HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-20 - Newport Harbor News Press, ,, '· ' ,. ' " ' ·I" • '! r I 'I. ----------- • NEW MESA P.O. RISING RAPIDLY CblJta )(""''• new post office is coming along apace as the picture above shows. When the balance of the girdenJ are in the roof will he put in place a.nd finlahing the interior will begin. -Staff Photo County .Hospital Probe 'Definite' HARBOR WEATHER Tflfllpe"'turem lbe paat "·IH!k In 1.h1 Harber ..,..... we.re; t11&"h T uellday. F•b. 14 07 \\'ednetld.ay, r•b. 1~ ... f>9 Secret Staff Sessions Held; Hew 'Pass' Ruling • -· HARBOR DAY CELEBRATION SfT MAY 26 Tbe 20Ui anniTerUry of the dedication of N.wport H.arbot" wW be celebrated May 21 ot lhla ye&r wttJI a bl&'. marine pacea.nt and luncheon It wu decldtKI Saturday at an organlaaUon meetln&" of N ewport Beach men. Thill wtU be one ot the early event.a ln tA• .. Golden Year'' celebntlon . The committee to plan the Cf'le- bra•.lon waa nllml'ld u follow a : R. L. J011eph A. Beek. Walll'r L. Sp!(·er 11e1·rtta ry: C.'om- mott oree Harb<'lr W . Pearcy.·Frank C. \\'l)()('f J r , Ke:nr1eth C Kln,g~ley anti H"nr_v P Perrtn Jr .. Com- m11nflPr f"urtl11 Oo11h, H1ttbor- m11J1t.:r Ru~~rll Cr111g. Waltf"r G. Fran1. \\1>1yne A . f/"f'rrrll. H11w11.rd Murphy, C11pt Cyn.Lll Tucker. Hey l..a.n~enlltiln and J. B. Mc.~ally. TtlllllU\lr pl11.n• or the C"Ommlt • tee call tor a btr marine pal"ILdoe with a.JI ot the boll.ta In the Har- bor, 11av11J and COUit Guard r,..n. and ottier vtuel11 luung up nlft.- 111de the breakwater and makl•I" a tour nr tht Ha.rbor. Thl1 '" be follo ... •ed by a /U11cheon ptir t Harbor Yachl Club all toi: nB val otnce:"' of will be Invited. Thurllday, Feb. 18 .... Ml Friday, Feb, lT ... 67 '" "' .. M Statements credited by a group o! Orange County l------------- Salurday. Feb. 18 Ml 8UtHlay. Yeb. Ii . !iR Monday, Frb. 20 O~ Feb. 18 ralnfall . " .. .. tr11.Ce Hoi>p1ta.l nurses to H08ptlal A<.lministrator R . D. Powell today were branded untru1· by Grand J ury Foreman J ack Sargent. as far as the grand JUry is concerned. P n.,.·rl! "'"ll.1! quoted IUI saying tl1., "'''!"" m11.Ue to hDBp1taJ Pmploye-e1 ,(N.lld JUt\" uncler Sargent w11! nut F11d10y. Today he denll!<J them. Sehl.Sier F1"les t:undu<·l lin 1nveat11a1ion of th" Tile hOl!lpllal director reportedly hl>11p1tl!..I rl1un1t'<l prem,.nt revPlation• of • ID Co •1 R SBrgrnt 11111•! "',,1 .. 1,,Js by OCNS m~•a ·•won"t unc1 ace "\\'~ have app<Hnt~d a hOl!Jllllll affrrl your jOblO In th<> 10·11-~t "' H<' ._ stltdy-~1tt~.-i t w tH mak<' ,..,&l!JJ U\1.'. ettwal!on ll.l the 1n.11tlLuUon E. Ra1ph -8Ch'j;jl-;;r.-t"20-2 .Sou.th reP<Jrt ot Lt.it fi n<J!ngi 111 th" rci;:u· ,..,.~ bl'l!IJ.! puhll("!Z<'d "'Ju~t lo ~ell &ydld~nt.r llled11 lul week u Jar grand JurY niceting Bl 9 a.. 111 n""'':'l!lfl.IJt>r!lo a111:1 rnr no uthrr rca-can ..... or c y council. Hla. F b 29 ., >1<1n pettUon .,.. circula ted by II:. H . I' · • •·T~ir rriunty irend Jury kno"''A Sklnner, reUrsd dru,sslat, wtio r~ Powell alM'l •Mertedly Pitt the 1111 i.l>.1ut thl'-'e 111luBtion~ ·• l'nwell --••·t bla t rl-A '' --•·· &"T&lld jury ""know 1 ail about th .. ac _..-..,... .,..... ,...,,,_.. •al•I u f etrocHy·ll ke: r•·Vrl•\1(lnt Coaacil · to Get Trailer Park Bids Today City Council will meet at t p. m today in eouneil ch11.mber. to rtcelve QJ.41 ....QI! Vla.. p ropoae(t munlc1p.al trailer park modern!za- Uon. 'T'h,. council ~ will cll.llVBllll the vote of Harbor" Hlghl a.nd• rea1denl9 who lut Tueaday vo ttd I~ to 3 ln tavOt" of anniex.ln1 to the cit y. ' OFF, AND RUNNING• -Newport Harbor' Union High School student Harry McKinney (right) and George Fitzgerrell, Culver City A thlet.ic QI.lb, start the 10-mile handicap n.10 around Upper" Bay Sunday JUVENILE RUNS LITIER LAW AS AFOUL WEEK .. CITY 0PEN S ~ Newport Beach"a annual aprlng clta.n·UJ> week got underway todliy. locaJ pollce coopen1.led by brlnl"lns ln th~lr flrat lltlAlr111¥ violator. Clt•d for to.aln" traah on the hi&"hway tl"Om an auto- mobtle an tnh 8L near Coa.t H11bway at S:30 p. m. y e:1ter· da.y wu a 15-yeu--old Bll.lboa. lal.a.nd youth. n. boy wu a ~ tn the car. HARBOR ., -w~-&-·ss~~ aftemoon with a I O-minute handicap each. McKinne1 finished fifth in the race and wat1 the only local runner . Firing the Atarting gun LB Newport Beach Police Capt. H arry Lace. -Staff Photo Newport's McKinney Takes Fifth in Upper Bay Run Bobby Cons fint in 1 O.mli. Jaunt with 55 min. 24.6 Tim• Bobby Cona of Culve.r City AC. ' ia tba la.l&lld community. 8chltlet a\tu&Uona ilncldent.11 or alleged n111,h• by fornu;r pal1rnta,1nd prP11- -'ted In hi.I rtllnr that he LI malt"' .. lDMMlot of paUrni... bruur,ht rnt ~t111 r perioonnl'l •t the hoe1>1tal , mercbult &Ad,JDYMtment 1.p'L out. by Ora.Ilg,. County Newa Ser-"AnJ !hf! granil Jury 18 t>I\ ou r Ji'W' ..... lhti e"Utkla Inc~• YI~) -.J?~ !-. un our side "' 1 lildr Jn the: nlatttr ·· h• -.Id. Ctty Manage:r John BaUore an· nouneed the tubject ot the city·• ('ontncl with M011t1rey Oil Co °" natural r• Gll'n.s f'mrll the: f irm"• d•nlopmeffl ot Ud•l&n.:S. '*1ella under tat EUlott Contra.ct may be dbe\111rd ------------------------------· lhM\'Y favorite to win lha 10.mLle The ace.n!c run at arted 11. half· rn.Lle north of Newport Harbot Union HJc"b Sctiool a.nd nnt.n.ed 1n t ronl of lb• IChool at.11.l•Ue flrld. .!!IJtiiiJllP' .. )('ra. l..Gey P. Bow , Barg-ent .tel ''W• know nothing I The talk wou one of a aerlu ft(iy .!:. R.ii.y, Clarence H. Bow-lo! the hoep1tel 1itualton •nil won"t g1 ~· .. n F rit1ay by a '"'' o( top pU· -.ri, BM:Aard Park and Todd untU U'toe comml\tPe l(IV'"~ ii" r<'· .. ,nnt'l •t thl" lnatltutlon to I'm· Ov\a.tt. port. The •.Id gra.nd jury may ploye..·a Each lt<.lk lult>d for I~ Schiele-tac. Incumbent Coun-1 h.ave bef'n f!i.mlliar with the ~itua-mlnutea and "''A.IL l(l\"en in ihitU. cllman 0. 4 Hla:ble, Hana Broer· Uon. You kaow you c•n't xet the At thr frl"!I! m,.ettng: tmp!oy~ Ing and Mn. H.l&"blr., who.e name I tn.ie picture ju"t by lO\lrlllK the ... ,.re n~k+·d 1,, ~1~.,, 1<ff1<hivit~ that althourh wtUidrawn front the place." thf!)' h11.il "'"itn~lll'l"I no mllltreat- raee, will appea.r on the ballot. Statemenl..9 by Powell a.uertedly ni .. nt ,,r p1lti .. ntA al the Lnatl\utlon DR. W.ILLIS DENIES MRS. BOWMAN CLAIMS In a .t.ai..n.it to the NeW'I· way. So ehe bounced out an1 Prem today, a Dr. Wllllli, Or&11ge wenl to ee Dr. Strwart. I talked Count.J' HosplW Intern, denied with hlm and he decldf'd the MrL .Jam• Bowm&11'• recent M ould be admitted. Shr wa~ l!lent ch.,.,_ of bl.I allege.\ly havtng upatal~ to the flr11t f loor •nd c urMd her. '-rhat I• a lie, abllO-WILl!I l!leen there by Dr. Quintana Jut.ely, poe!Uvllly, b• NJd. Aa to At r understand what h11ppened ot.Mr ..UqaUON «1ocernln1 hla \In t he Quintana 1.8.lk) whieh I a llerfl<t curAins.ln other go-roundll do not pe-rl!Onally know. 11he we:nt- Jan. 28 with lh• Co•ta Me:aa wo-t'tl a private roon1. dill not ... ·ant man, Dr. Wllllt, who retuatKI to to be In w ith thege older women. 1"1ve h1-tuU name 11.ald: F'rom what I unde"tood 11he ex· '--rhat'• abMMuteJy, pot1lUve ly p~ted to have 11pec:ial treatment unU-U.. I never aald any auch which is lmpo;111lb!e. Evt>rybody thins-._Lat ma t.U you 911a thin&-i11 treated exa_ctJ)I alilj:e. Let me th• newapapera ani currenUy let you talk with Dr. Quintana."' putUng out 1t11ff lho11pltal J that'll ~TEWA.RT CONf"IR /11~ an ab.olute Ile. If you print my Before the Ne:wi'!-P rf"lli'! l.11.lk"d name, I wtll ~e tor every cent. "'llh W iilis or Qulnt11 na. Dr. lf l we"' you I'd ch eck he:r men-Stew•rt ,onfirmed th11t ~lr1. Bow- tal atatu11. ma.n and Dr. \\'!lll11o '"rJ1 cl h11ve "H ere·a what happened: l'tll 'Hl«.:AN NJ.IT>~ "She l"lllllto !n w ith fl note f rnm a rrfrrril'lg' phy11lelan (Dr. Dud- ltiy. Pfaff, Coal& Meaa). The rou- t ine procedure 111 If ll pl!l llcnt con1e11 In with " n'lte from a practicing p hy•lCllln, we. admit them. Thi• patient. when 1 a1iw her ln the admllUng room. I went over her •tory, told her J dltln"t ~on1<> word11 In the adn11ll1ni;: of- fice." H e confirmed :.tr". How- mru1'11 i>hort !1Hy1ng, "',\;h<l Wll!'I 11!11y A{ the h<1~pH 11I, 11r\mit lt>d. we'll ~11.1·. on pRprr.'" Thrn he refr1·r.·i1 I'<'· portrr11 to Dr. \\.illb1. Or. Julio Quint•na "uhl thP women wa11 refe:rreU "lo n1 .. ' by \Vlllla. ··1 told her ,.JJP h•d to 1-:u to he r room. She loltl me 11t1e during th•·1r l"rn1 uf en1plo}". How - ever . th" urfl•bn ·!t.it w .. r,. uot ... ak~d du~!ni.: th<' lolh1w1ng 1nretlngs hPld 1>'r1d .. y t:Sch nu" ting wa.11 helJ at YllrlllUM hOl!plt11.J 11h1ll• ""ent lo work OHA NGE. FEH. 20 1 OCNS I - Or11.ng1· Col1nty Hu11p!t11l employe(-11 r,.porll'tl tl)(h•)' thott Ho11plt11.l DI· re:etor Pow .. 11 ht\11 lmsued 11. ntw n.illng th11.l all 1·r111t11·e:11 of palienta muat· obllt.in " ~l:H:!Ci Kl pEU111 rro1n \11111 before lh .. y 11n, perniitted to Y,J'l!t \hf! p1:t ti••T1\ll. SCHURR CASE Walker Due in Court Tomorrow RANTA ANA. FE:B. 20 fOCN°S) Jack Jame11 \\'B!ker. 2~. S llnt& Ana 1.1phol11lerrr. 111 11rh.,1!ulrd tu lravr ht11 job Hl !):30 11 rn . ton1urrow l\nrt to tie 11rr111gn,.r1 lr1 S11pf'rlor Court DepKrln1rnl No. "l on rharge11 hl' rrlmiru1lly K111u1ultcd 11ncl kfdn11p,.'1 ~{11111 <"11ln1f,.rnl11 uf 19fi.•,. Ai r!<. Ponn11. Scnurr Brett. 19. of Gard"" Gruve. Orange t..:011.11t College 11~11· clenL \\'nlker ll'I frl'e on SOOOO Im!\. It "''"'put 11p by 11n 11nirlrnt1f!e1t per- think llhe n eeded admlttlns , but wanted a pr ivate roon1, that 11hr !!On or !>e:-aon:'I. J told her l"d chei.:k with the n~led apec:tal care. B.e,.1clr!'I lhB!, \\'alket'!'I a ttnrnry. Public <1e- medlca.I director u Lt wu not my Me: t old me 1he tlldn't wllllt to fender Nlr>t )l·•ycr. 1ulid todey preropUve to tum her awey. 1t11y with "° many y,·omrn. I "hanchf':'I n_f the ttercn<lent 1ctu11fly .. \Vhen she Mard me 11.y Ulla. "I ,,;ave her a relea11e notr to telng 11rr11>;:-nf'<I a~,. .ll!llm. He lndi- 11h• becama very incen1et1. I'm ai"1) ""hich l!he rtf1111ed tu l'>J:n lent•-.! "\\"<"ll m ilk <" srn:e motion11." renderlnr a malllcal opinion. a after ahe read lt."" Then. Quintana 1'1l'yf'r Pitt h<> prohably \•;on't be factual opinion, It haa t o be th 11.t aakl, ~Ir/I. Bowman left. on :utnd for \\'11tkrr·11 •lat~ nr· ------------------------------·1 r11lgn1:ie:nt Hr 1.~ 1n ltiAI In Super- '"' Court l><'pBrtn1e:nt No. 4. Pro.-ecutor l<tnr1cth \\'llliama I" .. ,·t>•'<l1ng ECORD RACI! TURNOUT Ad•.!tloraUy, Pat M I I:' h a e I a. Sant& AL.L newa dl.ncklJ' ot Radllt K\\'lZ, I.I ac.beduload to pr~t a. Purph• Beart Vetera.na organl:u.- tion ew•rd to Newport ~ch Of- ficer \\'l!Ua m Talbot for h!• cour- aKe tn A;•rtJ armed rob)>ery of the Aln: Oaer ~ on Udo l•le. Talbo t wu all&"hlly wounded ln a i;:unrlre excbanse with a 11u11- NHYC Yachts Score in LA Midwinter Regatta pect. .. Burglar Robs High School Ag Department llyNEAL~ \V!th an all-Ume record turnout of 289 boa.la ln 3 1 cl.....,., the 27th •nnual .Mldwint..er Regatta wu concluded Sunday at Lo8 Angele. Harbor and found a g-oodly nurn- ~r ot local ak!pper• Jn the wln· ntlr'a circle. Newport Harbor Yacht Club en- !n1·,. triu1nphed In 1tevr ral c lllJIJi.e.ll with Dick Steele'11 big yawl (1dyNJ<·y tn.Xin&" f l nit hononi in the ""over 40-n." ocun ra.cing dlviaion and winning th1 Ben Me~r Per- pe:tu11.1 trophy. Bob A.llan took the lop apot ln the: ""under 40-rt."' d1vl1lon with his trim L-31 11\oop Hollday whll• In the PCC CIUll, How11.rd LewllOn aa..lled hla Dhme tnto fint ph1ce. In the dlnshy dlvl11lon . nllrd at AIAmltoa Bay YC, Bill Clark top· ped the 10 boat Lehman lntarclub tl~t wllh hi• Menace to wtn the trophy !or that claaa. Ba.Ibo& TC Ak.lppera did allrlrht. too, u Ed E 111 ... 11bttaa took lhe 11.rrie• honot.11 In thr Ludr.ni • 16 r'111.'l.' w1t.h Zelot. Jim Ftrrll'r In Ex- tern11n11lor •wept the lntern1- U1,n11.l -14 elM..lta, 11.nd H11 rry liour- g rui" conl11ltttd hia wJnnlnl" way11 in lhd Metcalf Din&hY c1Ut 11all- lnli ht.. Van10011e lo victory. A. J11rge numbrr of aecond and thLl'll plllcr 11.ward.!L were picked up by local 1Jdppe~ In w hat wa.11 vuted Olle of the be.ll!t Mldwlnter Reptl.M tn recent ye~ The agriculture d .. pa rtmenl of Newport Harbor Union High School waa brok~n Into ear ly yes- terday · morning by buralat• Who took $1 0.30 In caah and a $10 peraonal check, It .,,.. reported to pollce today by the victim, l,Jt:"l"h:ll.ltu.re.. .tn.uructor Cb a r I • a Funnell. F'unnl'll, of 71611 TuaUn Ave., Co11ta .\leu. "llld k"Y• ~ere taken from hia work )11.ckel which .,...A..!L hllllgln,.-: In the agriculture o ttlee. The kry• were u11ed to open 11 tCH'I\ room rron1 whic h t he lhleve1 obtained fl crow bar. bolt cultf"r 11nd '"'"O 11erew dr1vf'rll. 11.rc:ordlng lo poller. Hews-Press Women's Pages Take First Again in CAPW Winifffd Barb,., Phyllis Jackson Botti Score in Press Wom•n Co..-t The bur11:lar.11 then ulle<;t thf 100111 lo pry open 11. ca bine t Ill Three Harbor women writer. re· which the money and check we:re Ct lved threa Ural place awarda kept in 11 cloth bag. Funnell aald t he chec k, a pe:raon11.I one. waa each at th• award.a luncheon of made out to the Future Farmera California .Aaaocl&Uon ot Fl'.a of America organlzalion. Women Saturday ln H ollywood. The burglara trted earlier t o All flnt pi..c. entrtea w ill ,-o ta force Opt'n the cabinet with a the conteat ot. the National Feder- paper punch .type tool but when 1 _•_tt_•_•_"' __ ..._ ___ w_~_~ __ ro_•_""" __ "'_ the tool brok e they hunted tor 11. heavier inatrumenL Pollca aald numeroWL bumt matchea oo lhe floor lndie11 tl'd t he l.hleve:a robbed the echool dur1ng ni&"ht houn. Mesa Police Nab Pair Wanted For Hit-Run 11.w11.rda wHI be m ade at the tlon11.l convenUon In May Phoenix, Arli. "' MIM Winifred Brnltb ot lha EplllcopaJ Newa Bureau, pre.ldent of C.A.P.W., pretildect Som• 61 award eertUicate. were preaented by Mra. Noni Trant.ham, «1n teat chalrman. 1'1~. Winifred Barb-re, women'• editor or the Newa-Pl'ea. and cor· rr-11pondlng 11eCretary of C.A.P.w .• again took flJ'lllt place fol' women"• departmttiL bl-weekly; alao tln l• for editorial. Wffkly paper. and tor .11perlal article, cr\Ucal; lhlrd for apec.Jal article. ln 11nnther bul'(lary •l'ly Sun- day. J11 mee C. Berryman. 1311 E. O..lboa Blvd., t old police a thle:f h11U ,.nttred his u nlock~ ,.arage 11nd h&d 11tolen • 3 ·month -old outboard motor valued a t $400. 1 .. t>orer MarUn Rua_ 21. of Ml .. Phylll• J. Jackaon, fonner 'Watch-wait Program' for Easter ·week Told by Mayor With Jtaater Week only a m onlh a"ay Newpol'l Beach official• have adopted .. watch-and-wa.lt pro- 1rram, bued on r111ea 1111tabll11hed for 1955 without the city hou11tn1 law, which hu been declareod un- C011o1UtuU<J.11al. J.layur Dora llill declared today. lllken we ''dll h1&\"r tn r h11n,.e onr plarui for next year. but our ;:o rn- mltlee bellf"vee th11l Uui n111jor!ty or the pc:ople feel th•t thi.'!1 l• their hon1e c•tY and want to krrp It 1t11 c.lrau .. we do." Thi' ·l~!('ni:r l~ ~xrrc l "d to m'11·e for " h, 111 ,ng "" •n'ltlon11 to di11-The motor w1'• wheeled out of nu1111 ~...,n1r of 1h,. r,.,., rharge11 the .1:•r•11::e: on a two-whrel cart. llfrKln.~t th" r 111 Jy .h111rf:<1 defentlan'· 1--------------- ful/1f'1 or one: nnd ,.Xjl('t"t!ng IUl-1 1878 Pltu:enU& Atrt! .• Colla Meta ne:wa reporter -ptlotographer ot the and a 17-year-<11d JU..enlle from New1-PTe1111, l'~lved tlnt11 for Coat& Ml'ft. were del.8.lned by ptiotography, feature p I c t u r •; Mraa pollc::e SgL Roger Neth and phOlalJ'&phy. newa and new1 Office r Elvin Loveln at 4 a. m . atory. both weekly p&pel'; aecond $untlay. The arr<!.t!l follow~ a place. photocraphy. tor apecill.I hunt by local fl.nd Sant.Ii. Ana article And tor editorial. weekly police for lb4I pa.Ir believed to paper. Sha I• now wit h Ule Loa have bee:n lnvolYC'ld In a hlt-an<I· Angelea Ttmu' G lendale ar~ Sun· run felony earller In 8&Jlt& Ana. day eectlon 11.8.ft. "We fe61 lhet thLll i. 110 •oncel' a .ummer rNOrt. t.hal mo.t of U1e ,.,p&a here ._,. Juat aa lnter•ted In Jaw and of"IHr u we .,.. and tat with lb• he lp of th• poU" Ul«7 will lff to ll that thel'e 1a no utr•l'Crowd1n1 with •·Ud partlea.. "If •• Und out u.ai wa are ~ other child. Second Heart Attack ~f ra. Hn•lt hn., 11rru101'd \\talker for w.·11 .. · Wa--nr twit• .. k1.lnl\p1ni;: l1"r and fon ·1nr: , , .... M,..yor lUll abo noted that acilool \·acatloru "''ill be lll.lli'l!!ered a.gain thla yu.r, ~·lth Riveraidr nr1· !Q 1111brnlt In h!~ 11dv11.ncr.11. The <lf!rend11.nt Al"" la charge<\ wlUi burg-laritlng the home of the lUrvaceous brunt'.ltc. County firat, LQa Angele11 County Cwio Shop Th•~ second and Or•nge (Aunty la.ti. Thi.I 1y1tt.m. lhe believe.a, WUI one M ni. H. C. 1.ounJOber ry notlfted l)f I.he Ullnga th.at bell* relle,•e COlllt& Meaa pohce or th.ct o( l.h• the Jire911ure i.a.t year, prevenUnir l"Rllh box from her cur1o .abop at wmr of the overcrowd1n11; a.nd m•k-IMO }f•pl.!, Sl .• <'"'•I• Me1111. yP&- ill( 1t eaaier '"" police lo keep un-1 lerd.ll)' fl'lftrntng Sh~ ••id .rnl•lnr n&J6 Yi.ail.on ia M..oa. cUb ~Led \o 4i(UO \\"i!ll.11 \.\' • r n e r. fluntlngton Beach. ch11.lrm11.n of the· bo•rd nf l'Qunty au prrv1aor1. 111 In Hoag l:I 01Jplt.a.l 1.o.·bere he wu take:n Sa · turday tvvun1. folloW1ng a -tnud heart. attack . ' \Yarnrr WL• re.aUnic ea.aily Ulla morntnc and hl1 condition ll:'t)'Od. the ho.p\l&J "'ported., Jt WU l\Ol be.lletred hi! ..... In any dan1e.r an<t the M~ita.I euth<>Tit1r1 ea- pec"led him to r.turn hnme In • 4'J' or twu al U.. °'41.aida. Bar\ta A11a pnli~ 1t.art.f'11 hunt-Mr.. Y..'Pll Murb.Ml"tr. O>ela ID& fOl' lh• two .auapect. a bout Mf!Afl, tr~ la.nee writer, took nrat midnight and lat.er obtal.ned a place tot p11bllelty oor prornoUon want on Ruh' c:ar. A ch~k a l In ma1ta1J rie, f~ture ~\ory In Ruis' ~• pn:>.....:I tuUle but latt'r mAl"aslne and pholofraphy feat11re Neth and Loveln aaw the pair ln mqulne; aecond pla.ce for .tend!nx botatde t he vehicle park-apeclal arllcle and third piAce for ...i no f'Orwporl Blvd. n<!'ar Harbclr fftll.ture atory In d11.Uy paper Mra. Rl"'I Th~y .,.1,1 the frnnt "'d of Murbarirer la • torm"r ....,!tor nf Ula car wu Nlenalvely '1&Jn.aced. I lbe l'O•wporl Harbor Ne .. ·a·Prfu. handicap rUll -&round. Ne.wport Up. par Bay Sunday, cam• throu.&h on echedule and topped • fleld of IS w ith the wlnnln&: tlm• ot 06 mln· utu. 24.6 .!Lf!Conda. Nswport Harbor'a Jone .ntry, Harbor High &:hool atudent Harry McKlnnfy came In h!th and not only "·on one cit five oiedal.!L a"&f"d· ed to the flrat (I.Ye to f!nlah but won a ape<:l~I medal r tven to the flr11t Newport 8o!'a.ch boy to flnU.h. McK1nney'1 time "'&.II 87 min· ute.11. 17 aeo:.:ond.lt. He WAii one of the ftnt two atarter.. Cone 1tarl· ed 10 minute:• later. Corui I.I a main hopa tor the A.meru:a.11 marathon t -In the w1ntnr Olympic., He I.a a three- Ume winner of the Amencan hem1.11pllere m a.rat.hon and la the national 1 u n lo r l.5 • k llome:ter cllLlntJlnn. Other medal wtnnera and tJmee : Sy Villa. EL.A Olymplana. M .M ; l'hU Clarke, CCAC. 81 :37 ; A.nnan- do l.oJ>d, EU Olympian.. eo:l8. A1*;i rtnl•hlng we"': .fUn 8 1blo, CCAC, ~9 :.a!!; Doug Klann. CCAC. 86 o~; M lit CJ'MnK"e, CCAC, 63 :Ot; Bill \Velll'I . CCAC, 61S:51; Ben L&nderc111. ELAO, M :Qi ; RUM MYT· -------------·ldat. CCAC, 77:39: Oeorr• FU . .acel'• BOMB IN WATER JUS T A FLOAT Appr11r11nre nr 11 1"!11: reu, CCAC. 80 :.27. and Gu. Duarte. un11ttached, did not ttnl.ah, The affair wu 11aged by th• Ne"•port Ue:ach RecreaUon Depart- ""'nl undr r Director Bob Glns-llomb-~hHp"'1 llbjl'("t ln th" rich. · watl'r ofr 36th St. 11n<:I 0c~"n Prea,,nt lo a.tala t were membeni Front a t i f>. m. ~Aturd11y. nr th<> Sout.l'lern P•ctflc Maocla- ttent <.:. R . Forbe~. 3711 SM-t>nn of the AA U, Ions dl.lt&nce ~hore Drive. 11CUrrytn1 to runnln&: committee. poti Craib ..... phone Ule police. hendlrapper a nd otttctal ·ecioret': Ottleer_, td .. nUfl...t the nb-Sld Kronenl.h.a.I. aecret&r7: Btatra ject a. a fl<*t f rom 1, Navy Boo boaL th. timer and had JUdC'•. and •-------------l1"flke Port£nova. vtce-prMiMntand n•n cllalnnan. ' "WINNIE WL°"S AGAIN" -MnJ. Winifred Barbre, 'A'Om<'n·a department editor of Newa-Preu, en.eked out her usual contest "finU " in California A.Nocia- t ion of Pre88 \Vomcn. for which awanb were made &l.turday. -Stafr Photo • ' I -"""~ (' PAGE 2 MONDAY, FElaUARY 20, 1f&6 ~---··-·to~ ... ·-~-=-··--.""TP" ... .- LOOP DECIDER HERE TOMORROW NIGHT WHEN __ J ARS . MfET_WHEIM • Beeellll the aw..&, ·league caJe C!OWD banp la the 11 fll t-. C11!191as ia lM 'fttal ~· ·--~~ -·--. ..,,,.,., __ -·--· ~~ ·~ -----......... "! ADCe, ..__.11vw I rnamp&On _......,. '""™ W'll'"~ Ullll H ..... .-ti. 16 ~ an..-. '=\;iN.<ewpoiotittrtrlll'Harlll:bortii._iJi:Rlii&l!:SScJiii.-bool Ballon ~ the Aoaheb!! Col-'hr --:._ _ _ .., ·.~ats,,.,,._'!!le._ ~......._"u:....-........- wu originally scheduled ae a.n afternoon coot.at. ~ Lo...u.n 11, Popti I. O.•• A aen•Uonal comb9ck 57./jl · L uura and Roy DanHl. I Me.b. bltw... Lh• T:&r, and Anaheim, victory ovv lbe potenl Or~e .in~ Nl'Wport hu twlc. beaten Panther• ll'rlday nJcht .ent Coac~ u.. Indian. In clrcw.lt clNhM. COUil I J ule• Oa1e·1 CUY• Into • three· 1 i.rry Harper wa1 t.M' blf man ResUIH way dead.lock tor flrtt place w ith !or th• Gobi .F riday ntp\. The Other 8\lnMt 1-pa buk1tball Anal\elm and 1'"'UUerton. All lhreti towertns pivot, who hadn't li.,.d re.tu.Ii. Friday nl(ht found thfl qulll!At.. now hav., 7-S loop tti-up to hla potcnUal thl• •uon . .A.naheim Colonlatt, league leader• ca.me Into the tray· after the Tara acorlns play' away from t btl r1vall' all .....:N:I, falling lnto a tla with tn1lled !1·26 at halrttme a nd took iCen Puoell and J im Netier. Newport Harbor and Fullerton OM A NIW '16 JOHN ION 51A•HOISll Your old~&. worth •••rJ I LH'• talk "md•ia .. oo • •parlr.li•a """ .,, J oh•toa. Nl•e SS-I .Q)Od~I•, J 10 JO .hp! the rabound pla., awau fron1 lhe _ ... _. a , .. ,, u.,.t b H Uo1 Panther'• T1:1m "1gue1;a and the Vlltbln a nunu:t • ~Uon after ;:;.KOO Beach In ovrrttm: an': Jl'ul~ cord•. But the racr la currently aeeond halt Upof!, the Go u ,tum· ped Into the Jt1l(I Georgt Ma!Hle ltrl.on downing Santa Ana 41-39. and Eddie Pope f llppea bu.ckeU Mary Star of the Sf'&, San and Hnrptr Lluuk~d u pair anrl the P~ro, upeet 1'-latPr 0.:-t i2-Je to I lQ<"'l!l ht•!.~ W•'r•· 11h .. 11<I JJ.J I . just &O Into a r1r,.1 J.>l•r <" tie wit h thf' Ilk .. that Cuo 11 .. :.1 by F 1guc•roa . Afonarcha in P11 roch1al 1~• "" BOYS' CLUB FIVE WIN TOURNEY GO .. n,1 Purrc-11 11ntl th1~e frf'c! th1'QW& ! · Ii: South Coast Co • Harbor Boys' Club f orged to the Mm1-f1nala of the F'ul- re.,i'<,re<I tho! J.·•J l" Or•nge Hut 1•'Uln!JClltlu11 ~falf'r J),., lql •t a nPtt1n;: l \" lliri~·r J.:llVf' the ~·1~:1me 25-1\J and wa• 1thead Su1lvr~ 11 Jtj.,,r, ll•":;;in .1;vin11: lntu I JO--' going into final quart .. r . . NeM'J>Ort Blvd. •' 2Srd St. lertO(I E tournament n ight by defeat ing }.tonlca t~-9. F nday ~an ta thr final 11•11t1 l r. 1tnd Harpf'r J .-:;-:;-:;-;;--;;;,. ___ -';;..,-----'"-" Harbor Z600 1•.,111 J .;•t"n1;:~11 Ill•! t;l\I")' 1_;1,.,."I ""'"'' t" It t ho: (; .• 1 •. ~ ~t .. )eJ ahea!l J ohn Hugh.,,. and Dic k But· 1 ,.~t , t th .. •1nv • h "' uo nson .. ,1,.-.1 ... terworth P•Cl'll lo{·at bc.,rinl( JtiuJ.>rr n.1b11,,,( h1,oi:h point hnn-1 with 12 il n•1 13 poinla rt>3pec-,,1,, fuJ !!it· "Iara l'l ll/\ !j poli\ta, j Uvely_ Hu!!.Oo:ll R•;;p ..._.,,t>J _ _ __ I ~/U15ltll :'>, r.1en11 Gardn~r 11.n•I J.,hn ~- •o• DIPINDAtll.ffY HORACl.l ENSJGN \'AR.i;;IT \'-Coa.ch Norm StillweU 19 •urrounded by hu; Orange County Elementary School cage cha.mpi on.s here. Fro m left, standing: J im D 'En1co, Byron C!ow. J im Fredi:ic kson, Don Swanson. Rich Wataon, Denny POllt. Sealed : Tom Slevera, Bill McCarthy, Babe Niemiec, Stillwell, Bill Champion a.nd Newell Stickler. -SWf Photo Bru\'kn11111 4 eat'h, C'tlo< k M & M M -.ei. (, T" '°'•" ",,,,.,, > < ~:::"~;~ .. ~'"; ·:~'.·~··;~' .:~: otors _ 'w-g·fl"! · ~t-·-~ ... ) 1 ':_ 1 Private Police I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Red Hot T arbabes Cop 9th; Seafleas Win But JV' s Lose NO OFFICIAL OFFER MADE The i.. .. ·~1s i .. u i:i 1 ~t 111 ~ Marine & Automotive •·ncl '11 \11<· f11 .. t •jUdot .. r !~-ti I l ( al halftJ"'"· J~-7 al the lllr~., i,..,.,.,.,1 ll•·11io.Jrfni; ._.-' I \ quarter !lllll k I _. \\ ' Cadillac ~\\, :.J ,._, ' • MERCHANT PATROL Pirate Pokers Specialists · t I-~ ~ and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL SECURITY COMMERCIAL PATROL ,FOR NEW OCC GRID COACH \Face Compton I Claire Van Hoon"beke football roach of the Sunset Here Co&cb Jim MlllPr'• red twl :-; .. .,.,. 1the Tar·f'anlher vtor•1ty rlash •l . . ' . . . 1 Friday ~-~--T -·"· ,_, 1111tn, .. Fn,!•y o>ght, the ~ew"'•rt Lt"ague champion Anaheim Colorusta, has not off1c1ally been / pcwl .....-......-a r.,..,. quuh... t ap-• ,,_ I . . . . turfll Ua tth 811111, .. 1 1,,...~ue .,.io. ti"' b· • J"'""r vt•r~·y 1 ""'l'i""d offered lhe. head gridiron coachu:ig JOb at Orange Cout Col· rn,.rh \\'.-n.Jell Pirk'"n"' nrani;•· ,.,,.., •&•ln•l ,. ~,n,1e def,·a: 111•·1r !\th "arne 0 '" ""I''"'"" lf'gt: Dr. Buil Peterson P irate nn>sident t old t he Ncws-1 Co11.~t i:otl"i;" J>ini.te.~ rtr"<•JJflt"I ·-(11'\ :'17·tll JU•t the re, ... r....,. nf !ht ' ' r.:·--' 'h , h< •·---b '' 11 r11bblng Orangr h,.r~ /l'rl•llly " I' I l k b · I f h · b e1r •econ, t\ra ig .,.,,.-a . . 1, ,i,"• ,.a.i...,1y victory ·111.e !<"""' re88 8.11 wee , ut l8 amo severa jJrOspecta or t e JO pnictlre trn t th aea110 1 u ~noon. ft!\-.ll \\ hetho·r t he In. ,,1 J\ h !I , 1 iuk I Y o e n 111 1 1~ htwf!!Khl1' , "" •vn1inu,. 1;,..,, • n..,.,.,. av.-11 . ., '>IJ P "1 ""'ho have been L\lke.J to Jur g \-I/ h bee hi kl • t lt r C:Vnoptun F nday afternonn, 8·i ~f!IJer 11 Ta.r~b.• hit tnr a d~a ,!-II ave n I n nc u or Th •· h p• llm<"ll daah 1n1" a l1r~t pla•" k , ' 1 th,. IAat two year•. t.he llUlt •e~eta! year• 11.nd ha.ve e1 e l'l'er,· no ,.xtra ...... 1e ll• ly 11 1 JJ('nt'Ol m ar un lit' ,.;ua 11 f1Jr th" Blll'll and t<lfl ()(' b11~h r <h«1<ilo4"k Wlth l•·•lfU,. h·,lthn.,: An11·1 11 aini t th .. f"llnther l·ub Scunng "ltay Ji.UNO haa ~n c-onalder-thua tar fvunJ no rvrnb1nat1-0n l . · .. h"11n oNlll be •le< •ch ... 1 nu the <.:ol<•· t I th I l B' w J h H •n !ni.: i.-avlng ed~atlon tvr bl.Llllneu which vtould bf'ttC'r the p<i1ltlon " ,.,.aa < enterflt>l•ler H.owlanJ. Hill n1 11 floor tom11rn.w afternwn ur e '"" a we. 'n • • 1'1.'llh 11 P•lr l)f bln11:le11. 1 h ru!ln 1:?. Uob \\lh1t" 10, J1 n1 Mui-1n1.,re•t1 ror tome !true," Peter-i't'terson •d•led, ... rh,.r1 hu J fl.I S o·wkirk 1 A""h""" h•J <l..o th" lune trlUllll> 1 •1er and Hud ThomplCln, 8 r.Ju;h. wn •1t 1d. "Hut nnthJn.: haa hew I bf'O'n no der1~1n11 aa In whether 0u:rrZel,h Ct'ha. IU!< OV• r the ·r.rball,.I. ' ltKh ·rarnnw8ke 2. H.lch Pala-Ruall(l '-' let1.v1ng or •tayln( . .,..., U<.ic hur!inj: Cadillac Interceptor 8r ~ar ine Enqines LI 8-3381 • JIM'S MUFFLER SERVICE l\l u frli'r"I & l)ual i>ipt•s LI 8-.17-1.-1 i101 "'· ('01t"t llM·y .. Nf'M'JM>rt •·,~,'II •I /'11r """ "" """"'" ''~"'!'''. lluu 't ltun Jn!o Troublf' .. ~ .... 1·, Tod•y for HraJ.,. s..~,·i(· .. R Auto & L Clinic 11,)'dnunallr I:. Brak" Sp<•<'IJUI,.111 St~I Newport 81,·d . l'il"\.\·port BeM'h llllrbor 4606 Kl 2-7027 )1,.1t 1Jl'lhll ... Coa~h 1!111 Straw'a 1rrrl ~. Bob tl•·ndenahvt ind Rich de~id.xl · 1tt!I think H.O~M> 11 "gnotl i:oac.ti chure!. l'lckl.'nll .b<:<! :-;.,"k•l'k, ~ .. ,,1 11·"11 fl111\lly J'1r!1""1 nne tmt nt )l.,rt1lea 6 eac·h. Gene Br)!ht anr1 H.ntlllO told lh1 Ni:wa·Prwr 11t j and If he wrre thinking n? ll:a{ "'P ke.n Newp.•r l Harbor High thr for,. r<!t,.r lhr,.·• ~t1111,;hl 1'"''1' J,..,1 1 ... pez, • 1"11<-h 11,..., b.,.,n p!.11.nn•nii t<> re111p aint e inc. we would nut bf! ~"" \i·r-~<·h~, aa hi~ OO!it loukong i---------------. L---------"-----1' ... rt 11syw to ~aa nu' want aa.. 1.,_.,., .,.,.h,.11 1t1rv ••Ill:"'' pa.at 11t I Sean~a a.:ur ing Charlie Taylnt HJ.,I 'l •HU ready tu .:u ir th Ing llnvone elae. Uut w .. r, 1 v.e 1n1oun •man al lhla Atai;e of 11pn/\i:; Afiio:" 11,.1., i.·,,,j.,,· 311.'~.·, 'rh•• "''In 11 1'llko: H'aye11 7, John ~·unllu~ ey .-houlUi;t .,.,.1111 until th,. 111.,111ent tra!n,lng. 'l°h(I Phate l".Jkt'r11 t1<k!.' ;;•·t th• rl&h t n1&11," lto1ao aatd. on I ll! Compton n111e a,a1n F'~1 j:<' 111,. :"\'"""f"ll llY~'l'Ji,:11t" ",&.Ga ry Pu:kerui 4, Ronnie •"arl I. of h1a df'pertura LO look tc.r a '· BORROW '.,. ,,, <•d '""' th< .•. ,,,1, oo• d•y aftemC>Oo, '"'' ''"'' ··-t>•· 1 ~ 11 •'II r '' 111. '11, 1111 1<tll!l()fl J•·lr R l1'"r11 3, R lt>h Schhch• n11yrr ,., ' .v .,. replacen1ent " ~lclla. Lluunonll. ~ '"' ' 1, i:unit' 1., 2. l(lly Ssnrhf'-& 2 lttcled Van HOO rl"bO'ke Jn lit~ but h• ••w V·--______ hf' wa1 nut 1nter~11icJ a t that r~teraon 1dm!tte1I ... , --1 on your HOME U1ne Hoorebl-ke l1111t W"ektnd ''It lan·t : , • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •••• ,, SY fw:JfSON & NOLLAR, Painting l't·teraon .ahl Ito-.> notLfled Ul• unu.auJ\I at thl• tlnie of yea r to O collj'i;,. that ··,.nyU1ne ,.,., wanled are quite a f~ ta ll.Chln( pou tblll• • N TV SEE ;-.,. w ttlo1l 111111ni.: 11 near. thO' rea pecled In nur oommunlty. They tv nuckt· a o.;han;;e, ht: waa ~llhn¥". llea. l've lnterv1 .. wed a1ipr.11:lm•te-Paid for ar Not l!nir lu !•Alnl YhUI hPm•' or bual· hi.ve done n1uch of lhe .iecor•t-!y ZO t"acherJ rer-,.nuy·• • THOMAS 11"~~ ~ ,~ 11r1 l\'rll \\'lll1PI l'l'eAthf'r UI~ ()11 8-0llle or the lhll'llt home•, .. 1,.rtmenl h011,...s and b11Jlnepe• Lawn Bowl Victors '1r1P11 n11t •·:ict,.r1<1r p~1n1 "" yo11r •ti the 11.rea. The cuatomer• ar.. Sign Santa Ana Ace MITCHELL CASH p rupe1·ty. •nd le:&aena llR prototC· i al~·•ya &lven thelr chotce of IA'H:ltlv Aulltrt.tian Slnll:'I~ w !ft-J.. ~$ r tlt.'l-: t 11 •· 'i"·•llt1~~ A•"l .. r'""' lhe Iv"" brPn•I n1U11e m11ter!ala and thf'y SA:O..T A:-;:A, { • · 1 • ••f p 10t,.~1hJn th,. 1,.,,r .. ity itsrlf hll V•· C'hllrl..lt and 11.ample~ or ,11 nl'•~ Ill the Munlclp•l Bowling burgh Pirate Seoul Don Lln•lber' • ha• 10111 11. r rl'laln 11n1011nt llf 1\11 th .. hltt'.tl pelnl colon rrom w hich C.o:rn11 T\•teday were Mrs. \Vil· ot Ana.helm announced the 111i::n- vaJ11,. d11" to 11..,. or "1'1'"11••n•" '"U n1ay ch009t' Using th' bf'11t llarn Hnm11. 17, •::.ct 1'-lurset, Ill, 1ng of A<lrH ln Jl unt. \II, of S11nt11 To avo!<I lhl• 111tu1111on .-"IJ m1111•tlJ\la poulble th"Y can do a Lh>}'d 81 ~•·e11. ll ... nd Ed \V II An11. 10 • ba11eb1<U contract ~} r11p11 .. ·1 & :"l"nll"r l'a1nl1ni:-r,,n. p111nt JOb on your hom'e. 11tore or cux 12. Twenty p!ay.,1-11 part1c1-Jleport to H untavilll', Tell., enrlv l r11r~1r11 "l .":112 -3!!t h .St. N,..,., .... rr1c<' In a 1pee"dy efrlcient man· patt-t.l. ln l>tarch for aMlgnn1ent to K port B"A rh, J'h H•rbor 240-f TI1<" n"r. that ts aure t o lea ve y ou to nink" a rhani;:e. h<" wa.' .,.,.lll!ng Chu111 c c!u!). n1 r n of thlJ\ Orm hn\'" harl many ,,,,nplttfly &atl.!!fied. Ca ll Symp-l ---- yl'ar1 experlenr". l>t r Rymp:!On 1~ ~ .. 11 & 1'.'o!Jar r.oon and let Ur'm n ow !n rharge nt the Offir·e an•I 111~a you a tr--umale. They BALBOA LIQUOR STORE ?ot r . :'\'oll11r i:ontlnue11 to cnn1plelP I 11rc the palntlJll{ contractora of th,.lr conlrartR with thl' """'c ""r cho ice In thi. a.~a.. t.h.at L• For the flne•l 1elt"Ctlon or aklll and qualit y wor kn111.nah1p wh,,· "'' rl!<'ommend tht1n to yoo town try Bal- • • • • • • Starring in "llaytr ti th Ttwl" Wedne1day1 9 :30 P.M. Channel l'I • KTTV A PrtJetttarion by RICHfllLD0 • ..,..., ... ''"°'"(u '"'"''" b•t1,, lh-1111,.,,, 1U' • • • • In a HURRY HARBOR 1549 ROYAL MortgaCJe Co . thR1 h11._. mad" thl11 rl rm _." l'l'rll 1n th1 .. hu.~!nees review -Adv packa.ge.J ir;oodt ln -----Ibo&. Liquor Store •t 70'4 &lboa open for the COn\'f!nience or lte Cll!tOmO'r11 daily and Sund11) They will Bl!rvll you cnurteou1<l v anct promptly. A vialt or 11 c11Jl to thia finn will u.aure you or ••••••••••••••••••••••• :!6-0% !\'t'l'l'pc'>rt. ·~~·11. ...... e.vl'port l!.r.arh THE PIZZA HOUSE popular Jl!llcl'• at ,.,.hi! h t " •tine In thla 11 rta 1• The l'lu.p, llou1;e at 8604 Coaat Highwey, l'h. Har- bor 09ll0. Thi11 CAfe 111 rtl.'OKT\l~ll through- out thl11 area lll!I hea dqu•rtera for ~ lhlfl&' to eat. Tba n.ew own.. P.r. Mr. Dletr'lch, f'mploya a chet of more than ordinary ability whli:h ln1ur11• tha cholceel or food.a rooked ju11t the way you llk11 then1. The m011t modem equtpmt"nt and Ulen.Ila have been provided and everyt.hln.r Is kept JOCrupuloualy clu.n. For your eat- ing ple¥Ur• be aure to try the hnuee llpt"<;lala ~ l~mptlng, l>f'r fttll)' prepar•d Pl.u4. Spaghetti Anll Ravioli a rc aervl!d a la co.rte "r u full c01.1raa dlNlere, In lhla entitl'! eec!Jon t here It nn other e.11tabllahment th.at rnr- pa.uu th ~ weU known dlnlng 11pot for .. li.llf&ctlOR and Hrvtce. They u.te a COZ)' hom.-ll.ka at- moaphere that la very reetful and many couple1 t!n d It cheaper to e.al at lhla ca!e than at home. We recommend them to our reJ\d· era &.11 ._ top-notch dining irpot Remembl'r It you ltke good ltall- an Food you will love the Pll:ZJ\ Hou1e. -Adv. You Can't Miss Hearii;ig t~ The Popul~r -at HAROLD'S Monday through Saturday Open Daily 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Lunchc. Served Yon. -Sat., 11 a. m. 3 p. m. Dinnen eerved dnily 5 r:). m. 1 12 Mid. Swidays 1 p. m. • 12 Mid . liberty 8-6474 16 70 Newport Blvd . • I sec•= Costa Mesa Blvd, D~.J boa, P h. Harbor 247ll You will find here on their 1helVO'.'I the flneet domeatLc a nd Lmportl'd l'l'lnt.a, whlaklee, bonds, u well u soft drlnka, m!Jtea, and prepan!d drink& 1uch aa M .. rtitr.i. •nd. Man?ratmne· •rtt t be found. "" but good.'I In town. A1 th~y have a complete parly for cocktail•. The11e are but ._ tew of the any ~• w hy we wiah to rl'!'C"ommend lht'm tn our rearl~r! The B&lboa Liquor Store Is In this bu1tne1111 revLe"'· -Adv a hospital bed raises the patient's spirits ... rents for pennies a da.v A hoepltal bed t~ v.·ai.t hich for cart! of paUent wllhout flonp\ng .. , klllll'Jl!! h!m Cil n1forlable •l U!l!I turn or a crank. ABBEY A ENTS SO YOU C AN REST ... rverythlnc for the 11lck mom from commode to o•ygen tent. ABBEY RENTS . !Al/I lltlllrAJJ Klmberty 5-1111 ZUO S. Mala SL the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Design and Ccinstruc:tion CORO.,'..\. DEL MAR Pll01''1: fL\llBOK IM STAFFORD 6. SON 110 ":-IELS l\nll l)UC" ELl:CTRlt'AI. l'.O:\TUACTOKS Pbon" l.lberly 8·!!7• RIYt"l"!l.lde A\<o•nuoi N ewport ..... The Standard Man told me about the one big plus In gasolines CASOUIUS ''Detergeat ~ActJDn" PLUS new power! You get new i>m''er from the h.ighffit oct.'lne in Chrvron hislory -pow{'t ro r tough pulling in the field!. 11mooth pick·up on the highway. PLUS"Detergent-Actron", the Che\·ron exciug\ve that c leans away i:n.rburrlor drpoei l~ lo end forever lhe hi11eat ain,Je cause of engine trouble. What'• more, the new Chevron Guolinca rontrol 11 major eource of harmful rombuation acid.a -they ran PfC'll('rve the life and pcJ"Ne'r' of your en1ine up to JJ5';;, loo.rerl ~t the bi1 pliu tn tnd11y's rs110linc9 for your car and lruct. in both Chevron Supreme and Chevron G'uoline. f. ..,..,,..,._ IHI ,.., ~4 Oil c-p..y •f Callftf~ll ,,141.tt, tell CLAYTON THOMPSON Harbor 155 • • • • • • • • • • e • • • a • • • • • • • • • • a • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WHAT'S DOING T M. Hamb1ook, your Te!ephOne M111a1er 1n Nnrport 8llCh • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• New cables have built·ln "nincoats" l ruilde t he telephone Cllblea that carry your calt. a.re many tiny wire11. They're t he "voli:ewaya". Now, in the picture above, th .... wi~ are getting a good dunking unde·r thti~ucet, tlll you .e. But they're •till dry. F or each pair of wlrea; t. covered w1.th a pl&l!tic "Mllncoot". Paper ~·aa once uaed ror thia job In all cablea. l:J ut n ow we have • new nnd econo mical w11y to put c:m phu1lic coven. Result: E\1en I! harmful water 1ho u\d C"et Into one of th• ne w ce.bleq, there's a~ added a.o.fegua.rd to protect your calla. The men ;11nd woiTien of P;11ciftc Telephone work to mak• your telephone more vseful every day. "Acapulc:a Telephoned Sailboat Race Progress ta Local· Group" A large group of yacht11men itnd woultl·be-yachtamen from all over Soulhem CaJiforri111 meet !or lunch every Tue.day noon at the s,wport Harbot Yac ht CJu~ to JnA•ap aalllng y11.ma. k11ep up to da:e on yai:htlng rvent11 and to lt111en to p~rama lnterntlng lo 11eafar!ng men Thia group 1• known aa the Newport Harbor YM:bt.e· n1en'11 Gr'QUJl end their preelrl~nt t. Dr. llow•rd Murphy. Many of lhelr membf'r11 are m .. n 'l••ho aall In all the major y•chl races, .. ,ch •11 the Honolulu race, the Acapu lco r•ce and th" En•nad• r111:". Dr. :\lurphy lhnu,ht he wn11!d do 81'.lllll"th!ng to orreet t ha feel- ing11 of the ylr-hlJllmen '"hn couldn't partlctpete In the recent Aca· pulco race, 1<:1 hi' onlered 11. •p!l!lll kerphnna lnAta.lled tn the Chart Ronm or lhe Ne1vport Harbor YAcht Club with t he Idea of taUd.nC lo /KJffif' or lht< boat1 at af'a 1t11rlng lh• race while the rroup wq hiving lunch. Thia t<':Pphone (a one. of 01Jr lateel lnnovatJona. •vht~h h1ta a tr11.n11mltter b11Ul lnto thf' lnatrument 11.nd tha caWns pt"r110n'11 vo!re i:Omf'll 011t nve r " l!mall lourl·tpellkl'!r. Dr. Murphy kn•w U111t ~{nrtirn<"r H11.ll'a 61' Olt"lltl motor a11LJ,.r Via Jero ww to be a.n off!claJ t11rort \'f'J\l!l~I In the r11ce. ao he •nan.red to ha"' r.et1ri;<" Sturge11, "·ho w u J\IJOJ\rd I.h i• Vf'lll"'I. c11 ll him from Wb&J'e- 1'\'tr h' "'"' to be lncatM th" r11y or their meeLlnl{ lln.d. rtv• them lnrormst!on •bout lhl'! pro1rr<"ll~ nf th• rer e, Thi' 1•!1tn went forward ll nd Gf"!lrRe Sturgei1 r1\llf'<I frnm "Offi'""''hl'r\' off the Mvi:lcari cc..c. lhrauzh our llh!p-to-&hore 1Lalton KOU, wlw. Jn t!U'll, coruM>CLe<I him ~'illl the Newpnrt H11.rbor Yacht t...1ub. and a.II ot lh• membara of the group tAl kll'<.1 with him an1I wt're ehle to hear hla •o&ca at the same um .... thank• to the 11peaker Ntto'.11-to .. Y. the rroup wu overjoyf'd at M ing ahle to Lalk with 110menne ln the rae1 at U-. um .. It wu on. T1'U1 111 an unu.ual 1aae or the apeak•rphoaa. ftlc.b w..a dts1111ed to be u!M!<1 tn o rflcN &11d hom"'· eo we lhoo.ij:ht 70u would be Jntermted In th.ta event . Any of you who W'Ol.lk! Wl.e to know more about thta tJ11 rltlnJ new inatrumR!l may (tit lnlorma- Uon about It by c.llln.r your B ualn-Offlct, -· I .\ ' • Hlll'l llOW~ •• 1. All decldUO\U flower1nr ahruk 9hou.1d be plul4od oow. 2. Tbef'f! ~ lltlll tlm .. lo p,... Tent .-cJt '-1 CUTI. Your n1u·M~ WW recom- mend th.II mo.t f'ffectlY• •pray. 3. All b&N root pl.M1-audl .. ~. tnnt, fiO"lnrtn&" and .ti.de trees a.hould be p1-nt.ed without delay. 4. Don't t«set lb• lolll&ll fn.LIU .uc.h U rupbern.., bo7Mflberrle., u.d •U'aw--.. fl. Many typell of h&rd1 an.- nual ~ m •y be broad- cut Lnto the garden now. New Mesa Factorle1 T. I:. Th&! r9CC1UJ w.a 1-u9d :a.ta Kea cit)' ho!lcttn. perm.It& '.or C<Jl\ltrucllOll of & "82,900 work- 1l1np.Jnc:tory at 1933 Placentia HOME .LOANS. LAGUNA .AIJIAAi SA-a LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICll Te Serve Y .. LA.UNA llACH AND SAN cLIMINTI QUICK 24 HOUR SlllVICI \ LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RA TES IASY MONTHLY ,AYMIHTI FRIENDLY SYM,ATHETIC SERVICI FREE CUSTOMW' ,AIUCIN& ' ESCROW SlllVICl, ifACllHTl y OPaA T!D LA'9UNA . BEACH mo..,. A...._ l'HONl HY. 4o M 71 SAN CLEMENTE 6111 N. B ~RMI PHONI HY-1°1191 • H J.llff Jn the Hubor ArQ tht pLarf' llc-hU. down-epouta and roof capa. •-h·-y-· ·-•n noed or u well U a complete l1ne of .... 10 ..., ~· ..... _,.. !"l!et&ur&J1.t and factory equlpme.nt mhMt meW work Ill Lbe smuJ1 C&ll be m&d4I and 1ut&Ued qUiclLly aro.. Co. at 1840 Superior 111 a.nd etficJ enUy by t hla tlrm. Co•1-. M•-. Tht. OUUt.&ndi11g Spe-clall•ta a t 1t.alnleu 1teel work, nnn tiu for year1 handled ell they a1ao band.le all ot.Mr typu t ype& of llheet m etal work for of met&J. llUcb u copper, br...., rea!dent1 of our communlly. No alwnillwu tft" Un. Th4i7 ..i..o sp+- matter what your needa, whether cl&llM tn bu.Unc, nntll•UD( and lhey at• t or Nlaldentl&.I or com-wJr coodlUonin(. mercLa.l e1tablahmeoU t.hlt f\rin Operated by Lee Md Bert wtll do the work to your euct Smith w!MJ hav• bad m&ny yean 1p9Citlc:aUona. PrompU7 &lid etfi· u~rteii.ce ln uii. line, lh11 uccJ- clently, for th-are er.rt.men lent nrm hu 1, r1putaUon of of u.. hlstiut calibre. quality work don• a.t re&.IWl&ble Now that the l"a1ny .. ..,n lA pr•cea. Tb&1 1a wll)' w• recom- h.ilr• why not check 0"1" your mtncl them to botb boUMbold1r1 plVpft'ty and -if ,.au ar1 In &nd bualneu men u the t1rm of Deed Of I.hell'. h.Jp. Gutter., 1ky hlrhe.t. qua.Illy ID town. -Adv. .. lllBIATIOUl.)llD·- Manufacturer in E1pa1sion MAURICE ROLAND PAl'EIHANGING all -truck h "L1ilt ...... ...,. ....... tnlcb ,.. -.. J'Olll' t-•m-., J"OU'll ftnd Ira blilear t.6- -to -... "'"«JI.._ 'Jhleb._ TbW'n .. °'Pr' ,,,_ U.. •d~s•a•lac ... bcmd ml No~ db I +- cu ...,m. OC' o«mpl·mta. ~·- 11CMM. "n-m ........... tD.., on .. Jaba..s,m.dl!I' wq.J'etM" ..t ._ o::islly ~ mmn ,......,. BIO DdllllJ' a.a' the .... and ,...... Daa't .... _. .... tar .. Lit -ht- ,.... l&I. 'Ba llftlllll: It .. ~ job, • 0 ..... ....,. ... ................. , ....... IRl•RRA'llORAR TRUCKS ..... ,. styli ... ~ ........... • ,_.. ' ~ l1ub ,_.._. ,_ .... _.. • ,._. ........ IJOW' ...-.. wwwtu 1llc ---Gftd -·~· ...... __ ..... • ec..I.""'-Cob.,_···-for .... ~ ...... ..,.,,. .............. I '-........ .......... .W, frw ndi ~- Iii. lO....,., pou the llHi m.o,.,,, t LOU REED It ASSCCIATES 1200 W. Coast Hkjh-y--Newport hac:lt L.AMtty 1-3486 " ... ~, ...................... MTMP-.... _____ ............ csr • • 1 ••• ..... I .... •1'sa ... SCCS ~I' lor .......... ._ .. ., z.,.... • ..._ __ .... .,.. ! -. .... ..,. ... •"• .. ..,... .......... ~ amiil,.. llltS .... bd' WD =eelle -kbJnl tM 't ........ a ... M ... CPS • •' wtlll -........ -.P .,._._aDtr...,..otaNna~ .. a.·• :Wa ..... ~ ........ U. OI 1•1s from ........ Of....... 1 .. to tlMI ..... &t ditt'ettnl -~ ctmel!!t• &N .,....,. loftlr noatln.r In a ... llOwt .... -• ee!t• table-OI' llt&Od la Ml llltr&noe ball. Or ........ trtUt. ....... -..:u c.a ... -mto tall bt'Ut.hff ot & *"1b ,.-... ~ contrMU p1n•1•1":r Ul coklr and tona. "1Ua U.. ~ IUdl Ml uprtcbt ~l lll eye-oatl'btnr ..._ •t Ill tront ot a mln'Or t.o noneet the olher .ai:s. at tb4I ~ IUl4 emphal:iM U.. ouutne ot lhl tott.I ..,...._L New Ha•• r-lts Hup. c K&nbalt--* .,. Mok out Ooeta X.. city b111Jdtnr J*"" rn.lt.I for cautnacUcm. of l"Mldaloe9 al .. oo.t. oL m .w . Tbll bom• will be lftet.ed at ~20 W..untn. llter Pla.ce, 137 Santa laa.be.I and 2818 We1t.mln.ster P'~ -P'or th• nn..t tn Commerclal PrtnUDc C&ll 111.rbor 1111. Job PrtnUn1 0.partmmt. MESA UPHOLSTERING u ,to' ._... • Dnf8'7 HM N .... ......_a-ta._ l..DeliJ 1-4111 ROBERT CONCRETE Satisfaction POUll IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVE e llal'e m ......,, T•IP' aoocrete -4 tttU. • load or p.a• • 1-.tsed -& ...• ,..,....t;(J yMaronlerM&•'Yiq· Liberty 8-2183 BAY 11i' • • • 711 w. 17tli St. ()()ft.A. lllllA FORBES lllllcler PBO~"l: UAKBOa 1111 Won't Rust ... H•U .. HOWYOU .... 1111• ~·· .. ....... ....,_ ....... """" -""' --tor~ ot +n•• •' • 611#. • DO YOU Im» -,. MOii INCIDMIT WI: on'Dt RL&Vft'D 1 llT MDW 1 WAel: LOAN8 W1'TH KJtvlCC --·-__..._ TllUllT OC'EH •OUGM'T ...... D 90&.0 11.1 .. llLT ··--,..,. 111.. ...-min• IAHl'A ANA.CM.,. 1(1.ldflltlY J.1111 IAMll ..-r::t .. "=7 ::::-.. -="r,--.. ~--:ati'•AC: -01Z 'O.. WELCH'S DADY MIXID CONCllnl 1llCl1 el&I .,_ .,..........,. u ...,.a.,. ... ---.... ....,.. D. RAY General Contractor & Bu ilder 000 0-.. 81"1. OORQSA on llAll Build Your Own Boat We Have SEVEN DlfhNnt l'lalll FREE WARD & HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. 3300 W. Coast Highway -Newport leach Uberty 8-3411 A ....... ,_, ..... ....... ...,,.. ................ _, ...... ............ ....,, ..... TTOl.MTI ""' 9UtolMtlc a.. ...,.... ..... ~ofme­.......... _,l"Uat .. ..... ~..vicet.r, fllr lonl.,. than ordln•ry ... a GAS WATER HEATER carrying this seal! -- FM1DI IOMCll Gas Mah w•ter ta1ter tt.n •111 ottter pt"Ktlcal f••I. Oe1 ~u• th• r l1ht .. MMrlf' .......,.. pknty of qukll hot wat., ... !Of 1nore Y••rs. too. if yowr L-~;,;;;..;;,.1 ----\lllOfl't rvMI COST'l I.Dir, TOOi You uw moMy ..t*1 you t..t-wMttGn.You ..., ....... ,...,. ...._ thllt won't nist.. tt ...., ~ ,ell • Mlle mor'9 --but. ltt .......... .... .... eovntmtM 0°"""1119 Me OOMJAllV Only GAS This YorillM '-Uh Seal on .......................... JOllT -of • 1-uollty ........... lliy---tloll-_, -. Looi! for ..... --yuu .,, ... ,.. - _.__ ... ,_. ... ,_.., cam'" 9Mt water Mntce. lat , ...................... ..., .. 1£117 .. GAi .... .......... y.., "1: srbood ptu.Mr Ca5I ...,.. - .,,_, .. MITWTIC ... D or .. _._, tt ....... JI!:.....,. .,__ Stlc·lli* ..... ,_.iilttlllrW!ttla"',....nMdt. gives you such modern automatic appliances - - -~--· .. ...,__ .. • • ... ... ~ ................... -... • • lntrod1,1cing the New ROS E W AVE -~~P--=E=RMANENT STLYING 1,....ieli1h 1 r.ACIALS -* Glom0ur'N•~• Con be your< * ... _:o.-i ,,A.~l];[ju-... Baza=ar· -?;~Yr VIRGJNIA • ROSALEE l04 Tu•tin Liberty 11-6212 Newport Beuh Opi'n 'ntUl'9 ... Frl. Eve. by App(. ' AT 8UN V.u.t:J;r, JDAHO, Mrs. Thomao Doan, ial !~ E.. 20th St., Coe~ Mee&. gets a bird's e e view or the village aquare in the background, (ro er perch on Dollar mountain. Doan wu attendin a N. P.1 . A. oonve:nUon meeting when the picture w 11napped. They were guest. at the Union Pacific winter wonder - land until F eb. 18. Bethel M o thers • :Valentine T ea Jobies Attend Annual Sunday Afternoon Event GR.t.CIOUB HOSPITALITY wu offend .-nUy by the Hadd Ringo, lllandin&" at the head of the lavlob buffet table in their new home at 1517 Dolphin Terrace, u they entertained 60 or more Terrace reel· NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Woroen'1 Editor PAGE ~ • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1956 ' . . ""1to at" a ~your-nelghbot-party. &IMS whtte flower. were keyed to the room'e decor. Stoff Photo Husbands' -Nig ht for Junior E bell LIDO sHoPs A.PPLIANCE5 -HoOMbokl Part.a -Drllte.r -Servtc. UDO EU:('TRIO S4%~ Vla Udo -RM1Kir 4111 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New and u~ Cllrs N IC K.ERTi. tlTliOP.:HAK.r:k Sah,. Ser vlllfl Part,. 1413 l\'eM'JMlrt tllvd. -Baz. 611 BANKS 8-nlol of America NT • SA U« Vla Lid<> -Ha.rbur ~ Junior Ebell Oub of Newport will depart from its reg· BARBER SllOPS ular schedule to have an evening dinner ~i-;~iun , t he yearly uuo SHA\ 1~0 Mt . .'O l.n BldM"fl.11'• Store tor M,.11 hu1:1band's night party. This affair will take place at the S4U \la Udu -llarbor S!s.J Villa Marina Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. I Bf.:AUT\' l'AKl.ORS ()11.111& a.nd Ginger L.arnb, 1ulhor1 After !he dorin,.1· JurHor Ebel!I J.llMJ !'tAl.U ' uf' HF.Al "l'l' 11n<l cxplortr·a, w1ll &how thelf mt'1nben; 1&.11!1 lh• Ir hu~d11 will U16 Npl, Ulvd. -llar. t~78 111111 on the ·~.l'he Lu.It .M~uion or r.,.1de in Co1ona Jel "l•r. ~11,..,t twu yaar1 In the "'·arch vi the lti.;,11<i11 ry 1111111.io n .. and gu1111L1 ah·•ulol be tl•ll•le: thrM day• 1n lldvllll~c U. "1 no Curll• BOOKS f'(_M._lk C:Al'i~ 1418 \'I.a l.J1Ju -llarbot 1"°4 tlobo!l, G@rry Ban.er. Carol Crain. On behalf ut Uu1 c lub Mr•. J anice While, Mary Ann, Ba.rbara, Bet>be uvr-.•.-eed thank.!> to all and SaJly Cooper, Unda Robeeon. 1..ho1t<:. respon!lolble: alt.hough un..11.ble ln the gracious setting of P.fra J oe K incaid'!-! Lido lele Lorena Kelly. Joan w 111p, Sandra 1.o attend the te.li. L"h .. irn1&11 for the ht111ban <1• HertH-rt11 Jr or Mrs J ohn Barry CAM.t.:ltAS &: ~upplieti Chamberlain. Roae Ma~i• Ander-Mt•. Glenn DY•"'· t oo Red-night "'''II be Mr:!. i,:ugene Vre•·· \ l.'"-.,l:.ST l.lDO UKt.:(iS home, J ob's Daughlt!rll P.f oth~rs ('lub held lht!1r annual ' aon. Toni R<Mre Hay, Beverly Bee-tud11 Ave . w ill be ne.xl ho11teu l11 ntl aalll•le<I by Mi• Robt':rt -The new R1<·h11 n.l'1 Florl•t ol!er1 J-&El \'l• 1.ltlu -llarbor liOOS ·-''Va1entine Tea" Feb. 12, 2 to 4 p.m . Kay, talented young be Penny sp .. th, Sharon E<lkln•,1 to the club w ith Mnies WHham J i;•n1-'"Y cut fluwer ... rvu e b1 -wet:kly,1CARPJ:.'TS &'. DKAPER~ daughter of the Kincaid!:!, .kept the rooms filled wit h soft or-P1tt ti Smith and Ba .. rb&ra Kirk-SequUJt LIHI Clllrord Lew1a u-;;;;_::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;l wl"ek!y, o r .._.. •h·"1ri·d -Phone Har· Olt.:ti. MAt 'h..f;H 4aa'Geloctiee during the tea houTB. Guesta were greeted aa , .. ·::;";";';-::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;~;";"';';·::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;;;_I Ha rbor Rest bor 2828 -Adi·. 1.a1:0 ,.~ ud ......... tWDor uu lhey entered by M1nu .. J ohn Albright. Harna, c. o AndeN10n:t : Memorial Park CATEJtlNU Thonwon and Mllbe.l v . RoM. kitchen •lair, A. !.. Rll'bellOn. N.H. R & c c~ . T IU: OKGA.'" l 'OU (;A.N n. beautlt'ully appointed tea Edklna. Edward L. /-lobe\, an(J U'g a'pet ean•'flg MauMki~termaat .. LA\' .4.T 0 .St:.E! ~1\:~tl~:o -=~r~~ t&ble rlt.te.ne.d wtt.h .Uve.r and Ernt•t (.'hun:h . co,...cre, Cooper, I j f J Ga.rde~ Cemetery cry1tal and lta ctnlerplec• ba.e. and plctu~ wtre taken by Mra. U h I Cleaned lfarbor at G\M,.r UM wohdtorful -Clotblng:-Childrena & W&nta aupported a large uprlcht h eart Llnda Ste.lier. p Q stery .lf:.ltl'S Of' UDO frame entwined with red aatln ThOH all•ndiD( werr: M.me.. HAMMOND 1406 :'0-'JM'rt Blvd. ribbon In ...,bich love birda perched Harri•, Kincaid, Ary, Thom.110n, la Chlr Pliut.i CHORD ORGAN a bove red toH.1. Smaller decora-ru.a. McGann, Cburch. Steller, or la. Yoar D a-CLOTIUNO -Ken's Ket.all UIU\\Jo~l.J;s SllOI' l'"OK M i':~ :S-&Z!I \ la. Lltlo -•la.rbur Utiof.S tive arranetmenla complimented AJ.bnghl,. Hobel, Ma.a Owen, SHALITA'S th" •pM:iOu. living: room. Mm•. Theodor C. Elman, W Ull1 Sanger, J..__.k H•rrta and Olen Oyurt were Crain, H ug-h White, Cooptr, Robe- re•potialbl6 tor th• lovely decora-.an. T. E. Kelly, John Walp, c R. Persian R119 CleaailM) Works ttOn•.\ AT Tl'.:A L"RNS Pouring werlf! Mmea. Ha.rotd B ... ebe. pre1ident.. and Erneat ('rain. lmmedl.au put prMLde.nt {\r thll! club M rl. Bee~ wu general ch.alr- m .. n tor lhe. event. Her commit· te•'11 .,.·ere: tnvlU.tlon, Mmea. K1n- r a 1d. Ralph Herr, Cra.ln, Rex MEMBERSH IPS Cbam~n. .udtr.iu, H1y. s--IN DICK. MACK.ER'S ~;,~."";;!:, •r.,.u;;,,•-..;,; ~;:'; HA. 4328-3420 Via Udo Ev-. HA. 5426 sm1ui. I ~~:;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:~ .IOlllES I Daurhten attending -re Kay Harr11. K ay Kine&td, Janet l\nd l""Al.le Ary . Pamela Thom.bn, Terry Ro.a. Donna Church, LlndA ~teller, Donna. Albright. Janet LATEST HAIR STYLING l'QR HOME PERMANENTS Pastor 's Wife a n d Son Hon or ed by W .S.C.S. llarbor 4S7'7 DAN'S BARBER SHOP ISALllOA. 'l"llEA nu: BLDG. B&Ll!OA Open 'l'ueedaJ Utra 8-tvdaJ' Exprl'1111!ng l.heir th!Lllka to their pulor • "''1fe, ror htr Influence a nd 1 .. 1tr\"r•h1p In the c hurch. the \\'on111n "• Soc!Pty of Chrl!llan Se.r- VlC• ot the S..lboa lllla.nd Com- munity Metllodl1t Church re«nUy aw11.n1~1 Mra. l)onald O. Sapp a ~llte me.ml>erehtp In tha orrantza- tlon. The n1emberehip certlflc•t e and x old JHn "''l're prege.nted at I.he. ff'gular meeting or the aOl·lely by ).1 n•. l.:11nton T . Coane, Mra. Sapp la a member of the official board and the commlulon on education. She hY etrved u a church achool teachtr and d irector Congretulations ... Best Wishes to -• • OLGA'S LADIES AOCESSOllD:S 1111 HARBOR JU.\'D. 008TA. )USA . • WIRING end LIGHTING RXTURES ., Stafford & Son of the Vacation Church School. Y..'ilh her hu•b&nd ahe aervea u llll\'l&er to lhe SeniOr Youth Fel- low1t.lp. Not only Mni. S.pp wu honor- ed, but the .octet7 prMenled an honorary mtmberlhlp to t.hol new J)Br.onage baby, Orqury Lottl'W>r Sapp, who celebrated ht. two- month annlveraary a t the wom1:11'1 rr!MUnf. A.n appropriat e oertUl- cate, II.sued by I.he national otnce, wu prese nted. Both prgenta.Uorui were Introduced by th• reading ot an or1glnal poem by Mra. Sara Bowman. The program wu Jed by 'Mr.1. Michael Carl. The Rev. Donald Sapp revrewed the book. 0'Thla flevo!uUonary Fallb,'0 by Floyd Shacklock. Le.a.din( Ult! devoUon• wu Mr•. Fount L. Lowe. The luncheon wu prepared by the Marth& ctn:Je. ""1th Mr11. Steve Smith aerving u luncheon c.ha.lr· m an. Mra. Ted R. Hatuier. prt.11ldent, reporled on t~ mld-yu.r meeting or I.he W SCS which 11he and Mr1t. Robert Ibbol.-on attended early thl11 mont h In Ph0t.nl•, Arla. Qpen~ng 1 •n ' CONGRATU LATIONS A ND BEST WISHES TO OLG A'S LADIES ACCESSORIES 1861 Hoc bor Blvd., Co.to Mow • Fixtures & Interior by MARSTELLER & SONS Custom Wood Produ cts 1621 Superior OOSTA MESA COSTA MESA FRIDAY FEBRUA RY 24 • OLGA'S LADI ES ACCESSORIES KA.IL A.r.'D QlJ""T WR.A.PPINO 8!:RVIClll OPENING SPECIAL Co$tume Jewelry Two Pieces for Pric e of One FEATURING "Lady Buxton"' Wallet.I Imported Hondbap by "1lollywood Sbaggee" Leather • Fabric and Luette Sap hy "SIL VERCRAFT'' Originals in Delta by Artemise of Hollywood ''Carole Acceaoriea" Store Roa.rm -TUe9. Uini &L l :M -· to I p .... OOM'd Monda,. PARKES · RIDLEY MORTUARY YormerlJ Qraqef Olape.I ---DIBT--.11 COLLECTIONS Aooounte ·-Notee -<.ltalma o r .., Id.ad or debt1-uywbcrt1 la ~ ••No ooUectiona -No r-" W• adv-all CCKta. Olll:DIT BURE.AU of W•Cenl <>ru,.e Oou.nl.J to,..ui, Or'edll Buft!IMI of N-,.rt ..... t.,.vna 8eao3b ... eon. - The \\"'boHI Jo'amu_, cu l'la.,r IS "'IU.OUt Le.aona! Now ! No Need '° Taki! 1...-..01111 Come In and Prove It to Y aurself We a1-llllvlte Joa kl oome 111 aod• lrJ the MW Hammond 8plael Orp.n.-Now A vailable CLOTllL.'J G-\\' omea. '• .Re.tall LA Hr.:1:'1-1': MO \'~ M alq-Harbo1 l lUO UIJlJ t'A,,}llll:-.'~ Mii SpL Uh·d. -B arbor 3f11 l'>llA UlJOCI\ 'S Ult \"la Udo -Harbor ~ll \AOAKOND llOUME lrnported Sportswear S4:ttl \la IJ.do -11..,.0.,r t O<M ' DAN C.:INO -Bullroom KI Nfl !ffl "l )lll:O. S4-10 \'la Oport...-llarbor 8081 ORUG S1'0 RES V l~VE.~'l"S UJX.I DRUGS Sl61 \'la Udo -llarbof SUOS El-ECTl<IC ('OSTllAl-'TOltS 1.11)0 t;1.t:t "T l:Jf" I S-124 \la l.Jdo -llarbor 47111 Fl..()\\'ER.t;; Hlt.;HAJ(U'~ LIDO MA.ff.KET COraages Table Arr1u1g~ment.t S.31 \'la Udo -Harbur Z8!8 m tuft,..... A n... r.o. no:.: SM PWPO&T -.a.OB. OAJ...1..-. '=======~I I DANZ-SCHMIDT ;: 1110 Pl4NO • ORGAN STOKE FOUNTAIN, OR.ILL VlNCf;NT'l'I LlOO 08008 ' 1411 Via Udo -Harbor SOOS "NOTHlNG m LIFE IS MORE WoJ4-r>ERFUL THAN FAITH." •(Author'• nam•,beloW) When you next visit your Physician bring with you a lot of "Filth." Hie Ye&r9 of atudy and training, hi& devotion to hia oath of ser- vice, all uaure you that your belief in hie ability to help you will be justified. Always have sufficietil "F&Jth" to follow hia eug- geationa and instructions exactly and you will be richly rewarded by more quickly regaining you r health. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE HARBOR 515 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • A great many people en- trust us with t h e reeponel- bility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we com- pound youn1 ? • W e C.,,.,. A Oomp&ete LllMI of Coemetlc». lneludlnl( DorotlaJ" Ora,-, Reiena Raben- •tela -4 ReV10 111 Gunderson Drugs Jlal-Blvd. & lllala St. BALBOA PRF.8CRJPJ'ION PHAaJIACV "Quotat*9n bJ Beaclquart.en for AD Model." Banunond Orra- IU Z-.5140 FRAMES ll ALBUMS OEkffAROT STUDIOS G20 No. Mala 3 418 Via Udo -llartpor «06 • • WrMwt .... Qlet, h popular QWl, Ind lhe afl chair-car E ~ -be-U>s An11lu Ind ChQco. Thi """' c.,.. son froin Los Anseles to Chicqo with thlou&ti cars to °""91" 11111 o.l1a. Llc9 T'*8 "'· 3 Ml4I 4 run between Los Anp:tes lttd Kansas City. You tin travel between Los Angtle$- S. Dileo *-d c... of seven dlify trains. . CLASSIFllD DIRECTORY •"UR NIT URE DICK llACKT..Jl lttO V1a Udo -e...... UU Gf>"I' SHOP RICilAKD'S UDO ~ S4SS v la Udo -ll&rbor !SU INSURANCE AGENTS W. 0 . Bl:CK, L°"O- UOO \'la Ud• -~ "-" INTERIOR DECORAroJIS RLAlii'C..:lu: JrUl.aP:&llf)lll &.LI). 1411 \ta Udo -~ llSI l.Hl'K MACK.ER S4~tl \"la Udo -nano.. &l!I KONITA \\'JL80N Ma!aca lwporta ~ \'la Malap -~ IUt MAI<Kf..'TS RICIJ..4.Kl)'S LIDO M••KST MU \'la Udo -BAltliw llU Rt"...'\L ESTATE I'. A-PAI.ME& lNO. 33.$3 \1a Udo -~ UGI \'t>Ut:J. COM.l'A...VY 3-118 \'la Udo -11.ulM>fo G'1l K-' \' .4.NU Bf:AOB lt.EA.LTY \ 1a Ullo Hrid&• OW.- SI It LM.l:'B.)'e&le -llar9or llU 1.11>0 IU!:A.LTY USQ(llA.1'E8 Ll<l11 SaJeti A Re.ni.a.t. S.WU \'la Udo -BadMw "'" SA \'lN GS " WAN AS.sOCIATIONS l'o .t:\\'t"OKT BALBOA. 8A VINOS • LOA..~ A.SSOCl1A.DOli A Savlna:1 l.nat.lt\IUQQ Loni Tenn Horn• Loan9 Ssefl Vt. Udo -Banioor UOO SERVICE STATIONS LIDO HIC:W-u:LD UU 1'iew ..... tM~. 4.IZ'f SHOES -Mea'a BIU\\'l:Ll.'~ STOIUC PO& KJ;N 14.%11 Vla U<&o -lla.rMr '"8 SHOES. WOlllEN K Ul...l!:'S 01' O&LIP'(JIUilA 14-ll Vt.~NM rRA VEL ACENCU::S JJAKUOK TH.A VEL AOE."1'01' S4Jti Newport Bl~. tiUf. . UPBOL8TEBING DIOK MA.OK.Ell suo \'la U4o -..... &ISi WA TCB REP A.DI VINOENT'l!I WA'l'Clll &liPAD LIDO ORUOS U61 Via Udo WINDOW COVERING I nm SHA.DI: SHOP NeJI t.o Poet oro--11&1'. IM • ~ ~ Santa Fe ~ ~ N. M. 8Krnf, T. P .A. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS I OJI an:taalDE A \'It. 1'r>"Eln'Oll:i' ll&AC'll r..ni..rty 8-tt'Tt 1861 HARB!>R BLVD. OLGA C. GRAUEL Sir w1111ap Oale.r (1849-ltllH CopJf1«ht l~ (2W2) .. frmdlle Clilf ofttts seMce between the Bly Art• and °""""· lritll tlnuP "' to Houstoo ond ""' Oo1en. Otl>e< OsHfi • mti11 n:tude tf'll ...... &lb c..•111bC ks- M ---dlllr ~ Smt loaqtJm V1U.,. l.as Ange~s­ S. Ft-=-. Local T'* ... I 111111 run bttwttn Bakersfield lldSlo·~ ..... ,. 111111 -,. Sllb fl Tl&bl .,.... Santa Fe Depot. ton IL tth It. Phone. Kl l·MM • Kl 2--44N BA.Jlo'TA ANA. CA.LU', -U" men:.haDU are thoM wbo . .,,v~ri•~"-'"''rnn1~f! lhl'm I , I . I I • ·-· 0 . C. REPUBLICAN WOMEN -Greeting ..\rizona's tir11t Republican Congreasma.n, J ohn J . Rhodea. ape&ker at their annual Lincoln Day luncheon In Balboa Bay Club an:i (left) Mn.,lrgi.nia. Dougla&i of Seal Beactf, treasurer or Orange County Coun- cil of Republic& Women and president or her locttl Rt:publlcan Women'11 Club anJ Mr.. Robert S. Bai--nea, juat-inatalled president or Newport Harbor Republican Wom - en'& Club. At right are Con~man Rhodes and Mr. Barne1, chai~ or Orange County Republican Central Committee. -Starr Photo SCOU? SUNDAY ON ISLAND -Troop 81 of Balboa Island b8erved 11peeia.I cere- m onieis di.iring 11 a.m. Sunday serv1c-.· in Balboo Isla nd U1mmunity Method1.l!Lt Church in honor of Boy Scou~ Weel....~r Sco ut Ron St. Clair 1 near flag) leads in Scout oath. Scoulmulcr ?rfatlhew Waideln·h (back row, C'Xtrl'me left), il.&118led in the a r. rangementa. The Satu.rday preced.1n1i: th~ troop held 1t~ charter night nnd dinner in Harbor Vi ew School auditorium. -Staff P hoto CHARTER PRESENT ATION DINNER FOR SC OUT T ROOP Bal bo a Island Church Sponsor Group for '81 ' Highlight of Boy Scout Week for '1'roop 81 l'lf Balboa ]Aland took place F'eb. 11 when the troop's annual dinner and c hart.er presentation was he ld in Harbor View School audl· torium_ Di.ltrict Commiasioner Art Remley presenl<'rl the charter to lhe Rev. Donald Sapp of the sponsoring in slitu- lloo. th• Balboa faland Conimun-, lty Melho<l1.1t Churcll. decl.arlng : Higby repre...,nted the cornmunlty ''Troop 11 wu very active the kl the dinner. OLho!'r hon<lred pu t )"Mr a nd haa tultllled aJI CUo!'•l• were T ed ll•u•cr. troop quaJitl.caUona In tr1lnlng leader•. coo1mlth1e chairmen, Ch11plaln I cha.re• t M •poruortnr tn•Utu-Bob Ander.on or the l'>!arln' tlon and Ila leaden IQ continue Corpe.. f ormer cha!rn1a.n o t th"' the 1:ood work. It ta a peat res-Cub pack. and \\'11Jt EvMJl~ of ponalblllly." Balboa l•i&iiJ. HONOR OUUTS Councllm.a.n and Mn . Ci.N!nce Malhtw V. \\'aHlellch, ~c<Jut­ ma.iter, wu in c~ari;e. or lhe pro- cn.m. Mr . Sapp. In accep,llnit th..- /•n•! pl11n n ... 1 ll• tn·111o . or tlll' troop 1U1d 11r.-~col,.\l .~1 1 11. \\'11iclt"h ch "''It h 11 gift tn "l'I' , 1t1on uf lhf' tlrnr her huabanJ •. ; J l(lven to the t r<~ip f•ir th• ''""'! thr"'"' Y"llr1 ~,,.., 11! "'''(>p;ll1t1un w._.. io;iv..-n to l{on ~l 1"J111r .. ,ta.r 1'Coll t •nd junlur .. ,....,.~h•nl '"'"utnu,&t!'r, fot l.llh.al .. nJ1nK ll'11del'!hlp l.Hp"I pl n .. wrrr prtirntM by Mr. 811.pp to adull!l with one- yr11r c<lmn111t,.,. ,...r \·1t·..-. H1ua,r Bob ['.'Jalr, /Uy Rork and CIJle Hoffrn an. NP.:"'f.:!iT SOOIJT A prl.ia of a football htlmo!'t W'-'I &'lven to tho!' ne,,.,·e,,t boy In th'! troop. t\Plth Saure. Door pni~~ "'"tr'" don1.ltd by "Olt::k" Hli htor rl Rnd th .. L1"na Club con· trlbu\!•<I ti"""'•- Scout \\'tek wo.11. "l>ser\·ed wiU1 charter, M id '1'he <'hurcn ha! al-•pe<'utl crrrn1,.n1ra dur1ni;: the 11 a. m . •o!'rvlce ur ,..onihip in thr church F'eb 12 Thrf'e titlk1 on -..--~-1'1<--·:s ~•!lllll ·-~ TREE P LANTING ia alwaya a feature ot · the Founders Day program or Harbor View P-TA. Here, participating in the ceremony, are (I to r ) Mn. Oecar Taylor, Founders Day chairman; Jame. R. Thompeon, MYF HONORS PRES IDENT 1°N A~~.:~~ ... ~~~,~~~~~.~h:h I and ,.1 ,."'ni: 11. f1J1n aLn J• 1 n I n~IJli.lla 111 Lh" OUot~. l~ me1n- 1"' 111 vr tl•c ,\I ~· I" ... r 1.:tu !"t Cllw-ch tiy tna SU. went lo the home uf t h .. ir rr .. N1ol··11t Neil Purco!'ll, tor a f*,rty ln ob- a..-rvan ... "r 11 ., ln rth•I"' " n1vr n1a ry Thr r1Lt<1 r>•'i.:'"lll" ·s trangtra In Ttif'!r Own Land'' ~'I wa.o 1•1 l>J'""l"<! lly HI· 11 . ., M1 fJonald t<Od lil!ke Denllnc,.r, ot th•· M:n1,,r .\t \' F M• 111 b<-n1 of the Pilot Cla.. &erved the •upper 1"1 rt .. •·n .,,,.,.,h .... ~ ,.,.,., 11.ll!O preaen~ for the Satur.J.ay ""rk d") 1l l..r.:r.y \'i" Ranch Thty were accompu u ed by ... ,.,..nil u( !h,. 1·hurc h Hllfl •t11.rtel1 work on cOIUllrucUon of a c11b111 . • -..... _._..,._......._ ------ NEWPORT HA lllOR NEWS-l':tESS -PART I -PAGE 5 I Rl·l'aQ ........ -mountaJAe aa Ila maJ.a ~ fourth gnde t.eaeher; with shovel. Phillip Maurer, fifth gn.de teacher; Mn. Carol Denton. t eacher ; Robert Olander with apade; ld.ia8 Aileen Mart.in, p rincipal and Mrs. Robert Olander. -Sta.ft Photo IBEW Auxiliary New Member of Potluck Dinner 8 et 40 Sal on Mr•. Fred 1-i. Joyner, 403 40th Wuh1ng1.on'• Blrthr:11y wHl pro.-St. wu welcome<.\ Into (Jr1.1111e vlde the moU( tor 1 poUuck County Sa.Jon :-iv. 1113 of ti et dinner beinC pl&.nned by the re-40 Feb. 8 . cenUy org:W&ad Women'a AlJIC· The 11 et 40 11 &n honor or- 1:an1:r.a t1 on ot th~ Amer1c-an Le· Wuy to Ule lntaru&Uona.I Bmlhu· Klon AUll!He ry, lt1 obj\:ct. are hood ot EJectrtcaJ Worker1, Lo-Service. puUculerJy tor child caJ Unlon 441. lt "'lll be held weirare , conlrlbutoun 1<nJ p11rtl· Tue.Clay nl&ht. Feb. ¥1. at the CLpr<tJon !n tlle J•r<lgran'" nt Uie Y.W.C.A. c lubroom.1. 1411 No. Am er1c1u1 Leg1nn enr! Aux!ll1ry. &oadwe y. Sant& Ana All AU:L-•~ fun and fellc,,.,·sh!p Ulery member• and their h1a-The " M 4U !U.lun 1r>0n&0n Th1.t aftalr will be U\1 nnt ot I no.. fl"Olll N~ ........ Uait Jt1 wao u. m•••n ol 8akla lU an Ji&-. aAer:t. .J, 8rtq9.X:-...Q~ .... '-t n.oai..--and l'nd a. .... • Boclioche Nee• tlie Attentioll of a Chiropractor You need 11. chlmpraclor U you h1v1 a backach~. h ut It l8 not net'eaaary to have a backache to nee..J a, ll!rupractor. l.n otht'r word• chirQpra•·tora e re, yoo mlg-ht aay •pine •pccL11.!11ta. 11.nd of ~J t.111 th!ngi that g o "''rong "'·!th a boOy, b;u•k111"he i. cert11nly 801?1e Ullng lhdt 1hu1.1J,1 be t&ko!'n care <l! by a Ch1ro1Jra rtor Back11che•. hke heart-.ehee, tndi- cete nerve trrttatlon anrt -.re ne • ture'1 w1y ot tl'll1ng-you that ,.,,,,.,,.ll\u\c ta wronc ln I.he i..ck. 11.nd 1t nut t.ako!'o rare ot "'Ill event- u ally lead to lowered r~btence and dt.e&M Jo the orga.na m Ule tn:mL F'ur good tleal!h aee your c:::b.in>- prartnr. R. !:. H<!ndrlck•. D. C. Call H11.rbcr ~t.?I or t :'.11 4 For AP- po1n tmrnt, 700 Came Uon. CA:lrc.:1..1.. del Mar. b&nda m.1.y .1.tllllld. l i&o.i-'i"i''i"i'i'~'j'j-j"°'~-i'i'"j'"i"~"j-i;j''i'~"i".i•i'iiiiiiiii a ...,riu ot .oclal event• planned 1----------------------------i ro r the comlnc year. The 1oc1&l committee, a ppointed by Mr1. W , A. Fercu-eon, preaiUo!'nt ot the awdllary, Include.; Mmu. Art Edman, cha.lnnan; B<•b Temple. Herbert n.c.11, J <l1hl1& Stone- cipher, Clyd" Ollbart and JU.n- ollb .Jong,, DINNER EVENT H o wa rd Langleys H ost Friends at Capi strano Ent .. r!e!nln g with 11. 11p1 init rlln-l1le h<lme, later drlvlna: down the lnl'r party at f'11p l~lra 11u Ho!'-ach· co-..t ror dlnln.&' and !'Anclnc. De- comber!'I ("'l11b :-<11 n Rn•! llvward ooral!n&' th. table, j.WeU~ but~ Ll!.ngl'"Y h11 <1 "-" th .. !r f:11"•·•. C"11.pt rll I and t 1 d t"' Y Pac• earn. • oe.i:i a--w ... •--or ----s --d 10 or i.nil Mrs. ~on11.rrL to,,.,·1>· rry an .,... LI'S•.. -· the Ut"r!M!rt Vln.:t ntii pleee or put.el tlowar. compli-Newport Bea.ch Cub Pack 187, Pirate Fun for Pack 187 The xruup ··njuy!'d t"ock111!\11 bo!'-mented tbe l&dJel' cown., a.ddJn6 aporuorld b7 BL Andrtw•' Pru- fnre the fire Ill llie l.Hnlj'll'y1' Lido to lha 1&J.et7 of lh• evenina. byterian Church. portrayed chu· 1----------'-----------;-------lacten now lnfamou. tn the an- J..'c11r11 /11111 · f'ltl!/c"I, 1111 llu1! 'J '" ·~·.-., '•' . Free Lecture Entitled CH RISTIAN SCIENCE: T he T ransforming P ower of Truth 11y M ary WeUl ngton Galf', C. S. 8. of San F'rancl800, CJatilo rnla l'>lember ot Uie Board ot Lecturuhlp of The Mother Ch urch, Tha Fir•t Church of Chrlat, Scientl1t. In Boat<ln, M ... February 24, Friday 8 p.m. Church !:dlflce, F'ir~ Church ot Chrtat, Sol 3SOS Via Udo, Ne~· port Bea.ch. Cal na.i. Of tha 11ea et the Janua.ry p&ck P1MlinJ'. Short J ohn Sliver and Ma er.., of tr'Om Den S found .1.. bu.rt-<! lreuurti Wlth the aid of a map I.bat could heve been drawn by Lone J ohn, h!m- Mlt. Den 10 8&ilecl It• boat lnto b.u'bot' manned by such n olorloua namm u Blackbeud, L& P1tte, Capt. Hook, Umr John 81lvu, Capt. J'Unt, Bia.ck o.c and Capt. Kidd. Havlnc' pa.Md tn.pacUon with hlcbut m erit., 0.0 7 accepled the pa.ck nag for Lbe tollowtnc month. The Blue a.nd Oold dinner. a yearly CUb Scout a.traJr, will be held a.t Horace Eruilp School e t e :ao p. m. P'r1day, Feb. 2~. 'ERCURY The Low Price is iust the FIRST way you save! ASK US THIS WEEK! JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN -MIRCURY (Acro11a from B&y Club) If, yours is a ' N aomi Circle Members Take Sewing Project W•Y• been bo!'hlnd th..-•rQut pro- cram &iid will continue lo Jo ao every way poaalble." "Oow11rrl tor GriJ and My Coun-r.================ t ry" """'re IPV"ll b.\" J ohn SC'olt. FUN LOVING FAMILY Add a . ' Mn. W1lllam c..rnett prutdad wben Naomi Circle of the New- polt Harbor Lutheran Church met at the honia oC Mn . J . E . Mc- Cauley, 720 Cen ter St., COlfta Me-. hb. 8, A.Jtar da vnllon•. le&d by M r•. McCauley, Mn . Harry Buch gava a report on th• need• nt tha New Guin"" millatona &nd Jt wu decided t · ah• would purchue material th• RWV\g project.. Tha circ le will ma.lll1 clot.htnc tor N~w Guin .. al lh1 nut monthly meet- ln1 . It wu a i.o decided to keep a ni. of publJclly for UI• church. rouowt.a1 ~. bu9ln ... meeUnr fttr.bmut.11 w era •"Id durtoc & IOClaJ hour. T11• Man:h meat- 1n1 wtll be bald a t the home of Mn. H&n)' Ber1h. Ooro11& del Mu. First Baptist Pot Luck At N ewport nnt Baptl.lt Church lh• mJd--.eli:: hour of prayer t• / h.Jd Wedna.<'la7 •t 7 p.m. The BIW. atud7 Will omtsr on the re-'"""'"••'-Tha monthly pot luck dlnner 1"111 tMo held Frid"Y at 1 p.m . C.OttM and t• WW h HrY.cL Bl'lnc 1able •ervica. Jl'or lntonnauon, call the. chalrman, Mn. W111Jam Hodtdon. I ON oc.Tl\·ml':~ tl'nJeTfoot icout; Ron St Cl11.ir, Hou.ei cava a report ot put anr:1 Jlni Chtn..-y. tlnit cla.M 11co ut. j I ''M e roo. lo11a tliat 'llca"""IJJ' .• " Newport Reach Th• procnm will IM an "808" (Bhan Olu 8urplU111 parly. Th• cila1rman, Ki. N a ncy Cal/I. ulul th&t au Wbo oaa. brins dean u..t I cl~ to b9 ahlpped ov•..-. tor u.a b7 th• ne«ly. An oN'erlnf wLJI I N tuen t o tt•lp aerr.,. tha u -,...... ,., ......... L.-------------------·· 17th & Cout Hwy. MID-WINTER SPECIAL E ffecti\•e 't.U March 15th Regu lar $I 0.00 PERMANENTS s7so llalr f~uttlnc lnduded. All \\'o rk Oua.r-ante..d. \\'I': S PIECIA.UZr: J.N ALL Tl'PI: ll&AUTY WO&& BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON BALBOA INN ABCADE-PHONE llAJUIOB 817 OPEN .FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Tll 9 P .M. Pa rki ng Tic kets Va udeted, All Santa Ana Perking Loh I PLAY ROOM T1tot •xtra family room -tM ,.,__ where the whol• IG"9 can pt togethef f., fvn and la ... 11., - wlll cost I"' tht.n you t'Nnli:. CCIII ..,.,..., lttmodell ng D1pa1h:M1ul tedcry fw "- Mii....,. mtd ....... KITCHENS • . ROOM ADDITIONS e PA nos HA.VI rr tNSTAUED + DO rr Youttsap COMPlm INSTALLATION By One Reliable Company 3-8231 llNAHCINO AYAILAll.a -.. ,,. . .._Pl_ • ton IAIT fOUIT)f nun -SANTA ANA ; i d ~ • • • II Ii • •, , ----------------- (}overnmenl Gxcepl ,, ,~. • PART I z ; MONDAY, FBltUAAY 20, i 956 "G'od. grant .. the -ity fo occopt fho fhinqs -connot chonqonho ~·•9• lo c~enge--ihe tllings wi can ond the -OOUR-'FH6USE BEAT ' ,.;..;om to knoW the di/lo...,.,.." (A. Anon.) • ., , ... OK. Ill)~ ~x, 'l • • --. Easter Vacation Time and ~ewport Beach Get Nearer ' We a.re' informed that ttlatJvely little will be dOOfl "'fD Newport Beach tllie year by the city council to con- trol ICuter boUday period activitiee of young vacation- Jlta. The coundl. recently revened by a Superior C!bvt ruling which found the city ordinance on bou. fitc ~on when ove~rowded conditions threaten~ lhcon.tituUonal, thbl 1pring apparenUy ia adopting a WaUt-and-itee attitude. Thi9 meana the land!orct. who lut year were pre- vented. from rentlnr, thf'ir premisee unleRs they obtained •pee.la! form., paid $10 ea.ch l!!nd agreed to reasonable hulpecUon, thil year may rent at will. The ci ty Last year wu tightly sunervised by the police force \\'hich uatid reeerveir. aa well as regulars, , However, the pol ice thbi year may llkve a. more difficult Lime if t he inland younJ:'.:stf'rs get t he word that no law pN>vents ovrr-r 1·n\~;du1~ in New port 8 f'a<'h. lARt Eutcr t in t(' the .vou ng-IJO<'!! ,;<'attertJ to l'a!m Springs, l...agi1n11. P..cach arlU tith~·r t1p1;1..s. lt'a\'tng r"n- 1iderably fewer 1n t hut Kr<·a tha:1 pr,.\'irius v1•;1n; hnJ eeen. l...a.Jit Ea11t£>r \\Ii•• k t11n" w <U; a n1U\'h n1ddt'r, bct tt•r -oontrolled per1o<l than m11.n y in yf'ars past The. mayor last \"t'ltr plum1lf'd (or a family· type Euter holiday 1n NPv.'r)()rt LW·at•h a l1mt' ·.11h('n par- e.nu a nd o ff11 pnr1g cnuld t·nJny the beauties of thu,1 area, r;et to know each o ther bt-·ttcr and have a goo<l time at the aeaa1de. \Vr tt11n k l h1s ti' 11. wnndC'r(ul thought, nnf" we wiah our inland parent11. &.nil t'h LIJr,.n ~·ould put uilo P ractice. The city h11 a d1ff1c11Jt probit'm try ing t o keep its two o r three -We@ k 1~r111d o f y o uthful inf iltratio n 11. happy time. f or v11uto r11. and ~e.iidenta ailke. Good chaperonage Ill o ne way t he yo ung vacatio n - iata c an be 11uperviHcd. I! you h ave inland frie n ds with • cbildreo o f an a ge t o come h ere, you might mention 11ucb & plan t o them. Everyone will be better off w hen p r ivate f amilies a.re reaporaible fo r their own children rather than juvenile o fficers and poUce p icking up t he ~ ·looee eoda ;,hen a prank ends up ln something w orse, Inflation Deflation ? - ' ; Grand Jury Report for 1955 Tile N..,.;p,_ today -•I.I the n:port ot the Or- ange County Grand Jbry. u It atfec:t. the Newport Harbor area. Tbe report wiD appear tn aeriallsed form u a pub1ic ..ervloe ln each Monday, Wedneeday uld Fri.day t.lue, that the people may bow the jury'• tindinp. The report follow•: 11.-.sol.tJTION' OP NZ OaAND tM. Acwrdlngly, we hereby ex- I Ul\l" Jl'O& TllZ CIOVJ'lft 0, J)NM OW' antlWd• to e&eh °"" O&.Uta.t J'ZAa 1111 tor th.U unalt1'1b umU.tance. · OW' report will eovtt th• ro1 - lGWtng department• In their re- spedlq order: District "°"'" .Jail .Attorney'• Office. .. ----·--. c -'-fto 11155 ~ J~ dlda' ~--mMt.'iD -.· . :i-9M'a!rir ~ciauo;r ~-ura"t'f'~- • for tuture atte for Onelopm~t ol county savemment balldlqo be &(quired ~ pi-ob&bly wu m<ont tor Sant.I Alla. 'J{oWnff, the alfte th. JUIW9 • t1dect.N wu oulllld• the ewnt.J Ctand Jurora hit 111• e~ Ja.ll ... t bOtden. Th.Ill lln't ltlpl, un· eood!llON. tht• yur'a J\ll"0!'9 der °"' law. The Jury aua:ute:I round nothing don• to tMJp aJ• buytnr aCN11ge near th• county levl•te p•ckcd county Jall ql.6&.rt• ~1tal. That would mttn In Or· •n. It'• thtt -UP4lf\ lfOr•" taU. -.n1• or county tel"T1t.ory. ICl.Uler The "hOflor tum" reeocrutKod-.• wouJd be out of bounW... Uon at th• ju1on clalm& pa.rtJ• The law at&te• Sher1N, county cul&I' merit. Thia would put J.h• cllTk, t.reuu~r. hall ot rocord1 heavy flow ot minor oU•~ IYIU3t be gNUP41!d ln t.M ~ty axpecLa.Jly drunkA, to work. It sea(. Brancbu may be 1Ll1.11.ted prot.bJy would help reh•bOlt&te ,.lie where. ot rou..-. the l'ecom-tome and they eouid pnxtuce U"0P9 mended •te• coul<I be s.nneaed t o for COUQty uae. Suit-. A.ii.a I.lid that'• whit lh' JJl':A\"F.:!\'J.l' AJD juron appat"t'nUy tla d In mind. The Jury m•de a bLll'. thtng of crowded condJtlolUI ~t tvery- where It looked. There'• nothlrt¥ n•w about thaL Our foundinl' falh,..-~ looked to CoJ for r,uld!lflNt when they pla.nt• el.I the root:& or 11111 n•llon. With hll bleulnj;: Amr:ric.a ha11 J>fl»PeT"'"' ... til• J91)6 Grand .JUt"J' nocwp~ me.nd.I lb.at U&e On.aa• Count7 SO.ra ot ~,. '111'• a ~ulJ­ , frlrd ~n to make a st udy s.nd a 1Nne7 fOf' tuture develop- ment ol lb4I Orlltl&e County Gov- ~rnnienl u • whole whereby Uie poM1blllly ot .ttturtnA' aull•bl<! a.c~al'• centrally k><:e.ted 1n I.ht l:ounty for co1nplete housing IU'ld parking fa.c lhU',1 tor all d'part- menl.Ji ot the County may be Sberitf'1 Otttee Fott.man Bro1nl"Y HlU'1 com• Throurh the year.1 &0"¥entmtn• con1table and Mar1hal n1Htee cha1rmanned by Nolon M. l•I Lead..e1-1 ln "l! lev!'ls hive tol· Probation Departn1ent Do• hit lh<! nall on the ht'1d lr.iwed thr !<'Jut "f the P1l(lima. J uvenile Detention H ome when ll U.Krted there , i. roon1 the Con~tl!>Jllon dr•ftf'ra, V.'uh- Dl1hir:t AttOrnl'y t or Improvement In Lhe count)' ing:to11, Jtfltr110n.11. L•ncoln. a nd The Dlstrlct Attorney's ottlce N aJrport man11gen1ent. "'' on, Re11!1~1ng thPy could •c· rr:al l~. IUl'r1• to b. 1'11n.nlng "'ry et!.1-ow, Who's a ""Free Rider''? .11 '\'Y.!\'l.l.f: HAI.I. ro111plish •1'•\hlng through t.hl'lr I "e f<'fll that thLI w!ll be 1. ('lent!y Rnd llJ!"gretwnvely, but they Th~ wrH"r wto~ tlckll'J to l'-"l' nwn hun11J!,. ~"''"•vrn·•. tht>y bav• ---"' n1oro 1oom. the )uror11 bnni,: oul th .. IJ,.plur-loi,ke-1 \u !hf' Aln1l&htv In pna,yt>r. \'f'ry ~·unomlca.J prOJot>l'l con11/JPr· ,..,.,.,. Ed, 1 c R d .1• • t ' i'rcui't t' er Able jll l'f'nlle ha.JI l'O ndltlun1 1HH1 /1111 "''nt f'r 111 rl'hJt·ta.nt ln rf'-1ng Ille r:n11rm.:.u11 growth !)f Or· 1 (.ourl• I or1a I ·r1 , 1 , '"''""t \lo+' .. .iuoinlillratlun t'Ot1 h.l p.1>1t 111 .. 1 111 m(ll'+' th•n • year ....t•1>1" County •• uu. w1U bf! • trr:• ia Ul•~llo.l o l 1e <:Ollr • I. r'p ol 1·•1 lh•I J .,,,1 be Ht1prnv"•l ~n·I ''11" hall "' , . .,v,.r1n1: Jnvern· r11t':1,lou11 11v1n1; over tiuy1ng r1ty t Vt' v 11 !" .... nnlr a " By • ·,"IT•·o Pl<L''-'"' I I II '--''" a:.. ~ \\'Ith pnrl.J1u, bV th~ (/0~111:•· n1,·nt~I ·" '"'' ''·' ,,f 1hta <'nunty, f'P•J..,rty ;;t """rb+t•nt value" Al· l'uurt prvcto< uc., l.• pr<;l\v "''t' I I ·• • I I ' lh ------------------------------•!County:-; .. .,..,. S•'!»l•t ""'' ul h"'"· P"· ibh •h•· '"'t"•t ~r .. w1nic pr:•· ,.,, 11 wlll "11ve \hOWliind! o! dol-"''""~" uy • .,.. exr "i' nr e I k ' ' Ir 'y tne boa.rJ ol ~uperv111or.'l 11.l1 t'l1<h 1 1 ... ritai.:" w1~,. on u1 .. l.11.nl.l, we"1·e Jr1r, in tran•pottauon. 11.r 0 r,.,...,,,, ani Illa · .,,. r -(A Sympo.,·um of Editoria· I Co-ment from I lhl t Ill' t f to.-.. .... h ... taken l<l"J"ll< to txrani JllY"n v .. t In h""' .,n,. ''f'"n<e'f! with • \\'<' r1 r111 lh .. \.,. . ., new b"ll<!<"R• ng aet"mll 0 •11 1• •c · / C f N · " " .iau al1 ornia ewspapere' lie h•ll f11f'•t1 1'"" 111•_1.,, An ·\ ·•fl 11 .. n,1 "' ra n t uuJ l'"rk1ng f11i'lhl1<'!" ire alr•..e!Y i And t h• JUI'•~ ._,.,..,1t•J in~Lil ''"'"l>ll ,,n .. ~t•o1 .. ,1 .,.,th • pll'dg• 1nuu .. 11u•t• A •Vll-.l•J .. r1l1un .,r ·ni111 d"pe.rtuJenl i.t '"" C'•)Ullly 'l'v.·o major lll..<iUes cam e UfJ :n Cor.gree.11 Jai;t week : I I go\'emn><!nl 11 U<Jlnl( ...., "''t'll •• uy to n1a!l<' 1•1.n11t• t "'11th (".,untv llf 1tll.-g1.1n • ~ '" lhf' fl•r 1 1 "tn.: 11/0 a.r.,• of illnd n•ll.r . 1.. h h Presu.J.:nt r:usenhower's cnd tirsenlent o f a. highway bill 1'rea•ur .. r 1r1i.r1·(')' A Gardner 11..f-l '<'th111'~ ~ ... 1111111•n• '" .rowd.ing-lh.-ll"tJ11t1tl !1 a i11ggt<,.t1un .• ~ow lO\J" ~ "'"P"'l'•I "''' le ruom I . . 1~ u:r tune t.;, ruruider lhl~ aa thf'y ~.ave. The Ja tl i.. •l,.io1 ~nit v•ilh pay-as-you-go f 1nanctng aod the paasa.ge of t.he natural ter ··.,,.vl'raJ'' \top• to h!• 01r1rl' <out uur b•~k 1·onr .. pl-~ .__, -1 1,,,, niany building• .,.., old an·•lohrrte1•1y and U1l' 1n•i•I" ,,, both gl:t8 bill UL the senate. California odit0 1"1!1 gave \'aried wu • h11 rd-h11t1n1o; paragrsph 1n .f'lrlh b1• "or free"l"m·ff:<'k ln i;'. " • · 1 ter.1 the 2:.-p11i;.. rc~1-.ft Jurors lru::L-to"°"!llthrr~ I hop" nr.t no:-.-•I '"l•h••1n.: '.c men• a.n, "'nn;rn~ quar OjllnJ0/18 ci11 both ·. ·••-• c., ... nrr aheiuld kl'ep tu1 Courtnou~l' ti.eat rf'8p«t!ully . •• "''ti! pa.lnled 11 n<I ""'"n'~ to bf' ... ~ " H.H.OMLEY \\', HILL kept ne11l. The k1tC'hen •lou.:I • The ~I01le1to lJ.ce · the debate. Und.•r a bond laarue almo•t otnc• po1!"'1 tin hlll.' whe~bout•. urge• lhNJe '"'UJ>lll contrnllLng nur fo"urenian gOOd LnMpe<'livn anti ""•e on llflll•-l.Hu110.,•1fll1t· s..,.r\y 11.:t .111ch will IM! u rTluc:h WQUJd go lo the \Vall Sffnu ludlt:tuUA U.at th• jut")' county tn g ive ruu ''Vnll.lder1 Uo11 LUCILLE PINKLEY factory a.nl.l 11i1.rutary t:<Jnd1uon, h•rd put 1n g<>ud Co1UClence to 8lrfft broken 11.nl.l 1nveatort1 u wouli3 have to mll.kt •u.c.h a .uc-t o II. forn11.l m"llor o pen1nc . li<OCretary however. one ~·ould not uv1·rlooll 1a~k t11e l•b<-l of Blg'Bui!nel!lll ex-would 10 into conrrete An(I the &etllon lo on• ot our electt4 de-l...el'• not try to lick th<!"• the need fvr n1ure ruo1or'I 111 ~at:h 'l•u1i.·ely on the GO!• when .a ma.ny n1otor\11...1 would h.a ve to ...... , !or partmmt bead.1. monuinentlll problem• ou.rte.lve .. llP:l'11KT Of' SPECIAi. f'O~-.-IM -f' N tlu ~111'TI':£ 11160 OKA .,'tJ F. pllrt of thl' j11.1I Q1 \I t rOngre1u11u1111J lell.Oen h•ve th• bond lnt•reat and redemption ln •pile c;t th!! tact t Y I 0 one •v•r · (.)01 ~TV OK.A..''O .ll"KV Crowd~ cvn•l1t1on. w .. re nrJ\ h"'d .111 ln1 1.-.. rt11nt r~•I" ln tryln1t to Uiroul'h tua." Oc~g,, County A lrpon only In th.e kllclie.n -1tore.ce put OY•'r the n1turaJ ("U le&U!a-l'Al ' AS \'0 11 00 locker• for tood-•tu!t•. 1uppl1t1, lion." Vallejo Ttme1-Herald : "P,..lt1ent U11<n..;·e County A irport con-etc.. -but 1nmate1 wtr" 11!eep-H R r 11 d J r EUtenhower hu <It.ployed .11.ound 11.n a 1e n ependent ourna Ill.IHI uf quite • comple~ facility tnr on the !loor11 in all tank•. •Bl jud,,.......ent In throwLn< ln wlUi Con· · p&rtla.ui •tratqi-y tor a n1w ,. .. , ·wnh "nty one 11eneduled ll11e w-Theae l&nka •. were tor only 3' 11 • 1 h gre.11 . !on •I p•y·U ·Y'"·f O l guwl y 1-"rog ram, ~· th t e con- NO COMMENT By IA'llES W. DOUTllAT !~ ll .. 1 preMnt, but qu1ta a men but there were o.e men l tnt of I.lie adnlinlatratton. ca!)li prol!:"ram o! hlghw•y t1evelop- &"ou<l numb<!r ot pnvate UHra. It locked Ul lht1 1pact. tor 'Pii Y·U ·W!"·I O' f!na.nctng . The n1ent. La•t year he fav<ire._1 the I•-WASHI ~GTO:-<' _ The Ji:IM'O -,V:P"Cla u 1,. yteld rrom lnd!vit1uil '' not anywhere .neu & _j,tlll·aup-\Y•Jlol'•re impreu.94 by th• !act det-.U:f tnclumt ll Slro mruion Ul: IH&nce of 1pec111 bot\<!11 to fln11nce ho~·t'r Adnnn111tr•tlon detlnllely Income ta.o;ira to jumi:-from $J3 . porting. Opt!ratlon but Jt 1• evt· that nothinr h-.d been don• to refund to fllrm,r• for guo!lne and hl• project, but " o.,rnO!'r•t 111"--Ii counling nn uninterrupted ~co-, ~.000.000 In the pra.ent tla..1tl •d~JtKI~ ;;;~1 t:: ~ut:•rr: =t::i, CQrrec:t tht. crowded cundlllon, oll conau1nf";I In non -hlgh~·•y Jnr1ty flatly refused to •C<'tfll the nornlc Jtruwth Of !lit n11t1on for I yl'a r to J J.: l.n I~~ 7. ••¥~ «Ye.D. though lut year'• QMU)d operation• while hlgh"'·ay u1eni bond prog-rain. Wlth th~ f1nanrla! a balancf:d bl.ld J <'t ind (Jlure l«ll while no 1ntr'-«M la torecut 111 ciran~e County, Jury pointed out UU. !a(t. Upon Wiil be paying more tax~ gua-angle11 out nt the way. It 1hould cuta I l.he r'tu.'Tlll. f,.Q1r;-CJDrpor&tlon in• We fef:J that there 11 room lnve.t11aUon aa to who !• re-llne.'' IJe pua.alble tor Congreu Lo 1 .. tUt This Is m11.dt! clear In the E l -come L&Xu and a all,-ht decreJUoe !nr a lot ot ~mprovement In Ui. ~hie, w• found lh•t the Kl:AJlT OP OEBATP: down &rid dre.Jt lhl' nff'led l•W,. f'tnh(lwer budget nl-•e iubniit-la predicted rrom o:el .. taxe• It ia parado xical lba.t Ame.-ica'11 booming econo my m an•rement aa to a eUvity and Boll.rd ol S upervieor1 •re lo pro· T he San Diego Union; "At the flnl.l bu1c pl11.n1 tn 1ret conatrue-tert to CongrNll. tn w~lch the Pre-It ~tlnuf!d ecoDOilnlc J ro"'lh facea ijle twin threats of i.n!lation and deflation. T he •«unng mure bu..alneaa at U.e vlde • •uit&bla fall. It must ba lljt•rt of the natural gaa b11l de· tion underw•y." •!dent forecuta a bal.~nced bud-w1ll produce hlC'ler lndl<rlduAI Alrporl, camp&r111c Ulla Airport remembef"lllli thAt th1a Ja.11 tiaa IM&te 11 a principle wtuch Baker1fleld CaUforn1an· '"T'h• );'t by , narrow ma.rifln !or thl• taxabl<! incom•, Uu!MI eon,,.rr••- ttonomy, to be sure, can't m ove in opposite d irecl iort.1 at with P'Ull<!rton and other .Ait-notd raw:a 1~1ta1_~ .. lb• popu 1 l&Uc>n . weigh• ln favor o! thi• ltai-laUon CommltlM tcw Economic l:'l<evelop-a nd the nt"Jrt. !ilea! year. Her•, men f~I it wt.II .-i pro.i:h.i«~ a the aame tbne. But economists point o ut the ()088.ibility parus around th• 1tea . A proinm a.n. enc:..., ....... equate or our d It th ti nient hu ma.de llll v:t•nd,.d 1tudy In akl'll'ton form, 11 I.he rovem-aubllal!Ual tncn.._ 1n th• tt•e-•huuld be planned whereby the um ... Theae condlUone can lead •p 11 • 11 c •r1te1 lllld counter-t.f the p robltm nt hlgh.,.·•y tlnAnr that either pricee may m o ve up ronsid,.ra.bly t his year, 1• •-··••-1 1 eharJel or pre .. ure polltlc• anl.l • 1nent'11 fln•ncl•I c.utlouk 11.1 pie-nue trom rorporaUon and vce11e ,. ln<'llrtlf! of thl' Airport could be u '"".......,• even r10 e c Ing ant1 It ten<h• to r-O nflrm , .... ,1 b.•• , .. , Eui,.nho,.·er. ,.,.,,..._ OT tba.t a temporary letdo wn in the cu rrent boom could J.y ~ aattl nu. coJllfUJttte ~o.t .ie.t I.JUI money lnn u.,nce. ,.~,,.dtral ~gula-the ht 1 f! "'' • ''' -.:- produ•-•• op~i"· effect. .:rei.l ll\"T t ·. "Pp<lrtUnl!y ""'11.• Wl' .. oul ,~oni-1 llon of product\i!bn tll1r.our•ge1the awUc ;u ni bQn, n11.ncln' tn Ht'<'elpta for th11 f111c1l y ear APPLAVP llt!: ....., -... t'"~ uc T he r .. •ti.urlUll 11 In adequate ... .-.. , "'-de I t t u ... t.llll"~ 1 l.!ll r"p<lrt polnt3 out it'ndln, June 301 are 1'!.allrriateJ Whll• oppla"'dlnr Mr. ••~~-mendlnf an "honor !arm " or a ve opnif'n ° n.,w re90urres--lh.t.l ••«hH th I n c I ~I .. • """-'" ~-ident Eisenhower took n ote of th1"s 01·1uat1"on In to tu .. care or the builn~ th.at ' t11.._...,1.lly whim t h e I ga bl " i-re 1 0 o mp e Y 111 164 .t.00.000.000 11nt1 exp,.ndl-howe1·, in1n11terice on a balanrl'd c '~ ranch. &.11 a place tor Uie r1ton-•·-~· l'T 11 8 m l' f11.Jr • 1d ~ flt 1..,nl w1y of h ! hil eoonornic report lo the Natio n. could be built up lhrnuc-h. lhe •rA tu be ual e<I and put lo Involved . There d~•n't see.in h! h ' ' f h 1 c 11.rr ng ture• Ill $64,300,000, • 1ur-plut1 of budgel, member. CJ( th1 economy N.,..., what can the individual d o l o best protec::t be a bl( •""-"""t t o the Airport u 1T"Q21 !or natur11l lt'IL3 produrnon roa, 1' t l' •llr«t benef!t.11 I.hey rr-P1;r t~e neitt !\11ral yr11r iend-to n'Com ~nd 1.n lnerea.e of J I ,· traffic In tn11t lln~1t whlrh would wQrk dotnr ao!::thing co~.struc-to llf'l "'anomic lnp c Jn prlef' con-g Swayh u11en1 nr t er u11.e nt th•• 15200 000 000. bloc re~et lh•t he h&ll &een t1l 11. whole. Uve or productive. ldl<! hand• and . , t e1VI! •r• tnore th-n 1ufflclent to '"< '""' 30, 19,71 ,-,Jp•-•>• ·-.ooo,OOO In '"''''' •-"di·•· "---•• · d "th ' Th I ml"do """ -ly •o•ll"o• lo g•I but not for 011 or coal produ<"'t lun. • I .. ,. ,.... ~ """ ..--· ,. UUU9Cl.I aglt .. UUlt ll tren e1 e r way , e sunp est an-lt i• our belle! th•l addttlona.1 " ..... , ..,., .. .. .. u1t1fy ch1trfr111A' thern. r Ather th•n 166 300 000 000 I In to trouble. Said•-. <ho J·all li ol)ywoOO Citlzen-N'""''I "The the gl'nerel l&A"""'''· loc •• , _1 uLlniatl'd It · · · · ell-They h1.d h.optd !or another 1la.!1h IWer la, aave vnur m one•r. Ye!!i , simple but true. And 11.n(I ehould be ioeor:ured now !or "" ,.... u• ...... dl t $6~9'00000000 • di t ... f rth J -J i:ould cona.um• what l h<y p--"""'· r on1 uml'r rfally tan't "'·orried o! high"'''' lmpiov,.nienJ.' .. pl'n turea a • • • • In l pen 11g -or ... e OU 11uc· •-' h M •-h h d futur e oexp11.n111 .. n. ,......,.,,_ I oo noo 000 d k I uicrr'ell W y : Oney put u.: t e ank OCl!l n ot go t o-One more thing lhl• ronimittee l•l>ou t the natural gaa bll l), Poli· The Sa.n F r•nc!.sco Newi: "'Jb e aurplu1 or 4 · . · , ce•lve ye•r -an a.re eeny ward bidding up price& on gooda which may become NOLON M. DOSS wouJd like to ~ommend be done. tlelllNI a re merely alter hJ11 vote Pre11ide:nt uked for thil road pro. SURPLVSES THIN dl•ppolnted by lb• propoaed relatively 8Carce. On the othe r hand, money saved now Chaln'J\lllll and that ii, th1 H ealth Depart-w1th an e!tort to make the poHU· gni.r,1 Jut yea.r. But lh• bi,r truck The1e 11.1rph.1.1e. an da.ngennu-boolL HER.BERT L. JOHNSON ment be aulhorl&ed lu tn11,ke per· cl&n.1 t1ppea.r u great ftlend1 ot lobby kHled It becau8fl they didn't ly U.!n under a.ny clrcum1tan0tl heed with hl~r ddenN Co.Ila ,l'ill be a vaJlable for more favo rable pu.rchaaea abould WAYNE RJtAFSNYDER Jodie ln•pection• ot Ole J•ll kltch-the consun1er, Ir 1 free market want to pay a fair 11.hare ot the and particularly "° In llll elecUon and 0011Unu14 fo,.tp &Id. th•Y there be a price decline. P.A Y BEEM en, etc., Juit u It doe• wtlh pul)... will reautt In the lncreUl"'d pro-ca.L Now u.e Houie le•der11 h•ve year when p"-Mure.s mount for expected Mr. E1fffthower lo d•fer · MRS. E DITH R. BALES Uc c&!et In I.he city "'' •ou•ly. cluct lon of natural ga11. the con-fixed up a new blll whr-• will I•< lncnaaed spendln(". Since the Ad· or ~ect new or lnc:t'SllLMd .octal Thio lm't & recommendation to hold off normal or • •• ~· 1 ttted t 11 •-••-h 1 h FRl'I-z GOOSSENS The oftlct>rl were very cour-1umer want. lhllt flr1t.'" thl' big ln.lck• otf euy and k n1inl11traUon • comm 0 we •re propoea-..,,,,.. 'Y needed ..... -i.. .. -; these 11hould go on aa usual. But a t d bll Sacra.m<!nto B~· " be the motor1•1...1 r1gh< 1, •• , r"· ,.~, mAklng at leut • "'mod<ellt" n-C()nstder 1tat111 -not federal -.,..,.___.... RCPORT OF' 00 .. -.., ........... NO. l!QWI an 0 glng wlth our tour · · · • II.II -..,, -n 11 __ n, d bt be I N odl <o •• rreater effort toward saving m o ney now can help retard _,... • • ., • .,. through the Jail. tween rlnllllclng the (toada) pro-Thl• happen• beca u~e the truck'~ ductlon In the na .,,...., '-" -runct ons. • e tM aa.y, ... ,ey 1 {)"" TtU: 1156 ORA:-001!: S hPrltr1 Office lfl'lll11 with bond• or on a pay u have 11. rough. and bot..teroua lobby tore conalderlng t(l.J!. relief, tax are 11eek!n1 all 111• •upport. they ibflatlcmary tendenc ies while strengthening one'11 finan-C'Ol':iTV (lRAND I U R\' Thta orrice. aa far 31 room la you go b&JJfa ther e •hould be no in WaahlnjJ"lon." eut.11 ov e r the ne•t eigllt~n e11.n enlL•t tor their economy ef- c:1al ahiUty to cope with whatever trend m ight eventually Thia commltlt<e con.ated of •lx concerned, tan't a.ny different ---------------------------month11 will be po11.1lble only I I ) forts. denlop_ • However, t1l.le tu the lmport-.nce tha.n lbe J&JJ_ There Llrl'l a. 11ngle l! 1 "'1"'1'2'1"1, h•lpphro• P'.:~U~<Vl!'n= h•~, "•~mO:O~~tn.uuryplal-tl'la~ulmh•• ot I.he dep11.rtmenta t.o be covered room where of!lcen can lnterr<>-A F F A I R s ru · or g r ....,. P r Y " ------------------------------·l&11d the tnlere~t ot tN! other gate a prt.oner. Offlcere &re OF STATE re•ult f ro m ~eater econ.omit Elitenhowe.r Admtnl.tr&Uon U. not Farmer McCabe Writes ... J reckon nearly every Breadwinne.-bean a.long list ol "'want.'• from bill wife and kids. Well, my wo man an you.n,cun ain't no different in that respect. The yt'Oman want.I a new coat and some new furniture, while the y ouncun want.e a new Station Wagon. Me ••• well, I want • full grown. Green Back Tree growing right out in the back yard ao aa I kin bu)> the things my family wan ta. - ' Farmer McCabe. l'orm.erly lbli Newpott-B&JbM. Nt"llr9-T!mu a.ad th• N..wport-Balboa P1-a AD; .. • hoood-c1tluiiil Matter &t the Postot'11C41 In Newport Beach, CMt!oruia unMr I.he A.ct ot M&t'\lh 3, 1871. Grand J uror• In lhe&e matter .. llharlnJ otfice1 which do not ctve growth. 11.r•in•t tu: reduction. H1 re11.1 - Lhere were 11.lmolll a.lw•ya l2 or the pr1n.ey th'y etiould have. B D"Wl'"UDY C Con!lldere.ble opinion .t.Ul pre-lsu that bualne• U1 iruttennr M Y .........i-• MacABTRtJR vaJJe• on Capitol Hiii that great-from onerou• taie1 and that the men1ber1 n~ the GraHd J ury. ort1 room mu1t be provided. ti I h I er r:C1;1nomlc r rowth Is Jt"Olng to pro~1Yt Income tax I• a check more ac ng o e p our con1n1!t· (Continued FM. H ) 1 u b k • I SACRAMEM'TV\ !Cr>.'SI _The lf produce· more laxe11 1ndeth11 t, A!-on nef'n ve. • ra e upon 1111" - •• •"' eJCpenditurei. •re held to U.. "t"ir the April 1~ ta11: return• art! n l!Q and a detel'T'mt to f'l'M 1'11:. -propoaed budgl't t or the 1956-:i7 11.mounta budgeted, With no lllJb- '' ·---• Y""'· whJ-• h.,· •--" •ob-t I I • ln, the Adminilll.r&tlon will find lerpri11,. S 'd } ' h ........, ~ ...,, "'-'T" 11 11.nt 11. epect1.I llf'llirlon •ppropriA· 1 1 d I e g t it ""•Ible to r«ommend both a lndutlr 11.l et eni oon~d tha.t J milted In part Lo the ll!l.~mbly tlon1, tt w111 bf! poe11tb\e to ba.1-... -Sacramento way• and me&11s com mlttf"e and «nee the budget In the tollowln< pay1nent on U.e national debt a.nd. t•x N!duc\lnn I• t"utl'IU•.1 to turn· ' rtduced \A.lie.. llh the capita! needed to provh1• 1----------------'--------------lthe een•te !1nanc. committee for y~11.r ~ 19~7-:iS) by U.e uae or re-1tudy before the 19:i.6 budget llf'll-1'f"rveA ""d wi lhnut new taxee. Thetie member-1 or Col\gre.u 20.000,000 new jobs tor the n&· SACRAMENTO tCNS) ~ At- tom'y Gen e ral Edmund G. Br.'.JWn, through hi• deputy, John E. F ourt, h1140 handed down a llOtnl!What p.ec11Uar opinion In the matter or IH!Crecy of r ovemn1enL The q ue,..Uon, lrom Secretary of State FT"&nk M.. Jordan, 11 whether or not he la required to diacloae lo the public contt.nU, ot the 0111!11!1 depolit*1 with him, Which cont&tn the prlv&t.e wrlt- lnp of former Oo•eTDOr Eu-I w ...... leAv!ng office." MOl!t notable ex- ample.a. he 1111y1, h11ve been 11et by preiildentll or the United State.1, how many prellde.nLI col· lected IU'ld reTl'loved Whllfl Houae flle11 arter their tennt1 or office. The paper1 of Prealdent Waati- Lngton were purtha..ed from hi.a helr11 tor St ~.000 and the paper• of M.sdl..9on were ~t t or fM.- 000. Other President., Hk• RO(»e- velt,. Bouver lllld Trwnan, Mt up Ubrarle. tor their papen. nnlnt out that the Admlnl1tr.1tlon tlon'• lncreaslnc population. Eon o! the Jeglalature open11 Thl1' Msumes 11.v1ll11.btllty o! pro-,..- Man:h ~. 111 the •«'ond In tht: Cf'edll from the propoeed bond !Jl- tu11tory ot the 1talf' which will 11ue for capll11.l out111.y In lieu ot exoeed • billion and • h11 lf dollllr11. general fund appr<.;prtationA, 11.nd In the an11.ly1111. Of lhl'I budget continua.lion of the preaent hlg'h bill, luued by A la..n Poat, lei:111· level of econon1Lc 1.cUvlty and JaUve •l.idltor, the 1tatement ill 3latc revenue. made that: Poat Ny.11 thue budgetary ae- "lt I• our belier that the un-1111mpUone gh·e emphul1 to the derl)'ing p"°"pect.I tor the nation-delllrabillty of re1tr1eUnc-ex:pen- al •nd •ta.le e<:onomy are eutti-dlture progi;ama to tho-e amount.II. clenUy well denned, a.nd the tore-required "to meet U.e Jl'OWlb or cuta llO ("ellera.Jly agrttd to at work-load requiremenl...I of ntab- the pr-eeent lime, that workable llshed program1.'' llO extraord.1- revenue esUmat11.11 can be provld-nary growth ractor1 wh.lch must ed In the a baence or complt!te be met ln 11.1cceedlng bud,eta can di.la. '"be financed without 11Ub1l..lnU1l BA.LANCE.D rosmoN tax tncre1.Se1 ot dllullOfl ot the '7he st.ate I• now In the poll'I-level of 11ervlcu in thOM pro- Uon where curf'l!nt revenuu and grame which 1.re ot p11.r1mount expenditure. at• appmx!mately Importance to cttlz.en1 of the ln bl.la.nee and a carry-over rur-11t•te " Grass Roots Opinion The opinion ~ the conclllll6ona th• •ltomey Jenera! rea.ehel by Illa.Un(" tb.&l '"lhe 11ee- ret.ry -f alate la aut.bor1Eed lo rec:~ve ~or pr-rn.uon the pr1- Yale papen ot form• Governor W&rrl'n aJld ma7 ntuM dl1teloe· ure ot 1uch Item. to tbe public.'' .~~:;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;11.;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;:-r;;o-;;o;-;;~~~1 NOLJJQAL&A.818 • 'S. I ....,-._..,., Wed? :l&.T _. l"ridal" "7 lM JISWl'OaT BAllBO• l'UBLIBBINO OOMF..U.Y The ptCUU&r part of Ute opln- The opinion Joel on t.o •7 thAt the priVll.te wr1tbJ1"• In que11- Uon are not public ~ be- e&UM tb•7 happn1 to bti in th• cuatody of th• 1ecr11tary of 1tate. He &. In the -.me pc.ltlon u an7 oU..er tru.tee or cu•todla.n ot pr1..-ate p&pe.ra, and may re- tua ~Uc 4a.cJoeuni ot u.e tu-. •7 Brown &Ad l'ourt. W'llATB A UTllORITYf B CJ!Wft'W, t.hey do not manUoa uads wb&t aut.borlt7 the aeic:r.- 1.arJ' 0( Ital.I' 1-&elin(" el the r to ,...,.. .. the tllM ID lb• ftnl pJa.ce, or to keep them aecrat one• h• hN them. Prob&bl7 lbS. S. orntl· led ........ thw'9 .. 10 &UthontJ', · But at J.eut. tM opinkln ("IYea U.. ...:retar)' of .tat. aa "out" tn the ..-t .am• prt"t1lepd cl*raeter m.titit want to k>ok at th• ptipef'9 bdal"tl Ute ten r-r -.eiJ 11 to ba tom oft Ute record& plus of •round $100 n1illlon ~hou\'1 Th• legialatl~ auditor dl"rl1re1 be •vall&ble for the corolng burl· tl11ot th,. m .. i;:-niturt .. of the future 1et y-r." / progr11ma ll conta.lned In lh" but!· NORTH KANSAS CITY. MO .• PRESS-DISPATCH o "Benjamin Franltlin's wu the only name signed to all four buic document.a of our beginning•: The Dec:Ja- ration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with FTance, the Treaty of Peace w ith England. and the Constitution . Many of the principles ha prom~gated have a particular significance f or us today. He atood for local aa against fed.en.I action : he urged that fed- era.I taxes to be k ept d own through thrift and economy. With all his full time activities in acience and induatry he eti.ll fo und time, when uked to engage ln p ublic se.-vlce (or the good of all his country. He WIUI truly a great American." au ............ N SWPO&Y llEACR, CA.LU'. ....._ Biider lhl Ion U. tt:11 faot lh&t It cite. no bU&• ot l•w. &uthoriutlon by lbe •tale lel"lail.lun, or other ot · n elal mllnd•t• of th• people of lb• 1tat11 of C&l.lt onu... for place- ment of a ten·yMr ....U ot "°' ncJ 01'ft" th-pm.pen. wb.leb cert.ab>ly ..,..,.e p-..td tor by th• ~en of th• ~ and which are now meaeed Ja tnoth-balJa &t M Onl U.p&l'M t.o & klnif-Mll• rerinr pub:.Jc. • B&N REDDICK. PUBUBBER. WlU:JAM: A.. )(08Jl'i8, Editor OIUIOND &. ROUNTR.a., Ad't'l:rtltdns Dlrector CRA•tw Ji.. ,&JU18TRONO. J.lecba.nloal Suptrtnlend.nt ~Ha.ATES: N_,... ......, N...-""-. Tri-Wedi)' • On.lip 0.-'7, M .lt per r,.r: SS.GO ..ix -.; IL~ ~ _,._ ~ ot ~p 00aai7 11.eo per Teel RaU.er, U'9 &ttom•J-Jfll~ra.I bucw hla opinion on 'lr•diti<J!!. .. ud roe• to l(T'Mt lenc-trui to AAnW" how "by lntdll\on, rubllc otflciall ha ve l•ken their "u:l n· otnctaJ· pa~, with th-= upoa ' .. uni-compel.Uni" reuona ol publl• policy appear, UN .8eer.- tary of SIAlt• should wlU.hold U.Me tlla trom public .cn.JUn)' ror th• period at Um• •pee'C-." a¥• tbe oplnioL Po8t l.letteri~ condition• iur-get• ~,r 111<" 1tate C'oll efl'""· the roundlnJ lh• JW-~7 budgl't u (;nlvt"r~ity of C.'&J1fnrnl11 . and b)' followi: eAt ln1.1.t!'d !<ppo1·t1on1nenl1. to 1. A pT'OpOl!ed expendlturt pro-.11Chiml lli~t rict,., l"f"&m which will excet"d proirpec- tlve reTenuee by u much u JIX> million. 2. C&ptW ouU.y U. budgett<I t<w about PO million. e.11d It th.ls i. qpt"OTed,. th~ 1rlll be no alg- nlnc&nt ~ aurplta tor th• rollowtnl" year, 3. Tht.l'il •r• n!!t1erve1 1vallabl1 for b&l&nclnc-. If needd. "ueh .,. the J1:') million rainy t1Ry tunll and $18 mllllon In the Jl<'hooL bond retirement tund. ARGl'~l.ENT A.l'l'A.Rf.:NT 1"h•t l'Om e argume.nl wl1l be 1pparenl ln con1LdtreUoo o r th' budi;'.el 11 apparent from P oat'• 1l..ltement that new or "•ptt.n<led Hrvil:fl ln th• 1 9~--57 bud1tiet will not be recommflKied by hll o<flc<'. Th• admlnl•tr•tion coo· tf'n•1" lhAt r~rta!n upanl.lf'<I ~r · VII'"• an nece-ry wtlhout de- lay. Nu th a. •dd1t lona.l fund• for etate colll'gc•, the t.:nlver11ty of t:Rllfl)l"fll.&, mental hyfl.me.. ...00 oUI~ PERRIS. CAL.ff.. PROGRESSo "If Con~ w o uld give m ore a ttention t o the recommen daUona of that H oover Commission fo r reducing we.at.e which would low e r the budget b y billions a.nnually we could probably have substantial c uts in debt a.long with .ome euing of the tax burden." m cRLAND, n.L., NEWS LEADER: "F.conomic freedom is the f reedom to ri&k everything on an idea and ge l into the thic k of competition, in the ho pe of building a profitable enterprise, By cont.rut.., M>cla.IJcD diacouragea riakta..king, aloJ>8 competition. &nd protJ1I hardly anyone." • I • I ! ' I l •• l .. • PART _.TWO, PAGE ONE ~RT HARB_OR NEWS-PRESS • MO_NDAY, FEBRU~'\RY 20, 1~56 TROOPS, MAN BROOMS -Scouts of Troop 10 join with membeni of Newport Harbor J unior Chailllber of Commerce in gathering together trucks, brooms and manpower for the tra~h <'flll{'ct1on drivf' planned f or Ciean·up Week, Feb. :!0-27.-Slaff I hotu.,; by Leonard Sargeant ' r '-• I USE IT -Moat important measure to prevent motorists from tossing trash ont.o bigbways i.e to provide & p!a.ce f.or hlm lo die~e of rubbiRh in one of places be !It.ops moat often -the service station. Union Oil dealer Bill Elliott, proprietor ot atation al 30th St. and Newport Blvd., makes s ure his wife. Martha, uses trash can al his elation !or disposal of rubbish acc umula ted in their car. DEPOSJTORY -No mlstaking the path where these footprints on the sidewalk lead to -one ot Newport Beach's modern trash receptliclc."l'I. Fitting their fC'Ct into the prinls are Mn. Don Hayton, 600 Poinsettia Ave., rirat vice·presidcnt of Junior Ebell, and her children Susan, 9, and Sally, 61·-.:· Vin cent's Harbor . Drugs la in background. • MOTORISTS WARNED -Bill Covert, Newport Beach street superinl<'ndf'nt. cha.ins truh can to new aigns warning motorists it is unlawful to l088 trash around on street or beach a. Mrs. Jamee (Betty) Reynolds, chairman of "Build a Better Community" Committee, coordinated by Junior Ebcli Cl ub, aa.siste. The waniliili:: aigna are being pla.ced IL.t all city entrances and on beach parking lot.t;. LOTS AND LOTS TO CLEAN -Brooms. rakes, shovels are all tools in Newport's Clean·up Week drive a.a these Junior Ebel! membera can well attest. Oean· ing up & lot acrou from city hall are 11 to r) Mila. Robert Wallace, Mrs. Kenneth Hiirtman and Mrs. William Sexton. PASSING LlrER.ATURE -Thouaa..nd8 of copies of a lea.fit>t. "Know Your Litter Law.," a •ummary of city's sanitation and health laws, were mimeographed and are being distributed by Junior Ebell during Clean-up Week, Feb. 20 -27. Receiving one of the handbW. from Junior Ebell mem.berw lira. Gene Vreeland (left) and Mn. R. L. Frailey is Ralph G. Wataiue, 379 Ooota Meea Sl, r<tin!d policeman. Ll'ITDl BAGS llANUF~Cl'UBED RF.RE -Scouta of Troop JO of Netrport Beach gather at dimplay tab~ in Richard·• Lido Market to make litkr bap, uatnc coat l!angorw for hoolc po_,, of t.g. .Troop 'f1llwo- t..... (I to r) ..... )(lkt Tandy,. met Bawa.rd, Bin Burnett, Mike Bradbury, .Allen Molho and Bill Angell • • ... • ' .. ' ' . • ·-'' ···v-... • PA6E 2 • PAllT 11 -~RT HARBOR NEWs.nESS 'MONDAY, FEIRUARY 20, 1956 Today's~-Y. Stock Rel?ort Dow...i-Ave....-• Jndiatrl&la ··-4711.111 down t .•4 :i:o Rall• ...........• 168.43 down .40 111 UUl!tlM ................ 114.i3 up .O! I p.in. VoJwae., 1,440,000 Amer1e&n Talaphone ·····----ll3'Ji AnacOllda ································-731"' Clilrye.lu ---·--·-·······-···-Ta I.ii DuPont ··········--····················-··--224 - Ll•AL NOTICE J:;st ·t :.'S PH.OCJ.AMATION Mayor Dora H UI ~s~ucn proclamaliun declaring Feb. 20 • Z7 Clean Up \\'l"l"k 111 :'\'1·\vport H arbor as Mrs, ~man W . Fiaher , 1•r•·,..1d .. n1 u! Junior f<:b..:11, holds Newport Beach :)()th An l1J\"c:.rsar v t'mblem. The "Clean Up the Harbor A r1•a" dr1\ ,. 1s Junior El:x·ll 's anniver1ary year project. ~l:1 f1 J)!h•lO "· I ~, '" ''" She-I ~ .!IUrV!Vl"\I by hPr p11r~nt~ vcllflnL c. K O ·-···· ···-?.I r. &fl 'l ~115 c.;.,.,ri.;<" H.ut.-rt Tll\· l'rur.,,.,,i..nal J 1.', "t II• ••rt \ 11 11.J a .. nerLI Motor• ····· ·-·····-'-•~ Local Men Nabbed lur or th<" h<,me &Ll.Jr,..<;i;. a 81_,.t~r liu1l lLng 1.:nrp··1 •' "'' 1ar .. 1 ...:~::-·- North Amet'lcan AV!atlon ...... 82 Mra Karulyn llli}"e. at S•cnunen· :-<!:TH \\". KULi. kn""'" to 1ue NY Cwitral ..,,. S~l• Ana poHre arrtal<'d !"ew-bo ,. h • · . ·········-···· · ti• lllld a Lro ther, Charle. A. I lo .... e pe1 "'''111 " oiMO name. COAST INSURANCE AGENCY May Co ......... -·-------·-····-41 ~ pon.ers Ro~rt c.; ~f&rUn, 2!'>. of . &re •ubicrlbt'd 1 .. thr ..,·1th1n ltl· ~f<'lnterey Oil 33"° MOO \\' ('rout JUo:hw&\' apart-Knlh<". or !'ianta ~lontca. Service• · · I 1.!I b~ h<'lol \\'<"dn<"~&y et 12 30 1trun1 .. nt, and •• 11nu.,.. l•'<!l(ed t o \\'h"n ''"" ,.,,. '"' k '""U '11 11 " A~t-nrv &l 2620 N""f"1 tt l:llvd ' Safe"""•Y Store5 :'>3 ment 6. an<1 hi• •ll••i.:e•l ru rom-" in In the \\'..e Kirk o' th" me that they f:>.<'• utt •.I tte ..._m., J"J1 11:ro.,1 :'>:!16 Thli. Ina.it k 11u"'''l !'iln1.J11.lr Oil ... ~'it phct , Jerry Ll<"•n Oh\"t'. 2(1 otlP lo wit.lit .. ""herevf ha"" .1 ... 1 .. r. "h•·n ' 'I II•'"" l"t.:111 11>! -. ,. lit F.'•I O> !30' <Olh S< >-Id p lfeather. 1'<1rdt Lawn ~temor1al ' tt1:ou 1,111<.•· in 11.ll !l.>1 lntn1:11te ~-'a · ""IDn "" • · ., ay o n •u" ,. t t llo here-unto 1et my h&.nd a.nJ ~f!ir;ed 1·1rr 1·nu r oll " 1 ..... ,,.r, a.nol ... r •·n i·h•·"• '"'' <Ompl•• f"-• H• Standa rd OU ot Calif.···-·· .... 90 clon of burgt1'ry Th~y "'"r'l l'•rk, wHh lntemient 0 0 w. 111 1 1 1 11 d d , ' " ~ v"" II ~'rltn(t!I nlll)' ·1111 at Ba.Ila Mor· m y o c • -1" II )' •n ye r .l•>U n""d 101•1•111<••' ("All c ... 1~1 will be n rore thlUI w!lling tu 10 1Su Pacific .......... Ml,t ca ught on th" preml11e11 whe at-, ' • In th.Ii Ctrtlllca te first aOO\'e Jri.~uritn<· .. /\i.:••n<'i· (/n•·i· Yl•U 0 ,.,.r your present coverage a nd l l 'niun Oil o f Calif...... 68 ltmptllll:" t" rnb the ~ant~, A?• ~~;~~~ Co.u. ).lu&, ~at .,,.rltten I h 1) ~ Slttl . 6:'l'Mo 01rment Co 11.t 4 1~ F .. 3,,,, St /&Al.'JLI.JAM STUART FOOTE 1111.ve 1011•1 1i. 1! 1 ro· i.r ,.. •I• ··nt 11" .. inrn• rul a uy c hani.;··~ t a l 11re -------------,.. -~nss Zf.'TTA 1\088 My Comm!Mlan Explre1 1t I!! 11.u 1111•• 1,, t.:" •••ll :.n.J !"'} 11•'••·.<·'-'"Y fr.,ni the 1tanJpo1n t of Ml!ltl Zetta Jl.ou. 97, ~18 Dla· July e , liM ln11ur-.ia·e l o! , ,,1t'r tile I<>~.~ .-.:uw . fully proli:-cling wtut.t you llll.Vtl I H. W • VOGEL CO. mond Ave .. died Feb. 18 It a No, MS Ntw•Prf:&ll l»·fore yuu h&1··· !1"1)111,ole l.~ \hr lworke<l ha.rd to QWJl. It 11 po•· r@•t home Jn Oran1e after a llnl· 1/13, 20, 2T, J ;O, 19:)& bl T o pPOtect y=r pro...,rty &lid llllk or 1tMI rrom which to bul\d erln" 1llneS.111. She w&.1 born In 1 :rne tu l•I( k '< Jo:OU.1 l'<'h& e "Ible the ln1urance you now ca rry r-.. ·-------------• h --• t f l your tenc1. The material and Jlllnol1 1:1.11d h11.d lived lo thl• city '"'ent. rl'p1t·.tr•·nt1ni.:-1:1. "ell roun\l· is inadequate to C<Jver the rl1ln( promote t e -..e 7 o your OY· ....... ,"---"Ip I• ot ••o hJr•--• " t tn eat In .. ~ ........._.. ...., •-tor tl\'e year11. She Lt 11.1rvl\'td by ••I con1pa.ny to s..•t up your ln· \"elu1ttlon of your proper ty. Check ed onu Wh,-no 1' a qu.Uty. Th• prlce• &1"1 ~-a nephew. Ju<1g:e o . A. J oou of ~1 1rancc need• this by a call to Harbor 0216. good fenc•. At H. W. Voir.t Co., able, you can pt low mon~Jy Balboa Uland. Th•' tl"ent we rf:comn1end ror l.n thlM bu.1!nYs review we re<:· 2330 So. Xtln St.,' Sa.nta AM., rRA no&nclnr Willi low monthly Funeral 1101rvtcea wtll tMi coll· Any !Ind 8![ yuur neeJs 1~ Uob on1mend h!n1 to one and all tor you can find 1very tYP9 of tence paynanta. DolD.ir tiu.lll .. with ducted tom vrrow at 11 •. m . at Turn~r "' Jn:"lu rance any l!U\l.raoce problem. -Ad\'. material that i. on tht mark•t th1& flnn la a plM.IUre, for you S.IU ~lo rtuary, Corona del Mar BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA CHA.PEL 1141 Superlor Avenue Co1ta Me.1&, Callt. Phone Llbe.rty S-2121 CHAPEL BY TH!: BEA S020 E . Cout Blvd. Corona del Mu, Calif. Phone Harbor 4.2 lUld they wtll de.&an and COD· 1truct a lmc1 tha.l will b9 rru.l.t· able to your home and property. One call to KI li-M:JT W1U brLnJ a repru.ent.aUv1 to )'OUl' home vr oftlc• to aive you a free uum a te on the tence of your choice. You can talte your pick of redwoot'I, concret• block, c.h.aln know when lhe job I.a complete that the fenc• they make la l'ood toe-many 1e&T• ot depandable e1r- Vlce. BUlin&M nnn. and lndJvtdu· al oompanlea wUI do well to '" them concunlnr l\Mded con.truc- UOo. Th-are Ute reaaon.t we recommend them to you ln our Bwrtn .. Revtew. -Adv. NINA'S-The Uttle Flower Shop r&nf9roentl. CONlult them COT\• cemtnir your IJl)9Cial probl•m• and Ul•Y wlll ma.k1 all arn.n~menu for thla happy 1venl cha~I. with the Rev. J ohn Parke uf St. J11.111ee l!:plaoopal church otnciatlng. Jnterl\1ent w ill b9 ln \V e.1tn1lnster-Men1or1al Park. AKTtfl "R R. Ot:"CK A rthur R . Duck, 79. of 11H11 Newport Ave. Coeta Mt-. dte<I Feb 16 a t tu1 home after a brlef 1Jlneu Ji• .,. ... ., born In <.:onne< 11- cut an<t had h••tt! 1n thl11 atA\t AlnC'e 1"07, ln th111 C'OmmunHy tour year" Jle 111 111urv1ved b)' hi• wlff:. F'f11nC'f:s Cil1.rke Durk of lhe ht'unf' &rvic,...'I were hPl1l ~11turrllly Ill ! I 11. 111 in BalU ~l nrtu11ry. l:0111t11 Me1111. Ch11.pel. "''llh the He'" Chari"'• H11.nd oftl('l 11.t1n1r; lnt,.r- rnent waa Jn \\le11t1n11111t<:r !-.le111ur· \al r 11rk. Too Late to Be Claulfiecl ~ 1.1.P. EVINRL;OE for 1ale - •108 River-, Newport. tlar lt.OeM 7lc711 48-A-Apta. for Rent CORON.At DEL MAR, •Ingle. t um. apt. l'l1I pol. $!1!'1 yearly. A pply :'l•l'l J1.•n1lne 7Jp7:'l L'N J.'t"i~t'l.F.X.2 l>Jnn. full bath. gar, Ye1tr1 leue. 126-t6Lh St., :"'ey,·port u .-ach. il<.·711 llAJ.Ji(JA l•f.;N l!'l~ULA P OINT- N,.111r "''•"llll, l !1<\r r!l f urn apt . . ~·•·>1rl.v $711 lnr l ulllltlell llnrbor 22:.!G-J . T3c7~ --..--;"" -----.. --- l>EUYIRY GUARANl'-P DE.ADLINES tor plad..n,a' er euoe111q-&41 an: JoW Monday PliblJcadon -~ I p.m. For Wednolh.y PubUcaUo.na -TU9daJ' 1 p.a. For Friday Pub~UOa -•nua~ l p~ loi"EWPOBT HA&BO& PUllLl&lllNO 00.. !111 n...tbM Blvd.. Newport ......_ OlllUerdL M!!ets ev.,ry Thuraday II pm. VI.a O purto -Centra1 4V•. !\'"""'port Bea ch Albt'rt IL Matt.newa, Exalted Rul~r &--Yunt·ral l)ln:<:ton MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 78-01 Bolla -Jwrt South ol WMt· mlnater Memorial Park.. An On1.11ce County lNIUtutlon Bervtnr t~IM ot all taltla Teltphoae {Toll rr..1 ZJ:nith aJ.51 N o or:MI evt r turned away tM.cau.e or la ck ot tund.I. 12--Rulldlng Sorvloee COMPLETE PAINTING & Papl'r Hanging ~rvice EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS :')(Kl ll•t Street. Newport Beach Harbor 21176 lie Painting, Decorating Paper Ha.npng PAINTING lJ\'TEJUOR -l:XTl:IUOK Al.SO ~fARJNE PAU\'TINO Ll(.'ENS l!:li -L"'1SURED Glonn Johnston 001 • 3l1t St Nl':wport BeaC'l'I llou bor 3176 '9trc Floor Covering Wall Tile 10 ye&n 1xpoertenee U ctnaed Contract•,r, SatlafactLon GuanuitMd. Ll 8-:17~2 62p7~ CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO 8M:ALL R. O. A.n<!eraon 101 4 I:.. Balboa oz.,d., Balboa Harbor 24.00 83tfc PAINTING PAPERHANGIN G Sympson & Nollar Beet Experienced \.\'orkmen Ha.r. n<M or ~17 " GEO . BURKHARDT General Contr4ctor U <.."'ltNSltD l.'W"ITRA<.."TOR UCEN8£D 878 W 18th St., Coeta J.ttaa ·Liberty 8-8628 New Work -Remodeling Painting & Papertla.cgi.ng We do the work ourselvea. 30 yr-•r• ,..xpenuietr 1-rcense<I .ti Insured. 8&U11fa~\1vn i;u11.ranteed . E:&Umatea tree. C&ll JoGrulle. LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 8itlc J. MJLTON McKENZlE Harbor 6399-W 58tfc CA RPENTER Repair Work Ooee Yow-H ome I'l'Md Rlpal.rtJl.ir or JlarnoMl'"I' T Ca1.I Frank. Ubvt7 ....u SOUTH GORST It you are wonderin.c wh .. t sult- abl• 11n to amd tor Ul&t &NU· verary, b irthday or other .pecW a••nl, the &n¥W"tr I• flowan -ot C<JUrM. Flowetll spea.k a IU~ th•t everyone und•nrtandl. A.ll Worll O\JuutMcl 7f.Ue Jn Ume or 80rraw you 111111 re-LEGAL NOTICE 1------------•The Newa-Preu publilhta mo"l----,:---,-,-.,-.,---,,- c.lva •lncere and under1t&ndln1·------------2 BEDROOM-Fully t um.-New ci .... ttled Ada than -.ny other Small Jobi Wented "88--Hotn1e• for Reat CDUSTRUCTIDU CO. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRl~L -COMMERCIAL NO J OB TOO LARGE OR SKA.LL 2SO 30th St., Newport Beach _..._ Whether It tM a corl&p bou• quet or arTan1ement ot trMh cul bloom,. Ule pl&c• to C"f!ll Ule beet lll Nin•'• -The Uttle Flower Shop at 2431 N.wport Blvd., eo.- ta Me1&. DeMurt Toeh I• an art· lrt or more than ordinary ability and dealrn &nd creatu fioral plecee that both ddlirht lh1 eye and have l&1tlnir quality, A .-pec\aJty or thla tlnn LI MT&n&"· Ins novel planter• and baby e.r- help lD mdtn1 the l&1t ce•tur• a NOTICr: OF 11.r::ARJ N(J 6. modern. J90 per mo. yearly. Nouce ia he'""by g1v,..11 that the Avau. 3/1/IWI. :--2oe Riverside newapaper tn the u-. Thia Carpentry·. Painting fltllnr one, wtlh • btauutul floral leaderahlp w .. attalned becaUM Council ot the City of Newl"Ort A Yf:., N .B.--Oene Bolln -Har. Good worlr.-R...onable arre.ncement. Be11.c1'1 will hold 11. publlc h0'11r1ng JSOO. 73p7:1 Newa-Preu Claulfled Adi C•l Llb.rt 7 MOOS Jn thl• review we 'Niah to cor · on Reaolullon No. 444:?. ~Ing a ruuJtl! dl..Uy ._nV1te your tn.pecUon ot R.e&0lut1on nf I ntent!"" To AJ>-62-Re&I Ettate GET RESUL,'S! lhla n.nn. Your aat!atacUon ta pro•·& Amend111enl To C<>nlr1<~t 1-------·-------I "-""I.rid when you deal hera. That P roviding for PartlC'lf'<l.llOn In BY OWNER, 3 br. home, hdwd. Call Harbor 1816. aay: ··1 want to ill .,,.hy we recommend them to Sta.le Employee.!!' ReUrernrnt Sys-noor1, garb. dl•p. Redwood tenc-place a Clu.alf1~ Ad,"" an3 et&rt all our re&der1 u the Flower-tf'm. copy of which reso!utl<>n la I'd, beat Eaat aide loc. XlnL cond. adverlilinl re.tUltl comlnJ yow- Shop of our choice ln thla area. on fll<" In the City Clerk"11 office. U~r&l tenna. lnq. 333 E. Broad-way . -Adv. Notice la hereby furt.he~ given way. C.O.ta Mu.a. 73c70 GREATER EARNlllGS-· ... ~ .... ~ REMEMBER ... SAVINGS rec•ivtd by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the 111. • • PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS \ ...... CRAFTSMANSHIP RJ:MODmt.nfO -stnLDIHQ UcenMd &nd lmunM:I. N o job too bis-No Job too mrWL T. BORD umt.EY 1J01 It. Balboa BJN. B&r. OJH..lt Mp71 WAYNE'S CON.S'l'RUCTION...CO, - 11" JT CAN BE Btrn.T or Npalred, WE CAN 00 IT. U ceruM!d and lnaun4 LI 8-2023 t.rr US CARE for your plant.a, ln•lrlf' artd out•lde. Experienced p\1LJ1t pen1onnel to ••l"TI you. Bonded and rell•ble. A variety of ,,.rvlcea depending Of\ your need•. RJC HARO"S FLORIST SHOP. ll•tboT 2828. 6:'x:77 Custom Cabinet Work No Job loo btc or too .man For Immediate appraiaal caJJ C. Everett Sm ith 11'cft FOR RENT S.kJJl lla•a., Eleo. OrlUa. ~ aU t1JM9 of 8aDde.ra, "1Nrelbar· .......... BOYD'S HDWE; HSO W. 00.\ST HJQllWA~ Liberty 5-1416, N..,.aft ... 9Uo PAINTING M. W. ROSS Uc..,_, u 14111 t80 AYOC&do, Oorlta X- IOUe CEMENT & BUILDING . All """"' FREE ESTnU.TES Llberty IHl109 .... ' •• ' NEWPC>aT ~ NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 : PA&E J MONDAY, FllRIJAAY 20, 1914 Cell ;(our Relex:A.Cltor CONllULT.urT .,__.trau.., M 6bllptlon. moMlcm WDAON HYa.tt ._.._. .. .,. Permanent Wevu $6.50 .... "" Haircuts $ 1.00 lllL\KPOO and WA Vll!l •1.60 OtlO FUt.e'• S..uty Mhop 1115 Church St.. LI 8-16611 7otto REWARD Floor Samples and Demonstrators Bargains WJ:STINGHOUSE RANGE Model BHB $S99.9~ R<g. Price WITH OLD RANGE ............ -.. $279.llt5 Sewing Machine WHITE d .. k model. Special .... ·······-···-·· $89.50 llAYTAG RANGE, Model e()0.2 with Minute minder . V1GORELL1. Re~ for balance due ............ $9.07 mo $209.05 Reg. Price!, WITH OLD RANGE _____ $159.95 i Porta&le Electrics. Choice ---········-·--··-····· $24.88 MAYTAG moNER, Model 90F·P NEW HOME Opoo Arm. A buy .... ············-··············· $68.66 $224.95 R<r. Price . .. . SALE PRICE $169.llt5 WHITE Rotuy portable ........ ..... .......... .. ..$39.88 WESTERN HOLLY RANGE with rotiaaiere Ail above are g-ua.ranteE'<I Rnd eervi<:ed tree for 5 ~'e&l"l. $3«.~ Reg. Price. WITH OLD RANGE __ .... $279.90 Pull value exchange for one ye&r. WESTERN HOLLY RANGE, Coppertone ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST RELIABLE $279.llt5 Rog. Price WITH OLD RANGE ----.$219,llt5 SEWING MACHINE DEALER PACKARD BELL TV, 21ST-1 18 YEARS IN RANTA ANA $209.95 Rog. Price WITH TRADE-IN ···--·--·SHl9 .95 While> Uwy lMt.. Luy SuaM, $11 val. wttb lbll puch.ue 0( '10 Ol' mQN. Barzlliu awry day. ~frtl". Ill , rana-e I ll . ....ahu ll.6, dMk 110, ch.Mt 110, mal- lnlM 17, ~ 1191. 112. Bed $2. CARR'S FURN • .6 APPL.1.ANCES 110 w. 4th., 8, A. II M, , ... H.AlOlOND ORO.A.NB al.I. rnodtia, one aJl&'hUy 1IMd like nl'W. DANZ -BCRMIDT -PHILLIPS H&mmond Re&dquart.er11 ror Ot· an1a Coun ty, 1110 No. Main iL .......... .-OR INJ'OR.N.A.TION • return ot tolloWlq' ttem. loet f'rom Rlch&.r4-'• Yir.cbt A.nchoragr.. MODEL 278 IU••r Beauty Bat· -Wheeler Appl ionce & Sewin g Ma chine Co. PHILCO TV. 4136 z Biondo Tlc7t -------------1 ...,. ......... Tl!:L. Kl 7-44Ul 3lO E. 5th ST. $239.95 Rog. Price WlTB TRADE-IN .. ____ _., •199.llt5 PR.l:8TO tank A «ceuonc•. l,i A "-H.P. El.ct. motor• l<J a.u10. ----'·'-------72p7 4 ?9--HeJp Wa.nted 1111.1 LOST !Mn&l.a Slam-ri~t9!~<tr.·I HEAL li:!'l'r AT I!: SAL.ICS.\l A:'I: If 72r 74 yuu titr. "lt\lng: lll•r. ,. •11,,K·"r' -----------_ a-log ' anJ 11.rr. ront .. nlf•I tu SILVEJ'tTONE llADlO with abort wave, police calla, etc ..................... -········-·-----··--·SALE PRICE $19.W . HOFFMAN, 17" BLONDE CONSOLE SALE PRICE $79.50 KNITIERS 121 " TABLE MODEL RAYTHEON ... SALE PRICE $99.50 C ' • '"· 1 • 17" PHILCO CONSOLE ·-········ SALE PRICE $119.50 ---------K.A.P l...!: dln1nC roonl .et, J>rovln • cla.L 1ty le oomp. wltil 1.&bla p&lil, e chair•• hutch. l tiei. Weit· lng-hou• lCleC't.Mc ra.n8 e. perf«t cond. Uk.a rww 1100. L1 8-G244 72c74 THRU ROOMS ol bt>.1uutu1 new tuniJture !or 119.). Com• Jn SPINrr PIANO. Loftl)' tone and eue sm. Terma. Other won- derttJl b&r(a!na ln rent.al re- tllrna, trade ln on orpru.. t tc. Severa.I merely acratch~ In ahipplng. DA.NZ • SCH.M!OT · PHILJ..J.PS Big P lano • Organ SlOre 620 N. Ma.ln Santa A n11.. o me n 1e., woe comp r.la new I lu1c of Orapl:llc p&lt.cnu; Bear ·~· """' M•t<h ya~. Mo.-BIG SAVINGS SALE LOST blua parakeet, young 111alr. d&.y·dre;un kl><Jl.ll the ti1r: 1k"b Vicinity U do Penm..Ul.L R.-...ud th.It 1n1 going t<I 11tar1 po11rtng look around, M-Dop,. Ca.ta. Peta Call H,&1". t-060-M 73<: duwn on yuu ~"If: tl<I\' "'"'" 1Jr1 new dreM patlrrn1, novtlty R.EW ARD for noturn ot coin purH cont.aln1n1 12!'1 Kiel•I aeeur1ty ptNlion money. belon1 - ln& to needy elder!)' l&.dy. Loat bo-twffn 2 &11d 3 p. m .. l"'rui.ay. 1'~eb. 17 a l BALBO A ISl..A.'/D POST o n CE. Hu. 19~-R 24-&hoola, llllb"l>CUoa Chinli Painting Da1 ud it.entnr au.. Ordera Ta.km Now PborMI WlNlrt)' a..6&4.1 GARDENING .. .,. GARDENING and CLEAN.UP JOBS WANTED LIBERTY 8-o I 39 ~2tfc KANOY JroL\N. matnt.enanc• ,,_ np&l.r -or Wfl,a l ! Ha.r. tG&l-W. ~tfo LADIES Do lhould1r1 or f Mt ac.ha ! la REL4XA TlON nflflded ~ M.AKJC AN APPOINTMENT tor Swedish Massage i.11. JOU.r bom1. Pl-call Kubor 47'° or Hartlor 70. 73p80 atay r1J:hl there """hr.rt you 1<rf \\'t ""•nt " .llt.lr "fl'•" "·lth " burnlfJC •1e•irr. ~ r•1n 1t l•·aat l l0,000 1 )'"•' It you h •Yr lh<' n~"-r" ··icn • ict • • .. r,,·· \•11•! c1n·t m1"• It Phonr l"r 1n!t-r v~r.v.· E\fnlnt;: I! you pr,.11·1 yun.1 • 1lraw1 ln.clud!n " UH1 JJ(>pular knfl lacey 1.ldrt.. Sit N' Kn it 31.'.l ii:. Balboa Blvd., &!boa 32l!c I HAND BRAIDED RUGS Seven 11 ands Rea lty ! YREJC INSTRUCTION" & lnvestrnent Co. I ORDERS TAK..E."l 603·3211•! St r-.'a-wport Bch c 111 All new ~l•rt&.ls •v•1lable.. Har . .)$.68, aflci 0 p tn Hi~ ;;AJ7 f.CAKI" lo"ANNIN, 1196 S. CIL Bl. 71 f";":I l..e.g\Jna Bc:h. HYatt 4·71195. 7tc86 GIBl.S H UB 600 W. Cent.er, An&helm MlNI'nJIU POOOLit. Mc77 ma.J.e. Hu. )Ug-R USED OF APPLIANCES WESTlNGHOUSJ:: < BURNER RANGE ···-·--······$59.50 --------- DBL. ANTIQUE DESK. 2 anttqlle cha.Ira ( liOO)-All tor '30. - Kl ~1 11)3. 72c:74 DOUBLE OVEN RANGE, DEEP WELL COOKER, SUPER COROX H1 SPEED EJ.EMENT ·-·--5149.50 ~113~~-~·~··c.8~u~p1f~~~---1 KENMO\IE AUTOMATIC WASHER --·· $19.50 THOR AUTOMATIC WASHER -··-·--··-----$14.50 Blvc..I. Co11ta Men LIBERTY 8-3437 72c74 APPLIANCE BUYS Sailinq ln1truction1 WY STAR BoAT or f!attla $3.&0 Pl"r hour tor one ~1"96n or 1:.i tor two. LI 8-8:301, O:kllt FOR SALJC $1311 N1w W!nche.C.!!.r "'11pel' mode.I 70.267 or wlU tr!Mk ror cl&a9 aa1lln1 d1n1hY ln rood ahapa. Pllone Oxtord 42-14.%6. 7lc73 SLIP FOR RENT on PWn.-111& on pr1vate dock. Call Har. 2460. MUo BEAUTIJ"UL 70' aux. .echQmlar. CU anywhere. ltxc!!.t tor chartier- Want 1maller bottt o r property. 1220 W. Balt;x,. Bm:t~ Newport.. liarbQr 3032. 8"ttc ln.atalled FOR SAL.IC, 1a11d dolly, will t.U:e BENDIX GYROMATJC, lnstaJled __ -----$59.50 up to 20 ft. boat • hand wlncti • ~~"C RANGE $89 50 »G. Ll H244 72c74 ADMJRAL DELUXE E~• ~ -··-·-·· . •---------- ROPER GAS RANGE ·······-··············-··-··--·-···$59.50 "Jll-·•-• n.••-r V --~ . .._.._., (white \able toJ> with oven control) ::.:...;===='-'-~'-'--- GIBSON 6 Cubic lt. REFRIG .... _$64.50 COLDSPOT 6 cubic ft. REFRlG. $59.ro SERVEL, 5 cu. ft., left hand door ---•79.50 SERVEL 5 \~ cubic ft. REFRIG. ----·-------.$69.50 KNOX HARl;>WARE co. 420 East 4th St. Sa.nta. Ana KI 2·2336 S2-P'umlton f or Sale CLOSEOUTS AT BAY Knowlton ElectronJCll TV REPAIR FAST SllRVICll, RllASONABI..£. Service caJJ1 Ull 9 p.m. LI U"'6 STmNWAY ORA.ND like oew. Bl( .._v1n1. Aleo Kn•be Maaon A: Hamlin. many other1. Prac· Uca pl&.ooa a. low u Ill~. DANZ • SCHKIDT -PHU.LIPS 811 Plano Store 620 No, Main 81'. '56 FAIRLANE SED. n • H, Fordomauc Low M.ileaa-11.. $2295 MARK DOWNING FORD Hwy Si a.t P9.d1lc Cout Hwy BunUncton Beach ""' FOR SALE 1964 Custo!n Mam1ry with Men:::oma.Uc. 2'9,000 ml.Jee by olict-.J own..-. 8&nJt nna.nc:e. Ha.r. 1"4.l·R IUlto 1961 UNCOLN SEDAN, °""" drl... Good. coadUJoa. Prt-1.e p4l.rty. Ra.r. 0364-M Tk74 1~8 PLYMOUTH coupe.. ~­ Good 1.1.rqo • lo good NlUllq ooodJuon. Ha.r. ~72-W 72c74 Grant W. Musick Your Hudson Dealer SALES and SERVICE 253 N.LooAngeleo KEll-7278 •nab41m ...... KOOEL A Ford en.me .6 chMU !!'quipped with Wb:ldfteld nat- head .6 eam Jl60-'&0 Cad en- cln• oompLete with hydro • .uper ch&rgU J4.6() MAJ,( Motora 2101 COUt Hlw.,-. Nawport s.aeb. Ll l-Ull lic7t .. ,. ·- • lrOBI> CJ '"f ..... ll •-.. l'w ' rs .$22)5 -' MARK DOWNING FORD £ ·--- Hausken-W atson SPORT CAR CENTER JAGUAR. iS. A. Lor•llon ooly) AUSTIN-HEALEY MORRlS. AUSTIN A.LF A ROJ.tl!:O R1'::-IA ULT. M (; Nrw C•r 81lt'1 ii: Servi, e Clean t:11ed 1·1r1. All I.take•. 1m • portfd •nd Do111,·1uc 2201 t>U J.IAIN ST S A .'\TA A.J.~A KI \-!lM 1932 H.AH8(J){ BLVD $1395 MARK DOWNING FORD H"'-Y 39 at PM::ln c c.,aat H .... ·y H unllngton Be.11.ch New &nd Used "mUCK AND Passenge r TIRES 72l'1\ 8-Hour Recappin9_Service Complete Brake Service AND Front End Alignment R OAD Sl!iRVlCE Jl'tnatono Boda-et: Plan Youn for th• A..lk1nr HOWARD RYAN '801 • 809 w. lot St. SANTA ANA. KI S-8383 NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad 1i 6 Cyia. $f8.88 8 Cyl.o. $68.88 lncludu both labor and pvta. N.,, rillge, wrt.t plna. .U.. l(rtl:ld. ntunp or main ud rod burlnp. Zxpart motor tuna u p. to-day or t .ooo JDUa cuarantM. Floor Samples-Mahufacturer11 Closeouts-Show Piece s Fabric Knowlton Electronie11 TV ANTENNAS e Finest Thunderbird CNO ~~;'=dnmi "FIX-IT'' MecN,;i...,1 and 1D.c:trtCa1 Ma!ntananca Sen-Ice Au. WORK OU.A.IUNTE.EO. Harbor *4 or 60113 811Uc Pl:RBONABLE YOUNG LADY _,,.lilDold in Ml• cu.bier, n:· ..ptioll.s.t « boet.M• de11lru P""Um PboM U,.tt •-1190 7Sp7:1 • • U $ -UP to 111 MONTHS TO N.Y-1n ~. • -•·------~·., ~ (C!e&J" Beam -ID C>&lrl) ........... _ ......... ·-··"T "I ~ O'KEICFE ._ MEf'~'I'I' rana-e, "Ml NEW lNSTALLED compl4it1 to your eel. WITH 'M C4.DILLAC ENOCNJC. maclllnJsta. Dcn't oonteod wttb. model. Lamp J. clock with oven -$9 95 apeclal paint, ~on. ate., the m ldd'9 man. Buy du-.ct. timer. Chroma griU broiler. I.lid bo rl • '"·· etc. Ab«llutely taulUea n'll"DTm T and INSTAl.t .ED TWIN S IZE-QUILTED TOP lnner1prlng mattreM and x •P nr ~"'~ that U!l up lop. Uaed one Ll 8-62015. cond!Uon t.hruauL Nner r.cild. SHORT BLOCK NICE.OED at once:-Expo!rlenced nlonth. 1149.80 ca.h, or pay $8 l!etll 4 tel• only. Ba t lll9 00 Will.only Mil to q_uattfted pel'90rl. FORD -·----1121.60 ma.rlba electrlcla.n, 1hlp or y achl p<!r mo. 14~ I \V. Chapman, i 99 w Vlll\i e .... ·················-··· ··-·-··· ., ,.--·-At y ae · BEAUTIFUL Spinet piano. blond. (HTYell!I). CHEVROLrr ---~-II•i.60 ca.rpuitera. A1k for Oen<" Hilld Orange. KE 8-~81 7 t1 30" DEN COUCH ON LEGS-Matched fabric on mattreea, •prlng, juat like new u.ve 1200. S rent· PLYK. 6 DODOR: .. SJ.M In ya.rd 171'flcr., South Oout Co. -o·Keef;"• ~rrtttcaa-,_-0-.-.-1-966 H11unce 11.nd hc.JOO..nJ. al r.turn», eava $(H) tao lUIO COTTON GOFF CHRYS. A Oil SOTO_ SITO N-port Blvd. •t 23rd St. 7:Zc 74 dttuxe folding-tor mod"'! h•a all 169.t.tt V11.Jue .......... . .. . ..•... ·-·---···-···At Bay 139.90 perfect condtUon new ('Ual"l.n· D I STUDl!B4Ja:R -··--1170 chrome g riddle on top. Jiunp • 8 PC. MODERN WROUGHT IRON LJVING ROOM GROUP. lncludea tee troe delivery~ Mvlaple, U.ght The Volkswagen 1111 er OLDS 6 PONTIAC 8 -11,11106 STENO -bookkeeper: bookeeper · Ir ; h Wal.nut, French .-.o nclal, Ma-N-iiort Bt<rd. al a2ftd. BtnCX. type; oftlce niacli. operitor. ,t~~I b~liar.o~=~ ~~yeriJ ~~~11-:~ bed 11ivan, rhalr be<l 11.nd ottomAn, 2 1tep end tablea. l coffee table bo(&ll.Y Splnat cue lll&btly Ra:rbor 8. BUDBON llT~ domeaUc.; lNUUtnentalion en-Uelng tran•rerred Ea.At. take over /White marblei1.ed nevermar Iopa) 2-3-way table lampa, Uer damqild In l.blpplni 1487. Good TlcTI Lom:I OU J"r• TOW'in&' '''" Klnaer; mabhln11l • other.. my contract wltl1 the Bank A; 1269" .• h ... adVMa.,"_ At Bay •m~ pn.cUce pla.noa tTOm '89, Jflt, 1-------------MSW CA.R OU.l.R.A.NTEm MASSAGE 1UNJ:: FA.RR.AR EMPL. AGCY. "" • ----·-··-··· .. -····················-·········----$1". $17~ ... theM at tha ':ti CADlLL4C onnftrtible. JIU mock muat meet our atand&rda pay off the baL of l137,99. Only oil 4ot%-4Jnd. St.. Newport Buch J>ltY 1182 Pl"r month. No Cuh 1 PC. PROVlNCIAL OJNJ!.T'M'.: SET (Solid Btn::b). f,6" round d rop Crut Und .A.Jmlftrsary Bala. bMn ln •tor~. Pricild ror Im· PlU9 taM9, sukeU and Howard steam Cabinet {.crou trom City Hall I nerde<\. My eq1J1.y rrea, lee a.ny-Jeat 11ble w/2 12·· lea.vu-ti matchtni" chalra, apoon lea-deeip, DANZ • 8CHXlDT -PHII..LIPS medlatA l&le. llt~ Wlll ac-0.-Bvada7 lO Lift. to 1 p.m. Wbtrlpool r.t.ba. Tool Makers Un1e Day or Eve. at 1441 w. S'.!39.:.o VsJue -1 only .• ....................................... At Ba.y S167.00 = 1:!!. i;::, ":!,~8~: :1. '"=. ~-~· -= BELi fS ENGINE can LI 1-Ttn -tor appointment C hapman. Orana-e. DUNCAN p·~·· DROP • ""AF DlNJ:'TTZ TABLE. ~ ex.tended PJanoe. REBUILDERS 72c1t CLASS A. TOP PA'i, CLA-VAL Call Collect KE 8-M17. n•rn. ....,,. ------------CO._ 1701 Placentia. Newport I w extra. 10·· leal-mahor. or whea.L ------------HOT ROD -~~-Ct I 1 •·· •-'" v O •1 Bay .. 9 00 HAlOlOND No•a-chcrd In rtn• ,....._, ...._.,,I•• T .,.._ •--•·• ·-:;;...,"'7. ;.:::.i~~lao ":~ ____ "'-_________ ,,_,_;4 Roney 's I ..,.,,_~ •lie .. -·-········· ·-····-·········----.... . cot>dlUon. Bt18a.tns-1. T.-ma. 335 Hp. new UrM, new paint .... __.NEW-LOC-AT-IO~N- .... ow. tn.uporl&UolL Colorild I PC 1'1Al'LE BEl)ROOM Sl:'r-lncludn e drw. double dreaer -$81.15 doWn and $21,91 per mo. Job, BACRU'ICI: '400. TGl Kl ~-71P74 _so..... __ llD_,.._Uauoo ___ us ______ , Small Applia nce 31Jx40 rra.med pl•l• mirror. booke&Jle headboard, metal rrame -at NueiMWl. Oororwr. cW Kar. 310 East 3rd St. • • 11-.'.l!'! coll mRtlreM -l>ox eprtn1. SHAFERS tSlnc. 1907) 72cT• BANTA. A.NA. PAiiiliHfl by EXPSRIENCl:O CUT FLOWER eervice for ha1nr.. Repa1r1n9 U:79 W Value ·-_...... ...... ·--··-·····-.. ---At Bay S187.00 411·423 N. syeam~. Banta A.ll.•1-------------i------------ P..&lN"ISftB haU1m&" ,-at'denln1 otfice. or boaJ:. Wee.lily bl-week-J ron~. toaster~. corree maken,, r.tc. Phoue Kimberly 2-0871 '52 ro • n.ll..LAC OONVERT. . ly, or .. de1lred_ Eaperienred se·· 4 BURNER OJVIDED TOP GAS RANGE. Bat lnaul&ted o•ea and Coull'"' 0 Bdqtn. ~ 6 odd Jobs. WlU -rk by hour. peraonnel lo 1erve you. Bonlled 1232 Newport Blvd · Costa Mtaa. broiler. Robertahaw oven heat cont.rol. Chrome bl.lldl• • trim. Oran&"• OJ 1 rpn ft .6 H. Auto. TraDa. •• · * LI a.18N 12p74 (cor of Vi ctoria &. Npt. Blvd.) Ba '8800 and rell.able. Rlchan:t'11 P'lol'1•t LI 8_6019. 6kl2H. $139.M Value -:Z only ............... "·------·············--·At 1 · OICAGAN J oeta'N Vlbra-hu"p. LJ oaN B l:D. llXPIDUlCNCED -~Sh~o~p-=H~·~·~bo'.'.'..'~'~'~"~·----::~''.' l -o::;;;;.;;~:;-c~;:-;;;;;;:-n::;;;;;; I LOIJNGER Cl-l.AIR -PL4BnC ARMS -ll'ootrwt. •od heactr.t-In floe condition. 8aYt1 '* ot1 _., H 11-w Ratrtger11.1or l9~:t PhJleo Ot!lu•e --p-'--'"'--• tanna at.---.u-..-..,. a .. -... ar. .,.,,.. · 50 GALLON DRUM8 J3 1u1ed Steel !ran1e. n... ,..,._ .....,.. · T0c73 large family a1&e, RepolldHd Ba $8& 00 SH.AJrE.RB (Since 1907) air eomp~uora l:it. Spl"•)' haa lar1e rolored Vej'etable en.-$1t9.~0 Va.Jue -1 only ......... -........ ......•. ·-·---······--At y . '21-<123 N. !ycamo~. Banta Ana ~ ('en&ral otnce «11°9 •13 · recondlUon('(I paint per. 8helvr.• In the tloor • all lO CL". FT. PJ-Ul.CO RErRIGERATOR -'Mi model. tullJ guarantllf!d.. Phone Klmberly 2-0t72 6 "'-KVD. .A.lao bani! up., brwthH h'Oft'll JOf__: ManyK ._i... .x.Lraa. & yr. 1uarant-not.hln1 '319.00 v11ue -t only •.. . , ·~· ···-··--Al Bay $1N.OO PBX 6 noapttonlat. Wlabea f\111 outa at ow p .. cea. a r to pay doW'll I! credit O.K. by Ulae -pioyaMmL U 8-'TSP. Paint Center 411 Slnd. New· Bank. lat paym.nt or $8.S3dua 7lc7S port Bnch. Ttc 7e ln 4& de.)'a. Bal. dlM le 1167.Bt. CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenance ._,....._ Udll io.&t.1,7. Ola I.I MTM "'" KOLINSKY 8CAR1''-6 tine eklna, S.. anyt.lme Day°'" E•e. at 14-41 o;~lleat eond. '60-Ll 11-7489. W. Chapman, Orangr.. 71c73 Cl.II Cl'l llect Kl!: 8·~17, -41land 1tJ your local Dl'WlpaR"-rl SIXBURNER • (Tiddl•, Catfara tbay ar. tba DHt rrt•dl a.a.y Ir 8atlu pa re.rice *· Hubor -aaniled -Wlit,y can ba... IHI. 71 c71 BAY FURNITURE •27 i:. 17th SL , {BatwMn Tuat.ift &n<i lrvlneJ FREE STORE FRONT PARKING TERMB OPEN EVES. 'TIL 8 . -Get the "'ln-the-wll.)'I"' out Of tb• -1. lb• Sar. lllCI want ad _,, call -The chan(b11 1.ppe,an.nca ot adP in U.. NEW8-P'RE8S la dua to qulclo nouJ LL • $1695 MARK DOWNING FORD Hwy D at Pad& 0-.t Hwy HtmUnct<N" a.ell Before You Buy A uao CAA. i.t our Aliable ~~tta {I ) :ao pt.. ineeh. m.p.cmon (I) Road Te.t (I) W'rttten report ot condl.Uon. CALirORNIA Uood Car iDopectlDo Ser"flce U ~. tor t OC111ffnlmt Joca-ucm 1n <>ranp Cotmt7. HARBOR A.RZ.A; N.wport .4uta Wofta, ao tndQIUla1 Wa.y, CM. A: ~th hnilc'n Mlr. 0...-lier 111 tndU9lnal Way, C.M', PIOlh l I I -.. , -·------ PASE .4 ·PAlT11-~ HAUOlt NEWS-PllESS a z . ~Y, FfRUAAY 20, 1956 "::-"":""':-----!>..;......:....:..:=:.::.:....::::...:.:.::.___ . D~ -. 5\4i.~ :iG-~ PJ••nelnc Corona Hi9hlends • • •· _.! •e••.t:Af''IW,--.,... •• , ·--HQME LOA.NS P•-.mlc Oce•" View X>CEAN RlONT I i STORY APT.-.. ~ ............ lJ~--_-._ --·. -. . -=· ==f!--~~ ----......... ·-------B."'iloi&~iiii ---:c-~\ICIJCllM» ·ma1 II~ --,--Conat;udi;.n: Lo.no ~ -Refine~ng-..;. .;:::f-1 '"~ ";"'; :: :!:~-:;-.. ~ ..=--UUl)lu1 IU.lflt uUJ · ·• • F P Ii ' "" App ·el -"'"" -.... -·°"'"I"-... •·--• Lida' P I' -·•-••• " mon•. ' ••11 1 --tr'".., ........ ~~ .._ • · · _,,e..i....J...-• -·ON' .Y-•'.'1:ftl\ OOWN ---~ ~o. en ,n • ...,., East 31.Jit St., Npt. Bch. • eo .. oopO;.de.t;t..; •• ..,._.... 1 • ..., .... ... .... '" .-·•"'-not o-.. y I• PIO I*' -. 1'. P. IM&OO. room 6 1 b&Ut. 9ech, nlc•17 (Wh • • c.no we and Cuualty Insurance OXJ:lpany OPJ:N. .roa .utaPlllCT!OH. •-Tl ~ '28,.tN)G, • t'"MOD•W. y Dellclalflil IMnc. Apt..C..banti. Utilltiee pald. of Tenn....., -..,_.-.., . .......,, --. °' .....,. wll1 te1<a Corona del Mar Pay Rent?) .. wttll Bankera NatJona.I IJte.... Irun1rance_campany n 4t-..1. lk7I ~~ b'U9' ~ u .don ---·~·--·-..... ··=·=;;;;; ;;;~~·iiii'.•~:"'=-;.;.-;;; ...... ;;...,,thl_y.7.:;-~~-1--. ....,.-.. / ~SOUTH COAST ~ ·-, ... ~~;~~= ,, . ~e:~o;r J'or lppt. or neervaUon, Call Har. 2992. 34Uc !::S ~·· 2.::0~ ·~ HEIGHTS- C>ut. ot town owner uy. ee11. tb.1a 1mm'011ate 2~ w .... wlMae;'tlqUae "'~'"' caiPI; a ~ - bright kltcl!eq, Iota of WO and cu~ - plumblog. Wlioed 220V, encloeed paUo, -blo P"' q-. etc. Full pdce la only $U,l!OO. Thia lo a dandy, but HURRY. ,. Mortgage Company handle. OWNm 84 YB '!SELL." Prtce eut AUIO TWO GOOD OC10AH """' ftl,700 to •10,000 on W. Approved FftA Mortgagee ntONT LOTS P600 ID.A.CH. completely t'Umi9bed. 2 bedroom NASH -HUDSON .,.,..,. RIOH HAHN'S FURN. 3 rm. apt, extra clean, •lo<:. refrts-. panel rlly heat. ~3 mo. to J nue 1~. Har. 1909·J 301 i!. Bay Ave., Balboa. ~ with ?·ca.r ,p.ra1e on. a 1600 Weat Cout Hignway -u 8-7791 Coast Properties .. • , .. ,.....,, • ..., ,......, Newport Beach, California. Bubmit down. 301 Ill. Balboa BJv((. Ba.lbo9 • • • AUTO k.A.DIO REPAIR , HYDRAMATIC SERVICE 29TH ST. Newport Bea.ch * PORT ORANGE * TRAlLER SALES Harbor 16il TlcT3 7lc73 ------------1488-H o.,.. for~ M-Money to Loan BALBOA ISLAND y rly. lcue _____ .,,:_.,,:_;:__,;;,; ____ l:":"C:C:--:::'-".:::='.'.::-:::=::;::::;- be&utitul Bay Front t BR. rum. "LIDO ISLE. 3 bearooma. 2" LOA.NS TO BUILD, rMPROVE, apt .• c•r•ge. SIOO mo. plu.. bath home, on a.nnUAI bn.111. BUY, MODERNIZE, OR utilitle• ~lif' for •O ft. boat, use ot 18 REFINANCE BLANCHE A. GATES. R t:!&ltur rt. Vlktng runabout pow"'r boat. We Buy Trual Deeda 2 car gar:, beautttully tun:aiAh· NEWPORT BALBOA BA VINOS ert, dlrubll. $700 per month. * WAN ASSOCIATION l nqWre at 4 1 Balboa Covea. 33845 Via Udo Ph. Hu. '-200 Newport.'' 311Ua "' llarbor 2668 2697 and '800 BEL-AIR FOUR BEDRMS.. 21iio batha. 4 yr•. old, Ranc:h t:rpe ht Bel-A.Jr. $32,&00 or Will ..ccept In U· c:hance aimtiar home In New- port Be!Lch. Preter Udo, to $,tO,· 000. 0 . H. LATHROP, S8U ~ Co&at, C.D.M., HUbor Mta or and SUPPLIE.S 2200 W. Cout ffiway. BALBOA ISL.AND, 11111;1.ll furn. •Ingle 11.pl. Ne•r bea.-:h .t: •lore. Therm.-...tat t>"'8t. eh:1·t refrtg. Re8ponsJble t'O •pt ""~r Mtlult.. J3!i mo, ""'lnter. S40 yearly. Har. 2128-Af 71t1C UNFURN. CO'M'ACE. UVinJ r rn. dlnrnc m l., kltchenettoe, 2 bed· roonui 4 hot aho.wer. Yurly ~.') mo. Gu • W•~r p.11id.-1()8 Adama, B&lbotl. Harbor 1924·M M80 evM. 71~73 LOANS for Homes Ch • c d r" 01ce orono e Mor ~?~ -20 yr. ~ 3 liEDRM• .• t.•. beat. fl"'pl•ee. Newport Beach LI 8-4420 ·~·it' Kit ~auty $HMO '.)-4·2eh' Sha.at.a Ulte new s.211 0 BA Ll:IUA Single c ... t~11i;e inod .. m , Construction Loans oa.k fir ... rurn. •11,000. ternui or v.111 accept late mo.Jt-1 car a" part. '60-4:1' Henslf!lll 1 BR Sl4~0 fully furn .St11!t kh uw,.r, bar 'tlCJ.JO' Tn.vet~e 2 llt<I& •lid S3liO k ltch .. n )'t'&Jly r·,nL•I SIO 111u '49-30' CurU1 Wrig ht Ta,,d .. rn _ C•l! H1;1.r. lu.!l~-\V 7 1,;:i $1095 Y..'a need clean used tra<!e-Hui. PAN AMERICAN Paramount-Ken~k ti! t:UHUN A rum Vlt<W UUl 11" hid Siu J>.,, Mttl t \2~! •::~f ~ 71c73 CORONA DEL MAH. n-1 2 Wrn1 unrurn. hunle on yr•. lea-11t S il~ per mo U.11)" livtng rourn Yi'IU1 fl r.,pll:l~e. l1Je in k 1l1hc:n & L1tlh. Ohl l!:"r n.r wly J'1&!11l· .,,t, l•lC., fo:ru;eoJ yanJ \Ne ll•Vt the k"}' Vv11el l.'« Httr. !7~1 SE£ BOB iA TTI...ER 2~l~ Jo:AST 00AST BLVD. Coron• do:I Mar K .. µ. t~Ulltl1':J-t ~!etro L.tte Ina H.ar bo r 3888 MORTGAGE CO. F und.I Kl 3-~18~ 4.tttl't CASH ... I . I 'c•L ' I 7lcT3 L"UK TIU,''-"!' '.L'£"S 8~ l LV (lJ:-O A ..,"° al ,\~ u11r.,111 ntw ~ "' '"'"'° .., -------------~ 2 bdl"fn upper "Pl :Otndo:rn. SH ORE CLJF'F' unfurn _MCNlt-;n. WM, !:J. HOLT bt>t11 11!1~•1 l~·v'"':" U lll ri '''" .,,,·an LI.111.1IOJ nµpurl~l\Hy 1,; l"IUltl f"r >.!tJR~A•C·~ B~NKl_N(; /-l"r .J:i ,J.\\ 1,r 11~1 11•u-1-t I """ ._.,. 1""' y.,.,,. '.t o .. <Jroout S LNCt; l tlJ!J. 7", 7t • , J&Oll ~-B L'Sti S ANTA ANA R I W d --__ " and d._.ll, b1!t11 Ul \f tl l !"ew l KIMBEHLY 3·7118 enta I ante UALUO A JSLANll UA Y \lE\V! EnKla.ntl ty ~ l11r1n hoUR, 41-Wanted to Rent G. H. L.ATHROP. 363.., E . C•t Hv..'y Har. ~4t2 or Har.~() eve.. 72c74. JRVINE TERRACE By owner, colorlu.I K•Y and I • hftrznlng-3 ~drn1. lllld den. Uuilt·ln TV Jn out8tandutg drift- wood rock flrrpl. W\V <*r?O't, 2 n1o.gic llla flr, baUW.. Outetde ..nwr . bH -l u ei..c. rll.nge, Lllab - WIUlh,.r. \\'ormy che•tnut, black v.·8.lnut, u3k panehng featurf'd h1ghllghi. o( roorn•. SZ9.~ t-1.._r, 4872 lllp74 DELIGHTFUL OCEAN VIEW- IN SOUTH LAGUNA. 2-0ne beod· room \JJl.lt., nicely fumUlhed 113,600. Owner h&ll ST,300 eoqulty, Wiii N>nMder lnl1c ln Newport Be&eh ...,.ea.. • • • ARE YOU TIRED- oP' LIVING 1:-l A 'I'RAIL1tR and want an tn1"Xpf:JU1ive home under $9,000! It llie tra!ler wfll equlli thla CJ'WT\er'• e-qulty you wlU have only Ul p--r 1nonth w pa.y. lnter\>lll le "'dy 4 'l': Tue11 a.nd lnt .. r .. ~I lncludMI \n the nionthly P•}'1uent. Unly 2 yra. old. • • • Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. l50S-32nd st .. Newport B«ch. 0i.11r Hv. M68, llltl'r :I p. nt. liar ~~7 SOMEONE \\'e no:ed apte. anLI how. .. -11 In 1111 !urn . J;JlUdiv 11,t \\inter or j H""'''Y •h>il<t ruof. /11l!(h bt-an1ed I -.ectlon• ta r both winter 11.1u1 ~ }'<1)'. 'tV, 1<:ai "o:' l'id !l"-"J 1 i.:e1hng~. 2 f 1ro:p!•<«!11 Hug<' 56--Money \\·anted ---------------1 W~<> th1• well dea1gned gue.it 1tpuf\rnent. ~ .. , "'"' ye•r'• le&M1. ~·urn, <Jr untur11. J,,.,, :i1,1yi;.\\° ;~,;~ uo11t•.1r• bd·m tt11dy w l th ;;:;;;Jv7N~;,-;:.E;-8.,·-.-~-d·,-.. -. SEE THIS! ! ! ! It you have a v11-1:ancy, -!IW•·ep1ng 01· .. 11n Vl<'Wll Owner ' • dltionit.J r ap1tlll. '"-'Lil p•y lop OM' phone today HALBIJA l'h:NINSU!.A ! Dd ru\ Will !~..,.., lo rtllallll' frunily 111 int.'nl.tt fur c!Ulh lo.JI. CA.II A. YEAH ROUND H c.. with yr, The Vogel Co. unrurn. 11-•pt.,. g•r }dirly AlJt<). $2/:1.0 jM'r m onth, Har.~~''"' Hllr. 0:126 11 11 rn to t 30 p. m . round L"lCO~tE. Enjoy lalanr1 3201 w&ah<!'r dry"r l :J!'i~ .~ur11n1ar 72,-,, llvhll', !Uid t.Lantl J~om• al U10 W . C•t. Hwy , Ntwnn1t IJch 1 ,,., Uri~~ .... o. 8. ••r Kt'y11 1Hn .. 1,.77z7 •arnt1 unc. Phone Ll~rty 8-3481 or 111 N Cleo1t"-ntu1• An u~·-1111 49-Koofll8 fur &en·l 208 Marine. lill.100• U la.nd 72• 7• -"--"'~OC=.~00.~--·----Phone H11.rbor 44t. 51-Re-a.l Estate Wankd 21161 E. Coa•t Hy .• C-Oron.a drl M•r Phone •Lllrbor Jji l Udo Offtc::e, 3416 VJa Lid<' 1-!arbor 49T I 1702 Newport Blvd .. C011t11 M~o• Ll~y .!l·:\097 :-IE\\'LY REDECOFlATEl1 L•ne I E:NJOY be<1rn1. rurn. g11r11g., ii>pl IJn I rr<'lnt * \VlLL BUY f1l!ln .,.,.•ner, on BaJt>o" * * l.11.'INU on n1e o<:ean Island Ont ,11· tW(I n..: .. tr'!IOm apt K1t.-h .. nf'tl1• np l~ & rtn•. tlver c!Ol ~11-r•-!:"· ,~1th spac .. y~arly ba.3\11, no ~I ~ A<.1 '1114 only_ $60. J 16 • 311th St .... r·w· purl Be.u.h. l'lar Jtfi,• ;'.tpZ t , ~.uv1r .. ·rv ~:1(16 \\/ o c .. 1tn l'r.:1111 68tfr F rnn! H~rbor 1\1!\ll - Chester F. Soli•bury REAL TOK JACK ANDRE\VS, and CL'RT DQS}I, A.&aocl•le& :u~ Mulne, ~bua I•land Harbor Olll l !:ve11, Har. 4873 71c73 ~·· A 3 room tumlshe..t Ideal for bt'->Jroon1 lOYo'l'r ti.-droorn UPI'"'" PLUS llnd bath p11-rtially g-u e 11 t 11-pkrtn1ent. Moin and IJad with g-ue11t apartmitnt tor lhe vi.Int· ing family. AN"IJ ll1\ int(lm" unit to pay the bill11. Dvn't wait too l•,ng. Ocean Front Home --------------'-''-' VEAR ULV l 111JHM r ~u tJuplex. wH h pr!vutr l>lllh .MIOJ•l & Jlh••rl (I 1ro buil,J "' f !l•llt J~o• ll ·:l, l"ew•· • * * SELL y vur hHnlr "' VJU.lllll lot ! ~-=~--I Call ua now. Two bedrooma dvwru.taJn ---------------u.nlne dormltOl"Y a.nd 1/2 Acre-$1006 dn : '-0 ·"•"'• ~ w•"' ?ole:t· bath. flre- b&lh. \~A~D TO Rm 2 bdrm. t ur-n on chann<'I or oce&n for "' three, per1n•nent yrly. Uar. ~7 t. fttlltdy l'ffll.lil, ')~tre "Pl Tile k1 teltt'-n • !Mith, 01H<:'I. Yi'Utier & ;try .. , CiU!ll(" \'tly Sl\8 1-"'f lllU /lat< :i:tt~·l l allt'>' 6 p.n1. l=Altt;.g' roon1 with p1:v.ot t• b11t't1 FRANK JA}:1E"$. flr"i:Jtor" & ,.11tn1nce. s.c, U><H>lh :i21 (~l.·n1b(r ~tult!pl." l.u1ttng IS.ervlce) Jnll, <.:1.1run• Jel ~1111 7:ip74 :n2 M•nn• Av0:0 .. 0 .. 11.><iA l&land ---J\11,r 21)42, "r l:!:vea t.l 8-1204. place. M•1d'tt r.x.m Ir. G11.r1ge. Cholcll loca.ttQtl, Both exc-IUalYo ""'I th El:cluslve with, FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island C. B. Ruaa , R. W. Rayle Aren't We Lucky! Thot Wo ton Offer You- Ufol'USUAL! VERY LOVELY! 60' lot -l.&rge Patio 2: bJrua.. Ir. den Ll! X> UYr 40 f ttt -Sl?,OOU One ol Udo' 1 !ln•t. 1.-.rge lot -P1U1t Se11r L !d(I Club ._ Tennla Coun 4 tl<.lt nu , 3 ba.tt\11, QV!lnl' rrn. llr"1t!airt Ba:- 3 BA YP1W~'T HO.uES COM!:: L'I ~--OP. UETAJ LS KILLION, re•I e stote 334.! New-port Btvd -lllu l><'!r ~:J(l~ BA YSHORES LOT LOOK AT THE N.W. con. Qf Arbor ... Vtata Dr1ve !n f--lll y. Shorea-then -ua f•lr tl .. tail• B/ B $1500 DOWN Corona del + Mar EQt jALLY !"ICE ll lhli. l bedrn1. $7000-1/2 CASH u\\'NERS NOTICE. l(le11-J ttnants IBA-Apia. for fknt I ~~~~-_£_f!!_c.-... co., ___ _ .,r Hui Uifl6·\'I. lh•r. 3660 ' U c DRIVI:: UY :26311 ELDEN, COl!la Mt"11a lf you Wllflt l11e ldNll 11pol to retlrit. or build unit•. Cali WI, We ha.v• th• key. Chorle1 E. Hart, Realtor T\VO BEDROOM COTTAGE on re•t or lot tn CD M .. need• roome hurne 1 plu.• rumpu.11 Nl<>lll & con- v .. rtlble .i .. 111. It"• on a <.1 1 rr~re11l •·llllyun, 8&1<111 View•, n1u._J.,rn With •p11.i.:1ou.1 l11y--0ut and del!ghl f11I priva te pMUO, A unu11ua l tlrt· JJll.C'e. SSO.vot) tull prlc~ ~~:~! \n°rH~r~rO:~a.ru~:;~~~ A riN:-w;~;-;~-Rel-.x? 4 1 e NEW OFFICES ~~~-Property ~~r~ ~9 1~A~~~:a~1.R~ ltttate 2-2187 34ZO W . Balboa l hone evening• Hart_..,r 3Q73-J /·· • .. , I BUSINESS &: Jl\'COM.li: property, l ---------------Tlp73 I hr4't h.-drn1 11pt~ on \V A! r .. H· e lOI-"AI FOR PROFES-B • p t -------------J.'RU'.':T \\I~;!: KI!:'.\: IJ S ''' • ' • ~' l lllh & l'l11 c"ntla, By ownPr-USlneSS rop ery s Me-Ta Newport &h. u Nelson FOR A FINE TENANT I S HOR'~ TER~I f"!lltOna!Jle tt•tJl • SJO NAL or B US.JNE!SS USE. ~~t.1:.-0766 1dl1!t ti pni. or-;:~~ 100 rL btalneaa trontare In cen· ee nurc""Y & F EE' als _,...,, f'"UI. U11r. !217·J I IAH.:atcd IJl -terot C011ta Me1111..w!th exce!lent THE lof OST JJ,li'ORTANT AU "' .~ R I ~:Il l . H •• I c Bid YOU'LL READ TODA\' · ' ' ar.,..r nvestment o g. Jo'\/DUSTRIA L bl<lg v.•lth 11h0\lf hon1t< Qv.'l\er wUI ••crlf1ce •t SELECT REALTY ---1 · Sl7.600 due to il!oe1111. CORONA Di:L MAR HEMLOC 3 I l l04 \\'EST u .-.. a.n Frun1. ~ .. w. I 30th & N ewport Bl\ld. I rooni. ~12 · 30t.h Strtt'l. Newport EASTERN O WNER SAYS SELL. K 8311 B h o. d f •100 ..... ~n•o. DAN A, JACOBSEN. Real Elill\tll • port Beach. une bdrni. turn. Har. 1600 tf eac -._..,-.,e or · "'"'''-'' like naw 3 b""1room, 2: bath. tire· 7lc7~ llfll It gar $60 n10 1n1·lu.J,.5 p ill• ut!Hl1 .. 1. Low t.u:e11. Pr,ce Har. Miil , LI 8-6317, Kl 2·2187 p!ll';'.e. hdwd. floors, block trorn ---------------rntnlmum ulil \\'tntcr r<'ntal I BAl.UI•\ l\L\'l>. comer bUllUl<"llll j $18.000. }!Ar. 4321 or 4 ~ tI LOOK LOQK oce.tlfl. R-Z. excellent financing 48--A(K&. & BomN for Rf-nt ~:ea.. River1'ide, Overland 6~\~i::: I l'ltlll,. !••/' rnt"J!cal. dental Qr 11 ny . ~.; P nuPl';fr rv ~ 3~ -Underpriced. Excllllllve Ll11Un!; _ pr-o1<'~Mltifl&l 11ae . ,\IO<l<'rn, hP.at · uniltl (J()O(I hx:auon9. Price<.! 3 bedrnt• .. 2 b•th• levl!I w!t.1'1 L.EMON Hl!:IGH'l'S Choice Winter Rentals on CORON'A D£l. MAH. unfurn 2 1ni;". p111k.!ng . Owner 1412 Nn r iio:ht. Lovely v1rw COron11. de! Mftr. · I l'I ·A Kl " "02 f Ooly U 8>00 '"°" 1111 , $!2:'1 mo., 20 bt'auUtul v-rea, 8 In bllarlng Balboa J.land & L'.do Isle boor~'l"1 "II.rag, '""'''"""' ""'er, :S · .-v.. · I c LUTS TO BUI LD, 13!!' corner or 2 .... '·bl f ""I '"" e " For appt. Call F ord Vtor-rlnder l a.voc....,oa, •111 ""-e or •uuu v,.. Nt'Yi'ly d"curkt<'•I. Laundry rm. -FO-R.llE:\'T·, _G_R_O_U.ND°FLOOR ~~;1:r.~ Rc;=~~le~~.~=~\!·34~t'.: Har. 4263 eves. 3477_ 72c7• Ion or lovely cO\l nlry eatsle. Small • cozy or large & deluxe ST~ to $300 month VOGEL CO. • gar&ge lnclud!!d S1:1 per mo· c,tfice In new bulldlnc, near 1---------------Owner will 11ell Unproved acre· Yr lea~. Owner Hiit 47 tr • Huntington Be•ch. '72cT4 .... , ~-........ t.ly at·~~'"' ...... r •c'" 1.1dn A mpl., p11rkt11i;. l'ur In--.. '"'"--...,,,.,., ,, .. pa1nl ... J '•t block• from ~ho11· ping dlstr1ct. Rdt1gt.r&tor. atOv•. waah!ng machln ... dlva11" cha ir, DEAL WITH REALTORS l•ble 2 b.!.:111 ancl dre~er• ini:I I """' '" 'h" 00 .. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 2 HOUSES-$8750 '"""". '"' M"' "'"'" A U>O DOUBLE GA.RAGE nor\h Sftsu to: ('out H1ghw•y -H11r 1'1~63 ewil aecUon of Cf>11la Mf'114r-lnl 60J<lllO--good fncnn1e property G Id R I V I l..oll.n 11ppro1t. S3I:JO. lf you have ! 0 en U e d UeS <11Jrerence In rash owner Wlll j talk turkl'y. Bargain CLQSE IN-$9000 Tvo·o bt'o:lrm , hon1e, imn111.-11l•te In· Sl>tALL 2 BEDROOM HOUSE----•Hle anci OUL \VOOd floors. good l:'xcel!ent loeallon. lcleaJ for cou-he•ll'r, very coi y, 11e.ar new pJe who don't dr'lve-l block• City Hall and market.II. G•r•ce. from R1 ch11 rtl'• Markel-terms II Thla 111 11. Wh•le <>f ll buy! C"n '°8 >Cartne Ave .. Ba.JOO. Ul&nd "' Pb. Harbor 444 or Harbor JOlti (. Re.. Har. 31129-R or Har. 1229-R LIDO ISLE f u 1·111~t1on. l'lt ll Mra, F1ty CHOICE LOT or whole J'l&N!('l 11.t J,:3000 prt H1tr, 14!64 &8tfc OO·A ·Commercial. Industrial On Broa.dwa.y llO . x l 22',\, Fr-ult acn:i. Sett.er &et tut! UNFURN. 2 bdrm. 11.pt. Bay view -----trees, fenced rear, a.Hey. On short walk IO L!rlo .~ht.Jpplng l~I DP OFFICE SPACE M-1 ZONE BUILDINGS .sewe r. $4500 Cl..!lh 11r lernts. 8 INCOME UNIT be handled tor $2000 dow11, and n ow rented for $60 monlh. FP ill onJy $60-00. • llt tfc •re1', po~t otlice &r City Hall. N O\\' LEAS ING uff:ce l!Jl1'f'I' tn LJ 8-11980. 71 r T3 .,,0 ""· 'f•o· 6"7'1 "Otf, F OR LEAS£ up11rox . 1000 11q, !L ·------------ CALL EDNA CRAIG RENTAL SPEClAUST w llh '""' r • '· ' l 'ltro-n1 .. dern Ellt'rbr(.H'k d«8lgn· ~ .,r P.1 -1 bulldu1g on Superior ed Lido t:ruil<ling. No flnt.r bu1Jc!- 1r1:. ~ f1n o:r 1uldre:M NEWPORT 1-IEIGHTS, BY OWNER DORIS BRAY, Reoltor CORON A DEL MAR nicely fum, l bdrm. apt, S T~ n10, yearly. No pet11. Mgr., 717 F"ernlt'-af L1D<J REALTY, AMociates :i•W Via Udo-Harbor 4444 Ave. ILlea..l ror 11mflll mfg. or t>n,.1neerlng. AttrllC'tive office & 2 larger roon111, appro.x. 2~ x 3 bdnn. houae, dining, room fire- place. Mwd. t\O(lrJJ, dl11ro-J. dbl. garage. """Joan. Pt1ce $1 3,500 628 Redlands. L.l 8·4140 7Jc86 218 Marine, Balbo• l aland Har. JO or 14 112c70h ElALBOA ISLAND. large furn. 2 bedrm,. & 11un porch upper du~u. GARAGE. Nice yard. Good heal. Wlnter S.100. yr\y. St~· --mo. indudin-r utHttln. Har. ~w ll3tfc Harbor 3\1~-J. 71 c73 C HAN:\'F.L FRO:o-tT. YEARLY llEN1'AL. 2 bedrm_ •mfum. S71li mo. yrly. Nice view ll.nd J block lo Ll(to 8h01M. L'ock avail Sl• .. ten•nts, eves. Apt. 2, f>J~·36th or writ" ··owner" 611li·36lh St .. N'ewlJOM ror apMtntrrnmt to-· T3c7fl "' T\VO ruoJ1n orfirl'. nev1ly decor· 11 trr! plenly or parking •pace, 12·1 Bn1a,lwl!y. Collla Al1•11a. 7!c73 t."I. ALSO SOON Lo ~ available on Superior Avie .. h1duttrlaJ l)ldg. & !nlllvtdual offices. 6000 aq. rt. Ampl11 olf-•treet parking. C14l ' LT 8·!1.">3t. 7()('.f2 Ol<:SK SPACE $25 mo. One e,,_d 61:-~~-~-t:!:.~ Ex~hJ!o.pge ..., beflutlful lll>&<.'l0U" offll'e J\t""'I" ------------1-------------J.ulo Thi!'l\lt•l' sultflble fnr ML· t"rllP\' .. r (; P.A H flr. 0.12·l. llfl<'r 6 .3!l p, n1 72c74 B/ B ON BALBOA ISLAND SEE US tor yearly &nd ae&110nal rentals. ~NA DEL l>tAR l bdnn .• furn. apt. yearly S15 Lnclud_ util. Call LI 8-2036 ur Hflr. <1820 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor T3p7t. r.s-A-Buslness F~nlA.ls ""'.-.-CH-E_LO_R_A_PT_._U_tl_H_l_l<_•_)*ld. NlcE MO~~it-N . st0;6--r~~ Exchange Corner 306 M:uine Ave. H•rbor BALBOA ISLAND CORON A DEL MAR, Nearly new 2 bednn, unfum. Ranch •lyle duplex, firepl.. F .A. heal. Hwd. fin., eep. patio. Har. 1684-R. e>uo SEE ME ·TA NELSON CORONA DEL MAR FOR CHOICE RENTALS. 81CASONA[, • YEARLY. 2908 E. Cout Hwy. Har. 6660 T2c7• NEWPORT HEIGHTS 1802 ,&, 1702 H11ven Place. T\vo bdr1nll.. garb. dl~p .. near 8Cho1111!. UntumlllhO'd. IA'!Ule or by mont.h. Pl'lval» l:'n!rlln•'" rut,. & •l ~an. oftic•• al 1888 Placentia $-1~ $~ n',o, 426 Narc11111u11, Coron" mo. lnc l11ding ut1litle,... fnqu1re .• d"J Mar. ('11.LJ l'lymoulh 6·9~•69 at property a.ft!'r :i p, m . we"k 1 • 73.-7."J dAys or any tlm" Sttt. A Sun. • ---------------or call Ll 8-~711(1 aJter O;:IO (Ir • weekend-9. ~7U : Palm Sprincs unlt11 DlsUnctlve and exely81Ve G-000 o<:cupency factor Gro1111 $43,000 Price $190,000 48--H--Houses for Rent CORONA DEL MAR. 3 bedrm. 2 balh unrurn. hOU.!!e. Garage • la undry room. Oar.ti. dlspo!!al. encl. yard. $11~ pf'r mo. yr. Jea•e. o ... ·ner Har . ~7. tt CORONA DEL MAR. Two bedrm. hon1e unfurn .. fi replace. bar kll· chcn. patio. back yllrd fenct<d. Chlld acceplf'd. ~l• ok SllO mo. yearly l~ll.•e. Har, 5~fll ur1 .. T 10 a .m. 6Mlfc FOR LEASE three !1.tljoir.Lng R·:l lol9 facing Avon Jc ~rail.le. Exchange $70.000 equity for RANCH OR lNCOME • Drive. Owner, Barbara Gartlf>r, • 688 a cre ranch In Ll 8-1846. T2i.:7'.i • FaJJbrook a.rea ------• '4 mile frontage on .ffwy. 39!1 17th St.. near ThrU ty Drug ln • Be.!IUU!ul 2000 eq. rt. ra.nch home Co11ta Mesa. ld<'al location for J• Sl60.(){)() _clear ttmall bu&1n~11s. us<'d fumltu~. e Exchsnge for !ncome TV repair. l'tr ., (It' llJ{ht m1:1-11u· I • • • (1H'lunnJll' S6~> 1110 .J A l-1 E 8 "" '°'' 73"' DEAL WITH REALTORS ' C. Shern1 Allen. Ll 8-f)630 54--Busin""''" OpporWnllies ·72pTT BALBOA ISLAND -3 bdrm .. 2 ::,:i: _._ ----Bay"~ ~~~~~.~~~Y. Inc EXCELLENT LOT NEWPORT HEIGHTS, by ov.·ner , 16000 -1.1 8-7438. 68tfc M-1 Acreage Ideal lndu11lr!al or trailer court @!te9, near Costa Jtleaa. $77~0. per acre. good f inancing. OAN A. JACOBSEN, fuaJ El!otale Hu. 5691, W 8·6317, K.l 2-2 18T ROOMY aunny 2 bdrrn. plus: hard- w ood nra .. fenced, 16.rge lot. nea.r mkl. A lran1J. $13.000 rurn .. tuna. W 8-4818. T3c75 NEW ORLEANS HOME • APT. on UlUe l.!lland, $40,000 or wiU rent houa11. $2000, •timrner Apt. 11000. Har. 4342. Tic73 COSTA MESA Nl'wly decorated 3 ~drm. home, 2 yni. old. TUe noor-1. lAwn. $1 0.~ F . P. Low down. 980 Und'°n Place. Call collt"-Cl COSTA MESA LOVELY 2 BEORM., 1 BATH. Hdwd. noors. large lot. b<'.J'l t•tl· fully l&nd1'CAPfll, ne.ar Go!! Cl ub Full prlce s11.:100. HOME &. INCOME ATI"RACTIVE \luplex, cbo1c::e IOI'•· Uon. l &-2 bedrma. Underpri~ecl. M_ET A NELSON 2008 E . Cout Hwy Corona del Mar, l--far. MtlO. West Newport 72c74 Two bedroom home. a.partmrnt over large garage. Drive hy 208---f.Oth St: then 11ee U1' ff)r tletaUe. N.B.C. Realty 32nd. a: Newport Blva. Har, """ LAND -LAND EXCELLENT LAND-In beaut!· tuJ • r e a on highway 76 In A l'IP OJ.~ A MONEY MAKER- l;>l!ftt rrnllll l(l('<ltlon In Balbo&- Ct'n l"r of oce•n and bay •Wlm- mlnl(' &nd •h(lpplng. Ali com- plll!tt ly !umillhffi. Bargain at $36.MO. Tenns. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ''°' Wt.11t Balboa Blvd. Ha rbor r.188 Prime Investment No phone C1'ilA on thlt C-2 pro4 perty on a. ma.jor cornt'r ln the hellrt. ot town. lmprovement• a re fin1t cl..... Good .olld ln· come at $260 month. P otential.a will run ck»e to $400, ln very neu tuture. Full pt1cll ii only $27,M>O. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson CURT DOSH , R(tr. 18'6 Nowport Blwl , ·.;;.:;; MOP 315 Marine Ave. Horbor 1560 IMMEDIATE New :I ti.drm. $iii.O full prle~ SlOOO down. 1..swn a nd shrub!! !n front. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18ti7 Newport. Coats Me.ta LI 8·1 632 Evenlng8 LI 8·1400 BY OWNER INCOME UNITS BEST OFFER TAKES 1802 Havm Place LI 8·5835 C. SHERM ALLEN I Acro11R from Collt& Meaa B&nkJ Ph. L.l 8-67111. Evee. Har. 43M" Llb9rty 1·2103 Bay Shores 1572 Circle Drive Open oauy -1-fi:ao NOW PRICED TO Sl!lLL a bdrm., l % bllth, trpl., F. A. heat, llil elec-. kitchen. 8pac:toua patio -bUUt ln BBQ. OvflHi&e garage, ieneroua .rtorqe. RALPH P, MASKEY 3(11 REALTOR Newport Blvd, Npt. ....,_ .. , north11rn San Diego Co. ne11-r T?p84 Plllnme..r Mt. 33 ~ acre11 11..11 In lw""•-.,.LL""·T=:Oc-W=cAcoLL-;--,,.,.,..c.:c:::c:._-:--ctlu'u:::c I·--------------- cultivation leaeed. Adjoln11 & out. 2 b<lnns. large kJtchen. shopping center. Clo11.e to r11nch· · II -1 finplact, p1~ pane. nr • • e. ea or pronlnent people wllh Beautiful covered patio with cllr\111 &: avocado grcwt.11. lAnd s 6 o J l ..... u1 • oven. ('e l a11m ne wo "-.• U.Un<• •• a boauUruo "'Ys nicely for 11ubdtvi11.lon. Wa· &' ,.,. Corona del Mllr. Owner 1110 1 horn 1 N....,...,.rt Hal h<> ter 11vatem wholly owned. St.8,· v ew e • • -·-..-~ I VIEW HOMES -----~--------bftth house, unfurn. yrly Av1tll-$ CAFE $ .. 'VERY OESltt.ABLE. g-ue.11t hOU.!le able lofay Jet. H.e.rbor •623 or completely furn .. prtvate. utll. 2308-R ei•ea. 71 c03 TOl!:A I. r'OR COUPLE. On & Off CO.!llll Me.a , C.J!fornla Wberty 8-7714-Evea. LI 8--3158 "' A vocado. Har. ~l84-J for pril'.)<5 llh ........ vt f ~--000, clf'ar. A lioml:' here will be W UDOueu uC..-. _. O ......,. • term•. 71c 78 L-' ••d -··· erettvlew 6-13111 TJc7:t • -Whether you are In bWllneu ror pd. $-10 wk.-311 >.larigQJd, Co-1 ----------------1 BO'er, too~ F'ull price $Sj()(), No rona del Mar. TlcT3 UNFURNISBJs:O 2 bdrm. "= den h!UE' •ky. lo1i!!;hl con11lde1· ter•nr T RAILER homto ror yeu'• leuP. In New-RVSS BEN'.NER.. Eve•. Har. 161 1 FOR BEACH HOUSE port HeiJht!I • jWll llk« Jll"W , B lb B p rt' UA_-Aph. for ft.eat $136. Harbor Mo& 711.'T3 0 Oa IJY rope 1es Will exch11.ng• lalll, llke new 111' -;:=-;;:::-1 -.:._:.:::.__:;:.:::,,~=c=--~~ I HWlli \V. l:lalboao Ulvcl. }lat. !'>18! Terry Raznbler vacation trailer UNJl'URNISHED 2 bedmi• .. fl~· J."OR RENT CO'M'AOE -Nice 72c74 11~ Oown pa yment on poagibly pla.M, cuate. llke ~w. $90. fo r alngle working lady or cou-1----------------nuulown Beach houlle. M. )(. Harbor ~ 71CT3 pl~. Cl<:Mle to Udo 'AAopp1nr c"n· SMALL CAFJO.:, doing big bualne1111 lola110n 625 N. Yal~ Fullerton, •-------------8 ... all yr St&Jn!C'!M •leel equipment. tiror. Kty al 316-4th St., .. pt. LA1nhi!rt 5-MaS. TtpT3 1-'c1l) E;stablillhcd 8 )'r• .. rlnc !or cou-1 ______________ _ $&800 \VITH libera.I term11 bll)'I Back Bay w•ltcr view lot. Jl"aceJI South from Meaa Drive. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1807 Newport. Collta Mt~ Ll 8--lt.32 Evenln1:s W 8-liOO coMldered u part. Owner 2300 l -.:;,-,-"'C".".'".""-::C::0-:-::-::---1 ...., -· "'"' .... Cliff Drive. Q9p74 CORONA DEL MAR Call !or lntorm&Uon. OFFICRED Jl'OR RESID!:NTTAL lot on Eaat 19th z WEEKB ON'LY St. Level. GQoiJ neighborhood. Largt> re11ldential oorner. ImproY· Ready for home or duplex. Qnly ~ With L •haPf!'d hOWlt'-, Space "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 1.6116 Newport Blvd,. !Jotta Kua U 8-3792 or Ll 1-6886 13WO. for pool and four •ddiUOnal ORANO!l COAST hOU8U. OWNER 4l0 Gold~ 7le71 Ll S-811M EYee. PROPl!:RTJES H&rbor 298l ·R. 7IcT31-------------· -For • dependable UHd car, Ma 1807 Newport. Col!ta. Mella y our Joeal dtah~r who will M her~ W 8-1832 Evenings W 8·1400 LIDO R-3 By Owner JOW'Rlf or work tor .omeone el.e, 1 8-,-Y--S-H_O_R_E_S-. -,--bd-n·n·.-&--,-.,-.· 1 )'OU can UM tM c.laaalfled ""-to UnW Aug. po119lble to renev: In pl~. ottered bt'-low replacen1eol .. ,st Ne&r c ny HaJI. N 8 .C. REALTY CO. roMORROW to back up ~hat be COMMERCIAL LOT 2 -Your Advertlllln( Dollu• g-o M1Lt TODAY! Check the u.W. NE•'--HARBOR • 191h, •"•1:13 farlJler. do more. ffli m ore. vnien "--'~ "" "" -30 ft. loa on So. Bay Front. $31,MIO each. Call T . D . Rogera, Har. 1686-W, or RY-.n 1-4029. ldeaJ For qJ11. NEW T RIPLEX. loc::auon 520.MIO see to clale. 012 Plwner. Har. appre-,_J. ..... your &dvant.q• to .e.li your ar--Sept. Sllll mo. Av&U. now. - W:.. produoa °" mercbaad1a LI ll-f.8U. 72c74 32ll•1 • Newport Blvd., Npt. &<h . Rubow 1 f,06 you l.dvertl11.e In thll paper -can In lhe claaaified NCtiQn to-to alley. LOW PRICE. Owo<'r Pbone Harbor 181t. 4&.J. II.arbor 3361. U 18tte • . - - .. , --·- ~""' . .;.. • .... ..... ,, ..... ::me-- .. ........ e:z ...,_ 1. BBORl!lCLIJTS. Jaot u.t.c! -exeluol•• with ua. -.Thia l••twlate 2 bedrm. and den home oa Momint Canyon Road with pa.noramJc view of ocean. hills '--_.nd wyOa. . ~ ._I, l&rp f1qo1<>ae paUo, cu pet• and drapoo Included and ooly $31,ro(). BETT,J;:R "UJ!RY !"' .U;!!l..!!!'A.. • ",Jt2.1i.\)o.111.__.. • 2. SPECIAL BUY. 3 bednn. home plus 1%. bath•. tlrepla.ce, double garage, fenced yard. YES in C.orona del Mar and only $15,000. $4-000 down will handle. Shown by appointment. Should tell quickly. 3. DUPLEX. Cloee-Jri choice location. 1 bednn. each. 1 unit fumlahed and on lease at $75 per mo. 1'"'ur- nlture included. Front unit available for buyer. FP $1Q,7M> -$4000 down will handle. 4.. DELUXE OORNER DUPLEX. Two bedrms each., fireplace, beet location. Shown by appointment. Priced at $~,000. Tenna can be arranged. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUlSTION, Re!l.ltor 34.f.7 E . Cout Hwy. Corona de! Mar Har. 47 (Office localed next door to NeWJ>0rt Harbor Bank, CD&1 J CORONA DEL MAR 4. bed.rm. home in Shorecliffs, with many featur1~i. for family living. All electric kitchen, full bath and ~. bath pluR a 1,:.J bath. \\IW carpel1ng. Urup•·8 Ready to move Into. * * * * 3 bedrm.8., bath and3.~ localed on a street to strt'cl lot with a permanent unobstructed view of v<:C'ul\ Ranch 1tyle h ome, beamed ceiling, Aha ke roof, natural wood k1tcben and many vther fine fe11,tur~·s • • • * VIEW LOTS VIEW LOTS VIEW LO TS Only 10 minute drive from ou r u\.lo·n fine Harbor No place along the Coast w 11J you find 59 OCi"IUl view lots for saJe AT SUCH J_,Q\V PRICE.o;;. Prices 1tart at $7500 to $11,500. 1'-or more infor· mation, contact our office and we will be happy to s how you the pro1X>rty. W. E. FISHER & Associ<1tes 3024 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 - • BAY AND BEACH ... 8-/8 RtAL TY, IN c •I a ... .._..... -Realtors .... ·-~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. PAGE 5 MONDAY, FEIRUA-}' 20, 1956 D Pee'...._ Lido Realty · Associates LIDO ISLE BA YFRONTS INCOME -.BALBOA T od<1ys Uefo Specie I .. •.11,)l, •-i..tu ... -q~-..-a;·-.....-..l -·-~1 -3tJii°rti -=-crooa ••1t•ram:---·+--'I'_.,......__ __ __,_ 1n • kitchen. Pier & slip, u..ndy beach. First time Via Koron ratreet t.o' street lot) Th.ii weU plan• listed at lh.ia price. • $22,600 -Will eonaJder trade. ned Lido home repreaenta e:xcellent value at Furn. $73,000 -Coavenieot tenna. $22,000 7 UnJta -Near Gramm&r School y i • Lldo Nord -3 yr. old, one story 3 B. R., 2 bath . 100% occupancy, winter t!bd •ummer. Owner es ta another new LIDO REALTY UstioC". We bayfront home. Very attra.clive modern. Deeds more room for increued family, think it's a. real buy. You can have the turn1ture Wonderful "Beacb tor Children too except the TV and recordplayer for a.n ExchWve Listing -$65,000 60' on Lido Soud ! M UBt Sell -$52.000 addiUoo&I ~ TRiPLEX -Near 10th Sl Bathing Beach. ASK FOR EITHER OF 4 B. R., 4 bath, liv. rm., lge. glaued-i11 playroom, spacious patio, wonderful home for large family. ' Pier le Float -$~ BALBOA BA-YFRONT 5 yr. old modern, 4 B. R., 3 bath home Large liv. room, lots of glaas. Pier & Slip ,L $85,000 BALBOA PENINSULA BA YFRONT Owner unable to use thiS well built attractive bay· front home. Anxious to sell. 4 B. R., i baths, partially furnished. Thia is top value -Owner will carry low down payment, l.rades, or what have you! BAI.BOA COVES EXCLUSIV E New &llraclJ\'l' :J B. R., 2 bath htJfn('. Budt·Jll kitchen, fully ~llrpE"ted, lge. p11t10 Pier & Sli p -$50,0UO Terms Three 2 B. R. unlta, two turnlahad. $31,000 -$10,000 will handle. ALMOST BA YFRONT! Bay Ave, Duple&: -Oppoaite public beach. Unolr slnlcted permanent Bay View. Owner will accept reuonable down payment from qualified buyer, BAY AVE. CORNER -VIEW! Homey 2 8. R. & den house with permanent B.ay view. Lge. fla~tone patio walled tor privacy. Owner ill -Must IMlll. Aaklng $26,000 BALBOA PENINSULA Owner moved to larger houae. A n.xloua to &ell. 2 B. R. English cottage. Carpet.a, c urtains 11.nd re- frigerator incl uded in price . $15,570 - Low down wiU handle. DEA L WITH REALTORS CH UCK LEE D ICK RUDE KA TIE OLSON GLODEN M. !o"'AY, Manager BAY AND BEACH REALTY, 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., BaJbo& ------------- E . B. CH.ASE MARJORIE CHASE RUTH TELFER INC., Realtors Ha.rbor 1264 B/ B BALBOA ISLAND VALUES Special Values VIRGINlA MANSON J . H. GROHMAN GENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTON COMBINING 20 YEARS OF LIDO SALES' EXPERIENCE Lido Realty Associates 3400 Vi.a Lido Harbor 44« IMPORTANTLY DIFFERENT 1. The top location on Newport H tA. most beautiful St. 2. THREE \•ery large bcdrn1s., wtlh plenty of cl0&et.a. 3. A HUGE li\'1ng room with patio vt~w . 4. Separate drn1ng room with snack bar tQ large kitchel'l. 5. Nice service porch, 6. Beautiful hard .... ·CJOO flo<,rs. 7. Lo\'ely covered patio 11urroundc.-d by choice land- &:a ping. 8. All birch cabinets a.nd tht> darnd("st amount of linen a.nd cl~ epa.ce, you've r \·t·r seen. !). And most lMPORTANTl~Y D IFF'ERE!\'T the price lli under $25,000. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 \V. Coa.st Hwy., Newport 8('ach LI 8·3481 LIDO ISLE CORONA DEL MAR -VO GEL VA LUES : -· . Gliff Ha ve n Kings Place One of the .lsl.a.nd·s finesL situated on .an e.xtn wide lot, very clO&e to So. Bay. $1000 Down BEAUTIFUL home on Lido Nord corner. Perma- nent view of Bay, nea.r beet beach for awimrniog. 3 bedrms., 2 baU1a, hobby r oom and den. Charming king-elne maste-r bedrm. with aleovt & connecting batb, large sun deck, attractive dining room, mod· em k itchen -butJt-in dishwasher, dillposaJ, copper hood, ceramic tile and numeroui, other feature!!. Modern 3 BR. comer home -Jo\•ely flagsti1ne f1rl'- plac€", enc!Ofied patio. On an R-2 Ju t-room tor another home. All fenced. Price 1ncludl.'8 .... ·aJJ- to·wall carprtlng &. drs.pes at $19.500 Decorator's home with fireplace. lovely l.ana1. Dbl. gasage •trea&ed for an apt. above. Priced r ight at $1 4Jl50 · South of the Highway -chn~i11g 2 Bn. home with fireplace. ~tudio 11.pt. on rear of Jut pa ys the experu;.et1 . Botb units furnished. This will sell fast -better hurry. Price $1!),:>0Q CommerC'ial Income -2 t1tore11 with 2 fun1ishe<l I B. R. apl.8. About 3 yeara old. 1-IW panel & FA beating in Doctor's office. Shows excellent incumc of S33.5 per mo. Total price $29,500, Excel. financing. THE VOGEL CO. 2e67 E. Cat.. Hwy. Har. 1741 H a r. 0757 CLIFF HAVEN ARE YOU LOOKJNG FOR A LARGER HOME' U ao, we have just that. Thi.a beautiful rambling home containa .f. bedrms., 3 baths, dining room, double fireplace, 1pacioua living room and in addi- tion there is a large den or'family room. It i.s wired for electric r&11ge, has electric dishwasher, drapeS -· '9.lld--wtw -ca.~:-Beautifully -tand!lcaped and 11prlnkler ayatem. Master light switches, and oodles of other ltema found only bl custom built homes. There i..ll ample space provided in patio for swim-mln' pool. Property i.s situated on corner lot in one of the best parts of Cliff Haven. THE PRlCE WILL SURPRISE YOU. Shown by appointment only. Call Stan Le Uevre EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th It Irvine LI 8-2664 Eves: LI 8-7056 TRADIN ' TODAY Fabulous 10 unit motel plus pool and putting green, Palm Springw. 'Netted $37,000 in '55. Want Harbor area home. Must be Top quality. Drop by, eee pictures and get the details. OSBORNE FORTON, Realty Co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port Orange) Newport Beach Ll 8-7562 Ha r. 5154 eves Choice "Little Island" Home Well furnished. Excellent income possibilities. A aunny cbeerlul Uv. nn., with a lovely view of the So. Bay. Sepa.ra.te dining room. unit beat. T~e price -YOU WON'T BELlEVE IT ! ! ! $26.500 OUR EXCLUSIVE. See our J ... ittle Exclusi\'e on Onyx, close to No. Bay, 2 bedrms .. l bath, brand new double garage. l..ow down payment makca tbi.a a mOJtt attra ctive buy. DORIS BRAY, Realto r Hu. 20 or 64 • 3 1.><!<11·oom• • HanlwOOtl floor1 • flo trmo i.-ontrollf!<I unit. htat • U1t'J brlt:k flrepla("O'.' • Ovtr1iie.,I Uv1n i; 1wn1 upenLng tn1\u • SllellPtf'\1 llln•1 t nd palio • He•U1Uully luu•l!o<-Hpt\l and f"nt'"'-.1 vur•1 • (; r r ..fJlljn 17'1 n111 ;ru:1 tn.xt'a • ~'\Ill prit•e. $11,:>(llJ Rancho Linda • t~ •er•· con1pll't .. 1y r .. ncer1 • !1<1•"" (·Q rn1! 11n11 dog kenntl~ • M!J•h•n1, L40l) .11q tt. h1u11 e. • :: IJ<'d1vurn1 "n<I lg• d<.>r1 • \\' \\' c1u·pttn throu,,;hout • Li;e lla.51otune UrcpLoce • All electdr. k1tch1:n • Xlrlt. B11.c.k Bay Af tA • $111.~0Q F'Ull P 11ce with h.>w dUwn~ $1000 Down fnu1111cul111e ;1 Lclrn1. l }r. olU llu1n .. "''1th w11U to w&JI ~··u-pet· 1111;. ill electric kilchen. 1111.:ely lf you a.re looking for a apacioua home with 5 bcdnns. & 4 balh11, a wonderful upat.a.irs recreation room, separate dining room, deligbtfuJ patio -and -a i.touble garage plua off-street parking, you will like th.is one. A value at $47,500 If you would like a 4 bedroom 2 bath home of quality plus an unLlsually pleaaaat 2 bednn. t.pL for lop income, make .an appointmeot to aee lhiB ooe todf.y . ..,.... ........ Price .$38,000 t~. \Ve also have an attractive modern 3 bedn:n., 2 bath home on the Little Island, perfecUy designed for enlert.aining, fun and easy upkeep. Thia one ia completely furnished and ready to move into. Price iz8.500 i.rm. Wl-1. W. STANLEY SANFORD Re altors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 l1n!lat:apecl ... CntqualJei.I value ------~ ---------------- at $10,7j0 Wllh jU.'!l $1,000 olown a nd n1i.nlhly pnymenu le11• lhan rtnt. At."T NO"'! DEA L WITH REALTORS Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 187:> liarbor Boulevard Ci'iata ~rten. Cit.lL(6nlIA Libert y 8·7714 Evea. LI 8·31~8 BAY~lh.J RES OPEN HOUSE F'1 1-Snt-Sun-Mon aftt1 noona 2~l !o C restview Or. 2 hr. l 'l~\JS gar un!t knotty pin.; !nt. 101<111 ,,r roon1 ror 1111111}' 11.nd j(Ut:Sl.m. OTHEHS ~OR SA LL & Sl!M~1ER RENTALS BACK BAY OPEN llUU~b: -S.t .• Sun 22&5 Tu1tln -3 b.r. 2 bath ON!. Y 121,000 Chnl.;e Baek l:S.ay VIEW lot 48Ml t.:orner VIL.\V lot 5'.~ 108 x 100, h11;illy rt•tr!C'led 8000 LJDO PARK '1P.AIL!;R -418' " new cabuio. I b.r. ta. JIKl-0 l 1nilt from El T0ro. on F'reewi)". 410 acre11, or11nge1. le-I. rur future aub<11v P rict'\'.I tl1C hl ALSO 2 11c re1 w 3 b.r. lovely bo111e. pe,rUy furn. Claire Van Horn JtEALTOR 41731 lA', Cout H"'·y. LITILE ISLAND Tropic~I Stlt •nr Indoor · ou td0(.11 hvln1;. lar'e l11n111 <t 8ednrui J bllth.1, also 1nclude• I UOdrm :-enltll un!L $34 .960. Ste your lvc•l brokrr or cv~. >~ronller 7-23.'.j'· 70c!1H J,f-1. !'.> s ere lot. Sl5000 down 1111lt11ble tor trailer r•rk o r larjC t ma.nufaC'turini p l•nt. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1811' Newport. Co.ta Mc• Ll I · 1632 l!:Ytinlnp Ll Pr-t '°° #1 Waldron. Realty Present -TOP VALUES -BALBOA · ISL;A.NO 3 BR .. 2 bath and income apartment· -Furnished, fireplace, and only $2000 down to qualified buyer. "2 -CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX -2 BR. · 2 BR. Top location. Newly redecorated. One unit available for new owner. Only $15.000 down, $19,950 F. P. #) -CLIFF-HAVEN For the diacriminating. 3 BR. and den-View home, with huge filtered pool. $39,500 and only $9500 dn. #4 -NEWPORT Want an ocean view at a rea.onable price! Two bedroom home, bdwood fl oors, now leuecl, and large new 2 bedroom apt. furnished. Thermo. beat and guest room off 2 car guage. OnJy $21,500 Waldron Realty Co. Har. 0234 Har. 22'i3-R eve 308 Marine Ave. Har. 4362 Har. 4507 eve 1023 W. Bay Ave. OPEN DAILY 1 to 4. :30 p. m. Thia ia a real cozy 2 bedroom home wilh an extra bunk room and bath adjoining tlie large 2 c.ar garage. Thia ia a single family home oo & big 45' lot aC'f"()U from the best swimming be.a.ch. An income unit can be added. T ile roof, fireplace and e\•e rything for comfort.. We can arrange terms to auiL DUNCAN HARDESTY, Re<1ltor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach ' Har. 4i18 THREE B DRM , N EARLY NE\V, on .ewer. Good tract honit. t ull pnce, Si600, Terma. $2000 Down !:XCllL. 1 BDRM .• <Ible. 1ar .. Hw . n n ., pe,Uo, Block wall fenet . on "w•N. FuU price. SllOOO, &lid only a7L ptor mo. ~::~rtPrt!~~~~!~ .. f ull price only $7000. H11..1 60 ATTRACTIVE CONTEMPORARY 3 bed.-m. 2 bath home partially furnillhcd. Only 2 ~:! years old. BOTH PROPERTIES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT \VE ALSO have eeveral Bay Front lots oo Lldo Nord. EARL W. STANLEY, Re<1ltor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Har. 1013 x 100 lot dbl., gar. an<l 2 bdrma. ----------------------- $98~$1000 Dn. BILL'S BEST BUYS DEAt.J'TJFUL l BJCD RM and Ubl#, ft'&r. 2 yn. old. 2220 8&.nla An• /I.Ye. LO TS B k Triplex lot 07' x 305' Net. Eut aide, Term• ... -$2500 CIC B<1y R-4 45' x 138' Eut aide, Sewers ............................ $3150 sa~z: ~N~tD:lxw~~;!!u:U-n~~ C-2 45' x 150' Close in ................. ·-·-·············--·-··.$(500 view bomu. 1600 .eq. tt.. and R·l Back Bay -····-········--··---····--·-···~ double l"ar. $2il.2!WI. Euy term.e. R-1 Back Bay, Choice, Parcel -·····-··--·----··-···$5250 Mesa-Harbor Realty R·I Newport Heights ............................................... $5250 • ASSOClAT<S ALREADY RE -FINANCED 009 Center St., Co.ta Mu.. LI 8·6911 A Ll 8·7784 LYTLE -Eve. Ph. LI 8-UU PETITJ'1!l -Eve. Ph. Ll 8-0487 SEYMOUR -i:vL Ph. l-la.. 02118-W Pro'(incial Perfection In thl1 2 bedrm., heavy •hake OWNER BUILT three bedroom. H. W. floors, fireplace and carpeted. Large double garage and fenced yard. Two blocka f rom town &: llChooll. Owner moving in new home -aaya 9ell Full Price Sl.2,500 with $2500 Down W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor _ ''you'll like ou.r-frien.d.ly aezylce" . • , _ 400 E . 17th St., C..t.a Meoa Liberly 8-1139 root bo•rd A: bat exterior. --------.,--------------- ral..ed U.ed brick be&clh. ope.n beam ctllln&'• beauttruJ cabinet.. lhrou&'h out, hon1e bul!t by • • ma.aler craftsman. On• year old. De11.uuruUy INid11Captd. 13,000 tJown . Call w for •ppt.. to aee. "ARl'" ADAIR, Rltr. 1868 N4Wp<>rt Blvd.. Ooeta Mcaa ·Ll l--S7112 or Lr l..&688 LI I-MM E'Yu. TJc73 Near 'Newport Pier S UNrrs YURN. Obi. 1'11.l'. U v• ln one. let ttnani. pa,y tor lh• prop· erty. Bt11t nin t&I <11.atrlct. Only $18.600 full pnce, am&ll down. COSTA MESA 237 Roche11ter OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Three bed.rm.a., nice living room with fireplaot, 2 yrs. old. Immaculate and ready for lmmediate occupancy. Near shopping center in good neighbor- hood. $I2,500, $2000 dn, .,w h&ndle. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Three bedrm. beach home, a few atepe f rom oce&a. in excellent rental area., near pier and mark.eta. Completely fumiehed including TV. $12.500 with euy term.I. JACK BRENNAN, . Realtor and ASSOCIATF.S 3320 W, Coaat Hwy. "At the Arches" Libert7 g. 7773 Ev .. Liberty s.aa78 Newport Height. Lot &Oxl27. not a lu.dlol<I J62.M>l ------------------------ Homer E. Shafe r, Rltr. VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND 106 J.fc.Faddm Plac• a t lh• Nni'J>Orl Pier-Har. 1•0 Evt111. liar. 4438-W -H'ar. 26211-M CURT DOSH, Rltr. 31 S Marine Ave. Ha rbor I 560 THREE BORM~ 1%, b.Uw, IOx.l•O klt. Kinp Plae•. $13.&00. N.._•. port Hta. B:r A.PPOJ:NTJa::1'1. 0-W-.--Ubert, g.....4()71. Uc73 Nearly new 3 bdrm. with dbl. garage, paUo, fire. place, furnace heat, dispoaal, bar kitchen, Iota of etora.ge. $27,000 f urn. Very clean. JUST IN -Nicely fumi.ahed, roomy 2 bdrm. home with patio, fireplace. Extra nice for 91tmmn and bolidaya. $20,000 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand. Next door to the Port Office Har. i<H. E''eit Har. 1.229-R Har. "2-f.8..R. • • I I I . • ' -------~--- "1A&E 6 -P~T II -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-l>RESS MONDAY, FWlUARY 20, 1954 _11~=~•!!!...i2r~._!!!!!,~·~~~~!.,~!·~-~~J11>~...,~~ .. !!...~~~~-~~~-=-~·!·~•J1D1~...,~~ .. !!...~~~~.,~~·~ ... ~·~-..~! .. ~·"-~~~r11"!:=·!-'!!!.!11!w-!'!! .. !!-~~~~11!!::=•!=!!!!.•lm!!!!!•!•~~~~~ I~ ··----r.a".--p ainre r in c-orp or a re·d of UdO -lsle l.ll)O'S BEST BUYS • -. -8/ B --.....1,.-i.u... •,..,.,, olcl -·-···-···---'21.MO "-~ ud den Very lovdy home ·---$39,9Ci0 · .Dl'OO --.. -4-l>alllll,-ryr.· old ·---·-······ ... -... ..M7.IIOO developep lot TRA.DE 45 ft. 11tttet ·to· 1treet Lido tor sm&ller Udo Jot and ~ c.. • . E:tcitin q · You· want the b8t in t.he best •~tkm for your NEW LISTINGS! ~ ~ bednu. &Dd drn, 2'4_ b!~ ~uit~te ....... .$4.9~ . -·--......., .... Lido Bayfronts N • • d. . I ~d T • I ir---J~-JO!!•l'-'W• ,,. .. oUN~&!>d.J..-J.4.:hUhft.-':'" ,. _.,,.... .. ·~· ew ""° em· LI o ·~"""•· • 't" • forced air heat, w-all-to-~U carr-etinJ", Arcadia Thia la truly • fine bullding in every reepect. Eaich gla.sa doon to patio, located in e·:clua.ive . c;::ptt Un.it bu Ila own private patio, built-in ovena and Haven, for oq.ly $19,SM. Slnc~r;;oly, thla i.11 the m03t Three 1.,..e bedrma. pie r, Moat and patio ··--··--·-... ,.$7~.ooo J'our becitnw. 6: maJda quarten, 60' lot ---··--··--··· .... $95,000 range., carpeted, fifeplacee, forced air furnacea; , excitin_, offer ing in many monlla!I. Don't wait - two unit. have 2 bednm:. and lhe other hu 3 bdrms. call Jack Crisfield for further information a.nd 2 baths.' See this TODAY at $69.~. (We can CaU NOW ! Thl'H tiednn.. It den, nearly new -·-··------···········-·······$9:5,000 Balboa Peninsula alao lease the 2 bedrm. a pt.a. for $210 per month h o bednna., turniabed, 5 yrs. old --··--······-·-····· $18,500 Three bedrma., I~ bath~. NJo-;"W -----·--··-···-······ $22,950 Throo bodrnuo., 3 botha, 3 yeano old ········-··-······-$29,500 and the 3 bednn. for $275 per month). Bayfront on Lido Nord Definitely A family home, big en ough Lo accommodate the m06t active family -the children participate but do not dominate in thi!i delightful home. 3 bedrms., l:ll, bath.a, plus a. 16 x 16 den and 16 x 24 hobby room AJJ for the ama.z:1ng low price of $~8.900, Newport Heights U you want a nice location with a 11n1all down pay- ment, SEE ~19 El Modena, Newport Hts. Two bedrm. home, la.rge loL $10,750 Has GI l•'il n $4600--4% i.nt.ereal--$41 .00 per month. Coniiicier good lot for equity or arrange euy terms. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFF ICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4-971 or Har, 4972 Evee : LI 8-5297 -LI 8-3040 -'Har. 51 42 BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE We can build for you a two-bedroom or 3 bednn. hvn1c. Approx. $4.90 per •q. ft. 100',r. F'mancing on approved lots 937 Square Foot Home-$4595 1155 Square Foot Home-SS595 Attached 10 x 20 garages ----·--$2!)5 We a.re building on Wallace, Bay, Avocado and 18th St.a:. Starting shortly on 20th St. Call or Phone for Information ... OPICN SUNDAY AFl'ERNOONS & WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION . of Garden Grove, Inc . I 104.l Westminster Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9-0633 BALBOA:-ISLAND -. SO. BAY 4 B. R., 3 bath plw 1 B. R. apL __ $.59,500 • . .) C.o\ Y 3 8 . R. 2 bath plUA 2 B. R. apt. ___ $73,500 1 ~ HLK. from So. Bay, i BR., 3 bath. wood paneled Uv, rm., t:irepl.; 2 BR. over gar. could eaaily be converted Lo 1 BR apt. Priced right at ----·----·----·-------··-----S27.500 U DO NORD 5 B. R. -2 B. R. apL ---· $89,500 UDO NORD 3 B. R. -Pier & elip ---------$59,500 LITTLE l.SLAND.-Tropical setting, 4 Bdnna.. plua 1 BR. rent&.I --------------------S3t,w.)O NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R. $22,500 3 extn. big bedrma., 3 baths. pier & slip, dining room, den, diehwaaher, di.spoea.1, !ull furnace, car- peted, etc. $75,000 wi th a low down payment to qua.lifled buyer. Call Joe Kincaid for deWla. P'URNISHED HOME at 213 Via Ithaca. This home ia in perfect condition. Newly carpeted, drapes, d.iapoaal in nice modem kitchen, very good floor pWi, 2 tine bat.ha, 3 bedrm.a .. 5 yn. old. Beautiful Site $29,750 including furniture or may be purchaaed unfurnished_ Build that rambling dream home of yours oo Lhts 11pacioua l})i acre. Located among the finest Beck Bay e.tatee. Ownl'r will sell outright for $9900, or will build to your spec::ificatlon11. !-~or details 140 ft. !ronlage on Via H&rve $51,500 Call Davidson Ot1burn. p. o. palmer, incorporated o le hanson co., seles management 3333 VI&. Udo, ba.rbor 1500 p. 11. palmer, incorporat ed ole hanson co., sales mane9ement 1700 w . coaat hlghv.·ay -liberty .S-5573 INEXPENSIVE INCOME PROPERTY ! Only St700 down and th11 3 unll lut·o;me pr•..p•rty <"!"~ to lflt:' U..t:'&ll U\ ~i"•rl 11 a ll )'OOI• l.o..a t~ on 'I. lot•, ...,·1th com- n1unlty J>llliO ln t:'OOd condition anJ •IJ rt:'nt.,,j •l l lb:t n1on~nJ)' S Ill.~ I• uui pnct }l,1-ea a 2 unit In l:l.Alboa you wi.ouW -One 'J ~nl•>in •nJ a I bedroon1. S..p11.ral• unit .. , e•ch WIUI IL rut.i jHllUO an<t HKQ Cin.. to ll•y a..o<t 0ct:'•n $1&.~I)(). tem1•. 6 UNIT INCOME! Thi• beautiful propt>rly I• •ltU· •toe<! on 2 lc.o~ nellr be•t •w1n1- 01lll&" buch tn U.lboa. Only 2 year1 o.ld. cotu!rete bloek l.'Wl- 1tructlon an<t l!'Vt:'ry convenience 1'11.r•&u, ki<:ki:r rooou, l11irc-"tlt.untry. -~-tMI buy1ns any tncome prop..rty Je4,000, tenn1. PENINSULA HOloiES ! Thr111 bedroorn. 2 biol/a, !arc., 1.ivlnl' room w ith fl"place. nice 1a.r•11• a.nJ aun<tf:'C.k . $17.~ and only '6000 down. CORONA DEL MAR HILL TO!' RUSTIC CHAR!.1ER -DR.AMATI· CALLY SITUATED on h llls1de -perm. Vlt'W ,,( p1<"turesque canyon fronl balcony, patio, picture w1ndov.·11. t..ge. lvgroom -firt:place -small but nJce kit1.:hen and bedroom.e.. ALL THJS Cl-iARM ANlJ OPEN VLSTA l''Oll $16.SOO BALBOA ISLAND \'ES. JTS POSSIBL1':, TO WVE -LIKF: A MLLLJONAIRE -on enchanting Balboa Laland. HERE'S HO\V: For your home, a modern two story houae--2 bedrm. and dcn-lge. Llv ingroom- fireplace-And for good 1ncomt', a modern 1 bdrm. apt.-Dbl. gar. and e\.·en yet a gue«t room and bath. ExceUent location -Call us for price a.nd terms. THEY-RE GOOD. ·LOTS--LOTS -tOTS · Evli'ryone ts loo.king for good building silts -We have two ex.clwiivee -Ba.ck Bay and hdlside- BOTI'! PERFECT. NELDA GIBSON , Rea lt or 306 Marine Ave., Balboa l&land l-lar. 502 or 4623 SpadOU• l bedroom home on 40 foot lot l'rol)<llrty ~ nu:e wnhl -------------------------· w..Ued yard and l i:ar g•r•ie Jle4Y)' furn1tur• I• ln1:lud ... 1 $18.000 l• U'le price &ntl ll can be bought for $3~ down. YOU CAN'T LEARN THE REAL EST ATE BUSINESS OVERNIGHT ! "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS THOMAS CHOICE LISTINGS C LIP'P' 1-tA \'l!:N 1-~1r1t Um• ofrern'.l -Lovely .1 bl1r111 J \. ti.th horn... firtplac... litlwJ floor~. rnmplt:'lt:'ly 1,n~,..1. rllo1r~ IOC•tlOI\ $22.~ CL!~"f;' ORJVI!: -11n•urpa-d pt:'rrn•nent vt .. w. f,.e i..,t 1,,. 11v 1uo1n with flw1 1 .. <elhOK w!11<M,i-..·a, ram1ly ,,...,.,, with flr'<!'pl•cr , J b<1rr11•, l 'r. bat.ha, w I•• w • 11r1wt .., t1111fl<!'e ...... i... .. , &.'.H\,OWjJ HA:-.'t'll ~·rv1.~; HflJ.tE II O•U - ul<j b<!•~1l1f •1I h11n1" un 6."I ft !"! , i•u1! "'' Jrv1n• Avenuei 11.ll l.11.,,. •11rll.("l lv .. ly •lKur•\'"d I '"'"I• J h"•lrooni•, l "\. bath•. tlr••khu1t bar • 1111111111" •rt:'•. n.t .. ·'1 iloor" F .A h,•t. built· Jn 1ht:'nlla•.or ra ns •' • .1v .. n nt:'ILY.)' Jhlk., f\IUf .. 'W o'•H'fWI• 111K " tl111i><'• 1ncJu,1"11 sie.:.oo 11.AltBOI~ 1111:111.ANDS A ttrar. tl\r J t .. Jr1t1 1 '• b•lh hc;tn,. • • f bdrm, home -2 bdnn. hom• .-rl • Beamed a.Wnl' -ownn-builll • Garb. dlap. -venetian bllnda! • 8" thi• now! Re:al va1u.r • Eutaidt:' l()(, -owner 1u.vtn1! $3,(iOO DN. ! $13.500 FuLL PRICE! • • * * • $10,250! • 2 bdrm. -hdwd. tloor• -I )'.-. old! • (.'loN ln -MkU. -•lorft -bwi! • G11.r••e -floor furnace, th,r•n10: • .1•11.uo -B.B.Q. -fence<! -lawn I • Larg• Uvtn( nn. C•rpo-tt:'d' • Sr e tha r\Cfll now' \\"by .,,, •ll ~ • T"rnu can l1"' arrangied ' YES! ONLY $10.~ • * * * * $2000 Down! • 3 bdrm. lidwd, floo.-.' • I •bl g&1· pauo rericed~ • ~ 1ne l&ul#1<I• Joc -quiet it. • l(a9 li I lO•n' Tu:u included[ • 11u1 of town r.i...,·ne r \'ai;&n\' • Tr-l&rl<11<'•pe<I ahrul>11 ' , ONLY $12.000 ! • • • • • Newport Heights! • ()('u.n \'le"''' 2 )'NI old' I • ~ bd1rn It.ill d1n1ng rm -hdwd floor•! • Lovely l \.IMl lla<t ""llh full b.th '. • 1~ .. I 1r.!pla« 2'>0V L(t:' kltr h•n • • 1_;1 ... f'd in l ub • .rio""""'r ' • \\ •""-1 ll11nclr roof eown .. r bu1H • • bbl. gar. -....'Ith a!Jt:'y entr&11ct ' • ~\'l•luw tnu.l ...,.11 1 ·~~ \f!rma ' ~ON ! $1 8,500 FULL PRICE! * * • * * Vacant c .2 Lot! e E 17th St -Gro,.•1n1 Du• lOol'' • K:i' • 300· lrvirl tteWf!n1t • Ai:ruu •L fton1 n .. w '"Clock" r.,•taur&nt! • Could droublt In value ! • U•H or lown owner rna y tak" l "1'tna ' $19,500 F'ULL PRJCE! * * * * • Oth er Lots!: • (k'<!'ll.n v1t:'w1 Kin..:• l~d ' • t;.._.1,aul• \.'.'.,•t•lde llt:'11 ht.! •It -I R·4 -\:·l -C·2 M·I -A-1 • •~~up' -T•kf! your c hoice! • Ar1u lrorn 2 ac. to 1000 a.c * • * * • DEAL WITH REALTORS BAY & BEACH REALTY , Inc . l 696 Newport. Boulevard Costa Mesa. California Liberty 8-1161 Evea Liberty 8-3010 NEAR NO. BAY 3 B. R. ---·--· .... _$25,000 INCOME UN'JTS: ............ $2:>,750 to $38.000 incluaive. • tr you want the cutMt 7 bedr(l(1m hullae on the "p<Jinl" • -. n1cir cla.ed JM.Uo . WIUI B.B.Q. fire• pl11.ce 11.ntl only $!~.000. wH.h tflrTru1 l:all u. today, Just a.11 you c:an't learn medicine, law or any other pro(ess100 by merely hanging out a sign. j i, )"'"'~ ulol, I+ 'I :Ii hv I 11>0111, rev•·•-d(.l(lr IJJ.,n, Wt:'lllh- tr •lr1pP"'•l , ,;a1baar dl<1po..>>111.l ~1 ,.p•..o!•I(" f••Uc•ng, rna.nr •l- !r•LllYr l~•tur~•. Al,L for $1 ! . 1 fi!:, w1tl1 t ~·, flnaneinc ------------------------- C'b~k with ua on Lhese and others. Har. 1776 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa ls.land CORONA DEL MAR B...lboa Realty Co. Oppo>11te Bank or A1nen ~a Ro• U reelt:'y J:i:d ~ 41 C6rndiu• Jo.ephlne W ebb 7:>0 H:. Balboa iilvd., Balboa l'hone l.larbor 3277 B/B Let one or the 300 membcni of t.he Board handle your lrantiB.ction for you ... We're 9oin9 to 1011 A Mill ion Dollars worth of ~eel e•tate eech month of 1956! lt-lultiple JJsting Service HA Y~li )ttES f>~lnf'•f locallon on ls•y1hurr Orlvl' '"'l\h VIE\\' of b11.y. J b<lrn11 I '!la bath•. illulnK rvon1. !1repl11ce, hd""d !l1->01a.. ~c.,H&nt t•n1lly hon1• tor )'f'&r 'tound l!vln~ $23.0-00 1'ern1a. "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIATES Vogel Values Costa Mesa IF You can make a good down payment, the owner will sacrifice on price. 2 bdrm., large living room, dining room. large cloeet.a, bar kitchen, lot.a of glass, front and rear. See to appreciaU. Very nice 2 bdrm. home with g-uest apartment over 2 ca.r ga.rage. Hu hardwood floors, dining room o!t living room, patio & barbecue. 45 x 118 Lido Isle Tiff: ~{OST t:ltARMING P rovin- cial ""'" h•ve evt:'r advf!rtl~. l l Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 224 \\" (\p,Jt 111 .... ·11y l.J 8-55'J7 :-;"f:'wp<>rt IJe•('fl "C" THOMA S "C' THOMA S BACK ·BAY BEAUTY 2 bdrm .. 2 bat.ha, 1800 aq . fL Living area, 2 patioe, radiant heat, fireplace, marvelous view of Bay. See this an:hjLecta dream. $32.500 funtlahed. foot lot. South Side Blvd. $24.000 Newport Beach hM 3 bt:'(lroom•. conv. df!n. Thf! 401 N. Newport Blvd. 1en<!'ral tlt:'<:or I• ma£n1f1c1enl. J _________ ..:_ ______________ _ M..&kc an appol~LrnqJ. to •'-'• it. Old raahiontd comfort ,with charm plua modern conveniences -New Back Bay home -.3 bdnna. fireplace oa quiet banjo atreeL Full price $23,7:SO Th!a one haa &ll kinda of poeaibilitiee. Corner R-2 lot. Two bdrma. &. bunk room, 1 ~ . baths,. 3 -Wilk-in -Ctoee~ very 1i;ge kitch~n. open be&m liv- ing room, ahower & dre88ing room, single garage. Space to build apt., over 2 car garage. $16,500 RAY REAL TY COMPANY 8"4. E . Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 2288 (acrou from Bank in C. D. M,) VEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SER\1ICE WEIGHING VALUES? _Lookin« for yJiur.J».Qn.ey'• woz:t.h ? Then ta.k:~_ a loo~ at thU 3 bdrm., 2 bath, eha.ke roof home. Only 8 mos. old. Birch kit"Chen, built in stove & oven, carpeted Li v. rm., apacioua patio A sun deck , Only $108 mo. paymta. at 4.C)ii. F. P . "$23,500. Beet Peninsula location. OPEN SAT. SUN., 2016 E. Ocean Blvd. or call now MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realtor *4 Newport Blvd., New port Beach HAR. 4610 ~ST A STONE'S THROW FROM NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL Thia 3 bedrm. home baa 1 le i,, bat.ha, fireplace, braktut bar, dining area &: patio. Property i.a fenced a.nd la.rut.caped. Owner'• leaving for Japan and roust aell. Priced at only $13,:500 IT JUST CAN'T LAST! Call Stan Le Llovro EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor WHY SETTLE for leu than the 1-1..-w'-you Oii.i\ have1- • Lota of rO(lm ln it·a 4 bedroon\a • Good l:onatructlon • Ut:'•UllfulJy planted lat gt:' patio • Uke oo· rrontage • DeftlgnC<I for large flm!Jy • Aaklnit $J~.7:w>. Newport hl...,,d NE\\'PlJl(T 181....E WATiL"RFRONT DUl'l...EX. One •pl. 11 .. 3 b~­ roo .. a. d1n1nl' roon1, l ~ bath.II, - large l1v1J1g roon1, aJao ont:' bed- roum apt. 2 car (&race. PlER A l''LOA T. f'URN. Aaklng prlct:' $-36.000. KINGS ROAD 70' Bay Vit:'w lot One of the few avaJl.a!Jle. H urry DEAL WITH REALTORS Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Via Udo Brldg• Offlc--}laJ-3~3 "Ju•t riJ"hl ot U..e Udo IJ'j'tdgt:'" CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Marine Ave. Harbor 1560 23 Rental• Top Inc ome W• chaUen&• compartllOn ot price, lnrome • term• rall nllVn"r af· lt:'t -t.:30 Har. ~44 . 88c80 LI 8-21164 Eves: LI 8-7056 FOR 6.A.lJC BT OWN~ bed- room honM!, 1 "-Mt.n., land· ..:aped • fenced. nu. k>&n. F'rMdom born• u-. Call Liberty 8-t2l3 mond.np or l!lth .. Irvin• .,,., • p ~ ........ '"" ~~~~~~~~----~-~--'-----'- LIDO NORD BAY FRONT A 'M'RACTIVE 1 story home, livable and conven- 1cnt.~ Tbrtt bcdrms., 2 balhs, n1aid's room and bath. Carpets, drape11 and appliances included. -r. D. ROGERS, l·larbor 1585-W Or Ryan 16029 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Feb. 19th from 1 to 5 380 DEL MAR Lovely, new, back bay three becfroo~ & den\ Full price $23,500 with onlY"' $5000 ~.n . W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor IK'rYICe .. 400 E. "you'll like our friendly 17th St.. Costa t.-lesa Liberty 8-1139 GOLD NUGGET NEWPORT HEIGHTS Channing ultra.quality built home, large living room, raised fireplace, 2 bednne. & den. Extra large gorgeoua sunny step.saving kitchen, natural wood cabinets. Fine yard & plantings. Double garage. Owner leavirig state, mUAt sell. A real buy -cuy terms. $24.500 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OSBORNE FORTON, Realty Co . 2323 W. c.out Hwy. (al Port Ora.ng:e) NE'$l)Ort Bea.i!h LI 8-7562 Har. 51~ C\'eA \ Highway 39 _ Onlv 111 m ileR nor!!J ot Huntl.ni.; -(Q.,• ~iC'fi: ~00 ft fro~i•itt, 7 11(·r,e. 16000 pt>r scrr Osborne-Forton REALTY CO. THE VOGf L COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty S-5597 2323 \\" Cua1t fol""')'. . Coat& Mesa Evening Liberty 8-7457 111ot l'Qrt Orl'l 11 gt:') Nf!""'port Bo:iac h. -------------------------Lt 8 ·it.62 ll11.r ~l ~I eve• CORONA DEL Jlo!AR I .~u·e atnil-l'rovrn cial typ.i 3 bdrni. I' 11\!'n horn~. Large lflt, 2 brick. 11replect11, I\. bllth&. H dwd tl.-.. .• •h .. ke root. 1•00 eq. ft. llbl .rar., i;tr,.3Aetl. Excellent I ti c al 1 n n $23,000 with $1 2.800 la.n at &!XI l"'r n10. E XCLUSIVI: wl~h JOHN E . SADLEIR .. H.eallot • ln11Ur.tn('oi: I lvlln \V. Er11•r<1t. A-.ociatf! 3333 l!Ault Cu&Jlt Hl1;hw•y Corona r1el Mar li11.r 2•2'1. 72c73 HOME & INCOME $4200 !JV\\',..,. lh•e ln one 2 bdrm l11Jme IH SJ per mo. Rent on olher, p11y9 lo .. n. Or renl both tor SliO,. fM'r n1011th. leavr• $92 p1..,rlt -8)' o""·nu, L.J 8-76J2. Mtfe INCOME PROPERTY &24.flOO 00\\.N L.EA YES YOU 1385 n1onlh proUt or 11-2.000 down leavn I I~ protll. F.H.4 . loan. By owner, U 8-7Ql, 66Uc 180 ft. Parcel Near Back Bay or will M.11,. J - 8() x 130 lot. '32:50 M. Hat. IHJ Near the Beach -Minutes to El T orq Beautiful Contemporary Ranch Homo $13,800 Full Price . . . _ VETS NO OOWN MOVE RIGHT IN e Designed by fa.med Oiff May • 3 bednrui_ -2 bathA • Built around Patio area • Firepl -Muter bedroom 11Uite • Built-in Range and Oven See thi11 furnished model home at R.ro.hi ll and Irvine in daily wond~rrul Tustin. SaJesma.n a t 2 ::;Q to 6.00. Call Lehigh 9-3523 information eveninga. Mrs. Calabash Wherever You Are If you ace THIS hou11e, Jimmy will KNOW where you llre. \' ou'll be living in It, enjoying: the brea thtaking view or beach, coa.sUJne and country- side. New. 3 BR a nd den, 21,:.! batha. 2 firepla.cu, intercom system, built·in elect. range and oYen. WW car1~t thru-out. All beautifully decorated. It's a steal, you can a-F-0-0·R·D it. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, Auoc~u 3622 E. Cout Hwy .• Corona de! Mu Har. 27'1' "' ·-----:.:.'-------------~-~-~.~~~~- '