... . flews UUWod needlN a n cl u, knola. 'I'M7 .. ~ rot taillr -· tun .tuQ U.. k&nd ot Cbrilil.mu u.. ea4* "" Md. la W-pbla, T--..... wr<I· lnc to Ulcl NatJOQal Mltomobll• .:..-------------1 Chab, I\. .. qalut lb• iaw to drl.ve MlOOD.d cr•de m-.de bead• ot maearonl fw ~he cblld.ren 1n the bMptt&J at ChrU:tmu -Ur¥. The llla&<l9 wer. 11ven to Bt-Andr~• torian. Church _fQr lhe }I'S Ward at Orange County Ho.pft.al. At a recent meeting ant or I the mother1, Mr11_ 'Vlggtna, 1howfld the g:irl1 an lnterl'tling collecuon of doU.. from Japan. Girl.. ot 1'!r.. Robin.son'• aei.:ond l[l'de Brownle Troop 18 ei.t·h re- ceived their Brownlt1 Hllll<I Book for Chr1atnu1.11 ao they have ~n rl'ad1nk lhen1 a.n•I m1k 111K pL1ir11 t or the ye&r. Thty are rnU ini;:: ...-:rapbooka 111 v.·h1ch to kPtp th.,11 n111t1"r1a1 Thtir rM"<'tlt Wlaih )'OU'r. uMp. • "Good Momlng Miu Dov4"' Color by l>etu%t la Clnem&Scopo -Plus - "The Livin9 Swamp" Storewide Clearance Sale! TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS on everytb.lng • , . llere'11 just a few Item"' :11 Maple Cricket Chairs and Rockers $11.95 to $2 1.9.) Wing Chairs, Custom Built TV Cabinets ... Lamps with hand-made Shades and 3 way switches $69.9:) u11 $4 1.9S to M>U .IJ.~ Rtir aavlna• on lmportt"d hookNJ n•1• Miik K'--Trundlf! lwd• -Bunk f'V.(I~. Buntain & Brown's ARCADE MAPLE SHOP In the A rcad,. ne11t to Sear• 11&0 !\I. Main, Nl.nt• Ana • STARTING Thursday, Jan. 12 10:00 A. M. 40cro to 50cro ' II, ·~' l " ' I' .1 If you didn't aee It. don't reJ!<lll.l Jt There 11 re d1trert'nl lclnd11 (If cou rage -,01neUrne" It (1 needf!ll for ordln11ry living, juat to get put • ot bed rnornlnl'•·" The::e and many olh~r pl'rt1nent and pottnt 11t11tl!rnl!nt.11, illustrated with hal.IJ dating bl!lck tu th~ Ct· vii War, provl<ted a dl!ll~htful . •1t- U!n hllarlou11 an!\ Kener11lly Infor- mative Ebell (.'lub prograrn on Ja.n_ :'I Ill Lelj"ton Hall whl'n M r• Loycl White ipOke on "PhllOllOJlhY Through Your Hat." eon pl'lriod. Ourtnc the flu.slneu ae1.111on pre· ---'-------------11 sided over by Mr1. Nlchola11 B~tl nr-r. pre11ldent. a financl&l report. Birthday Fete hy -111.w _ch11nge 11nd nect-11111Lry ALL SALES Fl~AL ( off Eiall Clubfioust' rt'nov11t1<111a v.·ert for Mesa Girl rattfied. M.me11. Leon r v.·1 u1am1. S. P11ul Dlcker11Qt1. A . o Lynch A falrylllle hou11e of gaily d~­ and 0 . W. Hoop were introduced or11ted ginlil:erbread wa. .. the birth- a.s nt'w club n1t'n1bers lly Mr• dny ell.kt 11 t the1 party for 9-ye11r- Juhn La.mar. me1nber~h!p ch11 lr-old V11.ler!e1 H.ovin last wetck Ill n11..J1. W elfa re ch11lrn1an. Mrs. John Boyl11n exprt1111t-rl 11 ppr.-r tn-th11 homl' of her par<:"nta, lhe '-""" tlon fur the gf'nerou11 Tl'l'pOll/Oe r.f Jlov in.~. 209~ F't"<lerlt.l AVt'., Coala gi~lll at C."hrh1t1naa .,.,hkh w,. re taken to thf. Or11nge C<n1nty l-to11· pltaL A horne rooked 8:30 p r11 . f11n1 - ily dinner un Jan. 12 111 1_..•gion Hall w111 annuu11ced by \Vay11 and ~tean• ch11irn1an. A mel111 ~ ~1 r•. M•'"'-'· P rt.eent to enjoy I.he gl!.m<'1' lllld rl"rretthment11 were Su~11n ~1ac-Don!l..ld, Ray. Karen and Judy Charnberl11ln. Linda Rudd, Lee. Bill anoJ Dil·lcle Rov1n. Sharon 11nd Konn!e Young. Bobbie McClain. Dede Barnett and lht1 honoree. SA LTZ MORTUARIES * VALUES FOR WOMEN * Woolen Sweat.en Orton Sweaters Woolen S kirtM Woolen Bermuda Short;fll Wool .~la.noel PM.aJ Pus.hen Woolen J ersey BIOUff.e8 Leather BooHterettei. Terry "l.n n' Outen" Tt!e Shirt. Cord11roy Peda.I Pushen Conluroy Bermuda Shorts Cotton Blouaes Sall Cloth Clamdlggen Sall Ctoth Slacks Sa.II Cloth Jad<e<a * VALUES FOR MEN * Wind Bre&ken Woolen Shlrt:A, SoUd Woolen Shlrla, Plaid Sport Shirt. Woolen .lenM'y Sllpona Terry .. In o' outers'' Swf!&t 8blrt. 8h1rla, Prlat ·Trunks, Print Bermuda Short. --... Plaid <Mui ,_ Ole UnJ'Nl"&lty of Rldlanda with rr--iom in hl'r wo1 lc. th11t 1he mlllc tn( re,.ri Vll tlnn '''llh th t ---------------1ha11 madf' thla cl't'lr.ngt. Shf' llke1 .V1'Chl c lub Altt"nti"n l!I .-11 llt'd to C<JSTA ~IESA CHAP EL to travel .• spent "'II month11 In rorr rrlton for 111.•t tv.·o 1'll tf'11 on 1741 8uperi<Jr A•·l'nUe CHAPEL 8\' THE S1':A J:'l20 I!:. Ce>Ut Bh·d. Coron11 del Mar, C alif. N.I.1. Elects Board Officers Th• boa.rd or dlreo.~tor• ot Nev.·- port Island lnc met Jfln 4 11.t I h" home of M.r. 11.nd Mr11. Jame• E•I· wan:i1. 3900 C hNnnrl P11'l',. w11h .,le<'Uon of o fflct1rt on the R(••nda Europe and lh MtddJ E I I tht' tu.:kl'll. which llhoul{I reed Costa M,,ll<L. Cal1 t " " all n , "Jo'rlday Jan I l " 11nd 'Frirl,.y. 19:13. Sht h.1111 brcome II perm11-M ' · ' ."Phonl' LJt>erty ~-t121 Phone H11 rbor 42 nent re1'1dent of Uli;::una Be11ch. 1 .11rr h 9 · _ ------· -:-:=""'.=-:---====-====::! ~:~::=i::-:~~·~"· O~!·~:.e ... ~,'t ~:: t~~~:~ --r-·-;e.-:;;;~,-~-'-a;;:,-----e;;;;:-----------=======-===---------:-~-----::---, r~rrf'd hl'r m~n1hfor ... t11p to the l'r""b)•l<'!l"tl churt'h thf'Tf'. ·41#· •••"'&r• --...... :":::~~~---r--··· Pl. •nd flnaJ pl11n11 complf'tt'd f•ll Mauttfytnr lhe N~porl l sla ntl R . ....... ev1ew Phi Book Friday Land11Cap4n1 II l\llW In proir--I t here W"lll be adrqu1te bulkhl'••I-Jn 111,. thud hiM >~ ••'I'''"' ,.f 1•1 ln1 l11.9taJH!d and three b11.11lcet.1. Bf'ta Ph1'11. r tut,.nt ""'"'" ,.l ·"r "· teU'ler and pl!Ho;-ponf cour~• will port Harbor Yt,.ht C lub Jan IJ b9 compiclecl by t'ar Y 1um~r. Mr11 M11ry Grf't•r Scarbor>~lllth Offlcer1 f or th<! year lricJu1k' '"'Ill tell 11rn11.!'1nc anrocdote1 nl ~u­ Jal"\eii l:dw11.rd1. president , thnro wllh ... P1 un1 "h'" i, P'"'"''n O.Ory1 Bharrill. vke preMdtot . 11111· Al'qualntrd 1n ••l•lll1<1n ll\ 1• Mn. Richard Wtbb«. 1«.retary;[\'1""'\ni;:: b101tr•ph!<'-' anti oth•r )Id. P. '· hrn•n. trM.urflr. rurT""l bc'wlk1 ,~nfr" hour 11 et I • --- " OPEN SUNDAYS 2930 West Coast Hlway 101 ..Mar--.' MOe-" ' Llbe; ly 8-1722 NEWPORT -"- BEACH • ' .. ' Co1teste4 Smith Divorce Case T 1ki1 114er Co1rt S1bmiaio1 TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REP-ORT · & COMMENT IN ftAJNIXO-Marine 2nJ Lt. Jame• H. Hitchn1lln, aon ot Mrw. 8ut Hitchman ot 43 Beacon Bay, N1Wport Bt'arh, a.nd huebl.nd of th<'l torm"-r MLu Laura ,_I Conu·r of Bothell, Wuh ' !I 11tlt'll<llnK II fl•• -mOl'lUt ofrio·er b" • 1 c courae at the ~t11 r!n<' ! 'urpt 8choo!Ji. Quan1 11•,, 1/1 H• wu eomm1•"""'~11 Pe•· J1 jl.fter c.mp!t'ting • \rn ... ,.,.k Officer Oa.nd1date Ct.uia"-I t Quan ti.co. 'lt7 ot U.. Smltlt'• ...map and lOMJ"" data. Ol eadl ..a..-tM °'"'· 1 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A lhJrd amended oomplablt aJllo ccUMd SmlLh. a buJldtnc contrac- Jr llnd 11Ubdh•ld•r. of b&TUll' ln- .lmate ~lauou.' With Mr.. c.- :i1u. La8hfllle, wU1 of Chrlati.UI'• ..Jul ope.rat.or ,\rt LA.Ahelle. Mr•. Smith IJOt an lnlarlocu· :Ory divorce dCC'ree from Conlrac· tor Kennelh p; SclUnldt In ltlll. Schmidt obtained • li(ulcan ·•quldtl•" divorce from M r1. Schmidt. Then Mr• Schmidt wed Smllll In Me:idco bf::fore her lnterlocti· tory year-waltin• per1od ..., .... up. Sdunldt a.1'o remLrTled. Check Susoect to See Psychiatrist • SA?'.'TA A!'>A. IOCNS)-At the reque-l ut hla attorney. Bradley S..:hwan:. Francl• A. Ratchford. 37. or 484 E 19th St .. Co.ta Meai. ye1terd•y w111 ordered ua.mlned by a p1ychlalrlal. Superior Courl Judfl! K1nneth Morrtton made the order. He c:on- t!nul!d the arrw.tgnment of R.atch- ft•r'1 lo J liII 24 and a1ked for a r .. port on lhe defendant'• m ental cvndltlon. I '!'ht 11ttomry aald he'd known th,. der .. nd11nt tor con•lderablr u111 e •nJ ff'll thl! p•ythlatrlc ex- 11.11•lnat1on ahould be made. Hatchl<>T(t In r u11hdy, 11 charK· e·1 with 111~\llfllC rour check• to U1e Sll!nal c 11rt, Tu11t1n. three to1 $~U. !hi:' "t.her t or $20. OOllldNT nt0a ... WO&&-fte OU~ tor tM Gu iDhltlJ' Dine&· wtre ., .• ta , •·•a#' COIDta.t.rw ~t. wtua a pie o1 • c.. ' tO • pet'CIOt l;ll prodpet ~ Hl:WPOAT m&A.Cll ,-llarll:tit Clll*t.d la 1161. ........, &pPteft Ucy, Bbort 'hrm. -qui.tandlnctY &ttre.eUw. e..-4 Th• dee.UM lriilee M--, ma.rJt. on t.11• dl'alUUc piA I• CTU4-,...._. ltd UMI Gdft of & ~ Mtl*i:k dactJon from It. MW VaneSliMlan which ,.. ... wtdel7 uUdpat~. a... ftllld, tt ~ b9 ..,.lnc al th4 aide. MUiac ill &llUdpaUOn of tu rat• of al leut ST ptr mha.n by requlrement. of Jan. Jg, U.e mtU>-the efld of Ui. ye..r. The com· ket !'lad lo a~b Ml'. .a-n-p&l'lf'• ~Ual in 8ollla1U&nd and howtir'a Pl'Ull Ml_.. and th• J:thlopta la a "plua" tact.Qt-In the .:omn1en t. Qt M.r. l'orcl l'ej'atdiq alock. \ lower automobUe producuon Ln Amerkwl &a4a..t•1f enjoy• a Ii~. strolll' trade poalUon domeatJeall~ Th1re wer. techri.lc&I, doWnalde in he.atJnc, plumbtnr and alr-con- lmpUea.tlona, too. Tr.dtrw turned ditlo.ntq. In forelp •pheru, th• beariah wt.en the Dow-Jonu to-compan,J'• Mleti a ri. d •rnln1 d iat!'lal everq .. follow.ct th• lead IJ'OW'lh alnce the end of World or raJ.'-and Ut.ll}Ues iJl breaktnc W-.r a hu been phenomenal dawn out of the topt!~ ranre Pro1pect. for le&e ar. •llafa.ctory thl.t had putleted.. and tbe klol' ternu outlook ap· BOND llA&&ET pear. exc.illent. Thl• good quality Thi! n-luu. ca.lend&!' !Ji "°me- "hal hearier, bul •Ull not bur<ltlt!.· 'IOme. Thi Federal Re.rYe a u- lhoritlu an1 evldenUy happy with at..oclt atforda a matkf'dly &bo'A· aver-&6e yield from Lt.a •eU COY· ired $1.40 dividend. DOW-.IONES l r .M. AVEJtAOE9 tflf'lr prllMllt Urtit money policy-SO l.ftdualrla.la ._ 479.06 up 2.i1 4 a~ &how no •tent of che..nfing tl. 20 R.al!Ji l~.82 up 1.14 Tll'e m ember banU' poillUon h.aa 1_, UUlltleti 6J T2 11p .71 Improved.. 1 P . M'. VOl.l ')fE l,$80.00I l':OONOMJC. BU81N1:8S NEWS New York I p. m l'i tork r·ri4'!ell It l• becom1f\I'. lncre..1~g!y rvt-AmertNn Ra•llator & SS lent thal lhe l .. ~ booni wu A1ner1ean Tt>I ""'L ·r,·1 r1111U1c<!J to 11ome" exant by way Anaconda ,,f an !ncNl&.Ae In debt, which <'In· Chry11!"r :iot be exP"cted to expw d 1011 .. r!-I ouront n!!•ly The tlr1l ql>1'rfer <OUW. I G<ener&l F.:1•" !rl• ""tll be lhf' w or1t In 19~1!1 u f.ir a.a C.-n~r.U ~l ul•Jr~ bAd bu11n .. 111 1L11d llodl: nlluket Olmble llru~ Grl!at Nrorll11•m H H "" '"'~ 71 83 224.\i, ~:'Iii .,, :i:.• .. "" ARCHITECTURAL CONTRACT~ FOR NEW SCHOOLS SIGNED L><-11&rtn1tnl 1tore 1toeluo &rt .\lon\•·f"Y vu n1tnllon··d •• an unpopula.r gruup, Slnt.la!r t)1l rnarket· .... l ~e . which offera •J<<<')!· ~lfl.ndtrd Oil "t 1 al1r tiona! value jll thl• Ume. Glrnt,..1 TMlrUl-Amf'nr 11. 6 1uthen 1t'em1 upeclally attrac· Unu.m 0 1! •Jf Calif :•vr I U, S St.t'"! "' .. ~ "~ .. 01 . ~? ~ ' . • ArclillK tural. rontraclt tor the 7112 With a.llo""·ance qt $3)0 for the 1---------------------------- Nl!w C.oat.a Meaa ll!ch s~:hl)UJ on tha 1Jte of Uta tonrier !:iant1o Ana A.nn7 Air El.aw and for L.11<1 1~ claaaroom addlllori1 to \hi!-.-·~w· port JU.rbor Union H igh 8<'hv..;; wl!ra alped by the h!lh 1chool ooard of truttel!• fl.lono:.la y nlghl. Rapreaentatlvea or Und, Pleger, Alurock and Houg"&n, who will be 1n chart• of lhe i..:oata Meta con- 1tr1Jclion job. Wt're pre1l!nt fur the roullna 1IC"nln1 Cl!t.,•nuny Arch!· 1 .. .-:lt Smith, Powell anti Morgr11ge Mre In charge uf tt11! ph1.n1 for th" 1 lat1room 11<lditlon1 Non" of their old bwaa-e• uae.'i for the pa.et 211 years. The promotion ot F ootball Coach Al tr "'ltl to the po111tHJn of foot· •All ..:uordlnator, annuunced !n en ~•clua!vl! etory U. the :\'ew1-ProeM latt ""'"ek, v.·at conflrrr1 .. d by thl! ll(i&rcl. Don Bum• will t.l!come the new head var1lty g"r!d!ron coach. Rl!•lrn•llon of J.lrs. All.re Koch, E:ng lllh teacher, tor 1l!e.1ora of lll- rleflll wu ac1.:l!pted. :\'u replace· m'enl hu t.t'f'n obt•!nf'<.l. HARBOR HI LIT ES B y NANCI CAMPBELL The Chri1tmu va.cation i. now offkia.Uy O\'rr, u the H.ar borites got back into the llWIJtc of .r1.;ol and IOC:ial life. rtJHe11en t.aUve1 Wt're pre1ent . MARINERS WARNED No plarui Wl!re 1ubn11tteJ. how· A small group of friends 1albererl .t the home of J obn McKinnley Friday evening f or a sw"itn'l\ln.&" party. Initiating Jn.>in'1 ne""' pool wer• Kenny i nd J ohll Wcll •"ni.7 a nd llu" Bowden. Kty Jone.11, J!m Llnk and Bf'v !'kip N •i. lenhaJI a n 11 Oebhl,. Jllqulth, G..-orre P lt l and Barblra Col.._ma.a, J .... ry Crou and K•)'la J11 qu1th, J tn1 Knight. Ph11 'T't'apfl Hurot, atld P'hll 'Trapp 1L11d t'arol Mike Barthtt. and John anJ I •1 -Ku11 T\•tn. NlqUl"\I a n..J Judy ane Joye 8.an<l1 m •ct. Ula r owub a n•l at- A.rlle H!rlrhtr'1 home wu al~ lt.ni!ed aU thrf'e. the &etne of a quiet but lively !'IEE ~r.w !llHOW """'r. during" Lha Monday mretlng. I OFFSHORE FIRING HH1• were accepted uo two 19-d paatf'nftr bu1n t rom thl! Cr'lwn The-Coa.!lt uard v.·arna all Hotly Wor k.11. The prlcl! wa8 $14.-ma..r1nl!rll or da ng"tT'lU! ott- thore tiring In Ull! San Cit· p11.rty. Dr1nk•nc punch and d&nc-Thi n.w •how Ktamal .,.iu Lh• Ing "''ere ArUe 1L11t1 Ou•nl! Feith· a ttrar llon tor J <Jycf' 1/1\lf' a.nJ er l lone, Don Babbfi 11.nd Ba ti a Bob McCarther 111d J oyct (.'hung Sn1ll h, Denny U1ah and Karen and Ke t n Singleton. 1'-t11r!an \\'Ri,"fOner. Davi! Uri< kn .. r 1 n U K v .. rner aljlo(> al Klamet. but •h .. !'atty \\'hlt ~rt•h.l "'w Lt twie•. Once wlth Alan Ky Supreme Court Denies Adams Petition Plea SANTA ·ANA {0CNS) -1 he S tate Suprl!me Court 1'-1onda y d .. n led a pet!Uon by Ray S. A.d- 11.1na :i.e. ot Olend1le , flr1t lndlctl!d And flr1t conv\cl<'ld In the 19:i4 ·orang• County Grand Jury liquor llcenM probe for a rehea ting af- ltr h.11 convlcUon w11.1 upheld. Tha Dl•trlct Court of Appeal• 1a1t weak uphald a rrand Lhe(t conviction acain1t A d a•n•, form- er uacutlve •ecrelary of Lhe Cal· irornla Tavam A1110CL«tlon. ·-- Adama, 8 a cramanto lo bbylet. WU tound (Uilty by a jllTy In the S uperior Court ot Judge Kennet h Morrtaon of tha W\lawful taklnf ol 18300 !rom MW Meltt._. For· 1ttr of 8&tl Juan C.plllru\O for enf1neerlnc an «i. M l• liquor II· cen1a for her. J uror1 broug:ht In a dlrec:.ted a cqultta.l vardlct on a bribe alle- l"aUon. Tha tonner fl<leral tre .. uz:;y department t mploye. wu lndlcl- ed by the g:rand jury S l!pL 24, ll:W. H• wu conY1cted Feb. ll, liM. 8ubeequl!ntl,y, he wa1 depled a nirw trial a nd probation. Judge )(on190n 1entenc"d Adame. who received Prl!tidenUal parlkln at- ll!r a convlcUon on a federal of- ftcet lmpereonatLon charge. to priton for thl! term pre«rlbed by Jaw on crand theft---one to ten yeara. Adam•' la expected t o a new probaUon hearing. rile tor n11!nte l•lanJ a.r-th11 week. 1o·1rlng ,,..:u1 take place e rr Py· l'llnlld CDYI, •Tu-1ay 1L11d Thur~ay, 8 11 m to 11 p 1n and W«l.ne-.dt.y, 6 am • to ~ p.tn. There will •tao De f1r1ng arr Ca.atlt Ro.·k, Monrttty throui:h F r!Jay, Jan. 9 thrf ut;:h JJ, 8 •.m . lo mldnlg h!, and Saturday and Sund;i.y, Jan. 1•-16, daylight houri only. Surprl&f'' 1u rprl.11,.• .-rho~1 1 p1n~kl a/hi unce With Ult.k Hll t•h lhroui:-h a.re11. when J 71n Uh1m A111T a P11lm had 11 "'IU1•~rful waktd Into ht!r huu,.,. 8 1aturday tl&y 1'l 0nt111.y \\'h<:'n U1lt \\'f'tlf'l evl!nlng F or thPr" 11.11 Ji1<ly t'ole· f'l<k,.,1 /\rt up t'""' 11 11 1,.»!!11 ~ fur man, Jenny Lurhl. l,.11.uial \\'<M"I-th" !otft t11ne In ll1••t t .... o )'e"'r• •on, Heather Llcl•ll " Jill Blum. or 1o:u1n~ lOgt>lher. Tv look at h<":r Bay Ready Mix in Suit Against Television Firm SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Clalm- lng the derl!hd&nt.11 'blOCltM thl!lr .ruck from moving" tor U houn. Bay Ready M ix Co. Inc ., C09ta Ml!.s& and employl!e R ex Ootion today nled •ult tor 17000 tn Su· p4!rto r Court hl!r"' Thay name<! Eu1ene Scha.ffl!r uid George Scha.tter. dolnc bual- ,..., u the AAA~Televl1lon Cen- tl!r, Santa A na, u defendll11lt. The plaJ.nWf11. contl!rld they had tMan uatnc a driveway adjoln!nt the deftndanta' property .. cet a t \ Job at 1610 S. Main St, Ann Smith. No1.11 ry .\1 11~tPn, :'\'ur- m a Herfnrr, Ann r..on K. lln rl S on- ny Rlch .. 11 all "'lllhinif her a Yl!ty Happy 13111.hday, Arter ope nlnr the tiny prl!lt'nt. the i.:1 oup Wl!nt to 11. very Ch11'1~M re11tsurant and l1&d 11. ver y Cl11ne11e d!nnPr. TtlJ:'i"KE J)ANCING : Thi! Pal'\dlum hfld 1pecl11l 111.t· traction tor llf'Vl!ral. ·r11.r• l:iatur· day nlg"bt. Lea Brown playl!d thl! m111lc a ad Tclrn Niquette. and Ju- dy 8a.nd1, J im Taylor and Pat Rl- l1y, Alan R yp!n"kl 11.nd Bab1 Smith, Chuck Cha pn1an and Mar· cella Kelll!t, D ick Ov1rby and Bet"erly Pflrrtn1lln. J1ck Smith .nd Jody l.ll!b. Pl!!.a Schulberg and Taccoa Hayea, f!:dd le P rlrr- m1 nn and 1'1 ellnd11. Clemmon• a ll wore them&elYea out dancing" to h.la wonderful 11w!ng Th'!re ""'ere mll11y Harbor Hl(h 1tudent• a tt.endlng the va rioue lo- ca l Lheatr.,1 thl11 wttktnd. Sttn On Jan. II. according to lhe plain · •l the M"aa w"rl! Jark Smith and tltf1, Dot.Ion drov.-a Bay R.a,dy Jody Lieb. Dick Ovl!rby and Bev- M:lx trJJck into the driveway and l!rly Pflrnnann, G..-orge ~faybee, .vhen hi! •tarted to leave he found Alan R yplnekl, Bob Partin IUld hla vehicle cont ronte<I by defl!nd-Doug-Bowler. The show a t the uia' vl!h!clea. Lido 11w Dennis Henderenn a nd Dotson alll!gee ti .. WU for<'-f'd Per!.. Holland, Sle\'e \VatChf'T to JelYI! the truck tor 10 houri A.lid Brl!nd11. aarnetl. Daye Tamu- !>l!C111.uae the dl!tendant• refuted to r11. 11.nd Gloria. llhapme.11, Tom 11ove their rnachln". Furthl!rmorl", Houat on 11.no1 Toni f111rro ugh.1. Lhe pl11ntiff. 11.llt"gea thl! defendan!A \\'illchlng the Porl'e r !nen1i< wer" •11.ld th"Y would not a.How · f.tr 'Tom Pl!araon and Su11y 1'.'1~11en. .nick to leave unl .. ea $3~0 wiu J irn N'ewklrk ~n,1 Pat Kc!tt'r. ?•Id. you v.·uuld think it V.'Rll the t1r11t Ume llhe h11.01 g••ne 1•\lt "'Ith ll1ni She "'"' ii. nervow "'re<.:k . ------~.L---- s&e -MILLION maximum ava ilable lora.J fUfl!JI wuuld be Ual!•l In lhe operation of the plant. Ultimately tht' new Edi· ton ttl!l.m 1t11.tlon ·will he one of lhe large11t gl!rleratlng pl&nl-1 on the con1pany'11 11ysLen1. He .11tated thw.t llctual f''ln1tr11ct1nn date11.c11n be drtermlnf'll "hen the P ti bllc UUlit1"11 Comn1\1111lnn 11.nd other pubUc llg"enc1"• hil\'I! appro ved lhl! comp1L11y·., plan11 to rorutrurt tha plant ln the 11rea. MA 'l'TRilii.S_S f:!o!. &o.t. -Home11 ~ Trallen I rN"gu.lar Shapt'11 ~rty 8-1309 COST A MESA MA 'M'llr;S8 CO. !IMI :'\el\·port Blvd • Old E:atabllllhed in.uranca Ag"ency All llnu wrltll!n. BOWARD W. OERRISH 1808 Nl!wport Blvd., Co•ta Meea PHONE LIBERTY 8-16ll S1penison Continue Action Newport Variety l'OUH 6 uid JO STOKE \Va 011'e Cro~TI Slampa OoNa l''ron' XPa.r l'if!-r MESA UPHOLSTERING Upbohterlnr A Df&llU"J ?MO )\'"'Pt. f?.h·d., Collta 11- Ubttrty 8-4 781 01 Gravel Variance Near Mesa Nl:"TORT 8EAC ll BANTA A NA. (OCNS l--Con- tblued unUI Jan. 24 WU the •C- t.Ion taken by the county board ot .upervtaor1 ye1\enlay on a re- qu•t r. l.a ••rlance to pennlt eaca,..Uon ot NJt.d a nd g:rave.I pit north of C011ta Me1a. were perm1ttf!d, c!11.tml!d two I ~===:::;:;::::::===;:;;::::;:=~~~~~~~:::·:;;;:::;:;;:::;:;:::;:;;::;:;:;~ I otheT prote.tanlll, I, Tba JocaUon of lhl! pit 'llt""Ould ba aboUt lleo t .. et ew.1t or Del Oblipo St. &11d the end of a prt- vate road which runt aouthl!111.at rrom. .O.I Oblllpo St. Tlle 11te lt abou.t • quarter of a mlla north of UM county dump. a.nraJ avtd obj&elnr1 appear· ad Mlol"a the 00.rd. prot•tlng lhe • .,-..wt plL Bullder C'.en" Buma -.tad ha owned '1~ a cre.II ,.. .. t ot !:lie IT&•el Oll'f'r&Uon a.nd pi.m.d to btllld 300 hom ... thl!re. '1'bl cnftl o~llon w .. .,111 (lf'9&t. t.ramc ha.urdt. nlll11~. and alt«:t all properU• a .. r~·h'"<.I by Dal ow.po St. Tha .anll•tlon tll.1- utct -·t '6lllt 11.., U1il flood con- trol eomri\tttM 9"0Uld not fence It ott ., ll wW just ~ Ulh-1 ud c:Nata a ~ lo cbJJdreo 111 UM arta. R Burn a maintained TM acutil ... tar abortac• &J. rud.J: faJt..bY ~ ~d.,,ta would ~ .. ad lt Ula (t'&Ytl pit Supervtaor Helru; Kaper. Ulen moved to contlnul' the hf!a.rlni.:: beclU.1e hf' wAnlf'ol tn 11111.ly (hi' 11ltuaUon io.n<I IOt;'11li"ri of l hl" 1•n1- ~ pll Car Fired Upon 7'fr!!I Jlln" Patttrsnn, i 07 ''I ~11th St.. t old N .. v.·port policl! Ott. 28 th11t a. anlper had r1red t"'·o BB holes In ht-r car window be- twt'en 7 :JO and 9:30 a. n1. She 11Ld the car wa• parked at Lhe time 11.nd wa• unoccupll!d. Hauslcen-Watsoll SPORTS CAR CENTER .rac-uar, MO, Alfa Romeo Alllltln Hf'aly. Ao11Un. Mon1• An11tl111 Re-ult l'li'"E"' CA& 8AJ.L8 a 8ER\1CE CLEAN UBICO CA.R8 lmponed • Dom.Uc COSTA lliCDA I BANTA ANA l...DiartJ' IJ..MSl &I 2_.TM lhS Ha.r. Bl. Itel 8. ...... ltoPpa.I~ e Malnt l!nanre • lnatallatlca STAFFORD & SON ":-;"ELS and DC>C" t :t.ECTCICt\L Ct)'.\"TkAC"'TORS f'tio1te Li bert>· 8-1!!76 110 ~h'f'nlld,, "''"'1Uf! SeK'port 8-.rh RE~IDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL :.-coMt.4ERCIAL ' NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL ZM IOtb St., Ne"JIOrl &Mb -1551 .. ' j • .. . . 1 NEWPORT HAAIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I ' PA&l-f SHOP MONDAY & FRIDAY NIG4 TS 'TIL Q · I • LAST W!B: ••• Gr"'9lt IOI. '"'' ... and lf'1 o1rnotf CV*! If yov oran'I one of tha 1ody - ...N.'M left OW "°'9 lad.n with borgoin1, hare'1 yovr chont#. J1,1tt 1troll throvgh ony d1po¥tme11t , , • ...d notlm .... prk.t fagt.. Th1y'll ton¥!nca yO<J thot th.y"r. l'90My "Spactoculor1." 411 COTTOI FLAllllL Wo.hfo.t po [om o prinh. 3 ,1 FOf JJ .. ~,.. ond rob•.. rfa. Soft nop. I.ti U'HOLSTERT 'l.UTIC Ourobia filn'I. ~·l~h width, 1 cok>n. Emy To c!aon. &rigtlt "'°" 1.21 l!IEl'I HAlllU ..i.. ~1 .. cotto11, 1 I 11 ch ham- 1tltchad, 690 MILK CHOCOLATE Chunk1 o4 Iha pvrall, Swl• ty~ mi!lc chocolo!a. No~n-49~ l1hing traotl I. 19 IOA TTER . RUH Mod• from broadloom co~! remncintl.'. Smart d..ism ond 79- ~1~ l,91 FOAM RUllEll l!IATI luoyant, ,..111en1, 16-21-ln. 6 Harm°"y Houte colora. .... 100 21.H llLYERTCIE RADIOS ' 27 11 Sanslllva A.M.. dtcmit.. Moille c01-. Cholc• o.f brO"Wn Of l•ory. 2.41 HOUSEHOLD FILES A ·-+o l Indexed foldan. L o c Ir:. 2" Gray, 10xl2\b:5~1ndl llr•. l,IO.l'flLIT'I TAILU Shelf iMu 20 • l~n., 21~n. he!vltt. 2 troys, Y .. low or _.,,.., I.II HOUSEHOLD IULIS AO, 60 and 100 watt. 9 g.w "-...... '°' ....y '" ;ii' S.o--.d wood, nm tM111au1 311 hordwore. Ho1 poQ .Ntf. RE8. 291 ICREWDRIYERI Slot type ond Pt.illipt,. Plottic h o n d I eL fOf h.ovy duty. SAVINGS FOR THE HOME 299.95 Cold11ot htrlr1rrtor, 1lmMt 11 cu. It Zl7.• 299.95 freuer Ch1st, free2's 461 lbs. . Z47M 179.95 Gu R1111, 36-in., automatic heat control .. 147.ID 25t.95 ~enmore Wasllln, cycl•fabr ic ictioo .... 239.11 209.~ Elec tri< Clot11es Oryar, hi1h·speed dtyini .. 111.18 t69.95 111nmore lrffer, ?Ji.inch 1011 .••.•••••... 121.h 211.95 Sowi11 Mach l111, dlJIJ/m lock stitch ..... 17.&.U 4.95 Cotten C""ti•r. 11·ft width ... sq. yd. 3.ZI 2S.95 Cotton Tlltol Ruis, 9xl1 ft 4 colors 24.N 1.49 Inlaid liaol.,m , 6·ft widtft . sq. yd. I. II 279.95 24-ln. low Bey !'I, olum inized tube . 219.h 219.95 Sofa·Bed IM Chlr Set, fOfllls se<tional I 11.U 59.95 Clroma Dinette, 5fc, 30x40" ext"to 48" 4'.11 BARGAINS FOR WOMEN 2.91 1001' vtl(l1 Drlll SWolllrs, colors. 3440 .. 2.11 45c IL Ac1ta11 llrilf1, band or elastic. 3().4() .. 3 for 11 1.91 C1tt11 Ulf·llH lrn, sizos ~4 in B. C cups .. 1.31 4.91 llAll .U PlllJ ll~lt. llflit1. Z&J4 ......... 3.H U2 Dtol• Juas, doublHlitched saanl~ 10.20 .... 1,11 1.49 c1u11 Sllrts, che<ks, plaids, solids. 10.20 ..... 79' 1.S5 Sttob:l-t•m NJ1t11, shear as a blush ..... pr. 17• 1.95 W....'s llH1<-SHoc,-lattler, .,edes ....... .&.U 5.91 We.,o's F1JIJ 1111 C111als, styles and colors .. , 2.U 4.91 w. .. ,., H-i!Wtn. all styles ........... 1.31 VALUES IN MEN'S WEAR SS.DO Bolt.fad Salt •. ...,.,, ·n1nnels, 1abardlnes ... •1• 80.00 BolUH s .... slllrksklns, soft nannels .... 17.11 l5.DO Bolt.£1f s•. WOol nannel and· WOfs!eds .. -.. IT.II 5.49 Matcled Wort Oltflts, tan. rray. 141>·17, 2941 .... 4.91 Cordoroy Won Paots, cotton. 1 colors. 2~. . 3.18 t3.95 Me•'s fleW hots, IQ.in. Engineer boot 7·12 ., 10.N t4.95 Lowrs' BHts, oil tanned steerhide. ~12 .. 11.N Wano Popllo Jacklta; 100 % cotton. S lo XL ........ S.11 Cans Won Glttt~ ik>L Hercules ........... I for II' 119 Cl .. llray Slllrts, double stitched S!lms, IH7 II' 79c Mei's fle1 Slclls, all stretch nyloo ...... pr. •11 59c oL UHorn• Salt, shorts, shirts, briefs .. a for •I SPECIALS FOR BOYS, GIRLS 3.90 Girls' Cardlpn Swtllars, jockey red. 7·14 ..... 3.tt 1.98 Nyl" Bellflaot Potllcoats, 2 styles. S.14 ...... I .II 1.41 Co~uroy L111i1~ boxer style. 246 ..... ea. II' J.29 Doralllt 011h1 J1111, elastic waist 2<ix .hi 1 JI Slacks, Dteralls, cottoo twill. Colors. I <i ...... IM ll8c SI• Scarfs, a few 100% wool.... . . . . . 2 fer 1 M 2.91 Boys' Sitrt s.irts, lat.st styles. ~ 18 ......... 1 M UI Boys' Flallll Sltfrts, cotton. Washfasl 4-16 ea.. II' U8 loys' Jacbts, lined. Sllades of blue. ~10 ...... IM 2.29 WostaA Jo.., taper4d lers. Sanforized ....... tM SAVE! BUILDING BUYS 154.95 HtP, l 1r llmli Sn, extensions extro I II.II 1l95 crttts .. Drill, 14.Jn. rea red key chuck ... ll.tt 1l50 S.141rilf c., builtin foctJSed spotll(fit.. .. l.H 3195 ~.it.r. 5r1Ulr, nat face design .......... at.• 14.15 111141111 Sit, head, 4 culte!J ...• " •..... 1.• All•ln• Slloots, 6'x26", 5V Plain ................ IM 1.89 34• 1 Slllldn. asphall f~t b11e. EJ. sq.. . 1.• 3.95 Rodi WMI 11111, I bat covers 50 sq. ft 81( Z.11 4.11 C..llllf T• T°"' durable plastic ....... 2.11 5.M 15at1'1111"" ltfllr·Sll, latex bast .... 1.N 12.51 2l"llll" ~ colors. Slleet . . . . . . . l.N l25 111n fltwof ,...,., 16"125' rol l.. . ....... tM 1716 SO. MAtN ST , SANTA AHA T&BHONI II. 7-JJ71 • I ,. ·- I : . ' -- WITH SAWE ,.,. u. -...... art-<>k•-·-llnp ' (ADI W ... _.. olop- plrlc ,..1 -· ....... ···--·-... -.... -~ .. -· '---·-··· 0... ...... olft .... -' --· 14t.p -1 .... '"'"-· l~ Up -. ooda. z .......... - • . • Over tbere cut vp your c-drops (ao black or JNM) ud ...,.. onap .nee. of )'OU WW. (loiloU! have about two poallilll). add % cope nut. ud 1 """"" ... -.......... bredp ta aome of Ute flDar adxtue . , , Now mix iM dry lopedloollo a!tttaW, with l }i au1»9 app&e ...,..,,, to wU.t yoa started oat wfth • , • Ute bowl Of .upr, btdter Md eg1• • . . Ab Rere'a what 9dda thfl .. It" % ll>op B....ty flovoriog ud l lop vaalJla ... Flully add the -oad •8" ... lloke1-•--9hleheo ~ the top by four llM:lte9 cleep ••• It's a whop- per, bat yoa'll ....t plnty I A pu of water la the ovl!!ll wlalle -lo baldng will keep the rabln• oa top from kn1Ja1 ... If wrap- riod .. foil, thlo -wlll keop,.. ......... Actually Gum Drop cake. are u old u the bJl.J. . . • They data lack to wbea tber9 weren't any 11aced fluita •.• Larrt, wife If our Al who wi.ahes morl' people liked- rutabac\'E and ~po, ,.,.,. me the roclpo j'Glt befon> Cbri.otmu . • • WhU. <;um Drop cake W a MCOnd cou.sin, once removed to a fruit cake, I purpoaely aved It until now ao you wouldn't connect it with all the !ixlnp , .• Better it abouJd be one of the clu- a.ica of your refrigerator ..• &lwaya reoiSy. allraya good. Nroe.t ChrtAtmu story , ever t.old ••• FOWMI la the • elualtled ach of tbfl ae.... · paper .. Don't throw away ~ "'-old Clo-Oanlo. Let me --'. iban to owr- 1 MU"' mllllobl"liM 1 Bria' .,. thewl~ .. .., ...... Buel. • Felt. S81 E. 18111 SL, C..ta \ Meu." I did. Seems dlf- ~ flcult t.o bellewe U.t then · are .... people who ha•e . never lee& a Chn.t.m..' card .•. Mn. Felt b_._ them up and aeads them to \ m1Miona""9 bl war f.ora countriea, the ~ · In tun. dlatribote them to thoee who do not even ha,·e \ money •-h for fO<MI. ' / J*>Ple who wtll eberlolo -\ ca.rd year la yMr out ••• "'It'• new'' Jn bright red letters along with the price tap on our shelves ..• Learn to look for the little sign, while you shop If you_ w,ant .to kff:p In the know ... Good-n-Rich Donut Mix i9 new .•. Add only water to make two dozen donut. •.. Next time you beat up your french fryer for chic.ken or ti.eh , have • package or thia new Donut M'lx on hand •.. Then you can kill two birds with one load of creue .. .. Do-null flnt, Pleue .. . .. It'• aew" Flav-r Strawa • . . lmltatloa chocolate l& right la the draw • • • A -dietary,~ flavor .•. H r.oy bu milk drtlllll1 tr o • I ea ,,......-aroud tbSr Mme. nav-r Straw. 'ml&bt be tile .... 1 -... JIUeo--....... __ ... _ •0111.a. ...... WDi .. ... ll:ldo ...... j8o$ -ltbc l!M ........... . .. It'• new'' BmO'kecf chicteo. In eUJ' ~I la wiQ Alt yoa to a "'r' . . . Tap your -. ._. tantalio-=-your tongue to pb t.o your tummy . .-the-temp. Uni tenant ••• Wben • tlckl- 04· -r1i. -lllM u. ... ...._., llMmJJ' way t• :=-:::~~ ·-·· "'ob' (truqlut ... ~ tra.1 tllat ........ bem IEE .._ ... ..,...,. •• . ,, --. .. -., ... Ul9 .... d ...... Ill .. Ul9 .... Now,..t-. -· • COA•&l,WWWIA ICMra ti 'NEWPOat ~ NEW$.ltiSS WllllSOAY, JANIJAlY -..... ,.e.-- SHORT -SL'D BAC Tune In at Noon Dally A CAP UL RACE .... ll·llr·l·:I: 1 Set your 4'iel et 1410 - escort veuel Peisene, folle Mexico. Eech noon, at 12:00 s -during the ,.at 24 hou ... R" rangemenh to bring this exclu sport of yachting and sailboat your dial. 7:00 P'"· Daily Menu of the Week Sea Fare Chowder A qulcll: --way to malt• a -ocid chowdet at homo or aboard ahlp. 1 ean 0..... el Tomato SoUp 1 c:an er.m Mll"hroom S!>uP l\> C:UP"' (Taid'•) MqJc 1 11-. pn New Pot.toet. dratned and cubed 1 ks. ean Pou, dnlnecl i e•o. ..... Tuna. dnJned • tlakecl 1 e1>-. Crab Kea~ de&Dect. dnln .. ud flaked 2 tbop"Gralell ODloa Heat thorouchJ1. Jd.lt before M<Ving add 1 eup licbt ClHlll. Heat well. but do not bOlL Approx. 2 quarts L•dure Series Nutrition Orans• Cout C•llec-• Audltorlum Tueeday Evenings 7 :3& p. m. · January 17, 24. 31 and Feb. 1 OP'"' to the public -No charp Lymu R FanPell's_ ·~." 8' tt. Schooner -Pk•t.o 1'y -.,. '2:>Jicaci~ :/°" love lo Hl'fl• JJ..uJeo/J nec~~6ilie6 Fresh OaliClous Pine Piu --· ... 9 inch 39c A9od Wisconsin Rod Sl;n O.odder C ...... ---·-·lb. 59c Oscar Mayor Smokio linb --------12 ... 49c Bull Style Juicy Oil P"iclles Z i.. 9c Woilmen ftoquofort Ch-• Drossi09 ·-t-. 49c Alo•• Tw;n Bfff Tom«loa -........... -............... _ 5 ... 2/2lc ZM SonJwich to,s-fer lunches ----·-----podod 12 I Oc ZM All~..,,... WoxH Poper 100 ft. Z/3Se Kloonox White Facio I Tinue ------200 count Z /29c 5Mwy lleod>-f1tr olointies _ Jlfi oz. Z3c ' D;.I Dooolorant Foc ial Seo~ ~equlor s;,. Z/Zlo Diel Duderont lleth Seo~ --.. -·--... Bath Size 2/33< ' • lln:Q.&U ll'Oll lANU&n U. U ... If, Ull ....... a111-..•ten!:fe -• ' ' l I J • • • • ' , NEWPORT HARBOR · NEWS-PRESS • WED!·IESDA v;-JANUARY . J:t~. l956' . . ... . . ,.. ' . l ,. .·:P J\jn . TW-0,· PAGE· -aME • NEWPORT'S LARODJT -L-argest of the Newport Harbor YC entries in the Acapulco R&e.e ia Lyman FanveU'a beautiful 84-fl. .c.booner Seadrift which aacri!lcee nothing in apeed &nd aaiJ.inr qualities de- spite the fact that •he ia true "luxury yacht" with all the latetlt comtorU a.nd conve;1 ,.!ncea. baa gathered a real "salty" crew lo pWlb rigged ocean racer down the cout of Mexico. -All Beckner Photo. NEW AT NHl'O -Jamee Ca.mp'• sleek 72-tt.. yawl F.ecapade i.e a recent addition to tbe Ne;rpc>rt Harbor YC fleet and bring. with her a long list of raciii.g wins h'om t.he Eut Cout pre!acln( her fine performance In the last Honolulu Race. r.c-ptide ia a "1oing machine" &nd definitely a boat to watch in a.py race. NA1<78 ... 01m BDr -A.Jwaya on hand to o•• ... and °1Mnl'' a rac:iq" fleet la G. L. Carrin(lon.'• -h '"?Iii• Lo4y of Newport Horbor YC. Am6ng ' llor -poa dutloo llho ..te4 u official eocort ... . ., 1'llol and wlll patu.u ....... " ! '' .. . ... -I '(· I"' . ......... the ume fUnctKin In Lhe 1956 event. Relaying mes· aages diuem.ina.ting weather data. and standing by to render a.id in a.n emergency ii no amall reaponai- billty in -" l i.30-mile race and the voice of Lady ~ a ,.....,_ ·-"" -'"""" Kipper'• "'1io. • .. ... • " &;. . . . . -." ' ·.i .i-.. " ,., .. . ; ' .fJ'. -~.-,,~ ' "". . -..,, .... . ~ _, . "'"'"( •' ,. ._"I: t • • • FAJIED NHYO DOCl'IDD -Tbe Cali!omia-82 I.loop Alta.mar, wellkDown•for her pttviou9 racing reeerd u a Ne~rt Ha.rbor9 YC boat, is once ag&in carrying the blue and gold burpe under the command of the new owner, Rux Schuh: Winner of .ecl:ind place overall in·the 19M Acapulco Race Alta.mar and .her~ mu.at be cooaiderpd top contend.era for honors in this comine' event. , NHYC YACHTS ENTER· ACAPULCO CLASSIC By NUL BJIJCKNEB The third u.J.llng of th• P&cifie Cout.'1 .econd long- e1t biennlal ocean racing clamic i. .cheduled to atart from San Diego at noon ~on Sunday, with Acapu ~. Guer- rero, Maxico u the finiab line; a <lilt.a.nee o! 1 ~30 miles to the 1euth and eut. Orl,-tn&teod In 19~ wllh • tiald ot •lfht tmlriM. thatj yea.r'• race wu won by Sr. Wolf Se!loenbom'• •loop Conejo flytng the bUl'(ee ot the Acapulco Club de Yale.. 8a1l· Ing muter •bo&n:I Conejo wu her former own.er. KM! V..vi1 or'"the Newport Harbor YC. S.Cond place In 19~3 alto went to an NHYC •kipper u Ortn Th o rk lldaen brourht hla late lamented ketch Moonbff.m ( lo1t on her return from H onolulu the Mme year) paat Roqueta Ialand to aave hia time O'l'M" Don Spieni' JUI.do. Th• rac1 w.. nlled qaln In 1964 at which Ume It wu decided lbat two k>n&" ocean race. I.A one year wu too much -.nd. to a void lnt.arferenc• with the famed Trans· Paci.fie Race ac:hedule In July of \.he odd yeara. lha Acapulco Raca would henceforth be •ailed In Jan- uary of the even yN r. The 'S4 en· t rle• numbered 14 and Wt.rt! divld- • ·! ed Into two c l~. Again, u In ·~. a 11Lngle yacht claimed t op honor• all the way a11 F'red '"Pap-.( , • py ·• Allen"• veteran e2-fL racing yew1 l'alrwe•lher of San Diego YC f1ni1hed fint arid claimed flrat ovf'r•ll \O.ilh an elap.ed Um• of 10 d11y.•, 7 M\ira. 48 minute. to better Conejo"• time by 2 day1. 10 hours and 2.!'i mlnut"'. ~nd ov .. re ll 11nd flr1t afn(l e mmtld ~·e ... el to 11n1ah "' . ..,the C&Jlfornla -:2 1lonp Alt111n•·. then owned and 1klpfMrl!"d by Ken D•vi• of NlfYC . ... e ove,,;helm1ng n()llplt.a.llty ot1 th,. 1'1cx•clln hnllt.s ln AQpulco, oouplttl \O.'llh l hfl bf'llu ~lful ooa.t- llne •nfl f11bulou1 c1ulatnr pomi· blllttfl9 on the r etum trip. Mv• Iner~ I.he popularity at. lh• ace unUl tbla J'Nt'• 1ta rt Mnda :;4 contutan.1 and four eecort •fl-I.I awallin&" n""'t 8unct..y'1 , lt.rtJnr "'"· Thl1 ye9.r th• O•t h... been dlvldti-<J Into three rlaue:ll. A. 8 . r.n'1 C •ntl can ..... htfully bl et'1ed a. ··rf'a.l banc·up r•cLnf n .• 'It." .Fourtf!en of Lb• entrl• ar• Tel· (<J H • -Pap ,.. ENVJ.&.BLI: lllXX>&D + In lea th.&n two yea.rs Peter Grant'1 trim Na.tu. ll of NHYC Jiu buik a record or ocean racing triumph.a which usu.re her the .,._i. lion o! a definite threat in any race and hr veteran cnw &dd9 to lam' t.h\(tCeB both in Clu& "B" and overall honors in the forthcoming 1(3()..mile thr.,b to ·Aca· lpalco. . ' I I • ' • • . . "GIVE YOUR HEART to the Philharmon1c" is lllogan of Orange Coonty Philha.rmon1c Society for It.a Valentine Ball, planned for Feb. 3 at Ba.Jboa Bay Oub. !:feeling a.t the Carl Bodwell home in Bay Shores to ma.U lnvitalionB are ll ~ r) Mn. Boswell AMONG ·THE PROMINENT paasengers who "Lur· lined to Hawaii" aboard MaUJon Li.oea .Ju.xury liner SS J .. urline fron1 Los Angeles Harbor J an. 6 is MiSB Betty A. Albright, Balboa Bay Club. LITTLE THEA.T~ [/· 'The Play's""t!le Thing' for Lido Isle People ''Would you like to 11.cl '7 Do • . - ·• , Phllhar1nonic Plans ·2nd \raientfue Ball . ---.l for-~~Y.· F:~hruary · ·South~ Women Lead as COmmittee Chairmen In~ .. preporat1oaa .,.. und<r WOT by the 0....,.. County Pbllhannanlo.Sodoty for Ito an.oual Valentine Ball. with two recent plaontnc .-.iona h~ laWt an Kanday 1.t the Cart Borw811 home. 28e5 Bayab.o_~ Drive, the oth•r 1.t the A. D. C.l1hao home, 3~ JCut Bay Front. MN. 6oewoMi Md Mn, Maxwell NOllTll COUNTY SlUJT•. aJao ol Ulla dty, an ce> ch&lrman wttb Mn.. Alf'Hd Pa.JM Jr. ot Emerald Bay tor~ b&Jl. • bent.tit attatr tor the Phll.ha.rmollio Society, to be held. Feb. 3 at Bal- boa Bay Club. Th• Newport Be&c.111 duo wu In cha,...• ot the .oclety'a aucc-ful ""N.a.rly N ..... FNl\lon Sh.ow," a prev\oua benetlL OOCKTA.lL PAR.TY A.eeordll\r" to Mn. Payne. a hure red valenltne will be keynote of the cockta.11 party which le t o precede !he forma.1 dinner da.nce. C hatrmt-n for thla part of the •venlng'1 event.. are Mr1 Alyne F'!elrl11 a.nd Mrm l<~r11.n Hardin. Df'- 1·orat1on& •re In o:harge or Mr11. Robert Butler. ).f r11 Edith l"ul~rl· ,.on. M r•. Bud Dll!eenberg a.nd 1'1 r•. .lack Corn. Mn. 0. R. Win<*' ot 81-t. ~ ol tbe N(N'tbern Or-M&• Cowlty comm.ltt• for lll• Valen- tlne B&U and U. Mtq uaiat.ed by Kn. Xul B~ &.911 Mre. Her- Nrt J'olaom ot B'*'• Park, Mn.. R. W, AncknOa ot Br.&, and lllnee. Jo.epb. hher. Ja.rne1 Mil- len, Ri:..-Marl• Booth, Herbert Herla.nd., Francie Motntt, C&lvln Hatcl:i.. JamM Waln.ven, Robert GarrWon. ~wud Mittelman, Sam Gendel and othv memben ol the resular PhUha.nnonlc committee. M:r•. J _ 1!: Younir a nd Mr•. Wlllf.arn tto.enreJ(l Wiil u1U•t ln charge of •Jl'Kl•I event.11 1.nd M"ra. Alfred P ayne Jr. of Emer&ld Bay. co-ch~r· man and chairman of the baU ; M rs. Kare11 1.iu rgrcta. Bruninr, exec\ltlve director of the 8u l·1cty, A!r11 Maxwell Sturgee and Mrs. Joe E . Prein 1n~cr. reser· vations. -St.a.ff Photo A luge comrnlltee "'"!II ba aJ1- •1•t1ng Mnr Paynll! 1n lha over-all ______________________________ \plannlnr ror the atfa1r. Sp«lal Omicron Rho of Beta Sigma Phi Omicron Rh o rha pter, Re111 stgma. Phi, met Jan 3 at th r hOme ot Mr1 S T \Vlckll!r. 20061 8 . W. Orch.ld l:!l . Sant.a. Ana Hel(h la ror • bualneu HUion and procra.m. NEWPORT ll A RIJOK MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women's Editor PAGE 2 · PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1956 SILVER ANNIVERSARY FOR BALBOA ISLAND COUPLE Celebraltnr Lhe New Yea.r anti Ulelr 2~th. wedd1n1: 11.n11!- veru.ry, Mr. and Mr1. Harold R. Holli , 30$ A pol,•n,. A "~. held open l\OUM J&.n. l for 117 IQCa.J a.rid oot of to1•tn 1o:11t•11t~. Out of town cuui.. for the occa.a!on tn<:lu,!e•I lhr J 1n1 Moon•y• of San D'.ero; Me.urt. a.nd Mmea. P t11I 1'11rp .. ntr r. Pl&r-de\ Rey . Bob Garrta0n. San Manno. Ch,.l Arlen. G11r.1~n Grove; WUU&m. Lut&, Loni Bea.cit Bob McGwlre t1n ol 1': ~ ·~enlll c halnnen are Mr•. Adrien 'l!Uetlar a.nd Mrt. Jack S mith ot .aguna. Beach, In charge ot entrr- 111nment i. )(,.., Hoimu Wehrly ,( Santa. Ana and cha.lrman of the nvlta.Uon conui:ilttee le M.ni. A. D. Mra. Pale Peteraon 11p<>1'1 nn .}.llal\&n ol UU. city, --rha H iatory of Dreu" 111111 Ml"ll. Dwl.&1d VuderbUt ot La· pledr• tratn1n1 waa conducted tor 1 .. a Be.ach. Mr1. John Nan a.rid a1lr. new membere. .'>Cr1. Donald Col• of Newport Pr-t wa1e Mmu. VIVl&n leach 11.nd Mr1. A. J Roland ot 8odrnan, Norm an C..:e.•telan, Ooru· 1lrll!& ... 111 Ulill ln public rela.Uona. lhy E 111 •. H.obert Henderaon l~l'11ervatlon• cha.Jnna n U. Mr1 J~ Peteraun, t.ucllle Smith. B I~ 1'1( E l'relnln~er nt l!:le Emerald J:S.y 1 Queenll!y and the hoal611a. PRES IDENTS MEET 0. C. Jr. Club Women Discuss New State Plan n1~r1iNLl r1n 'lf by\a.W11 for th a conO:ucl.ad the b1udnao11 seulon '"'"''ly ori.;lllll:tf'd Oranre Dl1trtc t which wu 11ttend1d by the fol· lll'"r" dl..:u.'l-!led by . haa.da of jun· lowing; L()r club" at th8 pre1\d1ni..· break-Mmll!L •111rold Yatea, 8 rt. a: !&Jlt J11.n . g a t lhe homll! or Mr1. Wiilard Balley, Coata. MNa, R.o· 1''reen111.n \V. F1.1he.r, 23& Drltt· bert Two111bly. Car<Jen Grove:, w ood Hoad, prll!aldln( offll:~ of Lou \\'Jlllama Jr., Laguna Beacl!, N'wport De•t·h Junio r £bell. Pa.ul Miller, La Ha.bra., Geor1 e \\'n Fht• of Hollywood. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Southern 01,.lnct IJ1 being ellm· Ja.co~. Pu::en Ua : Clfford LL- ln1<!ed from C'a llfomla i"ederauon vermore, HunUnct.on Beach ; Eu• nf \\•nm,.n'• <~bt and the aouth· gene Unraw.xJ, S&.n Cemll!nle, an\! outlined 111 .. 1r 1u1e In the vtrl-e.rn parl of the •la te wlil be di· Paul Rollman. Sa.n J uan CapL- ou~ 'urrirulu1n 111ca11. Th"lle film· v1def1 Into five dl11trlcla effed.ive elrano; Clifford. Holt, Sa.nLa An•: 11tr1p11 ti" 111 v.·1t h tex lbook~. 11up-111 of J une I. MrB U oyd Mallory Larry llu....·ard. Beal Bea.ch •n'1 JIUI. 11 OCC' J.-ACULTY \\'1 vr• 7 Jfl p rti .. Stu<lo?nl Center J 11n. 12 ~T JAMES PARISH .tlnntr -1 6 ,10 p m. parlah hnu11e I &:BF.LL CIJUD 11'•'1'1 dinner - 11 '30 p. n1. Lea-Ion H1-JI. l!:BEIJL BOO!{ "cllon -1.-12 :30 p rn 203 Hnhnwl'lO<.I Drive, EBEL!. BOOK ""rt Ion I -I p. 111 2:'176 Arbor O!"I V'" ZO/'.'TA C LUB 11 ... .'i p rn Villa. MarlnL N.O.G W.-11 p m M ~"" l.A!(\On Hall. .Ian. lS COUNCIL OF CRURCHES !1 :30 p. m. lnatalla.tton dinner, Chrt..t Church by the 811&. ple111 .. nl va ri o111< ~tu.ti~•. or F'ullerton. county prealdnit. Lhe hoataae. '\ ANOLl!:RS Lt;;o.;CHE0 :-1 club- 12 n oon NlfYC. DRESSES • • • ROBES • • • LOUNGEWEAR. Pl PHI BOOK reVlll!"'• 10 "· m. -. v at Palm Disert Mt. and Mra. Rl~b.apl ftenc. ;.1 :., Kay ~ 8&ndy, tM1t dlildn11 of 1001 North ~ ,.,_t. BaiOO. • 4lnOll&' the S'*'a a t ~ MoutalA T&rrM:e ln PaJ.m o..art Clarine u.. Wldll.r ..... .... ~ LIDO FASHIONS '=the sensational new girdl.e tlui t slims you while you walk! 'NEW SLANT'· by ,AMi i i Cl !I Ol l\ ~r-;EW S.LANL..,. Sill Sk'" ..Unu 7011 •h1lr 7011 ••I~ M~au~ thir knit"• on the bia1. II"• tht l'QOOI comlon1blt. frtt •1lk1n1 11rdlr •••I' 'a'uh ~•rr H tp 1<>11 11k• "H11•n H 11 th• 1~,,1. ~'\l) d,.,., l11 rou• tu111m7 hoo•h 11 lh1 •e.-, .. ,.t U"'•' '"NEW Sl.ANr hu ao or1,... . ..., bone. . ..., rr11t•r p•~·I ta plCM yttu. It w<1rk1 111 61ur' m111e .,.,,hq.,1 b11lk• wr•p.<r~n pan•l1 ol labnc 11"1 f"R O:".T 1n•l HF Ill full hohionrd. haht i nd 11;1h u 1 "b1tpn S..11, .,..a11un. l1,1r Only • 5 00 3419 Newport Blvd. Newp ort Beach • • SWEATERS • • • Bouffant Petfi~oet,_ you Uk• to produce •how•~ K.now anyt.hlnr about lightning? What do you know about make-up! Coatwrunr!" All theM quc1Uon1 and many more &re being Mkrd e11thualuth::lllly llround Udo JR.le U-daya anll th'"Y 11.re rf!f!'rr ln.{ to tl1& ne.,.oly organ!1ed i.Jrlo l'l11y- e..-: a Lillie Thr11.tn1 ~nlu p fur l.Jdo laJ.e re.aldf'nl.11. netrhborw anti triendt 11.nd all hi• teen-are paa to come alonr 11.nd "~•d ror a p&rt"--or Ju•t come 11.nd watch and lflftm how much tun UtUe Thtatre g1'0Up11 C!lrl be for everyon"e In a community. ,.lri. L. R. McCUIJey. 22!1 Via Mentone. with a rich b&ck(round of thelllrll! training and experletlcll!. wHI dirKt Lhe playa 11.nd M'ra.. Jll!rrf'I Rlcha...,., 209 Via Mentone. pN11lrlent ot the LldO Pl11yert. an- nounce11 that Jr.l&n:h II wLU be the d11.te iw:t for the pr04uctlon or .. Ring Around ltl!zabf>Lh." NHYC. """· 18 CALUMPlT CA.h1P &. Aux. - 7·30 p. m . S&T1t11. An1t Legion H111l e ALE.XANDER OF CALIFORNIA e TINA LESER e NAN DORSEY SWEATERS e OON LOPER All taken from our regular stocks of Femo\Js Brend rqeme Merchandise! Try-out11 for thrlr rlr"t produc- • Uon, "Ring Aro\lnd El1z11.lJ.loth," 11 three act comedy by Chari Am1- •trong. 11re being held Jru'I. 12 11.t 8 p. m . tn the C lubhOU!I<!, Every- one on U do l11le 111 urging hill New Yorkers Visit Parents Over Holidays The E Gilbert hl1aon1 ot New York City 1 H.flflf'mllty 8'111 ) were i;:uf'1t_, of lhelt p4t.rf'n'8 h1r. and .\I r~. c t·. °"'"\"""· ~~O \\'Pat Orran F n•nl. an•I the W . E. Ma.· ><ron~ of Laguna Brll<'h rlurin ~ lhe )"(o/!day1. Mall(ln. dlrr'("to r or de· f'ig·n for Arneri1·11n Airllnea, v.•11• "" buP.tne.L' In Ca!ltornl11. 11.t Lock· h•e<I Alrrr11ll and !11 Se11.ltlc con· rrrrlnr wllh Hn,.lng A!n:rrt on th• rorlhrnn1ln~ '"Jet 707" The Jilaaon• arfl hvlnJC In their 1'11d-f\l11.nhatta.n •ludlo where J.lr•. M11.110n. palntlnl' under her pro- feMlonal name, RoMmary 81.ll,, 111 prep.arlnr for • New York 11howLna-. j V.'htle In C.llfnml• on th, juelnff9 • pl.uun trtp tbey wue W t.erWnad lay trlend9 In Brmt· ~ Three Att.h Bay. lA(WI• e• anti Corona de! Mar. Mr•. a.on'• aial,r. Mn. H.tirt'y M~ 0( S&nLa An• entertained I Kuo~ and th' ~nnt .. 1n1 Any rurther !nrormaUon reg•t'd · Ing the Lido Pl•yll!r• Club can be obtflined by calLtng Mra. J uUette MlllikDI, In charge of production, or Mra. L. R. McCulley. director. Filmstrip Show at Mesa Sc hool Coat& Me11a tea<:her• atlll!nded 1 pr~v1.-ehowLng or colored flhn· 1trlp11 Jan. 10 at ll:v,rett A. Rea I .chooL Ubr9.ry. Under the 11u~pll'll!B 1 of Mr•. Hilda. McCartnfy, dl•tnct I Ubr•rla.n a.nd Mlu Anne ljo8fH"r" ourrlculum coordinator, lifar11h11 l1 I Hl.lley ahowtd l!;r•ded rum11trlps -I Ll"•ToC M W ITH LANOLAST llNI" ,..ltCC W ITH P U l'tC HASC Qi< ANY I& ,,/,J~ R,~ ,.l't l SMA T >C M/tlMC-U .. AT T.A ~T ;,. ti•• ,,,..,1,.1N. .. 11rW "'M' 111..,hrlr '""i 11hJ~• u" - 1l<11t• "ll 11u11 1'n""" 011 r /,.rlr .' SrU ito•lf i" ffl '"l••lt• .' <;<>O<I fo<r lfO"" Ii/"'· ~•r'IH•• L'l,.oln1f fli• u1/tt'lt•,.,"'Ool~1. pr-o l1tt•. IJi•e<1t·tr '"' f'riAM1tllt f ... wifl 1'11>lt•-l]p ·~•i111l11 /a#Wl11lal'lf for ,roMr 1lri11 -jouit fi<r• -'"'I,. •i•• ,..., d1na·•-l..-d1U1lt bro•I)' ! oi.nooLL,.,. •ry dill WHI Tl: CA""f:LLIA for _,..ol •• 1 .. ~.~~~UIN for 01/y 14'1" ·~ J& lo 7 90., .. ., .. -. •• -1~~.!;:,l_D.,O ... D!IJ2- , " S461 Via Udo. N-ri - , e BLOOMFIELD e TABA1\: OF CALIFORNlA e GEORGlA BULl...OCK e MARJORIE A1JCHAEI ... • 1fINX MODES • KAY SELIG • PEGGY J-I UNT • ADDIE MAS'fERS FORMERLY $8.95 9.95 • • NOW FORMERLY $5.50 $45.00 6.50 • 49.95 55.00 .. • NOW .$29.00 35.00 10.95 12.95 14.95 17.95 J8.95 22 .95 24.95 26.95 29.95 3S;()() 39.95 , • • • 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 12.50 13.50 15.50 16.50 19.00 22.00 25.00 59.95 65.00 85.00 89.95 125.00 165.00 185.00 • • • • 35.00 39.00 ..,.45.00 55.00 59.00 85.00 • 99.00 . 110.00 Come in early fOf' Best Selection • All Sales Fina.I Pleue No Charge Salee ... Rdun<U 0 1" Exch&ngeA. • H A T S In a Splendid Auortment • • Now 1/3 OFF 25°/o OFF 30°/o OFF • • • HANDBAGS •••••••• COSTUto.:lE JEWELRY • • • • • • Now Now ·Ha nd Pa inte d GIFT APRONS Were $5.95 Sa le Price $200 I Our Famous "Ha.nes Ir: Berk•b.ire'' HOSE REDUCED!! \\"f:RP: $1.35 \\"ERE $1.50 Vit:RI!: $1 .65 pr.-Now ... pr.-Now .. pr.-Now ... 3 .... $3.40 3 .... $3.70 3 .... $3.95 Llberiy P..7431 17 6 7 -e Newport Blvil. Costa Mela • 0,-. 1"'rktll.1 l!'Yfl!I. "tll •• nforma.I lunc:hf'Oll 1n hlH" I tra.11.,on W•.s bome. )to I ru Webraunr b t.r-awn ~""'-·~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... '-~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...:...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... .-. • , • .. • t. •• l I ,. -----NEWl'OltT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE J WB>NESl>AY, .w.NUARY 1,1, 1956 .. Progre~ive Dining the Rllle Saturday for Lido Isle Folk . . ' Eleven Groups Will Be Hosted in Sixty Homes 0. O.tisro ... Ha.I Dlb. °*""• Lam. .... ~. Jo. PI g ' p , '--BoWd&y, 1.ierop ~ Harold ft. ~~ ...... WIDl&a J, Cowan. K. A.. Ad-. a...Jd ~. J~ °"J', J. r . Nklllert.a, RJdl· ard llmlill. l\obolrt J. k&rah&U, 1-w..,.., r...rt 0 . S•wyer. alq at tho LI&> I.lie Cub-. aeco"11.Dc to Mn. Rebert ..-. v_,., .. ,..., ._, TNmbley ebainnall ol the event. and. II-. Dorothy Peter.on. QM lllllldnd ••91\dy...a: IaJuden U" made reeer- -fM the .,_,-Ive dinn« dance Opoo80red by ~ Lido. lelo Woman'• Cub ..,d bell>& beld tbio Saturday ._ ' Ralpb. ~ Pd Olady1 St.am· A.II l'Wdml.t. ....... Me bl"1ted HAl'Okl ~. Jobn WU.., ou..ns. ~ to alt.Mi Ultrt ~ betn.I" Acbucbter, J . IWwud &rmUt..-LMI;;;-"---------::; .,_...,. to Ni9e ntad.-f« Yilaad U ttliejotua. Dao Hart, lhtWrt tm~t. e.peci-.117 eqWPf'-,t Rlley, 9'.ln.U. rws.:r, Oenld L. lor the childrW\'• play~ ~ Opdt M. Hom. Huuld IU.ZVEX .aoun o. ft..ln1.. ft.&l p11 s. HcKden, c. L.. Herbor Rest M•moriel Perk M·-·1·-IJl:~l Smith, Vlntt11t 8&lmacla. Mart.IQ The 11 dinnft" f"'US-ot 18 per. Loc.luiey, W iWun ft_ Wt"1U.9, Ka.rltor at Olale r _. e.ch wtU meet In p rlvate I ;";-;;:"";;:;~lllo:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~:;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;::===:;;::~ llom99 at e·ao p. m. ~ tinit • ......_ will M rv• oockt&H.t &nd ~:~?:~~~~ Throughout Brightest Africa ner, Uqu.eun wtil hoe H rv;ed in l.h~ clubbou.M at 10 a. 1n . w10i .. mu.lea.I Pf"Ol'l"ILln and da11cln1 l'I follow. wi th Dr. Giles T. Bro w n CE.:LEBATING THEIR ~b wedding anniveraary, Mr. and Mn . Ernest Nub, 118 Pe11 rl Ave., greeted hu.ndreda of frienda and relattve11 al a recepUon In Balboa l11land Community Church Saturday afternoon. Stand ing, Emeat E . Nub, 47, Delhi and Mn. Helen Riggin•, 46, VlctorvUle. the two eldee' Nuh children. Sit- ling. from left, are Mr . and Mn. Er:nemt Clyde Nub with their three youngest grandchildren, Tommy Moeer. ton of the R.alph Mo.en of Cotta Meea . Ann Rig- gin•. daughter of Mn . Ri ggin. and Ja n Nub, d1.u ghter of Mr. &nd Mn. Mark Nub, BaJd .,.,·1n Park. -Sta.ff Photo Amon .. ~ to .ervf' &JI ht:Wll~ and b~ are lh" foUowlnl[ M -n. I.Ad M:inu. i-M cC'l,l!a.n, Robclrt J'ra.11.ey, Harry Huur h Jerom. Help.-ri.n. JamN Ha rn", Marah.a.U 8h.a.ddock . Gen• • Vre'"- l&nd, Robert Phllt>r1cll. J.,rrel T ~. &:m •r y 8 H&118'•n. Don&ld E. Srewe r, R!ch•rt'.l F W:ae.ker, lrvln« 8 . y,·a lcher, J&mr• Stewart BM..tu e , summe r* I 9 5b From Cairo to the Cape Prom Zanr.ibar to the Congo 59 deyi MR. & MRS .. ERNEST NASH OBSERVE GOLDEN DATE , AL8Q 1'1r:RV1Nti A.mold N B royt.N. Arthur R9um., H. Don Ack•rman. ~I· ward J. H&rdin«. W . S. Me.lladlger Robert a,_nin«. w 1.U1ani J ohn. Weavers Guild Meel l June %1, 1956 All 1.nclu.l\•e price unJy $2'495 MRS. MYRON S. GRANT JR. -Mike Healy Photo Balboa Island Couple Married Fifty Years Ago t-.nd Ounl!.am, Harold P ...... &7 R ickard, lAoni&rd Ha.rsn-••. r..w- ln• Mc:Clur• 'Claybrook, a.nd Lon• Ortlfln. 8oulh Co&.t Weav•r1 Guild inMU tomonvw a l 1 p. m. In Bo'lll'tlnc on Uwo o.--n cJubh.owe. I a..nu a eo Park. Sarlt.a AnL M n L...oNnao Dow, pr•ldent oP-.South-1 em C a It o r n t a Ha.ndwe•ver•· OuUd. will .pM.k. &11(1 "'111 dtapLay aom• of her h andwe•ve1. M r 1 Ora.am• Smlth &.11d M r•. Vu rl Rctyer wt \j be h09t•a.e• For complete itinerary and reservation11 call nr .,.,•rite: Grant-Moreland Nuptials Held at Costa Mesa The Myron S. Grants Jr. Honeymoon at Crestline ·- Baak eta and 1pr •Y• or whHe ("al~" and 'The Lord·,~ Pray,.,." d'lryMntht'ITiuma atH1 cam &tlnna, Gerritt Brulna w aa O'T&nlat tall candeolabr11 &lid Whit• l&lln Ot:£8Ti llECElVl:.D bow1 at pew e.nct. •domed t.:om· Tht' ~plion wu h.td In the Over 200 relative• and frienda attended t he golden weddJng &n niveraary rect'ption of Mr. and Mni. Ernest O yde Naab, 116 Pearl Ave .. held from 1 to~ p. m. Ja n. 7, 1.t the &!boa. Island Community MetbOOiat Church. A JI of Mr •u'ld M r1. Nuh'1 nlnt-t ended conr ratula tlon• and be9t children, hu.ba1'da &nd/or w1vu w l9he. of their f'rt«la. &nd tht'•r f•n1llle• were wllh the parenu ror th,. ncra.tlun The ch lldr~ri are Jtrneat Naah, Delhi. M r• l.Awr.,nce Rl,;stna. Phelan , Cheater NL11h, Lanca..ter; J.11"9. Raymond LonK Slt'rra M•· dr"l, Mra. LeRoy Wat.on. 81Jver- da.I.,, Y,'aah . Mr • Raymond W lcll- ham Sarramentn. Mark N&ah. Baldwin t'a r k; <.:Jyd• Nll.AQ Jr .. R.erh nan, Ore. •n•t Mra RaJph MOHr. Coal& Meu. lot{)llt of tht>: 20 «randchildren ~d tw o l're&t· l'r•ndchil•lren werP prueril. 0 1..D TIMt:R."' GrM Uns iru•t.. and r•&Utermc th•m wu Wra. Clifford Moort . R.ec:eptton arranl'tmenta wer• mad.! by the Worn~·• Society of CtirtaUa.n 8ervk:e of the 8•lbo• laland church with M r9 P ~~. BaillN .. rYlng aa Jenera ! Chair• AT TA.BUI: munlly )fr thodlat Church, (.'oala chu~h l"llCr-UOt! h•ll. Th• bride'I M eaa. Jan. 8 wh.ui Mia.I Marlon cake centered a table •domed with Moreland becam• the brld' or M..Y· ferna and whit.. e&Dd.lu. lt WAI ron 8 . Grant J r. In a double Mn&' rut a nd 9t'rved ~,,Mrs .. 0..mle The Naahu, ru•Uen.U or Bl-Ibo.& ceremony ,..,..;.formt'd by the Rev. laland for 20 y eKr", "' .. re ma rril!d Sertin&' a t th• te• anrl coffee table wen Mmea Bo&d B'reltac, Fount L. Low'\-Steve Smltti. Varn Smllh, Byron N .. Jy, Clinton Co&ne, T «I Hau.er. W&.ller Schmid &11<1 Ruttar. Puncti. waa 1erved by Marl· lyn Sh(JOter a.nd Sharon WaJ<lellch. .. -Hofl'lnr er. clo.e friend of the t;hr1.1tni.a.1 d•y, l lKI~. Ill the Old J o•eph W . McShlLfl•. bride'a f•n1Hy . Otllerr lend!ng ,re-WOl'kMan . .R&Acb, f:l.M.aa>ett Com-Other• w ho aaal&ted In reception 'arrui.-..iii.. "''"" Mm M. W ay-1.N SLIPPr:k SATL"' c"ptlon 11.id were Mr1. Geoi::g• 1"'"2', m unlty, .oulh of f.l.&ldwln Park. M.'-W•• ~Y•n In k~ptn< by who prukted al the! punch bowl·, -•• " "" TI\e cer e;nony WA.a conductsd In ' •• ' --·-"' .... Mra Ha.rold Mra. J"ue Hannon. at Ul• coffff ..-•-• .. , · .,.., ' lh11 home ot the brlde'11 P&l'lnl.9, C . p~ JGll Maple A ve .• lo urn; Mra. Alvtn Cha rter. M rvtns Mr. &nd Mni. Mark Hutchcrott. Lad S. D. Plays 1n 'h -•n -• M• .... "•• Myron S Ice cream and Mr1. 9utord Scott, e ...., ,.. · -· · Mra. JCdwud l:lll.a, P uent•, w_ho Grant. 918 BlUIMlt Drtve. both Co.· who kept the guut \poll. ten-lld u a--brldeamaJd to Mn . Sympholry ta Me•. Shfl wore while 11Hpper Special gue11t11 ,a~11 llVeddlng N..ti, wu In a tt indan<."e a t Sal· ... tin wtth cathfldral train a nd •ere Mr. and M ra. Uoyd BJ&lr of d .,. ti It .... Harbor'• IOM and SM n ~· I • -· bodl H •• LI --11t-. c--·"L 1'T • .. • r~ OJt. . tt ..... , Gnl' MV-.. ce. .....,,, u" .,.__. N\,1eteen other relative. and 011~·· g-a.ln when th• Be&fl tam- • -·-h ~ -1 w-· h•ld by a For the C remtllri .. hone..-...... .. t h• _., •• a.,..~ ·--1 ·-~· frlendl w ho att1nded the wedd!n« lly movlld from Conma del Mar brim adorned wtth ~i. and n-Mni. G rant "'011"9 a bel&'e IUil Ml 1..,.. &CO were •t lh• reoep-to th• bord<W city. for thereby r hlne•ton• &nd &he c•rrled a whit• with black a cc.-orlea and th• Uon. 'Maey were G.orge ThroaHJ, llll Symphony orchestn. a cq ulNld orchid wH.h baby plnl\ ~· a r · white orchid from her brid&l bou-Martt 'l'nrouel, J oaeph Thro.Hi. a new mu•lclan In the per90n of r&ll&'lld Within a hlart -aha ped quet. Both &he and ti«' bu.band ltha. Jl'rank Oroum&n &nd WUltam Johnny a..11, 10-yfl&r-old rioltn- frame. "'-JT&duated J'Torn Newport Har-Mltcl'l.JI. all ot Sant a Monie.; lit. M1-JVv.tyn Moreland, "'•rlnl' bor Hi«h School.. They wul be •l Frult Stanton, Gene Stanton. Ml"9. Th• lad bepn th• 1tudy at blue net ov•r talfet.& &nd eatrylnl' home a t 1781 ~ Santa Ana A'l'e .. A.lie.• S tantoo, a nd W•ller Robin· "l"lolin a t the ace of ~ With Ruth a heart ot pink dladed~~ona, Cotta M-. 90ft, Puent•; M r . a nd Ml-9. W11-Paddock f Mr•. Arthur) Olbb1 and a t tended bu atater &1"WJd Of --------------1,,._ •-·--, M •.' ·-d M ••· All•-• -• I" h hlld • ·• tt M _,, ._..._ .,, ~ play .... w ..., er r n n 1 .,o n ~ ~a.-':; ~ Toastmistress Saud•r. ~Mon:;: M .... Bert orch•tra until the Um• h9 Ian. .rid Mn. oldr l!U•per In w hlta, -Dt.ncer. ey; r. and M:ni. P. ,. __ •_u·-----------c .1 M N . :loberta, Oakda le; Raymond \ both ca rrytnl' plnlt carnation.. QUnCt eet Throckmorton. Whittler, Robert Olt001l8M.AN Stanton, Tl"•buoo Ca nyon , a.nd Brint; Haynl• aen•e<I ... beat Four officer• of Harbor Tout· Mra. Bert We11t, Apple Valley. Naomi Circle rn-.n and .uahen were Frank M c-ml1treaa Club were prellefll ·at Naomi Circle of Newport Har- Oa vran and Dlck Sleeper. the m onthly dinner meellng of PASTOR EMCr:li:N bor I.uthet an Church wt!J meet In the entour&g• ""'re the rin.s ITC Cou ncil N o. I Mooday eve· A I ttie tec:eptlon Mr1. R utter Thur.cta y at 12:30 p. m. In the bearer, D9All'y Davia. and nawer nlnl' at Lft kewood. --Attending .. ng , "O Ptrfect Love," accompan-hom11 of Mra. M&lvtn Erick.on, l'irl, Cti•l• Hottln&'er, w1&rtns were Mn. Na.dint H ill. pre11tdent; led by Mra. Nora T:lllma ny. Tll4. 2~ Orange Ave .• COila MM&. floor ~lb yellow talf•ta &nd Mn. Arthur )(k!hae lt, council Rev. l:>vn&ld 0 . Sapp reviewed the Mn. William Carn,tt w111 pre:- ~• l>uket d 9h:&ded ptnk rept9"ftlaUve: Ml"9. Alber! E. wedding of Mr. •nd Mr.11. Nu h, •Ide. Mra. Harry Bergh Will J11ad carnaUoaa. Jolin«1n. vice pr ffident and Ml•• i.'';;'"'~~'";;'~"';;;,"°'~';;'"';;;;;'~-t"ty;;"•"od;;;;;"u"·;;;;;tn;;."••"ro"""U"'oo"""•". ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; For tt. Mui'hl9r'1 o.uptl&ll Kni. Charlott• Skinner, teeNltary. · P a.non. won navy blue wtlh pink Membera of H a rbor' T08.lltmll- •cc--1• >Snd 001'9&1• ot pink tr.. Club rntit at t he borne of urnatlons and roeea. Hr9. Grant the prealdent Tueeday evenln( ICbo. a &TaY 11Ult wtlh red •c· tor a worluhop -ioa to prer --n. and itorwac'• ot whlta pan tor the IJ'\ltallatkro. dl11ner liamauool. ceremonle. at N.wport Harbor 11ra, Georp Fox ...,.. .. Ber T&dlt Club Jan. lS. Wil~ Be Closed for Inventory end Vacation from Saturdey, Jenuery I-4th to Feb rue ry I st. • ' You can't AFFORD to mls1 our SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SAT. ONLY JANUARY 12, .13 & 14 Dresses $8.88 Only 60 -left Values to $~.00 Jackie Morgan. Elaine Terry, Lucinda, lz many ot hera. TH£0, California Girl Blouses Only ~9 left $2.88 & $3.88 Values to $7.98 ------ Capri Only 43 left Pants $3.88 V&.lues t o 7.98 ' Muiy other iteme eimilarly rt'duced Be Early lz Take Your Choice at 1883 Harbor Coot& M.,.. • C..ual FUbioM LI 8·7(\M P'ollawlnr th• r.c.pt1011 on Sun- day over 80 member1 ol th• N u b ta.mJJy ha.d • ~union at the hom1 ol Mr IU'ld M"' Raymond Lonf , Sierra Ma<ln.. G iles T. B~own, Ph. 0 , 413 C•taliaa Drive Newport Beech, Cal ifornia Liberty 8-6597 (•It., 4,00 p.m.I Someone new • • 1s moving into your neighhorhoocl .•. THURSDAY -JAN. 19th COME -MEET ALL THE BRAND NAMES ON OUR FAMILY TREE! ... BATES AVONDALE Pr.QUOT CANNON COLE OF CALIFOMJA IANTZEN BELDING • CORTICEUJ: TARNMOOR McCAU. and Bll1TERICK PArrERN8 U/., ~" all Jazz/ing and new .... but dHp down inside, our 9rM+.st pride tt MrVin9 you wit+! friendliness •nd depenCf•bility. ' WAM81i'ITA WHttE 8T&O MABttx: KATE GREENAWAY ST.llAllT8 PUB&T BtJOOIA CAltt''", .mro. 3404 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT IN THE l,lDO SHOPPING CENTER ' ·, I II ~ r • ' • ' - Fresh-Dressed, Cut-Up & Pan-Ready STEWING CHICKEN Fresh Eastern Corn-Fed Pork SPARE- RIBS All-American'• famous me•t- heavy ribs! Fresh Eastern Corn-Fed PORK STEAKS Shoulder, Best Cuts! Fresh Eastern Boston Butt BONELESS · PORK ROAST · All-American's Famous Fresh, Lean GROUN ·D BEE f . Feotured by Philip Normo1n on KNX Da ily! ' Minute1.fresh from our grinders! - Van dt l<o111p'5 SPECIALS PORKST LINKS .39~ Jan. 12, 13, 14 Orange CHIPfON CAKI _.79'-....... 45'- ..... -.J ... ~ ... , • ~= CAK1s4 t. 31• {..,., .... ,.,_) • ....... .....,°'~ JIUYIOU .... 27•- r.,.nr: ... J ~~~.e.~~!~'~ ..................... , .. ~._.e-o.iw-.. • WILLAPOINT 55 OYSTERS 12-0" Jor • ~ ALL-AMERICAN 'TIP-TOP' PORK 29· C SAUSAGE l-U,Ro~·llo YU BAN COFFEE "'' c••·······.. 93c 1 SA1.AD DlllMN• J LITTLI IITTIMS W I S H • 39c CAT 3 , oL 25c B 0 N E ·O-OL . ' ' F 0 0 D CAN• U9'JID ITAICH 22C II .. OK.Al •trPU STA-FLO OUAOT SNACKS ····OL 12c .-I • . ' - -· ,, ' - ' • THURSDAY • FRIDAY esATURDAY JAN. 12· ll· 14 ~ • ~ ..... ~- OLEO Star-Kist · TUNA Colored •nd Qu•r1erodl Chunk-Style! c 1-Lb. Ctn. No. t Flat Can LA'URA SCUDDER'S f ARM-FRESH -FUL ., LAURA SCUDDER'S -JUMBO 18-0Z. JAR PEA- NUT PREMIUM BRAND SLICED & HALVES c ... ' Skippy Qu DOC F.00 Tan Cans e , I No. 21 Can r-----.~----M-J-B -ALL GRINDS I I COFFEE I I ' I I 1-Lb . 79c I I Con I .._ _________ _J . r f"AW.iNG:S uE"Aii I ~rr"ER ( : PICKLES I , I 12_0 ., 21 c : t Jor · • I L---------J -.. . ' ' r -rACi~ 5TM:.iW - --; l .CRACKERS: I 1-Lb. 19C I I Pkg. ... I L~--------_J ,RING BOLOGNA or •·A1.1.-AME11CAN EASTERN _K __ N_A_c_K_w_u_R_sr __ c_huc-sk· 1 _;:_9._" _4_9_:._. ~BEER~~~~~' .. s32 I HORMEL BRAU NSCHWEIGER • 91--"aTf.CTo.,~K e I ~AU-AMftlCAtil IMPOITD s539 Qld·Pashioooo r· I SCOTCH -·· ... smoky f\a\Od L~:=::::::::=::... _______ _!~!!!_J I AU..AMlll~oo.· s3s9 GIN ...,.. . . •••D NIPfT WIK. 65f. MONTlllY ltlNDLIU 45• I CHEDDAR .... "' JACK CHEESE "' 1 ... 1.l-•MH•C•r< ... IY 5229/ • • • • -• • • • • • • -·PORT :'!_L~,...... / Armour's Conned • OSCAR MA YER SALE e . I • / PICN CS 1 • 01.:AI MAYll ALL MIAT 43c • AO.L.-AWlllCAN, •ALLON $139:::: I FRANKS "'-.... ... ' I BURGUNDY ...-: OSCAI WAYll SLIC•D -' 45c : Q... IOU s13s -::: ' BOLOGNA "-oL .... .. . i-f.1NE ....... .... ~ ' OICAI MA'flll DINNll 3ac ,.., .... o •• TA¥0U 99c .__ ____ __. BOLOGNA ,,..,., ~··.. 7 ~~Nl . ....... ... , 4 ~-Lbs. s219 No w .. 1.1 -•' • ': ' ' . r • :ility Detergent ,. TIDE , Best Foods Salad D. OIL Giant Size! t ea For S1l1ds & Cooking! c RIP.E OLIV.ES ---- LINDSAY MED. SllE NO. I TAU CAN -··--_, LUNCHEON MEAT w~L~~~s ~~R' TOMATOES GOLD TOP, HAND PEELED NO. 2Y. CAN . PINEAPPLE JUICE :~~0c~~ 23c -. WHOL·E . APRICOTS-UNPE~~~~~o . 2 ~ 19c • ALL-AMERICAN MARKET CORONA DEL MAR Will Be Open This Weekend & Sunday DurinCJ Remodelin9! -WE Will BE - CLOSED MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, JAN. 16, 17, 18! ( & JUST WAIT 'TIL YOU SEE US WHEN } WE RE-OPEN NEXT THURSDA YI . ' • • • • YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO DO YOUR FIRST-OF·THE-W!EK SHOPPING AT ALL-AMERICAN, • NEWPORT BEACH DURING THE THREE DAYS THAT THE CORONA del MAR MARKET IS CLOSED ! . FRESH PRODUCE Extra-Fancy Washinc)ton Starkin9 DELICIOUS Extra-Fancy Sunkist NAVEL us. , I CHILI & BEANS . w~~~~.A~:~Ex 25c r-----------•ll! r--~-------1 TOWN & COUNTRY I St•r-l<ist 8-0x. GOITON'S , ' AJAX CLEANSER 2 i4-oz. 23 c : t-BROILING I TUNA PIES 2 ,.,, ]CJt= : FISH-33c 1 CANS I CHICKENS : . I STIX IMIL -I Rwich'H• IJPumboTo'o.o. ,··PhlmNi1y 6 .s ... 1 • 49. c 1 c·· 1 PArrii0s 2 Pks•· 29<= : : I 12-0L I J Alb• lt•ll•n Mold 29 I I Pk9. ~ I SPAGHETTI C I _.1 111 _________ J BEEF'"stlX 39c ~ S-~~~E~·~--_ ~ ~ J • DOWNEY eNORWALK e NEWPORT llACH ~ PllBTO. A --COAST l•llWAT AT TUmtl ltU.f "N. ~' .t..1111.10 It PJll. ..._ OPBI DMY '1'11. .... ,. Ol'IN t:OO A.M. TO t;OO P.M. DAILY • GARDEN GROYI • CORONA DEL MAR -.... ---, .... Sot.I -C:OAsT lfleHWAT AT ,,,...... • SAN CUMENTE D.U.T t"9 A.M. TO ,_ P.11. DAJL. T tM A.Iii. 1'0 1-P.111. 61& a CA-11AL iililiili--~~iii!iiliiiiillii~--~~~ilE~~-t A.M. YO t ·~ •MAf t JD I P'JiL -.. '· I • - ' (}ouernmenl Gxcepl •, P'""GE 6 PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE.~ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1956 &01.D·BLOCll •• .. "r ·_ J g'onl "'°° us th._ serenity to o<.cep• t~ thing$ we cannot cjlon9e: tho cou r•ge to change the things we c.on ond tho \ltt ;\dom to ~r.ow th o difference." (A. Anon .) ~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~- AFFAIRS OF STATE • • 87 BEHaY 0. llaeAllTllUR Edison Smog Plant to Ruin Coast's Recreation Plans DisnJr'l1on o r plans that could have been a Godae.nd lo Nev.•port Beach and Lil of Ora..rige County may come on lhe heels of plan8 to c reate a $60,000,000 steam genera tor plant Inland of ,the Coe.tit Highway ' few thousand f("CI Weill or the Siln--. Ana river. l_,and which the Southern Ca4forn1a Edil!On Co proposf'n tn acquire fo r ita 80-acrE:. smog gent'ratnr· and tank fa nn 1a part of tha t ¥»hich it was proposed l oi include 1n the St ate WAter Park inland of the pr t-sC"nt be a°Ch J)ark E;icpano;;111n tif t he bl:1te beach c<>\'ld IHt \'l' tll ~t>ll a heavy burc!Pn l•ff thr City of Nev.·1>0rt 11Cach , it;; p1trk1ng fac1l1lir-,;. llfC'g~1:i rd C"O rfJll. a nd police fac.dit1e8. li..ll ""'1'1! Plimu1;dl' a enntiJdf'rabW-harriul.;;n1Pnt of ltit:al rt·li11lt·nt,.. by lht' h•orJ1·11 (•f rt•c rf'at11•n -11L·•·k1 ng \·11;1tors w hv 1n\;11!i· tbP r•1t y ·rhe 1:1talC' bt·tt<·h. with Jt 8 \'ast park ing ti.r .. 11.;. ~.11 n1tarv f.1 11lll11·s. 1•11· .. 11•r11 1~ fll r b<·1tt•r equ11•r+<j•! t h)111 ;ihy t\r1·.1 11f th1~ 1•1 t.t' t>>.t't'J'i t ·,.1•11111 d"I '!l.!;1/ Stu1• l~aC'h !•;11 I< ·rh.-r• (•!i!it'll f 1"1 thfl.t UI th• 111 1:111 add1t1 .. 11.tl d+ ... 1•11 1\11111 whu•h th1· pr" 1+1 l ir··d ;-.!"11111 p lan t .,..·:II 1Jr1r1K 1tb-1\1 f 11111 1i111.n 1111 a r•·altf.!llmf'nt n f th•· stat~hJ).:h1,·;1\ 1tl1111~ !Ii•· bl,•l•· bi'lllh t••" p(1111t 111L111d of th• P'"P"!>'d t'X flbll~h 11 1 'li.1111 • ~ ll lt· tbitt thlii prugran1 l•"• ..,,·1 11 ~" abandunti.J 11 tht: ~1.int .stt>&m µl ant Iii built Y.'J.,d, v11 11.J\,111\a);P.ll th~rt' 1111~ht l.>t· 1n hu~Lll);: ,, pOW£'r f'h't11! 111 lht 1·j1unty ilhvuld bE-('H.ft·fully \l,'f'll{ht·d a,1.;a1nsl lh1• ha;i;;irds II c11ul(I 1·r1•atc w ith it;; snlug Orani.;" ('ounty 1\1r P11llut1011 L'untrol li uthar ltJC'!'I th1· b11~1rcl <1 f Hupt•rv1~U1H and, vf 1·aurRe, th1..· Ci ty 11f Hur1t1nxt111\ 1'~·11c·h, u1 whu1:1t: t·Lty the &J111u11 Co p ro· pOP.f'8 !11 build thPlr plant i;hou!d all carefully cxa m ult• the i:;m<1K rr•iblf·n1 whil'h thf' p lan t n11ght l'reat•· T hl'rt 11rf• ( t·rla1nl;.• a1nplL· tl'St plants nuw UllJ!!r way f11 r ~lurJy 111 t h•· 111,.•aby County nf l....i1fl Angeles. {)ran"(' l'u11n ty 11:1 ~··1t1 ng l'll "Ugh uf a s nll•K p r"b- lem fro rn l,n:i A ng:C'l t•:-i and from i)ur own h ighv.ay.'I ;n1d 1ndu~tr1~·"' alrl:'fld~ W·· !thould not toler ate uny l\i.'\I,' 1>r111 •j.{ K'·f1''!ill111g 11!a11tt1 111 1h1s 111unt)' f nr the rr1oot part (Jr;uii.;•· \'••Un1y h;1.'I ,.;•it l1•n 1111 ly ••l\11ug-h !>ffi••!i: t11 i;l'rv• ,1!'\ lhf' r•'fl flag nf w arn 111g -w f' tihnuld ht> on uur t.:Uaro! ~c• .1n111Lu1 t 1~t luxable-valo•• 1s \\'ttr1 h th~ p1 ill11t1•111 Wishing You A Good, 5-cent own level without the taxpayert underwri~c a price •upport with taxes, then paying premium pricu for the brew. A Grass Roots Look at '56 If tht" iOOO businessmen, induatriaU.ta and farm- "Nl polled in the Bank of America economic survey are r.ight in tht'ir forecasts for 19!56, Califo rnia will ~i t 11. new high in ac tivity this year. This 11.ampling of opinion gathered in more than 300 California communities <·omes from leaden whOl'e ringera ue coru1ta ntly on the State'z bu-1neu pulse. A Rummary of their views rum like thui · Con- t 111 ued g rowth but not at ;i.ci rapid a pace as in 1955: .11. nae in indus trial output limited by eome material ~h o rta gt's .11.nd production fac ilities : somewhat lower r'es1 deut 11t! l''•fl"lr t1et1on but litlh:, if K.ny. al11.ckt-ning tn t·on1 rn~·r1·1a! building {"1o.ijK'"('1alJ y in the creation of shop- J'lllg t't•nlrr11 . farrn 1nct1 nll' tu hold about ~\'e n 1o1i·1 t h '5.5 but w it h higher product1vn <'V8ts cutung 1n t u nt·t rt·· turns ket·ner com pet1t1on tn busine68 a11 11 result o t t hf' gro..,.,1.h in th•· St;iti;'1:1 bus1nL·ss popurat1on 1o1o·ha·h m;1y /'t:Kult 111 narruw1n g 1ir of1t rnarg-ins, cnnllnu•-<l g-ruw th 111 pO)'ldH.ll•Hl proba bly mvtit evident in t he li Uburban arl·ati ••f J,.,!! A ng.,-h·H 1111.! S11n 1-~rancu;('U Althuugh titime un1.:1·rta 1nty was expreis.t1ed 8..'! t o !ht• lu11t q ll<lrll'r uf the yea r by thoSt: polled, 1t \\'a.d pOlllll.J 1•ut by Rank 1Jf A mrrica president, S. Clark Ilt:ist'. th11t thcrt· \l,'lls n1u1·h ll'SH tullt:crn u n that )ico're t han thcr1· WMS a )'t':t/' ai;<t "W('Jl, J9:J6 l•Juks hk t· 1t w1JI bf> sa t1 sfactory ~a11d Lt • Sacr.amento Sidelight • • NO COMMENT lly .J ,\ME." W. DOUTllAT I I ' ' •• I \\ A:-1111"-' ;T1 >'-' Th ... of Cl'rnl'J •l w., 11 I• 1 ~~ ~·• "M '"" "'II·• "" • '"'' lll> "" .,,, t-1 pa.l>IU\~ !JI II J72 l" I ''"1' K,o!- ll·o'.., 11'1 "'• \11 'I b .. n.-f11~ \I I·"" f'Ubll•llltll J""'f-1 """''~II ,11 th~ \I'll,,,,,,,,."'' ... ,.,,1.1 .1 ..... 11 ,,, 1 ..... 1 .... i("I\ l••IUll{ lh&t II vote t•M• lo II"" J ••-ll'l.I: ~'""'"•" 1'1 Opj1>••111t,n WIUll•I )"''l)"r(l\U '" ~· ••I "· ·ir1!1 ; ,., l"'~•b now lth .. •r pohU0:11l rutute " l•"ll·I"'"' 1n ''•·11"'' ~" j 1'ht' ·1"'rnucrall on th"' \Yay1 r11 .. 1 .. •~ " ""I••' •nlla l 1'1'"'1' 1n •n•I lol <"lltl • Commu t .. e tiad turn l'nho:t·•~ "li.1 •ll•-l<"•1rul tl1Ht •'(I d.11o.n Ho·j1uhlu1u 1 ''GU•·~\" f•U ••Jiii .... r ,,.,. rn -. no1 ,,,llc:<'t ~. µubll•· h"•lrtr11{11 at "'hl•ll th" niu ! , l"J S•" llrlt\ 1111h•,1t" 111" l"r""""t II bl1hon Jtillnr ,,,,.: >1fltl Ottler 1,11d"1n \' '""•rd 1no·tr•&lni., hr1,.. d11f11ri•'I ~ of 11•r lo•l(1l'IAl1"n t'oul<l Iii• >UHi lii•"l 'l••fl,ll~ '''~"1111(~ 1• r"'" 11•"!\ ~r11p/lajUZ:.-d , 1 ·:-.·s •• rr .. 11 .. 1111·•1 I Th<:n \hr lluU.•r !t~<'lf ,.,1,.1 Un Al-T h!• K''"llJ ,r J',•ni.;r .. iumrll I~ •!•I pr,•r..-dul'<" "'h\Ch Urnl ll'o.l dt.·I for ~0n~trucllon "' "''lnt"r ,,."""" ar1nid lh1t• ,,,,. 111.x rllt,. w1J( 1,. • t1-1"n '" 1111lv i ll n11nutt:,.,, .. qu•t- B4""CIUXENTO, -'°"s) -Jn ated 1H the prtn\uy. t~ daya of pollUeal spt!Olla-\\'i_lh Ulla proepecl in ri_..., It !Jon. mo.t ot It oauMd by the ..-ould appea r more !Jkel1 that a pro..Wy Wo~ •ii~ 011 th" <le•I ~Id be m.ad1 on the pa11. pa.rt ot PrNLldent ~how .. r. ot Repubtlcan.a 10 •upporl th 1 ca.tltomit: Republk &n• are. nevl!r· moat 1or1cal candidate •t ti\• \,baa.., mo1'll)r J.bMd wllh pl11 n1 1·u11v11ntio11. tha~by nb.,.atlnr l.he tOI' the primary campal&a. ntce11111ty for Knowl&lld'a candl• 0o¥erncir Goodwin J . Knla.:ht. <lacy II• C•ltfornla. :i-'ho wi.U head a RepuDIJcu 1111.te Ir V~ce-Pru!d~t N~on Mould u a "f•YOr1t.. IOll" c•ndidat" tor dccldl' to -k tht RepubUc&A lb.e p,....dency . haa atinoute..:t l.ht nomina tion, tha! wuuld compll• •ppotntznent of ('!em Whlt a k rr pllC'a1., th1.011 further 1n Callfot• and Leone Balltf't &a mana ... 1 11111, for !f Kn1g'ht, Knoll'land &nd for th1 Ii~ c..mpa..l1n I N••vn, ra11.eJ t•) J,:•l tor•tht:~. l'<H.,ITlf'AL KL.ACK~ t here would be th,. poealbillty or Th 1tt .. )1r••lnll11 tnl 1.,.ve• 1111 lhr,... L111u111t.1 .... tn;m which the •l••u bt th•L th~ a...v .. ~nut l• t•k vulcl• wula I.Ilk., their ptck Ing tht.o 1•nn111ry r1mp&l&n .. .,., H oweve1 u ,~ net Repubt1r11n uu.oly 11n.1 •• i!"'"K ~·· ~ llr•I •n •lr•l•icy tn m'"ll• up lh,. ba!lol !hr a\o.·1 111 111 Ui~ tve11t anoUt.er l "''llh 1 lot of .·an.Hl1at .. •. and II HerubUcan •latr crop. up lo o~ 1 1.a ., vu1U.&J ce1 1a1nty !hey w ill I"'"" hln1 Whitaker and Bllitler cent .. r °"' one o:&ndld•te only 1n h ~1·e h.11.0111 ... 1 r a111 pa1gns ln Call-1 thl1 1tate Thf unanimity o( th• l••rnl1 l"r n1n re 1h11n 'J:l'> ye11111 Re1iubh~•n~ rv<'n when Uley 1r. r•n•1 Ut.1: f!1n1 '" r,.~11trf~d .. tu1•~ n6t 1111 ""'11~1 1 .. <'1, 1.0 probably Ul• If! pro<!~nl( result& 1 r~11l1111.t111n l•u their IUCl'~U lfl The fa.et th•1 riobOdv \'o:\ kno..J. l'"•ur1n1e \Ill! •dllv 11JI lh• •t1111 where th") '"" K"ll't: 111 thl~ t1lll1·,.,. in • •t .. 1 .. whlt'h 1• re11•• f"rthcom1ng • .11111•111, 11 l(IVr• 11 ..... 1 .. r .. J 11' ~' ·h l '"11.•tl't •ll< to •IJ .:'lf\R .,f "l"""il'IO\" ll&'lllU'I' HY.'' l !IU IKP; tJnri.. ln lh·· ••••·l\t 1·1 .. a.1°1 .. ,,1 Ei Th• 1 ,, ,, 1 h•• •nnoun• ••1 H-nhowr1 i11:u01•! '"I! ili..ot.in n1u1" 1!"''" t;pt l hi• •l•tr "'IU P-nr Ill•',,,,.. I ~ ~ .. 111'.1\•ol •U!'I·'·'' ) 1~··11h ..... •.-r •lr&IKhl ~\'IUIA01 n """'"'!""'' n ... •n°111 " .,"'"'n t " 1.., .• Hut furth"r tn rr• led he w1U 11•'1 w1111 rror 11 .1,., '" 11 \uln frru11 '"" l''''~l·I~"' 1 .. ·1 '' irotng HJ!H .,, lrJC•f <111,. 1''1111.,,1 It Kn'-""·l11ti·I "°'"'hi boo flUt 1 r1Jlf1•1 In a.notn.-r .. t•t·· an..i E 1y 1111 ..... · .. 1 (IO'c1dt:8 nut l•• r·un. he cnnt .. 1v11l')ly ~uld .. 111 .. , 1n .. c a u rvi-nl• ,,,1 ma rlra •t; •·•·~' Kn!1:ht Th.,fl ('l'l lLt ''Ha would h11v" twu H.tp•1hl. tn 11•\t'& lf KlhJW land happ .. n···I tu boo •<'PU•!l,.te<J Ln Cal1fornu1 an·! t<111;:hl "'II.• 1<ent l.(I hea.J !hr· l't<llF .. rnt• oJ, l•·i;:a!1<1n it\ t n,. t«ruhlk·•n ... n1 .. nt1 .. n '"" C11lll•11., .i··l".:~r, ·n 1n11etlt "" ll f+ ""''"·~' I j,,. jll•·IJl""' ol 11 I!' JIOrling 11 rMn!ll•la1r 1t Th.. t•n11- vrnt111n .,.·horn 111 .. f'""f'!" r-1•utl1 illlo' 't ., ..... ~!inn, n• .. r~ 1• !I\~ .. r• ~-•1 .. 1-1 rt~· th .. n1 ... i.J tn1 "'"" 1 •·'11 • " l f, "" ,1,,111 1; r1111•<' .. ~11J1·1,.•r ""'"''" he woukt Ji k ,. t•• """ >"' 111 .. IHHll1ll•l•••n Shoul•! th11< hMl•I" 11 th~l'l 11lr ljU~ol!"n 11 11~,., JC• + wh~rr \hr C-1llfn•nl• IJ•l'"i.'"h"h "'"uJ,I llf' 111 in, "vr •.t 1h.-El&e"llFu ..... •·r r1111 I latr .,. -t 1 .. ~,,, "' U1;! "" ,,, .. I •II IJll';,• < •.n1 l'l•lt!ll" •II Hf ui..11 .. 11 lllo t "\ 1 .. u 1 f·' '"'"rl"" ~I" i.:1Y1n~ r11ll \n IOlll• •1luu!1un11 whi. h nrv,.r h•Vj! ne-- 'urr .. •I ""'"'" 111 rt.hf•1tn1a fl'•ll- 1 111 M SCENE T THE CAPITOL ''1••UKl1 Kii t he •l .. n•8K " c1n111t'd b)' "qu!pmt:nt and 1.t·romodat11:1n1. •Jn r·1,a1,. ,,., hll(I• ,,, I"'" !••r b•o:~··r 11 ,[1v1.J,.1L 1,..t.,.,,.n rh'"'" .,.h11 ra-1 lt1r '"' ri.t high '"'llll"T& 11no.l flOtld& public IAn•I• and none n ! ·1va< • ·------------'..---------------------' " H 'I "11<! ""'f'"Od•·I !•"l•ehlJI 11+"1 11\" vi ,,..J ~n·I lllu,.,. wl'H• 1JP!'OM<•J lllt' 11111 11•11 h"•'ll ""louUt l,.,J '" Y<'I. pro l pel' Y· p1Jt1l1< "'Ill halk 11.11<1 !hr •·111 11 ,. l".;1,.J11!l•·'1 "A\'l\A~l~::-.-T'•· +r·:-:~1 A ,.,.,.,, l" 1vme, •lthi•ugh the ""h-!lh·r •• II.!<' '"d"Hl lo>rJ~ ,,.n1nr $7d I' u111i1011 "'•II 11" /\'"t:ll•·•I f,, tf'pa1t llH• Yuba l'!I )' 1u· •. 11 <'>H h•I"""· of • .,,Jl'11t •1f IJ""";n81 1"11""" 11.boul $1~ 11111110" fvr r1,ftd 1rpa1 r •n·1 .111 .. 11°11, ""lllt• $.I u111!1un 1n cun- tr11.r l" IUUt 1),,.,11 11111t1 11•l~ll r •• ,. Ill Sl'ECIAL l!:LF.<..!!(INlS t.:•,v-111111,tur .. \o.lll '"l!HI•~" I "'lfO l<T Tl.'11". •!,n111n•! •!141 t l h" nty .. r I.< ~ 111· "' putt1ng op $31'.>fl()OI• t••ll .. rnor Knlj!hl r Al ll"<-1 .. pe.:111 1 ,1 .. c-,<.,,, 1·•n1 trl")' t111v .. 11 ,,.,,j p•·T l'hu11 .. 11 "I lh" tJ•n1,..-r11,.n1b-r n 9 ,.,.,.h il"/"1111111 n1u1· .. thA l'I 1100... •K••n~t t11 ~tchl nir properly Y,1t!!le. tlon11 In 1hree ~tn bly 1l111tr1ri.. 1111n11 J r11111n•1~! 1r1t .. rr.•l "' Wh"t """'1r1•! th" 11rup ... •11 I lo111\ "nly 20 VOOt•'.•I f"'"•t11111 l"ll••l"1'" nr • 1uit!~f 13.~0<M111 don11 t~ h)' l h • tor June !i, dale of t he lit!.& pn-thl" 1r11~1·o11 .r ('•·ll it.T•'"~ ,i., .. 11 l•r ndn<1!"1 1n whic h 1,, queollnn lhe 1~".n"' 1h .. •Ill"' rhr ~l•1'" nr l ~\'C A n11111r11 The"•. 11 re tn ruunt le" rf'IU•"'~ '" •lu <•n S.ic•lt.I ~ ... ·ur1ty ja11v11111.h11L1y "f e11•ctlnr l"Kl•la· C11 Llfon1L11 , w1u1 f11 ... 1 111 S..•u!h~MI ,'k;\\' FF:HflY Thr ''i l!tf'lf'Tlla "''htr•· no reque1t h &a be-en u .. ut"r! l"~l~l1tU•ou \llDn whl•t\ alfl"ct .. <! nr1uly "vrrv CaJll,.rlll• l•.~! "''""k t111 /1 1!1,rn~v ji~t'"'"v ,..,,n1n11 .. 1,.n hu t •Mk '"1"•11 l!I J(' lht 'Jl{l'/1lUVf leve .. 11y1· I " "'" " ~ .. ""l'llona to fill ou.l va.:ant l"rm& hill whuh """"!II thruul(h Ul" ll "'"'l .,r h1llP•ll• of •lnll~rM ·r11 .. 1111u1111•) ~""''r1tl '"'~ h··•·n ~lriiilhi n! • riew l:Uln -•a-Ma•-\"111 illlnllt1'1!•1 by the flood '"'llle r a U - tn the gOYernor for earll .. r i pecLal 'rhr 1,11c; rij;;ht wLll bf' ••V"r 11 ran1il,v Hl lh• nation ""'\ 1,,,.,.i..,.,1 r; .. n••1 1tl ~:.111111n11 r: ll''"''· ,.u,~ .. t~I $!1'0,•-• '"' I"• •0 •. nd er the con1tilutton, tb" f.;'<1\•er Hnu"" t" prn\"t•!•· benelll.• tn ""' HUI ~f!•'I lh•u~r 1'•"·~"0:" th,. •l!,.rupti/L;: !•1 "'"t lh•· 1·1\1· tu 11n-tln<'r ~·,. _·, ml ••P"I' ot t•~ ~:v,·n Wllh !tl""" tre.l{n\~n!1trv -·~ ,.1,,,, .. 1 ~~ 11 l'lil" be~ ""'II .,..h .. t not l.'1 u111nolat.a to ca ll 11 11>e<:111l l "''" ut 11:1 •ll~h·nl •If 6'> 1•• 11•••· hR,.!y j>l ••·re.l1ni• ••II•" !n "" 1"''111°!,tl•· tunll• p<!!ldLnK uulconl t' •lllll Tl 1 w J!I fffVI! until 11 ll t1U1Ct:' ••'Ill c•n tll~~ull from ex-11J .. ct1on wh .. n a "e11nt1 or IUl14!rll• "'hlP •t<•l!.tnl1T1 h""''l•le ''' tho•<' 11hrupt hill! when t h~ lr~1"JAU•1n "' lh~ .•ul\ fvr ~~·,.r&1 \o.r"k~ but 1Jr1\l ~e 111 hOtl:P; .. (I hy thl! •l•I• bly tenn I• va c&nl but th,. ,1,11 '""'t 1><1 11n•I !n "lll"nd '"•verag,.!r!\ri Into an 11nn11,1•"b+ .. 11.JIL!ot•t 1r1l t1'" <•tv ha' nQI re11r('n''"'' 111 !h• 1 .. ,,~1at11r~ ,, '''''''"'''·" ,. lnt.••T1l1na 1v .,.,.•lh•'r rondltion11. [ ~· " •lltullon doo•1 not •p,.r1 f v 1 t.,. lo ""'·•t ••I •he ~.-u "mpl••\"•I \he Jle!r»an of ~ .. nat1.r lla rry I" i •la1r• ""Tllf11\1<ln thut 11 "houlol 11,..,., Hi~" 11/l•I II '''"" ll"t t"k" II hlitll~tl,;(11'1 11 tu ,1,.\t'lrtll ll'" lhftl n•.r!h.,.r~!ern rln1 e or Ul"' r a ll C'l.IT1 :oo"•1 11enl l\ T11 fin""'" th .. pTl>l{n.,n l11,. 1l1r.i ff)\'11 cha 1r11.~r1 "' thr ht< ••t11•n••! In 11 pl•"'" wh .. r• 1l 1 Sl'lff)IH •• MONIC Y.Roy EEl!mp-, l&nd ,,..111 ,,.1 1,11 Hr .. riu1t '""''nu1t ll th" r ove rnur ht1.'! 1wrmlllt•! 1nr t&11 "ll •·r111ol••l"T ' 1u 1·l ''" •·1n11IO)' S·n"t" ~·1111111rr 1· .. u,1nlll•'•· 11nnn1 I'" ~J'""' '11\l!I the '''"''~ ••n, ,,tal r 9l.lpt1rlnten•lrnl or pol>- ' Y b<'>arll of llUJ.H!TVU•Ort In thr ••Jlin-l l"r• w .. uJol t.... r!l.l~.,d 111 .. n,,. fr"f!!• S•·h-lnt l !\111· "'"''' 11 11,.11 t ""•l•I" h"w 111••" "' rh,. IJ•l•·l1111<I •ct a11<' "~I'"'! 111ur .. , 1•1 w 1n1rr j , . It• 11 ... 11 ucu 1,n, &Jlo. •l.e<l 117,,22,• f C ff If d Wh ~n•l .,..111 fll l <' l/ll'nl un ! "m 1n1·olver1 tv !111.Y ,,..h,.th,.r ••r 2 !o 2•, I•"! '""t "" '"'h ""·I b\ 111111 111~ 1«1111t11TI,.,. .,..,,ul•l nnt ~·I n\I ,.,.Y•nll'" !torn Ir\" 11<·h l .. 1nl<( OOtl 11101 , mone to !he K hOOlll ot Up 0 0 ee an en •e&110n1t not thty w&nl \(I go ln lht' ""' 11!7:1 .,.,,ul•I Jutn11 I•• 4 1,, i·•·r ••·nl '''' 11 .. l"Kl•l•llon w 1t huu1 n111~•1 1.! .. 111h T'"."t b<'l"n(l l o a ll lh" ~,_ "'Kl•f••'''''· Addy•U--•l m-o -•ll ---i ',',',,,·~·llllC ,,,',',',,!Ill,~. <OJ,l<>••Yl"',,'",o•oo"l ~ •• "" ..,, y -f>"rue or,. "Perl1l flt<'tion n 1,. '>n t'lllf'lovt r4 1tn .t 41, P"' 1·1"1 "" 1n r.,rn.n11 .. n 1111.1 1h•t hPJ1 rl111e• r>I" ·•! r 1l1r"m 1a r11thf'r \Jllln 1n 1 , , , 0 , ,. b 1 h '· l 1 ,., µp u11r111 e n e ruary an< Thj• uth•·r d11y .,...e saw a nc~s stury concerning the pn habli1ty <·o f fec pr1 cl.'1! would d rop n o w that r('((>r d i·qfff'1' h••fln pr oduction is glutting wan•housc~ A pla 1nli\'t' i•n ragruph from one or the other fede ral agenc1•'!'i invrol \'f'd claimed p robably the price of coffee 11hould rccl:'l \'I' "price support" to prevent its def'line. Now llit'n '" a rcttl dish ri f t ri'l , to jump to the oppo;;it 0 l'lrC'hc Hrrf' we arE" 111 the Republic of t he United Sta les of America. worrying for fear the price· or cnff£'(' m a y ~cl within the reach of the average man -!'ay C'VC'n ln the 5-ct'n\ ppr r up charge we onCl' knew and ('nJn yNI. Wh:i.t w(' rannnt understfl nd i11 w hy these do-gooders 1n \\1 11s h 1ngtnn. D. C. and their international counter - partB 11hould shed any tears ..,,,hr n there's a t'hancc the American people might get. lower coffee prices. We are still maintaining the virtues of a capit alist econ- omy wherever our national pr opoga.nda appea rs abroad. F'rankly , we doubt th~ coffee bean gm.1..ers in Bru1l and other part!! will suffer too much financial loss if thC' bean price drops. """only a year 11 r l'O ago whC'n the pr11·1· of 'coffre on th~ grncer 's i<h('lvcs wa..s ()\'er $1 pe r po und we heard no crit's of outrng-(• [rom them al\ti o u~h the American ho usci,•;ifl', buyinJ;;: per pound o f coffee had plenty t o say. . ... The o ld law of gupply and demand in th£.. Jo ng run ha8 a way of equalizing thl' high and low prices on gnodi> and i.('rviccs. H ere's wishing yo u a 5-cent c up or coffc(' whcn and if th(' federa'\ a nd 111 t('r11ationnl price. fixing boys ..,,,i ll let the commodity alone tu !'t:f'k its .NEWPOIIT ~ HARBOR .NE-W.$~PReSS Fonnerly ~· "'' "'' .-' Ntwport-Balboa N11wport-Balboa Newa-Ttme. 4 De~le Local llMIUtuUoa for 0Ttr Fort]' l'...-. •ta rn• 1,, 11,,111 h"tk ,,10 ,. ... ~1,,. wa· 1 re .. (vst1!C'l call meana. prob-r m11 uyf!'f'11 .,.,,111,1 h1· h.,Jd ""'ly In \lt,'J.6 r'lr !hi" <•l•l"''' 11r LollK Bl':t1L/l I J'm" •>f l9'>l! moatl lo co"r th• a bly, l h11t wh'"''""r "'''n" t he ~1,p. TI1111 p•-"I:'"'" "<l•n!l\ .. d!1· 1~ 1 lh111 l'"''I!''"'" H"'"'" "''"' .. t.,..1 " loni:: 11n1I 11r c .. 111,. or 11 n;w th ;;m n .al•1. ter lf'J "''1"" \h., pn•bh•in J.><"rn• .. n· c!al tleclllJI\ Wiil 11.IAo win t h t:' "fcxit "l -Ul" •t•JIJT" f''''!"-'"'' 1'111Kr:: llt.Al(l!\'HS 0!<11111• l'"J:';1I h1t!!I" "'"th I.on~ Tl< _,' · """ enllv 1 1 1 T 1 1 h ) " 1tp1,.,r 1onm~nl11 nellt 11pn o.1 1•11,.~t' 111, ti', l~d•tere<I by even e ect on tor the nut two Y~"r ton. t .. • 1 .. 11 v IJ"' llve • " 11111 Su t 011,. •Jf'l'"~1J11t 1h .. lt:'l(tal11-fl"ll• h "'lf1 \l 11 1!1 .,f thHt • 1tv h"I'" will a pprOllJmale $21'.00Cl.OOO term. •n•I wUI get an iu\dLtionaL FIL!ot1er11.I •ll&11 b1llt1· f'T"Ql(rt1111 11111J II'"' 1tll wr lJ "·" th•·~" fHV<•rl!il; ~"•·I thr \' w oll (11)(,. I ll<' ,.,.,.,, !u ~7 hi~h,., ""1 "11"1 "·~ vf dam•11:e. will 11U month• .ervlce. ~·netH~ 1,, v.·on,.•n "'hf'n th••\ h ... 1t will h11vr Mn 1J11p<.1 rttu1111· t•1 lhr l 'n•I•·'! ,>;111.te!I 1u11r.-rnr r••ur·t U~IO!'.' LAUOR : M .-m ~r•.ht µ. In itll 1•ri\ll11bl11ty be bruught nut "omo "" A•<l, 1,,, , .. ,, ,,.,·,,.,,,, ,1 , t <t ····i· ,, .. ,._"''"l'''"'I'' , ,, , In Cal1 torn1a labur unlon1 tn 195:1 I 'I I I l l 'I h h JNl1.!ATIVIC '1L!:O: Sp<!TIJIO..,. .. "'" " " ' , ~x pn·•,. 1~1r "l'''"" '" ore II votr· ., •. , v '-"" •·• " " I l a 1'" "IP~ 11. 11rt: t\,. arc , "" en ... .._ ... l 1 ,_ b 1, , .. "-.,.. "'' ,, ... ,,., .... ,1 .,,1 •• ,-.. ,,1,bl• to • t!d 1,61!!.MO according to tht bu Jjl:o>t l'. 1 0 1 be 1 t of local option for control of liq-you CAI\ """ sure u oa m0>sl \o.'O-·~ 11 .. en Y "' l<'r .. e .j.,,n><te ,. ,. " ·~ ". .. ""' • t l d 1 •·qi1t·.~ ~ "'' mil(" or uor 1 c Uf I w\U h men will •dm\t lO boeinK 60. n11nct C<)fTl mi\lf'" ur the g.,nate fnr ;.,., n•llt•!r" ,lther by 1.<Jni: ~ 11 t ep•rln>ent of lndu•trlAI re- lmplernrntll lltJn of the elate wa-n • oni • ave op -l)F.:\IO CA l'C lJN ll&elf. B,.81,h r lh" !ltlll,. tnr J1r veral lallon•, which w•• •n lncre&.<1e uf ler p!11 n. wh1rl1 11 ln1011t everyone portunlty to vote on the •ubjt"Ct, ~0.000 rn<'nlb"'r• over 19~•. Th • ln all ... bllll 1 th N Thi" rrncram ,,.,._. conceived In You r •n ~ aur .. or """ lh1n~. yt'11r11. ag ree1. w ill 1tt lrJUt ln p11r t. help pro._ y , a • oven1· men1bt:'r11hlp 11Urvey revealed thAI l h ber 6 11:eneral •lection . An lnlll-• c11ut·u11 of the Dfl'n10l!'!'>IUc n1em-howeYer. Sou1e eitpan.llln of So-M,.1nwl1ll,., Stut .-C'nnt .-.111,.r Rn I(} ve' t e high "''lllrr proble1n. "--· ,,__ ti ,.. •II l111 t 110,000 or the union labor Th. • , bl •live ca.Hin• for cily and county ber• of tile HOll!W'! \''II}'! a nd c!&I ~urU-y ....,ne t, t~ !='Ol ni: tu bert • Klrkv.·nod con1'f•l~tt<I pl11n~ ,_, 1 rr-11., .. 11n1R~e pro tm lt , M Co 111 ll d •• _, 1 ll 1 <b• 1 c h memu<'r• bt on, tn un1on"' affill&t-.on1•1h1n o: el~·· 111p11n. I t 1111 con-control or liquor hu f>een filed, e&rn1 mm ee. wu inten -"" vor Ull y '"''°'" I' ''' !"l'lJl, o n1n .. ~ JI. t nr .. •lj!h au<lit of t h.-ed with l h,. A r11 encan Feaer•tion 11 a.nd iMu9d a title. which f'<I lo em bart11u th" El11,.nhower parUcul•rly In an ·,.IP• t1r1n )'<•ar 1 .-in~ Ht'll<'h mun1r1rel b'IOk11, with ""1v11 J ' th1tt th" •t llt~ nev,r will 1ponlt()r1 CIUl proc!!1!d w ith nmbla••,: Admt11l11t r11.t lon 11.nd to ,ncourage And no:rn<'nobrr l h11 t t'.ong r,.,.~ "' view lo f!rrrn1,,n1n11: w hether o( l.Abor. ILlld the Conveu of In- r••11rh th<' point wh;,re high w11t•r 1 " vole.• ftJt th~ U.-mocrat.11 In n<!lll ha• n"ver ll"t a rwo )'<'!Ir p<'rlod \h,. rll,\' 11,,. fund• "'llhln du11l n 11l Org•nlr.allon.1, which hav• w ill nnt c 111,~,. ru~" da a ng 32:2,429 11lgnature11 to qualify "l"·nt atf1H11 r-" ll ll Th ·• "'' 111 II:" It tor t.he ballot. Nov,.n1~r·1 electlon111. go by 111nl'" V-J U11 '1' "'11./\out do-lh .. p urf'>O""" r.r lh,. tn11t w h ic h "'' na on• Y· " rem .. n- Howev"r. lmp1·Q\'"•I "nr;:inee(1ng So fAr .,. t h .. H uu.ae ,,.,u con-lng 'l'!nn1 rthin~ for <'l•lerlv l'"r11nn.'I 11.-1 nn1 pa1U"•l the l."r!l.nt of ll•tr-lng m emlM!rihlp bt:'lonr to lnde- p rocfllur<!• on many ru11d11 hayr OIL RF..G U LATION: Anothe r pendt"nt l•hor Orf&nlutlon1. I 'II • l11nr1.• In t hlll l rt!V hy th,. 11t11lP enabled them to wllhstand th,. n •t tve recetvin1t: a t itle wa 1 The tru~t provld...:l tl'l•l r'"ve· DOl\'DS S OLD: The C•llforn!a wot•! lhAl hao httn offrred in f11"'1 by Ule RlchMeLd Oil Corn-Toll Brldg• A•"•o-17 -ld J<O ' A N 0 T H E R w E E K ' """' <OOl•l ... '""" '" <0m m.,·co. ""' .. -,• the way of 1torm11. ,,.·llhout ma-P'9fi j , which long ha_, eponeored n•vi pllon and commerce. i..1nK 000.IX>O worth of bon~ ta t1nanee t "ri•I damage. Thi. ct~ ~l ap-the ''unit" operation nf C•ILfor-s .. 11.ch, however, allegedly h ,. , conelrnctlon ot the new Carqutnn: p ly to mounta in •refl-•. where lhe ni•'• oll fields for whal It cl&lm• "Pf'nt mnn .. y "'hi<'h belonKll tr. thr Rrld,-e, a nd approacheim, and ob- .state'• hlghway11 11uffr r the mo!l.t would be co n11ervaUon of the oil 111111,., ,.,.cordini: l•i the 10l1.le ,u-t aln<!d • prrml11n1 of ~:.tot for damage In t i m e or 1\otm}' re110urce11 In the 11tate. Under th .. SACR AMENTO. rCNSJ _ At 'provement In th• 'l•lrt -r •• ,,,,. 1 th" bond•. Thi boncM. lo be re- h lnlttati..,,e, •late • " "'' p1emf' rn11 tt, "r oth"r p1u-poeea. U t weal er a com1n11.11lon thu1 Lt t he C1 n111 "Aft11lr• of Slate" lion. th,. rlimln"tlnn ot "' li,l{ht ("..orltrollrr K ltkwc:;o.I ,.,.,1,1 he red rom toll1, ia.re Khaduled to WATER OEPAHTMENT: A•-would have •Orne auperyl.i11on over fot the ye•r 19:'.i~. Lt mqzhl be burt a urraC'y, •nrl moro• rmph11 ~I• w ill aAk t ht" {\r pllrtm-nt of fin -be comp1•ted In 40 Ytar•. B 1- 11,.mbly111an ca~p•r '''elnbergf'r'll pumpln(, in c~• where all op-wrJ J at lhl!I. fK!inl to p&UJ<e a .mo-on 1ubjecta ynunK f"'"l'I " re•lly """•. prnbablv lh•ll "''tek, f o r c&W!e the bonds wer e ,l..ued on a Interim commltlee on governmen· erator1 In a pool &(reed. ment for con~ldtratlnn 1111•\ 11u1n ""Pd Lo h-cnn1P .. 1hl>",.l .. rl wnul<I ,.mPrii;en, v fund~ ttl en ""~"'' ,,.•\th r'vt11ue h11111a ln1\e11rl of 1tentraJ t a l .oq(!•nli:11tio n !~ 11 ~rle111 nf FATR TRADE LAW; c..Jlfoi--up 110me of lh<' a rra1 r11 th•I' ,.,.,1. I),. ll"""Jll11bl<' l ~t"ll' ,,.,., 11•k<'•I the 11 udr1 , 11,, 11 J'l'»lin11n11ry Hllrvev (•bl11i:11 tl<>n. \hr Aulhorlly ,,. .... em• m~t1n11:H I• a Lte1nVt1nK to wo rk n1a '1 F'alr Trade PracUf'ell Act u1nn h1111 end .. 11vort•l t o pt1lnt out a younK J1l1lill'nl 1r hr kn•.,., Hn· l.• AboOI coniplrlfd l''•\l'"re<I lo ""ll th"m without 11ub- oot e.n a.:oepta.ble n1e1U1u re rrl'a-w11a upheld rurthP.r by t.he atate loll• r1'lt1der11 thl1 ytat bert Bum~. "Sur•'. he',. !ht 1:u.vl AUTO REGl!'TH.ATJr1:.. Thr 11d tl1nic the luue lo th• P"°Pll". ting a new 11t,.tr r1»partmrnt or 'upreme court. which In a •P.r !e11 J1'1r11t 11nd rnrt:'rno"t. "A ffai r~ ot -.,.the 1·1~11r 1_,.,ll", "'""\ht qunk 111,,r hu a r tive•t a~Hin r.ir 1 he .SOU'rHKRN CROSSING: Th• w11 ler. for pre11en111t1on 11t a 11pe-of d11cl111ons held that di.count St111e·• has t:ntlt'cavorrd I<> r a ll t ht'c reply nnnual reguilrat ion or c,.11r,,rnia l oll bridgt authority &lllO author- .,(ill! "''"!!Ion of thP lcgi,,!ature In hou.ae1 h•v11 no right to th" bookll 11 t1enUon of tht puhll c 1n \,,~r an-"Affair!! or 8 tnt"" likl'IO.'I""' h1111 1·~hlrl,..~. r""t lh<' p111.,11,.,,t 1 .. (hr h:ed lht1 <lt1p•rtn1enl of public 1ol11rrh, 1.., run cnnf'urrtntly 1vi1 h of a concern to df.termlne I.he ce" In "·hlrh frrPd•nn of 1nfonn11.· a tte1n pt,.,1 tu ... v~nl 1,, th .. J""'l'I" ~1 11re o f • gnod onnny 111111101111 nr ..,,,r·k.~ lu •·011U11ut" 1tu<1le11 of •p- lhe b1ldKlll 11f)ll11ion C'.ovl"rnor profit11 on appllance11, that lhl' lion h1111 b<!f.n v!()lated, Lh11t ls, or t'"lifnrnla how l h,. •·itv 1\f ,\,,ll•r• In rcj l,tr•tlon ''""' Paul proach,.1 on the propnaed JOUthern Knight hu 1111.hl sevl'ral Un1ea General Electrlc Compllny I• en-cll'c Um.'l\11ncr11 in which ic o,·er n-Lnng H••L<d\ I~ l'.lltr1npt1ng 1n UI'" M•llfln dll""'"r of the depRrt -c ro!lfllll.I( vf SAii Jl'rancL1co B•y. lh!!t hP would lno:lude lhfJ w1tt r titled to a. auit to enjo in ,., 11111. 111t nt nff!ciAl~ 11ttl'mpt to llntl do f11 n•l.'! wb1r h lhl" ~l•te •11pr"n1<' ni rnt .,f niotor veh!clea. urites 11n<J tu m ake further 1tud!ea ot departme'1t ln the c1ll If &tl 1lde11 count house from ielllng I ~ prn· wlthhohl 1nlorm11tiop "''hl"h I~ <'nurt RH .1,~hould h,.. ,1 .. po.1111 ,.,1 In tn"k lou!! •Ab An•t !rall"Tll ov.·11• fln11nc!ni:: ~h" &lructurfJ. The "'"" are a sreellble t o legi11lalion. The duct• under the faLr -tradeU COllt. pro p,.rly the prnp .. rty nt th" pub-the ~Tiit•• 1t·"n ~•11I fvn<I, A!! 11 rf'-,.,,.~ 11. 11pplv fc.1· lh" 19~,6 hrt'n~'"" purt r .. «civf'd by th .. authority In· move to C'Te•le • 11t panrte water eyen Jn t.he absence of,. contrac t Uc, rn:om publil" vlrw. ~u ll of lhr rl1y'" drh lrH'"'"'" from 11.t nn<"r 11~ pot .. n tlal rel'lllti·atlnn <llr:11 te-t tha t !hf' brld.tt' I& fe11.1I· Uep11 rtment, unlfytng •Ii of lhe and that a rut-rate dr\iK 1tono: Gt:NF.KAI. DP:(;Rt:ASI': tnurt -l(••nlt"J tld<'l•n<t oil Mf'Jre lli lp• 1\11\•r been m alled to !h i t b1" Jioth frorn an en~n.erlnr dozen or more el•le &Kencleii eou.ld not under .ell t.he falr ·tnt.d -rt ' 11• only (,1t.lr to rt'port that than 1'1110 million''" lnvolv..,1 . Yet group H"l'•&trat1on pntPnlle.\11 for llll<I • fln111r1 1I 1\&ndpolnt. No th11l h11ndll! different pha11e11 ot ed pr1ce or Hamilton Be11.ch pro-the11e ln!!lanct:• 1ctenerally art on the r1t1zen11 nf Long Beach. who 1·11r o wn .. r11 '"'Ill alart (Ding out rt,,.rnue bon•I" for thl• rtruct ur1, w•ter adm1nl11tr11tlon Into one de-dtlcla. :Jii11 decleiOfl w .. re not the dtt .... 11111 ... \\'Ith the ellrep\lQn wRnt 1!1f' mnn"y fnr ru blJ,. 1m-nf pn•lnffl<"•;JI fle<-emhie t 2;, Mfl -hn .. ·ever. "'lll be. 110ld until the p!!rtment. ha 11 ~en d~feated u.n&lllmou. J u•Uce• Schau<"t and 9f the 11I Ale r1rp11rtment of public p rovPn1C'nt~ n°1t """'l11 hlr nn th'" ~nn ~•Ill, 11nd the re-1-<'1i1L~t r111tinn 19:>6 11 ... ~inn r,r the l"Ri•lature haa t ... ·1re In the leglat,.ture. Edmoo.U t iling dle11ent11 Justice workll 11.nd the 11la te depsrtment .'l&m" 1 .. rm11 tn n\hf'r r111zP1111 11r 1nu.•1 hr effe.:tt'd by Febru11 ry ~ h11<1 oppo•·funl\y lo 11 tudy the a p- J\'E\\' SENATOR: Jvatice Paul Schauer cha nt.c terU.lfd the f&Jr-ot m olnr vrhicle11, there ere nO C111Lrorn la , h!l.v'" m.11.n"l!'"d t .. t'1,. Af.>ILAJMAR· A t on" u m ... th" prnlll'h "y1t .. 1n fnr the cmMln.r. !'"""' of the third dil!tr1cl l'ourt trade practice& act u ba•lcilly 11er\ou11 wllh -holding11 1n 11tate thh• n•On")' up, probabh• fr•r m1111Y 11!11 t .. 11 .. r a.rtn1ent ,1r fl nanc,. t11 m -H l1LiUAY 1.l~UOR RU81N!I 8. of appr•I~. 1v.·nr11 In Sl!llnley A ~ cOl'llta.ry tO the-CTJncept ot tree i::ov .. rnm .. nl Gnv,.mor Gnodwin J r e•nr "'1 •!o .... ·n the purch11&r Qf Allllome.r. Munro. director of a lcoholic bev• nul<I, s v-nvillfl 11ttomey, lo !he enterprlte "under 11 ,t'lvr rnm<'n l Kni,rht !l.llnn11n""'' hi' ln!ende<'I in \\'ATt:R .'I ITl'r\Tf11,,· 11 rnnf"rt'l'l re ~JtT01•nd11 at P11r ltl<' er1ge cnnlrtJI. h11• •ppe.Jiod to r.. ofrlr" or •l•lt' """n•tnr from t.he dedlt::ll te<i to liberty ~n rt rr""lnm "rnndur t 1hr 11!11!<''11 bosint-~11 i n~ ('11 hforn1"'" v.· .. trr 111t11•t1"n 11n f:rnv.. ~l,.n\e;rt-y '"'"ntv ~· .. 11111 l1qunr r11l •bll ~hmenll in Calt- !lr•t •ll1tr1ct . He rt:pre1cmlll Laa-and Lo the p rnlr<"tlon o r pr1v11 t,. 11ho,,.--r"-"" .,.,n,\nw" !l.nd v.•ith 11 ll -1n1p<>rlenl f!l.rtnr in !he "f'ono-Bl11te p11rk Th',; purrh11 .... f'f!••· "f rn1n1 11 ,,, •·o-<tp .. r11.1 .. in hol"1"• Jllni..tl u Second·Cia.aa Matter at the P011tofflce In Newport Beach 1 · -r-. · llf'n, •tu1nu anrl MndO<' r o unUt'•. owner~hLp righlll " tht"" l"'o dt:p•rlmf!nl•l excep-nilc IH" r>I th., 11 !11te . 111 .. 0 h11.• $3~0.000 of 11tatr n1onr)'. phi" lh .. f\f•"n f\n•nk,.nnee11 on lhe hl(h• C&JJ1om la und<!r the Act ot March 3. 1879. l l tod l flll h a n< "''"'• e ec o t e .v11r a n· LONG BEACH O IL: Develnp· uon~. hr hSJO b .. en 11 fr"qu .. nt 11Ubjet:l lh.111 par t tact th"t t h~ 11tate '"'""1'1 hll''" ,.,.,.,.~ 1lur1ng the Chrl•lmu ho.U• ~ e-ry Mo'"'-r w~,. and NS:Wl'QltT KAJUM)R l'l"Kl.18 HISO •11 ... u ... m ...... NaWPOKT Bl:ACll, (._'AL.It'. cy crl'lated by the death of San· menlll ln th• multl-n1Bllnn dolla.r H1tw .. Y•r, lhere 11llll 11r• JtUU'IY yea.r. Uelay alter del•.v in deval-been re1pon•ible for lhe bu!ld1n r;:-1, rl11y11. Munro NJ(I the <lepa.rtmmt.. Fr1da7 by the •tor Oal<1 Wltll&mll, of AUuru. c•-the ital" hll.'1 Again•t th<' IO"P -hul,..11 tn ]II"'" ptrl111ninr;:-10 r,prnt:n! h11" ht"n nn\,.,I +n drvO']· n10•! nf wh1rh ll r" (•h..-.1,.tr 11nd it1 co-openr.llnl' with the CallfOI'• C,'OMl'AN\' ONr JO; A<:A IN. G<lvemot 11.l\d city of Looig Be¥rh. 1n wh l~h freednn• (•f tnfnr n\11tlon. 11nd I\ I• opn1e11\ <if !hP ~r11t .. ·• "'"'l"r pl1tn l hr tern111 .,f tti .. •RI,. whl~h In 0111 HJghway patrol, wUI maU Phone llarbor.1111 Mnr Kn!,-ht hrl!I "open bou""'" California Lll atte111p!lng to tt:'C\>V-fortun1t lf' th1tl th" ro1nm 1\l,... ''" Th" lnf<111 •I~ t h" n11lk l r11 ~! .. 11,,1,.,1 H 1,.11,... Dick to th .. Sn-~1·,.r·v 1ftorl IQ learn the aouroo at the Govt:rnor'• n1an11ton h"rf,• l!t revenue from th11 1·f1y .,..h l"h g o v .. r\i m,.nl nl adm1n~Rtr11-n111k~.~ ''" lh•· fri••k••t hrH•k• of \1n1111l Y,W .C.A .. whirh own~ lhr Of ll1111f..-a1111ply ot "Yery lntoxh Janu .. ry 8. The irovemor n11ule Lt It aecurea from oll 00 •!Ille Udr-lion. he11deU b:v aggre1111ive s .. n•-, ""·•"n1 .. t ~ .. 1 ~,1 h11vt: h""" r~.int .. d prop,.rty,.wtr" ton mul'h f1,1 J.,hn calrU <!river who Ml picked up by • tre•~ C:O hb&IM ~ NoUOff aod A.rh·erti-.ts or All Klade ... ~ ot .._ Huperlor Court of 0r&ll(• Ce. lo A cUon No. A -tl 'Tot • cu1ton1 during hl!I. r1r11! yea r In l&nda .,.1n\ed tn l..onir B,.ach in lot O '°O''L<:" ~\111,.r, Jr .. <J( Contru ! ""' \\'tJ,.ll•Pr ('Rlorl'lrnt" evrr w!H ,\ol l 'eln•<!, director of nn11 n•·r llut IJ1r patr"I. and 1lJltl! liquor airenl-9 nrtic ... The public r11 invite.I to trust. included annuunt:enient by Crutn o:;Hu1ly, 111 'tudylnR Ulese 1•·""'" l" 1h,,. point whe rP 11 .,..,II J , B Kfll'IV.'lllJlJ, 1,f the 11,.•c p111k "''•II rnn<·•nt r•t• nn known lnKlbl• vl&1t th• rnan1\on thlrlnc the open Sta te Controller Rober t (' Kirk-ll't011·hOI~ anil 11ttM11p11n, to phlK lhru"'· 111.t thf 1l111r'• pt'rog•llvt !'(lt1H•11119Lon. pul u11 11n .. \h~r pin-'P"l" In the ret1+I liquor trade. .._.... o.ltlona. N_.~, Publl.aten ~u­ ......, Nataci.m &d.ltorlal ~...,_ NrmtN' ot 0'-C• UouotJ Xt vn &lnLctt &l:N REDDICK. P Ul:il.lSRJ::R WILLI.AM A-MOSES, Editor ORMOND r.. ROUNTREE, Advertlldn&' Olrecto r CHARUC8 A. AJUlS'mONG, W:echanlcal 8upu1nleridfmt -8llll8Cltfl'TIO.S kATt;81 Newport ffa.tt>ot Se .. ·•-r,..._, Trl-"'eMd,1 la On.ltc'o ~t,.. •eo P-!' ,...., . "oo •l, '"-..; •1 •a u.,_ mOOI U.tMdlt •f Or&llf• ttJunlJ $1 00 P""T 7 .. ar ho11.ae. • wood that he 111 uk1n1i: for Sl4.-then1 nf prtcln.: 1nolk 111 a qut111tHin to p.111•1 to PP!ro'<· Thi~ 111 •lm(Jfl! he '"Id O LYl•fPtCS C'OMMlSSIO N' 'J'1'1,. 12i to condi.H·t a thorough audit )fOIJF.R ~ t'ALl.ACllf...8 b" ca rrleit n v"r Into n.r1 ur .. Yl'lllrt, l he ume ln term• of m ,.,n .. y, hut M(IKF>: G A 1'f I': WARDllNlt CaJLforl'l1• Olyn1p1r1 ('omn11 11ia1 .. n ,,f Lona: B1ar h book•. and an-In lh<' f1,.l1I or rducalion. "Af· AnU ., 1t lfOM V.'hertvtr a 1n1te•d nf lt'&ll.ln.: tu lh"' N•tu11111I ~··~h C;rntkln. •l1r,...·tur of the ate.t• 11 d o p t e <I p $.\IX>0.000 plan o ther announcement h1· Senator fAlr~ uf State" hll •ttemptt'd to Dtmocrt.l'Y '•l•l•. ther. ll'lli ron· Y. \V <.: A . t hP ~t11t.-"'"ult! 1 .... ,.,.1 d"P• rlm,.n! of f1ah and iam,. Uk· fnr deve lo pm t n l of Squaw J&111"1 CUnnlngham lh•l Ile will point 1ou t th .. falleriea of lhe l!nu11 to be que11llons r nn,.rrnlnic t" \hr ('1ly nr M1ont,.rr 1• "''hlrh 1 •~t 1h,. •l,.pArtmenl or flnarice to \'ail<'y All the alle tnr the I~ conduf't hr1rlnir1 nn lnbbytntt <Jn mod .. rn ,.rhool 1y1ltm, a.n.d more thr economlr and rull ur11I "'ell · Wt\11hJ 1111~un•" !hr r""l-"'"1J•b1l1!\' '•11prnvr J•J more g&me w&rdena "''inlt:'r O lympic a.me1 The plan both 11ldeim of a C'Ofl trcrver11LaJ than Of'll''" hu 1-alsed th~ ·qur•· being or thr p"'1pl,. Sn 1n "'••h h>r lh,. P•"f)"rt1· l 'r-11n111 bly th .. Ln th,. 11<'1'"11.menl'• 1~07 bud· v.·aa •dopll"I! tor preeent•Uon t o m~a.11ure 11t the 19~!1 lrgl1Lat1vt t1nn "f w hether Ule t111ii.r•Y'"t 111 '"K r .. 11•l•no ,.., thl11 r(ll11n1n a HAI" rlly o r Pa,.lf11' t:rnv .. will I h ,. n Ii:'"! "" ,.,.1d !h,. '"'"'rderur i&r• u.... th .. ln\f'lnAtlon11.I Olymplca. Com -M'Ulnn, 11'1 which r"turl'l nf 1 11 ,(PltlnR ~ dollar'1 wot lh ot f'r111 · py ;-: .. .,.. y,.,.t. lhl-.;..rl!f'I' h"Pt'" •11 b-lt&1• th• prnprrty bar k l/'I g ently needl"d Coat "111 approld- m Hl"" w h1r h w ilt m -1 lat,. thl11 r rvenu,. nth .. r lh•n tun1I" nr .... 1-1 ••lion tnr .... taa 11i-.lh•r ~f"'nlt. r"''" f>"OPI'" will •l.J&nd firm In th" the N11.llorull Y W C.A In 1n y m a lr 12-'JO.eoo p.er &11nWT1. the n1,,nlh •! l"nt1ln1 lt•h· 11!1,. nr l(l l'll rt\I ..,.It f''lf'JW'•-or '"'° 1n1At fll"'"""' rl1ff"r "" th' •n11w<'r. futu~ A,C'&lnat th• Inroad.a Of bur-«"Vent. Lt prol)Abl)' will 11-0l hof'-mone)' lo f'.Nllf' frOIT\ NrplU# a.It. 11h• 19!111 '""'"~ Jh,. r11n ,.1 111 1 ""'~ .. ,,,1,.L 1 ... 1 ,1 ••111 1~ •• 1" 11 .... , 1m· t'llnr11.•y come • public p.ark for ma ny a nd rarno f\u1r1a. • ' ADVE.'l'Tl'ltffi Kt:JUR'.".'S -Rick Othmer of Lido Isle arnvKI bat:k 1n Nev.'port Harbor a.f tC'r a year's cnut>e of the \\.'ei;t InJJr'S and the Medit erranean look - ing li ke th iM and provrd tn be the envy of h is atay-at- home frie nds. He v.·as first mate of \1ilet'hi, 80-ft ketch, owned by Samul·l 1'.t orse of Pebble Beach. - Staff Ph\Jto HOME IS THE SAILOR Rick Othmer Returns from Vileehi's. World Cruise < n .r l.P:O~AKn A.AH<Jf:AS T i on and two nff for the n .. xt 36 Thf' adventur" wh1rh bl.'11:an A hou r•. •n ·'•w ... , liar'-.• ""c! B11t th .. 1r 111.t"r <'~J1"nen<:e11 In year llli:O • Pv• "'" ..... 'u1~ fabl"d 111 .,ds or the 1U1r.\ent ended 111 the 11tor1e<l IA!.11.nd• off I Medit<'rn1.nean made thl11 h arrow- t h" ,..,.11..•t r-.r l';ro:ece In the south· in;: e11per1 .. n .... wor th "''htl ... lb• trip t.erOM the A tl&nUe ft- vrJo~ later. -Olhmer •PPl\ld and wU M:C6'pt.ed u • ~ member. occ Nutrition ACAPU.~CO NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -P,t,RT II· PA&!Y wtDNESOAY, JANUARY II, 1956 The ketch departed from the Harbor o.:. 1 J. llM, Madtn.S down lhe weat oout ot Mea1oo. ChrUtrn.a• wu •AMl ta l\-pt-. aur e port of Acapuko. 9Ceae of a recl!nl eartbqualcll. n wu the bel,ftit ot the tourt.t MJUOn tbvi., th,ough. Series Slated Next Week Elee.nor Klnpley, • u t h o r. teache:r and lecturer, will open the Oran.a• Cout Colle&• I e c- ture aerie• Qll N ut rit ion on J an. 17 at 7 :30 p. m. In lb• College Audi t.tldUDl. 0-a..1• ,_ .... t. ,.,. D tMJ'I, who m4de ttM raai W"IUt Altame.r radio 1-.r. btc ~ NdtU.. var. ot OM or mior. 1°f'l.IUl.Pa.o Baell ep.tn tn ~ NBTC. n..-t In 'M : OLck Ok:Ucin, John TUmer, a.nd Carrt.qt.oft'1 -~ bi dfte ~ to· Hoaollllu and ti._ under UM ~ of, Mt owner, Jlm S..r. Ray ClllOtt. and Sa.rn J.,tutca.n cout&J -..t..n. 1 •4' ~ ba•• partid .. t9d tn at leut on. J\\m khuh. r. th• trtm CalU.U l"°'ter, alwa y/• eood ~p ~ ... ._ ~: ot the pnviowl A.eapulco ..-.Olli. aloop AJt.amJr, .A.t.o a "•t..D ot 9f cour .. , no r&ce ot t h111 cll11bef and wUJ ~t.edly -...... prou John Sertpp.' IMt. 8Cl'atch tnlJT, tn. Tran•Pildfte Ru., .Altamu ca.n be bald wtJ.bout ieecort v-..ie. h•rwJf • £ to U.. M ........-~ d.el. ~. ~ ~ !-he;~ b.okSa MCllD4 pWa_,MrllQn ~Ula On• of tbfJ!.4tft Nld,.:tJ..u.Y• rMd)-..aktpper:! o !'ill ~ ct.pmdlnl: UncUo• ot belns U.. only \h,... Acapulco ft.&C4 of 'N and 11 no to help" crulan 1n th• NHYC neet upon lier onnal.loft &n(f" .....a:- llm• 111.ll'J' 1n U19 effllt and ahould mean conteader ln any n.ee. A. lli G. L. Ca.ninfton'• 16-ft. twill anc. It and wtiu ~acr••'7- aoqutt b41"'4!1t nobly thl.I Urn• with good boat with a f'OOd c,._,.. i. d.leffl. lAd.J'. No •lNftl'er to thl.e A.boa.rd, In addition lo the P:J.pper, ber new lofty riJ and her akJppu'r inti !'} watch and th-tellowa ~of ,,patJ'Of duty, Lady has of· will be Mn. Carrtniton. Kr. ead knoWled&'• ot the Ya&"&rl• of tht. will be out lo win with 8cbuti ncla\fld 1n NYet:•I !lnaenada n.eee Mrs. G. L Carrtncton Jr., Bob parUcUl&r TUe. IMdtnJ the pack. Mid 1eMl'ed a.dntJ.nbly In the l~f C&rr.ifll1.on. ~ f.f\l'U!Mr E . F, Newport Harbor Yacht Club I• They 1.r1: M.anmall Nledecker Acapulco eYettt. \\'Ith her pQWertul "Scotty·• Scott. detlnltely out &ltar • s oodly rha.re J =============~=============:-:============= Alter paulnl' lhrouch the P-.n- ama Canal, Vilee.hJ mad• b•r w•y to Trinidad, lMn to Miatnl. Fl&.. Whil• the ketcb wa.. Mini' pre- pared fQr her AU...Uc cro .. tng In a Miami .Plpyard, Ot.hmer flew horn• for the lluter holiday•. Morae wu on tbe f ll"lt l<i!( of t he lr1p "'t.hrougtl the Wut lndlea but flew to Eo.uope &nd reJolned the Ye-1 in Cannu. PTepar11Uon for tbf' lone Yoya.g:e were e•ten- 1tve. The luxurte. &boa.rd to make the crolll'lnf comfor table would have turned Columbua A cr'du.a"° of the UnlveraltY ot Bout.hem CalUornla. 1n<1 a Ion~ -time 1tudent of nutrition. M ni. Klnpley hMI ~ ochalr- man of nutrition at tti.e Chlld~n·a l:Hin ta! H ea! th Clinic in L o 11 g Beneh. In a.ddltlon, ahe has tr&Y· eled widely and hu carried on .1tudle1 Qf Uwi etteet of diet Oil prlm l llv~r peoplt •, o1 the trophle. thl1 year with tour crack r&elnf y acht.a flylns her LEGAL NOTICIE Ll!GA,L NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE blue 1.nd s old b urcM. La.rceat_ ot 1---------------lhue i. Lymui H. Farwell'• IUJl - uriout !f-ft. achooner Seadrltt. a Trut9-Paclttc veterui which hu bff.n tuned to perl11etlon a.nd hu BEPOST Of' 001\Dmos 01 THE MARINOS IANK proved hel'9elf an UC4illent pe:r- fQrmer 1.1nder all -.Jlln,r condition .. LOCATED AT NEWPORT BUCH. CAUFORNlA ASS~, green with envy. E'or 1natuice. xav11 Olhn1t'r, there wer a tw o deep treez"11 a board, 11tocked with aoeh ttenis hard to get &t eea u me11.t. rnllk 11.nd bread--e.11 frozen, Mr11. K!ng11ley \11 a torcetul. Lyman'• crew mem bera ..U exP9fi· w itty , appea ling lecturer. S he 111 enced u.lloMi a.n.d include 1uch wt'll outspoken on the .!ltory ot food kn ow"· Harborit lll e.r, of coura.e, proee uing, of the use of chem\· F'11n"ell. Harvey ~d Mre. ca!11 In foode, an d ,,r food p rofit· 8omer1; Lonnie Vlncent ; Earl eertn i;:'.. S he cl .. Mribee the ef fect Corkett : l.Jewey Callahllll ; Buck Cu h .. '>a.l&n~e• with olher banka, lncludln& ~M;rve ba.1- of r.lluree of ll1eee In und<"rmlnlng the Aym ,· 'Bud Lander•: Biil McDow -a.n<:e, a.nd cu h ltenu ln proceu of coUectJon '!'he e11cl!Jltnt prov1lli0n11 htl~ h I .-I I bl u r-~ e11. th of ,.,, Am er ca n peop e ell ; John Oratlot of Carmel, and U.S. Government o 1ga on.1, direct e.nd tully guar e.nle«1 nut a lot In the dark 1t ormy day.11 s It h I to he polnlll w 1 eep eoncem hli regula r c rt"W, Nii. Nllaen. Loana 111d di.co unt.Ji tlncludea $169.33 overdra.tt.Ji ) . nll~u.dN.O'l'lfl''G 0 , .• llBOAHI) the d...,p In th"' prol!:'l.n con t en l of · NHYC F'urn!ture , nxturu 111d equlpment ....... .. Our gnun11 11.n\J ahow i lhal pro· A recent addition to the 1 1 A te An•I u ;·tribute f<'lr lh.-\nt~n-tein, th,, niOl!l etill<'nlia.! food nu· fleet 11 the •leek. blue 72-n . yawl ota ue · .... ., .. ,.I\ .. pr.,pA.rfltlon~ ror t.h .. {'r<•11~1ng nvl.hl tl f(" Wll~ J9i:it overboar ,\ K!l\1 111~ KPtrh v.·1111 un<'.1.11.m •i.:e•! In the tri,.nt I~ pruduced in alilundan<:~ Eae..apade , owned by Janiu y UA.81LIT1r::S ooly on m llU!nll rich BOila :>tie Ca.mp of S.kersf!eld. Cornlng out C 1 1 d ,_ • d 1 d ,_ . from the East Coa.t Ill.Ill y .. ar ommen:: a epnai.__.._...enui.n lnd!vt uaia, p~n .. rsh1ra tell~ of the new t r<;n t!er1 or r·~-.1 I thfl( <'><n u.ke tiun~<'r out .. r the wlth an "nv!able raclnc rec0rd, '·oq,..) 11 1 th 1 'th w or!1's ~~<·nrF1t11· ,.n~n11nt"r"rl mnr" th11n Othf'r •1 .. manct depoalt• 4rt"rtlflf't1 •n<'I nrncera· rh,.•·k ~ !n ~'" ht111i:-tlr<lea, Vll•·-tq I~ "'"1 ' 11 '" 11 • "0 VP e '·. 11,.r .'lh>u .... r "'"!i11r •~ in ll'".t /["""' rl ' "n n l•!"t ""~"''I llut ><h.-1( RO ''''"'" rrvll\,.111~ •·0 11111\l .. red h,\ n,. 1 ~ h"n"r ... t ,,n,: fhl•"k IH 111.~' h I mLn v t<J be """ ur th .. 1nr1•l pr"--·-1 ·:]'I ' .. 1"1' j,'al•· Ii g .. ,,. a.··· '"'"l Sal lllj;:ll depoallll f ,'' l.nK rrribJ,.m.~ ,,f !hf' ~0th t entury I hf'l'fl<lf n•·V~•·the l•~a !'oni pletely l U s Uovern1n ent and rn11tal ~11.111•1;,. aep(l91T" "•·n tr1~ 11 ,,nolulu Y"• h! r ll•" 1u\ 1 ,,.~, n,.111,, 1 11 n•l 1 ,., ·•nd11 ic•n•··1 h .. r., '" ,1l.,tl<·lflaletl 111 UH• l\'<""'"'•ft-1 On J><n 17 .~1,,. K1ng •l"V "lll Statp ctounty a:111 1·111rli'IJ'"I 'l"l"•~·t• ' r-•t Llr!n ShJp)'ll.r-1 th~ big T"ll< lnJl:' , En.•.-011.J.,, r11ce' ~tr~.~., ~he l1nporL1nr,..,nt !'irr·t•;•n •narhtnl! I• r~rtn• tn "" "nd w ill I Other llabllllJell 1,.;nf'arnetl d ~'''ll'l l l'lll•r t" landll1j( •t C&.nnea tnr Her !>'< turl! nn Jan -~ "'\II <.I•; liav., • <f't'W of ~urh .,..,.U·known T<1t11I J.\Kblll!I"~ •~''I "I !•1rdln11\,.,I l•l•hi;~T ><•n • a un .. e ·.,.,·•rk l11yuv .. r for rep11,lr~ 1.-iui~ Vil•mln B ''" J~n. 31 ,,,,1\111' 111.rlnl{ nirn !I~ !1"1• T><'lor. Tl<iU "hn .... n bf'lPw l ""'l r"pr<>vl,.lun!ng, Vllet"'ii 'a <"rf"'I Nutrltlon a nrl th~ J;or'li D • &r, •'arl~·,n , 1·111rk :-;"~t'! John ~wig·! 1 Feb 7 C11 rbcihv<lratee All l "..\rlTA I. ,\c <Ill .-.T'.'> l>lOPl'•hl for a tiv..,·day re•t a t I'll.I "''" nn · · · ,. art Roy ~trCull.-.;.:h Ho"an1 Cha11 "'" In the .U•le•r1c la!snda <lff l lt"<:turt! ;:ire opr n to the publ! ta.in. D•n \J,-.K1nney, li.!orl,,.) t a r1tlll p~1<1 111 !he nn rt ~.ern .:0113t ot Spa in. wlth<•ut f'hari;:'." Chu .... Dona.l'I 1!1<rt an,1 her r~,::., ll t"nmrn<•n atork. 111.r•nf) t h•r""' Par $2•1 "'1 \\hen Vilertil left the r nm&ntl<: f:nrtnr.~g th~ 11rr!"' nf i .. c ture' u!11.r crew ot t....Liri Su:kkl 11.11d ~•"l'h111 Rll'l t'ra Bhe a&i l~d by "'"'Y of <..:t>r-!Ir ~· A1111!11tanc~ l..r.&KiJ e or N r w-.l11t K H.11.rrnnn \"rv11 v1de11 pror11 a -n"t C<,nt1ngent F u11d aur a, B11rd!n1a and P11.lenno. 81· port B~ll ~h. J u~ur A 11111•t11.n<·e Peter G rant ., 46.ft. hght di•· Ho-.-.·rlf'9 1 ~n•! rrtircn1 .. nt 11 ... (<H1ut for pref<·rre.J l ilf>ll &.l i ,·111' I<> Split Vugo11llvl11 l.A'll.gue '1r Newport Beach, Collta placement 11oop :-<1lu II ha11 •c . 1, Tnta l C11p1tF1l Aceo11nl11 · ' _ ~le11F1 F'rtrh1y A ft .. rnnon Club, Spilt end !he n~ghborlng })al-Ebel! Club of Newport Buch, quHted h•·rxelt nob!y In the t w" Tula! l.!a b!Utlts and C11p1tal Acn.111nt11 . m at11n l11la ndll prnYe<l to M one Junior E h<·ll nub nf Newport ~hort y eara of her experience by o r !ht' h lg/\l!~hta . of the t r ip, ac-Hf'ach L.1<1., l~le \\'onien'• Club, w1nnutg top h<;.nor• In her elll.Sll cordinir to Othlner The 1·rew h11.d Pan Helle nic, P -TA Council, \\'o· Jn hoth tl1,. New York to Uermu'1a a aJx · tiour o ; de a 1 or going 11.,.,1•11 Civl.: i.ell«Ue r;.t N .. v.·port race and the Tra.n11·Pac1 flc. N•IU through 1:uatom1 but after they Beach. and Zon t.& Club of !'Oew-U a l.a "'on the coveted Lew Whit · finally w ere perm itted to l111d by ney high-point truphy tor the port Harb<>r. Pledger! ll~llf't .11 •s n<1 .11ec11r1t!e1 lr.ane,.11 itJnok 1•&1'1e) 1 \' ~. Uol'e n>n1ent obl 1g ~\\nn1 pledged to Aecur~ de- l'""lt1 a nd uther l!l:1.~lll!tle.9 T ota l the non-Iron Curta.tn Communl.11t1. Ocean Racing clllftl In 19~~ T h!A t.h"y Y.·nn,J ere<l v.·hy the country record, plua the fact thll l Peter State ot Cal!fom ia . County of Ora.ng e. "' Y.rlga r R . Hill, Pn:sld~nt G \V Hlea rdaon, E xecut1v" v. r . COMM!:llClAL $ t:l7 ,893.~2 l .:'>87,M IJ :l7 1123.26L~7 82,092 &O 5l.O~Q,79R 26 l'i\l l "1 7 • :,. " I• I~> 1 '\I Z" ZT6 11 I 7 :'I, (loYI Ol'I ~:'.l.Ofl" C\O 1711\1!2 z \7 1 l<I :!t (J,Mi7 Ill 5.1,0:'.10,798 21S fIBOOOIJ (}(I 660,000 0v I 8A \'IN08 411~.1&&.77 ~21.197 46 1:'1,000 °" l 0,000 00 3.:r.ooo.oo b21 197.4:1 -- 4113,124..20 l ,M 7,600.67 1,4.0l.Ul.M 81.093.IO S.671,"6.71 1,17!.ai&.l.AO J11.1u .oa .... ~.1 97.~ 611,103 7f 600,000.00 29,1'Tt.tJ S.29e,4.0'f 90 200.000.00 U ,000.00 1,11&.U 2.~11.111 27~.11 J .671,191.Tl -. ...... Cle0.000.00 had ao-lonc been neglected by w hen Morote Jald her up for the know• the Mex!<:an coaist fnirn h~ Amtrlrana Very t~ American ¥111n!.4lr in C11nn~. H ;i then t oured trip &1 a cr'w 111en1ber aOOa r.J the yacht11 ever v11it Spilt w.nd the Europe on h11 own. at11yirlg with Alt..am•r In ·~•. 111een1 Ne.Ju II bt'aut1ful V!leel11 atlrl <:ted con-numeroua fril'nda on the way, will certainly be a top 1eede<l con- a.lder11.tile 11tt..enlion. H,. aampled the aklln( In Ze r-tender ror the Cla.-w "O" and over· f"Rll(S p; CLIMAX: matt, S"'·1tz.erland. \hf' F'ren<:h 1111 honOT"I . lier expenen<:f'•I ILOd B ut 11 .,., . ._not unlJl Lhe V!leehl finally "''ended h.,r W•Y to t)l t ator 1ed Orrek l!lan•l! th•t Oth- m er hehe"ed the trip had rtached II.I cllma.11. food ln P ar!a 1 where he looke'1 like an artl1t w ith hl11 PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY ot The ~lll.rinera n artk, bt'lng 11uly 9worn. ell.•·h tor h\ms,.I! aay1 h e hu a per.anal knowltld(e o( the mat- ter• t·ont><lnt'd in !.hP fortfulllg ieport G! , •Jl\dlllc.n 11J1d achtdu!ea pert11.lnln~ themo a.nd tha~ l'rlrJ' Al- 1e11:11.tton. 1Lllte111t"nl, 111a l ler 11.nd lhlng th"reln conta lnt"d ia lnie to t~ he11t of h11 k nowhrdl'• and belief. Severa.J ly rubacrlbed uict 11worn lo 'be!ur~ rne by llolh deponent•. a nJ t he gondo\11 r1dlni.: in Ventre. th!s tilth day o! J111 uary, 111:'>6 READY t'OR MORE Keri W. Fowler EDOAR R. Hl.Ll. Prea!dent ( Vlce P"'9klrntJ •rn ~1 P<li1 ,.rn1:ieui 1.11 tJl\I! the.! u11u11 lly ht ppen"' !n A rnfln of mueh greater yt"11 r1 !hA.n Rick Othnier , 20, ot t.1r1,., l•I~ The m Ol!t lmpoT"tuit lenon Oth- mer learned wu thl1: AD\'l!:.1''TURE !'IE.EDED "I l h oui;ht the \Ve11t Indies "''er e prt"tty wonderful when t!f'!lt a11.w then1, but Greece uid "Every yoUn( per.an ahou.ld Ull• t he l!!l&n"• ~, •• '' h•, "U'"' "! A.~ !it •I mil t<· .,r th" V1l,. .. h1 11 n <ler t•ke ui a dvenlur11 ot Ul l• kind ••"·" " ' u • " " Othmer 11 home now-return- ing on the l ie d,. f''rance a nd f ly- ing a cro1111 cu11ntry but hit tra v· el a ppetite Ja nut aaUllte<.1, y"t. H1a current amb!J.lon !11 to go F11rrnerl1 Oraoel Chapel N otary Public in and for Ul!! County ot Oreng,., St.Ate of Ca.J1fvrnu1. .. ~l y C:ommt11111on ex p1rex October 21. 19~9 G. \\'. RICHARDSO N C..h!er !Se<:.-eta.ry) Correct -Atteet: Directors other thlLil t he Qfrtcera: llirnlnr the T"1port. J OHN T. BOY D, JR. KARL L YNN DA VIS HARRY E. STIClG..J!:R, 110 tt k~t. ti •" r,.,iiHuHlc 1n 11r· 1 1r h" h as the o pportunity," -he early elvtll.r.11 !.lon• •1napo!led hy to , T 11.h1ti 11.11 a {'l'ew member !1"1'1><11<'" 11.• 1t .. n•1n t:, !Jthmrr P11· ~><Hl. He added lhlll he doc• not tour1a l11.'' Olh mer ent.hu11ed. Cor· 1board one or the yachl.i leilvlng J)"r!rn•·e<I t •ln l~ and tr1huh111 Pn~ t·nnalder It t\i ni.::eroui. "But It l'u. Crete an<'! 1Ulo<le11 are a mong-ln June on the J.Af! Angelu -Tahl-th~t ~hron1d hfl'vf' 11 r1,1r,1 rnany ""'Ulll help t n have a knowledge t he la r g er Greek l.11!11n.1s JU&t now U Ya.chi Ra <:e. ''\\'ith hill i'ut 1x-gr~v h F1 1 r~ to the b03h V, xr11,.t· 1 ! 11 .. h 1., ~lng d l11c:ovrrf'!l, perlence, he'll pr"Oba bly iret a Liberty LI 8-SU' M..D . h h u llll Ing, ~ 811 "' Th •. I I r "··· N .,. t ype bt'-11 r<:I I .. hll nrlll< •n1 e you ( A lltl 11uch k now ledge h' doe11 I r~~·~~".::_'W::.:.P:'~'="~'-~·~·~,.;;;;~V~l~·~·~h~·~·~·:·:":'~'·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;:;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;::::;:;;:::;:::;;:;;:;:;!~';' •:;;,';';;;N;·~·;·;··~P~·~-~·;·~'~'~'~';;;;'~';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-:;;-~~·:;;·;;::~ 11 ~po rt lnlf . th .. 11e rl11y 11: havt . O thrner. \\•ho live A "'!lh hl•l 1 --------- lfl'ltRIC A ,,'f; "'l:"<'OS •lep-falhtr uid hla rnother, Mr. On the lonir run rron1 MJaml, a.nd Mrx. Bernard G!a.tte, e t 211 F"la to C 11nnea In the 11ou lh of Via On·11t o -when he la not go- f'r .. ne~. V I l e e h I encountered Ing a rol!f\d the world, tha t la - w1nd.'I of hurricane forte. The hu been 1alllng lltlce be w u I trim y 11rht w F111 blown 200 m lles chllU . .,rr course 11nd but for the effort.II ,, H<11 c Q n t t nu e d that lntere1t -0r her Swl.91'1 <:a.ptt ln ~ a.nit 0 th-through New port Harbc:tr Union n1er -another ve11.ael may have High School where he pa.rtlc!pat- jolned h unctreda ot othe ra ln t hat ed tn bsaketball . .wlmmlng and g-r eveya rd or 11hip11. the North At-tenn ia, 11.lld through Or11.nge. Coaat Jal\!lc off C•pe Hattera..•: N. c . College where h e v.·aa 11tudying Th~ w!nd11 """re ao terrible VC-engi'neerlng. H• left 0 r 11. n g e 1 .... hr couldn 't holtt her a11.!l11 a nd Coaat for the call o r 11.rlvenlu re. "'RS rorce•I !O u1e her englne to Whl!n hfl heard that S11.muel run 11ht>ad of th" blnw , Members Moree, owner of Inl Monte of the lnexpen t"ncect crew were Lodgt &nd oL.her pro~rty !lot Peb- foreed below and O lhmer 111d lhe ble Beach. wu planning t o ta.ke r a;>ta!n w e_nt on Wllt<:h two houri hlll Vlleehl to the W e11t lru\\ea. - WORLD PEACE? We !'ltt, more and more cles.rly, t.hat go\•ernments a.re not bringln,11; world pea«. THl~Y CANNOT ! There l8 ONl.Y ONE WA\' to "'orld peace - PEOPLE dealing "·Ith PEOPLE. It IH a pracdcal \\'ay. HEAR J. Frank Burke former Editor and Publi1her Santa Ana Register Always &11 bldepe.ndent editor and comment.ator, Mr. Blll'ke ne\'er hu had a aporuw>r, or "1trinp" upon his interpretation of news aad e\•ente. His viewpoint hi that ot monJJty and the • public interest, rather Lhao poUtlcal party ad''uttage. He wD;I d'9cU811 current affain. pu1icnlarly peaoe problemo otarl1ag Friday, Jan. 13, l la.m. Mr. lh11rh llM ret&u·wfld lo o ,...,.. -'7 &IMI hM llullt a Mme .. t of Oranro. 1k! ..,.... da1l;J' at 11 Lm., Moltday tll~p Friday. KPOP 1 020 Oii tM dial • r • ' For Fast Action Use I Want Ads -I -. . • lwaryilocly Reads 'am lvarybocly u ... 'am .. Call Harbor· 1616 And Ask For The Claulflad Ad-taker • _I I .~ • • _l'A• I PART. I I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 , 1956 • LIGld. NOTICE • LIGAL NOTICI ~GAL NOTICE blld • die JM.., fll .laa,. 1IM. ....._ IQ' tt _,.. .-id 0..-ID, 0.. ~ tt a,,...;. tMi .-kl &tu.. bow-ot ,. p.& la UM PIOfb t:J IMu&ted ln ~ OOW.t)' .,.a.ldecttoa.ud.a"am q''. llOdllcU diam._. lllf tile N..,..-t o6 0no,p, M&le el CaW'onJA,. de-..-un,r U...to .... .._ co.- ._. Clt;r 11&11. at W'Mdl. U.... .:riMd: .. fobowl: dueled •trlet.tr a .cc~ryiWtua Mid ~ u:t and &It ....,.. lft. Lot I ln Blodl. M.,, or Trect i.w; · termt.ed mq .,,,,_,. &Dd. be bMrd 1Co. IOI. .. per map 16C.IOided NOW TH&IU:l"OR.ll, th• ett:r t,ti.-. l.n llook lT P9C• II NMI 21 ot OoundJ' ot the Clt,y . oil Nr.wport ft.4 T T. COPEU!f, .hcnuly ~ 1"S-. recoN.I Ba& doN ordain u followi. Newport 8-ch Clty ot Mid COUD\J'.' SECTION l · Tbal th• &n.n~ ~Qvpmlelon ~ Ml-. wW ... m•M, tiut...ith tton or Uaat ~ lnbUft.9d t•r- No. 11-N.., .. Pr_ t n l/H ~ OO'ND&llt or wananty, •i:ic--rtlol'J' contJ.c'UOl&.s to th• City ,0f or tmplled, nc•rdlnc' UUe, pouta-Newport B-.cb ,..,_t.d .. "8-· .ton, rw encwnbruu1•, t;: pay th• qut.t A.n.nea.. be 1'nd th• ... rn• renWalns' prtndpal SU ot th• la he1'9by appro'f'ed upon th1 tl!nn. notti ..:und by ll&ld Deed, to-wit :. contained tn the 'afor••ald que• M,•U.TO, w:tlh lnl••t l"romJuna ·uon wl!Jdl ,..... •ubmltt~ at the 11, lNa, U l.n Mid nota P,..Vkhd, 1peelal election held on 'the 20th ad~ lt any, under lhe tenrui da y ot ~•mber, 1965. S&jd ter-~ ~~ ~t:U:ori::;= rttory i. ducrlbed u follow•: :NOTICll INVITOIO 81D8 roa 8Tlll!ET Ll09TINQ 8T A."lDAJtD8 AND L UIU:N.USU N OTICE 18 HJ:R&BT OIVEN THAT, -led bid& wtU be ~v- ed at th" ornee of th• City Cl!lt'k, Ctty Hall, City ot Newport Beach., Ce..litornlol. u.nUt 7:SO o'clock P. M. on I.he 13th day ot r ebrua.ry 1968, tor turntllhlnl' etniet lisbUnc •ta.nda.rda and lwnln&rtu. lte1n No. l. • each, M.ar~te type 66-0 h1Cht 1ta.nd&rda prollllded w1lh { l ) arm u nla.llutac- tured by Pac1nc 1fnlon ~1eta ! Co. o1 i..o. Ancelet. lten1 No. 2. :z eaeh, Mubecllte type 528-3- AU-282-8 provided W11.h 121 a nna u "!All1Jf11.c tuf'4'!d hy Pacific Unlon Metll.l Co. of Looi Ar'l(ll'lu . ltem No. S 5 flach. Marboeltte type 118- U-8 Ji«hl atanrt .. rd• pr<n·1ded 1 I J a nn u n1 a.tlU f•ctur1:<1 by l'aclflc Un lr.to Met•! Co of tl'\ISl.11 C1-ted by Mid Deed. Be(1nnJng a t the point In th,. ~ Mn.tlcl.ary und ... Mid o..d, boundary llne of_ the Ctty of by r....-ot a breach or defa ult Newport Beach, •aid point 1n th• oblll'allona aecurtd lhettby, belnc the lntel'ftCl\011 or th"' hentofora U:IC'Ut.d &nd delivered ll()UthWMter]y proJOnfta!lon Of to the undaral«nad a wrtl lerl Dt-the llOUtheuterly line of Twt· clara Uon ot o.tault and Demand tin A vuiue. 80 ffft in w1dth for Sala., and wr1lt•n notice of brea.ch and or elecUon-lo caUH the undeMped to .,;ill Mid pruperty to Htl&ty &aid oblipUon&. and I there&t\er, on Seplembtir 22, 19M, the undtr11lgned ca uaed •aid notke of breach and of eJecllon to be r e· coroded ln book 3218, pa.ae •t9, or ••Id Official Record&. TITL..I!: INSUR.ANCE ANlJ TRUST COMP ANY .. •alll TNBlee, By C. C' F ULLEJS A.a.atant SN:tt"t..,ry ADMIRE NEW MESA BANK ,_,.... Anf f'll!JI. ltP m No t It Pa rh .Mrrt"ury V&J"'(lr Lumtnar1 e11 OV 20 or .. qual Item N o O fla t~ [).,.en1ber 23. 19:1~ r ubl••h 12128 ~~' I t , 11 , 11.1~6 Nn 74 N"'-"'l ·l'!eill anll lhe cecnter llne of IOU\ Street, 80 ffft In Width •• 11hnwn •!pon • map ot Nev.·part Hf'lght&. rerord<!d ln J.tC.Cel - J11.""'-l111 Mape, Book 4, Pa1e 8-3 or rt~or<L• of Orange Couri- ty, Ca t1fornh1.. thent'r north- eulerly alon,1e the aald 4CJUlh• ea,,terly line of T1111Un Avl!n\I" 1o An Lntenorrtlnn with 1h,. aoulh"'""h•r!y lln,. "' l!Jth ~tr"•'\, 60 feet ln .,..,,It tr 111• ~hc,"'n "J'\in .. 11-v1 '""r ,,f "-'•·" l 'f!I t llrl,1;"1\11'-( l!l!I\•" "'•U!h f'U\t'rly a l1111)( !ht' Miid ""'ilh "'"J11'•1ly lln r /'if 1 ~1h ~ll ~•·t •n1t 11 • !tfi\Hh~""Tf'rlv r•rn)qr\).' "'""! I" I!" !ntrl"•et !1("1 "'Ith U1" ~<)Ufllra ,.t,.rly linf' !of It ''ll\f' AV!'l\Uf' fl() tert Hi l\1 •!11! >I,• ~hfJWI\ Uf"<Jf! !lal'1 thllp .,f :..;,.,,q •>rt He11i;'hts sa1.! f·••ln t ri r l11lt'r11 ... ction belnK an 11!\i:l" p<•ll•t 111 th• b<>un•t &r) lln.-,,f lh-t 1'11y ,,r , • .,.,.,1H•1! B.-a , h lh-tno" 8•JUt h"''~l,.tl\ 111 •11.: Among the many reri;1 1n11 t o lieP and adn11r<' tht> beau· Uful new Cu11ta .\l <'i;a t>r;1111 h ;,f the Lr · ~. !'\atu1nal Ba.n k o n n 1:w n 1ng day .,...,•rt· !frc•rn !f'ft) I:k11nl.'I fl"): land and Ralph f..1a~k ~·y n1.-mlll·rs o f the local brli.lll'h a dvisnry con1n11'ttct· \\'1d\t'f ~11•1!11\t , tht• builder l' M . Sn\ rh• S r , a11i;1Hta11t l'a:;t1i\•r \\', (. "l'y" llil's. as· .~1stant \l1t·-prt•H1dt·n1 11n.1 I. I' 1\rh !t•r;,•1n a tto rney. S1.:att•d !JI lu ri:grollnd ur•· L'harll·11 T1•\\'in k lt•, \'JC'e-pre- is1rlvnt ;ind J1rcct111 a11d ~l r~ L'al l.ft \'l\'l1-. otig1nal o .,..•n- t'r 1,/ 1!11• l;ar1k ;,llt' l$t'< kllt•r l'h•1l11 lt e•"h. Ballu t ... ror "00 \\'a ll Men-ury Vapor La.mp :.;,. b•t'I Wtl! ~ receJY...:I unle.u lt IN 1na(le un a propo•&l forn1 fur- n1•11ec1 by the <.."lt)' H:niCUl,.er GRAND JURY LIQUOR PROBE MAJ OR ORANGE COUNTY STORY OF YEAR 8~1111 •.tt .. 11l1on ot pro..pectlv" "•• ,. r•!lr1lf'•I hen .. •lh banner t:udderm Ur ell-Lied tu "Con•lltlonJ1 '' I h<' .. Jt111.:~ 111 tour nu:.tnDer paper•. l.Jlntxe<I to lhe bl&.nk form of pro- •" I h1•r1111 .. .i w11 h th .. "'urJ "bul· poaat for t u.JI direction.a &.a to bid- I• !ort ''" f«,.•ll•• h\\IZ Elil'h ul lJln.g . 11,,.,.,. •!• ri .. ~. ,,..,. Ilk,. to lttl. ,.. ·rhe City of Newport Reach rP- n1ir tribut .. t" 111 .. 1•1<<1,.n, I h<e ~rv<l'.1 Uie ncl'lt to rll'Je<:t any o r1 .. 1r1u1~ lh<I' l1al•·1u·r" who haYe all blda to walye any lnrr.rmll.llt pl11< f d th,;1r t ru.•l tn u• j ln bll~ or to &.c:C•P'l &ny item 1n ' y '•t-P 11..1k~·I 11.r ~ rl,.n,..n11•1111 1,1., •d \\'h&1 k lntl o'lf '""'r "'"'" 19:.6 " I.he bHi. :"11lluna l111t 1 ·111,,, ,,. nrto 11,.., 1 1J, ! \\°h><t klrul ut l><l".1 were tuld. MARGERY SCHROUDER l ''lol' 1•,.nn11 I H.._a.rln1t: NOTll'Y, ot-l'l'Bl.JC lfl'.:-\l(ISn :"otli:e 1.11 hereby give.n thllt tile Pla nning Con1mlaa1011 or th" ( ·11y ot Newport Ueach will hold a ,,,,,,_I lie hear1r.g 011 the appll<:a llc•n or DA YID 1 S JJ.:L..'5 EN ),IJ , rot ....... pl!rmlt ,:218 to perm!! f'arklnJC' on the1 rea r NV.'ly 20' o r Lou Ji • 34 . for lhl" conven!~n<'<I' (If petlenll .. on lot• 32 It 34 tr•CI 1135 413 Holmwooo AY .... :"<l!Wjl H l h.t.t .. g ... I Notice ta l\erflby f urther gtY r n lh&t &aid public he&-rl.ll l' Will l>e held on the 19th d ay ol Jan 1906, I B•IJ l'OutheJUtlf'rly l1n ... ,r Ir '11\f' A1•e11ue aJL•l H" """'"- "' e"l•'I ly prc,Jol1Kl<l h•n ~11.J 11!1°11/( 11•hl C:1t.v IJ•"ll1•111.1)' l•n,. lu ll., ln\rr11e<:t1.,n "'''" lh" ... l\lf't line or !hi! llfvrl'n .. ·11 -11un ... 1 l!ith S tt ee!, '''"n• r 11ur!hWf'-t1terJy a lung 111,; ~IU.J r f'ntf'r hne of H'l!h Strrel <i.11<1 alonji;' aald f.:1\y hoUl1<la ry hn.---- LEGAL NOTICE to tta 111\U'MCUoa wtth Uw ..U.W.t«ly ~ ot u. ~ llne ol Ttut Ho. ,,.., .. aboWn ~"°" • _,.I 1Dll6id ta ~lla.Qeowi Kl.». Book ... Pate 'le ot Recorda ol Mid Or&nc:• Coun • ty C..Ufomta lhir~ north- tlMler\J' ...... -'cl Ml'Jthw•t--attr ,..,..l\:111-e d· &lCl'lf Mid 1oulh•a•t•rly 11ne of Mid Tract No l ti83 an d a l on s ea l d City bo1.1nd.a.ry lln• tG th• n1<M1l ttllltttly comer o.t •Id Traci No. 1683, tbpce northWMtl'r · •Y •kml' the norlhautuly line ur Mid Tl"&et (ll1d a.long •ald City boundary llnfl to the m oat northvty ()l)rner ot .. Id ,-,.ac t : thP.nce .outhweaterly "-l0t11' l.h-t nortbwe•lerly Un ... ot u ld Tract and Ill .outhwM!•rly proloflJ'atlon and •lone ••id City OOundary line \o Ill In· t<l'r'w<:tion with the center lln<' Qf the atortml!.ntlonl!J l~!h Strecet ; thence oorthwe11t f'rly alon1t M id C<l'nt<'r l1nfl ll1>1! a long ••ld rny oound.1ry l1n1> t o the potnL of beg1nnlni; SECTJf'I;>: 2 Thia nrdl'lll 11 •h&!I IM! put'l"'""'1 at '"'-"( 1\11r., 111 !hi! "-'""l""I lhu·l~r N1·,,. '•<-' " "''"'~1•111><-r u r i.;:rr1.·1 J • ,,, ! 1"'1 "fl!lt f' ! j'1illl1~hr<l 11nll 1~1 111 1!lt• <'qv "' """'J~••l ' •n·! lh!" ~•1n .. :>hull 1,, , , •1 !• l<l\•I ,.Jf,.,•t '\H 111'\'~ 11!" 'I l'"'""X T'h. ~1-,1 ~ ,.,,.1 "'''~"! .... •·p!• I• "'' f> '"''!I I " , ,j !' ,, I ., I I • '" " "r ~ 1 ,. 1 • I I < ! '°'"' !••'' l'<>io h I" 11 lh .. 2;111 1! 1 I !•! I"" '" l'r' 1'.J ill I "'~~ I!!" ' I' ,.,.,, ~n I " •••I 1•11 !~II \Hl1 dll• •'I JoH l'l:>t, !" \•1 •• I 1f111\1rt~ 1• Ir I /\ \ I'll I ' •I U1 • I It! •t' J" I 1·~: ...... ·~~1~1· -:Ti•t •t,,\H I• H•1~ HILL \\JLl •~lt I IJ r:HJ t-: • \l \JI,\' ·''Ii"'' -...·io· • '•, ''"' tlr11~n '\,.r.~ .l,l<1>•·11t ,~,,unr1l111•·11 :-. ·•·~ 'i't•J f..~T \1AH•,Flt\ :-'l'lttt•lt'I ~t I [!\' 1..·1r1k ot) 'IAitll \'"./Ill ~IA' ' .. i',.f•IH V ''11y I ·1.-1 k • lllJl<A () lllLL ~'"-""'' _ ... ., '" :-.,,..,. " l'r r"~ ' " !.o\ News-Pre ss J oins· OCNS Member 11 .. !lr·by 1· 1, ii. 111 ,. 111 • t •rm1,., "'lo i.l h1 .. tr0ry .,..a,. n11 .. I<' • Th" t11b-City (.'Jerk at Lhe hour ot 7 30 pm. In th' I Council Chamber• ot the Newport ----- Papers in Producing 'Scoops' thouicht 1hl'~ "'"'"' l)o'lll )C 1u..c1 on lea" h11~ t,, ••n ,..,r .. 1.1~.1. the Btvr-(."lty of Newport Ota.ch, 1<11U lll"Y 11 1•·•! t>&• k :"111' rrr· 1"' llJl•I N•>lll', 118 I~ l'"I.~ uiuler Cll.llfom\a aont "'l'r f': 1n1u1 r <1 bY ~h11111111"L "'"Y· .,..~ r.,n .. w (H•r P1"'11'i" nr 111•t Dated: 1/9/.06 l'l;\'tt,\l.I. Y..'\f'll:"t'. \'ear .,..,. •,ICSll\ rrlJt'-"l uu r <Jet l"r-Nn 111 -Nl!wt·Preaa 1/11, 18/19116 ' n\lllill!•H• I" lirllll('. ynu the 11rw.1 _ ~ RJ' P A T .'lfll'llAl!:l.!'1 •l"I)' "f\ I/It 11.r r1,aJ tot h~IL•'"J'!'·r 8 Al''TA A:"A ((M'N!;1 \.\'l111t 18<ffY!i'f' to Orani;r (\,unty Tl1,. Urnn"',. l •111h · ... ,.,. l1<flf1 .. (j kuitl {If y t:Ar ..... ,, 1~~~·· l\h•t 11h .. w-J i.u1 j\rt·J<.• ~t uWll• 11nrt !"''" 1,r 11 .. "'"11 1 0 >" ;'l.""l"'rt h&JlP"ll'd lo a!teo.:t uur llve1 1n.rtt'U1Cflll1<1n, llJIJ l h,· ~l11t ) 1t.~1lf 1-!0lr'bur ,-.,:,..,.~ l'lr'" I·• ··~p· '"pin· Oni.r1g• l!uun l,y; \\'h•t w~r" the ~h"w"J 011r ln111a1,,,. Th~ ,\ .. 11-b11.iJ tiJ•t'l lll,1111~ u1 1h .. t • ,t, 'l ho: K r .. Llt1lfljC )1eadhHea, tll!-' lll llJ{,r· h~lfTI 8HllctLn "'B~ th~ 11!~1111• .. r !Wu HH'll ]'''"I! I HI J1lnt111il 11t or1 ee ~ l "'h\,·h f1,un<1 b-t fn••· 911 oth .. r n.r arl t•·•·•l·d I''' .. 1~, I r ••'" Th"11,. quelfllllrll can ,,... nn..,.·r r-f!la thlll H .l'll"W 1111rT)1 .. ·•·l1t!ly •'""1' ~··v,.11<1 .,~f !11u,J1r 1<·1,\~ ~·. 01 11111 i. ~<:t 111 the file• rit \ht Or&.n1te l try •·lub wa. 1 .. !" n•n.•lru.1 1·1! f,.w .,..,.~k • \hr ·'''""!'"'' )l,.,ui. ,. < ~· .,, ,1., anolhf!r t"~('IU•r Y<' lh.'tt bl1<,..,,•,;d 11t11 •·01un111 '"'"ld'l"I" ""Ila""'! '-"\"' y '~'""'" <Jervl('f' ,,., p•g· I .... now _ nioulll•nJC r~ont~ vr ••ur o ur ~w•kenlni: to l'"'1nu1iol1\1.nlp1r>hall ""'' '"' 'J>1lt1 1111· •·x 1, !ul1al hiitory, 1,.11 • t "lt <.>t lit'· nr .. d.11 The f.\i.ll<'rtvn 1111\ly :-,·,.w11-,-.,; •u•n u r \11"~" n\ e. )'Pll"\ Ar ' ' ' , h '' T ribune f()llow .. ll Huuul(h "'"lh , ltd• .. rrll neu newa 11 n n g , ur I 1ta 11n1:h r dlt u ri •I •gg .. e1.11ll1n relJ"lil"J .. Rl:I U.,Yl"ll <Jn nuilh-!ii·•!\"~ !11"1 11tr•·•! !h" ~1rrv h f co unty <lev"l°'flment •n<hJ.1•1111. •l1<y """" .. r 1,.11,J•·r" lln•! 1.,1,.11,.,,, w 1~n ra n-•d 1·n n1 eRp•·H.~ tv new lant3 In t-''lill .. rt>1n """ p11.Lhom. frt•nl h•p1>y new• lu th•t I P !\If' nol Y~r\ 1.J1u1".r"u t.o•.t ti•") quit~ Ktnl bf'r \:"Dmm .. rrl•I l.ll'\·el"f'llll'nl• and 111 ,. ,11,1,. 11 ,1111 Ill!•! II\' tn·Lni: !'JI rirst An•!. 111 .. "''111 '" the t-'\•ll,r· \<111 l ill1ly :-,o, • .,.·~-T11i.olJl'I ... th'! Ur-- lllli:" fl1111y :..;,.,.,." thr N .. wport H~1·!><•r N"""'5 p ,,...__. t.ht" An&h•·1m Ht,llt·t•n ><1111 ,.1> 1'1,,.,\1•J K\\.IZ LEGAL NOTICE lll(IJIS ASC 'J'; NO 166 \:'..: l!Wl ll !'"\.'\('t: O~" Tiii': O l'l'l' OY Nt~\\'l'llKT ft l:A (;ll A\Ll':.'111 .... f; l'lt.:11'10:-oi OZ l ll o t" 1\HTU l~t~ \ o t· 1·11r: ~II S J('l - l'AL l 'lll lt~ t:.-.TITLt;I) WC'OL- J.t.:('TlllS T l\1 E". ftn.11u11 f1,i:·ure• ~11<1'1 u/ t/I .. '"' 1hn . ., r I"":'\ 11 • I) 11 .,...._ JU9l • ye~r •eo. In th1• 1tonea 111·u re&•! r11.,t 1n 11n 1)!'. l;1~.~·~;:,,,11,11r 11 ,, •. ,~~ 1111 1 ,:;';,.,~'5• n ... ('It)' l..u1.111c1J o! th .. City ot flr•t of the ytar·rn nll'w1 rounc • 1 NS a "'· or h"•rol n'i~t lruru N•" f'"rt u .. a r h <1U<"a urdfllrt aa up• wh1rh now he1:orlH' an •nriui.I H-a p ~\\'IZ 1"''11 r .. 11,...,,.~ event, that OCNS pru1n1 1r,1 rl'a1l-1 dio -I luf l''ullrrl•!l1 l l1t1l1 =-'""'~ Ttl·I s ~;c--r t ON 1 ~·crl.on ~21D ot er• arn1 ll•t1J11er• Lh •l lhty would OTHr::R STOKlr::S lniut t vlll •Jf th" ~111,.,. tux J11y,· Ar\•t'I" v or the ).\unil•\pal Code 1el the news first And 11 1<Xlk Il l But ther" wrre "\hPt .•V1rlt• J>&'""'I h~ thl' l!i',~ l•l;• lnt ur•• ,,r !hr t'i!y uf ~~"'Jl"->rl Beach, be Lh• re-cord aho111·• lhat lh!A dtler·!t.-..-. Thf"r .. were gr1n1, 11lark' "'tor-1:11 111~ (1\':'.;:-3 '""''.'" li lll l•~l ··n nn'I !hi' ~11111,. 111 h,r,.by amended mined proml11e w111 k•·pt. 1 .. ,,. o! h r,. !n .,11r tln1e Th•· No·w 1·1~ th•• f11•t '•11111• ••\•' und d••f1n 111 "'"1 11 ~ fnll••lll'S TOf' !!!TOMl' p<)rl H urbf,r N1 .... ·:t-1'1 ,~3 tt•ld "'•I" 1n1 ,,rnu1t111n "n ~.ol·~ l'lll •·~ ''l'i••f\•ln :)4!IO. Colle.-tlon Time The yaar 19~4 wounol up !n a• 11h0<Jl1ni.: ftt plu"h Bay l.11lt1n•I In •Uli"'''jll•'llll·, P'H"l••t hV lh,. \'•! .. , , .eriaa of OCNS ecoop.1 rej•rdlng Which 1111•0 men wer~ woun<h·tJ h\ ·••V ~ i 1r1 .... ,,, the 1111u11 1 ·11 ... •>r· Thr Streel Super1nt,nrh·nt•haJI th• major local •tory of that year a •till -unlde11tlf!f'd 3uip<"I' 1'h,. ,..,,~1· IJl.IJ.)v :>:rw• t•olll •ii \ht ir11-t• ,.~tsbti11h n!gu.._r daya Anrl hou1' ot -th• O range Counly Qr,.nd J u. (Ti mn'"" of tht 11tory, h.,.,..'""r ''"!llpt11J111.i. hy \\'•·~l or .. ni;e lf>N· the day for the coll~Unn o r gu- ry'• proba of liquor llcen1I! lrre· wa11 otf~tt by the f1umor<>u 11 11i .. u~ntio t" 1· .. untv orr1r11lltlon1 OYer l bagt. r<'fu.11e and cutllngi. and sulal'IUea. Aa OCNS 1wung !nto p<"Ct created ... ·hen H Wlll Je,.rnPd l lhr <IJlllJ.!1'10118 H11 t.'rbl111h drain-llhAJl notify lhe occupa11l11 Of IUIY J'66, Jt wu daltnnlne•I lo kf'ep lhat moYte herQ Roy Rog .. ri ind ai:•· <h l<'h 1'!it" , "unly iuddenly re1lde11ce or SJ¥e1 o~ bwil11e1JJ1 of 11.fMd fl/I. the ta1t-break1n&' new11. movie heel •1umphrey Bo,.-flrl aicl· "l"l•n\l" S \30.000 lo r l<"An up th11 lhe day and al nMT!y u poNlble n« Dilly on lhl• atory. but on ed In th• cue o! the inlper. ll1t cti lhe hou r or th<" day 111·he11 the gar- dOS«Mt c:J other11 u well. But all wu not humor. Thl'.r' '!ht• Al1 ilh,.1m Biill<'tin f ou nd bAg'e . refu11e 11.nct cuttlnga will be It would bf' lm~ible th U1t wu the heart -tug,i:lng 111ory •nd '''P•llt•••I u1,. u!ti•uirt to s n-1coll,.ct"1 fr~n1 .11uch re111dence or ~ hUndredJJ. m a,.be Ui.ou&&nd1 o! found by the Orange Da!ly :"!'w~ n~1t lh•' h lJJ;<' 1100 "' ,,. \\.•1<t All•-place of bu111~11: gllrb11g .. and re- .WU.Ive •tor\l!a lhat aprtnUd o r a Brtt!llh war brldP, llvtng in h~un r~b'""· , u!l•ui: n(f Bu""" fU:<e sha.11 be kept In IM"pa.ral<! rf'· tnlrn OCNS teletypeca lnto the of-O range and h,.r t ea rful plt8 !(I l'nrk'11 ~tr I p ~,,11 .. ;oi~li"n 11 l1d l cept~lt8. each occupant &hall, a t noam ot the Anahttm BuUelln, the icnvernm <!'nt of llrl\llln r n r 1011, hing o ff a b;oun•llln•·~ h"~!!le the Ume eatabll.!!htd for r.oUecUnl' the P'Ullerto. Dally Ntw• Tl'\-.. u1tody of her 11Aughter. Th r th11 t 11 1n1o~i-•lr.Uv nl•ih· lllr head· garbage. refuse and cutUnga, place buna. th• Ora.nee Dally NP.wa. 11lory tha t htr pJ.,,. w11.11 un•t1r-J1n•·11 Th,. ~'ullerl!•n 1->Rily :'l:eW•-tJ'le c utUnp "!1c'I tJ'le rtceplaclea UM N.wporl Hubor Newa-Pn:•• ctMful cr .. a.ted a n g "' r Ln the Tribune rt'por~,1 th<" inc"·" u( l/l11. atparately cont:l.lnlnc the accum - &nd &dlo K WIZ. Dul therl! are heart• o r mAn. I Alr.n11tos rea!dent11 to rorm a nl'W ulat~ garbage and reruae upon •ton .. from each of thl!&e mem-llAOf:RMAX!'t city. A n d the aao1e J>a prr t<Jld th" outt>r edge of the 1ldewalk on ~.pl.aced 11.lmo1t lovlni;:ly In th<!' There wu t ht Bild. but mn-tX• 1u11h•f' rJetaJl8 of th•' l'Ar •tl•· tho• 1tr""t or alley •dJa ccnt there- cooperative pool Ul•t m11.kee up mPntartly happy, aloty or th!! H8· 1 Stat .. 1-io11pllal hr111 1n1.: •'l!ll•lll• i. .. 1 tn Ak•nl(' which the pere<.>n collect- thil teletyJ>4' network, ""•h !c h r•rman OOyR, told by Radio by an lllll"<Hll hly ,.,,.,,n,,I'.•,. 11;h\•h 1•n.e: ~uch g11rbag,, refu11"' and cut- .iand out u unique, U11u•ual •nd K\VlZ. The two boy11 were lloon1 · 1<.ok"d 1nro •·h11r~··.~ "' r11L~t1cut tu1,e:·,. ul!ually proceed.a. S11ld lflll'- ru-.i.cfit.cl. Th-are I.hen,. tht ed &a the rll'ault nf mu11rul11r •l,1·~-rncnl or JlJYt"nile p111!t'n1.\ l>u g<', rP!Ull<' 1111d c utllngs aha.ll not •to.tfiil. p than!'d by t he men and trophy. O n l"•rn!ng of th e I r ."'t'.:\\'."i·l 'l<t .. >i>i !"Tt lltl F,~ 1 bot'. ml;11,...!. womea o r OCNS. Thl!ll• a.re th<I' ph11:ht. Md the fact that thty h11.11 s ~~CTI ON 2 The Bhove and ~ of prornlM8 m1.de -the n<l'v<l'r In al) their l\vu hA rl " Ctli r r··IH:.n iof "''r"nJ:~ ""r•' l!i,. rrw ... gnin£" o nllll/l.11...., ahaJI be pub- •roof 0( the proml1ie1 k-L blrlhdA." ''"tY. OCNS ot&t ro•• h"'"' t'<'~11lt~ "' •1•11rr ~''I"·~··~ "'I'!"' N ~.. • 11~h···! nu<'e In the , ewp<>rt Harbor (JQUOR PROlll: determin--' tho yo••"••<••• w•••ld South .. rn t"All!<llnJa r:nH ,·,.,11r•~ny ~-""' " • " N<'W!!·l 'n·~"· 11. n,.w11pAp•:r ot gen-.. "1llO ti..-". OCNB .,..lhered h.av .. 11t 1 .. a~t one happy "'Y· Tbl! hn., n1n1·rfl l rl dr•lp llio• s;,;, ,·.,11 -1 . ,,_, •-o•r11 rlr<'ula tion. prlnl<"d llJld pub-M .-cluldv1 1tory that WAii r"-""'rty wa11. h11mpered briefly when nti:l lon fee• 11 ollilo~"'' h•lU~ •-b 11.•h"'I and c1 rcul11-Led In the Ctly Prtlllild throughci ut th• Southland . the r(lunty y,·elfare departml!llt ullder_. whQ ln11t .. lll',I •·l.-••l11r flJ'· I .. f N"wp<1rt BeRch, aiid the lll'Ul'te It -~vnlcaJ of th• 11<rtf\Mlv1 objeeted to .,..tt• bein, KIVtn co pl.11ncf'l!I -lll" IPl'1 111 ''' nri ••it· Jr ..,. J<h11 ll b1· in fu!I fr.rce IUld effect ,..... t make• up the unique tht li d•. But the ,vl'nt c11.me nrr, rO"'(' ro1111ol Hnd 1nl!olT••d hv th" ,. Ir b " :lo •lnyJ< art1>r thl11 paM11ge. MW• er.rvtCe . a.rntd co!or, ~pt'ctaclf' a 11<I a gAth-.• e .... ·port 11r ur "'''"'H 1'1•'1'11 'I'll" h '-TI1e "hove 11.nd fort goinr ordtn-Th• liquor p robe had swun,i: f>ring of n ew3me11 televi~lon c11.m -1111n·141 P"I'''' rnnJ"n! llh<•LJI fl h t h 'I 111:.,. "'88 !ntrodUCl!d at ·11. re(\lle-r lhf'OGl'h Or&.ng·e Cbunty. Th I! l!.fll.I ~d ntwap&per reportrri. r 1tnG•• 111 v"' nn, 111"' pr1•1'f'•ll1re Orsod J ury Mid lt w"-llted to who l\a<1 re11d the OCNi! at.orleS .,.. . .,~,, it '""1"19•~•1 ~,.h.,,,1 "i""! Inn IHl'l'lillK nf lhf' City Council ot lhe • 1 1 11' T h , r".\. o r Newport Be11.c.h htld on the taHt to l onner Fourth Dlltrtct and g11thered to h<"!p report fL '"'R'' 11.r '"" ' 1'•111,1 nt .••1r"r· ' '' t th 1 II 2;1h d11.}· of Oe<:emhf>r. 19~. and 8tate Boant of ICquaU..Uon The ha pplnesa ot that moment. , .. •ors 11nn .. 1 nr •·• a 1~ r•1 111111· Clll.t Wllllarn O. BoneW. Thl!rt however, wu dimmed abnlplly. rlr1k "'oulrt h·•n•tll' "'h·~•t h1111 .. 1q \\'ll:i finally p&1181!d and 11doptl'd on r .. ,,, t h•• , , I tt1" Yth. d11.y of J&.nuarv. 19'6. by ...,.. other fCTllNI jur te.a. in l.ol: when two Ahori w~ka 1ner thr '" '•• •n "' •ngrr ,,..,..r,. ·J h ' •• ,. t' •-'""'•'•t·I b h 1 [l\P roUovd""' r oll c&.11 vote. to-wit; Arll'el•• and 8 an Dlet o that want-J>llrly, onl! of t e t~·o boy1 f.-ll ,-' ~ " r • I' ~· "" ·oe rr ' "Y F.S. COUNCfLMEN : •n ,niiett, ORDfN'ANCE NO. 18G A S" ORDINANCE CllANOINO T lfE ZONl:NO OF C ERTA.CN Rl:A.L PKOPOl.TY rN nm (Jrr\' O F N EWPORT UAClL 111,, Ctty Council or the City ot Newport s.e..ch dClu ordaln u follow•: SECTION 1: RecUon 9102.:Z o th• Munlclp&I Code or the City o N ewpor:t Beach UI hareby &111tnded ' ' u follr.>Wa : 1•• That lot. 1. 2, 4, e. a and 10, Block •35 ot Corona del Mu Tl'&e t, u ahown on the Otatric !<lap att.ache.3 to Ordlor.nce No 8.3~ apd r.terTed t o In BecUon 9 102 :I: ot aald M u.nlclp&J Code, an mad .. a put th•l"Nll' be, and Lhl! are hereby, reaoned !rom a R -2 to t d y a C-1-H 0 1.tnct. 4 bl n.t lot I , Block H o Tract 323, u &hown on Ule Ol•t rlct Ma p all.ached to On11nanc No. 53~ and retern!KI to tn Section 9102.2 of aa!d Mun.iclp&I COOe, an made a part therMJf ~. a.nd It I herll'by, reaoned trorn • C-l tG ' . • d • • C-1-H Olatrlct. SECTION 2: That th• City En gtnttr of the ctty o! N-port U.ac.h i. henby inlltructed and d~ted to chanl'• thfJ above Ot.t rlct Map ao aa to ahow-lhl! aonlne change. ducrtbll'<I In SecUon hereof. and, u aalc'I 011tr1ct M.a ah.all havl! been IO a mended, lh aame 1haU remain ln full rorc and tffect ~d a part or Ordlnanc No. 43~ or the City or Newport Beach and BecUon 9 102.% o( th• Munlcl pal Coda ot th• City of . . 1 p • • • Newport Stach. SECnON 3 : Thla ordl~ •ha.11 be puhlYhed at leaat onc• In th• Newport Harbor Newa-PreM a n.wa~per or ~"n.l circul.a lion. printed and publlahed and clreuM.u,d In t.he City ot N ewport Bflach. a.nd the &&me an.µ be ln ruu force a.nd ertect 30 d•Ja .n. .. ' - ' thJ• pUaag:e. The abov• and t6'M!r oLng ordl nance w u lnlroducf!d at a regu lar metUt1i'· of the Clty Councl ot tJ'le ctty ot Newport Bu.ch hl'.ld on the 27th day ot December, J9M &.nd WU fln.eJly pa.wed &.nd adopt eel on the 9'th day ot Januuy 19M, by lhe rollowtnl' vote, to . - I . wit: AYE8, COUNCII.JrCZN: &nnttl Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard H lebLe, RJdderhof. RW. Nor::s, (.'OUNCJLM.EN: N oni! ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Nont DORA 0 . Hll.L ed to IAlk to him, l<lO. But the total vlrthn lo thP drea.d dlll<!'R.l!f' '1 1r111,. lk!U¥ •·cu r " had vanLMl!d. llrld dlf'<l. I lrnn1r111!\' 11• lhr 1"ll r ·lr"". '" \\'lldf'r , 11.111.Ckay, S oddard, H li -ATI'l!:ST: Jl'or three monttu . .ome IX) 'Tbii Hag<"rrn1J1 lll ory. ~·u nor " rln11•· !H ','\,.~ l•lln•t 11••·1! '" tu", Rhlderhof. Hilt: ~IAr11:ery Schl"O\lder Mayor si a ""~ m ~ n rroom /""! ropolllll.11 Che fir~t thr.e newam,n h 11 ,, r I r"11 1 lni.; •<>nir ~'"' •·'•. "" I h,. 1''"1 I :"I it-;~. COUNCl L:0.1 EN: e rny Clerk n•.,.•11paper,oi 11,nd in•ire thAn 100 11:11thPrf'd to r~-wrl!r O<_':>:S "'"r. j h .. c11 n ,,, i: 1 <1n·l•••)\U1 f!H I·" AB~ENT COUNCJL.\IEN: N I! 1 By Mlll"llyn Coltmlln. Deputy Jaw wrorrem .. nt orncer• a rtnl'{l It'•. nor the nonrltl .!11rorv l!llh~r J{l\IZ 1"11 ,,f in.· 1>11°~· '"" 1 ~)rA 0 Hlll City C-1erk1 with subpeon&J, Panned thrc>ugh l Nor .,..,3 It th<" W t tlm11 P11·•"r111"•"! ••f I! -.,t11q:;t .. 11 1: ... 1i j :0.lfl yor No 79-News-Preas l /ll/'65 nOOki 11nd cr.aoolt.f! to fl.nil Bone!· l><>O K ILJ.1.,·c;l'I I ~" In Rn \\ d11,,.,, t• I I ,, ., n A ~ •' rfF.ST · JI. The Ana.h<l'ln1 Bulletin u:rlU•tT~i• .1"1r •'"'I\'!••" •t""", I 11~1 :0.1~11.:t•t'y Sr hruuil<"r :'lt'OTICE OF TJt(.j8T£.E'S SALE ()CNS, hop1n11: !n k•'PP Ill! prnm-&l~'t"ly r"rorted the 11f"lf-11<lm111,.•I J->u'h"'"" l lf11I,. -..,,." •· 1'1 '" ''" ,,. l 'lty C lerk T. 0 . No. T .O. !10409-CCF' IM. vo"''ed lo find hini fl r•t. And 1iio1t: tohoot1n11:" of the may .. r .. r f'"'1 d 11'" <''1:•11! .,., ·t · t i 1Hv ~1arllyn f'u!"rn11n , 1->rputy On F'<"bruary 3. t9ri.&. a t IJ:OO lt ·WU ll1e ne1.1·• 1111rvlct'. a r<"por1-/r111 cenlia &nd •"t llff 11n "l11·1ll1" 1n•t1111n,.n! h1 u 1~.i.·,,,1 .:1 .~·l'I C'.:y Cltrk). A 1'1 .. TITLE INSURANCE ANO •r from Rafl 1o K'\'lZ. that roond 1tor1a l furnr that 1Ull ragl!& In tht Jui_1 ot th" 11a1n" 11111 ' :"'>'n 80 -N ews-l'ro>1111 I JI ·:ie TRIJST COMP ANY, u Trultee blm -11l Bonell!'e Ranch Jn Sout hland Radio KWIZ. !n e twri-f lflA.'\I• .11 I!\' 11nd1r and pur•uAnt to Deed of Klllpsn, Atlaonlll. 1 ~111·t 1n1tallment on tti~rrrct"' on n 1 .. '"'ill hr:·"n "'th 1ti,, ~l l'r1d \'a rl&nc'" I h"•r1n1: Tn1at da ted May 1 3.19~ f'Ul:e<:uted !JF.:'\'SATI O:"•i Llr•n.i:e County or 1.t oni i~ .n .. rk I'll\' WJ\h 11• 1!!••'11 !11,1~ .. r 1r1-:-.·OTtCT. OF pc·n1,1c llt~ARl"SO by JOSEPH M. DIXON f..tld RO- Beach CH)' Ha.JI, at which tlml! 1.nd pla.ce &ny a/kt all penon.1 lnterut- "' ~, ··-and ba h-n! Lb•reon. RAT Y. COPE UN, Seeretary Newport Buch City P lannlnf Commlqlon No. 83 Newa-Pre-. l /l V M \'.rtanoe or Uae Pennlt I Jlea..rine N'OTI('!: Ot' P UBLIO IJ:l::AJllNO Nolle• UI hereby e lven tbat the Pla.nnlnl' Commllllion of the City ot Newport Bea.ch wlU hold a pub- Ile he.rmi on the application of THE MACCO CORPORATION tor ._ vart&nc-per mlt # 257 to per- mtt ; Deu.ched l'arace on the front halt ot 1oc.: u:ct pllon t rom BecUon 11106-• 1 ~·1 0" lot 1 3 tract 1700 721 P •Collta D >. Irvin• T en-ace. R-J Zone. Notte• la h•reby turther l'IY'IJ1 that aa.id public hear1nl' will .. hflld on the 19th day of Jan_. J9M, " tJ'le hour or 7 .30 pm. In lll11 Council Olamblr1 of the Newport Bolch City Ha.I I. 11l which ttm e and place any and &J,I perMJn1 lntf'reat- "' m•y appear and bo heard Lhereon. RAY Y. COPELIN. Secretary Newport Bea ch City P !a.nnlnl' Commlqlon No. 8• N ewe-Prau l /l 1/M -ORDrNANOS: NO. 'l'U AN ORDtNANC E OF T li f: C ITl. OF NEWPORT 8!1;A(;li Al'- PROVINO THE A NSl':XATI0:-0 TO THE CITY Ot' Nl'.:\\'PORT BEACH OF C ERTAIN l N · HABITED TER~ V Dr.- SIGN'ATW A8 ·sr.AQIJl~T A.."INEX". WKJCH .. oo~·- TIOUO U8-TO 'l1tt C'IT\' OF NEWPORT &EACH, UPOS THE TEaJl8 OONTA_INl:O IN THE QUlt8TION 8UDMIT"n:D AT A SPECIAL F.Lt;:CTIO:"'/ HELD IJloi 8AlD TERKITORV 01' THE T\\•t:NTIETH DAl ' OP' Dt:C.ElllBl!:R. 19~~ . WHEREAS, pur1uant to the pro· vlalon.. ot &.n Act of the Le1t:l•l•· '"" ot "• State or CAl!forola, known u the "Anne•atlon Act of 11113", and pur1ua nt to Re110l ut1on U9e ~IX! by the City CouncLI of the City of Nf'wport Be11ch orl' the 241!h d 1.y ot Octo ber. 191\h, 11 11per· la! election w .. held on thP 2()t h d•y or oec .. mher. 191111. '" that certaln Inha bited territory contl- ruo~ l o the' City ot Newport Beach deelgnated aa "Se11qul11t An- nex" and which la hP.relnarter mon: r•rtlcul&rly de.crlbed: and WHEREAS, al Mid •pecla.I elec- lion the followtng queatlon wu submitted to the qui.lifted ll'lector• rt!Uc'llng In 1ald territory : "SHALL SEAQUIST ANNl:X BE ANNEXED TO, lNCORPOR- ATED IN ANO MADI: A PART OF THE CITY OF NEWPO RT BEACH A.N D 11--11': PRO PERTY fN SUCH TERRlTORY lll'.:, A.F- TER SUCH AN NEXATJ01'', SUB· JECT TO T AXATION EQUAL.LY \\'JTH TIU: PROPERTY \YITHIN TH.E cm OF NEWPORT 8EAC11. TO PAT THE ENTIRE BO NOl:O INDl!:BT'ltONESS TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OUTST A.NDING OR AIJTHO R- IZEO AT THl!I DATE OF THE F IRST J>UBLICATIOW OF TliJO; NOTICIC OF ELECTION FOR ANNEXATIO N'; fl'OR THE AC· Tb• N!l<Ultinit. five -pa rt l!ltli~• In l.o• ,An1el~1 11p•rkr-d a 1ert•~td "·:n1enl>< 111 rt• .. li•;'I• r ni.it t"!' :-.IOTICE I S HERE:n'• Gl \.'E::"' BE:RT& L. DliXON, hu.1b&nd .00 wtlleh 1ppea re<I In OCNS new11-lh•l bljtan thl,, ... ·c.ek in n1rl1t1-Art•\ th•• 1111,.T "'""k , ,.~ r<'~ulo•nt• lhllt the p!l1.nnln11: rnrnn1l.!l~lnn o! wire arid recorded May 18, I9e.3 p•JMr• cr<:'!&tll'd a •late -w11lf. ... n-1 pol11 11n pap<er•. It w111 the f111<\ to•><d Jr,I f11r !hr 111·111• ),.8r. 1~11.1 10 thf' City ot to."t"'port B<'ACh wtll In book 2&04, pac'I! 173. o( Otf!cfaJ utloti. N"w• "'""''l"'""· n1 rt1 opoli· hint lh•l all wa11 nc.t ""'M' r.r "·rll ~\\'17. ll ti:11111 t."'.':cP th" -f,,rv <l'X • h"l<I" publl\· h,.R 11ng "II till" 11 ppll-Record.9 In the oftlca of the Re tu n-·•papan . ra11lG ionJ lrr,.-1111-n h cJi;LI dl'(flflae pW1.11ln;i. l''u .. v .. (,.r 11\ ;-.;,, th,.t 1n .. 1:r,.11 •t 1•"t ""1 "'I PHIL.LIP CARL.SON r ordror of Or.nge Cc:lU11ty, t:aJ\- 't'iadon 11n1l ~v•n rel[lonal mai:···~ It lllk"ll t<"port,111 -h on,. .. t, J111v "'"~ '"""1lnl' ">:Hin 1•11 ~t) .,,. r••r " 1"ru•nt·e jltt'nilt #266 To fnrnl11 , wHI Al!ll at public •uctiQn stftff quot<"d lht 1tnry It,....,,. "n fa rtu11I, h•rd -work ln1t: 1 rporler~ 1hrfn1•·1.t 1n11Hrr Au·I 1\ h'I•!. f"1n111 A :l ft •••Ir y1NI ~<!'\-10 h1g hM t bidder tor caah \pay- a clual''" th• Ilk•• t•f whi•h tu Jet the ne~·•. A nd b)' 110•111•r . .,.ht) .,..·11~ 1nvnl•· ... 1. "·hill th~ 11111'\I '" 11IA<· .. ot tlit rtqulre<t 4 t l abl" at Ume of aale ln la wtu Q U 18ITJON. CON'STRUCTTON OR COMP LETION' OF MUNI· -CTPA L IMPROVl:}(K;N'J'S ! '• aM Wlll!:REAS, It &pJ>fl&f'I !rom the can......., of the retur™' ot the votee eaat et •aid apecLal election that WU'lld l}e hard to tllp du1·lne lh,.1.Jo1n1 , Nlnlfl o! theM r'potl .. •• t•11'-IM'<'l't't nial\f'r "11~ lh•t h8 11t1ro h•L• 8 Knd • Blork #43. Tr11ct mo11<!'y of I.ha United State•), at I • majority ot •II YOt,... ca at In aald t•~ory on the que1tlon of .. Id annoatlon to lh.1 City of Nnr-,_ or th• yNr. K.ncrwlnJ Utl!l. ·~t• ttlot nl!W1 th~"'""~"" ()I •. 11,,,,,i:ht th,. 11111u·~ 1 t>n1 ·r~t1 llrtl 1'<l•hll1>11 tn :..;,..,...pn>' Bea rh the SouUl (tront1 mlra.nce to th• ~ftor1 t)f OCNS. rNloublM\ th .. lr N'S n-portf'r \\'alton Tr•a-••kl~ •I r.~rh rit lh,. i.lnlt"• "'' ''" 1111! l~11~r ~'fllnn. 4.'.ln" \\.,.•\ Se•-County Court Houae. In thl! city •rtort. t o ht: tlr•t "''1lh th• n,.11.11 mNll .... 1 fllt u lnllrn•tlnna t •n· I-,.,, ""' h ,.r Ill<' 1n• ,.1 .. n1~ t~vrnl•.,1 ~h.,re ll• of Santa Ana. county or Oran•• In ~rlJ•"1'· thf' Oran1• 0 •11)' ..i .. 11., wh"n Y\llllJOJ, lhe f•r PIL•t·l "•oJ. ·~·I"~"'" "1th (>rani.e 1~01111 :x..,1 (1",. htr,.bv fu1ther JllPl1 •lal• ot Calilornl&,, aU r11'h t. Utlt N-. eontr£1ut...i U'l9 awu..i .. lem 1•1.andll ol Mal.Ml and Quamoy.l ty N~11.·1 :Sr rvirt Their k£illd !hllt Ud puLl10 bf!a11n1 wUI M l..nd lnt ... •t con•9J'ad t o and now pot't 88rh 1U1d the ••Umpll()r'I of '1 -.Jd ~beedn .. r • .._ •n ne••tkm ll~ the urm. t'f'lnlalped '" t h• qUNUoa eubmltl9d; at.s DELIVERY GUARANTEED Oelivery or the N e wport H arbor N e ws· Press " guaranteed. Carrie r boys will d eliver the ir papers be- f o re 6 p .m. o n M ond'ly, W edne&day and F'rid.ay . 1r your paper ia n ot delivered by that h o ur please call l l arbor 1616 and y our carrier wW bring y our p aper. Classified C..... SMppeir A.th rwa la the "'ednflSd.17 N~I',._ 4U... 1 luertJon $1.00 a.dd 'I. llnee .25 ea.. • LIDeo Z lneertiou 1.50 add'L llnt:fll .25 ea. 4 u. .. S fuertlOD• 2.00 add'I. lines .2.i ea. 4 Uneo ( luertlou 2.50 add'l. Unes .25 eL 81ta.doa w .. .._. £.a wtµ ..-l•e 11% dlaoount. (; .. b In Mil'&nce onl1. NINDIUJll .&D 1s • u .,·r:s NEWPORT HARBOR NE WS-PRESS Every Mond\Jy, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -"'ednesdays All cn...ItW Ad• mo1t be ~d tor c;u b In ,.d\•&noe nt puhUce.(1-;;:- The puhllaher• wtll not be re•1>1Jn1lbl11 ror 1nu1·e Lh1 n one lncorTect ln.aertlon ot an ad. rHerve lhe rtght lo correctly cla1111lfy a.ny and ._u ada and to n!ject any a.cl not conJormlng to rule.11 11-nd re.,ulaUon1. DEADLINES tor placmg or cancelling ad• are: F or Monday Publica tion -t'r1d11.y ::, p n1 For Wll!<.in<!'aday PubllrAUon1 -1'ur11d ay l pm. For Fr1de.y Pub\lcat1on -ThurBd11y I p 111. ' !'lif:"'POKT lfARff.lJH l'liHl.l!'ilil'.'\'G CO. -- 8peclal No-1 2--Bulldin~ Ser 1·I~ y N e w port HMbo• General Contractor B. P. 0. E. l .JCENS ED 1767 New W o rk -Remodeling Meet.a every Thunda y S p.m . J. MJLTON ?..i cKE?YZI E Via Opuno -Centn.J A .,e.. Newport ...... Har bor 6399· W 58tf, Albert H.. M._ttJ\eWll, Exll.ltfld Ruler CARPENT l!:R &-Yune ra.I D lrecto n Repair Work Dou l'our lluine l'it:<l'O 1t.e11,.1n11g "'MOTTELL 'S 0> Remoc!rl1n1 r AND PEEK C&ll f'r&nk. Lll>f'rty 8-69~4 AU W ork C uar iuiteef! 74tlc Colonial M or t u a r y 7801 Bulsa -Juat we~t ,, Wt 1t-PAINTIN G mln~ter Memorial Park . Ao Orange County lnaUtuUon S<"rvlng fllll'l1h•• of a!J l11.lth1 PAPE RHANGING Telt'phnne 1Toll Fret') ZEnlth 11231 5l~f~~~c~ ~~~~r No "M tvtr tumed a way beCaUH or lack o! fund.I. Har. 240t or 1~7·R 10--8u8lness Guide " COAST Jennen Plumbing. O FF'JCE EQUlPMEl'>:'T Typewn.t•r& R e pair w o rk, a specialty Adding mach1nf'll "'a t .... h,.A t,.ra <•n tln1e p11-yn1,.nt1 Dupllcator 3-Suw11e• "" :-: ...... fl'O rl 51vd , :"t>'l!v.·port SA.LES RENTALS B<"ar h. H" ~3~. H"'" .,.,. 193.> ft&rbor Blvd . (J67-J ~7,.00H-Coata Meite Liberty @.7794. -CARPENTRY lZ-BuUding Se1 vtces MINOR REPAll< WORK CEMENT & BUILDING NO J OD 1'00 SMALL R. O. Anl!eraon All Kinda ""'-FREE ESTIMATES 101 4 •• B&.lboa. Hh•d .• Harbor ""' 83Uo Liberty 8-<3109 '"' FOR RENT Skill 8aw1, F.l!'c. J)rtU•. Ptl1Wh6ra, NeW11-Presa Cla.uified Ad• .. typee of Sandel'll, Wb-tbar· HARBOR 1616 row•, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. Moat ReaJ E.otate '"" W. OOART HIOHWA T Ubuty 8-3•3!1, Newport Sch 28Ue Clusi!ied Ade Painting, Decorating Th• New•-PTeM publlU.. MY-Paper Hanitng er al um..,. ~ m~y <oal l!llatf' C\aaalnl'(! Ad~ ... a ll OU\f>r local GEO. BURK.HARD'!' paP'IJr• C<Jm h1ned UCIC'N'St:D OONTRA<.'70R HARBOR 1616 171 W. llllJ't SL, Costa M•M Ubart7 ...... - ' J I t \ •' : ' . l • ' PAGE 2. PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS' M-Sw ... " om-,._,__ .. -. WEONESOAY, JANUARY Jl,.1956( -·------ ·~Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OF FERS Delightfu l livtn~. Apt -(:abanas ~·U h Ut ilities p1tld . Yacht 11lip 11ccun1•x:l:llion•. Daily . \\·eeltly, monthly. y~&.rl y. For a p1:.t or reservation. Cnll Har 2tN2 34t f(' LIDO ARMS APTS. & Ma rin11 VERY NEV.' \\',.I) to 111·1111 c•rl.l<rLln" J, !.lr"I""' (; E l'l.afr•r , (I •lux.. •luvt'1 Each Apt h11~ prlva l .. 1:.• •g .. T .. nanlll h~v .. hr.l <"31l fur ~h11• On., 1'11111 blk tu hll~l"•·•a ct'nt .. r J t08-12-16 • 20 VI 1 l/l).,•\u .,,.,.,, 1;11;:\I 1:r11·';;; 1:.11t. .. r1 , ,.1., · re '·•I ': r '·: f•H11 !70 I '"' -.:11 l"l<l . Id .;ui Ah' I I to l l••l!•R7':! ~.1,:i.s 1·:·1~1·'1 -.: ~ r .-1 ,.., I I I; " '. !.h: I ,,.,. I • &f' I II> 111 8 .:;1-.0 " ll'•" ' '" I ,.1 ~:·,' ·: l),·J.· 1 h'1 _,. )'rerlv ~tl/j I ' 21 ~ t .~·' \ FOR LEASE Ultra Modem New Store Bldg. 20 x 00 Park in g apace. On ?i.lariDer&' Mi.le. 2916 Coa>it H:way, Newport Be11ch Ov.•ner -1..ec Hoven Motel Llberty 8·9124 • 56p57 Tht· finc~t ~urlty in Orange Coun;.\' facing Harbo r Blvd. Value · F orty l\C"res $500,000 'J",,:rn11:1, Olli•~ ll1tr J!MJ2 • n.,,. ~ r 111 1.1 1111;1 .~ 1111 ;,;,..,1,.1l Jrpi1•· !l',:l.~1 " st.1 :\5.-~1 0119 h> l..oon ~''1 ·• KEAL ~TATE LOANS RENTAL . 1 SPECIA LISTS t '•JI ~>lni. Cruoi: Bla nc he Gat es, Rltr . 3 l J J,\,., ,,,.. ,>., ... ! I \HL~ 1~ I 11 " lnuu 1'" '·I'' " 1 .. ,, .... '"·I 1·n1 1'' :! [nt1·no~t RHt~ ~-5 11-:% ', .; f ~I ' I '' ' ' .. I ' '' 1'•· l • l' . 1~,.,n3 q111, kh '""'\~ ln the illll b"r Ar~/\ 1 ... ,.;uro, 111t•I ' "" ~1 •. ,.,. so iJ.:lf' vr tllllitlpl .. uru "<· .,.. , , 1.11 11,. w 111, ·" l ~ I• I ' I •" r1;.. ) "l<l '• • I lll M.i. 1 ,111> ~~1,•·1.~r I Rall>oa l1!an<1, liar 11~~1 i:.:.·--1 40! ! I !."·ll """ '"' ~ ' ,, t 'I'''' •ol :-;,, r liarr·· 11td <')"II u~•I 1,1 ~'U R S Ai.it 111111 Ffd~ !.~:-;T I· 11lr.ll ru.-n I t...lnu 11 p1 " , I ••·I• f:1rri.i:e I':~• fll,.nr I •' I'" er pay~ "Kl,.! i:.~~•1 'Al .I J.lberty tl ·li H9 ~lf!o · .. lll;'llGL.l: •Pll' "'\h 1<1• lu ' ''° j •_\\ llalh, a ll wnh ~e11a 11•I• f•·1'"" 719 \\I UlltY.l• u;,,,, 11,1.(e•>I "" !''"' " " "' ~ ·.• ''h . 1' ~ "'' " I '!!" • ' ' '' ·' le; I• lo 1»11 ' .... A1,ll1l H. A . l\JA\ ·'1.,rl e'"~'· L< ... n '"~l,I• •u1 1 t!e !•.l:\ ::i•~\H/1 Ma•n ! \ln .... y.,1 .. 'lc11t lJ1aL111u 1<" l.'u :ianta 4 r>a ,,, ,-14~.\lvn t'\ \\1U1ko..I --------·-------------- s~ •"" :;, .... ' .J Balboa Bay P r 9perties t'•+ \\' l!~l!>"ll Hh I u .... Jl\"!'l"Ct\!'\••lH\\11 '• R ~ ~ t..Jou. l10J111r pa 1'I~ , . .,,, l"I "'~•' ",._ ~.u; .,11 ' 1 o,o. <' ,iy \ $J '1HO} Lln Jflll 111 1 ...... 1 '.-•. u,. n •. , .. OPEN HOUSE Bualtl ... • l\.Mldenuat A 111rome Property Sat. • Sunday-January l( A J.D Noon to :. p. m. l S88 Placenlla -C:O.ta W..: I 1N THE tfEAR:I' o! a larg'e, new llhopptng eenttr. t-'fJR THE PEOPJ...11 \YB6 .A RE LOOK l :-."G fur a b~lneu JCX:ll.· uon 11.nd .: t10me on Ula aame l•1l 1'HIS I S JT. Plenty of r r.0111 fur 6p&.nalon A parking:, J.'fi!{ Tll~ INVESTOR1 here la a p1~...-c nr property"that L• lncreat· 1111 dally tn value and ahoWd ,.ll.'!lly net " l&.rge r~turn on a '"'"'11 1nv1•111n1ent !)8p117 * Newport Hts. .J<EALTORS ATIENTION 1•!'81"1l' H«d1\<1t•l rtf(I• e bulldlng :i IJll••'ll\ !'• /l•Y "''II ~lil1>bli~l'lt:<l l .. hl •••!Al .. HJf1t <' l.>1.r!;" parkl1\g 1 .. 1 1 .. ,,,.,.,.,. •11.., i tll•l g~ r:oni · I pl~l~ly "'~"'''! 1••1u 1L l l-llor to ! •·1"·1!1\•· lJol~ l lfll r 11J,j)'.•1tJuaJJ;' .,n 1,..,,,-,.·.,.:•· ,,. .. ,, ... Vvvt.1 op· 1• !1<1 1 t1 l .r ,i.u1il••. 62-8""1 r,.taJ --··-='---- Balboa DUPLIIX, fu.1'11Wled Slt.eD. Two J..bclnn. aplJI. All OQ one noot. W &lJdnc dt.taace to downtown Ba.lboL Sl.owlng pod lncome.. Submit on term.11. Ocean Front i 1e1,ooo. GOOD TERMS. s bedrm. older hom•. parl.lally rumlahed, C-1 zone. Aeart ol Balboa. 2 car carac• •trt:aHd for a pt... above. Coast, Properties 301 E . tl4J'l>or BalOO.. Blvd.., Balboa :!&~. 2097 and •&OO. CHANNEL FRONTS OUPL!:X ON TH!: \o\'a terlront $10,000 will tui.ndle, Only 3 Y"· old. A SK ABOL'T O TiiER8. U" \'OU \\'IHI! Tr• BU\' or SELL proioerty a ny 1 ... c·tlon-SLE US F·ntST. NO DOUHI~r: TA LK m :RE S~:L I. Y0l'l1 y.;r.;J~F CJ:'\ ·r1-11·:.<s1:: J:tl!lf-'.1<1' \" l~l\c ):-;J-: l<t·:i.lt•1r ·• l''~" \\ Hall;t11l llhd, ·"'l'L H•h.j I! .. hr lu7"J. ~.=i1·'\J ., 1· ··r Cor ona Highlands 0Tfl f ;lt (;Q{J[) v' v' Bes~ Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHOR.EX:1IFFS. Ocean view home., wveral u.clu· liive lilJUnp with ua. 2. DUPLEX -One bednn. ea.th, cor. lot .. $17,SOO 3. DUPLEX--2 bdrm.a. ea. cor . lot. ExclWtive $22,500 4.. CORONA fDGHLANDS -Juat listed ocean vieW, immaculate 2 bdrm. & den. 2 batha. Only $28.000 SEE IJS FIRST fo r better buy11 in hometi &. build- siles in Corona de!' Mar. MEMBE R OF P..fULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T . P..tcCUISTlON, Realtor 344.7 E. Cout Hwy. Corona d el At ar Har. "7 (Office located next door to Co rona de! Mar Bank I VOGEL VALUES CORO NA DEL MAR A ttra<'tive modern twG bt~drOOmM, firi>plac!', hvu1g room . Close to !!h11ppu1 g. Only , 13,500 . COSTA MESA Channing 3 bb!roun1:"l, 2 1 ~ yenrs old r1 n" ''ll'll.]3.'l lot. Hardwood fl011n;, f1rl'J•lal·'-·, Jti'.it'..!1 ' J11tni.:, 1,...-...111 ~arbagc rl !SptJsal ·1to1n" 111 t-.1t•·1·ll\·11t t'•01 1ti1l1••r1 At l ract1\~ r ·HA l0a.n \l.'ltt; 1 ·~ n1 Ll'o ul $G·I :lll 1 .. ·r n111n111 1' .. tal f1r1<:l' nt1l\' :S.l'..: 7;,11 The Vogel Co. 8 t'oa.st li'.1.''', BALBOA ISLAND fiA Y ~~f{Q :'\'1', 60 f: t Il I~ jll• r S. flo 1;1 : ..;-;:: ;q11 . ' "' ~d f·"6 t-1 \\ I I·•>( )I '"' II I "H ;-;.,>., ! I-; • l !·I I I "• I j•f"I I' ·r,!Ji 11 ~11.:i .11!•·1 \""I ' ' II• .1 ,,,,, ..... :~-, .......... l' l 'llUl'J:.1:1 l~:~ lti.,; :-.,, wpurt, 1.1 ' JQ,J.l 1 u•l>< ,\!, ,,, 1-.•<' LI o 0,,.3 Panora mic Ocea n Vie w t.: l=.."T 1\ SQUARE DEAT~ iSO. BA\' 4 It R , 3 bath plu:-1 I ~ H ap1 ::..1!.J ,1111 \\'INTER Rt·ntal. 2 btl rno 1111 uu UI July lit l i:l!'I Vt'' lnvllll\ \\'" I ter pd Schnvl a~r <hll•lt•ll ·•k•) I l;r, .. 'I• . ~ " .,r l"I to!'""· I.I ..... ~ .. '""'I" 611· ,g r1uu1 l~E:ALTun. NO. 1-i AY 3 8 H '.2 ba!h plU!-.:: J3 I{ llj•I.. S-;''i;J1,11 U DO NORD !') f{ R -2 A I~ apt ~._,,, ~11Jll 1133 1,i, \\'.Balboa Hl•d :-;,.wv.'.rt !4n.-Ko111n-. fu r ll4'1l f I Beach. =i~ .. .,,7 -----------------------.-17_){!'-!l l SEVEN UNITS 1:ll,\.'\l'U :"o"l!:Y.' du 1!ex, o ll"lui.~ l"il •tru • 11.•n in rwol1t· 111..,•lrrn !<1,·r tJ,.,,.,. :? 1 ... 11.u t 1w~ hdr1n ''""l"• rully • ·''l""t .. d, h.11.ve •lectru.: ,.,,,."~ .,,,.1 ~rill11. :;tune lo ,.11-"I :-e,,..µort 1•1 .. r 106 ~1cf'aJden Place UDO NORD 3 B l'l. Ptt•r & slip .$fl'.• ;,•f11 1 LJTIJ.F: I SI-AND, T rvpica! E<cttur~ 2 11111tn i•lU!-. f'l'HN. SJNOL.E Al"T', P'''"l" f'nlranca .. ba lh sa~ }"·'''~ Ut!L pd. 301 E Uay Al<!' U11.l- bo8. Harbc.>r Hl~l:I ·/ .\.'\,,~; nR:L UXE •pt fnr fl 111·'-• ur \11~ lekY Nicely furn. !in1all h.:•!- room & be.th J uw n •t11r• 1 ... ,j,,:~ 1 LAl•Y h"'"r l•ol 11 ',11 111 " "' , ,1 ~ ''.: r i to S7 ]"'I "H'K t~.1 2/l!u SJ J l I> I' ;-. .... , ... ,1 lnoJv LI :!!Hf1· !II n •,,t ( L ltN l'L!'~ • .,.,rJ••r s ·~ U•·-11' Poll; l•t< plh•" \lficll /t,,. 111~1'•" • "l'l Stt·;.<J\' t'l"'"'' $I C, l"' '"" 11 .. n 4-;:_. ~f .. min~ 1·11n}·"n li:lts u11rr .. ,,l,.J in bf:"'-' h >'"'f"'T· l't ll" $.1 i '•""· ,..-,,,,,. 1,.1111~ rr .... n1 1: ,,, I uar . 37t 2:.J t.l~•)l h 11.,. '" •·e•·Hrl t lnls, ...,.hal ha le! .. wn•·•~. Zl::? Vu 1nr111., 1·,,,,,• I ~""' ,\11~11 """' !far 1111 E•e 1\11.r llJ7 :Of 6 11.-..r ~Z68-\Y ~HA:-.·1, lA \I~::-; 1t .. "11"r I Price REDU C ED $ l 250 1 ~II~ ~.ILi(' "'" u,,r'b<, .. l~l tU'l<I ~ i. ..... 11 •• 11 •1SLV l l:'>•~J IUJ\VN ··UYll th1,. ,!Lo oking for l1vln1 roon1. i)Ou b!e bt•d •l1•1•nj1 53--.'-ton"" & lH l lCf'~ ,.le., o vl'r double ""r;oi:..-\\'Ith ---------------- II ,1 .. r .:•14 ~ /H r~ •'•:k~()~:~ .. ~~~'.: 1 ;i:\l~inm ,.,,.111, lodt!n ,."'f'"ll'•l "'"'1•'Tn hn111" 1_,.11h s i•iov 11~1 . .ii,i~ :>1 1 ,11 \\, ... $1"~··~1 now s112:10 Ju.•t 2 a Dr e am Hom e \\A :-:T~:t• ''"'' "r 1w .. ,,.."8 ~I l '""" , . .,.,~ \1~"'1 "' H••·li»r ,.,.,.,. \Vr •!" ~''" Ii ll"l N•'"!"•r\ Opport unity · 1 N-~·:~:~t ~~oi ~:·~la Realty t with Sw imming Po ol? ""' Ylow ".' 1 '"' "'"·> P"""''·'1 • NEW OFFICES f'A rxtr·•. 'I o quir t h1l.,tL1 w oth- .,ut petA •12=i tlJfl S"11111 • 11 )1'.:AI F'Ok l'RUr~r::-;. "'' J<"ront Bal boll 1•11n<l l hu. 171 4 ~!CJ& ·-UC't::4 N \'IltW del11x, ' boJ•n. furn •pl 220 Mar~u<'rll<', Co 1un11 "' Ma r C all owner liar "· - L4RGI!:: de hu:a wirurn. , Led rm ' ba tn ••race •pt ~'love 11.nLI rerna. t'un1l1hed. 7()9 11 O\lsr· cuer1te Corona ,,, Mar. C A LI- o wner. Har. 47, BALBOA ISL.AND, yearly, lovely d~ 1Lncle a pl. Nicely '"m Relponalble ~,., emp loyetl aduJL "" utU. pd. A Tlantl" l-03IG o r write ! 128 Lonaln Rd 81.n Martoo. fli pb6 STUDIO APT. "' m o nlh. lo· cludlnc tltll, 000~ J u mlne Ava., Corona del Mar. r>4c~ CORONA. DmL '""'· l Mdrm. apt. tum .. SM incl uUJ. l bdrn1. apL tum. '" tncl. uUI. • 1 atudlo apL '"m. $fl~ Incl. utll LI l ·JOSa or Hu. •Bao 1'.l!>p~7 CORONA DEL MAR furn. ' bd= duplex. t'u.nlace heat. rl'· decor&ted.. W ater • •" paid ... m~ yewly. 2:128 Sea vie"''· "'" oozy lfflCI• &pL 147.:w>. "' ... DahU.. Coro~ ,,1 Mar. !'.>6c:l7 NllW """~ l bclm1. a pt. 18th • Pomon .. Coota Me!111.. Hw. 18"-J' a.flu 3 p. m . "'"" O.D.><. "''" q ultf' ·~ 2 be "". turn. du pin. rlttpl., FA hell.I Rwd. flrm. Oar. erp. p11 t10. Hee ltM·R. ,.,.,. BALB O A IS L AND Ch11nr1tng tum. • ~. a pt. '" 11ppolnt- m.ent-H~. 38<4 -R. f>6p~·i -- - A tTR.ACTIVE. apaclouft 1 hdrn1 apt. Completely rurn. N~ CO· decorated. '"' n10. lnrlud utll. Teuiy. 317 Coron•do. H11.rbor 10l7•W . "'" n.ntNISJRD Avatl•ble o~. pr1· _,, small rotl-A.(e. Dor OK, TOii Irla. ALSO DaC'hrlor 'P' •vall P'eb. • Har. 063:1-M lo· q uire •l 72 1""' I'opp~·. CO M l'i8t fC' - SEA ISLE APTS . P'Ult Hl8 Hl!:O "" • "P Qul"t ""°" loe•tlon P rl1•11t11" f'"rk ln~ Int. Com pie\ I! 111.unrlry r1 rlll llf'~ ''" E. Sal boa Bl\'d : IJ11 lboa , e3r6A Sea Sh ell Apts. S IOl\'A I. ""' Ill "f;;J.'\ ;;:,-.;~ l IS i·:, ',\ ,\ l .Ol'iilcd "' Harbor Jn,·estrn<:nt ("., r 1o, i 100 non '11~t1 l '\,·11~·· ·1ITll!HI pf 1:1< 1fH!~ "Ill\ ·,,....,., 1"'11 l!.1lbo•I\ i'<rH Ii•~ 21:\ 30th & Ne~· port JJl~·d F11ll •·r l •d• !itl• ',~ liar. 16-00 lf L'lt"~: U/\YrHllN'I' HUML fr>r in Sa n Dieg o 1;,:,~~1:.1 ,~··;1~'0:.'x H~i~~,.~ .,~~i" 8:~;~; ,\IUTl::L OC.'E A.": BEAt'll !;fl, ."ill J tJJk r10>111 B11.) 11n•t U<.c1111 I'll-- "" hooo•:O "'""· l '" ...... OPEN HOUSE '"'-"''"" 11p1 . 1-1<.1«1:: 11~=i.ovo S1;:1,u1!0 !1r11t. Tc1 111~ $!."'""1~, Stl.t & SU1hl11y l:! tu =i p.1n. \\T, I-IA. VF: IT In t 11~ T 1111!n S• ho" I 1 ,11~1 rh t. ~ 1,,.,1nn1., dl'n an·! I gucat hOUll!! li•Xlltlful and ~rry 1·nn1rnrt 111,1~ Fihmorris Rlty. Co. -------~ i'A:-:H n111 •' h,. h11ri::.~111 P.>1ll11n1 ~\ nt .. '~"" 21 . ., ~o(I. ~.11 •·•"h •l•>.,.n. h .. J "' •'tr ut; Ill\" '.'I I Tu,,tln ,.,,.,. ~!ul 1 ip!e l.J1:1tl11K R,.11 1\"rR l"<>l.ltl '12' 1:r1H1••r. Tr • .. , nutP r11r nu~tnf'"" nrnk,.r 53-A-Bu!Jlness F.-int.1-l!i Ill "" -------. --.. -( ·.,r 19th • l'l•r<'nlla ,. 1'""'''~"1" F illt·rl•·n " --~ bl\I ,,, "hat /ill\•• ynu Thurl,,r, 111.Al'T!Vt'L new hr>m•·. '.! brlrn'I '.! lmtt1s, !ar"e &UildC"C'k, L:neft<'f'I· 313~ !: C1l ltwv .. Corun.a 11 .. 1 :M,.r il•'ln1unt i ~263 ur A< a.d"mY ., " ••'<!II. !lfl)\1£ an<! J ).1Qll J.:n:-; A l"'l"S Fu H. H.~:."<T l"'" b<h Tl\ llun1 1 atove & r~rng turn ! in< 1 &tore r oon1 & 1"'·0 n rfir<' ~p 1100 montl• Oft "'Ill rent . ~ -60--lnt·ome r ropt"rt1· 1Ul1!.0 ---~------~-~-~- 3·~•8i:!, p t! BOi.. 2J!IJ, :;811 1 .. 11 1 1~" .":ul 11111.ny llke thl8 I 1Jlelj'O I ~ c .. 1ir. 6'ic ~1U l"un Ot M"l'n by appu111ln1Pnl. ---Lido Bayfront Lot "A RT " ADAIR , Rlt r. :c .. THOMAS "C" THOMAS il11r!Jor i1=i:z ~"r• 1 ~ • 11r 1o:ar11;;~ P.1"au11fu! pllll"I l a~ A-J\1.r· 11 ~ \V<1n'11·rf11l lo.·11u.1n $10() l ~I ·.1 10• r~ ..... J)HW!I l.1'~.ll 6-l~Jj l ~•'l i--r ~'l(fl,'\'TA(:f•;, \'!A LllH..) rR lely 1 uf(J<-e " s;;, •nJ $~ n.onth. Al'IO 111111.Jl .1ito1·e I~~ N"wf'OTl lilvrl , ('11~111 .\fn.~ll I.I 8-37112 or LI 8-~6116 m~ C1.!\ owner Llbe1ty •· 6223 l'l6c~8 SUI l• JJl'lilr&lila l"r ho,.unoi ur ;'\/fr~il fftf,_ -_I 111•'''""' ()WfH'I' Hur. U!!l l "r l---------------m ornln K"!I or after ' pm --- H ARBOR BLVD l<"'RONTA OE Two Dltrerent Loo:11 Uon11 One Wlth Otflcc, one wlth low. >.1ct.-fe.nu!'I 1999 Ll 8·3333 SPARKLING clean • '"' ""' nra· arbor 45ttc H 0 plt'f' p11rklnJ: • flr1V l'rl ft!Cf', 1.11!111; RlvLI , 51 tf~ ~Jlllfe Jn bu"'y .'°':•'"''Jlflrl Cwta ~!e!lll. liar. ::i1M1. ------~·· M-M oney to_ Loan LOANS . for Ho mes ?I'~ -20 yr. Luanll Construction Lo ans SEE B OB SA TlLEH 25 18 EAS1' COAST 81.V Conin11. del Mar H1rhor Hep. POIRIEH ~10R'l'GA1 ;f: ~l elro ur. I"' Fun.I~ K l :1-~1 I ~:'I 4!1t rr I HO-A · Comn1e.rclal, Industrial 1 ll.•r :nod _ ti::!rll~h -----------~ T\\'l>·BIJtt,\1. H OU::;~:. h111dw•K>•I 71\ .ll 1:..11 F1' . on N . M11.ln :0:\ •I 11"''1 ~. radec1,11'aled 1na1<h· 1111<.l !'llntfl Anfl ltipe f11r lllOT•'ll <rr nut, SI0,7:"\0 .. rr.r .. ,. Mli.;ht utoi IMl1ne ~·x ·l ;i:,\I f'lower SL. Co1t11. t.l r1111. •"h1.t11;,:e. Phone LlbertY. 8·7807 l'&I' ~~~, !nrv bulldlnfi:, r'oFta M~~" ~)iUU rt J..-v~I l;o qp• J\AV@IJ lo10d-1n~ ,1,1r~R 1 .<A.~' ~:!:1u prr m•• I A "~tng $.1;, 000 J!.'"'d term•. 10 Acres 0.": Tt,_'STIX A\'I:: l 'vttnt•~! Utl.•n· "'""r OtAnryl11.n'1 Ill unl!A • i nc,;11. S4:ivo jlf'r a~tf' liv•.><I lt'J 111.S hull1hn1t"f A ll 2 hr apl E':ll('•'l• !>,\.":A ,JA.L'<>ll:-if:.":. ltt•8J l::MtRl<' ll'nt rentRI re<:vnl Sl3 ·140 ln·1/ta1 ::.6!n . LJ ti-6J17 l\l 2·21111 llilll" A11kinl{ SI l I 00Q $30,000 ----...---------- - --· 'H~h mey h11.noll•· • '1111 Aell I '" 1'.0k SALE fiY 0 \\'Nf:l{-i be<I· 110 unit.... rov1n honie, 1 ').. bath1. lu.nd· C"Mlt 1 .. 111 H"yn lon e\'"~ Jl.1r 2,;ii8 "t Fd1th ~111ruun , !IY,.11 l ·li'.t.l:l EAHI. ,\. ST., N1.~:Y n . .,ot1t..1 llll.Y•lde Unve Of!1c• H ., . .12\17 o1r H•1 1;;:, ll<"llJ>"'d & fl:'.l'I Ceo.J, FHA lu•n FJ"ect!o1n h"111c area.. C.1111 Ll\Je1ty 8·6223 111orn11li's or after :. p. '"· 16tft: flAHBOft Hll;/ILA:-.O'l !S F11lly 2nd & 1st Loa Gl-IWal l'::stat.I" F.r('rlan1;~ ns I ·~:ooo TRAUl<~ IS BE'l'· tes Tr--:!{ ·rHAN A POO!l ~Al .E'' Fast Action . Low Ro Wf' S~·1••· 1\H •J1·•u1i.:<· c .. un l!tnd11 apt>J, carp"l"' ,t, olrap('M. .1 t>1l1fll , J<9 b11lhll & .•~r\'l c ~' J'odo !l :0.','.,.)M>11 Heu• II St:h•"-1~ $ 111f10 ot .. wn Ll Ii llli fl !\i t ~,11 BY OWNER ::-<'rvice In You r 1-lom View Lot N<'J1' A LJ.:ASEHO L!l, s ~~.(J(J r a.~h for quick •tie. PAN " JACODS~:N. H..eal &ltate f111r. ~S!l!. 1...1 8-6317 KI 2-21!!7' 5180 ,\1 0 rrurn :i furn unite "" heir u.~_rt', 11r11r Jl.a >;,ti•1r n1 .. c1 H1.,irn r .. r • 11tJ1l'I. 11rilO.: Sl ~.11•~1 Askin~ price. "1th "Illy $~000 <.In .. SI 1.11(1(.1 unrurn. ~JHA.i\'t;i_..~ COAS'I' l'ltOl'EltTIES J8J7 Newport, LI 8· 1632 Co.La 1'1e..'a Eve. I.I 8-680.'I FOR SALE-By Owner $1000 Down I..arg" oldf'r :l he<lnn. "on1r. \Vt'll hullt , , lllld built t o re11.lly U••e in il••r,.·~ n rrnl KOO(! dl'!l.l for ~nn1r .. n,.. Full price i~ only '"'~':'.>". <·n11 l .lll,.r!y 11·671}1 06<-:'ili BH~ll'.'F:SS i.o·r ''" x C··ntrn.l loc11· 11"11. ( '"·" n BAY FRONT "$29,500 Sl'ACIOUS 6 bdrn1, olrll'r hon1!', kiL~·hl'Jt & baU\8 ha ve b .. en co1n· plelrly nloJ .. rnlzed , l!.l<lr11. !gc h". roo1n. f'lrtly ri1n1!!1ht"<l f':tl'f'll~nt l&lltlon "" Hny t~runt Only $29,JUtl, g ood tPrl115 "C" THOMAS, Rltr . ,,. w & ASSOClATES Coaat H!way LI Newport Heach "C" THO~IA S "C" THO~fA S Open For fnspection 3603 FINLEY AVENIJE.,.. ;:)P:\\.l'ClfiT Rf'l--1 !NF.AR LIOOl Ch11rmir1g 2 bdrrn . hon1e 11artly rurnlfthl'<I F:lrt tnc r11ng(' F'lrr · plaft:. IJoublr-i;r:ar&t;I!, tup ]1or11.- ti.-.n. Pi11r &-rloRL $Z:l I)()(\ \Ve Buy TrU!!t J)ei"l.I ,, I e :>;())lTll !-;f-l l_lHcr: ,\l{R(\\\'H~:A!• ' I ~ ll• n ,11 l'iill}' r"1 nl•!11 ... 1 I) ''!' • 1.: I,\,-"''''"'d! < "il~l.,IH ~;u1lt il'•l11'' .,. ll1•olrn1.'< pl>•.'<": L ,1 .,·1 .. 11!\n·: ll"~k ~4.'l.1"1•• ''''I lt 'I,!•• (,., tunn~. •11• .,,,,,. '" •"l"llil 1.F:.<:S T H AN !lNF; YH 0 1.n r.r !! :1::1~1 :l hcit1m 2 hnth !1n1111· h"'tl f!o·r1~ ·~ •M•' l:•lnj,,:•' $Ji,',vu l i\21 l~""""LI l'I , l 'VJjta ~lo·.liln 1.1 s i.1 I!' :ic.tr, 30rn• BAYVIEW PR O PERTIES " :!JO,, \V . Unll1n11 R!vr1 , Npt Bc11rh Tn1i Jlrl<'r• f'llH) I 'a.,h "" Royol M ortgoge c 21102 "'"'''l><l! l L.:i . " ,\ 1'1 I Ha rbor 1549 . . ,,,, ·fi"ll - LOA:>iS TO Bl'U~JI, 1~1rr1f )VF R U Y, M OOfitttl'ft ZI'!, nrr H~:Fl."'A:.11'!-; \\' .. Ouy Tn1~1 f )rrd~ NE\\'!'jJl{T B.\l.ltll,\ :-:.\ \'1 • LOAN A SSI n 'I A '1'1~1.\1 33&6 \'111 Lid" I'll JI I[ '~ 1111 ,. NO COMt·HSSIU No Apµr1iil.l f<'cl! ' " ."A L ~ I' I .I l" ,,..,,.! F: l.XJ,,~ 11t1:. Tl.JN l11\ST IS1;~ HA~f'll l',\~\l 'f :" \ 1.,,,. ,,,1q · 1d>'1 :,i u.rr11~ .<· ,,.,. ~ • '! ~\•"•\ • lloult, J,.1\'<'h· I'-•·• 11 '" i ~·· ~.t•' ~1, ;1\1 :,,,,,, 11_ 10" , I• •r '" ,.,.,o;, Q.e ~or tf'•t , .. ,,., •. 11""' ' " •: 1 r ' ' ' '" 11 1 "' 1o '" 1.•1 \ 11 I'<'"\ :.1 r .. ,. , .. , T''' r "' .. '' , .. '\'( •\\ .G ord'1n L. And r ew, Rl ~r. '. . ... LIDO R-3 :10 fl. lut!'I vn Su BA\' ~'ro11t ~.:1,.,of'! rarh r·,.11 T 11 H·i~rrft, II 1r. 1!1~-\\. or HY an l·6'1i!.f 1t1trc ONL Y $11 ,000 2 1,1,,,, f•1··1•l•t1• ·ll·~ll,.111 ,, .. '., lr•r> n11,,. h•·•t i:.•1ni:" & l:111n •It• Trrn • ; '" ~;:-,,').!'SI\~ \\'Ir!! G II L\ THH.0 1' ( ', ...... ! fllf: )l' ... 'M V ' 11 " "''~" Selective Lots t:AST S IDE, COSTA .\t~:SA.. l 'llll "~ f•Jr sit.I' & prl('r DAN' A JACOBS ~:N. Relll ~~lltll\~ ll"r !'>6J11 , J,l 8 -6JJ7 Kl 2•21117 ,,. blk Hl)Tl-f h"m"~ hR•t f1r~11J1u, <. i,:l.1-.~ ''"' r.~. rPr11m" 11IP & hertll'll hR lh• f;p r111: .. ~ Hpl<'n•lt<I 'hnnt P tol hll\' h''"'" "•1h '"'''""" 1Jn1t Sn1all 1lo·;,·11 :-·o f1 n,.,,,.,. '11 .. ri;:: .. • iif~A\:•:~: f 'i 1AS'r ' l 'HUl'LHTl~:S 1.ro.-,7 '\'rwpt>rt, 1.1 ~ t•i1~ l·lllt, JJ71 • FO~ "SALE-By Owner $1000 Down Lllrgl' On,. bf-'1n><.u11 horn r \VtlJ run11lructl'd 11n1I 11 rf'11l nice hon1e lluy lhlA ror hnm.-o r RJl('l'Ulotllnn N r>"' tl'nlf"d for Si'.>~ 5{1 n n11\11th C-llll 0"''"" at LlbO!r!v $1-671;\ !\6•·58 BEACH COTIAGE SPL!\00 Sl,.,.p11 & nr mnre '·h··11ut\•' V"l;ll!ion ' 2 Bdrm 1 f'h11nu1n11; Ne"'' w11ll tum ~.-c $!0••W• •IQ'll.'11 I '«II rvr I 11·4 Fa.at Cor.:rn1l!1ll'nl" 1,o 11:-: I• 1R ~ALF: f,y ,,.,..11,.r n•·~r IJ,\ ~·\"IE\\' A PT'S To pre!errod ten11nt!I $,I;:\ rin H•'.~ .. en•"" 11.1'1 ! L'1111..~ o•ril.v l • :I BEORM l)l!:Ll!XE 1"1 1RN I C,\P.TOL C/.IN u: ~,\l.f~ b1· o"'n''' ;1 b.1 !111 t • 11~' :;, . .., l"'t I II •\• 0\1 ~ o1.n1n trt1, t o'+'O: .. , 1 II" I II"• r .. d" th~ 111i:;1i ,., """, ~~, r .. ,.,t rr.,nt 1 Al;" F'c·~~,1111 rg 111 an'! '""l rl<'· _ 6 up, Ulll. Incl l:ll<l W D:ilboa D 1 ~I I l' Blvd., Newport B•Hc~-C..JU•( on .t ll'".' ~r.·1·~ OORONA D !CL l.f AR ~fn<!rrn 11.T I •' l ... C \..l ..,.,. I 1.,,;' 1 tr~Uve fUMI 11pt S7 ... l'"I 111') 173 J-~. J 71 h : '! lncJud. UUI. Kar. 0163-R !\:•I f<' l'tiSTA ,\t-:5 ... J80 UNrtm.~ 2 h<ll n• r-.•nt I t.1 8-!>.·.: I 1,1 I' II'.•;:· l'OlJ 1.1·;~0r:iJ 10 ~·r·:1 .t:' 110\\' /,I .t11 .. ,· .\ 1::,, t \ ·:, rrir n1nn· •I:• "),•r.ll• I' I~ lr j, ''"" ri-"i' I'• '•I, •'bl i.:••r 4 •, \\ 1 I t ~ ol 'ln I· HI I (: J 1(1111) 1·11<'<> i I :l I.I i,.~ 1-111 (.,.)' ~l ··~·In·;,,., ,.,.,~ .. r~~ 1 .11 1 '"k!MU•li11J!. ·······~I I>(" '·•1'11" I vl ~y.),P"l') ••.'•~h 11~•\ ~ ,._,. n'11• 1n lnl( f••'oWMV• fH1 !••ol l~r I C ,,,,, 1.,~~tH•rl F llll rr1,.n (f!'.11•• 1--1111 f Jl iril\' <1.A;r11 J.E\'EL 1o,1 •Ir•'"! 1•ilV,.•l & rurb- , r•fi• 'IJo. ,.,., 1'~wnr1 1n & p1111I. ,•,=i x 1 Jfl. I H·t z,,11r. BF,:l';·r LOT BUY In ! '(Jl tll ~1 ~,a. l22fl~. Oil 4 NC t.: COA.~T I l'ltOl'~~RTfP:R 111.~7 NP\\'))f>rl, ('ll~l• t.f"'ll" :! B. !{. gUt'h{ hull:<" NR. NO_ BA.Y ~ H. 11. NEAR NO. BAY 3 rt!{ '-,\ i '''10 I S2::! ~11.11 , :.!;) Oil f INCO~fr; lJNITS ~:.!~ii;;() L<i :$.'ls,noo 111• tu~'\ l.'hcck "'-'Ith us ,,n tht·i-t' un•I ,,1]1\•r.,;. H ar. 1775 -E\'es 1'~d1th .\f.1r11•111 Juhn ~1 acnab EARL w . STANLEY , Realt or 2~5 ~l (lr1n" Av .. , Balboa lslau.i LIDO SPECIAL 6 Be d rooms, 4 Bath• ,..62 ':: ft Lido Soµd corner I..ot 1tlun1· "'·11rth .'.'~'..'..•l'ftl A n older home with OCRut1f11I SJl!A!'l"llS piilt"" Y11 11 can t OM a ball tn th•' J ... u.Jv Club F'or quick !>Ill<' .'Y.f I , ! l:'JO DUNCAN HARDESTY , Realto r 1-100 ~Pl-:CI AI ... IST 260:l Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. H ar. 4718 AMAZING VALUE . 1n fine "Ra nch " at Ba lboa lsla~d Thick shake roof ranch atyle home. Separate ther- ma.dor oven It range. large beam ceilings, and pan· e led walls. 2 bdnn. and on<' 111 king size with big wardrobe closets. Dr apes, c urt.ainft, & wall to wall carpet all over for $28.500. See the fine del..a.i h1 here and buy this distinc t1\'e better l1v1ng gem. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balbofl Island Next door to thC' P oRt Office , 1-lar. 444 Eves H Rr. 1229-fl Har. 1248-R UTILE ISLAND BU \' OJ.' T HE WEEK! Lot 60 x 60, 2 unit. plua. Excellent incom e -cxcc\lcnt financing. Pricl' $34,950 LITTLE JSLAND quiet location -ready l or diatc occupancy. Recently remodeled. Full price $15.450. DORIS BRAY , Realtor imme· 216 Mar1nt A vt. Balboa Is land . Har. 20 or Ha r. 6-t 500 FT. ON WEST FRONTAGE COAST HWY Jn t he City o f Ne wport Beach. Partiall y d eveloped for trailer pa rk or could be u!M!d for deluxe motel site. Price, $90.000, with 29~.V. d own. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast H lway. Ll 8·3<81 t.rtplu. F'lrf'plll<',., i 11rl>.•i;<' •ll•p a utornauc 11ea1 • ~·' \\"'lo:!' )C ASH pd. J'T1 .Bm.dway (" M Llbert\ • • • Slll"'" ·' ,.~,r I''"'"''.~ J•"1' a11\,. 111 n\11\ l)u!l1! f 1r ~''><~I 1.1 r,/'•f'I~" AM ·~·1r11'1~ & a m 1n I PH •''t ~~.,.11 1nrt•rn1•ll n i~r•'·"''•I 111 11,,y l '1ript pro~r1y I H(>l•i..tt•1 \\'l!lt~:l.J.:H A1-11nt \\',11 ,, I~ 11 p nr r1,i11·n l ""'" .. r t2 P l11a• l)r""•"' l'h 1\11: .il,.1 12~ \\f:h•te1 4.",(H;I "' "'II!• :l\jMl; H11rb"r l .1fil I LI 8-Hl.1 2 .. ~ 11 8-&Bll'l 1 tfc· .ve • · MFG 7.0NE 330 x 860. traller ( I - -' park 11ne un P l•c<'ntle. 1 16,000 Corona Highlands 1-"71 a ner f p •u =i:,11; FO~ ,,~. ,.r l•t':f'.T\S \\~l 11 l l·•LT rl:N'JN•ULA POl ;'\'T nn .. """'"' ~f ()HTf:A•:F: r:AS l\JXl: t\u'ft, a pt. s.1\0 Twn bd"" tlirn Sl'.'-<rl! 1:-:;ri .,_ a pt.. Ha H•r. 2.128 J 11(109 N n1·s11 SA:-n',\ A:-:A Mc:Ol K IM'Bl!:R l-Y .J Tll~ ~ ... ,1 11 1'01c h r,•n "''~. J,.,. An ~··h·~ ](; 13tl0 f\ f:lt.'i I.":\' ITli:D Ti' fh"nr;;-1n i; •pr--•r•I'• ~ ••f ~·I~ '" rn,. Ni:Y.'~ l'ltll:RS ,. du" lei ... r~oH Tli"E 1-'1t1ct: oF u:-:E' For Sale by Owner do .. ·n . lln .. J IJ,.lrrn • """ J bf.•ltm ou 1.A RC:.fi: \'JEW LOT, f".,run" H igh· ••1 '" 1,.1 11 ... .,n ~1• .. ll i.•100111 landli. v1,.w nr Canylln .6 ~ •I""'" or mak' offer 607 E. Rftl Prlrfrl to ... u }la1bor 2420·\l' ~ J\l\'CI lt~r. 36116. 1'>4c:.8 &61'.M ORANOF. COAST PROPERTLE8 I ~ 1 N ewpot1.. COIJlll M...a l..J ... l6lJ r;.,,.. 1-1 ~ tllll'IJ 1' ROOMS, :l..,, BATHS XLl'n". Vll'::W. Low dowt\, f p. un1l,.r 124.000 C: f--1 LA Tii1tOP , J«IA! r. ('at, Ht. Har l'>tiZ f.:~H Har M&O. Mc# -- ···---• • ••r..w. • REALTORS B /18 lido Bridge Off ice Open House 203 Via Nice Saturday &: Sunday, 1 to 4 :30 Well coratructed new 3 bdmlA., 2 bath.I. Electric built·iD kit., lge. patio, carpeting lh n.i;-out . $36,~ Lots Street to Street corner -S 13,000 70' -can be divided -low down 40' -OD Nice -$12,750 A Grand Family Home <f bedroom.11 or 3 a.n d den, 2 baths, large patio with built-in B BQ, copper hood. Carpet.e and draperieii Included. Lg. kit. with many built-in extru. ~.75-0 Just Put on the Mark et A lovely prov1nclal home, 11lreet to ~treet . 3 bdnn6., conv. den, 3 bathll, large 1lving room . separate din· tng roon1, birch k itl'hf'n with built-in feature111, 220 wi ring, wflll to w all r 11.rpet ing, adorable drapenefl. beaut ifully rlllntPd patttl, ~un d~k. Garage t'!trefll!ed fr,r '! Hl nry. L'a)J f11r ·app't to st"e this unueual homt $19.~. Nord Corner 3 bf.droonu•, 3 bathA. large living room with f1rr- place. Separate dining room Perm&nent vtew of bay from sun deck. C.'arpeU!I and draperies. Owner will trade for smaller home in Newport area. Balboa Island C.1oa.e to So. Bay on Amethy1l. 4 bdrm, home. Ex - terior rll'"''ly [lillllled. r:xlnt. corui;truct1on. nice p1tl10. Owner "'i ll cf"1n1>1der tr1tde -$32,500. 31 12 Lofoyette, Newport -Ho r. 36 .. 3 Bj ~ Corona del Mar Off ice A Magnificent View is th(' nlC'!"Rt feature among many in thi.e lovely 2 hf-rlroom and convertible den h ome, 2 bath1 of f1-,11 rs<', a !-!pa c1ous modern home with a secluded p<it in. all on twq levels. beam ceilings, perfect fir('. phu·f>, bullt·in kitchen, full price , Sl::!i,O<X>, please calJ 11.hf'ad for an appomt.ment to see Choice Income fiPrc i11. a n 1~e clea n 1'.'0mmercial property in an at· trai·tive and bu11.y community. It's almost new and • problcm·frf'e On tht' grotmd fl oor a re two store fronts both modern and oubitandlng ; and both are lC':iscd , alth r>ugh unl.' will come u p for renewal next ye:i.r if your plans include a busineu of your own. Y our neighbors are the be8t Btores a.ad shops in CDtt. r•arki ng in the rear. Upstaira a re four modern rurnished 1i ngle apartment• (one now available). Tht.-lOcalion ancf relatiVe1y low rentals willkeej> thia bu1lrl1n ~ orr11picd-yt't the return iB adequate on lhe 'l l'k1ng-price of $!">:>.000 and we can work out 1st rl\te termR Call us and come in and see it-- it 's good value, .530 Eo1t Coast Highway -Har. 5563 • ----·-·--··-· • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY II, 1956 BAY AND BE AC H .R E A l T Y, I N C. • • B/B Newport · Balboa Off ice Balboa Peninsula Open House -1 to 4 p. m. Daily 113 G. Street New 3 bdrm., 2 bath home Ocean view -nice patio Rad.Jo and inten:om to all rooma, many u tru. $29.~ Exclusive 12000 down buy1 newly docorated two bdnn. home CIO<ie lo jetty. f'ul1 price $17,MO. Exclusive Al.80 near jett}·. 3 bdrm.1 .. 2 bath modern horne, l urnu;hed - F'ulJ price $19,750 O•'Tler will sell 'to li beral terms. Open House -1 to 4 p. m. Daily 1703 E. Ocean Blvd. Be&utiful Cape Cod home on large corner lot. Owner ha.s moved lnland. 3 bdrma., 2 bath.a. LoUi ef cloee~ -wonderful patio with caba.nL New -Modern -Unusual ,., . 3 bd.l'?M. and den -2 flreplace1 1..arfe built-in kitchen - nJce patio. $32.:'>00. Owner will coraider trade&. Just Completed i hou.aee on quiet 11t.reet. facing city park - 3 bdrma., 2 baths each - Built-in kitchen• -disbwuhct1, u.-d brick firepl&.ce.1 -la.ri'e patioe -$23,500 -good financing. \ Peninsula Ocean Front ' QUALITY i.1 the keynot6 !or thb 3 bdrm. and den home near jetty .... Owner ill ill and mu.t mo~ -will conaider all often and will trade up or down. ShOWTI , by appointment only. Ocean Front Corner Seas~ore Colony Cute little-2 bdnn. house. Rooni to build another unit. Low duwn payment will handle. Furn. -$16,000. Balboa Bayfront 3 bdrms., 31: baths plus maid's rm. ae.t. location -very attractjve and homey l'~xcellent pier a.nd .slip. No telephone infon.na.u.on P-ricr Js fi rm at $65,00(\ Balboa Oceanfront \\londerful family horne. <t bdrms., 31.: bath• - Beaut.Jful largf' U\•!ng T'Q(Jm , den -dining roon1 -. 2 [1repl&ce•, lanai -Outdoor L. R. a.nd enclosed pallo -Might comidcr exchange for 1ma.U .bome Harbor area.. Bay Avenu e Income Duplex -Upper 3 bdrm. leued for one year -Lower Jeaacd lo June 15th -Ha.a excell ent locom.e record -F'ull price s:ze,500 -$MOO down. lncom&-Near Grammar School 7 urut.a -100% occupancy - Winter aQd summer -Owner ncit'Cb more room for 111 creased family. 1-f UST S ELL -Aikin& ~2,000. Exclusive Just Listed PENINSULA HOME 2 b!:inns .. 2 bath, lgc. !iv. rm. with fireplace, spacious kitchen, breakfast bar -sun deck, -Thia will seil fast -$18.000. I 450 W. Bo I boo Blvd., Bo I boo Horbor 1264 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH THE BIB OFFICE IN YOUR AREA • _...._ __ . NEWPQRT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 -,AGE J R E·A·L T OJ{ S BIB Costa Mesa Offices Harhor Blvd . Office ~ Sweeping View SeC' the breathtaking unobtitrnctcd vllita from thl"C'e :.ides and both terracl.'s of t his modt·rn O('W hornl" ot ma ny windows -3 bdrme. and 2 baths -Un· m11.tchM for mo8t·wantrd locatton in Clift Havt"n, thi.s luxury homt!' offe~ the finest in planned &rch1· tectural co11stn1ct111n wilh many extra!! incl. bui!t - 1n range. and oven, d1!1hwaaher, complete W to \V l'llrptt11 an(! dr llIH-:11. irnporteJ waU(>(lper, wtercorn tbr ou(!'hout -a k1tcht·n y ou n1ust see~ Priced at ~3.500 and llho...,·n by appointment only. The Executive .,.,.1t h a l,<t rge fa.n11!y .,.,.ill in1mNlilit«ly JI.CO the tre· rn~·nJuu:; \"~.Jut• 1n thta :!-year-old 4 b!.Jn:n u.nd d&i., 2 bath home "-'llh an exl{'lknt Vl(-W ~tf t he ()(;Can a nd r,,, •In galore -over Zi.1110 gq. ft. livn1g area with 2 fireplacee and all the extra-" you can think: of . Prioe w11J amaze yuu at S:t~.500 .... ·1th excellent term.a. \Ve have the kt'y! I 875 Ha rbor Blv d., Cosio MOia Lib. B-7714 -Eves. Lib. B-3158 B/ B 17th & Newport ~lvd . Office $1000 Down! ' \ 3 bdrm. -1 1;2 Yf'llrl old -clean -nl.ce lawn. Low monthly payment.a Include taxeal Out"""O!-etate owner muat a.a.cr1f1ce ~ t-~uu price $9000. 2 Houses! Hea rt of Town! Just luHed -2 bdrm. each -clean. PatJo -BBQ Garb_ di1p. -teoced -Widow must sell '. liurry: 115.950 $945.00 ' an Acre! 90 Acres Strategically adjoining new Rubdi vlalon ! Going ranch -3600 sq. ft. metal barn -Lge. 3 bdrm. and 2 bdrm. homee. Cone. floora all bldp. Ma.ahlne s hop -self.feed 11ilo -120 head pcnn, pasture - lota wa ter plus pumpe, plus 550,000 pl concrete· i-eservoir. On railroad and freeway! 85 a.c..re UDder cultivation. Ownf'r MUST ret1rQ acct. heallh. Sub· mit a.iiy exchange -bu.B. or r ea. Orange County. 1696 Newport Blva., Cosio Mesa Lib. 8-1161. -Eves. Lib . 8-3010 -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS CORONA DEL MAR Now 11t the t ime tn •tart tha t new home if you in- t.end enJr)yi ng ~ummt-r qn the ~i:x-ach . We have a few ch oice. lev<'I lot11. but they are sc&rce. ACT NOY.'. "'"° Hom(' with a n apt. for added lncnil'r(', perfect lo· cation. aome vi ew. L ive h<'re while t he rental me kefl' the loan paymfnt11. $21,000. IRVINE TERACE The choicest VTEW home availeble l.n Irvine Ter· race. High up on t he cliff wit h a. front seat view of 11.ll 1-Jarbor activities, p1ua ocean, bay t.nd island vifw. A quality 3 bedroom home with prote<:ted patio, a nd an unmatched view, $42,500 full price. LIDO ISLE 124 VIA MENTONE 3 Bll:DROOMB, J bathe, !arc• •t' lol. South P<&lld':' f Jl,1100. l 16 VIA ITHICA LARGE 3 ~room Fl11J11t.e1n bulll Jwm1. 1~ I t. lot, 90UUl P'-llo - Big' room e. Only $10,000 Uown. UPPER BAY AREA 20381 CYPRESS 2 BEDROOM, Hickory bUUt home. l•l'l'e lot . .d!U• roof, $10,TM>. NEWPORT BEACH 102!! W. BALBOA BLVD. r a&DROOl«B. a ti.Uts, eo • 100 root lot -Good lol'ome, under l:0.000. Earth!:w.u ~:.:~~."~~~~" 11 .. I VOGEL VALUES -COSTA MESA 3 Rr. home, 1 1 ~ bath1, A .... ·d. f loors, \\I all tn wall ~pot for fnilt tr'oifJll •nd flower" COST A MESA, The Best Town OA ' carpeting. fireplace, dble. garngC'. gnod [r1c·a l 1on 1:11lort: Bulldlnl'• Include • cut .. East 19th St, $1 2,?M. Tcnns. l 1t ~1r '"""' hc{Jrnurn cnllnli:" 11•1•1 C-2 Zone businl'as lot, just (Jfr Nl'wp1)rt Hlvd , l 40x1M. $1 3,000. 2 Br. older home & double garage all good cond1 ti1•n, close.in Jocation, "FURNISH ED". A real b1trga1n but will need' $3000 ca.ah down. Price $8000. DUPLEX 2 Br. f.'&ch side. close--in IOC'ation nf':lr market.a & tran11po rt.ation. ~13,7SO with $3000 dn\\'n and balance $111 per mont h. G. N. WELLS , Rea ltor 1810 Newport Blvd., Coata ~Jesa . I.I 'i·lGOt li<r~t· <1n,.b!<' .(1t r11gc w!t11 "lllra 11lrt>pin1t roon1 nttnch'd lto11•P "''hl1 h I• 111 r,.,r of Joi t111.11 t""'U tui.th1'"on1~ n11e w1lh out•1d,. o:;o l1<111c" T ntal p1·1ce only S7000 T••r11111. D e hixe Two Be droom fl('11 11tlf11l t.,..,, l>eot.l room h orn• ju81 ,-,f f H11rl/l>r llh·•t Clo~ :o evrry. \h1ng. v honl11, rn•rkeU, trlln•· ~tlf>n .. 1e. This rtne bome "'"" f<rPpl><•·('. l•rse room•, 111 .. k1!· r hen •n•t t>A th. l'<'rn,nt P•llo 1 ....... 11 )'"r't 11 n1I f;"flrlll('" Total r rn· .. 1 !fl 2:-in. Tr rm• 1r rt~lr...-1 • T.riplex Ni·ar nf'1,.: :! Bcdrins. each with large living room, tilr kilt'hrn with brrakfast arra. Excellent laundry room. AJ I rent{'(f , $2·l0 m(). 1nromc. $21 ,500 full pr; $2000 Down Moves you into nrw 3 bedroom home. 15x19 living room. dining room. F. A. heat, fireplace, built·in kitchen. dble. garage . Fully l~d&eaped. Belt Ea.et sidr location. C -2 Devel opment Opportunity All exclusive wilh CALL: ELSIE EBELING,1---Business Lot I 4 acres. onf' block o ff Newport. Blvd. Less than 1 !: property developed with monthly income of $2J ~. Close to Costa Aie!-\a City Ct.'nlt'r. Will subdivide. RAY REALTY CO. 344-4i E. Coast Highway., C. D. M. -Harbor 2288 (.A.Crou from Bank in Corona de1 Mar) -~----------------~ IF YOU CAN AFFORD THE BEST LYLE POPE, JACK MUL- UN, RUTH DAVIS or JEAN 8MITH Duncan Hardesty IUllALTOR ---Har. 41111 We think there is no substitute for the EAST BAY llM x Ito Ol'f ILUUK>J\ BLVD. FRONT of Little t.l&nd. Shel• ... ~ UDUlually quiet L&rp tiwta-•ti.a, Wl.U dlt1de, -..... ... u ........ bulJ.d to eult ten· location with fine bet.ch, private pier , large patio, ILDL uaa.ble prage (f&ce1 the 1treet inl!Ltead of a nu· · OJU..HOll OOA8T row alley), l'A heat. BBQ, dinlng room, guMt •pt. J9JT M=--~~ MM& •·-in abort a real bOme. YOU'LL LJKE IT. LI f,.1"2 1:..._ u •-6803 WM. W. STANLEY ran U1A or wW ~ '°'" ln· eam ... A./'UAIUc 2 bdnn. ho~ SANFORD Realto rs HADFIELD ...... nn.. ...,,, .. .., ... " Pvt Av.. at l.fa.rtDC", Balboa l.aland Harbor 24e2 r ...i J'd · tiu.oo. o.rn.r Ku. __________________ _...::.._: ... ==·-,..,. BALBOA ISLAND Comp'l fum. 2-bdrm. 2·bat.h beauty'. l .. g<'. patio. b bq. d bl. gar. You'll love it! Clnsc l<> village and b&y. Yo u mUe the term.11 ~ $29.500. OWNI-:R SA YS SELL! IF YOU ARE TIRED of looking at tnnat<'d price11. ma.kc a dllte wit h u41 to 1ec what $18,750 will buy. 2·M rms. lge. patio. J1:ln't location ! ., LIDO ISLE Unu11ually nice 3 bdrm.. 1 ~ bath home~ Lge. liv. rm. with beautiful atone fr. pl Priced to sell $26.500. NELDA GIBSON , Realtor 308 Marine Ave., B&lboa llland H ar.~ or 1823 F1n(' nr. l oot hu•1~ \Qt "'1 • 11111,. j In lt.a1 l)or Bl"d .. I • Rentols \\'e 11a 1•e a ft '" choice rental•. I B. A. nt'!~!~SON IPl!2 !'.'11wpnrl Alvo!, Colfla Mr11a !.ltof't'ty ~-167'1 ~:vi' .. r.J jj-412(1 l.J berty ll-8:i1.1 l..l~rty IJ-3727 Rli:A lft'JVUI, Wa!,.r vl•f11 llll'"fl,... •l~t trnm d~lu.11:,. r0U1r h• on J.lpq Orlv,. Curbf-·L ~lreel. Bu)' on t~rm11. S I~ tln. Re1tr1C'tt-U homu lte. OR A~G£ COAST PH<IPLRTI~ 18.:17 N<1-.•pr.r1 COi l" MMli f U 1·11!31 F'••• U I CLM.l THE VOGEL COMPANY l 700 N~...,·port Bh·d. 1~hone Llbcrty 8..0507 Co11t.a Mt!a 1-~ven inga l~lbert y 8·7457 A REALLY SCARCE ITEM 1. bronns .. l :11 ba~hit. 2 nicr pal!I'!~. Completely fum lshe<l on' Balbns i.'lll'lnd fo r only ~2-4 ,950. Pine tf•rmi1. f>on 't prO<'rMtln&l<' on thi" one. WM . W. 8TANLEY SANFORD Realtors HA DFIELD Park Ave. at Marint, Balboa htland f-larbor 2"2 _ _ _..., . -- PAM:,. PAaT 111-~T HAUOll NEWS-l'llESS ~Y. JN'AJAllY II , 1956 . ........ G ............. I BUJfCllll A. GATJ!!s, - 4!.ALBOA ISLAND MOOG dOW'b. Ma.t attr. tUni. home. l.Arge Uv, rm. with P"r. pl. au.a rm., din. rm.., 2. bd, nm. convenient ldtd>et1. l bath. Patlo. Gange. $19_-. Price Finn. .A REAL BUY. 324 Sapphire. Beaut. home, beauL tum. 4. B. R. Patio. Open Sat. It Sun. Shown any time. We have the key. Prked right and zlnt. term.a. $10,000 will handle, Beaut. Home ind Income. Well built 4 B. R. home. 3 bath.I. dining rm. with extra gue.t rm. le bath. Dbl. gar. PLUS Lovely 1p&eWW1 l B. R. apt. -SEE TO-DAY . TOP LOCATION -2 bedroom home, wall to wall carpet, fire place, extra large Uving room. Dining room. Plu. 1 bedroom a pt. with fire place. 'I1-fJ S WON'T LAST AT $29.500. If intet"Hted in B.ay Front li omea, let us !.how you our II.tings. We 1 ... ve SO(ll.e beautie11. NEWPORT BEACH-FINE INCOME PROPEl<.TY 2 8 . R . deluxe home a.nd a 2 11tory duplex ! 1 B. n . each). All three unit.ti atlr . furn. T hia, ill beaut ifully kept property and nr new. Top Income & top lo- ca tion. 1 Blk . from Bay -l Blk . from Ocean $27 ,:SOO. WHAT AN INV ESTMENT. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor H£lrJBERS OF MULTI PLE LISTING 311 Ma.rlM: Ave., Balboa IAland -Pb . Har 1671 o'l r 1672 LIDO ISLE Complet.e.ly c.hann1ng, ~aul1fully decoralt'd 4 bdrm Ir den W /fittpla.ce 3 be.lh horut' 30 ft h\·ing r<1om untu1ua..I yard -Patio -on corner lot. Th!A h~1n1e hu everythu1g for grac1ou8 1Jv1ng -·11111th a l11w pnce of only $39,9~. LIDO BA YFRONT LOT R·3 on Soud -~·x oo· -only $36,000. BAYSHORES Do mee lhi. "Bayahoree" home if yo u det11~ an ex · cluaJve, quiet, delig-htful pla.ce to live. 3 bd nn. on one of the larger lot.a -room for awimming pool. -Huge patio putly covered W/plexjgJu . Comp. furn. Home or excellent income property. HARBOR ISLAND Most 11.tt.n.clive, beautifully furni3hed t ·Atory home on 6%' lot -pier &nd aLip -4 bd.rms. -:'> bath&. Thia la one of the ahowplacea of lhe Harbor Area Hu everything. Priced at $150,000. Some trade. oooaldved. BALBOA PENINSULA 3 bd rm. -gla.ued·in porch -2 baths -King •ize muter bdrm. wjbay view. 1 bl k from awimming beach. Maie offer. 40'z80' R·l lat -idea l loc 1lt1o n. THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 34.16 Via Udo, Npt. lkh. Har . 4971 or Har. 4972 Eve9: LI S-5297 LI 8·3040 Har . 5142 BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE ' We c&n build tor you a two-bedroom or 3 bednn. ilome for _,.,80 Square Foot. • 1()()0 /. Financing ' , 937 Square 1155 Square Foot Home-$4295 Foot Home-$5295 Attached 10 z 20 gang ea ............... $295 We &n building on Wallace. Bay, and Avocado SlJI. Starting abort.Jy on 18th Ir 20th Sta. Call or Phone !or. lnformat ion ... OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS & WEEK DAYS ' SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc . 1104:1 We.tmin•ler Blvd,, Garden Grove LE 9-0633 • NON-VETS OR VETS f29e; Impound.a move11 you in new 3 bedrm. 1 ~z bRth, Back Bay area home now. Tue. pa.id to Dec. 1966. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Newport Blvd. Colita Mesa LI 8-1&32 Eves LI 8-1400 a •••r...e.t. =='---- • • a . p a. I m ·e r i n c o r p o r a t e d 1• ·develop~ .. ,~f udo ' ' Residence ·\ Twinkle Isle r .,,;inkle Star Little Beautiful Lido ArtlotkaJly la'"'ocoped oa ""'Y choloe -· 92 fMt ,Jlright and ablny a•• 3 bednn., family rm. 4 bath· on Centro Stnd&. 60 ft. on.DIJoo; ~ ft. oa Strad4 •rooni.. carpeted. dr:ap<d. .and . -lo the oeote<. o( Dijon. Eno&igb J"OOCI\ !or pool lt dell.red. l...arp Heavenly Lidb hie. N ever fOr ale be.ton:. S bed.rm.. 2 bath h~ with lovely t.an.at for indoor. out.door ltving. Thill borne i9 eel apart by lta chann, even in thi• 9ectlon of lovely home9. $32,500 How, I Wonder What You · Are ~ Thia ~ silly, 'c&uae We know you are a lot La Shore- cliffs. What we really want to know \a who will build a house on you. Only $15,800. Hurry! with $7 _-down. Family Growing 7 Up Above The Bay So High Do you desire the many advahtaC'• of . living on Udo lale for your children! U ao, 1ee lhia ~ 2 story family home, 4 bed.rm.a. 2 batha, furnace , informal kitchen with bullt-ln range &nd oven. fireplace, fine home a.nd only $30, 750 with a view of everything from here to there. Three lovely bedrms .. 2 with the View. You can buy thia for $14,000 Iese than. it cOtrt. 4 yn. a.go. 40 z 110 BAYVIEW LOT on Lido Saud $14 ,000 OWER LIDO home, good location. no builtins or modem gadget.a, but a lot of house for $24,950 fur· niabed. -$5,000 down. Like Diamond In The Sky Diamond shaped windoWJJ invite you to wee the H•r- bor through them. Cute 3 bedrm. 2 balb homt-, yard, 2 pati08, and room for a pool. Only $24 ,~. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole han1on co., 1ale1 management 3333 via lido. hA..rbor 1000 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson c o., safes management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty g.5573 WE'R E J.A)A DED WITH NE\Y w s ttNGS TO START THE NEW YEAR ... SEE US F'IRST! LOOK LOOK LOOK No, l·Sp11clo lll % bedroom home Ufl &lvu• Lane. h•vy !Umi· tur" Included. l•rte lot uid t•rage. $111.000, F.H.A. loui No l·~ betlroorTi. 2 bath Pen1n•ul a Hom e Idea! 1..rce family Wal!~ comer lot Included BeauutuJ prvperty 13-0,&IO. lerma. No 3·0n Anade Street '. atep lo bay 3 bedroom-. luge kltC'hen. attraetlv• Uvtnc room w11.h fi replace. remod· eled &Cid a<:tua.lly a lovely home tor 117.000. tenn.11. No. t -One ~room bea.eh home wnh 1 bedroom bachelor In rear On 7th atreet oppoa1te NHY Club . • eWell \OCa· lion lt you have • boat .•. 114.000 and tumA. No ~·Da ndy 3 unH lncome .. all re.nte<t monU'I lo month, I Hl2 month Income. Good l'entA! praperty , 118.0.00. IMe'6 <lown No 8·R,.at v11l11,. In Balbea. 3 bed· room home "''Ith l ~room •rut1nent uver 3 ~ar r•r· •re all furnl11h.-<I. Gue.t room with bath 100 132,600, term a. No 'T·OupleJ< . . on Anade ... c:laae lo M y 3 bl"drooma 1lown. 2 bc<:lroom1 up rumlahed. Sltuat911 on 2 Jot•. IJve In one n!n l the other Jl0.000. terma. ."'lo 8-P,.nlneula. duptex and a pip. 111n ... 3 t>.droon1 a up. l In 10 ... ·er, nlcel y tumta hed. both rented now A m11At 1ee at $%7.MO, irood terma. :-lo 9-Pel\!naula. Oeea.n f""ront Du· pleJ: and the bay but a 1tep. \\'ell tuml•h,.d. IArge co rner Jot, laundry with wiaah"r and a 1welJ renter. $22,MKI. ~o. 10-Famoua ren tal property , . nne double and e a!n(le&. Ea 11t Bay Avenue , . clo.e. to 'bJIY· Oood heat. Room tor u tra build.in,-, Loo - IM.000, 111.MO down, J. BACK BAY beautiful 3 bedrm. 1.14 bath, Ranch stylf'. built by L loyd C. Howard l.arge fenced yd., ni cely landscaped. Asking $2:.!,:'>UO. SEE TODAY. 2. GI RESALE, $14.950 -4 ';. -$73 mo. 3 bedrm. modern. lesi,i than 1 yr. old & fully (um., incl. carpeting, drapes, bullt-1.n stO\'e & ove-n, re.fngerator. l-~A heat, •liding glass walls 1n lge. liv. & dining area. Tiie balh. Lge. lot & detached garage. Good Costa Meea locauon. Will con· aider trade to $20,Q(X). 3. CLIFF AA VEN -406 St. Andrews. $14,750 with paymenOI of only $65 a mo. incl. tiy:e8. Fenced ya rd, brick patio. Close to grammar & high schools. Thia i.11 a must -see today! <. INCOME P ROPERTlES 2 atores & 5 apta. on Cout H ighway each '11.'itb vi ew. Walk to beach. Will show 12 "'r net on aak· ing price. Only $1 5,000 down will handle. 5. BUSINESS BJ .. DC . Care:frce with net of 10t;i.- Leued to 6 good tenant11. Best location on Coaat. A· I conHl. ~trc.'88ed for 2nd fir. SJ 10,000 JACK BRENNAN, Realtor s.nd ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Coaat Hwy. L fberty ~-7773 "At the Archtfi" A NEW LIDO ISLE LISTING • On 57 1 "J.' corner of Lido Nord • Three bedroorna • Den • Two. baths • Built in St ove & Oven • Dishwasher & Dieposa.J • Built i.n BBQ • Huge brick Patio • FuJI price $33,500 Thia home provides all the environment for another happy Lido family. Balboa Realty Co. AND 0 '"°""' """' " •m•"'" Also Another FIRST TIME Listing Roq Creelty Ed Lee Al cornellla JoH;phlne Webt.i two. bedrooms. two bath• located on Via Karon 700 r. B•lhoa. Blvd., Balboa,·.--~-....-l,street to street) roomy liv ing room with provin· Phone Ha rbor 3277 cia.1 wall to wall carpeting and lots oI inside adjuat· 2515 Crestview Dr. BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE Fri., Sat., Sun .. Mon. 1 . 4 :30 2 8 R .. knotty pine lnL. 2 paUo.._ PLUS g-ar. unlt. Cha rmin g b<Nch or Y"-'-f round home. 'LEMON HEI GH TS • Corner U:ll •21 :i. new Provlnr!al,I lge. room11. 'l B. R. den . dining room, beat location . '32.300 COAST fllGHWA Y. IJ:l' C·Z. ""I the Bay. FOR SALE or wilt leaae and build. • C-l, l)()a JOO. 17th Strf"et, Rfr.:· DU~EO • Claire Van Horn REALTOR 1731 \\' Coul Hwy. Bay Shores 2!'i72 Clr~1 .. Orlve Open Da ily 1·4 JO • ]':0\\' f'RI CEIJ TU Sl::LL 3 bdi-111. 1' b~th . r1·p1 . F A able ehuttere. This pleasa.nl home can be youn for $26,500, terms. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via l. .. ido • Harbor 4444 or 5024 ------------ INCOME INVESTMEf'1T Earns better lhan IO'(f on your money. 6 Beaut iful Triplexes all in a row. 2 Bed· rooms -garbage disposal -garages. Lo- caled in Newport Beac h, a short walk t o grade or · High School. The very 'best rental location in the Harbor area. All unita occu- pied -Seldom a vacancy. Gr oM income $1 8,000 year ly -Moderate rent.a. Tota.1 ~ll ing Pr ice $1 35,000, Excellent tennB. Theae 18 unit.A are the best in t he area. !>XCLUSI VE WITH DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realto r 2602 New port Blvd., Npt. Bcb. Har. 4718 • • • '~·-· .io •'" ,.,. " • ''""""' SELDOM · FOUND 1·n Coron• del Mar Houston Values Duplex-Income UEST BUY ln Coat& !'-.!e.11&. Only 8 mo'a. old. l la rg e U fl ea.:h untL F"'llll t llo! bath~ &-kl rhl'n• Dt111)(>1!.1tl E:..• '-fllh•n11lly "'~II blt 1u tJownt•l'-""n t l'f'a o'",.r l 7fM• tq. tt l!:Xcl of g'llr:l.&1'• \~'11lk1n K I d111L alur..,a .... 11uola • ln•n~& I lnc $1:'..0 n10 11:..wo I ~ }r 1 lo&n. I Only $7500 -.. STUCCO, pluterf'd \n 1rnor 2 bdrm,. blk. "''&LI r•nc..,. 'l ~y yr• ()Id. E:u;J. deaJ. On 1ew"r lot 6'!1tl21'1 $9500 3 BDRM .. k"Wer In, L 111 yr& otr\ $2200 down, 18' mo. P•Y• lllJ. 4 I,, r,;, IOfLll Excellent Lot Buys 70 :.: IGO eo I( 102 116 A •76 .. H·4 $2i!i0 R -t 1$fl50 M ·I 512.0IJU Open House 2331 811.nta Ana Avr. 3 BR. on rear ur 100•300 !ol. $10,tJOO. OPEN SAT. l ·O. Back Bay Beauty 380 L& C1U111.rJa Way EJ.tra Ill!. new 3 b..lr1n . <lt lu11e OPEN Sl'NOA Y l l :, Houston Realty Co. & ASSOCL\TES ~ Ce.ntll!r St., COlllA MC'11R. LI 8-81111 & Ll 8·77ff4 LYT L.E -Evf' Ph . LI R·Ui~2 -. Pl!7I'ITTII: -Eve. Ph. 1..1 8-~tff7 SEYMOUR -Evf', Ph /1 11.. ~2111:1\V "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS 1 BEST EXCLUSIVES ffARBOR HJ GH.LA.l\'"OS ctitkm-- 1ng 3 b<"1rn1 .. I'\ bath hr.n1 .. \.l· r11.ted on be11.utltu1Jy lano~~·a.ped It trnced car. lot, w to w rAr· pel!ng &-. llrlllPf'e 1111.GflQ CLJ}o'F' JiA VEN •. Dh1t1nct1ve modem 3 bedl'OOm, 14.. ~th home det1 lgned by Dick Pteger. park.1.)''noor•, firepl ace, F. A heat, di.a5.'!!J!1ll. 80 ft . rc>r lot. nlrely l&ndl!Cllpt"d $19.:xlO - l,rm,. IJA YSHORES -Excellently In· c11 t~ on Bayahore !.>rive """11 h \.'JEW or bAy -ldf'lll 3 l}e<'lrn1, I"° blllh f111nily home. rtln nn &. hre.11khu1t rc>om, hrlw rt. f!onr.•. rl11~~tnne flrrpl11.re, PHl!.;F:D AT ONl~Y 12:l.r':lil0 "C': THOMAS, Rltr. & ASSOCIATES t 2t \'.' CoA$l Hl,,.,•11y Li 8·00:17 Newport Bf'ach "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Ready to Retire 7 FREE LIVI.NG In new 3 bedroom hnn1e. lldwd. rlrs. F.A. he11t. Payn1e.nlll made hy l untt~ on re11.r or 1;, acr,. Room for 3 1nore untl". Walk to downtown . 1-·. P . l ll.000 -51 3 roo 1a&n com rnltme.nt. Newport -Mosa Realty 1799 Newport Bl vd .. C.O.l• M - IJ berty 8·M08 -Ev,.a. LI 8-7237 ...,.. -· ' • "We're Moving • to Irvine TerTacen , Drive tn today and eee for J'OUl'lelf' UM; m&nJ' oat~ otaodlns fe&t.un. of th)a ----~· More and more Hartior area tanPQ&-a.re tnlpeotln& tbeae exquisite h ome. -noting tWr oomtoct, eoo.- venience and central location. More and ~ore fa.miliea who prefer a 'home ln a l'&'- atricted. quality community are moving into their Irvine Ternoe homea. .. Inspect built t he by model hornet!, Macco Corp. furnished exquisitely by Martin & Von Heme rt lrvine Terrace is located on Cout Highway oppo.lta t he oew Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W . ST AN LEY , Realtor EXCLUSIVE AC EN'l'S Phone Harbor 4448 For F'urthcr Information • For RecommenUation, we refer you to •nyone 11.·ho holds a f...etuiehold F:.State u1 Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven BILL 'S BEST BUYS ONE TO BE PROUD OF Tv.·o )"t-tlr tild, 3 Brm home on large corner lot wit h l{~d wood fence IX'x24" Pal10. 15"xl8' Llv. Room , 11 ...... fl oo rs. L;iri::e 4 1Jt· Kitchen. D11>J>OIH1l. r:xhaust fan, large .,.,.an..lroberi and Cabinets. Sl'.!,8fXI -""'llh S3500 down. c:. I. loan with low mt. rat\•. $7!'> mo in cl udes Taxe8 and Ins. NICE HOME CLOSE IN Two Brm. Hume on 57'x203' lot. Two Obie. Garages nnd r oom for Tntume Unita. Hw. fl oors, Plaitlered 1ntl'rior and out $11 ,500. and Scrv. Porch. Newly deco rated inside C1o'*' to shO]'ff and bWt line, Pr1(·f·d at Arrange 1erms. LOTS All sizes. Prices and Locations. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 Bedrooms -r~. A. Heat -F'ireplac1' Not a lease· hold ~ 1 1':: years old. Sacrifice at $14.8!"")(). S3300 down. W. A. TOBIAS , °Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT "you'll li ke our !rierrdly service" 400 E. 17th St.. Cost a Mesa Libei;t.y 8-1139 Parade of Exclusive Homes WATERFRO~T ! WATERFRONT ! BeautJ!uJ vie..,• ot hllrbor 4r. hllle. Outat&.nd ll'lg home u! 4 l>drma., 3 bttlhe. :i.c .. r garage. la rgf' pier & bo3t allp. Acra.11 channe.I from l.ido le!e . S BH:OROOMS. 2 BATHS. Pit!r 11.nd allp -Boat In· eluded In Ulla Balboa Cove• belt buy at U&,000. THREE ARCH BAY ONE OF' THE !<!NEST oce1111 front home1 on lhe Southern CAiif r.°'"t. Arrhltect-owner bullt, 2 bedrooma •nd .tud!o, 3 bALhs. 11n11urp11111!ed ....,•eep!ng view ot the eoutllne. Patio Cln land alile tLJl ed v.·1\h 1nve!y ah.rube 11.nd tree.•. Uneq uaJ led v11lue at 17!1.000 -.. lt"a price.le•." KILLION. real oslate 3341 Newport Bl vd. Harbor M05 • WANT A HELP US AGAIN? A kind-hearted buyer helped us lhis week ·end, ht-lped t hat poor old grey haired lady loee her 11hirt on her hnuse. Just happened. to have one more (•wner who is bus t ing to lose a buck. Has a 3 bed· room. 2 bath home for a aurprieingly low price. Call for appointment, We'll gang up on him . R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R.B. HODGE,A>IOciat.e 3622 E . Cout Hwy., Co rona del Mar Har. 277t MONEY TO INVEST? 7 If you are interested in a SEX:URE long range in· vestment with a.n almost certain capital gain o( from 50 to 100 ';'.-wit hin the. next 2 or 3 year&- Phone WI for in!onnation about our INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE in Costa Meaa. & Santa Ana WM. W .. STANLEY SANFORD -Realtors HADFIELD HOW CAN YOU LOSE ", patio -bllHt In BBQ. (h•er•h:" u 3 bcdrm. Z bath pluR f'ncl. patio 21 ~ yrs. old. Dbl. garage. LeRS than 2 blks. from ocean. Hwd. flrs· F'irepl. Mere switches, disposal, fenced. Well built THREE BEDRM .. 1% bath. G J Park Ave. •t Marine, Balboa. lal&nd Harbor 2'62 re11.1le, 4~ lnte.N111t. 514,9~ (u\J , Whe.n summl'r rf'n ls will make a whole year"s pay- ment.II on lhi.s charming knotty pine home. 008e to the Bay ill a good Balboa Island an-a witli con- pnial neighbors. l...a.rge breakfut bar, beauti!uJ patio, gan.ge haR a n extra bat h uid has been designed to carry a.n spt . above. Ek-st of all, the down payment ia only $500() -Full price $1 8.750. WM. W, STANLEY RALPH P. MASKEY ltEA l:roR. l• 11 "'"''(!Q'"I Blvd . Npl 6eh. H•rlxlr '02 rQUR FURN. I lnlla clOl!e to 1hupplntr Alway11 r1nted ln- ro n1e 124() •no J~O-OO dn. 8ell•r• w·l! r arry b•lanL'#. • & onl y $1 8,000. Te rms. Alao nice 2 bedrm. home. 3 yn. old. l.ike new l hru vul. N r. ocean, hwd. noor11, firepl., good heal. Only $16,000 Tenns. JOHN E. SADLEIR , Realto r JVA.N W. EIUl.ARDT, AP<>eiate E . Coast Higbwa)' Corona. del Mn SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD 0~.~6~~R~::T 3333 Pvt Ave. at Marint. Ba.Jbo& Uland Harbor 2462 11."ii Nrwp<lf t. (•<.-t • w ... Har. 2-422. f'Vf' .. Ha.r. 3103·W J u s-1•~2 ~ ... LI t-4163 I -~~---~-~-~~-~~~--'~~~--~~~~~ \ ' . "' ~---·' .. -._,_ ... price. Jnaul11.te.:i It wtat.her•trlp· 1-----------'-------------- ped. P11Uo. Fence<! rear y11.rd. 31dt dMV'I!. OR.ANCJt COAST PROPERTI ES 1~7 Newpo.-l, COl!ta M'Ma. LI S-16a:l Eve. LJ" 8-MOa ~.~~~~r,,;eL.~':,.Our,J:: nool"ll. A 11 nl cfly r•nctd w11 h IW'p•ralf i"&rar"• IHi,4:-.-0. Lo.,.· \l'Ml"lll, Beautiful Back Bay Lot with aome view. 75 x 12'5. A.aldnl" te8CJO with tetTn•. Lovely building aile. Owner anxloua. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1500 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. {>188 or Har. 1216--J DAN A JACOBSF:N R.,.I K:.t.alr I I 1111.r ~~1 I.I 11--6311 k.J J-21117 <-----'-------------------- -. --< r · I • -