HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-15 - Newport Harbor News Press• I • I • • - • . -----. ----. -. . . . ....__,_,._.. -. ~ -i------;t>'fo~-• • '--. - ' • • PHONE HARBOR 1118 . . -. "' 'I • • nVll, CUi& Against. PatienJs HIGBIE FILES FOR COUNCIL RE-ELECTION Local Pair Say Brutality 'Lies'; Jury Probe Okay .,.y tlltnr wa.e the only way I could convince him I wanted him to run," said Mr-15. Bftble this morning when •he and incumbent Councilman C1arence Higbie called upon Oty Clerk Marcy Schroudet to ri.&e nomination petitions for city CQ Wl cil. W ith the f'Dlnr by HJg-bje, all incumbent councilmen have decla red for re.election . Ac- oordlnC to Wgbie, "My mind wu made up when 'the council went ahead. wfth all ot ti.. thing• for which we have all worked so ha.rd during Lhe pa.st many months." Que9tioned further, he apeclfically referred to the acquis it ion or a water reservoir high in the Irvine hillll. relocatio n of the Pacific E ler.tric Kailway and p ro per development of adequate water facilities for the entire community. -Staff Photo FUTURE . OIL DRllLING • PROBLEM TOLD COUNCIL Committee Tells How Black Gold May Be DraininCJ in Tidelands H.epnsat.1 wt·re allt>ged ly being la.ken against patienta at Orang e County H08p1 ta l today &llhough tWo Newport Harbo r men denied ch arges of maltreatment a.nd brutality at the fari!it y. Supervisor 1-leinz Kaiser and Dr. J ohn H. Lllaon, Lido Isle, denied th(! cha.t11ea made Monday in a.n ex.cluaive Or111l("e County N .. w1 ' uon ot th" .iluaUon I uked him Servlc<'l ""P'"'" but buth •t;r"t'•l 1,, •U··•l n11 t h1i T hu.-.ciay tn theo l he (1'1U1<1 Jury 11hould ln''"•tli;:i..1'· B<>anl room." KJ,.11 .. r 111d G . .It, U n.son l.11 ll f1,nn .. r me<llca..I tll•o:t:· T'holllJ~on, n'&ltor. U.gun-. ~ch. CHARGES, DENIALS FLY IN : INSURANCE HfARING Mercedes by State Vale Insurance Considered Department Case M u.IUple <:h&TJ"N /l"OID bolh aldu new in Newport council chllmbera ,....i.er11ay when MercedM McGee Vale appeued In a hfl&rin&" of the C&litornl& Department of J.neur- &De• to an.ewer cla.lna that ahe bad a1l4isedly diverted' money of -a--tonnet("empkt1'.,.to hr.--:JWft llMI, re.GJlinl" ta t~ b loc:klna" oi h• appllc&Uon tot" a. atate ln.tur- anc• brokers pena!L t he depa.rtment to block htr a t- templa to beCome an ln•urance broker In her own rlKhl un Uie l'round.a lb.at auch 11.PP•l.CM.lll n1 u•t not only be proper ly qualif\tl(J but l h•t th• jranUn1 of t he Ileen•• will not be •&"•ln1t the public Jn- ~ .aQd.tA&t ~ .,plk •nt 0>Wll&. be ol good buain-ra.~ll aUOn. HAUOR WIATMER Poallll.. fulur• Udelan~ oil Mnl~ l.-0 • .ote ot the p.90ple tor ILl the h(;llp1tAJ.. I who .,.. rote hini ot • ~!t reatment d.rillln& _... brO&Ched. M.ond.9)' under the prov~ o;( our pru-I At ....at l w<,) pau enlll au.pe<:ted 1 ca..e, Ron Powell the admlnJ.8C.:nl..- &l&bt at cltt C01lllCU meeUn1 In ~t con tra1·t " r • -k Rlp l.-a report ot the City'• Technlc&J ~rnlfu•tlon or th.a Cl.t)"I map 0 .. ..,. in~· mton11.all.on to the tor o r th" hooAp ta! .IUld Doctor ~.-F b 9 '' 40 -·~• ••o··-o new• k rv1ce a.Ad t.M once vtct1n1.1 Ste-wart, M"t1n< rnldlcal di.noctor •n y. e . Oil Advaury Com1n1 lt"e through whic h ahow1 where oU wan. ot -.-.n .,_ ~ \ F'r1da 1o· b o .... 0 ot at..ruc.Jty-type maJtrea.t m .. nt !l 'nntlnurd un r...-e 1 y. e · l "" 4 the city m1.n lli;;e r. Mon t•rll'y into the t ldelende ..,.. have ~ confined to p rlvat., ____ ---- Sat u.n1ay, .. ~.b. 11 6-0 tl Th<I commH.tH , John Sallor1, bottomed lndiC..lN tbllt a t leut Hans Broering Su.nc1ay, Feb. ll -62 t a ID&.D&l"er. aa'4,, hu ol!MrveJ "lt two weiUI could be <lrat.niO&" trorn r0011U1, their per.anal ~100• Mond&J', J'eb. 13 ·--6i •it l8 q\llt• obvtoWI &.bat 90rne lf l.be ar• ~t ot ~n1 S L, BaUon taken away ~a.re bdu&" ~ High School Board Shuns Unity fight Tu-.i&y, F eb. lf; ·-67 '11 llOt all Of UM preMD&. produ.~ln( pc.iln led out t.o the Ne.,._P ,_._ An f by m ell1ral 11taff penonnel, thi! \\'l'dnud&J, Feb. Ulo -Ill ,8 Well# in ~ city-own~ aub-ln another recommeodatlcm.. the nounces or 0ranS"• County New• Bervk.e ln-_---------------1 torn&nt #&id. mef'S9(1 lancJJ. a1·• dr&1nl111r ell..'lt commlttu .u1r1uted "lmmedl.a.te ot the preMnl limit• (:'.13rd St.I atep. be ta.ken to oootn.ct tw The eour("e aaid l.o4l.y both pa-BOND ISSUE? Horse Track Okay If fatr · Board Builds ot th• eo-ct"ed EtUott Contr&<":t." aale ti/ -.turaI ,.. ~ P~ c ii Ra UentA .nave been tranaterrtd to The recomm e.ndatlon continued: duced trom the Udela.nda. Bailon ounc Ce ! cubl<:~t)")'e rtJ(ln1s of t lhf' rn •1n '"f t 1hould bll ~lAMI oul a t told • cOU11dl he M.t 11\et wtUi warct. wbu. they c annol tallt thUI tlrne thal 1t ll I• ever te ll Monterey ofnclal.I and the clt1 Fonner oou:actlman ~Bro«'-w"-b C~ paUenl&. T'be televi.- de111 re.ble t o l11 ke the nece ... ry at&.<nney t..W., ~ U. inc", Balboa Dll&nd, t.od&J annocm.o-k>D ot OAe ol tbe two WIMI t&ka9 etep• t.o o{f$t!l thla production, l lrm'• propou.I f or purchw o4. ed JU. candidacy for the coWJCIJ. aw&7 from h1::n. the aource aald. R.en1ovln ( tHelf frOlll Ute U... U'l at" 1t W01lld · pT"Oti..bly blr nee-au SU beinr ~ rnn. th• M&t eurrmQ)' ...w.,. ...-. wit.Au.. w '• ~---' k-al•. Newport Harbor U nloa aelMJibl MMry to eo\Lclt bid• for a •tml-tteld. A pmi-\ acreernent i. c . .4.. HJCtM. '!bl twu men _.. loftl'iDl"a-0Utr1ct Boe.rd ot Tf'Wt-,._. lar t ype contract now In effect. now balnc •tudl.ed by U.. eil OClJ about llO ~ •put lia 1uc. 8TtLL 11NBADIED lerda.y let\ Ole ma.ti.er ol ~ with th• ?>lonlerey OU OJ. and eomm lttee. he aald. The commit-A.prtl'1 oouncll el«tJon. 'l'1WI ~ -1d th. two patletile UOn up Lo ~ ... H u bor a,r.°• t- than. •pon ae~Ung-a oont.....ctor, t.ee'a report. _... tUed by the -Uon e.lcnlent.&ry •u •ool dt1l1 ctA B~. • -... owner haYe nc-.t be-. art~ or bf.the-cl A r..oluUon wu ·~~ "''"a• Mra. Va.le declared lit. the hear· ln1r room th•t pnur to L'ie dapart- ment'• acUon B uell had ca ll.ii her u.p on the telepbon• #\d ''Ulrealen· ed hf'r that he ,,,... p ing to t'1:ht bw wee • .._ a.ad prevent her fl'Olll l"atu.ng a.l<t·~ and o.I ~1 ng wllh any olher a.:efky ·• the Wbole matt.er m Wlt be pr ... Co\OW:IL •-... _ -~ -...... --•• ...--,........ 1 --------------'--------------I~ ..... -;--=-~ -. ~ lllDce Ul• OCN8 Mriea of lh• ~~.~ A.lsh ads;lol lnaet..ea OA oe7::: h~·':u:r:~: ,~tt~~ cou' Nltll ~·UQTU ,-.. y R 'i<'C ~-; •• .. .tlk4 .... -COU&U" bollpttal apwo..a b.fO&e -nc<R .. Lo ::::r~ ~~1~;&'=~u;:=I~~:'.~~-= . ~ · ~ ll:a A . -. sAwl.· •"~~.!:=.: 15 ;,_R ITATmmlT ::-..::.~.chool ~ w .... VaM, wtto ... ..a,ID,..& .at;ta DlDiIU IT Oruc• County Fairi::rouncl.I and ICS.te J*" ....., ft» Will 11" • ...._tar u rm ~ I hope TM act.Ion fllllowed rtedlnC at 8ubpen.ud by the atal• liitnea.a M a wttn... ..aJll.lt bef' WM a torm.e r emploTer, W. O . Bue-. New-,.-t Beach lne.uraae. ..... .tasw'• la . a f'ec'e.9.I IJSllalJOD,~ hi.II roniwr aa.aoclate, P. A. f'a.ime.r. bJ Buck from J &n. 1 to MU'Ctl Buell. denied Ui•t he h11•l f'V"r !tll.I<'• fDT" raclng <:an br a rrang•«t. PROPOSITION FOR "B MILOT them a c:banre to ctwlole from at the annd jury wW P tbroulh U.. a lettu Oun Coat& M-"Ualoa U., 19~ aa a bookkeeper and et· made auc=b. a •t.11.lem,nt to Mr• bul the <HaLr1ct would hav" to AL l~t t wo "001deC• l have lived no.pk&! from .,up t.o auta,'" School DUlrkt rtoql'e•UIJil.!Jl'M nee m.IUl&&"er. ha.1 been cMrs*1 bJ' Vale. · forrn a jv1nt power• t'llll~ In In the d tJ .m.c. llil and bd11eve 8up!!m.Dr Hein& IC&imr, ~Ir act..m. be talta\ to ~ an lnvNUp tof' ot tlla Dlpartmal ...,.., V&le WN repreaenled t.y order to INue 1eve11ue bond!r ' U the votocra approve a propo-other b&rd~r dt)' of11clal8 thc.e •ho loM:nr -know my In· teeman ln cb&rg'9 ol Oranp ~ propmed unlt leaUon Audy 4 h 0( W.uranee or ta11..lnc to d9pMrt lt..UOrncya; Frank Linnell of New-which would build the track. a.Ilion dtle on the Aprtl JO ballot, auch .. the pJanni.ng eommi.tc.t. te,...t in the ~ and wel-ty Hospital, a1d ~ In answv JrhM dlltrlct, Newport a.a.olt elfhl ln.euranc' premlume totalling por t Beach anrl J ohn S Bolton or !Lalph I' At .. key of Nr .,..1,.,rl ;-i'~wport Beach City Council fa~~ H~ ~di. 1 1 to ci'larfU at brutal rnattre&tmemt EJ.~tary School ot.lrict and Ut2.8Z whlch were »-Id to her Loe Angeles. De.u·h. a rn,.mbrr of Lhf' bo11.r<l or meml>era will be p•ud $200 per NO VAGRANT? f ve llo=rn mt~n •or P •t-of eoma pe.t.lt111.la. th• ltJ&h .cbool d!.etrlct.. The un- f "r t be count.I' ti)" Bw:&'• lnllur-The he&rtng wa.a held bf-fore ,Jln•1.\ur•. t uld the Ne ... ·•·l 'rt'llll!I to--month eech , the ma yur $300. :;rm~ .... _._to,: her '"Y -~r-"I know the whole st«-y," !nc&Uen ac:Uoo w .. ln&Up t ed bJ - ..... ~m•c• h-•nc of--Alf -• J M•...-'"I"• Tha l '• t h e counct1'11 own pro~·•1 098 ........ rs t my pJ.,.,,~ ...... ,_, .. OCNS "J • Uk ••-~-•-·-•-oo ---_...., . ....., '"''r r-=u . '"". day no further ll('Uon tow11.r<1 ob-~ c·t Att that, II •lecllld. l w"\IJ do n1y 11t-n.11..1ae"r.......... • q~ • an ...... -.. __ ·--·· ' STAT!! llOVE ot the California O\vlalon of Ad-\1n1111n1i hor11e ruc1ng1n<.:o.ita ,\lma a.dopted unanimously ... a cl\Lr-I y or1ey ffiOlt to prvnde them with the auto acddent where flff peopll Uoa by SupL Eftr.tt s-. ---· ""-··--• b (Co ••-··-• ---1 1 l•r emendment at ,,_tond.9y nl1ht'1 1• l fl diff I ""-~ ...... ,~_._,_ ,_-... • ,_ ch&r(M a.re --..1&" ...., Y a........... • -... hfUl ...-til'ih taken aince ri"'''''Pt of lype of mu.nJclpal go\'~rnrne:nl to M"e " )'Ql.I p ve eren ve,.. • wu v• ......... ~ ..... -UITIH._ __ _c_:__ _ _: ____ __: ___ .:_c_ ______________ l th,. letU!r trom A ttorney OenerQI m&l'.'llng. 'F I A est' w hich they are enUUed." •ionL rm Mt competent t.o •7 m twrl &C"" upo11. u:ntftca.tton...._ COUNTY TlDELAHDS f IGHT R:dmund O. Brown cont.aining PreH.nUy the councll membflrl a se rr Qual.Lned atc"ner• of Broerlng·i wtiether U.-. are g-l'OWlda tor a fONI It can n. pi..ced OD U.. . · opinion• wrillfll by Dep. A tty. receive $50 f:ll.Ch per month u noniln&tln& pettUora were Rolalld g:azid jury lirveat.lptlon or not. ~l tor fl.n&I d.cWiGG. IO'~ ~n. v ictor A. G11.blea. The Je tter e•pt"n11811. Counollman 8111 11 Rl•I· Cla1"m De11"ed Vallely, Robert. w. Bc:otlel<J, wu-smce l 've ~ boep.lla.I C911Utl1t.--JMttiilts. HIP 8eho6t ~ · d ' d J • 19,. derhot UMrted the lime each te11man for thlr board I've •_..t 81dncf O.ridM!n 11&14 c:<I~ A D 14'•u• a , G.l\. '" • lla.m IL 8cott .. C. T. MarMQeter r-·· dilcuMlo took ..... -... GIVEN TEXANS By Bo R In oroer to lal!Ue the necea1&ry councllman llJlfllldll on city bu11l· Newport Beach Boy ScouUI and V ll"J1.l 1"artch. more Um9 out theN than &nJ 11 -.. · · bond.11. t he fair dllll.rlct will h11.ve 11-nowadaya i• niore than dou-Monday aJg-ht hald a city coum:ll Bn:>CTing, mamed. la the father othu IU~ bet.or-. 1ne.. I do hip .cbool ~ s-it_._'.tlla ble what any of t hem dre.amed lh I • ..,._, 1mow tbilt thoie wM go to UMi retlOlutlon &_'9\Cf'da)". 1 ~~ Le Jl O 1n with ano ther tax Dody. such mee.tinr of er own, ui:...111r of three chlldni!n aJI bu t the )°OU/\&"-ln otb bu9ln the -•---1 h It would be. which time they voted 3-2 to e1t In 1--• --.. oolo. ''' 1-,d-ol countr bl:lispl&l are more c rillc:aJ er ftill, · for u the ...,....,. of 111perv llOl"1I or t r .,....... ,...., ~n ~-hooJ tnl•t• l'O'Y*1 --sl•CJll Contract ~--c Becau!Je of t he low P"'Y· he continue Euter Wt;ek and heard 120 A..melhY'l "'· H o I• , mam . lhaJI tboM who get to H oq ac. 1.pp • c a y ot ......... ta Me"'. onetruc tion ' tact.a plane Olll '""--u-.111.id. the city 111 lo11lng 11n oppor-Clty Atlom ey Karl Lynn Oavll ber ot the CUb Bcout boirrd at Memorial. I've found that ao. ._, Pl of b,l>rle racing factll Uea at the .. clauroom buU41.A&" on Ui• ,,.-t '"'m .. r&em M•iM to Sue Stale t1.lrv cunda would thlL, be<.:ome U · tunlty lo ha ve ao1ne of ILi beat rue a peraonal claim for .$100,000. Pack 81. Balboa laland. J rece:tftd the Jetter and took '*111pull tor ...... lallliba &o •M "' ...clly Ule al./Tl.e altuatlon &a In Loll buairie• brain• •• council 1nem-a.lleging .. fal1e arrMt." lt wu Broertn,c ., .. elteted ftrlfl t o the tt out to the -.dm1nletralor ~d State DIVUll~';i ~ Angele• where the nn.-a porl.11 ar-ber1 aa they can't afford t o give all part of Boy Scout Wee& ac· cou.nctl t wo yeani ..,o Jut April, uked him to make an lnv•Up -Appronl ot the p-... - IAXTA ANA. (OCN8J----Cowl• orie. wtt..11 Chairman W illi.II H . tJ'" 1u.pervialx"• yuterda7 liped Warner votlnr no ··1n favor of a cont ract aUthotlaln( American the COWJ ty carrying-out It.fl obll· Karin• Ellpaorauo, CO., Ille.. (a p tion t.o determine Ila own i-.u firm) to etlt.ei' Into nero-rll'bll." U&Uon.I and u u(&Uon.. 1.r neoe.e-Following •llgnlng ot t.h• cori- -.ey to reco••r rlsht.11 to t.1de-tract by the •upervl.aora. Oglr 1id&ai-cn--..mtet1-... at«Py ......... ~ &.b&t. tb• .. qne11 ton may G .llil 1onp to Oranp County. Ule way to the U. S. Supre.ml' T tle contract hall or1rtnally Court." bMn actieduled to be bt'Ol.llht up He explained that they v..i u irpe-ctaJ order of buelneu a l confer. with Ule 11tale'• Attorney :. a F b JI meetlnf ot the au-General and, if pouibll". _.Il l<' 1.:,.; but wa.a ac ted on to-on a neroth1.tt'd ba.al11. If It '" :-;v after 1C&rl HJ.atltower, attar• not po .. lble to eetlle on a nego· MY fW the company. appeared tl11.ted but., It will then be tak- W on the board a nd reque11.ted tn to the court.II. Utat \My act upon. It. He furt.b• eiqilalned that wh"n Tn• c:ontn~ -. adva~ on coo1"1'6Q p~ le&'i&l&Uon re· Ula c alendar ot motJon ol Su~r-turnlnl" the tidel&nds to the ..tao H tn !(alM!r and d!11CDMed •tat.ea • and the oountlu -'<>~ •~er the meetlng con-(Ogle <1mphl.ll1r.ed "and the ooun- ed. Uu) It bolllttred Uie prtor rt1bt.Jr -'IO • llA-• ot 1tatu. coual\e1 and cltlea. •NOlllDUii .._ -Oount1 Oo\Ualcl Joel t:, Ori• maid that bJ il&plftr the oontract Ute con11pan7 W"Ollk1 stand tbe emt ot all ne1Ql!aUon1 u d legal CCMU. II necHMry. ot utabllah· i.ftl" the county'• rlrht• to th• tideland•. Og le u ld the county 111 not lt,yin&" claim to I.he Udelanda at N ewport. Beach, lllnce Newport • l'f!Cf:lffd 1i.. Udalanda rrant a t the eame ume the county did In 1919. ·~ county hu nothlnl" t.o ION •.. lt -.·on't coat the coun- • ty :'.I centa!" 0 1"le aa!d. BuperYl.or Ralph J. Kcf'adden •ld h• bad notl~ t1othtn11" ln the contract I.Jal obll&•ted t he counlY ta •.ny way nnanclally . 8upervt.oJ William H. Hlrat<1ln acf'ffd With 01le t h• county "'bad notblnr lo k>M :' Osf• -'II that be Md pne °"" t.M contract with HltfllOW-• .. ,. • ..,. iloNlT' and t.b&t fOtnt 06 hie (Os"le'•) r.commendilUol\I ~ ~ taeorponited Into It. Tba CGUll\,)' l.I da.tznlq t!Ue to th UdlJJu\d.I to a dl•tance of ! -Oslo ..... TAIL"I' t-l VOTE 'l'IM .... ~ ....... '° .... .. .. ...... .,.'-' .. Transient Booked Bur9I~ Here Fast Chose Oii • In -rv.•o N e~·port Pf!:lrol o fflt:•'r• arreated R Sen P ..di·o bar!»n.Jer e1rly Y"•terday on 11u~plr1on of buri::lary Rfte r the 8Ul!J)t"rt w'IR oblerved droving a...,:oy frnri1 an apartment hou.e 11 l ~12 c._•ypre~ St. at a hig h retl'J of 11pttd. Booked In city jail WU .k>l't'Ph LoW1 Pegano. :zt ~ tyW tttlm~n o.nd RJ chard Heinffke i111 lil I th,• l\.lt'..IM out lllt'r Png p.n,., and h te'I hill darkene-d car attef' • F 11..... of MYVal b~k•. ·A televl.11ton 11et waa aJlei;;f'dly dl111.>0vered in lh~ car. ffl ~·ers .. Id the aet m 11.y haYe bet ta karf rrorn lhe ape.rtni...nL 'ftt Ilg-ht \ru left on at thll a rtmenl and ll h•d epparerftly be Ulor - oushly r.nNcked. 'A -=: lori or TV aer11\ ww.a ot.en"eod I ng tn tl!.• stree.~ Vict im of th• b~.;:: Roderick Wall&o9 M i:;-- ..... ~8 ta . the t11ne the councU po1La d& UV'IU• Mnin'"" unUI •··1 •-• -"-r ena la a<:heduled at l:xpo11ltlon a --... ....... en pcou •late .-111 ~ up tM tlllii9 .. Park. mand. Dl.contJnuance of J:uter Wetlk. adoption or the d t:J' cM.rter called N D 5--N men l tnvol"ed ID ba"'-1' UM~ There the qTtcvltural dtetrlct Councilman J . B. l!ltoddatd &aid wu 1PJ(1".ted bumoroualy by tor ~t city elecUon. He had eW l'IMJ •-• OW ture ready for th.a --.id. - h•• gone 1n with lbe coun ty to It lhe rneuu.re la approved It o . w. Dick fUcliard.. w~ aon, HrTau on the Board of F'reeholdef"I Under Construction ter of nnt llChool Y'fU. o......- w lll be an lndlcatlon the voleMI John, aat 111 .. a councilman. But wtucb wrota the charter.. -po-od .~ m-• ,.0-· lo -lll>lue revenue bondll on Uie arena. _, L""-'" •• ....., -would favor paytnc" 90flle '" ,.., he 900fl found the 'COUDcll" would Ground w u broken today by u pect.ed b)' the lllrh 9CMo1. .... Under a joint powera a rreement. not vote ltMll oul of eorne ftoee rtT91 Ute counctl. the Scout "aer-the Aufl.ln Sturtevant Company year. _, > accurdt!I&" to G~~· the .3~<! ~1'::. , ... -n-~Am·-en-dme·nt play tim e -JJ.k_! anr JIU~llc ~Y . .-it ~r;" for a new building to hauae a .at2tt• Runl.ir, ~t-~--trlct 11.Mlt coutn a ct aa governing Ii w1ahln1 to perpetuate It.II pk!iu-''He .., .. weartnr .oc:.lu whlch bigger v G!Cen t ·i Drug Store to,. bell and buketbal.I coadl .t l.£"!n<:y of the' race track. Cables urH. wu. non·aup~•-• IO he wu Corone. de l Mar Val cl& HI-School •• ... added !t WO\lld be advUlable tor c • Y"" ~· · •n ... • • ~ ~ .. ld 32nd to Ban a nines Then Davill added spice to th• anut.ed &a a "ftlT&Dl " Amid The $1 00.~ building I.ii In the proved far hlrln&" by the ~ all profit.II ~ be _. to the meetlnr by prote•tb\g ble haY· lau(hter, Da'1a wu advt•ed to •ILrlll! block u Blayne Hutch.laon'• If Hunter acoapta the ~ 0 18lrlct. Ing been "an-NtMS for dl1turbt.ng Hek rf!dr-. bl the courts u A ll-American Mark et and ta be:lns hoe wUI tea.oh rnat.h ..wt: ......, COMMITTEE SET Water Project t~r City Gets ~ouncil Okay from 'Beach Use the peace, muned, f'ln&"erprtnted th• councU OYUTUled hla cJ!llm. bullt by Ii:. Morril Smith of Lido traJnlnl" here nelrt ~ ..... and then releued tor lacll al The -1QQ MljoUrned In time l•le, owner of the Jlf'OPM1.Y· -~I'· /I.. water cornm!t tee. conal1ting o( city ctff1c\a la a nd councllmc'I w\11 be 11a1nf'd next week t o 1n<:>•·L ,Vlth lrvine Co. ,;µokesmen In a n l!tfort to n111.p fut ure NewJY.>rl Or:a ;oh v.·atcr IJ•.rp!y pl11.;i!I The problem or keeping Lido 141e beaches clear of <logs and cle-.n for re.sldenla Monday n ight ..., .... preeenled city coW'lcll lri a 7~ s ignature petition pre.tntf!od by MriJ . E. W . 8 p&.rk.t. U.do r u ldent. The council heard her huaband re- port .. many u 17 unleuhed dora roamed the beech near hi• p lac' but d i.appeared with comln,r ot l hll poundm11..1ler. The ~titian IU!lkO'd the dof • be kept off the beach wit h or without l"fllh. Arter CouncUn1an .I. B.. Stodd1rd $11.ld he thought Ule dog" drpart1nent here n!'f'<1ed n1ore truck &.11d manpo.,.·er. rouncll voted to hR \" the city 11ltorney c:ome .up \•·ith an am .. n•lnvnt to t he doc nrcilllRn(e rf'l11 l11>g" to bel C'h lltlt • West Newport Srreet Proj;.,t Approved City Eng1ne<"r Be.rt Webb Mon- Cn•1n;olln1an .J D. Stodt!arrl. r,._ portlr.I{ to c<,uncll l>h1nd11y nig:1 , tnld 111 .. IKl'1)' lh.:.l ~" f11r a.!1 ha l'"t1l l tell "" nth<'." ;1;:Prir r_, Ill • lnltl('!ll '" 1n llr\tlUpl .. ;: thr ! ·n· l'"M!<l •·11y.Jndne ro <hun of 6')0 aere ft'et water .. t<Jr•flr !h'l l he lhou1ht a $1 pC'r :.JOI) '.111e oYer- rirl" ror two y::mr11 nr tt.!111e other rt.Yenue inc:'!.llure 11:1ould ~ .,_,..,) ti• f!nAnce the r""f'rv.,ir anrl lintc• 11t-tenctanl. d11.y n ight 'lf"u ordf'n"d to prf'pll.M! l 'Mt" m ayor "''\11 11ppolnt a ro1n-1 11.!seume.nta on WCl!l t Newport'• mlttee con•laUng of Lhe cny m11.n -11tr~l lm p rovl'!mfllll diatrtct fol· ager. city en(l::iecr. clty 11.ttom~y· !owing• cit y council he&flng on and two e<1UncUmen to ~tudy w11y• 1 the ropoul to im prov& atreela of !lnanc:tnr \be projec-t. P S toddard'• wa ler eomrnitte. re-a nd alle)'8 ln Ul• 1 n-11.. oonunencS.d water llnM .. pro~· No prot.Mle wet• allow~ lh• Id In J ames .MonlJ(omery·1 •peelal he&rtng wu cl~ and a re.ecHu- w11t.er repol't. to tlle cn.y I.No 1Mta.Jl-e<I ta the Harbor lll1thlandll and UoQ adOpted lh•t. Ule work be Upper Ba1 area. The •Y eng-tneu done.. 8 trHU and •ll~Y• needln1 ....... ln.1tn1ctf'd to draft plan• a nd lmpro,.ement In t.he dli1t rtrt be- .. d flcaUona tor the Unu and caJ.l ween 31it and :.•th SU. are in UI .. --- evidence.'' A polica report wu for the repl&r COW1cll m eetln&"· -----------------------------..,., !Miom BOLD OOUNOIL KEET -)(ooday olCJll befo'9 regular city council -n. ioelll'ScoUtto filled in tMj couneUmaak and city o!ficial po9ta. above. Al council table. from Wt.. Bill Youn.&, Jobn Richard. -)(cNe;J. Du. l'lol'co, "JD01Q<;"' Bob Honi, Richard WatJion and Randy P.eler. At -.r ....._,- f rom left, Tom Atki.n.aon and John Whitman; ~ camera, "City Clerk" Kent Harvey and "C1t7 At- t orney" Rick Powell. -Staff Photo 1 ! • ' -..... ... ..., ... _ ... ... .. ··-__ .,._ ·-·-··· ' . ----..... "' ......... -...-.. .. ·- ltAGE 2-. PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 7 UAMa .I ~l('I A'I'. _., .._tton" •ll...,. .. "'' "'"' .. ,.... ............... I( ff to M •: '1 ° ·'...rt" ~ WfDNESDAY • .HBRUARY 15, 1956 ~liliVl;ll;;A I ·' ..,.,..._~ ........ -..__ ........ --" .. ,... -• ... --- -l -... . COiST DD m MAKEDIP :-::.":..~".::~::,:::~w.::~"::-;;;::rm· 1•1 c.... • .~~.!P-"":-rt~-Go ,~1/"'c . {)N 11.'T THE . ' t:tf'tl coa:ulllUM when It I.I~.. ., .. _..... -. ~ ~..i .... _. ~-M· i"l · · --· ----· , ...... w 11uw -~t"' l0tt 11 lice ........ ----~ a. 4. K•1 -.. 8rcn•1: ·"1 ... _,__.. ____ .,..._ .,..,... e•-;-'.•-· · -coe:ddam.uan IJy lh• iecWat\IN ---i:-. ,__ lliil~~ .,,..,..~ .. •U.trw-..... • ~ l;J1ltc' • * ...._ \ J3ALQA .,\-. -i"'B·"Y CLUB Sacr-" I ....... ~la-ML.I 'd or ·"lllllod" lo oommltlft u a ... t M -1 to ... -.... .-,,;;. U.AJ.+ o. ,.._ ..... _ ... "";;:., •. Cllft~ !:!~.t\. J"l ~·-•......-•-• ! ... • W • llU1 ..,,._..out" of ~itt.e It Uw .~, MM ., ,atme ilM .._ ~ ...... _,,. ~ ..... ~ W ~---;__na~tn-I~ ~~AM~S''TWF~Snns·-·--~!£!Pc!~!.!'~ ' ' ::-aii..~ :.._... .. ·-~ ... ~--... ~, ... "" .......... ~ :~:."';~}--~ ".!'8'o- to thl Boy 0ontracll' wlM> may•"" ,--· .-.....--C. c.a.11.. -, Do you. It ...... , .. be aJ.1 '"'•"t wttb th M-..rt 8eV9I Nock! ,....._,ton ft'om IJtallford c;,oa.sa ~u.....,. \a Gp or ••lo U.. bUL . mm..~ -U.a.H .... ol Mr. aad km. C. L .,.. .... _-_ .......... _. -•ml Cit Co .'t!Tr w..,.,.,.. 5 ..... e ~-I""' tb• Onac"e Cout. YWCA.,.. p,.... th.i fall. Jud,-u :a.tr.. DOIWd Dun.pn n. J'O'lD&' .,.,.. ........ ......_ _ _., nao Pulnc •• n..... -.... ~~ ~ Yth ,';'.'~00il • for one evening, we changed the addreu parln,-few u. ....._.,, YMCA. D&A.rr BILLS and Mr. Judd 8 th land ca.~ attee1nc lr&.lnl..q 1 ,.'M • wu -.... Y--....-- 1,zJ. e ga., a Bay Club trom 1221 Weat CoNt Highway Mod•! Lefi•l&tu ... to be held t:n •ell of ~ Hl-Y, Trt-HJ·Y M . · u er · draftina oomltt.M ,..,..,._ ...._ wu • ttM U&bt ~, __ .;._ ________ _ ~Mo. 1 Buin_ Str~tT. 'IJle. ~niog la Friday, hbnwY 24, S&crament.o on FN.. %3, U and J6. rnemben •bo would Wee to at· ~· ~ ~e!!~rwt~:; parll&IS'l~tary proc"4Ur\i. · ••• ~ ·wbea. tt .-..... to Com Ml .. Im ..... &nd ~ OCCUloa; .ratlM1r" 1;eC181 ~Wrlre tr&napiantJn&' "New Oomp«ltkm '9 n.a Mocau.e • t.w1 UM med• ~latw-. u ,... Hobbit Wemtmhaetw ., • Mt.-pn.ctJi.:e ..-on on ~ ud lAq' a.dl llMt ...._ oa.&a MM& mot.I .....,.. s. Orleans, the fun part of It, to Newport for .. A Nl&ht at the ~Uon quota ii ...ten.cl ea.ch quii"M Lo dralt a bW for pre-I•'-'to lh• s-.t.e· B&rtiu. S&n&t.. proc&duru .U.. IUl >to "'°'*" L l'rtnce, -ti ...,. ~ ot 11U M.,.,,..i Mardi Grae" and we've got to be authentic about thlil·tlling. ot the M4 cluba throuPoul U.. euitauoft at a public .cr..i.ac. 8JlU-a. l!Urf•lde Pd Di~k BurTUd.. October. W&.ltao PrtnO.. IU 8&1 a.. ea.ta SlYtl noUtW ~ ,._ I flt T he m~mber committee· ptaaning the party mat.ta on it. •lr4 ot Cal tromi&. Tb. maaim-. A IM&rd ol Jtads• """"-tM &1-.et BM.ch d.i.•ptu to tM ...._ ii taldlli' put tn U.. ~· llurs1uY Of • -..II. bouae co4ii Stickrera for detail.a. the whole bunch :' Sal1y and Courtney toUJ. DWDber ot )'OWJ'I parUd-bills and~ Mdl p~n~uon. A-.mbly ; Pal McWMnney, Mid· Bennett C•rf, publlea.t, a A.J.u.ka "l:x.erUM Koc.ti Bona• ta tr.. a....ia. Aputmealflt Platt Bila and'·Dtck P'e'itherstone Mary and Jim Boyt. PUI'-Lt 171 of....,.... 11 an '11· The peopl• wtth UI• hl,-b•t ecOTe9 ...,.Y ctty ._, S.nat.. Lobbyt.t ; Hollywood _for TV •P~ UM ms Delta .,. llla ma. tNat ~ wJGed th• .-., Ma MarY and Jim CariOU d p t Cobe' t aim.. elected br ,.,._..tau ... an ..i.ct.c1 u delap.ta. •nd theo Chip Jl'ltawalf!r .. ~bly '"TtJ•Yil'°n may ha" bu.rt b&I ta.ti AftUc Ctrd<t. lllnlm~ ot IO at m &ad 9&14 tt eoftiam.d •P· an a ry. • lM p&rllclpaUlts cltrbe al MC· the dal•ple11 ·ln·tr&lnln1 plac,.. LobbyUt ; TaccGI. Kayea, C>et.a book.a, but rood boolu peiopt. W'W ~1Mrlow:11""'1D'M~ ,._una1.el7 "6 I.a ~ llDd F irst of all, they're tricking out the place in giant car-Uon&l meetlnp '* l"tpperdtne and a.r• tilled. Mela and Paula l.Arond, Mid· e.Jwaya b117.'" , ed. ----+ -.Yh;r: .._ _ nival muk11, serpentines, and all the trapping• of the AOuthcrn cily'e biggest f('ljlival. The menu they've choeen feature!! N ew Orleans Shnmp Creole (or rout prime ribs of beef foi:: i~ who like their food uµadorned ) and 'other j d iBhcs with tbe Httnch . touch. au,pplled by chef de C\aalne Gabriel ~t, lat.e ot. i"rcoe.-'nle committee baa 9VJ!ll gone !If ae to roCind.iap a Dbiletand band, the ~~ capabli setti{lr eVtrY foot within ita hearing to tANlna' or dalfting-haia. And ot coune, the Club's own Rouitderlt Orche8lra .will ba on band to play for pa.rt ot the parafte. So far, ao good. But what'• a Mardi Graa wit.bout a little Mystery? Ah, you have, perhaps, underestimated our committee. It ha.a ruled that ea.ch mem~r or guest entering the Cl•b that evening will don mi eye maak. A very hl·lpful W>Cia l prop. thi!!. While dancing you can atep on any nurnbt!r of toes v.·1thout knowing or C&ring wboee lOeli an.· tn\'ulvcd. PersunRlly, tho"ib. we view thia eye muk bnidneg u a mixe-d bl~~-Oun always fite like a pair of _hone blinders, nu n1attc-r how well deai~. and render:a ua par- tia!Jy b!JnJ. So we took it up with the Committee. We asked \\'ill the eye m8.eks purchued for the party cause ua to burnp into thing's. including pOst.s, tables a.nd other pcopll'? 1'h1· Committee said it waa willing to 11wear on a 11tack of 0!d eye chart.I!! than aoyone '~rith 20·30 vi.aion v.·ould ha,·c: .L.~ euy a time gf:tt1ng aro unJ u1 lhia ma.ek u they would v.·pa rlng thlck bifocal&. That's a reUef. As far a~ '''e can aee, the Committee hu left nothing undone to nial\c: "A Night at the Mardi Cru" aa_genuine a.a its naml::;akc. J ust a.a well we didn't make the trip to New Orlca1u1 thLS year . * * * Lut week we made menllon ot the fact thU the BBC Health Club ..-.·ould reopen al!I soon as the newly applied pain t dried. \\le are pleased to announce that the paipt now paBSes lhc fingerprint test and that male rncmben are going up in a cloud of Btcam from 10 a. m . to 6 p. m. every day except Monday. Not only th&t, but the boyB are getting their bodiea unkinked with mfl~age. Jack Kress and Da niel Shull are expe rts in t he an. of u.nknott1ng mUAClea. The other day they worked nn a particularly atubborn ca.ae. A ya.cbtama.n JU8t back f r-um the Acapulco Race came In with b1a right arm dune up in a clo ve hitch. The ma.88eurs had him out 1lf it in 110 tin1.·. f' ' ·--~~--------~~-~ TOP REALTOR 'MEN OF YEAR' Matt l.a Borde, left. waa dulrnaled "top ll•t•r" Md Hamid Bn~r "t~ ·ea1um1fi.._!-.·ror 1955 al-uuiual awarda dlnnfr prognLm ht ld a t Villa M.a.rlna J-.n. 18. KNEW TRUTH WOULD OUT Supervisor Featherly Aamits 'Rumblings' on Hospital Care IANTA ANA (0CN8) -''I tor ei..: wecka." mew tom• ot thil •u rolns to r .. lh..-ly term..i th• •ltu.aUon. ooma "out,•• l!ipwvtmor 'C. M. al ~ hoeplt&l "an unforlunata (IJ') ,._lherly told OCNS after thins", and u.Jd 1.b• boa.rd ot h• wu informed of an uclu.ri.,. .u~n "hope• to set It cor- OCNa 11.... •too' on m&ltl"Mt· rect.ed u .-oon u pomlbl•." menl ot Onns• county Hospital .. u .... • . t'cn """ S It ot ": ~ ~::.. ~ .NVtVW· u nit er.q. Oounty ~ Hoa- ~~·-: :a::tm"=1 .~~ Aled After ta.utatto. tor .. l*1t(lh ot Ume. • "I ean. bell..,._ and I ha'H Ill) • ...... .. ....... •· ............ Crash Here an a kit ot th1ll.p that D9ed correcUlt.s •t u.n. .. r.U..V mid uat: ·~ L\NI'A ANA (~} -A. .._ Jt&.Ltw bu cMrp or tbe craa 1n Newport a.ell .t.q. IT, ....-.i U put ot las. ~ ltla WU the ba.titl ol & N0,000 ..... '--. ,...~ bluMd ,.-a.i ID.Jury d&m&p .mt plaoo---iMlt ol a oolllpftebl medl-ed 1111 me 111 IQl*'ior Court -.. _,, ...... -Uri• altu&Uc& ntd9.J". .. ma UM ...,......,.._ Md ,.... on.. ectlon ei.m. fr'Ola a two- t111.-t th b09Jlltil tO htn ·a car colllatcri laTOhotlls Cllrl'I .. m M '1' dlnotor_M a Ml&rJ' of WUd17 drtft:ll 1rJ' ll&nlq W&.lt.- 11....... bl.It wtU. lb• pivwUo erw and O..\'left K clDtfN, lllO U.t u muob u f ll,000 • ,._,. addnee ,tnn. cwJc1 M paid. Howe<fWi U.. llaa-Gce:'1•T• KclAt)Te u4 Mr t. .._ ~ etat.d. ''You JIUMlll'V l..J'dl• lAhtln• cbU'l'9 ce.a't Mn a ~t mtMllcal th• det~&t\t B&m•J wan.. dlt.ctor fflr tAaJ: a&laJ'1 -not and MUr1el Jfolt -with n•lfl..-ice. wry ..._uy. \Vt'"" bHn lrJ'lnl Ttl• plalnttrt1 w•r. ln a 1t.eUon· WlMn aJl'hl ia tumtt1r to day wa.ron. l')r da7 la turnill« to nl&'bt. th&t"a The crub occurred Au1. 27, th!! mo.t dan.ireroua lime tor the 19M Gent\111'Tt MclJ'llyn ...U <!r iver. Th• N•Uon•I Aulomoblla 13."> 800 •nd Lydia l.Ahtln1r J lt'i.· ~-hil) lld\"l•I"• \•nu l o rl rl\'e \hrn 1~110 !n1 l n 1•11\ .. ,, all"g""lly Lncurrtd "''h ·•lr• <''"''" I '" 11>1 1111.,/111p • ~\- SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY HARBOR DRUGS FEB. 16-17-18 MO I E. Clout By .. °"""'" de! Illar lronin9 Board All metaJ-..M-ln,.b MIJu.ta.bM -t'ully \"Mtllated -It bela-bt Mlj ... tmc.nt•. ~pl&r '3-•~ SS.49 ~-II-ti RStll Bathroom Scales Pink, Yellow, Grttn. $4.19 Ivory & Jadlt., HM&. P roof GlaM Coffee Cereal MUCJS Bowls 3 for 27c ' 'PAYLESS . Lux Hand Soap ._,. 9' .., .......................... -.................................. . ==~~ .. ·····--····· 1' Palmolive ~II=~· ............................ -................ "' ...... 10' ~ .......................................................... 1' Gian I 8lu ...... 111100 llue D~ent ......... 63' Luxury Facial Tissue 61' Scot Paper Tow•I 27' Aluminum Fail ----" --.. --. :-.... 21 ' Wn PClfMI' ""' -.... --------· .... --······· ... 19' Salldwlch lats 6' CO$MET1t!S C heramy Skin Reralar tiM \\lib Dt.P"llM'r .•..... Rcru-Ja.1 ~9o "'~ Balm .1'° 59' . Dennetic• Hand & Body Lotion \ \'rJue 1 ""~ ~~~~~~~~~~~-. U11preoedcoted : tO~ nfl-'"Ellaabo!t.b Ardlin"' Skin Lotion ..... \"Mo. t?.%.) \"a.I.,, .. _____ . .,_ .......... 3'0 ..... \"&.lue 12.%~ , . .,"" . Clean•in9 Cream Oran9e Skin Cream 1"' ,' 1,,, ~ 2" -~ ~ 1" ..... \'rJue ··~········ ti.oo .................. 2·· \'ah., _ ................ r Face Pawcler Vanity "'FR&f.:" wlUI pu~ of Cot)' ""'!f " Up11ll,.k• Creme Hair RlnM ':'\e~·· Dtlnn1"UC11 '"Ufe" I Or •. Upsticu 61' H~--~::!'t7.n..':'°Y i for prke of t .................. 1" -Jii!tirli ~l TIN'S OUT! --· A NEW CONCEPT by .J.ENTHlRICI N-... tM~~ 111th.wrld1o~I T......t S'"" H..ir N~-• •It aad 1--b.lz' !Id 1hai lauahl al wad .- rain. Be1a11fol, fntlel11 rh.11 eo11lal11et -~ti•. C..t_.,. _.. ttioul DCW liquid LaaolaiJ l.o b.iih· licht JOIU' hair. 5'i1tlJ -1od with Tweed. ONLY ti.SO pl .. taL s...1 .. -..1 .. s. .. r ... wm1 --SPRAY HAIR NET PAYLESS For Liquor & Wines SHADY GROVE BLUD J'D'TH l . .. noor ......... 79c • • • • ~87 Kentucky Host Kentucky 1'00801' an.AU OLD 100 Paoor l'lrT1I Silver Ripple Gin • •aoor I I Jt .•• , .... ~ TV T!_'CT $1.59 11 ..... ,.,-Wl"OQC'"t lroao lep wllili. ,.,.._r • ti,,., -•'d. CC!lora, Mod ,..it--.. Piao Uc • Gc:a'clen Hose $2.49 Lone i..au..c-a YMf' o~._ t'Uablt-., Ucbt~·earfU--60 leeL I Bowl Sets o:•fLV 39c "' 'PAY LESS ... La•dry Cam la pink & ,.u-,...-...,.; ... ....,., ... Fold. for ato,...-.. &ec. l.N -··········---• Metal Wente laskets ::;~~;~~:~ .. -~~" ............... -···-···· ...... 19' lie) iCli.. .. • ..., •• :;::)'~~--~ .. ~.-~~·-··-····-· ····-··-····31' __ __ ... Mfllll _ G_art>a;e -~ ::::~ro:~~ .. ~: .. ::: .......... _., ... _21• Plastic FrlcJl-laxes ::::::..: He ···-··-"·"-·-......... -... ··-·--·---· .. ·· 41' Al-iii-Pen:olator • U.p ........................... st' • Wltb U.. higl><ot ~ of oldD ....i pndMoa, we oompoand your doc:tloil"a p ... rtpu... hum ,,_ -of Polm& •• ~ Helflag lhu lo ..te..,.i you -'"Olli' prof-...i ·-lllliilr· - • I t I I )' l ' I I. I I Blx:ly.o-per o.nt. ~ dltflculty YOUnr at the polla ~ c•~ ot JIOO'f' h&ndllnr. · El~~-I*° C9lll t,annd the 'BOvd' ~~ rotnc on ~ to d•ma.Qd"-f~1 meth0d' 9t hud.o · Vq~ ........ ~~· ;J>iir cent pre:lalTed th•--~ to, dearol pneral pollU* · alld oandldsto tor oft104I. ' NI~. ntne per cMl.t lhou&'ht th a t a , property admlnl•tered 1..-¥Ull could a.ccompil!5h the nm.- Sood .. th~ tn the Lakewood O~L Ntnsty-t<igbt pet u.nt l;\&(lnltely conceni.ed over how high U!.• l&.l.&e could rtM.. 1\tty-ae'V9l per cent r.n.swered that their 1"drr\ll eould not attord pe.ym~ ot tws'I• 4.han no ~ month and !8 per cl!nt Pl.4 they .... .,,ted p.aym...nt.. t,llLdiar the $IO mark . 2 Local Driven Hurt in Crash Two P"rlKln" were Injured at S p m . Mond11y In a lhtll'!e·C9.r auto accu1ent on OJut H ighway .outh of Bay!!lde Drtve. Only one of th" lnJut?.!'I required hOillpit&ll· u uon. Treated at Hoar Ho.pit.al wu l!lhidey May Cook. H , of SU Gflvernor St., Coat.a M.-a. on. ot the drlvera. Jt.lao hurt _. .. -- other dr1ver. Samuel St..rHnr emlth. :51, of 3&07 Lake St. 8m'ith Nf'uMd medic-.J. att.ndon. Offlcera -.Id none of tbe drlver-9 wu abl,.. to c 1ve a cle&r p!ctur,.. of wt111t h•pJl""n~ . ..a.yLnr "It all bai>pent!'d loo fa•l-" T hird clrtver Involved wa.. D1lv· IM Krlly 36_ of San Diego, whll WU unl n j1•r~tl. M r~ Cook'~ car !pun in • com · plf:t,. , 1rl·l,. \luring thf: accident, p<'I'•"" s111•1. --... .. ~- ,_..,, 43' DU5$1NG .. .. ... ... "' .. "9J ~~ ....... ~ ... v,,..i ,. .. , OOSO!fA DEL KA.It .. CloMt JIW}'. A.OOllD'B LAGVN A BUCH ........... , a.u..oA 181A..'VD ,.. ........ ,... NEWPOlll' BEA<JH ... 0..-.Bwy. ti;;~Avb1c., # , UNPRECEDENTED SALE 20%off Four F .. 11ou• Preparations ARDENA SKIN LOTION UH oa. •••• Rep!ar 2.25 .••.. now 1.80 26 OS. •••••• It~ 4.00 .•... •ow s .20 "pl. ..... ~ 9.50 ......... 7.60 AltDENA CLENNSING CREAM SK-.. ••..• Regular 2.25 ••• ,, now 1.80 I OL ••••••• 1'qular 3.50 .•••• •OW 2.80 Ail.DENA VELVA CREAM SK oa. ••••• Regular 2.25 •••.. BOW' 1.80 11' os. 1,,., Replor 3.50 .••.• n°"' 2.80 ARDENA ORANGE SKIN CREAM 1"' os. ,., •• R~l.r 2.00 •.•.. •ow l .'6 SH -. ., ••• R~l.00 ••.•. oow 2.4D _,.._ .. _.awawlr·-~-·-· ta•MWl'elli I • -Prwwwlplloz ............. ... -~tA.1- CRAWFORD' l>, ~ ........ ~4 u s.ua"A FREE Dl'lLIVEBY • We Otve S&:H Gftem Stam~ 1804 Newport Boalevanl la ....,. of Shop'-' SA~tWAY Perfect For _Thur S~¥ Dinner This pretty-as-a0 pldul'e .-st h •~: ,,. tender, It's -from UsoA Chol•,~ loeef. Properly trimmed Mfore -•!'l"'t POT ROAST 8a.feway Chuck RoMt,juiey ud fort.t«idiiif, ... the rich ftavor-yw pt <nty iD'tba &:.& ,...m .fed ii.er..._ 1$'1 a.dnllllky, -.cy roMt-trimmld tr. olnot9 bone md W..- Pvinc you inoNcWicinoJI beef lw your moaey! • l~39c ROUND BONE ROAST ~Cltol<I..., .. 39c .. 29c Pure P~ $a.s1g9 · ....... ..9c ;-3; fbllSllch i='' ~ 39c h ... Sllrillp :· '':: SSc Feature buys thi3 -ekei&if • , • ... l;:!:!" :: •tc 'oril"'9'~1ut .. . -•7c &oi.• Corn ..... -·,.. -· " -23c SllcM .. b .. ... Apricol HI I Yes -· -17 c Slla4 leels ... ... MsmlloOlrries --"' 16c 0imc11CM11e ::::~ Jell.w.U '" , , -3""' 22c Wenl ""' "'""" 2 ';.: 29c 2'~19c ,..,., 19c ,,~ ...... Z7c ll\'o«. "' 1 Sc '"! 19c ..... ,.&Sc 11~ ... 31 c ":o.•3c Coldbrook Margarine , ..... 2:i!:25' Del Monte Peaches sa.w. lkCll 25' (> Zee· ~Jl'r Napkins Din•«!'•~.,.·"' a 10' Best rlods Mayonnaise .... ..,,., 49' Jell-weD --"""' 3...,, 22c ChXT111 .......... Clleaillle<Mnles •: S7c R .. Sllllol -·- OllllNI Cookies .... .... ,.. Z3c Spill Lm Mm :.-z Vlelufilllers 111 ... -. 25c fr!ClsseeOlkken .. ... P...illller ....... 39c WW.Olldl11 .... . ..,. .. 1.59 3 ..... 39c Slllllwldl Sprll4I .. ,,. "' 3~ Seip Ma ~.:.!".=.:. r.l...I ..._... 16.• 1f Be oar 1aeat. Yes, we like ,,._ ...., •• IS ... to think al you u our ru .. t ....... ,..-..-. -...... s•· "hen you violt our .to,..., DfQll ..... .,..... A To MrYe you.well and eour· •• ...1 p 1"• · teoualy ia our most lmpor~ w-..,. ... ... , tamjob. Bel-Air F,....,. Food V "'"'' Blended Juices ..... 15c 6r1pelnlH Juice •~ ... Ile Grape Juke -leinontde T...,ineJulce Sliced Peltbes ...... 17c ...... IOc ....... !Sc ........ 19c U.S. N 1111lw O•, • p1111111 RUSSET. POTATOES s,. •• t1t-ski ••• 11111 sou• •if-sizes. Ive..,. -hGlld-at s.fewoy this -'1 Their ...._ltett.d jodllh ate deon-c&-o·whi•. IM9IJ, tftey --"P ..... Hy. Acivorlr.il.1-·lbw-Sof-,. b,y· eri ,.,_, ...... po~. W• hoYe tM pidr. of _.., u.., _.,.to -net. ni ... o .. i"" ritM for boldno. frying. er boiliftQ. You'U b. t"d~ ...... wit11i ,....... fr-Safewoyl Fuerte Avocados IOk 39' ""' Mo "" ... 19' .: 10' .• 10' ., a..,,.., flavw _,fr'/ ~-•'Wfall11rr••••" poht••••• ............ ,....., ......... -.Nr ... t .... - ~dditi<mal Fre1h Prod1U!• Diies """' ,, ... !Sc ... ... . Celery Hurls ... 23c He aeana a lot to yoa-the produce expert In our et.or• who ..a that JOU pt fruit. and ngetablee at the, peak of their pnciOWI fnebneu. __ , _______ .... tapwldl•+' .... of.,.._.lllmp.._,,....,.,u, I• Grljllfn!H -. 8 :; 39t .. ... ii 0.MZlp -- Cll11•W'Ma I_ l , 01111 ,.,, ....... ...... ..nw1ss•Mt.lt1 ..... 21· .... 30' """"'..... 2 ........ 29' :::::-.. .... ":c..;.":tft':~lo.~ Bel-Air 1'rout1 V 1getabZ.s ... .., ........ 39c Fde .. UmalelllS , ....... 21c ...,U.ltnns ...... Z3c •melsSpMls ,.,..Zic MIM¥11llllllls _,.. 17c H C'UH/ioltl Cl<at<irag A idl Sa-pllli Delergell ... ,, .... '" Trellll D.eter1111 -, ...... 37c Rll-bkClen$er ,,,_ , ..... tc ,_.,_ Z '!:Zic ,,,_ .. lie • 1Dl NIWPORT IOuUvAllD, COSTA MIS#' In jtl.ot f 11-1 1111 llr ........ ,.,. can haw UW doONrt .r-t NOdf MARBLE CJHmC8 DSllYllTI: llha- pl7 p-.... pocbp -ol - .,..,,d new INSTANT Cboeol• adv .. nilla Puddfnp. aeoordinc to p·±p tlS.. rect.iom. ~ apocm. ._... _. vanillt. piaddtDo tDto tll.W I'' ,_ "m&ri>led" .,.... Tvp -• k ... . ch~~ .. a· •(.,. • mcbn llsldl:r botw 1& -..... el wuod -). :l'll&fs olll " . . 11111111Pi•l211 -1-~ OloaWs&i' .. oms --=• Honey6r1llom1 .-... ;....;~· __ ..,,....'9._ ..... _ Cno• O' c,,, ... 55". ·.:. ii . ...-; ... •11.:• ' ' INakfaats-n. '"' ) ktd llul. blsil .... ..., ..... Jollr • "' , Tart Pm.d ChenlM Angel,_.Mlx Ptlillllly--. rlf' llool IHI. • 39' Cherry-Vanilla._ Creaiw Cofilfl• -2 ll di&. 47. Cheny Sherbet '"" l'iWI 2 ll .... 29' ean ... a. •• -llllo Con•:11101M Mlllr --..... ,,.t• 49'/J• .1 ..... 111111. PrlW An IOI' i...t ........ I 11 l I AT BORJtEGO SPRINGS -Mr. and lira. L. E. Sprague and t.belr children, Pa.ula, 4. and Bradley, 1, of 1678 Club Me... Place, C.O.ta !deaa, relu on their va.ca- tion at the Deaert Lodge in the aun-splaahed deeert community. -Apple Moun· l a.Jn Gallery ...... A.a&..\. Girl Jcout News Bro~1 1 ·rruop 83 under Iha 1u.,\er1hlp or ~I r.• K C. Edie went lo Huntuigton Beach to v1a1t the Be•ch<:<ln1ber Oub -.hell rQ;l!ttllon a nd fo11nd thry couldn't cov"r th• en\1rr 1·ulltct1on in one ¥1•11. Jl waa a very •ucce .. fut t le ld trlp fur !heat: youngat•ra. 8 m wnl• Troop .)i with . M.r1. C. M OJ...on, Jead"r and Mn , NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'1 Editor PA GE 4 -PA RT I -NEWPORT HARB OR NEWS-PR ESS WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 15, 1956 Rob<tr l l4eavve, ro·le.a411.r vL.attod --------------------------- Newpt,rt !leach Pullet Depart· m.nt · la.ft -...It a nd enjoyed a pidad tour. nwi fl"rioua WM!k th•y made •pool top• for lb" cM\drsn'1 wctd a t Hoa1 llt - tnorlal Ra.ptl.ll. • J(r1. HMry \v"aWaer Jr.. fra~ and' Wra. W lll 1lm Wnjfht-, co- ltad•r, wiUl Brow nle T r<.op 6~ visited , UM l h•ll Mu.11eum at Lh" Balboa PaVWan '~ found m&ll)' lll~Uhc ~1mf'l\a. for fl vrry enjoyabM ft•ld t rip Party for Vets at Legion Hall A Valrnllnf' pa rty 1.• "ing held t.od&y t6r th• di-bled vtt· erln• fl"Oll'I Loo111 , Beach• V.A. lfo1pll•I In tht Amtrlcan Ll!rJtln Clubhou.llit, 10th Ill. and W. Bay Ave. Cbalnnan 11 Mr•. Roberl J Br-l(p wtth the 1uxll\1ry mtm· lH-ra a-.u nr. Gold Star Wlvu ot Orange Coun17 wtll 1pon10r the party next -.0.Ua for Ll• ~et•r•n•. ..;: . Mra. Bllly 8b1w wlU be bo.- l eaa ror Ward e party, l"eb. 20 .. at , t..oas -..Ch V.A..., Boapltal. 'CHUCKO' COMING FOR BENEFIT SHOW SATURDAY -: ,_ C."-kcf. the Mrtbday clown ot KABC·TV·e "Chu.cll:o'• "t'Clrtotlbr .bow .W •ppear In 11-ereori a t lh• U do Thea ter, Feb. 18 Jr. conjunction with tht' Heart f''und ~netn muv1~. "AbbOtt and 0-ltillo." Sponaored by th• Newport Hlll'bor P-TA Council, Cbucko will rntrrtaln youngatert1 oi all llKl!'S, give a 111·a7 prl&ee and g1ft•. tell hlll bt!lllt clown .11tonea <1ral ~ a1111u:1Jli trlclu. ,,,. Chueko la really Ch&rt"a M. ltun)·on, 1 forme r paint . ll&JNman ancl alrcr-U't workf r. H e LA bMt known for wtypplnl' up balloon crPet1onJ1, 11.llhough until hi! entriu1r•· 1nto t"levi~· Ll}fl , Chucku'~ hobby Um .. w11.a devoled Kllely tu eloWl'lLng •t ehU<lren'• J rlvat .. blrthoUy parlle-. FAC to Honor Junior Group Honorlnr !he junio r 1nrmber· ahlp, he•<led by Mr.11. WILiard Balley, pr.,ald .. nl, th" Co11ta Meaa Jl'TloUy Aftl!lrn"°n Club w ill holtl a poLLuclc Jwtcheon at the club· houR Frld1~y pr'!'Clldl ng th" reru· tar mel!ltlnlf. Ot11er JU•"t" wlll be T roop 37 o r the IQ('al Girl Scout.I and their-Leader. Mr11. J')oya Hubbard. Thr scnuta "''\II cive tlle pledge 11nd thought fnr the day. Mr• Hubba.rd wJll xiv• a ahort talk on the a lma anr\ work ot 'the Girl ScmJlA. Th,. procran1 wu llrnnged by Mrs. A . I.. P1nll:1ly, c" 1Jrn111.n of th• community ler· vlce co1nmlttee The afternoon rrorram wUJ ~ 1:l ven by a g roup ()f excbance 11.tt1dert11 from Sant& Ana Ool- 1.-gr. lntro<luc.rt by Mr9. PauJ H . Ro~.rtl. vice prealde.nl and pro-- ,1i:run1 chah·rn11U1 . COL. Wil..LLU( CABELL CHAPTER, D AR, ha.a a collection commemorating the bktJldaya of 11Jneoln and Wuhington at Richard's MarkeL Included Ui a circu- ... alroa l8'D. tor the pruerv&t.ion o! Mt. Vernon, owned by Mn!. Anne Harbe90n, 2nd ..SC. recent. wboee grandmother helped start the project ; a Civil War ~ cbarp: ot IMS to Actinc Eris. L. H. Harbeson ; & Paisley sb&wl &nd colonial lamp, propwty of lira. Robert L. Keppen. \'iewing the dleplay are :r.tra. A. L. Pinkley, .._,..tot the chapter, &Dd 0 . W . R ichard. -Staff Pbo...o Foues Have Boy .A. ..., l:IOJ 19 a MW arrival ta tlli ..,_., ef Mr. and M.ra. ... Foa. T•l Plua del Su.rt, l(_,-l --.ch. ,,_ ctatld ..... ~ ,.._ I In Hoq-Hospital. 1Wade11 Have Girl ,._,. ,.,_ta th• oan .,. )Ir. ... l(n. Don W adf'. 845 o.,ttal a . oe.ta )Ina, follow· · a.c u. MrUI ot • d•uJhter F•b. I ia a-. Hospital.. Son tor the Kellye Puut. .t a ~ '91' "" Mr. u d MN-Jolln Kelly, 1174 Oak tit ., ea.ta M... 'nlll llOn WM ..... hb. I lZl H~( H oaplle l HI GIRLS Coming unglued ? Are you a erea~ing, sagging" bundJe of nerves? wnet you've got to do, honey, is shift out of high ge•r ••. and •.• RELAX _ ..wi the NIAGARA THERMot.cYCI..0-P AD. . "Oood' for the bull<o, too, You can get all tllla - , ANb .MORE -al - .'. Health Studio .,........_._ 't'I. ~ t!all m ,.,_ fw -.,..._.I fer PW&E DEMOS~TRATIOS-"NO OftLlllATION• lot Ma..111 l'!ltff'<'t BalMa ,..,.,.._ t'"' .,,......., rrnm ftaJlwwl hnl) .... _ .... ___. _. __ . -·-.... . .. ... . ...• ----· County' Kappa Alums Aid in Easter S~ Ca~paign Mra. F. ,.... Dtdl.....,.., ~1 T. r . wutan. P'UU.-rt.en ; WaJter WMt _,. A ...,, WU ~ at 0 . Haldi, Co-ta Mt.a! W , B. tM tuncMoa m•Uac °'-t; Dlcldll90n, ...ramee 8 . Stodda rd. Dpp. Q.mra. AlwnAM ·a. AoMn lAftk•r-, R. P. ltornll, \ Uoa of Botatllern Oran&"• lJ' JON. J.latUe B. Lacy &Dd Ruth reb t .u.t.Uftl we.re Mmu.. R, Ma:itwt.ll, Mme•. M....,. Leu 1.oui ... OaflaftMr, A. 8. Randy TonnHOn. Dkker...:.i,, SLNttlft, J and PttW l\Mllck J. E.. Kelm, Stroller Wblte, Rob-r . P . • ert Blackm&r .,nd o.llaper. JI~ a..,au.J~11'44!d Tba nl!'tt-" meetbls wtU '\e & ·a the Jbtt · l'lAl.l dMM.rt lundle<:rh on T1n11'11day, plan. wu• made for tN ann\lal Manih 8, 11.t thf. home of Mr•. rumm&g"e •I• to be held Friday, Hilton, t Oi8 We.t 20th St., S&llla Mardi Jt. the loce.Uon to be an-Ana. Co-bo.sttiUee wtll tMI Mm".s. nounoed Jatf'r. Th• arte"'oon ••• Luiker and BHk. ~ t ftlllill" en velopa tor the • &aster aed ca.mpalp of the Or- ange County' Societ y for Cr1ppled ctitk!Mt, the Kappa philanthropy. Assembly of God Evangelist Team ELEPHANT SAFARl -Hoag Bunten, new group of Hoag Hospital A uxiliary, it headed by this group, here enjoying morning coftie at the home of Mre. Leon Yale, .f. Rudder Road. Left to rl¥ht, seated, are ~tmes. Willian1 Bauer, lra L. Reed, Laguna Beach, W. Worth Bernard and George McLaughlin, secretary. Standing, Mn1. Yu.ii', who i.8 tcn1po.rary •Chairman, and 1'.irs. J ohn F. Oodgl". The "W&ri" ii a permanent hunt for "white elephants" for the annual Fund f.~a1 r Staff Photo HOAG HOSPITAL HUNTERS NEWEST AU~ILIARY UNIT T o Collect all Species of 'White Pachyderms' When membe rs of Hoag Hospital Aux.iii "w hite elephant" booth at la.st summer's nua.l benefit for the boepitaJ, they found staffed the Fair, an- suecfftUul and pleLIJ&nt an a.111oc1&tlon they decldrd to form a chapler . ARE ORGANlZINO Meetlnl' recrnlly at th• home of Mr•. J ohn F. Dodge, 13 Rud· der Road. they be,pn pl"OCell1 or organization or th\~ fifth ch11pter, The Huntera. Mr•. D. M H u1n · mell, aUXJIJa ry pr•aldent M d Her- bert Btr0&cht:111, vice pno:afd r nt In charce or chaplert. conduct..:! the meeting A cnmmltter. headed by Mr1. Lf'on Yale. ch&lrm11.n pro tern, wa.a appointed work out bylawa a.nd to Le ofl.lcer1. to be preaented a the early March meeunr of t au:xWary. D u.ti• ot thla. chap- ter will be Ule eOfltl ed hunt· Inc o! "whit• •lepb&ll fOT uie 1-'un<l F11Jr. Other ch er.11 a.re UI• Sa.nt.& An&, Lac Bell.Ch, Copa de Oro, lllld !\"lg nplra JS CL11UED Prellf'nt a t the ln1ll11.J ••i:.e Mm ra. Jlummell, Sll' IN EARLY MARCH Oo.li:e, Yale. \\'Lll1am T R1u.1er l.awrence J Klyn, li:1a M "1mlth , E. C. Spr>l.lf\lf, Wilton Gn.-r. G"'Otl>'t loli l.au1htln, H U Dllf" rlngton. J H G1tlllh1er. El1L•· bf.th Hunter, J-T ank Stark. J ohn Stark, C..:111.I k Kounta, J uhn ~lac· Le.i>tJ, Broe• H-, Urb11n Brh. C..: H Ru'1U. !!;(!WI.rd Boyd, M A Rou, C..:luirlca Goodlnf!;. D11n lel f'atll"°n, R. L. &eon K V> .\letc11lr, T. L. Ree<!, 'A'orth Ber· n11rd and Harry H . Ca !W'-"' Sharmans H ave Girl ·r .,lllnj: all lheU" frlen.Ja thi11. w~k or I.he birth of a b11by cirt are M r . 11 nr! Mr1. Dir k Sha r - man. 1 OJ• Grovr Pl•< t, r·,,:1!11. \ ,\leNI . Thf' rh1ld wu born J-~rb II 111 .. lnair: Ht>11p1tal, I ---- Spring Festival Plans of Ebell 1'11rkcr, J ame1 Arown. Chllrle• Eaton. \11ma R11od .. WadlelKh And A 0 l~ynch "'ho belong lO the club'• art aectJoo. of ....tilch llr1. Matthlaa 11 l_d.,r. Tile)' work through thll ye11.r with Jo11n \ Irving l::lrandt . Corona dill Mar 1.1rtlst With the nllffiing of additional chairmen, plans for lhe Ebell club's annual &prlng feativ&l a.re fal ling into shape a.nd members were reminded of the March 8 event when 1956 SWIMWEAR 1s arriving DAILY OPEN SUSDAY ..... 0. tae ~ ..,._. Ill U.. Sl. NIWPOIT IEACH A del11htfuJ mua1cat progr•m "''U given by Cly de and J oycr ulch. H lo11 were mut•rfW piano orka. both (IU :olcal and lntrr· etlvr, n1odern and of u other and 1ncluded Chopin. Bee· t ven. G•rahw!n and other con1 · ra. Mr1, Zulch g&VI! a.m11"1n11: h1 llght11 ot tourinl with her hu d thro ugh the•Un!ted s A \'l1U thf' .,_. n-llhop at Klrb&nJ',. l.Jdo Marlirt. Drll'hl -..di -aad cl•ck full of hoi-•u- tlrut n o"'""'· Call alCKAKD'.~ . , . for t 'orM(l!'tl, Arr&nlff'l'rlf'ntfl. \\'eddia&• •• ~b~. Attendtnc Y!•r• MIN Anna ~Jami.a, Bat!. Otmente; M.mee. Oeorp w.n.ltt, Barton BMk. and Jack D. HJlt.ori. 8-nta >.aa; J . TboCnu a.....-.. a.or-1• Bat- ley. Walttt R. 8m1lll Md Mar- aha..U e.d1, i...-.. Be&dl; Han· dy, ~: ftealclt, 'Yorb& Unda; Evu,.eli.11t and )()a. Cart \\'. On.-y ot M.LMourt wJU be at th1· "-mbly oi God Chuttb. nnd an,t Eiden. Coat.a Mesa, lr•b. 16 to :ZS a.t T:SO p.m. each day exct"pt Mon. day and Friday. Thi IWv. M.. ...:. - Cronic la p&1Lor. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA Kl:BA , CH.4PtCL lTtl Bqperlor Avenwi CIU.P!:L BT TKll BE.A 3t20 l!l. Cout BlYd, Corona d•I Ku, Ca.llt. """" -CallL Pboaa L.tbe!'ty 1-2121 Pbon• Harbor U ~ DIMPLI KNIT SPANKY PANTS Pl.AIN 'N PRINTID In rnnk or blue vlolrU on white. :Z-lt yni. 69¢ Pl•LA 85¢ Prunod iarnous D6mpM I( rMI cotton . R~autch P.,. strona weart --..Uc .... wlCll91-ns Pl"'fKt mt loft picot ruf'Wea fof" an .va touc1I of )'0Unt-cil'1 il•morl Qtekti:~ No"'°'11nc.C.rter-Set• -.,.,. won't lllrink out OJI tit. In Pl.nk, bluf! or yell~ ro.tebu.da; or aolid while, 11-... 2·14i yra. Shopping Boan 9:00 L m. to 5:30 p. m. NE\VPORT In The Lido Shopping Center-Harbor 6291 • FODILS 49doz. ' , I I 1 \ I #, , I ... , .. ,.,~ .. ..., .. ~ ......... . ...... -... - COUNTY YOUTH WORKER will add.reu 1 Newport P·T4 lloadl7 aftwuooa. Left to right are Mn . John Allen, parent education chalrmall; tbe 8-. WUUam J. Barry, director of the Catholic Wel!a.re Bureau and member of LoDs Beach Parmt- Teacher Council; Mrs. Jack M . Bradbury, P-TA pre9dmt. -Staff Photo .. NEWPORT P-TA TO HEAR COUNTY YOUTH WORKER ft&Wlks .... ,..,. w. 11tll ,.t.. ea.ta M-. fClilJowlltc u.. blruL ... ... ... _ ... fer Costa Me.'s NEWPORT HMIOA NEW$.Pll£5S ~ 'ART I • gM ~AY, FUaUAIY I.I. 191.6 letet· l'laln _ 1.lt Decron Butcher Unen ----'+--· • Orlon I c.tloa Clie·q--. .,.,,.--'_ .. .. . - NEWPORT HICACH ASSISTANCE LEAr.UE mem-Police Capt. Harry Lace .... ,~ ....... w ." ...... ,.,. hen;, 1'.l ri;. h a}' J vhnsun. chairman and ~l rs Ed.'A·ard John A!l~n. !'-TA ch&ifrn&n ot BIG DOLLAR DAYS . L d w k f s parnil eduea uon. 1ftllct t Jr , president, lend a hand at the Hu bert H. aU S Q [ Q peake r O!'oi l1'A 001..i!"C.'IL. Olander dental clinic which ia the League'1 chief Ool.ttctor ol Catbolle 'i\'eltare for Fridcly & SatwMy Feb. 17-18 philanthropy. Ca..se11 are refen-ed t o the cltnic by "One of -the n1011t timely toplc.e scheduled by the loc&l th• ("Ounty, F'r. Barry IA f•n the ~Yla'.Jry board ot the l.,.()n g Bea.ch elementary school nurseti and P-TM. Some 350 elementary Parent-Teacher Asaociation is to be presented Council. CCPT, and ree~ntly 11.d· ca.sea have been cared tor in the pa.at JO mont.ba. at the Newport Beach elemenla.ry auditorium. Feb. 20. a.t dr~ 500 pennt. tn th" Lalut-_----I wood &AL Ha decl&rea thal all 2 p . m . The t opic ''Tomorrow's Teenagers'' is to be pre-parent. ot elementary #<.h01.tJ-11.g11 CHILDREN AWA.Ir their turn at tbe dental clinic which. with three operat ing rooma and 1.n office, occupies much of the apace in the A88iatance League building on Via Malaga.. Coffm an Family Has Reunion The Walter E. Coflm&n born• • l 830 Plum Place. Co.la M'I&. w11• the &eUl• of a rs.cent fa111ily n-unl011 wJth M.r. Ctittman'• 88· year old fatber, Waltu B. Cott· •r1a.n ot Ph04lnix., A rtz., whom h' hfld not -tor 10 ye•n . A\11() vl11IUn1 ..,_.. Mr. C<iit - nian'e l'llepmolhft and hi; broUier Rolla wlttl ht.11 wtf• and two r hl!drt1n. M•rlan L.ee and Loy. The pa rty toured CaUfomll'I vi•ll· lntt other relaUvn and rormer A rkanaa• friend.II. •lopplnf tw1oe ln Colllt.a M t .... $ $ Days Are Here Again! Your M llAD "QIJNTf!" WHEN YOU llllOi> IN c ......... ' ~·· N'ot .. lar Ulir ~·IB~M.-. I 823i N•wp rt Ave. OOftA ........ ":• Gift ... a.-....... H enrotin Birth 1 Mr. and Mra. Charle& Henrotln. !'I07Y.. Jftth SL, Newport Beacti. proudly imnounc.d t.bll week th• birth of a daughter, born Feb. I In Hoar H o.plW . Your .J.J-.lt~ .. &. E. ''Jlendrlcl<s, D.C. I Pain T1v-.h The HllCld •nd Face May le Sinus Trouble "nle IJlnwe•;... •re mo11t fanil· liar with are tboM klca\ik! 1n Ul• t orehe&d and d:utek bone.. Tbeir only ttternal openlnp a re amal! chann-1.1 lntt> t h& n011e and lhf'...t.' The .uiu.-11.ra Uned with mem- branu covered w llh !!mall g la.n d11 , lh .. t 11ecrele mucou11 t o keep th<1 membrane& mol•l a.nd to protect 1 a.gaJ.nal 0.<'terlal invulon, The."Wi mi,ll cl.ands are cont roU ed tn the , prod'UcUon of mucou11 by nerve aneriy from th• brain. 8lnUI lroubl• and oold1 11no niurh aJ!lce except tha.t d!Kh•rge fron' lhe membru~ are •.unetlmM damm.p 141 Ill the alnu,_,~ l'•ll•lng d la.coml'br l and pain lnl.rfier.nce ... tth lhP nervou• contrO<I lo the 11tnu. nM!m bra.nps !1 Uu1 unde:rlylq catla9 or lll.n11.1 Uvuble. By NmOTlq' lhla lntll'l'fsr-j anca the Chiropr9.c~ en.able. Ole 1 .am-to tuncuonqiropt"rty. I For rood ReaJth,,Me JQUr Clllro- .,..ct6r. R. &. IAndrtck.a, D. C. Call Harbor If.fl ,or 411• J'or A.p- pelntmlbt., TOO e&maUOn. corona Ooll<A<. sente<l by the Rev. \Vil !iam Bury of the Catholi c Welfare c.h!ldren ahould rea.liU the great Bw-eau of Sant& Ana. Jt h.u been &lMlN lD •UCCUJ:lful conclu.lon•. re.11pon•1btU1y vemted in thern to my utreme pleu unr to have work-"-UK.EAT \4'0KI( crea ta a molld funl.ly re.lauorutup eel with Re\'. Barry 9e'ventl tlme.11 "He l• doing 11. c-reat work !n by 1urroun<1inl' youngrter1 with an 1n th• put With youn1•ter11 who our county, bn nginc new hope. at..mo9ph.ere ot love and under· hav• come to lh• a ttention ot lhl• happlnea., and direcUon lnlo Ui• irtandlnr and the k.tntl ot genulne office . live. ot young ptople and i. help-i;artng µiat brlnp out ther bat "Ht. complete un<Jerst.&ndlnc of Lllj'. build • fotindat.Wn of family f.n •ll atemben of the t1.m11y. ther p roblem• eileountere<t by the security lnto counU-.i ProlMt.alll "11 I.hi.I i. accompu.hed," hfl youn,gater ena bled frank . '1h><'Ull· -.nd Catholic horn•. &a}'W, "t.odl.1'1 pa.relit. w!ll feel aloiu tu ult1n1at~ly bring the a!lu-"lt would be ITIOfl dJIOcult 'to pride l.11 t.betracbteTemerit11.nd e•· CALENDAR OF EVENTS f1nd a •pefJl:er mars quallfllld la. pertlbce 1nn.w •u.t'actlon u chtl- bJ11 t1el<1, more lnter .. tsd la. tb4I dlWI r..cb 1'0W1I' adulthood and youth or today llAd what c.n be t&.ka thelr n.ptiCUva plaee9 In the done lo a.ui•l lbem wtth tb.alr comm uaJtJ'." prohleul.'I, than Rev. Ban')'. It ts ~ti and coffee wUJ ba 100 ball th11l the hour Jlreventa ..-.'91!1 inunadlately tollowtng the more p&rent~ and lnta"11ted per·· -ting &.nd baby-ailUng ""'ttl be .ona trom hean.ng: a. hlJhly Jntu. provided on lhe pl•Y·lrf'OUnd. e•llnc •~er 1..nd h.1 .. toptc." Feb. II NE\\'PORT lSl...AN'O Au•. s So My• C•pt. H&f'T)' i...c. o1 Son f o r McManus p. m. 406 39th St PRISClLLA Service Gulld th<" New,.,ort Bea.eh PQUcs depart· mf'nl of the •pe&k•r choeern tor UIS Newport HeAc h School P·TA meet· Ing next Tu.....,day. ' It l• the 11111<:en.• hap~ <>r rlvlc Mr. ind Mr•. J'rorna P.l c lol&n u11, %11 E. Ba.JOO& Blvd., Newport Bea.ch_. 11.re the parent.I or 11 boy ba.by bom Feb. ~ In Hoa..c l:I011pl· lit.I. 10 a. m . P tlg-rim llall Rli:U.UBLlCA N y,:Q~lli:~ Bal- boe Bay Club, loc•I, JU 11 . m .. countv ll p ni S./'W -fl ·4~ p. rn NHYC. 1,,.Qer1 ln our l'Omn1t1n11y 1111<1 the 1-------------- '"rroundlnii:: area lhRL th~ public Se · H D t.1k ~ &/h•antage ot the opportunity Ja3 ave aug hter t'eb. 11 , l•J he1u· th1~ dynamic a nd ~r!Kln- \\'(JftL! • J)A Y u~· PHAYt~R I ----I ~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= 1 J? p r:1 . :;.,,•enth-lJ.ay Ad•·ent1.11t Maher Baby Born Church. Mr . and Mr11. Donald Maher, F AC pol luck luncheon 221 Orchid Ave., r-.'awport Beach, EBE:LL. card •ec -1 pm club became the p11..r4!11ta ot a baby houa.. boy Feb. 1 In H<'lag Ho11plt.LI. w o •LD l•,o.V(lOGUE 5fll(~ ,.HIHf\ "WESTERN CANADA'" 8:20, Mon.. Feb. 20 A COLO•·Jll"" llA••lOGt1f-llOllttl ,.,.._.,, H.,..,_ '-• ta-'f aw Lo.la L..olM, 'l'a11<•••..,, Y°"o -JHpo< Hati.o.I '•th , I d--, "'• •II , ........ ltla •IMU••"'r. Celo ... ~lo l<•flald alMI ftle "I.Ude ra .. •a •" . , • ti< .. 1..0 .. 10, I 1', LN . Nl'::WPOltT HIOH ·80HOOL AUDITOIUU)I fld.to .1 c..-~ ...... " .... S..•lc• JMl'/, .. c...tJll•llw•, .. lei: OfRc• ~ ll•M •I •""•••4'· ....... 'N F.4BRICS 1779.,,_ Newport An. Costa Mesa l!Mpplog H..,. 9:00 a. m. to ~:IO p. & 3404 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT In The Udo Shoppin9 Center-Harbor 6291 Feb. 17-18 • Our Store it • Veritable "Never-Never Land" of Real Dresses S.rgains for Coste Me .. ' 1 ! UnlirH J"CK' ue •tislied wich lrvlcia It> "llQ\ltftC- . uniHI '°" ~ axlldll fO bir o,.,,......,;jt)i1 . ..a.ln1 you irnio, the dalll' "dpPel"" IUjll o• wat \bnJ ..xtpl our off.,,t IQ lrJ tbir STAUFFER SYSTEM ,,,,. J Thi• pto"l'eo pl1t1 ... _. .. ~-­ h•rd·l1><lc-i!Khirlo 1~ f'IMI' hii... nomtaf, .. kl .. .oo thi1hl . relanlo "°" .. ~ ci......,lalioo .. (.'l)l'1'KU T"OUr _..,~ .. and cnul• mold• ...,..r ronrou" read,. for 1rw;l1•1 t.lcDdirri.r.in• h•hinnt. FREE TRIAL TREATM ENT NO OBLIGATION CORONA DEL MAR Haber l742 3111 lint c-t Hltli-r "Dresses by "Alexander's" of Ca.ll.tornla" WeN • 117.96 -·---.. . ......... ·-·-·····-·· ·------ 18.911 ·-········ ···---··--··--··········-;.·- 22Jil> --·······-···--·-··-··---·······-··-··-··········-24.9~ ...... -·--·······" ·-···-··-----··········-·-"·- Dresses by "Bloomfield " Now -·~ .. 11 .00 111.oe Went Xow $22.IHI . -·-·-··· .... ··-·-········ .. ·---.. -···----·-·--.. --111 .00 414.911 ..... ----···"·---· ····-··--··-.. -· .. ·····-IS.00 29.911 ......... -................ --·----· .. ·····--······.. 15.00 34.00 .. _ ... _ .......... ·-----··-·-·-·· ....... _ 11.00 3".911 -·-··-·······"··-·-----------···-·-··-·····-!1.90 .~.00 U.00 $ S S Deys! .. Dresses by "Don Uiper" w_..· w .. 1110.00 ------------~ ... -....... .... __ -----~ !19.iei --·---·---·---· lf'f. ..... '"".1..-""(' 41.11& ..................... --.. ········-·---·-~-·--la.It ':J ~~('. 55.od -·----·· ······-·-··--.. ·----· -....... -.~ ' ,, .... " . ''·~ Dresses by "Dolly Meyers" Were ...... • ' 9.96 ....... _ .. ····-·----·-··---·---·--··-·---...... ':'' , •. ------------...... 10.90 ,. ... Formals Suits & Coats Knit Suits w~ 11 7.911 M .00 46.00 1'9.00 Were ··········-·-····-····-····-·- Blouses ,,_ ..... ..... lt.(IO ..... Xow St0.9G ............. -....... . ·-_ ............ -fl,.00 l2.llll ... ····-· e.oo Hand Begs Sow ..... ...... _ lG.AO V.'prft I 1.96 to 10.1116 ..• -.. 22,ge lo li.96 -·-· Jewelry 2 for the price of SO""' Wirre 11.00 --------······ .. ··•·" ' ,., JLOO ,,,. ' '" .... 3.9~ ....... _ ..•..•• I ••• ... . Robes by w,~ •19.98 :n.9!1 -· 24.111'1 .... "Dolly Meyers" Sow ··--.. ---110.M -----···-5.CMI ______ .. s.oe . ....... I .et Were .... 00 ~11.00 Werfl $10.~ -·----------------····· .... Skirts ·····-·-·····------ 29.911 ·········--······-·-····-··-·---·-···· 1&.el Pf.ff -· .. -··-······--....... '8.00 ·--·--··-·····----·------ 19.00 -·· .............. -----·-~ Petticoats w ... ..... .,uo __ _ ------···--...... JO.I& ---------.... 8.11 _ ............... -------·~---· ..... ' Jersey Dickies end White Collars \Yr:re r Ill• II !IO ···-··-· ........................... ·-··-----------------I tw ..... , •• 1 .9~. . ......... ·····--··--·-··---------·-·······--·-·---------% ....... . -...-Apparel )767 -a Newport Blvil • Coste Mue 5 i ,A6E 6 • 'AaT I -NEWPOIT HAlllOR NEWS-l'llESS ~AY, FBRUAllY 15, 1956 !Haarstad .Reviews 1Li~e~ .~ Bill Co<}x. UllA SOPHOllORE SHOW pooteN for "Roman Holiday'' uo ~paint.cl by·O·to r) !Atlly SturteV&nt, Paula l Ecbola, Maxine Ch.Ulll and Mary ~ult. "Roman fit for Ha.rbor Higb School .opliomore clue, ren- eral admiMJon 36 centa. Prooeedil will &"O tor the Junior-Senior Prom. ~Wllll•~• R&ancad. · On.n19 Sheridan Md ~: Abnbam OWl Olllcie lllnri... ~ Un~: w~ .aw Ml~;_ Major ~: &mr' Cl( uW'" otd l'T'aU Nol"Oi; Ned BuntHae ; , ...... "7 ....... -JUM IAaoard Grand Du~ AIUU. ot ft~: .-. ,... 004.y· Oaodm•n. 4 nn&ll"( Oakley:-Queen v 1ct0ri•: llm'fUo BtU fWIJlianl F . O:ldJ) Teddy RoowveH: and UPl,...HlftlOb.(W ', l11~1'1trrlis a e;.....,. QMN..,. ...... O..._ .. ........... ~ ... ....... .imo. ··~ iqny . ~ ......... ~.{~~~~~~~~~ eu1wlio Iii •un'*AllJ' tudbat.I >utt•to 8111 eniersee rrom tlllll I ., the hi,.. of Utie Old We.I. and ~l'f'•phy •• one of the l.adinf Old ~ lUuruol It. etcnW froat~. To author an t\rure. tn the Winnln or the Acuc1 eocv&te_ Ud d•!!"ltlve tltOf7 ,ot 1 ,4.lt 1ln• written. • ft.mctv. -a cbiractv wW tu: W Ht -and IKll':r u a MUiler ._ ~ lrvthf\imw ot the ahoWltlan. • fine amb.t...,dor ot HOW.&.&D W, GERRISR ..._ *'-«her. The author. la &ood fee.Unr to the peoplu of 1808 Newport BJVd~ Colt& K- U. tmt&ne.1hll" dione ' a cr'ld1t· ol.Mr landt. H•&hly reoommended PRONE UB&aTl' ~llU ........... ----..... -r...a... . ........ ....... Llliert7 &-1111 OOllT.& KUA. KAT!'U81 00 • IW Mewpert 1Ric. .W. job ln ~Uac Ute Ille of u ~tertalnlflg readlnr tor au ~=:=:=:=:=:==:=""""'"" ~ IA u accurate ud fntffUt. E ""-'•• S J ..., .....,..,, .. ..,.. ...._, .. M ,,.... ., ......... very.,.;..,, Reads The CL AS, FI E D ' ol Bl.ltt~ BUI .ban been wTitt.en: \ tlalll 009 ,..,. blicOllM det\nttlve. The muy pU..a of Cody'• c&l'Mr' come to upt 1n the pal"""" fill Ulili wol'k. BU ~enoe. u .. ·pony ap,.... rider, buffalo b.....,ter, (Ullu .cowt and IUJde, and l&.I Uy u a rn.aater ahowman are au ll'•Phlca.lly told by the author a. J'amoua puaonaliUu !Deluded an aeemlncly endlua -lndlan chleta Raln-ln-th&-Face, Sa.ntanta. TaU Bui,!, Spotted Tai.I. Sitting Butl: ~nerala Cu.ter, Crook. I NEED MONEY? WATCH FOR YOUlt "MAGIC KAID" .... coMING SOON! 2 lifORf Wfflf.s , l ,Holiday'' lhow9 Thunclay at Udo 'r.be&tn, u a. bene-j --'-~~~~~~:..._~~~_:__~_:__~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ jNEW RECORDS AND BOOKS jNOW AT PUBLIC LIBRARY Newport Variety YOUR _, -d 10 STUR.I: l ! ' ' ; Fiction Predominates Recent Purchases . In of UI Ll!and and S~ct.or.ky, The !:xurb&1nte1 W.:.cella.neoua non-fiction ..-ol - umu are; Car80ll, The l:d&"e of th• See.; COll'lmery, H°"'" ta De-' !• New recorda ad.W" to tbe,. _ ,....._, thia tnontb by eorata &nd Li(ht Yow-Home: -...,..~-J' P'l»dtcll. V.'h&t la VII.LI ln Re- t popular requeet inclwie, orcbestn, !ICbt &nd serioua, Andre U&"ion : P"u.nk, The Way to vo-J KoM.elanets a.nd ~ orcheftn. 'I'be -AJeeping Be&uty Ballet cabul•r)' POwer &11d Culture: f op. 66 ; Jack1e Gleuon preaenta LonNOme Ecbo,· Boaton Gelalt, H l(h ridellly R.eco.rd Annual, Ill~; l..&noQ. Know your i.P o pt Orch•tr&-Ga.ite Pari•ienne; David C arrol and ru. Social S.curlty; Popular K.chan- . ort:h .. t,.. -wa11.se1, Wlna and lc.1, Ona HU11dred BeauUtul p iece& Candlellcht1 t.awn~noa WelJI: and R.ed Pltah and Black B~; of J"\J.nilture You C&n Build and hla Bparklln&" Btrln&•. 1-Brown ieeiUi. &r. Faet In the Pala.a.; Reinfeld, 1001 Wqe to Ch.ck- --swument&I JO\olmey; Jrilaiito-l..uaner, Cr&.clle ol Conqueror&: ma.le; vanJ _ JUia.p.ody ift aa, Con.-Siberl&; McCUnllc. Me and Kit; Rich&r'4-. Th• Nunln&" Moth- e.art4 u.. r-. b7 Georra Oerahwbl Murphy, To Hell and Back ; er; 8on::e, Th• Complete It..l.lan and Gerab.Wkt for Modilnl.t -.1 ~--.. ;;;::;;;;;J;;•;;m;;o;;l'"';;;;;;~U..-~P;.o~rtnt;~t;;;.;Coo;;;.;~'-::Boo;;:k~'~'~"""'~~·-::"""~~oC~•-lo~ Tad H•lll -d H!1 MUI&&. 11 Mualc for andurtnr bu.uty -tn- cludu: )(ieJMrl Lea-rand and. HJ.a Orctl .. tra - I LooJ..it. P&ri•; .. 'J1W M:e1achrlno Orche.tia -llLJl\IC tor Oayd,....,_lllr: M.an tovanl Clid hi• Orch-tra -An Eneh.a.Dted Y.vtnln11 : Alfrwdo Antonini and HL.11 On:heetra -Atmoaphe"' and Mantovanl ~· th& J.mmort.al Cla11lr • F or r ood tun, try: Ray An- t hony Golde& Hw"n; 01~ Miiler 1'h., Ntame11 ot You, Har1·y J1me' Ln Hl·f'I, The M ille Brother& -Sln1111· a.nd 8wtn11ri"; Le• Elr1rt and Hll Orche•tra -'-'fhe-Oiancin1 SoUJlld. P'or aom•lh1n1 different. Le• ~ Paul 1.11d Mary Font -Bya BJl! • bluu'. and rec:orda ehllrtren wUI : love. W•Jt DL111ey"• M&KlC K ina- : dom. .on&"•· : Ult-r VOLUMEH ~ The Newport Beacll Jrtr• De-! partment hae pr9f1!1ntt(I t~o cop- ; I•• ot the new book:, J Smell ! amo ks; How to rtrht and How : \.o Pr1vent F ir••, by Paul W. • Kaarney. to the city library. : Thi9 book __ ,,. all lhto qllfllll- : t.IOl\I that coma to mind ln ra- : p rd to ...,. t,yp9 °'·"' 111'9 't¥t ! eauld happen anywtiii&N and. ,~ : time. aceonttnr i. .,._ JC. c. : ahee.ly, head Uin-.rtan. : MAn:r volum• ol nctlon hav. • ...._ added recmttly, Including: : Archibald, Hold Thal Une!; : lllocb·Mlchel, The '1lrht Into ! l:c'Pt: Bu~. Kum.art: Corbett, : J'amlly Portralt : D&nl&oa. Tha : N oUboob of Major Thofnpaon; l nun.comb, Tha Bound and the I ..,."' j: E)Ta. ~ Lllle a.pd the Glove; l Ooodchtht. nw JJry ntarree: l Hall, Mardtoe Beach; 1£ Mun, f"Jlijor:ld Deetn; Lona, Wtnter ~ HaMO .. t; i McCann. Prererred RJak; Mc- ~ Cartl\y, A. Channad Ute; Mann. I• Cont.-on.t ot P'ell.: Krull; O"H a· ra, T9 North Jl'rtodertck : • RoJ. Th• Cuhler; 8choonaY61, [The; QtMom'• Crnas: 8toutenburr; 1 Atranrv on lh• Bay; Thtrkell, f Sliter Bir R.obert: Waush. I11land ' in the Bun; Wayi:a., Tha Retun1 t ol. 111• Kid; i Wh1t4, Thi T r a • ot Kan; I., Wolf•, Look Hon:a-a.y, A.nJtl ; rrt.-mood,. CUGJ; tit U.. Sun: 'Oma.t. Mii.ti" atmit; Ood<ko. I ..&a -.UDd9 ol. Bpamnn; HUI. .A. DrM.m of S&dlC"• ·1 >•'oil°' Hual«, -_, Bodloa. R•tura to Ulla Wood; f Paclc9r, Vall•7 ol UMI Vm.; l ll.oNrU, Boon ~ and 1'\lnl· f WU. n.. Gold• Joumq. ~ llfYft'KaY r ~.. inyat.rf ..... •I'll; I eoa-. TIM ............. Ou+ I W, 'n11i9 0Ue 0( \M 1'iil6id 1 TJ"pt.t.; a...s. ............ u.. ...... j Club; ...... T-. 0... ol UM • Tbree I.-~ ~---· ~Bl ..... ud .. ~•l'~~ ! •nl" Puill; . . I Mzrr3' h Jl~kd lt!tt• ... ! :: ~S116~.:..-: ~ = t Kart.In, JUt. a 001"7" •l Twl· • ll&"bl Uld W•twortt.. ,.,.. U. ~ t.ll.lq Eye.. I Nc:m-ftellon fadudee.; .,.,., ..... l ,... w1r.: Caniacc-. TtMi i..tt. I 8f ll\fll1Wd IUpllac; Clriildl., The J Jtaued ~; Da:y, Ra ...... -4 t Ha hoph: .,~ ..... ; Married a lifa.-mon ; * O nl y Swift's Premium Beef Sold Here * Specials for Th urs ., Fri. & Sat., Fe b. I b-17 -18 i Spare -Ribs ..... 3r Pork Chops Pork Loin Roast Loin End . . .... .. ........ -.. . . ,. 4 f«= Shaulder End ......................... -....................... 3 ~ 09car Hayer Sliced Bacon ·······---·--"'49c 41( Poad C... Picnic Hams ~~----°'----·--""""""' 3~ -QwsSj _. ll'~w••1101•1oisldd 8ee vltie -WW.. a ...... ~ D&Yia, Th• A.n...,-18 God; ~ Hemdoll, m.ploraUon ol tlMi Val- ! hi:y ol u.. ...... ; ........,,,~------------------------..! for Two; Walker. Th• M edlein• and Wlllaon, Rave Lald. We Give Crow!l Btampi Oce&ll Fnmt :O.'u.1 Pter Nt:Wt'OKT BEACH ~ . IA oooporUloa with the F..S.rol •a.,11 Do'-wblck rec- • camem. •taia"-st.e:el ldentlftmtktm for all pe...,.. regard- "-of age, the NEWPORT llABBOlt NEWS-PRESS it offer- lq ' Uae. lm&l't new 1-D Bracelet.a FREE wttb ea.eh aew S-IM.th pUd-up 11&1b9crlptloa, at :.c> oeatll per month. Or, JOU. IQA;p' RM to~ ne• p•per SI.Iii tor MC'll f·D llraoelet punihuN "1U.0Vt a p.ld-wp nllllcrlpU-- AU orde" wlll be ••Ued dlrec:t io you ""ITJllN 10 DA.I'S. To: Newport Harbor News·Pr .. s Newport hach, California Pkiue a«1ept my pakl • up AUh8criptlon to the Newport Harbor NeWA • Pt'MIJ for which I ~ enelOA111g the •um of and "ta.rt deli very to the following addreM: N .... __________________ _ Addreoo _______________ _ City Ii Stat. --------------- It i. uadeptood lhat I ani to ~·e ODfl f·D Bra<>elet FR.EE wtlllo -eh l -mot1Uil pMd-up ,.u....,.rlpUon. t:nrlot<'!d 11 Ute kl.lo"".Uoe to be la.crtbed -Moll ~let. ---------·--USE THIS SPA CE FOR Ol DE-~HG OH E -.. cm•''"•"'"' WllTI IN TH'5 STRIP UND W •IST AOM THt$ INO TO CIT TOUl COAllCT II.If lACELET PARENTS : Your child ohoel.I .. properly WontifW -· all ti"'"' witla tlal1 amort, otl1'0Ctlww b-·let. We ore living in on age when hazards o f traffic occldtnts., *"emy ottock. evocuotion, and other emerg~ies o re evw present. Wearing of o permanent ond approved tdentifocotion Brocelet, pqrticulorly by tcheel chlW,.., Is on importont port o f Sofety Welf•,. ond CiYllio11 o.t...M ond Is the best means of promptly notifying porents Of" next-of-kin in cow of Injury, ' -- HOTI : Pleo\e prlnf CARI FULLY ond COlllCTlY. •t:LIGIOM SYMIOU1 , f.o, Proteston1 ; C for Cothol>c:: J for Jewish; CS b Owtt· tion Science ; LDS fOf Lotlotr Day Solnh : ond T for oll otke• ,.llglol-it. LEAVE A SPACE BETWEEN NAMES AND GROUPS Of FKiURIS. ....... c1TT • n.an •••TI' M TI oa. "'°"" "°· WRITE IH YOUl WllST SIZI HUMID Hlll USE THI S SPACE FOl o.DU.IMG ONI 1a4cw1 IT TOV« NAMI c1n•nAn: &llTII MTI "-rMOHI MO. WllTt IH YOUl WllST SIZI IWMID -· ' • I t ... h&Ye Ll tn(Tll••" •· 1 ,,,,,-,. .. 1~ .. ~ M uch·n1al1K"' I t,,L11h.hn ~ <o fr1, 1 .. 1 A. J. Voll .,. ,.,. 'u1un1ended by MYenLl ot the tounr1Lm .. n for hJ• &ttortM lo 111 \/Ir 111a tt!'r actUC'd but a.II &JTeed that 'Volr. and O&nt• Jumt don t -·n to r 11 a lone." Upal\ot of tht rna tt.er I• tbal Councilman Uerl Smith. Who know1 Of'f'l•tn 1rllnn problem._ will l>e !JI• 10-bo9twecn l.n the .ttort to 1•t th• problem ··nni..hed oner a nd for all " Temporarily, at lf'811l, the tun· i>-t hu rubUde<I ln I.he bu.Jkllrlc deparlmant. tlOW'n><"t, th.. m&Jn point ot bualn .... for I.he •pitel&l city coun- •·ll me«tn1 !n the office of Clt.7 Clerk Arlie Swi rls WMI prellmln· ary d1.M:usa1on of p1-ru tor the new clly hall which "111 be located on th• .out.heut co!'T14r of l t lh St. •nd Pomona """ w 1Jll1m E. Bl•1 1•..;k or tht 11r· ch!Lectunl llrn1 n! Piec er. Blu- rork an·d Hnug11n 11nd 11Al!locl1te arr h!l«l \\'lll•r.1 T J ordan. u- Sw11m1r Tajk DH B1UCOI l!umne r, Santa Alla., e&n· dldat.9 to JIUCC~ Aaemblym&n E.&rl W. ltanl•J. Ba.lt>o.. t.lan.d, will irpeak tomOf"!'OW' nllbl at I o'a.locll; at a Newport Barbor Yourkf Jlt.epubllcan Club meettnr In Park .A.Y.. Catt, &Ibo& la.land. TM Muac t• opsi to the public. ~ ... •' .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t .. • • • • • • • • • . . • !11.1111 tnc ,.,;,."Ill.· -•l jJ<Hting 1n a w 1thdJ"awaJ 11Jp Th& trim delend&nt d.cl.Lred I.be toh.l Buck on m ot e than one OCCI.· st on lha t hla book• ....--not ln ~ &lloil tJa&t Ult: ICCOSI.~ Md nevec-' btoft r.c.ooc1!"4. Sh-e u.1d that ~n• .. k·ed Buck Amodt Boby Ion A baby (lrl, Sue Lou.lail. wu born to Mr. a~ Mra. Elvin L . Amodt of 20I Mth 81.. Jan. 22 •t Hoec ~W. ~ lnlult welchld tp at ·I ..... t a.&: • LISTEN to the Sheanon, HulimiU "Private Wire'' KABC-0:30 P.M. Daily Mon. thru FrL Market Quotationa Fina.ncia.I New• Buainese O:>mmentary Interviews pre11ente<1 by Sheorson, Hammill ' 3331 & Co. Founded 1902 Vi& Lido Har. Newport Beach • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • fFJ'-._,. h 'oW /11tllt/wJ' hC T'm 9ofwf to ,.,. ... )'Otl 1~ a NlrW PONf'TA.0 9i """ ~ ............ , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , . • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --· • , . ·' ONa ,QO OFF ' . Each $10.00 Purchme • 50 ¢ OFF Each $5.00 Purchme ' For Fast Action Use • .- .. .NBWPO~ HARBOR . R~W$PReSS'-:~ . .. Want ~IJs ' lweryltocly Rellds .... lwerybody U... •_. ea11 Harbor • 1616 .. I ir· • • •• , .. • • " " _, .• .! • f . • ~· . -~ ---· ........ ----'-··~--.... ' . ..... _,, u. 19111 Nowi*jt- • ........ .,~--"; 2 ... .............. -p±N -... ~ ••• ~u.emordl. ,.,..._. ......... . ln _to_""I_· tre'd like to otter Sunaet -~·· llpootom&ll'• AU.. el tbo Soutla..,, Califomla Cout ... from San Simeon to Eneenada ; , . oompkte with --,_..i.,. and ch&rto ~-the u. s. Cout W:f Geodetic Survey chart.a. GeocnDby, Be a eh e • and Beach ~ka, Se& and Wa.t.er ConditJorw, F\ahing, Boating, Emergency Shelters, High· ••YI and Acc::e. Roads, Ac· conunodatiou, F o o d a n d W'a\,er, Driving R..egulationa &nd Permit.a ... Waterproof, tran.aparente plastic ca.Be toa .•. The idea being to fold boolr: to map pages you a.re rol.ng to WM! •.• reinsert in cue and it'a ready for use under a.ll weather conditions. Or ahould you drop it O\'er- boa.rd, all you have to do ia jump in after it , .. You'll get wet, but the boolr: won't ~ Tben aft two ldndt: or =-... Flntof&ll .. Ibo pl ,..._ .,_ ud r.patebllla _... ..... tipt "' fairy -· ..• Z..-e.,,,thing • h e touchM turns blto a gutronmlc dream .. , She'• worked at ti believe me . . . She's etadW eooll: boob aad e..-pertm.ted unW .ae baa rmcbe& perfection .. , See-oadlJ' -., lo Ibo pl who ---.-~-­.. -.... Mil- "' - . . . Ex-tbo ___ .. _ .. ,..,. ................ Eoqulre'• """ Cook Book of "i..o-for'' red.pies from all Ole #well.known reetau- rut. throughoat the country ........ d!!hap ot "1ood coob" on the fire ... WW it be Celery Oyoteni Stuffed wltll ll<>'!udort from 'Billy the ~NewYortorAv .... ea40--80Up-trom the Terrace Plue. Hotel in Cincinatti ... ... •'• ·,· --· ._.. Glll!IN Pl -..u'• YA.l EXTV.CT ......... l'IANUT 0 D t...•'• • z.. ...... PAP£& TOWW _ .... uo ._. .. aEFIUED 21' IEAf'IS ···--·----.#• .,_.,.,, 23' TA MALES -·---· #I HANS PORK. 21' -·-····-··· u ... r-IUDNJ:> 2/27' IEANS ___ ,, i'W.5""'.2 ,, 2/25' . ....,_._AA FRESH BUITER -- ~. rnimll AA. LARGE-EGGS _ .................. SALAD DRESSING v.,_, JlaW. c-a Mapa. -~----. WED;NESl>AY, Ff:UU:U.Y 15, 195' I • ' . r .,.,...~t1il1 '"-i .\ - ' a+ch for the . Mogic Cord ' Two More Weeks! (/ea11up today for HNlth T a.orrow OM --.. .. ,:$ W" a beoat1ta1 harbor, a """"'1hll h ··~·'' -'£i Let'• __ ....,..._, ..... -. I !;'fl9 Jr. EWI" Clab t. ci... •P .. ...,. .._,... __ . ...... -Plok·up.. Pnwmt and "•wnort u.~,Lor • . ' ._ tl!P ... -. TOt'>· Let'•......, ...... -·· nt. ... ,, nv1U or••w -o, • CLEAN-UP WEEK February 20-27 ....... 32' HONEY ·GRAHAMS, •. qulCK RICE __ ,. •• 37' .. 5~ s.,,,. 9"41 ol' v-........ 23' INSTANT COC9Ao -v............ 29· Condlreacl DIYILID HAM .. •l\ .... 55c toniffl WGI ptUN15__...._ 2r "'" -: ....... -Hoi""snut ......... 2143' 1., .......... ... _____ ... • 43c 14 --00 DE HASH ..... rr .,_._. 7 Cf's 1-p Sl' 'h••··-............. DREFJ % .......... ·······-··--.__.'-_ . 2f 1 ... ,........ ---a 1'11 IED OUVIS ,.. .. I - PNC1t11r • a II~ 31 ' .... CHIED. ...... LID • kind lady enoe ..W. to me. "'Yba ca.a make 'evea • csnot eoand clam.· ..0-1" ..... w ... y,"..W. I."Wllea~goto --a ...... CUTOt to start wltllt" , •• Ara well that _____ ., TABLE SYRUP ·----U-. 27c ·--TOM~ATSUI' ,.._2/'JJ' .._. ............. ...... 31 ' ,.._,__ JOMATOJUICE ---~ • _ 2 ... 2-Jc II -"'°' • fllft .... 11 II -. ..... , ....... ,..... .... -, ........ --. ........ ..., ..... ,, .... -Al'• ....... of glanl-_ .... , ..... Yoan to . .,_, __ _ ---d-ot GRANOLA TED SUGAR _ 5 ~ 45c ......... ,..,..,,. ............. .. ,.__... ..... , ....... Ne_..,._.._ .... ~ tdd ............ _(611') -_,... ••• FrMh Ht• Fell, eMery, cabbqe. ---beeuty lettuce. ro-• a I a e, &ceberl Jett.ae, -..-. panloy, eolery --..-Lat Lett ce. ic.dlTe • . . A.ad ot -nNI ud ~ cob-...... po_ .. _...... ~ t.o-·•-. avoc. ---... Celery root rates more than two worda • . . Some o! you mJcht now it u celeriach or celery knob . . . It ia a va- riety et celery crown for ill ~-root, rather than tllo loac ~ otalb moot of ua ate accustomed to . . . It can. be boiled, creamed or ocallopod and 111 •tallt It up aptmt ceiM')' any day for &vor .. ·• . 0... •·Ille .... S....I ··--., .. ,_, Wllenoloe,batlaAI'• A11eJ •.• Wbore &be_, •7 tG bay ,.... t.bd ........... ...--wa::afplld la ......_am toll :::. ~ .J:J::. =.=: •-•.O~thew ............................... .. . • • Did ,,... ..... gnte -.... tlaroaP ....... ,. FlliC a 1 • ._ of flP'fna •.• ,__,;_....,. ll r ... ~·· 'a..latM ..--~at Richud'a. one oi the Udo ShoPI at tllo aitnnce to Lido 1* ..• ' St.ock yoor trees.er at the Blrdleye Bermoda Sweepstake. Sale . . . .._,. 2/35' GREEN PEAS ... ···-··-.. OL ..,._, FBENCH 2/29' GREEN IEANS --··" "· G'Hit. lw.s ---10 OL 2/'IJ' _,. <JRonED 2/'/J' SPINACH -·-··-·-··-···-·" OL OiANGE JUICE -··• ... 2/33' FiiNcH FRIES ___ ~ •• 2/2f POTATWBED 2/29' 0 .......... ____ 12 011:, -·· 2/49' FISH llfTES ·--·-···· -·· OL F.S.i"mcKs ····-·-··" •• 2/69' _,. 35' PERCH FILLETS -··· ,. ·~ cHiCKIN BREAST _ ..... 1°3 ..___ 79' ICE CREAM ____ .-11 ...,_ 'A a IM ... 11:-•vv.a•nn 11, 11, ... 11, llM . ( ...... ' .... Pl_._. >ta.--W 21• , CANfitED HAM _ _... "' .............. _ 59' AGED CHEDDAR --•• • ..._.'---"-• ... ORANGIS __ "i...~ ...... ............... w •1r CAlltOTS .,., ... ...__ ._ iUNi.~ ___ I .• 11' .....,..,AT c.MW.o.. Row _ I .. 22' --IT LAYR CAU __ __ -••••-U90 •INl • TIDE _ _.._ .... J/lf TOMATOES,. .. -._ .. -... 2/21' KLllNEX _ _...,, ;o;.10U' _ _.11 ... 2/39' TOUT TISSUE ... 4/ 4f. GI 11 ........... r...., '33' ~OTS _,.._,ll_ -.. -.r.2ffl' KOTD ..._tu; 11ltclsl •....,. .._. j I . ' ' I _, = • _.. ; . . PllEP A.RATION -Mohiliation Diree- tor Wa.rren (Bud) Wilson holds ma.rker poet t.t Newport Harbor Union H igh School 1.thleUc field, IL8Bembly area for recent Boy Scout drill, while~• Gleeenkamp. bigh school custodian, drives it '.nto ~round. -Staff PhotoB by BW l'hillips. ··---,.----·~--·-·-···--··· ----.. ·-· -·---·--~··-·· ..... ------------~----~__...,...._,..,... ........ ~ .. ~. ·-.~~ ...... 'i'"._;;o. ;;;;:...;.;,.,..;,;.;,..;....- I .JDIBt;:.otmV AL .._: .l'lrlt Scout mobU!liotlalli call~ .. ··l·!;30·p.,ji,..' :at d:M p.m. J-· · liichUid 6t Sllli cly §t. ran oeto the field to loca.te a.ssem bly 1.rea for hi.I unit, Troop 182. First full unit lo arrive wu bein JUdged at. 6 :50. • • 811A&P OU'D'lf -Pre8enting & weU drilled unit ':_VU the snappily outfilter:l Ship 210 ol. N4tw.pott Bea.th u the boys marched onto the field to tAke their pJ..ace wtth tM 17 Barbor Diatrict scout units participating in the mobilization. Front man:hen, hom left, are Jim Maccubbin, David FeinAtein and senior cr•w leader -Whitm&ll. . SCOUT MOBILIZATION 8DIOK 1'BOOP LEADERS ~Among the 230 Boy Scouts who assembled within one hour after the mobiliution call. were these youth leaders of variouA unit.a. They have ju.at .received . ribbon awards from Director Bud WUson. There i.a a total of 300 Scouta in t.he Harbor Diatrict. ,'..:J.f•¥-.. - -, _ WM!J ., Q~ ,A ~ _--:. ~~ ~-~_!-~~ ~~ !~r;t~ ti~! knights o~ old to do ' pja tUl'Da, i1Hi judg1!8 IWTOwed top gooa !urn uruts <lown to Troops 6, 80 u4. -lfS. RMpecth9o .enlor patrol leaden &re, from left, Mickey Wienetl&'&, Wayne •ec1"51 -'~ ·-~. . ·r . • ~~-~ . . . . . ' . . AUDIJ~NCE A.PPt~AKS-Ma.ny Harbor a.rea mothen heaved sighs ~[ relief a.t receipt of the mobilization ca11. With thne of the call a mystery, local Scouts had been o n standby At&tu. for l.lmoet a week. But Mn. W. H. Spurgeon, left, Mn. Art Remley and daugbWr ~Ann~ were op band for.the finale. moll!it..tloa "A~wo.:k:~b,;m-1en: Beal4idl· "'"" 1W1> Wird, Art ''Jlemley, Bud wu.oB ond District Scollt EucuU.. Doug Walton. Stc\dlng, H ugh Bolton and Bob Ch&mberlin. ADULT LEADERS - Doug Walton. top, Or- a. n & c Empire District Scoat Executive, follow· ed tlie mobilization drill doi!117. Coota x ... Ovil oM.0r... Diroctor Bi 11 DU.lo. .light, brieflT ,ad- d.rmled the . ~IAea Scout&. r THE WINNER! -When \he judge. left it up to the usembled Boy Scout unit leaden to eel.eel the top good tUAl troop, the special aw&rd went to Troop 666. Here aenior patrol leader Uroy Ramos receivfl9 the cup from District Commi•ioner Art Remley. • • • ' . J ' " \ • I • HBe ENTRY · SfCTIONAL JOU ~ COOL JITTERBOGs_::-~N! · · .,."' ,, , Actually, lhla lo not a bot> boP .. tint (lance .apt ~W... lt'a a ..... '--' J'lolday nl(ht'a N""J>Ort llarboc' 8allor cqe· \Jiamph -_arch·r!Yal M rt1'. , That'• rangy Tom Houaton (:ZS) with the ball, .,..1er. ~Loft ta Guy 0.-"fla) and Eddie Pope "(3'). The Tari we~ u ten1t\c u Boutbai'• ~ " ldd< atep -*!. h>dic&U. -Staff Photo • > · '°: MOIJNb ~ BlllDt:D -Oranp Cout College'• t"o top hurlers get P"'" , .. ttcuon ~M lltqm Coacb Wendell Picken.1. Wayne Coughtr}', left. t oeMd 1 w1na, rlo ICJ91m for' U. Bae b&lhew lut MUOn. Jerry RJoe, center, la alated f9r a prominttt role in 4th M:nJgbt Eutem Con!erence title hopee of Pick"• poken. -Eugene Tyler Photo .JEDDY'S JUMP -Tuminr loo.e & high one tor Coach Stu lnman'1 ra..sh young BUCll in their Friday night upset against Fullerton I.,, Jeddy Young. The Huntington Beach prep flub hu been moved Into the pivot to relJe\'C hustling Ez Va.n Horn a.a the Pirates make a comeback for EC t!Ue hob.on. -DCC ' . . Photo Cards Kamb.en or Sa.ndov•I'• Cudln- 11.1 in Harbor Hoya' Club alghlh ,-rMl• l11tr&mural bukl!tball lM · IJUe 1.re Tom S andoval. P • t e Jl'ealher1ton, Danny C • • • e I. Chuck Bawn&11, 8tev1 L.ewl a, ftoc.r 'nP.lntoo., Chui• hck· -. w..u;, OetAbeU &Od J o 11. a--. c.,. T-11 Troplly Pat ~ l&nta ...... OOliq'• ~ coed. .. ~ Ill tM llM Orup County dwnplon.hlJ, Jun!oc' c111·· ~ ~ tropb.7. ton BMcll Blfh School IMl 7961. Kui W ood, Gvdu, QCOYa • ...nt,i,tll who pta,,.S ttnt.r on th!• y;u.i. rootbl.ll tam. " u Wtald can- dldato. . n.. Ptrat. will be on tM rolld rrldaJ' Md Tu.-1.ly ln c am• MESA NINE TAKES ON ORANGE THERE T'he Meu. M ercba.nt. travel to Orange Sunday afternoon tor Ul• (&DUI expected lo d«IMM cUmplOO or HCOod round. play lA the Onn1• OOWl.tJ Wlnler Bue~! Lea· ru.. On.n1• oopped the rtr•t round UU., but th• un~e­ fM ted x-i.en currently te>p MOODd round •t.&lldtnc•. t-t ~ the locaJ ' lamips-9 joUm•yed tb Los AnP• when they man- h&ndl.cS H«uT• Cati 3·0. Whll• th• J )(... nln• wu ba 1 hla1 OU.t 11 btnrt•, HmrY• collect14 ttv1 orr lb• ottertnc• 01 Daft Lel1h I.Ad Bob Dorn&l. labbs Dllllb Digits MARINELAND HBC Q1intets Snag Pair of. Wins 01 Way! O• 19'1 WATIR ''\a ' \ I ' 'I/ JOHNIOll'I NIW NOL .. AY llONll • llA•llllllH PICKENS' POKING PIRATES AIM BATS .1 T ·4Tlf· CONFERENCE TITLE "11.b Compton Ooll•f• and &I Doa ~ led Sailor junior VU· .A MariD.wws j\mlr.41t tor • camu.o. They will t~• Compton ld ty .conn Ln flrwt round Sun...t ('!:'Mr9 at Hanoi' ..,.. caUb , _ at OCC in a ntum pm1 on 1'1b. Lequ. pla7 "'1th 10 polnta. Jar-place ~. lacl;R'"9f • TbJ'u -1 n., .-in.-·u-a....,wr.s·r' ._ ... ....,,.,iJ .. . eo-.. -----= Coa.ch W endell (Piek ) Piclrenl and Ma Orange Oout Col· K.ith Outhrlt>, tt11nttnrtan n .. ch 24 and Harbor, aao al home, on ry Kempar wu bfft noe>r ~r-momlnt' alopoft In i.oa. -..dt lcge Piralee wW be going a rt.er their fourth •traight FA.I t· Hl&h 8 chool, p11ch"r Stan tar· F •br\lat)' ll. Tuellday f iUMll tonnu. wben lbe local J.a4ll WGD. & p&1r -pick, a pitchtr and outfielder it.art at 4 p. m. &nd l'r1d.ay l------------l of pm .. from YMCA gulal.t.a cm Conference champiotllhJp u lb9 ba.eball .eamon •lartll from lA,una Btach. " r&1ed a pm.. at a :ao. aecordlnr to -J'or th• nn.' L-. Comm~lal whll• l\lft•rtns • ~ ll9tMcL thia week. rood pro1pt'('t, a.1 I~ Bob 11)1tow· P!.cllena, with lb• publlo 1.n:Ytteid Prtnlfnl' c&ll Jl&rbor 11115. Job Th• rno.t UlrU11ai' court ooa- be ul n! eld Ilk.I, lead.Ing pHr /1f't for HWlttn,.· tn• ot char1e. Prtntin&' Departm11it. t•l took ~ b9br-tha HBC "I do not believe we will q te u strong in the i I l,;::======•=================;;;;========:;Jlth fradws and lbe YMCA D'• u we we:r• lul 7ea.r," ~ aa.14 poalUon. In hi h Khool when • la.t MCal4 Jump llbol b7 aa.ld, "but we M1I b9 4lkt ta.: l"'7 1Vayt, Mont..tt!'uo High Butdl Vlu7ard pn tM Harbor· Mm• In tha out:fteld.. OUr pl~ llellool, WW proti.bly be the • It. a ._.t..,_I l&-2'1 '1ctory. NIM __ _ _, .. ,.bpi • • Sotit11 Comt C.. Jo/111.~011 ' CALL SICUllJY COMl:IL CIAL l'ATIOL Kl 2-70J7 SAYE SAFELY At 0.a-County'1 lnstitvtion l.Aiad;n9 Home ,t..nding CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ' All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $U),000 L.AGU"A FelEAAL SA Vl N6S a LOAN ASSOCIATION .. tnr and ca•cw'W .....-W h bet.-IUrttllll -xm4 bUaman w1th ? OS..U Rod l(a('MJ,llla,n -.Id It ~,S~3''tlVt s E·.~~~:-;~ looking for a. BARGAIN. ~ ?::=t~~ • .. ~ .. A_ ca'"!:.":! __ +, ... -W' _. __ at third wUl be Bob O'l'llSa 900JlU -.~~~~;==~~~~~§~§i~E~~~J ...,.., ..._ ·-._ Olb• acor. found th• ioc.1 ~·'l'UO Ooopmaa. aa outet.l.ndlnr player etb (l'a4en toppllQI' UM YMCA. RelU1'111DC ,. ·~ )'a&r'I a l Ha~·a.eta Hlfh lkhool. 1:·1 2*-ll and ~ HBC hlP champlomhlp M ~ tha lhl'M ~ • th• younpr brother ICbool ud Ith ~ dropplQC et&rt.1111 p11ct1·:tw'~ CouP· of alt..WM ~Uta Pir•tea • 40-ll p to Ul9 rin.J C:a. try. Don Let ....... ,,....,. RI~ by ...... "'"' ............ L&.. PERHAPS A USED CAR?' ' Tolly ...,, HBC ... -Don· Cou1ht1'7 had • 1.0 record hi a frN Ye&n back. • m. ~lw t, Tommy Bryaa, l-cue play .,. • rr.hman. u Rowland Bill. ....,..w c.nter · Brl&a Lewil, Dllftl J\o.o ad 11·3 r.cord tor Uae ~ and lie.Ider f~ lul YM1"'• team and v Jbn Cmt.11. I Mcb, Jed Hou.ta. an ea.med. run av•rage or 2.41. the tutut man on the tMm. will • I . llBO 7Ur. -VlM'yard lJ, R.- Don Leigh bad • 1_. .teUOo'• re-be back ln hll po.11Uon. Johll EM· h w Ad Palatln't 7, J'nd KcOa"l'l'aJI "- (()rd,. Jerry Ric•, one of P lck·a trada. clutch hltUnc outllelder t e ' ant s Jolm H\llh.• a, Glenn O&Nner 1. bfft prospect.a, wo.n two while from lut yur 11 • cuualty at HBO blP .cbool &nd Ith _ Brian lo.lnf t.hrff with a 90re •rm pruent wllb a eon arm and LWaa... lS..._TQm.. .BuMr ii. Jwq which bothered him aU "UOQ will ba A ~oubUUl at.a.rter. Tbe Halm '· Jerry IAWTell09 4, OorU. Rice lhould be ""47 for • ~t 'Other outtleld tp0l1 a.re undecided Anllan:r !, lltn. Robin.on 2, yea.r in 'M . Pleil belleve.11. wllh J im Newkirk and Sill "Wet· ODlll'L&TS aotlTEIL T ony L 0 m bat d 0 • n-rular zel. two rormer pitcher-outfield· NEW USED ~URNITURE ? A.Ued!ns u.. two-bour .Wt to catcher on l••l yaar'• club, ll flf-1 from Newport Harbor .. OR r llaltDlluid ... eddltkm to UM back. AIU\011gh be bit .a,oe tor .-rly aM«m poulblUUd. &bow ,.,_. .,...: 1>aDllll p.,... the .euon lut ,._.,., be may be A l th• conclualon of the bu· rta., Dick PM.tit,. Bob NOl"r¥, pu1hed Ull.e year by T9d Coul t.e, ketball .-.on, th• Plrat•• will " KlJl,a Pt.trlck, 'ram Woodridl, &flot.ber ~fonteWlo boy who ti ba bolltered b7 th• addiUon ot Ad It.en Bupw, Qe.ry lcllOD-. Bal now out for t:..dtatball CoutT..11 Ted Coult.a, Denni.a nt&pt.trtck th W t s JtatPt... Joba BrodDrlan. Jtu9.. wu '" oot•lo--ocbool and Toddy To~(. 1't.patrlok, , ' e an ..U Rapp. BID ilootC Tom ·-· catch<'r a.nd • cood hittw. Abo who WM Newport Ha.rbor Hieb er, ftUld)' llan\..it, JWTJ Q!Hlln· avallabl• behind UM ~i. wUl M School'• leadinr hlll1r lut y~ u , ~ l&DdoTal, PtWi ,._U..- Aaron ).laldonado.; lattarman and with • .100 plw blltUD.g: • ...._. n._ 'hd B •Modr, Dick &pp. a:n OrAflge HiJ ll aabool sn4uate.. lbould mo.. into th• r.,WU Boll Tw : ,llell,. Cb"* ~rme· ST ARTl t<i-0 llO'DLD lln•up either •l lborUlop or In ....... ...,,.,... The Plratt1' ~ tnn•ld, th• outfttrl.d. Youq, .an all-round which m•y be chapd 9Clll'WWbal a thlete from !lueUnrtoa Beacll, alter Stu 1-a'• bukelball may beoolDe • nplar outtlekler. pJa~n flnltn a..t.-...... wUl Ot.ber pra.pwct. tor a balt#'- ba completely lfNlll. a.. blne, ~~ lMm an Cba.rl.., Downey, will .. I ... .tad at llowl&all·· .ad Jim ~ 9,_. tint hue. Rated ,1r ~ M Ollnde.; l>o\&I' D' 4rnall, Glendale a &'ood all-round ...,..... J\&1De Jllc'b llcbOol, pitcher; IAa rt.her, p itched. caught Ud played. all Newport Harbor illsh lcbool and AM AnRACTIYE UNTAL 7 V the ~tint ·Ads n.. c1a .. ifled co1-1tt 11111 Newspaper • ...,...ent,.. best nlues to 1te fo•d •ywllere. Check them for ,-•••· SO UTH GORST 11 con STRU CTIDn CO. .Hl!WPORT ~ HARBOR . .New~{ P.ReSS ' -,.., __ J Call H•·bor 1616 for Ad ~ Taker RESID ~· !MDUSTruAL . COMt.4EltCIAL . NO .. too L.UIGIC OR SMAIJ, rlt-~ -a.Ji0¥it..... -- ' ' ':t •• r ~. -:F',.-«.1c , ... j. • .... ... .,. ... " . ...-.,..---... .... . ·-.. --------· .... ·-··-c.-...... -.. ·--···-·------~·· ---···---... -~-·-·· .. ----------~--"-.... ··-·· -· ...... ______ , _____ .. _ ..... -·---·--·-··-···._ ........... -....... ···-··--~- . . . .. . ..... ·--., -------·······---- h \· ------···-·· ·-__ .. ____ -~-~--.. -------.. ---------~--------~------.. --...-.---~--.... -·----------~------~·· NEWPORT l·•1>QqQR NEW<.•~ES~:.... PART II · PA6E l WEl>"IESDAY, FEBRUAR'( 15, 1961> " ----c.i. . .-flti ~a-tr J I _fL,,__...: ...,.,wUJ tab pul1tD •tblt 6tJl anpyl m.-11 8 J lftw.I CllAJIPl()NSHJP IP'OIW -In the o....,.. County JllliwnMilaly School Butetboll Loocue that can ooly meu undefeol4d Horue Enalgn. That'• B&be Nlemlec 110) ta.king 1. 1bol over rival guaro. at Wt. Lookinr on la Bill Ch&mplon ('5 ), center, and Denny Pmt {7). POil hu been averaging a.bout 18 point. per outlnc. -StaU- Pbot<> S Fullerton Aces Head for Spring Camps GOTIA BE TOUG.H FOR CAGE GAMEf Newport Hnrbor High School'• Bob villagrana (29), sophomore center ror the Tar Juniot vanity, abowa the proper mood by .baring hi• teeth on lhia puah shot agalnat Orange. Coach Julelll Gi."a boya were in the running for the J V championahip until Fullerlon pushed than uidt> last week. -Slaff Photo ~ T••'• .. IUOll -Rlch ~errl. in thia c~, launohlil a -et for Cooch · Jbll Miller'• Newport . Haitiot Hlsb·School B _..,. u. 'a reoen~ tray. In Swuoet I-Pe oompetitlal!, tile Tarl>abeo have been rich. too.. Out ot 8 contuta prior to yeaterday's outtnc, the Millermen bad won 7. Only finit pla ce Anaheim managed to down them. -Sta.ff Phot o Col!fere1ce Li1ks C•amp Leads Hor1eb ·t~· ·wi1 Over Pirates ~. coC:NaJ -P'UJ-Hornet. WWI., 12.,. to I 'ii . hnea .....,_ Oolleip'a l'Olf \.l!f.M I 1..,uns the Home~ w .. lhl! opmild. UMlr .,._ thl• put !)utern "Con! ha I mt=' Wtlb all. tmprwln Ylo-erence c mp on. \OrJ" 0\09' oranp; Coe.et Collera. Don Boas. Bou r.oor-ded munda Seaflea• Suffer 5th Ca9• Setback Local ~ortng: Gary Picken• 8, Che.rile T a ylor 7. J ohn Fonllu• I . M.Ui:e Hayq 3, Riiy Sanches 2 Jett Ror~r-a 2. ' You Can't Miss Hearing The Popular :lrr'J At t be Piano -at - HAROL-nJS .- Monday through Saturday Open Daily 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Lunches Served Mon. -Sat., 11 a . m. -3 p. m. Dinners &erVed d aily 5 p. m. 1 12 Mid. Sundays 1 p. m. -12 Mid . Liberty 8-6474 I 670 Newport Blvd. Coste Mose SMITH FIGURES FRANCHISE IN NBA FOR LA. BY 1957 • • '. l., ~;.: ' n. ..tm ...... hdd. at lb• al. 40 u ut H ror a low of 7&. ... ta .AA& , Country Oub. The He defeated hitl opponent. Bid a 1 . ~ Ti,.r"'"~'i~~·~·;;;-~=~~~===~~-~-=::-=-~~:;;;;~I DJdl Pon.oila ~a.,.e..·_. ... ~ (OCN8} 7' .,..... -~-.. ~-7 -u. ~ l1l' ..... fUMJ 10 ., .. ~---mtaut.~ ·~ nl.lhl. t 11 e O I a• PanU-. ~ pu P ar· .... tor the~ lltll win 'l'allnwMnt oc:lledlll'NI fw Ibo ODota -"""" -111"" rob. 22 and 211. oc... ..-n~ wUl --a.. Dia' 'er r ... ~ ., a a .... ..... .._. ..._ Pu41,, .._. ....... B11r11t11m ..... ....... R.MNaUoe. B•Mt ... a:,,.. _.. ... _., ........ a.at& Am. nrCA. .................... TJICA. .. , ...... \1PGlud Cour1Dt.Jr, ea.-1• ... .. .... Pull ... .. ta 11.w m-. Chl'b ,,...,..t. i.,w 1a Dion , r ~ £1h1· -... ratan or or....p oo..t. Col· .._ a. ta ...,.... ., ._.. ....,. 1i1p 'ldll M 1a cllarr• et the ~ ... e-u.cto-:-.ch Mw a\ a. --. a.me. will J.t ~ at t J'1n&l tint t'CNad plM t. ._ m.. oa w~·· Btrthd&y l-. ~ to .tart a t I p. -. DAYS 2 GREAT DAYS The1e a re ju1t a very few of the Doo r Buster Value1 we ere offering TIUs Fa-Cloth Ca•ual Shoe Mea's or loy.' NayY or lrowa 8oM')' ... , -"°" b,..... .---2 .. :-:::::. Ala.em t. 11 .. _ BOYS' SHl~TS 1o ·1a 1 oo !9..!l~IANS 1o u Barry .._,. lleed. We lay llore! WAHMILLIR'S u ...... 1 -.-~-..,,., """°" ..... . avw1.-... c:...t1iL~ ... .....,.~ ... • .MoH fJtptlolly I Pcwd'•-l-ft..__p...,,__.1 'a - an1 otb.-}i-toa. piakup-up ii> 11 -. IL -. Aftil. abM on t.he 118-ia. ~ Bztra ... Iii rmp:W- lnPi -· 'l1oo -•Ii-ft. ..... -.. 110-mi •' .._,P..J'CN•faill41-.•flll 'zr•· MoG!Colnhll r-01>o;,.-Cob1o_ .. .,. .... _, no... Clllm .. a.d:i. -...... -.... --. Mc.t llllll&ta.l ride w!lb. fall ... .-.... I ...,._ iii -t. ....... ill -t beck ~ ; .......... u ...... -•c...c.i.. __ _ Of u.. ,..... CMpmee ..._rwd rin:t prmou. i.o-to l"l:eona u Bob Hamb-ua a.D4 ~1• Al"t"&J'd •lltl t-.t In IO potnt.e to ,.ce lM ~~~ uj)Mt wta.. ' Ho&d:1nc • llllm 3t--37 ~ ~ t Mir. a.a.--............ 1a.·a.e 'THEODORE ROBINS ...,...._ •... ""'"" ---....... .-. ...... "' ... outlMt .. ...,. f ..... ......... •r_.,. wm. SU'1'.'\\ .... m• .... WA (I ) &41 •&.r ....... -------..... 11!1.- • ' -- • • I· • 1". • . All-America11'1 Famous . GROUND BEEF . • Alw•y• Rich, - & Red - Fresh-ground every houri s 00 Lbs. ~ P. PlllSH I'll.LET OF ·soLE · . ' -- ,fANCY COOKB> .LOBSTERS • 49:. 59:. Doller ..., Ctnllklnallen ·~1 ' ~:.."SL' il"aot.' . t .. ··;.c: irus~Gi . :!~ly .... s100 Tender U.S. Grade . "Choice" U.S. Grade "Choice" Bone In Shoulder . lest Cuts! Lean, Boneless, Tencll!rlZecl, Fresh Pork FRESH WIUAPOINT OYSTERS 12·0 L 55c J•r SELECT EASTERN SCALLOPS 59:. I ' ·PILLSBURY CAKE MIX WWte, Choe., or Yelow s PKGS. SWANSOOWN CAKE MIX ANGEL FOOD "The !Men of milk" S-Qt. Size BORDEN'S INSTANT 35 c STAR-LAC . • letty Crodcer's-40-C>z. Plcg. : BISOUIGK· C I Rrst ~ Mm.-1i1e-l-Lb. Pkg. :ALLS·WEEt llETTY CROCKER MIX PIE . CRUST I . : cifuii(~ YTou'lu•eNl!d LAOTS = ~= i STYLE RINSO BLUE GIANT SIZE LUX LlqtJlp / DmRGDCT;:; ............ n.oz..ct/ 36c 65C\ ::::: --WX SOAP -:::: · -3 1~ 2Jc -.. •.JI • . -. c OBERT! SELECT OLIVES SlllCT 5 14r°AJ. s100 11'1 CAMI . ·- ,.,.,. . IRIS First Quality I 1-Lb. Can HOLLY Granulated 1G-Lb. Ba9 Borden's Evaporated MILK 9 TALL CANS s100 Meadow Gold Gracie AA BUTTER 1-1.B .• 59c PKG. Del Monte PEACHES ::;~:1 4 '1 No. 2'h DIAMOND A CUT GllHN • t ·-Fil II •. _ .. ,... .... ..., -----,---··----· -~ .. ' -·- • e II • I • • • • • • =::: ;;;; ... _...__ ··--~·----..lo:=r;;o..~~--~ • Swlfl P1 emlu a C''pp•d BEEf c....,;ltan-- • ..... clelhh thrift dish -4-oL ...... FROZEN FOODS • • I . c · 1W1 11°1C1aa., .... .. 1JACK · -~--~~-·~· . J -~. I I I 69 I . I 111· I ow Wiii' LGE. SIZE! c I MINIM SHAIP :CHEESE I ~ WISCCl I lilN 1 ACilD. NIPPY •CllEDDU c I .. , I I l c I .., I . I Ai IUD• Slcecl I Ainenc. or P\tdento 1 ~; 25 :. : ___________ J UOUORS e Spedal .... e61ctory Offer e c 7-Yr, Olcl Str, lemlaw. 99 ea. CHARTER . • 4C -.,._ -;,• -• - • • .. • -- BEANS .~~ ._17~-OAK :::... -.,..!'~'.-_...,:. . ' rsr .... -..... D --..... DIA.MONO A CREAM-STYLE CORN 15c No. 303 ................ • J 1T .............. Can .CHAMP CANDY! -----·--· P-NUT ,._ 39c llmLE P-NUT , ..... 39c CLUSTER ~ PACIFIC BUTTER WAFERS ?TREATS? I -I.II. PKG. 29c BIRDS EYE -Your Cholca e MIXED VEGETAll.ES e PEAS e CUT CORN e PEAS & CAllllOTS • CHOPPB> aaoccou e CUT GHEN llANS CAMP'S LAMINATED IEEF ·STEAKS • • • • • • QRE.IDA FRENCH FRIES PKGS. PKGS. e ea ·1 c Buy A 6 kllle C:.., Only $21.95 ~~·"' DRY GIN """' 6-Yr. Old Str1l"11 leu.t.•n -Plllh OLD SARATOGA Mio'' Et" BURGUNDY • .::"t •• s.1n . • .. .................................... .. ............ ,.,_ ...... , ........ e DOWNEY cccom1111•• FF IOMI • DOLMf ...,'11111 e ,.-.-n....M A,_,,. ...... • NORWALK oa•• fff TGI• I PIDI OIWI U&Y 'ft. 'Elhbl · e GA.._. HOVI • CORONA DIL MAI .. 8aA .._ .... (kA ... , .... COAST l•llWAT Al MRWS MILT -AM. ftt •-P.M. MILT -UL ftt -P.11. c . . .. ---_,,,. j-. _..:;.,_ ···----""··_...,;.._ -.;z_ PAGE-6 • PA~rr\ ~~9r•nt Js -~.,........, -·I -"' - -C ,, -·tM things w• cannot c'-9-; ~ coui'91.to.chonqe tho llii"9• -c«l .ond tt,. w<odom to knoio -tW ·diffnnco,···(A. ~.)~ . ' ·GrandJ.uey ospital .Probe. Should1~ l.allnched Now .. ' .. We have h ..... "'-.oklmo and denl&ls ~nllnr &ileted bruta.llty a.ad m&Jt.reatment o! .ome Oranp: Cou nt y He>1plla.I patient.a at tk haodi; ot unnamed attendant.JI. We ~ tbe county ~ jury will look into the sibailia&, an tnWi.tigatioO. which Super- \'iaor H e inz KaiMr, tba board ot •upervilon' bolpi.t&l committeeman, wllcbm& Havin g talked with 1JCll6 mcmiben of the grand jury concerning the ho.pita.I .;tqation and, in auesaing t h e n ew11 sto ries which were uc.Iuaively pub liahed Monda y Lnd today by the Newa-Preu and Orange Count y New1 Service membera. we think , tbe jury r a b o uld probe t h e allegation1. Understand thLa. tbe nam~ of the complaining vict1D1J1 ii.re known. 'nlcy a.re in a We place. locked up and a w a it ing l h e jury'1 acrut iny Yet t he folks alleging n1a ltreatm e nt a.re eo afraid of intimidauon by co unty o f f1c1.aldo m the y do not w ish their na.m~ publillbed. Yo u who b&ve read lhe Newa-Preu editoriat. h ave ~t-en 1n t ime put thi.e newspa~r c harge the varioue county o fficial.I W'o'lth m&lfeuance in diffe ren t C&le9 &Dd i1n numerolJ.8 occ aaions. We reel there I.ii eno ugh •mok e ll1 lhe hoap lt.&J aituation there mwst be auff1cient fire to v.·a rrant the grand jury'1 tJCrutlny o f the insl1t u t ioo. W e are n ot ''mad" at the h oepital nor at altendanta. Yet . iJ there ue aome a ttendanta n ot giving elderly lut k t h,e handling their oood1liom deaerve, the gn.nd ;ury a.e the county'• supreme invNtigation body. 1.nde· penden t o f all o ther count y o fficial.I, la q uite empowered to f ind o at th" f&eta. 11 there ii no reuon f or &!arm tht> grand jury wW ferret, this out. U the re i.e cause fr1r censure or wane, tt'• hJgh time the poop le .knew 1 bout the ha.pit&J •ttuation. ' Ille .,..-tlon ~nt'• "adminiotraU... - could be lmp1'0'Yfd upon. W e recommend more cart6i1 invest.lptlon. be mede ot each cue before ~ ing probation to the court.I." In &natber parqnpb tJ1e j ury commlttee dlacuued the Juvenile DetenUoa H ome, report.Inc : ",,In , ... rol .it muot he Uid, hankly, ·the idmlaio:. t ration ot the Detention Hall ia abort ot the minimum desired of tb.la institution. Our t oun of lnapection d.la- cJo.ed a lack of· proper o r ganizatioO a.nd on c areful invee~atioo lb.owed no Improvement could be expected with the prt&et;lt administrative penonnel." The report goes on to mention crow ded oondition.a Ln j uvenile ball, with children in the boys' a nd girll' teetion.a Bleeping on tloon ... "and other conditioD.11 which are in viola- Uon with our ordinances, under which w e , u citizen.a, muat comply unde r penalty ()f the law. Yet o ur own county ii not complying. Dirty 11ehool rooma and net rooOUI were t>eyood comp~hell8ion. Wel recom.mend the he a lth department be autho rii.ed to i_napect the juvenile hfill periodically." The committee added that It ''wb very ob vioW1" Ora.nge County neecU a new pla.dt to hou.ae and car@ ror j u venile i.runat e e p roper ly. COURTHOUSE BEAT • By "'AGK BOETTNt~R Gen era.Hy •pea.king, the jury found lac k of p h yaical SANTA A':>I A 10CNS) -1'he l na.s·k.-d «,r n.-w '"'"J coiatruc- f&cilltiea in many county o f fices &.nd recommended t he ahtn1r1" ov .. r • ooor on tboe olll bon. llUperviAol"ll hire a q ualified ~rson t o survey future St. A11n·11 Inn roea.111 "road1." Ot-1 The two t11&Jur project• on U!.• tJ•·•"' c;n the l11111ll" or lh' r &.rI\· road Ll.,µ••11nf'nl 1&,(t nJ .. •r• the dc:velopm f'nl of county g o ve rnment RM a w h ole w ith the bllnir old frame buildlnc ,.,tuch 11ni:rov1•Jll"-nl •>f K•t<itla A\'l" l>'l· }XMlf'lb1lity of buying 100 a cres o f land n e ar Orange u.eo:J Iv tw on., ur th., .wank twHn tl\r S•nt.a Ana ~~t.eway Co H · ~ _, ( 11pot.. In the Southland hum w1lh IUll.I tN:. wii.1..-n1n" ot w .,1tn1ln· unty oep1tal -=inf cona lde1cv or co unty build ings. actlvtty. ,1.,r Avr ,..,.t or 'V1Yino 8 th fr. The counter wu bu1y lh1 other "Ye11, I'<! ,.., the1<t 11 re y e omieaion ot tho~ o , 1cens' name.e wbo we~ a tt cm oon v.·hm th1 v.·nter drop -rna1n .,111 .. ,tlvl'~ in tne 111111•.-•h,.lt not commended •peci!lcally, the county gr&nd jury re-ped by and another wa. waitinc tutu...-." hf ..,,1..i "I can't ..ay port spea.lt.e juron' o pinion., w e a.re info rmed b y j ury tor aerv1ce. Ne&r-the rur Of th"-wht rr w ... ·u itu rron1 lhtre. A• m e mben w ho advised ua to "read between the lines... plac• I foWld the feUCtW tor traf fic eoOOltJon• ch&11&e, ....,, whom J v.•u lookinc ~ AJ Koch, chanc e our th1nkln(. Some "9y The New._Preu, u a public .ervice, will publiab count1 •tirveyor a.nd ro&d com· the Wldenlng ot WuUntnater be- m l.NI.one r yond H lc hway 39 ahould come the 19:i6 county gn..nd jury report. 90 &Jl tupaye n Koch uncoiled • ft l.J'l'l• well neat. Other1 aay more work may f",xam.lne cow:ity g overnment. oYer •tx f•<il and n.:unded •hould bl! don1 on Harbor Blvd." .-----------------------------·I a •ann (l"Mtlnc. Wall• ot Koch'• Koch brought out an ln tereet· Th" Pacific Elt<:lr!c ta wllllng lo vacate &JI ot their t aJlr<'.l&d pro. pen:"• ,..,..1 to a point ln We1t Ntwpon a bout oppollltt ot ProeJ)l'ct .Str.,f'l v•nu:h for u1e pur~ o r 1<'1ent1!tcauon. ll two blo<:U we1t ~ 6\•t ~11 .. .-t \hi• propoql I• •ubJ•'<'t lo thr: toJJ.awing A T he right to rr l"• .. 1., th~lr rac111u ... Ill!" th• property owned b)' then1 11nn1eo.1 1 .. t .. Jy nnrtn of th" l'r .. e.-nt rljfllt-ot -""·.ay hav1nr & len~·th Of !\OI• t.-.. l, C'(Hfll!L,.lll:lf\~ II.\ • point 1&pprDlll!l\Dlely fl0 ft".,l ... l of tfle euterly Hn• or :>.~th ~11 .. ,.1 1<nd exterH!lng to a point approxi- mately 61J ''"! v.·.,.t~rly ur th .. ,.,..,,,1,.dy ]111,.. of ~8Lh Strtll!t 8 . Th• ab&ndonllll!nl by ~ Oly ()f N eptune A VMIJI rrooo IL potnt appro111m&ttly 60 fl!<'t -ot Ult euterly llne ol 6't.h Btreet .ond ext .. nding we11terly \,, h,. 1·0 .. t H.1g:>lw•y (' Tke prnp<"r ,.,.. 1_;'""'1( tiy lh.ln City lo 1.,.nnlt th .. "1ocallon &11d the "'placement or tr&ekb on Lh•Lr property 1mn1edialelJ 11ortb or their pf'Mlnt rl(ht-ot-... 111v •·Ommendng at a point •pproJtu:utely 100 feet wfft of the W8ttrly lln .. nf l'rotJlof!t"t Street &n<I eJll~ to th• propneed re~l l-On fac1ftt1M •t•nvr m .. nlloned. r1 Thf' 1'111/ll In ~np.j\V!•I,. \hi' n.rattd rtUw1y OD thatr tit'll · of-v.·•y <'Ol!11nen•1ng 011 H1<llxi. kt•ulevlird ~tween 3:1•t 8 1.Nt-t r.nd J2nrt Street. ttnd r•t .. nd!n,i: ",.,.t .. rly to the point appro~b' 100 tert wett of thl! weeterly un .. or J'r'"'llf!Ct Streel, M.ld 1ubdl*loa to bt f()r reek1f!T'ltl•l purpotea E. Some prov1•ion tnr acrtll• lo al'lrt rrom ll'I• rallro&d tacllt· UM In the event Uiat the proJ>Qffd treeWaJ' on tti. Coa.t Blcb-y lllrnlna tM 11Ueh acceee t run1 1a 1d CONt lf'l'hway when. N eptime A.,..._ nue lnterwectl la.id highway on Lile weal. II Grand Jury Pinkswunty Officialsin .Tender Spots READERS WRITE well-lll'hled office In Ule build -Ing a.nil., _ while the over-al! Th<' el!t!matLIOCI co.I !() the City tor 1uch rtloeaUOn end tM Yllhla the r11 n•J ta.ken u 111bn1l1t.,.;:1 by lilt PaclMc P.::lotetrle RaUwV Com-Inc. now kn awn u the N urt· road departnient 1lllt1 haa l l'OWfl nt houae annea. were pretty Wt.II in 11i;e, the malntl!na.nce d!Vl*Dfl p&ny 11 U folJOW• covered wHh m •p•. hat about Oie Mnl• numbtr of ---------------------------·I 018CIU88 ROADS empl<iy•.. u tt had a cl-U. .( Ed, Note: The followtllc letter waa wTi.u..i. J an. 29 to Atter Koch, a JO.year veteran ago H-'111 Kallter, Of Ille ho.,plt.aJ "1mnlJt te. d. th.a COW!.ly tn th• o.-,.. County -Roi;d De-T b.e 6141lneeri.n¥ dL'.p&rtment boaro ot .upen i.on. partment concluded bualn-w1th and tho•t 111!<'llon11 which deal d!· H t>re we i re a t the md and the e ta.rt o f a "new ear" Jn a m.anner of 1peakJng, the old grand j ury f1 l1ng its re port and t he new o n e rettin1 o rganl.Ud for a yC"a r o f inveatlp.t ions. The w ri tw .akl l pttlflcally th&t Ka!Mr brinS" Uie ca. two 111.inber• oc hi• 1lal! ot rectly w ith the public have en t th t' It ot ·~ ......__.. ,.._,_ __. don a-•·d 200, wo ...o do""'l'I tll larittd wtMtllflll•.lly o e • en oa .,, • ....,_,,,., ~ .... WM .-.. e, accorG-• ...,.... •~· tnl" tn anoU\w aipervLlor. bn.. lack• dl.cuul.ng the SA ;\-1.r. N l 'MBl:K The Ora~ Dally Newa bf!Un-e. the ch9.r-J'u cont.atn.(I rO&d .ituauon ln Lilia boomln& tl'f'-The b•1t 1u1U1, who 1ta1 lf'd nut rttory. ae 11 log ctn11: rnl(1neoe r 1n "'to•h· We h ave read the 1966 county sn.nd j ury report ~-which 1" milder t han 10me werie led to belie ve tt w o uld :< In thl• one let ter alone ~ •noufh to warrant & a-rand jury "Our problem• ti.er e arf' JI.I.It ingtun aMt-rl•'d "It at111 t10k•·• lnvetUp tlon. J .. , ~. H o wever , thf're 1.re reb u keti f or certain county J anua.ry ~. 19~ Htlr.a KalMr Oranr1 County SuperviMlr l•T Vlrpla Pl•~• .. .. .. .. nff1c1 a l~ w hoae wo r k or lack o f it bu been set fo rth u\ the Jury report. eo.ta w ..... ea.11r County Trea•u rer Harvey A. G ardnler may bav e o.a.r M.r. x.a.i.e.. d1 ff1cu lty expla.lninc t o ht. const1tuent1 where b e wu I am wrlttnc Ui.11 letter to )'illl far90nally 90 that It will not be when t he gTa.nd j u ry t ried "seven.I timeB to see the n~ tor th~ matter to cet trea11u rer: we finally made an appointment with hW Into th. p&per• •nd II" th• t : seer e tary to see Mr. G ardne r. lt WU the general County a 1ot or unfaVQr&ble pub-Uclty u would be the cue tf I • ' . l (•pin ion o f t h e co mmittee that tbe treasurer 11penda Vt-1natt.re dllc\llNd bereln too much ot hia productiv e time away ftom hill o ffice, -re preMJ'lted to an open meet· h the 1..-,_ I · Lill of th• Board ot Supem.on and f rom t e infonnaUo n we ga1 r .-.. eav1ng no or takflft betor• the G rand Jury itine rary w h e re h e can be reached. ~1W• ~mmend that u I bell..,. tht. ctrcum1t&nc• h e keep his o ffice poeted concef11lnc bi& whe reaboutJI wvn.nL I do. hownw, u k that ~ ; so h e c an· be contac ted.·· you penonally t&ke th• m attw up .,11.h th4I otMf' Alperviaol'I .ad .. , . .. ,, ', . ' :1 " . ' ·' • . , ' . " • ~ i The fo regoing quote.Uou tfOUld• trnj,Iy Yr. Gardne r malfe a t horou1h lhvettl&'•tlon is no t t o be (o und at hla deaJr Aqrmally; that hil o ffice and corr.ct the wrong• whether th.ey bl! due to a Lt.ck or 1ufn-which i.e w e ll run, we understand, bu no idea wher• clen: bulldlnp and equipment, or he is o r w hat he le dolnc during the .W..hour week the onb' tncredlbly lncompetent man· ta.x payen are 11upportin1 him. -ar-me"(. <>ranee County ha.I bouted that It I• th., rich•t T h e county boa.rd o f eu~rviaon comes in fo r iU county (per upttal tn t he United share o f c rlticl.em !tom the juron ih their report on &ti.µ.. Yet U.. condition. st the c row ded conditio n& in the county jail. Li.at.en to't.bie : Count)' Ha1pltal •r• unbellew-ably baL "W e were impreued by tbe fact that n othinc had Arra.npment. havtnr bee n bttn d on e to correct. thia crowded condition, e'fen 1n..O. th• ~ prevloo1ly by • tho ugh Jut year'.e gno8 jury pointed out th.ii t~t. klcal doctor, 1 took. lut Friday t~ aa1eldert1. crippled and Upon~inveatigalion aa. t.o . .sho ia reapomjble,. we t<NDd ekt ~'""'° UM· County Hoe- that the board of supenlmon are to provide .a.: •\lit&!* ptlLI. We arti"4 t ber1 at about 11 a. rn. Tll• attendal'!Ui did •ol ja il. It mu.at be r«nt;.ip.bered· that t.bi& j&jJ hu DOt· han ud •-a pparenUy unabh grown with the populatio n, and hence, LI ina.dequate to fJDd PJY" record o r ~ l or our timea. These co ndltio tu1 can lead to troub}IJ, ~• havlnc been ma.49 for Mr entranc.. COOatqU9nUy aha went ev~ riot, etc." throup the U•U&I entranc:. nip. The au~ra -.l8o can take a bow !o r alknrin& ttatlon ,...wremenl11 attw whlcb CO»Siltiona to ..d.t. at the county Juven ile baU whkh •h• ,.,.. ••led ln a whe.t cha.Ir and tak• Into lhe balement ot d~ the jury'a cen.9\U"e. the Ma1n bulldln g and left in :~ ., The jury ..,.cf&ally a.id, tbrougb ita co mmittee t~ corrtdor tn front or tM doot' ,_~----------------------------· lma.rklld "emercency" and .,bJcll ). • .,.. evidently th• mom ulled t or ~; , , emercenCJ ll"Ntment or aecl-~ f ·-MB~ RARBoit :' b"; =~0: .::-. -;::1:: !.':. RE-WS P R:ES S =·=· "'~'~t: .::.~ lheni UWI U.. dector would cln : j h•r an eu.mlnatLon and - .. ' Fonrttrl;J' UM Nnrporl·B&Jboa Nnta·1'mee •h•th•r ... not ell• -Id be ad· : i, .t tbe N-i>Ort·8al~ Pnm inlttecl. • :O.---.-;;;;;o;o-i;1:;;;;;01;;;<~;;;-t.;;-c;;:;;;;:;:;;;-;:;:;----1 111 re~•rinc t he hm pit.a.1 wu : ! 4 D ; bM !..el ......._ f• 0.--Ferty YW'll ctweQ Informa tion to Ule 1tf.ct • ~>---------------------------------l thal the p&Uent WN t'9Cel'f1aC : ~ .. llMond-a... MMWt' ~ U. Po.tome. In N""P'Ori &.a.ch, old ._. pMillioa p&ymmta. o.ui...... ...... • A.et ot Marcb 1. Jilt. JhUu• UI• ,.u..t .... old j~--.;;wi;;;;-;;;;;-;;;;;;;;::-;;;;;;;;;;;-~;-o;;;;;;;;-;~;;;----11pull M1Ytnt7~1 Yt&rll) ~d be-: l .. , r , 1 ...... -trr, W t1 I 7 _. F'1tlla)' "1' -caw M• waa p&rtialli,. m.ppled ~ p&Uent, I ~ '°*"If f M 90meone wtth aome authority and a llltl• oommon .ena and wllllln L ,..,,. mlnule1 Ille ,.u enl w1.1 a&ked to come Into the doct.Of'1 office LDd waa actw:ally •hf'eled lnto U.. doclani otlicit. At that tim• I left and ,.._ tumed to my home. l bad how - enr, llltorrned at leut two of th• hotpltaJ a tt.andant. Ul al I would c9rna 1111d cet lhe patient {Mra. 8.) at any Um1 that I WU Mked to do 90. Al about 7 p. m. Saturday nl(ht, 1 WM phoned at Pl)' home by ltOlneone who aald he wu Doctor B. and waa u'k""1 lo oome and. pt Mn. 8. I Uked hlm why • W'U belnc' Mat bom• Whell &he wu tll and needt<I treatment. and had been .llMt there by a reputable med.lea.I doctor. He 1ald lhal th.y had Mn. 8 . "under re- lt.ra.lnl" that ahe wanted lo come barn• and that 1 would hav1 to come and get her or •lgn a com - pll..int that •he wu not m entally competml. I told hlm 1 would not •icn the COITipl.itit. I iwlmedlate.ly ltied to get In lo\lch with th• doctDT here who mad• Ille a.rran1ement1 to take her to the hoepl\IJ. It wiu about lWl!llly lo thlrty mlnutu . bdor• I could reach lhl'! doctor. He then c a 11 e d the ho11pllal and ta.Jked to Doctor Il. He tben c&lll!d m• and told me that he gue!llM!<I 1 micht ju.111 " well ao 11nd 1;et M.r•. 8. nu. l dld; bringing her to her own home. When I arrived &l the ho11pltal I WM 11hown tco a 1mal1 room and Mr11. 8 , uked me l o look and 91'!11 lhe atrap11 with Y•hlch l\er handl had ~n Ued to t>ie ride• ol lh1 bed 1nd her feel to t.be foot of the bed and a lu'I• webblnc •trap With which her body had 1-n 90 tightly lied doWn that ah• WI.I held prac· Uc&Uy moUonlua. I U ked her the ~Ion tor .U thll aod lhe l.likld m• to 1et her out of the re u qulclr: u p<19alble and lake her home. A nura wheeled ber to t.be ambulance entrence while I drove my ca r lo that lo.-stlon and q !!lated 11bovr I drove her hom•. about the aam" that they arl! In any other gcn<ernmtnllJ jul'Ul· diction," the broad • 11bouldered rOfl•I rnn1mu1.sionl"r expllllned. "M:alnJy It l1 a r1nanclal prob· lem Oenl'rtlly 1peak1n1. our r•ad• II.Tl'! 1n tea.::ina.ble Cood ah11pe. Thr:y art, however. lnade- quatl! to handle the pruent day traffic. "A.I! Lile county r;rowe the prob- lem of f!nanclnc adequat. road.II e:w:pand1. Our ~t •urvey, about two year& •&o, ahowed our ro&da with a St•.000.800 de/!cl• m oon- 1truct1on. That flirure probably hu mulllpllt d now, with the ln· crffMl In population. Ncrr WIDE ENOUOH "Roada chlefiy atil nol wkle eno\ll'b nor a re they •trong enou1h to iak• care ot the tnU'- tlc." • Koch dleclOffd lh11 t there &fl' lllree m1lln .11ource1 o f Income tor bulldlnK ro11d1 -l the coun- ty•• ahar .. ot Ltie ate.le gae t.a:JI, 2 -f1nl'!I lmpot~ by JUllUCt court. on t raffic vlolattons. and 3 -the five-cent ro1.d ll.Jl 0 11 unincorporated property. He po1n ll!d out th&l hi• office &190 probllbly will l&ke In about 5175,000 LPL fees tor permit.I, but that wtll all go back into !Jll!-t · vlcfl to l he cueto111er.I!. Service, b1 1a1d, Includes ltuipecUon of 1u txll vl11on ln11ta1J1.t1onl!, p I p e Une11 and llO on. OTHER .aoes Koc:h'• front office al.110 handlll!lll aboul 25 permit.'! 11. da y for hou!M! moving, truck ovl"rload1 and sllni· lar p<irmlt11. The county road budg et for the upromlnl' yellr !11 $1,750.000 with about two·thltd1 uf lha! ftgure wu put In a very 1n111.U room which hlld no window that could be opene<l, and when 11he le.ft the 1tuffy r oom and w ent out ILJld ••t In the halt In OT<ler to get 1ome air, they came and t1'!d her In Ille chlllr and later t ook her ba.ck to the ema11 room a.nd IC.rapped her In the bed. Ull! ,..n1e number of men In .,,,. .. 1 an emeraf!fl.C.y. Tha l·• wtu•t w" boite our mainlenan," ""<'llnn on our crev.·11 do onlv p"rt ' f 1hl' ro::u1 1n1 .. 1nv!:Jil'nl work, th .. , .. m.1n.1i'r \; •• ,;'J fly prlv•tt r.Jn· lr1ctor1." Korh ••ul lh" recent •lonn ca.u.a:t •·very lltlla d>lma,ita to 1:ounty untncC!rpor10le<l l"Ot'dll One of the n1•Jor objecllvr:• of Koth i nd h11 •latf no-..; \1 huet- Ung •long a mut.:r plan or hi1hway• tor thl1 county. Attt'.r 18 montha o! lntelUle wor k, the plan ta alm01l ready ror preeen· taUon to th• AllllO<:lated Cham· ber• ol. Qomml!!'rce board ot dlrec· lora fs a~ptance. Kocll. aald committee ct14tnnan Nat NllQ' wlll call hi• rroup to- gether rwb. 18 to tonnulale ftnal recommendl.tlOTll lo Ille cham· "'" -The ro&cl depart.m\nt, pl&nninC commlaalon. repre$t.n lllUvea from all county Jnco rpor&ted cltll!• and other inlere11ted l)"rMin• have been be1.rtng down on the plan £\''ERV CITY ''We'v1 contacted evtry city," Koch dflC.lared, "on Ole plan.. The Fann Bureau haa worked with u1. We &leo worked ll In wllh Loe An1@le1 county's pl&M. "lf tmi chamber. of commerce bM.rd ..ndo,_ lhl p.1-. c.a-ll will go to the b<.>11rd ot 11upt:r- vieor1 for final 11ction s nd dr aw· Ing up In ordinance tonn. \.\'e need an official plan. Thrn we·u be 11blr to set '""Ide th• right amount or rl~ht·of-way tor futu re e11pan11lon. The mo11t im- portant th!l'lg 111 lo h&ve room to e&pa.nll w hen U1e time coml!.ll. The ma1tcr plan would dn th11 t." hand which lh t u&ed In aignlng until after ahe had •lgrul& Thi!! ot couM1e 111 .,11ecurlng a alps.lure under l tlre•t and dureee and 11he I.I not bound by It uid It m11 y be that the doc:tor 11 crlm!Jlally Ua ble for hle 1CU011. It lll!em1 lmpo11atble lh11l 1.ll lhll could be done to an old lady iteventy-one yeani or 11re and who hall been crippled ILJld partially paralyi;e11 tor ttve year11 and who 1U"Vlt to the County Hotpllal uklng tor help. Bul It ha.t ha ppened lllld a.Ince It hap- pened lr1 lhl11 eue It h11..1 prob· lbty happened In othe r Clll!O'A ,TtU.. la to uk. that yuu 11nll the other Supt:rvl.110r11 make • tborour h lllld co1nple~ 1nveatlga· A. T rack corwtrucllon -· ... -...... S M.112.00 D T...-m tn1ck ptvlnl' ot' the railro..d faclllt!-. lJlr ludinl' r rl.dl"I', 00 4•• W elt and a.pball concrete O" thick . Tkll ~"tonat1~ ()f 1'1 ,000 .q. fl. lln<'I le IJl,e aha&ld a r.,. oa Wap J lncludlnlf the portion thereotl •haded ta brown. hrinlf the westerly end of Neptune Avenue abov• 11'¥'Jliont!d Screen concn'l., wall, 9 f l!lt hllt'h ~ 800 feet lone. runnlng elong th& touth,.rty edge or Nl ld fa r:llJUet Flood hfl!h linK ~ur\Jt,)11 pltl tform 11,380 00 2,fl27.00 e,8T8.00 1117.lJT.OO IAn<I con1111llng of P•rc<il1 l, 2. :Za , Sb, :k, ;}, < •a,~. fl i , 8, 9, J•. a nrt lh 1 'l:>l•.87~ aqua re fffl I ·-·---· S'64!1.0T2.00 R<!m•>Yal of presenl 1t&Uon and trac:.k. lncludln,I' lM v.ow.,., S.Wbo& BouWvllf'd -.adt,...,....... - !Thi• \I tbe n9'l cOllt alter cl'rinl t'Hdlt tor •.1Jva.g, --t he l'J'DN COlll bl!in« tt!.MJ.00) -I l G,810.00 R t movaJ oe i..:-lance of rail lln• Jocat.ld on lhe rl(bt-ot'·way ,•.:tending w•terly from Balboa. Bnulevud to lb• potnt ""••rly of Prolipect Street &bow menUoned .. ... ···-·· .. .... ._ .. I JO,too.00 iThi• ta lb• nit cost alltlr c redlt foe aalvqa, the cro. cost be!nl' 111,N •.OOJ A br""1tdow1i of the l&lld .-t per pa.reel eubDllt\91! by th4 l'Mflo l:lect.ne RaUway Company. toselbv with a ~~of th• lfl'pr&.IMI Ulereot by the Ot)"• apprafMn I.a betnl' Fep&NMI bf lfr. kJ Witbb. th~ City £ni1neer, aad will be attaehed .~ ·1 RECAPITULATION or C08Ta .•........ ·· •····-••··•······-·······•-•T·-·• -*• ... 1.QO Reloc'•Uon Land acqul.tltlon ......... ......... . ........ -._ Removal of preaent '•taUon &nd track faelLIUN ln -..doll •rl!!a and Balboa Boulevard -......... -... ·-····-··o---Removal ot balsnce of lln• .. . ................. ____ _ ... 012.00 lS.ITG.00 10,llO.OO Tota.J eaUmated eo&t to CltJ ............... -... -.... -·--··-lfOO,m .oo It 11 to be ttrWed that all or Ult above co«. U'll ""t-,;:. eoet. The land value. ptaoed by the P!M:ltlc Electric ~ pa.ny are valu"" placed thereon by Uielr appralMrw. Th• ~ ~ la wWtnl to cnidtl ..,.s.1n1t tbe abov1 cotl. the Rlue ot tb4 cy.;r~ p1"0pert.y IOC.led imme4l&t,111y nort.h of 6Uler property·~ by tll• rallW&)' company and adja.cl!lll to t bt rwllroad f.cilitl• _ • fbown on n.ld D!!P· M lndlcated, tbeM f a.clllU .. _would end at lbf port!a•ly urle Of N-;jji'un .. -AV!!nue." ~ft"Mtclllion, lht. P.atrc'l!lectir.-& ~ to h&Y• lht'. CHy remove their prt•enl .iaUon, fac.IUUes, trac.IUI and trs r ki a long Belboa Boulevard Jn lh\1 event, th• aoet ot Sl &..870.00 wo11td be ('Jlmlnated. An 1mportElnl development with repect lo th• ~nd aequlalUon coit In the event the railway company and the C:Hy &l'I unabla to 11gree thereon. Ult raUW&y comp11ny lt w1Ulns lo hav• such valu• detennlnl'!<i tn a court of law . PROCEDURE Thf' proct<<lUn" 111gge1ted ln connection with UU. nlattft'IW9'lfd be for the Ci ty annd the raUwar. comp&ny to enter blto • t-~ llCT'M- moot botwffo th• t-1 ortl<-or U>O catt-y _..., ~=c:t· Thb tvitative agtefment mt11t l ben bt 1\lobmit~ to 6i. ' t Qf the railway company for It• approva.I. The P~ ~ then tile an 1pp1Lcatian with Ul• lntlt'atat. Commuc4 tor UJe right to relocat. It. facll.iU.. u herein cont.em.plated. tt.. U.. I.C.C. 1aue.a Ill CUW'lc::at. tltel"llon, then UI• applooval ...,..... '..,._ to be acqulnld from th• Publkl Ut;UIUu Corom'-ion ot .a.t ~ ol cat1rom 11-nie retoc.tJon of the _ fe.cllitlN could ti.en be ocf'P rrrrll. TIME EJ..l!Clm;NT -ESTllUTED The time nec-ry to complet. Ul• tcilatlve ....-ntnt -30 Oay9 )lanagement approval __ ............................ .... ······----·· .. ·-· -'90 "-1'• LC.C. a pproql -·-··-~ .................................... _ .. _ .. _ -90 dqa P .U.C. approval .. -......... -.............. -.......... __ ., ···-----SO .,.. Relocatkon .. -................................ -........ _ ....... --.... ··---to ..... ..tJmated llme ... Ktr-1 Lynn O.vi.I Cit¥ Attorney ·-. ··-·-·--_.... -I· .· l rr.n a atroU 11.1fteJiil aboUt ~ ••eeo-1"'11aU.NUNO COJU'AKT : ..._ ...... ~~CALIF. ,.._ ........ ltll fin 7_,.. mrp. l d1d not ._ .. '~~~o;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i!~~~:!i:~lh• .UO.., "'' W ltad I eteure4 Mrs. s. tella m• I.hat dw-inc her •tay ot a day and • halt at th• botspital, n•ll.her her race or handl •-ever wuhed. nor wu lhe offered a pan with w1ter ., that ahe c:oWd wu.h them h8"- .. 1r. 8ba wa1 dWtld the pri'ri· I .. ol rubbln& oil oc winter· ~ on h1r rheumatic and a.r- lhriUC: jolnll, an.J Ni• wu denied t.h9 prlvUe1• of t&klnc any or UM ml!dtclne which &he had with Mr and which had been preacribed by hu doctor h • r 1, and Ille wu nevu elven any medlcaUon by llM rio.ptt&I It.aft. !lh1 tul'UMtr te lla nie ~ waa wpplled Wi th a comlortable bed l"rlda y nil{hl. bat 8&tarday toi enoon wtMn ,ha went to Ut9 b&l.hroofa anolh• patient W'M put tn h« bed. and Mie WI.I .-it to a ward wtth ~ ~ p&Ueal&. Later aiHI It wae a -haired nur1e and a 1tron1t y0unK helper w ho tied her In th .. bed. T hey Wl!re very rough and twletl'd h<!r p11r11I~ &rm 11.nd je~,.d her down onto the bed, and afl~r her 11 nn" were I.Led the h'~per (T•bbf'd up a foot and thriw !t down onto t he Iron foot or tbe bed and told her lo eel her damn fool down w here ll belonged. Th" nur .. U'lreatened lo "1tick " her and pl.It l;ter to aleep It aM did not 1hut t1p and lhl! h elper 11&.ld you &ti! damn rlcht wt IUl'e will Rl lck yilu tr you don't ahut up. Mr1. 8 . lk!reamed and cr1ed tor hours a fter thl• lrflatment and tr1f'd lo get .omeone lo .1e11d word to trlen<J. 'of her condiUOll and beKled nur ... Mid •"J'J'OTI" who curie near ~fb. to ~ lo ullll.C that llhe be Mint home. Mol'1!'0ver Mn. 8. tella me th•l th• docl.o!' W"OUld not rel-her from the bonct. 11nto etie 1lp ed Mlm f kll'ld oC J141.ptt promhrl nJ that al'le wo.u\d not p~te lhun and only l'llLlea.ci tha - Uof'I of Ult• m a tter and fl:w: the 1---------------f'M~bll lty and ta.ke the nee· ;j ......... ...., ~ _. ...... ,, :£"All ..... a da&ir and •l bNld• her wbUI 1~~-~~-= .. ~ ... ~~·~,~~-~~0-~~·~] .. ~""~-~·~;00.~~-~~~~·:L: .... :~·:-: I ~t ·=· I p. If\. th• paUent • • OPW a& ••us q ,_ JVt· ' 1w .61 • • bc9DM faint and dlKJ' and I M t r Jf....... I' Ml W A &' V., •topped me ot th• nunea and ,. , .. ~ 0-.Q JI'._ ~ told lift bow 1o"I' UI• patlml ! E DK Rml>DfCI(. l't1Bl.talDlll i::t ::-::a h=d .. ':;d u:: ~ ; WU.I.JAM A. JI08m,. Sdllor bn!UfUt and rw4 bMll offend llO J ! OIU(()l(I) II.. ft~ Ad'91....._ Dlreetllr dtrl_. &n4 1 wu atr&ld Ulat llhe • • CB.UU.D A.,. A!ULl9ftlORO, •d •"-I eo:p.~ wu pl.'ll&' to talnL The nur. ),•-----===~=~~~·~·~:;· ~=::::-----,bnlul".t W a pa. of mtlk and i .: en-' REW a&mr told her to -u.u. wa.ltlftl:, ~ ~ N..,_.. -.... IC•-r.--. ~,....., that .tie .,ookt tMI t&ken can !1 la CJrMc'e ~ ....... ~ ... G -.: t lM ..,_ -ot ln a lltU. wbll&. Al 2 :JO p.rn. ' ' ~ flll OrMp ~ ., ...... ,_.. ~ b&viq y.t ~ ~ Cor .. l •• i READ.ERS WRITE ~ meuure1 to rortf"l:t ll. Th .. n let me know whi t hu bflen done. And alnc• I once aerved on the Grand Jury, permit m1 to cauUon you not to ta.ke lh1 word of anyon1 w ho la trylnr to •ve h11 owo hide, but mak• the lnvuUptlon thorougb aJl.d I·-------------The Orange County ntu.-. oompi.t; and ,.et the f a.eta. February 11, 19:.8 monk Boclaty ftnds It la lmpoe.- Re,.~t tully your11, Mr. Ben Reddick 111hlr lJl ~prt.M O\lr Cl'Utudol i l'llttned I tor Lhla ma11t important c:ontri-Newpotl Harbor Newt rreM r .s . Mre s . 11t1ll ha.. bh1.ck and %211 w . Balboe. BlYd, 1>ut1on. b1 u" mark11 a.t <o1•tll u • .wnlftn •n•l •klnn""1 •nkle •• a ~II Newport s-cll. Calltom.la ot the 11buee which &he rtatved DM.r Kr. fteddk:k : '" lb• hoaptt.ai. You .:id 'fOUZ pni.u .... ncw ... Bln0&rel7. MOR.ELA.ND LEITHot.D ~t • t' j ! I • .. OCC ALUMNI RETURN FOR REUNION ~pre~nlat1\·es of the SC\"Cn classes v.·h1 c·h have graduated fron1 Orange Cout College met last ~·ei!k for d inner and entert:un ment. Follo"'·1ng the dinner a g roup of alumni conB1dereJ future planJS for thr1 r .. rgar:1zat1on. At.eve. from left. ~njamin M&rewi and his wife, Christine, both nu w at USC, &nd \ir, and Mn!. Carleton Me.an, Coeta ldeea., Cl~ of 1951. Eugene Tyler Photo CANINE ST AR HERE FOR BE NE;=iT La.Ale appeared ''in person" Saturday at Port Theatre where her film 1\•as presented f or benefit of local Heart Fund dri\'e. She doled out "paw -togra.ph~" to Claudie and Carolyn Poole, 3 1 <~-year-old daughters of th<' J uho 1~oolea, C11rona del Mar, Other Pooh~a attending includC'd (center row l Pete r, 8, Tony. 11 and J ohnny, 6. ln rear row are Mrs. M. S. Ober Jr. and John Poole Sr. -Gene }{oss Photo BEADY FOR TRIP -YMCA Model Legialature Lobbyist, Chip F'it.zwater, New· port Beach hand.a copy ot a drafted bill to one of the bill screening judg~ Mrs. Donald DunJ&n, Col:t& Meaa. u (1 tor) Robert Hurwitz, Newport Beacb; Ai rs. J udd Stttherland., Cost.a Mesa and "Duke" Cox General Secretary of the On.uge Coast YMCA detennlne merit.ti of the biJL - Don Buah Photo HARBOR SCOUTS HONORED J>ana and Ginger Lamb, Jett and third ff'om left , Corona del Mar exploren, told Eagle Scout. that Jeuon1 lea.med in Scouting helped them in their de.ert and juncle survtval. u feature of recent Ea.gle Scout dinner at !rvine Coast Country Club. Others U8latlng were Jam"9 Gubbene, ett0nd frvm lefl, former council pre.ident. t'tom Onngc ; E. C. ( ~ll Mlsstldine of Santa Jrn&, fourth from left. council pre.ident, and Wlfti&m H . Spurgeon lil, of Newport Beach, who introduced the I ,amt:Je -SAC Photo ------·--------.. ~ .. • ., -' Mew D• cl .. s NEWl'ORl 1:1_..,R@OI\ NEy.'S-PRess _ PART 11 ~.PA&E 1 RF-i w WB!INSCMVr F£t«UAl.Y '1 5, rs --. -f ··y · I jy;::; ::··~"-5~1!,1-l;--:--1 ~-~~ 0 llPIJSI 1C"s~.,111L91" L~ ~ -~ft~-of -llecUoa I : 'ftt.111 w st J"°' .. # -..... 'a trem clandtob.'uw1-.q#tit11• _.~,,, ~·.jj'~ • _ ~· Drw !fMP tt 1 .. MCP '7 tor U.. tmm .. lte ,..... ~ ..... ~-. '11Lr. w dD'aotmi'·.,:;;~---·'-"'~·~-......_,._. ..... --~~~ ..... ~.- .: ~:" ~ • ·, · ...,.. · ara.4 ta tllltr •-t .. two 7DUDC ctrt. ..-ftport.ed to U&lth ud lilhiij;-UiCf l1iilll'""IP', ~. -i..:. ~ n..a •• "°"' · .,.o -Uc. -... , Y"' ., COlll4I dhctlft 1m....,..ta1:1 ..-. • ~ ¥9 -C"' WU at .. ,, tlrlol, .. .aid, ur+ a lp9Clla1 111..ttnc" ol U.. n.. po ,.. • .,. • ~ tba nrwt. It.I ,....._ TIM 'tacW ~ I • ·~· ~ -'children. Oftl«;n -re un.bM to klmt.e dam Tupa,... i..a-no.rd ot • WU Ml at •t~.tt. U:WI ~ ..,.. u flDDOWll: n.& • ~:_~ ; ~ Dlneton b.id at tl!! born• ol Dl9coY'll)' ot lb• t.bett oocu.rnd U:WI OU' Council~ r 1.-:1 ...:...,,..~ ..... .--..,,-----------------IJ&dt ~ ~t.. n arw Lb• rtri. wt B&Uani. and Of'dln&rule 1111 ,...uirine' tM vao-••111.1 "l,f',f. ' • • • ar.m. 4"FPld the ........... ..U.0-cl.o.aUoa .o( dop Oii. Gilt ~ ~~;111'A60N BACK ,, ........................ c ...... -· ... __..,..., ... """"""' .,_. w --SbrMder, J, J, JSl'Mb. &114 &. sport. .a.op. A M1M Jb1. U.... '-quan.nUDtd by the St.alAI 0..- Newho , Rolll St k fUeb&r6L ~ UM ,.cka.c"• u COlllUl1 ~t ot Publ.lo ~ pd Pe S ng OC A wt• ot .....,....,.,. ,... fh>m ,._,..~ A' <hod< N-'od -W. -.... .....,, .... to In~ no purcil.Ue ot the ..... w had •boT• I.Ii a part ol th• 1•eral pt.-~·,,_ A. W . 'J\lt-bNn. mad.. Tile ~t. ~ tor u... rwquired ...a.c:dlllll.doa ot found b'I .uesa Policeman "· .... ..,..., ... ,_mla ~· ·~ •'M ~ •"'nl. ..... ""·· '""'·",. ._.... that ,....,..... l'I oommm 1 •t.._. to tM lAduab"J' #768 b.com• ettecUv• ~t .. :oamlttM. A...odat.d Chui.Mr• NOTI '>· Th• f'o'-hope nn ~ent cu u Oren appr"O&Ched ln • " Commerce of Oranp County LEGAL CE 9JCCTION J : n i. o~..,U got blck one ot I). erri.wi"PCY patrol nh.lcle. .O pn*1ot.9 the rw.19t:-'ftC' ol &11 l.U9 ett.c:t Unm'4l&t.lj u.poa U.. Vthlclea Sunday~ A · (mt& .. )/ua Ore&a: aald Roley tDld h1rn r )~ lb&t b&Y" not bean ,.._ ORDl NANCE NO. ,.. pa-.. ther.ot lt.l\d •hall b9 pllb-- ponce.man at Y a. rir..•arl'Wllited a aaJJor had dr1ven b1rn to w · l---<I atnce JIUl.. 1, 19!WI a.nd AN' OIUJUl/A.N<Jll ADDING A llahfit 0tice ln the Newport Ku~ Co.ta Mesa n\u wtio' viµ aeen locatloo. and h•d Jet b.1m out. H• or hla atateme.nt Uu.t Wlleu n -f'A&AG&AJ"ll TO 8E<"l"ION N•w•-Pr-. a t1•Wipapw ~ pn- to lffiv• ll •nd booked 1Wn on denlad he had ever drtve.n It. Th( 1AMaa1n.i LI dou lllO'tl', county 4110 OF ARTICLE IV 011' •ra.I clrculaUon, printed aad pu~ eW1pfcwo. ot grand thert, a uto, au:ip ,,. .. rtijpalend 1.o FQJo.13Jl L axpay.,.. ln UU. ..,..., W'OU1d race C.'HAPT'E.& I 0.-THE P UBLIC LIUied &t.d. cll"cul&ted. Ill Ute City accordtn1 tD pc;llce. Wooldrtdl'•. Banta Ana, and hM 1 $10 n.te ln 19151 lMtea.d ot the W !: L FAR I:, MOB.A.LS &.l'ID of Newport Beach. Sgt. DaYld Orecs f"!!'POrled he • •111 "N..-hoP41 nn Dept." Ofl lppro2'.lmately SS that la detn.1.nd· POLICY OODI: OF TH• M UNI· TM above and· tor~ erdin- ance wu tntroduc9d and adoptld at a regular mMlllll' of lhe City C01¥1Cil or th. City ot Newport Beach h~d on th• 13UI d&Y or Fetrruuy, 1904, by the folloW'IAI' vote. to wlt · •w wau.in RoiQ~· of' :tP, II:. fm nt lt.l\d back and oonla.lne<I • ~ naw. <'IJ>AL OODE 0 1" Tat. CITY ielh st. lfel O\.ll, ot cu 1D lh• metal nre cleputment N.t, • Cl&rtftcatton waa uked by lh• 01" Nl':WP'OllT Bl:ACH, l:N· .l700 bJodlj (Jf lf1 ,rpot)...»1'f:4. and lhort wave radio, and a . .SI cal uew dlreclOI'• Qn the recent newa Tm.ED, "DOGS. 1..JOESSl.NO." wUt a.w•7 ~rr'iedJ:t. ~~m the ~velvet. rt!..,. oonceiulnc' I.be Joln!ns of \\'llEREAS, the D17 Counctl of Stevenson Followers in County to Meet Saturday at 'Clemente SA.J\~rA A!':A cOCNSJ -Ed· 1 D1..1trict ror tll• AdW Stt venaon n•un<l ti. "Pal llro"·n, Attorn"y &late tor the June prtmary. Genrral or the SU•le or Ca llfom•• Chairman Van Talf'ftl'tov1 and 'nlompeon JolnUy announced y e.- 11ul C11.iltor111a campatr;n manager tenlay tha t caucua ot potential tor A <l!a! Steven.Qn annoW'ICed ye•· terctay that Lnt er Van T•tenho\'l', Santa Ana a ttorney, a.nd RJchard Thon1 pA011 of LA.n1on Grov•, h1.1·1 been 1ppo\11led ("O·chairmen Ot a cornrnlttee lo call a caucua (•f Ste•vaon tollow•r• to ...iect dr-le- pt~ rron1 th• 28th CoT11T1lllllion.&.1 FEDERAL CASH VOTED FOR NET DEPOT DREDGING Steveraon delqale• wUJ be held on Saturday nll'ht at a o'clock a t th• San Clemente. Bach Club. Th• meeting wtll be held tn oon- junclion with the meeuna-of th• 28U!. Con1,--eJonal Dl•lrlct O.mo- cra.Uc Councll and the mMtlfll' I.I open to aU 8t1ven-on aupporter•. Loan Official Predicts High Business Here rorcea w1t.b a northern county L&JF: the City ot Newport Beat'tl paa.ed rroup. ~dtJJI Jac..11: Reea u -lln emergency onUnance #717 add· rJa1ned t.ba.t perha p. lh1 c.holce 1ng • new par1.1'7'aph to Seclton ·f word& d.!d not nt the acuoo t.110 o f ArtJc le. rv of Chapter l of lhat took pla.oe. "'Our JoJnJnc of tiMt P\.ibUc Welfare, MoraJ1 and fQrc u," he -.Id, .. wu ~ on Policy Code ot the Municipal Code a ~lan.Uon that v.·• w•r• al or the Cl!y of Newport Bearh. on1 m1Ad oa tu tnequal!Uee and which ~u1red~e inOC"Ula t!on of • alto ltldudtid an otter of .e.rvlct-• dog with a approved by lt.l\d equtpmml. It llhouid not be th• C11y HNJth of lb• City impU9d \hat lb.ere WM a elpil'll' of N~rt Beach ; u u1 or paper1 to <affect. tor tnatance. \\°l-u:RJJ:AS, certain do( own en a merrar:· Tb1 northern croup have rf!Queet.ed that lt.1' ucepUon !• •Ull ui. lht-procoue ot orprus. bl!! me.<le to do11 where the lllocule.· inc .. It appeared to the. com· tlun would endanger the llte of a mltt.e altend.1111' the Jan. 11 dol': mMtlnJ' ln 5'ullertoa. And whUe !\'O\\', 'I'HER.l:FOR.!l. the ('t!y lh!e. commltlM wu ptt.pared to Council of the City ot N~rt ott1r a direct mlfTer, that ofter Be.uh doell oroaln aa rollows wa. wtlhhald pendln1 Uietr com· SECTION 1: That·Seeuon .f,110 plet1 orpntaatlon. of A rt II: le IV or Chapter l or the Gas Co. Adds 487 New Meters H,,. Public \\-'tJfare, NOl'U. a.od Polley Code ot the Municipal C.ode ot th Ctty ot Newport Beach . enUUed, "Dog•. U cen•llll"' be 1.mer1ded by addlnr IJl addltlona.J new pan.· · N-BM.ch ~ • 0 por crapb thereto, lbe aa.tn• to read ·~,..... ... follow1 A Yt:S, COUNCILMEN· BENl'.'E'T'l', \\-'ILDE'A.. STOD· OARD, RIOBII: RfU.. NOl:R, COUNCILM:!:N: RlDOl:RHOY AB~E:Si' COtTNCILMJ::N M.ACKAY DOR.A 0 . Hil.i. May"r A 'T"T'F'.S'1' MA RGERY 8CHROVDl:R City Cler k :-;11 rl2 N•w1-Pr ... 2/11:1/M SOTl<X Of' Pl"lSLIC mr;a•nro c.it C?'O"'th durinr 19116, ~ ••EJtcr ptJon. Ttat lh• vaccina tion on addition of •17 n-m•ter• f"'Q u.lrement aa herelnabove lf't pennH f here., acocordlng to Ju1tln M . Km-rorth •h•ll __ 1 •PPI> ,_ • dof od t 8o U> ,.._,_ ..., ..... N'ouce ll hereby turt.b« .,.,._ Nnlf('"<! II ht1Ab)' (\Yan that Ur.• CuuncU f,f the CHy or N""JIOrt Rei.ch v.·1u hold a public n-rtn& on the appllcaUon of CH4JU.&8 Kl1.A..\tE:H. tor a U1e Penn.It. (No. 212 1 to permit · The co~n a nd openi.Uon ot a • unit «-Dins 1trllCture on an R ·.S aonad bql)d. lni 11te on a portlOl'I or Lot I, Block 22, Balboa Ti-a.cl (a.ction ll1Ds..3J(a ) permlta wUU. 111. ..:.- of three on the Lleuance ot a ''l»ot" Congreai1man .Jllm• B Utt nolltl~ the !\'ew•·l'TeN Mon· rtay that l.lle &0>1emi:n.nl ha.a a uthorised money to dred1e the Seal S..1u·h Naval Ammu· n111on 11nd Net Dtipot harbor and depu1lt lhe •and on otten- 1wamped Sunael •nd Sta.I Beache•. The dred.(1n( wtll al- low !arre ete•mM.hlpe lo enter itl rectly Into the Naval Am· munllton and Net Depot to i...ke on euppllee or •.mmunl· lion. n 1 ° u em .... vu.uUee. Gu wh1re 1. cerUflea te ha.I~ W.ued that 1ald public he&rtD.r WW be Oo. ni. ... tonn9d a port.IOD. of .... • dull',, u-.--,,1------. h th -7,1 M" "',_. .,,,..,,.,,_. t h! on the 27th day ot. f'•bru&rJ, Rev19Wln1 tacte &nd. n~ on • av, new ru met.ere eon-dotn;• h··--,.-"• Co••niy or tad JI " -u1 .. 1953, at th.• hour ot 'F :SO P. X. "' en.n,. C.ounty dtV•lopmct tor n.c lo ne11 tn th• oro;an~ Orange, .e.lUnc forth th.at lbe (1v-the Cqt,1m;ll {."hamben of tlle N'-- the t lr1t roonlh ot t..M 11-J"l&r. County Ptviaion to ~t I. record In&' or th• tnoculaUon -·Jd -·· Preaidt.nt Paul ,l Pa.lme.r ot for number ot metar• added In """"' ""' f'Ol't Beach at,. HaJl, •l wta1da • ~(er the lite o( lh• doz:. In •UCh lime and place &llY and all P8T'- Newport B&ltioo. S&vtJli'• a nd one ye.ar to It. ayalern, KVlnedy Ill evtnt... hid do(' ah&U be CQn · .ana lntereeted m•y a ppev and be l.olJl Al.aoclaUon reporte lb.at lbe e&l.d. Clned at a.Ji Ume. w!th.l.Q the pnim-heard thereon J , trend c learly bea.r1 out eul.Ler The IU COIJll'&Q1 a.lrud,y baa \aee of the o~'fler or within a lofARGl!:RY !ICRftOUDJ:!'t: rorecut. tor • hJ('h lt!ftl ot ~tad lt •pec.te to add 23,000 motor •eblcle owned by .,r undtt City Cl•r1t of th• ac:y ol buUdllll' and rm•r&l bu..lneae a.o-new m et.era J.n tu. O~ Oowity the 1upervblon ot w.., owner or Newport Beach l.-On1re .. n\&11 Utt 111.!J bid• for t.h* project will be .ought u 900n u poee1ble. Uvlty ln 19~. Din.Ion 1.n 19:14. 1uch dOI'.°' No. 93 Nrw1.rr ... 2/16/M "We enjoyed a very eucc-1'ull i~============~====~~===~=====~~~~~~~~~~~~=;; ,.._l.av.t.•l ,-rtod dur1n1 the ttnt ten daya ot January, wtlla • tDtaJ addJUoe. Ott. ...... •'f'tnp Seal lt.1'd 8uruiet 8u.cb &reu •re a nn ua lly pounded b7 wavea pu.hed a.ho,.. durlo& I w1c ... yearly hl.l"h Udte. Board Sets New Salary Schedule A new saluy .chlldule for prtn - clpe.18 ot element.ary echooll "'a• adopted by the Newport Bt.ach !:1.emrnt.ary School dl•trlct bol.rd Tuellday. The new eched11!e doe• not provkie higher ..-nea. but makes th• 1Chedule more ne•rly conform to t.he ei.l•Uq tea cher tchedule. 1.ccordlf\I'. lo Supt. R. 0 Ande!'a"n. Wheri prlnclpala were brou.l'ht lnto lh• eystem trom other cltle• lhelr accumulat.ecl upertence ott•n rated them too high a f'Kl81Uon on the H"rbor achedulr , A.ndenten 1tated, 11nd preclu'.led brtnclnl' .oma line men Into the H&rboJr · -.chool ey!IWm. 'Iba .iaw acheQule dou not 111 tWY way work qalnrt ambltlau1 iTI~n already In the 1y1tem, he 1ald. Mesa Council to Lose Secretary One ot Coeta Meaa'a moet hlgtily reprded ctly woi-k•,... Sy· bll Lew\a, HCrelary to City Cl.erk Arlie sv.•a.ru and Ctty Attorney Don. J>u&"&11, ls le&vin&' her po.1t tor a Job 1.n Tokyo. DecWed. Mayor Cl.Ue Nelton: "\'Ye'r• certalnly .orry to lff her ro. She ha.t bffn a moat efficient w orker whDM ability bu been reco&71l~ed by both th• city clf!Tk and the city atlom•y. She ,,,.... a.lway1 on the job with & mlad of her own to think tlllnllf• over." Sybil, almoet u well known al the ccunrll l"ble &11 t he council· m<m•Y l.lUOUJ:ltlq to 11,170,4&.L- ""-"• P&lnur aid. G&EA..'l'Ell OAIN "OW' tot.a.I raouroee etood a t $2fi,000,000 on J&nua.ry .Slet", Pal- mer continued. "Looklnr b&.ck on the deprNSkln •favored yea.r ol liSS, wlleo we founded Nnrport B&lboa. Bavtnr• wtlh s22.ooo lll ca.ah on h&n.d. t.hi. n.praeente a znate.r pJ.n than "' ••ar mlp t ha•• boped for. "AA for th& dunand for loe.n. fund.ti to underwrite n-con· rtrucUon,, ,..... t1nd It oontillWlt.r very hl(h. Even under Ur.e pf"lll- ent c™lt reetr1ctlona lmpoMd by the tf!dt.raJ. goverumer:it -and our dlrecltln conatder them 1.o be eound -we t xpect to h&n ample tundll to mfft the need1 <>l builder• and lD.d.!vliSual horn• buyer11 on our cuet.omary Mlec· Uv• buia." P almer'• mu. ... to memben of the u.oclatlon, dell......t at th• annual meetllls. •P~ the opinion lh&t <>ran&"• County'• ad- •ant.acee wtll lead lnduatrlal •e- cuUv• to locale more and mon ii.riv Planll ·and branch f&otm1• here dUrln&' 1908. NEW OONCIS&NS "Amons th• f1rm8 DOW Mak· J.nr au.u tn the x-u• and other part& ot Oranp ()omty an m&11y ~&den ot A..mutcan 1Ddu. try••, Palmv to&4 • Mnctati04 m~....._ H e al.to &ru10'Wlc*1 the declmon of the dlrecLora of N~ Bal· hoe Sa°f'illp to continue dl.tdend payment. a t tha rata of 8~ per cent per &rmum durtns the t!.n t quarter of liM. 'lbe ~atJon W1ll alao conUnue It.a polky or paytnc quarterly di"rldend. to all aeoounta, wtth tha ttrat dt"rldand ot the new 7ear p&T&bl• on M.att.h 11. lllfles Confiscated from 4 T eenll'JftS Polle• conn-ttd two rill .. M.ond•y &ft.er tour boye. wcr. Gb- 1erv~ firlnl Ole WllA.pCln' on UM publlo beach. The youUU., lf.-17, realdl.n( In Downey and Nortll men th"n111t.lve~. hll• befl\ on the job at city h11ll ror the put two y ear11.. She will be rt.plaeed by Carla. Oonlra &11d .June D•vi•. 1--------------1Holl7W'00d. told (Jtftctin the7 did Tyro Fishermon Hos Lack Here, Mexico not know It WU &,(&lnlt u.. law to •hoot on the beach and b91.dM th•y had hunttns u~. Po~ repUed t.heJ' wen un• aw•n1 ot the e:itlata.nee of any Ileen" permltUnl' 1h.oottnc wlth- tn a etty )imlt parttoularly lt th• tar~ 1"11"\I ... (U1i.. I ~ort•d by h"r h11~1">-..n(\ to-the !'rtday Angl"r• lunr hf!OTI a t New· port liarbor V1e ht C."lub lut we.ek, Lucille I M:r1. Mu) Pope. U ntnVNt :n~bl!r. -. u ked to The run•. .22 ca.L eeml-auto- m•Uc and .22 cal. r.JM!&lln1 r1r· lea. were conn.c.. led JMUdiD.I a dn.w Lhe name c&peule l"!t. lb• \1.llt ot U.. 70utlu' p&rcta. p.rlU, round It contained her own. Here's the Man of Tomorrow { Of course you know him. He'• tne youngoter who delivers you your newspaper. And he'1 the one who's studying hard today prepering for bis role of tomorrow's buslneuman. Jli• work he does, the accounts he lreeps, the 1alesmen- sh ip he learns are ell lesaons in his book of succen. Keep your eye .on him end wetcli how he grows end develops· until he roaches his goal of independence end success. '-'--d ~ • Mra. Popti. who bu fOOfl dt.ep a.um ,.. tlJlhl.111 on11 twi~. &ecordlni ft.(Jbert, ..._ PfJep)' , ~ V"n.urn-011~ e:· • ... BOR ,, hu h"' .. "·· hu '" Im .... -... notJn .. poll.,."'............. ]( c'"w""·"" r"'"S p' -R·e S S 11,.. 1'900rd. Al l:nMJia4a 9P· ber lahlnp, liquor -d c.lotJdM from fll"'lt fl.lhlng trtp ahe boo'ked a hW r~ at JlO c0ut.a. Aft Ral, pl•)'ed It unlll an outboard 'Ib1 Y'lcUm ea.Id a ~rd ptayeT, ~ut the line. Nut Lrtp Uie boat.f.d valued at $lli0, and dotb!ns. vaJ- a -(\ill which tbt d::IPJl'lt' re. \led at '80. ~ ~ tlle m~ ' ••Med rrom htr llri•. lh•ri topped lfll' ttmui. Re -Sd ti.. had 1'!4>l bM9 2211 lal: O• lhd~ HalNw 1616 tM pu'lJ' f• baz-TM:ud&. a home tor IO~ • 'f.!!:::::::::::::::::::O:==============::z;;;:; '. • --·-----· .. _ .. _______ -·-.. ··---·------,t.,. •• Only 4 of ·--·~-·----·-------~----------- !1-A,.U ~--------· Motor ..overheul _Many Specials! Alta: WATDlnUlHT OWN&R& ~-.._ ... ~ --:;-·-.-....:....--·-·~ --· ··~---... --------.. -· ·---·-.. __ ... ---··-·--···· ---•1-' . ---· 5lllo. 5~lllo 20-yeu .......... , HOME LOANS ----k-,_.._ ... ____ .. --·-·~ MEWPORT H".l'lOR NE'.VS·:>RESS -PART'l 11 • PAGE ·r 'WEDNESDAY, FEPUARY II, r"6 ..... t ..... WiJ.l -n ... JO srap•s:zr7" I • l 1,..,<j t _.. Lo -R fi . . Vons -.-.1 ans -• 1nanein9 NJCll »ODlllUI ~~ • TJAJLER- omc. at 1• v= l1EA.c ::--=-' ~. ,. .. -.. "i?~r~-~ ~s~ •. f<ee Prel_imin.q. Appr•i1el1 da.r• OJ' &DJ' ~ tat. • ..... Twr7 "-ibis ~ ~ Oil WI U W 'NI attar l:.IO or .. ._. ~ 09 ~ • "lley n.&:a, wNt .,.... "::: ~bi for • WMktftdra. li1'tf NAdoWD Bwtk ..... M. M. =.!~l::: ;:.,... --:--~~~.,_, ··~ ·-.........,_a 'WW<=-----"' "" "',. ~--...i,;..-1 ICMl&yr:...-.:p~~ pn.a\eL of~ ~ .. llM b'?I '!!• ' ! ! ~ ...... N..,.-W.-~ ok.O.U~..W .111118 DE SOTO or Uiire .. r.:tt wrlth outbcMi-d, ' eompkt.t with rautar and ni-. Ligh t Beige . AutomaUc tra.n1, Radio &I heater ... $1()96 SEDAN Unp t<W canop7. Call LEhtrh •·UT&. TOCT2 1900 PONTIAC CLUB CP&. AutQmatic trant. Radio & healer. 2-Tone gny S(T:S Knowlton Electron.!co TV REPAIR 19111 CADJLL.AC 4 DOOR l.J.ght. bluf:, Hydramat ic. Rlldio &. huter ___ , .. $1.m FAST 8JtR.VJCE. REASONABLE. S.l"'f'ice ca111 uu a p,m . 1950 HUDSON u ... ,.. BTl:nfWA.Y GRAND llk• n-. Bir •Yins. Allo Kna'DI Ma.on 4 flamll11. many ~!hen Pnc- tic• planol M low .. 116. DANZ -8CKWIDT • PH1t.J...IP8 Bis Plano at.or. ~20 No. Ma.lp ..... Knowlton Electronic. TV ANTENNAS fC.... 9-m -w G&ln) LNBTALLl:D compUte to )'OW' ML $9.95 LI 1--6206. BUUTlJ'UL Spinet pl •.oo. blond. Light blue 4-0oor aedan ······--·· ........ .iM!I LOU REED & ASSOC . C HRYSLeR-PL YMOUTH DEA LER 1200 W. Coa.st Highway LI 8-3<86 IF YOU DON 'T KNOW USED CARS KNOW YOUR DEA LER SELE CT -BONDED CARS {NO MONZ'!' DOW"). Bank ... National Life .tnaura.nce Comnianv TOUNQ BU .. ~ .... ~ .. ., IN-R.EBtJll,T ENGINES r-# n:RJ:8Tll:o.._...;;;-' ~a D a.a .... -UP lo'""-'!'!> PAT-.sourn COAST nvs TO TEN TROVUND ""'" •• --1~ .......... DOLU.lUI .. _. --UPPER BAY. DISTRICT. ma.ctitiMD.J.DM't -1ils&d wit). Expu1coed la ..,ortblc podl. REB ... UILml .... T .":..~d rn""ST' AtU~ED M c ~~W'btrc • autoJl'IOo Ct T r.ut. IOtll Bt. ....... --·--~-orf®~ ompany UM . DMlr'9 to be acth-&. arOtJ9ftX -.cb ~ W1tll I bid~ SHORT BLOCK • • Wr1te <14t&UI BoK I J Cu-e ot ~ I bat.M. lhu.rlor wld• f'OIU>' _ _ .. 1121.no thll paper. 70CJ72 e..sa:r pa.nb, ~r Mlulil'ul ce.z:nun.rr . l ttl.00 Approvejf YRA. Kortp.cee •ood pa11.uq. a CM prqe a nd PL'rK. • DOOOJl , ..•.. -·-11~ 1600 We.t ,,,. __ ....... Highway -LI g. 7191 SM.A.LL CAR. dotnc bl.s bWll.n-buge oupon. Bl~ 6d a Lo• .. CHRIS. 4 DI: 80TO -$11'0 vu...i all yr. 8t.a.ln.l-alee! tiqlllpm•nt. It bait ~ lfl'UDQ•.a. ~ .... -1170 Newport Be&dl, Callforni& PA••b!'•bed I yn., ftne tor oou· OLD8 • PONTI.AC I _ l 11'0 pie. offer~ be.low re~emenl BUlCIC --·--·-·--l lT& ~-& 810121 fer &ml" .a.wt._ A 809Se9 for Rut co.t. Near Ciiy fhll. 4h IC, 21.t SL HUDSON ___ ... ---·-$17~ ~ :=;" -=t:= . N.B.C. REALTY CO. <>-b. > DJCDROOMS I Loan CU Free Towlai 32nd at Newp;1rt Blvd,. NpL ""' ' l !\l W.th. dln nc ·.£'::.:;~;x.~ Cabanas Marinas _....., -::..: =~=~-:;:.::~·:.~; Open Bund-.y 10 .. m. to I p.m. CALL HARBOR f.71l! TO SEE - BELLES ENGINE Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. 1.0':~:"'w~~1~6'.;>v<. REBUILOERS OFFERS w, ~~:"'~c~ Dunca n Ha rdesty, Rltr. 2602 Newport Blvd., NewJ)tlfl &h. Open Dally I to T Bt.aU. Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 Eaiit 3rd St. 8AN'J;:A A.NA Befo re Yo u Buy A USED CAR lel .:iur relJ.e.ble Delightful li\ing. Apt.~abanu. UWitie9 paid. with Ya.cbt allp a.ccomodatJona, t>a.ily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reeervaUoa. C&.ll Har. 2992. Mtk tg._Apta. a BomN 48B--HoU9llll for ltent NE\\'PORT B!\t.BOA BA.VINOS 4 LOAN AS SOCIA n oN Uel Via Udo Ph. H&r. f.-.> "' LOANS for Hom es In Costa Mesa un thci ... .,., ••U" ne11 1 ''""" '" ,....,, 1 .. nr h'hr11 h''"'" •In In\ 4"1 ~ 1'"1J ~ -?0 yr 1 l ,,., .. ,1 fl. • ~~•ill I' ,, ,, l l'I :'.11 Juat U.lu1 new 111 v• S200 I n nt· 11 r.c:urn.e. .. ve S90 to $2:l-O per1tict coodlUOn n•w paca..n· l .. frM delivery. Maple.. U1ttt WUnut, French PrO•lllClAL M.a- hop.ny Splllet C"u. .U(htly darnq .. In lhlpplnf 1•87 Good practlc• pl&no. from '89. $94, $123. $17~ ~· th.-at lh• Great •2nd Annll'U"l&ry Sa.I•. UA.NZ • .8CHM..1DT -PKil.LIPB th• s ir Pt&no ~ Orp.n star. :120 No. Ma.1n.. Santa Aaa. 100 Pan~ AT LOWEST PRICES - YOU R NASH DEALER WARD S. LEE, INC . I r11"'°naruc1 11ve It • ( l > to pt. rnech. tn~tion 12 t ftnkll Tut Construction Loans F'•, '""' "' , .,, • .i .. 1 ,\\•• ;1 r...1111 1. u11tu11. I 'hll·Lr~n ''I! B.lllll Km-TA N!lLSON "LIDO 115~ l bearooma. 21,\ I ~J::E. BOB SATil...E'~ CHOI CE.RENTALS balh home, 011 Allnual baa~. ~till'! EAST C()AST BL\'[l l"•UTI , • unturruahed, S Up for <f.O ft tic..t. UM! of l l L-Oruna do:I .\tar lt1rbor lA-88 1 vn le•- 1,,,,11 .. "" l l 'l!, l~'I , .. , ~.:·· muntn 1236 S. Main St Sant.a Ana 71<:72 <3~ W1111en rrport or t"Qn!f1llon 2908 E . C:O..t Hl(bwa y, COM ft. Vikln& runab6ut powf'r boll,, Hep i'I •lKlt::K MORTGAGE L:fJ F• . RI c HarboT ~. 68cTO 2 car,~. b<-•ullf\.llJy h:irnL.an-Metru Ute J.na. Fund& Kl J-:l l&~ 1tzmorrts ty . 0. VEltY Dl!:SUU.Bl...l!:, 1'1J""'l nowoe lid ahruba. $700 per n1onlh.I ff!ltrc 1'1\il\1111~ L.•t•I·~ lt~•Hor Ll ll-11642. for i convenLenl loca -lnqutni •t 1 1 81.lboa Cove.a, , Uua.n•·~~ H1,,1.,, ~ In o Co ('()tnpletely furn... pnv•lt, .C.!I. rang• Wily pd. $lO .....-,....all K&ric~Jd. Co-Newport.~ leUe CASH • • • Jll~. ~. 1 -i.~t ll1,;l)w1 , CALIFORNIA U.&ed Car lnapeclJon Service 1'.1t0><l" t!el M .. r il!O lf)o•I ~l62 40--A•t-. for ~e 40.-Autos for Sale HARBOR AREA; Nuvport Auto , __ ro_n_•_0_•_•_M_._'-------'-"-'-'11JNYURN. CO'ITAOli:. Ll\'Lnr rm. FOR TRUST DEEDS ~-;:.;::;::::,..;:c_.:;:::;: ____ .1-:.:.-'C:..:;:.;:;:__-;cc._::;:::.._ ____ . I Work•. 120 lndu•tn al \\'1y, C J.l, 1 · dining rm., kllC henette. 2 bt>d-WM. B. HOLT Rent a Bpln•l piano to buy, all tenn rent allawed PracUce pia no IO'll' u IC per mo. DANZ- S C HM 1 D T • PH1LLlP8 Blf Pta.no & Orran Btor• 620 No. Mal.n 8L Sant& Ana. B!:Alfrll!'UL J:LECTRQNlQ Or· can pert~l caae ~mD!lt, nf'W, DANZ -8CHMlDT-PlllLl.J'P8 Oreat &ale. a20 No. Main BL Ban ....... ~-OR 'I1ill RUMPUS ROOM ! A}ol PICO ltLJtCTR.IC P L.AYER PIANO In perfec:l playlfll' oondl· lion, Lota ot rolb lnclud.d. - (;unven1enl tenNI a l..- SHAf'"l:RB t8tnc. 190T I <f.Jl·f~ N. 8ycamon, Sant.a An. GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 'ff 00001!: ~ t. flAtbeod 't 7 C HEV. ',; t. P'Jllll •.,ii O MC 1-i L plt~1!p ·49 OMC .., ! 11t<'k"P '60 roflD V-3 ~ t p1t k up '61 CHEV. ~ t p1<:kup '62 l.NTltR..NUIONAL '-. t, p11:k11p '~2 CHEV. % L pa nel 'OS DOOOIC ~ t plrl111p '&3 C Kl!:V, o,;, t p1r.kup '411 CHEV, \ii l pi ckup '02 DODGE "'-L p1• kur '01 FORD V-11 .... l llathr•I '~l F ORD l L du.al n.ir...,1 ·34 FORD v-a I t du•I 'U OMC 1 '* l C • C JiAMMOND OROA.NS I.II moGele.. '&O C tiltV. 2 L li' O•lb«I 2 1~. A·ll) tl!"'U Phon• K!mber1y 2--0872 orui t!Mt:.lltl, ---4 llkt n.w. '00 OMC, COit 2 r.. 14' •t •I." DAN% • 8CIDdD'J' ·PHILLIPS 2 1peed, A:'lO Urll!lll H1mmond Hlladqu&rter• for OT· 11.ns • County. 020 No. M:fln BL '113 DODGE 3 t dump. 2 ·~"'! S•nta Ana. 9-00 t ire• ______________ 18" lhe largelt Mlectlon o r 111f)d truckll ln OrLnge Cn11nty M•ny to ch~ from 1t pru·ea •n•I Lenn.a to Ot your n..aa.. SPINET P IAJil'O. Loval7 toll• And c&ae 1317. Ttmu. Other won· derful buplnl la r•nlal ,... tunu.. tr&olH ln c.i orsan.. •tc. Several m.,..ly K"'tched in llhlpplnr. DANZ • l!ICtOllDT • PHILLlPS Blr P\ano • Orca.n Stor• 120 N, Ma.In Santa Ana,, HAW-MOHD No.a"4lhord In nn• condllJoll. Bii 8avln11. Tarro•, J&t.16 down a.nd 121.tl pa:r mo. ., 8lLU'ERll (lllnce 1907) 421 -423 N, Sycamore, 8&nla An• Phooa Klmbe.rly 2-0872 Ora.nee Count)"• Orran Hdqtn. Dll:AGA.N I octan r.'tbr ... u.rp, In rm. oonditJ.oa.. 8av• $!19:1 ofl nnr ~ Olla.•. tenn• 1t- 8&..U"ZR8 (8ln<:e 1907) C21-tU N. Byeamore, Banta Ana l'1loM IOmbtirty l-<M11'2 Piano W .W . WOODS GMC DEALER 1116·\i It. f.th SL Santa An• °"1 Sundey A. M Truck •14qtra. for lft•nl'• County • Finut Thunderbird in U.S. WITH '60 CA DILLAC ENGINE, •peclal p.inl, 1u•pen1Lon. o::tr. •le:., etc. .Abeolutely f•ultlu• condlUon thru<>UL Never raced Wiii only aell to qua lified per10n. (ln'Y96!1. COTTON GOFF The Volkswagen Dealer H~rt Blvd'. at 22nd. Harbor I . McCARTHY'S SAVE Slim on • NEW 56 OLDS 4 DR. HOLLIDAY Hydra R & H Power 11teenng Power brakes 4 We.y Power ~11.t11 2-t o ne paint w w Many more e :o;t riui SAVE S800 "" . NEW 56 OLDS SUPER CLUB COUPE Loaded with Aoce9119riee R & H W /W Hydra P ow er S teering Power Brakes Bea.utituJ 2 Tooe Red It Grey Paint McCARTHY'S Refinishing '"" USED CARS Qtal.Jty WOl"k only ANlCllUM PIANO BERVICID -------~- Hausken-Watson Kl 2-TMO. '9lfc SPORT CAR CENTER BEAUTU'U'L Blonde MhTor type JAGUAR. IS A Ul<:11Lt1n only) uprlrbt p\a.Qo In part~t condl-AUSTIN-HEALEY tiou.. T--.. U6 dD. • $10 p111: MORRlB. AU8TCN mo. O tb•r ftlNI f'emodeled ALFA ROMEO piaaoe ta tnattos-nY and mapl• RENAULT, M.G. . at-New Cu 8~u • Service ........ (IUac• 1907) Clean U~ Cara, AU Make•, lm- C21..U.S N. Bycamon, Sant& AM ported and Dome.Uc. Pb-. KlniWl7 2--08T2 UOl &0. M.AI.N ST .. BANTA A.NA --------'-----·I TCI ~1181 WAN'l'mD war-. car or }Mclnlp l t!I HARBOR BLVD. COSTA >a:aA ,Ll l ·GOGl u ........_,.. J"lotr11r St., eo.tal -------------- X.... LI l-1411. TI C I paid dearly for • r-8~y· drlve1 In 1ny _0-.& _____ r .. _s.a. ____ 156 JAGUAR MARK VII MODlll.. A J'ord an(lne it: ch&ail equJpped w1lh WIJldt\ald flat· ~ • C&Jll, 1160-'60 C-.d Ml• ,sti• complete with hJdro A IUper cJ\arl'l-r M60 MAM Moton 110 1 o..t Ht..,., N9WP(N't 8Mcb. LI WUl nt:7C Grant Vf. Musick Your Hudton Dealer SALES and SERVICE ~ N.LooAllretee KE~7278 AnaMl.m UUo 11&1 CHIWROLET v.8 atatiorl ~ -Jlatllo, hMter. pawer slkM. whll• akh wall Urea. H1.r . MU l !.k72 JIM KODSL A PO.RD ~ Naw .-.builL motor. new Uree 6 tllbM. !WW bnk• •le. Wiii ..0 tor U00. H.u. 1Tt7°W. -n llapec:llll)' .qulped be&Uly Of b irch f"'Y wilh red lee!J'ler, automatic tran11mlealon. I 'll pa.lnfully ta.Ice 1260 orT :or my equity. Harbor 3742..J _ Ilic Tl 1951 CADILLAC convetUble eit· ce.Ll~t ooad.IUon. Bl.ck With white top. R.-d Jeathl'r lnt,.rlor --· Har. ~ or Har, CT93 att ... Ci p. m. 19c71 111M lOl:RCURY' 1tat1on 'Inion. Bet.ullt'Ul condlUon -Fu 11 y equlp!*I. Pt1ored fqr quick Ml•. C•ll own• Hu. '4JM-R TOp73 1•AL.LWSATK~-~ canopy, tor % ton Pick-Up wllJ! to" bo:.;-~• lt-U &-.u.72 -8ip71 roR SALi: lll!H cu.tom M1N::U17 with M•nxxnaUc. 28,000 ml IH by oriClnaJ owau, Bank ~ Har. 140l·R ltUC 1•20 So. Ma.in Banta .Ana Kl 2-M OT Tlt72 ·03 NASH St.atMm•n, RltH. o·o. Uk• new. Ort11nal owner. $7M. C.ll Bill Ander1on t{Y•ll 42~:'!. 11~1 1 tO-A-'.l'lns "' Porta New and U.ed TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hour Recapping .. Service Complete Brake Service AND Front End Alignment ROAD SER\'lCS: Fll'ftton• Budcet Pl.an Youra foi: th• AMiq HOWARD RYAN !WI • 809 W. Lit St. SA.NT.A ANA Kl ..... NAllH. HUDSON 0.- RIOl.f HAHN'S -A~ KA.DIO R&f>4ll\ HYDRAllA TIC SERVICE ...... nTH lrl'. Barbor CTSS N-iiort 8-cb ' A Horv•lh ll'orel~ Jl.itr Car Ber. 48A-A"'"• f or Beul room.1 • hot ahower, Ye.arty Ja!I MORTGAGE BANK.ll'O llf lndut1trLIJ "'•Y. c M. r -SEE THIS !!!! mo. C-.i: water pa.id -108 SlNClC lilSO. -----------'-""'-lb-lll>t Wan' oe.t.n Ftoat, Nft'· A4&ma. Bl.Ibo., Harbor Jil24-M. 1609 N. BUSH 8.V-."?'A ANA port Beach, Ori• bdrm. turn.. 71<:73 K.lXBEJU..Y 3·Tllf A YEAR HOtJNll H0 11P. WLUI yr. r<•Vll.J I , ... \ t 1,\J~; t~llJ") l1l•J'1tl living a.n<l l.al&n(! ln~unlr at the 1%-Tnllen * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES a.nd SUPPLIES 2200 W. Gaut Hiway. Newport Beach U 3-4'20 ·~-211' Kit t>Muty 119'1 ·~-2&'-o ' Sh.Ml• Llkr new 52l t~ '!'>.'.1-42' HenalM I BK 53-4~ ·~-JO' T'nl•elue 2 moa oloJ 131 411 '(ii-JO' CurU• W rlfht T11.noJ•m 11096 nnd clean uaed ~de·lna:" PAN AMERICAN I Puamount ·Kenlklll ~-TUT1' MU• • Rentals W•nled We need apti. And houae. In aU aecuoiu ror both winter a nd year'1 le.a.ae. Furn. or unfurn. U you have a vacancy, pbona toda y The V 09el Co. 3201 W, Cit. Hwy., Nawport 8<)h, Phone Liberty 8-3f.B I J08 M.arln•, Balboa 1'1.and Phoo• Harbor .,, •• 2MT J:. Cout Hy., Corona dal Mar Phoaa Harbor l TU Udo ottlea, UIS VW. U do Harbor •971 1702 Newport Blvd., eo.t..a Mt•• Uberty 1·668T U< w ANTED TO RENT 2 bdrm. furn. on Cb&lUlel of !;IC.all tor tamlJJ ot lbrH. parma.nenl yrly. rent.II~ Har. liOTf.. 'Mt!c HOUSE ror month ot July, lol.11 of room. NMr bay or beach not °"" $JOO. LI &-H .. attar II or -.etc end&. ekTl OV.'NEfis NOTICE. Ideal ten9.nt. w1nt 1 or 2 bedroom rurnilhed place In Harbor area. Yearly. Phone evening• Hubor 3073.J, 7lpT3 4l--A('ta. A Bowes for a.t Choice Winter Rentala on Balboa. Ial&nd 11: Udo la&e Small A eosy or l•rre 6 d1luxa $76 to 1300 monlll VOGEL CO. 208 Marin• Ave .• Balboa llland Ph. Harbor f.C• or H.,.bor 10111 Ru. Ha.r. HD-ft or Har. l .lni·R • 8f.ttc CALL EDNA CRAIG RENTAL SPECIALIST wUh DORIS BRA Y, Reeltor 211 M1rlne, Balboa lal1nd Har. 20 or M 12cTe.h OCEAN FRONT -Tiii JW11 16. 1 bedroom tum. dupleit. UUl\tte1 pald.-Hubor 61f.3·W. 71p BALBOA 181sAND ....... t'lu'n. 2 b«lrm.. A 1un \_porch upper duplex. OARAOE. .Nice yard. Good be&L Wl11ler 1100. 11'1¥· $160 rno. lncludln1 uUllU111. Har. 6668-W 63trc ON BALBOA IBLAND SEE US tor ,_,.1, and ....onal rttnl&k.. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor IOI Mertrwt A~. Harbor 1)()2 BAJ.,BOA 181..AND CORONA DCl. llA.R. N .. rly MW 2 bedrm, Wll'urn. Randi 1tyle dUJ)la. nraiiL. r .A. b .. t.. Hwd. nn .. I@. pa.Uo.. Har. 1a.-a. OOU< ' apt. A (IU'. '60 mo. lnch1de•l--------------l-----'_::_::_:__:__:_:_ ___ I minimum uUl. Wlntu re11tal. Ph. Rl•enild•. Ovutand l -120f. ...,.... 6Ttlc CORONA DEL WAR. un.tum. 2 bedroom I a r • l • aputn1ent N1wly decor•i..d. Laundry rm. • car..,• tn'Jnd.i Sle per mo., 1r. leaM. 'Own_. l'IU. 41. tf l!A.UJOA lSLANO, ye:wly, al- tra.c:U•e clean •Ingle apt. WeU turn R•pon•lble empl. 90ber adull. SM Ut!I. pd. AtlanUC 1..031:1 or Write U21 u.r.Jb Rd., B&n M:&rlno. llkTl NEWPORT H&IOHT8, oeean view tan:i.. .... apt. yrl7. r1llI\aJ tl&O mo. u.UI p&l4. Ll B-1127 llk11 BACHl!LOR Arr. on Perunai.J.a. Pri•at& enu..nce, $-4-0 month. Harbot' 0733..J. 70p12 CORONA DEL MAR neat 2 bdrrn. W\fum. ltomt on yr•. lea.Mt at 51 16 per mo. La.r1• living rOOll'I wH.h th-epl•ce, Ul1 In kitchen • bath. Dbl. g11.r., newty paint• fl<.!, nice tonced yard. Wt hav• lbe key! Vogel C<>. Hu. 1741. 7Jc73 ONI!; BDRM .• unturn. houae <It dbl. pr. '-' I.Cr• 1u.ltabJ-r1bbu.-. poultry A 11rden 11:1 mo - 20292 Santa An• AvL Llbert7 &-0196, 71<: UNnJRNIBKED 2 bdrm. 6 dftl hoo'le ten-y..,..• 1-. Jn Ntw· port Helshta • Juat Ilk• ntw, $1311. Harbor ~ 71cTS SHORE C Llll"P', unf\lm. Ma.tun- u.UAI opportwtlly to I-for one or two yea ra, l boe<lroom and den. b •&UtLtul Ntw SLE Enf1.and tYJ>I ta rm houae. LIDO I RM.TY lhill.ke roor, rtlp beamed UNTURN. 2 bdrm. apL S.y view celllng•. 2 tlrt!pi.&('e1. Huc- ahort w~k to Udo lhopplnl' upmtalr. bdrm. 1tudy w It b ar-. poet ottlc• A CH)' Hl.ll. aw"4!ptn1 oce&n Ti-•· Own•r $160 mo. llar. ena. 70Uc wtll 1-to reUable family •t OMS 81NGL.8 apt. ~rly, On• .$2.M .,... moo.Ui. Har. 06& l bdrm. • OID.I J bdrm. to 11tf<: REAL ESTATE LOANS 1.oterest Rate ~'Y'i';li Loa.n. quick ly made ln the Hubor A.re.a, L&(llna and Colt.-Mua. B1n1te or 01uJUpM unl1.a. N ~w or old. Be wtae and .. ve by rfro ttna.nctnf your prue11.t Joan. MJnfmum upenae. 20 year Lenn If d~r.d. No chwge tor pr&- Umlnaq appra.IMJ. Kl .1·19)J ARTHUR A. .ILUY Mort.sq• Lou. C0..7+1p•t4ent • Oad4eatal ui. ~ Co. tu Boutll lil&ba &u.ia Aila " \\'TU.. BUT from uwnar, on BalOO.. t.l.and. Ori• or two bedroom apL Ov1r dbl l'Lrll.l'e. with •pA<:t to build la tronL Bolt H·2, t"•we- Preu.. -M Uo DH:.SK SPA<:m ·~ mo. On• end beauUtul 1pa<:I~ ofnce n•r Lido Tlwiater ...Utabl11 ror at- torney or C. P. A. Har, 0324 after 6;30 p. m . 70C.72 Che•ler F. Selisbury Kf:ALT(1tt JAr K ANT1RE\\ S, and l'\"ltT l.:>()t)H , AMo('la\"I J!.'.I M•rin~. lielbo11t l11l1tl\d HarWr ~971 IE''<'ll, ltar t81'~ Tl r ;'l Balboa Dup letx F'URNlBHED -I two bedrm aniS l on• bednn., 2 C&T g&.f•ge, ltint. rental u-. MOOG down wUI b&ndl .. AL.BO TYIO GOOD OCEAN l"RONT LOTS 1t:)O() EACH. Coast Properties 301 Ii:. Balboa B.l'f'd. a.Joo. Hu\or JMIJ 2&17. &lid f.600 1/2 Acre-$1000 dn. DRJVll BY ~ ELDEN, Co.la M-It )'OU want th• ~ 1pot to retlr•. or bW.ld unlta. Call u., W• h••• lb• kay. Ju.aa ]J). No pel.11 !109 Ch•nnel 1 ·,-.-ED-RcM.--u-ntu_rn ______ w_llb-I Pla.oe Hu. ~17-J. MUo Wuutrom-.t lSlJ% I:. Balboa 8J:LL your bom.fl °" •acanl ~1 LA.ROI: on• Bec1nn. &,pl., •tove Blvd., Balbo&. W at.er p-.ld. TRANK ~A'::.:i:,wft.eattor DAN A. J ACOBSEN, Rea.I r..uta H•r. Mtl, LI ll.f.117, Kl 2-2\llT ...,.. ~"" Y-.rly 1-M avail, Har. ~2 A ratrls. rum. ...., mo. """' /Mf!mber Mulllp&. U1ttn1 Suvll"Cll ~ta Ana Ave., NewJ)<!rt Ht.. ........ • wMlcend. MpTl 312 Karine .t.•a.. Balboa Illu.d Ll W371. 4!9tf<: BALBOA. Hawailul modem l bed-Hu. 2042. or IN.-Ll B·l2<>f Corona Highlands Panoramic Oce•n View CORONA Dlt.L MAR unt\lrn. 2 room • bunk room, tum., m&· or Har. llMMl-W bdrm. oorner duplu apL, gu.. bocany kltcll«i 6 b!l.r, l llpo11&I, 1-------------- .epu-al• patio. Har. i 37i-R. Wailed troplca.I pe.Uo. Call EltL 60--b oome Propertz IJRAND n-Honie and lncom• 99<:71 10, i"Alrfu: &-M30. 70c72 I 0:0.....::=:::;.:::;:...;.:°"'~::.::'-"----1 d~luu C'ONIL la nu.tic modern. BUSINJ:88 4 INCOME property, 8~ the.a 2 kauL 2 BR.. N'.EWPORT BEACH ntw l bdrm. CH.ARMlNO E a r I y American lltt.h A Pi.e..Ua. By owner-8t•le tiosna _ beautttully furn. horn• tu.l.ly carp1ted, be•• dupl~ t\!U ba.UI, 1ance on " • W B-07&e after ti p.m. or week· el•ct -· •• • 11i.. o•· avai.la.bl• Feb, 111--i\ellponalble · v •e... JT ..,ne ye.ar luae. 12&-«lb 8L 70c72 adult.I. $llWI per month to Jill\• ~nd1, 70trc lo ceUJni tlrep\aou. lncntn• CORONA Dl:L KAR ntcel7 tum. 1 bdrm. apt. •111 mo.. y-.rly, No peta. J.4r .• 717 T.-nle&t'- Harbor UI0-4. 11c'tl 16lh. 2.110 Oc:9&!l BJvd. Hu. 1360 per mo. Y. P . \If.MIO. INDUBTRlAL bid(. wtt.l'I 1t1ow OPl!l.N FOR INS~OH. •79 &2TI. 99p71 room. 012 -30th Blrfft. N~ Morntns canyon Ro.d. Harbor BMch, t..ead tor 51'"1. month 3742-J . e&TI "1N'f. a rm. IPL .-a. clean. •lee. retr1c.. i-n•I n.y heat. $4~ m o. to Jnu11 111. R•r. l i~-J 301 S . Bay A ve., Balboa. 71 c7B BAL.BOA ISL.A.ND yrly. leue beaUWul Bay P."ront l 9R. turn. apt. 6 can&"'!· 1100 m o. plu• uUllU••· &LA.NCJll: A. QA TES, Realtor Harbor 1971 71cTI * * * l!:NJOY LlVINO cm tha ocean fronL Kltchenett. aptJi. A rmA. with pr\•ale bath. M.a.ld A pbone 1t."1<:e, TV -not W. Ocean Front. Harbor &Oil. * * *· ROOK tcw worktnr man. Je and IT per week. Pri•ate f!ntrance. - 123 2Ath SL, N11wporl. ppttc e NEW OFFICES plua ulWUes. Low bllle.. Price L -------------- {18,000~ Har. f.321 or f.IHSa ti -I.AND LANO 80-A . Commercial. ladu.trial EXcm.LEN'T LAND-II\ beautJ• ru1 • re a on h!(l'lway Te tn M-1 ZONE BUILDINGS FOR L.&ABE approx. 1000 IQ. ft. ot M-1 bulldtnc oa Superior Ave. Ideal tor amall mtg. or engtnHrinr. A ttr.oUve orfic• &: 2 larger room1, approx. ~ 1: 15. AI..80 900N to be 1va!l1ble on superior A ..... lndUll'lri•I hkl s . • 1ndl11'idU&l ott1ca, 9000 1q. fL Ample orf-1trfft p•rkln(. Call w 1-1)631. 70c72 northern •San 01.e10 Co. near Palomar Mt. 33% acre1 all In culUvatlo n \&&Md. AdjoW a ahopplnr center. CloH to ruch· e11 or ~ pron~nant peopla with d tnl• .. •voe.do ~ IArld l•y• nl.caly toe wbdlrill.oL w ... ter #Y•IAm wholly owned, '58.· 000, elur. A home Mre will IM c>oMldered Al pa.rt. Owner 2300 Clltr Drive. 8tpT• M-1 Acreage BALBOA ISLAND. 1mall fum . 11.n(1• apt. Near beach A 1toree ni.nnoatat h•L elecL refr1s. Roe•pon.alble empl. eober adulL f36 mo. winter, $f.0 y~l7. Har. 2128-M. Tl tic e IDEAL FOR PROFES- SIONAL or BUSINESS USE. '!6l~B~o~ .. ~l'A~ola~le!_!'~"!'~~91!i!­Ideal ~ • trailer court alt-. nar ea.ta M-. J1'760 . par &en, J'OOd a-dni'' BALBOA Blnl'i'll COttace. modem. fully t}lm. I t.all IMWer, bar k it~ yearly rental Jf,O mo. Call Har. lUl7-W 71<:7! Locat..I Ii> - Harbor Invatment Co. Bldg. 30th A Newport Blvd. UNYURNISHD> pl.eQ, sara&'e. I ~· • Har. 1600 ...,.,mu., .,,...1------------ti "......... "°"" llk• ,__ l ilO. BALBOA BLVD. eomer bualne91 7l <:T! .wlte tor medlc:aJ. dent.al or an7 CORONA D&L MAR. a badrm. 2 bath unl'unt.. ~ Ga.race 6 laWidr)' room. Garb. d~ W!cl. yvd. 1126 JMlr mo. yr. a.... Owna:r Har, f.T. t! CORONA DEL MAR. Two badrm. horhe .unturn., dl"l!placa, bvkll- chm. paUo, back yard tf!llCelt. Chi.Id •ccepled, pet.I ok. 1110 mo. 1......,. 1-8-r. MOO after 10 a.m.. tltf~ pro!e.ional UH. Modem, beat- 1111, peritlnC'. 0Wnf!r 1Cl2 No. Flowar, a.A. Kl 2--0M2. tfc J'OR RENT: GROUND JU)()R offlc• In ,,__ bulldlng, 11ear Lido. Amp&. pantns. P':1r' in· formation., call M". h7 Har. l2eC 18Uc LIDO OFP'ICE SPACE NOW LEA.JUNO otflc• 9pa.co1 ln Ultn-ood.-n l:llarbro.k ~ ~ Udo NlldlaC. No nn-~ ln(, no t\nu ack1r- BAL.804 mLAlO>-a bdrrn .• 1 LIDO REALTY, Auodates bath ho--. Uld'Um. yrly, Anll· J4iOO V\a Udo-Harbor ''"" able Ma,J' ut. ~ .ca or tlo 2'06-R..,... Tl~ll-------------T"JIVO room ~ ~y Mror- Jl'VRN. -bedroom J'Wl i.ou.. •ted plMtlJ or par1dns !IJl&C&, IOO'i'. Teml_,, CDrona Ml Mar, 12f. B~Y. eo.t:a M..._ 1611. rno. Har. 21JOJ .W. TOcT2 Tk'l'I B/ B Exchange Corner • Pelm 8prtnp u:tlt.a • DlaUnctl•• and excru.tva • Good oCcupancy tact.or e Grom Kll.000 • Prtce 1191,000 • Exebu!p m ,ooo acplty f« JlA.NCB OR INCOIUll • • 888 acre Tandi la e Fallbrooll: ar-. • • " mile front.a&"• on RW]', * • Be&utlt\11 IOOO .... ft. r..-liloma • 1180.000 -dear • =-•>•..-tor ta.ccn. • • • DA.N A. J400BAEN, a-J Dtat.. HaT. 6811, Ll ..UT, Kl 2-2117 NEW ORLEANS llDVE • ,Art, -LIW. Wand. $4.0.000 or wW rant boUM 1:000. .ummw apt. 11000. Bar. 4342. 1'tc71 Exchange or Sale OOllTA. MM.A I '-• ftMlll oa 6T • I04" kit. ~ -. two s cu ....... ...,....11toot alley .,. and ...,., room tor dup'-L WlD • t rep ror ,...._ 4-.., 0.-. -.. ,. and ...-. ... NIW ... ~ --OwR• wlll M -propdt.y .. &. l te ..._ lllpTl DEAL WITH REALTORS Business Ptoptety toon.t ·-~•c«t- Bay & Beach Rlty Inc !:."!. ':... *:'.-:.::::!"':.: 111'76 Barbot' BouJ.,-,ardl 1.11' ,600 ~ to um.a. Costa M-. Cab.tomb OA.N A. JAODBBSM'. Jt-1 a.t.le LTMrty &-771f.--r;... U HIN Har. Mil. LI 1-611T, Kl N1l'f I I J • ' . --... -· rAM 2 • rp:r It I -N!WrQRT HAlllOA NEWS-PltESS 'WIDHISDAY. ~AAY 16, 1916 • ess! 7 1 ¢1 ~• --~ May We . ·Help? -Udo Ch.rm • Ou•lity! l\Mll. ..... ln lido Lot! • bdnna.. I ~~-!'t!l!..-·rn--:..· -1---...m.r. ir.t-. JV. cbw' .... tO' -112,000 U J'W WLll, ..... --·-·-..... -- •r. Dlnlns reom -br.-..k· :ut u.a. ' ,,... oLd aad '°'°"" ww. It'• bMutttul ! YOU can help ua help you. U we m.a.y know your needa u to aiu, price, locaUoo and &ny other ID · formation you may be able to Jive, we can' then st.an the m&chinery, Jt "on't take long. We pride &unelve. on our abWty to "fit the aboe." '"Sen1ce &nd ha.rd work" ia our motto, a.nd to 11&tiaty our client. In the beet and mOlrt honeet way pota.ible ia our &im. Try ua ~ You won't be .orry and we will have galned another tr~od. Kl LLION , real e state 334 1 Newport Blvd, Harbor~ JUST A STONE 'S THROW FROM NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL Thia 3 bed.rm. home ha.a 1 & 1:: btlthe, fireplaee, brea.kfu t ba.r, dining area & patio. Property la fenced and la ndacaped. Owner'a leaving for Japan and mwit aeU. Priced al unlr $13,500 TT JUST CAN'T LAST ~ C&1l Sta.n Lt Liev~ EARL W. STANLEY, Rea lt or l~th le Irvine LI 8·266< B/ B Corona del Mar A LOVE.LT 2 bedrm. 4 d1111 llbore {"llff hom#. wtlh a p.rm&11ent "l•W ac rON the canyon to 1.h• rnow:i~ 4 oce&11. A inodern ..quipped h-Om• con .. ,....auv"IY <1oei• and •fl"Y llnbla tndffod, tor 137.500. i;Ql 'ALLT NlCE la th.le 2 1*!.rm. llome (plua n.1mp111 room 4 ron· vertlbla danl. U • 0'1 a dlltwant r 1.nyo-n, •ame vl 1w11, mod•m with. &Pf,Ci0\111 lot.y-out and dall&"h t.ful prt ,,.ta patkl, 4 unuaua.J Ore~ pl&e<I. 136,000 l\UJ price. DEAL WITH REALTORS Bay & Beach Rlty Inc DMona dal Mar ott lce 3UO I:. ec..t. .Rq\twy--H&r. W l SOMEONE Wan.U lhl• '"'1 de9\~ 2 unit ud ru-t apa.rtmaL 1 Hurry-Only $7000 !tTOVE. rt tnr . A wuhlnr ma- ch.Jn11, o:lt": tndud.cl. 'l'wo blodrm. COtl•I" on rM.r ot lot 111 COM. N....a nx1nc and ~~-11, blQCk1 trom •hoppuil" dllt rh;:t. OCEAN FRONT TKR..EE BDRM. BEA CH HOUSI":, u:el. locaUan. n•a.r Calhollc and Protaat&nt Chun:h•. .choot... Only 116,MIO, t1rm1. Good Money M,aker l:lOHT UNIT Ocean ftor1t 1111•1• •l.oQ" turn. ap,U . Beet rent.al l0<:a t!on ln. Balboa a.nd a be•t b<JY at SU,500, term.a. Modern Triplex ONr BLOCK ta beat ba.lh.1n1 ba.a.c.haa, ~ or ~-E&.ch. un.it hu 1tv1n1 r«>m, dinette. tiled kltebena, bedrm., r""'I"•· too. CoaipleteJ7 rum. Only SJ&,000. C&ORG!: STE"WrRT. Evf!I. Harbor 2037 -M Brand New rwo Bl!:DR.)(., 1 bUc t n>m ocean 4 Cout Hwy. btn lure lot. ·----_.._ ... ,,___ ..... ···--.. -· ~ . -·""-. . ·-·--~ ··•~ -------.--rn .... -_:a=::.,. 7 --:-ii.. --..-..--··-·'"'··-· --------..... -~·------... -·-...... -... ·----·---. . .., ............... ---~ . ..... --· ____ ,... !!!::~'!!.,.~ • ..!IE!~'!!'!..-~: ___ .,!•!::::!.!!!!'!.!"~ .. ~·!!•!..-----· a ••• . ....._. --r---~a!::•!!!!Sl!!~r.6<!!!!!!•!..----· C -llnlF_.. -~-------'---'-==--.--- . ·• BU~LDERS • • . --.. . BALBOA ISLAND ·VALUES : One ot Ibo hland'• &.!. olbaat.d ... .. pin .wide lot. ttrJ daoo lo Bo. Bay. ~:-...are. looklnr for a "P'douo ~ with 6 liodl -A t batl>o, a wonderluJ qJIOlaJna -tkm --.it dlnJnlt .l:"j>m, cWJchlfuJ ~ ,.... one! . - • • • -a --pluo off-partins, y<lU • wlll llU .. -·--· ·---------"--QY~ ·is··~'ow ·Proc1uct-1·1t---··7-.... ~ ....... .-:._,, ___ ... _,_ -·· ---·· "A.--~¥t .. '!"il~·--------··---'I~ 2129 ·HOMES • MULTIPLES Custom Built on Your Lot or on Our Selected Pro~rty from Standerd Low Coat Plan• or Cuatom De1l9n1 JUlt Completed -• B. R., 2 bath homes at 18th St. Near TUatin I 11th St. ond 0tanc< 2t.t St. our Santa Ana Under .coMlruetion - 2 8 . R. Duplex.es at Vict oria. a.nd Charle ( 7 dupleua) Flower ne&r Santa An.a A Fow of Th Ho Aro Still Availabla for Salo. C a ll fo r Appointment. Soon to be Olforod b TriploxH-2 b.r . oach. (Pric od Be low Oldor, Smollo r Ro-Sole U"lh I ' '· REPUTABLE LENDERS provide TOP FINANCING Harbor , for QUALITY BUILDINGS ' ' I by BUDGET BUILDERS, INC. Mesa Call t or Uteratun and lllformation fer your build- ln&" project -without obllpt.ion. WE BUILD ONLY IN THE HARBOR AREA - LI ' U you would like a • bedroom 2 b&th home of quality plue an unu•ually ple&aant 2 bed.nn. apt. for tOQ income, make an appointment to eee this one today. Price $38,000 term1. We aJao have a.n attra.ctive modem 3 bednn., 2 b..th home on lhe Little laland, perfectly deaJ.ined for entertaining, f un and euy upkeep. Thia one la compld.dy furnished a.nd ready lo move into. Price $28,!500 term.a Wl4. w. ' STANLEY , SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa lalaod Harbor 2462 Corona del Mar Outstanding Buy ONLY $3500 DOWN -$98 MO . !Why Pay Rent7 ) Out of town ow nt>r flays sell th111 1mn1a.culat(• ., bed.rm. bome, f\aga;lfJfll"' f1 ~placf'. WW Cll rpet, tiunnv bright kitchen, lots or tile and e upb-1ard~. copptr plumb~. Wired 2ZOV, cncl08ed patio, double j(:tr· age, etc. FUil pru:e ui vnly $15,500 Th111 111 a dand y , but HURRY. Exclusive with . FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VIC K ttE:ALTORS 312 Marine C. B. RUN A ve., Balboa l11land R. W, Raylf' Har 2'H:.! Charlr'l Tr ~v1,,, Choice "Little Island " Home Well fumizhed. Excellent income pos1:dbi!lt if'~ A aunny cheerful llv. nn.,-With " lovely v!f'w of 1 he. So. Bay. Sepan.te dining room, unit heal Thr price -YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT ! : ' $26,f">OO OUR EXCLUSIVE. See our Little Exclusive on Onyx, clOS<' to Nn 2 bed.rm.a., 1 bath, brand nc"'' double g11.ragc down payment mRkea this a moet attract1,·c DORIS BRAY, Realtor Bay L.ov.' buy 218 Marine Ave., Ba.lboa I11land Ha r 20 o r 64 WEIGHING VALUES? -llmall I ~ >owar On!1 . . ... -··· -'l lt.~. -----------------------------------------------! Bubmll down. Looking for your money'11 worth ~ Then take a look al thia 3 bdrm .. 2 bath, shake roof home. Only 8 mos, old. Birch k itcbea , built in stove & oven, carpeted !iv. rm., apa.cious patio & aun deck. Only $1 08 mo. pAyml~ 1-'p J Md:room UPJ* PLUS A I room and bat.la partl.allJ t'wNah..s I u. a• t aparUnatt- JdMI Iott Kea and .Dad. wtth pMt •putmaal tor the vil(t• l.q ta.11lll7. AND an l~• alt .. ,..., u.. bllla. 0.'t -...It too kin ... Ocean Front Homo Tw-. ~ down.lain Md• ..ma dormitory AM bath. l.&fs'9 11...U.C room .nth nre- _p&aca. M&Jd'• roam • b&lh. Costa Mesa NICll I M. de bome on Eut 11de. Total priee U. Jo.wt Sl l ,000 w1lb. 11900 down (maybe Jeu). llatra l&f'l"li yard. BOB RIOOE WAY. mv-. &rbor 111t -J Balboa Bay Properties teo& W. Ba.Jboa 81Yd, Hu-bor 0111 ~ a.ot.ca loc&tlor:i. !------------'-" ~ a eh...a .. ..tta. Charle• E. Hart,. Roeltor VIEW HOMES We U\l'I lllllll.•1 on. l t>e..uUtul 'riew i.om-., Newport )i1l1ht1 wltb UPOtMltruc:Lad riew ot Hal"-............. C.U. tw latonnaUon. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. ] .. Nnrport lllYd., ~ M.eaa LI Wm or l..l I-Mill LI a..aeM l!Tu. ooac»f& DEL JU.R Orrza&D J'OR I wmtl ONL1" 71cTS t.lp ~U&J cot"11•. lll'IJlf'DY• eel wtOi L llh&pad houae. 8pac• fir pMl aM ,_,. &4d1Uon&J ....... OWND\ 4.20 Oold9lrod lrU1tot' IN:l·R. TtcT' Newport Heights ,...,0 bedroom• .. d•t1. rw#'ly , .. no?alad. Ww pr1ead home. K1•b cla..M dllft.rtct , n-.. 8UI &erau-· diao A Clay, only 111,t&O-evod .......... Wo.+ Newport l"Wo bad.room home, apa r tnu1:nt over la.re• r•ra•e. 0 r1Yt ~1 ~0th Bt. Ulen -1.11 tor detall1, • N.B.C. Realty 32nd. 4 Newport Blvd. Har. 14()0 Bay Shores 2072 Circle Dr1Ye Open Daily -l·fi ~.10 NOW PRICED TO BELL 3 bdrm., t !Ii. Nth, rrp1., r . A.. tMl&L.. all el..c. kltche.11. Spacloua patio -built In BBQ, Over alse l"•'*i"•· l"tt\et"OU• lltor•.-e. CURT DOSH, Rltr. RALPH J:-L!;,iASKEY 315 Marina Avo . Harbor 1560 DQCSDL\ n 00CtJP ANCT - ,.,_., 8 .......,,,. U1'IO f'\111 prt-at ... ...,._ t.•111 ud •t\nlb& .. _._ OIU..NOS CO.A.IT PM>PMll&8 1•T N...,,...t, OoMa w .. U •ttu m..rnp LI 1·1400 ' 3411 Newport Blvd . Npt lk.11. ..._.., IRVINE TERRACE CHOICE LOT o. Sro&dway 150 • 1111,. n ull t,...._ ~ ,_,, alley or. ...... '4600 a.ab or l•rma. u....._ 11cn DELUXE BllAt.rrlTUL exacutlv .. type b11m1 llnd (UU\ h11Ule With fuJI &ere o' level lend covared w1lh be•r· tnc fruit lrefla. n owar• &n d M ruti. of 1.ll typaa. C'°941 In and we.II loo•led . It llaa l•rs• dbl•. detached prare 1.11d work ahop. Lov..ly patio. etc. Thl1 nna lloma la Jui l II )'l'•no old 1.nd In pert.ct condition Cell thla offlC. tot d•· talkl. $1000 Down M.A TU ~. buya a nn. 2 bed• room Mm• In th• 4aet.ra.bl• Eu! 11141•. 'nie 'kitchen a.nd b&lh.J'oom In lhle home will truly dallpt you. It i. vacant 1.nd owner MT' aelL Wa tan ••II ll tor "'00 with 11000 down. Half Acre wrrH A SMALL HO UU In rear and room In fl"Olll to bullod your h.om41, Total priea MMO With 1mall down. WW: HA.VE A FEW CHOICE rtonl· L1I Md bu\ldln• Iota. B. A. NERESON • IU:A.LTOI\ ltll2 Newport Blvd.. Colla M111a Llbar\.7 ... lfT1 EY"aL LI Mlto Liberty 1-801$ ~rty 11-ntT Lido Isle 111 vi. JUUca s 8fdrooma 2 b&lha and Le.n•I. Ont of Ole la1·r er Kol•!eln butlt homea Oii 1. 4& ft lot .,.-1111 lo•J~ of rl,,...t ape.re •Ml • l!'unay &outh P'•Uo. Term• to ftl y9'\lr Bud••t Ot.JNCAN HARDESTY, Rltr. Udo Spt!Clal'-1 ff6,1. NpL Bl\-4. Ne~ 8-tllt H1rbor •Tll W AU.. TO w A.LL c:&r,,.t.a ~N oul 2 bdrma. larc-kltcltan. nnipl.lc11. pLna pan•lln&" Tiie. Be.aulltul oonred patkl With p UI 4 .,. ... a.. 110 J-U.. Oon>o& dal W•r. ow.er llt AY.e&M.. Har. UU..J m ,ne. ,. ~ 11.n BRICK BUSINESS BUILDING NEXT TO REXALL DRUG 3 leued atorea. 2 apt&. above on Ooean Front. Oorieou• view of the Blue Pa.cific from your favor· lt.e rocking chalt. Retire for life, fish, .nri.m and re boaUng rirht at your own front door. No •mog, no worriM, and with income, who could uk !or more! CLYDE MEYER, 307 Marine ATe., Balboa laland Realtor Har. :195() 89c71 WATER WATER EVERYWHERE! I ! WllD" YOU LIVE 0 1( LIDO IBU: 70U 1m ln aaoth_. -tlid. Onca )"Oli -It JVV'U nHW be tbe ~ ,...in. Wa b&Ya & tour Md· roem utd ... lloUM on a Udo Nord comer. Cini)' IO )'11.nili to the b.t -UW.1ntftl" ba&eh on th• Uland.. KoorN ,..rmltlad, Prtc- ed W. at Ul.076. Tenn. can be ~ • • • OCEAN FRONT 2 STORY APT.- -----------------------1Yoo'LL PIKCll J"OVRaELF to VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND N-.rly aew 3 bdrm. with dbl pi"age, patio, fire- place, tu.mace heat. dl•poul. bar tit.Chen. Iota or atorq-e. 127,000 tum. Very clean. JUST IN -Nicely furniahed., roomy 2 bdrm. home with patio, !irepla.ce. Enra nice for •um.mer a.nd holiday•. $20,000 Har. 44.4 THE VOGEL CO, 208 Marlne Ave., Ba.J.boa. Ialand Nat door to lhe Poet Office EYM Har. 122!1-R Har . .-.R BEST BAYFRONT BUY Noer Newport Pior S U NTnl nm.N. D\oL rar. Un 1a Ona, l.t tan.DUI ~ (or Ur.a prop. erty. BMt l'Wlta..I 4111trlet. Only I Hl,000 t uu prtce, .amall down. NEA.1\LY" NEW, baauWUlly d .. R·1 LOT nu r beuh only IUO<I •trned and u;acutad. 8-lhll NewportHelpta ... lt JOU ..,.. • .__. wti. you -It. OW.. 9&711 tt'1 T ;,.u1 old. an. apt. bu J bedroom. • I b&ttr.I. OfM' bu I '*1rooma A 1 W.U.. l•o aplL M•a oaa bid· room • 1 b&UI .acll, n Lcely t'Urnishad. $28,500, rea.aonabla cMil. ~ or _,,..... wtll 1-k• rood 14 tn.t deed u down paym.it-WW parll a ca.rw. • • • PUT ON YOUR GLASSES ! I ! AND TOtrr.L SD UA.L h.onelt.· ll>-SoodneM \'&Jue. .A. 2 bedroorn born• wtlh & 2 car p.r&l"e. H Oll'la I.I n.le.17 turaw..cL Lot le Q by 125 on • oomar. It.eel fenced. PTlcad at '1°'000. llubm.lt down. v....,. _,. J1&771Mnt. • . -,.. It I.I tn Nirwport J:hlstit.. Cloaa to IChooll &Dd nwyt.b.in1. • • • Seven l1land• Raelty & lnve.tmont Co. 60l4bd ..... Jf_,.m. had\ Calli. J;l&r.llU,. ~6·& Har. IHT Lot DOxlrT, Mt .. Muehold "* ____________ , Jltl:8IDmfTIAL kit Olll ... lMll at 4%. F . P. $23.500. Beat Penin11ula location. OPEN SiT. SUN., 2016 E. Ocean Blvd. or call now MURIEL M. PINO VER , Realtor HAR. 4610 2604: Newport Blvd., Newport Beach --------- 1023 W. Bay Ave. OPEN DAILY 1 to 1 ::fO p. m. Thi.a ia a real cozy 2 bedroom home with an extra bunk room and bath adjoining the larye 2 car iarage. This ii: a aingle family home on a big 15' lot aero.. from the bfft awimm..ing beach. An income unit can be added. Tile roof, fireplace and everything for comtort. We can arnnge tenna to •uit . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport. Blvd.. Newport Beach Har. 4718 Golden Rule Values Bargain TWo badrm. home, tminaeUlatt In· a.td• and out. Wood floon, r ood healer, YWJ -1· ...,-·-Cit y Hall ILIMI mu-keU. Gu-aa:a. nu. t. a wh&M of. a -.y ! Cut bl haDdlad f<X JtoOO do'Wn, and now ren.Ud for ~ month. FP .. cely M&OO. Prime Investment No pbon• calll om UWi C.2 pro- perty on a m&,jal" corner ln the J:r.-.rt at town. 11n11~u an &.a. daa. Good &Gild h\· con\e at fllO JDOnUI. Pot.entlala wU1 run U»a to $400, In Ter)' _,. tut.uni. P'\llJ prtce lit oal7 ......... B/B Corona Highlands Open ffoWIO 4M Ca.br\1)o TMTM:e S&.lun1a.Y A aww.tit.,, Ol'le to J'I Ye aa-n. aoytlma bf appolntm.e"t AN OUTBT AND~O VIrW home an an at.ra lup 1ot. Modern open pla.nnln&" and nloa~ done . I bedrma.. I batha, ~ of cio.et.. ~ mpaca. bu.llt-11\1, and .,..ry dM&nllle r-tun m- dudlnC' bB&lned ceWnp and •ft umwu.a.J nrwpla.cl.. run Prtc• Jll,IOO Uld pod ft2Ull --IL DEAL WITH REALTORS Homer E. Shafer, Rltr. OM b&ytront 11ome wtt h th."'9 larp Mdr'QOD\ .. &ad I 'a ti.th.a. 'nle dlnfnl" ,_ and ll:itl!IMft combhta &tt!'&ettftlJ' to .,..look tha ~ ,.UO. I.h1q room hu a nrepl-.ee and 0Y1rloolu U1a n«Ui patle wttll fl.Ill aA y ta. McFadd«n. Pl&ce ~.,::: ... ~'::."'= Phil Sullivan Bay & Beach Rlty Inc '"""OIUl'!Gm ooA.OT & Geo. T. Everson .... i':~,~ .... , VIrW, hrtd7 ~for NtMn. at I.ha N.wport Phr-ll&r. 140 p&"4 ,..ll.o for 'f1.-1n. tb• l:YM. Bar. «Jl.-W -H&r_ aut-M PROPat:ro:a lt6t N....-port Bll'd.. Co-t& lh• tlnaat of •Mp& lor yubu.man. &ad Ms\ ol au. • prtce ot only ....... Wlltch tnelvda9 Uta ftTJ nnemc. ot .._rpau111 and ~pea. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. K.wport m.c, at IOUI Ru11or lMO, ......_ ll&r. U.t..J th Tl 11117 N..,.ort, a.ta M-(.laoM "-o.ta x ... llaak) M·l. Cl ac.... lot. 116000 do9'D LI 1-1u2 ETtnlns• LI ,._lolOO Pb. Ll M7tl, ....._ Har. ,,.. •u£t&bJa; f« tnUw pan °" J..1Mr1:1 1-2lOI i&r&• 111.&IUlf-clurlftl pl.lull. OR.ANO& 00.t..ST PltOP&KJlM ......,. 11AR110R • ,..._ ...,.. EXCELLENT LOT to &n.;7. LOW Pll.Jlt9, OWner 1167 "'~ ca.ta )(-. L.J t-1W ~ Ll l-ltOO H&rboC" uai. tr '""""'"W"POlt""l'TT mno~. bJ ~-IMOO -LI 1-Tul title ~~~-:---::---:~-1 -~~~~~~~1 180 ~. Parcel BAY FRONT DUPLEX H...,-a..c.k &.7 or wlD aaU a -Jlf..,. e111W et ...._ 10 x llO 1ot1 fa.o ea. Bar. 1H1 By~ T.,.._ Wrlt.a Uc ._ E. II W. ~· MpTI l'BRD 11D>RK. ROUR $8600, ~u Ml mo. Tanna to autt. aa at 171 v~ eo.t.a~ or c..n Dmon l 1-llOT. t J lk By Owner roir N.k, N EW TRIPl.JCX. Idea.I location 820,500 ... to appre- d&le.. 57"21 Phlmer. Bu. 1"'0-J . _.. LIDO R-3 I -IO fl.. lotl OD 80. Ba-y rT'Ollt S-211,000 a.ch. C&D T. D. Ropra Har. a..w. • ftT an 1-eote. ,..,, .. --... -"···--·--·-----··-·---··· ... 0 -· ...... --·----·. ---,._ ... __ --~ ----- • !D!::•!!•!!'..!-!!!~h!.,. ____ Ja!;:::!•!!•~!·!!!'!!!!' !.-----I !a!::!·~·!!'..!ll~'!!'!.., ____ ,!a!;::!8eol~!.., ..... !!!!!h!!c_ ___ __;a~:-!!:""~',!"!!*!!!!h!__:_• .'.'_.!Cl=! .. !!!""'!!:.!-!!!' !!'~---~·-1~ HAUOA NEW$.ftESS-PAJtT 111 . PASE J • WIDHISDAY, Fm.~Y 11, 1916 "Vle're Moring to Irvine Terrace" Inspect the model homes, built b y Macco Corp. exquillitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvtn.e Terrace 11 locat.ed on Cout BJ&hway oppoeite the new lrviDe Cout Country Cub. EARL W . STANLEY, Realto r EXCLUSJV!: AGENTS Phone Harbor H~ For l'urtbet lnlorma.Uon * For Recommendatlol!., we re.ler yoo to anyone who bold.I a Leuehold FAta.le in Lrvine Terrace, lkacon Bay. Bay Shorei. l.lld CUU Haven -------- v v Best Buys Corona del Mar J . SHORECLlFFS. Juat Lilted -ez.cJu.1lve with uA. Tbi.9 unnaculat.e 2 bedrm. and den home on Monung Canyon Ro~ 'A'ith panoramic view of ooea.n, hill• and canyon. FA heat, I~ flagstone pa.Uc , carpet.a a.nd dr&pet included. and only $31.!iOO. BE:!'TER HURRY on thla one -It won't lut. ., SPECl..AL BUY , 3 be<inn. home plua i :i,. bath11, fireplace, double ga.rage, fenced yard. YES 1n Corona del Mar a.ad only $1!';,000. .$tOOO down wt.II handle~ Shown by appolntme:nt. Should MU q11lckly 3 DUPLEX. Cloase-in cboi« location. 1 bedrm. each, 1 unit rurniahed and o!l leue at $7!5 per mo. Fur· niture included. P'ronl unit ava.ilable for buyer F'P $16,750 -$.WOO down will handle. 1 DSLUXEl OORNER DUPLEX. 'l'wo bedrme each .. rireplace, beat location. Shown by appointment. Priced at $~,000. Term.9 ca.ri be arranced. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCU1STION, Real to' 3H7 E. Cout Hwy. Coro .... del .VU Har. <7 (O ffice located next door to Newport Harbor Bank. CDMJ ------------ CORONA DEL MAR 4 bed.rm. borne in Sborecliff1, with many featuru for family living. All electric .kitchen, full b6.lh and 7i bath plu. a 1 ~ bath. WW carpeting, drapa. Ready to move into. * * * * 3 bedrma., bath and% located on a street· to it.reel Jot wtth a perm.anent unobrtructed view o( ocean. Ranch .tyle home, beamed celllnr. lhake roof, natural ~ kitchen a.nd many other fine features. * • * * VIEW LOTS VIEW LOTS VIEW LOTS Only 10 minute drive from our own fine Harbor. No place along the Cout will you find 5e oceu view lota for ea.le AT SUCH LOW PRlCJCS.. Pricn start at $7500 to Sll,600. For more tnfM· mation. oontacl our office &Dd we will be happy to' ahow yoU the property. 8/8 • • 11 I 7 9 9 ~----.!·!:~•!!!•!!11!..!T!!!!!'!!!'!!..---- REALTY, INC., BAY AND·. BE.ACH Realtors ·LIDO ISLE llWll .. ll•[IC!CDIU"'nl PO'P 'ON ~...,. ,_, ___ . __ 'l'be \ •• 4 _.uao s~ .IAXEB.Qtfi~- ' 8 . R.. 3 boU.., Ip. u •. -din. rm., ~ kltcben. Pier • llllp, undy beach. nrot tlmo u.u.s at thJo price. ·--~-~E-= .. l.~L-~-~~-·--.-..... -1' -... ~ wltll flnplMlo, -711 ,. 1 a' .......... ~, ... ,, r ........ __ -· Furn. $73.000 -CoD-t terma. Udo Nol'd -3 yr. old, one otory 3 B. R., 2 both bayfront home. Very attnctive modem. Wonderful Beach tor Children Excluaivo U.U.. -$611,000 80' on Udo Sou<i! t B. R .. i bath, llT. rm., lge. paa.ed-in playroom, 1padoU111 patio, wonderful home tor large tam.Uy. Pier .. Float -$9!1,000 BALBOA BA YFRONT S yr. old modern, 4 B. R., 3 b&tb home Large liv. room.. lot.a ol cl&&a. Pier A Slip -$86,000 BALBOA PENINSULA BA YFRONT Owner unable to UH thia well built attractive bay· front home. A.nxioua to aeU. t B. R., 4 batha, partially furni.Bbed. Thia LI top value -Owuer will carry k>w down payment, t.radea, or-what have you: BALBOA COVES EXCLUSIVE New attr&etive 3 B. R., 2 bath homt-. Bt1ilt ·11'.1 kitclwi, fuUy carpet.eel, lge. patio Pier l.t Slip -$50,000 Te.nn. Oceanbm( -S Ualta -Good .-! uw.. fl2,il00 -W1l1 .. -tndo. 7 Unlla -NMrGnwrllcllool. 100~ oocu.pauy, wtnter a.D4 •umme•. OWW' oaedl more room for ha'11ted. famD;J. lllllt 8611 -1111.000 TRIPLEX -NMr lOlll St. .Bo"''•I ~ Three 2 B. R. unlta, two tunllohed. $11,000 -'10.000 will handle, ALMOST BA YFRONT! Bay Ave. Duplex -Oppoolte public beach. Uno!> •tructecl permanent B&y VJow. o..n.r will ~ ......,.•bie dow1I po.ymet lrom qualltlod buyor. BAY AVE. CORNER -VIEW! Homey 2 B. R. Ir den home with permanent Bay view. Lp. Daptone patio walled for privacy. Qwno, ill -Mu.rt ..U. Ailing $26.000 BALBOA PENINSULA Owner moved to larger bouae. A..nxioua to 1e U. 2 B. R. EDgliah cottage.. Carpet.a, curta.lna &nd re-- trlgwato' includ.od in price. ~,670 - Low down will handle.. DEAL WITH REAL TORS CHUCK LEE E. B. CHAf!E DICK RUDE MARJORIE CHASE KA Ti E 01...SON RUTH TELFER GLODBN M. FAY, M.an&g cr BAY AND BEACH REALTY, IN c •I Realtors 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 BIB Waldron Realty Special Values Cliff Haven Kings Plac~ • ll bedroom.1 e H•rdwood flo.>o.-. • 'nMnno controlled unit heel • UMd brldl rtrepl.ct • Onr•l.aed U"1nit room npen1n1 nntl) • Shoel toered l•n•i 1rltl patio • Bc.auUJ'ul.ly l.ndJM:•JM>d and foenM<I ya rd • O.J. ~ $74 mo. Incl. Lue• • run pr1ce 111.!)()(l Rancho Linda • 'ii •t rf' completely !"'need I Horae corr..i 1.ntJ <101 kennel.1 • Nodem. 1400 .q. ft. home • 2 IM!drooma .nd IJe. den • w /W carpet. ttu'ouchout • 14•· fla(1ton• llnplace • All 1lectr1<: ldtclten • Xlnl. Baek B•y A rea • i1e,aoo f'\111 Pr1ce wHh low dowal $1()()() Down "1 . Present -TOP VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND 3 BR., 2 bath a.nd income apartment -J'urnl9bed, fireplace, a.nd only $2000 down to qualif'ied buyer. "2 -CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX -2 BR. · 2 BR. Top locatioD.. 0Newly redecorated.. One unit an.ilable !or new ownu. Only $~.ooo down, $19,950 F. P. ;;3 -CLIFF-HAVEN For the diAcriminating. 3 BR. and den-View home, with huae filtered pooL $39,.M>O and only ~ dn. ;;4 -NEWPORT Want an OCeaD. view a.t a reuooable price! Two bedroom home, hdwood floors. now loued, and large neW 2 bedroom apt !urnlahed. Thermo. but and guest room off 2 car garage. Only $21,500 Waldron Realty Co, 308 M&rine Ave. $1000 Down THREE BDRM., NEARLY NEW, on ..,.., Good tract boa&&, tull p.rioe., pOOO, Tiami&. $2000 Down EXCEL 2 BDRM.,~, .... _ Hw. rln., pt.Uo, Bl.oclt ..ii ,_, an -•r-a. l'ull prio., t aooo, and onJy $11. j)9T mo, $985G-$2000 Dn. BEA UT I YUL I Bl:ORM .. nd dble. JU. 2 Jr-I. old. :rt20 Santa A-. Aw. Back Bay SIO LA CANADA WAY off Tu.Un. Th" i..t ot lliK rorceoua n- v1-home.. lSOO 911. t't. e.n4 doubl• pr. $2'8,UO. W:...y term&. ' lmm•culat.. I bdrm. 1 yr. old hon141 with --.ll lo wall car~t· Mesa-Harbor Realty A: A880CUTES 11\(, ..u 1 \ectrlc: lr:tt chen. nlce.ly H&r. 0234 H&r. 4362 llUldte•ped ... Unequalled vi.Ju~ H&r. 2273-R eve Har. 4.507 eve 609 Center St .. Cotta M- •l $10.71)() w1lh ju~t $1.000 ----------- -----------W "*11 • U l-771H down .nd monthly P9)"nlentl LYTLJC -Eve. Ph. Ll 1-UU lea.1 than rtnl. ACT NOW! PXtitrJJ: -&'YI. Ph. U ~ DEAL WITH REALTORS CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES BEn<OUR -EvLP!o.Ho. .-.w Modern 3 BR. corner home -loveJy Cl.apt.one fire-p • • I hall, 2 11111 tllo boll!o. foreod air -.. ... -Dloe po.llO ..... dbl..,., ...... ......._ Apprm:. HOO oq. ft. lll!owa by ---t. • .... Pll.000 NEWPORT BEACH l BLOCB: l'llOK ClCZAN N-.rly new, 2 bedroom bome. wttll e. attractive ldtcl>en, dJolix-1 aad ioto ot tile. Sep. dlDlng room. Thia ill a r.l cheerful ~ ud worth the price ot $13,500 $2000. Down 2 YEAR OLD _ .......... 3 Bll:DROOM Thia ii not a. tract home, and ia located in a good neJchborhood. oa a ba.ojo st. Uvin& room hu rireplace and parquet noon. A nice kitchen a.nd eep. dining area. Delac..bed p r . Full price $12,500 EXCLUSIVE WITH US AND ALL GOOD BUYS LET US SHOW THESE TO 'f'OO SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ~ ~ Balboa ~ 125 "G" Street, 2 and den -a stone's throw trom the beach, the aaking price, i26,500 BACK BAY ARE.A -468 Eat.her St., Owner leav· ing and a.n.x:iow for ule, 3 bdrm.., 2 batha. $21 ,500 JACK BRENNAN . Realto r and ASSOClA TES 3320 W. Cout Hwy. Llberty 8-7773 "At the ArchiN" lido Realty Associates Todays Udo Special Two bedroom. -two bat.ha -built 1n 1951 on Via Koron (street, to · street lot) Thie well rilan . ned Lido home repreaenta acellent value Ht $22,500 Y• Ll.'1 another new LIDO REALTY LiaL1111 . We thini it'a a real buy. You can have the furn1tune- too ucept. the TV a.od recordplayer for a.n additioo&I $2000 ABK FOR EITllER OF VIRGINIA MANSON GENE VREELAND J . H. GllOIDlAN BILL KE"IJ'TON COMBINING 20 YilAJlS OF LIDO SA r .ES' EXPERIENCE lido Realty Associates Harbor 44 4-1 IMPORTANTLY DIFFERENT 1. The top k>cation on Newport Rta. mo.t beautiful St. 2. Tff!!l!:E .,..., lup bodnn&, with plenty ot clooet.s 3. A HUGE liv!D& room wjlh pal.lo view. f. Separate dlnlnc room with anack bar to large kitchen 5. Nice .me. porch. &. Beautltul -~ .. 1. Lovely coveted pado .urrounded by choice land· ICapin&'. 8. All birch eabirieb and the du-ndeat amount o( linen and cic-t apmoe. you've ever 11ee11. g, And moet IMPORTANTLY DrFFERENT the price ii under $25.000. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W, Cout Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc place, enclooed paUo. On .. R·2 h>t..-room ro, rovmc.•a • 191~ Harbor a.ou1~ud another home. All !en~ Price mcludee wall-. Perfection Oolta MeM. California to--wa.11 carpetinr & drape1 at $19,500 \_ W . E. FISHER & Associates 302t E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 CLIFF HAVEN ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A LARGER HOME! It ao, we have just that. Thia beautiful rambling home contain. 4: bedrml., 3 t.Uw, dining room, double nreplace, apadOUll living room a.nd in addJ- tlon there ii & large den or family room. It ia ·wired for electric ranp, baa electric diabwuher, drapee and wfW carpeting. Beautifully land8caped and aprfukler aymte.m. Muter li1ht nritchea. and oodlM of other itema found only ia cu.tom built homiN. There i9 ample 8pace provided in patio tor swim- mbl& pool Property ia situated. on corner lot in one ol the beat part.a o( Clift Haven. THlil PRICE WILL SURPRISE YOU. Shown by appointment only. Call Stan Le Uevn1 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor lMh 6 Irvine LI IJ..:leM Evet: LI S..T058 TRADIN' TODAY hbulout 10 unJt motel plua pool and putting r-t. Palm Sprinp. Notted $37,000 in 'M. Want Harbor ""'" home. Muot be Top quality. ~ by, • picturea and get the d.Wla. OSBORNE FORTON, Realty Co. 2323 W. 0-.. Hwy. (at Port Orange! Nowport 8-h LI 8-7:162 Hu. 5.llM ._ • LJ~rty 8-7714 J:ve11. W 8-31~ BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE Frl·li•l·l'tun·Mon 1.rt"'rnoorui ):)Jtl Cre9lvlew Dr. 2 b.t . PLUS 1ar. unlt-knolly pine int. k>9.da 0( room for f•mlly ud 1ue1i.. onB:RS F'OR SALl!C • SUM.M:l!:R R!:NT A LS BACK BAY OPEN HOUSE S•t. A: 8 1.1n tll5 T\ietln -3 b.r. I ti.th O NLY $11.000 ~ol~ &ck Bay VlllW lot 4&6<1 Comtir V11!:W lot "°° 108 x 130, hl&hly roe•trlcttd 8000 LJOO PARK TRAlu:R w ,noe..., caban•. I b.r. "• 1 m11t ftom p;J Toro, Ml T~tw•}". to a<"r.,... ore.ngefl. loevtl, for Decorator'a home with !ireplace, lovely lana.i. Dbl. garage •treMed for an apt. above. Priced right at $14 ,950 South of the Highway -charming 2 BR. home with fireplace. Studio a.pt . on rear .of lot pays t he expenses. Both unita furniehed, TbJa will eell fa~l -·better hurry. Price $16,500 Commercial Income -2 it.ores with 2 .turniahtd 1 B. R. apts. About 3 yeara old. HW panel 6: FA hieating in Doctor"• office. Showa excellent income of S335 per mo. Total prioe $29,500. Excel. financing. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Q;t. Hwy. Har. 1741 Har. 0757 f'uturt' 1ubdt~. PrleH rl,tht --------------------- Al..80 2 acrea w 3 b r. lovely home. partly furn. Claire Van Horn REAL.TOR J731 W , c.,,..t Hwy UTILE ISLAND ~plraJ 8tlt1n1 lndoor -outdoor UT!ns:, Large lan•.1 4 Bednna. .I b&tl\a. al90 tncludee l 8'idfm. n'n1-l unit. $14,960. See. y our l!M'al brolu1r Qr ~ Frontier l ·UM. 70Cl211 FOR S.Al.£-Coet... M.-. Two 1 beo<!rOO"m boUM9 on t lOL Doub!• l" .. "P JSTllO. Ca.II Ha.r . .!2._1-J, -tnlfl&"a. ~72 LOT DANA POINT • ~ Tl-. Lot I Wfl for q~~-aUe. C.o.JI Mar. n~. ~ T0c71 * NEWPORT HEIGHTS Rustic ranch atyle home on eacJu-.ive Aldean Place. Studio living It dinin&: rooma with antique firepl&oe and wa.11 of glua. Un~ue Wed ·Jdtcben, built-in range and oven. 3 t..rge bedrooma, 1 % bat.ha, hwd. n oon1 a.re carpeted. Sa.crlfioe al $24,500 With $8500 down or submit EXCLUSIVE WITH Greenleaf-Severts Realty, Inc. Har. 2:i62 :llli Newport Blvd. --Eve.: LI IJ..3186, l.J~ Har. 3112l•W, KE S-6886 ln thl• 2 bednn., ~'IY llba.U roof boud ilr bat a:~. ,...._,, UMd br1ck ~ op-. beam celllnp ...-.UUl'Ul or.btaetll tn.roupout, hom. buJlt •1 • muter crt.ltmnan.. One , .... old. ee&ulltully J.an.4-c&ped. 13.000 down. c..11 u tor 1ppt. to -- "ART" ADAIR , Rltr, leM N9WJ)Orl BIYd ~ Costa X.. LI 1-3192 or LI l-&611 u ............ Have You Seen our Roun: BEAU"nrULT It llall I bdnn9.., dm. iv.l .._. and ..mmtna pool A.II We ln tM Tut.In llcbool DUU1c:L °" the .. t ~ of en.ta ....__ LIDO ISLE BXA.trnJ'UL home on Lido Nord comer. Pttma· neat view ot Bay, near best beach tor nrimm.ing. S bodrmL, 2 botluo, ho)lby room and elm. CliannlnJ ldna -muter-bedrm. with alcove 6 coanectlng bal.b., l&rce IUD deck, attndive dinin& room, mod- .,. ldtcllc -buJlt,.IJi tllllnnober, d1-J, copper hood, conmlc Uie aad .. .,....,.. other t•turM. ATl'RACl1VE CONTJ:llPORARY I bedna. 2 bath home po.rtlall;r -QalT 2~ yeon old. BOTH PROPERTIJ:B SHO~ BY APPOINTMENT WE ALI!() lla•e lle-.I !lay Front -OD Lido Nord. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3ll3 Nwpo<t Blvd.. Newl""t -Hor. 1013 Lo"'7 a bdnn . ...._,. ..w.. -· --------------------- =•~= ..... -COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth'·., Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Multiple U.tinl'-RlilJt.« ---Jiili 1:. eo..t mp-way. Coron-. de.I MAr. liAl'bor llU CURT DOSH, Rltr . 315 M•rin• Av•. H•rbor 1560 TBJUCJ: IIDRJt.. i• b&U., toll:lto tot. Kini"• PIMlL US.000. N-· port Bi.. By .f..PPQ.llfTlll:NT, Ow"IMr Ublrt7 ...on. acn NEWPORT BJ:IGBTB: 2 Br. A larp clon, ti.... pi-, 2 .... -...... "°"' lhop. Some p11mt1n1 6: nnt.hlnr worti:: to do -bat. a bup.tn at Sii.JiM NICE I Br. ~ B..S. Doon, doalllo -· p>d --near lntno A .... SU,000 with -. • DUPLll:X 2 • • ..a lllde, i.-,. ._ pnpo • 1111&11 .-11o1-. m ™ with '27llO down. 2 Br. --. ..... Idle .......... pol'Cb. 2 --• -abop ...... -lot. $82llO G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1310 !'"port -., O>ot.a -u 11-1801 0 ) -- rA&E 4. PAlT 111-NEWPOaT HAllOl NEWS-ftESS;~..!"!!:::!•!!•!!.'!-!!!'!!!'!!_ __ _Jtl!!;:::!•~·!!.'.!llo~·!!•!!.. ___ ..!D!!::! .... !!!!..!•!!'!!!'!..----.!a!!:::!•!! ... !!..!-!!!!!!•!!_ __ _ WEONESOAY, FaRUAlY II;· 195' - .. P=m' llst:F:,.~~·_.;;r:;,..~~~tl~;:!!·~ ... !!,~F!!F!!!F!.~·:..:.'~~~·~1 IJ. a. pa Im e.r j nc o. r po rated LIDO'S . BEST . BUYS Threo bodrm. L"' ...... • ,_. aW -._.$27,- Four -&ad -V<ry 10¥.i, -. _$18,llGO Three --. 6 llolllr, 1 JT. o74 , 5'7,- Tbreo bednia. &ad den. Z% batllo. liloqllWta _.J411,- ~,._ ' lf'lt-TI~~._.... ___ , ___ ., Tb,... large bodrma. pier, tlo&l and patio -·---·---·-·---f1~.000 Four bedrma. 6 maidll qurten, IO' lot ··-·············-'~.000 Tb,... bednm. • den. -n:r ._ -----------------------------~.()()() Balboa Peninsula Two bedrma., furnlahed, 5 yn. oW -·······--· .. ·-···········$18,~ Three bedmu., '11h bathai, NEW ....... ·-··---·········-·····$19,000 Thl"M bednn.., 1% baths, NEW ········-·········· ............ $22,9:wl Three bed.rm.., 3 bath•, 3 yean old ·-·---··· ___ ........... 120.roo . Newport Heights U you wa.nt a nice location with a mn&ll down pay- ment. SEE 519 EJ Modena, Newport Ht.a. Two bedrrn. bome, large lot. $10 ,i50. Hu GI loan $~% lntereat-$11.00 per month. Consider good lot for equity or l.rr&nJt! euy tenna. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE • 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bc h. Har. 4971 or Har, 4972 Eves: LI S-5297 -LI 8-3040 -Har. 5142 ---- BALBOA ISLAND $10.000 will handle beaut. home and income. f'i nely constructed 4 B. R. home -3 balha -large llv. room, din. room, convenienl kitchE'n & liVIJ. porch with extra guE>st room & bath, Dbl. garage, PLL'S a charming s pacioua 1 B . R. Apt. SEE TODA Y. A REAL BUY~ BAY SHORES $24 ,7!)() C)ne o ( lhe moet charming MttJlCIOUll 2 B. R., 2 balh hometi With Ja.oa.i dining room, 1n ~aut1ful Bay Shores. Delightful pat1 u. To ~ 1t iii to .,...ant 1t, so hurry. THE P R1C!--: IS RJGHT ~ SHORECLIFF'S Out.standing 4 B. R. 21A~ bath view home. Beaut. landscaped grounds. Top location. Buyer will have privilege of buying &dJOining large view lot. Thia U. our Exclu.&ive, and it U. priced to Nill a.t $42,500. This will pleaJN.> the moat diacrim.inating. NEWPOl\T BEACH -Income mi nded ~ ? ~ Deluxe 2 B. R. home and 2 Btory duplex ( 1 B. R. each ). All t hree. unit.a mOl!lt attn.ct. furn. Thill la well cared for property a.nd near new. Xlnt. location. l block from ocean, 1 block from bay. Top income. $27,500 WHAT A BUY !! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor ME MBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 31 1 Marine Ave., Balboa. Island-Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE w~ ca.n build for you a · two-bedroom or 3 bednn. home. • 1 : • I · deve!opers f f U~ Isle _ _ WILL TllADJ: '8 ft. --14 • -LMlo lot · I Ex · 'itin · lor -•''" Lido lot ud cub. \ • C g ; ' . You wut t.6t belt. iD the bat IC!ClJoa for ..;.,our N41Y( Modem Lido J rielex --mon9. We cu otter,.,.. 3 bedrmo. and'* the, "'''""tWv!i'iilY'i"!!iie"'llUll.frllr. Iii ..tty "~:'XO~ ~·-·:=d:ra ":'• ;.-~ io:'!~~!-~ unit hu tta OWll privat.e patio, bWft..ln ovena a.nd Haven, tor ~y $19.900. Sincerely, th1a II t.he mOMt ra..nge1: carpeted, fireplace., forced air turnacet; ex.citing ottering In many month•. Don't •wa.Jt - two urutl have 2 bed.rm.a. and the other bu a bdrma. u J k __,_..,,_, ... f r .. --inf .. and 2 batha. See thla TODAY at $89.tk>O. (We can ca ac ~~ 0~0~~er Orm& wn al.lo leue the 2 ¥rm. apta. for $210 per month · and the 3 bednn.. tor sm per month). Definitely Bayfront on Lido Nord 3 extra hie bedrma., 3 batha, pier A alip, dining room, den, dtah•uher, diapoeal, tul1 furnace, car· peted, etc. $76,000 wtth a low down paymen t A fa.mily home, ~ enough to ~ommodate the ma.t act.Ive family -the children. participate but do not dominate 1n t..m. delight.tu.I home. 3 bednna., 13' bat.ha, plu. a 16 Jt 16 den and 16 x 24 bobby room All for the amuing low price of $28.900. to qualifted buyer. Call Joe Kincaid for detaila.. FURNlSHED HOME at 213 Via Ithaca. Thia home la ln perfect condition. Newly carpeted, drapes, di.J>Oft&] in Dice modern kitchen, very sood noor plan, 2 fine bathai 3 bedrma., 5 yra. old. Beautiful Site $29,7:SO lneludlnr f'w'niture or may be porchued unfurniahed. Build that n.mbling dream home of yours on lhi1 apaciou.a l}"' acre. Located among lhe finet.t. &ck Bl.y ea:tatea. Owner will aeU outright for 19900, or will build to your mpecification11. For det.a.ill!I 140 ft. frontagt cm Via Harve $51,500 Call Davi<hlon O.bum. p. a. palmer , incorporated ole ~a nion co., 1ailes management 3333 via lido, harbor 1600 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales ma nagement 1700 w. CO&At hjghway -liberty ~73 IN EXPENSIVE lNCOME PROPERTY ! t1nly $$700 dr1wn •n'1 thu1 l unit 1ne.,rnf' pruperly clo.e ti.I the Ck e•n IA r.;.,..,,.porl 11 •ll yuur1 Lol;•ted ot1 2 lot•. with com - inunlty µ•UO. ln (\lOd condluon •nd •II r11nt.ed •l $18.l m.ontbl,y. 116,'°° 1a th11 price. H rr el • 2 unit In B.tll~ you ahoulo'I 1t"e. On• 2 bedf"OClm and t. I bc'f!room. Sep•r•Ut un1t1, e•eh ¥t 1th a cute paUo and BBQ (;Loa. lo Ba,y and 00.ri. 516,it.O, t•rma- 6 UNIT lNOOME! 'rhl• bf:•uU!ul property I• •!tu· •led on 2 Iota near be•l 1wun- m1ng be•ch In Balboa. Only 2 ye•r• oh1, c:oncnt• block con· 1tructlon e.na every con"Qknce pr•c••. lock er roonu, lar1e J;i.un.dry. Se.e lb lt befpr~ buylnat any Income proJ>frly 56~,000. t erm•, P ENINSULA HOMES ! Three b<tdroom, 2 ti.lh•. I.I.re• UVlnJ room wllh t u.place. nice 1•rll.l'e and .undeck. 517,:.00 and only 56000 down. ~ Sp&elOU• 2 bedrocnn home Oft 40 toot i"t. Property 18 nice with \O.'ali..S y1rtl a.nd 2 Ci r l"&rage. Hea vy furniture 11 Included 1i llt.000 I• the pr1« uid Lt can be bought ror 13.0.00 down. CORONA DEL MAR IULL TOP RUSTlC CHARM ER -DRAMATI- CALLY SITUATED on hilla1de -perm_ view u( p1cturuque cLDyon from balcony, patio, picture windowa. Lge. lvgroom -rireplace -smaU but nice kitchen a.nd bed.roor:rus. ALL THIS CHARM ANl) OPEN VISTA F'OR $16,800 BALBOA ISLAND YES. 11"S POSSIBLE. TO LIVE LIKE A MO.I.IONAIRE -on encha.nting Ba.Ibo& Island. HERE'S HOW: For yOur home, a modern two atory bou.e--2 bedrm. and den-lge. livingroom-- firepla.ce--And for good income, a modern l bdrm. apt.-Dbl. gar. a.nd even yet a guest room and bath. Ex.eel.lent location -Ca.II ua for price and terms. THEY'RE GOOD. LOTS -LOTS -LOTS Everyone la looking tor good buildlng aitea -We have two exclualvea -Back Bay and hUlaide-- BOTH PE1\FECT. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine A ve., Balboa !Aland Hu. 502 or 4623 ----l"C'' THOMAS ''C" T!'iOJ.lA S I • THOMAS I CHOICE LISTINGS C WF'P' llA \1£N -F"lrat tom , n rrerMt 1...1vely 3 b<hrn I 1. bal/I hOnle, rlr..,pl•<M". ll•lwtl tloor1, c:omple\A ly /enc.,,! rhou•r lrio;&llon S22.000. CUFF URJVE -Un11urpa11.wd pernurn.,nt view. ft r l•JL Ill!<' /iv ruvtu with tlQu• t•1 l'."''1n11 I w!n1lowa. la1n1ly rao,111 w 1tl'I r1r~place, 3 b(1rn1• .• I.,_ 1.>atl\11 w 11'1 w r .. rpet • •lr"f'"• A11k1ng IJ :I 000 I HA.'\'.CH STYL..E HOM!!: ~ n1" • ulJ -bfaullfl1! hume on ~'' tt lot 1fual oft ll'Vlnt"• A ••rnolr • All !llrl' •ttr .. r tlvely di!t.."r•l"d rOOm1 J L>e<lnxinu, 1 'i. balth•. brea kfut bar It dlnlni: are&. hdwll !100t1, fo' A. heal, bullt- 1n Theruiaoor r•ni.:r A ovrn, heavy 1h•k• roof, w "'' <·arJl"l- lnx • ll ntpeM inct11d"d $26.~()IJ HAH.BO H. HIGtfl.AN('I~ Attr1r IJve 3 U.11111 I 1 •, Y'°I"'"" 1,l,1, 14 ~ :Zt llV r<1<Jfl\. rev .. 1111 1l(oo)1 pl1on_ w~llilh · l'r ~lnµpl'll, J.i•rbagt 1.ll•po•al. ·--··-------... - a ••• ......_ 17 B 1:..s -.. -· -NEW LISTINGS! • I HOME AN"D INCOME! e 1.idrm. home -I bdrm. y;,;. ...... • a....ci cawns -...... llWltl • Oub. dilip. -v..u&n blbldl ! • S.. OU. now! Jlta6l ftJl.M! • llu t.11tct• Joe. -ownw l•Yi1111 13,MO ON.I $13,roO FULL PRJCICI * * * * * $10,2501 • t bdrm. -bdwd. noor. -I J'n. cMJ • a-Ill. -Mlr:te. -lltor-. -bu.ml • a.r.,-. -noor tuma.oe. u.rv.o1 • PaUo -B.B..Q. -t~ -~ • t..rs-e Uvtq" rm. c&q>9ledl • 8*. tA1.I ri,.-ht now? Why .....-f • T erna can De &rr&nleoil I YES ! ONLY '10,J:IO * * * * * $2000 Downl • 3 bdrm. H.awd. Ooon 1 • Dbl. pr. -p&tlo -t~! • F111e Eutalde klod. -qwet at. • H&I G. L lo&nl TU. lllclud~U • Ch.it o! town <nl'"rl!U" -YacantJ • Trel:W -landl!Captd -ahrubal ONLY $12,0001 * • * * • Newport Heights! • Ocea.n Vtew' 2 yr.. uld! • 2 bdrin. -tu.JI dillin g rm. -1'dwcS. ftoonl • Love.Jy ruut Me 11o'1U\ ruu ba.l.hl • 4!e flrep.l.•e>-'21UY Lea. k1tchtlfll' • 1;J.a.ue<1 In tub olr. lilower! • \\"..od shine!• f'U(Jf own•r built ! • • Dbl gar with alley anlnlllce! • W1aow muat •ell ' Good term..J , ~ON.~ 11.8~ 1''ULL PJUCE! • • ,... * * Vacant C-2 Lot! • IC 17th St -Gnnrtnc bua. Joel • M'" 300' level -HWer11! • Aero. •I rrun1 n,.,w "Clock'" r111taurantl • Out ot town owner n1a y Lake lernu~ Sl9,500 F1JLL PRICE? • • * • * Other Lots! • C>cll•n ,.,_.. -Ktn a-1 R.oad! • E&.l•lde Yt'Nt.lde -He1Jht.t a R ·l I~ 4 -C'.I c·.2 -M -1 -A ·1 • t'li!IOO up' Take yuur r.hatce ! • A rt.,• trun1 l •<'. VI JIW•• ,.;- • • • * * DEAL WITH REALTORS BAY & BEACH REAL TY, Inc . 1696 Newport Boulevard CoRla Llbc·rty 8·1161 Cahfonua El•ea l.Jberty 8-3010 Approx. $-4 .90 per sq. ft. 100 ',• Fina.nclng It you want the cutu t 2 bedroom hoiae on the "pu1nt " .. , nice clGled peuo with B.B.Q. fire· plac e and only SIO . .m. wtth tenn1. c .. u u• today. YOU CAN'T LEARN THE REAL EST ATE BUSINESS OVERNIGHT! grB1-t •k,. f,.nt'1n;t: many lll·l------------------------- on approved Iota 937 Square Foot Home-$4595 1155 Square Foot Home-$5595 Attached 10 x 20 garagea ................ $295 We are building on Wa.llace, S..y, Avocado and 18th Sta. Startini shortly on 20th St. Call or Phone for Information ... OP EN SUNDAY AITERNOONS & WEEK DAY S SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 11 041 Westminster Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9.o633 BALBOA ISLAND SO. BAY 4 B. R., 3 bat h plus 1·B. R.: apt ....... $59,500 NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 bath plus 2 B. R. apL ..... ~7 3,MO LIDO NORD 5 8 . R. -2 B. R. apt. .................... $89,500 LIDO NORD 3 B. R . -P ier & sli p ................... $60,000 LI'M'LE ISLAND. Tropical setting, 4 Bdrm11. plu11 t BR. rental ... ·--···--_ ................. $34.950 NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R ............................................ $22.500 NEAR NO. BAY 3 B. R ................................. $2:;,000 CNCOME UNI'l'S : ...... , .$25,750 to $38,000 'inclll!Jive. Check with ua on lheee and othera. Har. 1775 -Evee. Edith Maroon HYatt 4--6222 John Macnab Harbor 5359 · EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Ialand CORONA DEL MAR Very nice 2 bdrm. home with guet1l apartment over 2 car rvaie. Hae bard.wood floon, dining room off Uvinf room, patio A: barbecue. 4:> it 118 foot lot. South Side Blvd. $2(,roll Thia one bu all kind9 of poeaibtlitiea. Com er R-2 lot. Two bdrma. 6 bunk room, 11.c.i batha, 3 wallt·ln cloeeta, very large kitchen, open beam liv· inc room, ahower A dreMing roo~. •Vtrl• garage. Spaoe to build apt.. over 2 •car pn.ce. $18,Wl RAY REALTY COMPANY 3444 E. Cout Hwy. Corona det Mar H1.r. 2288 (acrou from Bank in C. D. M.I MEMBER OP' liULTIPLE LISTING SERVTCE Balboa Realty Co. OpPoO~it! Bank of America Ro .. Creeley Ed Lff Al Cornellua J oeephlne W ebb TOO It. Balboa Blvrt , Balboa P hone Ht.rbor 3277 B/B Lido Isle THE MOST CHARMING Provin· cla.l "''e have ever adverllffd. l t hu 3 bedroon111. conv. dm . The gener•I decor L• m •gntfld ent. J ust aa you can't learn medicine, law or Ln Y other profeuion by merely hanging out a sign. Let one of the 300 member& of t he Board handle your tranaaction for you ..• Wore goong lo se ll A Mill ion Dollars worth of reel estate each month of 1956! Multiple Listing Service Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach M•ke ui •ppolni.menl to •n Jt. ------------------------- W H Y Sf:ITLE ror lMm tht.n \ht beat when you Clln h•ve: • Lot• Gr room In it'a 4 bedroom& • Good Con1truction 9 fka11tlfulty planted large ~tlo • Uke &Cl' frontag-e • ~a!gned t or l1rg-e t•mily • A•klng-136,1M. Newport island NEWPORT !Sur. \VATERFRONT DUPLEX. On• •pt. h .. .S bed- room•, d!nln1 room, I '!Ii. b•t.h&, lar1e llvtn1 room, at.o one bed· room a pt. 2 ca r p.rac•. P IER • F LOAT, FURN . .Ukinl' price $36,000. INDUSTRIAL PLANT • 10,000 roq. fl. buildinp. On black topped. Costa Mesa . i.n main building plus 3 11maller approx. 11;2 acrea all fenced a.nd Located in t.h e heart. of booming Price $75,000 with $25,000 down, or will lease to reliable concern at $6.'SO per mo. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach LI 8-3481 69c71 tr11octlv• fe&ture1. ALL for S l7.- il7.(i with t •, '\ fln«nc1ng BA \'SHORI!:~ l"ln,.11\ location ()n 8ay11ht•r~ Drive "''Ith VIEW or bey, 3 bdr1na. I"-botth11. •l1nlng room, f ireplace, hdwol floor1. c11celle11t famlly l'tom'!' tor year ·round hvlng-$23,:100 -Term•. "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIATF.S ?24 \\. C•1a.11t H lwlly 1.1 8-:\l\27 Newp<irt Beach "C" THOMA S "C" THO~t A S Buy Your Share in Costa Mesa 's Future! INVESTORS · w, have 11pproid· n1.11tely 3 acrea fronting on Har- bor Dh·d. ideal for •hopping-ren - t"r or auto 11gf'.ncy. ParklnJ: rac(- llUe1 racing aide 1trMl. For fur· thl'r detl'Llla aee ua a t once. G.I. Resale A LARGE and pleul\llt 2 bedroom home, localed on ll nice lot on Et111l side of Coela M,.1a. !lard · wool! floora. 4 'ii loan Henry Vaughn & Anoe. 2029 H•rbor Blvd CG1ta Mru. Vogel Values Costa Mesa IF 'Ynu can mak£' a gOO<.I down payment, the owner will 811.Cri!ice on price. 2 bdrm., large living room. dining room, large closeta, bar kitchen, Iota of glaas, front and rear. See to a pprecia te. .BACK BAY BEAUTY 2 bdrm .. 2 baths. 1800 Bq. ft. living area, 2 pati08. radiant heat. f1rC'JJiace. marvelous view of Bay. See this architecta dream. $32,500 rumiahed. Old f<Ulhioned comfort with charm plus modem conven ience1 -New Back Bay home -3 bdrm&. fireplace on q uiet banjo aLreet. Full price $23,750 THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Lfberty 8-5597 O»ta MH& Evening Liberty 8-7457 BILL'S BEST BUYS LOTS - TripleX lot 57' x 305' Net. East Ride. Term• ........ $2500 R-4 45' x 138' East 1Jide, Sewers .......................... $3160 C-2 45' x 150' Close in _ ..... ···········---···········$4ro<I R-1 Back Bay .. .. ····-·······-····· .. ···--········--$4850 R-1 Back Bay. Choice, Parcel ........ _ ....... -.............. $0260 R-1 NewJXlrt Heig ht.II ... , .. ___ ...................... -........ -... .$52:)0 KIN08 1\0AD 10' Bay V&ew lot. LIDO NORD BAY FRONT _u_•·-"-'-"-""_•_-u_ .. _,_,_ .. _-_'--"~"" ALREADY RE-FINANCED One oC Iha tew av•Habl .. Hurry. DEAL WITH REALTORS ~~l~ !:~~~'~!r '!~ '\h,.t ri&'ht of the Udo Dnct&-t" CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Marine Ave. Harbor 1560 23 Rentals Top l n~ome We challv.ae romp-.rUcm of pr1te, lneom• 4 tflnn• £!911 °""'11tr at· ter t :30 Jlar ~34t. 98<:80 A TI'RACTIVE 1 1tory home, livable and conven- ient. Th ~ bednn• .. 2 batha, maid'R room and bath. Carpet.I, drapet and a.ppliancet included. T. D. ROGERS. Harbor l~W Or Rya n 16029 OPEN HOUSE ~unday, Feb. 19th from I to 5 380 DEL MAR Lovely, new. bac.k bay three bedroom & den. Full price $23.500 'o\'ilh only ~ dn. Highway 39 Only I "w n1lle• north of liunttng· Ion Beach. !'JOO fl fronltige 7 a cre8. afl-000 per IU'l'f'. Osborne-Forton R EALTY CO. 1323 IA' ('(Nial lfwy j at Port Orangf'l NP.Wporl B"ch, LI S-7M2 H1r. l'.1~ evea. HOME & lNCOME $42-00 00\\"N'. llvf'. In one 2 bdrm. home •I $3 per m o. Rent on Olher, pay• loan. Or rent both for $19'0 J>"t n1onUI. lt•vra $113 prolll By ovrner , LI 8--7932. lll>lfl' ~~m:.T 1°..w~ .=: W A TOBIAS R It INCOME PROPERTY _... • ·~,.._ FHA --• • . • ea or "'-""" ... w~ LEA V!:S YOU rn.dom home vM-c.11 '"you'll like our friendly mervice" 5388 month prrtfll or $12,000 Uberty l-6Jl.ll mominca Of 400 E. 17th St. O.ta MeM 1.lberty S-l l 39 down le.a•·•• $194. profit F.H A OWNER BUILT three bedroom. H . W. noon. fireplace a nd carpeted. Large double garage and fenc-ed yard. Two block• !rom town Ir: 1ebool9. Owner moving in new home -ny• sell Full Price $12,500 with $2500 Down . W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our !rie.ndly eervice" 400 E. 17th St., Coeta Mesa Liberty S-1139 Mrs. Calabash Wherever You Are If you see THlS house. Jimmy will KNOW where you ar<.'. You'll be living in Jt. enjoying the breatht.a.lcing view of beach, coaaWne a nd countzy. 11ide. New. 3 BR and den, 21".: balha, 2 lireplacea. interco m aystcm, built -In elect. range a.nt1 av-. WW ""rpet thru·out. All beautiJuMy decorated_ I t'~ a Htea l, you can a-F'-0 -0 -R·D it. R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor R. B. HODGE, Auociate 3622 E. CoeJrt Hwy., Corona d~I Mar Har. m '6 a/\'°r II p . m. _, .J.eUc Loan Uy owner. U 8-7532. ~trr ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~C:......---'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • ' l •