HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-06 - Newport Harbor News PressI 4
Anybody got a door ? Van St{'...,·art. ~l L"l{t•nzif'. 10, s"n ol !-.tr. anJ Mrs. R. (•.
McK.eazie, 165 Eaat 19th Sl.. Co11t<1 :\IL'sa, llf't"lh~ a dLtu /" fur his house. On rh1·
Hhy aide because his cy~ ar~ nu t sv good, \"an ltkt•s !11 piny around h onie and
when he 88 W IJOme 11pare 2 x ~s aftt!r h is father f1n1i>lh·J . .dtcrat1011.s to the hou1>c,
he started a houS{' of his OY.'TI . r 1ck1n,; up pieces nl bJ.::rd hcr1· .ind there he has
built hia ''hOUB(-," hncJ Lt with ply.,..·o,iJ anJ put u1 rt·al ll1u1r1ng. Thl' ruof is n"t
the color he would like but it .,...a~ v.·hat h t' could get. !Ir .,..,ired the 1ntcr1or three
t imee before it su1tf'd and then h e got a buildi ng dt·partn11·11 t u. k. un it befo re he
put on the plywood covering. \'an ut in the fifth gr·ado: at lho: 1"homa.i; JcfferH un
11pecia1 achoo! at Anaht•1m. Sta ff Phtil•)
• • 1 •• D:A!!2W --.-..
bl.ten« ht tbe. Colt.a Mw city couacil coot• ti" to
ID(lllli1. uu. ...... anotbar' cand!data lndic:at.ed .. ...,... te
run. But Newport a.ell coeUnued It. &JlMll1 wt-lltlll
no oandld&t. ann1NacM lie wu wlliln&' tD nm.
WUUam J. Abbott 8.r., 171 W. WU.00 St.. eo.t& ~ a
bolUed wa.t.w Mlewn•n, toolr. out hi. n.omln•UOll· .......
)oW.11&" Roy WiAddl, 1627 oranse Av• .• who anaoaMll.-..,
'nl• u.n. 1..n1;wn"'1t.. Bruee Mart1n. Bert lmJUl U4
AJvtn Pl1lk197, meuwhUe, compMted oblalJllns ~ • 0
the.Ir papu9 ui.4 h&v• rued them will!. City Clerk Al'U• hu'ta.
Mesa Master Plan
Meet Set Feb. 21
------------!Hawley Fa111lly's
JET PILOT DIES AS . PLANE Son. lob. wins
· Barney Franque Decides
Not to Quit as Planner
CRASHES OFF H, B, PIER ~~~~~.r~/~~~ The Co•lA Meu Planning Commiaalon hu ocboduled
Lt Kenneth L. Rem1oteln, IA• Na•·aJ Re1enoe a.nd an e•))flrlenced a.not.her Hawley boat n.cer. a.nd Feb. 21 for the first open meeting to diacuatJ the propoeed.
Ang~lea. '''"" kllle..J ye11terday after· pilot, wu flying an "" Grum· Sunday he won ht. •p1.1r1 by 1:01n· muter r.on1ng plan for the city. Corn.miesio11er Barney
I no...n when h·~ pla ne crMhrd "t.uut nUlll Cougar Jet p!l.ne. He had hed In ti
""' Y"n.18 off H unun,ton lie11th t OO huu nt or jet rlyl"< e total of ing -~t tn hlA rece et t...ke F'ranque reconsidered hili recent resignation over the weelr.-i....... An1 .... e1. Tb• Hewley1 l!ve et . . .
•pier 1100 houri ... pUot. urnlni a 461 >.bble wa.,, Co.ta Mua. lend and will conunue hltl work.
l:k-m11te1n. 11 rnt'1nb .. r or !he 111edal 11.nd 11pecial commendation Don drove a M·Hydro to wtn and A ccording 10 l:lill Dunn, con1· V."..J ter \\'e1mw Aleo a ttandlnl: w ill
-----for hl"' rlymg in Korea. 1ccord1ng he got a 1,._..1al kick out of the m11111on r•preM"ntat111e. tJ1re1 pn~-b'9 t.'lly .1-.:n. glnf!'t r Don 8outhwort..h
E to Ll. Cindr. Howard D. Stul"m of ..--r lh ·• !I J ROUND Up TIM 111c tory beclu..te 11.11 fa ther only ca o e propaioreu plan wi o,. '!!-11.nd a repre~ntat111e rrwn th• Lo. Alamlto. Neva! A.Ir liaH, Ullled t d n got a &eeond place out or hui 1~ 1: -1 reetll. r.on1ng an re County Flood Control Ol.ltricL wht're the plane w .... ~. ·J •••1 ·1 •· o Uon expect. I.a race again Sunday. 1 ..... on ocauorui. n th• ml.Iler pl&n. n re 1i.a.-
2 M G• The ,UnHeQ Stat e1 Coa.tt Guard ------#---------I u I es Ive ,. The open m.oeung-to which lha Ona are <;N:aled on R.ochuter off ar a t Lonie lieach rece i-•ed a call it ... n
public UI 11\V!tf'o"!-wlll !).-he~I In .~ewport lvd.. Cpr'Qellt 1lation).
3 27 o clock Sunday 11.tt~oon and Method" t IS the 11.ll-purpoee room ot \he E:11er-LI.at>.,! Ave. and Newport. atid Ba-
n:llJlOn<led ...,.I th • helicopter and ett Rea SchOQI, at1trtlog at 1 .JU ker Sl. and 1'~11lrvl.:w Roe.d. Pol·1ce M-y '""" Th•1 ~Id ooly rtnd • Church Reports '(;I I •rnaU amount of debrta and part
ot • body, the Cowt Guard otnce ~~ Cash Tlteft
D Cha annowu:ed.. The nl.V'f eapeclll to ~ awn Se '~""" _, .... '""'"'"' to '~ cover the jet plane 11..11 1. 1tcp to-Church. 11~ Arat• A ve., w11.1 th•
The Commu ni ty MethodJ..t
ment th••
roW1dup tune
Beach police
for t.he
J ep&rl-
ward determlnlnf the cau.te of the
\CCldenl. Cmdr. Sturm at1.ted. Bern-vlcUm ot a poNLble burglary Sun-
1\eln wu opera tor ot a dance day •rternoon when $40 wu <1!1-
iluctlo !n Loe An1"e.lea. cover~ miM!~ trom 1. dr1wer ln
U the r-eaponae I.I ITM.l, Dunn
l&kl, other mM ttn1• Will be held
prtor to a pubUt he.rtn,g-. It II
hoped. he •aid. to get mmt of th11
probl11m1 Ironed out before tt 11
neceeaary to publl•b legal aJver-
turtna-for the public hearing.
Meanwhile, CommLlalonv Ba.r.
ney Jo~ranque, wbo turned ln a l.t·
ler of r•lgnaUon l'TOIU the pl.a.n.-
nlng-commlal.ion Friday tor w.b--
mlulon Lo t he cit)' council tonJctit.
thi.1 morning told the City Clerk
ha h.aa deeld<!d not to I••• th•
comml.plon arter all. LOCAL MAN'S PLANE
( r .. .111f)O'raturr1 thl! 11&11t week In tbc Police receiver! lhe N!port al
llart•ur i1r•·• \1,.re; \ !:~5 11 n1 that twu n11 rl''I were
fllJth I.A.. runn1ni.: a.ruund loo11e 1n ~l erle'• Arraignment of
Walker Delay?
t he church office.
The Rev. Donald Sapp told of-
n cen he Jock ed t.h1 office but
when ha returned be found It open
a.nd ~penr ln the Mak had beai
dJ....,.anred. Th• money wu m\11-
lnc but a c.b.ck tor 1100 h&d been
l1.ft on top ct the delk.
Should th er• be any cbang"" at
lhe public hearinf. the city would
h.&va t o g-o to th• expen.ee of r._
l.dv•rtLltnr tor anot.b•r public
S&id Fn.nque In hi.I pr.vtou. &n·
nou.ncemeot: '-rhe lncr-of buaj·
nMll n.porurlblllty wUJ not pvmlt
me to tak• th• proper time to ~
lh• work IO&d wtth m., f.Uow com •
ml,..lonerr." T1J P~•!11y Jnn ~I
\\-.·dn,.aday F"b
rhu rlldu). ~' tl ~
F riday. ~"·b J
Saturd1ty, Frb ~
Sunda'f. Feb 6
MOl"l <llly. F'eh II
ii'' .17 !Jr1 \•e·1n R,.i1taurant parking lot .
&.1 ~J Coa8t l llgti11t·ay and M11cArthur
J r. Lt. Cdr.
ancl 6
Glenn .H. Lathrop
Object of s~rch Others
LL Cdr. Glenn H . Lathrop Jr . ""•~ beaded trorn 11.n l d\·11r11;e bR.!le 21 BI
whoM w ire. N•IU1 May . rHid~1 200 m1te1. frap1 the Suuth P ule OQ'(S Aided
In eo.ta Me.ea \1 11.murll ffven to Wttle Al'DfT" 11 Who.fl 1t ll1~-D • J
men a.board a N11 vy Otter plane "'"f>t"'ed. I ur1 n9 Gi)Uary
m1 .. ll\I llnl~ l-"r1<!1y In Aniarcu r Ni ni La1hr1111 n•nf11•11"'1 thnt .~ '~ • IO--L.. I
.... ·eat.ea. 1•d••• !Oll{nlll11 fJ•>r1 1 ll1 f' 11 1•···"~ ~v narcor ru110
A vet.•n.n n1vy r111d1f' ?_.,.tor !'l•n" hlld 0.-n hc"t•I 1>n1I li"IHI T,.,,1;1, ,11,. hi•·••· II"~ all the know·hnw nr t:S y,.11r~ " patrol ph•n" .,..1:1 " ]Ill••\ f!lm · -IA f're 11d··•I . . by !ht• :,, . ...,,~,,. l.•·,··11 Herh r ••f MrYI<:~ today Ill " Vll•n .. rr .. rt
,l!;,r .,.·1th In<' let"",\ >r\" h,1 I J••lll•, f . '"I'"' I·!\· II"' 11. J1tr1U~rv w '" C(lntact th,. nllMlfli: pl11.11<1'. The '"I tht' "' "'' h '"\' ,. 1tr" ju~! "'nit-1 • ·
" <'Pr< IT•i.: I • 11. II•·• l"•·Jf'!\~t·o( !"-Lathropt ,._!di lilt 3·11 22 no! St .. 11\j.;, Ah•• A.11d ""TI1e lll•UI~ lll l' .. ·• )l.e b (•Jl\• !n 'I••· 1·11· ''>llno·il Rnd !hr l o1ta •a. 1n 11~ .. ut ...,,. hop .. tu ht't<r t"· I/run; .. ,., 11•l1 flRrtxir Cornmj.,.
Dl•t.reall atp1l1 were he!l.l"d ~'ti· '1"> ~!on
l:i~· the Ume
.. ut l•, ,"fer \e"~
v.<:111 t•ll their
Pl-'IU1'> ~.
o!fieer1 m11de lt
''°r,.I the horat1
"'"ay lo i;reener
They wl'nt finally localed •1taln
1n " Uel•I behind the Newport
1la rbor twcre11.t1on C..-iter be&ow
tl1rbor View School
\\'h1le th .. hunt for the owner•
wa5 going on Ofllcer fluugl11.11
,-,..fn k~pt the 11n1mah1 aw1y fron1
lllc re&u.lentUl.l <Jlt\lnrt by eound-
11111: h11 .. ircn once ln a. 'A"hile.
:o.1 .. a n..,·h1Le be.ck el the ranch-
""' n<"r Ch.arle• S. \\'heeler. 401
,\11oc1Uo Ave . employee of lhr
lrvtnt' Co . mlued hla two a nl-
n111I! 8.lld caUe<l police.
Th• accU9et'1 a tt.-.cker of bff.ut'/
queen M.ra. Donn.a Schurr Brett.
111. OCC 1t udent. J ack Jamu
Walker, 2ll, Santa Ana car u~
hoLlterou, 11 l.d"leduled te bfl l1'-
r1.lgned Jn Bu~ Court Dept.
'l at •:ao a.m. to..,. 1uw, we, he
probabl'f W011°l .
Public Defender N ick Meyer
;1.rd he lotenda to aak for 1
week Jelay in lhe defendant'•
1u-r11~enL M•yer aald more
time II needld to 1tudy a pre-
ILmlnary h..,-tng lrlllUClipt.
i.ltiatlotl Meet Due
Newpcwt H.utx>r POil 291 ol
A.rner1can IAPon will hol.d an ln·
ttiaUoo Wedneaday "~Ing u
part of t.bl pon·1 re(U.l.er i:neet,,.
'"" .
Newport Optimists
Frank Hubbard l• Pl'O(ftJTI
chalrm&n for the neon meeUns ot
Newport Beach Optlmil.U -ru.day
at Villa Wartn.L
"""""· QUl'.8TIONS, ASSWEM
At the Initial open meeting. a
queat.Jon a.n d azawer period wl!l
follow the g-enera.l di1c11Mlon which
wtll be led by Pl1U1nln1" Oullrm11.n
}l'ranque could DOt be r1.1.clu1d to;r
comment by th• Nm·P~ on hll
11.1rpr111e rulpatlon and hl.1 mo,..
1udden a bQut face.
19 Countians to form Jury
-'I'llrl! 111~ ON.nr• County G ratid
Jllr"}' la upected to be Im paneled
Some SO relident. have ~
aeJected. to form the pa..nel -ol
wll.lcll. li wW be .elected fe>r Jury
duty during thll com1ng 'fe&r. A l
t.he aame Ume. the 191$6 l"f'&nd
tin.I ttport on acUvtU.. durln1
Ui.e put year.
Th• new juT}' will be lmpenaled
beton Superloe-CCMrl Judi"• Kan·
neth• M~ on W.clnuday
attemo., wb.Ue the ol.d jury will
report out to lkzper10r Court J udi•
John Sh-.
day and Sa turdlly tron1 a n en1erg-Th" comrnllnth~r i! th,. ~nn nl
ency r.dlo bellevt'd c11 rrled by \h<> lhe t.:ll'n lAthrop"1 Sr, ·l!)r> !'ir•1·
plll.lle but et!ort1. by r1"dlo op,•lor w11rd Hr,a•J.
Armor)' H.. Wa.lte to reach them --------------'-
from u.. n agahlp Ame11it A nt.arc· Cesspool Collapses
Uc&, bad fa.lied toclay.
H• ..ut O\ll a oon•l&nl. 1tream ' Police wera notified lty Thomu
ot m....,-et to en~·ey pol'· F011ler; !'"entl'r· of ·a ho1n111 llt 423
aible 91.1rv!VOfll by 1ugge1llng pm· F'l'rnleat Av!'., t hat 11 Cf'.'ll!poo! !n
t ec.Uve methode •i•ln11l the frtt:z:· fr·ont or t he dwelling had <'OH"Tl"'"'I
Ing cold. lpr1nr to :J p ni. Sun•l"-Y Fo•l<·r
Or ih"•" ··~·~1 .. run("-
13 V."t"I "" lati.:•· tJoat"
Wl!rl! Bl.Jlllll boat"
lln<.I elghl
Ir. "•ld•t1or1. the department
n1atl•· four f11 e c1tlL• during 1he
n1untli. II 111~ .. rnun1! 11.rio..I return·
...i 18 l<ll!t t u\vbu11t& plu& nine
other& ·'rouod 1.1·Hh no ldcntirro.•a-
C'ame roundup t1n1e, and th•
i;lq,~htly we"rY Deln wa• preued
into 1ervlce to ual•t \\'heeler In
call'h1ng the· wary anl111ala At
S a .m. Orin marked the. <:Pe
clo11"d, lhr<'e hour• arter the anl-
n111ti1 were .een. Ju•t In Li me tor
hi111 to li:,et off 1hlt t and he.d
tor the buokhouM.
Walker. !ree on ~ ball, bad
Information filed against him In
Superior Oourt here Jut TUe.-
ay. it e b.l.r red him w1lh two
count• ot khln.applnr, two ot
atU:tck and Olle ot bur)"lary.
T he curly-haired defendant. now
back at hl1 !ob ln a loca..I ear
upholatcrlnr ahop, I• accu.ed of
kldnapptnr and attacklnl" the
brunetlll who wu Judsed Ml.N
CaJ.Uornla laat year ' and tt.n1ahed
fourth ln the final• tor M:lu
ti on.
Search p.artltlll f11J .. d lo flnd ~o•'<'re<l the hol•· l'"ll<hng 11rn,·MI oC
any trace of the ph1ne which t h~ buil•!•nj!"B ov.·n,.r.
·r hrf' .. ~l''""'!~l••r,. 11111 nf1,ul "f
th,. 11h·1 1 pn\1 .. 1 du11111; 1h•· 111»11lh
a nti ~·(•nlpln!111,. \'""'" 11111'1•· 1t,;.un·
1t "Ix P••r·""ll~ 1 .. r u!h•·r n:H1<<in~
One •h·rt'J1, ! r•,whu1tt wa1< <.<';i-
lroyed Hn<I 1!1 111tu·r 1l<•b1111 ,.,.,.,,.
found a nd (lt'~l •·•·Y"tJ F1~·"" r ........
boll\.a w,.,.,. IHI<\ 1on1$ nnt 1t.'<'0Vf'r-
Oth~r f 1J.:111· .. ~ rele;Ull'd by the
S5I Per Plate Banquet Plann~d
to Swell Ho1g Hospital Fund
dep1rt111<'nl . b<>l<1~ brnkrn lnlo.
prepl!.re tor hJs c:Jlentcle a frequent 11lpB, 2. bu#ll1< bt·•kt'n int ... nu1 .. r -
gourmet dinner. c:ompl!.'le 1.1·1th !\.JI 1n1t1. 1. ~11•1<\ 1·~~Hl'l1<. l ; i;hn1,.
cm.tr~ tU'!d ttttl11g .... ·1n~·11. Thill J n100rlni.::.~ 1n1<!1tll•·•I. I , uff.~hu1 •·
w UI be hit tlnil large acR! .. pre11e n -nlnor.ni:.., ln.,!Hllo·d. I. n11~.:ellan
ta tlnn ln thl1< uee. Entire pro-•·ou:o ,1t ll."I. /Ill
'l'bere &N one hundttf cltlae.n•
of lbe Newport He.rbott.r llrea w ho
will pt.her for a 1pecl1.l 1venlhg
ot reward t or gU"lll to the Hoag
Memorlal Hospill.l on Mnrt h 7.
'I}le c:ltl&eM wHI be t.hoee who
maka contr1buUon11 of '60 or more
per perton tor choice &c11t11 11t the
ti ... l annual Gourmet Dinner lo
be prep&red and M~ by J11ljfes
a•d lAlcllle K1.r11.JT1 at t heir u ntque
Balboa t"Htaurant.
Karam long ha1. bf!fln urred to
ceelill. S~OOO or more w ill be i.:1 ven
by Kanun t o th" b1.1!ld1 ng fu11d ,,, Helker Bette r Now
the Ho11.g Hoapi!&l. Sj1<1·.:ial hon-
ored guest.'! v.•ll\ b<' ~fr11. C rnr.. Arln11tl<'•t t'l Hhni; H"~P'l u l .JAn .
Hoag. Mr. and Mrs r.ro1·g,. Hnng j3fl folh•'-''lr:;.: ~ l1•·<1r1 >lltt1<k, II rol·
Jr .. find Mr.i. \".'in!fnH1 Bacon. e rl llolk•'r 111111uH:rr nr tllr B:1n k
Date for th• festive ll("Cll.~ll!n 111 1 nf An11 rh "· Hullo"" l1 r1111ch. ii< n··
March 1 11nd time ot lff'rV l«r ..... -11 1l portr1i ""'''''" lift 1!1 111ttln" ''i'
be !f 0"1·lock lh lhe l'Venlng . t/)ftny !Intl 1tllnw1· ! 1., hnvc v!.~ot11r~
HJOB 'IJI)E II.All& -'Part or the work to be don.e in ma.king the city'• new
trailer park available to more people wi ll be filling in thl' prnent ~ach t o create
a new beach 85 feet wide for public u.ae. This beach will be sh1!l off fron1 the I railer
p&rk by a f ence. &-rt We bb, city engineer, i11 Rhown pointi11g o u t thl' new high·
water mark to John Sailor&, city ma.nager. -Sta!! Photo
Date for Spellicy
Trial Set Vice
USA In the Mlll• Unlver" con-S !I Oran,.. County new•p&JM" te1.t • r· N!Cel11ed honon 8aturd1.y moml.ng
Walker allegedly Uled a knife 1.t the 1.ward1 bre&kfa.it of t.he
to !orce the Orange Cout Col-Callfornla N~per Publlllhen
Jere 'ltudenl to aubmlt to hl1 ad-AIJ80ClaUon durlnr lt1 fl.8th Annual
, V(Lll<:t'a on two occaalo'lll, •bout convenUon at Coronado.
A jury trial tor Frederick KOb· JO m<1nlllJJ apart.
e rt Spellicy . .w, ot 122 3!rd SI. I-----'--"'.,--'--------I A wardl were called b'f newly·
on a charge of po11.e111.!on of =t~y~:i:~~r~~f~~ ~==
lewd p!cture1 haa bffn .et . tor MOWW U11it fa Meet &"tt Hera.Id and prMented by Act -
10 11. n1. ;\l1trch , &. Spelll<:Jy ~u Oranre County Chapter. Kill-lng Oovemor Harokl J . Powe...._
11rr11.tgned in Newport \JI c:e SUN WIUTJ.:R WINS
1:ourt 1-Tlday. 8811 of $!1-00 waa tary Order of the World WaN!. Fottmoat awa-' tn the county,
b J .• Do aid J wP.I meet at t.he Newport Beach '" \""Onllnued Y I.luge n · one of th4I mo.it coveted ln th•
D ~ t t "" a American Lerlon Hall Thurllday udgc. '"e au.,pec pu 1tale a1'll an ed!toftal citation won
00 e11enlng. The aubject tor dLleua-
nd . 1lon wi ll be civil deten.e. mccord-by Btth Murphy, pf the San Cl ..
T/1e suspect will an-e11t ed by menle Bun. Subject of her artic le Ing to A . E. Stockton, conunan-;-,;,,, . .,.port Beach detective• re-t.ler. wu "How lt feel.I to r«:elve 8
cently after hundrllda or nude plnll ot whole blood:· A 1peclal
W....U. p lclurea ~ indecent book·
let:< w <•re allegedly touorl lo Bpel-
licv"s home. J udi:e Dodie• 111.ued
a '1<e1trch warrant fol" Joe&! po-
lice ,vhen 1. Camp Pendleton Ma·
1 l11e, Cpl. DRnlel E. Sick•. claim·
l'\I th•• A1111pcct had m ade Impro-
per advRnCt!I \ow!l.J"d him.
Teachers on Panel
Roy J illflOn, R ll"hter Goerke 1.nd
W i11!11m ).\cLaughl\n , Newport
Harbor Union High Sc.hool t.each-
rr1<. \\"ere mernbrr11 of a panel
. v.·hlch dl8CU81.f!"Cl etfee\'t ot ac:len· I 111 •r RJva:icen1,.11t on 110Ciely, at
I lh•· annue.I conft'renc.e of Southern
c·1,:1f11rnia Socllll Seff!Rce MllO-
r:a t1nn Saturd•y 1f1 llurbank. Tbe It h11n•· waa, · .. Understand the
I T....,·..,ntieth Cl'IJ\tury."
~ANTA AN A. Feb. 6 -
(0Ci\'SI -l 'reslllf'ntia\ 11•-
p·n1nt. Adlai Steven!IOn w!H
v1111t Or8n1:e Cnunty for 11.n
l11fnrn11\l 111.lk with IOf'll l
i1<'nl<~ral~ 1111d the puhllr. to-
n>nrrov.· StrvPn11.on 'A'lll be
ho11!"d hy l'OUn\y lif'lllOCnlll
&! S11nla Ana Collt!ge union
hall 11.t I 30 p.m .
Lfo5ter Van T1tenhove,
c-nunty Steven.90'1 for P re11l-
<1,nt chalnnan, aald S\e~n·
won will bf! a~n1pan1«1 by
Attorney General Edn111tld G.
(f'll l llrm•rn 11n<1 N•l•rmRI
t'amp•IRn lilan11K,.r J 111n""
f'innel"an. Th,. publtr. 11 In·
viled to alt.and the rec•pUon.
AT AWABD8 JIEEI' -Orange· County wu the
best-reprettented region of the State of California
in the award winnera' circle o f the CaJif orn.ia News.
pa.per Publlabera Aa&odation al C.Oronado over , the
..,..eekcnd. Pictured a.bove are the publishers o f the
aix coUDl)' newspapcn which rect·n·ed a'A·ardJJ frnm
the b&.ndl of Actlnf Governor Ha.rold J . Powers.
citation In · conneetlon ""1th the
1ame •lory wa.a awarded Mar;lor1e
Gaffney ot Newport ~c h whoae
picture !lluatreted t.he arUcle. She
l• newa editor of the Sun.
A ftnrt place plaque wu pretent-
ed Mn. W . W. Ottaway of th•
South Cout NeWI. i...c-una Bee.ch
tor "'Beat Typogn.phy", The Gar-
deo Orove N~ received .econd
place and th• award wu acceptld
by publlaher J . Frank Kneble.
Nl:W~·f':RE88 A WA.RO
The Newport HarbQr New1-Preu
w .. awarded tint bononr.ble men-
uOn citation for '"OuLltanding Dill·
Interested Community Servi<:•."
Subject of t.he award wu the ex-
poeure by the publlllher of a apec-
lal charz--1.plnlt WbdlYid ... bf
the South•rn Countl~ 0... Co.
Col.ta Meaa OIClbe Benld f'llOtiY.
ed fir11t honorabl• m911tJon Ult U..
"&.It Edllort&J Pqe" C.t .. ry.
Th• FuUertoa Dlal.17 N.-...1'd-
bune r-ivld the MCOnd .iu-
tropby ln the ''BMt Womc'• Ja-
ter•t Oover&.111."
Two Oranc"• County ptJ.b!W a,
1. Frank IUl.ebl• ot the ~
Orov• New. and Bai. RedcUck ol.
t he Newport Harbor N-. • ~
were elected to lb• board ol.
dlrecto... ot ~ auocta.Uon wtth
Reddick belns named a member or the Executive Board ot lb• Call·
tornla NellYSp&per Publl.lben ..._.
From left. Ben Reddick, Newport Harbor New1-
Preu: J . F'h.nk Kneble, Garden Grove New1; Edward
F'. Elfstrom, FulJert.on New11 -Tribune; Mra. W. W,
Ottaway, La.gun.a. Beach, South Cout Newa; Gov.
Powers. Karl Wray. San Oemerite Sun &nd Paul
Niuen of the Costa Al~ Globe Herald_
I ~
. -----~------... ~---.. ____ -~-----------'
Annual Tree Planting
for Harbor View P-TA ' n. t.anual i.... pluUAf .,.... ,,.... ~, ldMduW for
' be obMrwd at tM 0.0-ber, t•~ If* ..,..
l'owidtn 0.7 me.liq ot the ..... __, ~ ... CIOll&tT ot.• noa ot tdUc&U.. ua aui. Au.. Harbor View P0T 4. to be ... ld B• ~ _.us t111 lllOW u.a d:Uld·
w~~A-J.....a 9!! ~ al .......... v>--· ,,,, to _
Bii'bor View Cal•tonum. lat . .,.. to nMt.
' .....
Al.lo on th• qendt. for Ult.I
...ion I• th• PrlMDlatlon Of ......
honorary Ute memberahl.p award
lo -.nneone 1n ~ ootnmunJty ln
recocntUo.n of hit or tier acUri·
Ue• tn f'Urt.herinr youth tnte,...ta.
~ honor" hu boflen chOloen and
....SU be &n.nounced at th• meet· ....
Ouut •peakar will be Mrs.
Claude Cro.by. put pre1Jditnt of
fourth DUtr1ct, CaUtomla Coun·
di ot Pan.tit T.ctl.,.. and cur·
renUy fourth 01-trlct honorary
life mem berah.ip ctuurman. I
Mr&. C-0.by wUJ eJpla1n br1e!ly
w hy Founderw Day le l'elebtatl"d
and how u1e nallon •I orc•nlia·
Uort or Parent · Teach.,r1 ha•
done ao 1nuc.h m prornoung youth
work and youth problen11 Sh~ I
w\11 also ahow how ruzw. !lerLvod
rroni llOIVlni lire m"mber1h1p 11 0
tuwar!l financial ah! to .,., .,rthy
younK people In furthennr; thtH
~1ucaur,n u teuhera
-· T h11 111n11U111 "Child Ch1tl to I
•cAuthor'a n&m• IMik>wJ
Experience le a mo.t lm·
porta.nt part_ ot the praeUce
of mediclne and pharmacy.
Arter yo..r llbyolclan ,.._
celvet lnltrucUon in b.ia
Medlcal College, be then
interu in a hospital to
team by experience bow to
uae the knowledp be hall
We Pbuma:::tata. aft«
attending our Collese ot
Pharmacy, mu.st a.l8o .rve
an apprenticeship In a phar--
macy before we can receive
our lice nae to prar.tice pb.ar--
macy. Becau.e of th!. ex-
~rience we c&n aerve you
~t whc.n yw. N9'd 11.D.1
medicinea o r hea.ltb-aJdl. •
BF.:ST COUPLE HONO l~S at LiJn Isle Hobo part\'
wen t t o well dre~t'd Mr. :ind Mr.1 Rt'C!fietd Din\vtrid1P
while Dan WNiman ! right) capturcJ a °""·ard f .. r
"scroungiest ". Shindig-~·as ev~n rnur1· fun Lh1:1.n it
loo ks , drew a cnpadty cro.,,·d. Procf'ffl!I v.·i!I be ueC'd
for island n.•t.:r eat1011 µr'IJect:-i. c;,·11l· !~o"~ Phr1 t CJ
!{EADY HEART DRIVE -Putting the llUl!·minute
touthC'S <in tv.:rJ giant he-arta w hich w ill g reet l-lar-
buritcil th1t; rnunth at Nc y,.·port lilvd. nnd \"i!.1 l .1dOJ
aIT ,\Ir.;. Kalph Tandowsky. left. cn-rhatrman of the
llo•art Dr1vl• 111 this an·a . ~l ri;. l\1..•1th ('vrdr~y. lll·Brt
Sunday l O·l·ha1rn1an and l~Ul'k Hean, J1r urn <1 l1011a l
rn11nagt'r fo r Richan.l's Lid11 t!l.!!.rk1·t . \\'h11 rontnbutl.'d
the hcartfi. Jn fort'gf{JLJnd, f'Ubh<clly 1.:h.urnlan ~fr:t .
~{att Ober Jr che-·k s d"tttll.-.. r the I t ··~ri. 1-'un.J
bt h ··l<J TUeA•l•y Kl !l • Ill In
l/1 .. •U.~t·!url urn, "'I•! LH !ht J•!v-
Newport Exec utives
To l oan Conclave
A •!,.lf"J.: <'1•" to ! f'it •·• .'11·~· !to
:'\"•'l<j•"i'' J.1. "'"I~' ii ·I J, ,,
A.••'"''•~'"" '' I l•l. J.: l'I • ~. _,.. 1
f• A l 011!1 • \\ l') ~ ""llo I <,
l.·r "-" ,.,..1 ! \\ I '1 • '" · •/\. "' .• ! "'
\••n I IJ,.• ... 11 ,\fin•;;• ' · • ,.
I ff'r~r·,. "~ ·• ~ ('ftl 'nn11~ .<:~·. 1rl!
•II! l~•Ul l•·.t,;;~ "llut."'1 It,.. /.••IJ I··• 1«-IO "' S":ita !l ... rr,,,,.
1\ ~IC:IJI C l!'\J::
A grt'at 111.111~ t ~·\Jpl~ 1•n·
tn.H1t u;i y.·tth thf' n:· .. pnns1·
b1 l1 tv uf fillu1~ lhPJr prc-
IK'r1ptiun~ ~l a y "''' com-
!NUnJ Y'-ttln! ! • \\,. f"•rr) A l 'nn1r>l.-1r I.in.,
OF EVENTS 1fRS. ~VlN !FRl-~D BAnBrtE, \V omt'll0li Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'~~~~~~~~
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1956 I.ADY Kil~ 4~ lk'rnar•1 S l.,
,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coet11. 1'-leea.
<"ALL:1'11'1T Carnp & Aux
1 -~o p. rn.
Yrh 1
WEEK A1' PALM SPRINGS FUCHSIA 80<.'J ~.:TY -7 ~op m.
IT'S J.,\I JJl<:X Nlf:HT for 0. C. Huilders A ~n . nnd
uffi rcr lll!jta lh.1.!1un tron1 gbt at Halboa 811.y C'Ju b.
Abo\·f' rir._. sorne nf the "'-'1\'t.'11 who helped plan the
('\'Pill. J, l11 r, \lrne!-1 r. .. orgt· 1'atlo••.k , \la rv1n J ,.1\V-
n ·nef', ( 'h,lrlCl'I ,\1 owrr. g<>neral C'h t1.irman. itTid J amo.:11
;\11rt1n•llll" /\lflo on thr-committee wer P ~lri1 . C!1 rtor<l
\ arntr 11nd \t r~. r.at!'.; Hurrmv!I. -r1.,n Bu!'h Photo
~:le<cllun nr u!lh «r• 11.n11 rlun.-. f"t 1h•·1r 11i11nua1 Pn lm
~pr1n.:• fr r ,,..,.llflt"•1 ar1"n•1r1n <Jr th' \\" \V 'a .,.-hm the
.:• '"'!> 11" l •n i'I Aril .. Ana otl a looncht'••n 1t11anl.'"f'r1 by ~lrit V iJ•.
1 •t Int;!•,' r • (I 1•nl , 'y ~Tr. r • !!11. C:ro/(•l!J vf .->1u1t1t Ana 1<.A1
"l••INI l1''"'''1••11t. ~Ir • \\1
r I \ o• 1 w
Rra H<'hr.ool.
How1lrd '1 He~t11Ur 1'lnt.
clutih ou~ ... p1cklnK" tor
F,.h 11
n FJ-~lC ERS \\ 1vi,::;
h:l Turv htU•·.
S • m
)j I' Ill
lJ IJ' <.11'111·
I~ noon
Family s ·ervices
Association Nam es
l· 1..J •• I,.. .. 1 \h., I"'"' ,\\, L•ta Wl~h MNo T'"'" H,.l"fWl,..v ~"'
I "11• '" l'n.,..,n1 .,.,.,.r,. ~'"""" o ... ,., 1·11.mpll"'ll Het~h•)', \\'a l-llEC'l"ORY Open hou.!e -2·.J.
11 1.<I> l'hl\~r~. 1_;r c(f!th l°hllrlf'• Hnll, 7.g p. n1. I,,, S . ., ~ 1. ,\h l..:i;n/.I"
\\.1 (.~1 ·1 11 11>1 lnt,;u•Lt. EBELL BOOK 5<'(" 2 -12 30,
Executive Director
Bridal Tea Honors
Diane. Westlake Launching a. full-sea.le profeesional family counaeling I
p rogram in fhe county. th(' FRm ily SC"i-ViCe AssOCla-fion o·rt
Orange County on F eb. I inst11.llc<l J a mf's A. ~lay. ex.per· J\n attruc.:ti\·l·ly detailed pre-n uptial ~vent
t""h. it
p11r111h boua ...
Local Student
for Pomona
Cl~b ··Tour
ienced eMtem executive in social work, RA ex!'<'utlvc d1rC'<'t · brough t lO/{Clhcr n1any frii-ndR of th(• br1dc-to-be y,.·a,. the 1 Joan Ellen Kime.11. daughter or
or. Mrs. Edward 1'-f. H all of Santa Ana, prcsiJ('nt of F':1mily ll'a and i':hn\VC'r· h ostC's~C'd by 1-t1·i;. J essie H ill o f 240 llclio-f,fr. 11.nd f,fr~. \\il h•m F Kiln""·
Service A ssociation, disclo~t'd that !-.lay, who i~ 33 and i i; trupt.• ;\vc. and her Jau!':hlcr. Mrs. Roland H umeson, In hon-t\8 Snuir H111bor Road. 1e i\n .. of
ma.med. hu ti.Mn dlrecttll" of lhe In New York C..'ll}'. •'"" ....,. ..,.H,.. or 1:f :'llieR U1ane Wcst!nke, 43:}1.; HnJiotropc. 1 th~ 72 n1 .. n1twr.'j rof th,. Pc'"~''""
Cl'lw-cl'l Youth 8,rv\ce ln Oe.tro1t, wo1 k'r ror l"am1ly S"l"'l"•u• lri C•· 1 t.11~~ \\''°"ll" k,., rr"""nUy " ~lvrry I. 1...,w•·ll Knc.x. Ph!top C-orl· (~ o I I e R e Glee. Club• 1.1·ho 11 i-..
Mich., and w u formerly executive , darhunil. Long l1<Jantl f"M1n Jan-1 .. 11r h .. r 11 1 N"•"por! H1<rb•,r t'nlon ··uf. i\li~sf'1 Jo iAf'8tlftk'". Jody 1 maklnc lhtlr a("C"Ond ann1111I h,.·
director ot the. P'amHy 5ervle<! 1 ua.ry. lilQ, unlll 19112 . he WM nn Hl);'h !'1;1 h0<fl, wtll h " m-:Jrr-1"'1 f",.b. J ohnston J.fa,.,, Robl"" '' t wttn ·8"'n1e.~t .. r~ lour of c.·11.Ufor· · II · ·~ .. 11.rge · •(ft!CJ In Ypell&nU, A ch. for the slatf ot 5lat .. n l~l11nd SO<'"l lll 11 t•J t'l11.t1de Lc-o l'atlt'tllnn Jr . !On A<!Rn1"'. JuyL'" An<.Ji·r.!11n. ;>.f11rilyn nui F eb. 2-7. The club11 "''ill slnJ::
three YMLt1ll. 6t'tvll'e tht'n h<-f-11.m,. r:1<~1·11t 1 v~ •II· "f ·'' ;•n·I fl!.• <·:••I'" r·11•' -~..-on \"lh.,Plrr 1<n'1 the rio .. tr:11....,.,., l ln Pr1 lo Alto Stariforil Unlverlllty
Jn 90Ct&I ttrvlce a nd thr: roun-r<'ctor of f'llm lly s,,,·1r~ A~-, .. i.._,. ur \\.r•t l.u.! AnJ:'"I··~ 11.n•l L1•~.. Re.n1hn.1t 11:1ff!ll hut unA.hl" lo 11.t-l carmel. Sa~ i''rancl91.'o. Sant~
-.ling tleld alnce Y.'orld \Var Tl, I \!On Jn Yp1.llt1inti 11 nd n'nl ' n•'tl 1~1r:. lf'ncl IV<'re th .. ;\fm(" ... ~·rtlz1,. an~ I Kn11a an<l Ojai. ;-.1, ... Klmr:t!, II
M a1 had W1de experl,.nce In &OClal thel"'<' untU i&l!lt 1.un1mcr. when ho j , \Vii.LI'! r\OVtA an<! whit" t11f"'r~ In M"T'Vln (_'fWlJ', A""d"n F'lnrh. ; .. an l0.\3 i,:-r11.duate of :'\""e...,•port 1-111.r-
•t"Vtc. In the Ne" York City arf!• bf'cnmr: dlt"'<"l'l<Jr tlf th" Df'trnlt mnnlf'I 1·11n.!1?l11brll "''f'rf' kf'}'l"'I l•i J•on"~. Eud<'ll Lloyd, ~fftl;8'1" ~l"Y j bnr Hl1th ~rhool. t.oi 11. junior 111 betOl"fl going-to 1'1 1"'hl,lt'!ln . l Churrh Youth l'l,.1,·1··•· thf' l)f'rll.•lnn i.-1 11nv l'>vtlv ,ift.~ ,, '' I :":"-!...... . . !!.n<I .. ,1,... · nnta H11 r'''Y l,omonl'I Colh!i;:e. He WM In W1'r pT'('>(luctton wnrk ~f' ~'."lly Ser\'l•·•· nfflre 11t "''"r" un1.1·r\lppe<I by"'" h'lllOl'C" 11 ~ __ ,. _________ --------
durtnir ~rt of 1941 ·42. tti .. n N!tv· :'lo, :-Oo. Brua1l1.1•ay, S•nf 1 An11 , h/a' fr!,•rool~lilp• ""r•' n·n""'"I J<n11 n•·"'
ed wllh the U. S. Arrny fron1 SPpt. hPen In chnrgP ,,f r.t r' ,\fl1·1r~·I ~x1·ti11n"~ 1 '
1-IKI to July, UHIJ. He rti'Celvetl an Uonah.IJe of L..a g-un• tie11ch. e 1nf'm· 1 l'N!af'ril wez"" Mrn.,1. t:. L. Pat·
,A.B 61fne from Unlvarslty of But-her or the Family Ser,.lc,. boe rd or ter11on. V.'!llla m 81111.'y 11'.11ry Ann
'-lo. e.n.rward 1tudl9d for a. y11ar dlN!clon1 , who reporle 11. 11teadlly
tft41M 8chGOl or Social Work at lncre11..11n1 ~uf!at ror r1unt\y coun.
Ila.& unlftl"llllt,y. H e t amed hla .eelltng.
~· decne f l"'Om the New Mrii. Robert WR.Iker and J.-1rlli.
Tod\ 9cbool or Social Work In ChaJlen Landers o t N r w r or l
..... • Beach, 11.nd Joci.ph K roll of CO!!lll
W... M Mrvf!d with Traveler'a Men.. ani memben of the F11mt1y
... aad tM Int.e~Uona.1 lrulUtute I Service AaibclaUC>fl.
I ~, -
Harbor Girls Club Has
New Executive Director -· Appolritmant of Mre. N111-on h otller bu•lnet!111 the ~rrt ac·
Enrolls at
Santa Barbara
A'J'IOnJ!" the new lludent.. ad·
m!tted t o S•nl& Barba.ra C ollege
of the tlniver•ll.y ot Callfomla
for · l he. comln1 !1111 aeme•ter la:
Miu Jane Hf'len Un90n, 224 Via
Other new 1.tudent.a ln thl• area
are In the procea ot llfinl' &c·
~pi..11 by Vie Banta Barb•ra
branch or the 1Jnivenity, which
wl]I complete IUI HCOnd YM.f on
Ult! new ""°'""ere tH.11.hore cam·
put a few mllt• .up Ute coa.M
r,.....,m Santa Bubara, th• resta·
tr"ll.r announced.
'Lund'wall or Ooeta Me.11& All exe-~pted 1'100 tor tbe club bu11dln«
tv.UM dlNOlt>r, and plane tor a tund trom Ule 'Juntor Coela M MA
two .,. ri .. t of Mrs. Elol• Mc-l"rtday Atternoori Club. $100 from
<)laldti, fte~ eecretary ot the Uie Junior A~Uuy to the A•·
OtrW CluM of Amanca. Feb. 24 al.ttance 1-CJ.1• or Newport
Mid. a ,.... the maln order of Bach. a SlO donation tl"Qm lhe -The new f\lchard~ lf'lorl1t offtta ·~ Of IJI• Haibor Ara Coeta Mua J'rlday Anamoptl <"Ul tlower 9ervlce, ._I. ~kly, °""" Chb .l'l'lureda7 ev.nlnr al Club and S.S from Mrs. Leroy w!!tkly. or u dealnd-Phoni Har· ,U.. dubhouN. ~ae houra ot Ande r.on of Coeta M-.. bor l828 -Adv.
'I. to 4 :IO p. m. a.fonda.y lhroutb 1,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.;; j ""4q and 1 to i p. m . op
T'llMday and Frtda7 t"n\fl(• --.... G -' II "."~. ~:-Club will .~ .. " r ii n a 0 0 I s
{tormt rly or H•met )
complete menu fo{ the family .
f'l7:ZA •• ~rAcnrt:lT1 • l .A~Ali'.'\"A
llO)tt; • ;\IAIJF: KAYIOl.I • -..Tt~.\K.-. • l!Ot;A FOOD
l"OOIJ TO 00
511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837
Ol'f::'\"' I.JAIL)' I! :'\'(~:'\'-I! .\tln . .,.IGlfT. 1·1.oi.;.-:n MO:"roTtAl"
Moaday afl.ernoon, J'eb. e. hav-
.... be9n clo.d tur two -•k•
~r r!:l'Hll.,.Uon and repair-.. \\'IUl
the 11el!!'Ctlon of l'otni. Lunrhr1l1
,._. dlrec:tor, full Unu1 oper111t lon
w UI irtt und•'r \~·ay Monrtay Mr9. I
J.t rOinnlt ,...,11 v!A!I U1e local rlub
during an in•p«llQn t.ciu r nr "'"flt
eo&1t ch.II• afnll11.tM with the 1 n•tlonal Glrla ClulMI ot A1nerlr 11 1
oriranliallon, v.·l th hcadqua.rteral
In Sprln&fleld, Z.f.IJll. "--.-... ---.-... ---.-... ---.-... ---.-... -..J
Save $14.00-Rog. $92.50
Hart '• your on<• In a lif1tim1 opporturiity !o bt1y a
wondarful Smilh·Corono por1obl1 o! o reduced p rice,
And remember, 01 Tler n'b ri'1, you get o full ytor'1 vn·
condi1lono l g uorontee w ith a very typ11writ11r. Every
new m a chine h comple tely iri1pec!td by ot1r e xpert
1ervice departmtnl to lnt ure ogoin11 foc!ory delecu
:ind to m .. t o ur 11rlc1 1pecHicolion1.
Terms To Sult Your Budget
0p4"ri Tu<'!Otlay tbru Satu"'-J
.. r f ",,.m,.111·•. ln1·l11<lln1t
11..Jnit hy tor•)', llrh·na Hulwn-
•lrln .. ncl f{,., lnn
Ralt>0a Bl' d. &: ~laJn St.
8 1\l.BOA
l'llAK}(A< \
'QuotaUon hy
ll~nry Bronk A 111.m~
'1838·191!1 1
t'.-:ipynJCl'lt 19.)6 •2\\'J!
t:arly An1f'rican
. , . an'Jw/.ere
until 9
I _,
• '·
• .
• t
' '
"-1',.._.rfylWN" Hlpii 9irt~ a U>lfllPll..., lhte. ~-lad man ._ ue ~
found lor helkopten in the We ne buaina.. Not l<mC" .;o.-"lline Wu Ullld to help • W&.
phone crew .trin1 over two milell of wire actoM lll!'¥eral steep piyom lolded with brmb
and i;ioi&on oak, After poles ~re put up on the hill tope, the 'qopt.w Wei a rope ecra. the
polt'lJ Cto88·11rma. Then the w1rn was fllBt.ene<l to the rope and the crew pWled it into po.i-
t ion from pole to pole. In this w11y, 11 job that would have taken a week war done in an
hour and 11 M lf. Com cr-c utten1 like thia do 11 Int . or ooun!IP., k> llp@f!d up the erpe.nlion of
)'Ou r telephone 1y1tem. The men and women of PacUl c Telephone work to make
)'our telepbon• mo,.. u.e(uJ every day.
' 1.
'I ,,
--··-----~----·-· ·-. ...... _ ......... . ...... i-------.. -
~oag Auxiliary
Tabs $25,600 _Ior-K'x-arislon --__.__..~---..P..--~--.... -.. -.. ...... ·
Mrs. Bacon Moderates
Staff Panel Program
A record turnout of members attended the meeting
ot the Ausilia.ry ot Hoa.g Hospital on Jan. TT to enjoy a
panel diacuuion, moderated by Mr.. R. L. Bacon, boepiW
1dmlni•tntor, and to pledge an 'additional $25,000 to the
building fund. On J a nuary at laat year the auxiliuy
plq.d a like arnou.Qt which hu Who preaented lhe oper&Uq room,
been p&kl In tJi.e reeord ttnie or e:iiplt.inin• u.,. worklnp, function•.
one year. and COila 1.11d cave It &n almoH
John Poyu, chief of. th• hot!· .. hum1.11 touch."
plt&J .u1r. w .. ~ tint p&llt'I Memben hea.rd of a new chap-
spMlter. He complimented the ter boelnJ formed ta be lur.own u
members on their e:x.oellent work Tho! Hunten, which La an out-
and cooptrraUon wU.b the ~pi ta.I, irrowlb ot the white elephatlt booth
and u.Jd "You have mMle our hoa· at the hnd Jo~aJr. Theae w-orkeni,
ptl.&J here In Newport Beach a under the Jeade1"1Shlp of Mra. J ohn
community concern.." F. Dodge, hlld •uch a auocQl!f'ul
THOSE WHO 8UVE thne lhey wl.ah to urganlu. Mra.
M~ Marpret 'nerMJ, head ot Dodge Invited aU mernbera of the
centra.I 1Upply, pve a •hort rf'-a u:1ullary who were 1111.ereated t.o
~--~ :-: •. G..-;~.a.U-~~AM ~qn,...at hu, ?)O.~ 'tJ.rt .
work ot the auxllla.ry ; MIMI Mar· I me•. D M H umm61, """' nt
th• ~lrrktni. di.rector of nur1't'•. J an.:1 Herben Stroeche ln. m charye
ouUined the value of the auXll11.1.ry I ot t•h•pl<!'r•, were to be on hano.1
ln 11ervl<:e work at tlle huep1t11.l. lu org1u11u,. lhl& r hapter.
Ml.'mbel"1! gave 30.000 In *'-rvt~ • • . Y''NIJ l"Al.K
twu~ during 196:1. I " , '''•""·'"! • . .nnoun~·ed Lh,.
Hi(hhicht or lhl' Jlo9.nel wu the "at .... nnJ r on1n11llf'.;·· \(• 1tart
UIW1tra\t'd t•lk given by M u . .i H•·t. work un thia yea.r a Ji"Und 11'111
ty J>arrlah, head aufTicaJ hur.e, Mme.a .• ()(.naJ.d Colegrovt', Chlllr·
m&n, Harold Beck. Santa Ana.
Jo"lorer.fe Tunla, lluntlnK(on &a,'h
and Che•ler Januau11, LM.l(urta
ljea< h.
FORMER RF.SlDENTS uf Nev.'J}(Jr1 Beac-h . the Phillip Ba.Melt family hu detinltely
not Jost interest in the "~01ngs o n" r!n.,.,·n here sinct• their mn\'t: to Los AngelM.
Proof of this 1 ~ shown hl'rt• ag t h ~y ar111•e-d at Oran i;e Coast CollPge to attend the
tnit ial concert of thr "Svmphun1C's for Ynu th " prog ram !!pon~ore-<t by the Orange
County Philharmon11· s,u·1t·1y. lktkner Phutu
Club DeMolay
Will Install
I fP111ry \\' H !"Jlc hola lr•MUr .. f 0 St de ts on
Al 1 ~· H tl•!lrll , • ha plln .~Ir" XY U n ~= 1 s ... 1eirue1r r ,.,_1 ,nng ror.-~1 11•nt Ensenada Jaunt
""n' .-1r•·•I that 11.~!1<1111.'1"" w111 l f W d . d ,.r kMIOll \11 a lotal A fu"r cl&)' ,l& ng an camp-p. t<l ll inn 111;: trll' tH 1'.n,.ena.cla., MeKil'u,
••·•l lli.ll'rilll ' 111-,1 """"k :ai..rtN lhe rn1d·t.erm El.e.::UQn o! oft1cq1 and pl.an• I
MAY BRIDE -~fr. & ~f ~. Fred Bril"kt:r of St. Lou1i;, ~lu announce the engage-
ment of their daughter. t.1 188 &tty r:. ~chcuring, 511 Haz•·I Drive, lo George \V .
Carvey Ill, iron of ~I r. and t.lr11. liNry:e Carv«y Jr. of !1aui,::us. Plans for a. May
wedding to be held here Wl're rev1,a!t'Ci at a famdy i;alhl·rln.I{ in the Carvey bo111e.
The couple will ho11eyn1oon in Lu.s Vl'gas a nd will re1>1cl1· 1n the Harbor area. -
~filton Lee Stutilo
Telepho11e brldga ~rt1eir were
planned when Sigma Kappa alurn-
nae ot the Harbor al"'l'a gathered
over mor ning coffee at thl' home
ot M ra. Edwtn J . \.\'achier, !19 Cut·
ler H.oa.d, recently.
Da te at'l la Feb. lfi "''hl!n mem-
bera Invite trlenda to their honlf'R.
P rocee<11 wtll go to tlalhaway
Houae ror children, a SJgma Kappa
M rn.-L D Z.f Hum_,,n ILlld r;:J -
lf'n Mct...llQ.l\ w .. re elK!ed fn.n1
the noor to ilf'rve on thla year'•
nvmtn11.t1nr run1n11tt..ee wh1cn fur-
111er coru1111tA c;f Mn1ea. Edgar H ill.
ch.&.1rman. Herbert Stn:W1Chetn and
La""'rffiC'e ,.. Whittaker
Z.tni. Ralph M. Tandowaky h ..
bren M'l11c ted a.a ch&lrman ot hoa-
p1tal week which cornea up In a.
few montha
T'wn "'"' m,.mber11 .,..,.r .. welrom-''Rt'At1nn from ~udlt.11 at Occ::ldt!n·
ror ln1tallat1cn '"'ere on the a;;cnd:a ,.ll 1'113 llaruhl ::ip1k.-1 .... .i .\!1" 1.,.1 c.-.H .. i;e for-k ickan1 M irlt••·
when DeMolay Mol11era Club h .. J..i H.i. hM"d lolarcua Othen who Al· I V1 C"h. 144 R O<'l'ieo>ter St., C...l11o
an evl'n1ng 1t"a111on J1.n :!~ 11.t tne ten.1...:1, <l«splte the tlownpour, w"re 1'1e1&. Da.l& lolortor:1 o, L"'hino and
home of Mr1. \Vttllarn ,\l .. lcher .\1 1111•11 l.'t11r.rll'1 R c;.,.n1n1on, E•lgar Rod Lackey or R..lverahle. Th<"
h lllllYY Tllll!fRlt th.at WI.II fiood\ng Na1ned to off\C'e were Alinel'I II H irth, Ju Tat\lnl, Th.-o..lor C Ell-Souther n C&Utornla. at lha Um&
E . Guslkey, pre11d<"nt . i!:. ti Fi..ih :Ullf•. <.:ad Thon111.:1. Bolib1 Hilbrrt w&.1 only 11 alight drlttla In Me•·
vk" .. presLd,.nt: F H Gla&l{QW. ~er-and Vf'rnon T ul'l1er. It·", the trio report.II.
KAT Alun1
Luncheo n
-Th,.· 01'1!.ng·e -·l"",iiu''I V · h"'Tf'lpA
AJplHI. •Thf'la A!urnu•• (•JlJb "·iJJ
nh<'l F .. b. t•, II" 111 <I the h•lf"•'
••I !>l r~ Kelle r \\,.1 ... 11 !;:'1:1 S•iu'h
c;l...u,.11 Sl-. OrAl•IC"' Mr& \\'1lb"r l
M 8PHLh, cha..-11u•n "' tho! non11-
l1'<Ullll: rnrnmlll•<' ..... 111 .. 11hm1t the 1 repo1 l nr thm ro11u)"\l"" A rl'· 1
P"rl woll e.t&0 h" f<:I\'• r. nr th.i I
r~· Clll ~ .1111 ,. 1 • I 1.1\ lnrl• '"">11 "'"l
thl' p.,n,,, \\.01• h I '' t t1• F r1.-J1tl
Mtp ru· i '· h ... '"" ,,.,,,,.,,. .. r
t h., lun• h•···n
~·r.Jh11••1!J,: lh• 111 ... l ou.:, " ,.,.1 .. n
l !Tlr \<1tt-1 , d\ " II h·· ~tor ,,..! fur
... 111• •\ ,,\ l "" ~· H H < lji;PWIO \
R alph J . ,,.,, 1r 1 ...... 11~1 01'}' i<IO •l
J.!11\J I'" •' \l l• h. ll '" '''"'"'"t"l<~····
A ll Tho•l~• "h "'li.I "''l•fY t1 • lr
a.re• r"P'"~'tlll•'" r
Symphon y Ball I
Host Groups
0.y V-.ienllnf' .dtt••rltlOM, the I
lnortr ·•r-m·b n 11 11 t d· by a h~o
VMJentlne trel3\1rt · ch<!'el. trAnll·
rorn1ed the 811.l bc'\ A•y C lub 1'-ri.
day lur the ~f'<'nnr\ • n nu" 1
Symphony Ball. held fnr the ~nf'· 1
fit of the On.n,e Couflty PhHh11-r-
m onlc Soclrty. I
Gueata fN>rn many parts ol the
1 county gfl!here<i fur lhC' I( ll I It
dinner danc<'. Among thOIH' who
h o at t d ta ble• fr<.1n• the !IOUlh·
em pe.rt of the county are
Ml lMllll and Mmea. Moreland
Lelthold. 8 . N. 0<'1enberg. Frrd
Hunt; • Wllllam Kennltzer. Al
Payn<!'. [)on.ald B. Vanderbilt. Carl
lk>l!well, Vaughn Bowen and Mni.
Alyne Fleld.
MePra.. and M"1M. Jamu Holli·
day W.-ton Jay. John Men::e r,
Sa .... tore Mon•=. Joe. E . Pr<!'ln-
lngar , o. W. Riche.rd. Maxwell
Sturc•: BrlJ. OenenU &nd Mra.
B1&Jtelock. Me.ra.. and Mme11.
Harold M. Beck, and Al Ferna.n-
deL Jrln. H . C. Kenawelf. Mr. and
Mn. A.rt.twr W9'0er and Mr. anti
Mre. HolmM Wehrly.
Ball , cbalrm&n thLI ye&r WU
Mrs. A.1trild P&YM ot l.Aguna
Beach. ....._ed by Kn. Bo.well
ai1d Jrlra. aturpa u co-cha.I.rm~
~ b&V• bae{\ ln charrt
of Mm.. RoMrt BuUer, lldltll
eutbM"UOG. Bud De.enbers ai1d
Jack Com. Bpeelal events ch.ir-
rnen h&•• be9l. Mra. A.6rlen r.lle-
tler a.rM1 )(n. Jack Smith oC La·
lfUJ\& Beach. ReM!rv&UOl\I chair·
m-baa bee\ Mn . J oe E. Pretnln·
ger and In charge of entertain-
ment -. Mra. Wehrly.
Breakers Club
Dinner Meet
Kr. lm4 Nra. Ray ram_.orth
•ntart&llMll member. or the 8&1·
boa ~ au-. eaturday .-ve-
ntnc at WMP ........ on We.t Bal·
boe. Bt'f'd. l)lnDel' .... MrTed but·
fal .t.Jle aad reeop!Uon of tba
btrt.1Ml'1 et ona Of the lllembe:ra.
Alt.rt Bdunkll. wu mad.a In the
p~l&uon of & btrthd&J' cue.
A .JK>r\ bWdn-rnMUnr fol·
lowed the dinner 'lrltb Mra. Al-
ber\ Schmidt pf"M/dlng. Mr. and
Mn. t.wreri.c. Bfll•lda er Oosta
M -_..... admlttf'd u n..,
mernben &lld arranpment• ~re
The ''Sensible'' Way To Open ·Your Garage Door ---. . ---------. --
""hl' ln\'lt" a tlOid toy 1: .. tun1: ",.,
\\'h,.n op••11h1J your 1.:11.r&i'.l'l door In
Ill<-ra.ln ~ \\·tt.h \\'b.ard, ynu
n.....:ln't 111:•·1 oot nf lh.e rar. The
f)nrlor N}'I. "H•·"·11.re of .(t"ltln1e
"'hJ' Vl'orry &bout \'a.IURbll"tl 111ol'NI
In y0ur l"•"C"e T Thf' \\"lr.ard aulo-
.n..-lnMtJ>• lbMi• It. Tbv :,,,,. ., .....
man ll&)'a, "Mllllon;or of dnlla.n
.,..,.,rth nf proprrty i. ~tol<"n rrom
~'tie ~'~ '""'~
!!::;~:-,...-:-· ';:;-"l<J~'ft~
"'hy r1 ak tracedy by parklDI: on
1lopln1" drlvewaf~ Bnt.J.I" fallurto bo
a.l"'&J'8 a ctennlle po11atblllty. Thr
~h:udc maya, "Don't takr &ny
chancefl., no br&kea are loolprout :"
I fl an Opt'ft &&J'&l"ll
lloor 8polllnC" the ap-
p..anui...., of J'OUr
home ..nd nelt:hbftr-
h l)f>(!, and warplnc
your door!
Wit h a \\'17.&rd your
rtnnr ... ·111 &1~11 be
c lo.ed a.nd loclled I
I Own a Wizard!
No more
Back Strain! ! !
How About You?
Radio Controlled Garage Door Opener
Why atralJI body &Adi lwian. lll"lill«
b.,.VJ &a.nee doot'tl T Let Wlurd
00 that bea\'J' work tor )'OU. 'Ii..
M-&11. 1ped.a.Jlat .,.., ''Dewan er
~ body .u..tn!•
J'll!ft push a button
00 tho d&8h.
Tiie fastest, &rowl119 New Electrical Appliance
Jn A-ic. Taclay! ! ! Here's Why ••••
MR. & MRS. ORANGE COUNTY -Do You Romomber Whon ...
Oil lamps furnished "ght • ; . W •ter w•s he•ted on • stove •• , Wash
tubs were stendtrrd •.• 'Radios were crystal seh ..• Ice boxes were
common ••• Gerb.lge cans were essential , , . Cars were equipped
with • crank7 7 Just comp•re those times with TODAY ! I J .
All of our MODERN electrical ap~iances ere now, or are being
established in our homes •.. not bee.use we couldn't get along
w;thout them .•• but bec•u•• of the;r GREATER CONVENIENCE,
ond the foci thet they make l;fe more ENJOY ABLEI I I
It is a CONST ANT 10Urce of irri tation to get in and out Of a car to
OPEN •nd CLOSE • 9•ro9e d00<!
Where is ydvr c.r now 1 Is your garage door open or closed, locked
or unlocked? 7,
Actual GartLKe Installation,
A Wlurd can be lnsta&d
on any o\'erheed door.
Wb:r riak ,..a1 Ille "1' _..,...
yourwllf to prowlers h:.rtrlar la U..
dark! Wt&ard'a _......., npi-
tn.c dlM!ourac-tllap ... p~
rr.. The poUae _,. ~ l&b
dark drlveway-.!"
Why 111 Whan! u.e l:Mt f Let -
!!nl"ln_,. teU you, ,.Wiard ,_...._
ftne M'orkma119blp, ~ tbPpU-
cUy and tile unJque Mll!tJ' aur&-
•top. n.e movt•s .._ dopt tor
IUlJ' oWLnM:U-."
Here Is Our Offer ••••
Th. WIZARD is not a luxury item ! ! ! Thouwnds of owners qy it
is the greate~t convenience they have ever h.dl
If you ore • homeowner, the WIZARD .,.oplo wll IMteR • WIZAllD,
19S6 Model unit in your gareg.--for en absolute 10 day F.Rff: m.I.
You pay nothing! A~er 10 days, if you are not fully satisfied with
this wonderful item, WIZARD wiU remove it ~ith NO obligation to
AND-tf you decide to keep it, by acting right NOW-you wift save
$35.00 on our FREE Dis tributor's installation.
If terms are-desired-no money down, as little •s $2.50 a week. bank
terms , and your unit is 100°/0 factory guaranteed.
Call right now for your free trial and demonstration.
SAVE by buy;n9 d;rect through yOt1r Foctory D;stributot.
Johnson & Bosley Mailing: P. 0. Box 538, Balboa, California
Telephones: Hmbor 2963, 3709, Ml-W
Cantraclon Cllld l•lclen
i.q.iry lnltecl.
Addlllanal Comilt Sales
1..,,. .. 111a1lves Needed. Direct Factory Distributors, Wlzcnl Mfg. Company
medoa tor the IJt'OllP to hold t helrlllo .................................................................................................................................................................................. llllllllll ... out metUng In two w_._..
·(;,vernmenl Gxcepl "
,_,. . .,,,, .. , . ~BRUSH CO UN TRY. "God
jU.'A "D ,,,., ~ 'TJ.tf~ ... ·~· #~ -:.-::::
9renf' \II ihe •~lty to' IC.Cept the things "!9 cannot chanqe: the COUra<Je to t honge the things wo c.,r, ond the
.... _ .. _ !~~==ez --+-..... -:" .. ~ ... !!'.-'-JOURNAL "~-:,~~ PA~~ • ~ ... ---~isd~ to _!~J~d!!f•r;!!!S~,." .l'\ .6!!,on.J -· ,._.._ ;f!c 1zc:n
-... --.. ··--~~
CNP A Honors News-Press
for 'Disinterested Service'
Home from the a.nnual awardl cont.eat of Calitornia
N∾•,... PUUUaera Auoci.&tlon. the Newj>ort Harbor
N ... ,,._ today • the happy recipient of fil'llt ho nor-
•blt --In the CNP A "Ouutonding Di.alntettoted C-•••tty &errice" category. We trailed the d&ily
M Wlf l ,_., V.U.jo Time. -Herald a nd Santa Ro.a
P,....[)•0 •w:rat, flnt and 8eCOnd respectively.
8eeoD4 hooon.ble mention w e nt to Wat.aonvllle
~Pajaronlan, ¬her d a ily.
We 1Nl'e not lnfo rmed w hat joust.a the other three
pepen wcm with thelr effortA at bettering con dit ion11 in
their own oommwiip ...
The N...,..Pre. took ita. f irst honorable m entJon
a wa.rd for ital exclu.aive expoae of the Souther n Counties
. Cb Co. ~....,cli&i-gf!'. per gu connec't.ioii. for varioti11 arr.'"
electric kltcben h omes In Orange County, Al the di.ret:t
retult of the Newl'l·PrtHB revelation -11. .1:1tory w luch
wu handled by several members of Orange County
News Service aJ80 -the Kil& culllfHU1Y Wt!fll before the
Calif ornia Pubhc Ut1l1t1e1> CoaunU>,;1on and a.sk ed a
downw ard rev-.ion 1n rates for thia sort <if thing. The
war-time ruling which had a.llo...,·ed this $55 charge,
which many county subdivider!! thou~ht a pun1t1..,t·
meuure to r t heir U3e of w.ll-t'lt,;·tr11· k1tchetH1. 1e qn
proceaa of change now.
At the time the Newa · Preas ex.presaed 1tttl!
edltori&lly, notin g t he r1d.1cukiua s1tuauon m which one
utility w o u ld u&e a n archaic PUC di rectiv~· t u stifle the
delln fo r all-i'!leclric k it c h e ns.
Y ou w h o h a ve read the News -Presa editorial
colwnna are &ware we have lilted uur lance11 in time
put &t other utllltlea -11uch as the phone company
fo r letting N e wport Beach languish in t he hmbo o f
n on dlal phones ; the Southe rn Califo rnia Edi.son Co.,
m o re recently 1n the new. fo r iUJ propo8Cd steam gen·
erat.i.q' power plant at Huntington Beach "'·ith a t tend-
ant .mor production probabilitiea; the P acific Electric
Rall'WQ' Co. tor itt recalcttr&nt et.and over the yea n
l'ti. 11imrn.1"uf .. ttacb:p ·'-btf 1iepot ta.cillti"~s "'11.ic!rtnlve
blighted old Newport; the Southern Cali!oro1a Gu Ol ..
which we ex)X*d acluli.vely lut May f <?r it.H plans to
h e l p other lika-mJnde:d utilities to grab the oil-rich
tid e land.. oft Long Beach , a.nd ulti mately, Newport
Beac h .
ThoAe are a f ew ot the point. at i88ue t h is editor ial
page has been uaed to expose -all in the public inter -
est . Ae the a w ard read&:
''OuUtanding Dtatnt.erwted. Olmmuni\.y Service.''
The N..-s;;Pn!M la the day. and yeana to come
will continue to u.pc)ee feule.ly those groupc or fac-
tio na wbOH m.a.chinationa agt.inat t he public w elfe.re
need to be b rought out int o the pu blic view.
You will n ot e in time put u well u in the fut ure
the News-Pnu ii the only newspaper in the Harbor
a rea. if not the who le o f Orange County , w h ich hu
the stomach f or fighting in the p ublic interest .• Th.is
d espite the fact aom e of tha.e in vo lved b a.ppen to be
1Ubeta.ntia.l advert.&.er•.
We happen to believe y ou rol ke' best. interetta
demand that t hia n~w«paper prac tice it.a beJfef -that
it ia a guardian o f the public trus t .
Lincoln 's Philoso ph y
Wtth the approach of Lincoln 's birthday oo Febru-
ary U , It mJght be well for ua to contemplate eome of
hia Gmple philOM>pby w hich contributed to his great -
i:ieaa. Here are wht.t might be called Lincoln'• economic
and political 10 commandments:
build chanctlr and courap by taking away a man'a
t.altiative and independence: 10. You cannot hel p men
pm1na.nently, by d oing for 1.bem what they cou1d a.nd
Mould do for themaelvee.
There ii not.hlng unuaual about these vie w s except.
that UDfortunately, down·t.o-ee.rth com.moo senae ia all
too uoeommon in modern lite . W ere the y practiced
moft by indMduala and our variou.e diviaiona o[ gov·
enunent there would be greater penonal eelf depend·
mce on the part 9f citisena 1timulated through thrift
and the WiUlngneea to work ou t oue'a .own prob lems,
and there would be lea political jockeying by legisla-
tor. to curry f avor of lh1a group o r that through
benefits or handout.a. •
Thi.I would be a much healthier situatio n, indeed.
By Y our Congcasmaa .IAM.Jf.8 B. \JTI' .. .,, , ' ·-
-~-11..~ .... ~'--"11'"'~~'"1~••••••·"'""""!tO'OM"•j'·oi1111oi•"CO·•ro·•f5J ........... zz3; .. "•:<"''•'s" ............. rZ:foOliO""SO'"'i02?10.0 .. ~
<~ NNti--'IM. ...._ "'" a...._ l"Mbr-.m ..,.. wm.
U.. U.CUe-bawai ............ IN ........ ..,.,..... ~ .. Ml MM1'
lriSM t.to tile ....._ ~ .. nomt Tf!UL}
. . ' Man is the m ost diaturbing single inOuence to nature.
Man. diaturblt ·~d "break.a the lawa o f ecology and ma.y even
destroy hirruielf, allowittg ftllilient Na.tun: to ooae again
•ping back into natural bala.nce. '"Greed,"' simply and
baaieally will be man's diownfall..
Eook>I)' h1 the k.le.nce of liv-Supervaor Jarvi wrote a 1ool"
lnc lhln111, bot.h pla.nt1 and anl· letter and .n1pUed ht1 p.r9Qna.i
ml.la ln lhelr natural 11urn:iund· file or 1ntorm1Uoa tn a !arr•
ln,.. How I enjoyed the .cienc:e manila enn:lope a.nd 1ent It t o
. ~-;:-of .eology 1n my c:olle11:e days. me. His wu a guod teachlnJ"
...,..._ _ -;"·::.. ~-; Thi lnterde~ndenc:• of htUe ar-methud. he 1)lowffl, nol toJcl ml.
~· ~ ~ eu foun<I In N•ture'• mo .. IC' Like the proverbial locwt m-.n
-~" .... ~-pattern, plan ti depend!lllt on a.nl· haa ducwdod and ioe:ttled the a.I·
. 'E""' -<--,S.~ ~ 1na.i. and an1mal1 depomdenl on luvhtJ va ll ey• of Southern Call-
- -.... ;:%";:.. ~ •.r.;."!.. pla.nt11; dlaturb on11 Uny sermenl fC>rni... Jn dry lake tHtJ.a and, in _-.:~.:.~ .. ~ ~.Z. ot lhi. tight little order •nd and along dry wuhe• M baa -~ -:-~ - -"":.-i;;i everything 11oe11 ukew built ind then built .ome more. _-: ~ ~· ~.Y,:_~ .~-:; ] When I w11• a buy In Te.n1ecula Many or theae wa.ahu he h.U
,,,,_. ~~-.. ~ -:;,~ an effor t waa n1adt> to 1ntrOOuc.,. '"'""! 1n wl!.Ue Ile atralghtened
-::o-----~-" !::::_ \--~... Chin.Me ph .. a.anta to tho? are•. and narrowed other•. T'he proven -~----~Y. -· __..;,~ -.r --~ ...... The h11wkll 11n<J ow la had a ri .. td pattern• of Nature'• dram..g1
..:;. ~ -..;:. · · ~ _;,:;__..... day feastLnt: Qll fJl PhCJj,11.Ut ,yat.e~ ~ de.ll"o)',O.. IM1d . dinl.· •• ;-o ;-,~:id:{~.,_.,.,.. ;-t..i~' aircb.-"l'n 11n eftoft. to· Piolect inated, ·
Ridiculous, to Put Jt Mild} the pheu.a.nt.Jo, pole• were erected During D e ce 1nber. J anuary. ln talks all over my di.stric t last year I w amed o ur Y with • 11rn 11 11 platform on tl!.t>lr Februa ry &IHI March. 78 per cen t
f*OVlt: of the grow ing lhree.t of federal lDV8.lllOn o f Cahfo r -top and 11. tr11 p &et on lt A .. r the ILllnu&I ra.lnfa..ll for South-! . h lil s· th I d f bl numtler "' the11e ·•trap f'Ul.,..• em ("allfurn1a ralL! c nma.ucally. j Ill.II. II !JC OQ • ince e ear Je8t ays 0 our r e pu IC, N o co MM ENT we~ erl'<.te<1 \Vh~·1 a hawk" or South .. in CaJitOrn1a l.ll an utrem-
i.choola been " func tion of slate and local govem~enl.J;. owl Ut on ui~ pltttfonn tile t rttp 111t. ~1 u1er drouth o r flood w!lll
J°'Jl.JW , in 1956, uur school.i; are about t o be plunged into a 1prung 11.11<! ... 1,;:l•t h1n1 (:r.,ttt unly n ,,, .. r .. dnbb! .. In ti.twttn.
pn.o.:nun ot .oc1aiJ..11L1c: controls, tit <>Jiii Am•rlc&11 Child uf tcbool lly J ;\M F~~ \\". DOUTHAT n •.Jn1ber11 "/ in .. .,e btrdi< W•'r" KAl!llS '-" KECORO
tur.,.•l by the •u~ar ·o:oatect pot.on caught &Jld the pheua.nt chJc:ka ln 1V26, 1.02 I!\'CH!;.S 0 1!" RAL"i
"r "rW <'r11J a.tJ h.o eJucaUon " ag~'(J .... 'TKO L l'S A\'O IUABLI: bei:lln lo IP"" 111tn .. r thhn h~ll11( FELL JN 0 ..... E MJl\"UTE. llt Op·
n : .. bu ii for thla •ubl!it at· \.\' AS HlNGTO N -~U81nc·ssmen .,.,,ere greatly encourag-eaten by tl1 .. 1r w1nio:t!d en<'llll1'! !\l'! ('11n1p in Ule Anai:elea !"•·
1&.-11 un local .:Qntl'ul or liUf" be1~01"r~:~~('()~~;~l.~~~elll;e0111~:~ ed by fo.1r . E 1aenhow er '11 emphas18 on a balanced budget e.nd Al'>I M A L'S ~l t "LTl t'l.\' uon&.I Fureat -• world re«1n1 i
"'-'hoQ], !• to b .. fou.nd In the una ,roop In Con,re11 lll ma ntu· "r1sca\ 1nlegr11y'" In h is n1 e!l8age t o L' lh S t t 'rhen .. tht·r !u~r11b<·r3 ,,( lh!ll At L'amp'l, Jn 1891 , in s,.n D1· ongrt.:!'l:i (lit t.: a e 1 Jittl~ l'"'""''IJ"'l' b<Kan Lu 111"1 .. ,,, ''"'nt 1', 11 :>1.1 INCHt:s O F' !uudly ahouted claJnu of need tor l 1 de ruru111. "''her' 1nte
I a.ddltwnaJ c.lu.lroom.. to keep up ver ng 0 ny · of lJ1e U1uun. I Upl) bt'< .iu~,· lhl')" v.·.,r., uv lvn'i It Al~ FELL l N ! HOUl1: A':' Lo ~lion l• n<>! prt1cUct>d. &nd no I I l t h k t th \ k 20 1.flNHTF.A 11. world'• T"• nrd
1,,.1tJ, tll<> tver-lncre.u1n,g ..:.1,t90t one know• wnat rontrul• will next • ! •unttt; I, .. t •re-t Y'llr,. !htt\ ,1,. .i.~I"'"' ·•l tt .. 1d.,\,!, 1 .. :;.,,.,,. ,.11 • _, 11''' 1" ' •·· •'! e '""" " · ' ' pe.pul~tlon n,e •rl{Un1enl ~. bo. a<Jv<>e11.lerl The htsLory or ,.11 )ha~ b-ee11 in offi(;" t-.tr Eioo:nhuwtr pt'r•"''t· .. •t '"'"'IJ•·I • t•f ('.iri.i;:r.,1111 jun•l '"''1~ l••~ 1~bb1~. Utt· rel • j wt.11 h h<.'ld fur uver ,. h1<lt c~r:
l th1l 'since local 1UHl 11.t11te i overn-Jo'ederal aid prograrna has been !htta workt't.I toward " b!l.!1L1l<'•"·! ,.Llll IH'llrvr !hl'lt 11 ,1,,. :•·<tu •t1on l U1c "'"e ~·i 1n1rc111 ·""! i.;v1J!l11!J1tU1} lu 11!~3. 2612 l!"CHE:~ or
r11ent1 !\ave not met u ie alleged to open the door to control. and bltdx~t Jn on!"r Lo pr("vent 1nll11· holl w\ll h,· •·nn<!•·d r~pro.Ju1 •·•I i.1 l"•P• .. 11,1 buU11 1I" IRA!:\' FELL IN A 2~ HO l "lt
)need that the P"ed•ral 1ov11rnment today our entl.re eN>nomy la be· l ion, atabil.11.•• th« \•a..lue ur Ul" Ttn,. '~" 1,,, ,1,J'"' 111,11 .. 1,.JC111111 _tTh<'!r •:• .. ••I t .u f,.._;,J v.113,,1 •• u .. n· P~•tJOI > at Camp ~ ll.uy 111
n1uet do '°· lnir .Jowly drugg<"d by thl• pol1JOll dollar. and "h'<' bwur,.·••mf'n con·l tor-,i llllY If !'(JllJ.:ii·ll..• li•illlll duwn .1uu" Lr<>p11 1,.,~11n t., 1<u •'< lll« Lh <' An1: .. 1.,. National Fuc.,•L e~·
Wl!.at th11 arrunient overlook-. f1dence 111 the future 11<1 th~y woulQ .111:r•1n 1tnd 1tllnl111 f ield~ lil"tall)' 1.itbl1:H1111i:: • new \J111t•«! !'ll•l<""
howtover. 11 that -many a.r.u hav• of t;;Overnme.ntal contr~I ~hJc~ rt1k their <"11p1t11l IU1d prnv1<lf'l appl1'upn11t1on11. it th .. Exet:ulive l "''l'lthed "·1 th tee1nlng, h11r•PY. ru-re<·un!'
would 11nd free '!'f\tf'rpr &e, oca n .. u1rtn1Pnt <'Hn!lrH1•·11 1,, '""'"I th" d•·nt p<1pu l 1tl l''"~ 'fh .. n ,.,,1,. "·'''" I>enu<li! our Snu\llem i:11.IH·•rni11.
nevrr tr1«1 lo butld llp an educa-&lltonorny, 1nLJ .'!t11t~11· right.II need~ Jub~ •l"m11.n<l ,,f s~•·r .. tarv ,,r ttw Ti·.-,.,,.. tiappio, 11111 1,.,1..i,run, 01 111~ ru· hill•!dl'iil o r their l«•\'rr !Ult! Y""
'uon•l 11y111em, 11..11 we hive don• T'h 1 ! I p op anda N bill.an d b U t I H I I e pr nc pa r ag • ov.· ll. t:e u £'' l:'I "i ur~ uniµllr Y rvr 1<«1nu11\y, !r taJ[ <Jent J><.llJU)•t•"n tiec&me Ii. n,.~··a· •la.rt playing 11 ~1g1u1tlc "ll•I OIUl·
•u C11.Uronila And If Fe<JeraJ a.Id ai;el'ICY which f~uli«l. a ttention 1\g:ht t or th1• f1JL.Cal year Wld for ~\/enu"s kc<'P u p Ull•!• r th•· lnipe-:'Ill)' The <"'•l'<Jlell th" t,.,b·rat•. rerou~ gllme "' , Hu"'~'lll• r,,,..
l• &aaured. they will probably i.tpon th• llO-eal.led 11.,.,.:i tor feder-19~7---.lth ,>Ugh probe.bly 11.t •total l tus llr hustn .. l3 a:rn,,.,·1h ~kllnkll, l'OOfl • 1.,x.' a.noJ (l!/oo:r lllll· 1 ... tt"
give up whatever etforts tl!.ey al &Jd to educatJon w u Ille While ng1.1.re run~tuerably above whit I nu•I~ w ho 1,,,, ... ,1 off ti>•• n.><lt"lllll A• ror rontrulleol hurn1 n<. nf ha.vi made to ftnance U11ir own H Co t Edi call fl l h J TAX r"l/T TAI.ti J .chooll, and lrt the r ederal Go\'-oua n uence on ' on. coo11el'Vat1v,. 31.·a expert~ ""' were poi-..nri! from ei,iung pou· wh.at Ull .. 111 It 1 W " U<Jn 1 ~n !
Th!• wu a meel!ni:-.11ponaored In eXfl"Cl.ed If th" f l~· ,.1 1t J1<! "!'!•r••pri.11 ton ' ,1ned. tlra.J ,,,.J .·nla. Thi~ g11ve an-xriu:lng ••n the l'.r\U<·lll h1U•ld.,~ ernment do the Ju b. Hut tile W&Ah 1ngton .,. part r.ot the wu »a.r-.. _ .. h • _, r 1 1 1 I A I I -~ ~·d 1,.11 l&: er tot ... w11 ;,.• rul.uro• ,.tin~1l><1t,.r11 .. pr1 1oth .. r trenien<luuw b<~J~l to the ot Southern Ca !.torn111.. U rar.ln~ 1uunrh'iwlll have tn come from po&Jln"' ~"~ J..b• .J"Jldl'"'"'' • • · -·• ... ·1,=•11• _._ _ _,_In, - . •· ....._ -.. · """'-!~ Ml"Y' ~UM-· nf ~~i· < t--u.:..:-...<')ft• •""-":".·;:: :;.... •-"'~fttt-~:~ •914· -,~•~ .. ,:W{t11on. an..}• ~•t>~ro-"" .. ln .. "'t'~ ~~c;--4 !IU•neow rr ... and w u come pol.llO I t had b t one u,.._..,MI ,....,._ .--,,,_, n. u P ·.---• pated r11venue lncr"ll>I .. " for th<' no>w,..d 1,.lk < (a laio: 1·11t I! inay L.lkt' 11-"run in no.lad)"& ,tuck -Ion an,! runort . \\'hllt 11l>lnla ~h .. JI the forn1 ot ever hla:her ~tl3 on to promote Jredera..l aid a.nd Fed the peQp!e ot •let• who have -cu r rent Yf!fl.t . Even If bit.J11J11·ed n.l ho• f'"'uoi1i1•• '" 1111\'• r ta.\,.,• 11.r ter 11.' ing: one C'Onl I rPl1<1e the <:h!un we u.•e tu r11plant humed..:rv.,.r
eral cootrol. •higher n~,... • n1ajor !$.<ik w11l 1 ''n1 ... 1, .... t · p11.1·111,.n1 •)!l th•· natlonu.110 r evtnt11 •l•·,.trtJ)'l11(C the •ke!n area,.~ Why ep..n<l m1!1101a o f trted to keep pace With their own F'rom the atart. the oonl1rcmc:it loc&J dt>vel o pment and educational remain to pnivent the h\I( ~pend •kbt 11 r .S\lture'l l'"t!•·i·n Ju~t l!.ll a doll 1t r~ eJ[perimentJng with for-noed~ wM coatrollfld by tht prot eulona.I l"r' rrnin fnrc!rig Congrt'Mll 1ri!o) " An,\ ""' ,. 11 ,,.111 hu•u1"'" will b" bit of c11.r•·I· ,~11eM11 "'''Jl ,J,.~troy e1,:n plA.n l.11 on our h!llllldea, when · · edtH:•tora, long tt111e lrlbby111!.11 !11r I Ill ,. lid lhl k I Th I d ti ~pendlnt: apn·« lhA.t n11ght p1 .. 1' .. n\ '''''''''' '"' , ,,1,,.,,,. !lt•"I , .. r <11 nece111!1A t" l'ep1t1rll wh ch ".' • 11.lur .. ( ! wor or U• e 're11! itnt recen )' recom-f~er1J alt.I The3 e v ru(ua1on•lil " h
mend .. 11 to Ull'l Conireu a pro· bouted that the r«omme.ndallon h&.lan1"1n 11 thr but.lget. 111en.11ce l ll.JI. 11 r1,1 1,, n1<! IHI>:'" ''"f'Orlltc iuld v11ly ptt.r\1a ll. 11·•tror" lt1~ Ul!ltly throughout l e a~n"' or time an•l
s:r&m or f>~ed.i-•I a:ran~ to •tate ,,.. .. the teellrtK ot the 1800 d<'!Je-reduct\(}n. an1l eneour1.1re "'~·i!Ll-I inclividunl 111r.,1n,. t.ox r1tl••• 1111 1. 11ntl bo·auty .. r the 111 .. ckln)( 80 a-ttl .. d on our pN"."f!n t ve11:etat1on
oouc .. uonal .. yatem1 for tchocil !.'Il le vrnture.'I. l r,.ir h•.11•!! 1111,1 i.i;:,,111"1 ,.,,1,..111 1~ "'11h :"ntur" ti!! th-nn)flt 11.11 t1startory~
'',01"5'1'.~~~.'000" .o"oo' u,~""o•'°•'•'P•;o,t~ re•:omniendallon ror J>'ederal ll!•I i;11 r1l 'S IJ\\'1 ll~K 1..A IO llppt<u. \>UC' Ul!i "" '" ' 0'' y aggre-:-;11.•url' 111111 lh,. v>urld 11.bou1 hu11 Supervl!!Or Jarvi 111.ught m• my
gste1 to th" conference, hut tht 1 , 'l 1 1 I If 11".,1 "'"" n"I ih·ii!'ntlent nn \\ ALl.S or Y."ATr.R.
......, u " ""' w11..11 In rea lity the recomme11d11.-v11te ex isun~ tn.x •h.•• rl11"n11!H>11 &t th• rate of I U.0.000.000 a year ' · I Tu11 i.:rr;unilwnrk ht.111 11lready I \he .~111·n1.." .,r ,., ulugy "''01.llol 1,.· lf'l'l.llon welt And now ~ 1 w1nct .. 1•
Uon of two or t.he delegat.as. been 1111<1 tor the big llf'ehd•·r~ l 'h•· Ea•'tih"w'"r f'r'•l:nutl bwi!· or <111 1)1 1n·11.d,.ni.t· !n t~rellt OVPr i h .. h!U11 of the brwh euu11
f(}r tlve year• .Wopted In the total a b&enc:e of .;ti.JI)' lll I\ e"nt•1111ut! .. n .. r p11!!\ J"><'lll · 1 iOTt JK)I (,ll'U TJ<>" try llJ.J looJ< dowo LOW Ole. teani-
NJC\\' D£ALERJI llEU OHT noor dl&ellllllitui ind ramnied It ta·t pol!tlc&.I year -ani:1 'c1e<1 . WhAt Mr li:l!'<'!nh••w"r Th.e J1&rlUllr \', Jll·~,i ~tor~l wh !~h Ing c\l"'" belov.•, I need no lll((nM
The :"°<'W Dealer1 on the Houae lhrout h Ullder a parlia.rnenllU'y m.,mber• nr both ma jor partl~ r·11ll11 h•~ "ru1ddlr i·f rh. r"l•·I pru-lunirwo! nearl. J:I lnrh~~ or rain !n w11 rn n1e of the haui.rdi of •• I ' .. .,, ~-,,.. I ••• , r ,, I I I I fl.Te anxlOU! to plell..fte. Th .. &'OV· 1 ' ( ..-~< ' • """'uc• 1on an .,.. r ......,mm .... e ga.g ru e.,,.. <I' eo: a r p•y. Kfllm ·n1111.•n ·a 11 '"' ll.• l•1 r<• ... lf\ th 1 A !llt l areA. !l.11.•tf'd !in· In lh" bru.8b country. 1 knO"'' w,.re nut •at1•fl-' with tho D..••t· ....... , •ul•• .. , <h• "'0""'"''"'" roF 11mment al~ady 111 handing oot 1., , d II"-I , 1 h "•' 11 "°9 "r" -~ •· •-•" • " ~ ....... • nom ~" n ""ra " 0 1irn11." 1ue thinking r•f 1'<'1'.Jl•JRY For ~"Ill"'-n"w th11.t the furettry Qfflclal~ d••t'• "Ian ••d I" th•'F p•o-• JR•'a""•, ••-o•voc <••" -·b· hur e auro• ot nioney lo varloua ,,,.•,, -· r • -· " "'' ...--.... _,...,,._ "" " •u "'' inonlNI now I hAve been •n «ur• a!'" 11ot !nlPre~ted ln p1 <llt><:Unl(
known a& th11 K1Uey BJ.II. an •P· roltted to tll• con!11N1nce mtllllb<e.r• ~u:~r:"~e~n~~couragea P"Ore Il'1 not likely lhat all of 11 wlll
f•'JJ>Ondencec ..... u h s. ~ Jar\·!, I.he hornl1)•, acr ubby, bl&Jtkt't Hf
proprtauon ot l~00.000,000 a year fo r lheir appro"t'al. be e n.acted 1t thl• 1eag1on pf r"On · 1 ~~ore!lt Su!>f!i·v111Ur rur the San chll!JllrT"l Jllllt tn ~rpetu•te their
for each or fr.iur yeani It provi(led. The Pre.ld•nt. In h1I meaaaa:e Th• oonvrvat!ve11 will wa.nt --g~. Jf for no other 1..-.a..'90f\, Hemard!no N 11t 1nnnl Yore!l j(J b;o Bul raU1er, thry have p1c-
or a tot•l ur S l.600,000.000. Thl! to ConjTeu, al.llO recomme.nded a.nd need -lht> aupport of every there l•n'l time, 11oppeol hJm llOOH' pr,tty r11lh .. al tun·!! 1n their minds of wallA of
amounts tu l l.'.o<l.000.000 more that 1760,00<l,".X>O be ape.nl over bual.nOlllma.n. Therefore. U much of {tie EU1en-1 que11t 1u11,, ant.I opin.onH J had fornt· 111u.idy w11.ter , rolling. tumblini;i:
th&..11 Ole P rtsldent recommended, a ftye ·year period for federal Potentlal •pending demanda b9-howe r pro.~ bu not been llJl· I e\l over the )'e11r~ And I 'll 4&.Y bou lder•, UJ\t<:ild ton. of mud to btl llJ>ent 1n one yu.r leaa time. purch&aof ot local lcllool con.true· r c Id uil h 1 F • k d " brl •-b Ore Ollf"Tlllll cau e Y t"ell.C ucted by the Denux ratlc Con-I lh11 for the .-.: .. u\Jl oll. ore.al llnu n1uc ll.l'l ue • en ..... ,., mg ("n· cai1forntn, which ha• one of the lion bonda wh..n IChool dt1trtcta 12 000000000 r Il l " kl 0. , , a Yl'lar n u ceu, gr"S!I at •djournmenl, the Kr-f:l tnte 1'11.rk peop!e I h11.vr con· t1re comm'un es an ... la ng 11. ~~·:~.::..du~:.t:J.=ar~"~: :.:'°!t •:::..:~~~~~~ 1r;_::; of the Prfleld11nt'1 budl"fll. P;Uhllo:A.n• then would have th" op-tacte\J, the)' re not J U~t poilllc.sl terrtble loll In llfe and property
re<:elve • •um of '215,000.000 un\ler • ................ , , 1 h t .... th b 1 r N• A V.•ioUon or la ---··da· Thii conrre·utona! nght aplMt portun11,:, 1f'" they so '·di>~ii·,,..1 l" f """''""'l!;w.•: lhl!'r" i.'ft,_,,..1' t.'l~ •'J&Q ~·· itiai1 ••• ·Mao "l'M:.rte' aM ~~. ·
In Treuuo-v rald1 will not be a pal"-char••· thl' llimocrat s wl!h f111t ><nd the r<"l\!ton~ or 1 Lii . 1pp.,.. e aanc:e o • th• Ktlley Bill, But California t1on Ill al.o found lhe Kelley . ~ I I l I I r r d wou!J be taxed • total of 137 .. B!!I. l'hl! p1-VI would place lb• ti.an bll.tUe. The bl-part.Ian econ-1.1re l•• approve I\ pn:;.11;non• ror tht.' 1'1) que11t 1nn "9.~ 1h111 n1111-ures ~ooir ca 1e.a e1 A-ng .. r·
omy bloc will b9 ac:Uve. h<'!lf•rtt nr lhf' PM Jl!<' Th 1 ft 1nu1.h u t11r prote1:t1on er brush oush· F-"'~'.f effort whou!d . he 000,000 t D p11.y th• c011ta or the flflJUl c!ng of ach6ol.t where It be--h r s h c 1 r 1 1 b th b k 1
M•. El••o"····•e <"I·" "poO ~Ll'a\~gy "r<i\••d v•.-v uu<'<'•"ll.'lfU! !qr c ap1trra 1.n out ern a l ur· m111 e <:l nng em ac in<> riill. That mean1 11!mply that lo ngs, In local hand&. The unror· • •ov.. ., "" " " ··~ ~ I l th th 1 h I 1 A 1 De t t a.ti C•lif~rn1a, a atate which h8..11 tun.ate thing !.t that uila llOUnd Conireas temporarily to rore.gu I for ~1 r Trun111n wh<"n hr "'·11..~ re-nla . • ncrell..!ing e gruw anr 11 unce agn_ n. nc !I 0 · ~u<Uon. a .. t thlol did not <·l~•'ted In l9ill. P.c1(l1ng to thr !Irr haurrlw, .why "leB.'"fl to hve with n11ture ind really madl'l an affort to meet a ppro11.o:h lt beillK !oat ln the gen-tax ..,.. ._ nol practice controlled bum 1nt: ! you !I le8rn to llve '
II.II own llducaUonal nefldll, would era.I fight over federaJ ald and
pay other •tat.Ila f ll,000.0QO tor control.
tlducaUon. , Tbe fUULtlcaJ a pproach to Fod-
Callfornt• today ha.a a bonded enJ aid of the prot...tonal educ•·
tndehtedne119 of S7M,000,000. Thi• Uon lobbyt.U f.11.d tholr New Dea.I
lndebt..:ln• .. la equal to s• per accomplicet M6m deauned to kill February l . 19116 cent of our annual revenue. Yet all aid to IChoola. or elH 1ubverl
a 1tti.te •ueh aa w i..c:on11n. with
a bonc1od tndebtednue of only ~.-
000,000 equal lo 1.8 per cenL of
that •tate'• annual revenue, would
be on lhe receiving end pf Feder·
OIJ 11.Jd. w hll• Ca..llfoml• would be
ou r .chools to t9deral 0011trol. Mr. Ben Reddick, Publlaher
1 11hall wle •~t the Kelley Newport Harbor New1 Pren
Biil on the n oor ot lhe Houae. 2211 w . B.albo& Blvd.
Ca.JUornia n eed not pay tor Newport Bea ek, Calif education tn other 1ta te1 whoee
&'overnment& h.a.ve made no effort Ou.r Mr. Reddick:
th" <'ltc:~llent new1 coverag" you
n11,1 yoHr 1!11.tr have gll'en the
a.1;Uv1 tle! of the Parl"nt · Teacbtr
A~wotlaUon of tlar~r Vlr""' School.
Y(lur intereitl 111111 r<:i-operaUnn I.a
!~'\'p\y 11pprPC'l8!NJ
Ruwercly your~.
1. You cannot bring about prosperity by di8·
couragtnr thrtft; 2. You cannot strengthen the weak
by we&keninr the strong ; 3. You cannot help small
men by tearin1 down big men : 4.. You cannot help the
poor by destroying the rich : 5. You cann ot lift t.he
wage eame ni by pulling d ow n the wage payer : 6. Y ou on Ole Lo11tng end. Th ere la no
ralrneu In 11Uch a program. If
to pay thrlr own way. New J er-We members of the P -T A Board
sey, one of the wt..a.te11 ln aer!ou.a wish to expre1111 our gr-atlt ude tor cannot keep out of troub le by &pending m o re t h an' your otir •h•te neec!a additional money need ot new claMrooms, ha.s con· 1------------------------------
incom e : Y. Y ou ca nnot furthe r the b rothe rhood o f !or school t:o natructLon, we would 'lstenUy refueed to pa.M either 11.
it.ate Ill.lea tax or a 1tate incom11
tall. Callfomla hll!I both type• of
\.aJt:es. I do not feel compelled to
apend CalUomla'a tax doll11.r11 to
1ub.sld~ a et.ate which ref11111fr to
_m.-n b y inciting cl8.B8 h a tred: 8. You canno t esl8bliah be btott .. r orr to bond our11elve11
and keep control of our own
90und B6C:Urity o n borrow ed m o n ey ; 9. Yo u canno t acl!.ool& Wld expenditures.
------------------------------[ Thoae w ho argue for federal
Form•~ th• N.wport·Ballxlm. New1-T1im1
an<t U'le Nnrrport·Ba.lboa Pru.1
A Dept•~We !-*' fD1UtuUon tor 0-.r Forty l'ean
Dlltred u S.COnd-0.... Matter at the Po.tJrn ce In N'-wPQrt Bea.ch.
~lfomla under the Act ot M&l'\:.h 3, 1179.
Publllllled ft'flrJ MOD4&,r, W~y Mid F rlday by Ute
IW .....,_ Bl..-4.. NJ:WPO•T BUCH, CA.I.IF. Pb~ H.ubor 1118
~ &o ._......_ Lep.I No"'--a.cl AdvN"t.1-..e•t.IJ of All &11149
Bl'~ of.-...,.,._ OOart or o,...., o.. ta A.eU011 N.•· A.-11111
Jl.......,r Ollltwa!a News~ PubUaer"I A-111.Uoo
._._ N¥t-1 Edt1m1al A.Ji I ~·t.&oll •-ttt 91 0..-p C-ty N..,. l!kntee
WILLL\.ll A.. :w:osd, J:4ttor
ORMOND J:. ROtJNTREI:, Advt.rtl.11.n4" Di.actor
CJlA.RLU A. AJUlllTftONO. llitehaNCl&l Supertntendent
I U..aurrl:OH aATU1
Nawport llMllw N -•P.--. Tri·W~ly
Ill o .... .,. C:OU.ty, ..._oe per y~r; f.S.00 ••• mo11.: ••.IO o...w. ... a-. .. 0-•ly .1 ....... y-..
«id lll&O overlook or Ignore the
hl(h adm!nl11tni.Uve costs of Fed·
era\ aid plana. Much mon•y eu -
m arked for Federal aid to educa-
tion wou ld l!o. u.ed in a dml.nlatn.•
Uv. ~. and would nav1r b9ne-
tax lt!elf.
our control of the ac:hool.a mwit
be retained In local hand11 w here
the people may better guide tho
d..C.ln lea of their own children.
Grass Roots Opinion
happen if all the g overnme nt a.id Was k n ocked o u t e n -
. tirely? W ouJdn't eve rythin g-be in the aame position ?
Maybe y ou w ouldn't get a lo t o f things you a r c getting
now , but you w ou ldn't h a ve to be paying ou t m ost of
w hat you can make in governmen t t.axea e ither . Finally
you h ave t o pay f or everything that you get . T he gov-
e rnment o r th~ ste.te has nothing."
H O L L YWOOD, FLA .. HERALD . ..If union mem·
bership io made a cond ition of e m ploym ent. it i11 ter-
rify ing t o think of the pow e r t h e un ions would w ield t-
o v e r lhe w orke r himself. l.f h e refused to vote o r acl
Ir. a manne r p rescribed by the u n ion. it w ould be a
s imple matter to lift hia u nion c ard and t hwi m akf' it im ·
J'I08ffib k! fo r-the o fff'ndin l',; m c ml::N--r t o obt1tin w ork any-
MOTHER NATtJRE -Girt. above point out .cores
o f t iny Coult l'r Pin(' sttdlings b untin g into growth
in a.sh-covered soil, ahowing h ow Mo ther Nat ure S('lJJ
h <'r rorces to w o rk to hC'a.1. protect cou n t ry h illsKieti.
·r tnH 18 pictor ial proof certa.Ln hni1>h oount..ry pla.ntM
s t.art ~rowing franticaUy after a f ire.
IAMlniON BURN -Made fa m ous in national maga-
zines, aa It looks t oday st.l.rting n ear Ortega Hig hway
above Lake Elaino r.:-. this apreads into O r ange Olunt y.
B lack('ned Coulter P ines arc grim 11ke leton reminden
of man's carelcssne!l...<> w ith fire . -H o race Parke r
P h otos
Farn1er McC abe Writes •••
W e ll ~ Well ! see t h e S tate haa j u11t flniahed
making mapt1 sho"'·ing w here Fi11 hennen ca n ca.tcb the
m09t f it1h at various t1mee: of t h r yea r . Unde f'tlltand
tht>y al~o tell you the beat Bait to use now if
they'd o nly t h r ov.· 1n some real good Fish Stori~a
w hy their i..crv1c" ud be c om p lf't('.
F'armeT &i cCabc
l &JJ. 111.bLI reaenedJ
--·· __ .., __ --------·--
.. -lndl Harrie" C.tme ... Laop .....
~·"MMl:..Jl~V ... ~.
NS) -ColM throurb perform-
a.n c• by all ...,ID members of. the
VuUertom. Hlp. vuatty er-coun·
ttY 1tquad,...p¥9 tM ~ U\elr
r1 ... t a uNitt i...sue dwnptonati.IP
Ttiunda)' u thc!y captared UM
Leq'ue M-t Ure.
own OOW'M 1'9COrd qt t :OO.
N-.1, Jn faet. ran maGMt 10 MC·
~ tuter ~ bad u.1 at the
top men of ~CD' whesi,a porUon
of the CU' ch&mplanahlps .... run
on th• OU.n' coone 1D December.
J'Ullertoft'• IArr1 A.rrOUN t\n•
lahed meccmd wtt.h the 'hn' RID
Ptn third. RlehU'd Healy ol Ban·
ta AM .ran toudlt.. wtth the In·
d1.au' Ron 'l'obtn flA1&l.n.C' t\tth.
N.-wport woe the j\lnkJr .,.,..ity
cruwn. tbetr fourth n ,..,ip.L Bob
V&11 Slckle WOil tJ1e ra.oe tn t ;40.7 .
Co;i.dt J im BaBh.'1 victoriou.
team ~ w:IUl a Ww econ ot
88 ))Qf.l\.. J"oUowUll' clOMI)' l.n -.C·
onll ...,t wu defending" c hampion
Newpo11. "Ha.rtior wlU1 43 point.a.
Tile renialnd.er 0( I.he Neid waa
.-trunC .out W"lth ~ weU c;rver
10\l .a.ch. 1------------
L'O>JA.NB 8001lE
Every OO• ot l..he Vul.le.rton tun·
ner1 played a vital pa.rt in lh•
Br1.vH1' victory u iUl sevl'n pla.ced
a mol'I( the top 18 In thl' ra.c:e.
Sotno 49 l"'\ID.Mnl rrorn the seven
ieaxue echooll competed.
Pels, Br1ins
Battle for 1st
Place Tuesday
Th• Pelllca.na and Broln• r•·
mained In an undefeated dt•d·
ro...t Q. 8mllb h . olf lido
W., O"WMt of Clock a.tau--.. 7.,.. .... ~"$Ma~ .... 0::...0 -
In WbllU.., maid t1Da1 dec:tak:la.
CID. X&IJoD&l BtelrM.l:wJI ....
Jill• Wllb ' ttucb1M m&1 b9
cs.c&d-4 In mld-Aprll.
"'Ckw!Un.c ol lhe trancblM
appean to depend upon two
point&," lhnit.b \old Ui. N_...
PNM. ''Oon.tructlon of th•
•JI0'1JI arena I.ft Expo.IUon
Park aad poutblllty of lining
up • fl'"aachl.e ID Bui Fran·
clmco to ma.ke economlCIJ or
the Weat cout J,rlp f-..lble
for lh• profw!oMJ. qWnt.etll."
Bm.tth bopa to purchue Uie.
pro baaketb&ll tranchlM In
LOii Anireleit..
llOR~AGE-CRAEt-~ ----·
··-··Gata-~r·llow ~ .. tu., 1
Crown Chances by 54 SO Lou
G<>ing into the fourth qua.rt.er with an 8 polnt lead. the
Newport Harbor High School Sailore apparently blew their
chances for a Sun&et Lengue cage crown in Sa.nt'.a Ana Fri-
day nigbt when the defensive Sa.int.a suddenly became 1COr-
lng maniac11. • ·
The Saint• dunl:~ 111 J>O!nts O..p ~ qa!n.. hoed by ~
-.gs'r\ll 8 tor Ult Tsr11 to Jt"lld!oc:k ~fll'I, Eddie Pope and 0.,,. ONillll.
the fr.y at end ot N'lfULl.Uon t!int ~-~ ~ 18 "J'O&l& ta 16 flDr ' ........... ......a. a..t wt\111 the fin
then tueked H away 64·00 in over-I dunked 14 of 2t1 rttt t...es tor f1o1
tlmt-play. !..("WI nf Lhe ('(M'lt•llt gav .. per cent., the Sainte were nftlln
the Newpurttr• & 4-3 loop niark. 23 of H tor aa am&Sinl M ~~
I l ...,.. • .,n&.11.tlon.J rre., throw o.:ent.
T o w· ""'ork by Cro~ W 1nlt'r wtnch rn-The local l&da .tarted out to Win Ins abled lhe s.ini.-to knot the reg · nUe a nm-away ol the fray.
ular Kame al 4!1·•11. He 11U1k 13 They led 10·9 at th• end of th.
g1ft .not• arid «illecled 17 mark-rtnt Jlt!rlod, then fODlped lnto a
fo E • t ... all told for pme high bunur11 26.l~ hlLltttme m&J'(tn. t t wu lt.IU r ns1gn Capt. Mike l m111el-.,, the r1v11.J11 1 ln f11.vor of the Qobm at ~d of the
overUme hf'ro. howf'Ver. H,. hit i third 11.anu., JA-30 . ..Ilt.. eeortnr
fnr '4 trom the foul JI™' rur th" n.tndown
Ou..r mec:Mnb *" J't0?01
trained i11 the llW °' .... haorJ-tJ~ too.It. ,.,..,. _i 1•-pl.IQ,,_ ow .....
-.ck. lllfwi°' )"OU ol .tr • u. maillfftl.&OC9 ... ,...r
pie.it won: oo JCMll" owe• a 4
mocor. 1oo1r• .. fot • ...,1
S.·HonU' W e ltn. .._ 111 ,
pric:a )"OU1.I •ppt"K:Wt!L
Sowll Coast Co.
Newport lllvd. a.t Z3N !It.
Harbor %600 lnd1vtd11al bonor1 went lo the
Brave•' rreal dU.umce m ... n. Grady
Nell.I. Nea.I tin~ fir•t In the re·
curd-breaking time ot !:~9 8 Q.$ he
·~nit,. hbtfth1tton ... .,,j:t-n 4' 11upJ°
pu ... ·dly-uivlnc1 ble ulne-mu1ut..e bar-
~~., (':"". (~$ ni-r· ltL !¥'"bot -Cage ·fi ' -· -" w1nn1n, !Dlt~I\. Beil t h.-C:ol.e Hoya' Club 11 & rrade tnlra.rnura! ves l'''luldlJ0 ·~·h~"t'hf'"'t:°f'f'pl!'V;..r1•"11f'.-' L.Ar~~(~.-l,ot-la-~r.'9!J.f
b&aketbaU h•agu" 1'ueaJ11.y Ne..:l ,,.Jl\Jl•'IY d<,wn wa• It p1:1.Jr •>f fi,hl 12, T'rrr Ha!J. one citt, I, Ceurre •
:°'lf'l\.l 5 effort •niutu~d lh" Siin-.,., . .,.,k. tbt' l wu hSVI' 11 out onr e gu•l• by i·~ul !...< ... ~ti.en ~Ian.-,. on,. !r"'"I 2; Tom Houston .
set l.e""''e 111-t --pd ,
0 10
' !l.nd for sll whl!n they cl&eh In C•iach Nomi Stl!\well"ll H ora...,. I"'" .l(, .. c1-!Hl!f i.;1ft11. 8. Po~ f•Hlr --..,... ·~-· n r Tt1~ tr.-<" lhrOwl "''°"' ""'hill Mt lit.St Y"•r by Newport • La.-ry '1 h:fh e:11.ru~7k r,'"',,' 'P ! llv•r l EM11<,'"n vLnllty ...nd lightwe1rnt duwnao.J Oie 11uy11 ,,r i ·,,..~r, J ul.,. ~<111!11 t""" i.;•ft« lO. Larry Ho.rp<'r
1'11..stro. 11.11c"I ll a lllO Dt'tter"d ."<ea.J's 1" w~" 11" e ! ruu .. , quintet• r umped to 011e-1uled vu:. 111" gc>AJ. 2 l•ttv" Tatr!llr~ iw<>•-Your Al1vtrtl1nng Dollar• So
the Tut b•-~•. ""''.nle t n .. ~ru1n1 tonoi. tn Ji.'nJit"n g)'nl Thut"*.lay to!-\ • i.:••11le. un .. rdT, ~ <:r.-<"n f.,1.Jt farther. do niore ""11 me re. w hen
bro1..iu.u pasttru.\\h1r1w1!\l.liJt -22 tenio.:in with 01"11.11 re c ounty •::le·l J d Remai"n i;·,•l1 1 ..... , Klt t11 10. >·uu a d\'f'rt11e in uu, paPf"r -Pl.RATED LAY-Lll'-Don 111neon mak~s a. fast break
score for Orange Coa.st College in recl'lll Eaatern Con·
fert'nrf' fnty A tPAn1mat1· 1:1~.-t it up by st ealing the ball
from an oppont'nl. a favorite Bue. tnck. M1111son tiN:i
with f_\enny J."1tzpat11ck for IOcal high score aga1nat
Rivenide. -St.11.ff l'hotu
Otn~r re.ult!! toUI1 d UI• Huunou. menlJl.ry School ba..lkelball Le•.-ue n 1ans 1r--------"'"'---------'------"'°""'"'"'"'1
edctng \.he Na.nntl!• 31-M and th• wtn• ove 1'\l.rtln Junl Rl<h I
Orang€' CoaHl College's rash young Buc11 led all the
way at Rivcnudc l'~r1day night t o tuck away their fourth
cvnquest or the EaHtern Conference season. 64-58. The tri-
1.1m1•h allowOO the ·Mesa.men to pick up ground on second
µlace Fullerton who was upset 7()..65 by the suddenly mean
f\-l 11untit..'8 from r..i:t. San A.ntonio.
C-1111.t·h Stu lnrnan'• <:h&.rge• tan· 11111.r'l employetJ Jeddy Y01.1ng In Ule
'fl'" gl" "'wl tr'!' "ih .. ' ~((hi '"~ o;:e1'C.1&. pM&..to...-1~ Ji:.r; \1fl.ll HOJU-h~t'l' next .f'"rld1y night 11.11d f!gure Jeddy dwikt'd 6 points. •nd 1.llml n
nn tl<>KglnK th" 1nvaJer11 to ,i.:111n pl.IU'll to ~onllnue Young In tht'
1··''"ngo• tor fl first rN.JnJ loM on po•lt1on.
\hr fnrf'l(TI floor. A fa.nt11.11tlc aecond halt J1Cor1ng
l~th tile Nl-Wp<)rt H 11rbor
ll 1ih School &nd O~e-e l'otUl
• 'vlltre qulntelJI dt"&w b)'~ ln
lce.gu.e play tumurruw 1ughL
1-... cll h11 v11 11m1lar n eon.111 o(
l11ur w1 n•. tht"M de.teat• in c1 r:
t'Ull play.
Overall marks &how I.hat tho
~:e.st.el"1) .CIMlfettnce Pirate.
l}O,&d. a 1:1.-!I ~ n!eOrd
""n!le th• 8Ul'IMt 1..itaci.i .. Sall·
nr~ h•ve an even 10--10 1pllt.
Both ..qu•<t. take Of\ Fullerton
'"'"~ In tile JlarOOr •res. i:.·ri-
.1 .. y
Gift .. T O.J$,e.s
Give Tar JV
Win Margin
\~'!ldC•~ cllilwllli; lha ~u 11:ar• r OT • Al 0 0 L i6·:IB. 'l'ILJly 11n .... 1 • The En1!1('1'• undett."'tl.Vd Vll.fJl t)' 1ve In oop; I l'f:L.."i PtfTr::ST .quiu! cLn1ttw:r!"d TWl\Jn 119· 10 ""h!le
r r111c11.11J1 Hob !\'urn• 42, Den· the E:rungn·, s · .. ru-11ow e<1 Wllh • Defeat Oran ge
n1.11 L'.ar?"n l•r 2i, LJLCic Pettit . 33-i triumph.
! Tom Olllina.n and Denni.I Mr Mil· .... l!:.XT JU\'ALJ:i Turn ' 1•11 d•t,,u/1 T .. r~ Hvolger \\'aUOn
ti. J im !\'orrid 2. Roy IknnetL 13
I HHt~hol.il E1I H uot\ "J"J, Grej!'.
S1111 th ii, 1...&D1 L&<tw11 6 Nan-
n1c11 Lyn Gavin 111 llllruLd \'tthl-
wcll ll, J orn C.'urt111 1:1.
\\.lhlea\JI Bn•n UPw111 26. Gene
f'aJ11rcrr1 12, Gary .S< honf'I\ !I,
Gary ~!a~er 2. l 'nlllfllr•. J.>enn111
Perrin J~. \l.toudy l:lrook~ 12.
Rewk , ... ._rrwn. &b Mor111.n aud
J1n1 Vermilya ~-
?tkl.'JN8 MP':.\:'\"
Brulrui: Tom Bryan 22. Dave
ROll80 JO, 8111 l'~ttit 2. Whlrl-
Wlr'J<lll . Terry McWrthy l!I, M!kt'
Patrick t , Tom W.-;o.lnr.h 2
• ~lV..lnfl~9 : ·n r.ftnl: -"P'i1bhn•
4-0 . W1Jdeat1 3-1; \\'lllrlwlndl
12-2. N11nn1e11, Hot.al'l-.l11 1-3, Cou·
gar11 1)-• Gar.ell ne•l w~k
J1ru1n11 ''S. Pe111 ca n•: Cougani. ~"
\\'h1rlwlnd~; Wllrlc11.t11 va. l-lol-
11holll : NannLe11 ""-Tar&
l 'omorrow at '.t 15 p.nL tile Hor· aee £rui!gn ai.1.,,... ~.., ag-a.trat in,.: in Ulf'1r lvl• f./\111111 U! lh,. •"
IC-.<e.rett Rt'& Sf."'.hoei! on thf' C'oeta ll.J" <tr-•O. Jo\lllertuu • iouJl~l•
MeM court in • pnu:tlee ouUnl( I kl'pt .. Jive Ui• Ir hllpo!R f.,r tt bo'rU!
At 2.30 p ni Thunldt1y . En•t).,'n re-•n U1e C IF pl11yvf!.'I .. _1th a 56-;j.!
tum11 to l~e c I) mp,. t l t 1 0 0 ¥11·tnry ovotr Urll-lli<" I-ndil.y 1u o:h~
&plDRL AJamt'd&e School heN' ID U\o· F\111.-rt .. n ll'.)"111
P11.ced by potent pl\'Ol Df'nny ( 1r1tnxe. JU.~l 11n eight·1,.,1nt lOMr
Po.t, Ul'° E:fll!IVJ \'(U'"9llfl plWd up l lO U H:: 1'r1!J., Ill ihf'lr f1r11l C:Dij:llf{C:·
11. 3-0·0 lf'lld over bapl"'u Tustin bl'· m~n 1. "'11..:> nu nt11tf h f.,r c .__rh
fore Ul!i rival.I coonectet.1 for 11 J•>l'\n Vultnl1nu I\ <1<1u11..1 thl• Urnr
ff"t't throw: Httl/Ume tally !11.\'t•n>d aud ""• !l"'"'·r r .. a.IJy in lhe ll'Llnl"
I.he wlnruir11 30-1. .ti.er the rl111t <JU>U"lf'r
\JndoubtM!ly th" k .. y '" th~
The Nl'wport B '9 ruahe1! ahead
?~ · trecu. :ru.tla'a J.18w.Ng.l;t.!
cut the eDn1•. JntennlsJ on •eor-e
favored the llXLLll 17-4.
81"11.''~ 11 \l<lury WR~ ll\,.1 r llK hl
r1 .. r .. ni..,. \'11.l,.nt1nn·s ,..g.·r~ Jur nf"'d
-.!. ~fl ~.cl&.' ~ iH.d. Olll ~ to
&I',. (Jr!Ulfl'" C'<>ITI " w1th1n ,.,.,.!, 1•nlfit1 I
n1·11.r tht r nrl nf the: rln•t Jl<"rllX'I.
Anothf'r ~'K 11\"''l'ht p .. 1nt11 l•I l'>fl-
f'n th,. .,..r1,1nt1 l'fll.ntll i.;l\Vf' Th<'
Tt"\b" a <'<rrnf •irt11.hle 18·11) Jr11ol
Hot foul' line pHchlng by Jerry
A., 11~1111.L. C1·nll'r J ~rry Dutker llPl'l!il by the M ount!OI enabled
,,r th•· T 1i; .. r• to pped ~1111lt .'l(;llrtr• them to pull \.he Eutern Conter-
"l H1•enilde with 26 poinlll. BuL ~nre upattl or the 11MIQf\ to d ate
with I 1.-nny r1Upetrtck and Don •hen lhay cll.I'lle from behind a 42-
,\l lna<>n k•·,,p1nr bl.I.II)' putlln& li 26 lnUnni.IJ!l1<)fl Jr'Jar(in to tdge
11111rkt'f'I ""ch , the Plral~• wen• i'ullert.on 70~. The Mount!e1·
n,.,.~r 1n tniuble. The loeel l&d•j Dave Pitre• took hil'!' point hon·
le•I al h11.lfU1n11 31)-28. I or. w!lh 25. 19 coming in \.he Iott·
K,.mper &lld Bob AUen •perked s fl s k
C-Oo<h JW.. 0.f''o N•wpo'< Hac·1 ea eas un
En1lrn v11r•!ty'1 111..Lly iJie('t·
POllt 18. &be N iemiec 8 Tom
Stev•.IUI 4, Bill Champion. Don
Swanson. Rlch \Vo,.doTI 'm'lr J im
f'redr1CIOll. 2 ea.:h; B ill ).feC&rthy
Enal,(n B marksman : Sttve He11-
rot1n ~. 8tf'Ve La.gerlot 8. B!IJ
Twi..t II. Tom M11rkharn ~. f<,.n!
Jlod..-on, \\'&yne r ..... uvan 11-nd Jeff
l'C'l(' l..on~ 11n111::1e<l t 11p hunor•
with 13 p .. lnts Hank A8hb•u&h
1eor""l 11 f.,r th•· 11' l1IHU1, •µ•i k ·
!ln1 Ill thf' rree lhr<>w ILne. "Sur" I'll Get DTu'e4 if W r'r• Oo("g 0 11! To , • ,.
Jnt11c.a Livf' of things to roma , In-ood half.
--The Bue"s tally 11heet aga..ln•t
R.lvenlde: J."'tt%p11ln• k 1.nJ Mui.eon.
14 ; D•"e Bldnick :l SIU Wetul I l.
&b Chapman &nd Young, 6 , T ed
routU; 2.
bor ju1tl.or vu•Hy qu.lnt..t to a ac>-
38 victory ovc:r Santa Ana F r\d11y f 4th L
ni(hl. It -. the rlt'Ul S unAet Le11.-or oop
fU" trluniph ag•in11l t wo !Del•• for
.,,. T•, '""'0~· Loss of Se a son Kf'mper and Allen de&dlockt'<l
Ci.a....., 2 eol.4·h . I;::;;;;=..;;...====""
JLn1 l'i l<"l{,.r ll·<i th.i Panthf'nl,
""•tlh 12 s~,int" Tn1111Jrrow th,. In·
dla.111 pi.y hl"ll.t lo An&hf'lm, then
clu.h J.'ntl.., .... ·nh x~wporL
~ Tar Splashers
Place 1n Meet·
for Gob hl(h !!Cure hOflors. Eft~h
colltt"t~ l 1 polnl.ll during the fray.
Kemper hll for Oflly on" field
goal. but poltt'd nine frt'e thruw.11
Allen ratted t hrf'e i CMlLI anll riv.;-
frM tbrow11.
surf .. rln11: th<'1r rourth Sun.Ht
Ua.1r11e ~ .. tback ot the 11e'-'l0n.
('<>11.,·h Bill Straw'• Newport Har-
bor Hi~h 81'hoo,L Hf'a.J'le11.a dropped
a 29-26 d"cl11l on tv th<' S11.nt• Ana
Smootll 8&1lln1C
o.homf'-.F orWD RP..itr Co.
!:StS \\'. Coa11t RlJb1''aJ
L1hforty 8-1:\ft
soum COAST co.
?!rd & Ne\O'port. m,·d.
1 llh .t C'.o&At Hwy. Newport Beocb
l"oar h Al I rwin·~ vfl.Nlll)" 11Wlm-
n1•·r11 frin11 :"rwpo..•rt Harbor t-l!gh
S1•h<)Ol , apture<J two tourth~ ttnd
11 t •fth in the. Lynwoo<I fteh1y11 Fn-
•Llly. Thi' l<K.,ll 11pl11s her11 brought
1>11ck word Lht1 t P'ullerl.on \1 load-
~\ t.o1·, S1,111&~\..-l:<'"..J''~ -~~k con~
pft 1tlon th18 llqu11. r••IUIOn.
Elks Plan
Cage Fete
Santa Ana·• r.unltr WJUI ga.ml'
high eco~r wlth 16 po!nUI on 11lx
goal• and !our rree throwa. How-
ever, the Tani .-.nk 16 goll.!11 to I~
tor lh11 8a.11h1. Ana J V•. Sig mJlr·
1 tn came on lt1 .. gift t~. the
1at·a r· Ja!tw cot"'!1tng l'3 or' 3'&' l'Ot" to
per tent whH~ SILnla Ana got 8
o( n for 36 l>''r l'enl
(JyweiJ{hl& in S•llor gyrn Thur11-
1ay 11.ft .. rnoon.
The local lll<L'I can1e trom be:·
hind ln the IMt qu11.rter tn grab "
26-2~ lead t""·o m!nute11 bf'tore rln·
tL.J b~r bl.It wer11 un11.bh1 to huhl
lt . Ha.ltllme 11t'ore r11.vol't'd the rl-
v&M, i r1·l4.--
A Harbor a~a bll.lketb11.ll b&.n-1·nr N•·wporl r .. urth1 came i n th~ rour n111n 10<1 1neter tr.-eatylll quet ror Nfwport. Aarbor UnLor'J
'""' tht' r .. ur mar1 r.O n1Plt'r bre&10t-Hlgh Sl'huol (;11gers llJld 1h~ at
~1 rnk" "''•·nt1. u11d th" firth in Lht Orange Coa.st Colleg" will b,• hrhl
tour n111 n :"10 n .-ter hutl<·rfly I 11l Xr,.,·port Harbor Elka Lodge 11.t
sw1n1rntnR 1ree11tyle ror thr Tar.s
Local it<:unnK Don B.ebM 8,
!<r1nper 11. J•·ff Smith ! Bob Vil-
lal(rlln>I l'l , .l•n• 13.;-nto 7, Stan
Sehoneii 8 11.nll A lten 11.
c .:nter Charlie Taylor .-.r the
s .. afleu w~ pmo high •cnr»r
""'1\h 10 points. Oth,:,r loc;al lll.l -
!ier10: G11ry P icken• 6, R11.y SllJl-
chP% 4, John 1-~onUu•. Jim Jewell
a.ntl Mike H11.ye1. 2 ea.ch. ----were Te•l V,>n. Hf'nll"Tl , B1U '-11119. 6.JO P 111· M arch I. ~~: ~~=:;~~~r~~~ ~:YH:~l~:gt:~ a::.t'!o~l~le:e A~:::\::; :it~ TARBABES ALMOST BLOW GO
r ,_,.-cl of !'11 111 !>-111.nu. Ron i t.anding player• on the qulntel.8
1 . e; J11.(k Buck and J "TTY '"'~~,,~" ,:~: .. ~;~;:-·~;,:·:: ;,~:,~::~~"";:, ·;: ,'::;," .. :' J Bo~!nn~~~! !~ ~I~ .~~"!~~ .. S." ""
SI h WO · s -th t I e&.!!y 1!·8 flr11t quarter lead al· goab and lhn•e gift too11es. &:nr-as In Wa 0 mo.t led Coach J ln1 Miiier'• New-ing n.indov.-n !or th!> local lt1.d11 .
port Harbor HlKh ~1;hool Tu"bflbe11 White, five go11l11. 10, J im '-lul-
lo blow & 1urpn~!ngly clo.i' 57-fle
• 1,ft:r\ Harbor Boys' 7th Loop :~~7:~;1~~; ~ .. ms~i:~~ ~~~ ~1e;~ ;:i.~01~·: ~~h~7::: ~~,~n;~:;~ -~~J noon . ...lfhe victory pve Miller'• 'reni, three eoale. 6 : Thompaon.
• nen their lli"th 8urutet Le.,.ue fiVll go&.la, two gifts, 12: Dick
caa-• pine of Uie ..a.on qall\lt Mora.I". Dile ('Oil.I, 2; Bob Hender-f ~1'' ~11.b"r" 11l,.,11he<I their ""''Y
, ,;., rhor A<i~·_..· Club 1evt nth
, 1n1•·1'1n\ur111 ))ll ~kr!ball le11.-
~·· ~ /,lo111l!ty Wllh • 50-2tl victory
'" 1 th .. .-..rl"!! to maintain •n un-
ri •,. 1 ~-0 recc<rU
HnJ1kie11 : Hal Knlfhten 7 . !!lpl·
der .s: J!111 Patte.-.on 8, ftlch11.rd
\Vllll11.m11 2. Gene La.Perlf '·
Cats; Tuny C&.911 1&11 12, J oe
Leal ll: Butch VLney11rd 6
Ch11rlf'y Torre• 8. P1U1qu1I Rn& 4.
& lone lo.• to Anaheim. •hot, one eo-J, 2.
Tt>e SaJnUrU! out.cored the 1oc:..1 \ j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
.'I• a nth1i.:, l~.11 Hu11kLt'11 and Mules: Tom Spooner 8. Freel Mc·
~I 'ell 101n,.,1 thr Apes Ui I.akin&' Qa v,..., I , ftuuell Rapp 2. John
1.1·1r f irst LOii~• of the --an., Covaull 4. Clint McDonald 10.
ladA 17 -10 In the 11eOOnd. period., to
cul Ui• Newport lead to 28-23,
Ulm f'M.]ly puurOO It on the Tar-
b&l>M 21·14 In \lie thlrd 1tani.a ln
.-ume a 44-42 marrtn. ~
Thi" HuwkLe1 looked weak while
•h rirpln,:: w 12-7 b11.ttle to th<" Spl-
•lt<r~. 11.n<I lhf' ~lule!I wrren"I !ltub-
h.,tn tllOU,l:h '" .... ·tth."llln•I " ~2-:10
.1 .. r ... at by 1he rle,·r 1· , .. 1. ..
Other rt!lult... found lhf' Bull a
b"Uerinl; the A nteln~• 30-20
•nil th,. l'&nthar• &oln1 1<bfi.olut.>-
1, "'·i!~ fo1 11 \03·20 trllmpllng ,,r
l h" Ant.11 Thi• l11 tt,.r "''1' the
hla:hr."! Clllf' !K"Orf' rerordt'd In
!ht' Harbor 11r,.11".thla lll!ll.•<>n 1111
Ron r11.l11ferTI poll"f'I 32 point:.
thn1ugh tM hoop•, lrailetl by
tf'l1mn11t.lf'11 f)f'nnl~ M1•F'11rh1.nrl
"·Ith 2."t. l)an Kerr with 20, Han-
dv H11.nvell .,.,-Ith 18. •ntl H1ch"rd
t-i11rrl1J with 8
~rortng for t hf' Ant• werf' Pat
Hill and M1kf' t{erman "'1th 8
"11 ch and Ray Wlrta. With 4. 0 th·
er loop 11c:orlns;·
S11be". Nit!l Mc Miilan l!I . t.A"e
ttamOl!I IO. 8111 Scott 10. !!ltel"f'
Hullt•l"r i . Ajlf'll: Danny Arnold
11. Ben Que.,ner tJ, R on Huche11
" Bul111 : Glenn Oardn.M' 11, Roo
nurhan11n A, OOI'\ 11'11J1: 2. P'tlul
~ollfr :I, Jo.tin Brockma.n 4 /Ul-
lelo J.>CI T f>m All"n 4 1'11111 ~!11rn
!. J1m Ch&mti>mrlaln I , P111U A.n·
, hf•/\)' 1.
~ by Bob Wlltte. Rich P11.la-
Slandlng11 S11ber11 4·0; H u !!lk· fer ri fUld. Bild Thompeon, Nev.·port
lee. Apes and Muln l -1; Oull11 r!lllltd to r'J&b the finA.I canto 1~·12
and Cal!t 2-2. Panthf'ra, Spiders a.11d at&ah 11.way the heart-etopper.
11nd Anleloprs 1-3. and Ant11 0-i Cr n\er R11.y11. ot 8e.nt& Anti. nab·
Ntxl week'• 11:amf'I: Bulle v1 bed Jl'&ITle high IOOnl hooore with
Panther11: Sabe"' 1••. Mt1lt'11. Apes 117 ;oint.. h!tUng tor .teven f ield
''" Antelope.11 , Cat!I vi'-Hu•k1ee ('O&l5 and three free Ulruw9. Top9
1!.lld Ant.!l 1·11 Spid,.r~. tor the Tll.rbabel wu J im Scho1u11
F. & Son C~berlain
To f1T"Olt>et your properly and · room that l!I mOtJt WIUl\lll.I an<\
prnmolf' the 1111.!ety nf your \t!vlld 11.llractlve when" cooat.ructf'd by on"~ why not inVf'"I In 11 l{ood U\la outatand!ns firm. Try them for pallo• a.11d pe.Uo edvtrlni•·
fence. Al the Ch11.1nberl1.1n Com -'Mle won: 111 done by highly ekHl-
pAny you r11n ftnd .... ,.ry type o f ...t workme.n and I.he materi11I~
rencinll n111teri11.l11 that •re on the 11.r,., of t he highest qu11.llly.
'market. They c11.n de11trn and Tbe pnc:e.1 a re ~ble &nd
ron•trtlct • rime• that is 1111lt..abl• you cM get ttnanelnr w1lh low
to your houae a.11d prnprrty. nionthly p11.ymenL,. Dolnl{ bust·
Locatf'd at 388 F. 17th. Cn1ta n"H wtth thi11 firm \1 a plell.Mlrt.
1 Meaa. Ph. U 8-3301 ~ r all t.n tor you k.l"l'tl'W w~n the job 11" th~!r ohiee11 will hriflll A repre-Lamplete that the fence, <'fl.~ I
.enlatl'nl 11.1 your honi• or otfk'• or .,-Uo that they han bu.ill ll
to Ji"' you a fr"• t"1tlmate ori rood fot many )'•f"ll of ~·
the ftne• of your f'hote.-. bM iterY\fle. 8Wllh e"8 llnru &11d
"Brakf'11 """' m.t JW.111 1111 I
l<lto I/Ml Jin.t·JK1-i>11i11g CTt:lti,"
DtH1't Run 11110 TnK!Mf' ...
S-I '1 Tllday fnr
ffra.lc• ~rvlf'<e
& L
!!001 Ntwpol't Bh·d.
Newport Bacb
Harbor 464')6
°Tl'e Ctn1.m~a1n t~., ar,. lroltd• tnduatrt•I CGi..pan1 .. wUI do well
er1 of qu•hly. They 1"111 help b -lhf'm concerninc neederl
ynu 11rr•n1t." fnr th" 1111hlltlonal rnn1tn1ct1nn . The!OI! arft the ~111-
rou111 )OO 1111•,I f111 ,>•1111 /ionle In on1 "''" rt"·on1met1d th<'m lo yo11
Ui• furm o! a <11h11na, "' rumpw !1n our bus1nf'.u '""'"w -""v, IL--------------'
A.ND "TURBO-fllt!: ..
EvenJ things yours in Chevrolet ...
-~"""" S-oo<ll -...H-0-.. , ...... ,..,._... ~
All h•""' di•.cl0.-1 .,,..-.... .-.......~Ill.
'lb..e f eatures maTk Chevrolet tope In value, all
rt(fhl · and moat of them make Chevy Hvelier, aafer "and ~ Jot more fun to dri•e! Come in and see!
700 W. Coast Hwy.
J 't".
' ' '
' .
l .
l j
l • • • ' i ' i
' i
MCHD'"', ~UARY '· 1956 T oday's N . Y.
Stock Report
ClilnglJ9\t by B. c . o..moe. n.t.tl
Witter Co .. Banta An& -Tbe mar-
ket opentld Oii • l'\T~)A_r.
•JJIOGM to the USU&! ula'Uon
)I lnY•Un•nl orden over the wwk-
T-'lf{~ a~fr,jDp
wu t.empor..rlly ch.I.lied by week'-
-4 n-• l"ood aupport lA t:YitJ<>nt
and there a.re aLgna of penaiate11t
accumullltJon ot quallly lauu. 'l'f\e
W ..t CO..t oil MCUcm la ft!'m and
tndlYldual llulu~ auch SI Unlnn
Oil and Richfield OU appear at-
81ncl&lr la ~g-•rd~ u e1JPf'Ci-
al!y Interesting'. alnee It 1' w1tbta
.... y mtrUdnf cliatance or 1t11 form-
er hl(h. ~ap!te dilution eamhiga
were very well malnl&lnl!d 1•1
)'Nr •t clllk to U per •hare. C'..on-
Unu«1 •leady rrowth -11• u.-
•UN!<I and lht1 0 per cent yield
•v .. ~lable i• a bove Vie a verage In
thl• croup.
CaLerp\llar Tra ctor a nd lnler11a-
lional H•rYNler ~nect ex~
Uon.. that roe.d building &rid var-
1ou .. olher publle work• pn:iJecUi
will bring a conUnued large com-
rn•ntl tor con11trucllon f<LUlpment
ror the fo~11eeable future.
Jamu M.....an. Luc!lle Ball &nd Louil Cathern in .c .. n. from
'"P'orl'Vf'r Dllrlh1g," hll•rlou• rom .. dy nf a marnage mac1e 1n
h<'av.,n.. Dt>t1 Amlll. c011tani •11 Lucille'• devoted matt< with
M.aM:Ml phi.ylnjj: Gut1rdlan Angt:I rule f<'tlm wlll auu·t .. ~.,b 8
at Port Theatr".
Local Dri••r Booke d
for Drunk Drivi n9
D ..Udren • •pecl&lly
H"r. ~7!1
12--Trd lf'rM
·--·--.-... --
BARb~rt SllOPS
"l,l lJl.) :-·:t \ViNU N UO
h i Hldl\<•il'~ Ston. for Mrll':
14%8 \'bi l.ltl:i -H artlor Sts.l SI t>"T. lt ei5 KIT HOUSE TRAIL-
ER. 8 n10 old. rnodern. $2&.'\-0 u 8-7 1~7 12cai EzAUT\' P.4.RLOM
SHORE CLll' .... uururn. J.loat un-
Ul>O l"~l.n . ._. Of' 8P.A IJT1'
141~ Npt. lil\'d.. -Kar. 1611
1;:.Jo ;' (' \"'E u•u11! uppvrtucol!y lo l~ILM' fur ;;111, -,.,, 1 •• ,,., _ H•rioo' 41184 <1111• u r two veH r• IM'dUIHUI N•·v. I
Engl•nd ty(l4! tam1 hou11' CA.1\11~:: \S & Supplies
He:i,·y !htike r'O"f. h:gl': b.::arr.f<1 \'l:'.L t. \l' LIOU OHIJOS
ctt1hn.,;:.-7 r1rtp1.,,.8 Hug"" J..el \'i• 1..1.uo _ U..rbor liOI up~tll>fll bJrtn •tody w 1th I
~wrrp1n,o;: '.oc""'n v1e-.·11 Owner CARPl_,"f.S & 0"'-'PE KIES
"''U 1 .. 11R t•1 r"lt10blt r11rn1ly 11l Dlt:K .\IACh.EH
•ZM J}<'T m<>nl h H•r ~6."I SofZO \'la Lld._IWbor U:ul
67trc CATERlNU
Newport Beach poh<ce lll'reJ\"U __________ ..:;;;;;._...;;=I Rtt:UAt:u .i LIDO MAKK.r.:T
RuJUl<!ll! \\'1l11 a n1 Ba.nj,;ert, :111, uf II 1 $-&:Sll \I• lJ1.o -H•r!..,1r tM'lM
D ~I· I C ,T d,'1 Y
DIOll ... ,. .. un VIia I.Mee -......,..___
(l~ ... ~-.. iii'i
1ua W1au.-.......... _
W. ~o. BUOW., INO.
JtOO \Ila UH. -I...,._ 6"f
JILAH(ltU'J FUl.JUU&8UN .LLD. •••• v1a ,1.wo -..._ ....
OJ(:K. llACllE&
IUU \11• two -...,..... &la
OtJN CUY.IUHTON 4. L 0 . ~· lmpon.
MIO V .. Maiqa -~ 1111
fU()HA_H.0'8 UOO MAU.ft a•ss \'ta u o -..,.__ ,.. • REAL FBTATI!:
P . 1'. f'AJ.K&Jl INO..
SSSS •la Udo -~ IHI
\'()(i£L COM.PAN\'
S411 \'la 1.Jdu -Harilor foB11
\ la Udo Bridi• otnoe
3111 LILY•.Jelt. -H&rbor 14US
Ll l)O KEAL.Tl' A.~IATl&S
l.JLlo ~aJeoa A Re.nlah
SWO \'la Udo -Harbor "44
l . Schering Corporatwn h11ted fol·
lvwLna • ·~ I.:....._"''"'"!.~'"•'• r-
n1•rk11 while !'llorttf An1erlC"11
A V!All(on WL'I a1dW by <:OO("•rn ov .. r
Wally Fox in
t.f q_y~{ . L~~vin.g
Coroner Job
1,.,.'"ff ·;t<,,ya,.,.,J> ;,,~ oc1" r 1111ri;:,...."' Y,' • )/. .{i{l.J ~C; rtfi · •, ,-.; .,, .... •· r '"
or drunk dri\'lng 1olluwin" a nun· Oll i ' .... t!CI "f lt lo iln~-Chudren11 & lo_fants
,.~'tf\l1fONS ' '
' ..
SHE 'LL PLA Y NATIONALL Y the Hua11l11nM' prugre,.11 v.·!th I nter-
' unt1n"n\1aJ B11ll111Ur ltflull•·• Bo,.. Mona-RI\,-lU.rlr1w, Jf.l.y1•11r .. 1lrt '.'{,.,.,,....., .• lt.o t"t,.,r Hoi:h ~. 11 ... ,1 ,--ong-rr...!!pnn.!ed to rurtller <'Onlr•Cl
l:wo.n•I ~tu lent ha11 tic·•·tl '"'It:• l <«! !" p1.1v I· J ""' h ''"' n '" M K• ""'' ' ll"' krr1i lror 11 ,. 707
b•ncl Il l llll" jjifll•l(·r\ JLdJ1I"" ''''"•!111-•!1 •ii ti .• :'..:lllluro.d ,\I i<'•' V.'ith \ht: ,.arl)' tn\'e>rtn,,.nt !n-
eituratu1• in iii Lou111, A11nl 1.; Ir< L'lu1'"'' ·"'""'" """"' ·" f\ .ence or lh• wey, we look !or
llrurtor 111 llarbor High. "'Ill ,,·cun11>11.n)' ltle $0,1\tJ<"lll ('.,I, !>.II lncre.ulngl_y ~!..ct1ve ~k .. t
forn1& '-rHO d~leg•te Mon11·Rae "''II! be pt1rt of II 170-unit 111111·1 rn r th,. b.linre of tile •lay Dill'
Which W\JI &'Ive a ('<\11<.t"lt on ii:Lt'I Al>dl'••rllUll _ huni.,_ uf Ill•' :-,-,,11 ,.nlJy ir.pJl<f'&r !hi" li<!oat abl .. to
l..£11ua 1ymphony Shr haa Pl"l.l'JUlll}" p!nY<"•I 1n l ho> All-\\ ,.~l~•-n I t11uvlcle lt'lld"'"hop l n<l!Vl<hUo] la·
conference band anti Jn the <Jrcl1e•lt!I. a\ th<' C allfurn111 ,\f""' ,11,.~ 11urll ILi \hUILI" 111,.ntluned above
" Jt;UJ '~ UI' I.JOO vr traffic ll!l~f1np Ht V11a L1Ut1 and I-IQ:) ,, .. w1,.,rt Rh'd.
SA.'\'TA ANA IOCNSI n •. ·"'""'f><Of\ l'.llV•I ~l 9 I' ru ;~A.lil l • ,., ang .. l'u1111ty ! •efJ Corioner V.'altflr
L.. 1V.'ally 1 F u1t •6. of (Jr1<nge. a n· Ballj.:,.rt .. ll1>1;1:.Ji1· .-..,1 hi~ l'l•k
nounc .. d on Jan 2:. h,. I• le11 ving up \t\H k Ill(" " v .. 11,.•1,. •lt'l\cn h)'
hl1 pvat tn 111., c<ironer'a ottlce I Paol Ero g .. 1 19~7 Irvin.-Av.-
Feb 7 alter four )'<:AMI Oft lhe Job. CClllta Mesa_ Ot!lters .s.alll Ulat
CLOTJllNU -Men'11 lktall
Ill IJ\1 I.I.I.:.. :..Hl1I' I· Ill( .\ll . .'\
$~'!Ii \ 11< I f<I" -H•th<H tlitl~l'l
Cl JJ'l'l 11 :'\c;_\\'01nl'n 's I'•· tall
I I.." Hr.!~I". I
!.{)O \11 .\lallll;-llit.rbur ._,.,I .,
l.o/10 I \-.1l1U.,S
l\p_;\\'t'Ot<'r IJALBOA ~AfiTNCiS
&: WA_ • ._ ASSO(.;IATI0:-0
A &villi• lnatnuuon
l..on11: Tenn Hu1na Luana
3~86 \'la l.ldo -llarbur
~l'.'.U\ l t:f~ STATIONS
l.ll~t Jt lt:llFtt.l.J)
., ....
ll-&lll -'""l"•rt Klvti.-U. • .. .,
°'ll 4)t~" -Men's
• Educator1 convrr\\HJll ,\l un11 -lt11" •• thP ls ugnter •lf .\I r "'"J 1~ well IUI the~ f1ti•ored by \hf'
• __ M_~_. -"°-"_al_•_•_•_-_"_•_•_•0_•_._'_'_'_A_,_._.,_•_•_·• __ ,_·•_•_rf_P_ ... _'0 ______
n.,.,,11 will likely p ruvhlf' llp«taJty
FU• a•id ".1111 uppv11 un1ly Lili when B11ngf'rl """·~ 1t.>k<".t L<• t11k ..
gOu<l tv pi.... up •·1&n1e lllvng ·· ~le 11 •"bnelj t<:"l h .. lt'lu,....J "''\
LI ii;oinii; unu p11 vK!e bwun .. ae but I '"K l 11 ~l and i>n thr l1lth -,.,,,,_
dHI nut d111rl'"'" n11 cunneclJtH> rnandlll<"llt'
A pron11ne.nt 1111"n1ber ot lhe ::============== 3·11 11 '(JI. Hhd. -H•rbur !1671
;-..t '.1 •1 11,1 n.·:,
Hiii\\ 1,1.L'S ~Tiii<& t 'OH MJ:.'ll
!1 1 ~11 \ho IJdo -Harb<ir 0641!
• .
Fi~e Department to Acquire
1000-gallon Engine Soon
lklw...Jun ...
1<.l ln1l1111trl11!11
:!u Ra.Ila
I ~ UtUltiee
I p.m. \ olum .. ,
Am,.r1r an
1~91~ ott 07
~~6 up ,88
'°' '" "~
Elk.a LoJge, h,. 11 a charter r11en1 -
ber ot th• C•n1en Gn:i,•e Orl!'.&nlza·
lion 1-1,. 111 thr paat pre•ident or
the \\'11Jo.,,·1rk 1;u1 r Club and Or-
ange County E11q1loyeea Aa.......:1a-
Fo)I( can1e lo Or1.1111e County In
1943. He aerve.J fur I& year on lhe
Santa Ana pull<'<'! v1re 111.1uad l..11.ter
he tran.,f1•rre<! to the Shf'nff'1
department. He 11pent rive yt"a r1
A new IOOCI -.c•lloo-po>r-n11nute rl<'partment. 111•de tor th" ( 1ty 1 Anaconrtll
Cl~ A llre f'n;:tne ·-.·Ill ~ •Ir-rn11naii;er'a ofl•· e, BriKOfl ,..Id th<'! t;hry~ler "~ livered to lht Newport B'ach tire I eni:1ne hM a.Jr .. ady been oroltr>•tl DuPont
r.le partment e1trly thl11 y<'ar, 1\1.·-It will have 1t fo OO-gallon .,,.,.1 .. r G .. neral Elec-tnc 22'2'-t 1 _<n_'-"-'-'".'-'-'-"-'"-'-".o.".·------'6~
cording to H. J Bru1c•J•' f1n1 tank l'lnd 3~ t1"1t ladder. he '11«1 I (O<'nf'r•l Moto" .. , TH IEF TAKE S ONLY
ch1 .. t. Tutal rire l<11ae11 during till" (;ln1hi:I Bro. '" .., In the •nnual report nr 11ct1v\. ye11r a1nounttd to $27,487,80. tht I Great Northern R.!l.
Ue~ of the N.,-wport Ueach f1re report contlnu<.••I. Of th!a ~urn , :-iv An1erlca n Avl•UOn 83
_ ,.,.,.. __ ... ~·· 5-8616.30 w._. _ ul, dwellln.1. b111"l· :"" Y Centr.11J r--'-'--"-'---..:...:..:....:..:c:..;;1'rn{1~" On1t·· inr·in "merc1intl1e :viaj' t:b'. · "" .. 4~
" 33\
A thief with an eya for
... Tm4'Jh ,,,.~~ Of,. -w·n.-n •
valuapla teblt" !rum a 11ar ·
age ~t 600 l'uln11f'l tia St. rr-
c .. ntly, but forl(ot 1ta m a rble
top, owner Ha y n1 ood
Schwartz 1 n r or ni,. •I poll•'"
Friday . Schwartz ~•l va lue
of the table a l $~00. police
u ld.
To Serve y,,..
in 0..-A ....
PHONI HY. 4-1177
601 N,. C... le.I
_HY ..... I-II"
w HYKH!tfii J:-1196
buUding:a. Monter .. y Ull
Loa~• other~ tha.o bu1ld!n1;~ to--Sinc lair Oil
tall&d $111,M9.:!0. Tt\eae !orludM S•ff'way
a uto tlrta, Ill In number ; .. 1.,....1r1c Staodard OI! nf Calif.
moto'"', televl•lon ll't• 1<nd otner
appli.ance., welding torrhtll fur-
!'\,~ Pacific
Sn ('allt E<hllOn
l 'n1on OU ol C •Hf,
c• ~ 8tet"I
"' " '" " "1%
"~ .. ~
Bnecoe reported that " pm-
11:ran1 o( ht.orne fi re ..afel y 1n·
sprLt.OrH1 Wll.S 11.tarted on :''•:bv l
f &.11.J in the 111 ... 1 two rnonth,. of
tt1.. y~ar lhe u .. p .. rtrnent ma(I'
1207 SHfety rh•·r kll All c.t these
hl'lm tl'I' Wl'r-1! gi~·en ll f'Jr-e depart-
ment ,.m .. rxency tl"lephone num-
ber 11l1• ker
Salfrank H'°"in9
Postponed Week
on Robbery Rap
'Ole lltltiqu• table wu df'·
acrl.bed •• dark brown with
while C1U1ten T h" m•rble to p
WILll Lef t 1n thf' i:ara1:1•
Schwartz ~al•I he 11181 J'llW
the taBlf! a l 1 ,... 01. Ja<1. 2.!"..
and not1c""1 it rn11111101: 11 ! 4
p rn Jan. 2'7. ~t e r .. po11"d
lhe matter lo police 11 t ~ 2:, I The juruor tire drp11.rtment pro-
gr11m of rir" prt'11ent1«n wa11 11:1ven
tn :1(1(1 fifth J:ra<te ~tudtnl& ln
th" h">Ci.! 11-Chool11.
SA "TA AN 0C p. m. F'rld11y,
·• A I NS) -Ar·r---------------r11!1tnme_nt ot Jame• Aaron Sal· t-------------
frank, 2'3, of IM-0 Superior A ve.,
0>1Jll'l M ellll, on an armW robbery
charxe Tuellday wu conUnued a
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• • ON TY SEE •
'Thrt•e add1t1onKI m~n w~re add·
ed In t he depertn1enl, two ot
the 1nen helng a,is1gne•I to Engine
Nun1ber F our. D I Ua B . al Superior Court Judge Kenneth
ur ng yea.r, nKoto • !!:, Morrlll<ln, er-anted the conUn· THOMAS
tended a 3-day .chooL on oll and I uance to Jo'eb. 7 on requut of the
irllll fire flifhtlng: prfllff"nted by the Jefendllfll'• attome Lero An-
Sta~'/ Olvl.al~ of Fjre Traln_1':1i at ll•rao.i~ , y, y
Bakersfield and F ire MILI'ahal W.' S11lfrank ia alleged to have
C. Noller attended a ~-day oour.e hrlp.'d In th• holdup of the Sec·
In araon !nvl!1Ugatlon at UCL.A. rel ltarbor cockta.JI bar Oct. 30.
Mesa Optimist MHt
Coata MPIM OpUmLllt. wlll .tee
Don11lot Muckenth11ler Wll.8 t he
Vict1.,, The defend.Ant 111 in cu11-
a color film a l their meettnc ;=============;;;;
I Wedne8day Pvent111 11l Harbor
H oUM. R od Uppold L!. prog-ra.111
Anderson Car Hit
Mesa Allto Wreckers
u-a A ato Parts
.... d A -r t.e.
207 5 Plaeetltia Ave.
l.Jberty 8-1013 Coat.a Meu. •
Starring in
"l1y1r If t•e T1w1"
WetMescloy1 9t30 P .M.
Chcuutel 11 • KTIV
A Presentation by
,...,,.. ,..,,.,."',. -· Htt..-11 .... ,/MU..:'
• • • ... ~
• •
• •
• •
• •
• A hll-and-run dri\·et' darl\aged
th<' right n!ar fender of a car be-
' C'rr C I ;;::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;~==·;;·;·;·;·~·~·~·;;·;·;·;·~·~·~·;;·;·;·;·;·~·~·~·;, tong ng to I ord.. . Ai:_i~er.on,
1104 l'ark Ave_, a bout II p.m .
;;alurday, police were informed.
T llF. OkOA.'11 VOU CA~'ll
Come I• and f'roye
It ta y llllrWlf ......... .._,,... .. _ ..
..,V7U.-Bs 0 ..-..0rs-s-.-. ........
1110 PIANO a OR6.t..."'i STOU::
ft 't r TM• I~ AU ......
~" Orra-
IU !--6 l-&O
J 7t J Superioc' A •enue
eo.t. K-. Callt'.
Pboae l.lb9rtJ' 8-~121
S021J Jll. Qouot Blvd.
Corona del Mar, Ca.JU.
PbOIMI Barbor ,_2
the Richard -Beeson Company
landscape Desl911 and Canslnlctlon
....... e •·Me0·..... e lmtallaU-
.. NELS &rid ooc··
JILllCl'IUCAL OONTRA.OJ'ORS n-Llb<ert:J l-t1:18
11t IU......we Aven1111 N-~rt R<-a.:-h
230 30th St., Newport 8-dll Harbor Z5S3
Sll U t:.~. \\'O.M t:."
3 11 '! \,., l.hlu -Harbu1 ~77
\ AGAU0 .... 0 liUUSk:
l n.i.--•• ;e.J .Sf.ourl~R.r
:S-&'!6 \ ,,. IJ<iu -llarbo r t (M).I
UA."('L"(; -BaJlroom
Ill U ,'S Ut' ('AUt "OlL''LA
:i~ 10 \'!1 I.Id-IL" 0~~
f llt:ATl(f:,.-;
l.11.)() T Hl'..ATKf':
T"U•T occo• •OUOHT ..... 0 aoLO
"'·'1. 1>T1·0 1os
:l-1-"0 \I& UIJ'<lri.-Harbur 61.11!11
\l.'\l fo • .S'i."::I l.l DO Dl<l 'OS
R. E. llendrlcks, U.C. I 3 16 1 \la Udo -llarbur :wus
t;LECTRIC OONTRACTOlts Germs O nl y Appare nt IJOO t:l..a'TIUO
Ca use of Di•ease l it -& \'la IJ<io -Ua.rbor •1t1
Bii' l•·r\a lte preeent all 8J·our"! F l,()\\'ERS
•I.• 11'1! 11JOU\h and llpe <:ontiun Hlt:llAIUJ'S LIDO MA&XET lw.11~~-.Ji!t&r~ J.Y~•->·~t.. lli:l),1Ji), • l '~., ,.1~.A .. u'M~~.'!.•
11.ll "'"'l·un11.> to'\thern Why? 'Th" S-&lll \'la Ll<lu -lllllbur UtK
CJur .. prHcll~ vie\ 1 .. th.11l weak·
I r1c~8 vr the toudy n)u1t rir1t 1.1 .. FU liNTA I~', URILL
1•1r/l<'nl bef•ore germ l1r.,. can IJt \INCE.ST'S I.ti.HJ UH IJG~
··rf,., '"'"' Thi.. W"•kn1•ll4 ol the 1'1461 \la I.lei .. -llarbor 300S
t 'on•ult t hia p.pe.r tor program
\ho l.IJn al Ne"'Vot.I Dh·d.
lla rbur ?11-l
I.II)() TOl 'LA .... IJ
3~-'.:! \'la Udu -Harbor ?VM
THA \'E l. ACf_:~'ClES
ltARHOR THA\'t;L AlOl::-.'CY
s.&1 5 .Se .. purt Ul1d.-11..-. Mt'
.... ~t.ta:.-Uott;.-u.n,.,, ....
\\'ATt:ll REPAlH.
\1 :0.t 't-:.ST'~ \\AT('U
l.lllO UHl't;l-4
ll 161 \la l.Jdo
I \p-.~"" <.:&rl b~ 1t-n111vr<I 11nd n<>roie.J I
runr11nn re-lor ... 1 by r"'11ropr11.:11< f-'RAMES &-ALBlJMS \\ J~'IJ IXJW CO\~ING
A•1Ju1tn1ent&. Ut:Klt A.l\IJT STl 'UIUS 1 T iit: roiliAUE ISHOF
I )o'gr ai;<KXI Hl'allh a6'" your Chlro· ::':':':"=':':":':·'=''=o=-='='"=''=~~·="~"'===='=·'='='="'='='~='=O:l:n=-==...,.==·="'== pr1rtor, R. H:. Hll'no.lrt•it•. LI. C.
Call Harbor ~47 1 .or •~14 F't>r AP-
IOIJYN •u~~-R(fl . ~ ... N1• ........ c111" :;n~::nt. 7
1)() Carnation. Corona Hie:h Quality Printing • Pb. Ranor 1616
l lM$fRlT )11!i _, I~~~:-:_-:-"'--~--'=-=-~-=-~~~-
ao ... cr ''""°
.. A ND A'--L T H •••
~ eftlle rtiD«el'
..... , ... k1iloll ......... -
...... " ........... T-.S----=-SW.. ~,... ...
--,..... ...... 1 '~-
Top Value
Today •.• .
Top. Resale
-· . ·--· ---.. . ... ,. Tomorrow.
f°' IQ.<.t,. ,,....,. ()/J,m,J,il~-' for h,.,.,.·. 111'' Jlny . .,,.,,. Rnrk,.1 1l1al proll"rta your
, ........ 1 fmt11 n.nw unlil .. tr1•1 ..... ,·· l orn,. 1od .. u h r ... , .. r.,. that for""_.. ... the
fulurr 1,...lay! ·r1,,.,. .. ·• •lunn1nli' ~t•rfirf •ir lior nn • .,.,..,.,. . ...,,.,.,,h !'af,.1y-Ride
Cl,..,.~ ..... 11h 1omorru" -_. totwh in 11,,. uhra-•m•rt "l n1ar;rilt.. Run:iper."
'!'h,.,.,.·. n,., .. lu1ur• in lllr ••111r1ly-1~ilor ... I. •111,,...hly-h1rmonizt!d intf!f'ior rkcor •
A11•I, !h..,..·1 a new lill in p:twf!f' ... frnm •n 1rli<lri-p1,.l.l'll ltOO""l.,.1 T .. w;o
f-'.ol111f'. l\'b1t'• n1ott. •>fll" ~n ()j,\_•n•"I"\,. i• lhf on1nothn,... <rf J,.taway flydr1.
!ll•1il"• ''OOllra lo commao<I. :--... if •·<>u pr"I" \011r..-lf oo lln eye (q ••lue. Lr)'
1hi1 l(oo:kf't En.ult' t)ltL<molwl.. IN:T,. •ud ,,,.,.! ._ .. _ ....._.~ .. _, ..-.. .._.. --~--
-----------""" '"' "90CXD ltOOM". I I Al YOUll O\OSMOf.fLI DIAUl'l l -----------
1000 W,est Coa•t Hl4'1WaY NEWl'OllT l!ACH
I .,
. .
ra.O•O'l'•D -Howl.rd
Laurent, llfi IN Ave .. n..u
beal. named chief enfineer of
Rhe-em A ulomottve Co.. t.o.
Anl'ele•. He joined firm In
~).Qt~ , .. l..QQl ~ll#PUf,. fll.a
firm wul muve t rem p!"t.ent
fai;:!lltt .. In Loll An*"<'IN to •
llt'W M'Ai mlW011 plant oil :.9-
a<:re •H.e in F'Ullerto11 th1.'I Y"•r.
Harbor View
Pupils Make
Field Trip
An edur .. uon..i flf'id trip to the
Lo. An&eln Union St.al.Jon wa•
p arllclpe.ted bi by 140 fourth
!(tilde puplla of the Haroor View
School r-Kently,
School b~ w,.re 1u1ed to
tranaport lhfl youni.:111 .. re (11 Slln-
ta Ana when! l hf'Y """'' \akt'n
by S anla Fe train ,., lhe /.oe An -1
i;t'lea 11tallon. Tn11n feN'.!I w .. r,.
paid by t he Blu<lenll!
'M'le flv" c la"8e11 or fn11rth gr•·
f'fl all() vlaited th'!! Old l.oa An-
li:f'Lt'e P la&a and th .. Olv .. ta ~trel'l
Pe<-Ulr, reeenUy mMle tntri a
~ta ... k..--k.· -~ .. ,. -·j ~ Upon an1-..I at Union Sta Uon,
lhfl K"roup wu met by the •talion I
1naater who per.onally con•IUC!fl<l
th,.111 thn:rugh Ulfl •laUon. e•-1
11la1n1ng the vario1111 funcll•ina of
the railroad t'l'nnlna l oper.llon I
Lunr h waa he\d In lhti atatlon
1 ()f aJ)Kl.al lflt.era1t In Olvrra
~.\lr,.•t waa lh1 pottery mak!ni:
<l'l'rnon.1t rat1on. irl .... blower, can-
•\ll!no•k'l'r and t he A vl!a Adob'I'.
Jlr1 UJ1'1'. olclP11t TP11ld ence In lhl'
< ity. The houae wu once uacd A.11 1
,. 1n1lltary balle for eaily day i
!:lpanlah lr<>Opa.
The cl•~"" danced IA ~
a !ilpanlah folk dance, d1 rl!cted by
one of the (Uid~. Thi! P lu.a
church w ... allO a hishll&ht.
Aceompa.nftn1 lha •tu<1flnt..
.,ere rourth irrade tea.chera M iu
Vlr&1nla Booth, )t: r a. PhylUa
Grtnunatl. M r •. Nina Jilll8Qrt,
Mrw. Bonnie Lt.nr and JI m
Thomp8Qn. The teaehera were u -
lllated by room molhu-a.
Newport · Hcnor
FFA Score Hi9h
in MarketlnCJ
t-•ewport Harbor. Oran(• and
l"ullerton hl(h ach.oola scored high
In the Orange County Future P'a r· 1
mtr• public spealo:lnA" and market·
Ins contetla conducted at 811nta
Ana College by the SAC Younr
Farmar. Club.
ln th• achoo! compilUtlon on
marketi91" queatlOlll, N • w po r t
HarOOr aeored nret. F'Ullarton MC ·
ond and Gartlm Grove., thlnt. Thi•
Ing compeUUon Wtilt to J ohn
Orowerw Aa11oclatlon, 11rvln.1 u
chief judge and &1Ylnr out t.he
lndlvtdua.J. award• tor markat·
compeUllon I• rpCn&Ored by eo-
operaUva ap-lcultural aaaoclatloha.
with O. L. Braucher, field npr•·
1ent.U-.. of the Diamond Walnut
Hay e1. .l"llllerton, flrat: Jim Bath,
..cond. Newport R atbor, and
John Araold, third, Newport Har-....
Reperta Hub Theft
rour"r wtre whMl·tyP9 hubcaps
war. nported atolen from a oar
belon'1q to Jack Eddie WllUa.m ..
502 B. Oam.ey SL, batwMn 10
a . m. and & a. m. Saturday, ac -
cordtas to poltce..
Harbor Chooses .
Top Hcmemaker
of Tomorrow
N.wport Harbor U nklll Hlrh
School atudepl Bally Crolllhwalt
hu t.u named the 11ehOOl"a Bet·
ty Crockw Homemaker of To·
~ a COCDpel.IUYe -.mltl·
atloa llMI wu cbMm t.o repnMnt
tM .ebOOI lilt; nae-.._ JudtlnC
tor SllOO aacl f600 echo&anh!P'·
It .,. ~ today by Oen·
er&I Milla. IPQll.OT of tl'le horn•
ap,pnM~~ .• ~r mUH• ,_ ._.. t
lb• natkift p&rtidp&led.
Ml• ~t wUJ alao bl
~bl• to oom.p.1t. ,_ a IOOOO
D&Uonal acbOl&nhlp aw.rd lo be
macM to Ua. A.lhA.ln•riC&n Hom•
m.&ker Of or... ltOIP.
8M demoutftted hw llorft ..
Mlllq ~ and •tUl\MI•
by reoef'T'tn1 th• N,-tleat aooore for
_._.. _______ ,. ____ _ ---
.......... ,. -~-....... ----·-· -
=--=n::r-~~ -,, ·-=---~.,.., .
. '•4.
•• &W ou ve rown
' if 6
... W. i-e .. g:rowin~ t'J feapJ and bouncl,
and we muJl conlinue lo 'Jl'OW in order
lo k eep in JlriJe wilh lhe j fea J'J <Jrowlh
Average Number of
Pages per wffk
1953 • • • • • -· .. ~·-· -···--
1954 • • • •
1955. • • •
64-page Press IN A NEW AND LA•a•• au1LD1Na
e E peel to Outgro~
That Too!
2211 Balboa Blvd. Haibor 1616 Newport l1adi
..., 8Cbool Ua a wnttu. •••m1na-1L--__,.-----------------------------------'------------------------------
._ ~
• I
WllllNG REMOVED -Glenn Sandage wu one ot the, dty employe. wbo belPe<i
tear down the old trailer park between Balboa Blvd. and the bay, to make room for
the new park which lhe city hopes to ha"e rn.dy not later t hlln J une 15. Sandage
ia removing the wiring which uAed to provide "juke" to t.'1lilen in the old park.
-SW! Pbotc
Two eltctr1c m o-:orft 11[orl!d ln
... ""'°"Ir.cl cla.tl In th.-home ol
~~ ._,pal& ~. · .JD<.i1 ' ~in:
ley .An., Wtre rep<Jrlflod atulen
•Hn•Um• between Jan. I 11.nd Jan
l l, accord.Inc to pol1r~.
Harbor Science Students
Plan --tor · se:·1ence" Faf r;
Dan's Service
Science 1tullent1 f rom Newport
Harbor Union H.1e-h School will
exhibit llC<Jr"" or project&, n1odel.11
and i-eport.1 in the nr1t llnfl ual Or-Unleu you have hall ape~u1 I fl,,'1 ... rvhe 1na11 lo v<•U r ho1n1" 11.nt;t <.:ollnty Science F•ir, J.fay
l raJ.nln( and Aava backed It up : 1n a t-:"••·w1ty' r•UIO '11,.1111t• ,, .. ,11 l-~ Jn th• new c.:.o.i.. GylT\na.lllwn
w ith much actual ex1;.,1 1 .. n,,. ~uu tnii k 1I~ r 11r' \l'l .. y 1•~t 1t r~ "1 1<tl S1LI1ta All& Coll~ge
tn .. high,.•' <!ll"ll\) IU><J "'>11k11L11 n have no bu.un .. f Ven t•lon.: ult 1 11 1 1 J\j'COrdlng to Kingery Whlt&neck. ~"I' 111 l(ll•""1ll.-r.J 1"v " ... '' n .. 11'1 ur lhe J-la rb<Jr H i b --•--th• ba.ck or )'our tel.,v111,1n 11el rep111r "'"'''k ,01, 1111 t)pc" ••I , •• 11.,~ I ......,.,ce
Y llepartment •bout 2~ 1tu"-"'"' ou can do permanent d""'"i::" .. u ! ,.,u t.•3t tuU..;i, /1oe 111 in .. , <h · h 1 :;:;..-t h .ruru e 1c ooJ w II partkl.,....e. t • &el and poA.ubly Lu )tlUr · ~hup ltv H
l! Jpt. by touchln1 the .,.·rong. ;.;a melt•· "'"hat trnuhl1· \fl\J ~rt ouae. biology 1n.1tnict.o.r,
j.run,.: Blnc• It 11 1.Jw aya a t:"'Jd' nl•y t,.-1111, ug witn yuiu 1;., ., •• ct. the !0<:11 ~ctence Yatr com-
tula to Cal.J the man who knu"'·~ v\111011 .. ~t '' rad1u. lJ•I• 11 "I\" ltllllee
th• man. lo call tor ell~rt rlldlU Servi<•· "'\II "'rv1ce It to yr.ur Whllen~lr aald he would like to
&.nd tel.ev1alon repa.1n 1a Uan11 J.11alu1t.11ruon .Jf"Y ti.ave &Jl 0111ce i-ncoora1.11 the part1<;lpatlon of
'rV S.rv1c• at J~ Newp.irt 1n ;'\:.,,..p.,rt 11\a...h 1t 2301 1111 1 'f"v"'ntl\..and tifhth grade elemen·
B l'td. Coat.a Mew., Ph. U S-:l2:.11. 1 !Jo• Ulvd. Ph. Harbor •86. Thal t11ry "ehool 1tudent11 In the Junior
ll!gh cllvi11ioo uf tl'le ra1r To ~at the utmOflt p .. r1urrn1u1re la "'II)' we w •·.h tu , .. ,<Jlll!",."'t
f rom your equ1pnien1 •'very )/llfl the111 1.11 U\e k;od1u 1111•1 T .. Jev1~·
mwit b<I a djuate..1 fropti!y. A r 11 1l 11un ltepalr Con•1 "11 v .,r uur ~hunr
to lh!a firm w ill bnn.: a quah· 11n th!• area.-.Allv.
The 1.....-1.1 pn>J~ta "'"~urh are ju.t
llOW bttug re('eL\'f"d "'"111 Le J{rKUt(I
llboul April, \.\'hiteneck a&ld. Shell
------------------------------l~olJe("l!!)n!I, being <'!llh!blte•\ 111 the ,r hool thll "'"ttk, are ready to go
· u G'·.;.. _J_ Sale of Lido n ome am/ tJRH:n Real Estate
'Landscaping With Roses
Suggated by Gardeners
on Upsurge
rver thoufbl ot ~ptnr ~ or tan trem.e., u.. na-. L Boy..uerrtM, Younfber-
w tth &oe..? All too oft.eri., .,. tan.I ..iac:Uon t. a climber. rle1 &Ad Locanberriea can.
lb.11 Callfarnla A.HOcl.UOU t:A au.-. are an.tlUle ln many t... p1-tect now. 8~ plant.
NUr9el')'ln9'1., 1V'denen UllM ot qlOf't.. w1t.b u.. .UO• ~ .. are ~y IHIOUl'h f or l.ha
the RoM In only It. Hybrid T-. faTCnU. hybrid t.. •arleUta. PU· •verai• family.
form 911d tall to rMll&.1 tb• Jl'M-l Ian., too, )a&ft ~ deviMoped 2 For all.de Ln the •um.mer .
~~~ ~h.li'l!~ .. J' ~-.a;.~.~~ .... ~~ P!4at.., 4 •cld,u ou,.",~·
Gru u11tlora, 1'1or1bunda., pUlar tw11 La l&n~JJbar ..,..... whe:1' lrffll how "1h11e they an
a11d ollmbtnf toMa. you. want a betpt of no mar. 1Ull b&Te-root.
PW-u11.n1ple, the la.rJ:• pl&.n1 thaQ 10 f-t or "°" The old·fa.th· J On. of the moil .Ulllrable
1U1 of the Gt'&lldlr\ora makes It loned CU.mkr &ttorct. r-eat n.a-of lhl winter flowen.g
an 14-1 1electlon for a.reaa ault.-d tun.I beauty whf!ll allowed to llhrutM 11 the fn t.('l'&n t
to a large ah.Nb. Grandilloras r.mb1-trtdy onor a fen0&. daphnl. Thie 11 • t1vor-
co111 btn1ni the hybrid ta'1 lovely Tbe ~ptnl' poMiblUtld a ble um., to pl&nt them.
bud &nd tlower form wttl:l lM w1J.b. 011 dlC'ereat l1'Jl'M f 11.oeu 4. RoM• a nd t rvtt tne•
F lor lb\,llld.a."a tr .. bloom~nc c~u.-ani Yarted and )'Ou c.: adapt ahoU1d be pruned and
ter habit -lh• Grandi on. • them lo your 0'"1 prdan altua-aprayed without delay.
vl(Ol"OU.9 t&J.1 1rowtn1 plant with uan _ wb•t.bw lt'a a climber !I. It th• pla.nUnc ot ~ la
IC.( atema and la elltN:me.ly e-..y to tw"'-e aro••--' .... 1 on your ..... ~dealnu p•~ , I G dlfl,cwa .......... ,. co umna Of\ •-• to (!'OW. A llnl • ran )'Olar perch, a ptl..lar tor bac k -irram, you ahould pt t.htrn c&ll~ IM UMld ll;lo pi-.c• ot a ab.nab l(f'Ounda, tk>c1~ M low-l('f'OW-pla.nted witbou.t d•lay .
or try a (T'"O\IP of ~ Lq-nu.. or ?'OWll IJf trM Roa. I;::;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;. I
.... a ta.II he.Jc• 1n mb9tltute. b bl. fonA&I Ro.. (Vdllii "tUnr.
a tenee. In Mld!Uon to br1rhtentn1 your
U yt)U wilh a medium °"' low-yud and ca-den, lb. wonde.rftJJ
crowiJli" hedf•. notn.tnr could be t.htnr a bovl mo« of theet Ro.e
l'\n•r th a" Florlb\,llld.a. Row• type. ta lb.at lb.Ir lndlY1duaJ
(Tl)wlnr In a br1(hl, colorful blooma or clwte.ra m aka e;1.cel-
m .... alonr a walk, driveway or. lent cut Clower•, too.
bordv. Try '1orlbundu In con· AU th• .. types of RoH~ vow
ta.Iner•. too, and combine them In many lovely V&('leUea. Grandl-
wlth your tavorttt pettnniab 1n tloru, the moat rece.nUy devel-
Ule Clower b«M. ..._,, n ---o.,..... ,,,.._ type, W•ra nationally
Of COUrM for pefl'OlU, .um.mar apotll(hted when tha All Am•rl-
ca aWUd ot 19~ wu .riven to
I.ha Queen Ella.abelh, a clear
WAY AND SAYE e pink !"OM. Spontor!nc the 11c1e11t!fic dl•playa 8tA4man Roar ot 1100 &. ~
\lo"Lll bo• the Orange Counly 8"''""' A.II. &IJ tJ~ favorite hybrid tea Vince's Cafe
, ~ Front notined pollc• J a.n. 27 ol and u oth All • -.111111 Matheniatlra Te11.ehtr• Au.ocl-er "'"'"erte. eelec· ~ : ..oc.. °'-U-..c tlAoet. • -.J ~m.:r• 1·~·.t4lnttt.ia1..-pal"~ tl'ff(:Wf· 11t1onr, "lr.l*l-1rteir"&}"' lndu&ttlil dr ~~~tO: ~ho~~·!!:¥-Uon.. ~.&.. -U>• lle-a"MO:.V • ..,-c!.!m;-,
popular place• a t w hich to dine ed. Sea Food iui.I St.,ak d1nn•·1• Ltie county. !---------------IP.ch. In ~r1bundaa, th1a Yeu'•
In lhla area la Vlnce·a Care at ~ ~rvN a la .. ~rt" ut .. ,. full , Only A ll Amert.ca Winner, Clrcu.11,
fl30 Jl•t In Kln~a Lido Center, course chnn.,r.11. I I urpo11e of lhl! county·wid., u:-mMe pr1.ellc.11.l and bea utltul la a •hlnlnc u ampl• o r beauty
P h. Hubor 2838. la th .. entire a«l1un 1h .. re IA hl l)ltlon 1' to encourage intere.11t In hedge. for you. In ah&dea ot oranc., yt.JJow and
Thi& clLle I• rt!CO(lll&ed through-no olher ut&bhatun..,nt that aur· .,·irn< r •mon1 •lu<lenta and attmu-Another ~uwa.I atylt at "1-ol-plnk and red.
out thl• a.re• aa hea.dquarter.11 for pl•e• thil w ell k nown dln1ng la te lhe goal ot •<'!ence teachlnl". bl.Inda pla.iiUn1 la to. OOD.tfo&nere Certainly a loni"-tima favorite
c OO<J thin &• to ea t. The mana-.;pot for "tl.t&eUOn and M"rvlce E>.hihll& Wiii be In the rieloh of auch u l'M!Yablt ~ ... tu.i.. 1n Lh• cllmber clau. Paul"• Scar-
ger. Vince. employ1 a chef o f Th ey ar• falr In lhelr bua!neu t htnllRtry. rarth .11c1ence. n1 cchan-ChOOM.. your favorite'~ let '-" ona o( tha h.l.rdiut and
more than ordina ry a bility wh.J ch diraJ1ng1 therefnre It 1" not 1c• ••lectron!ca. m1tth emalic1 and and plt.nt th.em one lo , boa. moat protu.M bloomer-a. A Jead-
1n1urM the cholcN t of food& cook · atrangt that cu~Lo1ner• of t h11 I hLUl()gtc1.l 11e1ence. Award• w1ll be unle• you hav• a ffr"J' lone Inc pillar Rose J.a lh• Descanao
..J JU&t the way you like theni mo.l~rn reatllUn•nl "rldom think µr,r•.,nte(I .\.la.y !I in • banquet ln window-bolt type of ~. ln PUJa.r. aocla.imed ln l:ut and
Th,. mo.1t modam equ1pmenl and of 1::01ng tlaewhe1e to !.line. We lh,. S AC 8tudenl Un~n . wh.lcb C&.H you C&A .,.t tn a&Yan.1 We9t Wt planUn1 p nlenL JI.I
uten11ll have been provtdrd and recmumen•I them to our re:ader1 Ro.M. 'fhen for added m i....t. bloo.rn. t..re aculet lo• cora.J wllh
everythJ.ni' ta kept acrupuloual,y aa ..a .tu,p·not.c.h dUuni; spoL Ile· s --D upeclaUy d~ tM Jk-'a....dor-yalk;iw a t lb& bua.
rle1.n. F or y our eating plea1<ure mf'1nber If you hke 1:nod loo<l d ggest ft oses ml.Ill period. plant an a Unetln Now Whil• tt'1 bare root plarit·
be eur• to try th• houae ~re-y ou 11 love V1nr,.·1 Cate Adv ground cover. Maka •ure, ot tnr Ume. atop IJl al your favorile
F T b cour•e. that the irround COYer n uraoery and look onir t.he Ylr1e-Or u s and doean"t hamper tbe J-""lor!bunda"• u .. In th• dlffermt Ron cl--...
erow th. Your nurwrym.an will be glad t o & Sons-Painters Carl
""' INO.
711 W. 17tlt St.
~~··-.: U~rt7 a..tth
Rug & Carpet CleaninV_
Upholstery Cleantd .. °"' Plaal or la Yoar u._
l'enicm Rlia c~...':I wom IN DICK HA '8
ttA. 4328-3420 Via Li"-fves. HA. 5426
We Can Buy It for U
· ---AND ··SAVE u
Twin -Best
2 Mattresses
2 Box 5prift9s
2 Head 8-ds
2 Sets IAcJs
2 Sets Brackets
• 7 Piece
Mattr .. s lox Spring
Adj. Iron Fraine
Triple Dres-199 2 Comm. Head laards$ 50
30" 1: 48" Mirror
All for -··--·--··-··---·······
FUii -Size
Math .. s--1101 Spring
Heat! Board
Adj. Iron Frame
o.iy --···-·····-···· . -········
R oy , s
Bedding & Furniture
"Our belief -
14823 Harbor Blvd.,
live a.nd let U\•e"
Santa Ana Kl 7· 1167 Hodge
Now thl.t winter la here the
time lo palnt your home or t>ual-
n•aa hM arrived. 8wruner we.11th·
•r 11r1.. °'1ol uterlor paint on
your pJ""01"rty a.nd le&Hll• lta pro-
tecl!Y• qualltJaL Aaldt trom the
klM at prot.eetlon the property
fteett hN ioat • n rt.alri: am«1nt
ot It• Yalua Uon dut1 to loaa of
a ppearance.
that you can 8te wh.11.t thr rom-
pleted job will look like berore
the work be.gin•. U1111ng the be1t
materials poMlble, they can do
a. paint job on your home, alont
or oft!ce ln a 11peedy. efficient
mannrt w l lh none of the meu
~ually a.ccompanylnf decor&tlJ\I'
job• In the home. 'nle quality
workmll.Il.llhlp l.11 eure to leave you
Border Plan. t Try 10me of lhMfl unuaual help you with .llOnl• land&c&plnr 009!'.I. Kl8A
planUnc style1 w1th your F'lori-.. l ..... ::::__:loo.::~~~--~~-_::__'..'=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~!,,=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:,,I bundaa. Your tiuden will be -
To a TOld Ulla altuallon ca.U
Oari Hoda"• and Son at 2M:) El-
d.i. A'fe. Ph. U 8-1222, llavine
h&d ,....,. • ..-partence In this t leld
and lmeW'fng: the bUILr)eu from
a ll pUO~int., lhJ.a tlnn ha•
doll• •uch or th• deooraunr on
eo111• ·• Ula GnMt bonMa. apal't• l'Mftt ..... iaad 1111• • •• la
tbM u-.. On a.11 of their con;
lnctAI ~ euatorner la given a
choice of brand name mat erial.
'nlie7 ll&n chart.II a nd aamplea
ol .n th• Jateel In paint colon
frON. Which you may choo• ao
mor• attra.ctlve -all becaun of
When I~ a Ro•e more lhlltl a UM Yara&tlla Floribwida! fiowrr~ ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii When lt"11 11. Flotlbunda! -tor i
lhl1 rec·enL development In fWae
typra ha.11 a m1UJy-alded perton-
al1ty. and CAA Mn• In· yllo\IJ' l'AJ"dM
U • border pla nt. conta.iner Item.
hPdge or filler v.•!th per11nniala.
Since Mr. Hodg,.·• work !1 Probfl.bly. 11111.ny C11!lforn!11. gar-
much 1n d.-mand we 1111gge.11t you dener1 do not realize the Ye.-.a-
ca ll him soon 11.nc.l Jet him c h~ t!Uty or the Floribunda Ro.,..
yo111 a tree e1timate on your Job 1<1.y~ th,. C1illtornl11. A!u•oclation
.11.nd nv.Xe the ne.;e!IJ!sry prellnil-of ."lur"•'rymen They lhlnk o r !t
nary a rrangement llO th&t he can 1111 a Husl' bu11h and th.11.1 ·11 the
be~n your wo rk without de1ay aJI end of ll But the p lanUng role"
lloon u Ile ha.a completed hie the to~lor1bunf!a can fill are many
J rNWl cont.racta. and varied.
Mr. H odfe 18 the p11lnt1ni" con· P'lorlbund111 with perennlal.a I•
tract.or o f our cho ice-Jn tht11 one planting atyle least oft~
area. thal I• why v;e rrcommend thou,cht of by i:11 rdener1 but what
hlm to you. the homeowner, In 11. ... ·ondfrCuJ i.:a.rden rea lure it
ou r bua:lnea11 review. You •re c .. n be Flor!bunda11 e-ro.,., Jn 1nany
IJUre to be plea,,~.-Adv. rich ~hade~ ot r ed, }'ellow. or·
f<er1dv Mixtd
f';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;,.0 ;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;o;;;;m;;;;;:;:;;m;;;:-11.nge. pink and wh.lte 11nd when
con1bln~o with perennial r11.vorltea
Wee the blue .11.nd white Delphin-
lvm, lhl' gray of Du.sty M.lller
or lhe plnka &nd whil e or Stock,
the re1ult "1.11 a color r1tlnbow.
delii:ht ~ul tr. the eye!
Build Your
We Have
JJOO W. C1211 Hlgliway -Newport leach
.......,. 1-3411
Becauftf' nr the!r tree-bloon1lnc
habit 111)1.i be(.'.&.U.M most Ptorihun-
da. pl11nla are buahy. they make
an excellent border tor fllTden
walk.1 or for ,.rn-~ Tbe
taU•r vowlnr '1oribundu In
their rvu bloumln,-form wtll
CONCUTE , .. .__ .. .,
QlllMr • e.,,, • .,. ___ , .... ...,.
General Contractor & Builder
PHO~ llAAllO& 61SI
.. we .&nup rm
A .. rrw lier • "-1 t...i
rfh '~' "'1rf. +
"" ,._..... "'-"""'h ..... -• "°"" .. H ...... , lol-. t"'I rd"fl
Won't Rust ...
IUll.T TO Ulfl
autom.uc: Gee ..-
__.. construct.cl of m.-
t.rMlll ttiee won't nm wUI
dalhow~ Mrriolt.-,
tar 1on1er tha" ordl!Mf)' --....
a •• hfftl weter rntw
then eny othw prectk al
fuel. Qa• phn the rl1ht
Ike hMt9t ~ pMr"1
or qulclr hot water .• -'°'
tnor• years. t~ U :fO'I'
You WN money""*' JOU
n.t ....., with Gee. You
9'90 -wNn )l'llU buy • n.ter tMt won't Nit. K
...,. cost )"IMI a ffttle more
now-but e IOt ._.In U. ........
eouTM-OOWllTiM Ma ..... AMY
Only GAS
carrying this seal!
This Vtrlfltd loft& Ufe Seal on
-IUtolnatk 6-.. .,. helter ..
1our a1auranc• of • top-qu•llty
opp1i..c. -.lily boOH ol mate·
rWI thal won't ntSt. Look for this
- -,.. bu)', ond,.. ...
.......... 4 .. ,_.ono1,...o1
carefree hot wlter ..,,.ce. But
remember, thil ............ only
on mtalUtk: GAS ... .........
Your Milhborhood plu•ber can
""9 rou lul-.
_,,...A_. MITOllA11C WM141Jt • dllh ...tw1 ft_. e..w Ja11t bMtill'
.,...., ... , ............... lharltflt.U.tor,......-.
gives you su ch modern automatic appliances
.. -: .,._
' I
~fl D\V . .\ Y POINT. favorite sub,)«'t of 11 rhRl.JJ and photo~Taphrrs,
IH unc of many i;ccnu: tipol.8 on Carn11:J-.\l onter ey 17 ~t ile !Jrive
CA.MERMAN cat ches waves breaking against rocky coastline' along
the 17 Mile Drive near Point Joe of "ResUc88 Sea."
' _____ _..._ ..... -~----
lnterests Touri-sts
WITCH TREE, example of weinUy-shaped
~fonte rey cypress, la localed along rock-
bound coastline ne&r C&rmel, ia aeen on
17 Mile Drive.
Motorlogue party wu
Loe t..ureles Lodge in
Cannel Valley, about 13
miles Crom Carmel
FISHING boat sets out
for day's work a.a others
rest a t anchor near Fish-
erman's Wharf at Mon-
terey, cradle of much
or California history.
... ·'
• •·
n.bartng one of the most be&utltul couUinee In the world, the
Monterey Peninsula holda a.n attraction for everyone who looU for
& perfect combination of recreation and ac:enio low.line.a.
For the Peninaul& la called "A Year 'round Playground" and
Mfhe Golf Capital ot the World." The town of Monterey, Ca.lifomia'11
ftnt capiW, contains a wealth of historical markers for the sight·
.eer. And u Robert Louis Stevenson once described it, the 17 Mile
Drive a.re& diaplay• '"the finest meeting pl&ee of 18.lld and water in
Following Highway 101, we
1961 J'ord Jl'airlane coupe aedan
with. Ii.. ~rtu.I V-i molor,
tum.i.til'd by Theo IWbin•, and
drov• lhroufh to »ant.a Barbara..
H e.re w~ •lJJpped before lh•
~ eJ1f1ce uf S&nt.a Barbar•
Ml~. one or the bal-k.oO""}"I ~plu of Sp.anlfll\ arc!iltecture
In th• •Lale a nJ once. one ot the
mo-t active or Uu: early C•h!ur·
Jlla m iMIUll'I.
From h"ie. the evtr·chang1ng
.cenery n1ll,l f' lhf' mile. fly 11.a "''"
drove a.Jong-Hie •l)J)l"e. Ult'n hea(l-
9'<1 Inland o ver G•vlol11. P11.-...
lhrourh liuellton, Sa.lit.It. Mule.
and Ptsno Beach to San Lula
H•r• we t urned ontt> the &11r
Hl1trway, Route I, now tran'l-
t onned lntu a bl'OAd thoruUKhl11.r11
aJmo.t •• r.11.r u Morru Bb.y.
The h1chway 1neet. the .ea
one• more 1n YlOJW of m aJll!!Vfl
MCITG Roc.·k . '"the Gibraltar of the
P11.1;1ttc." &lH1 wtnda norlh v•llh
coUait.anlly m o re breathtaktn'
viewa ot •e& 11.nd mountarna.
W• h&J t.ed ., .. in a t PfeiNer-
Biir Sur State P11.rk, a beautHul
c.&n'lPfT0tuv1 and recreauon area.
In .. Droad canyon of 0-..t Red-
wood&. lncident.aJly, aomewhJ<t
.ouLh ol lh• p&.rk lha road swing•
Into the mouth or Redwood Can-
yon, th• M>Ulh.emma.t •lalld o t
&.qUOioa Mmpervtren&.
Starttnc up l.C&ln alter r elu·
left Newport Beach in a sleek
pa.lnl"d portno1tJi of b1i.hop» 11nil
But In 1902 J 11r11 P11 F nrv<'n-
<1urr anrl Frank II 1~.,,.,. .. r3 e.stab-
l 1~hetl th•• l"•ty ul C11ru1,.I b)·l he
8.t'a IU ll hlOV••fl l!Jr <'l .. IO(l\'<' p~'I'·
.-~~ ..... ,;,., ...... -. l ..,..,.d''i'"'1 .,.-...
('101nit:I ~ 111\/1«.ll,ln.'I Uuu.,~!1 "
/l{.o<')o l .. r l"'"'tin,.;, '"''' 111 11""~'
l.at~r ",. dl11\r '" '''·"" '''"" 1·1
ap«ncl lllr '"'l •d 11,,. <II&\" •"l ll•C
1; M!I .. !Ill\•• •·r·• .,• ti~ tu t·
kn""'' <••••l•"''~ ,f 11\., M••lll••·
"Y J•,.n1111uh•
f~nt .. 11ni; th'""i.:h th .. C 111111o>I
t;.,1 .. , wh .. rc 11 •m11!I r"11q;r \S
nl11ll<' l•J h<'lp n111.1nt11 1n lh<' llr l\""
"" f 1rlll l11iv1lt··1 l"•"l !'cbli r
Knu" rl 1<8 vn .. ur lhP n11l1u1·.'
flllt'lll. ti"•·<' 1n1blh l.nk~ 1H" lh"
,.. """ of thr 1.1ng l'rv.,t,y ln\•111>
t1on•l T ournllnir nl ).ff"11t of i:"H·
);t<'•lr•l •l11r~ h•'" µJ.•}"1l
.. -<111 -krp1 r .. ,,..,.. .• ,~7
t •A .'"Sll f:l.I. Ut:ACll
C'\u'"' by 11 l~l Mont.. Lo<l_.:r
then !he r u-.d ... ·1n1o:• D.mc k lo; l h.,
rug,f'd ro11Rt at P<'llC&dero Point.
lhf' nurth ... •u l<'rn h1n1t ur C1u1nPI
:'\'••JC( I• th" \\'1trh 1'1• .. dn .,,..
11niµle ur lt1<' "-<'!r111.1·-1hu1.11P•I M"n·
\<'r"y 1) P'"'' .. 1,,,,~ "'11n the
n PIJ;hh<;r1111: t;hui! 1 '""
~ MC:ic • tA. Uto ?U... --•rri<Nd II.ft -
hour later al our dMt.lnatton, l..o11
Laun.le. Lode• In Lhe putoral
Carmel V'l.Jley, 12 mllea Jnlan(I
t rorn lh• Pentn.ul&..
Tniv.,J1n1: fli!\ht•r ll•l••lll:h f•or-
esl or "'"Jlr .. ~A•"1, ,,..,. h1d·~.1 1;.::a1n
Ill Midw/I\" l 'Hl lll. ~id I" h" !'otll·
r•wn11t A 11\•IHT ph•olu l(!ftr,,nJ ld nd·
"h111rk V\"r . \"'1'.~":iln•JTPl'f'I 11 Tf1t:'.tu1 t'
of lhl.• n•·< k nf Wl>\'P·)"JIH1•l"'1 nirk
with !I.• l "l~I Pol l~1n .. (''P' .. ~·•·
th,.n 11\r'•)ll,. I ull\ lht' !1...,lp1ub \11
v1 .. w the s• "·
" ..
A.ft.er a ruU'\11 nl(tlt a l the
lode., wh.!ch 1-ture• an PlU:el·
lt11nl swimmtnir pool. we drove ln-
to lhe arU1t1' community of Car-
mtl·by-t h .. seL Carmel. known
to w Mt•n and pa.tnlel'".I a.JI over
th• world, carrie• a dlallncUv•
charm of Ila own.
W"a fouBd many unusual ahopa
t.e brow• throUih. an ID.Lr~
beach. and a muAeum In which
one could •pend a v.,ral lnt.,NM.-
lnC houra.
nil.ST A.R.T CEJ\T!:R
A hl&hl!1ht or our vialt waa
Mlaal.on Del Rio Carmel. a .er.,ne
reminder of Callforn!11"1 pl..'I L
Founded In J 770, by Ji'ather Junl-
P!l'ro S.rra.. and the 11He of his
burla.l. I.he mla11ion w1111 th" tlral
art center of thla 1rt-con1K:1ou11
r erlon.
The flrat a.rtlat.. of thl• perlod
were concernf'd only wUh th"
neeu•· ·or lhe mtselon, a.nd they
. -r-
~ . ,... ' • ,....,
' -.
• •
Later ""' v l eWf'•I Fan.•hrll
Brar h. whu·h !11 t"'<1vr 1 t'<! " 11 h
bright ll hPll• •n<1 lll!,n•·• an!l S•·lll
1tni..I Bini Rorka. th" h,,,.,,. nr hun·
<lre<UI of connorant11 ll<'ll.~U11ll 11 n•I
ae•la. Th.. •crub10 tl<'J1 uf thr•e
aeala. or ""'II. llun11. tJ,.U.:htr•I u~
aa wm "''""''"'I !h••1r 1o:yral 1,.n.•
through fl,.LJ Ria.a""" m<Jun!<'1.1 nn
Ute •horP.
dune.a • n d
on paat th,. 11.An1I
Bird Rork H unlPr
Courie. 11. ,. ,. r I e 1 or barrier•
acrou the bridle path. we arnved
al Point J o.i.
Thia ru;tKed promolory. juttln&
1nto the "He1ue .. Sea," ha• b<'-
corne I.he i;:T&l'I of m a ny • h Ip a
trying for Monterey Bay. It
n111rka 11. meeting of two oce•n
current. U1a t caiae an aria. of
plunging w11vea that eama th a
nam11 or '"R•tleu Sea.."
From here we rode bllLCk to
(ConU:a(lfld Oii P-c-t:, r.rt !:)
MISSION DEL RIO CARMEL. one of thf! best prNe.rved In Califomla
MiMion chain, Rlih holds regular aervirr It WU rollndt'd In 1770 by
Father SetTL Ford "!"16 fi°&U'lane coupe i;ed.an, official trip car, in fronl.
~ •
.... ~
'., '
"llU.1 1n1 1-..Ml!l\<t Ir•
I ... . ., "
' i
Nnrport. a.di'• Co•• t
OUUd iot l1d ot •l leut oiie unos Ut.reat tn lb• Hartlor
&n9 rrt0..7. -
D . .A. H oPn of 1oe 10th
..IJ.....AQ.)..! (I '-d ~ ..J:ber• ~ to bill a .mall n.h·
Ins boat u~dii doWn l.n the
-::~n-bet\111~ ~ a11t '
lnv•Uptlon dl9cloeed a
floe.Uni" ruet tank. The Cout
Su~ H alrul K&1.Nr ha 1
4attrm1Ded !rom Ula COUDly COl,lfl·
~ .... ,~"'cil&i.C::U~
park and a.c.hool lit. purcb.-. by
Coal• Me• Park Board &11d C.O·
1ta. MeM. Union 8':hool OlatMct
are legal Park Boa.rd Chairman Guard sank It.
---------------IA.rthur H . Me.yert told the New•·
Preea today. 4-lodge Elk
Meet Tuesday
in Santa Ana
J."our iodl(I!!• or lhl!! lknevolent
and Pro tective Order of Elka
.. nil ti.· hu11t I" ~l1tle Pr.,11IJerll
Jim li Nlelaon Tu~U11y 1tl Santa
The lodgt•s parUelpating 11.rl!!
SMlll Ana. Oning ... Anl<h.,1111 >1nd
N"ewpurt Harbor Uff1cen1 of 111 ..
four l•'klt:t• will '""'"! y,•1th \lie
pr~ldt>nl 11.! Santi< An.,1. fur a
tuncho-on m~t;)J.nk, ·;rue~·l11>y 11 l J:t ·
30 "''·n1b<-r11 f,f Ur11n;:l' r·..,unly
&rf' 1nv1lt(\ to all.,nJ th" r··~Ulttr
Jneellng lhlll l!!Vrn111g fi:,,fr,.,h·
rnl!!nt.~ an.d dinner v..ill i,, ,. .. ,._.,.u
•t lhfl Santa An1t J,;lk~ , lub
•tarting ill II 31) ~· n1
Meyer'8 .a.id he hoped to ar·
ranee a meeting or the park
bo&nJ and the ac.hool boflrd on the
mattrr In the near tuturt', J>09·
1lbly at next w.uion ot the trua-,_.
Should the orh:lnal prop<111&!1
ttJc.e place. the Meu. park bcl&N
would purchue 1ppro1d1n1•ely 21
ac~• e!l.Ch ln cunnl"<'llOn wltp the
n tw \VllA<Jn St. S...hool lLlld alle 1
ot the propok<.I U prwr B" y
school. At the ,,..n1e t•111e . th e
pRrk 1.._...1J will •v1111!.!.·r <Ii":!"'". 1
1ng of 11!1 h ul 2 1t.rr .. .i <•f lhi!! II J.
Al"TI!! V1cl<Hlu St M ........ 1•11.rk lii!t ,
purchllM"tl ho11t ~~tbruar~· Ill a '" .. I of $33.t:.?0
Thief Gets $50
Mtulo-1 Ho·tr1~!rrrt nr 110 2-t lh
St 1"•t1n.,.1 1,r,u-::.,. ,,, 1hen' ,',r' .;r-
...... 11 .. t ••·llll1'111nJ.: lll'l"''"Hnll t,.I)
$~~) Jan I~ snr 11111,1 II!« '"•ll<'l
<lt!llll'/".,,,,.,1 !r· '" i••·r uni.~ iii'<!
hdt1•>' wh1I•· •ll" "'' II" kV "I'
pr .. ~lrl111ll'IY 211 nanu!•'
Tracking Mountain Lions
Sport, Profit for Hunter
\\ dlut n1 H " • r "t "•! Orftnli'f' ! •lln•• "' ~" "..011 "n" ,.f th1· , f·ntrr ~
Coll~t t'ullf f:,l' hbr11.rla.J1 rrv1,......~
rr.ukn1: th,. ll1~· <"··~ Iv •'111
ll ~rt IL~ \u1·1 t u :'>1 .~1!hl\ :'>I• \I \1111
·1 n.-"I"'' I ••I 1, ... , .... , ...
111.,u1>1 .11n J1"n in f".11•' '"'' 1 •••
!un1: t"·"n Rll ""' 11u,.• 1 ·••\011 • 1•
pll'lc "1th• tlo.-TJ.r Ii• 11 ...
rh~· Al thl> <lfl.WI\ •I II " '
tury. C'11J1fom111 '""~ " h·•••"" 1 1
the hunll'I 11 n·l ~t" ;k,' • r 1 ,.
m ount,.111 11.,n 11 nd ull.,·!' ! r•·i ..
tory lj:llllHl and !hi' ."11n B··rnar·
Ensi9n Swin9 Band
,.f 111·• th t"·" "!
·r1 ..... ,· 1 ..... •
JI,., r " I '" ' '
H••ll \•!•I.I• lllll·
t ti. , " ·1 1 '. 11 I
• 'ro i; " t .111 •l · ·!II
, J, ... , ,.,[ 11, .. Sl<ll l!-o•tll·•••lln•• 11 0 '"'
uf 11nUn1d Jll•·du!••I< "h" 1111•1 111!
!•·it ,,,u, 11.t··I l~c ,, t' 1,..,,,.,
i•·11! >l! .. JJJ,o.:I ·1 II It• \h• •1' r
•1•11111 ''"I:'" IH ·l1~. ,j,,,,. '""I "·11.i
11.:•"•ll• Th~ ,. h 1 ~ r pr .. i1 11r.,1
11<·.,n1•·d t" tJ,• \11 .. n1uunl,.111 11 .. n
.. 11huu1:h "• 1•'<1 'tond .,J,,.tl•'<l I/\
11·1• 11.'I, , ,, .. 1,.,, r., .. "r~. l~·I" "l" I
11kunk.•. J'n~.•utn~ '""n.'I. llltdlo:"I'
11.nil y,•\lol o.J(>j(a ll"rl tl•-clclrd l o
, hrnina le Ute liun 11nd 11l thf'
!'II.me tlrne 111'1! lht p•·ll11 ffl r p r o·
r1t llltl'n r .. r ,..e,.k~ h" ,·11 rnP"'•l
In lh .. n1 .,.-gl!!o.l S11n B.-m11.rdlnn
• 1•11t1l1y
d· l•·•n·IT'•" I
.. 1 huntlri;
1•,~k<' II
th··~.. v.·1J'1 A ne w gi~anlic phcJt og-raphic aerial map •lf the 11 .. rth·
weatt·rn half of Or1tn~e County 1:. on display fl•r the
f irst t 1mC' t ()(lny in the 'I'itlP Insuranc<..' and Tru~t
l "•• ·,.Santa Ana off1co.: 1\ photugrapht~r anJ p1lv l lc\l1 n
uf Pa("tf1r Air Industries began m appin:.: thr ar.,a lai;t
June. }<'lying the ]f'ngth ii f the an·;i to bl' ph .... to·
quui ! 11n·l ,.,.,.
"""'· 1 ... 1,. •• ,.., 1o1
.. ,
rh .. I.I'•)" .•:u.J at ft1•t 11 ... liquor
h1tol t,.,.!l 1!1".•11 t~•lll II\ n ~,,,i,,
Lui lh»n ,.,,,. < f !h· "I 1111,.:cr 11\'
a.!n1111 ... 1 th"\' hnd .'llnl>'n t11" h·
qu .. r :-;., th•·fl , hnr.:C"~ '~""'" !!!f'd
~rraphed , a p11·t11r<" y,·a~ Bnapped every 12 secondf!
each flight. It took lfi flights to cover the area and
npprnl'C11nat,·ly lllU 1•1t lures were taken. The giant
fnu!>hL·d n1ap. 1"0\1·r1ng: ~n me 18 sq . ft. ia an accurate
pu:tur1' <if t h•· n111~t populous and faetcat growing
part nf (Jr;1ngc l'•,u nty.
Rename American Helicopter
Fairchild Electrotechnics
llorlfl'I E11a1i;11 .Sd1u11I Sy, Jn g
Btn•I fum111h1!!1\ the n1L111H f••T l hl'
c ·.,111mun1ty
liou11r Jan
fi.lddrr. 1nJ1tn1111,.nt11 I 111•1~" (""' h·
er tor Nl'v.·po.irl Be11• h E J,.1n1·n'ary
School.JI. Y.'&11 th11 <llrl'• I•"
1'hc t,. .. ,k 11 rf'1•l"l,. v.1lh <111•
adv .. n1ur,. drtrr 11/lulh .. r l'llllll' r••-
11ullln1t In 1l11n"'"r an•l n,· .. r trt.io:
ffiy tur l hl' ~l11lk1•r
f'<Jr the tn1<' 11p•1tt'1'n111n th1•
"""k 111 hlg!1ly r"'""""'"·nu ... 1
Harbor Rest
Memorial Pn rk
Ma1111-0ll't1m -lnl<"m1ent
l.Oanlrn•, Cem~l<"rJ
llarbor e\ (11.Mnr
Police Roundup
Eight Juveniles,
Charge Liquor ·n,. 11 v.·li.t• 1.. "11 • 1111pc.1111,t•"l
lh1·1r 1.a1en!~ r,u!1!1c J
Thr An1rnr11.r> Hel"''l'''·r dl vi· rnlddle of 19~.~ 11nd mo~t of these
~""' ,,r 1r111rrhtl·I t:lli.:;ln<' ""'' ,\Jr· lntl!!gratcd "·lthln the 11lrcr1ft di•
pl-rn" f«,•·p .•1tu . .1,-.1 1n (""sta v111ion 11.t Ha~er1toy,•n . J.1•r}"l&nd.
.\l rs11. ha~ h""ll r rn11 r11c•I F air· Boutelle 1t&ll'd.
Tht! Swing Uantl 1.~ 111•" 111 h•·•llll·
ed to pl11y t o r the E11:h t11 •;,•I<"
da no:!' 11.t l.hll' Evl'r~I! A K .. K
School in C011t& ~!""" ·111 .. •lltn•"
111 bl'lnK held F'eb. 21 un•l"r !he
aWlpice.11 of the Ev,.t1>!l A. H•·ll
p .·rA. 1l'le SwlnK H11n l h11,. "11'0
bel!!n Invited lo play f•>r a ~. ''''lllh
1i:Tllth1 dance 11t thf' Jl,.A ~''"'"I ln
,._l11rch. During ~ ·"'"l•r. lhl11 \~;::=============:;~ group h1111 been pht\lth~ 1 .. r v>1r·
IOIUI llChOOl dll.11Cl!!ll Ill th•' !torn<'<'
Enalgoi S chool.
Nab Surfsider Here r ll11'1 l".lcrtrf'!erhnir~ <11v1•1on ar· P resent 11rtlv!tre11 1r11 Jn the
, "rd111'" 1,, f'. 8 Uo1Ut<'ll". Fair· -·' I t Drunk driving ch11rge11 V."l'TI!! riled t•hHrl Jitl'llhlrnt . field" ur re•L•Ulricc-we!Jed tern-n""' prngra.11111. or1:11n 1.11. '"n or pcnat ure-re!llilllant •andwlch nllt.· plitnl J()("l(ltl on of th•\ fllnner Arn-
Police S11t11rdny nrre~tl' I ,.li;hl 1 anol
juvenile~. lli:C-" l ·l t•• 111. f<>r po!·
&eMlon of lntoidc:alln~ beveraf(l!!I
folloy,·!ng a 11hllket.luwn "' thrlr
c:•r at 11. drlvii-tn re1t11urant u11
Eut Cout Hlrhway.
'"pholtlterlnr II: Ore.1>ery
Z:'li'I(> -~""Ill. Hh·d., COll!a Mt'11a
UbertJ ta-•'181
Pollc:e ntc:elW<I a call the bofl!
wiire crea i.Jng a d\J!lurb!Ulc:e ttl 11
llq\JoOr 11tore Ill :12·1·1 E . Coa.~l
Hlshway but we re unRh1e t" ftnd
t hem when lhl'y arrived
agaln&t Artpur 0 , Bodine Jr., 34, "J'h<' 11l&nl. locateJ. 11.t t18 E . t•rlaJ for 111rcraft; &utol'llallc tn· l'rican Hcllcoptl'r 1l1vt!!hlfl, Uo11·
Surralde, """hf.'n NeY.porl poHce 16th St.. """' a cqu1rl'd by FA.1r · 11tn.JJntnLKllon compont<nll and tl!!lle emph8.11lZ<'.'<1 \~=========::::::::::::=:;:;::~I
etopped Bodin1>'ill &pled lng c&r al child !11 19!,~ ~v.«trn111 f,.r 11 irl'111 tt and lnd1J!· Key per>10nnl'I or th~ ,\h·!~lnn
2:30 a . m. F~b \on (',.asl H lj!;h· n 1,urllr 11•<1<1 lll" nnn11> ""El•';!.· 111111 H/'rl1c111l••n. nnd lo~h t-v.·1>1i;ht nr" Jfuv.·11rd t: H,,t;,,r,., 1o:··n•·r,1I BE SURE -INSUR E
v.·ay near Poppy Avc Officer!! trotrchnlr•"" wa.'I «htJ"-'n b<'c11u~c r1h••11:la~ .. "n'I ,,.,nr .. n • .,l J•llt~tlc rnnnlll(<'r. \\"11J111>n1 L F r), l'llU~" >OAl'HOC~:u:T .'''L"~
Yo u 'd be 1urprl11ed how
marly f 11rm suppliP!I
Swnd.trd m.~kf'e fron1 .'.I b;1r-
r• 1 vf trud~ oi l J u.~t a ff'W
.11.tt !L!lted at the nght-and
th· ' r~ only IOOn•t" vf the
it<11i~"'ch.'.l,1•on~nd 1:1,r
u~ 11 'all fur infum uit1o n o n
!':!L.tr.dard ~ full hne ul pl"vd·
u, t.. fvr ) our llll"IU.
I p,.,lffJ 1pr•1
I Oluftt1111nl
I '11'0<14 ,lt\'1lGli'rl
I tHI tKl1n11
I "ll'lllC l t lrllftl
I fltor ••~111 tnd 1!11
I ilol•tftl\ 111• '''"' !llt~~-
1 S!w<t1111 II~••
I \k111flt 1101111
<I 1\H ,IH,ll'lt ffMH
IKO'? \\'. Balboa Hl\tt. llarbur I M
... '.
The Lo w Price 1s iust
the FIRST way you save!
900 \\. f"""-"I llli:h"•Y· .~r"I'"'' ""''""h.
'''' ''""~ f1nn1 H11 y 1·1u1JI
They wer<'i l<JlOlli:d 111 lhe drive·
In pa.rk!ng lot &nil an ill\"l!!&U g&·
Uon ot their cur revealed a halC·
1.Uon jug or whlskl'y and one
1t I.!! Jn•ir•· a1111P•IJ!l illl~· 111 de~· n li-1111• HJ\\ll\"e ·plllll1\Jtn~ · fl•r narl11.r ""er cuntr11ll• and 11ccount!n.1::. E ""' .... "'-..... aatd Bodine wu d('tl ng 7!'i mill'• " I Onl ini: the •1l•·1111"n" ,,,.,.,.f'nt ... t1,·l·l!fyall'm11. F:. Harde.!lty. dl!!vPlupment projl'rt n11uranre Y 1-· --~r hou1' In • Otl·mlle r:on.. 11 1> tlr11 I The n11 n1e ehaflf:,I!! to F11.\rch1ld director, and L.. En1merich. a uto-Phone llarbor t•7• h
fa!led top•• a .t0briety te11t, thl!!y n otary y,·!n g a1·\1•·lt1r! 11r thf' f':f,.,.trot1>•hnlr" '11vl!<Lon Ul no m atlc ln11tromentatlon project di· SSl!'ic!,:;0~:'~!1 1~~~way High Qualify Prinfing-P . Har. 1616
C..Ualllld f1"9111. I*&°"' I , part II
Ct.nnel vla H!lltop Homes. " Rf'<'.·
UOn of ('fllCIOll.1 rl'~ltlPnc"11 wherl'
we •1toppfi! to drink ln 11. panor·
&ma Of TnOU!llAl!IS 11nrl 1'~11..
llarly lhfl next n1or111ng we ltft
thl lodre for the elln111..xlng 11ec-
tion ot our trip, the h l11\u1 le lown
or M ontl!!rey.
MONUMENT 1'U'.'i"t':
Monterey II • mine of .!ltlll<'
htator\cal monun111nt~. for It "'IUI
eat.&bl\J!hed on J une :i. 1770. ""hf'n
Don Gl.llpar dt' l'ortoLll. 11nd F Klh-
er Berri landed to fourid the l're-
11\dlo and Mtulon or S11n Carlo•
de Borron19o. •
They •lepped uhor11 on th11 •r.m• apot u had 8tbutlan Vlr:·
caJDO when he dlKOVl!red the bay
JOO yl'&rl earlier. Today the. I r
landing placa la noted by a hi•·
tortcal m11rker.
W'ii followed lhe Path of Ht11-
tory, a v.·ell-m&rked tour that
l11&da Jm•l J10mfl of th" mo•l air ·
"Incant locall!!a of th11 1tory of
C&lilornl11.'11 devl!!lopment.
Thelle Include the Old Cualom
H ou.91!!, \vhent th• Amertcan F1•1
wu r11l.~ over Callfomla '"
JNI; Colton l:fall, meetln« place
tor dratunr UI• !li te Co"11Utu-
UOD in 1849; Pa.cine Butld!nr . th•
~ly hol.tll th&t d11te1 fron1 l&t7;
and •I other pla.cea of lnlere1t.
On• ot the.te 11 th• ty,·o-~tory
Ill~ Hou.e. whare the Scot·
Ueb writer Robert Lout. Stev11n-
JJ()n lived durtnr the a utumn or
1871. Th• etructuni "ow 11 rt"·
•tored ... a ho"111 of lta era., and
ucl!. ol it e<~nlt1ln11. Slf'Vfn.afl·
L After touring tt>,.~r polnt,j! 11'n 11
M.onletty"1 cok>rtul waterfro int
and J'laharmen"11 \\"/wi.r!. we 11la rt-
cd tl.e retuht jouml'y vl11. SAll11M 1 and U . S. 101 throuth f f'rllle !'11'·
JI.nu V..Uty Lo c:omr1l'll' II. Tf'JI ·
t~ and lq,·udJ.n&: i-ounil lrlP.
~ -
ea.Id. C"onipany "·l'rl! cunrluU"r hy the! way "-"-K_l>_lh"._ P_'_'_H_nt or pb1.n:·..:_'~K'."''~"~'~· _____________ _'.i,,,..,..,..,..,..,-,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..1_ __ ..:_ _____________________________ _
REMEMBElt .. SAVINGS received by the 10th
of the month ... EARl'4 FROM the 1st.
••U!. VJOLl:T H\Jllftla&Y tJ-.on. 1ranaru &11d &Ulpm@flt or UM NOTICE or' a..u.s
M r•. Vk>l•l Vivian Humph,,.,, RA y y COPELl.I'{. 8~t'ttary •• ,. •• wlU ti. made, •nd the COD• Not te. of ... 1. of propi1rty "'llnq umt fOr DOll•p&yme.At ol
IW, o( 3H06 V1-ota. de Cat.a.Una.. N-pol'l Uf!acll ,Ctly •ldereUon t hertt'Ore "WIU lHt paid Bonlf No. ..••. 2fl, a.nu No. . .•• 24
Tlir-A.rcll Ba7, dNd Jan. 2T ;tn Pla.anrnr Connnlulon ar 10:00 o'clOt"k 'L m.., oo UM INued [or l~ Improvement ol
H oar Rc.ptt.al ittar a "'ta,_. Mo. W 'N-•·P rf'u 2/8 0-t8lh day ot F•brua ry, 19!MI. at , ~ Bou¥nrd and other •lrfft.
trurn an llln-oS RVeral w.,..W.. th'l' f'IOCl"OW dept.nm'l'nt of Bay Ill Ole City 0( Newport Beach
Ael;ld.cH. _._'t1111 al•i N ... •t"", :t-·--"~l ~-• • ~""'--·~. -1ne:.....,,..a1n · omte "i'Jeliatt b..avinc Drift'"'rfrl !S.t lD"fM-pi"yment''~r""t!Tfol!Ow-lnr
p m In 81 Andrf'W'• Ptmb'yt.f'rtan :SOTl('f: Gt' t•l"H l.J(' Ht:AHISCi l"t 2~l0 ~~. eo...t Bl\1(1, Corona naml"d COUpoNI:
__ =~-!',",f'J' o,r_.Ut! }~~-~ .. .!!il•l?!>.t-~~-P~.Jt.
l!-llulldlaJ: -
&: Paper Ha.n.gi,p,g" Sen1oe
J:UOl!INll1 0 . SAUNDERS ~Ut Str..el;J:rew)ort ~
Harbor 2"18 Uc
>"" •
Church \WUt th<!' Rev JaniM Ste"''· Notice l" h<'r<=bY g Jv.,n tl11t \h" !lf'I ~la1. Ln U111 ·C1ty ut
N11wpor t lnte-rHl Prtn.clpa.I
-·t"'•~ ~ -:!"ft I • • " ~~-~.Cl)~~ ~ll--,-.t...J'¥.~--d'l+.!,,. b~~~.,;~'-'~
guaranu:ii::ru. Carrier wys will deliver their papcrl be>-
for(l 6 p.m. o n Mond iy, \\!ednesda.y and Frid:ly, If yo~
~P.!'E,Jfi:.~~.~~lftti·hone v'sssr ~ !!:._-tzr-,
1616 and your c•rrier wiU bring your paper.
AJcoholi~ A.nooymoue
Newport S.ach. caJJL
. "
BaltzMortuaryotCorona<k!Mar Ii<' h-1111~ un the 11p111f,1tt 1 .. n nr 2 1956 7-2-M 13 1 70 1-2·5.5 7 1411
In cha.rce M r K l)A\'li-l fo r a \'a1111n• C Aii. B. HU MPHREY, Vendor 1·2 -~ 14 1 70 1-2-M 8 14 .11
M,.. Humphrey wu born 111 Of.. -pern1!t ::: :l7fi to l'"'rr1111 "t I 00~ E !'.'l!:W, Vendor 7-2·:!6 JI) 1 27
t roll and .('U'lle to Clil.lllornia tn <11llon•l >:••·•.:.-~'""" •V<11IP""'' Y.DO li!: MADDJCN, VendNI ...• I-2-61 11 127
1919, U"ed In J...,1 Anieln 11..1\<l With l'll.l •tlnr rnnatrurti .. 11 di!•! Xv 66~
• And Lhe holder ot .. id bond ha\llnir demanded ht wrttlnar Lh11f thl"
Piuadena un!J! ,h., and her h u"-1 nl'~"'l'lllll l ti ~uil( 1 ~"' ":i~ru..• l>ni .. n• "1 '.".-w,..rr"1111 2 11 ~ City Trl"aaurer of the CHy vr Nrwport Beach pux:eed to 1Ul\l'l'rll!tt!
b.And, ~'•rf'I M H un1phrev ramt tn lit" lrito 1111 <'Mt&lilli ltf:•I 3!/ "'1 l 't-.HTlt·rc.;AT t; Of" Dl'o!:il !'i"l:t;~ and 11ell the Jot or pan:.:el ot land n1entlon6d lll the 1e.ld !Kmrl. Now. Y<!rwr~,rt "''"' i• •9'0. Th•Y b"•lt I, ll11c k Thl1 101 th• puq,.•M' ... t• I l t th t ) II t•· 28th ... F ,. .--" " t-"l•·llllolb 1"1nn l"anlf' uere ore. g1ve no ice a w1 on """ ... y ot ebruary , CJt1ssified
one ot the flr1t hon1e11 ln Ralb<}I •upp!)'•lll{ ••l•llt.un•t vtr • ~;,,.,.l l9!J.I h ll t t 00 •I k A M t !d d l'"ar pai k n ••<'It 1,n 1 .. 1 ~. 1 The 11n1le1 1i~~t doea her'l'by · •l le our o t · ococ · ... o u ay, llfll ll publll." -----------------
Cova . later on'l' Oil ~.lo h•le 'They 1 I( 1 J: , ,.1t,ly tha• h,. la conJucltni a 1 ii UC lion lhr lot or pan:el or land mentioned J_n ••Id bond, or llO much C.,11atat Shop?f'r A<b 1'\111 111 !he \\ ~neitday :Nr.w.-P,_
nioved lo if an t'll!mente l Wu yt:11.n. ~~~So :-:;~1,; ;: .~~-1;i~HJOa 1 1 '"'1 1 ~11,1 r,.111111 110,1 fiahtng_ teckle bu.!li· thrN"Ot a11 may be G~•ffln·y, In t hf' Coun cil Charnber-1 in th., Cl! )I 4 Llnt:lj I lnlM'rl:.on $1 .(HJ a.Jd'L lhlN .2S ea.
ago, hll.d b"'l recently co1nplr ted .'4•iti('., 111 lwr••lil' turthl'r ;: ''" .,,11~ .it 4 J~3 \\' Cuul9lil•J .. St>~1•1 Hall ln tht' City of Nf'Wl)l.H"l Be,.ch. unleu th<! •n1oun1 ,\u(' on 11al<1 4 LfnM 2 lnM"r(iun!4 l .:'"JU Mld'L lines .25 ea.
"" nl!W hOn1e tn'Thr"'1 Al"f'h Hay thr.t 1 , , , 1 .,,,,1 1-1,.ar h C.111!ronila un•lf'r the bon11 and the a ('crued lnlerut !heron tor .. ther wUh tt10> l!O¥l vr l , I lne• 3 (nM·rtlill'"' "'"' ···'d'I 9 A 1ne1nber ot Thf't• s1.,1n11 rtii "·''' fl" 111• 1"•r 1nii: 1>1 1 " ' · • 1 1 f h id d .. • · " k.vv au • Unes ... 5 eL • 1 ••loi o• 111,. 1'Hh ,111\' of f'.,h 111~,,, 11• lll••Jllll t1rn1 na•ne ot ffr~:E1,.1 ,t '"' pub 1cet1on v t 1.11 nOllCf' •rt Pll : an lh1tt I w!U ao NH ll•<' -I Llnt-!il 4 lnSt'rt\o·is 2 .. \0 add'I. Un~ .:?5 ea.
h<1nc.ir•r)' J011 mall11m .oronl)", .\lr1 .. 1 01 .. 11,,,., ,,f j 111 I' Al ,,, ,, , ("ltA}--J" U-Lt'.J\'Jo: BOAT l!E-'"T· qfne tu the pe-rJibn l'l"ho will htk• tht il"Ut IUll<>Yf\t ut u ld Jul ur •ltuaUon ""''"d Ad" ,.,111 , .. ,.,.1,.f' I:\"'• ,11~,..'""' <'-•h H umphr'l'y Wll.9 lnlerntl!d In ,,.., II · I f I d I th f II & t f J p . ~ 1..11 ad\'IUK:e only . r·,,1.1, ,11 "·'"1 ,..,~ .,1 tn .. :.:~ ... •• 1 .\I, C'U 110J Ua1l &>ud t1nn I• c·orn-pa.rec o •n 111111 pay " u iuuuu "' unp.11.1 nnc1p11 J atl'll Ml ~'l\1 1 -'1 Al> ·is 4 1-l.'~t~S
lnll' and niUlllf'. 1ui_. 1nany r ~u1u1111 1, ., ,, ,. , 11 11 , , , , , 1
1 ,.,11,.,1 or !he tollowln"' f~rBOn• lnt .. ri;11t on 1a(d bond, 11.>gtth"'r wtth co..ta uf P"'bl1r11 t1un -------------------
po:<Jpl• Ii th fl Id St · ·< ' '' 11 '' "1' "" "'" "' I ~ " .II.' It' l'ajt II )•Ill •,. "".Y "1.,,1 ~I I r"t•'1'"!1 l'l' ., l'hr,_,., nal!le.I Ill lull 1111\IJ J'l lO<'~I t>f n1. lol Or parcel Uf llUld 111<:111.iOOrd Lil "fll•t IY-lltl 1nd
rr ... mber or Udo Lol-r \\11111""" '.1 .1, • ,.,.1 11,11 , "!'I~""' ,.,.,1 1,,. tw ." 1 .,..~"!"'""" 11 re a11 fo!luw,., ru-wit lo be 11<1ld, L1 more p;ut.icuharly deacribed, 10 -w1L I' N E\VPORT H A RBOR NE\\'S-PRESS
•11·1 Wllllt> hl"re had lllk('n '"' .!ll",l\I' lh••ir•nl r{!':;R~.:LL N. LOC K\V()()D Ult 18 Block 837 CoronA dr·I Mar, MMB 3, Pal"ff 41·-4 2. E .. d V' d d '
l uttre.11t 1n IU Ila proje<'l! She u1 liA~· y !'f1 l'.,~l.IN Sc•trl"I' 'l!~> t"r'Ylt111J A.venu... Th~lll.l'1lount du~on ,..Ld bnnd upto thed•teotthlanotl('.,laaatollowa. Very 1:nCn a y, ..-e neS ay and Friday
•Unri\lf'\1 ooty by h,.r hu,.ban•I ,..,., • .,.1 •rt J\r ... h 1•11 ). B,01 P>011 l11land. Ca.Htomia Du .. on the P rlnclpiil th'l'rt:or .... v,..nty lllld 80/100 doll11r.. CO~S'l~A L SkiOPIJER -\\'cdrtesda)'S
CllA.Rt.£8 G11tlT11s l'l11111un,; ('.,nun•~Jlun \\1ln""" n•y hl'U\d th1a IJlh day 1$70801 --
Funeral M'l"\llC~ flir ('h.11 1>-. • ...,.ll fki1 :.;, •• ...,~ 1·1-, • .,, 'l 6 ~ uf J n.11u11rv, 11H16 f>ur M 11.ccoun1 or lnterral. eleven a.nd 10,100 o.loll11r.1 lJEADl..INE~ for 1.i~L1n i.;-<•r •·11ncelhni a.is are:
G .. rton,8l rz17 ,,fllh S ...,.,.,~ -Hlsi.·:.LLN LO<.:K\\'LIO I• 1$1176> l·ur.\tvn•Lay l'11lili•,,11vn l-r1d11y~1•1n
• 0 ~ ,\ '''TJ('t, tJi l 'Tt •• .,.11 ~.IJ "'''' :·r11•t-: <J~' CAl.JF'OR:-.tA 1 111i1<•1'<.!•t 1.., <'!ln1pounU~d acn11 11nnu111IJy1 F ur l\'~un J•!al' J•iiLli«u\1<JJ1n Tu•»••!~y J pni. ~·ll,.•lu !rd for 2 p 111 t•~J111 ;-;if!H'E IS l l.1<1-:U\" IJ!\/--. , ,,i ·'!'Y jl~" ORANGt' J~ll J' ,,,11 \I d,.20 Fur t ri!11y '·.!•'•II, n Thur·,.,i.,)' l pr11.
4 ~t1·~d!>hL L"1 f~ .. i}y·,Uijll1;>' _,\j;/ • ...-:-M.li• "f>,}'j; ·rr A"r"Ml"!ll~~ 1 •• '~·I m~ 1rth'. d"1y of"1i.nu11'rv r .• l'Uf vn llCl'OUUt vL 0:1...,. l""· ~ ... \•o.e .J.1.11.l. ~;--7-;!0I I ~'t.\'t'"f>or::T fl -\ni\01< r"'l J\l.ll'll L'" ,.()
tu 1·y c ap... Co.ta M<•• I•• ,,, f•'. ,_ •·L·,., 1,. !?I I t:.allH.la llhd . ''"f>to rl l'-'·11•·/1, 111JH .. r11ia. -. r .~r. I I 11,1"1; lre!ur+' '""-L11r und .. r Total an1<1unt duf. nn 11a11l bo•nd $89 76 11'''' fl'"rberl Ji>hn,,.,n 1'0 ~'"1 .,., ~I .! I\ ·•• 1 11 ·'"t11 1y 1•ut11J< "' 11rh! Jut In .. rot~r tu 1 »11111 th1!1 ..... 1,. 111•yn1r nt "' th~ t"tal •H11'•un1 lb•"!»~ n 1 .. M•pll~\ i "hut•ll •·I ......... ]~ H•·l ~.. I ·~ 11-~· f'I ........ \.• 11fl11 ... 1 .. ~"'""I ''" J i ·,.,.·1l; •Hl•t l'.it •l·· ll"lhl n11 mrd Wtl! b.· r,,1,u1r ... 1 11,~ .. ln• r W\lh t h~ l'l.tJI! •·f l'Ubl H'!!llt;n 1n .. r1c
Tli<ll t ">ll t.ifl Ill M "l'""" \'H• II \lu ''1' ·""""I""" '" >! t.+•f o•I!• <h1ly~orr•r11i..11"rlt"tl11nol l lJ,f tirr au,h p11yr,,r11 t 11.r.d \IJ'" 11•l•!itlVtllll 111\l'!f:: .. t l<~~/"Ullil; LI!'> IU fh,e Jllll 11<l >1·1~ Will II I(,.-''
t.1 .,.1,..,i.-u1n '""' '"' .,,, '' tt i •l~l'""ll" "l•r>r&.o· I f'(!"~ l ihr <1111.-i,1 i-11 y11 ... 11t 1-k>rar.J 1n .. v r ... •f'1n~l/\t..,,1 •11~•n p1<y 111..,111 1,r 1""'rl•·•ll "1 1111 ... [. 1'10.',',',",,'," ii I 1'.111 J -1•,('t \\ ! '· a 1l1o 11f1d (.., tr/<-•l lltl) .\I • ,~,1 1 ,.11 1,,.,1 ll ,1•1 ,1 \l.\l·l " " • • ' • \ •J11' "''""ll t•,'11111•1u11LA <Ill" nterf'8l 1kni<lll•'A 111'\•I ,, ... a lu l/\•· 11111nnt'r l"'"ldr-1
I••• I ,..,i. In ,.,1,111,..,. vi puliU.-allon..
1.~,!·lt< [''' ""I•' \1,ii•1 une 1n,un<'<'l
I I j •I ' I , > .,~,..•I "II) "'· J "IJ
1 .~ a!~ 1•i,11l11llon"
Pbcne Barbor '796
NYC $80•
•Roun<I Trip Only
Frf'e L.Jn1oua1ne to Airport
llox Lunch.,., Jo~ T1cket 0.U"ry
V.'-ASHI:-IGTQN, DC. -·---,97
PHJLAOELl'lllA . ·····-·-$88
DALLAS ·-----·····----·-,4\)
lJ}-:TftOIT ··-·.-·-····-·-.. -179
l•J :O..'OLULU ·--.. -··-··········--$109
N}-;\V YOHK ........... ····-· ... l X!I
C HIC AGO ... -........ ···--·-·-'69
All lo'area ~ Plua Tu:
1'.!4 \V . Ocean Blvd., L. 8 .
ti!!: 2·6~ I!> - -NEv. 6.483tl
SIUll.11 .Anll, 117 E . 3rd Kl 3-8.SM
IX.-.[Wau ty Aids ---•• -''------
~lean1 Cab1nt't
Ma ssag"
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lt r} • ""l'"t I ',,Al " Mr•" l"h" l\"v
t 'h .. tl•·~ ~· tt~n.t • .it""''"'' In
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l.'••f!lr\••1 \ \'••fl!11111
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In H 01ni;: II< •p\1111 11 fl••r nrl •'<·;
1<·nd~q •l int-~.~ A n1111vr u l Hr•··~· 1
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~111 >IVHI'<
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11•\<.11 ~~• ''"I purt:11I ~ Mr
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l'"ritn· 1
l\Al.l.;\I AS
Hol.v t"9•rr w11.<1 11•·he<ltllt><J tu
ti<: r~1:1tl'd fn Pnrkt!n-R 1cll"'Y Mor•
tu11ry chlll)f'I yr~ttrcha y 1 Sunfl11y l
w llh n1 •~• relt<hr111 .. ,1 Rl 9 '"· m
ro<111 y 1t.1u11.!.,y 1 In st J oil• h1n1
Cath<Jll1: 1..'.h1,u •rh rvr Mrll. l..0111iw
H1•len Bal!n1t1n. 6f,, \lf 10347 r en·
1'hl' H1·1•
Hun ,., Vllllt1·
Th<Hl111.'I .r
"'ll S tu offl("l MI,. l11tr1·01,.nt .,.,.:.8
to bf' In " lo..1111 cernt l,.ry, t he
IH(ot lullry ~llld
Mr•. B•llrnAn l}lr•I nf B h"lll'I
attack Thurar.l>ly al lite home nr 1 ·
h r 1 <111.ug hl«r. t.l r•. Frank \\'al~h
r,,t Sun .\',dJ.,_\' A. nnlh•I" •1f r,, .. ,..,
R11 y, \\ ...... ~rt,,, Bt1Hman ('tUllf'
tu c .. 11 romi11. In llHZ a nd h••I
hved In Co11ta Mesa elnce llH:I
She w..., 11 n1en1fler nr lhe (_""·•·
t11 Me-11a F'rlUay AflernllOn Club
and St. J mic hlm C11tholic Chun::h
Surv1\lor1 lnclurle the hu11bant1.
R11ymond tRocky) Dallm1U1: an·
other daujt'hter, P.t rs. Shlrlry K ul·
back ot Gudrn Grov": four •i.11·
lrr,.. Mr1. Leona Engel and 1il r.<1.
J<~nuly Sn1llh of W!llC . "'Mr.<1. MA·
l:lt'I Kn1rt and ~lni. Gn\<·f! Bar-
bour of Chl('a~: IL hrothf'r. Wll ·
ll11m Barbour of W l8" 11n•I two
\'~ 1 ff ... rtDJ
1'1'0T1CF. OP" rtllllJO RF.AR.ISO
l.11 00r .. rll! r;~n-rr.! "~/""'•Ir•" '""1
('••on"'nt ~'•n•,ll•·r
\\ 11(•• :-;, .1, z ;!ll
~ ~1~>
t< .. 1nrorc-1n1 I rr.I'\ "1uK .. r
1t .. 1nron1nii 11,•n \\ork.-1 ~ ... ~11Hu1 110 17 p.-r
t1r .. 111••1 r I hlilU -'""' rl1') 11 "n •
llp,.1 a!o1 " & 1"•·11.!rt.• u! l 'h•·llu1,.!1<' .t l~lrrt111·
T'"''" \',t /·Ill/Ii.; ~t i" li>rw• ~ 1'10ll!>u 111r< h
11n•1 al 1 ... .i11 n••t ~··r11n11~1y 1·buvuf1,.d
(",·111• Tll I "l!ll•r1 • "" ! ' I "'
lldd 1 ... 1 .. 1111,~ bulk . , .. , •·rt 1
Cro l,h.-ra 1>1 Shnl"I~
A~11/u1.Jt l{alU'f u1ul l r .. n•·r
~l1•1n br!lroe
.· < ·.,,,,..,j>1" { ·ur,.r I m!'('rvlr "~
~""' ,;,,.,(,•r ltl•wny & :'l!t •"'l
P1t\•1ng llnly 1
~t!llo'l"r PL.p.I. Layer (£.11;irJ.1,1J11~ 1..'....W\l.tl") --~·
~"'"'r P!pl" l'antk .. r ~t'l.'ltllt L·11.ulklll1' !Ool-'1
T11r n11.n & ~1 nrt 11rn111n
A llf•r,.nUrf' t:r1i;::1nrrr. In• ·ln•!111i;: F11.--n111n, • l1l1·r
1 t I
0 2 ~I
2 ~6
2 ~I
2 :19
2 :10
"" ~.:.-:
2 :19
A lr ( ""'"l'ff'!\ltOr. I •11 rnp "!' (,_;, . .,,.,"tor 1..iper11 t"r :: ,l7
("nu< t('l<" llt A ~rh11lt :-:p,.•n•llnl(, ,\1 .. <"h T11 rnp·
'"" n r Fini.h. ,\lu•·h llJ'•'f"l"r
t"on••<'l~ ~fixer Opt:r~tvr p1t.,·111g type Rnd
rnobile mixer
Concrete J\fl,.,.r Oper11lor Sk ip Type
~1A lerl11t l"'8dcr nr Con,·ryor Op.!r.t1lor
1'11\'ement l:lrtHker Orwrutor
l'1Unp O~r11tnr
Ruller 0Jl"'r•lor
Skip Loli tler Opera tor-Whttl Trpe
T nu:tor H !-L1ft Sh(1Vel OJ>"t!l\nr
T ractor 0pf'r1'1or Hu llt!""''l'r, T11mpt·r. ScrllJl<er
"' 260
"' ,.,
or r >ruto: Type Shn,·1•1 <ti' lh1on1 AttA1·hrnenta 2 6.11
T1·rn• ~ln1t ~!iu·Ji1n<" Up.-r"lur 2 76
I 'n1vcr~111 i:qulp. Op••r11tor 1 Shuv~l. Dragllne
lir1ru·k. l~rriek ·•J&rK"· Cl11m~hell. Cranr
<;1r Pile IJrlvert
I 11 l\'l!tll of IJ11n1p Tru1 k11
Wll \l'r ll'Vf'I
I k1v..,r11 tif LJ11111p Tru<·k.,.
.11 ydp WAll'r )l'v"I
I ir11•er1' of l>unlp Tru<'kll
12 y<.111 "''&ll"r lt>l'i'I
Driv•rs of Durnp T! urk!'l
16 yl\11 . .,.·11t .. r II'''~!
Dr!\ler11 or Dump T ruck,,
wall'r lf'\lel
Drlvent ot Trucka-Lega.J
leaa lhan 6 toru
Ort"""' of Tn.rrk"-Li-gal
bel.,.,·~•n 8 ind 10 ton11
or If.NI then
~ ylla. 1>111. I""'" !.hnn
~ 1•111 but LrM lhlln
l'i y•lll but leita tha.n
lft yrl1<. mo~
Payload Capa.clty
l'11ylo11d Capacity
On\'f'r11 or Tn•r ka l..f'g,,1 P11yl0fld Cllp11r1ty
2 .105
'2 33:'1
hf'twf'en 15 arid 20 1011111
lll11rk,.n1lth.<1 lltlpcr
Drh:·kt11rtr anrl Sto11..,mll..!<o>n
. 3 1'2:1
2 "" J .60
El~tnc1an Forf'n11111
Plurnber F oren1an
Drivers of Trur k.t---LA.:g11l P11yload Capacity
'·"' 3.84
belwl!f'n 10 and l~ Iona . 2.38:1
A ny cl .. ULcatlon omllte.1 lle~ln. not l-than 2.20
rrr n1em
l 'i!lf!
""' ~'l ~"
J9 28
19 28
zo 48
19 28
Ill '()
17.60 ....
19 12
" 00
:?I 44.
:20 80
:20 18
20 18
23 23
23 28
1 II 4 4
17 .80
All bid• ue to be ('0mpa1M on tlle but• of the City 1Cnaineer"1
f'lll01Ale or lhe quantltleti of ... ·ork to be done.
No bid will ~ a C"rtpled rron1 • Contra ctor who haa not bffn U-
ren11f!d In accordllneiJ 11;·1 11> the prov1'11nna or Cha ptt:r 51. Divtaion Ill
or 8W1lne1111 and Profeulorur (:nllf:.
No ~l
Nutrc" f>f ••If' <1f
B<111d N o
pmp.,rty <J,.hnqu,.n l for
'l7 ~ 8 1-nes ~ ..
TH>11 -p.ayn1en t c.ir
llllf.l""I f"r th•· irnpni,·,.nn•l'\t nf
r"oa.<it B0utrv11rol and 11!h"r "lr~ls .. nd , .. rt11 1n all•·•·~
1n lh•· !'1!y ol N"11;'ll'•rt B"lil r h •
n"r&ull hav1n!> !l<-('n nlR<lr In th~ 1ii.y1ncu1 or lh., follr.ov.11'\K
n11 1nr 1I t·<lllJ"ift.L.
Interes t • 1 l"nn1·lpi.,I
Oat I' • "oupon Nu1t1b.-r Amount P 11t" <"tK.Jpoll Nu1nl)o-r A mount
l·2·:'1.".1 14 l Z 19 1 -2 ·~~ 7 SIM'll
7-1-M 10 I 8i l -2 -~ b IK:ZI 1 -2 -~fl 18 1.64 I
And th11 holder nf 11111!1 bon!'I h11vln1t derna.nd"'1 ln writing that thf'
CHy 1'r(llAUrl'r or the Cny or Nl'wport S.-11ch pn,..•·c•I tu 11<1vertl11 .. I
llnd "''U UI" tor Qr /•ArrPl rit land rnentlQllf'd l/1 the 1wu d bond. Now. I
!hf"rffnrt f give n .. ur·e tnat I .,.,.,IJ nn the 28th rt ay of F ebruarv
19~1 11l Lh,. hotJr of 11 (JO A ~I . of 1a1(.t <1111y , 8"11 Ill publlc aurtuin
fht Loi ur parcel ot llLIHI mf'nlhlllj>d In ••Id bond or "' rnuch th,.r.-of
H.ll /TlllY hot ntc<IA!<&ry. in lhl' Cou ncil Chamb<-rM In !hf' {'l\y 111111 1!1
the (:Uy or Ne .... ·1i0rt Hearh. unlc1111 lh« w nuunt due on Hllld hond I
and the B.CCtut'<I l11tr~.11t thereon togelher "''1th the r..-,.,t or 111"
publlca11on ot thl• notice ar'l' p•id · 11.nd th1't I will ,.,.. Jh·ll f ht·
1111.m"' to the per!Kln who w11l tllk'l' the l"1J1t am ount of 1M1d lO! r>r I
po1n:el ot land an d pt<)' the full 1U11r,,unt ut unp•ld Princi pe.I &nd
lnttrr11t •'n aa.Jd bolld 1og .. th"r W\lh eo11i., or publl<''RUnn
Th'l' ~ot or parc'l'I of llUld 1nent1onl!d in IMILld bond 11nt1
ln 1)1' 110ld, la r11<1rf' polrti<'lllArly del!Crlbe..1, to-wn .
1,,.-•t 9 Bl u<'k 638 C"nrt>nll d~l M11r. MMH .1. l'tt~"a 41 -42
The ILlltOuu.L due on al.Id bond up LO Ui.t! W.t. <II. uu1. no;t!o .. la·w fnl1mtr.<1 ·
l.Jur on lh" Pno('IJ>ll.l thtT''"'· 11ev .. 111y-two 1111tl 1!4 !do dullara I
0111" on acrovnl of l nU!1"at, 11evt'n l.lld 24/100 i:lollar11
~ 1nt"reat 11 rompound,.d 11e-ml a.nnually J
Dul' on a<"cnunt or P••n111t1 .. a !hr"e 1U1<i 38/100 dollllra.
Tul/l.l 1t.n1'•Unt du<!', on 1111.1d bunt!
1 $728~•
IS 1 Zt I
( s 3.38 1
S83 16
In nrilf'r Iii 11vold thl1 .11a.le-. p11yrn••nt .,f /tr tu!11l 11mount 1bo\•f'
111.111~<.1 w1l\ be required lOK"lh"r w ith th,. rl•ml Qf publicatktn ma.ti'
bt!or" 1uch paymrnl fUld the a ddlt lon11l ntereet a('('rulng up to
th" di.le nr payment.. Bond may be tl"lnBtat('d upon payment of
11mou11U due, Lnlerl"lll. peoe.JUea, and f..ea, 1n thti m&nner prov\df.d
l)y law. Jn the evl"nt of ILl!h~. 1111ch aale w\lt Include lnterf'..at tn
fu1tl!t111n to the abov,. tot.111 a n1ounL due 11ccruJ11g up to da.te of 1111.1 ...
I!;"' c~!ll ~r yubl!caU~ of nulk e-of -it, IJ.ld .Pile ,Dol.J.lk , ror Ute
ISBulng or Certificate of Salt:. ~ Ne-.,..·por t H11rbor News-Pre!!!
Ill dM!(n•ted aa the new•pa.per in which thla nQU('e ltha.ll be publl•htd.
Diiled Ff'bru11ry 6, 19~
JO U1111!11•'"·' ~.u1<le
l l HulhllnJ:" ~1atrrlal•
1'? lluilolluii: ...,.,., 1, ,.~ ..
1:1 Shir.-l our ( '"
" Tnu1~11•1r1111 lu1>
17 Uov1h111;
18 HotaUI ) ,.\Id•
io llr11llh Ahl,
" .. ),o•I anti t-.. uud
~1'.'h•,.,I,., Jn,,ln1<•tlh11
Zll 1'\llu11tt .. n• \\fll\IMI
:ei JllP;lll \\ 11n1<·ll
30 ;\U"·"U"ne<>u•
SI)··\ 1'"1111"
:SC.-H A11plllanrr•
ll1 \\,.nt"<I l o Huy
!'It FurnHur~ l11t :-\al"
3 t -A Antlqur•
J,, Hu•I ~, ~"l'l'lh•11
S I M 11~lr11I . !("di .. , T \'
:s~ Linc•. t .ti~. r• .. u
:s6 l'uult ry
,, IJ\•·~ltH'k
39 Aul"" \\ ttnl<·d
40 A11t..1>< fur :'illlt'
•D·A 'l'tr.-,. I; t•arl.eo
f l Au\OJ ~•'r'lo"'
f t T rllllrno
4)1 .4.lrplan .. ,.
41 \\'a11h'tl lo R,.nt
•11 A 1•t~. &. lhiu""" for
4tl·A AJll•. IUr Hrnl
-41S-H Uo1u"""' tnr K"nt
411---(' T rall"r ~11a•·,.
451 tt .... rn• fnr Hrnt
49-A It<'•! ilnmM<
4.lt-ll Hoom &-IS<J1t.rd
1).1) l(en., Ml .. .-.
~ll :-ltor1·~ A: Ulll•·,.,.
t.ll·A uu .. 111.-•~ lh·otat~
t.-t nu .. 111"~" Oppt1r111nlllf'oll
1):1 .\tonry tn Loan
~ ,\loney \\11nlrd
1)7 Real £11tate \\'an ~
61' Keal .!':1111111 Ser\•loe
80 ln.-t1mo 1•roJ'f'rt7
60-A (.iorn merh-.1. lnd111lrla.I · ·n lklil r.t tate"""!:xchang-11
I t ltfla..l t: .. tate
Trr 11.•urfJr of the City or Newpon
New1-Preu 2/8/56
Special Notices
No. 662
NOTIC"Y. 01" SAL.£
NOtl('e ot 1111.le ot propl"rty d·1llnqurnt for n1.>l\·pa.yml"nt or
Bond No. . . . . 1. Srri,.• No .... 36
iMUed tor the in1prO\IPm~nt Qf
BaJIX.oll Boulevar.t A.nd 0U1er Slreeta
lQ lhe City of N rwport Beach
llavlnl" been made in the p11.yn1e11t of the
na.mf'd l'-OUpon.11 :
Coupon Nun1btr
1 -2·:'12
Coupon Numho>r
' 2
3t .37
Newport 1-larbor
B. P. 0 . E.
Meet.I e very Thursday 8 p.m .
Vla Oporto -Central A. ve.
Newport Bea.ch
Albert H . MattheWll, Exl.lted Ruler
'-t"uneral Directors
A mount
St 1,:16
'·"' 8.2:'1
1 -2-:'i~
3 • '
34.37 Colonial Mortuary
34 31 /_,
' 7 7.22
]4 :!? 78fll Bol11111 1•J1111t South of \Ve11t-
mln11ter .Mt1morlal P11rk.
• ' IO
All Orange Countv l 1111Ututlon
Serving r1m1l!1"11 of 11ll t11.lth11
Tel('Jlhnne 1Toll ~~ree)
ZEnllh :'i:?31 And lh~ holdl"r or 1alfl l>nnd ll11 vl 111t" rl,.m11nrlf'tt In wr\t inJ: !11"'l th<> r"1!\' No one ever turned away be-cauee
Trl" .. urer or lh'l' City of Newpnrt i"Wfu·h prnrrr•l l•l ~d,r1t1~ 1ln~l l of lack or rund1.
aell the lot or p!lr"l::el of land m.,ntton,.,I in thr ~aid bond Nvw,
lh'l'refore. I givr not1('e that I 11;·ill 00 the 28th •ta.y or F"brullry
1956. 11.t the hour of Jl ;OO o'clock A.. M., of said dAy. llt!ll at publ!r l2-Bulldlng Senice8
11uctlon the lot or parcel ot 111.nd nit:ntioned In 11111<.1 bond or ,.-. I
mud\ thereof all may be nece8"""ry. In lhe Council C hllmberB in the General Contractor
CHy H all In the Clly of Newport Bl'11t·h. unll"u the a.mount due LICENSED
on 1111.ld bond and th .. accru .. d lnterf:•t therf'Qn togl"lh'l'r w ith thf' New Work _ Remodeling
c:OAt of the publicatlon o r lhl11 notlc" art: pl'ltd; and tha.t I will ao J. M.ILTON M•KENZIE
at:ll the 1111.nlt to lh'l' ptr!IOn who will la.ke th,. le1t.11l arr11>unt of .111\ll! ...
lot or pan-el or 111.n<I •n<I P"Y th" full 11mount of unp&1d PrlnC.tp il Ha rbor 6399-W 58tfo
end lnlrrl">!l on .<111.IJ bonfl. fogf'!hrr with rOl't-'I or publkallon.
The lul or par('el nf 111nfl menl lon"d ln .<111.llt bond 11.nd
to be 100ld. !• inure pnrtlculArly <lf'"cnhf"i to·"'it;
Lot 7 Block 42 Rh·rr Stttlon. Ne-..·port R'l'it rh ~IMH 4 pl'l,Rf' 2."I.
Thf' a.mount due on Mid bond up to lh" d111 .. uf thl.i notlr .. ts 11.>1 fnllow':
01111 on lll<! rrinc1p111I thertilf, thl""I" ht1•11lrf'\I rorty-lhrl"e 11nt1
691100 doll11fll. ($343.69!
Outi on account of lnll"t'Nt,
doll&n1. (SIOIJ.&9t
une hund!'f'jJ 111!1<. IUld 69, 100
f intl're•t h1 compoundf'd ll!!mi 1U1 nu11Hy !
Due on a('count ot PenalUl"a. 11l.at.)·-fn·e and
4 $6:1 8.1)
831100 doll11,..
Tota.I amount due. on said bond . . 1~18.1 1
In onier lo a void Ulla al.le. paymant n< the lot.•! a mount 11bove-
namf'd will be M'!qUlred togelh'l'r w ith the cO!!t ot publtcallon made
bf'(Of"e fll.IC:h J*ytnf.nt and the additional intf'rt•t accn1\ng up to
Painting & Paperh1u1ging
We do the "'ork ourselveti.
30 yea ra l'xp.,r1enc•
Llcen8ed A lnrurcd.
sau .. racliun gu.<1r11nlf'('d.
E1llmah • fre'l' Call Johnnie.
LI 8-2687 & LI 8 -5289
ALSO 1t1ARr:-IE PAl:"."TrNO
Glenn Johnston
the date of J*ymtnL Bond may be r'illlt•l"<l upon payment o! 11()1 • 3 1•t St. Newport Bf.•l'h
R epair \-\'ark 1::u1-:N 1_ Ht~YAt'•T n . .I!!.
,,,,..1 Yi ur 110,,. ... :.;,~·J f{e!ialnug LlU<.> I ~l\Jtln •ol B"llU!y Har. ~78
"' lh;i11uc.1 .. 11ng ! I U e
l'•U I-•8..nk. 1.1n .. rty 8·19~4
All 1\+,t k 1,11111.•nl~t'.l • l tfc
Custom Building
ATTI{J\( 'Tl\'£ !'RICES
)'t!llr f IJ<•·" ~·r uura
I.I! ~n .,,•J ln~urr•l
~l:O:AS<:l.-.:n AHH,\Ni;EL1
A J . \\'J•;l.1'Y
"°.'1~11 S1111I • An&
l.Jl)ootl)' e>·!S316
A,,...,, L'oilta Mt11n
l'E~!El\'T & BUlLDfNG
All K1ntts
F'llEE £,.i.;·r1}.1ATES
Liberty 8-61 09
2!l lt
~I INOR llEl-'AIJl WOilK
/\"O JOB TUU S ~!ALl..
H O A n<!.,r.on
1Ul4 E. Balboa Hh·d.,
Harb<Jr 2t !IO
S kill
Licensed LI 8 -3321
:80 Avocitdo, CO•ln ~ft/Ill
Saw11, Elec. Drtll•, P ollaher1,
tYPl'll ot l::lander11. Whec:lbar·
row•. etc.
1-Jbcrty 8-3435. Newport Sch UUc
Smoll Jobs Wonted
w ork -rl"11Mnable
Liberty 8·MI03
Sympson & Nollar
Ue8t Exper:if'nced \\'orkmen
Har 2404 or ~1 17
Painting, Decorating
Paper 1-langing
878 w . 18th st., Coat.a Mesa
lAlberty 8-8628
L1Cf'l\Sf'd lln1I lnlllffPd
N~) J!•l1 tnn big :>In Jub too 11m1111l
1307 F.. Balboa. Blvd Her. ()294-R
IF rr l"AN OF: Hl'ILT or ref)f'lreJ.
\\·F. CAN [)Q JT
Lic:l'nl>ed and ln11ured.
L I 8-2023
Custom Cabinet Work
N n job 1on ti1i: or too small
Jl"nr 111,m..clllllf! 11ppr111i""l call
c . Eve rett Smith
Your Relax-A -Cizor
l'! •:-0:~!-LTA:O..L"
I l»uonn1>l r1t!lon11 no obl!tt:11llon.
u u :o::o:JE \\ Jlp'">l):i H YKtt 4-'M&C 1-ti3p76
22-1.o ... t 1u11I Found --------------!..OST St.~rnf'a" , lilt, ftlflaJ.e RJ!:..
\\ ,.\R.l 1 tllt .Hitl'l RL H11rbor
226:1· K Mpe,S 1--------
'l4--..Vhoo111, Inst-ruction
China Painting
Dmy 111.11d Evf'nln' Cl....,.
Order• T11il.en N091'
Phone Ll berty 8-M48
28-SltuatiOM Wanted
.. u,
HA.ND)~ MA!\'., maiutfllllnc:e 4
rf'pl'W.C. or "'hat 1 Har . 'M4-W.
\'I, t~ttc
'Y8..rd Maintenance
Thn-e yea.re lll('pr'T1e11ce
thl• locl.lity. u 8·37~9 ""' --------GARDENING
LI 84080 o r LI 8-4!W4
Experienced Gardener
Lrbe.rty 8-l 6l59
Roy 's Maintenance
Hou.ee cleanlnc -l'loor ....ins
W11ll wa11hLne -wtndow ~
Venrtian bl.UldL Uphol#t.u'J'
!n1U red. Free Eatlma.t.
1~berty &-133:1. lUa
~AL reli11ble womllll wt.t.•
d•Y work. $1.2~ per hr. Own
triu111porlllllun. A 1-o caNI oC
nl"w babies. Ca.Ii Hu. Mn..J. .... ,
Do lhoulder11 o r feet acb•1
111 RJ.~t ,AXATION needadf
Swedish Massage
Ill your hom e.
PIM.ff call Harbor' 4711
or Harbor 70. Dp'JJ
LIBERTY 8-1>139 .,,,,
Complete All-Home
llo1n e or yacht cooklns • ~
clf:aning catering -buU. -
w•ltr"-'1111. C haurftr -gl.fd«J.lna,
nur11ing tr•vel comp'a. x..i ..
Anrt Fema le white . Be/It locaJ
rf'ra LI 8-7::>71 or J ICftenon
7-1306. 17pMI
Nollce I• hereby (1vni. tha t thf'
P lanning Comml•lon ot thlf! City
of Newport Beach will hold 11 pub-
lic heatlns on t he •ppllcAtlon of
R. LERNER tor 111 v11r1ance -Jl"'r·
m il #27& to permit· a pern1anent
aw11lng-structur. ~chin( Into
Iii rP.qulf'l'd f'toont y ard att•ba(")I ...
en lot t lO and 909 LMi'l Jal" llK"·
tlon lrMlt f to'f m Lido Boud •.•
P lazia ma.7 be -.een. a.nd forms ot propou.l. bonrta. eontra<"t., and
•P«lnc•Uona may ~ obtl.lnf'<l at the otfl('t of I.he C1ty Engt.ne.r, City
Ra.It Ne-WJ>Ort Rl'-ll<'h, c11 11rorn1L ·
amount• due. lnterMl, penaJUM, and feea. In lhe manner pl"O'V1df!d Harbor 3176 49U(' 1 H11r
by law. Jn lha event ol ll<i. au..·h -i. will 1nclude. tnt.areist In 1---------------'" 7 p
kMpl"r ltve In.
\\'n te lo rt-r
C•.1rona ~ ... 1.Mer.
aood referenot-11.
Offic• Box W
Noll~ lrl he Nlby t'Urther flYtn
lh•l aald pub'Uc hH.rlnl' w11l bf'
h<lrid on th• lllh daJ' (J( J'eb. llJM.
a t the hour of. 7:30 P.M. In Ole
Counct1 Chunbrn of. tba N.wport
U...cb Otj H&U. Ill. which Umt1 and
plaoe Uy and &II ptt~TUI lnl~Hel·
c.j IDt.J' app.!ar a.rid be hea.rd
The epecla l atlenllon of pro1pe<"Uve bidder• te r•!led to the ''Pro-
~I R.eqUlren1enU and Condl!Jone" annCJCl!'d to tht lll&nk f1Jrm or pro-
poeal, tor run dlre('tlflll • .. to blddlnl(, etc.
TtL• CU.1 ot N-port UM.ch """"eti the rtihl to tO!Ject any or
all bid-.
l'l&ted Jan. 27. lP~
cu, of N~rt BMch. ea.11r
No. ~4 NtWll·l'rMll \/30, 211. IVM
addlUon to the above total amount due ACcrulng up to date nf
aal.e, Lh t ('O.t OC.. publlc•tloo of notice of a&le, ancl Or.e Dollar fOT
the laaoln& ot CertJflca.t.e ot Bale. The N~ H ar'bor N"'1l·
PTe• 11 d~l ,-nat.ed .... th11 n-"PlllPl'f In which th\1 n0Uc1 Iha.JI
be pu blilh~.
0. ttcl F"ebrDary ?. 1961
~ olf 0-. O.ty or N•wpon Bea.ch
No. MO-N.-.·Pr'NI 211, ~
Floor Covering
Well Tile
10 yean "-"peritnce
l.t<'ll!nAed C<;1n1rsr tor. S.U1f1.ct1on
Ouarantttd LI s..67&2
LET L1S ("ARE f(if yc•ur pla.nU..
IMl•!t ancJ out.aid•. Expt"n..n('ed
pl•nl f>"'rA<•nOl'L lu •~e-you
BOnd"'(l t.nd r'l'llabl'l' A variet y
o1 •r rv1C'lel d#P"'ndLnjC on your .......
IUCHARD~ F"l /lR l&T 8 110 1'
H•"""'' 2Ji2& 5:'1<:77
SO IJTHE:ltN Ca lHomla Btbla COi·
lf'ge ha. ..,,.,.r•I 1tudenlll aYl.l.1 ·
•hi" for pitrl·tlml" employmettl
u baby-lltl'r•. clttk•, typ1-U,
flllinc 1tat11.>n a tlendltnta, ru-
•l<!.nen, h<•Ullf'kMpUll. .t.eno-
irr•11hl'11, 'l'lc. Pl-pboo9 Kl
~-1178 uk ror 8ludent mmp.1oy.
n1f!;nt ~rn>tr•, t7cl9
• ----... ·----~· .
~ ,, .. -.. --.. --
MONDAY, FElllUARY 6, 1956
·~•!::~ -.. ·~· • .•~ v •., •-
• "1-Mhcelluen~ 36--•
' .
~YOW" pattern) ·-----• ---_,_...,_.,..,, ·---• r .... ..., •• WOOL RUGS
.. .. ----.
) •
S!-htnff1tl'fl for Saki t(t.......Aut.M ud Truck11 40-Aut-09 ud Trucb
BEDROOM Foreign Car arni
I 6 9 o&AWER dr_., m.Jttor,
bookca.M headboard.. from $68.&0
TWlN MaJ)lt IHo1 with mattr.. A HEADQUARTERS· ---_boX ·~ C¥l.\l -~UIQ..--,., ... _..~
• A t 0 \YER roapla drff9U, ' .......... -.. . . ----. .
• w!Ut mirror, rrom -····-· $711..)0 . ..... .. -... g.~~!!~~~~~~~~ A.J.i~--~'tt. . ..... ---. .. ~.Jlll!ll!'.J1FU,. 11 ')>Cr custom · · -.;:~,m. ·-:.u-•or-..-..«--
Modern & Maple AlllTO UNI N
____ _._ ... ~~
s .1.
AT $2.50 SQ . FT.
Mention thiis ad for special consideration
The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow
~-Ap~ll&D ... • 30-8-Aprli"""""
AS NICE A UNE ... you would Costs Only tlnd anywhere . W ith OW' low
uvtrbe&d you'll be aW'priaed how
much wt can aava you. Pl-
take a look. Il will pay you. $1995 GOOD TERMS.
Open 1'~rlday E1·e. Kf 3-:2436 SEE AND DRIVE 3rd a t Spura:eon. Banta ~
tOttc Severa.I Good Buys in Amencan Can
Bank of America Financing
ATT: •
Antique Ownero 2137 Harbor Co15ls MesA
OF I Repair
¥ode! FH 103 with old rt·tr1i::::1·rator • ~Comer \'1ctoria) 319.95 259.95 USED APPLIANCES CHl'-' A, Gl...A.88 *-liJl.lC-A·BRAC I~I S-225-0 LI 8-22!17
Eh•anor O'K~I• Bll22 Walker 66c68
JAc kaon 7-2777 Cyprea " -
1.-9. with old washl'r
Model BH S
149.50 SS--Boata. Su epl~ 34-Muslcal, ltadlo, TV 1 ~~~t.o& fo,. Sale --SPJN1':1' l'IA:-.'0 Lovely l onf' DEEP \Vl-~1.1... COOKF:n., surr::R CO ROX SLIP ~'OR H!:NT on l'enin.1ula ··11·1
HI SP l-~f<:O ELEM tin 11n vat"' Ll..c.-k Call )lar. 2•!l0. ~as .. $l!i7 T•rm• l!th .. r .,. , 55 CHEVROLET
l'>!ltfc <l<:rtuJ bar~aln• '" I ~rl\" I " ~urn:t, t r&ll<' !n on ••t)(U T',. " p,,,,,. .•. r (;tu.It'. P•lw1·r Br1t.keH 159.95 MA YT AG RANGE , Model 60D-2 209.95
with minutr m"~'~' r w1l h l1l.\ i~~~·! H
169.95 s
OTP01r"1 C:i:CCirt:C··~A~,G~: -~?.~ -. -• ~~Vf'r&I rrit•n.,,_v ~Tll'l_..fr,.,'I' rr1· · lladiO. ·"" rei1. r Pr ...
MA YT AG IRONER , Mod el 90 F-P
with n!d r1H1t.:•'
PACKARD BELL TV , 21 STl 209.95
WI! h I rdi.fl'-111
PHILCO TV, 4136x Blond e 239.95
with t r1td1·-1n
15" TV . . . .
'r\nott)-' pine ·(."::!i.lfirn·l
Pulice calls, f·t r
with F M radio & ph 11n4• J&C.k
. . . . • •
1885 Harbor Blvd. Costa M esa • Liberty
~H-1'\l IM't' i I lUl f'O 11" ·----------
s 279 .95 USED
169 .95
14.5 0
9 .50
TRADE ... h1pr•11•i: llA!"Z -:-ll H\1 1! r
1'1111.LJl'S U11: i'lll.JI, & •" '"
OEAl 'Tl~'!~L 7n K11x ~•!'lonn ~r '" S\\H ~ !'l~IJ :-.· !1t11.1n :-:;,.n1 , ' ' '
11.11 .... hf'f<" ~:~··· 1 !<,r r h11rt "' --y
\\'""' nrr111I\"' l1util ur !•Plper!v 1 l11i:At;A.-.; .i "' l'""". \ •t"H ""'' 1?~1• \\' l!idh"ll Hh"I -.:~"!"'rt 111 11: .. · r ,,ncJ!!1,,r1 :-."'' S ,1, •1 fl~irr "''"' I'"" 1 rui.., t~rn1• 11.•
S HA t'~-KS 0~111•• I'!'''
! N ~:AH.LY ,,:i::v.• 11:J..,;o.eJ oc.ttom \421...+2a ,...; 1'~can101•. S&<1~ .. ,.. .• • 19.50 l:inlboll '"'lin ~ •l tr•.:l1Y Al11<0 111 te Phon" K!n1l1<>1I~ ·i •"I-~
111-.." -~ 111' ... 111 ..... 1.1 '"" -
, h1<t1' ho111 l Mi o! I h ,.l..,'l 14 .50 Piano
Wl{!Nt,;EJ{ 'I'Yl'l-.:, A~ IS
PORCEl.AJN, Sl.,l t;Al\l::: Tl.JU. lJI::LL'~ Y\'rffl
74.SQ 111 .. 1o1r I.I i;1!1:!11 "iiofllt
Pt.:~I P I ----:--
I 54-M uslcal, Kad10, T V Refinishing 199.95
39.50 1
' 39.50 ,
IR85 Harbo r
I Bri!t duwn type. liuar )
14.SQ KENM O Rf.~ WAS H l-~R, Wringer ty1~·
• ... •1 KEN MO.RE W ASHEl't _ ·-·-....... .
Wringer type with pump
\Vru1gcr typt.:·
\ . . White Tab!~ Top · WESTINCHOUSE E:LECT. RANGE ..... ···-· _ .
99 .SQ 1 GIBSON 6 Cubic ft. REFRIG . --............ ..
11 9 5o iCOLOSPOT 6 cubic ft. REFRIG. . .............. .
• I SERVEL, 5 cu. ft .. lert hand door .......... ------
39 50 SERVEL 5 <., rnfk ft. REFRIG . .
.,39 .;',0
-------Qu•l1ly w"r'k i.nly
A:"."l\lll';\I l 'LA;\'IJ SEl~\'Jo '~
Kl 2-7~l'tl) • '" '
HI -Fl , . . , I HEA.l'TIFUL UlvnU.-.M1t'"' ! !'r
lJ! ll.l• YOL H 0 \\!" Ill -Fi i UJ•rll\'ht pt•no 1n Jl"rf~r1 , .. ,....,,_
l'h••11ug,.11.ph 1111111)( :"e,,.comb • 11r,n. l 'tn1111 $2~. ·tu o1. Sl" i·•·t
llnrinon-Kari!nn A).1 -1-,_l twiel'•. 111,J (II ho 1 1111,. ,,.,,, •• 1, .. 1
1011 11.Jlf1e ra apri<k.,r• & record p>•n"~ ll1 nl llhuJ!>kf1} ><Ill u •I"
play.-r• (;'(1me 111 11n<I •t• lhl!.nl. Ill
\\'• ¥1'111 help yuu ILl&l!.m ble 1t
~It A FF.HS 1 !i1n,.~ l'"'~
I 'honr
$25.00 I 1811:. lln.r!K"lr Blvd $3.5.0Q I ,.,h'llA ;\1f'>111 l.J K 3 437 ~l~~-~~t~~!~·~~------
-• ~ Sii.r1"l J•llUlu {~-hU)------;Jj R~Al.'Tl ~·1 '1..-'l mn111H~ !oi'l :-;,.,
$27 ~O t .. rm !t'•lt .Ulv"''<'ll Prt•<.:I"'~
11,r..., k:tl~•\~, u ·11.•w1 1u,Jo-1 1'
piano luw Kii $..~ ~ .. 1 n1u. UANZ• 111rt t'r II p 11 li.11r :.tr.J~ I fl!\ptlr.
s1 ·H~tll>T . J•IJILl.ll'S H1 ~ Si4 50 l'tiuiu A Or1i:11.n Slur"' !1::0 No 1'1J,\,'IATl'Ht: )"JO'!I•· ~ILl<'rr '' t lo·
Milin SL S&lllll Alla. 1''"11 pe" S!',1l Har ld:.''• I~ H•\, foll'
$79.50 ~CJ . ·t:NCI-;-J chn.._,11 Baby GEXTL.E .\IAJ_..; t.:AT, k """'~)IA
Gran,! 1':.<1.cl 1·onJn1.,n $37!'.i
l..Jberly fl-:'>!jJ. ~~6:
$74 .50 ' n 1'l'BI': HOME RADIO. repalre..I
I f.,r' (onl y $:\ ~ Jn• t1.1<!1ng part!' &:
-$64.50 111bor 90 •lay g u1&rantc1· l:'l y•·Ar~
$59.50 .-i.po·nen< I' $79 .50 ~ White s Rndio Service
~69 .50 1.1 11 .~.1:-,n ur LI K-40 11 :'J•tf -----
uld, ho<W& 1,r,•k.-n tn bf' 11 1,.,.n I••
~ood nomt 3 r11on1h11 •·111 f·~·\
rr .. ~ I.I l'l 20:111 1101-tl~
Tl;Y 1'0<)1 •L>: 1'1 l'.S \111!· 1;1o .. k
lj, ]Kl.I t-rltol<lf' ll)lrl•"I ; "'k•
old 2•111 Chf-f 1 ... :,:.,,...,tH"l
~:v.-n 1n~a fl;, h i!
~ 'i 11 .J.JF: p•1p~ r .. r 1<&!•·
('All I.I K.:11w llrt"r
1-0--Aulotl for --------
f'ojp• bit j
.. -10 f' '"
Iii· 1\11
~llll p<'rfei-t """" 11.l moto;t """''
I JANZ . ~t:Ht.11D'T'. PHH.LIPS I ]946 FORD 8 rlut
4.20 Ea.st 4th St. Santa Ana KI 2-2336 Gr<!ttt Sale. !120 No. ?tlain " w"h E'1,.lbroc•k
' •·ol•ll" i;:-•t 1111 1
n••nifOI•! J!i:'i
8-3437 !10-/ltisccllanoous 30-B-Ap~ttancee ...
KNITTERS • Roney's
(°C)fllt' '° & ,. .... '"' r·nmplf'te flf'W
!;R nta Anll
~'<Jf( THE f{Ut.1PUS R OOM !
!'!ANO !n p~rrect playing condi-
t1un, '-"" of rolla !nclurlM. -
t'<•nvenlent ll!rn111 11t -
tolal prlc<"
19•8 HUDSON • 5196. total prh::t
co no
a gen Dir. Volks w --------!In•· "' l:i aphlr p11ltern". &ar Sm•l l App li•nce S HA~"Elt!i 1S1nc1: \9(); I .-.;e..,purt Ulv l\r.uH! i;:,,,, :>1a trll yarn!J, 1.lor-~::l -423 N SyrMr.,orl:', &inta Ana
29----ltrlp Wa nt.al
GIRLS DRAPE RIES .-II 11 n.-v.· Urr"'• p.1t t ~rn1, novelty
11tr1&w" lnc Ludu1g '"'
Repniring l'l1on1J" h:lmber ly 2-0672 Ha rt.><
lrnn!I, tn&strr~. rorrt-r inaker~ ... tr. • •nd SLI P COVERS y&rna Ney,·port Blvcl .. BS popula~ kn\l la~"Y 11k1rlJI. 2232
tcor °' Vlctor1a • HERE ARE JO
I lo tell M>t•te to Ordt'r Sit N' Kn it '·' 8-6079.
•w hlKh E11tlrnlllea S1<mple11
"" 11'.le1<\
Cni;l& M<~ 1-iA:>l;\IO;o,"IJ OHGA="S all 1110.Jel~. Npt Hlvd.I
~9t'72H. (•MC •lli.:htl)' Ulif"•t Jlkf' new
llA:O.-Z 8("H1tll!JT -l 'Hll~l.JPS .
H>Jtnmond lle..041111 rt.-r" for l)r-
020 :>:o 1'f11 in SL
!\H O CH~:V l'lut
ei<repUrmh1 , . .,n
Or1g 1naL uwne1 ,
;Ill hlll
thr u -••111
e.:...11 7
11.•' ., • I ..... ' 11 ... \' ~I'' -.:1·1-;r • ' " .,.~ ,, .
' ' lt•ll" I
• I
"• .,,, '~
"'H \1~1(•1 1!\ \I •,I
'"I' I "'°'"'°' ~~· "' • h•~
"' • I~ ' l ' : .. .,. '
\" \\• ,, l!.1
" 1~, ••
! ! h I ! !I
l'<'I•• ' 1 ! I '
I '° ~· j I ' o
II ·•i:
c ' ·~ ! ~ I• 1. II 1 I ~
1'1 ,,' ~·•1:1 '"
I ~ ' ,
1111 1• ~' •I.!' '
''" '" wo'lo
\hp• 111"I1 ' -...
S l '' , ! I., l
'~ .,
' ' ' ••
" , ..
' .
The Yolksw~gen Dealer
~. ,-.,. )" I I ~II l :..'.~ I
H.ant·h \\·ag-on
Jlarl1n. H ('atl'r
f,;, •l''
l ly,1 :111 ro1 l'll•'lln 1 ·,.,~, Ffl•_V
11 1-:-:Tl.'-'i!T!J:;; Hl':\1·11
l;Go l;.11
)l(ecbulical and E leclrio::11I
Ma.tntena.nca ~rvlce
Ha.rt.or &ee• °" M93 .. "'
T h11l you will bi! prou•
your rrttnd" about. N
W1Lge.!I couple_(! w ith l
working condition ... a•\
Joba wtth P"'-"tlll:•
H11rDor !!o&64 or oe93
313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
32tfc 32.---Furnlture
LIVING R001'1'.
ror Sa1e &.n!l:e County,
Santa Aoo
furnlturf'. oval
19~~ YOLKS\\' A GF:N.
900 $1:!~0 Har . 2
I JH U:t.-.;AI. t11p HY
6 5.:'67 llnlck Rh~drrl "IOl~r h•aut.ful rar.
•It •xlr11J1, 1,,.,.. mll""lll'" $47~> rrm.AI>T, 1tELlABLll A-1 painter
-~ reler-en.o::• C•tru w ork
wttb )Oc&I coq\,r'M:tm". H•r. 4897. .... ,
e of our
NO J!:XPltRil:NCJ:: RE
Start your new job 1n on
offlcei. nKr your hum!!
CUT F'L0'\.ER 3f'f\'\f' .. '"' home. SEWING MACHINE ofrir ". or b<:ml. Wef'kly bi-week·
"· °' .. <l.-.,lrf'•I Ei<perienr~ EXCHANGE
J"'r11nn11el lo 11erve _vou. Bon LI Pd
1tnd reUable. Rich11r11·~ F'lorL~t
i11nlng t&b .. • • uphOl3tered
<'ha.Ir•. • m.hie. p1eeea. call Har.
4189-\>,' C'Ven1ng11. .. , """'' ---~VAL!'"UT dining table. extr11. 2
Jeal'ell. J2:-i -Har. 4852. 66cil7
Knowlton Electronics
(Clear Beam -Ill Gain)
L'ISTAL.LEO co1nplele to your &et.
1 IL&r. •tl7 Mc68 I -IP:'i4 1tlf:R('llR\' t•:.u 1on• :';tat1011
\.\' 11 J.: <J n B .. Ru\\fu l rr:onrlltlon
~"Ulh' "!Jlllfl"•1 ()y,·nrr Harbnr
t li."l:'i-R 1tl'\yt11ne 66p68
~-hoUHke.per or 1111.nager
1:a an;r. -d all ca~c1u-. horn•
and yacht. Male, whit.-. .Ava il.
a.We tmmedlatly. Beal local ref.
c.lJ: Lt 1-71178 or JCl'fer.on
7-llOI. 67p69
~Apply -
9 :00 to 4 '{IQ r 111
~141-i N, r.111ln St.. ft
S&11t11 An11.
m "'
hnnic Experienced Mee
ti..ala wlt.h gu•r1U1tee.
plan, yearly bon111 . Gro
pLta.l plan. lnquirt· 900
Hlway or c111l Wberty
Shop lla1·bo1· 2828. fl0r 77
TWO :"E~V ·rr11v('r3e Bamboc'I
<'Ur!alr111 fO()fll '1ivlrter11 . ' " h•ngth >y • " ' m wide.
Har. 063~-n aft.-r • " "' 6!\1•68
"" mo.
\\·,, 111...-, rrp1t1r 1.1\I 111 .. l•.t·~
,,r """"l!1io:-11111,·1111w11
J:lll • 1,()~ ,\ :-;1 a•:i .r.~ l<E ; •. ~22:1
$9.95 MORRIS .
HAT"TAN FL'ltNITURI:::. SACRI-Ll 8·5205. J9tfc ROM Ell
ll'ICE '" priv1<tc )!arty, 3
~ertlon11I, ' ood tablea with BTEINW.A V OH.A NO like """''· RENA U l~1'
l&n11•~. 1!111in g Lahlc with ~ chrl. "'' ~nv1ng Al11<J Kn11l:>l'l Ma .. un Nl'W Car S11le~
D\'""' \.\'l\h ottnn1lln. All fnr, • l-l11.1nli n. 11\Any othl!T'!I l'r11r · Cl<'!l.ll U111!d Csr"
"'"' Call Hllr. 21113-.J. elk:87 tu·~ pllln"" '" low .. JO~, portf'd 11nt1 Ortm
41-Auto &rvlai
& ijPn/iro!' 1-
• All""'""· •m· Motor Ov rhsul Pllllf' e g
Beacon Personnel
100" -ployer -ed
..... cy
NO rD c:oUKtad trorn appUcant
61J-alM. N..-pon S..ch
DRA-Fl'WMAN-Preclii\on M•ch·
Vaca llon
up Hn11-
W , Co&.11\
N"wparl lif'll<'h
John•on & So n
Eatablilhed over 3 0 Y"'~r"
it1'9t&. L.aborat.ory l.-.chnlcla.t\ I-----
!Of' .... mbly and teat. SALl':S:>fAN. to -11 l)<'Jo ,,, •
n1!1111lnn I
rfl<I" 111
nit\' fnr
A pply MoQd.a7 __ ,.,\day, Plym• .uthll IJh<'n1I ro1n
CADI LLAC-GAGE Cn. We i re i;1vlni.; IC<>od t
"'' Termlna.l way. Coat• Mt!lll lnw11n<'l'll. An opPQrlu
D O UBl.F: NAVAHO ~&oldie
bl1111k,.L•. Alao c t.her beitr:l o•rl •o·
rllari l tf'lll ~ Phr;ne 1.1 8-7112 1.
J ohn Jorrlan 38< " 16th SI.
C. . .. 68c6i ----
SELL ON TER>.tS • F"'T. DELI CA TESSJl'.:N rlll<t' $1 ~0
ONE • "· r.-rri!l'f'rator '"' ONE llfl\'P comn11!.rc. rl'frlg . l 7:'1
' SC ALI-:!'. $6.'1 t. GON'i>OLA $25 '
Call OY,'l\Pf I I 8 -6223 m nrnlnJ!" nr
11rt ... ' p n1. n r 1..1 8 -~766 a f\er
:-.·JO • 1o1·e.ekf'nd~, 01 fc
""" Bil:" P111nu Sl<>re :,20 No. Malo ----NICE MA HOO. Cl-UNA CLOSET Str.
:!6-B-Apj!Uance. • buffet .... '" both. -311
Orchid. H•r. 4 17•-R. """" Knowlt on ElectroniC8
Refrill'erator 1950 PhUco Deluxe TV REPAIR large ramlly 11'-'t. Rf!poMeqed Twin -ladder -back beda 111 light
h .. large colored vegetable crl•· maple -soo --tfll I Bayshore
pu. Bhelv!!ti '° lh• door • "' DrlC"e. u 8·3218. .. ,.. FAST AF.RVJCE. REASONABLE. extraa. (I yr. guanuit~110U\lng
10 l"'Y down \( CTt'<:llt OK. by l>IAHOG. DlNETTE S>.'1' RIO.-S"r' 1<"t-<'all" tlU fl p.m.
davr"nport $2."i, coffee table $20. w 8-020 ... Bao> '" pay1ne.nt uf J!:I 83 due
lo ~ d&ya. "•' due ,, $167.8•. rocker Wllh 3 pr1. matching " • s .... "nyt1meD111yort-:vis 111 t l4'4 1 dn1pt'" ()lhe.r llf'lll& .. ~'JNE
f;ONI )fTfON' II.Ar. 799-\V. UM1S BE.A tmFI ·1. Sp\11,.l pl11no. hlnnd.
"' Chap111&n, Orange-.
1·ritl Cn11N't liE 11-l>ll \7 --JU~! 11kf' nr1o1· IUIVf' S'Z(ll) ., rrnt·
FIVF.: R OUAIS of ]OVPly nf'\.\" fur------" returnio, ""' '"" "' $:2~10
g&rt;8 1100-l n1an with .,xp•r JPlkl' \H
/Sfl' make gootl montr
BEArrV •I Al Be"llY
11180 N,.,.'f'<)rt 1:1lv'1 . l;o
WOKEN: s.cretary • ateno .. Rf'n·
eral otrlc1, acct'•. <"lerk • other11
MEN: )lachlnlala. lab. 1ech nh:lan1.
t.O.. optif9.lor • othe.-a.
).lotnr11 I BRAIDED RUG 5 j N'.'li<Jt: ..JePp ir"'1.'z.-!1k..-n•·"'
S 149 f>V. i_;l);.;l)E:RSON !Jlt Lil>.
nllure wH> full 11\~e nuig" • Jnte_m11tlon11I ,,.,,.fl!Cl t•on•htlon "''"' i:t11<r!l.ll · H11rve11ter tf'fri·
l\'f'Tl\lnr, • ... mO<lf'm "I nett". ·~ ''" deliver}' Ala.pie, U10.hl
&01¥.-l2nd 8l .. Newport
(ac'l"Oh trom Ctty ttain
Turret L.the Operators
8Wl1fG BJllTT, CLASS A . Over-
U.... top ~y. CLA-VAL CO.-
lTOI Pia~.ntia. Newport &a.ch
""" &XPll:IUSN'Cl:D ....-om1.11 for h<1uaf'
-.tit. ...-uhlns It lronlnc. 12 to
6 p.m.. Mon. thru F'Tt. Hai• 1 ~
....... .s: ___.. .,._. -
...... -• Le
..... Ru. 01M.
ottlC"• h•lp.
lllooll k11ep1n11
S6 y•r11 or .. ,,,,
11\a A11'~11
• ""''IVPI
e.k 12'11.
' 6&cfl8
11e.rl11I S30. lt111 h~r nffi<"
chair JM. kri"e hr>ll! •I
Ironer S-30. Hai· JMi-v.
FHEE 1r-.·s·1 RI ·c.-r1u:-o
iJRl lERS T,\Kl-~N '
A ll ro•\\' nlll(f'r i"I~ fl'·a1lntil"
),IAl1Y FANNIN. ) 19:'! s '._,. "' l.111 gun~ Flrh J-1 Ynq 4·78st!l 6(11•-;-·;
~ ---
ALMOST NEV-' " Inch TV "' (Ord-l'l11 y .. r, ; pie<'f' Fj·•n1h
l'rQV\MC~ll I b'$drO(Jm :<llllf'. rh.-.~1
.... 11 h rnl,.rot R"r2111n P rlf'l'9
f'hnn.-HY1111 4 -~8f16. 67p6!! -
FROZEN .A U~A Ll>N !!: •
!tQc A 7...... • lb F K
CHO \.\'Ofo;K 11•~111 ~ 11,
11 I.I K• I :tltt•
loo>t f.,1 1.Afllt;g "''alr h $21'>, flonnfy.-r
8."'-of1 --
,a1ni11~ KOY Al, 'l)•p .. wrl1r1 16
1aahu 1abul•t1o1n 1tollh
lV~WTo\111 •t1nJ l '• \
In •"f'rY f:l>Uol l'O" Ul\1111
!•Jf1a~I~ .... ,~ olol
11.-v.· l:.tl~• l'n • r.I •I •14"< ill I
"ludJll.l .taod &llO flahllll St
C.D M Afo'"'T'l'CR i\ p m 17pt9
111\llPI' $3u, J:.t pt .... ., dlnnfr ...
$l~. " "' •llv.-r plat" '" t~vt:Hri lllNG BR.AND ;o,'E;\\'
"' ,, .... h\M f\,'\,ofl";'
' " W<>OL ROSE t'<llor .. ,\
ffn)•idloom o·Ulf ''° Ou-111 1ht~
..... lk bll!.-OoQd l"(ltltl •11 )(!
H•rb<l1 lOOi 87~
l!i>lb<>•. \jltrbor :\\ ... 6Ar68
-' plr.<:t!! llv\n,e ~m l(l'Ollp, 2
U'littff'. Mfrrll! g-A..~ tl\nJ:;P 19:1:1 rr>mpl!'le hf'clroom !Oll!IS. Ori\~·
d<'h!XP fnlrh11g -tr>1• 1n·~lel hM 1111 $.'>9~. Sn1Rll down pllyml!.nt w llh
<'hron1e g:rlddle "" tnr , lainr & "" week" to 'pay
• lo<'k with ov.-n t l!n.-r. rhromf' lflJ B. """ \\'. Cf'nler. Anatl<••lm
i.:1111 l'lro11tr i·Atl'I onl.v :I mnnth,., &6<:67
f\r\ng trAn:<frr•rft 1':11.'!!, ll\k{' n,·.-r T HREE ROOMS ot bl"11t1tlful new my ~ontrflcl wll h '"' fl.llnk • fum1lure ,., '1~6. Com• '" pe.y .. rr lhl! beJ. of $137 69 Only '""' pmy $7...t!l ... mnnlh N'I ('al\h around .
H OB ""' w 1 ·.,nl.-r A n1hf'"lrn
fli'"11..-1 My .,quny fTtt:, "'"" any-
tln1" O•y " £, ... " 144 1 w MC"67 ------Chapmlln, Oran ire. ELfl::CTRIC RO ASTER With (TIU ,
Ca.II Oill'°"t KE 8-Ml7 chrome Uln.-!lf' •et. ITMlpte plat--------O 'KE&:FE 6. KER.JUTT r1111t.. -~:i ror1n rvrkf'r, an haJf prl•'.-208
nlodl!.l. ~np • • k>f'k w jU1 uvtn Ap•>l"nll Alli boa 1.s!and, mom
Int• • 1•1·.-r1tng• 631"8.lt Hn1rr t"hron1t rnll hr,.U•r •od -th•J 11 (! "' l•Jp t • ••• ,, '°' . •• ' n1onlh ll Ul.iO c&ah. 0 1 J>ay $11 .. 6 1 ha11 • 5'.lot l l.Attlo~ I l&hol( ':I dlnlns l •bl
I ... ti I.I .a 2, i I I
117• fi ll per mo. 14.-41 W . Chapman,
Oranlll''-KE 8-5817 tt __
\.\'lllnut, ~,r,.nrh Provincial. M•·
hol:'any Rrlnet ,~. 1dJ111hllY
C.ood dnn1age<! •n •hlpp1ni:-S-"8'/
$94, rr,.cllce Jl1Kfl018 frfJTl;) $!Ill.
$1 2.">. 111:1 ... th .... "' <>•
Orf'11t 4:tnc1 /\T\l'llV'°Tflllry 811le.
-SC~IMllrl' -l'HILJ.fPS [!/\ sz
\ht "" P llUlO a n(! Orir;1tn Ston
1)20 No. Main, Santa AoL 100
I '111t11 •• ---
Q tt,(;A!'I ~ly $4'9:· l.ob<.-.1
trat.1~11. cM-..,en!en[ """' ......
"''"" lncludPd Anyon .. can lf'arn
'" "
)11&)' lo • (•W mlnult•. Stt
:"/()\"" •l-
.3 •!!one• I lttl l '
1 < 1 ' ~Yl'• 1nore, Sante An•
1·1, .. .,,. Kl m~rly 2-l\IS72
I •In\\ 4 \lrllt'lln ll•!t1tr11
Kl ,.
1932 HARB
'"' OK BLVD * with this ad * MESA
LI 8-6U~l tf 6 Cyl•. -U.8.88
8 Cylo. . ..... :-····-. _$5!1,88
1947 81MCA, ~· 11omy 40 m ile.e
•o ..... f'eW ,,
~cl\tly r.,bu11t . I
.\layer Motor~
ak.,.a, n1'llor re-
210 call Harvey
LI 8-22:-i6 ..,..
t.ncludu both labor and pu'tL
New r1 n1a. wriflt pin., nJve
grind, nttlnp of maln and rod
bear111ra. Expert motor tune up.
iO·day o r •.ooo mile ruanntee. .,, Bt:ICK SuJ)'-r 4 rlr. R & 11 <NO MONET DOWN).
RE:BUIL T ENGINES Po wer 11t"'r ,., ry clean Orh ...
" • Y••u'll huy
2711 E Pslmer.
8·7674 6!1<'67 machlnlata. Doa't contud with Lll>Pt ty ---
it. -UP to 16 MONTHS TO PAY-
C.:.lll 1'1ea• • I Built In aur own fa.ctory by UdlJed
------the middle man. Buy direct.
Pf: Goo<! w···rk REBUILT and INSTAU..ED ... OIJl.J('l~~ 1'01.
cw . l l IG f '11ll H•r 37:'>0
8l'lcfl7 -.,, CAD I LA C----el Black 4 <Sc;or
-J J21\0 Pr1vate
3 or U li -."1YH.
11.-d.ul--W • w
Parly "" , ..
""" .,. B!JICK CEN TURY Riviera
82·W evenlriJE•· CQUJ'.>I!-Har. •
">3 Wll.J..Yll ...
RAH. Uke new.
270 E. Palmer.
LlMrty 11-7674
Grant w
'"" o-Lllrk ' !10or.
Mu111 ... n Jf\41\
Cowta w--.... ,
• Musick
Your Hud• on Dealer
2'l3 N. Loi Angelet KE!>-7278
FORD ···--···-·--·-·--Jl29.~
CKEVROLrl' --·-·--11•9.l'>O
PLYM.. • OODGlt _ 116.~
CHRY8. A: DE BOTO _ J170
STUDi:BAKER ---Jl 70
OL.D8 • PONI'I.AC 8 -J l 70
BUJCK ------Jt15
HUDSON ·--J l75
Loall Car Free Towtn1
Black rnual meet our stalldard.t
f'lua t.aJta. pdet.a Mid oU
Open 8wwlay 10 Lm.. to J p.m.
Op.n Da.tl7 I to 1
310 East 3rd St.
'· I
~ ' I
-........ ______ ....
• .< • • 0 ~L ~"..;>IC • •-• • -·. -------------~----~-------->'"·'-' ...
' 4§--.tp6a. •••.
Cabanas Marinas ... -HOMf .. lOANS --· Lrdo ieniilsufi;EaSt -3ist ·si~"fipt. Bc'li. . .. ... .. ...... -·
Construction Loans --Rtfinancin_2 ' ~--... , -,.-.,.,,~,_,;41~ -· ueu ul Uvins. Apt.-Caba!ju. UtUlties -····-+~--~~"-"'Ft'iY1"r~111a·rr;.-nnrt•r.=' ·• --paid.
with Correspoodenta for
Yacht •lip•aecomodationa. Llfe arw.:I. Cuualty Inaun.nce Company
of TenneMee Dally, weekly, monthly, }'early. Bankers National Life Insurance Company
For appt. or reservation, Ca.J I Har. 2992. 34lfc
New and Ueed
Passe nger
R ecapping .. Se rvi ce
Brile Service
Front End. Alignment
;wJ,.LJ SE:R>"ft~.:
1"ire•ton,, Jlurtget l'IAri
You,.. tor tha At lllnK
JK-Aots. & llOU.9e9
Cbofce Winter Rent.al.It vn
Balboa Jaland & Lido Isle
I S11111U & ~·oi.y or l•rge & d .. ~u~t
$1~ lo l 300 111onth I
Mortgage Company
Appruved fi'H A Mort.t&gee
II ~08VMC?n~~Y~-EtxJ?;~J11U•! 1600 \Ve11t Coast Highway -LI 8-7791
Newport Beach, Califor nia
Pn Ha1bor 444 or H arlJur ll'L:i
I-K"" H:.u J6:tll-lt ur llar J~~'..i It l:iR--llooiw• fo r Rent
n 1 1r~ -----
1 "!~1 00 ISLE, :s ~room•. 2 ·~
I liO ,\10 NF:\.\.' 111ud~rn 1,.111•" bath home, on annulll bll.•111.
\\"iont,.•I )••11ni: t1>11n 1,, ~11•1 ~ :,lip fur -&0 ft boat, Uk of 18.
/i;Otn" lnq :Su l l 2nd .St , .'\•" rt VlklnJt runabc>ut fl<..>'Nf'r 11011 t,
J~·•·t BL..,, h '•j 1•1· 2 r11r g11r . 1>1>aut1flJl(y rurnlllh·
I c;;ALL l-~DNA CJ{All;
. ~F:~'fA I~ !S Pl;:l'/Af~l."1'
~<I ehrulu.: $700 fJ"t 1nflnlh
I ,.J..nquJr,r, illt ••~ ~ .. ·~-.Cl>,,. .. "
55--M oney lo Loan
UtJY , AfOOICR:-.JZP.:, Oft
\\'f' I.soy TrWll lJ~i'JJI
3366 Via Lli:l.u P h Jiar 4200
... • 4 Lfc ="· .... porl .. '.11111~ I
'd l'.'l'UHT -lil':A f'/I ~::;;.,~ 51-lka.1 !:'.:~late \\'anted
Prf-sat-8un.Jion. atternooni
JIU Crestview Dr .,
-BAYSJ!ORES--.,...,. ·
J b.r. Pt.ll&o ..... Wllt d,Jftb.~~......-.... :t-.r :round home.
S..t view cor lot. reduced lo U 260
~r-view lot ....... -........... ...aM
lOhl.60, rutrtcted, t.e.rm. _ 8000
3 b.r ., dcin, room for pool, tam Uy
home --··········· lff.t60 ~7' Co&.1t Hwy to S.y-FOR LEAS.It
Cleire Van
2731 W. Cout Hwy_
LI 8-4277
OPEN 1-4 P.M.
2 CHANNEL FRONTS, ~· tronl·
a1e.. Pit r and fl.oat, 2 bedroom
t w-11 l11bed. $26,000 each,
3601-3303 Finley.
NEW TWO BEOR.M.. beautitWly
t urn. \Va.sht'r, dryer, d~p freer.e.
l(W• proof pla te l"IU. on the
r1.11~·•l bea rh in So. CaW'ur11111..
I lll.uct..: F J{U1'1 l.J(.;t;A!\'
_fl2-_11oa_1_~_1a_1a ____ 1NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 5
~cm:tl mmpet.-'W'ltft Hta"yen_ J -··-.. --· ' -· • -• .,, '
~~~ ~~: ;o~ WJi li•t It For S.le With '>.¢~C:<-~7~"'i ··•-'fT'"-'>•-' 'l--_.1;n, ·-T -4:1 .. ,,.... ..... _ ~"'
y....,.. oUI'. Submit doWn. Balance
low rnonlllly payment.. PRICE
• • •
LE8S THAN' 2 T'!lARS 01..D -
' bedroom11, 2 1-Ua, br1 ck p.uo
A do!:tor'e home, trell kept. °'11y
l lKMJ down-Jl"un prtc-e l ll,6{J()_
• • •
yuu·L..L PlNCtl YOUk SEU' (U
aee tt you are a wak• w hen you
..... It. 0-..•ner aaya ll'1 7 ye;ar1
Old. On t1 apt. hq 2 bf'dr'"""' &
2 balh.a, one nu 2 bedro<Jm11 &
l ball\. two a pt.. have on .. l)f-.1
room & I Dath each n1 rl']'f
tum~hed. $28,M>O. rrL,Onll.t.I.,
•a.ti down or uwnt r w\11 t"~t·
.... 1~0 .!~ \1\!d> ~ -.... dq-
IJ•l)"ITitnL \\'J!I park l , ~'·'
• • •
I 'II Sell It Myoelf!
A Do It Yourself Kit Won't Work
• In · the Real Estate Business.
When you list your property for sale with a RE AL-
TOR you benefit by hil knowl edge, {"Xperience and
judgment. We're going to AelJ
worth o( Real Eat.ate each month during 1056
MuJtiple Listing Service
Newport Harbor Board · of Realtors
401 N . Newport. Blvd., Newport Beach
DORIS BRA Y, Reolt o,
li .• 11,,,,.
il'rll lll'n huolRe &. i:d a.:" :!lli ------------------
lt•th ~t ,\I.SO rurn ,u1i1n ~:!tj \I ·\"Tf".!1 FHl l~I l'l"l'('rly ''''•ner.
1' l'lt.'\JSfO·;t; $1~0IJ l>(J \\"X
BA YVlEW PH.0Pf-~Ft1'It-::s NEWPORT.
OH.ANf fE C KO \'°E, 10 1tcres , good luC"!l.l1 11t1 A nuh1:1n1
a.r t•a \'alencili o ranges will ~ rqlt' :-uon, and tlu
land will 110011 be ripe fur 1H1bdJ\'ll11v n l~uy 11<>1V
f1 •r c:ap1ta1 gam rlt"Xl year .$-t!}UI) lH'I' a~ r~ -
r ;oc.x1 t•·r111s 801 • ~09 W, lat !')t
Kl 3·63bJ
41 -..\nto &>rvltt
Uw r .. 'r •
A U1'\.i ltAL>lv
33t(c l
""' 'Jli ••! 61 "·
UAl.li• >A
P<H' lo
,f.,pl .. ., 1: \l!Ar.~ N ii" '' ~' .. ' \\' .,..1... s 11.141
11 11 '' "'' IU•ti•111 LI Lii " ,•,. \\ " '
US,\-Apt.-.. lur l?eo l.
,, l'·"'"l1flr" P1rk hlW 1•'•!1 '"!fr>•~ \ ,., R"' 1,,( rn· P''1'"""''1,1 .. L11uld-
' lull~ +jllp7~ r ' ! '" 11ub,.1d1111tllon lern••
l :.\LUtJA I~~ nit.. yrh" ~1 uturn.
'i.otl~&:<l, llVU\!; rn1 . dluing I'll\
,\!AICJI :>.' l.lth'I\)' I) Jj7 t Hl
LI ll·b.!17 6:"1<70
l.ol • lu·l1' ll1> 2 l>•!r Ill t1nl ~li'I"' o·i , r•• ... "''~lt'I r~1 I''" A •l.•l!L~ t 6 I -K1·a~-~!~'!;!:.-'_c_!l_1L_!1~~-
11 .. ri... r l l.!~i ~! c.:'ktl~
lf~l"1oms for Rent
* * *
J\l\1A I '! LATELY ('LY.A ,. V><'"' 11••\V AB(lUT A "l"RADt::. ror 1nan-
'"'I"" ~ &Jll" "'Ith 1•n• •I>' h"lh I •ger upt"r a ta.I ~·1t'ar ln("Ulllr jlf't.tV-1
2.Jl.f,') \\ UlllL<Jll
1-lll rt" ·r J37 l.
fllvll ..... JI\ 11< h
Costa Me 10 Be.+ Buy
•"tilt A l.A!{(;t-: ~-Al>t!LY 4 t><-•l-
r...i1n), l;u·Ke klt~h~·n, t. .. nut1tul
Pl ll<J. Ubl. gn.ra~" 11.nd Ut:~T !J~
ALL, lvw jlll~·e vt S IJ.i~u. CA.Vt!
:l2 1 V.'alnut Pl~i:e
Q\O,'NER SA Y!-1 "Si':LI, ' !'rt ~ r-1.t
trum )! 1.700 to 111.1.000 (HJ thia
l'OT11pll'll'!y furn!&hf'<'.! 2 \'IM!rr,.nn
fl1,1n .. w 1n1 2-('llr ~arai.;•· .. ri ,.
I\:\ • 12~ ('urner !'>lt"•I r"nr••!
:iobrnl! tl<JWTI
• • •
Seven lslan d 1 Realty
Inve stment Co. &
BALBOA I~LANIJ WA 1'1'.:l~FRONT, ll'.'0 111c c 1
lkJrn1 hou~ft, Cllr . location, !lmn!t p1rr ~\ io•I'.'
hundrt.-d epent n n fix-up "'ill br1 n~ :-• 1 •rul
thousand 1n prof!t ~26.~~1
H~:l'A il ,
!-)1'.:lt \'IC!'.:
t lJll ~~ <!9TH :-;·r
HA\. VII;:\\ ' od1 rn 11pt , ,,.,,.
n11.,Jy 1•011 J"\ 111 bbt'r l1l1· J .•
lg<" "'11r•ll "!'"~ J.:•Jo•! hf Bl I'. Ilk
11, l<"htxil. 1 Ir.. .. tu 1!.\f"f!JJtut IJ.! I•
1 • ., ·flllrltcular 1i.01llf J•.1il), t•rty "'"'t en•1 ur Loa An&"lu .
""uol 11 1,.lep11.,nc twr~1·" T V \'w.luaJ a t $~ 000 w\U1 over
Duncan Hardesty
Rf' ALTOlt
~•.'.'I 3:tnd ::It , Newport l \ett..:h 1 "tUif !
H><r :)!168 a!U-r :i pm liar :.!:.!!•l J
lN E:XCLUSI\""E BE.AC'O N BAY, l'tia1n1111g h<lrrh·
!)lull arnund a pat11• l~·n, t!rc;.im k1 tc·h1 n r :rl·
plu~. BBQ, beautifully furnu1h('J , ufti.:rt·•I at
$42,500 -SlU,t)()Q d t1'i'l·n.
MARINERS ISLE REALTY 11.<r l>ur 472:> ·"'c"''p(Jrt
£-Tra.IW!!. ________ I
2200 w. Coast 1-Liv.·ay,
N1·w port Reach I.I S-il'.:O
\\anl••r $1•/I• ,,.,.rJy )liti
\\' H.,y \\< JI It 3&,>i'>
jt<•rl H· "'I
&!ll 6t f"
rn1nl1THHn u1il
I 'h f{I \'t'I '"j ..
' ......
.'\' v. -
fU '11
\\'U•\r r r. nt.il.
nv,.rlrt r,11 (} l.!vl
~. "71 r,
ll11r11ou fiU9 1 lft· l lll,000 & y ea.r lnoome • low * * * .. .\))enH . Arn rct1nnr 6 an1 Ln·
_ _ lere11l.:'1 ln Hay 1' ru11t 11ruperty.
Arl"HA•¥1"1\'L HVV,'wl ~"l""'•t " \\"tJJ trade up or down. Own~r.
.. nu·an~I' r".aonabJ" c ,.11 .. rt,,r \\"f,;tMitrr. "1'ilifll or wrl!e 2'W7
•i I' Ill H .. r. 21125-J 66p68 ~<JU Ui. Coci'ir1n Ave., Lo. An-
i;elt't 16.
Nfwport Btv(\, Npt
Harbor t 718
Income 2 on 1
Brar h
THf<.E:E BDllM HEAt "ll HU!"SE ,
f'XC'I. lO<'fll10n. nl'flt C'athuJlr· .ri.nd
Lot au.e 63xl35. Both 2 b<-dn.umt, l'rote11Llln"1 Churche11, II• tioola
1 over Ull' ca.rage. A ppruxi-';)nly $ltl,b00, te rm.,
nia.t.el)' 7 yr11, old, o n e&.11t 18lh I G d M M I.
IH. '" bk•Ck t roui II< ll•lOI T "p 00 Oney a~er
loc.AtJUn $11,000 t p. Vtry beat or tenns. EIUHT U ~IT Oce.B.li r ront .,nrle
, 'I I ,e J LA"AJ.. , . .,, .. p ,.1 .. r ..,......
1,, 11111~ ~IO X.AI. or
''<~W·A\•'fkMt ~~--'S!~~"'BA 1' -"\'II'.\\" AT"T'
,j z7· ~h11•\u Uclluty $.'!!~ IHo/\!.<l.o•,J 'l•OIL .;
·~,1 -;!6 Tl">IV"l"I ... 111 .... nln~ $:lft9:i t '.ot••nl~ 1!• f \:.,~ I ..Q• atl'd in -
_, rn•o.ltn1 kit< .... ., ~"'~'~"'ART" ADAIR, Rl t r.
1106{! N',..,.-port Lll\'d , Cnef,. "fe!l>ll
Ll >i J71il or U b·5't86
11tory rnn-i, 1ptr. ~t•t rental
loc1&t1on 1n 13-.Jtxoa 11 11<! a beat
buy Ill $3!1.000, !t>rm11.
,.'. .. lr. ru11.t1J111 1.:11 i 10: s1::~10 \1 .\1 l 'l.'\• 1\ f·:i~ H .... 11 ... , fl nrhor
JU th
]11\'c!ltmt•nt C r1 Bldg
& Newport RlvJ.
Har. 1600
'"olj !~ "rr11.vrle &.11, llP.,• $ sg:, l lrt1h .. , -v11v
\\ t' r1~·l'•I • ]t'1t!I U"l''I lr•ol" 01111
Trll.\'t l,.;i:e-Te1·ry
I l('HA:-1.'\'l':L rr"n' !111n \to:Ag1.y tf
fli:'..'\ r.\!.,'i Ul\tl Ul k tu bU• I.
L>•k• Sh· o·~ Z l~!rni '7~, tlnfur11 , -, -, \ -I IA. !•JA Fil . 11 r(Jrnrr 011.•lnl'~J
Stu.Ii" nun $1 '4 \111·1 u11I D<.J• k D••ll r rill" 1. f'·hrlll, !lrntul 1,r 111;:
11\"tilh•hlr 61(1 :J•:th St .. '\f'W"'"t
"" In• .,ni.· $i.'ou !" r 111,.n th
L <iu1ty l.:,•r cll'1u J llR ho1"'e· 1
ll('r-.!y.• or Whlll
HL:;$ liES!'l'ER, F.:•·, .. H'lr 1611
Bo I boa
•;v.-s. LI 8-8:i66
Modern Tripl ex
6:,c61' u :-:t; BLOCK to br11t hllth!ng
bdu:.he.1. bay or ocean. Each unit
ha.a Uv1n g room, lllnett,. UJed
k!tchl'na, brdrn1 , gar.i.g1·. t(ll'l
Compl~tety tllrn Only $20.000 ,.. pn,f"~~1un111 "~" Al"'L• rn hf'•t I
_ 6!ip•i7 1ri1t ;.•1k1ni.: "'"n•'r 1-t l:? .'\. l"•O:'l
Bo y
Prop ert ies
\\" B11111o, ... H!v,1. Jl a r :1188 1
Ba lboa Island
F:vea. H11rt>nr 20J7·)1 I F!o"·.,r, H A h ! :'-tN:>1 llr; Jl .. 111(1llUI Ill Tr "d ··· A! 1 liHO (I,'-'.£ ~l. .... <.f.~: nr·• \l'f< ,, '"'" ---
1 ..... l lUUI LV•t 111:.4 C...IUITlln~ -I b<Jr1l1 "' .. n.. ".t t>1rm l'J. •
:' !J•h1to T ••1h·1 1\ll.S(JJ,t'1"~:LY J11nr I ~•;.:., p·I ~ J7•1'; ('n•n!H·I ;;~-,o\--f$u.11inf'11!1 P.Pnf,'lJ!i
J:'>t l>IA l'l'l.1\l't>: f'tn•" H ilo ICl~J ,,·,Tt• ---·-·· •• -----·----
H A.S ~\'~~lt \'Tltl;>.t: NICF: ~IODF:RN '!'r" 11\0n\ n1
• ,,.,0 •• ,1 LIOU !!';Lt-: i,ri,..,. ,.1 11'1.St\ l'tr<t•·ntuo 'IUIJ
,. l liJiHI d""" o I I I I I 01,1v
~ ..... y r~11111• \\'111 t>•k·· r"1111
ILH~ In tr"d" tn s.:.oo
BACHELUR a n•! on!' .._ l"'n bdr··• rnn inr II' 1ni.: u 1 <11•'>1 nr11.11r"
&{>Lii. Shur f, t<"rm 11 nd yearly. I at P1"P"rty •ft•·r !I P rn .,. . .,,:k
Al~'i0. Li<lo J'.\unh·~ lin•I Bay 1'-,,,111 lh•y.~ or 1<ny llm•· Sn\ & Sun. !·:tit• "]'1 .Je T ra der l 'erk
t:".tlO 1'1"'"""11" Si!<' I:: ii H nml'B and a p<11trnf'nt11, or <'All U d-~766 !titer 5 .:iu or
l,IDO !{EAL TY Associates weekenilil. 57tf 1
6:"it•67 3-H.IU \'111. Llclu, H.11.rbo1· ~~44 1----
------I 89trc M-BuslneK!4 Opportunities
1•11 .. 11;,> Ha , 1119
I --.-41-WanW t.o Rent .... ICl':IJ A TEM"f'ORARY H OMF'• BP:: T H E 1lh O"'Tl<'l, nperated by --I 2 bdr n1. modern furn op111•r 3 ~U11r100 nwn~r$ lor 43 ycar.J,
Rentals Wanted 12''-I 29th St .. 1'c.,.·pnrt 120 Bakery All A·I tqu!ped. Only
\\'c n""rl llp:.a. and h<•oae11 Ln 1lll >'*'t wk . inclurl. u111 . uni\! J1111r I +n '""'" Cnl1<11,., bf'ltf'r t'hAn
t1&<'\lorlt1 fur bo th "'lnll'r Ano! I 1!'i 1:11 r Ll 8 ·196\f 66<fl~ $60/)f)ll II lf'll r /\"flflillll pr!<'<'
y .. 11 r·~ lcue. Fu rn. o r unfurn. I 1 now "·1th '"'"''~
Jr lil'~11hoanve11 t:,.,::c•nry, I LIDO A& .. ~~orS1noAPTS . l?~:'n~;i,~:tt~~~:T
Th e Vog e l Co. IV1 JS!\7 =""'"'P.-•rt. 1·n11!1< !>l r.•a
J'o' 0 -h VERY NE\V I.I 8-183:1 F.vf'n1 nit11 l.J 8· 1 ~00 \\'. LBL llwy , Ne'-'·porl ~ ---_ _ _
Phone J,.Jberty 8·~481 \Vnll tn wall carpeUn11: • drRJ>'&.
62-ReaJ Est.ate
·-----~----JRV lNE TEll H.ACE
13,. ownl'r, "t:o l••rfol X•Y 11 n il
, h11rn11nJi: :I 1)1>,lrni a.n<l df'•I.
lJoilt-tn TV 1n ool"tand1nrc dnft·
w.iud rock flr<·pl. W\V l."'11.rprt, <ii
n10Aa!c U!e fir. hath•. Out.aide
lltl\vr , blt ·ln !'lee. r1U1ge, dU!h·
,,..a..,her. W onny ('.h••lnut, bla.ck
walnut, 0 11.k JM.tlellnK fea tured
h•gh.llghl11 Q( roon1•. $29,600
Httr. 4872 6l p7t
S4:?0•1 IJ{)\\'.'\. ll"t In one 2 trdrm. h""'"' fl t $3 pl'r ino Rent on
<1lher, P'M.I'" ln11.n Or r<'nt both
f,,r 'llHJ per munU•. Leav~a $9:.!
1Jru!1l By 0¥.·ner, l.J 8-76'.12.
Very n.i.ce Capt. Cod ..unit. 3 Wrm.
li•JUIM' prtl11 2 l'><Jrm. •pt .,. w
carpets .t: dn1pr1. rioee to t:""<I
IJ.(11.C'..h. Te rn111.
C hest e r F. Salisbury
ANDR~:\'o'S. JAC."K
31 :'.i Ma.r111e, [1&10011. h1l&ti.I
Harbor ~971 Ev.,,,. Har. 4873.
Balboa Duplex
Costa Mesa
NIC'IC 2 lilt . I.Jen ho1na 1•11 F.u t
111d~. T otll..I pnce ta ju.at $1 I 000
Wl\h 11900 1!own (nlll)'be !'&111
Extra l11 rge yard.
t:\'tll, l lArbor 1216-J
Balboa Bay
F'URl'flSHED -1 two b'ldrm. and l&n!I \Ii . BlllboA Blvt1. l-larbcr 15lSS
1 one bedr1n,, 2 c11.r gara.gl', xlnt.
renllll a rea.. 16000 do"·n "''Ill J------
Al..')0 T\'VO GOOD OCEA:-1
Coast Properties
New in Multiple
2'08 l\f a rin,. Hftlbo11 Ialantt G. ~:. Retrlg. df'lUite ~t ovf'.-l'AFF. :>:E\VPORIT' BEAC'll. 3 LOTS -~I E. Blllbo& Blvd. Ba!bn.&
On a r;'lrner lot, fR('tni: Santa
An.a 0<11r cou,..._, .,.·1th nice
mountain outlook l • a 2 bednp
hoin~. ha..rdwood n oon1. d :Jal
fom1tcr. d oobll' garlige. Roon1
for add'] unit In good rrnlal
area.. Some pain ting and tlxing
up \\111 g-reatly tncr'allt n!ul'
"''~ l111ted pr1ct or 112.900.
t ·rop,rty loca ted at 151 Mu.a
Drive. Call your multlple brok -
er to aee l11tl1ng #6781, or con ·
tact .
Pflone ll11>rbor 44'6 Eac h Apt. ha11 prn·lltr g-r.reg~. C HOIC H: l0<.~t1on rr,r man 11.nd
2667 E CoMt Hy .. Corona del Mar Tenant11 have first •'ull for 111llp1.
Phone Harbor 174 L On' half blk. tu bu~lne1<.' Cl'r.tl'r
Lido Otflce, 3416 Via U d'l 3408-12-16 " 20 Via Uporto
Ha.rbor 4971 O!fil·e H1r. 1002
1702 ~ .. wport Blvrt . Co.t11. 1.f~.,. after :'i p. m. LI 8·2171
\l,"Uf' Op<'rll{lun ()nf' O"'•nl'r for
10 y f'1r11. but 11ln<'a_. roa~& ult>
R USS l:Jli:N:-.~~I! i,:,.,.,, 1[11r 161 l
84.lboa. Bay Propt>rtiPs
I~ \\' B11 lbu11. l:U"d H Hr 5188
S:ISl'I() ~ut:h, &n11tll down paymt.
~ Iota $1 2SU f'&t h. R -2, lll!ar bc.h.
N ~;\\"l'OHT Ht;JG IITS
\'IE \V LuT )!\200, not a 1-
N'~:AR <'ATllOL IC C H CRCll Liberty 8-~97 ~llfc
Ofo 1---------66ce1:1 J 1 ·r-.:n ·::;, goo.:1 incorne. pay• 11ood
---------------I BALBUA I~LA :>:r1 y;,u1ly '""')y -
l"le"n 1tudlo r.pr Ni''"JY f un• 5.5--MooeJ_" to L<.i&n \VANTEO 3 bdrni. hOU-"" unfurn
& gar yrly. H ar. 443~-J
"'"" N EEO 3 bedrooin urifurn. homu
ln Harbor llrea. fnr re11pcn.1uble
tenlllltl< $!20 to $2!'1-0 11er 1no ,
un ye•ni Lf'a""
318 Marfr.c, Ba lb•m l11llllld.
H11rt>or 4781.
n,11ponalhle empl. 11ob11r n•IL•I! -~------J\ll;\fLli E. SHAFER -RLTR.
IHI) ;\h ·FADr1Eio.• Pl~A C ~:
i\T N~;Wl'OHT P IER $:'!:'! l.;tol pr1 A Tl11nl lr J,1\Jt1!\ ,.,
\\'rlte 1128 Loruln R tl S1111
Marino. J\!'ipl\7
CORONA DEL 1'lAH, ' bf'drn1 gar"K"' "Ill S!ov.-.t-
l"<'fr!i:l'r!l.tnr ''""'~hrd rr •I"~'''"'' N~t.Ly de•:nrate(I L.1tlln•lry rrt1
.. g ge lnclodr<.I I &> per in ....
No Appr aJsaJ Fee
SALES Rf.:1''1:-J A NI ·i;:
t.:111! ror i>'re-
Fut Commitments
11AJ: I~•) E\'~; lt A ll. 4438-\V
HAit. 2.'i29-M
Only s 2~.ooo. :l
l>o:<t1·n1~, I ·~ lo~th hOml' on t·aufll
"'•th l ,\:CO.\tE Ai>AHT.'4~~NT
llAltll{lH l;\;\"~~ST.\li'~NT C.:0.
on k l'•ldP.nc'n &lid Unit.II only ,-.;,.11•p.•rt !Jh'll .. ~ ;l()lh St. Don I. Hudd!eston :·"'" '")I) ··M H ... ·~
Harbor 2~ 2!197 a nd 4600
l..ARGE VIE\V LOT. Excellent
nl'l~hborhood. 112:i-O. Ter ms.
PA UL C. JONES, Re&l estate
2720 Newport Blvd" Np\. l::lch.
Harbor 2313.
Business Property
JOO F'T. u 1:s1.NE:SS l'HOi\'TAGE,
C.:·:l wit h v:~Jent ho111e '*: bu11I·
l•I'» Ownrr must 11ell due to
illneaa, at $17,600. SACR lf'JCE .
DA.-; A. J ACOBSEN. R eal Es1R.le
Har . 1'169 1. Ll 8-831,, Kl 2-21.'17
6J2 \V 17 th St.. Coat.a
W 8·7180, av,nins• Kl
Men .
J-16t l
Be A Landlord
For $2000 Down
318 !i.1ar1ne, Balboa. lala.n ri
Corona del Mar E 1ta te
llll11, f l\"e ba.lrox.m11. 2'11 b&lha
a nd two flrepla.eH . Not $100.000.
o r even &Ul,000 but priced for
quic k JI.Ille, ONLY 127,WO.
1 1~,I() D(J\\":"', f'Ull price $~00
i:;ood a turco. rxlr11. large corner
J,,t_ HUHJtY, HURRY ! !
\'VE ALSO lfAVE an axc,lll!nt 2
B.R.. ho me 1n Newport Heath In
1U1 Ideal year 'r<>urad Joca.tlon
for only Ill~ The only re&·
9{ln we hlf.ve thi11 llattng la bf--
CllU•e th" OWJ'll'l'"I are moving
north. Simila r homt'>I ha v• boMn
aell1nl" over J l2.000.
To p. Investment
11q-lnaide Newport Beach city
llln!t.'!. \0,'1th!n a few ye«r11 lhould
llhnw the buyer ll1\ 'xcellent ap-
pre<·111t1on &n1all bu!Jdinl" now
lrurd "''ll! r rt.rry property R.loni"
F ull price '10,:IOO, terma It
Newport Heights too BLOCK FULLERTON 81',-
Lovely thl"«t bedroom hotn1. Oa k
tloor11 IUld rtrl'place. "''need &nd
n icely llllldsca ped. You wtll like
ii. $15,760.00.
, Reolto'
2117 \V. Ba.lboa Bhl'd., Npt. Beach
Ph. Hllr ::?f.. E vea. Wbrrty 8-0490 -.
Meso Bu,iness Specials
ldf'a l for forell"n ea.r a~cy
Newport Bl't'tl. C·2
Lot &e Jl 330 wtU.. 4,000 ft. ahop
l :ZJ,:'>00 -$.f.,000 down.
Doctors Attention
C-2 boa. w1 Ut 4 et11cco unita
n.,xt door to top ahopptns are.a.
home &. bualneu or prof. 11111'.
•• 4 W£LIROOM ltv..-.i&: to..bftt
!101111;.· hnn r. l11Jf.:" l1•·tn ic: 1•n
built arour'ld a Ja rg~ pi<UQ "''II h
bl'&Ut Uul 11Uin t!ng,, built • 1n
l!UQ an.t TO'•n1 \u bre11th"
Priced r lghl.
rhann and livablhly roul\d 11
th!• 4 be<lrno1n, J ha th /l<>ru.r.
Appointm,ni... or f'Xft•wn le t•t!P
la Ill ~·e l lln llrty.
N"SW, MODERN 3 b!lrm~, 2 b.a
be&.mtU celling-a, merrury '™'"Itch
vo, complete bwlt·1n feature.11 in
elec. kitch en, lllrgl' p.t10. will
ed, br.au\lful nf'w c<1rpel1ng
rnatchlnl" wal1111 , JJ6.~00
room.. l '"" batha, bather• a how
er, dia;hwa.ah,r, dlapo11aJ. 2 cu
l"•r&ga, exr.ellenl con11tructlon.
Bay & Beach Rlty Inc
3112 Larayrttr. Newport. Ha. 3643
2 8 . R. STUCCO "flx·l'r
u11per." Ame ns hlg hf r p riced
hon1ea. Need11 paint. n. block
rrorn ocel\11, $2300 down. Bring
your chec:kbook, OONT Ol!:LAY
112.900 ID EAL family home for
your.g m~a -3'"" bdrma, :i
yr1. old. l:ldwd. nra., fi replace
owner lf'a vlng Qulc;k de~!
Loi 120 • 100 pl.enty or pa r k ing. 2 Units & Home Furn. $30,600 $10.000 dnwn
M-1-1 00x400 West Side
Honie ph•.~ :.! rent.alrt w llh
111,.nty or room tor rnl(I:. pla.nL
S20,000 Submit on down.
Neal J. Mortin, Realtor ,, ..
Blvd. u 1-1774
$!\000 1)0\VN. 3 roorn -1 bdrm.
(\OUble. Incon1e '120 mn. P LUS
3 l>d.rm . well conBtruct.,1! ~'Oltage
wtth V1""''· 1!:xcepllvr111.J buy.
WANTED T O RENT 2 bdrm. furn.
o n channel or OCH.11 ror '""11Jy
of three. permanent yrly . r.ntal.
Ha.r. 6074. -U.tfe
~~..:.~er _I-h1r ~7 tr
BAC HELOR A PT. f'a1·t1v furn
Range, retrlg.. oh·n,.1111. •'h!ni!
et<:. No chlklnon or p.-lll Vr'ly 173 E. 17th St. INCOME PROPERTY
2 La.rge Olrter Hon1ea 0 11 lot 120'
x I JO' -T he•e home a &re ln
1tood conrtruon all they n~td ill
redecoratlnj:". One VAc•nt--one 1---------------
11260 DO\\'N. 3 b!lrm. "charmer"
!or your llvtng plea.sure. C:U.t.om
made drapea. w /w carpet, pe11'ec:t
condition. You will be proud of
thla horn..
Vue only I t.ti. :-.1l"" v•r•!. COSTA 1111::.<;A l:?t.•111!1 JlU\\N LEAVES YOU
pa.!lo, !LOl'o·t'rJ:I. ""'a lk tn t-..o:Jl'll LI S-~'141 LI B·l\l'>(i2 S.1:>.)! n1unth profit or $12.000
. 43-Apta. &: R omee :113 Oold,.nro<I. 66r;-6~ -----•lu\•n 1,.,,,.,.. $Jiit p rofit F'.H.A
ONE BEDROOM unrurn dupll':ot
Garag•. Dlapollal. Lot• of alo r·
q e. \\'ater p¥1d 26r; F: 21•1
S t. Co11u. ;\f f'SA-LJ 8·684!.o.
Cl >RO="-"A 1Jt-;1. ~!AR .,, •. n,iy I
h<!rm. rurn 11111 1;r, uu·l11·! 11111
Kl\rAll" ···1111 LT S-'.1•'.16 .. r H11r
48'.l('! 1371'1':1•
1LOANS for H omes -10"" ny _: ... ·n ... r. 1.r "·'-'-"-'-'-"-"
SE!t'. US for yt'arly 11 nd
aeaaon111.l rrnLal•
31'16 M &rint Avr. Harbur a.ti~
'" C onstructio n Loa ns
~r;~~ ,,, •I : sA·r-r1,..:rt
.JM&-R(luseA f or fWnt 2!iir, ~Al'T <..·vART UL\ ]l
·-----· l'u1''""' ,1,·L 1'!11.1 Jiarbnr :i11..i.S !~ORONA il~:J. t.tAH
t • .ir" 1:~
.(.. lru 1nd1y ro<\ni i..;"1 b •li"l'"~AI
.-n rl y~rol 112:1 .... , 11•11 yt
leRM' O"''nfr HA • t 7 lt
ll"I' P U /,.lf:!t
~lt'\ro I.if~ LnR
.\f{J/IT(:Ar.J:: ,.,,
~ n1Hl!I K.I 3-:'llli,")
4til f,-
Fl?ttN'1SH"h!u-;_.E.\ r t"'v tie.I · CASH . • .
t:ORONA Ol!:L PKA R. N~rtrty """'' ruoni hoine. \\4 Llo:o•t 111 1,,.,11, l·OR 1Jt,·:o:;T l •l':~:l)S
l bedrm unt\Jl'TI R11nr h ~t)·lr Adiil!.11 onl~ si11u 1:1,. ,,11 If••~·· \\";\1 11 111 •!."'!"
duplu. rlrrpl . F' A. h"at. llWtl r ,.11 llllr 3$.'ll! t>l'r nin~~ r.~pl\O t.ft 1RT1 :Ati~: Ul\!'./l\!NG
1'1,.... •P· pat1u. H ar. l68t-R, _ ---_ .Sl.'it.'I!: U13U
l'l!\rr.-H1 '="-""11XGTO:>: F'IF:A C ll ARF.:A 1 11\C ~:.; 1:11·s u SANTA ANA --------------1 Un• bedroonl hou•" pet1.ly furn KIMl'lE:Rl.Y 3-711R CLl~~F' HAVEN l b<"drn1 . unturn \\ \\' rar~llnfC l.a•rlf' f~ll••·<! ------
hoUJll! nl'~'ll' 1!Hnr11 tr•l .'-'.!('<' ~111 ,1 Call 1J;.,1 11 ~·"" i; 1117j -------
:'>:EAH. ilAHBOH
\<> ;ilJ,.y Ul\\'
ll11rbor :<~6 1
" lltth.
l 'Rl <.:&:
o .... ·n"r
,'\'tar crnt"r 11f Blllb<'la
liy-(lwnl'r )3~•,000 Tenn•. \:\'rlt~
n .. x ~: 118 tin.!> paprr :"19p7i
180 ft. Parcel
:-.;,.,.1 n,., k fifty or '-''Ill ~rlt
ti(J ll 1:10 lot.. I Jt ,\(/ ,. Har
'.l -3() rt. lott1 0 11 So. S.y F'ront.
1:1 1 .~oo ~•rh. call T . lJ Hoeera,
3 B£DR00l.IS l ~ ba., In 11. rtf'l ttng
of tall euc11lyptu11 tree11 Thi~
>te.'!lr n bll' honie hBJO all u, ..
('hArm IUld 11eren1ty ror rount ry
living a t 1l• best y.,l only
a f••w mlnu t'.'! trom downt(•Wn.
Price 1 1 t 9:'>0
Duncan Hardesty
'2802 Nl'Wport Blvd., Npt. Bfoach
1-lArhor 471 ~
FULL. ~lMJ lot . Coroni.
l!OU lh of Blv•I. $4000.
8n11th Har, 200-J .
rlP] Mar.
Hal \\'Ill
ial prtce for quick 1111le. ClOl'l!' !n
older bldg. on corner. Only
$14 :'if)O, $Ml(IO down
11.AfWOR Ii"iV~;.~TME1'fT L'<J,
N•wport Blv<l a t 30th St
•larbot' 1600 e;,·e.e. Har. 4344 -J
""""' f~nre.;I y•r,1 1t. nu1.,1 <.ln 1"11~f' 6t1r f;" 2ND & I ST TD LOAN S l t 2!\ rr"' \.'a lt ~,toe.I liMtk•·•· • • H 11.r. ll\M-\\', o r RT an l-tQ1', 1--------------
U 8-:.1&64 vl' ,v .. 1. I.I 8·11fi21 l:l-'Ll30 Jt h•>ll/I" 11 11:"'"1>!' •Hll
\ .... r 6~: V..nlf'ntl)' k)o M1•"1 I"""
'"''"·· '"'""' ''" n•· '" ""' ~Et~ ME TA Nl.:1-<;0S
L llO ICF.. Hf:l'.14 1-" ~"1 I .I~'""'' '·11111 11•·1"'"
~'urn , 6 unf'urnla/1,..1 T\\ c • r11 r11 h .. ",,,.
ZSH»I f: Collal tflfh\A.111 )' C~l ,~f
farbor ;'l.ll6<l r~'Y-117 r !) M KJI :"\A••"~"•
fM lf\-J 1\7('89
l'tl'r\'1n1t •11 c !ranJ• County
\Ye Buy TruRt Dttda
Roya l Mortgag e Co.
;ld<J~ :-<'Uo f'UI t Iii I tJ .'\:prt
Ha rbor 1549
d ill.ti':
FOR RAI.!: RT OW!\'F.R-4 Md·
,.....-.n, tiome, 1 •. blit ha, land·
., "ll•"l & t•~ FHA )0&4.
).'f"f''°1n n1 h•1nil' arf'a C1U
LHJOC:M y l'l·fil23 n1-0m1n1• or
an f'r ti p m Jftlc
U:S~ THAS O :"o'l!: YR. ()LO -
3 beon'n , l betl1 homr, h"·d.
noo~ 2 r at gar•irr 512 .. "tOO
124 Know.r.11 Pl, l.;O.t• M r.a.
LI 1 .. 1111 Mlle
rente.J. Btautlful ("Orner -All
nl'W curlwl 11.nd pavtd 11trert11,
Only $15,500 F. P .
'" 8·6161.
Pa noramic O cean View
BRAND ntw tt()(TI'" a nrl L11con1e
tl"lll.xt 0011.11l. in ruall.; modern
S1>• lhl'tl! 2 lll!!•uL l BR.
horn• folly CAl'Jl"lffl, ha"'e
•lect. nvena 6 l('rilla. Stone
to c•1hn11 !1replacell. Income 1:11111 prr 1n<' ~~ )• $34.:.00.
Ol'E~ FOR l!'>S PJt(."TION. 479
M nrnlng C'll nynn Ro.d. HIU'bor
~712..J f8<:78
New De s ert
Living Desi9n
fKI YR l.E.A.8£8. lrvlD41 Ea!Atff
f'lan. Only •7 mo. Bis kit.a. cit)'
ulll JfoUday Jf'lm"" t lO n. t'rom
'~9711 10 m!l'l•ll ,.. from Pllm
9prtnll:• Nn ~mDI[ HI 0 0 1t N
SPRJNC!S ltANCH. 1000 r.Jrna _,
Lovf'ly 2 bedroom Wllh rorced a.Jr 2307 W. Ba lboa Blvd. Npt. Be•e h
heat. bnck fireplace. 2 car p..I'· H&rb'lr :'>l:'>e. 86ce& •K" and 1unny l(JUth patio. I ---------------522,500
"Lido Specialist"
Have Waterfronts Too!
Duncan Hardesty
"'" N.-.port Blvd., Npt.. ""'"' H arbor t 718
Panoramic View
NEW 3 BJ:Dft.M .. 2 bath bome.
ot d lp ity, with br•thtllldnr
vlrw of enlh:e H&rbor . A MUST
~t:.E fOT" the s chuh'e bu,_..-
T o taJ pr1ea Pi,CIOO,
DA~ A. J ACOBSEN, it.I l:rltale
H.ar. 0691 , U 3-U17, Kl 2-2l ll7
n.."R.'lt PLUS ownen 2 Mdrm.
•pl Slea.dy lnt<lm• $4J.tl p.r mi..
l'rit~ u1 .. ~. llljllll'M t.nn• frOra
owner-. 212 Vktona. Co.ta
...,..... Mel7
View Homes
We havs It.ting• !in 3 beautiful
view homl'•, Nrwport H e lrht.a
with unoblltnlcled view or Har·
boT &lid o<ea.n. ean ror lnfonna tlrm.
"ART" ADAIR, Rltr. , ... Newport Blvd .. Cost& ......
U 1.m 2 or Lt 3-Mae u 8-1.W Ev•
&-J LDT, Norwport Hta., OMapaat
pr1eed lot ayailabl.&., ftOOO or ma•• otter.
llM 1'MiJPOrt. eo.ta Mee&
U a.1t 32 EvenLnl"• LI 1-1400
OORON A KlOH.L.A ND9 I be4rm._
J ~ . ._,wd. rlotwa, ft~
~llo 4r: V1-. Low down (MymL
Call nwner, Har, 17M-W . f.ke7
' J
PASE 6 ·PART II -NEWPORT HAR!OR NEWS.PRESS n~~...,~~E:!!•~te!!._ ___ 1-a..i ,. ......
MONDAY, FElltUAltY 6, 1956 ---
G e 99'1 ...... • ... r..taa.
j 8/B
•• Lido '""' l!f. ytron t
2 Open Houses
707 Acacl•,
R--4 <l>mer Tr "% 100' ···-·------··-----··--·--·-·-··--S2.BM
C-2 ·~· • l:IO' ····'······-······················-······-··--·-·$4:!00
8& SUR.II TO ilU UU. I b«tnn. C.2 90' x 150' . ········-· ---····---"--··--···---·---·-·· --·-$8,9el0
pdllu. tilCL lanai. Chttrf'Ul flrepl.. R-4 60' x 250' _ ... ·-·-............... : .. , .......... $4 ,200 n. room ~· ~ter. i;IN, -• 11a.T!a.l itPreti-tfic b&r;iht oo ·'R-1 Baclt Bay· .. :.·-····-······-··-~·-·· ............ -. SC.,850·
•'C'• THOKA8 "C'. THOM.AS,.
n:NJ: OLD~ HONE wltb f')l.ce.l•
lent b&thlll&' t>Mch, pertttt tor
the latl@f' tarnll7. Kitc hen •nd
baU... have lltton Coi11pl .. tely
mod•mlz«l., ~ b<'druoni.. 2 batllJI,
aira. W'p jl'(lll. l:utljA, JMU'\l>'
. tum~ -OUTSTAND1:-.c VALUE
at 12~.M>O
a •..i-
• Best Buys Corona del Mar
1. SHORECUJ.1i'S. Ju11t llated -exclusive with UL
This immaculate 2 bed.rm. ~d den home on M.orning
Canyon Road with panoramic view of ocean, billa
Nearly uw 3 B.. R., 2 bath bome. plua . m.aid'~
.• ~ ll/l!\l\WJll!.ltt.. ,Ji¥,...:lo-~4:y. . .a-.I!
• 166,000
Ulla one. RM.I r»d ternU1. R-1 Back Bay -·· ··-···-·-····-·-'·"·'·····-··-····---........ $5,250 ~-~Ail'rnt~! ·mrr""---~---"""-----~·.-.-..... TY"T.Jf'--1<-~,....,.-.c-,,.
, &11'1 '¥YOO. -iA,hoat. luge.l\Ag-~tjo,earpota ..
.-. llnd drapes included and only $31 ,500, B.E:rlER
_ H URJ{Y ,on lhia one -It. WOJl'l last . -~,., ~· --·----•. -·:..~,., .. --..-----... ~t;.,4'
2. DUPLE:X. 1 bed.rm. each, one unit furn. complete.
For appointment to aee call Mrs, Fay.
Bay Ave. Col"ner with View!
2 B. R, and Den, nice kitchen, ertrll l~e.
Garage etreE!Aed for apartment. Owner
Shown by appointment only.
$26,000 -Tertru1.
Bay A ve. Dupll'x -PermanC'nl \'if'w 1
Nearly new -oppoaill!' finedt b..thing beach.
Excellent financing to qualified buy"'r
SJ1own by appointment unly.
3 Units near ac h00I & Cath<•l1c hurch,
100' • occupancy F:xcell1o:nt cond1t1on
For information & appo1ntn1t-nt t<o 11~~-t·all A.t r. Rudt'
Jui:>t [.111tcJ 1 13alboa l·'t·n111.~ula
S15,S50 -S351kJ i1 .. ...,.11
2 tx,lr••Orn h•1f11tc-, !1rt·1oJ:i,,.
1n,·l u1h·,., 1 ·ar1·~·ti. au1I 1 u1t.11ni.
·r111s I ~ A !~l 'Y'
Voge l Values
On onf' of t he prt•llll'~I str1.-.... ts 1n tv.1.·n ,..1 ocll·rn.
lg~. 3 bedroom ho me on cnmt'r lot , ll•K'r t n Ct"1h11J!:
f!agatonl' fireplace. enelu!«'d prtt lo. r~rt•·cd right ul
$19,500-1nclt1d<·s w ~· cur1 1(.·t1ng tbn.i"ut & draJX·s.
J-IOME & INC0t.1 E -SO. OF' }-1\i\''i'. & NEAR
ST ORE.() & Sl-JOPS. ~ f'urn1:!hed 3 bt .. trovm ho rn~
& Btudio apt. Gn ragc ready fur apL uver. }-lou11c
ha.a firtpl1:1ce, HW fl oo rs & t.!I l'Olllplt·tely rel'nu-
d1t1oned 1n111d1'. An exct:>Jlent v1:1lue Ht ~1 5.~ Showr~~by -ap,;·t uniy:-~ -..
C.:Hl-:APER TH1\N l{EN1' & ONLY $600.00 DOWN
Jn Costa Mf'Sa & not too far fTom 17th ~t . Shop-
ping Center. l~g. lot. 2 bedroom home, H\V floors,
d1n1ng 11.rea 1n kitch. Total price only SS.500!
Better hurry ~
:.!667 1<_: Cst Hwy . l'Orfl na dt·I ~la r Ha. 1711 Ila. 0757
BEAUTlF'UL hnme on J.ido N ord corner. Perma-
nent vie w of Bay. nt>ar best beach fo r s wimming.
3 bedrmB .. 2 bathl!I, hobby roorn and den. Chaftlltng
king aiu muter bedrm. with alco\'C & connecting
bath, large sun deck, attractive dining room, mod-
ern kitchen -built·in dishwasher. disposal. copper
hood, ceramic tile and numeroul!> other features
ATTRACTIVJ-: CONTE~tPORAR'i' 3 bcdrm. 2 bath
home partially funushed. Only 2 1:: years old.
WE A LSO have !Wv~rw.I B ay J."ront lot.a on Lido Nord. -
EARL W . STANLEY , Realtor
3113 NewpOrt Blvd., Nrwport Beach Har. !Jl13
Jo"or Y car Round Living
We Rl.'Co1n1nend T his
Quality Home
4 Bedrooms, 2 baths
Separate dining room
forced a.ir beat & fireplace
Apartment with 2 bedrn11J., view
windows and fireplace.
Price $38,000 terms.
Park Ave. at Marine. Balboa Ialand H arbor 2462
'J'bJ.t 3 bedrm. home has 1 & t,<.i baths, fireplacr,
breaklut bar, dining area & patio. Property ia
feooed and landacaped. Owner's leaving for Japan
and mU8t eel.I. Priced at only $13,500
Call ~ Barker,
JSth &: Irvine LI 8-2664 Eve!): l~I 8-8621
' I
NOTHING FINER Lhan. tl\11 2 bfld·
roo111 home tor $10.600. lt-hu
a r1repl., •unny bright k itchen
with lbt. ot Ul• a.mt cupbo&rdt,
load.a of charn1 Ulru-ouL Encl.
C•ll •l•rbor 2().1,2 now
tor pre-ll11uw1n1.
Frank James
Linwood Vick
3 12 Manne Ave., BaJbo& rland
H•rbor 2042
\\'11.111,, tl\11 """IJ <:1r11gn .. 11
"'hi gur1t 11>11.rtment.
2 uni t
St1111.1! l!
l....<1,r}e l
ln!<.lr•oo111 lower-
t-lrwm upp.-r
:I rl'.lu ru
J•lt<&I !OJI
•nil bath pltrt.a.11)'
KU .to •, "•'*'~l
1'turn anti [Jatl W'l lh
,;urn\ "l>•rln1~11t i.,r U1e \'\;Ill·
'''i; f,.,,,,1y A'.'>!1 itn 1n•·u1n,.
l1:11l l" µ.J l)1t'_ l;11J,
l>un l ""'<II t._., l+nig
Oce4 n Front Home
a n1 ne tlom11tur.:,· 1.111:1
!.••ti:~ ln1n' '''""' ... ·.th
j•Jll• ~ .\llll•J . ''" ·111 •
':"'"~" 1·11 .. u~ h•l!lufl
Uul h r~ Iii.Ii!\'~ Wiii'\
""' IH e-
Ch •rles E. H•rl, Re •ltor
See Me-Ta
:\"~'"'P•J1L H._t1
11 11·: .\tvs-r 1:..11 u ttTA.-.;·r AL
Yuli l.L R!::Af) TODAY
l'fJ({(JNA 0 1'.:L "'tAtt
~:A STl·:HN (.1\\'SER SA \'S SELL,
I like llfl"' 3 l.t<!rourn, 2 b11th, rire
µ!111·•· llt!Wf! !lours, bllA:k t ro1n
I •~~ion H-2 .-~rf't!,.nt t1n•nr1n1e
l'nll,.rpnct'd l':X t'l•JIU v" L111 t1ni;
Hfo:AL HUM !:.:\' 2 t><o.Jrm , t1ree1aee
'"n".,.,'ly -d..c:or11.tN tna11le-p"l~nf;1•11
1 ... 11l 1oc .. 11un i J11uo will t1andl"
J Ji ,:1(11J f p, i>~X•")UB/l'I! l.illllMj(
llCJ ME • IN!'UM!>;
Al'iltAli'l\'IL •hlpl"x. •·huwe low a
I 1"" I> 2 l1N1111ui I 'ntlt rpn1 .,,1
"!£TA NEl-'>ON
21tofl P: C.:ou t H"''Y
L"uro 11a u .. 1 Mar. Har MtiH
1023 \\! R11y A\'f'
A lllt A C\!1 C\">;\V 1>;X1'l.l .!'O \"F.:
1.1:-1'/'INi i Thlt1 •1i"""''1'Y 2
H"d!'"O!ll hu!ll~ with till! r o'\<11
iin • •~• tt lot JU•l acr utu1
f1otr\ l)t'.•I batb111g b"'llrh /di!"
& lljll\1"1· b••<fr•OUU\ "''ltil 't balh
11tti.~h••d l•) 11 -i ""r garai,:e 1"
j11&t Lhl' tll!t"ll( f••r S1.un1nt"
gl•e•l•. !>'ult P' IC .. 125,600 W\th
1100<1 1 .. n .. ~. 1'h111 111 • r,.aJ r!rrn
J•tl•"" ~nd y .. u can 11!.'e why.
Duncan Hardesty
2602 Ne"''l''-'1·1 UJv,I Newport Bch
llHrbor ~718
Light M•nuf•during
SMALi. SHUP & 3 Iola. co rno:"r
31111. & \'Hl1 ..... ·ay, Nl'1•,port Ekh.
\\'111 aphl. Priced right V1!U1
g OOU ter1n8
S~Qf1 will han<tl,. Houee anl'l
. large g•r1tge tPntffi arparat,..ly
i:ood lncom ... """r Poat Otr1c"
N.B.C. Realty
32rvl & Nl'WjlOrl B h1,1. Har. 1 40~
1.nd 1 SYCAt.fORE 'T'REE
('h11rnling 2 bdrm uldl!r home
uwner i• compll'l••ly r~e.::ora.
,ling S8 ~00 Term11.
Fisher & Compan y
2603 N"wport Blvd .. Npt. Bth
Ha.r. 4429.
BY O\'ol'l':ER
S22.~ lPrm11
1702 • 18-02 Haven Plac•.
:'l:~·pt:trt H l11 near El,..rnentl!.ry &
lhRh SrhOCll, LI 8-~3!'>. r,i7p((1
$500 Down
:>N THJS !!:STA.TE Ilk,. half arr<"
nea r Country t:lub, lllPal w llh
l1t1n1111 f,-,r rl'\(r~m"nl or b11lld
>1 •l>J'I income unllJI. SMI~ fllll
pr1r •.
IN A.. JAr'OBSEN. Re.al F,.ta••
l"T f.4191 , U 8-6317, KI 2-21117
r\\"0 JOOR Tifli: PR1Clii: OF ONi.
Unf' 3 bdrn1. A o"e l bth rn hou>
• un1plrtely furn. OwnPt anx!vu·
s~ dow n fl1r. 3806. Hul>o
Htll.1 f!V•·n1n11:11 !'>-07 Ea.t U..JtJ>,
Hlv+I l'l&L
Two Houae1 on Good Con1er Lot. Ea.ist.side location
on eewer, drainage ok. Both houaes have 2 bed·
rooms. Wood exteriors, plllJ!ter interiors, wood
Ooora. Separate back yards. Older, but well built
and in good condition. l~ive in one and Jet lhe
rental make your paymenl.8. $13.750 $3000 down.
Forced a ir beat -Fireplace -2 years old. Excel·
lent locatiorrwithin walking distance· to all schoolB.
Priced low at $1-4 ,850 $3300 down.
Spacious three bedroom and den. hardwood n oors,
wall lo wall carpet in L. R., dining room & den,
Large sen,ice porch ad)01ning, completely built-in
kitchen makes thi1 a housewife's dream. Ut us
ahow y o u the many other fine feature.a not men-
loned in this ad. F. P. $23,500 with only $5000 Un .
W. A. TOBIAS , Re.,,lt'lr '· 1>crvicc'·
400 K
17th St ,
lil<t" our friendly
l '(1t1t11. ~1 t-t1a l .. lb..·rly S·l 13U
l.11 the v.·nrJ f11r Lhl.8 hume luclltl'J atop thf' bluff
()f C f) ~1 , affording 8 fabu!OU~ Vit'W of fJalbo!I
Jlarbo1r a nd J~·tfy <Jn 64.J ft. corner Jut It Ill n1od·
t"m to the la.st det1:1.1J. largP h\•uig roum l)._·itUlJful
dt;>n, n1;i.11ter bt..Jroorn, s hining bath rtnd klti,:ht>n
uvsta1rs. 'J'hrec beUroofrul and second living roon1
do .... ·nsta1rs "·1th a,t,~quate bath,. A ~ardcu th<i.L
(.'ust \.\'ell 1n cxcc&l! of $10,000 111 tropical muJe,
t"t1 mplete v.·1th watt·r. light and mu.sic Also H1·F1,
t'V Kl 111 cxtc"s o f $5001, pq.ied tu e\'cr) ruon1 . F'ul!y
c11.1·1ietcd and draµcd u1 excellt;>nl t a~tc A quality
ho me for till.le fur the fiNt time-.
t~rired lo sell 1mmt:'d1atc!y for
_. 2323 W. Cbaat H~·y. I.at l'o .. iJrat1g4i~
:-Oe\11.'J>Ort &uch I~I 8-75(i'.? Har 515'4 e~'t".11
DF:LJG l·ITF'UL PROVINCIAL style' homt' i,f 3
bedrmti. and den , 3 baths. patio. dis hwasher d1,.;-
p<isal, t•arpeted. Thu,; 111 a \'l'ry \.1vely humr• all
on I floor in J)('rfl"Ct ~-ond1tton . S49.50U
FOil A VElll' ('()ffifUrt1t.bl('o fu rnt!!ht"J 3 b->fJrm
hnme o n o nf' of th£' largest lot1:1 , UO SEE 1'HIS_
f<:xtra largC' ratio partly CO\'C'rt-d \.\'Jth ph:'X 1~Ja.ss.
Hoom for 1:1w1n111ung 1)()111 $2·1.500.
lmmc<lnttr po88E:R1:11 0 11 _
Two bedrm. on F:l ~iodrn~. large lot near schools.
Newly painteJ inside. Vacanl. Has GI 4 ;. Joan.
$2000 down will handle. &!lance about $85 mo.
3416 Via l~ido. Npt. Reh.
f!~\lf'H : Li R-5297 I.I
l·lar. ·1!)71 or Har. 49i2
8-3<)•10 Har ~142
* NEWPORT HEIGHTS * Rustic ranch style home on exclusive Aldean Placi.
Studio living & dining rc10ma wi th antique fireplace
and wall or glaMe. Uniqut> til<'d kitchen, built-in
range and (IVr'n, J large bcJrOOITIS, 1 ·~1 bath~. h\.\·J .
floorR are carpeted.
Sacnficc at $24.500
With $8500 down or subrhil
Gr~enleaf-S everts Realty, Inc.
Har. 2!'>52 31 12 Newpo rt BJ\'d.
EvC's · LI R.JJR6. 1,1 8-5405. f-l ar. 3921 -W, KE 8·5885
Each room a 'favorite' room~ The den or bedroom
overlooks the town, while all others fa ce the Cf'ntral
patio. Cheerful sunny kitchen : disposal. Hwd.
firs., bt'amed ceilings, fireplace. 23 f t. living room.
Private beaulifully furn. 3 room apl. has complete
Jotchrn. brings ~720 a year from A-1 tenant.
If you are SC'fking unusual charn1 1n a modei;t
priced hnmr. sec thi'tt excluR1vt• offertng of -
2647 E . Coaat Hwy., Corona de! ,_f ar. Har. 882
ATIRACTIVE 1 story home. livable and convcn·
ient. Thrtt hMrmA., 2 balh~. maid's room and bath.
Carpt>lA, drape• and appllanct'A included.
T. D. ROGERS, Harbor 1585-W Or Ryan 1602H
0XC.,:;LL£N'T l..0CA1'1C)N nn 811y-
ahore Ortv1 with Viii;\\' ot bsy.
£x1~rlor Ju•I p11 inl<"•I, 3 bed-
rw111a. 1:0.. ll11rh8, d•r11ng 1110111 &
b!'f aklai<t r0tun h<I'-'•! rl•J"0111.
corner lot Ir only $17,500. Low down payment
will handle.
3. DUPLEX : 2 8 . R. each, corner lot.
fireplaces. hwd. flrs. & i.eparate
A good buy at $22,500
&th have
ri .. i;:vt un~ !lrt:pl11< ,, S-.!3 ~ou t 4. FfRST . T IME OFFERED. Immac ulate 2 BR. home
plus rumptU1 room. hwd. Ors., garb. di.apoaal A
bargan1 at $13.500 -$3000 down will handle.
Harbor Highlands
Ul\'F.L Y S 1JEllH0<1"1 I •1 Datfl•,
14 ... 2' ft l•\'IOI( l fWJIJI h•t ... -.j
rlwr11 g1t1 bf!i:t t111pusnl. ,;1111p.•-
:it11kr tt'nc1nje "' "' tllq1.-t1n~ &
<lfa jwa 1nclu•l<'d ~l Sl7,b7:i
and J.~\)(-'.I A'Pi')~·
\\ I ·~'I 1t1~l"'"Y J.I "-.',~:17
;-.:, 1 '"· f{,.,,, I,
T ll•J.\l ,\,-. J JI' •/!.I A-"
B/ B
Open House
!'>11• ,,, ... ,t) J .~
1 '• ! I . ""' _, J., 1 :-. •
} I • ·1~1 +' •r ... ,\l; II• r .... ,,. !
h •·•1 I .-;1,,.,i. ft"•! /tu~lu
H. • .,. r• 11 '"'" ·•O ln1i. .. b.,l!I Ul1-
r111I l1o.i.i~ ... , ... 1 !••! Wo!h ••'VIII r.,. l"~d J I,,.~·· tl~·I• , .. ,,,,. J
1,.,.1 •. u••d •11 tr .... li(••hll\· i~ti' .. w
~· .. u 1 ·1,. ,.
If I Were You
J <t ..,.,. lh•~ ,1, .k .. ""'! R"n(h
h•1u;,. 'f11•lio\ •\n •':0.<jlll"•1~
11 <•1• I•• •'"•I "II " 'I" l l.o~n.I•
~t1 •r t r•j..,1,1 ••p 11i..1 ·n,\ 111<·
Hl«k HlO\ \hi~ ·~ lo•I 1 1 I \
1,,.1 h 1 "~'" '-' L•·,11J! ,;,.1t. •h" "'
lt.(,.11 '+11 0" t,•,I ol"I I• 1 1-o •'o'l'OI
'T1'1" rir.r~r nr ,,,~·,• 1,.,H-
1 . .,, •I l '• '
'.ll(j " • : ! ' '
l.1 .. u I ,., . .,., lo
\H 1-""ll
''" 1.1.. s.:'
' .. l I .11 .. 1· • '• .\
I 0: '"" lJ "'"Ill
Bay & Beach Rlty _ Inc
1i.;·, 1r1111J .. 1 u .. 111 .. v .. .i
'"'·' • \lo •II I Il l!!•"""'
I I II 771 1 I·:,,., I.I ~ :I I '>I'
JJ \uU Ill•· lo~•l<lloj.( l"t 11 I h· .. 10
'U\ : IJ> •l• '" '" ,,. '""' "" II nn •.
11111••.,vr•I .~t•• •'I Sr•.r. I~ !.\I
~lf.l•l A rELl H.111t wu.~1 11, .. u,.
1; •r"'ht' I ho·rniv~!al r •r >o11~~ .. nd '"'i''"I Uuck~'ll!tl
e"ruplel,.ly h•ri. .,.1 ~~X•'•'i•!hih
Hi lv "''e+l l11nd111a1 ... •+t Hla"o''')
1.-..n llere 1111 •11 i•!r11 ! honir
\\'111 r••n111ol•·r $1500 •101,,.11 Own-
~r lla:1 Ju"t u1ovr d ou1 1u1<I u1u.1<l
.•Pll 1n1ml'dlltttly. F"l.111 prlu~-
Phil Sullivan
& Geo. T. Everso n
1s;,11 x""'l'''rl lilv.J. 1 ·,,~111 .\1 .-.~11.
I A<tVh~ lr••lll '"·~llt ,\leM 1Junk1
l'h LJ tl-!>7'>1 1>:''"" i111r 1.1111'1
L lbt•rty M·21 (JJ
Harbor Highlands
0 1-'J::N" l lA!LY P~I
19111 l'r-·1lln l..11ne
LOVELY 3 ~drrn . 1 .... b11th~.
hr•1 k f tn'pl .. "''llh rc1:1 r y1ut.!
11pR<:f' for 111vhn rn1ng pool or
tenn1,. i::u urt S !!,~00 .
:I li•'f1r'TI1 ! ~ b11tl\i, "''l lh rirl'pla r,..,
l•"·•·h (,•r1l'Pd 1••11r y11N1 .. n.1
JlHtlv. t'"'lttla!t<•ly l11 r><l~•p1•rt.
$lf1}:100 F or pnv!lltt 11h ow1ni I
(II.II ftUT H 1)1\VIS J~:AN
::;.fl.llTH l!:L~IF. !::liE.LJNG or
Dunca n Hard esty
2602 Nt'wport l:l lvll., Npt
liarbor -4718
Bay Shores
2:i!2 Cirri'-On1·'-
()p"n l !,.1ly 1-4 :in
;-.·f111· PHIC~;IJ TU .S l>:l.L
:i !Jolr-tn, 1 \ hnth f •['I , f" A
f,,-. 1111 rl• l k1!1 Ill II )-.p>H ·~
pr<\•" hlloll In /Jl!Q i 1vcr111r.•
j.(.tl O,.•' j;:l'llt'rl•l!ll •lul olj.(C
.\~11 Nr\\l~"rr 1>11·1, :>:pi Hr h
till.I hut '02
,\ AT~.H VJ~;\\' Sl.1~.-1 In >in•!
p11ld Hf'lll l'l<'W of Uark ~)
$1\.~00 w ith l1Ut-r11! ll't1ll!,
T~\7 :'l:tW)l<ll't l 'n•IM ,.1,.••
r 8-111:12 Evening. LI M-141l•
I H,I,'.~~ Ul•HM I ... hllh•. !!0111 4•
1 .. t huilfa 1-'I"'"" S2a.,l\OIJ ="'f"
1><1rt 111 11 lly APPOIN"T.~~;:-;
• 1;• n.,.r l.1h,..11y lo-41173 !l2r~
E.xclu&1\'e with ue. Thu~ ehould sell quJck:Jy.
!~R ICE T. McCUIS'I_'ION, Realtor
34·17 r: Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47
I Off11:t" located next door lo Corona del Mar Bank)
"l 'tn~ & l".'(IJll.ndable" ntodt"rn sn1alt home, view
11\ 111g 1 J11 & <lu11ni: art•a_ l 'ul!n1dn kitchen. On!"
tlL!J ii: & IJ.1Lh d vl\'ll, ~ lit.!rn1. & 1-' bath u p. Large
f'lt\,,j \l'l''"lhl._ i«>ulh ,,f h1gl1 way . \"ERY LO\.\'
1'l!:P..\I S 1•rl thl.' jiM•·I;' uf .$1~.000 fun1.
!"1•v.1'1' ti,,rn.· l•wCUJ'lt•d Ii 1nu I 1n t,.h1s exclusive
d•i.i1ut <••k•n1:1l v.!!h :-.hak11 roof, l•·llCt'°11 patio,
."l]·lll1 kl• 1 sysll·rn & tl1 ruplt>tely lr1nd1:1r·1i1>ed. U1w
1•r1. • ~:,;'.~) ~100 1111 ·l uiJ,.s l'll<1\'1• & dra1X'nt's. ImnH'·
d1a1 .. Jl•r.:S!!l"~lon nn th•· low down nf $3.000 to a
qualified pun.:hllll(>r
lJU;dl!y h"mi' of -I b<lrrns, 2 baths. n1a1de rm & b.ath
F1n(' l:1 r~t rnnn1s. Excl'llrnt pier , float 8.· 1·!e1o.n
sandy bt-ach Fur a ppou1lmf'nt to 1nl!p.:·ct.
\'.ill l.11t1 l ~oyntun
l-1:-ir 3~97 11r rlar 177:"i E\"Pg }-la r . 2878
t~d1th ~l&ruon. C:V C:iii 11\"att 4 -6222
llaysidc llr1v{' 11.nd (;ou~H H ighway ..
• • * • •
Balboa Coves
J,,,\·1·ly (•"'Tit·r bit qu:il11y hnmf• 11'.'SR than 4 yn . old.
:! bdrm & rlf•n, 14x:l:i l1v1n~ rm .. d1n1ng rn1., l '1 bitt>u~. J-'A hf'RI . w w Cfllll., lg··· COVt•rl'll patio fac·
1111.: "''at•·r. Jlll'I' & s lip. Sh<1 .. 11n by Rpp<lintn1f·nt only
J F'ulJ prit·<' :S40,()00
S:.!5(~J d O\.\'ll
N•·w 3 bdrn1 ranr h typ~· h11111t· nt•ar Back Bay. J 11:.c
b<it!1. H. \>\'. flo•Jl's. 111ce fireplace.
Hack l~:>y ar.~a . l'artly furnished 3 bdrm. home
on 90 x I 00 R-·1 lut. $12.500 full price.
1700 Newport Blvd.
Phone l~lberty S-55!}7
Costa Meu
E:\'ening Liberty 8-7457
Dividend 1~a y1ng Real Estate! Cute 2-bedrm home
"·ith IO\'ely apartment. Rental record will aatound
you ! ! .$29.500
' Ex clusive Bay Shores
TO CONNOISSEURS o r fine living~ We highly
recvmmend this 2:bedrm. 2 bath beauty -E. A .
heal -gorgeous patio -many xln't features. Let
us make Rn a ppt. to show it to you.
$2·L 750 with terms if desired.
Lido Isle
Almo~t nf'w
Beaut. f1r f'pl.
3 '"bdrm. 2 bath unusua_I borne.
Near beach . All thill and more for
306 ~farine Ave., Balboa Island Har. 502 or 4623
Today's Specials~
Quick !
h•ho ,11 . I t.u:lo 111<,. l'Hll<1.' l•l~
k l!• hrn wd /1 b ... r. rll'll g11 111 gr
It '~ 8 1hu'll'I)'' "
Three Arch B•~
Onr r•f 111" f1n,.111 • ..-.. 1111 r1nn t
hon1e.1 on th' C8hforni• ··011.1111
Best Buy on l ido!
SJ'A{'lt}l:!; 3 b<'lrma . 2 blUY,
t..-.11 11,HUl , 11 r P"l & drapea,
11\rge p All<>. ~l <if eare.
It ""'on't ll•C
Another Lido Goody!
t •1' lo•t S!2.000.
t:•n'l bt 1n•tched:
KILi.iON, re•I estate
llsrbor 5505
-------------------_---.,__~ • L --···-~ • ..--• ·----· ... ·--·-
·--a .... _ tll ........... • ••• r.MaCll • ..,,, 2. • a ·at r NEWPoRT HAUOlt NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • ,AM l
• =----• • ,Hamor Mesa Raoch Homes p. a. palmer An,crrpor~ted
-1'-. letw_!.en Irvine end Tustin Aves. • developers of Lido Isle -c ... ~1.-:.. Ocean F
-·-'., .. --C.ltrlllo north of 17tf.t St.-• -···-··· ····-·ud-Md-. ···----·--· ' _, __ .. ....:.. •p :.i... -·c· . -··-.;.. u~·e . . ronk..-.· .
un".., FURNJ.SHEO BY o o em 1 ~ a, '1 MoUle . NEAir:T ;~!!:w -s e. R., t :l(i ha., "" boout. -~.._ · ING1ttMaCOLL1Na-·an ~ ... wo•~ ~-·~~Wl'!...r!!l~ -.• ---·.b~----"''D-"·-....... ._ ,~. ·~ ._."'7~-.......-=~ ··~'"""'°"~ 1i ...,_<W>'""'~;;t"~~"· . --~th-" ~~--,,;"'·"-°'""Pi""-_.,.._ DI p •• --··-· / A 1" l '=>' C rt ~ DM.Q .w. Tlie UVJ.ncrm. uarw pape • M ve . .\ Dfabwaaher, cmtom drapes, w\aber, dryw, deluxe
OPEN ·DAILY 10 A.M. TO .. P.M . bu • -· bouquet canyon atone finplace 2 bodrm. b.,_ ~ li•lll'P"'o!'"~-~-fuml>bl•J•· Large pr&g'e. ~ .• ' , and IUdtnr glaas doon to a lovely patio. ba.ace'.tta outdoor Uvtng .............. .........,,.. maae :-"
Heavy .._ke roofs, hardwood. noon. btg double 'l'be kitchen Mt a drea.lll with built-In Thermador the tfvtnrrm. and outdoQr11 .. &¥ the .a.me. The $32,rol'.l -$10,000 down.
ranret, forced.air heat, built·in oven and range, ovea 6: ~. d.iapoa&l, ba.rdwd. cabinet.a A: match--aame Ml true of the mut• ~only lt bu a NEARLY NEW _ 2 B. R. cU1tom bu.ill home-
di9p<"W111, Mwera, aJidlog glau doon. ln1 fonn.lca.. We couJd go on Mid on about thi• vt:ry priTate patJo of Its 0'4'n. S bathroom.a, din· Fireplace. Bar kitchen. DiepoMI _ Com~
G-l!'Male a ,7_, 111ce t
y ueed brk k fireplacu. home, but .)"tlu should see it. Priced at $37,500 iJisnn. &nd fully carpeUd. Priced amu.i.ngly low. turn. even to wuher, dryer & cuatom drapes.
Terrific looking bomee with excellent ttoor plan• Now bu a $1 9,000 loan p-.yable n80 prr mo. Call J oe KincaJd. ..,3 •~ 000 on Colt.a Meaa'• moet desirable Ease. Side. . s •. ~ -$10, down.
Budget Conscious? Back Bay Land NEARLY NEW ,-Ocra.n front duplu on l&rf9
lot. -Panoramic view. Good for home ll lnoom ...... ' 3-bedroom: $21,9~$2000 down
3-bedroom and den: $22,9~$2000 down
Tract Phone: l~Iberty 8·2363
or Officee ' LI 8·5573, Harbor 1500
We can budJ fur you a twOllbedrvon1
or 3 bedrm
Approx. $4.90 per •g. ft .
JO()', Ji'ina.ncing
on a pproved. lou
937 Square Foot Home-$4595
1155 Square Foot Home-$5595
Attached 10 x 20 garages ................ $295
We 11.re building on Wallace. 83.y, Avocado and
18th Stll. Starting •hort1y on 20th St.
CalJ ur l'hone tor informatio n ..
of Garden Grove, Inc .
1104i1 Weetmlneter Bl vd., Garden Grove LE 9-0633
~'O. 'nA"Y '13. R., 3 bat~ plu., B. R. 1lpt ... -~~9.:;Q()
•' NO. BA 'I' 3 B. l·L 2 bath plus 2 B. B .. apt. . .. $73,500
LIDO NOil !) 5 B. IL -2 13. R. a pt. ..... ..$89.500
LIDO NORD 3 B. !{. -l'1cr & slip ...... -...... _$50,000
LITTLE l SI~AN lJ, 'fropica l setting 2 unit.a plua
:.! B. R. guest house ........... ·-·-···--· .. ···--.. $3t.950
NR. NO. !:IA Y 2 Jl ll. . ........... ·---······ .. ·· ..... 122.500
Nf.:All NO. IJA Y 3 I{. R. . ....... ..... . .. -. $25.000
lNCU~l ~; IJ N rr~ $25,750 to $38.UUO 1nclus1 vc,
Check w ith u.11 on th ~KC a nd others.
Har. 1775 -l!:ve8. Edith Ms.roon HYatt i-6222
John Macnab Harbor 5359
225 Marine Ave., Balboao lsla.nd
If You Ar e Young ot Heart
If You Wont Quality, Originality
If You Want the BEST -
in location
in con.11truction
in financing
Come see this 4 bedrm., 3 bath home
on the Little lalaod.
112 Jade Ave.
OPEN 11·5
Feb. 4 thru Feb. 12. 1956
216 Marine Ave., Balboa I.eland Ha.r. 20 or 64
LET'S FACE IT. Nobody gets something for
nothing, but we DO have a fine home. worth the
money -3 B. R .. bath and i-'t , hwd. f loon, w;w
carpels, lovely fireplace AND a fine view. NOT
a steal, not a sacrifice. but a GOOD BUY
at $21 ,500 with good terms.
CALL, We're ready to g<>-
R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor
R. B. HODGE, A.seociate
3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Ha.r. 2774
F1SHER built ham(', one year old. 3 bedrooms,
bath ~~, flhake room, garbage diapoul, Iota of tile,
open beam ceiling. Very nicely landscaped. Won·
derful permanent Vif'w on a street to atrttt lot.
428 Cabrillo
W. E. FISHER & Associates
3024. E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032
A cheerful 3 bedrm. home well furni.ebed. J uat a
hop, •kip and a j ump from the North Bay. Fire-
place, new double garage, on:1bore mooring, plu.&
12 It. Gluopar looaL Only $22.500 wilh $li()OO dn.
216 Marine Ave, Balboa l•la.nd liar, 20 or M
IT MAKES SENSE-a deeig:o.er .. golng to &'O all
out on hie own home. HAL LACY ha.a done just
that on this 3 btdrm.. 2 bath Lido Ia1e amaller
retJidence. The combtning of material.a hi done with
thought and feeling here. Sliding glue doort to
pa.tio frotn tbe livinrrm. with it.JI field atone fire,
place. Out.standing kitchen with uh ·cabinets a.rid
matching form1ca . Tile in both baths .. wall·to-waU
('arpetlng a.nd double g&ra&e. Cloee to perfect
beach. &-e thi s soon, 8.11 it will sell at only $26,500
We have the gm.test aelection of Ba.ck Bay lot.a
In our hiJrtory -little onBll, big one9, apenai\'e,
not so expensive, overpriced a.nd underpriced. Thill
is t he area that appeal• to a great number o(
people ~use of ita country atmosphere, it.a
roomy tee.ling and it. pure clean air. Now is the
time to BtJY BACK BAY. Call BW Farnsworth.
All above a.re exclwiives with ua ! Come to HEAD·
·QUA.RTErtS ~f..;r these l:. other geod buys.in-lot JJ & -
home11. We a.re the DEVELOPEJ{S OF LJDO ISLE
Now Ui the time to buUd your dream home on thi!I
8,P~Jous, ~vel, vie~ I?~· . One of ~e few remaining
in this exclusive diatrict. $15,800.
Ca.II David90n Osburn
p. a. palm er, incorporated
ole hanson co., sal es ma nage ment
::13~ \'Ht lido, harbor 1500
p. a. palmer , incorporated
ole honson co., sale s mona9ement
1700 w. oout highway -liberty 8·~573
Special Values
$1000 Down
TllRE:~ BhRM .• ,Vf:ARl.T NltW.
"" ~""'"er, Goo.J t ract hOU1•. tull
1·n ··.. s9~. ~rm ..
$2800 Down ·
EXC EL :I BDRM., dble g1r , lfw.
tlri1 paUo, Block will r.ooe.
nn '":!wera. Vu.II price, $9,000,
a n.I onJ y 171 . per m o.
Newport Heights
COU!J J.'lXl'::H l'l'PER, F ine 11.rea,
r1Jll 1in«e only S7.000. Hu 60
>. I fl~ lol i:lbt!'. i;a.r and :l bdrm~.
0 1•1-::-; llO L's~: Sun I :. 380 LI
11·• LOT SU60. &ewer ln •t.
t•.t LOT ~.O', $4200.
Income -Investment
Dl'l'LEX 2 H.J{. •a. Over 1700
l'(J tl Unly ~ n10 old. Ne&r
..._11,ll.ll.&. t raruip & abopptnr.
Ll(f ma. LolJI uf Ul t . A blu'·
&aw al $U ,:.OO.
Business & Rentals
HEHE'S A L:O LD :\llNE. Ham·
butgtr 11tand on Ba.lb. I1tla.nd
water frnt. Ntar ftrTy. Pa.d4.Lr
468. Eether -Oft Irvine
Open Saturday a.nd Sunday A BEAUTIFT.n.. CUSTOM built home by Lloyd C.
H oward. The living room ia extra L&rre with used
brick fireplace -built-in bookoue., hardwood
floors. Dandy kttchJm and brealcfut nook,
3 bednn• .• 2 bolha $21,600
LARGE upetaln living room with ocean view, 3
epacioua bed.nna, run s1%e dining room, new car·
pet lng. Pleuant lrltcben with many built·lns.
Lovely enclosed. patio and BBQ. A home of quality
for gracioUB living.
good 2 bedrm. home in Corona del Mar. Thia one
ha.s fireplace, hwd. floors, 2 car garage, stressed
(or apt. N i~ fenced yard. Walking dlatance t o
market&. $1 4,500 and $3500 down will take it.
603 Poln.oettla -OPEN SUNDAY.
COSTA MESA, 237 Roch~ter. Three bedrm. home
in nice neighborhood near shopping center and
transportation. $12.500. TennB to su.it buyer .
3320 W. Coast Hwy. Liberty 8-7773
"At lhe Arches''
Board!! It 3 renlah. Oto1Md -----------------------1
$12,000 In Bummtr opar&Uon.
110,000 On. I I
Mesa-Harbor Realty
A A880CL\TBll
&09 Cent•r St .. OollAI. M-.
LI M9lt &. lJ 1·71t4
L YTL!: -Evt. Ph. Ll a..*2
PEIII IS:-E vt. P h. Ll a..M.17
SEYMOUR-ICv t', l 'h. Ha. ~PIW
B/ B
$830. Down!
• J bdrm. -1 '·~ yeu• old?
• Heautltul landecaptng ~
• liedfll fence '.
• fJ! .. posal -K!lchtn f&n !
e Rht""Cn1 WlllPr anfttner!
e lJr,. pt•a & alu1,dea :
• Owner lenvlng •lale! e 11'.H .A, $66.00 m o. Inell. ta.xta?
e Call now. l:lhow a.nyUme!
• •
$2500. Down!
• l bdrm.-cornpl•Ltly carpetlld?
• Modem kitchen -dl.1po111r.l -
formlca bar!
• Dlcho.ndra lawn -trull t f'Mll l
• P atio -completely fenced!
• E::r.tra bullt-1n11 throughout?
• Ubl. guage -oaly 1 yr. oldl
•. F.H.A. l !Hl.00 mo. lncl&. tuu l
• Call now can llhow anytlmt:
• • •
Bay & Beach Rlty Inc
181MS Newport Boult"Vard
• Co.ta Mea. Calltomla
Liberty 8-1161-Jtvu. U: 8-3010
10 Acres
A"' PoleUr.l ~ J4GOO
pr.r acre. Low down p&J'mcnl.
A.1-o 10 acrc.1 C·l It M·I In
Santa A.na.
DAN A. J ACOBSEN, Reaf'F.at.att
11.ar. &681 , W 8.f.317, Kl 2·2J.117
paymf!n ll Ss.'I mo Ttnn• to .uir.
"" a t !12 Vlctorlr. o.ta M-
Cholcie location on So. Coaat. Blvd .. 5 stores, a.JI
rented wtth preeent asaured grosa o( $6300 per year,
Bullding Area -4400 sq. ft.
Sise of lot -100 x 100 ft.
Extra la.od -Mi x 100. zoned & ready ,to be built
on, apartment.a or storee.
W M . W .
Excellent tertru!i
Phone Harbor 2462 for details
P..-k Ave. at Marine, Balboa Jal.and Harbor 2462
* * * * *
Beach Home-$11,000-$2500 On .
50 yds. to Ideal swtmmtng beach on t he bay. 3
bdrma., 12 x 30 livlnl' rm., covered patio. Room
to build another nntt. Renta f or $85 • $100
per week in summer .
Cliff Haven Bargain
3 lxlrm. modem on beautiful curving st.rttt. Rea.r
living rm. facing lge. landacaped back yard. An
u.cellent buy at $16,750 Will go F. H. A.
The Vogel Co.
3201 W. Cout Hwy. Ll 8-3'81
To your mhrewdnea, this custom built, nearly new
3 bedrm., 1% bath home with epa.cloua patio plua
11u.n deck •pe.11• BALBOA PENINSULA year
'round "'uviog at Its best. Beamed ceiling paneled
kitch., with blrllt·ln stove &: oven, FA heaL We
have the key -We're ready to show you a prime
locallou, priced to eell -4 % loan.
2904. Newport Blvd ., Newport Beach Har, 4110 • •
Tv.•o P('niruiula H om~~
Thi• one har 3 be<lroon11t, 1 i,
b&Ula,, a Large llv1n8; room ""'Hh
ttrepl&ce and on• of tt11 r~
Pto:runeul& homta tn lh~ prtc•
~·· Se. Utla on• tor J I? .!liOO and IOQOi1 down.
Heru. lhe olher one. J-lu 2 ·~·
1<>u.s bedrc;ionui, nlc1 hvLn& rwm
with fll'epla~e. laq,;.,_ kitchen,
w11.1leJ ~ti IUld .,n a t iJ t.....,t
!Vt !Cir $18.000 ffeavy tuml·
lure lncluded.. c..n b.-bought
tor 13000 down. Jr.fonlhly ba!·
a.nee on O. I. i.o, .. n unly J14
m<51i0\1Y'.i • • • • -•
We have one of tn~ Deitl '1uplf'J1.t1
1U1ywh~rr on the Pentn1ulo.J.. with
.1 Dedroom1 up and 2 •t.~wn, a.U
fUrnlrhed and In tlp·top t(1J:I..
ditlon for o.r1!y $28.:i® ,cia.ndy
tor home with income. Good
Nt11.r the library . . on Ana.de
StrteL Nice ytar a round home
w1lh 3 Dedroona, Ja.r1e hvlq
mom wtth nreplaee. &ood alsed
kHcht.n ~·Llh cloer>Le i llort .
Prop.erly hu bten remodeled
a nd modernlud. In SW•ll con-
d!tlon, SI? ,GOO, larma.
TWO l NCO ld E
Ona '9 a 2 unit property ln lklbo&
w1th 2 btdJ'ooma lA OM Ul'll..1 .nd
l bedroom ln the «bt r. lDdl·
v1d\l&l p&Ua. and Blt'q.. Pnctld
at ltC,960 \lid on)¥ IM.60 do.n..
U you want Ula but for mo~
mDfl•Y ..., tlll.11 I unit 'lncom•
property w ith 2 bedroonu In
each unJL Only 2 yee.rs old and
hueYflf)'tlllq". Nur W•tlky
A venue nrimmlns beach. lndl-
vtdual e&r·portl, l~r rvoma,
~ell lawidl'J f&CWU.... A.
M&ulitUI property for JM,000 .... ..,,,,._
Balboa Realty Co.
Oppo•lte Bank ol. A.tMr\C&
R~ Or-teMy 94 I.Mt
Al Comellua JC>eepbin.e Web
700 E, Balboa Blvd., BalbOa
l~hone H&rbor 8:177
Corona del Mar
nlcut r-lure ..monr many Ln
thlr lovaly 2 bedrm. a.nd ron-
verUble den home, 2 bat.hi ol'
cour.e. a 1pa.cloU1 modern horne
with aecluded p&Uo, a u on two
Jev~•. llearn c:91ln,p, perfect
tlreplece. buUt·OI llilcllen. f\lll
price, P 0.000. Pl-e&ll ab.e&d
for an appoLntment lo -.
Just tho Right Size
F'O R A OOUPLE or 1mall family,
\11 Ulla 2 bedrm. home, lot-el}'
111.naJ. tlled bath. roomy modern
kltc~en. ampl• 11.torai e. •pace.,
double garegr. flteplece. land·
acrped a.11d fenced. a..t of aJl
the full pric. ror lhl.s •Urt1eUn
COllY bome I• 110,750 with es.eel·
lent flna.ncln1.
_Bay & Beach Rlty Inc
MIO s:. Cout iJlshway
Cor ona <'lei )lar -H•.rbor ~3
ALL J.M"PROYEM&r.'T8 In A paJd
6,'\ a 133 R-1 loL .1229~.
1867 NtW'port, ca.ta. Me ..
Ll fl-1832 ' ~\.I a.1•00
BT OWNER. I br. Mew Kw.
floon , c-U'b. ctl"P• Red'woed
frnced, bf>Jlt Jta.t lid• loe. Xnll
rond. l...tba-el V!rn'la. lnq 3U
f!. 8"adwa)'. a. M. Mc68
Completely furn. Also double l'V&&'t with
t1lorage and utjlity rooma.
$28,7~ -$10,000 down.
Exclusive Balboa Coves
N'EARLY NEW 3 B. R. & den -on large water
front Jot. Have your own private pier Ir float -
home has F A. he-at -1 :1~ bathe -ctiahwiaber -
t!1~p. •nd i:v.~~ '1Mlpe8 -
$3\.500 -Submit down.
Exclusive Newport Beach
2 B. R. & den on double corner lot--00' from &y.
Nice rustic •tyle ranch ho119e -Protected. p&Uo.
$18,500 -T erm.s.
Exclusive Cliff Haven
NEARLY NEW -3 B. R. -2 bath home with tlr.
place. w 1w carpet, diaposa.I , Dbl. ga.np on choice
corner lot with room for awimmtng pool
$19,9~ -$0000 down.
Exclusive Costa Mesa
NEARLY NEW -3 bedroom ~orne--hdwd. floors,
din. roon1 , F. A. heat. Dbl. &'ara&'e plWI 2 lncoma
unite on close 1n ~.l acre. Room for
more un its. Beet Income buy in town.
$21 ,000 -~ Sul:iDlit llown payment.-·-
NEARLY NEW - 3 B. R. l~( bath -BuUt·i.o
range & oven, F. A. heal -aha.ke roOf -fenced
y&rd with double garage -beet eutaide location.
$13,500 -$3500 down
NEARLY NEW, 2 B. R., harowood !loon , dlD!nr
room, double garage. Lot 00 x 307
room !or Iola of unJta.
SU ,990 -t.orna.
1709 Newport Blvd. Costa MM&
Liberty 8-MOS or CAU.
C" W. Block LI 8-1443, W. C. Bradford H&r. 0289·J
Tom Cox LI 8-7237
Lido Realty Associates
• • • •• ·• •
Udo Island Special"
Four Bedrooma
Two Betha
Ler9e Petio
Ber Kitchen '
Built in TV a· Hl·FI ,
Lota of Clo1eta
Sorry we eanft sfv• you po• 1 tra fOltt Ucat 90
da)'1' but we wure can &rran19 for JOU .. MCUN this
roomy Lido home in time for & wondert'u.l
Lido Summer.
Only $27,500 -tenn11 -or coune call one of oar
specialized Lido laland Aleem.en -Now -
For an Appof9tma>t
I j,.10
i.IU Realty Associates
:HOO Vi& Lido
If eo, we have just t hat. Th.ii beauutul n.mblln&
home contairui • bedrml., 3 b&lha, d1nina room.
double fireplace, •paciowi livin& room and in addi·
tion there i9 a larp den or ft.mily room. It iii wired
for electric ranre. hu electric diabwuber, dn.pel
and w/w carpeting. Be&utifully l•nd~ped and
sprinkler ay1tem. Muter llcht llWitebem, and ood.liM
of other items found only 1::1 cut.om built bolD9.
There is a.mple epace provided In patio for nrim·
mine root Property is •ituat.ed on comer lot In
one of the bait part.I of CUff Haven.
Sbown by appollltment only.
Call Fred Barlrer
EARL W. STANLEY, R .. ltor
15th "-Irvine LI g.-Eves: LI ~'
Shade Shop
CAPTAJJ!t KOW -Paul Jll'•-
ma.tu:I, l'fewpcM't H&ttMlt lllfb
School and. Rwwet t....,,,..
e&C• l'fU.C, hM Men ~
c-pWn ol th• Blanford Unt-
v..rwlt y tro.b l>UUlb&D .. ua.4.
Newu&n11. ~ UMt Indian
ye&rUnp In MX>rtnr wtlb &
t•·IJOlnt •wenc• pu pm .. -
Staff Photo
Bript awallpt lllMI the pro-Jobe of rtdeconuon In t0he home.
duct. or UU. co.mpu1y bM a •Pot· Blind& tn a rr,..al many culur•
c::ia.1 meanlnr In thle reyt-. lt and malt>riat. •rt> a vallable her&
hu be&n Pn>Ytn that weU·fi\1-ed If you aJr...-dv haYe yen!'t u•n
venetian bttnde lower t.n.e tern-blln~ In your hume lhle r1rn1 ia 1--------------1
parature Ln a home or office 8 to qua11ne.:1 to do an oui..tanil!ng Best Ball R It
10 defrMa. Venelian blind• aiao JOO or refl'lrrn.: a.nd,or renov•t· esu
.. Ye the property own•r many tnc un Lhoem, wnnr new te J>t' and
ao11.ar, by pN\1'9\Unc •un fadtnr •lat.. for Lacly Golfers
o r curtalna, ctr.~ and Gpmia.i•e Drop in IOQn to thl• 1tOrf' to
rup a.nd ca rpeta. 81!4! llu:1r c.implete hn,.. r.r t'(•r· 1 A ~t ball or tnree.om. mOllth·
Th& Bhade Shop at 432 S2n<l n1 t-e bn1'et1, t1'Y .. rse n><U arid the Ly Jink..e ·1neel!nc wu held Yrlday
tn Nawporl Stoach h .. ll(lftlplete new "rllt al OllnJa. Thf')' will ™"I by the ll""Ylne COMt Cow:llry C1ub
tacwu ... to •nt your home with tilLd to h.,lp you with your 1ir·.,o· lady golfera.
Yer.11Uan blln.d8 ot th.. hl(he•t lt n1•. I
quality and ru."hton. Tha men ot t "or l ht: hn••t ;irodu~1•11 I.I\ l!\IA T.klrfl" nrat place were Mra.
lhla n rm a re hl1hly lr11ned tu I tine we are .. 1,.d to 11Jv1,,.. " t••ll Squire Jol\n.on. Mra. EdW•rd Len·
lru!tall bllnrt. uf y!J\J r chOOollnt: 1n l L" Th<' ~ha•t .. !"lh"ll Ill lilHt1<ir l houl •nd Mr•. John Pnca with nat
your hon1 e to your •·onoplt'te ,.,.t· !Mlt IH Ii l'"f"'"'ll! Vl~•l 1., lhl'H M . Second were M r•. 1ti.le Miiier,
lllfactlon without u.11 w•nereu11rv nil'<ll'TJJ ~t'''" 8..,.n, .,.,,t .,., t1UI<', M11. \V-.lter r~, and M.ra. H .B .
ml':•• a.nd oontuakla round In nu111t j.1>·uu "-'l.IJ be ple&>Oed Ad~. K. Wllll11, net 81.
W m. w.
__ 1 '!';uni went to Mra. Robert Ml.n·
xan, Mra. Kobl'rt PhUbnck a nd
Sanford -Realtor I""· u. .... , y~"""""· ""~
The a ctive reel eetate finn Qr town an\3 1·•1untr\" ,,n••rc 11n.-t 111·, fullerfon Beats
today La one lh.at meeu th, rlt>· dustna l pr .. , ... ru .. ., thi<t '•1\ll<I not HBC DA!+le Aen
manda ot cooaerY&tlYe plll(lplt: ot t•il to t)o< •ttr,.ctiv' Iv .. n ~""' V1111i11
1nlt'nd1ng lo p...rch.toM ·rt11• , nn1· Uti. advand.J\I" day and •re 1 mu.nily h.. c&.rne.J tnet th~•r
wMr& all ..-e .-k!ilf lnvt>llll· wonJ Is their bond. The P""PI'
meni. I.JI.at not onJJ ar. Iner,. ... i;on1e lo Mr. Sanford and Jl.3;i•,.
In( Q Y&IU. tiut wti.e perm&n· c1att1 1<'llh conl1dence for •d• ,,.c
ent \ncom1 I• ..... ured. Thla rin n I wh ... 11 they "''l•h a "'"'lu1111
la loca ted at l :SOI Park Av~ ttuuugh wl'uch lh<'y can olll•f-"'lle
Balboa. 1-11.nd, Ph. Ha..tbor :ilt 82 vr or buy property as ht h"'
and th.ay he .. • been· ~y Iden· I b<-"n decidedly fair at all t1n1~•
Un&d with Ulla area In rrowt~ ~·.-, wlah to re<:umm~d thl!J r1rrn
a.nd upe.n.al.oo. oth rtng bottl lhe to Uur rt>ader·~ Ln th!• bu11nt>N
buyer and eollllDir public Ull1 r .. Y1t:w. Jn a d,hUon, thl" f!tu1 is
h l(he•t tyii. .. n ice. At present the county'• leading lnlluatrl•l
lhla nrm hw ll•t..ed on Ila book• Ueyelope.n.-Adv •
Laundromat Half~Hour Laundry
1'tl& l.A.u.ndnmat-Htdf-H o-u r ylete i•"Undry "1bb. wuhl?'lior 11.nd
F"ullerton'1 Double -A quintet
r•ffd to a "6-27 Orw.nce County
Bll3l..r1bfl.ll Lrerue vLCtory nver
the tlarbor Boy1· Club AA team
\\'e<lne..Jay, TI1• riTa!. led only
l&-1 8 •l b.al./Ume but pulled l)Ut
ot I Lg'"ht in the final qunrter when
they hit the hoop for 1:1 potnt. to
H.BC'• 'l nui.rllen.. ,
Hiil LA.n1b topped local 9('()r1n&'
with g_ GU Bhup &nd Bob Walk·
ff lra.llN with 8 and Don P1erce
dun.119d 2 .
Dot1s S-Chaffey
ONTARIO, 10CNS), Santa
Ana CQllrg•'• UP'll•rl Don11 Jl'tl· •r 11.lgM ·~!ubb«.I CMtrey'a P--
ther1 82-~9 In an i!:aatern Con-
r .. nince rame. 1.Aundry •l 281 7 Villa '•'••Y N,w. Fluff Drylng You will r1n•1 lt
port Bd.Ch. I'll. Hat'bor 1007 Ii lea. coatly than the purcha&e of
th.oole expen .. Ye rnach!nea r u r -------------
001 of ~ truly b&lpful .erYtcu yot. own borne ashl fll f l'H" "-'urk
offerM to th& ,_4enl• of our • -ch tub LI l•undereo.I 11e11·
community. Thera i. no lonrer arat<1ly I.he' whol~ 1,pera.uon I•
any n&ed fo r a ··e1u, Monday" sanitary and aa.te fur t>V'l'n the
Ln your house. Th• Laundronl&t mo.t dl':Hcate tl.br1<:11.
Half.Hour Laundry take• a.II or Blanket&, beclsprl':1 ~ .o.nd •h•g
th<1 work out of wunday. rur• get 1pecta.hud aerYtce ht>re
A clea.n modem waU·nut or· F'rtendly and courteou.o. Ule prn-
1anl&aUon. lht. &bop LI fully pr11":tor1 of this concern l!lre h@re
&quipped with lhf m01t modern daUy exCl':p t Sun·!ay, r~"dy to ...
eqWpmenL The altmd1.n~ do -.JI 11al you w11..U 1111 yuu.r waalun"
lh<1 work whil• you do your shop· problem11. \Ve recon1n1•nd Y"" to
p1n1 or h&ff a. pleuant vlalt try this compreh,nflVl' ~l'rv1re
w ith t rlenU. 100n. we are •ura y1111 wlll be
You can anw.nre for a. com· pie~ -AdY.
How Ill llllb rough ind rugged wortc easy r
--.DEBT -~
Accouat.. -Note. -~ of uy Id.ad et ~rwaere m
A.merleL "No eoUocdoM -Ne r-." we .... _ an -i..
Clll':DIT IJU &r:A U ol
"''l!'flte r• ""-ce Q:iooty
tonner11 cftdft Btl.rm.a of
N~rt "-di, .....,.__ &eadl
aad Co.ta M-.
tOt Rlven&ae A•e.. P.O. Ben: IN
N'l:"'t'ORT l!.EACll. CA.UT.
... I 1S1M-.l 1 ............... ._ •v• ,.... 1i.. t/G _,-it.. Of'"
..... 11 ....... -· .. --..... _.,._
light-duty 4 wheel-drive truck !
• ,.... -4 • m.dr thlt will operate on the hith-
WQ' or take ell KRm country . . if you want •
bar-wb1 !I tklN tnd. thlit tiVN you plenty ol l<WI
roam. ptm rood loob, «.'QnOmy. comfort-here .• ,..._,
Tbil nelJ hrrDNA.TIONAL IDOdi!!I Sl10(4.x4 ) four-
wt.el--drlve Ind will br'ftR up diftkult rradee-or
,.,Jil,y ro throuch mud, mnd and mow. And it may
b9 tined for. ho9t al RltionM")' powft" t-..
lbu"IJ ftnd tblll llsht..dut:J modl!il • full brother to
... ,_.. INTDHA.TIOlfA.L 4i:4 mcdel trudu ol
1.1,000 mdl 16,000 Lt.. GVW. Come in and Mt It., -11--l
• Co e 'I 11tp .__,. • ..,..~
-"• l..c .. I c1,.,1,.l1r1-lwllJ
loadad ,.ftli IH P""" 1..d ...W-
1 •••••• <1•f1·Yl1l11 <•'-• p••••" '•• drl•••·•-'•••, 1., -'-·""-· ................... ....._.....,.,
............ 7't '" 1..i 1'6n ..... "141.-......., ...... l\M . .. ...,. .... ....,. ....... __
t1.a.1..._~ ...... -..
1 .. ......._ INttaNATIONA.L 1-
tpa..! ,, •• ,1 ....... r,.11 .... ,. .. . ,.._ ... ~-« . .,.ti..-1
• °""1-&il .......... ...._,,,,.,,,._
wittl I.fl, .. ..., 1...i •iel>• OU. --~ ....... :.. l ....... ,.. .......... -. ...... _ ..
-11...it oi.-. ... 720 • ..,;_,
........... _\J1..i. 240 ..;ii,, ...... --• Opll1•1l 6 ...... llil. ••P••lly ............. ~ ........ .
• °""1-1 1..-.1 • ....,, •. 00.16
"'-.... -""-.... ........_
All -Truclo Bu/II •
Tauc•• . -lllfl ,,..,...,,.1
Greeley & Grimes
W1*t. 1U'I .,... lllc:lt JOdi Ill.II •
doctor, .-. 70U Ned lafal ad·
'f'kle JOU call a la..,,_, Md When
JOU -.! iaaw.no.. call o.....i.y
M4 Grim-.
Onc9 :rou h&Ye ha4 that nn
or acddent It s. too .L&l.41 lo eo
out and buy .lnllur-.i.ce lo COY•r
the W.. Now, Mtora J'OU h&Ye
trouble I• th• tima t o pick a
sood rella.bl& ace.nt, r•pr-tlni"
a well founded company lo aet
up your ln&u.ranc. n-11.
Tbe ac-i.t w1 reconunend for
any and all your n-.d. I.II 0 .-..Jey
and Grtma a t 700 E. Balboa
• • • • • • •
• -
BIYd..., ..._ PL BVbor JOU.
,,.... peoplll know .......-. IJs
al.I It.I blt.ricaC. ....._ ud ~
pin: form.a. Tbq wt1l b1 IOOr'1
UWa ..intnc to ro onr J'OUl'
F-t co......., and r-ecoaunend
any c.bui,... lbat an nec·m·ry
from tbe .taDdpol.D.t ot tuU,-p~
tactln( Wb&t yow bve work&d
..... to .....
Specia..l Combtn&tion -Chopped Skatk -
0...... JloUi -Complete from ....
0,.. DUiy 11 :IO a..m. -l p.m. ff>f' Lunt.11l
li :QO p.m. -1 :1() p.in. f.,r Dlalllt'r
85' Jt LI po9blt the tnauano. J"Otl
now carry I.II ln&4equate lo cowr
th• rut.as T&luattoo of )'OW' -~
party . O..Ck Ullll by a ca.U to
Harbor 20M.. In thlti ~ r ..
Vl--recominsi.d tharn to Oii.•
and al.I tor ~ ~ prob-
2181 nwl"OllT BL\'D.. ()f)STA MESA
(JW1t 1 block llOllt.h of 8&.tlta Ana Country Club)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • -• • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
rt>nce 1LnJ Ray 1'1eern.u, t ~:
Corl1• Ankcay. t ,
Private Police
Th • IS s I a e I n c I u des
Via Udo
This • JS a
Store wide Clearance
-Hundreds of Items
Prior to
on Sale!
ojl@n d
-One of ftte Lido Shoj.s -Hcwbor 2954