HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-03 - Newport Harbor News Press----------------------·-L -0 . • •> . ---. • - ·-~ .. -'·~ ~ • :Unified 3 S hool FROM Districts Sought Four big truckload. of tree roots were removed from the cit y'a old trailer park in the move to clear 'the grounds for the new pa.rk. In the picture above Ken· neth M-. ia moving one-of the old tret'8 preparatory to 10illodin8' it on a truck. The new trailer park, between Balboa Blvd. and the bay 1s to be a deluxe affair to a.ccommodate ~9 trailers. -Starr Photo HAUC>a. WIATHB r..;1nt .~,... ..... i..u.e ..... &ft9 ..... : mp &lll1'da.7, Ja.n... ll ·-· 67 lhu1da1, Ju.. 21 ... -... 69 Jiilaad.l.7, Jaa. IO -··· IO ~)'. Ja.o. 31 IO w~. ftb. 1 .... S3 Tbund&1. hb. t --·· 66 mo.,. F'tb. s -·-···· 68 .... " .. Mesa Board Adopts Plea Asking Committee Study Sta1ford Frosh Ne11mann Capta in Name Sq11~ RESTAURANT TYCOON BUYS KENNEDY CAFE " " <3 •• " PRO AND CON By BILL PIULLIJ'S A reeolution petitioning the Orange County Com.mjttee on School Diatrict Orp.n.ization to study pouible uni!ica· tion of the Coiita Mesa Union Sc bqol Diatrict, Newport Bea.ch Element&ry School Diatrict and the Newport Union High School District wa.a adopted Wed.needay night by the Paul Neumann. -ari ot thl' &.nd Mn. P . G. Nl'umann ut Purcl\Aae ot Kennf'<ly'1 bar rM· O ran&• A v~ .. Coata M t·M. ha& . .tl\.1ranl lln•I 1'rOpe1 ty at '601 E been elected ca p1a1n Of th" Stan-: ~u1 St . t'c.i;:a ~leaa. ,,..u arknO"'" ford fttahman Daak,ttwt.11 l~arn, Ul• Ne ..... Pr..,. Jearnf!d to.Jay 1 ... 1,..,.t In Lhe .'\ew•·l're&& l0.1"1 l>} NeUJ'DalUl. de.tlj!:nlll"'I by l;o&ch 1 ~·ureat G Snllth Jr. uf 92:~ \'1a J1.1le• Oq• or the :s'e.,.,·pon Har- 1 1 u,1., Nurd, h..-&tl ot ('h>elt tte•Ot.1.1- 1 bor Unl.o.a Hl&:h S.:haol -.-.U y rllnlll throughout ~uthern Ca l1-~LMll ~1 ~ th• but .. ~rt ! lorn•• an.J CJr "Cl.,.;k t'uuntry Club perlonaer he hAA had on . .,..11or I qWD:,eta,, kada Ull' lndlll.Jl year· n Y..'hltUer II.QC"• lD baaket..a with Ii.II aver~e ~mllh aal.J tht pur~ ha~ 1nvulv· ol l t polata pM" g>lme. ~I more than a $-4 0..000 ruh report 1bei •w.t.a wu wp acorer rOT" I Nhu:h wu circula te.I 1n l'be Har- th• Knrport Harbvr prep &quad tiur a r ... but &II.Id hi' conald•red IMt Maeoe &11d baltl-<I It out with th" price .., "priv•te bu.Bin«••" An&Mun'• Mik• Be.a.ch Ulrvu&;hout I "Kennffiy'a wtU De rloaed un1ll lh..ii B~t i.....rue -.on ror l.oup the fl.-.t (1f t1exl n1onlh for rr· iteorinC" honof'a. mod<';JLnK purpoeu ," Smlth .-.id. 'NMUD&nA wU a ridly aouic:ht by Selling the property wa.. Jack C&llf0'1Ue. Co<Jese ILtt.er tu . prep M. Kennedy of Co•la Mese. Ken· C&.r'9U' ...W &lid ttn&lly accepled nedy ta.cl Ule reataurant and ba r a ~Ip rrom Blanford Uni-i:iullt w1th openlng occurtn&: dur- vei.lt:J'. ins: Dec. t wo year• t,p. tOOAL FOLK MAY TOUR 1fW SAAAB -NIKE S1TE Supersoaic Missile Trainin9 Permanent lase Not To le Here 117 UWNAaD 8.-0LU.,. Remldenlll of N-port Beech and Cmla w-will .oon ht able to take cutded tour• ot Ole nr#t military lnetall&Uon ln Ole Hub« •t'9& alnc. Wo rJ(I Wu ll when the epitome of puah-button wartara -th• NIKE cutded m~­•il• ti.--9 opined for a lim- ited par1od ot Ume. CepL O, IL. Hudy, pubUc !n· fonnatlon ott\cer for the 47tll ADtlalren!t Artillery Br1a;-.d.1 •l Fort Mac.Arthur, emphutaed to- da.y that "tha elta would not bl occupied pe~efl.Uy but would be utlll&ed u • tnllnlnc .i:ta ror -ra.1 montha." NOT rDLMANf:.!lo'T "Contn.ry lo -pubUM\ed r.- portl,'' h• eonUnued. "there la n o Clrt.alnty that a pe.nnane:nt ba.ir. .w be Ntablll.bed lhere. Th• Anny ha.I m-.d.• no deci.ton." "All J have been authorised lo nlee.M," ll• .. Id, ii lha.t "ln lh1 11ar tuture, t!lement.. ot the •1th .AJ\Ua!rcre.lt ArUll.-y Brlpde will be under(Olna: tnlniftl' for lhart perlodl of llll'le In UM Ban- ta An• Air Bue Arla." ••Pla.na are betns tonnulated ror oec11pany at • Jat.cr date by el,.,ment. ad!!'."' or Ole •Ttll AAA Bria:- "'Tbe re ia atJ.ll no decllJon mil.de on th• number of NIKE altea which would De eatablt.11hed on Ole ba•e." Capt. Hudy polnted ouL Each battery requirea 40 to II() a.er~. approximately 6-8 ac- ree tor the control area an(! Uie remainder •for t he launcher area. Th"'re i1 at.o need for unob9trut t - ed llne or "'ght betwel'n botll &reu. ur TO .,,,r:. SITF,!'\ Thi• would mt-.an thf're cou\r\ be from one to rive NIKE 11lt1a establl•heli on Ole J.19-a cre hue on tll"' aba.ndontd St<nta Ana Air Baae ground•. "If •uch a1te.11 w ere f!lltabh"11- ed." and Capt. Hardy emphuized U..t the "tr • waa a big une. ''peraonn"'I manning Ulem would live on the bUe with the ex- cepUon ol mal'Tie:d p"'r!IOn9 .,.-ho wuuld bl a llowed tn live ~n pri- vate homes In Co"t11. M"'""" During the temporary tra1nlnJ!', however, per.::onnel would be ~L&­ Uont'd• e.t the parent b1111e: or l<,L Mt.e.Arthur, The a;ulded tours. open even to • Clofttlnued on l'ag-e t MKS WM.f'O.NS-SupenK>llic miuiles o{ this tYP" an to tM; imta1)ed on okl Santa Ana Anny Air Bue ... --Publlo ..w bo able to taU ~ FOUND WALL ET BUT NOT CASH CONTENT r.l r• n.,nnl,1 A Spe• k J O\! t-: rH·lhl A"'. a,·~hl .. nll•llY 1.,.1 her ""'•ll~I contauuni: $:> In b1H11 an(J ch•nKe whll"' I.he """·' .,.,.alklng on th"' Cnrona <kl r.111r bl'a"h abuut J )V I' 111 ~Linda)' '"' IN~A t t .P:R....-Illustrlou. Potentate W. B1air Glbbenl (left) of EI Beka.l Temple, Long Be&eb, headed the dlva.n which installed Hal Dike u the new president of Gold Coast Shrine Club during ceremonies Wed· nelKiay night rn Newport H&rbor Yacht Club.--Sta.lf Photo Andersen and Dodge Give Unity Views w-board ot lrV.lltee. ommen.da.Uon ot SupL on NtC-1 un ~n Ya.J n on A N:&.& ~ ott E•enU I by Newport Bea.ch." Rea ~rved. ""~ Ilea aaJd next lhe Nnvpon dl•- A letter wlUl tllA l"e9C)lut!on e11.-tnc t would a.noex the &N:a up ei.o.ed ha.a beet!.. iadd~ lo c..rt Santa Ana Ave and Into th• Back S!ur<kvant, chaJnnan or tha or- a:-anl.&atlon C'<lD'lmltt.ee, ~uelltl~ that action be taken to exprdlle the mo11e, In prea.enU.ng hu ~omme.nda­ Uori ._. a WllY to Mtualiu: educe -Sht t~lrl pohct- "11<1 hrr hu!tb&.nd found '"• HAL DIKE INSTALLED 5;;hrs Asking 1 AS SHRINE PRESIDENT ! Hal Dike, C-oata MNta lnaur- \<jr,Jl~t &II hour la lir.r 11.nu:.nl( th1" nx:k11 near lhr be•C'h, tout monry """' .A dlvlll"a;.-. ot optnlon re&:'&nt· tlonaJ monle• ln lhe lmpoveriahed lnc lb• Uu·-itehool di.tr1ct uni-Co.ta Meu. ..choot dl~r1ct , Rea ncallon .ou&bt by Co.ta M ... tnrorrned lhe lnl.wteea : .. , want to Union Bcbooi ~tnct WM upr-•l&te frankly that I a.in no1 !n - ed tode.7 by apoke.inen rt tht l.erNted l.n • Jub In a Unltle<l di• Newport R&rllor Union H'l'h tncL I'm expecU111 to quit a Y"'U School OU.trkt a.nd tll• Newport from now. Bul before I quit., by lkaGh Ea-Lary 8e1'ool DYtnct. ip.d, l -11t to -lo It that Ole Jude• Donald J_ Dodf'e, PT'Hi-eo.ta M~ dJmtr1ct atop. cotnc' dent of the bJ.sb ~1 board ot downhill .. tn.uit-and • r.kt .. t ot Co.ta "'ONLY 801.4JTIONM liay, then the Mrea &!Ong-th• Cout. "Y.'~ ha11a 800 more chil- dren to educ.ale than Ntwport. Lf th,. valuation c:ontmuea l6 drop.~ Kee aald, "I t Wiil be 1mpoaa1bla ror thta dlatr1ct lo c•rry th"' load. Unlrlca1 11on l• the only po-Ible IOlulion" Board Prf'•idir.nl Bradl.t!'y Sc:h-r a &&·n-e<J It wa.a the only aiolullon to "t,.,m 11na t P aecuona1 tU reelln&;.. It any ea.I.Ila." The H.ev. Robert GronlUnd. lrua- te.e...,. a&1d, '1'heolQC\caUy, I'll aay, AMefl!" BOAAD Q UOTED s 104, 136 In ~::.)'b .. ~~;~~ : .. t~~1:1 ;;:~ w-. apoke ln fa'l'l)r ot Uie move R.. adde<l ; "The Nl!'WpOrt lD reprd lo lntermt. ot Ole Har-s...eh peop!e &1'11 not a;otnc lo llke bor arH. chiJdren. wbila Supt. Roy It. Bu.t -ha.v• lo Wnk of ou.r· Anduwrm ot t.be Newport S.dl ...._ and our cbild..-. 1·ve been IU~l&r7 llcMDI ot.oict ex· ln uu. .,.. 2' ,,,_,. and r ... , al- Flll"d do11bt. -~ ot _,.. felt I.be ooJy .-.lu.tkiQ lo tbe Truatee C. C:Waho!m Brown M id the N'""port &a.ch board h•d Ln - dlai.letl It .... all Ln ra\'Or of Wl~­ flcauon bir.Rott, but fe:lt Ole ~­ pe.~n of Newport Beacb wouldn't favor tt. wSewr-.i aunrt-ya which have bee'fl me.de on unlflcallOn," II.row• loddold. ''iahow -W<Nkl C• l ~-.._,the Laa dol.L.r " ualnc=.t.... ~ Pf'Obl-1Jr, wiUki&Um.. .. Salary Su.If ""' " "" """' °"""' """"' Club durlnr a eoloC'J'ul caremony 1n the N.....,port &...rbar Y&cbt SANTA ANA -10CN S1 -Club. DODQI: ftA.TEIU:NT T1w t---. ~ untftc:en.. OeorTe H.. Stahr anrl Al11i.na I Jlluatnoua potentate of the ln- St ... hr uf '·.,11ta M,...,, )e.tlen lay mallln" Dlll&n wu W . Bla!r QJt>- fll.ct a l-10~.1&3 :l2 c<Jmpla1nt I ~ u1 s.nta lllonk:e. •ia1n11t i..:h" kP1]r (1uck, In< , no addrea.'t 1 l11e11 .1lldc• Dod&'• -.Id: YU ti» .... ._.er r-the""- '"l u... &hn.79 tlwJouCM that 6trict to on.et la. GI. Iha H&r- tl"On\ tt..n educ-.Uonal .. &ndpotat lor ~ aree., apptVftd ... and ln t.h• lnt.et"elU at the chll-wN.k b)' ~ c-ty Board noted: -A ~of New· port 8-:b peopl• hev.-lnlere•~ In th.Ill ......._ We be"e the: apace lll eo.ta Me-. t o attraa llrht 1n- du.try and help the rMdent. ot N11•port. Our two c...mmunltle• ~tualty coniplf'me:nt ~h other " The p1H lnt1lr.1 • la1m the dtftnd- anl o""'"8 th••n1 lhl' amount u • reauJt or &n llll!l•'<:!n1ent a.&1Mrtedly July 2:6, 19~ The defendant llllti:PUiy o.,., ''• the110! lt .. rn~ A d11ancea by Stahr, J60,703.•0: accrued 11&.Jane.m t o Geora:e StM.hr, $1 ~.ll;i.6 11 , 11.nc:I .. 111r1e11 to Alvina Sl&hr, f~OOO. 'The plalnlllfa conlel'ld Lhe di'· renctant h1U1 Nifuaed to pay the a.mount.a na.med Ill the •utt. • Bitin9 County DurinCJ Frost • In Due Here Weekend Dike •ucoeeda C. R. lhn'Y I Johnaon. cba.rlt!'r prulde.nt o r Gold C:out 91lrlae. Dike hu alao t>ir.o>n a charter mir.mbet" of Gold Coa!'l t a1nC4' t~ incepUOn, Decem- ber, IV~. OINNE& OANCJr. dren u a whole untftQ.Uon If • rood th.ln.g. n.. I.a. &aftl1• .... the onl.y obj«:Uon. Newport S.cb l&a9 wvu.1(1 be Inc~ But tn th• lntereet ot lb• «:hool 179tan\ .... a wbole. I UUnll: It would be a rood thlq to have It all Wlder The elaborate dll'll1er~c1 ,,,.. alt.ended by an ..unu.ted 160 -.. ~L co.ta X-'a d Su~ tor annnta.Uon Into the N.wpgrt 8-b dlrtrlct.. Rea -.id that n!~Dted a I<*-to the W-diatrlct ot. fI-2!iO.OOO l.n _. --""nUs wl\." t11el .MCODd time I ba•• appear"1 bdor. Ow .upe~ "'Jt"11 be e CUe of lldJl]lg-," T'rull- lee Al Os'den nme.rked. "One ar-. ce.A't 1tand lm\1&1Y by wbe:n • ndpborlng one ~ &t a 121-d..antq•,'' Orontund M.ld. . s-.ODJT1Ucr van: pereon. 1nc¥dLna """llAc Sl&rtD· =~9bortdori~: ~O:. =·Hazel lisk S11es era froni Sdta Au. lndk>. P-.ln'l advanta&"• u Newport Be&cb Ilea ~ that If u,. tJarM Spr lng11. Lo1 AnJe:l•a. Rlv.nlde. ehlklr.n unW they f.t Into hl&'b for $25 ... •"n dl.tncta &re WltneCI, theH wW M Brea. Fullerl'-1, Anaheim. Kuat· echool The Ctwta w:-m.triet ,_ one bo&n1 Wt-.d ot lhl'Jlll. - ingtan Beach, lliuUlb Gale, Gar-,--y I -ION 1J1 dolJ\I" a &:'OOd job. but th•J Ju.t .. , Coll• • .uperlnt«adent luteed o1. Uw'tle den Grove, lAcuna BeeCh ud .-........., don't have th1 money th.et N"'°'"-ft to 1s1on and _, OD. When the Kbool Long U....11.ch. 1,_ .. and H . c. LAmanqu•'• ncorder. port Beach'• dlaitrlct bu. 'MMre'• commltlle ot &.trict . orranm--Other ! 95-6 orflcer• Ina ta "" --. 8 NT ,., I Lo.on" Beach. quit. a unity ot lnt•f'Mt In tb• A A ....... -.A -fOCNS) lion reoetveom UM w-req-t,. a we r<! Sam K1n11fath"''· vlce-prea -• ff .. '°""""'· ln tralllfe--lead· Harbor •r-In evary re.tpecL Peo-avl F. Rlak or 19 ~ Ch un:h .umy wUJ be ma.de. U two ot tlf'nt; \\• C. BuchUrk lrchen. eec· ...... 8 ~-M -· "'nhip o r 011 club to Prutduit pie who ll•a In Newport 8eac.b t.. ........,,. .,_... t ....... y ..aked the d.1Jitr1eta a.sree on the ~ ond vll'e-pre11 lde:nl , Thoma..~ J. Allen . lhLrd vlce-prl'A'ldent ; Dean Dike. handed over • pvel rnade work ln Coaa MM&, It hM a1 ... ,.. IU..000 darnqe1 In a Superior Uon, J'loe• -.Id, unlftee.tlon c.n M C from 200-"ear-<MCI wood. w med thee Harbor •rea •hould b<t Court suit a.a:.m.t Certtf\ed Ma· placed on UMI ballot t,. d9d8'oa. C1unp~U. 11eCrir.lary: A rthur . .1 ,.., _ _.._ SAN TA ANA, FEB. 3-(QNCS) f A ""Old ceruncate wM preeoenl-a unit. and Mp«:lally from tbe lerlala Co. ot .......,....,. Grvve and by the publ<c. Achey. trir.iMJurer: and board o .. -A blllnK rroitt gripped Ol'•nKe dlrtttore. F. H. Clir.nd,.,nen. E. H. ed to John.::on, a;tvlng: him We .c:holMtJc •te.ndpotnL ~ three othe:ra. "It 11t1ll take a Jot ot ni'-'ua&ry Countv ]Ml n\•"'· ee1t1n• wino1 0 I I m"'mDenhlp In Oold Cout Shrine Supt. 8ldn1y Oavlct.on of the The ~Uon .tdTl.I fnXll a ooln. work," ft-. a;iocluded. ., .. F:nge\k('. Cecil R. Pow ell, a n e i.i ... m11.chln•a In action and -~udK• a. Club. Glbbena wu ai.o -+ven l.D .... h mchaol dlatrlc t wu out ot Ion Involving th.. Rlak car and n.1 w-board a.i.o .. _cow4 _.. D. Rog,.,n1, 'II . ~~. Roae.now, r -•• _ pol.11 to 1mok lng In citnia a;t"OV"'" rill R. R le.t and FN:d J . Silk. honorary ,_,.., mamberablp la town and coukl not ti. reached two true~ at BNWI S t. and Delh.1 leltere w1th oap6~ of UM. anmo... U.ro•Khoul th• anoe. Qokl Cout. for comment OD Ole unltlmOon ~ eoulhean of Santa Ana on Uoa ..->iuUon whldi .,,_.. Mm to ' John110n i.!1 allNl a member of t~e The wealh«rman .. Id the mer-bollrd or c'ire-ctors. One director olOHNION HONORS moTe. Feb. 7, 1963. Supt.. Roy 0 . Ander-. and ~ cury plummeted to ~ d_,-reee in not pf'Qe1lt wu rr.nk D. Keal-Roundlnc out JobnllOft'e honers. AND&M&N IJPl:AU Named def~ta "'"" Lout. Sidney ' Da...t4-l. -·The ~ """'" 11 .. c U01111 of the counly 1il.•t er. Glb~n. Jnat&lled him u dtatrtct 8uper1ntendent Roy AndeT'Mll, Ca.ma.r1Uo and Valentino Cami.-lll(ned by M-c~rk Ai o.,s.i. night. !t'l\vinli( a wak" ot whlte INSTAl.1.INO OIVAN director ot the Shrtne Clubm of after 1tud:Jlq oommunJeaUone rlllo, Ce:rtlfled Mater-tabi and Earl &&Id, In put: I tra"l (l n grll>U!. roortop• and auto-Other nien>b<'rs of the lnRt&ll· Orange County. Dike al90 P~ rrom ea.ta M_. di.trlct t~l.6N. W . Clln ,.,. Cline ._rtedly w&.1 "111 ...S-ot the ~ niob!le,.. Ing Dtvan were ltd Hume.11. chief eenled him with a J.,.,.eled t .. M.ICI : operaUn,g' • Certified Maten.a ot the unmcauon, pl-~t. Th.-r;i li.:ht Ume l'Old 11pell will ribblln'1. Bfllb<H\: Cecil l"ulcher, on De hal! ot Gold CouL ''We"9'e a.1.,,..,.. ~ lnter.tad 2-ton truck and Ole Cema.rlllo. lo the Oranir111 County CommlU... continue lhrough the w&ek -enc!, aasi11tant r!bband. Long Beach; Jotm.::on will al• aawme the ln pt'OVldln&:' the b<Nt education were hanClllng a pickup tnic.k.. on School DtalT\ct OrcanJatlon Lh"' WO!&lhern1iu1 •Rid , but ditytim'-' Rober·t R. V'.'ebb, hi g h prle11t Rnd otftce of potente.t,.,_. ~~r po.Jbla for lhe cbUd"n ot N--Thi Colita Me. .. woman blamn I your ~uut tor expedttlnl tbl temperature wlll hovel' around 6.."i prophet. Loni(' Beach; George Of El &Ital Tample, port S.eh &t I.he lowest ,,0-ible tha dlfendanta with n"gllgent 1U1lflcatlon procedure. Tour ~ d"'gnie11. Thag11rd, nrl .. nl•I guld,, Downey; ''l am j'Olna; to try and brln&' COit eon818Unt wtt.h • .ound edu-drlvln" She att,.,geii .evere 111-quc.t coupl.ed wttb the requ.t. _______________ :.._ ____ _::_ ____ C..iu many ot El Bekal'• pl.a at· O.U--4 .. r.e. &Juri•. c..tt.-i -..._. & " '1 t .- ' tours of fint military inatallaUo n here War 11. -Off1cl&l U. S. Anny Photo since World talr• to NIWJ)Ort Beach M p»-1--------------.,---------------------'--'::.C.::.:_::._:_::'.:.._: ~=~.a~·:~:::: COUNTY'S GASOLINE TANKS THROW waa ~11 Akin. pot.nt.ta'1 ~:;~ ... tte · 3300 LBS. OF FUEL IN . AIR A DAY BJ BERT BRINTN AIL ln Oranp couaty, s"'""V ~ Guilty on Stolen Guoline tanb lD Orange County. including thoee in I ~e<l .:r:-i:: ::l ::1~~b xr: Goods Charnas aervice llt..&tionl;, throw into the county air approximately m<MUy hauled ln tmm out.aide the ~ 3300 pounda of guoline a day, according to Chuck Da co.nty In tank trucQ t h•t hava SANTA ANA-(OCNS)-Donald . y, 17.oc;ie to 20,000 1allona e11plll<.•ly. J~ph w-onnette, n , ot 0ranp technical aubcornmlttee chairman f or Western Oil & Gu Sw~y acr-=t to 11t<ilrt a •ur - lata yeaterday eJt.emoon wu con-A.aociaUon. With Don Sweeney, public relations officer •ey or , the county imn1f"(Jlately vk:t.ed ot reee1vlq ltolen eoodl for UM 1&111• .-octatlon. Dey lo detenrune the nun1~r of by a Superior Court dept. S jufy. eonlerre(I wtlh DUon W, Tubb&. IJI n.aturally .. turaled w1th l!ll9-tanka In the county and their Juror. ln J udc"e John Shea'• cowrty air pollution otncer, In oline. Al the t..alu an filled •lu-. but would not pve any-$ --• •·) hlo •-... Im ott•·· W·•··-··· lhle air IJI f11TCed into Lhe et-<ilite for completion ot the rounL court deliberated app ....... ma...., Y _.. . --- lhl"M and one half hours In al'T'i•-ud m°"J>heN. The •me lhlng I.I "IJ The n"""'papere •tarl prow:\· Thi.I dou not incl • any part ~ of the tank of ........ auto-d •·• at th rnt1t1 ,..,.,rd.let f th ••-do of do -~ ·.s lq you too hu'd, JQt .urrMt •• fl •-• o • ... ..,UMn poun "' mob6\e and In MdlUon I•• In With hlJI attornev abeent, the h •-· bo ••·• r th lhat U1ey &'O uu t and count L.ot.l\ka .s y ............. r na ..,_ come mm e the auto tack a oc,.1t1nua1•v .. ' ''"""' mo•-• •-,onunue p~ •-·btl th--• t··'ud ':I themM"lve1," b.e told Tl.lbbs. ~ ..., au ...... .., M .,.,.._.vea, '"" • rNIAhn around and 11f1tb ir.ve.ry cedtnp on hla cu. until l"eb. T. Ing tume:a thrown orr by Ute iurye 'rnote fwaee ara thrown off '"'" rf!qUMt w., c-ranted. e•rbllretor• and tank.11 a nd the lnto th• air. On Feb. T alllO Bl.annette wUI contlnUOUI .-tr.am ot uh&Ult l'a.ce Super1or Court proceM1ftr !hat come. from t!Very operat- cin burglary and rn.nd thdL Lntr a.ut.omobU .. He la r~ra;ed wfth helptng-lD [)e.y la not optiml•tlc 1bout the bllrclary of the Rl.lth Mc-btlleMnft thlll altuat1.,n, o t'ept Connell home at 2561 Circle Dr1,.., !or twne9 trvm Weer at01'&&"' Nawport &a.cit, April I , llKU. tankll TheH l11.nk1 c•n and wlll whe:n flV,600 wortb ot clothi.n&: be pro'1ded .-tlh alther fla.Una; appliance:a II.lid jftrfeh'y ~o&.. roof• or air lock.-., but wb&l can In hla t•o-d•J trta1 beton be donl to •lap fUm• trom cmn· Jurtct i!hl'a, BlMotlnetLt .._ ac-inc from the hWMlnda ot aer- C\18fld of rtc'elVtna; a radio and 1 !C'e etatJon t&nk• i.. .ull an un- rf!COTit play•t .tlolen rrom a New· IOIWd probkn\,, Day aatd Atr tn port 8-cb ~ •t..... lbiaae leU..e. .. lbeJ' .,.. tmp(jed. The conf""9CI! at An&ht:\m ,...... center('d arOu.nd care ot l•rga •tor&,&:e tllrik.a: Al prelleril lh.-re ia a nile In lh~ eounl7 Ui•t tanke 40.0QO pllofta or larg· er muat be pronde:d wtth Ooa.t- lnc roof• or vapor Joc:ka, but It la probe.bl"' that lhe oonferf'nc:e will r~ll Ill the ~IJ<)n pro- vldlnl' ..,np or the two tlf'vtces tor lanka rrnm 20,000 cllllQTuo UJ> Tbrn at• "VJ f-ta.000 laAU TIM proWem ot auto exhalUt tumea conlrol a. one th•t I• not too encouJ'a1111s. De7 fMLt. He would not ,,...tun • C1HN cm wtcri the ~r W<MIW be aol'rld .. the an-.r ~ on too m any lNuH. it.~ In I.hi auto tnd~try WU OpUmiat.lc f« a '"' day1 u • man had come up wlUl a catalyat that Memed to t.&k1 are ot lbe hydrocarboll 1n lhe ubau.t. l'our earw we:n •tarted out on a 00,000 • raU. 11;nM lo t.,.l the cat.a1y1t. but Wtr• atoppM al °"' Pftd ut 10.000 c-. ......... . I AT A CA PULCO -A gay Un1e, gay togs for Sea- drlft crey,•, t he-ir tl1sl1ng u1shtng 11u11i.;:n1a r ed r ibboned "boRters." rC'd Ha1!111);; :-ilac::kii f,.r the men and alc irta for the women. Left to right are llill McDowell, • • Lonnie Vincent, the T~yman Fa~·clls, Sally and Harvey Somers. Mexican s h irts wom by the wom('n .... ere popular garb for all occa1uons, wilJ be much in evi.denoe on , return of the race crowd. HarbtJr Folk at . . Acapulco Race .A wards-·rDinner ,.,. W UMHJWWWU mtuEial Club de Ya,_ ........... -the pamoroua oettlnc ~Y night for Ille ·--and night lone i.r.tlon bonorinc all ........ Uld partictpani. In the llllllual llon Dl-.O "' ·~pjiko )'OCh~ R&o<i. neb•'-1 &drilol', WaNct w.. eqQIJl'Pfid wttll the new.t t.mmn Of 8an Dteto. •>'W ~t tor ltM~ and aktft d!¥fna amons wy rcbtmMll w. 11&1 ti.. polt'ey of .tlli• rarw.:Ita lteaorl9e t.be moet popular ~ U.t a rue S.. onJ1 aa sood TM TW~ lb.Ill ,._,. -." ra-U.. cOm.tort and 41ftjO)'m .. t Cltllftd. la i.IMi anr Aoe.pe'loo Yacht .,....... &Dd e.._. The ClWI a u.ti,, ft41Mw.d and dedlaat...s t.ndel"9 ea.Id r;oodbT• acatn ww u ,__U;y .. Decm!.bolt . n.lp~ n.day m~ •hen Mn. ~ er ot U.. rnOUon ~ property da-9 fP•l'J boa~ the 1ped wu OGmmocaore Ku1o · hn!. In plane for TIJuana. Alto &boar additioa to oomplet• fadl.ltf• WW. the S.lllt Cicero.. UI tor lhe eonY'lftll!nc• and eomtort 8aJnt alerplAc a.LI the way ot the )'Uhl.a -.nd lbelr crew• Kuico City. the club wu rnare than able t o BUI and M.ln.na C1um ot handle OI• many vteltore who Habn. and s..n Jl'rancl..::a 11,ad n o wn down far the daya ot thl! K1alu& with Prte f'ron1hac n "1!ta .. thl! boai.. C&me ln and ea .,.·ha will ea.ll h<'r to Ne'\O' •toad by rnr rurrectl!d time rf:-purt 11nd It apJ)t'•rfld \ht' n igh port.a And !hi&! annaunc~l!fll ot Ume from Acapulro IJJ T!Ju•n winner •. w11a the be11t relt Bill and )l1n11 PATIO PRJ:~f;:'lo'TATI O!\' had 11n1·e 11rnv1n11 In A < 10pull<> PTAHntatlon •lf tNJphll!a wflll Tht' C S. Brr.k11v. ~ "' :-.i~ .... ·- n1adit in lhe Ope!\. )"tllo ct I.he. p.or\. f\tw un u,., ,.,_.,.i \VM- <"lUb Wllh a , ... ,\' lr<•plf•I 111.:ht ,, ..... 1 .. i• "!l1i.:ht J1111 ~.') .. n..i !hot lrnprov1ng 1 h.-'""" nl rt.•I·· 11!\1· 1 tull ,,,., "'0: :;ur1.Ja~ ,.. , , ,. 1'1,. ""'' 1111&\!" !n t;lK111nr<1U1& llC'lllrlli"' . a l1&ri; .. [• .. rtl' !• r 'l <1r•·l"I ,.f (;elebr11t1nK the Yl<tury o f IA'-1 IPrn'""" a t. tile )llt"hl rl·olJ Ev gend, flr lt 11lac .. v.1nnt r Lr! t"la.M e.ryc.n• ....... .,,,.,.)'" 1., 11 .. .,r th11 l A v..·era h .. r vwn .. r• the ('l\tH k lhey W•r., quot ~ di fur "'''"'"I UJJru11.n1 of !l,',..,,.l••rt Hea•h. t 'h!p J"Y~ ar11 "'"r~ r••r<•'•t 1., <ILn•" llllll ,_1ary Cl•ou•. a J,.., or !>lew-1 lhe1r plll.rl.'< T11 ~y w.,.,. nuN<!J purl and lh" :;111p C&lk11u vf D1\'1d and ~11 ... l 'hll.lr Iron Point l..oma. San Dt'tO Skip. Chula V!•t& ~n·t 1 ..... m ,n Clr <.11" Who 1J1 the na,•a l "nhllfft and .,..,.r• 1<•'!11 n.: r .. ~1'''"" ,.,.,,111·1 th• •lt"a•i(ne: ••r 1..,.J(._-tt.J 1,. ll<>W t hl•f ,JutJ "'"l "'" •!l•l•n•!h ~•" tnr n naval •rch lt rr•t for N8t!l>n 11.I po,.1n~ f••r Jar k 11 }<1<' "nu "11- !'fteel 1L11d Ship l!ul l·llnt; In San in A '"l'ulro (,, J•h"h'~'"I'/\ 1., Dlt'K"U T hi! ()1 111 \~'•de• W•Tt 1n,.rr .. .,. ~ '"~/\ at}!,. l"r·•rl ""'"r 1119(.l !ft LI\• \_;lln1 an p.r\y With !>pe-aklMt; Hf lO<IV!llll,. fll~hl•J! r•h1lt1r .. n l ''l~=!~r i; 1:1n :nt ~'-'"" [., t... h .... 11 in ·'""'l'"rt ~r nu p ,\!rt" 1·1111,an. 1Sn0o.z1rl lhe no .. n iu-e all .,..,.,.ring 1.h lr "Ill ..ail hun\I' .,.1th th,. t•flll<ll"n , trvn1 Jlo!mr 11 Ac11puhu (Jnly M:r. to lhl! G ulf •nd fly lhfl rtllt of I prot.1 ... ,,,. v.·1U kl'<'p lnt'nJ utr \/'It the trip . ~1rJa 1&t hori•t' Krpli•l i1ig '"""l liAHB<'R FOL.K l!f 5 11nr1 ft!Olr 1 I~ lhP nl!w taJJ 9~ COMPLEXION CLEANSER It dotwi 't toke on• t J1.lro M<Orld ta g ovt ~ foci o 1o.,.irne1• tho1'1. 11olly 1~111 d tep. Eoch p r1ciou1 drop o f (omple1don (l1on1•r geh d atp do Wf\ irilo your pore1, d ton1 fa• btNe r thon wop-o nd ·wa ler Krvbbing, bcri>· i11. your 1k in Into 1ill..en IOflnew ... oil of Iii• •om• /11n1 / W it h1lp1 resfott .,;rol moi11Vt"1 lo d•y, IJol.y 1ki11. Compleid on Cl1om t r i. P4''e mogot, ""ilhovt o lroc• of !ht pore-clogging WOii yr>u ~d in lotigl cr1om1. ~~~~~~~~~ --.-\Vhtn la.it Mtn and l l'("n\lnlffi '"R ~1,.•rt.111 11.nJ , "' kta1l po nr h tor th., full!JWU>I( l\"twporl Rnd type "rap , , . WCITn by Llf' ()range <.:uunty )'rrl1<111al!t lt"s 1e-1 lore1 Dl"l Rio un 11 ln1u•l all (>< port"d II.II l <>Uo ...... 1-.onnll! \'10-c .. IOM IU>d Ming J:IYt'll by he cent wa.111 lunk1nK runo.•11.rd t o fo r p rtstnl1 to 1n11.J1y l•f the "'• about thrt'I! "'Cf:ka aboard t/\t' Jt1ni( Alllerlc1L111 whu a<lnllr"'1 h'" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~ SEALARKING B y GIN:\'\' (MRS. t.:D\VARD Lt:."iTlili) SM_ITll I CALENDAR OF EVENTS ABOARD 1'YPEE : You .knoY.'. I think the Or:.inge Count y area has about evt>ryt hing fur v.·hjch a res ident Or I ART G ALLERY t.·11 v1"iloc could w ish . J,ovely rolln1g hi!!~ fnr 1·ountrv J1v1n,{ " · Mw.11v1r ~lu1w. , .. i;uch attractive country cl ubs a.s ~a nta Ana and l r\"UH" 2·~ pm r oast for j!'Olf1ng , . Newport \'acht Club. Balbva a nd IAdO LADY Kirs ~-~ Bt'rn ar•I st .. I Yrh. 6 l •lt' Y11 1 h t rh.ihi. 1tn•I ot ,.,,u•llt that I CAl'J:-.TttA;o.;'O 11 ea c hramber3 • ·1 ( c·1 . ,. ' I' I ,. h I 0 (;,)11(11. 1'1e1111 1.i1 ,.1uun•I f!~it ... a U11 y { uh ur Utl 1 11..t"nllnt' ar Y " I t> nni~. y11• ht.11 " an,I 11lrUn6: an•\ 1<."t ll find the n1Pn ber11 •n•I lhrn C A L.UMPIT l:11mp & Aux l.A•.1 ":-.;A Rt;ACl l wa• lh., I Pl-red and '"hll" balloon._ I VPh 1 ·~·"·""i: I gucat. dancing ht'neath ll 1ky of 7 :in r ,11 !In. ln•t Sun•llly t'Vf: tor ll Uel!ghl-SJtERATO • ...-·Taw n HOllJlf' Ln Lot • , , , SOC'l-Y 11111> ,,_,,.101 1 ,.11y i[ll t n by i.11.io Angele11 w11• ti,,. fflllnl{ la•t F'rl·I f't..:C llS IA "'-' 7 lfl p in I r ~ BIJI llh·I 'l.-l bl' \\ii·,,\ in jt1ay f ,,r ll luFh hinlllt!-ion jCIYo n tly j 1{1',. ti•·h•><•l. , I h _, !h" H11JbQ11. H11 1· !"Jut. In h"nnr of ",. .. 11 1ns of ""' wu1·1, ~ 1<rn1 II.nu II. Sll!'ln PTt M IRT 1 Uaruthy lllrii l;t"Orl(t:' Yaco.!.11)· 1 1 ·~•mi; 11r,. 1 \\' J-11 h 1fo.,.•11ro! ~ ltl'~l1t11rant. 1t .. v .'.\,1 11~.i,. 11n•I hi-" c:harin111i:: an• 11Ynt' errt . 11n1an.i: t f' J i;:ue .. r1 """~ Ed C1ovdt"1' 1you "' '" '"u" 1111•1 t.waut1fu! "1te 01u1- n1,. h••l l"ll l h<'•r L1ltlc l 1la nd llh .. ul<I !lt'e h•ll •l lra <"llV(' i::Krly clul>h"ll"" r•r klnf\' fur 11,,.no!., IU-'lt ~un.Juy al the '"" k· An•"r.l<An be .~h•1ll t"r~<.1 li'p>t.r\rnt'nl liii! h""r W•lh a paily whi• h itiu t-lhlih ~t <.<p U1e h0.t,..l1 . Carlt'r Luot-an.~nr1111on E~EL THAVE:L See "J aul <1uJetly cnOU)l:h with !"ur lo11.·. Vt'"1C'" l!•\l~. ll1t.'.ry !'UlYt"r , F•·h II I I b I h'r"'' "">.11 1Jua:i\\1n,·h1·!J.Ju111n}C"l'l'·G1n11y oi;-~-11,,_'EHS \V I VES llll'lte< l!llCll I 11 u } • t •. lk '~uni !hr J~-l.\1'f!. \\11 re..!• llo1·n ,\rut lhnn1p-.,.1 T,,,0 h••<. •!111Jy e•'t'n!ng wa II v ' . s ...... I c. Ian\! 1•'11.!l o'er thrre 'l•:rr P 7Q ir1•·1 t<'d ll()n nntn, a n•l<1 Hrnflereon. 1 d t J 011.nnlt'. unllkfl most nnra 1'1~e PriPlltr, 11nd ~!••re<llth ST JA!.l ES AUX &n ell fl U•"Ptpt't'k WIYN . WU dt.ll1thted. ,JA M SE::SS IO N lt In 11. IMrlllh h!Juat!. ' • m _, I' m trip tlt'm· 12 ,~, 12.30 p. m. j11n1! 11 <'\'i'len•'l'<I by the !yptJl(r11phk11I t:r· P.l!:C"'TORY Open hOulle --2-5, T Hl!l 8\VTS S Alp• hilmt nr lht' Maypole• 1ran11f10rl11 the Newport· r r to a E uropt-an <lr<'fl.mworld Oueat11 gathrl"f!d in th11 hlKh c:el!- lnged beamt!d ll vlnl( mom w ith Ill m u1lv1 11tol\e f lreJ'lllcfl . ll t ont' •Id• of wtl!ch ii • p1Cl\U"f;~\I!' bal- COTIT bedroom 1nu,ggled benf'ath the r./t~• ... All JOU 1n\ght know Roy, being thfl ramau11 TV and radio announce r per.ona llty that he 11, would have a boat o r Ccf11- rnopollt&n tr!enda ... lt "'"a.I lnter- l'•tJns ta meet C a.rtoonlat1 V!r g\I Part.ch and Dick Shaw; J oiaelle Ek'andt. who la bullcllnr a 1tudla In Ca.Lr. MH ll : a ttractl\'I! Loclllf' and Bill Mo.ea, wpo had wa..lked over from thrtr homfl next. door : EBEL.L BOOK Sec_ 'l -12 :30. rnr on lhe 1nv1tat1on$ aen t out to 7-D fl· m, nil'rnbel'.a ... pa.rty "'ill t11k e pl11ee on Tue"911y 1nut Th11r.~rh1y1 . Fl"b, Bell.J' aJ¥I Herbert 2.a.ndt"rburi['. lllld JO&An.le"• lavtly mother, Breit (Mn. Blanc:ht:l D11rroug h who waa J ~botJne. G•lhl!red In Roy'a ill!n ""'\th lt8 r .. clnaung plcturu of h l11 Jiolly· wood l!fe, Wl!r1 Pei['gy 1nd l>un Doollttle, w ho a !tw yr11r~ ll!i:O bought the Paul ~lantz hon1e, Ma.cha and O...•l!n Ca rter . .,.·ha a re 1Ull l10U1e hunting; Ruth &nrt Alan Poet, who •rill moving fron1 LH Uti lrlle to ~ Vl!gM next .,.-P.ek ; and lntereiitlng Fernando F!n re1, fHr· mer U .N. A1nba.uador to Coeta Rica . Could ther• be nny pl11c:e In the world wllh a morr l!nc:t111.nttng 7 at f'lght p "'· In u,,. B"Y \\'In· rl11bl111u~,., rlo"· n uon1 .. ov ~:n. A~IJ \JtJ'r.j -, Fe rrell Daughter Bernhart Daughter ~""Y r._..1.1 .. nt1 J.1r,,. ok~y LA<" B"rn J r1n 29 !n "''"g J ln~pl!nl i;-rnrll, 1\11.ll>na. 11 rt the parrnt1 lo .\I r. and ~Ir~. l'auJ e .. rnh11rt.Jur 11 J;•rl bahy born J 11.n. 24 ln Co- 218 Vl11 llh11r11 . "·a.• 11 baby ~1r1.1 rnn11 ~a•·RI lln~pib•J For the Discriminating o 'double fe ature by NIAGARA •·THE RELAX ING CHA JR J-~OR THE l-IO?IIE -)J!Us - e The Th ermo"Cyclo Pad A hr11t -1n11.111aae unll for Urr<I mueclM 11.11d t;n ... 1 r1r<'11l atlon Tn ht' ~l!en nu"' n l our nrw 11dd rt•e Com<' In llJl rl relax -;-.;., ntoll gat1an Health Studios 100 Main St., Balboa Harbor 0767 r•thertni[' for II. aol rrl!~ !'=====================---=======~! EUROM!:: IS thl' rtf'11Un11.Unn of three Nev.·port tra.Trlltra who 11.re a board !he ~-S. C11rorit11. on a trtp aro1tnd the •vorld . l.f r:o Amber M11.self', lo-fr" J . R r.111 Rnd Mr11. Geory:e Holli( Sr. TR.A \-'ELl...JNn hrlngti to n1lnd UI• ele~·er R. R. f'Nltrr "'hleh CQ\"- l!red thf' entr11.nee to tht' U 1to Club Salurd11.y night ror the llohn llup ... rn ade you think yo11 v•erl! <'l'l · terlnr' a rrrl1rht car for a 11tt>ltn rtde . . 1)11.rty wa11 a rip rn11.rlng al.ICC'rlla with 11 n rxJ'f'rlr<1 2.:>n eo•· tumed gurat!I a111(TT1t nt!!'l1 by 200 more befnrl! tl11 night Wll.!I ovr r, rt'l'in« the c:ommlttee In eh11 r ge a run t or their money In making I.he l1111ttlr of 11t1w etrrtrh pr1 ae for bf'al hobo •·oetume Y.'111 won bT George ~lo.A' ... Vtnt r HHJy WM lbe i1n<'r prlEI! ... an(l (liru "'h&t I• wa• 7 A rl....-.r' MID-WINTER SPECIAL Feb. lst to Mar. 15th Regular $I 0.00 PERMANENTS s7so Hair <'ulUn~ l nf'l11dNI. All \\"ork liuaran l...-d. \\l!: ~Pf:('IA 1.1zr. I :-..· "LI. TY rt: ftP:.\ I "TY ''"Oft JI; BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON rt..ASH: \\'1.lt 0 !1ney In eJ1.t l!nl'l- lnr; hle pPrlOnll 1ponaqreh!1• t•f tlir ~fl Co\1nly Ph!lh11rmnnlr Hfl. el•lT wlll arnd Ol1nryla nd'a f11.h11 - k!UI 1tar 11 lld<l.-d n<Vlll! frt>m FronUeri-.nd'1 .. Gold en Ho nH!,.hor·· i for the SocirlJ'• \"l.ltntln1 8&11 et l.!::=;B;A;=LBO=A=;IN;';S=A;R;;C';A;D=E-=;P;R;D=N;E=l;IA=R;BO=;R=8;1;1=~ UM e auxi. 1#1 Club tonl(rit. NEWP O RT HAR·B O R MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, FEBRUAR Y J, 1956 HIGH SCHOOL 3-rUDENTS Saturday Record Dance at Mo unt Carmel Hall The Cllthollc Women"• Councll ot Our IAdJ of ML Carrnel Pa.rt.Ith II apOlll!Hlrll' • youth propain ln which t.he llt'Cond eYent II a reco~ d-.nce to be held J'eb. ' tron\ a to 11 p.m . at U.e Pariah Ha.LI. All hla'h •choal .tud•nt.a lron1 the local p&rlllh ar• Invited to 11tt .. nd. a ls o the high ~rhMl 111 11- dents of a t. Joachim Pllrl11.ll. 1terrcshn1"nt11 1<.·Hl b•• ~rrvrd entlne mour. H radLn~ th!!" lll!c- or11uon e<.<n1mitt re Ari! Patty H1111h, R rrn!l11. .A!bllrlan 11.nd JLlly Elltbnudl. Air~. Arthur \\'e~t 1" i;rtntt"lll chairma n ot t he youlh progT&m •nd pllrent. or hl1th llChool 1 tu- dtnl!1 lnterttted In p11rtlcip11.t lng In thr proJ;"ran1 n\loy c:nn l.rlct hl!r tor any rurtber 1ntorma tlon. Par· rnt11 In c-h111·~e of thlA dance 11.re ~l e1111rs. 11nd ,_1 mr!I. Ran E lleboudt !I nd dPenratlon,. wHl be Jn " Val -11nd J nhn A lb11 rl1tn. St'adnft. The y111·ht 11 "''"ll i m0oleiln~ ''' -"'" ----1 Harbor CoL1n ci l of P-TA liarbor Council P -TA wlll nleet l wle .\1n <e.111 Pell.&f:, Denn!1 1-101 ~-eb. 6. 9 ·30 1. m. at the hlgh 1<:haol i"/n~ 1111,J J , L. Carver. t.uarcl rooni. One ntw officer w!ll I t:ion1~ Harbor Council P-TA mrrn aM1un1e Clutlea, 1"1 ni. Georre Grlt· bt'r1 a rt expect"'1 ta ket:p a r";::.,r1t fin, rec:ordLnl' ~~ rtt11ry, 11ppolntt book 1.11d to bt'ttt:r at·rornpll~h at the January 111et'tlnfit' rallowln Oil• r.,quJrement a '"workahop lh" rM lgTiatlon or ,\fr1. Rtehar nlt"etlni wa.a h eld J an. l6 al th" Llhentha.I. I hon1t' or lht' Tl!Card book rh11lrr11•n At the forml"r 1eulon Co11¥a Mrw. H. Ji. Burnett, t 12 St. An Mtaa 0i1 .. r or Pol!rP Art 1-fr l\1! -drt'"'I Road. Dt.teua.la u wert ht h! xii! ehowPd a polto dr1VP ttl Ill to thOJ purpoet, value a.nd 1.11 "Rf!member Mr," U prfJ1rJ"l.m d Al!mbly or ff!COr<I book.111. ~l r11.. J1ull'l'ln HnTltert1n1.1 t'.,un il J-:J,.,mentary echaa!a repreaent.ed high achoo! 1ervl< fl • halrrn11n, e-at l/\1! ln '!of'ttnc ""'tre Coro na de.J ]>()rt<"t1 on lhl! 1ehrdull!d M o th" r• ,\lar. Cu~le .\l1!1a ~l11.1n. t;v~rt ll March nr D1mt1. A. I-tea, Ha.i bor \'lt:v.·, Jlarpe.r. tloc· Mra. P. I'", B.a lne1, juven ile pr -11re El'll!tgn. ~fnntl! Vlat,., Newport 16 11 l•1 $.a.1S NOW $2.50 u Udo Dru9s ~4e 1 \'\a Utln New,.,rl "-"ft Harbor Drugs aset E. eoa..: ~l ry. Corona dr l \far tK.tlon c:halrman, •!atl!d the El B"•fh 11nt1 L•n<lh<·ri::h t ·tub clr1lre1 lo rooperale .,..Ith the~;·..;;-;;.,;;;;;;......;;;;; __ .:__..=;;;;;;;; _ _'.:;======~ PT-A• an youth problem1 11nd ~ rave a report on a work1hap 1pon- aored by Orange CoW'lty Cuunc:ll a t Community Agl!nclee. M"ra. C. Orby A.ndereon reported an Chrlltm.u g1tta In cooopera l!Ofl with the E lka. lo.Ira. Hl.rYt'Y P ..... wu named <lelel'e.te ta lhfl dl•trlct nomina t- ing con1mjtll!e wlUI l-tr1. Suthe.r· land &11 a.lll!m11.te. A ppolmed t Q the Councll non1lna llnl( cam1nlttee ., FIT for high"minded fashions You Are Invited to the of Monday -f ebruary 6th 2726 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mar Je111elrg \VATC1 JE.c; DlAMONDS QUALITY J EWEL.R Y * Free G ills • Cornplele Line of Costume J ewC"lry Origi nals. Imports antj Accessories Reliable Watch Repair Service in our own shop New Watch Crystal with any W;ltch Repair Order -::--thru Feb. 16th for fhe and Ladies Refreshments * on Opening Day nylon PETAL"CUP favorite A trulJ FITTING and FIA.lTt;RJS O Ma _,._ a •...W .t dlfft,._.-e under laalllo11t Ula' l.ael.& -I'•~ ,.._. ._..... ""•"'er'a prl41-<"up deelJ"11 i. r--tor lte ,.,net m-. ...... ti-. f 11r moldlal" Jo\o-eJT, ~ -.tow. ~ 1,_ .. ...,_ -- fort a.11 ~ lo•r. ~ea.re la a Ml'Uc1111& IMac" •• , Ulla IAP W. t,_t1re d.rietl 111 a wlak ! NJ~ tati'Ma wttai ~ t fl .. m&n1tdMtte c:up «i~ "-~'-> lllacll. #ti-It. $3.95 2737 E. Cout Rwy. MlonP H•rbor Corona kl Mar ISOll - t ' ...... ____ ...... .. ______ .. . ...... _, NEWPORT HARBOR NEW>PRESS -PART I -PAGE J FltlOAY, FEllRUAltY J, l'"6 Master Point n. .... ~\ti Bl1dc9 a. Will lwlM it& llllOD.tbl1 MM-'*' Polnt Open earn. l mda,J af· ........ ~ lllMn' a.a---11 la ... wtUa pla,y llt.arUaC at BE LAZY lE T}:{R.lf.TY __ • - .l:M o'e:lodt. , . _fnjoy_ A BETA SIGMA PHI -Mu Epolloo &Dd Omlcron RJw cbapten are otacing their annual tuhion ebow and card brunch Feb. 7, 11 L m. in Newport Harbor Yacht Club, a Hoag Hospital bpletit. Above (1 to r) a.re Mm.ea. Robert P. Hmdereon. preflident of Omicron rufo; Jack B. Qub.en.bprry, president of Mu Epsilon; Vivian Bodman, all RA~-St.andin&', Mm.et. John B. Merrill and Ernmt WaJbe. -Staff Photo ~tll wtDMD la..U. ~ ~t ~ PJD9 wer-. Mn. C. II. Jr?ie I.Rd Rarn7 JU.slaad. wriu. hip K:Ottn .... t,..wMt --. Runell Bollcey and A. w. Twnmel. Rw:l.n-Up nortb.·IOUth ..._ Jln. M.arti Merrill and Stan H u.key, Mrs. U bby Law e and Joe W lloox, Mr•. Edythe d 'Er- 1.aa,.er and Howud BrnwnelL Rwm.n--up eu.t-w•t w ere M n. Katherine Smith and Mn. O...ee J'tMman, M.re. Miidred LyU. and Kn. A. G. Doeaburc &nd th W. A. Sternberp. m&.t·weec. w I nn tr• Monday we~ Mrs. Frank F o cal and Ralph 0 1"'&vta. while hitb. 9C'Qrtra north·eou.th WU. Mr•. lia.rr)' Sch.Wing &ruS Percy Crawley. J Runnt l"'S-Up H.lt-wut w~ re Mn. A.. G. Doeat>urs and Wllllam Ouf"&n, M ra. M. E. Clll!land and Mra. M. E . S tll!'"'"art and the W.A. Stembll!ra. R u n n II! r 1 • u p nortb.- - Freighter Voyage Around the World ... $1(00 Around So. kmeric& $1400 Around Africa .......... $1220 Corona del Mar Travel Service Cout Hwy. &t Orehld Acroea from COMP. 0 . -----------~---1 .outh were M.ra. Merle McCum- 1 . • ber lllld l,!rl. Sally Brown, .Mr1. Phone: Harbor 1246 Beta Sigma Phi Benefit Event H k l~.-G. w ... hbrook &rld M:rL VL"-. ome_ma _e r ooot Shu, M.,. Edoa M"Mu- tf.ra a'iid F'red U orA.on'. ' 1 . . -~ JUNE BRl"DE ,....... Mr. &.nd Mrs. Virgil Dean Smith. 135 E. 18th St , Costa Meea, are announcing the t>ngagement o f their daughter Lyn to Roger Gaylord Belnap, 110n ot ~1r. and Mrs. J. Grant Belnap. 1131 Catalina Orivt~, l...aguna Beach A Hubor High 11nd OC'C graduate, tht' bru.l E--clC<Jl is in her third year a l UCLA med1- c&l Kbool, ts a Della Della Della. She w as h o n 1ecom1ng Princess in 1954 and served aa HOn g leader, ui a past honvrcd qut..-en of J ob's Daughlen . Her riance 1.8 a junior and rt>al t'ftt.ate major at USC "'-'here he ill a Phi Delta Theta and va.nity foot.b&ll center. The wedding iR ~t for June 2 al S L Andrew's. Junior Friday Afternoon Club Active in Philanthropy Work Newport Harbor Yacht Club will be ga.y w;th hee.rt.A a.nd flowe ni al a brunch, fa.ehion ahow a.nd card party Feb. 7 at 11 a. m. when chaptere M.1.& Epeilon and Omicron Rho of Beta Sigma. Phi will aha.re h09U8'1 duties. T he ahow will feature !aahiorui from Lido Fuhiona, J erri's and Ruleti Shoes, all of Udo ahopplnt a rea.... 1:11.aabelh Chapin w ill be lhe ~ ardinatnr &rld comni~t.ator. Pro- ceedl of thl.a annua.I benefit "'"'Ill gu towar<J.. the pied.re n•a tle by t he chaplt~ to HOil( Mt'moriaJ H a.pit&! for the buildlng o! 11 tumor clinic. ll"ollov.·tng-brunch 11.nd the f ... h - there will be table and other pr1uc. General ch.11rmen art Mm•. Robt'rt f'. Henderwon, John 8 . Mll!l'- Mll and Ruth Lewi•. The decorat- ing' c<1mmltlee ll headed tu' M.lu Loulee Ohpb.ant and Mra. Efern&rd L. Ml'Qu"1ley, M'r1. Ernul WaJts.e 1.11cl Ml.aa IHlty Ptlel"90f\ Ire ln charge of prtae1, wlth Mra. Tay- lor &rld Mr•. Vl111ian Bodman t.&k- VALENTINE BRIDGE Junio r E b·ell Be n efit Set a t Balboa Bay Club Activities &evual report.a and announct· ment ot v oup acUY1llu "''rrt m~e at the monthly mt<1t!ni.; 11f the Coeta Me•a Homen111kr1,.1 Cub held 1 .. t week at Ute new I home of Mn. Jack HtrtJer. 398 V.'•lnut ~e. M.ra. J erry Tultl!I ~ported oa lh• luncheon the lu ! e&l JTOUP M rvMI ~tntly at t11e cenent.1 meelinf" , at the Jo'a.nn Bureau beadqU&rterL M.ra. H1tt- Lu and Jol.r"L Burt Ph.UUp• gave lht project for tA. d•y Oil wap-. deterfent& and -IAr .ortenl!r1 Mwnblra ot lh• f"!"OUP •r e lllk- 111J' turn1 durt.ol' the year vi.ail- ing lh• county h<wlplt&I a.nd i..k- ffil' h&ndmadti btbl and cookleii tor the 8una.hln.e Hour In tb.e gtr1atrlca w1.rd. Mambtrs were ukecl ta oont&Ct Mra. 0 . R. M1t- hotf to a..llt wtth c:utUnt and lll!'Wt.n( blbli. Thay wUJ be taken to the hoeplt.1.1 q&1n on Feb. 1". There la aUU & ca.ti. It w ... rll!porttd, tor eyef"l.!:IAI l.anae.. a.nd fr&mlll9, abot1 !n wea rable con- dition. eapecl&lly child:rt11.1', can· celled ~pa and co.upon• tor Queen Be11.1 allverw•r• rrom Gen· Seve ral Events Fund Raising N ear Future The (f"nerLI G<Jwne will b11! 1hown for tb.t Junior welfare EbeJJ rllle the fu.hlon abow while the eral MIUo11 and Setty Crocktr Ba!OO& Bay ahop wlll h.irnlah product.a. A nyone b.&Ylns-Wied the clotha to be ahown. The Olr1atm1.1 card.II wu uked tn n1odela will be Mra. C. E . H o!-\ff.VIII them at the home of Mr•. Loway. a Junior Ebtll mt!mbll!r. H. M. Felt. 381 E. 18th St .. Mre. John Brou&tlton, Carolyn eo.ta Me• and ah• will ab.Ip W1.llbddg• lltld Vlrrtnta Wegley. th•m to m 1-lon•ry poupa. 1n by • S11nta Anio •hop, clt'&Mirt 11nd bruli;:r L• "''htdulNl. Tirket1 may boo nbt•lnrd at tht' door. from Mrs. Ivan t'rurn or Mt.fl. E. I. M•o<:>re, Three 11pet:1al events ~rf' ca.lendared f o r the near future I S~nlur r .. pretw'nla llvt. KAH 't' C U N IC by Jun 1nr t"riday A flernvon Club of Costa Me&a, all bene-i Th~ .-Luh llpunllors i nd .,,,..r. fit affa i r~ fur th•· many phdanthropic projects which the all'• I.he "\\/.ill Baby chnu:" 1n <'lub ha!; taken 1111 1111'! .• 1·Rr. An okl fashioned box •UpJWr ,,.hu:h cl~ to a huru:Jrrcl beb1e11 a nd dan!P ii:1 to be hl·ld F\·b . l 1 7 p m a t the clubhOURC llrl' '1tred for rach m onth elMt · · · , ro:een!ly <lonatt'd $100 to the ""'Ith l("lly 11r,•<Jr"led b"~"~ '" I>'! Feb. 22' at lht clubhouH Thr Harbor Art 1< Girl• Club. a.c:-cord· •U•llto•t'•1 1,, n1a;hr-1 rudl·•~ by ··curia" w11! b,. by a l•1•8 l !J,f,11.Ul'J In( to Mn Rir hird Chappelle. ft,rh111<\ Cl••111..,l1l' '"''I \\ 1Ha.td IMLIOfl. th.._ "N~"" b'/ • Santa An• newly •ppolrile<l pre .. ch.fl.lrrn&rl. &il"Y m1lllnt!.ry 11hnp I _ CAI·~ II C'l'RIJ' I ~"or 11. climax there 1• to boo lll" . N • evrnt , ... ' .• ,,,, An•I f"urlit'• llllllu•l f&Rhlon ahow March '· Surfside rs Club •how a nd ,1 ....... 11 h·i.J~ ... " I' tn 8 J1 111 . l11 bll! rall!"d ""1"1.S1purt11 to lo Star t New Year :-ll!'Wport Bu.<::h for lb.la year will be 11. brunch • fl.Jlhlon ahow - br1dgt to be: held l"tb. 1 ~. at 11 a . m In the Balboa Bay Club. ).tra. Oe&n Gorton, way• and me11n• chairman, le In charge or lhe affair. Verna Mlllt!.r wlll nar· Ray Millands Home from ;Europe Olh'r chalrman &rld their oom-Th,_ c1alAI of lnt..--t to club n1lttee1 •re. dll!'COr1.t1mu, M.met1. memben were gLvtn. Jan. ll, Charita Woodw•rd, Ray Donald, 10 a.... m. to noon at th1 hrm ·Oeor1• Gurr, K. L. Hut.man., Bunau hall, 1. proj1et lea<kr Robert Walll.ce, ltdward KeUy lrainirll" v oup w"lll 11....-rep,.._ &nd Rlcb.ard Hodre; prts.e.a, Ne1.I 9f!ntl.Uv• of food concern1 dt.- Rolloway; "Tlc"t'~ta, Rleb.&r'lf ~ anlt '1MnCJn1trat. tocxt. uln& Hodre and RuueH Hempkln. pepper producita. For n ow ... a.r- The money derived f rom thil rlltlg-ement ll!llthu.l ... ta, lllx IM· project wllJ be u-1 for the Kini on lhe MCOnd Md fourth W~nud.ay1 throuCJ. March, t to IC!)e.11"1 bud&el and v1.rloua phll· 11 a....m. will be rtven a t the IUlthrop\c a.cllvltlu durinl" the Community Center. 1108 w . 8th club year. Soma of the money SL In 81.11ta AnL J an. 27, 10 a.m. .!!•1rf•ld1·r• have called • boa.rd WllJ be ..-..nt to Southern DUI· to noon, meet:nr for ~"eb. 8 11.t the Bl•lr tr1ct Federation for lheir phH" J.i";;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;; I Among the "g-Lad-lo-bll!·hom1111" are the Ray M.llland1 of Udo !ale lltld Hollywood, jUlt be.ck from Europe wheN! he w ... In a moUon picture. Son Dan h.q been ln echool In Naw Eng-llltld. daupter Vicki rema ined !n Callfom1a . SU N DAY TEA hon1• on B•ltlO• f•land. wil l noml--The nll!'W Richard'• Fior\Jlt otfeq lltlthrop\c &1fl. Thia year the Irv ing Ma no ir This M o nth a t Sho w Laguna n•te bo•rd member• tor tht new cut flower aerv!ce bl · weekly, money wlll be uaed to help build yt•r ancl con11ider 1ug1e11llon. fo r weekly, or &1 de1lred-P hon111 Har" • ther•peutlc pool to be locatld future plAn11 1n1u1111 at the Jan. 27 bor 2828 -Adv. In. Oran,ge County. The N t!WpOrt d.a.nc._1t Ui.e. Elka Club, ouUlned Harbor You th Center wtU re- by ml'r.i~1·1 and the pre.ldent. -Your AdTilrtidn.I' Dolla.ri IO celve halp u we.ti u th1 Frank- Roberl Boy1I. An t lectlon dance farther, do more, .ell more. wbe.n lln School for thll! deaf and hard Harbor Red Memorial Perk --~~· 6ardw., c-s i .. ry Harbor 11.l ota&er ' ' ' ' M o r hearln•. 1,-·.;p;•;o"O;N;;-"-;;;_O_' __ ._'_'_"_·,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';O;U;;;a;d;~;;;rtl>o;;;;:;;;';O;;;th;;;';'..;';'i';';';;;-;; 1 ~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::;:::::;::::;::;:::;:::::;:~1 Jrvlng 1.£1noir <">f Corona r\t'I ).1f1.r i nd Richard Wr!gh~ nf Claramont. water colorl1t, wltl be honored artilll Slloday a t the l.aguna Bea.ch Art OaJlery"• monthly open- Int tea. South C(Mlat Garden Club will b4i hOlit-gTOllP from 2 to ti p.m. LIFE llEM.81.:R Man·otr 1.a ahowinc a c roup or ol ll and aome of hi.fl notable Rlo- narn"ll which createrl 11nnleth1n1 or a .. o .. tlon when txh1b1ttd tn Cb.l- <'&4J'O. He haA t>ee:n a ure niembtr or Laguna Beach Art Aeeoc::lallon 1inc111 he and hl11 wire 1pent a year in La.gun• in 1112'4. Slnre then they traveled exttn1lv111\y, palnUng-in ~urope llnd Mvtlco. M&rloir hu not only won recog- n ition .. a paln loir but a.. • te•ch- er •nd lectul'er. tie hu exhlhlted 11.l Chleap Art l n11Utut111, Mar11hall F ield 1.11cl Company gallerlu, a.tnOn&' otb.er1. Uke many other 1u.cceuful 11rtl1t• he feel• that the 1renuine.l.y crtaUVe a rtl1t II eel! taush.t, th•t gTtat a rt 11 never lmitat\Vll!. "'ITH NA.Tl lR E "'An art.let of th.II typt', endowed with a rich and fll.re 11t"na!Uvtntu, C'O(lfers with Nt1lUrt herlM!lf', .. ,. MBDolr. ''ThtN! ht find.a t he .olu- t1nn11 tn probltm11 ol ,.rt •n rrl11-II lion t n hi• UmLttd. medtum nr 1u·t111t1r tlfpr•'"-'llOn He M''"kll tn <lh•- l"u\"er from Nature. httle by htllt . htr an:hltectonlc beauty &rld the aecrl!'\.l!I un<lt'rlylng ht" .. l11w1 11nd phtnomt'nL "No wonder that lht hfe of the I II.rt.Lil ia • M!riea of 1pltnd1d e11- perlPncr11. 11dvt"nturr11 and cl1!1t'ovtr- lt'11, nlinglt'tl Y.'l\h rlt'~p11lr11 11nrl e<:• •l&l-itll -equa.lly plOji:~l ! M1<yb..> 1 the 11.rtllll h><ll found the 11rru•t or tl.ern11l youth." Study Plant ing fo r Indoors !!:bell Oardtn !'ltrUon nlPI at lht horn" of Mr11. Rlo.ymntHI HermJJ 1986 Tu11t!n Avt. v.·Hh 16 prt!!ent. M r'!\, MurTll'J H.abhilL chairman, pre!tE'nled 11. Corona del Mar nurS<!ryma.n "'•hn •poke on lncloOr pl1U1tlni;:. Tho.w 1ttrnd1n11: brought u.ndw1che1 with Mn1. tlermt1 &rld htr C<J·hoatellll, 1'fr~ J . A. Gant. Mrvlng coffee •od dffM!rL Next trip to C11nada.. m~ling wll l be a field Descanso Gar•len11. Lil Ftb. 29. Usher-H aggard T roth Revealed The homP of Nr, a.nd MMI RQb- ert G. Haggard JL ln San Fr•n· c11C<J wu the !tll!tllng of a cnck- t&il ~IY given to 11nnounr t' tht' en~g-ement of their .taughltr ' Robf'rta Uaher. to V.'\lltanl V. Schmidt. Tha benedirt-tlect le th' ~o of Mr. a nd 1'fno. \\'illia rn O. Schmidt, U2fl Crt'11t1·l"w lln•'t' The betrothed two.omt mel at Pomona Cotlq'.111 whtrt!. ~l lM L"11her la n .. w a ll!tl1or anJ a "Pon..ma 8chol1r". ~r flanc" l!t 11 n1,rnber of t/11 K•ppa Delta frllll'mlty and waa ~T&du•tl'd lrom J>on>on• Col- lei;:r 111.,.t Y"llr. 111 nuy,· 1111en,11n1 St11nford t..w S1'h<>t'>I I A June .. · ... 1rt101r ia pl.annrJ. 'nM! rertmony will lake r>lar, In the Br~ea H.aJI of MUJllic o-. th• Po- mona CQlle .. • Campu.t. i956 I( E D S are in! IN$T£l WI fiih1w..;Jh l ii ht•. n • ...t.om .. m ..... 1...-f•brir .. ;10 1ho1 lu.t., 11<;,-~ plo1fonn ..W.- i1"•f'OO'l •n<lrrr1"' n•IX--,....,lly ""•in"" "•ll 1ni . S<-iauific 1-'oot- .-iuV.. l ••I• .~ .... Dad i nd Son. •'••h•ble. P<tpel..r ealon fo• , .... ~ .. s59a lfKOOs. • ~.SW .... Cir'1ii.- Opt'n SaNlay IO to 5 -w .. k da)'> 8 :15 to 5 :~ ' DEA!l.RTMENT STORE We Otv11 8&B GftMI 8~l! 0. ,._ ~ ,..,_, -Wot* f,_ ~. N_.,.. ~ SALE FAMOUS MAKERS IMPORTS CHINA .•• DENIUJUI. ---....... .... Lunebeon plate., blue-white ....... ·----...... 111&. 7.20 .._ ._.. Rim Boupit--tuncUon&J, beauutut _ 7.00 'Gl&nt' cups and AUClllT&, tn.Nilucent -8.M A..titnya. Jdeal for table IM!M'tce -------··-·-2.GO Rlm aoups, blue-white ............. -... --------.. ---·-•.oo Lunch.eon plates, flne1t c.hin1. -.. --·-----·--3.M 2'-pc. cream .oups, noweni ._ ........ -·-·-·-·----·--8.15-0 J.'rult or veirelab\111 bowi. ............... ·---------·-... 10.00 Oemt Ta.e cup.a a.nd A\ICel'I, d&iJ\ty •.Jtl Fruit uuceni, g-reen decor -.. ···-.-·-···----·--_ 2.70 Sugar 1.11d creamer, &<?t ................. ____ .. ,. ___ ,18.M Gravy boat -· ............. -..... ·---·-·-·---.. 15.00 Rellah (llah ................. -··-·---------.. ---8.15-0• 0.-rt plat•. b lue-white ----............ _ 3.70 Bre1.d-8 uttM"" pla tea --·----·· ... -........ _,_ .................. 1.20 Md Many K ort CHINA ••• GEBJIANY, opea otook lfl-pc. 1tlU"ler .-et. hand painted __ , ................ -... '3.&0 20-pc. etarttr 9f!t , •liver on wlltte ----" .. ····-· ...... 52.00 CHIN A •• , PINL&ND, opea .tock Ce,....., handpa!nt~ hip.})' tired -.. ··-·--.. ---1.7& B~f ... t pl1tt11 .. ___ ... 2.00 MUk-Wattr Pltche~ -·-T.00 Teapot.a, S cup -·-. 1.00 c~ea.i.. modern decor .... l .70 Ota.Y)' boat ... T.7& Covered ""f""lable boWI __ .:._.___ 1.00 Buttll!!' cb.IJ>9 . ..... .............. 1.00 Supr-cre&mll!!'. 11et. tunctlOOfl&I 10.70 Tray coffee pot. 2 cupe ... ........ _ S.7& Pltdler, 1 qL, blue on 1'"1 7.00 Ootfee pot, 8 cup . .. ...... --·-· __ Jo.oo Rim IK>\1!)9 ··-2.00 S•l•d OOwl. provlnclaJ _.. 8.7ti Vqet.able bowl, yellaw, py e.oo Matter. mldlum •IM ....... 9.00 Ca k e or cook ie plate, provtnclaJ 2.T5 Cup. lltld ... ucen. lei-I g1Jll .... --J. Tl Suru i nd creamer, yallow-white ---·---·----10.TO and Many More GLASWARE ••• DIPOBTED, hMlclhlow-o Crylit&I 1temware. Swectlah: g-ob~U. slMrbeU, wtnee, conUa l1 . .. ...... ·-··-·-.7&.l .30 Tumblera, B•edl.QI; hlptian.,, Juice 1 n.2.00 Cryli.J hand'biowa ~Lt,, Holland 1.60 f-pc. Ht co~ V-. and CS.U T.60 v-.-. boW'la. ~ --.to. Ke ren Me19ret• Import• 1863 E . eo...t HlP,W'&y, Corm. cW Mar Phone: Harbor 1J71 .... .... .... .... ._ .. ._.. I.to . .. UI 1 t.16 ._ .. .... ._.. .... . ,_,. •• 'JI ... .... .... ._.. ... .... .. ... .. .... I .TO .... ..... .... 6.T6 .... .... ._ .. 1.16 'J.76 '·'' -,_.. .... Ladies . for a good trim or Hair S haping t ry · Lido Barbe r Sho p · Clilldr-ea'1 Hair Cultlil&: A Sperl.ally 6JI • stM St.. -lDI!•' to P-t Otnco-1 -:S¥wport 6-* Upholstery Draperi es The Fineat Craft.aman.atup Plua Fabrics a.t Cla&e-Out P ricee Ena.bl~ Ue t o Give Your Old Fu~'ure That NEW UX>K at A.ltound1ng Prices During the "orf aeuon" CALL US DAY OR NlGHT Llbei-ty 8-M18 J'Qr •Umat.. or one of our decor1.ton wW call with aampi .. aL )'OUl' -.qu•L LIDO FASHIONS • • 2 DAYS ONLY Sat., Feb. 4 -Mon., Feb. 6 FINAL CLEARANCE! f'.otto• A Wool Sllirh ••• \"aJ~ to flO.to ,,_ Clearcwicw Fall Dresses 1/2 Price Dresses Val-t.o •.N N- $4. 95 .. $9.95 . ... ..._.., Y..._.to$4.95 39. la ••I• Jallle -----·- All -l"lllol Ute Ow 1.A1 .. wa1 .._ ..--118'11 S4%S N-pcwt lllYL, N-pwt - I ' ------.. --.... ---. ... --.---.. .... .... ---·· ...... PA6E 4 PAAT I -NEWPORT H.AAIOR NEWS.fltESS ........,... Meet FU>AY, FHaUARY J, 1956 4 mHllllC' I"' Uae UIMrV ===========:r:;;::--;;--;~~;----1~ ot C)nllse ~ty .... U111 ..... ffl 1:40 A.JI(, UNI f:Oo por1: .._. CMi' ..... at WWdt 1 • .... a.u. I ,., Tnd.:...... t.1uM1. aad p1.eQ11 __,. .... a.U ,..._ .... ,lo & COii Mid 9u.nd9,y at T:IO p. 111 ... tM P.JI.. 1-. Md .... _,_.al~ y .......... IJ'it JIOUO. te ......., fWtaw ,..._ ~-.._, .,,..,. Md 'M ._... Today's N Y " "'-· .,..... w• '"""" -•u-Y •-m::oa _ .. --i -.. -""...,....., ••-----..... ""'-• • err ,_,..,..... ... to "'""""' .._._ · -. .... , .. ...,,.._,_ ftAYY.OCltPSLDf,........,. S k Re I . aaker au.. ta Ana map O&led: JW1U'7 M,, J.IM iµt y , COl'9UN. ~ HoUol la ..,._rt._ UIAl tM M • **r of f:.9 P.)I.. 19 t119 M'llWpOrt a.di. CtJ' toe ' port ... tkw•I ~ n. quMUOA ot opp:muoa to UM' Y&riowi Cllnpu.l• No. 160J N ..... Prfm vtt," u. H...,,n--..... av ,.,........ ODm·~-"' tM ~ o.-oll e 2 t .. '6 ... Mcwpwl: ~ O!m•IMi(>n ·------------f• ""*"-I dlllt.l!ict embrKinc the _., n.bl• IDocUlaUOG ol"Cl&Ulteft ~ '11" Newport lhaCib WW bald a ........ Clf, ~ al" wMcillt. U.., .... 1W Nlft..P,..,. 1/1/M !" -Un Kartior W.• ~ uu v~~ Mo. ltoi lf; -•1tn1& ue Mu'tftlr oe lhe ~ el, • la Dot. .....,~ hwi0\111 '* ''11•-,...CS _rKIJlllr IA COWllL-~ lfO'lftlW: °" -. ~ -~..:..!"J'S.,,_.,.~-· ... ~ ;·.-. l'IH' a uo. ot UMi ioau... Ray howeHr, uct by tM cowitJ-.. ,,...,._.., AU NOTICJ: UI mvSH HOl'ICS W lMT'SJ!fDlt81 w.& perm1r-yno to. Ptrmit: oa~ ·A x .. ,. ••• ..._ ..,.,._.. Pl bat'ne raiMd -· do'll.bt ... t.o u.. ~w\M.· Ml ·~oom__!__lo ~tttnd . .!> ~~ that u.. ,,,,., ... 11•·'•••-of HJQUCBY DM'k.111.S f ill' GM au ~"i~:.;--;1~;:-::-::.:-riC)u:•-~·c;.i.1. ...... ---. .... -" ..._.. YOU -Dw • 1 ............. ID la4u.tn&ls -ttLG "f J.JO ., rtalM ·--·-:_ ... ~ l8A...• ... J.6 uuuu.. ·---... ..,. ., .u I ..-. V.._., LMt.111 N.Y. I ..-. 8"dt "'*- lo.mencan .,...,._. ··-··--·· 114 'it tlrWt7 of 1.1D4ftC~~a~~ tm 41 II'• kmp·,.m_, ... .,..... ~ CM-al~ .tl••"liut. ._... _..!11111. ZXLWA~-Yl sa•«M-tt'..:a l t ') • ...-..& 'f. · 4-VV ~ ... __.w.---..-nn-- U.. pnNat. . wtu. "'*"--.odl!&Uou or bold 1 pubUc bffrtq' oa the-.,~ . .,....;;; <ZiN Mdrw u Ill Jll.v.. &O' ot loU 10. 11 • 11 .... I ~ n..a.. 'warnt! ,_1 "111 otber __., tM •PJHlNl'lt !t:' pet.. , caUoa ot Edw. T HWy .. , tor lM A~ 1*nd. ta *liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 000 0 5 m ...._ ._.,. adftllt.c"e• may well t>. outs a •M'f.&Me _ 11ii• to pe.rmlt: A atr ol . BeKll. Ooullt.r ot ~•·it. 11, 11. LI 4na.cond& ........... - ......... ·--···---· .. •» ~ b7 diadTantac'ee whlch , .td. ,a.rd .uu.w.-..-iy ot JI ~. Matii Of ~ ...,. .,... to M IDh-.nt In 11Ucll • Ll"".1.L NOTICI ' ,_._ t«tdll \.o ..U to·C!llA.IU..l:il; ~ ..,,.. ladM9 (4 n. nqutrt4) ••• on ...., vmT ~ Md iml.aM OOWM al acUoo, The board tau 1 _____________ 1 n A SI, Bklck 14. a.cttoa 'B' 111 TWICDIUL l'•li D'ft, v...._ Chryalc:r ····.--··········--·--...... , 711" bu Pont .............. -..... _ ............ J21 1,~ not. 7et b&4 an opportunity w No.. A-nm UUl lltnet ..• Ntwp9'rt 1kach. ,..... nd4:r.w ll C/O'lf4!WP(ll1: ftat.. meet &.Dd conaklar tl:Ue propoul NOUce '9 bvtbf twtlltr st•• bot' BaAll:, N.36 SUt OoMt Ul-. tkneral ICl.clrlc .................... 66% :Jenera! M'.Ol0r8 ........ . ... 441,i. but 'lll1IU. I am !JUN, .. valual1 It .;: o::OH=~I, Ulat ahl P\'blJc heuirtl" wtU be way, Col'oM. del llCar, ... UM Qi; Nr\owly ln a de•lr• to haV• au be1d on u.. 111.l! day of ... ebr. -~ N ..... ,, •--• ~ •• ,. " _ -'bl I I U wht•h wL!I Ur• ff_ A. ICITUl!I 0.C 1Uld, .,. -......_. 1 ._... Way Co .............................. ,_ 4.litil. N.Y, Cenlt•I ........ 41 '6 No. AJn.ricen A.tauon ....... _ u" leteway lltorff 1)3 lo. ·c.1. 1'.dl.on . &O \.ii ;;bl1• !Un ~mam:. • :1 .. clalon HOnCll 18 HER.ZBT OJVllN ltOI, at Ule boUr OC 'f:IO P. M.. ....... Stale or C&Wmn1&, the fol. which wlll be In th• bml 1nt1re.t1l to t:btl credllor. of and all ,..... la U.. CouncU Cham.beta flt UI• k>Wln& deecribed penocutJ property, 900.I h&Ytllr clallM acaiut tlM N.wport BMch Q ty Ball, at to wit: Sten dard OU of Ca lif. 92 ~ Soutbern Pactnc ......... -...... M i,s ~t)'~ucetlon uid ot lhe commu-ii&1d cs.c.dent or Mid Mtale to which Ume and place any atld all A.II etock ta l~, tlJtt Ur<11, fll• lh•m wit h lhe ~ry pe~ lntereeted """Y appear equipment 11.11d (l'.lOd Wlll of a cer· ¥ouch•r1 In the ofnN! of th• Clerk ULd be hee.td th~. ta.In nitail bwln._, known u 'Ml• DISTRICT UNITY 1 of 1he S uperior Court ot the Bl.a.tit RAY Y. COPE.UN, Secrel.Ll·y Camera 8hup. and J~ated a t 211) I or Ca.lltornia, ln a.nd for Use Coun-Nl!Wport BM.eh Oty Marine AV• .• Balbot. llland, In lhr r..--...r1ca .... .. .... ·-··-·-·-u 1.4 Union 0 11 of Call!. 64 'Ai l;,s. at.I ............... IM lt. C.0.tiaoed rrom nnt l'a~ t y of Oran,-e , Of' tn p -.it tl'I• Planning-Commbll6on City of N ewport Beu-h. County or 1 u.n1e. w lt h U\• n'5 .... ry vouch· N o. 1407-Nrn-Prue 3/3/M Oran••· State. of Calttoml&. and NIKE SITE of the other t wo dlatricll wLll un· I er• to tho:: undenl(ned at ti.a or IL.hat a a&le, tranaltr aod aaaign· c.ioubtedly provtde IL.he ntteaaa.ry her. plact of bualneaa, lo· wit: Zoahlc Cl...,.ir• Ame~t .Se. 11 m ent of tile unit will Lw; ma<H, II.rid Coe1U•M4 ,,_ 1'1"l r.~ momentum for lhe rapid ~aJ!u-JAM1"!.') II. £STUS and H ELEN Z Hf&ria... the con11idt"tallon tilertfote will De lion of a 11et11lble and he MT1un1oull L Rl"DER·~.-..... ~ ,0 Hut· JliOTI Ct: OF PUBUO HF.A.KL"O O OO .chool ehlldrei. would be ol un · •~ r.I""''-"' ~ ... paid at I . o'clock a. m . on the public-f'dnet tlOl'I proirnun in lhe ,.,.Jl.r. & JhHwllz Attorney• at Law Notic., Ito hereby '1"'en lhat u ie I.5th d11y or Febru•""· 1~56. al tbe ~i.;.1n~r~:~~l~!c,. th~e ti;;I~ Harbor-Me• area.•· ::611 Newport ' Bl¥d., Newport Pl11.r1nlng Oomml•lon ot the City e-crow depart•nani, at NeW'pOI'\ ---"1 JHa, .'i, Callrornl• Wltl'l ln 1!1 of Newport Bee.ch wlll hold two Harbor B&Wl, 3430 )!' C.O...t Hl<h· lbtre WM no cianaar to tht na· bll 0 public hearing• on the 11ppllcatton tiOnal MCUr\ST IQ. lhl• • CROSS' COUNTR·V. 1111;Jr.tli $ aft~r th" r1r .. 1. pu ea:,iv of AUS'T71'1 D. STtlftT!!:VA.~ .. -v u.C<>r~,4r.l w~J \"' u..-r.ui' The number of ..,..tlKlnnel ~t a-• r Of 1 hi_. u()bct . of .Ne"''P'•rt 8f'"'"h County u! Qr. ,.-~ conc,rn1n1 a new aubdlvt.e1-0n and lionf'd a t each 111t.e 11 t·la.u1t1t!d I r111t .. r1 J anut ry 10. l the ne~ to •mflr1(1 Ord. ;t&3.5 . en~"· Sl.iitt of CaJ1lom 1a. I ~~:ia;OI" -:;~bl:~~~Lo~~I c :;n H:;· Harr1·ers w1·n ~1~i~~ ~ :i~~~~lKN~ frorn '1 1' tu 'H-1 Zoning' nn ~~~~:.~~:-~i l~~is~~~ I d y &a.Id. A lao h!&hly c~fled, he Aclmtn111tralll r• nr U1 e • PortlUn ot Lot.. :-.lo. !64 Nu 166 Vtndor te.Ld, la lhf •Peo:d ol lht •uµ,r·· or said decedent of Blk ~,J or the Irvine Sul>'hvL-t'H.ARLES HAR VF.:Y Hlt Af•l.Y.Y I L M t H\l R~'JT"l. A HUKV.'!'rZ •IOll Loca.leJ a.t • dlat.ance •J.>· Ven<1t• Mnlc ml .. ilea eague ee I Attorney• et Lew proa.unately 01.5 fe,t Euter!y (Jf H.ELEN T \Vl':IJJo:U.. ~llAl •J£Y GC>Dl.1£8.'I 0 1'" \'l ('T(IK\' 2ell N,.w port BnulevanJ the ra!llal lint from l7lh 8\rttt \'endce :-.'IKlt. n•n1ed afler lht ,,~!-u -"-o I• h·•o'y ru-"er <lven L Titl 1 :-.r.1rport Bee.ch, Caltturnla ,,u.._ .... " '""'' No l t m'I Nrw•·Preu !13~ dt .. Of .totory>-Of OtN"k mylh-ose e ~.•oltum,,•.,.YI tur PtllliOnl!" that 111.ld public heannr Will ~I ---olos y. I• th• Army'• f!u•l .!lupo:r · _, held on the 16th day u t F o:b }'t•u- aonlc antLa1rcrall JULded nu••!le :'lltwi l'reu 1 1 ~ 20, !1. 2 13, IVM 56. at thr hour uf 7 3(L F' M r,1~ II dffJCfted to tnterc<1pl a nd dul roy Co•Ch Fti.o.lph tt~·a r-;.,,.,1~·rl in !ht Counr ll ('h•mt...-1 1 of th• "·~ t. I th• enUJy 1ar1e1 re1•rd1 ... ot Harbor Union Ht(h !School i·.1n· CEKTlf'IC'ATr: Of' Bt:SISr;MS ~ewpott Beach City Ila.II at "''h l•..h ... Ult evl.M¥t acllon 1 !or varll'lty c1011a count ry \ot11111 f"h:tlUoua nrm ~·a.me time~ plai•e a ny and a.II JMraone :<~V~z~ d' Jt Ui the nret SULCled mlaalle ctpturld 1te fourth t lm(ht Sun· Th• under111~ned dON heniby !nt1rr1ted may appt"&r and be hf'ard •Y•tl'lm to !let•nd Am .. n r an cUle.e 1et Lfil&'U• Meet cro,.,·n vvcr the l'erlll)' 1na t alU• 1a oonaucun1 • \.hert'()llii I NOW SHOWING a ia1nat u rtal •ltt r k Hun Uni ton Beach 1.8-m lle ruur~e Retail t>al'• of l..adtea' Acc.->r\811 RAY Y cori;:1..1:.;, St~ rtta 1 y It la a Hqutd-fuelect ini&ail•. yeaterd•y att .. rnoon, but thr S ail· 11.nd t a fl w rapplni buelneu a t :-.'t,.,·porl BaM.ch City ~pproxlmately lO ftet loni and or varaily, undefeated in luup \Ml Harbor Bouleva rd, Coat.a Pl1U1n•n1 Cor11n1lea1on •bout one root in cliamiter. When dual met! rum ~tlt1on. failed ·~Mu•. C!!.litom ia. under the flCti· No. }403 Newa-Preee 2/J/~6 in 'launched. th• mlMll<I L• att.M'.hed clef.anae of lht· UU•. luou.1 flMTl n .. m• or . OLGA 'S t.o • boocter halt the len(U'I of Bob Van Sickle .,, lht-Tar Jun· l.ADIJCS' ACCESSOR!ES and tha t \'arte.u<· .. · · · 1 H-rhir lh .... , N O'TIC I': O F 1·1·e1.1c llP.:A Rl~'(j e m..-•· iota won tile ra.ct In 9 40.7. Jn .aJd ttrm i. compo-1 of lht fol· "The Deep Th• boo9ter acceler&lea the h ln the v&.rall)' run. fHll Pig,. top IOWln&' j)('MIOnl, w oae n.amM m 111U• to •uptreonlc •p.«3. "P" loeal hill·and-d•ler oni.heJ third full a.nd placea of r•ldence are u an.tu from lh• m laaUe In • mat-u F\Jllerton'1 powerful lndL&.n follows , tO·Wll : '\er of • f~ eecond•. and fa ll• .quad ctptur"d lht ch.amplon8h!p. OLOA C. GRAUEL.. tnto a pr1-det1rmln1d booetar di• 289i Riverside Drive. P'Ullu ton'• Grldy Neal br ok• po9al •rt•. The Army le t•Ulll' 1 •lt· Jfu.nun,.ion'a nln .. m1nule barr1~r dutroylna bclo9ter wtilch wU1 wtlh a rewrd 1mun1ni' effo rt of 't:llmlnate lb• ~ tor a booeter 8:.59.1, toppling the prev10U8 '..cli.poaal ..,-. meet rne.rlc eetablUihed 1 .. t y .. r · UADY TO TIJllt by Newport'• Larry Cutro in Coa.ta w .... CaJ!foriue Wltn,._ my hand thl• U.th ot January. 196a. OLOA C. ORA l•EL STA TE OF C A WFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE .. , 1u . •··h bat''-la -·•y lo fin 9':10.6. -...,, ~ ,..., _ _, • ~ _ Ot thl• 16th day of J an uary, .I • m •mo•I'• """'" NT.,. .. y • ,..,.J<1rton • ... rry A rroues wa• u " u•u -...._ A D. 191)(1, befOfil me, the under -DeYer nred rrom llA 0 ... ..,.uonaJ eacond, Richard Healy ur Sllllta •'''· howevar, oo<ept tn';,.~t o/. A.a& fO\lrth and tl:lt ln•llan'a fton •lirne<t. • Notary PublJc ln and TobtA nfth. for the aaJd County and Sl<lte, a tl<lck. I ·---------------lret L<l!fll tilt reln, duly commlaalon- Tht per.onnel So to eatablleh· ed and ..,om. peraona.Uy a ppeared ad N IK.I: fuWI' n.n1 .. tor r•r-GAS FUMES OLOA c. GRAUEL known to mt ut.er annual pn.ctlir:u. lo M lb• pmr90n whoae n.ame I.I "'Ml• pra.ctloa on tha &ant& °'*t1lnMd ,,,_ rtnc Pace 11Ubecrlbed to Ole wlU!Jn in.tru. An.a A.Ir ...... th_..,M•, would m enl, •nd tck nowl"'1ger1 lo me tha l be In th• natur• of 'practice bec•1Ue the cata lyst did nO t ta.ke lb• executt'd l.he Miile. tuna'". Capt Hard7 Upl&inacl. can ot leaded r aaollnt' •t •II. In w1tnu1 whfreof . 1 ha.ve here· 'ltten '""1ld M no <l.ftnlllll' tor O.y -.,<1. Effort.I lo .O!Ye thl.a unto 1t\ my band and atflxed n1y ui:ron• 111'1n( lR the 't1clntty." problem lave failed, eo te.r, and ot flcla ! eta! the 4a)' and year In thtre le no re11..!IOn to bellrvt' lh11t thle Certlt1cate f!ret a.bove wntten any caU.l)'at w 1H "''ork, he .aded. ROBERT R. H URWrrz TeoLatetoh a.q.lfW TO 8TOP FLO\\' Tackltng the problem from an· otht'r anglt, t.he thre. big 11ulo co1np&nl'8 ha ve pooled the ir ef· >.ly Comm l.M lon 1'1a y ll, 19MI No 14UI News-l're.se 1/27, :l/3, Iii, 17, lVM forts to dulgn 11 gadgtl lhat; ·-------------- ~Help W..W tl\at w ill automatically !hut otf ::;::;:;:~~.,~!!.=::=::.-----·I lh• raaolllle rlow to tile auto EXPmRIENCED wom.&a fot how• enf lfl<I whan the car 11 dec1ler- work, w .. hlnr • tron1n1'.•m 10 a tln&'· 4 p.m. Mon. thru Frt. Har. IM8. It hu *n determined by a uto 9fc4.I enctneer11 thert1 are 9'Yecal el<I(· ---------------le, of effort for th e 11uto "'1gln1, ~Pf .... .,.. ABC-0..W:ATIC delu ii:e wuher ~ U Md a monu... tn etore.11, w111 .. 11 dit.ap. Hu. 17tt-W. Me etartln(, runnln(, idling and d•· ctit 1"1lln1 . or lheee tht l•tter haa l>Hn found to 1ccount for 66 pt'r c:ent of the hyd'roearbon.a lhl'oWn otf by the l!nllne. By 11toppln1 lb• tlow of ,._.. S OTICE 01" ELECTIOS Nolle• i. heraby ¥Jv11n that a Ueneral. Munlclpal !:lectlCln w\U be held In the City of Newport Deach on th• 10th day of April, 19611 for tile t ollowln.lr ottloe.ra: T h rte Members ot the City Councll f rom lhe tollowtn,-OUitrlcte, lo 'wn F'lr1t Dlat rlct, F ifth Dlat rlct . 1nrl Si1<th D\atrlct t or the tul! ~e~m of fuur years ln a ccordanct' w ilh Lhe City Cbartar ot Nt wport Beech. Th" poli. wlll be o~n between ~ for Sale ol!ne lo lht engine while the ~:::!.:=:===-'..;::.:..;;==...---\car le 11low1n1 down tXperta hope l--------------- M.AHOG. DDfSl'TS arr 560.-to ellmlnate thl1 115 per cent . cia,,_pwt $26, coffee tabl• $20. which. they feel, "''II be a \0111 ~ with a pn. matchlnc 11tt'p toward 110lv\ng t heir prob-- ...,,.. 6. other lt•ma . J'INJ: len1. However. the moat op Umi.- OOMDITION. Kar. 799-W. 66ctl lie of the auto manuf11cturera ) .... M.SftCVl'LY Monter11 bard top, J owner, u t ru. 6e pla1M. no -.. laJl SU~60 -t~I l&ata Ana. An., N'pt. Bch. LI l-!838 Wflflk ..,. nft.w I p.m. &8cU U..B-B«>'*-f o r Rent BALBOA. ...._. 6 SVa&e. con - venMD&l;J locaUd. Low year ro...S rmL Ownv l\t. 1, Box 801. llatnon. CalU. tip&& OQllONA DEL MAR tum. l rm. ...tt..,.. al IOI~· $715 ,-. a.-ll•a. att.moon. tic • GRAB IT QUICK! dOff not u:pttt to have can equipped with llUCh a devtce bo· fore li ::.I end wtleUier It will be poulbl• to lorca o'l'r?ltre of u-1 cara to ln1ta!l 11uch a d•Vlce le another quMtlon. Evt'n It It le pomlble and th• deVlce can be made cheaply en ough to be tn- etalled within the e ver•ge drlv· era caah nnge, the p rar• work ta likely to be l!"tupendou .. Another angl• <J! air pollution enforcement hat IH-en t umad up by a change In the law by tht rtc<lbt Jepiature, Sweeney feela. Under tbe old anforcement law It wu po9ible to a.neat a publlc em ployee It he w .. foW'ld break- lnr the ltw. even when dO Lfll' publlc "U)tk, By tl'lle provt.\on It ,... JIOMllW. \o ur•t a. Khool janitor f'1or tNmlnc f'tlf'U.ee with· out proper emoke oontrol and a t Uwi Rm• llme the p,....doanl of tile; bo&rd could be jallad. Thta F1m. th rlJIA, ••dterMinl for the ennni femllJ': '\'011'\l llav11 lhfl llmf' ol yuur IU"' \•tall.In& F11111t.ayland, Tomorrowlead, f 'roeUerland ,. =-:on e,. 111 hen:by g1 vtn that lht P lanning Co1nir11aa1on of \hr City ot Newport lJ.toach "''111 huld ll pubhc hea.rlnl on Lhe appl1 caUon of 1-J SM.ITH for • variance # 26\i t<) pcnnlt . The e.1ta1,11a11 1nenl of a fron l y1rd ••I-back 1 r11.{·t nf t he Paclfi.· Ol:ean ~ of F1vt (0') ft. Thta to be con•Hl,.red th" South,.,·r11terly bounl1ary of 11 parcel Jl~' " 102 86" on Int No .. 3 trAct Eulal(lfl Arll1111nn lo the J\alboa Tra,•t N oUr:e la hereby f\lrther g1 vrn tha t aa1d public hearing v.•111 be hrld on lhe 16th d &y of t'fh 19~. at the hour of 7 ·:!O PM ln the rounctl Chamber• of the N,.w. Sun day Dinners Blue Sea" Cinerna.Sco~ Color by Df'l~ux,. -P1Ull - Joan CoUio!I "The Adventures of Sadie" 2:00 P.M. PA RKING afa'r B LODGI .4N D l lSTAU14HT SUO\\'l'J-"CE or THE OOABT Styl e p.m. Show Fri d ay Styles ahown by Lile following : DAPELO'S -THEA TODD -ORlGINALS SHABARA -THE CARRIBEAN VERA WILLIAMS -JO EN'S HAZEL CRAWFORD HAWAUAN Special Dinner $2.50 mJrht be a h•rd•hlp tn "°"'' caa· 1~:::::::::::::~~:i:i~~~~=~~~::::;:;:::::;:;;::====:::::===;:;~:;:;:;:::::;::j l w \JO the l'flt..D who wae jailed. but lt 111t r esulta. .... BIG BOOM Cornw lllth and~ .. .,..,._ A WI' -11 1rJ 117 -wiU. a ~ tlYti room. ~ ......... ""' tor a ._Lor • naJ Mltat9 .....-. ~ tncir...tnr wttll. ~ rate hare In th1' .._. ... .,.,, ... ~In Qs111a MWL hr t.u.ir..-na- eom ...... m..t MU. -.U00- 1U "'1 fw ,..._..t., MICktaJI M.r-or ..... ....._ ltoom tor up&n11Son a.nd parltin&". Ln1erQ' !l-0791 after 6 p.m . or WHk-e.ndl. OPEN HOUSE BY OWNER sat. • 1wi .. ,.,b. 4 a a Noon t& e p. m, Under the new provt.&lon T\abbe b&8 to en}oln tht lllChooJ boa"1. or other pubUc commtaalon. Rnd an.-a Jot or lep.J Ju11"11DC' may .pt .-Ult,. 11.11d m ay not. but tn the mMDUme U.. bunalng !!:,..• on and UM IS!noS rel• lhlcke.r. Remember Miller Chevrolet Co. NEW OLDSMOBILES 19118 HOLIDAY OOUPE • HJ dll'Ml&He • Po'""" Bn.kN • Jh!hlse Radio • Afr Plow H.,.t • WW.. Walh • l ·ToM l'tJnL • \'IJ ~ket EnclM T·S61 For $2978 Full Price ..... NEW CHEVROLETS Ame rll'ft'• ;o..·o. I rar .,_,Id on lo .. ·-low 10.M.A.f '. IA181111. Hl,th,...t ~N" lnld,.. In._ Slod&ll prlOM 1tarl .. l•w .... • $1698 Full Price RiMDIBEK-NOBODV, Btrr NOBODY CAN M . .\JO; VOi i A ftt."l"I ER OF.Ar. ON A. s ·,;w CAR OR TRllCK -PLEA.Sf; COMf: IN ASO \'ISIT t iS SOON. MILLER CHEVROLET co . LI 8-2261 Whlle the oil 11.11d ru aaaocta · lion men were will1n,f to admit that ~lbly their (QOlln• haft .om•thlaf" to do wtlll ·th• sTtOf", lhey __.. 1t1ll potnunr • hea..-y Mnpr at U.. thou...IU of prl· n.La ~r&to1'1 that •nd lh•lr \illly1 blaaLa vt. amolle Into th • f air and .unJ\)'" llk.y. n. nitlnUY ~ al&Un to have aptnt 126.000.· 000 maltlnr thf'lr plan~ pur1 and or OOW'N tho-re la MOm• room ror Lmpronm.01 In 1..oHne di..U1- buUon. but tho.. blck ya.rd In· 1 d n411'9lon -U!ty a nl BAO. tlwi 1000 W. COAST HIWAY., Nt~'PORT Rt:Al'll nll lndu11tr\· "l""kramnt c<Jnlend L--------------------------------------------' Mesa+./ I • ' NOW !lllOWINO ,\ho 11.\:-0't. I l.1'KK '" "The Tou9he>t Man Aliwe" "The Littlest Outlaw" ('HA Kl."l'C)!\ llE!'ITO~ Jt t.Jt: Jt llAM ~ "The l'rlwar. War of Ma jot lenson" ' L I D 0 74u.t~• t:::NDS SATUROA l ' llA.KKARA HTAS"'l '(;K l''Hr:J) MM:M URRA \' JOA.N et:s·~·l':TI' "There's Always Tomorrow" 'f(_I~ ,. ('l "HT IS "The Square Jun9le" Kid'• Mlt Sat. 1;45 BOB HOPt; -l\ISIJ CR088\' "Road to Bali'' ··~ Mf"ltl \ l 'Al.110 1 ~ ''Red Sundown'' for the ~r ,.,,_ SEE YOUR DOCTOR . HIE KNOWS BEST Don't rLli k y o ur health on h1t-0r-rn.iB1 hon1£· remed1et1. 1·our doc tur knows bet>t bow to J1a.gn~ and treat your part1cula.r case l3rtng h.us pretK:np tlona t-0 u11 for preeiaton oomJK>Undi ng from quality pharm11.ceutic als. NOW AT OUR LARGE STORES PASADENA & SANT.A AN.A • PASADENA 121.S E. Wolnut St. SANTA ANA 2204 S. Moln St. OPEN MON. l.AIBECUES SY. 2-21)6, IY, 1.I067 1(1 ....... ,. 5.2719 A ND F~I. EVE. ASHVICE~ TO ALL Of SOUTHERN CALlfOllNIA Alonj!: hu nd~1 of highway miln ~ Redland J, Sa n Bernardino and 1ht-ocean, and frorn San Fern•ndo Valley 10 BelbOtl ... Metro icheduln acne thou.and• of p111tenge~ 1-icrt ire 130 rown• a.nd chic1 w here fas1, ec:ooomicel 1r1n1poruuion it 1vailable fof youf tnvel comfor1 ind con•nien.ce. ·-· ·~~ ... _...; ... ......... 1 .. ........... ··-h -a.i.1-·~ -h " a.11f1 ....... a.1-~· v.-.. ......... llllh h~ -.,_, __ -·~ -· ~:::t:.-:. Cle...-• C-·-· Cl•"•-,_ ~ ,_ , __ c ... -... c .. 1 .. ., "'• METROPOLITAN \~LINES I • -• " ' • CLOSt.: QUARTf~RS T bing8 were pretty exciting ea t he Len PC cl&BB entries got under way during t he Winter Senes at Ne"J>ort Harbor Yacht Cl ub la.st week · end. W1n n1:r u1 lhu; chun1, "''hich was one of fi \•e with an entry of 37 boat11 total, wu Balboa. YC'1:1 crack skipper D1Lk De a ver and hi• Challenge. ALWAYS · ACTIVF..7 -." The et"er-preeent Lehman cla.a• \\"a& one or rive which raced the Winter Series at Newport Harbor YC ia.st week-e nd with NHYCs Nancy Corkett again leading t he fieet hom~. S~er&.1 other claucs turned out at Balboa YC to compete in this annual oo-11poDW.1red event. -Beckner PhotO!'I Miller Named LOCAL ANGLERS PLAN He~ of su_b-MAZATLAN TOURNAMENT Mariner Unit M.a.r.allan haa ~n choeen •JO On one of lhe tournarnf!nt rL11h· • Newport Harbor'• Su b-Mariner• lh1 .acene ot the 11th InlernaUon· in&' da y&, AptH 11·20. 11.dy ang· !eCt thel.r ik!p-dlvin&' 1ear at horn• a l LL&"h t T ackle Tournament. l ltr11 w ill ha vf! f111l crack 11t the Salu.td&y nltht wban U11y att.nd· •p>nklf'lld by the Balboa AnaHng bo:.t pool. ed ' their annual award• dinner Club, April lft-19. The deadllnf! tor team entrlell .11.nce u the C&pl1trano Beach· Mautla.n, 1144 mllea from Lot! and r .. ,, 11 Feb. 10 l!!a<:h club en· t.'Omber'I Club. An(9le1, WU cbo.en thla yeu'e tering L'\e toum&n1 .. nt wtll be r&- a..urtq prMld.nt Robert Clark. lourn&mient 11tte becaute It t1 quired to ente.. ll fl.Ill S·mlln An&halm. tntroduced new ottlcers known aa 0 'lhe .-reate•l acceu lble team. Allf!rn11t "ft m11,v l:H! "ub•tl· John Miller, Ba lboa, preatdent: Blll-Fllh 11pot In the world." tuted for lnr·ap11rlt•t,.J tee m Rlair Bmllh, s~L& Ana, vice-pre•-Thi!! mld·Aprll date w ... choaen mflom~ra. Ldent ; Mary Kay Tttue. 1&1:ntary. beceuftf' both Marlin and Sallt lah and John llhtan1 Jr .. lN!UUr<!r. Thi dlnner-danea broucht to • clOM a JMr of llkln-dtvtns and to mark th• ocouion tropht• were pr.anted lo mem~ who re(lt- tered tilt• l&rywt rtah. a b&lona, lobat.•r and non • edlb1'1 t\lh In li66. ea.t.a Mu&'• Don Harper r.-. celved a trophy In the non-«:llble ttah cat•JOTY wlUi a !8-lb. "'lec- trtc ray apeand ott th• M~h at Corona del Mar. Th• ia,...t edible n1h 1wan1 wu ,.tven to Clarll who .,.,11hed In ~ IS·lb. 1heepebe&d l..t. Ct.11. A 10 ~-In. red abalon• copped the abalone trophy tor Smith. Mn. J ohn Millar, Balboa, wu glvf!n th• women"• yearly trophy ror the lartreet f!lh. She 1!onned h,.r diving ll'e&r on Dtc. 31. ju1t befo re tha cleadllnl, and produced 11. l ·lb .. 3-o&. buttflrn1outh pcrt'h. 1pe&Nld Ju•l off Corona dtl 1'111.r. Club memben who tailed to mall• th• Dec. 31 dddllne ltlll had a chance to win a trophy. Club rnembe.._ voted on lh• reel· ••ent or th1 ''h&rd luck " trophy at th• dlnnar. nu. trophy wu won by Bob Cn.n•. HUntlnaton Beach, who wu Injured In an auto a.celderit re- ~anuy. Nut m"tlns of the club wtll be hald Sunday et 7 :30 p.m . 1n lha Tar Pit. Herb 8amP90n. CoeL& M-. w111 •how fllm• ot undarwa ter 1kl11dlvtna-. Pereon• J.n. terMted In aktndlvlnr •re In vited to attend th1 meetln(, MtUer Mid. John Schick , Santa Ana , WQft the elub'I photography rontll.lll. lhow· a r .. plentltul at lhat tlme._ Earlier In the eeaaon. it'a m<'!IUy Marlln. Lat.er tll• S&Ufiah take ovf!r. But In 1nld·A prU Utey're both ther .. IN CHA&Or:. Reaervatlona, &Jniarty cloeed. &r• ln charre ot H orace Wither· epoon. tourn&ment c h a \ r m 1 n Wltherapoon II al.to pruldenl of the IntemaUonal lJ.&"ht Tack · le Toumament A.uocle tlon. Aprll 14-1~ are .chllduled for pre·tournam .. nt t t1hlng a1 fer 111 a 'l'&ilablllty ot boat.I innnit11 and Aprll 20 L• eet tor poet to11rn11- m1nt Clahln(. unleu the tourney runa ovf!r Into lh1tl day. r..ou TonneM>n 11.nd Bob Murphy. Ml1-11 Tonn-=i.n w111 formerly a11 - 1K1Ci&led with Mona"1 c>t Bev,.rly Hilla snd brin111 1•:lth he1· 11 we11.lth o r exp .. r1Pnre In prov\(l1ng 11. line ot co11h1m .. jPwelry, ntllt"i- nala, Import. and iewale!I 11ceee- 10rl•• lncludlnr jeweled ba.r• . Mllrphy h.&I operated lhe Sautll Lacuna Time Sho p tor a rd.unbf>r ot y.an and ...urea Harbol-t..re11. ruldenll of r1l1abla watch repalr- ln,g-wtJh morf! lh1n 2:1 year1 e:.:- pertanca. ln addSUon to r...palrlns:. Murpby wfU preaent a lln• of nne watche. and dlamonda e t 'lllf! Jewel Bo:.. HA .... Ql.t-:T An lntunnMI b11nq1.1rt .,..\l J hor hl'ld April 111 In the Belmar HO· •cl. nfflclal tuurn•rnenl headqu•t· t.el'9, •t the end of th .. tourn<1y tc p~•tent trophl'"• A burr .. t dinner .and co.::ktaH pA rty la 1eheduled tor Aprll 17. Maa>1 tlan'1 P 11.c\flC" 811.llrtih av- •r•&"e I.I approx1 mat~ly 90 to 100 pou nU.. The •triped Marlin a re l'lO to l :U. roundl'i nn t he •'"'"'If'· P Artlclpet1n1t 1n the tourna· m enl In lhfl put have IM>e.n JU\&· llnll' club1 rn1rn Mw Yo rk. Rhode 11'!.!a "d. Florr1111, f"'lbll, Cl.nad•. P uerto Hico, Mex iro. Wa3hln(lon. O.C .. T cxaa, and Bahama Illlantl1, in a dultlon to olh"r Callfornla clubl. @!fiJ SOUTH COAST CO. MARINE INSURANCE Smoot., &t.Wll&' O!lborne-Forton Re&Jty Co. Ul.J \\'. coe,1 Jt lah,.·a,r 1.lbPrt !J. '~ Harold I. John•on f•ro1 .. 1tar Kt>pal._ <.;nlurnbl&n IUld f'"f!deraJ ' A.&°Prt<')" f'hoR.• flarbor 41t0 Ziii i \01\la "'a y. :'11•"-pt>rl Beach !~ 1Cn•en11.da Bay dur1n« a 1lorm. 1 ~============="'~''"',-------------: The Jewel Box to Open Here 11'<1bn 1ary I ht.1 b""" 11e1,~t ,.d 111 thf! openln11 day of • no:-w 11hop tn Corona 1\f!I Ill ar fonocaat1nc 11 1pa.r1t l!ng •11.pll )' nf qu111lty ,,...,. .• •lry In add!Uoo to rf!h11.ble walr h repair 11erv\C't" Th• Jewel Bo,c, 27 :M I:. Coaal. HIJhllhy. will br" unlff!r the 111n1 arMlp and m&11Areni.•nt ot M&r)' ssss -~ LOU REED'S-LUCKY IUCKS! ! ~ ''""· 30t .. -......... , «~ I It you dtive ll 191'13 Chevy h&rd ·top, 1n 1ood ron<lJUon, 1. Lou R re<l w!ll Al!Qw up to Si.600 tor II ."" a '!16 \hryaler \.\'Ind"°'° IW.nl\"p: Tha t"& S100 In Lt:CKY Ut:CKS, l.., put . ha. It Ill \'()U I '"ll'IY bank . f t'\lt tlLll. out a.d brin,-It "'·llh youi 1.01 IU'..t::D a A ~M.N !lATt"~• -1100 "'· Coaat H'"'J· (1rlryMo-r -1"11"ft')utlll .t lmpt"rlal -I.I ll·IW BALBOA ANGLING CLUB GIVES YEARLY AWARDS MARIN.E NEWS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I PA6E 5 FRIDAY, FElll.UAll.Y ). 1'56 l'Nslcl1nt Curt Doih,. New Board lllltalled ill Ar..MICll Seision .. Dining room of the beautiful Clock Country Club nlll.T Whll · tier wu packed lo capacity "'1· day nlcht whm mambu• of Bil· boa Angllnc Club and their .,._u met tn a.nnual ..ualon. Awarcb for tbe yM.r 11166 wen prf!H:ftlt'd and otttccr1 for the yeu-l 9M were INttJled. Curt no.h ... urned the role ot preQdent Ml It W1U Vl&C&ted by F'red H ersh.om. Other oNlcel'9 Mrrin&" tor Ule oomll\( J t'llr ar., nnt -nc.-Pf"lllldent, Ray DUte; MC- ond l'tee-prefliden.l Horace WU.her· apoon; and t re-urer, Key Dooley. OtfieeT• appointed by the board of dtreeton are. .ecretary. lAe J on.-; weighm.Nler Bert Steck; wetehmaater Andy Bird; bi.tor· 1.a..1a J . e . McNally and rrana CrQCker; public r.,1.&tlon1 officer I!:. C. Van D ame 'T'o«•ther wtlh the om cera th• to1Jowin£" are nirm· ben of tllt builrd or d!rt·t'tora. C . M Beebe, Pepito P<'r,.z, Harry J tloi:;era, Jo'ore1l G. Smith Jr .• :\'l • <"llA .\tl'ION .-.o (·h•l> ··l1afn p1un .,..u •let .. r- irun...J ll1111 y .. a r So. lne l '11y <.<f :x~wpo1 l !.!ea< Ii trophy wlll be l1eld ov .. r Un lll nei<t year. 'l'ToptHe• aa follows were 1>1'11· 1.,nl<td Li;,. the w1n11t•rs narnf'd Junior Trnph1~~ 1 lo!low1d t'y wui.nar • .,.,..,111J1t. t&cklir J . Clock Trophy, l..arg,•t ,_t11.r Lln tlkPn by a J unior. 1 Snn or ctau!fht,r ot a rn"'n1t.er 1, Marvin t.:an~ll 1!1111., Lt ; 811! J'•l{I{ Truph)', U.r .... t MarUn by a J unior ( l"Plnt Sy a- t em,, M~n Garrell. llO..,, t..L. 1178 point:11 •, K1rh11.rd Hehr ai.o lvvk a -,.1,ul111 12'i, "" ~IN lum Ta~le. Annu.a.I Trophle11 ( followf'd by tackle, winner and .,. ... 11t;ht l L&'•t Croaker, 9th or le111, l.Q•';:;Hop- ton. :i/11 '~. lo.g'1t Rik S il&H, Harold \l/QO<Ja, 1~. Lc•l \\. Sea Baaa, 3 Th. fJaJ Gre!tenberic. 32. lc•t \\'ht. Sea Ba.all. 3/6. \\' F Roblnaon. 31, 2nd Lc•t \Vht Sea Bau, 3/6. \\° F H.ob1nMin. 28. (2nd Lpt \Vht Sea Bau 3/6 w aa a llfl bet ween Alan Lil S11.voy IUld R'Qb- lnM;on. Roblnaan waa awa!ded. Lhe trophy ~ .. u.,.. hi• flah waa1 t1ken cm 11.n ..... rUcr d1te than Al&n Le S avoy'•!. 4:'lll \\'lit s .. " Bua, U 11ht. !Ji~k l:reeley. il/13 1~ ~OKt: Wl,._-!'OE.Jt,.,. 2nd L11t Croaker. 11th or 1 .. .,. F'. E . Moor.,, 15/3 'i'J . 2nd l...f{1t Wht Su Ba.u. Lil!;h t. ltt11rtin V, Smith, 33. 2nd 14-t Vellawtall. U1rht , Mar- Un V. Smith, lt /12: 2nd Lff•t V1l- ICUllT DOfiH ....... , P'eb. s 81.turdl.7 l'eb. 4 Sunday ...... ....... , F eb.• .... ....., ..... ' W-y ...... 2:17 L m. 4:1J p.Dl. S:27 LP\. t :l:I p.m. 4:11 a.m . 7:11 p. m. -':Sf. a. m. 7:f.f. p.m. 1 :20 a. m. l :OI p. m. 1:&8 a.m.. 1 :33 p. m. 7:J l a.rn 1:53 p. m . Thuraday J'•b. • nur FULL QlJAJlTE& MOON F eb. 19 Feb. ~ Ba.M. Lt. 43 13~; Sma.lle11t Alhlr.- oore 9t.h or Leu . Bob Sc.ot1eld 6 -.:; 41'.•L SpQ/1. }'Wl ou :>¢n111nt Tackle, Lily Call 37ft ~.1 \Vht.Sea lowtall, 3/8. Dora V&ll Dame, 11/3; Ba.ii ; L«•l Ye.JloW\.tJJ, U ght, Violet l...(at i'i&h on Rod A: Reel, Joan Reuland-Marlin 173 \,; 1-t;•t Fi~h ~lethen. l3. Lg1t Yello.,.•ta U. 3/6, ii: (' Yan llanie. 18/3; l...g•l Yel· on Ll(ht Tackle. Jerry Garreu ICl\*o't.a!l, rrh, .h: c Yan Dame, M.ulln 168'11 : Lc"lt M.arlln J.1.gt1 t 16 l~. 2nd 4:'•1 Yel!owtul, 3 T h. Tacklt. Jerry G.arr<"!t 16$•,, 1.g~t ..: c van lJa111,.. l~/8 ; Lgltt Tuna, r un" Light ·ra("kl•, L J \\' .. ~t, .. , h· J,6, N. R. l-lcCoy S r., 14/6; l.gst er l~/ll~ NEMBLK Turul, Ughl, L. J . Woetbe<:.her, J l.~/ll'l!I; Jo'1 ret 'I'un• ot Seuon. 't'rJ)elUttl. L1;1n A!baC!.lft', Licht. Burr H' 8 SttWllf't, Aue-. 20; 2nd l-4{9l \\'htt,. 27 '''~: Zn·l l..g•t Alb.tl rore, 3/6 Tuna. Ji. B. Ste-.rt. 12,J I J,15, BUfT Whitt>, 24 . l..g'lt Alt.a. l"!t•l AlbacOr<!, J'iarry lto11•ra. ~"Q re, J,15, Uelly Ke.noyeT. 24/"ll; Jun.e 21 ; Flr•t 3/1 Marlin, J l•<H1 2nd 1-4!:'.llt AlbllC"Ore, U c ht, P . Fred Locke. Sept. 17; t..rg:Ml Marlin j J uhn8<ln . ~•1••-,; Lgwt Alln.<:ore, 3/6, J . Don l..oe.ke, 138/6; ~'1nit 3 Th, J.ferle Afflt>rbaugh. 2~ 7: Marhn of Seuon -PerpetuLI ''.d , _, Al'· 3 Th M••lo Jarry G .. n•tl. Aug_ 19. La1Ke•l ....,... .,,.cure. , Artlert.au&h. 19/11 ; Marlin Llg-hl Tack l• -J,.rry G•r· 2nd l..git Tuna. Urht. Do rl • rett. 188\.li , ltOnla ture ot 111 M•r· Powirs, l t/10; Ull, Jerry Garrett; P'lTlt Mem~r to Q\1.1.llry fl'lr MAKJ..IN WlSNERS Club Champlonahlp Tournament. I.cat J.ta.z-Un, llea vy. JOM.n Reu· Bl.II Bun!. AUj'. 3 ; :ind Lc•t \\'ht !and, 173..,,; 2nd I..c-t tttarlln, Sea Baal, Bill Burd, 24110; Otller llM vy, Ka lhryn O u dner, 137; meniberl to qualify O.Or\1 Van [..jfl l M.ulln. M .. dium. Earl J ohn-Dame, Gene V1.n Diune, tt.rry 110n J r .. 16i ; 2nd Lc•l M.&TU.D, Med· Rot flrs. MJch&al Smlth. tum. Marvin Garret t, H'I; 2nd Het wl Gi&Mu wa.. preHnted by Lcwt M:atlln, Llg'ht, Marvtn Oar-1'rthur Bard to de termine win ner rtll, 160"1o ; 8 nu.Jle1t Marlin, Open, ''Runner Up" pr11fl. J llck E l Uaon, 117 ; !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;; I Spott11m1n'1 Gulde Trophy rrol- low .. d l>y .,..1nnf'r, bOat and dale 1 l'lr•l Marlin ot 8e&.90n by a mem· t>er Ch&rter Boat, Jiru Donnelly, !:Harftre. Aug-30. Spec.I.al trophlea {and w1nn<1r l: lit .Member to break a Club R .. r ord. "'Dick " Greelf!y. (Wllt. ~a Jim's Muff!... Shop l.Jberiy l-6'J44 !101 w. Cout 11"'·1 · :O..'ewport lkiM:h Nl«lll1 Harbor IHll-l { Jerftct bomt Jltbtlopment) In lti. --· unMnlad l'"•"Y wnodo only 11 aunpu1 .tmolpl-. cen ol'°', y..,. H.u.a::mn ..,._ ...W rdltd durinl doe yea.. to -your w-e.r ~ tutt. ~ -...,, ,_ t..d _. ... kW ..cttDg for the tranquil 111 .. you ...-for u 2.T u u u 3.1 ,_, '-' u '-' '-' u ... ••• -,_ 1:61 .. m. 1:11 p. m. 11;a L ~ t :d p.m. lJ:SI p. JD. 11 :10 p.m.. 1:06 p.m. ----··-·····-O:OT &. m. 1:)1 p.m. 0:60 .. m.. J:o'I' p. m.. l :M L ~ 2:11 p. m.. • -l .I u .... ... ... ... O.l ... --0.2 .., ....... l.I --0.> LA8T QD.u.TE& !"lb. s !<SW llOON Feb. 11 No Outboard MMw Thd t of _a.a outboard motor I from th.I!! p.n.re or M r.. l.. F Pomeroy. 132 Via wu1 .. rs, waa ' r,.ported lo pollce Wedn .. act11y Mrs. Pom<1roy, Mid the bur1l•r)' 1 n1ay have oc~unf!<l •buut th,. t1•"l week ln J~u•ry but !!he dl<1 nr•l dllCOV&r lt unUJ )'t•lerday I ON A NIW 'S6 JOHN50N SIA·HOISll Yow old oorboud i1 wortll •-#JI Le1'1 caUt .. tnd.i.i:i." 00 • 1parkliar ••• ''6 }ob..uoa. Nlae sr•r model•, J ro }0 bp1 South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at Uni SL Hubor'800 • I. ... ' uO IUSOn ,., .• , .. , ~ IOI OIPINDAltLlfY i-n-... ... ..,.... ...... Barbor ,,,6 N_,.on~OaW. ,,_,...., ... )'OU!" lmni)y. • _, ... ..... .... a romw. an 1-n, _._a itaop. ptDs -*""· .moolslot aD ..... ~ "all ~tima--cbe. "Bat Tn H...u: CoM•••T f'llDDPl:aa ... mw;:k -II ~ In • fuB tile tbaa dM. ftM~ IK'llilin. For mat .-, ,.-11 hd In~~ En.l-ra • latl!• pl1~1te l'f'Cnlltkl<i uea. Halt'- o.1 Pan.-pa.,,t, with~ Lit- .. i...p. bnebttl put, pkDc IJ"Olf"'dl, .._.,. and hndbal ooarb, ud rwlmmlA& pool-all b the l:l[Ckaah•e ~· J - ___ ..., -,_ ... ._ I ... •••aa. -..... ---·-- 4-ACBE UCIUTIOI Pill Fil llSll!ITS IODOD ------.,.._ -MD _,_,., ~ ,,_,, .. ......, HALEcRE 0 sT Campus Estates IN ""'Utl~l COIT& WH,A --M.io-I a.1 .. A- ....... .---~-I ~-l,.,...._ U-.y ...,_ _ .. _.,._ .... I "" ..... --·-ACll -"°· _ ..... r.a1 IQ."-·--.... -_.. _...,_ Roy Cai we1 7 PoNTIAc · Now 1956 Catalina Hardtops Coupes or Sedans All Fully Equipped with Radio Heater Hydramatlc Tubeless White Walls & Maay Others Only •295 Down LOWEST BANK OR GMAC TERMS NOTlllNO ELBE TO PAY! c-In Today to Your Local Harbor A!"H D ... i.r Open Eves. 'tll 9 p.m. Roy Carver PONTIAC 1400 "". c I llSf Hwy. ....... rt leach Liberty .. 346, ... n ·Gxcepf ' . ,.AGE 6 • ,AltT I FRIDAY. 'FEBRUARY l, 1'156 1'GOd -9'•nt u' fh. ••Wfy to accept the thinqs we cannot chang•: the c.ouroge to chanq• the thinqs. we cor. end t!'e w.ildo!n to know the diflenmce.':. (A.-"''""'~-· ·-•-- ~-·--_E:.fU_T:.O-R-1-A-L .S.----- • 'Unified School District i 'Proposal Found Wanting On the rroet ,.._ of thi.e i.-ue of your New.-Preu Lo a ot<>ey whidfl ...talnoted with the Coata w ... School hoe.rd. The request ot the board ls a very frank, di-~Uy put requeet to the Orange County Committee on School DWtrlet Orp.nlaation eeeking tho "unification" of the ca.ta MM& School Diatrict witb Newport Beach Elementary School Diatrict, and perhaps both with the Newport Harbor Union High School Dll:lrlct. Superin.t.mdeD.t Everett Rea of the ea.ta Meu Elementary School Dl8trict wu moat forthright in h.iJ! atatementa to the school boa.rd membera when be &a.id , i ''The Newport Bea.ch people ~ not going to like 1t. ! We have to think. of ou.nieJve1 a.nd our children. I've l been in th1a uea 26 yean a.nd I've alway• felt the only tolution to the achoo! problem ia unification." We recommend to your car6ful 11tudy M r. Re.11.'11 prementa.tion to h.1.1 boa.rd. We commend to the people of Lhe (;1ty of Newport Bea.ch m pe.rt.Jcular and lo the people u( Coeta MetJa a U.O certaJn other facts which we w ill herewith &et forth. l'i.ratJy the pop ulat1un of Newport. .Beac.b 10 the lat.eet apecia.I cenaua WIUI lLated u 18,Ml : that or Co.ta Me.a 17,320 : Newport Beach diltrlct bu a.n ••eeued valuat ion of $56,31 9,330 : Costa Mesa d istrict b a 111 uaeaeed valuation of .$22.437,560. Newport Bea.ch ha• ~ 1ebo0l ch1l~n. Coeta Mesa 375-i. Ct>eta MM& now Ket.a fron1 the State ot Califorrua 1 more lhan $689,872.58 annually u a destitute IChool d1a- tricl, n ot coW1ting building loan aunu. Newport Beach paya ln -.n amount three times u g reat . lf lhe two ayat.eml we re one, there wo uld be nothing coming from the State of Ca.lifomia Lo a desUtute dia:trict . Newport Be&ch would atill pay all il bu been paying, plu.11 a proportio~a.te ahare for Coat.a Meea, plUA picking-up a..nd paying what Coeta Meea. bu been receivm,. Before Cotlta Meu. wu lJlcorponi.ted a.a a ci ty ma.ny meetings were conducted, atudying a propol!ed merger of the achoo! 1ystema a.nd the are-. into one body i politic. Alter many aeaaioDa held under the aU9pica ot the jointly usembled .cbool truateea, together with .a-ca.Jled "civic leaden"' of bot.l:a eo.ta Mesa and New- port Beach, a propoea.I wu ma.de that the entire prob- lem be put before the people. lt wu propo.ed in good faith by the Newport Bea.ch me.mbera of the committee, including lhe writer and aeveral memben of the New· port Beach Elementary School Diatrict Board a.nd at least t wo Newport Beach cjly councilmen, that the en- ti re a.rea become one and that &JI politic.a.I ent.Jt1ea be merged. The air became blue. "'Oh, the big grab." Everett Rea, who now M:bool.e, wu ol'.le of thoee. Wd in subst.a.nce : Costa Mesa. memOOn ea.id proposes the merger of the 1n the atudy ae&&iona. He "l do not believe tha t Costa Meaana; want to get rid of their schoot. badly enough to loee their identity." The Colla Meu achoola problem ia not a new one. It bu existed for many year11 . Their plight prove. the wisdom of N e wport Bea.ch Qty Manager John Sa..tlon e.nd that of the entire city oouncil when th.ey have re.fueed to annex mlllly areu '4-the City of New- port Beach be-Ca.use it was their conlel'.ltlon lhci.e anu would never pay their way in the city. Costa Mesa did annex them. Certainly everyone in Newport Beach iR 1ymp1.thetic toward the pro blem of lhe Costa Mesa. .chool8 •)'Blem. But it wou1d perhaps be more sound for the school official& to propoae that all o f On.nge County, includ- ing Huntington Beach and their oil wea.llh, Anaheim and It.a industry. Fullerton and its rich hill country o f ca.tly homes -and oil be one die:t.rict tor "standard; i&ed educatiol'.I in the entire !:OUnty ;'.:..than so bluntly to endeavor to 1uckle onto t he purse of a neighbor. Mr. Rea ii proposing, on behalf of his 8Ch OOI board and citizens, a. rather queetiOnable marriage. He pro- po#C8 the exilllence of love and need of joint tenantry without the decency of marriage. There il!I a song, cur· rently on the hit pa.rade. dealing with the subject which we. r«ommend for the enjoyment of all. There la l'.IO doubt but what the destinies of New- port 8eacb and ea.ta Kcaa &l"f: parallel. We are to- pther in the hich echool district. We are ln the aame judicial U>wnahlp. OUr police &Dd fire depertmeou coopU.te complet.e?y. H~. we feel that for the rreatat good of all concerned. DOJI" and ill the fublre. that any at.udy of a propoul for unJtlc&Uon of any portion of entitie9, .ibould include an oven..1.1 at:udj. The auumption by one of only the burdeu of the other would lead to cooatant wr&n1LinC and bitt.tt- neu. Together a brilliant future can be painted for all the are.a which will genen.te only pride a.nd eatilltaction. The payment o f "a.Jimo~y" by Newport a.ch for the 1upport of Coe:ta Meaa'• cbild.reD will generate no more sa.tWaction. good will or bappineM than &ny other separate maintenance or divorcement lbat we . have heard about. ' -BEN REDDICK Council Candidates Lacking in Newport as Mesa Ha s 4 P o ilt1ca.I intere•t In Newport Beach a.pparently ia wa ning iJ the lmmed1ale lack o f filrnga for three city council post.a i.8 any indicat ion. While Co~ta Meea'a three councilmen up for re..election announced t hey would file for their poet.a and a fourth c1t1z.en announc· ed himaelf for council, no f ilings of council nom1na t1on papera were forthcomjng in Newport. Beach a.s of yetterday. Councilman C. A. H igb ie annnunl"f'd he would nnt seek re-election. Hia confreres. Gerald Bennett and Lee Wilder, aa..id they a~ t rying to decide if their bua.i - neaa pursuit.fl will allow thf'm to seek a.notht-r term. The~ have been rumbling• of llO and BO being interested in the council r.ce bere but ao far no person ot stature bu come forward. It is & sad commentary on our loca..I .1eene when a city of thi.a &itt, populated .sufficiently by electon of proven probity a.nd intelli- gence, not to mention th0&e who a.re financially inde- pel'.ldent, bu few if a.ny, ree.dy to 1lep forward a.nd • otter hia aen•icee. Newport Beach, about to atep into her golden year u a municipality, need& -!Orward·looking, con.11tructive council mem hen who wUJ be able to devote their time to this city'• present and future ~!fare. We ha.ve many problem.. u a municipal corporation whic.h couJd w e ll tax 110me o r lhi.a city'e beet minds. W e nttd. coun· cil members who have the time a nd interest in Newport. Beach lo aerve their city with the.ir best atforta. We w ill admit there i.11 1dight recomperu1e to theee future council membeni other than doing a job for the community t hey love. But then, c(vic leadership is a reapon.ibility whose accomplishme~t lihou.1d be in It- self sufficien t reward to the coW1cil members who give of themselves to make Newport Bea.ch an even better city. Thoae who a.re no w con11idering filing for New- ;x>rt Bes.ch city council J>OBla 1hould be honet!lt with themse.lvea a.nd their city. U they do not hAve the time &nd interest to put in plenty of boura per week as council memben they llhoul.d not t068 their bat.s in lhe ring. City government here is: a fairly full ·t ime job for council members if they keep in touch with the many face.ta of municipal growth. The city needs tlle beet candidalel available to serve the four-yea r terms of these lhree council posla now open. Nomination papy::a~uat. be filed by Feb. 16 at noon with the city clet"k. -Those penlOna who have ability, Lime and interest for the jobA should come forward for the fu. Lure of Newport Beach. AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C, MacARTHUR SACRAMENTO. !CNS) ~ It you l\vl! In • ··i...rsel"" u'•· do you knQw how to l"'t oul In the !!vent It t1.c tuaJly beeomu • tar- get ~ Thi• ls • (eooi! que.Uon at the pnRnt time, aa .everaJ •tale 11.nd feder .. 1 ~Ct• ha,,.. eomblned to keep the but nacuaUon routu rrom the WS't u.... a matter over to lhe San F'TanclM:o office, which 11 a rel(lonal office. ln a hurry The 8 1.11 F'Tanclaco of- fice 8,dvl11ed the w ire 11ervlce tha t It could not rele1111e the report. and turn@<! the ma tter ov"r to th• head office In Wl.Ahlngt.on. D. C. ---------------,,,---------------·I M<Cret from t h• irene.ral public. The head office of public rotlda In Whblng-ton, howl!ver. nld lhe report had been eomplted for eonv-. and the.t It wae up to Conc"rffl to relell8e Ula lnfo rma - Uon lh1nln. i . I BARBOR P_Ress Formerly th• N_,.ort-Balbo& Newa-T\me• -4 tM Newport...Balboa Pr-. A. Da; &ntered u Beoon4...0U. Ma.tter al U11 Po.lotttot In Newport Beach, QUltonai& w:.dlr tb• Act of NM"Cb I, 11711. Several day1 aro. one of th• wire n-a Hrvicea tn Baer.men· to noted • paragraph tn the monthly clvU def-report to aov.mor a o o d w l n J. Knlaht. whlch l&ld the atata dlvinon of blch-Y• had completed a report on "e .. eu&t:UX! route1." When th• wtni Hrric• 80U(ht to obt.aln the niport from clYll ddenM omclalll. tt waa Informed by St&nlt!')' P1er.on, •tat.cl direc- tor, that the report Wllll tn the hand• of the dlvl•on of htp .... aya. ~Yl!ral omctai. In the dl'11!on .;_-,~~~!:~:;~~~~~:::~:5~=~:~~~::;;;;---1 ot hl(!'lway1 .,.ere checked, 1.11d PO"O ,....,.. Or.W.taiida.jr ... r..._,.bJ~ the ball ultlmately resched MiiWP<o.T ........ l'UBU8BDfQ OOMPA.NY l"rank B. nun ... all.ta dlr.c:lot Dtl ...... 8tY<L. ASWl'Vli'I B&A.G'll. a.uD'. "'-Rartlor ltlt of pubUc worka, wtio In olher In· 1t.l.!lcea ~ mLDalC'ed to keep ~E~y~.,.~~,.~·~·~·~·~~·~-~·~,~·~·~·~-~-~~AA~~·~·~·~~~· ·~,.~~.t~All~::·~-~~ 1 public lnformatkm from ow, pub-..._., ... I u "" ~et <>ruip o.. • Mu. N .. A.-n1a uc. f Durkee announ~ thal th• di· : ·--Ollatw• x ... ,..,.. ..... t • ~-"I ' . ,.._.. ........,, A clattl-viaion had completad the "port y t 11 J ~ ~ N... llerYb ror the clvU def~ deput.ment... . , BD' ltm>DJCIC, P\.TB.l.l8BJaR WU"J4 M: A.. MOU:S, Dlttor , O!UIOND &. ltOUNTl\mE. .A.d~ Direct~ CRA.fU..EB A.. .A.JUIB'JRONO, Kechanklal 8'&pert.zitendant Stl'lliMlluP'ft1' &A n:tf; N-..n llar'ttow N_.p.,_,, Trt·W,,..-17 ~ OJ'MC'e ~ ..... .-,..,-: ta.et .ill -.: 11..H Uu'f!te-. ; oe...._ ol o.-.. C..•t,-11 .ee pr.r ,_,. and nituaoed to petmlt reporter. to -a oopy Q( Ula report.. Checklnc •l&ln witb ciY\I 0.. r-. the w ire ftt"Vlc• wu In· rormed tilat the report had .-one to tha burea u or publlc r-c.da, a fedenl -.cancy. which had r.- qiif.ated It t=-i th• t1t11t ptac•. 1ll-e 100'•1 en1lnl'!'l!r fa r lh1 r•a-.. nt pubhe rllfl\la 1uml!<I ... '"' Tbat>e th• matter re1i.. unUI .omeon• m11.nag-e11 to convince • ConJt'l!ll(lm•n lhat t h e report m., be ln1porlant for th,. well- being of the ~plt> o f Ca!i f•1rni 11. parllcularly tho~e llvinit In tht> '"taq;:-et'" 11r'"R"', 1n th,. PVt>n l •'1 ""cu11Uori •~ n,...!"~J<arv r.t e•n· whtle, ~ho;iuld ~Uc h lln ,.,:l'nt <H'cUr. the p!!<!ple prnb11hl y will he f'X· pe<:ted to iret out lri \he bt>tt way poaelblP "'"Hhnut Any d1r~Uve plan, ""•th re•ull11nt J•m·upa 011 the hlghw•ya, and J>OM\ble lo.1 of life. Then t oo, l h • n.port. ma7 amount to nothln1 al all. Even if It doe11i"l. It never w .. cll•lflM u "eecret'", the lndlv!dU•I• who prep&rtil tl 'IVl!re not chl!Cke"d for "a.ecutity"". and there 11 ppear1 to ba no aound Qr h<lne•l rraaon ror the bu"aucraU lo w1Ulhold U'le lnf<lnnaU6n l'T"Orn the pubHc. ft ll thl• type ot operation Wtl.lch Cl.UHi U'le f"'<•ple to' loee conl1dence \n roqmmenl. al'ld ll la th11 type ot operstlon whk h h .. caua«t QonaTea1m1n John E . Mou. or 0..llforn!ll., t o launch a DaUOn·wlde lnYUUpUon Into the wll.bhoklln11: of public lnfonn1U1>n froru the publtc:, .,_,. . I • The Cust omer Gets It m the Neck READERS WRITE BRUSH COUNTRY ---··-- (Ed. Nolt' -n i. Oll<lu~ b,-l:l1u-..c"' .l"Mtter ~·111 .._. •·I~ l"4! Utl.,.·knun·• lilt.t.,rica.1 r.,.t• ..,. ka. dr.-d,....S lip I• '-1• -.r lrtPI \ntv fb,. bac:ll l.'O\IDLI")-.. mi:fllt )"-.n,.) Water un the desert Ui a Atra.nge and faacinating •ubject. But like nearly everything the desen doea it goca to extreme.1. There are spot.a in the Bottgo Badlands Lh&t probably h ave not had a drop of water on them for years. YM in these same badlands, in Palo Verde WaMh , Karl Ben.nil, my old deaert chum, h ... 1 to ...,. llua lr!l f.l\•rtJin t 10.·at .. ~inlt" lllrfl<"Ul\y In or.er•l.ng hhni.t>!f 11.f· plac1< at th .. JUMl'l1<•n uf muit of tef a le"• yt::u·11 a:'" ~n.ce We w .. re tl'le tt•.1111 plen.:~ng th<' ... ut11 w,.•l lul.lk1n(' for U1 lnClan lT&ll lhat •lope1 Of l h .. N10nt11 R f-Mo11n - coam9 LnlU Ill<! CIJl)'On. ""It ahoulll taina I wouW have ru1.,1t>d b•.::lt . bl there,'" a•ld Karl. pointLnl!: II• A.a we lurn..,·1 • •h•111 ro1""111" or a sl!H; i:anytm "'"hlch "l'"&a ~t'<:(' U\e h1011""" Ro..11 H1•u• .. f'Nn~·.,n. 20 feet above lhl prt.Minl wun, Ule JUtUng L..-•li.:.e "''hli·h 11111 k,. rormtng a dry waterh1.ll. K1.rl"• UHi Hidden 8prlnl( rla~h«I 1nu1 memory proved W be c<lrrec'I hi vr-. "''" waa "'"•tl!I tn • hoo1 • 11. v•ry 1 ... w Y"'"'• IUld 11rvbllbly ren. arid. canyon whwh n11l beof'•• ln une •lvrm the floor of the flowln111 fur t;t.n.,rat111n:o •"I th .. wu.b had ervJcd a &<K><I 10 to 211 old l n<Jillfl Vlll•ti::"' al:>oove 111<111:•1 • f t!e\ d<"'"p .. r ,.,1. 11lo•l Y"' "t•• ,,. Jh .. '-'llll•r In 11.n .. n·11 lo#l{it•nl( rur "'"ll ter ,.,,,., ... fr r;,.1 "'"I "'""''" !l l:l"'~ i"'"""•UI' ....... \IJo.li .. I~ l .. 'll""'"'---~>.c.;:· ·~--~ '.~~klt\'..M" ""·· .. , .. )"<'llr "1u1,11U t!,,y, 1!11( •I• <"k lfl :-;,.u '"" hlll• !1 Ill \)\;• ,.J1••lo• , I I ,. l!!l'jl;!• l"•iuut) ~:v .. 11 ,jut1uio; 1h• '"""'.'•II ""ll "" 1 11:1,.,,,.,1 h• 111~ Uric.it .. 1 .. 1 rl<1lt~><I J111Jnlh• ~··•\"IJI •· 11'1 •\ r.11 .. 1 uf in~ "'Il l, ....... ,, l 'r.,..k I""'" llJ> ouv\1n,.; "'•l•·1 ,. I.hr\ l•IUlk !1·•1•1\ 11.,11. ·he through thll'k~\.Jl uf "'lll"w". 1·•l"· l llf'<I ••<' "111 •·•• "t /-1!•1•1•·11 ''l"lllf: claw, n1t8qulte anJ Cvt l,,nwood llA.RRt:I. •;t•ttl 'I· to d\uppe4 r f1nt1.lly tn Ln r ~~J• Anuth .. , • Url•·U~ "'"ll.t.·111111; ~1~ t ot Bort>l(O V11.J!.,)' "''h•• h It v.h,.re 1t .rio•t1l+l11 I 1,.0 ------------------------------! HA IJLA!<i US "'ELL ii• J:l11rr,.J Spnui: \.\"e lll"\"IVl' lru1" January ?7. l9~ t"m that Ule ~!Wren la (T'&dea Aln1oat l.n t.h• very c,.nt .. r of the Srirl!go Vtlley nv"r !hr htich · Dear Str on" Lhn.>uich five have nen: in tne Bon'l(u b1tJll1.ndt0. in • l•nil w11y tu tne IHU• ~,.ttl""·"n l t .'\" .. wport U...ach The Sena te Re· ut •par..:-v'"ll;elaUun. w1tll tn" {lt:utillo. •nil hr11.J .. 1l Ill • Uu!lh· purl ha.it thl• to ••Y 11.buut thl• 1.01! CVtlr><e, 11lt>rHe •nil 111n°ly 111 ,,....,terly .Ju· .. , tu>r1 tn!•J \hr ,,.,,. ... 1 type u( gradint; "'Gradinr a i;-11nvther qu•·er jlhenurn1·11 .. n A Our i.;o•l "''" " J.:!"UP .,f .•1 n.1 C'Or!Jtng to tM 1na1vidua.l ability w"'ll l\u t>co>n llr\11"'1. by "'h'''" ·~11net1 vn t.h" "'uthrt1.;;I rile! r S.Omr n1onth.1 111u •·ar111u• of the t:hlld J.a n;;ot«I In lh•l•nd fur whor11 I dont knuv.• t>ul \:St.,•lllboal fsvtte ."111ny ye1ir11 "~" n.,w1µ.aper1 throughout the rt1:1.te ph\IOllllphy that o·hil,1r,.n •litter in It hlLll 11 valVI! "" H .. .,.t wll .. 11 Th .. •Jltl r•,.ld 1ntu t!\l' H .. 1q.,,. \'.,i 1·11rr1...:1 lht> ne,..,•1 rt>!eaar rn.11n the intere,,ta. a blll\lt's. an.:1 e•p.!rle~ the v111v~ 11 up.-11<'<1 tl•" "'""l"r 1 .. y fu!lo.,..rJ lilt' "'",._h,.,. ••f "''" lH11l<' Sen11te Co1nm!tt"" nn Ed· and lberefor" the lndlvldu.a.l •plrti 30 1 .. er into ll"l<' •Ir II tne s .. n >-'"hi'" Rn<I /\,~,,,,. r'r•···k~ t1l •Uon 1" Tl!jCarJ lO non·L·ompel· child'a pro.-re"" .twu!d be grsded w•l<'r l• 1.Uow ... 1 111 run tvr .,.,,,..l ,..,11,·el tr"•"k" lh"Y ,..,.,.r,. , .. 11 ... 1 lllVe irr•d•n& u...ed in !lllll)' achoul In r"'l"tlon lo h!i a bili ty. He ume It b.·1•vm .. 1 h11t I 1h .. 11. 11+•1 r""'t' H••r~•·1.. "'"hl(un". 1!1atrirl.JI 111cJudln11: uur uw11 hf'TI ihouJd not bit c radfd on t lxlll J u.at a C<'W Ila)'• ai;o. K11r! an(! and evt'11lu•Hv Lflra .. r an• 1~111 1n N11:wport Beach. The C1<ptioo atanda rda nor In compan.on with I ma de 1 trip into " par! ri t tn<' vlntat-:<' ,..,.r,. ··nn!lt11.nt lv 111 n ... ·ol ru <I ""St&\I S <"nate Commlt\<ee C R t t • h ·• I • I' I 0 olhl!r chlldrfn Thi.I phlla.iphy ot l"lah ret>k .._hi(<" ,..,. "<" 1 ""' •u O "'"""'"r "" '"rre nprinir W~• Sr111<11 Sch.Ix.ii Gradlnic Method .-radlng accompanlea Ule PRO-not been •ble to enter frJr ye•r• in1po1 \1tnt lu the-. eH rlv tiav .. I· Aa Ke<!"' l"urthl!t the 11rt1r lt ORESSIV E P Hil...OSOPHY ot ed-The he11.vy ra1na on th<' J,...,rt lera. l'er·hoi~ ~v,.n Anz1 •lr•nio: •i.,te.e. "Pre.,,nt irr•d1n1 practice uatlon which a1Jblct1bea l.Q lM l••l iummt>r, h•l:I l'<lYe~ boulder· of 1l1. "'"1l1ng "'""!er" I• promoun1 Soc!•H•U1: theor1e1 ... d d 1 ,,,,__ wo·"• with a Ughtly Throu .. h the lf><'.u1e hlow .'ll n<i ""' u •eory uf Ul lv1 uaJ dif erenees. • ~.. .., ., r•lh.er th&n one which promole.1 It 11 not likl!I)' to be !ound packed Jiiyer or new IUl.Od I.hill free con1)>'Ut1on ·· TC> CullUnue where PROGRESSIVE l:DUCA· m•ke jeep t raveJ a dellfht. rrom the -"'' releaae : .. If thl• Tio.·· TKIP TO 8PIU.~GM '"' 11 not firmly eritrtnched."" IOCl ety la to bt.-• free competl· ' O•o of the tr1,.... I had Jon& wend~U uur """Y among th!! dllne• F'lnally Karl pointed to w11~., the ru•ty neck of • U)-1aJlon milk c1<n prnlruded from a d'"· preuion tn the 1111d. "'There a Ba.ml Spring··· Althoui&i tile ol•I apnnli' w~ !11.ndf:d 1n. I 11,. 'u r '"'""' of the "11.n•t '"'" w<'t i.n•I 1emplula1• mlnt'I " .-Uve on•. u ll h ... bee.n in thl• anUclpated w ... lo Hidden SprlnJ. I '-!·' '"·n r nl<><t Jn a !al.er p1.raorr&ph: ""WhKI ooun ry. cer ... •uY . ...,,. · ~u .. -... Thi.9 la anotl'l.fr water odcllty on I •-•· led l!t1 • pupil'• progreu It JT•'1ed on 10011 mu.11 "" ac ... uow I u • th• de..,rL \\"' l~ft camp In Bore- ', , .. "'' th<!i ba.11\1 of their reapecuve •b-.irn lc~t ~ .... r Ln IT nc pu· co. by the Pt>Klec Monu1nent. ove.r la ·· lllt!"". •low pupil•. working up pl U>o Sta lr C"nm· l(I rapacll}'. re,. .. 1ve hlghl!r ni ark,. th!! de.sert Ch,,w ... ~1 up du r•n~ the T h'" rlnd!n11 of fllm!n' uf th<' Or•erl fo~oJC •111<! ''' "" •·•o 'I" in ,,,,,.• tha n faJJter •tuden\". working b<· m N -• .,..... c•• un " tually n11to Clark"11 Dry u,i,,, v•llh " 1<llU\"•·l I 1lOIJ.: ~ hui,, 1it•111t 11 f(,.1\ ti rep wh1, h upon n1y ', turn 110rt1~ ·UI ho\H~ l"t"'r hn •I h I , lh '. luw c1.pac1ty. THUS. A CH:ILD to t 11 m•lle.r •r• at or Tht' Clar ks were f!o,r,...:o p100..en1 aome w11.ter 1n 11 H~r,. 111 v.~1 .. ,. lh. ~...... ..,. ... on Educ.•· WHO JS OOING JNFltR.IOR 1 "' .., u• ""' '• O C 1<n ll c-utiltl httvf' hnme.tea<h,.I n•·•r· •i.:aln. 1<urf"cn1g tn bArrt'n, dry tl<ln, On na,e ~ lt atatea: ""Tba W RK 1:-J A Sl'I!: IF1C ORADK: I ' MAY RE'C"IV T HE 5 • ,,..,, ly •ny 11p<)l In th" valley. yet th")' ... nrl tun .. ~ nl<1thoda or ""fSdln< or reportlnJ -.. li: "'"'"'" ,,. T" > \ "T' ' • MARK A~ A CHll.P \\'HQ IS ~,.l~lrd the n1u1t b•rr ,.n 11.n<I A r.k . t .~ r.t< ' Popi! P<OSM!-'1 !•II Into four I 11 1 E' ,, -, "· ., " 11 ·• t OVl:.O'G (;()tJD Vt"QltK · worth~~~ 111 In)' f'I rn" '"" .vt" "' ""' r•• f><!1 "'ll"'' I c!1.11lflC&t lOn1< l'a rent·Tt>•cner I "r .. 1,.1nJ uu• ~h<llf'I ur thlJ .iry ... 1n1 .. 1!11<t1nce tron1 th111 ~··<'p an<I n.u1ffre11ce rnell\od -Tiie parent ""l'rornuth>r1 I,. fll!l,.rnHn,..I prl· it 1<ctually lower ln rll\'8.\10'1. \Vh•re and I.ht t~acher dh•<:uu th!! •n,.nl) by th,. A~I!: ur Ute <"hUJ la A .. ,. w~ 1.la.rt,.•I up rtr..-k H,,11,.. .. 'l'"'S lnl• w•t•·r r"me fmrn. whllil l r b1ld"• beha.,h.1r. hea.lth. iooc1111 l 11 1~ t~lt lh111 rhlhlren •htJlllll Ctinyon tn .....,,,.h Hl'1•t"n /"\pMng n1akl!ll n .11urft1rc~ Tht>~ i re two and 11ehol111uc progTeu. but no I><' in J:T1'1d~s wnh tho~e of th"'! 1~ lo<:11.tecl !he i:l•1ng lw'K"" l<l i:tt r.r the que~t1 nn that puz1:!t mi- report c•nl I• ufled. 1 bl lnd1v1 ~·'."~ a111e ' I r•iui.;h This wa.m 1.1,.., h11.ol ChlllllC· blll l<'ave 1t lo o u r Color.do dll•l 1b1!Uy ut tile c hl\<1 th<' '1he report card 11 frequently e..J durln¥ tile p11..t1t iumm .. r fur ~~tr\ ,,, f>ll ur• out lhf' stra.ni:;• er.di ll ba9e4 upnn the c.htlJ'• nil!11.ningleM to lht> p•renl.11 TH F: I l~•· wvrst tr I h11 iJ nnl "'"ant~d i:1n1n11ck• I.JI rejClLrd• water. a ctual. achievem ent in relatjon W I(./ AND ACH l~:VEM~:N"T RE· h.Js alllJfty to a.chleYe. \cl Com· CORl>8 Alt li: ltAR£LY S HO \Vl\" I peUU,.. JTllldlnJ -the chlld la TO THE l'AREN'fS. The.refort.1 irr•ded In comp.'lrt.on with U11: whf'n th11 child Ill l(Tadl!rl on th" cl111a a ven•ge. The cla.11 11.v,.,rage bu!• uf what he 1~ c1.p>1ble of m.t1.y be either above or below dol.n1, the p&rt>nt.11 do not know the expected aver-a re achieve· wh.,Lher the child ta retarrled. m .. nt. •uch •.s c . ( d ) F'\J:ed atao-l'rorkJng up Lo irrade level or ad· 11arda for a •pectflC •ITILde level-vance-d They m•y think t hat lhe rive grades, auch a.a A.BC."D •NI c:.h lld Ls doing 11.vera1e YJ'Ork If .r.watded on the be.al.a ot •ucce" he receives JI. Ntlafactory 1ra.de, ·or rantn-e ln achla-vlng .11peelflc whe'reu. he n1ay be work!n1 far work... Mlow g rade levt>:J. ThtA rorm of The Report 1\11• thl1 to lllftY report card ne<""eultall!~ 11. con· 11.boul the Conference M<'lhod ~ ferenc" "''ith tile teachP1 . "'The Confer,.,nce mf'ILhod o r rl!-must ttll!!mpt In interpr~t tl\11 porting a ch\!d"1• prol!rlllllt. ln me1.11in r to the p11 rents. Howev· achool la probably •• old a11 the er, ml~und<'nit&ndlngri may ,a,.lly pubhc achools. Today, however. deV1!!lop. and the p!lrl!nl.JI nr a wa Mnd an exa~get*l.eod ,.,mph•· alow chlld may be conrulled u ala on the conferei.e metho<l re-to why their child l,. dolng porting the chllii"a pro1rea1. In THIRD GRADE W ORK !n the M>me ca.ea the Conle~ce MeLh· S IXTH GRA DE."' '"Tl'ie child la oo I• U!led a1 1 aub!IUtute for frt"quently u ronfultf'{l aa the n!port r11.rd. It L• now a rt-parent.11 The 11low child quire<! n1ethod of reporting in work.11 hard i~ UPCRAOED snd niany 1t1;:hOOl• r•ltl•t than one the fa.et chUd who doesn't work th1.t reauJl.JI fron1 th& mutu1.I de-a.a hl'lrrl a3 t>~pectoNI ii DOWN· 1!re1 or the p.t1reot and the tl!ac h· GRADED." er ., '1'he pre11ent 1tre11.1 on con· It I• plain to M'e that lht. ferenct>I ln .110me aohoot. appea.ra fll.11 in with the Commun\1l phi!· to ,.lem from th" 'whole child" cNtOphy of: "F'rom each 1.ccorolln1 phllOILOp by ln which the achool111 to hi!I abilit y and to each a cc-ord- rt>el that they muat meet all of ln1 to h la need.a." Thb I.a eon- the nt>ed1 of the child. I.I'., a.ca-tr .. ted will'\ our Amerlcllll phll- demlcal!y, lt(M:!!ally. phy1lc•lly a nd oaophy l.fld pr•cllce or: fo~rom morally." e•t:ll according to hi• abtllty •ntl ·-ro prep11.re for conference•. to eac h according to h i" WORKS. .ome Khoob recom mend that the On page ~9 of the Report un- teacher lnquire Into the Intima te tier Arg\lmenta A p ln•t thla ~LI.Ila of the famlly to learn Method ' la •l&t.ed: ""Thi.ti mt>thod about the h<l me altuatlon, tcono-La eompllcated. It l1t. dlfM cult for mlc 1tandard, health reccrd, mu· ll'le public achoo! teacher lo ob- Ital 11Lalt1•. etc. Such Inform•· t.aln a true picture or a growlnJ tkVI. once nbtainf'rl, become& p11r t chlld"• lntelllgerice or ability. It or the p.trrnari .. nl record• of the la v!rtua.lly lmpoutble for the child." teacher to adjuf!lt th'e c11M1culum ""The 11 ttempt to UM tile Con· ,.,,.,..nee !\l rlhrn:I <•f reporting at • .oiublltitullon t<lr th"' Kr•d!ng m,.U11 •d cre11t•11 11ne1.oi1nt'J111 . In Qrdl'r to be BUCCf'ftllfUl In th~ j ,, ti <tf rnnferenclnl(, l he lt'Jl.Ch .. r ITllJ~I bf" • akill~tl piiy· cholo1i11t. Fl!W IA'11.cher1 "r"' !IO quallflerl. !!Ven though th,y may be excellent teacher&." Why do I quota In dat.a U about the confeNJnce method of grad· Jng. when her"' Ln Newport Buch we hav" the lb) cl ... Ltlca Uon mentioned above! Jt l.I bec•u.t many of our top peoplf 1n the educational field have publicly votct'd · their pref.r-.. ror the <.:onfert'!\Ct Method and have bet'n workln1 toward Ulla goal. in aplle of ("OOd, .oitrnd a r("Ulllf'fll• qa.Lnat euch a move 111d In 1plte of the f•"t that the Conrer•nCt! Method h .. been .shown to be In (tit«t oppq411tlon to lr11dlUona.I AmerlcNI 11rnc::l'dure a.nrl potiry. 0 ... HICl.UIJM f b I Qt ,-radlnir I o;;hlld ae<"ordlnJt lo hia '"1Um1t"" ,.hi ht)" IA. 111• f.\"P'" ot f<'!Vll I -)'•· to wit th!! nt>eda or each child. Promotions. bued on "i' r!lther than on academic •kUll. deprln th11 chlld of t he oppor1unlly to mult>r the 1klll.t1. and create problems for the l!!Arl\er• 1n the ,,.d .. e ah,.,11.d." ·1111a method of ftadln11: I• nol NJali1Uc. l t pen1Uz.e1 the bright child. and overlooks the .t1h()l"'t· eo1nlnp of t.he •low" child. It doe• not pr,.par• the ch!J.d to take h!.11 place In 1 frtt com- petltlYe .oclely bec•uae <:<lmpt· UUon la dL11COur•&ed. \\'h en • brill'hl child 11 down-(Taded and th• t low child la up.-raded, • ltYellnJ' ptoeCMI reailt.." The .:hool board membeT• or N-port Beach ha~ had avail- •ble to t hem thlt report for m1.11y monUu now aJ1(I hav1 made. no move wha t.ocve:r to chanire Lht• Un·Amertcan •Y11ttm of Kf11.dln1 fOf' our younptera ln «Tade• one thr-ou1h five. lnatN.d Ui1:r have upheld the prNl'.nt type report ca.rd. 8Qme m onth• •ro I 11.•ke<I Lh•t lllDDEN SPRl NG -Thill ia in Borrego St&te Park, long a watering spot for aboriginal and white travel· lers on southwet1l side o f Santa R088. mountaine. ----I ~ -....... ~ ... ~- BARREL" SPRING -Here water surfaces for no apparent reuon ift barren a.and dune &et on a barren desert wa.ste. H o race Parker Photo. ------- • aurvl!y be m1tU• to del!!rmlne I hoard ere mo.-. tnloorNled In Lhe u.. .. ;r.,. uf lh• p1ne11l1 in ou1io1n1: 11<:noota lll•n ttie.y a.re In thl• matl<'r. and' .,.. . ..., nt•t wtlh ellm1n1\lnK lill-A1nerican 1 n d 11Uff ~.t1t11n<"" r~"'" •1n,. m"m· da.nicrr.,1i.a pni ~u .. e11 t hal ha.Ya d+- ber C>f the ... ~hool IY>•f•I (JI t1 ... Vl!ll1pt"ll .... -1lh1n thP 11ehuo1. n1er t'duCAtot 1 •n•t 11path)' Of1 lht part nr the olhet11 I can only t'oncJUdt lh.&l our dl.>ly elll"lf'd n1~1ttber11 Of\ the 6.19 1\utln Av• .• :>:ew1wtl ~a.;:t\. Ca.ll/Ol'nla " ' .. • ... ,,.....;. ........ :· .... ..,... btrt ~ for ,._ • ,... .... ed o( ~ n. 3-iore an ha"'AC ..._., "Work Day. for OUUt.'" ..... ' - $2400 TO PILGRIM PINES Active Sche dule Ah~ad CdM Youth Groups IS VOTED BY· CdM !CHURCH f~ .... c~~!~ _::~~~:L¥!!.-Activity._program .. n--IC t..ewi. -rt .:...On Md 1. uow trtp wen Tberto wu • Ol*l ~ OG Wit,b "'It~ 5 ~._. u .. Youth SUAday" &t Coron.a Annual Meetin.&..~~how_s __ Church Growth u.)'OAt 't\Mdlq: 004 4 ..... '° -.. ~. ······-! done may_ call th• cburcb otno. ~•! · ' --~'-· outlined -when th9 tknlor M.etll· conduct W1Ul ~ u to ~ ~$:I; ~Z~ii~iff«-"'"*'*' r.uowaMp~ ea.. ._.,.., .. .._ · .dal-~ Cc=sg & ., .. ..,.. •• , ~ .. peopk· hsve -befont tor a worfr..u. ,.,.U·-·-~ be boat STOUP t&r the P. J' • ..,.... -· -Notable "iwa, · ' · er, day ft'ftlin&" at th• home of Mllre JC&ec::Uou ar. beld ln April l.Dd ~ a mODtll .... of ~ Tbe Rev, Edwin C. Gomke will !~ ui.4 10_'!·: :=::!'· L. s. Detl.UngeJ', 1517 Miramar brive. October, J>reMnt lncumbrnenta have M bJ9 WWWW topc, .. Are You ·Different!'' N ew rally wllll Jdo u:peeted '°"-bu.U- a.n1 ·ot tna.tw· tncJl.ld• Lew NeU Purcell pn11lded. The .,,. P\lrc.it. pl"'Mldent: A I d • 11 memW. wlll bl noelYed at tbi 11 o'clock eerVic.e &ft.er The Congregational Christian Churchee ot Callfonlia r.t.UQ, 0 M c~...._11 c K WOl'k. project ta 'the ~ildlnc of .... ___ L---. ~-, -•·. , ,_ .. _ b&_._ 911 wtU. U.. -,,. nN1 IUld r«reaUon. DIA.ft.,-wW be NrvM by WOll\lft ol the church. In mid-April the looal J"T'WP 11 pt&ilnlAI" a ~Bbow' Bola&. .. d th South ha pl &t • " ¥....., ' • " I. C..bltl for th• cllUr"Ch croup &l ....,...;JU.. Tl'<' r-.......... ·---~ ......... 'JboJ'l'.l)»Oll -.nd htn ~n e WMl ve &• camp for YOU.Ilg peo • Ck>M. 1li_ L. E•erett. Verne C.-, I.ha Lu:y w Ranch wbeno mem· Kkldle, MCt"et.&rJ'. Otben pwl b:Wbtliltfa• ao.ur. Ucafpa, called PUgrim Pine9, and have launched & PC'Of"&'D llatW7 16n P.ue aWd George w. bera wUJ ~ lhla comln.g 8atur-wve the RAIY. Roy Carlaon: Nra. ...,.. &Ollll .h&aliw f'.t!lrtm ,... J\alool .,. "-1nnlng a dnve J( J"e!l\OCMl.lng which Will coat $300 000 over a three ,.a.r ::. theMa>o.rd C:: ~e':' day. Dated tor Wuhlncton"• J:arl lllonebM:k, coo11Mb; 11&17 ::: ~'f.._.Cf'01911 ,wl.8 ~pat.a tn tor .... ._._. tb11 month.. They ;':"':""'::;:•::"=""'=·======:; riod. ~--• h"~-'-' ... ' .,... mq. · • blrt.h.:lay 11 • trip to the chun:h tb.y.., DemUH 'lbom~ c:::sr.r-, :~ • • & •• 4 aierric.., rwt Meta ........,. at 8:30 p. m . pe ~ c ~~ in the conference ~a.a been uaed to vey, WWl&m McBride .and Burt camp at Wrlghtwood. Al.-o Ol'.I len.e and Dll.ae~· . ,,.. .,.... jMila' ~ ,,ua "'-~ la PUpta Ball &nd have pla.rul ~pt llA ah&re ot the nnancla.I ed t.4at tn one yeu'1 ume the Proct.r, MeM"rs. J . K. Hamel, Ole el"tlllda ll a con•enUon to be N&nl, Et.Ml 8 ~...._. a.tb. ~ 1..a.. A.rm.4 tor II. ......... fftlCt"&ltl., lnclud· b&ckJq be.Md 00 Ill local UpeM--miaeionary 1"IYtn1 hu more than grant! = and Edpr Hirlll. held In Garden Gro". 8Utwell, ~ lllill lil:O.-~--~Ir. Job Walp, 1nJ ~Md dramaUCI. F eb 9•1cli Serwlce :...;~~=-t.~S:O otA;::n;.:~ doublM, worahlp attendance h .. M°,... ; )(. ~~:.::e;;~l~e~= J'or recrtatlon, March and May Donald, Jon ~ ':f.:----"""" ~~ w'!::. = 1J U..,. .,.'CO M'f'e a valenlln~ · lnc"ued nearly beyond the two Ion and HArold Dobert ue de.tan.a~ " volley ball John J.Aahy, M"a.rUra • -•• puty. A.JUI fbmuo. 11 preeldent. ary -.nuaJ. meeuna-the church .. rnce ea~lty and tlnancial iup· · mOl'.llhl and the te&n\i. le rYdy W•71u1; Wai.on. -, DW'dofffo w... Biaadal, Kent a.Jot PUptm 1'ellowl!Up wlU roa Roller Sha~es acc.pt.ed It• quota and Ml4ed &n· port hu ~ach*1 an •ll·tlme high. Th• inuatc commltte>e lnl'lude. _.r.. ~-~ .. ~ J-.n, eJJ. ot as.et ._, U at tlM home of the oth.,.. 1100 lo m&k• ILa ~ ... 12@. !Q:W Ol"l"ICIEllS Mn1e.. 'ff. V. Ho)'t, Rarvey Peue. .... _.._ poup. IM'W1.1 -.cted prutdent, Terry &ET'llllAT USE OMce.-.forthllyu.rwer.ele<it· Ca1tl e m~n 8mlth and \.\'alter di Ii n ' TV 8Kft' RoM, In Muip)d A ve. Other Standard 8hade Ootha lllld Cu.tom 8poectllti• • Ora.ps)' Hardware • VeGIU&n ...._ ln lllOI IO )'(IWll' people we11t ed. u f ollewll: Chu~h .clloo! 11u· Spicer. U•eri' committee mem· A teleTi9:1on skit wW be PN· !MW officen.tnclu• Kent Harvey, from h_,. lo ~m P1tl•. Dur· per1nteni:lent, Norm~ L. Brown; be.-. ....., Lee Jack.on, Claude ' Nnted by Junior Fell?WW.tilp vtce ~t ; Harnett Hayden, CALL llA.&BO& IN llTJ" U'MI ,....,. m&ny olher meetlnJ"• church clerk, M.-.. A. A. Qruwe!I; aeo,. '".~~Ro, per, Ro\ bert Ball, UPi'C. ew.~ memtien. .bn\Humuon, Terry MCntatJ' and N'a.rJorie H•pel, THE SHADE SHOP are echedUled. ln addition t o youth financial 1ecretary. Raymond 8. ac _., &m• 'an Dyke, Scott, Clary Bowmu, BlU Call1a, t~. Jvitl PU p ,_ •-· p v ..... l\otMrt Kerdbi and Donald H11.y. 0&r7 C&JdweU. Jlm J..a.a--.... U2 12..:1 St.. NIWfOrt ._.. act e.. gTtm in .... Ule4 Origg1; trea.urer, n.ouph , -,-·· ton. Noaibu.ttnc commllt"; mem· Toaittt: N ......._., .. •au ftOllXlT8 BMkle Ule. l'oM c>tftc9 for leader8hlp retr .. ll, joint meet-rtll; audittlr. John E . Badletr; 111 ber9 ..,. Mni. LolA Meado r, Mrl. J _A, U li""",;;.;;~""'1~~~-~~~"..:Lo~<~•~o;•~~E;'"'~h~-;;:;~p;.; ... ~~l&O;m:~•~P~ro~J~~~t~. ~· ~::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::;;:;::::::;::::::~ Jnp wtth other ch\frehq ~d moderator. William D. Humuon : / Jrl'OUIJ9, and tor I.he annual Minll· The board ot i:le..coni tncludee Stuart ~1, Mr1. Geor(e Oavle11, llJ l nnOUncemttn te.-.• Convocation In the 1prtng. Beo. Fentoo. Oliver HtlWtl!. W , L. J . f,, St.tfenaen, Mn1. W IJJ!enl i·-----.,----------------------11 The Rev. l!:dwtn C. Gomke. who Bakke!•. Cha rle• Cave. M:. A. Har-R umuon •nd Robert Horn.~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART J -PAGE 7 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY J , 1956 took up duUe1 or hi• permanent wood, H uma.son. Monla Perry, A Ley dele.-ate11; are Mf111 Clyde putor•l• June 1. 11163 aner il•Y-K. Phelpe. E mil B.chlel. On lh• M.aynard. Monta Perry, Mr1. f"r11.n· Ing IH!rve<l u !nlr rlm putor, 1tat· rK>•rd of deaconeue.11; •re Mm~•. rl• S, Co~ and A. K Phelps. M:amort&.l comn1lttee: \nC"11ide.11 Mri.1 ----------------------------11 FEDER A TYON DIRECTOR Dr. lr\vin W . Johnson to Address Methodists Dr. Edwin W Johra'.ln w UJ •~•k for a •~claJ rrol(r.lnl al C hr\.lt Chur ch By the Sea S11n- d11.y .ll 7 p m fie ""1ll speak on th• topic, '"City W \Jr'k," 1n which he will \nt.,rpret 1he scope ot ·1ervlce pt'rforn1ed by the \\.'el- t are B ure1u of the Prote.11tant Church Feder11.uon or Loi An· ge19*. He Is the t'xecutlve D!rer- lor ot thlJJ 1.gency tor church welt11.re work Sunday evening• wlll be&ln •t 8 o'elC>ck. with ll •n•c k. l llpper ~e.rved tn Goodell Hall. One or the rtn :rch grc.up1 w!ll W In ch11rge of the fellowah1p hour <'s ch of t.h e. even!ng.l. TIM pro- gt1.n1 re11.ture will then be p"'2 sentf!-0 t11 the church -.n.ctua.ry, be ~lnnlng •l 7 p.l'tl. wtth a brief openlnir; worship .-rvtce. One ot the mlaalon Pr<lJ"T&ma w ll! be pr .. eente-1 on Wedn e1d•y, Ftb. JO, tor the monthly tamlly night a t the church. Costa Mesa First Baptist Announcen• .. nl "f th111 progn1.m w1.1 mad1 U\!1 "''tell by Ml"• Morp n Lowery. rh11.l1m•fl or the LOmmlNlon on rn1ul"IUI •t !h1 Joc1I church. She 1t.lte(I thlll thl1 w1.1 the f1r1t or 11. 1eriu "' Sunday even ing pro1rra1n• t hll n1onUl on the theme "Adv"nture• ln M laaion.11 " 8ub11equent pro- xn.m1 dur1nt the rn onth "'"!ll b<> a bout the work or tile chtlrch "'n1on1' Amerir11.n Indian• At t.he 11 o"c.IO(:k mornlnc wor· 1hlp Nrvtc~ tn the Ftr1t BapU1t Church or CO.ta Meaa the Rev. •nd In P. G. Neumann will have u h!• ! he reconatru~·t.Jon of r hurrh- work 1n Korea. Newport Beach Baptist Church The rnornln( wor•hlp hour or the F irst HapU•l Church, 19lh and H11.IM1t Blvd w!ll be held at I I o'clock with the Rev. Herbert C'; JohnJ10n. pa.11lor. P""'chlnJ". H l11 term\ln will be on ~ J•eua ani:I Our C'hoice.11.·· Chuch echool w ill ~-unvene 1.t 11 :40 a. m. There. .. ,., cla.ilM'1 f .. u •(ell. 8und1y evening worship ter- vtce wOI begin wlUl a IOnl' 1er· vice al 7 o'clock. '"Salvation"' will be the .ubject ot the medltauon brou1ht by the pa•lor. The mld·\Vtllk hour or prayer l• held on \.\.'&dne•d11.y a t 7 p. m. Tn11 Bible 11ludy "''lll center on the happen1n1;J1 afler the Crucl- tl.x!on. Christ Church Methodist "Dllnf"er -Men At Wonhlp" will be the aenuon theme at Chr1at Church By the Sea on S unday. The Rev. Roy Carl10n, mlnl1ter of the church. will 1pe1k at both morn1n1 111rvlce•. 11:30 and 11 e. m . He will be aMilted In the aervlcea by Nell Pun:ell. on• or the 1enlor high young peopl• at the ch un:h. Alto. the monthly re-ceptlon of n.,..., mem- bers ts echedul&d for the church wrvice•. The Sanctuary Choir will 111n1 at the 11 o'clock· 1erv\ce un- der the direction of Mr .. A. J. Rutter. Saint· Joachim Guild to Hold Mardi fuas 1ermon topic, "Ute on T iptoe". The orc1!n•nl'e or communion will be obflerved and the hand or tel· low1h1p •Ill be ext•nded to new memoer1, 8unda7 School con"flll-9 at 11 :, tS a. m . wlth clU1e1 for all acu, 6 30 p. m. Bapll•l Th.lnln1 Un- ion g:roupe meet, al.:> at 6:30 Paltor1 1n.11trt1ctlon clua.. For the 1 :30 p. m. eY&11gel1aUc "ervlce, l>tr. Neumann Will haye ._. hl1 1ennon topic 'The Human WUI In the C<mver1l0l'.I ot M11n." Feb. 6 at 7:10 p. m. Ule Wo- n1en'.11 Mlulonary Union will holi:I 11.a blrlhd11.y relebr1.Uon. All wo· men or the chu rch are Invited t o attend. The hu.11baridl wtU be (1Jlllll. A lhort prOl'f&m 11 plan· ned rollowe4 by Ntrellbm.nt.t. Wednuda y at 7 :30 p. m. ll tbe ueual prall!le -.nd Bl.bl• 1tudy hour, tollowed · at 1 :15 wtUI the vat· lou11 prayer pupa. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL IS PLANNED With puoc:hl&I hlc'h echool faclllltea 8C) UmJted In Orwiat1 County, tamlllea ot Co.la Meaa., Newport Be&ch, L&cuna Beach end &an Clemente h&Ye long anticipated lb• poeatbUllt ot a Catholic hl1h achool In thil vtclnlty to 11\iMl their "''"" To thl• end a fund reJllnc c-.mpaJl"ft ll to be launch.ct by the Arc.bdioceM ol Lo9 An· (elea between P'eb. 12 Md 2:1. An ori-anLu.Uona.I meetlns !1 called for Fib. 8, I p.m. ln St. Joachim parllih b•ll !or leader• and workers of Ul• COllla M-a.re&. Open House at Rectory The Rev. and Mni. John P-.rke wUI boet an open hoUN Feb. Iii, St. Joachim IAdlM 0 "'114 ii 3 to 5 p.m . Md 7 to i p.rn. at BL IJIOMOr1nC Ill third annual KU'dl .Tam• nec..y, 4i10 ltltb at.. Kew- Oru Feb. 11 at the eocllJ M.11 port a.&rhta. Membeni fl/I SL W'llh Mnl. Anthony Palalent. M Joan'• OGll4 WW &a1i.t In mW· rener&I cha.trman. Mrs. LUdJlell&lo--ln-C_·----------0 1.1nn. i.. plannlll&' haltoom ' .... <Olo,... ot~rs tor decoNtlcme, -Ltft lllwe8Ulll ..,. tJaoee with c:ontet r thrOwtnJ". Oueela adTertbe-patnmlu them. will be maak and In coetume, I ~============:::; wtth prtsM tor beat, and "'1ll dan~ - to mu.ele by a n•• piece band. Mra. EdwVd B&n t. ln chuse or Uclteta and ~UONI. Jrilan7 bomM wUl be opmt. tor p~ pull•, lncllldlq' lhoM or x--e. and Mm-. <>«>rre Paull. Pa.latent, RobWl Ba.ehr, W. J, N...W.. Jack Hoadley, Wu. nm OoWna and Robert Wlnklotr. nmrr (lllUS()8 or ~ l()l"""8T -vi.u.,__, .... ·-..... -.......... -~ .. CM.I, kl ....... , .. ~ .... 0 -s.....y..... titte.a. _______ tt41ia.-. w......, ........... ..._... --••••. ....... .._ IM-• a 11 vi. U., ...__.. ...... .. -...ii ...,. "-,. -........... ~ ,.._ ·-~'i,'i1.f'"'" .......... ' .... ......... _ _. .. _ -........... --..... """' - BAHA'I FAITH PNyer Discussion Study O.vl•, Mn. Cox, Robert Hom , Mra. John Meador. Verne Lee and George Grupe. Lesson-Senn on on 'Sp irit' The &Ubjec:t or th& l,e1.90n-$er· mon In all Churche.1 uf Chrl.11t, Sc1eiiu.t. lundly, It "Splrlt." BL Paul tn hl1 f\r11t ep(.11\!e lO Ul4i CortnW... (1 2:8, &1. ell\Ull · er•t.a the d1Nerent ways that Bplrtt, God. ta e.:11pre111ed by n1.11n_ ff• •Y•. "For to one lll given by the Spirit the word or wisdom ; tn a.nother the word of knowledge by th• Mme Spirit, To a.nether taJth by th• Mme Sp!ri!; to •n- otbiar tbe ,itt.I of he•llng by tb.11 tame lpil1t." A oot'rel1 t(Ye and l'xpl-.natory DEAN HAVERMALE SPEAKS FOR ST. JAMES AUXILIARY The Rev. \Ve.11ley A. Hll.Yermale, rl!'l'tor ol the E pllCOJIAl Church ot. th!! M!!Nl&h, Sa.nta Ana. a.nd ci-n Q( the Lona tle1.ch Conv00Jt1on. will '-"" guest •pea.ker at the hb. I n1ee.llng of thl!' W\'.11r1a.n'1 Auxiliary ot SL JllJTlea Church. Luneheon &t 12.30 p. m win be 1erved by membe~ ot at.. Cecel111.·1 Guild. 0..An Havemuole will 1<p;o. k nn "f)igging up bo.!Med eltt .. of the 8Jb!t-." He aero•ed , an an:heologi cll.I exJ>f'ditiOCl ln the Hoty Land exC><vatlng bur1e<I cltle1 a.nc1 i• an &.lwtmWI of the Americ&n School of Orienta l Rea.ea.rch, Jer\llll&l.em., Scholan1 of U1111 !Khoo! a.re wot kine Gn the recently d~ De&d Sea Scrolla, ha iled u the n1oet 1w1at1onll manU11Crtpt find or me.ny ye11.r1. The ape.alter will exhlh!t and e:ii:plaJn the technlquM of exCllva tor• with examplea ot ceramic. anc1 pottery ma.de by the a.nc1tnt laraelitea a.nd Cane.&l\Jle.1 now u.aed u a k•)' lo biblical dale•. ,.._.,.. t rorn '"8 c '' n c e 11.ni:I M • · St d t et the Flnt B1.pU1t Church, ltth Health with Key to the Sc.r ip-18810fl ll Y a and Bal1>o11. Blvd., Newport s..ch.. tt.rres:" by Mary Baker Eddy .11ay11. Newport Baptis· t A prova.m h1.1 bffn ,..._. by "8plflt diYel"lllfle1, cla.a11!f!e1. 11..nd · J o.11eph. P . Thau, lu.der, OQ th• !ndlvlduallLe1 all thought.a. which The School of Mluiorui will con· .11tudy o r Ind.Jan Americana. H1 are u e ternal ._. lhe M!nr\ con-linue tor the next f!ve Sunct•y lnvl~1 everyon• to att.n4 tb•N c.etving lbem; but the lnlelli· k ,, .. dy ,, •• ,0 ••• evenings beginning at 6 ~'cloc v -·-J"en<:e. ext1tence, a1:1d contlnulty -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====; Of &JI tndlvlduallty rem1.1n In God, . .o who 11 the dlV1nel,y aeative Pr1n· ciple thereof" IP. 151:!). BALTZ MORTUARIES The Golden Tat from P1alm1 (1•3:10) read.a.. 'Teach me to do Uly wW; tor ~ a.rt my God ; thy ..,1r1t t1 food; leatl m e into the land nf upr11'blneu.. .. COST A MESA CHAPllL 17•1 Superior Ave.nu• COit.a WU&. CalJt. Phone Uberty 8-2121 CHAPEL BY THE RA M20 JI:. Cout Blvd. Corona del Kar, Calit. Phon.e Barbor il Where you make saye DOES a difference! .. ...... sAn•n ••• LIAI JG ti I.I.Tiii Frienc//y. • • Thot describes our cu,tomers -and friend ly service is the kind we 1ike to render in return for their potronoge. Our new building on the beyfront wes desi gned fo r our customeM. A friendly, p!eosent etmosphere, in <'l be<"Jutiful setting, end a building thet gives us top operating efficiency. Because efficient work means econorny-4nd thot means we con pay the highest return fo r our investors' saving s. It's currently 31/2°/0 per yeer, paid four times yearly on /\LL eccounts. • • SAVE BY MAil-it's s•le, fe1t, conveni.nt. And ._. ' postage, both e• •~"" NEWPORT BALBOA SA~l_N~S~ ••Ill LOAN ASSOCIATION~ P.A .~.~t 3364 Vie Lido NEWPORT BEACH 4200 ·CALIFORNIA -··----..... ....... Coron• def Mer Office 2407 wt Co.st Hi9'1-ey l , •• " . ~ ~ " • ~ \ ' \ 't ·" • ONLY A GAME -. .. Thi• Ji H1 • (irl It pl•)' inc OGIJ' a 11m1 .•. I (hildi•h liHl• g1m1 tilled blind m•n'.11 b1df. Any time 1h1 w1n11 10, th• c.an whip oft Oat blindfold in tht t"'inklin&" of 1n •J'•· But,,, 1uppo1e 1h1 couldn't? Whi t if th• wcr• forted to k ttp htr blindfold on fo reve r~ This Church Feature Sponsored by TheM Local Business Firms GEORGI M. GRAHAM ELITE IEAUTY SHOP Rug:• and Carpet. 1Z2 Agat.e Ave. Balboa hland Under the New ManA.('1Ulment ot Mr. Pat Ha.rbor !266 ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors 8-.;r Front BpecWlllll 2901 Nowport Blvd. N•wport 8-b Harbor 6228 ~rio 's Smart s.t Hair Fashions complete Bt1llnJ Permanent Wavinl" and TlnUnJ" !!407 Eut 0-t Hwy. Harbor 6161 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. complete Home Furnllhtnp Fred Or~ CllevrN.s.wtce 1'\ne -B&tt.ieie -A~• complete Lubrlea.uon %100 W. Bali-Blvd., Nowport Beach ll&rbor 1615 UNl9UE CAFE 8 r-.k!Jt. -Lunch -Dtmt .. '10 Shel St.. (A""'"" 1rvm City Hall) Entle C'-c:lt-THE ARCHES -UaiOll OQ De&ler ll400 W. Oooot Rwy. Newpo.-t BNch u 8-906S HOWARD'S RmAURANT Cott• Bbop--()pm 24 Houn ,_ w. ~ ..,. (&t .,._ eo ... > -- 804 Marine Ave. DICK MACKER Or1.perlet1 -Carpel.I -Upholatery Complete Free DecoraUnc ~ M20 Via Udo Barbor U2S MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut Flowers -Pet SuppU. Balboa Blvd. &t 21"t Newport - NEWPORT HARIOR IANK , .Aft ~t Bomt1 Bank 011' I 9 a d el Mar 11ie Port Hal9,Jreakfast Ha• .. llOdn!aM t.o 11 A, M . Z217 W. Coui Hlway, Newport - Vincent's Rexal D1119 5toNs Two locaUONt to 8.en• You STAFFORD & SON ~ Qllltracton 110 Riv..-Aft. Nowport - •• "'8-t%16 Lawle WoodwotU1 Pino Co. .... 't,. .... - • ' ' • . - ! ' ---• -...--. ~ -~~---·- i I I J ' . l .. . . • ' ' ' ' ' ! • r • r I i· I . . . ~· ' ' T • •• t ( \ • • • ~-\ ... ' • ~· .. "' .;:.. ·" IP ----·~·---=-='=-,,.-r=--,.._~-=-----·---------~---.. - Yes It's loy Scout Wffli -the w&ek for our boys! Boy Sco1.1t1 of our town and our country and we're proud of the boys of our town end we went them to be continu•lly more proud of our town' · . To merit the contiouing epprovel of our boys for our town we must continue to grow, end develop end RENEW our town. New end expended schools, end perks, end play· 9round1, and stores and 'shops. Yes, folks, in order lo be worthy ofJhe faith now and in the future of our boys we must continue to make our town a bettor place in which lo raise them and for them to inherit. Do you. know the easiest way in the world to develop you• town? Not with a lot of new taxes, not with a lot of bond iuues, •nd not with • lot of bellyaching -no sireel The best way folks .to develop our town is with faith, end confidence, and good business. And it is goO<j busineu folks for you to shop in our town. It is the way for you lo show yoUf faith in your merchants end confidence in the future. You can buy everything you nti,d right here et home • ,, ...... _, 4 ... • .. .. , • :Jetrua"!f 6-12 46lh --4-nniuer:Ja"'J · Yes, •nil •nrytliin9 yllu c•n li'uy c1n be liou9lit ef •• 90011 or better prices than anywhere else. · When you buy et home you serve yourself many times. .You save time, Mrs. Housewife, time lo spend with your boy or his ~isterl Time to be • den mother or peck worker, or es· sist your scout with his merit badges end awards. More then that Mother, you make en investment in your hometown. en investment that continues to be re.invested. 1Your 1ele1 tax, the same amount you'd pay anywhere, goes into your city treasury for building your facilities. A quarter million dollert wes provided to your city lest year throvgli the collections by end from your hometown merchant. ,Yes, you build your town by the reinvestment of your merchants r.rofit in hi1 store, end the payment to your feRow town1peap1e w_lto .~re employ~~ .•s cl_orks, ~s boold<_eepers, -·and ·h-•ndyr r.-en. end executives . .Yes whet helps busineu -helps you. furnish• better way of life for our boys in our town. And mother don't forget they are your boys, •nd its your town and we er• 7our mer· dient. end we ere proud to repeat the motto o the Boy Scouts of America in their 41>th year "Onward for God end My Country." It is our 25th year in the SOth year of.our town. THE FINES.T -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHERE Hardware .• : Paints ••• Wallpaper ••• Appliances ••• A Goocl to Friendly Place SUNDAYS 6. llOLIDAYS TV ••• Radio Shop • -, OPEN ~205 W. Balboa Blvd. I • 'Harbor 116 N•wport Beach I I • • • • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS .FRIDAY, fEBRBAR.Y 3, .19~ PART TWO,-PAGE ONE • .IUNIOR PATRONS -Ml"8. Ka.nm·Margr('UI Bnaninr-, &tt:'<lt1•.;; u'"it\:iol..C!-at ··'ttfo.·i:he Orange County P hilharmonic Society, takes especial ple81!u re in v.·1::lcon11111.; t he Robert C r1C8M'r tamtly of Cliff Ha\'en to the initial ''SymphonJf'H fur Youth" con· cert. Mr. and Mrs. Gr ici>se r accompanied th~·1r three youngst ers. J ohn, n.o bbie a nd Mary !,ou who earned their ov.'n n1orli'Y to join the J unior P:t trun gro1)p of the present t10Cicty. EVDDIODY OOD-Aa Or. Ba.ail Petenon, presl- dmt ot OCC, Kn. Cue A. Hoffman, president of the Harbor P·TA; Mra. Fred F errey, chairman or the Orange County Youth Symphony program a.nd More- land Leithold, preaident of the Orange County Phil- barmonlo Soc1ety read over the list of Junior Patrons WI Q5em• I -MJ. Jl'riencla Bellnfante, .,._i..,_ Mo: for Onnp County Philharmonic Society'• con· aft11J p'Mta 80IDe intermted young mualciarul who - -tllo _.. than 2000 yotmptera atWld· ....... I 2 0 •II> IDlllal --.... !« of the Society before lfu1t Saturday's Initial ~Youth • Concert, a cou ple of fut ure members of the group, Nancy and Peter Hill, arrive with' their neighbor, Carl Boswell of Bayshores. an enthusiaatic supporter of the O.C.P.S. a ckeer IObk at 110me of the ln.ltn1menU Oil the ODD· cert •tage are Chris and Geoffrey Moore and SW1ie Sta&f who were accompanied to the concert by Mn. Emory Moore of Balboa. · 8INGU:S, PADlll, . .AND GllOlll'll -.Qilldzoen ot Orange County turned out ln force for inU:ial concert. of' Symphonies for Youth program lut Saturday. Shown here Cub Scout P&ek No. 1CX5 of Balboa ar· riv~ wilh their Cu.b Muter John Km:able. In the Youth Attends Symphony Here , , ~ Many Newport Harbor chUdren h.a.rd lb.tr tint lJye sym· phnny concert &t.turd•y momlna wb.en the tnitl.LI production In the •er1u or Sympbonl• for YGIUUl wu pruented by Orance County Phllh-.nnonlc o~t.r& iA Or.nee Co&st CoUec• A udi· ton um. ( The pr-nee of the lUs'e number or Brownl.,., Cl.lb~.., r.1r! SCout.. •nd other o~lu.Uora u well u netchborbood 11· dren cave pl"QOf of the d.,.ire of younc people to hear t lne concert itlven by t he on:::he•tra under Frieda Bellnfa.nte'1 bat.On. The Orance County P hllharmonlc Society h u been orcanlaed only t wo y ear• Durlnl' th•t ttme. the county-w1de on::h Mtra hM been heard in nine concf!rta, l'tven ln Costa Men., t...gun• ~ach, Santa Ana. Fullerton and Anabelm. But whf!n 100 flxtra seats had to be placed be.ck •tare and m&ny l.dults held chUdren tn their arm• to accom1nod1.te the crowd, Lt wu eYtdent that a dr$&.JTI of Bymphonie. for YouLh had come true. ' "Whm t. the no:t concert !" Quutlons wflr• heard f rum chlldf'ftl u t.hey Jel't the a uditorium. The .entlment wu echoed by many adult.. Before eacla numb<tr on the prvg-ram. Miu Belln· tante exp.l&lned the tuncUon of the i.n.trumenta that were t o play the ma.ln Lh""em• and In turn each lruitrumut wu heard ...,p&rate- ly. 'nle m.t.rucUon period enhanced the 11.t.en!nJ of tiach one preeenL The Oranr• county Phllhannonlc Society hoper to contribute to Lhe cultural deYelopmcit of the chLldren of Or&nJe County by continuin1 ~ free eoncerU for younc people. If the e ttendance l..t the first concert ls a.ny lndlcation, the youth of thl• are-. 11..nd the pareni. who M"nt thero wa.nt the op- portunity to hear cood •ymphonlc music played end lnt•rpreted by talented pro!eeatonal muaicLana. • background, other groups ii.ppn•:tr h t h,.. en!rance iacluding (at r ight) Mn . I Ill k :'ll·1·I• , ,[ I~ 1y· h•1 r£·a with her youngs.er1:1 and thl·Jr ~u··i.ts .\ii I.$· Lkner Photos SYMPHONIC INTEREST -Absorbed in the "Sym· phonies for \'outh•' program they are about to hear are 0 . W, "Dick·' Ri.chard and his son. J ohn, who al· tendc<l the initial concert last Saturday. Mr. and Mni. Richard have been most active In the Orange Coun ty Philharmonic Society's crfort to bring symphonic muaic cloaer to residents of On.nee County . • "DE'S BOW D'll DON& -One Of tho popular !..tuna of the "Sy11'fli -' for Youth" cone.ta Ill mtorma.ttni explanation of int:ricadel of vartom ·.;m ... phonic lbtnunmtl given to the chlldnm by the rracJoua conductor of the orche.tn., M'llre Frieda Belinfante, ab.own here u •be demoMtratee the Ulle of the llWl1' pedalo "" • harp to Kana Bnmlns. Hit& Wb-. and Tin& Bnminf prioT to - S&turd&y'a concert. ., I . . J -- SAILORS FACE SANTA , -----· --···-ANA ·THERE TONIGHT -~-°-·~ . --........ HBC Pir1tes ~ Boar~ loop Fi.~ •. P..IJ~ lll&A \'E BUOi Ptr&t .. : Wa.yne Y.eckk lnJ 4, L.ucu JO. Bob ~ 10. Jttr)' Q\Mener I , Jlm Bw h ling 4. OiQ\11: Ted Haddock 12, John -Makk io.-aw,. ....... t.~n.­ ~ 11. Ca_,qy .~ ~pm H!!_~-· Still In Sunset" Contention -.-~ ---·~ ,µ.,. __ .......... _.;_.., <lllLL. PKILLIPI!, llpcirtt· lll!IW.-4---1' •wubbuckUq OYV the Gtanll 't-3' U.. ll&rMr ecy.' Club -rrtft• n'i~:-'Pfioitet boarded top •pot ln th• le•ru• Tue.day with • 1191'1ect •-o n<cOrd.. Wa.Jte 3o.: Kttbn 27, Bute " wttk:aft U11 ne OfMrt': & ~: • Bill Amuitronc 11, A.ll•n \\'ood• rich 16. Can11n.le: 't'Um Sando- v&.I 10, Chuc k B&\ntMM\ I . Pete Fe&thf!nton 10. PA6E 2 • PAllT 11 -NEWPORT 11AQOA NEWS-l'RESS _FRIDAY, FEIRUAllY !.. 1916 ~ HI-LOW GOLF ENTR¥'.;: DEADLINE SUN.DAY F.6R "'ANNUAL : UNl<S GO .... • • • ;t ~ l:DlrJ ""dMN ior ............... .:..,... ........ a.m. at rm.. Cout °'9Cl'J' CM .. e.dlay. Dai. lw the clUl6e ll hb. 11 ... 'll. P' Eff crl a.M. ,..a?• tournq wen Don Moel Md ~· W-tW, · 11wi &ll ~ taun:acy Of t:wo-IM& t.... f)Olftbln .. :. '1tP h~capper wil.b 1. kJw be•.Cllppw, b)' l'Uea$ ol a dr&wihJ. Each player mu.et p&ai out .,,,_..,. bole. T!le Wiil- ~ tUm I.I delll"l'll1Aed by total ~t.e 9CQre 1-lot&l qp.pt. band.leap tor tht M M191.. At A&k• IJr the prt\IOes• ot tba COD1-l&tita havtns their -.n.et enrraved en tN J"ra.ak car1ton perpetual trophy. l ndlcaUon I• 160 linJu larruperw will take part in t.b.e evenL IUCS LOOP SPOIURS? Two laps behind undefe&ted A.nahehn, but .wI con-lD other pmu, the Br•v• bat · t..-.d the Red Boa 112·.!ld and thfJ sidering' themeelve. in conlenUon. Coach Julee Gage and WblU Bax clobb.red th• C.rdln.U. his Newport Harbor High School Sailon open leCOnd round 80.n. Sunaet League competition toiiicht apinat the Sain.ta In Jury Hehn topped C'lr-cuit .t00r- Santa Ana. With a 4-2 first round record, the Tva can.not la&" w ith 21 po1nu tor the White Br&ve:t: Huber IO, Steve fti)b • In.on 11, Dlcll ~pp 14, Manual Cul.Jiu 4, W1yne Rlee 2. Bob Cam&han 4. Red Sox : S elrel 20, Fred Martin I , Tom Graham (I, Ben Jac.Uon fl. afford to drop a MCond round .,. '"JO •--··~-, •··• ••d So.. Tom Hubo< ol ••• B-•··. B< dl pt ...-... .._ ,_...,. _ -· .,, , .. ~ an nr•: tateo1 4-0. Brl\"e!, prne 1f lhf)' an to wear the care than ~ Ha.rpw look M er In Bob Set&'el ot the Red So11: and Red Soir; .!l·t: C.rdl.n1llo, Whit• crown lhi. -..on. t.he plTOt apot to lp&tk lh• localli Brie.r:r. Llic&.1 ot the Pini.tea dunked Soa 1-3 ; Giant. 0-f.. The Gob• completed lnlllaJ ctr-lo a S..~ h&lt'U1119 pos!Uan. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.._;;;;;;;;;; cult of the loop with & powl'r-lllABEE UNOOJUUI packed triumph over der<Jndln1 1·h1l.n1ploo Huntington Bt>11.ch on the rlvLI floor. Tu1111do<y, 6~-~­ That tell& but halt th,. tale. huw- o:v.,r. Gare reatnc ted hia t op five play .. r11 t o limited ar Uon &nd ~~r··«111.lly 11.fter tht-S11llorl!! piled 1 up ,. l\I poLnt lead !n the k <.:und half. • DAVE VE \'IO\;!!I After hJtUnl' tor but a lone bucket In the fltlt b&.I!, J'orwa.rd Oeot1;'6 Mabee rerwJ.ned hb eye with a venireance In the aecond hall, popplnc lhrouJb nn fleld goal.a and two tree lhrowa. The effort e1.rned Ceot'l;'e Tar hLl'h .con1 w1lh lt polnu, Pope &.nd Green tn.!Ung-with 12 each. Mesa Five ·nps ·Off 21id Round · Play at Riverside Don Heard or the OHen oop. l'rohllb!y mo1t ple11"lng 1U11per t tured K&Jlle t•lly hono,.. with HI or the outing. where ~'"lo:"Y r;age po!nt11 on M'Y"n goiUa and two gift .~ ~ ("''" ~h ,-,t1•"'\ J»r ,,. »'.u-:in · .4.u./ tOMe•• .,....,. .-..if"fnc rurftlo11.'T! • tl•••T g11.111,. futr11 "f Ce1·1tJU~ I llll'•• J' Lo J.L"KS \\'1 1\'~EllS--John 'Weld, left, and Don Noel, ht ft huge J>erpetual trophy won last year by the pair in annual fli-Low golr tournament at Irvine CoaBt Country Club. -~1aggie Price Photo 1 ·:-.~inura. l.Jl\Je l >ai·hJ ha.11 L-·en •aul rent:z.rn. thr• .. goal•, II ha1 ing 11tnf!Jy llJI ll\·1Lll<l-r.ut ,,... To:rry l-I Lll, 1 .... .., 11:1rt.~. 2, ~labtol' I 8LJt l("oe.la, two J;lfta. It , Tom 11on v.h1lh hu.11 had G11.i;" L••ru1i; ..., .1h lhL· ldo:1t vf t..enrhini; 01,. bo\' Hou11ton, l""'o 1;0 .. 1.1, "ne gl!t, :i. lhit !l1"ut.:h Tittinir& 11,dn l ,;cri;., l'op•', Lh~e. ll'""b 111,., girt.-, 12 . H11.rper tour ,ir:n11L• I! R ely Da nlel "!•"int ni.:111n"t th .. ()il··r~ /,, J•)M,·· t., • nln11: Tar Juniors Jar Oilers in Cage Go ,.J Ju~ bt:~L K"""' .. r lh« ,,.,,, 111,, th.rte .:••al a 6, L;r ... n. live Jo:<t&l~ 't i! 1 1~. J\1. I--------------I A~lhou~h appa.rcoUy uut of tbc E.ast.ern Conicrencc , !lnbbhn&' wu 11. thu:i; !Jr l°Y'><uty :'~·~··:._-•c''~':':_:'~'~·---------~,.----------------------------..J 1 1 T ARBABES 2ND ·, ehamp101n;h11 1 race aft t>r alternatl'ly v.•1nn1ng and losu1g "·hent•·er the 011rn1 tned t o .. 11111y SJX flr8t r ound fray8, Coach Stu Inman's Orange c·oa~I 1""11'11"& laLl!Cll SEAFLEAS 4TH Cullege con tuigcnt (•uuld become loop spoilers w ilh the , Glltlrd Gary Green 11nd c .. nt ~r At !h·· rn·I 'r flt<' '·IH1 l start of S<·Luud ruunJ of play at Ri\'ers1de comc-S p. m. :,;11n~et L••111:ue , 111<;r pm, 1 t11· Nf'vl'port Hartor Hlgn ~chool Tarbat>es <i f CIJarh J 1n1 Miller I IJJ' off 11u1., turlij;hl. WI!.,,• high s core nonCJra for Lh,. j !11 1n1li.tl ''l''"l ;:•o r(•Un·I tl1e .:arne l'hal "'' .. , ;,, :..«·"'l"'r·1.• , ... ti \<•lll'l>: 11 I•' )..~ ... , lt•Y>'t• ><Wl1 lJ•'1'1lY ~llJJll•lr•c k "'h" 11(]·1' 1 ~111< I•~\ lu ~·u11 .. , I·'' L<'.tl Ch,.!· •"I 21 l"'lnl; Ltu uu;:h th" hoop werf! lr1 •"-"<Ind. place 1.n<I the Sea.net.• "t Co1.ch Bill Str1.w t!'\ 1 "~t tu ~il/l l :•'I Uri.I Oii\" "<!,.; Ht:llJ•t)l l l(f),ll':-0 N-port Harbor H igh S<h001'1 were d!'li•llnck"13 tor fourth .-.1 ['ff'>I 81tnt11. An;o. itnd >:"l ,.,lg· Ot hrr T'u,.,,1K•' Ef' ll•<we11 round jWll.or var.tty 81..1lor11 curp<'d their .. ,J by t.'lc .Muwit1e.., 51S·f16, Tu .. ,,. pl•ce. I I~ Sun.Mt League victory ot tlav ThrH loa"U aralnat an un· B )OQ p •lan[Una•: Anto.he1m the •e&80n agt..lruit tw" tlrtt ,j,.!.,nt,.•1 ~an 11 .. r.1<>0 quh1let a nti l 8--0 ~ Newport 6·! . .F'ullerton I round OA•e• by downln~ lluntlng· 11 ""\·r ·oJ•iv.n.,,I 11.,rn•·t f111nv 4·2 tlunun,ton Beach J·3: " ton Beach there 'f'Ue•oJ&y 11fter· f11e .••·al , r,,.,.,1 h•ll'"'" ••f th·· ~· G&nlc•n I ;rove 2·4, 811.nta An" noon, uo-43. ~ I ~1 ... ~111,,.,n Coach J ule1 Ga1e'11 JY8 ~<•l tn 1' · Orttng" O·fl Uf:("T l.11 :-.'ll l'Altt &-1: l""i' 11111nl!!nx•· Anaheim rront l l t •t end or th' flr1t ~·!, t"\ill•·rl••n. Glrden Grove Still, \be 8fgrt>.~l ve ~1,,u p \In· quarter &nd extende<:I thr milt· .Jrr Jnu.1<11 ,.,,. i:•~•-1 en\JUIC h tn 8 4·2. ;-.. .. "l'"'t ~Jtnta A n11 3·3. itln to 33·2 11.t the half. ~~or· Ir• I I• \I),. j,,.,[, l••n·l UIJ in ~ee· 1 Onr.ng .. , Hunttn1ton 1 Beien tim1le y ror Lhe local lad11. thrlr l ·:i "11•1 IHl4u•! .:-, .. ~ """"'"! Fullert<>n cold third canto found the r lv&LI n,,,., '"·~! ~·1 1,1.,,· ••if;hl 1u1<l Sa.n equally aJ1 cJ\llly .a.n'1 botJ'l 1.ldu 1 ..,_r•!•"' u,,.,.,. ~··ti 17 ga.Jned 1 n even •Pllt on 8 p<.ilnu JUMP SHORT rh ... \l•111ri•v 1 .. ,.,. hj thf H1..1c11 ICMf!d betweui lben1. ""·'" ~ ,1,.ru1ll• "f'"<'I The pi. S1.n 1-!erdou ru111111nl' uv!'r tl11nhr. Ana 89·4 I 1.n<t Chll.ffey b<·ttt'r· 1ng l\1v.,r111,:~ gj.j.., Stnn\1 •111;~ ,,1 ""'J "' lh~ flr•t rnund ::;,.,, B"r>lutl 6-0. F'\1ll1•r· tun ~·I, U1 "nge t:•Jli~l 11n ! ~l l , SAC 3·3 H1\•er:!>ldP 2·4, 8nd San· ta An .. •nil Ch•ffey J .r. Bua ttlll y1ni;: •i.:1 1n~l 1h~ .\!<1unt1r• l •ll"' H1oln1< k IU Hiil \V,.tz.·I J, i :z Von Horn LI Jl'IUp111r11·k Jl 1~ .. , /ll'l 1n~"!1 •. Bob Ch><pn1An 3, J'°d<Jy Y"llll)I' ;: l:idl l1il•1e11 ~ 008 l)t' tlOAl.S s f '"'"• 1 .. 11 11t h11lftlln• :l:l·2J •nd But lhe Gobi n11u1., "I' !ur lhf'lt ea leas in .\II .SAi' .. t1111.11 "("I"<'!". O•ve '-d b s . I llpAfl In the tln11l I'll.to n~>< p•1uring l'<t!• e. r .. ul ·1 , 1l "'th rn~ rrun· ~ Y elCJ4t 2 1 dl1tH11 Into thr no:-lttng lli,:t riut 33-23 Oi"ler 111"• t., Jilll) ll• I ltw 1 '11 .,.1"~ JI !'!Ir the Oll('TI. l ... u1,1 111 lv11~e fri,1rl 1h• 11«tb11 ~k Gwe Hubbard h11rrai:;<>d thf' --- •:orda ... dth eight f!eltl ~.,.1,. ,.,..i Court loss 11'"'"! inin,>r.~ "".th II nn thret' une free throw fnr t:"'"t' h111l1 llvli s, i>;t'I ll• , .qlln1n nr 11,.r. bor Boy11· t'lub erir:hlh l(rll'l" In· traniur•l b-..,kf'tbell Je11g1..1~ Herl 1'ol!.. r.t<'mber~ ar ... J im .\tc:· ,\1&h1u1, lt•rhart.I LaL'un1b. T orn f1•1,I i::_!.!Jlit 11nd tw., r,,. .. th1<1w11 ..core honor• or 17 m11.rker1 1·r111 I· I L lookel'I !I ke Co1.c h Blll Junifiinji;; •nto lhr 1,..11 in.t •n l ;,11111u11 ~~, •• ,1 ~1,.rtln, -.: ,. w ,. II 1nr Lh• torrid Tar WIL, team111nle ~Hr8\lo''• S1"afle11• h11d gottrn Ule 1ho 111 ,.l <tU•r t .. i ,,1 11,,. !rui , lh•• Stl«kJ.·,, St11n D•nd111gl'r •t111! Ud! •"'' ""~ !a "'"" Ulu " . in-J:Oll.1' &.nd ''ven gilt he1ve1 <jUKrl,.r pole in S1ulor &Yffi T'.Jet·1 1 ,1 rn•~~•nn il<'a•llnrk "'ilh lh<> ouJ. BIG MAROIS ''"" art .. rn,,nn but when lhf!y Edthe Pupe propelled the l;vnt 1nt.o wit~ tlle State Farm ln1ruce Cdlnp11i~ Cali LI !HOil i '. W . L i_...•to L £_ C..lr•• IS!! E. 17th SL Don Babb• with 13 point• on luu1 I ju1111• "n th" ''""'"Y 11.t the first· .., t< 11 1 11 <J Kf'nn,,ty. "' ~•jllll !• l 'h•· :-;1rR,,.1ru•n r!l·ln't Printing c111l fl1.rbor lfllfl. J ob In lt.ll, the RaUor cacer1 cor· pullf'rl up J11.n1" r e1l or the way, >:"I "'thin •plKtt f'rlni:: •!l~t11.nce Prln\Lnlf Department. Cot1t& Mesa r alled 21 bucket.a to 18 for the 11 11 n ti nx ton l:I~ a< h c •pt u red I 1 h,. rr 11 n ,.r Hun 1 1 n l:°t "n I lrllr h nu 1 · J.,;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1o:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OUert and h it tor lfl foul 1holal33·23 Sun.~'l !~11~11~ JoiBme rrom < 11 20 < .~ror ,,, 1f'n1 · v 1n the •<•ctJnd to 7 tor the Oller•. Newport H arb"r H igh School'• ha lf Gob .coring rundown: Babb• fl)'W•'lght cuger11 -I 1 1 J l!i J K l!l T """ 111·r1ring 1111 Je\l.•1•11. one : erry en1per, five g-011 , one he lo1e g><v~ the ~raOeal!I en !:"Ill. :z . /ta ) ::;11.nrhri:. thr"" g()1:t!~ gilt, J~; Bob Villagrana. twv f'I'"" ~pllt ln flrllt r<iund loop pl•y fl T11.i·lvr 8. ~l!ke liBVf'l'I, thr~ .foalt,, 4, J im Bento, t""'O g1ft11 , :?, \lo'l\h three-Yltturlt-8 lljllllll.lll thr« . S tan Schoou., two gtflll. 2; Bob •elbllrJ.ia Alleu, two roe.I•. Lhrt'f! gift.a , 7 ·I Centf'r Ch8rlle Taylo r or the Hubbla.rd 17. Sf'WJ>Orler1 1111.lv111.:1"1! )Ill.me blgh TARBABES ROMP FOR 44-37 CAGE VICTORY ll, Henrot!n, •even g nt1 l11, riv' gift~. 19 : Jim Schonr~. t\l.'o goal!!, 4: r alaterrt. one goal, t.,.·o i.:lfts, 4; Bud Thom peon, one JOLI, I ; Bob Hendel"lhot, two goala, .e . 1;u11I,., vne i;:!ft. 7 BE SURE -INSURE ~·Ith l\IAl'R ICE STA.'l'U:\' IMW'ILllt'tfl Only l'hone lllrbor Z474 ~:II:'> t:. C'oa1.t HIJh"'PIJ' l '<orona tlel :\fllr \\'A Tf:R Hl:A TP:tl.S \>l l \ Sf•YICE one! •l•All i Jo e "{1~~4JofJ tl a MS, 10 ,,. Cl NT OOWH n-H.,.M~ UH SOUTH GOflST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMMl::RCIAL NO J OB TOO LARGE OR 230 30th St., Newport Beach THEYLL BE SAFER • 1n a '56 FORD with LIFEGUARD DESIGN " . ' L1f~td Dmgn ii the 6rtt comprehensive rontrlbution to driver tnd pauenger safety in cue ol accident. Two yean 1go, Ford ~t out to detennlne the cautell ol cu ... ccident injuriel ..• 10 • Wer cu could be built. l~undrtds oi actual car·lo-c&r "eccfdenu" were 1taged end the 1f!SU1ll were minutely rt1eonied by high·rpeed motion picture camerU 1.nd modem elC'Ctronic Mvket. During thil time, Ford engineers •I.so C'Of'ltt1lted plol'ltt'rt In the Reid of cruh lnjuritt 1t un!venlt{tf, rn~cai t"ollege. and JUft police headqU1rten. Thia rneardi showed that ~ half ol th. lttiout cu-accident Injuries came from occu- panll ol can be:lng thrown 1.gain.st the Jteer· Ing post. •pinet hard Interior nufaoes, or be:lng thrown out ol the c •r. To guud you and YOUT lam.Hy aplnlt thete m•jor hazan:b, Totd developed Uleiuard Design. Jt'1 a whole new f~ ol afety featutta: including: Uleguan:I deep<enttt 1teering wheel-Lifeguard douhie.glp doo.- IOC'lc• -Uf~rd reu-view mlrror -opdon&l Lifeguard padding !Or fnttrumertr pane.I and sun vi.son and optional fOfd -1 bclll. C.oflM in .tel r .. t D'ive rite FINE CAlt AT HALI THI RNl-CAlt ,_tell '·'·"·'· THEODORE ROBINS 3100 W. Cout Wgbway, ?li'ewport 8eacli (Mariner'!I Mlle) l'OUR FORD Of:AUR 8 1NefP; ltll Uborty 8-3471 TV •I 111 a.111 Don't Ml11 •ford Thoalre" KICA (4), Thun4ay. t:H "'""' With John Henroun •inking' 13 point.a in the r1rst ha lf for 811 but 6 or '.\"cwpnrt Hatbor'1 lnte1·· rnlulon .core. Co11 ch Jim Miller'• Ta.rbAbf!11 rompr<I to & 4'i·37 wln ovo:-r Huntington Beach'• Ughl· weight cager!! ht"re Tueeday . Th• lrlun1ph 11!Jowr(I t he locAl lad• to cornplPtP f1 r~t round Sunafit Leagtif! plu y v.1!h a rec:ord of f1Vf' \\•\n,,, f'l\f' j'l~.t Jt la lhe b<'~t loop mlrk for GREATER EARNlll'5 • any Ne\\·port Hu rbor Hlgh School b11,11kelbalL quintet 11t lhe •M<m'a bal!'way poin t A11de r ron1 H"nrotln't bucket output. T11rb11.be fi rst b e.Lt tally · Inc agRln•t the O ller1 cona!ated o f 11 field go1<I 8fld tree throw by Bob \V h l t e iu)d lwo free thl'O\\"R by H.lch P&l&flll'ri. But with H enroUn dunklnlJ tlv1 tleld- e~ And tht<'e girt -..... UMt M U1f'f1)1<!'n h eld 11n 11-13 rec- m argin REMEMBElt .. SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the ht. White proved hot man ll!tar lntenn!S11ion. h11gglnr tour eoaJ. , In the fln11.I quarter or the CGl'l- t f!.t1.. High point honon t Dl' t.b• came w ent to HenroUn wtth 19 point-. \\'h!1e tr11 1led with 11. Tally tot11l for the Tarbe.bel : \\'hlUo, five go•l11. one cttt tou. Chapman Grounded CCNJ1rs by Oxy ORANGE. (OCSS) -The lllch !1)1n&' Chapman ~· Panth•n were lemror•tlly gTOU.nded Tuel· llay night by t ha OOCJdent&l ,,.er u Ure BenJCAI• snipped aad •lrht· same CC-V.•l n 11\rl"ILk wilh an 80-7S a;Jp uid. t uek \·ict ory. W ith their norn1ally 1tronc de· enme fe./Llng:. the r lllllhers ""'er" bl• to conll..!n a trlo ct hol hoU or crack I he~ Occldenta.J .ant erLH. The TlKert1 preeente11 a ·b&l&nt"ed alt.ck that nlp[l'l'<I pman by • 7 point margin, Tbti 1..-wu the nnt det-t tor Oaprna.a I.ht. -..on on It• ,~mt couct. • • PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS I • Classified V' New-port Rarbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 M .. t. nety 'l'bt.ind•:y I p m. PAINTING INTERIOR -.ICXTERJOR Al.SO MARINE PAINTING FOR RENT 1111:111 a. ....... Ddllll. Polt.hen. au IJJllM oi •111--. Wb__,· ,,,.. •• etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2UO W. COAST 8JOllWAT ~.fbert.l 1-M~ .• N..,_, Bcb 28th: Smell Jobs Wonted l.:ARPENTRY -PAl.NTtNO Good work -rea.aonable U berty 8-6803 PAINTING SO-~A!!!! ! ~ •B-A11• 1111 .OCK ST REDUCING S-·A·L·E • O f MERCHAND!Sf EMONSTRATORS FLOOR SAMPLES & D WESTINGHOUSE RE FRIGERATOR • -. • • - Mode I FH 103 with old retriierator WESTINGHOUSE RE FRIGERATOR • • . Mod el 122A with old refrigerator- __.) . -· Reteil1 for 389.95 469.95 VI.a Oporto -C.ntrU Ave. N ewpon Bead! .A.JMrt B. Katlhewa. Exlllted Ruler LGi=~~D J~h~:~:~D II ~I -311! St. Newport u .. a~h Harbo,. 3178 •111 re UNDROMAT 319.95 • • • 1,-g, with okt waaher PAPERHANGING .WESTINGHOUSE LA Floor Covering Wall Tile lu )'··•no ""iJenf'rH'f' I Sympson & Nollar Beat E1tpt'1·lenl'f!d \\'orkn1en Har. 2"t 0t or !)317 " WESTINGHOUSE RA NGE . M odel BBS . . . . . • • -399.95 with old n.nge MEWPORT HARBOR NEWS·P~ESS -PART 11 -PAGE J FRIDAY, FEIRUARY J, 195' • .. I •• • .. ! I •• • Movie Projectors DRAPERl~S . end SUP COVERS . """ ....... _.,. ----M':!M w ..... ........ o..... -~ • HOBBY" iuad KODSL • ~·--.......... 4lllPl.Al<I: aQPPUa • ...L.ILCIU.ll DMJ'l'!l!llB Mearre-•res"![ Barbor *' -... 1 fU Newport Blvd., C-... -...,. PbODe Liberty 11-.TOU. ""' s.1. CUT n...owm ..... • bom-. Fresh Hearing ot:noe. or lllMt. wMirtJt M--__.· Price Aid J.y.or .. ~~ B.AllSklU ~ to ...-v. )"OU.. Band&d 289.95 We Olft MB ar-&t.&mpm &114 nli&~ fUabud'1 ftMillt Gunderson Drug Co. Sbof-llubor 1U&. Olen Kain SL at 81.lbo& BlYd.., Ba1bo9 TWO N1:W ' Tn.nl'M Bamboo Harboc 010. Pr 369.95 Ctirtalne ~ dlVl<kH . I ft. 14. L~CH WAHOO. TV .. outdoor lf:nrth b)' • "-' .... wicM. ae.rial $30. leathe r ottlcoe .w!<rel Har. o&M·R an.er 4. p. m. chaJr JGO, knff l\ole d<Mk 120. -259.95 Ironer '30. 8-r. 3682-W_ -DO UBLE NAVAHO Sadri!• SELL ON TERMS blankea.. At.o olh•r bff.df!d In - I .rr. DEµ_CATE88EN cue J IOO ..... IUD'l-I. P~e LI 1-7621. 279.95 O?o.'"E I !l. rd"ril"f.:l'aLor -··-·· '"' J ohn Jonl.u1 3!H E. lllth St ONE lar&:e comni•re. refr1f .-· $7!) C. M . ...,., I SCALES, 16.5 1 OONDOl..A $26 C.11 owner Ll 8-am mornln ... or HAND BRA IDED RUG S &ner 6 p. m. or Ll 1·!)7M after MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Coloni&J Mortuary l..icni.ed Cuntra.:t"r, li1tl 1~(&.:\lon . -. Gu•r•nte .. 1.1 u e-~1~~ 1 Pa1ntmg, Decorating MA YT AG · RANGE, Model 60G-2 e, time clock, extna with griddl . • . 279.95 199.95 11:30 • weekend&. ltlh: !"RF.I'": INKTRUCTION with old range lo"Oft S AU!: Single 1:•race 10 bo; ORlJf':H.S TAKEN 7801 Bo\ .. -J\Jat South or \\'ut- mlnater M emor1iU P•rk. 6:.!pjfi • __ Paper Hanging MA YT AG RANGE , Model 60D-2 • All ntw r11a trr1KI ' ••'10 1lah!t 209.95 159.95 n1ov"'l h1mbol'r. water heater A An On.ngo County lnt<ll tultnn 8ervtnc tam1JJe• ot .111 t111t11• Te.l.•phooe !Tott Free 1 ZE.n!th ~%3 1 C A R P E. N T E R 1GEO. BURKHARDT with minule minder . . • wit h old rang.e plumblng C!IlUl"f.:I. Har. !'>2!;13 M.!\B\' FANNIN 1111!)" CaL ~I 6~111 11 ... 1{1111.1 Ro.!. tt,Ktt • 7~1)~ ~ilp::l Re pair Work ucl!:Ns11:0 L"ONTRAL~r1J1t Dou Your ti,,.,.., r-; .. .,.CI Replllln,.g 8j8 W. 18Lh St, Coata Me..., MAYTAG Model IRONER , HOLLY RANGE 90 F-P 224 .95 ---- 169.95 SO--Mll'IOf'llantoua 311-~t i '4M' 1111.nt"'O us No OM 1v .. r turn•,\ 1w"y l>e-cau.e ot lack nr run,1.11 or R~mod,.lu1g ~ LJber!y 8-8628 • . . ----------- 279.95 1 Call 1-"rank, Lltl<'r:y !l-91'~4 1.l"L' ·;-,.;. ('A Hi:: rnr your 11IAl1I•. WESTERN All \\'01k 1:t111rionte~,1 71l ft II'· • IUI'! l>Ul~ll.lf Ellj•~I i1•B• ">I t . . . . . . . 344.50 SPECIAL OFFER W ILL HAND BRA ID lZ-Bullding ~~~~~--­ CEMENT " BUILDING A.11 K.l..llda FREE EST!MA TE:<; Llberty 8-6109 CARPENTRY M1NOR REPArR WORK NO JOH TUIJ SJ.IA L.L I H 0 A n<~f'.T...OTI J(JI• I!:. Halbo'.;& u1v,1 , Balti .. 11 Ha.rbi•r 'li~ ".i f • 2iltt 1 ____ _ ---------- General Contractor LI C'ENSEU New W o rk -Rcn1 odcling J. MILTON McKENZlE Custom Bu ilding ATiftAL"TlVE l'H.ll't-;S \'our plans "r !JUr>< LH.:•n~d ~ ln1ur•d FINA NCINlO ARH.ANGED A. J . WEI .. TY H ar bor 6399-W 58tfc ~30 Santi Ana Ave .• Coeta )1 .. aa Painting &. Paperhangh1&: W e do lhe "''ork ourselves. 30 y1ara eIP"-rtenc• ~ .. UUIUJ"ed. 8&u.tact1on JU&.tll.lll•cd. W~rty 8-8316 6.5t!c PAINTING M. W. ROSS I ,.,., t''''"''nn .. 1 1u ""' ,,. ' 1• J;,111~1 •ll•J r ,.ll11bl~ A'"!,.,\\ .. ~ ... ~~/\'U lla <lep~n<l!ng •. n )'''"·WESTERN HI< 'llAHlJ 8 VLulllST 1'ill\ II' I 1t .. 1r"" 28:l!!I 6:"':"1 with roti11sie re with old range HOLLY RANGE Coppertone with old r&nge CRA FTS MANSHIP 'PACKARD BELL TV , 21ST1 ..... . itl-~,\{lJlJEUNt; lil 'll.IJINr; I With t r ade-in I .-n111"1 •n•t 1n~•H •··t 1 , .. "• "' '"' '" '"" '"' ""'"' PHILCO TV, 4136x Blonde ..... T ltORIJ Sll:Et.I':\' with tra.dc-1n Ji": ~: li1'.lb..>a 1;11v,j Bsr u291·H.j 279.95 209.95 . 239.95 """ MAJESTY TV 16" CONSOLE TV .... WAYNE'S CONSTRUCTION co. PHILCO TV , 16" HALFDOOR CONSOLE IF IT t;AN BE BUJLT 01 r~p1<1red , I '·":::.~'.~.·~.;;:.._ I HALLICRAFTERS 15" TV . . ..••. __ '-' '·""_ ,,.,.,. OLYMPIC 16" CONSOLE , BLONDE . • • • • 219.95 169.95 I 199.95 ' 39.50 The 4 your J•dltt'rn 1 W OOL RU GS (I furnish all ma tt·r1al f 11 per eustnm\·rl AT $2 .50 SQ. FT. Mention th111 ad for ... l .. 'i.'Lal \11t1 ... 1•h·r11.t1••11 House of Yest er day & Tomorrow 1113 SO. M AI~ ST , C(11l<JNA WE HANDLE FARM HO USE FURNITURE 59.50 -------- BIG SAVINGS SALE E..Umal M frM. Call J ohllnle. LI 8-2687 & LI 8-~289 8ltfc L1een~ .. c1 LI !!l-3J21 j 280 AVU('aclo, COllla M.;s11. li~tfr REPAIR ANYTHING f:LF.f""TRl ('AL· MF:C H A:'lo.lf'AL F tJHSlT!'ftE HF~Fl!':l!=;llJ:-:1; BENDIX RADIO -P.HONO CONSOLE .. • Knot ty pine Cabinet 39.50 14 .. 50 USED O F APP LIANCES STOP dreaming ... START IN A FORD DEALER A-I USED CAR onJ th.y'r• priced to ••II Fa•fl (. R-H. H yd. '595 'i9 CHEVROLET 4-dr., black, w-s-w '54 MERC. conv. full power, Merco '55 FORD Vic., Fardo., R-f'I , W·8-w ·54 STUDEBAKER 4-door ':il CHEVROI..ET club coupe _ 'M FORD custom ranch wagon, O'dr. $1795 '60 FORD VS ~~·tori Pic ku p '53 FqRD VB panel ........ __ .............. $11195 THEODORE ROBINS 3100 w .. t Coast Hwy. Newport leach "ON Tm: 1'I A lllNER"!I MILE" Liberty 1-3471 ' • • llart.or 1Jt1,">;?·J, nlJi!hl11 1111.-SILVERTONE RADIO , 11-Penonai• WITH SHORT WAVE , . Police ea.ill, etc. 19.50 WESTINGHOUSE ~ BURNER RANGE DOUBLE OVEN RANGE 59 .50 149 ,50 1..'0f-<.OX Ah:u h~1t 11·8 A nony1noua W11te P 0 Rr,a JKI Nl'Wf>Orl Rt •<'O, Caltt. P hnnf' H"r bor 179:'1 79.50 DEEP WELL C.-'OO K J.:R. SLIPP.It HJ SPr:EO ELEM. HOFFMAN, 17" BLONDE CONSOLE . . . . . . . '" STRO.MBERG CARLSON TV, 12 " CONSOLE . 34 50 HOTPOINT ELECTRI C RANGE • • • SERVEL REFRIGERATOR . 29 .50 29.95 ----- ' '-,, sw"""'"""" """' '"" DUMONT TV , 121/2" TABLE MODEL . ""' ''''"'11rd "'Ill b1· r~"P"n~!bll' with FM radio .t: bono .,.,,.., . . . . . . 39.50 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR USED IRONER ... 19.95 14.50 9.50 I••! !\" do•hl~ <o!l'"'f th11n '"Y I p .i- ~; Jo: :-;"al1nlu1.v1rh ~ "hrun1) 3. l~~ 21 " TABLE MODEL RAYTHEON . . . . . . 99 50 KENMORE WASHER • WRINGER TY-PE. AS I;-) 15---ShaN' \'our Car -17" PHILCO CONSOLE . . • • • . . . • . ... 119.50 KEN MORE AUTOMATIC WA SHER 19.50 ------~'-"-~='-----I \\"ANT Tl! S':'A RI>: C'AK POOi . 10 ~ I Lu~11n• t o ~ ... Rt r,,,11 Anir,.1,.~ ~ day11, !!I 30 l•l ~. CaU CApltol '2-7171. Miu 1.Anttr ~4c66 ZENITH CONSOLE , BLONDE ...... . 39 THOR AUTOMATIC WASHER 14.50 · .50 MAYTAG WASHER ...... -74.50 16--Tr:_ans~rta_!-~o-a, ___ _ F L \' N \" C $111)• I Cllll. .. AGl) S69 •Round TrLp Only F'rrr. Li<nnu~•lll;' !u Ali-port Bux Lun,;,he11 t•r!'e T1ckel Uellvery "''ASHlNGTUN, D.C .......... · l il7 1885 Harbor Blvd. 28---Sttuatlom Want.f'd HA NDY MA N, malnten11.nc .. Ar r<'palr or wha t~ Har. olMi·W. 40Uc PORCELAIN, SQUARE TUB, DELUXE WITH PUMP DAVIS-BROWN DAVIS-BROWN . Costa Mesa Liberty 8-3437 1885 Harbor Blvd. LIBERTY 8-3437 Costa Mesa %&-Help Wanted "FIX-IT" GIRLS USED APPLIANCE BUYS !'Hl L ADEU'H LA ·-···-······ '88 ----------Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance 8erv1c• A W.. WORK GUARANTEED. WESTINGHOUSE LA UNDROMAT .... $39.50 HERE_ ARE JOBS That y ou will be pn:Jt1d to tell (Bolt down type. G u.ar.J D ALLAS .... ······---·-·-··-·-.. -149 DETRO IT ...... .,_. ···--···-····· '179 llONOLUl~U ......... ,. ... ·-······· a 109 NEW YORK .............. ·-····-·-· 188 CHIC AGO ............. ·-··-····· -·-$119 Al! f.'an-,11 -PlU!! T ax 124. W. Ocean Blvd., L. B. rt E '2·~1!) ·-NE\·. 6-"'63.5 S11.nta Ana. 117 E. 3rd Kl 3-83&5 13---Beauty Aids REDUCING Steam Cabinet Massage -Spot Reducing 1 Call Liberty 8-7472 for appoin t· H1rl>or M&ol or 66113 )'Our friend• abouL N_. h!fh KENMORE WASHER. Wringer t ype -$25.00 CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenance .. l' •l.l"fl• coup~ wttll Ui• Ideal KENMORE WA SHER _ ·--·-·····-········-· $35.00 Three year& O:pt'r1enc, c worklns cond lUon• add up to . . lht11 Locality. ----------Jobe '1'1'1tll prtettgL Wnnger t ype with pump Call LI 8-37~9 ••Uo STEADY. RJ:LI.ABLE A-I painter N O """""-"""C... MONTGOMERY WARD WA-SHER ···--········---····-···-··$27.~ --w ith re!eron<*I dealr e11 work ---~--"' R BX;iUTR!!:D . GARDENING w ith local contra.ctor. Har. 4897. St.art )'Qur new }ob tn one or our Wrrnger type ODD JOBS Ar CLEAN UP. NO J OB TOO SMALL BT HOUR, DAY OR WEICK LI 8·•080 or Ll .... ~. 112p7.5 t:XP E R lENCr;O gir l dt 1\ru hou&e work by hour or week. Be11t o t refe~nc<'&. LI 8-6774. 11·t e66 11.t1p41T otflcee near your home. DEXTER AUTOMATIC WA SHER ··---··-·····-·-· ............ $74.~ ----------I TELEPHONE OPERA TORS ln•t.alled -Apply-WE'5TlNGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT ·----·--···-···-·····--······$79.~ LADIES Do ahoulde...-or feet al'h• ! 111 REL.AXA TJON noede<'I ! MA KE AN APPOTh'TMENT !or t :oo to t :00 p. m. lruitalled 514 'ii N. :::: !~~Rm. 21 1 BENDIX GYROMATIC, Installed ----····-···--··-· ... -....... $59.60 PACIFIC TELEPHONE GAFFERS & SATTLE R GAS RANGE ·····------··-··-$59.50 Swedi~h Massage White Table Top 111 .. nt . 58cl l ------~----,-,--PART T IME WORK. D •y or n ight wllnted b}"' ~llred gentlema n. Perf!'rl health, college gradu•t•. formerly a ccountant, manqe· menl, hot el l'lerk. T ired or being l<'lle. Own c'\r-Con.1lden.bla for- •lgn tra v'I e11:perlenl'•. Ooo<'I a p- pe•o fl.nce . Phone Liberty 8-41215 In your til)me. FEMALE smeral nrrire hf'lp. W~NG HOUS E ELECT. RANGE ··--·-·-········--···---·$74.60 Superflu ous Hair Pleue l'all Harbor 47~ typ~g A ~.m•, "°"3,k k l'f.:ptn1 GIBSON 6 Cubic ft. REFRIG --···-····--·-----------··----S64-M or H11 rl>or 70. 59p72 P.ll:J)f.: f.:flet:. o yeara or Perm&11e.0Uy re111ov«1 from lie• 1m11, le(•. Ey•b•(N.·• 1-11<:1 flair une •ha pe.J-No inure twe11.1.1 n1. aa:e. llar. 0288. t.Ocfl_7 COLDSPOT 6 cubic ft. REFRIG. GARDENING end CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LIBERTY 8-6139 Wok.EN wanted ror \nlllrumenl-SERVEL, 5 c u. ft., left hand door --··-··-··----·----f19.ts0 EL.Lb:N L. Bfl YANT R. I!:. tyPe ....._mt>ly work. SERVEL 5Y2 cuflc ft. REFRIG. -------------.J69.M Lldo'1 Salon ol Beauty Har Zb76 '" .. ,,.. Call Apply Monday-P'rtday. CADJLLAC-OAOI: Co., 144 Terminal Way, Coat& Me11a ..., '2t!'E . d" h · KNOX HARDWARE CO. Santa Ana Kl 2-23Je Your Rele x-A -Cizor C<JNSL'LTA;'l:1' Experienced Gerdener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1&!9 -----------• xper1ence rv1ec an1c TO WORK I.N LINCOLN ·MER· / .3::2-:_:.Fanituro===_of;:;or:..;:ll&lo=---"2-Fu=-"=""=tue=..:':;:°':..,:!h;:llo::'--- =Z&-::..._,;:8:;e;:Jlp'---'W;,.;aa=lod=----i CURY AGENC Y. PMCentq11 bu\1 w1U:i suuazit.e«. Vacation r.nmnnAt 1 1ti<on~ no obllg•llon DONNIE: \\·ll~<>t>S HY11tt 4·646-t t13p7tl Beacon Personnel plan, yearly bon1111 . aroup Hoe- 100% employer retained -----NO ntl: colleclad from appllc&nt pita.1 plan. Inquire too W. Coaat Hlway or call Liberty 11-864.lJ. Newport Bt:aeh !2-1 ... t •n_d __ Fo_u_._,_,_ Roy's Maintenance agency LOST P•rakf'Pl. •n"rtrtuiw llnrl Hoiae c leantns-J'loor waainr tl 3-3Ut Newpon Beacb Johnson & Son •rt-•n. 1n11J ... ln~t ,n vorloooO J' -r Wall ...a.ahlnl"-wtndow cltanLD.r ---"-"-L -~ •· V et.Ian blind U 0.-1.11 .,... ... ......_. -oTer -IO )'M.rs C.'omn"d.;o A Edg .. w1ter Jlar. en L p..., ery DRArI'SMAN -Prect.iOD Mach-e6oS7 1066·M. REV>A.RlJ. ft6c67 lnsured. f"rM Eetlmate• lniata. Labor-1.tory techn.lci&Jl l-----------1 -----_ __ Liberty &-JUI.. lUc for 11-J!Mmbly and tut. l...OST SI"'""'"-r"t. fl'n11t1.. RI!::· , nr Apply Monday. Frttl1y, WARD 111 4 311th St H i1 rbor ~AL rellabl• W'Offl&ll wt.lite Turret Lethe Operators BWINQ 8e.trr, CLAM A. Ovw-· tlme,. top pay. CL.A-VAL C0.- 1701 PlacftlU.. Newport 8-.cb. 22tl6-R Hp61 da y work. $1.2.5 per hr: Own C.ADILLAC-OAOm Co., tran1port.ation. Al9o <l9Nl of &44 TennlllaJ Wa7, Ca.ta Jf-. China Painting 0., ano C.f!1lln1 0--o me,. 1'alff!ll Now Phorte Ubert;J &-aMI .. .,. ne'\" ba~ <:411 Har. :..429-J. ~ . '°'" .... , PAINTING WOMEN: B«:l'f'tary • •la»., sen-I----------- en.I orrtce, acet'•· cJ•rk • othen 98 "'-' • !DW MEN: Mac.hlnlm . lab. l.«'hnklalUt. BT HOUR. Small or larse jot. ok. lathe operator A-o\h.,.._ l'RCXl:EN ALBALONIC llJl'EAK8 R.&.onabi. ratM. JUNE F ARR.AR EJIP'L. AO'CT. ~ • 7?!oc a lb. PROZllN LlberlJ ll-J711. •02~4tacl It._ Newport CROWDICR ~ 8 tb bM fOT ~~ fr6m Qty HaJll I L Ll &-LnO.. 6!)cff EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Furniabinga, To)'B, Radio<. Uteulll, Drapoo, Becldliic BED, SPRINGS, • KA'ITRESS (oompl.t.) --.$10.00 WASHERB • RANGES -'12~ up BABY BEDS, PENS, STROLl.ERl! $3.l!O up CLOTHING & SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE fAMIL Y. Conatant addition of DISABLED VEl'EIU.NS penonnel in our •hopa reeu.lt.1 in wider .election ot completely re.fW'bisbed. mercb.uuiWe in OUJ' .iore. VETERANS INDUSTRIES 402 E. 4TH. OPEN FR I. & SAT. 'TIL 9 P.M. .. - ~ --. -·----. L.. • ~ •• • WI , m KNITTERS Sit N' .__,.,_ I ED ROOM am I • I pR.A. ~ .._dn.ier, mlt'rw, llollkcu. ......... rd, l'roat .. .00 1'W1N Mapa. bid wtt.b matt,.. 6. box .-. OD.I)' ---IM.60 -. I A I Q,flA WICft m.pl• 11,......r, wt~ -.trror. Qui\ --·· y 179,60 Knit 111 a. ..._ Bl'fd... ...._ Uring Room. Seta -•aolool. ....... TV ORGAN SPECIAL! OR.Q~.N o.ly MIO. L.1 ... ,..J l.radcm,, coaveaieat...4enu. i.e.. ~ {nctuded. A.nyona cu kam r '° ,..,. w. a •-.U.u&.a. a.e lt MOW al- --• -.S (Binet 1901'1 '21 -423 N. Sycamore. Banta Ana Phone KlmMrl:t S-0611 Onntl! County"• Ors:an H dqtn. No • ' PROQF POSITIVE One Undersells or Out -Trades Ray McCoy Fab~ous Limited Offer -. Utt• Modent • Ma.a 8P !NET Pu.NO. Lovely lollt and ~-~ .. -~-~· _..:.··===-= t""11C114Lilii -,.... -;;;;;;;;;.r--.. ... -1--.,.,,...,..,.. .. -'1-----c:.-v-e· -u·p .. 1-o · tcM"·-- AMA.KliDI( ttod u ywbwe. With our klw UertuJ b&rsalra In re.nl&l r.. .)CJ l;J\N overhead )'OU'U be •urpr1Md bow tuma, U-•c.J• .In on orsara. t tc. SEWING MACHINE ra~ 1to•• ca.n uv• you. Pl-~Yen.I merely ae.n.t.chect ln .. - l&k• a look. lt wlll pay you. llt'dppl nar. D ANZ -SCHlUDT -&XCH.A.Na& GOOD TZRMS. PHJLLll'S Bltr Pia.Ao .. Ors •n RICT&IL FUR.NITUftJt BROKERS 8 1.6re 620 N. Main 811.nta Ana. Open Frlllay ltva. KI S-2438 Snt a t spurseon Santa Ana 40tte RENTALS S3 9'.i per mo. Knowlton Eleelronlce TV REPAIR No Money Down '54 MERCURY HARD TOP MONTEREY $1599 RADIO, HEATEm, ORIGINAL 2 TONE PAINT '54 BUICK 4 DOOR ..... . 52 FORD R.anch \Vagon Rodlo, Heater $1(M5 MARK -OOWNING FORD fi 1to')' 39 •l l'1telfle Coa•I Hwy llUl'o"TINGTON BEACH "' .. BY OWNER IP1\l Buick Road- 1tKiJ1l01r, bl'auu rul r•r. Kil axtr•.11. lvw 1n1h.••fl't S47~ Har 4117 66t·t!8 ···- PAGE 4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PttESS FIUOAY, FEBRUARY l , 1956 U-.Ae a 01••• ••r ant ~Apta. A H..._ ,.,. .... ' Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula , East 31st St., Npt_ BctJ,. OFFERS 0eutht1U1 0v1nc . Apt.-CabanU. Utiliues paid. with Yacht slip accomodationa. Dally, weekly, montltJy, yearly. For appt. or resen ·ation, C&ll Har. 2992. 34tte 47~\l'anted to ~nt 18-A-Apt'I. for Rent We a lao re pWl.lr all rn&kae of ~lhf machine. 1!9 !'I L08 A ~lC'lii:•.--:~ K l!::'> :i2:!:l AN AKl:JM rIVE R OOMS ot l(lVt'\)' nt'W rur . nlture with full •tile range A lntern11.Uonal Harve1ter rt frl· «t rator. II pc. modem dlnt!ll'. 1 pl~!! living room s nJup. 2 ('on1pltte bedroom 11tl•. Only s.,O/'i ~m11ll f!t)wn paytnf!nt w tth ICM w~k1 lj,j pay FA.ST SERVICE. REASONABLE. ORIGINAL PAJNT, FULLY EQUIP!'. $1499 LIKE NEW Rental• Wanted 1u~~ ).!l!:P.CL1RY Cu8t.om ~t1111 .. n \\I,. n.-eu apt•. •nd hoiaea 1n 11.ll \\'a ion BeuuUful cunJ1t1on F'U!ly equlp"'t O"''nt'r ll•rb<lr 4ff~~-ll anyt1n1~ 66p6H LIDO ARMS APTS. ''""7 Service calla tilt Iii Ll 8-~lO:I p.m. '52 " BUICK RIVIERA 4 DOOR ORJG!l'IAL 2 TONE PAINT, ALL $ EQUIPPE D 799 ' LAOI..£8 wa tch SU . Durm eyer mlx.r S30, :12 piece dinner 1rt 1 10. 26 JM' a1lver pl1te Si6 EV~R YTHI NG BR AND NEW Ll 8-6804. 66ciT 8£...\UTIP'UL Sp1n .. t p1anu, blond, '52 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE $ 699 IO-A-T''"" & p.,,. RUB. ~ w . Cf'n'-8' JWll Uk1 nr.w ..... va J200, 3 r.ient· RADIO, HE.ATER, POWERGU DE , LITE GREEN 1'"lNIS H 1 THREI!: ROOM S or ~11ut1rul 11 tw a l ret11rn11, llA~" J!loO tn $2:>0 j.lt'rl11<:t .:ond1Uon 11~w guan1.n-'51 OLDS 88 2 DOOR $ 699 1 Ne"' and U.eed Tfl.UCl< AND I furniture for SUI!! Con11 In 3Q. R--Ap]!lla.Doea lovk "ruund C-''-''--"CL:;;::=c;:;~-------H UB j()o) \\'. L"<l'.nter. A nahe1n1 O'K.l:l:rE A .M ERRJTT rane e, ·~ Mc67 model. Lam p • clock with oven timer Chrome r r!LJ br oller , and El.E<'TP.JC ROA STEI~ wltt1 ic~11!, th•t I.I.ft 11p \Op. U-.:S •lfl<11 t hrvn1.-il!nette a1:t, llhl\>lt !Jl<ll 1nontn J l1980 c115h, or P•)' '8 /unn t• .. k .. r· •II hi ll"'"'' 2Vb )"'f "'" 144 1 \\' t.:h•pniin, 1 Ap•·!,.n11 l!"!bva l•:•n1J. 1nu1n Oran«"" Kl!: 8-631 7 lf '"I:~ .i • ""n!n,!;8 6611\S ~ 1--r ~F.tt\'l':L. 1r.•ure•I. 32-;\_-=:_~ ~~·~,~~'! ----------- 1,.., frt t d"hw<l'.ry Alllpl<I'., L11o:ht Walnut. J.'r°'nch Provine.la!. ~ta­ hvK•ny .Spinet cue all11h tly '52 tlan1•KN Jn •hlppln,i( $487 Good l)fll.Ctlcc pl•llU>i ftOlll 58~. Sll 17 s 120. s 11:. ... ., th.,,.. at thi!: '51 1:1•·•1 t:!nd Annn ·er•lfry Salt l•A;.;Z -s i'HMIIll -1-'HILLfPSI tlt,. U111 l 'lilfln ttntl I •ri.:11n 8tort :.20 N" ~1.•t n . !':l•n1 .. A n" 100 'SI i "lllll"' RADJO, ·H EATER, t-IYORAM A11C $ CHEVROLET 2 DQOR RADI O, H E ATER, Y..' W REALLY SHARI' FORD 2 DOOR $ H.ADIO. HEATE~ Nl::W 1'10TC)R HUDSON CLB. CPE . \ A STEAL AT$ ltAUIO, l fEA1"F:J{, A UT01'1ATIC0 599 599 499 ~ll]{I M'r A11 Pr e•l•l,.n! I.I '<·'131:11 560 r11,.t• fl.~•"'" AT'T l!P:Ar:A'.\' :1 "' 11tvr Vlbr11.·lt>1rf.! I, .i. rlfl• • ,.1 .. 1, .... " s .... ) .~·· .,,, I 51 !h•\< I''"' I""\ l••l'I• • Ill S llAt"J-:HS 1S1nc ~ l\H17) OLDS 4 DOOR SEDAN $ 499 l{Al >IO, llt-:ATE R. l !Yrllt A~1A 'l'l l0 Jl:.'1" l ~l.A1..·1.;: Smo ll Roney 's Applia n c.e Repa iri ng !tun~ \u•.•lrr• , "''"~ 111 .. krr•. rl• :1'2;12 ;.;~..., 1~•11 Hl"l ('.,.•\1 )!~~II 1.-vr "' Vt·~··r••" :'l:r1 i.ll•'•I + LI 11·&0711 :II" l:.!ll Repair !"HJ.".:,1. 1.1..A .~~"' Hll!C A ~g '' l.l .. 1u1"r ( ! 11~ .. 1,. IAcK .... n ";' .1;;7 ~:."l~ ~\ ,.1k .. • 'ti", ... ,. l ~l-.r~_a_~·-~:111r!I~----__ _ Sl.!1' J-'(11-t 11~:.'\'T "" /•,.nu11111J·t on r••~lltr ·l<-<"k C:111J H.or :.!•~·• :Otltfo ,-.:1-;.AI(!,'{ :-.~;\\ 11 1 ....... 1 1 .... tl<11'• R111t~'" ~11 d1f'll{ •lh1 gh}' Aj,..., lit!• 111 423 N !'<111·Rn1nrr. Stnla An" '50 FORD CQNV, l'h· "" KJ r"tl<'rl\ i 1 ~1•2 DRIVE IT HOME $ H l::A'l'l::B .. O'IJJ{!\'f·: Piano Refi nishing f,,/UAIH)' .. ·orlll r.nly A'\'l\l {l;~I l'fA ;.;(l S EH\'IC"F: l<t i 1~ 4\llfc '50 I I 1 149 '49 l{AVIO, PLY MO UTH CLUB COUPE RADIO, HEATl-~R . MECHAN!t"AI.!.)' FO RD C USTOM 2 DOOR RADIO. lll!:ATER. W W C HEVROLET 2 DOO R DELU XE RADIO, HEATl'.;R $ Cf>Ot i $ $ 39 9 299 299 ~tr1rer•tor IU6."1 Phlh u IJr lui.t l•rre t•1n1ly a1u> u,.,.,.,,.... ... ~·"'I ha• l1rre rolnr ,.,I •t i(tl11hlt· r n .,· per, 8heivu Jn tht ij,..,, * 111 rxtr•I. ~yr g-uaran\<ft nulhln;: lo pay down 1f cr .. 1hl {J K by Huk l•l pay ment or S'< io.J •lo~ In -40 d •y1. 811.l dut Lii 1167 8 t Sl'e •nyUml'D•yn1 F:~t •1 l tll \\' C."ha pn111n. Or•nr e. ll:IM·i°I n p hu1~I &.• I I.I 1\-71'"lll .. u1t,1.11 nl n I' ,.j,.. l 1 !•11\ ' ""Ill lllO\!lr ll•hLl'j Bil.A t:TI FUL Ill• •hi" ,\Urrur I} pC' l•I'! \~hi p1Kn•• 111 1•,.rfc, t ron1!1-1 t1 .. n ,.,.,,,,,. $:.!-. •lt1 $-S!O />flt 0 M\H 11th• I !1nr rern()lieltd • range County's Most Relia ble 3 BIG LOCATIONS Dealer jHln"~ In 111111\u;:uro) "r1<t n11<pl ~ .. l"•ll Collect K.E fl -:>81 7 Slip & Rowboat 111 N'(JRUE fleep fT·eer:r l!kr 1149 ~O GUNIJ EH.AON l:l1lbua lt•rlxlr 01~ I Z:! :'\' 1•11Rr1, S)• Hnl"P Krn11.i,.tl)· ~nnt,. A rlR ~ O!S7'l "'" Space for Rent 1 '~~~1 ArH"flCll'; Legio n 71:">-l~·t.h ~I S..">--Doga, (,'al"' Pets Fe bruary Cleara nce R.l!:~'RJ(;l:H.A TllH!-l k r!1•1t1llt11 , II !' t !!H><lel C: • 8tt!l~1 , n.1n~ uk ~ U E GooJ roni.l II .. I 'lr un 111\e 5119M r r S3l\ no l4&~ !ilervel A t I . 1pt ~l&t Coldapot. ll r I , •'rry Cl<!11n RANt;Ea ~·rlitl<1alr<'. •nodel Lale 179 ~) $~Oil I Meetings 2nd -4th \Ved. 8 p.n1 . --·-----------~--- PHtl H~;,\t'Tll-'1'1. J'~~l•HatJ.;EIJ 11111. ~ .. ---------!-;PRI Nl; l/lTTJ.'l'M"J.-.;(; ,\, p111nt•"li: I Ynl1r lc.r.:al!un t'o .... ~r •~t" nnly 'l6 yr" tllf' ·"'" )uh too RlllJtll tlarbor ()e:">2·J. 111th1 • 1;111,. i.,.,x.,,. 1·~e·I r,, h1•1:•· y1 r\l Kial \'<!•Y i;o._..t w1tn <h1ic!rt'n, 5ltlll- lt11 r l~1 r :lltli\l·\V 6 4,.1',6 ll~~A l 'Tlf.l'L t 111,111th11 nl•! ~Ill· mr-klU.-n.11 t•·IO.ll••n•hlt" ('1tll TRADE I l flrr 6 I' 111 11.a r 2112:1 -J 6f:lp6~ )I J:\I ATl 'H~: )><!O<.!I., ~1111 .. t. m •le BEAllTIF"UL 70' aux 11rhooner col ioe•hKr"" 5 1 ~0 H11 r. J62'9·R 1.11ywhtrt Exl·.,1 fur cha.rler flf!.-1'111 W•nl 1111111.lltr boll.I "r property l27fl W H.albn.. BIY•I , ;.lewport. H .. rbor 3032 118\ft' 1!'.at at<' t I · 1-:xr tp ~l~•n .'otAJ•t Chrl. 3,)'(' <loc·k ')'K<!f'le .. M~rMtt t J '" X lnt ron•I •or W.r.1llnghou11<' J9" ~ yr1 nld 1\UTOMATIC WASH ERS ::::;·1 -- 549 oo ~~-~!lcal, ~lo, T V f."17~ GF::'\'Tl.J.; MA/,E r11T Jj; 111onth!0 t•l<I hou•t !Jrhk•n ln IU> fi:l llPn \QI ,i;;•M"l ""'"" :l tt1un\h~ , •t fOOll rr.... Lt K-2031) l'i6cf:lll &V--Autott llnd Trucks 8ofYtr11.I. S20 to J~,,:i.o I lTSED VAC,Ut"M CLl~ANl':R~ rron1 S.'.> lo S14 ::l-0 P:vrrythl111t Gu•ranle<'d F'HE~.: D F:UVEHY STR OOTS HOWi!~., H rn1M1w•i:p 1802 Nev,·port Blvd .. Co•ta Mua U berty 8-'.1426 -------- O'Kttfe & Merrlttga11 r ansr !ill(! dt'lUl'lf'! rnldinll;"-IOJ" n•nclel hlJ!I all Chl"Omtll grld•ll<' 11n tr.p, llu np k clock wilt! u11en \ln1r1. ('1\rnn1c ~rill brolter . Uacd nn!y 3 1nontn.. llelng tr11naft>rrN1 F':L~l. t11.ke OVt't my contract w Uh tht' Bank & P4\V off the b•1. of Sl37 Iii. Only pay J7.82 per mo11 tl'I.. No eaM n eeded. My <!:iutty fret, •ee llllY· llma Day or Eve 1 1 144 1 W. Chapm an. O ninl"'. DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl B l!ILU \'OUH O\'VN H I -F"l I rhonOJt'ra ph. u1!ng N .. v.•romh & H•rmon-K•rilon A M-~"M U11H'r~. 11mplllle1•. "Jlt>11.t'18 & rc<·or•l 1 play<l'.ra. Cnnie In 11.ntl ,. .. ,. ll>rl!l We will help you 1<1111e1nlllc-ll WE NEED SPACE DAVIS-BROWN ~ <:ooo \VORK c·An.s 188!! Harbor l 1h•tl ('ust• .'-leas LI '<-.1t :11 FORD C LUB CPE. $39 -------- H.ent A Spinet piano t<• bl•}'. 11.ll FORD DR t<'rn1 1tnt 11Jln.,.·rd l'rart1c~ 4 · r lano low IUI J!i per mo. D A NZ-I S C HM IOT -l'HILLIPS B IR CHEV. 2 DR. Pl11no • Org 11.n Store :'120 NV f M:iln SL Santa An• BUI CK 4 OR . $69 17-15 NEWPORT Bl~VD., C'OSTA ~1 ESA 3 1 ~ SO. MAIN, SANT1\ ,\.NA 51 5 E. l st, SANTA ANA Foreign Car HEADQUARTERS A 1956 DKW AM l1'0 UNION Costs Only Sl995 SEE AND DRIVE Several Good Buy~ in American Cars Bank of America Financing HARVEY MA YER MOTORS 2137 Harbor Costa Mesa ( Con1('r ViC'toria I l~I 8·2256 40-AutOA l or Sale 55 CHEVROLET Power Glide, Power Brakes Radio, Healer l~I 8·2257 6&68 tO--Aut.os for Sall'! --------------! SALE USED TRUCKS I Pa1.5e nger TIRES B·Hour Recappin g Servic e Co1n1Jletc Brake S~rl'1rf' A '-'I• Frcirll 1·:111 1 A Jtgnn11•11 t 1t• ,.) 1. s •.!{' 11 ~; F'Jr.,..luu" UU•IK.,t Pia" )'<»It~ I ·r n1~ A•N 111K H O WARD R Y AN H01 -809 W !st St . !-i A;.;TA A:'\'A hl j l\j!J I J3tf( Motor Overhaul NO ~!ONEY DO WN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. . ............ $4888 8 Cyls. $.).~ 88 ln ,.JulJ<!• bVlh l•bor •ri<I p1trl9 ,..f'w rl n1,~. "'ll~l p!nS. valve grtnd. fltllnlR r.of me.in and r oll be•nngs. Expert n1nt.n tLOn t up 00..:lay or 4,00() 11 111<• i;u.arantee \:"'() ~lllNE:Y Ot)\V;.;I REBUILT ENGINES 1°f' !" l ~ ~1 U~THS Ttl l'AY - Budt In uur own factory by •k1!Je(I n1alhllll8~A. o .. n t t"vn tf'11J w ith tllf' 111hl•ll,. n111n Buy d!rr('t RIC:UUILT 1111J INSTALLED SH UJtT 0 1 .• (.)i.:K ~'OltlJ C H 1-~\'I{• )LE.-1" PL\'~1 A l)(J ()(;J>: CHI< \'S "' tJ£ aaru ST l'UEB,\ Kii:R Ul.llS & 1'0:'\'T IAl'. 6 Bl'IC K S I ~Iii .",I) 1 149 ~!\) J I.\,, Si 1U s110 $1 7U 51 7.1 $17", II !;OSO:"' Lo11.n c·,.r ;.;E\\' ~·ref! T o "''<lljl, C .Aft GIJ.AltAN"'IJ,.;J-: Ulock niu•t m ttl our a t11.nrt11rd1 1-'lo11 ta.x .. 1. Jo;atketJ anr\ 01 1 Opim Sund ay 10 a rn. Lo 2 p n1. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Op"n IJlllly a to 1 Sla te Bonded NEW-LOCATION 310 East 3rd SL SA:i'l"A ANA N A81-f . t l U DSON RIOH HAHN'S A!"TO HA[)JjJ R~f'AIH H''Dll AM ATIC SERVICE 409 ~;. 29T•I ST H11.11Klr 4025 C11..ll Collect KE 8-M 17. P IA NO .. BENC ll Johnllln Aaby Crud. EJ11"I. eon!11\!on. S37•. Liberty 8-1'11 IJ. 61'K'67 OLDS_ 4 DR. $1 2°9 $139 $139 S1595 Wt HAVE A LARGE1- J:.t-~uraiture for Sa.le RADIO REPAIRS U VlNG ROOM furniture. oval dtn lna 111hl<f 6 1 upnol11tered. chair•. 6 1nl.c, pit<"l!'I, C llll Har i189·W <fYtMlflR" 6·11. 8:>dl7 !I T UBE HOME RADIO, repa.lr"'I for only $3 :'II) 1nclucli111{ p11rlli & l1bor 90 d11y g uaranlee l:'J ye.11.r" exper\&n('e. RATTAN he<l t!Kvenpnrl .Ir m atch· Inc chair-. t"llCl!'llrnt c-ondltlon S12ft L I 8-4~2. 83<:&.."> DBL. BED .. •prlng.11 .t. m111tl ~a SIO. 3 chrom e bar 11loola S20 LJ 1-38711. 64c66 , Me•• Woodcraft Unpllnted A Juv.nlle: Fumlture CloH Ouh et Coil · FIVE DR.A wi:R HEM L.CX:K chMll Sii.ta. 7 ENO TABLES 1 SWIVll:L TOP •I S2.IWI TV t able f,8 .50 Whites Radio Service LI 8-0 1!!0 or L I 8-4111] l'ft tt BEAUTI FUL E L ECTl<O NIC Or· l{•n J'('rl~t ell,... 11lmo11t TJ<'w. DANZ · 8CHM.1 DT -PHIL WP8 Grrat Sale. !120 No. Main St. S.nt.a Ana. P'OR THE RUMPUS AMPICO ELECTRIC ROOM ' PLA YER PIANO ln perfect playing condi- tion. Lot.1 ()! rolla Included. Convl'nltnt t•rma •t- UM our lay away plan SHA.FE RS tSlnt<I'. 1907 \ CADILLAC VILLAGE 806 E. Isl St. Santa Ana Kl 7-3876 ''"' 1961 CADU..LAC 6 2 four door. R • H, WSW St~. -6l.J Lido Nord, U do 1-lt. H •r. ?988. ""'" 'OJ WlLLYS Aero-lArk 4 door. R .. H Uke new. MtL~l &r ll J'54~. 270 I!:. Palmer, Co&ta 1'fesa - Llbtrty 8-71174. 6!ic67 2121 K&rbor, C.M. L1 8-l6'6 471 -423 N . SycAm o re, Sania Ana ;J:O,ii;--;;;;;;;;;:-;;;:;;;;;;;;;-<,;;;;;~ 1 --~Pho':'.'~·~·~K:>_l m:". .. :°:'"'''_'.'~--Ol""7c2'__ __ 1 VO l~KB W A OE;N M, Sun LAJ\01: Chrom• e•l.en11lon t •ble, oondltlon. mu.t H ll MARK DOWNING FORD Hwy ~p •l P•clflr r.011.~t IJ1»·y llllNTINOTON 8EACH 66o6R Hausken-Watson SPORT CAR CEN1'Efl. JAGUAR, M .O. AUSTIN -H EALEY MO RRIS, A USTlN ALFA RQ),f EO RENAULT Ni:-y,· C•r S•le• It S r rvl1 r Cll'•f'I u ..... 11 f'lll">I, All M1tk•"5 Jtn- portl'f! and Dornrl!lh" 220 1 SO M A IN ST gA;.;TA A~'JA Kl :'>·1188 STOCK OF USEDl tz-TraJl<rs I TRUCKS THAT MUST *PORT ORANGE * BE MOVED AT ONCE. TRAILER S ALES and SUP PLIES 2200 VV. Coast Hi way. Nc\vporl Beach LI 8-4420 ·:,o-:.?R· A irtlo11.t •I'""· $!~14~ ':1•1-27' Sh>1•t1•. l-3enuty S2 14!i ·~1 -:i~· Tra11r le7.t'. 1111,.ninK JJO\I:'> 'b!'i·:l,•,· Cu111un1 Kil 2 BR $121'i-O ':')ti-HI" 1'r><l'"'"'7.•·, "!'•'«. I .!!!;~ \\'~ nee•l rle11 11 u11<'1I t r1dP·ln11 PAN AJi.IER ICAN l'11rlln1ount -Kcn~kltl Tri 11ele1-.e-Terry STOCK INCLUDES ! PICKUPS, PANEL S, ST AKE S & DUMPS. N 0 REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE SOME REAL MONEY ON A USED TRUCK. WEI CARRY OUR OWN __ _ Mtfe CONTRACTS. J F(1H s ALF. n\· (l\,·:-.-~:f{ Ct>1<u11ru1 .1n· T 1 .. 1i.., .\t J l70fl W . W _ WOOD S GMC DEALER I I""~ !n><n ,..,~l 19~.t 1·.,f11"'"''' 2 ~"11111 'l r11•l"t /\H~fll .IT!'~l.Y I ~IM A 1 "Ill.A T l-: HA!-. EVt:n rTH I "\,t; 11ect1on1 for ~th winter 1Ult1 Yt:'llr 11 Jea11c. f 'urn. or unt\1.n1 Jf )'Oil h&\'f: II. \'11.C&r\C)', rtH>ne \<)(l1y Jhe Vogel Co. ~2'01 \\' t ·.:it H "-"'Y, ~t·.\'PQrt lJrh Phone U b<':rty 8-3481 ZHl:I ~\1u'!ne. B"lbo11. lsl11.Tl1I /'hvne H1rbor 444 26'57 t~ Cniut lly , Curon .. J~I ~l .. r P!1ur1e }~arbor l 71 I l.111•1 0 111('1!:, 34 16 Vl1< Liiio I l11rbtJ r 49j l ;.;~ ... 1••t \ lil11•!. (-,,111 .. ... ,, ,,. Ul.ier ty /$ ~97 :1 1"'' 111 liuu;.-1.nr"1 n lrll !l•r ilJ'.J J '"•l·fi· ! ~~-'~}!_t~:.~-!~o_u_~·::_ __ _ (.'h••a'c. \\'uittor H.entcdll "n 1 Rall)(la Js!an<1 & \,uln lslt• ~ ... ,.,j d. (o•Z' "t l••i:" •\o l•li~•· S !~i t w 1:1·~· u .. ,n r, VOGEL co. ~··II :'lt.u>i"< ,\,\, J•t. H.ut .. 1r l~I "' 11,.11 ... r L "!~. Rr~ ll11 r ~~:!II R .. r ilRr l~"ll• I~ ht! r Ml) I\ llnt .. .i Y""nl'i "~"'"° Inq. J<M l'"l l /ll'll<'h nn . ...i .. rn I""" \" 3:?1"1 R; fl•tU.~•· """'' ;.;,11 v;1 !• CAI.I. r:DNA CHAii; l t i'~N1'Al. S PI::l01Al.IS1' with DO RIS BRAY , Reoltor ~lll :.1 ~r!ut, l:le ll.191< 1 ~1a1 ol u .. , ::n "' e4 s 2, 7 ~,h ()N BA LB() A !~!.AN!J :II' ~. I :S (HT I •'Ut , V na I ,.,..,..,,,,,1 i ""~nl~ N l-:J.J),\ ( ;1 1 ~S()N . J{l·altor I & Marina VCR\' NEW .\Vs.II lo "''ail c .. ,-pet.ing "' oJrape:11, G ~-Jt..ti •ii:. dehae •tovea. &.c-h AoJll hu p11Ya 1,. p ra,1. T"'nlLfll• h1111,. ~ll"to\ NII for aUpa. One 1111.lt tilk tu bullUl<'OU eent.r. 3108 1:2;16 & '.LO V1"' flpurto Office Jlar 100:!. 11r1 .. r !i p '" u 1J.:n;1 !iltto Fl 'll:'-"l!':IH E:IJ A/'73.-~onth ye11r /UllU•I ":'t& \\" ll•ibo.11 Blvd. ll•ltlol.1a &fl<'r ; :1u p ru. or w .. ,.i.; l:lltl.'1 l'i•p66 IL\/.lll>A l"LA'l•, ~r•r!y, fh\o•!y ,j,..,., ~·ullu •J·t ·''1 '"1 f ,;ru. ,t .. ~1·• n, !,le h• J·l ... i..,,. •ituH, $'•~' I 1,J p•I A '1'1 .. r1 • , 1 ' lh.-. , \\11 JI..!'> J~,•·1 Ll :-,.11 \I ,, ! 'I'\ :0.. 0. I. l"H• ,.._'I A• ;J.: :1 !)<Jrn1 •!••!·!··.>. ~pl I ' ' ., . j I " ' ! I "!. lul~ t 111n IArJ.;., .'-••Wly to•· .\ '"" \ " I '•11 '. -\\ '" ! ·1111 l l 1'"' II ' I"' t •. .- I 1t:1 '·' ·' I· !··· I •J I. \I I I{. . '\ ... ., 1,.11 l~"l "I • /• .. IHl'I"•.: ... 11:~urn .. ,, •lt I ""'' tr1 r11 A ""''O:•' ""1u 1 .. 1 ~~. ,. 11 fr.,~ .. c• .. r•·r 11,., 17 " IL111o;•· r1·fr1;: llt•·n,11.• , lo'l'•'• •I• .-..,, , r,,,,11 .. 11 1.r r ... ·111 Yrl) !.,,. ... "'l~ $1:, ~ , )••r·I. 1,111'''· 11 ...... ,~. 1vi.IK t .. U..u." :.1' <;••l•t,.11r.-.,.1 6f\r"'( SEA ISLE APTS. ~ l'J l S/~11~~/) S~!'\ A llJ' Q iJIP! "U•-"* IP• 6tlnn 1'1 !\'lllt• 1 ·~1 !<,111.:: I••\ ('n1t1pl"!• l~'lm lt'' 1"~1!1 1 1 .. ~ '.!tl l ~: Bt<ll.•111 fll1•d, l!Ai!~,11 .,,, •l•l ,,,., ,\1aru•" 1111•· 11 .. ,1"" ·"''~ 1HR--llo uS1·s ro r Rent CAl.Bf1A TRLA;.;L1 1--·------- i"L IDO J"ILF:. l b.-<1n)(ln111 ~ • 1 11H f1'\'A l !l-~L ~!Alt l'\'1•1u 1.1 1..-w ;, tl<'Jrl" unlurn R1nrh •T ) J,. 11111'11'.o. f1n ·r1 ~-A n .. 11.l. 11 ... ,1 llr~ "I! l"'ll" Hiit l!SIH It &au. 11111urt1 bRth 11 .. 111", "'' snnu1,1 hll,<1• !-ll1p , ,, HI rr b•>Kl, UM! .,r I'( fl \'ik11 1i.: ru11.1b.•ut r n"'•'f l)o,..r, ;,: t.11.r Jt•r .. bo·aut1fully rurn 1•t1 · ... t. Bh1 utr~ $-:'OU /""f m un th. Jnqulrc Kl 4 I llalb<ill C11 ~""• .'\·r"'1">tl • 36\J c hu""°' .... ..,,,.,. u ... .,,.1 .. ..i -l\h" ----- f"l1<<"1 y1t•I & HU4 tin lt.K,.t' N ~.\\l 'tJHT li ~:,\r 'H . J bf!dr!! $12~• '"" ~·1111 '""'"·1 1!111k,.1 unrum hnu,. .. "' ga r ai.:;e !l 1 I.I !! ii'16 1 .,,. """3 LJ 8 ll621 I :lflln ~f AtA<.;1) tum r11b1n i:'J.1" 6"11 1;7 H11 1·1'hur1• 1•11111 ].,..,, rP11t Cl tn 1~ ------I :i 1!1112 _ _6op71 SEJ>.: :.1~:-TA NE:l-.,ON CHO IC E HE:'\'TAl-'i 1 1 :,\l.H~J/\ $~~ 1n.,. yrly, unfurn. F urn, & 1111fllrnt11ht(! , oJl(Kt:r. IJl!rlg rrn .• <l1n1nJt' '"', 2~!1~ ~; Cua.'1\ H1i;hw1y CD:\t k o1rt"n'tt ... 2 l>dmi., hot &ho"··· IJ<11 bor C,."11\f• 6:'><"67 i.:11.11 & w11trr pc! 108 Adam11 l lS,\-i\phl, for R eot ---- lip!., V<l'.!"Y 11lct>ly fu1·n 1"\" 111t.h .. r tll .. tlr•. lice. \\"Krd roll~J. gu.,•l he~t I•,. hlK \., 11e/10.,J , rloll<" !O e:11eellent bo h \\'!11l•'r $l lrll 11,,,.iy Sl"l:l 1!!9 \\' 6aY "'"" fl"r 31\k•I 60t rc llALBVA 1Sl.A'.\"Lt rum 2 bdrm. luwer duple.x ST:'.\ 2 bdrm. 11.nd suit por<'h uppt'r $ 100 until June 10. H•r :lMli·"' 6Jt!c I l(H \l.'t:ST 0t"C'l<ll F ront. Nt w· pnrt Bf'a ch On.r. bdrn1. rurn. 1pt. Ir JI:'°"' Mn n10 1rn:lu<lf'11 n1l11tn111n1 u\11 \>,'inter rent•!. l'h H1ve1.!;1.I.,, Ov,.rla11r1 6 ·1 204 .. v.... .~7\f<' li/\\' \"Jt:\\' A l ~r . ruml.qhed Cl••/111 :i """llll<'l<'IY lt1•• 111111 l:orona d.,I M"r ~I ~I. P J NOVEH .. Harhor ~iilfl fif!allor llarbor lij24·M, 63• 67 ~·1J fl.UN A Df~I~ MA R. l bedr1t1. :l bath unrum . hou11e. G•t "K<'l II l11undry roon1. G&rb. ~ rncl. )'•ril . $12!'i per n10, yr !r11~·· Qy,·11rr liar. I ;, ! r ~ l'HNI S H >~IJ /\'EAT t1.•;o roorn hon1r. W 11.11 .,<1-1n ~110. Ad11ll.1 only. SlOO mo on Je11.11 ... ( 0!ioll Har. 3838 evenln.1:~. S!ip67 llJ>;At:(JN BAY. Furn. 3 bedl"OOrn, 2 b1th, unUI J une 10. SIOO Harbor 41 38. 86p66 lil"NTINC;TON Bl!:ACH AR.EA - One btMlroon1 liou.ae partly tum . \\" \\". ca r1i.!tlnJt', l..11.rire ff'.ncf!<t Y"n t C•ll LE11lnJt'ton 6-'0j7. -T\VO ti..o.drm. home unturn. f lfl!· l'l~.-r. hRr kl!('h<fn 3 p•t l(>ll, h~r k Y"~t1 rrnred. Chllrl a coept- "''· P"l• OK. $125 mo. yaarly l••11&t> 1·111.r. t1I OO. 6f:lc CH-;;~.:-frnnt f11ni. ''EARLY l1'l ~I A l:U l.A ~EI~~ !LEAN Tl<f w TtF.NTAL..~ ()rh· t)lk to !1U8 ... T.1<10 Sh,..p11. 2 1).11111 $71'f unrurn S tud1u furn. $t8 . lncl. uUI Dock avaHnhJ<' 1:11,:) 36\h S!, Nrwport .... , fO(J!Tlll A •Pl"· wlth pt1vate be.th f•ir parUc11l"r people. Dally 11111ht A 1<1'.l<'Jlhone 11ervtce:. TV. M11rbor 11-0fll trc * * * UNE SINGLE 11 pt. }"f!ll.rl~-. Ont ----- 011e 2 bdrrn . to A"I-rRACTf\'H: ROOM, .eparat e bd1 m. "' J unl' l~. No jlf!Ut Ji06 Channel 1'111(',. ~1 .. r, l:l l7-J 6~Uc l•'lrRI <•11., St!i rno entrance. rr a.ona ble. Call after 6 pin Har. 2826-J. MpM: STUIJJU Ar'T .. fu m1.11h"'1 f""l!IOn l"tlJili'"ll J>Khf lif\4 r~rk><pur L'nr"nll '"' ,:~ e NEW OFFICES ! • IDE.A.L FOR PROFES-LTDU iRLt..: era>' lr1mmed lf'I f'f>d . J B. HAMMONDh 0 1 RGANS all modl'I,., 2238-R or K Eylltont .. ___ , ... ,.. ., n.1k... DI d ont •Hr t 1 u-1 1111"1 '"'"'' d•J" ~ _...., .... .i:-.....,. v " DANZ • SCHMtOT ·P HI LL.I PS roor. top H&rhor !i-9P32 ..., .. 193? H ARBOR Bl.VO. COSTA M ESA l'il!i·lll ~: 4th SI . Sa nlit AnR (Jp.-n .Sunday A ,I.I T1 1u•k ll"••lqU.,rt •r~tor()r rini;r C"n f!nl,1 $.1~~.tl t:a!l.1· Te111111 111':,H d .. ..,·11 H11 I 1,.,11 IRk(' ruinl· BACHEUJR •n(t one & t1»•0 bdrm 8IONA I .. or BUSINESS USE. &pt. I.. Balboa. H&rbor t24{1-J . l&pee H•mmond Headq111rter1 tor Ot· ange County, !120 No. M1ln St. w.A.LNUT clUWI&' table. u t n. 2 Sant.a An•. .._....._ PB.-Ru. U&~ 16ce1l -------------I Knowlton Electronics TV ANTENNAS (Cl.ear Be.am -Bl Gain) INST ALL.ED tomplet e t o your Mtt . $9.95 Grant w. Musick Your Hud1on Deal er SALF.S and SERVICE 253 N. Loe Angeles KE5-7278 An&heim 4ltfe 'i 1 DODGE COIJPE Good ""'otk c&r. SllO. C•tl A•r. 3750. IU.Tl'Alf rt1JlNl'l'UR&, 8.ACRJ· .nca ~ pri vat. pe.rt;J. I pc. MCtJona1. :I Wld la.bl.. With ...... dln&nc tabl• wtt.h ' C:h/"9. Oh-. wtUl ottoman. .411 tor. l»Ot. a.D llar. !OIW. tktT '""'' 'Ll:'.._~l-O~too~.:_ ______ _!_'"""'._''~'l ;.--c;;-o;;:M0::;,,-13;;;;:;-~ -·oo C AO ILAC 82 Bl•ck 4 door •rd•n w • w l l?OO Pr1vat1 L I 8·30:11 " 't 8 DODGE COUPE, lnv,• n1ll<'•fot"I' good condition . $~ -422 (.111b- ho11&e apL .J H ar. JOJ.3·M. &Sc l ll-47 SIMCA . ec:nnomy 40 mlle.11 t n glli. N~w br11kt'1, motnr rl'- cently rel:rollt. $210 Call H•rv~y ,\fayer Motoni. 1..1 8-22afl ..... ~~-~----.,,--,,-~ CORONA DEL MAR yearly bdrm. rum. •pt $7!! in<'l url ulll garag <I'. a vail. LJ !1 -20~ vr Har. 41120. Mees mes KAHOQ. CHINA CL08.ET A butttt '100 fot-both. -31 7 Orcb1d. Har. '17 ... R.' Mc88 STEINWAY ORA NO Ult:e n- 811' -...inc. At.o Knabe Ml.IOn A Hamlin. m uiy other•. PnLC· he• plal'IOll -. low I.a 59!') 1·11rly Har. 5893 ()r U' 8-~.lc-~==~~-­ Mcil7 '!i:l B U ICK Super 4 dr. R • H Power alter. v,ry <"lt•n. Orlvr ll 6 you'U bo1 iL TWIN -LA.DOD back b.d1 ln IJ.dal maph -IOO-11111 Bay· Ilion ttrt ...... U 8-:l218 M<· • 0AN7. • SCHMIDT -PHILLI PS ·~ BU ICK C ENTURY FliYiera Bis P !•f'IO Str.or1 :J20 No. Main [ U'>UJ)t'. H•r. 482·W evM.iRJ:I<. ~, r 661. as 270 £. P almer. C:0..1 1 Mf'll.I - 11146 FOR/; R 1 lub vo'ilil J>:dt>lbrock tota.l prlrt. rnu1 .... j;:il insni!uld. t!I \! S9:. 1948 lll ·oso:-.: ~an Jt'OOol c-on•t 1 19.:l. tota l prt('e. conoN GOFF The Volkswagon Dir . Nt'wport Blvd. at 27•11t H1rbor l'J 1940 ('flEV ('lul> !'011 p.o. l'J .. mn, l'xCPpUonal cuni.ll!lnn !hru '""' l)r1 i;:1nal own .. r. SIOO l11rb<ir i024-\\'. 66c:6i lfltd VOLKS \\'AG f"_\: 1 17,·,.., H1t1 2?1111 "'" (lit'•· 1n !111 d• 11• $:106 ~:hi> T,.J,. 1 111 11"' 1·~rk 1;.fi<1 1·1,..,.n1111 l'•!f' ~; ti l'honr 1111.r I 1211 11p~ Stu.rt ter m and yc•rly. A U:>O, Lit.lo Homu 1.hd Bay Front li omof11 ar.d Apartment.II. I.JOO REALTY AMOCia tcs R.'\r-67 34{1() Vra Ll1to. Harbor 4444 "''" t":'-Wa.nted to l~nt ----------·----:'\'EF;l 1 :1 tw dr0t>n1 11nr11rn NF.ED A TF:MPORARY HOMF.~ 2 b<l 1 m m'Y!rrn l:irn up11<'t 124 ~ Zflth St~ !';e~'1¥H1 S20 p,.r ..,.k . +TH i\Jd 111 d . 11111!1 Jun• Located in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd Har. 1600 ti BALBOA BLVD. comf!r bual.neu au11 ,. for n1Nl!c1I, dl'nl.111 or any prvfrM11onaJ \lflt'. 1.'ltodrrn, ht•t- 1n1. parkln,11:. Ownf!r 1412 N't ~~lnWtl'. SA. KJ 2.()962, tfr 111 H111l>or 11r'" fur r"lif'On11.1h1e l (C'.f'l&tll.I 512.'f !rt 52;,() Jl'l"f fJIO -0n .1·r11 rR 1 .. 11.>1<' l !I. (:•r I.I lj 1!16U 66f'68 1--------------- M~HINl':R!'I li-;t ,F" liF,AI TY, I\,\'{ ~Jt"N! u jJ~I !0 nrl. furn :!18 M11 rln<', l111lbr,_. 1"1,,ll•I :t 1'!11 1,;1111 1111•1 jtllt't0,k'" fMl U11rbcu 1!81. I•~"""' $~t> 11 11101 1'"• 11n·h1"1'";J 11,.,..f\8 I OrtV lr.r11t1nn )hll 19'9·M ~ \\'ANTED T(J HE="T 2 bdnn '11rn •11'1 rh~n"l or ~Y<'An fnr ta 111r l) nf lhr,.,., rw rmrin .. f'I ! yrlr '""l"J liar :'">f17 1 -...11 • NICELY J.'l 'HS nn. 1,.11111 •rl• t)o('ean .-1.v.· \\'1n1 .. r •<'MIRI 1;:ri • WI Pf• n1onth I 13·1~th St. N~ MC ---~-··------SJ("f'.'. J.fODF.RN stor,. room rtt oftlc~ at 01"8 Pla.erntla, SIOI• rno lnr·l1ull nK utlll1il'.. lnq111t .. •! P'"'ll"rty 11.fl"r ~1 p m. wci .. k II.lo )'• no •ny t1mr S :ot . 6: 6 u11 01 1..11.ll W 8 ·37M alt.er 1 :30 rH ! - !!:11&~!•~'!!!!!!!!.!!IJJ!Jl!!!!·~1!!!!:~ ••• I a . aoo1 - n ,,.. t tll ..,...: ~ ~, I •u.ftld ~ ror U )'ean. ......,..-u ............ OU, 1 tll ea.r.. Ol'OMlll --lhaa ll0.000 • ~ arsa.i.n price ' ~~-!°"':c;';:;•;:;:••'-------~8%!::-:!!a~ool!_l!l~illlo~l•:.._ ___ ll4£Wr9RT HARBOR .f:'EWS-l'l\ESS -PART II · PAeE 5 ~AY, ,_UARY J, 1916 aowwu.•~ View Homes w. --a.uap -• bd.ulitul 'ri.-Mm•. N~1 H•l&hC. wiUI ~te4 wMw of HI,_. OLU<a&_oo~ P'RpPDil6 1 bor Ud ocean. Cd tor latonnauoa. 1811 N-i-t. co.ta w_. 1J1-•1m ~ u t-1400 '-'ART'-' ADAIR, Rltr . '['6e N«Wpor\ BJW.. 0.ta. Mc- 1.J a-3'1"f2 or U a.:)QI LI l ·!Mt ..,._..-~--- wife operatio.. Ont owner for alMIT I 10 ~an. but Wnea. torc.e. Mic. ---.---.------- RUSS Bl:N'Nl!R I: H 1,11 I FULL •lu l'Jl, Corona de! "'•'· . VN .... .outh or Blvd $1000. H al \\'I ll Balboa Bay Propcrtiea Snulh. Hp.r, 200-J. &h:61i l* W. &Ibo& Blvd. H1.r !1188 ----I HcU OCEAN' P'RONT DlJPLZX. lil>t" ~~~~~~~~~ hll prte• ror 111111ck ale. C tQ!I .. 1n uldt!.r blrlg on eurn~r n 11ly J14,GOO, Uif1j)(} dvw11, llARU(JR INVU1'M.k:NT ('() Coro1141 def M.r Estate JUST A STONE'.S THROW 3090 llQU.utll Pq:T' Olli u...r. --• I -"" ..... FROM NEWP()llT HIGH SCHOOL Md t-.,. a, --Wot •100.000. 6000 OLD UDO lSLEl I I" !f'JD: ONl..Y 1;1'0r' OJ1f ~ tMl eu _.. wttllt. _...._ « ._ -but -to< -•-3 ~ -bu 1 6 LL b&tluo, .,_,,_ 't\llclc Mk. ON:t.1' "27..000. '"''"" .......... ~ ~ .UV~ NEWPORT BEACH -.ot b&r, dlplD6 .,... 6 patio. Property lo ,, ... ,,,,.,,.,. ..,,_ .,._.,._._. , ~.an6Jon<loQll04. ~• lo&YIDc for Jopon lood '1.1.KclO. atra bt1• ccmMlr ~ .m.Wlt .ell. Priced al oal)' $13.!M>O kit. H UMY, HURRY! : IT nJST CAN'T LA.ST! ~'l: AJ...80 llA V1!: an f'•cellent 2 Ii ft ho mto hi Newport Bffcb ln an hleal yuar 'rl>\U\d Jocallnn tur only 111.&00 The only re&· •On W• hav• Oii• llaolJJ\f IA be- t'•ua!e tht owner• .,.. m11vu1c n<'•rt.i\.. l trn ll•r homee h•v• bttn aelllnz o •er 112,:100, EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor l!)th & Irvine LI 8-2664 Eves: LI ~21 EXCLUSIVE LISTING A cheerful 3 bednn. home well f'um.l.lhed. Just & hop, skip a nd a jump from the North Bay. Fire- place, new double garage, on+11bore mooring, plua 12 fl. Gl&Bapu boat. Only $22,500 with $5000 dn. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 lti ar1ne Ave .. Balboa I.ad&nd Hu. 20 or 64 ~ up 1f1W nllmd ,._. o..ta1a. 11. .. ..., • ........ I l • aa..• ·~l ......... patJo,. ,.,. old. ~ .......... c. Jaw mooUab' pa,....U. P!UCE ........ ·------· e A HONEY FOR 'A LITTLE MONEY! I I LEAS TRAM I ~ OLD.- 4 bet:1rooml, 2 b&tU. brkll patio. A doctot'• bollMt, ...0 kepL Only $900 ~l"ull pric• s 11.&00. • • • OCEAN FRONT 2 STORY APT.- vou·u.. PINCH YO l.lRSEu~ to -ee tr you an awake when you aee IL Owne.r aaya It'• 7 year1 old. On• apt. h&a 2 bedroon1• • 2 b&tba, c.D• hu 2 b9d.roo.ira .It 1 ha°'-two •pt.a. baYe on• l>M-1 room 6 1 bath each, n lc•IY e p 'S,, UDQ 1$U DIClclGH1nn'.; l'SOVIJICUL ot;J1o -ot 3 . t.dr1pL. &Dd dea., S ~ patio. d.fMwe·ter~ '*" ..-1.r carpeted. 'l:blo .. • ""7 ioftlJ' ...... .u ..oo! 1 floor la-,.r(aat ~-7 ,.,...... f'l,500. :.._·---~-------·-- BAYSHORES J'OR A VERY --~ s bodna. home on one of tbe ..,..._ iot.. DO SEE TIUS. -luge potlo portly ""--' wit.h plaiglua. Room .Cor. swimming po01. $2<,ij()(). '"""*'late po a s k>n. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Two bedrm.. on E1 Modena. 1arp lot near Khools. Newly Painted lnaide. Vacant. Hu GI 4% loan. $2000 down will handle. Balaooe about $85 mo. THE VOGEL CO,-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npl Bch. Hu. t 971 or H&r. 4972 Evea , LI 8-ll2q7 -LI 8-304-0 -Har. 5142 173 E. 17th St. t umialled. $28,1)()(), reA&On•ble !----------------------------~ cuh down or OWn.T wlll tUe COST A Kr.SA u &-M4 1 u :-.'Jl:AR ('AT l!(IU(" ('H!'tt('H l-6M2 3 UNl Td, ~l lnrun1 ... JWIYI Kt•M1 LOA.NS TO B Ull..D, JMJ>RQVE, BU Y, MOOER."ilZJC, OR nPTNANCK I w. Blly Trull! tJf!'e(ta I NEV.'J'ORT liAL..1.iO A SAVJ:-;l;~ • UJAN A8S4Ji'/l\TIO:-. :J:i~ vi .. Lld11 /'ti 11.u 1 ~00 ',, LOANS for Homes pt'I C .. nlage u rl 111\'HUn .. n! Kl-Tit l •l(I ~I• l'Al •l>Jo:N P1 ,Af'I' AT' ~·F:\VP;1f('T /'11"'.H HAii 1t•1 t::\ ~; H AH It .. "\\ HAf( :/~•='• \\ \\'A'rt:gl"ftti-.;T (Inly J~'\ l!> .. 1 ~· 1.,.dr •n • I _ 1,,.· 1, ''""'" "' ,.,,..,, -.1u, J.'••1.\\~. Al'\l(!\11'1' liAfl AUH. f;\'\ 1-!:S'rME.-..'1' t '' l 'k -20 yr. L.u..na 1 ,"(e'tL(p<i rt lilvll •t 3UU! ~l Construction Loans SEE eon RATJ'!.Jo::R ~'L O EAST CV A?:IT 1:1.L\.'ll i'on••nA del l.1ar k .. p l'VIK1Elt t.l~t f!• l...t!e l:ia llll1H'l'l.:A.1,Jo'. 1·1 1 t'"'!,t1•:. Kl 3 ,,I I!~ 11 .. rbo" 11\•" f""'" 11.,, t 11 I 1,,,, "~ CLIFF HAVE N t-'kJl'I': H lc.J ('\'El) J l" ';'",Q C'l 'ST OJ.l Ul 11.1 \ I~·\\ W. STUART FOOTE , Re•ltor _., ! 7 \\ !••· H11r Ha tti<•• l:Jh•rf ~"J'! Z-t.. E•· .. 1. l.!tie1iy LIDO ISLE u .. ,.,h I ~ t .. •,llo""" "'It,,.,.,• 1 "'I ~ .. ,. 111, k r1r.·1,1 .. , .. ~ "' 0:"' ,.,_ 11.l'!d •Ufll'l)' l'Qlllh f'll!><' ·--...• ' '.\ .. "f.1dQ Sp··e1ah:-:t Jl a\'c \V atf."rfr•Hll!i Duncan Hard es ty 2 BACK BAY AREA \ •>:•lf: tllP·l"rl\~ 1-r~ •ol•l 11 IY. .1 :i 1"1'""' ti rJr1 fH.,1•l11t·.. 1 ''"' "~r W&/1 lf'•! Units & ~Ull lt ll"'aJ I • Home Furn. • e Announcing!! e "The Po cific" MODEL HOME • • or' EN • • Saturday -Sunday l t•; ;:. 1i rn. Horbor lslo nd J lx••lr'"''"5 3 Dl!l.lha Ro •d. 5:, ... ..-1 fo<J\At'N l rt)<)n\ l bdrm • tillii.ke root •looi.t>I !!, J:i.i•tne •120 ""' l'L!'!i • rt..lat"<l fl•i"l"ne f.1~1""'" , boJnn "'"'ll "' n•t n1,_t.,tl ruttaee • I.anal dining •re11 rood l•t tru.t deed .. down paymenL Will park 3 can • • • NEWPORT HEIGHTS- Q \At'XER SAYS "!'IELl." l'rlce r~1t fn1n1 Sll,700 to SIO,UOO (on lh•1 1 """'1'1.,1.dy tumuo11 ... t 1 1,...11 .. <Hn 1101110 wllh 2-~:11r ,;&1 111,;-•· t 11 ,. 11:i I l:!!I 1•orn'r ::ll,.,J f.,,,, ,.J Submit 1town • • • Seven Islands Reolty Investment Co. & 'lt11 J:l:rul S t . r>:ewport B""' h ! '11h r ll11r 08118, atlf'r l'l p.m , /tar 2~YJ J t llttc I ~ \ ', ' ~ tw-11rn" ·• ""lh• l ing .. r,,,. f'!&('I'. f!fll'l<• . ....,.! p•llu • "~'" <ll •f"·• I. \\ \\ ·"I'.,'"'~ ~ A he11l diaj.1<1 .. J Jt>:!~ W1 V\O ""'r W!>erty ~.-;ti 1 •; •i..l. kEA LTOtt ,-.;rYiport Uh.I , :'\'1•t l!a1b<.r 4illl with v1'"'"' f:"r.,pUunaL n<iy '• Lui 1!J.<o 4.:1 ... l lll • lieauutuJ pan•hn" I • l.eor1:e sunny pa.uo • 2 Jo"orced alr t um&Cf':I, g&rtu.q;e COSTA ME SA B/B CASH ... Jo UR ·rttl'~T 1)££[J8 \VM B 110 1.1' MtJRTt;Al;Jo; llA,,'K:JN{; I I ~1:-,;cJ-~ 19JIJ I N Ht;IS H t1AJoo'1'A A N A OPEN HOUSE Be For Land lord A $2000 Down 1 £12~ LN\'VN. 3 bdrm cne.rmer · f<)r )'Ollr ll \'\n£ l'fe u u rt <"u•tnm • J!ltoJe <1ra1>e11 W/W C&~l. , ... rl'Kl ! • , undlU.<)11 You w1U ~ p ruud ut ! • !hJ• 1i.,.,,.. • d11po .. 1, ...,'e1llna:ho~ •I I " h-' wuhu _ I Sr p•rlte aervlce room F tne cabinet ln1tall•llon11 Built In tlectrlc •Wv., al\d ovrn l>eJ11 hl!uJJy iJecor1t•l E1~ru111•.-J y land""-·•r,..J KIM.J:JJo.:Rl..Y a -71111 ZND & I ST T.D. LOANS ~ .. r\lnJt all ura/\i:;r'i..·~un!y \Ve 13uy Trust Det.'Cl.ii Roy•I Mortg•go Co. '\'~·;.po.rt Ht1'l . Npn 11, n H•rbor 15~9 ,,,,..\1111 ~1;:-!~~-~-t~~'!_!t: Want~ ------1 WANTED I ·l> 11 ru Slit 6 Sin "!6 1'>1"q;tlo:"rll ~ C'l'rlol'l,. •1f't '11&! l br I l>ftlh n .. 1u ... n,.-,. '"' f I ~:ly 1'.~"11·r• "~~t ~"~ .. 1~.-1 1." 1 1 .. ~;::.1 will •1111 1; II I..A1 H f\111" :J63~ t.: "•l H .o.} H11 • ~1-1 .: ~:VP~ ,"ol\1\(1 !11$• 18 % NET RF:'T'l'lt:'1 ,,:-.; t•11\\S l 'i\Y.\l/:~·1 .. r S71 M•" t1>r 11,.•r .... .., trll'I .. ~ In f'XCl"lll'nt d 1•tr1rt. eut •"'" C'f'Mlta M~•a l.A11d11•·11~I. 2 l,.lnn e.ach unit, tlt!p&.r•\r l(I T M11111 ...... !1) •l'Pl'"''Ul lf' •)n .. Uni\ •• , .. ,, for lnaperuon 1111 1 .... 1 Mar LI 8·~721 S1n•1L.-r d-O"''l'l I~"'" 2 1 ..... rJ."" fJl<ltr Hol'l"~ "" " 1.JoJ 1·hu• ho1n-. ir:V•o<I '"lldlll<>/\ aJI tilt'\ J,.t J ~(! '"t r ,,, nectl I• ~"""t•Un.: f )1)0• YIU ... nt r.:nte•! l"-11ut1fu\ <'Ot r ~ ,,..... curb.a anJ i•• l'r.J .1treel.• Only $15,500 F. P. ' A LI. REX RECHS, Realtor ZJU7 \\ 1111 100& Blvd, Npl. 111> rtoo,r :.1 ·,11 ' OPEN 1-4 P.M. ''HA:'-';'>;F:L }.'!\(J;\"TS. Ju rr•Hll· """' f'1rr •i1d f!va t, i bf'droo1n rum1•h••d $2~.ooo ,,.,•ti :l6ul J t!UJ ~'•nle1y. OCEAN F'H.ONT T\\-'\) llJ-:J iR M :-l l-~A ltLY )(J '" '~" lnn\11\t llln t1 Lll -.;~:\~ I"[ •J,ll•tL,.; l.Jr11 I hiol r a'-''"' 1n Or11np ("o.•unty l'crr .. ..i co •"•I f11r11 \At'111<h'"r. dr)'•r. llel'p trtll'&e, 1,;-l,.rr l,,,,.,f J>l11t .. 1111,.. "n thf' r1nr1t l><l•f'h In 8'1. 1 ·a..111ornta. l 'H~~At' •11w 1nnunt .. 111 l.1n•I Sl\n l l•'"ll'" 1· .. 11n 1y ". •["\I lt...l t,.~ a r .. ,., Jl1J(lll '"•h lhlf' lu rf'halllf' p .. 11\ 6(1. 1 ·,.11 Ha r u.~111r .. 1r1 1t1 .. 1!n•••n,1----JOA!"lt FS r•t l~berly 8 111711 e1•ca.. 6.ti:&!., T\'f O )'~OR .l'ltE l'RlCE u~· U:".:I:'. , ''"•r ~~llbr.,vk .. 11h A ~..-111!<' l'f,.~ !l!t BEA CHER $7 2:11) \At A N-T-;;-f'R~M ;ropert;-nwnl'lr completely fur11 Ownf'r &n'<I""·~ I One 3 bJrm • nnl'I I bo!rn1 h"·i11r '-'•"•nt Jul by r•11pon•1ble bull<! $:x>OO df1¥1•n liar 3606 11-.tl·•·I I , ' fin 1ubu rrl1rutlloln te1rn,. fl.1123 ev ~n 1n1t" !'107 E: .. 111 Jl,.IL••" . \IAltTI:"'. Llt>o-r1y IJ-l i71 Ut l:ll •«J lili,1;,i,I I.I •·8217 6.\1'70 ---S A ! 'RJF IC'Jo.: ll&YP Piii' h&ll••I la rger horn,. \\',.nt loff,., rh1~ weekll'nd. Tup lu• 111lnn, f'ur•0r111 1 ... , p1p .... 1 11u111!I '"' SAM • ,.,..., '"••r~ .,,·oell & EM MES 281:. ft,.11 1 li".a1111 .. Hruket \'ill• I\"' :-;p n. 11 11 .. rr~ir \(Hi-It 1 nLOCK J.ltOM 0C£AN Fl'H;'>:!S H~.:11 S lt>llO !)()\\'!\' li A \'VlEW PROPERTIES ~.!O:'I \\' H .. Jh"l!< 11><1 hnr ~3i L OPEN Olvd . Npt Brh ""'' HOUSE deL M._r 2 tMJri1111. Ji, h•th!\ ___ _ f~ri-Sat-Sun-.\fon, afternoon• :?~Jj Crf!11\l'ltW Dr, CAPITOL GAIN CAN YO U AFFORD TO SELL! H OW ABOUT A TH.AUE. tor m•n· F A. furnace, l,c,voe-Jy \l>'W f'••r fer! f or couple. J.YJ()(l •hl "'" 730 l'nppy. H11 r 34 iT f~ll• IRVINE TERRACE By dwner, colorful F:>!J' 11 n •I c h.-i.rnilng J t..-tlrn1 111,.-t .i,.n Bulll·•n T V tn .. ut1't1n,!L11;; .i,,n w ood rock rirPpl. \\'W c.~•rpP\ 2 moW c Llle flr. but h11 , 1 )u!itl•I" LIJi..,,·r., bit-in .. 11!'1' rang", •IL11h· "'"Uher. Wonny ehe.tnut, bl,.1·k OPEN HOUSE S u nday 1-:':l 400 Santa Ana Ave . Kear Cli rr Drive Corona Highlands 2 lo r. BAYSHORES PLl IS a•r. unit )11t., rbannlnl" rcnutd hon1p BAGI\: BAY knotty beach or fi.,~t 1'1""'' '''r l•o!, rt••llhf!ol \o Jll2M) I lrr'"K· \'lev. lOl 48:>0 tOk:o.1.'\1/, r .. .!ltrl<'led, t"rm11 tlOOO 3 l! r . (}.,n, room for poo;ol, fAmlly a&er o pt-Tate.J c-leAr Income prop- erty we.it end o! Le.al Aniele•. Va..lued at ™·000 w1th over $10,000 a year Income .It low upe.n-. Am nUrlni; .It am IA· teremt<'d in Bay lfront property. \VIJJ trade up or down. ()..,ner, WEblter. '69el or write 2tl07 South Cochraa Ave., LOI A.n- S"elu 111. waJ.nu.l. OU ~nel mg hoaturf'd,Paf'oramic Ocea n View hlg-h.ltg hte or roum•. 129.~I h"mc S%tl,ll00 •7' 1""'"1 Hwy\" /_Mjy-~"lJI< l.EASJo; Har. 4872 6lpi ~ HRANU n"w H.,ruo• ""'1 1n•·ou1r Claire Van Horn BROKERS INVITED TRADERS HOME & INCOME 43lfc $4200 DO\VN, llve 1n one 2 bllrrn home a t £3 Pf'r mo Rent ''" oth1r, PRY• loan: Or renl tKlth for 1190 pl'l' month ,,..,,.,..., SD2 pron t By 111<o"ntr LI 1'1·7113~ TWO NEW TIUPLEXES -2 BR ti.">1 f( ea., modem k itchen. aep. lndry I--------- rm .• png• too. Lnoome '400 per n1onth Equity fQl' "'ea.r 3 DR home. ac~e or what. R USS Bl!:NNlCR. Ev~ H1tr. 11111 Balboa CORONA llfUHL.ANl}S .1 t .. .,t.·111, 2 ti.th11. hdw<l. Ooor11. flrr plurr pal!o It. view_ Low dov.·n p11y rn1 C a.II ow n.-r, Ha.r. l7IHI-\\' fo~,.·t); BY OWNER <h·luxr <un~I '" •U,.lto rnudtr11 ~ l heH 2 b".&lll 2 131-t h OIT\et fully '''tf"'le•I hllY<' ,.l<'•t O\'P/\" & ~n ll~ ~1 ,11,., 273 1 \~' l 'ngsl llwy LI 8-4277 lt• \l!'ll~n~ f11·e111a._e!ll 111<-•H\1~·1 ---- $~ p,or mn-. T r -$34:.lffi ! I 2 l ul'~.:=--J>"<)H 1 :-.:~l' .. :1 ·1·1u:-:. 47!• ncome on lot '-f1)!n1n i,: ('1u 1'"" l{(•.id H11rh"r 1.,.,1 111 ze 63x1:l:, BQth 2 hedMOms, :i; 12-J li O• 71'! 1 ,.,.,.r th<' 1:11r111,;-\• A.pprn•I-__ , Business I 111Dt<'I)' I yr11 ul<t. on "IU<t 18th Property s,, ·~ 11h.11;k 1ron1 1>ehuol Tu11 1<)('11\l"n 51 1,QQO f r VP ry 100 ..-J' Ul'l:i l !\'1-~HS 1·1,(1:">'T A\jE l)f'l!l nf tennlO . C.::·2 with .-~P"ll"n\ h"f"• ,'¥ hu:u · nC"•· t iwn .. r 1n uo\ ~.-II 11l1<• !n illr11''"'· "' SIT,:>1 01 SAVHll>'fV~: "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. Bay Properties LESS THAN ONE YR. OLU 11..t AN A JAi 'UUS ~:N. H..,t1[ ~_;~l~l·· ll~r ~tHll . LI ~ fl:l JT Kl ;i .i 1s7 1666 N°<'WP•lrt Ul,«I . Co~t.-t. MPM!. lJ ~ 3792 "r L J IJ-~1686 l~W. lklboa Blvd. H•r 1'1188 '""" Bal Eetate 3 bedrm., 2 bm.t h hnn1r . h"''cl. noon, 2 car (¥r age. $ 1 i .!'J()Q 1124 Knowell Pl., t:Ot!l• MP!lll . U 8-11119 !'hllt c PRICE REDUCED - t UPPF.R RAY INCOME PROPERTY :i Hl-~l)R(l0.\f~ I'\ hf! 111 ll ~C'l \11\lf EV<'" I.I ll-8666 6~67 Balboa Duplex F'l "HXI~ltEl• l two IN!-<1rm 11nd • • RNtrtcted a.rea 1 'f!\'i'loped lly <;la rf'n<"f' l. l.:OCIJ'"r. Jnr U11ll t By John fl. Cl1u k. Qu11-l1ty Outl<ler F'"r pr""i"w M o wing '" •1U•llfled client• ('ftll J ohn Abell HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS ~larbor l &Oo J,;v.,1n1• ~ Ll i~ OCEAN FRONT THREE UDR.M. BEA CH lt OUSli:, "11"1 . lOClltlofl, near L"1tlhu!u· 11n<l J>r.,tu lant Chun:he11, 11rhnol1 Only $H'i ~. ltrrn11 Good Money Maker l!:IOHT UNIT Ocean rront •lnlfle 11lory n1rn, •Pl" Bf'lll rent11.l locatio n tn Bfl.lboa a.nd a be~! buy at $311,(100, \Prn1~ Modern Triplex 0~~~ H l~K tu heat b1lthln11: boo1trh"-"· ba y ar ocean. F.ach unit h11~ lh·tnr roon1. dJnf'ttl', \Jll'•I kll<'htn~. bedrm , gan11:.-. lno <.:n1nf'l~1 .. 1y fum , Onty S2~.000. r.EORr:~ STE \o.'ERT. E v"~ llarhnr 2~37-1\t G2sta Mesa ~ --_ .... N IC~: 2 BR. den home on Eut 111<1~ T otal pr ice 111 ju~t $11,(M1il "·Ith Sl90C) down jm1ybe les~J J-;xtr11. l1&rii:e ya.rd. Bt1B RI U(;E\\'AY, E"tll. ll•rbor l'l:lll·J Balboa Bay Properties 1~0!'1 \\' Ra11lo11. Blv<1. H11.rbnr ~d!lll • m Multiple New LIDO ISLE A ~ BEDIUXIM U'·a11Je, lov•hle 11m1ly Rome, large living r111 • 1 built uound a larce patio "''ltb t>eauU!ul planting&, bu!lt -1n ULIQ a nJ roo1n tu brutht - Prtoed r Jf ht. NO \\'ORD CA N R:XPRESS tile r hann anrt Jl\"ab!l\ty f<1tn'l<t In tl1ll 4 lJ<o<lroom. 3 b11th hon1.- Appolnltnf!:nta of exqULA!\e Ill all We ~&1> Illy, :'\'E\V, 1\t ODERN 3 bdrtn1 . 2 bft , beamffi ceUlng1, mer<"11ry IWltch- ~•. rlln1plet11 bu1lt-ln fl'laturf!I ln r l!'t·. k !tr!ien, llritf pallo, w•ll - ...i, ~auU!uL ne'W f'•rJll'llina - m •tr hln.r w a t11. $311.~. BALBOA ISLAND C LOSE TU SOl:TH BA Y, ~ bed- roon1a, I•._ b•Lh11, bather• 11how - .. r, <fl11hwuh,.r, d!•p!J11al. 2 rer i &r"llre. axr f!!Jent coruitru.rtlon . Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 3112 ~ayelte, Newport, H11. 3643 In Costa Mesa Near •hoppUll( \'Pitter on t&Jll .w... -On. ~-m.. bouM. NI. lart;:e lot. R oon1 tor 01ore unit.. P r-le• 18150. IN .T USTLN' SCH OOL OISTRJC'I' --one of th~ ~•l-2 bdnn•. a nd den. 1Wlm1nlnf pool and xu~11t houlH'. Very hn111 .. y 11nd co1n fort.&ble. Inspect thl• one. BeauUtul vtf!w from t.hla Back Bay LllL Price $o.:!OO Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. MulUple Uatlng. Renllor. -'1'Ullll'U!'H " nrn~T 313 ... E. CO&llt H ll(hway corona de! Mu. Jfarbor 21 ~2 --------- Mesa Bu sines i Specials Idell.I tor foreign ~a.r •gency Newport Hlvd. C-2 Lc;i t 116 x 330 with 4.000 fL lhop $23,500 -I~ .000 do•,•;-n. Do ctorJ Attention C-2 bu.a. wlU1 t stucco u nit. nut door •to top 1hopp1nr arf!a home It bu11tne1111 o r pror. u"". Lot 1:0 x 1~ plenty of parking. $30,:500 -110.000 dow1'. BAY FRONT DUPLEX Near c.-nltr or S.lboa. $24,000 00\\'N LE:A\"El:i \'011 1 ,,r !>111 ,.11,·nly1 '·l~ l•"<'' 'T'h'" 5331 month profit or 1121~111 •lt"!'irll hl<' hnn•" h~/I al! th" do..,,·n Jea,·n St94 profit lo'll A rh,.n11 i•n1t ""'"'HI\' f.i~•"11n1 r-y I Onf' hf'.dr "' , 2 ct1.r g1t1 agt, ><Int '""'"I a r'f'R. $:1.000 1tnwn will hllO•tlr On • corner-Jot. raclnl" S11nt 111 An11 Golf r•n•riie with lll<'f! non11nl11n outlook 111 • 2 bedrn1.1 h11111<', h11rd"'">(\{j n oors. 1!u111 M-1 -1 OOx~OO West Side rumace, double g8t"l!.I':<"-Room By-Owner-•lS,000. Tt.nn1. Write Box E . iJ8 t.hl11 pi1~r. ~9p72 180 ft. Parcel IOftn. By o"'•ner, U 8-7632 6.~l f\ ll\'lfli( nt 1·~ to ... •t \••! ,..,I_\ CO~IAf ERClAL IJOT I 11 r"" '"'"•/IP" rr01n1 •\,,11 nl•1"' n P11• •' I ll• 11:~> Duncan Al~<.;f1 Tl\'1) 1:t1f)f 1 ()('~;/\~ F H0 :>.'1' I.• •TS SffMlll E AC H fn~ 11dr!'I unit In ~ood r1>nla..I H omt plu11 2 renW• wtth ArrA $()me f"unt1ng •nd fixing plenty of room for mf1:; plu t. ur "''Ill 1rre11tly lncrl'aM v"l"f' $20,0()0 -Subm it "n down. n\'f'r h11tr<1 I!'''<:' n f 1 1 2.~V) • Today's Specials! Quick• Best Buy on Lido! UA Y~HOKl";S 1%0.9~0. 2 t...11 ni" l b•ll• nlc• patio, cute k 1!1 /\en W!lfl t.>ior, JbL l'•r&i• l~ • ,. dandy ' Rl'Ar 1r11 s ~ t~trn>~ ~ h111h~ Lei.utllul f'&rp .. 1 ,\-drllf"'-' 1.&r11 , P•l''' t..,·~1 • f • ~ r .. It ... ,,n t ! _ _,t Three Ar ch B•y A nother Lido Goody! IJ /\c: ..,/ ti•<" flneilt OCt;&.11 tront h o1na Of\ Lne CaJ:!ornJ.a cout. 111· Int s 11··~· ('•'' t be"'"!' t·f•I ' KI LLION, re al es lote 334 1 Newport Blvd. H a r·bor 551.15 LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL home oo Lido Nord corner. Pcrma· nent vW!w of Bay, oea.r belit beach !or 11win1m1!lg. 3 bednn.11., 2 ha.I.ha . hobby room and den. Cha rn1111g king Biz.e muter bed.rm. wilh aJcove & connecting bath. large aun deck, a.tlractive dining roont, mod· em kilcben -buill-in diahwuhet, disposal, copper hood, ceramic We and numeroi..· .:>ther features. ATIRACTIVE CONTEMPORARY 3 bedrm. 2 bath home partially furnished. Only 2 1'2 ycan olf . BOTH PROPERTIES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT W E ALSO have sewr&l Bay Front lol8 on Lido Kord. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 31 13 Newport Blvd .. Newport Bea.ch Ha.r. 1013 GET RICH QUICK CORNER ORA~GE GROVE, 10 acres, good location Anaheim area. Valencia oranges will be ripe soon. and the land wiU soon be ripe for subdivi.11ion. Buy now t or capita.I pin n.ut. year. $4:SOO per acre --cooa term.11:-. •• -· • -' BALBOA ISLAND WATERFRONT. two nice 1 bed.rm. houses, cor. location, small pier. A few \ hundred 11pent on fix-up wiU bring several tbouu.pd in profit $26,500 IN EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY, charming home bui.lt around a p&tio. Den, dream kitchen, 2 fire- placeti, BBQ. beautifully furni11hed, orrered at W.!iOO -$10,000 down. ISLE REALTY MARIN~R~ -~ ------·--~ 318 Marine, Balboa !al.and Harbor 4781 BALBOA ISLAND For Year Round Living We Recommend Thi.II Qu&lity Home 4 Bedroom.a, 2 bath• Sept.rt.le dining room forced air heat A fireplace PLUS · Ap&rt.ment with :Z bednna., view windowa and farepla.ce. Price '38,000 term... WY. w. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. &t lfarine, Balboa Ia1and HamorWl2 Neu Back S.v or "''tll ioell 3 - .. it 130 Iota '3200 ea.. H•r. 33111 '" S~~AR HARBO R • 1!#(11 ~'"'l ~o:!I to 11.llf'}'. LQ\\' l'Hll 'E • !wn• r H•rbor l.l6t. Tf Ha rdest y Ht:Al.T••f. x~"l'"'t 1:1• 1 ·1 .. p,.,,. h Coast l::>lt>1 .... 26:')11 Properties Hl1•d Pr"r'rty 1 .. •·111 .. c1 11.t 1:.1 t., ...... ,Ne al J . Martin, Realtor Dnve. Ca ll your m ultiple br.,k· 1ill9 Nrwport 81\•cl. "r '" flrr hJOl1ni; ;:fli8!. or rnn·1 LJ S -~'>AA eve•. LI 8·1774 l ------------------------------- t11rt _ _ _ __ -----1 LIDO R-3 2 -SO n. Jou on So. Bay P'ronL '31,300 each. Ca.II T . D. Rogers. Har. 1680·W, or RY•n l-t029. J8ttc FOR SA.L.E: BY OWNER-• bed- MOrtl h<Jme, I '!l bath•. land· ..:.:ap«I .It; te11ced. FHA I~. J._,,.e«lom tiome area.. Ca.II Llberty 8-41123 n1ornin111 or an~r 6 p. n1. J&trc SEVEN UNITS F'URN, PLt;S o\O·nen1 2 bo'<lnn apL Steady lncorne S4M per n1" Pt1ce $l7 ,:.00, llQme tr nn• fr<1r11 01"'ru•r., 212 V1c tor1a. l.\•5!a Ml!«&. :'!4r 6T DES!:RT PARAOJS F: """'' f11 1 n r11hln. 2''1 ac~ wt.h J t>~hu• tree.. 3 nul~ to "'"''" J:.1 4•>(1 \~IV Sant• A11a Avr I '""I• -'nl n!nt a. l'lou.. or bu)• bOuM.. BT O\\'Nl':R. :'I 'w , t• .. ,-,1~ 11 ... · th'!' 1lmplftllt way tu rind a plaoe to fLwra. 1ar·h •h~11 H .. 1 .. ,~.1 f"/\l"l'd, ~~t Eol"t 91tl,. l0o Xnl1. N1nd l.lbera..I trrmll. lnq 1.'\;:I i;. B n.dwll)', \~ M. 66<·11.8 ""'""' 47 1~ Ne w Desert 3 & 4 Bedrooms F'RED J . CROSIER 632 \\' 17th 8L, t:oaO.. L I !!·':ISO, f'Yf'llln g-11 " K l 1 2 h11th tuou1"• dhl i:IH'lllf<'. real __ _ Jll~!<a. :l-HHI 6:)r6i livi ng Design ! ti repliu·<"!~ All tmp rn,.,.,n,.n\11 ln l ' 'R .no r"1" fnr. $10,&rlO to 112.~, Costa Mesn Beit Buy t:l9 LF:Al-1 1-:!': Ir ' I"" ~~lltt1.(I'• 1.,.r11111 ,-,..., hf. 8Nln 11nyt1n1.-., P h•11 Un1y J 7 •no P.1 g 1 .. 1 ~ o·lt y ''"II Mr OATJt.<; with l.llk~ • Jo-OR A LARGE 1o-AMIL.Y , 4 b<'d- 11t1I. Hol>L1"Y llun>"ll Hlf1 tl. fr.,•n • l L.l 8 _i _6 6~86 1· ronm. J11.rge kJtch~n. bf'sutiful S3\l!r. 111 111!11101..,. 1tl'rn l"alrn ' CU eg-ruve. ., ' _ ti-Uo, dbl. pr'lfl a nd BEST OF :-:iu·1n1111 Nu 1t1nu11 H 1 1 •I• .. : S , ALL, low J,1ri1:c u! 513.ll!O. Good ~PR I Nt•S HAN1,."ll. 1111•1 f'11ln11" NEWPORT HEIGi-iT S rln•n cl ng. ~n7 1 1.A RCF: VIF:\.\' l,()'l' •~:o.~ellent 1l 21 1 \\'1tn11t P1•':_ lJ l~'(JnT1 'N fT'. ~ n .. "-,-R R-,, .. ,11hburh\>l ~J. ~;~2!'>0 Tl!'rn1~ Dunc•n H•rdes+y unlt11 t:0111a Mf!cU Int i llOO me'.\, PAUL C JONE->;, Real cat.ale .., u A t>.Nt I L0.000 dn {'•II for a ppL l 27:1:0 Newpr)rt BIYd., Nf'L 61.h. RXALTOR FORI • •ERRI Nl>t;;R Har. 4'M3 Harbor 2~13 2802 Newrort Hl\·d., NpL JYar-h Moe l Mc:87 H•rhor 4T!ft Panoramic View :-<EW 3 0EDRM .. 2 hat h home. of dlg11lty, w Jlb brea thtaklnr \•iew of e11tlr• Aarbor. A MlJST SEE for the P:e lualve buyer.- Total price 139,000. DAN A JACOBSEN, R..,.I Har, !\fl~l. W 3-1\317, Kl E9tatt 2-2187 R-2 LO'I", Newport ftt.a.. Che&pW. priced lol av Lll.&bLe. 14000 or mak• uffer. OH.ANGE 00A 81' PROPERTIES 18."!7 NIM'port, C:O.ta M~- l.l 8-1632 1':"81inp l.J 8-1400 CORONA DEL MAR Each room & 'faYOrite' room! The dm. or bedroom overlooka the t.owD. while all otbenl face the central patio. Cheerf'\ll sunny kftcben; c:UlpoKl. Hwd. fin., """'"" celllnp. firoploc.. 23 tt. Uvinc room. Private beoutltUlly tum. 3 room apt. bu complote lo.ib:beo, brine• $720 a JOU from A·l tmant, U you &1'9 •1kmc 11Pumel cll&J'm In a 1DOCJ9t priced ....... -tl>ll ad-• otforms -• STANLEY A. SMITH , Realtor 2647 E. Cout Hwy, Con>aa dol ll&r. Har. 882 • ' • rAGE 6 • PA~ -lilEWl'OaT HARJOR NEWS-1'11ESS ll!!;:::!•!Ml!!!_!FAo!!!!!"~----I~"'!:::!•!-!!!_' !ll!!!l!!!!l•~---_!'"'!!:::!•!!••!!:".!!ll~' !!' !.__----1 !11!:::•~-!!_!ll~"'"~lo!.__ ___ '!::;~ _!!IM!!_t!!•!!_ ____ ,!11!:·::·!·~1,!ll!!!l!!!!h!.__ ___ , • --·-AY, RU~"::;~ OPEN HOUSE ~ILL'S BES'T e·u.vs ..,. TllOllil . """"~":"' "We're. Moving - B /·B . EXCLUSIVE ---~-loJo Ila~ ---,.:.,_ Neiify new ·.3 ., 2 bith~. _plu. maid'• quarten. Ua--ny lg.. Uv. nn., Sandy 8-:h $«1,000 For appolntment to Ne call lln . Fay. EXCLUSIVE Bay Ave. O>rner with View! 2 B. R. and Dea, n ice lr:ltcben,• extra lge. patio. Garage 9tttMed tor apartment. Owner W. Shown by appointment only. $28,000 -TeTDUI. EXCLUSIVE Bay Ave. Duplex -Permu.ent View ! Neuly new -oppoaite finest >bathing beach. Excellent financing to qualified buyer. Shown by appointment only. EXCLUSIVE 3 Unit.II nPar &<:hool & Catholic Church. 100', occupancy Excellent conditioo. F'or infonnation & appointment to see call M:-Rude EXCLUSIVE Just Luited ! Balboa Penuuu!a . $15.850 -$3500 down 2 bedn1on1 honic, fLrl·plac(' Price trh:ludt:t-l <:fl1'[Jt>l8 .1u1J curl•IO.i:. THIS JS A BUY'. 1 1 1 BAY AND BEACH REALTY , INC. 14~ IA' Ralboa Rlvd Ralboa t-larbor 126-\ Vogel Values CORONA DEL MAR Un one of the prettieat •1>treel8 tn town. :\todern, lge 3 bedroom ho!ll4! on corner Jot . fl oor to ceiling flag11tnn(' fireplace, enclosed patio. Priced right at $19,500-includee w1w carpeting thruoul & drapes. HOME & INCO ME -SO. OF H\VY. & NEAR STORES & SHOPS. -FumiAhed 3 bedroom home & studio apt. Garage ready for apt . over. Houae haA firepl11.ce, HW floors & is comf'ietely reton- dn.!oned 1n11ide. An excellent value at $1~.500. Shown by app't only. COSTA MESA CJ-ffo:APER THAN RENT & ONLY $600.00 DOWN In COHt.'1. Metia & not too far from 17th St. Shop· ping Ce nter . Lg. lot, 2 bedroom home, HW Ooor"'l, •n1ng area in k1tch. Tota.I price only $8,500! Better hurry'. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E:. C11t . Hwy . Cornna del Mar Ha. 174 i. Ha. 0757 Why Lisi It For Sa le With A Re.ltor7 I'll Sell It Myself! A Do It Yourself Kit Won't Work In the Rel!ll Estl!lte Business. When you liAt your property for sale with a REAL· • TOR you benefit by hill knowleqge, experience and judgment. We're going to sell $1 ,000,000 worth of Real Eflt&le each month during 1956 Multiple LiAting Service Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach CQST A MESA The Best Town on El!lrth .. J Br. home, Hwd. floorR, large kitchen. Obie garage. $11 .750 with reasonable down paymenl11 & bal. on 4 ,..,.. loan at $68.97 per month including taxes and ineurance. TRIPLEX "1,3 yn. old) 2 Br. each, garage & laundry room. 1 unit with fireplace, $20,500 with $3000 down. DUPLEX right in town-2 Br. each 1>1de. garage11, large atorage room (or guest house) Sl3,i50 with $2750 down, bal. $111 mouth. 3 Br. home, l lf J bathe, Hwd. floors, Obie. garage. A-1 location, $12.750 with tenrui. G. N. WELLS, Rel!lltor 1810 Newport Blvd, Coota M ... LI 8-1601 A CHALLENGE To your ahrewdneu, t hil cusJ,om built. nearly new 3 bedrm., 11i bath home wilh 1paciouz patio plu.11 •un deck apella BALBOA PENINSULA yea.r 'round livtnc at It. best. Beamed ceiling paneled ~titch., with built-tn .tove A: oven. FA heaL We have tbe key -We'~ ready to ahow you a prime k>catiotl, priced to eeli -4. % loan. ¥URIEL M. PINOVER , Rel!lltor 2804 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4610 ::·a~~:-~ LoTs .}!!H~Tu~-to lrvire Terrace" BA.TSHORES RA·O:;>rnv 77' a: 10C1 -·····--·--·--·--···-... $2.850 '-nl ti.uu,.. bH.eh. ,.rtect t~ ,.. " .. ac1 •EA< ' t •~50() th .. l••l•r flr.mlly K L1chf'.t1 an4 CJLUU(IN'Q f'UoCh lJ'P9 boma, I · Yti '°" Jl ~ -~---·-···---··----··--· .,... Drive in today Rd 1tie for yourwtt the ~Y oar: standing "feature. of th.la rem.a.rlr:able community. , ~ -I l h~ h~ It boo.-~ • un1pl•tel)' btctl'llllt p1~t l'OOlrl. 1~ -t;-2 90' Zl!scr ··----·---······-···--· .. ·-·-······--'8.900 "'"'1"'''111·~1. ~ 1>o .. 11.,.u .... 2 t>.Lha. ~ ~ -~ ::::·:::. RA IO' x ~ -·-···--·······-····················-·~---~~~ '--'u""'"..,·~"o~a~~;;',y.,ri.7ii ....er .... er. ...... ,.... .... ___ -ft,.1-Badr Bay --. -~--1' --Me~"'nf61W"RDtkior iRafltn~ a.re-tn.pij(itfiii~.__ ~~ lheee exquiaite homes -noting their comfort., con-harth ftr<tpJ. a.nd blrdl panel-ft...1 Back Bay ··························-·--·········-··········....$5·~ "' '21.500. lnl'-din. area, oalunJ lll\ch. • w1u. ,.,.~ ""•· • ""'· ..... FREE RENT ........ r, WW, cal'})9t~. r . A. bMl, abak• root, o.u prlv•te Two Rou11M on Good C.Omer t...Ot. Ea.etmkle location Madi and boatlna' tacUIUN -on aewer, dn.inage ok. Both houaee have 2 bed-J27.&00. 2 Open. Houses Friday-Saturday.Sunday 707 Acacia, CORONA DEL MAR BE SUft.E TO SU UW. I bectnn. plu. •ncl. lanai Ch-rl\ll t1"'p.I" din l"OOm, outltde plantu , etc. •lfl.71.0 la a tei-nnc b&rJllln on U111 vne. R&11.I f'OOd ternui. 712 Heliotrope OORONA DEL MAR NOTJ{ING FrNER lha n lhla 2 bed- roorn home tor $16,600. It ha a flrepl . •UTHl)' br11ht kltch~ With lot• or Ctl« and cupboa-t"ttll. lo.rt• or charn1 thr1.1-uut. Ent.I. palllt I "all .Harbor 2('42 nOW tor pre-ano .. ·1n,. Frl!lnk James .Linwo od Vick REAL TORR J!l M•tlne Av11 . Balboa 111.1 .. rui Hart.or :1042 Duplex I ·.0·1:1 nlcl" unit.II bnns-ln&' I ll.:'! ptor ni.1 •lld mum tv buil<l anr1lher 11n1t "' home in tronl. on lhe rine corn11r lot F.:.;cellent t.0n- dlllon r J.,,,... 1n J:i"1t.I rf'nlaL a rea, 11" vt.•r• old All tor ••nly 1 10-:ioo wllh reaaonable down pmt Keep A. Horse? Here ta .. bea ulitul ranch type home on 11 halt 1cr11 &OOed eo lh•l you rn ay keep a hooe. T h11 ll«:Vf'n yr. olrl home hiu 1 f!r11 pl1ce. r•Uo. &l.rden•. h u;c11 !enl'l"<i yar<I, (!<JUb Je 1ar- •ge an/l uut b<.11Jdln1•-Not m uiy with the11e •llv1..11tagM and pnce.J lu 1oe!I 11.l $18.~ "flLR.M S Hl!lrbor Bl vd., Lot 60 II 12! on CIO"I" In H1rl><Jt 6 JvJ prH::t"d to t ell. A leo • h1w re•1dentla! lol•. B. A . NERESON REAL TOH. li82 :-O"ewvart lilviJ . Cuoti.. Me~ Wberly i -1G'l2 Evu. LI i -41.20 Llberty 11·8!113 Liberty 8-3727 ---------- See Me-T l!I Nelson T HI:: .M lJ~T l.M:l'ORTANT AD Y OU'l~L READ TOOA 'i CORON A DEL MAR F.ASTEH.:-0 OWNER S A VS SEU..., like new J bedroom. 2 b•lh, fire- p lace. hllwJ. !looni, blocil from oce1~1 . R-2. e:.;cellent ftnanclnJ . Underprlred. Exclualv• U•Un&' FrRST TfME OFFERED REAL HO MEY 2 bed.rm., fireplace newly dKOralffi. ln1ide pJaoter8 but locauon. 13000 w111 h1ndle. $14,l)O(I f p Ei..cluaJv• U1Ung. llOMR 6 INCOME ATTRACTIVE duple1t, choice l(ICa· lion. I ii: 2 bedrm•. Und,rprlced. MET A NELSON 2903 ii:, CoMl Hwy Coron• UO!!I Mar, Har . l'.i060. Mci17 M-1 Liqht Manufacturing SMACl. SHOP A 3 Jot.. corn11r 3\~t A Villa Way, Newport Jkh, \\"ill 1pUt. Priced rlghl w llh Jood term•. llOUSli: Pl.US VA CANT LOT ~ $MOO will h1.11<ll,, H ouae •nd l•rge guage renle<I 111paratt.ly. fio<1d Income. near P04l o rrice. N.B.C. Rel!llty 32nd ii: Newporl Blvp. Har. 14M A HOUSE & GARDEN and a SYCAMORE TR.ICE - Channlnl' 2 bdrm. older home-- 0...ner II completely rf)(lecora- ttna: A.~ Term•. Fisher & Compa ny 260! Newport BIV'd.. NpL Sch Har. 4429. NEW INCOME UNITS BY OWNER $21,CM»--tennL ...,., 1702 6 1802 Haven Pl•<"•. Newport HU . ~ El11mentlry 6 Htch School. LI !1-Mlli. ~7p70 $500 Down ON THIS IC8T A TIJ Ilk• half &Cr!' near Country Club, ld-.1 with honit for r,.tlrl'ment a r bulk.I •i.l11'1. income unU•. $li960 Cull prlc•. VAN A. JACOBSEN. R•I but" Har !1391, LJ A-41.31 7. Kl J.Zl!7 roorm. Wood exteriors, pluter lnt.erlon, wood noon1. Separate baclr: yarda. Older, b'ilt well built and in good condition. Live in one and let the rental make your paymeota. $13, 700 $3000 down. 4 BEDROOM_S -NEWPORT HEIGHTS Forced air heat -Fireplace -2 years old. ExceJ· lent location within walking di.11ta.nce to all achooU,. Priced low at Slf.MO $3300 down. BEAUTIFUL, BACK BAY Spa.ciowi three bedrocim and den, hardwood floors, wall to wall carpet i.n L. R., dinlng room & den. L&rge service porc.h adjoining, completely buUt-in kitchen ma.khl this a houaewi!e'.11 dream. Let WI lhow you the many other fine features not men - toned in lhUi a.d. F. P. $.23,500 with only $5000 dn. W . A . TOBIAS, Rea ltor '"you'll li ke our friendJy service" -100 E . 17th St.. COt!t& Mesa Liberty 8-1139 LAVISH Is the word for thui home located atop t he bluff of C. D. M .. affording a fabulous view of Balboa Harbor and jetty on 60 ft. corner lol. It Ui mod· em to the luL det.ail. large living roon1, beautiful den, m1U1ter bedroom. ah1n1ng b&lh and kitchen upsla.irs. Three bedroom.a Uld .econd living room downstairs with adequate bath.I!. A garden that cost well in excesa of $10.000 in tropic.a.I mode, complete with water, light and mwi.ic. AlAo Hi-F l coat in exceN of $5000, piped to every room. Fully carpeted and draped Jn excellent l&llte. A quality home for aale for the finlt time, Priced to sell immediately for $59,500 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OSBORNE -FORTON, Rel!llty Co. 2323 W. Coaat Hwy. '"'"1'tt Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8· 7562 Har. 5154 eves --- CORONA DEL MAR Home with 11tep-down livjngroom, vrew of city and Ocean from den, hardwood noon. l.ocated on cor · ner lot with room f or gar. apartment. A home with a. thouKand pouibihties. $16,500. Terme. Eight yean yo ung, two bedroom and den (with fire- place} on corner lot, view from large li\•tng rooni. Lanai. Only $18,500 TerD1.I!. Open House Dl!lily 1201 DOLPHlN TERRACE In exclusive Irvine Terrace, unmaLched view home on Clift aide, all electric kitchen, den. bath and ~. Large yard with protected patio. Perpetual Har- bor, Ocean and Bay View. RAY REALT'f COMPANY 34i4 E . Coaat Hwy., Corona d('I Mar Har. 2288 (acrosa from the Bank in C. D. M .) A. J . Vi ccellio Ed Bucko Helene Csenar Bob Klamm Charles Parrish PAR EXCELLENCE NEWPORT : Lovely one bedroom duplex on 38th 11treet . 3 yrs. old, patio, nicely decorated," rear unit fur- niRhed. $15,450, easy terms. COSTA MESA : Spacious duplex on Ea.Rt Broadway , hardwood floorfl, dining room, lge. bedrms .. front unit has fireplace. Rent from one unit makes the payment&. $17,500 -reasonablt> down payment. Greenlel!lf-Severts Rel!llty , Inc. Har. 2552 3112 Newport Blvd. Eve.a. Ll 8-3186, LI 8-5405, Har. 3921-W, KE S-5885 ------------~-----~~ LIDO NORD BAY FRONT ATTRACTIVE 1 story home. livable and conven - ienl. Three bcdnns., 2 bath a, maid's room and bath Carpels, drape.11 a.nd appliancea included. T. D. ROGERS, Harbor l!)M-W Or Ryan 16029 CORONA HIGHLANDS FISHER built home, one year old. 3 bedrooms, bath o/4 • 11hake room, garbage disposal, Iota or tile. open beam ceiling. Very nicely landscaped. Won- derful permanent view on & st.reel to street lot. 428 Cabrillo W . E. FISHER & Assoc il!ltes 3024 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona de! Mar HAR. 5032 -'--,,' BAYSHORES EXCJl:LLEN'T UX!ATION on O..y- -™>r• Orlv4 wllh Vot\V ot bay. f.:1tlel'1or Ju.it p.Jnl.ed. S beO· roo1T11. t \. batN, dtnlnc room • breUfut room, Mwd flOo,.., ftqat~ ftr•pla~ -$2.S.&OO.- t..rma. • Harbor Highlands LOVll:LY S BJl::DROOM. 14" bat.hi. I 4 • 2' n. ilVlf\J room. hdwd. floon. aarb&j:e <ll•JIO<Wll, ('r•P'"· •!•let t enc-tnt . .,,.. w ca r pellnf • draPff 1nclude;I •t $17,176 "C" THOMAS REAl~TO R and ASSOC"IATfo.:.5 21t \\" Luul lt111;h,..·•'' J.J "·!o:'!'.!7 :>i11w1><.i1t Urar n ·c 1'110 '-IA!'I .. venieru.-e ud cen traJ loca lion. More and more !amillee who pre.Ccr a home in a r. 11tricted ·quality community an movtng into theJr lrvine Ten-ace homea.. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. / exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von H emert l.rvlne-Te1T&oe bi located on Coast. Highway oppoa.lt. the new Irvine Cout Country Cub. EARL W . STANLEY, Rel!lltor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4-448 For Further lnforma.tion * For RecommendatJoa , .,11e refer you t G anyone who holds a Le&Mhold f~tale in Irvin" Terrace, &.aeon Bay, Hli.y Shores and Clift l-iaven B/ B v 11 Best Buys Corona del Mar I, :il!ORF:Cl.IF'F'' Open House Sat 6 Sun t 6 '~ Ea.lit ?l•t ~\ Yvu nlU•l ""'e \hJ.1 All KM1wuvd I he•vy Sha k~ /tuuf Ru,tu R.anc-h hu111r un lat~r lwtU\i· 2 tuJJy l11.111l-•P.-d t11t w ith r(>(lm tor pool -3 l1ri;r bed room1 'l bathll •nd rxt1..,, lo;l<lurr $2do.:i-OO I l"ull Pntt 3. If I Were You I l "d -., Lht. th>tlle rlNf k•n1•h I h<tuM T•,.I•)'' An "Xl}U1•llt' hlllllr loc•lril un • quiet banjol 4 .1tr...-l r1glll up ai.•ln•t th~ ltar k Bay. th11 J bo!rn1 1 .... bath ru•llc IB b<'llUt!ft1l l)" i:lf'C"Ur-1 •t ~J . • •t"J)l"\"'1 aJHI (ant]~aµe..! • Tht< lln~.11 "' '""'" 1,,. . .,. ~IOI\ lln(I rr1n•tr"IJcllOn tor $:17,• :'14)(1 w l\h e11r"Jll!"nt t1n1nr 1nt A brand new h•t101fi Y"" II want t•i own ' Bay & Bel!lch Rlty Inc I 187:> H•rbor l.Joul,.viu·d t "(1111.;t. M s a. Cahtorn1" exclu"J\''" with U!!I. 1'h111 1mmai·u latt' 2 bt-.J rnt and Jt:n h11n1e 11 11 ~fo rn1nK ('11.ny()ll l°lf)lld .,.,.Ith f>llll()Nlffil!' \'lt'W IJI Ul"t'Srl. h lltR and ranyon FA hf'nl. 111.rgl" flag!'lt one patio, carJ>f'l1' artd d ra1)(_·11 1nclud ... .J IUlt 1111 y $31 54 1\J l~l."T .. fl!:k lll'Kl<Y un thJ~ une -11 wun't lasl. Ul"PL1.f:X. I bt'l.irm, t"ff.t·h. nrn· unit rum. 1·omplt>tt", t·vn1cr lot & only $Ii.~. J.11w du""'" psymcnt will h11.n(llc. OL"P LE.\:. 2 R. R. en.ch, ("Omt·r lot. Both have f1rcpla~l'.'R, hwd. flrll. & sepa ral~ dinette A good buy .11.t $2:!,!'")tMJ F'lltST Tl~tf-: Q }•fo·r.:H.~:t i. Immaculat•· 2 BR. home pl us rumpus rooni. h"'·d firs, garb. disposal. A. bargain at $1 3,500 -$31..JOO i'.JUWJl w1JI handle. f-~x rlusive with us This Rhnuld l!lell quickl y. Ml':~!fil~!t u r· :\ll "L'r1r1.fo.; J.I STINC;s. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICt: T t.leCU l8TION, i{ealtor 3'1·t7 E. Coast Hwy. ('oronfl lh·I ~i ar Har. '1 7 !()ffire lorat~ next Joor to Coron11. del Mar BankJ I LJ_S-7714 i,;., .. ~ LJ IJ.H:"ltl l_ WELL-BUil T 2 B.R. lt yuu ••I!" ,Joolt111i.: lur a cl'•" • ut 2 boodruum hume on a n11·r unproved llr<·f't 8EE US l,\l - MEDIAT M:l. Y. /lardwood rlo.n 11 G•r•irr Thf"rn1vat Ht [lrafl<"<ll •ntl rarp.l!"l -Bac-kV"J ti completely trnced -E1tcr pti.1n- •llY Wrll l1.11d11caped. Rt11"·P..r1 )' lawn . Hert' i. all Idea! hon1e Will coral~r $1:>00 dOW"n, Own- "r ha11 JU•l movf'd out 11n•I rnust aelJ J111 nu1d1at ely, Pull f'rll'e. W7Ml. Phil Sullivl!ln & Geo. T. Everson 18.~ Newpurt 81vd, Co111.¥ 1'1 ~11A 1 Acros• from CO!llA Mf'llll. Bank ' Ph. LI 8·676J. Eve1. liar 43fl6 J.l bofrty 8-2103 Hl!lrbor Highll!lnds OPEN DAILY PM 1919 P rt.v1H11 Lan,. LOVEl.Y J l>ec'lrm, 1-1\ bll ~ha. brick f1repl .. with rr•r y111d epacl" for .1w1 n1mlng p<>(ll or 1,..n1,. l"<.)urt l li,:>UO. AU\0 3 b<'<lm1 I :0... b,.LNt w1lh flrepl11r r ll''""Y r•·nco>tl rr~r )'lln! 11nd iwiun exqul•lt<'ly lanrl-pr!I, $18.M>O Fo r prtvllte .mn,..•l'!I: 1••11 R UTH DAVIS JJ-:AN SM ITH -El..8 11!: EBEl~ING Qt JACK M ULLAN. Duncl!ln Hl!lrdesty REALTOR 2fl02 Nt'.Wport Blvd., Npt Uri ch H arbor 4718 Bl!ly Shores '2~72 Clrc.le On''" O~n ()ally -1-4 30 :-.'O\\' PttlCED TO.SE:LL 3 bdm1 , I b•lh, t rpl, F. A hel<•, ill t lr,.• k11t•tu•u Sp11r1r,11• pal10 biull In fJl:IQ llVt"fftl:i<> ,1t1trHKI". ceutn.111J etor•g" ' VOGEL VALUES -COSTA MESA * * • * • Bdlbo a Coves IAvtly owner b!t quAlity home Jes;; than 4 y rs. old, 2 bdrm. & Jen. 1•1x23 hv1ng rm .. dining rm., 1:11 ba lhR, F'A hrat, w w cplH .. lg:c. covered patio fac- ing water. pier & 11lip. Shov.•11 by appointment only. FuU price $40.000 $2500 down Nt•w 3 bdrm. ranch type horn(' near Back Bay 11 ~ bath, H . W. flo1n-s, 11 1ce fireplace. Hack Bay area. Partly furniAhed 3 bdrm. home on 9Q x 100 R---1 Jot . .$1 2,500 f~ll price. 9 THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Nl"wport Bl\'d. Phone ~lberty 8-5597 Costa Meaa i::v!'ning l~Jberty 8-7457 -- BALBOA ISLAND 01v1dr_.nd Paying i{cal F:state: Cute 2-bedrm home wi th lo,·eJy apartment H:en !al N'c·orrl will aAtound you ~ ' $.29 .500 Exc lusive Bay Shores TO c:O NNO l ~S E:URS of F1r11' li ving~ \Ve highly rccomn1end this 2-bedrm. 2 bath beauty -F'. A. hrat -gorgeous patio -many xln't features. Let us make an appl tu show it to you. $24,7:)() with terms 1f dcaired. Lido Isle Almoi>t new -3 bdnn. 2 bat h unuAual home. Bf'a ut. fi repl , Near b<.>ath All this and more for $26 . .'">()() NELDA GIBSON, Realtor .1<"6 ~t 11.ri nc Ave., Balbc1a !Aland Har. 502 or 4623 RALPH P. MASKEY OWNER WANTS QUICK PROFIT! REA l .. l'Ofl 3 4 ! I r-:e.,.·porl !ll,·d , :>ip! Br h H•rbor i 02 \\'ATER Vlfi:\\'. !'itn'e1 In 1<n•I pa1•1 IJ.1:!11 vl!'w nf R•r k l:Uto) "·"•00 with htW'n•L IPrn111. OHANG E <"0A ST t-'Kut'ER'rt ~ 1e;..1 Nt"WJ>•"otl. C(lJl\a ~, ..... 1-1 8-1632 Even1n1s l~I ll•liOO --THREE Bl)RM . 1 '\. balh.1. 80• l U1 lot.._ Kln11 Pl•ce 123,500. Nf!W port Ht.11 By APPOINTMENT 1-n~r L lb-rtv A-41l73 821.:73 " LET'S FACE IT, Ni·body gc\g something fot noth1n g. but we lJO have a fi ne hum<'. worth the mon.::y -3 B. R .. beth and '::. hwd. floor8, w/w carpel$. lu\'e-ly rireplace AND a fi ne view. NOT a steal, nvt a sacrifice, but a c:ooo BUY at $21.500 v.•1th l?oud ter111a. CAl.1~. Wc-"re ready to go- R. L STRICKLER, Rel!lltor R r~. HOrK...;E. AIW"lclKle 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona dt'I ~far H1'-r. 2774 .. ··-e • .., Etitate ~-~~~Homes lefw-e'n lmne •nll Tu1tln Ave1. o~ Cibrillo rio;H,-of I ~th S . _ . ~L-RJRNISl::IED....BY-., DANIGER 'S OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Reary •bake roof•, ha.rd"ood noon, big double raracee. fortied-alr beat, built-tn ovrn and ranee. dlai-allit, -..... olldlng gl&u doors, .-bridi nrep....._ Terrific looking home1 with ~ t1oor pla.n.1 oa Cana Me.'• mott dealrable East SM!e. • a ••r..e.a. a ... ,...,. a •oo1-a ••w. . -- r P .. _a .. ~-r incOM>or~ted ' developers of Udo Isle Udo Modem mGRJUr .. OOLLINB ...:.nr.n Oiil Oii1lila 4 bei!rm . 2 both home. The llvtngnn. la boauutul pape.-ed. bu a ~ve bouquet canyon •lone ftrepl&oe at tlldlor 11ui' -. lo a lovely patio. ,,.. kl~ lo a -·w1t11 '-INllt-ln Th<rmado• oven • ....,., dlapOu~ hardwd. cablneta • m&lcil· lnc formkL We ooukl go on ud on a.bout thia IMla!e. ""' ,... ol!oul4 -It. Priced •• $37,llOO N-llu a Jli,000 lou pa)llllllo $160 pe• mo. eactY House _ . If you are py A n., happy •Ul'T'O\LOdin,p. you will love thil beautifully decorated oversize 2 bedrm. bomit. Artiat1cally luid8C&ped patio9 en· ha.nee iU out::oor Uvtq. Sliding gla.u doo,.. m&lce the livingnn. and outdoon one and, the -.ma. The aame ii tna.e ot the muter bedroom, only it bu a vuy private patio ot It. own. 3 bathroom.e, din- lngrm. and fully carpeted. Priced am•gingly low. Call Joe Kincaid. 3-bedroom: $21,950-$2000 down 3-bedroom and den: $22,950-$2000 down Bud9et .Conscious? rr M.A.KE8 SENSE-6 designer t. going to go all out on hia own home. HAL LACY bu done juat that _oa thll 3 bedrm, 2 btlth l.Jdo Iale amaller reekSe.nce. The combining of materia11 Is done with lhougbt &nd feelUir here. SJktlng-gla.n doora to patio from the llvingrm. with ita field atone fire· place. Outltanding kitchen with ash cabinet. and m&tchlnl" fonnica. Tile in both balha, waU-to-wall carpeting and double garage. Close to perfect beach. See th~ 800D, &.8 It will sell at only sie.~ Back Bay Land We have the greatest eelection of Back Bay lot.a ln our h!at.ory -little ont;t, big ones, expenaive , not so e.xpemive, overpriced and underpriced. Thia la the area that appeala to a great number ot people bec&Wte ot '.1.-_ ~ountry almOllpber e, its roomy feelln.i and 1u pun clean air. Now ia the time to BUY BACK BAY. Call Bill Fanaworth. OLE HANSON CO. Tract Phone : J .. Iberty S..2363 or Otficu: LI 8-M73, Harbor 1600 BALBOA ISLAND Chonco of • Lifetime • Po ck oge Dool 90 l'"et't •l rttt tront•r• ~~ .., t~t J1'0un1 ()elwrt' t ~""1nl homa lle lux1 2 b<'ldroom l'loma 3 Maullful apo1 rtm 1nl• ,10rJ.011.1 l a n a i a pt J eaua r 11eat room• l l tile bath.a 3 flreplace1 I'S ,..,., •• :-:1r 1 larvt..:1p1ns 1'1od•n1 ty~ e<matru<:llon our exclus ive see us now NO PHONI!: CAL.LB. PU:ASE BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine A\'e., Balboa laland-Ph. Har, 1671 - or 1672 BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE Wr can build for you a. two-bedroom or 3 bednn . homr . Approx. $~.90 per 1q. ft . 1005'i Fin~ciDJ on approved lot.I 937 Square Foot Home-$4595 1155 Sguare Foot Home-$5595 Attached 10 x 20 gan&88 ·-············· $295 We are building on Wllilla.oe. Bay, Avocado and 18th Sl!I. Starting •bortly on 20th St. Call or Phone for lnfonnat!on ... OPEN StJNDA Y AF'I'Jl:RNOONS .. WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 1104.l WeatminRter Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9-0633 BALBOA " ISLAND SO. BAY 4 B, R., 3 bath plu. 1 B. R. apt. ·--... $69,500 NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 bath plWI 2 8 . R. apt ___ $73,50() LIDO NORD 5 B. R. -2 B. R. a pt. ...... _. $89,800 LIDO NORD 3 8 . R. -Pier &. 11Up ------· $,M,DOO LITI'LE ISLAND, Tropical Mttinl' 2 uniba pm. 2 8 . R. guest houae ················----------'M,gc§() NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R ..................... ____ ~,800 NEAR NO. BAY 3 B. R. ............. -............ _____ ~,000 INGOME UNITS: ... _ .... ..$21),750 to $38.000 inclualve. Check with ua on these and othera. Har. 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon HYa.tt 4-6222 John Macnab Harbor ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island If You Aro Young et Hoerl If You Want Quality, Originality If You Want tho BEST - in location in con.ttruction in nunc.., Come 1ee thi• ' bedim., 3 bath home on the UtUe Iala.nd. 112 Jade Ave. OPEN 11-5 Feb. f tl:ant Feb. 12, 1956 DORIS BRAY, Realtor 218 llar1ne Aft., Balboa lal&rul Har. 20 OT 84 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1 • 5 818 St. Jameo -· Cllfr Hann Throe bedrma., hard1'00d noorr., larp lot. Lowest pri<od Cllf! iu-home. Aaldng $H,000 ~~ 1-. I John Mcnab -1775, .... Harl>or ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realto r 22!1 Marine Ave. 'Shorecliffs AU above are exchuives with uel Coml'.? to HEAD· QUARTERS for these & other gOOd buyd 1n lots & homea. We are the DEVELOPERS OF UDO ISLE Now la the lime to •build your dream home on this 11pac10W1 , level, vi~ lot . One or the few rema1r.1ng i.n thiJI exclwuve distnct. $15,800. Ca.JI Davidson Oabum p. a. palmer, incorpo rated ole honson c o., sales management 333.3 VI& lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., 1ales management 1700 w. eout hJgbway -liberty 8'-5573 Special Values $1000 Down .,.HR.Eli BDRM., NEARLY N't\V, on atwer, Good tract hom e. f ull pnce, liOOO, T•nn•, $2000 Down !.XCl!:L. 2 BOR.M., dble J•r . H• r1r1., pauo. Blodl: ••H tenoe,. on _,r.. nau prtoe., .... ud OQ..ly 171. P*r mo. Newport Heights 0000 i"lXER-U PPll:R. Fine a rea. tun pr1ee <Xlly 17,000. Hu so J: 100 lot dblL l"lll". &Dd 2 bdnn.I. OPEN H OUSE. Sun. I ·~ 380 I.A Canada Wy J.211.000 R-4 LCYJ' 1 2360. Sewer In 1t. C·l LOT Ml", ... 100. Income -Investment DUPL!!X-2 8 R. r&.. Over 1700 •q, rt. Only 8 mo. old . .Nea.r .choola. tr &J\flp 6 ahopph1c. 1.,.. rine,. Lot.a of Lila. A bar· &eln a t $111.~00. Business & Rentals KICJ\1:'8 A OOLD MINE. Ham• b\!rsu sl&nd on BaJb. l aland BACK BAY AREA SPECIAL -1 68 EBther -Off lr\'ine Open Saturday and Sunday A BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM built home by 1.Joyd C Howard. The living room Ui extra la.rge with used brick fireplace -built-in bookcaaea, hardwood floora. Dandy kitchen and br-eakfut nook, 3 bednnt1., 2 be.the $21 ,::,00 BALBOA PENINSULA -125 G Sl!ttt OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY . LARGE upeta.ln living room with ocean view, 3 epacioua bedrmB, tuU MU dining room. new <:a.t· peting. Pleuant kitchen with many built.-in1. Lovely encl08Cd patio and BBQ. A home of quality for gr&cl_9y.& li'·ing. THERE NEVER WAS A 8E'ITER TIME to buy a good 2 bednn. home In COrona del Mar-. T~ia one haa flrepl.a.oe, bwd. fioo"' 2 car garage, •trel!l8C(! for apt. Nice fenced yard. Wa.lk.ing dlatance to markeU. $14.500 and $3500 d otvn will t..a.ke it. ft03 Poinsettia -OPEN SUNDAY. COSTA MES.•, 237 Rochester. Three bedrm. home in nice neighborh<X>d near whopping cent.er and tran.11portation. $12,500. Tenm to 1uit buyer . JACK BRENNAN , Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Coaat Hwy. LTberty 8·7773 "At the Archee" water tnit. N.u ter'ry. Pa.ddl• I----------------------~ .ti I rftllt.&111 . Grotl9ed 112.000 lD avrr1111er operauon. 110,000 ~ ! ! Mesa-Harbor Realty 4' ASSOCIATES -609 Center Sf.. Coet.a MNA !...1 U1111 It l.l 8·77&4 LTTL& -Evr. Ph. Ll 8·2°'42 Pnl'ITI: -ETe. Ph. Ll 8-~87 BETMOUR-l:ve. Ph. Ha. 2:198W B/ B • A SWEETHEART! $830. Down! • S bd.m. -1.,,_ ye11.r1 oldl • BauUM lanrt.caplnC"' • H4'<11"e fence! • D\1pou.1 -KltC'hen fan~ • Rheem water aoltener! • Drape• It &had .. ! • Owner leavlnC" it.ale! • F.H.A .. l &e.00 mo. Inell. tu:et! e C...U now. Slww arcyUme! $10.flOO ! • • • DITTO! $2500. Down! e J bdrm.-completAJy e&rpet9d ! • Modern kitchen -dlaoposLI - formlca b&l"! • Dlcllondra ia .. -rrult ll"Mlll • P.uo -:iomplet6f7 foll\Oed! e l:ztra bullt·IM thf'OUl'boull • Dbl. ....,...e -onJy 1 YT· oldl e F .R..A. Qt.00 mo. tnda. tu•! • C..U now -can &how anyttm. ! 112.0001 • • • Bay & Beach Rlty Inc lllle Newport BouleYard eo.t. M-. Calltornla Ubert7 8-1111-C.--. u 8-4010 LAGUNA BEACH BUSINESS CORNER Cb~ loc•til»l on So. Ctilu.t Blvd., ~ ~ aU rented wi~ present a&Bured gT01111 or $6300 per year. Building Area -4400 sq. ft. Size o( lot -100 x 100 !t. Exlrll land -56 x 100, zoned & ready to be built on, apartments or atore11. Price ' $6:5,000 Excellent terms Phone Harbor 2462 for detail.9 w ·M. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Mar-ine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE * * * * * Beach Home-$11 ,000--$2500 Dn . 00 yda. to ideal swim.ming beach on the bay. 3 bdrma., 12 x 30 living rm., covered patio. Room to build another unit. Rents for $8.5 • $100 per week in summer. Cliff Haven Bargain 3 bdrm. modem on beautiful curving street. Rear li ving rm. racing Jg e. land8Caped back yard. An excelJent buy at $16,750 Will go F. 1-1. A. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-3481 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 1023 W. Bay Ave .. Newport Beach 10 Acres A J3RAND NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING! Thia SEE TH ESE \'AL L:t~S BEFORE SOME OTHE!l LUCKY PER.WN Rtl YR THEM Two Peninsula H omf"M' Thia nne hu J ~droorn~. I<.;, tlath• .. • large llvlng rwr11 w1lh tinpla.i.;e "n'I onl'! of tho: few J>enlraula homo:• ln !hie pr1~e rang•. 6eo: lhl• one t ur Si i .~00 &nd ~000 down Her" th<! oll'ler ont. Hd· 2 erac· IW• bedrnom.a. nll.'.e Ji , 1ng r•~11n Wllh n~pJa< o:. larc~ lt1t<..ntn, wa..U..i y..rd ""1d nn a 40 root lot tor $111000. HeaY)' turru- ture Included. Can be OOul{hl fQr WOO down. MontJily bA!• ance oo c ·, I. loan Ollly 1;4 m011Utly. \Ve ha ve uf\e or thf hl'At dupl'"ll'"• anywhere On l h .. Ptnln•ulu wlUl J bedr-QV1n• up &nd 2 <lo ... ·n all tumllhed 1.1111 1n tip-top r<•· dl!Jon tor only 1 28,.)()(). J)antly tM' home with ltlt'ome. Goud tenne. BALBOA H OM E~ ""'er the llhr"ry . on Anult 8LruL Nie• y"ar 11rvund hum,. 'll'tth " bectrooma, l&r(e l!Vll'lg mo" with tlrep!11.ce. s ood a!Md kltche.n with r-!<:N1eU salo~. Property hu bo:"n rtmodtl,.d and modf'rnlv<I. In l'Wtil con- dition, $17,:'.I()(), terma. 1NVESTIG ATE THESE TWO IN CO ME PROPERTIES! One II a 2 unit property In BLlboa with 2 bedroom• In one unit ouul 1 be4r<>om In I.be other. lndl- • ridua.I patios .nd BB'Q.. Prh:~Y a.t lll,llGO and Ofl lf ~4Ml down, Ir you w&nt the btet for moN mon•y aee ttll• a unit lncon1e property with 2 btdroom1 Ln each unit. Only 2 yr...-. old an(! ha.a everythlnc. Near Wt.et Bey .Avrnu1 •wlmmln1 beach.. lnd1· vlduLI oar-port.a, locker rooma. •w•U J&undry faciUUt1, A bu.utlful property tor 114,000 and tenna. Balboa Realty Co. OppMlle Bank of AltltTic .. ROM Greeley E d Lt• Al CorneUu• Joetphine Webb 700 E. B&ltto.. B lvd .. 8&.lboa Phone Harbor 3277 B/B Corona del Mar A M.AGNl FICENT VIEW I.I the ntcut teature amons many In thie love.ly 2 bed.rm. 1.11d con- v..Uble Mn home, 2 bat.ha ot courae, a 1pecio\18 modern home with secluded peUo, Lil on two 1.....ia, b9am oeillnp, pufecl t!replaee. buUt.-tn kitchen, full pr1c.. $16,000. Pleue call aba&d ror an •ppotntment to He. Ju1t the Right Size FOR A COUPUC or •man fan1!ly. 111 thla 2 bedrm. home. lovely 111.nal, Ui.d baU\,, roomy modern kllchen, ample et.r.&• ~pac:e. double garaie, tU-eptacoe., land · .aped and fenced. &Nt nf Lil lh• full prlCe for thl.I ettracUve CO•Y home 11 $1~.l:iO with u cd- l"nt flnanclnr . Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 3to30 I:. Cout Highway Corooa del Mar -Harbor MIS HJOHW.A.Y P'l\ON'I'.A.011 aa Tu.tlsi dre&my 2 bedrm. home with tiie roof on a 45 ft. Al..L IMPRoYtMl!:l'\'TS In .ti pa.Id An. Pot..eaUal Mw,,... 1&000 loL Ju.t acl"088 from be9t b.thinc beach. .AWo a c.:. ., 136 R--1 loL I~™· pw Mft. Low ~ ~t. ORANGE COAST AiM .., a.crM c-i 6 K·l In spare bedroom with •,.:J bath atta.ched to a 2 ca.r PROPltR'TTl:B 8a.ftta .t.na. garage t. juat the thing for summer guest.a. 1~1 Ntwport. eo.t.a MtiM DAN .A. JAconsJtN. Real .eat.at. FuU price s:~.000 with 1ood tenm. LI l-1U2 l:ventnc• LI 8-1400 Har. Nil. LI l--6SlT, ICI S.11.IT Thia U. a real firm price and you can eee why. FOR BA.UC BY' OWNER, Dupto. rHREJ: BJtDRM. Rou u "'°"· DUNCAN HARDESTY, "<>ealtor rumi.••<: '00 "· •~ ... ,. ,,.rment.. se.s mo.,....,.. t.Mllt. " W•t Ntwport I bdrm, t!M'h. 8D at 812 Vict oria. O..M-. 2602 Newport Blvd., Neiwport Beach liar. 4718 l*'"'•lr•y heel : 1 14.900. Mra or call Dmont 1-2807. llttci NHI. Harbor 41lt7. ft41'M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.--~~~~ NEWPORT HAAIOR N£WS.llllE$S -PAlT 11 • PA8E 7 FRIDAY. IURUARY' J, 1956 . . a --te Exclusive OCean · Fronts _ . .. NEAftLY-NEW "=-3.'B:R.; f% ti& .. on btaiit. o<&n front corner lot. F . A. heat. W/W carpet. ~ 01.ahwQher. cuat.om d,..,,_, washer, c:tryer, Ml11M furnlablnp. La.rge pnge. $32,llOO -$10.000 down. NE.ARLY . NEW -2 B. R. custom built h~ Fireplace. Bar kitchen. Diapou.1 -Complet.e.ly !urn. even to wuher, dryer It custom drapes. $23,500 -U0.000 down. NEARLY NEW -Ocean front duplex on la.rt• lot. -P anoramic vfew. Good for home & lncome-- Completcly furn. Alao double gar&&e with storage and utiUt~· "'QOma. $28, 750 -$10,000 down. Exclusive Balboa Coves NEARLY NEW 3 B. R. A: den -on luge water front lot. Have your own priva.te pier &. float - home bas F. A. heat -l ·'• bat.ha -diabwuher - du1p. a nd cuatom drapes - $37.~ -Submit down. Exclusive Newport Beach 2 B. R. &: den on double comer lot-90' from Bay. Nice rustic style rurch house -Prot.ect6d patio. $18,500 -Tenna. Exclusive Cliff Haven NEARLY NEW -3 8 . It. -2 bath home "1th' ar.. place, w./Y•• carpet, dh1posa.I. Dbl. garage oo choice ci;rner lot with room for awi.m.min& pooL $10,950 -$5000 down. Exclusive Costa Mesa NEARLY NEW -3 bedroom hom&-bdwd. floon. din. room, F. A. heat. Dbl . garage plua 2 lnoom.e units ori close in 'r:i acre, Room !or In ~ • • -more unit.a. Beet come buy ln town. $21 ,000 -Submit down payment. N EARLY NEW - 3 B. R. 1:\4 bath -Built.In range & oven, F'. A. heat L aha.ke root -fenced yan:i With double ga.ra1e -belt eutaide loca.Uoo. $13,500 -$3500 down NEARLY NEW, 2 B. R., hardwood floore, dininl' room. double garage. Lot 50 x 307 room for lo~ o! qo.ita. $U,w.I -tonne. NEWPORT-MESA Realty 1799 Newport Blvd. Coot& w ... Llberty 8-5508 or CALL C. \V. Block Ll 8-1443, W. C. Bradford Har. 0289--J Tom Cox LI 8-7237 Lido Realty Associates "Todays • • • • • • Lido Island Special" Four Beclroom1 Two Betha Largo Patio Bar Kit~hon Built In TV & Hi-Fi Loh· of Clo1oh Sorry we can't give you poeecwion. for about 90 days but we sure can arra.nre for you to aecure tb.111 roomy Lido borne in time for a wonderful Lido Summer. Only $27.500 -tenna -of COW'ae call one of our epecialized Lido Iala.nd u.lemien -Now - For an Appointment VlRG!NIA M.ANSON J . H. GROHMAN GENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTON Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lido Blmor 4«4. . CLIFF HAVEN ARE YOU L<XlKlNG FOR A LARGER HOllEt If ao, we have juat that. Thia bea.utituJ ramblin1 home containa 4 bedrm•., a bat.hi, dJ.n.lac room. double fireplace, 1paclOW1 Uvtng room and In adcll- tion there ia a large den or family room. It ii wired (or electric range, hu electric diabwuher, dra.pc19 &nd w /w carpeting. Bea.utifu11y landiteaped and eprinkler system. Muter light 9Witc1-, and oodlel or other items round only in cu.tom built homea. There is ample •pace provided in patio tor nrim.. ming pool. Property ia aituated on comer lot la one of the beet parta of Clitt Haven. THE PRJCE WILL SURPRISE YOU. Shown by appointment only. Call Fred Barker EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & ln.·lne LI 8-- 1-··· r " ·' • ·' - , -.. Home Free Loans Construction Loans Refinancing Prel iminary Apprai1al1 .. Life and Cuualty !Mura.nee Company of Tenneuee I Bank.en Natk>o&l Life lnau..rance. Company South Coast Mortgage Co••P••Y .. lbOO W..t C-st Highwey -LI a-n91 Ne~ leach, Call .. 1111 ••er' s Kar Korral Pre-Spring Sale · lllr Now Before Prices Increase Now Now · '14 F.nl f•lrl•n• Fordor Sedan ...... $2745 a..-19 --.............. ~......i..clwa.,. ..................... -............. . '53 Ford V-8 Ranch Wagon .: .......... $1295 ~pped wii. wer'7l1dac -,... r IJ .--....... OYer-Drhre -WM ••NI · ' 'IS ·11i1c1i: C.ntvry·2 dr. Rivier• ...... $2695 --... llAtia' • • n,.-...-waw 'nn. '53 Old• "98" Holiday Coype ...... $1145 \ ..... ...,..._ ... ~ 'M 0-rolet 2-Door ----$1245 &&DID ... u•na ......... 'M Plymovth Stetien W•9on -·-$1195 l'l1LLr .. Vlitm .......... 'H Old. Super "88" HoliCl•y Cpe. $2395 ...._ •. .,..arum •B ... Me-W•tNM 'SJ c.dlllec 4-0oor Sed.n _______ $2445 ....... -.... «>t4DM . ,,.-..:. ... _ Power 8teoeria1 • BrakM -K-B Autoau.Ue Drtv-W8W n..--w .. .,... '53 Chtvrolet "21 O" 4-Dr. Sod ....... $ 945 a..H -PDWer OllM WA.8 •tlN '54 Olds Super "88 " 2-Door ............ $Jt45 K-B -.,."-Uc -ha hwer 11.IOO .eu-1 mUnt -w .. fQl6 '52 DeSoto Hardtop Conv_ert ....... $ 745 a....e -A•~Uo--i"ower S&ee~ waw-w .. flON '5 1 Nash Rambler Convert ............. $ 495 &-H -°"f'llrl" WU - ' Now '51 Chrysler Club Coupe ...... ............... . ..'. ...................... $ 64.5 , ~B -A.D'l'OKATIC -l\'411 lllG Mair May More at Glffl!y IHllced l'rlcM 'llJLLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. C111t Hwy. Llt1rty 1-2261 Across tr-. r.y C..., MILUa'I KAR KOllUL : 700 w. c ......... , UMrty 1-2258 J(W .... ..... a t11tf 'I .. - ewCa!O-ler ---~ ---·~~-------.-·------··•-~~· 1955 h1prrlal ·--·--.... _ .. ..,. .... It•: tac --•. t• WI i 1 uua ---... Usllto --Chun: •• SjlicW -Ocly --1 3695 USID CAR CLEARANCE 1954 DeSoto Club Coupe --, .._...,. ..... _._ $1395 1954 Plymouth ----·---............... _ ._ .. ,_Ce_ • ¢ M 195) Chrysler ------$1295 1951 Chrysler a.a .... .-...._...,...,_ ............. at&Uell \.\'ac'oa -v..a ..... ...... u ,_ ...._ • "" ~ ...,...kip. i. rood ~ i.- ._. .. .0..-.. lo 11 ..... lff I\, •• • 'M Clr.179ler ~r • st ;l ~ ............ 7.VJ61n'-ill oi.i. ... ..,_.._ .. ....,,..., •thr 1...:1 tar• a, lfN ' \ ' -'- $ 895 $1045 NIW PLYMOUTH .. ..., .. $195 -.. _ .. $16'15 Lew -.JI --~·I' (tll b&J&Dc:c.. NEW CHRYSUR SPORTS COUPE I.OU REID & ASSOCIATES I ...... a.,..r.,,,.. ..... -...... llonal Tnoclis Sclel & S.N. lZIO W. C1•t Hl .. ••f UMrty 1-3416 Hllll -~ paMllllG PllOlll HAm• 1616 L- • . 'Ille "lit News" I• the "Big Deal on the "Ilg M" • at '. ()NM lei ·-.._,,. --N"" '51~0v~ Low .. ftle l'lloo - 5. ._... 7. 1'1111ed Gluo I. Oii ....... 6. C1pr IJghleT & Polloh s ......... LIP~ 10. lJDClol'OMI Hcuhp C1 .. 11 $2'96 ~ -Priced Similarly Low • 4 Doan $291.Z • StallcMI Wag1m $3315 Shop in Our Hugo W•rehouse Whore There ere Nearly 40 Brend Now Mercury• •II 11rvi<:ed--Poli1hed and Ready for Immediate Delivery We Must Clean Out Our WareliaUM Immediately Get TH 1MJ 5aY"9 at JOHNSON & 5011 c1i11c1·:11il-l'11cHl•Ml(Cll ry Sales & s.mc. lflJ:WPOST BEA C H 1 --al Bo7 Chlh '" ''" ~ a..,.. ._ 011r'fw'Y..r ~ -110,. ~ r .. Y-Oar" _ ...... ....... ~ -·-