HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-08 - Newport Harbor News Press• ' FIRE DAMAGES HOME HERE A blaze cauaed approximately $!W)() damage last night to a residence at 330 L St. Mr. and Kn. E. J. Brooks, owners ot the huuse, were having dinner at KLr&II1.'a when the t ire started. According to lbe fi re marshal, t he ftre etarted from a 1hort in a bedroom'a electric heater. Only the dresser and shelveft in front bed- room and rug were burned. A large. am~unt of smoke Ln Lhe dwelling is removed by firemen using a mechanical smoke t>je<:tot . NeWport . Reiects School Unity Bid Board Tables Mesa Plea for Harbor Unification HARBOR WEATHER Temperalu....,.. llwl p •!ll week La Ula lt&rboJ' ..... a ... .,,.; "'"" ..... " " " " .. " " ., NCWF(At't BW•Cll, CALll'IHll'Cli, WEDNEllDAY, l'Ell. 8, 1966 PHONE HARBOR 1616 P'IVE CENTS Hlgble's Wife Tosses Hat in Coilncn Race 'Mad Dog' Killer Hunt Mn. Oanne. A. m.-.. "11• of lM pr-it Newport s-cft dty COWl.eil.m&a. UUlOW»Oed toda)I' ~ w ould rua tor ett,J> ociuacil ApriJ 10 tn ptac. ol lier buberuf. Filln1 Mr notlo. ot e.NftdacJ Uld nomirt.&Uolli papuw wtta a tr Cte.rk Marcy Bc.hroUd«, Kn. Higbie, a Balboa 1aland ~t.. <1.e)ared: Leads to Newport Home "l h.av• been mo e"-to th• picture ln tM l&111l year and mJ tnt.er't:1l1 are '° •1.ml.l&r lo m7 huab&nd'•. I feel I woWd bav• n1vr11 t lme In I.he rut uni to rtn lo the otnce ... B"-nk Brother located on Trip Through Arizona Ht)(b•e •"•-'hoed hla wtfe'• senU• menl • "I enjOyed the time l ....-.. 1n and. 1 would Wui to ~ unu" but I have no ume to de- vote away fru1n my pra.ctlce." he lt-ll:d. "Mr•. Hl.lj'b~e w ould lM a.bl e to carry out aome of tbe pMoJls I have for I.Ju c ity." A fonncr rl'~Jdent of Newport Beach. sought by a u· lhonties for t,,..,,, Jsy11 when 1t. W8Ji believed he nught be drlv1ng about thti cotinlry with a alX ·twle k.11ler aa tu.I chauffeur. waa round IJ&.fe at preBS ume tcxlay after FBI a ge.nUI BOughl him here and 1n Yuma, Anz.. The hunt for Leshf' "Ai ad Dog" lr.•1n led nght to :-O ewpo rt Beach. Mrs. Hlg-bLt is a cllar\oer m•m• ber of the Newport Harbor 'A'o. mlLl\'s Civic ~ and wu LU lr.·1,n ea.caped J11n. 19 from the P nn1 .. wn. lnd., , .... nit•·utl•ry. He ""'-a.wa.!lini: dea l/\ \J1 tile elec- tnr r h&.lr ther .. cn&rter flr1t vtce-pre.ldenL Bbl Urunk. le yvun1ter l:uvther v! also b-. been campalp HCT9tar'J !:&rl ~· llruolc. 600 Aldean l'l•r ... tor tour ye&r• of th• Commwlllir whrtf' ne lived bnefl'/ u11t1l muv· Cheet and th.a; Ameril:an Red Ith: &111. ..,.,.u -..c'b 1., :112 Cypreu e mu. Sh• Ill alM> a rnamber cl. St . Santa An... IJ•n \\'aL11 nJ.:. the w0Cl'len'1 f!JlecuUva coro.mJtt.ell ownrr ot lhe twf) -•p11.rln'1ent ot Uu1 Ne•porl Harbor Chl.mbs Santa Ana d11plr:o. Mt.Id Brunk of C<Jmmerc.. • anti h1• ruomn1•t,., A•hl..,y R•ch· Prtor to her Nnrporl Be&cll ,...__ • a rtJ. left for s .. w urlt<an• 1-st -~-· IJANDIDATE -When Mn. ~~ce ~ ._ , y ~· re.tdencJ. M.ra. H1g-bte waa a.. l:HJ--~ .,...tutuay. ut,.rday, lhe r DI r<!'- th<!' tioud or lh• Giezmala YWCA. HigtlAe, left. de ol Coun.cllm&o. Higbie, center, ye&· poJrtedly •t•kt'<l '"'~ a t Brunk a li fe member or lhe Glendale terday pt ••ted her oomJnation pepera for council brolht".r·a h<>m"' 111 :":ewpurt S-...h. P-TA and ph!lanlhrophy ch.airman NetsbJ:!Ora aald the Lwo rec .. 11L· or the Tueeday Attarnoon Club race in Newport to .ucoeed htt bu.blift(f w~o '8 not ly h&d the.Ir drt~r11' uc~naea r~ en«e J uhnMin of lhe Sant• Ana polio.. ven !1"'1 the d~r1pl1un J1V • f!'n by the n<!'ljtllbo:lre 111a tf'l'lt11_I that ur Irvin Propolled unification of the Newport Beach and Co11ta l.feaa elemenlafY &eh oo ls w ll.JS deferred for an 1ndefu11lt• period l.ut night at the mceunz of the~Newport Bea~h t·l~­ mentary school board at Hora ce l::naign School. Thur~v. F eb 2 Fnd•y, i'Pb 3 .811turd .. y, F~h t 8uriday, F th !'.! M"....-'"' r o.J., II -.~ ... T '~"''1"> I< ,.i. 7 \\,..!n,.~<i><V f·ri) ii .. " tn that cllj'. rwuililJ for rtMlkction. it WU bi&' eurpri.ee t.o Cty .,.,.eel and h ired • man U'ley nl•l . ~-Y Ciu.en. -IJgf!lllg Mra. attk Ji.Z.Cy" SchroWlm • ...i-"L. ahown taking plpert "' • .._, to a c t .. cll&u.llw .Mt-• "fY"-drive lh•m to N~ Or1e&na, 11M '"' -., Fotl'-LDI' • vot,. by lhe bo11rrl -"~" Tht> paragraph r,.ad l(I table Ule pn:>ix--1 !or •tu1Ly "I n view ol the re1uounablrll"" memben of Ute board irHl1cated 11 <)f l h .. unH!"""L1on 111,.11,.e lran.uut probm..bly woukl not con,,. up to• lo) u1 .. Ora n Ke c .. unty <'0111nul'"" dlac~Kla at u. .. mae11n1t 11eJlt on •Ch~I d111t11ct organ• .. ~•<Jn month ~d pc>N•bly n£1t •t th<! yuur requut fllr e.itped1tlng th." mf:f'tlrlg tw11 n10fltha he114'•. Tna-1 unlfk:al\on pror~. Your re tee. e.van ftfU-1 to proml1e fl N'· que11f couplP<\ wtth the rf'Qlle~!• port ot procr.A a t either tl( U'le 1 or thr other l\\'u d1.t1·\ct. will un· nell.t mewUJ'lr. + 1k>u"""')' provide the m or,.entum R Lgble}'i nomuwuon p•per• :1ere: -U it WU for otben in city hall. _ Staff Photo ma.n. 4ecnbad u 11.ea.-y..-. wttb Stan I•)' W. Hadfield. Marie ... lu-" ., '------------------------------1 bn:rwn hatr, cam• to UM 11.part.. • beth (Belt)') WatllOn. Cl&rence meal Wllh the two Friday and Mesa Woman 1n ~..,.:;:,~ ... ~.w"v vwa1~~~~ BULLOCK'S BUYS ~CRE SITE i.n .. ". "'="' ""'" ·""'""'""· HaroJd L. Hoi.uoer. Robtrt Gooa-UM neJLl dA)I.. Na rro w Escape -· HM~ •· "~'-K••··" IN SANTA ANA AD~• fiQR .STORE ....,,"-..:!."';.;:,~··:--:.:;':!:: L.. Nlcl'loW and Leland J . Me-~ ..-~y ll4d ~ u.-. • -... -•-..,.,...,,. --....--.... pbotog-n.ph whl..:h they ldenutled W'1th Dtt~l--~Col~-~=c=..---===-"""+-::~~~-._,-,. -·-·· --or aeg-~ f-opUon on propel'\1 Ill. Oranp COWltJ f or M driftr ot the Brunk car when It Coalll "M .. aa r,..Htent . Maybelle L Sllchler, S7 . or 1991 !"ewport a MW BullDdi:'a .tore w.-. Nn&l-1 todaJ by Walter W. It lilft aanta An._ 0.L Lt. Oar· ..... 1&\'Df' A.eo0rftpmtyl1\ll' a 1 .. t tar lo the I for tile r11pll1 re11l\uUon or n .en- H~rt Beach board f n>m th~ 111bla and ham1r.nlou1 publl·· edlol· cO.t• M-bGard waa a rdonlll· 'nt.t1on p~m for th., Har bnf> u.a etsr-1 by mfttlbers ol th• I•..-." M eaa bo&rd which petltlonl "the Th" question v.-ae nil~"'! 11.t the Ora-nfe Qounty Committee oo meeting u to whether a dl~trlct Schoo!. DUtrict Otg"anls.atioa to could IJ" fof'ted, under t h,. unlfl· formula~ p&an. and recommend&-l:allon law. to merge with •nnth••t tJona ·for oonaol1d&Uoo of Colla dlatn ct and Supt. Roy Q . All•ler - Meaa Unton Sc.hool District. Nf!W· Mn .. id It cow.a not be for, ... 1 port Beach El~ntary School In tile provn-t merg"r nr the DUilrlct and Ow! 1Newport. H arBm-tllree dlstncta Supt. A ndeTIM!n e111d Union Hll'.b Be.boo! Olatrict and to hr did not believe It wou!(I be take uUorl to eff~·t Ille u nlf!ea· nect.111111lry t o take a 11eparate V'Ote uon tn -.ccordane. with the appll-on the poe-iuon or the hieh e.-·hool. Ave . eec1pPd rlt111h l7y • n•rl'O'W rnargl n M onday n1Kh! when her car rull1ded with • 1l1 tllf'I l nun tng1n,. 11t Brl•tOI SL lln<I lht Pal·U'i c f-"..lec trlc right-Qf·w•~· Th" l11jur.,1 won1an \\'"'' ruahed to Hoag J-la11p1~•I but Wll..ll I t · i .. u,.d 11.fter lrf'almenl for 11.br•- a1ons 11.nd bru1J1"'• an•! 1nlnor ahock. Fourth Phase Candy ~r.. P' ... &el ol Bullock"• Inoorporat ed. Part ot the .,. ~ ~ • ~ °' '° -...... i. Jocat.ed ill Santa AM NWl ex~ tnto UM county Mttkm _,. Orani"e. of. ltpper Bay SL ~ ~ A:_der =-= ~~o:,::en~at~ ~~~ ~~!_ MESA CITY ~HALL PLANS :~~~?:;~::=rt:~ REVEALED BY COUNCIL Fear DispeDed from Local Home; · Brother Found Safe ealloa ol lha l:ducaUon Codi'-." u the boundsrlea of the Two ele- l'Vh>IAY BLAST 111enF.al-y dlat.rlcts ~ 1ilnll...r lo The ldl parqn.ph or U1e 11.e-the boundary or Ule high 11.chool Companytns letttt drew fire tn:>m dtetrlcl 11.nd M!fltLment exprl'Med Gordon B. rtndla y of tile New· In the element.ry M:hl'..IOI vote port tio.rd.. He aa.ld It _,unded u I woulrl be the •ame for lncludln.( If the WTller dld not think tile the high achool tn the prr.poeed N~rt board ~bel'9 bad rood aet·up. EDISON CO. SUES GAS COMPANIES FOR . SUPPLY According t o th" CaJUom1a Highway P•ttol. the won1an drlv•r. a eook •l Sllnlll An• college. n ld 11he wu going 110uth on HrlJitol at about •O rnllu per hour. <!h e said •he didn't aee the tr•ln. un\11 It wu 60.of 70 Ifft •way rro1n her. S A"' S O Sl to;o.;'AI, She elaJmed t here w1<11 no e!gna!- ing .ievlce at the • ro..'Ul!ng. the patrol aald. Tn1ln engineer wa1 Charle# Wlld, Banta An•. Th• wom11.n drh·er hit her br!Lku . .werv~ anrl 11k.,lded Into the rront of the engtne \\'h lch ha•:I stopped. Wiid wu quoted u telling tile pa- trol Ul 11.t he wa11 eut bound 11.t from 2 to 0 mlle11 per t.i nur He said J1e saw the car travelling very rut. applied his brake11 and c11n1e to 11 cumplete atop berore the ctuh. The a c:eldent occurrl'<l 111 7 10 p m. South_.. Callfonila EdlJIOn Co. Co. and Pacific UghUng GIUI AXOTll"EK A('C'I DP.:'."iT today filed two tomplatnta with Supply Co. In 11.nother accirlent in county th• Ca.lltornta Public UU\ltle11 MORE GAS Sll!l:Df:D territory, Mrs. Betty ~; llorv11th. ConamiUloo lo Loa An&"elea, Uf'I· "Our prLn1ary al.In In flllng 30, of 2 1 UI Oct'11n Hlv'1. 11.nrl her 111£ Uat •ctlOll be taken to brln&: the!lt-complalnl11 ls to:t find waye-paaHnger. Mni. M11.rgc A P11.rker. JnQre s u fuel Into thi. are• and to brine Into lhe L.<111 Ang~le11 3•. df 278 E. Flower. co~\11. ~ff'-llll-, to aaure a falr dlatrlbutlon of ba1!11 new aupplle1 of badly need-received minor lnjurlt1', but weren't ,._. among compa.niu and munlel-ed J:•A fuel. rather than 111er~ly hoioplt•l iz:~ wheti thr!r car t.i.nglW pilitlee uein r It~ u ruei In et-.m lo divide up thoee eu11Pl1e11 111-with 11nothPr on Newport Ave. electric .--er-.~ elaUODa.' retldy a vailable," U wu l'XlJlliined ne.11r s Matn St., 11011th of Sllnta Named u d.rend&Dt.11 In the by Emton Vice • Pre11hlent and Ana. act.Ion w.re: Southern cautornta OeMral Manager Jamn F D11v· D;'h•tr o f t he o!her r 11.r w11.11 GM Co .. 8oulben. O:Mm-U• OU (0.tJl!Md on l'-.a;e 7) Qlenn R Swa in, 21 . of 132 \\'ilM>n propoaed count.I' recreatlrn. ana.. Harbor Engin..-r M orpn Noble y utenJay lnfonned lbe COUJlty aupervlllora. '?bey Will •en an &gtf:<!'.ment later w1th the lrvint! Co ... w hich wtll allow Bhellmaket to ·c"nlinue It.. d~ contra.cl. Noble told the N-•~ _,me 8 new at"f'e• of land have been I dre<tg~d u p by Shellmaker, deep· enlng thr Upper Bay bight which formerly w.,. mud nate •t low tide. When the fourth phue ill dredged there will be much more navigable w11.ter acreqe · appar· enUy .. thttt are n-1~ acrM . Noble Tf'p<>rte<I He prflllented progteM reporu on the flr•t three phue9 done by the dredging contnu:tora. HOI told Lhe board he would brtng In an iunenrlt'd q reement between Ir- vine Co. and the Harbor Dl•trlct. "'" 11.~ke.I anrl would 1ubmll the dredging contract. Tutal CO!ll ol the project would be $129,310 wl lh •om• 371,!IOO cubic yarda ID· volvad. An lll"CbJl.-ct.uit.l lll9ldl ol the new eo.ta »-city hall to ea.t bet"'"'1-$16,000 aad N0.000 ...... renaled lo the pulllk for the fln t tlm• ~ nlshl ~ the dt:r oowacil m•Uns. P lan1 eubftUlled ln C(IOjUAoCU<la with tJ'9 drtt.winC revM.I p!'Ovitl• Ion for Ole tulunt upan•lon of the building to lhe eaat and IOI.lib and an •dd!Uonal •tor)' above lhe eoulh wln(. City Manacer Georg• Coffey explained t.ba bUildlns. located op a 3-plue-acn tn.ct at 1~lh SL and Pomona Aw., wtll bee of frame and ma801Mr:f OOQStructJon wltl\ a lar~ .xpanlllt of g-t.,. In fronL aoo11 ro.-•• The city cowictl chain.her wUI ..... t 108 penona.. Ootfey ..w. and the podium ptOVkletL f w th• ex:- panmion aL tM cc:runctl to Mven manbera. ;:_-----,..-..---~----'--~"'1.------------l st. C011ta Me411.. 1::..:...:..:_ __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Ill• city manapr m:i.pba.lllMd lh4I Kelch -cmly a. pf'f!lUnln· ary drawtnf aad • aumber of. ~ WINld ~ 1M mada.. A .peelal meettas -called NUDE PHOTOS WORKS OF ART ISLAND ASSOCIATES JOIN LOCAL CHAMBER Following the palltm 'el by the Coro1111. del ~!Ar BIU!lnf'!la A ~llO<'lR· Uon l11!!l m onth. the tlalboe Ul'lnd Bullinl'S!I AlUIO<:latea y' .!Il er d a Y morning vited to rl1sband a nd be· come a m .. mo..r or lhf' Newpnrt Harbor Chamber ol ~mmerefJ MerLhHn ta Dh·l11lon, Balbc;a laland 8Klk>n. According t o l.t'l11nd J . McCol- loch. one or a four·m,11'1ber g roup nan1eo"I to 11.et 1111 1u1 1nl#.rn1~ia ry betwttn the &A9()('iatlon and tile ch•mber. the move wu made be· cai;., .. w• telt our problvn11 \\'ere rommunlty problf'na, not 1tti'"U/ Bal boa Llland problenm. We plan to c.::iope,..ta with merchant.a all o\·er Newport Bt•cll not j!Ult our own eectlon."' ChriAlmal decor•Uon. a.cUriU• but othervl"lae ll wlll bacome an ln· t~gral part of tha Merchants Dtvt- "°"· Oth .. r memtM,rs ot the lnterm<ed- ;.ry g roup a.re Kenny Nichohl. BUI Rtl"mua&en and M.ra. Mae Nichol· ~'- No Wind DC1111C199 The Harhc>T Muter'e depa-rt.ment .. Id It lla.d ftCelved MVarai ~ boat calla cau.Md by lodq'• "'1nda, but no dam•I'• bad ' mun.ad. NeiUter 1-M Newport BMcl'I nor coata Mau. poUce department. ha.d neeelved w lnft dam&«• report.S .. of l :30 p.m. tcM\a.y. • fty BILL PHll.LIP1I J'ea.r and uncert.alnty were dla- pelled from the N-iiort Boi&eh biome ot. Kr. cd Mn. Earl r . Brunk a t HO Aldean Place •l noon today w hen aulhorltiM ll&lely lo- cated H . E. Brunk, ''· youq er brother ot r..rt, near PhoenlJl. ·Th• rear .., .. ~ed by report.a ynterda.y which had IL I:.. Brunk '• CM lo oooUd of t.Ue (K&d Ooj I Irvin. tupUve "~-Eaecu- Uonar" ot m pe~ ~ wu:ertalnty came "frotn not knowtng tb• fat.a nor W'tdar'ltand· lnc lh• eocaaectlon of their nlatlv~ wllh Irvtn. Wu he • ~,. of the n-1 doe k1Uer 1 .% bad hill car cosie ln.to JIC ••• ll of lrvta after th• )'Wllpr Bnulk 10enu.....-Pap 1) by Ila cfty council tor nut Mon- day W'lth rep~t.U•u or ar- chltecta UDd. Pleser, B lurock aOO Houpn. N<fl!rpOtt Beach, a.nd &lllOClala arehilec:t W lllUd Jor- dan. Oo.te. K e-. to di.KUM ~ p ropc»ed m.ncu. ADIUNl8TaA'nvw: AREA Thant wn l be otticu lo U.. n-d ty hall for dty m&n&cer. ·Turnbull Dog Rabid; 3 Men to Take Pasteur lrealnw:nt cltJ cJ.ra, city attorney and wa· Jl"l n t Newport Harbor an& Goe' tar' -pll'Ritan4eflL Th• elly e.n· to bee adjudg-ed rabid ,,,.,. llia- stneer wU1 ba•• of!~ In the cloeed toda y by Dr. H orace P ar-~ • atnet -~ent k•r. co-owner of Newport H•(bor aad U..-. wU1 bee eetUon• for Veterinary H01Jp!t&I , Olmta Mesa.. tl\e bulJd:Lns Mpartment. plan-He confirmed a Germari lh<'p-- nlq con.-ulla.nt. n.ca1 office and i.rd. owned by 0111.:•r TUl'nbull, -'~ room. J,.. found r•bld by th.. 1ta.te The d ty ba ll will hava about hea.lth department'• testa llflu M OO sq. ft. and will front on the county hc11.lth •lepartn1ent l ltll 8L ~•·Ill t h<' head north for examtn-n. poUc• ataUon w \L! re· atlon . mun al Ila pre.erit central lo-TIL'" T'Umbull P"I, whl(·h hi\d caUon. apanding: Into quar t"'• nevl·r 1,.rt iL.!1 yard. 19,8:12 8 \V no. uaed by other city df polrl· Newport Blvd. whet" 1t Wl:i.!I meta, Coltey aald. renew In 11.Jld l'ha!:ied with fr!'f'· The -tre.l ftf'e. atatJon w!ll be oom to n.in. died J 11n. 24 In the kleated ln lh<I g-110melrlc or pop--vel hoirptt.a.r af ler itJI aymptom• oiau.on cenwr of tba community. were noUced Jan. 23. mr round nllld. IWtl#'• )llU'toer, Dr. PaUI O. Bulllher, B. ). Mur- dock, hcl9pltal manac-..... 'I\lrn· buU muat tab Put.tur tne.t· menta, Parker A!d. Eacll had contact wlth lb• ani.ft1&l. ~ reported. Th• dog' ... lailted by tba county health department a n er it died but the .mear tut uHd •hawed nep llv•. To be doubly flltll the ~l forward.cl the head to •tat.-laboratort.• where tlna.I confirmation •M de- termined. The anim•I \Mt A uswrt wu ln a fight wltll an O'~ but tllat .,... tll• only contact known, Parke• IA1d, wbk:b ooWd k .. r•ultad ln rabl•. ~ta troa other city depart -Ae the re.ult or the dolt be· a.at.a. Ootf., added. !-~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jam. C. H ell)oer, pu~ ol wtla.l UM! po11t oMc-dep111rtment uaJrM .,.. "lewd and a..tl"k>u.·· plclu,.... la Mown ln hi.a otflc• c.onalderlns a letter he U wrttllll'· Hellyer declat'es the plcturi'• ar.. .it publl&twd l'lnly t or 11.rtl.U an(I ottw,.. Interested tn the t.chnJqoe of .r"'°tosraphy. He l'lu bet"n • l"Mklent al N"wport 8-c.b tor nw ,_rt attn qcndtns a .t1n1'9.r ti.me l.n ruuertoa. (~ --.... '· ....... l)--8t&tf AltGto Pruldeat Dort. Bra.)' and sec~ tary ruta IJo.aritman .,.,•re rom- mended for "lhtlr flnt job dunng Lile put yesr ·· M.cCollorh A id Dlllb09. laland .w. OODUOIM lo oooduct n. O'#D Plan New Wea sllasM \'ernon L. ~ 1ut -111: t.ook out a ""46.000 Qo9ta M- clty bulldlnf pt_nnll lo.. c::()Mttuc· 1 Uan of a waraboua. at 1922 J>o.. .,... .. _ NEW arr~ for O:>ot& Meoa'• city gonrmnmt may look like thJlt in the future if not too many ch&nlft are ma.de. Preliminary an.hit.ecbqal pllM aod U-elch wen .ltlbmitted to tbt city council Monday. The fiecaJ unit of the dty hall will be in t he center of the building with adm.inistn.· Uv~ offices radiating from it. Estimated cost ii a.bout $85 000 . " \ r I I 1 I I -' • ' PART 1 -NEWPORT HAR.aoR NEws.PRESs Campn .,,,_.1._ ;:• ... ";':..~::.:= .. :::.:':::. ~·~ .:;·~,::: Allre-A.i•ill . WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY I, 1951> UI ,.. I-I.ARBOR HI -LITES =..~.;.::-:. =-""= =-"::"...:::; '!!:!' ..:'!! •••. ...::~ ..... PAGE 2 ----------------1Homes A11illble 11, NANCI oAllPU:u. -.............. --.. .......... -· Ko-•• • r1 GOINGS ON AT THE -·-~, ,,..,, Jllll.,l 0.. ~ W&r4 Jlltd!1911,, Jlm M.uJdlC. J-~ .., <XOdOI ot '111e BaM o.-,_, -------------~---------N ,e..__., ..... a-t OW,.. Tulor. l&dt .lmlth, Tw ~ ..LUftA. .&.Jl'A ((~.) ---.\ .., ---.n-.ced lhat • llaitell .....C A .orry defeat waa u(e Tu ~OOp!iitenl' Friday nJgbl ~ .n. ... J..i:. Jlwo-~ Tom lhroh. ~t. ....,. • ... t° I ,. -...... ,.... l Jk\LBQ~BAY CL UB eil I and ,......_ ..... .... with' Su.ta Au by f point.I in dll. _P-U HMWood. • ._.,__ a..,. Ml!rtlau., t>IMw ,..,... ...... " ---_.. ... tuu avallabl.I to..,·~ .. wUll aa !hey lo.t ~~f -· _ • ....... ~--'--_ ._...._new,•••..._, 14li• Ma#..,..,., J• r 'lff P "JU;. ~~ .. ~tilt"°" • • -• .,,. .., · ,. . -,. .... ·-'no do'Wll jNiJ .C I efllllC an overtime .-.,-,...... . ... n. ...... ud ,.....,. all ~ Bi---. Gree ~ ... ~ : i., Q , • By DAN BAYLESS t.:&IDJl'U Dtate&. ~_tbe rame. t.ba..nelitlg Q~~ ~eitt ~ •veraJ ·~...JbM.. • ~-. ~~i:uiw 'lhp,. ~? Sr I.~ I~~. f ¥ I _,___ ... _.~u...... ,..~:h.~11 ........ 9'fnnmms::__,,.. .. .r-.I m ... ~-:.:.._:~~.. ~~~·-~1l'· ·•A ·;c;A ~~ Jf.UI• AtLWOOCI a.rid o1 coui ... tM .-. Hft. ~ ...,.. °'* • Clean-up, paint-up, fix-up weeks are trad111onally h eld taloe• are a1ao a..U.W. to noll· of · the• w .. •t the home ot ter, Judy Dix.on, Ga.0 Dixon. Den· ...,U.t had ot hll 'triaDdil to.be-married Dlclt O...by, & ~.,t y - • I •• ny Buah and Kal'&ll Wa ....... npr, a '""' ~_J _ aftw .. w•liOtiua, a ,.,, --in the .spring. But over here at the BBC we have ~ much v<!'l.'1 for do'ft·n payment. or J9911. MarU)'ll Hll l. Marlyn and -•· Artie Birtcher •nd Babb9 s;ith, D'ftr fOt' a q~ pu1;J. "I--.BIBTHDAY PASTY . BMcb. ~ OrOlart 0.. II en we want to accompUah along these ll.rrea that we at&.rted A• in pre"1owi Hale Oo. Und& 8m.1Lh· prepll.ffd • tl11• u -Eddi Pop. B'ud McN 1 and h&Yias ulte and·'-·-u4 Kary Kelth celeb1'ted her Ll\b ~~ development•. aJJ ho.me. are dill-aortmarit ot food for the flVUP !hel:,. ~el J im Ta;i:r and a .fOOcl talk ~ Dkk. °"'1tJ birthc1ay 5tmday •ven.t.na by b&"" tJr0 .... -1< ot ~--~ ...... in midwinlt:r. And, we 're still at it. i/«;llv~ly d...,1gn&d l&ll<l are or to nibble on, and 11Qme fine rec· · and Bin' Pnrnn.aa., 'r(llD Ji[uft.ll k'S a few of her trl.l:lld.e Oftr to I ~ -r-1 To bring all other private living quarter11 up to the high standards of decor eet by the new apartment.I, a vul redecorating program iJI now in progre111. The patio rooms, beach apartment. and cottages are being alieke<l up from floor to ceilins . and the result. thu.s far are mighty impre1- 11lvc. · Take the patio rooms, for instance, nverluoking th(• beautiful main pool. .Upstairs and down tht'tle units h.av€' been rt.'painted in soft p&JSlcl t>hadcs -greens, p!nk~. grey~ and yellowa.. and wallpe.ptt 1n 11 muJt"rn pa! ll..'rll t·e ho1 n1~ the color involved ha• been hun~ on one wall. Untler~oot !i1 ll hand1ome ca rpet thnt gt\'1 ,; the tt:nnant that Juxur1ouai sinking feelinc. The bi.z shdn1g glass 1vindow-door~. <1:e- sie;ned for a nl'l:<in111m fl•11v .. ~ (•u r f·1~"ll'i rn1 '::;"·frl''.! fPr, l1a1·t· been ne1·;J v cl ra11•·d f 1r 1 ·.;h:-11m1· pr11';\'.\ The t1v11 ··urnfnrtable nt 11il111 br·.1., ha\• he· 11 f1t ll•J 1.1t!i li1r1noniz1 n~ bt:d!lprc&l..ls wii;I culu11ul 1hrvv.· pil\.,•l'tl. 'i"ht:rc alt: ue w 1111:· t ur"~ on the waJ ls, tu•1. :..nd n1tt11y uthrr u1•l"'1ntrn1·nts that ...,.ill dC>light our rn.·r.1~·1 l 1·nn...Lll~l'i '"lVhefi tflf.s 'i.rlork 11'1 J tirP· • '"'..'i~O \\"•,.,. 1ry1r~:: ffi ('0ri1~ pll'te lt tw:ror\• tht· lHI!!)' IS\'IUIO;J ~t,\I\, l'!ll'h l)tfl r·trl1 .. J\l \\'ill !)(' a~ fr"• h nrid ~J'Rrk!n1~: ti)· ~ 111 :1~1.! 11\ilcr th lt bUf/'OJ U!lJ 11i; !tori :1l 1:::._1*\',,*1 t*, 'l l 1,li11.o1 I ~peaking nf r1•c1.nr!lllt 'l1l ll~ t h• f~H(' !l••,d!~ 1 'l1 1h w81' "C'h1-dull't.1 to rr<1JJ't•r1 '1!1 .. ··br11ary I ~J :t t 1 !l·· 1 ,11• ~ • ~nt· !lnd 1 held up t he n:pau1LJ.n ~ vf the pla~·...-'w\'hl'1) .. v. 1 ytlullK la • Jn u n.lt!T, ~nd that :-.l1uuld IJt· a 11v .;,,~ 11<1\\' Th•· lll• l but11- 11t·.<;:;n1an L"11n cume O\t•r au\l a<".11~1 !. . ., l1 uub~·" al\d:• in •1ur i;t•·an1 bath Jr this .i .. ,.~1 't .i .. t;,. 11ir1 ti·"·~ tL• k .i.k:-1 ,,._ m o1·ffi by mMaagc at th1· l'k1Jhd t,,,1111:> .,f J,,," 1-:1, a-. auJ I Oan1el Shull. ""''hn art' 1n 1 h 1r~, , r th• r .. u J. U 1~d1:ig , <it'pe rtment lf this sh11u!J r.11J, "'·! t!".t :·· s '"' 1 "" btli~y vi i,:1·tt1ng tunt int .. t/11· 1·111k 1 ;1ay ~hi~ nt1.tur ,1 • •lu r • • • K. T. Keller, who l'acat11•neJ 11.t th<' l'lt1 b lust ,.un1mf'r u the JUet:l of ' his son Hl~L· n1c1:1l.1<.:r llu!.>1·rt h 1 1lc r, hu ~igned a1 chaJrman of 'th<' board •)f 1.. 'hry9l1'r l 'r 1p0.rat1on. While be had a long and d1st1nguL<1!1eJ care2r "',:h th•· 11.ulo maJdn& firm. hi11 mo11t important Y,'(1 rk "·as th·· i.;1;,nt con· trtbution he made.to the dl·lf'ns1· .. r hai l:ountry In 190-0, President Truman put h:~·ller 111 rh:i rg(' of the guJded m.iallile progrrin1. lie J>.td Jitt!1· patll'n ..: with villlon&ry p la.n1 ; he 1.11n 11tc·J rn11,;silC'11 abu1 ld111x 1n t hL· fa..:- toriea and ffying Jn t he tikn·s. The sleek. JtaJly w,• qJUas now in u&e, .11uch u the Corp,,rtt.l. Nike, Terrier unJ ~latador, 1 are t.h<e· ret1~ts of. b.la perm!!tl"nc:e. 'f'udlty 1--:t·l!P r is recog- niud a.a the key figure 1u th1• developm ... nt 11f the&' weapon.a, which an: one of thl' t h11·f dett'r r~·nt:i to an I enemy attack. All of ua are In hl1 debt. YOUNG FARMER S MEET .M•rly McGr11tl1 (le!t\, l~l'!rlOn11I Young Fa1·n,er11 l"r<!'.,ident frnni Ora11ge Coaat CQ tlegc, gnes ov••r 8t11to• ('ull\'"ntinn '•·.~ulr~ ""llh Ula two OCC dcleg11.c1, l 'orter Ta.ylnr 1ccnte1) Bnd ll11v H.1ir1• k lrl1ht1 . OCC Air 11lu.!cnUi 11.-;e1u11pnrileU by Advi,.,,r F.ll{ln n nll pl11yed ft pron1ln1'nt part In lht' ret·ern Young Farn1"1s J.;t"le Con· venl\on h,..ld In "lodeato. <.:111 y G!t'nn l'hvlu GOP Has 64,409, Demos 52,765 Orange County Voters Now • ID SACRA.ME1'"'TO (CNS) -See· e<>m pared to 2.2~2.809 two relary of Stat.a Frank .M. J ordan ago. Loday allJ'IOunced prel\mlnllry ng-Thfl Prohibition p•rty qu•Jlfled Ute• for the June primary "lf'C· fnr the btlllol w lU1 5,420 rtgls· tlona. announclnl{ • total o f 4.798 tran\JJ, which w1ts "ll1htly !lbove 812 quRllfle--1 tl~tnr11 In lhlll the 4,798 r11urt nf'tdtfl to plll t"<' •tale. tile party O'I lhe ballot Tht11 "'•-• O\'tr h11Jf A m1111on ·------------1 fe\.\·er th11n Ill the 111Ame time two Y""r~ 11i.:n. Jt1rdan aald. Jn 01an~e County, lhere "'''NO ti2,7M Dt>mocral.t. and 84.•09 RI'· publlc11na re1l•l•1·1':d, with mlseel- laneou• r•1t18tr•Ut1n•. lnclurhn1t the Prohibition P&rty. brln(1ng the totAl lo 121 .384. For th111 ,.ntlr111 atate. 2,889,93!:. OemocraU \\•ere r1111l11terPCI. cnm- pared to J,i13:'1.S8• In January. l9M. R epubllc&ru1 lotalllld 1.989.489. Fined on .DrlYllH) l:dwal"d 8. ~ro. Ill', of 21!1 Und IL, 'fPU ftAM J160 In Santa MARINERS WARNED OF NAVY GUNFIRE S11n Clemente laland areal!' to be ck>eed lhla wffk for bomb!ng'•pr•etlce Y.1\1 be •a foUowa, accordlna to 1he U. 8. Coul Ou•rd announce- ment: Pyramid Cove. Mand•y. noon to ! p m : Weclnelld•)' and Thuritday, 7 Am. to 11 p.m Cutle RQC.k, 1'lond•y lhru Frld•:o. s ..m. l ... n11<1n1ahl. Sat urday and Sunday, d•J· llJ11ht houre Ana-C>r•nr~ J.t-..n~lpal Court Ja.n 1------------ :10 alter he adnulled dnvu1i ( Uunll{I: 111.'> .. 20 !I p«r t"tnt of •ll 1 '<''h1le un<.l"r t>-.e W'hae11r f nt In-JW'•lrM.nan11 killed tn the rur•l ToxlcaUng llqunr Hl.• dr1 •·er'• II <1r<>~• nf .-.utnrni. clmM y.·u 11uapend&d <n1 tn1·f'f' !lrink•n li", '"T"'rta \ho! , Aul·•JlKlule l'lu.b. &e11111ne pla<1Ler ttnd l•lh construe· orda far dancing. Melind• Clemmon•. Jack Sml.lh and X..Uiy H\ll'ba. Fruit ~ din.nu &nd then Soilll ~ .o&.ne:f" dated ~·1 ~l.-dllc ~ ~ Uo11, with <'holce of heavy 1'.*l&r eudil\y Cohane aod .TOou. ft.u· •nd Jody Lieb, ~owa.n.1 Wt.cbell, and K.atlly Huft, Jolm yc.••n•q iUd. Tboae wtahln&: bar the M9t baYoa hwinil' tor ,..... IL The Mak<!' ahlnJo:!c or cruahtcl rock del, P9rr)' Mulro, K•n Qrifrllh Rod ZwebeU and Tiny SDOWden, and Ot&ne Joy' nq 'rr'tpp aDd tnr• Dlck Healer, Chuck Keith def•nda.nt t. !aeld la n.G fll Mil. root" in r u:or. , IJ.nd Mary MUier, D&cll Overby , MORE GUESTS Carol JCJns, Oeorp JlilU ud Bu'--and N&.Dcy .MaaUn, Bud Woobton A\·1 r111:e lot Iba a t o.mpwi and 8" Pnrnnan. Tom Niquette ~Jlm Undennan. Chuck Keith, bar& J aquith, Lonna Lloyd a.nd and Na.net Campbfill, and Johan at the ~ JlaDrOOm., All !l;/jl1.te11 1¥ 7•31 94.. tL -4 u.. and f-., a...a. attano.d. ao did otnAy Ian.di, Bob Cretchton. nm Bl'OWft, ain. Wa&cMI' and lbgen.. the promeds wW IO to tbe 8-rt '()vn1y hun1m wlll all .have l&JTI! D•vr Brkkll« an~ucty-· fkn11:ert. t.larg!e Rhoden, J ulie Hefn3ahl Bf'IDda Be.m,U. R!p Mandan.ball Keep ·your calandu open tor J'Und. 1'cket. ~ M aT&Uable lllv~ \\'llh 1ndlnr glaq door• Alan Ryplnakt r.nd Marcella Kel· and ToPI Morrey, Oren Wa8e and and Dlllbtile Col-an. Jtm Knll'bt. P'eb. 24. On that night tha "T " eoon from a.tlJ' "T" memblr . Do- "•(!ing lo Ulem from the -home tar, Jim :»ewklrk and Patty Kel· Sh.aron • Bu.Uar, La.rry Metcalf, &IMS Jll\k• 'uid Na.net C&a:lpbel1. cluba are putUns on a blr dane• n.aUon i.. Sl. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY iiiiiiiiii -rriber Her Rerne . DoY Val ent ine on f eb 14th "One ur the Udo .....,... HARBOR DRUGS FEB. 9-10-1 1 . MGI Via Udo, N•wpo'!_~ llOl E. Cout By., Corona del .M&r HI '" 1•un••h out • ma.ke up VALENTINES COlllfllete u .. of ..., •. c .. c1oaa Vale•tl•e ~I .. W ll h .. nYt>lor-Incl. a lp<'"<'lal card for t..actlrr. 25 c '"PAYLESS . AT1 J; ~~ _ For Everyday Needs ~-Tide, Tide, Giant 65c Large 28c Rec:i. 1 lc AJAX 2 cans 19c ~~~--SCOT TOILET TISSUE ::~: 3 Rolls 2s~ • ·--Limit 3 ~ 'OI '°' ,' lltA'i'tHO ~ IHAVIHO ', ' j U OI /, , UNOIU.IMJ • Rolls ...,. 99.95 Now 79.95 ' PAYLESS v ' Da<>I JIT Vodka • H OOi True as we are to the pharmacy art, lb ought f or your special eweetheart. ga.lore to mak e her lfke yo u even n\or(', make your aelection today! Z.49 \'alue TV TRAYS • we've also Ll \V l'"l'r gifts come tn and Ill' l'A ,1,11 1 ll., .. , Mllllun&.lrr K"hl Heart "~L A..aorted oeki .... Satin Box , " \\'ltll Goll, Sati n Bo x '·'"· 6°" Whitman's box, ! lb . de luxe assortment red Sa tin box, bea utifull y boxed , 2 lb ,, foil heart $1.15 $5.50 Box e d hea rt with pixie-de1uxe a 'st. . $3.00 f'-"'/ll fi\' -'1L."S ~A\Lllltl'I 225 ZING HEART BOX ,.,,'"~ ........ ," 1>11 .. 1. ... hit •\Ith lhl• t_"A'.'l.Ul' U1i' Al..li.t:llT ~HEE'1"£ VALENTINE HEART BOX '"· 2so HHU\\'.\ 1.: tlALt:Y HEART BOX Hb. 22s l'l.a.k foll \.\Utl ~llluJ p.tnk I,; 1o>kl rlbbuo. COSMETICS 59 l>urolhy 1lray "'.'lo'<'l'" ·"l•y-~Jl-Oay 1 LIPSTICKS ... ,,._, ..... , '"" ... Jk\•loa Seia l•lfl COLOGNES ...... , C•o<lo.n~ boUI~" 175 BY BUXT O N ! 1\--I! ' I 1 I ~ l < • . ' < ' J "VWt our Jeweler, take r.dvantag11 o f 1pecial h e hllH on i\'&t~h cl~aning &: repair fo r t hJl!I "'eek l"nd. Also see his large selection of Gruen & Ha.mllton Watches,. .,. Ideal Valenth.e Ollt." ., . Hide 79Qr lq MDil .. tile -m ~ llf."ll,' l'&rletJ of 11yle&, ~ &ad "°klra. la _.. ..,. la.dlee wa.lleta ... A.a w.I ValeAtl.. 2.50 (flt". -~ ·······-···-······· ... -.. -.... ··-.. ··-··-- COMPLm LINE of LIQUORS and WINES SHADY Paul Masson Pink c hampq .. Wine GROVE Fifth Heart Shape Battle in sr BLDID Ra re Tawny Port rtn'H " Rare Cream o0 noor Sllerry For Valentine Day $287 Fifth to Toast Yow $245 Swain, Try Pink Champagne VINCENTS ICE CREAM ....... 5 Cone .. c ~ .. lOC Haltcl Packed ...... » (j)um ts Sfc 1 Gll ..... .,.. Y a on ••••• 79c . ' j I • ' 1"it.:w IWBUSHERS -Stephen Johnston . 12, ot I 19 29th St., le ft and Jim Woodgates, 11 . l•f 126112 :l9t~ St., dil'lplay make-up of their f in1t 1St1ue. a weekly which they hope to publish. Righl now 1t cons~t.a ot four l'•tf;".;o> :-.;r ~TJtado. ~~ :~ ~~ . .:-~ .... nt·aUy bordered in pencil. They musl be businetJ8· rnuided u they have it loaded with lldvert1s1ng but no news. -Staff Photo 2 Local Boys Start New P !!per; Plan Limited Output 1 1,~ l .. t.,,.t venture of N.....,p<'>rt I the nute pape1 J*.:"·• into thre" I « ·I' t• m,.n into the ""'''~I',.!,...• I 1 1.J11n 111~ a.11.n \l ~I! t.,...,, of lhem to fi••l\J !" th11.t or Steph<'n J uh1wot"n· i "'Uvrrtu;ua, Th<! !1r~t edltJun 1a :;: : 1111 ~"9th :-It., II.fl<! J •n• r11 .. •Uy ~rl!o '"' whi• h Uiey ba,,. I\ ... .i gn l•·i.. ll. or 1211'1 Jl!lh :-)l '"lllll:le..I 3 t·•;ut~ a. J1ne, Ui ry say l t1<" 11 111\0· P•~r ui the ,.,_~_\\'-hut ...:>far thty a rl' nut w orryi11t; f'<•Hr Tlr.fKM 11 bou1 their 1ncun1t' tit"'<'• ur think '1r .-.1ure.. tne output 18 J1trat~ ing of turtni< 11 bookkHPf!r A• "I 1U1 pru.11 work I• be.inc ,Jone by 1111atttr of fact lh<"y do noit •f't- rn,.au.1 o? a pencil, but the ttr•l their way clear to retit a IYl)j'· I .. .i,uivi 1• a tine oamph1 of chLro-writer. i;l"l'flY r<nd th• editors flnd !t a f hot ,.f "••rk to m..Xe r.-produc-Arnong t he. ffl<t1.1•c8 .. r th•· 1. n• , r th<" toUT page. for the!r J>&P<'r are c11.rtovn• •n colur and 1 It. .,oJ,~, ri ner., •pM:lAlly at 4 • aporl• i-r:e wnh fl•hini.: nf'wa , , ,, , ,.11, ll Of the edllUr• thernaelvM,, Stephen doe-not pl.ui t o cunl1nue t It• pti bh11her• pUln to r11vtr1f' ln hi• prelH!Ilt voeauun but w"uld t:;ks to Give Const!t ution C".'~~es Away ~1 111 1·•ul•q •·<I 0 op1"1< or tile 1·on- •t!tl<I .. n "' th" I ,.,,,.,1 Siii.lea wilt l'>c-,.;1 \."~ll ft WU)' .:~1l!ui;; t"1uurrow to ali ..... I •/, i,:r"ol•• .~UUlf'nt'< o r N .. wrm i H " ' lo "' el•'ll\f'll!Ml"Y 81'<>'1 •"'" "' th" J>M!r~>tk Ke•- t u1,. ,.,,. lM•· ~;lk,• 1,. • .il!:"" nf tJr• a n,.:r l 'ou:'lly 111 ... Judon.lt' Ne.,.,·port H111 ti;.r I.• !,..:,. :Vn r7fl7 r•,,. !1 ' .;le;• "'·11! b<' 11l~t nbul•'<I tu '•.II ~a H 1t t~r pnnr1 pa! ot Ho "~ • ,-;n, 1:0 ~··hool. 1111\l John p .,,.,'lu;!1,.."I rnuu 1pal or Everett Rew. Sch90l. by Robert Welborn. m ember of the youth acUv1Ue.!9 c:omn1lttef' nr local Elk• lodge. F'rei.I Hul11ton, chalrmll.n of the youth 1ctlvtlie. comm1tltt In cha rre ot lhe projeCt. aald aboul 700 cople1 of the co~Ututlon would be du•lnbuted to Harbor arl'll. M'"hooL11 Nancy Conover Pleads Guilty on Dr1r Raps SAl'o'TA A NA. (OCNS)-Accua· ed of ror11ng a tignaturl! to a drur p~r1ptlon and obt&Jnlng a oJru1 preacr1ptlon under a coun - te rfeit 11lgn11ture, Mh~s Nancy Lee Conover or 1..-Ai;une. u .. arh yeeter· dey enlered g11 1lly plea., when Ahl! WIUI 1trra lgned bf-fore Superior Ctlun :nutg-e Kvi1'1et.1t Mtm'ts!Jrr She h1111 worked tn Newport .Beach 11.:1 11 nur&e. Juflg~ Mo rrleon "l!l Ml~11 Con· over·~ probl!.Uon hl'artng and 11en- t~nring !or Feb. 28. Sh• I• frl!e on baH. Pipeline openloni, by flnrer· Up r:untrol of a. doHn or m ore l"BJK>llnea, now blen4 cuollne Tight In the plpelln' accordlng to the National Aulomobile Club. prefer to be. a pilot, •llher In the a.rmy or on a C(Wtimerr;!&J phu1e And Jlm ..... ·ell, J im·., •!ad 1a In the navy &nd when Jln1 does hla trick for Uncle Sa.n1 he •"P"' l a to do It ILfloat and mayl>t. h,. IJ at.y ILfloat, but that'11 JO 1e11r11 ~ndel<amps SPICIALS . ••• 9, 10, 11 , ....... . 53• APl'll I'll ..• " .. ·~·-) AJmoMo. ........ COPPH CAICI .• 29'-. .... Uc-.) v.i. ... 1r .. 1utter COOKllll ••••• 29' .... Um de l<amp·s ~ •••l•lll·COrffl l•O'\ &I CORONA DEL KAR " toa C-t Hwy. AOORD'8 LAOUNA Hl:ACH 2U B~way BALBOA J8LAND 200 11ar1 .. A.l"l!- Nl:WPORT e,EA.CH l!O <Jou& Rwy. Come in ud «et Y0111' Free Ticket for • Nft 1956 BUICK FREE Trapp & Sons l'LUS 25 OTHER l'RIZES We1tf!.ra GMOllne Prodacta" :'" .. Auto A~"* 2101 -· 8"..t. LI ~l C.Ola - "L!:T OUB FAlllLY SEllVE YOUR FAMILY" 2 gal. "HI lo.'ld" Motor Oil SI 30 TIRES :.:;;:·=:;:,..·~_'15"' = .. RECAPS _. 'T"' ~ UTO LUBRICATION Sl.00 '"'11 ~ur wo,._ aM prortaec• ,.... 100~ •~uars.t.-1 GuoJJoe 96 ~ o.1aae· Etltyl 2' 9/10c R.cilliclf 27 9 110c CATSUP 5 WIN.l.:.:=-.s DriMl P1 EIS ::;::: .. ' '.! 2CJI ,._.. ..... ' 55c ( GET DETAll.S, El'Of'W lllANI( AT SNffr- ...,, 1!11181 ans e. 151 BEl·Alt FIOZEI rooDS ·•• m •Cit -' I' a -CI01 ••~ ·--·<mm•• Cl s 'er ·OI--._ --···· 6 --•<*--.C:. UkMCIJ..WllOSTAl'USI .. I p' Dry -'::''31' l~-.. Nl,,3e.t ...... ,.. Caec11b1... .. :. '9'R LUCfRNE. Add 2 portll ...._ • .,_ """""" ____ _ .,_. 0 _.._ ..... , • BOXBtJRT CHOCOLAll FESTIVAL t ' SUCID PlllllAPPLE :"":' . -::: 2 S' -::; 29' .... Y'S TOMATO JUICE ''::; 11' ~ 21' GQ4NN CORN ~-0::2·:=29'=~2·:=.25' TOMATOES::....-'":.; 19':.:.. I 2 '!:-29' '":.;10' CUT GREEN BEANS ::..::·~ 2 '!:" 23' vaVEETA CHHSE SPREAD~ 2..!;..69' ~:11' . Witt <aoar• IMMP ....... t-. ~ 9QOd for Wk • Star l• hno ID ...-.ry bOlll .... ·12.;...1·... - SPECIAL! llfMI 1111 Sl&llOI Offll-- TEA TIMER -.., -lop qwollly -doy p-a ' .. af DIM low 'pNc.4 •·ac.caaorws 111 1, ..... ..-. .... ~ta ... IO..... ' 'i:l7c 1.!:2~ TEAGARDEN Jelliaa Ii. Pn11nres e-.1 a._....,, _ _,.....,. -bony )oily. c_..i ....,,.. - w...._ eo,• li1 1y PT11• 111, 0t Jr+claar "••a .... rr1 ....... TO.atoeea ..... QUMT llOnU lllA I I MAGIC a....-BLIACH and PUU QU.uT IOT'IU FAlkCIUROY UQUm_,.ARCH IN C:IJ&!i~ CM'ION -- IUU ... IMCDI scot~ TISSUE == RUBBING ALCOllOI. BAYER ASPIRIN TOOTHPASTE •11 = a SOAP :a., l .: 25' --~ .... ""21' eflM =-10;:;49' NAPPLES TURNIPS ~·&::· •· RED YAMS=:.:-,. IL.9' Pft>lts SI Mw 151 dha ,,. • ....., ~s.riduf Qnlr 1m N-pori " vt ••&.. o..la ._ • .. (;1?/u; BAKERY /)pecial CJeoalA Devis Foot! Cake lttCH, llCH CHOCOLA.n In deliclou• 2-layw cak• ... f?onlnvl Bak.ct by _........ . 77' C111; l•r 19c) Cll1•11 his ~ :-; ZSc leal<• ....... -...... S-. Oftly) Wit\ IE KING "D" __ ..,. Doublo·Dvty 0111~.tt 09« 1111 CHOCOlATE DROPS:'R CIO(Olll( (OlllD PEANUT ClUS10S ;.,! 57" ' FLUF;:Q GOLDEN ~ YELLOW SHORTENING - ROYAL SAnll ' Popular Boancla 6-8 lbs. .. \lhhi1111 9IOM' ...... c ROUND STEAK ;;~ •:69'. BOtlB.ESS ROUND STEAK .•••..• ._ .7,. . RUMP ROASTs;~· •:69' BONB ESS RUMP ROAST .......... 75" FRANKFURTERS ~~... ;:39' PORK LIVER =?i:'.~ .. 19' WllOl1 WlllllMi ~· ":::39' FllET of PEIOI :.!39' ~··· °'°"" FllET tf SOil :.!• ........ ••di/ .. "-•~a'f ..... ,,Ii •• ..,_ •l&•M-•1 •Bll86111LCI-•-. -.... 1911 'ft t -15. 1956. IT wtlil -·... .....,,..,DI. .... ,.... ..... ...,, ......... __..-............... _ ...... _ _.... ...... ~'SAFEWAY . ..... I I , I • • 1 f I • I ' • ' EDELL PAST PRESIDENTS were honored at the tea r.b: 2. Ready to welcome guests are members of tbe committee, (I to r) Mmee. Henry McGregor, HEARTS A ND FLOWERS scene \~1 hic h greeted KUeat11 nt the Philharmonic Ball in B alboa Ba y Club. In the heart booth Mrs. Jesse M. (Fran) Hardin accept8 the ama.JI heart.a for which guesl.8 received gift package8. Ju11t claiming theirs arc r..t r. and Mni. Hadd Ring while Mre. William Hanley and Mrs. Al J. Fer nandes are about to open their1>. -Terry Borill Photo 0. C. Socialites at Philharmonic Valentine Ball Edward Roger&, cha.innan, Sabin. -Staff Photo Marion • and Roy VIEWING THE ART SHOW· at EbeU Club'• Ppt "Pret1identa' Tea a.re I I to r) Mn. Lew.la Matthia&, a.rt aeclio!' ch !Urrnnn ; Mn1. C. 1'.1 . Deakins, pa.st president. who orca.nized the art section and Mrs. Arthur Lynch. new member. f"ramed ptctuf.e waa painted by M.1"6. Maltbia.&. Group studies each .\lunda y v.•i lh l\.i r8 !<ex .• (Joan Irving) Brll.lldt. -Staff Photo r -~-~------.....__ __ 1J uriior Ebell _Club. Sponsors NE WPO RT HARB OR 1'Clean-up' Poster Contest Fashion Brunch Bridge Tuesday at Bay Clu b 1< .11. • '·""', d11n«e ~· 1 • , \ 1!la l\h"''' ~01in, -'" ,, o )"'I <".lid• """"··~I I~ l <> I 'I'"-"'" " p1t1r uf ""/Ht.-/h1.nn.-t r~J Brn .. ""'I• •acopir i•·i i n .. r nol A poet er cuntci>t f!Jr the "clean up week " ··••as ont· of 11 '" 8 "~ro t "t V•ll.!ll(" 1 """1 ~ l l•<.A· MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'a Editor · 1 the pla.na for the coming month/'. which v.·Ll l keep J unior i· ~bell members busy. featured late6t me{'ttng of the l'lub, PAGE~ -PART I -NEWPORT HA~BOR NEWS-PRESS • luncheon ><·ss1on al llacboc Hou ... ·. I Pare nt Lecture WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 19S6 Mr•. Georg .. Curr Jr., p.<nny art t • .... . chaJrmM annu11nc •. ,1 a ''°"i.-r eun-l "'art and :l.lr• t'.urr Tiu· JU•l;;1ni.: Sert CS Slated 1eo1t at the Iii.rt>.•• &vi Club in w ill l11ke pl11.,e ~eb Ill ST. CATHERINE'S GUILD SLA'fES FASHION EVENT ll•'lll"tll •nd rlow•ra wUI b.t. the lh<!me. u gue.it1 are "~I· "'"ed a t • benr:nt luncheon and fll.Atllon ahow ~~rt-<1 h1 t!1.-Mother'1 Guild of St. C8U\erlne'e M1Ut.ary .chool. Ar .. n~un Boll Croaby will bt-m Uter or et:l'll'monlc• !or the • 1' Ill wh1rh w!ll boe held Saturd•y, 12 noon, a.t lhe Balboa !!1"· Mub • l.1d1, F11J.l11un11 "'Ill pre."""nt \he n~weet round·Lhe-(·loc-k Pl,.111~11 ~ by Oun Laper, Dorothy O 'Hara. P'efTY Hunt llll(l 1•,i J·r~mo Mu..1~,11 l'ntertalnment wi!I ~ pl"Q.v1dl'd by The ltt•ur1l!era M~ J ohn S(·udd"r (>r Balboa lal811d lJI chll.lrman ot th\11 t>enetH tor lhl' bulldlnc tund of St. Ca therin•'•. She w1ll be 11.ul•t"d by Mr• ~Tancla Glblan. alt.o or th!~ city M l"ll Dor\t. Haag. prealdenl or the Moth~r'a Go!ld, 1• co-onllnaUnr < h111rrnan !'.lr:i Glb1an w1IJ accept r«aerv11.tlona tor the H•r· bor a"'" Ulher guild 1n .. m ben1 11t:rvu111: on comn1Hte,.• a.rr "fr~ ltobert l>enunic, a 1'-1Lra.da ..,d Mn. Dtll Hennett, ut Anll· h~u11, Ut~orrllhm», Mr11 John Denh nger, l . .ong Uea.•·h proj:"rarn, Mra. F'Tank: Mull•n. La Habra ..,d Mr•. H . C l'rf"Mult. La li&bra, He~(>r\'at1<>rui, .\l r11 J ohn &bt=a.u. Ana- heim. door prtue. SON TO MARRY Edmund Burnses Ho1n e • From European T our Barely a re the l!:dn1und Bum.N or Balboa home from their three n1onlh1 trip to EuroJ><", until they arr utf 11.&aln, !hie time to Yo- ~"'Tnlte to at tend the weddlnC or !hf'!r Min, Oll\•h\ A. Curry o r Wuh- lngton, 0 C who w\ll be rn a rrled F"eb. 12 Jn the VlllRgf' Church {n the Va.lley to M!.'!.11 Barbalyn Ben· nlon, daughtflr or .\Ir and M r•. I..J'ew Officers Hebf>r City. J Bennlorz J r. of Salt J...ak• Mr. and Jo.I r~ Burn>1 new In Augu11t over Uie pol11r route to Cop,.nhag-en. Denmark frQJl1 LN An~ell'11, spending tlnit• In Den· mark, Lanrlnn. Parta. Sw1turland, "'ith local •Ir fllg-htll between 1top11 In Switzerland they .bought a Volk.!!v.•agen and tlnlabed lhelr trip driving ~ miles throuirh Swln:- urlnnll, Frllllce. Italy and Spain. Thry als.o 11pent a few daye In l . .'Ollta Me11a. The pu.iiler.l/1e111e will \'O l "Tll t t:.'\'Tf:H I !"he l n.allenl!(, or l'ar.,nthood" 1 be ln connecl1r111 Wl th the plRnnrd !\!JJ. l" to: llullf>"''') )ull!h <V-a ~en" of let"tur ... by A ini• "Cleanup lhe Hi.rbor Aret1 \\.-.. k ", OJ>rratlon 1.n~ .. (ju,11t 1r1n <h11 11·n1~1 •:..-en, "11 _lltt.rt F•eb I!!, at Ht j Frb 70-27. Tht"te ""'lll be three icav• 11 reJIOrt on thr n1oney thr • A rnr~..,,. Pr,.sbytt.'rlan Church prt~: flret, S!I, ,. .. ,·,,n·I. $:! lllld club gri.ve to ll•t: t..:o mrnun1ty \'ry ut11 'T l.f'~ 11" "l'"ll"tlr ... I bv th" ·"""'' 1 lhird, &2 Jud;.:r 5 VI II! lor :\Ir~ C C'enlo ,. whlrh purcha:;.~! !"'l ria k I ' rr Be'->.<h .11n<1 Cft.•l1t. ;\.fP!J.11 l!:lr M flf'a ll lna, '.\1,5 T Dunc1U1 Ste-tahlfll, 24 rhalrM an•\ kltch••n <'flHlp-"Pnl1.<I') s~honl P-TA ~ an;J o r- County WCTU In Session at Christ Church Tht Woman·1 Chr!~U•n Tt'm~r­ ance Union or fJrangc County held a n-llut!tute In Cc.o<lcll Rall, C'hrtat Church by the s,.,. J11n. 31. Pre- cedln( the lruoul u!P, :l.lr11 Marg-Rrtt Clark, preeldenl of the !O<"Bl un1un contluct...t a brief bwitne11 •eM1on. H beln¥ th .. n1onlhly n1eet1ng d•Y of the HarDor grnup Counly prcs1d<'nt, "-tr. C. A MarT!lhbum of Yorba. Linda. pre111.J . etJ over 1 he ln.11l1lute. R<'ports wer• brv••>:ht . n>untl tl!Jlle <l11cL11· 1iora w .. r<' h"l•l, and h\f'rRIUr<• antl Dlher 1111pph•·11 "'ere d1stnh>Ht»I Dlrectur1 in ('harg11 were . Leg1~­ latlon. Mn1. i.1 .. rgarf't U!l, Tu11tin , auditor and public11t!on11, Mr• ~:.d•l h \'CH1e, SMrll& Ana: lntema- tlnn11.l relntlor1.'I for peace Ml• i.11&11 Sani.h Conant. Custa Meaa: •·l1ua.J •·Uucat1nn and Youth Tem- perancr· Council. Mr1. Ji:. H. Brune- meltr. Pla centia : Tempera.nee and Mlaelorit. Mr11 .\1.lunle Setl!e, Or· MJ"•: temperance f'llucatlon. Mr11. Priu Beatty, Newport BN.ch. 1'11• Re\' Roy A. Cari.on. paalor of thr ho11t church. i:onduct!!d a devo; Uon•l ~erv1c" and gave the noon· tide pra.•·er 111.'I theme wu ·~e PoalUve ChrU1lla11 \\'1tnl!Y." A &11.ck: lun«h "''!th ulad. tee. and coffee eupplled by the l°"al union. pro'Vtded a iJQriaJ hour for nopre- H.ntatlve• from Santa Ana, Costa Me11.11., Pl11cent111, Orange and New- port l3t·1trh ment. 1nti::e Crnt.1t Cullege 1 The Junior t>:1>e11 ll&a undrrt11ken th' la11k ur hrlp1ng the t:1111Ler S~11l 1Jr 1\'~ r .. , t he Harbor t,r<'ll The Uri"" "•II 1tar! March I ~lbrll rnr111ht·r~ y,•!11 plRre conlal11era thrriu.:hout th' 11re11. plu1 rill enve· lupee tu be 1na1l••tl 11r11t I h" ~ .. 11101 il:bPll Wiii "'I! ~:.-111\,.f l11J .. •.~ Mr,. l"1•her tvlcl .. r a"'·>1r,l.'I 1 .. be t;l Vf'll t" l\\h .J un1ur E ll,.11 n1rn1 TI1e. I· ctu re.i .,,.,II be h~lJ trom t• 30· 11 JO a.. 1n lllld l.r<' open tu u,,. µubhc Arrlll\ji(cn1 r:nt1 h11.v• tiecn ri.uJt tiy the l'-TA '1 tu )1.11.vr li•b}' ·llting se.r\'o<'e 1v1ulable at th.-'huich durtn& the proK:r1.n1 Mr11 Creer. 1>1 a well-known l •11ea k,-r vn p..ninl e-du.-eL1on a.nd ' J1&J,1 h.,,1 a b&ckgrounJ ut m11.11}' }'"llr• 111 pr«·S<-huul "''"r k To be bers. Th•' ll"rl•'•r grnup "Ill l<(l\"' cll~C'lil!~d al the flr•L na·t"llni; an aw~rd f,.r t lor out1landtng Jun I will b1• "FounctaUon for t:n1ouon· tor "'C•l1\Hll of t11e club yflllr 'Mi ~ al Set.'Urlt}'." meml .. r' d'"' ,,1,-.1 to aend thr l{ll ! I wi th 111,. "''"' w.,rk hi•ura f•>r 0,,. 1 Th.-relath·e Import.a.nee of he· <·!uh t1, llpnng rl!l!frir t c·nn\'Pnlinn , .-r1hl11ry and f!rlVlronmenla.I tac- !<> b" held April Z0-2! In S&n liier n !vr11 will be dUcuued, a.a well 1111 the lmportanc1 of dn-eloptnK YA."IHJOX llRU:'\'( It 1en1vuonal ee<:ur!ty. Ba.Md ll11ictl} :O.lr1 Dr11.11 c:orton. w11y11 11n•I <·n '"''hat an Individual thlnk11 of mean~ rha!rruan, announLed etv- 1 hunMl!. emoucin&l H.CUrity •p· j rral 111q:•rt1tnL ol11lt·.:1 to l>r rt"n1em-l"'ar11 when a ch1lcl devf'IOPfl aklll>• I berffi. Feb l i ""Ill be the c11n'°'ral "''hu·h "n11bl~ hun tn reel .. abl,. wrlfllre p1 uject. " hrunch. nu1hton ~'hi"-"" 1klll1 11ho11ld be g11r .. d tn allow, l>r1dgo• to ht• )1,.J,j 11t the Aal ~ 1.Julll'~ 11b!l 1tlff! Mr• Gretn bot. 8111' L"lub Verna M•llt'r wftl ~llld ' narnll" 11n.J th" lia.Jboa H>1y ahop (Jther lecture9 Jn the 11r1u v.·11! w1U turnlahthecloLhe•to be ~hown h~hl Feb 29 ~larrh 7 a.lld 14 Feb 23 ""''IJ be hu•ban.111 nlKhl Rt 8t Andrew'• Chun:h Methodist Confab Head Kamaainas Tangier, North A!rlca., leaving Silver music clef•, red c&rna.lions, bright red notes their rar at Glbra.Jtar. They dro\'e the ••-•-• j d f I d Uo r rn r back from. G1bralter up the ,_fet.!lt-hung bHrh on _ =g room a co umns an estroned n uc n o new o CQ •ll· 1'!11'ls CLar:a Kohl'ltedt &Jld Mr•. ·• l lat 1 I r K --• erranelU'I C<)ll.•t to ~/l.rcelona. "''here d '" Balboa. Ba CJ b de u red u .,... on o am-..na John K. Elllolt returned T hureday b&Uoom ma e UJe Y u 11. gay ren xvous on ''"h, hol-' at the home Of M~. thry shipped lheir car bon1e. u " morning-ft-om P hoeniJI., Artron11 , Friday night wben the Orange County Philharmonic So· ltobert ltlrketU 2otl Ea.et Bay The mosl thr!Ulng epii.odr11 nr "'hf'rf' they 11uen1l<'J the inlrt-y ... ar ciety he.I d ita leCQnd &nnual benefit ball. Over 400 guests, Avt their trip. thr:)' r<'late. were their mreting or U\e v..·oman'1 Soclet.)' Out,1:oinc prealdent, Mr.. Nor-\'i11t to St. F"r11nrl11 of All!lel in <if Ch ri•Uan Srrvlre of the 3outll· innn t>-1t:i:Oerald, prll!Mnted her IUll,y ()n t he fea.st d11y of St. Fr11 n ~·rn Calltornh\·Arl:tona Cnnr .. rcnce l(!ll'"I to the lnoomlns-pru\dent, clsco. and hearing Pope l'h1a XIII nf M Plhodl~t churchea. The twv Mr~ Donald FUiler. Other otn-addre111 th• Youth for ll•ly r11Jly wr.men wr:nt u repreaen\.11..Uve-'I ~pre1ent1nr m•riy areu of the county u well u Lo9 Anfele11 and PuadeQll, throngW the cl\lb for t h111 rete. OIANT llEAJlt' A ,-t ... t red Vu.rrtiM h9rt. f \Te feet acrOM t.11d elsbt fMl hll"h. 1p«:la.ll7 d~lr;11td for the occulon by lAWS. Stanl*J', ... COftl"1ld >n pi..t.ct r..i f-.brlc .ud edfed with white )ac. dollliM. lAdein w1lh wblki ....ppea ,.uac. t ied wit h red rtbtKlcl. It -.ood In U.. club lobby tio 6et U.. eftntns'• motif. Th• pab-bal' '"11f\a, donated by many INdlftl' merchant.I and num- trou. lad\fldu&la, ..... fk°en ln U • chan.c• tor mlnJat\IJ"I heart. which ""'" 110ld amonc u.. su..i. for th• bd.tll of the aoctety'• •Ylll'- pb.Ol\J' tund. To Head Mesa G.S. Cookie Sale Three "n4ll.1hborl'lood" chairmen han IMMn appotnted to help di· rKl ~ annual Q»ta Meaa Girl Bcout cookie ll&le. starttnc Satur- day &ad oonunulq Uiroufb J'eb. ... Featun.• of thl' evening \0,'11...' lhl" Golct..:n Hot!IP!lht>e Revut'. hrou11:tit to the club frun1 Disneyland. Walt Oi11ney·11 personlll jl.'.f'.~l l!rc hu\ '"It n1•<le it 11v•1l11.ble Prujdent_ Mon:la.nd Lellhold w .. 1. comed gue•U 11.n<I prettentt•d lhe conductor, M11111 Frieda Betlnfante and former Pret!dent, O. W. f Dick ) RtchanlL ()11.11 clng-to the &y Club orche11tra followed the dinner and llhOW. Rl:."-D GROUP~ Ventral chairman for th• Valrn- tLne Ball was Mn. AJtred P ayrie Jr .. ot Emerald S.y . Mm~11. Carl Boswell &nd Ma.x'llll'ell Stursee Qf Newport Beach ,,.,.ere co-dl&irmll'n. Mmu. Alyne f'1elds, Pr&n H11.rdtn, Adr1en Pelletier 11.nd Jt.rk Smith were Jn cha rre or epeclt.I event.. while Mm-. Robert BU Uf'r, E<llth CUlberUon, Bud De.te:nberg and Jack Corn arrang-ed decor11tlon1. Mn . Holm• WehrlJ' of Santa Ana HCured •P«4&J er1t~rt.&lnrnMl, and Mn. A. D. Callahan &Jld M,.._ Joe ,.c1·~ ... ,.,. Mr11 Sam E:mn1ea. vice at Sl. Peter·s ln Roinr. or Chri st Church by the Se11 prc~ident , Mno. · IMhflll Blr<:h, 1 1;;;.._..;;;;.o.__.~..,:;;;:;;;;;;;;:._ _______ ~;;--;;..;-"-'-;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.o;;;;;;;;;, aecntary: Mn. Robert Smith. trec..irurer &Jld M re. Roy Keene. publlclty. Plane were made to coat.act the 9Chool nurH In tt:card t(I another family whic h mlrht be In need ot aid. Mra. Haro.Id H olla utertaJ.ned with t.o hula danca. 8b.e wu a put &Jld ~u"' member. Another !fUffl and prM"p«t1Te member WM M laa Mary Ann Well .. Next meetinc will be Feb. t 2 a. the horn• or Mn. JCctward KeUy. 708 Jrle Ave. Prelnlnjp!' wer. r espon.tbh1 for Invitation• and n!9f'l'Tll.tlora, r-e- •pecUvely. Mre. G. R. Winder ar... north Otani"• Count y H.11 ch&lr- m~ Delicious SPECIAL Thurs., Fri. and Saturday Ff"b, 9, 10, 11 CINNAMON ROLLS 40c Our R99.rar 55c dol. quality ooz. FANCY CAKES TO OKD £K FOR Birthdays, WeddinCJS and Partin I'._. O,.._r l"JU"I.)': Men wi1e In the on of caplurin9 a heart g:iv• Dowen to th.ir favoril e · . ValenU n•• m a loken ol their affection. You'll Iii• our cupld-approv•d ••· lection of bouquet.. cor· 109•a & Bowering plo.nle. Valentine Cor•age ... Cu pid'• choice ro keep romance in bla..om. Order your• now WI!' wiJJ d•llver ...... . tr .. n1 $7.50 / I , !~HOME '·UJANS- LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS" I LOAN ASSOCtATION • TWO OF FI CES • To Serva y..,.. LAGU .. A BEACH AN D SAN CLEMENTE QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "RED UC ING .. INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATH ET IC SERV!CI FREE CUSTOME RS ' PARK !NG ESCROW SERVICE, EFFICtlNTL Y OPERATED LAGUNA BEACH 222 Oi:;e•n Avt. PHONE HY. "-1 !77 SAN CLEMENTE bO I N. El C 11T1ino Reel PH ONE HY •cinth 2 -1195 Of HYec:inth 2-1 t9b -Your AdverUalng l.Jol llir.• ~" farth.-r, d,. n1ore. •··II nl•H•· . .,,.h,n you 1dv.,r\1$e In th!., paprr - flowers Make the Prettiest Valentines Worllftl" \&DOllW \be ,_.,..i cbai..-a, 1111'. ~ M---. w!U 1119 ~ cbainnan No. l . Mf'a. M'Unt.a ff. Loaf : No. 2. Mre. l'Wn9t O'H &ir. and N o. S. Mn. ... C. J.nFam. A ,.... "1'la.. .t U.. .U. ot COQIU .. ¥.-\II ti. ailllutd a.7 ~ Girl lko\lt council ud lroopa. BALTZ MORTUARIES Co~ta Mesa Bakery l'hon,. ) ollr ortlf'r to lla rlH"1r 2~28 COSTt. KESA CBAPm. 17U Superior .\nnut Corlta ........ c.iu. PboM (.Der't7 l-Zl21 CllA.PEL aT TID RA I020 I:. Caul BIYd. Col'c¥aa dd Mu,. Qllll. ~ Hart.r 4J: • •R d l/1(,, Of'!'! JllTR AKfS 1702 NEWPORT IL YD .,...,. .~th "' ""•lr .. ·a y Mark,.l UB&:HT\' 11-ll'llll RICHARD' All nf"v. ud l1M.Utiful 5 FLORIST ('om,. In or Call llarhor !X'lX •, t ' . • NEWPORT HAUOR NEW>PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1956 Chafey-Davis -Couple Married.~: • ........... _..., .... e -h. R" ,_, ~·-ffmrc ·-rt~_,,,, ...... __ At Home in Costa Mesa • After Arrowhead Stay Returned from a honeymoon at Lake Arrowhee.d are Mr. and Mn. Roy Lee Ch&fey, who uJd the~ vowt at tour o'clock in the afternoon, Jan. 28, in Firwt Soulhem B&ptiet Church, Coot& MeoL Dr. IL H. Pou performed the oin«le . r i?g_ .. oe.remony which united lLlae Sandra Sue Davia, daurhl•r ot Kr. a.nd MnL Joha H . .mbroUkftld with roeebUda. McHuch. ~ Cove BL, C.O.t& )(Ma Charle. 1'rankitn J\e'\rt• ~ •nd Ule .on ot Mr. 11.nd Mn.. Otto u rroomaman. Cl'lar .. y, 1012 \\'alnut St .. TUatln. It WU a c arwQal!IJht OU'tllllelll.Y, UCE I: TULI..J: with °"'4y Menial UM1 Buddy Stllltlrll .,. .• " , :~d to the alt.a.r Cole ot Santa An& 11"1~ Uui and giv'ln In k eeping-by her •tep candl!i...bl"*-Cburch Oowen were rather She wore a walts len~ In pink and y,•h.1te WaddlnS mu111lc i;<>wn of lace and ple•t ld tWJe CtYer Included "Becauae," "O Proud ... while ut1n. The eklft wu bolllfa.nt Me" &nd "°The L.ord'• Prayer''. 11.11d-the fit ted bod.le,. !ud a w1de Y AT Kt:CF.rTIOX n•·o:khnt< ianl! Jun e polntf'd el~vell A ptarf ttcra CQld'tned Ii-er llbort veH &.11d ah• ca.rrl.9'11 a .ti.Ile Blbl• on which waa a whit. orchid with atephuiolUI t.nd Atta .traam.,.. M.1u O.Jora Jun BlnW. ot t...6Juovllle, Ky., coua!n ot tb• brid1, WU maid ot h~or. Bh• WON & bl..llerins kinl'h fn'><:k ot 'turquolM lac• With rnatchlfl&' hat and acqpe- aorlea and ca.rrted • Frlnch bou· quet. A yOlln('Cf' eoustn, 8e'n:T!J JMnalt Blevt.n.a. wu nawv ('irl ln a rrocl< of pink uid whlt• o,..-andJ Roth n1 othf'ra were In the re-..,.,. . .,, .... ~ •• ~ c-.nl!l .)liall. M:n. MditJl'h WNol"lftl' & n&."7 *- w1tb plAk aoe_,n• adl Mn. Ch&!•J In • turq..oiae .fUlt With b1a.ck ae~rl•. Both comple · m.nted lhalr co.tum. W'lt.111 plnk carn.auoa _...,... F or her mount.&1A trtp tM DeW Kn. Chat•J wore a blecll bo1: suit with le. bl.U9 "1nt W and I'..,,_ and ui.t orddd canlPttca'I ber bridal bouqu.t.. De .,.. ~ \lated trorn N~ 11a:t1or B!ch 8ehool. Mr.fl.w.band tJoom Qiu ate.. RJp School, .A..r'c&-. nt• ooupll i.. Dl7W' a& .... at 1118 MCllllLI VlA& at., a.ta.,_., :'i. N AVY TH.OPH\' went t o Legend in the Acapulco r Lt•', 1s here held by her ovo'ner, Chari.ea Ullman. Left '" nght a.tt the Oren \Vadcs, Mrs. Ca.Utinfl, Ullman, "Skip" Calkins, Sa.a Di~o naval an:hitect. who de- tugned Legend, and ~frs. Ullman. Mr. and Mni. Calkm.s are former H.s rborites. MRS. ROY LEE CHAFEY ~ lkrn1e Aldf'n Phot1• Navajo Problems Heard by DAR Cactus Blossoms at Mesa Home Ona of Ua.a Oonl apt. of C.O.. lfl. M.UA ia to .be found al U.. hol'IMll of Mu. J . L. p...,i. ot 82( Wu.on BL Kn. J'Ul.l'll I.a reputed to ban the Pf'O"lrtll&I "rreen thumb" Md h.11' curnnt d!1plsy ot bl~I' ChNtmu Herbor Red ' Memorial Pe.ti T enor, Alhambra Choir Share Cantando Concert The Cantando Club w~ll pre-The 0() voice C~1lS.n•I" Club Chief Rca.dytree, in colorful regalia and William Dunn, 0... 3 I Orn Cl l"J -......... c.acu i. ot (T•t !'nt.araat to ca.cu 1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t tntllU11&atl. On• ln1ca plant pro- duc• hundreda of b~ .. ha•- ln( had aa rn.ny &1 ~ at one t ime. P' AltKES • RIDLIY. unt thf' 1erond concert oJ( 1U. Chorua, under t h~ d!re(llOfl ot 30t.h con1e<"ut1ve aeaaon In the Hsht~ McCorn1•c a.nd s.co.:om· Sa nta Ana lllih School AudHur-pa.nltd by Jean c(,nn ..... 111 Dl't.-r Costa ~l esa defense chairman, ""'t·re prog1·am , spe11.ken1 tum 1t 8·1:i p. m. ·rtu1sday. ~Ted W11Hng'11 .. Onwarr1 Chrt8·I J an. 25 for the Col. Wi lliam CabeU Chapter, 0 .J\.H.. when .O C I.> A Auxiliary \VHU 11.m 01Vll . world reno ... ·n ... J tiln Soldlet'• .. -~dll!J htlns-'' by 2 be I h r u rror, will t>c r ue•t -olul.at. Jn ~:d ... ·ard Grl~g, &1ao aelO!!Ctlon• · 5 mem ra were uncheon guests at l C home o Mni. r Th" W omen'1 Auxlllary .ta lh.e MORTUARY t1• Ule ma11y cDncerta from Ok.lahurna 1nd "Caruu..t!l · 1 J ames B. Taylor uf t-l horechff11. !)pt..'C la l guc..-st of the Oi 11.n,ra Cowity Pbsrm.ceuUCsl P""""nl«•l i.><>Lh In th.It! country F ur the f tnsl (TuUp or nu.mbcr~ 16 rtf'rnu•Jn w"" ~1r" Jul!bn C I AIOt<Xl•UOn w ill tlol.d • ('-8eial lllld <1hro111 ol he h&a completM • th• t:a.nta.ndD C.1ub will be J••111eJ flnoulu• .,f l..:>!.'I Ang,.le..,, St ill<' ""'n She "''"1 r"111,X111alble t or the j bu11ni~s• mttllng Feb. l~ sL b lh A-·-b Al n Chol T . , Cl1rist1n1t1 J 1Jl'<'n1!e Hall gifU. 12 JO p. rn In l he home of M.rw. J 10 o.ro.dway -Colt.a 11-.....,_ 1u1 t•••11lul ae'-"!ln wtth Ula Broad- 1 y 1 o 1 1 _,,( rs ,_ u 1 l~~ r reuur<11r 1 A new 11 o.:tiapt<'r 1nen1 1 -"'hlrh ..,.,.n. 12 •rl i eU anrl rnaga-Georgt G reenwall 2Sl8 P <>lr.et- way "tsge produUon of "A1d11" n &e .-.:: on• or m ... ~ • ..,,oru!WJ.•. Uer Mn t ut h J• el'9lln Hust o 1 •·1 I I h II "· 1 I .• b fl 1 r ' t ine suh•rr11,11un~ 1'tr1 Ir"'"" tuJd U11, Sa nta Ans. For reltf!rvs llon1 u ...... .,., "'" 1on1 wh c wt .,.., pr(•Bfn · c un<1J1..u Y a r• 11~r orm~nc• Corona <Ir! Mar ""WI !ntro<1u1'e<l ..,f hft ''"ll 1., the <'ll(hth JCT!I<!<' nr rurther lnformatian cal! Mra ed by Mr. Olv!1 v;Ul be by Pur-'" Orll.nl{'-' Counl y or ~ 101 I oet· Chlof Rea<Jy1-o dt> .. -n .. ., 1 th" · · h • I" II K M , , .. . '" '"' 1,1r1 ;.;,,.,t truof'"' "" 1a undrr iv~';~:;;n~w~•~·.;;~•~a<~l~~·-----~===:::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:;;;;;;:::;::::;:~ Llt.ert7 8-IUI c~ll, tlandal, Urbua11y , \\a s.:-ner. 1 era "el \ing ot Paalrn V'll l ur 1p til{hl of h11 people and !n\<1 "'h•l ,the lc1<o1,.,~1"i' ,,r J.l r~ H••l.oerl 1-~dm~nd!t., Mill• IUld 1-lai.:-enutn. rnnn11 !IIld .. rg1 n 11 •• ....,, can ~ taken lo 111 \ Th•·m .. _. •-Tl h ...-,... ' ,,, 11<1'" I• lhaJ•l<'r •J•"fllOrll I II I ·--------------I He ahow.....i llVIJll bt1ul1/"l h•\n•il· lrDC>p fill<! hai , untribllle<l • •·hec:k ... 1 •l ""'r~ mretini;: The 1u b-<-r e1l. »0r11e or lt many y.-11.rs .,1,1 t" t.~ "~' •l f,,, H , ""'l'"'K ! np HAKBOR A~ J" ! ,,, .. 111•1 oover'-'•I 11 u11ually {)unn. who w-.. lntrnd ''~ by Arnrr u .. an l n1l•lln ch1\1 m1an, J.f r~ l·,1·r::,. i 1r•F. J;'<'.l~ ovt'rall winner ln the Acapulco 1 lL,. .i:id hcrr ~I r. 11nJ ~l rs . Steve Newmark. display th1·1r !r'•11 •h1l·~ Girl Scout News ronu11~ t"veni. and s.n y little prol(r!ln• Uull.l'lnlln. M r~ /\. I., 1 \V f:. ~'1 ~hrr. I hankrd the m .. 1n· 1 JOk•·~ "''hlch t.he iirla m1,i:ht ap-l"fnklf'}', showed 11, tlhn ••f the tier~ for lh~ l•r1er nurnber ot • "n-1 JlN"< 111tt'! Mr., Leonard O•lte.n, " atonu~ tMt• Jn !\'e,•ada a1ul re-trlbuUr1n~ 1rlulhe.•. blankeUI llll<! trl>Op n10UMr, l~• up the P•~r i ultA of the experiment. Hf anA-food I y,·h1ch ll1n1._.J Davey of Serita fur lh._. rlrla. wrn·!l qucst!ona o r thr '"''hrnct Ans will tran11f1<1rt in h l1 truck 'l'lle troop i. divided Into three an,1 prt!l!ente.i each n1<"1n i...r with tu the NA"!l)n• 11 w11.11 vorrrl to patrol.!!: Troop No. l la called • •·opv of "!Uni. fur Survival tn prr11en t h!1n ..,·ith a t•hec:k to 1..., 8 0\U WS,·l r.. Tltt~ll' • '"t'he Green PKrY", their leader tt1., At"nlic' Age" uaed for c-ar ,.lljl41n"e In thlll prv- C11 rry-Bennion \V edding Sunday Yosemite ·--t . I A.med "Quacnl•". and th" Mrw. Howard £ Cr,.cn 1.11 lead-8 n 1'.l re \\'!11!11.m B. Tritt, regent. Jert er, M.rs. Henry Rlt!dell, ~o-leadcr. Th• troop ha.a been worklnc on their flyup lllld mernorli.lng-Olrl !k::out 1tOng1 ror Jul1<:'t Lawe day. Thay ·~t t.helr lut m eellJ)J!' 1tudylng \ht unUon ns or the Brown!'-'• in forelj;'n countries. It I• tntere1llng to note that they obUt.lne.J a gni•t tlesl nf Lhl1 in· f(Jrm1t1un about lhP tllfferent [Jruwn!,. un!forml from 11. paper !lnll book which "huw1 aJJ of the911 var{ou.11 1tylea. The girl• were fa«lnated to lelU'II thal in Ind.I.• t.tu1 oftlcl•l uniform for Browniee ii a Jooae blOUM wtlh t!;lrl 11114an an Su• Arch.er a nd csl!eil for conlnlilt'!'e cha irmen re-:P.lrt. C K Boer<!man announced Sher! Beall. Troop No. 2 U called 1 "·d h M t ha.t 1he la w orking lo obi"'" porta which Inc u...., t at or rs. .... "'rhe Ot'Nn Btrda'', their adult Adrllln Jrv\r~, Anierlc&.r1il!m chair-documented papen, later to be leader ii called ···Jilooi.r Bird" drawn up a11 re.olullon•. lo •il'll and t h• Jirl la&dara a.re Nila the fn(IJsn1 who h11 v11 wa.r ''nilct \Vheelet and Karen Bruning. CALENDAR reoord1 but 11"' not fl\&"lble tor Troop No. ! ill eslled .. The Mer-r.ny G.r. benetli.. n1an\1". their adult le.der b C11.U- ed "l>l 1nn1e" and the (1t1 ll'fll1erl OF EVENTS are Sue !C('in LD.d Kalie Unk · Birthday Card ---------From Finland l&lf'f. A l pre11ent 'f'ror,p 11 1.4 workini:: to ... ·ard !h.elr MCODd c!Ma rank. Lllrs.:f'r anrl mor1 f'le bor&le than Am'frlcan rard1 were Ulo11t recelv"d i)?cently by M.r1. l!:ltn Mytehn, 113 Jo:. 17th St., Coat.a Mf'&a. from '"''0 a!At.ert a.od a brother !n nnJ•nd. Finnllh birth- day card• h.aVf! the number ot l he birthda y printed on the card, Mr11_ Myrehn noted, a fact. that would not be apprecia ted by Am · erlcsri women. Although lh• h&I lived the iireater part ot her life,. In lhf' United Slate1, Mra . Myrehn 1UU rrai\11 sn(I wrltea F'innl.11h tlu~ntly. C '.l uple Will Make H<0>me in Washington, D. C. Da1·1d Anllrcw Curry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund r 1••i1.1 of Bnlboa and MiAS Barbalyn Bennison of San Fran- ( _11 v.·1ll f'xchange marriage vov.·s iri tl'l e Vilt&ge Church L• \'(a;,'1n1 lc Valley on Sun.day at high noon. -..11n1 11,., h1u1:in. 1>i11ttr "t 11'>' t1 11,,•·, "'II b,. mntron of 11111.l lll•' 11 .. ~l nn1n will bl' .r .. 111. l•Olllt!r Cnrry. h1·nther o t the 1:1uo1n. Cl 'llU\' O ltAS DSON ,\l r . Curry \1 the BOn ot M rs. I~ ,.,1~d (RI.Ith Curry) Burra. t .> ohl'rly pt Curry'• C111np Baldy. Mr\'I lhe J:!'&nd11on ol the late r.lr. .. ~I .\tr.!!. {Ja.\•[d A . C UrTJ'; tound- el ll of Camp Curry In TOMmlt.. I !<' '" a nfJlh'"w of 1'1ra. Donald TreRldder. prtaldenl of the Yo- aemlte Park IPld CWTJ CompaitJ "''h1ch npHalee the rPM>rUI In Yo· •11111lla \'llllfy, 1\h.,..·11hnee Hotel. STA..'llFOR.D GRADK The proitpecUve bride a.nd g room wtrfl both graduated from. St11n· Cor4 Uhlver1ily encl received Uleir muter'• dlC'rees tn b\IS!nes1 ad· mlnillraUon In 1fl02. 81noe then t.l1M Bennion h&I been a.uoctsted with an tnve11tm,nt ooun.!lel1or'1 rtrm In San F'rancleco and Mr. Curry hu been wllh the Dep.11.r\· ment of Agriculture In Waahln(· ton. D.C. For the put 1il< n1onlh1 he hu be-en with the lntem&.tlonaJ Gaophy.lca.I y...,. in Waahlngton. Th• couple wtll make their hnmt ID t.be Fe<le.ra.I capita.I. a ... b over lht 11houkl1r a nd looee troUlenl. They d«ldOO that thl.11 would be very eon1fortable. B&OW!'llE TROOP 00 M.r11. R{)ger C . Hope. leader. The girl.a h11•·e pl11nned a trip to the Blrdcage Theatre at Knott'• .. "" """' The troop !11 U!1 proud owner or a pair of little par11.kret• named "Swttly" and "'l'wel'ty" whl(h thf'y pure.baaed ln A.nil· helm. 1'1H! ('l.N have mad~ the wtr• care In W'h.lch the bin.la rr- 11ldd' and each llttie g'lrl takes her turn et havtog the hlrda At 11._._r hOllH'! Uurlni;: th"' week. Th111 IR part of thl Scout trainlnl('. in le&.miJIJ to care tor pela. Whrn !1ummer vacation arrives the birds w lll be ilven lo a ehut-in. 800UT TROOP UI Mrs. Micha.el C&rl. lelldf'r. Thia troop hu put a piper to prell3 1lne1 September of thll year. The nam• of tJwl paper ll , '"Hap- part of whJch sctl'rity y an "ov· NDOW-8 p. m Me111l l,eg1on ._.rni11:ht" Feb. 2'4 • at tbe G.rl Hall. Scout Jiou11. At that Umfl tht<Y Feb. 9 plan 11n vittrt.1unlng: evening. I ST. J AM'ES R~tory Qr.en part or which w ill be lo Me I Hou~·6, 7-5'! p. m. 410 lbth ju.It how r lever a a.le.It they can St. mll)(e up w ith 11ever•I s rUcleR EDELL Book Sec. 1-1 p rn takvi from a "hopping baK "''hlrh 206 Drlftwood Rmitl. their lea.der11 will give lhen1 at EHEl~l. Book St<'. 4-1 p m that lime. p 111 f•l8 Santll Ana Av'!' Troop 18 h&.1 juat con1pl,ted ZONTA 11 4:) JI m V1 l11 12 '''«ks of 1k1tlng leJ.Soru in ~fa rin!l ordtr to o btain thtlr ak11ting 1'1,AYICRR ' p t11. occ badg r , 8Bo"'·s1E TROOr !t Mrs.· Sparling, le•der. The rtri. recenUy took a trip to Ir- vine Park where they blase(I a tn.U &1 part of their tr&lnlng. They ttre curnnuy lfOrklng on lhtlr "FJyup''. Ch11 pel Thculrf'. J•eb. 10 ANGLERS-Nf-I YC 12 noon. MESA !<t\1111lon -1TIOT(Ubl'.u\rd- 6·8 p. m St Jamta. Th"' new RlchlU'd's Florlat orren1 cut no ... ·er -.ervlce bl -weekly, "'·eek!y. o r Ill\ (1{)1'11 red-Pbone Har- bor 21128 -Adv. Roy K een es in N ew H ome Lighting F 'i x tu res M~ &a.nniolf'i. 0ie'. daupter o1.' Mr.-and Mn. H1t>et Bennion J r. nf Ball Lake City, U tall. FUty trlendl and relatlvu .,.,ill attend the w eddln(', followed by a ncep-- 1 ion and buff•t luncheon a t the FAC E . pmlnp Now and Then .. , \rtt.b . ventng the Olrl Bcoul motto "UY11 by the Promlae". All new1 ~ oon· Recent newcomer11 to the Har· bor area ~ the A \N rt Beatty• who c ame from South Ps•dena and purchued the Roy Keene borne at 1~78 Ocea.o Blvd. on the peniMUla. The Keen.ea mO'llld In - to their prevtoualy built home at 824 R.&mons DTlve, I"lne Ter- race. which had belin rMted. and are now well .. ttled. Indoor & Outdoor RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL Back From East, Off to Desert • • Mr. and Mra. Morm&D De.T\d- ~on. 2fl1 Ba)'llHN Drt.-. ban ~n holna tor narty two w.u.a 111 rtoar an ab9WI~ ot lb1'M i..onU... 1'"' · leavifll aplft for Palm ~pMnp wherto tbq win .ttay un- til early April. ...... "'"' n.rit '" u. fall. th• J JS~d.DM -6l <kJWD lbl cout 11Ad ' ll\rourb the P&A&m& Clln&I ,,,r a ~f\11 .. throu11\ Ula Cani- ~ ... n. than up lo N ..... T Cl[ll. • l\llh apn •topplna •t n.rtow Uu on th~tr way t(I Nubvl11e. -in.. thetr heon\1 tll'Wll , when ••:-..... n 1r1 11 m,. rnr Ct!Ntma.lo ••-I 1••• 1·"11<•tl1.,• C rd Party trlbUlad by the troop member• a ln th• cigar box whlcb i. provld- 1"' card ~Uon of th• Colta l r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.._~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; M-J'riday .ut.rnoon Club wUI not mMt tbU month tor UM Ul- ual ~ card partJ, acoordlA&' to Mn. J:. I. Koon, eacUoD eb&1r'm&n. d\MI lo ~ JuniO...._,· kn' card party .cbec!ul .. fiw Wed· oud&7 .....rune. Fib. u . Card .-cUOD. mumben u. IJl'l'ed to at- Wwt UM jGIDt a.tt&lr. T\dl&tai m&J ... obt&IDld holn. )(ni. M~. nfti.cx mamMn and put.I attilaMd U.. Jut cud MCUon attalr at UWi cl~ Ho9t .... f'Or the ~ wen Mm... Wi- nona Bh&wr, A . H . Small. N.Ule W. HCMle.r amt MlM r.dlth COn· ant. Tltbfo<i priM '#fnnln w1r1 M1-C.• l.,dar, MmM:. A rl CU~1e. DOlotw >I~ W I· ~ SM'"'" ftalph c::Mn•y, Kathryn Mac.Ken.Se.. F \li'. LyUt. Et'llh 'Mwwn-n and ElMI Mat - Fot the DiscrimiMtin9 ii double fHture by NIAGARA e THE ll ELAXl NG C.'HAIR -pl us - FOR THE liOME • The Thermo-Cyclo Pad A hrat-m &1.1._... unit for tlre<.I n1u.tl• .aJ 10<lll clrcW&Uoll. To be -n now st our n•,.. add~ Coma In and re:lu -No t1bllptlo11 Health Studios 100 M&ln St., Balboa. Harbor 0767 LAMPS -PARTS REPAIRS e See the Largest and Finest Display of Famou. Maker• Lighting Fixtures Ii: Lam~ In tbe Southland • • Now la our o-New lloden Bulldla1 I Harry M. Whetsel 1510 Newport Blvd., Costa Mes• Liberty 8-6781 00~,,'SXIENT na PA:altIN'O • LIDO FASHIONS has the new girdle that slims you while you walk! 'NEW SLANT' ~Sr 011ellt • -Rn sum-.,. ,.. Sk;. .._ ,.. ... ,.. _. •• ' w , .. bk'••theW.. h '1 * ._ _......,.. f-alliil!I pr6 -1 Wllii _..,.-.,, 1111 '91r.t ..• il "1i••" a1 dae'dilp AND .._. i. ~ 1_,. ... bolli a1 the_, -.._.I "'ftlY Sl.AJlf'r i-• -· '"° bM9, .. __... ,_.a .. .... .,..11 ................ ...... .... , """-...... Wide ••• lr'a nO«T _. llAI '9».4' , .................. . ' ___ ...,.'500 ,._..__,,. 3419 Newport Blvd. ---Newport le•ell . . " i ) --. ·--;~ --..,.. -----.... --~--,__ .. ~.} -· . ··-··-"" .... ·-. ---·--.J .. -...... ----·· _____ ..,_. ____ _ ---· .. . -'AM I • PART I -NEWl'OltT HAUOR NEWS.PRESS .._ A:Y,-F£111Ullll¥-t;--li56-- ·. , .... " EBELL ART SECTION chairman Mrs. LewiB Matt~iu (idt) at&nda beside her water color portra.lt of Mn. James S. Brown trigbt). Both Mn. Brown a.nd Vn. Arthur Lynch (cent.er ) are new members of Ebell. Art 11how wu • !eetu~ ot the Put President.I Tea. ,_ SW( Photo - SNAKE lN THE HAND i.a ottering o! Gra.ndpa Va.nderhot (Sidney Morria) to the income tax col- lector (Bob Metz) in "You Can't Take It With You," Harbor Playera' production whic h opens tomorrow night at Gout ColJege Cha.pel Theatre under dire<:· t1on of Kent Andre'MI. .Players Will Host Opening Tomorrow "'T oo Ca.tl't Tall1 It With You " ahould bl! aure tonic tor tho91 1ncom• tu bluu which plague a ll Anu1rlcan fJ llzen• a bout th11 lime of year. One or the fun· nl11at .cenl!1 in Ula current N1w- port Harbor Community Player•' lhow 1• U'4: one in which Grandpa Vandemor, head 'br a wl!lrd m.nd woodsf'W tam.Uy, rout. U>e mu f"rom. the Jntern&I Rfl~flllUfl l)e- rn ent or cornl!dy rol,11 •rl! Jack Nelson u th• dyn11..1111c R1.11111a n Kolenkov. <.:ene Eklnedict 1UJ the 11mat.,11r printer Ld!.111'. Mra. W T Da via 11.11 lhe "low. rnovln1 S.wl!dl•h rna1d Rheb11 . Jim Mc- Donald •• her fa.11t n1ov1ng boy friend: Mrs. Margot Mack aa the old-U11M •ctre•1 Oay We!llnrton : Calumpit Camp W omen's Events , Several J.'cbruary even~ a.re planned fOf' memben of Calum-1 pit Camp 39, Women•' A1,1:1dll .. ry of Unlle<1 Span!ah American \let- •r9.lla. Th• .ewin&" circle will meet at 10 L m . Feb. 13 lilt Bowline Green clUbbOUH 1n San- ll•co J•a rk. The munWy mfft· l lni or c~p 39 w!U be held at 7'30 p n1 Feb ?<1, a t Ult! Am-1 er><·•n 1..-g ... n hall lr1 Sllllta Ana , Ho11 .... ~ .. ,. r.,r boJlh 11.ff1t.1r1 will be M111 .. .11 •'h11rl.;~ R .. agan. John Heu and t~t1~at>t>th Pattl!raon. I Mr1 Hl<h1<r•I R T'n.H~bl00<1 1920 !:Jo l'11rlu11. Santa Ana. wlll bl: ho"l""" lvr thl! \'.'ulowa Club on F'r!<h1 y 11r1e .. noon. F .. b. 17 I Mr• ~!.lw1<nJ H H.obeon of N"w- port He•ch will be host.t.. for th.-,, .. ~\ n1e.-t1nii; ot the PLLal I Pre111d.,nl.11 t:lub, ;rhur.aday noon, ll'l!b 2a. at Edo'1 Ryta ura.n t Gani"" Gi nvP f.f ra Jo" ~'1t ~v•tnck . AlU.ihary , ch,.1 rn111n 1nd h•lllplt..llllty chaJr. rna.n, 1111~ Ju"t t>-n declared win· n .. r 111 a n•t•or11tt macaz.1n11 Al!Jl -1 1n11: •·ontf'81 a nci will le11vf' Satur· ( <lay fur • two week• trip to Phil· I adPlphl8 11.n<.l New \'ork CHy Thf 1 !rip will en•bl.-Mr1 ~·tupatrick tn Vl•it tw•l l!lderly 11unta with whom •h" hu !J.t,en curn!•pona. ing but h•11 not M!t"cn for e.o yf'"al"ll. l Dorothy Ledger Sings Monday Dorothy 1 .... rlg!'r l~•ut1fuJ m e:l- 1.0-1K>pr1<no. will ape•r In the I Ch11.p1n11n .College 1rU.t-lec ture •"r\fJ'I Monday night a l 8 .30 in thl! LilUe 1"heat~r on the c&mpua. ~ p&rjmlltl ...... bu OOOM lQ lnvtlll- Upt.e wlt1" no lbcom• t11.Jt hal nw bem. p&id, N)'a Kl!n l An-.,,._d,_.., dinctor. Mr11. Eldon &rnett 11..1 thl! cook - ln& counll!M Olga; Le•lle Gu;· Lafaon: .. thl! bll.ll't dancer !Ca•le. Taking thl! romantic lf'ad• will DI! Mr1. ~wey T11ck11!i..rry •~ Alice, thl! un!y normal on• in the \111.nderhof fan11ly . and Jim H•y· nle LI htr yo:in1 11nfl h•nd...ome bo" Tony Kirby. Ml11a Ledcer LI a fe•tured 11ng· er with thl! Hollywood Strini Qunrttt Sl11! ha& Al.Ml ta.ken le&d- lng role11 In Strav!n•ky'1 "Oedtpoll RM:" and Ha.noel;• "'Jollu1 Cae- aar." R"n111.ln!ng proi r ll rn1 In th~ lll!r:e11 w!ll lncludl! Leona.rd Slat· er, Loe AnJi:el•·• borellu chief tor Nf'w,.week M111a:line, March :\, Nella Sett1ng11r. p111n111t. Marc h 12. •ntl Alicl! l!:hltr11, harp11lchor- dL11l , April HI llldney MonV 1tar1 in the roll! or ar.ndpa Vaa.de.rhot, whoae puacat. phll.oeophT that Ufe'1 en· Urely too .-Ort to wute Lt wor - rytaa about moaey, 1P9.rkplup the aotioa.. ot tM pt&y. Bob Met&. lut -bl .. Goodbye. My Fan- cy,• al'f4U'll u u. dletnucbt ..,.._._t man. ftatuNd bl u. wide MMJrt,. With the Th\lr9d11y open1n11: nl1ht 111 fea turl!d u homecomini nl&ht for put lllld pre-l!nl Play- er• lllld Feb. 17 u Soroptorn\Jlt nl&ht, '"You Can't 1'r.ke It With You'" wtll run Feb. 9, 10. 11. 17 and 18. All programs ar .. ..::he<lull!d ror Monday nlghl1. There 111 a nom· lnal admia•lon charJ:I! for •lnile P4'rformanc,.1. Naomi Circle :-Supervisor to Conduet-A mf!tllng of the N•uml Circle Of the Newport Harbor Luthl!ran Church wlll bf' hl!ld al I 30 pm., Thu.-.day a t the horn~ of Mr1. Jame• £, McClluL,y. 720 Cl!nll!r St., Co11la Me1L ,.lr11 W\11l11.m ,. Toastmistress Workshop A .pecdal rue9t al the recul&r m .. Una" of N.-port Harbor TOMtmt.treel Club Monday eve- ntna-hb. 13. wtll be Kn. Donald McBrtdrl, .upern.or SOUlhwe11t RectoQ. lnt.anlaUonal T-..t.ml.e- tr ... ClulMI, who wtU COhduct a work-Mop m"UJlC with .. roup dt-cU89lcm of vanou. ph.._ ot ToNtm..U... tratntris and actlTt· llea. Mn. McBtidll bu btid 11.un:ier- OU• ottlc• I.a local UM1 nauone1 ITC orpnlatkm.llJ UM1 her kJnS expstence In Tou:tml.tN!u work will make her vlalt to the H11.r -Carnett, ch11 lnn•n w\11 bf! in bor club both aUmuJttlng ind c har11:e nr the 1.u.~lne11J1 rn~tinr; prov1dl! n111nber!I and JUl!•ta with 1tnd t.1 r11 McCaull!y will lead the 11. better undenitandln f of !tie dfLV{)tlnn ... Toa•ttnlfltre1111 proc-ram. ------------- M.el!tlng at Hu.pitallty liouae S In &Ibo•. Monday'• M!!11111on 111 At Kemper chool o~ to an harbor area wninl!n Ullll Cl11.y . .on ot Mr11. I'::. F. interMted In \e•rnln1 11.bout Page. 1023 E. B11lboa Blvd .. Ba.J- Toulrnlatr-. tr a In In r;. The bo11. h11.1 bf'en electl!d 11ttretary of m .. t!n&' will alart at T:30 A ny-thl! We•l Gout Club al Kl!mper one "'-hin.c turth•r lnform .. Uon M!lltary School, Boonv!ill!. Mo. may call the p,....chnl. Mr1. A.I-Stall! cluM al Kempl!r hold many berl 11. Jol'l.n.aon; U: &-U48, be-1orl11l runctlon11 (luring the .:hool rore 10 a. rn. CM' attar 6 p m . year. FULLER PAINTS - Pure P~pued n II 11 FUUER PAINTS - Trim Color FULLER PAINTS - Exk:rior Ful-Color ·-. -...... ·--___ _._. _.._ ____ ~ . .. ANYWHERE Give yow property a "Face Uft" nollf • ,. . It wnt 500ll be Easter WHll •d S.-Rfffal n-. Let's h•lp celebrate GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY YEAR_ with a clean up campai9n! With Cole. Key'd WallpaJMr you get complete room colOt' Kheme1I Por. mn m. il"'llft10 ntt rugh in pcnooaJ wwmm aod ioittcst redccxwea with Col()tr K,.YtJ vn!lp&per. 11JCre ~ isn't a more ..ersaille decort.ting tool ... ot • bcael", eaief-W9f co giYC pow roorn cotttCl' color bumooy, M a comfortable, pJnsancly personal ttmeapbeR. Wtth eech ColOC"Kcy'd ws.JI rovcrln& you get frtt pmfcssionel K'COmmCndations fOr painr colon -for woodwork, WI.lb and ceiling. You'll know yow """ 11001D ii color correct! Let us help you choo9e pour Cokx-K.cy'd ~llpapcr "'°"" from hundreds ol 1r0&1t DC'W etttcionl a.nd color mgs designed o:d• llilidt' b -.cf D homes! Open Sundays and Holidays ~· ... ----- \, Porch -•·1oo r -lki:k I\ \\\ \I FULLER PAINTS - f'ullers:&o Flat \\I \\\ \\ I& FULLER PAINTS '--, Interior FWJ eo.t \ Forgit Hard.ware 2205 W. BALBOA BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR 116 I t I l I J ! ... I • PROBAllON FOR ADAMS CONYJCJ:ED -iN PROBE. c I --r-----------. ----· ---·--- NO NAME YET --. ' ~-·--~ • NEWPOR T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA GE 7 WEDNESDAY, FElliUARY 8, 1956 -MWNS-f100D-RAIN Mesa Softens N·m••• -.. N-i>ort PtAINT. ·s·. -A\I l>N, 'w. C1l. · ·;Rules· TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK FOR . .. SCHOOL H•Tbor'•-•l•m•alary un \.UUn tn-Ldl ... :~:um:~':l~~e:.~:,~; Re«at r.uu ta ~ta w.-~d DlM an~~· U.Ct (A~· " '111111ftC~·.. REPORT· & COM.MENT '" ... .. .-.. .. tha proDaUOn ~parJm'f'l Uia ba ~~.. -~: wi th a F t. W Orth, TeX:. coaoe:m, MART\'R .v,....w. _____ ....,"'1..~·-...... ~ ... <111,,""""11 ,...,, .... ~........ ~Jl!ll!L.JbOL.-..• ___ ,"'!~~~~!iii!!!i.!!!~~:='!'?l~:oq~~;i;:::;:; A lonl' !lat or namt• WM tte f'Jf f,..t.e cru.M decfm49d ~ UW7 bM dtw4 U.. dttdl. tim• rabte• lnocul&tJoe. ~.... Pft.IVATll ~ OOVVSNT lca1-with et i.iOuDd~-· ... -.. l••i' nlghl. meetillf ·Monda)' ~D a .0-miiR= ' ~ 'Oftitie~Cftj~ WF' ' t Atty. Bert We.t. repr891tnUJ\I •ubm ltted and Mra.. Low. city rat.hen and dem&Jlided ..Cuon and Um• ~ only to -I.he day nlJbt wi.. Ow ctt;y -..i .l>IRlDCT l"BOM.°>fmw Y ORK TO Uoo and earniq's (Ill. apprwdmataay Ada""' cl.a imed h.111 cllm t ., .. • ai.u ,...,.,t..d to provkle 1n proVWtn.s bell.tr ~ ot water ni.n back ont.o t.bo vacaat approY<ld a ~ to u~ NEWPORT Ba.A.Qi OFl'ICS OF PI0,000 &nnually. lt ...W rouod 9Ul A•I'"'"' waa convi(;tld or ~ tt,.·11 111 the 'nrlneertnr cr u UO· •-1.-,11;ent>r1I llqlJGr Ucento1 t or Miu ~lrl1l&A l'oreater, op.rat.or ot San J .... n C11 p1a lr1.110 tanrn. ··marl)'T." He -td Ada¥No hu Men o~ ~ of Uie board propu17, 1Jl U.. llOO bloci of lot. dop WhOM fl ... would be .._ aH:E4.R.aOM·, llAVMTJJ. • 00.-tbe WWiam S. llVTell dl'lilloll ot l p.Wllahed eooup. solnf b&.rllmlpt W\tb c:oJ!i•• atudy bJ tho A rnold ~ .iiiraulJlk P,o-~~-,p.u U.. ditch ad-dMpnd by tM 9hota. Vark« ~ TeQ:o.: Tit• Vlek and mah U.. Vick ebuM »- and borrowlnr on everyt.hlnr ~ uad of tJ:iit Wffk. In the mo~· 1.,-. 1. ""}:..-~ .t. . .,.. jo~'~• ~1' ~_... S"Odlng, Mrs. Harold . a-i.,r. 179 IOtb f'llCUt raU7 &PJ*UW to haw ,.un IU«1 '°" I.be acqut.tUon work 6)1l bM. meant!m• th• boar d dedded RoLuu!l........_iWAdlOMAY• .. wu ~.to •ui. ehU!lttn SL. ~ta x-., "P,..._tll1J' lh• IU cou .... aodat..unc-Oftbe low1 to about l O tlmetiMnlinp..Nadon•\ "He wu connertiro.I In only <lr.t lo .. a (or olhh' _.. II.std pcol.Mled IJ&&t a drainq:• ditch a.Dd • provtd9d a ~pUclt! tor Orana• Oouaty PK ~ •t.abllahed M!•tin.I wedm qo be-al wlU Mid &bout ~ Jl9l' lb&r9 cue." Wmt hnplored. "Oth'V'll wiU conilder any aubml tted adjolnlnf hit propt!rt)' dOM not do trMh. AMOclaUOn, .p. tot a 9naJ.1 comtti a JION.lblllt.y. PollUe&l Nie Y.U-ly to Vlclr.'1 Ml -Ute tMw I were In a hair doun a nd their up to ..._ ». the job It waa Intended for. In· City EnpMr Don BouUlwortb P'OUP of dof iown1Wb& &Jlt!l&.red U. tha b l( !actor bi th• inark9t at captt.U.tton. 'lial ~·oreatar paid Adama J1600 In • tuhl!l"'I chaetl wtl.tch w..,..•t , .. ~ut!d by the dete:odant unUI lll- t•·r •he rf"'-'.elve<I hlr Uquqr lleenae. ea.-W8'11: ~ther dlam1&1ed or I.bey I-------------· l•te&4 u. .,.... ,.,_ U. ~t.e. M!!1 tM dU.cb ~ not b:-r .. t o requert ~ fll U..• ordJ. pre.wt. hecl.dt!.nt .Elaenhower'1 W.-t~ l:leatnc a.bd Na· wr•N foun d lnnoceat ·• SWEET MUSIC he .ad. m"""'4. 1IMI•••. aw an eaa&-nance amendinllt.L phy11ic&l 0&mlnaUon 11 alaled tM Hon.al ~ MW ..,,_, to b.-I ~ui1 For!ater WU on1 or the ~Ti<Ullt'h!•l bM'.l .... Of p~LM>fl 1 r A 11ama. She penned a lfiLar lo ~ •ptnor Court Juda:e Kenneth -.: ·r~:~n. n•ylng, tn part, "I can't 'r.,11k or a.n)'lhln&: morl'I lcrTlble 11"" l\.a.y rot•l°I' to JaU," Adi.ma or!l'lnally .,.. ... , c haryed Dwinl' • r&ln, N Ml~~ water D1-' bad. bMa. ~ tor It by Th• new prv1t11oa pf'OTidff lo'eb. I•. I.fl u whJch • decltdan not under aocwnuJ&Uo. 1117 h9UM*o111. with conaplracy tu co1nm1t gre.nd trorn h !i itreel dra.tn. Lhr our!I th• the INbdt'l"lder UJd It wu t ell !Jl&t a UcenM _.,. lHI iaeued to run could create q uite a crat:k OPT !PWS OIL lhett Ud crand 11i .. tt The former Clltch Ofllo vacant pro~rty to the n~ry to drwhl the t.ncl. wtthollt a nocllaat\op wben a U· l.n the market, whl!re&a a "ya" Shell otl 11 nP!Jl"\«l \o -brtnc· cbatt• drew a n 1n5t!"l1cte<1 lnnG-Mrs Harr"s t f!&r ot hi• lot rronlln&: on Pomona eounctlman AlV1n PlnkJey, wbt:n cen-i ntartnanan ClrU.nM tn daclskin ml(ht not m ean too nnlCh lnr ln Lolllll&na oa ....._ .. u. cent W'&rdlct. • · I ~ A~ he .heard th&t · SOuth'flnlrth had wrtung that .uch ...cci.Datioo mark1twtae at thl.s !eve!. at a rapid rata. Mom .on aa1d he tui.d m ade l'r•at 1 ~_lfaaaas, own1r Ol , the ~~ lUp4fctad the I.re&., 1ug· W\.11.lld end&zlrw th• ute ol the 907'"0 MAtt.KY.T U.S. Rubber'1 ea.nUqw twuoe ' 1tudy of the Ad11 1"' pr1lballon r,._ Get .p ' •t vae&at 'pN.p.n.t &.l l9M ~· ~ ..,, '*l ,.-roa Southworth dor . Tbe bond m.u'ket rem.alna In px! ar.i N Umated around ff per.ai.r.' port. Hf' aa.ld he rtl! A<tama had I s erm1 ~hia lot ... undilr two feet {p'aAd tu.e a double Pell ttQ'lpt,ed Wider lb• pro· &/\1t.1l" lUd a continued good tOJle 19 including perh•PI J l or moN Crom f1lr trial of waLllr al the praa.ent timL '°'*-'.'. va!on would bt re1lrtd ed to IOOkad for. Konty la •Ult l~t chemlck.11 produced. COHVlorEO A 1lam1, torlOel' 1eCr1tlaf7 ot th• dtfurnlll. Tavern Owne r1 -A lll>ll .. " '" ronTtcled ot (TVld tbefl by <'f>:O.lllTl1 >"S H I& neighbor. \.'.'ttyne WUlcel"30ri. CW.Uol'l o( a dr&ln1ge di.trlct homu Uld a u.tomobil .. ol. thrlr .,..i lh no 11!1rn1fh:1nt near term AUanuc RefinlJl.I' 1ooka 1llre a "1 don't think hr hll.ll too many from Counr '11 19~:.t Pomone, told ti'! .. council he tn 'the area .... w11ut.ed by owneni. t hange 1n 1"ederal f{l!'M1'V• policy NlaOv1d)I unaltractlve altu&Uon. ror• In Worrt.on·1 court, prob&· I'"" \l.'&a dmJed and he W ... lt!:D- f• 1:• e<1 to j!r\IOQ (or Illa ttrrn ore· yaa.ni let\ to o:J<er·t tl.s lnflu1nt.,:.' ' \. had put ll1 ,7 kJada ot dlJ1. on. hil IL.,r C\a.lN Nel&On ..,. a long -'Il111 council Mid the ordinance llkdy, Ho.,..·cvtr-, e11.>1ler inoney &nd Jt may r~uirie 11.a much &1 five ludgt Morrt;110n 1·vr11" "nted." lher11-propel'\)' l.o OOWllAn.ct UWI drain ...,... IOlu.t.ial td lb.a problfln. would bo ~ed attu Iha epl· hlv.er t1ixei rnay W!ll be Uie next ye:ars btfore the benenclal effect• fon , l'M r•·•nt111g J IVballori un Mr.. T~ F H&rri,. long &ca waler. 4 111i9 eouDCD. botrlTer, pl.M&d a demlo in Ill.• county .ubek1e.. utoporl(lnt lllt'p .,...101 th .. Apnl 1~ of thll!I Houaton 011 acqul.aitloa aTI condition..•• t11:h1 tn start a 1nu•1c achuol 1n Th• t-"bi• ,,.~,d. aald M!n-ftl0(1(m tor 8o\lUlwtWtb to i tudy l&X llitt,. a 4;g1< 111 pi.int ro.-1hr . felt A 11wltch frun1 A llantk: R•· • r,1,..,j b)' Jaw (1 to 0 )'Kra l One ~dJtJon "'"'~ lb.lot A6•m• '"" ..,, 1t111u1, t Sm tiu 011 s h"r <"'•,.la Men 'hornt', 661) R0rea laco1, WllOll l'OnlltrucUon o t th.e D llt.• u. .~em wU.h!n U1-a :l'lell.\. .... _.., Passer of lad ln~l!•LH,.111 of aJJ 1;1:1,..'!l!'T" fl\01\ .. )' u ' r or unray pay Off h l• J40l>O 111 ... at the rate !'Z! iii to I ' t J j (' ....,.,.,.,... ;;;n\-:::.::t".-1:-'!"Ile L'ourt of A~ll denied •I ,,,,,, •r1;.,,al. 8u~Uy, I.ha -•et,. Supreme Court vpbeld tile 0! IY.> a nionth rui ~1 , rnwittLll and · ' "l' 11. 1 ""le&11 u en• and Culi>rOv<'l •ubd!vi1lon, tn whl!-h and report on a inore tmmt't.llattl 1•>lu·_,. th"'n P•"" olf 1.,,. tf'; •lndlr or IL .\I '!','1'1Y ',11Ghll h _ _. Sn11th J11·u . block..-d the naturJ IOluUO!i a l the nl'll l c.uunl"ll n1eet· A l\ Iner-ot trorn 2~ I<> :1:, 10 ::::~~~·~:;: 1 ~.m: A•·e....,... , .. I s ~ ''un• er un"xpel lo:u ••--, ID&' Ch k • M "' I" barrel la an.I !f &l l'I 1 , i 7l>lP down l 37 11.e 1pec-lhr a1Jy l.H •l erltd Ada n>I •i•~l"<.!11 II\ lhf Cu1ta lot.._ (..it)'l.Jro•Jnare In the 11.rea. ..u... l oe • ec 1n esa ,. ~ ·r '' ' ' '' 1•+ J{u1t~ 1:,1-;l tJQWl'I l>-4. nv1~11on Tba former .ta~ lot>- r ••1 tt1 .. n flltd a mouon for r • I ~nnn• "" hi• probMIOn ple1 .l'!.f! M urrlaQn g rantf!tl \ht> re· I . 'r'• lo• vol pr\ce-11 l n ad•l11!•Jn '" 111'· not to pa.ttak• nt •l+">hOl\c bt'•·-1._,,,1n(_·ll v.·h•• w l..b.e rtl.-.n were 1•, l't1r111 1·~ 6~61 down .O~ h ' h F'I c 1 0 G t J .1 T 1 .. .J t>nl J'l.il.\l!rul g11.~ ln•fU;1ry. o!hr• r..gea dUMnl( t ~ !\ .. ~ .. •r j>n •bll' •I ht"r <11o:e ln ahar p contr1t.&l 10 H II d St t e s. a1 erm I l' "' \ .. i .... , ... 1.1 .. 0.000 0 an a r I e Omp aln '11·"r""I~ al!uli\.-.1 !:'''~'!'~ "' 11•» lion ~r10<1 ,,_ 1l.,1.1•11i: cun1nol~&l••n "l+hll f · tun., 11,,111,1" ,.1,.,111,11 '"l'"lln•·.I o\J1.•·t1•"11 ~' .. 11orl.,(: :11)•, TI\CI Judi!;" tul<l A..!•n •that "\,.y 1 t.,.. rro '1"11• ,,..\ .• "'"'!-• lJJ<!u"t SA:-O'TA A:>:A _ OC!'IS Mr.. ULd elr• !r"ll" ~. h"·r r.,,,.,1,,,1n;.:-'.",,":,',",,·.' •. ".·, T• lo·f·llOl'Ln 18J'• llQW your P'-'J>L1J 11t,1\1~ .. t .. Vcl'Y 1r•!lla<lcll1tuftll.i!llWahvuhl11': Ch" k Ch " kc 1· :2 -e11~1 Jn h1 1 probation rll!lport , Ad1m1 chra p prl•'f •. 1 •• ti.......-vtwl "" romm erC'tal "1t!r• 1 on IC ery IC orpora 100 ~:~:~~~::~:~h. i;ell~:~:i:;· ~ ~t~,~·~hUc&, n•on f• fr "11~ ,,, .. 1,.,. ·, L,,',',',~.·,~·.·r 74"" 1 lllrn,jc•I lhe blf&:t!•t punllhrn<!flt AU><lni th··~,. ,,.q,11~ung 11rot," I ro·r~ 111 1 re•hlt!llll•l J ta!rht 1 • " 719 I 'f llltn hu befn wha.t he termed lion for Arlttn " "'"'' ("h a11 .. 3 !l I I scnt~.:"'l lo J&ll r(jr t.,..·o nionth.~ Jn the ell!ll:k'Onlc,1n,fLJ1try ~1 A C1n''"l 1::1 .. ,•101.: ~6 ', ·~!•'!•·.I I publlclty" tri the preoi1 Y.'llA!>n, 11.Al!~nr~ly 1• 1'1 .fr<lr n ''" .... ~1":, .. '"1!:.'1lc~~;~]~:.~h~~r~\l~l~I:~~ 8 .A.'>:TA A!"A (OC:-:S~ -~I· Goorg11 H Sta.hr rnajorlly 1tf"ll·k -&nd p la<l'lll on a y-.r tnfhm1al • J'llllhln!( ahead In colo.Jr 'J'V i;,.11,.r1l Mntvr• Art Jal ltd h Be J j b t ll lllJ 1 th C llk L'hH;k proballontit'terMAt p!eadedgtLJl•v \\l\ilr 1"1tl-t n.ratl1Ug1tnonl111tUUle--4'\,, 1 o1 n e-~n~ .. w~ ~ i evu :I ::.d i;~ wt~lydL•~~~~n •r.:~ lirz:-~.~~; ~;u.n~l!~;,~~ ';:I'\ a8,!~.;:n:,"" .. a~~ ~ H~:.=~.:.. m.:; ~~ /; d:,rpe~ u0 m&J7ao1:"-r 1 ~r fi11 bua.1-t ... p&Mll\g two w ortt11e1a c11.,.1·k~ wha ~ uf tr. • !ou"1 111 111 .. s1tu11.ti"n ~:.1;.~\,,~~~'""' R 1 ~ 24 t, t.~,,.11.,.,,t hl•coa vtc::tlon. Ht lllkl tom•y li UrY·! '" •• ,.,..,_ • !t&tlr Konday filed• OOIDplaint naaa_ 21MI Newpoit Blvd , Ca.ti Santa Ana -Oran&'e J.t unl,.lp><I !Vt•ll•••0•••J>!n th ~4••4!111~1<11ttn1s N\' C•·tilnLI · 6 1 ~ ------)(avDr Clllfe :-lelaun aaal th er•· tr:.r fllvohmtary ~~tut~ n~ 1. Mua.. ha1 diverted m on\e1 to Court Judge How.rd Clwn!run l • k 11r-cut purch-..." on 11. Jone: term Monte.rty OLI . ..: :~ ~ I •hOl.l!d be a lme-year limit t (l t he '90rporall(:IF anli •ppoLnl mt-nt a 1'1111 own per«onaJ •cC::OWlL Ht aJat> f-..eG ,.._•nterice on Mn. Undat•y,' i.~,.~ ~i~.-.1v •· 1·rt• rti!lon or Ltie Sinclair ULI ___ tl.8\. ARE NUDE PHOTOS ART? li..-rmlt for lhe ''"''~ 11 oho·c lc-recelvllr '1.1al~ C btc kery {'1·,1rk char1ree bup w 1n 1 are owin( The bll.d .:hecka w1·re ror $7111!1 "''"-~'" l''''i{n•n• ~oil t>e f•vor11bfJ 8 1.&ndard OU of L.11111 to -----------------------'"' l'.OOlp lainll lf,..~~y but th11! !Jir. vC eoa.,. }rf;ela. hlm ancl h1I w t11 a.nd 1et un-and J 2.'>7 2. Tb"' la ttt'r v.·u 1.-.su-t-·1 ii. .. ·l"·!r<•11h 1' lnc\<1~t.-y. ln Tranaamf"rlra -°' H II M F j IOVIJlk>n "''IU 11..,1 niMl•'I-Jill Tl of The ~atntUll9 dailn 33\.i P'r auth<lru.ed al!llounll tor 1o11.Jan-. ltd to SU..hr'll M.aTket. Oo1ta Me-. a•!J0Uu11 lo l(L'A, f1,vvr1te IS&F'.I~ UnlQn Uil 1-of 1,11111. ---··-·= ::~ ! e ver ortensen ace 1/1• VU l•ll•<'. I c:e.nt U! I.bl lll&re# Ui the c1 .. rrn· lbe complLlnt l.lfl,rll. ntt ... en bofWI chccb totalling 1111h1• t:N Ufl h• .. \Udr 1: .. ner1 l .... u.a. Sit .. ! 62•11. I I I I on~1•011:11~1 ij~;l~olw~ u~ ... t~tu~ ~:~aci°r=~~ ":":oe c;•;t:·,~~ tu~tah: ... ~ uk~C~t°:;OOO ~ck~ !::t~~ :;ret~le:ee:!n~.:;ve Hr:::'. ~:i::~" 1:~1.\c~n1!:'~~1;;"~1~'.,. -r.i .. Ir--"---'''------"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;, B o f u s M I 1n• al lu •tbon-1 hwr• &n•I will poaallll1 tor the OU1lne111 W 1-op· 'Mi.roa otbtr court a.c uoaa a.1., tver, ah"' .... .,. chargiffl with la!!ulng ~tO\ It: 1'111 ... TK\ LISTEN amng rom . . al s I :l~I~ b: ll~l!·~::I: lo ad\•t!rtll" uut-1 =,t1:r11at • pruflt l<X th• lhare· 11.re pending, the com pla.1nt 1aya, (>Cl~::·~:~~~ pa.Med In Sant.a Z&:~ ;·;:~r·~~~·~.~~~~!:l~~ .. ·:t ,:;a;~r~ A ~~·nrd1 ni:: l•• 1he pl1t1ntirf~ ln con.ne<-Uon Wl\h t he bu&1neaa Ana. Cv&Ut, Me-. A.nahtLm, N <'w-Cf"n l\1ry -~·ux hA.11<1111: 1, •. ,.., '"f'•·<t-lo the Shcarson, Hammill -----porl ll•·"~h &nc! !-Ull<'rlon. "'! ~Ir Z11.nu«k will h<'<'Om•· 11a In· J ohn C H1U]'lr. 216 K1nr •1 mo.Jela •~ 11.ll nol11!1h r•.,r-f~,tly I FEARS ALLAYED / ---Jf'pendl'n1 prut.lut·,.r and n111kc .,.,nlt!I "Pri va te Wire" :::-;~a ·~lcil~uu:. ~:rt.;:';~i ah~':~~: ~:~:;;l~lll rly rt~ .. nu the {'1>nll•u~ trom flnt r. 'lSalfrank. Touby Get 5-vear School Board, City :;::f~j~e;;,~~::0t~1r 1::~. 1J~:c~":.::~ , 1 ~ a t a hH.rl.n( t v d11.y lnjlew1I 11nd lao:-1v1u \1" •h•r>:" 1111 C J C blne R , .1n1,. "fhtZa..nur k tamilyh"l<llnl!:•ot f \\ 11hlngton, D. C ln· 1'1., flral '1<1 ... k p1rtlrularly atltr~ 1tt1 t 1ft1 ' 11«:~ ""\e/1.J_h_ 1tic1.lnl -41 Lb.a./-----._ -· -. ___ . _ .om __ KrHtlOft aome JlO,\JQ9.Mllllrea of T~' Jo!ll!I not KABC -<.:30 P.M. Daily ~l un. thru Fri. ,.1 .. 11 of lht> pollll d"i"'artmt>nt t n 11lctun:1 1.r11t t.·lt.t .,,. not ft1r ,.n •lft )"r M' • A ed R bbery N'~-port Harbor el!m!ntary ""f"., 'rd to be dU!turbed. Antl- tMlr lhf'rn rrom ll•lni: trr ~ nll li" I er11 I dl~l rtb•Jtl<Jll but fur 111!1'11• ~-HI .... T .'\KI': O t'T I 1n1mum on rm 0 ICh(l()I board a pproved a propo&td r1 1•11t1nrc nut.ta1nhng-1ucr!N1 ot 1<1r aJ verU1lng a nd dlatnbu Uon ur •1u\•I I~ 1ntr1r•l•·'1 1n pl•·.,. ·111~ -.; •• .,..,.1•r,.11 .. lt>"m"'-' ~·Hi • rt'crca tlon a.gTttment with New· tw0 111 u~1calll, "1'ht f{Jnx: 1u1<1 J"\ t!<i<l.lla ~,f Morten.-en'• l'notograph1 rr11Jhy Th,. 1)4•\k" "'" "'' "" ~i:··n!~ •111k"J HUI Y"•ll'rd11y "n l port 8-:li al Ule boa rd n•ttting 1t11.! "L'1t rou.s<:I" .• ,,1,.1• •naly11ta 11.r! Markl't Quata.tlon1 Financ1a! New11 B u1unC'!;.'I Conunrntary lnter.i1ews publi.l\(•t by Hellyer uo<1<'r the H,.!Jytr 11.Ate•. In 11 I ••"I 1•h th•-• ,,,,.r,,,t•bl,. Alrl,.•n FJn,,. n ·a1 S ANTA >.:>;A !J •C:"S1 T"''o J3f'ach. tear g1a ptncll a n<t Ian· Tue.day C!IV!nlnJ In llorace Eu-pre-dicllng eun1r1i.;5 ot •.9 n1uch I n111n e of J a.y CU.rt11 P ubhcat!on., gr•1-1hy •U>•••• 11 11-1 "!" nnt r, "'" •l•·n•r 1.<htr .. th .. El rl Uru11 ks t111<'" t.:viOl M.-an 111,.rl, "''ho haJ pltll<J jt'm. B11y Shore.a~ Inc, $2:>0 llkn ICbool. Tht-,,,,,......1ant maJ,u,. u SJ. P"r share rnr Fos ln JDM. presented by .'ll ~wport llltach. ,-ontwif!d ... ·1th • h ·•ll p, 1t1· .i11r·~1,1.-.1 r.~ '"'H """'ra. Th,. 111.11.k ... 1111 l(llllly to !!1,. i;nllei! n 1b bery ca.b; Macc:o Ce , •100 caah cal-poa.elbla a bro&d ncreuUon pro-The Jl.&O per ye1r di\f\dcnd. they Shearion, Hammill l'r;11t.al 1u lhor1Ue1 ('l\arge that nionthly Jeum.11 !n Whl•h ''"lL 1~ v111 \.\'111.'I tut..~"•1 on bf'lL <·( th" •111 .. r the ~l:'<.:l <t Jl.11.1 ll<"or l'•fe on C'Ulator u d check prot.Mtor vl.lued grim tn whlrh tcbool pla.ygroun!U estim1te, 111 securo· lh! 111cturu ,re ·:1ewd a.t!d laaCL· ii1c!Ur"• 11r" "111111~11 !o• th" k 1 l •!rl•'•ll h\' lrY'lp bor• a. reg19trall•·11 Jlnrbor Ul11J f)lt :iu. yeatero.y at '350, robbfry !n H umboldt, and gymnaaluma C'IUI bo> u.<1ed by A cqul1dt1on of Natlonal [!rug by & Co. v1oux.. ut pt'<1pl1' l h~r Luy tht'n1 I .. t n,.,. N.-w1 Ht: n,11 h 11ddro·M "'re 5"n1 .. nl·,.d tn pi1..on ror the t he ..-Hy and at lh" .•nme umc \'lck Chrm1ca l J,. a m011t ra.vor11.ble Founded JIKJ:? Thia t hlrl'• hU b9en denied by "~lllY.Ar AK rl!IT"' 1"~11rl Brunk •"llplnh·••I t1111.\ !n-l••rn• prl'..,rlh$1 by law (not I"•' ;'l;tv., '60: bad ~ check In the clly park depar1 u111nt equlp· tJcvelopml'nt In the Vick 11tuaU.on.j 3331 Via Lido Har. llrllyer-'1 attorney, 811.1nue~ H ur-"A.lnrteri•"n 11, It. ~,,.,.1 Arllit "I day. "My brotl'ill!lr r~\U!Tlf'd '''"'' th1in flV•' vc1u ~1 Lnvelock, Nev. and All elt>c tr!c n1ent w!ll be 1t va1 !abLe rur »ehuol National la a moderate alzed pro-I Newpurt Beach .... 11z it 0 "11"'-who, 19 an •n· tiellytr ,Ja1 11 ,,. 1111 I the , ll1<rg~~ :ill m"nttur In S11.u<11 A rM '"" a~ " rney ~·r;~ J11.n1.-• A Sal!ninlt. dr11J theft on TuM.ln Avt ulh! duQar of blOloSIC&il and blOCl'ient· ', .. ,, ·~· •I '"· <Opltol. ha• a1<k · '· < t h A d "'bo t H To b 24 f~~~;;-~-~~;.~~;~.:.:;;;;;;;;;;~.::;:~ ... ----'""-----""-:;;;;;;~;..;;;;:;:;;;..;;::.,;;;;:::;;;;;~;;;:;:::;;:::;;;;:==;:::;::::;:::;;:::;;:::;;;;:;:::;~ -u rn.i ....., .,r.., itn f'ffOrl lo •L• 11.ride &nil dt :i..,,[ <"'•"" vr • mrnr a.n -Arl\hll\n 1)\1 ~·1. nn ......, r . u )'. · "d th11t the heating be tr11.n.r1ferr.,J baae hun l.ltoll,.n1<•·n hu 8 dli -'l°I.>-•t>Out three month.'I 11go 11~ I uby, M:cortllng tu proba Uoo ut- 10 Loi AngeleL play ot hl1< .,..,,,rk in 1he !>tntlh· •h l )'f'1! hf'rt "'!th ul\ ""''ti11~ 111\ol fl•. r~, Ill'° a dmitted taking part \\'OllU>-P'AMOUS 10nl•n 111~111 iitf', In u11 Loodan l>VU(h l b111 car ti. r1·, Abo,u t 1111 1n 1•1 otht'r.burgla ries 1.ncl thett.s, Morteneen 11 reportedly • f'hoto1ra phir S<.r1~!y nK>ni ~ 11 ,,..,,,.k,. 11go h<' n1u•'"d '" ~1 7 C'} rno.'ltly In the liart>or are• world-famou• photorr•pht-r Hell-bQok on ti':"' Kina of K1n11.a ln pr .. ,.~ St , .t;;anla. Ana ~th d!!rnd•nta ha.d •nlered yer, who h•• h i• oftlcll!I In hl• th! V11 ttc11 n ,.OJ 111 11.-esl'ntly hol<t· "Our ·1-at cntH11<·!" F,,.rl'.< v.•1t~ i:111lty pleall lo the tlr1t d<llfT<'I home. la h!a buaLneu mana ger lnl' • one-rnan Ahn\I.' In B<•AtOn. re vealed, ""''11..9 wh,.11 ti•· ~a id hr l'•+blJ<•ry ot Donald Muckenthaler. and anang!I for publication ut Hellyer u y.os. wQuld return and 11.,11, rny !+us lw1t~nder, alt!r· tl'te ·Secret H ar- th• Morteneen book9t the pri.nUnf Among hi~ olh"r llct!vltl!a Mor-bu.nJ In tht' eh.op." b"r clo.ed.. They took: I~ i t t>ec(nr done ln locl.I .)Qb lhope. Th• ten.en once conducted a coh.unn E1rl. a "'"'II -bull\ hanll.wn1e pietol point. book•. or w h !_Oh about I dot:en l.n a Loe Anic~Je11 p•P•r an<! l•\ma", tu .. fl cab!"t\ ·1Jhop at ·f t:J I Superior Court Juds'e Ken.neUl tltlea bav• beu publ!ahed, Hillyer 11ow runn1n i:-A IK'hool or plu>•.o-1 J l llt Sl. H iJI w tfe l• idt-ndt'i· hue E Mof'rieon pUMd Mntence. 'fou- 1tat11. llft on a variety of pbOt ()-sr"pl'ly tn !Aguna Beach, lleUy<'r her atltact tve f10. W"-9 dntw.n ln· by. a n Orur• coast CoUe1• pptltt: auttjecll lnc::lucllnc. •11\e aald. The ~ otfk!•~ o bj«led fe1.f lMa ruorult1&:. They la.Vt! Q ltU(\eftt, U9t!TledJJ a&n.Jtted lb- Jl'emale P'trure." "ptctorllll Ul(hl-to the advert11lnK "''hlci U! beluJ; lttn age d11ul't'lter v;ho att!n(I ~ lvtfeaau. tn.1." "Comm a nd to Looll," ""Out· u11e<I fl"lr the l>ooik '1'11.1 i'~emal• blgh 11ehool and, hav1nK run o r lh~ Burglary al: Lhe MM&. Club, t.loor Por-tra!tur•." "On the Ne11:•· i'lrur .. :· the 11rt b~!ng a blun<1r'9 lo\'"!Y hi>uM', t~ 11 tiny lr+\'t! hir•I Sl!/0, bUqf\ary of th f' Bllvar!an Un," ·n e Novel." "P1pu Nt!J •-bl.Te buat ) Jt Wllll thP lov~ hirol ~f,.,. Brunk Inn. Co11ta J.t f'111.. J80: burgle~~ live" and "'Teat.I.ire Screen.'' Nu lorA! >:irl~ f'Ol"ed tor All}' ta!k~ about at t•r•t "It ni&k"l! of the \\'a gon \Vheel Car ... OJ.• .... While the ptctun1 of nude• ln of th• picturf'!I. fl ~llyf'r ,1,.rla r,..~ "' wonderriil )l<"I Tt .. •y BeCln •o ~te.a., l l::i c111h and $2000 breRk- the bOoka ar1 ducrlbi!'d for their All the model.s u~ed ratuf fr,.rn 1 t 11 1 1 .__ age; Bob'11 Sp!lrUn& Goodl!. $10, arU•UC:: effect and a ikk1'Jt!on n c >:en you .,...cr1n1,.. c!011ely at-1 Chanl Jlli Loa A ngt'leA tar he"1 In them Thi~ on• e•<'n tv.•o fUJUI 1 11• • camera: · ot th• m1thoda of pOllln(, ti 1lng, knowe wh~n 1111 l im.. bert11.ln'1 F enC'e Co .. lTth St. &nd l lJhtlng and dawloper. 11 riven tor m,y T111~ln Ave., ::00 checks : l1I each caaa. the [le t that the llowlng Auto Horn ~~'..~r ~n cnrne hom e l roni Service St11Uon. 1 Tt h .St s nrl EDISON SUIT in Ni9ht at A9ency But the · fe•r qu!rklv 1>nter,.•I ~'hen 1n 1utom obllf' horn •llrt• hoer expre1alve eyr11 v.·he,; ~he 11pokc Oiiliu--..a fl"OIM nr1t Paire ed honking a t 7 p. in. Mol)d•y ot her broU'!er--ln·law. "We c1.11:t .nplrL "Since • all pa.rUea involved and contlnuf!<I to honk at 11 p.m., unikntand how h1 f!lltered fnlo ire .Ubject to ala.l e tt(Ul•Uo n, Mra. J B. Gr~"· 811 King11 Ro91. U\k We didn't ht ar of It urittl It l• nf!Cua&ry to rile lhe•a tormal decided IKlmrlhlnJ v.•1ts wrong and y419\erday." oomplllnlfl In nrdl'-r to faciltt"t' called pol1ce. "W1 haVt!n't 'lle11r<1 th1t ., Tho ,eerie 1oun<t ~·a11 loc11t"' b-'"•• toto·•" t "' permanent remf!dlal mcaauru. '""'' ........., o ..... e my ""' One oomplatnt nqut11t.ed th•t coming t ron1 11 lockf"d a uto 11gcncy triJ19." !Carl Brunk laid. "" ''J.': cornmt-1on direct the on Oo11..1t Highway Offirr r11 11tood · ''"Thia 11 wti.at llC&#'ei m<'.u MtJI. l t ·•do .. x bJ untll wo rkn1cn arrh·t-J to w1· Brunk Mid. She l""ke or .. raa pan e1 o pro... ., -,... -· cb&AP aerv\Otl" for ~l~n. Thia locJI. the bullr!lng. a rtlcl" 111 ,, mll!ltropollt.an paper would 1¥\t!lan JCdt..on could tum --------------· l whloh ~1<l th .. Yu1ua 1 .... c1 ln Irvin ovwr to $. caa com~nle1 a ny l:dl.tan'1 d"alre tn coopf'rrt'" with rame fru1n rr(·c•pt of ,. $:?0 l•p auppllu of fLI It mlaht aequlre the Air P ollutlon CnntrQ\ D\.~· by a "'''ll<'r fl'lr •lrh.,erini;: fnut In U\e ou or gu nelda and re-IJ'"lct, which hl:l8 re>QU<'~lrd th11t to A. mntrl guest, Olli•• ln uch&ft1• an equ&I .up-It we a:u. Insofar .., poA11l bl<', 11 "Dqe.i t hat n11:11n 111y brnth~r ­ ply ot 1 u to be deUw..-d where tuel In Ill .steam ele:ctrJc. plant1. In-law L1 a hoetlilgP?" Atrs. Brunk It .. a-t, needed. {8f!e Editorial pAge !or conJmcn t1 aelced. •-rtie new. raa .upplle1 wlU have Oav1nport aa!d Ed!110n already Irvin l'lll awa.y from the "e11ea r " t o b9 broUJhl lnlo the a.rea ln la uUll&lng o r developing 111 proo!" j1Jll ft\ Prin~ton. lnrl., J11 n. UWI pipe llnt11 ol the cu compan· ava.llable hydr oelectric altM II wllere he wat1 under 1ent"nct lea. or we wtll have to b\11\d our which p rovld! po"·er v.·llhout tu!I. o r death In the eWctrlc chfllr. f'..U- own lines. The commlllli~ wUI through the rorrf'9 of ralllng ~-•-thor\U~• 1ald lrv1n v.•11,1 ln Yum1 baw lo dedde whldi m ethod bUt tf'!"-1.nd th1t llttl,. l <ldl\ion&l r.-yt"11trr-day wllh a n1all oornpanlnn "rTfll the public Int.areal.'' Dav· llef ra.t1 be exp«t.._1 from thll In a JQl,t model aulo with 19::06 upon aid. dlrecUon. ca11tom1a llC'Vlte pltt tes. !!!EOOND OOMPLAl!'n' lidlll<ln U.9<'• •Jnly the belt (Tl'dt' NtlT LATE )100£1. Jn Ill lll!!Cond c::on1plainl, ltdl10n Ill fuel 1 vl.llable, r'1.1 venport at&\· "The.t'a .ameth1n1 ellor we dnn'I reque1ta a ~Tilkln ot ex.latlftf ed, and In cooper1tlon wltl't &Ir u n<lerstand." Eftrl 115ld. ""fy I prioMUel ln order to permit 1t pon utton off\ct1IR will lnttl11l lh11l brother'11 Cl.r la a l f'ID OW,~n1nbll• lo purcb&M tta fair lhare or lh1 Ila sup p li!r• nlf'f't the 11m1t r1gld Holl rtay, not a la te mi>del cir." SU tuel availabl• tor &team alac:· tuel .peciflcaUona. ..Could the plat<fll have hftn I trlCI ... ~rauon tn Bou.tbtra c an-Davenport announced th11t re· t hllilgt-d lo an ntht'r rA.r ~I r~. tonaia. The oonplalJlt n&mM the. c«it oonterencf!I a.mong oftlcl1ls Brunk L•k .. d. 1 olU.' ot Burbank. Glendale Md of ~. th• raa companlu. the e:..-1 aaJJ fh'Bt he knr:w or th" r P&Mdlrla, th• c.Jtfornla E.IKtr\C 1ta.U comrnl•ton a lld oll'llJ'a in· matter w11..• when a FBI agent r un- .,,,_ '"'"' -"'d S&n D1<1'CO 0.. 'l'Ol-..ed have tt1ultf!d0 In an ~ .-vw ... ....v. -· tactf!'d h lrn at h!a 11hop ye11tertl ~y. an4 11:!.ctrlC' Co. u gu ~ UJt!.nt which wlll provldt a tem· 1 i';;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;o;;-;;-;;-;;-;..;""-'-~-;;,,;-;:-;:-;:-;:-;:-, c:u.tomei'I r•tUnC • JTMW pro-pon.ry ttoo.t tn g•• 111.1ppltM, 11 porUori of 1&1 tor auam eleetnc '"EdlllDn ha• mad• anana:e- c-vatlon than does .. A:ll9on. nienU with one ot lhe m•Jor oU •'How.....r, we ... ..,.. no dnlNI companle1 to 1upply 1:1 bllJlon '4 tak1 cu ....,. ·c,• other In--cubic fett or ,. .. 'for u.e: 1A Edi· ~ ~ . "t'ho mlshl 10n 1t8ffi plant. d'Uriflf t he nat LU..~._ ... lfiiill "'1.'' Dav-eo day1. 'Ille raa com~ b&ft .,.... ..._._ "'IC p tkla tn our arrancl'd to ret an 1ddiUor\al l .S pW:..tlo Mi .. ••• r perfloCt .. blJJton cubic te.et for ltle 1.o1 _,.... t. ...-K. W • t'ICCJC· 'Anl'elt1 Oepartmeqt of \V1ter and ,._ that tt> -.. ,.. \a our Powt r for tea ~ plan ta dur- ptut:a Md malt• othft9 bUm OU blC' the _. pertocl la &.. W91MMl&ftd P'anll mJ,.ht •• AJ\boalla nu ~ tn t•I inc..._ thil 1mot llau..cd." .. o.l:r l~l'J', It J• tile l.YJ>C 81f00 t"'OOPCllATtO:f ot «>natrucU" r<"llUlt "'"' ha ve In An 1#1.porll.nl factor In th!Jo mind In Nllnt: Ule OOll'lplll.lnl.t, C:Oft'IJllalnt,. Daftcport decJand, la 0.Yotnpor-t declared. OW r.tlblllhed lnlunnct ' Ag-t ncy All llnff written. 110\VABD W. (IDIRISQ 180I Newp0rt Blvd., Co.ta .w- P81>NE LIB&ln"l' •till BE SURE -INSURE "wHll MAl'IUCiB tlTANLBT , ___ °"'' ...._. ........ l.14. Sil& F-Coaiit 1n,-.. _7 f'oniona clot'-! Mar Ttu1tln Ave., no lOJ1!!: 11,.rvlce 11ta- llon, 14: COurln!y &: Le~tfr Tirr Co. S::.00, nne ch...;: ii: Y.'e-&t<"ril Cannery Co., Newp<.irl Be>'trh 1100; Chr11U1.11'11 H ul. Ne.,..'port ''They didn't uk ror a <l,...scrlp· Ucrn," he aald. "Apparently th~y &lrNdy bad all lh&L" Jt wu thla k:nowled&'.• that t hl' I nll WU on Ule Job which k epi tb• r .. r In the Brunk ,house ~1Jb­ d11ei~i"to Allll09t normal tone.a th111 mornlnr . u JCarJ Brun.II. went lo work and their daua:hler to eohool. But not ID'IUI word of thelr rel;1.- t1ve·11. Wety wu aaa1""'1 at noon tQday 'Utl the teer cnl!rrly ,1,,p11rt . Baldani vs. Jones TOny 'Bal<k»U race• Ralph l'I'1 - 1rer~ Jom.u ln i JO-round TV bOyl f rom ~'ashlnrton. D. c .. 1lru'tlJ1C al T:OG p.m. W erlnteOOy nlgltlt. Priv1te Police •• MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT •• PATROL CAU SE<;URJTY COMMDCIAL PATROL Kl 2-7077 ' Annual RECO ·RD SALE! Many-Many to Choose ~· 45 R.P.M. 78 LONG PLAYING ·ALBUMS ~ rrom SINGLE RECORDS 2 for •1 00 and $279 4 for sloo V.M.PHONOGRAPHS with Autamatic Chan9•>r ,. ........... . •• TELEVISION • 21 " Console ....... 21" Console 21" Console ....... ., .. _,,. 27" Table Md!.;:!::: ~ ... ...... 21 " Console floor $249.00 279.ocf 199.00 395.00 Models 21 " Console 21 " Console 21 " Corrsole 24" Console . R.OA. M ...... Drlmll!I ~ "1'ri\'P,J ,.._., ft!l'c'. Prtoe .,. ... ---..... a ...... """ ......... 269.00 -- 199.00 259.00 289.00 129.118 Al af above natloealy adY .. tlNCI brClll• sold with full year wa"'"nty oe plclwe tlllie, pal'IS and 30 days free HrYlce. ' J i!S&tli; :WDIT•ty Oft The HOUSE of HARMONY . . . 1819 Newpoat Ave. 8-5585 Costa Mesa I -- • NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-l'RESS WEONESOAY,.f'EllUARY I, 1956 . ~ -. ----- ' __ ....,.,,,,._. __ _ ' VJ. I 11 ••• ~ · I • :. ..;.___,.__... Kicluud ·• atap•& ~ •·" •• --~--' . -,,.--Mii ..,,.,__ •d •• • __ ...,~_...."""" ·r--··· ------....·,,.·-~---.,.._ -----·-~---·"" .. __ ,,,. __ l'' 'fl . . -' -~~~ LEG ·,_o tdla . ' . . • ........... ' LAMB CHOPS / .• ,... .i!'J ' ' iAMa ·caoPs ~1.19 -·-: .. ~ ··'..:f' GROUND BEEF --~ .. .........,. ..··, ~~·-.I ~-.,. • • • Ell-Fucy, Crllp, Oregon Pippin APPLES .. -3 Ibo. 29c _ Poaoy, Prooh, Teodor CELERY H'RTS 2 1tock1 9c ~!lolldo ...... CABBAGE Valnline ::ba'I .-----;})inner ----. w •lclorf s.1.d L•mb Chops Buttered Pees with >-Aushrooms B•kad or Whipped Pot.to levereg• Fresh Apple Cobbler Coffee FllESH APPLE COBBLER 2 cups thinly sliced Pippin Apples 'fs cup Brown Sugu 1,4 teupoori almond extract ~ teupoon cinnamon ~ teupoon nutmeg 1 t.&ble9poon lemon juice 1 . teupo<m gnted leu>on peel 1 Yi cup. lifted enriched flour 3 teupOons balting powder 1 t&bleepoon sugar ·t,.2 teupoon salt ~ cup shortening 'fs cup milk 1-well-beaten egg 2 tablel!lpoons sugar • lb. 3c ;}).,Acale:Uen .__,., n,.t Qua11t7 49' SLICED BOLOGNA ------.. -· ..... , ... ............... 33' AMERICAN CHEl!SI! ....... -....... OL •••• .............. 23' RlUITED JELLO ...... ··-·-.. ----· .... _,.., '-' ....... l'.M: ._, 2'1"' l'UFPIN llSCUITS · IA · -·--·-··-·····-·Tiii .. (}roce"'J Sn1uc ker's Oronge Mormolode ·····--·-16 oz. 3 fc Pet•r Pon Peonut Butter --·---12 OL ])c C ircus Solted Peanuts~·---·---71/-4 OL 33e Sunshint1 Hydro.11 C hoe. Cookies _ 12 OL 37c aosco Choe, Flovored Mil k Improver 2'4 OL Slc New Kellogg's Speciol "K" --··-61/2 OL 27c Tostewell Enriched Morgorine __ lb. 2/35c Pillsbury Enriched Flour ····-·-····---5# 45c Pillsbury New C oromel Coke Mi11 _ 17 OL 29c Kroft's Min ioture Morshmo!lows _ 101/2 oz. 2Sc • Darlgold Double AA Quality .... ~ .. -.... . .... .. SUcED BACON .. 43c: Be our Val&tlne -Today, 'l"u-.y &nd ~y! Havs a cup ol. coft• and a Valmt.ine Coo~ on Tu.say I All our foodt &re Valentino 1l'oodo W. ....t and they'll all tute •pecW!y c~ -~CC-.~~·· -wbM. VaJentineR Day or not.- you'll &lw•)'I bs ,,_Mred. -Al'l'LICAKI .. "' 43' w.... --•111· PANROW _·_9' r&IDAT ........ 'l'M47 54' APRICOT I'll!~"" :J.ro:un _,._ 37' l!NCHIU.DAS,,. ,... . ooo._;s---='' .., 59· ,_.. D&UJQ'l:I0&8 • OIDOIDCN 79' THIGHS · .a. ,,...._ •• OBl<lllEK LIVERS 59' ___ ....... Arrange &pplea ln greased 8x8x2 inch pu. Sprinkle with mixture of brown sugar, almond extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon juice and lemon peel. Heat ln oven while preparing short- c:&k•. Sift together flour, baking powder. 1 tablespoon eugar, and Nit. Cut in abortening unW mixture ia like coane crumbe. Add mJlk and egg at oooe; stir until flour is just mol.steoed. FRESHBUnER Ib. 59c ..... cwr.. h."""91 1· HISCAH ---·-·•- ... vilAGi :. .. 51' s~ dough over bot &pplet1. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons &ugar. Bai.e in bot oven ( 400•) 35 to 40 minute.. MU:ea 8 aervinp. Open t;ll 1 o.;1y Richard'• Frnb 0""9 Carlo• Doable AA LARGE EGGS ._,.. .. I oC 21•fl!I GltAl'RUIT -"'" • ~ Aifti"c"ia _ _. 31' _.._.... 2141· Utt:HUP ___., _ • AU'_._._,_._-_· __ ,, .... r --m-DITBGINT ___ .. Uclo ...... ._. -· -21.v Per~ Ordor w1 J>oeverJ Ooll --MAlCHIS_..,__ Iii WITH SAWE Pob. 8, 1966 Newport lhri>o• - And -wlll )'00 buy fOUI' lee •o lunb t.oday; ... WW YOG otop up '4 tho .,..._... -.... ia MMI uk Dea ·to whlWe you one while you two lbOot,. ~ ._.ter ... WW you ~ ..... fN>m tJmt pr&-pockaced, l'Mdy a..nd delldoua buach ln t.be abow cue. ..me ncdlent mNt. but wtthoat the rfb- bou ll bowa . . , 0r M1ll you blue a tnJJ into ~ ~, 'o lamb yo11d"r a.nd d&ria.&ly alDgie out OGfl ol the -.Cw Swllt'a Pttmlurn teDd~r-fl"OMm. 1ett '0 lam b!I •.. Oa.rver'1 ha.\·ea, I caU lh~ wttb all t h., bont "'" movtd. t.hlJ ~llCW'M fat trlm- med. a.way, Wa\1ng only the lru.e ,·alue p&ri In th" i.ha1)f'I of a neat l"l"('lanf(lti •.. M&rt.ha Lop.a l'IUl(g~l.it that yoa do not thaw thi~ mea.t &ad sivea rxpl~t \n - •tructlou for rouUng In the fl"OWG •late on the out.- aide o r the .,..ck:age ••• Swift'• Premium tend<.'r- froun beef, po)-k, lamb and vuJ. ln all your favorite llU&ka, chopa and rout11 •will tickle your hameateading· 11pirlt on your k itchen rll.1lgc '.fl!'ilh their brand o_ew meat Idea ... Detroit introduced the01, followed by Oeveland and Florida ... Now Swift'• hu brought them to the Wert Cout . . . Loe Angele. and vicinity is the tat city ... Each time I enmine lbe9e bea.utl!ully wrapped. corypact cori•enient froian mec.t., I feel the beginning of & gt'Ut new t.rm.d ... Le1 of Vf!l&l. Vea.I cat- -Port< Cb--and Pork tendi".rW.. • • . Rou.nd., Top Sirlobl a ad Teaderletli B e e t Ste.U, 8trlola or Rib Beef Bout.a IUld - -• $ • JAmb lop IUld Cbopo .•• AD -__ .__......,._ ed .•• Aq_ ....... _t -... Detzolt broagllt forth &be toaowtmg ...wen ,,_,..._ ..... to ... 90% hod -8..tft'o Pr-Prow -tor • nplu ---.. 103 ..W. tht1y wen t1qaal to or --flOOh-... 683 .W tltfly were u euy "' , ......... ·IUld -.. hftloh meat . . • Now I bow JOa'U waai to lee ud U• ~I wltll thlo aow -ldoa •.. Aloo -you'll lave 999 qwtlou "' -•• $ Thlo --aad nut wee1r.--. 8wttt"• wtll U\-e their ... J.olt.. -..... "'aplaia nery-tblq about ibme .... IMM:8 )'OQ wlD WMt to ......... That .......... l'OUilUld ..-...... ... o lamb ... Cnloyl llot that <S& aroad 7our b-. will dig-I HearU 'n Floweiw 'n Sweet'f' lhinp . . . And where will you f1n4 Ibo Wgwot. flneot, sweet.Mt collecUon. •f .... aothlnp for Jlvlq than ...,. candy Section ' ' • Ills Heut bo-IJttle hart -, .. Kcamdoo'o lino Clloco- lates •.• ftve ~ .•• 8wMt.bMlt. --In t.bo bok-eey ... -......... and ewer lovin' ... }'OW' choice of dark or llPt cake ... lllow...., ...... ---~ ..... r,tft w1qv' I -t• ,_ . ..• .,.. ............... ... _,.ti I _... -·--1wv• -=~•,aaeot Ibo' Lillo ..... ot u.. -- -"" I.Ma liolt -• •• .. ~~-~··· • • a w•• ~ .-u.uy 1. 1t ... u. 11119 11ooP lllAm OR -LIDO -· ---.. ......... _ ---.-- .. • ~m 1'-1'--4tAJlttJOR-NEW~·~-wE-aNES&~Y, ·FEBRUAR Y 8, -;1956 PART Tw.o, J;>AGE ONE ~ --.. --· ._ .. --·---·-· ... - • . . • . THEORY INTO PRACTICE -Thia ia .not exactly a cl&JM1room but when Costa. ~lesa police recently 111ade an in ve9tigation of a ca.r with a bullet bole 1n a side window, they put into practice scientific knowledge taught in a Lor\g Beach State College police science COlln!C. Markll1gs on the glaaa proved the bu llet had been fired from in.aide the car (u the driver claimed) &nd not from outside u police ,first 1uspected. Irr veatigation ill conducted by police Chief Art McKenz.ie, Sgt. Roger Neth, and Det. Sgt. Lowell Pollom. The driver is unidentified. -St.a.ff Photo PA&'I OF BIS STUDIES -Costa. Mesa Police Chief Art McKen.r.ie, who is study· ing for bi9 muter'a degree at University of Southern CaliJom la , is .,...riling a the.la on the development of the Costa Mesa Police Department from scratch. The newly-1.uWled teletype ayatem, tying Costa Mesa to scorca of other \aw-e nforce- ment qenciea, (onr.a an integral pa.rt of his thesis study. -Slaff Pholo STUDENT INVESTIGATORS -There'• ahv•YB aomething new to be learned even wb~ you're on the job. Bill Stewart (leit) o( California Highway Patrol provea It by showing COllta Mesa police Officers Leslie J. Harriaon (center ) and Set. David C. Gren: a thing or two in Stewart'11 accident invtl8l.iration dus at Oni1ce Cout Collep. -0CC PbotD by Guy Glen • Mesa Police Busy Studying New Methods By ILOSARD ~ARG!:A NT Ql•ta Meaa -.oon m ay ha vt lhe ~•l educat9d poUcti depart- ment ln_ lhe country I! lll•t city'• rlne•t keep on atlendlq Khoo! u tht"y have th• put yeu. Police Chief Art McK11naJe, who hu an AA decre-ftua Lo. An1ele11 City Colle1e. a 88 rrom Lo. Anl'ela. 8tat11, and i. now working on hi. muter'• at Unlve,..lty of Southern Call- f6mf•. la a firm be.Hevir in a<fV..nced educaUon ror h!s pollcl force. H I• bt°llt'r1 are lll'ell r11.rrled out In fact. 01 H!I member• or th• fon:e. 12 are preitently a ttending a colleJe or junior co~Jere. The other four have a ttended •uch 11. school In the poa.1t. .M O#ll or them are majoring Jn bualne.1 or public admlnl•lra- lion, taklnK coirr1oe& n:laled to police •Clence. Officer IA:.tllt' Harri110n. whoae !ft unit. top lha number ta.ken by hi11 fellow poHct"men. 111 • 110Cl0Jogy major at Orance Coa.lt College. He 111 a ble to a.ccompll•h thl• by laktns on lhe nig"ht lrk:k at the pollce 1lallon. Other• !Aklnir run courae• are Officer J ohn B. Meler. II!' unit.a ln buatneu a.dmln1•traUon al Long S..Cb Slate, and ~ Rog<"r N,.th. J2 unitJi0 of public admln\11tratlon a l Long Be.ch Stal<". Moat or the ofrft'er-atuden~a attend Oran,ge Co&At Coll11ge, how"er . b1."C11u11e of lll oonventen<"e and bt'cawte It ha& a number o r out11landlng police aelence cour1e11 whtch attract pollcemen rrom deparlmt"nt11 throughout the rounty. Th<"ee offlcer11 a re J11.m" Sloter , l!:lvln l.A!Vt"l n, Glenn Yt'a.lker, \VUJ!un ~f. Savage, Jack Iver11<>n. Sgl. Lee Lutl'r, Sgt. David Gregg, R11y n1ond M . H aley and Ca rl 0 . Nel11on_ Orvll!t'. An1b11rgey 111 already ,. graduate of Orange C0&11t. Sgt. Ml'!rt'l C..,,. a llended San JoM1 8t&lt' College and J•me11 Green went to 11ehool at H&w11.ll. T heir pnwent cours1'11 prepare them for the arduoua t ... k of poUcklg the modl'!m city •nd det.ctlnJ tht crim inal who llkl! .. not may h11ve h11.<I 11. colll'lll! CT11n·11e or 1 .... ·o hlmeelf: Typic11I or 11ur h rourse11 11t Or•n1e <'ollJ<t 11re 11.ccldt"nt lnveatl· galion an•I mol(>r vehtcl .. codP 111.11,e:h! hy Capt Herbert Null a nd Bill Stewart of thP. Ca llfornla lli,e:h"''llY r ntrol. Or the one In penal rode ta ught tiy S,e:-t E:ri.•dn t'h<IP or !hP l..o11 Angele11 police drpartml!n\ Nvit "''""k a nf'W ro11r11P w ill bt' ron•turl~ ln ju1•enile itl!lln- qut"ncy and ronlrnl by S,11:1 Ru11~ C ampbell ur the Oran1" County Sherlff"11 offlcr \\.It h lhf' n •ing Juvenile <lrllrlljllf'n•·y 111t,. 11. niatter of great wnctrn. !h111 cour11e thoul<t n~1111lt 1n 11 100 prr cent a ttendance from COll!a M c1111·.11 f'<ll.Jca ted police forr ... T o make 1ure the 0CC pol11·r 11r1 .. nr e cour•e• meet th• problf'ma itqua.rely, an 11.dvl~ry ron11nillce ooMpolled or poltc• ch!ef11 or Newport Buch. 1..ag-una Ba ch , Co11ta ~feta.. Huntington Bf'ach. Santa At1•. Tuellri. and the f'rovoott M aninaJ'1 omca, cl"imlnal trrYMlltatlon •lh•!Jl\on, ml'f't onre a week at the CTllltj'• to plan cnrl1c11lum and thruh out oth .. r prohlrm11. It 1.9 hoped th•t evt"ntually an AM()f'late of Art.I dl!IJ"M m • police acienca will bt orre1·fl<.I at the cfJlleae. •. PRACflCING TECHNIQUE -\'ehicle colic. taught by 1-1.lll St(·v.·art of California Highway P atrol, is given ll pracLica.l run through "''Ith S~t. n a\'t• c:rl'gg aclll\I{ !\!'.! the driver and Officer Lee HarrLBon maklilg rl'al naturttl a:; 11. ]"Jl1e1· ulfl,.•·r ()('(' Pl>o14 CRIMINAL LAW -Sgt. Roger Neth takes c riminal law at Lone Beach Slate College and no more 'appnr priate instructor could be found to teach it than former LOR Angeles Police Sgt. Donald Jones , now a practicing Long Beach attorney, ' BLOOD SPAITERS -Above, Chief McKeni:ie puta technical know-how to work as he inapeCts blood eplotchee reeulting l rom recent double 1daying o( the Leonard Leaches in Cosla Mesa. -Slaff f>ho t.o 00011: J:XPE&T -SgL Erwin Uhde of the Loo Angeles police deportmoat teaeb- tta penaJ code at Orange Cout College. Among Co.ta Mean. &re Officer -Glenn Walker (le.ft ) llJld Reeerve Officer \Valter Hartell. The Lape recording mach.ioe ill Ulled in cl.&Mroom de.monat.r&t.iona. ---O('C Photo .. - ~ ........ . --·-~ . "'. i I I : fAll 2 r l'An II -NEWPORT HAltlOR NEWWltESS Woman Surrenders on Bad Check Rap -~ -- EXCLU S IVE FROf\1 IND IA ... FABULOUS EXOTIC Farrukhabad hand-bloched co tton prints by ~ '-~~..J(,~~·'Yi~ "• 0 j) _, des ign by CIRILO ~ \Vith Matching Carry \11 11'lg • •• ~-. , -""· • • Dress a nd Bag 1·7 95* Fuhkin _,from l!ldla YI• Cirilo of Bloom.~ldl f:ne:ttanttns t'Olton print. In •un-duallnc mlour .. 8bnn1(nc -WI oft lhe ftltfft. creamiMt of Jndi1n eotton. Hand-printed ~our br colour to make ••ch dret• • emtom orfcia&I. Cortip•nioned b7 ltt own m1tchlnc carry-•ll b&c to eomplet. JO'Of tnwmble look. Sunf&1tl Colourfaatl f'ul17 -•habit! Green, cocoa, red, blut,1plak or ruat bltnd on t.aJr7~ream «TOUnd. Siza 10 t6JB.. ~----=-:-:--:,.---::---:--::--:---:::-:-:::::-=:::::;-:-;:;;::::----~,..e=· ,.,.._ 1'-• ,,_ IMi. J,y TWA J,..,.. W.M Altfl,..1 ll•il ••4 PAae Ortln-1 Fill..I Fash ion Apparel Liberty 8-7dl .. 1767-a Newport BlvCI. Costa Mesa • <>JM!" Friday I'.:~ 'lQ 9 e I ;::, J ' 1 REDUCTION ON ALL EXCEPT FAIR • TRADE ITEMS s • IS le Th I n c I u des a RECORD PLAYERS -TRUCKS -DOLL DISHES -BICYCLES BEACH BALLS -CAMPBELL · COOK-SETS -BOOKS -DOLL TRUNKS JAPANESE CARS -BOATS -PLANES -TELESCOPES -PLANETARIUMS PUZZLES -DOLL FURNITURE -UTTLE CHIEF SETS, ETC., ETC. 3442 Via Lido This is a Store wide Clearance Prior to Inventory -Hundreds of Items on Sale! ALL PRICES SUIJECT TO STOCK. ON HAND * ~ - LIDO if lo, rfln<r/ -One of the Lido Shops -Harbor 2954 I I I I I -· --... . . _..__....,... -._,._~ ·-----•-'-"· -------.• - • l!QQ · &IWMl(;;t -~ V;..ia Horn. hu.tlJ.n&" Oran.I"• Cout Collqe plYol ma.n., m&kem with the bll" leap to depoail Uie cu.a.b• In Lhe hoop. Van Hom will be much ln evi· dence when the P\ratu ho.t the Fullerton Hornet.a her• Jl'rlday night. -CX.."'C Photo Pirates Forsee -Upset Revenge Fullerton Coach Stu Inman'• n.ah younl" Buc.1 tlgure on pu1J.l.nc another upMt on the B'Ullll.rt.on Hometa aifnll&r to that fantMIU(: 7()-6~ vtctory re,-tste~ tut week bf the mighty Mountie• trom M l. SAC when t.he llometa v1a1t UI• M9a gym r;'r1day nlc"ht. 1'1p oll ume 1n the tray lh• Oraas• C1,1&.at College Piret.. hopt to ma.ke a n!Vt:niteful atfa.lr 1e Mt tor 8 p . m. ---------------1 You'll r~n1ember the hopped up tu.I: AT WILL! -Here are a pair of Sailor perfomiers J oing just that in a !int round Sunset League game aga.imt the Orange Pant hers. Above, Forward Paul Lorentzen pope one through the netting as rivals hopefully wait for a rebound. Belo~, George Schuitt triea a., jump shot over a close Panther guard.-Sta.ff Pbotoa. SAILORS' POPE, PAUL AMID TOP SUNSET SCORERS Jnn1an chargea planntd Lo pulYer· I.Ee FYllerton In a tlrat round outln1 on the foe'• floor Ja.n. 13. only to auffer \nltlal E .. tem Conference .etb&ek ot the local cage 1eaaon. The ....creulve Buca have vowPd • reveraaJ now \.hat the Homets hava becoma lnvlld· era. Tl'le!'t' ,.re only tv;o n1e111 - ber1 u f th!! Newport H•r\)<,r J-!Lgh Sr hvol ~1lor1 q1unt"t A Jl'riday nlS"hl vtctory tor the 11mon,1; the lop 13 score~ Ln awa.htNckllnl" Inman er-..,·ould the Sun1u•t 01..e•guc. •t.-..Uallc• run W loc&l ...-aJ court mark throui;h Frida y"• g llmf'11how to 17. wtra ..,.w.t a1Jr. I~ a.lid r enl"r F~ddLe Pope 11 No bring the conf•rt.ne• ahowtnS" up 2 11.an ~hln<I tup luop popper to five vlctort• aptnat three l>•n ltu.rd of the Huntington d .. feau. Compared to loop·lead· n..i.c.11 OlWa. Hc11.nl hu ecor· Jn' San Bernardlno·a undefe•teid e-1 ~I< po1nta in ~ix gamu for po11t1on In circuit play, th!a • 16 3 •ver&l!'.f" Pope h .. h it mi(hl 11ol mean much; but the rur 9.~ potn\..I In ""'""n trar • Buca still have the.Ir ey• on that fur 11 LJ ~ •v .. r,.gc nmncr-up poaltlon. Fnrw11rd l'•ul Lo~niten of A&•lnlll F'Ullerton. fnlTl&n will the Tari 111 :-<n 11 amon1t dPJ>61d on the ba.ll-hawklng and point fUp~r~. tie h1u1 hit for pclota. pl!t ertnr p-9r1orm11.nce11 of 88 marker• In ~ .. vcn gan1e11 Newport Harbor'• Denny nbl· tor a 9.7 a verage patrtck a.nd D&Ya Bidnlck, plu.a ---------------1 the hwitllnc pivot work of Ez NO SURRENDER Sailon Feel Local Quint Still in ' Run There'll he no giving up by Coach Julca G1<ge •nd his New· port Harbor High School Sailor qulntet In Sun1et Loe&lfUfl compe· Ut!on. It w .. obvtou1 todlly that cagy O..ge nor h i• performl!'r• &Ni un- duly •larmed by poa&e'81on or a ~ven-Stephen II) win. 10 lo.sa M&.10n&.I record lllld a .o-ao -t-3 mark ln cltcult pllly. 1'-IKM Rr;l,IEF Van Korn al'4 the rtboundlnl" ot Bob Ch•pman and Btdnlck. In llte RIYerslde romp by the Bue. lut lP'riday, Chapman pluck9d off 8 ttbounds whJI• Bldnlck corrllll· .. 7. Slnce Jeddy Younc h•• been moved Ink> the c•nt.cr epol to relleve Van Horn, probable •tart· lng lineup .. g1.1ru1t Fullerton will rind Bill Wet.r.•I handlln1 a for- ward position wtt.h Bldnlck, Vllll Hom ln the po•t, ..nd Don Mln- aon at r;u&Td wtth nt.r.patrick. 7th Graders Beat Fremont STUBBORN MULES TOSS 7TH GRADE LEAGUE INTO KNOTS And htJre"a •••hy : Thry firmly belleve Ule Colon\alA 11hot their wad by m•klng it cl@ar through f!r1t round ouUng11 undefeated. and w ith G•ry f<'rederlck , An.., helm atar, having knee troublea. the Goba will be able to down them when the Colonial.II v111\t S!Ulor um Feb. 21. Ill addition, the 'ran are ~,.. tllin they can take P\.lllerton'1 lnr!!a.r11 On the Sallor court Fri- d11 y night alter edgtng the Trlbtl.l five •t Fullerton In lhfl tlrat round l'O· 1'1p off time tor thill one, proM.bly one of lhe moll!: e."":cltlng of the y e.r. will be a b<lut 8 p. m. Marking the1r 11th win In 13 start.a, HILrbor Boys· Club 7th gradeni toppled Fremont J unior Hlgh School Saluni&y •t An•· helm •1-33. John Hu,hea pued the triumph by 1JWl•hlng the cord!! tor 1:, point&. The loca.I five W&f' on top a t end of the lnltt&.I •tanu. ~-0 and w idened the l•P lo Ul·9 at Inter· m l•lliori. HBC"a I• polnt.a made It 30-20 at ala.rt of the tlnal qu&rter. The Mules were just loo stubborn to back down before a quintet of Sabers in Ha.rbor Soya' Club 7th grade intra- mural baaketball league Monday and defeated them 3.'l-28. ReeuU: of the fracu threw the circuit into a four-way dea4lock amonl" the IC.i.. Sa· Hr-. Apel! 11.nd Huakl-. all llVlth •· l !'flCO"dL Otber ,,_it.a found t.he Pan- thera c1&wtn1 U\e Bulls 34·23; the AP9 out·WTNULng the ADtek>pM S6 • JI: the Ant.a 1Un,.tA1 U\e l!lptden lnlo aubmlaalon 88--t2, &ft(\ th• Huald• muac:llng pQt the C.ta ~11. PATl'l:M4.)N tllGlf lope1: Tom ALIPn ~; Pl.lll Stam ~: Paul Anthony 11: Rod V.'l1110n I : Don Horneman 1. Anl.9 : Mike Hermllll 20 ; Richa rd Balgle 1-t . Pal Hill 20. RRy \\"lelll 14. Spiders: Don Shernu111 17 . Patlerti0n 31 . Gene LaPerle 14 HU11kl!'lll. H u,1thea "; Dick But· terworth 10; Mike Smith •: Nnrm CArh1o n 4; Hal Knllfhten :! Cat11 · Butch Vineyard IG. Joe Loelll 2 . Tony C M1lhu1 2 , Al11n G()ff 'l Standing11. Ares. S111><-r~. Mull!& ll.nd Husklell 4-1. P1<nlhPr'I. C"11t11. Bult!! and Spil1Pr11 2-3. Antelope• and Ant• I·•· ··1 w on"l be 11urpri1ed if the •e11.on end• In a lhree-w•y Ue for flr:ort amOt'lg Fi.lllerton. A.na.· heun aiul Newport." Ga1e re- vuleq. •Rr;AT OtiR8EL\'r:.8' The Gobi •tt convtnced Jt ''"fl"n"! the Salnl.s "'ho beet the lada li111t week ln s.nta Loop llll"h l(Xll"!I tor the Cll(e l•tiTiU .. WU turned ln by J im Patt.anon who tallied 31 m•rken tor th• deleattd Spldera. Olber top dl,.tt depo1dten1 Included John H\1191 ot the Huakle11 .tth 2~ I ~------------­ &.nd Klk• H erman a nd P•t lilll ot UM Ant.. "1th 20 ff.Ch . An11 ··y,·., ~at our!lf!lvll!ll.'• mut- Lrr the Tarll. T h"Y 11ren't abool t..:i bluw another winning mugin In the I•~ fotir mlnutea ot the conte11t. the pl11yera a.uure f&n.e. Vn1tnlmo11nly t"lected team cap- lllina for the rurrent1y th1rd place v•r•lty &nd !lrsl l''•ce junior var- 11lty hllVf! bf,en Ou11ro O.va Ta- m \.•• and Guard Stlln Sdlonea.. Mu.Ma: ·Fred Mc{}&vran 6 : RWI· •U J't&pp l•: Tom Spooner JG. 8&ben: Bill Scott I . Steve Hol- lltter 3; N1tll Mc Mlll•n 10, LeRoy Ramos t . Pant.hara: Ron Palef1trrl t : R&ndy Kanwl! •: Uo•nnl• M.:· Farland 8; J ack S.ttey v. oan Ke.rr •-BWla: J ohn l"rockm-t ; Glenn O&tdner P, 1'•11 Pllt•n 3; Tam Totdtar I APES TIUUM.PHANT AJ*I: MMk Lrmd•llJI T. Danny Ar-Mid 10. Larry Robbhu 2. 8'Ln Qu-10; Ram ~ .. .A.nt.- Fremont Quint Outscores HBC ' .Jrrr\' t.av.-rl"nce rack~ up IT the Oolonl•U whc:i plllyed their poinls •nd teamm11le Walt Ander-he•t game of the TN-"°" 16 u. Ha rbor Elly•" Club mont w...., In front Hl~h SchQf>I A r 111:<'111 ,..,...., <iut · of 1hr f1r11t qu•rter, 41 -21 1ll'Or"<.t P0-6:• by f."'!·pn1~,nt J unior halftlmf' a nd M-.~11 111 the thr- lli~h Sc.hool of AD&lle1n1 :-\atur-qu11rter niark. 1tay un Lh• n val floor Thr kx.11 C1rl Berjl:aron ""d Corlll An· M point• wa11 p-eatf'f01 number keny potted 13 and 12 markm lllCOrf'd by a. Bo)'ll" Club q111n l'll r-J>91Cllv.t)I, and l)aye Moody U\111 11<'"..:>n <tunkfWI 7 lo complf'te i.oc.t .cot· It WM 115\.h •Lr.t1rn wm fot 1n1 . F or majority ot ht. point.. Hu1hea WQ ftd by Dick Butter· worth and Ron Palafer1'1. Hal K nlrht.en wu second hllh .oo,.r with 9. rollcwed by Butterworth W1UI 8 and Palaterri with 7. FT~ McG&~an potted 2 point.a. tei THE PllMTEI I A LINE 0 'l'tP£ OR TWO N THIS .....nSPttEAD!I NEWS FASTErf ~""' l'OJ<TY LINE/ ··---~- RAMBLERS ~ -ROUT ,CYO .~GUW.._. _Nt.t.' !ffD'.IP&-"""' ~ - --=---!It. J---·· ....... ,.. ~ . --. .1<>.--w .w--r--... -.. -, .. _NCI • 0 ~ ~ •. -.--.. NEWPORT HAalOlt ~ -PART 11 -PA6E 3 ,..,, °"""'' .,......., T"'U\ o,.,._,,_ -o.. wll!!ru.W:.rr. • Orpnla&U<m. Bull•U..U ~ 1111 w. OliM! ~ ..,..~AY, FEIRUARY I, 1956 ""' -..-w1~ ,,._11 ... !~!"!'~~~~-~-~~ -~~ Jl>..11 trtwnpba. n.. nnt. YlelOrJ j: HARBOR BOYS' CLUB ENTERS w.. -w ..... .....,. "" • · other OYW CapUtraDo.. CAGE TOURNEY AT SAN DIEGO Rl"""1 ~• aptund hip A. bubt bripde tn:a ~ Boy.' Oub bu .,_.. 91\t.erlld la Ula Golden IJullY__,., S.U.•lb&ll Toumammt at a.a OWwo UU. -keftd. aeoordJ.Q&" to .A.UU.Uc. D6NC"tol' Rod Mvwun•ei Th• tourney -nu· mplcia1 ~lion ol thl :.oth &bnJttr9&ry ot ~ of tn. tint Boy•' Club. TOU11.Pten1 Who were 13 ye&n old or )'OW1l"ff u of. !Sept. 1, 196Ci an eu,.tb'e to perform. nrac. fa.ma Jor tbl BBC ctry will be apWt Llnd9 Vi.ta at l p.m. !l&turd&J. rwl~ San Diep. OWi.-.d and National Qty .,.. aleo Ln th• ~ cl&al9&c. Playlnl" tor tba locall wU1 be Jflrr7 L&wJ'WIC', Jerry Hehn, J•TT"J ~. Brt&n Lucu, l tev• Roblneon. Tom Huber, Torn Sandoval. Pet.I "•ather.t.on, Bob BelS"el, J ln1 M.cMahan. Robert TW.&s.li &nd Dick R&pp. Mi!SA .,HOLDS · LiEAD . .. Merchants Rap Out 12-0 Blanking over Fullerton *!ore bonora ln bot.b tra;.. blt· t ing tor 21 pointa apm.t Wut· mlruiter aad 11 Ln. tba Capllltrano triumph.. The eo.t.& M--.boo& quillllt wa.a not out-poill_t.ed In a atnele quuter apbl.tt lha two Clppo- nenta. OetUJi.1 oft to • 10.2 le&d •1&.lnat WMl.nUnl.lv, Ule RAm· blera made It 18.e at h&lf and 'le-1 1 at irt&rt ot the tlna.I quar· lv, Aplntt San Juan Caplltrano. Ule Ramblera f&~ a rourh bat- Ue. ed,.Wg put lh.e rivala 7.e In lha f!rat •t.a.nu, f':Jta blL.thlnic • narrow 13·11 m11.rgtn Lt rece.aa. r.tlit flnally culling loo11e for a 23-Jt. lead going Into th• 1 .. t ....... See ring for Lhe ln("a!J; •r •1n"I ""'eaun1nAter were 8nb Seigel t.. Jun 1'tr-h-tahan t.. ft1~h11.rd LI· Cotnb 21 and Fte(t Ma.run t ttan1bler11" C ap!atriu1u t .. J!y 1herl S,,1gel 9. J im McM1ha.n ft [..., I l'1>r11 b JI, 8 111 Kf'nnedy 3 an.! T"111 Gr~am I Expert Out mlldaantn att Johnson- t"ined iii 1be uae of ip«iaJ fKtOl"J-t"J"Pll toOls. They UM Johlll.toft paru from our lar1e 1tock, u.urinc you of 011l y the fiMM mai111en•n« and re- pair ..-orli: on your ou1.board m01or. Looi.in.-: for • " .. "' Sn-Hone~ w., h••" 1hnn at pricn rou'll •ppre<1•!e. Costa Meea'• Merchant.a maintained their aecond half Anaheim Trims Foe Ol'1lllCfJ County Winter Bueball League leiui by ra.ppmg Anaheim H igh Sl·hool"• Junlri r Funerton 12--0 at Col5ta Mesa Park Sunday afternoon. Draw-""raity t.rtmmed Ga.rden GroYt1 ~- ing a bye in loop competition neJtt Sunday, the Mes.amen 1 tu Fnd•y. __ • _ South Coast Co. l"i eM<port Bl,·d. 11.t '.!3rd St H a rbor -.~HOO will travel to M.&nc.beeter Playground in Loe Angeles tor I • dl&mond ouUnc q-&trut Henry'• I c..t• IIMlia.n&. tor Ou! loc&I l&rrupen, th.a M.er- COMLlliG SOON ! California Used Car Inspection Service f"r&-lklylnf l'rut"·Uoa F or '"ou J11/Jnson "SJ.JI-=- Wtlh Jim N.wltlrll, Drane-chant. brok• up th.fl btl.ll game oei...t OoUeS"• newoon>er Dart wt.lb .....-e.n nmt In the ntth. I D&rmall and Don Lel.&"h twirlt.111" Buddy P1erCI 11i}ened th• e&nto a tr1o of .core.I-tn.nlll.p •piece W1th • .in,.ie and clllle<1 It With I aame. In between Plerc1 pok'I•. · ':;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;::;:;;;::=======.::;:;::;::;::;: _____ ...;:::::::::=; Pearson Fin+ In Greens Go Jury Rlce •u -r• on a n elder'I f eholc•. Lee r\ahel, Gayle Herbtl and Bob W•t.ael walked and Bill l.mb and Bob L&Clcero buhed CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2-0754 .... '"""-PUIO·BLOCK OOICPA..N"\' -!320 8. Kl.la SL. N1A11t1 UoJd •~ u11 wan.. Pear· -,.,.,.. f~ tnto a playott fr:. n rll pl&ca ln Newport Beach Mu· nk:lp&l L.awn Bowllq ~y When the p&lr t1.a""wtth 1~ potnta ead:I.. Pff.nlln ca.ptured top a:pot lD lM pl&yott wtlh Ed WUooa miq&"inl" Ulird pWll w1th ll polnta. 1n t.ha MYelllh.. W 1tse.l 1911 Off pUKJCE _ CL"'1>Ell AND OONCkl':TE JllA.k.."KS with • doubl•. L&Clcf!ro aln.(h1d, Tony U>mb&rdo walked anll I ~==::;:;;=""="'=· =·ro::;:::;K;C;"';-';0;;;:8;T;EE;;;:;L;;;:~::::;·;;;:·:u:P;;P::::L:":;s:::::;;;:;;;:~;;;:~ Pierce waa aal• on a n&ldar"1 chlllce t.ha.t 9C<Wtd W•IZoeL Rep&1n • M.ala~Olt • llllllail&U- Cl-.rtnc aid• bnlul'bt 11 plaJ· an lo lbl S'l'MIY tcw the ..-..., Ahat..n.lla.n .... tounwnent. The Kuatnl!ll topped Wop ott 'friua tau..-t.a.111 .. m Ula •PtJL nallel WM aal• on a miacua, IA!fb on a. nelds'• Dboloa, Hwbal and ~ .trolled and Weta! and Ulmb&t1'o ...w. ST AFl'.!!I! o! .. SON D..J',O'l'lll CAL OO~TttACfOK~ .._.,_ LlbertJ &-tZ71 111 IUv....W. A.,.._ Newport a.-c• n. ............. ,,,.. ...... ~, Easy way to break the small car hulitt I It's the hlml.top buy of the year with the moet power and size per dollar of any car m this style. u ,...,.,. --.....i to buyin( m tho 1ow- pri<»d.·thr. ~ chaw-&19 you're paying for Pontiac' a a.. performlnoe and diiitinction - but you'r« IWlt f'dtin6 U! Ma m&U:er of fact, you·,. ""' «lOl "°"'""' do«! W1Mrw .,_at a pri« "° low lean you enjoy bc:m-- ln& tho .................. ..i .. nooc1 -plant In the induotzy-h mlcbl7 -., .. ~ M at G prioe IO low caD 10Q .. tbl luswy ol Pontiac'• optioool Slnto-P"HPt n,.n. Matic-Aimrica'• DnNK. ~ ....... 'h tnM"'iePon? Mo.rt ... at. pr;.. .... ----• Nr 122-inch wheelbuli, taeb lmurio\91 tnt.lon ..l oil tho other 6no-car .. ...._ lbd put ,... ., aquarely on even tenm with bQwll al far« W cano? Comolnand-bow~ lbio~ Sin~ 1-nty can bo ,_. <-. !Jo<- do, yoa'U be oat ol .. 7777 a cm .. • 1 , ROY CARVER PONTl~C 1400 W. Coast Hwy. NEWPORT BEACH Ub11lt 1-3466 ,I " I ----·--" • • -·••";•• .. ,,.-........ -....._. ..... ..,.,,,., ___ . ' Nqoleon a-te ""•PP'1•" ••• ;;~.ibf. -,-_ .... birtt-of FOOD CANNING, ewer•d • pt"iu · to Mlcol•1 Appert for ,,..1ervin9 food in cont•iner1 combinin9 ••nit•· tlon, h••tin9 •n«f &eeli119. Dlol ,.. -..... Al--...-......... -4 .,.. ... , Mlec· .._ ef CANNID GOODS tt.. _., ..., ..tla-t •...... 1 SWlnS PREMIU_,. /WM'AS' 43~ --- The "feth.r of lecterlolo9y .. , dlt- covered • wey to control bacteri• by hit proc•t1. ef p•1f91,1riUtion, th•relty confrlb\ltin9 to ffle freshnett &'nd ""'· tritlon of the proch1cf1 In CHU '"erket1. ow ,.. ................ ,. ••.• w. -..... _, _ .. , .... •• ..,._ ii ,._ .,_,,.. I ., .. ........ -_, ,., ... , l>elitale$sen LutMr lwla11 ': ltie wlur4 ef hortl_.._., • Mffl· _ oped ,... ttfer•• of fniih elMI ~· teblet by co.-tr.llW m.+tto4t of 9"•ft. ln9' end IJMdlnt: , .. • · DW ,_ u.w· tW »tm1r'1r•1 ...... , ... , ........ ,. ...... -... ...... ~.-· .. ...... .............. -,., •• ¢' ,, • r---------------, I sw1n·s PREMIUM 4!-LBS. I BONELESS, SKINLESS _ $ 59 I CANNED PICNICS I I RHdy-to-Eoll I I ________________ J NATIONAL KRAUT and FRANKFURTER WEEK GRAND TASTE ALL~EEF BOLOGNA l>-OUNCE PACKAGE :>REGON AGED CHEESE Tillamook NOTHING BEATS ALL-AMERICAN 'S QUALITYI SWIFT LUNCHMEAT ASSORTMENT c GIANT-PAK 4 Different Varieties in 1-lb. Pkg.I sw1n PREMIUM BROWN 'N SERVE lb. SAUSAGE Fully~kedl 8-0unc.e Pkg. -. All-American brings you quality, variety, freshnes" conveni- ence ond VALUE .' .. e v e r y doyl All. American salules the worlc of !he 1..;;d pioneers thot have made our m1r- k~ pouiblel HUNT'S -Wirh lhe SAUCY Sauce ' .. Extro-Foncy Cri1p, Juicy WASHINGTON DELICIOUS Extro-Foncy Med .• Lorge SUNKIST NAVELS LBS. LBS. . .. . -~ . . \ . ---. -·-. --. ---------------, · Extra-Fancy Sunkist i r-----------------·. 1 Extra-Fancy Washington Hot-House 1 LEMONS I : RHUBARB Large Size! Fight Coldsl c . lb. I I I I I I Enjoy it ot ih very besrl c lb • L---~-----------~ L - - - --,-...;, -~ - - -- -- -J . C:.....tion Whiokey -Filth DOMINION TEN AH-Amerlcon Imported SCOTCH , ~4" $539 HOLIDAY CHICK, BEEF, or TURKEY PIES 8-0Z., EACH PORK & BEANS 2 2v. 29c Cans Pacific Gold Whole Unpeeled APRICOTS First State Pieces & Stems No. 2lll Con MUSHROOMS Scott -Lorge Roll loyal Host Rich, Reel SwHt O.s1ert Wine RUBY PORT Filth 72c HOUDAYApple,Cherry,or Blueberry C PAPER TOWELS PIES 1ov,-oz., . EACH Pillsbury Whito Coke ...,. •• Host BRANDY C....... ,._ ,_. .,f WM..''! Filth Concord Wine -Holf Gallon MANISCHEWITZ $457 $269 . FROSTING ~!;DINNER 69' FiG"NEW-To-Ns HAID APPU' CIDER MAL# $113 eAUCMI aATLOID CHAMPAGNE """ $191 6AUON 23' GRAHAMS ~--------------------.. BIRDS EYE SLICED -1 ~z. PKG. STRAWBERRIES 1-Lb. Pkg. ------~-·----~-1.. •• -.-...... _ -~ -~-----·----------___ ...__ ___ _ ------<#--·-. ---.. to-----,..----·-"' ·-... -~ .... LLSBURY CARAMEL Chase & Sanborn All Grinds, 1-Lb. Can R.E.D. Alaskan! No. ! Flat Can •Tall Cans · AKE MIX l~k~~-c PILLSBURY Kit Cake NoiA"io scE. AUCl!l'S AUSTIX HILi REYNOLDS WRAP -"9ami111'~ OWERWARE I' CON CARNE WITH BEANS! No. JOO Con Pitcher 1 ~ ,;,.. _ _...,... ~~-- UsliN fiioned CHICKEN~ 3lc r. QsoN. \ Boaed TURKEY ~ 35c INSTANT CRIAW 2nc PREAM ••1,.0.. 7 - 11-Ch. Pockage 5~ .. Von de Kamp's SPECIALS '""· 9 , 10, n French APPU lttl .•••. $3'.., (Str Y._, Almond Onlngo Ring COf'fEE CAKE •• 29'-. l .... Uc • .J Valontino llvttw COOKJU ..•.• 29' ... ~~'~'~'~~!~ ~ " .............. . N-.-. ..... c..-... ..... ' /:"'6. Yi ,,...._ -,1,, ~ •6-o,, '°'"-<! Fro, "'•ly y ""itlo pt.,,.,, 9n) C1i;c1r.,, °"' "-P r11i <h;clc ._, 6., 9h, -.,, f/OoJ... ,,. ,,, ,,.,, . ....... , "'9 U.S. Graci, "Choice" -Swift's Square Cut Shoulder LAMB ROA~T U.S. Grade "Choice" Shoulder LAMB O·HDPS U.S. Grade "Choice" Round Bone LAMB CHOPS 10:. BRAISE, BAI~, OR STEW! BREAST O' LAMB FRESH, LEAH LAMB PATIIES Kingan's Eastern, Hickory-Smoked PORK .CHOPS .. st Center Cuts All-Americ.n's Fomo111 -29•· 1-1.1i. 39c GROUND BEEF Swift Brookfi•ld PORK LINKS Finell Nor!Mm STEAKS OF Pkg. HALIBUT 39•· Fancy EASTERN OYSTERS c lb. c lb. c lb. 19~ .. ' e DOWNEY • NORWALK c:oum PIUSTONI a DOU.M com• Mn10• a P1C1 e NIWPOIT IHCH 0.-._.,'T'lll it.-.-M&S..'ttlW..._ Of91 DAILY "T& WWWll ... OOilll ·~~-·' ,,,, ..... -'"' A.IL TO ,,_ P.111. llA&T e SAN Cl "illlW 11 .. &0'5f71D-. t A.11.10 t P.IL. _.., t •I NL _ ...... - . . I I 'I I .1 ' .• • • ''X (}ovemtn4nl Gxcep~ . WJ.ai -9t PAGE 6 -PAJtT II WEDIESOAY, ~U.UY a, 1956 . . . • the ~ to etCl!fltJM thing1 ,...__caiiiiat:chon90; Jh• cOoir.,. la chlft99 tho. 1hin91 .,. ~Oil .o.nd the wisdom lo know Ifie dl f!w.nco." (11 . ...,__, '.',God grant us ' . • fW'·-----~~-"""'""_._ ..................... ~-··-,_, ...... ~~-=·-~·······~ .... -·es:·· ........ -...• ..,...._.._«4~=·~....-..,.,,.. , -·----,...····-··---..o....----""-----• -,E Dl T 0 R.1 AL-S " ·'"'-= ,.~ ... ;. . Edison-Smog Chief Truce Declared with $1,750,000 WASHINGTON REPORT 111 !'-COiip .. , -•• ,,.,. a. urr TH&, RIGllT ROAD ' . REA-DERS WRIT~E &dtt.oir : • ::..-: it-:-outd ~' -~n1'1iil'{ ft;" iC>m1;.r at .sifro?j'liC~"7"4F r - Bru. In tl•• Colt• M..a IScllool Dl•trtct to bt attltcted wh . .h "*'tal • ..-~ •. .....,.itJIMlr U.. ..... .&AJr.M~.IMt~~~-.....:... • F~b. tlrtt , AOCOrdlng to th• pa.--.. lJltl aubjec( ot ~au WU to .,. - laken up, Out It wu •VldA!tl.t to evel70'l'f ,.--t that th• r.-oluuon p&affd, '1alllf16 for unl/lcaUOn, wu all cu\-&nd-dri.t.. It on'1 l&ck-4 /.h• •lgnalure.1. Theae W•l'9 added "{Ith • nourl!!:h, without N,,.tlt of dUcuaiilon or "1'11 cha.nee tor the pubUc W be h-rd. \, We att happy to note tbl Loe A.ngelee Smog Chief, SmJtb Griswold hu come to terme with Southern Call- fornla Edi8on Co. wtlleh J)t'e"toualy bu .been denied operating OT conltnletlon permit.a for * tlleeJB rr.ne- rating planbl. The denial a.awl Ec:H«111 to mon one of it.a plants to Hwit lngtoa. ~ f,rom wbieh tt can aqiog up On.n.re CoUnty _._ coatrol derica prevent the fumet from watt.in.I' oortbwMtertr ICJ'OU San.la Ana, Garden Grove, Orange,· Anaheim and Fullerton> I ahall teotlfy bet-the Waya and )J{...,. Committee thla week In oppooltion to American portklpotloa Ill tJw Orsantntlon tor Trade O>operatioa (OTC). In view of the fM!t that by t.hla .et.km th• p.opl• ot C.0.l• ,._. h1n•e t.cen J'll• lured u Utlle lhort QI 4-4 beats, whln1n.1 tpt' it0n1e01r1• Ill ~h1•uld1·r th .. u re11ponalblllUt'll and pay th.tr bllla, It mlfht be wall to ea.an1lne the ma~e up o! the board. We havto bu.ln-men. a lawytr and • n•1ruat~r on l ht board. T'Wo membe.R wer9 elected and three b1uld pickhl 1luHxl picked by JIOu·know-who). ln tact. If tbe lMJlh wer. ~d. "I' Wv\1hl h•V<' lo admit that all an n.nd piekftd, f()r. in Utla district. 1f • llt'• ... ••11 h11• the temerity to run tor the tx.o.rd w1th1111t lhe bl~ ot c•1ta1n Pf"lple.~th.,. 11 ra lmmedi..tely eub,tect..d lo lhe /UOlt v1clot.:.8 a ua. ~ • with ut ter dl..~fard for lhe tn1tb. Thu.1 you r an a«i lh•l - 00 nut ru•I@ a rep~nlatlve lKNlrd. I • ' ln lbe new pt.ct ~ J:dlwm and the L. A. 1m1og czar, tJie utility clai.ID.l_ it will .tut a $1,nM>,000 progr&m to curb it. amog emi.ioo.. Some $1.,500,000 of thia wiU be for development and tnatalLe.tion of amog control .equipment. the nmainlng quarter-million tor co .c>pu""ative TCKL~~ ior.\h. U» :Ur pollution control difttrict and other utilltieti on how to reduce or elimi- nate emog contributione f rom uae of fuel oil.. Thi.a f uel oil iB heavy with aulphur. It ahouJd be noted C:riswold ha.a euggC8ted t o the Edi.son Co. the 11team- J1:enerating plant.a could be oper&t.ed with 1et&a smog oulput by burning natural gu t.h&n uaing fue1 oil. We don't yet know i1' the a~t on emog con· trol will take Editon Co. oft the h ook for 10 violaUons from fi ve It.I.ck• of It.a Redondo Beach plant. The utilit y 1s to be "arraignt'd" on theae count. later thia month. If yuu think we have unduly senaitive nasal mcm- branea, lhat maybe we just don't tike big power plant.a or aomething, ta.kc a look at auch a plant for yourself. We noticed the other day while driving to S&n Diego that two electric power plant. located sea'A11.rd of Coaet Highway between Qceanalde and San Diego are belch· 1ng great thick cloud.A of what appean to be iu mon pure, 100 per cent brown emog ''jun li ke uptown." Thoae two eeuide power plant.a are exfU'tly what we have been 'talking about while opposing the Edison Co.'11 H un tington Beach plant site. Such it location, without adequate smog emi&11ion 1·onttOI drvices, wffi, a.a su·re as death a.nd ta.x:es. con- 1 r1buu· tu the "aerial sewer ." to borrow a phra.se from our good frien d, John B . Kingsley, L.ulo Isl<', who re- 11•nlly Wr (!:tc ua of bia ideu on air polluta.nl.8, Y 1111 may have noticed 1&4t week'• front page story 1.11 th(' Orange County !lmOg eituation. Our county smog chief. l)ix on Tubb!, met with Westem Oil and Gu 1\~~c 1al 1on rt'presentalives. Out of thi11 llC88ion came wnrd lhat 3300 lbR., 10mething more than J 1.:i tona of gasoline t!I being added to lhe county alr we breathe t'ach day -from gasoline storage t&nks tha.t ue not vapor controlled. How do you like it -regular or with ethyl" Upshot of this 8<'ss1on wa..s the a880Cia- \.1on promise to take a cen11us for the 11mog czar of how many petroleum conl.Juners are in Orange County, where they are and other pertinent data. We wilJ be very interested to see the outcom e o! thi11 tank count. We still like the aa.lt amell of the sea hereabouta. We do not intend to let any utility, r efinery, or othe r major Bmog contributor foul up our air a.a they have done ao boll!l-titully in Loe A.ngdel Baain. We believe in induatry a nd that it hu lta oblil'ations to ael"e clea.nly aa well u efficiently thoee who pay for it.a product.8. Some Women Need More Time to Cross Newport Blvd. While Costa Meu officiall are debating with the 1tate highway department about whether to run New- port Blvd. in a ditch, they could pleaae a.U t heir 111.dy cU9tomeni by giving them about 10 ~nda more time to get across the boulevard, w"e bear. At preeent the ~ in lights doea not give even fu t Walkers time to get acrou the wide street before the tut Ught turns red, they claim. The women with abort lep are left glaring at eager drivers about half way between Ult trtreet center and the final curb. , BARllOD PRESS l'orm..t,.·lll• K.wport~ M--onm .. aad tbtl Jl(ewport-~ p,... ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ • .\ DepMICh ... ...._.~er.a-fllir 0tw FartJ :l'.n Entft'ed u s.eond-C\.aea Mattf:r •l tM: PMtoe'!\co tn Newport Beacli, Calltorn1a i&nder the .Act ot March 3, 1879. The •tory of OTC IOlll back unra1 ye&r9 wben. the free tra.den in the State Dep&rt:m.mt IUbnitted to Coqreu a plt.n Jor &A !Jltemat.iopaJ Trade Ofiuil.s&tloa {Tro). Tb1a plan, Ut&I. U.., wta etther way. l f conceived a t & KaftAa _,.,.. Concn-~ OTC, •• h&Vil enOI. wu iSel.l.sned to riv. Lo pt&t ~ .tamp of a pproval on t n. lntaraation&l rro control -GA.TT. U Ooo.~ doM not ap- Amarlr.a '1 forel1n trade. n'O pro" Ol'C, •• ..,.. aUJI ln OA 'ii' wa.. to w con1poeed ol M -· MJWaJ'· 'Iba CoMUtuUon f'IVU uon•. ea.en with one wot.. we to ~ &lone the power lo would have had tha am. Yot.e Mt tarltta. .. Sl•m or Peni. ln\&nJ oantto-l"OllEJGN CONTll.OL vetl Y uver the Americ-.:i m arket OTC, GA TI, and rro all add or tra o.le pr&J."UCf.I. "'a would ha•e up to Ole aa.me th.Inf: forelp been outvoted 1)7 to I. coatrol of Aln•rlca '1 tariff• and Thi• achen1e to •UIT'elMUt eon-· 1rad .. 1.t yOu "th!~ t1iat W • II trol ot our tarilt1 And Lrad• Lo an academic .1Ub jecl, Juat remam- forel1n n•tlon• received a cold bv thal ..,hen Cum.munt•l C~h· ahoulller tr11111 lh& United St.ate• oalovakla ja.il&d ~'llllam 0\..13, an Congrt'M Hcer111g1 were held on Ame.rie&n cjtt.eri, Se!'reta.ry or ITO, but no turther action wu Bl.a.ta A.chNOn wantftd to ~· ever t.allt'n Pre.umably , th.I sub-11eUoa. ..,.a.tut th• Rod 1ovem· Jecl .,.. ... dropped menL Slnce we !\Ad a t.r•d• THE CAPITOL WEEK By JAJIE8 C . .U.'DEJISON United Presa Staff Correepondent Thtil greal a~ent •d•·&nc.ct Hema to bf' U'l&I Nt!wpon 8-dl Ma mtie,. r .. 01;1 .. y th&n Collhi. ~'<'""', thenror,. •·e allOuld unity arid aU ab&r-. In N"""P"rt '• money Thia ta one Co.ta Ml'M fan11Jy U\&t doee Ml wan\ l!!Jlvne to PflY Lhetr bl!U tor-them . \\'hat we r:&n't psy tor we wlll It'' ""'!lhout. But 1f w,., did bl-heve . ..,. th .. achool boant M>elt\ol tn ~11 .. 1·r, that nther pNlpl,. ahould rumi.ah 1111 with rnoney, I wonder 1r Mr H('M. (J r IU•Y n1ember or the board woulr! hk,. \n "Unity" with u. ao "'• •"ult! have a C:adlJta,. and a 1w1n1m1n£' pool 0 A· ,l\od1ng t.i a1..a1 111Ue11 obtaln6d tron1 t/'le two; -.CllOOI d1atrlrr.. lll· vah·1:1! i1v; J:\C.""'!V>rl ~11-.U.lr\r."t Qu. #ftQd l!i.iv1Ja,,.w1Ul p, buds~. or. SRM• I'.:'• •~l ttt St:i!l 19 r,...r pupll (:Qoil• Me&a hu 38UT pupjle w!Ui ·a 11u01.:p1 ,, 1 1 1113.:i~~oo or SJ1 o1~; pen IJl!f'll '!'! " 11 !• <'•OU!)' ""'"n llul\ "" •pend Jl t ~ n1or• per pupil U!.IUI !"·'-''l'-u1• do<:~ on uur tOJtAJ <:l!l'(•lt1nent Lhat 1.1nounta to $&6.l!Of per vr .. r \,t w., <1re tt>f. ,..,.,1o,!1~.1 1n1pov•rl1he<1'' a<:hool dUtrtct: It j\Ult 1111~11· ''~ tl1111 •<HU,. <lilt' J!I t11r T"I" H1.._ on th .. Mee& h.u de.lualon• ul ~·~ J~ur Ou looktnt: 11 t1t!lr !u1\/1er, we tlnfl lfl&t CO.ta M._. ha. ,. ru!. '·"'" Pll~<hLilog\"t t.• tn, ILU'• or 17000 Jl<.'r year, wh!J e Newport e;,.,. ull<' tut 011e il&y pu ""·M'k 1 ILfUJt.hf-r llap at Coeta Mua.iia.) pracUc- a l \' ~' 111n i: that tl1.,1r i;-h ihlrcn •1r rn t'nte.l Cllkwl ~ i..:oeta J.leu. a1-o n... " '•,., •" •1I U!•l ( 'o-Vnt1n"1"r . 1<.lh•lh"r lllC"f. way lo IPt'fld rno11a7. Of '-'""r-·· "''nll!•l tJ,. tu., <'"'-"\ 1>1 3et llOr&de 11.a.na.ui::ta IUld 1Uck lo t.Aan\. But the rr .... tradJ.n& Stat• De-qTMmffll with C-C~U.ia., JIUlDlt'nl WU not M IJM'ied with tMI decld94 to puni.Ml the Cl.KM UU. reburf W1thou1 COfll'teu.1-0ll· by tannJnal111• !t. Achuon d.ld &J cunwnt, llu: United Stal.ea ao MVetal month• la r..r, anar .., ... ph.•111ed Into • new tnterna-CATI had. fotm.1.lly approved h1.I UoMI t.ar1tf-Mltm.,;; body known 11eUon. When t.n lntern&Uonal ... in.. ~ner1I AJTMmMll on qency ca.n t.U UWi Amerlca.n 1ov· Tan!!• &nd Tra.de \0 .ATT). R• 9T'JUnenl whan, It ca.n .C.op t:radlfl&" peateol!y <~·nKr<rw ~ NfuMd to wiU:i a Communlal ¥"Q'l'emtnent "JIPfOve GA 1-r that ti.a. Jalll'd a.n Amerlct.n c1U- W\\'EST T AJlU'T8 :zf!n, w• have lndeeJ 1 one too kACflAMt:NTO IU p 1 -C&l·, But P.11.uley publlclv haa r:r1UclZed II lhnl ... ,.,,. 1l<1n .. 1h .. re ...... u!d r..r nu n1i h .uundln& l,ltl• to b&nlly about ltontla.iu will gel to 1ee o r hl'ar wh•t he t •lls the 'bl1l~k re1g be· • 1unu&1 :"'rw[>'•rt hu two "h•JOJ n.une& and t:o.t1 Met• lbre. 1•t th• t""o top-ranking Democr11tlc tni.; •laK.il ror Slcvenaon" ill C&.11-j 1.· .. ~1 l 1,.,.h,.,.,. ah" n1U1 t11 re .. 'nl• bu.a1ne. m&na+>t'r ha.d to cl\eck be- pre•idenllal ca'ldidatea on the fr•ml• an,J l"('f'rl'I ly lr.an'!>d h 1 • • 11•1•" • -"''un t Ju~\ ,,,r., h•JW t h")' W•"" ··r1 .... tf\ed", '-''• rna y hav• 1•n1e pla fform next wttkend p"'r...,naJ pl111" to Kef•uver "'h"" ,. 1 .. .-I• .,1e undr,. "''n"'' !on&; Ulle) lilea.nwh1le, the 34 memb<k n&· uon1 of GA 'M' h•ve b.eld M¥er&J conference., and completed a ni.unbar of multJla.tMral tr&d• a1r-Mmenl.I Th• •lated aim of t/'le orranlKallo;n 11 to lower trade b11rr1e11 and reat n c uona. GAIT w1U1 l• nauun•. 1ncludln& tM Un- ited 8tate11, lo reduce I.hell' tar· ilf barrlera. The Ul\ltlld Bl.l.te.1 ha.II i.;one along lo lh• poLnt whare our tariff• a.re today the IOwe•t or t/'laa. or any major tr-.dlnl nation. Other ~"<luntne• havt' found way1 to 1et a round lowerinl t heir trade b&trlerl., however. Tru1, th<1Y may lowf:t t&rlff1 aom-ha.l. but a t the aa.me Ume they lmpoe• modern lra.de •lr&n· gleni that n1U.t> tulff1 1.1 oul- moded u th• .Stanley Staa.mer • 8om<1 of lheee forti!arn lnd• kill-.. r• are doll•r r~n•. Import quota.I, import Lk~, cun-sncy fTlan1pulaUu111, and Jmport 1pec:I· t1catlon1 of vanola .art.I. l haYe no obJl'l:Uon lo tr&dll wh ich \.e really reclp~•l. but Un· der GAIT .Amarle& ha.I made Ule only nie.I ....crltlce• for treu trade. The lt'Mn reclprucal h ... tieeonie a n1eanlng1e .. word when applle<J lQ torel&;n tra<lln& prac- Uce1 The Or&Aniu.Uon t or Tr1de Cooperation tOTCJ wouJd pl.ac• thf: 1tamp of a pprov&J ot Con· er-on the organlu.Uonal fe&- ture1 ot OAT'T. 1"he p ...... , .. or th• OTC bUI woulo.I plunse u• deeper Into lh• meab of foralp control ot A.merle&n t..tlff1 and trllde r-e.laUona . .Actually, the (r'M: Lrl.d•r1 have rl•ired the deal IO 1Frb 3-4-6 ! at Fresno. the Sena tor,,., .... In (.:ILlifom la tu-la .1Urr'efldertn1 our .over-Both Adl&l Slotven110n, tne 19:12 K<'tauv.,r hu on., oUler advan· \\ •' llll.\'t double ~eu1ona 11.t RM Sc~! but find • lar-re mwtr niom eipt7. De.1nocni.Uc prt111ldentlal nom1ne<r. la.: .. He c&JnpaJrnf'd throuahout lln•I •h""~r• ft1r tJOtn be!)'• and C'ltlm •t11 to be bl.Jill ln pla.c. Oii ci.... ln ea.ae yo.i have ~r he&l'd and SC'n ir:.te1 Ke(auver of Ten· c..L1tornla In 19!l:l Mill U w •I I t•~•UIJI \\'e pi.y tor our 1!•u1hter1' mu.le leNOn.1 &11<! we bof'l•Uy do uf CN.nlll, (t ta a JeolOf'le Jorm ... nuaee. the nL&n who won the known to Democr11.tt throughout 11u1 l1,.l1r·ve ll••l tne 1,111~nta In lhta dtatr~t •Nln't r apable ol keeplnc uon ln lbe ana of Ole Colorado C11.Utornl• pre1!dent!&J pnrniuy th,. it.at~. 'h••11 • 1, l<l'"'°'n bathll<! At llatper School t.n a<ld!llon 1-0 the •Udltortum and San J 1l&ll Rlver11 to be L'O V-four yeAr• .. ,0• w ill make cam-In llle pr1m11ry rour year11 111;0. 1" 11<"" 1mpc.lrt.llnt tn110 r l11.>1aroon1 •pace : while at Maln School they ered by the tMtrvolr ot Lhe p ro-pa1gn pltchea to the California Kt>lil1lv'r r1n aK1t 1n~t a 3la te uf u-v~ 1 ~ .. ptU'I< 1p11h1 •O•t•·n11b!y lr•lntng t.ne for tho> new "'llaon School. poaed Glen Canyon De.m. • pe.rt O..inocraUc Councll. part)' regul11ra h~;uJ~l! by p 11 t 1f 1l '" ··r a;el.3 b111!11 \\',. have k1nder1>:arl!'n~. althoogh th1• i. not com· of lhl Upper Colondo River Ba-A lthou1h CDC bylaws prohibit 1 tirown 11nd .. u1!y captured Call· l•U(~, • \ iu11J rn11.ny U111lr" l" <Ju not But the Top l:lrau m uat have LIL the 1o1n proj«L endoraemtnt or pre•ldentl&J t a n. fomlll ~ 58 conve11t 1on vole11. Th,. t ril l, '11r U1e .Me•• .,,·~n 11 ~"'wpurt hll• to pay t o' them. L&.t week, COni"r-euman Crals dlda lf.•. Lhe i"reano clam bak., U• pi 1111ury vol" ii:•Ye Lhe Kefau ver ) 1 ·"~ta M.,1111 cvUJ•I '"'"" g/Xld, efficient •<-hoo&. and pay tor th•m HOllln•t of LGfll" Beach -It 8&m-of vital i"1porta.nce to both con• :1ck1"t 1.1~~.s.~v whilt' th., 8r~n ht r~•lf If the J>n"'"rl·lhit-bt' wanted to do liJ The •tndVT&rt~ eould plea of Otlnl• to ea.ch Mem ber tender•. About 2',000 top-rw.nXLng r11vttr1te Min lll'kl't polled 4S" -b" rl••.<•·<.I 11.nd 01,.~,. i l.11A~ tf•Om• UM<I : th• unnK""•·ue.ry per110nnel could ot Consr-, and .aked lham to Demo.:ral.4 •n C&JJ!orn.1a a.re e•· ~711. ! ~ .,.,~,.,,,.,! out ol tn~ t11hniru1tr1Llva branch, the pa.rvita co\lid be al- conduct a little e.xptirtment. "P ut ~~ted to &ttllll9 the cnnverrtlon· • Tf;:o/T.<\1'1\'r:; ~l.ATI'; 1,..,, .•.. \ \u l•'i••J and b1t\.h•' their chlldren themaeJv ... ; the mulU•pufllO*' th.11 Chin!• rock In a clee.11 &Jib an11 11J AT,., bound tu bf. Mked 1h .. tent.&1 1\e •<h<'•h1!e tor !),.· '"'"'n" . .,uJil btr rnnd<' 1n1u r•L&.u n>0n11 ln tact aU the frUl.9 could b« tray and pour water on IL You when Uley f.,\urn home "\.\'ho I Fr,.~110 n•l!'lllltl!C put• Kefauvt'r ••11 ,.11 111,,1 .. (,.<l and the t.hll•Jr"ll r .. ught .. >rne t..1c 1ubj111Clll. ln•tead 1ht can -what h&pfM:D..1, It dlaLn· w111 t he fl)vllt Linpr1188lve -Ail· llit r"~tn.uu •l 7>\emorial .A ud. nu:ii ilt!'Hletha l weh&\'eillt1Hie1<ltll\'aganctnnmall•rwhopay• forlt. te('tatQ," And tt did. l1.1 or E•lr:•!'' LiJ r1un1 11hortlv •fh·r nnQn on s11 1 Ho.mu"• point : "Do not throw HJO !;T-'.X.r: ur1l11' l'll•'''' 11,.vn 111 11Chedul~ t"[ l'U!due from thll expsrtmenl In Tht' it&kr: tor both men In Ca ll-h>lluw 11t llut:r: o'clo<k wllh •lr!K · ~fr • M l• A J . (Jl!:LPHl.NO the aln.k. It mtsht Clos Lhe dra in, tom!a Ill a big one -58 votr:• •l ril r11.i1 .. and trlrvl«111n bru•uh 11..~I& I .. It mls ht ckls Glen c..nyon Lhe Democratic n&.Uonal r:onven· 1 al 11., llll() huu• H111urll11y ev.,n111i.: Dam ReM."'olr ·• Uon ln Chlc11.&:o. Anti bflcauae lhl' \\ h11e m1.18l or lhl' 11Uenl1un 1.t I>t-ar Br:ri Wh..i • U tah Conv-man Golden St!M.e will r;lve Ule '"'u l!rr11n•1 w1 !J b.-f<o<•U!lf"•! un l ilt! twn cha .... 11(1 Ulat Chlnle L• really men Ofl~ l••l chance to 11!18"11~ 1•re~1•l>'ntl•l can<lld11te11. 11n .. quill· a.n4 !1l'\Of"leM~ , W1i.-m11 I pride laa1 1 lw 11J'• been upparmo•t. ·• . !y 1nt,.1r~tmg tight "'1U II<! "Ill-: "rlcb. ur&nlwn -bf!•rlns •lt•t9.." Lhelr vot"·K"ttlnr ablht•e.9 l><:for" 1 1 .. ,. t .1.,.. 1 '"' Uo-.mer, un(launt«l wrot1 each thr: 11.at1onal c•.,nvl'!nlu.in. "' "'-en( or~''111 ""l Member, u ylng : l.n the .. arly ~uing, Strv,.n,..i1n Unu ... i .!Ha ta.1 Sflnat • .,·. '111r .l"'I 11vow .. ,1 cou! .. nd"rft at -· •• II I opµellr• In h&.ve an edge In (,'all· ' ..... re a.re over "" fTl u o tornia ov~r the T•nnea11ee 11,,nJ<· lbe prr11,.nr n1nm,.nt "'"' Sl1<te Chlnl.e expoead a.km& Lhe re.er· ;,trn Hu·h111d H1<"h1tr·<is ·•I J.11 s votr .ite ot propoaed Olen C1n· tor. A ui;;ele~ 1u11l !onner Coni;rr~ . .,nan ' "" ,__ . P-•·-to-0 • .-, Almo11 e vtry Democratic par· ..,., ....,,. ,.., .. --•• " .. ,, 8a n1 Yorty, who l.:i~t to 1ncu1n. 11pot hav11 told me Utah'• •econd ty bigwig ln tht! •late I.I l!nrd up bent flepuhllcll.n Srn. 1'hon111.l! H -••l••l " __ ,,,_ "rlk• w•ll .. _ bfh!nd S teven11o;n "''llh Altorncy '-'o•h•I ,. !.ho ,, ••• ,1 ol-·<•••• IW<• .,. , .. , ..... "" ~nerll.I Edmund 0 . B r'Own, tht! "' ~ " '"' ~ lnundatf!d by th• propo.ed re.er· ye•r• ••• only Dr:mocn1l holding a high · VQ!r, U 1ubmer1ed bllneaUI 700 ltlch11r..t. h&11 llfln1J1111r"d ht' w ill 1-t ot _,._1• --•-· llko !.ho etalewide nffl~e. hf.a.ding up the .,., '" , ·~. __ ...,, g"l Out of tht r ace 11nll!1111 h t' gel.JI !mt conUnent of .AtlariU.. will Stevcn>lbn c•n•l)illgn aa chairman. the CDC e.ndoracmcrH at Fre8tlu. Solidly In Lhe Ht<"venson camp UleH depoalt. be out of reach with Bro..,n a re •Uch Democrsllc Yorty. on the olhf.r h11.nd, inlll.111.8 tor matntalnlni Ula Nation'• wheel• .. Rugt r Kt!flt, vice-he la In the rll.C'11 to 11t11y-regard- •tom!c aupsr1orlty!" cha.Lrman or I.be •ta.ta central lu1 o! "''hat th,. O..mocrauc Coun· On• mar• re..,.. Lo vote commlttM In northern C&llfomla: ell dOel. aplnat tll4 UppaT Colorado pro-AIU\ Ctaneton. chairman of Lhe There •UH le a poNlblllty a ject! CDC. former natlona.l eommlt-Democr11.!lc <1er k he>r•" conlender In r .. v1ewu1g tht Hfl(Un11·nt-ot no matter how mucn bread w&JI " unlfll:"I Mh0f1I •l1ftlrll t )Our In th" h.l>U!H' •pl(•lltlhl "<ll1nri11I In Ill.Ill F M!l8y'1 f'or ,·1nr1. '" a ftfllloo•11p11per p11b- h,hrr e1l<>rl11 were m"""' fop. lh,. ;1<1.j)tr. arid tht tC"n111rkf •'If Judgt' U•~·111:e , an•I .'lupl• l<"lt lln•! An· .1,raon, 1t br>nK-• tu inind 1n11.11J1 .iilrnU3r 11.1!1111t1un~ "''"'" the year•- tw.1 1""' ri• 10 beconir Ofl<'. or r1tn .. r tnr the Meaa to Oacoma a 1111.rt. <1f l\ewport Beach. dell· pile lht' fa~t that the Meaana n11(1 a !t1r.:et populaUon than lh• b1·11,.h a nrl In two short y~&.r• ("1.>Uht fl1J!Yotc them and tU.e ,.011- t1 ul o l th" 1.:1ty cuunc1L It 11 1n1 .. lbnt every 80 ofle11 &11 ln- di.ereet Offlcla.I or c1ur.en WOllill ultl!r 1 nuty rf.mArk in.at would un110 th,., artort• of year•: It. I• allOO truft tll at many Ml\aa.n& 11p- 11roved ot lhe Ide&, but wer• qulckly dluuaded When & moufhy objector talked thl'!m O'lll of It for lhe ll'!n•le w ill bloom •t F re•· ------------------------------leewom11.n Elellnor Hell er; Mr•. El1u.beth Snyde... Ot'mocratlr nu--eape<"l"JIY ir the 'l'orly-flich- \Vh"n lhf' I .'lllnl' l>leyf.tll ,.IUllt' ht!re in lllll?. :-;,.,..·p<Jrt Beach hid ')UiJ )>CCtPI" ll!lll ( 'o.ta Ml'IMI WIUI a '-''ld•· pl"' e in lilt' rnll<I Son•t' ,.( uur nlJ ron1rr~ "'1ll 1tmen1brr 111, ~ra&o?le~~ an<! d1Jf1<"1Llt .,ffurt11 11111.Je tv 1ec11rf. a t-l1tr bot ;\'.cw· port Be11.1:h had llttle f11nd~ to go on, which meant th11t Clti~na t.lui.; down In 1.h,.lr jr11n1 to II· nafice the t r!p11 to Sacrsmento. to \Vahh•(?M. kl ~ ~a ol the county: of thou11and11. or dol- l1r11 rau1ed by private •ubll\·r1p· Ue;n for Haro.1r lmprovernen\.11. Th•·Y "'ill 11 l<to reca ll U1at lt took ~,.ve11 y .. ar11 to M:Cc<le fron1 the Santa An .. llChOOI dJ/jtrJct and form " ur11on hljl:h 11chool dL1tr\l'.t ot out own. ""th rt'pe•ted trlpii to the leio;i1Jaturc. the cwrLI and elaewherc Dt,.hl and Andf.r.on. Costa Me~a 11ttomey•. wiUI the bulk o r the .,..ork betn1 done by LeRoy Andtr~n, were employed. mostly by fu nd1 f'UmJMed hy lo- cal c!U.z.f.11~ •nd the Ne ... •pnrt Bench Ci!,, Council. \\'hlle lhe dl•parlly ln aaaue- m;-nl.I g•ve · lhe Me .. Ill,. ed&• rhree or four lo one lt ....... tell by many bt'ach le..der• that l'Uch \lU1p1trHy coo\d be ove rcome by lhf' gro.,..·th &nd lhal a united rlly could llOOn overcome •Uch a ail- 8lal<' chairman and Paul Zlf!ren, 1 _•_"_•_<_•_0_"_P_• t l,1rht lo a •tale1n •lt'. the party'• national commlttct'-AFFAIRS OF STATE ruture be very much more n1od-m~. By HENBY C. llocA.B'l'JIUll K r:YA U Vl:R l'JAC K.ERS ern. Ketauver h&a h1..1 suJ7porteri. In my pre&ent 1ho ... •1nl\'. It lll• 8 .&CRA.N.ENTO, -ICNS) Alone wU!I • recommendation for a five perce.ot lncrea.e In ital• 11al&.rle1. ma.de by the pel'IOnnt l board. com• another re..::onunan- datlon whlch I• a.lmoet c«t&ln to brtn1 s~ haJn to tha in.urance con1p&nlea which llOW have t b._e lucnUve bullin-of pr<nldln& h-.IU. and tio.pltal benet1 t. for it.ate employ..-. The per.onntL board. app.1.t.nl· ty !#ant• to 10Clalm furl.her th.• 1lalua ot the civil •ervlce em· ployee1 gf Ca.lltornla by o • e r- turn.ln& the pr-t Ml·up. and putUnc l.n a ta.-fln.a.nced health and wella.n prognm. Hwt1 la the recocnmendallon; loo, aniong •l.8te DemocnUc Ga llery I hive nol Included my ployeu A~atlon, which u 1e1 leader•. Including Clara Sb.irpser, pre11ent plcl11re:11 ror Lhe rell.IKln the p lan u • black·j•ck to •erure Democrallc natlonal commit-th1t the Oalll'!ry I• controll&<J to member.. cl.flllol belon1 to t h• teewom11t1. Tom Carrell of San contom1· to lht' n1ore traditional health ln.ura.n.ca plan. The atatl Fernando i• prealdent ot lhe Ke-1YJ>t' ot f11'111Ung~. The conct'ptlon ll.8elt actually h.. nothlns to riuver d rive in Califom l&. with ot a funded t'Xperlenct'. o! an do With th• lnaur&nce plan except Lyle Cook . Berkeley 11.ltornl':y, 1111 11pµe re•pt1ve n11U11, hu a dlre.-t lo spend a lar1e amount ot Ula northern Callrorn!a cliairman. apllce.t 1on to 11rt. Sur h cxper- 1.&Jtp&yera money mllklns deduc· OHmllll Ed Paulf')', one of the J ene~ i~ l':Menlial If we 11 re to tiocla from empl~., n•vcheck1 I I I ·b tlnd "'h~! the ertLet has put !n ..-v m1t jor f nanc 11. oontri utore to and turn.lns OV9r eM deductlolU' lht' Dern<.1<:rlllil: cau"t' 111 pasl hi• work \\'Hhout It w,. C!lnnot to.lht' lna.lr-ance companiea. ca•npt1JgnJ1, !Ill.JI~ hf: 18 r+n the fen~e judge of h 1~ lntentlona or ".9ll - J uet why Lhe Lesi•lature ahoulJ In the Kef11uver·Steve11110n hllJIP.!e. mat.i the aOequacy or their e.xe- (1n con•lderaUon to such a &ug· cutlun. ~V e are 10 the poalUon ge•~lon ror 1tat8 employee• la ,. ---------------1 ut Q11e trying to dec ipher 11. cryp· l'ood quuUon . .A h•llh ln•urance R E A D E R s tot:rKm without knowlnl' Lhe plan. i.. not av&Jlable to all c1ll· c0<:IP. ·rht' v\11ion of • pslnt,.r or una, •ven private pJ.&N u:cept Of C po<>l 18 a llCllJed book tn at ~t coat. Yet tha .tat11 em-h1m w/'lo h ... no recollecUon11 .,r plo,._, wh.lch accor'dln1 to a •ur· w R I T E hi• own which the ('0101·. line. vey already get pa.id t or a known 11pace, or the word• niay aMem- LA.Cll' lt&J'(EnT8 15.1 percant of Ute Ume they do bll.' and vivify . A proper back· "Slat• 11mpkly-do not reeetve not work. and who have pen1\on 1---------------1c-round ot f'Unded expe11cnce 11 baa.Ith and ..Uare llma.fll.8 wh1cb. and reUrvnenl pla.n11 which pay a F ebruary 4. 19~ thua nece .... ry to o~n our eyee ..,.. 11ow a ~ ernplonDP!t bl(her pen:tntage Lh&n tboH peo-M ~ Wlnlftl':d Barbre. Women·• and .at the •trin11 of our fH:l - pNCUca ln ~ In boUI pri· Pl• ha prtn.te lndu•try •re able to Editor lng11 In •ympalllellc v1btallon.1 .,..t. lnduatry la man)' pn.m-pt. 11UU ...,ant to obltr•ta th• tu:-Newporl Harbor New11-Prff1 wlth the artlat'•. Without ll, we m•taJ jurt..tkUona. ~Jen to an even htpr degre11. Newporl Bt'ach, California. are. ln Ule ptOTttblal dlftlr.ulty o! '"Tha ~Uon and p&)'Sltml P.fy dear Mr•. Barbrf.; hav1ns eye1 and 11ttlng noL fw .a unlfona h-.lt.b and wW:ta.re 90AAO &l'.OOMMENDA110N . Faithfully y<:111r1. plan for a.U Ital.a ·employ-!tr a A*1 ta addition to the health l IL ke lo think of my-elf in· lrTlng >.1ino1r Al ont 't1n1e 11. former Sant i An~ publl~her ... ·anted to nnn~x thf. H11 rbo11 r!C•tr·J•·t to S•nta An11 . and later tn •I" th" 11Rn1t' to the •ChOOll! Bulh ....... r.. def~·ntPd at Lhe p<dl11 l;•\•·r a1 lll Ne ... •port Bea ch. 1,ln\u.~l be1Cten to he,. knee~ ft1r l;1<'it nf fund• for the Ha. bur, u11k~'d ::)><Ill.a Ana ll 1hfl wo\1ld h"IP t1v a•ulf•xln~ the Hat· bor ar .. a . "-~ \)\I' upp .. 1· Bay WU wH}lln ll fl'"' 11111<'11. 1>f hrr boull· d1trie11. S1tnl" Aron Jl'ader1 reject- ed the ide11 • ., 11b11urd, tl':nnlnl lhe bay "n•Jthlng but mud tlatl." The wril<'r attended the ac.hool mieUng 1 t the Me.a 11ehool, a.nd &icain at thl' Board of Supervl•· or11. when the Harb!lr Hl1h.l!Lflda ma tter w&.1 prc11ented. Supt. An- drr.~en'11 pr"""nla.tlon11, to my n1lnd. werf. 1.he n1ost lo&ical 1.nd hw1d of Ulenl all. and I felt It "'a3 ll(.>1Tl-·h•t deme&nir.g for the M e~• to talk "poor mouth" !.!Allon. with lhl" belu:h'1 money and know·haw 1ble to al9>er th• •hip or t i.ale lo even rreo1.ter proaperll,y Unlflc1llon of echoola I.II wort.by at dttp atudy. while uniftc•Uori of M8'1 and b•cb c1tiu. i.. worthy of an ever (T'll.ter ~ludy. Con1peUUon ln bualneu I• ftnc. but competition between ne1ghbor1 13 wuleful and harm· tul. Would \l not be better for 1111 p11.rt1e1 concerned lO put their feet under a confenl!nc• table at\d gel togl':ther ! Wh~n one new1papc!r caJLI th• Harbor l~l &hland, annexation a .. gr•b" lh11l paper I• nol acting In • con•trucUve manner, neither I• Lt prof)f:r ln ca.II onf: ctt:r "1mu1" 11.nd another "goat hill." Let u• e11trcl• .. Utue toler- a1lc., bury lhe pollUcal hatchet And jl'l':l togethtt Jot Ule bl!l\tltlf of the tu:payer and progree1J Ed. Not,., And to Ull•. Brother Sam. ""'' Amen and make note t hal twem 't U• "'ho yeli.-d (rl.b. -8 .R. matter of pubUc pollcy rwquJrlll.f and weltani plan, Ule penionnel difftrr:nt to the r11tlca at the 1.,taa.Uve .aoctlon aa w.n a.a bc>&rd reeommenda anotlle.r five prf.1111, but I nm nev'!'r the ll':tlll ---,:--:--:-----:::--:--=-:---:----:-=-:-:---:--,.,.----lbudcet approprt.a.aon.." percant tncr-In 1l.8Le aalarlu lnhe~ntly human &nd .-...ct aa hbl'-'ed ....,-·~· W•' ...., a.cl rn.My ..,. UM thla yaar. plua t TM>,000 to make pleaaa.nU7 lo pralae u a11y olhet Farmer McCabe Writes. NEWl'O&T M••mo• PUJ!lJ.UlllNG OOMl' .. Y • A h..,au. Mid Welbn proocn.m spaidal M1ary adjUlltmflllLI, a11d hum&n._ IO I truly apprsct•le till 11111"-~ KSWl'OllT .&A.ca. C&.Llr. ,._. ..,-.. llll wtdta would mlud• bmpitaaaa· pl• a. SlG,000,000 f und lo keep your Vflry well·writl.en '&rllcle Uon. .urstc-1. •ldleal ~ the Mlart .. ot at&t. ampto,._ In lelllng of my p~t cllaplay of ---------------------------·la 11.000 lf'O'IP Ute lnMU'Uk'e pol-u-w1U. ..... nJUnr ra t.el. my -U.p now 04 ubiblUon qaa.11.Aecl to PUIWt Lepl Nott.cw _. A~ta; el AU IUa9 •--~.. .... ·--· ... ~ta-.. • ~ ~-• •1 ti ... 7 -• __ .... What the It.ate ..........,Ml board ol lhe L&(UJ\& 0 --h A.rt A--BJ' DMftoe of tM .. _._s ...-... el Olwtc'O Ce. la...._ 1'._ -'I' -'-hi -•• t , ... ••-..---· """'-' -~~r c WOll ... eoa ,,. ...... lbould be doLnc In.teed ot a t-claUon O.llerlM. lt'1 nice to know ......... ~N ......... h ........ .t.w' -.__. Nall .... r41tMW ,._... dee ,...._.el OnMp ~ H_.....,,... ----- BEN R&DDIOK. PUBUIHJ::R WILLlAM A. MOSES, lldllOf" ORM'OJU) &. ROVNTRl:S, Advertl.a~ Dtnotor CHARLl'!S A. AJUilSTRONO, llechanie».1 SUplrlnt..-it J>a)l'9l'll ol Cailforn.la '4.114.000, tempUns to ln~ u pemditu,.. that lhe preu la not a 80Ullt' ... a.ocordlns Lo the Board'• report i.. to 1tart runnlnc a few time corporation u 110me mtrht thlnll:. lo lhl Oo'IWJIOI'. 1tuclM>ol lo find out jual how much To 1\ve ao much 1pace a.nd priftt- ra.D.l:NT a&'l'·Ul' time ot&t• emploiee• wute dur-era lnk, Lo •f nothln c ot I.be Ufld•r U.. p,._t Mt -up. 1t&te Ins lb• "ooffee-bour", &lid how ta.lenl.8 of a _....,.per •l&Cf I&, lltllpkl~. throup the Caliloml& n:nach tMit production 11 ln CQm• Ui m,. op~ n.a ~ sta te Stnptoy-A~I~, han ~ wltll pr1ve.te 1n•\Ultry. Mid menf' to go on and dM! Mll' little acce.. to u e a c•ll e n t prl-l.h• oom~ cou.ld Wf:ll ba wuu ,....tn.t t.be time our ahut· .at.a lM&hlt. laM1""°9 ~·· CoRll made ln ~ wbor'• wor~ ten. loo. ha" c.loeed. ranc-from .....nou. Qcurea. but roqub"emmt. are ~ablJ bip. I •lncvely bope U\&t you wl\I U.. point I.I that the etapkl7 .. 81lcll a eurwy, U a pn.ate In· conUnue to r~ .,. kindly dl11JX* ~ tba bill A.a empklyf.lfl out· YMUptu.1 nnn mmde: It. would ed ll1""atd my • t t ort 1. fl'Hn 1ldf' of the C.Ufomla &tale JCm-be hiJhly LAl«•thlg, th<'".1111 H+oati 1ffOrl1 "'111 1n the 'b;;..l::: .-. .... _ .. _ ,,., ..................... .. ,..rt ,_ .._ .... -r =.r _. • ..,t ..... dl.I -< - • • Went around the corner from tbe Po.t OfOce tU ' . other day and aaw a •lgn that aid, "Support .. Tour PoliticaJ Party." Then 1 got to thinking that, Dad. Bumlt , iffen we supported our political parllea ' &Jl7 more·n we do now why we·d be bankrupt .. ~ f~tal i.11. iffen t.hey don't atop touring Europe and at.art dolq »0me work we're &gonna be purl near bl.n.krupt a.ny- way. Fanner McCabe la.U. n,tlU rwww t M) I ...... • ·---·-..--....-- ·-·..,...~ ........ -.,.. ----~ • --_ _...,...~ _,,,,_.. ·--_._ -·:.::.. _. __ .., __ __ _.___ --:~--r-----··--·--·---·-~·.-.,.-~..,.. .......... ~ 350 ' ~ C.AOIJIL &-g;;.;,,..,I r==""""'""""'"""""""""'""""",,,,;,,,,"""""~~IU R ·;!I .. ""-: POlT li.UIOR NEWS-l>RE.ss -f!ilT_JL.JIAGiLI ..... •lot. 10. .,..... ~ 11~ A11a1U DIUYUY GUAU ....... so cust' 8 .1d. WEDNESDAY FBRUARY •• '"' • " •• 1 ,., Court of-11 ... --H ' ,..,._ om u1 1n9 . 9PG!' GI u 1 • _ IMM-eld Here ~= c:!!° ti!'~:~"';=-:: ·" ~«"!!...--C01ti111H1 Granted to -Harbor "'~ ~~,:~~':!"'~ .:1 ·•·-~"t5ift'.,...'iilffi'j0it .iriidft· fjf'Uii~ .. .,...J t'ftjt''iH"lm"N' · .. ~~ 8._!l._.ql .~ ... !',;.: lW.~~~ It yotg.. U-.-d -lMure.4 & J:.....-AL _A ....I . .......I .A mole.Uni" altempt Sllnd&y, ae>o 11 nd Colt& X-Boy aoo..au ud BfaYW to Art IUnlley. Th• 51rl'._ paper iii not .delinred by that hour pliew call B..rl>Or ~ZliCl:lfu--,.~CtJ_,' firet-. ..... ~....n;.;w•'O'r"'~-;.tl-~ ns'-w ~~"'-D4 e:;:. ~ · uudr pa.n.nU a tt•""*'I '*-·.GI Ula ~ ...,....m&dc...by i..ow. Cox. 1616 an:cLYour carri.r will-.bring )'OW'-paper-_ A . J, WELTY BANTA ANA (OCNSI -lll&ted n O.rid N SulU IUld -her rath~r. who later repeattd U.. ....-M . ..,......,._~~-:::~::i~~~~§§§§~§§~§§§§~§§§-§§::::~::=~ II~~~~ ,..J.~.Ji!ll~o{\!:fl....,OL · M ~ -~ -~.i..-u ~' _,,.. :_ YI.II tu. ~ incident to otnee.-.. that a man . h~l'1 In tM dbtrk:t rwcm y Mon • to Denn.I. Cole tn the pre•n« ot _.. .. -'"I CllJ M'a& -9 Ir~ ~~ t.-r~".s..,(tjt_1!,.\f ... ]!!?!!J: ~~.tw= . .ti...•.~b~ ............ -..,-ol tl.i.y evenins al Newport Hamor Deul•' fathW" ud mother, Mr . u•u..lt eharJe, fl"Y• )'"OUthtuJ d• • S•nta An& Dr1Vt-·ln care. ihe ~·U rldlnc ber 'bk:rcle. l'nlon llll"h Bcbool, -a.nd Mn. W&IU.r Cole, and hi.a Cl .,.. cl CRAFTSMANSHIP fenda.nllTuud&)' r.cl!"iYed contln u-The defendant.a, all frHJ on baU, Shi! aaLil the matl would p&.19 Ha1·bert Ward, R&rPer 1CbooJ brother Tommy. • '" ance to Jr•b. :10. ire Janll'I E Sll'n1on1ma. 18. 10731 her then alow dQy,•n until •b• pr111c\pal. dl~e..d tM procn.m Allendanee award for l.he tV9-a . ••. •• ·i RJ:.MOOJ!:U.NG -BUlLDI:N'O :-."~Y.110rl Ave .. C0«ta !t.1eu: P"r&n-puaM the c-ar. He kept up lhiao l .. ~ _ , •----od --·' !no··-• . The quint•l 19 a C<""wied ot &Al-_, 1...ui •1 An. Reml•y, dtat.riet ninl" wu woa by Troop ~ wllb the · ......___ ...... ..,_, cta U. DUI, 20, or Jrvlne; l:Jftn ny LlIIU.Ual procedun for MV•r- commlutoov, and o. w. IUchard. hll"heat percent.are ot p&r11nta t<J . . No job too bl&"-NO lob too arnaJJ ... wung-Robert N1 Brokaw ot San-J \\'hit.,, to, of Sant• An•. 11.n.d 1loc:b then turl'ltd 1.nd drov. away, Amon1 Uw i..orw pr-anted dW'· Scouta preeent. • T . HORD SEIEIU!lY l& Ana altar -rtedly pouncing C:arv n.. Sieg&], 19, 1\1•tln. th" aalcl A-rde -re (lven to varloua ISO'!' IC. Balboa Blvd . Jb.r. 029f.-R I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UKt:~SES U NI!: The amall· f"•t Br>y Scodt 1t Ule r our! nr Awarda held lii.t N•wport Har - OOr Union tllgh School Mon - <lay n'Chl wu Terry 01wald nf Trr>Qp 182, AOn or 1>1r 1U1d ,\! n1 H J 011wald, 'l~'l C real- Coutal ~nm 111 t1111 w1· ;'jSi~--... ,,1 · troop memben u toJ lawe : .-1_ --·-TROOP "\\' AR08 4 ...... ea _ $LOO U.. .!a ... Troop 111 : 1n Cklu to Jdf 4 Unes Z luertloa 1.50 114d1. a.. .Z6 ea. Ol.._, John H ulbert, Ronn)' 4 Uae. S luertioat 2 .00 t.da'( llaet .!S ea. Reh urn t , B UI Sampaon. Biil 4 LlAea 4 ............ 2..50 add't. ..... ~ -. lpur1"eot1 IV &Ad Jrits.rk Whltneld. stu.11.• W-ted A.61 wlU """'*" 1 ~% cl... , c.M la ..tvu. ....iy. Second ci.a.. l..&zlct Martin, Roy IONDl1'.JM AD la t. LIHU 8lncl&.Lr. Don Clakner. BUI Spur· "°"' rv . Do• """"" ~d Bru~ !lo'EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Wolfr Ment blldgta to John Evarv U--day, •••e•esday •d ... ..._ ()wen&, ftoy Godwin. Tom Hoop -· 1 IWVft ft' ---•• ._, am ,..,....,.. 1v ~' 1..on.. COASTAL SHOPPER ..L.. Wednesdays >Urtln. Troop~: lat cia-to !Sam Tamu· DEAOLIN1:8 for pt.aclnr pr cancelllltl" I.di a re: llnu. ~ claa. to Ccrky F or Monday PubLIUtion -ll'rlday & p.m. Elliott. Richard \\"ataon, 8 te~t P'or Wednelda7 PubllcaUona -Tufl9day l p .1n. McNeil and Bob Bolton. For Friday Pnbllcat1on -'l'huddaJ 1 p.hl.. Troop 80. l•l l'IUI to John NEWPORT llAll.BOK F UllLIS Rll'fO 00. Ci:t.mer, Bob M t J.!11.han, Jo., V.'11.t-!tll Balboa Blvd.. Newport 8eacb. O.Wom1&. ner, Miu-k Schtt-y. Ray \lVtrta, Mei -1 ----------------~---------- vtn PatterSOfl. livb Campbell. A.IJ Cla-ltled Ada muat be pa.id tor 0-lt la -4Y&nce ot pobUcaU~ WILl\am Graham and John Markt'\. The puhh..ehera wUJ not be re1pon.1lble for More than on• !ncorrfCl ~econ<I <'la.a.. to V.'1l h km Aulder-!n,,~ruon l.>f an •<I., r....uv• tht nght lo c.orre.'!ly chu11ity a.iiy a.nd all H t!dt, Jft.rt\~~ H1trt and J nhn ll.i.1'1 11.nd to reJec:t &117 ad not cqnforml11g lo (Ulll* and retrUl.aU009. Dendtnger M~rlt bl:idgn to Jamt..e Dendlnj:er a.nd Ray \\'lrt• CAnfOLU." A.\\"AllDS Ca tholic church ""'111rd1 '""~I g'!nn .1111; bo~: Virgil Wf'delll 1n1f madi! the p.-:.mta11on t..o Stanle y &nd Jame~ l>end1na er Jasne• ).lc· 1 J.h•.nn , RJch 11.rd Brlgi,., W11yne \\",.<leklnl an.J Melvin PatterlO!l \\'bat to do In , ... ,. or an A ·bon1b a tt..tk wu autltnl'"d by a croup ,,r I S..uut_. rrum !:xp:or•·~ po•t OJ . 1~11 by Bob Men·u~ fhey &ht>Wi:J the varlo\a balldi.g .... a.nd oth,r equipment a fa1n1ly would n<'"eJ In &11 emerrr ncy a.n!'I tht!i QUIUIU:y ot food n~'"Mary fnr a family ot tour per10n1 In making th~ alt1!11dance aw~ tn TrO(l{l ~ f{1<'hanJ l'mph.1- 11LM:d the va.Jue of ficnut tr1ln ln1.:. l"Oll\Jf back to the Boer wa r to 4e..-:.rlbe the at.a.r.i. ot Scou.llf11" a.n<\ dl'C"llrtd he btllrve" the •Kurity r;.t I.he na.t..lon n:•l• .,.·\th the Boy Scout11. Classified Index I t~uo,. ral .:-0 uLfcie. '! C'arl.I of Tha.rlk5 S .. ,,..,·la.I AnnounN'mH!.l t l'"un,.r.J Vlrf!ClOn ltl Hu~lnr"• liuiOe t I llullollnrr:-M.a l4'rla.tl I "! Hulldlnc Scr•·tre. 1 f. t'rr.MJo..ale t i Sha"' \·our Car 16 1·~-11ort.aUoo 11 Rourlnc 111 Beauly A.Id• !0 lle•lth AIU 22 Lu-l a.ad t \nmd :t.f. ~b ..... l•, la.tructlt1n !II Hllualliull!I \\"an'-"<! t9 Htlp \\ .,.tefl ~ Ml•<.:<·lla.nnou1 10-.-\ "'"."" SO-H Ap11U.1,.11,0f'til SJ \\11nl<"'.J to Buy It t•unllturtl for 8.ala 11-A Antlqu.,_ Sll Jt6&1 ... Supplleti 34 M tu1lc&J, Kadlo. T \' S~ i'aop, <.:at•, P et. a.e P nultry ~BuildiJ:JR ~n1C4'Jll PAINTING l~JOR -l!:>M'f!:RJOR Al-"Hl .~!ARISE PAl.:>.'TI:-;\; LJ!"!-::-;SEIJ 1:-.ML'"R..l!:l.J G le nn Johnston ~1 -J l&t SL z..o,.wport ll'I\ ·h Harbor 3176 •itlc Floor Covering Wall Tile 10 yea.ni ellptrltnce Licelll6.J. Colllr•cti;.r. 8a.l.1a!act1on Guaranteed.. LI 8-&7&1 9 2p7~ H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBlNG A Prompt R.epalr Servtce Malnta.lned Phone: Harbor •92i 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Brach WAYNE'S CONSTRUCTION CO. II' rr CAN BJ: BUII.+ o r repain.d, Wiil CAN 00 rr. U ce/Ul!d &nd lluured. u 1-3023 LE"T US C ARE tor your plant.a. lll.lide a.od 011t.1id.e. J:.xpe.rtanoed plaJlt perao1:i.r1e! to -rte you. Bonded and rell•ble. A variety ot 1erv1cea dependinl" on your ...... RJCIL\JtD'S n,()RIST SROP. Harbor 2828. 60c77 C usto m Cobine! Work l\o Jl>ll t°" bit ur l<XJ 11111lJ ,.·or lrnrnt'dtat• a ppra.1u.J u.11 C . Everett Smith \ti 1 p fl\. - 6i c-79 j GkRDE::."L~G by Lhe manlh or ~\•lll r&~l l!y e,.1..,r1tnc"1 r~Jen· er ltu !:.11 l·J 6&pl0 Smo ll J o bs Wonted Carpentry -Painting Good work-~!• Uberty 8·M03 ...... PAINTING M. W. ROSS Uceiaed Ll 8·3321 2IO A "f'OC&4o, Coeit.a We .. '"'" CEMENT & BUILDING All """" FREE ESTIMATES • See TOMORROW TODAY at • GENERAL MOTORS v 1 • w Prive. Jh· proudly 11n·1-W"d the l!nt> of fcllo"'· Seoul.II ,_. the 1roop ~tood at alle:n tlon to rl'<.:•lva the var- 1ou~ 11ward• won by n1,.1nbcra. The evening proirra.m wu <::lo!tad ""' tn Unpreaatve cett.mony Qy n1embera or E xplo rer !'oat 17 w1tn an Ultalr.t.M rec:lt&l at. bplorrr Polkin9horn Issued $240,000 In Permits si l.J v ... tork Si AUIOOI \\"a.ntN'I 40 A OIOtl !u r Sal., 40.A nr ... c. ra.rt. 41 Auto Servi~ ... 1 ~------..:.....:. ! General Contractor L.JCENBED New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON M.cKENZJ E: Llborty 8-<!109 THllWNO IXHIUU OP SQtNT1 .. C WONDHMINT rtlSINTID rN SUHR NTUIUHIH PLUS Tlil n411WNO sc1&1a 5TAGHHOW UNDR THI ~ • -!Stall Photo •z Tndlen 43 A irplane. Harbor 6399-W· ~tfc 41 \\"anll'd tn Renl CARPENTER AJcohoUe11 Anonymot11t ~rti.. r. o. Bos a11 S.LVll AllODOMI • ltGOHT EXPOSITION Of m IONO IN THI WOllD • NOT AN .&.UTOMO.ILI $HOW • NOTHtHO TO IUY • UINO THI PAMIL Y TO n41 MO K llNCI SHOW Of SHOWS THI wttOU TOWM'S 1 AUtlH'l AIOUT ADVENTURE Scouts Want 20 Men For Canoe Trip Polklnghllm Conatn.1ct1011 ("u lut week took out more lhl.ll 5240.000 In Co.ta M.t lil. city bu1ld- 1n, ptnt1!ts for constr1.1ctlon ot I 16 n:aldenc'"& at $98!12 l'ach a.nd l e •Ktit at $10,361 ea.c.h.. The atrue- 1 turea wlll be built on Kno:ot St. and Knox Pl&ca. •K AplL 4;. Hou-for R~nt U.A Apta. for K.ent 4.11-8 llou-• fur ~nt e.g..(' Tl"sJler !:o'pa.r .. N twporl e..t..b. Ca.llL Pb.on• Eilubol" '795 R epair Work "' FREE ADMISSION! 4t K.oum• for U...nt Dote Your Homa N eed ~I ;::=:=:;:::::::=:=:=:::::::::::::=:::::; °'° Remode!lnc t \Vant to make 11 canoe e11p\ora- t1n n trek 011 • new !M!Cllon nt the Colora do R lvt!lt ! Or:u1:;c F.1nplre Coun<:!l Doy Scout~ or An1e1·tr11 111 lonlnng fur !ldult.1 "110 would ba wllllng to malu: lhlll Pebruary trek with !he r··IJ"l"l~C f,f ff"11dtn11; nth,.r trek!! IQ I • I Only 20 n1 en r&11 J(O on the 't:i.1, .;~>,..in~ a.l !IOU.> ~'tb ~~ ..nu 11.11 ... ~.111; tJi~ even injl: or F t'b 27. 1n " p1 l':imin11ry ~lectlon mttlin!! wa.~ h@ld al II 11. m l'"tb. 4 at th!' Se" 1!:11plorl'r Bue. Co~t 11 unly :.1:i per ~raon. The 1: .un<"ll announc-ed thlll Vallr y F••r;;c .Yark. Penn. wUI be thf' •1tf' o r t he July 12·18. 19~7 Jn ! .. ir lnt~h•l prnn1ot1on 11nd 1 •·1;ta~Uon proctdure will be ll. .,,, •11 2'>!:1 <.1 :ti. thia r ear. LEGAL NOTICE \"arla.n~ I He&rln1 S<YTll'E (JF P L"BLIC H EARISO 49-A "'-t •ttKn,... •t-11 Jloon1 Cl &•rd 60 fte:n •• Ml•<"- 1'>3 Sto~ IJ. Ofn <-H 63·1' 8 u11lneu tt..ntal" 64 Hu11.npa1 Opportu.n.IUM M Monry to 1,,,IUI 68 M oney \\"nnt ... 1 61 ~ l':atat(l \\'a.ntf'd Ml ~ Ettlale 8er\·loe 80 lt1C()lllf! P roprrly 60-A C'<mtmerlc:al. lriduatrbJ 81 k~ F.etale E.1cll&nc"• 11 K8LI !:1\.ale Nt1tlca ts hereby rtvtn that the P lann!ng Comrnl11.11on or the City o( New port Bl!&Ch wlll hold a pub- Hr. hearing on the •pplleatlnn of Hll~DA c. 1uu.scoe: ... ror 1 v .. riance--permlt #277 to pt"rinlt. 1-~ncroachment or 2' 8" to the rear or • required O' aet-back ... Thia I ;S~pec_:_w __ N_:.U.-.:.:;:;:: _______ I on the ~«cont! 1tory on.ly . . on [Qt 11 block 14 tr1c t Balboa l•- land . . 320 Ola.mond A'""°'·· D L Not!ce 111 htr,by further given th11.t aaid public hearing wtll be held on the Jtllh day of Ft b. 19~6. at thr hour of 7:30 P.M. In the Council Ch11mber& of the Newport Beach Clty H&.11, ar which time a.nd place ILllY and all pereon1 lntereal· ed may appear and be h~rd t hereon. RAY Y COPELIN, Sttr,.tary Ne...,·port Bt'llch City Plannlng Commlaa1on 89 New11 -Pre.&11 2/8/M \'arl~f' I H .. a rln11: # 272 X(Yflf"F: Ot" Pl"Rl.lf" trr:ARl:'\"O y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 ),feet.I •v.ry Tb.uraday 8 p.m. Via Oporto -Centra.I JWe. Newport Beac..b Albert R. Matthew•. Exalted Rultr &-P'wleral Dlre<:tora MOTIELL'S ANO PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 Bo11111 -J uat South of WMl· mln!!teT" M~ Park.. Ail rto.:lnlrred E&!!:le Scout& hjj ",'t !'wen ln>'H•"I to attend U1e :-,-0 11r::ual l',.coa:nlllon Etoj::le dinner 6 :SO ~· n• .. t.od.4'}", a.l lr\·!nc Coal'lt C'ourH.rY Club Each IJ,<1y .,..·lll " IH' 11pur1110l"''"I hy 1u1 u11l~t1<ndlnl( c-orn· rnunlty 1 .. ~Jer. D.1n1 1>nd G!orer Larr.b. ntilr•t l•><'~I e~pl 11rrr11 snd 11.ul.hora. w ill provide th• rroirram. Z..OntlcP I.I hf'reby given thet thn .An Orange County ln1tltuUoa. P lunning Con1nli,.,.1on of lhe City Serving tamllle• of all fallhli or Ne"'P<.>rl D••arh will hold • pub-Tel.pphone (Tull Free) llr hf'nrlng n11 Lhe appllca.Uon or Zllnith 1)231 M . RORF:RTS . for 11 variance--:N o on• anr turned away ~Ulll perrnit :rt272 to pcrinlt : A detach-ot lack of tun4l. Call l!"n.nlE, UMrt y 9-eaM All Work OU&n.nteed · lf.tta ''A 'a'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE 1'"EW machine proceu meth· od. Reuwu.blc pr1cu. A vu&&:• 2 t&pe reaident!al bllnd. Only $1.00 Bllnda repaired a.nd retnJ.llt. F'ree Pick up &lid delivery Work done by 11.pp<ilntment PhOR• Llberty 8·~70.1 or Klmberly 3·827f.. ppltc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTR.ACl'OR 878 W. 18th St., C.0.t.a M- Llberty S-S62& FOR RENT Skill Saw1. Elac. Drill.I. Poalbld"a. all types o! Sande~ Wbeelbal'- rows, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAS T lUGHWAY LJba.rt7 8-34 3~. Newport1Bcb 28Uc PAINTING Toast master Pins Awarded Four Men e<l 1;11r11ge on the rront 'lo or the ---~--------­ builrllng •lie On Int 'l tract 1700 Z.-Bulldla• 8ert'lcliN 112~ Dolphin Terrac-e . . . Irvlnr I :1 :__~c=;:;;:;:;"-~"-''-"::..----1 PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar Harbor T08.11tm ... ter.1 lnlUated !ubd. Pa.intins 6 Paperb.ancin& tour nl"w l 'oa1tn1ast,.r1 F eb. 7 NoUre 111 hereby turther g1\·en that aa!d public hM-rlng wtu t>e We do the work ounel...._ a t Newport Harbor Yacht Club. hekl on the 16th day of Feb. Ji:wJ, 30 y ean ..,....._ Th• tnJUatlon &1111 th" &ee-11.t tht hour or 7:30 P K ln Ill• ond round of the annual ·~ Ll~nMd A J;Muhd. , Counc-il Chambenr of the Ntwport 8aU.facU.. ~t.d. cont.Ht hLii:h-ll(httd the zneelinS"· Bt'ac h City Hall. at which Urne &nd E.8tima tea frM,. ~ Joamns., 8-t E rperlenced Workmen Hu. 2404 or 0317 Da.n Drlac:oll. J lrn 8 n11th. H oward plac-e ariy and all ~reon& lllt.erNt· Ca p p •l'ld Chuck Reynolda ~Iv-HI nia.y appoear and ba heard LI 8-2687 6 LI~ 81tfc CARPENTRY ed t he:lr Toaatm uterll. plna in 11 thereon ceremony pr-e<"ertlnr the •peaking-RA y y COPELIN, Sttrelaey COMPLETE PAINTING MINOR REPAIR WORK conteat.. Nrwport &ec h City &. Paper Banging $eniot NO JOB TOO SKALL Ot Lhr •peakoft. ~tJne.9lllr Planning Cnmmlaalon J:UQl!lflll 0 . 8.A.tnfDl:K8 H. 0 . A.ndenon pre1ldcnt. Hub Rlchl•r c<Jmmenl-No 90 New~-Preae 2/8/Bt! i500 JIM. 8tnet. K.wpolt... 101, & Balboa Blvd., Balbo9 lf(I, '"Thi• la a 11peech tMLlnlng club 1 --=~--~-------H.&rbor 1171 Ull H&rbor 'l'-M> 33Ltc &nd to be aWllrded the beat aj>ffk· \'&rl&GC#' I H,..r1._. #l'tl 1,.;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:O:'=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I 'If amonl[ the many (oOO apMktnl NOTl('I: OF P1illWCl HEAIUNQ I 1 '• 10mclhlnJ we &11 atrive for." Notice la h~tf!by 11van ~ the St.Iv• BrnLth., winner of Ule UrR Planning Comm\311\on of th• City rowtd.. wcceutully defended h l• or Newport Beach will hold a pub- Utle &nd w ill be ch&.LLetilf'!d at li e he1'rtn1 on the applleatlon of no:t m"Unl" ro ba held &l the M.ACCO CORP ... for • variance ,.cbl club Tu-iay al 7 p. m . ~ #273 to ptrmlt: A det&ehec11"1U"- Gu.-LI are Invited lo a tUnd lbia al{e on the front % ot the bulld- oCftcl&.l Toutmutenr c:ontNt. Ing lite .·· on tol !2 trKt 1700 ,. _____________ ,112 Sa.ntaa& ~ ~ .. IS<Jlar Robs Cafe A 0oeta MIM ca!e at Je98 N.-pwt Blvd. wu Ul• ~ ct a burl"Luy ea.rty Salurday moratnc but all the We.-ob- talntd • .,.. • raw oobl9 from a ciaantt. ..-endlnl" m&d\lne. ae· oordil'll to police. &rnaro McNa.Lr. aJ .• of: QO Or- dlld 4-n., toh:t om~n1 t?I• ttt•n oc~urnid aorneUme bel""""" a tll a"d I .SO e. m Lo. WU l'lOl d .. t.rmln~ M:a.r. • NoUce tll ._.., f'tlnlMlt ~ lh•l uld paattii ....,... wm. .. he.kl on the" lltb day ol F•b. 1116. at the boar Cl( 7:JO P.M. Ln •• Council o=e=t I a ot Ute H"ewpart S..ch at7 ll&ll, a t wtudl ttm• urlf placa lln1 &ad &D per.om lnl.....C.· ltd may ..,... md be ~ l MAOn. RAT Y: pqt9"B, 91cntU7 Nt..-poc1, .... 0\7 PtannlltC 0-W ' ·a rt No i l Ne'tfl'•-Prela 2/3,~ -ru- A11to O'- Model Glass Co. MlRRO k8 AND GLASS TOPS ORANGE SHOW GROUNDS, San Bernardino Liberty 8·4 5 3 3 Wed; Feb. 1-7 p.m. to 10 p.m. e Feb. 9 ttiru 12-2 p.m. to 10 p.m. 1644. Suped or A\·enue <loot& ..... IF I WON 564,000 • •• I'd dll p for Eleven C.llara at 634 . M01t••Piil11:n .. P01t0 MY01t THMi AMY ont•N WtN•• , , .. IP third otralsht :r-, Elov•• ~ hU won mon Aw1rda tor • 11Pn•tlllm~--wt.atlta . ' . .. prloo. Tbla -la die Spodal Dlol- .._ 1965 Calilonaia Stalo li'llir ....t Loo AllplM Coont:y Ji'alr. BoloY the low-coot luurJ of Elofta c.n-. tonlslatl :ELEVEN CELLARS WINE ' ••• I I • 1 I I • • • ' . ,,...., PAGE I -PART_ I I -NEWPORT HA~R NEWS-PRESS !! !!'f W ..... ·WSiiNEsDAY, ~UAAY ll, 1956 · GDU.a • • { ' ••P-!z ...,,, J J; -• M'ce1:•a1a• 15-1\ • r L Y REDUCING Steam Cabinet Muaage -Spot Reducing C.U l...Jbert7 8-7•72 ror appotnt- menL Mc11 Superfluous Hair PermaacnU7 removed from CM:• a.rma, "9p.. Ey~bro.. aAd b&Jr 'lD• -..ped-No more tweutn1: ZLLEN L. DRY.A.NT R. E. Udo'• 8&1oa of Beauty Sar. 2tl71 "' Ca II Your Relax-A-Cizor CONSULTANT Oi!!m on1t r atlon1, no nbllgat!on BONNl E Y.'JLSON lfYatt '6-3i 64 83p76 H-LMt ud Found LOST Sl&n1ea.e ('&! !t ma!"' RE· WARD 81 4-~th St H "rbQr 22M-R. Mp68 China Painting 0.., and EYmln1 Cl-..- II S'WM 1 '!!!fd!! H ome or ya-ebt . cooklnr -hoWMI clean.Inc cat.ertnf -buUer - -ApplJ-- 1 :00 ~ f :OO p, m. 014 'Ai N. Main BL. am.. 211 ......... PACIFIC TELEPHONE ...it.-. Cbautfer-rantenlnl'. ----------- nuralnl' travel comp'•· Male and Fern.le white. Be•t local rf'r•. Ll 8-7~78 or Jltffer11on 7-1306 '17p89 Roy's Maintenance Hou. r'""fb.c noor wuin1 Wall W&llbJAl'-wtDdoW rlM"'"I Veaetlan bilnda. Upbo!M:ery lnft.lred. Free EllUmatea Ube.rt)' .J.1332. '"' SOUTHERN California Bible Col- lege .n .. •everal •tudent• avall- a bl11 ror par1::tlmt f'mployment •• baby•itler•, clerk•. lypl•l•, n lllng 11.&tlon attendent.. r•r· d ener1, hous..keepinc, •teno- l'rap hel'm, etc. Plei.114! phone Kl ~ 1178 .. k tor S tudent Empl?Y- ment Servict!' 87L-fl9 "FI X-IT" SALESMAN, to ~IJ Dodi'• It PJy moutM, Llbtlral cornm.iMton. W• &t• 11vt.n1 Sood tnld. al- low1..nc:•. An opportunlty foe Kood man with exper&enc. t.o mak• good mo11ey . 08H A L Bll!:ATTY at Al BM.tty Motora 1&80 Newport Blvd,, C.0.ta Mu.a Something New .,_ IN BANTA ANA. -Temporary placwnent aervlce q~cy _ An &&ency •J>ecla.lllll.nc In Tempor- •rY office job9. No tee t.o appll- canL Only one visit to our of- flUI la ~;r. C...U for r .. a.,.ig-nment. Clime in -Regi.ter Wt find the }<lb.. 414 Spu!'geon Hldg., S.A, --·.--.,.. . - FLOOR SAMPLES ' & DEMONSTRATORS WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR • . • Model FH 103 with old ref'rigeralot' • WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT • . -L-9. with old wuher WESTINGHOUSE RANGE . . . . . . Model BHS wtth old range MAYTAG RANGE, Model 60D-2 •.. with minute minder with old ranie MA YT AG IRONER, Model 90 F-P . WESTERN HOLLY RANGE . . . . with rot.isalere with old range WESTERN HOLLY RANGE . . . . . . Coppertone with old ra.nge !->le-<'ha n ica l llnd E lf'ctnca l MaJnt1<nu.nt .. Sfr Vl<'"- A U.. \'IORX GUARL.,.TE.1:1.J, J-l•rbor OMi or 0893 WOMEN-,-,,-,"-~-. _-•• -.. -.. -,.-.-1PACKARD BELL TV , 21 STl . . . . other._ wiU!. t rade.in 8otrc M EN. Tool • di& mailer .. 1nachuu11t1. t....b tecltn.lci1Ln • EXCELLENT COOK 0:::'";.ARRAR EMPL. GC . exJ). hou.ekeeper or 111ana1e.r J U . A Y in -.ny and all c•pt.c!Ue•. home <li 02 ';-32nd. St .. Newport Sch. -.nd yacht: Male, whit~ A val!. /aero .. fru1n City KaJIJ a ble lmmed!a tly. Be~t local ref. PHILCO TV, 4136x Blonde . . - with trade-in MAJESTY TV CONSOLE TV . 16" ' "'"' . • SPECIAL OFFER WILL HANO BRAID (your pa_,,) WOOL RUGS (I furnWi all material) ••• r ...... • • ~ .. · ....--· --~-.,_ ~(X pe?""CfUilOmer)" .. , .•• .,_ • . -AT $2.50 sa. FT. . .,___ ..... -. -~-·--,..., , .......... Venr.OO~~ &d.._or .f,eeia1 COnifde~"'o-n"'--~-.. --··~-•""'-tl Re.tells SelJ The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow • for Prlce 111J ao. ~AIN ST., OORONA CORO NA TTI 389.95 319.95 399.95 209.95 224.95 344.50 279.95 209.95 239 .95 289.95 WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE 259.95 BIG SAVINGS SALE 279.95 OF USED APPLIANCES 159.95 WESTI NGHOUSE. 4 BURNER RANGE ·····-·· 59.50 DOUBLE OVEN RANGE ..................................... 149.50 DEEP. WELL COOKER, SUPER COROX HI SPE:ED ELEM. 169.95 279.95 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE ·······-··· ········-·· 29.50 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR ....................... ·······-29.9~ 219.95 SER VE L REFRIGERATO~ ···························-······--19.95 USED IRONER .... ·············-··········-14.50 169.95 KENMORE WASHER .................... 9.50 WR ING l:'.:R 1'YPE, AS IS KENMOR E AUT O MATIC WASHER ........ 19.50 199.95 TH OR AUTOMATIC WASHER ··-·················-14.50 MAYTAG WASHER ............. 74.50 39.50 PORCELAIN, SQUARE TUB, DELUXE WITH PUMP Call U 8-7!>i 8 or J £rff'r80n 30--MllloeellaneoUJI 7-1306 117p611 PHILCO TV, 16" HALFDOOR CONSOLE --59.50 39.50 DAVIS-BROWN PAINTING BY H OUR. S mall o r lug e joba ok. R.....onabl11 rate .. U:berty 8-2722. HA~.~.!~N~~~~~NUGS HALLICRAFTERS 15" TV ORDERS T A KEN AU n t w n1attrlal1 avall•bl•. tRS:) Harbor Blvd. Costa lieu . . . . LIBERTY 8-3437 ... ,, 39.50 ------------- Onkn Ta.ken Now wfM-1> MARY Jo"Ah'NlN, l lllO 8 . C•l Bl. OLYMPIC 16" CONSOLE, BLONDE BENDIX RADIO-PHONO CONSOLE, . USED APPLIANCE BUYS Pbm. LDlerty a.68411 j4ttc 1------------Lasuna Bell. H Yatt. i -7898. 60p13 -----'------EXPERIENCE D GIRL ~ESIRES . 14.50 PIANO INSTRUCTION Oilldren a •pecLa.lty Har. :'>117a 67c69 %.8-8ltuallona Wanted HAl'o'DY MAN. n11 lntenanc~ .l repalr or what ! ~-4684-W, 45t!c CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenance Thrt:i!! ye.u1 eJt~rience thl• 1.ocallty. Call U 8·31:'ill 44 Uc ----------GARDENING ODD JOBS • L:LEA 1\0 UP NO JOU TOO S.\!ALL B Y HOUK , O A Y tJK Wt!:£K W 8-4080 or W 8-4/144 82p711 Experienced Gardener LANDSCAPING &nd CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 W ORK ln lrulurance offlc•. Typ- lnl', ahorth4lld, billing, under· wrlU°", bookkeeping Ha 4308"t, 118p70 M.A T U RE WOMAN d@111ru baby 11lt t!ng by hour or rlay. i.Jberty 8 -6.".o l9. 68c70 REUABL.i: WOMAN will car• for ALMO ST NEW 21 Inch TV Re- cord -Player, 7 piece Fn:nch Provlncl.al bedroom .ul~. chut with mirror , Bt.r gain Pnc&L P hone HYatt <li-~886. 87p68 II ll I 0 WOOL ROSE colored Broadloom rug . 520. Clrla •lde- walk bike. Goocl cond, Jll.!10. Hubor 3007, 87c68 you.r horn• A children. whlle 1------------ you a..re In ho.p•lal or I.Way. ReterencH . Har. !'i219·J 68p 2&-H~ Wanted Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained DRAPERIES e nd SLIP COVERS Made to Order E•Umat~ -Sample. LUCILLE DRAPERIES ltarbor :l-864 or o.8113 &gency 8.'lttc NO FEE collected from appUcant I------------ i 13,J l•l Newport Beach G E. REP'RIG. 9 cu. ft. Krnmore DRAFIS !>fAN ~Precision Mach- inuil.11, Laboratory t echnicia n tor a1111embly and le•t. Apply Monday -Frida y, CAD ILLAC-GAG E Co .. «4 Tf'rmtna l Way, Coeta Meu 116c68 wa.s.her, wnnger type. & x 10 coc;oa rug A pad. Lawnmokcr & othf'r caroen lOoOl.a. Lt 8-4349, LI 8·6310 &Sc 1 11~3 ITALIAN motor K<X1ter, wlndah.L11ld • 1pan tire. Ex· ctllt!'nl cond\Uon J1 7~ U 8~ 68<10 Knotty pine Cabinet SILVERTONE RADIO , WITH SHORTWAVE,. Police call.II, etc. HOFFMAN, 17" BLONDE CONSOLE STROMBERG CARLSON TV, 12" CONSOLE . DUMONT TV, 121/2" TABLE MODEL . 21 " 17" 1 O" with FM radio &. pbono jack TABLE MODEL RAYTHEON PHILCO CONSOLE ZENITH CONSOLE , BLONDE • DAVIS-BROWN ' WESTINGHOUS E LAUNDROMAT ·····················-··· .... $39.50 !Bolt down type. Guar.) 19.50 KENMORE WASHER, Wrtnger type . . ...... $2~.00 I KENMORE WASHER .. . .. ·······--··········------$3:i.00 Wringer type with pump 79.50 MONTGOMERY WARD WASHER ............................ $27.50 1 W'ringer type 34.50 DEXTER AUTOMATIC WASHER ··-·····················-··SH.50 Installed . . 39.50 I WESTINGHOUS E LAUNDROMAT ·············-····--· .. $79.sli . lnslallOO 99 50 I BENDI;" GYROMATIC. In.tailed ·, ........................... $59.50 • GAFFERS & SAITLER GAS RANC E --··-,,--·---···-,.-.$59.50 119.50 39 .50 ~bite Table Top WESTINGHOUSE ELECT. RANGE ·······-···--····--···SH.50 GIBSON 6 Cubic (t. REFRIG ····-··········---··-··-··--StH.50 COLDSPOT 8 cubic ft. ftEFRJG. -.. ,. .. _., _______ ._$09.:>0 SERVEL, 5 cu. ft .. left hand door ,,,,.,, .... ,,,··--·-·----·----·S79.~ SERVEL 5 1 :! cubic fl. REFR1G. , .. ., ....... ., ... ,, ___ . ___ $69.50 KNOX HARDWARE CO. 420 East 4th St, Santa Ana KI 2-2336 1885 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-3437 Turret lathe ()perator5 1 -.-N-T-,~-C-.E--.1-,.-.-w-o00--~-,-"""'----------------------------------------------------------- souc SWING SHIFT, CLASS A. Over-dt11k, open fire box, Franklin SO-HIM.lellaneowi 30-Ml.cellaaeoOJI lJO--MiAcellaaeom $0--Mls.ceil&neoua !W--Mlscellaaeou SXPIPUJ!N'CllD COOK, boU11e time, top p&y. CLA-VAL CO.-•love br ... fender • .A.Lao 4o ~t·l"'-=====:...----1'-'-----------------------11~=~:::::::::::::::;:: _____ 1::::;::;:;:::::::;::=::;:;::::. ___ _ k...,_ llva ln, 1000 u terence•. 1701 Pl&centla, N.wport Beach. er •tnrl• mahoe. bed Re.a.a, Har, Cur FLOWER ••rvic• for horn•. ROYAL Typl!wrtter Ill" ca.rr-.11e KNJITERS SKLL ON TERMS .El.J<:C."T'H.JC DRlLL ~ hl.. chuck, W .. t• to Poat otthi• Box 18!0 ----'------•-oe_·_.3 1 __ 3_3!i_I_. ________ .. _:P_7o_ 1 ottlce, or boat. WM kly bl-waak-~-1m tabulation wllh portable 8 rr. DELICATESS !:N cue JIM! Ul11ck A Decker J2S. Bench •• 1. Iy. or ... desired, l:Ji:pertenced ,,-.. lta.r land 2,L Id Come In • •ee the complete new a•• Ooroaa dtl Kar. 67c69 WANT HOt.JSEKllEPER 6 da,. J"KOZEN ABALONI? STl:AK8 pe...annel lo MrY• you. Bonded lypewr • ' .,.. yea.ra_o Une of G.raphJc patterrw; Bear ON!: I ft. rdrlpralor ···· ···-··· '-"' gMndt!'r. heavy duty '1ti )\.p. f,3 0, 8 30 ' 30 U N In very good condition. ValUf' Brand Ever M.atch yun• Mor· ONE largf' commerc. f"t'(rlg .. ,..J7~ S kill iaw Black a. "--k<r 0 I• • a week : to : . ve ouL :'ll)c A 76c • lb. FROZll and re!Lable. RJchard'• Florlllt n•w '''"· Prio·• " $140 In-ON DO 2 ~ '" C Kl , 7277 •· CHOwo-R 6 lb •-· t " ~ t1!'1 nt!'w dre.u nattt!'m11, novelty l SCALES, $8!> I G l.aA I !> all -..,.yi, or ... meat. .....,. or Sbop--H•rbor 2828. 86<:77 eluding •tand. 800 Dahlia SL, r -blade. Exlra. blade A c .... but Hu. !llOl-W evN, $1.00 LI &.1290. 18<:70 yam• A 1t r•w• lncludinr Ule Ce.I! owner LI 8-8223 mornln1"11 or GARDENING end CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED 117c61l 1 ---==~-~-~--I SAJ...A O MASTER, roll-a-way bed. M.ACHlNlSTS. See Gene Haid at youth bed, blnoculani, elee. b9d1'e TWO NEW TravtrM Bamboo -curt'.ain.. room dlvld•r•. 8 tl- lf'nrth by 8 fL 2 In. wide. Har. 0634-R art.er 4 p. m, C D '" A ~"" 6 p m 87 .... 9 built $70. AlllO lapo recorder, · .... "• a.n. · · t"" popular knit !acey •k.lru. 9fter ::. p. m. or Ll 8·::0766 e.t ter 14 INCH MA.HOO. TV It outdoor ••rial J30, leather ortlce •w ive! chalr $Ml, kne• hol11 du k J'°, Ironer J.]0. Har. 3082-W. 88c88 l~Ll It. Howell, 3 •peed l l2r>-0 :30 A ••>'f'ekenda, i ttc W 8•4729_ 68<:70 Li BERTY 8-1> 139 S2tfc Yard O!nce. South Cout Cv.-clipper•, elite, Remln(ton rUor, Newport Blvd. at 23rd St,, N.B. .r.hn;ime kitchen table. LI 8-7210. 81<:70 &8cf0 .. , .. GREATER EARNlll'5 REMEMBER ... SAVINGS l'fttived by the ldth of the month ... EARN FROM the 1st. Sit N' Knit 313 E. Balboa Blvti., Balboa 32tfc -St&nd oy your local new11paper• Uley are the be11l frlf'nd• a.ny urcan1Led community can have. 2 Yo PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS February Special• REF'RJGERATORS G E . 7 ct 1:le11.n late model $89 Ml Ke1V1n!4tor. 8 ct run• well J39.MI Cro•ley 1 ct Like new J31.~ Servr l, •pt •lu Vf'r y clean JM RA !'>/Gfi:S Har(11A•IC'k 38'" comp\. c1'1ec1c~ 139-~ O'Kll'olfe & Mt!'rrit t2" Top cover J44.&0 Kenn101·11 40" a-ervlcable 120 MAglc Chrf J 7" r lock•. nice 144.00 i--reg lrl•1re. c!rcl. JS" Ukt new "''/deep C()(lke1·, J79.ll0 \'I ASH l':l~S Lnun(ltr11Jl. run11 OK 139.M Bendix F.ronl)n1At I~ Ea~y ~pin drier overhaule<I J49.~ G E automaU(; ~ yr1. young over· h•uled 57~.00 Many more appllanciN not litlted: Evrrythlni: Gu•r1U1lirf'd. FREE DELIVERY STH.OOTS HD"'E., HO\J11rw11re- 1802 :'\'ewport Blvd , Co~ta r.tua I' · Llh<'n y 8-3428 ---------- RerrJger•tor 19ti!'i Philco Delia• la.r1te ran1i1 )' ••:M-. Rt~ ha• Ja rgfl colored Yf'(elt.ble cr1 .. per. Mhelvee In the <Joor • all extr•a. ti yr. e-utlr antee--nothlf1C lo p•y do"A'n It credit O.K. by Bank. ltt payment or P .U due h) 40 <.h1 y•. Hal. d!M' i. 1187.S-" S~ "nytime Day OT Eve. at 1441 W. Ch•pn111.n. Orange. Call Collect KE 8·Ml7. NORn E det!'p f reue, like new - 1 149!>0. ~U!'>/OERSON DRUG, BaJhoa. ){arbor 61~. .. 86e6I REF"RIGE~TOR w.11 eared for. 110 -t 28 O•hll a, Corona del Mar &So I -------~ . . . . ....,. __ _. . . -· --~-~ ··"'-"·--. ---_____ ..:..;.:.;,_~ _i-,. _ _,_ - • *PORT ORANGE* TR•nn. 1•1n ud llUPPLIES 2200 w. eo..t m'lnQ'. NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE r WEDNESDAY, FEIRUARY I , 1954 ! '!!!= ••• .ae• .... Cabanas Marinas ..... -.. --~ .. -·~_...,,' ..... .,, J •• • Dollchttul ~-Apt..()ot.naa UUllt* poi<I. with .·- Yacht allp .-- IltJly,_,,oeltly, monthly, yearly. 1'"\J!.L UNI: 0 ,. NOR.OE and KELVIN ATOR retri1er1lor-9. J..a.r1f't t rl46-ln alJowanc.-of any 19641 modal retr1aer1tott1. SEE AND DRIVE Newport Beodl LI M'20 '!I0-11' A.trftOla.t .pee. -l l lM& 'M ·IT' 8huta,, -..Ut:1 -PlU 'M-Sli' TraTtlait, awnisis -pot6 J'or appt. or re11erva.tion. C&ll Har. 2992. Mtfc Seven.I Good Buy• in American Can Bank ot America Financing 'M-M ' eu.t.om K.ll I Bl\. _ Jdao 1.1_8_A_-_A,;.pla. __ for __ ... _, __ _ \\'fl: STILL K.AVI': a 1-auto· m1Uc w ... hera of lhe lto:l aerie•. You C'&l• ht.Ye U'leM a t C<>Jl whlle they la.It. Mose Wood craft Unpalnt,.d <fl J uvenlle ~~umlture NEW HEMLOCK a,.rtlon•la ]tJat al'T'l vtd for l1v. r oon1 or betlrn1. comer d""k. cheats. b()okl'!Ule•, et.bllle\..I, elt ~1urd)' conatru<:· 1Jon, c .. ntrr .r;u1·1~•1 '1rawera prlt.erl ftnrn 1\0:.0 each S l'J :">ll':T PIANO. Lovely lone and ctu1oe 1387 Term•. Other w on· derful barga.lna In rental re- l1trn1', 1rade tn on org•n• . .-u- Se~erlll rnerely 11Cratth.ed In ~h11-11>1 ng D ANZ -SCHM.IDT - l'HILLIPS Big PlllllO 6. Or11u1 Slvre 6lU :-:. M.11.ln Rana A1la, HARVEY MA YER MOTORS 'M-15' Tra~ ..-0.. L-' 185 We need el.an \&Md tnd .. ina. BAY VIEW J bdrm. apt.. ,.......,. nicely tum . TV, n1bber Ulan .... lg .. wacdrobea, f1)0d he.aL l 0,,, blk l<.o K"hool. clOM to u cdlent bch Wu1ter I 100, yearly l l 20.-1 l lll w. Bay A v .. Har. 3881. (ll)trc "U:DO ISLl:, 3 be(ln>om.1, 2~ bl.t h hon1fl, on &ru1 uaJ tM11la. Blip tor ~o CL boat. UM ot ll f L Vlk lng runabout pov.•er boat_ 1 car gar . booau ttt'Ully turniah• ed. lhni~ S700 per rnonth. Jnqulre at •1 Balboa Cove-. .'\'ewport ·· SdUc 2137 Harbor tCorner Victoria) PAN AKERICAN Pv-1.mouftt-Kenak.W Tn.wW--Tw~ In! roductory otter, Kelvlna tor w=her a.nd drter, ·~ mocela Sa\'e $100. The ~r tor SJ•l.95 Ll 8-2256 Ual': Qur 11<~· llWJI.)' 11\an %121 H.:ll'bor, l' "f , LI 8· llltll <"KAM.PED Jl'OR. SPACE ! Whlrl- 1~v)I wuoher • r•• dryer only l Uu •II" tor both p1ec.,, 10--Auto!J fo r Sale YJV!: R OOfol S ot lu ~rly nl':W fur-Di::AGA:-.' 3 o.:tave Vibra-hio rp. -------·------- JAKE'S APPLIANCES nltilre w ith full •lZ<!I range .ft I '" r1n,. ro11d1uun Savi '~,115 (1fl I PHILCO t"lrlg fl IX' mod c1111e1 • 1 n .. w pr I• e Conv term• •t T pl!!<:e l1v1ng rt)On1 group. 2 S tl Af..ERS 181nce 1907) complete beclr<')nm •et1 fJnlv t 21 '~:1 -..; Syt·aniore, Sant• Allll U131 I.I 8-MH Harbor Blvd. S!\90. Small duv.•11 1)•)'fnenl w ith 1·•11111e Kln1berly 2-06>2 C-ta M.ra• 11.1+ wH-k• 1., Piil" I ----- !ISC 70 H UB, ~ \\. Ct'nl,.r. A n"h~Jrn --------------1 i;1 .. ·1r (.J'l'lee!116. Merritt, .. rllllge 19~ c1~1uxe foldlnc-top n1odel n .. all THRl-:E RU• l!>IS , r 1 .. ,.u11r 1l! ,,...,.. rl'lrom• gTjddle on l op, l•n•p a I flitnlttire 1 ,r $1\1!'1 ('•Jn, .. 111 rlo<.:k With oven timer, <'hfome ! !Ouk erPlin•! i;tr\JL broiler, Ulted only 3 monthll I IJl'D :')(MJ \\ f°f'ntl"r An9f1r tn1 !-letn& tr.,..Cerred &dt, take ovrr Piano Refinishing 1,Jq1,l1ly w"tk unly ''·'•"l:l ,\I l'IA.'\'ll ~l:.:l.\'J 1·~ Kl 2·i8i;u 111t1· my contract will!. the Bank 6 ---- ,,.' oN uw. ba1. or l >37 19 o Oy E.Ll:CT!UC H0A~Tf:f~ v.·1th &Tiii. -· n 1'$1',111.t"l'IFL'L Ulond<" Mirror t \'r'" pay ,l ,82 per month. No C"un (hr.,nie J~n~1\., ~~I "·"Jl!t j>11.t nftl"ded. My equity f ree, 1~ •ny· forry1 ro• lll"t e ll h-.JI J>tl('"' :!ull lllne Da y or Eve. a t .l ttl w Apo.1~.na n .. 111 .... 1 .... nd, np ni ( 'hapma.n, Oranc.. 1n&• ~ •'~"'fllfl li:~ 6b• t\11 "I''•''' I""• on p~1 1~,1 •• n '11 ]•'II, $~,Jn " 51H po! 1 •I Ii,. r t111 ~ ,,.,,,,.,). ,r J Haus ken-Watson Sl'QllT CAR CENT>:Jt J A.01JAH., lo! 1; Al 'STIN HEA l.F:Y ~H ••~H.1 :-i Al':fll!'I ,\I.I· A Jl,{!"lhV !();~A( LT !-,, ., 1 ·~r !'i1Jlt:'n 4· Herv1 ... ._;..,,,,, \ "' <.! \,,.1~ AU folll.k.•·., I' · •I ll!"I I""""", II' :!~· l :0-11 .\1AI:-; sr SA ... T A hl ~. 111:1~ !11. I A!'JA llil:J.2 ll.ARHOU SL.VO. I vl:iTA />1£:-i A l.J 8 :>U~I !\ti -;' SI M • A ,., '"' •t' • u t (f 11.1. .... I Call C.OUect KJC 8-6317. l..AH.Gi,; n1•11• .:"1' Jl nln~ l .. bk • 0 t ha.it• I Jtl ('111 l\ 1..1 8-~l-:'1 "1. "'' •-O'Kl!:Jt'P'!: 6. M'l:RRITr ran1t. ·~ I "fl • 1· '""h".-;any 11.n I r1 >q !~ •' '')' ""·'•!.. ;i"ll " "'"" hll .. ll<'tl~ '.;! ll<lh! I !« i;11.I :-.~" b'""''• u11it"r rr ,enl.y 1rbu1ll 'Zl1) c .. u Ha11'"Y I ,\1',,,., ~1.,tura U i> t'l~>6 • nM>del. 1..amp A cMxk Wll.n oven I------------ ~BoaU., Supplll"A -6ti1<t'IS ;,4 UPI• K c a,,:-;Jl l',Y 1,:oupl'. tl•r . .jtl:.! \V 1lJV1t'r- t'Vetun;.,~ 66·&d Umer. Chrome snu bro1W,r, a.nd t ha t lllt up top. UM(! tJn• month. J lt•.IO ca.h, or pay Si per mo. t ••l W. C ti..pman, Orani•-Kil 8 -6811 U SLIP FOR H.1.:NT "" Penlnaul• on pnvate clO<'k L:•ll Hl\r 24~! :t>-J>-11-:~. t.:llU, P.:t. I lii':A l'T ll>'l/L l month• nL•I ~1 11.--------- Mite n\1·•11 klt\tna, 1~ .. ona ble Ii p 111 Ha1 2.t!2~·J , · .. u li6p68 G r ant w . M usick !l-l\'&nted t.o Buv TRADE ! •f T ~I 1,\1 1.'.1A1·1•1t ,: 1 .. ..xti ... 11\er n1all':I Your Hud1on Dealer M.JSC. WA..NTl:D-c .. h tor boat 1'1'IFU 81"'.:A I L 10' auJ. IU 'hQQl1"'r. 11;0 )' .. ·l•i;1 "" $100 Har l8 2!1-R S ALES and sc:Jt v ICE lla.cs. pen&nta. en•lgna. ~tc. •nywhere. EAt .. I 1 .. r •'ha11.-1 fl&.•11!1 I j "O::'"--.,..,8 U 1-1769 68ce9 '\'ant tmalJf'r b()ut or prOJ"t'llY --253 N.Lu&Angeca \.[:....J·I~• t220 \.\' Bll.ll>o& lllvd • -"'ew port. >E .-..;T1.t: 1'1111.f': CAT.~ ll)<>nlll• I AnaJieirn t 2tfc Harbor 3032, t'ljj tfi: .,1J, 11 .. uae llrok1'n to be g iven \u 31.-B'anlltun ror Sale AT BA'{ Find Whet Yo u Went Al The Price Yo u Went NEW B UN"K BEDS. All hardwood. Com - pl11t1 Yi /2 tnn.nprtnc ~ 2 •prifll"•. i...dd•r, ~d l"&U. Maple rtnuh. J lll &0 VAL.in: A T BAY $79.Ml TWL'"'i SIZE l.NNERSPRING mal- treu w /m atchln( box 1pr!ng - l mported S.1&1an damull cover. Gua ranteed con1trucUOn. $89MVA.L UI!: A TBAY 1etS6:i &0 _ I ~ .... 1 h"""' ·1 n1on1h• •<ll r1,.,,1 N l!:ARl..Y NE\\' glu.;.-11 r,.,tt•Hn Jrr .. l ,J 1'·2036. M ct\!1 1 l).alb<.)a AA1!111,1; t!Uil(hy Al;,o Ill!~ • • --0 111~~-6 hp uutlln11rJ I \•>ii l11Y l'iu rl •l .E l'l'l'S. ,\l&l1•, l.dJ1 •k ch•ln hOlltl .. nd l h p o'I•~ I & l<H\ ~·1·r1111lt •J'flf"t -: .. K;'I mot~r U 1;--:'920. 67i6'• .. 1.1 :tt!!J Chi( !Jr .• "1,.wl'"ft 1-'LUAT. SI:! mo11 th, will ft. bo•l. 3400 Mar•'UI . , .• o, 1 \•k·· 2!:. , .... ,.,,1111 ... t>fl• till U-M.uslcal, Rad.lo, T V Kilowlton Electronica TV REPAIR FAST SERVICE , R E:A SO :-:ABLE. Sl':rvtce call11 till ii u 8-:1200 pm. 1·•~n"'l.' 117,t:\9 I '\II.LI Jo: !"I(" t'>t Ml~ c .. 11 I.I I! 3!119 Afl .. r Ptll•' br onl :)30pn• fl7<'fHI 46-AutQll &nd Truck• I DRAWER DOUBLE DRESSER. BltAUTIFUL Spinet plano. bhind. '55 CADILLAC ELDORADO Salem nn1-h. Center guide. Oovt tall drw1. ~9.!IO VALUBI AT B AY S••.llO a PC. BICCT'ION A.L.. ~% curv9d cent41r. Lwtilr1ou1 wide lllrm. ! attrull•• COYera. ,2fi.50 VA.LUZ AT 8.AY Sttfl.50 I PC. PROVINCIAL MAPLE WOOD ARM GROU P . Include. .aof .. pla tform r ocker. clubchalr, 2 etepend. l cotrM table, 2 t.abla ........ '319.!IO VA.LUlil AT BAY J:il lll.!IO H " OAll RA.NOil. • burner. dlvtd· .c! top . .AutomaUc oven heat Corl· L.rol. Chron~ h11.11dlm oven. BroU- er and catch pa.n.1. ,139.&0 VALU"m AT BAT '88.Bll Bay Furniture j uat !lke new 1&VI': $200. J rent- a l returns. •av" S90 to S2!10 perfect condJtlon new iruanUl- lee free clel lvery. Maple, l.l,l(hl Wa.lnut, French Pr(lv\nclaL M•- hogany Splnl':t caa11 1llghlly c1am1.:ge0 Ill •hlpplnf ... 7. Good pracllcfl ptano11 rrom $89, S94, 1 12~. 1 17~ aee lheae 11l the Grt":at •2nd Annlver•sry Sale DANZ -SCRM.IOT -f'HILLJl'S th!': Big P la110 end Organ Store 620 No. M•ln. Santa An11. 100 , ____________ _ ORGAN SPECIA L! ORGAN only S6i:!. LlbforaJ trade•, convenient terma. Lu- M>na Included. Anyone can learn to play ln a tew minute.. See It NOW at- •·-A• "-.S 1Slnce j9Q7~ t.21-•23 N. Sycamore, S1t.nta Ans Phone Klmbfor\y 2-0672 Or•n11:e County'• Organ H1lqtr1. Complete Cad equipment Alm08l New 6000 ca1~ful miles JO-Ork W11rr,•nt"e.-l!ank Term11 ONLY S5695 '55 CADILLAC 62 4 DOOR Full Cad cqujpment 9000 Miles 100~ \Varr•.ntee--Ba.nk T erma 55 CHEVROLET l'owt·r r.Lidf'. Powt·r B rakes Radio, Heater Sl595 MARK DOWNING FORD 11 .. ·y 31' 11.t f'ar HI<' ('011.111 Hwy ltL'r.l'JNUTON BEAC H t~ !"ORI) 2 porl11llun ""'" '1r •"'111.n Uood tran•- !'11r $7:1. l~I 8-7796. 68p70 ':11 CROSLF.Y 11uper 1laUon w11gon l 12fl 316 Ramona \\•11y. Co•ta Me.aa. LI 8-713:1:. 88c70 194 7 BUICK r·onv. RlrH. Wh.lle nylon top. UOod conll. CH EAP t2'S 1..11. P<"rle Mace , ea.ta MeA.. LI 8-3ll9 88p ·~il 2 DOOR Cu•lom 1Jn11 Fot'\I. like nf:w_ Sm1t.ll <'llah p.ayment, r1":a•o n11.blt1 monthly payml':nl.A. or tni.d11 tor t"qUlty In n'a.I e11tate. Har ll091 88p70 '6 1 CHRYSLER ' dr., de!Wlll equipnient. Can be tlnllllced lOO'H> Un ion g11.t ataUon cornet l\Oarcl11eua & Co11.11t lflchway. C O.M. 88c70 VOU.:S ... lAGEN ~.Sun roof. top conditio n. n1u.11l aeH -Harbor 2238·R or K.Eyetone ~-ii13:il day a. 66e68 ''\Vhare price. are held a t Bay'' •27 E. 170. St., Co.ta Meaa betwevi Tu.,tln and lrvinfl Free Storefront Parkins -Term• OPEN EVE'S. 'TIL 8 Knowlton Electronics TV ANTENNAS iClear Beam -HI G11ln) INSTALl..J!:D complete to your aet. ONLY S3995 McCARTHY ' 19:H Mf<:Rc1;Ry Montl':rey h•rd toj>, I o"'·n ~r. t"Xlrll..I. ~ p!11!e.s, no sale11 lax S\8~.o t 28 Santa Ana Ave. Npt. Bch. U 8-3836 w ... ·k dey~ J1!,"r ~ p.m. 66c68 UVINO ROOM rurnlturt1, ova.I dlntns table 4 ' uphol9tered cha.Ire. It mt.te. plect1e. ca.JI Har. •tU -W ettnlnp. 8-S. 8~7 WALNUT dlnlns table. utra l le•Tit&, 126.-Har. •862. 60c87 $9.95 LI 8~206. .'19trc R11n t • Spinet pis.no to buy, fl.II term rent llJJ(.IWed Pra t tlce piano low •• U per mo. DANZ- 8 C HM J D T -P HILLlPS Big PUno & Orsan Stora 620 NQ. Mii.Jn St. Sa.nU. Ana. RATI'AN F'URNITURE, SACRl- FICll:. By pr1Yate p1rty. 3 pc::. J-------------- USED CARS 1420 so, MAIN Kl 2-3607 SALE USED TRU CKS S.A. IC"Ctlonal, 2 end labln will!. lampe, dlnlf\I" table with ' chni. Divan w1U. ottoman. All tor. 1200. Call Har. 2013-J . ~7 ti RADIO REPAIRS '1wE HAVE A TUBE HOME RADIO. repaired ST 0 CK O F USED for only SJ .Ml tncludlnit: l'IArl.'I & TRUCKS THAT MUST LARGE NICE fof AHOO. C HINA CLOSET 4 butfet $100 for both. -317 OTchld. Har . .., 7•-R. 63<:68 Twin -lad •ler -back bl':da In lisht maple S~ -2811 Baylhort Drt1;e. LI 8-l'.1218. 86pU labor 90 d•y iru•ra.ntee. 1:i yl':ar• ~""n'""'· BE MOVED AT ONCE. Whites Radio Service U 8~lW or LI 8-tOl I b•tt Bl:AlITIFVL El~ECTRONIC Or· l'an pertect cue aln1o~t n~w. DAr.'Z -SCHMJOT-P HI LU PS Ort'•l Sele. fl20 l\Oo. Main St. M.A.1100. OlNl!:'ITE SET ~.­ davenport 121), oofree table 1:1:0. l'O':ker with 3 pr•. m •tch lnl' 1--,--0-R_T_HE __ R_U_M_P_U_S_R_OO_M_: __ drapl'a A other Jtam• .. FINE AM.PJCO JtLECTRIC PLA YJtR CONDITION'. ~tar. 799-W. Mc68 P lA.NO ln perfect playing condl- LIKIC NEW O'Keef• It Merritt er tlon. Lot. of rolla Included. - ,. .. r&nl'e wa. wocse.ro 41nJns Coll\·an.l.nl t.uma 'al - tab.le and 4 c.h•lra, perfect c:un• 8HAF!:RB (Slnce 1907) FORD converUbll':, fonl1<- 11111l1c, J{a<lon, w1w ,aulon1atlc t oµ. aky hu•. Onglnal nwner 23.000 n•!lr~. ronlinent.1 kit perlel'l l'ond1!1on Sl,IKIO. Har . 4891 11.ftel' !'.> p. rn 6-:'p4l9 lll!\5 CHEVRUl~li:T V-8 Station \Vagon R&illu, he•ter i;::!i<I~ v.·hlte .,,1,. wall S ACRIFlCJo; ,1900. llAr 52 FORD Ranch Wagon Radio, Healer S1045 MARK DOWNING FORD power 11r.:11. ~>488 67c69 Hwy 39 et Pacific CoA&t Hwy HUNTINGTON Bh:ACli ..., .. BY ORIGINAL 1 lltll LI 8-2257 66dl8 t-0--Autoa fo• ~ '55 CHRYSLER New Yorker St. Re gis Hard lop convertible l<'ully equipped F:lt"t·tr11· win,le>v.•, eJe,ll1c •t11 I · 1~,wer 11le.,r1ng, power brllk r~ v.· 9 v. Radio Heater linlJ Ir Serva:ed by U• ONLY AS3415 '53 OLDS 98 4 DOOR SED AN l'i.·,.er braku. power •lttnflll; R&d io Htaler -w.a.w. EX(•ELI...ENT CONDITION ONLY S1595 LOU REED & Associates l:ZOQ W. COAST HWY. ...,, 31 FT. 1~ KIT H OU!!ll: 'nU.JLo ER. a ftlO. oLtt. modern. $2MO LI 1-1467 T2c8ll TRAlLER, lll.J'l'I aturdy hu1n~­ bullt. Perfect tor 1on1 lrlp y,•i tll 1&rc• 1o&d. au.a 6x10--l l:>O ur trade. U 8-•729, 61J<:-:'O 18 F"I'. ALU MlNlJM bou.11 tra11 ,.r, 2 C'lothe. cla.et., Iola of •lo> "II"'· l~ib u &-7t :'.13. 6~· 7'1 • .t1-Wanted to ~nt I I :.:_==c~=-'---- l HM WltST OcMn F ront, Nl':W- port Beach One br.trn1 tu rn a pt. 4 car. MO m u 1ncltJd_.e rnlulmum ulll. Winter rental Ph Rlve1"3ide. Overland 6 ·1~04 12 1 ., 2 ))d rm modl':m tum uppoor 29th. St , !\'o•wp"M $2'0 r~•r wk 1nclud u•11 untol lu11r I ~ tOAr. 1..1 li ·19111t ll61llS Ni:WPORT nEACH, J bedrm. unrum hou"" • c•rii.ge 213 3llth S t ALSO rurn . Cllbln .z.a. Bayllhore Park. low renL Cltru• :S-1092. e-OpT3 huuae. & lJ1und1 y t<••·r11 l:s rti e•11I y•r! S l:t~• l"'' 1 .. ,.~,. (Iv. Po•l H~• 47 betlrn1, Ga race cli~aal. mn yr " Renl ol1 Wonted ,,,I LI DO ARMS A PTS . V.1e need apu. &nd hOtllll':ll 1n ...cUon • tor b<.illl Winter 11.Jiof 7e~1 leiue. Furn. or unfurn. '1 \~4 .l 11 ~..IJ J \,\1 11••1111": un fur11 t11·e- pt11 , n~, 1ci. '"'11 3 pa.1101, ba1 k yar,j !••n ... 11 f 'hlld llCl'O!pl · ,.d I'· I ~ ,,k $1:!~1 Ill•' )e&1ly !t·aa• Ii.tr ~t ,~I •Ile r 10 a rn 1l' you havt a va .. 11.nry , phon• lod•Y The Vogel Co. 3l01 \\' l.'1l Hwy . Nl':"'f""l IVh Phone Ub<"rly li ·Jtlll %6.8 Marin•, U..lbo• l•la.nd Phvne t l.arbor 'tt. l 681 E Coaal Hy . Coro1•a d~I />ta.: Phone Harbor 17 4 i Udo Oftlce, 3• ifl \'1a Lltlo Ha.rbOt t ll7 I 1101 Newport Kl\'d., Cl)ela LJberly 8-M97 "' & Marina VERT NEW .. u, \\",.I! tn .... ..ii l'llrpt:ling A •lrapea, l!A!./l•J '\, 11,.,,,,. & i;:111 ai;r ,.:on· c; E l{et r1i;: deluxe •t()v1·11 ,,..,1,.111, ! ,, "'~·I 1~,.,.,. yr.at E•1h A pt h u pr1va1 .. &•111.ge r.,.111 1 1,.,.1 ,, ... .,.r l<t 1 11o11 1·..,.s.nt• tieve f •r"<l , .... u fur alq•• loll! E l~·••· ~ , .. 1.. Mlp6.8 Unt hl\Jf blk tn llu1'•nr'• 1·,.n\er __ J•08·ll·l t • 20 \'la Oporto I UALllUA l~l..A'.':li J bo\Jrn. 1 tY.f:rc. Har l ("J!.! J 1 ... 11, 1, ... ,,.,.. ""' '" )tl• A V•ll· alter ~ p n1. W 11-21 71 ~1,1 .. ,\1.,, J9l 11"'"'" •fi11 or :i111c Z'\•)t) H ,.. P~ ''"' :o I fl Hl)!\'A [J1';L ~I AH Unl u1ll 2 :Siil.iil~: 1 Lit"~· u1o1u1n .\I J~t un· 11 ... 1n,l(l t11 ga r• 1: e •J'hlt1n1 nl N .. w1y d,.cor•l,.•l l.11 unrtr·y nn I & ,;11r age 1ncludl't! I &.'! 11 .. r "'" J \ r lta"" -own~r Her t 7 tf U•U•I tljlp•H\ur I\)' I ' I,. ..... ~ t1'f ,,ne or l"'o y .. ,.,. ll"MlllolUI !'<""" ~:ni:l11n•1 I~/',. 1.J1u1 11 .. U•e. H ""VY •h.,k_, J<~•I 111)011 k/< •111•11 NP::ED 3 bedroom unftJrn. horn.-., _ f'f'lhni:~ 'i I ''!'I "~• H I.I(" ln H.a rbor a.re• t or re•po.u111bl<'' BACHELOR APT -l'•rtly turn tenanU.. 1126 t o S2MI per n10 tta.ri1e. refrlg.. utena!t. rh1n;a on y .,.._,.. lt1--. etc. No chllt!rtn or ro<e1.• Yt ly MARINERS 181..E REAi.TY. Lea~ only $:~ Nt.r JllrJ,1 Ill Mannt. Baltio.. 1•111.nd . peuo. f1Qwrn1. w a.lk ln b••ll<'ti ttacbor t 181. :i 13 Gold .. nrod, fl6 • lllJ M<.:88 ~ -- ur1ala 11·1 b-!r n1 .1 ... 1~ " 11 h 11w .. epl11i; • • • "" > ,,.1<' v.·11] It'll"<' l , I • 11 .. t1l1 $:!l'<l'.> p.:1 111u1\Ul 1111 0 I I\\ nr• I I' I ! \ • l ~06., 1 --------~----C(JlillNA DEL MA H. yearly l 4 9---ltoCJllll'o 'ur l{p11/ M c$i WA:-i'TED TO RENT 2 txtrm f um bclrin ram a pt $711 ln~·JurJ uU! --------· • ------· on channl':I or oc-n for fan11ly ga;age a vail. tJ l!-20311 llr liar 'It * '/II Wberty 8-3•811 ot t.Ju·ee. permanent yrly, rent•! '820, 117 pllli l.'l"l/\L'l'l.A'l r;LY :·1 I \;\ " 1\11., tll.~2 f<'OFW CONSUL. 13~& tull Bar. !WTt . %1.tc price. 1---------------IBAC'H!:LOR APT <'nmpl,.t,.ly lll4fl .. ~on.o 8 club t pe . cood WANT'.!l:D TO RENT. y.,. .. Lu.ae pr1vat1":. Nic .. !y rum 112 w,.,.k ro><on1,. a a pt~ v.1:11 I rnr pllrlir'ul,..r p "I' n1a11\ a 1 .. 1~p1101 • • ' • • H11.rbor t oil .,, mot or With Edelbrock manltold. by 2 adull.JI, ama.112 bdrm. h.ouae 311 M.arll'old, Corona elf:! M•r J U!\ total pr'lce . ori Balboa laland.. Ca.11 after 3 88c 11M 8 H UD80 'N Mdan. seod cond. p.rn. Ku. !I06fi. 68c70 ---~~~-~---~ -__ • • • CltANNl:L FRo r.-r, l bedrm rum ........ KA'-··. s1•:i tutal prl<.:t . ... , , .... ~"" '"-lo wer. p1er. rla.t, u r tllenl I•" 11• t'nlra nLe rr-..nll.>1 <6 ~ , CO TI ON GOFF The Volkswagen Deoler N•wJX'rl Blvd. at Harbor I. 40-A-n.tt. a PIUU 22nd New &nd Ueed TRUCK AND Pa11en9er TIRES a.Hour Recep p in g .~Service Complete Brake Service A.ND &8--A pta. & Home. Choic e B&lboa Winter Re:ntala on Ula.nd &. Udo IAle Small 6. cosy or larse • delu..:a $76 to 1300 month VOGEL CO. %08 Martne Ave., Balboa Ula.nd Ph. Harbor •t.• or ilacbor 1015 Re•. Har. :Je:illl-R or Har. 12211-R JtO MO. MEW mooern Wanted younc man to aame. Jnq. 31H-32nd St., port Beach. ll•trc hou.11. aha.r• New- 117tfc CALL EDNA CRAIG RENT AL SPECIALIST wOUo DORIS BRAY, Real tor 2t8 Marine, Balboa Ha.r. 20 or 8• Ia.land 82<.:7!'.>b tlon. untll Jun!': l1L 11\l'I mo !nr l e 11 .,1 lllir 211i ... -J ut1HU-. l •OO Marc1111. l\'twporl __ _ Uoug laa 7-40•1 ~8rfl9 HtXJM for ,.ork1n1 n1a n $I 11 .J ), NEARLY NE\.\'. F urn. :ii bednn Ocean front <tuplex. AUlo wuh- er -M02 \\'. O<:ean F'ront. up- eta1r1. Ha.r, 1232·M No P f't11. .... ,. BALBOA ISLAND. C h11rmtng 1 bdrm. a pt., tu rn. ~ mo. Incl. uUll\iu UNTIL J tJne l:'.I. Gatu Realty. Ha.r. 1671, 68c70 C H A NNEi~ rront YltARLY RENTAi~ --Beautl(u! "¥111W nt channel & Balboa Cove,.. 2 bdrm. ept. S&o unrurn. Dork aV!lllable e16 Jfllh St., NewporL • 68p70 BA,, VlEW ept. compll':ll':ly furn. Clean. 2 bedrm•. Corona <lei Mar M M. PINOVER, Rea.lWr Harbor t810. McTO per w..,i. l>'rlvale en•l ••"ot. 12:\ 28 th St . Ntv.•p,.r l pp1rc e NEW OFFICES e IDEAL FOR PROFlli- S J.pNAL o r BUSINESS USE. Located in - Harbor Investment Co. Bid(. 30th &. Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 tt . BALBOA BLVD. comer bu.lne1a •uit11 tor 1ntdlca l. denla.I or a.i1y prof,1111lon•I UH. )otodern, heat· ins , in.rklnf . Owner 1•1:1: No. ,.~lower, 8 A. Kl :il..(Ml62. tt e FOR RENT: GROUND n..oQR Front End Alignment ROAD SKRVlCE Ftn111tont1 Budg'et: Plan Youni for the Aaklng 488--BomN for Rent office ln 11ew bulldLn•. neiar BAL.BOA 1Sl..AND, la.rce turn. Udo. Ample parking. f'or ln- 2 bedrm. • 1un porch upper lWO BJ:DRMS. tum. houaa. f o rma l Ion, call Mni. F.;y duplu:. GARAGE. N1<.:e y&ro. fenced yard. 81f Nan:~. Har. I* Ill.le Good hea t. Wlnter '100. yrly. C.D.Jl. Har. (K l &-J'. 87ctil--------------HOWARD RYAN 801 -809 W. l8t St. SANTA A N A. Kl 3-S3e3 41-Au to Setvloe 33ttc Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyi.. ---· $48.88 8 CyJ.. .. .. --.. --.. ---.. $58.88 lncJUdl':e boll!. labor and paru. New rtnge. wrlat pill•. ••I•• &"1nd. r1tt1n1"• of main and rod bea r1 nre. IDlpert motor tune up. IH>-<lay or •.000 mlll': su•ra.ntee. (NO MONEY DOWN I REBUILT ENGINES -UP iu 111 MONTtiS Tl) P111.'i - ll ~ mo. lncludln&" uUJiUu. Har. ~-w 8.lttc ONE BEDROOM. unf'\lrn. dUplea. Oarace. otapoa.l. Lou or •lor- •1e. Water pald. :il8t'l I!:. 21 1t St., Coet.a Meaa. LL 8-0.S.!'i. 87c88 ON BALBOA ISLAND SEE US tor yearly lllltl aea.aonal ""ntll.la. NELDA GIBSON, Re&itor 308 Marin• Ave. l:larOO.-003 BALBOA IBUND I CORONA DEL MAR. Nurly new 3 be<lrm. unfum. Ra.nch 1tyle dupllll.. f!repl., F ...... heat, Hwd rtra., aep. paUo. Har. l&M-R. SEIC ME-TA NELSON C HOICE RICNT ALB Furn.., A: uutumlahecl." .. u, 2ll08 E. Oout Hlshway, COM. Harbor SMO. a&c70 BUiit In OU~ OWll factory ll)' aktlled rn1t h !n11i... Don't cunll':nd wlUll -ISA-Apta. f or Real I.he nud<1Je rnan. Buy du t'Cl REBUlLT and lNSTALl ... ED ONlt S INOl.C a pt. yearly. One SH0 tt.T BLOCK I l bdrm. • une 2 bdrm. to June l ~. No J>f'la 3708 Channel "'OHO ...... .. ......... ·-·--·-· 11111 .50 ..,0 H•'· ,,,,_J. '-'U< Cffli:VROLl:T ....... ·-··--1149!>0 _•_•_c•----------- PLYM 6. OUDOF: ···-·---$1~ t:liH YS. a Dlt !SOTO ···--$170 STUV~-HAKitll .. --1110 OLDS 6. PONTIAC 8 ---$t70 B Ul!;K ....... -.. -···-····-··--·-$111) JIUDSUN ,_ .......... -······--·--$171 Loan t.:11 r Fr" To•IDI' /:~W t'AR G TJARANTEI: Block niu.it rn""'l Ollr •ta.ndardl P 1ua la-Xe•, •aak•la and oU 0 1""" &Unda)' 10 ii.tn. tu 2 p...m. • LIDO ISLE BACH.ICLOR a.nd one A two bdrm.. apt.a. 81\t,rl tenn and 7earl7. ALSO. UOo Home• and Say Jo'ronl Hom• and ap•rtmt":nta.. LlOO REAL TY Ae.oclaU. 3400 Vla Udo, Harbor .,.,, -· BELLES ENGINE -F or a ~.i>lt \&Md eu, ... $75 iruRN. COTJ'AOE -fir.place 2 bedrma. Ca.II MU. Kohi.tedt- Harbor ~ -R. MlcTO UNFURN. 2 bdrm. bUnp.Jow SllO mo. on I-Adult.I $4521 Sea- vlew C.O.M. Har. 37t8-J. 88dlil BALBOA IM mo. yrly. untum. cnt tage Uvinl' nn.. dinlnl" rm .• k1tchenetle, 2 bdrma .. hl)t ahow- er. Ou Ir w11.t11r pd 108 Acl11n111, 811lboL Har. l92•·M' 88ci0 WIN'MtR RENTAL-Feb. 111 lo June t~ e rm. hotU>f' rljm · 170 mo. 109 -30th SL H11.r. 8lf7·M ..... KUNTlNOTON BEACH AREA.- One bedroom houaot partly tum.. W .W. ca rpetlnr . t..rge fenced yard. Call LExtnJ1.on 8-4071. - NICJC M.OD.ERN Aton room 0( office a t 1888 Pla.cenUa. 1100 mo. tnclu.dtnc utlllUeL Inquire a t property alter ti p . m. wffk daya or any tlml': Bat. It Bun. or call U 8-1)784J alter 8:30 or weekend&. lilt! M---1.l•'OI•-!!fporiul- B EE R & RESTAURANT HIOH N'E'T •how• ITO&a ov11r ,100 P"r day. Prl<"e ot S3700 lnclud•• 2 bedrm. houu. Rent 1200 per month. Owner muat Mil. THE VOGEL CO. S20t w , eo-.at Ellshwa7 Npt. """· Ubert' 1-IUl HOME · LOANS Construction Loa ns -Refinancin9 Free P r elim inary Appr•i1al1 Corn9pondenta tor Uf e and CMualty lnsuranm Com pany of Ten,,,..,,.. Banken National Ufe lnauranc4t Com.pan7 dlUon. 1110. Har. 3900-M Mc10 •21-t13 N Sycamore, Santa .Ana Phone Kltnb<trly 2-()172 Jrlnd a buyer "10. a.n ad ln N~ rm. Clauitled. J ust f)hQl!ie Har- bor 1•u1 4 ...,; "l wal:lt to pla~ a Cluallltd Ad." aM a ~ ad-talttr wW belp 1CM1 tn'lte &D -"tell" ad. HAMMOND OROA.Nt aJI modele. one •ll&ht lJ' uMd IU1fl nf!'W'. DA.NZ • SCHll.IDT-PHILLIPS Hammond HMdqua.Nre tor Or- a.tll~ CoUllt.J', 1120 No. Main SL .......... STOC K INCLUDES, PICK UPS, PANEL S, STAKES & DUMPS. NO REA SON ABL E OFFER REFU SE D. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE SOME REA L MONEY ON A USED TRUCK . W E-CARRY OUR OWN ):ON. TRACTS. W .W. WOODS GMC DEALER B"O<k """'mu!><, '-"'""'cu , all vrtru. low mll~•g:e. Har 4111 REBUILDERS JWI klc-1 d-.J..r •be wW-b9 be.~ tk88 TOWOR.JlOW to Mck 11p •bat ba SOUTH COAST · Mortgage Company 111-ll It -llJr BL Banta AA& <>ii-8und&7 A. I(. TtiKlk~-~ Co . --------------()p#n Da.IJy S to T Stal• Amdad allll TODA T l Oi.«k the aMd lr.>4 MERCURT Cu11tom Sta tion NEW LOCATION Wagon BeautUul ronJnlon JlO East Jrd St. Jf'ully equlped ._,...,n,.r H• r b.>1 •'6:i-R anyt1n1e... &ep&I SANTA ANA ' Apprmred nu. Mortppt 1600 Weot Cout HIJ!nray -LI 8-77tl Newport 11eo<11. Cailton'1a ---· ' I I ' • ' PAGE 2 -PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, FffRUARY 8, 1951> Special Values CftOt CE Jooatlon Witu •pel'•tlon. One owner for _, l-?o ~~~~li.: Come In -and Let Us Home & 'Rental. _s,h~':" .J.~.1•e.,Gy"9,~ .. ~-'l.Y!·,\i;o:>N1""'"""' ,....,,,.d __ _.,, ltUSS BENNER, ICvn Hu. ltl1 NEWPORT .Balboa Ba.y P..ropertiea- tflefr w .. nanrt11-mva.-... 'Rar. 5188 . .., .. CORNE"~ LOT Tffff•• Good I bdmi., W /W carpeted. $4&00 Pha a 1 bdrm. r.iw him. " --·--IJN ~I~~~ LOAN~ TO 8 Ull.D, I'MPROV'E, DUY, '*IOOERNlZE, OR ll Elt'lNANCF: w,. lluy Trtl!lt Deed• ,'\F,\Vl'DH.1' BALBOA SAVINGS <\> LOAN ASSOCJ.A TION !13~ Via l.l<lo Ph. l t\'.lr. •?oo t!o NO COMMJSSION l'.'EWPORT HElOIJTg 3·BR. A den, la rge n .2 i<ll tt.:need. cii.n build a.no!her unit near ttoag H o11p1la! $1 3~00-trrrna. BALBOA Oceanfront, 2-BH, hom11 plua 2 - 2 HR. fur. un1ta, n1 c•· 1ncon1e an<.J t,,.11t 101,:a tlon. 12\1~ -t'&J:IY tfl'lflll LlJJt) JSLE-3 BR, furnu;hed l '\< t. .• tJ111 3yn1. oJd. $:!000 l.Ju\',·:-; Best Area, Costa Mesa EXCL 'T. 3 DORM., 111( Mtb1, dhl gar .• 11rep\., cvb. dWp. Beaul pa•10 and frull l ru.. Hu 4'1- Joa n . Full prlN only J l&,800 wo1'th mure! Only $7000 ~F.\\'PORT H.ltlCHTS, 2 BDRJ.t , f1 •er.upper. on a SOx.100 !ot ·rt1is I' 11. b&rl"aln? Good ter r••• ----. ~-----""---.-----. .T-.... _._·~·--· -ser-1ucH-QtnCK""'.CORNER ORANGE GROVE. 10 &.CIW. good locaUon Anaheim area. VaJQJlcit 9[MID_wlU'..bt..,.ril*.100n, and the land will aoon be ripe for eubdivWon. Buy now -.(w..~~·l feiLa,,e.-.,~ .. -$4.!50(\.-pe .,~-· . Good lernlll • -~~~~--·-!""'"' bedrm. houses, cor. locaifoo, email pier. A few hundred &pent on fix -up w111 bring several thousand in profit. $26.500 IN E:XCLUSI\'E BEACON BAY, charming home built a round a patio. Den, dream kitchen, 2 fi re- places, BBQ. beautifully furnished, offered ot $42,500 -$10,000 down. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine, Balbna Island Harbor 47$1 LOT SPECIALS ' -Gooo-oto- uoo ISLE! a-..... ·"-'-~'°'!---- BALBOA ISLAND WE KNOW !T'S TOUGH ... to find a tft.1 home on BaJboa-Lel a.nd under S25,000 -BUT WE HA VE ONE: 3 bdrm. -lge. lvrm. -fireplace -2 ca.r THE ONLY SPOT ON EARTH Lh..t ca;;-compete with Heaven. Make up your nilnd fM cert•lll. "~Ui"'~li>r<:'':I' ~I Is den. 2 b•lha. Jarga patio, t )'_Nor-. old. ·~ub:~ll down. Bai&nee .,_,,...;w.,.,--£~ f 21.&o0, • . ~ ""-<gtf: " 'i!llilC!l•n1,.&~trori. it 1r ni18"tot1>rlJv-m .':lOO"' "' \VILL YOU RE THE LUCKY BUYER ; • • • A HONEY FOR A LITTLE MONEY! ".F.SS THAN Z YF.ARS Ol.O 4 bn:lrooma, :! b:i.'h11. brlc-K pal 10 A do<"tol"a hum ... well kept. Only I S91 ~ duwn-Full rr1\'.t1 Sl l,::iUU • • • OCEAN FRONT 2 STORY APT.- I ?\.".'E.~ WISEl4Y -2 unitn in high<'st rentAl di.strict will earn a subst antial dtv1dend. (;r, Uve in one and let one pay the ~·ay. A REAL 1N\'EST~EN1'~ BALBOA !<'REE REI\'T -1!'C011E -for buyer -3 Unlt.11, comp. fum. Clos<' t o beaches a nd \·i ll age. ONLY $17,500 and only $3000 down . NELDA GIBSON , Realtor :{/lfi Marine Ave , Balboa Islu.nd Har. 502 or 4623 No Appralaal Fee dA.LJCS -R l£1"'1NANCE cor-•s·rnuCTtoN Jlf)~!EH E . Sli.-\~"EH 106 Mc-F:i•!,h·n J•t R ltr l ST TIME OFFERED 'I !IPF<M" 1 '-:! t,,, &tU("M 1 year .11.i with n,.,v o:'lbl gar. Plu• t..lg d" 1T ··"""'8t'lr anep, rear Pave•! ~! St'W•·r. ~·u rb•, pa!d. Cl~·ln <Inly Slit>OO. CORONA JSO HI GHLANDS Yl)U LL !'INCH YOJTR Sf.:LF !11 1 see ir yuu &1e 1t\\'I1ke wh~11 you ------------------------------Call rcr Fr""' Fa.st Commitments 011 R111•1dence1 &nd U nJl.JI only ~I 1 n.-:-.;, . .,, ! r r 1 ·,.., l !J :,dr•r l lu EvL.., J1..,1 ~i.;S \\' Hiu·hor ~.·,."'J ~I t~ Side •llJJ<lOl Cl<Jll .. In S32!'>0 .-S33:,i1 """"' I lot 53' x ll'll~X 300 N E WPOJr r T\vo Jots, 75 x 80 COSTA J·l~I L: 1-11':; $ 8.500 SI 0,5-0\I S4250 ea. .,.,. I!. O""""' ""\:I lt.>1 7 y<".111.; "Id Une •pl h11a 1 b,.,1rw111f> & t :! b11th11, !>Ill' li"b ;? t,.••lfol}Rlll ,'(, Don1 !g0~~~~:ston 1 --B I B _L1_ .. _~M1_. ____ u !I 11.'.i6Z i Corona-de l Mar -1 Jncom e -Investment 1 $15,600 ('an be mad ~, in!oi ti l bath, \\\'O ll!'l.'L. hnve une h~l­ roo111 & I ti~lh ra!'h. n 11' ~I y fl•ri1111h~•I , $211,!'tOO. n ·1>aon1abJ,.1 ,,a~I\ <J.,.,.,.n ur owner wi ll take i:i~"t 1,.1 trn>1t tlt·rd H~ •1,,wn f'"YUh'!l! \'."111 J'll:lt :1 t'IUS • • • LOANS for Hom es , H ig h Above th e Harbor ,, 111 ·1·1 ,,..·x '.! H !~ 1J«lv II niv wld '~"' I'>·~ ?IJ )f l~·an~ j \\iil· " l ·rlTIHUH'!! " 1,. ,,,1 1, Construction Loans ~ ,'·;·, , \t ... ,":,1: • .':~· \'·::,·". '"" 11··;:·.1~· ,., lo .,,.4 lJ11n~p /!.t l\h 'i')IHll! I..• t''·" J_..,1,, Of 1Ll~ A f1d +· .,n , ' l-1 .~ "•Hll T I'' ' ' •·~r a \ 1 ! < ' ' •• ~ , I :_>~.J ~ 1··A~'l' 1·01,\."'T f l \!' ~ & •l•·n "' :1 r I I • '· !! Bus iness & Rentals rc.rr ..... d"l :-t .. 1 lla1·wr J ~bll I H.-µ. J•(1lltit:H !.lilf{T1;A1a•: «11 1'l ~lr•• l.itr J""· VL1n1:" t~I J :,1.•:1 ·' 11'1>1' f ·1 ! el, 4: ti .. 1 H.•. ': ,,. "11 ' I 1•111it•s. dllllhl" 1:111 ,~,. fl!'•• ! 11 f<·1tf! :i A i;t>Ll l Ml:\'f': H .Lfl\· ':ASH . ' - F()ll Tn!'P.T nli:F.I ·~ \\'!\1. I: 111 JL'/' .Mt1H'f(;A 1;i-; O,\:'\'.KJX1: l:i l:'\L'~: 1>1:;" 1609 N fl l'Sl I 8 \ :-;·r A h U.1UE RLY :i?tl~ ~ "~' f• A:-:A 2ND & I ST T.D . LOANS S··11·1~ a ll Ur&tl)j•"' I •.Jiil)' V.'e Buy Trust iJ1•(•ds Royol Mortgoge Co, I '" ,,,., ""!:" J..1l\l1<•fi" ".~'I"' ,•·• ~t1o n.1 11ri k 411> l ii.•11 ! l.Hr.,i. 11•·111 .. 1 ... ,.1, ,,.,, rr:.! .~.,.1 f•11.> 1 ,,1 " t .... , I'' "~tru .~1"<1"1 •1 ~ ,. )HJ :i'"' J,. •' 1, &. :1 1~111nb (;,.,,, • ! ,• .o I , ~'J ..... > !• " •I" In[ I /1,. $1. 'I"" Ill !'•HHll"'r lljl+ •o!.\Hln },· '"'H !•11 'Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Mesa-Harbo~, Rea lty ,·"'"'"' ol•·J .\[ur !l'll••· .r, A:S:-illl..lAIF,:-> -:~~"I ( .a,.l lliJill"l'~ H." .;..:.o.l '.41•• 1 <'tll,.r :;1 t'•>.Sll• ~!""" I t'l!Jt< 1:-; A I 1Ef. .~I.\ It IJ~"FEH.~:J> J·UJt ~ \\'~;~:K:-; 11.'-'l.Y r•'l<l'l"lll 111/ • "l !H'J !n1 J'f"l••d "11~1 I. ~h'IJ ""l IP •'•.,,. ~)''" •· f'1f P•>ul nn'! r .. ur ad•ll· l!uJ.i•l l><ill~•·• (1 \\','\IO:H 42'•1 1;.,i,1l'nr."1 l!HrMr ~t•ll! !: Oii.• ~Ii l,j 1:i ti!•l1 J. LI li·7~~1 J.YTLJ.; 1-:;ve l 'f1 LI 1!·~:'.oi2 !'!:..! l l"!'~: 1-~ve f'h LI ~·;ii.>!7 ~I.~ !\]l1l ft ~:" I'll /!11 :;;JI•~\\' ~~,V;'\,C?,R~lB!t-~.~I 'll'f"''." Arnrin" h!l{llt'r pr11,.,I W . E. FISHER' & Associates LIDO NO RD BAY FRONT icn t. 'fhrce bednns., :! batli!i, 1na1d's r<11;111 a11d bath. H arbor 158~-\\I Or l~y:an 11)1)29 OCEAN FRONT T l/HEE BDRM BE:ACl£ II\ 11 :-:!~..!. excl. !o..:auon, 11.,ar C a.thol1.c "ll•! l 'i nle~ll'lnt Cllur~·he&, twl)oJ•,I ~ ~inly Sl.'Jt.ooJ•! ltll!l~. SOMEONE \\ ,\JllJ< un•I !ho.~ w .. 11 ,J .. ~,~n· d ~ue~t up.o.nuu·u! I i,.,, ,'\1·1i11 p.;rt Jll\,I Harbor il• II EXC ELLENT LO T 1549 11 .. 1 ... -~ , .. ,. .... "1 .. plllnt '·• bl•K·k Good Mone Mak er ,,,.,,, ow· .. 1111. S2.1••fJ •\;i.,.,·n Brt!l.I:' Y Srnnll '.! 1.,.,1; .. l 'Ll·s :\-i'~\\l'IJRT liEJ1;\ITS, i,y uwnrr t,;.:,u.1 l.J 8·•~.1.>! 68\f· l!l-.AL I:;.'::iTA'ft..'. LOA_l\;::) l"!IHF~: J '.~;riH ~! BACK BA Y AREA 1-:11arr l!=">IT llrean "turv turn. 1>pl11. ]<)("Ol\jt,Jl IU IJ1<lt;,,,-. fiPnt Aong h! ,\ 3 r"'irll B<'l!t l'"ll!lll fUT'Oll!IH"l "'· 1 a h~~t ld••itl 1 .. r kll(J l.1111!1 I:: 11 est 111,11r(ln ••!lt M••11! 1111•! !•11'1 v.111J I NEWPORT HEIGHTS- !'!I ,. ' t i '" $.11 "" !r. S 1<•1 ,q1) .it I +~ ', .• ' ' 1 1· ",~1,f ' ! .: r ,.,,,' I• L' j, ~ ' "t !:!5 r•nr:i"r ,) ·\\I! h •JI<).;' < L '' i;t,, .. l ftlll'f-1 ' • • • Seven Islands Realty & l nve~t ment Co. :.,. , :JJ n l l--• lll1r '.'\·"~ :'\'. ~"!"·'I "!I' r ~, ! lri 11 .. a< 11 • ,,!tr linr ".:-::t•.1 J B/B Ju st Listed! • !-;l11t1< .. ,.,..r ' • :\U•!nq 11, b11 ln 1 • ll ~\ ~ (, ..... • [' .. Hil 1"1 l !\l'!'I • ( .,.,1 1111< ,\ }+n•pl/11't•' • " .. , ' ·!' • I :· < r I •~).(•' I ·~f" "Iii' • \ll F•·t1•' l Interest l<ate 5---5 1 ·~'i"c l.<J11n,. !JllJcKly ri.nu" \11 the i lllrbo r Ao''"· L11.lli11n11 llHo! ('.,j>\.._ ,\1,,11.a. l:).,,~I" ur rn11lt•1•le un!l>1. N•·w J '''ll1~r.'-. S•i.l 0111• T0·1u1~ !'>Ill:,\ !'il:,f; Kl ~7"1. \1<•1 .. tHI, L'"lll1t f-l••11,1 ''' <Jill l·.Xu11,11t l-~8117, 6!1 f1· l l4!1""' l!•l·;AJ. 1111111ly l1u1ntr,1r M d T. J , .. l1'1J.: 1p.,,; .. ,.,i!' a ~l·lrnl~ fl 0 ern rip ex ;.:•u•·•t ,,purlr1u·nt !«I' 1i. .. ''' t . L/l ).( I .I II U I ,I". ,\ :-; I ' "IL I th >!IP' 111 .. 1 1,, l'"Y thr bLil J l<J!l t W"ll ["" l•·rll: e l ~tll·I '!''' • J•,,1 .. 1: .. ,.1 ... 1 .. yr·.• <1!,l . H<IW(! !lrfl, f1t<'j•lare • Q:'\"'j,; Bl..OCI{ 1.-. hf'St h~\hlng 1 '" iH•r leav1ni; (,,/tJh K 11,.,.1 heachPs, htly ot uc•·11n_ 1-:11 0 It unit Ocean Front H ome • 1 "', ,•>! '"' 1., ul · • s," I' 11'1\\ • .,r ,,i,1 u,. w1a •. l>.ll•I ~·'"" hy fi;-NEW fio1""' ll•J.: )11Ur pt•·.oo•nt lo.rll1 ,\1 11>111,111" e1q~·1111e. :!Q Y"11r tenn JNCOME UN ITS "·un1etl ha.~ 11v1ni; l'U•J!Tl, dinette, t ll~<I k11rh•·n1<, bi·,\1111, g11rus:~. t••" 'J'"'' lw,J f i<Ul11 c_h1\••n.,\~Olll 1.u111n" , '"''"l'" ·, uu.1 [,1<'0:" l•\!lll: P•Pl11 V.11!1 J>I. .. ~ .\111 1'!.' l H<·(11 & 1:a1u1:•· ('110!0'{' h1• ol'l•,fl S·C.'J'" I""' I I SJl\:'>1"' i-! 1,1, l'Nll 'F: -1( ,J••J>il•«J :-.·o <lltlll::" l<>r pre-UV U\\·.:-,·~;H l1t11Ln.11y "l'JlrlllMul. Kl :J .jSl):J~ I $'l;!,."llll} lPrnit , Alf l'liL;J{ A. MAY I 170:1 .~-1~11:! Jlaven P l11.re, Mr>1t1;;11 i;c IAJan i..'urreaponde~t j :>:r"-'l,~l:t lltll n"ar E len1"}1la1~· !' \J~<1t!t<1Hal 1.1t~ 1J13urance Co. l!llfh f:,h .. oL Ll 8-~63,';, :-;,p,;1 I -------------tl~J .Suuth :.l>llfl l:ianla. Anll F (l!t l5 AL!.: by ,.,..,,0.,r """'' Tnpl,.x 1<pp!1••Jl'l t• :,;i J'h11n•·r Jt.,1fo,,1 j Units & Home Furn. ".<Ull• J II II\!'. ;j 11,,1nl l IJ<ll no ,\.,~1111" 111•''""~ Sl:!O '"" P f,l '~ J lo•il'Ut "<!JI curuiLru• letl cotla,l(e "llh \'l"W ~;:.,,••f,11•11111 1 lnl}', COSTA MESA P?I 1,1 .. 111 lorl'IUr.11 ~:!IJ.~0(1 :;~ .. t" ~U:"l Esla_!i: "·~~ .. _d ____ ,_:·~·u .1 111<,.lf) $1'l~Q f,.r yullr ll\·!n,i\' plr11i111re_ f'11.•t•"n n111<1t• tJ~a['e~. v.•/w Ci•rpet, perf•'•·t ,.,,11,111 .. ,n. You '~'di ht' r1uu•! t•f V.'ANTED FHll ~I p1upe1'r !0wnc1" 23 Rentals V&<'&Ilt )OL tiy re.•1•vn-•1hle 1,u1!.!·1 "r. on s utio1<l11111t1"11 t.•.,n• Top Inco m e ~t ARTI N , Ll bt'rty 8-!771 or \\·e rhallrnge ,,,mpan~ .. n or rr•rP u 8-12~7. e~70 j fnron1e &. t ernia call ov.·ner af-1 REX RECHS, Realtor -t<'r •1 30 Har. !",.1 1·1 61<11'11) \\'{LL 'BU Y from ow n t'r, on U11 IU011 _ ____ --_ 2SUT \\' ll1tlt1olt. lilvd , Npt. U'°'H~'h H:irbor :'.ll.'J6. 66c68 L'.Ull'IJl"t"lY furn_ \Jnly $:?.'l.OJ•~l (;~;()R11J·; STt-;\\'F.ltT, i;;v,.i>. lla1 b«r 2.'.>:li-}.l Costa Mesa jj,,• ti ••X< 111~1\'P. \\IT tl '""" 1 .. 1111 Bay & Beac h Rlty Inc I I •;•11; ,'\ l'<l'!'•H , I 1 .. .,, 1 , I C harles E. Ha rt, Realtor · 1 .,,1 ~ ·'"'""· t«111n1111 ,, •IJt:!O \t, H11l11 .. .._ :-,,"'!"•rt 1;,t1 111,,,11\' ~·ll1\1 1·:<·••• !,J /I'·'')" " ~1(·r·~ i IHI •\~·n l11in1e 1>11 F.11.,t _ Balboa 111"1·· •t\>!&I p11~11 18 jU•t $1 1,UV<l G Id R I v I w"" '"IOO ""W" •m•yb• '""'See Me-Ta Nelson . 0 en u e due 1-:xtl'll ICll KC }'ilrtl. ! •.. ' -, HOil Hl!Jf;~:\VA Y , I H I· .. tl ... '-1 l'.\\1'UHTAX1' AU i WELL BUILT 2 BR ~·uc_; LL Hl'.:,\IJ 1'11LJAY I . E ve.8. l !arb<)r 1:216·1 i"tJ/{LJ:'\'.A [>E L ~I AH • • 1'.:ASTl;:l~X 4,)\\:-/~;1~ SA':::; SELL, 1r _,\"II li re [l>Oklnj.( f(lr 8, 0).1!1 1 J1 Kt. new 3 hcdrn.n1n , z t..11th. fu·e· "11\ 2 b<'drl"lnm homt on l'I Ill•,. p111 ,.r. hd"·d. flo<n!. blo rK troni 1ntp1·uvf'l1 Aln·i•t t>r;1;; US l.'.l- !~land . One or two bedrooru n pt. O..:er dbl. i:ar~e. \\101 11pa..:e to build In front. Box 11-2, l\'ews- J>r.,.,.. 681 ft' Business Property 10•) i'T BL':'.'lXE~S FHO :-:TtH;F:: 1n eenter Costa ~lt·sa "'ll/1 f'.~C'<'I I hoona•. (Jv.·nr r W•ll 11a<J1flt't' 1<1 Bay Properties ---------------1 1~105 \\' Balboa Rlvd. H !lrbor .~188 <>«~811, R -:./, 1,xcc!lrnl fln11n«111i.:. !l.ll:;J1JATELY. l lA1dw•><"l (l'"''~I Underpr!ccd. F:>1clwrl\·e Ll!lwi; -G1i1.r1<ge -i·hern10!\.al. l"'r11p,11 ;ind rnrpet -Bar:1yi11<I 61-Real Estate F.x c:hangf" CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFOR D TO SELL? HO\V AllOUT A TRADE. for mfln· ager operated clear lnC"Oml." prop- er ty v.·ei;t end or Loil Angele11. \'11olued at $M.OOO v.·lth over $10,000 a year income A: low expense. Am retir1ng & am !n- lereated In Hay Front property. \·'•Ill !n•Je up or down. CJwnrr. Balboa Duplex $1 7.~v() !hle 1n !111r11.~. F l H:>:J ::;H El.J -I tv.·n ht'<lrm. and DA:-: A JA Cti'kSf.~N", Heal r:st<ote l one 1,rdn11. 2 ""'r garuge, xlnt. l11u· li-0111. LJ JS·6Jl l. Kl 2-2!1"7 1ent11l nre11 _ $5000 ,,.,..,,.n w!ll hlln11le, \VOl"!~D YOU LIKE to go lo booming Fallon, N'evar!a ~ See 11a about unuau11l opl'Ortunlty !n Al.SO T\\"O GOOD OCEAN l''•tO!\'T LO'rs S950V EAC•L car .. hu,.inea!I. C p . FITZMORRIS RLTY, CO. oast ropert1es 1'1ultlplc Li&tlng -J{eallor 3ti1 ~:. Jl1tlboa Uh·o:'I. Balboa U\1111ne~ Bro ker !lnrhor 2658 2597 11.nd •600 313t.o .E . Coast llwy, Corona de! Mar i_ _____________ _ llartior 2152 HOr..fE & INCO ME \\"E hl!ter. -1.:1961 or \\'r!\e 2007 An· $4 2nO DO\V=". live In one 2 b<1r:n hu111" at $3 per 1110. Rent on vlher, pa}'.'I J .. 11n. iJr rent hnth fo r S 111(1 rwr 111unth, 11>11\'<"R ~!l'l Souu1 CCX'hran A\·e, l..011 geles 16. ll.ROKEHS I:"\'ITEI) IN TH~~ T USTl!'i S CH OOL DIS· 'fHICT -. l.inu11ut1lly 11ttnH·t 1ve ho111e. 2 bdn11.'I. 11m l ,1,.11, J!:'"'"t hn11~e and 11"·1n1nung pool. Ue11u- hfully a!tuflted. 1:-.· TllE L;Pl-'Elt ll A Y AHEA "'4~·fuol lot i~R::Ol!. TRADERS T\VO !'JEW TRIPLEXES -2 BR. I'&-. n1odern K lt,·h~n. twp. ln\lry rrn., garage too_ lncon•e $4."lO per n1onth E <1ulty for clear 3 OR llon1e. flCreftgt or whaL RUSS B ENNER, Eve. Hnr. 161 l Balboa Boy Properties 1.'.".05 \\'. Balboa Blvd. Jt.ar. :itSS 66c6S G2-Rf"al Estate BAY FRONT DUPLEX l"1'>1t ct'nter o1 Balboe . Dy·O•\·ner-SJl,000. T arn•!'ll. \Vrlte Box E. !IS Lhl!'ll paper. !'>9pii 180 ft. Parcel pruflt -By O\\'ner, Ll 1'1 ·7632. 65l re \.\'ATl':RFH.OXT: Only $25.0ffir, 2 becl rni". I'~ ha!h IHnllt' nn c11rud V.'lltt INCUf.fE APARTJ\tE:-.:T HAHBO R INVE~T!\tE/\'T CC), N<•wpnrt Bl\'d. at 30th St. Harbor 1600--E,•ea. Har. 4344.J_ 66··(;8 FULL sl.te lot. Corona aoutll of Dlv1t S~OOO. Sn1ith. H•r. 200·J. deJ 1'1ar. lfl'll \\'11! 66c6S OC.'F:AX FRONT DUPLEX. ~pe<'­ !al prk<> for qt1lck "ale. \1011" In oliler bldg. o n rorner. ~ln ly S 1 ·I .~. $.~1)/'\(I o!r\V:n, llAIIBIJH. 1;-.;\"EST~IF::'\"r cr1 Ne'.1.-port Bh·•!. 11.l :in111 ~r H11rhor J600 E\·t,. H iu ·. 43•4-J 6(k 6S BY OWNER Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. ~tultirle Ll~tl nb He!ll\nr Bu~lne.'111 Broker :1 135 E _ CM!'!t liWy, Corona !lrl ~lar Harbor 21."12 IRVINE TERRACE By owner, colorfUl gay and r hQm1!ng 3 bec\nn. and den. n11'11t-!n TV In outllt&ndlng drift- wood rock f\n'pl. \\'\V ce~t. 2 moAA.ic Ille flr. be.lhll. Out•lde 11hv.·r., bltr!n rlec. range, d\Jlh- "''l\!lht-r. \Vonny c hestnut, bl9.c wA.lnut, oak pa.nellng tel'ltured hil:"hl!gh.1..9 Of r'OOlllll, $29,500 1111.r. 4872 61 p7• CORONA SPECIALS ! UR. f!repL, nice ·----....... $1 l,<1i1(j .I UR. flr,pl., 1.11-heat . . •. $16.~1111 3 RR. new, C~rona H ighl'da S29.!'>C1(, Balboa Island INCOME \',.ry nic~ C11pr Cod unit. :l bdnn h"U!<t' plus 2 bdn n. 11 pt "' w r11rpets & dntpci>. Cloi<e lv l:''"(.I brach. Tcrn111. C heste r F, Solisbury ll EALTOH J ,\C"K A :-:DR E \\'S, Al!!BO<"iate :JI~> ~\annf•, B11lboa L~lan•I 1-lnr. 4873 67c69 Corona , Highlands Pano rami c Ocean View I BHA:'\J) n••'v H •or11c fin•! u11·0111r d~lu xe runst. in ru11l1c 1nudern I St'e lh~•«• Z lJ,•11ut. 2 BH horn~ full.I' «<trpetr<l, have elect. ovens & i.;rill.s. Stone lo ce1l1ng flrepla.ce11. Income S,1:<;0 p<'r mu. F . l'. $3•5(1\). OPEN FO R I NSPECTION, 4~9 Mornln" 374?-J. Canyon Jload. Harbor 66c78 F I H~T T!.\ll'~ OF FER~:!) H F'.AL H U~!!;;~·;: b•"!r"1 f1 1iepl11r"I 11e" I}' •l~·\:Ul'lll•·d. lllll••le p lt1nl•• r ·' h,..~t l'Jrwtl<lfl $:lOl10 "Ill ha n.11 .. $11,0<l(J fp EJ1t'lu•fvc L!~t11111; 110~!1': & IN COM~~ i\T'T'nAL'TIV/'_; rlupkx. r hol<'e ]n<'n· <·»mp!•'ll'I..-r .. nr•'r1 ~::itr •·;•11•·t1· 1111\' \\•·ll I •n•!.."~p··d ;-;111"1,.·r·1y '"" n I l"l'•• ).~ /Ill ' I>·'' IP•nl•· l \\111 '''"'~'d"r $1 :>\IO d""ll ''"n· ,.,. h 11 ~ )11~1 n1nv"d 11111 1011 I ,,.11•l 1°•·11 1n•ni .. dlai,11·. I· •ill I"''" Phil Sullivan lion. 1 & Z bedrn111. L'ntll'rpnre•t. & G T E :-1~:TA =""Et.sn:-r j eo. . verson Zfi1.lfl F:. Cn11.'t H"·y !8.'·6 Newport Blvd, r·ost11 l't!r~ll CnronA tlel )l,!11r, Jfnr, .":t."160. f;f,,-r,7 1 A< rn~.• ltrHn C"!ltt. l't!c.~« llAuk I -1 l'h. IJ 8·6761 , 8vf.'~ lier ~366 I Liberty S·iH1:! B/ B Corona del Mar A ;\fAGNIFI\"F,:'\'T Y l:E\\' lfl th ~ n1r,.111 rrnt.,re 1111•oni:; mAny in lid.~ ln'"'I.\• 2' h<'llrn1 1<11,I , 01,. vrrtlblr ol<'n hn111 e, :! l1.-1lh& .. r <"n•ll'.•l', fl ~I"" 101111 "'IJ<lrn1 h"lllf' "Ith ,.,.,,J11<!Pd p1Hir), all 'ln t11 (> l "vrl~. bf'nm r"l!ln,i:::~. p,.rf,.•·t fh •·jl\11<'~ hnlll ·in kH<·ll"tn. fu ll prlo·••, $J!';/lll0 l'll'll!le 1•nll ah•·nd for an 11ppoh1t1n,..nt to 11~. Ope n ~nn<l.•y !-Ct. House :liJB f '.,pp~· Bay Shores 2572 Circle Drl\'C Open Dally -l ·~ :io 1''0\\' PRJCEIJ 1'U !'ELT. :i l>drrn., l ~-4. ba. Lh, fr rl., F A l.<•.11, t11l •'I& kll• h .. 1\ ;.;f'"' Ii'"~ J•nll•• -built In l:IBQ. (J1C1s1.:e R~~~~"~'."~~~KE'( I Hl•:ALTOll :\"c\\'porl l:!J\••!, :-;pt H a r bor 4U~ lfrh -------------: . On. Bay & Beach Rlty In c I I ·nnin" d o>I f.f,1 t· 0!fi<·I' Acre $500 OPEN HOUSE 12 1'• .~ J' Il l U H!\'f; HY 26.16 ~'.Id""· !'o•t~ l!l.~<l !·: c""sl !lli:h""Y Jlitr ~·~·•i ~l esn ;r yud 1<·ant th•· ld,,fll ~P"' t o retire &nil nr" hnn•Jv \•·11 h loo!.•, !hen r111I UA , \\'fl hfll'I) !11f' key. I n,\!'J A . .JACQBS f;;\", R<'fll EM !llt P •, :r ~<>?1. LI 8·6:!!7, 1'1 2·?1117 Best Beach Be For 2 L"ri.:r )( J 30 A Landlord $2000 Down "" " :!11 T u .. tln A •" :f;,\l'T/Fl '!, 11ew lln111f' 2 l;>o!•!!> 2 balJ111. tuq;•·~u111Jr, k !'n .. '(• ~ ll"l \'l"I\' ="c·t !:uHl)' l•k•• 1111 1·,,n hi.' .... ~n l•Y ijl'r>Ui11tn1~n! 'A RT" ADAIR , Rltr. 1Hi6 N ear Back Bay or will 60 ir: 130 Iott $32:i0 ca. &e.IJ s -LESS THAN ONE YR. O LD - 3 ~rn1 .• 2 balh horne, h1\·d. floor.<. 2 oar garage. $12.~ 624 h'.110\\'Cll rL, Co.'!!ta t.t "sa.. LI IJ -6119 r.~ttc I BR. ocean front ............ l ll-0.0110 A DU PLEX, 2 BR. ea.ch·--···-$21,600 Buy alt'JI Ii.> the "rt'ion. 2 bcllnn IF>Tillll v.·i1l1 tlbL l'.;lltflg<', rom· plettly rumL,hNl. !r" luo11ng TV 11et. Only S 10.QO() 1<"1! h e:.;cell<'nt 11' , • .J ' f<'dP~r.rnl 1 n;.:. fl!l<' ,~,·:•11: r.·11\cd, l:\<'nuUful ('r1tn>'r ="'""f'"r! B!l•rl, LI I' 37~2 !1r L J Co.'Lta ,\\,,, h-~6~11 ' H11 r. 3361 tfo LIDO R-3 30 fL loUi on So. Bay FronL $31,500 ._.a,·h. C11.n T. D. Rogers, liar. l6&-\\', or RYan l ·60Z9. l8t!c INCOME PROPERTY $24,000 DO\\·~: f..£,AVF.$ YOG 138!1 n1nnth prorlt nr $1:? l)(l(I down l"a.''"' $19.t. prnnr. F lf.A Joan.. By OWDU, LI 8-76:\2, 6.'l\f(' a. H. LATHf10P, 36~ E . Clrt. ll"''Y CD~f. Ha.r. :'.1•42. Eves. ti680. 6&70 F1TRN. J Mrm. l!OUIW', r !l'rt. k ot- r h.,n, rn1nrr<1 h>1Th, ln•ulst,.,.I n1re grounds ,'f9"99."l. ,... H A. lnlln Si2."l0 213.1 Ff'd,ral, C•lS\a Al,.~a Lllwrty 8 -179~. 611c70 ""' A ll """" , 1111>11 11.nd f'"''••d J1\r,,,.1~ terml. Only $15,500 F. P. Newport-Mesa Rlty . cAL'-ow"'" ,., '·"" _ flll<'d• 1799 ;o;ewport RlvlJ. ,Co•\11. ?>!•'"'"' l-------·------- 1.T 8-~1508 F.\'f'-". f,I 8·1413 EXCLUSIVE HACK HAY LOT -------- 100 °/o Financing ')N lNC'O~IE U:"<JTS b11ilt on yn•n l"l. <'1111 H! ror d~tall• •h'.'n , ... 1111 ah{lw you !IO•nfl un•!,.r 1«11'1 ~I rou·tL"n. LIDO ISLE J-~J·:AtrrTF'UI . home on Lido Nord corner. Perms· llL'nl viev.· uf Bay. near best beach for ewimrning. :1 u.~Jrms . 2 bath~. hobby rcK>1n and den . Charming l11 11_1 . .: s1zto 1nasl i·r bf-<lrm. with alrovr & connectmg L II h. larg•· t.Utl ,i,., k , ultra<'tl\'t• d1n1ng rf)()m, mod· 'r n k1trh1·n -built 1n d1:ihv.•;1sh1·r, d1spt•~al, coppef J. "•!. 1t·r11rn11 11!1 ;ind nur11.:rt1U~ •1lhcr fe atures, .\ l"l'!'.,\(·r1\·1·: (.'(J '.\''f!·:.\tl'OH.AR\' 3 l:k·drn1. 2 balh t 11•• 1•.11'l L!ll\· lur1;1 h1·d. ()nl_v :!I . yean-old . J~. 1"1'1 1 l'l\Ol'l<'.liTll·::-l :-ii ill\\':\' B\' APPOl :\'Th1ENT \\ 1.; AJ,S() ha\·l' St'\t'ral 111ty r~rvnt lvlJI utt LiJo Nord. EARL w . STANLEY, Realtor liar. 1013 * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * !{1H;t1c r."\nl'h st \'j,, hrim r-r111 !'Xclusive A ldt•an Place. f ' 1i d10 l1v111g-& d1111i1t.: rooms v.·1th antiqu•' fireplace nn d \•:all of glal\fl. t'niquc tiled kitchrn, built-in r~11~•· find "\'••11, 3 l11.rg1· bedroonU1, 1·11 baths, hwd Jl1H •r~ urc cal'J"'tf·d . Su('r1fir(' ut S2 1,500 \\'Jlh S.S~OO J uv.·n vr submit WlTll G reenl eaf-Sev ert s Realty , Inc. ::!;,:12 311 :! Nev.· po rt Ulvd. J,J 1.\-.11.~(-i , f.1 8-~l lJ:i, liar. 3!121 -\V, KE 8-5885 PENINSULA SPECIAL 0 1'1-.:?\: liOUSE !"at . & !"un, Pr b. 11 , l~ !'r'f:('!A I. hqmr· t•nly b "t':lUl!lf' t )J1;; Pro,·1ncial, custom built 7 nl•j nthR old is to be BOid tJ11s month~ 11wn1•r IC'ii\'l ll~ !ht· 11 r1·n. :J bdrms .. 1:11 baths, 21' ll g rn1 . <"]•td, f)(•an1 1·1 'il1ng-, fir•' pl. Rirch paneled bar l11 Llhcn. \\\'i-;t~·r·n l-J,1lly bu1l t-11us. !~arge patio plus :a1n d1•1·k. Juiit a block !n jetty. Priced to S F~l .1. a t $::?:J,."11JO~ ·1'· f>'HA n1onthly pa;menl8 only $l08 U>ss than rent~ MURIEL M. PINOVER , 2604 Ncy,·1)(l rt Blvd.. Nt•y,·port Beach Realtor HAR 4610 Mrs . Calabash Wherever You Are If yri u l'lt'!' THI." hnui-;f'. Jin1m y will KNOW where you IU't'-Yuu']] bC' li\·1ng in it, enjo)ing the brl'atht.-1 ldng-vicw of bc-ach, coa.alline a nd country- srdC'. Nt·~v, 3 JlR and den, 2 1~ baths, 2 fireplaces, 1ntcrcorn f'.ystcm, b1,1ilt-in elect. range and oven, \V\V c:-1rp('l thru-o ut. All beautifully decorated. l t"s a fi11'al, :y oll can a-f'-0-0-R·D it. R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor I{. n. H ODGE, Associate 36~2 P.. Co.1.sl I-I'.'')!,, Corona de! Mar Har. 2774 !~AI.ROA ISLAND ONLY $5000 DOWN ;-.,;,.;.;.[ t o !\'n _ Bay on a ·10 ft. lot . I~argc ri:>omB, a. fi r1·1,!~\t·(\ g-arf.lgC' and o\•ersiz('d b rick pa t io. T hie Ul1 <' you (itn f i,x up to !itiit yourself. \\'M. \V. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Avf'. at ~farine, Balboa ls lanrl Harbor 2462 --- NOTICE level. OSBORNE-FORT ON , Realty Co. 23~3 \V . Coast Hv,;y. ia.t i>ort Orange) LI S-7:i62 I-far. 5154 eveai CLIF F HAVEN :\'f"Tit.o\CTJ\1E 3 lx'drrn. home in Cliff Ha'·en 1'150 sq. ft. Patin. fenceJ yi.tr<l. dnuble garage. An rxc:eptional buy at $ t:i,75-0 with only $2500 d own . •FOR &Al.JD BY OWNER-1 ~· .:uHO;o;A DEC >.!AR. 7 19 l'oin- ~('ltia. A,.,. f_,11rg e l!\'lflg TOOfll 1'1r,.f'I 'l ~!rm , ljt"f' kltrht'f1 °" l11ll11 K "'""' !'i.,r\•fr,. f""rrh Ohl 1.~•nt"" 1'•11 }.!tu J.:nhl•tl"1t T\\'0 FOP. Tiff-: PRJCF: OF 0 !'-;E One 3 bdr1n, It one 1 bdrm hu1J.'lf' N>tTir1 .. 1 .. 1y fllm o .... -n,.r e n.11;1n11• f6{IO() d •n•:n H11 r 31>116 Had....,r n!l:2,1 "~· .. n1ng~ t.07 E"'"'' Halton. Jka11\lf111 h~1c \'l~I<'. n"" """'' while lt'"•il&ble Tcrn1J S!T50 iln ! •A:"' " J ACORSE:'\', RPI'!! F:111A •· dnr. IWl91. LI 8·6317 , Kl ~-21!17 Move right in. room hc1.~t l "-blithl, land- .caped' • feoced. FltA loan. J."Teedom homfl are•. Ci.U Ll~t1y 8-6221 rnornlnfl'll or &ft4>r ti r •· llUfr COMMERCIAL LOT NEAR llARBOR • l!l!h In al!ry. If)\\. H11rl'<.1r 3361. f'fl]! h r • .1e~ !~.'\ f 1\\'T\"I ,, ! .11-..,r 4Mi·R. 63<'70 Ull'<J f1H~~,;~: f'f1A !'lT l 'H< 11•1·:RT1f:~ t ~·.· .... ...,, .... 1 i· ... ~ .. ,, .. ~ .. 1.r ~ 1~ •. .! I-" "'HPr .. I I ~ I i'"' HY OWNB:R. 3 br. hOTll" llw fh:,.,r•. garb diw , T-t,.dv.•()rJ(! f"nr\\d bo!At F.a.! ~1..i .. '"'' X nl! ••••1r! l.llw'Nll t"rrn_. l"'I l.>:t !I: Brn11rlw11;.-, (" M • t~r-tiS THE VOGE L co. 32()1 \V ('oast ~l wy., Newport 8"11 ,.h Ll 8·3181 ----:~. -·-~ -- / BILL'S BEST BUYS , Ollll I C, 'I"" •::.::•:~:::''"~-~=--~·~~·~Ml~ll~ele~+.'.__ _ _:· __ . ..!a!!:::!•i!•!i'.!!-!!!!le~_.-;:.=;......!D!!:::!!•!•!!.1 J!ll!!!••!!!!le;_. ---··~·~-~111!..,i-~~·:.,...--...,a~~·~-~l~!e'~-~·~·:.....,.......,.,..=,... NEWPORT HAltBOR NEWS.l't\ESS -'PART 111 • PA6E 1 ' • _ -wBlNESDAY;'fmttAR't' I, 1"6--........... . _ .. -..... ,. -. ..,,..., .. .,,,"'¥...._._....,._ .... LOTS-• · -... '1f-l'~'Til.i:'.r~ ... .-. . ....~:r-r.-....-.. ~ ..... ~..,-·· .,....,.._,,..,,, ..... ~ -"• ...... ~ ........... ,:-..,..r&.-• ....e- R-4 4S; x U8' _ --==~-=--=-.:::~:::$3150 -·· ·-C-2~~--=--··----.. 14600 -:., _ _._ ..... ____ ..:;;::-.;-:~;--;-, .• {'-2 !JO'. UIO' ·-·---------·------------------$8950 R-4 60' x 2li2' ----·-··---------------------------$4200 ·R· 1 Baclt Bay --·--·········--·---·---···-·-· $4850 R·l Back lky ···---·--··--·------------·-------·-$:1.250 _...,. __ " -----· ---------~-·---°''-~.,......-·--+Hn·o N---. l.:IU1 -• ORO 'BA YFRom~'EXCl'USfVr-=--- $687 5 2 Bedrooms- lifulit Be A Catch To It. The~ l•, But A Good One. You llave to buy 2 ot them. ln other words 2 good 2-BR . home, well located on Ea.at.aide corner lot. Separated by 2 car garage and fence. On sewer and dn.inage ok. One for your home and one to renL Only $13, 750 with $3000 down. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -'4 BEDROOM OPEN HOUSE Friday . Saturday & Sunday 1 t(• 5 415 Holly La.ne (Between Tuatin & J~1neJ F'/A Heat, Fireplace, Fenced. Modern ranch e:tylt. BEAUTIFUL, BACK BAY Spad~"• tli~'"i4'v~m. AW1 ~ .• li~~noora. v.•all to wall carpet in L. R., dining ro<Jnl & den . Large service porch adjoirung, completely bullt·in Kit<:htrl ma.lce8 this a houstwife"s dl"f'flm _ Let WI e:how you the many nthe-r fint f Patur•~" nol men- tioned in thill ad. F. P. $23.~)() v.·1th only $5(klll dn. W. A. TOBIAS, Rea ltor "you'll hke our frirndly lk'n'irt>" 4.00 E. 17th St., Co11ta. b.t esa Libo:rty ~.1139 COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .. A very comfortable home w1U1 2 ~xtra largr bed- rooms, choice cornt:r lo.::a t1on, with mountain ~·11'W , PLUS two nice N'.ntala with separal\· l·ntra.nc\'i1 & garages. partly run1i.Khed . $28.i50 with reasonable tertru1. TRIPLEX: 2 Br. <"a.ch gide -garages -l...dry. room -front unit hu fireplace, good locatio n $20 ,500 with $3000 down. DUPLEX : 2 Br. each aide, cac:h with aervice pon.:h & garage, extra 11t o ragt" rootn ~or .smAll gue11t boUM) right l.n lO\lo'Tl $13,750 with $2750 down. LOT 98' x 2.50' with room for R uniUI SSOOC Well eetabliahE'd Rcetaurant 8ue1nl'KA !THE GINGHAM I A-1 Loc&Uon -Ca.Ji tot det.ai~. G. N. WELLS , Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., COllta Mesa Ll 8-1601 Today's Specials~ Quick! BA T8HORES -$20.&M. 2 ' bdl'm•., l bath. n1ce paUo, cul• JOtch.n wtth bar, ~bl. r•n.ce. l t'• • dandy! Three Arch Bay Ona of tba tlnetit ocelU'I front b()nl• on th• Calllor-rua oou t, Best Buy on Lid o! SPACIOt.:S 3 tldrm~, 2 balh11, beautitul carpt"l A dra~a. large patio. 1K-11t of care. Jt w tin't last ~ Another Lido Goody! •11· lot $12 .0Qo<'I C&n"t t>e mattli~! KILLION, reol estate 334.1 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 LIDO ISLE We (eel thia is one o( the best buye on Lido. 3 bedrm., 1% baths, and only 31,'.! years old . Co,·ert>d patio and aundeck over gan.ge. Shown by appointment. $27,500 BAYSHORES For a very comfortable 3 bedrm. rumiehed home on one o( the la.rgeet lota, do see this! Extra 1arp patio, room tor BWimming pool. $24.500. Immediate pouesaion. HOME PLUS INCOME. Near ocean and bay on one of nioeet Balboa Peninsula etreet., Duplex in u:cellent condition. One halt i.B rented until June, ao you can move in the other half and be here in time to rup summer rentals. 3 bedrms .. 2 baths each & completely t'Umiahed at $29.500. L..ow do"·ri. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE S.16 Vi& Lido, NpL Bch, Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves: LI s..:5297 -LI 8-3040 -Har. 5142 CORONA DEL MAR Ea.ch room a ·ravorite' room! The den or bedroom overlooU the town, while all othen race the ~ntral patio. Cheerful &unny kitchen; disposal. Hwd. tin .. beamed ceilings, fireplace. 23 rt. livi ng room. Private beaut:llully furn. 3 r'Oom apt. haa complete kitchen, bringa $720 a year from A·l tenant. U you are aeeking unuaual charm in a modest priced home, see thia exclusive offering o!- STANLEY A. SMITH , Realtor 115tT E. Cout Hwy. Clorooa de! Mar. Har. 882 ' QUALITY is our produet in Nearly n.: s B. R., 2 bath bome plua maid'• qua.rte~. Unusually lge. L. R. Sandy beach $M,OOO For appointment to eee call Mn. Fay. HOMES • MULTIPLES Custom Bu ilt on Your Lot or on Our Selected Property from Standard Low Cost Plans or Cu.tom De1i9ns Just completed -4 B. R., 2 bath bomee at 16th St. Near Tustin 19th St . and Orange 21st St . near Santa Ana . . t lnde-r constn1ction -2 B. R. Duplexes at \"ictoria and Charle (7 duplf':xe&) .Fluwer near Santa. Ana A Few of These Are Still Available for Sole. Coll for Appointment. Soon to be Offered 6 Triplexes-2 b.r. each. I Priced Below Olde r, Smalle r Re-Sole Units) REPUTABLE LENDERS provide TOP FINANCING fo r QUALITY BUILDINGS by ·-. BUDGET BUILDERS, INC. 2129 Harbor, Cos ta Mesa C" THOMAS "C" Tt lOMAS Call for literature and int'onnAtion for your b'ulld· ing project -withOUt obligatiOn. WE BUILD ONLY IN THE HARBOR AREA Million Dollar View v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIFFS. Just listed -exclusive with us. :-<F:VER-T ()..BE·l..OST perma nent VlEY•a t entlrehart>or11r"a Thia cha rming home locat<>•I on Cl!U Urlve hu 3 bedrOOm.'!11 plus f&m· lly room. \ge. Uv. room With pie· lun!r wlndow1, 2 flrep111 ce11. w to w c.rpellng, cork flO<ll'S, paUo 2. and I• only 2~ year1 old. See to. da y at. 136.000. Th is immaculate 2 bt:drm. and den home on Morning Canyon Road with panoramic view o! ocean, bills and canyon. FA heat, large flagstone patio, carpetB and drapes included and only $31,500. BE1'1 ER HURRY on lhiA one -it won't lasL DUPLEX. 1 brorm. each, one u.nit turn. complete, corner lot & only $17,500. Low down payment will handle. CLIFF HAVEN 3. DUPLEX : 2 B. R. each, corner Jot. Both have fireplaces, hWd. flr11. & separate dinette. :I BEDROOM. lgf'. llvln'1; room - h<:!wd. floors, near 11choola 11.nd 4. ch u~h. 4•,;. loan Wllh n1 vnthly p.\yinenUi of 57Cl-PRICED AT s1~.ooo. 'BAY FRONT A good buy at $22,500 FffiST TIME OFFERED. Immaculate 2 BR. home plus rumpus roon1, hwd. firs .• garb. dillpoaal. A bargain at $13.500 -$3000 down will handle. Ex.elusive with us. This should sell quick.ly. MEMBER 0 F MUL T!PLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E . Co8.8t Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, CDM) LI 8-7759 B/ B LIDO ISLE A (Orfeota 4o bdrm.. Prov .• 49,MIO, SMART nirw modem French type home ot J"ul diltl.ocUon. Only $35,000. LOVELY S bedroom, 2 b9.th home. ChOIC• locll.Uon--1.DW dn. pay· ment. Mktns 124.,900. SPACIOUS 4o bad.rooms, 2 b&th•. S-utifUI Jarc• patio w1Ul BBQ. Belleve ta there'• no cooped-up feeling her#., $3!1,7li0. Newport Isle CORNER 4.0' ot WATERFRONT. Private plu A f1oat. 2 bedrm• .. fireplace, carpel.I A: draptorie1. Be•Ul. garden lhru-out irround•, tlneirt condJUon. A 1talll 11.t - 125,500. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 3112 L&tayette, Newport Har. 36'3 REAL VALUES EXCELLENT LOCATION with fine b&thlnjf beach, an old-er home wltl'I mOOt1-n\r.ed Nth• 11.1\d eomp\etely modunl&ed tdt.chen, larr• !Iv, room. 5 bdrnia., 1>3rtly turnlahed. 5211.:0.00 -Low Jown ---"---------------------2 BR. HOME, modem .tyle, •P" payment. proximAi.l.y 8 yra. old. Ch:iae ln. Corona del Mar HOME 11.ud INCOME -AllMlC· th•fr ranch fly\e. 2: bdrm. home. ~gglld hl1\\'d. noon•. b~akfut bar. din. room. dlahwuher, co\'· ereJ patio. P LUS lovely 2 bdrm. far-age apt. PRICED at 12li,OOO. "C" THOMAS REALTOR •nd ASSOCIATES 2:24 w. Cout mg11way LJ 8-W7 Newport Beach "C" THOMAS "'C" THOM.AS View lot ONLY A n;W l...EF't, Not a !eaM· h~d. iNOO tl.-.h tor qulclt ule D AN A. JA0088EN', RM.I &:.tale Har 1891\ U a-11317, RI J·tl87 CORONA DEL MAR J1'Ull prioo mly '8000. ·~- Home with step-down Livingroom, view of city and Ocean from den, hardwood Ooors. Located on cor · ner lot with room for gar. apartment. A home with a thousand poasibilities. $16.~. Terma. Eight years young, two bedroom and den (with fire· place ! on corner lot, view from large living room, L.ana.i. Only $18,500 Terms. Open House Daily 1201 DOLPHIN TERRACE Jn exclusive Irvine Tern.ce, unmatched view home on Clift aid~. &ll ell'!ctric kitchen, deo, bath &nd ~4 . Largt yard with protected patio. Perpetual Har· bor, Ocear: and &y View. RAY REALTY COMPANY 3t4-4 E. Cout Hwy .. Coron& del Mar Har. 2288 (ac.roas from the Bank in C. D. Ji.) A. J. Vicocllio Ed Bue.Ito lieleao C'Mna.r Bob Kia.mm (.,'barles Pa.rn.h ' ' $1000 Down LA.ROii 3 BORK .. h'ome, onl7 2 yn.. old. J..&rs'• level kJL Bett•r 11e• lhb one today, It .on't Wt long! Priced to ..U tor onty- 110,2&0. B. A. NERESON rutAL'l'OR 1982 Newport Blvd., eo.ta MN& UbertY l·IS72 Ev• U S-4LJO U!Mrty 14111 L1Mrty 1-3727 SACRD'lCE -*t truafneaa, ti.It loc•Uon. bMl 111.0Ck. bNt mark· up. befit prtce, ~ ltrma. Real· ly de&ilnC hen. OD thl.e DlU.l •ll bobbJ abop. OR.ANOE: COA.ST PROPl!:RTtltS 1807 Newport. Colt.a )le.a U S..lW l:Tudni'• U: S..1400 THRU BDRM... 1 • be.th•. IO:UfO lot. KJnp P1a.C-.. 123.000. New- port Hte. n,.. APPOINTXEMT. 0..--UblrtJ 8-tO'l'J.. 12c7' BALBOA EXCLUSIVES Bay Ave. Duplex -Permanent view! Nearly new -opposite finest bathing beach. Excellent financll\g to qualified buyer. Shown by appointment only. One house from Bay Bathing Beach Neat 2 B. R. tum. be:ach cottage. Low down payment will h&odle. Oceanfront busin081!i building, plus two apartments, all leued. Full price $35,000-$10,000 will handle. Balboa Peni nsula -ready !or occupancy. 2 8 . R . home near jelly. F'ireplace, c;.trpcts & curtains included. F ull price $15,85(1...:..I..ow down paytt!ent. DEAL WITH REALTORS! BAY AND BEACH REAL TY, INC. 1450 W, Balboa Bl\·d., Balboa Harbor 12&l CORONA DEL MAR "Cute & expandable" n1o<le rn 1>n1all h••llll·. living nn. & dining area, l)ul!man kit "h\·n. bdrn1. & bath down , :l tKirm. & 1 ~ bath ul' pa\'.:d terrac<', south of h1gh v.·ay. \"I::P.Y Tl'.2H.,\1 S on the price of SI !J.UOO ! urn. IRVINE tERRACE VICV.' Une Largf' J.O \V Newer home /occupied 6 mo.) 111 this exclusive district, colonial with shake roof, ft"n c.ed patio. sprinkler flfslt."nl & ('On1pJetely laniJscapc.-d J,ow price $25,500 includes sto,·e & drapt·r1e~. Imme· diate poe.se88ion on the low do.,..,n of :S3,000 to a qualified purchuer. BAY.. FRONT Quality home of 4 bdrms., 2 bathji, maids rm. & bath- Fine large rootru1. Excellent pier, float & clean sandy beach. For appointment to inspect. Cali Lou B~ynton Har. 3297 or Har . 1775. Eves Har. 2878 Edith Maroon, Eves HYatt 4·6222 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Bayside Drive and Coast High"'·ay Vogel Values Shorecliffs-Oceon & Hil l View Rambling Farm House 3 BRS. 2 ~i baths -lg. rumpus rm. also ma.id's qt.rs. Picture windows, nat. finished woOd, peg floors, lg. med brick fireplace. 2800 sq . ft. Exclusive area -$52,500 Corona H ighlands-Paroramic Ocean View Channing home -26' living rm. 2 BR.a, 1% batba, 16' dining rm. -attractive tbruout. 40' unfinished play rm. 2200 eq. fl A real buy at $28,500. Modern Duplex-Some os 2 Seporote Homes Possible $5000 yearly income. Neuly new. 2 BR, each on lg. C.Orona ffighl11.Dd11 lot. One unit bu w/w carpets. drapes & flrepls. Price $32,500 THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cat. Hwy. Har. 1741 Har. 0757 Your Corona del Mar Estate Full Price, $27,500! HERE'S WHAT YOU G~ Three full size level lots, Five bedroom.a, 2~ bl.tbs, (Approx.irna.tely 3000 sq. ft.) Two firepla.cee--oU: floors, large family size kitchen and & full llir.e dining room. I! you are tired of living in cracker box., give yourself 8lld the kids a real King Size family home. Seldom hu any multiple listing cauaed 90 much excitement -Wby not phone for u appoill- today! W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor 2117 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Phone. Harbor 24, Evenlnp Liberty s..M90 SPECTACULAR NEW LISTING BALBOA ISLAND Four unibl on. 2 full alsec1 Iota. Completely !uftl1obed. Beautttul patio with BBQ and everything a..-ry tor outdoor living at !ta boot. a..._ galore ONLY $10,000 DOWN Run, don't walk to the neare9t pboD. for en appotntmenl WM. w. STANLEY SANFORD Reelton HADFIELD • rA&E ... rART 111 -NEWPORT HAAIOR N£WS..l'RESS WEDNE:SDAY, FBAUAllY I, 1956 • ._.., 0 .......... BAl:BOA tstAND' a Reef......_ II ••• ....._ ........... P. a . p a I m e r i n c o rp o ra t e d developen of Udcr Isle -. ---.. ----' -. ~ -- UOO--ISLE 148 Via Tri .... Here t. • ru.I coay 2 bednn. home with forced aJr but. comfy r'f"place, 2 car garage and ......., - · ci.....,. of • Ufetirn• -...... ,......_._, ... .,. ... _ .... -. ... -... ..,_...r,.--···a ~.Y-_-. ... ........ ~ .. ... .. r •·-'""""""-. ~!."!:%:·~-~->.... __ , ,,..--.. IOUth naUo n a. s:s rt int at ~.,.,,!VVI . _ uao No"" _avrron+ ~nor-1'i;1rrr ··· ----....... "'":"". ·--·°-'·-... * ·-~-'-f;"'" ·· ~~----· -- 1--~·0 -~trr~clc·~.~~ . - to FMt It.Nit tro.lap TllWI .q. f..C: ~ Oelm:• ' bed!vom. ...... o.IUM J bedroom i-n,. a '"-"tU\11 ·~t.11 Qors~ I • t1 a I apt: a _.tra p..c. roocu 11 Ule 1-.thm • I nrepi...ce. . ........ ~Ice 11UM1.captns Modern type «>n.uvctlon. our exclusive see us now NO PHONE CALLS, PLE.tJUC • NEWPORT BEACH-FINE INCOME PROPERTY 2 B. R.. deluu home a.nd a 2 story duplex fl B. R.. each). All three unit.a attr. rum. Thie is beautitully kept property and nr. new. Top income & top lo- cal.ion. l blk from Bay -1 blk. from Ocean. $27,!IOO. WHAT AN INVESTMENT. .BLANCHE A. GATES , Realtor ME MBER.5 OF MULTl PLE LISTING • 311 Marine Ave., Balboa lsland-l'h. Har . 1671-or 1672 Vogel Values Costa Mesa • * * * • Less Than Ren t I Year old 3 bedrm. home nicely la.ndscaped fenced. ThermoataticaJ!y controlled beat. $2500 down -$.a1, J>("r mo ... Income Property ond Eigbt re&identi&l un1ta furnished, only $9500 down with month ly income or $600 It's A Bargain Good eut Collta Meu location. OC>Re to achoola and t.ranaportation, 2 room houee ouUide bar·b·q nagstone patio. Lot is worth $5000. $6950 fuU price. 3~'.i acreti C.2, cloae to Coela Meu Cit y Center. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty 8-~97 Evening Costa Mes.a Liberty 8-74~7 BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE We can build for you & t wo-bedroom or 3 bed.rm. born~. 937 1155 Approx. $'4 . 90 per sq. ft. 1oor .. Financing on approved lot.a Square Square Foot Foot Home-$4595 Home-$5595 Att.a.cbed 10 x 20 garages -········-$295 We are buUdJng on Wallace, Bay, Avoca.do and 18th Sta. Starting shortly on 20th SL Call or Phone for Information ... OPEN SUNDAY .AFTERNOONS & WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 1100 We11tminater Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9-0633 Why List It For Salo With A Realtor? I'll Sell It Myself! A Do It Yourself Kit Won't Work ln the Real Estate Business. When you liat your property for aa.le with a. REAL- TOR you benefit by hia knowledge, experience and judgment.. We're going to sell $1,000,000 worth of Real E'Ata.te each month during 1956 Multiple Llsting Service Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N . N-rt Blvd., N.wport Beach BALBOA ISLAND SO. BAY 4 B. R .. 3 bath plus 1 B. R apt. _$59,WO NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 bath plua 2 B. R. apL _$73,500 LIDO NORD 5 B. R. -2 B. R. apL ___ _.$89,WO LIDO NORD 3 B. R . -p;.,. 6 ollp ·--·$59,500 LITrLE ISLAND, Tropical .. tting 2 unit.o plua 2 B. R. s-t bouao $34.960 NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R. ""2,500 NltAR NO. BAY 3 B. R. _$211,000 INCOME UNITS: _ __$211,'lnO to $38,000 lucluat ... Caectk 1rith v.a on theM and otben.. Har. 1Tn5 -Eve1. EdJlh Jlaroo• HYaU U222 John Macnab Barbor ~g EARL W. STANLEY, Realto r ~ U:a.rine Ave.., Balboa laland . !!!f~ _;.. ___ ::.ti:-1CMW::Jlr~P.ti-~A_...,it.r, c • lq byl!lll<rl>roek Ail: ~ --iil"thlD"'"a"OOiUiiiiif[y-;-··J'i!aO"w ~to riOI --~ --~Dr"l'K'111'""1!i'---~· - tlln&'. view, beach. pier and bo.t .U.p, plultlnc and frieDda wUl be youn It th1a hOUle •u..lte your needs. Then we have • big older home with S or 6 bednn&.. home AN tb9 wry tlwt powlble. 3 bedrm. and Two bedrml., each with a bath, tttmendoua living 4 bath.a on a ~ ft. com er-lot, only a ff"# 9tep9 to maid'•, 3~ baU.. Thia home 1-perfect for .ome-room wt.th a view, a. man'• den, a woman'• kitchen, the clubhouse at only $31.960 one wbo deeirM the nicect. It'• nc"lSift with 111 and Mr'r&Dt. quart.en. Price $37,500. The Jot alone lll worth $22,750 6 -have the key_ '11~000 Call Jack Cria!leld , Brand New Lovely h6me on Via Orvieto. 3 nice bodnna. and 2 bathL Sllcllng ctuo to patio. Built-In Tbuma- door oven and range.· Separate dJning area. Over- alze double garage. Built by V.c.her and DOW belnc Jandoeaped by -.. $33,000 Not One But THREE bel.uutul view homes In Newport Height.a. All enjoy a. tremeodoUB view of entire Harbor area.. NOT a. leaaohold in Lhe loL Priced from $35,000. Term.a. Call for D1vidaon Osburn. BALBOA-NEWPORT 1023 W. Bay Ave. Thill darllng little home of 3 bedmut. 1 :\,i bath on a 4.5 tt. lot with plenty elbow room bu a. 2 car garage, tile roof. completely furniahed and only a few steP8 lo the best swimming beach on the Bay. Pri«'d at $2~.500 with good terms. 1 yeer old MODERN, wall-to-....U carpeUng, alldlng glue door to patio from liv. rm., 3 bednn..., 2 bath, near Ideal swimming beach. Designed by Hal L&ey. Family Home Very ~ll loc:ated Lido home con.aisling of 4 bed.mu. a.nd den. Kitchen bu brea.k.!ut are11., dJahwuher · a.nd d.iapoeal. Price of $39.900 in ludt:1 c~U . ~ARBOR HIGHLANDS-OPEN DAILY Before you buy, you owe It to youraelf to aee UU. home a.t only $26,:SOO a.ad drapee. Call Bill Farnsworth. P· a. palmer , incorporated P· a. palmer, incorporated ole k.>1'tDn c.;;,, "'i ttl&t ·;';"'1.-nagam&M 3333 via. Udo, harbor 1500 ola h~n1on co,. '"le\ m 1100.9eme"-t 1700 w. cout highway -lllw-rty 8-~73 BALBOA OCEAN FRONT liOMES: 4 1Ul(I ~ W<!ruOrn honle• a r• n<">t too plenurul In &!boa •. e11- peclally t.he <11:.n rnmt. but we ha ve two tor your LD•))6C· lion One h.14 !I ~droome 1111d !\; 1>a lh11. ruee!y fu.rnlabed and re- n1odel~l A vary att.ra.cllve home a nd would be Id!'-.! tor 111.Tge ta..rruly The pnca i. ti2!1.000 ,,.•Ith terma. The other one I• a l.:> In 8&.lbQa. h•• 4 bf'drooni., Ji.,, batl'lll &nd pt.rtly l urn1shed. Hai encl~ al6ep1nc porch, 1IUMd ln deck -.nd 2 car 1ara11e. lovely lar&e J1vu1c room with n"'pla.c• ... a roon1y home t or your family. $19.1~ BALBOA HOMES! A 1111.ndy J bedroom on Anade Street cl6toe to the M.y. HAii be" n a ttrM:Uvely remodeled with a large kllchen and. Clo.- et• g-a.lore, a large !!vine room wlt.h t1repl1t.• e .. believe y<>U would be aurprl-ed 'l•rhat you CILll gel tor $ l 1.600 anc1 le.mu. Her• LI a.nolhe r ot bedroom home with :Z btltla on Anll'1• Sl'""t lh•t will aleep abaut 10 pMple ~'1 will 11111.ke & l"ood •Ummf!r or yur around home. J l la but a atep to the bay and mCMlt ol the turn !lUr • ta Included. $16,~00. $6000 down. BALBOA PENINSULA! Thal 2 bfldroorn horn• on BeJYUfl "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" Drive tn today and see tor yoU?'9elf the many out· 111.anding !e1.turet1 of tba remark&ble communitr. More and more H&rbor 1.rea tamiliea are tnspectinr tbe.e exquiBite homes -noting their comfort., con· venience and cent.T&l location. More and more familide who prefer a home in a re- stricted quality communit y a.re moving into their lrvine Tern.ce: homes. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Ternce la loca.t.ed on Cout Highway oppoaite the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE A.GENTS Phone Ha.rbor 444.8 F or F'urtbe:r Intonnation * For Recc.mmendaUon, we refer you to anyone who bolda a Lea&ebold F..tate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, 81.y Shores and CliU Haven ave!la ble for !----------------------- 118,000. The room11 are •pacioua ~rt the heavy furniture goea with the deal. Aak to '""' It today. Forgot l.tl menllun lt cal\ be bought for SSOOO Qown. Balboa Realty Co. Op~lte Ba.nlit of America Ra.e Greeley Ed Lee Al Cornallta J01H1ph.tnt1 Webb 700 E. Ba.lboa Blvd .. Balboa Phoo• Harbor 3271 Owner Says Sell 712 HELJOTROPE, CDM -OPEN HOUSE- sEE Tli.lS lmmaculai.. :Z bedrm. Mme, fla&"1lont1 flrepl .• w.w. car~ JM')t. aunny brl&"ht kitchen, lot.a nf tll• and cupboarda, oopJM')r plumblfl&'. W lr«I :Z:ZOV, .nclo-ed. patio. dble. pr. on all•Y- Call Harbor 20'42 Now OPEN HOUSE BACK BAY AREA SPECIAL 468 Esther -Off Irvine Open Saturday 1.nd Sunday A BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM built home by Lloyd C. H oward. The living room is extra large with used brick fireplace -built-in bookca.sea. hardwood fiooni. Dandy kitchen and bre&kful nook, 3 bedrma., 2 bath• $21 ,500 BALBOA PENINSULA -125 G Street OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. LARGE UpBta.irs living room with ocean view, 3 spacious bedrn:ui, full Aiu d.iD.ing room, new car· peting. Pleasant kitchen with ma.ny built-irui. Lovely encloeed patio a.nd BBQ. A home of quality for gracioua living. COSTA MESA, 237 Rochester. Three bedrm. home in nice neighborhood ne&r shopping ~nter and tr&ZUJporta.tion, $12,500. Tertn.1 to au.it buyer. JACK BRENNAN, and ASSOCIA TF.S 3320 W. Cout Hwy. Realtor Liberty 8-1773 B/B C liff Haven Exclusive • tta~ br!i ~ f 1replar t • OYe~l~I h\'ltll room • Sheltered lanai and patio • &autlfully !andh..&!W"I y ard • t"' G I 1711 mo incl \ .. _..., • .. ~uu~ !'RICE ,11.MIO e A CT N U \\"' Ran cho Linda • ~ acre <"ompletely fenc~ • Horff C(11T&l an<1 d•"•I kenn ~I~ • Mood111rn . lge 2 btlrm • d .. n hvril• • \\'i "'' r•rpt"~ throughout • Lee f11tCJ1\0ne tln•p!a~ .. • All elK"trtc k itchen • XLJ'..T Bar k Ba y Area • S 1~,800 wllh only S3VOO down Near Disneyland • eo unit • •l yrol•! • All l wo ht!drnor11a • TV e nd phnn• 011tleta • Garbage 1ll•Jl'l>11 .. I• • 1':1.cel!ent , ... 11a1 r..cord • Cl'UN $.)0 400 • 1-'rlc" 14.5-0.000 • 'VIII ol1Vld~ 11o n<1 r.,r hen.(~ ~qujly for l..ido S.yl ront lllla ur C.'atn .. kan"h Bay & Beach Rlty Inc \87!'i llarbor Roulevar•t c·u11ta M'alt, Ca llrl)rnl• LI 8 -771 4 l!:vra LI 8 J1eif3 BAYSHORE.':i OPEN HOUSF. F'ri·Sat ·Sun·Mon.• aftemoonA llllll Crelil,Yltw l,.lr .. 2 b.r. PLUS g•r. unit knotty pine lnl. J~ o f room for !Am· Uy a nd .-ueet.a. OTH.!:RS In Eiu:h.r•ive Bay1hor~ ILlld Sun1mer Re.ntaL BACK BAY OPEN HOUSE Sa t It Sun 2281'> l'u•lln OocN.1 \f!rm1 J b.r. 2 b•lh, lovely location -ONLY $21,000 Choice VlEW lot -······· 14A:l-O Com er VotW lot . ~ 10811.lllO, hi&hly reetrlct~. $8000 Term•. J b.r., den. room for pool. fNlllly homtt .. -· 128.960 I.JOO PARK TRAILER -2/1.' w/ new cabana. l b r. ea. S390-0 Claire Van Horn Sat.--Sund&y-1 -~ M 1 H&Sfl.I Drive or 3t 0 Poppy. C.D.M . BEA lJTIF'UL VIEW home of 3 bedroo1TU1. l ~ batn., walk tnc dl•1.&nct1 to be.thing beacll. Thia home and out.atand1n( location could not be dupl1cated tor t.hil a11kJng price <1t '3:Z.&OO. "At the Arches" REALTOR -------------------~---l 21:11 W. Cn11.11t Hwy. LI 11-4277 XI.NT. "TXJU(8 -BEE THIS btltore 10\l bu,y. Frank James Llnwood Vick REALTORS J 12 Marin• A.-... B&.lbo& &land ...,,,,.. .... ----------1 Ona of Newporh Finast I BJIIDROOM ROME. Corner lot, "" block to bea.ch. ~· U"1.ni room., ti.. dfn1nl' Lr-. V11f7 con- •.U•l kltcben wit.la dbl.I. link A en.po.al. 1.£1J"• paUo ...-... If You Are Young at Heart If You Want Quality, Originality If You Want the BEST - Come in loca.tion in conatruction in financing eee thi1 4 bednn., 3 bath on the LltU. !Aland. 112 Jade Ave. OPEN 1-5 Feb. oi thru Feb. 12. 1956 • home DORIS BRAY, Realtor Har. 20 or 64 Free Rent Nflltly new 3 ~rm. hrome H1lw n oor•. forced air he11t . (tlnJnf room. All free from Income from two unit.a on rear or half acre. Walk lo downtown Co11la M'-. $21.000 Good l<!!m111. Newport-Mesa Rlty. 17119 Ntwport Blvd .. Co11ta Me1111 LI 8-eMIS E vee. LI 8-1443 M-1 Liqht Monufacluring SM.AU.. S llOP 6 3 lo lJI, <'Orner 31•t • Villa Y.'•Y. Ne~·port Dch 1A'tll 11pllL P rlcf'd rig ht with rood ter m1. wttb outsiN eilow9f'.. lblwl la 216 Marine A ve., Balboa Ialand 1-,..,.... ~ -----------------------IHOU81l: PLUS VAC A?<o"T LOT ~ ....... ~ -· -EXQUISITE ,_ W'll h~dlo. H•~· "" Large 1"•r!.1"e rtmled •eperel~ly .. ARr' ADAIR, Rltr. Good onoo~. "'~' P~t O<n<o IHI M.-port IDTd.., o.t. X.a LI ""'1ft « LI 8-MM _u._.... tuN08 ROAD, lwnlry 2 bedna. un· .xcall..S ocean., ha)' Tlew. Abun· O&nl lirin.I cs.n be JOWa. All best f•tune. l b&lha. Fcm:ed a.Ir heat, ftrepl1ca. Patio de.hu:e. -· then .n}o1 C&llt. l1"1nl at tu ... < NORTH BAY FRONT 2 bedroom & den (or bedroom) gorgeoua Uving room facing B&y, 2 gleaming balh.8 plua balhen shower. Fine pier a.nd Blip will a.ocommodate 4.0 rt. boa~ Sa.ndy bead>. W. J . SLOAN carpet.o and drapee included. A fabulous home in perfect con· dltion, 2~ yn. okl See lhia first, you will love iL Price $64.950 Co. N.B.C. Realty !2nd • Newport Blvd. Har. 1400 1954 Priacilla l.Ane 3 bedrnui., 2 bath, fireplace. Thea.e home. lU'fl the most for $18.500. A choice of 2 !Joo r planL UPPER BAY DISTRICT 417 l'.:.8.st 20th St. ~fodr.rn Ranc h style -3 btxfrn\JIL , 1 ~ .i bath& on ·a. i2 x 33n ft. !vt 1'hr f•xlt'r1or 1s w1Je cedar pt.a.nJta.. Tht-lfllt:"rl"r 1\1;1.r. l1·rr1l ll wuud p11.ncl1ng. 3 car pr· ag•'" Hugt:" ;;ar purl. Rffi country 1-t;tli.le $27,600 • • • -1 ~.i r.: 21sl ~t. 3 betlnns , 1·11 bath~. dining room, broakfut room. f1r.,.pla1·(' d11'"!"1tal t1pn11 kl•·r ll)'tilt>m . rlr Buyer can hB\'t 11111ru..,.!1al .. !',,~M.'ll1)n. 0'Vlo'ner hu ju.t rt..,.IU rt-d pnce to $1 9.950 COSTA MESA 221 \Valnut 4 bedrms. l11.rg1• k1t.1•hcn. beautiful pa tio, double &ar&gt.> $1 3.2~0 1s ll ver}· low pncc with good term.a.. ACRF:AC;E Now H.··I. .lflR fret on ~fonrov1.11. by 630 rt. deep. mti)' be able to !.one M·l. A steal a t $13,900 cuh. Next to 2i6 ~fagnol 1a. Vacant !ot 50x125 only S•750 NEWPORT BEACH \r"iew lot -15 x 125 -$14.500 Beach lot R -?"-' ~ x 95 $4250 DUNCAN HARDESTY, 2602 Newport Ulvd., Newport Beach Realtor Ha.r. i718 Lido Realty Associates "T odays • • • • • • Lido Island . Special " Four Bedroom1 Two Boths Largo Patio Be r Kitchen Built on TV & Hi-Fi Loh of Clo10h Sorry we can't give you posaeaion for about 90 rlRys but we 11ure can arrange: for you to aecure th.LI roomy Lido home IJ1 time for a wonderful Lido Summer. Only $27.500 -t em11 -of coune call one of our spee1al1ucl Lido Island salesmen -Now - For an Appointment \rJ.RG INIA MANSON J. H. GROHMAN GENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTON Lido Realty Associates 3400 Vie. Lido BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL Large 2 bedroom home. Fireplace:, patio, garage. NicC"ly furnished. Formica bar kitchen. F'ull price $20,000 -good lenm. Brand New 6 Units Just completed -4 2-bedroom 11.nd 2 1-bedroom unfurnished apartments in one of the beat rental areas. Income should be in excess of $52:5 per mo. Full price $52.500' with excellent tenrui. Har. 444 THE VOGEL CO. -208 Marine Ave., Balboa 11land Next door to the POHt Office Eves Har. 1229-R Har. 4.248-R FEEL HORSEY? 7 Lovely modern ranch 11tyle on a full acrt. Two spacious bedroomH 11·1 ft. wardrobe in each ) living. dining. all electric kitchen u 1 large unit. dishwasher. dis 1)0sal, built-in BBQ, big used brick corner f ireplace, FA funHL<:e, open beamed ceilings. l & 1:.: bat.hs. huge pink t ile atall Mhower, Portu· guese marbel pullman, ww carpet thru·out, 3 TV out \clJI. phone-j9cks. decorator Dutch curt..aina lit drapes, o\•ersi7.e double garage. Only l ye&r old. Priced right at S28.500 and owner might finance. Two adjoining acrett available. THIS IS REALLY A lrfUST SEE ? ! ! WM . W. STANLEY ·SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD P&rk Avf!. at Marine, Balboa laland Harbor 2482