HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-01 - Newport Harbor News Press- I " -. -• . 6111' AWARD n.op~ tn baDd tiy the onft Who did the work WU the way· Counctlma.n Stan Ridderhof de9cribed bia introdueill.I" ot the city employee penonnel who were on hand &t "7 Chatnben of Commerce mfft- ing in Huntington Beach to receive awal'da· lut bL rt;tured left to right a.re Uland J . Valentine, cha.innan of awa.rda for the Cout A-ociallon : CouneOman Ridderhol, Carl Woodmaruiee, Kenneth Griewe, and E. B. Whttaon. -Staff Photo County Seeking Tidelands Income • • ,_, ........ pM& .... I.a u. ...... .,. ... : _ ..... ~. Ja.n.. U --07 M Board Consrders P.osslble Enlargement of Oii Share ,.,._,, Ja.n. %7 • ···-eo 5-' kturda7, Ja.n. is -67 '2 8~. Jan. 21 -69 ... ~.Jan. ao -·-eo •l ~ • .1-.11 _to 41 W•t 0 ¥. ,...,. 1 --" M 66 ~...ian. 11 -·-···--····.Jl TAttS SINK 3 1)ftly·Cs L'5e Jn oner Ffay as occ Loses "n\• Newport Harbor Unkm HIP kbool bMbt.ball t--,._terday wan a11 wt tM c ram• m 8UDNt ~ CCllllpet.IUca q.U.C. ·~­ lqtoll Bllach. .... l;\e on.n... Oout Cdl9p ~ drop~ an r.utna: o or me. fray to ML .... ~tM\DiPL Cities Receive Yule Awards froni Associatetl Chambers · • ~ ... Oe.c'I'• Tarslly e.n.. an Mf.ated tM defendiflC' dl&m- pton OU•,. on the rtvaJ Ooor 86- ... Tba TU JWlklr T&Tldt)' doWfted a.. ... M-4S lben. Her. eo..cb llm JiUDtn Tarbaba ~ U.. OU.. Mtmbln ol .u.od&ted Cham- Mn ol Comm.en:• of Oran&'• Count7 pt.bered lut night In MMnort&l Hall, Huntln&ton Beach, to complete the ptMentatlon or troptu.. in thl'! "Forty Mlle' of Chriltra.u &m.11 .. " &nd to hear Police Chief lld Allen, Sant.a Ana. _.. ......a7 .. 0Mdl. aD Btn.Y1 a.-nport to U.. tnember1. -.. lillll to U., ri~ P-23. O.v1d Obneted, prealdent of th• TMlit _,.. of eo.ch Btu In-Qrana"e County Cout AuoclaUon &nd Lil.and Valentine prulded ....._....._ .,.,._u, TUilib.cl OYlr the pr.mL&UOn of Chrl1t- .,._ the Koun:tle9 J1111C*1 117 UM ma. dflClOra.Uon awan!a to New- -...; ...... ]t WU Uilrd lom tor port Beach, co.ta Mua, 0...na t.M )oQa1 a>Uctam ltl ttnt l'O\IDd Point.. San Clemente and Seal .,..,....,.. ~H· A.~ _ti> .... ~ ••.... •oh Otlilllr ..,., ~ found An•-_.... un~,.e,on .....,, pr9-- Waa eaa~ an uadll•ted 9'\oU&ly been preM.nted at the aw\ ~ IQ UM eunit.t loop Chamber ol. Commerce ll'IJlual ww. • U4I drabbtq o1 ~; banquet.I 1n the two ctttu. NJwtC. iaktns ._,.. al wtnw. R.eoe.lv~ lhl award tor San Qmnlm. Ol'Oft A~; aftd, In u.. Clemeate w a• J.layor David ...._,. Coal---. uode!•ted !Uakelok: tor o.na Point, How- -~ ~ Banta Ward Bort.; tor CO.ta Meaa, May· -~ l(Koroe "PON rMW• • or Clalra Nel90D; for 8HJ Buch. .... l.-~ Il) Ouu1u:Uman Al Leonanl: and for ---~---------Mrijion BMell 01Nncllm1.n Sta.n- MIB• WINS-"Ben lo oiiotber tropll)-!Or our city," aid llqor -a.Ire Neloon, left.. u the r>rn place otatuetw wu l.emc adJnind by newly appoinl<d councllmen An M.,en.. right. The aWud WU pre-- ..t.«loa. behalf of lbe Cout A.aoclaUon at the A.eo- cial.«I Q., .... ,. ot Commea:< meeting Ui BuntiJlgton _ ... ....., _ 8t&U Pboto wr R ldderllof rece\V..S tb9 award and lptrodu«d Cart Wooodm&DMe, h':..ua\lh Grlewe. E. B. Whit.on u th1 pereoiu m011t retp0nelbte tor awa.rae received by Ole city. llharlff James )(ualck of Oran1e County lnt~odlJCe<I Chief Allen who ,..W..S etatiatlea upon the ln.- Cr--4 l.nclclenoe of crlrne In Or- an&·~ CoUl!ty and 8anl& An• In put.teular. Re -Jd that he wu honored to be the chief of po.lice ot the fut.Mt rrowln1 cltt, in the tuteet powtnr county ln the r ... teet &rowtq •late of the r ... t- -l""Owilll' couat.ry of lh• world. He .aid t.hlt lanta Ana had rrown 10 per cent In the year l~ l.r'f! that crtme b&d lncre11ed by 10 to 25 per ~t. He ju.Ufll"d Udit boWever by ~ Ulat the ~~ of th• 00\llllJ ot Or111i"e WU JO per ~t. AU-. relat.cl that the national lndd9oc1 of c rl1n1 had •hown a 62.'7 per cent ltlcreue although the natlonal population growth wu oal)' 26 per cent. All-m decried the racl that un- d4tr Uie Cahan de<:!Alon ot the Su- preme court that pollce wc'te nov.• prohibited from u11!ns evidence wrongt'ully or lllet:"•JIY obta'"ed ln. the proitt!Cullon of crlmlnall. Be ital~ that frequently pollieit mwt violate the Jaw In aaarch• and 1elzuru 111 order to r •t evl· dence. Re •Lated It wu u 1lm- pl1 u • poUce -car hav111,1: lG be driven ln UCl!M of the •pe.d llmll to coipt ... rc a epH<ler. Allen uid M felt th11t the lefl1llature would rei:nedy thla 9i\11•1ton "'Ith a l•w lD, fbe current 1UJ1lnn. Mesa Well Permit Reque9t Delayed l!ANTA ANA 10CN8) -Polit· ponanUlflt tin.II ~~eb. 7. ,,.. .. !hf' move of the county board of 111- pw"Ylaorw Tutllld•Y on J"rank 1'{. Colllna' UM va11anc1 l"eq\IYl to permit <lrliting ot an oll or , ... •ell Tit. well I.Ill II localed aboul st00 f.t -..it of Hartior !ll...:t. and l&OO feet 110UUI ot Ad&ml A••· ~ county pl&nMn prtttoual)' l'l&d rl"..not.11.elr apprvr&J. upon CVfl- :ttUon all ~ &round the alte be P"Mled. and m~ ., no :hi.at .JluiMrtcil w1b rwult. AnoOl•r ~dltlon Mt wu• lbat U\7 .ior- 4.C' t.n-. ehoukt be ~ nOt 1-ttv.n TD f..t tn1m Ul)' publkl -' ..... ~.....-i.·-· - Oil Increase From Newport Well No. 12 ~ .. Cafe Hit ~J l1rgl1r •• S2ll Loa Toi~ ' •• . . ' . ... ~ • r, J'll8. i, lille LIGHT • OFFING Councl Votes to Take on Illumination Facffities . ~ I • . . >Ase 2 : PAAT 1-NEWPOtlT HAUOR NEWS-PREss v .. ~ ........ .... ; ... ._. ... .....,. .,....,. ................ 1-Y-' ........ ~ ... , '"""""· .,,. WEDNiSD Y ~-~~~ HARBOR HI LITES -~~m:•t In· .... comrnw.ion dtoc&ded. ff• M.ld"" A • FEIRUARY I, 1.916 """ .. .. H' -I* '1¢,W ; ~ .... ·y ..... c ... ,. --b ..... -· -•r-• ··••• ~ .,. 1 --.. L • -1-·-..,. ..... .... GOINGS ON A,., "'HE · ·;. ·· . ..__ •• .A\ ~~·""!IF · ~".,!" .' h-:"" "'' BALOOA' BAY' L.GL,lUB ... c; _-=._,.-;;;~· I ""'-'a...! it~ 4De' 1f1iill.' the Tar HOOJ11ler11 ~,!' ::-~ -z.;..-;: ... ...t:: .: ... ~..::: ' "',~5!D"' , '·Jl't "-"' tll<ir 1t :.t"t' do!Olll ....... -·-.. 0..' ... the ,.. Do--~->ii -.~i.-' ....... -....,•-,..,. ' ,....,,-. ,,. ~ ....... ~ ... b ' " -llP-DA!f 1141l.E88· "°" 4• • '"~ 1arpot oo6 f:" -" -........ ball ·r~=.,:"" -&·· -.. !.. a - -a ·' 'P . ..l. -~..t; ,,,...~'u muo'y people~ on <• f.. ·' ' :rti' -· ----¥'" ---.......... -JiEJ ~· the tloor ::1'.4r:lf( .. 1bere'f, .. ~~ ~ J "Cld I liG ....... -• ~.-~~ Y, p.Qm._..- .MORlUAll ' tJnder war:'i:-=~)'.r;:b ~~c:i : • .': ~;:-K'6t ·~ ... ,.~i:: ~ U.. P1¥ JoU lltmiui· 1b.n ;::; W~,.oner ~ i¢°~?:.:.; :re ... :..= ... -~=+;-:- tbe imeak thief who made oft wtth our caleadar Now -....r.u.. .a .. 10,ee<:tlM home ..,_.., • ~ar friudl &t kll tbrO\lab the door, 9,Dd au of her~· -·• ...,. ....., -·~At &Mt......_ ....... •-O.. .... a calendar mlsht not 110und lllre much ot a W.. to y~ .... ._,... ... •W* r't.Jt.fi:r ,a..."° .._\to~~~ ,_.ped out ud . .W....-IW'o,.. _. .. ~....._.,~,.... 11. •L •,,;, ... 611 ~Aw.. &nu r raJ h d __ , ~-1.e ----~ ••• 1 fTo.-. ,..... _,, ..... u.. ,.... pn..r n wu h• blrthday. ...._.. .,. ......_ .,,, .._ _. -.. , une , Olnell an 1~ _..,. • u.1-1.,.._ Ve ~m &W'I Tbl lllorn•' IW lM .. ,. wt~ n.o-•tt..Ddlltc ..... 1*11: 0....~ OUEft'll WNT , ;;;._,-..... ::::I , .. '!"? , 'J .......... '9 ...... ,. Ida free. But youll rulize what a beinou wu pe!pe-·-~.._-_. . .,,.. ... .,,_ ~ ,. • ...., ,,_~h•U>•boltw .. """""' . ..,.·.J-" 1 •1>-• ---!~~d ~e;1 d::!t~oult ~t~the m:!°1~m~!n:•:;!; =:..,~~i .::..~a. ~ :,,t :O\ii .. ~· :f: r!!: .:!!~~. ~ w'::: :! :.-::: = .:6u.a .!:; ...._ • .,, ri • • e •"• piece or paper In the place, Putleo ... planned by it; ... =~ ... 1 .. ··-· ....... Si:.,.... -'·-..... l<ulln Couob, ................. """ --· -AFFOD .tit.. SOii open a.nd clOM by it, Take It a.,,.y from u., u thil ~ ..-~ ·n. laapb&ken ff~ ~ ~,_. Md Crall.•. Hanc:y Bry&llt. ' Bhnda rw ..._ ., u no baw war1ce4 • • • criminal did, and we ue J.1ke Amal without And;y UW .._ .-70111 1•'4 "'*-" ~ ~ ,61-'? ""' _, Barnett. Bil.My BlaeklO&n. 8&Dd7 , _ -~ ~..._.__ the moviea without popcom. De&d ' "-t· ·to llletr Mm•,,. riild•nM· ... t th•'·taoaN cateman, Patty Nl•Y. Tr1ah wttlt. elUllr IMClt or an., rn ~ __...__.. .......,..._.. • ..._ . ' ~ f»•ul ~. (If ~ P&Jmt>r tlrm, ·or Kathy MeKah-., all wu quiet Knapp. Jo,ce AJben. Gay Arm2 U.S... "'W• 1on :rou kw., and wt.a. ....._ ~ ...,,. For mata.nce, the day &fter our calendar dhappe&red. banal u.. NJ... u u.. ~ bour ...-no.?'. ltl'OIS• ud tn., ILlld Kana. you an tM tuck bi. u. ~!'" UI ......._ _..._ • ..,.. we acbeduled a jam SIMion.. at the Club -a pt-together -·· tor all muaically·incllned membtta who like to tootle aod tlnltle in concert with other people. We n(Ul'ed February 7 would be a nke. uneYen date for tt and, tnJ.Aini to mem- ory, thought the 7th ten on a ThW'Jlda.y. Cardi wett printecjl and mailed to all membcra. Big-Jam Seaelon at the Ba!boa Bay Club -bring your own in.strument -on. Thursday, February 7. • Well, aome kind eoul reminded u. after the cardfi w.ere out that February 7 fell on a TUESDAY, and by George, it aure enough doe&. So now everybody ia confuaed. They don't know· whet.her to come on Tue.day or Thunday. COME ON TUESDAY, F'EBRUARY 7 TO THE BIG JAM SESSION AT THE BAT~A BAY CLUB . BRING YOUR ZITHER OR WHATEVER IT IS YOU PLAY, RmARDLESS OF HOW WELL YOU PLAY IT. IF YOU PLAY THE PIANO, DON'T BRING IT FROM HOME. WE Wil..L PROVIDE TWO BALDWlNS AND ALL THE PIANO PLAYERS CAN TAKE 11.JRNS. BAY WINDOW ROOM AT 8 P.M. Thia eounda like a lot ot fun. ln the !int pla.ct , many membeni are not allowed to play their instrument a.t home. Jt Interferes with Junior's T'V prof:nffi or the wite'a sanity. Thi.a ill bad for the mu.aica.1 mwiber of the fa.mUy and can lead to a seriou.s frwitn.tion for him. A man who wants to blow a few ban of Doodletnwn Fiftra on-lh.e flllte ought to be permitted the plea.sure. And , we aim to see that he gt'la the chance at the Jam Seuion. The Tue.day, February 7, ses1ion is proposed u the flnt in & .erie.. &nd we predict right now that \hiA will be a continuou11 and happy event. It wouldn't aurpriae u.a if, in mont.M to come. talent acouta 1t.a.rted hanging &rOWld the Bay Wlndow rooln trying to discover a new F'lorida.n 7.&b&ch or a Shorty Rogers. And who know•? U the thing goee, maybe we can briDg in gue.t conductot'I like · Sir Thomu Beecham, the famoua Engl.iah puaher of pill.Ii and pi.niuimoe, or Alfred Wa.Jlenstcin, late of the Loa Ange1ea Philharmonic. Or Lea Brown. Thia thing could U1Jume fabuloUB proportion.s. * * * ' When we catch the guy who atold QUr calendar ~ are going to ha.ng him from the hflhest yardarm of the Mojo, * * * Resuming today, and to be prt11ented every Wednea.- day hereafter, informal fuhion abow Junc beona at the BBC. Styles by Lido and BBC Faahion Sl ope. San Diego Freeway ,cause$, Delay of Mesa Saibdivision ,...ntatl~ l,..et m ap of a 34-lot ,.,, t he ~II-lot subdl•i•lon tt) allow 1ubdlYl-1on w h. I ch •v•ntu.ally for tJie eve•t11lll wtdenln( of Rar- .,.,,ouJd 1.t1clu<1e a commlln.ity r ... bor 01Vd. &rld mor-. comm.erclat r reaUon park tor ruldent. wu developmenL •Ubmltt..e<t t.o th• pl.all.lltnc com· A tentath•• trp,c:t map, 8W» ml.illlon Jan. 13 but tin~ 1.pprnv1.I m ilted by I.be Polltinfhorn CQl'I· \VU Mlayed until U..pecllon by 1truc:llon Co. for a &clot tr1.et a. th• elty •nginMr. Knox St. ud Wrftmlnat.er A"-, The trac:t, )Oc&ted on Oialer Ave. wu 1.pproved. PolktnShorri offtr· b.t..,..,, oou .... A-. ~ Harbor ed to ~Y half Ul• c:<Mt ol u al· Blvd. bl Mljiaeent to the 81.n DI•~ ley back ol th• pr»p.rty. rr .. way. Thl'M tatt..Un tncl.4 at ~ It wa. Ula; tteew.Y which c•u.t: •ortb ... t comer of lr"Ytn• Aff. ed the delay on the project. Th• &11d 20th 8l, part or the B1-1l over&ll dr&Jnare pl&n ror the l.lllta&Uoa. .,...,. approved. Th•Y traot mu.& ootnc:ld• W1th tlult o1 eoll.ll•l of JO Iota, J"r1.11k Bl..U: the rre.way, ai::cordlng to • let· 18 Iota. Robert Dull;l', and flirbt l•r ~ Flood Control Dlatrlct lot-. H ud.aosl 8alf11l. • .ubmttted In c:onjunetlon w!lh the J1.elr. Br&dl•y wu Nll"uMd a t.ent.aUve map. vu1.l.nc:• to build silt apartm•nl A. rn1.-1 tent.at.Iv• map wu how.e lln.1141 on 1. lot intended fOC" aubenltled by the Kffln and Spte--1 four unit.a beCa\l.H theora .... ._ .-el Corp., deleUnc a tJer of loll tb.-n JOOO 9Q· fL pu 1.1nlt I.ft hi. fr.om tM Harbot" Bll'd. rroni..ra ptopoud conat.t'llCUOft. • Harbor Highlands Voten Told Bounds on 'Annexation El&clion R9Jf.Ur.d voter• Uvlnc within lbe 1.r ... bounded by lrvtha A.-e. on Ul• weat 1.nd a line •bout 1", • f 111 Eq1ipped X-lay loom 09" at OCC mile e .. tflTly of that elreet on the eut and trom lflth !It. to 2 l•t St. U1ten11lon on l h11 north &NI 1111· J!ble to cut b1.llot. In th• reb. 14 Harbor H l(hlaniS. annexation ..i.cuon. nu oUlc1&I lilltrlct wu UWNncwl toda7 by City Clwk Marcy lkhroud•r. 8b• M6d County Prectnct Bay· v1...., No. J YOhn NCfliyed A#'.!' pie baDota oa W• IJMUon tiut OAl.y ta.a. .....S. UM bound&rl• .A, lllllJ scab... X.., cJw-d..cribed aN eliCI* to YO\e. rom. ........... wtta ndlOpapblc Kn. ..... Ol&r1-.. the lll· 15 '' t, .. -.. Mllia' _... ">' -s-t.or ror the ,..... pl&e9 at IA. I I , M Or.,. ao..t eon.p. &T& Di&ll& Lana, lldtor H1'i'-" J....----· ----..--------• '*...-U" ail*. buW. '*'"' tral ~ ...... ..-t*-Uld.. ....... 'Ile: 's's ct 111 ut11*d ·for' po.. ai .... and tor m.cbea'ca.I ma· nl .. U.O oil17. J'or the pror..o- Loe .. Ketel RM~1d of $11 J i. C111i.n -0.. •• ti.a U4a SMfe. HARBOR DRUGS Mel Via Lido, Newport Jleacb SSOl E. c.out Hy., Corona del Mar -TME>IT U&tk ... ~ ...... 'tft£. VALENTINES .,,... ~7- .. .. ,.... °"' • .... ., 25c VALENTINES . -· 8cMol a.c ..._~ u •.... 25c VALENTINES.. . FOR EVERYD~ Y NEEDS .,_·r..... ' . '37c TISSUE .... , .. __ . ' roll -·-Y ,...k. u..o ~ -MO'• TISSUE . ,a bou. ZEE Paper Napkins i Pk<L 19' P'Arii . 1~ .......... -... U6 rllll If&). Tide, Giant 65c p; Tide, La..,. 28c I Re"'">' ru.._t • eohl I• ..t'L 09inra. FOOT SCRAPER MATS 10" 1 u .. Reg. 2.49 -1.99 11" JI ti" Reg . 1.79 -1.49 ;AiiJ ·: == 219 MTfiiiES:',.. l(}c ...... 4~ Specials .for Thurs .. Fri .. Sat. Feb. 2-3-4 . •K , ... ' >,, ............ ""' 1"' .·· Yaien:t!ne • \ I\ "111 1M "love at nnt !tlfb\" when you ctve her a box of rand.1 ... bN.t.1tlfuJ heart liMlca for VAL!:l'i'TINE: So'ol~l y .. ::."' 10.:;i ~·: llY WHITMA...~'S Deluxe Asst. red foil heart box t lb. 1.15 Satin Box Beautifully boxed, 2 lbs ....... 5.50 Deluxe out. boxed heart with pixie ............ 3.00 BY PANOBURN'S Millionaire gold heart, 15-01 ............................ 2 .50 Satin Box ,.Au orted colors, I lb ........................... 3.00 Satin Box with Doll , 2 lb. ............... . .. ...................... . ... 6.00 llY ALBEJ\T SHEETZ Valentine heart box, beautifully box ed .... . ......... 2.50 Zing .heart box, very cute & clever-Make e hit with this Zing Box -I lb. by Miu Saylors ............ ............ .. ............. 2.25 -! ' ' ' J ../ BY BUX TON! . --·--I 1, I ' 11 j ' /i Feb. 14th , I : I I ' Hide yO'llr Ml btll• In thf! M>t.r..t ~pN1.mf-DL In a ...nety of 1lyl1111., leather alM1 oolo~ I.a men'• I.lid ladlN "'a.Ueta. ~An Idea.I \·ale.atlne [ln ". -trum 2.50 COSMETICS SKIN FRESHENE .... ..,.1'"! Vb•~1 100 SKIN BALM !!;:;.:::--...... · HltiD1oiio1i;. ~ 110 • A-o1onON .... uo ... _ '150 UCSt 9f ........ , .. no X·radlaUon 19 Lynn N ..... .,.,_ ot a la. pl"MltliMld. TIMI tint. eoUesw X't'&J' Ul at. JIOI OMan Fr<mt. waa Ut.e eLUI la ...,... la IU eeooad ,...,. of 'YkUm al. a mKk W.t _. M- l,..,_ at o,.._ oout. -.~ Uftoea l;JO ud l :IO p. m . J-. YINCINTS ICE CREAM C:... 5c c:: .. 1& PAYLESS COMPLETE LINE of LIQUORS and WINES w A T c H R I , d..U .-it ~ ........ per .... 11 toolt • cUh kl: ""°'" ta. In. U. ... 111r99 -..n boW 0mc. contaiDlq' •let c&lb per....StatM~~ Ud a •11 cb.c:lll:. BM -.id UM ot ta.. .... .eeie,,W lloapftall; UtC't ,,ObUly oe<:urnd wMll abe ff.., 1111 itllll, ~at. J-.,b'' Or-wet qpetaini to hflip • nWd. ._.. c--., o..rai &Dd lurta ._.,., tM otnce ualeclli:tld. A.a& 0 1 -">'· a.. lnlrtl'UCt.on an Kn. a.n. .. ""1fts JArtla Pd )In. Pswm. Hall, 111'• 1 red X·~ tACtuUdw. At Urie -.ptala, 11Upem.ion la pl"OTld9d tty Da,.ld Bndatr.et. RofM11. a.itoa. K.Uc1Rd Wehrl)'. RoMrt Hy-1t.rom a11d David Mace. 8tUdmt. ha,.. reeentty org-ul.ct ·an X·n.F Journal Club for atQ!fy and .-i,..i. of cur~nt pubUc.- ' UOM p.irtatrtlltf to X-n.7 lf!e.1'1· nlqU&. '!'Mr met ,..,. a itOCW mMtmf Jut w1'd; •t IJI• horn. ot N,.._ N&rUD. w ith M~ Holt aerv, "'"' .. oci• °' Ow b~. Joe LesNI' Ylslrs H-for Holl*ys • A tter 1IJ1 week-' In 8&:r1 Di•~ Na,..l boot cemp, Joa LeaWr rial• t"'1 bl• p&renlt, Mr. and Mn. Jt. D. IAir\er 11.t 2418 W1at.mln\Jit1r Place, eo.ta M-. Younc , Lortv wu • 1radu&W or N.wport Harbor Union H~ School Jn 1~ ud ->rk«I 1.t l.h•j All-Amertean Market II\ t.'l:lrona del Mar pr1m-to U1tAorin1 .. rvtc-. Hl•tl Packed ""h 3& 9uarts Sflc l Galon. ·-• a • 79c D801WT SHADY GROVE BL&llD Vodka m PllOOI J'IJ'TR 4 Yr. Old 80 Pl.OOF • s211 Kentucky Host Kentucky 1'0UllBOll 5 lll.IUI OLD 100 PM>OP ntm s399 -- Silva' • Gin • noor r1 A I I WIO •1 U. .C llilia _.,. _, stntrf ..._. ' rL .... ... ..tJ••st' h'sne1 .enfJ • ......... .._, ..... ...... 91'.!C TS•CJ· Savo $5 .00! I Ollly $7.50 . 8M -r ....... Mll!t'"'oa .t Hamm-.t o-~' r • ~ tft'UDDITll WIN f'ABll TE!IT-Studmta lrom Newport Harbor IDgb School took the Sweepmtaiee Award in t he Orange Col-st College Field Day held rece.nlly at the college. Studenta from •e'V'l'!D county high acboola participated in beef Judging, feed identitication, plant identification, and poultry judging, u.9ing the 1paciot111 OCC facilitiea. Front row (I to r ): Dave Devine, B&nny Cochran, Tony AJcad&. Nick Jarrett, Ron J Neee and Ji,m Lewia. Second row: Sonny Bamea, BUI Ma.d18on. Ga.rt. Gardner , Donald BoWnger, Bill M.iUer, Bill Garvey and Ron J&cobe. Third row: Wayne Roger1, J ohn Cook, Max GarriJIOn. Woodford Royce, Tom And~wa, Frank Braze, Gary Nelaon, Edward We.t., Mike J otin.on, Jerry Lehman, Ron Miller and Jt&rion Fleenor. HARBOR HIGH PUPILS WIN OCC AG CONTEST Wool Coat Stolen The ft ot a black , full !enct.h wool coat, vaul!d at ~i.T~. from I Jo-e11'1 On(ln&l1, 3337 Newport 1 H!vd , wu reported to Newport Uf!•ch pollr.e P"nda y. The WU •IS.. l:l, Otfteen aald. (' Q . t Newport Harbor ff'i'gh S. hool •I'· rlcu.lturl': etu4ent1 won th!': Sweep- 1takea AWU'd. W1tb AJJahl'Lm ae<- ond -.nod Garden Grove third in the Or&lll'f! Cot.at Collet• P'\Akl D.,- held lut WHk. Mars th&n 1~ 1tuidft'IUI trOll'I H Ven c6unty hll'h llehoola pvt.I· Cl p&ted ln t.fwo f!Vl!fll. In the 8wMp• 1t akl':& eompetlllon. Newport Har - bor &tu.den~ eoored :lt.8 o\lt o t a poe.a!ble II)() point•. 8tudenlll com· peted In teed ldl nllflcll'Uon: Judi'· in&' of aheep, 1l e<"ra and Hereford :owa , JOO&:in&' or fry,.,-. •nd h,.ra; p!an t ldenut1cll\lon i nd tool 1d .. n - t1 flr11t1nn Tht event w1u !tllg~ on Ulr l®- e r re rolle'e l1t.11n, l\t1l1zlnji( the ~t.t CO>r•L'. fM "lll1y "r~ll . pott.-ry 1hl"d a:irl 1:r...,nh•IUll"I , ~~l t:1n H•ll l./\d u.ck ll41 11Lt. occ &.(rlCUJt u re liatru<:tore. wire In r harl'e of the a f!1tr .lt11111"• Wl'n! Fo rreat Dunl· vLo, Pt..:A •!"""tor a nd Kl':nn,.th Johnaun, li.llnk .,r A n1er1Ca., A na - heln1 1''1r~I \.-n ln•l1\1•tu11I w1nnrn1 I• thr '"'"'"" r .. r ""'~lal'l"11nl' •tl.t- den~· 1,f',I!' I''" l{rr '>1 10 h, Ana- helm. flr•t : Frank Br-...e, Newporl Hart>or. ffCOnd: J ohn Arnold. 1'• w - pnrt Hubor, th.lrd; Norman Mun- t.a.,ue. Anaheim, f ourth; R ub"' n Peres. Newport Harbor, fifth; J nl" Bath, N•wpol"t Harbor, ~ath ; Bill Madi.on, Newport Harbor, Hven - U'I ; Rol'er Bla.nkm eyer, Fullerton, e1&'1tlb ; Fred O.lkl':re. A n&he1n1 ninth; and Beryl V.'hlteh,.a.d. Nev.·- port Har1xir, i..nth. A.dv1.t0n from lh• QOunty tugh echooU. Who a ccompanied thl':lr rtud.enU we,..: Leland HanM!n, Anaheim ; Vem o n Fr.i.r1ck . Jf\rl· terton; Bob Ada.ma, VaHDda; Jl(U11. 8Qn Shin•. Garden Grove; R.on&Jd Squlr-. Brea; and Bob Pentn, N~rt H&rlN!lr. Membenl ot the Or&np CCNU!t Colle&:e Y OUJ\I' l'arm.en who u- 1J.t.ed with t.11.e day'a acUv1Uea w_..; BW Kai.. 8&1it.a Ana: 1..-o- nanl Mana", ~; BIU Bus:t.on and Pon. T ay)or, ~; Har)' Bold.Jft&', Welltmlrulter; ft.o«er Mc· Ken.me. Harty McOr&t.h and ¥&ry JohNon, eo.ta. Meaa; Bob WoM,. Huntlqton 8-ch; ~ 0~ ther, ar-i.ire; &n4 ~ ·~ Midway City. U.•"2 rt SPECIALS .... s.a.4 Upper Bay Accident Settlement Oi,ered to Marian Koer1er a ~·---·-····D' SANTA ANA (0CNSI -80-eta.Im on.--U ppw N'ft'port pe • 1 C 111 t H!'t'rOv•t of • U l ll Bay boatms aodditnt wa. -.i.,tit M l 'I •1 • 11 111 ~ d1.p1.1 t.-,1 minor'• ln .a &"Ution ttled her• M.ondt.¥ .............. a 1af .. .. POBKl'.8'1' PAULL. IL Paulls' Son Writes Piece on Child Care ~ ..-ar .. a 'rt•• ,. ...... ot'fkls ........ Kat.o OountJ' 8her1ff'• ollke. ad -of .. Utd )11'9. ............... ol. UU N-iic>rt Bll'd~ Coat.a --... ....... r'llWIU;r UUd 1ly" the ,,... la the ....... -•• 1 - _. to coen-t bt -lllUcia c. .. .8w10D .a.Mli* ...... Pa.U. a .....--. al. a.a Aae. ..... ~-warMd panmt.. ....... ~ .......... ,.... ~ dulJW that "It .. far wt• ...... d&Dd•-"' .... Jh"Mnl u that nt&)' be. U.. to ......... ~ ......... -dll tr.": .Abbott .... ,....u,. eoMtel.d eir u.. kidll&P'llC' and •Uq to ...,,.. ot 14-IW'..W ltepMnl• ....... '"TM wunms ~ dowSl to u..i..." Paull amunutad. "Child· ,_ ~ 1M t.au&hl Ulat ao n111 t - tar IWIW much IUI:• ~ • man may a.et. IM •hould not be lr\llll ... un.1 ... h• b known. N • Harvey B. Koerner ot s~t.a. A.~ lodged the peUUoo on ti.- ha.If °'-hi• daulfhter, M arian Koerner, te. eoc.m ..... 31',.. ........ ,,.. (lrl ~ .. VV9 Wt .rm. lacetaUorw when a speed ~ propen.r .tNck her u &he _. akMd. In tb1 U ppiN' Bay a rea neia.r th• upper r...rnp Aug s, 19~. ~~~~ OORON A DEL MA.a IOI CX-' HWJ. The d'lsputed cla.im wu ega!n1t ~y P-, Balboe. IRland: AOORD'8 IAOUNA BEA.al ... ...... ..., BALBOA 18 1..AND John Beek, Ellen Beck and or WUH.am Beck. They have orter-1 lhe 9ettlei:nent. !to Marl .. Ave. N't:WPO&T BEACH 8!0 0-t Htry. ANNOUNCING The Ope11ing . of The SNO WHITE LAUNDROMAT (Co.ta M.N&'1 Newest) FRIDAY, FIB. 3rcl l-HwA~ Wasll1n and Dryers OPENING SPECIAL! r s 11' 811Ao a uo. w..., ..., -......... tor ..q. ·--·-----~·-- • Ono Tllb al "-..... -............... ..,_""_ • 1ubo tor >be !In& -. $l.75 SNO WHITE LAUNDROMAT 1763 Newport AYe. c .......... Marlne Cpl. U\d M.ni. 8a.mue.l Clyde M ilter. Coit.a M-., are tli• ~nt.a of a Doy b&try born Jan. 22 In Corona Na~al Hoeplt.al. KPOP 1100 OM DDl D145i ' Look wb.ac you an buy foe tOc tocby 21 Safeway! LIBBY'S PORK 'N' BEAN '": HIGHWAY APPLUAUCI ":.~ llCH TOMATO CAllPBILL IOUP CANNID MILK ............ ....... 10 M. .... -... - TOMA TO SAUCE =a: S( PARADE DETERGENT = "".:251 • t•t' USDA CHOICE 1qvete· cvt, with Md oncl "-1lc r_...it y.,. l"'Y only ,... .... good oatloot -po<• -' Soi<W2y Low Prices Su• M"""l' AU. lht Tlmol Wt«HEON MEAT ...:':!w. '':: 33• ·PRESERVES c-::~"":',,... -;_ 35• ; QUAKEROATS == -.:::17•-=37• ~ SILK TOILET PAPER .::. 2-15• 1 lmadi Box s.ilwldi ••• 1:36' ·--Dry -._........... . ........ 2-....._.. •lch ... ,.,..... .... ... .. LIG OF LAJ.IB U:::...00:.':" LAllll •IAST ... 63' ... s· . H. 17......1 Mlk --·-.... 201 •••••• .. --........... -' -c C ......i -•~--·--..... ,ILi 11c11tr1wu ........................ -n .----:. LAMB CHOPS ,.-=., [=" ... ts· =· ... 79' ~~ ... 651 SLICID BACON .... ~':!w. ... 43' CORlllD BIEF "°.:UC:" ••. 43' GROUND BIEF •• i::::.. ... 39' ,_.,.. lll1 nf11'I PockM In c'-ar YWi:lnt vnd., rigid ltote ln~lan, CAPT IJN"S CtfoICE SEA PC>ODS -3111ug1!!111gw ,.. ,r9tnhm1 Cf'l'CIUty ot no l llfnll coat A.,.... s,..s ·=: 39' llr1Pd1 '':; 19' ':: IO' Stnneftllo ::::. '= 23' .. ,... ::::. '= 23' 10 AD-M NOMI PIW*Mt, 50 Fllt " Pri :: 39' Wwe WW.. •1dd M Sllcls '";: 39' H "11 Stnks ' Southwn c.lifomla win,... a '':I! J9' f , ...... _. KANK ., -•TI w KID CAKE 11' ... ,., ..... = ftDI. ........ ='"' ..... , ............ =.·l'D21e _ ::•9'R ---...,.,..,.._ .... .,,.. ...... .,...,.,.,,,""",.,...,,,.~.,.,,..,,..~ ..... ......, .• " ......, .· ' .. ~~-·-·"' ·... ' ' "'":. .. - Del M1m B11ts ~~ ... 16'~i-19'':".'::i-t9' j II • G Ill C v~ •0-.15• -. · · I WIJI II Ol'I _... -': .. ·' "' AKIOUPEARS .... .... - • I I I 1 C:'.:::..:;::.::::.:.::.:.:.::.:.:.:.:;_~:.: . ..:~::._.:,.w:..:..:_.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;;;,;:.,~, •• ;,;.:,.;::,...:;~;,~,~e;,::.:_::,;;:.:::;, .. ~.~-;,.~-;::_~.;-~,;:::~~~;~.~-~-~~-~~-~-~;-~~~~~;.-~~-~-_ . __ -··--. . . . ..... . -.. DELTA GAlOlA MOTHERS &nd childrt'n gather 111 p&tJo al. St. Junea Chureh where the South Coa.1Jt D G Alumna.e C1ub will ent.ert.a1n member~ anJ )"OWlg9t.en Saturday . Adu lt.a are II to r 1 Mme11 E .. P. J 11.rvi.I, F'ra.nk Everett, Nadine Hip~ and Walter L. Spicer. Children &re Julie and Na.ncy J arvis, Gail and Bobby Hippe and Stephen .S picer. -Staff Photo CRIPPLED CffiLDREN S0CIJ:rY -VoluntMr worlten for the pplod Olildftn fi!P Adult Society of Oranp Ooaa.ty ue planntnr tbetr 1"66 :E&tter s..J dri•e IUld Lily S&le. The aociety'a work lnCftUea each year with the rapid growth .en in the county, so t.hi.I year's drive i.a ea:pected to be the l&rgeat. to date. Shown at a recent cneetlng are ; (lert to right) Mrs. M. Dinehart and Mn. A. D&ggett, Collt& Mesa; Mrs. Charles Wheeler, & board member, and Mrs. Robert Strati.fr, both of Newport Beach. EASTER SEAL, LILY SALE AIDS CRIPPLED CHILDREN vn.. ot U1a rnc::.t worlhy in Uie ctiun try, lha Ora.nie county group It now corui\de rf'd to be In • ne-.r· Mesa Grange Plans Yub& Flood Benefit ei.ta X-air..,. wW MN • ftltt~ card part:f ft9. U •L • p.. .... Qrup Jl&D. ,,0111~• to ..... a11 ... T.a. a17 Good ----.. ~ .... ....,... AU .n •r .,. ubdlo._. .............. l stft. ~ '-· ---»a.-D.O II •n-., #''W•: ----_,. M oded tor tu:ru--~ Fenwiclc Son lorn l'J'O\ad pu9bl .,.. Kr. ud Mn naU .... wic.k. ~ Clltt Drtw, fta • boy bU7 WM bom Jan. al tn S.,. Rmptal. Jeck1on1 Have Son Mr. ud kn. VlqU Mor9ll Jackmn, 61.I Tu.Ul\ Aw., an ll:•• 119rwit. "' • boy baby born Jail. 31 ln Boq Bo.pltal. Tork Daughter Here P1"0U4 puuta an K r. &Ad Mn. Jamq T ork. 1129 I:. Balboa BIVd , al\•r a daurbtu wu born Jan. 30 In lit>q Hospital W illioms Son Here N-~I.& are Mr_ and ,\tr" fi!cha n.l 'ili illla..rna. 111 2 •,. \\' Ha I· t..>& l:llvd , ""hen • bo~ b!l b)' "'•• burn J a.n. 30 1n Hoag H "•Pl l~I H a rtshorn Daughter Mr and M11 H11-n~ Air .. •r\ ffllrhill'1111, 2(1 llJny~ A \... "r" the par,.f\t. ri r a 1f1rJ blt.b) born J-.n. 30 i..n Huai,: HOliplla l Delta Gamma to Hold Party for Children N EWP O RT HAR BO R County Growth Echoed in Expanded Program ly ll,._,~111.Le r1n1.11cla l e!tui.tion G ills Hav e Tw ins with the ra.ptd ~owl!\ or popula· Volunteers represenllng every city and comii'1'tnn\y in t!un 11.nd patlt nt. h"'r. '!V.111 !\u1o:hte1 • .,,.,.,., h-•r11 1 .. the county met recently t o iliscuaa pla.naJ for thii year'•I L'O!!lti W\\' Mr 11.nd M r~ .. :'1"11 rd 1 i;,u. C U "I ·"I lh •··1 11:11 AF: ·11 .. 1 ~! 4~.,~1~ Ji,\,.,., Cri led ~"•-d Ad It Soc.et v -··••-"·al . O ec'L vn c.,., a in I' ~ .. r I PP ...,llilUJ""'ICn an U I Y ~K>.& .::l't! campiL!gn. Sea.I compl.i&TI ue ll•t .. ..i " un• Jan JO 1n Hoar; H .. ~l'llal Among thoae present wu hirB. Robert Str~itiff uf lhiK. city. ot the low"'•l ill Ul.• county, •c· i r;===;_ _ _:;_ ____ ~ Tbe &ale of b.eter Sools ~ a.n annual &ffau and coDilt.ltutea cordlnr tu Mr a. Thompaon. It wu j Herbor Re5t "tlrn•~d U1a1 lau UU.n 10 per virtually thti only mon ey r><!a1n1 clu<l• occupauona.l theni.py, •peecil cent of Euler s-.i n1uney cul· ( Memorial Park MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'• Editor ... "-... _ M&U1M>leurn-l•tenn-1 v .. nture of ll\e Orange L'•)unty lherapy, •wlmnlinir and a .1:eneral J.ct•Hf nal!on..Jly <°"'* fbt collec· I llOCI.•...,. recr• ......... procr&m u -t culmtn· Uo.n co•t. a.114 Ula r'Mt IOU lo Alon.-with pl&IUI for th• drlv-. a te• bl day camp Uc1 a two week act.ual ah! to Ula handicapped Valentine Fete Slated PAGE 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUMY I. 1956 YOl'unleet• war. s tven an outlin• •lily at INblmV camp. C~t. 1.r• even lower in O rans • ot actlvltt• of the M>C lety. Tllll Mr.. Ada Thompeon, TUiunteer County . I ~:::::;::::========== ye1.r thlt .ociety hu neatly .Joub-execuu.... -=nit.a.Dy, told. Ul• Mr.. Mt1.rga.ret Bryan, s:a.t.er 11.arbur al lilal,.r at Saint James Parish Hall Orang• Count)' -0.lt& G•mm• alumJ11.• are h1.vlnl' • party ror th• children of membfl19 hvlng tn tba Harber area. St. J 1.mu ·p•rimb hMI will be the w ttm1r for tll,. tnfonn.&.I m olhe•··chdd get t<>-c•Ul•r lnvtt.atlona h1tv' ~en Hnt by )In. Nadln ' Hipp• lur Saturd1.y at 2 p. n1. H P•rn,. Tr ... 1\'r I.Ji.I Henk "". Mlft \\'11J1111n 1;.,tn11r1t w1U1 •liliil(h l•r~ A ll!~"" 11nol Mtche!f'. AU P.·I· ta G1.m1111 alun1n1.e hav' Men ln\'lt"l'J ti. f\1rtake l n-tht tun~ !"ext n1ou111 • Delia Camm• bu,1ne1.~ m .. o:un ~ w11J ~ h,.ld ~·"'' :?I a t Uie home or Mr•. IJ.arnP8. 'l"2 ClrC'le Orlv,. The ANDlAL FILM... nie..t111i: w ill ~ctn •t 7 30 p n1 Ente rt•lrunent for tht' JHy ha.11 an<l 1•l1.r1 ~ f,,, th• anrHHl l 0 .. 11 ~ been pl1.ru1ed by Mn. Me ry Ev · G•mn"' Hum"' T our w11l ~ di ~ ar elt w ho ha.a pmtn18ed a !a.,.~i· •U~111:d n1.u nr lt.:lur. and colur...i 111ov1•· --- aequm ce to M Sl ~ by Wenoh:U I \ \ T } M · 11 •nd Luc.M Chapman Mr. and Mr11 1 VY a t } er • , Cha pm11.11 are sradua te11 trorn th~ • ~0n~v=~f mca:.:;:~ ::1ch~re / Hears Projects Th• mori• which they "·111 \ • 1how for UM ehlldr.n haVf' been of G irl Scouts UUed "Lont. ol the Roekle•" 1.nd were fUlnt"1 by the (;h apmana. Th'IM nature mo'l'le111 were W M In lha Rocky Mounta 1n8 a nd wlH lnc luda pictures or rnounta in &'Oil~ mooH, ..:i:u!rreLI and bf:u 1. Mr1. ~ Jf.T'VU ,...;n be cll&.lnna.n tot ~enta. MrL Walllll' L. 8pf<*' 1.1 llM!mnr • s en•ra.I ~ tor th• .ner· \VI.It Miller, pre1lllflnt. preaod· "'d at a m eet 1nl{ .. r U'I,. boe.rd of ,11r .. ~·tor>1 or Co~t,. M•,11• Girl &:out ~ouncU Th.tJrlday mom lna 11t the GlrL Scout Hou1e. Plan" 11.re un· der w 1.y for the big project or Ul.e yMr, the annual Ott! scout cook· le .. ie. to be ht'ld Jreb. 11 WIGer Ul• d•rectlOll of Mr11. Robllrt Moore, ~hlllMJ1&n. A tra.inUis CIUI lair Otrl Scout ch.alm 1 .. n wW be held Thur-4ay, Lee Barnes Installed in Harbor Star > Lee rt: ll1tr11e.• wa.. lnst.all,.rl 1111 &UOC!&te p11tron of Harbor Star 'h•p\er. o ~:s. Jan. 2• a t the IOOF h•IL \Vnrth) Patton M a:. ll'wen f•1ndu1·t•••I !hr lnJ1!•ll1.1lon r<"n•1non 1r~ ~:"'·nrl honur1 w're ii:•v,.n' 10 ~11,t m11 tron11 11.nd P•"l p1.trv1i.. A1non11: Uie v1~1Wr1 wu Mary .-.;1t plns k1, wo rthy rn1o.lron 0f 1),.rmoq eha pltr, Santa An•. P!ana w'"r" a nnuW\ee.J for a nJr,1m 1.1e a11le to be held 900n, place a nd d11te to be announced Memb"r' w l•hlnr to ronlrlbute 1-· .. h 2, II JO • 1n 1.t the hnmt of Mrs. Lloyd Hubbard, •37 San· ta. An• Av•. f'tb. 17 1. Glrl Scout troop will r rew.ent the opening ct ren•onleoi • t the meellnl' ot t he Coat• ~lt!l.I. P'T1d11.y Att•r· noon Club. Feb 16. 9 to 12 a.m ., a lint aid cl .. a will be held in Ul• cJU~\lH Jt ..... a lBG d'1Cid· Id ~t the Oltl Bcouta would ~ In a g roup It Ult annual ao.ta Mea rt1h Fry para.de JW\t 2. BALTZ MORTUARIES CH.APEL BY THE SEA J020 E. Caul &lvQ.. Corona del M.ar, Qaltf. P~ lJ&rbor U ~~ll'B -~n~hine !Or lhe g,ul-in Brigh ten hospital or b•droom days wit'1 ch"ry flowers. Som.on• who s ill will b. mighty happy that you were so tho1.1ghtful ... will •njoy the compan- ionship of one of o ur sprightly bouqu•ts or gay poned plants. All merrily box.d. Wt1 delhier aaywhere la U.e H&rbt.o Artia. ~ )'OW' order to Harbor t828 "81CHARD'S FLORIST All ____ , ' to th' 1..i,. m1.y bring their thlni• to UwJ home of Mra W1,J. ter H. Wood. "311 Ca rn a lion A Vfl., Cornn11 d,.l M•r . or In \hf hom1: of M r~ M ax ()w,.n, St .. C<wita Mes.a. 332--Flower • l..S It. CU• load both a t Ui e cen-c roup lhat ..me• of U.1 center s .. 1 Chairman. told Ul.• i roup tf'r 1.nd In hnme-bound pa_t(enl&. a.n av&.ll&bt. to Ul.oee who •r• tbat many children are treat.ed More th&n 200 p&t.Lent.a ate t~t-11.andlcapp«l r.cardleaa or Ulelr by ~ aocl•ly to aid In 1-· e<I 1.t Uie Lor a11 St r eet ectlool ln med.lea.I tu.t.ory. Moni t..l\&n 10 lnS tiMllr b.andlcap. In l..ddlUon, Santa Ana. di-... rwull ln crtppl1J\s c.._. rnany oa-... are 11wn f'ecr'911LUon \\'I ur.: l'RciGKAM lha1 an tnat.ed th•r.. a.lld t~.nl •Ven !AouJb tn.tr ACU'l't~ ot th:I Jlrs:2i':ra.m JJ:l, Wbll• lb. ~ly w u.t«l .. ca-I• me<H~ hopll!lesa. . WHITE Newport Variety 1·o u a 6 a.ad 10 l!Tu~ Oce&a F m nl !Ii'-.. 1'1er ~'EWPOKl; BEACH Elephant FLOOR SAMPLES TELEVISION TRAYS H08rE88 CARTS CERAMICS TOYS STATIONERY CANDLES CUTLERY ASSORTED Jl'J~Y SALE! ' COME SEE RICHARD'S .• • • • • '"White _~-·--....... AILpod -- We JM bousJot loo .._ of ·--· oil 8o -we"vt1 Uuhed enry pdoe way .,... low to _. ._ move out fut.er thu .._ rj11JAaut ~ moved befon. OOllE LOOI<! COIO!: ll(JYI COKE SAVEi THURSDAY Feb. • 2 -FRIDAY Feb. • 3 SATURDAY SUNDAY Feb. Feb. • 4 • 5 ·-All left over gDe9 to the ...__ LMg1IO THRIFT SHOP ... FREE! MONDAY -""""-"'.>"T7'.....~ ~ --~~-..~~ NEWPORT BEACH .. HARBOR !8211 I ' CUB 8COtrr POW-WOW. al Horace Ena:ip School grounda fou.n4 adult leaden of the county learninr "all about it ." Here (.tandiDg) Mn. Ralph Bonda of Cub Pack 10, Newport Beach, and Mn. Richard Fibpatrick of Pack 13, San Juan Capbitrano, receive inalnlctlon ln cceremoolN from J im White Cubmuler of Pack BO a.nd John Hutton f f~ground), chairman of Cub ceremoniN . -Stat! Photo COAST ALUMNAE Will Spo nsor Luncheon at Pi Phi Convention Pl Ph! ('••n•'f'nt1un planA werf I:. A n~r...,n 1 ... ,.1.,y Garl1nghou.,. •1t"l'U.Hd ny merr.ba1• ul u .. "nd Htrw•rd Ch••laln ~outh Co.oil\ Alumnae t"!ub •l &I Mr1 John 8 nf!!lllll!ff pit."1· rn<un1nr roffee Ja.n 2~ 1n Ill., d<"nl, 1ppo1n\.,,! lilt' tuUow1ng hurne ot lll r• Earl Cork .. t t, lCM rnrll'lber• to th<" num lnat1n r ro1n l:lufn& Y1.&la, 81 Mra T>w.rnuo 8 mlttee. !i«r o P hUlp J ohn 'half· >'ru1t Hrv..:1 •• ro-h,,11le1! man Mro tJun t'an a nd Mr• An· ~ht• ot lh• t Uth u1 .. nn1al ,..,n-I deraon. ·rn.,y .,.,Ill m&ke tbelr r•- v .. nuon of Pl ~ta J>n1 will be port al !he ne:ii t meetlhf, a1:hed· lb. HUAt.in.ILoa -Sh&ra.Wn l:WUI w.d for W:a.rcil 21 &l Ula ~ 1.n P••daoa, JWle U-JO. The W-BMCh b.om• ot Mn.. R. .AlM.n • •1 alutnnal! c lub wLU •?f•n.o.<r lhe Mother · U•UJ hter luncheon •l the convenuon Mi 11 Ge<Jrgr II Moore nu been appointed ch.alrn1a n of Ulla Junch- ··On 8e0'1111r on her commlttff wtll IMI the Mmee li:meraon Mil- nor. Riche.rd K.a,..hner. A.Jl&n Mol- 11..on, Stanley Van fJuk1, Robert K1oArn1, Dw1Jhl Ounca.n. \\'llha.m Behrendt. With Mr11. M•ry Whllf' ....... lil1J. PreHnl •l the m ~Unr rrom lh• Harbor area ,. . .,r• UM ).irnu Au1ttn ,Sturtrvan!, Marrin Sloan. MoW.on. Kar1hner, KU/"JUI, Va.n DJka, Cha.lain, Cerll•lt a n d ....... .._ ~ e.ch .u. 'Ylo- renc• Ne.bard.a and W.... .Er- Garllnl"hOU.M, Whit• Lfld 8nel· 1111111"'• a tl•nded. ).tn1e.1. S a.muel Weavfr, Ch&rlea C\ltlfr, AndeNOll, John &nd Durt· r ll.ll .,., . ., •• prea~nl rron1 Sa.nt.a Ana Brownie 1'roop Takes Concert Membership "1 r 1 1.. a 11. d t 1' t hird c-rade Cruwnie Troop ~ or Bay· •hon11 .,_11Joyed the Clllldrt.n'a Con- ~erl preaenled by th• Orant• County PhUhannonlc Ottbulr.. n.. lf'OOfl' ..... Mupt a -tr.~ •hip In lh• P.b.Jlll1.rmonlc Society, thua b«omJn.r Junior .... trora. Mr• Law•' tee0nd 0 r ad• Hrownie Troop of Bay11hott1 took a field trip recently to collect 1hell11 Thfn they 1na.de ptcturM with their 1hell..I. They a.r• mall· 1n1r notebook• anrl drawlnl" pie· turfl ot their f\eld trip• lo pu t tn the notebook11. Annual Clearance Feature! and /Jerkjhire Hosiery REG . NO.W . • $1.65 pr. .. 3 pr. $3.IS. 1.50 pr. ...... 3 pr. 3.70 _ L35 pr. ... 3 pr. 1.40'' day and dress sheers Final Days STORE-WIDE ( of Our Big • CLEARANCE! Apparel Liberty 8-7431 1767-a Newport Blvd. CfostiM~sa •o,..._.~ .... 'l!WPORT ,...,..,,,..,~ MEVIS-Pr.E~S -PART I -PAGE 5 WEDNESDAY; FBlUARY i, '1"56 . ' ,, ' TAIU I WOJD:N -GJIOWUIO ODU.I ... 6TOI Od'2 ......... &ol "1IOW. ftlt..lft ... OU'OmJI v.-. .. ...---..1.o11101•• an • 'GRANDMA' SMITH'NQTES 94TH NATAL ANNIVERSARY M&ny rrtca. aad ,_iu._ asp; .. ta • ~ .. TAii.i I WOM!CH'B Ollila BHOES Grace Walbn -lleJl:rwood_ ~ ___ ..,...,_ ...... Anna llmlth Jut Wtld. a t Ill lllata .._ .A,.,. Wtt11 ~ JU'U and nower. w.. ba.lp Mr ~ Ur Hth btrtbday on J-.n. 24, Born 1n MJ.aeotU'I. IJwi moftd to co.ta MM& about M> ,...,., ~· Her huaband.. J:d'"""1 llrnith. pt.Ned •-Y many yeua .. o u ~ blir ch.l.k1rai, cutrord and M.U. v.i-lo s10.do -Short Lo .. for s:i:n Wn. Bm1111 mU.•• ~ J\pmt with her ..,-.ndtion and hl. Belote Family R.eturns to .M:esa famJly, M r . &nd M:ni. lAtrt.ar 8m1Ul and -o.ottr.y, w:-Attar alx ye&r11 1n Memph.!1, coWlcilm.&n Bart 8nUt.b. and M.ra. lMa. ~ &l'9 othu Tenn.., t.he Belote family !1 home JrlUMk:bJ.ldrcl. Bhe ha.. &n"HI fl'M.t. ~ qUn l.n Co.16 w ..... "SU.'" e.nd ft.q mut:J.nr &nd CroclurUnJ doUiM a.ad "tl&er' ban M.Lrjort• &Ad s:in Dul.tr are glad been h•r hobbtea tor many yea.ra. r..l.JJ.nc eyeal.&ht h&a to be ba.c.k. thfy aa.y. Preaently a.low'<! up the• a.cu'1Ue11 IOfnaWl\a.l lD tM Ju t two yMJ"L llt&ylna with 1.lw Leo (,'ba.pma.n1 KMpln&: up w tUI cWT«D~ evmta LhrouP radio and i..ll!IVWon. a.~ l it )[a.cnoll.& Ava. .t.htiy are 1ookiftc for • bou.M to nint wtille - _G _____ ~ __ ..... __ '-__ -__ .. _____ -_•_•_•_-_. ______ . __ , dec.ldlAf whu• to bul.ld. Belott La a. pbot.o-.enar&ver. ... .... ,,_ ....... ........ . • ..... . " ' "°".;;....J ·.BARBER'S : : BOOTERY . ~ C ci\ta Mt''>d ' ' . ' . ) <.; ~~ ....... -· It's been over a decade ' ·) since -you colild - SAVE s1so a sheet on fa -mous SUPERCALt All the larno<H lnury of Warmutta Supen:al<t ,he.ts can now be yours at a phenomenalfy low cost! The very k>west prices in o.,., 10 year5. WHITE SUPERCALE Sizes Pl•in Hom Homstitclie<I Rog . Sai. Rog . Sole $5.95 $4.45 6.35 $4.85 6.85 $5.35 7.25 $5.75 •1;;hca.n 9:09 a.a. t. 6:M p.a. o.,~ !I \., ll Pr1day 11 In !I 72xl08 81xl08 C a1e1 1.60 $1.20 1.85 ' $1.35 3404 VIA LIDO NEWPORT , INTHE~~~ • • , ' • " ' . \ " • .. ..... • l(al1M Air °"'.119 Qroup la, -I tloM ilboGld .. madli fJ' ~ Kut99 A.Jr buf, wW .,_.-~ T wttb. X.... Edward •ta'\Na ........ ct th,. Ottt· !!..__ ·, . 7 ·UT ... , )("" A. W. '-wt .. au~ •t atp.m.~m~orxn.D.A. ........ &i •ttM. 0 we ·>·• r& a s.. u.. otac.n1 1--------------.Cl&dt ~ u.. --.. ~ wtU '4 Mrwd a.t JI MOil. Procram W1ll " .. talk b)' Chet ~ b&lr ~. wbo will 53rd Anniversary for Frank Vieles ban Mod•I• *"'1q lalfft Mr. and Kn. rr.nk Vlei•, ltT ~ Uld wiD _...,. ~ HamJltoft BL, eo.ta M-, w.r. after the )»"llMl!tation.. Be will • a.lao ~· a door priu. reoetTla.r COft1'1'11.lUlalio1Y1 1'9CCll.l - TREJC PLANTING ceremony wu a feature of the around th~ tree &N Grant Rowald, cha.lrin&n. Ot the -------------111 oa th• occuton or their l'lJrd 8und&y open lloule at the Coron& del Mar Youth building committee; ~r Qor& ):lill. Mn. Alvin Acti" vities of weddint' annl.,eru.ry. Married In For the Disctimin•tin9 • doubl8 feetlJr e by Center. OU-who 1'aft gfffn tbne and work Spencer, later J onea, Mn. FotTMt Alllnd~r &nd Ltnco1.n., Nebr., th. ooupl.e e&m• h • B . T here In 11130. They h•v• five NIA$ARA • THE RELAXING QiAIR F'OR THE HOM ~ -plus -- _..,.. ___ hoa_orod __ at __ U>e __ ~_on_L_A __ m_•_nit __ th_oe_e_ga_th_e_n_•<l ____ R<>_h<_rt_G_m_· _gn_·c_h_. __ s_w __ f _P_o_t_o _________ 1 rOWnte rOOpS children, 21 c-ra.ndchlldre and two cn-t srancic.hUdr.a. JOB'S DAUGHTERS BETHEL :INITIATES NEW MEMBERS CALENDAR OF EVENTS rourth r rade Brownle Troop ll, 1------------- undln-th• direc::tio:n of Mra.. t.ewa wu • pair ot woocs.n aboe. ..... Tandy, ll&d • be&ch.c(l.mber hike bot' dt.playei1 by Paulette Don-ool*u.ns -.n4. Me.JJ&, drlttwood. fe..lh.,.1 and ae&weed for creat-a.Id ; they b&d be-. WOl"Q by her moth• when a amaU strl In Inc plctur.. d.eplctlnc loc-.J rn.nc... Valnt allp~r• are w or11 -.nM . The Y&rlolu amaD mcenc• -------------•I lnat<W. and when one co. into th• wtll M arran(*d on a • larye board bou.e u.. a.bot ue leJ't on th• F... 1 e Tho Thormo ·Cyclo Pad A beal·rn&IM.J• unit tor tired n1w,, le.i and Sood clrc-ul1Uon To be •een now 1 t our n .. w •ddreae Come lri 11.nd reh'.J. No ot.H~auon Deputy Grand Guardian Pays Her Official Vi sit WeN COAll1buted by memM~ 11.nd STil:VEN8 a.tum• -7·40 p.nl. thelJ" tamlliea. and tbe aale WU ttuterbrook horn•. _, Us.at an OTe:n.11 tmpreMlon of pcm::h. Mn.. Ray Donald ha. com· our are. w1ll M Pre.Milt9d. Th• p1-t.d a.n-ancemen~ tor a 1.11p panoruna will M a contrtbution Health Studios SNOW CAMP Ce..rol announced the "'Make a .A.t the reauJ.ar meeting, Jan. 19 of Job'a Daughten, Quart.er Grow" proJcct to bestn" SetW ~7. Ca.ta lleaa, 7 :30 p. m., in Friday .A!t.eroecm tnunecnat.iy. S01J belnr Snow _,_.&,. -"""'" .. 02.-p -..k49d at hrMl H-• 0 1.WWJiM,. Carol Cra.in, hoaored. queen, pr-..au-w-.i a 11..,._ tn M&reb.. bch pr1 wu 1arp att«1d•nce to wltruiM the ceremony a! inttJaUoa tor rtNll a quarW 'tf'tfkh * rn\lllt 18 ..... mmn.be.n In~ ,and ~ ·'° • to ~ · ~ ~ '11 to hav• u:-lnlt.lai.d _...: Bua. Bl.ICoota.. Molbera Ctub. lf'lalh White, wor· ~nee tHe mow eanip t rip. Girt. Cbr11t1• Carver, Oi&n• ea.a.et. etllptul muter and I:. I. Moore, an lo report al -.ch" meeUns ..Baltlara Ebner, Chrll.tln• OW pa1t muter, aoeeptt'd check• on how their quarter ha1 grown, Sandra and Sonja Maydell. P at· behalf or S•fa:ren. w1lh a n award to the rtrl with rtcla Holt. [Mane HutehMOO, Bar-At J ob"• Daur,stlttr• monthly w,-..t amount. b&ra Klr kp&trlck. Donna M.acN1-cholr pracUe1, • cholr . otfl,«irl Two coun..oaJ lt\e.QllMr. were ln- v\n. J)i&.na PapllltJU, Lou Ellen were elected u_~;-it.aA7 #l&Ued., Mrs. Harold Bffbe di· Ro~ Lind. Lie Shaw, Roa · Speth, p_reaident ; X•'/ Ktac&Sd ....::tor of mule and Che.rlu. Ary •nria Smith. Llnda 8perie•r, a.or-vice pre11dent; J oann 8hradm-, J r., pn>mot.r at ftnanc.. R&J.pb f l& 111.ornu and Su.an Vaushan. Mcret&ry arid Jo Ann Wat.on, Herr .,.... l11.1l.llU.n' otficer . OJl'FIOIA.L VlSIT chapla.in. Mra. Harold Beebe, dl· Mre. o..n Smith. rua.nllan ot r.c:tor or niuilc, le&dti 0111 rroup. On behalf or Bethel 1~1. Mr1. • Ill l&l -'-Dt-a.n BmlUI. 1uardi1n, pruenled Bethel 1157. mad• .. er 0 e .... 8PIECIAL EliCJ10 N a "Member or Honor'" certltlc1le ~.:c~.lYH•~n=lt S:-.:"::0;~ Tbe honored quMn announced a to Wra. Rex A..lbrlfht. p .. t ,uar- n!Hd wtt.b ~ nooE" wark •i-:ial election toe oU k:e ot m ar· d~n of belhel 157. 1nd paat dip· tormaUaa, a _,. compoeed. In aha.I at ne1'& N rufar ' pi .. t..ia .. ~ J r&Dd suard.Jan. her bOQOlr and p~t.aUon or the Due to untonieeri c:lrcwn.t.uac• ------------- Qut11n'e tn.t&U•UOll emblem. a Marjor11 Kno:r., llmlor pi..,...... will not be a ble lo caaUn• lln •l•r llMd In "4 a.nd border9d line orttcf! cap.a.city. · with IOftr doUa.ra. C&rot· ma<W. prnent.aUon or two ~ to M..onlc Sealaririr Lodell f w n-tempi• building fund, oc. horn Bethel 1~7. the other tro m J ob'• Dll.ughten Newport Island Women Slate Card. Luncheon Ba'by Care Classes Start at Red Cross Arter meeting refre1hme11ll wer .. 1erve<1 arid ne ... •ly lnltl•led members &."ld I he Ir f&mlllee irreetll'd. Al 1 previoue Meellftl' an- nouncament w .. made ot a oook· • and c&ndy a&.11 ten tour Joe&. na, Rlcb.ard'• U do Marke t, Al- pha. Beta In Collt& w-. Craw· ford'• Drus Btore, ea.ta x..a. a4d AU A.m..-k:an Market hr. Co- rona de.I Mar. ODokilll and CIDd)' " L IC.·a-trlcU, D.Q. Jb:peetul m o l Ir.• re. hurled Na Is ....._.. ........... , ~ ud UJ'""... ...... ..... ? _. llM lfk-1y to pt lato UMI ut, M&.ny people wonder what a .,.. t..'ftled lo take put ta U.. Ohl"'P""tctlo" lldj\.!Ammt .,_ and ..,.. .A.mlrie&n Rad Ora. llotlMr-_.... It atteeta 1"alth. TIM auwv .u,. .... to ..... r.t... 1 ,.. la that • Ctdropractor deal8 with I& Lbne-,,...k perkMI. 'iall ' I la Nature, lo tJle t.be •U..UO.. aN- Jlln. IAu:ra R.. -~ _,u.,_ .. wbat ii N ature T 'lbti "Chil""Opl"U- .ecntary ot th• --~ Onlllp tJe contt1t1UOn la Uut.l NatuH t. lhe OouatT cbaptll": • · IDrce ot ener&Y lhal emanalM A.liM ]to, pulMSc ~ _... fJ-om the br&in. The nervou• I)'•· wtU. tbe OnLnp 0Dullit7 Health ~ trl.lllml~ thl• e"ierp to a.II Drepartnt.al, wtU cc.duct. the ..,._ put. ot the body, ~11trolt1n1 1rid i I• to lM i..14 eadl. na.day and ~latlrir a.t i bodily p!"tK:-•. 'nluNd.ay hr a ta&a.I of aUt c.._, The lack of lhl..t energy In 11.ny part I Th•. nrl V'I wt11 IM hoeld .ID UM -tM 0 body would ~•Ult iri Jou nuntns ch oom if:l R-9 Cro.& ot tunc:Uon or dleeeM. ~ 11N · W :"t b · Bt., Loet.Uiil" ilnd rll'le-.Ins thle In· llaD\a AM. f :IO te e :ao p. m. terfer#I~. with th11 now ot the Pre a•tel 'Od poft"-U.t.al care tOft: .. of Natu r• U. the Chlropnc- wtll M ..-11 ~ -~ t.be Uc ob}ecUn. mo th•t ·JiMliac and :7 ;,,;... "!."!!"~ '::: :.;:..,. wtll oome rrom Mi.111 U11 w pw?P ·11. WW "-f o r Por S'ood llealt.b '"1our Chlro- U... -~ ...... ~ .... ._. or ~1t-&; RMdrk:b. 0. C . .0.. • •*•....,. Odl llUtlor Ali or '611.i'w Ap- r'llrtW ~-may .. potn&a.-1., 700 cu.atloa. Corona obtaaMd ~ eaJUac l'led Croee del Mu. -- Mrs. Henry Skinner Dies in Long Beach IAllTA AU """ ·-· -... ., .......... . BT. A.NDR.EW"8 P'ellow1hlp r... ' EBl:LL TEA -1 .4 ~ p. m. Ltr ion H•ll. 8 A: PW-t:48 p. .,. NHYC. ...... V .A.LmNTINI: BALL -Be.Ibo& Bay Club. F'AC Book l!lectlon-12:30 ANGLE.RB LUNCHEON a. f"ll , NHY C. ...... p. m. 11 :t6 DICLTA ~~.A. -valenUn• party 2 p. m. at. Jam.ea.· CRTA.-1 ~ao p ..... FuUertOD Ebe.II club. 100 Ma.in St., Ba.lboa Harbor 0767 trom our area to tba n.aUouJ nmrt w.a throuch lh9 city h&.11, S-lor Roundup to M held th1a polie• department and nr... 6f.. eomlns .cuner IA ~-l i,......,._~;;;;~L"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'~::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:;::::::::::::::;::::::;::::;:::::;:;::::~ Th1f'd rrad9 lk'ownl• Tnlop 11 .,_t their u.m. IA the Sco*t Hou.e klto.a rece:n.Uy 19&rlllns _.. t.ctli about oooklq". U nder th• ~ ot Mn. a.ors-. kbo-=•• the day'• &ctJ"riU. _,., prvYU. Wcc..t\ll U all -~ jOf'ld -~ tM c:ooki• &nd pud· din&"· AJ9o pl&n.9 ....... 9tart4d tor a puty tor Vallnt:UM day, ~· Troop 17 b&cl to poll· pona thei.r erou ooa~ b1U M- cau. at th• eol4. wet w...U..r. 'l"be ~ anJoJ"ed p..m. o1 dods• b&1l M"1 .. r.c:• WbScb f•tared a l&rp itiUt1o MD4. Dtr.cted by Mn. H. C. a&urw-ot.nc\.al rl&&' P"9*lt&Uoll ~ wu prae- MARIO 'S SMART HAIR FASHIONS Permanent Wave Special SET ......,... 11uo -SPECIAL $12.50 Complete No <XTR• ctt'"''" Uced ba pnpvaUoa t• a OOQ1'w-Friday Anglers -,.... 1n ... ,...... rnd.a'f Aft&'lers, -~ nt--..__. Troop f.6 Md p in-- day at Newport Har'Mr Tadlt ~· ~ wtUl e&ch &bi . ; MARIO & BEVERLEY lll'YLlllT C uti tor lunc:beon at 11:'6 a. m. ~tint' ~ art.lei. trua a 3401 E. a:-t ff__., C:O.-dol llu wtll han an hou r ot 'f'l.uaJ. ... ,j-.1;i;;i;;"'~';'"';;"";·0°':,;.~m;Qeb~;;'";,_~;-~~.......... -' -.~::.;::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;::;:H::::;:arbor::::;:::::;::;::~:l:O<=-ventun bl tll• South Pa.cl.ftc. ;;; Pro~ M il M a . oolot' tU.ra • on Tahiti u p r-r:it.d by Ow.r. Chun:tuU of Lal A.npl• and wU1 1how Ken• of ft&b.lnl" and akin dlvirlf . with uyin& IO ~ ....... •M lld.__ ... a•~----- ,_ -CIOllWIM IO M ~ .. ..-,..,. -to.-... .wi, ~ mra o· wu diilD _.,.. Oltl olfu 10 ~ dM STAUFl"D SYSTEM .,.., nu,._"'- "'JJUlf.e ,.._.... a•• Mrd-m-k>w ;~ lrw11 rour hin. !\Imm • ...... 1" •ad tt.ieh1 .... 1.~u "°" ttK'OUflllfl cito1b rioa rorr«U -Dn91Urit end '"""'t' coruoun '"d' f.,.. tod.l'"1~w.. hJ.iom.. FREE TRlAL TREATMENT NO OBLIGATION ,UUIADEllWI "-1142 . ••·n1 .. ....,-....n OUR FIRST BIG • ' boll-load• of ·bargalM ~Y .. 11fuJ ,.,,,.-,,_,of--" • SALE STARTS THURSDAY, FD. 2 • llten HOVI Daay t a. a. &o LIO p. a. .......,. ...... tot .... • c ' • . 171'q~ COSTA MESA An. lJJIF..STY ...... , I J ) .... --.. -·-_ ..... -·• -3 Mmiw· looked as Plllt-SMarecl, Light Dca11C14J1d 'l'b.rM El Toro Kuinu W9" book.cl tor l11todc&l1on tn a uto at 2 a.m. 'I\J<M<fay foUowlnl' a tr&ttle acctdent ln· whlcll lbelr car br'Cllu on a fire plur uid ~ • •lreel ll.l"ht oa Park .A.Te. btitWHU Cryet.a.J a.nd A ba..lone .Ave.., ac- cord In I' to police. The driver wu Ed•a.rd .A.. Adam., 22, -.nd the pa.wen,..r. wire Herb T . Ma rlin. 21, a.nd J ame• JI'. K&r]Mni, 22. Th.I Hrtic• men were uninj ured, OVI' ON BAIL -Jack Jame11 Walker, (left), Santa Ana auto uphol.!1ten:r, signs release statement.a for bail boad15man Jack Denver in t he latter'.1 office after the attack auspect'a releue from Orange Cou~ty ..... t ltit Ila-lltwfll'l leae• llill•ett I~~~~ LUn'A .uf.t. (OCl'll A ........ Iii ........ VI.._ Lofsh in "The Blue DHp Sea" la Clnema8eopo Color by DeLuxe -Plu. - J oao Collins .. Oellcioua Tltlf We.el( E~ Spec'ri! Panish Patry 1 hill°""" 'h9C7 o.n-cu. .. Regularly $1 .44 per doL • Costa Mesa Bakery ltlR. " I/RB. ourr lllTRAKIS 1702 NEWPORT BLVD ~ Report ot a root ~ n,.. a t 407 lkD...tnv lA.ne at l %:1Wl p. m. Jail. Walker wu freed Monday nigh t Lfter an un-"Tlie Adventures of Sadie" • WEDDING & BIRTHPA.Y CAKES . TV STAR DUE AT All-AMERICAN MART Ja.n. 23 turned out to be •team identified donor put up the $500 premium on Walker's 81tlp~r F{IU1lr:, popular •l&t' of 8 1.&UOft KTLA, ~ &'1 Ce.rtOon CarouMJ, will app.ar at l p. m., 8 f.turc1a,)' ID A ll· Am•rlcan Market, Cororia <Ml Mar. He wUI be lh9" tar I.II hour'• •nlertalnment of chlldr.-n a tt.erid.lns. Knovrn U Frank Herma.n, he 11 reputedly one or lh• Boulhl&nd'a '8Mlin1 mack"l&n•. H IJI ahow, "F'un I t.land," featurea MJCh LooneJ TwlM rum. .. Pork y, the P\s and Da.tfy Duck. comlnc" from UWi rain-d.mpened roof, tll• nn d9P&l'tJft.nt reported_ l -~$llOOO':'.':'.':'....'b:all.::_~:_:OCN'.::_:'.S'._'.P~~:ot::o ____________ '._!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~!,,,,,,.--,==_,,=================~ ported. To Order ... Our SpeciaJ.ty .•• Order Eazfy WALKER IAIL · 0 O' acquainted wtth any or the pro+ . . nc:uUon .-J~ ac-atnat Wf.Ul.u. TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK Walker wu t&lten to ht. homa by Denver w'h.e-ra ha wu reunited w1t.h ht. wlta. .Ult u ktns. ''Who couJd be k ind enoUJ"h to do thla for me-'!'" REPORT & COMMENT The 1t11J)Kt'1 wife didn't M k any que1tion. u •he 1uddenly threw herself Into her h111b&nd'1 1m wrat 1t1t thla year, ''ft.'' ttported t.rml, l!lhe jwt crted W'lth llappt· around ~ 1 .. 1 y -r t.fter non· neM. recurrtn« cha r1u of about SI u 1. re1u!t of the Connecticut noodl. Source. clOM. to m&nq&mmt 1.111 DEATH NOTICE - proj.ctlnl ea.mini"• for UaU y...,. ( -------------1 Mlmewhera betweu1 $t.60 and IT. MU. Kl..J.Z .llOHN801f The projec:Uon WU M.Md o:a l ood M ra. Belle W. John.m, TS, 61 dl!mand for Ura repla.eotment.. I.lid 4.2! Orchid Ave , dted TUeitda.y a continued v:p&n.1lon of U.8. Rub-aventn.c at Hoac HotipLtal. Funeral bar'1 d.Jvehl!Jle&tlon Procnm. Tl~ Mn'tce• wlU be held l'rld&y al 1 accounl for only ~ per -1 ol• p. m. tn Balls; Martu&Ty, Qorecw oompaq'1 t>U1ln..,. a.Ad &!lout tW'O-dlt Mar Chapel. wtth tM Rn". thti-dl of thl• dern&tld la bi Uae ,._ n C. Gomlte citndattnf . In-p~l cate1ory. ChemJc.e-J M.m ennenl wtll ba ln J'orMt t..wn lfll'• conunue to be<:ome more lm· Memot1&J Park, Qlandal.e. porta.nl a nd earnlnp from lh1I )(re-. John.an w ... burn ha.Ken· IQUte• .,., being e1Umaf,9d at cit:. tucky. had rMlded tn t.hl1 at&tl! to 11 pw e&:re tor lltL. . . and commWllt:r t« four ,._,.. A ..,,toil from r oet11v:• la.to after oomLns trom Bil111lrp, Moot., Do\l.llg. or Boetnr hu brMI\ ra-wtlera t.i'le rMidad tor 41 J'9&I'& oom~ bJ Important cotnm.• She wu a member or Corona dal e-lon 1'oa-. Oll. Ule bull that ( 1 l K t.r Cornn.unity Otu rdl, Conl"""" Locklteel2'1 conVl!rtlbl• ..... turM p Uona.1. She ii 1Urv1V~ by hl!r tend t.o put a c11l1nr Oft u.i. oc;.,.._ ~d. Thtodon W ., ot th• mon. lltock ; (J ) ~nt bu Miine; two ..,., Ttd W. Jr. ot tnum,.\&Jt a ne.d tor MldlUon.11 Hollywood and A. Oolllu Johuon t1ruulcl.Qc : (I) Loek'hMdl'• oon-of l tudlo City; one-,nnd.on and l r..tla_.,.. turbq P~l* ~~ tM.! .. ,. .:;.-;..,.., Jlo1W a da-r. W•nr Jet.I_ Y Yle-wed. u a.n uala~e _, Corona dal Mar. daYl1opmen t. °'"""'"ODee 1 F.M'. A......,_ so lndWbia.11 ....... 472.87 up l .13 JO Ra.Iii . I Ml.89 up .33 Ill UtllL UM ;-. 84.00 up .l l l .... \'Ol11m41, 1,110,000 SAYE SAFELY Al Orongo .County's Institution l.Ndlng Homo Londin9 CONTINUING TO PAY AU. ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO SI 0,000 Al ,.._ Opened °" "' llefsn The I Olft of the Moatl! Eom """' .... ht ,.J. I.~ ( ' .• 1 • IF I WON S64,0-0 .0 ••• I'd stlll co for Eleven Cellars at 63• .Jt wouldn't make sense to pay more for wine -once you know this secret: Eleven Cellars W ines are produced in eleven different wineries. Each winery sJ>E'.Cializes in the wines that are made best in ita d.iatrict: California Port in one winery, Muscatel in another, and so on. Th•e eleven wineries joined forcee to bring you good wine at a rea•onable price. Today, yo u can buy tine Eleven Cellaro Winee for just 63c a fifth fo r sweet winee-58c for dry. Enjoy the low-coo t luxury of Eleven • Cellan-tonight! MORE PRIZES FOR FLAVOR THAN ANY OTHER WINE! ' For the th ird 1tratght yeor, E'-"en Cellon has won mor• Awards for Excell.nee than any oth.r wine at Its priai-Spedol Oivliiona, 193$Coll- lornla St.,,. Fair ond loo Angoln County Fair. (In Sp•clal Dlvl1lon1.' 101r1ple1 fudged ore a ctually to~en frolfl 1tore 1h•lve1 .) ' . . ' ELEVEN CEl:LARS WINE . - • • • • , I • , , - ~---. • , --&/,icy_ . ~. '*' ''Y i:.&r UIS _! ~Jr ;iaiiilioe·il •. 1r _.. . . . • 77 7 1 •sa:Atlllilllll U' eoosl'IRY'. Pll_.~ -' ... W\llAT•~·_._.M U.Tl19D.&Y~ - ;am IN.•• s _ I ... 25' ~·---K:•K IT LAYBt CAD--· ~· ........ ,.., 2 25c D'ANJOU PEARS __ ·····-·-.... • -12«= -5-1~ U. 8. Na. 1 RUSSETT POTATOES "Onward for God and My Country"-8oy Scou+s of America Feb. 6-12 • • Every lton'9 Ill a C-•lty II blessed hi p1aponle1 to t1ie ... port and 91lcl911c:1 given tills "Graamt of al Yowti pt'OCJI' a•" The enrichment of America ia a.tWred when our Youth are properly alerted to the rmponsibilitiee ae w ell u the privileges of American cltlienehip. And to &ll the men, who help keep the light burn· tng, we •Y "'Thank•," for the job you are doing. Pictures from lut week• Boy Scout Awarda dinner. . - -, Open ti!! 7 P. M. Doily S & W :lint! :Joo~ Carnival 79' ----··.n.. 8&W no. QYal.l.&1 COFFEE MW"-..... 3179• IAKID llANS _ _....... ____ 1 .. U..-..... llo ............. ...,... 11•• KID"'EY: ~S ...,. .. .., . , . -... _ ·2159• swm YAMS ...... No. ... saw Qooll'1 2141' TOMATO CATSUP,.,L • AS..AiAC.Ui SPEARS #_39· SAW NM....UT 8 -& O rapetnd t 2149' SIGMINTS -···--·-···N•. ,.. .... _ 3149• .A1'1'LE SAUCE _ s.: ,., Mw ~ 1n.11i 3139' NIEW l'OTATOlltS No.SOS • saw \\·hot. ,._IN TOMATOES 2149' ···-So. SOS Woart ~· JftCE -a:oa· YOO YOUN~~ I ClllC&ZN Ir CHOP SUEY ·······-IS -' WOii.i'°• ..-. .a 49' SOUR PORK ............ 10 -. Dole 27' HAWAIIAN FRT.u y, OL 0-14& POTATO \$' 2125' PATIIES . . "OL 8 ullk4t CaUtomi. OR. JUICE 2135· ' ·~ STEWED TOMATOES CREME GOLDEN CORN WHOLE KERNEL GOLD CORN S&W ,. , ........... 5199' '--~ _ _;__ _____ _. Dllri,;old PUl"f' AA Quality . - " /:J;_cf.a,.J~ ... choia.cu.Jfom m•ab u. 8. Pltme •• a..lcel Cuotom Senlool r .. rts&I Oai&lngl Wrappllll l Delltwyl SIDE OF BEEF U:a.~ • 7-BONE ROAST --0-liO!O: JIOA8T ••• -· .... U. 8. ~ -JMl)flll-SOUND ft'E&U • P'MltRmSBEEF ........... ,, - SLICED BACON • " lb. 79c lb. 45c -tliinlfiii.l''lli& ,. llliiilil'li aiilif"' . ----· ~ SWORDFISH _ ... .;..-....,,. .. .. ~ .... ':."". ' ---f 1111111• S&W 'I' R 1-'°•....... •• UYB SAUSAGE • ..a. • ~-.All X-* 49' FRANKFURTD.S ....... --1" CANNIED HAM _.,. ,,. WMQ"__,er r......I 59' IAR-1-(jl SAUCl,.K - A'..D cHiD'Du __,., 51' wcuu_,___ 2r MW Q..UlT ClJCUMM:K 2145' PICKLES ·····-····-······-··" OL MW Quality 2169 ' FRESH BUTTER 1b •. 59c VIG. JUICE .......... 46 ...... MW _..,, 3179• TOMATO JUICE ... OL 8"W Qlaallly t '19' GR'FRT. JUICE .. OL ii' Richard's f";recn Carton AA Fn9h LARGE EGGS •· ' --... - WITH SAWE fM"ll .... .. _.,, ........... s • .-.. ....... ........ .., .... Jin.. 81mcwlle w1llll: ·tlle ......,. __ ,..... et ... wttll ...... •r& M peshC: .,..... myhfnc, w~· e a ell time lobe ..at.-, •• ,,,, me·hed potat.oe. . • • 0.- lnll&ht la • aldala.c -· -lo lllllute lluliod Po--... -.·two oupo of ..-..ier to a boO. remove flWD ~ add aon&eat. of ............. Do loot cook, jut get them wet ... Poof! fluffy nwohod pota..... ' pleat)· for f our . . . ~ ~ General Foods b&.8 done it '.:'".~ apln . Min ute Tapioca. , ~ . ( Minute Rice. now Mi1ut' ' ·~ · ~ Muhed Potatoes ... F'~l lil-: ~ • ..-::-> ~ u ying &omething nice abo1·t ':..'"'-'"; ~ \ General Foods ... So big, 8 0 ~ ~ ) ever s giving of everythin ~ ""'" ·;, ~ from ahoe poll1h, dog food, • S M'ayonn~ and Mlnute ~i uh · °"" ~ ed Potat.oea, to make thing• 'I! euier' tor you a.round the "< boUAe ... Right now they are , ~> llUbtly advertiaing t b e l r wa.re:., by auggeeting that the father ot the houae take the · whole tam.lly out to dinner . more often .•• That I endone u one of the gnat.eat innovas tiona., aince the beginning ot time, tor producing bigrer and better lemon piea, thicker and jucier stl!!Bb a.nd more dtver.ifled. brea.lcfu t., lunches and dinnel"'9 ..• Lend a.n ear, dad ... How long hi.a it been! lllu.te ¥· s' 7 11. Pata.toe.! • !'lime'• mon 70U ma do "wna. tblo moelc nw. i-k· "!' ... PaWo TOldl1si I :-:::s s:• • ,..,.,. o~ to .. ~re • crlllpy aocoms ....,_; to UIJ' ..- ... or rereblt •.• Am .. ll~---·­.... ..,. .. --1 ;, . n...111nte .... , • ....... ? • .,........,. .. . ... ..., ..... --11 u.. ......... _ .... (~ tlleT-I&) • .• Aal ue tlle1" d•• .. 1 Ba I Uld Inly 1" ciaa't ···-·· .... "--! Lido Il&yw, thia Thuroday, J'rida.y and Saturday, Feb. rua.ry 2, 3 and 4: among our Lido Sbopo • • • Like tho llOUDd ot thf!99 ! Courderoy Captain'• Ch&Jr -· atulf. ed with shredded loam. rubber $3.116 : TwotlerH-carto Sll.116 : -..... pltclror& and amorted high ball ..-1 ..... eo, liquor proofed trayw li0% Off: CnmiJ'fr• fine BOud st... tlODOI')', from $1.?50 -ll0.00 20% otf, AJoo Cou""'Po brown paper cocktail and din-· ner napkiu 20% off, Higher Lido D&r-Trade-lna on G. E. Wuhera and Drlen, u low u $2.~woel<: Tieo, ahJrta, ~ and other men'• at If.I price: For the llJll&1l fry one stoni ' t. ctvtng 20% ott on any !tan. Another .,. oft apedal rad< gtrlo -and Boy& Fi&DDOI Shlrta: Another ta h&Till( a lnlCk oale, nc. $8.311 for $11B5. wa&-a r. tM ~r .,.. ... tM bet&w drw-............. ""',n..: ~ .. .n -..... Mir;,, • ---. al&Mc-•= ••• _, 109'Ji, ..... -...................... pc t Is ..... , Bir hM I ::;'.!Jleae ,,..._,. la 11 • ----· t. '10.ll: l'an:..._ IDllz• .... '11111--..... a...~~ .. . -f&.50-.. . = t ... Ardlll · .... i..- .. ... ~!•l ..... '8-Tll, ~ -• ' • ~ for tllie Ud9 ~ •• ]ft . la tlle wlatt Ni '1f ... Ude ... , ....... --.. Lido- ...... 11', .... cw. ..... • - HOW HANDSOME They can't look much better than thi11 St Joachim School ot Coal..& Meaa. oulfit. The Ramblers are un- deleated in Orange County, Sout~ Division League play. From left, rear, Bill Kennecb'. Bob Seigel, ' f CAN A fEAM GET? Richard LaComb, Wayne Wedeking. Middle, John Beck. Front, Stan Dendinger, Fred M&rtin, Jim McMahan, Ronald Kirby, Tom Graham.-Staft Photo MESA NINE NABS 1 ST IN LEAGUE Wet fTOU!M1li W'tre ,....pon- albL• t or the Meu. MarchaAta moving lnt.o tlrlll place ln 1econd tom"ld bor~lde pi.y of t he Of"anJ• County Wint• Bueba.tJ Lea(Ue CIYH UHi weekend. . J'lr•l round champion Or· ange dropped lta nnt 1a.m•· ot the w\nter diamond ...,.- Sunday wbe.D. O:orona 9dJed by, 4-3. The Harbo r llrM. Mtr-- ehant1. doeadloc::ked w ith CX- a.ng111 tor top •pot.. tlad to po11tpone their 4)uh w1Ul Sant.a Ao• Al'• nlne du• to "wet lft'Unda." Tb• Muam9.D WI.II tlrl" to malnt &.ln their adva.ntq• ..-i,n.t. P'Ulltrton at c.o.i. 11.... Park next Sunday. ,.,,, -Hes R~$­ Squad Won Too Many? mu1l oa U.. 00.-·...i nc-.U,-ot t :oa. . .,..,_.. "9tll ... ar r-n:1 ~ and o..tr.'• i.-.- C.oacb. Ralph Reed t1 tadnr an N•t ~ ot t:.18.6 Mt J.ut. un1aua.l problem with hi• N ew· r.b~. port Ha.rbor High Behool ha.r-P100 MO. & riera. Ch&l'i. Ouk of Bu.le Aaa "How QM I bring the be>'• up JLM toand ·the HUnUqtcm ...... . tor lM Sun.Mt I.Aa.,ue Keet. lo-l!lll.I &ad d&Je9 IA t :U ttat.· ~ mot'f.uw aftt1rnoon when t.1'117 M.¥~ 80n. tollow'ed by Tottita ta t :ta. t>Mn up for tour 1lr11ht y11&n? Pt i.. fourth Oil UM lriulll of Rood ln~ulru. · l"I' . ·A d ·-·· t,.,., that' rn ·rd'1r bi.II 1•1' *taQ' ~1 ~ ON A 'MIW '16 JOHN I .ON l •IA•HOllll y.., .......... 11 ••Ida --91 Ltt'1 .......... 0.. 1p_arkfi•1 ..... "S6 Ji'•-lf .... _ .. ...... , •• JO: .,1 n ...,... ~V'• 0 Doon with A.rTouarl tu.mtas ta • tor the Tar ero• ~OWltry equad 1:20 llmlfll' ·tor the dt9twe. Soil• Coast Co. to defe1t Fullerton• Indian run· C..t.ro'i mark at HWlUn,um ' GO'l.'TA. 00 HIGH! -Guard Dave Tamura of Newport Hubor's high echool vanity 1bow1 how to get over a tough defense with this jump shot against Or· a.nee recently. The Panthers, led by Tom Figueroa (7), upec.t the Sailors. -Staff Photo n1r1 on the Hu.ntlncton Beach 1.8 BMch Moaday ,,,.. t :d , ru aa N&hpc:wt Blvd. at Uni St, mUe ~oUtM!; tomorrow , th• Oobll What the b&rdoot boJ wu dotq" will definitely have lo turn In u fh• Joop champ laat ......_ Barbor llOO their top p.lrforni&llce of th• 1Lll a..t bet la th&l bowner thl' rour year•. S&llor·lndi&D i...cu-x .. t duel --· TusHn Faces HBC 7TH, STH CAGE Ensign Here f IVES IN 1 ST SPOT NEVEH. BEATEN tu m. out, tM nm.ta wU1 M a hifo. "4ltu+!ll ''T'her•'• not a boy on Newport.II m1U1 batU1 btt•Mn Pl.s's · aad ....... •-• •- c,..,.. CCNRb"y 911.u&d," Ralph r ... N-l and a n_. meel mark. ••I'••• MDA•••ttf' VMJed, ' .. }\O bu kno'Wn d•f•tl ---------------- Jom'l'OW Aft After gamee against Buena P~rk in Harbor BoY'' Club gym Monday, the local seventh graders were in disputed HorMle llnalp A and B quin· f'-la 0 Q Co B k tet.. ntarn to Ortlq• County u-nl p ce atop range unty a.a etba.ll League with a :a:1em .. ta17 lcboo& B&N:•tb&ll perfect 6-0 record and the local eighth graders had retaliated J.Aac'U• -~tiOll at 2:80 p.m. for an early t.e..:>n ION to r-emaln and Davi! R°""° and Bob No rri.a. tom°"°"' -la lM N.wport. BMch dl'l&dlocked ror flr•t plac11. t each, ln dual m • • l coinp«.Jt.lon. W• hav• not kl"-a dua.I 111..C. -'nM 19~2." Reed d~ not f ff( thal the 'Tar lrlo of Biii Plsr. Aurt• O.UoP:i and t..arry Cwtro 1ian ,bett.r UM Tribal blg Ulre. ot Qrttpdy Neal. Ron Tobin 1and I.any AITO\lilll - and the HunHn('lOn Beach rec· Ol'd!l thl1 ~ IMlar h&m out. N~I. who defeated Piii' by a 1tr1de when both .,....,.. clock-4 la 8:18 on the nat )Ocal l .l-1AU• COUTH Jut month, Ml a n.w Junior :a. ~M~ ~== The HBC eevenlh grade quln· A.1:a 1n11t Santa An!ll : Stxth - A loop ._ .......... r'll1& ed .. _. bo tel took care ot Buena Pa1·k 33. i'ti1n Bryan 10. Bryan Lewla 9, MARINE mtnrter ._., •11U )' ..... to l>fll"ITII• C11r~nt .. r 6 , Bob :-lnrrt• e&DC91Md due to n.tn. Oc>uJl 24 whll• lb• local eighth gT•d11 8 Jed Hou.ton ! Ed Hl11tt Rich-INSURANCE 1'1'1MW. atahnll announeed. ti"" edg'ed the rlY&Ja !1-27. Ron ~d Kesel Dl!n~l11 Perri~ ll.tld l!luaw.&l'• ....antty ftft ltl Wld9-Palalerri •a. bi&" gun for the Gary SC~l!ll, 2 e•r h. ll:tghth -Slllootla~ t•tlld tn. Joop play while UM 9"enth &"RdctN, hltUng for 9 Jerry Hehn 10, ert11n Lucaa t . o.borM-Forto. a-k7 Co. Urti~ M.ft dropped i-pomi.. Other dn:n wen: J ohn Tom Hubfor 4, Steve R.Gbinton 3; USI ~ eo..;_~wa7 JUOM. HUJ"h .. 8, Dick Butterworth O, ;~~·~~~do~•2aJ;•~-;;;o;;;;;;;;o;;;;;J~~~~~~~~~~~~ I x_.,, u. II n •IS a cact Butch Vlneyard 4, Jolin Brock· •quadli copp.d a pair of Ol.IUnp mim 4, Paul Sta.m :Z and Nell Mc-- from l..tllrop Jv.atcr ~ The )(lllan 1. k)caJ ..,.ab lftdSn de!-t«I tit. Brian Locu chunkt'd 21 m11r)i-rl.,....,. t&-11 and tbe DiaJ.sn .,.... en throu(h tbe hoop tor the Har· enth ~ do'Wtl-S 0-. Sf.I. bar area eighth ,-radl!rs. Other Grando/lo , s ~formerly of H"met J complete "'._\enu for the family PIZZA •e MPAOllETl"I • 1.ASAUSA. llOME ·MADI: RAVTOLI e SttAIL~ e SEA FOOD ,OOD TO GO j-------------------------------- ' I t I I I '\ Arainstonn on washday when you Go • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL Phone for ' TH_E BJG CALL SECURITY COMMUCIAL PATROL Kl 2-7027 .. T.H!S __ WEEK and lieb1 our special offer! · ' ""' pkt "P .. phoM oM cal .. -we 11 h""'Y right• wa THl MG & WWle row dri..-. it, we 'I oppnN .. yow cor -_,.. by the ti .. you co.ne bock, ............ a 'P"dd troct.41 off., tt.ot can't ~ ~ -esp«:W., ii JOU!' CQf .. .... thcM 5 .,_,.. okt. The ·h!g ~is THE BIG lilERCURY JOHNSON & SON, U..Colll-Men:mry · llOQ .W. Cou& ....,..,, N-rt - ~ -1197. Qall Uborty 8-66'5 -------------------------- the window and dry clothes the modem way with an electric . • • I , ICNll.Ql sconn f~ the el&hlti "'1nnln&" digit.a came rrom Steve .,..,S. qu11lt.t1 Dmn)" J>o9t 11, RobllLIOn 8 and Jury Hehn 4 . .Ju&bl N&llnko O. &left Henro-In ~eti sil.turday, the Harbor Un. fr, all Champion 7, TOm 8tev· Bo)'•' CI u b defeated IA.gun• 9'WI J. Jim Corfman 2, Nmll Beach In three !oret1n gtM:t - Slldllw ' and Bill J'Hd•rtckaoft 4&-H. tl(tlth; 61-10, MT!!nth. atut 2. 41-41, Qtl\. And Thunday, th• HBC sb.th grade;\ roUed over S&nl& Ana 42-8 whUe th• elrhth s11 1alboa 11vd:iALBOA , Harbor 4111 • Southern California Edison Company l'ol' U.. ....,,th srade: B 111 Twt9t 10. O.ry W•ton "· Dfck Buu.rworth :Z, Dsinle P9rrtn 2, K•t Jlodpoo 4, John Hu1ti..~. Gary CurtU J, BlU P'reuhllnc 8 rradera dropped • :M-28 be.ttl• • a.ga.!nAt older perlormel"9 ot the /~~".'."'~~~~~".'."'~~".'."'~~".'."'~~".'."'~~~~~~~1 -;;;_;:-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-;·~-~-~-;,;-~-~-;·~-~-;-~-~-~::::;.~~~-~-::;:;~~-~-:;,;:-~-:;,;:-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-""-~-~-~-~-~~~·'i CTO t ffJTI. ! 11 Apnal IA.pna. !peal 900rera s s s s OPE." DA.IL1' U N~N·U KIDNIGHT, CL08F.D MONDA\' and Ra. 01-2. :===========l 'lll"tlre : Et1hth -BT\a.n t..ucu 14. Ste" Robinson 12. Jerry H9htl &. W.... ltoh lst Tom Huber e.. Jerry QUH.ner 4, Tom &.n<.loYAI 3 and Clluck e.u- Barbst WbMl•r -n r.t man JL Sn-l!l'lth -Ron Palatfert ptac. ln th• Au 17, John Huchu 10, Dick Butter-/ at UMi MUaldp&I wurth 8, Jim Pattenon 6, Lf-Roy h«"I] ~ Jr1 14 point.a. Ramo. 2. Glenn Gardner l &..'"Id Aeao.4 WU Kn. W lllla.m Brims. Butch Vtneyard. ~II Rapp Wl'd X.. 'l'Qaot' Carr. HaroW. and BW 8cott, 4 -.eh. Blxtb - ..,_..., -fourtll atter a play-Tom Bryan l :Z. DeMlll Ca.rpenter olt wttlt ft-otlwar lawn roller9. 10, 81'\aA LonrWI I. Jlm CurtMI t. Onf,)' t-wo pain.ta •puG.ed tlM Oen.nit Pl'f'T1a. MUI:• Patrick. Lyn nm UMt. lOUi pi.,.. o.m uc1 Ttim WOQClrie). J -.ot1. • LOU REED's-4.UCKY BUCKS! I (laa.. ,...-rMi. •1 U )"OU drive a llOS Ch•Y)' h.a.nl·top. In (ood ODndJUon, Lou Reed will •Uow Up t o 11.eoo tor it . on a 'M Chry•let" w~ BIU'dlop! n., ..... In LUCK Y BUC K&. to pu.l ti.ell ln .J'OlU piA)' bank! I {c.t tMt ... _, llrtlc • wtt:l TM) LOU ll&£D 41AJJ&OCIATDJ -11M W. o.-t H•J· ~-~·~-Ul-1&11 H.adquull .. for Elechlc Clothes Dryers AL FORGl.T .HARDWA.!J-· !l&WfiJ&I Jll!•CR ..... lll 9"' WIMre T-A.79 • .. fll • ..,.._. a.nte.. -i -----·-··--~ -... ~ - .•--- I 6 ¥MA't '1._, 1956 • • "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we connot c~g•: th. couroge to ctul"9' ih.: thin91 we_c~ Md the COI.IRTHQUSE BEAT --... ·-- • · • ·-~------w.1diim foinow tho diffiri"nc ... "-(A: "Anon-:J-;-.,.....-~-- EDITORIALS J&4NTA .UU. (OQlll) -~ .-, """''• ™ wltll re+•s 11'91 .,.. -.Did .u .... iooked aaom bill ... ba .. t1D7, UN matioa. oMo.. ._ g M ftoor of the Orup Oluty Qourtlloale. News-Press Assigns.Staffer to Continuing Smog Study Smog, like the weather, ii one of thoee thinp mWiona of Californi.a.M are "t.alk1ng &boa.t'' and which few 8ttlD to be dot.ng anyth.lnl" to remedy. The N~ Preu ia one of the comparatively few trying to find out the fact., 8'lek the solution t.o air pollution. To aorne folk.a this may look u tbouih we have goDe far a!'ehl. Not ao. Smoe '9 nearer Newport Ha.rt>or than you mirht think. We believe the danger to Orange County'• pleua.nt atmosphere i.t so gnat thil newapape~ hu uelgnod. the amog aituation Lo one ot tho editorial at.atf who will a~iallse fn u com- plete rMearch of pollutant.a, their cau.ee a.nd cure. a.a huma.nly J>C*lble. To this end our 11mog expert. today coVtted a .,._ eion ~tween County Smog Cur Dixon Tu~ a.nd two nop~nt.ati\1e. of the West.em OU A Gu A98ociation. mttt1ng at Tubt.' office The uaoctatlon rephlleota· ttvea have offered to mile a aurvey of t..hit 'county'• tXJating petrolt'tlm containers to det.erm.Jne bow miny ve giving off apecifi.c amounta of un.aaturat.ed hydro- •rbonA or olher alr pollutant.I. \Ve have it from Tubt. today tbat &bout Sl mil· Ion haa been 11pent in Or&nge County durin1 t;.e put yea.rt.by private indu11try at "requeet ot the Ur pollution control offi ce to keep the air in the plant.a' vi('in.ity breathable. Thia ia quite a bit of invutmect for in- dustry to ma.kc in pure air. But. most of Wt can aanie. It will be worth IL Becauae Ora.nee County ls attr&ct.ln( lhouaandJI of persona who have tired ot breat..hing lAfl Angele. Buin rumes. They are spending their money on homes and bWlute&a venlUl'ell in t..b..la county. Many are coming to Newport Beach and eo.ta .U:.ON. to eaca.pe the d.ubio iu; pleuuree of life in "SmogvWe" l.I) the northwest. )'ou who have read th.la column are acqu.a.inted with our prevk>ua attempta to publici.ui varioua bad 11mog altuatiOJU which ca.n get unlivable un.leu they are controlled at the outaet. Tho.e public otficiail wbOM work ia to seek out the cause of amog occuionally surface ..tlb & new u pcet to be studied. F'or au.mple Lo. A.n.geb Smog Control Chief Snuth Griawold, I....o. An(t:U., ovu the 'A'ttk end reported to the lltat.e public utilltie. com- m1ivi1o n that power p\a.ntA and other industrial 90urtea n()'A' 11R1ng fuel oil could cul their .mog output 80 per c<-nt if they changNI to natural gu, Griswold fUed h1111"f'po rt while t.hr PUC ia at.udytng a request by South- l'rn Countit s and Southern Ca.l..ifomia gu eompa.nie&, a l 'A'in ut1hty controlled by P&eific Lighting a.nd Gu, for p<'rmluion to buUd a 236-mile natural pa line from Topock , near Needlet1, to Newhall. Griswold contended tha.t fuel oil burning emit.a 2.627 lbs. (smog) pe r each million .BTU• (beat unit..) u against on1y .509 from natural pa. Fuel oil u.e, be uecrt.ed. t• a major smog aource. We along the South Gout., &rut inland Orange County u well, ahould be intu•t.ed in t.hl. ~ ot gu for power bttauae the 8cnrtbern C&lifornil. Edieoo Co. plam to build a $60 million ate.am generating plant in nearby Huntington Beach. lf fuel oil ia bu.med there t o provide power, the resident.8 i.n a huge northeuteriy awath acrou the county will be well awve of a.ir pollutant.a unJeu they ~e capped at the 10urce. And Smog Cur Tubba reported lut week the EcU.on Co. hu 11ubmitted no pla.na lo hi.a county otfiot Nga.rdinr po&eible smog em!Jmiona from the HUDtfnctoa Be&ch pla.nt. With u much amog potential bein1 moved into the county by varioua sourcea the News-Presa wW oOntinue to view the smog front ed.itori&Jly and n~ in effort.JJ to keep pollutant.I to a bree.th~bl.e millimum... Grass Roots Opinion JOHNSTON, S. C., RIDGE CITIZEN ' "There are powerful forces at work in thia nation attempting to federalile the ocboola along with the -lnduob7 and othen. We •hould be on guard qainst. theee forces." "-tJ' Uie Newport-aalboa N-.-'nm•• ud UM N.wpot1.-Balboa Pr-. ---, .. _ O..,.._ Qa1ade Cantllo, ~T. lnvtted u. to baft a ... t. WASHINGTON REPORT (llarll)t. -u.. M9adl oall 1'bo., .. -""""""" .......-. 1l&a ..._ tor II ,...n. Ile'• W"INSld. ., .. ~ ...... .,.,. of w. , ..... ,H a, Yow cnsn , • J.dll:a a. tm '.,U. --.aJJ--~ _..,..... tD ""19 ., Mn'lioe. 'IOvcm:.1, QA.I& I conehaded lut ...u'1 report with an Indication that there wen aw>y pro-1< ....i. by tho AdmllWitntlon ln the St&t.e of the Union mw1p wbJcO I will be compelled to oppoee. It. reooeuMmde.tion for the conatructJon of the Upper Colorado RJv .. project with It. u:penditure of more' Ca.rrWo. OOUISUl ~ ·~ ~ a.ad TV lt&r Lee Oi.rrillo, wu lM tint otfkSel reporWr la u.. *tA-H•'• appolat.d '7 tu boa..rd Of 11Upen111cln tcw an tod91Wte """°"' .. ln\.arp-1.•, Ul• IMiipecta.cltd CUnllo 1-c.a.ll4d Oii t.o lntarpnt prcas1dlnr• for &aJ Bpa.ni.eh - ., 11 -In .. p&rtid.pa.nt In oourt ac- tknb... Tb.a.t'• lb• nret &nd ,.map. foremo1t &eU't'lly of C&.rrlllo'1 omc.. But thal'• far from a.U the ducendant of on. ot c..i1for- n:ti"• pixlMrtnr· IUttnU doM. "'l ......_... lL "'7 e1M.ft7,• Qal'My 1&14. -n.. Modi -... a MsiKriMPIOal' ....... ~ It rot Ml ol Mmd. an-..! ._,... Malm .,,. n.at ... .... :IO ,...... a.p. DtiplaU. U1'WtM t•7 a.ad ... toGk u.-ti:lto ruu.rton J\UIUCl4 of Ulll r.&.ce aourt o f Jude• B . L Bpm.oe •l -Um&. than on• bjllklft dollan and wtltch 1"JUkl kfllt' ... ,-.&U.tJoll h~ of t.hou.and.9 ol Mll'tle ol land at a. Um• wh&n the .t.4ml.a&- •tfa.Uori. 19 al.o ~ l.ba eUmlnaUor! ot mWlona ot a.c.-.. '""" producuon· IA di~ u lNll ... conf'hetllq'. nu. pro}Kt u coutructed would a.i-CCIGl'l.lt.ut. a. ~ to the qualit7 &lid . fllanUly ot tM ••ler .,pp1y Lo Boot.Mm Ca.Dtor· n~ You ma.7 be -..n4 UaflL I will UM my tte.t .tfort. to d.,. teat UU. prt1Jert, and I fe•l • tht. Ume w• h•ve It t&lrty -u Ro~ TIM ~ • Arll.n· u.a Pl"'9j.:t. which call. tor the t..--a.1n div-ton of ~• of Ul.e Upper Color-..do R.lver lr1- but&.r1• a.crM• the Qoall~tal Dtnde, would aao ;.o~ our water 91.ij!ply but hu •o m • cl&&Q,ce r:d ~· l.n a.pil.41 ol °"'' elfort. to •Lop Lt. OQOU P'AAM PU.N ni. .pKtnc m-1'• on a.c-rt· cullW"• w!lb tU rKOmmendaUONI will t ol'l'TeT' 9land aa • Jn&at•r- pl-. I l WU • nsu1.t of a COID• bt.naUon ot the but bra.111.11 or the eollnll')' -4 ... M l forth with cl.vtQ' and determlnaUon. I lw'n pnM.ed oop._ of UI• .,.ncu.JlUN ~ &lid wtll b. lwpPy to mall on. to aa:ron• ~lnS-IL TM Pfttfftl" a dtr11el94 towa.rd nWlll• ret.Mf' UUY:r. t1(td .up- port. 90 lbe Adm!ni.trw.tlon'• pro(Tam m11ht be ~ an attempt by Ule ao-.mmaat to Mctn to t•C acr...nun•nt out ot Ole ta.rm.,... a.tta.lni. nio 1uu. neorn1tton a sin.n to , the ta.ct t.ba.t our tum pl"Ob- lmn wlUI Ill etpt hllllon dolla.n In wrphui oommodltl• wu een- •re.ted over a. ~rlod of •I• or H vm ,....,.. l ollO'Wine W orld Wu JJ imder tM rtrtd price •upport.I wh ... p.rmttt.cl Uta ccmU1p,u.t.1on of -u.a paodueu-. Thi. pl"Ol't&m -oria1n&lly lnLU.a.c..d tb Mlp lha ··on-Ule- ranra" prottuc:«r taout r.u.Jted ln the d-.iopnMnt of b~ COlllOr- •le &('ric:u.lblre l.Jllt.1"919 who took adT&11l.al• of Ute hlP irup- JX!rt p~ Many ol' i.hem i'e- ce1v9d Jn e:uaM of a mOUon dol- 1a'r1 • .,...,. ~ U.. Qoffrnmcnt.. and ... their a.crea.c• wa. curtaJl- ed th• lmprond rn-Ulod• ot rarmlnC' r-Ut«I l.n • veat.er producUOll Oil !c••"I' a.a.. Th•r. w-. P-""I' a. lilnltat.loa upon Uui amounl produc«I but only upon the c.crua• pl.a.nted. l am l'eft•r- a.lly oppoeed to1 ~ ~trola but rath.er favor a. tree economy, bu t .... n11. !Ji-bup ...-pW-hang- ing over the market emeraJ ar- rlculture. I• l.n • d9pr--1 eon· di lion. The Secretary ot A.cMculture ~ \h• Pr.-d•nl recom· nwiodi" a it0ll bank and • -oU r .. ..... ,....... nicb. Will tut. ·~ ot ~ Ollt or proeuo- UGn -.n4 permtt tM IT&du&l .Um· ~,f/l lh-. ~l1 .ur- ~ ae, ~ peoom•.-ltO• cb&npa ln lM tofe!lcri dlatrtbu- UoJll st. Old' tia.rm prodU<:c Ut order l.o OOlnp.te wtt). ll,(1'1CultU1"11 pro- macum in othu n.a.uona. At th• p.NHllt tlm• tti. S.Cr•· tary of A~cultur. eann(lt •ell cotton under a certain price a.nd I• betn.s und9"0ld by a t Leiut len cen~ a pound by fortl(Jl produc- .rw ., that -ha.,.. IOllt to for- etp oomp.tJtcr• t1t"O mUILon b9.lM of cotton annua.lly. Storaa:e eoet.1 amoU11t W O'Yer a mllHO[I doll.an a day and will conllnue a t OU. nru.r• unui •• u.n ~ ot tbeaa •vrp.lUML I predict Ul.a.t tM •ll·poLnt prolTlllJ\ .,,.'Ill be en- &(;t«I lnt.o law •ubctantlaJly u r.oommvld.9<1 a.nd !..hat .... ithln a tou.r-y•a.r period th• ruu!LI wtll ~ m011t CT•utytn •. PUT OO?lo'TILOL Our C&lltornl.a. Del.9p.Udtl 8ub- commltt911 on Apicu.ltur. hu he-. holdlne _,. lftMUll.p wtlh Ill• O.p•rtment of AS-l'ioultur• c~tn.c the •pott.ed &ltaJ!A a.phld bits.ht Whleh II dMtroylrlC mJWona of ~ worth of a.lf&l· lL Thi.I pMt .... nat found l.n the Unit.cl Btat• untll two ,. ...... aco a.nd w!Wn that llhort Uma h.u spread to fourteen •t&leL It LI. •tilnattd ~ It will co.t t1a aJ . ta.l!a. powen ln C&Utornia no 1-than twenty iatnloa dolkn w., ..... Jt I.a a.lmoM. tmpouibl• to con- trol th• •phld by c"4mlea.l. u th•N az-. other bo9t pl&nt. which c&IT)' tM aphid. and If only ~ or tW'O 119ea.pe lh97 n1ulUply -o upid.17 Ul.a.t U..,. lnle9t ~ crop b7 Uie nut cuttlzle. They a.re able lo !ly u w.ll u tn.ftl with Ole wind. and lh• onl7 apparent llClluUQQ WW b9 th• de~anl 0( .. iun.1 pa.ruH..e• a.nd the p~ ducUon ot. a n-rNl.ll&nt 191.ra..ln. The UnJvaraHJ o( CalUomia. In conJUN:llon Yrltn t.be >4T1c:Wture mq,.tme11t &talion Ill worktne f.veriMl,. a.Joo.e th... two 11.n- It t. e•Um•tlld Uat 72:~.000 a.c.na out of one m1illoQ l.D. Ca.llfornla an a..lrM.dy WutACL W• ha.vii bMQ a.aured by UM! n.pa.rt.ment ol Ap1cul.ture that lhay h.a.ve 9Uttlclent t~ to e.a.zT7 out th• prorra.m a.nd tha.t.. while the next two or ~ yea.n wW b. very diMcull fot" lha a.lf.a.l!a. smwer. th• problam Yrlll b9 ••ent.u&lly r.olv.ci. Na:t week I will report on the J'eden.I a.Id lo 9duc.a.Uon le1Wa· Uon. I ' ~) t , Editorial Circuit Rider "Wa but eourt outdoon M· t-th9 ""' '°'* ud UM old Califonu.· Hol4L I ~ U.. conl· p~t. to a.11 ieT. upla.ined. thetr conaUWUona.I Mehta.. Pl-.. ••r• -l41red by all and •• h.a.d th • wb,olt bwW:I. ~ la ~ houra. .MO'MiER CO!•YESSOK "'Whtie courl wu In pror- 111 • .ort of moU'lc r ccinf_, ••• were 1·1n,tt'd ~lh p-ollc• ott1• tor l.he troubled. a.monr the Span· e<>r•. •rm~ •·1th Mwed--0 rf •hnl• t•l'I 1pe.a.ln nc ttsld1111ta of v u r run•·" counly. Ch&rl'Y a.1-.;; p l.&ya a b11 ("1.rr\110·1 r•mlly datee b&ck to role In natur•l1u t1on nt 8 p.a.nla.h -1 1~ in California. H11 art• t wniuM folk& I grandt•thu w-. Oil• ot th4: l'O) 11 B y l " 1',Tt:D P&r:SS .. 1 Co wher• l in t\Mlllld •· l.:h•r· ruard H nt h•re b)' lh,. kin& of ---------------------------· l ley .aruiilld. ''Wbll'l.Mr ,; b4l for 1 Spain to t:otpl<'.lr• lht \\"eat c.--..1 (A Sympoaium of Editoria.l Comment from lM cU1t1u~1 •ttornt y, 11h~rlff 1•r and l.ty out ni•p• e&.Mwber•. Th•y corn • ln h • r • For ~I.Ir .ervtce Lo lh• crowa.. California New:-papen). trwn •. u (IYe:r Ula county for u -11.CC()tdtns to c.muo, th• OUU'll•· Adlai Steven.eon &nd Sen. !'AU. Ket1.uver of Tenneeeee .utuce. 1 try w do u.. be•t or men w.n ein n LhoUMlld.9 ot •c- my a bUllJ' to .b •Ip them e•t ,... of 1.a.nd. will be in California th1B weekend (Feb. 3--:5 ) to ldc:k ot! •tre.11bt.CIMd ouL Ev-en 60 m.a.r· Ol&rla7'• or ... l. Unci• M&nano their drive for the support of the .tat.e'a d.emoc.n.ta lo the M.lf'9 OO'UIWll11nl'-Jt'• r:.ot a it.at-Va.ll.9jo h.a.d lM North.rn Calltl)f· J une ~ prunary election. Ca.lltornl& edit.on are finding ed part of ia7 ofllu, but It hM nL& loW'n « VaUeJo named alt.tr pvwn i,Qto a. .art of obllr•UOA. hlln. 'Ibe.r. w•A nln• broth•n1 It timl'ly !or opinion.a on Ocmocratk: politics: Th•Y upect It a.nd J'm n.x i.e.-a.fld nva •tat.an tn th9 p1at Sa.nt.. Roaa Pre.1 ~mocnt.t tM 1...._ undldat.M ior the tins them dowll.'" (TWUldfat..h•r'• ta.mUy. They 9Jlre&d \l.'tt•n a "ma1ru1n• quoted Mr ~ua pnalct.i.U&I ao.m1M,. utto lh• 8&D rn.ncaco ar.._ 8u DllllN 4 u M YlnC th• United Uoa Mtba&IJJ np~t. u.. pla&I.-ot ~ eha.rl"• to t1'a cUct. Dl•eo. to. Ancei... 8&nta Bar- Statu ti&.-bffn on lh• brtnk ._,r omp!lj' ot .a. .,,.jortty ot u..11' Mra.. Veatw-a a.n4 Oranc'a ooun.- w.,.. three lime• tn thrflll y-r•i. put;J'1 -nit.n. PoUUCIJ. liM4wa The l.nlfltl>l'•l•r, wbo now llv.,. U... candidate Steven.on promptly 1 01 ~ .. .urieatw!d in pa.rt)' at-at l.)fU P&ROrama H•t1hta. •t.a..rl--L&G&NDA.&'f P'1GUaE lnto print by acc u.ai.ne Lhe See· ta.tn lb.a.t tbey !Wt.I.ft zn,on to «I la •l hi.I 111•'• work at\u .II.la Tb.I LDtwpr•l41r'• On.ndmotb•r rtt.ary <>I playing Rua.alan roul•lte m&Dortty preMUre• tu. to UM lf'&du&Uon trom Santa. An. Ht1h Dtcleat.a.. &epu.lftd.a. C&nUlo 19 with out enllre i\atilJn •l a tln1f' ~'PP at tN l'f'W roots. 8cbool Ln 1917. He tollow9d the one ot U.. ~ ~ l.n wb•n ou~ military mlch t wa. ~-~ a t tM tbre4 JoMd&n tor pr-cut publie W9116u NI c II: Ca..W'onU&'a pdea ~ Her MC; tnr re<tuc9d ~r poUtJc&l purpva~~ tlM: Democn.ttc nomtn&Uoa , .• Mt7• IAto otRc•-ced buaba.Dd wu Don Ramceo car-. It .ounda &ooi. Th• only ttoubl~ It ill sv!Mnt t.bat t..1ca.Dy a.ll a.n H• wu a. •plndiy, tuay-ch-k-rtUo. s.pulftd.a. Bl'f'd. WU a.a.med i. that It L&n'f M:cun.te, cut trom the -.me bo.lt or clolh.. Id ~,er wh.en n. 1ot hia ttnt an.., Mr. 8h9 wu l'lnt ~ed "'llta tore!p poll.cy LA In .harp 'i"!!ert m•r b9 a. prst'UWIC'9 u to call to lnie-rpr•t tn tM oourt. at to Jtl&l"OOrl T ort>&. a.noOi« Mlmne eonl.l"Mt to lb.al of Mr. Truma:i ~al!Ue• ... ditter9icu u *•l Jude• J . B. Co.a. ~t In UI• ~m•t ot Call· F1.r from a cl•ar-cut 'Lhu. lar to abtllUM a.nrt pa.rt7 allla-. FtS8T DA. y tClnllL a.nd no ta.rt.her' pollcy, M.r. l'ru· But Oft I.lie que9UOn of t.u-. tbl "J'U t l I.hat r lr •t W\llCh ot lAll at.a.ta•• biM.ol')t h.u man'• a.dmlnlall"l.tlon let it be tllne 1-.dLn< Democre.ta -M••r Ol'I"• bilea wr1tl11t1o IU'OWl4 tha ._., .... ~.'' Cha.r1.t1 .w:t. '"I .,,. .. 1oe&r9d -.,...... Known that w• d.Jrt nol conalder could ,....ic daily from t.b• ea.m• dM 1'orbiU .nd Cazi1Uo9. 114pul"" ,_, a.nd nervoua.. A.U 1 could -on da --~110 11_, ,. bo "· Kora.a -a nd we blunl'.111-red .. ...,o not.M. la k \,,&l'Tl_ di •-di ta Lh• oompl.tnt ww one bl(, b c "Sh• would ba.n lt'nd 0 •• 0 a ahooUnc war de.fm nr It. "n.o:o.-.r e•• of IT&.U • roo •pot. But I ~ I.he compWnt to ,., llw!r• h.a.ve heel\ no almilar mt.-opinion, It I• clu.r .•• I.hat Uul dan h 1 t 10Jll'•1 H Cb.arlay Mid.. ""llUt l.dvtntur .. under the ElatnhQwer Dllmoerat!c c.ndldate will not r• the defen t .ome ow. I 0 d...,eloped a .. Y_ cold.'" f th _ .. M ov•r my tr11bt .nd ban been •t At on• tllna th• ..... __..,_ &II· a d m In I • tr• t I on. U th• Corn-pre.ent the m L<l<He-<> • •re..._ It •v•r alnc&. ~ ......... ...._ l'lunlata ln.Vl.d&, ..,,.. wlll n1ht Gov, Harrtman ... )'I. !Jive t.. QO cqton 1'9ported11 eonttoUed a They know It. lltld l l'le Am t.r!ra:i auc.h word u modent.t• In th• Ca.rrillo .tudled enrtn•rtn&" •t qu.a.rter of t.b• l&nd tn C&lltomia.. publlc knOWll lL So d~a Mr Democ:ra.tlo voce.hulary -at leUt 8a.nt.a Clara. Ulllv•ralty. When h• c.:.rnuo dl.-ca.o-1 tha old Um•n1 8teve11110n. not. al top p•rty JevW." •t.&rted u lnt.rpreter l.n the old a.r• fa.t dwLndltne 1n o., a a e • "W hat would Mr. St•vtoftl(ln PA.a.TY 8TA..'llDINO C<>Wlly oourthou.9 h9"1, h• a I•., County, '"but -,., now a.nd then •ub9tltute tor t.hi ~ pulley nf ']'be Napa. Jtlo&'Uler: "K•f•uver &f><Ull a lot of Um• l.nvMLtptine it0meon• w111 drop In ud w•'ll 1tronr defen .. and cle•r und•r · never had had a.ny iru.t Wu.Ian• for lhe di.trtet .a.tt.orn•Y· H• ba.lp· cti.w th• t•t a.bout the "7-IO'I• •t.andlnj! He doem't M.y. All he 11.bcNt hi• .u.ndlnc am901 th• td .olv• munar ~ which ..,.. ~ n.., ....,. ~ llOd u:· dOff I• fOtn a •mooth phru<'l part;r proteMlon&l.. He m111t I.I &lid J8 ,...,.. oW. d~ ..,._ X... ot OClf' Ola"1'- •bo\.ll 'RUMlan rouletta.' WheU1er •t.a.nd or tall on th• 1lrenJlh he u1•" -a Jio(. ol ~ eiD---U. .. 00. 1-f• ftlfts9 1*at hav• he'• runnLn1 for pr..ulent too e&11 bUllll throu(h wlnnlne prJ-clall cam• Ul4 • .....,,_, 1t .. , ,..... ~ a. a• aoon renu.tn. to be Hen. But m&ry eontHta. But u UHU Gow· ,.,.., .. OU'rlllo .......... ~ a....rlt1 aad I* wtft h&.-. on• rince he"• runnlne. h.e ahou\d Jet ed lh• won 13 .,, 16 h• ent.Nld), 1 ·nm ca.me lnto otnot. t~era -. a...n.. C. eanc. Ir .. th• th• peopla know In wbat dine· ""° .a. ~ prlm.a.ry nconi ,,.,... only two •uperior c o \I r l t.hlrd.. 'I'b.9 lnlC'preC.tir9 J'&tbw tJ• Uon h• propo.e• to t • k • the la no ru..rut• ot ~ 1n tha Ju.de•· Z. 8. W•t anC W. B • wu CbaHM CWrtaa. Unlt.ed Sta.tu If nornhuted a.nrl connnUoll. Nrrwtheleu, h• oould n.omu. n. dl9trict a.ttonMJ Be •t..a.Nd b&rd a.l t.ht writ«. elected." hardly ~hl•v• th.a.t kind of Mlow· b.a.d two depuU• and OM ataM>-• ...,..,.. •• _. thlDI' I WllDl J'l)Vo Lons Be•ch Pt-eu · Telerra.m : ~ liM without ta.kine 8tev.n· '"plier. '1114N wu OM prM&Uma ta -pbUt89." be AM. "Ia &ll "Som• ot the •l.a.le'1 poUUcaJ. ob-• Uito c.a.mp three or tau1' time« 6lfkW'. 'l'!N COUl!'ty J.U .,...... .,.... my 1flaW r ,..... llOt torptt.. •"•n a..r• 1pecalatlf\I on the Tb.a.l would f\n1&.b StevenMm t.n t,..._ the ok!. courthowie ud th• tba.t J'm ., pr.1blic: ~L r·rn poulblllty lh•t Adlal Btevenaon the ...i-of tlUI u:pert.-. And In hall ot. recorda. La.lei' It WM torn ~ to help Uio. ln t.nublL [ ma y c(lnduct hi• Cal!torn!a pres!· Lhe n utd convenUnn th•t then down • n rt moved 11.ena• th• hope I •lway• will be.,!; denUal prtm•ry campall{Tl a• a would follow, Kefaunr'• cha.nee• •lre«." The phon• ranr. It .... a. judr• 'native IOn• c&lldldate. Hl1 cl.ttm could nol be wholly d\&0011nted." Ac.rOll.ll the ye•r•. Cllrrtllo h.,. •ummonlne Ca.rrU.lo to court. I to thl• d!•tinc:t ton would be the been called on to help procf'11 had t~.e fetllnr iU we part9d It m s ny c11.sea throu~ !he c nu r I ~·nutdn'l be too lone before J'd be ca l,ndere He t hlni..~ one which back AFFAIRS OF STATE t•cl tha.l he wu barn In Lo• A.n· 1ele• , .. It'• euch a p&lnfully tra.n.parmt hll of malarkey. OJ-· torn&rlly, a 'n•Uve 90n' c&lldlda.te LI a. ma.n who tia. 'W'Orked ht. way up In •tata pc>llU~ .nd earn· ed th• ,.._ht to c.a.mpa.lp W\der th.at ba.nner. Sl•~n hun't help. Tbe work &Je.1 no t rtqul~ ape.:1al knowledg1 or l.nten11lve tra.Jnln~ 1---------------------------· Sincerely your•, Sacramento Sidelight Carroll B. Bffll: (Mr•. Joeepll. All.a.n Bffkl BACJlAXl:NTQ, (CNB) -Bow body I.I Ptl-Ylng for the• ''bu· done thl.I. He'i a:i IJILnol• m.n. Newport llarbor Ne1r1-Preu wt.a.Jn a.ut rnMle ecmcerna can S1Lln bwement" pr1cu." He h.N no more rt&h\ to cam· Dear Sir : at!ord lo ..a Cll.n'to th• .u.ta of "DISCOUNT HOUSU" ptJcn a.a a. n.Uve 9011 of Ca.ltto r-l wonder Juet how ma.ny o r the Act\l&lly, tt wu ·pointed out. nia. tb.a.n Ben. 1<eta.uver, woo wa.a parent.I In our country •re reelly OLUtomla swr-t·a•4!7 anoo be- low th~ amomLlt u.tr.6-Hnl p&J • t.he -• .. ~ wti! be tbe wbJect o( u. 1n4Wry by th• .-i.a.t. 9P9ol.al commltl.M on l'OV· .m.mentaJ. ~on, which Ill hea.ded by ~ Qeorp Mll· ... Jr., of ODntni O»ta county. the prlcM give the 11ppean.nce of boc"ll In M.a.dl110nvllle, Tenn." concemKI with Ute educ•tlo. of a fin• deal for the it.ale • n d NO POLL TA..K.ES their chlldl'tin. Alm011t •II the !Jiereby I.lie t.axpa.yt1' but. th• 'Ibe San Dl"C'O ~Ion ; "No one ci'llldrcn In th!• a.rea ar• on half- el'tect on the genera l economy LI hu taken a. poll on It, bllt l! day lf'u.lora. But wh•t are the 90methlnr 11 k e the 'di&e(lunt w eb an tnqlliry wai ma.de t.here pa.rente doing about It! Sure, a. bouloeS' •et up for a.nd p11.trontzed I• lllrone re&IOn lo aW1pect lhat new 8illmmta.ry Khool bond tuue by eovemment employtlN. ll 1t"OU!d be found tha t none of come• up a.nd they vole !or It. llley voted JUI override Jn tor a It oo.mpaUUon of lhl11 typ• lel ·-------------l new hllh ae.hool a.nd I.hey h•v .. p ra.cttced. and the middle -ma.n been paytnr for corutructlon at H.4&rill&* li&Ye ~ c&llad by cut out.. the •l.&te become. • par-R E A D E R s Orange Ol&1t College. ' Kiu. tor ...._,II ... 21. 1n Ba.a. t7 to a lltua.Uoe. w1'ldl ,,_,ILi In Alwa,. •l the elecUon.. ca:i be rr..nctaco, wMre repr.-nt.aUvm th• pr1vata a.utomobll• PU11:h.a.a-hea.rd "l don't c.a.re how much ol m(ltor ea..r ooncvu will tell er bel.nJ forced to P•Y lllg:her w R IT E Jt coets It It'• for my kid.I' edu~ tbelr at.art. to th• comm.Ill•. priCM, u It I.I obv10U11 that It ca.re Uon." But here 111 a.a rar u the en belnr dell\"81"ed lo th• at.ate tntaMt goe•. t for oo• wouk) ll.lle ~yr OOllPiiil~N' below eoet. the tndlv1duaJ con· Miller ' ~· tMloa .... ii.i, -ma.t foot the bill. I·-------------I to know whe~ th• MU tn proper- - __._,_ Janu.ary 29, 19&8 ty ta.Jtta I a.m (lvlnlt' for -cbOOl• .._VJ' ........ .,.._. ta. au· 'tile normal dlllrtbutor• In the really wait. If It went lnl.l'I build· •--~•--~ tho ot.ate'• ...,_,_, ~· ?f...,.....rt Ba.rbor New•·Pre.911 ....,,..,_.. _. .._raa -otor• otter were e::ot-v-..-Lng• llke the beauUtul audllot1um ~ aad ~ of t"h I• eluded from th• eontn.ct. wblcb De.a.I' Sir : •t OCC Ulen J a.m •g•lnat IL Not campettaioa., the .tat. and. C.rt.&ln eame dirf!Cl to the •t11.te. Ford I &Jll aure that ,v .. ry member that Ute auditorium l~n·t on• 0Uu1r P••rrum.ta.l ... ~. In· submitted. l1-offer• through JU ot the Nt'...,-porl Harbor Gr owid poople ot Ot•nge County ('an be dudlne tM Unl\"el"mlty ot catttor rllCIJ~r d•h!ra. Ot>Af'rver Corp• g1ve11 hurt.felt proud. It I• -0ne ot the mORt beau- a.I.a. .nd t1t4 c:UJ 0( Loil A.nplea. Oth.a.r llrm• whJch h11.ve com-Ula.nkiJ to you tor your e<lltor\.a.I utuJ J h.a.n ettr 11een •nd th.a.( .. -b• • -••· -•p1-u at uu h • •· h -<h•I• "--• <or •ddlllon&l vol- BACflAMENTO. -tCNB> -council will be Ch.&rlee P. acully, Whlle the appotnlment by Qoyer-an •ttorney, •ho orl(lnallJ h•l'p· nor Goodwin J . Kn!g-ht or 11. new ed .el up m•ny ot th• unemploy• St11te Advl110ry Councll to the ment truiur&nc• proo.:IU"9 •Ull J.n Depe.rtment of Employment m11)' t tfkt. whf'n b. 'll'U .a.n •mpia,ee •P~r on Lhe 1urface to be Ju•l of Lhe Depe.rtment of ltmploy· another •tale lto&rd, It neverth•· m•nl, &nd Harry Fl.nlc::a. & Vk'e· leu I• e:otpeclecl lo h•ve a long· preaident of th• CaWorf\l.a. flt.at. ra.nge erreet on th• wdmlf!LltMI· l"eden.Uon ot Labor. Uon ot unemployment lnwranee In A(,Tf\'t: WO&IL&a thla •lat.a. 8c!Jlly, u hu Kn.&'&.DI bu beert The r o vtmor. 111r t i111 under a a pa.ctlclpa.nt In virtually enry 19~:'1 a.mendn1enl to tht. en1ploy -major ca.. a.lfectin, unemplOy· ment code wtllc h provided for a mtnl llSaUra.nce. H1 not oftly 1'M council ot a.even nu:mben1, t.l'lree a. wide kno'll'lqe ot UI• Ms'aJ trom buainetre. a.nd three from ta.-upec~ ot Uui lnaunncl sr•tam, bor, wlUI the .1eventh a. repreaep· but a.I• bu bMn cloM.ly eoftneel· ta uve of lbe public, 11electecl Rx ed. with lh• hum.a.nU.&rla.n Ul4 ol perm.a.n•nt memben1 of the coun · the, prorra.m. ell who a.r• emtnently qualified Even lf Oovt mor Kllteht b.a.d to g"IV't! .a.dvlce on l.he problf'm.I 1penl mor• tlme th.a..n he did on ot unemployment tn.ura.nce. , thUti a.ppolnlm•nta. h• hardly .... .. ..... ,_, -... pe .,. ca.r•. w e ... ·~u and ,,_ • ~ lncludee USC, Stanton!, UCL.A. .A D11 7 h ... I.eC9I ....,_.... to' 0.... •-V T w. "de&ll:" whlell; n1M a. que•Uon Studeba.ku, did not bid on the unteen. ' ... to •h•ther lban hu been Tio-CGDtra.et a.t a..u. a.nd th• Plymouth ~ u 86oond-ar.. Kattar at lhe Potltoffice 1n N.-port Bffdl, laUon ol federal ia. .. prohlbltln& bid. wu M't'va.l hundred doU•r• OLJJtomf& wtd9r th• Act Oil. K&l'Cb. .a, 1171. Ull!&b' c<m'lpeUtlon. a.bon 't.M J'oird. a.nd ChtTI1)1et Moet of the ob.Mrver1 •re very bu.ty people.. Ther• a.re ivm wM itand a '>'"alch from f!ve to etrht o'clock tn th• morning betore hurrytnr oft to WQrk, or, alter a. 10flg, hard da)'. et.a.nd a w•tch rrom tt-a or 8-11 ln l.he evenltle. M(lthellll of .ama.11 echool chlklren work In the momil}&"· other~ •Ub-- •UWte when Liley •ni Deeded, but most obnr'Y9nl •t.nd a watdl once a. worek. I want to knO'W It eueh an el- abCIJ'ate bulldtng I• n~'<.:eu1ry. DI' could Ull• m-0nty h•V!! been better spent In proY1dtnc ct.1.uroom1 tor our kld1 who •re on halr-d•y 9t'!llJ\01111 ~ Or even on lnc~a.mng the pay or lea.c.be,.. to •ttra.ct high c•llbre ~pie Into the pro- ftnicm ! I h.a.te to think th•t my chlldr9n w ill b.ave the aa.m• lllp- •bod .choollne I ti.d In hip IJclwol •1-when onJ7 MTt!D Je&l'W a.cu-1 hope that lMltor• ....._ m.,r• TM.I'• ro by that pe.ns1ta: wlll ctimo out from behind Uwtr l411eriadoa .. t. and btkte• t&blM and find out wba.t 111 l'e&llJ bap- pm.lng to our 9CbooJ. uid the doUani we put lato ttwm. C&n -.rona qiaote .a..ocur-ata n,vre. r L ..-t to Pow. In tact, UU• lJl wh•t two or the could bav• fOUDd .ix men In Call- new council memb<'lr1 h•ve be4!n rornLa who know more about u.n· dolnc ineofar u th.-•late legl•· employm1111t ln9Ur&nce than th- lature I• concerned . for nu.rly 20 h• .elected for th• }ob. A.-a. re- ye&r•. Th~y ar.-( · J . H•111e rt y. ~ult , when pollclt.1 •r• .un••ted repr~t.a.Uve of lhe CaUlomta to H . W . tU-1.l'l th• n..,.. dlrec· State li'edlll'tlllon or l..9bor, a.nd 1or ot the d~partment, .. ~ Vlnct!Sl t D . Kennedy, repr-nta· mn ... tlona of the .t&l.41 a4\'lmry Uve of the California ~tallcr'1 council Blll'W•rl will kn.,,.. that A.uocla~lon. All up«lJI of Uie problem• haft --1;;;w;;o--;:;;-;;J;;;;;;;w:;;;;;;;;;;;,;:;di;;t;;;,;-.;u;;;---1 BoO Oeunl Mtlton and l'onl: bid.-., MWw -.Id. l"t!T' I~~. Wit V a.I rrw.y llJ' tM Xlller -.14, 1n b&dll opmed ,.._ liDCPomD EAJl.Ul:R KSWPOa ea.--oa PUBLISHING OOllPANT cenU,-, otf•r.d lo ..U can f or Tha •tat• pciltey app•rently c.a.r- .1111 ............ J(SWPOaT B&AOH., CA.Ur. ~ ...,._ 1111 ~J 11000. Th• • a.m • rl• out Uwo th.ary of th• ~e oar-. bt poiated out,. ,.port9dly dlYialon ol purcb..-, which .... •; t. ...... i....., N~ ... A.4.....U• .. 111 U ..,.,.. oo.1t d.J_.. a.l 1-..t tlKlO more. u.poMd ..:;im• montb1 •co, that • ~k.!D~-~"'i;;"~~-~;•;c~~ .. ~~""";;,.~"~"'-'~;~Oo~.~Ja~A.~~..,~-~-~~.IWl~~-~1 1-~~-? ~I' publl<'.1 eevanJ. ~ wtucta cu be p u r· he a ... dlllll&n &bon the Cl09l to dl&ad dj~ t'nlln Ow .m.a.nutac-- : k•D11 O'W•'*' M•w J •• h 0 'C • tM -.a.. tW""er. &hould ti.. a procw •hicll lfellWI. ........ A ' ttm •'fM ttt•.'' aid K IU&t. di••rta lllWn'•• from Oalltornla. ti ar.nc-0.-'7 N-......_ "la lac. te. ta ftndl.ne out wti.t t.u·pe.ytnl' c-lu.un. a.nd dealer~ BllN RKDDIC&. PUBl..UJQ:R LI beh!nd ttm rnuWple pT1ce llY· In va.r1out Item•. Jl'\Jrther. the .c.em. 1'• woGI lllllt to know M'A' ,...._ la a trend cowa.ns t"h • ... , WTl'J•• A..~ autOI' Oen...t lloton &Siii ~ ean ~_, .... 0 1~· .... ~ ~-" ~ .,..· mMDNQ & AO~ ............... OU..... ..U mie 10 '*'-Pf:T ... °". "'27w. __..,. ........... ., _,... ~ ~ AJU011tOKO. Mecb.a.n:Jea.1 Bupartn~t UK! •h.J Kr. Pub&lc bu to "1 ., i._ of th• Unit.cl ltat• *-· -__ ,.. h\l?tlllnd doUus ,_...... We It.le _.. lat.arwt.4 tlLI thW .9'fbjeet. llCWWWltoN u.n::e: don'\ WM ti..-«11111opa..a.... a.rii Md hldkaled that ~ ~ ' Newport ~ N_..,_, ~...., P't'tnl' tblnC9 • ..,.. 'n.t repon.d ed. tty 11... comm.tu.. WM!l4 bl Onilst'e a...tJ', M.tt Jft' ,._,., A.M ebr -.1 fl.M """" -oorpon.t• ...... t11p ct. 0•1l• rwl •'ftU•ble to th• t9dwa.1 cam- -~ .. .,._... ~ S'IM ... ,_,. Mot .... _... tt COll'tUa ..,.... mftt.eef. ' l am wunderiltir If loco&! J*IJlle wbo wa.nt to help ttaliu how to ro about IL 'liley may call I.lie City H.a.lJ .na uk for the Q Yll o.tenM oft\ct any mornlft6, or u...,. m.a.1 pl&oe a C&D dlncUf a.t &.BJ' time to on• ot th• recnan:ta.,. off'tieitn a.t th• tolknnn,f num- bet-11 Ba. r b o r Mil. Ha.rtiur Ul ... W or Ubcrt7 4-eolO. lm"or- m&Uoll w'ID be alvtn · &la417, a.od tha OoTp. wtll be rr•t1ru1 for anr Kn. 11..,..,.. Arm WllltlllOr'-. MO N •Uoa.a.I Av•noot 0-ta. M..... OLIJ.torn!a OTHEK MCMllDS t>ttn co11.9Jd1tred, .a.nd th.a.t the Th<'l oUuir buaine .. m.embftl"I ol thlnki.ng wilt repreaent the com• tlwl a.dvtaory council are Adrl.a.n bl.ned .uireutton. · or l.a.boT' &nd A . Kraeen. ot 8f'rkel1y. and IA-tro1•neu, which h•Ye beml at ~· l.a.nd B . Gme&ln1er. S.a.n Fra.ncl•-c•rhel.dlt on lel(i•laUOn a.nd pollc7 co •nrl P•lo AJt-0 1ttomey. Kr&-almost enr •Ince Ula a.ct wa.a gen h.N been in t he unemploy-adcipted.. mUtt. tn.ur1.nce picture aboUt a• Tempor•rlly. ti\• ..,,.th m- loftc u Kmnedy. and Gn>a.lngn-. her of the council w1Q be Tbeo- &Dd tnsura.nce oomp&ny lobbyi..t. iior1 fl, Jenn~r. lb• cov.mor'• mM:IW• UI• .Ubjact t'N)m A \.0 Z. .tac-ret&r7. Jt LI ~ IN tr0& Uk• Kennedy. Ha.11tr1y h .. be repl.a.clld l•tlr wt.th .om_. ta..km a.n tnttre11t In unemploy-uut of eov~rnment .. rv!.ce whe mG1t tnwra.ne• matt11T• •tnu In· "111 repneent Uie publlc. cepUoo of the a ct be.ck In l•a.6. BllfOr• revt.ton of U.. J.&w er. &lid ha.a ~ amu.lncly ~ •Uni the .a.d.t.)I'}' CCNflCil. Ur..a.l f'u.I In Ute erwuln.c to-yur ~rtod body .... .omeWha.t ot • np,.._ la JIMPln.c kbor tn UI• for1t't'Gat, head aa ra.r &1 pOUCJ ~Ill •a.a ..curt•I' a.dditJllA&.1 bendlta 1U1d ront."'11-<I Bul 1t a.ppeian the .a.ldlAe tn U.. at.abH.timent of th.-new IJ.roup wtll t.a.114 & mOl't &e· i!lmblll1y tnai.:.ra.oce law, I ttvt! p•rl In ww.mploym.nt ta.aur • R..-1m1·• -wwkl'T• on tM ance pollclea.. • -·----·-------~---.... ------I ' • •--;;;&:;;""'i:i:im;;;'-INEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II -PAGE l I la6AL NOTICI WUINESDAY. FQRUARY I, 1950 -t ~~-AE will c~st y~~ .. --~ .. _ -... ..,~-.... d-;r w'ill •• ~ - In all 4 iuues . s.,,.;;i-contractor St•t~eit Tells f1llert01 Elks Lo~re lo1utl1ry F ULL ERT ON, (0CN8) - Bo~ for U.. propoMd hi· lerton l:1Q U>dce w•r. UUIOWl.C- ed at a mMtlnc Thunde.y by 0.. car Stutheit, Ora.Dee, d!Jltnet dep- uty cra.JKI axa.lted ruler. Th• F'ul!ert.on Lodce'1 ;turt.iic· tlon wlll Include the c1u .. ot Tul· l~on. La H.a.bn., 8rt!a, Pla.eut- ua.. and ~bly Yorba Linda.. Bectnnlnl" "°'"thweat of l"llll•r- ton at · lhe Oran1e-1.o. Aneelu counU• Un•, th• boundartea run 90\..lth •Joni Ul9 county line to lh.• airport a.n£I O&I• SL, ~ followtnr lh• r1ty llmlt. to Man· che1ter, d o w 11 Ma.zw:huter to HOWlt.on, then to R&ymond Ave., up Raymond to Ora.nget.horpe and eut on OranpUwrpe to the SUI· ta Ana River. NO'l'ICS or l:N'mNTIOK TO &NOAH DI' TB& UL& Gr ALOOllOLIC asvn•or.a l~ll.llM Dia*'I .. "''" ..... TO WB.Q)I .rr Jf..1.T 09!f~.:.. . NotJc.. ill h...bJ pven. lhat t\i'- ~ daya an. th• a.boT9 .d&t•. th• w ui. ... icn-i pro~ to ..U alcohoUc beveRC• al t.bMe ir-· iaeil, dMC:r1"'1 .. folknn : Sport Flahlnc Bo&t .. Jet"" 8J.t -!l.11t 8t.TMt., N"rarport Be&Ch Punl14.l1t to auch lrlten!Jon. lh.• undenlped la app!ytne to th• 0.- ~t ot AJcoboUc Bev•"'I"• Coatro.I fr>r Lmuane. ot an aloohoUc blYlr'&'.• llearY9 fc:.-th.-preU\· l-.. u follow a.: On-aale Bffr A.nyone de.lrlnl[ to prol•t the m uan.ce of .ucb llcenM may rue a Ylrinsd prot.l with th• 0.- pe.rtment ol. Alcoholic BeYeR1fe Control, a t Ba.cra..manto, California. .t.a.llnl" l[TOundl fOf" de.la.I u pro- vided by law. NOR.JU. K EJµOT'f No. 88 N-~ 1/1/66 Mor• than 7!1 men a.tt.eru194 Thursday nl&ht'a me.tine. Mo re 1------------- OPERATION GOPHER -Conduit over 2 miles in length for l'acific Teiepnone get undtr way at t.he Costa Meu di.al center , 1786 Orange Ave. Subway inspec· tor (to p ~ftJ RJ.. Harmon point.a out ditching operation t o Engineer J D. Clark. (Bottom rigbtl armon notC1!1 diffe~nt 11izet1 of conduit Ui4ed in operation, as O ark Jcoka on. tha.n halt of the 400 charter mem· M r 1 ..:iueht a.ir-eady hav• filled out appllcaUon... A membe~Jp dance P'1b. 3 wiU J!e I.he lodee'• nr.t e•n•ral activity. ...... Boys for Lack of Parent Control Thrff boy•. l~ to 17 year•. were arre.te-d by Nrwport SU.ch po- lice and cha.reed wltb Jack of pal"· e.nUa.I conlrol wh~ they wer e found parke-d near Main St. and Balboa Blvd . .,-/y Su.nday with rour can. of beer and a !1-lneh· long •wHcl'I blade knife a.llegedly In their poueMIO(l. The youlha, aJ..l ruld<P.nla ot Or· a.n1e. w1r1 r1lea-d to t b 1J r home• alter a 1t•rn poll,ee -.m· inc The liquor &nd knife we.n eonfl-..;aled. ;:::::::::::::================: 1 'Qperation Gopher' Starts at Costa Mesa Dial Center SOUTH GORST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMlv'cRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR ~LL J:IO IO&h 8~ Newport Beach ftarbo1' 25!8 Pac1fl t> Tel,.phone"11 '"Operation Gopher ' 1~ nnw under "'"'Y 1t I.he Co1ta l'ole.!11. ilia! center. 1788 Or- ange Ave. Ofl""ral1on11 be11:an Ja.n. 9 when dl101lnir; "nd t renc hing ma.chine.• a.ai;~n1bled for the. two-11tep Pro- ject. StPp one. 18 I.he. la ying of cable cond1111 l;ta rt1n~ at 16th St .end Orani;te ll ••Ill run norUI on Nie e11~t .e1,1 .. ot Or1nce tor a.bout 2 mile~ lo J.te•• Drive, then a.round thP corner on l'otet1a to Newport. A l that point IL wHI jotn under· irround faclllUea from the Br\ato\ office ln Sant.a AnA. Step two ~1 11 gT\nd Into opera- tlon ln A u(Wlt W'hen plant ron:8 1ta.rt lhl'eadlng th• cupher-tlke hole• ot conduit wtlh. rtant cable. Thi• project W1U be completed 80ftl•tlme In early 19!17. Pacific Telephone '• ea:t.lmate for thla yM' wW 1.ot&.I over P million for the .oulh county di• t rtct In plant faclllU•. In addJ· lion S:I mllllon 111 pro~med tor building con1truct1on pur- po11e• for th• Ora.nee County UOL More than 11 billion were •pent In l iil64 In explorlnc ¥_, oil f\1lda. aceordJn&" Lo U\ ..UOD&l Automobile Club. Classified Index .......... ~ ,,,,_ 15 8Mre l'-OM" •• Tn Jlrtz'he 17 &oon.,- 11 8-tJ A* tG 8-ltlt .A.id& H i.o.t aM P'--' ,,..,_..,1-~ II Sll=eM w-w at Ke&p w-""' JO M*•'hs o·· ..... _ M-.B A.pp"• ... 11 w-w. .. ...,. n l"lumtlll"9 •-RU. IS-A Udicw ........ _ MM.llSlona( ...... TV 16 Dop, cae.. htn M P.ollrJ 17 lheetot* J:S A..U. W?Med 60 ADM for 8&a.it ... A. n,_ .. hla 'l .a.at. a."Ylol .. ..,._. .. ..._ 41 Waakld '1o ..... &I Apta. A B-f• a-t ...._A. ApU. tor aemt U...B8-t• &t9t ...., ........ _ ,, ._ ,.,. .... U.A.._8- ··~-~ 51 a.:. M1M. 51 sto .. .a om.. 51·.&. II' 0 a-lab M......_()ppo~ M )1-y to 1- M M-J' W-leel. 57 ....,_ .c.tac. w-Mll r.I Koen.I .:.tat. lluric9 .. 1-Pl• ty .... A. c '-I. bdmntrW 11 &Ml l:.taW rn+e .... It Kf.1111 &.tat. GREATER EIRNllGS • REMEMBElt--SAVINGS rec•iYed by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the lit. • • ·= ft.. Worlr:-:---Remodel":'l l. KILTON )lal[J:NZIJt: -- --"-58tfc A Minimum ad is 4 lines. l"lla•• Harbor 161 l N<lwport Jl&ri>or N_..,_ ._..,, Wdr•tll:y ..ct Friday edltloM, ..,_ tbe 0...taJ. Shopper, Wed•Nday. DEUYERY GUARANTEED Delivery ot the Nnrport Harbor New.Preu ii g111U"Ulteed.. Carrier boys will deliver their paper-. be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'ly, Wedneeday and Friday, U your paper,» ?161&. delivut:rl. b:; ~! kt::.C"' pm..e eaU ~ 1616 and your carrier will. bring your paper. Classified c..&ia.l 9'0JJl!!ll" .&.ds ..-.n la Ute 'f\"~~ N_...r,,_ 4 U.. 1 lmertiOll $1.00 a.dd'L llne11 .25 e&.. 4 l...laiew % 1-ertionA l lM.t add'l. Uoe. .2."> ~ 4-1.Aee S J..mwtion• 2.00 add'L Uoes .25 ea.. 4 u.e. 4 bMerUoH %1M.t add'l. tlMi8 .25 ea. SllRl&CliM "'aa&ecl Adi; w1ll ~1,·e IC.~. dlMM>u.DL c..M la aJ•aa<.'e uul). llL~lM UM AO 18 4 UNI:.8 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Manclay, Wedllesday and Friday COASTAL sil:OPPER -Wednesdays DEADLINES ror pladne or ca.ncelllnc ad9 &n; ror Moi;ld&Y PubUea.t.lon -i'T1day .6 p.m. f'or Wednl!llday PubllcaUOU -Tu-Uy 1 p .m . For Friday PubUc.Uon -Tbunday 1 p.m.. NJ:Wl'OBT HA.a.BOil l'C Bl,18HIN0 00. nu ......_ BIYcl. .Newport ae.cL C..WonJis,. AD a · . .....,. A.-•-t b. J19W ror Caa.11 ta .n..c. •f pabUt.alloL ni.a publla.Mn wW not ba reapon..Lbl1 tor more than one tneorroct inM:rtJ.(lll ol a.n ad, r.erv1 the rl(ht to correctly ci.ait)' any and aU &dlJ and to reject a.ny ad llOt conlonntne to rul• and ,...ulaUona. .AJi.T akan ar. tr&1ntld to wrtte .aoctn. ...... 'I'JU'oup. lon.C" .xpertenoa and a tMrvurh WMMiratandiJl:e or adY"1"- t1al.Qc W"1 CUI put JOUl" WLDU j,n to wuro. I.hat cat ac:tlOll. Let \WI Nip you M U: TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CARS 6 TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICL&'l aLUSICAL INSTRIDCENTS • • • OR GE:I' A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GE:I' YOU A HELPER ThM9 New•~ a-1!\ed Ad· Take1'9 "" up9crta and U.ey en a.t ,Jour .rrice. J1l9t. phcDe HARBOR 1616 Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 ....-,. Tlaund&J I p..m... V\a 0porte -OmtnJ .Aft. Newport ~ A.lb«t. R. M.a.tth.-. balled Ruler MOTTELL'S AND PEEK ColonW Mortuary 7801 Bot.a -JUlt Sol.JUI ot WMt- mlnat.er MemorlM Ps.rlL An ~ c.ounty lnaUtutlos. a.rrtnc tamll19ll ot all !..WW Telephc:lne ( Tol! me) Zl!:nllh 623 l No one ever turned away Mcau.M ot 1a.clc. o! tunda. COAST OFnC E EQUIPMENT Typewriters Addtne machinu DupUcator-.SuppllN SA.l..ES RENT AL8 19" Barbor Blvd .• Costa Me.a Llbflrty 8·7714 PEI ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS Pabatlns .. Paporbuapc Wodo ... __ ...... _ ,. 5 1. ~ 9al'Wg ...... .-nat.wL .,. ·-~ OsJI J.-... LI 8-llll8T 6 LI 8-l5289-81tfc Smell Jobs Wanted CAR.PENTRT -PA.IHTINO Good won -reuonabl• UbeHy 8·M03 PAINTING lNTERJOR -EXTIC.RlOR AI.sSO MAR.lNE PAlf'.'TINO LICENSE D -1:-0SUR!:D -Grenn J ohnston :l>OI -Jl1t St .... ewpon: Heach Harbor l1711 4\ftlc Floor Covering Wall Tile JO y,·1r1 '")1er11~nre Llreruoe-J (',.n!1·11 , l•,f S .. t1Bft.l·lh.in o.;u11r~nlt"" .. d LI )1-l';i~.~ 112 r1e CO.\IJ>LETE PAl?\'TING & 1-'ap<·r H an~111g ~rv1ee E L't.:E .... ~: 0 SA!" .... Dt::H~ ~~I 31.'ll Str""~t. N 1•v.p.111 Jk&,'h lia.rbor 29711 uc C AR PEN T1':R Repa ir Work Ooe. Your Ho1ne Nee<i H.epa.1nna or Remodel1ne ! Ca.u Fl"aruc, LlDer:y 8-119&4 All Work Ouara.nteed l~t/a CARPENTRY MINOR REPAlR WORK NO JOB TOO S.M:AU.. a 0 . Aru!ereon lOt• .It. Balboa Blvd., BaJboa Ha.rbor 24!!0 83t/c Custom Building AT'I'R.A.CTIV& PRJCES YOU.r pl&na or oura Uoeneed -lrulured FINANCING AR.RANGE.D A. J. WELTY 2MO 8anta Alla A.-.., C09t4 M- 1..lMrtJ 1--&16 NUo PAINTING M. W. ROSS Llc-d Ll 8-1121 HO .A-n>cado, Co9t.a M- '""'° ''A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY TH.: NEW machine proces1 SMtbo od. Rea.onab~ prlCQ. Aw,..-. 2 tape r'Mideau.al bll.nd, Only $1 .00 BUndl nptt.lred. and r11bWIL Free Plck up and dellv1ry Work done by •ppolntment Phoo• Libert.7 8-6701 er Klmbe.rly 1·827l.. ppU• H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A. Prompt Repair Service Malnt&lned Phone: Harbor 4-SU 2801 Balboa Blvd, Newport 8-c.b ·- FOR RENT 8ll::IJJ ...... a.. Dr1.RI. ...... °' aD~ol~,,......... ........... BOYD'S HDWE.. JUI W. OOAn JllOBW4Y IAwt;,-a.Mii. Jrfwpozt .. mttr PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar 8.t llRpwl 111 W~ II-. ... Oii lllT " Painting. Deoonttn1 Pai-lhnclns GIOO. ~URKHARIY.ll UCWN-.,~ .,. w. in ... OlnCa .... u..ty .... -~----... -----_ ... I PA&l 4. PAAT It ...:NEWPOaT HAUOR N£WS.1'RESSi!•!:::!llll~~·!!!!!:!!!':!"'!....---1!! ! •11: [' _..., II • , .. -~H~-~~lo~-&.!!_!!•~!•!>:o.~Tr_:v~--1-!!=:A~•!!'*~·~·=~r!:!·~-!:!'!~-..!!"~""~*:!'!.!"M!!,.!Tl~-!.'!!!..-- WBll'SOAY, R:.UA•Y I, 1916 AREWOOll .,... .••• --... . . ' ...... MONTH ...... .- ? • -.._ ·---~ .. EOROOM •• ---~ AU ..... -· PROOF POSITIVE !'!':=:r!lm!!!!'!!!~;....,,.,,,...~-1:•!!::!•!!1!'!'!"!!•!!••!..: .. !!!-! .. !!!!••!... __ j_ -:=err·~ ... !:!1 ~·.:: .rs ~~ :.~~ U d II 0 AJM•n"•• Aa.ijw. ''AX-IT'' 1EUcALTPTU1, Dry. ~ '° ..-.... ...... .._ • ...,, .. , ,.. , na•wat ~. """"--No....., a..ata .u... llclme °' No One n erse s or ut .,.. p 0. --Mana .. I[( T-&Mft. 6IUc . .... W -· • -.,... I .... -... M• ... ••ti• ... X..-pt.. • . ~ ,_ ... • • .,._JllD•n, ba v tt•ee •::::,.:-.,.. --. Ra MtC rf""'fOl't ..... c.m, M'eeh&Ak:&I __, Electrlcal ••• • ~ _,... On.Ip. D I-alt U TWIN lb.pa. bei9 wttli: tnattr-M 6 ~ • ·--_ -· .• y-, oy _ :-....... --. ... -.. .u.. • ,.._..._,.. " -~ ·-. ..._..._ ......... ~ ...... "'1 ' ' .• • Mal.A~ Berrie• 1 rr. osuCA.morrN ~•Mt-•-:in~ -~Y'm4 ~~ .....,..=~ 1 a • Dl'lA.WSR ~ dwr, Vl\Vl'M"I .>r~ AU. '·-~ AU. WOifie: cbAIU.H'n!:l:D. OQ t n. ........,_tor --·--r--16Cl 203t Pl llllhnt l"lace. eo.ta wlth ~ •• rro. -·-STl..lt O&o.AK ~ """ L6ca1 -~l'-~ _..._ ... "!,... .... ems..,..-. .. ,,.."'· .._.u-. -. D.vill&R-Silo __ ..-_.-,.•·•·-·-·,,.-i---c..-FebufOUs ·llmited·:effe.,·•.,-----· ~;;;::;:;;:::;;;;;;;;;"-~;::;;iiiicl----.-.=="""===~~t"~~~=·~ QQllDOI" • --r .o&. ~ .....,._. w "9N ---w~-wto~i..:~ aTSAor. ~ •·• pW!ter C.:n.":'~ei;,.Z:.':~:::~n: Roney•s---.u NI~~~ !4~ woWd ~ ~ •.;_ , .. 11111ivc..e. ... Sa LJ T tCM days, l :IO to .. Ol.ll CA.pltol wlth reter-mCM d!i*• wadi ti:IO It wHk•~. tt.fc: Sm.II Applience flnd _,,..,--.. ¥l;lth O\U' krw • -·..1 (.Bhioe 1I01') Ye p 0 """"' t -TlTI . .,._ IA.nlet. ~ wtth local eontn.c:t«. e.r. oiltf. ov.,ai.d you'll b. prpriMd bow ._21 ~ a..t& AM &&ptT KNITIERS Rep•irin9 awda •• llaD ••• you.~ P'iloDi IDIDbilrb' I~ J.roci., touter.. colfM mak•rt. etc. ~0• T~t -1ll ri-¥ )'OU. 0 1'UtrP oMmty>• °"San Hdqtn. ' Money Down No FLY DC~ NON-l'TOP N.Y.C. po• CHJCA CO $69 ·Round Trip Only 'F'r~e• Umou1lne to Airport Bo .. L.unc..,N . t-,--Tletiet oe.rt11ery \\'ASHING-TON, D.C. ---IQT l'HILA.DEl.l'l!IA . ·-ISS LADIE3 Do lhould-. or feet ache! 1' RELAX.A TIO N needed ?' MAKE AN AJ"POINTMltNT tor Swedish Massage In your l\orne. Pie ... ce.U Rarbor f.Tt& or Jhorbor 70 C>l>p72 ' OALl...AI! -·-· . Jt-9 -------- PETRQJ·r -·· ·--·· "' GARDENING and lt<1:"0LUL.U . ·~ ·-· .. 1100 Co~ ln • -t.h• complete n-2UJ Newport Blvd., Colilt. 11-. ITt1ltE BRO 11.M ot Graphic p.atlcrna; lkar {cor. ot Victoria It NpL BJ'fd.) RETAIL FURN KER8 Knowttoll Eleet:roob BN.nd Ever Mat.ch yarn., Mor-U a..o11. &.kTUI. Open Friday Ev._ Kl S·t •3I TV REP ell'• naw dre• paltt rna, Jt.OveltY1 -------------:Sr<I at Spurl'eon Santa~ AIR Yllnul Ir atni.we tncludl.nr the Retrt1er-ator 1966 Philco Oelux• popu1&I' kA.ll lacey ~lrta, l&rfe tamtly IJ\ .. , RepoaffMd rnRl:IC R OOMS or tieautltul new hu larse eoJored't'tl'tt&blecrll· turnlture tor 1196. Come ln FAST amVJ(Z. R&AIONABL&. '54 MERCURY HARD TOP MONTEREY _ $1599 RADIO, HEATER, ORIGINAL 2 TONE PAINT '54 BUICK 4 DOOR -···-········-·············---·-$1.99 ORIGINAL PAINT, FULLY EQUIP!'. LIKJ: NEW , Sit N' Knit S1S •&. Balboa 8.lvll .• B&Jboa 32trc pu, 8h•lvt11 tn the door It all look arnund. a..mc...calll UU I p..m... uua.. 6 Y'· ,...,...,..._~..... H IJB "'° W. "'"'"· Aoahdm Ll 11-0IOO 'S2 BUICK RIVIERA ' DOOR $ 79n " pay down 11 ""'" O.K. by ...,.7 tt • "T -····------T e an1r l•t payment ot 1s.83due ~=cc--=-=,,._-.,---,---==,1 ·---7r..~------ORIGJNAL 2 TON'E PAINT, ALL EQUIPPED In '~ da.y1. Bal du• t. 1187.8•. W VINO ROOM fumtture. ova.I P'1ano Se-e anytime O.y or Eve. at lMl d.lnln!f table • ' uphol11le'1!d \\' Chapn1•n~ OrlUlga. c-hal1•. • ml!M;:. piecea. Call Har HAND BRAIDED RUGS Ca.JI CoUecl KE 8-6811, t l2'9-W e•ien1n11. 11·8. Md.7 ~:;l\~;A~~KK ~":· CL EAN~UP JOBS ~·REE lNSTRUCTIUN I ORDERS TA.KE .... Refinishing 'S2 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE -·-···--$ 699 RADIO. HEATER, POWERGL.IDE, LITE GREEN 1'INillH 'SI OLDS 88 2 DOOR ········-··--·----$ 699 RADIO, HEATER, HYDR.UUTIC All ~~11rta P!u' T&• WANTED 124 W, Ocean Blvd., L. B.. All new mat,rlllls ll '.111J:.ble llE l-MI ~ Nf;v ll-~113.) LIBERTY 8·6139 MARY FANNIN. lllt:J S Ca! Bl. St-Furalture for Saie QW!ty wof'k anly ANKRUM PLANO SERVICE F IVE R OOM& of lovely n•w IUJ"-A TI Kl 2-T880. f.9Uc lli•nta A ra. tlj i': lnJ KJ 3·8660 1 C>2ttc ~11"1.ill.I. Bch. 1-1 ~'11.tt 4-78118. 00p13 --OA \' wnrk ••r work by w~otk. Lo-ICUT F'LOWJ!fl. ""'r"tce ror home, nlture w1tb f\lll •l.M rlt.llJe A Antique Owners lnternaUOll.al Ha.rvuter refri· 1erator, O pc, modern dinl!'lt•. l Rll!paif BEAUT1FUL Spinet piano, blond. J114l l.UI.'\ Pew .. v .. ,U('(l. a ~w a l returna. .. v~ IW lo $"'° rerfM"t r ond1t1on new ruaran• le-e free de!Jvery )1aple, U&ht \'Va.lnut, Trulch f'rO\'\Jl Clal. Ma· hoga.ny S pinet c ... e •lifhtly clam•&ed 111 1hlpp111c 1487 Good 1•r.CUCI pl&nU• t run1 '"89 , l llf., l lUI, 1 17:, at'e lhfM •t the G""•t f.2nd Anntver1ary Sale LIA.NZ ·SCHMIDT • PHJl..UPS !he Bii P1•no Cid Or1an Store t.20 No. W.a.J.11. Sa.n t• An&.. 100 l'ianoe. '52 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR ... ·-····---$ S99 RADIO. HEATER, W/W_ )\JUJ.,LY SH.All.e , .!_~Bf'aut)' Aki~ I C'~I r<!'ter<!'rir..,. own tr•n•f"lrlA-1 ortlcl!', or boe.I. Wt'l!'kly bl·Wffk· -----uon ~J 3.-f!t lll d.lfl4SO , (y, <ir u dt&Lrt'J_ ~per1enc:ed 7 piece livinJ rOPm -irroup, 2 I .. - FORD 2 DOOR ....... -... : .. ····-······ $ 599 '51 REDUCING 1 J>f'rllunnrl Li• •rn·e ,-.,u Bondl!'d lil'!l'R!:"J"AR T )l Y'" of "'" 1 and rt'IL•h>~ Jt1ch•rJ • Jl"lorl-et S team Cabinet 1 Arrh & (""n•t .-~11 <!einrf11 8hop-H•rDor 'la::.1.11 ikll com~el• t..droom Mll. On.I)' CHINA. CLA . .,S • BRIC·A·BRAC , J.)90. Sm-.!! dc;w11 payment w1lh .,-:1 • ._,.10r O"Keef!I ~2:l \\'alk~r I 10. wee~ to P•Y 1 J Acluon 7 ·2777 Cypr,.aa tf 1 RADIO. HEATER NEW MOTOR ~1aMage Sµot ReJw::1nJ: P'"'''"'fl lla1b«1 •~ <.:.11 H•r ---- ~11 Llo,.rty !I Tt i !! :• r 11 pp<i1nt l:127.M 93cij,O li t.:li. ~ W . Ce-nter, A..n&he.i.m 1------------66<<7 I '51 HUDSON CLB. CPE. .. . A STEAL AT$ 499 RADIO. HEATER. A UTOMATIC -"~~pcrfluou" H::;• BY o~rnP.~~~~~'~'o"' .. J f't"rui..11e1iuy r~,...,.~t'tJ ln.m lac• I Rea..""'nllble r•t,._. a rn1a, 1e1• l:y ~b 1 0w1 a n.J h•U LJl>erly II ?7'l2 lln• 1hapN -N" "'"'r !wr'"'-"'I' wf::it-h I l:U..£:'11 L IJH\ANl ft t:. ------ L..1110 1 Sa)On or l~o.:•1..1ly u .. r '16111 H W tre ?S-~---an~~-- Call Your Rel t1 x-A -Ci1or C1.IS~1·1,TA:-;T l)emon~tr•Uun11 ttn ll hll,11:•l1on ao:-.:-ou:: V.'JLSO!': H \"11ll t~tl•IM 631176 %2-Lo!lt u d FollJJd ---~----L08T brown n1a!e dactulhund R~V..AH.D fo l,, Jl;a.Jtt l':dg-e"''t.ler, Ra!OO.. H•~ 1t 88 evenln11. Har 3071 <la>·•· e.lce.:i -!..Ol'IT P•r•kttt, ~·hartre~ a nl1 STM.n. int..l•. IO.l ua vicinity of I ·nn;inado ._ ll:dlf"Wl.\,.r-H•r lf!M--M RE\\'AR[.I ~l)j tt--.~hoom, lnatruellon China Painting o.,. a nd CVentnr 0.... \.IRI .. S HERE ARE JOB S rhat yvu will ~ proud tv tell Y"ur· rr1,y,.l11 ttbout New hlrh y,·ag,.• eoupl~ ¥dtlt the ld1:&.! wurk1n11: r .. nJlllo)!lll 11Jl1 up to j"l>ll Wllh jJtPllt\ltt' J'\t) ~:X f'P.:ltJ~::-<CtC H.l:X,lU JRED Sti•rl yuur new J•!b In one or our urtlce• ne•r yo ur home Tlo:LEPH ONE OPERA TORS -Apply- ll OO tv I OO r n1 fol ~ .... N. Milin Sl .• Hnl. Santa Ana "' PAClF1C TEL.E:PHONE Beacon Personnel 1 00 ~ employer retained &gen<:y NO F'Ell: coUected from applicant t 13-Si•t Newport Be.ch Ur~•• T allirn ~ow rhone Ub9rt)' 8-6MI 94Uc ,.~EMAi.£ ~n1:ra.I office help, -1Jp1ng ol .->me book keepl.ng experlent-e 2~ to 3~ year. or a&e H•r. plBa. 5.Xtl JONES BIRKEL-RI C HARDSON ORr.A:'ll' BTUDIO. !..earn to play lh• m L(hl)' W URLJT"l.&R. E Vl:LYS J ONES. M1r. 300 Holm- wood Drive. LI 8·1082 67tlc HANDY MAN. maintenance • rt!)91r o r "''ha t! H :tr. 4~•-'""' 4tolfc CLEAN UP JOBS C&ll Yard Maintenance ThrM year1 experlenc• thl• locality. U 1·37.:19 ----------- GARDENING t•ttc ODD JOB&-A C LE.AN UP. • NO J OB TOO SMALL BT HOUR, DAY O R WEICK LI '-'090 or Ll l-464f. 62p70 DAY W ORlalR •an~ cleaning or lrontnJ' t L:aG p.r hr. II hr•. day. Oood ...ra,.ncea. ~-t -3016, Jtuby. &4pe6 EXPl:Rlll:NatD ,rtrl deetrea hou.ae work by bour or wee.Jt. Belll ot reterancee.. Ll l-«177l. 64cMI PART TDDI W01'.X. Dil.y or nl&'ht want.M by ntired pnUeman.. ~itct. bee.1th, ool1ec'9 sradu.te. form.17 accountant. m&n.a.llt- met. bote.I clerk. Tlred cl. Mine ldM. ow. oar. a.•••t"&W• ror- llllft tn.NI DP*~ Oood •P-. ..-ranee. .._. Ullwt7 a.au ..... \\IOM E:'ll : ae<:rei..ry · 1t~o., 11en· er•! office, u:ct'1, cleril • other• M EN Mt..<:hln1-U, ll.b. techn!rilll11, la the ope~tor ._ 0Uler1. JU!'Oli: ,_~A.RR.AR l:MP'I.... AG'CY f.02 ~1 -32nd SL, Newport j acroa1 t rom City Ha.II) Experienced Mecht1nic TO WO RK rN UNCOLN-MER· CURY AGENCY. Perrenlage bul1 with (Ul..l'Alllef'. Vacation pl&n, )'<!'11.rly bonia. Croup Hoa· p!ta! plan. lnqu!re 900 \V , Cout 1-hwlly nr call Llberty ll·:0.:140 Ntwport AO'ach Johnson & Son E.!ttablt•hed -over -30 y e&r.J &Oc67 Turret Let~e Operators SWING BH!F'T, CLASS A. ()var· Um•, lop pay . CL.A-VAL C0 .- 1701 PU.«nU.... N~rt Beach. 60c73 PART TrMI: BOOKKEEPER - S1:>Cret11.ry w&nted by private party. Tlme can be at your con· venl..,nco during week day1 - 0olt Q-1 lhi.9 pAp<!r. fl3<:eli w.ntad INEXPERDCNCEO r<l'al Ucera-. \VILL TRAIN YOU WlDLll YOU LEA.RN ANO E ARN sm. CREATF.ST AREA ON JCA.RTH Call m~ &nd dl.-CUSI IL ART C. KlSTLER CO. 29<11 Newport Blvd .. N p t. SN.ch. Harbor 1!>22f ------------·! FOR 8 At.m Slngle prap to be moved luniber, water ~ .t. A!'IAllEIM SEWING MACHINE ICXCHA NGV. RENTALS S3 95 per n10 ,,.. ... alao rep&ir all m•llaa ot ww1ng m•rhlno>e ,39 ~ LOR A -.;{;~;1.~;~ Kf: ~1-1)22~i ANAHEIM -----------~~_l!.o_at;,.,, S u1,1pllee tlATIAN bed <11\'enport It match lnl( ctair excellctnt cundJt1on ~UP ~~UH ltt::N·r on l'er11n1.ul11 l l:l..:i u 8~f.:.i2 6.lc6:. I on pnv•l1: dock Call H llr, 2~. __ ----Mttc 0 1:11.... l:IED . 1prll"1C• .ti mall rea~ - J ll'l 3 rhn.ome b1.r 1tOOl• 120 I J'\EAKLY ;'\:!;;\\' 1ta.ued botlon1 Li ~-l67:'1 !Hc&e UallNa 1a1H11i dlnll:h)' Alao l •l~ lll~-0 hp. L1Ulbo6nl, l LOil cbaln M W d fl hul1t Ir I II p. ele<t 1not1:ir est1 oo era j tJ s-;fil'lO M c66 Unpa.inte<I • Juvenile F'Urnlture -- Clo5e Out' t1t Cost !4-M118lca.I. Radio, TV ('he.&lll 116 90 Kn owlton ElC<.""troniC!l 7 ENO T AHJ.Jt::I ··-· .. ·-at 12 ~ SO-B-A~Uances _____ ,1 g\>,'PlP:L TOP TV table 18!)() TV ANTENNAS C("le.11.r Deam -l{l Gain) f"SliTALl..ED l·ompltte to your lf'l. GAFF1UL'i A SAITL~:RS apt UM r.ur lay aw11y plan 11.w ra.n&'· oven control • broil· 'l lll Hf-rbor. C.M. U l ·lf.41) ir r, lille new Kelrtn•lor apt. ----~-.ia.a re.rrtr . H•r. 2ooe ur lfar a.,ARGE t."hrom• ext.eruihu1 tablr, 1ri..y trln1n11•J In red. J 8 376 1-\1.'_ 6:k~ Llvn11old 306 Ii:. Ba.lboa. Blvd , $9.95 39t t~ 5-0 USl':O P lanoe wanted tor out HUXER. male ~ lllOnlh• old. ahoUI •aear1 clipped $10. Kl ~-1&28. ·-Uir.AUTD'UL. PEOl OR.EllD male boXer. UMd to lu&'e yard and \"<Ir)' r'OOd W1lh children, l i&O- liarbor atlO-W. 6"°" ..,.,, ~o. A H OM E--for II. black 1naJe Cocker 1pazrlal. ii mo. old. HuUM broken. 61f. JaamJ..ne. Co- roJ1&"'1el Mar. atipC7 O'K~e A Merrttt g11.11 r~nse 19M Apt 3 Bilbo&. Harbc.r f.l f.L'>-J delu.1<• t oldl.n 1-toi• mo<lfl b .. &1J G5p&l reJJlKl aervlee. Trade your pl1ano ------------ W ALN UT dLnlnC ta ble, u tra 2 l~vee. 52~.-Jlar. 4832. Mcil7 on ll. n•w Spinet Q,..nd or Ham· n1ond Or1an. HLghelil ca.ah al- 10 .... ·•nce d1Jr1nc our Great Sall!' DA SZ · SCH!otlIJT -PHILLIPS ~20 No. Malt!. Sa nt& Ana. 37-UvMtock ROO. QuuteT H ot'ff, ma.re. 1100. or 117l with aaddl• and. bridle. f'Or more lnform.aUon, pi- ca.II W 8·6223 after 3 :30. • '51 OLDS '4 DOOR SED AN ···········--···--$ '499 RADIO. HEATER. HYDRAMATIC JET Bl.ACK 'SO FORD CONY. . . DRIVE IT HOME $ HEATER. O'DRIVE '50 ''49 RADIO, PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE ···········-··-·· $ RADIO, HEATE:R, MECHANICALLY GOOD FORD CUSTOM 2 DOOR ..... -·······-$ RADIO. HEATER. W(W '49 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR .DELUXE ..•. -...... $ RADIO, HEATER 399 399 299 299 Orange County's "Most ,Re.liable 3 BIG LOCATIONS Dealer ' 1145 NEWPORT BLvD., COSTA ME:S A 315 SO. MAIN. SANTA Af'A 515 E . lilt, SANTA ANA chrom• (fiddle on lop, !&mp ol cloc.k w i th """" timer, ehrome ,-rtll ·broiler Uaed only 3 rnontlur, Belnc fran.aferred. Eut, ta.ke over my conlract with the Blink • pay ott the be.I. ot 1137 &t. Only pa;r •1 82 per month. No cu.ti needf'd. M y equity fret, •-an1· Um• Day nr Eve. •I ltf.1 W. Chapman. Orange. RATTAN Jl"URNl'l'URll:. SACRI- FICE: By pr!.ate party. 3 pc. """-'.llon•I. 2 <!'nd t..bl• with l&mpe, <.Hnlnc table wtUt 4 ehr1. IJl\·aJ1 "'·1th ottom9-11. A ll for, i 200 Call Har. 201!..J, 6.:ic67 Blr.AlITJFUL MJrurhall l!:ltctronlc Orran aa i.. S-t70, another Min· ahaU thrt'$ month1 old '..? m11n· ual S991l D ANZ · 8C HMIO'T' • PH1LLJPS. 620 No. M.aln. Se rt· ta AnK. ~ ... ---~------------~~--- c.JJ C.Ollt'Ct KE 8-6811. SPECIAL OFFER WILL HAND BRAID (your pattern ) WOOL RUGS (I furni•h all material) ( l per cuetomer) AT $2.50 SQ . FT. Mention this ad for special consideration The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 SO. ).f AIN ST., CORONA CORONA 771 WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE ~AppllaoaM USED APPLIANCE BUYS HOTPOINT WRINGER WASHER, u is ... ··--··-······$1 4.50 MONTGOMERY WARD WASHER Wringer type .... $25.00 KENMORE WASHER ·-······· ... ·-. .... ... . -····-·····-$35.00 Wringer type w ith pump MONTGOMERY WARD WA SHE:R .......... -............. $27 .5Q Wringer type DEXTER AUTOMATIC WASHER ···-····-···-····-··$74.5Q IMtallod WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT ...... -. -······ ..... . $79.5Q IMtallod GAFFERS a. SA'ITLER GAS RANGE .. $59.5Q White Table Top WESTINGHOUSE ELECr. RANGE: ........... . .. $74.5Q GIBSON e cubic ft. REFRIG ········-·············· .. -· ... $64 .5Q COl.DSPOT e eublc ft. REFRIG. -··-·········-·····-··· $59.50 SERVEL., 5 cu. ft., left lw>d door --···················--·$79.50 WE.STINGHOUS:S: 7 cubic ft. REJ'IUG. ·····-........ " $84.50 KNOX HARDWARE CO. DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl Bl"ILD YOUR Q\\'N J.11 • F'I phono~ph. 1J.11U\c Newcomb & Jiar1noa-Kardon AM-FM tunera, arapltr!ers, •pea ke1"9 a: record pl•yera. Corne In e.n.d aee lham We wHI belp )'OU UMmble It. DAVIS-BROWN 1&85 I-fuboT Blvd. Coata Meaa -W 8·3•37 PIANO Ir BENCH. J ohn.90n Baby Grand. E1cl. rondlUon. $31.5. Llb4lirty 8-6113, ~7 Ol/R CREAT f.2~1J ANNIVER· SAR\' SALE lil l4 · 19:'>6 $396 buys lovely Spinet •tandard m11.ke. M lrro-type Spinet only S23.:i Ba ldwin A cro110nlc $f.71l Kimball !:i p 1 net $5f10 llilby Gra.nd1 St9~ up. Dozen• of oth<l'rt K.nabe Steinway Hard- man etc. These ln•trumenta are tn.cle·lns and rent.al return~. m11.ny ju!lt li ke new. DA?<;"'Z· SCHMIDT · PHILLIPS Ellg P l· llno and Organ Store ::020 No. Main. Sa.nta A n11.. 100 put.no• a lway. BEAtrn:rUL m ir ror type uprt&hl piano ln perl&et cortdlUon 12" down It SlO per PlO. 11.t - 8HAnl:R8 (Since 19()'1) 421 -423 N . Syc11.J11ore, Santa. Anll Phone Kl1nbl-:rly 2-0672 HAMMOND O rgana all modf'l.. Or.e only 1llghtly u.-.ed, 11.lmo1t like n-. Thi-' 111 • l!lpe<:ia l. DANZ . SCH1.IJOT · J>HJLLil'S H1<n1mond li•'&dqu><rtcn1 tor O r· 11.nge Coun!y 520 No. 1'111 ln. Sa.nl• Ana. . ------------ RADIO REP AIRS 15 TUBE HOME RADIO, rep&treit l-0--Autoe and Truck.a WE NEED SPACE S GOOD WORK CARS FORD CLUB CPE. $39 FORD 4 DR ......... $69 CHEV. 2 DR ... ···-$1 29 BUICK 4 DR ............. $139 OLDS. 4 DR ..... $139 CADILLAC VILLAGE 806 E. l sl SL Santa Ana KI 7-3876 '"" Hausken-Watson SPORT CAR CE NTER JAGUA.R . M_Q_ AUSTIN-HEALEY t.f O RRJS, A USTIN ALF'A ROP.100 R F.NAULT New C &r SaJeii a Service C!elll1 u,,.....i Cua, All M-.k"· tm· ported and Domeatlc, 2201 SO. l\I AIN ST .• BANTA A.NA Kl 2-075' 1Q32 t!ARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA LI S·fl061 If for only 13.M lncludlng p•rUr It I ------------- labor. 9-0 day parantee. 16 ye&rl Foreign Car Headquarters USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE ':15 JA GUAR MC Cpe. ·~~AGUAR MC Road '53 JAGUAR MK Vil Sed. '52 JAGUAR MK Vil Sed '53 JAGUAR 1.20 Road. '51 JAGUAR 120 Road. ':15 TRIUMPH TR2 'Road. '5{ TRIUMl'H TR2 R<>&d. •:15 M. G. TF 1500 ·~1 M. G. TD Road ·:15 HlLl.MAN Husky '55 H1LLl.lAN Conve.rtible 'M HILLMAN Han! Top Cpe '53 mJ.I.VAN Cotivert:ible '56 RENAULT 8od&D '152 STANDARD Vangvd 't9 Sllo!CA Sedan Several Good Buys In American Caro ~k or America Ftna.ncinr HARVEY MA YER MOTORS 2137 Harbor (Comer Victoria) LI 8-22!16 10--A ulofll for SU SALE USED TRUCKS LI 8-2257 - 1949 MERCURY 4 dr., Radio-Heater WE HAVE A LARGE New tirH -new paint STOCK OF us ED STEAL THIS AT TRUCKS THAT MUST S299 BE MOVED AT ONCE. • ST 0 CK INCLUDES 15 other oteat. w.. thlo PICKUPS, PANELS, CHAPMAN MTRS ST AKES & DUMPS. • NO REASONABLE 639 W. CHAPMAN 0 FF ER REFUSED. ORANGE KE·8-&181 NOW IS THE TIME - 19" FORD I club ~ &"d rnlr. wtUl Ede.11wock me,nlfol<\ .... """' -TO SAVE SOME REAL MONEY ON A USED TRUCK. WE CARRY OUR OWN '"°:,.m;!',::'~-. ,.... ...._ CONTRACTS • Experienced Gardener LANDSCAPING plumbtnc tt1tureL Har. ~293. 420 Ee8t 4th St. Santa Ana K I 2·2336 e:oi:per1ertce. 411 F'ORD CUSTOM STATION WAGON. R&:Jl $290. LI 8-1170. 63"'6 W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER COTION GOFF The Volkswagen Dir. 1114 CLmAN UPS Liberty S.11!1511 '°"' Roy's Mainten•nce lbl9e eleee•c-nocw W'UlD.I WaQ~cMnflll v...u.. W1ad&. ~llf'J w ......... ,.. ................ '"" &..oCA.L ~ ~ wUb• -...... IUll ,.., u-. owu • 1 -11 Alao w. or -........ c:.JI Hv. 6Uf.J. .... , _,.. • ltlh* we car, ... .,., ............. wtD .. Mn ·111rwaow '°...,. 11p ..... ,.,... ... TODA. T l c::a.ck th• u8ed ... ... u. d1'lllHkd ..u-t. <IV· \ 6.:ilfcl---------------------~~==-,---,-,----,-,·I KENMORE lrOller, dehu:e ~ 11.ke new $90. AnUq~ }lohem!an pmet rillr ~. B~let llilG. LI 8-T7f.6. QctO U.OIES wat ch I~. Dorm9)'er rni•llf' 130. 32 piece c1lnMr Ht Sl ~. 29-p.c. •llver pla te l lO - ICVERYTH.ING BR.AND NE"'· Ll 1-6804. 6."k-fl7 DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS .... to Ordm- it.Umat.9 -~ LUCIIJ.E DRAPERIES Rarbor MM or 6111 "'"' mozJ:N AIM4lONJI ST&AXI OOc 6 Th & a.. Fl'tO Z!:N CRO\lltD• ....... ' lb.. ~ ror '1. u •·UM. 161117 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Furnisblngs, Toy.. Radice, Utensils, Orap€'8, Bedding BED. SPRINGS, le MATI'RESS (complete) ...... $10.00 WASHERS a. RANGES ........ ... . -······-···· $121i0 up BAEY BEDS, PENS, STROLLERS -······-···· $3.5Q up CLOTHING & SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Cooatul additiml ot DIS. BJ ,ED VETERANS pea--.onnel ln our ahopt nnlta m wider eelection or completely refurblahed m..chudi8e in our 1tore. VETERANS INDUSTRIES 402 E. 4TH. OPEN FRI. & SAT. 'TIL 'I P.M. Whites Radio Service LI 8-:'.t ll<l or Ll a .... 0 11 .. " tilf.0 BUICK 2 door fl!ood .nape S PINET Piano like new with Or· $100. R. Dorri.• :106 31 11t SL. Newport. Har. 03·18 ()"y time. ll l!i·lil Ii:. 'l•I 8 t .. 15a.nt& 'Ana Open Bullday A. M. Tnick Hea.(lquartt"n tor Ot1lnl'e Co. l!'.ano 1890 wonderful buy. U Nd ll3p46 fkilt•~0.1< $195. DANZ..SCHMID'T'· I-------------I·------------ PHILLIPS B lc Pt.no and 01'· ·~t roRO v .s squlre Sta. waron r::_ t W M ' k x1an store :120 No. M11.1n, S•nt.a r .o )of . RAH. l"tr~t t!'I~::. Lak e• ~ran . USIC Ana. It. (".!Uh or l••tn1~ 261 2 Ne.,.,- tfAMMONlJ Chord Orran. t.11~ (TdU•I. lnv,nlkln evl!'r In mu- pnr! Uh·d., N .. vq..,rt Har. ~(12 ~ day1. eace:. .Pc. The .,..ho le family can play 1901 Cll DILLAl' 62 rour door. ti •l once w!tho\lt l_n,., You R A: H. "'S\\" S tf.:>(). _ 6l3 Your Hudson Dealer SALE:S and SERVICE 253 N .l..os Angelea K E~7278 Alahelm ~tJc mu•t come in -.nd lry It. DANZ. Udo Nord, Udo l"le H•r. 2988.. SCHMIDT-PHILLIPS Or•t Pl· S4cet ·•1 DODGE COVPJ: Good 1":1rk ano and Jl•mmond0J'IUI StoN.l ~c-=occ=:---:-c:-c-:---1 car. $110. CtJ.1 UU. 27~. $20 No. MalA, &aatA All.__ "13 WILLY.II Aero-Lark f. door. e.:kt1 ------------·I R•H. Uke new. M11J1t .,.._u M'6, --,~=c-ccc-7CC-ocC--:-:-,-- F OR TH.Ii: RUXPU• ROOM: :170 E. PaJmer. Co11t• M--'6-0 C ADTl.AC -e2 Black • door A)(J'fCO E~C PLAYER LDtrtJ 8-76lf.. '3cf7 H'den -w 1 w S1200 f>rtT&l4 PIA NO 1n f!friei:"t playinc condl-Party 1-1 ..... ~J or u l--Cl6CM Uon. Lot.I nl T"O& .. tricluded. -"5:1 BUJCK Super f. d r. R It H Mcf7 Oon•.nlent wrm. •l-·Powv .teer. Vny ~lean, Ort.,. 8HAFER8 f &mc. ltoli It A: )'OU'IJ tN)' 1t. 42 1.-42:\ N 8)'CAl'FM>"'· S.t1ta A~ t 7n C . Patmar. Coet• M,_. -\'~~~~G.~~¥-:;~ ::!: ... ":,~ r"°"" Klm!M11)' l-Ol72 Llbert.J l-7t74. tktl ~· f-'"2 '6p. f.lel& N ewporl Bll'd. &t Drod ...,._, 19'0 CHJCV, Club _,.. o.n, ••oeption&I ooodiUan lhn.i-ou l OrlJlna.I owner, JU(). -Hiarb 402&.. w. t5d'1 111~ VOL..KJIWAODf, tt2~. Har. 2900. ' -.in tup ""'' Tubeless rire and Recapping Hdqtrs. I hour llltnioe l'Tee 1 • .,.k up 6 ... _""'""' Courtney & Lester lMI Hirwport 81.C.. Oltl9 ,_. ... m on LIBDl'n' 14.111 rar • ' ·--~--------·---·------... ,.r-~ ... ......:~----· ---··- • PAeE.6 • PAIT 11 ~ NEWPC>llT HAUOI NEWS-PlE5S f !•!!:::"!!!!!.'.!11!!!1!!1~----· 1 !'°!::::!B!!-!!!..' .!ll!!!I !!l~----...!Cl!::::!"!!!!.I .!,!!!!I !!!'!..----! ~-~=P!!!td!_!,!!!!1!!!1!!.. ____ • f !D!:::!"!!!!.I .!1!!!!1 !!'!....----...!-!;:::!•!!.,!!..!11!!•1~t~----~ .. ,,.~v.,,':.~:"~"' OP£+a· HOUSE BILCrS BEST BUYS ~ 8'/ B ~-..... __..,.._-~ ---··----- -~CLUSM' . Udo -Ba,m.at • • ·- Neui:y ._ S a. R., 2 batll home. plua maid'• quarten. Un-U:y Ip. U.. rm., Stndy Beach $86,000 For appolotmeat Ip -e&li Mn. Fay. EXCLUSIVE 13'1 Ave. Corner wtth View! 2 B. R. and Den. nJu ltlt<:hen, estn lg<. patio. Garare •tn.ed for apa.rtment. Owner ill. Shown by appointment only, $26,000 -Tenru&. EXCLUSIVE Bay Ave. Duplell: -Permanent View ! Nea.rly new -opposite fineat bathing beac-h. Excellent financing to qualified buyer. S hown by >Ppoint.meat Only . EXCLUSIVE 3 Un1ta near achool & Catholic Churth. l OO"'it-. oceupaocy. E:tcellent-riopdition,• For 1nJorm.alloo & appointment to 1ee call lo.fr Rude EXC LUSIVE • J u5t L1steJ ! Balboa Peninsula $1~.8!\0 -$3500 down. 2 bedroom home, fireplace_ Price includes carpet.I and curtains T HlS IS A BUY~ '. ! ! BAY AN D BEA CH REALTY , INC . 1450 W Bal boa. Blvd_ Balboa lia.rbor 126i Vogel Values CORONA DEL M AR On ooe of the pretl.ie.t street. in town. Modern, lgf!. 3 bed.room borne on corner lot. floor t o ceiling flag.tone fireplace, encloeed patio. Priced right at $19,!>00-includae w /w carpetizlg t.hruout Ir drapes. HOME I< INCOME ~ SO. OP HWY. I< NEAR STORES & SHOPS. -Furn.iabed 3 bedroom home Ii 11tudio apt. Garage ready for apL over. Hou.Ml , hu f1~pla.ce. HW floors & ii completely recon- ditioned inaide. An excellent value at $15,500. -Shown ..by app't only, COSTA MESA CHEAPER THAN RENT & ONLY $600.00 DOWN In Costa Me&a & not too ft.r from 17th S{. Shop- ping Center. Lg. lot, 2 bedroom bome. HW noo.-., d1n1n g area iri k1lch. T otal price only $8.»l ~ Better hurry! THE VOGEL CO. 266i E. Cet. Hwy .. Corona del Mar Ha. 1741 Ha. 0757 · W hy List It Fo r Sale W ith A Realtor? I'll Sell It Myself ! A Do It Your,elf Kit Won't Work In the Real Estate Business. When you list your property for sale with a REAL- TOR you benefit by his knowledge, experience and judgment. We're going to Aell $1,000 ,000 worth of Real Estate e..ch month during 1956 Multiple Listing Service Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .. 3 Br. home. Hwd. flooni, large kitchen, Dble garage. $11,750 wJth reaeonabt.! down payment.a lz bal. on 4% loan at $68.97 ~r month· incJuding taxes and insurance. TR.IPLEX (3 yrs. old) 2 Br. each, p.rage .. laund.r)' room. 1 unit W'itb fireplace., $20.500 with $3000 down. DUPLEX right in town-2 Br, each aide, g-aragea~ latie •ton.ce room (or guetit hoU&e l 113,750 with $2750 down, b&L Slll month. 3 Br. home. l 'tJ baths. Hwd. noons, Obie. garage. A-1 looation. $12. 750 with tenno. G. N. WELLS , .Realtor 1810 Nowport Blvd., C..U. M-LI 8· 1601 --- A CHALLENGE To your ahrewdnem, this custom buih, nearly new a bodrm.. 11' bath i.o... with""""°"' pat.lo p1uo ...,. 4oc.t opello BALllOA PENINSULA year --~ at 1"' ...... Bctmed celliz>&' paneled kttcJ&., wttb baiJt...ln ltove A ovm, P' A heat. We """ tM by -We'ro .-..dy to ahow you a prune klc&lian. priOod to ..u -'~ loan. MlJRIEl M. PINOVER, Realtor 2804 Nwpo.t llhd., Newport Beech Har. fe10 . • Sat.' l Sun. 1.5 2 Open Houses P'riday.Satunlay.SU.day 707 Acada, CORONA DEL MAR EU: &VRS 1'0 SCI: 'ti&. J bedrm. pl~ 91\cl. Jana.I. Checrt'UJ ttrepl.. din. room, out.lllde planter, ete. t l&, 7&0 la • terrttlc barptn oa thl .. one. Ra.J s'DOd terrrui. 712 Heliotrope CORONA DEL· MAR NOTHING FINER than OU.. 2 bed- room bon1e t or t tG.600. •It hu .,.. ""'Pt. •U..tu,t" lffllii~ "i\'tttfi.m With lol• Of tile Ud C"Upbc&rdm, ldad• ot charm U\t\J+()Ul. £ncJ. ~UQ. Call Harbor 21M2 now tor pr .... .thowtnJ" . Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS 311 Marin .. AYI!., S..lboA lala.nd H.arbor 204 2 Dup le x I l'wo nlc• unit. br1nftn1" JJJO pe.r mo. and room t o build ..nolher urU t o r l'loma In froqt, Oil ~ nna com• lot. h.cellent OOll- dltlon. c.IOM ln ~ r.nt..al .,._, •Ix y-r • old All tot" only $10- 600 with .-....onabl• dowtl pmL Keep A Horse7 Hl!re Ui a beautJ/U! rancb type hr>m• D'I a ?!&.If Ura :Mlrled _, that J OU ll1&1 k.-p & borM. nu. w.-.n yr. old btmwo b.&a a r1.t1 pta.c., p..Uo, (al'd ..... bur• te:nced YlLrd.. douir.a. sar-a.ae and O\.ll bu.IJd!.np . Not many with the.911 adY"&l'lla(• and priced lo Mil a t t ll,600 T ER.M8. Harbor Blvd., Lot 80 • 121 on ~ Ill Harbof' 8.J:\'d. priced to ff.JI. AJIO a few r.ldenUaJ lot& B. A. NERESON REALTOR !Na Newport Bl-.cl., o.ta 11- LJb<H"ty 1·1872 EYd. LI kl>O Llbe"rt1 1~1s Libtirt7 a-am See Me-Ta Nelson THE MOST IMPORT ANT AD You·u. Rl:AD TODA T CORONA DltL )(AR ICASTERN OWNER B-\YB 8m..t.. like n-3 bedroom, J bAth, ftn- pJ.u..e, bf.!Wd: Oooni, bloc::k .troui ocean. ft...2 , u cllli.nt tlna.nCtnr. U1:1derpr1ced. Exolualn r.t-ttni" • FIRST TIME OJ'll'ERl:D R.l:AL HOMJ:Y 2 bedrm .. flr.pla.ce newly dtt0Qlled. llUllld. planter. De.t loca tion. $3000 wtll han<1!1. t lt,600 f.p. Exclwrlve lliUnc". 4 BEDROOMS -NEWPORT HEIGHTS ,..,_ aJr -· -Ftrepi.ce -2 ye&rt old. Ezccl- &ent location within walkinc d1atance to a.D. .choola. Priced low •• $14,8!1() $3300 down. BEAUTIFUL, BACK BAY Spaeioull three bedroom and den. hardwood noon, wall to wall carpet IA L. R., dlAinc room I< elm. Luge eervlce porcl> IO!joinlng, completely built-in kitchen ma..km thla a hou.ewite'• dream. Let ua ...,.._a.b£w yo~~ many other~ tea~~ m~­ tooed in t.hito Ml. F. P. $23,500 with o;.\y $5000 dn. W. A. TOBIAS , Realto r "you'U like our friendly .ervice" i-00 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Llberty 8-1139 --- LAVISH IA the word for lhill home located atop the bluff or C. D. M ., affording a fabulou. view of Balboa Harbor and jetty on 60 ft. corner loL It ~ mcxi· trn lo the lut detail, ~e llving: room, beautiful den, ma.Ur bedroom, ehining bath and kitchen upstaira. Three bedrooma a.nd aecorid Uvin.1 room down•W,.; with adequate batha. A garden th.at cost weU in uOMS of $10,000 ln t.ropiea1 mode, complete with w&t.er, li&"ht a.nd m.uaic. A.Lio Hi-Fi, . co.t in u.cme of ~. piped to eYtty room. Fully carpeted and draped in excellent tute. A quality home for aale for the firllt time. Priced to Mil !mrnfdl1tely for $59,500 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OSBORNE -FORTON , Realty Co . 232S W. Cout Hw:y. (at Port On.ngo) Newport 8-ch U 8-7~2 Har. 51.M evflll CORONA DEL MAR Home wtth. ~ Hvin(room.. view of city and Ocean from d9n, hardwood lloora.. Louted on cor- ner lot with room for pr. ap&rt.ment. A h ome with a thouapd pou..ibilJU.. $18,500. Terna.. Eight yean YowtC, two bedroom and den (with ft~ pla.ce) on corner lot.. view from large Uvinc room, Lanai. Only $18,500 Tenm. Open Hollse Daily 1201 DOLPHIN TERRACE In eulu.ive Irvine Tern.ce, unmatched view home oo Clilt aide, &11 electric kitchen, der;i, bath and % . Large ya.rd with protected patio. Perpetual H&r- bor, Ocean and B&y View . RAY REALTY COMPANY 34-44. E . c.oa.t Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2288 T90"A8 BAY FRONT . BAYSHORES EXC&U..ENT LOCATION on a.y. a.hon Ori.,.. wtu. vrcw "' -.,.. Ellter1or j\&et pal.nlecl, 3 bed- roo-. 1 "-t.tM, dlltlnl" room A bnakf&llt room, hdwd. noora. tlac".U.ne nreplacc -123.600.- ·~-• • • Harbor Highlands LOVl:L Y 3 BEDROOM. 1"" b&tha, 14 • 14 ft. h'rins 1'00M. bdwd. floor-., p.rbm.c1 dllpoaa.J, Fapt- 1t&lle tanci~. w/w oarpetln&" A drap. Included at $17,17~ I- "C" THOMAS REALTOR &nd ASSOCIA TE:S 22' W. Coaat Hllfhw..,. Ll l -M27 "We're Moving lo . Irvine Ten ~e" Inspect the model bom., built by Macoo Corp. · exquillitely turnlabed by Martin & Von Hewert lrviDeTernce.11 ~ted mt CoutJDP:w41 11 t1 tht .... IniDo C4oa 0 . .,_ ~ I EARL W. STANLEY, R .. ttor ICXGLUl!IVI: £GDml Pb011e Hari>ar "61 For J'mthw lntoo Y•• * P'or ruComm"1dat!mi, W. reter :roa '° ...,_ who holda a I -.w..hald !'At.ate in 1"'-Tut .._ 86acon Bay, Bay Shb~ Mid. CHtt Ba.,. N ...... port lkadl --------------------- "C ' THOMAS "C'' THOM AS ---1 vv Best Buys Corona del Mar B/B 1. SHORECLIFFS.. Jw.t liatel -arh.tft wt1:21. u. Open House Sat • SWl. 1-0 4~ !Cut ll•l S t. Thia immacul&te 2 beclrm.. &nd den home on M~ Canyon Road with p&n.on.mio rllnr ot oaMn. hil1a &nd canyon. FA heat, l.arp tlaptooe ~ auptit.a a.nd drape. ineluded and onlJ $31.600. B&fl'I ER HURRY on tbia ~ -k W"Om't lut. YCl'll mu.t -lh1t AU R6dwood. heavy Sha.Ile Root R.uaUc Ra.ncb hom1 OQ larl"• be&uU- tully l.&ndacaped 1.ot Wllh room tor pool.-l !arr• bedrooma, 2 b&Uw &Ad utr ... pjor.1. ue..ooo ruu .,,~ 2. DUPLEX, 1 hedrm. each, oao uall fW'.11. ~ comer Jot A: oa1y Sl 7,!iOO. Low dowii. ,.,....a.t wiJl handle.. If I Were You 3. DUPLEX: 2 •. R. aoch. ..,._ ~ llotll ha" 1'4 -lille llh&.k.a root lW.n.ch lkJUM Today ! M uquialt1 hom• located on a qulrt banjo 4. at.reel rlsht up ...-~l th1 Ba.ck S..y, lhl.1 3 bdrm., I·~ bath nwt.Jc i.. bM.uttf\IJJy decor- ated, carpeted and l.IJldM:&ped . •• 'nl• tlnu t of tut-. &oca.. tion and c~t.ruction tor $27,- ri)O W\U\ e1:c.Uent ttnaactn1. A (rand n-ll1Unr you·n wLQt to own i Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 117!'1 ~bor BouJevant Coat.a Mtwa. C&l.lfornta LI S-771t Evee.. U 1-3161 WELL-BUILT 2 B.R. If you ere lookJn1 for • clMn cut 2 bedr"OOm home oa· a nice lmproved l lrffl 81:11 U8 DI· liU:DlATG.T. HardWOOd floor• -Gar&(• -Thennoet.a.t - DrapM and carpet -Backyard completely fenced -ExcepUon- &llJ well 1and.c&ped.. 8tawberry lawn. EIU"ll la an Ideal hom1. WUI conllldcr $1000 down. Own- er bu Just mO'nld out. and mu.t KU Jmni.edlately, ftll pr1ce. 19700. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson firopiacoo, ..... flni. " _.... -.. A ..... 1lcQ' at $22.000 FlRST TIME OFFER.ED. x •• -,...1.t• 2 BA. kcw plua rumpua room, bwd. t:ln.. prQ. dWpn-1 A barga1n •• $13~ -$3000 dowD will 1ww11 .. Excluaive witb ua. Thil Mould .U. quleklp. MEMBEJt or JrruL'l'lPLll r...urrtNOI.. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUill'nON, llAaltor 3-W7 E . Cout Hw:y. Corona dol Ku ~. '7 ·(om.. io..locl next _,. to Corona ... MU' 9oak) VOGEL VALUES . COSTA MESA * • • * * Balbo• Coves Lovely owner bit. qu&lity home lem th-. 'yrs. old. 2 bdrm. " den, li.x23 livinc rm... d1nin& rm.., 1% b•t.he, FA beat , w /w cpta., lge. cov.-.1. ,.& fac- ing w&ter, pier A .Up. Shown by ....... m.t oaly. -Full price $-«),000 $2:\00 .. wn New 3 bdrm. ranch type home neu Ba.ck Bay. 1;, bath, H. W. floors, nice tireplace. (acrou f rom the Bank in C. D . M.) l &M Newport Blvd., eo.t. M- 1 At:.rOM trom eo.i.. w-8&nJt J HOMZ • INCOMJ: A . J . Viccelllo Ed Bucko Helerie c.enar Ph. L1 1~7191 , E'vee.. HN-. '3" A'M'R.Ac..-nvE dup1 .. , cbot~ loea.-Bob Klamm Cb&rlM P &lT"iah Ubu"ty 1-2103 Back Bay area.. P&rtly turniabed 3 bdrm. home on 90 x 100 R-i lot $12,500 tu.1.1 priot. tlon. l A J bedrm&. Underpricect ----------------------1 ·---------- MrrA NEU!OM 290I I:. Coa.c. Hwy C-orona dal Mar, Har. MeO. eac.7 PAR EXCELLENCE Harbor Highlands OPICN DAILY P.K.. 19111 PIWcllla Lani THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty 8-~97 Ooot&-. Eventnr Liberty 1-7457 M-1 l ight Manufacturing NEWPORT: Lovely one bed.room duplex on 38lb street. 3 yrs. old, patio, nicdy decorated, rear unit fur· niebed. $15,-lM, euy term.a. LOVllLl" 3 bed.rm., 1% bath•.1----------------------lft'lck tt~pl., wtth nar yard 1pa.ce for rNlmmlnr pool or ltnnl• court t l 7 .&00 • A.LSO SMALL SHOP" • J Iota, corner .51Jlt •Villa W a7 .'Newport Bcb. Will 1pllt. Priced right with 1ood term.. COST A MESA : Spaclou.. dut>lex:. on Eut. Broadw11..y, ba.rdwood f.loon, dining room. lge. bedrma .. front unit baa fireplace. Rent. t rom one unit makea the payment.a. $17,!SOO -reuonable down payment. 3 ~rm. I% batti. with tlrep!11ee. lovely r~ncM re11.r ya rd and patio, uqulaltel7 J.udaoaped, 118,:KIO For private 1howln1" call: RUTH DAVIS -JICAN SMJTl:I -l:Lllll: EBl:LINO or JACK MUI..t..A.N. HOUSE PLUS VACANT LOT - JM00 wlU handle. Houee and l•rr e , .. ,...,.. rented Mp&n1.tel7. Good Income, neu-P09t otnca. N.B.C. Realty J2nd A: Newport 81"'1. Har. 1408 A HOUSE & GARDEN and ._ •YC AXORlt 'nU:m - CMrmln1 J bdrm. old« hnrn- Oypler ~ cornplet<tlJ redecor-a- tllir M.50G-Terma. Fisher & Company MOii N.wport ai.d., Npt. Bch. eu. ,, •. Greenleaf-Severts Realty, Inc. Duncan Hardesty Har. 2ti02 3112 Newport Blv_d. Rl:.A.LTOR Eve.. LI &-3188, Ll 8-M05, Har. 3921-M, KE 8-5885 l802 Newport Blvct .. Npt. Beach. ---------------------HarboT 4711 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT ATTRACTIVE 1 atory home, livable and conven· lenL Thl"ft bednne., 2 balh•, maid'• room and bath. Carpet.a, drapes and appliance. included. Bay Shor es %672 Circle Drtve • Open Da.117 -1·4 ·so NOW PRICED TO 8!:LL S bdrm., l ~ bal.b. frpl., F . A. he•-. all 111Jec. kitchen. Bpaclou.1 patio -built In BBQ. Overalu rara111. l"r:nerou• •toraf•· BALBOA ISLAND Dividend Paying Real Eatate? Cute 2-bedrm home with lovely apartmen t . RmW record will utound you ! ! $29,500 Exclu,ive Ba y Shore' TO CONNOISSEURS of fine living! We highly recommend thie: 2-bednn. 2 bath beauty -F. A. heat -gorgeoua patio -many zln't featu.rN. Let ue make an appt. to &how It to you. $24, 7:50 with term.a lI desired. lido Isle Almo1t new -3 bdrm. 2 balh unmual home. Bea.ut. rtrepl.: Near be&eh. AIJ thia &nd more for $26.500 NELDA GIBSON , Realtor 306 Ma.tine Ave .. Ba.lboa lal&nd Har. :502 or M23 ~. T. D. ROOERS, Hamor 11185-W Or R:ran 16029 . NEW INCOME UNITS RALPH P. MASKEY OWNER WANTS QUICK PROFm BT OWKlll\ W.000-tenn&. • 170J A IMI Ra._ Place, Newport H t.II. ,_,. l:lementary 6 Hllf!i School. LI '""38. llfp70 $500 Down ON Tlll8 l:8T A 'I'll Uk. bl.lt t.er• "9U' 0owrt.'7 C11i1•, Ideal wltl'I bom<t kw fftJrwn-t °" build utdd1. '-IM un.Jt.a. tMIO nan -DAN .A. J A.CORJJQf. rt..J m.t..l• !Ur. JMl1. U a-41110 Kl 1-21(17 CORONA HIGHLANDS FISHER built home, one year okl. 3 bedrooma, bath %, llhake room.. prbap diapmal. Iota et tile, open beam coillnc. Very nloely iandooapod. Won· derfu.l pennuent riew oa a .t.reet to etl'eet. lot. f28 Cabr1Uo · W. E. FISHER & Associates ~ E. Cout Hw:y .. CGroaa dol Mar ~ 5032 • R IDALTOR 3411 Nt'V.'p<;1rt Blvd .. Npt. Brl'I. ' Harbor 402 W ATIIR Vll:W. S lnoet ln and paid. Belt Y\f:W of Be.cit S.1 ~ wlUI llber&l 1.erm1. ORANQI: COAST PROPERTil'.8 1867 N~rl. eo.t.a M- L.I 1-1832 r....-1np LI l-1400 'H.R.lllt BDRM,, l~ MUui. IOal 40 loL Kine• Pl&oe. $U,IOO. New- port If LA. f.IJ A PPOJN"TMl:NT v-n1r LIMrt7 l-40'7a l lc:7J • LE"T'S FACE IT. Nobody get. .omet.hing tor nothing, but we 00 have a fine home, worth the money -3 B. R., bath and 1 ~. hwd. floon, w;w ca.rpet.a, lovely fireplace AND a fillle view. NOT a ate&l, not a ae.crifice, but a GOOD BUY at $21,500 with good tenna. C.ALL, We're ready to go- R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R.B.HODGE,Auoclate 3422 & Cout Hwy., Coron& dt-1 Mar Har. 277• • ··--·---·-·-··-·--·· -...... ·--~---·--~---.... --. -··-· ... -~--_ .. _ ... , __ .. ,_..,......,. ........ • :ll::::::·=·=·~-=='=•:•~~~--~ ... !:::!._!!:!!~!...!!r!!•!•~~--~l~ .. !!::~·~.,!!!!.~•!"*-!!!lt!.. __ ~_! .. !::!'!'!''!..! .. ~,1!•!•~·--..~--11!!':::!!.!•!~!..!•!-•!!!••!-,~----!ll!:;~•!•!~!J•!!•!•!'"-~~·-~ Hamor Mesa Ranch Homes -., letwllJft"lrvlhe en'll Tustin Aves, • on C.brillo north of 17tli St, -----_....... --MODEL AJRNISHEO IY DANl&Ell'S OPEN DAILY 10 AM, TO 4 P.M, Reny Thake roola, hardwood !loo,., big -bS. pncea, !Orced-&lr beat. built-in OVftl and ......... clia:pcwall•, aewe1 a, .ltidlDJ &'la.-dool"'I, -brick tlnplacea. ' Territlc loo&Jnc bomee with esoellent floor pla.na Oh Cotta lilfA. '• most. dtain.ble Eut Skie. ' 3-bedroom: $21 ,950-$2000 down 3-bedroom and den: $22,950-$2000 down OLE HANSON CO, Tract Phone: Lfbert.y 8-2363 or Offices · LI 8-5573, liarbor 1500 --------------~-~----- BALBOA ISLAND Cha nce of a Lifet ime • Po cko go Do ol to Yttt 1trH t f~t..&• 1&:.t1 •(J f fft r round p .. 1u.-.. t ~room l\onl• ll<ll1JJ11• 2 bt-droom l'lom" J boi:•utJful apar1m ~nt 1 t;cir«eoue J 1 n a ! apt :J ~xtra ~"•t room• 11 t ile ba th• 3 f1repl•1 ~• ~ 1;11.:1(1<'• !'it., I a nti&• •rtng '-IOO<"rn ly~ 1;l'lflelrurt1an o ur exclu1ive $88 ui now NQ PHONE CALLS, PU:AA!: BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor , MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING -311 M arin~ Ave., Balboa laland-Ph. Har. 1671 · or 1672 ----------- BUILD NOW ,., MONEY AVAILABLE Wr 1•an build for yo u a two-bedroom or 3 bedrm. home. 937 Approx. $~.90 per sq, ft , lOO 'r Fin&n clng on 11.pproved lot. Square Foot Home-$4595 1155 Square Foot Home-$5595 Attach~! 10 x 20 garages ····--·---· $29!J \V t are building on WaJl.att. Bay, Av()Cado and 18th SL.a. Starting shortly on 20th St. Call or Phone for Information , , . OPEN SlJNDA Y AITERNOONS I: WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc, • p. a. palmer incorporated .. ~-.. -.. --·---developers· of --• 1 '...10 Mod~ --.-- IHOUll A COLLINS _-Ill -on lhla' bodrm. ' 3 liatll liloma. The Uv!Qp-a. la llllautltlal papered. bu a ma.-lve bouquet ca.nyon. at.one flrepl&ce aad. ~ gta.. doon to a lovely patio. Tbe ldtclien la a dJu.111 With built-in Thermador O"Yen 6 range. d.Wpou.1. b&l"dwd. cabhleta Ir match · lnc' formlca.. We could ro oe &nd OD &bout uu. · hom' llut you rbould -It, Priced at $17,1)()() No• bu a $19,000 !Dan payable $18<1 per mo. Budget Conscious? IT KAKE8 SENSE-a deollner le going to go •II out on Ai. own hom~. HAL LACY hu done jwrt th&t on-tbla 3 bednn. 2 bath Lido We smaller rtlllldence. The combining ot m.ateria.la i.e done with lhouc"ht and. fee.Una here. 81idin1 11&u dooni to patio from the livingl'ttl. with it.a field stone fire· pla ce. Out.Jlta.o.ding kitchen with uh cabinet. and matching fonn.ic., Tile in both b&lha, wall-to--wall carpeting and double pngo. 0-to per{e<l beach. Se. thia llOOn, aa It will 11eU at only $2&,:SOO All above are exc!Wlivf!a w ith WI ! Come to HEAD- QUARTERS for thfllle Ir other good buys in Iota & homes.. We a.re the DEVELOPERS OJ' LIDO ISLE p, 11, palmer , incorporated e le henson co., 1ele1 men•gement 3333 \'la. lido, harbor l:'.>00 Udo · .Jlle.--... ~-·-- ~--, -Dad¥-Hq•ot& ---::-~ -. It ""' -p.y A lllte l\_llppy • --lbp, '°" wiD ' lcwe tllla boautllU!ly -i.a o••- 2 bedrm. home. ArtbtieallJ \l"fs:a:ptd ,.UO..,.. banco lte outdoor Uvl11C. 91• 'I----mah the Hvio~ and pytdoor11 cme ud tM ...._ Tbe Alllll la true ot the muter 1*!roam. only tt hu • vuy private patio ot ita OWL I t.tbroom.a. din· tncnn. a.od fully carpeted. Prieed am•stncly low. Cell Joe Kl-"!. Back Bay Land We have the cnatest eelecllon of Back Bay lota in our hi.story -little onea, big ~ expe:o11lve, not Ml expenaive, overpriced and underprlc9d. Tb.ii ia the area that appea.la to a. rreat number of people because ot ita country a.t.mo9phere, lt.1 roomy feeling and it.a pure clean air. Now la the time to BUY BACK RAY. C&ll Bill Farn.sworth. Shorecliffs ' .Now 115 the lime to build your dl'9Jll home an ~ , apa.cioWI, level, view lot. One of the few rem.a.lning in thUs exchudve dilltrict. $1:S,800. Call 011.vidsoo Osburn p, a, palmer , incorporated .ole hon1on co., sale s management t 700 w, cout highway -liberty 8-M73 Special Values $1000 Down TIIRI:!: BDRM:., NEARLY N !:W, on aewer, Good tr&el born•, ruu price, Jll~. Tenn.. $2000 Down It happens -to be your move And it wiU be a good ooe for you. When you ••alk into this lovely home in Ule Back Bay Arca. Your family wUI have the be.st with thia extrn large liv- ing room, lovely kitchen with breakfaat nook. Three apaciolUI bdrma., 2 bat.ha, forced ai r heat. hwd. floors. shake roor, cmpletely fenced. Owner lcaviog town haa jUBl reduced price to $21,5-00 S EE THESE VALUES BEFORE SOME OTHER LUCIC{ PERSON BUYS THEM 1'wo Penina\lla. Homes? Thia Of~ h.U 3 bedroorna, I~ ba.Ltr,1., a ~ UYlft&: rooo1 With tlrapi.c. Mid ._.. ot tha tew Pr:nlnaW& bom.• ln Ul1I prlc• ranee. S.. W. OM tor J 17.:.00 """ '6-000 down. EXCl:L. 2 BDRM , dble r•r , Jlw flra.. pe.Uo, Block w--.11 !~<:•, On aew.,ra. i"u.11 pr1ce, l il,000, Wid onl1 JTL ~r mo. Newport Heights GOOD F lXJ:R·UPP!:R, F'l.n• &rt&., !uU pr!ca only J7,000. Hu 60 • I D:i lot dble &'U &nd 2 bdrm.I. Open Houses 1-.'> P. M. S AT-2331 SA!'l.'TA. AVlt llMOQ, SL:N MO La Canada W-., l'l•.:z~. Income -Investment DlTPLEX -2 B n., ea. OVeT !TOO Ml· fl. Only I mo. old. Naa.r . ~ tz&.Aap. • libopP'Dr· l.4'1. rma. Lota ot Ula. 4 Nr· ,pin -.t l l!l,IW>O. Business & Rentals HJ:Rl:'ll A OOt..O MINI:.. Ham· bUf&•r •l&lld on Balb. i.J.-.nd •1.l4r fnlL N...r (arcy. Paddle Board.a • l renlalla. ~ 112,000 tn Bummar OJ*"ltkln. l l0,000 DQ. I I Mes11-H11rbor Realty OPEN SAT. & SUN. 468 Est.her off Irvine near 20th St. Corona del Mar Compact & channing 2 bdnn. home with fi~plac:t:, hdwd. noon • many extra.JI. A.eking $14 ,200, reuonable term... Channel Front Duplex NOT MANY ~t and th.ill one ta on 82 rt. of wt.ler· front with pier Ir: float. A ro&e garden for privacy, terrltlc view, and BF.ST OF ALL a low price or $26,:SOO with euy terms. We have the key ud will be hapry to ehow you through. Cliff Haven 3 bdnn. G. r resale, fil"'eplace, hdwd. Ooo ra , imme- diate J>088e8Alon. Prlced right $1<l,750 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 406 St. Andttwa Place G.I, Resale $14,950 -f % -$73 per mo. H~f'e• ll'l.a oOY-,. one. H.u 2 •i--e· Iota bedtOOIM, aJoa llvlnr roorn Wllh OrepJ.a.ce, ia,..... kite.hell, walJ,ed ~ &D4 on a lO toot lot tor 111,000. Huvy l'\l rul- t Ure Ind~ Can bot boll&'bt fa r '3600 dowJI.. WooUlly bl.I· e.nce on G. L 1o&n onl)' 17• monthly . We hava on• ot tht bMt dupltoi.• e.nywb.a" on the Penin.W.. with J bedn:loma up -d 2 down, ell tumilhed &nd tn Up.top 000.· dlUon. tor only $21.&00. o.MJ tor ba~ with lncocn., Oood '""""' BALBOA HOli!E ! Nar the llh"'7 _ , • on .Anada 81.rML Nb 1111&1'-uoWl4 J:wxn. wUh J ~. ~ ll'riAa' fOOl!I wtlh tlrep&&ot, (ood 111-d llltchen Mth cbet. plore. Property hU bMn remOOeted and modeTnlZed. In swell oon- dJUCO, $17 ,600, t.rma. INVESTIGATE THESE TWO INCOME PROPERTIES! One i. a 2 untt property tn e..100.. w1th 2 bec1rooma tn one unit ~a NEWl'ORT HARIOlt NEW$..PR!5S -l'AIT II • l'A• 7. WEl>NESDAY, FEIRUAAY I, 1916 ~ a •='IDrlUa a ·x· •• 11 • 2 Exclusive ocean -front$ . ":;' NSAllliY HEW~·S B. R., 1" ..a..-car -- flooet C'.IOl'W" lot. F. A. h~t. Wtw carpet. Dts1 •1 Diab-. custom drapeo. 'l'&lihu, .ir,w, - fumlehlnp. !Alp - "2.!IOO -$10,000 - NEARLY N1'W -2 a R. -built b-• P'lttplace. Bu ldtcheo. ~ -Cl:>mptataq furn. even to wuber, ct.r,...-6 cu.tom dn.pea. $23,ISOO -no,ooo dowo . NEARLY NEW -Ocean froot dup!a oo lup lot. -Panoramic view, ..Good for home I: tncome- Completely turn. Also double garage with 1torap and utUlty rooms. $28, 7&J -$!0,000 down. Exclusive Balboa Coves NEARLY NEW 3 B. R. & den -oo la.rg'e watu front lot. Have your own private pier &: float - bo~.hu F. A : beat ->~, betbe -~ - diap. and cuatom drapee - $37,500 -Submit down. Exclusive Newport Beach 2 8 . R. A den. on double corner lot-80' from 8-T· Nice ruaUc style ranch houae -Protected p&tio. Sl8.500 -Terma. Exclusive Cliff Haven NEARLYNEW -3 B. R. -2 bath homewltlan.... place, w ;w carpet. diapoaal. Dbl. prage on cboloe corner lot with room for awtmming pool $1V,9W -~ dowo. Exclusive Costa Mesa NEARLY NEW -3 bedroom hom&-hdwd. !loan, din, room, F . A. beaL Dbl. garage plua 2 In; :1 t unita on clo.e lo Y~ acre. Room tor more unit&. Beat income buy i.n town. $21,000 -Submit down payment. • NEAR!. Y NEW -3 B. R. 1 % bath -Built-ID range & oven, F. A. heat -ahaie root -C.enced yud with d ouble garage -beet euta:id.e location. $13,500 -$MOO down NEARLY NEW. 2 B. ~ C,ardwood floor-a. dinlnl room. double garage. Lot 60 a:: 307 room for Iota of unita. $!1,996 -t.enna. NEWPORT·MESA Realty 1799 Newport Blvd. COit.a w:- Llberty 8--5508 or CALL C. W. Block LI 8-1H3, W. C. Bradtoro Hu. 028t-1 Tom C<ix L1 S.. 1'lYl 11041 We stminster Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9--0633 A A.SSOCLA TES 3 bdrm. modern fully furn. including cupet. &: drapea, built-in atove &: oven. F orced air beat, al.lding glaa walla, in large -liVing room & dining area-Detached gar., large lot le on.ly one year old. 1 bedroom tn the other. lndl.·1---,.------------------- BALBOA ISLAND SO. BAY < B. R., 3 bath pf.,. 1 B. R. apt ......... ~9,1)()() N O. O:A Y 3 B. R. 2 bath plua 2 B. R. apt ......... $73,000 L IDO NORD 5 B. R. -2 B. R. apt. ·---···--···~··-·$89,500 LIDO NCRD 3 B. R. -Pier & alip ·--··---............ ~U,:500 LITI'LE lSl,AND, Tropical Htti.ng 2 unita plua 2 B. R. J\lS houoe -...... -f'U,950 NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R .............................. -............ $22,llOO NEAB NO. BAY 3 B. R .......................... -............ $25,000 INCOAfE UNITS: ............ $25,750 t o $38,000 inclusive. Check with ua on these &nd other•. Har. 1775 -Evell. Edith Maroon HYatt 4--6222 J ohn Macna b lia.tbor ~ , EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Ba.Jboa leland If You If You If You Are Young el Heart Want Quality, Origin ality Want the BEST - in location Ml Csit.-Bt., Oaata Meea LI l-fllll A LI a..7716 LYTI.Z -1tv .. Ph. Ll 1-JIW, Pl: 11 l'l It -Eve.. Ph.. LI l -.'>417 SllYMOUR---l:'WI. Pit. fh.. XiilW B/ B A SWEETHEART! $830. Down! • 3 bdrm. -l ~ :r-.n old! • Beautiful Jaao.o-.plnf I • Hedr• r-1 • J)l.spoMl -klt.cMm t..n l • Jllh ... water -~! e D,..,_ 6 .._, • o.nw l•'t'bc .tat.! • I' .H.A.. JM.00 mo. tnci.. t11.xt11! • c...J now. Show 1.11yUmt ' ' 1 10)!001 • • 2 DITTO! ·' $2500. Down! • 3 Mrrn.-eompl•t.11 e..rp.t.ed! • Modi9l'a IUtc:iM. --.... - JACK BRENNAN, and ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Cout Hwy. "At the Arches" Realtor Liberty 8-7773 LAGUNA BEACH BUSINESS CORNER Choice location on So. Cout Blvd., 5 stores, all ~nted with present ... urcd. groea of $6300 per yf'ar. Building Area -4400 llQ.. fL SiJ:e ot lot -100 x 100 ft.. EK-tr& land -~ x 100, soned A rady to be built on, apartment.a or ato~. Prtce $65,000 Excellent term.. Phone Barbor 2'62 tor detaJla WY. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD ,_._bu! . H&rbor24G2 Park Ave. at llarine, Balboa Llland -.idua.l ~oe and BB'Q.. Priced al 116,900 and only s.M~ d!J'WJl. JI you \Olarit th• be11t for mar. mooey -U\Js t utift tncome pr'Qpl;rlY with 2 bedroonu In .ch unlL Only , yeani old and hu everythln&'. Ne.r Weal Ba.y A venu• swlmmln&" Ma.ch.. lndl· TidWLI C&l'·poN, loc:.ker roo~. ..,..ell laundry !a.cUltJee. A ~ proplJ"t7 tw ,,.,000 ... .._ B11lbo11 Realty Co. Oppo11tl4 B.nk ot A merica . Ra-. GrTeley Ed ~ Al Cornelha Ja.ephlne Webb 700 &. Balboa Blvd., Balbooa P!MJrl• Harbor 3277 B/ B, Corona del Mar eo ... in cona:truCtioD in fina.nclng 1ee UU. 4 bed.rm., 3 Mtb on the Little l.aJ&nd. 112 J&de Ave, OPEN 11 2 5 • J>WMmdra ia ..... -fndt t..-11----------------------1 • PaUo -c:omplet 9b' tebeedl A. M..AONIJl'1CENT VIEW 1' Ula nlc•t feature e.ntoll.&' m.any ln tht. )ovely 2 bedrm. and con- •ulJ.bl• den home. 2 bathll ot coune, e apael.oWI modem horn• .. aecluded pa.Uo, all on two 1~1. ~m cellln&"•. perfect tlrepl•ce, built-In kitchen, full price, l M .000. Pldff call I.he~ ttrr 1J1 appointment to -· : ~ ~~ ~.' eldl VOGEL • J'JLL. 159.00, ... lllc:I& .... , e c.Jl DO'llJ -OUI eboW' anJ'lbM I VALUES -MAIN OFFICE Just tho Righi Site FOR A COUPLE or •m•ll ra.mur . l• UU. 2 be<lrm. home, lovely Feb. f tbru Feb. 12, 19M f11,IOOI • • • BRAY, 218 MuiDe Ave., Belboe lalend DORIS Realtor Har. 20 or M · Bay & Beach Rlty Inc ----------------------lfll N.wpcri ~ II' TOU lNTEND TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY OONTACT ME °""" -"""""""' U1Nrt7 ~ll~ LI l-I010 ART c. ~ • rep.-tatt ... ot tba 10 Acres MULTIPLE LISTING ~VICE 11aw•.,,..w1.T.,....,..,. • .....,. OF NEWPORT BEACH & COSTA MESA An. ....,.., -. _, ,_ _..,, Leiw cto.. ,_,-L (TIM -wa7 to .n ,_ ,._!;/) ART C. KISTLER CO, RE.Al.TORS 2901 N.,""w~port-Blvd., Newport Beach Phone H&rOOr lj228 DAT OR Nl<lHT - .. 10 illCIW 0-1 • Jl..1 Jn lte.otAI AftL .... DAN A. JA.OOBlll:M, R-..1 Jllltel• Kar. otel, LI ....al T; Kl J-2117 nlR.Zll BmRX. DOUD SNQO, paymeal# la mo. T.-W .Wt. «a •t IT1 V1.t.orla. eo.ta x.. or e..11 mxmo..c 1~-*". 11U. * * * * * Beach Home-$11,000-$2500 Dn, 50 yd.I. to Ideal .wimming beach on the bay. 3 bdrma., 12 x 30 living rm., covered palio. Room lo build another unit. Rent. for ~ ~ $100 per week In wmmcr. Cliff Haven B11rg11in 3 bdrm. modern on beau:tltUl curving street. Rear livlD&' rm. fadnc tee. landocaped baclt yard, An acoU«ot blO' .. $18,750 Will go F. H. A, The Vogel Co. 320!. W . Cout Rwy. LI 8-Jt81 llU\a.l, tiled b#.th, r oomy mOOtm kll.chen. ample 11toreg" IJ)aCfl, double canft, flreplect, land· .Caped llJld !en<:edf ~ll Of •JI the full price tor thl• •llr.cUve m 11y borne I• l l.'>,700 with e:.cel· lent fln.a.n cln&'· Bay & Beach Rlty Inc S.'>30 I:. Oout Hlg hwlly OOrona del Ma.r -•t.rbor 6M3 ' ALL l}(PROVEMltNTa tn A paid 60 a lH J\. l lot. 1229.'>. ORANGE COAST PROPERllD 1167 N.wport, eo.t. M.- LI &-1832 Znnilita LI &.1.&00 Jl"OR 84LE B'I' OWNER, Duplu, rumabMI: 200 n.. trom Bey, W• Newport l bdrm. -.ch. ,..,,..,.., ,_t: 11.&.llOO. Mni, NMl, ~ W'T. lfp&I Lido Realty Associates "T od11ys Udo Island Special" • Four Bedrooms e Two Betha e . Large Patio e Ber Kitc·hen e Built in TV & Hi.fl • Loh of C101e'h Sorry we e&n't give you p<>91'"wicm tor &boat IO : day. but we sure can a.rn.nge for you to MCUN thll roomy Lido home in time for a wonderf'UJ Lido Summer. Only $27,WO -tern1J1 -of coune call ooe ot. our apeciaJir.ed Lldo Ialand u.lecmeo -Now - For an Appot.Otmeot . VIRGINIA MANSON GENE V1l:llRLAMD J . H. GROHMAN BILL BJCllP1'0K Lido Realty Associates 3400 Vi& Lido -- CLIFF HAVEN ARE YOU LOOKlNG FOR A LARGER HOQT U ao. we have j'u8t that. Thi8 beauUful nmhllna home containa 4 bednna., 3 balha, dinin.r room. double fireplace, ,,pacloua J.tvtng room and in addi- tion there-ta a large den or family room. lt 1a wired ror e:ltttric range, bu elcclric diabwuher, d~ and w/w carpeting. Beautifully laIMUcaped and. s prinkler syatem. Muter light awitches, and oodlee of other itema found onJy in cmtom built bomM. There is ample 1pace provided in patio tor ..tm- ming pool. Proeert.y la 1ituated on corner lot ta one of the beat part.A of Cliff Haven. THE PRICE WILL SUllPRlSE TOU. Shown by appolatmeot only. Call Fred Barker EARL W , STANLEY, Realtor J ~t.h le. l rvtoe Ll 8-26M ---1 '"' ~ ~ .-.mND- A ~ ot (Uttmn.s pma, ~ ....... 1.c., bnee-w.. blalle• and rin19 '-on Cllhlbit now lhrou.p J'ebru· .,..,. 30 In the boat1' In front et fticbud'1 Udo Market. All ot the lte1ru1 Oii. ctt.pla7 ••r. llllMk by •\Ude•U mf'OUM 1n 1iapd&ry and ~ry cJ&..~ for -6ulU ottered •t Oran.a" Cout Odil... J-n Aubn'y. 0 . 0. C, ailitd. dl99lay1 LM o~u.ta. OCCGemShow at Richard's lido Market Neeklaca and e11rr1n1• af Mlnunel1n1 M auty. rna11y -r1c- •t..d rlnp g LowLn& w ith J.Ofl fir,., a.n!S braceLllu l&ahlone.d or U>tr•-1 eate atlftr a...i 1 okl t1li1r~ Ml with brilliant &em1 are .eome orl ~ prod1.11:t1 of the Or&nl" Gout Colle1r1 ~ a 1:1 d Jew~lry ci...t.M now on d~lay 1n the booth nortb of RIC'h1rd'1 Lido M.arkaL Tbe eid'rlblt l1 open to the pub· lie Uld wtU M 011 di..tplay t hroua:h Feb. JO, It M.. l>eo!n announced. l'OUJ ~ ot the lt1n>ll nn t•· hlblt ill m o r1 than ~. colle1e aut.bortUee 1tated. Mo.t ot UUl 1tudent1 w ith work a.hlbllf.ed lt&rt.ed cl-. at Or· ~· Cllllut u C9l!lpletely un- trt.ln.cl ainateur1, 11ccor0tnc to coll••• ottk:lal.1. 0n,,. or the r1r.1t UJJW they 18rnf'd to d.veklp wu tti. Mwtn,( oC rou1h .1Ume• which may have been found on d-1. p.la.ln or mount.Jn plley. Diamond •w•. which t he ec::hool h&8 1111 Ur.e lapidary laltoratory. were uWlMd tor l.hUi proc-.. HOW' TO POUl!IH Nut. •tudlmll Wllf"ll t.aurtit lo R"""Dd and polish at.on• until they were perfec:Uy D110C'.llh w ltb. a J1J1h poUah. A.a tn. •~ em· I -* u rouru a.n appUed . .1tu- dientli aan -"t heir ooarM 1tone1 I ST•dUally T.ran1form from -th-I 11"*1 lump to IWltrou.f cabachon. M1111y atudenta C'OnUnue W\lth lap- kt.ary wi.W tb.117 tMk:ome blthly protlclent, tl1nlills out ~rfect raarbl• sphere&, veined bookend• Uld eolUy poll.tt.d cheQ piece• 1 ol. ..-u. and onya. I Other KudWlt. enroll In Dertn· atqi-,.._., c:.l.Mau. Htre they llu"1l lo mount 11tone1 In 1\mplf' ~ to do elementary facet- Ua&. a.cl lo con.Inlet wnple &.r- ....... belt buc'kl ... They may ,..,..w from thla p&Lnt to tnter- n.telate and advanced jewelry, to ~ ~ aJut ·to --Uaoal ,_.i...,. . .A.tter s atns lhrough a number of thP6 COUl"lloNI, aome •U.1ctent1 p lnto a clau In the Lomt Waa lhtJaod ot m akUI• je-lry. Thlll proo--. .mce UMd by Benvenuto OoWlll, lnYOIVlll umlng-WU to ob- t.&ia Unpre&mlon11 t1"om wtuch cut- li:tp an lb.en made. U•lnr tha ml!Ulod, atudenU can make lhelr owa 4-lpll and ~Utis., *>ID•- Um.. ualns 11111.-. ptne conM. ..._ or bit.a ot ..... wfl'lld and ~ u th• but. tor ona\n.1..1 ~of J.-lry. Tll• e--. at Oran... Cout ~,.,.. amoac lh4I r ..... eta.- • fDr '*1i.Jt.. with Independent faeWUN-Bpeci&l laborator1111 ...... Min Ml up In Owe Art Cen- -bullcllng-for boUI lapld&ry u d ~ oJ ...... ciu..a. betll. day and eqotnc. &J"ll ln operaUon a snat part of Ule tlma. Two hlch- IT aldUed ln1tructor., FoJTelll ~ and Georse Barnett, tea.ch U. dlrimiM. whklh ..,.. open to all -· No ~ beyond a nominal 11.IO ~n tor matertai.. ii _.. for Lapidary and jewtiry ..... ..Ji,. MW _... ol C--.. wlD .wt on .April t . Information oa. .U• ..._ may be obtained at ~ Cout Coller•. • ~ -\ . a:u~:·Gmwn'! ' • ' ed ' we . ever'J- fruef W. j.e growing t'I leapd and boun~, and we muaf confinue lo grow .in order f o k~ep in dfri.de wifA fhe 6leady growth o/ ne~porl fiarbor Average N11111ber of Pagfi per wffk 1953 • • • • 20 1954 I' 36 • • • • • • 1955 • • • 60 • AND OUR CIRCULATION IS INCREASING IN . PROPORTION TO TAKE CARE OF OUR INCREASING PUBLICATION DEMANDS WE ARE NOW IN THE PROCESS OF INST ALLING A 64-page Press IN A NEW AND LARGER • BUILDING e Expect. to Outgrow That oo! SUBSCRIBE TO THE LEADER-ADVERTISE II THE BEST 3 ISSUES WEEKLY -MONDAY -WEDNESDAY -FRIDAY PLUS COASTAL SHOPPER DISTRIBUTED ON WEDNESDAY .NBWPOJn' HARBOR • PR SSS . . RE-WS • 2211 Balboa llvd. Hwbor 1616 Newport l111Ch \ (