HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-27 - Newport Harbor News Press. ' .. ~~--....... .. ............. ' ·-. ' . .. -. ~ ~ , ·~·. --~ _, 1. IA Y UP TO SCORE -Newport Harbor's Gary Grttn, i;;hown -~•ded in mid· air, went up like an elevator Friday ni:bt to drop thh1 2·point sco~ in bucket u Hwitinfton Beach Oiler vanity'• Don Jaroih!f'n I Nn. J7 ) and F'.d Dolt11.r, /No. 24 ) plu.1 their fe:Uowa, atood around v.:ith mouth• OJX'n . St.arr Photn + ••• ..::----· .VOTERS TO DECIDE 8 .-. POSTS FOR ·POLIT Comty Sci• Supervbor, HAUOI WEATHER ~l t.am.per&tur• Harbor ana were: In "'' HIP Lo• Tu-iay, Feb. 21 ... . :is Wednf!lllday, Feb. 22 ~ Thutllday, Feb. 23 ... M Frlday, Feb. 24 ........ &7 a.turnay, Feb. 21 ...... II 8unday, J'eb. '9 .... --17 ......,, J'eb. 27 ........ 16 " .. " .. .. .. .. Lt. H•d to Leave. fo'ir11t I.,!. Ph ilip ~ Hur<1 . 1A, IOn of M r . 1'n(1 Mr1. R. K. Hlfr<t, 610 Mlll'ir\l"r;1e Av.,. I~ "''hP<1ul,.<1 lo leave Ft. Jinn" Kv.. nr"! e•th for duty In Grnllan,1• at llMt of Opan.Uoa G~ro~rope. \lie um,.. uiut J'OUit'Orl plu. ·ru . R\ll'd La a 1 ... l(l'M'luat.e of tlM Unl?eralty ot Arlmona. -···--"" _.., --. .-.....-.. -~ .... IT ·WAS SURPRISE TO T!-IEM . ftNe -.rpl'iMd ciUMM who wandered tnto Newport Bo-ach City tklJ l'rlda,J for .,.. ....-i ......... ---9ft ~l~ abo••. left rfllt.l, Vkk k)'r'a., Kart Jr1mer , and ~!but, Btf'<' ... , Dunne u.. ..ton the rnlC"•lloft of city man&l""r JI)"" J kJtort .... acet'fl'led and J . Bert Webb, e~,~ ~~ted MUAc·CliU' Jn&MIW. -Blatt PbQto Thi,. ltl&.lltr plan hu ~n un•l"r "'"~' fnr nf'lltly. y N .t , ""'"' WhPr> H ,,...,.,. pr,.~ntl!'d In "'" pl11nnir1i:; rnmm1M1nn by r11." Man"I'"• c;.orge Coff.,.y &fir\ \ "" ril .I' cnun. ell la.t summer il w"• ""ltlt"~'"'1 that the con1n'll•ion fl""• on It by A.111'\ 1. S!nca then It ha• had th• atten- tion nf •h" r.1mml'""'"· a rnm· m 111_. frnm i h" ch•m1'1!'r-nf C'<">m · ~ce. aru& meiiti.n or tli'fl cil ~· ~ncil. lht !alt.er 1pendbla "°m" W~k" l rylnjl In fl"" '110w~ in lh" r<>mm11111inn'" tln"ln•"· l1o; Cuts ·. T0ngue n ·•iii• ~ Crash •A ll·~r-old l"'""-l"'rl ei-11 r h tioY 11 tm(l9\ "'-'t orf hi• '°"'"' .. g,,.,. .•J''9-fl.en»n<>n "''"'"" "'" rarl hilt !lllcycl .. lflltfl a p11 rkf'<l r.111· In t"" ltlG b lr>rk n f W. 8"11'>n~ Rlvd • •• ,..._ tfl Hoac Hnltpl!al .,, ... , 0-tt-ll: ll<'f'i~ Wll.• l)onlll lrt T ,-~. 101" ~-°"""'" 81'·<1 Th .. .. tired__ ear ••Jt r .. rla\f'r"'1 tn R<>b<ort GllT'dnt!t: A!,l W. 8111m11 B!yrl. The boy-•1d h• wa11 lnnlona nvft hi ~ ,.h.,ulr1rr •t 1.hti "".-nm1n1t lr•frlr •o" t•llHf ''"' nnt w• q, .. patltf'd r •r W!!n~ 111'1 1'1 "'"· ot.Mr Jll'Ulh """-" ti"l"I' "" th .. hlk• "' 1h• ,.."' .. llf""· . Ed SMll le"., NEW RED CROSS PROJECT Charles fontius Fanilly Named Co-chairmen Here Snm•!hin,e-"""'' In ra.mily prnj-1 l!p<>n l"!turn19.. tn Orar1,.. .... ,, 1\111 b4><-n unrlerUkll!n hy M r . I C'"<>11n!\' th" f•mi l~'. moved hett! •nrl M l'!!. C'h 11rlll!11 F',,r.i.in11 •n" !heir wh .. •11! ,,., bo-<'11m .. ll!mpl.,yf'f\ Nov. 1 ,,.,..,.., •·hiltl..,.n nf Ray Shore". 1111 w1!h :'l!Annr n Jnrlu,.lrif'll in r .,..t., nf whom will ,...,., • ., ""' ""·rhfillr· r "mr"1r' fnr \h" !11.,wpnrt·f'""t " I M"""' Rr•.,rh F1 1nrf' •rr"p!in1t lh" 11ppninl · 1'11pl •in~ In t h .. H.,rtv>r ... ~. m "nl. """" fTlf'mbO!r nf !h .. f10mih ' "·nrk1 n11: with lh .. F'nnlluA tAmiL)' """ hf>.,n "'nr~lnlt' nn p.-.par11Hn n·, 1 t<:>r t h .. r1riv .. _ inrl•1r1" Mr". R.,nill!r fnr 1~ .. fnnf1 . ..,.111inJt r•rnp.&ijfn 1n K"-1•. S..Jholl Cnve. Mrll. R1Jph 1h .. •r"• 11n<1f't' lh"it j•1ro11rllrt1nn. r;.n,irr .. ,· R"lhn• l11l11nr1 , MMI . •n<I P'"f P.&J'lftf f<>r thr lrlr k...,ff f'hf'lpoo Mf'rtrk.,1. Bllly l•W."'1: Mt11. hrf'•k1••-' whi<'h "';II n... MA N"h I Rnt...rt i'll•hl•r. RA Ibo" Pf!f»n81-llA : ,., l!l;,3Ja~\.n-. 1n IT'''"" f'nAJtl . Mr• r~nrir., <'11 rt1 ... 8•.\' Rht>r•11 , ' f·m1iltl"y r.ltih. .~P'"•lr•r wlll .,,. th" r M r11. v.·, H Kith)'. S..Arnn S..y: RA>•·. J.,fTlf'IO fl~r1 Mt•. R11lh Bedrlll!r , t..""hilWI Cov": CHJLl)UJf "'OR.llt;all Mrt1. Lrnn Y.'ll1 1a1N1, Clirr H•v .. n: 1"1• lPl.-..e ll'Mtlu11 r hilr!r"n. 10ll Mt111. K11rl Axt •r.,r "'"" Ralph W<>rklnf "" ro-r h•irm"n. a r" MY""· ,~"mnA dll!I M10r : Ml'll. D . n11 vitl. II ·• m "'mbf'o r nr th• Cuh Hn,.lr in11 C<>rn"" Hl1thl,..,t1,.: Mr,.. ~ts. J ,_n .. , \l. tond. Jot111 1:\, Q..nrf" Pn"R"t. H".rbnr l•land: both hlfh 11Chnol 11!11d,.n!11. Mr11. f-1 ,.t1r1 Rina. Jr\'in" T .. rrer•: , T'b<P ....... 1111• fll m1ly 'toM!Wf'I)' M"'. A M y .,,.1o;,.,, Udn 1 ... 1 ... Mtll ,11;),.""1od , ~h.,11. prnr n .,l n• nf h\Oll!'d In ,_ant11 Anlll 11nt1 Mt ,..,,,.,. C 0 . 1,..ke. l.1ltl• l11An'1 K . r N'l!'WpJrl .1--teT'a I• r""l"'()v.,r· tiua •All fi"m"<t MAn ,-,( lll"' Teer F'nwl .. r . Mar1n"MI M!lll!:· ,._..., H"aly ''II' .. fl-d,,A• '"'" .... ""'"' mulltl"l" In !\lnla Ana In t•~ ~'htl" II\'· •nt1 MJ'11 Hamid 8~Y''")'. N__,...r1 •JUfl"fl -,;7 ~,.,..~v"'(j '" •n !lf'("!•I*"' In• ·If! ll'l•f ,.i(v """ ·•""""""' fnt "n 8 .. 11.-h . Mni R"'' ,,,.,,..,.., f"•wt!O'"' "" UI• C.tt lltl!'WllY two -1111 in,. .......... f1r>Y1 ""'" !I•-rvri1h· H~•lf"'·· 11nd M llOA t..ilh•n Dtn111!IL ap 1 moved to i.o. Anrclu. I !'lhrn-!1ff• • ••••• JuvHiles for DeteaalliiCJ hlued -Clt•r.dt - . ... , • -· t•4Jln.\r Plt:Orifml'·-Ea.ch member.of ti.,Ch&rlell J'ontiu•ta.ntily in1Bi.,...,_ will 1take1•n acti"f!• part in ·the Ma reh RM 0-0-. fund campa.icn·of the lfwpod.- Cnlrta .. .._ .,.., · -lhf' 111ntif'I' family · hu ~ named •to eerve u OCH'!hait'mm fM lhf' driw.. Gathered in thf' famit_ .... hom'1 t~~ their dutiee.u appohttad lead· """·~,.th.-family m"1Tlbfl"fl,, 1f'f1 In n.r:1iJ . ~v!d .,R.,Janf', I~. '!r; Si:~ Mn .. J'pntiua •. and John, 1~. · · • ,• ... ··--- • .. -· • \ '· .. _,... __ t +*" . ~.LQOl!Stl""KlWANIS.. TOURNBY· l!ryaa Lucu, ~ leU /11 'lril.h a lone bo4ktt attempt WedJl...S..y for the HarbM' Bep: <» ata fra4e entry. In foregi-ou~d la Tom Huber (67) who scored lt """*" lll .tlda c1oo1a. 11J ~eatin1 ~ µ, YlolCA , the locaJ lad.s reached Lhe ~·~-Staff Pb•l<l E lillllt ..... c.-~-.. --..... ,;x:•. s •5"< ... 1SMQ111 ~ "a. JPe)wttw11 tw ot Mn.. Cooper and Mn Baller Jllayocl1-. _. ....... fw tho 9llt erode championohip r-t'7> ~ ......... t'llrO ~' "l U. lbkd. alnu lo ~l\l WOii the u.. ..i:pliQlllkK.~t. a..r,. pr.-fw.Oooper. .._.. ........ ,la tbe ~ lllref'll , ~ Oel\11&.. 8COrff the IUOll '° ........... la llllUw'• Ca"" i. potnt. 1111 u.. pme. I '·O 11.zc.s;r.o N,g. &, Msca.i ~ .,.,.k&1"5 I =·~ 207 ts PlileuU. "''e. I UllN'tJ "'-l9ll t;emta ._ . . .... .. • -' • Ow .-:ti..11ta ~ Joh-- ..,.._,. .......... ol iPldal a ! ;...;...._,,.,, Th.,. .. ,....... ......... o1tr t.,.. .... ..._.... ""' el _., ... , -na'tt a ..... ,.,. .....,...,., • ...-·oue:M ....... ;'II+'' l''foi ii ... ..... ~ .. ~ .. ri... • .,...,..._'ll''s+re t...M! " • .~1"'"· •'' . '' . ill;jlt•• ..... , .. .. ...... ' • • -' -· "'-:;~~ ·~·<_,__...-<·-~ ...... .__ . . ----. --···---.................. ... ' . . . . . . -'t • -..•• .,. ..... ---! • THREE-WAY TIE FOR CAGE REBOUND That'a Ez Va.n Horn of the Orange Cout CoUege Pintea sandwic.h«l between mu..- cular Jim Stanley (111 and a Santa Ana Don teammate. The Buca' Bob Chapman, ·foreground, appean to be hold~ng .all three up. Looking on, Jett, ia Dave Bidnick f25l , -Eu~ne Tyler Photo ~Bue . Swim men Defeat Rivals , .VAN HOOREBEKE SAYS BUC GRID OFFER . OUT I i~~~·~ ~J!~owlm By ED MULLEN team d.t•t'4 Mt. kn >.nt.onio ANAHEJ~f, ((}CNS) -Anaheim ~till bu a •footba.11 mt-rnvn &f-t• In the Pini.le pool coach to torment it.a Sun..et Leque rival.I u ,Cl&n Van ThurN.ay by Lhe •Imp!• proc-ot Hoorebtke Saturday turned thumb. down oo any offers nabbtna ri,..t ~· In ev .... y event. from pra.ngtt Cout Col!ege,_~d laid be will nma.in in c~e. OuutandlJl&' per1'.orl1M!' wM Ruu Mu·~:r-:"" fcJrt'M.rly Of !int& Ana of l1Mi O'Jk>11i.r. 1rld. rortune11. 11Jy'• head, It wu Ule OfW' •lhty m...:fe nit." ' V..n A id he· waan't looktn1· fnr a job. ..But when a fe.llow comM up lo you with an attr~Uve of - fer, you'r• bound to (1.vc It a little. thou1ht." HlJh School. H• Ml • new achool raeorlJ of M .8 In th• ~o 1d. f'r'M.- atyle, copptd.,tb• 100 l't'M ii\ 81.1 and apla&becJ out th• anchor lap for the Winnlnc Nlay i.e.m. Double Bue trtumpM w1r1 aleo recorded by Mu Bowmui. In t M Th• weak~~ 1truftie · 'with ~t. tutur• ended dr e.maUcally ,"rtday nla:ht when Vu Hoore- t.lke, tor five yea.r• a winner at .Anah.im. •Id II• would no !Qng· er ll•lt1n lo tha templa llllll.11 • of OCCa ooe.C'bins offer. ",t UM -li-. DI"-Buil Pet•rlOll. Oranc• Cout C0Ue1e pr•dent, 1ntonntd OCN8 that "Van Hoorebeke of Anaheim l9 not tntere1tl!d In the heed toot- b&ll coachtnc Job here:· The A. UHS llffd co.ch. who had captivated Ute heut• of Ana-120 ..nd •W f.reeatyle.. and O.Orr• helm younptl!'r. aince coml.D.& Lyona, Jn Iha Individual medley (J'Ofn a pre-0.• eo&cll.1n1 .atp-· llnd ~ trtt. . "Wt are 1Ull looking for • nf'W foolb&ll r oech ." Peteraon meut ln Pboen.li, ~ he "" , Next ouUnl' f or Coach Jo- obllpt'ed to cons:ldtt hi• f'tltuN. Kroll'• ~"-alhlat.M l9 llCMduJed · A.URS •AthlaUc Dtl'«<llot · Dick kl th• Lone Beach Re1•111 next Glover •kl he'd ti.n titUna on Friday. A dual ctuel ·at•J:l Camino a fence all week. It .,._ ()lover ... all.led t~ March• 7. ...:horn Van ~tPlac«!I &.. lle&d foot-I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ bAJl ooach. . l 9111.!d . "Sure. I knew about,. the 9'lua· M & M RE.CAP snuATIO!'o'. lion ," -.Jo.I Glove.r. "lf It WU • Motors To rt·c•p ti'le •ltuaUon , l he Van'1 wl1h to lea.vi. J would Ju.t 1lory wiu brousht out re<:tn!ly have to .. y bMt of luck. that van ,,..... dJdl;erinc with Or· , "However. l'm moet happy Marine ~ & AlltolMffye , anre CO&fi College ror the Job •bout the way th1nc1 tumed out. •• hea.d toolb&.11 coach. It 11eem• "Now J caA 11.M my phone -·tMt· Ute-Pl,..W'-~..Ra.y. ROI· ·fur -l"OUlloW'-pcupcw,''·-.td .o, on tenure then. h.. intt!r-Glonr. !NU at l.Ak• Tah04 wtMch keep , "l'ilnew'-'"m'ht had ln'f'Hltp- him away from the OCC: campu• ted , the .ituaUOn. Van'• lnt.eUt- durin1· UW.-aumtn• monlh.e. c---woWd preu.11." -"110.0.,.,.~ Caclllac Specialists •·Roe.o t1 a rood football llll'erc_.._ & C-..,.-- <'oach," Petereon .. Id, "but wt W .,.,_ · - didn't bulld a 1300.000 atad1um to WHdcats arm •Up MariH IEntlMs watch• ttllnl that i• not on top Jl"'ULLERTON. 40C'NS J-Bre•· of the £&stem Conference atand· U 1-3311 Otlnda Hl&h'• Wtldcata wanned lnp." up for to morrow nl1ht'a cir play· ~ 1,. neft<l~d at OCC ott itllnle by deleattnc Mater Dtol • throu1hout the 1ummer month• Friday nLfht tn the Fullerton JC JIM'S to "btal the bue?lt1" tor player•. Oym, 7~-66. wblcli are the maj« concern of "'""';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._,"""""'i MUFR:IR SRYICE 1 jun ior collect which h•• am· r + ' btUon1 tow1rd 1 winning C'lub. MISA Solaay's Mufflen LOOICA.L CHOICE U,.HOLSTIRING " The • mOlll 10(\cll choice .,.,._, Van Hoon1bde, 1 naUftl of Hunt-U ~ A DnfUF Dual Pipe9 incton BMcb. and regarded .. SIM Nwpt. ...... <>-ta..... "'ilo·P'K&GrJ' ae,-,,., ... oee of the rtne1t .cboolboy men· ut1en7 M'tlt U 8-5'7"4 ton tn Calitomt.. '~""'"""""",;--""""""""""""""I · __._ "We talked to Van HOOl"tbtke;' 1 %181 W. <"-t Hwy.,N ... -...,rt ,... ,....,_., ,,,. DO YOU NEE!> They approached Van ud made 1fl MOii INCOMI? }II• an altracU.,. otfer. "I tl&d to stW: It every con- •den.Uon •. Mid Van HooNJbeke. •""nM otter they made me wa• t.bat attrsctlft'. I }lad to weigh aU the JlC'09 and corui. Believe m., If any offer tould turn a 1 · DIYisloll Loop BUENA P#JlX. lOCNS\ Paclfto Ooul Women·• Softball wtU be Umlted for th• cOl'lllJ'IC WC orr1r1t 81lLllCTI:D 18T ac:tltTaADC LOAN• WITH 81:11V1Cll -MAil. Nii -L -•CoTAto-• TttUeT DlllD9 SOU•HT AND •cn.D II. I. llll . ··-··-U'°' "'· ltl9tl Stllll • SN('l A ANA, (Al!f. ltl~T >-7111 ..... to a Ofte dlTialoii l""'e.1,.---Dl8T---~ le&iJLI at Oran1• and . , -...... c -----'---11 COL•' llOllS SANTA AN.A, (OCJlll) -San· ta Ana oou.,.·1 patched up DoD8 pn m:-t-Confannc. champion ... ~ t.M 8CU'I of ltll Ute 1'rld•y nl&'ht betore bowt•C out tn the .ftnaJ m lnutea M-70 "Phlif' v.1ndln1 UJ> I~ lPM-1\1 baalltotM.11 -*'n tn Bill Cool! o,... _,...._a.-., M7 ld9ll el I 2 : z;_..,.kw• ti. A. Flea. ""ltell('lq N• ...... We.,.,,,. 7 ...... C8SDD' aua.&ll .. ..... ·Olrllmip o..tl ........,. Or.-....... ~-.J o! .. "1:-iM ... f a ........ .(),. .... Ntwron a.a.ca. c.ll.11'. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CAU SICuanY COM•IDCIAL "ADOL ' Kl 2-7027 • 19'56 VACUUM CLBANBR 19·56 "ROl:L-E:A:SY:' VA CU.UM ci:a•••- now·onlY. $ • Nrr• .... tamtll e E._Nll .. _. .... llllinl • Giml IJ..ildi _... • , ....... Go&• 2 I I I • l'wl •IL• ""l'Lauw-AWlf" aie .............. ___ ,,... .... 4 .FORGn HARDWAa l1r1'1 1w1rytllll•1 Y•• nat I• • Cl1ck·l•411 Lawn lowl Tourney ........ I H&nT .,.,._ took ttr.c. pf4c• I wiUl 11 poinla Wedll...S..y wti.... I local la.w-. bowMn ~ wu111qt111n·•"Wlrtlldar W1th t.ew'n· • amut play Oii th• Newport lk&ch JU$l ==-=~=::= ~~ta~I -~-~!!i!·~~ H-'*'t Tn '• placed ....,d • ~ -~. ' -'· CLOCK· RADIO JT'• lht -.v .... ..t\11 ,.., ... , .... ~ ' •l"ric9 ., la ad., ou& ..... ..... ,,....,...--' .. ,..., •• ,... .. st., u.2: ~ pliaw•..._ t' t' .,.T~~ .' Med ripr 1i7£ 1·Yrtm.Vi~ili•::•:=~•:'::1;~ ,,,,_ ......... >-..... •& I •t' bl . . NIWI MIOHrY l'OWlll Mm llZIDI __ ......., ........ .,. ................ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , ltlTW -·MM!:a, -· AYAUllJ AT an& mll' A11 *7 tor~·z 'I .a.. .... :e al ta. .... -....... ..... -u. .... " ... .,,..,-...;: "THI PllSONAL ·•VICI STOii" 2205 W. IAUOA. llLYD. -NEWPORT llACH -HARIOR 116 OPlll IVllllllGS AllD HOLIDAYS " .. ;.-:. • 8.PacNO 18 8HO"'L""0 -L&dder Blouae ot colton- N.tiD trith ama.ll 11h1rt collar. Sbo .. ·n with Bermuda ShorU in blac.11: and white cotton checb of TA.BAK ot cautornia . , . now at UDO F ASHlONS. -Pboto •7 Don SU.h B. I. METHODIST New Bible Group Keys · Instruction to Living ReJaUOi':tlipl •i.. lo everyday Matthew wu •l•t.d u th llv1n1 le CM ,...... ol U.. .,....,. book l(J IM lint el'iMIMd. "I ly-torm.d Mujt 81bla · •tu d Y Tbow. &tU.dla.: ln<:.kided Mi· aroup a t UWI .._.boa Ul&nd COm-and Wr-1. Rul><t!rt Jblxllavn, Mr munHy M.c.JlocU9t Churcll.. Th• and Mra. T eJ R. H•~r. 1'1ni 1econd m1alln1 of the dlJl<"U••uon Steve Smltll, Ml"1 . .Bertha 1'1nk- a:roup 11 Jll&Aati<l fur 7 .JO p, m ,jllaJu.. llr., -lllcliae.I Cal'!. .M 1a1 M•rwll I at UM hon1a of Mr. and Oretch.n Brner1n1, th11 Rev. 11 nd Mra. Joha RliM, 307 R uby Ave. Mr1. l.J<Jn .. ld G. ti .. pp, i.t r 11nd lni.r-t 1.n 8'.lth a t tudy wu Mr1. K<J.11,., and 1'!r. and M r1 eapc_.. by U\oll• wbo r...e..nll.y Smith. compw.d ~ea:r.bv1h.i_JJ 1n.11lrueltQrl Tha Ra't. 1'1r. lliaµp, l•Ger of cJ--.. ..t lM c;hurch. The &rOUll, the Ql1<:uM111n. h•• 1 1ated Uul.t-1t ~ntJ)' bad lt.1 flrtt n1 teW11J" a t II Jnlenlie<l to be Yery m furmll lhe IM:lime ot M r . Uhl !ol1·1. Don-... that 1u1 p1u t 1,.ul1r Lh!ftolVg•l·a l a.Id ll. llmtth. <f l3 Sterr,. V\1t&, "4~P~"nt •• tx:lll g pu;she•I. ll 1;1 ~t.& ,:W...... T he (i~pel of SL open to •U 1.nt .. re11tetl 1H1UH.J1 ., • t • • . . • I ·-·" ___ .....,_ ....... ·• _ ..... "-" ... ~ ..... -......... . .. ... .. ......... ..., ,_. .... ----· •, MRS. WfNrFRED BARBRE, W o men·a Editor ·. ~'.mling-fion-cert -··4ti-~~i'iu.,.iilil!. ~..T l::ti.--The fonfter Alyne Fields 1obe~J\ld&tllcby ap_...,_ a dmia eap-P~y!} for rt'ese11tatlon ~:: a:.:-t:- v... ~ A.-J!iNetre. cAJyi.I Fleld.l ot Bay Sit.,.., their hi&ber -a..i troo bot--.n..fK t !ftw York h~, ..... -¥\1-When IM F••rllloo ·~-·-Co ----to~, .. ,.... ... ~. ---..,. ._.9 uoty Y )">ur nentual ooot will lio ~ tAI) •:r.,:to be pre11aW llarca 3, 8:30 p. m. in aQU Low. beea.u• tbey Catlt QD'·p ~ • wW do you son ~ '- ..._ ·~ .... of ~-ud tor hn' latel'Mt t.. ti.aMt. Trut r '*'· .....,. te _. st-,,,. la _.. _. UM u\a. &M ...., ment. We will ..-tJ .._..w .._, i.a. ,.._. _. ... -* •••a:ti1•1 a i's··· to lty Prieiac U.-f · I ···••! ---., .... _,...,,t ................. U..~lt . was r-. W ftt,Dian'Mk repre· 1J1o~t,-u.a~to • ,roftdo CGaC•N et Uy W1h•t YOUR ~·~. w .......... u cMrocW "' UM cou.a· ...-~:i. • ~....., .-.ta.ti-. . try'a oaly wornAn eonductoT, WI• CA.N PHOKS Tb• form•r Mn. ,..... la na- tka&U7' . ~ ,_ ~ m•.ny ,_ ...., .. .._ ILU\-,.ll! Anniversaries . Are Noted by Six for Candles Peggy JlubW. b1oWlfll' •LA. po.rly T 1 F 'l S&molM. ice cream a,11.d ~U• w•r• a_y or am1 y l ll•U&"'~ •nJur ed b)' ,.Quni•t•n •l· M.r . ~ w.r._ c. J . nuralind,1t1nd!nc the r«ent 1l•lh blr!ht!&y ti~'-, We•l Bernard Pl-.ci. O.,•t& c1l1br1.tiun l1.1r Peggy J oh naur> Me .... T.C.llt rn-d&k-ruutenl,, <Sa..,ll.l1.1 of M.r. ~ Wr1.-W..a ~·t.r.n wue ~ed awwa.y a.. th•!r \ C. J..,._, lWJl ~ T•.r - ~2ud w911d1J:ll a.anlv•rM ry a l 1 rac•. dlnnar h.oalld by Ml' •nd M r1. j Brl n~ng blrthdl)' cttla &Jttl A J . Triykw, tlJ I: lliiUt Ml . 1 wlahtng \he yuun1: honor1e 1naay Co.ti w..-. '"•..,. ntiun. wer1 0.-1 ck t'ur· Y..UOW d&tlodlla c-l•rid \hi M l, IOl &11d V1.v1d H.l)'M, J r.cl< ta ble and th<1 cUe W&I &•lo1·n1d A. lbMl'hl. &llI1y Reue, W-.ntly w1tn y1Uuw fr-led now1n1 •nd Wet.a. 8 h..tla Tor,...ce, l:tllen UM Nut"-. "Ka.pp)' ~••r•ry ·• end &cutly T•yki.1-, i\<;lb.11 C1.111· _ ltenl, CU\_J1¥ On&b.Wrl end 1•e¥"rY • Pr-I ,.... lM '"--r "''r re brotlt.ec. D&nny 1 N r. a.ad Mia. 'nlonla.nd &11.1 the.Ir I WHEN YOU Nl!!ZD A ILEDICINE • A rrut many people •· lruat ua 'A'ilh tha re1ponai· bl!ity of f!Utng their pn· acriptlous May •• com· pound y ours! • \\•Carry A t.:..-pk-M U.. o! i.:U..rn1U14, Jadlildl9• U.."'U.J Ora}. H.._ Ru ... 11 - •'* ....... vt.Bo Gunderson Dl'VCJI t'H..llLMA.L"l ' •Quo;••llo.a by I:. ti. (, ...... 181 4-llll• f'epyr1J~l IN& ltY•l <l•Ufl'll•r, Mr1. C. )II(. T ay lor. !he LI.a. ll&11Jey, U.vtted but l.UI· ..... aM tr.Mtaoo ...... Uill.I' c..lllld· 1-bJ.1 le U tud.. .-Ol 1. CU\. NEWPORT HA RDO R NEWS-PaESS -PART I • PAGE 5 ,_, a1om .., J.rn. - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 , 1960 E.u1t1 .. Lil lh• .a~tb w r . &11~ .-----------------------------, MRS. RlCHARD Lli:ROY OVERBY-nee Beverly Pfirrmli.nn -Bernice Alden Photo .---------------------------I Mr~. n o ral-.nd ti.o.tld th• T11· I I lon at 1 11..!nJMaay fl\.I he -•II I I UNIVERSALIST WOMEN TO BEVERL y PFIRRMANN WED ENTERTAIN STATE BOARD J1ffery. Milla«' II.I.I .ooc0&4 &11nl-I VlrarJ. A .-d pul)' for J1trL I clouds overhead? wu a t Ula A.. R. Taylor homt la 8aa 0 .. 10 ,..,~ 11.Y 11.Uat .tiar - tnc n•t&J )l,Q,eorL IN RITES AT ST. JOACHIM 1 1 hon1::re~~~~E~~~~~:~~.~;u~.11~~:-:w~~ ... w:::111::~l:~~= lb• A.. U. Vt/. al&Le bV•rd lo Ma rch. l l w1!1 be • lunc h..:>n 11Cf1lr to be ht'.ld •! !he horn r of th~e pc-.i1J •nl, M .... A . J , T aylor 4tl3 E. 111\h SI -··-·, .. ····-Richard Overbys Home After Short Honeymoon She w ill b4 11:r11.lua llll& tn J11nt lror11 N_.)>Vrl H.rt:.ur Un1un l h Sc~I wh•r• Nie Ill '""!!: lt.11 u•I and prelld•H'll ol K ·r N ~ 'Jub H"r hu1band w•• i n•<IU11lt J l runi H •r· Mrl ('h r1 1ten9<!ll \11111 n•111r1! luncheon r>w11rn1an lll!d w ill tt.. a .. u1\ed by lro11a T1ylur 1nol Ml11 K1ther1ne b rr Stooi:• and camationa in pink, pale la,·ender and while: bur H igh Schu ... 1. pl1&)'~.J v .. ru ty fOOfball. Wl l •n nrtlcr r nt hi• •dom@d the altar of St. Joachim C..lholic Chun::h when ML&I aen•Qr clil.e an.1 1;ree111rnt ul h11 Beverly Marguerite Pfirrmann wu married in a three 1ie1 n1n1n claP j o'clock ceremony to Richard Leroy Overby. Tha Rev. T h• couple h•• eet1oh.hetl " to purchl•" l 1•r1 H.a rton ~l Cl.J'dl !or .... rreapvndtnce Uh . l'rU<.et'1• h,.lp 1upport the C~ Ba rton r iu.b.'!11, C&mp f<lr 'h1hlri1n A lett"r W I.JI r-1!1'1 t rOm MIM A.C111r Thw(l.lle, I. formfr rn.,r11her 11uw Uv\ng In 81.11 ~· clnt<> Rcfr<>1hme11 U 1-nd a ••>Cl;ol hour t•ompJa lr <I tn. me1U~. home •l 1817 Tw.u n Av", Cu.it• Tho~& Nr:vtn officiated at lbe double ring vow eKcha.nge. w..... I Th• brld• 11 t hoi da111httr ot Mr. ----ENTER CONTEST • Th•;~""'•· "'"' 1owo• w•u lo 111d Wra. A.. E. PflTr 111&11n. 217 1 F• Jd W k On.nae Ji.vi. lllld brh\e(rOOm II .Jther blu.i UT yt\!ow with hl tll l 1e or er the .t0n or Mr and Mr•. E v. lo milch and all earned n-&•)'• Overby , 203 P11.ln1er St . bolb ot pink &lld white carnalloa.. Here to Ins ect Coita Me••· Rudy Marunu wu lr'OOIJlllUln p Starbright Lt1ncheon Followed by Carel~ BOV•-YAS• and 1u11t1 were uaherld by G • J CJ b P'et1r Sc.bulberr. Jack Bmlth, lr S U Beverly. 11ven ln ke1 p!n1 by J•m•• Ta..Ylor, u d Edward P(!Tr· her f1lh1r, wu o;:ha1'm1nc In her mami, b«llb.al' ot the bride. An· Is -i;a.rler1iia 11·n·,ui br1t1"if . 1uW1i .. o? olJJ•T member ol th.e bridal perly whit• nylon net and lace. 1'hc wu Donald Ptlrrniann, 11.Jl year molded blxilce wu dtltalled wllh old b rother of tH b1'\d<1, wbo wu lone alHv•• &nd .coop neckllne nnc beal'•r. , embrokieritd wtth pe&rll a.nd •equln1, Ule u:trem1ly bouffant "°'HITE OJtVHID8 111.irt of net wu !niet with lt.ce Th• rt«"pllon wu ha.Id In th• band•. The Cound1.llon •kiri wai 110Ct1l hall, 1a1 with 1tock1 and r •• ''" • P •• 'I .''d •• ""'" cam1.l1!11'11. Lov1ly •ddltlon to lhe 0 . ...y coron1t contln1d tullne11a ur th.e tlorl.l decor wa• th• 35 wtute t111certlp vetl and ah• carried a orchid&, 1irt of tht brtd1'1 pa.nd· f&th•T. C. 8. Steelman of Olll'ldl.l•. p~yer book on which w1.1 • whit• orchid u d ahower of 11tin J'or h•r d•ul'.'hl1r'• nupUala ribbon.I caucbt with oranre blo•· Mr•. Pflrrml.Jln wor• a .suit of turqu.oliH wool with plllk acc:1.1· tl!L~ carnalioll ooraaa1. WTI. of hOl\OI' and br1dalmald.I were o-rt:iy w9ie-.. -p.1• Pl.ill ~fl the lill-Perle H olland, Shelby with whit• •ccUMirl•• and ,.a.r· TuwU, Nanci C."l\P"11 •nd S~• denlfl ooc•ge. Phifer-Lusk 'Engagement ~Ii Revealed ·-,... P•ullne OY1rby .....,.~ M °"c&Alat. lAndLna aid •l ll'I• r.cep· lion were. lhe Mme1. E . Ji.. DI· la.ney, P , Spooner, J 8radn1y and J. W••U11rwu; •llo lht MIMt• Evelyn T•ylor. Judy SA.11'1•. Sue &owdtn, Patricia a.nd K1thl1111 [)elaM)'. AT ELSINORE Jl'or Ul1 huneymoon •l Lak• lll.-lnore 1.nd Sa.n Ju•n Carl•trano lhe new Mra. Overby chOH a bllltt Unen .ult with whit• a ce••· 10rie1 1.11d whLtt Ot"ehld COrN&•· JAJIP ,..,. _,....,., Nii.I' ., _........_.., ... ........ ~~ ..... =:....-..-:;: ... ~KBI 1 h' ! .., ' ' .. ..................... ,, Kl $-1111 IUI II. .... !K. _.__.__ Plana to.r ffvtrll.I cl)mtn1 evanl.I and repor t• on npcnl llon or the Harbor Area Girl•' Club were m1d1 1.t a board meetlo1 Mon· day nlrht at lh1 home ot Mn. AtMrt E , J otn•on. 41)0 W . ·Wil· 1-0J, St., Co1t1 Me11. Mrs Elol1t- M:<:01nn11, field ~ecre\!lr)' for the The F"f.bflJary 1unch110r1 of the Starbrlcht Club wu held F"eb. 18 al the IOOF' hall, Cu1la )1111.-In l'hllrJe wer• Mm ... John W&.lkll', Peter Huec hner, Albert Wr11ht an.J M1-TJ•Nit Cloark. 11\a tiu.t...- 1caalon w•• htr.Ld arterw111d1 w ith Mr1. I:. ~ Hobel p~n... Al the Janu•r)' n1e,llng ~IE. I. M<><>re hlld t.h " ••t ra veling bt.lk1t." Olr l1' Clube ot .A.n1en~a. JI echl<l· 1 lt wu 1ui1111Led lh•I when 1 E Young, i:. L. Hobel &11d J..n· uled to v!1ll thl1 1.rett Frldfoy 1 o\emher1 rr.hnp In Co3li.• .'14na n le. K. I:. S troli t e , YI', H . NlchoM, and 81 tun.l1y. An 1n1p..ctlon ot M ·ti 4 l J 1 men:h•nU w ill w ..................... ... ... "7 .... -If' ••• ..... °" ... .N ......... UHi Girl.-' C iub, a dinner wilh I ilrc 0 une • W H . R&11da.I. A.. A.. V~ the buerd on i;'rid•)' night ind 1h·e w ith e•ch i 1 pun:h ....,,, 1. vol•. &llCI Geor1 e FOll. DANZ-ICHtll'T 1.,tenrl...,1 with local city, and ud that 1h•)' be aaved fQI' Lhe f ;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ff 1 oulh 1Toup ofrlciala were p!Lnned. o . 1:. s., Harbor Stu-ch1pter. The f'ull coop41r1.t1on with pl1n1 or Ol'.l'Ul.1111100 :wh.lcil.. (tj;:IJY!!_ ~e the · ··cam 11111 o1 -0>rot•~ ru?ilon Herbor Rest Mimorfer Perl<- UO PlAKO ai Oll04ll ft'OU ·····~-.u: .... •. . .. .,...._ lhow ud card party to be •l•ll:cd mo1t vote1 will 1et i 100 1.ccor\I· by llp1ilon Sl11:n1a Alpha for the Ing to the worthy n11tron, Mr1. Oi.1:11' C.lub Uulldln1 fun(I w-.. Ma.it 0w,n u~ ~ Ill Mltl voled b)' the boenl. The ~n,(l t Cardi w eie pla yed allf'r the I a.nc.r a& OloMr IM ., .. ..._ ..... 6- 1.fl•lr \1 ""l tor March Ii •t bU1lnY11 \lnt,nni hy Mmei Ber-'"==::;;:;::;:;::;:;::;::;;;;:::::;::;:;::;;;::::;;:::::1,;;~:;::;:;::;:;::;:i;; lhe f'rlaay Arte rnoon clubhou.. i ln othe• buillllM iupply h•Ur niece Kn\,•, Or• LlH!IUI Church. tor lhe ('luh wet<! okehed and l \\'lllla m Llu1du1, Letllf' Br111der110n.I dlc£.ioa m&d• lo reque•l pur· C. 0 Horne. C K C...:awthni., C A.. I ch• .. r1 Ill l,1C1l 1tor.ia p1rtlc l Lytle, C lydt J ohnaon. J . M. Hen· p1llnc in the "Uuy in C ",,ta I Je}', H L Wit.on, If R. 1'r1Mel, I MM&" campall'.'n to xlve unpledg· 1 C V. Rtgan, Res A.lbrlghl, Owen, ed coupona to th• Girl•' Club"'1.o Ch&rlotte Thn1np.t0n. K. 0 Holte, help their build1nc fund. S A. G<ldde1, H T Berry. &11d H HI GIRLS Comin9 unglued? Ara you .t cre.tkin9, 1.t99ln• bundle of nerves 7 Wh.tt you've got to cfo, honey, i1 1hl~ out of hi9h 9e.tr ... ""d • CRAWFORD'S PHARMACY RELAX Crawfol'dli Ph•nnacy at 1804 N-port Blvd .• Ph. LI 8·1242. ad....,... 7ou to choo.e your pba.r· ma.o&at ... cantully u yw cbooee your pbyltctan. lh busln... h.1re alnc• li". Cra~·forcb Phann•cy M rr• ~. M'Y area well. They otter frlJ dtl!Tery on emercenc)' preecr1pt ... n1. ThtlT mot~o Is •ervice and de· pend&bWly. Their •tafr atands r1a.d)' L9 1111 evtn your mc»t <Kif!· cu.It iw-riptlona qulckly trom ., compil' ... .tock ot fr11h, model'n ....... T'b.I• up to d1.l1 concern •l-o hu t or yaur eunvenlen('e a complel• llne of fln1 C011meUe. ·and toll1t 1.rUcl•. •Uppllu u ctn .• They f11.ture S ek room end baby need• a• well a.nd ve•Un1 c1.rdl. A.,, 1. part of lhelr dtpendable c:ou rl e-0111 eervtce lhe)' keep your preacriptlone on file foT fut ure re· with the NIAGARA THl:RJIO-CYCLO-PAD. Good for the bulga, too. You can pt all tlUa - • A1!1D KORI: -at - Health Studio fill1. We MJl(l(ffl you viii! lh1m ....,_ llaftlier lfl, M _. .. ,. .... f• M .,, ... , t rt fer MXin &11d acquaint y011r1eU..,wlth t·llt:f: DJ':)IO!lil!TaATION-•NO OBLIOA.ftON• their 1.1:cellent product• &11d aer v· lllO llala ...,_.. ..._ lce1. <-a.._.,,_...._._, KnoWi ng lhe v1tu1 of 1 M.tl•· 'iiiiiiiiiiiiii :Eii:iiiiiiiij ri .. d r witomer, th11 1tore L11 known I fQr \1 1 ellcf'ptlonelly hll(h •land· •rd.I of 1ervica and court•y. Henc• th• bulin•u ha• 1l .. d lly 1rown u. popui.rtty. TheM ere th• nl.· .on.. ,... .. ..,..,h to recommend th•m ' ' . lo 011r , ~· tn l.hla bu.t!n..a re'l'foW"..,.., "d¥ . '•" LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAlla SHOP &Al..80.& TB&.&TILS 91.DG • ........ -TT••I ... # SU. ....,...., OPEN FllDAY NIGHTS 'Tl. t P .M. P•rking Tickeh Velicl•tecl, All Sent• An• p.,lring Loh just push them 11Side I dry clothes the modern way ... with an I I I I I I I I I _ electric _cloth1111 dryer!. . I JUil PLUG IT IN Ind ................ ~­ eut IKlit ud luly ... ...._i, driod br dOu, ................ f . ti.. bell-and ..-.-..oio.i ya9VW..d. ... _ ......... _ ...... • GNls-.s..-°""""'.~~ SOUTHERN CAIJFORN!A EDISON co11rANY I L--·-------------------------~ We Are Headquarters for • EUCTllC · CLOTHIS DRYIU AND Alf'LIANCIS . AL FHGIT HDWL nos w. I I 11 lh1I. ... .,,,. ···" Hel1r 116 Of'ZN IUlllDAYI I llOUDAY8 . -. , ' . • • ' . ~~,;;'.__: t~ ,.,~;i;•.;, ~cce~t tl1e. thi"9~ ":_° _c~~,,,,I'~~: th:_<()"'~• l~:h•~• the iltt1>91 "" CM• -~·-·-...;;.:io;:::·;;;;::~-~-~·::..-----..1t4om:ti...,_ ¥1 Mf1H¥ ._/'<:14 ••a.)~ 4 ~~ • .. ' • ED I TOR"IALS Manager's Resignation Seen as Grave l;Jlow to City Now A gn. vt-bl ow wu de&Jt to the apparent. political peace within the City of Newpiort Beach when lbe ,_.. ipiation of the Oty Ma.naSer wu accepted by the Oty Council Friday afternoon. Only then wu It made known that an undercurrent of politie&l aabotap had bffn eattng &\~ray thl' auppoaed stable foundation. of the build.Ing politic at city hall. During the council meeting n'!Velation wu made that a list of "40 or more" 11r~cific perfortn&J\Cf: re- queat.JJ had been d<'livpred to the city ma.nai-er. The li•t wu a pparently prepared by Councilmen Stoddard. MacKay and Wilder Thi• s!l me trio, together with M.arl•m M&.yo r , we . .Ii.re ~n!orme-i. had .-one out o f the city family, anJ counsel of their 0""'" city attorney to ronfPr with the Orange Cnunty Counstl L!I to their "right& aurl pri.x:edurr ·· und er the charter in matters rel11.t1ng to lh+> t·it y nlalll!ger No c:11 u~1·1!111a11 "''1\ulrl prnduc•' <11 admit ha\'1ng a copy Qf. the bill lif 1.a rt1t·u!ar11 d r l1vr ryd to city man- ager !)ado re. Counc1hnan ~e Wilder 1111.1d u far u he kne"' <inly two c11pif'i:t ""'"'re made. From infom 111.t 1r•n which ne.,.,·~papt•r people could garnf'r f ronl the co uncilmen aJter thr meeting at whic h Sa ilors' reaignat1on .,.,.,,~ acceptf'd, the water •r atem. i>i wr-r sy~tem, fire 11 nrl l"'llri> department.a were the top1c11 for greatest c"n!i1drrauon ~ntl criticism by the ci ly council. If 110, and "'e havr no rt'&500 to disbelieve the cil_v councilmen tu .,.,·hum wt· talll rd. the city council tou cd a "mickey" at !heir c ity mana_ger : 1f that i:s true, and ..... r brlieve 11 111 , 11 11 faul t for all f;i.ilinga, real 1.nd imagined. rest with 1 he c1\y council. !lrr:;ent 1.nd put. f"n r nata11cf' reg:i.rd1n;; the ..... l!.ter deparlment.- a .1pec1al levy Wll.8 apJ)f'nded to water dr partnlent bill~ each month v.·here1n each user paid a surcharge of !2 per month 1n order to accumulate funds jn the city trca11ury f or wat£"r department improvement.a. In the p~l v~ry ·few years a half million dollan h&.s been_ 11pent in the water department for new a.nd extended and replaced ma1n.1. Unde r bay croasinga have been 1n · 11tall ed, pro\'idin!i{ a full circulating system throu:;hout the rity. The 30-in. "ln•111e-Laguna" line Y:a.1 acquired atid repaired that hu permitted tbe dinct flow of MWD v.·at'er inlo th(' sYstem by gravity. When al\ t he nev.· mains wer e installed City Engi- neer J . Bert Webb. through the city manager, pro- pol'Jed the abandon"1('nt of the Magnolia St. tower bl!· cauae o f it.a Rge and .ruated condition. He'-.t....t the 1&me time propo.ed enlRrging1 and later twinning, ihe~rona del Mu re.ervo1r. Th1lt program wu not adopted by the city cOUncil. It WU rejected. Work continued and negotiation& were underway that might have led to the acquiattion by the city of the KWD re.ervoir in the Irvine Hilla. PlAN of KWD were changed and this fell through. If.vine ornclllll were couulted and came up with tbe propoeal ror a high Nlervoir iO the hill country inland or Corona del M1.r ; UU. prog'ram bu been la.Id before the council for tOdy. Regarding the M"Wer department. fundA were .col- lected by a Bp<"Cia1 monthly levy on the water bill.II to pay for chlorination before th~ joint oc('ah outl1.U be· came o perative. When it wRs no longf'r neceeury for chlorination the city engineer. through the clty. man· ager , pro~ funde . be accumulated for extenalve 11ewer department improvements. This propoo.I wu again laid before the present council a.t the lut budret 9M!Aion. They 1truck it from the budget. Accordinl' 'tO ecuWebutt at the city-halt, Sahoni WU criticised by .the council f0r condition and k>c•· .tkm..Qf iht.Balboa~.&lboa Iala.nd Fire ~St&Uou.,_ Jf __ tl.llli ia true, once ap..lo the problem fa.lie upon the city council. Tbil city council. It was this eltY cauncil which approved buying a new fite truck which 1h1ould .oon be delivered. Thi.I truck, together with the tnack.a that have bet>n purchued in the pawt aix year! have: ~n larce yearly capital in,,ieetments. In' the pA1t 1IX year1 a new fire atation hu been built in Co'rona dei Mar and a new ma.In station in central Newport. Ji'und.8 for tach or these were extrscted from• the vsrioua cit)' counclla with great effort. F'our. new truclls ha.ve been ac~Uired and several cars. 1'BWPORT Furm,.rly tll,. Ntwrort -B•l~• Ne..,·•-T'i meft "nd t ilt N .. wport-&lbv-. P~ . ' A lhpe•dahlf' Lr>ral tn,.lltuU-tror Chf'r rerty Te&n 1Cnl9"d u Se('(.)nd-Dau Mattu •t the Poaottice 1n Newport ~<!&cl!., Caltfornla under lbe Act of March 3. 1871. hllll91HoJd enry M....,., w-...-7 ... ,........,. 1117 tlile Nl:~'POaT ftAlt80a l'llN DIDPfO t..'OKl'AN\' , :tSll 1M1tto.. Blvd., NEWPORT llZAt..'R, OAUP'. ,.._. KarMt 1111 ' -c·----- qrclfte4 S. ... W&.111 Lepl N•I ....... A•.el'Ulewta •I ..\It &-. BJ Deene of &lie 8 .. perlur t;ow;t •f uraar-O.. I• AeU• No. A-Sit• MwlN!' Calif......, N•lfll9J•'· P ''rt -.~a" . M-llH N .. u...& ...... ~ .. , ... Mera.,., or 0--p 0.-t)' K.-8entoP BSN Rl:t>DICK, PUBUaHSR WILLIAN A. M08U, Dlltor OR.MOHD IC. ROUl'fTJlft. AdYatilll"f' Olroclor CHAR.LES A Aft.MSTI\ON'G. Mechanical 8Up9rtlllondont StillSCUFnON aATU: :"I'••,_,., ,...,.., !Ve-f"I-. ...,.__.....,.,, a. o,....." 0oaa1,-...... ~' ,._,; "'" -*-• ...._: t•M ,......, -. O..w.t. ., 0.--1• (,.._tJ ., ... ~ ,_,. Pol.ice department critic"'8. 19 probably jut and »l\lut. bolt. qeit)\er ap; .. t Ille city moqw. Low pay.,__!111~.~!' equ~t ba'ff beell the lot ol W. ~ unW the put,.... • in dlocuMla& the "bill or puticularW'' 1e11vere<1 to tbe dty manapr, oiie or tl.le COlUlCll mentioned the ·~ lnterelt:I" in jobl at ~ ball. We know-of our pin'onaJ knowledge iliat the city ........,,, bandl bft bem tied bl the matter ot Mliol' with cJty em- p&o,.. liot.b at the elt)' ball ud in Lbe outlytn1 aitua· tiona. Onmkennees. n~ of ,duty, and a variety or rni6def.dl have been condoned bec&ue of council ravorltu. C.OW.cilm&n Wilder ¥al.id there WU a critici&m of the rtnanclal depa.rtment. How abort can councOmanic memoriel 1et '! TM city man&llft' hired a · "Director of ,,nance." No MX:lnl!M' wM thia young man acquainted with hia depaM.ment tti&n the theo city council threw him into the middle of a political pot by its endeavor to eltmlnate the office of city treuurer. U1efulneu of the man w11,_11 apparently ended and he rCfligned. Only rei!ently haa a new man been placed in the r~itio~. If, U we are given to bc-lieve , thf' "bill of partlcu- lar11" cited 11.bo vc werf' the matterR sent IO thr ('Jty man · ager for e:ir.:pl&nation. we do not blame him for tender- ing hi11 re&1gnat1on . R11.thcr in hia letter should he have •aid "It haa bttn apparent that the city council ha1 loet all ae.mbla.nce of intelligence a nd fair play" th11.n to have aa.id "It ha.a become a pparent that I no longer have the confidence and support of the cnuncil ·• Pcrhapa !he biU of particular• could .... ·rlJ explain wny the city council hu held many meetings . .i:le\•eral t.imea a wttk. Ptrbaps it would expla.in th.e.ir requeat for a raise in councilmanic aalarie8. Perhapt the whole truth of the matter is that Newport Beach h.11.11 been auffering for eome t ime with eight cfty ma.nag-era. seven or them with the elective ofrice pJ city couocilmen. In searching at cily hall for information underlying thiw audden turn of municipal eventl1 we heard it aa1d that at leaat two Ot the councilmen were detiroua o{ being "9s.Ofd city manager : we commend t? .th~ir read- ing iteetion 502 of the City Charter. "Ehg1bl1ty. No per80n ahaU be elig-ib!e to receive appoin tment as city mana~r whilr aen<ing u a member of the City Counci l nor within one year ar:fr hf" has cea~<l tn br a city councilman. Supervisors' Extortion Plan Through Sales Tax • Extortion 11 .-.-, word ~ There 18 nothing good. or kindly, or complimentary in t he wt'lrd'.1 sound, meaning or fer \lie ptrlons upon whom it fa.Ila. But ettorUon ii what the Board of Suparvisof"'I! or the County of Orange h1 trying to practice upon the citiea ot the county. Recently the State or California paned an act making it poMible for the counties of the lltllle to levy a aales tax of I per cent. Thi11 tax would apply in all portions of a county where cities had not levied their own .sale.1 tax. All the tu, together v.-lth the State of Californis 3 per cent t1.s would be. collected by tht state in one operati,on and then be remitted to the citie11 or countic11. ' Jn t he County of Orange moet nf lh<' cities ha ve &alea tax meuurf!!' in oper11.tion . Most of the cit1c11 h1.ve levied t?le taxee in order to apply fund11 toward dolng ror themaelvea what they pay into the county to have done for county areu. For inalance -the City of Newport Beach and all citiet of lbe' county pay exactly the ume county tax :i:tio fbat la tevted against unincorporated county terri- tory. Therein the similarity diee. Citiea receive no fire prOtectiOA. 'pOlJce protection . or road _depa~t;r:_it work or t.id from the county. Conver8ely the county Sheriff pollce.1 county 'reas, .the county fire department pro- tect• county' llreu, the county road department dnes all 1treet mainter\ahce: repair, etc .. in the count y areas . ' So, now tq the Extortion : It i1 our undentanding that the County of Or11.nge Bo~rd of SuJJ("~lftol'"J!I i~ joint meeting with the offici~ls ot all citiea of the count)' st9.ted that it would not pass ::. co11nty ordinanc'e levying the tllX over t.ht> cnlire co4nty unle~s the citiea of the cOUJ!ty would agree to "klck back': to the county board a sizeable portion of the tu the citie1 Ure&dy had levied and were collecting. Thia df!lpicsble effort at extortion is made in theory "for the benefit Or all tbe pt<>ple." For the benefit of wbom ~ aert.&inly not for the benefit of t he cities 'tfho ror years bi.ve penalized their merchants for do- in1 bUl'inea within their limits with l&:ir.:61!-and licenses 1.n:j building and parking reatrictions. \ No, thia d labor.eat proposal of the Cou nty of Or- anp, Board ot Superviaors would benefit only those ua&neorpon.ted county 1.reu already aub91diz.ed by you ~ta of the cities who pay your own way for go\'- er-lubent u you desire it to. be. fte county roea on collecting mo~ money for dolac: i. for rewer peop~ in a poorer way! The pu1&1e by the coUJ"Jty ot the propo1ed aalea tu mMMtn wou.ld rna.11.e the tax collection uniform ottt tltie tlltJre county ... nd gain for the county treaaury Mtr fiaadl from wdacorporated a.rtt mercbanta. A dMl8tJ mMIUt would. allo make it ~bLe for the ettt..to Cc;lfttn.et. wkb\the State ol California to «1llE>Ct and nmlt tta Mare of the tu, th\,19 Nvtng .ome money at dty Ulla. But DO, the County or Orange 811.YI\ it muat baYe a port.Jon of the fundi. already being collM:t e.d bv the tftlee for their own use. . 'We aall -Near.. Superviaoni -a.nd •hat would ynu do for the eitiee in f'XCh&flfe for lhe unpnnc1pled . e•tnction ! AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY C. 11.acAKTHUB SAl.'ftAME/\"TO. ,CNS 1 The Th• .a.me repor t not e• a r - proponrnt• ot lhe 1t11t ~ontr1,1llet1 er....-ln coraumrr pr1ce:11 tor monop<.ily on mUk, throug n which milk purchued a l re:te.11 · 1lo'if', pn\:e8 a re '"'~ b)' the Bureau a reduction, •n far t, of a rl!nt of Milk Control, m1ghl 1ook a l a quart. SOme lru:ir~ L1 not.CS t hr re11111l1 ot •bohUon ot milk In homo Oellvu\1!1~ ... r~r 11n1I• r 011trul 1.n • nt•1hbortn & 1tetr, quert11, bill on mu\Uplt! purcheae. Oregon. wnere mo re Ul•.n • year the prlct!• ire Mlow wh•1 wall 11~ th,. !M'Qple roM up 1n wrath ch1rged u nol rr th• milk cuntrol and tuBll"d pnce rontro!1 by the pnce-t 11in1 ~r • 1te~e out the wlnliow. The yee.r· !ii~:> 1howe<! •-milk Rrportl tra m OregOfl 11y; coneumptlon 1••n ot t !'> P"l'Ctnl "The r hi o ... rorecu t by et!-ovfr li:M, tn1 Je11t year or price h control• 1n Or egon, •ct·ordlnc to lrr.nched tnduatry Jeackr1 w en lho Unllf!d s1ate1 Ol!p1rtment of O recon'a rnl!k price control !ew wu r epeilled 1" November or A(rlculture. end lhr 0 re & on lllM hu not developed, even Stpte Ol!partm11n l of A!frlculture t hough Uie market l'laa now com -11Urvey. -ple t~ 11. tull _ cycl" of fhi1h and ~A.I.Ir.~ l"NClll:A~f'. short ff&!Klnal production." A producer si1rv.-y or •le•. I And in Jinuary or this year. cor11tucted by the Ore1<•n Milk Producer• A.MOCl&liOn. 1how• that t he dee.Ir r buying pnre for 3 !1 p•rrenl fat per cWI Wh $!'> 24, .. le• or nutd milk 1nrre~ ' . ' fte .News·-tod&J pi I zlJi ·tM l'llf9' r "CJ tr· .. Qi'iW,.~tt~~il--- .,.._ 'l'bo r_.t will -la _.,. -i -la -ilo..i.y, W-•Y Ul!l 11'*'1( ~ Ibo iioople -)' Jtnljw ... jur)"O lbl' P 'l'be ._., -' '11' • I ,._ .. ,._ IS) .,..ell ..-c..u. ~ 0 !? i ... iii s'rrnr , ... alll'IDSr•Wt™NO. IA or -...--1151 O&UfGS ()OCJftT ea.urn IUlll' n.. ~ Ocmunttt-ol t.ba 11f1 O...ad ltll"J eonlbled or .&a __........ 111 acbool• ...... ria-lt.._ W1 fou.M OU.I ~ popula- U°' la tACnuln1 •l an lllannU.,: ...... -d tl!.o n""1 for --.....,. dMa kl&dll, more bu.Udlap, i.cll- .,. ud ~Wpmcnl e...er I~ tq. Or.a.:• O:iwity echool ,_... ..,,...., ta lo be ~-4ed fOtr UM b.icb .u.cani. of Mvca.Uon I.My IMIV• nil..lnlaln.0 ta U.. l&ca o1 tJ\il crav• enuauon. W• r .. 1 9'1r kleaJ echool. 11y.um1 an de- aarriq ot wttol .. b-.rtod pubhc ......... OlJIDANCS Pll()GIU.M _., _..... wtta , ........... -n.-~ ll&r)' m•• +Ml ~ ., ....... : -. civ••· ... ~ .. ta. eo...tr .. · lo comp&r9 ...,. t&\OOS'UtJ' '9CO'ldlry aci.oo&. In U.. l5tUL ef OaW'ont.la. • . It a. UN bope ol tU Clli.,w JU.l"J I.AU all JIUUor &ad ...... lllP achoalll ol Oranp Ol:rliflfY· dailplt.e crowdld cC1911tU.. .... ttwcl.al pni'llz-.a'. wtll ~· ... to rrow &ad ~ lfl• 1Ma" ... portanl pll.-e of education.. • orr1c 1:a or oovx TI' l!ICllOOU . na eotnm!tle• vialed u..:-o1.- rtce1 or C.OUnly School. and oon- rerr~ W1U\ Supe~l•ndenl thi · ton 8lmmon1 and hl1 llatf 'and found them Lo t>ao capabl• ~ de"°led ad.irunutretoca. _...,, Tho County 8chool1 tor ~n ­ lally ret•rderl chlldrt111, J ' · r Greeley 1n<:1 P oint 1 nts. Wer• 1. To ...,,tde 1ne 11tudenl in the •-'11iled The•e -chool• perturni • W9 ..aiov• u.At 'tw• IM .. rtailt c*,..U.... of our hi&h acbool abcNid be : 1eleetlon of a vo.,.llon Dl'At 11ult-reet· -erv1r t lo the commun1t;v; : ed t.o bl& ta.lent& 1.nrl lnl...-.at1, MT.NTAI. lfl"Gllr::NI: 1. To hl!lp th" ttudent drvelt>p Tn11 G1 •n•I J ury n .. ruund ·l ~ Into en en1ot \u nll!j well·1nte1- rated beini. •H 1chool.1 bO lh elrtmentar,y e nd We to1111d •ll h11 h 1rhooll to ...-Ofldi ry. 1.n &<0Ull'l n,.e<:'I for • have • procr•m (If thi• n•t\Jre, lor11 nor r1I AI h}'1!ene rl\nlr . Ar bill thel the time l.Jld pL-.nntn(C co r•llnl( '" • rf";ent •llr vty ~ 1~ d eVQted to Lh\1 import.Ant pheae Pf'r "'n\ "' 11 11 .-hool poputatlor h•v• lr r"•ll~ tm1>tlona! m •l•dju1i llllftre<I rnaUy. The (loMJMlllte" I• aware that eH achoo!~ •rt in m ~n l• T ne 1ehr.ol 1y1!Pm , .. the pnxee.1 or bulldln& their "IU1Pl,..d Iv ml.At d1 •1n~-ot (Uld.ance proc r•m ,g,.m,. ,...,,,.,,.,1. ment1.1 lllnN~ t>u1 tollnw·UP went more h•ndic•p~ than o!h· I lreetn•f'nl 11 alm .... 1 11n po&11bl• er• in t he etl•inrnent ot rht1r 1 other tn•n bv p1"1v1te pn•·11cl1Lft. io.l by la.ck ur rundl anO. by whleh '.~.. r•~ 1ttorrt be<'•n•• • 1•-r des-rtr of tntere1t on lhe thf'rt '1• no t:ou.n1 y mtllt•l Iii)'~ pert. of 1c hool admtn11tra tnrs (1tne fa rUH1f'~ - We wtih to <:ommend H untlnx-1 Sei'-"tuw r.h1le1ren ., 1tfee t..cl lon Be.a.eh H igh Srhool fur ii•,"'" • h 1.ndlr ~p t•• ll'l "m"~lvt.•.antl U Cf'l l.tnt proir•m De1p1le 1111 1uth,.r• U1 i·L~rl)()nt "''"f k •n.d · i t le.rte atuOent body , r•l'Ul"rl)' !hr•• Arf' a IJ<J!f'nt111 1 t.'riun!" r•: ache<Juled ~'<ln•ull•ttona •r"' held 1po11111h il •t_~. "''e atronJJ, i·e.:orn.• dunnc the r~lhman ye.r of m end lh1t • ront·e rtll(I eflort b• e:aoh 1111denl Th• maalln & t-on-m •!le by th" people or Or11J1•"' 11•t.I or pert!11, •tUdll'lt. and eoun· Coun!y lo dr vtlop end maint ain -ellor Thp purpoeo 11 tu •lll(ly • loc•I m~nt•I hy(1ent r ll n1c. and dlM:tul th• •IUdonl1' epU-18< 'J-l(){)L l:l..CCTION,_ Llldft!I and ini..r .. ll Ill •how n by V.'11 hev,. htard complaint• 111Un1 prrvlo~ly 11ven. Ev ... tron1 9('hool d1111 n el • r•J•rdln.1 ntn111 and aftemoorui a n• u•e<:I • ltreinila rlllt l nr vollng proc,.- tor thla purpoee when n•~·-ry I dl1re1 .. adch •~ 11nnumber.d llll· We reel th1 1 -rly end ... u llfu l lul1 •nd 1rre...,.l•t method• or d•· (Uld&nct Wiil be OC l•1Un,11 ben'· J>O•lllni ba.llOI• In bo:S.el tit tn 1ne •ludent u ul h11 com-Th ia Sody rrcommendl t h•I 111 metertelly, from 7 lo I 7 percent ~econa hlghe11t in the wetU. tht m11nlty d In vet\otu1 Orer on cl)mmun lU-• thP. ruLu1 r ..:hQoJ eltttlon1 bl rn Ure clOMl.Y 1uperv1MO by Lh)i.}' 1r hool board&, .. d tllal UN!)' c-- pfy •·IUrt all I~ ,....,._a ot Couely &.:I 8 tat .. ekicdotl ... ....._ INTl:avrr 01" ~CllOOL nfflt»& onlv city outre nktr.1 Po1-t la.n We a l110 noted lh•t Hunt1 n1ton · One f rom rtported a 23 pert'.enl bf'Ln i:: Sall Ul<e, whl<0h paid Bea.th HlRh School had • flnr 1nr rea.t' 10 Porllend 1 ~lt l .'.I 2.~ to pro.Jucer1. .p.nt of cooperation and lnler .. t A!l or which goa to &how th.at t'KOUllCERS Pft(Jl.,T lk Ntw~n par&nll, •ludtnll, tu.eh · the proponent.I o r conttnulns-mL l 'A ye•r arter milk 1·nnl rol," •• and adf11lnl1trator1, who •1 prlctn.ii: control In C1lUomLa prob· ~}'II a buUean from Orer on. 1 !that• in rltYf"IOpln« tho l"'J ldance •bly er• doing • di-erv1ce n o "pNducer1 Lil that eta.le 1eurr&.l· 1 ... • .... profTUl'I by. workln!, top ther Yl• Repnllnc lnl,~l on llli!!tlbol rund• COJUecttd by Dl11tr1c l1 and ctrmed ovOT ~ Cowity Trea9'JTI!'r. I.Alo Or.nd Jury eomrnm-ro~rid Ln October. lllM that th•r• waa onty-10 !he pub tc, ......,t • ...... •y ere rer.elv1n, u much or more ll Th comm Lll""' In Ila .velopm<!nl . product'.-. of milk u we . ... h Pl'lre-wi.e tha.n they dld In 1904 We wi1h lo commend l • proporient.a are the •tron1ly en-8 Tu ''.d.' milk controled, a.nd have .emal11r hl1h .ehool1. r•a. •· trenc hed di11tl'lbular• who me.In· bl'nerllttd b" com,.,.tlllve P"~ ' Ba tin. Ban Juan (,'l.piatra.no end Or-J r· tatn hl(h-prtced Jo bbyi1ll n • k •.. ,., which bu lncr--1 .. lee. ance. 'Ml-.ehooll have ta en JTU.t d1-t11tactlon bocau.. ~ tntore1t on tllll mone:7 not bf!- ln1 allott ed to 1!!6(.h dl•trlcl u p~l(·r\~ by code. .. cra.mento to nip tn tlle bud an7 l ·-1, '''" , .. ool-•PP'''"lly 1 ' '' •·-d a.dT9hta1e of Ulelr •ml.Iler achoo '" .. " -" •ympt om1 111 •a on to &-...• on 0 population to k~p cloH ~·ontact r11.n1e11 b"tween ... !'J pf'rcent 4 te-milk prlcln 111: conlrol in Lhla ell.lo. d wtlh pa.rent• &n!I 1tudent11 by Aflr r nu mero1111 me<1Un11 oC l hla Ora.no Jury .:ommlttee wtt.a achool e uthorlllo11.-1u.porvl.aora, County Tt .... urter end CO).li)lJ' Auditor, a • compromiell Mttl•- menl wu me.do that LI Mu.t-.C- lnry to the .ehool dl9tricl#-I.lid w._. epproTed by tho Board ot l!upervi.or11. gon monthly Dairy Report\ in Milk 111 thr only commodity In ..::hedtrled mHlln11 with counH · 1$ pf'r cl!nl \avtr•&• 1ndu•try Callrom l•. I.he: price ot which ll 1tud1e11. conlrolled by 11ta t11 law. Con.14!1'-llo~~ w\Vl to commend Anaheim "Al •• , ••d mo'' • ••• • ~Uve .. umete• pie.co th1 CMt :r.-· • -.... Union Hlsh kbool for Ill r•· yei r rollowtni repeal ut mllk lo th1 ron11.1mer over lhe; year• quired COlltw In SENIOR PROB- control _ or,.g on Stile Colle1e at literally mlUlon1 or dolla.r1, LJCMB, which C<ln~l"ftl II.MU wlllt d lh t G d A 'I. Pro '--•"&e: ot tho ab&ndonment of roun • re e m • UV\, " cha.racier development a.nd ce - d11cer1 were bPntfllted lncom-111e trn compoUtJon In •h• t l u Id r•M 91«itlon on Ute ball• ot re- by 8'., per cf'nt." milk field. .ullll of ell a ptitude, per.on•Jlty ------------------------------1 and tnttre11t tee.la gtven 11.u.ient.1 w,., 11ve a lt?'ll•l ~I ot -ere- dll to Mr. l!:van1 ot Dleb.I, Evan• and Compa.ny, Audllora, tor llUl- rut lng and helplnc Lo work-MJt: thl• 1111ttlemenl ot th• mau ..... SCENE ; AT THE CAPITOL SACRAMENTO. · -~CN'81 ~ln lln• with tho .ut.Lantlel lncre .... In 11tate revenut., tha Callfoml& ru.payer'• Aa«leletlon, Ulro\ll'h Ila ma~Uine, the '°Tax Dtc .. l", l'lu laa.ed a new Idea Into tho hopper. an ldta which wiuelly 11 rorelp to the Ultnldng of ~ n1enl admlnl1tretlon•, 11.nO s-0Yem- n1tnl employee•. "The S tate Legi11leture. •l 11.11 M1.rch huOget 1e&1lon." sllY• th'! inega;r;lne. "1hould look 111 tht rnoney n1J1lng. I.I well .. tne n1oney di1pen1lng. 11ide of the 111111e blld«rt. Could be aome •L•l•, tea rt (lur.t1on 19 In orUer.'' tho put n.ca.I y-r. which alao wu re&M1nebly hllh In, nvenu• and •Xpendlturo. With thle In mind. it -dolil not ap~r t ... lble at the p.--t tlrno lo flT• con1\deretlon lo la1 cute • ... thert will be ,_chld ..,ontu- ally, I.hit lnov1t11.blo Hno c,_1n1 point whore the 1tale'1 policy of 1pendlns mor• money than ll re- cetvee In r11veriu11 will h•ve to ceUf". nr mor11 texu mWFt be Im· ~ to (OQ\ lhll bUI . STll .. I, G ROWING How Ions thl1 w111 take. nobody know1, •nO even tl!.e ti.et l"'Jt•N In tho put have pro\•on·tu1ne. tor the 1in1pLe r1111on that the crowth c;overnnr Goodwin J . Kn I~ ht or th• 1late mean1 more bu11n .... 11,.1r1 in • pre11s conf,.,rence thal he a.nd more bullne<11 mean• m~ taa h11<t not '"~" tn~ magiuinr. and revenue. When Cellfomle will •lop lhf'refore rould not comment upon srowlnl" !1 anybody'• peu. 8o fu. 1h~ 1ugge!Uon. lie d!O eay how· Utere err no tt>dlcatlon11 thll will ~ve r. th"l he "'h<:'pllll to avoid tax h&pP9ft tn the ror-b1e tutur1. \ncre&M'e" •I thl.e fort.bromine ••· However. there will IN mm1 ,.al- 91 on of the leg11lature. J.ant eplrit.e. Ilk• U.. C..Ufomla Prevlou1I)". it wu announced TU:J)9Ytr'1 A~lon, who will 'tro m the leg19l&Uve: •t1dtlnt'1 of-throw forth lhe ~al a poMlble j r1rr tha t the •t•I ~ 1hould wind up tax rwducllon. and If lhelr lde&a I lhl! ye•r with a 1urph11 of fund._ are not followed bJ the leCl•latur•. ~nou gh , in r11rt to c•nv L\ over th•)' at leu t w\11 have iaceompl!sh- 1 thf' r 11rren1 r1...-.1 ye•r. end well e4 a PUT"J>OU· Thi• purpoae will be 1nto the 1 9~-.!)7 fh1eel ye•r to hold l'QVl!rtltnent •pM1.dtn1 at • ! reiuonablo loTel In • time of hlJh IN"(JOMF. ~TILL SHORT Ton•y . the 11tate controller, Rob· tneomo, whk,h la ·hard elfOUl'h lo t rl c Khk.,.·ood, 1nnounced t hat a.c'W<npl\&h even Wltb the eate- !h' Hr•t 1lx m on th.m or th~ c urrent ruar~ the l~LIL•lure lnsillt.1 upon. flllC&I ytllr proved 1 "rec<ird hllh" Th" edmonlUon or tho A.oelaUon tor 11;ener•I tund t ev.,.1 ,N-.rly ca.n welt be kept In mind u lel[il.- nalf • billion doJl•r•, •a.eoo.w. l•tora pr&pat'! lo conelder a bll- we• l'Ollt•·tM for the cenerel fund Hon e nd • he.If dollar. tn e:itpenHI, during th' 1lll·l'l•~~1 end Jt. 11 "I~ 1ovemment 1 ! the 1n .. he11·y . buyffll: 'lf\llrt~r. which low11&t po1alble COi!" cenerelly 11 lhe final quarter of I _ the ,.,,,,, 111 not reflected In theee rigurM Du\ t ven au, thf:'l'f' w11 • aour 001~ in Kirkwood'• .t.nnouncement. v.·11111 lh• •l•t• uicured 1441,800.- S:.J In current reven•e. the a-eneral rund ,...,pendlturu for t l'lt. ...,,,. IJ"rlod 1otaled $,«,175,0!Ji. The I l>"•I w1y to exprltM ll. bowever, 11 In perrente,rf:fl \"o·tn11 th' 1tate'1 rt>'f!fll~I tor lht period lncr-..:1 1012 i:i-r ceirtt~ II.II npendllureia tor .h• .. e mf penod 1nCTe.-I 17 n4 r-er •·et1I, o~•r Ila aa.11\c peoOO 1 ·1 -r,...w. wllll UM aTWras* •a• f• that ............. durin1 l httr h11h .achoo! Y•r•. We wtab to commend Santa Alla Ct.'Dtn.1 orr;c. QWda.nco Ser· vlct who h&Tt th,_ full·Ume ~eho~ ,,.rtJcipa.tln1 Jn JTOllP pldllnee, Individual cue ~. roUow-up 1tuclloa. parent conr--. and le.dM!r trtinlnl ill pldance t.ehnlquee.. Jt I• a190 notld thet ea.nta Ana'• C.ntr&J " Ott\c:-1 emploJll tour tu/I , ttm1 Sacramento VtvlA.N A. KNUDT90N' ChLlrma.n PICOGT PA 1TZft.80f'!f ED ITH 8.u.&8 P'RIT'Z 00098CN8 WIU.IAN PA TNZ Am"OJQ:' ~- 1°"'1-.I ....... •> Sidelight SA CRA.MENTO, ~CNSl -Once Thi ... pa.rtnwnt ataa • U.0 age.In. Callfornla flahermen are wanla to Hiit" the ~-bf raced with the poe1lbt\ity or a cut any troubl• tll rotA& to ·th• tn the t.J;:out limit rrom l:'J: t o ten, ~. for 1ta propo.al le to end 11 p<>ulble 1ncre&1e In f\1hln1 plant theae "cachabilt'' trou( In 11cen1e re... ro.dad• el....ama wMdl .,.. ..Wly Al • mfflln& ot th1 •l•le f\1h aoc_.bl• by autornollUe. Jt --1d 11nd 1ame commlNion tu be held take only a abort lime lo nM out i. Loe Ance'M hbr'uary 2,, 1tatf audt a llt.raMn. no matt.:_,,, reoomm..a&Uotu ol. lho ti.ti and inM1 troul t llL • ~t ~ ~t. •111cb la bead-plaftted. • od '7 aaUt. 0or0oa. hmYJlTlnla onpwt.J, u.. t4-ot plUUn1 aoneerntlonl.ll, to cut ~. t.root a *-....-"*P'&ted. ...a &b. limit wlU M ct11l9'derad. ~ would bani .. •fpw~ty NOTHINO OONCRCTE to ITOW aad prO'ride _. O.,_ eo far. there hu bee111 no con• aUon t« lbe ...,.. r f11la pnopoMJ to lno:r-lM II-~TW. t t. • a I a a ~ llab ~ f-on this p&rtlcul•t Uem. c&ulbl ln Calltomie Me ,.._-de- but rnan:r ft9htrm•" can recall creaelnJ by tho year. Plaattnc: the time when • hcol'IM coat • larc•r tuh alao t. mof11. -~,.. dollar, end therr ..... • Umlt of then p.le.ntlna: Ole 1mlllll' ~y, tli trout. .. Otey ... ua be ,_. tor a ..._.r 0t CO'lria, lb t)M)iM C&yl, lh•" tim• In tJM ~l'1 niiaiq:. .... ,,, ... ,..,..,... poundlftl' portd.. ~ • ·::..--: tho ... ~ ....... -ll '\h• -... tro« ,..."-s J1fOSJW Md !JOl OIEPAanmtn' ~ ~ , bMn ._...... to It.. p...,.-t It °'*-' lbe ~ ... It 1t&l \l9, ln ftldl "* ...... planted centa • ~ to ,. a a t.. ..... l .....0.J U..-0.pi<Mt lM at.ate. fw P ... U.C. -~ U. ..... ...:_~ ne ..--of Lh• flail and al Meh "calcMbla ~".,_.~ Jll.IM ~t Uff coater.: oordlftS lo a ~t.~:. plai.. ,.. .. ...,.. _. "catcha.likl" Uon, la J2 oen~. utually, t.,: ~ alsa lr'Mllt 9 0.. .tnarna. ln ot1*' • NON, U I l doMa not a.... la wordll. tt1f l&aft ..... the ,.._, Mmi..utraU"' OOllta • • ~ mil.II ...W ....a up In w•l"llt. outlay. 1 ~ .. what M 1.,.. ta n1,Unber1. A tro.t lllll't of 1-t'la. i}...~· 1"M fal!Ky ot lh• propoml la )liMa. ,..led Mil by ; f 1 • '• Uaat ,,Uy r-UVUI wbka ara orraai-uoaa, ~ '11tll cau~ II•• to tall abo11l It Wh• ~rac• maD7 .....-. fro'* t l!.ro'w'n back .n • .tr-.m. and be-mU1a1 Jons aM bard trtpa tnt• cauM there are "e11tdlabl•" •-t-Meir: etl'll'ltry • ..._.. tbe ftltt.- o..-...-. ud .a belt ln.cb9. oo.. u.s ta eupp<9&d lo "" f'W• s Mj not ~ that ~· at lrvul rood-But ...m tn U.. bKk &ufti. -.111 not M dMtr07..S fl'"'1' ,...,. try. lh4 rt• are 11ot ot ~ J wtien they 1 ,, c•111 hl under 11.u .. to w1 r .-..at a t:GUple ol I t het •lM l.l'ld t.-d bac k to Ola.) da)' trip for pci• •• of u.n. , .,.....,,._ • MW I U-f=B_hr_ ' ruilir. 1 BDIUlll. (twta~ \!WI,) .• , ....... .7&rd ......set _ 111t. A...U. Mu. 10. Mo . ' . ·--_ ... ·-· : -i~SIDENTIAL -INDUSflUAL • C0t.0.4t:RCIA~ ... • • NO ma _., ~ OR sv•1•· . ~ •-.; '"'; .. ~ ........ . ....... -.. sea , ... ·--· ~ ~ .... --..... ..... ·---.... ~ -·· . ' -« ............. ' . ·'--· -. .J BIG NEWS ABOUT THE BIG ERCURY 1tie low Price is ir:W :· t~~ ~IRST way you:·W"at! 11 •• A!K US THIS W!EKI •· . JQMNleN I 18 .. UNCOLN -Mlli"'IY -•. "'"" -· ,. __ .._ """" "W ( Ai:n.9 from Ba7 ~ • .. . • C.1. 41 $.i ~ ,,f _D ·.P.l .,J~TO .IY , --.. ------ H arbor "°""· U . OoY. Georl"• WUQr '""" ~be pr-t ~ ~ . . M•lflfihnV't ....... • "''~ HMlf ,,~,, ..- .. PAY ' -V•"' PER ANNUM All ACCOUNT~ IN~IJ~EP. UJ> TQ Jl9,911e Al Ace°""" Opo..d Qn "' .. ,..., Till 1911i of the ~ i ... Fram ... lrt 111100 l'IO&DI [ :::.'fru.. ~ _ .. ~lllMl .. j ... ~. • Ill!··-9lJZ UR'QF ~ .... ~-..... mom-••'• IUDWEU.'M STOU roa ll[IN Mii Ya. ........ -llutlor ..... SH~WOllEN a ~ CALl.FOllNlA. Kl ip n HA .... ?01'8 UDO TOl'LA.ND ..., ,, .. I.Mo -~IN" TBA VD. AOENOU:S BA.AllO& T&A.VEL AOENC I' Ml.& N_.,.... ~-6614' P AIKIS • lllDLIY ~y~ UPHOl.8TEBING --. -- MOllTUAIY • ·01oa • KA.ell&& MM via ......_ -Harbor UJI WATCH RI':P Alll VlNCENT'S WA.TClll &UAJK UDO D&UU8 Mtl Via .l.* ; Congralu/afitHf,J ... :Jft~J~NJ Rotinj :' ' 011 lit~ .,,,,, •• • We'r• .. wherp you were lut we're M•11ill9 fttt • " . -.. SERVICE SALES • FGdoly ~ Senlce T~~lclcJrns • Lits l1f G1M1la P1lflrJ '"'''''" Pwl• S-tllillt ~IW ill A-Senlce Is .. fte · Wmled ''""" .... wM ""'"'"'' Wlllte" ····-· ..... s.Mc• lletlc..... Al .. YOIJllWAMN Srmce at Factory s,,, ....... ,.1r pricn. COTTON GOFF The Yolkswag~n DHler ... ,,111 ··~· ~"'"'Ill "'41-at ~ It, ..... I • • ... -ii -' PA&l4• ·PA1T•l1zz Nl\;JOIT•WL•M NiW5-l'MK -: : · · ~ • I . ' I• ~ • ' -. I I I '• ... ' ' \ . ,' . ' • • • • . '• ' . • • • ... J , ' . • • • : • I • , ...J._ •• ---- ' I I , • . ' Congrafulalion:i-:JheoJo~e I e e • -- :J/iirl'J-fi"'! (j/ear Stinl ·in ·--Cttv---Caux -./or -Prai;je. ----· ' ' I One of the city's pioft.1er l>u1ine11"len this week _ oJerLAfft.1 thir:fY-fifth year. lft ... u1ine11 in Newport 0 Boach4 record .few fir'l's;c~~·challenge. We ref0 r to • qu'-t. easy-going guy name of Theo Robins. ' ' . Theo's 'Ford agency uied' to be a neighbor of ours until the op·eration was moved to Mariner's Mile end a brand new, modern structure. We kind of mi-11 1eein9 Theo at _the-M.i:"!ai<I M<tlt Sh,,-coffee ~e•­ sions but we're glad to see him doing so well at his new -lpcetion. The yeer 1921 in. Newport Beach , when Theo started 1~Hi~g "'!odol Ts hero, probably.was just an average kind of period in a sparsely populated city more noted for ih cattails and sandbars than com- modores and sailboeh: But Theo p~rsovered. He rode thfaugh tho Dopreuion years, World War 11 -and0n-ii1t0the -polf-wef p~·rfO.d, gf;rn(j th9 -b~~t-ca-r dee ls . he · could and still remain in business. His re~ / • • • ·o . . GI • -' • • --.. -- peir.diep .tumeCI~ wor\: on many of us residents' "'t ' ' ~ ' -. cars.at mo'd11.it,>J11ic•' ·ani! by and large, Theo grew with• hi1 •IO'!"n~ -. Now Tlieo doe11l't:know this accolade is -coming, b'ut ·we • thi~k •It's lon9 overdue. Any businouman who -can stiiy In o,.. plece·in -one businou•for 35 yoa·n and stiR ooift-nd ' the -.1amo rHpec+.of his · town1people·hanlimra goodiolrwhotherho's nrade· or lost money: Fortunately for, Theo, wa ·are·happy to raport;ha's the kind of busineuman for-whi5h the United States is fa.,ous-hardworking, thrifty, fair dealing:·And•t-eady ·to grow·with his -community. So, h~ppy·b_irthday, Theo! We hope · we •ca~ look beck on ·35yean in this bu1ine11 with•• much . . . . pride of af~.C>"'Pli1hment end .1ati1faclion of friends made e1 we era sure you can. We hope your next 35 --yea~-ar~ :j~~t a1-g~od as those behind .. yo~. -i And - thanks for · carrying our overdue payments, Theo.) ' THE FINEST -MOST COMPL,ETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHERE ~~.:. I, ' Hardware • • • Paints ... Wallpaper -' ' . ' A ' Good ' . OPEN SUNDAYS to & HOLIDAYS • • Shop . ' .:_, " ' ' ' I .. •. - • ' ' . ' · rt .. to "':\Jl ·l 0 • :mos W. Balboa Blvd.-116 Newport Beach I I l I • -· . --. --! ~ -----·---'-· NEWPORT,'WJIBOR•NEws·~ '-I • ~ '6.' ~1 I t ··~ ( ~ • Jil)..\ ". . BO:f'S•·•·~$E'«s!1'REsS ' :·. lllOER ' : ' ' Wlllam•(llill•KaDnll.t~-No•pol't·_.N.,...Pr.-1com-' I poablc ,_ .,_ 11.e t......lid •thO•p&p., ...0... ..-i..;..c,;.'oim ,e,,J'aek 182; Q>b ' Scouta, . .pauored1by&t:M -JaatOub.,. dae:r.t'mmt..ot.pudJac.type in pap tonna. Accompa.n.ytnc1 ~1•·=•1t*P'l''toarrwu Den llotber·Mn. Lany·Rupp-Sr. • -• --~· READY.1'.0& Dl8TIUBuDON -?lavajo w-ud child~n With their doga come to tribe's council store room to receive auj>pliee let from. Nnrpon. Barbor doc.on . Canned food, blanket.a, overcoat., ahoea aqd'-t\O'~Mill ildod:~•ou ID proteqloa,oplut cold winter. Eight huad.nd pound. ol buffalo me&t Y °""'""'" -·..., ~--tJoluo •K!riq>o.trick, Bill Reid.I Lany Rupp Jr., J•y IAwat, Ste-Ye CarWon. H\M'J'•llcCuUoch,'John1.v.eirlinl a.nd•(tn eKtreln• b&ck)•Den a.let. BiJI . ll&iloy,l.lllllo•Loc711uc:ullmutAr.--Staff· Photo• · Were ant by Gerie Clkrlr u hia donatliQa.· . , l'OOD A9SIVE8-1Dul1 LW.er, worker at Seal Ae&eh ammun!Uoa and net depot, banda auppliea from New- port· ilaltlor' to lCanjo ~..,;;(• ..._-Chiief:.Ptathlriat.b. Pho!QI,...,. ,'!o, L ;,-_ •. DKDl8 RDlt-:~R8AL~ -Here are \hret Of alt: at•· dent. who wi1! ap()f'&t 'fn thf' Chapman e.o&ie.e f""O· duction _ ot Mot.art'• one-act opera, "The olmpreMrio," Man:b 8, 9 •nd 10. They are J9hn Millt>r aa Mr. Scruple., Judy 0.&rk (center ) u MiM SH~e~ &nd Shlriey Roach u Madame Goldenrill. The coneae will pre.eat on the aame bill ~ WUder'11 "Cumbrr- land Fa.ir" and M@yer Kupferberg'• "ln a Garden," a fantuy with libretto by Gertrude Stein. ROBBERY sUS~ Mtlt'AI N up H .• w.Wer. 11en 1 fiJ, elm W. W1 ..... ,M.. C'Of0.1• ,..,. .. , '""'Newport Bffctl pol~ ltaU.Oon ltl9 W.Y~ •t••111\MI ror th• botd up of the apart a e! ~ &1.0.-., •23 l'J .. wp<'rt Bl•d., on ,V.'edne-41.y. la eourt Ttn1nday,,JU"C'" rv-.. 11111 J. Dods e H l "''ebl-t er"I N II at pooo. Wet.iirr .,.,.._i-1 P"'hm111ar.v ~ an4 w1U appear at a lli\ow dat• In luP"l'\nr CntrrL ...... ill --1.H by DK. 8"--Jolla Bloom. -Stall Photo IMIPE8 AWA.'"Y -. A r~· Ot 19 sntPe. r~und Lhinp mucb lo the(r liking iii rtt.ent I brtl't ·breCzes off •'t.he -Cabritto Beach -YC, hOilt.. to the .... 11 bo&l d.ivWon o! tU ' annual Midwin ter Regatta. Pnd Schc!nCk·1 Chequendeque (extreme right ) of the Newport ~atbor ,.YC t UTDed in a,~' perfonnaDoe but couldn't qu.ite .n~ out Jerry Thompeon 11 Your Out of AB,YC for.fJnt place ln the three race eeriea. Third place by :y, point went to Jim Sweninpon of ABYC in Dumber 8637. -Beckner Photo . .. I • • 1iCTOUOUS --v iCfoi=y O'Vira-meror - 19. entrieti in lhe»'under 40-rt ." oceA.n racing division nr th.e Midwinter Regatt11. WRll c\R.ime<I b y Bnb All 11.n of NewPQr1 Ha.rbnr YC with hill 1.-:lfl 11lnnp HnlidA y. B'•b t right) accept.:<1 h il' 11.w11.rd rrom tf'g~tl.11. r:h11.irm11.n • Gf'Otfte Fi11cher during the pr~n ta t1on cere mon1~ at l.JtYC. -Beckner P hoto FERGUSON PROMOTED TO COMMANDER Jn"'ph' M. J'e~. 1.ifto J1I•. ,.Xf"<·U11\''" ntr'""' nf 11 ~. l'J•"•I ,ll-nfo l!lurfll'i! DI•. 11 -21, "•"'"' An•. h•! h,...,. pl'"!l · rii otM lo f\111 rnmm1nd"" nn1'1 rf'lrn•rl•v~ In July . 111!)4. He hi • ~ 1 _,....,at 1 4 ~ Y"•r• . ., .• ,. mtn"~.,.·~r lk•p~t 1n aout h Pie~ lllu' WM\d \\'1 r ti f N:EW.S -. I·N~ICTURE·s .~ ' I ' ' .,. .. LONG TOM llUCKf!Tll BAl.L -Tom Houoton lo tallest -m•n on Co&ch -Jui.. Gas•'• N .. port Harbor High School Sun.et Leap e&p champktu. He llt&nda S-6 ond when he'o dipOOIUnr polDU' Ill tho hoop, bo looke even taller. Th.Ls action occurTed in SallOr nm Friday night when the Tars defeated Huntington Beach ln fi n_J loNp rame of HUOD. -Staff Photo TIDELANDS 'DRAINING' CLAIM NEAR •L'EASE 'UNE The above map ~how-where MontC"-'Y Oil Co."• whiP91-tt.lred ·well• into•tbe,aty.. otrMJd tidelanchi •re bottomed. Newport No. 11 beinl Watf'd ri«hl n•r tlN 511.t M. euterlyi bouMary line. Recient)y th~ Techntcal OH C"..ommittee rflJl'Orted. t.hrnllclt ,UMi city ma.napr to t.hf! council Uterf' m•Y be .,m*' tideland• nil betn1 drained by weU. 11ear UM :t3rd !t_ boundary, c•~ for muntcipml conatdentioo, ' • • , Emenon W. Orchid Societi:, Chue, La Habra, Garden Grove. Soc:iety'a office~ taura.nt banquet. -Staff Photo were Thwo'• Chor11t ... .,_ ;. TltH ••• .. COUNTRY-STYLE KITCHEN , ••.• •• •AY 6e11erel Contractor & luilder 1 MESAN CRASHES THROUGH DOOR <:11•_t... 111~...._, 1;1 ,'.;ll.l•l( )""•1•1ve ~y lhal the n ~:i.1 'i" n doCr he I~ t hr"l•i;lo 14 !!1 ' . ••• 10 Ell FOllES . ••tw j PllO~ '"-Uk.I& l\M ' • • '•.•U:.JJ. ( 1-lAURICJo: RO LAND PAPERHANGIN!i 1 .• Jberty 8-IMJ I JiC:C W-..h~ Thon bu p&lll.t.d 1eave11 th•l t u rn red -.nd or-.nr• In l'all M4 9hlft)' rM Mn1¥ &. .O.C.mber aoa J~. On UM ot.b.u hand,, U>-lll\6-b&fw ~ tTNW:ll& conlerta) toi· -.u. wanii.Ua bw.t llOt troA.. 4n .... ,, ..... lt .... Ll:J•~·nJ "° Mone I.be aou~ c.abtorrl1& oout. -\180 pod ~ ~ l{M. .. U.. llo\lthera ~ wtth It.I tu.uriou• toU•c• ~ MauUtul, t~t ,..it41 ~-Tb• aouui..rn ~ ·i. &lao •nil· aWI 1Q dwatC~ ~.!•• VIN't\ ~ P<llHJ .... iN-co . . .. -. 0. ::... ' .. . ....... f! •• f.!P lulld ,. °"" IHt ... ~ '"''"" .IW_ __ ••11 EM l'lt '"'"' • • WAID & HARRINGTON ~ eo. . ' MIW: f.8a;JJMl.ei::,,.-~lie"'""' 1t111=1i l~"" ..... , ~-~~ ••• , Clfll!.11· tn ·-No,..,--i ~nd, R~gillor fpr • ~-l'~tiful $~hwinn ~-Ei"!! §~VEii~ For child or adult to be Given Away •••• Nopun:huel!o- ;r:.!· -eo:':.i ~~2'. -Dn.1f1Ds lilt'; ..,.. Willi "'If fprmol Opening kt. March l Tth YO!il dl;i not have to b. pnHnt to win . • -"!ult ~Uon Only Pleue ' ' -------~----""----MYSTERY OBJECTS FASTER !JWAN;,,~SE:£N. ~ SICt'-. T'Wo apt .......................... ~ •1,...... ....... ,. ........ ~ .............. ~, ........... - . ·-.. ' ...... ' ....... _ .. I , .. '' .,,.., ,,_._., • .-\.t • I I I MONDAY, FEllltU.U.Y 27, "" .. ·" 1 1, ......... iae.....-. -...:.. .-?flit ..... Cilll. ...:aJ,r ~ • - -1:1•.n Noncl ...... -·~. "'·-·· -:1 ~~-~-:![":::----·1:::~::~ ~ .......... ! , ........ -:-·Jlj;;' ~--~~ ltf~.11. a.a.. J&.-llr. n a .a. new~: '::::;~f::lf:~~~~~ •. 11. 11.. a. D. mt fl 7 TU i::,:; 6 R:--kM ! 1 pw\ ..... ..,, •• ~ ..... ~ -ir-E.btt.r =l'ill~~.!!!!.,,~~~~+.,_,...,,..~.tt ... Mll...~ --- ~'·77 . ; ----·~c-'4-"="'"I . . .. " -.... ... __ , __ ..._ ..... ,,.,~~--tM ------.;:;:-.~ -, ___ . -:!~ £u1,1,-. ...,;,.. __:rentrs·m -~-··· . <,, --·,-- l . ....,;L,... • . .. I . e· ... ·~ a.-.. KM. YOftJIO PIUDCJNCT 6, oom-1tt ...... p w 1111m ere =-. ""· . -...._ :::.:.. ~-:: _., -a. · ci· all .. --.. an... '1'11111 ,.m.tl' ,u.c. llball be .t u. le1ltor 1i11 to . 1e1ts --.. Ii •• -"~ ,_ ... u~ "'" Hall. '" I, U. ~·If, M. ~ .. ~ MArt,pN A•mu•. COfW def Kar, Utt_... for autoll 69 a .... Tbe Mp .... d9ar plutk, 10&11 Ke. I.. rn-.. • ....... : ~ ~ill ftewport lleaell _..Ul inda-. la._, and U.ff a loop ~~ ...... ..._ DiUWJiOR: II J-.c& Paduir". Jll.6 Cr•tvi.-w Dr1••· U.. tGlp tor i..a,tas u..ii, lD can. ....._ 0.-p.) _ " ~~ A. Mullt..,-d ·u1raiq" ti.-out. POU.Dl'O PL4C9i ._. .. at Uae Jira. Marion L.. Klnl' Claire Van Hom. rea.ltor, IP" LIGAL NOTICE "---...... ....._ JtoO attt CLDK: Pa.ckerhlstlnt~aboul CbfUl· Dr1• .. M•wpert H•lsbta, 11 .... Lydia,_ mu um. and hu bMn pl"9Mlltl.fll" C&aTU'ICA.n or at18IJ'l(U8 Cantcirn&a. ct.aUC: them to hfir c-.u c••r atice, r tt w "'9 Nw TM polll wtl "9 -.... op-n be-)(,._ Kabel McKay 1peecttac up Mr dMll.ribUUOll lut t•-U.. ..._. et T:OO o'ckldr: VOTING Pftl)CINCT e. com- wedl dW'tnl: the city"• cl.eaaup Tha uncknlp-1 do Mr:dY ~ .A..111 aM f :OO PK. '!'lie alecUoa ,.._ ~ 8tat1 iaNt. county prwctnct actlviti•. r-unnln&' th• total Pe tlty I.hat I.bey an COAd~Uns & t.uru wtU be ~ at 11:00 _._.,and 17. bu l'fvtr\ aw.y up to about t&O. r-lal. llftd ~c:tna o6 ~ o'cloclt -· J-&, lNI, by th• The polllft&' plac• iah&ll M •t th• 1·---------..-... --lt.oUeU buaina. at tbl llf'~ count;)' ~~ ot .chooU ~ sebool, l i UI .nd Ba.Ibo• Bl\Od.., Newport. a.ch, California, al 1104 W9it _. •tl"Mt, knl• 'Bh'd., N.-port Bftch, C&!Uornla . DEATH NOTICE undeT the ncUUou. nn:n -.m• ot A-. ean,r. Dttf!tee I• the re-UQPll)Ct'OR: JUDCm: .....• ·1-........ Taaws•:·:::; Cl.-.c• • ' C'~r;• D. ¥1~-:-~:- llN. .......,..~ ···:. , VOTING ....:mto'I"-1Jj. , _. ,..w.., at.ate ... ....., ....... .. numbers 1& and ~ -• - ~ pollLU place 1111.11 ~ a1 6ti-J6lh Blreet, N...-port a..c.llli, '"" C.Ufarilla. INSPllCTOR: W:l'll. Ludll• Dei\riU. JUDGE· M n . ~1l1 N-land CLERK . M.-.. Ruth E . .!lmUh CU:RK Mr1. f\oHm&ry 8m1U1 CROWNED 'QUEEN OF ·HEARTS' !--...;-----------!BAY e.uaTATl01'f OOXPA...NT cdpt ot ...,_t. Milota .. J-. '· w111lam v . Jooet A.LAN BSJfaY OJ.Pll aad that Mid nnn Ui com~ Cit ltM. ,....... tor ~ ol .JVD(ll:: the tch:iwtnr pe~ wt.o.e c&ftd.......,,. --. .. be Mitaln.-d at Ut.1 Kn. a.o.-...,lt• M". Gordon \'OTI'NG .PRECINCT l i. eom- pnatna-Stat~ and cow:.ty pnctnct numbeni 19 &l\d 28. 1 The po111n1 pl•c• M.aJt M at '2017 Miramar Dr1va, Balboa. c..LI· fomia. Phyllia YIU"Wood or ea.ta. Mesa 18 crowned "Queen of He.rta" by singer Marguet Whiting durin1t the Heart Fund benefit dance held in Rendenou Ballroom over t he w~end. r:iviRg the 18-year-ol d beauty a bo11.quel is Jerry J ohneon. Jeft. R.endezvoul! owner who donated his ballroom for the f!Vent , 1poneored by Harbor Hi· Y and Tri·HI· 'I' 1.:lubs. In ceuler lB Johnny M ~rcer or Lido Iale, who entertained with Marga~! Wh1l1ng . r1ghl. Alan' Henrv 0"", 49, ot 414 oa-~ I "''" ... pl&cu or r..a -1 ---.. ·• ·~ 1 ..... _ n ,,,..... · otnc. ot U.. -.ty ~t.ndent ~: Poln--•tta u~. paa.d awa y Feb. ••-· .,. u IOI-• t··wtt '-" -· ' ..,.. · ot lidM!OU, lloit. W•t Ith 8t"'"t · 111.tw. Haa.el M. Jonet ~ 1n Hoa1 Hollplt.a.l atttr a DONA.LO K . Btrrr8. &ant.a. Ana., Ca1ltorai&.. CLDUl: I Un.erln1 tlln-. Pr.-ldatt, Prot1Mllon.al n. UC. ........ tor nu--decl..,... krt. Dorothy C. E van1 ff., WU ?lorn In Ba.II Lall• City, I -·-aot • Butt•·-· C<-~ ~ n ... tuu · '"" ·· ,.. lion. 1.t 'Aprllll, 11M. VOTING PRECJNC'T UtUl and had UYl!d here tor al1ht J20 Bult& A A Ye moo""•·· H" w t• prMidl!nt ot the na ,.._; Pata P'abn.t.&r)' 11, 11161 prt.lnf" Sta te and county "-'' N..-port BMch., ....... It. LINi'oN T . aDOlONS numbolrt i and 34. INSPECTOR I Harold C Ahrendt ~ J UOOI:: '· M'!m· 11 Mr1 EllA belh S precinct CLERK Oli n Mwilc Corp of Salt i..."e KENNrTH W. K OL L County 8upertntenden1 Th• pc>llln1 place aha!I b., •l M n Je&nnt t te G CLERK Bal rd 2 MESA CANDIDA TES SET AS 'TEAMMATFS' IN RACE T"'n uf •"••~!• ~l ~•"a ''"""'I 'andJ.d •l"I a r• 111 .. no\1, h\'e ''" lllr -ma •lrH"I &JI<! ''"'e p1.1.1t(J1"'" "'' fl>llC'h the •a n1e tnr' ·•Y tll"Y ""n 1 "Jo 11l lv ba ,.1,, 1 ... 1 l><•lh tre r hr,.eu Uflll'SI Ul• \ l I·.'""' ... 1,1 .,,,.,.r r••ti,.,..,1 f \11111: ~ '""l>l!lf'nla He ad!!M !hll1 II" ~U.•• ·irge<I 1 •tr>.>nger fnlrn " .. ,,1~n1 .,f '·r,N!ll -'1e1111. ~ le11 . .tl I•" tt .. 1~ a n1 .. n.1>rr nf l'.'.!tl.'1 e mt !\ll rio11t !·~IJ?"~ The llu.dfa.t lf"fl l" 11 '""'P''·'"'l "t tlra prolKUon equ1pmtnt nff'l· ··111.l Authnr Tut u ... :r;o E:.i1ner Sl •nd hUi netl"hbor. llu1ld1n1 rClnlrlf"· \QI J. lJ. U..,ver1p1ke, 3113 Eather S aya T utu ... who ha11 a wlle. J u ne., and 10.)'••r·Olil twin 41.ugh., \t r•. '"I'm pr1m•nly lntereated 1n 11.ettlnf tnrlu.atry tntn Cotla Mt••· i "!MJ I want Ln h•Ye the 1neq1u1l1. q .,. or taa1!1on <"orr,.<'led by hav-1 1ng a rornplete re·l.Mf'Mml!nt nf 1he rountr. lnduat ry w1ll help th,. \v. 1ln1cture ln Goeta Men but 1r wcn"t <t:Om• In 11n ll!n' fl -gft't an .. vm break. Dralnaa • &nit atreet.a. 11)(), ar• In eon:J 1ha~ and mutt I he eorrectec'I "' Tuttle, who wu a 11.,uteri11.nt colonel In th'! Air P'ort"e . •• a dlrKtor of lh• Ch&mber ot I l 'o mmerce and !1 on the i.idutt.rlal rommttt" nt lha Am<>elat..J Cham· tM!rt ot t;on1m,.rce or Ora nc e ''ounty. Ooven.aptllt, whoae farn!ly c:On · 1iat or l'IMI wtte. Dorothy and a Newport Fifth Graders Start Fire Studies l'Hl h 1 r•de •ludenl• "' the Newport BtAr h l!:lemenl1<ry I SChoola bave alartM their annua:' 'lre prr.ventlon 11ludle1< rnr the ' tenth year. Newporl 81!ach WU I 1tle tir•t city 1n Orang• county to •t art • Junior ll'lre o .. parl- manl Pf'Of1'&111 In l~ tohool•. Thi.a p roi-n.m h•~ n"w 1·ounty wide. The r ourae con•l•I• vf 1t11dy fl"(lm t h~ Junior F\r.,1 nrn10 M11n· j 11 al. "-'l'llr h conta,n11 fir,. pr .. ven· lion and ron..,,...ttlon m111 .. rial ,.,,, eludent" wlll lllRO V.. 11.•v .. n I tour thr<llllh lh .. r1re <1ep11 rf · ment headquarter• . 111<1 d .. mr.n. •tra Uona or equipment Ttley wlll lake en t•&"llna! inn fin the 111bjecta 1tudi,..-1 "n<l will make • f•re llflftly che ·lc nf their nwn home •nil Y•rd. At\"r t hlA t hey '"'111 he prr11entffi ll !llplnmll iiiid ii Ji1ii rn r ll'lr emeii',. hadir" 1 1 . Th-b&dtr e.i. were purt:h1<-.l by t hr Newport Harbor Klw11n11< Clt1b. Thi! F ire Drp11rl nH•n! "'"l1<h,.,1 tn thank f>UblJr ly Super1 n1,.nde11t Roy A.ndl!rten and the Principl!ll" ind 1ear.herA lnvnlved In tlll11 pn1-I ara.m, •• w .. fe<el lha t It will ma.ke for more f I r" t•o11.aclou11 ritl.ena ot tha fut ure. ~Ire <:111 .. r R . J . B rl .... ne aa l1!. DEATH NOTICE D.ui'RL iiiVAN8 ' Dudal Otto Olvan., eo. d•M , .._.,. " •l hla home, n:t E . 19th lilt., Ooeta Mua.. He wu boTn In Bptkemne. Ind. and had ltVO'd In 0.ta M-tor two ye&r1. 1 in Mlnn•polle tor 30 yean. H" I •WM a ..ten.n or Workl War I · -d bad been r<!tlred from the \1. I . P09tal MMr'lc. tor 11 y11a r1. • ..u a member or A.merican 1 ~Oii P09t 4M ot CoeLa Meea. «. UM Dl•bled Americen W ar I and ot the ReUr~ I Clt!rh Auoc'-tion, aur.tvon lnclu.d1 hie wife, ~ and a 90n Jame,, bolh I ftt U.. honle; a aon o.an ot Min· polio; • llirother, Ernffl G lv· ot. KlnneapolL• and a al•l,.r. j • Grace Evana ot Ceda r ltapkl&, low•: al.,-, one srand · "IUld. ! 1 8en1c• Mii M cooduo:t"'(! to- • mon'!l'W 1t 2 p. m . tn P••""". l Jltktl•~ MorlUllrv Ol•l'f!l, (.."6111• 1 f M-. W1UI lh• Rev. Rny Cerlioc>n ' • nt (..1UUI Ctiurcll by I.ha Sea , ~ .. 1.11n1 Thf America n JAoalnn f"\111 ,.-111 r(W\dUC'I fTl.V<!Alde Hf"Vl<"eJI 1nd 1nl•rm,.nt will be In lh,. vtlerana" l ~Uon ~ Ha.rbot Refit )fl!ITl("IM &l ........ J A IJTHOR TUTTl.J.: 1 M1!1a 0&.nr11dal• 1 D DOVERSPIKE 1Teain M•te f CH,1' Hill AYOl9nCI& Drive ol khooia 433 H olm••1ood Dn ve. Nl!wport Forrest Opens 'New Furniture He ll lurvlved by the w'ldoW. ruUerton. CaJ\fornia I Mr• f:•'elyn G~ •• No. 170 Na-·PTI.u a.a.ch. C•l1fom l•. Mr" Dorot hy O lin ot th" l\ome W1tne,. our ha nd U\I• illh day ...... -~R \'UTl!'IG PRl:CJNCT l~. "°"'. &J f Ge llll Y 2127. S/15, 12. 1911:' u-. .-.,..._,...,. 1.ddrd.I: IJCfl. Gfir d. o rm · c1f February. tllOofl. ------------__ lllrL Dort. P'errii--pri..1ng 8\Al e 1..nd county p r"Klllct 1 ri.ui-bter, Mr1, E. W Harda. Sall , a: DONALD K . B~ EL&Cl'ION OP'l'1CEU .._,..0 JUDGE: n11n1hera 77 an<l 30 L&Jte City, and h11 mother. Mr•. PrMltdent, YrofeMion&i POu.IMO Pl...&0&8 Mf"S. Garnet M (.'\.."qJ h • ..:!1 n .. rou1nl{ pla ce 1haH be at ,,. Ethel Olin or Salt Lake Cit)' Jnvea.t.menl and Bull<llnr NO.Uc• ':J h..by rt,,_ that a t C'LEl'll' r r.i ppy. t.::o rona dcl Mar. calttonll.&. The body w1..1 forwa rde<I toda y 0o .......... au on J!"fif'E:<-T'OR ·.--· t h• ,......,. m.akllpal e.l.c:Uon to Mra. J .. n C S<)ula tn Salt Lake City fQr aotr"V1t'e• and 11 K ENNETH V.' K O LL bll held In tha City of Mewport CLERK 1"1n M1rUu1. M Cvnnln(tl•fl'I 1nlrrrn .,nt by Ball.I •ortu.11.ry ISTATI!: OY CAUTORNIA l Beach on TUMday, thot tOlh da y Mra. rranr-ea E Ht.tflel•1 Jl"l)GE F1,1n11<l 1,1, .. nlni: ... 1., 1, .. 1.i 1n1• COrOfl l d,.J Mar COUNTY OP' ORANGE lat or April, 1161, U..... will bto 18 VOO'ING PR.ECrNCT A r om· Mr1 \"era H ... ~,.k ..,, •h,. """' )o"urr f~ ~'urno-1 "''l:Ll.JE ,._ ""0()0Y Or lhl1 11th d&y of P'ebruuy. votlnt pr.clnc:LI flM" th• purpc»e or pnt•nt: Stale and county proeclnC'\ CLER.ii\ tlol•· t•1o Jn•!• nr.,.• llUtf bUlld Private tuner•! ..,rvice.11. we~ A D 1961, befor• me, WILLIAM h<Md tn1 the .!ectlollo. coruit.Unc ot n\ID\beonlO,lland?il Mr. H elen B STU A RT P' 0 0 TE. • No· ttU.her resWar 11.c:Uoa prw:lnou. na pollln& p!ac• ah a ll M •l CLERK ' Mesa Store on •nis, a t llL ·l l~ Sro.aaw"s· Jual Klle!!uled lO ~ conducted tor lary Pu b ile In &lid tor the •la.bllah9d tor holdlnj" 1tate or 223 Diamond Avenu.e. Balboa 11· Mra. l..ola !' G<.ula rK3l or New port Blvd 111 r•p1dly 1 Mr•. Nellte P. Moody, M,B&J~ Mid Coun ty and State, reaidlnl county •l.ctlona or a tonMlllda· land, Ca l.Jtomla. I VCYT'L""C: PRECJNCT 18, (Ol'J1 rxpa11d.1111: t,;011t& Meaa. Dta.mond, Latun• Beach.. a t Ul•t•ln. duly commi..aloned ~ Uon of -a or •II ot .,..en pr• CNIPEC."TOR· l pndng Sta l • 1.11d county ~l , )lorlua.ry, Coron.a 1111 War, al l :J.0 23 Owner ~or1·eat Theurrl uy. p m . t.od4y . lJlterment ••& to sworn, per 1o n a tl y appeared clne t.a .u tonic-.: Mrt . DorTI& S. R.a1an numpen l n(l 31 . tile ne"' que rtrr1 ocC'upy the .,n. lol'-· ln Mel~ Abbe\' DONA.1...0. K Btrn'l!I. Pr-'d.-i.t. VOTING ~CT 1. com· JUDO•: Thi poll1n,; placa mh&l.l b4 at a Ore 1pace ot thre<e 1mall~r atom ~u.ed wu a n.-.Uve ol Wl.t· PT'Ofueional I" ••I l m ~ n t add prt.61\1' It.ala and CO\lnty pt"11elnct Mra. E thel H ,..re&ta11: r-nia loe&Led at 302 Ev-aftl: The 1.rea 1• n1ade. into one la rse C"onlin. She had lived tn l..o09 BuUdlnt Cor poraUon, and KEN-nUlnbert l M4 M . CtLIU<: Canyon ~. Corona d•I 1"ar. r{)<)m t'>r Del ler dl•play or the Anlele' 41 yea.ra &lid In r..iu.na NE'nf W . KOLL, known lo me 'nla polba&' pl&ce th.all be 1t W". Mayme [>oruKl!v California "'mple.t.e lln,. or furniture &lid Be&ctl nine month-. to bot the ~mna whoee nam .. 20T-40th •tr .. t, Nawpon BM.ch. CLERK: l'!'O"SPEC'l'OR : bedd ln11; She 11 ••tvl•ed by one dauriler, ar. w.bllCrlbed lo lhe wllhl.n In· California.. Mn. Burdette Gay Mrw. Lout.a 0 . 'niomu · I •trume.nt. a n1 acknowled.sed. to INa....,,....,....R· VO'!'D'fO PRIX:JNC'T i , r<)m· JUDGI'::· Tbeu ret aa.1• t""''" Me51. wa.a Mr~ M•r('Uer1te Ell•Mny or ·~·~ · f o;h ... en "" trie 11te vt t111 new llltl'!.:l Weal SL, South t..pn•: me that Liiey u;~u.ted tbe -.i:ne. Kn. Blallch L.1.ytl• prialnl" St.al• and CC>llnty prec:Lnct Mni. Elu.beth ~ ~luie olu~ '" IN\ r1<r1t1 i;ouw lh u r a irllll.d da1,1i-hter. Mr•. Patricia In wltne• whereot. I h•V• JUDGE: numbwt 11 &lid 28. I CJ.ERK: , • • ,. 0 ot here-unto 11111: my hand and attl1.d lfn. l"lorenc e M Olftor"<I Th• poHint: place in.JI be at 701 Mni. Lot. I\. 8towflf'I ... t ,·0111111un1 :; An,. "~ ~1 g 1.T.•.'ta. '·'-'-• of Laguna S-Ch, two ·nnurp·"t ·t nl! IM.'~.--.-,....A_ ... n __ ... ...,.. rnY-P'.C!~J .... , tlle day and y .. r CLl:RX: • Via Udo aiol.Mi, N .. wport S..ach. Cl.ERK: 1 r~•~ rr....,....,, u•""' . .,,.., a r. In thlf c ert!n c1t• flr1t-i.DOYe ··wn.. Phylll1 L:~nplllf "--""'-c:a.nrorura:.."':Y. ----· · w. .... ~Kury. "" brins• tn thr l'lly :!l ve•.1"11 M r~ lm1;1gene Dtia.rbOtn or 1111· written. CLICRK : INaPJDCTOR~ VOTIN G PRECINCT 1T, -· ,.Jlfl"rlO'n(•f' 1n lh<' fu o I'll Hr"' ow11· n<.ouJ ' l /WllJ.JAM Si-t:ART f"OOTE Xrw. Cornelle W. K-il Mn. M&riarel B Hlt<"hCQI k rrlalnl State and county pr'tdllct l r,·~.1 l 'opul~! I""'"~ 11.1111 .-a1y ' My CommLMlon !!':•plreP VOTl:NO PRICCINCT :t. cnm -IUDGE : j number• ?7. l6, and H . 1"r111 ' •1" h i~ P1'11' ~ MaclUlle Subtracted July 8. IHI pr\lllnt: stat& and CO\lnty pr.etnc t Mra. Marjorie I!: Loto l1o The pollln( pl~ eh&il ~et U... Th,.u,,.1 ·11 "1•lr r , Mr1. Mildred No. Ml New•·P re•a nupibolra l .nd l . CLEft.K : HrJrar e Enlltirn Sthool. lrvln• A.••· 0 ,,.,,,,. ·o "''' _,,, •• 10• TO·lt ol •• oJJ'"' n1achlne '--. d Ctl" D" N-,, · ""' ~ '''•--' ~ 2113, ?O, 27, l /0, 111~ ·1·nepo1Unt:placel)ial\bol1t the Mn. Helen Sp!~ ,nu• an riv• • ., _ _.. ('o~t• ,..,.,.. FLon.•1~ whll'., oo-· tn:im a cha play w1nctow WLI re-_ ----Clty ·-H&ll. JSOO If-port Blvd .. CLERK · I B,.ach, C alltnm la. •"UPI"~ • nP"" ,.tor,. n ~~l •lo~·r •n•l po:>rl,.•1 to pohce by W illi•.m • Sta · NOTICI: •f OOVEKXCNO BOAllD Newport Beach, Calttornle. Ill.rt.~ D Mar1ha ll INSPECTO R : ra.~I uf ~-.,,r,.,.t f'u rnuur~ mt k · u oner,· 1tore emplO'yeu a l J t lO llCEllBEa ELSC'nON INSPECTOR: VCYTING PRECINCT 10. conl· Mr• M•ry Cle11 ry '"' '' I I n'I'' 1° VI• '·•· y,, .. , mo,ol•X· Value N ... h U•OGE •n11 " in ,. "'' • •• .,. ........,.., 2 Membolni of ewport c Jfr1. J ulla Mae Ertett pr1•1ni-8lat1 and o;ounty prec:incl J • -"•!Inn · or !I"• mactitne w1..1 eel •I 1130. telementary) SChool Dt.tr1ct JUDGE: numbe" Jl and 33. I Mn Gladya P'Of'tlUI ! "bive Bet~ Electrically" i Program Set Here Feb. 29 I l.ocal bu.tln"iw""" will be•ln home bulldert. eonlre.clon. ardll· thel:-partlclpa u on in lhe nation -teci., electrical 'dl.ltrlbu.ton . de&-L· ] .. " e ra. rNJlort. and rap~aait&UvM , wld11 Llvr Better Eleclr1celly ot Jendln11: lnttlt\lllon.11.. I J>f"Ol1'ffi w hen they a tltnd a mH:l· roUow ihl tbe ktneeeoped teloe- lnl" to boo held Fl!b. 2j at VIila cut, t.41e Edl«ll'I Corr)pany w\11 pre· Marina RPala\lfant. et.ulllll a l ..nt ·IU loe&J p~ tor' balpla&: I '1 !llO .a. m . I\ WILi announced by 0i-eelllns" alHu a.ccelerat• t.Mtr C"'D Sh~eiihetm Southern C•lL· marltetlnf of elec:trtcal soock and fom 1a F.d1"0n ("o dlatrl('\ .m lU'I· 1ervlcu In rNident \&I areu. lqer The program wtll dnunaUae Uu1 "Wh111 ·1 My Linf ~" n n·o<Jerator theme. "Uve S.tter Clitelrlcally." 1 J ohn Daly "''lll rmcee a k1neecop-and ahOW" tiow Lt embrac .. tbe In· i ed oloeetl-ch -cull telecu t, which du.nry·a c<mtlnuoua ion,. -ranr I ultimately w\U bt-viewed by bu.al · project at lnfoMnllll' horn• ~'"' ne .. rne" ln every pa rt or t."le Unlt-o1' tl'I• benen11 o( lncre..ed elec- j ed Slate1, includll\C' mantacturirra. trlllc&tlotJ. 2 Me111ber1 ol N.-..port Harbor Mra. Au.rel\& Niem i« I 'nle polllflS place 1h&ll be at 23f1 Cl.ERK · U nion H llh School Dlatrtc-t CLJ:RK : Goldenrod. Corona del Mar, Call· Mrt Ear l G P•l- 2 X emben at Oranp C:O.Ut Mn, Dar.lttry R.obtn-· r-a.. I C'l.F.RK Junior Colle1• 01ttrtct CLJ:RX : INSPECTOR: Mr1. Artale Pal.nM Notice t. Hereby Given to the Mn. O.n.ldlne McNteJ Mn. K.&thenne A. Bui ton VOTING PRECINCT 11. cern-· Vot_.. of lh• abov• DUtrlct or VOTING PIUlCINCT S, com· J UDGE : pr11111\f: 8tat• and county ~ D I t tr I c t a ot the Cowlty Of" pri&ftC' 8t.a.t• and county pr9Clnct Mrl. Irma Wood Bay Y\-J. CounU• ot Of'&"l'e, C&llfornla, n.11mben 'I and I . CLERK : Th• polllnJ' place llha.11 be a t that Ole .Anl'li&l Et.c:UO.. tor mam-The polllft&' place 1hall b4 al tha Mn. Ha.Mt Coop \!\IT lrvtne, N-iiort ~. bert ot the Bo&rd or BM.rdil ot Ho.pttallty ff~ located <SI the CLERK: Ca.l ltot""nla . lh• u.ld d liltr1cl or d .. tr1ct. wtll Jftar. Wut\lrl(:loft • 8.ay J'ront. M.r . ErnNt F . Coop l.NSPJCCTOR: bl held on tbe third Friday ot Balboa, yautornl&. VOTING PRECINCT I I. <"nm· Mn. C•tllertne Mitchel! May, namely, May 11. lNe. for INIPllCTOR: prl•lnl St.I.le and county precinct JUDO!!':: tll• pufl!O" ot •lectlns the numb« J . M. )(. l.Aor'l-.rd numben 14 a.nd :tl. Mrt. Ora Wel:y of rn-.nberl or the sovemlnt: J U DOS: Th• pollln& place 1hall bt! 11t the CLICRK : bouM ot tb& dlal.rlcU aa.indlc&ted WUU&m L. Hurnplu·•1• Corona del Mar Grammar 8ehool Mrw. J I.II-Hetty above. CLl:RX: e10 Carn'\tlon, Corona rte! Mir. ct.rftJC: 1'1• polt. will be 1ocateir•t A..rt>rut' J . Low.ii · o.utomia. Mn. Gertrude WM'tlYm PIUlCINCT NO. I .tla.11 Include CL1:RK : IN8Pl:CTOR: 'Ttu1 pollt wUI be opmtd ......... _, all th• an• em braced In Oran«• Mra. M&d,Je M. Perduyn Mrt. Helan I!: Ran.lei ,)i(I hour• or 7 ;00 LM. !lad T~ County votlnt Preclnc11 -No. VOTING PR.l)CINCT 4. com-J U DGE: p.m. I , 2. 3, 4. a , 8. 11 , 17, 11, li. l i , pr!.•hll' 81.&te and oounty JW«lnct. kra. Rebeca A. Roberd1 2&. ze, 28. ,Th_ pteclncte In-numbers• and t•. CLICRK: elude; W.t. Newport, N1"porl. 'nle polllq pl&ae M&ll M a t t he Mr1. Ha.rrtet Smllh I No. .. .......,...- l...'1tJ C1•k C\ty ol Newport ~ 171-N-P'Nm J/7'f/H Balboa. and I.4do If.le! l"U'al'• located at MO Abalone, CLERK: POl.L.l.HG PLACE iah•.11 b4 a t t h• Ba.Ibo& X.i.M, Callt'Om.la. Mary M. w1i.or. • hJb.RHe ,. GREAT-ER EARNlllA • , I • (!'1'' . ' REMEMBER ... SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the 1st. ' c PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS 1 J I 800ito@rn= Al~n Plak-a.1. Colla w .. dnal:S11t •nd' 9fty coatUrnan, t. 1"Qftntq .fOr h»· ttr.l tull ,_.._,..... tenn In th• municipal elec· uon. 'Al"f11 10. A councuma.n tor •l~l two y .. ra. he l!vu with h11 wu ... LucWe.. at I~ Broadway The Ptnll· Jey1 have a ton. Vlrg1l Ptnk- 1")'., a Navy ~"ntiat 1t.&Uontd ln Hawatl • Th<!l.r dauihter, M r& Luc1 A<frlan. Who.4 h~· ktut i. \ Ma.rtn:. Jet pilot In Korea. [1 livtnr at Mr par· ~ts' home. Ptn k ll!y ••Y• he 1tan<U on the a1 .. u1" platfo rm he had two Y<'t1 r1 &io; "a p ublic orti1:11&1 1l1ouLd hear both 11t~ea nr 1. 11uHt1on be- 1,,~ n1 •k 1nr; a decl1lon. ag11.1n•t _.,,,rt't f.Q\11\('ll !e11· 1l•;n.1 . hnll n"w ""'">'' to ,,...,in.;.sul~. not new way1 lo l a <'l tiavf' n i» ••~• tr> iTlnd" Super Service Station Opens • • NEWPORT BARRO' Nl!:WS-PBDS Every-Mendrt, W••••drt 11114 ftWmy COASTAL SHOPPER-Wedllelldaya Di:A DUNU for pla.o.1nJ or cu.unm, W u.: P'1;1r 14oaday PubUcadon -J'rlda7 6 p.m. ror W9dne.t&y Publicatlona -'l"l.IMcUJ l _p..ia.. l'or f'rtd&y l'>ublle&Uon -ThUrtd&F 1 p.m. N£WPOBT HA&&Oll F UIU.l8111NO 00. ttll 8&1 .... Blv ... N_..purt ......_ o..M.fo ..... All C\u.lfled Ada m•& M p&ld fur Coull ln ..:h·--•f p.wtcaUo&. The pub!J.11he r1 .,.·ill not be rupuruilble ror inore Ul.&.n one t.acorrect !n.11.,rt1w11 vr Lil ad, re.Mrv• th1 r1glll to correctly Cl lMll!y a.ny anCS Lil w ana to .. reJeet an,.I_ aq nsit ~9~ ~ IW9~\E!ll!I· Spt1..·ial N oUc:i. ----------- :servlct :st11t1nn •l 1 ~.~.u N• "''p .. rt Newport HarbOr B. P. 0. E. 1767 (;r11.nd ••prn1ng wa~ llf'ld !'Ver y the wee.krl\•I nf l h111 !>!NIA ~Uf/• I I A!vd , .. anoth1r m1l1eH1ne 1n .Li1c j rapid r•t .. •l 1;1 u ... 1h .. r Cn:Jta MMt• •very 'nlurlday I pm. CARPENTRY MINOR R11:P AlR WORK HO JOB TOO SM.A.LL . .• I!. 0 . A.lld'1'110D lOlf. &. Ba.Ibo& Bl\'<l., Balboa · lh.rbor 14i60 t!tlc Mes.." 11.:cur<.ll.111" lll o.,.nr1•.-1!t'I · VU. Ol"-'11.u -C &Cl.tra.1 A \'e, • ICXPli:Rlli:NCED pracUca l nur1 ... care vf 1Jderly men, women. vr oou pl•-No t:i.4 ha bit•. r•Ctt· ~1"q tt required. Ki!:y1tone 6·!78t. 76p7i i BED SPRING and MATrRESSES, complete $10.00 WA.SBING MACHINES .................... $12.150 up TbeiM ud & thouaaad other boueebold barpina. Everythlnc for the Hou. -Furniahinp, Toy•, Radioa, Clothin& I.lid Shoes for the entire family. Recent addition.a of severa.l diaabled veteran perl!IOn - nel-who have completely refurbiahed, N'JUvenated' and pl.a.ced in top cond.Jtiun e verywhert m our atort' ma.k e ua say "BUY .. WHAT TH.Ii: BOYS REBUILD'" VETERANS INDUSTRIES .02 E. 4th, SANT A A.NA Open Friday a.ad Sa.tl.U'day until 9 p. m. 71<177h Excellent Cook 1----------;116-__ M_•---"·--~"'""'----J ao.,._APf"":"""'.' -- lfi' P\ywoo4 bo&l, ~wheel, ~ .... ""1lw _____ ,1:lo() D!nkltttn ~ .u1nc" Cqtay, DUl"Oll ..u. u..ua. IKYfW •••. J4W 1n~ lfi' oia-wtUt. f\1u1 Milli. Only __ .. $7!\0 12· o _ B. Plyv.·ood. flbt-rtl&.affd h ull W1Ul lr&ll••r $270 l'' Burchettl!t, Sll"f'rtng wn .... 1 1 o h p .8cott·A.tw•ler . $iU) JO' Vl'llJU'd , cover, (,.t•. bu.oy1.nry Uu ik•. Llkr new , $1:1-0 J'Z' C:hr•• )(il (J H tnult-r 11n•I 10 h p n\...,t"r Only 12-!!0 'l ~~. l!j' l'r .. rn. c""''' . ..,,, 1\1 l'.,11\Ur\' ~''~'"" \lt,~j li ke nr"' ! f•,hlinc 1np i .,! ,,,1 .. r !lu '' ! ! Ur11)'a .... 11n,,. $.0:7.'HJ ! Tbut 11 1 r "11 "'""l rt .. •!~ .. 11.i I V.'<.i~~t.:;:l:i; K(IA'J' ~A LE~ U~rty II-J I ".:: :O.r"I" rt B•&• Ii 74 .I\ f r l l:. I\ Jl S ~ f&dl•1 I" ••1 t11 1!1•y ~PK• ... IHh nu1 ~11~ I~\' f'i>!'l•t 1 y~t •1.-,. h ... t 11 nk !tr~ 1) tr1 ~u' )i:t:'\n !'Ir H~·l~·r .~7i>'l 7-:>pi':" at()f" Ji.rk \J'Hlcn~. ) N•wport B<eac.b Union 71 produi·t11, tu·~•. b • t· Albert ~L !lfatlhew•. ICx.Lltad Ruler t1rtu, •rceu vr1e.1, c:iar• "''•-\h1n1 . CH..t..UFFU -N URSE -houae· BOOKK.J:EP5J\ ma chlnt e&~r- --------------1 k•ptr In any &n d Ill capac1Ue._ ,-..quired, five day week. b cal· PAINTING Mal• wl'l!te. Beat local rttere.nct.a l1Ult workln( condltlons. Apply KNITIERS ''"' rep..ir 11nd lubn1~auv11 •r" &---r'une n&.I Dlrecton IMlLU ... Qf UJ., 1taUt'.ln. Th11 &r&nd --~~------­ Of"n.lfl( , .... tured rre. a.oil l)r111 k• t.:.r 1!1 w1t ll. r•ndy and blo lkocJn.1 tor lht i..1,ld le1. The aui.tir.n ta o pen lo 11: p. if>: 11ven IJa}'• • week. N!'wpqrt~Orange tff P Area Has 8 Traffic Deaths MOTIELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 Bnl•• -J 111t Bouth of W•t· nuruiter ).I emorta.I P•rk. Ao Orani.1 county Wtttutlon 8'rv1ng tam!llea or •H failha T.i..phwu LTClll i'U&J . ~ ZlWUtll OUl N o one ever turned away becauM or l•ck "' fund•. &ACRAM.£N1'0. (C:•;s1 -The Ca.itrornla h!gh"'·•y parn;I r1tpi-,rt-l2-8ulldlng:__!e_r_,_i.-____ _ ed eight hlgllw1y tra!fh: IJ.;Oat h• !n th• NewPofi. Se.iu!h -tJrlUlj"e patrol area tlurlni Janual'y. · Thi• com~red Wllh tour ta.l•l· IU• tOr Lh1 N.m• •rea In Juu- ary, t9~~. 'nl11 num ber ~ trafnr acdttcnt tnJuri<'e tol.&JM t M f.,r lh• month, eompared w ith 1i 6 ll year ap. A ceidenUI reported In l he ar.. nun1b1red 161 , f om parlld W1pl llJ In Ja.nu1.ry or la1t yir.ar CEMENT 4 BUILDING FREE ESTilolATES Llbertr a.e100 --CRAFTSMANSHIP JU.:::lolOD&LlNO -BUJLDJNG U ce<Ue<I and i.n.ured LIMtty 8·7:.71 Or Jli:Jfuaon P. O. Doz Ha N~rt S.cb. Come ln A aq tl'le c-omp!ete new llne ot Qraphle patt1r11.1: Bear Brand Jh'er Match yarn1. Mor· dl'a ""'° drpa p&ttema, novelty yarna A atn•a l.ncludtnc th• popular llnlt lacey alurUI. 7-llOl.· 70p77 7k77 PAPERHANGING ENl!RallTIO WRITI: WOMAN destt• bou .. work by da y or Sympson & Nollar ''"' .. ,."""'"'· c.,, "" Scot~ at Hai-M r 9111. 70p77 B .. t ExptMenced WorkJQc Har. I t.Of. or WIT ' General Contractor -t.reRNM:D----- New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W ~t!c FOOTINGS DUG aewtr ~!Mlia~t1on•. work l1u111 by F'ord m ounttd Backhoe. Phone HYa tt f·M•O Colltct, 71p71 LJ;T us CARE tor. your pl.&At.a, Ins ide 1nd outatd•. E•P9"-ced planl per~el to ••tVI )IOU. »ondad a.nd r1llabl1. 4 var!aty ot 1erv1c.., deptnd!nf on your na.W.. Experienced Gardener LANDSCAPING and CLilAN UPB Liberty 8-1 Mt! - IOtlc Roy's Maintenance Houa. clMA.11:11-nooz wu.t.a1 WLll wubui:s-wt.adow cleanilll VtDeUU blltldL Up11.oi.tefJ iuured, f'J" .. •tim•lM Ubeny 1--l&U. lU• "FIX-IT" ll~hanlal .rid Eitctl1cal JiUh:il~ &ar:vlca ALL. WORK GUARANTEED. li&rbw OM-4 OJ" ~93 IOtfe MASSAGE GIRLS HERE ARE JOBS Tha t you wUI ba proud to t.U Y"Ur fr1end1 abaut. N-hi&ll Sit N' Knit 31 3 II. 8&1~ Blvd., Balboa 31Uc wa.fea coupl..S w1ui. tl'I• ~1 -------------­~_!l:l~r_ .i:o~d~~ ~d_. u,e ~ ~-F!--0~~ .. !e!Ylce .!~r '!_Q!!l!i_ Juu• wfih prMuga. om c1, or boat. WMkJ)' bi·wfflr.· NO JtXPJi;RlENC E Rl)QUill.ED Slart your n1w job ln one of our ottlc• n..r )'Out horn•. TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 9 ,00 to 4:00 p, rn. :ll•!ii. N . Main 81., Rm. S&.111-.A.na ~11 PACIFIC TELEPHONE SECRETA.RY-l'l'EHO; booLllMp- keeper-typlat; a.pt. bookkeeper · ateoo: eec~; fen'• office &ad othen. A..1-o jot. for men. Chect wtlh ly, or u di.ired. Eltperlenced pe:r~al to H.rv• yw. BllllCS•d. and reUabl.•. R1c.nard'1 Flor11t •hop-Harbor 2i28. '6<:77 60 GAL.LON ORUM!i J3, used a.Ir oompr1uor1 $01 , ilpray ~· $11. r1eond1uoned paint bru-h .. from l Of . Many clo.e ou t. at low prlce1, Harbor Paint CNJter ,,:;i J:ln!I. New- port Bnd:)l. 71£.11 Hey, Murgatroid! buy ALL my or-.y Hl·i'l!l.Uty L.P. records comb1n1.llon. V'Ull V1Jue J••9.to Purcha.M ' •"Uber J'OR Pti.N A.n<I I ll dryt r !or ONLY ··-'6U \~rly M ila tor J1tt.tc1 ALIO IA VI: '80 on noor S&111p.\1 ...nu1_ Seiling ln1tructions WY l:iTAlt U\JA-T l./f !i"\lJ c $3M per llQUr hH un.-P•tl <ltl u1 St. t<'lr IWo LI 11·112"';' ~i+f'~ I 17 rr CHARTEK li>«t ! l1J !I) E.Q.~ .4..JJ<~.:d 1..,,. :.IJ OJ•<> a.nier1 l""'0"''"Y ri.Ll :u 111\•J Ll F' 16~ H.P. Uou t!ll!J Sl 4••• l.J 11·667!1 i l pifl KENMORE A UTOMATIC w...Z:.er St JP TORRENT Qn f>f'nl n1111I• • WqewOQd (U ti.life, bt>Ul l on pr1 vat .. d()<'"k, Call H•t lt~I In f ood Cfndltlon. $ l '4) UIJii• 1'>611~ both. U t>erty 8·7078. 71k77 --------~-------!c H HY8!.F:ft CRllWN 2-1 reduc- lll:'ll WE.STJi;HN H.olly I._. r1ni:e llun, On&J\ w 1.ter r..'OO led -':IV tour burner. r n dJie. ···1·ur>1l"I 1 .. n~mi~r. F'il)her r&d.•o <llre-;:t. bruilrr U11u1u•Uy g<'.lod S ~ foJio lrr IJ\'~r i.Jon k y,• he• I ~ r, W fl---MeO. lfk7i l Har :;i:t:.i' &Vtlo PHJtl:O Re.trlprator. 19M dP lu11e. Mrte crou Lop ff'e'effr. TRADE Mp&r&lt meat c1t1lle.r, .tleJv .. Ill door and Iara• ffl•lable i BF.Al 'TtFtJL 70' a uz . .chooner. I"" cr1-per. BLl&nce o•W la only a ny"'lltre E11c•J. for charttr- l tU.78. &t ill h .. 1uarui.tee or \\'•uH sma Hi:r boa t Of propert7. taka 01'er my paymani.. of 12211 \\c Balboa Blvd,, Newport. !tatcw1dfl, fat allLifll! on rural hl&hway1 re•ch<'d IUW, • decrea.e or ae1:cn. or alz per cant, rrom a year a r o. I njuries totaled 3846. a two per cent d<'H:lin• fr o m January, 19:15 The num~r o r reported a.ccldant. .,..u up 7.:1 par ct !1t, tolal1111 4231. No Job too b•g -No job loo amall, T . HORD S ICELEY l307 ~-Ba.I ~ Blvd. Har. Olifi -R Mp78 1 --~~~~~------ RICHARD'S P'LOIUIT SHO P. Haroor a8:ia. ti:'>c77 Howard Steam Cabinet ¥.'h lrlpool b&.lh•. J UNE F'A.RR.AR, J:mp. A.fey. •02 ~ -al Npt. a.cro. frvnt Cit)' Halt " Harbor Hi·f i! f t0.11 per month. no cub n.ed-Harhnr ~01\2_ M tf c ed. my equity free .... any----- tlme d11y or evenlns, 14•1 w. 20 HP l:VJNRUDE for .. le.- Chapman, Kl:Uosr &-6117. 41 08 R.lver. !\ewp.irt. H.t.r. l&Ot!M 0.,. Person Hurt ~ Auto Swerves Into Another ..... els Honor RoU lllci.cles Ne..,.- Aec?l'~nng to Gwr1• 1:1. Am111· ea.t, president or Ut.e UnlveraHy of Jledknda. Janu~11 R.tcbarfi E..,.r. aon. eon of Mr. llllf\ Mr1. GPOrge T , Eftnon, 220 V i11 E bol1, :-.; .. .,. .. por\ Beach. hu ~en n11.med to U.. ..:llola.t!c honor roll tor lhe ta.II ..... ter, 19~:'>. S'nNOa Is 11 rreahm11n a l Ule munrelty u d 1,. majonnr In edua&Uon. H-. .,.. a 1 &r•dual11<l trom Newport Harbor Union HIP mchool In 1 9~."t. Small Jobs Wonted Carpentry-Paintin9 G«id -W Ae-.•lrrf9+-• Liberty 8·NOl llpl(lh CA RPENTER Repair Work Your Home Need Rapt.lrlDc or Ramodt.ll.lls f Call J'raU. Wbtrt)" 1-nH A.II Work GuarantMd 7•ttc I Custom Ceblnot Work :-;o J<'b too 'blf cw toD ....U For ln11n1Mlial• appnlal call C. Evorott S"'ith Har. 6-Mt -I Lo I 67c79 Pab!tlnc Ii Paper!IU&lng We do the work oune.lvea. .. ,...._ LloueM6~.....a. S.Uafactioa puuleed. E:11tlmataa rr... cau J-....., LI 8-2687 4 LI 1-63111 BIU• WAYNf'S CONSTRUCTION CO. u.-lT CAN BE B L'lLT or repaired, .\VE C AN lJO IT. U~aM IMund. ......... For Reaults u .. Cleulfled Ada· in the News ~Pre1s ... ,. PAINTING INTERIOR -ll:XTGUOR ALSO MARJ.NJ: PAINTING LICENSED -lNBUR.mD · Gl..,n ,JehMton - (1(11 · 3l•t St. Newport BMOb Harbor'U71 titre FOR RENT Sir.Ill Saw1, i:lec. DrlU., Pollahua. a U ty,,._ o1 Ba.ndtra, W bMlbar· row•. •te. BOYD'S HDWE. 2'30 W, CCU.ST HlGHWj.T Wberty 8-!f.35. Newport Beh 28tto PAINTING +-.. -~_ .... -·-~-·M. W,RQSS- L!ce1111ed t..J 8·3321 -A.li;ohulice Anonyniuus Write P. 0 . Bu• 3111 Newport Beach, Callt Phone Harbor t 79:l l~Beauty Aid~ ... Superfluous Hair PwsnanenUy r en1oved trora I~ 1.rma, Lega. Ey•brow11 and flair line an•ped-N o n1ore tweouiAI .Ll.EN L.. BRYANT R.. &. UO.'• S&JQo or Beauty K u . 1171 ... Your Call Rolax-A-Cizor CO:"/SULTA.Nl' DemnnK\r11tluN1, ftO obll ... tiOll. UV:'\'?'\JE \\"IL.SON KYatt fi~fM tip Tl Per,,,•n•nt Wevea $6.50 ..... Haircut• S 1.00 ,SHAMPOO an'1 WAYI: SI &O Cleo FHat'• a..uty ShOp .113~ Chian:h 8l. l.l ... NII '""' Call LI 1·7•ll tor appo!ntmtnt 77cit LlCEN'SEn. lCXPERIENC!!O SKIPPER • .,.a.llable, Har. l tltW Tfpf'I OOt.LDJI: GIRL WiWa pa.rt Ume tmploytn.nl a.ttu 1 p. m. dally. i;sp. In ••l•• • tralnW tor 1ecreta.r!&l. LJ 8-7838. 7t p7tl MATURE woma.n delliru poaluon u m•n•1"1r of W'ltel or Hvlel~ •&Pf.'rienc~ -r1r1renc.. Write Bo& K6 c 10 thi• paper. 7'p78 W.ANAGl:R fd'r hotel In Balboa- J, M. M!l!er Co., 202~ W. Baltio. 8 1\'d., NpL lkb.-Harbot 40f1 . "''" ---··-· ---.. --- · Tool liltokers CLASS A, TOP PAY, CLA-V.AL CO. -1701 Placentl•, N1wport Beach. 7:k:i7 WHY! ... BteaUH th•y'ra giiar- u tHd NEW, and man -WHAT • •lecUon! NII H"""'°" 81.-d: . Hu,--.-.i 7tU SACRJ11CIC 9 ll. l~ reveralbl1 ova.I braided tu&" with pad. like c1w. AlllQ 8 x t tu(. Bdrm. "t. Ro<1 dtnelt• aet u.aed 3 mo. J•O. Gold ca.re curtatna I pr•. JlO. A.nUqlJe: black rocker StO. Bedroom ,.1, 8oy1 "enrlleti bicycle f20. Har. ~H1. 7~ttc W:•NT TO 8UY; lletaJ. IAtM, l"ood C'.IODdlUoc, LJ. S.7071. 7te78 BEDROOM SETS WOMAN de.Ire. hou11ew<;1rk by hour. Own tra.neportatlon. - LI 8-716t. 7:lc77 W ANTED-Mw. A Women-Who are int1r1ated In makinl" 10mt extra euh. Wrlte to Joa. Reiter, Mar. 29•:1-lat Ave. 8. M!nnea- poU., Minn. 7•c7R --SEIL ON .Tl:RMS 30-M~ 8 rr. DJ:LICATESBEN ca-$1!SO -------------•JONE• rt. retrtrarator ······--···~ ------------·I "'n • ncn1cs O~larp eonunerc. retri ....... $71 8 6 9 DR.A W!:R dreeHr, n1irror, bookcua 'headboard, f rom $09.M TWIN Maple bed with m.lttre111 A boa: aprtnc, only -....... ~9.~0 u . ti • t DflA WER maple drl!llll .. r, wtth mirror. from -········ '79.~ . _ yvuig &<>om Sets -CLEA# UP -JOBS ---"""™"""' '"°"™ • ... -...... • Y~~7 Jlao'nlen-an.;;;. ·end -SLIP. COVERS .-. . .,..... .!d.~.-..!oD .<!' Modem & Maple NU ..... dter I p. m.. or LI l-~711 alter 01 NJCll-j, Ll}{E M you \lo'Ould find a.nphere. Y.'lth our low overbeMI you'll be 1urpri11ed how much we c1n eave you. J--'lea.'!le take • look. lt will pay you. PAINTING Mt.de to Order E~limatee -811.mplel! LUCILLE DRAPERIES Harbor 0664 or ~93 tl!lt re B"i HOUR. Sm&ll or large Joba ok. 1--------------1 ltelL,<Jn>1ble rate,, 9x l 2 . ROSE CHI NESE T\•g ex· Liberty 8.2';'22, llrllent rn11rll!lnn, elf'ctrlc lawn n1ower. H11r. 9. 74p76 ------------ Bookkeeping I Typing Service FOR IKALL BUSINUS and con- tractor#. We Mt up-book• t.llor- 9<1 ta yo~r Individual ne«a, CHSCK our rt:aa.onabla monlhly ratta. Harbor 4488-J. 7tp811'1 "KENNY'S" Dependable and Complete LAWN 6 GARDEN CARE ll09 Y.' CUbbon, Sa.nt• A na Call Ub!rty 1·004'2 78p!&h Beacon Personnel 100 ~0 taapJoyv retained apocy !'10 J'EE coUed.ed from •pp!lc&llt •13-ll&t . Nl!wpon eaach FRlt:IOA!Rlt Re!rlg . G11.ff1ra .. 111.ttl'r ranlJI. M•pl• dlnett•. hutfett a, duk. Kl.c. lampa. HTatt •4111. 7fic78 I MBTAI.. f drawer fil• . .Add.las ma.chin•. check wt1l.er, dMk, counter•. tabln. countv 9C&lea. Liberty 8·3003. 7Dc77 L.A'f'H HOlJSJi A 2 out bu\ldlnP .-iven aw•y free for dlama.ntllftg' 6 m ov1nr. Ll 8·3li I. 71k:77 .Antlqua melod1on $1 71i, Old apinnln1 wh1•i · 541.tJO; Love -l 510. Old r ocker• from $.II. aman 1lec. orran (Uk• new) &17!1; old bra11~. Iron and wood hl·PQetar beda from JJO. a.ntlque tlrc•Ml'• $16 ... ; pu.nch bowl Mt •:111.w, old time pllono, 113.li(l ; HUl lty $3~, old 1ldebpard S:i5, Ml of 6 )o\'eb" 1114 f CClotl&n cbalra. uprtrbt ~OMf flJO, load.I of lonty old d1111' rare Cllrioe. Iota of antlq11e IVnl.itW'9, •le. Wa but and trw. anU~ Vlait our l•rre aton. deal•,. walcome. CJiAl\l...18 DAV18. llOll tt. AnUeim, lo. a. Hllm- JOck 11 ·6039. 7~71 1 :10 • wffkt.ndl.. ttlc KULTloqLOR Le.cquua m ixed lD your cOlor 8Cb91na wblle you wall. Spr•Y gun• ava.llable tor Appllc•llon. Harbor Pt1int Cen· ter 4 ! 2 32nd. Newport 8-cll. 71c7• GOOD TER MS, . RJ:T.AIL F'U RN ITURE BROKERS Open J'riday F.vt , Kl :t-2•36 3rd at l purgoon Sa.11la An& -------------·I tOtfr KATEY DOANE IJ>l'Cla.11...,. Jn l•dlea a.nd chlldrena all&hUy u.-ed o_rlJ1nala &.nd bet· ter prmmtl. THZ ALTERATION SHOP otrer1 ruaranlired ee....-tq •t r...anable pr1cel. In KINDS:U.'8 PATIO 2711 S. COut Blvd., corona <kl Ka.r 7kl0 nVK: ROOMS or lov.--!y new fur- nll11re ••dth ru ll !llze r1tnge • PHILCO refrig. l'i pc. n10<l rt1net lt 7 plec-e li vh>K room g roup, 2 r.omplele bedroom aet>1. Only 10911. amaU down p11yn1enl w(Ul 10. •Miu to pay. HUB, MIO W . Ctnter. An11helm 68c77 FOR 8.A~. Davenport "n•I t'hair, brown and Jold tweed. I rcolre .. ta.bl•. Forml!>• to(l. 2 step ('nd NORGE autom aUc 'W&abtr, ~964 __ .labln, Formic• lop1. Blonde , d• lux•, top loadtnr ~glytpr uffd let11 tha.n I) montha, model. holdJIJ I pounda. wuh•a. Harbor 16-01-R . 7 -~ rln•ca and epina di}', jual puab __ _ button. SUI! h-. ruarant~. I RATTAN CHAlRB & TABLE. Uaed al'lo rt tlm•. &tin, tran.a· :l upholatflrtd chairs, I •rf'xtl fen-I'd e&11t. Balance OWed la mllhOJ . Mrver. P•cl<.led loe11db<l $111.1• or t ake ov1r the P•Y· v.1Ul matr hlnJ 1preo<l. 301 Am l'- rnentl of 18.le per month. No t.b.nt, Ba.Ibo& lalJUJd. 7i c 711 c .. b 11e<ede-d, my ...qulty •trM. ---- See anytime d•y or t\•eclq, THREE ROOMS of bcau11r,,1 nt•w lf41 W. Chapman. KElioC"I" furnltur. fOf' $19!;. (;nn1e •In l-ltl7. look around . HUB 000 Y•I. Cent1r. A n•-'1 .. lm llM WllDQSWOOD .-u rans•. g11c~7 big cSa lm:t modi.I with all 1----------- Si:CTlONAL 1 pl«• r"•m l'Ubbt't Uk• ne.,.· Small varum rl•·11nf't. l•ttip, feJ er cbu! A "'''" aruclea. Har. XIG->-1 7ic ~6 71k7! FOR SAf~ 12 ft'. rowboa.t. Q(>Od condltlun wilh 71., h.p outboard motor. $12:1. Har. 21~2-J. 7k71 M-MIUPllC&I, Radio, T v Know lton Electrooica TV REPAIR !"AST SERVICE. R.E480N4BLI:. Servlct call• llll t JO.m . u 8-6:106 .. STltlf'."W A Y GRAND llke ntw. Bl& 1avlns. Also Knabe M•aon A Hemlln. m•ny -otn.n. p_._ Uce piano• as low u S90. DA~Z • srHMIDT . PHllLIPS Bioi l'1a.no Slu1·e fi:IO N o. Main Str. ------------BEA UTI~'UL Blonde Mirror lypt uprlg:ht pl11no ln ptrftrt cond1· litin. T'rn1• $2:'.I rln • 51 0 pf'r m<'l. Ot h er no.. r e1no<leled p1sno• •fl mahngsny 11nd .mapl1 " - SHAFERS IS!nce 1907) t 2l-•:13 N . Sycan1ore. 8.uta An• Phone Kimberly 2-0l1i WURLITZER OR G AN llpinet A Le&lle 1pe•kf!r. 51600 c .. h Ll 8-1012. 76c77 RUJt a Spinet pl1no lo buy, •II lt-rm rent allowed Pr•cUce piano low •• $~ pt!r mo. DANZ- 8 C HM l OT · PHllLJPS B l( P i•no A: Oraan Slort 620 No. Main Ht , San\1 An•. ------~~--DEAGAN :t ocl•ve Vlbta-harp, In fine condltlQn, Save $080 off 11ew pr!el'. L:onv. terma •t.--- ~HAYl:kS IS!nce 1907) •:11·'4 :13 :'\:. Sycamore, S•nla An• PhQnt Kimberly 2-067:1 MT !!EA.RT I• breall1nf must Mil my 1011ewood .quara pie.no. Dt111tltu1 !Jnl 1h. e11r•llent tohe. An llAM't In your horn•. H•r. f1lill l. TOUc l:IAMMO NrJ ORGANS •ll modeh•. one 11lghUy uaed Ilk• n•w. IJA!'\"Z • SCHMlOT · f'HJLLIPS !lammonrl Hea<IQU•h I.era for Or· .. n,e: county. 6:10 No. Main S t. WAJTR.Jlllaa, muat bt att.rac· ~U-. wi~ tn.1 MrvtC1 • eockt.ll ~-CB&n INN, UOt HAND BRAIDED RUGS chrome top, (rtddl• lD the mid· dl• and atmmN' b\lm ua, l&mp 1.11d .:lock wllh onn lim•r. chr..,...• 1riU bfvilw and rou .. ...i.. Tb• b&la.oe I 01Ya la oal:r flll.14 or tall• oYer lM pa)'lMDt. ol fl.Mi par moo.lb. No cMh De9ded, m-,..qulty free . 8" ..ytJ.me d&y ·or tvM>ln~ . 14•1 W . Chapm•n. K~l loit( ------------Ssnta AnH , !! ;..'ft! .98! -~ Oout .,....,, eoroo. del Mar. 7&c1! LOIT -...,_ ~ ~ -::o--..,.-7""--,--,-,-c ...... .......... Lo ~ J--. .......,,.body had.I Md h..cSa 19 11 Ntwport Blvd .. C. M. IJ N l'"''1-PTeu w11nt •d11. 'nl11t'~ why 8·11'0!'! REWARD. 7~77 th•}' 1et 111r h quirk r•aulls J'R&ll DrftfttJCTION ORData Till:N .All Jl.41W mat.n..tt avl.ilabl*- MART P'ANNIK, 1195 l'I. Cit. 81. 1,.guna Sch. HYall t -7898. 74eM , NINE PIECE Ma.hot' d1n1nr ~t ----~~~==~~~­Lo•• ee•t 6 cllatr. dbl ~ BEAUTIFL'L ELE<..IRONJC Or · quUt~ h...clboa.n!, o;til!IMI lOuni.:11 ~l!pper rhalT, maplf' T""·in b<>d bdnn .wt • Mlac. 1\•·m~ Hi\r 2487 7t plfl lj&ll perfe<.t t aJ.e 1.lm o1t nt w DA:"Z S('HMI DT · PJl lLl..J I'~ <;r .. 111 s.1 ... t120 :-.:o. Mlllll l'l Rao nt• An• • I l - ' --.rt J1 ••~ .... _,u •• 1\1::1!: = • ,., t!;-Af!!= ,l":XU'J~ 111_ !t'! tt !!H't;.!!"""" ~1 •'!1 "•!II ,,,..-r, -.w;w.1 HAMOllV~ -r.-ar Jl;.-rMOtl CUSTO~ .,._.., ()v.rhlUI -· · · --.. --·-"'' . • ...oNDA r, •vu~ 11 .. 1~ •• • I !!i!IE ::Z' • ' • . ... -~~~~ !-n~-· -~·~ .oo;-cm.. Mari1es .1 ,ic3iJ"i.;~, .... ., ._ ~-· •· .•. , ; .. -_,·. -----P'rk••""•-'"• Dalm llport Cpo, ~-•,Wllh'tfili•d-*-~-T-<-Aw , , 8'-N t Bcb '!'! ,_.·~~-.-."";'-. e e e BIB =· -.,w., la Hip K ~!:ti. ~~·I I c,lo. ltl M '-'IUU 1 • w-•"'•"' • fliii.. ., ---IOo SPECT ACULAlf 7 f -• #-ijr-·--v~---jl IN STOCK lied ........ la-wltll I ~ 4" " I "". ~ .......... ..,..""""'"" .... I 1-----· ---Ii.-~ -,,_...... •114t '?$]I ~ Md ,.,.. DetlcMfld. Jtft:IJ. .l&,~P!" ~paid. • -~ ..... 1i1f llt..U N• ••• Kot tit all ••. a-. o1 i---------·-"~".,,;. .... ,__,· -~ ., ~--·--:---.~ -=---... --.. -a-~· i!l§U!g,• ~~~-.. -;::•;;,i •.:~;::,..·lctg.;:cwA•-~·~ .... ...,--.. ... -----~• .HARBOR HI-Fl 'Owner will oeu eqwty f~r·+-•~·~..,Jtl'k·"Jt"!..."::..:!: ' -.._,,..,._,&!Ian W' . . . no;;-~_,..,,._.1:.,..YftiNjht , ·~~~A~ : ---. . •-. Pa-la -a ,_ -·. ·--~~ -"y llWllthly ............ ~. _.._ _ a' s a ____ ..... -~ .,•••r a. Upen ~ _.. ;1-•• -<N • ..._..,, .,~ • , :1-v· ... ~-· ..-..•...-..t 'lll'Mt ~u.., ...,._. ot Dilll1' l-1 P.""" Pia K...-part Bml Hat. 6111 Buk fill.aadq. l:NOINJ:8 Call ...._ °"'9 • l!IN ..... U.-~ ar. lookiftC' IOI. Ttttc -111' .. la ·~-aiftluoa to PA f ..-r8f appl. or ,.....U0.. Har. ... Mtfs 0.. AL .-.., ... ..... fte7 -U a .......... uau,. ..... J:IS Oolla v-., • '54 NASH .... ,. __ _,,._ .. -· ......... -. ............. ..._ .... - -.... .... ••1ww......,,.. Piano -,.r·._,. D!m'• _,_. wtUil~"!:·!•::"~-ffl&~!_f~·~·~·~'----1:-~·~--J~Be~w~rs~foo~~ir,~m~-....,-I .,._, IMlc "~ U4 ._. .,...,. .... w ~ °"'-.,.. a.DT> METROPOLITAN dlit ..... ..., _,. ......._ ~ ••llrGow1nc WlUl ,..c. aM .au. YOU MUft' m 1'1118 ..._t.U'\tl OONVDTiaLI: lllaUJLTUMIJNIT•IJ.W:O lJNrtrl\.NISHICD 2 bc<lrma,, fir•-"UDO JiaL&. I ~ •'611:;~!h;s;;~·;~"';·~";~-~::;:;; d,... i..n,. JaUsater .......... V'-' ..... ..,, a ...... I Refinishing Rebuilding lllOltT place, p ra&•. 1U1e new. J&O. be.th bom•, on muia.l --. ~s'7 •;~ ;·~:>a "' -~ b&pp&aiw. MUia. l"IUCSO RIQllT AT Radio • JhaW 8LOOK H&rN' 6606. TtUc Up tor .0 ft. M&t, UM f1l 11 MJll>TZS 6 ~ fhf'W't1, • • • 111,000. AL Tl\YO!f w{u ._, S..uutul C4Nlltlon Tb.ru-out ~--•1•: tL Vlkllll' runaMut pow• t.o.t, Utat. • ........... -~ ·ON UDO '.' JSLi . ,.ou tar\t ! • $995 PLfll.•~·-----''':iu ATIN: Want to Rel•x7 1 i:a.r pr., t»t&utlfUlly ~· u:...,.. ._ 1 ,.._ "'~ THJC OM.liY U'O'I' OH UJtTB • ' • I Q!allt}' ... ,. 0111,. ~UK Pl.l.N'O BltRVlCI: ~ ~-== 2:;: Three bednn. apu. on Yo'ATER· :~ul~~ .~"00kl':: ~: _... ' ' teu~ TBAT C4H OOMPlllW wnw $800 Down '53 FORD OLD9•POMTaOe -11Tt ~~~E!!n~~.8 ren~~ Newport." • MU.~ .. ~':--:: =v:~:=.'::c.1w~ THAT'l&JGBT! V-8 RANCH WAGON BUJOll --w---flT• ala. No pet.a. tla.r. J.3J7·J 'i\'lNTER IUCN1'AL, Marc). 1 to ....._ ....... f• ti.Pl. aa.ta ~and 11r.,_ lMp ,.U.O OWNEft IA.Tl 1.8U.. uu11 Jmma-ltAH I . ~ 111• T:lt.tc Ju.11 • }6-RU.I cJee..n 4 ~pl. plu ,,,.,,. a... tiaw. PT1ce and , car p-arac..., a ,,.._ 9'4. ~t.. 1 ....... l -',i, ,..u old . IC ~TUG. t .ltlti ' 6 PY Utt.a ~~ ..... QU ... ~..!O:lal h I turn. bdrm .. , b&tha. 170 IDQ. 111.-. .... tall -... u UMerpric:ed •t aa1,10t, "'---bolM With wall to w&l.I carpel,. liZcelltont condition ........ .._._.... .. _ Crown oft • See ~ot• 1ot1-30tb si .. liar. eu11-M. W• t'UrnWi trM cr1'AC' towel. Lil "lectnc: ltitchcn, atcdT 1-4· 8J°"*-lal&lit •Ml CNI" 1t&Od&rda 7&pTT to OW.. Qo ootne too Lala. eca.peod •.• Uatqua.lle.d va..lue et · (Clear 8-m -Ji l G•ln ) tl'fSTALLED complei1 to your MC $1295 COTION GOFF r• LUM. paMt. eDd GU In Corona del M•r a .... ..... ,, , .. n--8wtcia1 10 a.m. lO J p.i:n. e e •. o. •llh • down 1-U... .... t--ComtOr C..bl• roonlll t~Boem. fur 8-t lA• C09t ot lh• c.u,:>e:t 4 monthly $9.95 ' BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS • ••w.~"'' .,u. TV LITTLE ISLAND OCEAN FRO~T .. ,,.._ .. ._ '""' ·~•. THJa Dey -w~k Domonthty ra te * * * ' Wll..L HU.. TODAT! 2&00 J:. Uoa.at Hwy_ Har. 31 i -l ENJOY UVINQ on th• oeeu. Tropea.I .. Wai' ...._ • ...,t4oot 2 STORY APT.-I.I f-IJIO&. apUo DE.A UTif'Ul. Spln"t pl11 no. blond, Juat like new 1'1Ve 120iJ I ninl· a l return,., a11 v~ 'J;l\ t n 12~ ,.,..,r,.,,t <"uurtn1on new 11-uar•11- tee trer. ''"livery ~l11 ple, Ll&ht \\'11.Jnut. F r .. rtct: rrov1110:11 l, M•· hu,any ~1•1 1\'l .:11.•e ~ll1ehtly ··1 11m11~,.'1 1n -•hlppinio; S 1~j \)nr111 )'1 11.!'Uo " pla.11!•" Ir"'" Jb9 $1H, I $12·"'· 517(1 R.,e th .. _ •I It••• or .. et •a .. J .1. .. 111.,..,, • ..,1 S..t• [ l •A!'l'Z ·~~-H MJ fJ[' • PHILLJP!-1 T6c81 una,-, Jars• .....a 6 IMltrn:wl. _ _ lronl K1tche11etl• apt.a. il rma. 3 bat.A&. UM lad~ l a.drill 0pea cuq e to 1 8t1te Bonde4 2 BDRM. lJNF l iRN. HOUSE il wHh prlYt.le bill\. Maid • phCine rental un.IL JS •. HO .... your 7tc71 NEW LQCA TIQN e:•r•ri 1111 mo Adult.a ot1r1· ••rvloe, TV -2ao. -w ()e.u loeaf ~-« .. .._ F rontier ------------310 East 3rd St. _ 1u aro.dw•y 1..t 1.1&10 7 ~p77 I •~rot1l. H*1.r bo r*iti91.* 1.sS6f.. 1octiH F'O ltD ·~, L'nuntry Squ1 r"" Sta. 'r\'ac. RAH Th,. ch:ant'll w (X)d SANTA A.N A 0 \1.'S ERS 2 bt!drn1 b•y view furn TH18 oould 1te e WJ" .......... la you've •Y•r ••oen i Be1.uuru1 a pt. 11,-1u1 TV. i:"tb !11•p1>111•l, I NIL:IC !lot.JM w1tll bllh, private lhll loc•tlon, It ca.at) .. uut lll l(la<ler blu .. pi;.int . l!;OOll ruhb<:r. NASH -H UDSON l_.un!lry f1 c1ll l•<"• P•llv l:l HQ •nt .-..nc• 11o·•!J heat , WW carp•l. QI loa.a of M 600--Jfl.N p•r A·I motur. !.:l•&n 1nl1 r1or Cell Owntra Av11!111blt 6 JJH•• or )r.•rly ~07 vl~w window ParW.ln( •pai•. $1 me .. t 'llt lnl. U llOl.ill ua i..rni• C £oJ SulJlt, Ha r . ~9f..l ,..,..,. i.~.,rnle..J' Av..,., Corona. dtl M.11 r I porr •~k Ha.r o41H1·J _ 71':c!S7 of 12000 dl:L. ,.no:. Jl0.760. s- 73ttt RIQH HAHN'S C'OAST PROPERTIES C'O. ~19 It\ M~ C..U own.,-W The Volkswaqen Dealer Ne..,,f<lrt li!vd. •l 22nd. H1.11Kor a. -A-;JTQ KA OI O REPA llt H.uth .l ~ri •J. Rc•ll,,r I ~toreR £1 Offkea 11-~liT . 76tfc ~''" 11111: 1'1811" •1Jh l ''1¥•n Ot.,r•,1\fllt t "ilff.l l t'•lr\1ne c!Yb ~eda.n HYDRAAiA1'JC S ~K\IJCE ~.~~n,:'.' Mlltn . 8 an l& An1.. lllO • ernrdnmat lc. Rattio. h•l.tt r w'"" <loQ\f ill ll\IT l-t $T Mil.ti ed Ri'.:;~~:tl;•~a 'l'hu1JIP•''11 i tti.L t:IUA B L'JO. i:urn•r bu.lneu _ _ _ 1 tire• 8ately •qulprnent $27~ Ha rbor -t i l 6 Nt wpor\ Be.act: 301 I!: B&Jbn.. Blvd . B¥ll>ol 1un ., fCir rnldlcal. d&11t1l or &II)' T V SALE, p 1. 1(1.id-ttell L'lln'l'Jle lur my •QUll)' (Jr wUI \lf,ltl Ha.r. 26:,a or Har. 4600 pn.i le-..i10111.I WI" Moder n, heal-l :l~. :Leii•\n 17 nll•n!I •:.u Phil·! .n1a ll car I.EX 6--t6 !2 u k fo r j tf lnr . p1r kln1 . OWn•r 1•12 Nl'I. ltlOO PER ACJLa D UNCAH HAR.DUTY. a...Jtw Harbor 6711 • • YOU'LL PIJfCR TOUl\BSl.Z t o T f ... ",~ ~· .w .. , w•;. ,~ op o the World! -Jt. Owner .. ,. lt'1 7 19'Lf'll • P ANOIU.lotJC VIl:W t n:Jfl'I J eld. On• a pt. hu 2 bedroo~ 6. al4u .., 2 tr.tra.<:• J belha, ona hu 2 ,bedroom.a • e J !l.l"f• bdrni.. • :z balha 1 D.t ll , two a p~. M¥e one tM-4· • Bit. ln 0 1.abwu her. ruce. ov•a room It I b&th ea<'h , A I c·• I J' 1 • l.nl•r<:orn to •"'•f"Y rvom t\lml•hM, •28.!IOO r•~ix. '• Well to w1.\I carpeting thruout cu ll dawn or OWIWlr Wiii t.&Jlc • ln1por1 ... J drapu u d wlllpap.r &"-oo4 .!•t ttu.ll. 4Md .. dioW'JI • a..dkl 1a rac• .._ ...- payment. W1U pa.rk :! ca.ra. j • rT"k\ NEW' fil!t TKJ: P'INE81" e 11"8 PR I C C D RJOHT AT 1•3,DoW • • • DELIGHTFUL OCEAN I VIEW-Deal w1lh Realtors ,,, 17'' ?><aho11:a uy 160 J'hllC"u l f-w.nna 11tt~r I P m 7ttrc 1 fi-Wuted to ~•t _ ___ io'Jo""••r, SA. Kl 2-0fl62. t ic ~ !'t:\.\o• Ul"Fl.1R1'0 'l Dc-1 t j J :·· M1.hucany , .1na .. 1e, ttuora. -rm •P FO R h ENT . -aRouNO f"LOOR CURT DOSH $.~. RCA Vtt"lur 21·· c .. naol• OLD CARS n J W d :>o:tar nce .. n. 70 fttl tn ,,.::1n1 I uttlC• Ln n•w bulldlna. ne.r • '' ••Uy F-...... ,1 "enta 1 •nt• ho.twd nour•. 1 arba, .. d11p , 1Cllt- 'lN IOUTH UOUN•. w•·~ I Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Rlt pee.ceftll Lnd quiet 11v1nc t l.n bot 117~ Ji.ail.or &ulavanl r. your• Lii the da71 ot your Ul• I t..:oeta M ..... Ca.lltornJ1 . .....,u~ ' I U du Arnple perking . For 1n-T rte TV Cu AND JUNKERS 1 We ••ed e pl.9. 1uu:;t buuaM rn all •ge. Yr y . 180 1nu. Har. l8Jt·J . ll r o1pany •ectlana lor ooi..h w1nl•r IJld 1t c78 f o rm It I {; n, 1·1.ll Mra. F11 :.:9G( I!: C"n•at Mlvtl • HAULED AWA Y [ )'e•r'• l"aat Fu rn. or unturn. H11.r. 126' N Uc <'htuna il•I Mar lt y1111 t:ave a v1u.:l...lh.y, T\\'O BDR.k.. \lnfur n 1pl .. pa Ug, ---- t0pfl<)e!l• t he !"(J RT 1111!1.lerl FREE , phgnc ti.day gllr•ge $82 !'Kl ~r mu 1802 L IDO OFFICE SPACE 'fk 78 I h I . c Haven p.la.ce Newporl a-ch. NU \.\' l..ll:A.l:ll NU ottlc• •P&C• In --T • Vont Q . KEy•toue 6·1181 li:>i.t ~1 3 \Jllr•-niudtrn Ellerbr°"k dt alirn· /1 AMJ.10ND :'IOOVll ·•'hnr(l In r1n~ '111 3201 W . CaL Hwy . Ntv.•pt1 rl B<:h. 1!x:11 e<I U do bUlld1nf . No ttner bulld · o·.;indlUon. Bi« 8t.vtn1• T 1rm• CALL I PhM• U berly 8-J"'81 Lnc. no fln•r addr-$61.10 lkl""·n and •211'1 p•r 11111 DO w, <h"'l-1• --~-... --of p"<• ] 15 Marine Avo. Horbor 15110 Top ln~omo S--on• bedruom llo!Ut.,_ 11lc1Jy 1Ubert y 1 ·771 t. l!:v•. w 8-:!I~ ~ 51J.IOQ, OwQ.U tea. 11800 tqUlt)' W W aell QI" t rad" --~ .• tn Newport Beach •re1. • • • YOU'LL TURN HANDSPRINGS- CLIFF HAVEN 1 $1.:..00 down. •100 P... .,,o. tor 6 ye•r i:Hd I bdrwi. CUit Kaftn h1Jme, flrPpl.a.<:t , Pf.tlo, -...n lot, I d l»t l .n.t:•-llAAOA[)f l l 1 11 .~. I 20I M•r!ne, Balboa Island I BRAND NEl'' 2 bl1n n. dntu rn LI REALTY, Asaoc.iatea " --· ·-·~...-·-· '' •t fELlX SUP~ SERVIC E Phone Harbor ''' duplu.-flr•plao:1. t>ar 1tllchen.1 atoo \Ila Udo-Harbor tttt uu:ome • t«mi c.r.U Gwwr a.t- SHAl'ERS 18 Jnce 1907 1 u i -f.361 . It~ N•wporl Blvd. l :a&eT II. Cuaat Hy . (Alron• de!M•r 1 f<oTl't'd lllT n .. 11.t . 1:1r1111e. e -utJ-lf( ter •. 30 Har. &lf.4 . Uc&O •itV•J'I If YoU hav11 l rU\rllUi, wt:e11 COSTA ~ESA 42 1-42a N. Hyet1.,,.0t"e, 8•nl• An• 7t cll8 1 Phofle Harbor t'7t 1 ~ full y l•/\tli••.'t1J-1. 5if• ll<ilr 1nu. 1 y w .... what w,. CUI Mil you 13000 DO WN, I Moc ~. lall"e COi"· Pl]onc !"l mb"LIL~-067 2 -;:-· -· __ 1 L!!lQ.Qlf.l.la, Jfil \Ila L1tlu Ill ~ \l l~t.()rt• c . .w L.! 1.3221 EXTRA V.lLUS---arouf&d Corn•r tor511.000Wllhoal)'IJOOOO.Own,1 aer lot, room to ...ad u <)(ber. llr11nge f ·,,unly '1 Or1p01 Hdqtr•. '56 }i'AIRLANE SE!). Harbor 49t 1· -~ -,-;--t.-1fi r --30·..-i:r ·---~ •. Grou· n _._ Ffo-or .. f(j "'nifl«Yy~ICA1p97BitC~ A. tlr!U\ll, 11"'..W -~ ~r<.l<J_ITI !:!Omr, J lJ.l> mQ.. LW21M.~ .fiic.1 1.1.1.ttOO ----·o N 0 2 b&Uw ~tied wHh Uk, aa U f :-1 1'1:-fl:T PlA Nt) l..uv•ly tun• and l• 2 1w·porl Bii d , r" .. •l• M ·~& --• --C t· :t BJ\, dlnllll room, J M.r 11r-EW ..... ., 1387. T<!rnia. l.Jthf'r won-R .. H, 1.-n rt.IOm a Ur: L.lberty 8-l'l~ll~ Ml 11l ERN l bdr•n •l'I . ¥11.rbllff'I • o~·r·1 'ES OR .-:iTORES •••• la1U1dry room wlUi IM>bb1 &l.o U!.1 kitch .. n. n re placto N PORT BEACH 1 ... 1w Mil••i<· If< I 011ap .. pnvale· p•tW A 1;1r .port L~0, Le••• o"n _ buUt-ln oven and atOY• 2 e1 r I 000 ,,0 1t.,rtul ba•K"" '" 1 1 ·" r ~ or work ll"lop (over IOO eq. fl.) ' 1 ., WN 10 y r. GW 2 JU\. " ren a re·1 $22"S ,, a v•1l. M.11r. 1 'll620 Avun. ,._.,w -cara.a• 8lr"l 1 mpn.vemen~ tum&, t rade In Ull ur1•11•. •l.i:.. .., I l"'r t Bea ch H•r. •670-J Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. beneb.. .. c:U lneu.. TRULY u" L d aJd t Qood &t UCOO hORI•. ~ -.US.. te OCMt:. ~everal m .. r,.ly aoeralclled 111 F'ERF!X."'T TE1\I ANTS 111 tra v•lu•. only 19460 w1tb .,, I. n an P nr. W1"' pLl•l ..ad Uaa.stn1U011i, ,.h lppinc. DANZ _ Sl:HM.IDT _ MARK middle aced ci.upl~ w111 t 1 nr 76t rr 30th I: Newport Blvd, term•. l~Won. I oould be 1 OEM. 0.Uy aasoo l'HILLJPS HIS Pia.no • Ori•n I 2 bdrrn furn "PL nr huu.lk' •n I Har. 1600 ORAf'fO• 00A8T • ... • • ~lure e.20 N. Mai11 Banta Ana. I Ha.rbor ar .. O n yea rly hi111. tMB-H~~ for Rent PROPD11U I REX RECHS , Realtor DOWNING We a r• perrKt ten,nL11 tor --, • lil!:A UTl!-'UL OF'FI(.'£ ap1.c .. ln 11&7 N ewport, C-ta Mee& Sevin l1landi Re•lty , 2101 W . Balboe. Hlvd . N'_,,ort i..OV.£1.Y ahor\ k•yboard lA•l•r 1 pa rticu lar owner~ l"•ll H11 rbllr SHORE CL.Jti;, unrurn. Mwil u n-l Noewpvrt u .. ach. tt .. c•pUon n>0m LI l ·ltl2 CYe111111 LI 1 -1400 a.-c11 Hu .Ill ~ -7k lS Spin et p11no In tine condition 3073-J. 76r77 11.11ua.l oppor tunity to leue '"r and pr1v1.te otfh;e panelled in & Investment Co. · ' 1111&. T•rm• 12~ down ... l lO o.ne w: \WO 1e1r1. ~ beilroo1u we.iuul 176. per inonlh. 21Kll Duplex Loti 603 ·1JA4 l l., H.twpwt ~n. c aut p.e.c mo at FORD And den. bt 1 u t1 r u J N•w La.fayelte A~" s,w port Stach. Har ...... Llterl':p.m Har .&~1 • Bl:iARRt 18 1nc• ill071 '3--A('&a.&_!_IOUMmfor&eat Dtg111.nd type farm hmise Har. 1 31~. 1&p11 1lLO'l"Bwu.ti.1¥1•doi.Ylk.••R&., I Cliff Ha ven Bargain 42l __.:U N , 8,yc&lflOr•. S11.11 ta An• H••Y)' at.Ila root, h•ih bcllmeoJ I near 81M>pptas Center, Coela I ___ - - - Phone Kimberly !l-007 2 Choice Wuiter Rentala on ce!llni•. :i flreplecei. Huie N-. NtOO f¥M pn-. B I B Own .. r reduced prtc1 IJ&OO. - ___ Hwy 3i •l P•cl tl~ Coul Hwy B&lbo& lsla.nd Ir. Lido ls\e upitalr. bdrm. atudy w 1 t t: ~~~~-~~---DAN A. JJ..OOBSEN, ft.eal Etit1!1 analoua t o wll. J bedf"09111 2 BABY GRAND p11no , 4 Y••n Uunllnt"ton 8-ch 1k77 llmell • COii,. er 11 rr e • dtlUJt• 1we .. p1nK oc.ean v1ew1. Own•r NICE MODERN ature room o r Hu. e.191. L[ a.-u11, JU :l-1181 ti.th h<Jrn1. oomer lot with "ht T••m•. 171 w"I i••·• lo 1eUabl• f•m•l y •l r'oom lor 1wLmmlllf pool. F\.IU ., • lo 5300 monltl -office a t 1&&8 J'la.cenll1. 1100 BJ.. 'fJ'lllO.rT L<Yr, •ULKllUU. \\'OOD\.\'ORT H PIANO co. F°6R BALE 1&0• cuatorp Mtrcury 'VOGEL CO, 1211-0 per month. Har. M 61'l mo. 1ncludln1 uuJ1U•1. Inquire J"IN8 l..OCATlOH aeoot cklwrL :=1._ 11 "60-J:>OOO down wUI 26to ~-C111at Hwy, with Mert:umettc. 21.0oo m11e1 s7trc 11t pruperLY U ter fl Pm. we•k Hu-bot' 1100-W 71p71 Corona del Mar Corona dll liar. J::l er. J :i&ll. by ori11n1l ow11er. Bank t!n1.no<. d•ys or 1.ny t ime Sal. It Sun. Newport-Mesa Rlty. tol Marin• Ave .. Balboe laland CORO NA DEL MAit. Twu bedrrn. 74 c78 Har. lfOl·R 61Jtf c Ph. Harbor 4tt ur Harbor JOl& h t fl 1 b kit ur cell LI 1-1168 alle r 1:30 or -------------ome un urn.. rep a ce. ar · Wl!e kandl. 7 Rea. Har. 3629-R o r H1r. J229-R chen. pa llo. back yard t1nc"'1. 6 U' BT OWHD INCOME UNITS 6ftlc Chlld l."t.epted, pell uk 1 11 0 n10 Br.aT OrrEft T AX&B tO--Aatm for ~ • Finoot Thunderbird in U, S. 114 7 BUICK convertible white uylon lop. Good COAdlUon, l lMI Call before It a. m. or atlllr 7 p. m. evff. U ·l-3211. 1k7t -~~~--~-~~--17th Ht., near TI1r!tty Drue In ON BALBOA ISLAND -~~·~'.~. i...... Har. 11"'°'1 ::i~~~ Co•ta Mtse.. Ideal locetkm to-r 1ao2 IJE:: UIS for ytarly and -------"·--~~--•mall bua111ea1. uarcl furniture, II&•• Plac• lJ. 1·6'16 C. afl&IU;( .lLLllN wrrH -"!\ CADILLAC J.~NGINI!:. 1pec1al paun. au•pen11on. elc .. e tr:., etc. Abllolutely raultle•~ cond!tlon lhr11out. Nevtr rar .,i_ W ill onlJ' ••ll to qualltled pet80n. !HTY&61 1. ·r.t: BLUE POPtlCHE irpeedater. Private OW'ller. NeYer raced. 3800 m I ! it 1. Price 13000 No oJeal•r•. HY1lt t ·3l83 78Uc ------- ffuonal rrrrta!a. "¥,E ARS LEASE, LOV&L.'f Ba)'"-TV r•p&lr, etc , o r light m~U · NELDA GIBSON. RC"altor shore nnme. 2 b•lha. P a tio faclurlnc 566 1no. JAM"£ S F urnl,.he.;1 con1plet ely. Ref~r-Har. 20-t2 73c78 JOt Marine Ave. ll•rbor 6U2 I r ni:es r"qlJired. 122:;. per mo. -- BALBOA 181..AND ""'0 1< LEASE LI 8-216~ for 1.ppolntrnenl. r- _S_E_E_ME-TA NELSON-7•c76 ,&000 ~Q ~-r. Bl.ill.D ING, New- OORONA DEL MAR AVAILABl.Z now. a 3 . ~room port area, 1ulta bl• for light FOR CHOICE RENTALS. hou1e atlai:b*1 to 1 22 • 2t fl. 111anur1.cturln1 . jobber ouUet. SEASONAL 4 YEARLY . s tore bulloJJna:. R -4, but v1r1a.nc• t.lor1re. et~. 12~0 per month. ...... Trailer Wanted ~·1u.. TRADE 9QUlty .. :! bdrm. home for JO lo JI n.. houat1 O-eller. Houae fW"11. "" \Wl\ira .• ww c1rpet1np-. Jars• lot. ttac:..t b&cil 7ud, bar-~ • ,.u. - l.l l ·lMl. Tkll CO TI ON GOFF Tho Volk.wagon Dealer New and Used TRUCK AND fa11enger 2908 < c H H tor ~try or 11mL1a.r po.Ible. RUSS FORD, Realtor . out wy, a r . 66607•-77 ' EXC"LLENT LOT ...... Call LEX 8-4373 lor delal\a. 1600 Cout Hwy. Npl. U 8·6141 ~ Ttc71J 7&c77 H'llWPOllT HalOHTa, "J' O'lll'lller. Newport BlYd. at lind. TIRES CORONA. DE.L MAR, Nurly ne:w l --------------------------1 JMOO -LI ... , .... _ seuc Harbor II. 1t c16 SACJUFICf: 1966 Chevrolet V-8 St11io11 \\·agon -R.t:.J Lo. ht•t~r power &hd•. wh1l• 1ld• wa ll lJ.res, Har. ~488, 74 Uc B"tUDlilBAK&R: "61 A Jewel. 8-Hour Recapping .. Se rvice Com pt.ta Brake Service AND Qe&ut lful Bl ue 1t1rllne, New Front End Alivnmeot I bedrrn. \lnfurn. kanch •tYI• d~"lu:, fir.pi., F...A . h••l , Hwd. fin .. Kp. patio. Ha.t. J68f ·R. 8~ll<: NS:WPORT~li:IGllTS --1 llOS 6 1702 Jla ven Place.· T'wo bdrme., 1•rb. dl•p ., ne•r .fl:hoola. Unturnlahtd. LA1.ae ur by mortth. C. Sherm Allen. LI 8-68J6 T1p77 CUSTOM IN·rM.JOlt ... EX-ftOAD sB:Rv~Cs TICRIOR. Many Many E~trll11. _ __ Corn• •roun(I • 11ee IL Ul>erty Flrtttone Budc et Plan F'URN I bedrQOnJ home on Penin-·~ 7~c77 t;uurao'"'w'"A' AoRk10n1 1u1a, enclo.ed pa tio. yvftd y H J..L8o ~·o 2 be.inn. 2 b'th •g CADILLAC, cpe de VLll 1. 1•1100 •pU.. turn. 6 unfurn H .. everythln1. 01'>00 mllea. ·~t R Y A N ALSO ne-.. taking re<1erv1.tlon~ )(ereury Mon I.e re,. h:ard lop 801 . 809 W. l•t St. tor 1umm•r renl1!1. S1796. m•n:omauc, hMter. pow· O'NT' 'N' OOAST PROPERTIES CO • brak ... li.&00 mllta. Prrv1t1 ,... "" "" "" · party, •21 Sant. A.ne A••·· Kl 1-fKI Rulb .layred. Reallor N ewport Btai:h 1rter o p. "'· i------------'-'-'-"-I Mildrid R111• • Sylvia Thornpao11 1i c78 A..acl•lea ~'*' -511.:% 20-ye&r Financing- HOME LOANS Con1truction Loen1 -Refinancing Free Prelimin•ry Apprais&l5 Correffpondents for Life snd Casualty ln11urance Company of Tenneuee Bankert National Life lnlurance Compa.ny 5 Aeroo---126,500 WA T&'R end a&Wl:R ln. Caal\ down JiO(IO.-A.CI' HOW ON THlil ON&'. RUSS FORD, Realtor 1600 Co.-1 Hwy. LJ 1-fl il NEWPORT HltJOHT8, BY OWNJllll. 3 bdrm. hoUM, dlAl111. room nn:· p1ac,, hdwd. nocw.. d~. dbl. c•n.s•. "" klell. Pnc. •11.aoo 628 R~la.ndll. LI t-•160 TlcU 110 ft, Parcel NM.r Baell ...,. _. wt.I MU I - 60a 110 lota UJfO M. Hu. Ufl '"· A Place to Llve -._ -A. Place to Build H•re •r• 2 well loeete.d propert.I• Cai:n naa a plM:• \o li•li w•lk you 'tiuud aneui.r lll»t i o ywr d~l111. l l Z.600 t!X" •lther Ofl•. Thf! nrst la built on the back ot • .. ,_lot. pclenty or l""OQIT1 up tmnt tor 1. t in• ~. 1 l lledrm . •pl. over 1 ci<">tlMe ,.,...,-1, 1 p r1.p-e done N • :alMll Dadrna. Nie• \.ar1n'I on thU ona. 8-.It. 'ce.u.H lt"1 -9'lhlll• ~ Th• ..eond i. buUl on th• front of u Jl-S lot, pltnt1 of r"OOm in tAe ~ tot" a dcluW• S"l.l'I' with •P!'. ~!9~ !f ff!' Pl'&I'• ~ Hpe.rate hou. to your d4':<1lp-n. Jn Ole ~Uma..llv• ln • cosy 1 ....n.: piu bunk room . very at l.rl.Ctl•• and \lv1bl• and tn .a<'•ll•at oondltlon. a.. n . t.llJ It, and hulld at lelaurto ~•u.ee you won't Ure ot tti.i. little r em. Deal Wltll Realtors Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Corona d•I Mar OttJq 8630 ll. Coull tltahwey...'.Har. M63 Bay Frontage 17" N'-port 81Yd,, Coet6 ...... LJ. 8-~ E¥&1.. Ll l ·lf.f.3 Ne•r N.wpqrt Pier 3 UKJTI ruJlN. Obko. pn.s"e- Uvs ln gn•, let tenant. pay tor lil• property. Be.t r.l&I cn.- tnct. Only 511,rioo tull pt"k:•, l ll"ILIJ dowa. • R-2 lot n ... r ba&dl, onlJ' ftUO. NEWPORT HEIUHIW NICI: I KDIClil... .......... .noon. n~., -..able ...,....., pauo, etc. SNOO d--. LOT !Mhll21, Ml l•eebeWI .. llO Shafer Har . ioe Wch ddea Pl. At the Newport P1•r cv ... Har. 6f.M.W, Har. 2621-M. WEST NEWPORT Rl:l!tlDEJ'fCE LOT .......... ____ Jtl&O I.RENT.A.LA .... -.......... -...... •16,100 f. JU:HTAUJ ...................... _ Sll.IOO COSTA MESA ll'fDUIJTRJAL ZOKS. J&OO frvnl foot. 512,000 1"9QUl.f'e4. Termri Oft beklld. 'nail ill a CRA.cxall JACK bUJ' for Ulll CH" ~tlOll. - RUSS FORD, Realtor 1~'~'~.:.!!!~TYewww~~,;.. I ACJUlB. M·l ZONE. • 1ou t.or•th•r ... . ..... a11.eoo llKALL H OUD ······-·······-··-lteOO --------------14%-Tn.Uera 101 i:. Balboa lilvll , B•lbo• &J ~OUl:T BELIJRJC, &"ood Phone Har 2661 nr H11r 46(11\ SOUTH COAST Mortgage Company EXCE~ ttulldlit.I .it.. ln llOO c.al H•Y· W .._.ltl HutMr 1 ... ~1!!~n11~00· Ca.Ii Har.1!:!~ *PORT ORANGE* _ tr TRAILER SALES Hausken-W atson SPORT CAR CENTER IAOU.u\, 18. A.. IACatlon onl,.I AUBTIN·lttALl:'T KORAla. AUBTIH ALIA. ROMD) RlllfAULT. W.O N"'" Car Bal .... hrY\~ ~ U.ed Cart., A.JI M.akee, lm· porll!d U11! DomNUC. bot 80. MAIN IT., •A.NT.A A.NJ.. Kl IJ-1111 1112 HA.RBOR BLVD. OOSTA ll.DA LJ '"'°°'' Grant w. Musick Your Hudson Dealer and SUPPLlES 2200 W. Cout Hi way. Newport Beach LI ki20 'Mo•' Kit Mauty 51""6 "M -H 'i,' llhui.. Uke new 12140 '14·tl" Hanlllte 1 Bil l :!tfJO 'H -IO' Tnv•I-I moa old J3ii 0 "tt-SO' C\.lrlla Wr-lp-ht Tandem 11096 W• need i:IMn UHd l.Tad•lna. PAN AllERICAN f'•raniounl· Kenak 111 T.-.. .. 11.-Terry IOU• 18 rr. ANOllLU8 TJU.n.&R IQ MCI. cond., .. dOW"n paym...-.l 0<1 lot of 1inalJ no"'" ~d Jot. - U 8·SS11 . 11kj7 ------------ SALES nnd SERVICE R~AD THIS • 1~37' ,...._lwt..-...i ,,.,.,1.r \\'111 :z5,3 N.Los Angele. KE~7278 J ...-11 <!!Qully. r..-t n1odl! ror nou ... , AA.ab"',. •~tfc l "'a ll Her. l J.08. Tkl7 UA-Apt.. ror l&Mt -------CHARMJNO new L bdm1. unfurn. lower apt. ,1n11., 11r. Ocu.n ¥iew. 110 mo . yrly AoJult•. nu peUI. lil6~ W. Ull t: Sl. C. M. H•r. IO or LI ll-281 J. 74lfc MOD&RN Ntw I HeoJ .-in . il Oen unturn. l:tu 1tove. refrlg . d,..pea. TearL.)' •M rnn ICBC l\ealty Co. :!2nd A Ntwpnrt BJ¥d. Har. lt05. Even I.I 8·6436 FUR.N. I bdrm. apt. • l!~r11.g" 180 mo. yurly lnclud. utll. J..l.o I bdrm. ftrn hoU••· 1•r .. * mo. Har. Ali-R. 7f t 78 OOROf'fA DllL M4R. ,,_ 2 bdrm upp.r •pl. Unfurn. n-r oc:MZI vi.w , ~-Oarba.1• dl..tlpoeal Har. IMO ot Har l\JO•R 14("78 Tou 1et rNlllt. quicker. ch .. par !Ju-o\111': New1-r,._ want a.a. I Approved F"'HA Mortgagee J600 West Coast Hig hway -LI 8-7791 N~w port ~ach. California ~.,., •o ......... I ~~!Ml-'° Lo9R LOANS for Homes , wA.Ns m emw. •»PRovE, I BU Y. MOO.ERNJ.ll, OR G'1' -20 yr. Loa.n.1 Construction Loans S~I!! BOB SA ITLER 2&1a EAB'P OOABT BLVD. REYINA.NC m Wt Buy Trullt o~ Ni:Wl"ORT BALBOA •AVINGB 6. UJAN ABSOClA TIOK 8Jll V111. l.Jdo Ph. il&T. 6100 COr<1ne lie! Mar. R-2 lot 'lll'll.11 la.rp1 !iou'-le l•t'l.f'• ....S t.r· niel\.t •p&rtirl.nt above. De.Ir· eble loc•U... a.c-... ttiUi M1a1 Kobi.t.ctl. Harber "eo1'-R.. Y11T• FOR II.A.La •r oWJf--.. Md· J"90R ...... , l llli. ~. i.nd· .:aped It t•c"'-TH.A liNn. ~ ........... Call LlMr'\J' MUI ,_..... or aft• I,.-. 11th HOME 6 INOOIQ: Jf.IOO DOW1(, II•• In -. t '*'1n. Corona del Mer H•tbor 38118 Rep. f>OJRJlilR MORTOAGf: CO. W•tro Ute Ina. Funda KJ 2-IJIU Uc ?NJ-. M p f411, m9. a.t ot1 --------------1 other, ,.,.. ~· Or "9l bet)! tltfc OPEN AFTERNOONS C HOJCI: CORONA O!!L MAR Ill MAAGLJER.JTJ:. 3 bedrm•., f.a. Mal, ftrepl .• oek flr1 .. c1.rb. dl.p., twn. 111.000, l«"1M or will Mtepl. l&CAI _.,... ca&.- Q . K. LATHROP. M3I Ii. C-.l HWJ', Hu. 14.U er Hu. MIO IYM. Tk11 NSWPOftT B&ACH-ct.0•1: TO •JOH ICllOOl. -MOtlitnl I bdrm. 6. '-...... UYlft& na. wtth. dl•l•r ..,...., ~ nr.- plac• 4 plC'tun ~ OYer• 1ocNW11 pat.Jo. OeivnJc uw la VlEW, Harbor, Oc.an, I ..... pd ..iklllr d~ c. M&n.tll • trana. eo ft. '""'laf'•. a-t. vl.J\w Ni ~' Ht..~lfvet .. aol.ill. JCT80 C&M ta.kM tt. ORA.NO• 00.A.aT PRO Pl:ftTIU lMT N•wporl, Olilt& ... .. u •-111 2 C..ltlp u ... , .. CURT DOSH, Rltr. l 15 Marine Ave, Harbor I 56() b&Ul.. kit.ch..-. It ~ room. ------------- Q . a ...,.,. e-. a.t...,... I CASH • • • EARN 10"'. -,., .• ,';' ..... _ ';'::: OWNER TRAN8n:au:D FOR TRU"1' DUOS ,, INCOME PitOl"ElTY ·-·-... I 1'· ... I --... -.... WM... 8 . HOLT UN YOUR M0 1'o'll:Y dbl. ,_..-., .... _,. ,.rt. !.M for 5190 prr raoatll. ,.. •• • pnlll!:t -BJ O'lher. U &.Tib. -· MORTGA GE BANKING 52t,OIO DOWJf L&t. Ya YOU IU.TFROMT, c4der .._.,_ 9ulk· 10 • l N _,.....7 ......... SlNCI: 1130. ~·ur rnure ll\torm•llon call. pu rnonl.11 protlt oc-lll,000 hMl:W, MW pM:r • rkleot . t.llt ~ped Ill .... ~ ......._ 1609 N BU8H ~ANTA A~A KE:y•lone 3-3181 dow9I '-"'• J l lM prof!L P .JLA. bo&l to ft'. 0oM ln. 51000 lw!.• An., CoA& ..... ftoa• K.DC.B&RLY ,.11 111 u 1-.n e ,. .,.n .... Ll e-Tat. '8tf•· ...,., ~ 1150-W T~71 u ..... 10. Tte11 ~~~-'---~~~~1 ~~~-'.-,~_:_~·'-'-~~--..t-·~ .. ~.~--~~~~_o__~~~~--,~,;.._ lj._. --· - -, .. 'A&f '·-~AlT-11-~T ~ NlWS-l'US$ 11 Pe' -· ..!G!;::!P!!•!!'..!llL!'!!!I !!!le~-~-_!G!:;!)!P!!!'..!llL~' l!!l!,_ ___ 1!•!;:::!P!!11!!l..!F~llo~l~1 ----1··~:!•!!-!!'..!llL~Olll~~le!._ ___ .,!G!;:;!P'!'•!!' - MoNDAY;'..-.UAIV f7;4 1... -· .• v .. "'C" T'lf0.i4 8 ~ m ·-----' , · --·----- .--:;'I P 't • · • ..... , , ~ .,!-1, v!."'~~-Art C. Kistler . Co. -THOMAS . BILL'S BEST BUYS· . • ~ ~ ..., ___ _.._ ... __ A ... "'-·5 • "-' --- -• . ·B 1 i~----~7.£:.~~:-:::: ----,-;;t elf~ .. nT CHOICE . eaa:d:...·::~~. paved..-.~-.;- . · · · · · a -. --.. frlll.. ,.a, Pf.IOO •trer. 4 foot chain link fence oa one Ude and --·-~ a•, r ., _,.,._ ... ___ l._ PIER AND rLOAT 2 bedrm. l>c>oM plua apl. "''-_ -_• """'"" ,..,.,,_ ___ ,.,.. ,c ·""D'nt\tfi ----~ -• ------"-'"'""""liiif"""' ---!-·---~. -~~ _; _______ .::-:-;=----~--~ ~-n~-----?·..:.~ ~8!l!l''""'-m~.:..-~ ~-~_,,~l ---. t·r.sm . ~-. ,,_ .......... · • •ttlt • ... tnep19.e•! • ~PROPERTIES! from Lido ahoppinc ce.rtM. ~, I~-: -· ;g ~ ~ GS_ .. .._~-....._..._...,. · -_..,_,,,_~· ··- • At.o """""·la ....... bouw'. ~ • d • 1 ..., ..,.... bednM. ~ UM'J'ft, 2 lldrnl. ..cti, A.rWoua. ~ • rooms -2 · Betft1 : ~Wwd.;..i:::-t!on ~ ::..~Iota, dtole• ioc. _,. tMl'f, 2. PIER AND n..<>A.T, Fint time ottered -Love-aATllllOllM Fla•t ~ °"' wall to waU carpet, CU9to m drapH. Diapou..I. • Wood ........ mot -Le•-ld.tcJ\. -. PaUa: LOVmLY 1 BDJtM . honl•. 1 bdrm, ly ~ bdrm. 2 Nth home on lt.rse corner lot . Ter-..,_... onw wtth vmw o1 Nicely decorated -cl09e in. $2000 down, $73 ptt • ~.'°'a.ra.ck &.y Ar:iltcowM! .,._ PMt ..-, a ear p.ra~. raced patio, BBQ, etc. F&cinC Balboa Cove11. • a.,., 1 '*-.. 1'-MU.., dlnhlc month. Pull price Sll,!W)O • Only 1111& .,.._, · dlokoe au.eoo . ,.__, ftnpla.ce, hdwd. noon, •· $13.IH!O FULL PRICE! ""-S37.ooo "'""'-,..,_, "'"'11' ....,, "' ,,_ PRICED TO SELL TWO aou .. a. 1 lot, 1 ~uoa. 'rnun11 Uria1-IJJ.aoo-Tft'l'rw. "-· a rMl 8tUl at l lt.960 3. PIER AND Sl..lP, Fuml.ahed 4 bedrm., 3 bath Better Hurry. 2 good frame, ::.! B. R. bOUMI, well HEAVY SHAKE ROOF! • .8eaJft Cli.IJ.n& -Z btnn.. ._ de -l "" llath ! • l tlr•plaee. • butl t-ln 1'&111'"' A~! • l'-11n1. old -Obl.1u. -c\Mlll)m bullt: • ,.. . ..,, Hllh • Jr. Hlah .c.i.ooi.: • Patio -U..i 1>ncll bre&kfut ti.r : ft"ULL P RICE $17,960! G, 1, RESALE! • 3 br;lrm., 1 ba.Ul H dwd. tioon'? • P1r•pla.ce -dtnil'l l room ptllio' • Obi.,..., 1, ... kLtCh •erv por,:h ' • Rdwd fence • tn•ula.led-weot.ther •lMpped ' • ~·1n1 t.uulde lix-•11,·ni nrz. et•· ' • 11'\Jll Poire Only •tt ,le-0' • (..;I t ' low pa.ym .. nt11 ln"I t •Xt•' • ~h •.k• rl)()f 3 txlrnl I'-. 0.lh ' • H\!wd fl oor1 built·1n ov en ' • 1·1.ru Orlt k flrt'pl •r~ II rnn «h!' • G'ub •!l ap 11.ll f~n~"'1 lou'ld••·•J"<J . • ~'Int t:Ul•hlc.J•I' !nr< ""1 &!I rlet\' e ~E!':: JT NJ,W ' ,,,-·' $-1 .21'0 11:--: ' -$\8 ~111 1-·1·1 .1~ l'l't l{'l-:' • IJ!-'"'.At. \\ /'J'H RF:At.TU!t.S BAY & BEACH REAL TY , INC . J69e N!''.vP'1rt Boulevard Coata Mcaa. Calirornia l.l ~rty 8 -1161 Eves. Liberty 8·3010 B'ALBOA ISLA'ND SO. BAY F'ROtli'T, JUllt reduc~I 1 BR., 4 b&Lh, 2 firepl. pier and float NOW $M.OOO EXCLUSl\1E 60 ft. fronta.ge on So. Bay. Pier and alip. ~ BR. &. den, compl. furn111hed. XlnL condition. NO. BAY F1t Or-..'T , ed rear home. I yr. 1.1ld Oriental modem, remodel- $<9.000 NEAR SO. BA\', 4 Bl<. J ba. 1~1110d panrled l1v. rm: f\t!'pl., 2 BR. ovt'r -gar . .could ca111Jy ~ con\'Crted to l BR 11.pl. Priced rig ht at $27.500 EXC.1JUSIVE LISTING . 300 H\\11.'.k, unu&ual bt.ach homf'. FA heat. 2 BR furn., sunkl'n garden. Term11 $3 1 .~ L.ITil.E IS l.A Nl\ T rt1 p1t'al settin g:, 1 BR. pl ua I BR. rental i34 .~ LJITLE ISLAND. UnUB ual 3 wt .. AJ bath home $36.000 LIDO NORD 5 Bk . 2 Bft 11.pt flea1 deal to qua.1\fied buyer . Wr h111'(' bu yt>rs for good liatings. i''rC'e c11t1matcs. excellent tervice. Har. li75 -E ve11 . Edith Maroon HYatt 4-8222 John Mcnab Harbor ~9 . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lsland WEIGHING VALUES? Looking ror your mont'y's wo rth! Then t11.k e a look at lhia 3 bdrm., 2 bath. s l:ldi:e roo( home. Only 8 mo.. okt Birch kitchen, built in stove It oven . carpeted !Iv. rm., spaciou.11 'patio & s"un deck. Only $108 mo. paymta. at 41'-=r,;._ F. P. $23,!KWJ. Best Peoin11ula location. OPEN SAT. SUN .. 2016 E . Ocean Blvd. or call now MURIEL M, PINOVER. Realtor 2ft04 Newpo rt Blvd., Ne. .... ·port Beach HAR. 4810 GOLDEN RULE VALUES extra large living room, aandy be&ch, Only --located on et.at.aide corner lot &nd on RWer. Hauae9 I-~08ULADUP'!?INT, "'.-,_ .$12,000 down, bl.lance '300 month, Ful._,,,rice RANCH STYLE HOloCI: ..... Ollly t are 1ep1.rated by 2 car garage &nd fence, (iving-l..~ll"I ---. ....,.,., mo'•· old and a b.autltut bonl• up, s down, turn . .int. cond1Uon . $57 ,M>O. Oii a 11 rt. lol (J'*-on lrftn• appearance of teparate propertiea. Ideal situation l~,IOO • 4 OPEN SATURDA y AND SUNDA y A v.rtu•). All 1.ur-attractively for home and income. Only $13.750 with $3000 . .dn. . d.eon.t.ed roonui, a bedmoma, A1TflA(...'7rYI: OU · 2~ Channel Road l 'i b&UMI. br'Mktut bAr A dln- PLllX, 3 bdrma. and 2 b .. lh.11 1-.ctt apt. fl'Oll. •Ir heat, furn. co mer kit SH .500 PIER AND FLOAT, 4 bedroom, 4 bath, Marine lr\I' .,_, hdwd. noon, r.A. h•t. . l . bill.It -In Therrn&dor ranee and dream home , cryatal t lear water twttb •I It• .iwen, MAvy .tla.lr.• root. w/w A RE.AL VALUE, 3 bdl'ni horn • w\Ul 1 1~ blthl che>i1·• area. Sl'T,60o, ~llo &lid 1unde.-k. marine life) at"'your front door. C&fl"'Uns • dn.PQ tnclUded - P. S. -Oh yN, there's • gueat apt. over the 3 car •19.r.oo. ANO'ftl&R GOOD V ALUI:, 2 ~nn. holQC, nr. Jlllly . l rpl. I la.rs• paun, 117,800 OCEAN FRONT; NEAil N'HYC f~lly borne llCl,000 ANOTHER -"!Cl: HU ME. 1 bdtn•• welt loc•tt<:! u ~•l llbnl r\ 1nd 1tore1, 51 9.7,'l(l BA y PRONT ! I Ol'TI!LTANO INr: Vll!:'A' 4 t»1tn ~ La rre p&tlO-!~t<'.h A 1~~1 ,.1u .. 11 s•o.ooo rJIJrLr:x, .1111n1111i.; ••••"' 11"'' l"•!UrM l'Ul I bo> tlupl" •l "'-'1 , .. , t'>(>m f and 1nr<HtlP r•~I-fll'.nt~ .... 000 Balboa Realty Co. Oppo.ite ll1ink 11f An1•nt1 R.ou OrMley £tl '-""' Al eom .. llua Jn.. .. ph•n~ WC'btl 100 E. S•lbo..>• Bl"1 U•lbO• Phol'l"' H•rbor 32j7 'i Corona del Mar's garage. Pull price $67.500. Submit on terme. PIER AND SLIP, Sandy beac.h, ou~L&nding fu r· ni11hed home. Eztra large living room and sep- arate dining room, 5 bedrootnJI plUll 30x30 den. 3 car g11.n.ge. Beautiful El Bayo stttion. Full pr!Ct" $84 ,7~. Term.11 ir desired, ART c . KISTLER co .. Realtors :.";(l J Ne'A'l"'r\ Rl vd , Newpo rt Ii arbor 52:.t6 lJA Y Oil .N JGHT OWNER MOVING TO HAWAII ~II 'ST S 1':LI . Rnd has R~.;lJ L'(.'F.I) Lh 111 3 bedroom. :! b11.th , shakf' r oof h11me to s1g,950 !A<:ated in the bacil ba V area, \lo'ilh (!Omµar"'ble homes pr1red S3000 more ~and worth 1tJ d'PEN 11.r..'TIL SO l.D -4&R Eathf'r Sl . DOWN TO EARTH PRICES 1.-New 3 bdr , 2 bat h, hdw. rloon .. built in 1tove and oven. intercom radio 11ysu-m. and many more ex- pen111ve featurc11 , only $13,500 with $2500 down. :l.-:.! year nld -3 bdr., fireplace, $1 2.500 and onl y $2000 down j Mott ~~·~:i~o~r~:g Buy 1 3.-Bl'.:.';T B~J Y NEWPORT HGT~. Sl.:l.6-00 3 bdr t · lg, t1v. ··rm., lgtt eove_red patio w1th B.B.Q. (1Pll:N f'"OR IN~Pl':C'TION ONLY$~ DOWN, $9H mo <\ -l y r utd mt"Ki('rn , full y furnished inc. bit. in and 0\·en. $14.9~, (i. I. re-sale -ready a love fo e I Why Pay Rent " 1 Vut .. r (uw n .. wnf't ••Y• ...r.ll lhi< immedia te po88euinn. 1n•n1u:ul•t"-11>-'<.lnn. 11.,1'11r r1 .. ~. \VJ.-: J.IKF: THF' ... ")f.: TOO. AN U WILi. 1t1Jnf. f!n!pl•l'.t, w w • ar·11~1 aunny bnrtit k1 t~tir n 1.,1.1o "'I Hr; 1'H t-:RE TO SH OW YOU, SAT. & SU!'. l 1M llnd ··upb<)a p b • flllll,.' f'lun1b1n1 'A'lrPd 22.0V ,.,,, 1.,..~,, BAl~BOA l:l~ .. (;"St . 1 ~ bloc k to bea.ch, 2 bdr .. den. ra rpett>d and draped cove_red patio, bbq Al!king 128,500 p•llo, doubl• c •ra&'t. "''' ~"<111 2 baths. price 1a only ,S\ti.l)QO Th111 1~ • t1 1 ';1df bul HilRRY cb'r6"&' l'ilg~taiid - OUTSTANDIN G sdt J ~·~ 1 ...... Mlh.o, 121.&00 O N MA.RGIJl:RITlt, C:nron1 .i .. 1 Mar. •mall !Kime on n1ct R -2 kit. OJlly 512,900. Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS ;112 M1rine Avt . B•lbo11 hl~rid H1 r. 20~2 ' See Me-Ta Nelson I THE )l()b"'T l.Ml'VllTANT Al • YOU'IJL READ TODA Y , CORON A OE.'L MAR F:AW?'ERN 0¥/NER SA \'S SELL, Ilk• nirw 3 b9dtoom. 2 b•lh, flrt':· 11••ct':, hdwd. flOQr•, block fron• ! ocea.n. R-l . r.xcetlent flnancln$:. Unduprlced. EJi,c{u.a.lve Llllln& A RTlf!Tlt: 2 be<lrrtl., h"'<'l , floor.•. •m•ll unit !n ro•11 r. 2 blO('k~ rrnm S.y. 'A'ould <'Otiah1"'r tra<lf' Int duplex I" Coron• del Mir 113,Wl t111l prlcf. J!:XCLUS IVF. Ll8TJNG. CO~TA ~I E~A COST A ,'l.tC::-lA -:!37 Rochrstcr, 3 bdr., fpl .. parquett floor11. 2 yrs. old. $1 2,500 and only S2000 down with tenna to 11u1l. JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY "AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 \\',Coast Hwy. I.I 8-7773 \ OPEN EVENINGS UNTYL 8 P. M. .. Open House 1023 W. Bay Ave., 1 to 5 p.m. llcAI charming :l lx-droom bu ngalow wit h a bunk room & bath 1ldjo1ni!}& the large 2 car garage. Thi111 home ia JU.St opposite Balboa 'a best swimming beat h and 11!. loc1.ted on 1 45 ft. lot. Tile. roof, fireplac!e and completely fumiaht"d . We can deliver it for under $26.000 with excellent terms. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Nrwpo rt Beach Har. 471 S NORTH BAY FRONT CLIFF HA VEN -• Fir1l lLlllt or- t•red -Lo'tly 3 bdrm ., I !Ii, ba UI horn•. t lrepi&c1, hdwd, !loon . eornpl•le!y fenced , choic• locaUon • 522,IK>O, 1;1.lF ~-DRIVE Un•urp11.~.~1><1 P"~ n1anen1 VIEW . '"'" lot, !ge. llv- 1ng rt>Om ..,·1th fl()()r 1n r ,..1llng 11o·1n<low• ta mlly n>om With fir., • pl•r•, J bdnna I'-tnttu, ''" \o w t arpetint &. dr•pPJI A.lk• 1n1 S3~.00fl HARBU rt tt.IG Hl~ANl•S ""u r11;- 11••e J bdnn 1 \,, 1),..1h t>r1111•, l '1 ••r1 t• old. \4a2t ll\' r0<1m, rt - '"·r1e n1JUr pla.n. "''t •lher •trlp- p"'1, c•rb•g t d!a f'(•91ll, gr•pt• •l-.lr.1 ltn <:lnl'.. m•ny a.tlractlvt': lt•tUr••. Al,..l. for S 17 JJ70 W1frl '..._".!to r1n&.11clng. BAY FROl\1' !:Kr ,..llent loca- hon ~ bedn,oo1pa, "'ondtrful beach But buy •t S'l9,;'~l)(J LOTS • LOTS * LOTS VJf:W-V !l1:W Ml ft , 591M)(J BACK 8A Y C holee cor. lot 56260. CJ.JJl'F' DRIVI!': \'[EW $14,500. · "G''. lHOMAS REAi.TOR and ASSOClA TE.<:; Newport &•rh "C" THOMAS "C' THOMAS B/B Corona del Mar H"'r~ i• • buy -2 bt'drm. home ju11t 0 yea r• old • "_1,. redecQ- n.ted. l n~·urtl nl' .... a11 to wall <'!Lrptlll. It hu • flrep\aet , BBQ •.nd oven, •nd a nlee patio. '"-II tor the low full prlc• or 1115,7~) A Rare Item . la •ny nu:e t bedroom t• Coron• da.I lla.r UAd.t.r .12Q,OOO; but her• i t i• . .,,d It'• rood valu1 •l flt.- :\00 a.nd w• can .,,,orll out th• 1~rm1, not only 3 Mdrma. at th11 price. bul .,, e•lr• W11 lol 1 &n a !OOt and a NICI: VIEW, front •nd b&l'll•yud.I, 11'. •Ui., 11-I.\' d!'Cor•ted. nrep&&c .... doubl. 1•r- air ... $ ma.rk•t Ion(. , • I "'-.911 I ~ . .., Deal with Reoaltor1 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Corona del Mar Oftt~ ~30 It, 00..•t Hlgtl,;..•1-Har .. &Ml Newport Heights B"'•L1t1ful l bdrn1 hom• j111t ~ :ve•r11 o ld Brick f lr epl•Cf'. hr#'ilkf111! ha1 . dfnln& 1r11<, hdwd floo• 11. t taed brit:k on fro•nl Vrry, very nirf' Full OPEN HOUSE Sat. lz Sun., Feb. 25th I: 26th from l t o !I µ. m. 1943 Maple St. 1 l bl.Jc . f rom corner of 19th &. Harbor Blvd,) 3 Bdnns., hardwood floors. carpeted. firepl&ce, doubl~ garage and completely grapeetake fenced, new loan on property of $8000 at $70 mo. Will aell for $2500 down. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly service" 400 E. 17th ~, , ('.Of!t11. Mes8 Liberty 8-1139 VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE THIS IS THE HOUSE YOU 'LL LIVE IN! A fnendly huust> with h .. l:i,.~ Mh ak t· rouf 11nd 11 i!tnking exter11•r de.sign. tl'tle l•"cauon is bt-aut1- tull 3 lge. bedrOOmM :.'! b11.ths, lge. kitrh('n, r heerfu l living room overlookin g s patio. H. \.\', fl oors, F.ll. heat-beautifully la ndscaped & ftnl"Pd , the works_ Important ly d1fft•rt>nt , the propert v 111 priced for a fut aalf' al $22.500 DON'T CALL THE VOGEL CO. until you have driven by 2031 t:. 81.lboa Blvd. :-'et' th~ m0ttl d.ea1ratwe locauon f.or younelf and then we will ehow you the inside of thia 11pacioua custom bit. 3 bdnn. a nd den 2 bath home. You'll love the bay \'Jew from the king i,i1i.e muter bedroom. Asking $28.500 with good term•- THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W, Gout Hwy., Newport Beach -·u s-3<8 t CLIFF HAVEN ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A LARGER HOME ~ If so, we h1.ve just thal. ThUJ beautiful ramblin' home containa 4 bedrms., 3 batha, dming room. doubM! fireplace, spaciou.11 living room and in addi- tion there ia & large den or (aml.ly room. It ia wi~ for electric range, ha.11 ele<:tric diahwuher, drape. and "ff/"' caipeting. S..UtifuUy 11.ndacaped and spr:inkJer eystem. Mu~r li&:ht 1witcheai, and oodle9. of other item.11 found only la cu8tom built bomeli. Tliere i• ample apace provided in patio for ewtm- ming pool. Property ia altuated on corner lot in one of the be.t part.11 of Cliff H.\ten. THE PRICE WILi... SURPRISE YOU- Shown by appointment only. Call Stan Le Lievre EARL W, STANLEY, Realtor 15th le Irvine-LJ 8-2664 Eve11 : LI 8-7006 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT A rrRACTIVE l alory home, livable and coDven· 1ent. Three ~nns .. 2 bi.th11, maid'• room and b&lh. Carpet•. drt.pe.11 11.nd appliances included. T. D. ROGERS. Harbor 1585-W Or Ryan 16029 JUST STONE'S THROW HOME AND INC'OME -Top quality 3 bdrm. homl! ani.I 1 bdrm. rental unit. Only 2 y r". nld. H\•y, Rhake room. Hdwd. flooni. fireplace, be8uti- ful kil. l'.'ith breakfllst area. t,ive in lovely home l..OVltL\' 'l BF.:llRM , \ HATH 1· Hdwd. floor•. l•rg~ 1()1.. he1111 I· fully land-.cape<1, ne11r C~ll Cl.i h F\lll price 111 .r.oo PIER & SLIP F'URNIS HE IJ prlrr 11 4 .~ We hlYt': t h..._ k"'y-- A FROM NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL uid collect $55 P"r mo. from rental unit. ONL\' $15,750 with $3500 dn. Phil Sullivan & Geo, T. Everson lSM Newport Blvd .. Coeta Mesa ( AcrDM from t..:Qjlta Meaa Bank t Ph. LI S-6761 , E\'Cll Har. 4368 LI 8-2013 Charming Home on._ Broadway Bay Shores :l~7l Circle Ur1v1 Vpen Dilly 1-4 ·JtJ :"<UY.' Pl'UCEU TO SICLL. 3 bdrn1., I•_. bath. t r pL., · ,-, A, n;-,1 all ''' ;'.' k1tt'llr1 .. S~etoua p•Uo -buill in B:JQ Ov1n&ae 3 BWRM HO M); "'Ith ri'"l)I••" Hwd. noor1, 9!!r,·11:' p(lr<·h •ri•I , double l'ar.<&• H11m,. h • 1 I •ppro•. 1300 1q. rt and 1,. n~.,.·ly <l••·or•lf"L s... I~"' wfl n <ltl'ful buy Ofl v.•1de ,.t'frt \ with M'Wf•-. 1 .. , ... ,.g,. ien ,to".J •lor•g•. "'""" • ""'" '" w '"' '" RALPH P •'ASKEY J'ul\ rr1oe 11:1 ~ ·~flOIJ d<1Wn. J . M REALTOR Newport-Mesa Rlty. "" ,, .. .,.,tt •••• .. Np• ..,, H1rb<'!r ~02 17" N'1wpor1 U 1-MOA Bl"d . C '•l~ta M,.•• E,,,.,. Hit U:1&9·J BY OWNER AITRACTIVF. '1upt~:-;, •'ho1 r" l•• M• t1on. I &. 2 betl1 nu. lJn<1rr111 ,,.,..I 1 M.li:T A !\'.~--S011: -_, ,.), '' ·Corona Highlands Panoramic Ocean View CRAl'\f) n ~.,., HntlJP 111"! """'""" delu11r ro n•U In I U~l •r nvK1~1 n Srt lheM 2 bc11u1 2 BR home• fully r·1rpe1~,). h11,·r "'1""'1. O\'tfJI! "' r n1J11 Slf'nr 1 In r'"!lln g nrepl11oe' l n~·<?m" SJ.GO peir • mo F r $J 41\0<J OPltN F'OR I NSf'lll(.·noN A7!f Momlni: C1n."011 Ro11 d H11rbo>r 3741-J 6fk08 M-1 Acreage ld••1 lndu.et11111 •nd 1r1J1rr r•1•l •t 111•. "e•r ("0111 J.C "'--V' 577:'>0 pc•· 1('rt:. ruy l "rm~ l)AN A. JA t.~Ol\~N lt.,Jo l H•.t &Ml, LI 1-1'31•, Kl -------h<lh\r tum. b]' derot•t(lr 1'11r ,..1y l•nll· llC&pML larf'I ll\I, enmplPlPI)' t~ 113.aoo. '"'"1'1 l" ~ron·· lbl• JH'rlMll\ :i.'49 N•llOJ1 •1 C""I• I VII!:\\' or B•C'I! .,., .... -.tet hllla. unb,•l•b\r \\'~ ci.n d•lh•r r two A ·I Tt'Jlldrntl•I •ilN ., f8&00 • Si:l-00 with '4 U\J'WI\ ORAN'Olt OOA8T PROPU\TIEll \ OOMMERL.1AL l...QT I NCA.ll HAllBOR • 1111 h ~Ax 1 ::>3 j W-7t o8i I.I 18.'>: NPWpoOtl, C:O.U We• II· 1832 ~et11n,.. W 11-1 tc •Ue y w~· PRlf"E o....n~r I H&rbo>' .\HI 1 f ( '1'•11.11 a~ 11. p111 11'1 this cho11·e :l bdro1 a nll la11;.11 ho1nt>. Exqu111.ite Harbor viC'w a.nd clean sand~· beach . Slip for 40 ft. boat. Ma y consider homt. P11lm Springs as part. Priced to sell n'o~·. $55.000 ---Terms. OSBORNE -FORTON, Realty Co. 2323 W. Coul Nt-\lo'J)Ort lleach Hwy. 1 at Port Orllllge I Ha.r. 5154 I.I 8-7562 Balboa .. , ..... ; .... ' .. 1' 1 •1nr. bfitrni 1c1i.1 I ''"' 11anli\• Duplex 1 '"" toe1h·n1 ""'t ' \lnC::O T\\'11 t;(>Ufl •)"'~~A :" ~·R•.1NT li "Ytf:. Sll:WM1 fl'.:A('H Coast Properties BA \'f;;HORE.i;:; OPEN HOURE BA(,~ i.A Y 521 .000 ~Ill E . B11lt>1.111 lllv,J n ... n~ ... I J111 1·bU1 26."!8 :!M:I• I ll!! 4A0tl ;! Choir .. 811rk B•Y \'IE\11 Lot 148&0 b t . '!. 2 ;i Fl 'RN!Sllf:D h"111r 11"11 ,.r than n~·.~·. •~l .. cur11l"'l. psper-1. p11nthn~ \\'\\" r•rr"nng. ,. d~­ lqi:;hlful rhf'rtf11 I .l Adtm hnmt I J ul>! I ~ ,._, nl•I r•r1('r<I •l $1 l · 1 ~1"'• l:•)tnr1 VJF:\\; Jr.1 SMIOO 1il!hl1~1 hl R;hl\' '"'~lr1cled 18000 Claire Van Horn RF:ALTOR A}"" '" ~ewport Helghla lhlt 7 )"'ill nlli 2 ))drn1. hom~ t n1 s 12:,00 "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. I 1666 ' ;\"~\•·porl Blvd .. Coztll M"''ll I.I S-37112 or IJ 8-ti681! I DOCTORS OR DENTISTS Jn S11nt1 An11 \Ve hevr 1 tar&:"' h"'"" whlr h c:1.n f!'•aily be m 1d..._ 1nlfJ 3 or t o ffl(e•. Thf o.,.,'"'r .,,11 give lone le••~ Th' ..,.,, buy ~ou e\'e;-.u"· '" 1 Ss"' Shnp In Cosl• Me11• A bu.•y pl•t~ l h•t r an bt bought a l ! ht': rt~hl pri ce F'ITZMORRJS RL T\'. CO. M11lt1pl• l.iJUnt R~•ll<l f 8u11!n~11• Broi.•r i .1l3:. E Coa•t Hwy, C-0ro:>n1 iltl M•1 \ ;;:~r z~:t _ ! OJ1e of le¥>', n<t& a lt:••Phold. Rf.- !luCfd to 5:0.2"9 for QUICK c•ah u l• llAr-.' A .I AOOBSi:f'i, R .. ! f"•l•l" H•r .~.Ill . I.I 8-4:117. Kl 2-2117 100% Financing ()RA:O:Glt t."OA ~T PRO Pl!:RTil!'.!'- rllREJ.: l:Jl:PRJof Ho1 ·s1: ltl!OO, On 1nromo> 111111 • hutlt '"" ynur r«Ym .. ol,. SllJ m" T~rm1 10•111! lol l'•ll u11 fnr '1•t•ll1 J.ll'; z-:~ .. ·po•I l "No •I M~•& " Thia 3 bedrm. home has I & ~:: baths, fireplace, breakfast bar, dining area It patio. Propertf ia fenced and landscaped. Owner'• le1.ving for Ja~n and mu1t 11ell. Priced at only $13,!W)() IT J UST CAN'T LAST! Call Stan Le Lievre EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor \."lth & lrv1nr LI 8-2664 ----------- CHARMING DUPLEX ON CHOICE COR. LOT Each unit haa 2 bedrooms, fireplace. tile kitchen. 1-;arage.11 It. laundry betwttn each unit. $180 per month income. #I apt. BOOn available to buyer. Thia i• very desirable-property. Priced at $22,500 -FHA loan. S HOREL.lNE, OCEAN I: HII~t. VIEW. 2 beds roo1119, 13( bat.ha -a few steps to the beach. Nicely furnished, wall-to-wall carpet.a, fireplaCf!. &ttr-active patio. Call now to aee. Priced at 124,750 THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. C1l. Hwy Har. 07~7 ' Ill 1"J2 1:•4'Hrll'• I.I ~ l •Oll :'F:f: •I 8~2 \'1r 1nn1. C<"t t.a Me.-11 O A:O: A J ACOB!LLl:N Rt':1I P'..ata.!• "' ••II EXn1nnt l -21'11~ lll!tc H•r '\41!11 I.I lt-1':)1T Kl 2·21 17 -~-~-~--------~----~~ .. =.~ ~~,~~::>T.!· ~; r:'.I Ml~. , -·~ ·: ~~·.~·11~t::,;,~1.,..J::.f:::!. ·~:!~--.:"111~!!~1!!1 ---- ·• New Two BedroQm LijQ ~ We can tell you abcN.t ~ two ~ l90derw Udo ,home bec&U8( ii. nearJx co~ aod X.9\4 ~ ln•pect it l>IOW. Mmtt:r bedroom b.u it. own drmaing room I: b&th. S-med ceilinp • noor plant.er • F\oor to cei.ftu.1 firepl&ee • S.,. Jdtcbai • ~ C4ilta.1 dinlnr &tt& • all cleverly combined to produce Udo Ul&nd 'a moet out.t&ndln1 buy • • • Only ,2 •• l!OO - Exc.lu.mlve -We ha.Ye the key. • Lido Realty ~iatcs :WOO Via Udo VIRQIN14 K.LNSON J. H. GROIU{AN PALBOA IS~NQ · -- SP .lCIOllB MODERH lfPllJ:.-2 ~ ud ckt>- l~-paliC1, dbl. ,.,-. A ~ ~ tor th~ • ~. Owllt( 'l'.llr lloton· J:NTERT.ilNKENT CONSCIOUS T -then Me UWi 3 bodnn. home wtth l&rJe N1TE CLUB TYPE PLAYROOM. It'• compMte bar ud decor are .. pd~. And or..,..,.. l&rJe bee.med eelllnc )lytqroom wtth stoM ~ Juot the pla<e !or ··-... ·-• ....... ' .. .....,.,y ry;\31Pj ~ DORIS BRAY, Realtor 218-Marine An., Balboa llland Har. 30 or M • ONt.T ~l.009. Cor. lot W(lff car· P!!.S· •""'·• bmi! ffO mm<h. 2. ~ ~ iuY!"I -Arm7hOifti · -p-Ont. ... UI.&.. . ----1 1 ....... -ll .. ,-MNP ,. 1 -,. n... Iota. -... ..,. rtonl. Jail.Nit -.ell. Call T. D. ~ M.r ........ ., u-....... ' ..... ' I • • ~-et"*-'* . .J fivt ~ -.. ' ; . ·, .. W.¥ Nff.rHA~liJtµLTY, IN§:- lt••lfq!'l 1+11! 'If. ~ Blvd.. 1is1i... Hat. ~ YGGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND * * * * * l'jlCE FOR S(lMMER AND HOLIDAYS J}9o1PY 2 ¥Jtn. home, !irtpJ.~ce & ,arace. Pa•ed pt.tio, piceJy fu.cylabed. A 1tea.1 for $20 .IX>Q.-terma . 2 atory·3 bed.rm. home with I o/4 baths, dbl. cara~. fully fumiabed, cla.e to beat North Bayfront beach. AJlr:ing price $28 .000 ~ bednn. bome with 3 b&tha. ExceUent copatructioo a.nd nicely a.tn.nced. Located nea.r Soulh Bayfronl. Price $39,500 -terms to •uit. Spteial : Back Bay view lot , t he fineat residentia l tt'<:lion. $1 7 .5-00 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Ma.tine •ve., Ba.Ibo& Island Next door to the Poat Office Eves Ha.r. 1229-R Ha.r. f.2f.i -R See your MULTIPLE LISTING Bllqlf!CR ¥,o~ 10me olb~ luq:y buyer ""'f l~! BALBOA COVES EXCLUSIV~ Owner built qU&!i~f Pf' ~ f1<irm· lo clft.::J both. 14x:zt ~~ ~. 1 ~m. FA. JtttE W/W ca.,,.;&. lt ~oo. lllip. T""'!I !!Iii lie &r- ranpd. .ooo'"ru11 price. G<KXI ~~ J1i~!.~o~.R~.\J!l jiouoe. nagatone ,.tl<i ~ B&r-8-Q. New~~ted inlide f.D(j ' out. $6900 full ~ IM foot corner lot on Harbor Blvd -:-Rifer of buineu development. Tel'Jfff: , .. ' ' . .......... .-i --. .,, -- • 't I I ._,_. ..... ,l'..._ . ...,, ... lf ·-- ~ii ......... ;llt .. '$19 . 1 •-• twe: .. , -J ~ ............... \ ....... ~-......: ~-••• ..,, .-.: '' 1 '• ............ "'., ~--~~ .J COAST, 1:llf ~ ........... _ ... ,....,. .: Dock -.. froa\ ..... Aa -= ........... ta.. ...... ... Ywt.Gol Cl!,._ ...... ··-· ... -: .1 •• ~---A -.c.r la U.. -'J' JOU~ ~ -ta," tbe ..,_; ..... ,_.ti II ot' U.. Habeul ._..... 1'-r ......... a..,,..: 8odat,7 tar tM It~ el ..._.. tedar .-4 M 'a Mt a\ It. am•: tao. ......... 1"'tlta "' Dr. When'• UMi _.,N JUD• W. 'n9s '• Jr •Ice-W..-Mn. ......... •Ot: ;.. di'm• ~ o..i ·o.n.re-. ....... t)l• I •e ea.Id.: ···-:"iooiilliiiili ,,.. , >r1·u-u.. -. ,,...... "T .. .,,. .. ~ ...,., 11 7W'.: --I IMdi; ol .. aod~, .. dnDt,ad ctm,'t wut ,?"-~ ctftl _.: -'°""""" '"",..""',. to °" ,... ,__. coaap. 0r. ~ ...,. Wlndall. wtio u... wlUt. ht. Tbomt. ~ tM dapter dMJ-Mn. ltoek• tlDld ,Jl&illoa Mir: .tt-. c.u..n-at 1&27 Or-llls wlllll. a-.na ...,...._. two --U ~ ..,. ...... IVIN •PANTS YET . , . ~ ..... -Aw.,~-· .......... , .,••t,.tldor Dr .. Tlli9'f1-..._. 1 the re-le,..•,.:::1 _Md,-••~ ... ...,_-' ... " !;;;..;..;;._,._.,. __ ,, __ ..,_ t • -l&Uon •'-tw-., ......... ISduea·. ·-"' -· -· "I _..7 Qly, Wlndail. a ...._, tloe. Ud ,swr&I ' .,..._,.._ tM Uld ...... ~ It. Re ~ Lost ~.. P'51 lte .... tablai "'the dty ro-m· l•porUdoi "' ~ ~. ally follnd UI• mOMT bl • dCM': · · 1 • . -t eu. M naa at a ci..p.. .-aJ. .. _N:oe pneuo., ud bor and 1.n tu ._.., °" root.. . . . I • · . · " -. °O'o ,_,. ""'""' -d••"= "'-....., --no -nounod poU<o •t Problem . t Bo Club oom. tint." ..,,.. ~l ··in tM fleld et. ~ ~ 1 ;)1 ~ .. a. . a JS ' ooadl." ... adckd. ··i. too llorl." °'"-'nlon:'-........ Nt,M ... deaertbld UM ,..,,... al ,,..; -i . ~ ~ b7 other run d a 1n ••ta I !"&OQllUD.--.Uc.. "6, &:10. M 0.. WIG 1WJ' t&C: , · fTOUpa... mu.t be that UM jwl\or col· hi.Me .,. • ,_11: -.tied r.e...: aw .. tera.' j.ck•U. MUrt .. lq U,. lllbMt of a h&dln1 ooatl --=--'------------1 1 ... u N&JIMI ~t they ha..-e at· He M4 ~dark Mtr a.ad..,._ e>r Jack.et. In •ftr)' ca-th• Friday A 1--tained adulthood In th• family of and a dark eot'.Q.P1Wca, .... aald. There •r• •bout IN) ot t.heM artlclea In the H1rbol" Ar.a Boya' Club k1#l and found Mputment. Th-ha•• been ptJ\ertn1 ov•r a three-mo nth. ptrlod and a.re be- eom1n1 quite • problem They mu.11t have coet m.ui.y p.t.r'911.6 qulti, a Udy aun1 of money. M.ui.y am1l! boya, belnJ what thay ar• con1tantly drop thel.r u c..._ ba.c'- rare at a11y C'OCl•eni-t point. ""aa\.l re bunt1 Jt1 on every ·day In the Boyt' Ctub. The tr-..· u119 beln.r Ula . coal or J•ckel Mime 1mall try left In lhe llbn.ry, \,he ahop. the art room , th• loC'k· er reem, tJ\eo.amn••ht'"· th• out· door play court. the c arnea room or ' In aoma u trem• c-..ea In th• park •croM U1e 1trt11t. t~ b.Ullt at.a.rt. ()ff With t be llfJ19'£> Am•rle&n IUctM:r educaUOa &11d r'Ull1rton llad an 1imtl•r a.nn· amall try crwn"" clLlmtnr that bq1n to .cceiot th• 1 .. d•rahlp •d robbery In Ult lull ,_ .,.._ tti. coat or .)9c.llet wru hunr wtlh PIClll Diwr•DmlCtl lhet ttielr •t...lut"t !mpJ.tea." I r.pona Mow. can at th• Boy1' Club eo&t I'd!:. A m'1nber ot lh1 a dmln11tn.--0-5-00-RN-,--,.-,-TCH--lll.l...---~­ H• ..., .... juat u earnMtly t hat Th• Friday An,.1.,.1 Lul'lebeorl ti..-• 1t aff ot OrlW!r• Cout Col-ed 8 P'. iem th!i t ~ •«I· hi• coat or jacket ..... not I.rt Oub a t tbe4r m-.:LLnr tod.ay Wtl"ll ler• 1111.ce Illa f()C"lfla UOft. Or dentally aWailowed loot ..... dl- ll:ll I.be ltbn.ry. or J'&'"• room ech6duled c,q make nnaJ plana tor Thom ton u. ch~lrman of°'' Com-overe<i by x .r~y --.. , 1"1ended. OI" ~p or art room or lockar m!lt• e>n Oa,....al l:ducauon ror I , '' 0 t ••-i -.. room or IYmnuhi.m or In the their di11ner-da.nce March 2 ln Lhe J-i.or Col.~ A-"ld&UOft. to cone" -·~no .-· outdoOr play court... Newpon Harbor Y•ch! Club. _..., ·ot u.. Pfet.IOll.al Com·1 l!lo Ju.mt a.t cJoeinr Urn.a wbea. -nt. ,,.,. Btt•-of ft.l'lytl'lm or· mntM on "Q.el'lar&:J l:dur •Ul.lfl for Ul4 Boy•' a.:ib aupervtaor l.l try· cb•tra Will play tor dat11:dri1 I 11\e A.aMlclaUoa fC>f' Htr lill!!r &du-1 lnJ lo 111t •-Y to tat hl a hur· p. m . lo I a, m . Coc-kta.li h<7Ur c•llon. •nd ·a member I or the , r1ed d\n11er .c1 h• cu rel bM:lt •la rt.. at 8 :4~ and dinner Wiil be Oomn'lttlee on lnatructlon Qf tht lo l"li"'<lpen I.ha Boya" Chob for t.ht e t 8 p m. R.e-.:rvallon1 m u• be eV't!ftlllf -ion h<'l ta..ltu 111\all fry made by Feb. 18. AmvJc&n A...xlat1on n r 1 Colle1e1. In hand lZld 91.Ui out to toor tlle buUdLai' ta ..,,,.. of one lo.t pnnanL G. N. WELLS -RealtOr Jun\(_>r In eome eaaM. •ip1Clally When th11 rarment Iii qu .. uon 11 li ft a t hom• or •l .-hool. tha tre ..... Ure,.llul\t la mor1 dlNtcull. The -.cllv. real eatate flnn ot rtnn hN llated "" lta book• coun· ~ MOTHER · & DAD .. . . . Boy•' Club offlclall . a re-· be· comtnf quite adept •t out,ueu-~~C-~~~~~~~~~~ An Easter Gift f« Your Children Thinp were really moving in thi$ moment of play between Orange Cout College and Mt San Antonio College. But "" nu.,y died •nd Ml. SAC lo•t the fracas 83-69 HOWARD W. GERRISH-llllUl'ance try and towri propertle1 Lhal could 1 not fail t.o M a tLr&cLlve to any·: orie 1ntendln1 to purchl.M!. Thi• 1 corn'lnun.Hy hu J.tarned t l'Llt >11• wor d ll tb•lr bond u thty ne..-.r Friday nilfbt in ~ PJ r ate gym. In t he ,action are, from lef t. Cou t'a Denny t. \'.'hen you •re •lC lt you c•Jl • C.0.U Mn.a. Ph. U ll·l ~l l. Jit.s~trick (N o. 22 1 and Ridnlck !No. 251 out of 11.ctl l)n at right. YGUng j No. 23 ), I I (!rn-tor. when you need le111l art· Thi• m•n ltnowa Ln•uranc11 ln another 0CX:: player, is in background le'lving only Inl oes ~·white Jersey hidden by S "u-••e Ti·ler vlre you call a lawyer , and when all tU In trica te phuea and com-Ml, ac playe r) to block off 11hot flung by No, 13 uf Mt SAC. c. ~.... • •rd \A,·, Gen-tah lnsurLnce Arency. U\&n wUUac to JC> over your ' ll1t prope9y a bove ltA true value• Photo "' J you nred ln1ur•nce. call the Haw· pie• torm1, They wtll b11 "'ore • Once ' y ou ha ve h&d that r1r11 or prtlM'lll -eraia Lnd recommend BJOO.am:1.1'Ja to-"0 " "" '""" "' • ''""" '"'tS:miaab on Vklt -· . -. L.tl_,.--•" ·niu -..,.-·..,._,,. --•--1111-Iii--l ..,)IJr~~lf """"1" 1.-m"i'm'b~fr ·,),-, . .,111 " ll'ela~llt lt Ill ln(I Tl"lr. to 10 "" -REOL.ANDS Ton1 ~11,j\Jf'lle a nd Duy lnsuran('e to\ ('f1Ver the I from the 1t&ndpolnt of !\Illy pro- t.OO•y l• on11 that meela t h1 de- manda ol ~rvat1v1 "'°''' of thl• advanc!111 da y .. d qe. where all a.re ~lt.lnr lnvNtmanta U!at not only a r • lncrn&ns In Yalu• but wher• • perma.a•t 1neomt I• ... u~ Thi• nrm I• loca tl!d Ln Coata Mtu. •l 1110 Newport Blvd . Ph. W 8·11W)I . Mr. w..an. i....o-..vuy c.10Mly '•=~ t'led 1111.lh th!• area In r;rowtlr. and Th• people come lo th!1 man wH h conflden« for advice whtti they \ w tah • medturn lhrou,-1'1 wtuch t hey c ian d11po. ol 01 buy propar- l)' . ..._ I.hey !)av• Mel'I decidedly ; fLlr al aJl Um.. We •lah to l'-&p1Ln.1on, offer1n1 both lh• buy· recommend Mr. V.'ella, anl'I h1• 1n1 and "lllnr public lJ\I• b.ICh· •l.IJ'!. lo our r'Mdera \II lhl• bwl· 1at type eervlca. Al pr-nt th.la In-review. -Adv. Your Portrait fa nuh . I ha Vl,ll•f fn'day ts11 Cl!T r Drit·r , Pit R1J~)'. 1j10 IOIUl. Nnlll'. before vou h•".ii trouble tect ri1 w \ ~u hav11 worked T11, r.,g1011~l L'<".11lei ,1 .. 1" ,,, ~ -• d '4 J I •-lbl h 1 P•rlt A'·e : JU<ly S..nd.1. &Ji St I• the time le> pu:lt 1 r ood rel1able ar O,,.. ,. p<>aa ' t e I many p1111 t.. nf wlr.ok b/..-,,1 to J&mU', Dilrltl'l Mae •••m<I . .., 1-..~ ,.a ..,.. -""" i.. ln-LocLI re-dWlt.. ar• -• 1 h 1 I k , itKenL reprl!Mntln1t • well found--•• UJ'l.,.,._ n °"P' "• ev~~y wee a n l th\,. •doquate '-•..,.,tit, n.in,.valu· ' 391.h SL. all N11wJ)Qrt BeKh. we~ ed c6m ..... y to Mt up yoor ln -C'Ome to lh• Re<'I C'•O» Blr.n.l·1••rv1c, c"n only b• continue•! ti:;. ..-· t•-o< ~ -> a.mon• ev ~r 8011 H1fh 8fk--' a-.. ,u,--,, ••-•· -, .,,., wo ~. • ..,., ,..,,,. r . ....-·Y· ... ,,ec mobll1, l'rlday, M•rr h 2 which ha v1na; .vo lunt~··r ,i.,nru• (''"'' to '""" "" ,.., "o:o.wo. ,,.. " , ..... wlll bo a.t Junior College ttudent.1 to v1alt l omm~.·n.d to~ any IUld 'a.11 your thl• by • eall to U 1·1612. They the A men~an Le1 1on tt.e fll'f)<lmoblie wh~n 11 " 1n will ..i.o l.dTtaoe you on a. 1..Ue aEA Hall, 16th •nd Bay S t~, rrom flur •re• lhe llnlver111,y ot Redl1nd• F'eb needa l11clud!n1 Ute a.nd Mort· l~c• p n>(T&m. Wi NCOm-17f.1 l!lupowior A..nue SO:at &. cc.. BlYd. BALTZ MORTUARIES-' CIUPICL Irr T1ll: 008T A. KZllA CHAPllL Oo'\or, ahoul<I ··~tl Ha i b<" 186~ r 1 1 1 h Id R ... .._. ......,....,.. .. __. ._._. from Tho Koyette Photo Shop 290A E. eoa.t Hwy, toppoorite Port 'nlt&l.r'll) H arb6r S 1 Sii ft....-P•rlr.lnr •. ,. T p. m. I 18. for the ann u•I Un1..-,r1Jty Day 11:•.i:e ' lnaur'anca 'I• Howard W . mond thorn ,. :'t:' -·d all for ""---w.-C&Jtt. ~-d-' u--. ~"" u r v t l!ll ' on th1i e<tlanda Gerrl1h. a t 1806 Newport Bl'l'd., any t-.in.rw:• pn:i lem. -Adv. PbQn9 Llbwt7 t-IU1 Pbon• u-.-..r tJ By dona.Una a plnl nt bl•Xl<t tt\r i n A:P~P":•:n;•m:•~nl~·-----.i-';•~mi_p~u;•;·.itiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ii-ii!iiilit-iiil~iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilim~iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii:ii~iiiiiiiiiiii:::;:;~~=;;-~~-~~~~==-·.' 'IL...-:;:;ii;iii:iii:iii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I . . ' ' -' .. . , •• '. SNIP ' • . I SllTCH .. ..... 209 ~•lne Ave. 10:00 -5:30 .Houn • F·IN·AL .. ·" "l . . - .. 39c 59c 79c. 29c ' yard yard yard y.nl \ ' Yalu11 Values Values v~ ' to to to to ·---' . 79c $1.29 $139 $1.71 ' ' . ' .. 9& •169 •2•• • ywd yard yard Clol•O• Dr1t1..-, • FAIRIC ,. - Values Values Values so~~ .• 110· to ' ~ to $2.49 $3.49 $5.98 Qoa»t7 l' ......... llllW1ULOU8 PRICDll 209 Marine .AYe •. Snip ·;;, ·S tl.tc h Balboa . Island N11rr;, OUR CORONA DJl:L llAB SHOP 18 OPEN roa •IJllDID8 "8.(JSUAL .um WJLL.QJll'IDIUI: TO lllM)PICN WllB .ova 9lllCDAllD RJGR QUAUl'l' Lll'llll .&r oua lllDODIAB LOW' l'lllCll!l ' I • I • r .... l'rlc• $2. ,. .. , •