HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-27 - Newport Harbor News Press-1 I --' , 1 I 48th YF..AR -NUMBER 12tl HARBOR WEATHR HartM.u ..,.... wuw: .... " "" " " 61 Sa11.1rday, Jilli. 21 Sund11.y. J1.n. 22 Monday, J1t1.n. 23 'l'ueeday, JflJI. 24. \Ve.:Jnesday. Jan 26 'l'hur~ay, Jan i6 .. Friday, Jan 27 .. J11.n 'l~ J1<n ~A J.111 'l!i J(<n 'li RAIN l"Al.L AT ACAPULCO " " .... " " " " .. .. .. .98 '" I <3 "' Escapa de First to F1nis h: Nalu First Overall • ·1 . .-•1111: 111 .. t11u•h llnll! •rr08l' ·~I'""'' t·1,,,a ··ntn1.nrr of A•11 --~---· ·-._... ._ . • HARBOR ~ 1>111 ;ss~ , NEWPORT BEACH, CALDl'ORNIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY Z1 1956 . ' PHONE HARBOR 1616 MF,.SA E \' ACUATION SPOT -At least fiv(' p<·r+ aon.s had to be evacuated from this dead~nd portion or We.:tminster Ave., C08ta Mf'tia late yesterday by Mesa Street Forema.n Chuck He!\£'r and Poli rP ("hif'f Art .\ll l\.:nZJ•· and n11•n1))1:•ri; ,,f h111 LiL·p1trtment. \\'alo:r r eai:hed a depth of :!!I 1n1-hP.lil around 11. dou n hr•u!Ws in this \'I~ 1n11y :-;ta ff l'hoto ll:\Llit) . .\ IJt:.-\.1 ." -l'ur (·ha-;,· 1,f th•· ~11('ullt•11gh l~uil•\11 1,t; "' !hf' pi<'tur1· ab•1\1• 1n ! th•· a,!1.1t•nt l ~dl:J,,a '!'h1·;llr1· butl>1111.: b,l:< bt:..·n n1ad•· b\ <:t••1r~e l'a1 ·r·ron .. f /~;1\!>ih <1f"•·s T h· ~l c l . .'ull•·U ..:h l ~uildini.: !·•rn1crly hou1nn~ l h .. 1;undl"ninn IJru,.; t ",,1u1 •an} \las i•unhati<.·d :r•Hn r ti .. "1;r • .i111·lll-{\1rp1frat1<>ll0 •·I ("ompton und th•· 1i,dbo11. 1'h1·attc· b1Jtldint.: .111.I adJ<U ' nt \";11 .. 111 l•lt fr(•OI th1· (;r1f- f1th ('o. L.r1wt>r pu·tur,. sh"v."' !u:i!••r11· Ralti .. a Inn fr,•n t111~ .. u .\l a111 St nnd 0lf·an F'ront. Ralbua. \~:huh ~as \)1 ·1·11 ;u qu111·d t,_v \\' \\. J\,.ld1 r 1•r 01p ru·tor uf \'ilia Marina Rc1:1taur·dnt {run1 .\I r... J·:d Allt"n. A lthuu~h the tv.o deals are disconnect- ed. George Capron tn !J Si·v.·H·l'rel'.IS tha t hl" and Jlnllll"r had bc.-cn "confer r ing.'' -Starr P hotos ~':'.:"'.~-::'.':':i.~";::.~.~~;.~.~:I R--EMLEY HONORED WITH-!f I d F I I''"'""''' t. ,,, "· In th.· 1431 -m!lf' :·:::-· .~":'.,, .. :·:";:,, ";;:" .~.';"SILVER BEAVER AWARD 00 OU 5 ni.: t1 .. htuy•··· .,r :-<"''"'J><•rt t-l •r- t><or ,. 4 chl < ·1ub C1unp ll.nJ hui ,u-~t .. r , '''" ,,, 1u•u111ne11t Ju.-&l Vli!'hlblllt"ll will rl!'<"l!:lYll! \hf! l'i&TI !J1o·1:u L'.n1on trophy fur tln•t to !tnuih, ll.'1 well HJI lhc 0l'rofeo Ar a 11ulco for the f!r!!l divided r 111 Chief Lauds Scout Executive Schuck Up County SecvnJ lv fuiu•h. a aellJll 2 huur., h•lf'f. wa• Chu1·k U1ln111.n II •,11.n s!no11. L<'i;end, <lf'tl-.rf'd w1n- 11e r In t'ht.llll A 1tnd will al&O 1111- n,.x th•· S•·•·t<'lll.rV "f tbi, U. S :-;:,..,,y tr.,phy f,,.. the fu11t a1ng-le- Irvine on Jamboree Aid Big Balboa Block Realty Deal Told Beach Strip Election Set: Ask Park Bids $500.000 Transactions of Capron. Holder Disclosed n1asl•·•1 !)<)a t. :-.·,.rn ;:;11n.: ruH! 1-:ven1ni; Star !<1 11 ... ,,.-•• 1 1 ... ,i.;•·nt! llYP•M• lhf' lln .. ,, "l'l'n'll"""l"I} :.!·h .. ur 1nt•·rv1t!11. 1n .. n ttl 7 ·I!'! p ru. }<'llt~rd1t\. i· .. 1 .. r 1:rant H 4il ·ft. J1i;ht-d1•- 1d11( eru<:>nt Hl••••I• l'\<tlu l l ..:ro,IOM'<I \h•· hne lo w11i hr~t 111 t:la!I• ll ,,~ wr l\ iu 01 .. l'1·""'"!"'nl vf Mn- 1<0 trophy f11r ftr-'lt 0•·~1l'lll M "o!TN'leo.l time. A• ~ U o'cleolk ttua morni11 g-when th<' tt?ne f9.Il .. ut f•1r Y ("nn1n 11.nd Can1u11e\ - tht1 only botlL lh~at•·nir1ii; ]1;11lu'1. uv .. rllll hotH1rl! II' ~l t•ve N.w- m1trk"& IHUe ketr h. Evf'nll<le. She "1!1 ha'" Ul fi nl11h by :'! p fl\. l u•lav 111 urt!Pr to .._voe her Urn• un Grant" X MYC t:nlf'Y. At n1uln1i;ht liut nli;ht, three: l10llt~ f1n1 ... h1·ol aln1n.flt wtlhln .•~<"nnrla 11.fter batthnK It QUI w1th· 1n ~1~ht of el!.i'h othPr 11lo11g the Call fnr a plll.Jlw V1'1 •· n ... ,.,. 1n ~'""'can tf>tUlt fnr the l•~t two Ap11l t n reatn•I 1111 .~.•,.rt.·"i'l'' fl,\· RF:X RF:OlllC K d~\ll. Thi'~" """re J ohn Scrlpp•' b•";"·h Rtrlp •rontini; In·· 1rR1!<'1 BaJboa real estate Ll<'als amJunting to about $500,000 1 ti1~ k.-hh Nnv1a del M11.r, San r 11 rk fn,. publl.-ux•' "'11·• 11d•qit•d ;ind nea rly a square bl ock of ocesi.n frrin t bu!'IJllf'Sl:I section IJiPi:" Y (', \V. B. Cl;•m .• yawl t•••1ay by •lty <'111n,1I 111 11 ro·•"•l'I · , , , , • !r:1~\1o11 , St Fr1tnc111 '· C. 11 nd lion l'h" ~111 1 , "'""'" .,.,. tu nieRn I were disclosed today lxr lus 1vcly to th< Ne wH -Pn..'HB. lhro·P 11,,,.,,,"1 .. IJ.f'hln•1 lit'r, Rux hll(h tide Ill •lr)'Th Hild rnnn 111P Trnnsf e r of title or the lll'!lr bloc.it lll'l'll lll\'llh't•J purt:ilasl" s.·h11h'3 CRl!forn1 ... 3'.! 11loop Al- eulerly buunda u f A"Uo"h·1u1 1.,.,·l or four parcels of land in l'!epa rate d£>als by George Capron. 1111.,.ar, anoLh('"r Nl-I YC bout .and r:1nn propert v lo the en.~l .. rl,· J111,. 1, '' 1, 'h . 1 \\" \V w111nt-r <)f eecou•t overall Ill lhe • • >H ~la 11;.' "''''"' lln• -l t1n11. ltoldt"r p11r•hll.•"'! tu~lori<' uf l!Hh !-;! 111 "1'1111 '\\11,,,I\' l\.•b!<'r \di;, ;\l " 1 'H !I Halt"'" Inn ••II ,\1n1n ~! 1111·1 Jhi" ("o •ur11 1I l•"<•l\,.,j 'ln•1 ~pprnvl'd 11,.~1 ,.11 1 11 nt <JWn«r I n•·w rl·•n.q "" Ill•· tt1tol•·r 1.,,rkl' !J•·~1111 F1,.11l ''"'ti :-.1,_. t'Jllu· 1\I· 1,..,1,..,,.,.,1 n,,.,1.,,.1117111,.,0 llntl ,,111_ 1·111n·u11 '"'light lh•· r .. nn~r ,\j,.. 1 .. n \\1th lilt> J11n /''"l""'IY Jt.,Jd«r Pd fnr b•,I~ "hhh """ill i.,,. ••J•('11f'•I ('1111<.~11-:h l\•!Ll•llrtJ;: "" ttu• "'"llh-1 111,.., tx.>111eht th .. •·111}' l''"'lllPI\'· ····h. :.!O i"'"-"l l:<lfn"r ,.f /Jall'<•ll lllvc! Hnol 0"'111'•1 l'"rt1nn nf '"'"'" fn111I Additionally .. )lll11'•.'I I. /.!Hill-,\la in St fr .. 111 tlH "(;r.,llJ' 111 .•\11111•1 HI 1h•· ('111· <1f ·"•'l•Jlnlt gnn1ery" 111\f'nm "ll\~r f""j>'ifl t 't•rporRtinn."" ('(ornJo\un lllld 1 h,. U";" h .,.,,1111 .,,.,Ppte.J Mll \'•lr H ill 1111 11,,.d /Balb••ll Theatre b111ld1n,i: •ttl•I "•I-Th<'. IJ11lho1t Inn rnnta1111136 hotel t:ounrllni••n J . B ~lu•!ditn1.t:•·rlll•l J••"··nt \ll•llnt l"l f1on1 th,,. 1:r1 f-rno11111. <'llCl•l "Pllr\rnent~. """' (CoriUiuiM 011 l'iase I>) I fllh CQ. .11tur<'ll an•1 ll!P HRlboa Inn car .. ------_ ___ ;\l .. 1tn.,.,·hi!e. In another lran11"'c· (Cunllnu+'ll on 1'111 e I>) ' ' 1 I •00ot • ' . , ·V.I lfl~4 Pl<'~ S .. v .. rBl hc••lr:O l"ter In lhe e1trly rrior·nini.: ,,r \•,.ht\", ri1 .. nionrl He1td. 1>!1t nl""· 11n•I Lyn1R n Farwell'& hli.: :"HYC srhuon••r Sea.drlfl ghn11lr•I ,.,·p;~s the line In th11.l ••td<'~ l~t,,~t r<'porL'I tnUJcate th1tt Y l'onio. C11r"u""l. and po11· .•ohly F:v~nti•le "''ould finl11h late thi., >1f1Prnnnn nr thl11 evening. La Verne Given 1-year Term SA~TA AXA. J AN. 27 !OC:>:~q Rul•erl La \",.,.,,,, :J:J, San l>Rbru•J pl11.11to·1·111K <"<>!l\111• l"t'. lutS11y "'RI Xf'lll"'".'"I t•I tt .\'Plir 1n j111I a fter h1.~ '"'n•·1t t•••n '"' 11. 1nnn11.la11ghter f'hHrl<-';<' S111"'''"' 1·,,,1rt .lt11IJ(c J nhn:"heti d<:/11!'<\ l>l••hllll<"! !<1th•• tllll, tlHrk di"f»n•larll 1,,. \'•»nil n•n1uuu••I Ill\• 1)111'.~l\'<• ll!f jllrl-:ni;ont Wll~ jlTU- 11'11111< f'<I, JU"l II" !11• •11'' thrn11gh lt1<' t1ial 1,.,f,,r f' .Judge Sh .. a . ·rti(' S12.011Q-11-ye11.r bu11inl'1un111n "'R..~ fnnn1I l(U illy un bcRllng lr- \·in~ Hieh11rrl r errf'tl, 21. 111J11 of 11 1w0>1111n<'n! lJ!.~ Anl(<'lrit 1trlvrrti1t· Ing f'X•<'lll""'. tn rtrl\lh "·It h R p\,.," nf l1111ih•·r .Julr :!3 in TfRlbo11. 011 llRH·••I\ Hh-.1 flf1t't rPf'Ott,.,lly ""'"•ni.: th,. ••n•th l""k•nl:" 1n a "•in· d'"'. RI lh•· La \••Ill' ap11rtn1i"nl .f"p"·~ < 11' I,. ol t" det•·1 1n1ne \\'h•·lt"" it""'·~ •ol•1nti.1y ••r !n· , • .,!•11llfl,\' n1.1n.,!11u1:ht .. r .fudge ~h"''~ ... •nt rnc" r111,. th~ n1•n· sl11u;:ht••r ,,1.i1.\ 111 lh•· nll&<l•- l!l•'Htl"r I 1 11,..~ T!1 .. l''''~r· 11t1nn rh~rg.-rl t..a \"~rn,.. ".,,. i.:u•ll•· or a "~11tn11 1<l- l11• k "" 111.-Ii tt. 1!J.\.Jh \'lctln1 IJ> \".rn" .,..fl., "'All vnr111 tnnlng nt \111,l>i Hnll><"' Jth·d. w1lh )ii~ "1f,. i'"" • 1111.Jn.,1. " fnPnd 11n•I h1d•y ~111•'1' • 11111>.rd !H> ~tnlrk f'rr- f'<'ll !"f'""'edly "·11 h "' 1,.,11.r•I In .~· lf d,.frn ~e. . Pet League Meet Due Th<' l'Pl r ro\P('\I\"(" 1 ... 11.l(Uf' ,,f r-;""i'"rt a.n•! l 'oat11. M r~a <!nit '"'n .. ,.~. ~til l 'hl11:l1ly In· l1)(n1tnl 1tl l hr ,. 11 t 1 to <'<Jn· •Ill 11tlon "'1 rli:-hta". h&ll ,.,.h,d· Hl~h pra.IMI f r>r w ork Myfonl if'vtn .. a.nd O range En1plre Coun- cil Sc<.Jut<!r• have done for the Boy ~coul~ of .Amer1C"a r..atne fro m the J1 pa o r Chief ScO<it Exe<·- utlv<' Dr. Arthur A. Sr hurk Wedne8day night at thf' a.nnu11l council aw11rct. banquet. Three men, l11cludlng A rlhur R.rrnley. N~rt Belach, t"!:Celvl'<.l Sllv.,r Beaver award• for the!r ma.ny y-.r• of work In ScouUnK Th r banquet Lt Balboa Ray Club 1111w 111mt1 700 perwon• attend. Jl.acelvin&" S I I v e r .;. ;~nb wer• Reml•f. !:. slldlne. council pnllll'lent: Nort~tt. Ganltti r.rove ThPlt wlv~a bung th" 11trlped nbbon with ~11ver pendant frMl their roeck11. Schuck . ln a dyn11mic .'l~h. turned to Irvin& at the h'ad t1<b· le anrl 118.ld he might not r•h:tl'd It bul 1 h av e ''Y1111 •llrred .America 11plr!tua l· ly "'hen yo11 had thelle r.o.ooo Doy.! at lht1 Ja.mbone." Irvine loanetl 3000 acre" on lht1 eut"m Rho re False Arrest Suit Names Upson. Young Ch l11t ot Pol I c e John U p- IQll, O ty L.Jcense Collector Harold Young a.nd Officer Robert V. Davenport toda.y were 11erved with cnmplainl.8 which a.Ilk S60.· 000 d1&mage• in a. fal8e 11.rn~al 1uit l"'l~d by R itchie H . \Vl\11on 11nJ Nonna.n K . Kuhn. Laguna l!each rug worker11. Th8 com- pl11 int11 agal1111t lhe city ofrtc\11.l.!I "'ere turned ovl'r lo lhe city at· tornty. The complaln\JI rnllowe<l t he App<"l!llt•• Court 's re versal re- renlly of a declRlon by Judge D•1nll.Jrl J, Dodge In Newport JUR· tk e Court liul yeRr. The rourt found Kuhn guilty u f doing busi- nefl!l her11 wHhouL 11 city llcen,.e. They wer11 arre11tl'd by Young anJ booked into cily jail Jan.. 28. 19l'i~ when the licenlle collector f..iond Ulem lnal.allLni" a rug ln a Blllbol. Blvd. home. The Cllrpel ti"pr>rledly had twen l nU1aferred from a Lagun11. o,a(h realdl'nte for !nat11.Jlatlon Ill the loca.l home. ()n f.'eb. 1~ the cue agatn..t WllllOO WU d!sm1Ml'<I by Judge l)(..:lji!!e. Later lh.e court found Kuhn guilly and tined him S50 which "'ll• 11u~ndP<I. Kuhn a.p- pe1d l'd the cue Lo Superior CourL NEWPORT G ET S IN MONKEY BUSINESS There "'U • certa in amount of rnonk~y bu111neM going on Jn Newport Bf!11ch yPRlenla y . Mr1 Pauli ne A. !Jn<"k of 117 41'\lh 1'1 , not1fi,.•I pollc11 >1 l I (1!\ p 11>. ye~tcro111.y. lhll l 11.h• h11<1 1 .. ~l a l ·ft. lllll bro .... ·n n1onkrv ln lht" nr.-a nf 46th St. ,.n.I llHlbna. R:1,! Mr• Ll<lclc warn<'d, ··it "'1 11 b1l,. .. 111 ... t ~ JO c:orl llh .! M~. At 707 pm, ;\lr 1, f l<'TI Bunch of 4909 ~ .. Mhnr". c11.ll- f'<I l'<"•llrl', requcat•ng' &"11 •1tl- a1,ce at c•lchl11g the monkty which ""'a• .n her pr•ge. No ~n•1!h"r me<"tlng fn r Sunrla.y, one "'II.& a ble to ca lch lhe pn1 in th .. :'>l""l'urt n .. •ch mnnk ao IL ,,. .... kM'ked In the ftJJl(MA&E MAPPED Lar~e property part"els involved in Georgf' C&pron ,..-.. ot •McCullough Buildinj?, Balboa Theatre Rtrip a.l onfit Balboa. Blvd_ and IL & "WAar' Hoiditr 'a de&.I for Balboa 1n.n a.nd atrand &ppe&r &bove. ' ~"'' Hn"""· \\'»~I Kai"""' jtRfl.,I\'" fnr tl'IP own"r• lo .. t 1;u1 St 11•Tutd1ni;: L••1 •·•tch up wit h ton.iy liaru4d U.U.1er, i>t'NldenL ---------------, f)r tJppt'r Ntwport Blly fnr tetnp.,r1try clty '>r .-,o f\00. tllP • Touch1111e on th" hnport1111t r .. 1 .. 3 Mesa Families Removed from Aooded Home Area Srout1•r11 "r (Jr11111!" Eo1p11" !"•\Jn (•11 a nd olhcr j,.,.d,.n1 tl11••11i.:hr.11t th" n11l!nn 11.lhL "'OrlLl hilVC '" l{Utdl! y<JUlh J'IO)ICTl}'. s~·hut:k >'all! "'Th" KUO<I tuni 1n An,.·rlt 11 1, .. 1,., lll mo1e lh11.n h•·lping lh11 l pr .. v .. ,· blal old wu11111.n .. cros~ the ><lr .... t' In s i.-hul·k 11 Rpe<>ch hf' 11,1 r1 a11• While N ewport. Beac h V.'as able to shakr off the t v.•o· aembled Sctoultr• Vlf' niu••,.111,.nt day storm v.·hich dumf.l"d aJmost .'l inches o f riun o n Or- Lhey •porut0r tn•n1 Cuti w o 1 k ange County much like a duck ru.ffli.og its f eathe rs at throu gh ~xptnrer pn11Ji naerw !h,. I r· c_ be · D»tl w 11 v th., fr .... V.'<lrl<'l r~n 111:uiri .. east ive JX't'SOn;11 nad to evacuated from one flooded 6 i,,. nHll1<1n s •• 111la 111 110 countr•.,,.jarearlfl I1ll.9·!:!08ked Costa. lofcea la.st n ight anLf lhe Ait'"ll& into ch11.Z1u .. 1,. of 111or!ll ln1o'llTl1 \ "Choola were · closed ye1ten1ay I hli:h 'h11r111·1 ••r ll n•I ph\•>1u·11l f1\ and today . befOt't"' obtauunit ''"" tto.1r~ •l~p nes.11. ''" t••l•I ••I un·l•·ri..:rou11•! Jnter1n1ttent 11unah1ne broke l>•at nigh\. Ht< wall bllrk "1 "'ork Scout rnnv~n1ent.• in 1111\lun~ bt· through & bl11~k oven::&.11t Lhla earlv th111 mnrn!n K Purnp1 calla hind the l ron 1..:11r\11!n, 1nom1nl{, but nun ti;egan :ipatter-frr,ni hlllf " tlnr."n Ooorlf'd home• bo·I!'."'" PRtly Y"'\"rday morning lnK <lown 11g11ln at appn.1xirnatl'ly JO \5 a. 111. in the Jiarbor arl'll. lidl Dunn, t"r>Or!'111111!ot of Civil Tnu(·hlnJ:" Rl;Rl n "" I rvu"• ~ ··nn· Ev11.cua\ed by lO-ft. nat-bol· Def•·11~e 1n t"010l11 Me•11, h11.d M c- lrlh111i.,11 tn S.-.H1!1nJ.; lhrnui.;h tomi•d Rki(f,. ,.l a p. ni. ye•ter-l..:f'lll'.''" a lert 1111 reRerve• .and '"'18 o f the ranrh -'It··" 3000 11 r1 •'H Uay from the i!600 block o! \\.'eRl· regulllr officer• ye•lerday for In 19.'iJ. St:huck ltil oi th.. S1l\'rr rnin!aler .Ave . .,., . .,re 1'l r!I. J ean poMi::ile flood e m<'rrency work. Beav<'r weRrP r he hRd i.:lv,.n .~o .. SJobr!ck . her son, E ric and The A mencan ~&'Ion Hall waa ooo S<'nllt.• anrl thrlr l<'1<d<'r.• ll•Jll\P ,j&.u,i:ht er, Mary, IU! well a.11 the ready to h11nrll<! a.ny flood vtcUm• thing' tlley "will "''""'nit.1"r H!I fllmlly !log. of 2621 \\ltlllmloh•ler. while Gr11.11t'a Surplu• •tore wu lonJ< R8 l h .. y llv<'." and llf'llt (loor neighbor Mrs. 1o~09• prep11red to furnl11h any cot.I One ra ther or a Scout who 11.l· Lu Brown. A.proximately 29 requlrt'd. tend"'' the JHntb<ir<:<' h 1'r<' 1n<:he!! of .,,,·at<'r collected Jn a No per1101111 were reported aer- Sch1ak -'"'Id. "·rn!e hln1 fif h 11 verit11blr !11.kc rron1 the t w u·dlly lou,.,ly ln jurPd •~ re11ult or flood 11011·,., l(r••v.·th nir1rally 111101 n•lli.;i· deluge v.·herl' \.\'t>.•tn1lnlJ1lcr <Jr11d· condlUoru thrnugllout lh11 county. "1i.ty "·hil<' ''" thP JHnk••t Thr end3 ,.ff Dt•l "!11r St. Howevtr. 11. l.A>ll Ancelea woman. fact "'"h S'""'' pr11\r,1 nlghll}' _..1 ,,~,.. p.iliee, inrhlding Mc-l>l ni J uliet Orth:-011, S!. WU f1>r "'nrlo! J"'fl.:" t .. 111 hl'd lh" falh· h'.;onzlt". D••t ~l!'l. Dean Pollom, driving a.lo ng H lrhway 101 Inland er, ""hn wa~ loin h\· h1~ .~nu Offk·•'I Orvil!,. Anlbf'ri;y anti He-U<'Rc C•platrano when a rain· '"An•I you knnw. l llul. hPf•ir<' .,,,.,. serv .. OffuPr.~ F:Ju,,.r lln tl J.,hn WP1tkPnh.1 cliff caved In. envelop- 1,.rt !hPy 1d i;ne<1 lhe 1-\"tl'll.U ,.,.. n0.,..,.n "·hn f urn•~h .. d ~·· 1JkiffJ1, lllK he• auto. mist'""·" Pfff'Cll'li the r•·'ll'tu· t h·ller f'RTLll'r A n unidentified Santa Ana Cecil (Skip Fifi', C11un1·il f'Xt'r-drt•\'•' flnP 1 .. rly frum !he llTl'll In motnrl~t illlf( t hrough the mud utlve, in hi8 annuRI n •ptorl, •Rll-11 111.r~"1n1tk. Th" ev11.cue ... • "ent lo r•·llC"U<' Mt8 01U:i:-(lll and ru•h ed on all IK.'nutrr~ t•l r~·lnublr I<• ,.1~1 t nra1by tr1t•11ds her t" SRn Clemente police head· their <'ffort.11 lo 1;1ve th.-1r yr111ni.: A 1,.,.1!" portiun or lhe b!an1,.l quHrtcrs Ther,. he told otrtcer•. charge~ more "11rh·~nt11n• · hiking foi· flnn.l"d ,.,,11,1,110,, RI !hf' ol<•Rrl -1 "1 h11.•·en't KOi time to la.lk. my and e-mp1n11: trips. HP AAtd 1f'Alt •n lll or \\"rstniini~trr ,.,,.1 Sa nt&\"'"'1f<''.'1 hllvl1ig a baby!" And off pr11rtu·e of t o~nl p1t1 hint.; ~ n d 'f.,11111,. Sls ,..,.11~ 1,.hl by H••ll•·r un I th•· hf'ru rar .. ,1 l1J \<1 the downpour. more. fleltl cx1wnrno·1• "'II hP l'•n-1 1h,. ph•i<i..:"•1 f'••ll•lolh on "' 111 .. 'Ir· Ha1n-l'hrkNI 1oada CllOllll'!J ml· JlhllSl Zl'ol lh 1~ ye11r liy th•• •••lltaol 1111.:,. t""•nl\" Fl••nd (·,,11 \r•tl l hl'· nnr lnjtlf\' tnnn,. Harbor area r•· FA.\flll "N l'Al,,Tl."" !rw1 Hn•lo•n:r·""n•I dnHnai.:1• !uh" l•!,.nt .l•1i111 Ann H11nk, 19. of 02fl In 11lldlt1un t". l!oe t11.lk~ n( VHrl· 111 Th•· ,.,,.,. ··11 ·~ ,.,,,..,. \lllt'•I.• I Fullt•tl<in A\'1'. , require-rt tre•l- nu:o llCOlll offwia l.~. 111t• hu11q11 .. t )'lllt.:i.:• •I ")' HPllt•r ''"l'''r1•'ol llt1I' 1nrn( "'hen hl't c•r tangled w !lh l!.U!l!~11ce ~aw li•·1ni.; •:••111·~,,11u lion.• '"'"""'K l••ll" upprralf'•I by Alfrl!fl L. Par k, '.:~'h;"~''.'"" /{<•ekw•·!.1"'. pra <nlillg : \\1111 If" • .iy (lr"'d pun1p 1n llin. Hf .1.14 :\' l!Rrwood , Oranre, • ~Ulll t.!u .. li"t 1 h•· .~l <t< h-! h<'ll\"\• rJ«TJ, 111rl Htld 1n 0 1'• f111·r "' l'1P1lann.1 A v" 11/lrl M"'cArlhur ell Buy., Cho11', h'u1ll»(J f,.r !Ii,.. ,.f 11 1unv f[,,.,.!,.d 111rPrt "i!u111i.,n.•, I 111v,1 bll.nf!ll•!t, WHll 111111111·· 1 .. l•lto·n•! tic< •ll•·lltT """lll'd >Ii) huUI"~ HlrHll{ht cau"" of SouthlunU r111n RturinM (ContlnuN on Pat'fl fl) ~E"' Sii.VER BEA \'ER.~ -Arthur Remley, left, Newport Be&eh ; Rua North· cutt. C:ardcn t:rc•\'<'; t-:. C. MiRSilrhnt'. ri~hl, Orllnj.!"£> Empire Council pre.tder.t v.·alnf'Sd!ly nig-ht rr'l"·t'iV(>(i t.up ~i]vpr Rf'1lver Aw1trrl. Second from right ia Chief ~<'nut t-:.xN"'ll\1\'C l)r. A rthur f'c huC'k, pr1nc1p1tl l'Jit·;i.k<'r at Hnnua l Rw1trd11 banquet w Ualboa liay Club. -St.all l 'hoto I J J ..... _ ..... J.. HARBOR P·TA. COUNCIL wu hostess group when new public library branch held open bouae at the H orace Ensign School library. Lef t to right are Mn. Willard Sa.ucerma.n, school librarian ; Mrt1. J..ouis Csenar, member of thf! elemenu.ry llChooll board of trustees, .lligning guest book; Mn. J ack Broering, pre1ident of Newport Elem entary School P·TA and }!rs. J oeeph CHrver , p reHi- d ent of Ensign .cbool P-TA. -Staff Photo NEWPOR T HARB OR 11nd Murr-IP lol ,·r11a.1n whn "'''" I l•Uorrloed !a.11t v.·~·1n~11day !n l'IH,r · nix. Ariz . \I" h''P" lh'"Y Wiil b,. •!OV.'TI here 1l'.Kln lur 11 ..-t11ll .. l'11t'~ f1irt1\I\" '"'I kn•1w h1t1 ~ I tt .. y f1.,11t h1•1C•~ lur /llh llY l<"otl ~ an1t l'at ftr••ut 11.·1 , h '" hrr ,,., ... f!H n t II 11 f' t ' 11 :-,• , ..... j 'IJ I l v. <I\ t• I ·' CJVl'":ll A:\'I• Ut'T ----'-~-- Stevens Alums Meet Wed nesday A talk on Mir a.rn.nitnr wtu bt&:bllght • meellnl' ot th• o,.. &ftl• County Bleph~ O:illep .A.!um.n.aa Club a t l :!O p.m. Jo~tb. 1 IA tb• home ot Mra. Arthur Eut- ert>rook, 1138:5 S W ~ Ver~a IX .• 1&mQQ Ht.i.hlA. , · ·P•widmt---Mn:--W. ll. Mlln-1 l•y of Banta Ana uld 1. halr 1tyl-tns upert wtU be on han.tt to talk to former 11tudent11 of lht! Coiun\- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B Berry. Ml9 Arbor St.. Co.at• Mr11.a. 11.r• announcing the engagement or their daus-hter. Norma F.:llH!n, to l-1r. J.arry l<:eith Ktnn'"'' ur Loa A ngel""· 1tun of ?lire I• n rot h y Cf.Ill, Cu.ta ).Je~a. A J une v.·l'd<.Jing 1a pl1<nnr.1 by the young freople lioro v.•e1 .. t;r"a<l· uatf'd rron1 :-;-... ..., J>< r t Har t~ir r "n1•11• lltgh Selu-1<oJ and "'" """ 11.lt•·n.1 lr.g-tht Blb!e ln•tl!ut., uf 1..:ii A ngt!le-~. Harbor Rest Memo riai l Pai rk "AuJtol•urn-Jnt .. rn1,.ut t..llrflo·n•. c .. ,, .... t .. r } lt•rh<ir al 1,1,.J.-r bla . ?<lo .. Khnol All tormer ''!lua· , .... a re lnvi.ed H.etruhn1enta v.'111 be eerved. fi'or ~•Uon.1 telepbon• MN. Jac k Boettnar •t Kl: t .OTST or ¥n.. Ea.terbf'Ook at Kl J.Wt . Autumn 0nme to the MRJiterran lllllll Se ilin9 Sept. 7th eboerd tho C ARONIA 43 Days 17 Ports O\·~r 13,000 milee Sfl75.00 up Corona del Mar Travel Service C~r,;uH 1-/y,'y at O rc h id !'hon..-H arbo:1r 124.6 \l ut1111.I Th,.•!r,. Tlci<.el • For the Di ~crimin at inq a double fe ature by THE CALYPSO p,\H.TY .1t 11a1b"a Ha y ( 'luh pleasant rit·~. Stanlhng, ! ! 11 • r \ J ,. ... I ·an1"'' •n BoslYo'ic k , J 1u·k l'aril('n ter ,.f Colr•ra d11 :-.1·.1 t •"! Terry Boris Pho to f,.und thl.8 nf North Lt and 1irH. g r oup exchanging J-l ol!ywood, Geneva Jack L'R.rpt•nter.- MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, w omen·, E<Lto< 1 W ill Prese nt NIA GA R A •T ill-_ l'.t :J .. \\.J,1, 1'll ,\JJ: 1-111· ·1·11~ !\11\11-: PAGE 2. PART 1 -NEWPO RT HA RBOR NEWS.PRESS Pl ay Su nday "THE SADLER "·t~LL'S Ballet-flah ~ Ect Stinks!" Bay s ballet m u ter K o lenkov (J ack Nelso n I , w hose p rize student. Essie ! J__.cslie Gustafson I has j ust managed to stand o n her t Ot:'s after fi\'C years practic(>, to Grttndpa Vande rhof (Sidney ~1 orris I . Scene is fro m "Yo u Can·t Take it With You ." t i) ~ produced b y Harbor Pltt.yers Feb. 10, 11 , 16. 17 , 18 a t OCC Chapel ThC"atr!'. Lido Couple Hom e from East Coast "W• _.,,, Ohri11tma11 dl!«lratlona all lhe way fron1 ~1a1 ne to Tuc- aon, Ari.I." said Gent! ROllll, re- canUy return~ r r o m • three month. tour of the e1u1t coa11t. )(r. and J,fra. Rost, i ll Via Lido Soud. Jen h ert Oct. I. took de· livery of a n-car In Detroit. TheJ vi•lt~l their dltURhltr Bel- •Y and h er huab•nd. the Philip McCormick• In Detroit. thtn WMl.t on to A mhr-r11t. 1'1 111111. t o -lhtlr elder daurhter P'°g 11nd her h,Wlban<I, nr. J oh n Roberta. atom.le ruearch .c!entL1t 11t tht thll:,.eralty of 1'11tuachu11ett11. IQ New York thf')' took Ln ··,.u tNt OAll" of the ahuv••. "''en\ ,111 down to Jrlorld11 11nd ttltn c"n1e bome. ThE"y found 1utumn colors all •Cf'09.G the ~ountry. t V'l!n to the eottonwood a t Pl.Im Spr lnl{a, now ln wtnter yellow11. Lions Root for Pirates I WA~ nn of !ht Newport Harbor Lion" Club. n1eet!n1: at Orange Coast College Br u c t Marlin, preahlf'nt. n!)E'netl th t aeulon and turnl!d the progr11 m over to Dr. Basil H. Pelt!r.11on. preald .. n! of the colleg-<" •nd a Li- ons p1111t-pre11ldtnl. Ron Armalrong. C(UUt r olltgt StudE"nl Body preaident. el!t.,nd· eol 11 "·r!n•me: Stu lnn111n. b11~· ketb11.ll roach, g11ve a pre•·if'..,. o ! t he cn111111i;: g11 ml! "'Ith SA n \a Ana l'nlleg ... lh'° ~llegE" A 1'1p- r-1Ja Choir undf'r tht! dlrf'cllon n f Hn1-<·11rr1 l<:ay pre11enle1! 20 n11n · Ulf'll Of fllUS!C F'ollo"'·•ni.: !h(' dlnn,.r 11nd gr11111 the L1on11 1111 a grnup lt!ndM the OCC·S•nla An11. ketbAlt g11.mt the P lr11te1. And rnoleri h1rd fn r 1 Fashi o n Sho \v Brunch Plans of On1icro n Rho Omlcrnn R.11 0 r haptPr, 8 et 11 S1i;r11a /'h•. •)U\Jir,,.,j plan ~ for Ill! ~·on .. ng ben•fll brur1<:h -Ja..ihllln FRIDA Y, JANUA RY 27, 1956 ·111 ... ,,., r·, ""'~• , ., .. SEALARKING Ry GL'<N\' (~1RS. ED"'ARD LE.5TER ) SMITH ... r ,1""1 .. ,•J.1•1 "\ , ... . .i llKl'•I 1\1 ·~ .U• I' "' ~ ... ,,I H\' LlL u .. · ~an•·!""'' '1 in .. 111111." I• l11n.1 l '••lll!l•ll!1l') ,\Ir•!•··<!"! ! ·11ur. h J' •• t .. "O.: •111 ,., 1 ... , I•' 1'111• l,o-<lnRr·I !111 1. r ~•·· Th,. ' .... + Hl• lll'i<•ll \'1>111 1 < • t Iii• • h•ll• h "J h•· I'' ••1' '""' '-'oil • ·•11• lu·!" " ABOARD T\'PEE: Buued about the Bay pic k ing up 1''""·"'····k :-.111.1 .• ·, "\•·r.111i; "· d h I d II k d f ~1' n ~t u Iv tn 11 .. l•·• >o l ··hu•<h It ,. e The Thermo .. Cyclo Pod \ ' ,,. " . ' , ' ,, .. ' . ' Healtl1 Studios 1'1(1 ~1 <1111 :'t J] 11 ), I tl;'r)7 ii. .. ,w when men1bi=r & rncl at Lhe hl•r»r 1lf 1-lr• :\'11& :-.:11&011. 2-1 1 ~: 1.'.lth !'It <~o~t• 1'1 <'1'11 Th,. 1df11or u ew 11 ... an t <'re was p enly . , an a in 8 o Jt ... w•ll 1, .. prt• ,.,1,..1 '" 11 11 :io r, .. Orange Co unty Council Boy Scnut V. I J.>.'s holding th('ir tr .. ~J,1n11nt p• rt•>-1 .art ,. e .. ·rlnrk ·-=============================~ annual dinner \Vednesday 11.t thC" Balboa !Jay C lub . . 600 111 r .. 11111tl hyn1n ~1ni;; It !.• ,,.,. .... • will b .. heh! ~· .. ti 7 Ill • :'\',.wp.-,rt !n all, ... ·1th n1 1ny turned av.·1y ~nl!th or 1 ...,~ Ang.-Je" fl··rt Sht·l - Hfl.rbor Y11 rhl C.'luh. l 1 11 rn I fur Jack "f ~pace . · The ler~!flc rlon of 8,.verly H ill~· :-:.-1 ... nn ~: 'rhe n\a•·llng Wl.11 &IM> 11 bo o C1Jypau f'11.rty ii.\ lh" ~y Clu.b 1 Jfln f'l! llOrl ("' .. ,.lrir K.-hri" A.11 I "]•en lo lh,. putillc Tl1~ r11.1t lnr lud1•11 ll rn r y Ferry n ... ·r11l •·r J">1n1r··· 1: .. nn .. 1 ,\! ' ~ I,; t.,, \I ,r! Ii ! ·,. '" J.'J. ·· • 1 v•;y11i:-" ,.v .. nl r r S ,hll [,.,.,.,.,, F n,\11y night . The l'luh.lren~ ... .,., .. 11~,1 ,.8 1 1 h I I . c ,. .... ''· ~ ar .. JU.• Wii l -,\I"'" (;,,"1 :-: ... ,,fl • .. ·d\ \I t·~ w Q 111 l'll V1'ljil; 11h nrty fnr Jar11n llun1a ~nciety. :.;~v.·por·t h11ptPr, In,:: t'l hf' in<JVf'rt intu f rir lh•· l•h'k :-;-•. ,,.,. 'I1ll•lk l>!H,!'.n l-lh<~T ,., $h,. Wllll prf'11 .. n!•.,1 With I. r .. ln-ll.llnQunr 1ng the 8UClllallful re1ulla Rl"h•,•I< '''"'"' 7 .. ,,,,., ... ,, • , •" • • " '"•h•Vf', " "t1 \.q11 ).1ari:11rrl rn11t 111 kt•·plnl( with The th,.mt Uf lh•tr Deb Ball . the Or11.ngf' th" Jlly R~ .. llf'nlt')'"r~ 1 BK<'~. HA \", F r,.,.1,,.ll. lo!Jdllnu• A~hl 111 ·"h"' th~ hr>11te11!< ah""''•··1 n1env art ob -(•ounty l'h1lha rn1on1r Ru<:ltty l whll• M••k• , .. ,1 C)w•" 1.,,,,, " .. '"" ~,·,,1u .. !l•·h. )u1 1ni.:1•1 lol11.t·•1ur JeCI,. which •ht! ~,,iJl!<ted durinjl; Vlll.ll 111 n11: their \"1<le11t1nl! Ball for ••·h" ''"· .. ,,w , .... 11 .. , , .... Li,'ll• 1,.· I" ., .. .. ~" ,. ... , A'hi,Jt<. l!arh.<r11 ll ~q.,.., ll1•111k" her lhrel! y<"&!A in lhll C<H Lntry n«xl F rl<lly nlji:ht un.! bu•y Udo IA.tlrl, 11r ,. 10.,kin~ m"dlv !nr 111,.,r t!llllt.;hler o! th.-ll<>ul!e ,,f A ~hl·!" l'rt~Pn\ ,..,., .. ~\ro"" :-;-.,rman l1lo1nd .. r11 g et\lnjt' r .. 1111y f ur their tlream hnmc, where, !h'"v o!nnt Hn oJ 0;,.l\ri:,. 11 ,.,, •. r r.,1,., \''",. CMtelll.tl, U!11e A"if', Hobert Hen· Hobo H"P \.\"hlch lllkl'R pl.are l~-118 yet knuv.•. der1<>11. ~ 1' \V1c k .. r, 11 r... M e-m'lrro"'' night. j Queeney, ViYlliO H·~h11a11 J.u~1ll"1 Ol~ANGF. ('Ol.NTY l'hllhar-,-"'RR EnJ"MlhRROl!GllA;\' nf \\.'i11ni J)C•g r.ur!-;ts Snlllh, L-·w,., l '<lr .. tny lo'.ll l" 11.nd monlc O rcht!1 lra w ill hvl\J 11 c/\1l<J· ~e ... ·port '' "" a~py ab,,ul th•• Mr "n•! ~tr" l,..\V R'v~rti; nf l.h~ bu~lf'M ren ,.. conc .. rt tn111orrow at Or-VlHll IJf hrr ,Jau.:hTer J '·~· 1•hu1•· \\ 1•1111•• (.,.,,,..,la llr•• .. ,,., .. , ·''' A. L. Aux iliary to Aid Vets in Poppy Making Hr111p!t1tl party 11nd pnrrY ""lea lnter .. 1\ed n1Pmb .. r8 Q! the Anoeri- can Legion Auxllu1ry Unn 291 . ll'f'Cl llll( Jot11 23. Ill the A111,,ric>1.11 Legion f'luh/\0111e. with M r~. Jtu- bert J llrlgi;" prt·~l'lilll':"· llchab1til1lalion c/\11.irn1an. ~t ra_ Ralph Bonli1 repor\,.J on lh,. par- ty hf'ld each 1nonth for vPler1.Z11 rron1 1..nno: 1Jei11 h V. A 11<.»!fHlal. Jn J ,.nuary ~~ V<'t .. r11n1 weit• en- l<'rta1nf'ol l>l r,,_ G1lb"rt Optl "nil l>l rM K-'nnelh N J ohnaon ... ·ere 1n cherire Poppy • h11iriru1n, 1-lr" Atlnen :\'~I . r .. purlP<I th"t \hf' P<,1ppy rro<luc\lnn prn1tn1111 h1111 "tarted 11\ !hi' V A Ho,.p1tal. Apprnxl- matel~· threo· 11,.,oth" will be rf'- qulre1! In r nmpl,.te thr prrl<inctlon prn1tra111 1·1111 291 "''ill 8!1.•11tl dur- IO J;' th" "ntite llmr 1l>l r,.. Dnnh ll fio<k·\\t'.•I v.l1u ha... • " llllkf' Cn1<.11l (•ullPi:-e Au1htur1um .. ju!lt arnvf'd t roni 11 .. r '·'""" 111 11n ! ~It • Fr,.,.I I I J ••Vn,.r. 111·1 1n•11 a1uJ 11.llh .. u!j;h ll 1,.. 8'.hr-11uled f t•r \\'lllahlrf', Eni;lanJ (ur " 111.., SI T iu• !--i"•llz·~ /,.,, •. i, ... 11 .1t 10 JO a. rn. yuu h•d better bring monUui· •tay 1-<·ith hrr rn<J lb,.r . . t<'n~lln,.;: th,. rA< "" nt R11n!'I AnHJ• )uur rhildren early 1r yuu pl11n t u noeedle.• 10 MY Jo.•t'l)h!n,..11 h tuo- 1 .\I r• 8"·11rti; 111 a r<l11...-1n "' ~li (&(1"nr1 f••r huadtPct. plan lo come ba nd. Capt D unal H.•1ck -\\'P8l ut J ••)llf't , e\"f'n fro111 a..• fa r RB the Loll Cl11pptnhAn1, \\'ilt.•hlrt', l ~ nol tuo 1 ---------------Ang,.l"a are11 Pe[i:'. I M r~ C11rJ) ... 1 h 11 _ . happy Ru.l-U Ill 1-< e ~ 1th•,-.ncr ..,. hi;>...-well 11 two g randaui.;hter11. De-but !M.hevtll in ehann;; her arre.--CAL EN DAR borah 11nrt Olane lllrkr-y nf \\'es!-tioru with her mothE"r .·. tiov.- woo•h1 w!Mll mo,!nr d~wn0wklth lht lr evtlr he hopea the all!: nionth., v.·lll OF "'"! er 1·11 11ne "' a: "'Y . . n i L ldn 11 r l.~ pl11nnln;: t o f•dlow the y. I baton a rt M,.Unda /lo1 g, Sht!llel MONA ANn MORRIF: 8mllh"11 ---------------~~~~=;~z. J ;10~1~g S ~~l~·~nN•:~ ~°:1~.~~ p~~~~y w::r:r~u:::~g ~~~~ f Jan. !l suale Snlllb.,: cr11a ... It '-''"-~ good to have Hoa~ Aux. -JO a . m ~I An- J immy Co of ""Sk)·larkin,·' drP,. .. ,. !..:i1111ge 1-lRS. ALYNE F'TJtl..OS ontl of pp ' · -." , · fame among t ht R:U .. ~t11 11ad \\. 8, C 8 t A NASTA p"rty Newport's rno"l 1:r11~lnu,.. h<1.•le,..11· Krl!At r un l<l hR\'" hlni j<Jl n our 8 p. m. l.xarborn llRll. es, w1U enlt<rla ln 11 t lhe cockt1tll J otln Burroui:h,.. Junior lhgtl l 1-IALU<JA A."\•;L!:"I: •luh 1111 hour F""l!b .. 1 11.rter w hlrh her Schno;l 110n1t rJ. H 111 11 LA llLhlll.Jl n11AI <l1nne.r, • 'lu< k. 1·ounl rv Cluh gUe•l.Jo Wiil Join her fnr r1lnnPr I frorl) which an n1any N"'""/111rter11 J an, 29 11.nd r\anc!nr.:; al the il11.y Club f/J r ttie ~neflt Valentine ball v.•hl('h werP Krti..nr\uated' 11.mnnl{ lh~ Yfll .Tll t ·~~:\'TEH IJ)"'n hnu.'le ta being •if.,n.11ored by ttlt Ornni;;e alun1nl al the cork lall p11rt)·. lo 12·."I pm Firth A-I t!~ A\· .. ~ •.\Jd1tlon were, Vall"rie .•Mr11. Jo.hn' P1':T r R,...... .. ,,.,.,,., .. I _,·,,,, County Phll harmonlc Soc I tty '' • r. -A- heard th11t her B11 y Shore!'! Ll11.rk . Adt!n" •M r11 ~rank1 I h1l-7 30 pn1. :'\'cv.•porl C:lrl JO;rnut homl! wHI be lavlah w ith \'"len· np .... J t an ~ ~!ra. H"b) lotan~:u1 . Hnu.'le line" h1..11hioned of ,011.._8, v.·ltn (~11vin H erbert and your.-. truly .la ii. 311 "''rl•t t'"OTA .. ge.\ or Garnet ro~('.• llnr1 "Jl'OUS<! T O ASTl>!ISTR•:ss for the femn1e i:ue•Ltt . Invited AL11-I OUGJ-f B1J1 and Tuby l-fo~pl!al1 ty llouae EVENTS pm Lo al.\~ •f"• M m.., and MeMf'fl. \\'il=x wU.l 9'1ll Vaaadena their .Jan. 91 John C. Abel!, C H Shelhy of winter h<>nle """l falf. (olue Lu \\' T . This is the QUICK-DRY ENAMEL ... it will pay you to use Weatherproof N A -M O ·LA C in bright colors v.·ith the brilliant g lo~s. \\'r Gi\t' &: l<.i·d t"'t'lll ('ronn Slan1 pi. Come in and let "Roy Updi~e " help You Solve Your Painting Problem~. Mr1. J~"c1·bert. 'Iboinp.su.u. c.ap- 111\n nf !he rttu11.l tl'am, llllltE"r1 !h111 11nyonf' rntrrt'11ted in j'>ln;ni: 01~ tr-11 m 1.• "''"if'nm" :'>!r'J (ll1vf' Gruhb<'r. ~10 Vivian !,J\OP. C'o1tta ~'"""· l-<'11..• Wf'lrom"r1 int" the AuK1 li 11 ry D11J111 .... Tf'1<11 ~. II R R ini:;. Ertg11 r commuting pr<Jblem~ for To by\ C U Jn11t1l11l t l<I R. Hill, .Jo,.eph \\' Hond. J . Hel· lhl'y w ill contlnu"' tn v.·eek-f'nfl Chri•t Churrh b~~ll~"~s~··~·~.,,~~~~iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiii lnn of Hnllyv.·""'1 11nd Jt,t r.'I. Roy •nrl aumm•r Ill New-purl !n lhPlr I 'I='°"='" . ---D. Uot.'ltord BHC Bp.Art menl 11nd exr .. ct "t ~~nlln ... •l ni:- mPnl.• v:rr~ II J nynrr !hr fl11.'e\!ng t<'frrsh- ~.-r,-,.,1 ny lo!r.• Fred Saint Joachim Boar d Plans Mothers' Meet Al!IO f'nnc .. Nickol ..... Toum11n-... ome rutun! rlatf' lo bullrt \hPlf YOUR off or Bt!verly JIJJb, M i~ .. El.!ue dreRn1 horn .. nn th<'1r Z11nch L'ir- VRndl!nnllJ,.r of l)alhu. thr L. G cl" proptrty on t .lr!o !"Ir :'\cl11on11 anrl Me.1111ra. LA:11ler C OEST \VISHES tQ f'Rl Br1rhllll1 !~~'~ -1 BA LTZ MORTUARIES CO~TA MESA CHA PEL 1741 SUJttitlor Avenue Co11ta ~l e••. P bone L lb41rty Calif. 8-2121 CllAPltL BY Tl'lE SEA 3.520 E. Coast 81\'d. Coron& del 1-lar, CaJ lf. Phone li1.rbor 42 \\'ltOl'OlfT IKOX SOFA tlREl' TWE.t:D . School hoard membtr11 of St . Joac him P"rl11b School w ' r '" 1 ~~;~~~~;~;~~~~~;:::::::;;:::;;;;:====;::====1 luncheon IUl!BIA \-\l~lne11day at th~ hnm11 cf ?.f r11 Robert '''h!te. 437 Bro.rlw11y. Co•ta t.1eaa ·P Nl!p- nrallon v.·1111 ma ll e for niertln1r or the Jt,to lhtr11 Club, to he held In tht! ac hool h,.11 Jan 27 111 l :30 \\'KOt:OHT IHOS LO l 'SnF. ('llA IR \\'ITJI OTrOMA:"li. -2 r1r:e t;s M:Al'LE 62" IU)t .,D UROI' l.EAt" t:XTt:X~IO:-;' IH:\'l;\'ll TAIJI.£ \\"ITll ' C'HArns I'· m . I Prev\0111 boanl lunchPon11 have 1 hMin held al th• hon1e11 of Mmta. \\'1 Jt~r Mlll,r. 276 Bro•dway 11nd Victor Btrry, 4!9 Sierra Vi11I• f.:•rh membE'r ronlributl!a price of lhl! luncheon w hich got• to 1 fun\J whic h. at tnrl ot. the achool y<"ar. l{<>e• fllr 11 1;ltt tn !he achoo!. ·Upholstery Draperies The 1-"inest Craftsn,anship MAl'J,t : l.>RO I' l.t:AF f:.'\'.Tt::\':-0:10 :'\" 'l.A IJl.J-'. \\'ITlt 2 LEA \"f:."\ .\-I CH1 f:HS IUHl"ll UKOI' Lt:A1·· 111:'\"J.'\'li TAHLt: \\'lt01·1,HT IRU:'\. E XTt:~l"IO:'\" \\'ITll .f C HAIRS "fA Hl,J-: !'oi.l.\-IMOSJ-1 Ut'.El'Rl':s T S l'Rl:S t• I: »ATTlt t :s!ol s t:T. T\\"1:00.. ()IL, 1c1 "I.I, .O.IZt: \ISC'O!'O t: RHl)Anr.ooM c·ARl't:T l'LAt:'\• ()ff T\\E t:l.>S. l'AUbl~i) I: l.AHOR LA'\'l:SU "'Al.I, TO \\'Al.I. .'\CtHflt: 101 1 r·1·. FT. Rf:f'RIOf:RA TOR .r r:T or:•~nosT Meny other items offe< Big l:SC'l.I UJSO .... Saivings ) 79.95 79.95 139.95 84.95 59.95 59.95 69.9t) •·o 7.95 m . .s Bruderlins Home From Mexico Trip DID YOU KNOW P lus F a brics a l ClosC'·Out P rices J-.:n ables U8 to Give Y o ur Old F'umiture Thnt NEW LOOK at A s t ounding Prices Du ring the "off season" CALL US DA Y OR N IC;J.JT l~lbcrty ,q.85 J8 Mr. and M M!'. H enry Br11derlln, If you con play a radio you ca11 drive a '56 Chrysler or Plymouth ? Yau just pust a but- ton -and GO! tOl North Bay F ront, ha1·c ju!t , retumPd frn111 " t rip t•• ~f rx.< •I I City, l'llxrn. l-l f'rn1""A And Ar• "I pul<·o. enJoyf'd thP 1<11JlfJ.th1ng an•! I 1wlmm.l.ns. roipo rt a v.'o'lde• fu l •I lime. Mr11. Qrrlnirl" M11n.~11r •I , 1 BalbnA Pf'nln~n!11 . ~t•y'°d w ith h•r fnur rranMh1ldl'"<"ft 1n II'!'" n•''" 1 'l l,()l " RJo~t'.U. 1!00 \\ r • .... 1 H"'7.-W ,._,,. llnsdE"rlLn home durlni 1bHn1 r uf I'~~§§§§§~§§~~§§ th• p&ttll IA. I c; • For &1t.male11 01 ,.nP vf n;1r .1...-,,ral .. 111 wlll • Aii w1!h 11amplr~ at your r .. qu•at Hwy. (Ma.rt~r's MUr) Nrwport. lkarh ' f l 1 ' -~ -----------------~~---- ' . - I NEWPORT HARIOR NEW>l'RESS -PART I • PA6E J ' • JAi.JEN GREEN, daught~r of r-.1n1. Lenora GrN•n , 31:! Di1&.mond Ave., a ~nior 11.t Newpvrt liarbor ll1g h School, waa c hos.:-n "Zont11. Gi rl o f the Month" f·•r J;tnuary a nd rCC"lVf'd hrr "Z" pin frn1n Mr11 Arl hur 'f h ronson. l'..onta committf"e m('mbE'r, J11.11t wt•"k R~:1<1del'1 bt-111 ~ 11ery a1.:t1 ve 10 the F rench ("lu b RJl(I Tau !{au KaJ'pR l t ,,a c h e r 's club) Jalie n ean1ed h1·r lf't t1·r 11.nd w e &r:<i tht· s w un man a~er emblem nr I ti" t ; A A., ha111 n~ liUCrf-SSfully ma naged the Aqua· 1 ad" la.'it N,1\'!'n1ber at t he h1J::h school. city library in Horact> Enflign School WIUI celebrated with an open house. Left t o right are Superintendent Roy Andersen: t..1rs. Robert Olander, Harbor View P-TA pro1u- dent : Mrs. M. C. Sheeley , city libraria.n ; the Honor- able Dora Hill ; Leon Ware and Mni. C. H. Harry, members ot the library boa.rd. Tea wu undi:r a:uper· vision ot 11.frs. J ohn Neff for the P ·TA Council - Sta.ff Photo llAfl ll \' c; J O!f."\SU:'.'\ J ll ~\rs.·11t' Stud11) Island Couple / Now at Ho 'l'H t:N & NO'vV LIWC Keys Meet to Anniversary :AT EL TORO BASE Ma rin e Wives O r ga ni ze Reel Cross Gray Ladi es Jo:.o.tabl11hment of the riret RPd I frotn 1 to 3 p. n1. fo r 0U1l'r """ i ,,,.._. Gr11.y Lallil':_,, ~cr\'ICl' 11t El tncn who .. r., 1ntereeled in Jto1n1u,,; ruru M•nnl' A 1r Stiot1on h11.s be-the gruup, Mr1. l'•ra.ur a1u1uun• .. .i t'lln11• •a r,.llllty with ll ;:roup o~ Any w umen w ho ""'l.O.h t v lll1'1• 23 l.l11.r1ne w J v l' I v ulunll!t:Mng par\ 111 th~ pn1g r1Un 1 r• ._,.k,.•I t" thf'lr 11t"rv1ce1 Cl)tlUi.Cl htr 11.t llt...-1 ("ru1111 h<'11l I Mr1. Pet 1-·ra.ier Southern Or -qu&rtera, 1104 \V. 8t h SL, s .. ,,1,.. &nge County Chapcer R e-0 Crou Ana . • Lad ies . or L ido . fo r H air a good Shaping try trim Barber Sh op l'hlld,.,.n'• Hair ('\1!tll1&" A. t>1••'"L..117 • ''t -32nd !oll. -('"'~!tu l'h•l OfHf'I') -~ .. wport. SM.c·h Everybody Reads The CL A S SI F I E D from Honey G r a y Loi d y c h 11 1 r n1 a n .,... h '-' o r g a n · ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;....;'-..;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;.;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "Throug h r.hf' Yea rs.'· Nt""''P<Jrt's 50th anni\'ersa ry, w <is lzf'd lhe wuml'n. u ld •ll or t.he Johnso n-'v\'agoner ~te s in Santa A na Chulh d . ·d Marine w1ve11 h"ve hacl previOUll thr· t hP rne o f ecorat1oni; featured at the luncheon · c~1 Gn•y J,ady .. x pe n+-nce at r h1irry I .pa rty by t he L ido l11le \Vnrnan·s Club Jan. 24 al the L1dll 1 Point , N c . and M111.m1, Fl"-. Clu bh ouse. Supervised bv ~fm cs. Robert Templeton and l Tiit w omen will w ork ll&eh day \. S I · h d ·~ """ hi h d b Id fro1n 8 a. m . to 4 p. m . in the ltll'l"!lt • & maci.a, l " lRi'""y wa.s -nig Lg te Y a go Out-Patient C\!nie 1n the d 1•pel'I· ''''"'I'"''" 11111.ri;-e lnri.~,, J'l 1&!1t<'r , ~tinia.tur,. teplJi·u nr 11..i tnniv· ... ry, ald!ntr nuraea In preparing I•·•• I ol,.•I ""'I\!'! l(''lld rlbl,.•!1 "Ill\ H bllf'll or th~""'""' r ,.rivdll l'!•n lFl\ll l· Mlir!nP. depent!enLI fo r doctnrl h"m <· ,,1 _,17 A*na A \'e afto·r honty· 1·1""' I'·'~"" t.ot ll .. wr11pfk•! 1n i: .. 1.i 1 ... 1 "Ith ,. "''"'1,.rn ""l<l"I alq'lllne helping tn com pleUn1t appl1ca-1 I lloo11. compU!ng record.I and othttr l,"rb,,,_, _,,,,1 an F ranc1s,41 arc hlr (fu11 1,. ~1H•buh1.1i th .. :'10th 1tnn• . 1 • 1•1111.Y 1n !-ian\.1 ~.. . . . . J>llt:l'(t'.:'li"I' l)i\ ,. Jur h d u llea. M r1. Fri.UT aa.hi. MARIO S HAIR SET 11111011 1ng H l~d ;\1 ri;. b ll\ the H"·"·11 I' 11•" •to1 '·~ JI t • / t J /h•• sa id t ht•1 r ,.,,....,.,. J ·1n •· ·-·•1l 1h""'e (;r"y Ladle• wlll ll1ao villt with 1r1\ ' • 1111\.."''ll · r -, . • · I .\HI.\ ... C'F.:'li't: . .i I T u '1 Pn1on11tr11t~ ltnpr•"·"nH•nla Hl Milrtne• 111 the ward•. bnng · f 1 r ~t ~lf'l h1id1st ('h11rc·tv~f Santa Ana 1 he J{t•\' 1n f'OnatrucUun t hrough the ye•r• I-,. 1 I•.,\,.} i•hut r.g r llphll <l• 111 , l,...l ln11: reading n1 a ter1als, org11.11 lzlng • p. J •t '" "'""-nun luv "\rn b ,1 ,,. ' , << •••d M -·•" .II "II ,.,1,. 1 .,. 1y,~• 1:1rl ,.n.1 M"r•Jo,, II•'\•·• ' 1 f -• 1 Wl'I•· n1"'1"'I'" "' l.uln hnn1 .. 11 nw nl'f'I it•m H , a lrtl nl[ ln le tter writing ,,1,, lJl'srer "'•1•· "tn'· 1arf1•t"'.'~"'I •l 11,, .... 11 \lo ll.I •n~•>n•"l"'"tl }' • '" '-""r "• Lonn • 11nd holdtnK ,. wPekly wa rt! per.rty • h .. IH!•h· ••·~ r.,,.,, .. , l•dlv •;rk• ,.,.1,,,1, 1,,J\o:,e !<;urne,,rth•·'"h· 11nt1 ,\!rs\\" r; KneR"' or Hkh ll .,...,., announcPd , RPrular 117.00 "'11" ... Sp~ial SPECIAL $12.50 Complete ''° _ Permanent Wave Alnhil \\'111'"'""! ''·•"I•,.,"' ''' j E<n••r r 7.11 1•I• ,,.,,,.,, ,.. h .... r , Rr<l a 1,,.10 .\.!a rkf't 11n 1l ur llr ... g M ••-~--•• w•• --"•<•·' ,_ 1-,.I " · J•••t" ••·r .. ,, l11rr1b<'• rlP!u·er y ""rl;-· r •--_.,, " " uan 11n,1 ~"'""1 1 J \l"1t" ""~ :-,.""l"-'lt 11,.,.,h fu e equq>nv·nt "' tlo9p1tsl u•h"r P h n t n ! r & p h1 were prov1rtoed llA \\AllA' nt.t Ill( "'~"It'll '"'" lf>I!\ Pllrly pH-1"'".!I t hroug h th" f'OU rteey o f the N'PW· •·I 111'' ~l loln•·r• ,\lol" •·11rly "ll ex -p.;ort lhllho':<ll ~!lvlnl:S an<l Lioan . STYUliT & BEVERL E Y MA RIO H....,. 6104 Mn•I .\1 1" Vo~nk I' I ~" , A ri:• Rr"1 tho' lu •ol• i:'" '"' "''" ur ,\Ir anr\ .\I t ~ tl,01 1 '"'11 ol l\11lt.o ·' J..,.,,,rl .ind J-I II•< l•('(o I On·h1d1 en.t j,, r",. n" r 1· from \•l••rlll"'" "' '''""' !r•••n Ba lt.<111 ll11y p A l'alni••r Inc . !he NPwport 1111 .... •11-ll <lecor;itf'-'d bo •!h 111 .. <h11r1 h :tn· park 1n.: 1>r"hl•·111 10 llttll "'th HParh City Hllll a n<! 1111 ,,1'1 Olm· anrt Jlaw11 1l11n C!uh 1:111•!•·"~ "''h<'re 11 .. 1,e<ltawn ""''l"I:""· a n .;l<l11 t•11 •· lile•HI, <'h a irm ll n or Newport mation ol t he irroup at lht-IJVI" by Barney F'rP~born, Rl"d C roM I field 1.llrector at lhe atAuon. I A n or 1rnta\1on 11rut lll\'&h111.Uon 34 07 E. Co&8'l Hwy, Corona det Mar prog nun 1 ~ erhNlul"rl_f_o_' F_•" __ '_'--,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,,------,,------,--,,._--,--,--,--,--,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,,,,,,,--,; c'\1111.1. 1.c1 \\' 1\t.lllv "'·•• ' ... ,rt ii '" 1.. i.:1w11\" nrr"''"I t"l'' 11 111 11."" \\·, .. 1 "' lln lhn11 In l""i; ~11'1 "" Ph""'" Jleach'll :0.0th 11,,111.,.,.,...,ry. ModPll !I I 1<•1"'n, • l '"II .. I .Jo. "' •Jing ni u" 1 ,. 111••!11.Je,1 !n••'I •'"I "f l 1do l.•lo' l\•~1 l!i lll ..... ,.,., prov1\led by !J do Toylsnt1 <lipprd ('l.'<1111111 1... !111\\11>11u1 ~""!:" ,\1 1!"· '" ·1·ll•m An<! 11 S llnlll Ana i hop tul!p. The bodro" w:•~ l,,.,i: Sturl,.\' Al"''ltlf' prr.'<{'nl"il J::'l "'·"'·• 1 ~t r• ThonllllJ L,.ootto. LlWC pre•· with petal n("t kl1n.. ""' Wllh flow1ir Je111 I Book I n st it u te irlenl. c•1nd11r\t'rl "' br\f'r hu11n,111 '•1·01~h ~ a,·,~~iln, •,,,,,"',',",'.Yn•.','~'" ,•:f,,,', ",,',· \\' Fr,r h"r <111 •1gh1 ,., • n 11p• '"I• .\111 • J> s ( ( m l'""t ini;: rc,IJow ing 1 he 1 nricheon . "" '"• ' .-. n lll(<>l1•'l \\'o H'" ll fl ,,rf ~hP'l •!"1 at "ea c 100 whl<h Wllll attended by 140 mem - frOnt of !hi' 1ik1rt. ·r i. •Vt'lliktrt -"''""'" nf nn'hnl ""! "ft h ttln' k '" Wlllll o r C h11ntllly. 11 "r11 lloped .;""""t ie,. 11 n•I an nro·h1d 1-'1 erljt'r!I ap11 r k l!ng-\•"Ith 11nn~. e nt1 Thf' nl'\\' ~tr~ Jnhn.•nn •\"Al' c rn•t· r11 1i1ng ln f,ild.• I•• rRlhl'dt Pl l u11l<'d rron1 ~11 nl 11 "'"" ('nl!,.,,~ nnd l r111n A 11.hnr[ '"ii hnd11I •llu-11!l1'fl•\{'d l'1111 •·1·1ty .,f (',.l1r .. 1n1.t llun • rro"n of w!1Pre ,1 he ""''I.• 111r111s t•·d "'•lh f:;1g- ' llr· .ii ~ XI Al!lhu Shl' h11.11 b{'• n • wh>f'h ""'•" l 'ny,•er" mo.-1r! a nd prnf1i."1Jor•nlll a n nrrh1rl dancer in Cl"•lar R11p1d11 "-fl<! 1n ~f n1. ~:lrn<'r (' '111. nu\(r<1n or lfllw11 i1 H"r ll t1~hl'l n•I .. r-•·•l"• 11t h onnt. "'""'" rn• n;.ol•111 tulle. off I l''t 111 San F r .. nr1~ro Pol~·1 ~•·l..,lll. 11hnuld1ir 11n1J w bnuff11 nt 11k lrt, anrl San J.'r/ln(:ISCO l':ng1n1iPnn1t a nof an orrh1d ~and11 Alwln,, Q Cnll"&""· -~ ---= ~~ -11 D YOU KNOW '!'1 ~•r• is a remarkable article on ! !1 h1ir11 and ,1{1Je11t11 CARD Pl.A\' lllPn1b~1 11 an· ~(:ht»lU){'fl tfl llll"n<\ 11 T h., pr.,.,grP1 n1 of rJtnl11 "''1111 11.11 · h ••k ,.,..,,..,.. 1n•!•l11!f' in th,. f'l'r\'lll..,I hy ~1 1ne11 M11 run Lock · hhr .. 11 ,,f ~~,,.r,.t t A H"" 11ch•"'I n .. y •n<1 J11.rk s .... ·11.r t J11r, 31 ~~,.,H,.1~ol "' lh,. .•f'11lll•'n A""'~long "''llh th., lul'lch;oon will 11<" prll"•'nl11 l1,.n• "f t"'""nt .,...,.,e ~1 n1e1t Ch>1 rle11. Lan1b. Ver· h1i;:h l\' '"''lllH!l•1'<i"d !1 hr"r~· IYl<lk.• nnn [.1t t\pjohn, J a l>l"l! M"rtlnda!P, for 1·!'111r1r"n F:.t1w11n1 Sn1ith, R11lph Holt1Pn •nrl !'11 nJ,: ,, '~'''"'I ,,f !echn1qu"" Matt Ob"r. "''hf'l llidM t he rl'J:Ul Ar pHrtlrqwu11• I' 111 111 1•-~11 tn" Un -h1nl"he<:1n t•nmn1ltteP. ~I m,.., f,..e p•irtanrr ,,f h•i;h ~,.J,,,·fl•oty in thl' R11 rne"1J. A F. H einz" and R. H rhn1<'P ••! h•~lk~ T h•· 11tl·d11.y prn· Kirhy. 1:r1•m "'ll r"·'t"'" lh,. II·"' nl cut -1-----------------J 0111,. fl11 1lll<'I l><lolr•I,. <hHn111[l l.lltlt111 T ""'' r1·1 "''~ 1 .. ,,<1,1 ,.,. .. ,.,.v IU)c1 oastmasters 1nlrt•·1'! [,, !h•' l<'\I<»• II• '<.qh •!11J 1'nrlrr th<' ~up•·r,·111 nn of Mr,. I h 1,' ·1 ~ : 1 • I• ' Ii· An!'•· lln.qp<'o" , 11rru·1ol11111 • '"'''l1 nAl <rr. i::•IJ '" ,,f 1•'!1< ll• '~ frPn• \"llT!fUlll ~·t'""I!< v.111 1»•1!1>·i p"1" on lhr •l1•!r' •lr.otlnn11. Al<n takln"° pllrl , in Get-together ~ge 16, of the January issue of ,. "SPEED AGE?" Get a copy and read it. It tells with FIGURES , what I 1 "•II 1., " !<!'""!' ,.( .•IH.t~nt ~ 1n· 11 1 cluo ni.: ~1 ,,,.,,.,.., ,\d~"'q· I.Ind,. U t1n To11.11tma1Jter·11 were ho11la \n l"P"''POTl Harbor and S 1i<11 I HPMr h Tn1111t ma11terll J11n. i~ 11 ! Hurbor Hull/IP Spf'1<ker11 wer to S11 n<;ly !".1 f'i nl'r, Ho b M rCllle,.ry, 8 "b Ncwl "n<l A 1 Cua.!tto . MC· ("lM'Ary """!lll th" cup fnr he1'1 ~f>P.Akllr nf thP r ven!ni;: DeWitt \\' n rce11tl'r "'''l.~ I o a ~ t tn " "t e r Twenty r1v1i rn l'mbr r11 "''l'I'<' pre· ~rn l been telling yau with WORDS!!! LOU REED & Associates C hrys ler ... Ply mouth . Imperial LlbertJ·.&-S-I X6 RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL · COMM~RCIA L NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL f311 -!It. N_,..t -ff......,. ZOSS l'''l 1 ~~~~~'~'~' ._,,~{~'.~: .. ::.'.·;~:.'~' ,.n:/~~=~'~ <11111 J lnn•·,.11 Final Sale --------·-------~ Beeutiful 124 DRESS ES Val ue s to $79 .95 7.9.': \VOO J. JF.P.SI!:)' Bl..O U~ES Now fl .9!(. s wt<:A l "EJ{S fn r only 1.35 l-IOf.;F.:, N nw L~A1'H i'.:I{ & \'F:l~VET HAND BAGS • Rr Sure to II('(" thC'f'I(' ·Dr a stic Ma rk -downs! • ~tor .. H11ur11 l t) f"I " m Ill 6 3'1 pm, • price 2.99 5.9R 3 pal"' 2.!19 Now 114~ SO. COAST BLVD. LAGUNA BEACH • '{ l)trfcct bomc :llBtbtlopmtnt) In tlw ,...._, ~ bniuty which Otlly 1 Qmp<M •fTt'M:Wt11'-t can o8°'1', )"tll•r H......a11UT home will ...&ct d uri"{I: ~ ,..,.,.,. k> .......e yoi.-inherml g,.,.1 l••~. Naw'-1: die can you fi,.d _,n -kl-I teft!J>K for r:he buiqo,ill '""" yw w•nt for yountlf and your lwnlly. Of courx. all 1 .... lty ._\:-1 *'P- pillg omi...-, ~ for .u •II"'"· churdw:o cl •Q <knoonlMrtoou -are clote.. But TISI: H .. u: Cowr .. 11v <e<"01niu:. th•I much more lo ~ t. a Ml 1lf4I thoin ~ <"onvention&i f.olitin. Far dul ,__,, rooll Ind ln t~C...tcJW EIT•na • l1r1e priv•I<' recreation •rea. H•le· ct"eSt f"lrt-<.'Olft~ with ~ Lii- i~ 1-p burb.11 polr~. pk"nk ir;rotrnd1, tomnU .nrl hand Mii oourt.l. •nd .....trnrnlng pool -•1110< the •acl.,,.h•• v'ea•ure of - _ .... Wwll 4' _,,_ ... ..-- 4-ACBE IECIEATIOI PAU FOi WIDE In IODOD ----.,,._ ... _ .. --- .. ....,.. --JIOlll -PVT _.. --r,.a1to.,., --.... 1--t-...... HALEc RE sT Campus !M tfAUlllUl COii• WI~ >i••-....... ~.,~ t •• ,.,. •·- 1..!M "-4• ... -Woll• I u,.,._1.1 • ..,_ Ll ••nt 1-1.,J •••a • • • DEFENDING FIVE GIVEN GATE BY SUNSET LEADERS AKAH&tM. l0CN8J -AJ. u.oup. detendiq buketb&ll champ. ol tM 8wuet ld. ..... the a.tlftl'Loel S.ctl ()llera ...... no matdl tor lhe All&- blllll buik.u.11 machine u lU7 ...... ~t.d, :11 -31, In =· AUIU-KD'Mtl..W ~--- Twry Tanpey hit n1011t ot Ju. abot. tor blP, 9COrll! wi tb 12 potnt-. Ke Buker wiu ..oond to Teny wt lh 11, .-h1ch ,.,.. II A \t • \l a l fOf "eone." .. h• doNp't mhOol much. The Ooloni.t. I~ UMlr u.ua.1 hu.Kle.. btJl 1till -... ny. 'Bc:;nor .pot tOI' lhe OUert wu held by lJ'orward Don Heard Wbo made lS pou1t.. 4 IN ROW ---. --- S ORS SEEK CAGE .UPSET OVER L UE LEADERS THERE TONIGHT ~lsts ,Lone 9ulnt in Hasn't SuffwH -Tb....,. -!fiiDoi!-y;..g,,. vantfY liUf.U.U!iice la gol~g, Coach e. Cage and hiai Newport Hubor High School Sailor. be lavored apinat the Anaheim. Colonista tonight becauae y ani playing on the rival floor. tty. ~ cu.tt .....,., Twf) 'f'ansneJ', T o o. 1' 1.-cb. 0t.rJ rr.ciertc11: ud ai........ P1J'nn. Tom J'r-1r. a.o.d Ed Ch&mbare are rootball.,. who spell the ca&:• Col.o.niet. OD. lh4 court. -n.e "hn 'Will J11(111Cly--..-WS:.t!t th• l(Voye "ho have been moet dP- pe.ncaiu., wtlh Oq• lnYlin.s af- ter lhelr cold t.how apin.t Or· anr-. a hot spell I.ti fortbcomtni . At cent1r, ln thl• caac, wUl hP ror torei hu the window Ult. un-t op doir. 8-ldea, °'• Co UU-:: :! I eot lhelr lump• coming" up l l tr.dd Le Pope, wtlh Paul Lorent.At:n ~ t.:n't reuooabk to auppo9'! they and ~rre M•btle. forward.I. •n•t •• wiU eK&pe unacethed w hile l•c-O•ry Green and O..v• Tamura •t the , Inc the Sellon tomorro ... · nlsht gi.iard•. IOQtl qul.n.tet ID lM ha..m'l been w,.et. uy, thay hav• Men th• oppoae.oll they u tocod. ~ who and Oranse TueWaiy . l! Ul•Y nab ·em both. kl.U. they are Jn. Sun•et Ltoerue var1lty 1tar'hl- CUrrmUy th• hotttat offt nllve lns• u ot today find Anahe"" team on the league I.I Orance. In i -0, Newport 3-1. 0Tan11e 3 -t . tlve outinp, the Panlhtr1 have Fl..i ll.-rton 2-2, Sant& Ana 2·.I. l'or Wtance, Jl'uu.rton claw9d ool JM point!. a lthough Hunun ton Beach l -3 and Ga nlru TOI'-droppln( two t ray•. They art ai.o , ir: ed lndlartl tell by on• The I the weakeet defen11ve f1Vfc :l;j8 Grvv., Jur tv Uj!..,l tomebod)' 1,. - Tan, willl Eddie Pope I T rbabes hla bMt pm• ot lhe --~".;g polnll havtnr been t•llle<l aiairat cause they a re 0-t . a tllmlllar tnoatment fl'Ol'tl the t lhml. r;;--~ ____ .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-, 60-M In anol.bv down-to-8tl'On(eJt defen..liT'e ('IUb ll An· ci:mlML · •helm . w1th 164 mar ken1 agamai Jim's Muffter Shop • 46-39 them. The Colon11ta hav,. t.!unke<I In Then Anaheim ticked Sa\ l.lbo'rty l'l-~ltt Ane o..roen Oro.• and ~·-Uri 201 potn~. In e&.ceh c .. e th'y h1tve • ~-· ,,. 'tl OI \\'. t 'o.,.t ...... ,. ton Bea.ch, and loop'a three 1 bettered the Tara ....:•ge • g-uva C W. taarna on the t otem pole Th }I.a ve acortod 19:1 point• to 177 fnr ~ .... po rt n.-..·b · , Sl1h1: Harbor :1 111-.I age In 1'ar1 took o:are of Santa A.na b/1" oppoattlon ll point& while giving their wnr.'ll Appa.renlly th .. tw•• b<.1\a th ... ~-::==============~ f ll&Kba "x.hlb1t1nn of thfl y ear 11n<I \Pa can flgu,.., O" io:1v!nl( ll1e111 ~.,,, .. nJ11T1.\llil··1:0'."<:""l'"'t lh.r ld!•!n"l atrain 1l 1,1n~•Jve11 11.Killf\•I \ n1oat lroubl" li>lll;:ht """'~,II ~ •• , lllKh S·h•,,J ·r1ut;.11.t_.,.., vull.-•1 th" Ar.:onllut.'I F1111 thf'y ..:.,t l l-•tt llrne at II p •11 on An11 GOING THAT GOAL GLEAM 'S IN HIS EYE! a,1 11 v 1n thr f1rr11I qu11.rter 1;r pllly cllUKht 1n 11. Je~r fre,.1.e ag·ll111"t ~' are l...eH.1,y Sl""""a •nr1 II', l.q.; .. Jn•t ltlr •>1 .. n.:,. hght ·;,e1j,;h'.'l l the .. ggr.,MliY<' U11u11i" /'11..nth••rJ M\y Flynn The wul"ll 1a the)' ·1 ti\' 'l>'lll f\r"lrir T'1J"ll<111 y art .. r-'T\1"Ml"I' "" th .. n h••mp r<>\!rt 11.n<1 •r"\ot ('olonrst" wh" '""n nr .. alt • 1111 FORMAL? "' Ag1le Dnvf" H1rlntt'k lllkes a lo"k foi r til~· the Santa Ana 0 011:;· 11t•tl1ng rl··f ,.n~·· (Jrant(" l '1•1tl'll l ·,,(I,·~~· 111 111 1.J 11! 1lit;J, ,q.:.1111,,1 w t111 h h11~ t)l•1·11 r ·1!1· ol INTRAMURAL TRIO DIVVY 66 MARKERS W lt.h three perlorm,.rs •cnr\nt; Jl polntA a ple< t , th" .,,.v,.nlh .:rad • H ualtle• w.-1~ .,1,J., \., r.-- m •IJJ undere11.te<:I tn H1trt>nr Bov~· I { 'lub Intra.mural b a.1'kethall 1 ..... 1 .:ut by • 66-~9 trlu111ph "v• r 'h• J•J>nther• Mun11a 1 j (,hn lluio:ht•. 11~1 l\ri1,,:;r11 .. 11 ·•n•I l ho k ButtC'r"W••Tth •!i~Vll'•I !II• ~II th .. ....:o r lnt; f•ir th,. H u.•kl•'" l'1•n th~r tt11!1tr11 ""~'" f{"I\ l'.liJtf<'l 11 16. Dfo.nn!11 1't f·~-llrl11n,\ 1'.. HH1t•h HMn•·.-Jt 12. fllulrl\ 1{1'rrv 1" nn•I R l•'h"r•I 11 .. rn11 .'I HORNETS BUZZ BY PESKY RIVERS IDE "" .. 11 ..... 1 !•" f, \ 1: " .,, " II ,, •!KV n1.:r11 1 ... 1 '"I .i. 'I'"' ldu·i: 1 '"} r · · . " ..... ··r >'fl•I f'h11·k ,;,, ... , 'I" II"' ,, I• l'"''·"J,.•I Ttw \'<('!·IV Jo· .. · J .. l'k+'ll! If\ ! 11" ~ .. , '' • r 11 ' ··•ti• " '• • .. ~··1> 1 ••• 11111.i hll·l•J ,,.,~, '"" l1i.u " 1 ... :-11 "fl,. r 11" ru•, t , " < " •• .. 1 f, lqp ;::11111.-.. """' ,., I !II' I''' f'"lllT • l !• I "111 ~ "' 'I• t 1'' halt ,;r,.•·1 •·11.•·I 1b• ... 1u. 2:1 point~. l!• ,1, tn., ~ .. •1111<1 h .. Jt. J··• r·r ·' I•· I .11\';1\ t1,.n11hr· hu"I' tt .. Hdv t"r r•·b0 •1111d 11.•,rk ~il.,lll·I I 1o11• 111 1"" 1~ !·:1. \'an 11111·11, r11u1·1 ug up ri.t 1)1,. ],.fl '1'!1• .\ll'i-;;1 l '1r;1!t·~ "''Vil it. 5'.!-·lfi. ~tillf l'hut11 HARBOR \)"~ Rll.I. l'HILLl l'S, Sports l-:d1t ur PAGE -4 • PA RT I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY , JANU AR Y 17. 1956 BRIAN LUCA S HITS FOR 36 POINTS IN . 8TH GRADE GO 1_.,, '• I'"' n\• I, J r rrv \l .. hn !fl ,, r,,. .. :., c:1Jh·, T M ri 1 ·l l!·"d f·.11r·tt1 ~1 r~11l 1! l'lr""f'"d ,.. ~&·i '> 1q1 • .it n .. ,.ia1n" up 'lght defen•" 1 '<.,.,~ .. r 1-"~I:"'" t r1un.1•ti, 111 )!1 Ubv101uh· th" r .. 1,,nJ11t• t1'"' FO,.he firit tun" 111 Sun8"l ' ••ch I 1·on1P\Jon, Ul., Ta1J' .. ut~t•n!I· A Olr• .. t1..,.ko•t t ... 11iq(" h) ,, d \J... 1·11tar.rr1 ~rllrk,...l tho:1 l'x·~i lad•' Pre1ident's Cup Up 1 ;~!,,°'""' :n~a:n r:~-;1,~~It~~~I11,11'1' "'" .. I i It ho .•l 1"'11"•1 !"'"! Jut1r1 W '' ,.-. · I Fo Gol..__.,_ · \l'ven ... a dnvln..: out..1Je 111an Jl•·tl•'ln 1 ,.k •\t't" f,,r !H .. rAr-r om•n TW°I JI r 1 ~ 11.•· "''""'' q1u1.1 1 .. r "'tth "'-'' 1•'" .. ti: .. -1·1"'"·"'"'' ''''' ''' '. !>htl•h 1•lt1y f••t the Pr"•"l"flt ' ~hr;!I '-'-1..· 'h•· ·"~n ·ku • '" '! '' ' ..... .,. ',.,' '"!<:~ , I>!" ,1 ,., ,.,1 ,1• ,, 1 ·'' 1,.,111 ,11 .. ::'J· / U/• !••r .,.,., .... n ., .. 11~1· I• •urr.-"t· r. ri.·· i.;iu ,, i. ,, •1.11 '",. 1 ~·' -I 11-un.1 .. ,.,..A) It! Jr\'"'" ,·,,1111,1 "' '"!111- l1 \•unt1y ("!uh Th .. r.., ,.·ill I.It" unr J•r liAt>t~.1ar11 o: 11•.; •:-.. ! ·~ ... ' r\!"!f: !nlllrh I\ w~rk u11ld the l<ulTJ>'!' ;.,..,)..,,.,"" 1 nn~.~· "I lh ~ ll·I• I •U "" l ., .'\""1"'1 "' 11·•• lllll j 111 .. nt !~ !1n111ht.J "II " ~, ... h"'\L .• n I ft'hll"" l "'''' •·I "·I t;>! I illj.; Ito/ It I'" r ',f !!i' "''" 1·nl1tj r rn 11.11 1 ll•11r~•t1n a •l•!etl ""'~h 111."k "r~ t<1 1111111 !hr Mtl· •·fHh n n 11 JZ r•ti;~ i;1un1: uun !h~ •'1 ril '.11\(H In th111 !<lllh11l . l'.&.Jtt-ferrl 1'•Jt lor· r, I lll:llll• ' .. 11, .• tin;:: 7 J• 11\11 l o .,.,,,! th•' 1 ..... 1. ~"'"'"' allPll•l rur 'ti .. \'WI flt\' l.uw o:ro1<1 f,.r thf: qu&lof\ '"l roun•I .... 11.-won br Mr,.. F:.t"·11rd Sunset c.1 __ dule 1.,,.,llh1U1, 'lub t h1<rJJp1 on, .,. 1lh ""I ~ 81. !>I r-". !toy ll•Jlbrr.1.: 11.n,1 !>Ir-" Ullu·r SunMtf'a~ut tlL'lkl'll.>1<ll ~·o~at N-J litd fo r low tl"l "Ith g""'"~ !onll(hl ty.1111 .. th~ !illnlll 71. The cup !JI donate,\ ra ih v•11r Ana S1unt.> •t 't .J•·n 1;1.,,,. lln·! b\' Club J•r,,11dent 1'urn H1•JJ•l.-r-ll"nl1ni,:t"n IJ,.11.t .it.I ~ 1>11"rt"n i;"n IJrll11ge dr,.11,·,. ,. 4 Re nt • Tux from Major's Shop Tux 1·11 ...... ..... ,,lo .. klouh,.th ·~ '1tl l llh "'. "•n!a <\na 11, .. " t ' .. ,,1111:' h t \ 1'1"'11111"• l\I llrnrcotln an•I P&lllrrrrl dtadlock· ,.,, t"r f1111n~ lilgh 11'.'l.lr•· honnr11 wnh \!) i'"'nl• <'>Hh J vhn i a rr'"! tht ·•·I~ f.11 7 f!•·l•l"r" 11n•! twn fr"~ 'h1' "'r "'hilt' Hl<'h ra<•k,.•! up •IX ;, ... 1~ .. 11,J fll'lf t;llt 1 •• ,, ... .,~. Ope• Bowling r .. , '''"'" r "~ •Ii l ii. -10\!lll,i: f<lrJJO"f· )(~n­ \\'hl!r .'l, P(l.!11r,rrl Ill r1 " ·"'l'~"n :' All Day Monbiy thru Friday t.•;<o!oni:; pf.Uni mt1k• 1 held 1., lfl F11ll~1L1°1\ th~ h11ir 1 l-3,: ----------------·I r ...... ,1,1· 11 r ... , \ ii • ro II ir r1. " j .1.11 I' t1 f, T '" II San Berdoo Stays Atop EC Standin9 Startin9 cri 9:00 a .m. ,,., "nJa In th" !""\l "~'~ lh<' AJ""" TOUGH GO ~1 -1 1 over lh'i!' Hull• th" 8aber"·l---------- .L9-J2 OYf'T the !'i<.ll, 811•1 I h" ,\llll<'•. :i~-1 2 11v.-r fh~ srt•1 .. r• A ll thf' "onn"'" b"""I ;\-0 rro tt.tkJ\ 'J"he Ant"l"f' ... io:<·I ll\" lh,. An!• ;"1 1 .~z. to olr,.•lln• k with ti ... l\ull• "nr1 Ca to with on" win 11:J1>n~I two lOfl.e• Bil\ So·••l t l"•I ,h,. S11t!•'I" It• 11nqJh w ith 211 puont.• I Jlln K• 11 •1hl~<t 11 f nr !h" w111 f"11.\ .,.,.,.,ni: 1nrhu1N: U u le h V1nr)Ml,J 11> C'h"r!~y Torrot• 8 an<I G •ry F ua- 11tln11>-n 2. Sparlr.Jnr th" Mui"• wa11 T nm Spoi:>ner' with 20 m11rker-", follow - ed by RU&Mll ll.llpp 14, Fnld Mc- (111.vran 10. J ohn Covault 10 a nd M iian lvll.llko 2 T•llytns: tor the Splder1 were J lrn Patter.on 11, Don Sherman 6 •nd Bob 8toro- v lch 4. A.PE ftJOH MAN Bl'n Q ueener waa hl(h m an for tho:1 Apea With 10 counter•. H t "'u aaarla:ted by DanJJy A m old. Ron Hush•• a nd Paul Anthnny, 4 .. ach. and J ohn Koi::her l MaklnK bucltetl for the Bull11 werr J ohn Brockman :I. N"il Petera 4 Glenn Ge.rd 2 and Tom A ll•n and P•UI S\11.rn were bl.: suna for th r Ant,.lope.1 w ith 16 dl (lll ea ch. l'rP!ll.t>n J RCk•on AdclM 2 . F or !hr ext~rn11n11.t..,1 A"rit.8'; ik!ON!f"ll Wf'r~ l"'l't 'HUI -,!). R lch Ba l (l l' 10 11n•I Dt1nny Grt!f'JJ 7. -------- Piratn1 Bold Crew Noth ing Troubl e Sea fle a But for Five '"''It U.111 S\1"" R •.; » W JI" t It" r!•ut Se•rleu t «I 1r<1.,ld • """'"~l lh" f)r11 n.:•· 1lyw!!1gh! q11111to>t on th" f.,,.·~ r "" T11e11<t11' 1111rrn,.on lry!nK l •• hull.I tho••• "fl' rl'"'" Be11\ t hty o· .. ul•t •I" "'"'-~ " :1:1·11' victory g1vlnK lh•· StrRv.'- n1»n R ~unaet l-e•;:ur-re~·oriJ ,,r 11111·" w11": 11~;,,nht ''"" 11.ethl'l<'lt Tv.·., lo1Jck,·!~ h\' l(ny ~!It\• 1,. > Spt'd ·"'"''!'"' t 111tn :• !I~' flP .~l q>.uu'lcr J,·a,J. leh11 rll<' T1tylor ""'I Clirl l(q~er~ o>11(·h tall• .. d ' po•nl~ In 1 h•· ·'"' o"'l ><I""'" r .. I'"'" it,. w•y fur a l\l \• ln1•'1!1ll~~•1•" H,,,, gin. Jim Jo>Well ltXil< flVt'I" th .. lnK lead rur th"' locals 111 th<' "' "' prnod with i point" .\le11nt11"" the Sea!Jea d'i!'rt-n11.. !'oJJ1p!etPI•· holt lrtl u p 1 h~ • ""'1,..1 it1ron. h<•!<1111.: th"'" t n l rn11ntPr11 Enttrini: th .. !in11l ,.,.nlo•, llle St111""'"ll l••I 27 11 01'1\nge t(!r., "'""I' w1!h lh•'ll b<•.•I 11pree of tn•· 1r11\ .. i 1hLJ1 Jl"Hll\ IJ"t .John Funt1"~ . .!"'1"1" t,.~ lt11m th•irnb, fl unk"'' " p111r of f1o>lol•·1 11 ! " "'lo:•' ! II" r 1 •·u I~ I! 7 lo. tho• <jU•• ter S:ir1Ch<'~ lllld 1,. •I :-.·, ... ·pnrt .,.,,ring h"""' ~ .,. 1111 1; p••inl.q eRrh. ()thrr 1.,, nl ._, ••1<·1 1.:,.,.1 .. , Z. ~-unl1u.~ ·I, .1•·1•• 11 ~ si,,,1 drtP"! 2, !{"It"'"" 4 1!11\•'~ ~"'I Pu k•''"' 3 '• • "lnh ' ~111) gr11h 1•1'non1111.1~ l•··•.:11,• r ""' ) l"' "I" I\ !'ii :1•, ~"l"'\" '"IJ' ll .11•'1 • I l1 , "" • \' ! '"' ""·'"' ' ' \\ r ~' ,. ' . . ,_, S•' '" '"' t; .. i. :-, • ..:·I " •· I I ·"' t '' ' • 1 .. 11 k • " ! t<1 !""" 1 , .. J1 ... 1 .. 1.111 .. •I• "l""''k•·I I'' !I . • ,, "" ~ ... ~•! 11· •!lo 1 •"1\111 .. :-;. ' , ... I 'II IOI t ·• I 1 ., I'> d· 11 " 1. ,, ' ,,.,., .. '. l\11hy ·, .! '" 1!11.•l lou \\'~•1•·11111..; I J!tH\•·~ 21 Ur r ru J11 , k~"" f{App 1 l ,\1 ,•hKI\ '" "'' 11:· I l(n '"'"I •''·l• • n I~ h T" · '" It"" , I.! \\ "·\ ,,. T•Hn Jllllo• ,- /j '' k 1 ....... 1. 1 .. .i ·,,,,,i, ,., l"r>•,! "'" 11 I ti ! 11·i.o1 ,. ~··~ ( 'h:olk J'.·l<' ~··~tl wi.•I••" !11 St·'' 1,.. .. 1. I .,l\J• k !l .. 111r.1>11 I \\ ,.)/\ • ;"! . r, ll •i •, .nt. ''"'" 1 ·~,. 1. ~ •:l••IOI' '-111i"J I\ <;Ht\ ~~\'H!,.1 ., ... ,j !il•dol•"" ·, \\.,)!" ,\l11 )f11•,,[ II ~1 ,-,n~· l'lt•'•• ,.0,1 lt•·I ;.:.,._ ~:a•l .. rn c .. nr.•r,.nce sl1U1d1n1r,. " ll'-'"" ~ \ t "'•l!"J\I• 1-l T11r ... l•1· nl);h\ but h1ul tn .1>:0 unn ~;1,,1.l .. llH•I \\J lo·~•·' ti"!. <:R1.··~/ ,v,.1t1n1•· t" •I• 11 Th" H~r1!1w • r>··~r ,\ ··rk j(r ''' \\ i \•· ~. ' I ' r 11~~ I\• ·I . ..: ~ ' .. ';1 l!",. ' • «!11 u I.• \" Tops Both Ways FnlJ,.rlnn !I H1Jrnet11 \,I ' )· .. 1•1,.111 ,,, " "' I 111'( bt•> 1 "•li.:•"t pust R l\'l"rs!dP ':'2 70 I Tile •rure wa11 <l··••lh11 kP•I I'll .11 :'ll at h11.lrt1111" a 1ul ll8-68 at "'"1 I or r!"R:Ul"ll.,n g11.n1 t1 t ime. G 11.rdn"r, Jl,.r(jo'lQ'• gi.i.i.nl r aptur· e<1 hiR:h prnnt Jntfll .,ver h•s tee.m- m11l•'.~ "''Ith 21 m11.rken, fnllow ,...! llv NP11I .,.•\th 16 r;11n1~ hogh _....ore Ml'rnbeor11 of 1"',..,.,ldeJI" Pirate• 1n the Harbor B11y,.· Cluti e•«hlh ,.rade IJJtran111r1t l b1111ke1ball pl'u- c ram are: Bob -r ..... ,.,ldeli. Br I a JJ J.ucu, Jerry Q uetn .. r. Wa y ne Wedektns. R onal1t Kirby, Jim Indian JVs Win 1 The F'ulltr\011 Jllllulr ''llr"'I v qu intet 1'uf:sday defr11te'! S1u1lJt AJJ11'1 JV squad in Sun~et Leai;:u" I com~lltion t :>-40. Buahll~, John tngrahn1, Taylor and George l.ee. Martin Now in Our New Location 120 Industrial Way Costa Mesa Forntf'rl~-loc.ated at %116 Newport RI., Nf'pl . Rt,a,·h Uhert)" >1-••K I rrnrn R am to H prn llarbor .M1136 •·ron1 fi p. m . lo .I\ 111. n1. 24 Hour Towin9 Scnic• ot·•·1c 1AL AUTO ('I .UR GARAGE , I ~IU. Anlo C'l<1h -.•1;,.uon•I Auto ("1111> kand&ll Aul., ('lub &: t'111m1<·,... Anu'rlr-.n Auto t 'lua. Expert Allto Repairin9 All 10\0rk t'ully 011aranl,....I K iii ( 'olC')' • llerb l 'o\'I')' A.11t u1uaik' T.--.ml-.loa HpM"lall•I• NEWPORT AUTO WORKS • For outdoor mPn, herP's onr built to be bullied -not babitd: the rugged II•'''' f·'tJRn P l lKU/> 1i·1th rompletr p<iRsrtl/.Jrr car comfort! On\" .1 t n" k f1>r fun''~ ye!<. tlus onr' II ~ 11 s .. ft hn.-.;1..e, 11lon1t the lull:'h w uv or 1l•·lt. ''' V•>llr f11\•or11e stf1·nrn "·ith Fnrol••- n111!i• 111 .~ ('11,,·t0m IJHl\'EHltrn 1 ·111i Yn11 'I! find M th op1 1n11.~ w('ll "·nr1h !he mnrl f'fll •••lr..t J flf<t , \V1th th•.~ powr-.rfu! TI•'"' Ford vou\p l(Ht a·/nmrn11 Ynu'vf:' l[nt /r(J.('lldll \· 011 'Vf' ~ot h11~Jr c/r(lranCf'. Y nu '\'c 1f<1t "nr,n1•r p/arr," Ile!<! nf :ill. ''Oll.\'t' ii[O\ Ill''" Bfl(lr\ h"t1/0l\J> .,.,hrn ~·ou Ink;• t he .,.•hN>l nf !ht.• i.:r·t•Ht Furrl l'i• k up-t li11 onlv anv1i /i.-r1· ":<port<'! 1·:i r. 1'1 \ :-:-h1~h<'>lt trndo ..:; nnd In"'• lov. pri< e. l .1kl' thi• !flr11" /lrit'I' it homt-! /)11/\ /nfl. 11,.., "•hntrm••!N ,.¥~r hrnl• f··• '""' •I"'"'" ~"'" ~'bo"'' wot\. "'"h •II lh• ... """""' •n<l rfhi'l"'"ll'Y •·f l'otd. r • ..,,.,,,. "" ... Hh••f! i;tr<•lt~ 1~"'""' ~I /lQ ••tr• C'OO•' r-t•ltr \k!o l '•"l""I ,.( lh<' !UC~UJl" vr>ur .,.,,fli ·•nd·pi.ii\ '~''''I"'"""' fot ""•"' lo D"nw' ' D • ' FOl-._D pickup for '56 THEODORE ROBINS \'0 1 R f'ORll nt· \l,t;1' ~l.'1 f l to!I l.ltx·rt~ M-31-;1 I I, II I Open Day All & Ni9ht Ni9ht Fr~y B0Win9 & Saturday Sundays VAN'S BOWLING l7U3 Superior, Co"t.a M"'9. Hll.L KJ..oTZ, Mgr. 1.lbf'rty R-3292 BIDWELL'S LIDO SHOP * ONLY SALE OF THE YEAR! MERCHANDISE ALL OUR FROM STOCK REGULAR SAVE NOW on Strictly (jluality Merchandise • Sale Now On ThrouC)h Jan. 31st" BIDWELL'S ~~do Sto"' Only 3428 Via Udo -One of the Udo Shops I I: I I I I • ·--------. ------' • GOOD BUSINESS R>R '56 SEEN BY CREA PRESIDENT Today's N. Y. frank Wishon St~k Report U---Sold ---1l1Vllft:' LEGAL NOTICE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.~ESS -PART I PAGE 5 FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1956 1111 ...... c...t Hlstrw•7. ln th• Cit)' ol. N"'P(lrt Bead!. O:iwit7 of Ore.np, fiate or Ca.ttromia, I.he toUowinc &.cribed ~ pro~ Good ~ for IMI -pn. NCf'9'tal7-tnu\lnr aad G. Carwon NZW l'ORK HOOK COlllllZN'T 8-k of the rr..nk Wlahon home .-cy, to W1t : tllcted by J°".'n Cott.on, ea& Dleco ftum~ William rn.rUen, F . Oonipa.d by 'a. C. C&tWde. Dean on E.ut &.1 Front. Balboa Uluid All •tock In trade, ftxtur• ~~t ot ll!.• Calltoraia ~ J, Butieir &ad Adel•tde C. Coak., Witt.er Co., Santa A-_ The mu· to Art BlrdMU. I..,ynwood, vice· equlpm~t and s'ood WW ot. a cer- E.lt.ate AMOC&tiuon. ln h1-tat k dtNCton.. pr•lduit ot WUll&m P. Whittaker teJ.n 0 trn&C.lr. IM..r bualn-, known .. yMll!rday momlnr at a joint 111• 8pecteJ ,ruutt Included M r •· ket conUn\Mld UU.. ..omlllic to drift la ced loda b John f'9J'hound Snaclr. Bat, and )Ocated 1111.a.t.uon br.Utut 0( fi.19"_ rt Mrt. U • ..J...~· ~!!' In q~ IJ'.°~· Altbo h ~a....!"~un---·--~-L-.•. al ID W'ML ar......,.liiMp-.~ JtiJibCSF, Lii.~ BeiiJI a.n Ban Uua. ..eret.ary of tbe at.ate a.-o· Ui'e M1dftk ~~"'t"n.* · Macnab. • • • o c I ate or Earl W I.he City ot Newport Bu.ch. Coun· <..:emmle bM,:d• of Raaltora •t clatloa; can Mock. 4trecto-r ot 1,une rem&ined &ow and • ~ Stanley, Realto r. ly ot Or&n&"e. State of California 811lbw< Bay Club. the naUonal auoclaUon: M.ayort doWn •uppon. WU apparmt ln ae-and that a aalt!, tr&lU!er and ... 1-lod •<o<ka. No -llooal Im The ~tt. f.onl .. e En•lil.tl atyle Cotton cited t.h• fM:t lhat poll· HW, Clalre Nalaon and Sorrell•; _, -... 1lpment ot the aame will be made, .. ---t newa oth• ... _ poll"A•' home with pier arid float brourht . llclana ot both partie• do their Rut. p&11l prHldeat of N.-port , ...... , ' -.......... a.nd t he conalder-aUon l11u'efon. ""'.-alnly ••d -·-·---.. a total conalderation In u:or•• or bA•l to t hrow •llmulatl()n Int o Hu'bor board and Raamu-n, ,-, -· .,._.,, ... ..,, wU1 be pa.id at 10 :00 ()'clock a..m., bu111neq Ln an <1ltttl()n y e11-r. H• ..... t prealdor:nt {1f San Clen1ente ln the •ut.o lndu.atry, WM noted a.II S70,000, the dM.I. lnvolvlnl' • trade Dn the 3rd day of Feb"••rv. ltM, ~ Ilk I lo a ft-t •• kot or a 36-ft. crutaer, Buater (no --~ 11!•11 not9d that people ar. ~· board. "'Y -.. ...... mar · at the e1erow department of 8an1l u nu111r; to follow the •I• · Ji d Jn • brie f ceremony l'lorrt ll• Dow -,,_ 1 p.m. Averace. relation t o CUrt Oollh'• boat of ot Ainerica Nation.al Tnat and N.me name) to W !lhon. Tht-tr,.nd ot moving f ro1n eut to prnenl"!'d lift-member•hlp• In the 30 lnduatria.11 .. ··-f65.17 ort t ,(l{:o crul.ller tra.iafer w .. m ade on ~ Sevlnp A•• o c I at Ion. Ba.l1>oa "' ... •I •nd f'rom north to 1 u u t h l...a&"un<L Bea<:h t.Oard lo R. W · 2(i Ralla .................... 164.11 ott 1.02 half of 8 1 rd • • 11 by Kenneth Branch at 813 Eut Ba.I boa Blvd., 111"'1 a r\> in • new 1nnv11ment fl'om P1-cock and A. B.f ", ,•nhLaall, re· 16 UtlllU-.................. _ u .aa up .01 Svedll'efl, Villa M.arine.. ln the City ot Newport Bu.ch, 1:"11: clll'·~ !nln •mailer one1. t ring v11ter&IU1 Q t 8"ln• t p.a. \'ol111ne J ,MC>,000 County of Orange, S tale ot Call· Ill UF. O KOWTlt Beecb board. ~ w l'ork 1 m Mtoek rrieN BlrdK.ll, a bachelor , plan11 t D tornla. 1:.tl!h)n11" •ll 11:etun1: 10()()() ..t.dn\!' announct";I pl11 for th,.1 -" p. · make hla penn&nent home at tht> O.tlott January 20. 19'6e nt'\V J'<'opll" " monl!:.. trom ,,thcr m uluple-1!.l:lnlf bo:lrJ ana priil's American Telephone . --181~ nl'w lalan<i location. He hu been HENRI!:TTA E . SWAJ'TORO "\Ill,.•. ~·1111on 111\<1 wh1rh ,.,,.:in• whic h he u.hl 1nt:lu~ trip• to ,Anacond.a ......... -... --·-eel \; active in yachting r 1rrle1 tn th<" Vendor l :S,1100 l\OU&<'ll 11 n1onth to &helter H o nolulu Chry•lrr · ....... .. ...... -11'1 n Soulhla.nll Lhe pu:l l~ to 18 yrar! LOU18E D ICKlNBON 11•11• 1•1 ft •lt11t1•1n •11rr .. ·11e 211 . ··An·I h•ck ~·· <l••11.11on•l·'1 <;11)<.!rn OuPont · :?Ill He hved In Balboa torrnerl)' 11nJ Vend- 11110 oa b1f'~ b<1rn" 1ntHll h ln t he to a y, :"'•·wport l!<·.,n ltea.l\"t l.enerlll Electric :$'4 I• ~ported Clad to be back In th"' /'(.o. lf.00 Newi-Preu lm/&e .. tl!IL<' 11 f\ J 7(.l()oJ marrll•l!:"H "'I---------------1;,·nt 1al ~iOlOr• 43 i,,. Harbor. 111unll1 lit 111&0 1i•it..,,1 t~Ul t thf'rt 'I ll\ C" '4 1t,,1·--------------~llTtP1CATI':: or BUSl?li"'V'S KI •' 3~ •l1v<1n"f"1 a rnonth wh1"hjMARCH OF DIMES I:"' "y •'t ntrll l 47,1 ~ LEG•L NOTICE ""rk 1n rso.vr,. <•f r.·•! ••l11h• "'"'n No Amer!.._,, Avia tion • "' ,,,. underail'nf'd doe. hereby l'•I 1U.,.u 11,.ed P"'••un 11, h,. •111 111. •l•i'DANCE SATURDAY Sal•'"'11Y S'orea ~Z ~ l·--------------·,rertity th.at aha 11 eonductln&: a ""'IC" hUlll" lo n1.,lh"r IHI\' rn"l., Th,. ll"•t••r A r"" \'.,l••illH• Hu ('Ill J-:,iuir,n 49 \. NOTICE OF ELECTJO;<." Retail Salea of Ladiea' A~tlllor1u ·~,, l'.11'1t1r :.2 h I l'h,. ll"llh ,..IHtlnn ~ l~o;l.~l1111~·r .. r 1-,,,,.1,11 \V~r·• "'II , 1,rtl •\ ' NoUl!e iJI hl!'reby given t .11 a 11.JlJ Oitt Wrap"'!lng bualneu a l I ·i~n·l11nl U:! ,,, ,·.11r s,11 1.., 11 •· '•J\•I \>"1Uc &t 1(u111I p1 "~'"'rn11 ~!" 11u ,..,.,.11,.,\1<1 VJ-"\V \\ .,q S>tl11 Gener•! t.tun.1,..lpal El~Uon Wi 1881 Ha.rbor Boul..,Vl n1, Co.ta 1 •Hur1 t)tl or l:1h r 02"" t I pnnant f'0l!"n rt,.,. 11r,.•t <"l \lnlf ,,11 .,. ni~h\ 1n l'n•tll _\I,.,... <.1 ~t,.,.I ~•I. be helJ In lhr City uf :-<.:wr.o0r Meaa, Ca.Jl fo m !a, under the tlcll· 1~,,. !1ct 1n11t r.r ent){J D1ll11 11111•1·1 Arn~tH'll rl '-"'IC'"" Uall · ... ·1•~. 11 Jkach un the 10th day v! Apri l IUoua tlnn name ot OLOA 'S ,j io .. d &l thf' l1111t ~ta!,. l"!;!l,.l>ttur-·1 /rl1flrctl 1,t t.\1tt1•" h•u•fll ---------------119:'16 l"r th• fulluwln,I(' oft1ct"r!I LADIES' ACCESSORfES andtha! ,1 1 .. 1>•! l.',()11 nf lllf'l!l "rr ... 1 .. ,1 r111 nr • n 11 nrlflK ""'111 1,.. f•"n DEATH NOTICE Thrt-.. Me1ntier1 ofthe C1 tyC:uunf1I v.ld firm I.I comp<>.1ed of the !ol·I f>tOJ'lf'r!v In r•nt' "'11 v ••r Anl•\h•t p 1, '" \,, J a n1 w1ll· frorn th• f•Jllowln& lJ~trll'll, !•• loWll'lg p4!!r1on11, "''hOlle name" tn 1 II"' h'IP"'d t11e •(h1<1tl1on°•I l"'' rnu111r bv 111 .. M•!>X\&1!'f'9 ---------------I W11· fo'irst D1.<1trlrl , F ifth lJ1stricl r1.i11nd p!•tl'~ of re•ldtl'!t e ''"a~ 11:r,,n1 wnuld nnt 1u1r1 •·II[ iht "'·111• JIY.D8LO~ l:\'l~.\;\T Ull! S1 >.l•1 [Jl9t11rt fur 1ne !ull rollo"'"'· to-wit 1n .. (•1""" took 1l w ht!1 h• ~•"I 0 ~tu1eral •ervit "• (or ?-f u·lu•el An· tenn of follr y•i.r1 111 "'°'"!•!11.fl•·· Olf.A (' O:RA!.F:I,, l <1 rn ,,.,, in n"'f'rl "' t-1!urKt1"1\ PUBLIC V TE .11 "" H .. dblorn, 1nl.1:111l ~in of A n· Wllh the Cl!y t"hart"'r or .-.:ev.•p<Jrl :!11911 R1ve rBld" r•ri•·t . l rn not t11 rn11n~ h .. 11 '"~·"•!I a11 1 ,Jr•" U. Jle..lb1om of :.1:.i C&W uu. lleacli. Cvel.1. M1.._, l..:&hlorn"• I l know how nOv>' c·,.n1ht11NI from t"lnt l'a•t Ht brr •••hf'<JuJe.1 al IQ a n1 IO· The poll1 w1U be o pen ~tWl'rn \\'Jtnras my han<1 th11l t.1t h 1111\' ·n 1" 1neel1nll wa• in rh1uj.;t "' J-1,rnn .. lt ,.11 : th•· , lly rn a n•K•·r 11,.,,,.,..., in /'a rkea-R1.:J l.,y )1ortu-the h(H1r 1 ut : UU AM. llll,J 7 "" -.,f Jllnui;.,·v, 111:'16 !'t.1•Y R McL:1 rd!f' ll*"'lll,\•·nt l)f <'ll V i ttnr n,., .,11io:in••r u 11 <"IJlll 1111 •ll•jal 'fhe ftev Jim"-" S PM j 11r~:A 1• t;llAI'~;!, :"'~wpurl H11 rb<J1 l:ko ar,t "' lte-.1-f1\ltt<!'e t•J _.,1r,.r with th .. Jrvln"' s 1.-.. 11t ur St. A ri <lrrw_, Prl'llhy ~fAgGJ::HY srl!Hul:[;Elt STAT~: <J~ •'Al...l~UR:'\IA !•·•~ who called on M")"r l>o or& l"o ""'ll""rillnlC watf'r hnt pru-1lt••"ll <..'hur~·/1, v.·1ll urficune In t.:lly Cle rk CUl'!'<TY V F Uft A:\'GL 185 lid! lu K!ve lhe 1n,·u..11uun l''"'al~ Th,. 11u111 pf S !•l-00 ""'M r\e11·,..,nl "'lll folJuw 111 H1tl1or l!al""I J..nu.ary 211. 111~ Of thl1 2{:.th day of January.I 1 ·harle11 Hart Y.~lco111,.,\ ~ue.l.ti >:1 lli .. "1.,,1 1., 11, . ., th .. , it)' h•ll Hc"l :-1 .. 111o r11.! i 'ar k N'o. 1•02 Ne ... ·1-P1,;u 1127. 2/3 1!1.'lft A D. 19M , before m~.r• under- ' ",'.,',', ,',',"', •• ',',",.?,':,',t"nll·•'I''~ ~~r'r"~~ .. j ,..,unr\J , hMult;...1 1 " n .. w turOlf.• t The 1n t•n t died ln l\•)>lli: th;.,. 11irned. a Not ~y P ublf In v 1<1 • u .. , p!l&I \\'Wnt-sth•Y nig ht ::4ur1·111or5. -:>;u A-26777 tor the aald County and State. A~..-...c.·1a t1on 1n1ta lll!'\I th~ f••ll•1 w· ~l•h!I the parent.I. 1nrlude a 11!•· :'li'fYTll"J: TO f'RP.:DITOKS re.idtnc th1reln. duly comml.ulon - IJ)& uff,.·er11 u! t II' 1 lrt'e •irlllru"I l•·r . J a equ.:hn.,, 11.Jl<t l'randpa.r.,n l.~ ed a nd 1worn. fl"'n-Onally •PPl!'•red h I " ' BALBOA BLOCK ESTAl'E Of.' H UGH A tr:STt:S, IXSTAl.W\TliJ:'\ ,\fr•. i111.J1nil.h lil!dbJ01n ar Sien .& &k;i, IL A ES TITS ~eue<l OLOA C. GRA UEL kno \W'n to mt N H •t •• C• NOTICE IS HV\E8Y GIVE::i bo ' ewport 1>rOOr ,. uy ,..c r· {",ontl.nUC!d frorn nnt PSf"' :>t11dre .uid Mr• Dorothy Dav11 or lo lhe Pl!'1*ln whoH name Ls 111 .. presid..,nt . M 11~I fo'1tznu•rr1a. llun1 •ns-to n Park. to t he cr~itora of and all P"r· 1ubotcrlbed to the with.In Jn.atru- • .,11.1 Art Arl11r. vic .. · JHl'lldenlll. 011<•ratl!ld by .\1r. •n1I ?.l r11 l ~lck 5on.11 having cl11.Lm1 again.It the rnent, and aclr.now Led&ed to m e that J<.•lho:"nne O leun . 1.'!!Cr,tary tre11.· lJenl HUh.ler LI 11.1'1 le. h1&vl.' eta. &81cl '1«edent or 11.a!d f'.ll ta!e t o ahe uecuted the l&ll'lfl'· .. ur.·r Farel Y.'1.lk .. r, ex..,.-.uu.,.e bora te plan• tor d,.vr lopment of T Lal f B f1h1 U1em w'lth Uie necl!'aMrJ' hi wltne.u whereat, I have her-e-~~· retary and ("h11.rlt-' Hi rt. ,\1blt the Inn H\1 pu1ch11-S"' did not in · 00 • 0 8 vouchers ln thl' oNlce of the ci .. rk unto H t my hand and artbc!.d my J...11.l:l"rde. H ub Pvwcr•. l'r1~e M c· r!udt-the r •fe b11a1n.,..11 uf tne u-.1. Classlfled or the Superior Court ot the Stal• otrlclal Mt&J the da y a.nd year ln 1 ·lll•Uon, 1-tal ph /.lllllkey and l_.o111 bo~ Inn. Mt11 A llen, wiitow or th<' I.If Callfornll, ln and for the Col.In-Ulla Certlftcat.e flt11t a.bove written. \'us '!. clir .. rtnrR la te l!~rtward F Allen. hu nlOV"'1 ty of Oranl"e. or to pre.ent !he RO BERT R. HURwrrz l.a."una a .. ,.,.h \\' llrn Sor-fro1n lhe Inn to a n •p•rtment in same, w1th the nect111ary vout h· lfy CommiMlon lta'ptre. r~11,. J-lf'llld"nt 1.'"1"r r Cu l· the Lklo .,.,. The Inn property LI SO--~IJ&neoUA r ni, to thr 11ntler.11!~"'d s t hl11 o r May 3l, l9Gll bum . vice preAltlient, Jn..,;i. A. 96 f~t along Main St. a.nd K.ENMOR.I!: ir()ner. deluxe m0<11'l , h"'r place of buaine .... to · wll: No. lf.01 Newa-Prea.a t;1>0<J, ~....;rrt a1 y, H a.rold 0 Put· ll:'! rret on U1e (k•ean Front. Th<" like new $90. A.n uqoe 1Johem!IU1 JA Ml':S H. l!:ST1JS l.lld HELl':N l/21, 2/3, 10. 17, 1911oe l<lan, ll'..,ll llU!'cr 111,.t l'rK Allen. p!\r•·el nn !he boellCh I' Un det11 t0U<I tcArnet rtng $~. Bracll!let $9~ L. RI:-.'DEFU<N"ECl-IT C/0 HL!r-l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii t ·11rrord Tay lor l\lhl Geo rg~ ~~ to be JOO ref'! 1n depth onto the LI 8·71411. 63c6:) w1U &, Hurwitz. Attorney11 at l...a,... ~a<'h and 13.:'! In width In rrontl---------------2611 ,..,.ewport Blvd . Newport l1i•1rnpr•o 11 •II•,.., l••rll S i n Cl .. n1t-lll~ ~t~V'" M1<0hi<!r" pr .. •1dl'nt , \o\', \\' l>ltl\tr. v1 r f pt ~fLd..,nt , \-\'llharn I!: Orl)WOe , of the Inn, Bt-1ch, Ca.J!tornle. within Bill !110 r1..A~·s vr.r 40.-Autof& for Sale month • a!tt-r the first publication -th of thl.11 no Uce. Ca pron t old lhe New1 .-1eu 1.l VOLKS WAGEN 66, Bun roor, lop h' h•· no immed.L&te pl&n.11 fo r Ullll H 2238 R Dated Janua ry 10, 1958. ..... cond.Ltlon, $10.00---1u". · or J AM!:S H . !:8 'MJS DEATH NOTICE or dt-velopment of hl• newly •c· Kl!:yi tone !l-993Z d•J•. 63cM HEL~ L. nr so~;RK~F.<'HT ---------------1 quired property which tron!JI IOO Adm1nl•Lra tor1 ot the l':.i.t11o le It'll~· rotllr')' w111 h.., r..-1\f'd at ";" J" p m Munda y in P11 1k ~.1./U11!ey Mortu11ry ch11.pel for to~rank J. K!a pet z.slly. Ill, of 203!1'2 S\V Cy· ptr•aa. ~11n !I\ An• 11..,1x ht.11. M.au "Ill bf' r el,.bratrd "l fl" n1 . !\Inn· l•v 1n !'It J"artitm ~ Catho llc ('h.urch, \...'0111"\ '°"""' TI1e ltev Thoma1 J N~•·in "''lll nrf!ct11otr l nlt-rnit-nt w ill f<,llov.· In lloly .s .. pulcht-r Cen1f'tery. Urlllll ' A r"'Urrd fannl'r a nd oran ge irrower. M r . Klapetz.11ily dlrtl Sun· r111)' 1t h1a hon•t a tler a 1hort Ill· neu. J·le WIJI born It'\ Syracuae. N Y . an<1 had 11.,.ed here 41) yeare. Survivors Include a. b~ Al· brrt J ., of Syr1cu1t-. '\ r~t alonr Main Sl. and 166 feat .toA ~ H ,.,, ,....1,1 rl•,..e rten t on Balboa Blvd. HI.I purcha.lt-ln-1 ~~'--'p,ta. ____ o_~~-----I cludu th• compleJ.e &!boa The•· Hl-ll\\•Jr/. &. Hl.H\\'l'I/. CORUNA DEL MAR. 1 br. fum. A!torn .. y~ at Law t re properly ..,.1111 •LI equipment of apl. Lt.r&e Uvlnl" rm. $70 mo. the th..,alre. •·111. _, Ao:1uJ •-. Har.._r 4t29 2611 N"'wporthlioult-1 ",an t v .~ "' UV :"lr"'"pl>rt ll .. RC . C a I ornl/l Conti.ct wu •nad"' today "''1\h !llcM Attomt y! tor p..,\1Uonera ~1~. Nell \\"ilh&m10n. w1d()w or No. 1396 lhe late Ha.rry WL IUa maon. and Baal n.-....rtu.n1tie9 Nt-ws P reM I 13, 20, %7. 2/3. owner of one pa..rcel adjacent lo the 61--DeM ';'J'Y" __ _ Inn prop..rty and allO rrontlnC' on l!Rlboa Blvd .• ...,·ho aa.ld 11he hu not w ill or leased her property .\tr•. V.'1lhan111on 1a ip &he had been contacted !or u.ie of the proptrty but dealrl'd on!)' lo leMe. The W1llla maon properly lnclud- N the mlnlaturc i'Olt cou.r11e ad· jacent lo the Balboa l nn 11.Jld fr(lfl\!ng on Wuhinc ton SL a nd 1he Oceen Front. I..~ NEWPORT BEACJI. -F OR l.l!:ASf>:, "ltED HOT "' 1pot !or Do· nut antl ,..off..,e 1hop. Cotmter. atool• 1U1d inlacl. rtxtureii al· ready In. $H!'i rno., with tlnil and rut 111onth 1 rl'nt. A RT C. Kl8TLER CO. t9Ql Newport Blvd,, Npl. Bt-ach Harbor 022e. 63cef. ·''O'l'IC I'.: Of' l.'lo'Tl:NDP.:D ~Al.Ir. :\'UTIC E IS tlER:SHY G I\'Y.N ,,,al HENRJEi'TA E. S\YAF- l"ORD. Vendor, whoH addre1111 l"' 31 1 Sll.Jlllt. Ana Avenul!. In the C1ty of Newport B,.•c h. County of Orang ... State of C111lfornl11, in· ten(la to sell to LOU !Sto~ DIC KIN- SON', Veridee. WhCMle addrN• Ill THE . SHAMROCK Sunday Dinners 1824 NEWPORT ILVD. COSTA MESA OPEN 6 A. M. DAILY FOR THE OONVENIENCE OF OUR EARLY PArRONS For ~ -Harbor 2726 APO RT// ... :'. CORONA l>El. MAii HAll/li'AIBl'I NOW SHOWING Cl.,1 GABLE Jone RUSSELL Robert RY AN "The Tall Men" Cinema Sco pe Color by Delu x~ ftf:(i. S2.9i\ ·-·--·---~ _ _,_ .. ,_ GLENN FORD OONNAREED ..,. M.C. .. l'ICIUll{ IN A HAPPY NEW ROLE ! h l •lll•l 'ltol t! ·-At• "TM.TWINKLE IN GOD'S EYE --· liE([Y ROOll£Y '. COlfDI Gl!A y ---------- STAKTS WED. Th• Come<iy of the S-...Un ''Th• Ueutenant Wore Skirts" "The T ouqhest Man Alive" 1877 HARBOR BLVD. All of Our Men'1 SPORT COATS R EDUCED LID O " - BAY. w ~~:" ••oa. 0Nm:M•J5-•>P£ W A ... Ntll'COl.0111 Kli:'ll.ARO ('0;\Tto: l'f".f ,1.\ l 'Al'<TU ~ "Tar9et Zero" __ , STARTS SliNDA y I BAK8A.KA STA~"l\.\"l'CK FRY.D Ma..rMl'RR.Al ' I .tOA:'li' er::s:-.·rrr "There'• Alway• Tomorrow·· TONY CJUllTl..8 PAT C ROWLJ:Y "The Square Jungle•• . KID'S MAT SAT. 1 :4~ "Th• Scarlet Spear" ~T Wfn'S '10" J ,Al lBIOH Cowtl - STrnK:I OOSTA llJESA LI IHlill A.JI ror Our Boys' SPORT SHIRTS SS. a.nd LS. 20cro 77 "'"'·"NOW Yor EX-Nnple NOW 263& ........ 1 M•'11 llea'a SPORT SHIRTS WORK CLOTHES Khaki Ii: Grey PANTS ':: afar Fashi on Show Every TuHday 12 :30 p.m . ........ NOW 2 s9 and S.95 NOW 3.16 SHIRTS ':'! NOW 2.36 Dancing Every Night DINNER SERVED 5 p. m, 'ti! midni(ht COCKTA.ll.S -• p. m. ·w 2 &. m. 12 Noon Saturday It Sunday Spocial Sunday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. C'-dWod-iay South of l...al;una H\.att Buffet Luncheon \ $1.25 Next Tuesda y Preunted by Marjorie Hole Studio CIOCM!d Monda)'• . '"' .... ,_,_... 499 -Salo Endo ~., 1..._ 31 - THE .. ~ ~ MAN 1831 Newport llvd. -Costa Mela I I Roy Caaver· PONTIAC Now 1956 Catalina Hardtops Coupes or Sedans All Fully Equipped witfi Radio Heater Hy dramatic Tubeless White Walls & Many Others Only •295 Down UIWEST BANK OR GMAC TEBll8 NOTHING ELSE TO PAY! c-In Today to Y-Lacol Harbor Area Dealer Open Eves. 'tll 9 p. m. Roy Carver PONTIAC j 1400 W. Coast Hwy. Newport leach Ubetty l-l46' "2~60 1-larbor Rrt11J ('\'1tn.I • C~nt1ta )fcsa • T.rbt'rtr IJ·~'543 ""Tf'IKY. 110 1 H~ ti M 1,, fl on i L-----,------~--.......1 P~le • t PA6£ I • PA~T I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, J AP>lUARY 27 , 1056 r l r COUNTY FLOOD A vv1Uble deluge or rain which btl Orange County W edn-Uy and conUnUld lhrourhout mo.t nt 1- te·day flooded halt a do&en Collt& 1'ten hQme.. anrt hall«! tratfk on luw-lylnc city llreet.. Meaa poUe• received a number o f c&!Ui by I a"' Thur.day trom ~llldent. who ,11c1 W•liar wu blcckmr ur Into tluilr llornu. ; ~e,.,•po11 » .. •ch WL'I 1n 11\tle d•n· g@r t • ·- f • l MAIN INTE.R.~F:cr 10N 1-'LOUIJt:u "' Euclid Ave "river" Wt·re many bua1nl"IM! ho u1-...11 i •r1 Garden \,rove Blvd. Sto rt- edging lfl 'A'&r•l d •"•r-. "ni;t i;1d1· ',f i;t r•···t ""''neni sandbag,i;eJ ". " I'll- RIVER. >;'fA \' '\\'A \' -Brookhurst Ave near the it looked Flower A\'('. 1n terM'Ction, after mnre than 6 1nche11 of traffic brought waveti of. J."'ullerton, as rain had fallt·n muddy w aler SporadJ" up on ON LA PALMA AVt:. -In Anaheim flood watt'rs raced over La Pii.lma Ave. yestf'rd11y 111t n Jra1nagl' cana.I, posing problem for· travf']i('rs in local arr11.. Photo &bo~ WM taken bctwren \V f'!-it :-:1 . and r';rln1 La Palm& was only one of S('ver;i! AnahC'in1 street~ trances as set-n above left rng water o ut of thetr stori·:< l 'hoto Merchants wrrc B'>''ef'r· -.. ( :ard .. n r;ruvt' Nc'A'8 lawn11 and 'A'ith1n a few fet>t of front doon on either snle of the street in new housing area tn southwet.1t part or city. -OCNS Photo 111und:ited by ho'a\'Y l'lb!r to rPach w0rk bh~·k111g hi~h v.·nys <'011111 H'S . -OCN.S r1t1nfal1. M any folke we're un- hf'cause 11f d('{'p flood wali'l'!-1 in Orangr and l.ns AnR"I''!( Ph<l\O ·• "llOUMi'°Th-Cofita Ve• ai -1i91f f,l1&11le A vr tuul 219 l'o'aJnut re- f>Or :'l"ll I Inch 01 water ettrly y e..- ll'tday 11ncl 1·eq11 .. 1tecl a pu111p rrom t hll l'll}' Mra Hulda liuf1ttuton, 3611 E . ~0th Sl. 1t·1>0rte<:I water her K•r•g" tloor iond •lllO requett· .:d • pun1p. Another rl'•ldenl nll!ar 1Ulh St 11.nct Onu 1ge Av ... Ill.a re- •l•ll'tiled a pump" A <'1t1un ne11r St Joa.:h1n1 Cttlh- olu· Church r .. p..irted cltrt .,.. ... Jllled !n a dt11n .:auHlng ww.ler b".;k up \\ t:STMl ~!>iTt:K LAKt: 1:,.t1r g,. ('t1.11tor. l3~ f,l urll" \'1~ta """ lt'l"Jl l<'d 10·atrr •••11.11 ba1ku1g- 11p Intel hl ~ ho1n<' In thf' Z1100 bl0t k o r Wf!:!lt m1:1st,.r A\·e d@&Jton.J1ni.: uff Del Mar St . theri: IO'at" vrrrt· able h•k<r o f "''a 1.,r \\'•tel' IO'IL!! nl't'rflolO'lng • 11 .. .,.. ... r 111 the 2400 block nr S11nt11 Ana JOIST INST . .\Ll.ATION J uhn Culto n . No.'1·011d frun1 right. a:< prt•SJdt'nt o f C1tltfom1a Real F.stale A KSOC1atlt•11 . Y•-i>lr rdav n1u rnu1;.: 111Ntallf't\ J{o\' ~l t·C..'ard l1'. l1::ft . J!l~l'.lid•·pt uf Newport f!l!rb<ir J~,,a r\I nf H··a!tors a•1d S\1'\"' ~!11 •hal,·l·h. pr"~ dt>nt. San l'l1:n10.·nte board and ~·n :-;urT•·lls. 1.aguna l~··•u·h n111 y11r a11d th.11 <:tty's board (•f B.ealto rM pre~idt·n! 1n <1ff1r•· 1.,.r,111,,11\ "'"'s h"ld at !liilb<>a !'.ta~ Club breakfast. -Staff Phul" A•·e and flowing ln\o ysrd11 n"&r l ·---- • IO"'' ae<:llun ur the 11rf 1< "'"·o•. ,, 110.:f•·· \\ •' ' DEATH T her .. .,.. .... tlc•)(llni' In lik~-l lk" Gr""" h1u.I a field •l11v I.Jill" • hlid 11 •'hllll•·,. [" ~··•• If bll!/l P."'1""1101>11 1n th" 800 bl0<'k on llrt>t• iu·e r""Jli· ll«llW"r!l•}' \ ll'lOl"lll "VI' I T n;.,· tnu k.• ........ r., , 1111,.d 1,, pull rn1 n111tu1e r1·0.:11TIKA "'' '"' II· out 1·111>1 11\11.IJ~l in " J"" >lt'•'llUll ~"'"l t: tt l 8'111<" ,n,,.r~•Tll"n.~ b•"•itr.-s .11,•J f'1I"' :-:1, t "'' :\ ••• , • ' ,., .. , _r• ,.,. a ... 1 n• ,.,J. 1 11... ·"' ·• '.II I< ' ' " "'· ... NOTICE "' ·o I ··~ I------------------• " . '" . " " I 1 .. '.' 11 \HJ.i'.' ld-.llB"t ne11r 16th ~t ll rl•I l'lll.<entln A1·.- kJun wu t,.-11_.,,,.,.1 re•p•;n91tll" f(11-•l<>"-'n1ng a tt"<' •nto 11n all.,y hnr k nf jfl7 l lrrh11l "',. dh<•11! 7 'l'l.\ott. Tll I .-\.'\l!t: 1;,.,-.1 .. n •:rt)\'(' /'u1M h;1d " Ill g<••n r,..,,·h1ni; ''"'" l'u!k !'il d n""'t t •> i'\IO/Of•.,,\ Tl\" o;,.,,.,., " (/,. ' "" ' '" r• •·' " 0 -.-.. ' J ..... ,,,,, "'I .. ,., ' ' "'"I . ". "1 ' '"' I" ,, '" •: ... ,,., -' r1 .. ·'' .. ,,, ,,, '" ,, ' , " ,.,. " .. ,. ' ' . ' "" " I '" I .-·.J • ,1 ... .\I ' .... I• Ill v•"'1 11e11d1l~ Thr p&rk LIPP!l.0'1 -c:r.,1· .. H 1i.;t1 ...,,.h, .. I ll!1J•l•nt11 ""''' ou•u\. '11.lle·I tH '""''"' the tn·~ r !l.l1or1n;r """' o 1,. r .. ~ In rrunt ""'l'I H wu prl ,,.t,.ly owne•1 11.IHJ t h .. "l'""·"'lr 11t1111~ '"·.•t•·••tlly W11111<1 hav• tn ~ remo\·~11 bv th!! In lh,. fl""'I •u "1!1,1:"11•')' th•· uwnrr · lr1111rr,rn1>< l>o·1 •111•ri,,·11t ,,r ~:1n1·J• 1 '"·'. " j.,, ~1· ... •. j •<1 I •·•I ,, ., _\\ "' ' . " ., ,. ". 'II <0/1,;' " "1r11 __ ,, 0' '• '" I· ""Pl (_,, fj~t 111 ,. I' 1,lt(JI '"U Tf)(J \\ t"T ff rnt "fl".,, II\ I Ullrt'"n "'"I -""n 1 • .. A 1·,,11t a .\!,."" rnurtu .. rv r"J••ll 1lll All!I lu•·l '"'"'! 1;i1 ,.,r•·r~ ''",. r •I thw.t ., fun•r•l ,.,·h•<I 11 .. -t r .. r "l11n•I ti1• 1,,.,.,., 1 .. •t" ""fl th1<j.;o(1t.J. Th11r11•i•>" hi" I lv lH' (·11n• .. 1 .. : "h"n i.:1111 r th1:t:r1" lun rhJ l(t"und 11.l 1 h,. ',..,,,.r~• y ''"' "'"' '" ,,,,_ !lie n!l•11n~ "r rq ollpt> •·r.1 lu•r ,., . .,rk T,..J,.l'r.··"~ nt •1!h· r ..... _,, \\ '' •< 1 •• H '" ...... , ,,,, ' •.• , ' • 'lit' o ·-J• !I J, •• -~ Kt••·,. "'"lt' '""'"' ""-• •··1•·1 t.~t "''' ,;,, ~"'till . ' t:<1•t• M~-.,.11.,0111 "'""" ,1.,~,...1 "'"'" th.1t1 lo""' "''11'"~ ~'"''••·!~;· Th111·•·l.w.y fvrenwn lur lh~ .111.v IUld \4<>Kl hf th,. ot"""'i<•' "R.~ n•1,.,1 !o .. J ,.,, 1 1L •' •'"·I· If ra >n 1untl!1Ut'• ,.,.,.r., t" j,,. t; .. l11y "'/,,.n "'"l"r ~"•kr·! !!.t>•'ll:ll ,,.1,1,' ~ '" alau, Supt. E''erell R"a a nnuunc-1 L11.,111.,.J. 111•11 "'',.n• f'l I •1.•n,.v "' •. ,, ...... '"' " ". ,, .. '" '· ed l1tnd. Th" )!iU k !,.f,.•t !•"I Ilk p!•r l ,lf,~. \\t'l~H,111 l!i, P"ltpl!8 In lhe ,.(rnlr n\11.ry 11! huoh A«nll 1!1h!1W .. •! Up, .!1!11.n•l!nl( In • ol rlY· I Jj,.f .. Jll11!I> VI ~1, '"··'' ''"''' ,. • .,r., !•ken norne by II 11rn a..nd on,i.: ol""'"P"U' Tll,.y '""'''" h•r 1nl _,,,, "•-1 •· •1 .,, \\ , ~ none o f th., .!l,.,.onr1 llet!a!on p uptle "-lt hout •h11 r,o.:• 1<• 10.,k 11 ro,,111oJ 11 .. ,,.1 •l•·~•"t o l·•I•~ ,1,,, ,,. "Son1e of th., road.s are 1n1pL,, ""''"''1' .._TO lt t:s l"''r""''o \\,.~111 ,r .. r •' 1 sbl~ 'R"" M id 'llllll "'"l!h l/1" o·.,n--"""I" '''"' J·1·'""' ·". were picked up, he 1111.ld. llJl lHrv.11111 1l "'11.!I <ln~.-.1 ~'" l•·n..:11, •,11 ... ,, ,,,. ' 1·h., l ltll na o llU~•·•I • n1 ln1Jr f!00<t I , t1ni;t<1 tall of r11n, C(tflthUun$ •r~ 111 ,;,,,,1,..,1;,,",. "h,.,·,. nierThl>tll) "' 1: .... ,. fu1 ~ J,,,, 1•0~-.,1,1. '' i"U1ng •l.,&oJ1Jy wor ... • '()/\th .. "Ii.Ill ~L<I•· "' ~~UO'l l!I A \'•· 1••!\'I<•' l••rtd. 11•i. .... 1:i. lt"./I''"' Newp .,rt BeaC"h eltnlf'!1!11ry 1. . 11 /'11l1•1lro11•n ~'"'I 11.o• ... ·n ,, '"" n,.ur .. u.i .. ,. ,,,.,,.,. i vol l!'llln•ly ..-IH>ftlK I ntl Ntwport l-f11r bor H11i'h I 1 r I"''" Ill daro;:•·t I··· i.:.1,. I..• ,... ... .. " '" I!·· II ' 'O•, " I, '"" .. , " •I 'I•,• 1 "''' ''· 1 .. ,, . • ,, ... ~' "' \lt,111.ll 'llt t <ll Ht.:~ I .1 • ... ,. r·,,., .111 .;, ,. "' Schoul wer e not cloai;J. "Y"' "'"1'.·r '"'Jlllig lh.,ir runt n,.111 1' ,. s 111 "' A•·•• '"' , • UtlHnl( ,'i t•ot ,.• ...,,.,,. •1>ndli11io:.i:•~I I s .. nou-11 fl..,.:,,.l1n 11: or •lr<'•·l 8 "~"'' .'\'intri -"t 1•1 to.ut """·I "" 1 h,,., ''" '" "' 0 1 11, ' . ' ' .. .. " ,. " " . ' ·"- '. ,.:o, . .1 I• I· 111 '' " ' " "'" .. , tl'fl-1rt~! a l lh• full'1"-'"'Jo>' int•·•-r1''"1 '"1"""11 ;..,,. <;111,.·t \ a ll•! J!.,.:ro'1"' (•• 1.• ' 1 tn 1;,,, 1••11 r;r •. ,,. Hl\'1! hP01>11·,." 1,,-,, \ .,, r\•1 •,, ,. ··~· ll"'1'luu1~ 19th St 10n (j A111<1,,.1111 • !llll<:' l<nl,I(' rll •·r rttn l(l"I( 1n ,1 .. p1h 1 "1 '' II• ''"' "' "" ·I "., 1, Avr Maple Avt' and HK 11ul!oin rrrur1 a l••W llh)l,.,, I<> •J Vf'r" r.,.,1 l.11;/•I • !h•·•u~11 .. 11• 'lu• 'h Ho. , . ., .,1 ,, \, ·• .,1 I·' " 8l,ll<1r hetl trSt 11Jll10r•ng .. Av ... i;,.,,11,n t:rui,. lll\•I. "'"~ ,.,.,.1,nnd "'"\ ~,.r!l'•n~ .. r !•··· 1'1'\ .,1 11,." '"' .. 11 11 the lt:)(it) hlock of SUP"'rlor A\'f~. In h•• fl<>O<.l••'I 11.ln1'o~! lt>1 l l11>t'I:" ""''" '"·1 ! I ~'' '1•1tl l1 ·~ lit,.,, •ot, •I 1,., In 11,•i••r the 2()()0 lll<X'k <1f Harbor H lvrt., ,..,, ., ,. ' , ... ~1 <"tdJll v "'hrn " t n "' .,,., k<' I T" ' , ll'nll:lh f rom Harhnr llh·11 tu llol(h-• H"•I 11 .. , ... · o.ol I n· Jllfl<l the 2110o hln.·k of Fa1rwe.7 way 39 1 r .. 11 IH'rn11.• 11 111~1n p.tlOer lln• 11 • .~lr 1,.,11., _1,",1 \.<'\Jn,.,,oilO} " llnve l.11.\'t\/l •nil l •~•·nn SI~ fJ '""I . Mo>1l <-lllJ• If' A1111h .. 1r11 p<1llcr n 111nA,•' I ·•.u•v 11 ... r"·"J a fter 11 n KAl."11 STATISTl <"!>I t I 11n•I P'l"-'"t Rl ...,, Jn~h Hn~pttn l· , • I , . A <I t , r e.mt rom retl<<rn1 11 rrl"'>!llnl( 11\ ~ ,.n,-r. '' ,.,..~ n• "' o ...,,. t·p lo 8 •.1n ye.t"rllay, COOll8 "'"'"nu t l"1t 0 •··'"!::"' r .. 11n'• 11 .. ~ • 1 1 H ler11•·f"ll'>IU l•I b.. .. llh,.r ro•lllplPI<'-n •i:•·I"" ' 1111<1 l\•·(I Ill th,. ,.,. 1'f<'llll reported rllln f•ll !1gure11 ly clu~ ... 1 nr h<'&l'll" fl<10ol"d, ... .,, .. p1t"I """ 011 ,f11·• ., .. 1 ia. .. ,.,, ·• ,1,,,., ,.,n~ H•· "-'ll.• ,.,,,_ u f 3 ~a lnrhea tor th• lllorm. Thia to ,. f<><>t ,1,.,.1,. The '1f'lu1.:• .. nrlo·<I,. n""r .1,,,,,~1.1 J'I , 1 1,., 111 •. !-,,.,111 ''""'"'1 ""· broughl l h .. l<rll-00 to a.90, -11Jight-f,f An('h .. :'ltf r llJv,I Al llJll1'J.:<'· on f>r11ngrt"">nly ,n1p1'.ol•I 0 ~ 0 <.11 1..-nlrr· 11~ "ll~ !y •bov,. l•"'t y .. ar'1 ."o ;1. N""''Jlurt t horp<! Ave. wu ftllf"ol up u "•rl}' Th,. '"lnll •u rn~I I'"' lll .,f ~ ul , rl ,.,,.1,, 1 th" ·' ,1 I" ,1 l !.ub<ir "porter! 3 23 for lh<! &tor nl t o 1 .. 11on Int" rn'l•lo!v "'"'1 r-11ni.: 111\\•·.• .,, 11 pin v.·,.'1n"11'111y ~:11<1 r ~~1~" 1 ~li7 ""d ra!lle the •euon l'l i 79 t•oin pe.rrd iu ul hrunJ,;ht '••n<Pru 1 .. t. .. 111°· I 10 Ja~t year'a 023 ~""'" Jllft f'l'A nf hiLJ1lnr11111n Anll· •"-rl,.r.o in tl\e ll•)n\h v.,.~t "'~" ,.f J·1•h" ~ A,,. . .,·u•tu>n ••1 T lo<' SJ""', "! X••v.JX>1·t The Orm.nge C:nunty F'lood C'ln -helln f••lln<! 11 n•«·r.,~ary 1" H1tn <l lh<' '1\V wh .. ,-~ """'"" """' 11,, hr.• Jl, '' h trnl 1111!.rlrl ntr1r e rtf>"rt,.d th•l """' "ntnin•".O 1" k•·<'p "~1,.,. ""1 """"tr""' ii., • .otn· .. 1 '""t'I''" ~'"'"' "" k " 1"" '"'"1""' .\!rll. 11n1nror11,,r11tffi ro1J n\ye.r,.a otre"l1 in<llJo !ln~ l)<''\;~·l!ltrllll,.r 1'"1'"1 r·l\y 1t rl 1111 111.otr>t T «r H,., •i,,,,,,,. '! I• 'ill''"" 1"'" ·"""·•· AnRhf'l1n n u11 .. 11n '•V"I A 1111•1 r .. "•rll !) .. r the h1tvt l11k"n IL !err!rlc pounding but '""II 11 111~•}1'", " ''•l•'l11n n1 11,.. I ", a.i,110.,,,,, hi• 1,. hl'r llA \!d of no llllljflr rt11n111ge h11d been "f1-·"•:\VEK l 'A\'t~-J.-.~ flr,<""1~ or lflll) 1111 >1 111:1R ~Hid, "Th<.~1 ·,.,1,. .\lo•,, ,,11,1 lhn ... br'1\her~. cnv"r"'I ~h·wer <'lll'e-ln" W<'rt rall"d Jn 1'1 •~n l bfl•I }'"! hut 11not h "r Thr .... •·•I I 1.,,.i 1 .,f l.)""'><>'1, Hnb<l<r! I!: of The 'lff1cll! !laid on .. of the rea-Jl<llwe trn111 thr 1nterH.,ct1on r.r r"ur In< ~1c11 and "''r "''•II 1,.. 1n '· .,,11.i., :ofllJ H«Ji,h n t Hiv"rsur, aon• for lllck Of ""r10Ull dama~ll! ilhln •nd Crnlf'r St~. 11.nd Ill C hRr· lrn11 hl• '• w ~~ th1t t tl1P ~rnunrl Wlll!I 1try '\fld could 11tJ.or b 11. lot of W•t"r One ot th• main tunctlon11 ot th., flor~I r ontrol di~trlct ha11 b"en to k"•J' <tr1tln11,Ke r hllntlf'lll OT!'in. Thi" h11.~ b<'en done pr"tty ,.fff'ct - lvf'ly, •I WRll r"porte•I The Or11.n,K,. ,-·ounty Rn11.r! Dt- p•rt1nPnl r<'porle<t 17th St "goort <'Or1ditlnn" 111 11 .30 a 111. )'l'•- lf!rdJ11y, but l<'rm .. <I th" rern11.lnder o f th,. "''"l"r·loi:grd c:arcl rn Grove ~rea fn "hlld 11hA~" The fleparlm,.nt n lcl th" G•r- den c:rovr a r .. ~ he..s grrate.~t rrnm the h"11vy •lo wn· pour V\'Hh no 111•houl to "·orry "bout, mRny rrr the chtldren in Giirt1en • 11w11r<h h"t Clltllf' through flyinK C'Uh'r". de10p1te thr < hf'ering pollrnhng In her J..ru1u.s.. To .a.tld W UU! CDnIJU.lan. 11< .. nt l-!•l r hrnrk"11 rlll..!lh b11Jb11 werfl )'O)'pinR In An "ltrmpt. to gel -ch ·~ llirnurt rreiplo>nt 11n<! donor• to- 1.!"lh,.r f'1r thPir plrture". Orchid• --~n 10 MRry Jo. 11.nd h,.r r&p&ble LADY ANGLERS om"'""' fo•· <h•I• '"~lloo of I th""'' •HllRnlhrtent trophlr11. I Though t i11hLng tn our local wa- C'unll11u1•t.1 fron1 l'".I:'" J, purl II l!rr!I tilt! not come up to the good l:ill 11 lllkt'.~ t., qu,oi11 ,. "" ,,.,, ."-k•J'· •l<I d».y11 (nf which our old tlmeni p('r 0..:1 ti I •1;•• .+I .,11,. 1,,, hu rt 1lnvf' lo r,.1nlnl11ce1 f&llll!<I l o tru•- lou. ·, ''' ,• " '!! , '" rr11l" nur f'lllhu1111111t lr membr,r1. '·'' '· ;,,.,, r wn , ........ ,11,. ....... ,-.. broken lhl~yl!!llT I•. 1,, ,1., Mr, l:o,.,. f [)ir k1 t ;r,.e-ley I hr rir •t !u J,rpak th .. ,.,·hit<' •e• (.,, '•0 •l0 :o ll·o•k.,., .. 0,,,0,,,t •l:\!t"' 1.1•~n;r;1and 111' I• I o~r ;1 ,,,,1,i \'r1na 1 H1tn1< WU tu o. ~ "• I "" -a 1-i .. , .. !lo ' "''' •I I, .1 ... ' ' '" ' 11 1 "' 11 "·' ,., .. ~1 •'f fn 11 •11! 1-.,11 1.i ""I ,• " l·n ~ 11, 10\ l>r !~hop "" \' 111 '" I"'''"'' pl!o·h •n<: 1111•! th .. ' »~1 ,.,,.,.j '' 011\ "' !" t,.,,.~ thr 1tlhllNl~ ,-('., I'! !h l•ne 1 .... 11, ,, ,, • nt.r• • "'hn tr<>k- ,••-I 1 .. ''·"' I ··~t.:" 1 .. !J~ll 1n !hr 1'""'"1'' \\ .1lo>1" 1••T ! J> oo l'~IJOW· 1 H1) 11 .. n1la . I0'1•1 n111 1 Ion t"'""J lh111 111•> rirnhiP!ll thr \' ha•r '"'hAf it t llk •·~ ,\11• :.;,.,., ol•••r,.tll""' h:on~f.,lhet l '" '"" ''"!'" (,,r 1a lk".j ""''II\' \l l!h l)1o' <IUIJ rha,n- 1'1'01lllhlJ• 11n.t ""ll<'r l .. rl .•J~ trnph- 1• k J(,, t.:11 I 111•• ~"'""! ·"!'""'< ,., JO 11 11 A "'""I': tllPn< ""' t.ht ,.,. ><n.I ~I ""''"'"": +0:0111· ~ "'·'" 1••t 1~'0:"111 . 1<nd <•nlo ~11tlln l I "' 11,.. 11 11,I•·• J.11~ n '''"'""'"'1~· !1:">•, lh~ ••n 111r•!1ur•1 IH•·klr 1. rr<«••I "I 11tuiH\' ""d" lo·~··n••' \I r ~ ,\I 1 ~:•h'l ll> .l11•k•"" tH·Xt on P ilk ,.h,11 1~ on ,n~1.,111~ f" <k"r "" 11.•I l'"k•"I up •'•1<111 11w11r•ls 1 11n•• .. ,1 '"" .1,.i. n .. 1 ·I ,, , I·•• ·•••h 1n•l1J•l•·I f 1 r~1 "ii.I 11 .. runU11 l \~t.rn~ I, II 11 L-. .. o (,, r,,. 1 tul ,, I""" 11lh1"''',. a nd .•··ll""-'!H 11 l.,,.;i,,,.pn !"") .. <'I I I!,. I;, !"l!lf'l"''I II I"'" !1UI 1" find l"I 11111>1<' l18!- ·111l !H•IJ .,f t''""loi,. ,., . .,,,1, .. ,, l tu11 .. ,,,.__.. : •• r )"" .-n~•,,n<:-1 NOaTHWEST ORANGE -Wat .. r awirl11 around bnrricade on !'.itrur.k A ve .• east ot Douglu ne&r Ora.nge. y•terday by floodwalen&. A n& FreewRy f rom Buena OCN:i Phol<> Stn.i.._k iv~ one of 8C\'t•ral r<JHd:i 11: county rl"scd ellrly L..Hter 111 day n1any n HIJl•f h1.i.:hw11.1·1". in1·ludin~ ~anta J)ark to Norwalk. w..·re 1·h.lf'ed by deep wat;:-r. T i•' !,11( 11,1, .. ,.,1 01! 11... .ro.•11( -"!on 111 \ 1"1111( 1<1.,Uo •flfl,.1 Kpplv- 1111lh R!JY "·'" (hp I· .... 1,., "~ Th .. , ... 11•lnni.,: rai.: I I~ II l>el!I " ll<>)•h\' """"· .\It• ~.,I \\ht\' 111111 •ol••• lruphi-.\fy !h11nkR t n I Jo.• ~"""""'",. H1 lh• to 1kr hart ny unkn••"-·n d"nnr N ~kt yrl!lr I lo big l&Jlk IO'llh "'"~'"t.: th" 4nl'lnf"' tn m 11kr h!rtr t •l 1L j Mf:SA , .. ,,{)()l)t-:1> Th11• dN'p wat(_•r SCf'ne at Anahc-1m A\'f". and 'A'h1c h beset motonstA a.nd h(11.1scholderM 1n trrdl\y MhowR 1 r<i ubl1· when downpour caused flooding condition& al busy 1ntvrsect1on. 19th St. yeti· CoHt.a MeRa StAff Photo --------------· ___ .,_,... ---........ .--. ------... Ac;;cRE DJTED AUTHORmES -Graduatea of one or Balboa Power Squadron's newe11t and moat faaclnating courses received their awarda; at lht! Certificate Award dinner I.a.at w"eek at Newport Harbor YC and are nc.w duly recognized as "weather-men." I We wonder if they predicted our present storm). At left, weather clua instructor Leonard Hostetler congratulates Robert St. Oair and Robert Bogen on their achievement a.s Squadron Commander Curt Dotih makes the announcement. -Beckner Photo MlSSJON ACCO MPLISHED -Justly proud of certificates presented them by their inatructor Warren Pomeroy I right ) ore these Power Squadron members who suc- ceufully completed the Advanced Piloting course a.s they received the plaudits of the large g roup assembled for the Balboa Squadron's certificate awa rd di nner at Newport Harbor YC laat week. -Beckner Photo lNSLEE TROP HY WINNERS-Proud of their vi ctory in annual lnslee Trophy race11 at Newport Jiarbor \'acht Club are Bill and Bubara Ficker who i;ailcd their Lehman dinghy Barbara D. to a comforlable 5:1 1 point ll'11.d ovf'r thf'ir nearf'sl rival, J im Linderman of 8 ''C. Third in the five-race event y,•;1.s Dale 13udlong of NHYC. The Fickers are shown with awards they received from NHYC Com- modore Pearcy (left ) as race committee chairman E;d Warmingtri n i;tands ready to offer congratulations. -Beckner Photo LEVALL£Yl o.- J;1·er1 f:\·,.11ln1t 'til 7 P.11. Brand New 1956 ••• Executive Cars end Demonstrators • HILLMAN As 100 • JAGUAR Low $ As • DKW Down • TRIUMPH $51 ..... Month • MERCEDES-New Car Guarantees BENZ 500 & 1500 Ml Ffft Seni~ SEE and DRIVE TODA V AT ... 111 Enroll in Power Sq1adron Piloting Class 111 I. C. PEA8F. One hllndr«S m..n uW woman MARINE NEWS · Teenager lnlured by Accidental Disdlarge of Gun NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1956 John Acu1rre. 16, of 612 N. • -11'iY61lld 1Ut -vmiU)' t1TJ'Plt""• t"'tt111r ----- tlr9t -1011 of the aprtng Pilotlnf Da'4o .J_lJLE_J A I L.£ ,,_ me• 8 :U a. m. 9:-47 p. m. 9 :16 a. m, 10:211 p. m. 10:01 a. m. ll:tM p.m. 10:'11 a. rn. ll :t llp.m. 11 :40 a..m. Grand Avf'., Or9.nce. wa• wound· ed. 1.11 lhe Jett lee at 10.l& p. in . Jan. 1-4 wrien • g\ln belonglnl' t o a tnend acc1dtnt•Uy d~harr· ,, Harold I. Johnson ---0oi-w-.... FMMal ' aoune, (lven lwlce a year by Ba.t· boa Power Squadron . Slilty·rtve more enrolletia repurtad !or Uie ftm ctu.. at 8llll Bem•rdlno, 11ven under Ba.tbo& eupervl•lon. EI mer La Lanne, local oour11e ch•!rn~. announced that next Monday night will be the lut chance to ent'Oll ror Pllotl.ng thlJi 11prin&:. 1'he lVUr•e la tree and I• held for the n,.Jll ten Mond•Y nlg-ht. at 1''e.,.,•po11 Ha rbor Yacht Club. at 7 ::SO. FLral Jeaaon, on Motor Ho 11t l•w w .... held Wt J.1onday, g h •en by Joe Guerin. Succeedtng Je.MOn•wlll be aa tollowa : Safety at Sea. R•Y Don•ld; U ghta and Rell u Ir I'd Eqolprnent. J11.ck Swart ; Rul!'a or the RoaJ, I-'f!e :\lcColloch: Alda to Navlgatlon. E lmer La Lanne; l.;om· pa.sa j two leuonal ,..llncoLn Clark . Sumanahlp, Al Rylett; Chart!! and Piloting 1 two lei.aon11 1. Ben1ha rd Palm; Ma.nn!'r1 11.nd Cu11tomn, a n(1 Flag~. J im P.:11.,.,·ar•I' The~ 1,.,. '"n" .,.,,\11 be follo,.,·e,! by '"''O w e,.ka of f"''leY1'a, berore the fi nal e>:am'· lnatinn. "'lu~h ia opllon11.l tu 1.~ h .. 11! Anni 23 .... f ~n w ho b~nn e n1t n1Le1 ~ an'I "'ur11~n "'h<> p11.~~ the e.x.11..m1natlon, ar" el!g!bJ., l" take 11.dvanred cour1e1 f 'nmm11nd,.r <.:ur\111 Friday Jan. :17 Saturday Ja.n. 21 Swiday Jan. 211 MonM.y Jan. 30 .,.. .... , Jan. 31 Thur11day J'lf!b. 2 0 :211 a.m. 12:39 a 1n. 1:18 a. m. 2 :01 p. m. a QU.A.k TJ!:ll MOON r~eb. 19 Feb. 2:1 FICKE RS WIN Ins lee Trophy Races Sailed One Day • 1n B~ .. " ... .. .. '° " ·" •• '·' 37 .. " LAST l,lUAJlTt:R Feb. 3 """" ,__ 2:20 a, m . 3 ;27 p. rn. 3:09 • "" 4 :00 p. rn. 3:1111 a. m . • t2 p "" 3 ~ 11. n1. :'l J9• p. Ill. 11 47 Ii. 111. !;.~ p.m .... 6 ':S3 Lm, p.m. i 18 a. Ill. 7 16 p 111. • """ Mt»ON F'eb. 11 f\'HYC, n ni•hf'd tourlh of II entrJea B L 1.2 -l.6 1.0 -1.3 ,, 08 o.u " I.I '·' 12 12 " " Polire leamf!\1 o r the accident wh•n Aguirre w•a taken tor treatment lo Hoag HOllpltal. AK UltTf! ll&Jd he WU Wl.tch!D,f • t ele1·1s1vn prorr•n• i.t the hon1e of Hobt rt De•n Lct:p , 21 , ut 122'rl ~t lh St, v.·hen he cuuaUy pick· f'Q up a .22 ca llbf!r plJitol which i-'f!e11 g.&ld he had ho-en cleanlnf. Lef'p all.Id he .,.,.11.rned A(Uirr e I th8 l the g un rn1.11:ht bf! lo•det.l but l •l lhc a&111" 10..unoo.ni lhe we.ir.pon d1ai..l1t1rgeJ. Th~ bullet lu..J r;t'J Ln 'lh~ luwer I'"' llOn of Aguirre 1 lcf l l"IC· ~p 1<nd hui wire took 1111' lnJUr,.d youth t" the ho11p1tal. .._"c.,_ 1111 vu .. Wa7, H_,,.n a.dll MARIYE INSURANCE ....... ...._ O•lwlrn&-For\oll. a.hy C.. 23Z:S "'· Coa.et 111...-.7 Ll.,..rt-y S.TMI ln lht (ltlr1 I Almotl evetgone, svetgwhett "'"'' 011 ':·\\\\l\\lil///11 > \\ . \\'I' ii' ' ' ~ ----. ·' nou11,·ed lhat the annu•! ren\!.,r. voue, held "II.Ch )'r•r by 8 a I b O ll I SquaJron a t A•·alon. "''lll t.11.ke pla('e this ye11,r on June ie H,. alan &nnnunce•1 th&t J ohn H King• I lt y nt l..Jrlo Lllf' will at•J aa a~-An lnnovllillon wh!r h tt!Cf'Ll't<l 11atllI1l to C hairman La Lann,. the pl audl l.I or 11.ll ront.,,,t&nt• ""'as K 1ngsle)'. v.·ho h u bf!e11 e•Cf!,..,· 1n1tig.1r.l<"d a t Ne.,.,•port Harbor ln,i:ly active In tH&.lll\.f!U anJ cl Yael1t I 'Jub !u t Sunda y when !hi' witk Oe Amazing 1ff1ura 1n U.os An11:e : .. 11 1<nd !loll.> flv,.·111.•,. 1e••e• f(1r the lrale,. f'~r VOLKSWAGEN w .. 0.1 f•Jr 11111.ny .1 tar1. 11 a pelua l ·rruphy ,,., . ..,. sa.J l<"d all 1n r"fflti \'ely llf!"'' and \"f!r}" enthu~-tone 1111.y ra!hf'r than u fonner l1· 1l0.~Ur 1nr n1br r n r the Squatlrnn 1 ov~r twn week-e n<!.a The di ng hy bul 11 t 11rn1ng hi s h,ng f!JtJWr1en• e 1 •klpJl'llr• who parllclpatW voted W1 L/1 org1tnlU \lon work to the •"r· the !tlf!I\ 11. hU,lll'e 111eceea 11 f'(}ffi· vlr<' flf the !'.ca l Squa.dron. f}"tl!io n llt!en1ei.J keener and Jn - Stale Farm l1nruce c.11 I Co•pui~es l .I 8-1011 L I ... a "d almoll eYeryone ha, hi1 lovorlt• f..ah..r._ Some '°Y it il the penny-(J .mile econQtny (31 mi!e1 To c go!!on of REGU LA.II: gcnoliM) .•• 01heri like !he air cooled, reor •nvine. It CQll'I CAREFUL SERVICE r--...i.. for your s---11'~ Our m«h1n1C'I are J ohnJOn· 1rained in rhe Ult' of 'f>«ial fanory-rype 1ooh , They uH: John.Kin paru from our larae 11oclr, usurin1 you of onlr the fines1 m1inu::nance i nd tf!· pair w ork on your ou1bo.rd m oH•r. Look ing fo r a .,1w Sn.Jfor1e? \l1e hive rhen1 •I prices yo u'll •ppr«iau:. South Coast Co. Newport Blvd . a t. 2Snl St~ llarbor 2600 J11'1n111n "SJ.JM-="° 228' terut r,.m.,ined at top P"llk lhn>u,lll'hout thr evl!nl. With three rir1lll a aecond and a aeventh pla ce, Hill and Ba rbar• F'tc ker "f thr h<:>at i:lub won th,. bonor ot ha.v1 n1 lhl'lr oame en- 1raved on the perpl'tua l trophy •• lllM w1 nner11. Second wlth two rourth.I, a alxth, a thirrt and !I. eec· ond wu J !rn Unduman ot Balboa YC who erlged out Dalt Budlong or N'HYC by a wh!•ktr a I OYerheot . .,.opodock or lreere. Your favorite feolure? You'll find It In Volk~!\. l'!'J COTTON GOFF Al.MOS r fVfl l'QNf IS TEST OitlVINC YOU:SWAGlN. ,. AU l'()Cn W , L l.••41o Lout }'Mlr 'a "'ipner, Bil! Cla rk of 133 E. 17th St. t:m;ta M t"!ia High Q uality Pr inting -Ph . Hor. 1616 ~IRJ lnaun.ne4!1 Rrokrf'I 137 n.1.ide Dr1ve H&l'bor 417l Sewport 8eac.h. <.;e.nt, made it the larg_est Selling ''8 '' in the World ••• theFORDY.8 Here's why! Pf!Oplei Jt111t n.aJ.uraUy go for 8 cylinden in the FORD pack.a,.! And to • world record e:rt.nt! Just llairak , in the firat 11 montlu of 1956 aJone. 344,496 morr people boua:ht f ord V-8'• lhan the l•o ot.beJ' low. prioed oompetitive eight. combined! O< ooune, the l"U80n the Ford V -8 ia the tar,...t 11ellin1 ei1ht-cylinder car in t he wotkl • Lhat IDOl"fl pedple like iu Ju..t loo~ cit that of1ldal ,.utrali.on filurn for~ firtt 11 month.-Jo.nuary t>r.ruu,;i Nowmlxr, 195.S hrll.Jld of perlonnance-t/wo .\ind tlw.it oom• with ~ car! 'l'hNe Pf'Ople 11.tt11't 11;nui.teun in judgin1 engi~. Nearly 24 y~ of building Ford Y-8'• to supply their demand i.I convincing proof of tlat. A.nd the Fon:l. V-8 of today iii t he best yet ... hy II t:ountry mile! S m oother 11nd quieter-you o.::11n acarcely hear it, even w ith the hood up' fORD V.11 C•r C--Y-8 CaYP-V·8 Cel"C-&a. CuP-6i11 , ... _ f'.arla&e9 1 •••• ...,1 1.u11 ,2 .••.••. -- f>J•°:Q1e . --•. WT..)M 262,870. --.. t11,17J 64b,1113 . ____ .119 334,6.0. ___ ...,.., Siu.ier-ju.t uk the hit:b••Y patrol offian-•ho drivm one.. He knoM it l3.kN • Ford to cat.ch a Ford! And, fOf' the v-ery pt'&ctical queetion of di.r.rol>ility -Mk a Ford cab driTI!r. H• knoW9 how Forrl11 tftke it dayw on end. So. ii it'1 peT"formanc:e th.t you want -and WTapped like a (in-the '15o8 Ford V-8 i9 your beby. Coml! 1 • ••• Cry 1t today.I r .c.A. HARVEY MAYER MOTORS 2137 Harbor llvd., Costa MflCI a,r• 1101. • '"l. fYL ~llu 1;d I fee s. 1111a st. Sall• ... THEODORE ROBINS von P"ORD DE.U..E& ~r.vcr; l tt I (Cornrr Vk-torla St.) (Marin1>r'11 Milrt) Uberty 8-!1471 IO. l ·l7ff --------------UJU:AT T\, t'OKU T lt.l:ATkE, llUtCA (f.1 TlllJNOAY t :ao P..M. ---------,,::1!£~~ • • ·~ .... SAINT JAMES CONSIDERS • PARISH LIFE CONFERENCE Has National Notice Dr. James McCauley New for Easter Display Presid'ent of Lutherans Or. Jame• Mce&u14iy, Oru1e eel ot Han")' B«t;b. Nlfl- Cout OOUf!r-profeuor. WU ...... lnlOO., Wtltoft Lewtoa., It teod pr'Hl.dmt ot N-port Harbor &:bUlta &nd Cleora-• BurllhUd Lut.beran C'tlurch •t a r.ccnt Other action a.t Ow i:aee.Utis pruven1Lnt w~ UJ>O! ... l•Jly 0 u t- •tand1nc With a ii:rowlb In ""' recielpta from Slll,180.92 In .... to ut,aea.i. 1n 1906. ""' ...... buslne111 I• ""' ,. see wbat Un dimly at a dlatance, Rev. Rollo Boas Will ., ----;;:.....-T~l.l...P-reject-Benefi.ts- WSCS HONORS ' -Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, 2501 Cliff Drive 1a prominen.Uy pictured on the cover of the February Wsue ~ ,.,,.. ltt""t'!M-.0 ll&~b.. Uonal publication 11ub1K"rlbed to by L&at September the \oc&J. church civer 6()()0 prote.itlinl 1nlni.ter11 ln new1paper n.ame ··c;rou ae..m.." •ll part• or the country. w ... awarded ftr•t place ln a na- The chun:h I• ''llOO for It• ell-Uonal conteat conductad. by the :ell«nt uae vt a ure-•l&e Eaater 111 11. r a 11 I n " to sucge.t 1ultable nan1e11 fur congregational newe 11heei... and bulletin•. P .. tor Robert B. Gronlund haa alaQ won ..... _, L ... ~-the~ llleCauley, who hat been acttft U• of Tbeod.o r.i Hinderaker u In U&e local cblll'Ch •Ince arrl.tnc dtilepte to the 19~ conve nUoo "" In the Hartlor .,.. a year and a ot Ui. Ca.lltornla DUtrkt or lla.lf ap •"1D.c u • deaCCIQ the Amerlot.n Lutheran Church to put yMr, wW alao •nre u bead held at Ontario April 11 to of a newly...tect.ed lD rnan ch\Q'Ch tha approval of a r'evlMd cona counc.IL_Jfe LI & realdent of eo.ta tu.lion and lbe chooalnc of Ch M&M. iB'ld received hi• doct.orate so over Minneapoll• u t.hA .. 21 ; U· IU· oon· but to do wtu.t II• clow.ly •l hand. -Thomaa Carlyl• ~.u:&& ffT'TliSB- U LU . SHYICI -.J l lJ'AllS Joe IJec~LofJ PLl lM.IU:\.O fl.IM$ " Pl• CINf DOWN .. _. H•~-l>H The Eplacopal Cburcb In Amer ica. for the pa11t four 1.Mfa bu been bringing to it.a people a very rich Chri#tia.n ~nee through the mearui of Pariah Llfe Conferencea. fte pui8b of St. Jame.• ia planning for one in the very tP.-r future, a.c::cordirlg to the Rev. J ohe. Parke, rector . !4. A. htUtJ Ute Conferenc• 11 a m&11 W•kemsll, John T Stet.eon -r.-t hertn1 of church pe<>pl• who. and H. A_ !Jerryl Hell For out..tandlnr servlc" to the Woman'• Society vr C t!rilltlan ~rvtce of the Ba.J - bo& laland Community Met.hG- dlst Chureh, Mr•. Clinton T CoaM. lO!l l,i Airlltll Ave., W&Jf r e<:elltl,y hooored With ll Ufe memberthlp In lhe or1rt.11l;(.9· tlon. rnural, which t riuuned ln ~ln111 &nd !Uumlll&ted 1t night, 11.ttra.cted con1mun1ty-wide nvu~e huit April &nd an 8Jtl0 picture of the cl1urch lnd 1nuraJ grace. t he front cover &everal Ind 1 v Id u a I award.a for from Ongon 8tata College. grepUon'a prefettnce tor , .. ,--·"Quick Service church &dn1ln!Jitratlon tdeu 1ub-O'l'1IEll 01?1.CEIUil he&dquarterm of the new Am OJ-FOR ~:."t lhe ~enhlp o~o"!,. of ::i• A.1 del•l!"•le• to the Lo1>11 Bea ch ~l'.9~ ~r; ot ;:.. OirU~ Convoc::auon, the toJlowtni were ~•.:.-Ch rch d th Ctuia1.ian' were electffl · Mr. 1.11d Mr•. A. A. -u an. e 1 Hamilton. Mr•. JOlleph RI"'· J.11• wtlhin the ehun:.b. Rather Walter t.. Sph~er a11d G,.orr• R ~ a •rt• ol ta.Ike, th...,, week-· ~ Lackey. ~ 1 a l.hart.D.p t.a.lte I.lie form of ernalL di.cuuton .-roup.. ln uie CH URCH (.'Of'N<'IL ¥fahufl1.ed ti.ours rrom J"'rtday ev.. M mtt. Da nie! M Ptttt•'IOTI !ll'!rt aUir t..hl'ouf'b to Sunday l\0011, John T S tcl.JOi>n wece .. 1c1·tell rf'p- ...... church P90pl4 recOl\tider the re-entallve1 to the Newpr.rt Ha.r- ~ Ure tn the church and bor Council uf C'hurch<'.11 Mra. Coene has been treu- urer of the IOC'lety tor many year.. She I• al.o a n acuve layman ln <1U1•r aff .. 1r1 ot th" church. tflrv•nic on the ~rd ot •tewardc and the oon1mLa- •lor1 on flna.n.:e. Th• pruentatlon gold life c the cen 1ca Mr1. T or lh• n11ltf'd lo the publication. a 11 J -4-1i11ou1icem e11l3 OLitlr part ln It. Annu11 rt-port• IVt're pr.,aentll':<.l l-----''---------- 1'1'ol o.Wy ta tnt ormal dlac:UM \on b}' lh1 r~~ tor, lre1:t11ur .. r, Day tti. a.-der or tbe ct..y , but fellow · School d1rec1"r V.'oman'• Auxtl- .nlp U.o I• "''tabll.tled While lary 11.ntl tho: v•r·1uu" g-\.111'111, lhe -h p.f""9()fl (0... homa lo 1IHp, Bnllh•·rh<~•·i ,,f !'.! Al\•!"·"' all pa.rtlctpe.t1n1 In the conferenc1 th" yu•ini; l"'"l'l•· 11 Krnup.1 Kave th•lr m-.11 lOl "lhf':r. wr11ch thr1r .r .. ll•t<'<' fl.(}AA TO TAJ,K Thrr·1 wu 'rl'l~·tl 011 1111' l""ll· T o dMCr1 be thl• "•Pf'rle!'ll.'e ""Ith-re.w nt Uh t ·,.8\ot ~1~ ...... ,\l 1••1Un. 1-t~ ehur"\'.h, the Rev R.ol!o M P l.11 1111 l i.1 lh" .. nl•r"<'"l""' ul ~!­ ........ ...Ute.nt rtci.or a.t S t. Ja.m.,., Jamr!' 'hll><'h l1U1l cllnl( (1\11·11 g tile Who h&e conducted quite a few ·c<>m1n& year""'~ t'l111.·11A .. ••! "' uie .. oonterence.11, 11 •i-ktng J At th• y,.~try rn 1··!1n1; ,,..t.1c h to both con("rep t!ona thl• Sunday t nllo"·ed I h • 11.1H1u11.l "r• 1.011 . about I.he Part.h Ute Conferenl.'t.. \\'!llLll m 5 K1lp1tn rk wa.• l f'IJ"J1n 1- Mo r-e Uld mo.re people who r..ve •Ill ~~n1"~ waHlcn oy 1'1r l'~rk r I a.tt.nded w eh Pa.rUll I.Ire Confrr-E ll'C'te<I by rtu•m b<'r11 of \hr l'""Lry _ .. are •yln1 th1nlfl li ke thlll: \V c r • th r f•Alo,,.·111r; ·fl•• .. ,~ "Seeml11&1Y I nev•r k n1w wh11.t !t 1J.....,pl'I L, Car,,.r Ju<ll••r 101<rd .. n m-...t to tr." part of t he C-hurth " Ii f"Aynf' Th•yer rlr rM fl•rh.-rl -r"b.1.11 upertcnce ha.ti ch•n l'e'1 my M Holker. t r•11..eur1r •l'lole oonc•pUon .,f li t~ · ·1 m c:ert.aJAly ('lad •.,._&lld·llO' tnlrl n111 • a.bout lh-conte.-.n«•.1wout•1n't l Sa11 Diego Man 1\.1.Y• ml.-..d It for-&11 ytl1Ln' .. .,.. ..,.., ""'' ·-""1'" ''°" Will Add ress _,.. real, four m~bol1""8 ot other I JtpUcopeJ cburehee ere 1peak1nl" • a}. to the Su.aday momln1 COl'l("Tf'I""" u n} vers lStS tlona atteT church In the pan•h be.JI , , , They ..-111 seek to fUrther ~be Uwo 1mportanl f<)fWard C'llJUU&n mo•• a. fron1 the Vll!W· Indonesia Talk for Baptist Brotherhood PAGE 8 · PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY. JANUARY 27 , 1956 BISHOP BLOY TO ADDRESS MESA EPISCOPAL GROUP '!'ti• Ht h.-1• 1-·1 ont!,. ~:r'" 111111• t.11h<>f• of U!<! EplN'Or;al 1~1·"~"'· •. r L.·'~ Ani.:• t.1, "•LI ~ l•I "''" tllu ··•n..:r••!i!!<!IUI\ .. r lilt' (',,Ill>< ~l.·NI ~-l'"'''!IUI !l-l i.•.•11 .. 1 .1 ... ]J 11t 7 I' t!\. IU l/'lf' r11.n.•h t1 .. Jt .. t St J"IH•·" ~:IH"'-"IJ"I ; 'IH•r• h H• Will ti.• 11.<«•><nf»Ull•«I l.y hlB ....... 'I'll'• ..... ,L.lAnt, (.,.,. "' 1111!1.; ILll•I '"'Ill j(ll'r •"Un•·ll t" II• t1udl ldl I), 11 .. ,. .. ~ .. r .••. •\OL !>\··~,. "' ,j :-. .. i ,,. An .. H•·lgh t~ Er1'""'(J!>(l.l- l1U1a, l•• 11 1 •··~ ~·n «•r<1n.o:•• A•r l>•'""·rn 20U1 "1\U ~l~l ~Ill J .. hu l1•Urt••il • ""' l"n ••f 11\•· ~t .•11111n \Pt-:'"'" All rllrrnhrr11 1., 111t .. n•I H•f l ·~tun""'~ .... 111 1,,. ,..•11+·1\ oy St. ·'liu-l(a.r,.L• c;uurt l••lltM•\1 0K !ho• n ,, ··!1t1i-;. ENCINI1'AS PASTOR Isla nd C hurch Slates Week of Evangelism j..otnt el a layman. l'IZW OPTl(,"f:JtS ''The key lo w1trton; 111 a.n hllnf'Bl doubt " 'rhi1 '"'Ill be th~ lhe'"" of a 1ermon liY I.fr J uhn I\ l')\JJ/l· non '"'hen nr ·~•k.• 11.1 l(Ur111 or h U I I' ' F 11 · hi J 1 I V.'1 lllan1 Me1•h•m •1r f'011t.11 Me11• • .. t e nvtrall • e '"'B l' "' Th" H,.1• II ~~lw1 ...,cl \\111.•n1•nn.l pM11 of Ll'le '"lof•rch of Faith r m -"' , t < HI r• "'" \O lli be w!ll \ell abuut lnck.n".lllli and 1U. " · • a '" 1 '•· 1 h h 1 , •--~ 1 nlln111tl·r "t th" En• '"1llill .\l<'!hn-~""" J•l11.1111...-J t;y over JOO Metho-·J:lectlon of the veet ry. nt t1rera "SO Th ht.I ~· Jil l\' 1 ·• "J>er• w f'n l .. ltot .. ~r .. .,..,., 9 I I ' rne •tlJJPi on •er; '~" , . 111111 (•hu1..i. "1111,..11t lh•· ll1'1!/n11 '11111 1·11ur•·he11 ln t ho;-South~r11La!1 · ulollll delept•• fe&tUrl!d th• &l'lr•ual Dr Sh11.nnnn 111 ,. rr t•rr'! prnfel!· F'1r!l HapLl•l Ch.un·.h l)f Co!lt11 I lt>llltl•l c. 0 111 "'11 n 11 V :-1,.111.,,11 .. L 1.,..,,l"·Arli.oo11. COn!f!:rCf\CI!':. Th~ dtnner m"'tln,J ol St. J&mea' tor of f'duca ll\)n lrunl Jndl•n• '"'h" ).1 r•11 tnl'eta Mvnola y •I f'i JU (I TI\ 1.1111,, h ~.,·h 2 ~ l\f f.,~ " ,,.. ,.,.k ,,f "' •·>< 111 f.~t'l>. 22•2!i hll.~ bef'n cJe-I Qun:.h when dinner wu ttrved to ! . l l) I M II In <11nnrr •'-'ao!<1n a l tti._. •hurt t1 h b St now 1•..,, • e ' "' e 15 • h f t 1 1 1 t. " '"'lltlg •h~I!·· I"""' hltii;" Mrl<I 1•1111\1< •1i:n1.1tr<I u !he ,,...et'k f{)r J;\•angr-1• membe,.. of th• pari• Y · memb1r ot Lhr Unlt11r1an t:t1urch 11 e "'" " >e pt•·rnrt'" Y 11011 11, ,.,1r<llni;t to 1111 ,111nn•uic ,.-1 11~,,1 111 ull (he rhurch~11 of th.~ War1-.rct"a OuUd of CO.ta Me•~ ot Sa.n Dl<'KO 1 ~·~1 n~ t:h.,f , t Lii 11 '"'-'"t Mf1<!,. 1'"' \lo •rK tiy l>l r~ \\hillier du1tr1rt Qf which local Al lhe bullln-••Alon I.he fol· Adult" In lhr 1tucly i;rroup, \Ohlth I ep •ni tpf'n ),.,,,.. 11-11 1-'l•llnt L L.ll>'e ··~u.i.,11,.11 .,f 111,. 1 !>lr!hu•ll•L c•hurt l'lr!I Kre a part. \owtnr were electfld lo th• veatry mttU •l 11) .11 rn 11 re ""l'l"•in( •llh1111{111a ry In lndnn.,1111t ,,.,.,. fur l ' h I ' ' , '" ,.,,, ~ , P"'""'' '''"'P II~ {'11nH11lt!J\I01 un )l.1 ,.111!l-f'r1h!p and f..tinh1ler11 n t lhe S an DI eg o tor a t.erm of thr1oe ye.an: The t e prQb <'!mJI o pn1'on re "rl" ., 'I m • ·· " I Rev. John H. P-.rke. M:<!:M rs. Leider nf the il!llt'll!U IOn lh!I we1'k ""'rv'-'d ,,. 11 h the .... 1ur11t tun ltn 1 I ~~1·"nl{(:hBri1. • r •l~I rlrl wlll b.-Jn thl• arl'J& to help Harbert. .W.. Holker, Joeeph I. C ar-will be M", B•mle.-e Chu ._. of hOllplt"! 11 \)nlln!atr•"U"n 11,,11 \'Ill Th" .. v1o.ui;rl1~1n l'mphu\1 11• II ih""I tnlnltler" in 1h., progr&m v'"-1' and "-Payne 'Tb.aysr. R•-Cotta Mu.a.. drll will g1v11 11Vlo nutnlX'r~ and ----~l 11111ler11 u r Ul" \\'hillier Dllltrlct 1 h ' °'' Th·-• who•"•-,_,.,,,, .• '" ,,._ le11.'I 1n iC"T<>UP 11n11n11 At C del Ma r· 111 1um will go to the San n tei'." ll rt'nl" r r-om l . ve• r)I wef'I .... ' " "" ''''ll<•m ,. t ~ or ona i1111t ril.'l for a •lmilar prograu1 Rev Pa.ul )(oore V.'h<!elft, Robert era.I relt(1on a.n r! humanl•m .,.... l'l<"h11m11nn, n,."•11• I ' ' ' II C t · I hillnlf tllu .,.,-~k .,r /\tar. 7-l <t.. H Berkley, W iiiiam J . Marbll.ker we)('()mt ("Utlla o( the tell.o"''llh lp t '' to ptr"'' rol, 111v1t"~ "' 11"·11 On g rega IOfla -·d D&nllll M... Pa.tu.on. Mr I .. , Ha ser.·11.'ea ..n•l thr, .,ffl!I": hvur 11". th" m-11ng. no ltJ;:t' J1n11! I,-1 ,,~ The r11.rnp•l10n '"'111 g .. l Und•r _, I < . ·1ri.;.. .. 111 •. F1·rl·~ .... 111 •· • ,...__ ...... , -\Vhsf'lllr now 111 ln Hawaii. w hlrh follo"''· Th,. m""tlnl' plar r '"' lln,.r nffl•"f'rl 1rr\ Ing '""!th , ",1 , "'" .,.,·11v in '" llni;::r t...:•n•n Y on • ulln - !:l lfld U cklepl.e.• to the Din-ol th~ 11;roup \Ji th., j,;t)<olJ (•Lui>. Ill~ hlu1 tl11' y .. &r ar@ 1....,., ll11h11. v1~~1~·1•11un l"P1 f,,r •.h" I I 1 1,.1._ Ftl). :?, ,,.·hen .\1,·thodl.'1111 will °' J 00 1,, Ba.lboll Ulvd pre11l<l,.n\ A A H11mH!on ,.,.,,,.. wur.'lhlf' ~er'''""· I•'" "11•1 It 11111 '''<l'"mbt" ro r a mllM evang,.ll11ur l f"lla&.n ConvenUon were . na " ' · . .. 1. , ., " 11'1rw>•.eon. J . E. rtnkha.m. W!ll!am ' · 1 ·,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .• < .,,,,,, • 1·h·· lt~v 1<11·1 I 11r1• 1.nl HJ T1bbl!U11 tre11.;1111 ,.r S1111•lf<)' Ill,,.,. """1>< '' • "' rnllv 11llh.,F'!rJ1l ~lll':lh0<hstC'hUr<'h •-~ '' .,f S1tnt1< An11-Speaker at th .. 7·J11 &. KUpatrtell. T . Horn 8"1"Y C t Mesa ~1111 1-;.i,,..1r1 L' ,,,.,,,11 .... 1t1,. 11111 1111; ~ .. r,l•·e will b., B11hop Ger•ld 1~ 1 Altarnal.M &.!"• Hl'flr)' Riedel, Nor -OS a Ba ha'is Study 111 .. :-: .. n1nl' l'1l~1·1"1 , ... 1111 .... ~htf',k •·l\n••lly, r<'l!llltent b11'h0f) or Lo~ March of Faith Theme for Methodists "'Faith x.reh• On..~ wlll ba t.he M1rTnOn-..ubJect at Chrlllt Church By th• &ea. on Sunday. The pu tor , l\.n. RoT A.. Carlton, wlll apeak a l both Mf"l'tcel.. II 30 and 11 Lm. ""l'!l.U. ewmon," he •ta t ... "11 ln- ~ \0 lnt•rJl'Nl.• the rort.h· cooUns S'ft.nl'eLLarn 1mphu la In all MathodiA church .. or Rout.ham cal11omlia and /uUOtloL Thia em· pMold.e i. Jmown u ''The March of hltl!." ud wu adopted by the X.Ul.odllt Annual Confer•nee a t It.I J...t unu&l -ion ln June, ..lM6.." A mnJMr at memberl and lead- .., of CMUt etu1rcti By th• s .. .tll •ti.d a "}(arch of Faith" nlly r• I at th• Jl'tfllt MathodU.t Church, knta ML Thb 11 one at 14 ,kf'I• Rill• beln( held Uu-o\l,l"hOUt Southern Ca llfomla and .Ari-&. Blahop Oel"llJd K11.11- nedy or Loe Aftl"•I• wtll be Lhe •pe&ker al each ot th•• ra.ll!ee. i,:11.i1p #ll 1111'11 IH•ll•" 111 ti··· "l"ll Ano.(•'l<'t ·rhe S1<n111. Allll. TI1 e-Pl tni;:: First Baptist 1111-: .; ;1•• ", 1·" k Ju11"" 1· • 1 ..:-'• 111 ,,.·111 1,e "11" •• r 14 ,r .. a r ll lltf'.• ,.1 Nine Re li gion s i .11"""i111• n,, .. ·111 in •·111;11"1 i1i.11 "'r11•h B1fthop Kenne-l;Jy "·iu Al t he of Co.ta !ta"t• Ana nr~t Bept!l l Church Me1111., M a.rno!l11 1.n!I Ave11 ., the Rev P . 0 Neum&11n w111 have a1 hi• •ermon topic tor tlie 11 a. m . service ''The Heavenly Vl.tllon". At 7 :30 p . m . Ill • theme wi:t be. ''The aermon JHUI would preach tod11y·· B•p- u .m will •lao be admlnl•tered Sunday School convene~ Rt 'iil ~'l~ •· m, with cl ...... ror all a&'a. 'Mlle Junior church will convane at 11 a. m. in the educational bulldlnl". Th• Youth fTO\lP will have apeci &J .1peaker1 et 11:30 p. m . •bWI two Chr\.a;Uan athlet111 from J'Ullerton Hl1h School w111 be In a tte.nda.nc,. Th• Putor's ln•truc· Uon CllUt meet.I a.t 11:30 p. m . WedAaM&y even Lii.fi" a t 7 :..30 lhir. prai.H a..nd Bible atudy hour will be held. A ront1nuance of the nnt £platle or John w ill be con- tldered. Stresses Love Over Hate B11 hA'l11 of nrtl.tllfl! C'uunty n l tell<.l<'d lhl! ln1t.11f(ur1J n1 ,rtu1.o: :->HI urday nllfht o t A ~•l'i""' of t1•IK.• on the nine ba11lc·worl1! rel!g 1un~ tn S11nta Ana . The tpea.ker "'ll~ !'-lorm•n G1u ... rke ot S in Hfrn11r· •llnn who·,. -ubJ~•·t w11.11 R .. r,.,11'""'" 1.n<I th, ll1nrlu l"ell11;H•" :'luh11tl(ju .. nt n1~etlni.;• "oil h• held each rnmln& Frld•y J11n 27 Mrs . J.:<lward Mlrkov\(h "' f"•~!1• MeA& will talk ()ll Zor0&4lt"I F,.h 3. Wlltlam \Vt!ioy wtll fll.~,.u~~ th•· J ,w!.!.h a nd Chri1Uan fslth11. FP)l 10, Arden Thur of Beverly Hill• will spe.a.k on Budlihiam; Ff'b. 17 Ute rel!s"lon of lel•m will be dlllcuased by Ot1<rle11 McAlliater: Feb. 24. Mr1. Vlrl'lnl• Simoni wlH talk Qa the-reUirkm ·fJ( Rioi,1 11.nd Balla!. WCTU Meeting .,f 1 tJ•• • h>i ri )1. f. ]II 11 Ill [)rf.'otch!n~. WSCS Canas ta Prt.1<'~(".i~ !1·0111 till' hntinal ll-~ta party o f t h•' lllllb<lll l:!lttnd Comn111n1IY 1'1 •'ih•,.li~! 1"h1lr• '1 ln '"' ),.•\ti !"Ulj{l•t \\ill f,., "~'"I f11r •!,.. l"·d• <'''"I 1• 11 ' ( ! " 11 lonr·n llRll, 11no>1d111..: t" ..,t,~ Il l•• .1 .1 Tftt11<·11 . • IL111r11111n It "il l ~ ... ._,n .11 B r ··hwlt (',,u1u1lll•"" \\n1lt•"t.~ 1re ~Ir~ \\111·11111,t 1•111'''""' M i~ sr ...... Sn111h IHl•I ~I r~. l·'rnnll.~ l{LI")' of \\'SCS. Sudden il~ne11s ? Your p hys i c i a. n's prescription will be promplly and a.ccu- ralcly filled by our regis- lcrcd pharmacists. and de- livered on-the-double. Phone Liberty 8-1242 Free Delivery IUahop Kennedy le Mted u <1ne of "It we Jov11 one another. God the outAt.andina: prea.chefll In .A.mer-dwe.lletli tn u1, ll:nd hl1 love la per- lea toda.7· fect<KI In u ..... The•e wor<W from ---------------ltlle t!r1t eplatle or John (4 :12) are Th' £ounty !n1t!t ute of lhe \\'t1- man'1 Chrlltlan Temperance Un· 1on w!lt be held Jan. J l , 10 11 in Ill C hrl1t ChuT"ch by thio s ..... Mr,.. Calhrrlnr M11 r11hllurn. rount y pre- a1dent. will prr11\•lr Tllf'te '"'I ll be 11 1111.-1( lunchecvi 11t noun 11.n!l 11pl'- clal n1u~1c . Newport Beach First Baptist The momlnr ,...orshlp hour o f lbe ,,r•l 8apU1t Church. 1\llh and Ba.Ibo& Blvd., wtll boJ held a t 11 o'clock W1th the R,v. Her· bert O. J ohn.on. paator. pre11ch - 1n.-. HI• -.ermon w lU be on "Over- comtnr Tem pt11Uon.·· the Golden Text of the Sunday Lea90n-8ermon on "Love" In all Chrt.tlan Science churc.hu. / The etory ot Joaeph'• love for PLANT BARE ROOT SHADE & FRUIT TREES NOW! Tnp quality -Ad•pl•'ff 1., (.:'10Ut:\J i\l'f"--Fnlll T ,..,..•-. r_.h, plum. 1.prl•«•I. nN"lar1n1', fl1t , p<•m>'rr..,,alf' &; flo,,.·rrtnc l"'M'h -11.llO aud "I>· S~e tr.....,._ .. h it"' blrrh, f "'hln,...,.. r lm M01.le-tu -h I; po1>lar SI .l(O •n•I "L' BAY NURSERY 4, !i E . 17th l-;t. Li be rty 8-5026 1804 Newport Blvd. In the Heart of COSTA MESA \\',. Uh·• t-1&'11 <I~ !'iltamp11 Chureh School wtll l."Ollffnt' at t :4ti •· m. Ther.11, .~i:-e e laelte• tor all SjfeS. Sunday cvenlnf worthlp ser- "ric:e W111 be&ln with a .on( ser· 'l'ic• at 7 o'c\e<k. "lhe Lut Judrment"' wlll lte lh.1 •ubject ot thf' me-dll•llon bN>Url'll by t he pu lor. his rather, and hl• triumph over I the re.sentmenl. halted 1.nd j u ]. ou1y ot hi. brothen I• told In the LPuon-Sermon. Although Jo..,ph had to endure ma.11y vlclultud"ll a rter h!A brother• .aid hlln lnlo 11l avrry, s llll be-cau11e or h111 ;ilf'•<l- rut love he ....... ~ t hl" to !Oii\' .. hb f1.ther a.nrl brothera Ml • tl1ne wh .. n they ,,..er" 1n lf"Tt'S\ nee.I. \\"hll':n r" IL unttffi w lU\ h•"' brolhf't~ hf' ••l<I ;:..============================:'..==============~ "Now thf'>"l!fOrf' bf' not 11 no;o v...,1. I '"'"' rnld-'l.'eek hour of p",Yer I• hehl on WednelMl•y •I 7 p m , The Bibi• •tudy wtlL c«1ter on the Crucln:itton. ruL'IT CHL'RC H or CURJST 8CIL"Tl8T 1•1 W!.e LIM. --kK~ A, ....... ~ .I Tt>o t.4oU .. C•~"<• I~• ''"' nor •ngry with yo11r•e l""1'. th11t ye •Old me hltl'l<!!r . rnr G<•d rhd not aen•I m• before you to pre~,...., llr•" (Gen. •!:i .~~. I Mary Baker F.r1dl' ""Pl•!nl! t hl.., In "&:1ence anrl He11Jt h 10·lt h Kf'y lo lhf' !krlptur,.11" "'here -"he 11•v11 ''Th• rich in "Plrlt help I.he P<J<u In one l'r•nd brolh<erhoo-L. all h11 1•. J11g tht ume P rlnrlplc. or ~-a lher , •n<l hlf'!Uled I! thAt m11.n "'"hn •l'"lh hi• brother'• n....-t A1'1r1 11u ppll~lh ll, •e-ek lnr; ht. o"·n in •noth<'r'• ttood" 'P 111s 1 I C:..d> ... CM-lot, i...i-1ht. Ill --· w ..... ........ 1 .-~~~~~~~~~~~ ................. t l\e ... ......, ~. . .•. "' WaJ l'"T ._..-ti .. -'".,"' .................... !I'' Yle LhN , .,._._. ...... " ·--..... '·-... ·--........ w-.... .... ......... ,,.. ··-.. 1..,. ·-, 1-. ' -C;l,io.M ~ ...... _ "'" ...... lo_...,. .......... ........ ....... ._._ .... _ .. ......... - BE SURE . INSURE •«• M:A fT1UC'E ST A:\~· ,_....., .... , P1!DOe Harttot t 4'J I Ullt E.. C-t ffl.-111-1 Co,_. .. ,.., Remember Miller Chevrolet Co. sells NEW OLDSM OBILES 1956 JIOLll).-\ \' ('lllll 't: • lly•lnun1.t1r Cl lk>ln•" lt1MllQ • \\"hllf' ,, ...... . s \"II ff,.., .... , l ,111flflf' • l'o"~r flrll.J,;,..,. e ,\Ir .,,,.v Jf,.al • t -Tnn,. l'a.Jnt T-~~I For $2978 Full Pr ice Rt:.'1t:Mnt:R---l\()RQr)\', Rl.T :""'08()0\' NEW CHEVROLETS Am .. rt.-M "• ~·,>1 ('&r •nld nn lnw-low 1, \f \ (' l"r•n• llll'h""' Jl'<r!!ll~le tradf"- ln•. ~1al\ prlrr• alart u ,,,,.. -.• , $1698 Full Pr ice (',\:""' ~1\K F: \'f11 · A nt::rrt..:R Dt..:1\L ()/~; :\ NE\\' ('."-R OR TR1 'CK -Pt.t :Ast: C(t,.t: I~ 1\:'\I) \'ISIT 1'S ~N . MILLER CHEVROLET co. 1000 "·-C.:l)A.~T mWr\\'.. Nt:\\'J"i>KT 1.ll':At11 I.I R.-2261 w lU •ault ltl.:ttd u otflcera wtlh Mc-lean Lutheran Church wh.Lch CauJey at ~ annua.I meeUng' o f be formed In 1969 IU lhfl r Ule church were: Secretary, Mn. o f the merger of four Luth era.n Roller Shades M&rtin Kahre; rlnflllcl&l ~re-bodle .. Standard Shade Clo1n1 ~· ta.ry, R.and&ll McC.11.rdle ; tret1.-Report. pr-ented ta the g surer, Ld\oy Bowman. ChoMn to •ring by Putor H.obert li G Hrve OI\ the bo&rJ of de a con• lund and ~UMng P1~11lt1ent were Ed Mann, J1.n1t".1 S t-.mph1ll. Mccard!;, l'lhowe..t 1 9~!'l tu \Vlllillm Carnett. Bare1.,y McC11.y ,)t-!lr or 11,dvancf'1nwt f•)r th" Theodore H111den.kf'r, 1'ert, Ne 1· J port He1;:;h1..11 Church w11h. aon and \l.'Ulla1n B ruwnini;::. Thfl j hl"tul f'~tabh11hl'd In ,., ... ,... bollrd ot t ru11t.,...,. will bo(-rompoii-or rhur r h ac:lv\ty. 1-·111nn• !&I •Uo-Cwitvm SJ!f!Cl•ltiu • Dr1pery roo· Hud wa1s • \'eneuan """"' Roy CALI.. HARBOR 811& "" ,, ·"'""'" THE SHADE SHOP n ...... f!>•L,1 •:J"! 3"!11d St .. :-.;.,"purl ft.>11.ch i l •• ' . ' • ·1 . Thi• I• • •c•11• you. ••• •"tt'J' Sunday , •• bundred1 of m•n 1"<1 •omen pourinc out o f our churc:hea. Whit 1.feet doe1 it have on the life of 911r community? Thft• ••• mot• h1pplnt11 in cur 1rrcet1 thit •t•lr •• -more 17mp11hy a nd 11ndaru111din1 _ , • more k 1Gdn111 and b•lpfuJne11 , • , mort d"tcrmin.1. lion 10 1tt1ln the hi1hett mor1l and epiritu~I lde1l1. Ws won't ••• Utopia ntJC! week. H 11m1n n.1t11r1 11 1till hum1n. Prrfection i1 God'• 1lont . But cro..-ded c:hur chet ch•n1• 111any livrs. W or- 1hip ind prayer Jtrenfthen soulL The lted God plant• never di11, i£ ..-e Ire de11rmincd to c:uhi- v1ts it. Come to Ch1tteh ndt Sttftim?.Hnd.....,.n -you lt1ve, you •nd our c;ommunity "'ill bt Tither b1c:aue you were tb•t t . ·--~ -·-· ~-........ ~ - 1111 -l~ide lhe l'O!lt ~---------· c-................ ,, .. -... .-......~. - This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms Olflre HOWARD'S RESTAURANT Lauri• Woodworth l'iano Co. Cott"9 Shop-OP"n 24 h oura 39-15 \9 , Coast )ff. (at Balboa Coves) llarbor 3-RZO GEORGE M. GRAHAM R11g11 a nd Carprl.• 122 Agat.e Ave. Balboa litln.nd llarhor 32f1H ART C. KISTLER CO., R1taltors 2001 U1ty !-'runt Sp•••·n•ll ~Lll Newport Bl\'ti. lla.rbor Mario's Smart Set Hair Fashions Complete; Styling Permflllenl \\'a,•ing and T\nlini;:: ~407 fMt Cout ll"'l · Harbor 5 10-i NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 2620 "" Coast 11"·r. 1 .ltwrt~-~.JI IS Fred Orgeron Chevron Service 2100 w. Bal terie:a ~ A c:c.,..110nea L'on1plele Lubrtr 11tlon Rs.lboa Bl,·d., Ne"'·port Beach H&rhor 1515 UNl9UE CAFE H~k(ul -Lunr h -[nnnrr 410 32dn St., (Acr08M rrom Cit~· Rall ) Ernie Church-THE ARCHES I n1"n u1J l.Jcalrr MOO "'. Co»t. It") . S t'•-por1 I.I X-006.1 Complete Line ot N'w & Uaed Piano. 2610 E . Coul llYt)·-lla rhor SSS% ELITE BEAUTY SHOI' 304 ,\farint• A\·1·. II a rbor I 827 DICK MACKER JJraperie11 -C arpc111 -L:phol1tery <.:ornplete Free ~()ratln11: Ser>'lce 8420 Via Udo Harbor 4.328 MAD MOORE NURSERY Ra.lboa BJ,·d. at 2 1st NEWPORT HARBOR BANK An lndf'pen'11!nt llom' Bank Corona del Mu The l'ort Hoi. lreakfast Houw M.klnlght to 11 A. M. 22 17 W. Coast Hl""ay, Newport 86ach Vincent's Rexall Drug Stores Th~ lr.r'11llnn11 !O S!!rVP You Newport Beach Balboa Corona 1lf'I Mar ST AFFORD & SON £1"<'-l rl<'AI (:Ontr•,.lorfl J I IJ lll\'t'"lde A'""· r--·,.wpor1 1.lllf'rt y ~·?!76 - ----------------"' ----~ -~ ,. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, -1956 PART TWO, PAGE ONE lt t:COHD BRt:.>\KElt -Mrs. ROM Greeley r1<t:t •1v1~s prize for being whitP Hea bMK record of Sl'asun with '13 lbM , 13 1 .: uz. catch. Al J oa:ieph, 1·1g-ht, St1.m Kinsfather. first left to break 1;; Fre<l N t:\\' OFFICERS -These new officers and board of Lady Anglera were presented at annual banquet J an. 20 tn Newport Harbot Yacht Club, From left, stand- ing, Mm e11. Ray Call, P. Fred Johnson, Harold Graham, Bill Tobiu, vice-president; Sam Kirulfath~r. st.1..'rl'lary: Jun !"lt:mun!-, (;enf' \'an l >~mt"' (;Jen Soden. Sl•at1.:d. frunl lt·ft. i\1rs. llub l'ow .. rs. 111·w preaidt-nl \':1th ~1r.;. H.a y ~tarsh all • ··'11<11n~ pr~·."lli.ll·nl. -All l\1·nt H 1tehev(;k Pholot1 MOST TROPlllES -~1ra. Al Jackson, holding sJ!\'er ttay, was Lady Angler who "'on eight trophies for her catches during last season. Standing behind her, CLUB CHAMPION -Mrs. Sam Kine.father, e.bovP. was honored at Newport Harbor Lady Anglers An- nual award.!! banquet for catching only marlin of the tiesson. lt weighed 135 L.4, lbs., wu boated on medium tackle. Al80, she took largest tuna on 20-\b. test line, fish weighed 23 lbs., 9 oz. She received six trophies In all from ll'ft. l{ay t 'all, Olin \.V . t>mith. J o hr, l·lartlt•111. U1t·k Richard ;ind Ned Jesse Skeen, Johnson. .... Lady Anglers Hold Annual Award Banquet llJ 'IR:..; It.\\' ~~Tt:LL ) ,\fAR."lllAl.L Thi~ tlll!c of ~·car \\:ben ttw rxc1temc.nl lllld AcUvity of l11un l'h>nJ: ,, :-,:,." \ • '' hAv•• p11s.~1·,! tlu• Nr\o:porL Harbor Lady /\nCl"r" 111~ r,.,,..J ... 1th !h~ 19;,6 f'rnl>Rrk11llnn, having ju~l """"'\"I' !h•· lf•;,:, r1.•h111g ~11,.nn. l311t ,...~ launch,.d th1• ·''"r "·•th 11 fllH' ''"l't>;> A'-''11 rrl d1n11t·r 111.J'I ''""''k al ,Newport lhtrh"! y,., hT <'luh \,,,,kl!'>; l.<'k •·n \IH' I"'-"( }"•'><I , ••Ur r111h!ng >:"Ill• l'Olle to , A 1•1 nn ... 1. ,,f ~.,,., ''"-~ Th .. H11111111l lrophy 11.w 11rd 1UHI lnJ!lHl· llll1•>11 ••f ,,;1 .. •·rs t1,.11qu<'1 Ji.old otl the :--.:rwport H1~rbor Y11 cht l '!uh. t1"1' 2n ".os 111u1L11er "K11n1p le nr wh11t lhr1<1• eK['i':rt., , 'Ill rt" Th.-all:111· ulwHy~ ]Hlllll th•• l1<rio:f'~t tuno-oul !!f the ~.,._.,,., wh•·n gU<'Sl~ und hu~hllnt!!I 11r•· lnVil<'!L 11n•I n101:1t or t hrin "'""l<ln't m 1,.,. 1l for th" world. 01~t11111·e I.~ nn object. Thry pourrd in r1 rnn Tc1Ut!I, Murro Bny, Santa H11rh11r~ J'ahn Ut'"'-'rl. 11nd th" Ocr11n11i•le 11.11d P on11>1111 V••ll<'y Lady An,i.:lt·r~ ,,...,,rr w,.11 rrprelM!nted. The Occ11n ~1de i.;1r!,. didn't fnli!•'l nur h11rll-e11rnefl trophy "''hich ent.11Jl,.!I [I\'•• ~'<'llrs c>t h.1llhr.J;: \\'creel hunurrtl In hR\'ing IO.'Oll 1fnr k•'"P~ \ht., :1. l •lllf' "'''"""Tl It:<' A'-''Ard from !IUf"h ... llptllllllll llll l•k•' J;:r<">llp E •·•'T}'f•llP ..,, .• ,. r111eer to w ltneu thf' 1n11tallKllun or our """" "''"''T" 1111,1 board o r <11rtttor!I, n1u111•I\', ;>.lr !I. I/uh o l ~•rlll l J•,,w.·1 ~ l'n'.~. ;\lr!I Bill (;\1 ary l{tolle1 Tnbi1t11 V I', ;\Ir" S11m </lnroth•'-'' li:11rnf11!h.-r S>'c. ;\!rs 1111,....hl 1 ~~\'f'I Grah11.m Tr"ll , ;\1r.\ Rny rLil!r• t'aJI. ;>.lr11. l"r•d ISlllly1 Jnhn""'n. ,\il rll. F"111nk 11...·1ar11• K r Plr r, Mr!I, Hll}" 1Stf'li) ,.111.n•hnll, ;\lr.• Jim 1 Aho·f' Sl<'mHn.•1 /'.Ir~ Glt'n ! MA.f[(&r'f't I ~u<l<'n, 11n'I ;\~ra. l:•n<' 10o n111 \'11n lluiu• Tt11.• b.•nli:·up I'"' l)' i.~ 11 mu"\ ff•r th<' f.11,!y Angl»r" to d<'t k th•·1n!ICI'""" Ulil I0.11h 1h•' l~lCRl P)'f"('Alchf'r• '"th<' WllY nf 11t11nn1n£ (o;'U""'Ol! Ill• nu•!All!"lll f.,r lh<"lr l>('LU\'!'tl fll'hl ni; <""!'\\101<'!' Ill thi.• l>f'rR~l<lll 1'>1 uch 1·rtdit for llH• "ucr''"" of t11l.11 p11rty .. J.:u<'l! to lJUI G"'''" "'ho "' tcd a.• E n1ccr Bill, "n r1nln• n1 \'L•l"" and r11rllo "!Ar, h<H1 A "'r11.Jth nf U.! .. nt 11.nd h!• 1n11gn,.l1o· )'<'t"!!•>n,.lity 11nd "''It rl11zzlrtl thr 11 urllrncr \h!"O'\JJ;:huut tho• .. ,.,.nlng rrrtty rnncl11111"" r1·,,1<'nf'P whf'n ""kf'!I t r1 1tlnJ;:. +•\"f'I)'""" ,,...,.nt "'1 Ld. 11nd l)<>rorP h,. rnu1<1 '""r h1n1llf'lf "'"'"Y frun1 t\1 P m lke, hf' h11tl y,·11rblf'd thrPe popul1<r nu1nb<>r1 ,\l1u'h 1110 bf' 8'l!d f or hln1 "'-~a n atural in m11k1nJ;: "''Cl)'""" (Prl 11! """"· Soma nf !hl11 n1bbeol off on thf' out-RoinR Pr,.~y C \".,11,.,, Tn1lyl, v.·hf'n I .11teppNI lnlo thr grim bu!l'ln""" l'butine or pn!9'df'nl·• f <'J>Ort R.Ild 1n11t1Jllni:: our """'' rr,.r a lrnt. ;t.l r• l'o1•:e,.._ Dori~ w ill make u• an f'fllt!,.n\ rrP~•·l,.n! H<'r ln!f'grtly and tlr'f'· J,.&.,. eJfnrt .. in a .. r\'ln,.: "" lh<' "''"r•l t•f cl1r,.rl nra fnr .everal ,.._,.._ .. proo! Ul&l ahe haa il-ooUnuH Oft 1'8C" f -,._,.. IJ -· N E \\' AND Ol.D--~lrs . P o 11,·en1 , left, rt-c1·J\'l'S flo"·er- encrustcd president's ga\·e] frcin1 i\lr.:;. ~1a 1sha l! \\'hO turned over club reins to her at hanriu('t . 111!1 f;"·1nn, television personality, whu Cllll"l'•'d banqtu·t. looks un. F IRST Al .BACOltt.: f)I·· \·t:A IC. -Lee llnrter pre- i;iente trophy to 1'.i rs. Clt·n Sodl'll 11.l banquet for boa.l- ing first albacore of yt'Hr. Fis h was o\·cr 12 Iba. LARGEST \\'HITE SEA BASS -Mn. Bill Dillman, right, receives trophy ~from Tony Hershey for boat- ing club'a largetil white 8CR bll.88 of year. F'i.sh weigh· ed 46 I~ .. 61 • .: oz.. I (}overnmenl Gxcepl ~1·om " PA&£ 2. PAAT II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-l'RESS ~DAY, JANUARY 27, 1956 TIU LADDER OF SUCCESS!? "God grant ua the ierenity to ecc.pt the things we cenr.ot chenge: the couroge to ch.ng• tl-ie things we con and the BRUSH COUNTRY . =:c-=--r::--wisd.?!" _!o_kno!..!_he dif!~~c!:'' (~.-~non.L __ ---, -:rouRNA.-t · --By--·---· EDITORIALS HORACt: PAHKt.:R Can You Afford Promises? Juat about everyone hu heard of aome rare ln dl- vidu&l who hu an independent eource of income, au!fl- dent IO he can do what he pleue.. You d on 't actually meet o r hear a bout him often, but It you'r e like m oat o f w who w ork forty ho un m ore Or leN a week, you sure l"f!member and envy him. A few legi.tlator11, P8pecia.lly during thi11 e lection year, will be promising and voting pie in the sky a s if o ur government... city, state and federal, have indt>pendent s ourcea o f incom e. But o ur g o vernme nt s a rt• little d1 ffe rt-nt fru m llHlrit lndivlduall!l. They h8\"C' abi;ol·1tt>Jy ~ 1ndl"pC"nd~nt sources o f incon1e. \Vhat t h•·r s1~11d the y must gather llirt•l.'.tly o r indirectly fr1lfrl us "'11 rk111g !'JlLZen;; So, y,·hcn the grand p romuies arc madt-. ai;k y11ur· ,;elf thJ8 queation.-"Can 1 affo rd that ?" Th ere's NOTHING Lik e It ''There'• n othing like a dame " 1H1.yg the s0ng in •·south t>a e1fic," and whlle the a nalogy betw et:n dam•·-~ and nt:w spapera tr"Y seem far f .... tcht:d, w e"d als1• li ke to add "there'11 n rit r ing-ltkt-a n1~.,.,·spalJ€r,' -t·1lher Lut m o nth when t.be Det roit n~.,.,·spapers w e re tied u p by a strike, sto re n1anage rs i..a.1J natty th:.i.t business waa hurt becaiae t hey cou ldn 't n.'ach t he publ1e thro ugh the nev,n~papers. T hey inr r eased their radio and TV l\dvertising but that d1dn•t fill the gtp. The Importan ce sto res laid on newspaper ad1-1 wae emphulzed by lhe fac t that tens o f thou.sande o f dollars w ort,I) of advertising v.'as s hifted t o s uburban newspapers. A fo reign language n•·wspaper whic h or d1· narily published o nly in r•o!Jsh cam!' o ut w1th a special rditlo n iry r:ngli11h l oade d w ith ad~. \'e a , the re's n othing llke a fiew&pap<:r, l'\"t•n 1f "'t: (.lo s<iy it ouraelvPs. No Sin1pl e Solution Seen for Farn1 Surp lu s Prob lem Thi·rt· 11' apparently no sunple so lution to our farm ~urplu.s pro blem, w hich o f our d o m e stic wol's, 1a the m·•11 t ••;-o;pensi\·e. \'1ou II hf'ar .,.,•aL!1n~!'I Rs rhf' Pr1~!'!1r!C'nl and o the r ll'•ll•·St nlt•fl 11 f b<1th ro11rtl£'S .~•'l·k {<1 Sit[\'~· thLS mr1~l ('rill· 'al nf dnmr.stir pr11blrms th1.<1 c11n1ing YC'R r Sr1mr b11r1'~lll'rat:o1 and p1,\tt11·1an.s l••\"1' 1>1Jr farn1 11u rplu11 muddlf'. In itH complex ity, n1uch nk ull-Juggery 1·11.11 tnkr-plae•'. On(' thing wh ich ha!! b.'Pn 1-1o ft -pC'da\t'(I is the huge amounts of o ur lax d o llars rC'cf'ivt'd fro m surplus pro· gram8 by Individual grow e n1. And very unpopular is Secretary Benso n's s uggcs· tion that 11. $25,000 ceiling be !!Ct on loanN ! give·away 11ubaJdiea) to a single produce r . Here are samples o f big pa y-offs on 1954 crops. ONE MJuis.sippi company rt'Ct'1ved. $1 ,282,472 f or sur- plus cotton. ONE Louisiana farm outfit received S486,- 72~ f o r government purchased. surplus rice . ONF: Montana corporatio n received $430,691 f or wheat. At lea.st 36 growers of wheat. cotton, and rice, EACH received more than $200,0CHJ for 1!1Urplu11 crop11. Franklin -· Servant of Man La.et week. the printera of the: State a nd Nation· joined in a public tribute to their indU11try -an indU11try whic h over lhe centuries has played an irre- placeable role in the building o f our prr1-1ent intellectual and social structure. Th<' printf'r R scll'ctrd this "'et'k for their obs£'n'· ance because it contained th(' birthday 11 f 8f'njan1in Franklin, o nr o f the c raft's 1n ost illustrious member~. 011r fr\pnd:-l nf the fo nt, ho w ever . w uuld he lhr fi~t. to agrl'f' that thr t•lcclrical induntry, the dipl0 rnatic cn rpN. the invf'nto rs and philosopbl'rs and educators and postal NB WP ORT HARBOR .NeWS PRESS Formerly the Newport-Balboa Nt!'v.'9·1'im<".!I uo:i th" Nl'wport-Balboa Prt!•ll Ent<"~rl 11s Second·Cle.u Mattflr at the P ostofrlre In Nl'wpor! Bf-•~h. California undl'r the Act ot March 3. 18i9, authoritiee. al.lo mJ.rht well make thlli their "week" on the buia of Ben'1 a.cttvftlea. The pnuia of P'ra.nklln, which ii embodied. in the Coruititution a.nd the Declaration ot.'lricfependence , in the •imple hom.ille. ot P oor Ric.ha.rd'• Alm.a.naclr: and the State papen of thia and other natio111, wu 11<> f ertile , AO varied that he defied the old aayinc a.nd became , indeed, o. muter of all trade.. But whether Franklin be remembered al!l phlloso· pher. diplomat, printer or invento r , he w ill atand for- ever 81!1 a shining examplar of the philo 90phy that &er· vice to hil!l felloWll is one of man's greate11t aervicel!l t o God. READERS WRITE J1nu<1•y 2n 1~1!':16 :-;.,.wp!Jrl H .. rbor New1-l-'n:111 7711 We11t Ba.Ibo& Boulevard I :-.i ... wport Bea.ch. CaUfom!a n<'ntlemen· re1~r\•atton11 cull• .. rrnn.: th~ J1 k"I' hood or ~•ch l".lluL1<111 "'',. "'''ul·l welcornt' an 01•r•"l!"l1•Ty 1 .. 111"•' a Nlp"""enU.tlv" "! \hi~ CHlll[JKrlll j meet w ltll your f•<'fs"f\l\CI l •'f' t•·r 1 purpo.ae vf d~8• r1r11 11j( !lo~ J"•"f"" ed op..r•t1vn1 1&11 t th•• ·'l'r' ''"" I Rl'fereoce la m•dt to an editor- ial entitled "O!I D11charge A• \Veil A1 Sn1n1 Looma In Edt&On PILn t'" which a ppeared Jn your muaurf't and r••·11u111un1 "'\I•!'! \\'!'dne~•y. January 18, 19M CLO a..nd w11l t,,. ~111plnyo:<l in a l puLllca Uon moat •ntlrely fl111.i111<11nll 1h .. I"" In ortler to a llevl ate u,,. frar·• 11bl11ty Cit oil J•·llui!"u .. r ,, "r whirl! are appa rently tnh·rtain "'d beachu \\'e a1" •·•·nl1•1 .. nl Lllto' by your publ!catlon c-oncernini l ..ttl'r bt'!ng lull)" ~l'l"l-t 1or lf,. the opt'ra t1nn1 by thii comp•ny or above, you. tv ... ".JI "'·l'"' ''"' lht' propose<! MJbmarlnt plpelln~ optl~lam which .,.,,. h'-l I o,rr ahore th<>. Oty of Hunungtun \\ ltl'I ru~ ... t t., n.. ~"'-"' .~· r l.lt.•ch. we ahould llke to takt thla th•t thle compttnv •h•.: .. 1h .. r "\lh npportunlty to appriac you and the l:cllaon Con1pan)"J 1·n!l'r Int., your rf'a.dcri or cart&Jn t•Cl• an •rreament wh,.r1·hv 1t "'"ul I which ua pert.lnent to the i ub-•er" tQ rttompl'n&I' ruHy t"r 1111'" je<:t cover.cl in ...id edlto rt&l. auch da.mq e. m•y "'"" a!IV!llt' thnt JM.r11t, .Ul:'.h a pipeline Li rar lnaamuch &a on rnntrar tu11I rl'hl· trom unlqua on the Pacltlc Ca&at. Uonanlp ex!1l1 b,.twceri t hlll t.-un1 Thera &r• t,en J''lmparabla •ub· PllllY and the niyr111.c\ ot proptrty marine plpellne: Which have bf.en ownel'I wha.e b"llrh prop~r\\" 1n1la.ll•d at vartou• point• alo:ig could conceivably b<' pn!lut"'d by lhe cout ot Callfom lt., the clOt1ut Q\l from our p11)f'llne np.,r11tll"'ln11. in prQxlmtty to Nl"Wport Beal:'.h and bec&Ulle we f~<"I runf1L.J .. nt tha t btlng the aubmarlne plpell ne ln-full a.no:i adequlll,. r .. n11!l!l,.11 11! 11..&!led by San oi~ro ca9 and law e:clat and 1n:1 ava ll11bl'" t .. P.:!ectr1c Company 11.t Carlab&d. &nyone ao duna"'<"•1. if "''OUlol not Cal!romla. To \ho bl'it or our 1eem fea.alble or>r "'nul•1 th .. re 11.p· knowledll'. and ba.atrt Uptln the pear tQ be any "1"'1<~1 r"ll.'l"n tor 11ctv1ce ot the United St•l<'I Army th<>. t Xt'l:'.ul!on of nny .~\" h r..:r,.r F:ng1nter1 !Who have a ieneral ment. Jurlllc\lctlon over the !natal!auon Fo, your intnrn1•l•nn 11.ri<I thlil of ""h1 hnea i. thf're ha.a ~n no of your read .. ,.,. h .. w,.v~r .,.,,,. pollulion of ~achea reaultlng thoukl like to P"ln( u"r !h11l 1h1a from the o~ratl!">O or a11.!rl l!nta company carnr_.. 1><Jllr1"11 "' publ!r Rabi es Vaccination Probl en1 Explored by Veterinarian (f:d. S ute -At rf"qUI'•\ of UM! put>l\oth,.r. 111 .. loUo.,.,lnr artJcle on the rahlr.a 11olluallon w .. wrllll'n h)' fir 11•1,..,... Pa.rkf'r, a pra.cUcl"I" local. \"et.,.tlnartatr, of UUI vanc.l.M u-, oul<'OfTlrJ. By DR. HORA("f: PAR.KER (Ed. No~ -'"11-colum11 by Ito~., Parker "Ill d-.1 l'll h tbe Uttlt!-kno""D hlalf>rlra.I fM'l• h" has dfTdl"'d u11 In hl-•l•aJiy trtpa lnlo the bM.-k «>untiry Jn r.-.cent y .. an.) Karl Bennis my old d e&'rt guide had lonK proml~d m e a. trip to Sheep Tanks. \Ve had j ust com l' over th(' nlJ Doc Beatty road from Borego· Valley, thru the Bore~o Bal- 1.A.nds -25 miles of rough jeep going but a m o1:1t !i<'t~n ic and interesting desert trip. At Truckhl!l.ven on H 1~h \\'ay O~~ rWU1lng betw .... o lnllio and Oraw-/ tJ :'i, handh .. ld a t 1 i.~ pf ,. ,., .. , • t .. y .,., . ., ""'"rg .. •t tron1 thl' de.•"rt ono:i."" 11•hlrh rn !'.•t:~ 1• .. 1;1 , .. , .. , and turning north.,..•11.rJ nn th " dum~ iioorny highway .,..,,. Jrn,.t' the halr nule , A11 "'e ne111ed th1• t.1 1,, nr to .,.,here thf' bridl!"' crull.~"'" l'a!m l"'l.,nf'ja11" u thry >oo • , •'hol di \Vaah. Span1~h. a taint 10~0 11J•1P>i• 11"• Ouc·king: un•lrr lhfl hog hway cut int" !hr 11on11~1""" · \\ "\,. r bridge Llll l<' J<~· lh" J,..,p 111·ur· tuun<I by. N ,-.;. '1uu1 ~n 1 H J i r\1!'<1 01·rr the 111•\!~•lh 1uu1ds of On<\11J . .\l11rrh Q. ll'i"!' \\ l1rlh"r l'&!ro \\'a;,h \\'e .-<IVl'l'•·•I t l 01 I:'. this ln,,.·nrtu.on I• 11 h"""' "' 1\ .. t ""'I 11..:11 011 t" l•h,,\,,.:ra1oh th1· uu I <loot kno.,.· :-;,.,., 1t '"" .. n••Tlh r ""'1"1 ~,..n,1.•fun•· '"n•r•·T1··n~ lfrr"w an.t t>o>!"w tit"·" .-.r •·.,.1•· .-tn<'ll!!llj' !t"l•o Ii>" •M'1·hl•·J" I•·! ,\o,<·r!.<1 !., l~~ol Ll\,·1 0! 1~ •J ll. •1. \II• I \\, '" hr II' ,,, .. n .. , ... . " ,. ,, "' ' 'I I " .•'!' 1'' 1 ~ .... \' 11 .. " I!++, " -,.,,. ! "' . n 11.. ~'' I··~• "" I ·1" I '~·· ,,d/l •. •k l' • It' . " r l•· .,.• Ill' + ' " I ''"I 111.r ~ '' '' ,,. \\~.•I r,;1° rel~ 1 palm,. ... ,~h-• !11 "~ ,., .. 1 .. 11 w1lr1 " ~.J:\' \, l• kl1'·\ •·t Ill t' I•.: 11 11 \' ·1~· ~''' ,,. 1 \\ ·1 1r.0:1r r 1 •ur""I·•'' 11k1Jt11 f: II! I l•~~l.•!1 \o1'/, >! MJt.•· 11 1 I t!rr )r !."k' !"'"~" oJ .. f.h-·1 l•I n.\ ?lto.•t1 .. r n1u·1 C :\;\ \ •>'-" ..... \1t1t11\\., llO I 11 k to11· .•.•· I• l ,,.,. ' r,.."' Jlt ..... , '-\'lo'Tl1't. 'I ' ~MI < r· •• It lo\" ul ~•lli.111r:1o. "atera dur 1"~ 11,,. ~•1r111r ... r \•~""' 1torm • "~' • it~~" >onl 11 "~!< rul! .it tl lO~ ln 11 "'""l'I l.'11\·ll "clll 111 tlO I' :n .. r ~1'· fr t:• Th" wit" .,.,. h " !,., .. , Mil 1111u• •I • W I• r n•rance'1 " 'n n.~~ .. • 11""' r·.1 111 'Ir 1uy1 1 .• ~1 I ,11, .. ' II hotnr!~ In !hr .... t ~r •11•1 Ii.••\ 1 1·ulr1• ""1!fl"1101( , .. ,.~ .. rl\ L, 11 •. ,,. lilt .. Jr.l'o'!v fl"'' 11'•1 )•Up !JI~• •1111 I i••nllf'I Up your i,,.,..,,. •~"'", ... in .. nu•1•t or ~ f'.,1 ,.t,. 1.t " "'"~~ .,. .. "I ·'" 11J .. n.: tht! l"l.111\'"ll HlL'~1ll"\ ,, ...... ,1!1\j( •1•''"'" ..... , .. fro ·~fl Ot V· ~1111u., I fl()(lr •·f ll\r "lf._~J, \I h•·n "' hnrnof'<I 111 n.1111 ..r.11<! ~ppArf'n t· 1hr "illlll (lnalli oll\1olt·~ v.i· 1,.,,k h ,.r,.lt.111 1.: rnn1p1<n111n~hlp \hi' right h11nl z,,rk 'ft1,. ;:uiu;: Shf'"P 111.nk• .. ,,,.,,\111g In Ka r: ,..,.., ro11gher n ..... .,1 ... r th .. b"u!ol '11 110o11:•wh al <ii ot 1111,nomer, hr · .-.r~ enion,i: th" , 11 tsct11.,.. Mn•l m,.~ 1·eu1"· ilny 1n .. unt11n •h"'f'P a t · quit", th"' Jf""Jl ""'f1"tlUH'" t·til"L· t'"rnpt1ng t., (!nnk fr<om th"' 1te"I' The rabies problem and vaccinatio n program can be 10.1: 1n low ran1te t•J n .. .1:,,1111t,. th,. I 111d"1 ut the tanka .,..oul<t 1ur1111v t 1 v 1 r11ll !n and cl r"<!wo If I had th .. auccinctly stated. These are lhe 11imple unado rned fac la "'"' .. 111 fin. 1 h[)<lt~ ina 1Y th•· " h . I c11oy .. n 1111.rrov.•,.,1 "''Ith til j;t> AAn•!-1 g t I y,ould rhang• the na o1<:' involved in the rabie s v a ccination program thro ugho ut etun" , lir t~ 011 .,11h~r 11u1,. 0,.,.,. 11 1 !';' the · Fnenctly Frog T .. nk1 0 ~-od Fe .... · l''""Jllt knn"" 1t but 11 1ter1• range >.A.iunty t ay. hun•tr>·-1 f··~t 1n h•'<i.:ht 1 .. 1.1 th,.n •l1t nii:,rou1 r !Rmb"'r lip \ht aa n•! Rabtea u a .erloua, alway• fe -1 m111n11 ta.I. dlR&U ot all warm • bloo<lt"•I brt'ak. of f!fl•ll catlng an nut· the 1o .. u1<1 .. rR ~1 .. 11f1"d "\Jr J'l•igre"~ Hf Although Karl hfl ,J ""l 11.,,.n lh" Nton,. c fR will r"'""•I rurth~r- anlrna.1.1, u:Ltta. On.nre County LI Ora.nge County hu been tor- In the throe.a or a. rab!ea o ut-lunate, e ven '"lucky." not to have break at present. 't'wo nt>w t u .. had a aerlou1 outbrl'ak of rablto.• peclll a.ra uncter Oblll'rv&UQn. In recent yea r11. R lver•Ldf'. Sin Men. women and ch!ldrf'n h11ve Bernardino, S•n Dito.Sn and Loll (i!ect Olrou.-hout the arM and In Anrelet Counu .... have had 1t'rloua recent yeart ot rabies. The Paa· outbre&.ka nt r1b1e1 during the teur treatment for f'Xp<iffd hu-paat ten y<>.11ra. Oru1111 County man beln11 la erfe<:Uve aJthoufh hu been holding the proverbial both ptt.lnful and danreroue. ""ra.btJl t"a foot." \-.Ok!! for Rofnl" y .. a rR, In~ tr11 fo~d ta.Tok• h•bovl' the nnf ""' n w cl<"errt •l'llAl'B ti·,;-lk (J\'~r 1111,1 h'" O I. e to.arly wanclf.rf.r of ti,. llllifl. "Go aroun•I thal benrl In the I deaert WIUl\f'•. th.,. hllntt r tra 1 r anyon to \"Ou r r1ght Rnrl thl'n 'P"r. llTl.l&Jll'C\r.or ca ttlt rn•n, thf'"I' lo"k tor 11 ",.11rrow "P"nlnj< 011 I hl'n\,.r, •ncl tr1vt llf'r knvwlect~" your !'fl lllrnugh the ~1,,181,!lll' of "~\,rln,i: 111\1>.3 "n the dN"'t t K"~fl l(Oln l{ &nd ynu IJ hit 1 h " wae hte H11l'lt. t11 nk~ ·· I \\.ATP.:K HORRl' A1 he pre•1!r \e.:1 .,..~ llll'-'· l h ~ Tn Karl who h•e ""•nrt .. red th~ Your edllorl•l c reatf'I a n Im-Uabtl!Cy lnMir11.1H'"<" h1<v!nK mOrl' preaalon ""hich we reapect fully than adequ•te hrn,\1 or covera,r"' aubmit exagger•lea !ht>. po&alblllty .,.·hen co111ldere<I in the light uf Efrectlve vaccln~ ha\·e be" n ri1k11 lnvolvM. More-ov<>.r. und.,r developed for the v •cln•Uon or Aa ror rel!gloua oppo1ltioo lo animal v11rc1na lton. th11 11 junt a little nd!culou1 !nMmurh aa we I <Jt b<"itrh poll.,tinn "" 11 r .. 1ul1 of lh" "T'rrlltlnn nf llitl'1 PlJ•"lirie !h" terma or th .. "-1Cre"m'ot boo · animal.I agalnal contracting ra- i lia""t!•I UJ"11l our knnwl .. •IKt .. r lh" t.w"r" thl' <·11y "r !tunt1n,i:to n bl•. Their wor th ha.II been <il'm· h11vf nnt hl'fln\ of any r"'llg1 .. u1 n1u v .. ment a m11ng dog11o. 99";, 11 ,\ft.\tl.E"'I 1p,.rati->n& ur ,.11, 11 i111,.,, i nol 0 1 l:l"M•'h 11 ncl th .. und<"rllll(Tlt·•t ,.,,r. onatrated Um• and a.rain Ln i:on· 1 .,~ f'T"<llll{ll on~ '-'h!rh r!ln Ml1•t'fl"'TllU<1ll lhlfl •'Omplllly lfl <>bhl(ll l· trollln& rablea.. ln tWO y1ar:1 1,- wlll he •c\opl.,.ll it 111 1111r,.rt'IV ~.i !<> n1a1n1 111n. throughout lh<' 260.000 o:ioga Wt!',[t V'l.l'Clnated !n ti"ll"'"l''I tloll t 11 ,.,.,. 1, 11., i<:••iol 1 .. rn1 fl r N II 11grl''"m,.11 t, pnllrlt"• New York Wollhou' a -.Ingle au-l'\!ntly·llve pl'r cent ur the r•·llll••n "'h} ~u<h,. 1111,. •MllrL1ot t><:"'at puhlll' hah1J1ty i111111ranc .. h11 v-lhenUci..ted reaction. .n u ceu Qt dog-o.,.,·nL.01t puhllc Jove lh<:'tr peta QJ1'rllt<'d inrll'flnll f'h "ith<>uT pnl· 1ng lHnll11 ur 1·ov"''"".ll:'" d'""'""'d 10,000 dog-a have been vacclnat<:'•I !UlCI 11 re 1nnr<>. than hs ppy tu pro- luUon ot \ht bf'arri.·~ iit,.•inu.•li· no.lt'qu"l" b.v ~11 1!! r11y protl'cUnli( In Oru1a Count y during lhl' pa$t l"'ct th .. lr 1"'""<1 dog~. f1111ul.v ""Ii r- we ra nno! ur11: .. Lhll.l ,.,..11 i'"l!u· 1hr !"1ly r>t l!unt1n1tt"n Bea<:"t: In n1onth .,.,.lthout the rrpurl ,,f ,. rh,. p11hl1r ut l11rJo:~ b;>< 1~h11•11 \"11("- !lun 1~ a bao!ut ... ly 111111.,~~ihl·· f•Jr 11•l<l1tl<Jn I•> n1 .. mb"'r~ "' lhl' rub!oc 11ngle reacllon. Oo,.,;11 a.a 1n111ll M r1011 t1"n 1f It 1~ 1mr .. !\"u1rly·r1111r lh're llre f<:'W mat t•·r11 1,..1 .. tini.: rn 10 .ll:"ll'"r"I J lb• an'1 &ll old A.~ I~ r"ara un.Jlfwr c•·nr ••( 1h,. \"P\cru111ry rne+I· !ht aff11.Jre nf ma n .,..fi,.·h "r~ ~Uh· \\"r 1110<"t!'rl'I)" h('lpP that thl' older hav,. bPfO v11 rrln11lrd In fir-1•'11 1 fr a1 .. rn1lv n..•~uro ynu ll Jllll'l 10 tha t dl'gr"'" uf •~rtaint·o abov~ment 1on'"•I tnforn111!!nn 11.nrl 11.n1<" (.'ounty .,.,llhout n11s~1ni.: a ~"'" 11.rl'l Jor,irnlt·...,• 1,, :.•,11r p•'!t narrow (•p<"l)!ng to 01ir !ell and b1 u~h nod tl"llf rtrounlry f'lr ne a 1· •l&o oo the $&llt111lon .. "'llllil •if th•· Iv a t:a lr r .,ntury and "'h(l kn"'w m!!.ln ce nynn '"'l're 11.t•1'1ent car'""d 1ntunatf'ly 11Core1 or old • umer• 1i rn~ 1aylng ""w&Ler" .,.·tth polol ·j th" finding nt wettr ha1 becom" Ing lllT')'""' lntn t h"' 011.rn•w op .. n· 11!mo11t 11 m•n1• aocl hobby .,.1,., loll" .,..e .,.•en1 A n·I '""'"n lhn the him But "·1th lht' advent of th" bnKht artrrn'~'" ~un '""at ~hlnini; ru.r,:gf'd httlr · Bor .. ro Burro." t hr """ 3tcppe! into 11 lmo~t r ;i\· .. hk.,IJl'"l"fl. nulf1lll'd with ~-.-•lion w1r d11rkn<>11~ To th"' c11rn .. ro. r 1 n ~ ~urp!Ul! l'"'P watl'r ..nd 1a.t0llne '"u!!lni.: 1'r\ X film ... 1tb " ~P"'"1 l""l111, th"' h&i.11rd1 of deaert tra vl'I of ZOO, I hfl <I I(> take !h,. p1~~ 1.i ll 11v"' been materla.lly r~uced. J,' ·- 11 S11ura11c will p!IOC the rJ nie11 l. It i.• lh110 V'"'•f~ro•11• r, f'"r ,.,·u1 You 1.nd your re1ult'r~ n111y hnw· "" I'. pro ipntn• "r k~.~ r 1 ~vl'r. rut aMured lhA I, ir 'r.,r n,.,111111 t11.ll10lL11n o: thl~ ron1pany In 11 Tltt: Jl.f:('lllll) " l 1·· 1••1lol1 • .,.J,,, u1 •• oth<>.r rell.¥ln than 1 .. ,.,.,,1,i lh .. n1urc tavur11blr light. in the "Yf'll rhr0111c ··11;:1n rr11"" 1111·1 l"'tilwlty ! multlpliclty ot auit" for \hr rt'· of your publlc11 tlon 11nd your r'iHI· Durlni.: the IJ&lll .Jl•C"uil<' lh"r" "eekto.r11 w h01 .o.•·t•k lo• 1111.•r !h1tl haa never bflln a &lngl1 authenli-q11111Uonn1a.1·k ln the nl 1J1<111 ,,r the + rovery of property r1An111.,i:e ·v.·11ich c~,·,. h 1 b 1 1 •· •otod -·-ot '" A o•'"'''~ v11r -11 1" e ll nu 11 " p 1!1111<'' Lo our• ~ .... ._... " ' " pu l II'. no l I" r •••nt ur lo·•.!I Ul WO\Jlrl Inevitably (nll"w r1nm 01 ny i ! h I h t ll I I l'llH' inl1U1•lnl{ !1.11 B<'111•e I'"-"" n ( thl' \'l'!l't lO l\r\• lllP•lli 11 ri d••ltll· ~urh pollution .. r n,.1 i:hh<ortn~ n" ~''•11 ,.. t >o nV 11'' r on• 111· : , · rr.rrnall"n ~·nnorn11n,i: !he prop...,.t''l l r11.hll'1t 1n n11!llrJ11" 11.nrt n\!lll 1n• ,r fl' 1• •111i•r 1nl.•1 nr .. 1u,.·d bt"11 che11. thle com p~ny full~· 10-111_,tall1<tinr. ""hlrh 1,01,1 mlly r~t!I •I"""" l\lv••n tn v;11nn h!Q<"l"'I •fl•· 111-:•·nt 1111•irit.-ri•ro·I•·•! ter ., tel adopl n,<:'n.•ur .. ~ "hu·h i v.·nult! b .. of value · nial11. 1'se,.ker~ ,,,. ,.,.,.,1 .. will reno:it!'t I.he poM•lhllll'I ,,f """h llutlon 80 unlJ l<,•lv ,.~ nnl 1., Vrry tn11v your-11. Tl11' r""1uc"'<l '"" 11f $Z I~ ro11! HAhl"!< '"' ,.,11,,11,,11 ,,f pn -\VTL..<\UIRF: 0 11 <·n~11·· ... ,. lln<I h('lny,· 1·n1<t <i>"pPn 1!lni: "" th•· ju1Ury any rf'al rn ·"l:lllfr,·11nt l OF CALIF.ORN.IA . • A " ~t7.r Rn<l overhell.d nf !hP indtlll· hln.,•l•'I 1111111111 1>< t• ~.•r••. r a o the rt r 1 hh 11nr.; ~rr«tH· ... Jo,,n·l era nlll P• h •o """ r.; ,, RIC'HARO W CURT I ' du11i v~tertn,..ry ho1p1tal v ... trnn· ntinnr{1 •··~. 11,.. I commun u or t ,. prup.,.rty ('I"''" . S h !l 1 1 1 ~'"''r"» " t'rw Uiereln. All11l11tanl Secr<'la.ry Rry 0 11P • 11 are pr va e cnll'r· dom. rnd1111r.; .. r \•ou r Jlfr. priaN which n11111.t be run 11t ll <JUr h"''"'' 1,11 ,.~ 110,1 1,11 ,. Sacramento Sidelight prorlt by th.,.1r opl'rator9.. There VACC-1!\"ATE Yr1r·1t 111 no benevoll'nt public l// pirk A GAl :-.~rr n 11 HJ I·: s up lh" t9b In l'\•rnt of II <1cfu·1t. DO!\""T \\.ORHY. !-,or Ill\ ilrllrlic11l purpo11e1< the $Z 111 !11 to stay Ir pr<'S(>nt ort'l1n · On a rcce.11! te.l~111•L1•n l ·------------~---------------.-----l ancl'll r"main In ... rrr1·t and nrr. a Vl'lt'n n11rin.r1 11l1 r. .... ·1·•I a .jf'le.11 l'ubhc 11""-llh ,\I 0 . to In· 'eel h lrn with th•• 1tau1 ., <loll<' u( th,. 1111me M1hi<:'11 va1·•·111" your doK I rPf'lvc~ to l'h•)\\" hill faith hf ll. \Vll1 th" ··rah1"" \'a1••·1 na11••n a1r10-1 er11"' 11tlck 1heir han,I ln 1hr rlll(f' of R r•bh! o l.i~? I SACRAMENTO, 1CN 81 \\'hrn n.•rx1rt. the dlvia lon ot .hf.-hw11.y1 propoaa la wire tir~t 1nar1e for II. I .ay,. It i., not 1111 yet ~y to highway to by·pa>111 the h1.n1ous come In 11 rlt"tlnllt> conr hulon 11t r&dwoode In Humbolr11 t"ont:.·.1 the pr,11e11t tunf' It niu~t d!~cu1111 1ponaora of tha prnpo1wol l11i-;h .... ·11y I the prnp""f'd routea with the cr)ntc1nplntt'd" routr "'hlr h "''uu!d lst11te da·1~11>n or beachea an o:i 11r t1111ll v hr n by-pun.~. 1 .. 11vlnji:" lt>e p11.rk.•, th<> J\1endorlno and }f1.1n1 - pr1"11ent rn11t,. nf (I !-I 101 11\ro><ti.:h b1Jldl o·r,unt y board., or eupervl· U1u r'dw,.,.. .. 1 ~ ... ~ 11 •"ll•! f .. 1 r'"•"I'" ''""" "nd \hPlr tf'rhnic-111 a!11.fr1. ll\\nn1tl l"'fl"•llt'~ Th<' ~l lll•· dlv1~1nn •,( l >1c;1;1'·~.111. hOWPVt!r, hu )>l'Upt)llf'•l IH : Ii p •late hlS"hw•y comml1111 lon , twn so·c•lh1d by-pua route11, "H igh· Line" and "Low -1..Jne", boll'I ,)r which would re1SUlt In the c ]e;\r• lng out (If a con"'1derable numhtr ol tree11 TREE Ht:MOVAl. The low -llne' propo1al tlUJ:'J::"~t.• the remova l or 1010 tre~. and lhf' other route. 73~ .. Thia. the r<'porL or Gmrge T . McCoy .... ta le h11:h "'a y engineer Ill.f l. d~~ not 1n· elude t~11 wlth dlamtfen1 I"!<-" than about thirty lnchea. ~·,..,11,.,"·1111; tt>f's,. 111.,cu1111lon11. th,. '"'"'~inn uf hli;h .... ·s.v11 ""ill h o 1 d pul>l1 r "'"'·tinf(11. a t y,•hl1'h llme ~I I 1ntrrr~tl'd partle1 will be giv· .. n 110 opp.,rtunity lo be hffrd on the 11ubje~t . Th., <ll vi~lon poln\11 out that It lht high llne rout" la u11t'<I. that mor,. I raffle ..... 111 u11e the rxlatlril" r"u'" o t US 101 than wlll lhP ;ir-npo11 .. d fret!w .. y 1'h l.~ la <"X· pb.1nt>,\ b.\' reason nr th .. fact that \A"hllf' th'" lll r,t"t"r p11rt ot th e ~r11 ffir """. 111 ""t hrou1<h"'. nev .. r- lht'les~ ill the 1ummt'r month11 lh n•ll£h tr11l t1c ,.·110\11 tu ,.1.,...., enfon::ed. The reJ:ull\r fPe 111 $!\. The preaent varr1oe uacd ill ef- tetlve ror two yearl! LenYl Lav.·o1 !IJ011r hl!.Vf' pr<)Vl'll time and 11.1(11.ln to ~ lneffPcllve llllo.l unenrorce· abl" in cnntrolll ng ro.hl c11. Lt-n..~h law11, llcrn9lng-l\n•l Vllccln11.tinn. '""d the 1n1pounc!!oji:" or 11tr11y 11.nl- mal11. a.re the only elf ec tl11e rat11 rnn h<> V/l("l'''"'trd •11ft>ly About 90 ptrrcent of the lfl'"" co1u•1ted. say• the report, "'h1rh l I .,..ould be oeceaa.ary to rl'mov" 1f -----------------------------th<>. nl'w rout<>.a are a dopted . .,.,1111'1 Th" i:n ,.,.II 11r" n"t ,.uilv ll( .. rf'.•.'l1bl« fr1•1n the pruf'Oll'"d h11t h· llnr r"lll" hut .,.,.,..,11 •1 h"' rron1 the ~111:g,.~t,.,1 If'"' l1n'" If 11"\t' high !In" ..... ,.,. Pnn~tnH"·t ,.c1. the r"'pnrt pnint., 0111. io 11 fev.· yenrM th I' trA ffic prnhl<\m nn the hll"hway th1,.,u,i:h !h., rffi"'O!Xl.• w oul<l be "" 11 .. 1101111 "" it •• at the preeent J>uhllahed flV'f!l17 MN"-7, \\·edn.ia.7 a.nd Ftldar by th" r>;J;WJ'OBT HAR.BOK PU BUS KINO COMPAN\' !!II Bain.. Blvd., NEwPORT BEACH , CALJT. Pbi ne ltarbor Hilt Quallfl#'d lo Publlab Lflpl Notklf!e and Ad\'ertJ-.:rnent• of All Kind• OJ l)fl>r~ of ·i.. 8upertor Court of o rui,. Co. lu AcU11n No. •·t 170t M°l'•ber cautonla N"elnpept>r Pu~n AM<K'latton Membw NatlouJ EdltoortaJ AaltOd&Uon )f"".,.., of Onr.11r f}o11at7 N.-.-"'4-n-1~ he about 30 lneht• ln dl&m"\'"r- and none bf them ''-'Ould ~ f'V"r 6 r1ret In diameter. EaUmated co1t or conatn;<'t on,:: the low llne by·p•.w, 11ay• I h,. report. wou ld a.mount to $36.1211 · 000, whll• the! ot the h lCb lin .. would b<t $36,48e.OOO. eltht'r of um .... which 'ti a major hl&hway rro-1-rni;-!h nf llie propoited hy-pua j""Ct for the 1tate of Ca1Uo.ni!11 . t r .. tW&)' h• approx1maltlv M> Tentative conclualon of Olf' tll· m1J,.,.. !'hr hi.1th-ho" rnutl' "'·nuld B~ RICDOJCK, PUBLlSH£R vision of h!rhwaya. it WIUI 11111....i. reach 11ppn1x!mately 11}()() feet WILLIAM A. MOSES, l:dltor i. that the low·llne, Qr mor" .. 11• h1J:h"'r Plrv11fi()r) then lh" I o w - OR.\1 1)~1) .. ~. HOUNTREL.:, Ath·('r\ili10J: l)!rt'• t"r pt'1111h•e location 11hnulo! 111• ,,.,.,.,.j. lin". 11 n•I lhua lll'OUJ,l M mnNI Jiu.- CHARLES A. AR.\fS~QN"r , .\1.-chanlC"lll Su!"'('r1n ltn<l!'nl OPfll llll a f'l'"tt ·way Thl11 1111 In· r ... pt1t>ll' In Lea. snow. &.n(i f o r; ----------I C&ll'd ~t .... ·111a1 z of 1 mil., 11nulh conditlon11. ~t ·ftSCllll"TIOS KATQ: I of llut Mr.l'ldllt"lnO--Hl•Olh<>i<ll couu· 1 Jn any evenl • ..-ilh lhc i:o•l Ln· ~ Newport. l l.a.rbor N"f'"\l'lt·Pr-. Tri·"·.,..kl) I)· lln~ llfld Jn"1an CrHk volvN ll probabl)' wlll bfo AOm'" Jn ora11reJCounty, MoO P"' y-.r; s.•.oo at-. m-..; 11~ tbr"""' n'Hl4. NO OONC-L1.810S [yu r• berorc f'llller routa ia dt" , • (),a1111ite of °""'I"'" f"°"1nty 11.80 ~ ,..,., I lfowever, In ronnectlM WIU\ Ila ~ PA.Lii WASH PA.LMS -Two lre<"R h ave b(>(>n d t'· elro,yC'd by vanda.l.e1 t\res, one cmbarra..ssetl b y h er na.ktdnecs and twn a.re fully dN'ssed like s aucy hulR dAncen Slft:F.P TANK."1. -1'.f n;i . f'arkPr fr<0i:;-1-1 clamh<·r (J\'l r h•·r hand)I l 'hulus \a.ughe u frieDdly A II lioracl' Parker ' • l --=-------~·----.. ~ ---.. --~ --· -___.. -· --~-.~-1~ -----------------------• t-l"aaeraJ ~ora 16--Ru"'MM Gnkl" ---·I Classified M~bJ Nott~ ---~--~~·--- MOTTELL 'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 RoLu -Jwt 8o1.1th ot Wemt- mln•ter M1mortal Parlr.. COAl!T OFFICE EQUIPMENT ,.,...,... .. ~ Addlnc machine. Duplicat.or-8uppllM SALES RENTALS It~ thrbor Bl'f'd., Colt& Meaa Uberty 8-77H ' WOULD WK.E lo thanke 1111 my y N~wport 1-larbOr -fri--.-f-the Wdi l(lill!tL°Ul~pn11·I -' .. "''--'-Ir?':"" (J. An Orance Count,y lnatltutlon Strvinc lam1Ue1 o t all faith• Te.L11phwi1 i Toll Frto11 I lmli1l31 'Snt • --~~=~~!1!!!'!&~ ....... ~'!:!!~-:.:-·;c· ·::;· -=- Nv ui"' "'·rr l Lll'nl!d 1 w•y becai.ae FOR RENT &nd flow~r• aur1ng 1ny illneu l 'i(i7 l~Llht: Ho1pllal. At..o •pec!•l lr"'f'k• to th" t..dy A.ng l"r• and l ha .l"n(lay An&lt:... Lunc•heun ot lack of fund• cl uh. v.. ('1 ','\le !Ann i (",.Jil'(AlbPrl Upur tD -t:~ll t lJ I AV,. Nr.w1~•rt A~..--~ H 1't1&llht!1.0.'11.'E.~9llP.<I ltul!·•r , Gel lhe "1n·ltlt ·way1" out ot th .. w11y , th~ w•nl ad way. C•ll H11.r ltllll MILLER'S LUCKY 7 Kar Korral IS LOADED Millu Says, "'Clean 'em Out'" SO HERE THEY GO! '5 '4 Merc ury Sun Vo lley $1695 '54 O lds Holidoy Cpe. $2395 Skill Saw•. ltlec. Onllll, Pol111t1er1. au typ.i.. of S&11dtr9, WheelO.r· rvw•. etc'. BOYD'S HOWE . 2&:W W. CUA::IT HIG HWAY Wbert)' 8-:itst.. N'wport Heh :.l~ttl COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hangin g Sf>rvice EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS Ml() 3l•l ~lrwt, New..,..,1·1 Ue.Mch HarbQr 2976 tfe Painting, Decorating Pa.~r Hanging 'GEO. BUR K H ARDT LICENSED L'ONTRAL:l'IJtl 871:1 W. 18th St., COlllta Me .. Llberty 8-MUJ CEMENT & BUILDING All K ind• F'llEE ESTIMAT ES Liberty 8-610\I H. H. HOL BROOK fJ I-;I ·~NUABI.~ PL U~1B!Nl~I A l 'rt1111pt lt<'jl.llt Se1 ;·1< e M11.1nt a 1n~ I 1 Phun•· f1 ,.1bur •82.t !!_-Bolldi.K Sen"- Floor Covering Wall Tile 111-lleoaty Aids NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE J __ R_E_D~U-C-IN_G __ 1 FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1950 Steom CabiDet !8--Sltoo-Wu!M .....Seip Wutod Ma.uage -Sp<>t Reducing 10 Je&l'I expuitintt ~f;~rt, •·1'11 tor •=:t· GARDENING U«nMd Cont..r.etor. Satlafaction l ---------------OuarantMd. U 1-4732 WOMEN: Otnc. JOba, dome.lie. a.nd olh•ra. MALE: MaclllnlaU, lab. tachn.IC• &2p7& %!-Lost .. d Fou.d !""'~=-'-='---~-~- ----PA1NTINU ·-· PAPERHANGING Sympson & Noll.u But l!:xperienced Workmen Hu 2to• or 1~7-R C AR P E N TER Re pair Wor k " 0oet Your Home Nud Rep&irinl or R.emodellfll ! Call Fr&nk, Uberty H9M AU W o rll: Guara..ot.eed l t Ue CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOH TOO SMALL H. O. And- 10 14 It. Btl..lbo6 Blvd., Balboa Harbor l '!loO 8Jttc Custom Building A'f"'OlA ("'rJVE PR!Cl!:S Your plll!l.I or our" l.u .. n~ed -ln•uroed Y'JNA!'\'Cl :"IG AltRANt_;I!:[) A . J. \VELTY LOST b rown m&la dach.ahLllld Rt!!WA-.KB••t6-..... 9d&_.teFT Balboa. Har. lf.81 .v~nlnp. H1r. 3671 day1. 83e6~ China Painting 0.y and l:ventn1 ci.u.. Order. TU-NO'lll' PbolMt Liberty 8-66U 14tte JONES BIRKEL-RI C HARD SON OROAS STUDIO. Lea rn to rla y the ml&hty W U RLl'l'ZEtt. EVELYN JONES, Mer 300 H r.l r11. w ood Drive. LI 8· 1082 ~7lfc 28-,li;ltuatlorui WanW 1 -----------REL I AB L Jo: J APAN!::~!::. At..IERI C AN \\IAN 'f'S GARDEN LNG IN !i A B.- BOR ARI.-:A B Y \\'E E:I\: U J( MONTI·!. HY A'l"f 4-5471 ~. 1 j ~. \ ODD J OBS A CL.EAS UP. tana, lath• Gpftn.tor 6 othara. NO JOB TOO SMALL J"U?•rE FARRAR En1pl. A1enc)- BY,. HOUR. DAY OR \\'ICEK filll ~-32nd SL. -~ewport LI 8-t 080 or LI 8-tMt (acrou from C11v Hall) .. -----·~--~·---ii1P15' ,--· -----· BEAUTY O PERATOR. nr1t <"!OM PAINTING .WOn. ""'· ci•~«I• TOMMY WU.80N BEAUTY 8AU )N , - !610 IC. Coul llighw11.y, COt'WI•. BY HOUR. S1naH or larj:r JON oll. GlllLS R-..onatwe n.t11111. LJberty 8·2722. ~•1 Ma.I. 62c6t W&nl C leaning L.r.dy. O C I!: A N' P"RONT HO'I'EL. mornl'li•· Per- manent work. Har. ~IMI. 62c6• POR S AU~ Two pint~ C'holo e HERE ARE JOBS ~,.1.'Uon . H,.rbor Re9l Ct'm,.t.aiv Har. 2844. 112•'11• Th11l you 1.0.'llt be proud to tell 1 ---- yvur rntnd.s 11.00ut New IHl(h Fresh Hearing Aid .,.,,.1<.,• <.:•,ll~pl'"'1 "'1th 01.-hi cal "'"rk.111,.; 1;un •. l1l!unit a dt1 up l<l ;-.bs ,.,·1th prtB:li>• \;fJ .. :.Xl'ERJE;>;Cl: J{~'-!t:IHED St•rl >·.,ur new J"b 1n ""~ t•I "'" nfl < ~!! nf'aT" \HUr h'lfl,. Tl':::J.f:Pll ONE OPERATOl"t~ App!v fl IJ<I \., I 1111 I' n 1 ~l t '• N M,.,,, SL 1-trH 211 !'""'" At " Turret Let he Operators :-0 1'. !, .... "!ll/·~l 'l,i\:i:"i \ " ' ( ": J " o I I\ " \ I. L I • I l'lio·~ .. ' ,, :,,.,,, d' )., ~ ". BA-rrERIES \\'e On·e SAit Creen Stamp11 Gunderson Dru g Co. Main St. 11t Balboa ls!vJ IJalb"a ". T\\'t I \\'f"\1 •t' ,\ C l ··"--" !':1111\\· 1·A!<o~'.~ tl jl ' j !' l l:'\ •M• r .' .' I \! ... • r \ I J11 '' ~ 1,. ... ··~·, 1 suo 1.01 .. ·''•ii .. " • ! _,., ... ' . t ' "' .,_ .. 1 I I \ j ' . " . Y-qu/f)po'd "Ith ~•rrJ1 hln.i: lno hulinl{ K.,. .a.•111111: (h .. r ·Ur1, .. ;!~I\ &lbq11. lih'<I. Ne-v. 1~•rt li1>arh 2~>30 S -.nta Ana A.\'.:, C<.>o1t.11. J.I~•& Experienced Gardener LANlJSCAPINI; \i'~.111~:-..:1 l·I• l·f(1-•• ·" ,,_ .111· 111"' l.~J h I' .. , 1~"' I l<u ' - '· ,, 1~ " I I " . Mov ie Pro ;ec fo rs 1 .... nl o•ll .... ,.n .. 1. l'&JJ Liberty i;-i!31~ O-:ll1 ~ ~' ,,, . '55 Chevrolet V.B Bel Air $2295 :-.pt. t JW· T u-1 vn .. I( II, I•"' .t ll•lr, ·11ut>.,t ShL""· l•"r hr .. 1c ... , \\,II !Ir,.., l ~·J1,.,.,,, u .... l u r ""'r $$11111, 'SJ Ford Cus tom Fordor S 865 lt-1-1-0>"Tltrt;r \\ .,.,,. ·n...-.'°r" 1..Un1 '53 Chevrolet "2 1 O" '4 -dr. S 995 K -H -l '.1" .-rlllhl--\\ .'i\\ T lr.-, ~-l unt• Ulur '5'4 Nosh Melropoliton s 965 H ard t.,P--R-11, '"''" ~llo·•,.;r c.11.,. "I''" S.\ rnllr• l"'r l"t '52 Codillo c 4-dr. sedon $1695 It -fl. 11.)dr"'""tl<· 1,,.,.a1__,,n .. """"'• '54 Ply m. Stohon Wogon $1195 \ll \l o·t .. I. 'SJ Olds 98 Holidoy Cpe. $1895 l'""''' ,,,,.., ,\ hr11I.•·'· K·ll. \\'I\\ !Ir ... \01t••110.1\h I rlUl"'11 1~"tuf>, '54 Chevrolet Bel Air $1545 I <Ir , H II, I'""' t t.lhl", ll"r •I-~ 1tnt"d "1"'~-1 .,,111M1 ••·tuaJ n111 ..... '52 De Sot o Sportsma n s 795 '""'"'' .,,, ... rh•.t -lt"'"" II H .-"lrt 1 ,.,,,,,1 .. 1,. ''"'"' tl'ha.ul. ·s2 Chevrolet Be l Air s 995 "Pl I 1w -ll·l l, l'O¥o flrl.t\dr ,,,.\, \\ "'' Tl"·~ U•lnn•itMI h 11 .. r1 .. r. • PICK-UPS e '5 ~ lnternetione l . s 895 'SI Chevrolet! Ton s 695 '1 T n n-l'l1•kup--l.1k .. """' '52 GMC l Ton s 795 '47 Dodge ! Ton Pic k-u p S 395 :\l .. <'hanJ,•aJly l'rrl"•'I. l.••t • nf rnllP• l••fl In t hl• .,, ... ! Thes.e e re a few price examples. of the bS c a rs e nd p ic k-ups we have for s.a le Stea l one while o ur bo ss 11 a wa y! MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Oldt\moblle 1000 W, C<>ut 11""·~. 700 W. 0.-t Hwy. I.J~rtr ~-22fil Miller'• Kar Ko"al Ll~rty 8-22.sA ('ht•\ r ol1•t .'\f'rOi'4toi frorn Ile)' ('luh -----VEN E~~~" BLI ND II LAUNDRY rHE :..:J::\\' ffill(hine Pni<.'t'U !ll .. lh· ,.J H.c11.90n11.ble pn•·t• A vrr•i:" :l tape re11J .. nt1&l bhnJ Only $1.00 Bl1nda r"pa1~d an•l ("built. Jo,ree P l<'k up and d,.l!v,.ry \\'Ork dun\' by 11.ppo1nt1nenl Phon" I.Jt>erty 11·!!70l or Klm°"r!y 3-!l:l7• ppl!C Cu!. t om CABIN ET WO RK Don" on prem111ta No Job tou 1maJ) Ph<>ne Kl 3 3341!. 46<'6hh General Contractor LICENSl!:D New Work --Remodeling J . Ml LTON McK ENZJ~ Harbor 6399-W 58tfc Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ounielvee. 30 yea" uperlt.11c• l.Jcerul$1 It 1:11ured. .Sat11fllctlon ~r1111teed. IC•llmalr• f rre. Call Johnnie. W 8-2687 & l ... J 8-5289 81 t!c Smo ll J obs Wo nt ed ('ARPF::..:TRY -PAlN.l'IN(; Good wQtk '"""'Jn•ble Liberty 8·!'tllll:\ PAINTING Jl'."TEHIOR -EXTJ>~RIQR ALSO l'tt ARINE P A INT INO L!C EN"SJ>:D INSl 'ltF;1, Gle nn J ohnston ~,()l -Jl1t St Newport L\<'11.rh H11.rl>or 31711 41ftfl.' -To ~nt tl hOUM' or buy a hou•r, thr 1lmplut way to fin<\ a pl11.ct to "'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""------------,,,,--,~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,. hvr, ~ through the w.nt a d1. PAINTING M. W . ROSS U ct n11ed LI 8·3321 280 A vocado, C0111ta )Itta 88Uc AJcobolica Allonymoue Wnte P. 0 . Bos SIU N twport Beac:ll., C a.!IL Phw:I• Harbor fi 7iti ... and Cl-EAN l'PS Llb~:r1y b-1659 lU\I J1A:--:l1Y ~lA :-.° 1111>11\l<":n<"' ,\ •l"l>&l r or "'h"t • ll11r •~!II \\ .. •'11 l.o\l\1 '!'l ~IJ>. ll•1<•k.h.ltlll' ''''"l"'' ~ . .,,•.1 ,, l "'' 1 ... 1·, ,-,,,.. • .. ~ ; \ l'!H• II<" ho' /.. "',., . ., ·' ~ ! .,. Wo nted Roy's-Maintenance 1 1'lt-:,1o;1·F:n1~~ .... , ·t·1 • ,. ,,1 • ~· .. i. HUUH cle1.nlnc-Floor wuinic II ''"""~~ \>\'all w•ahlng-wtndow r l .. an1ng \\ILL ·rHAl:-.' Y!•l V.111 1.I• ve.n,uan blln4a. Uphpllttl)' ~·r11• l.P.All;'I.' A:>:l> ~;A ll'\' llSI lnlured.. li're. Est.h:natet \,H f:AT~:ST AH t~"" I•'\' FAltTl! Ll~rty &-1332. t1rc - 1 • ART C' Kl :iTt.1'.:lt ('(/ CLEAN UP JOBS ,, .. , '"'"" """ ,,., ,. .. ,. , lt out~,, .">.!~ti .... \' ·' '!· l !! ' ·-· I J I ~ ,\ Mears C.J-,c r.J ~'.;o p 1'1 ,,, • I, '· FI REW OO D i-I • ' I ) • \ j •·J I t d' I.• I I '" .i. 1956 WORLD BOOK ! 'I. I •l \ ' .. t ... ~ ,. ,, [_If . ' ,. ' Yard Maintcnanrf' I 16---Tra.nsportatiOD 1"1rHt:i~·~c:t':f:.nanl e l \V!\ ... IA '\' •'Lt~HK ...,.111111111~ X\H -----~---------1Cl.l\ U 8-:57:.9 ttt!c li"fl .. r ~ j4 \o \'I\ L1cl•• ~""!'' ,, 1-:111 '(' ATJ(l :'\: .\I . l'U L i';':-IJ:.:l~U I \ II\/,)· I, 1q 11• 'I FL ¥ -I H"'"h 11'.Lo l\I S A ;.. I '' .l:IO'l ,, Hlr.H );!'H t lOL irlrl w1u1u p<1~l· IX.'-6 NON-STOP tl•J n 1,,. Muth,.r• hPlf""r l1v~ Hl N 'Y C. 180• ... I:" to a;hvoL, ft,.!,.ren<"t• ll•t I.it,. Alf""'" ri ..... 1~r1 Top ("nn1n11~ .. 1,,n,. rnr A,.;1 .. ,..<1lve A!,.tl l'i•f CHICAGO 169 :.290-w 11'.lrf\I •ttQund Tnp Unly St~l.J. • 1.'\' Tt:lt.\\~ ,..,n '"''1" .,,-phun" Hurron fl !I Fl. Ut;14lt'/\'l t:!'l~~-N ,.,,. .. H .. , k H11tbo1r H'!~I I' I) u .. x !J.'\t: 6 rt ,, r1 X'''"lo ''. J l:'>O $'it• s;·, f''rt~ Lln1ou1tne lo Airport Box Lunche•, }o't ei!t Tu::ket ~livery V•IASHINGTON, D C. 197 PHl.LAOEL.PIUA .• . ___ l&'i !J Ai.LAS DETRO IT HU:-.'ULUl.U NP.W YUKK Ci !IC A CJO .. , ·--· 179 l lt•1' -··-5819 "' A U F11.ru -P lua Tu l 24. W. Ocean Blvd., L. B . HE 2-64 lb --NE-.. 6-463~ Sll!lta Ana, l 17 E . 3rd KI 3-1!36b 11!--uty AJda Superfluou.s Hair PermanenU)' remo11e4 from ta.ce •nna. ler•. l:y•brow• a.nd h&lt line ahaped-No more tw eu1.n1. ELU:l-1 L. BR y A.NT R.. E. Udo'• Salon o( Bea.uty B&r. ~78 '" Call Yo ur Relax·A-Cizo r CuNSULTANT De monetral lon•. no obli1alion. UOl"NIE \\'IL.SON HYalt 4-6411• 63p78 $:.'". Ill.") ;.:,,..1~·1t H•·• .. h. ('alor C•:-.'1-: lout:•• '"llHH"I• r· '111( :i9•·6i I !-!CALI::~. 56.") 1 t.o );>;l 11J\.,.. PAINTING 11 .. 1 ka It •livio lty h•iur ""'l" 'IT Jl1tl l.lh<'r!y Ab],. to n 1•ka '"~ioira !HEAL t:!'irATt: """"·'n"'" '" I\ ~11111 d:lp•1 4 B1>•krr t~Xf't"n•·n••~I ,o..;,."'.P'Jrl c .. u """'nrr LI 8 l'l;!'.:l ,.,,.,-11ni:: .. "' "f1•·t ,") I '" "t 1.1 I' •,;r\ij 11rt"r Do 11ht111!'11"r~ o r "'" •rht • l.11 HJ>:LAX ATl(J:-l" n,.e<I•.,! • MA KE AN A t-'l 'Ul.NTM£:-.'T tf'lr Swedish Massage \n ynur hon1,. 1'1.-,. ... r all H11 rtx>r i 79:'1 nr H11.1·bor 70 1)9p72 GARDENING a nd C LEAN -UP JOB S WANTED LIBERTY 8-61 39 :'l2T!r t 1 -~------~--! •A Y work '>• work by ,...,.,.k_ l..<1- ral referent'e11. Own lr1tn.'1"1rt11· lion. Kl 3.n41b. 63pil;")~ SE~'RET/\RY 31 yr" nt 11.i:r HRrb<•r 11n·" T"I' "" rnt1 v~ '"""""''"""'n pllln \o,',.ll ""t11.h-l1~h.....S 1nr1•<1r11l1"n tl•r. l~!tll 11z, 64 Beacon P ersonnel 100';, employer retained agency !-017. .. i, t" \{) 1n h•·J!t ,,f .-ond1uon. rf'..,.,•/1111!1~. ll1<r to:l:\!I \\' fl !f'6:S t'ltuzt:." _A HAI.A•!>;},,; STEAKS, ~II &-~-"> ,.,.11tJ! " It & FHl)Zt~;>; <:H{l\o,'J;l'.:R MEAT/') ltl. bolt ror l l IH. L I 11·12911. flle63 KNITTER S NO F'EE colll.!Cted rrom appllrllJlt 4l3·3 111t :\'tl.O.'f)(Jrt ~ach I ! C<1n1~ ,n & ,. .. ,.. the rnrnp!rt• n~w Real Estate Sa.leeman I 1111 .. •·f 1;r11ph1r p111trrn•, ac..r Hr\lntl F:vtr l't-l11 tl·h yP11rn1, Mor- F <1t nur newe11t offl t'e1 -JL f1n•• tll 11 new drtlll! P"' Lrrn11. novelty i;:-r1111nd ·floor opp<Jrtun1ty. Our y"rn1 & 1otr11.w• lnt'ludlng the ,,,,.,,nlil'r r.on1n1!s.. .. 1nn 11r hrollll•· 1••pulRr knot IM<'~Y 1Lk.1rU Ill'"'" t!I"~" ""'l\O 11\l•y "'•th II" th••~·· whu Jll'•luo·r , and lhO!lf' 11.<l•"r 111 ll~!irt i: \\',, 11 r•• f11onol- J1 Mn<1 .... ,,p .. riitlVP lllld w~ Wlll\1 1 h .. ""'"" rrnm you Uay & &ach H.ealty. Inc· Sit N' Knit ll.\ t: ll11H••11 l\l\"d 1\11.IOOJL :12trc Arch. & (.'On11l c.:p rle.~lrr11 :i~ .. 10 Ei;st ('011 ... 1 Hw)' Hfl r-l)<•r Jo'Olt S Al~~TO !Jf; f\.10\:EL> 1 ~·t·rE 1~,.1 4 ll~~l1\\11t\1' IJLL1<..:. ~h11.kr pw•f l ol,.~I r"r ot r1 ct a;11e111 hn1111,. nr rx( r" 1 <M•l•I \92U \-\' U1dbuR Hl\'oi '.'.""'"'IJOrl Bt'h po1llion Harbnr a r"'"-Call 1111.r I Cnrunll <l"l Mttt 1327·M. 63r6::t I 62<"1\• HAND BRA IDED RUG S GREATER EARNIN'5 ' t t>.~~~~ 1.....:sr.:1 r·1·1qN <IHI i t:h !'; T /\I\ t .. '\' All"''"'' n111'<'r1"!' 11\'"tl"hl,. M 1\H\' F/\.'\':-01:>:. 111:1;, ::< C~l Ro 1 t ~1 i.;11ri1o Hrh Jl ''n11 t ~lllHI f\0)'7:1 REMEMBER ... SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the 1st. HE. 7-1201 ' ' PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS Attention Landlords tH >l'Sl<l lo!l.I• ~:41·11 •,\!Ei\'T f11r 10111 111 '"lllll 1'avp111< l(lllt("f'. FIH' ~''""' ,,.rr11i:, H1·n1l1:ot 1.0."1U1hLn.( u111• l11nr H nlly1.0.'fl<"I rlPf' brol!,.1. Fri<nr1 11run pollrr)' •lellf'rt flow· .. r p11.tLr rn. ~rvit•t for 8. PLUS l'tl/SI' ITEMS "5,.e ''"''net, 31)9 };ignul Rr1 .. Nr"'.l'"rt llLA 112?64 OLD ~PI NNJNr. \VHf:F:I .• S42 :'>fl, Antlqut: or1an Sil~. ftound OAk {Rbleii fr(tm SH>. Old timg phonn 1b1K horn) $):'1. Nier u pr1ghl r11U1'l S 12f>, I 4{r al'!'nn11011 $3.'I, H11.ng lnr t11 n11111 fn•1T1 l lb. Jlo11- 111 l•I bto<I• $3:'1. l.o1td• o f 11.nliquos l.'hln1, rurlo11. ol<I furn . jrw•lr y, rlock•. lil mJMI. e t<'. VUlll our lgr 1tort. We buy & r:oH:h•nif' •n• tlQut:.a. C tfARl.IE D AVIS, 18011 Jo:. A na.helm. L.B. H E 6-M311 ~Appllaw BENDIX Econom&L 3 yra. Good condlllon. Riih"t tak".-1..I 8-208.1. old.- otrt r tl2c64 X:JGHT By JCJOHT fL comb. walkln rtl'r. • P'T..,...ur U Y!. Balboa Tn..nafer Co. Ph_ Liberty 8--~ I. 62p&4 O'KEltYE • MllRRI"rr 1u r1.111a Kci•lr1.1.lot' "1frl1eralor. Bolh In r ood i:ondtllon • reuonable - Harbor 03Ua-J. etc63 G AFTER.~ It 8A 'rf'Li:RS apL 11u rani t, o ven rontrQt .l bro.II· •r Ill>!• """"' K "l»lnator apt. ~•V' ,...,M l Har 21)Vofl f1f Ha r ~71\ 1-\\' 6:l.{'fl) - • • --.... ~ . -. ... ..... _____ ---- ; PAGE~· PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, ~ANUARY 27, .1956 O'kN!• 6' M•n1tt tu ~nff' 19M deluq toldJtif·tov rnodf'I hu all chrOm• fl1ddle on top. lan1p • el.oc:k Wltb ov.n timer. 1·hrornf' pill bnM.lar. Ulltd only a inonuw.. llelnJ" tranaferr9d Eut. Uk• over my oontract with the S.nk " pay oft the bill. ol 1137 89. Only l~Y 11.82 ptt month. N o ea.ab nttded. My 911uily free, Me a ny· lime Day or Eve at l 4•.1 W. Chapman. Orani"· ~ PER MOt;TH ren l• a icQOd pracl1e• 1u11no. 'All lf'rn1 ,,.n\ al Io w • d. DANZ · BCHMJOT · PHILUP!i Hit; .. ,ano Sii.le. :120 No. )tam, Santa Atl&. H oru• ot M•.son-Harnlln •I'd K naM 1'1· &OW 1•1 -"i•f•K for S!ll~· 4li--;\u:"'' itnd -rrnrll ~ ·10--Autn' 11 n1I r r1N'ks -------------) ---------~------~~-- • r •• JANUARY SPECIAL Will HANO BRAID fyou.r pattern) WOOL RUGS u !urniah.~ .material) (1 per customer) AT $2.50 SQ. FT. Mentiod thi1 ad for special consideration -- The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow l l !S SO. l.f,A TN ST , CORONA CORONA 778 ' WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURN ITURE S0.8-Appl.ia.oces JANUARY CLEARANCE Used TVs and Applia nces 12'f.!" EMERSON C•rntu1l r 16" OLYMPIC Cun~(Jh· 12 Y::" CROSLEY tab!·· ~1 u.I v.Jth ~·~t l{Md111 .~ .1 1 11! 16" !.10 TOROI.A (',.ns11l t· 12 Y,:~·· STROMBEJ{<; l'Altl.SfJ:"J \\!1th }<'~! ~;,, A.\f l{adl\/. 'f :1bl> '5. l I ;,1 • ~1 .. d· l AM & F~1 )~adJ•i <'\.· T\' ri.mli 1 21 ~ .. srnor-.1 Bl-:1~(; ('A. 1t 1.:-'(1 ~ G. E , Electric Hani;:·· Double O\'Cn . I.ate m"d•·l ~1111 ,S 1 I !I -,, I · '•n'1!1 t• •II WESTINGHOL'Sf.: J.;i..,·t /~;1t1 K•· I 1, •Ubl>· ()\\'II DAVIS BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd l.lbrrty ~·3 137 .~I I~• . ,q USED APPLIANCE BUYS HOTPOINT WRINGF:ll \\.'1\Sl-I E J{, a~ ii. MONTGOMF:R'i' \\.'AR U \VAS liF:H \\'r1r1r:• I n:r:NMORF: \\'A:-i lll-:1< WrinKt'r ty1oe Y.'Jl h pun1p ~fONTf:O MF.RY \VA Rll WA S l-ft.;J{ Wr1n15:cr I YtJl' DEXTER Al lTOMATI(' Y..'A Stll-:K lnst.talh·.t W1'.;.~TJNC;f-l 0USJ::' I .A 1 'J\'fJ ltOM A'/' l nhlallt-<! GAF'F'ER.S & ~AT'TL ER GA S RAN1;r: White Ta blr 1'ol' WESTINGHOUS E Jo.:LECT RAK1 :1·: GlBSON 6 Cubic ft. REF'RJf: 1 \ 1 ·~ _,] I ;JI I ~;?.") 1,11 ~~l.'"1 Hi! "$7 I '""10 ,f)\!)U ~.:.!1 ~.n cau-con~t '"Kr"ll·Ml 7. Roney's Small Appliance ORGAN SPECIAL! OR GA:-0 only UV~. Llbe1·a l' tr11o<Je•. converuent tf'rm.t. L<>•• '5 3 ~ tnc:.J.u.dML A.n)'llD<I qn 1-r ri I '" pl•Y In • few n1tnute• Se•' '52 ll NOW •l-I -····· .,..:s 1s 1nl f' l~Ui) {:.?l-4:.!'3 :'1 Rycar1101e. Manta Ana 15Q 1'hont' Kltnl~tly :.?--0672 I 0noflg e Cuunly ~ Urg~n l·hl~lr• USED CAR END OF JANUARY SPECIALS AUSTIN CONY. $ 49S " WILLYS STATION WAGON .......... . $ 695 • O'DRIVE EXTRA SHARP • STUDE . STARLITE CPE. $ 39S O'DR!VE, RADIO, HE~A'fER PROOF POSITIVE No One Undersells or Out Trades Ray McCoy • F.ibutous Llmifed Off er Save Up To S500 RepG iring 1'•1rt•. toa11tl'r11, co(fiee maker•. ~l· 1 I i:.!':!2 :'\'eWJ><lrt Blv.J Coalll M ~~n 1cor ,,, \'h:tun• "-:-lpt Blvd ' J.I 11-6-079, l'lll\'.72H . DO IT YOURSELF HI -Fl 'S2 PONTIAC 8 SU PER-CATALINA $ J-IYVRAMATJC, RADIO, HEATER. WHITE WA LLS, Al,t. LEATH~Jl INTERIOR 795 No Money Down I 'S4 MER CURY HARD TOP MONTEREY $I S99 Highest Prices • i'AllJ }-'OH Jl:NK UtU:"< A ."\"I / ... 1}-;TAI "'lt.L r•1c 1\ t 11_) ',.11 I 32--F'umitul"fi for Su.Jr. ----------~-- BEDROOM SJo-:'fS II .'Ii 9 l!RA \\'Y.H d "'"~"'" !.J•,ok,11.11.-ltfll<l l~ ..11 I ''"' $'>!\ "" l'\\J."\" .\f,.pl .. f,,•\J V.llh I< .,u,.,.,. & 1 .. , .. aJ,1 111~ .. 111.v ('1 1 :)'I "" <\ <'i> 'I I lf\A \\ )-'./-;. ""f .. 11""'"' 1 w1(h 1111: n.1 rr.•n1 $7\1 "' J.111 ni;: l(,.1•rr1 ;-;, \ri . 'f11dt·rn & -'1 aplt• \ >,:• :-... !4 '}-; A f ! "\"}-; fl~ \"•<I W,.UJ<! Tu, t M./\yWh!'r•· II !!h "" 1 . .< • • t1 .. 11•l }°'"' ll 1 .. ~•111•11 ·•"I ll''>' I• I• V.•• '"" '"\•· }"U !'I•'", '•W>" ' l<>l•k Jt " I !'I I t.11••1• l'~l('.T-. I'~ l''l l ! ~I 1-!_'\Jfl f"~ I lj·• " ~·f I 1,1 \' }-", o 'l•I ,ol :-.)' lr~~"ll t•!••1K ~'.P.!i hi '..'l '\li ~·out,, Ar1>1 i ll(f, 1 "J\'t.: H UO '-t:; v r I""' h n .. w rur- ru•hro· w1U1 lult 1u.:L IJ.afl j.;t.: & l11h·1 n .. 11 .. n~I J!.1 11 ··~1'r •··tr 1 , J>IO·• .-llVoh ti; 1 ""'" ,,:t"U I-' ~ ,,,1,11 I•·!•• lt<"lr•""" 8"\• Uul1 .s-,: .. ~ Sin.<11 ,1 .. ·,.n l'~j1111·11! \\llh' 11!1 Il l'!! .... ~ .. k· t ... "•l)ol \\" f'H > ~ •. ll l"'l \n .twirn ,•,:, <H I''' "1 ' "' + ·Pjllo \ •I•'' P "" "i(O'I 'I' '· " ' . ''" ~~ J""""' 11 ....... 17•>1 \\ .,l, 0;:1 Mesa W oo dcraft l"rtp111!"• 1 .t-J•n• nd·· Vu1nl!11r" Close Outs ~+ Cost I·!\ t. r•!: \ 11I·1( , llr!'I ~ $!'1 ,,., ~·-..:r • r" •~r 1 ..; ,..:11 I' 1 I. I d · Tl • ,1 s ~ .... ' .. '" 111 t·,\ II f 11\'I !!~I H~,..,.,.. I \I I I ,. l''.t'• I HJ!.J .~-H•H1."s •' r, .. ut1lu! 11 .. w J I 1• , I II•" tn l•o<o l< I !! It 10· ' . "'""" J "" II ,., i.•·-\I 1!••·.n1 t.~, •1 I ,) RADIO, HEATER. ORIG INAL 2 1'0NE PA INT lll'ILO \'uUk ul\N Ill . ph••nogra ph. uait\JP; i\" .. w.011 11.J .t ti ,··111u11•1\.Artlon A'-1 ·1··:.1 t1111t·rd, ~n111hl!<'r~ 111'.-.. 1c .. r11 ~ 11•0·01.i 111•)'•''" \..'u n it' 110 •lul M,.t' lhe•n \\ ~ "JIJ .llr llJ yuu al!.1><·11<!1/o• •l 'S2 C HEVY 4 DOOR ······-·····'"············· $ 695 '54 BUICK 4 DOOR $1499 'SS DAVIS-BROWN l!Ul:i 1111.rbur Hlv•I ''•<ala .'llM... L I l'l·:l4J';' J:>QWER GLIDE. RADIO, HEATl:R EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN FORD 8-SIX PASSGR. C.'Ol!NT!l Y SE DAN, O'DRIVE, RADIO. HE ATER. Sl~ECJAL INTERIOR LlliE NEW $219S OfUGINAL P.<\IN'I'. 1-'Ul.1.Y EQIJ IP'l'. 1~11\E NE\\ 'S2 BUICK RIVI ERA 4 DOOR OlllGI NAL 2 TONI·: PAINT. ALL 'S2 C HEVR OLET CONVERTIBLE $ 799 l•:QU IPPEJ) 1RADIO, HF:ATF.R l'f1 \\F:Rr.1.11JE. 1..1TF: l:!<r:t:!\' $ 699 l·'INl:O:!l Ul~A l/1.I F'l'L it\\rr v r 1yyi.. up11ght. '54 FORD 8-RANCH WAGON l''""o 111 p• rr~.t \•1 ni.Jil11Jn S:!~ F'ORDO~IATIC, RADIO, HEATER, LOW ,1,."11 & $LU I•'"! '"" lill S H A f'J::lt:S , :SHll.c Jl•V; I l".lJ i ;.!:J :-,; ~.)'•llllH•I'. )S,11,l 1 !'huu~ h.l r.,IJ•ll\ l \J~.i $1 795 1'SI MI LEAG ~~ I O LDS 88 2 DOOR RADIO, li t~A1't-~I<. H'l'll!{A~!ATH ' $ 699 'SJ FORD 8-RANCH WAGON J•'f1RDOMA1'1C', RADIO, HEATI!::R, $139S 'S2 C HEVROLET 1 DOO R k.o\/JIO. H EATf<:t< \\ \\ ~ S99 ]{!·:,\I.! ' Nr:v..• l 'Al'.\'1' RADIO REPAIRS ·54 FO RD VICTORIA J-'0P..D0 ~1 ATI('. IZAI llCJ, 11 r:A1·r:1t, Tl'~·~ ll u\1~ 1 .. \1 J11. tof • llh.I $ .. :,., "1 I' lot•li r n WEI< ·I \\'A y ~f<:A T:" J<'.:\'.('F.J•'fJ(l!\'AJ .J,'I' ('l.l·:A K J.'\' J-:\·t:Ji.'' \\' ,\ y < "• ''' ' dJ I j!; ,11 "~'I' I' ., !' 'SI 'S I FORD 2 DOOR H.o\ 1)11 I HUDSON C LB . C PE . \{.\l >H J, lll·:A'I'!·'.!'. :--! t ,\ I{ I' $ 599 A STEAL AT $ 499 \I "l'i J'.\1 \'I f1 I"·' "·n• , . Whit es Ra dio Serv ice '52 FORD 8-CUSTOM 4 DOOR FU!-i.UO.\IATll", B.ADIO, JfI-;AT J-:R. A \.El<Y $ 69S 'SI r-.:H:t: CA fl ' OLDS 4 DOOR SE DAN s 49 9 It A !JJ() llYI 1!t A:-.1A"I It )~I \ 1 1, I.I i'I !.l'.H , I ! ~ '' • t 1 "l'J'\~~r 1"""" l•h·· r .......... 11. 1' , '· S1a1:. " 01 ·Ir r f ,( r,,n T • '• J• \"), I I!•:. !IA~Z ~' fl ~lll•I JOHN WELD, FORD J II ii i li . J •.• ' ,.; •fl ,.t1.,1 .. '>i tl .-.: • " "'' ·•I , ·ti.' ! I .\l 1 II .°'.U1'.+ 11 SO S. COA ST HWY. LAGUNA BEA C H ~·11t ·r1•r: 1~1·,1 1 ·1:'>1t '"'·'I A..\ti-'!1'11 I l.~:,1'Hl•' !•LA' Jo-:1< l'IA:-.u in ""'1 ... 1 pl")"•.: ... 11,J1 11•·11 J • .111 .. 1 1odh lit< I 1·h"I '-,<t1\• "l"n! 1•·1 fl•~ llf !'JI A l·l<HH '·"'"''" 1t1n7, •~l -":.!:t :-. ~vr~r"''r~ !'11r1111 An11 l'h<Jll•· K l1ul.,..rlv 2-1.1672 HYATT 4-7078 Foreign C a r He adquGrter5 USED CAR C LEARANCE SA LE g ,\HY :-;.-11.~: 1~•11 t!•.•d $.n•:i '[J;1 JAGUAR ~!C Cµe . b11v~ loo\·,.lv ·"11111 .. 1 rlM•H!~r•I I '!i5 M G. ·rr· l:'iOO '51 A-f. G. TD rtoad 111111, .. ,\1 111 •!•\)i''' :--1,111··l Pill.) ·:1:1 JA GUAJl $::.;.:; l.l.,l.i w·;11 ,\, r"H"fl lt '1711 '.·i:\ h t"'""ll ·'I''"'! s.: .. 1 [lull\ .J,\f;t JAf{ JA(.;UAI{ •.1 .. 11b $1!•11 ''I' l""'!1• ,,\ 'J:! r-.r c Road M K \'II f-;('d ~1K \'II St.>J. ·55 Hll-I~MAN H ll!lk y '5!") HI LLMAN Convertible '50 FORD CONY. DR IV E IT HOMES 39? I HAI 1Jl l (I 1 1!: I\ I ·so PL YMOUTH CLU B COUPE '49 '49 J<AI '1 \l \ll·'.~'ll 1\:\"J 1·\1.1 \ FORD C US TO M 2 DOOR l{A l>I (), lll-:A Tl:::I<. \.\ \\ C HE VROL ET 2 DOOR DELU XE I orange ]{AUIO , F1 r_:A·rr:J< C ou nty's Most Re liab le 3 BI G LOCATIONS 1745 1'1-~\.VP0 !{1' 13L\'l.J. l.'lJ:''l"A :--11·:.-.f\ :lJ ~j ~0 ~\Al ,'\. S A:\"TA .-\.'\',\ fi 1.:1 r:. l!>t, s ,,~1·1\ t\:-.;,, $ 299 $ 299 Deal e· •·Iii• t~ 1{11 "h" S1>·1nw1t1 ti 11 <1 '3;J 10 .• ,n •·!· Th,.,.,, "Ult•Hount~ u1" l!>i•k 111~ >tl\•I r• UIJ\I l'"\LJfl•~ ·,.-)\ JAGUAI{ .JA(;UAJ{ 120 1-f.oad . 120 !load. I '55 HI LL~tA N fiard T up Cpc '53 HILLM AN Co n\•crttble l-------- ·55 RENAULT Sedan n "I'\ julll l1k• ,,,,._.. l •A :'>;Z •rr -~' H,1.0IJ"l'-l'llJLl.Ji'S IU_it I" .Jd 11n .. 11n.t IJt'l(Hrl >11 • .i .. :J11J S<J 1 '5·1 .\1 •11 n. ~!way S>+ntn A"" /[A,\1,\lf l:"l;1) !Jo~·"I' ltlU j'lilll "~l 1t!I nnlCt·L~ •in,. ""ly •hi.:1.11.,. u, .• 1. bln".~'J 1111•· 11<>" Thi• 1• 1t ~IH"lfll r1 '>.:7. ~r11~rlriT l'llTLLTT'~ 11,.n1tt1••n.J l l•'>l•ltit1 +1!1r• 1111,•' (··•11111}' ..... (1 ;.;., :o'"ll!K A r\11 I I 1\ ,\1 ,\\U :"l;l 1 I 'hur•I <)I i;n11,' ,,,,. l:l <•R(,.~t l"\!'lll•Hl1 o \!'P •11 /H\I· 1'f{IUb-1PH TR2 RoaJ. Tl<IUMl'l--1 TK~ Road. I '52 STANDARrJ \'angard '49 SIMCA Seda.n .'5t•veral Good Buys in American Car.i Bank of A n1erica f<'1nanc1ng HARVEY ~ 137 Harbor LI 8-2256 MAYER MOTORS tCorn£'r Victoria' Co11ta 1-.lesa LI 8·22~7 63<:65 ·&0--Aut<tto and Truck11i GMC TRIPLE CHECK ED USED TRU CKS ~7 STl "!JEUAl\El-t •, I ·4.11 u :.tc '" L p 1.kup •OJ J:-:TER:'\'ATIUSAL b•tl. .. ' ':'10 FORrl V-"'· '• I Pl"~'!f' :'\:.!' ! 1UDUE ': I JI'• k ut• • ·r 411 -:\-f ,,,., & f•:irl:o ::-;,.". and 1 ·lil'd ·r1tl '('K AN!> Pa ssenger TIRES 8 -Hour Recapp ing Service COLDS POT 6 cubic ft . RP.1''1<H; SERVEL, 5 cu. ft., left har14ii1-,Ju1Jr WESTINGHOUSE 7 l'Ubir· ft RF:r1<rr.. :)17\t .-l'J 1 (,\1~1 \'. !•·J 1 ·•o; '1 ... o1 ' "•olio !ti '"' •nHI •II• , •dld1I "'" •i~ r,-, "' ri. .... ,1, .. 1 .. 1 .. 11·11)· •1111 11i11y 1 --- ., .II ""'. "' lth<>u l !o'ft.•Un~. Yl1U 11111 1•••111 •· 111 111<1t1,-11 DA !'.'Z-SEE ~··H~11 1 i1 !'l-!Jl.L!P."i IJrf'at 1'1 ':'\2 1 'llE\'KULET ', l µ~n• I ·~3 C HF:VH.OI..ET '• t plr kup ·~3 F'OR!i "'i t pl• kup, l·,,miill'lr Bra kl' S ••rv11 1· ;\ :-;,, $.'(<!~fl SI J ·. t I ~-i ,1 , KNOX HARDWARE CO. 420 Eut 4th St . Santa Ana 32--f<~u.rnltuN' for Salt' ";'!-t 'ur11il 11r1• fu1 Salo• ----------------------------· •GOODWILL INDUSTRIES BED DIVANS. AJ .1. NI-.:\v f'O \'F:R INr.. ('()l-1· PLETELY REBUILT $·1250 DINING TABLE ANIJ 6 ('HA!ll :-i PRA('"fl CE PIA['.;0 TARI .. E-TOP f..:Af-i RAN<;r_;s_ l{J-.;f1UJl.T r\'.\'1 1 GUAllANTEF:lJ REF'RIGERATOR.S-RF:Rt ·11 .T !"?\TT~ 90-DA Y (;!JARANTr:F. C LOTHING AND SHO ES For the Ent ire Family-Ve ry Re asonable "WE EMPL OY THE HANDIC APPED " 417 WEST 4TH ST. SA NTA ANA EVERYTHIN G FOR THE HOME Furniahin gs. Toys, Radios, l1t1~ni:.1h;, !Jr·iqu':>. HeJding BED. SPRINGS, & MAT'TJ{E:-;:-; l l'u1nph·t1•1 $LO OI) WASH ERS & RANGES Sl:?.50 ur• BABY BEJ)S, PENS. STKOl .l .f<:Jl S $:? :)(! 111• CLOTHING & SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Con1tant a dd1t10 11 of I lJS;\l--:1.1·:1 • \'I•; 1·t-:lt A i'":-: personnrl in our !lhop!I t r su!t s 111 w•tdl·r !<• ••I li on 111 completl'ly rr furb1slu'<i n1 f'r('h1ind 1~ 111 11111· .'<t rir.· VETERANS INDUSTRI ES 402 E. <4TH . OPEN FRI . & SAT. "TIL 9 P.M. O't.:EF;FE & Mli:RRJTT r•n1e. ·~ R.tfi&era lor 1\166 Ph.!Jco Oeliuif' 1.,, .. i,.1 Lamp A-c lock w·lth .1ven l&rl"ll t•m1ly ~11,., R rpnHf'.,.•1 111\1• .-1 •tiromf' a-rill bruller, &/It~ ha.ii 1.&1·1• colo1·..J '"'8 •l11.l;I~ en• a ..• ; :.i; up l"!' t;,. ... , •!fir p.r, lh-.!Vff In lh• d,,or " all !'1•·n•I• Sl ,1180 , .. ~11 (>1 !'' 11 exlt'U.. II yr, ruaranLM--nothtnc I'', n... l,41 \\' C!1a1u1111 r• to p&y down If cr9dlt 0 K b~ 1 11 ,.,1~,. KE 8-f,~li u B&llll. l•t 11eyrnant of 11111~ du~ In •II <1'1•-!:Jal !1111' \1 S HIT~ .. (.; ,, BM t.11ytl m" Day "' ~:''" 11 t l t4 I ,-..... , "~ <'h•mlY-1 F:.111 , , '"" \V. Chapman. Or•n~t s:i.r 1.11 ... rl\ "-4il73' "'" ll •·M Olli O'llle<-t Kt: 11-:0.11 1 ~ I Pjl ,.,,y,.I ~ ! +l•I 11 111 .... :.• I , \, " /, T ' I< I <IUd lol A /P •~ • "' • • ~"' I , ,.,.,i,: '''" I' '1 4;;<, ... 1 :~:-~\·-=--~~1_1'.I·"·~ ••••• --·· •• \"IT Ant1qu r f lwners Re pair A="Ti(.J1 "F-: • i,,.,,, ''"'I' I• Hf •\+111H1: 1\1.~ 1 oil• r til• d:! 1utd" J 1 ·~· (' 111 II ol 7 Lo l<I S I.II' I•• ii' l'.~;:.;T Ofl l'cn!nftula "" I" •I ·oh {hWk CJ<ll Hflr 24fi(J .~6t rc Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent A11w1 w11 n r..e1i:!on :Zl ~i·l~th ;.>f :-.J 1•1•t111gr; 2nd -4th Wed. 8 p.1n PRtf l'J l·t l•tT o;L•"'I IJ(llil~, M('rl'ury 1\1.u k :?o 111•1tn1· Suitable for •k 11111: t r • :-.;112 1'12p8°4 ! 1 I ~·r l:IHl'Hl'RAFT Gnr><1 cnn- ll•f<· \lMk" .,rrer 213 1011 r,:,i. 1. 1 ;; 1-~IU 'lieal, Rtulio. T \1 l\111 •wlt,,n El«tronics TV ANTENNAS 11·1, flf'.-rn !11 r.111n l ~:-l'l'A l I I : ' i.rnpl('!P IH your !I'! $9.95 I I ., -,:i,,·, • T ", J•: f I I 'o 111\, \ !! I I , , , " I "11\11 1 .11' ~ 1· I!"<' 1 , 1H)(' ~ 11 •II j1 1.1 , nn 11 new• Splnl't Gr•n•I "'' Harn m nnl'I Or11nn f-f 1i:;h•·~t r" .h ,, ' luw 11 11t'f' olurlnir "llr Gr~«l • • DA~Z -hCl.fJ.llrlT -i'llll.J.,I , _,. :\'.• ~1.<1ln C::,1· · • \na. \l 1'I F'l·1 ' It& '1!1 ll>-I 11•11 lhll•p 11111 SPPO P Hii.i.JPS t" 4 n• lllllnl '1• ..ii{! ;.' II' O A ;-.;z • St'HMJLrl ~fl\ -""" M•ln ~.n ut111 111,1 fl.+'"""'"'l 1J1 ;;an Stoic ~.~11 ::., .\I.id\ :;,,l\l !t An a . K11owl\ot1 ~lc1.:t.ron1ca TV REPAI R ,1:-.·1• :-1·:J{\ It~~:, HI!: \S• 1,\:,\H I .~: :.;,.l"l'I• • ,-., II~ t 1l I II I ' 11 r .I 8·31'1:'1 Piano Refinishing ~11·11 1t \' w or'k only AN KR l "~l f'l \'\"1 1 S t·:J <\'I•·~: " l'•'f• 1954 THIS "48 f'Qf-l,t I t. p!lk Up. IMMACULATE ·~1 F ORll V·it, -'.,. t flathed .'\2 IJO!JC E "'• l plr kup ':'14 UM t..: ~ l. pickup. llyd1•11- Mallc t ran!. Mercury ·411 CREVROLET 2 t C & C'. Monterey S t C ,,,. """ por oupe 11\.! 11•>1_,l; .. : 2 t 1\ r1~1 1 .. ·d llAS ·,.1 ,~,\~;,'"~ t l '•>f'~ 1 1 •ll•k .. 2 ~P''"•l. 1' ~;; t1 1·1·• :,;t •; 1-IC' 11u"I"! t " I, 11 1 B L tn<n11 .. Uuinp ~:.? <:Mr m""l•I 4114, I l. & S, H L Iran ... rr 1·"11 11r.-In """'" nl 11n1· l)'fl" ••t RADIO, HEATER , MER COMATIC WITH PO WER STEERING & POWER BRAKE S ALPINE WHITE SET OFF W ITH FULL CHROME WHEEL DIS CS AND WHITE W ALL TIRES . ONLY 14,000 MILES - PREVIOU S OWNER 'S NAME ON REQUEST. 1< u11t•J l nu·k, be •ure to •~e \\'hat "'" h fl\'P 11> o ffpr ,,.I' ('fl n I CADILLAC VILLAGE R06 E . l !il. Sant11 A na l\l 7-.1.1\70 '"""" vnu !ll'lml' rl'11I mon,.y W .W . WOODS GMC DEALER 0 1><:n S11n1.J11y A ~f T1 •h·k Hdqtr• f••r \)r•ngf' County 1!1.~1 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL, 4 I F'ront l·:n<1 Al1gnrn•·n1 HOiii• :-;~:l~\'11 ·~~ F11' .. _!•lll1• l"\111li.;t't l 'lllPI Your• tor th .. .-1~111 111: HOWA RD RYAN soi -son \-v. i ~t st SA :'\"T ,\ A~A Kl :l i.:l"f'! 4 1-Aulo ~n·lct" ::;11 f, Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * e ey11. . .......•..•...... $<8.88 8 Cyls. ···--······ .... SSB.88 lnclUdP.ll both l•bor and p11r1~. N ew ring•, w·rlM t rn n11. '""l""I l(l'lnd. ntunl'll or n1111n nnd r<>d beJ<rlng1t. Expr-rt mntor 11;n,. llJ•, !HJ-day or 4,000 nill•• J{\1nrJ<nl .. ~ "'' BEAUT1 ~·1 ·r . ~IHl1•t 1·1 >1 n(l, l·l•11t•\.1 ~-----------­ ,-.,,.nt y. $6~>'+. one In O rungf' Can Ile •""" at [NO MOl'tltY oo vv :-; I REBUILT ENGlNES -UP to 16 MONTHS TO 1-'A Y- Bullt lfl our O\\'n f11c tory by 1klllNI 111aehlnl1t.11. Don't i:o11 tend w·lth th• middle rnan. !Ji.1y dlrPcl. j11.•L Ilk~ """A ,..,, .. s:in" .1 1.-1rl· "' re!\H ll~ ''I\• ·''"' I $1'.(1 1 !'"I 1 ,., 1 , 'OI" I 1 I" •11 I\•·" ~ u.o 11111 !"•' I r•·" !!••I<\·"'' \\"aln ut ~'••r1•t1 l'r•,1·111•n11 M:i h ogJ<ny ~11n··t '"~'' "l1o;hli} dan11111l'•I 111 ~h•l'!"11 o; J1ki ,;,,,,,\ pra ctic•' T'"' r" ·~ 1 ,, •Ito $"'~' S!l I $12:'1, $.17."o r•" !)p•~,, d !Ill Gr,..at l.'n·I \111111 .. 1~"'' :-;ul• r>AN"Z S•'ll\111>1" 1'11 11.1.11 '!' 1 h• It!~ •-'" ,_ I',,,."' 1·,,.,, •11t ••ri.•11 Stor,. \Inn• ,.__,111., \I 1 l (IH ,i •• 11" I ,.,t>JI, ~ ::. nl•I ~h• I hi ;, 1 ~lll ft;i, 11• ~--·--·------------.,·+: '·"•I'• 1 !I ir "'· n1 •tP J 10{) ')-;, 11lllo ·•·1·111' 1111<1 brldk I·'" " nf, '11•~ 11 .. n. pl!'Jal!• , ! I I ~-11;,'.~'1 ~fl"' ll .!<> 6.11)6: ·~AutOfl and Tn1ck11 -----..- Grant w. Musick You r H udson Dealer SALF.S and SER\.ICE ~·~ N .t..o.AnJclea KE5-727f. t <ltl HAUSKEN-WATSON SPORT S CAR C ENTE R AUSTIN-J-11'-:ALt:Y JAGUAR, M. G. ~·!ORRIS Al~f'A ROhtEO AUSTIN RENAU LT NEW CAR RALES and s r;R\'ICP. CL.EAN US ED CARS. A LL MAl\BS IM PORTfo:o AND OO~f fo.:STJC 2201 So. Main St., Santa Ana 1932 Harbor Blvd., Coat.a Mesa }<;I 2-0i~ l_,I 8-5051 1·111 .. n (;R.~ .~l lllo""· '"1 'I~~"~ 111101 ('•1~ .. ~t H W}', ''" Nar- ' ·p~j 61 t•63 1949 MERCURY 4 dr .. Radio-Heater New t ires -new paint STEAL THIS AT $299. lfi othPr steals hke thia 639 W. CHAPMAN ORANGJ-: K E 8·8181 113rM REBUD.. T and INSTALLED S H OltT BLOCK FORD ........... -..... . ··--····" 1 129 50 CHEVR OLET •.. ··-·-·····-··-· $149 ~.O PLYM. A: DODGE . --······-····-S1 5~• CHRrs .• DE SOTO --·-·-$170 STUDJ;:BAKER -·······--... 1170 OLDS A-PONTIAC I ·------·· 1170 eutCK .... ·-··-·-··A .. ····-·····-s i;:, H UDSO N ·····-.. ·······-·-··-··· Sl i:1 Loan Car rr .. T ow1na; NEW CAR OU ARANTEF. Bloek mu111 meet our 1t&ndard1 Plua t.11..z,.1, e uket.11 and oli ~Sunday JO a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily 8 lo 7 S tat.II &nde<I ~G-Aulo!ll for Sale 140-A ut.o. for ~e •fl I ORI• f'!"fiTOM STATION ,;;;AGUAR :.t ARK Vl··,-,-m-,-.-"'-" ~1--~~t_o_~~15c• _____ _ \\,\GON ,H&Ji $2S~.Ll.11-l 7':o old. Birch grJ<y, r·p(I int,rl"1 NEW LOCATION ' 310 East 3rd St. 63c66 11uton1 111 u· tr""·"•ll~~1on l4•rr1- ''"" f'quity. 1 .... :-, 1•/k . l-1arhr'!r 3742-J . "62c63 ------ GIO 8"U ll.:IC 2 door root AhJ<P"!------- $100 R Jl<>rrl! 5(16 3.et St., Nrw·porl Har. 11348 •Ill) t!111" f"UkU ·~~ Su11 !:nPr 9Jpfl~· ----~- .,.·1111 ... llf'11Utif11I l1iu• lnler1cw ~'Ortklmatl<', RA-H, \.',' S ~· tlr,~ <1Tl1r1nal Jirlv11t,. PJ<rty. 1190CI d J."'f)J~D \·-8 Squlr• Sia. w·at nn lfa1bor :19611-J . 12<'64 F' 11 M . R&H, JI'\ nit S!.IP!o tlllea - It CaJoh rJr t"rm• 21\l NeP-60 CAOIL.l.A C • 112 Rlack • do•n f""rt Rl"d >oi""'l""rt Hat ~ ''"'dan \\'SVl' n :roo P rlva t,. •la y.• fl:i~ J'>'rl)' Hubnr Nl1f:l ~?rl\4 NASH · HUDSON RIOH HAHN'S A1 1TQ tlA lJIV £-1.El'AlR J-IV DRA MATIC .SERVICE i (l\I !':, lllTH ST BANTA ANA !10 F'l..!:ltT\\'OOD Tra.u .. , 2;" dbl" but.an.-tanka, but&To .. 11.-1i1. but•nf' h•"tl'r, wat•r Jl"r"'I',. t.ank " purnp, i:ompl•La '• b•tb I H'S:'\O. Har . :'13 18 or U i'I ~·24 1 63pf1', Sl&ltd by y(IU r klral nl'w•p•per• I ~""1' JtOtfR ~: TRAJLER. 1'PnM· lh"Y a r .. th~ bo'1t rr1,.nd• any I !Inna.I huy 134,, ?()Of) A n•h""'. .. ra-•nl~"'J '""mmunlty r ~n .,,.,.,. ('""''" ,1.1 .. .,., I.I ~ 4 7~ 112f"'I ' I .. -.........,.._ _, -. -. --.. ·~.... -~· -. .f3-~9t.= A Roa.ea for Be.•l 41-Apl•. fl: Hocaaea for ~•t. Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS DellgbUuJ Uv lng. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilit ies with paid. . .l:'.acllt...•lip a ccomcwl1fioo.a.. Daily, weekly. monthly, yearly. For appt. or rctel"Vation, CaU Har. 2W2. 3-it!c * PORT ORANGE * UN F URN , n ... w 2 Bedrn1 ~11r b;•· 11pt ~I v.Jct n. be&l<t•lul 1•u•w TR'.AILER .S Al.ES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Coast Hlway. 1,1 ..... rt'on 1 M11 r Har ll:JO-K "' r !<fl J:17l -I\' (', Jo "l 'I . ., Newport Beach I~l 8-4420 1 1.uvtt;1.Y 1·1<11\'l."'(.!AI. '"'" ·~.0-211· A trno•t a~t Jl~(r, '"''"' :.111 '"''" , .... 1.; ... ,·w 11 111•\o, ':ot ·27' Stf&1.l1t, Beauty J <!l411 lll ·l~<I• .St :'\'""J~••I lio•••ll '~i J~· Tr111·e1lu.· 11 .. 11111,.; l 3Uil:) •I~ ljj ·~'>-:t~· CU.torn K it 2 BH s1i·,o 0:.6·1~· Trt.W<'lt..r.o: IJW<" '11~l ~'•tl \ Kt;,">:T \\., Ill'<';<! .:l"'"' u.e-d 1ra•!r 11,. l("ru,.; .. Jvt, I 1'1 IOU ilj•' \ " I; I !"~ ~ , J··'" 1p, :~u .,,.! PAN AMF.l{JCAN P11ramoun1-K"n11k!1l Tn.,, .. 1., .. .,.T l'rry 47-Wan!M to fknt Rentals Wo nted \•, ,. n .... ,I apt~ '"" 1&tt·t1un1 t"r n....in ... 1n1~, .. )"af ~ 1 ..... ..., ~Ulll ''I IJ!>I·•'" J f V•H! 1"111'" I& \"II• Bl •"• flll<>n" l<o<l1&.,. The t ." '! \\ .. , Vogel Co. H " s ,..,.. 1 • .t LJ1,.t1 • l'>J t lll 1hb ~.ar11J1• H .. 11°111. J~la l'h•"I" ll1 rD<o r 4ll ~'. "'"''t II) 1 "'"!>• l'hnn,.111.1•,,, 171, 1" • •r r,. , 11 i •l \ " ! 11"1 l•"I ~!:I I ''' : ... wpur 1 hi• ! ' · .. ~'" j,J l>~I I~ .. s,.~ ~I E·TA :'\'El-"0:0-.' .~,.,,, .-1 .. rn ~ unt 11r11 r .. nt11b '.!U•J~ ~: • ·.,,. .. 1 Hichw •~. 1 I• M )l11.r1 .. 1r i'J.".il•I 62·1'1• -l ••· .~(J ..... ~ ...... l~'a nt~1\ l "'"'R! ~•uTif' lnq .lul I•": f1""' 1i ""HI• Ill h•,Ua1' ~ h ~ '" . ...: .. w - " ~I!· ("Al.I. 1-:I>/\'/\ ("!{Ai(; nr:NTAI. ,...;1•1-;L'I AL !ST DORIS BRA Y, Re a ltor !I ~ ,\l,..,nt. lilllW" 1~1 .. ri,1 H " 2•f <11 111 ~2. ;:)h "1 S11<. '..! Jl,.,,.,,. ••1pl •x,.~ !1 I~ 1 1,., " 11, .. , tll '\~l nl .. ""' h .. ~1 I I ~ .• ' illo•b"uJ.r·I "'" I I l' l~~ I t:·" ljo;~ \"Ill .... r Har ll •·•u1 ·1·1< i ~o '\H\ 1 J r1.:1,ll t I >">:t: Ht:r•RM •l•1pl,.,. u11 t11rn •1 .. r ·I 'l">&ll l. luta •!ul "I " 10.t.t ,.r i"l ~•\:'\ ~= ~l ~t ~1 (',,~t .. _,,, ..... ''"' h•·• ! ')inlet' Halbo11. ,, f ... , \A/1n!l'I' l{f'nfl\l!'I ,,n Island & l ,1do Isle ·""'~11 " 'Ul V QT L11 r i;: .. A> •1l'lu'r $75 tn S3•~! '""nLh VOGEL co. 1 'HA :~:'\/. I. 1•·!1111 •!" -" """I Utol1l '-•"'I• '' I> I(\ I ...,, 'I' I•" 1,,.i,n~ ut,1 I 1~~1 1 ... "'" ,. 1· ~1 "'" " ; •.• ,I .. ·l••t I I< I J 7 '. l·"I J ! iPu .\l.1 t •~ ' " _1 .. ' t\~I 1, I l. If J( I Ii Al l ll>~l)if( l J1'1 ,,, !' ,t. T"'' l1.l1 'l apt.A. Sli..11 !~r.u "'"I l'""''Y AIH.,, I ! :•!,fl,,.,,., hl·d Hal I-I ••1 ' II •,,,,.,.. .. 1.-1 ,q,.,.,.,,.n\.• I .I! >O f{I-:A!.'l'Y ,.\~!'>tH I.it•~ J 41HJ VI & f.ldq !l"rL,;1 tl1l ., .... , '•H• ''-A ,~ .. • . ~ ''·'· I 1 ·• ' I • ., H<1r 1 '<J•' .. 111 4 I\ /..:-; I • h ,.,II, /.I 1' 1 .. 1 . .. . , . l'h 'I<'~ ''"' j .;u "'" I\ .ni.·r u .• 1 ... io • U!.d I 'I '' I I,>< ' I '> 1· .. 111) nun l•• ~ T lo "J • "" "'"k~ $7\ ,,, .. •!" 1:n 1 1, to s• ''" · 1f In :->p1 H•!• rll• •IJ f"tJIUJ!'IA .... , •t:r ·' .,~ ·' l•/.L .,, M AH p•rt h i.1111 '"'I I "1111'!!1 I :~1 ."' !~/\•rd I,,, I '" $6:, ntt• Yr I•-.•.~" lf ' ,, !I "" n~r H11 1 17 LIDO ARMS APTS. & Mar in a VElt Y N IL\V wall ca~Ung • drft p .. ~. t:nrh A pt hfl.• JHJ\ Mt .. Jl'll rNI(\" T\"na.n\a h•"" r1r1t ~u.ll rur ~up1. l.tne halt blk '" h•i.a1n<"•.• ,..,.ri1 .. r ;i \ull 1:!·16 a '.!U \01. U IJ'll!•J Offll'I' ll1r IOQ2 1.rt•r:. p.111. 1.1 w.21;1 SJ.:\\f'•iHT Ht'.A•'H lur 'Hlf' l•r r .. 111 One bdr1n f11rn "Pt 1;11 1· ln• IH•1 $:'\ti I.I A t •ilfl tl~l f<' ''L/J 1CJ l!'>L E. 3 b<'OrMln~ 2 1, b r.lh h•,m~" "" 11nnu"1 h! ;.1J1.. 21>,'I M:llrlne Av" 11H!t"1• J,.h•n•I Hllp f.,r t n ft b•olll . ""e "' !II l•h llllthor l ·t t "r llJ\rb(•T IOI.~, ft Vlk1n1o: •·vnHh••"' 1~•"''•'r l)l>11l, It~~ 1111 1 '.\629·H nr Htlr 1229·R I 2 1·1.r i:;ur ll··~Ull!\Jlly furn1~ti -~'trc c1I, sh rubs s ,oo p~r 1nonlh. _ _ l n'lu!r~ a1 ~ 1 13A lboa C"I'<'"~. &S2e:El)~~eJ!L6f~.~~N I ;~~\:~.:):~;· JI/.:!• :11TH ~ •• :.dt(: Al'TS. ·ro JH Cf"!-T<'"fl 1~n11.ntl'l $1:1~ & up, 11lll. In cl 122Q \V Fl11lt>o111. Hlvll . Nl'wp<>rt He1.ch .">Jtfc •\XA-Apts. (or Rent \'HANNEI .. fronl tum . YEARLY HENTALS Ontr blk lo bu• & Lulu ShOP'. 2 Wrn• i so unfurn ~tudlo tum. Sf>O. lnrl. utll Doi:k a "a1Jabl.e. 6Jb 36Lb. SL, Newpa.rl. 112p6' hrlrm h .. u • ., rlr,.f'h" •' f, 11• ,.,1 )'llrd . .:-•r 011" , hll•I .. k111· J'•:'.I l.lb"rly 8-76:12 l\Ut f• I CLOSE in n•ceh· fur11 d111 •l•'ll. fort:">I 11 1r heatinx. g1ub J1!<p. 1>1 .. & ~11r,11:•· \\'111f•·1 '""111111 He••<>n&ble Har Jti:WI 62r 64 BALBO A ISLANIJ, attr11< tlvl' rornplf'l"ly furn c .. 11 H"r J!'ll·R -· ~ 2 b•lrm. hnu.••• 621'•'>3 LICO HO:l.IE, 3 bo>drm 'J hftlh.~ .. -~---•_Eo_,_.., _____ 1NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11.J>ASE 5 FAIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1956 e NEW OFFICES P~SULA SPECIALS! • IDEAL FOR PROFES- SIONAL or BUSINESS USE. Corona Highlands Panor•mic Oce•n View B/B He,..·· a daad)' home wtthin ' 1 ,a~=R~..i~2·~•!!!!'~•!._ ______ !U!:;:;!P~ee~l~r&!:!!!'!*~•!,., _____ _ doo,.. ol I.he b&y on th4 Penln-1 .ula. Perm.a.nent Bay \11.w l'TOnl Located in - Harbor lnvetrtment Co. Bldg. 30th & N~port Blvd. BRAND NEW duplu • .,,..., ~· ·-w LIDOLID<?.LJ~~!...G. st.ruction in rustle modern. See n c. ~J I.MD• Ln 3 th-2 beo&ul. two bdnn. home• ~-. 2 ti.Uw and den or 4 w-re umc rocm:n trit.h Onrpl&oe. J M4roo~. l M. Mtba. Snlall boll.t hou.e, 2 Cal' p.n,p. Ter- rtno kN:atlon ••• $llil,71W> Wrma. Har. 1600 t! fully carpe:ted. have eltetr!c b«lroonl9. ~ra:e Uvlng i;oom. uvt'JUI IUld gnu.. Stone lo c~ll-Olahwuher, dt.poA.l, built • in PENINSULA DUPLEX! i.11.g' tlreplace. Open tor~ BBQ. larce w~I la.ndite•ped .xiYl J ~ ..t....bcd· POR !\!:NT .cnoul'•P n..ooR t-om c-e-rn new-'&Ulldln~ neir t l.ul" An11'lc parkll>lf J.·or 1n - -t-----t79--MONiltg-Gan,,_ -s-tto:--"nrl:r"-.atU1M•-rar tl'.rrt roOOi. down_ Both U!llt. nlcdi Road. Har. 3742-J . :\lcfi4h tan1Uy, A911.lng _$3&,160. tu.rniMuld. Lowly property IUld f1•r rnlltlo n Call ,.Ira F'•>· H •r l i64 62<'tl4 ,">:J('£ MOOl:RN 8lOTe room or Ocean Front <l !tli't: •t llUl8 P lt.cll'nl11., i 100 TllRF.£.JJl!:fJR1-1 HO M E. llnd IS"t 11,,, 1ncl1..1d111c tJlll11l1:1 Inquire 1 °"llr1tl "~l'brblf' h.,u,..· "" 10:11.r nl 111u1-...rl)' t.IL.,r :) JI 01 w•·l'k I A:1k1ni; 51\l !WO $!'.li)l)O tluw n ,1,.1 ,, ul' 1.uy l111ll! 8 "( A Sun ~.1 tt SUBMIT. Owner anxious MODERN \111rb0r :tllQe 8£.AUTJl>'UL NEW a bectroonur. 2 ba.LJa, •lectric 11.ltch-n with com- plete bu!lt-!n fe1.turu. N ew car- p t t In I' lhru·out. ImpreMlve entry $36,r>OO. IONLY 70' Jr.t left on Lido S22.000 Bl!:A UTl ~,U L 60' lot, On ly $12.760 BALBOA ISLAND tl:lp6' 4 8ELlROOM8, cloff to South Bay ullic" al I~ ""' "'' JuJ1n ri: ullhtn·• "' 1••••!"'rly a f\r1 ::. v 111 "' .. "k J •Y:-VI •llY tuno• S.&l & Sun •II •nit Ll M tii 611 :i!l.-• ~ '.!U ·ir ""'' .. f111 111 r h••Llff' ••n N•·"'l'V'I Ill•-' ' " ,\l .-~8 r 1 .. ,.1 '"' ,1.,,·1,.r 1 ... ')'' ""' t'.•111\0' .,(. N°l'"I)' .i ,.,,.,.,\,.,J lha1 ~1~11 "l!f• .. .. >' '"'' ~ .. lnJ '•1Jl1" r !/ rl1~ ,. \'"ll,\1111'( .,,., ""'"" \ .:•· "'•I•••·! . .. '•) 'I '"'' "" "' 11 '" • • "t' I ,,,,,,. " I""' ,: .. ., ., .. , ··~•Ill) ....... 1. ''°'(& tu J'..l.'.l•I ti!ll I !1" 11 : '' ,,. li>Hi>(f>J .. k ~·. r l•CI ,, " ,, In! r! I " ,, ><• , ,, I l'\Lon,. \\ 1 II• 1.• \Ur n~"I 1., 11 M.n,,,.. , l.>J I"' t I EASTERN OWNER L 11.•pot.al, diMtwuheT, 1 car gar- .. ,.. !\'cwly l""·hite<i ext•r1ur !rn n1 .. ,1l1.te poaseaslon, ellc"!lcnt \ 01llUt: \\ \">:TS 'n'l ~f:l.I. thl!I 11.on!h ! uc•W-"NT '~'""' , .. """" Bay & Beach Rlty Inc •I• 1 .\IJt ,I l>oh 1n I !•l<lh hU1nc, 11,,, 1,1 .. 101 FA 11.-nl, 1.11.klh!! '311? IMf1&y r1t,., NJ1t tlbr, 31143 : •"I j;'11 fl.!(<" '!nl)' ~ y1• ul,\ ,l, , ______ _ 1• 1> •• >o '1<! 11•1 1tlt1 1<1l] I.Ult '. H LAT•tRn r-363t. E c .. 1 l h•y )!,,, 1.o·r ..... ~ Af( ltAHHl )I' . ., •ll f'1 l.C1\V ti-11 ...... 1 .i3d!. .c. H•• ll /•t<.11 ·11: :',);,,] )J ''""rl'"f " SEVEN UNITS I'( f .,.. .,.,.·ri~rs ~.cd• n 11 1 i :-·~u !1 •1\f•on ~ s1 :1~ l"'r 1~· l 'n~· JJ; :'\o •P •uTflll' Lr rJ1 • 1r .. 1n """'''• '.!!.: \ l• '"Piii I '•••I~ •, ···ot. JUST GOOD BUYS (l\l<.ANF'JlONT 3 Nice Units S8500 down Pr1c:~ nght -will payuff !\'F/\ R O('f:,\N FRO~T 3 Ii It. -'..! g11.ragt•i; S~(MJl) d••V.'!l Heiit Location :.! luts !\'I-::WPORT lif-:ICf·fT~ "L Jj R. Older Hom,· N ie..-<:()nd1t1on -larl{e lot 1'' J• Sll 750 ·· -t I ll \ 11\~;>.~.H -••l·l.,r l1trg• OQJy T year. okl. 2 car l'&ra~ and laundry. Both a.pt.. now rented. J28.~. t.rna. BALBOA HOME! One ot the nJce1.t borne. In Lhe •re& ••• cl~ lo Ubr•ry 11.nd N . H . Y. Club Ro'cently remooeJ. e<i and riJ'ht 11p-1..0-date. 3 bc-d· rooms a.nd modem l!vlnr roon1 with nreplace. 8"aullt ul It.rte kitchen with f:'l0tr t-l1 g~o!"e, A·I cQnd1tJon . , • $17,M>O, ttrm!I. 3 UNIT INCOME ~ CL(>lle tu O•·can In N .. wport. Lilr g .. lot ""'l\h nLt.:e patio fur 11JI urut• 8well r~nt1al proper ty 11nJ ~nt ....i n u"'' • . $162 1nQnlhl) 1muui~ J l~,000, t"nn". A8K TO SEE THIS Sl'A.ClOt·s PENINSULA H OME With :,: bedrooinll un Belvue U.r\f' Jl"11.1•y f umltur? tnd ud"d l..111~" lvt. 2 c·&.r KILr•x~ CIUl be ,.,.JtJ I uu lllll"a •"ntrn~t. I t l.!J ~JO G WEST BAY A \'1'~ lNCO~!E Jun\ ab<.>Ul tll" h;-st vll.l\H' P"~l<lhlr j D.-autif ul bl·<l rl<'11rl:i.· n,.,,.. :~ 1,.,1 1•~•r1l ~1,,11-.,. ",111 >L ·'I"'' 'll" :: t,.,Jl•••lli l<IJllJ\ILP!ll l)\~r # J '"' l:Lll'b~e. 1>h.1.11 " _,u,•111 Ii••"• ",'h i, .. u, A.ll u1.1\11 .. 1c !ur!i.:.l«·J.. ~ ...... 11 f ,,r .. l\ll<' IHl ll\c ... ,,h I!\ ''"'~ ii u .. •LI " " Balboa Realty Co . of A1111·1 I• 11 COCKTAIL BAR General On Sale Liquor Llcenae -equJpmect a.nd &U re&1 property including 2 apvtmenU, 2 cabine and owner'o 1Mo1 quarter. $30,:IOO plaa-ttquor-irrftntory:--- Har. 444. THE VOGEL CO. 208 M&rin.e Ave., Balboa laland Next door to the Poat Office Eves Har. 1229-R Har. -4 2i B·R LITILE ISLAND CLOS E TO A FlNE B EACJ-i E.XCEPTIONALLY attractive 3 bdnn. 2 bath n100- t·m home, with outstanding patio designed for comJort<..ble outdoor living. Fumiahed aad ready t o move into for only $28,500. f'.ood tf>rm.s 'v'l).f . W. STANl .. E 'Y SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD P a rk Ave. al Marine, Ba.Jboa l11;land Harbor ~462 • Announcing!! e "The Pacif ic " • • OPDI • • S:iturJay -~unda~ I to 5 p. m. Harbor • 3 l."'11 uul"• • J ""u.. lslond Rood B/ B Newport Heights .., ,, t \If' I· .JI 1'11· • $2(.){)U d<J\.\ II YH •ii.I• ~·:>.I ~~ S l" •• ,,, f' ,~I 1'1" r " -'·-' _ -"-'-'"'-' _o __ .oan_ ----------· ''"'"' '·""' $1""'1 """' NO COMMI SSION 11,.,1, .. , H1,.1 ~ull I''"~ 1 ·,.11 Llbf'rty II '1 ;6 1 ,, .. , $"'7~·· !\!,·II~ ltLTH l"tl :>I • r AJ•l•J.::0-." !'LA\~ . AT ,.._1':\VP11ltl' l'IEH • fl•pt.lt llr H11 :ok Ko fth ~;re"l"y t\l l",.rn~uu .. :uu t;. u11.u ..... H:d 1,.,, • J .,...plune \\ • tlb • Uh.I, u .. 1r,,.,~ Shakl! r<•uf lt.•!1~·1 n-i;~tone fht•pl•• ~ ~ 1 .... t. 11 .. n " 5 I • "·''" ~ I f'1 No Apprai!lal Fee SA Li':~ HH:f'I NA:'\'CE co:-:smt_·rrto!'; C:all tor fl'rr e i.~:ut Comrnitmente ''" He•l~ence.1 IUld lJnH• only View ·Lot In N··"' port Ul!t.• h :'\'vt ~ I"•~ hf:Jl!I l'rl• '"I 11t onl) $.'J",00 I •r 'l"" k ~IL),. 2 llA)t l t u /.;\·~;. Ji.Al< 44.1!\.\\' \ l!All. 2~29-.\I Balboa Ph"h• ll11rbor l 277 Harbor Highlands (Jl'ICN DAILY I' J.I J!l\:1 l'ri.•• ilia I.An~ • IAlllll Ulf\111,g •re• e L<>t lilt.•• 6:,' !Iii • i:k'•l.LU!uJ panel!nf • LM.rge •unnY patio • 2 Furct«I •If t u1·n•cea &:arbfl~t •h•pot.al. \.'o'.,.t1n1hvu11,. <.IL t h· y,•llJ!h .. r ? YR Plu!! K« .$.~101.lo d""'n n Ln /)f·J.:A:<: ,.!~'''' 11 0:1.1~: I.1:•• r: "·'1 It.•• Li•· [JIH R l•'l!"J•I [•l·J J.:t, 5 !~ :i .... Don I. Huddleston l>A:-> A J AC08SltN ll"t.I E•t11t"l /lbr ',l!!ll ' LJ !l·ijJ I j Kl :I :!J ~; o .. u n1 .. 111 ~parl lTI•·Ot, p!LI~ 4 r entalJ 2 lot.II, l vaca11t. ~·irn• r Ii St It Ck .. 110 rn1n\ J ... ;"· 1 r1~" l 'h1>n~ !r.r <let llll~ LOVELY J Wdrn>, l '.I.. batll&. : bru k !tr• pl with ro ·llr yar~ • llfl!l.Ce f"r 11w \tnmlnR p1"11"1l UT • l «O n1 11 .uurt $17 ~W. Sepa rt.lfl eerv1ce room Fine C•b1n .. 1 1n,.l.&J l1.t1on• Uullt 1n 'le(:lrlc •tuve a.n\,I !Jel1ghtfully \11t<.Ort.L"•! ""' Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 173 E . 17th St. l"OST A 1'! J,'..!> A I.I I.I II·-, ·,l I 1.0 A:'\'~ ro Bl:ILI J 1:1.ll'RCJ\'F:: llUY, MOOER!'llZF:, 1 •I~ HF.F'l~A~r·1-; \\ ,. liuy TnU1t O•·<'•!.• N~:~·1'1 )HT llALRO A ~A Vl;>;<;H ,\. l,l1AN ASSl.t•"IA1't11;>: :1.1114 V 111 I Jdo !'ti u .. r Hli ~I E dt JN('OM I!: ~';Ji:\'VP<l HT I tlli::l lJllT S N K\V <! UJr1r1 h<Ju•.,. I h1 ,.r d~co· ~l<r, 1.-11·•·d )~"I i\\~, Z ll•lrn1 u!J,·1 n .. mr jU~I l''ll,,.·l1•l•"I r,.r1t.· I !1,r I~"! 1•" '" ·'""''' I··! l~•l•l!ll) T l'nn1 Costa Mesa ( renl1tl11, ll!•'lll!lt' 128 ~A.lit 211t l't ,fr,"~ b\· TH~.::N ~1~,, la1i:··~ H1<•"l1<' •11111 !'\~"'' \\'t11 """'! H~tong11 .,r h••'11"& 1n ,.., well j.,, •lL-..1. •ll• u rnc S6 ll! per I Ctii ta ,V[e.!I• At .">;e.,.•110rt. '"""lh Ii)' n""""' LI 8·j*l.12 AL::lft 3 bf'drm I\. battvr W•lh t lrepla1 e. lo\'tly f1·nr··'1 '''r yord 1:111•1 paUv. ~ .. q111al t,,ly l11 n'1M'flp<'•I. $\!I ~uo ~·,,r fHl\'llle ~hUW\llK ou ll Ftl"TH l•AVJ:-i J ~:A .">: !'i ~IJ TJI ~~t...::!IE £B£WNC; or JA(,'K )!ULLA!". LOANS for Homes _ _ _ _ '"'~ N.B.C . Realty r11Ki.:~: H~:1 11L'' 1 •·11·s~; s11:<i0r1 32ntt " :--r .... 1Jort u1vu. 11 .. r 1 ~0:, Duncan Hardesty paynu•nl~ $1'3 100 T"rn1e lu a1u! 1--I u SEE 11.t 1172 \"io tor!t. C<M!ltt. M eaa lOOl REAi.TOH. ,. 21) \I or c11ll KXrnunt l-2MJ7. turrc UPPER BAY :-;, ..... , .... 1 l !l•·U, r-;1,1. Bc.,h. Construction Loans IJY ( iv.·:-;~;lt lt1·a1 ni;led lot 3 UEDKOOMS I\. bll., In a ~t!ln~ H•rhur ~: il'i All •U1l•!<"'"nl l'lltt Ill ;:i ft fr•1n! .. r l&JI l'UCa lyptU' tr<•'"' Thlll l'lt~i;: llt!l:I l'IA 0!1J.h':!t 2~1~ EAST C<1,\$T U L\ I > 1&g•• Nt>11 r l1lr11 .Srtroot. S':ll)O d"•l rt.ble hon1e h8 ~ ,.J\ the 1 T· rn.,. L"11 Jl I.I I! 6761 6~< ti4 , hll.m1 and ,.,.,,.nity tor r •,untry 1· .. ,~nll •Id ,\1 •1 Hi:p r n n t rF:1t ,\!flrl) !.1fe In.• CASH ll1<r t..1r 3bb8 ~1 nnTGA(;f: .-o F un•I~ Kl :l·:'i\1'.", 4 ~1 fl tl<•,.1d,.nl111J .'!l r•;"t tu 1tr&et Jot )''" ~ 17•1 N •»<l tu 2219 Jrv1n~ $!': 1•111 ('1111 LI H-1'.~\ij 6:!p64 LOOK hv1n1r Rt 11.!I tJ,·~t YI'! .,nly 11 fe10.' Ollll.,!rR fr .. n1 •luwnt.,v.n l'n•e 121 .~0 Duncan Hardesty i'EALT'OR FOi< TRL'!:>.I l)l'.:~:t..is \\'1'! R H OLT 1"1 •JRTC A G ~~ BA !"KJ:-.G S l :-11,.;li: I l!JO, 1 ~ 4 HEl1H~!~ o nly " ftv.• ]"°rt ' 2602 ~;,1r11 1 lo•JJ<«· lor11ti<1n In (• M New pon B!vd .. NpL Harbor ~71S lka~ll I l<<'a l f!replt1r.ea & f'><lr• IRt r1bl I,-------------- 1604 :'I nl1Hll SANTA ANA KJ1'1Hl!:Rl.Y 3-7118 REAL &:)TATE LOANS l nt~r('et K ate 5--5\/:.!% Loan .. •111lck ly n111 I" in thr llHrbnr i.:Arllse• All 1io1pru••er11t'nt~ ln A 1111td fnr. Th,•r,. IO."ltl he nr> n1orr hk~ th~e •nywtttrll'. O NL'i ~lll,9~0 l<r Sl2.ZtlO T enn•. Call Mt 1;,.1. 9 "''Ith l •ikl' & Cul,•grO\'" L I 11-7\1~6 62t!,.. Aro•11 L1tKlln11 H•i.I 1·.,,1a ,\1""11 ·1 THflEr: lll•l{,\1 , I\ h11lh.1 , l\OxL411 Sln,;tl" 11r mu!t1pl~ uf11ts , Ntw !id. Kini':" l'hn<' S2J ~O<! New- or o hi. B" ..... 1.,,. llnd _,.,,,.by r<'· 1 .. 11 llt!I By Al'P Ol!"T,\1 ENT fln .. nLlni;: Y••U• pr1'8l'l\l l,,e n. \J"n~r LlhPr\)' 1\-4(•~3 62173 Min1nnnu '"J"'nM ¥ 2u y'a." ~!rm ___ _ 1r de1<1rt><1 :'\',, , h11rge t ur prr· !)I f:'\' T ,\IJSS T HI S 2 h ,. Rtu~·ro. J1nunary ''l'll'"l!l>1l. Kl J-6933 pal"'· 1 .. ,,, . .,.i. l11 tt1 h<1U."I' n"t.r Al<..I'H U l{ A. M ~\ ~ Mortg11re IA 1U1 i..k;c1dt:nl•I l.11 .. i 33 Suuth Marn (.;oTr""ponaent tn.!lunu n:e Co. Sa.Il la Ana pp SKn\rt An• f 0 .,unlr1· Cl\l b Call ,\I r Horv1'1h, Ha rbor 14:1'1 tor " ~I'"' 11<1 J l·HI "" thl!I one. 112p64 For Sal e by Owner LAST CHANCE J.~OR BEACH LOTS Twv Ju rt adJo•nlnK lot/I zun<'d B ·2 "AR~·:'.° ;~A~~~',Rltr.1 1666 Ne\\•p(irt Hl\·d., 1'011tg '-1«1111 LI 11-3792 nr LI s -:1686 LI 8-6987 '""ning~. fi2<'6 ' Lido Bdyfront Lot IN Tl'STIN SCHOOi .. IJ IST J{!Cf BEAL'TIVl 'L i ;:u~ftt h•>U~~ M.110·1 11wl1n1n1n;: A lul'e lv hurT\e on i .. rl':e llt>llll••ll1tblv p nt "'' TN BAC K BAY AltF:A Lu\"l~L\' :.! tJ,lrrn. nn•I tlen 1,n ;n. fl 11,t. !{oon) !.ur 111.•!rnnllnR PQ<•! l>fa riy ~l'"''l1tl frlllurf'a. Fitzmorris Rlty . Co. :11 :e. ~= llrnk,.rA H11~ln··~"' Hink,., c.1 J..i ""'Y . l!.1rhr,, Cur11n1a del .~llr 2\~2 GRAB IT QUICK! on th" BIG BOOM Cornr r I • £xpen•lv~1y !11ndt.e•P"<I ll\116 :'\'e111·r~"t B•"tl~v•r•l • Hl'~tnct Pd a re& I •evPIQped Jl">' C 1.lTl.'11• I! L Cooper, Inc Built B y I L:o•t" .\l"llftll. •'11!11<·1 •"~ Llbert)' H· 11 1\l i:;,,,.~ I.I ~-:1"111 J uhn U r-la tk , Qu3l1ty H111\dt r' f"•,t pr"'''~w 11hu"'·ln1t t" 1111 1111r11·<I r!l.,nt• Ca ll John A ~JI I LIDO ISLE [.,,,,.jy 2 hl"•Jt.,,,tn "'!h ,,,,,,.,i ~Ir htlLL b1i. k llrf'Jdk· • ~ • >1 r I'"' - "-l"e 1.nrt •un11y 1auth 1111 ... 122.0(}1) 3 bt:inn . I \o 0 .. 111, ont .,f lhe t,,..~l ho111ea 1n tlu • l1.-1Uvn11hl" ur ogll· b<orh«•"t •I $11.~!•! FIXER UPPER HARBOR INVESTMENT co. I REALTORS :> bedroom,., 4 bf!.. on 1. fi ', n , ••r ner Jot T h ill old~r h"'"" h.a• ll Y"rd nf ""' hlt.n!lng h"llUI) lllld •• " h11.rir:11111 i11 $31 1:1)1) Hftrhor lllflO ~;,· .. 111nJC• pnune Ll fl.~J!!6 Exclusives! Mr. Boat Owner (Jnt o t Ure f!nl'•l ho me• !n Wt1Jbo& Cove•. 3 bdrm.!! .• 2 bt1th!, Wool cupetlng thruout. Ele.-trlc K1tchf'n \\'allher dt Oryrr F'orr-ed Air 11\"et Vlrl'place ;-lugt fla&.!llone p11t111 Pi"r .1: Shp Don't f111l t o Rl'f' thl1t' Bayshores Charming-horn" with 2 bedroom•. 2 bftthR. tirepl11.c" ~ntl l'Qmpletely turnl•ht.l E.uy l ertn• M o\·e In today ~ Lido Lot HOLSTEIN BUILT Larg-r 3 bedroom hn m" v.·1th •ll /J\·,.r11!~ roo1n1. 4:, lul y,·1th M ulh ?'-110-only $HJ.OOO down. We "L ido Spcc1a!Jst ·· Ha\'e Wtttl'rfronta Too! Duncan Hardesty Hf:Al.TOR Nrwport Ulvrl N pt. Ha rbor ~;u,: Newport Beoch $12600 bdrm. view, you ln1 macul&le ' yr. old 2 11t uac t 1ve hume. Oc"an It 2 lot Tf'rm• to 811lt w"° h11vt the kty Income $1 4,800. B!,J ll,D~J~e, ATTE:NTJ_O N, C1tmpl .. nd \A~t·•iullv rurn1~1l•'<1 • Tu June $1~~) rl1tJ ''""ll"r l"R" 12ND & I ST T.D. LOANS [,.ti;:" l'I•'"" 1 .. "' 1.. \! j ,. YI' ' ,( lflgh 1·11n von k .. r~11n ll1u 2t 2U-\.V. fi :!{ Iii ~ ~I FHONTAGE , \'IA LIDO SOUO. D~itabte tor hon•e ''r 111• •;!Ill!. O wner 11,.r. Ulltl "r Hnr :llO(j :',i2(·6~h 19th :ind l'lRC('ntia "' r'u~I" ~t ..... 1:< 1\:l Ly 1:1; Large two 2·hdrn1 rnodrm hnuiwa on Orans:e St Jncom" J i:'>O pl'r mo. ~fl(" tot. ruom fQr 011• ruore unit. All lhlft tor only $0-000 down. S711 J>"r month. TH IS 18 A BUY~ HA Y VIEW 2 b<lr1n nwtl)' furn. TV. rull~r l1le !Ir.~, l ~r w11rdrob"l'l· 1!'.0U<! helll 1 't blk '" ~··h(>ld. 1..!011" LO l"XC"elltnl b~·h \\"toter i 1r10. """'ly $12:'1 1119 \V. Bay Avtr. H#.r. 3886 110lfc !ng '11untry H11.r :i:<i6:l "r 1111 r :ie 13 f!<!dil llAYHfl•JH~;s :! IJ•hlll IL11r11-h ~d. "'"'l ll11hlr tilt ,lunr 1 IT h $1:l!'i s r,11n1: ~ll •• '"0:" r· .. ••n 'y \Ve l ~uy TtuRl [)cc·Ji; Royol Mo rtgo ge Co. '•t.:" T H U f..t A S, H•'11 itu1 , '.!•~»~ ·" ' I'"' I Jill . p1\ 22' W. Colll!l H1 .... ·11.y l.J ll -~!'i27 Harbor 1549 I.I'\ ~:L H -1 1.,1 "11h .. 11 ""l'''"""- •ll•'n t.~ Ill IUH! pn1d $"t:l!l;. ,· .. ~h n HA :'\'!~~: ("(1AS'J' I' HUI. f·:1rr1 E .S 111-.: s~wp<nl c .. ~1., .\!"A" ~"fiH pr1r e .fr t~rn o.q, Ou• 3 IJo>d 1 "' 2 full haU1 h"n1r ""'""!.! h<' h1"·oj t" ll1•11 1 Br11nJ N ""'· •·xp.,.'l•·<I t .. ·~n1 •e1Hns.~. ti!" k1t rh~n & bl!Ul, i 11t•·rcrin1. 6y11!em thruu11t tlblo• !<(HT \Hl (I fr,,lllHJ<;!I' IHt>ol· 111 ~,,..,I ln1 S2'~·0U du & M UVI·~ I'°" A 1.c rr "'"d1•11\ fl\<' rlJ"Zl1 hull.ti~ View Lot Newport Heights Three Arch Bay F URN. BACH .EL.OH APT Adult only. Pr1\·a te. i;:ood l1W11tlon l n - quLr• 721.,., Povp>'. t:oron11 del Mar. H11 r . 0031\-M If NF.\\'l'OHT u&:,\l_'H .l lir•T• Ill nnfurn hn""''' & i:11111i,:f:' 21 :1 I' "'1Fi.12 ~;v1•r11n.:~ Ll !:1·1·100 i lRA/\'Cf: COAST 1 ·1t~11·E 1rrtE~ Fuu• fo or " ''"' tnr ,.,. 1'('11 1 t'!i\ldc d<•lll•·o· l 'rop1•1ty In• •r•n.•ln~ 1v1th >\~t•1uni.Jln)( rhlt• h•·•e '" thl~ loll( n .. " .. ~h"J"J'ln.i,; ,.,..,,1o·r n"~icM! 111 r·o1<!1t ,\1··~11 For hu11•nt•lll'I rr11 · 1 An!lR (1v.•nf'r n 111.•I xr!I l"..:x··~ptlnn· al bny frir •e~lAUrAn!, ro<'kla•I hRr ,, .. lu1unr Ator,., Hoon1 for P.'<pun~li\n an1I p11r k lnlf Liberty 11-~766 n ft<'r :'> p •n nr ..... ,.rk-en1l1.. f)11<' of thr flnr11t n"""l.n front home• nn !ti~ G11.llf ornla r(!A~T S 11.000. l 'Jr• n ~ ye Ar old 2 bdrm. ltU<'l'O home, fo r"pl&Ct'. pRtlO, 1m11.ll lot. dhJ ""r Only iu1Qi1 down. Ow n\"r anx1ou11 !O llf'IL SEA ISLE APTS . 1'0 URNIS HEO $3~ • lip Quiel (:ood toc•tlon. Pru·ate parking Int. Compltte la unt1ry f11cllltlt11 20 1 E 'fl11l t>o11. Bl,'d , 81.lbo• - !'l:l<:6fl llALBOA IS LA:'\'I"' furn 2 h!\rm k•Wl'r t111plr11< Jj :'I 2 h<lrm •nrl •Un porch 11p~r $100 l1nnl .June JO,, tlaT l'>!'.IM -W . 113t fc J.,100 ISL.I: un ru111 . :l t><trm !n ... ·er gllr•i"· :'\'1r~ ''ll'W ,,, n ... v 21 36 or 11,.r !'>1.11' Fi:l,..6 !'> SlNGLE: MA N Ll""lNG HOO M. tM<Jrn1 .• kitchen. 11hartr bill h wllh a 11oth<'"r lhlln F urnlahtd. lnr111rl1ni: utlll!!I'<" ''11 mo. Lnc-•tlon 26fl(I N"w[W'rt RJ\•rt , N•wporl HMch. llARl.lli:STY, 261 l:l :-.l""·1w1rl ltl,•11 H11 rboT 411!!.. fl.1.~:'! :1111h St Al-'l(I rurn r ahLn ::2~ 61 -ltf·a l t:s t:1te t :Xr hangr U11 y,.hnr,.. l'<11k !''"" 1•·nt •'IT 1<1.~1 ------·---------- J -1(1{12 f!Hj'7:1 4~Koomit (or Reul ATIRAC..1'1 ~le roon1 ""~l'"r"t" "n· TtflOr\" Rt>.!IJlnnJ\bl,.. f 'all n1!•'1 6 p n1 H•r 2!1:0::'.i·.1 61 • ,;3 HOOM for 10.·urk1ni;: 1n1.n $ti 11n1I $0 !Jf'T "''""k f'll\"1111• "lll1 Mru 1• 123 2/lLh SI N,..,.·p<1rt pptlo 1'-1MA('\"LATE:LY ~·1 .1>:.-.-: l••O,,tl!l.'!I & Bpi!!< "'<th 1•1111111' hJ\111 rot p111·t1<:ul1.r µeQpl~ 1111 r1r ri\11 .. 1 k l "!rphrin~ "'"rvlr,. T\' 4 h "Jiil F'r<>nl Hn\•1. :l'.\1'16 \\"t•l lX<'J\fl Frnnl. Nr"'l"ltl fl r h. Hnr ll11j11 "' N il'ECY l'l .. RN, rn•"n l""·d" ,,,,. lrt.n•'t' di pn1·11tr h11 l h "n l!'""nd , tin-Or. N .. 1 r Pn"'t u rr,,,. :12-~ ()nh1d HJ\t :o12-H f'i2o•6 1 IA•IY In ".'ltl!I•• 8J.tl~. CAPITOL GAIN CA N YOl T Al<'FOltU TO S C:l.J.,., lltl\\' 1\HUL"l' A TIL·\l •I::, Iv!' n'11 n· ~ ,,.r or~ri•l"'I 'l••11r 111•·orn• l""I' e r1y \\L~I f'n•I ••I l .o~ A ngf'lf'~ ,.,i.,. .. r n• $.~.-."l!\' w(lt1 ,,v<·1 $)11 1!UO <\ )'f'll!-l'h"I!\•• & !•I\\ t•q .. ·r.~·· ,\,,. "1,,,.11:: /, l\1 n 1n t<'•r~\l'•t 111 Blly l'l'•rlt pr<•l'f!r:\ \\'j U t ra I" "JI,,,. •lol\•n r1wn•• \\El··t•· t .~<>r,1 "' 11•1 1·· :ir•o~ :;;"••11• ',, 1.,,.f, ~~1~~ 1*1 1 :1t11h 1•:t :~ TRADE ,\'" J:-,;\rr~:1• 4:11 rr I DOWN ,'Jl!",J': .1 l~l':Ji P,,\1 1!0.\1~: ('ln11r In N' rln1 ll•lh•'>A l•l~nd I\ h11 t!loln&: ro<>111 ~I \V 111rrr tlnir \'),r's ~ l•I r 1·•~1 11 1>1 Trn•!• '''' u;i f·a~ :l t1r l':n:!'lt. I~,,~ .'I ll• •f~I·;"-,,,. p~·:-.·1:-;:-;1 ·1.t\ :c:TVUJO Al'T 10.1!11 k it• h .. n tllt 5$---..c;;lUrt' .. I:. Offlt.'f'$ blllh, very n1~·•1Y f111n Jn~luJ· lnjf T\'. 1£11h '''"!"'~•!, prlvt.1• plllLO .. fllr !-!,.... l" lll'llTf'l"IJO lf' i 90 J>f'T rno 2flt 7·A ~~ t 'o...al I H lrh"',.Y· C 0 M'. Rar. ~JTf\..M f'i.~4 \ BAIJlUA. Ill.\ I> ,.,.,.,,.., 1ou~o1" •• ~IHI " f,,, 10\ ... h• Al .i••Ul.11 "t" p11•(,.a.•!H1l •I ta.r J\l o>d•·rn h••.\I II'\( p1.rk'ln1:" ~nrr Ill~ :'\"» ~10,,. .. r. ~A h.I 2-0W.i 11, LIDO R-3 1s:,7 N•·wpnrt, Co~r.11 M <'AA REX RECHS. 2 :u• ri ltJts 011 s .. _ B1ty Front. LIS l i\32 ~:1·,.n1ng.'I LI 8·!100 $;1 1 '•I.II' "II.th l"Mll T LJ ftogera. 13\' Q\\0 NEH. ;1 br 1lnn1t> ll w OP EN HOUS E; 13¥ OWNEI{ KILLION. reel 334 1 Newport Blvd. 2307 w . Balboa Har . 5500 Harbor OlM Reoltor Blvd 6l ctl3 !!At l:'lll:i \\",(IT H'1°11n 1-6029. I flOOl !I, gn1h i11~p J{N!IO.•ot'\•I 18trc fl'rlf'f'•I h••,ql F:R.~! .qHll' 11>1" Xn!t ~ ----1 <'011•1 ·l .. 1beral !1>ro1~ In'] :1:J:1 X"l Fi :'.: .. 1~Alt;,~,1~l\" 1°'""'~~:;6 ).:~: _:_ Hroft•lw•y, _ C ~I fi3• 6'• I __ _ •·'I''' .~ fPf1'""rl F H A ln,.n NEWPORT BEA CH & Sun . .l11n . 211 di 29 :"'flnn (()fl pm. $1550 Newport Hts. Fr""'l"111 11 .. 1n•· >Jr~io l°Rll J,JlH'I!)' ~-1>2);\ rlH\!nLll~,q oor 11fl··1 t. 1• '" 16ttc I BY OWNER l.E$S TllAN U-"E \·H . ULJJ -1 J h<:•hn1 Z h111h h""'" hw d f!·•ur• 2 '.•r ~.,;~~~ S \2 . .".r•O 11:.'1 ~""""II l'I, 1·ost11. 1'1"!111 !.! l'l-6111• , •. l ',\l{Al•IC'E ,,,., ..... rurn I •11'·1!1 r ..... , A•l l•• "1!11 .J""h«t. ,, .. ,, •. 1 niilP• 1<1 lfllO.'n i!\lfl ' S1,nt 1 A"lll, Co•t11 ~l e11.11 6 11'63 I BAY FRONT DUPLEX ,,f H 1 1~~"' Tiii"" hrdrnHn1 4 11.lilf; ~uU pthf' i S•'ll>• :"'Hlll" ~·.,111 l oyin.-' BALBOA BA Y PROPERTIES Tw" 8Mrm, hnme nvrr dble. p~ HF:Pt'fll ON on lhia EXC LU-RR!'. com et Jot In lh"° bNt U M . S l\0 f_: (.LIFF' llA\'E:-.1 h• '"'' S J!U&t ffi ~" that • nl!W home 1 h•·<lrn1a , ;i batfl1 1,n <'<>tnf'r r "n be built on front. rrtc~ 11!1 P.,1""" f,,t ~10.'ln1n11ng-p<JoOI •t i82~l0 Vull pnr P n{'"' Sii! 9!.0 -$l'!OOO I R RI .. , .. ,. "'-'""' "A RT " ADAI , tr. l,",":'i \\' flA!l~•R f(h··! 1 r ... r1rn1~ 2 hAth•. w .. rk •h•)I' "1l!I 1*166 :-Oewp<'!M Blvd .. Co.ta M- t\~11.,,.,r :'!Jiii! nr H11rt>nr 121fi·.l •lnubl., 1i1•r ll1t:" r'>r. lul $1<1.7M 1 LI 8·37i? or LJ 8-~ ti.1rt\5 EveR. LI 8-SMS :Newport-Mesa Rlty. 1 _______ ,_,...,_ NEW INCOME UNITS [JV Q \\.NF.R St2 .~00 tl"rm~ li!l2 • 1~02 llal'l'n f'IR<,.. ~"V.J>urt l{tR n!"a r F.\cnt<'ntar\' & lhii;h So lluuL Ll 8-i'J&J:i 57p7U :'\'F:\\'t'UKT H EIGHT~ l...Ul S<OOO LKA:-O(;f: COAST l'ROl'ERTili:!'t R -2 J Pll~l l !l~,7 '\"~v.·1>f\r! (',)J\111 M ~""' 8·16lf li:V'•n1ni;:' I.I li-l l OO 1709 N••V.'['l•rt Blvrl. Co!lla M t:llll. I.I Fl-~•tlOR Evr o'I LI 8·14 13 IRV INI<~ TERRACE LIVE IN" ONE, r"nt one, Lmir down pAyment ma.ke. you lan<1· lon:I of 2 bTand n<!W f\Jrn. h omeiJ ~ block f rom be•l'h. n .. th heve rt r•ml<: Ule l;\•U.• ._..Ith g\1tJ111 ,.ne~ure1., tlre- Jll••·r •. rr•r11i;:e• Come ln-we Will h•IP yuu make th• beat •\~Ill ,....,~111blll'. U) .. wr1tr, r,.i .. r tu1 g11y & c111.rm- 1n)(" ~ IJolr11 1 I. "lu•lu•-1.h·u ('Onl b fllL+l1 1n TV In out..1!1andln~ dnft - .,..uO\I rork n r»pl \\'\\. <'"ll.r}Wt . 2 u,..,.,.,,,. tLJ,. Or. U.lha, Qut.t.lde llhwr . bLl-!n ~let• rt. . .111"· dl.n- "''&Jth,.r \\'unny • l'\l'lllnut. blark I O RANGE COAST .,.·nln11t '"'k pllr,.lrnR ff't.lur\"'<I I l'RO PERTll!:S h1.1hl1i;:-hL<I nr m<lm1 S29 .)()() J'I;,; :'\'"WJ>llrl, C'.oat.t. M"u J.-111.r. 48i :l 81p7' l,J' R-18Jl ltve11tnir1 L I !!.·1600 --- Attractive 2 Bdrm. $2000 DOWN NEAR N P:WPORT H lg"t1 School. J119t P.,11'\ted lruLkle ~ altr•f· tiv• outald1. Lari1 11ervlce rm, F enced, quiet. •tre\"L Everything tn. Good Cllfllll1 cut hom". Move rif ht ln. l t'• vacant. I have the kl'y . Full price $97~. Phil S1,1llivan & Geo. T. Everson 1&116 Newport Blvd,, So.ta MeA (A.Croft from Coiita lf."sa Bank) Ph. LI 1-417111, Ev-. Har. 63M Liberty 3-2103 BALBOA PENINSULA C H.EERF'UL well t urn. rma plt), 2: b<lrni. home on 40 f t. kit. Only S.3600 dO'Wn. FHA,,.,,. loan. F'ull pr1C• ,18.600. MURIEL M. PrNOVER, Re•lto r 28™ Newport mv4. ~pl. BeM:h. H•rbor 4610. 8:1~4 ---~ __ -;__ --.. -- r.l--..1; rXW'f 0':..'1f!Wli5ar HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 1:"'::::-:::lleal='-"O::::•='"---- ' FAIDAY, :IANUAR.Y 27, .1951> -·--···· a e.a~ WE ASK YOU- "WHY PAY RENT"? • When you can move into one of these two lovely homea with small dn. pmt. and monthly paymenlJI LESS than rent~ Yee, w e said LESS than rent. W E ORFER TWO BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS in Newport Viata. Ownera leaving state, want f1u~l action. #1. Reduct>d lo S8975-with $1675 down. Balancf' onl y s~ m onth , including intere11t at 4 lt:! ~ .. ' taxes. & ins. Two years old, large lot 70' x 11 0'. Many extra.s. 3 bedrooms. Yo u couldn't r ent this for les8 than $95 per mo. #2. $850 down payment on this large 3 B. R. hrJmt-. beautif ully landscaped u1 lar~e 66' x I 10' lot l~~li-" than 2 yni .. old. Ju8t h ke lll'W. Owner will ht>lp finance th111 with low 1nonth ly p.11.yn1entM. YOU'LL HAVP. TO H Ul~JlY O N THl::S I·:· EXCLUSIVE WITl-t FISHER AND COMPANY 2603 N ew port R!\'d, Lido Realty Associates LIDO EXCLUSIVE BAYFHO:>.T P"lRST Tl.ME LIST~:!• OWNl!!:R •.. ~1·~r ,,, .• :,,,,,,,, three l>ath•, largt> •lq• Si\•• ~11•1 ~PEC IAL T !:l{.\I!-; BAYSHORES ? family horn.. tt .. 111 •·In,. .. I•• pr1v1.t" ~•ch. Four IJ<••IP"''"- three bath•. Full prir,· JJ7 ~·'~' AIL Wt.II to Willi 11up,.t•·•I lo.I• You ct.n r 11.1l \"nur ""II tiro k•·1 <•n !hl11 11n' \\,. !/11"). 11 '" a n ex• l'llt>nl tJ11y. LIDO EXCLUSIVE 1' ..;!!~~FT '110 "'!!~!·I· I" I .I fl° -'"'"I IL• \\ ! h! ,., t,,, I' ' .... I 1 . ., . ., II .:•· " • I ,.,.,fti ! II> • I"~ ·, " I\ I I , ! ,, .... ,, .. t1r •· t·l , , I • q ., • ,, lo S L 1 4.'l•' ~1.l•1tdl '· J • \\ .. 11<1' •' I h•· '\• ' ,\,t• \'\'(•T ll~H HI\ 11•. !,JI "' ,.,,.r l'oP<h•~•ll•• 1 \\" l•ft 1.,1 ;:•· p~o,., Ju~t" '""' ···1 •~ ,\ f ~"''I ·r10 1 ~~~: t:~'!•IC\1 .,,.. .. 1 ... 111~ ioJ•o" '1"11 ,,1, "·'' t K l.11 ~· I .,d•I ' "" 1 I ' • \ ,0,1" I ! '"I I I ' Lido Real ty Assoc iates 3400 Via Lido Harb or 4444 OUTSTANDING buys Costa . in Mesa * $]7!)() dow n I yr nlit s t11tt•n 1•ar1~·l•·J f1 1n1 rs l).:1 bt'\lt·rns 1-'t-IA lt"'11ns a1 :$,li~;)ll I"'/' rll•• ._ 2000 <lov.•n -Corner st ur ,·o n .. arly n•·w ·I bo·d rn1~ l '1 bnths, JUn1or-siz,• ,-,,1u z••tt· sv.·unn11n~ 111,,11 f £'ncrd yard. F'H A l•'rn1 ... $71 l)u r1 m•• * $6000 down -Spac111us dupJ,., 0111 I·'. Hr,,,11["•;1v hwd. flni .. dininJ( ri,11n1. Igo b1•Jr111:-:. !r1 1nt 111111 has fireplac('. f(t"'nl ! rn111 or1t· unit n1ak1•>1 ! 11 .. pay menui. Greenleaf-Severts Realty, Inc . Har. 25.'52 Eveninp LI 8-3186, Corona del Mar Home lz Income on 45 ' In! N('wpnrt 13J1·d l·lar. 392 1 -~1 Vogel Values Ocean s id(• of J-lw\' A mo111t comfortable 2 betlr1.om h"mt· v.·1th lg. ln·111i:; room, fireplace, w w carpellnJi:: & d rap<'s. 1..ots ,.f c loset space, service porch. ll oomy ya rd has patio. fruit treell, etc. Stove. r('fr1g . rugl:I , cur1a1ni. & drapes in a pt. included 1n sales price uf $17.500 Thia iB an excellent buy ,..-be sure tu call for the kc)'. DECORATOR 'S 1-iO ~l t-..:; Just listed -the bf'll.t little buy in tov.•n. 2 b1'\Jr,. .. rn h o me with excellent n oor plan. f1rcplat'f' ,I;, b\'11n1f'.-t ceilings in Jiving roorn. lg" k1tc.hc11. ti lf.'d bath_ J{1•11r door opens onto nice pat 1n r:ar;ig:l' prf'par1·d f .. r BIB v' v' A Million Lights Best Buys Corona del Mar Three Bedroom Larp roome. llle kl~ t.n<t t>.UI. t>eautl rul oak n oor1. lo- c•ted Oii Lb.e d"lrl'l!ble eut atde on ST • t:S:J lot. A bout five ye&t"t. old •ntl pr1Cf'l In· elude• AUl.om•llc wuher. l':lo:<"- Oll..lten like dlamonci. rrom the 2 terrace• and many wtndoW• of thle ti-modern 'll'lew home with 3 l&rce ~mL a.nd 2 ·b.• ' ... •• BuiJl -u. ttimt~; n1nce. oven. Intercom to every roo1n, auto. 1arage door opener, wall to wall carpetinJ, lmp<1rl- <><1 dn1pea and wall paper !!:~cry lu•ury Item yvu de11re 18 in th11 1n••lerpier-e of arl'hl- t .. rlural dealirn end cons\/'Ul'· t111n F\Jll pr!ce S43 .~. Shtlwn by •ppo!ntn1enl only, l . BEAUTIFUL HOME Ir INOOYE. Excluatve with u.. California living at its best in thia apacious 2 bednn. home, hwd. fln., 11/:! Mtha, .epa.rate din- ing room. large Liv. rm. with fla&•ton~ firepl. built around beauUfW bricked patio wttlr BBQ. -nw property covers 2 full Iota. PLUS two l bedrm. furn. apts. All 3 unita are furni11bed complete. All 3 unita rented. Excell ent income. BEST BUY OF THE NEW YEAR. Ill nesa torce11 We. Shown by appt, no telephone iufo please -just come to the office with reasonable down payment. Priced for quick sale $27,500. Ba ck Bay view Home 2. SHORECLI FFS. Ju8t lis ted -exclWlive with Ull. 011 hair 111·re Mt>dern, lov"ly pilUO. 3 b<trme . t01'1lplet"1Y furn111he.J ('11n n ot be du ph<:at~ ~•I •t Uh• .,.king pn,·e o)f $29.- 1100 \Viii trad,. f<Jr 1nr .. n1e pru1Jerl)' A Horse, A Boy 3. li•l•l H I• l it.Jg Ground, •1 A•·r"I C•UllJ1ll'l .. IV fcnr"<I Curr:1I, Kl'IL - 11<'1!1, /•Jue l.Arge Modern 2 bJnn • den H "m" With •ll th• 4. '/"r1nun1ng• 1nr l .... W" l'llrpl'ttn~. - Ma.""JY" ~lrl'JJl11r~ Yor,·~ A1r 1 l-1'"11!. ~ .. p 1'6\'" A , .... 1 1-lan< ho ror only s !6 !illlJ Builders-In vestors! ~ l>'V••I 111 r,.~ •l' I<• (·,o.,l&. "' l J 11 0" ~· H-4 ~"ll~·I "n i'.:lll<I !>l e~ll I'll r ,I 11,;hl l I' ~ li 'i•ln>'~~ 1 .. 1 •,11 \ ·1,11, +•11 ~ ... ,I 171~\ ~1 .... 11 .. 11! l'I ·l•o· !••J1I ~'1 l 'I" nio J •: 1, ,.,, i>>'low l1<1tlkr l •1 J \1 -,Ul l l\llO' , !lot ISU~lll•..,. ""'' I T, 1 "'· •ll>lf> ltdn••Ujo!h fl<I ,. ''' ~"' i'•ol! I'••• Bay & Beach Rlty Inc '.,,,.1,. !-1~~" • i.111 .. tr,111 LI !!I 77 1~ t:\I'~ t.l .~ .lL :'>!I Corona del Mar 1 2 Open Hous es f<'l'ulay -S1ilUrd <1y -:->unJay • ; !~ ll••IH1lr11po• ''•THl;>o:I; ~J :\'!•.1 ( l l..0t• th1 M 2 1 ,,..,lo 11 1,, ,.,.,. lur S 1:, '1"" I ! '"•·• ~ 111 .. pll\e,., l<UtLll )' l•r•J<:ht kl\•·h~n "1! IJ I"!' ,,f 1,;,• ""'I • ''Pl1••,1 r I• l11K•\• ••r 't1111 11. lh r11 11u1 l<n• 1,,, "'I 1•~11" e 71)7 A C'&C1;1 This immaculate 2 bedrm. and den home on Morning Canyon Road with panoramic view of ocean. hilla and canyon. FA heat. large fl agstone patio, carpets and drapes included and only $31 ,500. BETTER HURRY on lhis one -1t won't last. DUPl~EX , bedrni. Pach. o ne unit furn. complete, corner Jut & o nly $17,500. Low down payment will handle. DUPLEX . 2 B. fl _ each , corner lot. firepl a(e8. h wd. nr8. & separate A good buy al $22,500 Both have dmette. Jo'Ilt::i1' T IME OFF'Efl F;o. l rnn1acu!ate 2 BR. horn(' l'lus runipus r••Oln. hwd. firs, garb. disposal. A barg8.1 n at s1:1,5QO -$3000 down w ill hancUe. Exllu111vf' ""'1th ua. 1'ht.!i should sell quickly. MJ·;~t BEft Of<' ~I L'!.'f l PLE l~l:STINC:S. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. 1-'Rlt'I:: 1', Al ct'l'I!-lTION, Realto r l 'nrona dt-1 Mar Har. 17 :H17 r~ L'oa~t l-i"')' tUffn:c Ju('attd next dour to Corona d..:I !I.far Bauk I Why L;st It For Sole W ;th A Realtor? I'll Sell It Myself! · A Do It Yourself Kit Won 't Work In the Rea l Estate Business . \Vh1·n y o u list your p r0 perty for sale with a REA f_,.. 'fOll }'OU bt.·nefit by his knvw !f'dge, expenence and jUdgnH•nt. \V1·'re go111g t u Kell $1 ,000,000 v. .. rt h uf Ilea! 8.6tate eac h mo nth during 1956 ~!u\t1ple Listing Service 111·: SI H ... I" 8 .... llLL~ t 1 .. ··h '" 1 1•1• t"IP 1•·~•·•1 IH""' 1 'ru·•" t11J '"' pll.... 'lilllll)( l •~•111 1Hl1 .<1,,I•• 11.1·1 ,•r .-t. ~J.\7!1111,., 11·••1!" '"'' ;:11111 '"' 1 ,,,, ""'' l ••k l ""·"! Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 0 .• It .. ,,,. .. ., ~11 ~1 11• : "' t•I •· -'' '"" +I ;: Frank James Linwood Vick Hf-.ALT•il : . ..;. 11! \l oll lll•· ,,,,. lio1.n1J11 l~l•Uld ii" ,i,.,1 ._.,.I.'. I s'''~· e'''M'·''J'e-T a NelsoAnl• I .--. J;l;tl'iJ\'.T1\,">;T I \!ti ' LI. I0 ·'.1\fi Tll11A\' i '(IHtlSA l1J.:l. ~!AH 111/\RLJ;\'(; 3 hd1 u1 ';! t111th hnn1,. ! I t'•'I di" " !•• IO Ill • «tlO II• I,, 111 •I !l1 ~ ~ 1111 ~ I• 1i. •''I ! 1·10· lllk 11 .. ,,- ''' "Hll l'i \I~ odd ~;,,,1,,.,.,J 1"'10" •II.I I:"' 1\1111 lt1•n•t<~ l\••I""' < ~J'I M o < 11"'11! I "'I 40 1 N Newpnn Rl vd, NPwport Beach Only Once While • 1n a ':1111 we nffr-r you so m uch in beautiful Cliff H aven for $16.750 -You'll lci vc the large living area \\'ith picture wintlow O\'crlooking the ""'ell land- fi1·apM back yard -3 large bt'-drooma with more lh<1n a 1npll' ('IP!'.1·ts. S{'(' this one today The Vogel Co. IA•):" t"' , ... ,.,, '.! Bli huniP ror ~ 3201 W. Coast liv.'y. I !HST Tl.\!~: cl FFt:R~:I' 11111 1· I phu .... b>°'Allle•t • .. i1111~J. n .. ...,qy d,.---------- 1 •>rHt1'o! & r~111"1•·1I Anlpll' rrn Ll 8-3481 f,,r 1r•1 II){ 1:.1r 111'""~•·1t '"' J'l():\I ~~ .J-_J:"/['0\I F '\TTll,\l'Tl\'f.; IH"l'L~;., l'l\H ·~;1 • \l~'T \ ;.;~:1....;r 1~ ~"''" ~: l··~•·\ , ....... ,., 1.• j ' ........ '01 .. ilJ1.<h•J .\I H1, 11,..t .'t.'ol\rl r,1,1;1 I DO IT YOURSELF! ! Con\•ert this 1 bedrm., 3 bath home into two units ""''1th a minimum of cost and effort. Well built a nd •·lt1R1' l n lhf' J~ay, t l~ay Vlt:W if you look hard l. ON!~ Y $7500 down WM W. STANt~E)' tr1c Refer .. an<t , .. rang• and Ull9 tor r-1 T'enna. V.'t1tern Holly e•rpet.1n1. Sf!f' veJ~. fl'17fl0 Two Bedroom BMutitul two bedN<J rn honi• JU.•t a block fro1n H11rbor lilv(1. r ln1f' to .1e hool11, nu1rket11 1r11n1Jpurt1· lion. Thi• fine hu111 ,. li•• fire· plec• laraa n >011111, l •it' kHrh"n· all!! b8Lh, cenH!nt pt1ll" Jar;;" yard and p rajj:e 1·nt1.l rn~ .. $10260 wit h low 1lown. Doll Hous e "'" are t n1ly 11r.,ur1 ur thu1 ~"' i:rll.,nt h•u11e T\<.11 1i ... 11'"''"" n1c .. ai:r.e<I ro•1n1i< 11nd 1111ln y .. ~ tru auL·h ,.~ l:"•b11.,;•· 1ll•J"··~"1 11..nJ 11.utv111<0\" """""r '"l<i<~ th1e a r<'al vi.IU •' All >0urrn1ui.1 l!•t by t.f!t.IHJful \IH •I Wlttl 1.,,)1 11<.111tl . r r>l'kt:"'''"n a n.1 '·foc:J.,,,,.,1 by " 11lur•IY n 1,.ho,i.:11ny '"°'" .. You II Ilk., th111 "'"' Harbor Bl vd. Lot \\',. hit\'•· .. '""' 1 .. ,.111r,.,. I• r tlfl " IJ.\ <>11 tuo,.,\' Ill.rt~" HI\,\ l'rh e<I ''' ,. .. u \\ ,. 11 •"'1 l'u••t' " r .... , r .. 111ttl'nt1,.1 I• r ~ B. A. NERESON !tEA!.'I • •I~ ]91!';! :-/11 .... i•ort IJh I I ·~'" \!• ~ LJl)(J'\) II \•\7~ t.1··~ 1.J "~I~'' LJb,.rlV li lit>tl !.Jt, 1!1 "'l;.'; Special Values Just Listed t:x L:-.T. l HIJH~f . I ·-balh• In !•no: 111·r.a, ll\'I Jl ,~,,,., ,u,i,-._,., f lrl'pl. garh. •h"l'· /l,.li•lt•l l<I patu, A. l1U101'" 1:1pu1~. 11u1t ''''"" rerced. HIUI 4' 0 t: I. l111t n "f l ltJ OIJU_ t:..,.y l•·n n:. un !l1uo ' ~dll vrlce $10,llOIJ ,.,.,1 "' rth llh'!• Only $7000 .'lEWPO/tT H~:IC:HT~ (;,,,-..1 2 Lr fp.: .. r -upP"r If\ j(ll<"1 ll•"" .. n 6'! .ic \fl~ Int. ~ .. ti tltU tt111 .;ioin. "'l<-".! lr rn1~. 3 UR., ON l-:UG H, 1£VE:L ltJOx:\00 )Ol. fi., C•n bUIJ<l A.J<I !_ Utllll< $10.~fji) w ith tcrm11-:lJJ I SanU. Ari• Ave.. OJ>J:;N .HOtJSE SAT. l ~. Lots ~ll lY(IC-1 Rac k lia)'. \.'ll'W 70 :it l'.!7 M -1 1~ :it JtlO l-l -4 !JO x. 11l2 H-2 $4 2•"1 $4~1! $7!':10o $2~1 $.l !'JtHo New Duplex 1:-:C'OME. REAL JN\'EST!.I. H"J.'" rPplA!"f!lnl!nt f'fo11L N··"r 'Pnl-e • o f town. "''hnol11 At, tr•n.<ip !.)(" r-m~, tilt! IHi lhl\ A kltl' $1 ~~(~1 1 .. ,.m..,, Mesa-Harbor Realty ~"fl t't•rll .. r i4!, C°<J~\R ,\1•·~11 LI 1!·6111 l & LI M-70Rt J.YTI~~: -~:vi' l'h. LI ~-·L~t ~ PP.:1'!1·ri;:: -Ev(' P h l~I "·~4 ...... O l 'l'..'.N J·!Oll:--J<: Fri, -Sa t.-Sun .-!\.1 un. a ftcmonni; 2:'1!.~ l'rt>lll\'lf'W 1'1 . II/\ \'!;Ho 1f(~',..; 'lb r !'LI 'S g"r u n11 kn"\\)' pu1• int, rl111n111 r1i.:: *-'"•• h o r _,.,,.1 111u ncl hon1P. RA CK B A\' l-l•·st •'1(>,,.•• nr io)I 1•~l1Jo •·d f ,, Sf;~ .. , !HH~:•;. vu·..., 1 .. 1 S~l\~11\ IJOlel!\Q, 1•r1ttprt•"I ,\;'""11"'' lll1d ... ,. 1.1~. ~ ~~ 1· 2 ~:.\~\' T l•:1t:o.1 ,..; 1'\'I'! HI' ,j 1·,.1 !!>ill \ I~" l 110 I''"\'"'! o :r I! •I • I \I \" ('H!llf'l':...;T \'l~:\1 1 .01T.~ J.">; ('(>H•J:'>o'A lll(;f!f .1\NI •.-;. I --'"'-" ... ---. --- BIB EXCLUSIVE Bay Ave. Duple x -Unobstructed p<"rmanent Vi c-w · Opp.1slte fine b11.lh1ng beach Ne&rly new_ Jus t listed -Sho wn b.y ap~int.m4:1nt ooly. Excellent f1nan('1ng lo quttlif1ed buyt·r. EXCLUSIVE 1\\'n )'t'8r old horr11· with m1tgniric(•11t panoramic view c1f Newport J·l arbor. Nt•11r NC'Wport Harbor "'l'.11.cht C'Jub, nppot!ite bf'Rl bo·arh 111 l~.11.lboa . 2 B. R .. eonv1·rt iblc den. <1 dr1•arny k1tcht'n. 1'"'u t;p~c1ous p!i.1 1<!;;, n11·f'ly l1t1t1ls...·11 1~t . ~h.iwn by H.f!l"J1nt nll•t1l. EXCLUSIVE H.1v A 11·1Hi,• r ·nrn•·r \ h ·V.: !"'\{I Cl l~·· '.!. R t~ ';8raK1· I t• 'I ,'\I•·• l.111 !!•·11 :-.lrt':l-·•·d 1111 ;1p11r tn10 1.l :-'h•>V.11 h_\ •. ;•j•<Ul)\111•1 C •\\'IO ' di "' ~-.!ti 1~111 '!', rr· EXCLU SIVE I .1< j,, Ii-I•• I(;, 1·• r. "' • :'\.,11r!y n1•w :~I~ !{ '• ~ ti I• I' "·" •.,. flL101I 1•·111 l '11 l11o1to1ll\" .d .. • '\tl."1 I II II l I· '•! l I 1' 1 ' "lh •d!!ll !! ·r. ·~ ;d ,.1,. ~' ,1 •11 !· .. 1 rurih1·: ~rd 11 .... . •. \i I ...... l ~. !' j,. I t 1.1 I· I .~" .... .... ' l{!-.,\4 )I f'f f l"l',\~.l· 'I ,o.,o !• i-11rt11,.,J1t I :I I~ I{ It I-11 I I " , ' I ' ' ' " BAY & BEACH REALTY . INC . I t 1•1 BALBOA PENINSULA :l K.·drm an•I ·1•·11 :! l1.11 b ... l).!1 11\111,.: 1 •1 r1r1•11l.!1.r •· :--pa < 111ui. n1:1 ... 11 r· !~l ' "I'~ I~•· HI' 1·11r, 1•·1, JU"t ll i-l-11• l1 11r11 l•;i11111" 1 .. b,1l/t 1·a. :J /'I U!ld••i'k'I. $~,.">!IU. J,.,w <1 11 LIDO ,1 !1T I' 'ill!· !.!I ISLE ' ···1 ,, 1' I .\·l·•sl attr11i·11\'" I bl·dr-n1 .111·1 •1·1 • t1111•1 t" 111 lull_v d t:t'oru.l•·J h111110· «n '"rn1·r 1,.1 1• r«i. ... tr ·Ill J(;o\ Nu·t! patio, l111·i..:·· :11t t t. l1\11oi.: 1" 0 111 ()ut~t 11nd1ng !11r .-:::!\• '•."iu LIDO SOUO, ll -3 \'a("Hlll ~10 11 ~.it • rlr- il·t thll'l !;l'l l;IV.,t} ,,\!1 01 111 < 'ut1• lvt. BALB OA ISLAND ~ h··d1"n1 11111 11;::•· .. u I• 11 .. 1 !.11. "r build h11n1,· 111 fr•u nt "l"l h.1\1 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3 ·116 \'1a J,.,td". i\'J'I 1-~ves: LI ~-5297 l~<·h llar 1!171 "I ll .1r 1\1';":..' I.I '-:111.10 l-!in ."ol !_' LIDO ISLE ll!·:A!'.1'1 1-'l 'J. homf' on l.ul,i :\'.nr,! rnrn1•r· Po •rn1.1 n•·nt 1·1 .. v.• "' li;1y, nC'ar h"l'1 l:><'lt(·h fur 1<V.'1rnn11n~ :J !Jt'<lrn)s , :l ba\hs. licilJhv rol<•Ol Hil d d•·n ( 'har-111111~ king s11.1· n1asl('r l>1·drn1 v1 1tli al1·1 •\P X.• 1·1•till1•1'!1t1i.: halh. la rgt.· sun d1 ·1·k. 11ttr;1rt1\·p 1hn1ng: ro 1c1ni. m1)o l- 11rn k1trh1•n bu1lt~1n t!1sl1"'a1d11·1, d1s r\osat, f'qJ iJ"'' hnNI, t'eran11c l 1lf" and 11111111·r"Ul'I other f1·11.tur,.a. ATIRACTl\"E: C'ONTJ-:!\ll 'ORA f{'I. 3 b<'drm. 2 b;ith h11m£' partially furn 1flhNI. ()nly 2 1:..: _rrers old B0 1'H l'RO f'F~RTTES SllOWN B'I' Al'l 'O lNT~f t-:NT \\'t; AL.SO 1111.\·c Sf'\·1·ral Bay f<'rnn1 1'Jt11 un IAdn N11rd EARL W. ST AN LEY , Realtor :111;1 F\••\\'Jlrirl J{lvd N(·V.'l•O•rl l{c111·h liar. 1111:! 11.pt. ovf'r. 1'otal pr1cf' nnly $14.!~:,fl The Vogel Co. View Homes I\\~ i.,.,, 1.~,,,1 ,.-"" : 1 .... 1 .... r •• 1 \'l"W ll"ilh" N • ',\ l'Hl I Ht ll{l\I> II II J Ill" ol •HI t 111· I \'•I \'I• "' "I 11 ott SANFORD Realto rs l 'ark A vP ;i t J..1ar1n,., Balboa Island HADFIELD Cla ire Yan Horn l(J·' i\ T .T• ii ~ 1COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth H arbor 216~ ,r., 2667 E . Coast Hwy. Cor ona df•I ~1 11r 11.i r 11 11 IF YOU 'RE SICK AND TIRED of looking at "Bargains" only l o find lhry arc. really termite traps. you'll be agn:-eably s urpris<'<l when you look at this ont>-owncr Ralboa l;.ila nd horn(' t'lll a full 817.t'd lot with a sunny pr1vat(' pat1n :ind lanai room -11 rl'al rl1n1nK ronm. 118"<l bru·k f1r1•p\:11··· thAt really works, 3 spac1nus bedrms , I · 1 ha! h~ Jo~>: heat, (IS.itblf' ~ 1•ar garag1· s r:1·: THIS 1'01J1\Y : W?11 . \\' S"l';\r-..'J .r;y SANFORD Realtors HAD FIELD Park Ave. at ~ie.ruie. Bulboa l ~Lo1d LIDO NORD BAY FRONT ATTRA CJ'J \I ~ I 11tory home, ll\'Rbic anrl Clln\'rn- lent. Th1'1'e bt~lrn1s . 2 b:1th,q, n1r1 1d·~ r1-.1m and bnth T. D. ROGER$, • Ill ·1 Htl>i , ., •'H•I I 1 :::~~::"·;~·;IR , Rltr.1 !fHl'i :\'•"'P'-'ll lll1··I ('••·!~ ~l'"<A I.I lo <l';'!l:l , r 1.J '(,,-,,,1'fi LI lo ~.•IHi ~:, "" Bay Snores 2.~7: 4 '111 !" I'' II,_ I., ... ,, l •·••h I 4 "' '\:• , .•• l'tt /I . I' ·.-.I .... v r I. .I 1"1••10 ! , ),,.11 111• I ' •I • 1"11 "Ii~ 1'11\I•• t,,,,11 H1 H1l\,J Onl•t'll• ,. I " ~· "' ! ,,..._ \o1J ol~• .~ALPH P. MASK EY I r. J; J\ f • I 0; ( !I ll :.~''l "•I! l o11,I ;._lq Holl 1111 t~·I ~1'~ 10 ACRES Iii.,,., 1'. 11 i,,.~ .. n ru-1.11 A •·" I' •1 t 1 I Ii 1 11"·~· I O•H!+ f 1 1111 "' '" ' I '"" J •~I H 0 '' '•I ... 1 I I " •~•I 1-1,_,., ~-•IMI • " 1 : .! i', I LOOK ONLY $295 DOWN AF'.\V :J bd1·m l ' b;1t h ho n1r. C0~la ~i r>l'la l1:1y u1 night LI 8-2657 "QUALITY STREET" 13A r FRONT f<-1nf' p1t"'r, f1011.1 :ind bf'ach . One nf the newrr .. r,.,·,.rly flt"'cnra lf'd hnn1r;; of 3 bedrn1s .. 3 bathi;, n1<11ds tn1 & b11th ('1:1rp('\11 and rlraperies inrluded in lhf' l11w pr1r,. Might trad!' r AJJ . I.OU BOl'NTQN llarb .. r 3297 ul' Harbor 287~ EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor Costa Me sa Dupl ex T\l,.'C) I 1.!I Ht!-t 11p111·trn1'nt,., li<!Y>1I rloont, 1·urnt-r lot "n ~~1111t :-;,.i.. T otlll pnca $1';',b(ll') "''Ith i:•·•H1 t •·rn1.!I Balboa Duple x F1 °H:\'ISltEL> t '"" hf'11rtn •1HI J nn,. bc-<11 •11 , l"lll AI t.lrll h11n.11 .. i • nr 1t•<1 "1''' •1111 $:0111~1 •l""tl "Ill Al~"'' T\\'11 1:1»1\I• \u '~"\'" FHfJ:-.T Lr 1·1·~ $1•.\o"i ~;,,, 'H Coast Properties I_ 11q ~. 1:11lh"·l Hh·•! 1 :1111~.11 I t1 111t-.or ~l>:'>il ~·~": 1t1«I 4•1•"11 l ':-O:f'.1;,11'.'\l.J.l':I• HH1k n .. ,. "'"!•r t'"'"' 1.,1 ~ •• r 1•'"~·,1>11 !1 1~ I"''" H~~l t·,. ·,..1 'l 1t~•· $1 0.~fJ \Jp""'1 1>ftA:>.0•;~; l'!>A Sl' 1'H41 1 11i:H !'l~.!o' \~,-.~ """"1"11! 1· .. ~1.t ;1;1.,.,, 1.J Ii 11\:!'l f:\· .. 11111;..• l~I '-llll(I ur !J \\ :-..·>:it ,,,.,w .. .,1,1 .. r tH\• ,,, •• i.,~111. I "II,. • •l 'l '1 11<·r 1 \;'I I \ I•:\'•" 1,:~ \\ lh r .. -.. oh•' rl<opt1u • l ~IHI 111•• S•••~•" 'I 1k ,. ~""" ·IH I •II I 1 1~ .. '' J! A .. 1 t\/, h4 I Herc lot and 1or1n1 f11r rnnr•• unit,; 3 I-Jr. n ld1•r }1onlt· 111 N••wport I-l.-.1Khts $~50(1 with ~1-;oo dfJWll, I-Jal. $7H !'iO n11111th :J I-Jr hnme. fioublr-~a.rsigt'. tn"C"pla.1·,., W \V carrwt, I I;; b<iths, go~i<l ln<·at111n, ~l<!.7:>0 Wllh ll'l"IOS. Tr1-pl<·x nrlf' of th,-. bo'HI A-I lr .. ·:.illo•n & ;1 bargain nt ~2U.ftOO 1-:z t•·rtn!O t• ;! 7.1JJH' l~\lstn1•ss !!1 r111•r I J Ll~I ••II Nt'W l"•ll IJl 1o l I SJ.1.oon G. N. WELLS , Realtor I.I 11·1601 BALBOA ISLAND TWO FOR ONE SPECIALS .Xlnt 2-un•t almost nr...,,·. Ht.'p. <In . 1,11. iyou can't bea t th1z; onr') :?·Re<l rm. hHu,qe I bdnn. apl. f11m . ! a dr(·amy t1l;11·•' l L'arpt·11..-d horut• -t:Ulf• apt. '1. fr1.Jr>. (n~<t r \'tll.u~t· & btty! $26,000 $28,500 .. $2",0llfl NELDA GI BSON , Realtor ll:l t ·.o'.,! "' 11i ~3 -........ .. --__ _._ .. BLANCHE A. CA TFS. Realtor BALBOA ISLAND BAY SHORES Beaut. -4 B.R. 2 bath home. '23.7MJ for QUICK SALE OWNER W1 LL TR1' D~ his t~autlful Oa.k Knoll b ome in POMONA for Ha.rbor a.re& p:"Oi!rty or Palm SprinP,'9 or l!"d io income OT' aerl!s.,,.. -• REAL family life ia no h ~!>PY a ccit."'?"lt, it ;, p~:t?'lne:l and built for. Every cor.siderati0n ~UI "';·v:, \"l:le:l de1igning and builrt i'.l ""; th;s lovl.'1'/ ho:::-:. f.'t"1.l '!'d on approximately t1·.-o P C'rc~ of a:~i~!.ic~.'Jy la~d­ &caped level ground, 1·1ith a r\·:c~~ir3 p'!.nor:;i.m'c view of the Valley, tins 2 l•vi n"; room-de'.l ·d ining- room -3 bt?droo'TI ~ 3 l::'i~h h:ime, vrith lar ge rumpus room, rirerlaccs, garan:e.,, out-of-door living a nd playin~ Rrl."a. off"rfl you h·1in3 at It.a best. COM E JN nnd lull; it over. BLANCH F. r Po'l ltor A.1EMBERS OP !!Ul-TIPl .E LISTING -S I 1 ~fa rinc A\'f! .. 13a]b,.a r,.\JUJ Ph. liar. 1671 - or 1672 It happen s to be your move And it will ~ a gr>1'KI nn~ for you. When you walk into lhi!'I love ly h111n1· 111 th{' P.ack 8ay Are1t.. Your fam ily 'A'lll havt· tlh· b(·:-lf I'. Lth this ext ra large liv- Ulg rr,.-1n1 lor1•·lv k11cli1•r1 v.·uh' breakfast nook Thr(·l· l'IJl8('1t1ul'I hdi rn.-; '!. b:1th!1, forced air heat. hl'.'d f]1.ur11, ,.;h11k1· r""! , !l\!d«!•·ly fente<l Ownf'r 1r•11.1·1ng t0.,.,·n has .)ll"I r"11l 11·,.,! 1)r!C'e to $21 ,500 l IPl"~t-: .~A'[' & HU N Corona del Mar f'ompaC't & C'hfl1·mu1i.: ~bdrm h .. me with fire-place. hdwd flonrs &· r111111v r.-.;:tra!" Asking $14,2011 11•,o•onabh· t<'l"!Jl!I. Channel Front Duplex NOT ~!ANY lt•ft and th1:-1 0111· 1 . .., on 82 ft, of watrr- front with p1•'r & float A r1):;" ga rden for pr1v&cy, terriflc 1·1ew, 11nd nr:~T Of.' A 1..L ll low price of $26.~I with f'l\!1)' t<'rrns We hllVC the key And wLll be happ} t11 11h11"'' you through Cliff Hav en l"l'!la!i-. r1r1·pla r·1•, hd wd. 1-0118"t1s111n !'1H·t•1 ! right floors. 1mme· $14 ,750 C)l 't-:;-.; SA'l", & SUN. 406 ~1 Anll rf'Y.'1'1 Plit(;e G.I. Resale $14 .9:'.>U -4 rl -~73 per mo. 3 bdrm. modern fully fu rn. including ca.~t. & drRJ-.CR. bu1lt -1n stu1·r & n\"(•n. Fo re~ air heat, .11lid1n~ g laR.'I v.·alls. 111 larg1• l11·ing room & dining arrll. l)l't1trhr1! gnr , larg ... !nt & on!~· une year uld. -JACK BRENNAN ~ Realtor i:!n<l A 5SO('JATF.S 3.120 \V . ('oa11t !lv.·y J.ltw>rty ..... 7773 ""At thr Arl·he11" JANUARY CLEARANCE ,I TWO BEDRM. fiF.:A Cl-1 house. partly fu rni...,he<l . l :.: blk. to b<•a rh $~750 . $1500 dn. mig ht buy this! ,1 LIDO two bedrm , "CUTlE .. nC'ar nrw, F't\ hf'l\t. uAed bri('k f1rf'fJlfl <"1'. d11ubli· garage. etr L<-11s t h :i.n S:!:1.ono ;,ti \.\IATERF'RONT-Plt-..:lt ANI ) F'l.OAT 2 R1·drn1 home plu11 apt. 11.bovr doubt<• g:aragt· Roth com- pletely furn1 sht"d. Only ~27.500 -terms. 11 BALROA DUPLF:X -1 J o<Jr fron1 Ray furnished. As low fl.II $3001) d0v.:n n111.y .$16.000 handlC' ART c . KISTLER CO. RF.A LTORS 290 1 Nf'\l.'J)(lrt Rlvfl , Nc>v:p 11 rt Bt>a,·h BALBOA ISLAND p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle Beat This on Udo If You Can! >yr'"'*-2..._~t.b lllC>Ob' ~ ba\!>. Good •bed roome, flrepl., etove A: refr11. 1 bdrm .. turn. 2-car garage with bullt·ln cablnetl. Walled patio. Ringside Seat All for $20.~ LIDO MODERN -INGRAM I< COLLINS went all out on lhll 4 bdrm. 2 bath home. The Uvingrm. I• beautifully papered. hu a muaive bouquet canyon atone t irepl. & sliding doon to a lovely patio. The lcitchen la a dream with bµilt-in Tbermador oven Ii range, diapoaal, hdwd. cabinet. & matching fonnica. We could go on and on about thia home, but you •hould see It. Priced at $38,MO. Now ha• a $19.000 To all tbe acttemmt and acthity In the Harbor area.. UnUIU&l floor plan includes 3 bednn., 3 bat.M. Owner .ays "SELL!" at $4-0.000. which is way below rep~ment oost. NOT LEASEHOLD! ' C.ll Duid Coburn. Balboa Island 1for Pasadena Let'• trade. Lovely 4 bednn.. home on Balboa T!i ---._ loan payable $160 mo. land ~ larre and completely f'urniabed by a deco- rator. Even bu a nunpt11 room with a hidden bar for tho11e eummer partiea. Owner will trade fo r Pa.aaden&, Altadena, or Palm Springs property. BUDCET CONSCIOUS? -JT MAKES SENSE, a deaig-ner ia g oing to go a.II out on his own home. HAL LACY hu done juat that on thi11 3 bdrm. 2 ba. 1.Jdo l11le 11maller resldt>nce. The combining of ma- terials is done with thought and feeling here, Slid· ing gla.ss doors to patio from the livingnn. with !ta rieldstone (irepl. Outst anding kitchen with ash cab- ine!.8 & matching formica. Tile in both bath•, w tw carpeting & dbl. gar. Oost. to perfect beach. See Prioe $32,000 C&ll Joe Kincaid Start Living! thut 8()11n, ll8 it will sell at onl y $26,500 No finer setting for real family living ia availab!t' than in thie 4 bedrm. and den h ome on Lido l;;l1 Such features u 3 bat.ha, ctishwa11hPr, J 1spos11J, lovely carpeting a.nd drapes, and 2 firt'plac~ m•1 rc Atl above are exclus1\'t' \1ri th us'. Come to HEAD- (.JL'ARTERS (tor these & other good buys in lots & homcl!I. We nrf' the OE\'ELOPERS OF LIDO ISLE. than juatify the p rice ot $39,950. ·r~vr dc·t111L~. call Bill Farnaworth. p. a. palmer , incorporated p. a. palmer, incorporated ole ha nson co., sa le, ma na gement 3333 via lido, harbor lMCI ole han1on co., tales mn nagement 1700 w. cout blghwa.y -libc~rty R·5573 ~ Bayf ronts ! f!l E f-'OLLQ\\'l!':Ll are some or lht: il&) r1·unta ha~eJ "'nh ua on an l::Xl'LL'Sl\"E LlSTJ ..... u bui. Yuur tnveal!&•llon will prove each or the~ to ba LI.fl BEST VA l ,t.;f; vt their 1ypa In their 1ee11ecllve areu. I• l..l DO ="IOIW, LIDO ISLE Ftne- aL location. A hr.m~ •if Q UAL- ITY and d!f nlty 3 v~ry large beodrm1 , • lovely l'\•·W Jan•• a •un roorn or 11Uri1f'1}'. an•I 2 full batn. upat1.1r11 Attr&•'tlve entry h•ll. hug~ !Jv '111, 1ep r11n1nl" rm,. ~rrn "'"IHI I.lath, powder rm , •howf'r• rn1,, •ti' •lownat&l1f Prune v1•w Pier & I fl1.19t, UP.llOO. • LJOO NORD. WOO JSLE. A lhree ~rm non1t: n!l'ely ~n<I ron1pl fu rn H.ecenlly rernoJeled A 1ed.c:o r1ted. &at a!Jp 1.r1cl n1 any other plu• vaLUf• lb lh111 on.. S t:t~ IT. 5!19 .~UO. lA>w rtn e \\ t:ST ltA \' HA 1.111 fi\ i'j,: ..... J:'\"~L·t..\ T11111 f9m1ly hon1,. •illl tlw.1111 1.'I Like 110:\1. t.1111~ 21, \l'I "I ;_ I• 1111111 11.1,J.,.._ Th .. rr ~I~ ·1 •J ·l1 ~hrf11I ll,.<lt1 i.f0 21~ 1... !'>"" j\· h ..... h l'r11u .. 1 tlt\hl .~lq1 I 11J!•rl111.,; ... •llilJ"'Ji nr 111 .. 11,~i., •l 111•, ••n•l "r '!'•fl.I lty "'" lll•lil1! .. d Ill 1111• pll<I". ~'i~> ll•)(I • :-;'F;\\'f'nl\T JSl.A ..... 11 At1r11ortl\lr 1o1no ol 11ti!lh· with 1.,1" uf p11t1n .O Pll'"" . ...: .. ,.. llt11kh "ll•1 P1"r ,, I BILL'S BEST BUYS CLOSE IN - 2 BedroolllJI & Hdwd. floors. Room for 2 additional unitA -only 2 block.II from 19th and Harbor Bl\·d.. Full Price $11,500 Terms. YOUR CHOICE - or eilher of these homea at $500 down three bed - rooma, l 1·'.! bath11, new curbed and paved street.s, sewers. Both leu than 1 year old. Some furniture included. Full price only $10,000 each. EXCELLENT HOME with INVESTMENT Fc.a:n.JRE Owner built nearly new 3 B. R. and 1 ~:! bath home on 1:.: acre cloae to town . This h ouae la Dutch Girl clean. Tnple aire garage and another for 1 c.a.r a.nd storage room. Top location for renta.13. H ere 1.11 a lovely home for you now with la nd for income unit.II for now or later. Only $15,800 NE ED EXTRA ROOM? Then lf't ll~ show you thi11 lovely Back Bay thrt'f' bi.·droom ·& d('n pluH !) x 16 kids playroom_ Beaut1· f \11 c·;ir1~ting Ol"('r Ji. \\', noon . Fi.replace, break- faHt & dining room, two bath11, forced air hea t and built in Jd tchcn. F'ull l'rl('•' $23.500 ""''ith only $5000 down. w . A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly aervice" BR:!~~:•:~~·:·:~ l< ~A ;~~:O:~ 0:.1- 'll:iit"lllfll\.o l•) Ill' \\'r o·nn hrlp I Y<Hl tlf'< I U . .,. 1<r h!ll« th" ll~:ST \'Al.! I-'.", 11••·I1". 'I """k"l "'"I s 1·1~1 'lt1l .J/! 111 :h .. ~·· l>llr•! tn lino! f1t::->11t ,\1 ·1.1·: 1~1\\"l"l~li;.;T:::; 400 F.. 17th St.. Costa Men Liberty 8-1139 • HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. I :-: .. 1<·port lll.-d "t .'YL!h St. l hu t)(lr t!Jtlfl C::OSTA BEST MESA BUY 1611 it 6l" 11;.; l 'f.i\~'!.::0-:TIA , flr•l l'll P rl .~Hlllli o,f 1\111_::-ll!n illl.~I<('\ Thi.~ 11u1~1 i,,. 11<>1 I "'1h1n 2 ""~1,H r·,•11 i•in~ s1.-.r,, .. 1 "ART" ADAIR , Rltr.1 SHORE CLIFF SPECIAL f<\iur bcJroumH 1·11 bath plui,i additional ~: bath, built in ~love f1 irrh k1tchrn. lots of t ile and many ot her extras. Located on large lot a.nd nicely land- scaped, with a very livable floor plan for family living. J\.1ust sec t 1Ms home to appreciate. 345 Evening Canyon OP;:N HOUSE SAT. & SUN. BACK BAY AREA Another FISiiE ll built ho me ready for that buyer \\•ho \Oo'ants a cuRt om built home for a t ract home price. 3 bedroo ms, bath & o/~. H. W. (Joor, fon::ed iur, i:;lid111g gl11.sa door11 onto the patio. Used brick firt"place, plus outaide pla11ter and m&ny •other fine features, ''C" TH O~!A:-) "C'' THO~t A."i BAYSHORES OPE.. ..... HOt'SF. S11L • ~uri, 1-~ 2672 l"r"'.~tv1 .. w Ot1va Channlnio: ltl<n1 h type hom..,. 3 bdrm•. plu1 gu,1L roon1 I 'l bath.I, t nel lAoal, 2 l)Hll••ll. "llll coner"'t' blrK"k. w•ll t•1r pn1"'') lovely lKt l1\. r<ovn• 1<!111 '"'\1"'1 1 hu rth t11t'pl•< .. 62 l11rr·h 1 an•·l· ln4. Jin lff"I\ neTurn\ k1I• 11~11 Wllh ~•ttl ill~/) ~ • lr1 l <h .,h • wa•h~r ..... !" ..... l"!Ul•"l1!1 l(' FA he.t, 11.h 11.k" r•111I l ~; '.q•l Harbor Highlands OP[::-:' H r1t'.\'(t~ S1tl & f'uu \-~• !1191:1 lr\lll~ A•,.nu'" j E.,.:(''Jl'ntly l•,,,.t,.,t ••n l.,..M IJ11 full\ landa< flP'"•! f•Hl\,.r· l"l fi.;r In· I roon1 w11/1 ,.1,,11111o: Klll A• ,i.,.,r,. 1 onto • "'"l'l,.t"I'" trn• ... J lr11.r y ard, :1 b•-.11<~1n1\ 11, !J1tlh• 11:ri l lflf ,,_. 111 W r AfJ<tillli( & dr11.r'"" 1nrl In ASKL'-t: l 'l(IC~; 1.f $I.It '.HU. Bay Front IT R OLl 1!.:H : Riii 111 KOOfl rnnrl lion &ll<I a p"'rl"l"l home rvr 11 larl(e r11n11ly -KHen,11 &. bath" h 1111e ™"'"' rnmpltlr ly r"mnd~)•"t <\ n10tlfrnb.rd :i b'drovm1t- :.t bt1.lh11 r xlr11. lrf! llv. room. r hll!cf! b!\thlng bf'JL.Ch -p11.rUy !uml~hrd OUTSTA NOJN C VALUE -$211.~00-I.Aw d own p11yment. Newport Heights DJ~Ttl\·cr1 v11: R Ai\'.CJt STYLE HOME .3 bl!"l.lronn19 plu9 IPl"'"t m<l m , l !t. Ill~ bath11, fu ll din r')('m fl ltr1cuv .. lntrrlor bflUU!ul for. lorat1011 -con1- p1 .. tely r..,nced A HOME TO Bl: P ROUD TO Q\\'N-123.600 ''C'' THOMAS, REALTOR A: A!l80CI ATE~ ~2~ \V, C.'(ll-•l ll iway l.l 8-:i:'12i N"e,.·port Beach I "C"' THOMAS "C" THOMA S NEWPORT HARBOR NEws.PRESS -PART II ."PA6E 7 ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1'56 "We're Moving to Irvine -Terrace" Drive in today and 8t!e ror yourself the many out- standing features ot thi11 rem&rlrable community. More and n1ore Harbor area families &re inspecting t hese exquisite homes -not irlg their comfort, con· venience and central location, Jo.t ore &nd more fanliliC's who prefer ll honle in a re- 11trictcd quallty community are moving into their Irvine ;rerrace hon1l's. fn spect built the by model Macco homes, Co rp. furnis hed by exqu isitely Martin & V<)n He me rt Irvine Terrace is locatc>d on Coast lfLghv.·uy opposite the cew Irvine ('oaj>t ('ountry Club. EARL w. STANLEY. Rea ltor EXCLl 'SI \'J·: A C:f.~NTS l'hvnc llarb<1 r 4.-11 :, r .. r Furtlif'r ln frorn1a t L1ln * f'or Recon1m!'ndrir1 u11, l'.'C n•ff'r you to anyone .,.ho holds a l ~·h•il•t J•:!<1<:1t(' 111 lr\·1ne Tt'rrace, Beacon Bay, Bay :--;hl•r1 ·i; an<l (Jiff Ha\·en VOGEL VALUES COSTA MESA • • • • • 1 ACRE RANCH HOME Spaciuu1 2 bedroom "''1th rea r v.11.l! ,.,1ud ·lf'd tn !1,r additional bedroom. 16 x 20 111 u1g '""'n .\1111n~ room , large Ule kiU:heo with brl·akfa~I ;1rt•a, hw n oor , l L:: bath11, FA ht•at, :! ~.,rt1i.;'"~ '°"'llli~. Bark l ~ay 1\1-.·;1 S:?1,n110 }<'11JJ l 'rt1, Over 20 % Gross In come 15 Motel u ni ts uod 26 t1a1h r-sp.h•·s 111 !~ann1n g ~·1 (,t1·! unns are land:.! bl_ .. 11•1 •rll M \\1!1 (•111i-:1df'r t rad,. for 1nrnn-1•· ! ,r, •f•1·r1 ,. ',r t r:111. r park in ·'°'""1 · .. rt 11 :111! .. r :11 •, $ti:1,11t1j1 Full l'r'I• • THE VOGEL COMPANY 1 iOO i'Oewport B ll"rl l'hnnf' l.lbt'>rt y 8·!"J:1!17 ( 'ni;ta ~l i.>aa l.ilM'rty b-i".t5i BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILA BLE Wr C'lln build for you a two-b1•d r·1K1n1 or 3 bt>Jrm h11mr 937 1155 100 ·1. Square Square Financing Foot Foot Home-$4595 Home-$5595 Attache<l 10 x 20 gn rag:CIJ -· $295 \Ve are building on Wallace. BRy, and Avocado Sta. Starting i;h0rt ly i )n Ji:l th & 20th .Sl!l. Call or JJh0nl' for lnfurmat1tn1 ... OPEN l-iU NDA Y AF''Ti":ltNOONS & WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove , Inc . J 1041 Westminster Blvd .. Garden Grove LE ij.{)6JJ ----- WANT A REAL HOME? PLU~-l\ beautiful ne11rly new 2 Mdrm. Apartment "'ith f1r<'placc> PLUS a 2 car garage. YOU'LL LIKE this nc"•ly redecorated 4 bedrm. 2-srtiry home, separate dining room, .. dream" J<i t- l'hen, fircplacC', f<'A heal, and beautiful carpeting. Excellent trrms t o qualified buye r. WM. W, STANLEY 1 lfl•01\ i\'.o·\\fHOI l(IH1 1"10.•lfl ~!~!<II J I k :;u~ ,,, I I w ~";~o; OPEN l)AJl~Y 348 Mira Loma. B/B SANFORD Rea ltors HADFIELD SO . BAY 4 B. R .. 3 bath pl us 1 B. R apt $M/.50n NO. BAY 3 13. It. 2 bath plus 2 B. R. apt. S73.500 LIDO NORD 5 B. R. -2 8 . R apt. $89,!)!)(J LIDO NORD 3 B. R. -Pier & i;lip --·········· . $59,500 LITI'LE JST.ANO, TropicaJ setting 2 unitA plus 2 B. R. guest house ..... $34.950 NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R. ............. _ ,. S22.500 NEAR NO. BAY 3 B. R. . $25,00,) INCOME UNfTS . $25.750 to $3A.OOO inelus1\"c" Check with us on lhC'S<' and other '. Har. 1775 -EvC's. EdLlh ~t a roo,, EARL W. STANLEY , rl.e .o:lto r 225 ~l nr1nC' J\l"r .. IJn lboa Ii.land BALBOA ISLAN D BUSINESS 1.l >. , ,(Oh ~ .,.,. Costa Mesa A ('HA R~ll NG nLd"r 2 lw<lr"om hi n1e. " th In• 1 , t ~toragt !;i-: \I. \I '".1 r·Tllh 11nd \ , •· l!~n lc • .~ '"' I n I .• < t.1 ~.fl ' Dip::_ r1 .. -... ·:~Ty J:t!\l.I•): ~i;n1s ... 1,n 1 , .. t ·;"'f'll flrh I 1,, 1,1.., C',,-: .. -r:-c . .. • -. J 11~ ' ~· I ' ' .. ' ' ' "" _1; • ' I 'Ill' !I\'\\ !A1"(')iJ~i ·,-1·, 11~1111 '" PRC :'E:1T'i' CHO:c :: LCC1-'.T:O N 1H•: ,,(i!Jl l,T ll-1, .1: Kl 2-2187 CE TC.: ; \,1 (, ,.\, S32,500 W~i . W. ST A1''J.f._.:)· SANFORD Realtor s HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marin~. B&lboa Ialand Harbor 2462 I I, .j 1.,.,,,,,. • I :. " 0.11 ,, h"l;.s~ ... , ·1;: fin"''"'' nt ) i,:ll r•k111ni; \·, 111 •"'11 to1 l'"li>' ''"'" Sllll~I M•I ''' '" .. 11 it••'"! I'"'"'~ S • F·h"n'" inf., 1·t~ ..... 11H>\'1~~ ,.,,"sr I f{1 II ~·H 11 ~.$ )~·,j '~"l ''i l 1 '·•~!M ).!"'lit I.I R !A;l2 t'.11,.nrn1:~ 11 llo-1 ~00 1 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~ W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coas t }-twy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 HERE A LOT BUYS A LITILE l .11 t!r Int, !hat is-$!:1250 will get you an R-2 lot rlt·ar ~•·hnnls, r hurehcA R.nd shops . ~5500 .,..,.i.ll get .ui !(.~ 111 a quJ ('t bl0<·k far from the I-fwy. SS950 .... ·1.J gt t 1 he !OY.'f'Sl priced R-2 lot 10 Corona H1gh- lan.!11 . Tht'y'll soon be gone, 80 H URRY! R. L. STRICKLER , Realto r R B l·IOIX;'E, Ae111ociate. ::G:.?:! F. l'.,11r;;t llv•y. Corona d('I ~tar Har 2774 BRAND NEW OFFERING Qt TR F:X(i .LISl VF.. 1.ir.ht 11.n<I ch('f'rful 2 rhu1 l'W"'drn1 . l:ir-;1• lt\"!11 '~ room. r1rc11lact', bric k patio. 1h1ublc i:;.1ra,i;c Clos" to N. 13ay 8nJ shu11111ng art'a. On-&hore m11or1ng. ('ompletcly fumi&hed $22.500 v;ith $:!")()(.0 down. DORIS BRAY, Realtor '..!16 ~lari ne A\·e .. !Jalboa bland H ar. 20 or 64 Corona del Mar f'nrk A\·c. at Marine. Balboa Is land Harbor 2-t62 A ,\IAG:-:'I Flt'ENT VIE\\' Ill the ntc..,at f-ture amo111 many 1n 1----- thls lovely 2 hcdrm. and con-CPR ONA DEL MAR "'rU bl1 den ho n1r, 2 Ni°'-nf co1u11e, a •parlou• modem homr w ith •eclud'<I l'•llo. a.II on t"·" lf'vel11 . ~am celllnp, perfcrt fltt'Jllll'"t', lntlll-!n kltrhen. full prirl'. S!J.,,000 Pl('fl..~t' r11ll ah,.alf frir 1111 11rpointr" .. nl tn ~,.,. I Just the Right Size . FOR A f'Qt:Pt-E or •m•ll family, t Ill till• 2 b ... trrn hnrn ... 11.ov .. iy I L1n1i, u1 .. 11 b•th, roon1y mu11rrn kitchen. 1unpl~ aiorage •pace. doubL1 1t1tragt'. f!r..,p1ace, land· 11r aped •n.tl '"""'"'I 0 ('."11 or 11.ll lhe f11!J pnrf fnr !111~ 11\tl'/1111\'f LOOK THESE OVER BEFORE Y OU BUY. Only a few choice Iota R-2 North Side Idea l for duplex .. rt-2 South Side 35 x 11 8 ft. R-3 South Side ror triplex RACK BAY I.OT \'1ew of Sack Bay :){} x J 42 left . RAY REALTY co. $11.500 $7.950 $9,500 $6.500 3-t44 E. Coaet HighwR.y, C.D.M. -Harbor 2288 (Across from llank in Corona del Mar) , . .,,.Y h .. n1 .. 111 51 t,,T~J .. ·an ~"'"'!'----------------"~-------- 1~nt r1n11nrlni;: Bay & Bea·ch Rlty Inc I 3~30 F:, Co11.~t l11ghwa7 f'nrfln l del Mir -H1trbor &MJ IF' YOU INTEND T O SELi .. YOUR PROPERTY CONT ACT .I.IE ART C. KISTLEll. a repruentative of the MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE T llRF.'-''"1"'' '"' "''° 'lo~ 1" i OF NEWPORT BEACH & COST A MESA: (H\ Sil ()fir) t I' "'IL !~k" 51."o()O I LI '1rlWll 1f ..... 1.1 unfurn \\'1th 5t1YJ !Thf' bef!t way to ~ll your property) mt> lnrom .. v"11 <"rr!M1nlv 1Ut rettln~ K<)v\t r••hlfTI Qn 1ur\<11111t OR.A=-<GP: COkftT PROPER TIU LM7 N ••,,ort. Colt.a M ,11& 8-11\Jl r:. .. nLnll'.• 1.1 8-1400 ART . C, KISTLER CO. REAi.TORS 2901 N"'JIOrt Blvd., Newport Beodi Pbon• Harbor 5226 DAY OR NIGHT - - , .. ' \ .. • • DO YOU MEAN you're actually go- ing on one of those long, tiring shopping trips way off to the big city again? Gosh, Mom, hardly any of the other mothers do that any more, and I think it's time we remodeled your ideas on the family shopping. You put a lot of ex tra miles on the car ... a lot oi extra dollars on the car hills for the month. You spend hours and hou rs in heavy traffic, pushing through th ose crowded big- city stores, dealing with strange clerks who are just too busy and n1shed to give you much personal attention. You come home ex hausted . . . too tired to play with me. I've heard you say yo u do it to save mooey ... but you're kiddin g yo urself, if yo u believe that. Prices in the stores of your own com- a---·-·----· mrntlty are ;mt 11$ low as anywhere else. By shoppmg near home, you 'll be spending less money on the car ... more time with your fa mily. You11 find it pleasant, leisurely, and relaxing. Yon 'll enjoy the special personal at· tention and service that local folks receive in the local stores. And when you buy at home, you're build- ing home-town payroll s ... you're contributing to local progress. You 're doing the neighborly thing, by trading with the business men whose taxes pay for our schools and parks ... you're patronizing the fo lks who support our ch urches, charities, and civic organizations . I'm not kidding when I tell you that it's smart ... it's thrifty ... and it's right ... to shop in your own community. GIT AR THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE . Hardware . . . Paints ... Wallpaper ... Appliances ... TV • • • Radio A Good Friendly Place to Shop OPEN SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS .. -.. . ... . . .. . - ~ W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 116 Newport Beach , • , . I '