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1956-03-02 - Newport Harbor News Press
------.......... ,..,J; •• TWEEDLE DEE PRIMPS FOR DOG SHOW }.!rs. h: S. l-'1f't in ghuff . :?l()t) ~f·rran o A\".-. prt>pan·-. ·r\\"•···,11·· 0f'P. Ar\'· rr-g1i;lt•rf'd 'Y o rk!-i h1 r1· lf·rr 1•·r . fo r his n•·:-.1 ~11··1 •1:1 l1y 11,,1\" alt!. l~1 ·1· .. r !•; 1{1111·ra 1..:.·1111•·l 1'l 11b, S:1nla ,\f,1n11·a liy r 11 Jl 1ng up 111!'.I prut•·«t 111 ~ 11 ·lii ~k• r s v.i!l1 l'fll''''' 1•10 , 11rls ·rtii. .. v.·11 1 b" (he Ht.·cund :.1 .... ·e1al ty ,.,h1,w thL· y .,r k ~h 1 r ·· 'I'• r · ,, 1 1 'Ju li ul 1\111,.1 1 •• 1 !1.~ . .,, •·v~1· li•lr!. :i.1 1 .... l·'1t·t 11 1i..:lt,.JI :,1,,,. ,,1111!-. ('r .• 11 1· 1 ',. 1:. ) '"'' Ji··· .'i I ft• 111.1111• ' h :t 111 l'i"ll I' f11 f1 ,d LI Jl l 1·1 >111pan 11'1 I ,, l!••'•I ,...:.l ll f~··11 1·1:"'"'1•• 'l\\'r••1 J[,, 1 ' ' I 1 ~I ~ ' I· I ,, I • .j • .. I ,.t,1•" 1 o•i f lt'! '.\ 1 r 11,._, ,, : >11!• r .11 r ! 1 1.11• ,\\ " by \.\"l ll!I HIJ.: ~ • ,1 I a 11•1 "Ii'' •>111 1il•·t" li•·r '" I ' 'I" I t i 11.l ,, , ) UNIQUE CAFE BURGLED FOR TUNA, JUICE, Mf.1~ T ,., '" " " I• 11 ·I' " ,.,,., .. 1 tll •I ,., ' I 1->' "I• ' " .. ··•·I . •1 •• ,,,, \ ....... , ... ,,, •• : ! '''"'·· ,. ' I ~1 • , \.,,• fl "'" I""~" tt,,. I " . ..... ! II " '' n "'Lo··· ,, ·-·· I " ti'"" ' " 111•' ;. ' ' " ,,. '" " ' '" Red Cross Opens Harbor Drive; Workers Told Plan '!'"" 1h11 n l'HI Jt,u ·bo)r •rf'il "''" " ti ... ,.,ucn l\•"1 '·, "°'" enttu.1>"11 "'1.' ,. .. 1 ~··.,\ .. r<l11 y 111 .. n ung for Ln•;ik . ', t "' \h f' Ir'""' c .. l.,r t~ou n try 1·1ub tu ',Par 1 n~p111tl•onn! l•lk• HARBOR WEATHER "!'"""'!!: l lll·l~ •h ,, n 1, 1:0"1 u1~' ~'"" ,, s ~; 1 .... "l!f;hU) 111gher lh1tn last )""r a1d 1 th" 11p1n t or v.·..,..k·~ >1 l tl1• hro-·k- r .. •t l""nt~d !" !"' lo"n ,,f lhr 1lrtVC' T"n\~r11 111rf'• thlj f 1,.1 : .. 01 ill' ... "' l'Bllll di<'.• Sun-lllJ', ·"""dll • T •i•'.Uill ) . ' " .,, '-' "' /-1t·11r1;.;!1 11 II • 1r y ,,, k· Vet CompJaints on Hou sin g to I Get Ju.ry Probe I "I• '' I" n ""' '. '" " " ,, ' J I Jr)' '"' 11 .. , '""'' "" l ,,.,: t)Ul " I: .d I l I ""'' ,, ,, ,, 1, I' ~ •. t .. '' '" ... "' :t .. 'I •' " \• t h!lt 1.n1,.11 uy ''"Pl'3"'·111 u • .... '"I •Ill"" "rl'IO ll1?10 I 1"1 • 111 Ill" h " F ' ! ~I' •• "' '. I h •• '·l q I ,., ' I• 1·11111 ,, .. " 11 1. ,, •11 • , .. ,, ~ I'' ,• .,, ""' '"T •· !I ! ' It h " I •' ' " I ,:, , , Ch;orJ,.11 J.'untiu~ '''~"' <l<ll inen \\·e,ln,.,.day Fe r, :!I• 611 1 ~ I Thurll<h<y .llE1 n h ;,\1 11 •\ti •d 1 I '''"'" "'r1 nr !he n1r,..t1nt "''hHh "'II "'i F 1 \\ 1,,,,,1 .,1,1,, 11.,.,,1 '" . " " '''" 1h11r 1;t or ~1 r11. i-; ... 1 ... ·,, 1;, .. 1,nt r. !l'".I". ''"h "2 :'.Iii ,.,,,,,,, " '.1,, 1,.. T" <J. '"". "'"ho P:<pla!nf:t! pnln l" l!I : ,.. LILI"' I 1.1 u1L~ .. , ..... ~k·•I IL• .... 1 Int. •I• 11 r •tg n To t he "'""rk•·T.• .,11., will ll n•! ht <'ll•"I I t!" ,,ni:1n or t11.-." •1··11 11 ""''11'""' "" ,.,.111,. 1!1 ma ke lht. rllro·ct ,.,.,HR• T pholant hr'"l•L• "·' nH·>tn 1n ~ "!ti\•· ------------------ Olh'ni al the h.-.11•1 111r11,. 1n•·IU 1I· fell"w n1a n "· j <'<I 1'11tyor Don1 ll d! .. \I r .•. A L.-1 IJl'\111!u1o; ~Q•!ir n r 111.• ""'"" ,,. BRAZEN P1nkLPy, MrlO. H. 1'1. ,\tln11n, ~11.'. CO'!l\ •'lq•('tl{'llt <'.• "·ith Ht•! 1 1,,_,,, BANDIT BEER F on llu11. A . L. H1:111 h•·rl.!. H A Her· -v.·ork ~l r. ~l·""'Rr! wenL b1u·k "!l" BAGS Bl /ling er, 1'-lrs. L11uru l \'.11rrn l.11.rry In.• ,,.,,,.1,,, I 1 1 E.,.,·en, \\"11li11 111 L-<l••r ""'' lhP ,, • .-arr,.., 111 " '"1'"" th•· .,.,.,,,,.1 "''r lo l "'""r f••r :•n '" ltev. Jenica Sl··..,•a ·1 . ..,•11 .... ,.,,. lt1<' ~1 11, .. 1, .. 11,11 '""~.~a~·· .,,1 ~,.,,1,, r a ddrf'M OC the Jl1t fll!r1t,:. Hl1 ,.j t h•• )"''fdO' d"<!i<Hl<'•I \•• ll• I Speaking of run•I i11 11·,.~ ~Ir 11·· .. -~ \\<•rk Stew•rt aaid th .. re .,,,. 1c •"'"'" r E..,•·n c11.<'h~1 1111J1n Qf th<' ~l i;l.t · pla!nle that the re l~ no un1flo:d , bui .ir .. ·f! •I•~• l•i~· •l th,•I 0.,, ~"I ttrlve lo cover nf't";lll for 11ll 1111:t>n-J icit1n111 Cllplain ~l r1< v 11-1,.,, H••!I•' r1e1 a nd hfl ha<J hell.rd l!Ujl'Bllons 1 ru...t>t ~l rlll\, hB<.J ,.~"·r rt'ol ""' 11.11 that the r ovemmc"t l•k" over lhc bor Bl, .. !. bu.~o,,es~ di ~t•ic·I v•·•t"• problem o f ralAJng MUr h funds a nd I day in r t'ront 11111p 1urr11n1o: ;11 f l l l then allot. thf'm "" nef'detl Th111, he lo h0'11.dqu11 rtcr~ 1n °,,nly" tOuf'lo .. 1 aa1d. 1<.•ould underoun" rh,, "'·ho!,. hours 11lnP 1•hlla.oU1rup1u l'~'c'l'·•I .. 1 i.:1••1n(; __ _ ,, ,, '" 1,, .• ,,., .. .,,,., ., ' ., .• 1 .. , a 1 t o,,. "'" "' 1~; .'la1111" ,,,, :111<1 ""lkr •! "\It "'1111 I 11" ',, ·• • , lt•l·<I ~/.; t,..: · 11'"'1 .. r 1 ... ,., '"1"•1 L .. r 1u .. :-;, ull 1 .. th•' W...<<H •1 1t1 ~ IP lJi" "" '"''. \\ •Ill·•'" l••lh .. ''" "'"1'1.,.,,.,.,,f 1h r ..... re " '""" t .. 1111.:1n1-; "lollnd thuu~hl nu tl•lllJ.: ,.f 1t. ln!l l 'h,• H• I J .1111. \L1 \"n l I •<>I ·' JI ill ~, f .. t "h .1 t j, .• l·0<lll!l ll" .111.t l·"·J\11.1• I h,. k 10 \., o•I I hr' .11. l.1 It I I " , I 11 I I•· 1:. t I I• 1' J:• 1 I 111 · T I IJ I I l' ii . ·--- Nl!WPOl2T HARBOR x ·ews PRSSS . .. • 49th YEAR-NU1'fBER 1 NEWPOR'l' BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MARCii 2. 1906 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS GOLDEN FLOWERS AT ISLAND P.O. KEYNOTE ANNIVERSARY ;rie planter boll In fro nt ot the Balboa llliand Poat O ftie• received lla apnlli" rac,..11 r'1n1 ~cently and ta nllw bLC10m1ng "''l!h yelluw ,.,.,1.,., tu LI., ln .,.,.Ith the Goldr·n Anni\•('n><iry )'<'&r f{Jr N rwport &1,.·h Army leases Fair '\'a lt~r F \\'r.i;:ht, 3Ul"'nnl<'ndll!l'll n! n:tt•!s 11 l the "'"'" I'"~! .,,r,.-., 11n•I M o.• \\"ro1:ht ••I lhfl li11 lb<.,.. IJOla n-J al&f( ~r--nt ·811tunh1y l\f\•'r n•"'" d1gii:1ng and "'l'l:ontu>g th11 DO". "''""n ur1~ou •ll v ..,.,.,. " 1:1rt frouo U1t bu~in"M n 1e n t1 1u! "'"'""n M•.• ,\\lldr t d • u!l"n •!no o r thll! ll!la.nd •Hall n11 ~ 1 ulunl rC'rf!d tu K"~r tll<' blQUn11 "'"a lere(l 11• her aha'" o f tn., Grounds Barracks WITNESSES COOL HEELS Grand Jury Hospital Probers Fail to Green Local JYS Will Play Today NHS Diamond 01\ Arst Battery of NIKE Troops Due in 2 Weeks Keep Appointments OP.A-"Ll~. •Ot.-:-.;!,,1 ><n•! ,.n ,111"''~"~ buth l"'·'I ~· <lr'!<f j;•· •'<"H.11 f'lll ~ni t I .\!t•ll"' ~JP /l•lllll llf !'""•I. ><n•1 ) Tt .•. !I" h•,,.pt!.<I ><dlll1!11.•lr'i1!•1I '" "Tii l At!t,\r<' \\dt:i!t.llL ~~Ll ~'•t A g1•·l'n ='-'"Wfl(ll l 11.a rtxir J•1 nlo1 ••Lr. 1 v .. ,Mly 1.,. .... tia ll 1f'l m Which 111 !n ~!Id n l,.<'L I'"'K Jl•·ll< h Jllrrla n 11 1.1:11 1 'i""' .<\<!H1<1I a· 1 rn1 tr"1.oy in 11• fu •I Advance c lem ents of the '1 7th Antiaircraft A rtillery Brigade, noy,· ~t 1-'t. ~l ac A rthu r , tod;1y \l,'t'I"•· 11ri:pa.ring t he SI\(' at the Orant;t.: l 't.iunty r~a irg rt•unJ~ !ui· \lrlllll l O occu r~· barra c ks leased, 1.ffect 1v1• yestf'rday. tro111 !h t· f<tl r board "r dlrf'f'tora. S nn1t :l•t{I tri;>0pt1 "''1lJ 1111.lC: n•i :'\'JXE 11 ••• ,~il,.5 11.•tll !><t l r111n with NI.KE n1 ~1h1 inatallu.· r1n-rt !n un u i .. ~"'. The ll!MI! • '· iJ••i'l '«I t•"I"' "'" 11-1<"1 ~ "'na t t" :-;,.,, F ·,,11•1 ..,,, '" 11, .. ,-· 11~n· ,,,,,.~t•11~·, .. n· 1 .. 11.,..,111 ~ in ·· l •r "I•'" l'''•t·l•«illl• ""'I ... 1 !ll llU.rP .. r al •ru bo·t.~ "' lh• 1•·,.l•'l"I l '1e 11 .. ~:·11 "1 t., lto .. ::;1 .. tr B ur .. au ,·,,1 n m 1\le " n l 111 .. jp .on\l JUI\ tr•1••! H"~J'l\"!• 11 .... p .. 1 a rr<••nlnlt n t I Th,. Du n·11.u "' n•··i 11 .. 1, ,,. r1. .. A rHr•-•n R u,.n11. f'11 r1< '>'tllV "'~""•\' .. 111.11 , u1lu•l••l ,. ' .. ~ '""· I, 1 .. 111 " ~ • I ~" """ Su l\1,11 n 1 u ' '""' ;o, I I ""I r-< 1 • • ,., I• I>• 'I''' ~I ·• '"'' r ""ll)UI ''" " ,.,. f'I• r 1!<1\h ,,f B 11,.11.1 I '"' •Ill '"••:. ... , .. , •••\ bul tt,1" ""'''""••I· T I I IP• ,,.,u, .. 11,~" ~h·•r !I} ar t• r It "'"' ,,.l"'"''d 1.,1~• it.,• r1°1:h i.;,,,..,,~r. a n•I Su!ll"'" ••••!·I 1 '' 11111;" (",,unty •;f'n"r"I f( --1·1111! tt1r •Ill)' t)l <'\ •'~I • ~Ui'j ·"''• '" '"'"'! r .. 11,•r\' .. t"" ... "' ! 111 "l'"ll" .. t F nil t/rol \•·•\"l.j,., .. n.i ltk,.d w hlll the} """ vi.• .., "·' " N ,...,·port !le ft• h <'!l tH 11.t u r· ' ' ,,. "'' ... , . '' .... •'' n., \ .. n1111 .. • .,,. .• .,. "'' • .. ,1 H p11 ,.1 1- Mesa Youths' Assault Ready Trial for Jury '" ~RW Ill '\".,,. ":-.<1 u!a A u .. 01111 .. in •ille '' ! ~t .· ~· • ,., "··l ut .. pr"' 11<,. I:,."• nf llU! se• . ..,n -... oil '"I.I "" 1111' ~"T\'I• t~ Of t hfe<' r 1t r /1 •·r ~ Jl!l<I !"'" ••I• ht r•. llC<..Onl•ng t .. • ""' n t hul k /\•n<1&!1 •1,! :-;n,.rp 11 lra nArer rr()m f'l~A · j, . .,., 1'1" J,H.,1f'n Anrl Roy f'011 ltn·' "' \ •. "' lh·"p!!th ... " ""~ '" t n• ··" ,,, r ... r • '" i.:r ~~\ 11 I' n r"tlPT HI&• ~Ill~ 111 ,,..1,111 r ih .. r l•1t .. ill 1i .. HllJ:""ll 1>n•t l'h1h p ~tM 1llnu.o; MESA SALES TAX PASSED ,,.1 ... , l~x ninn,.y lnln 1& 'rlp•l•t n111l1llng fun rt. c ·nunr 1Lm 1 n Rru<·~ \l;•r!1n 1111'1 A /, l '1n kll') •1•·• l1<rP.! t.,,111~· \\"ho·ri th,. '"""tY """"'"'t th,. .•>ti,., IMit 111r ""'"" T11<'llllay it ..,.11,. •lf'<l•INl tu 1•11!~ !h" !11.• !n1m .. 0·!lrttr. I \" ~rH I J1[l r 11q•t IO l\!').:lltlllle u·1th • 1t 1 .. , l,11 · r l1<•n~ p1rt11 J u , .. 'i1 "• • 11 tth •·vu111r f,.,r Brill" r,.,.,.. 0 1 .. r H K.•··''"' .J r w ill h11, .... ~. •r 11, .. b .. 1r11• "'· '""'"'"n•1•1l l'" th,.,;,,, Kr 1g11 •l•, •h• u.,.., .. 1,·1 fn••11 1 1• .. n r1 ;:'"'" 1r11 11• .... rl hi• .~ul !I\ )t"·'•"1 !our ,._,. 1o i: pt"lo:'•'" , .... · ·" LullJ.:!'r . ll h1 h1l bu1Ld1nga ~' u,\t "~ tmrr~rk~ ..,.,II .,·~ult Lil lr•r ·'""I'' M v1n i.; I The 1 ........ Ill for rt•·e •11untha ... .,th to b<>•1u ... Ill !I·· '1 ... 11. prObllhll 1700 P"r n1onth tilt rental. ulicn ~ f\.:lol t•' t .. htHI,... (h"•ll l Ha lph P Muk.,) bo •1111J 111.,m b··1· u l\Jl~ th., l'r' J·-, .. 111 1•l•·t •<l lof !hr :!2nd Ar;:n .ulturul lJ1,.\1 lol A<l\1111 ,-.:lh~ "'l'l·)·ll""'•l 14 r-- l lt•l"'"'"l the ·"'<'Wl>-i'l"I<·' t h .. l»•llr•l 0 111,; '"l"l'l"'I •1' lo••• !'""L ~'. I v .. l.,•1 lu a llo"'" t h•· Ir~-~.-. pn .. .,·1•1111,; HJ111~ I'··~ '11 '" ,, IP.I H1'rl•'• lor · lhe lruup11 w1ln g •J\rrnrnent-bullt r .. 1,· llL< 1>!•1 !111•·,,1 ·~ lu!•\t!d l lll<J qt.,.r·tere for tne fl'"" uf ient lh~ ,.,.,. l'l••h"t' 1 11. 1"" "'"k.• lh <'•••by &l \'1ng l.Jl•P"Y~'"" t h.-.'"'"! ~t.~·• \\h it<> ·1,.-11 11,111t e ,,,.. f>f '"'n11lrut'Ulli" flew qu111 t,.rs T<lr "'''fl\.~ ,.,,. "''"<I ll•!-: ••II\ 1>1 ••hl••tn ~ lh" brliflld"'1' t r11 inl!l,I;' l]!ll" a t lli• ,,f 1111111 ,,·• ••••II •1.: ••I' tllr HI•·• SAAAl:i 1'1J.e. ,.,,.1 i.;•11 >1 o: '"' r.,1 •11·~• H "h~I .. ~;,.JI. Kyltef·~ r,1111 .._ ~pokf!~n,,.n fur Bl"•Y ,,. nl'""' 1 Newport Building Permits Hit $735,435 in February ' . ""'" A t•ll•l or l tl~ b1ul•l11 i.: fl''l n11!1 -...M l.\1>(1<'•1 by ll1f! ~·•'lllj~•I\ 1 ''' j.,l• ... '" '" " '. "' ! " ' ' • llra<..h bu11<!1n 11: 11,..p .. rt rn,.11! .hu 11111.!1· .t\\•·11111,; '" ! ''"" 1 ""' 1n i:; J.'•li• u"' v "1th t"ta l , 11lus ... f .. 11 .. n ul I ;1~, 1:;•, 11 ~hi.;1.! •h• 'l t'llM: \ ,,.,, I • I , 1 • S , u•" ,, 11•1: ••I,. \\• ,, . ~" • II ~-'• I•· '"' • r ·1 1 ~· ... , ' •~!II·~ Ll!LO!• r The fur !hr '" 1..,., I .'I ' I h•· ~·''"" I 1•, n11,1. "'"I•' I ~"""'1 Sr\'f'n!e<'ll . 1n1·lu•l1ng l•••n Or· ~"~" 1 ·,1u n1y !"'""·' ~··• ''' • rPr ••rt "'~ rn.o•le Lh t' tr •µ l•.I Al< ~·,ir, (' ·,~ into t h e ,.~111l y ILLll• •·I ~\ .. n l <'TCJI w here ~pr11w l ln~ F 1 1 I "''' 1.< cr 11.dll'd '' •fir •lll'"'ll hv J,,.,.,.,:.; Sul· 11\Rn JO!!I! ••l!ll.111\lflj.; h t~'fl'"j.;"·<flt "LI ~ 111"1 lorolll•'! 1n ''''"' Hr•oka..,· fn.111•1 H11••T h<:r •···t .. r l~ Ulll!i<'•I Ly \\ 1111<' II\ ll ~ )•Hi ii O)!\ il'H\'LJJ~ m<1nlh11 or lhi.'1 }""r. 51 1•1n l:!:l 1., t1n!y ~lJ R h th· 0 .. 1"" •11•·1!11 r P"r111ct \111l YP1'r """" S I I~•;',.-,,, -------\..,.,.~ r t'< o r•IP•J '•''"''I"' " '" I I ·"· I 111111 ~ 1'"•11 • n• ,, \ "I II JI I<' T< k " I lo,"~ ··1.:hl >i ).!!I~ '" s "''l J o hn •t. M rt ;nw.1r1 1··1• "- 1,.>1i11I coun&Plc/!" .. r l"'"wP•"I ll 11- t.•1r l·nllin H •i;h S <'!H,,d. 'lt ~ 11• • n>erl,lutJ!I. It .. ·ould 11 111"" tw• n I i.:1~1.i 1f w,. roul•l h,..,.,. IH•d ll•HlP' llt.I· t . .;t.U T t) .'HO\ t. r.-~:~1.'.:111\':. i.:.~::·~~ 1 ;1~ ..... ~~·:,~~~"1:: Bernard Quits ~;'.~~l•l~;:~t~~: .• :~1111~."~'·1~,:~:~:;~.t 1:f lMay 1 as Head S tuit .. ''"" ha.~ 1tol1n1lte.J bnl ..,llng "1111 S1illL\1<11 11 " •~ ~"l\"l!l,i: 1 ... ·n of Juveni"les """il h~ 111 .u11n1y J81I ""a balteiy j I ,,f ll\r WUll1tfl """ lhf )!l••J.:111 111 T h,• f H<'Uilv 1l1d" i.:rotJd Jul) 1n i::•·l· . .. .iu""'" I t 1J1 K !h" 11ro~ran1 11t·ro1111 Ill u,•. S A:".'T ·\ A:'\A IOl !"SI -On T llf' 11.or· 1 1 an ~1~·rt 11•111>1<tr·nn JJ!~n·· ·"'"11"·1•·•1• nl!1"r -'''111 h" na111~~ ll1f' ilr <'l!I ,,f th" 1•r11111t )' bn111d of i•utl•••! ,,111 ,,r i!1 ,1n~·· ~···•!Illy 1\1r· 11"'" !,,.,.,, lln k"'1 "' 11"' ,,~,,.~ "11"''''~·!1• .•Hl h!'1•z1n;: \h P •"1111· l'"Jt ll t ;:10 1< Ill 111Pl 1••t1"11 .. •1AI """1' "'' ''"1''"1 In 1"'" ~'I"' ly •••Ul1~0'l ii lld l"IS.,llll'"I fllr<'Clto! '' 1 1 111 1""1"'< "!1•'111\'•'l"•n ii:SUIJ l\!•n. ' 1r, ·h1 I' 111 s .. n.1 ... ·1• ,.., Lii ,,,"w c .. ,, .. ,111., l'> ''·""up 1t 111·w .. rd1narHe fn1 1,,..,,ll ,,,11 i; 11,. ,.,i,.,·1411"11 II\ an•I "'1""'i;, 1 11 ~ "'hr r l("•llil~ h<1 ll '"l'"flntr1l'lrn t th~ th•· •·new . ""'"Y i •·.••>v<" ''"" t1 .. r>' ..,1111 H1• lt,.,w l•fl ltl•llJ; S<"\,.tal '""!· t.l lf'n t ~"l>f'r 111\1•ndcn !. C ecil ,\I h.1t,.n1., H• '"•" I r"''l:"''•I Salfrank Probation '" n1nnth"' "l' 1,, I ho· H " , IAllll,.•l I P'fotl lT ~ ( 111" I• • '''""".'' .11 "ll•I • ''"'' t,u1I•!- '"' !u~. rn " ,,, .. n ,.,-01 ~'""" h11•f h.,11 1~ ~laJ··•-1; ... 11. ~;11 111 1111 1· ~1 111IK•l l. , "10111an1l1ni::: r;:c n.-1·11 1. F•,rt tJr•I an•I h o~ 111r11 .. !0!1111" t lrJO UJi:r L'o1.11l)' nnLookP!ll a nd 11 16·J}f'r~nn ~l'•UI' from S11n l:l.(rn11n l1nn l "r.unty !ln lh" IHl pAJ;,•"•l 1 .. ~t l"llr h)' •<>11· , ..,,.,.rMJ s"l1d • 1t1ztn.• h llv" 111lh<'d A ll 111,. •l,-.fl'n•lants ha\r !l•l11 11 t. 1 •,,11111 ro1~ t f'soi.:-n"l"•n ..,,11 tJ,.. ,.f . l><'h•ll<I the •IPf,.ndlln i 1!'d twu 1: '"' !lH• f1~!1 t '"rno: bul f•<TI'•' 1t!•n11! ~:O \" I fie h"~ he"n h>t \"" tl•1ll<'<l .•In k ing blow11. l•n 1 11 ,.1,c., o ! \IJAnJ.:t> t.'ounty" I'""'"!" "'l h nf ~1; I; ;1·.i " ... , ,. '""'"" "Y Tll" oi{•f,.n.~e hA A po1ntpd t h" '"'"'"I" lt.111 SllH •• F o•t. I, IH~I) fin~•·• "t ~lftrhn •~l of'I H ~n•lru·k.•. H•·rnur d s "'''"I a.• h".I'~· 1•n11nAtll•11 1;. l'a nla Ana. as Ille v11e w hu !011 ',,.. }.•'ii• I'''"' In t11k1ni.: u\'f'r ··~~a 1 1ll1·d Bruka..,·. ·~~"I" 11n\>'nt11•n1 ~r· ~~ Tll•' , r11x ,,f t ll" ""' I~ lo IS I; .1 ..... ,,,.,\ 1nay •'t1l•~t Pl>: h i \ ""! L• 111"11 Rj.:-" fl<'nd1,.k.• rook lh" s raur1 \f)t.!11y l:"'""'d .• <1111tt1111: ,,r hi11 pQ~t r"r " 111 111\-'4~ '4 l'tOI&!'< Lll!Ofl lf'l•lllt .. 1 W!(UP .• ,.. "'~' H!Hl••lll1••"1 to~· 1'11•'1•1 ll ,\$0· .i .. 1, 1"h1~l lioJ\\'"''''"· a n -I d•n i.·•t \IL,. >1l io';:;,-1,\l1llil11 "~··•Hin·•· ~"''"111 1'\" r•f Iii<' l llo iHoi•·~ •IX ln .,!1111' ""\"•' ~<·11 •••• ll••IL !r ~ 11 ;:•• ' ·,,, 1111 ~ l '1••IJ11Tl••ll ! 0<n 111n11 llrlol 7 •, \<'~I~ in 11 1•• 1•'11<1_1' t•••I'\'• "' \\"h 1I •,. '"' "" " llH• !I ~ tot I"" 111 •• l<H\\ ""'"""I\ I Tll" f'"''''ll•'!ll k ·' .t I .f ('"',,I""'' 11"~ ·'!.:·''"~' 11,.. !"·I d•••'••l··1•, ·"""' 1111 <ll<'tl i!p 1,, ~·i \•!I I~ ,,f ">:"l l!ll: "JI 1 11•• ent .. ,1 ri;: .,.1 "" _,,,,,.,. ''' 111•'1 "''''~·." '"" dr1'f\ ... 111 .. IH!lr " SI'\\"''"!" n lll ' I 1'11111 '•llT T iii·.\ h-' t:\\ I 11'1 y •1111 y ~1 '"1•'h "i'l<"H•I ••! t I"''" I Th" IPB.•I T1J 1H• !ilf'V <'I ll ~p••nol 'r. "' t1v" dl!I \ I "'' ''at· 1"!11· 1ull<1Ull1 pf l illl<' I•• Ii" !1'W 111 ,,. !;••r•· ... •l"P""'I.• ,,,, Ill .. lf'!lKlh ,,r 1 11,t 1v~ ~"r1·u·,.. th,. ,;1-r 11 11•r 111" 11<'11\"<'. lhr I•·.~.• l hP rf'.!11'r\"f' n ... h"~" \"1-~\1 ' .. n~•slo•d ,,f !hr jfll"r"l 8 ,.,ir1,·,,~s. ,, 1 .. 111 ,,r 1111•· 11 n<I n111<'h1nf' l:'Un rnnii•·" h11 rr11• I<' I n.~!"''!'"" "'"'h"•'-.. i i.:r,..i1n>; tr""'' " ·, ,,,, '" t ••· r .. 1.1 , ···" • '"' Ol 1 ... -,k RI r•ll~~ .. 111 .-.~··r, •~Ill!.; ""I ft ''''" ··1h1~ J,• ~"'" 11 1"!"' ("1\!!1111\ ;:ro•1q • al <• h U>o t1 \\t1h Cn•nf'Hll \. l > ?fl!tl l11f H•·i. Grimes Booked on Forgery Rap 1'"11 ,. h<>"k•"I II II , 1 r l•ll1 <•I '"•l•i• Iii• l"I ~•'I I )tH !'<•' ''"' '•' ,i,, - ,., 'T ,. . ' H 0·11d1"~" ~,.,.i Ii" "f.,,,k " r .. r K' "' 1, l I lie I ''I'' 11 ><,! 1""'11 '"llo·•! 11, .. •1101 "" kn•·\\ .~II nr 1),,.. \I r . f .. n•l •nts : .. 1.i d 1·ln t ,,.,. s 1• i.:••I In ;u1r ,f t•u• 11;:1>11111: 11. • .. 1111111 r'<I """'I:'"')~·" l"•rt 1<•!1 n! th<' Hl!•·1· <'4!iu ll ~••·h •• k~ •h'nlf'•I hr",1 ltll•! t ':or- pp11 \<'1 111 1•·1· 111,-. l!l<"l•lf'n l 1 ha! h••'•I k l• k· ! ll1 «k11 " He , 1.111• "" h" ~.,,,,. 1>11! 1 ·'"" J"ln• h• • 11ft ,..r· lti n ka"' II••''"',., t h~ ·l"f""~·· l'''"l'J> f'•! • ~1;;1·· t •!n!r 111r n t t•1-l!• '"ln i ks ·1 \\I 11 i, .. 1r la tf'•I h<' •hiln t ><r" I ·di ~ •I.•· ""' hi"", !·111 "!",111t.oh"lll • f\1 ~[ I I • 1 \i l"l "•,••l!!l ••"ll"•~l •l:i1 1tl Wn.• '"' ih•: "1t n•''" '"llr d '" lh" l<·l~I II ~ "'"I I o• \\It~ In I'll""'"''" 1,, I'. I i "''~ nl l1"' !)1<' oiA~' h" \o ' •I " :-.·' '' " " " " <··1 1, II\ .. .,. .. , '·' "' I., I .. .-~' If II" tll" I'"~~,":: "I " ! " ' I ' ,, ~t \11• \q \ "''" '" ,, .. ',,, I ' ' ' ' I .'"'"' ' ' I 'I ,,,,.,,. \\' \ ·, .,~ H ~h" '. '". 1 .. ' 1rr ... · •''I , " \ ... ~JI A '1 1 >' f O,J ·~-"t" H·· ' ,. "'I ~eek City Manager " "I nit'<• l•><•I , !"' .... d' I . " II ~· I":,;, ~ 1'!1•1 1111 y 1>11tolr ~ •l I '""I.: 1 ,., ''""11<''1•IHl l•lll 111"! ,T"i '~ I r..-1,, k. 11 1" -"''' ", •• """' I"'" 1 .. , ,1i •I' I ' I ' I\ ,. 111 I 1• 11 d 11 i-;11H r!lnk 1~ a e .. u,.t'd .,r ..,.,., k Jn g tho• L'• ~t " .\\• "'·' ii11.l.J1n.: .i,.p&o I· with Ro bi>1·t Touby \n Lhe holdup 01Pnt •IUIHl C tho• ruu11 \h n r F •·h· or th" Sttrtt Harbor <o<'k lJO>I 111~•.I' IQUn i;:,. o n 1111.rbor B lvd , S11n\>t I 1 hr 11111n!h shO"'""d 11 .J,..r r,.,1,., A n1t Thr d<'f~nd11nt i~ ,,, ru~t "d' nr gi; l'"r ,~, 111 n111•1 Lht' J .. nuHrV -------1 \.,IUM[I on fl""'l'lfl ~·ebr"UH I V "' For W k th" )' a r ,,,-\II~ ~ .\ I'"' r rnl hii:h•·r •• S l thHn ~··br11J11 V , 111;,,., >tn•I lhe l'iuudlv ;,nn .. un1·ul1: 1' b11b0\' dHL1J:hl r 1 li1e h1rth .lH .•t !..,.,., 111nn t11s .,f Y""r tn .i .• le \hi.' .. -,..el< I~ ;iJ•z r "' '•·11\ h<'l\•r !11~n TI Lll. '"' d •' ! "T : t! S! ·, i 1" U! Tiu ~r 1· $~ "" ! $' "' " ' ' I '"" f .... "''' '. '"' !'o·t111- ' .•<'• I U 1o• ,, I It I 1.1 ELKS HONOR HARBOR HIGH HOOP STAR AT FETE l !,.• I ,• It•• , " 1,,,,,, !, I I 11 ... I< •I•,.,,.._ j., .,, ' I ;;iry 1 '.1,,' ! 1 .. ;r ,•+•1 1, ~·••lll•I l !•IJ U lo II II. tt"•·1·1 1'0•.; J'L1<jlH' -tn1phy r 11 .. 1 ... ~~• .. f 1-:1 1-_ :--; .. f n11n I 7+ii. i-;xalt•·d i{u\er Al A l 1•1! r ',,a1·h Juh·!4 . , . ". , l~h · . -j .I! \ l -I! \ .. " r ' •f" j l " "\.\ "I .j ' •1 lo I r .. i.:, .11 11 tf:I I!! :\1 I l\,11 " •!•~'." .\f f!'( 1 .. 1·! 1. ... 1 111;.:ht -.-..t ar f l 'h••l" 1 ti11 1rman vf -•.·. ··- • • • ... PAGE :i . PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY. MARCH 2, 19~ TROJAN ALUMNI PLAN HARBOR MEETING 1.fark Roden, left , I..arry Sl('\'f'lls. f1•nnt'r 'l'r11y111 football hi'rO und f ;1•org-t· f\f !'IOr(', ln1·11J Trojan biKiSll·r. rnap f'lans f,,,. 1\prt! I:! l'Sl' alun1 ni di11n1·r llll'l'llng: at Nt·\•.'· 11o rt liarbor Yacht l"Ju b. SU•\·• ns l\'11! b(· n1a .. !er rof rerr•r.innlf·s y:ith Arnolrl t-:rldy, <1lurnn i execut1\'e J11T·o..:tor and l':a rl (' H<dt .. n. SJ"'\'l;d a~1stant to Prt:sid··ul Frt:d !.>. Fagg, guest s1~:tik•·rs s.,.t.·11. :'tt•\• ,, ... :11 .d ~l <H•f"t' art· dra!Ung r·l 11.ns fur liar· bor area TroJan L"lub Staff Pll rit" ·--.....uiiLa.. ---·- HALECREST HERITAGE !'\t·IY J_,1111('U»l•·r n1odt>I f<1ur-hedroon1 hutne abo\'(' v.·i ll U.· on d1i111!ay ;1l opl·u t11.1u:il:' Sunday ;it new !·!ale Co. f1(·1·f•lf\p!nPnt , Lincoln A ve . arid Wt'~ll'rn . But-1111 Park, •- , LAND SPLINTER FINALLY COSTS SALE FOR COUNTY $50 $90 I •I'· II• •r" ,;~ l t ,. IT:i\k•. i;"'"lllnl• I ~ ' 11111 .. .i "I' 1'l.·• lu}' t1l A 11 .r .. \11>1-ot th<:''''"''·' ' j '" I J~ I•' '' 'Uflt \ • ''''"'°'"' '"~k~ll lll• ·""!'"'''"""r• ~" "' f • I '' I!" l •I'• ~ ""t ""' · . ' ' " ' ,,• l ,,,.-., +• ~ H,,.,.1 1 .. 1 s•,,, "~ 1 .... ,,,. "f tl\l' ~'~'''""'~ \ '" I\ < !o-\' I• I"" I I !uol l; "'I•~•" ti•"•»•!•(., ,.,.,.r l lli,. ~"!ho l'"l"I''\ 11 ' ,,,,J • 1 ' "I""' t ~ •I I 11" · • !••I I ~ "1' to 1 .. 1 .. 1 .JUI •*·;. !! ~ t I 1!1 • " I.. , .. II l ll• 'l " II . "t '•f 1 .. n.1 l\n' I : • t 'hi' I I•• !.1n•l 1111•! lh .. ·1· ••I V.'o•lo IJ,, !'"'-·-'>' ll~l lr,llo 1•11111•' •\\"I,• rl•tl >:'""' t-"''""~~ [r\ ,i. 1 1,,.i • "11 11 I• · 1 •I ,.,,,i.,~111,, '''"lh•lllJ..;•'<I ! n r-n1 11n1~1 1"·11 I ' l \' I. •• -t· '' ~ ESTATES DEBUT SUNDAY First 1000 c hildren with parents Knight" armor suil8. Sixteen o ffered In new sutpivi.tiion_ will receive ··sil\•er home designs a~ von Ehrenberg Charter Head 1ot Mesa Rotary DEATH NOTICE #tr.:SKl' ti. !<o!MJTll l"un.,r11l ~en·1eot:"• t•J~ H<'nry H~r- n1;;11 Sln•l/1. 7!1 "' l!.<'llU Halb<.•r llhil (-.,~tu 'l•'•" "''II h. t .. 11 ~· ] I ' .,, l·.h1 ••P 1,. •, !Ill •·\~• I i "" " '~ 'I, , , ,,. , ,,,. r ll•I . .,, f'lr • i .. j~, Rf \I ~ '" II 1 ·~ni~-·~·II• I , " .'11 ,, .\!t1rt1111 1y <"h~l'"'I "'-'-"~~ \1 ,.·~ "'''' !cl' ~n• H.-, l •• t ~I·! ~<>l·I 1'-• 1o ·-• !•<: lit I• ly !•11111<:•\ Jt .. txrv Club. :.,1,, • ., 1,,111 11•1 \ "'"""'11 .. t) 1 ·r,,11 r ,n , , o 0 t;n~ 11~ "'"' , .. 1 •.• tio•1 r'"" d .. 1 .. r Mr ~11111 h "''"'' n, .. ,,h,, ~1 , " "lUl t • .,.,1 •I •111 •'•1 ·~ ,,,,," "ll .;• 1"•unt> '•''"I "· II -1 111! Jun.!'""" n • »111,.; .1 , i. ,1l·U"Jt-"u1 l\<1\111'}" l "btl, 1n .llHt1n1t. H ··~ .. ''11•"111 ' I l!.i "I\'!' '"" t:lll•lltlt'd 11111....... 11 ....... . , 111<\ll•• '-'t T •i k •·pt> Kllll IH" t ... •1 I li:•·nn•·th \\ •U•·r .• Ba11k WH!:i '"' "' ~ ''"" l"'r \t ar- ! \l:'d lll ("ahf••tnu1 ,,,r 6ft '"'"' 1 .. .-10 y .... r. In l'<.,.ta ,\lr11H II• " . .._, " r e1d <'~l"I• ~ .. J. ~"'"" .• .-Ul'\'l""'I hy IL!~ "'Ir" ~Ir ~ '" [\I I 11.in<'r onr 11,,, .. ,., , , it:., 1 1un :-lrlulh ••f lh,. l\ .. 1n .. " .j,.,..;hl•• ,,, Ail ,\,J,11, J 1<1nt'• ,\l.t·ll, J••k .\I n•. IJior u\hl' /\ A \l .. a "' ~;! :-; .. •w1e1t &tertam.•• v .... 1 ,.__ -lac' ... II.II U.-r II p .oo Jr. a 81'. HI· ....... IS.II Ahlt• ~ 19 A.11- . lo I P .11. CW8•D llON"D 4 1' ORT//.,,.'. CORONA DEL NAR ·NA•11W118l·, Now Showing "The Last Hunt" i.D (~lnf'n1a.~·11Pf' and ( ul"r ~l1trriui.:; 11.,1 .. ,rt ·r 11..' lor s1 .. 1,a.rt 1:rangrr -l 'IU!'I - l .ana T11 rnf"r· i II ---------------------------------,\\ 11, .. 1,,", c:l'IJ,11,, Hail·} !!:'"'"'" thn··· .;t.oJ•·hh.l,11,.1 .. ri HHl•"''' c· t'1 1n.;1 ... H \' J,,,1,1.J!""" g r.,l\I 1:r11n°!,hll'1r••1• ''Diane'' L DIG THAT CRAZY BASE! Co.untry Washburne to wi th Wes Vaughn Trio Play Here '1·1 I J •• · T· 1 I\•· "'' ' ... 1 '' or ' ' ' ' ~' "' .... ., ..... ' ' . ,, ~· ~ 1• I'" I • 1 IU l~-" H•••••t ,io A.•!i"' 1-'_,," '' ... ' "'' ,. " " ' I·)."· ... '" 11,. h«• k ,., I•· n l ('ht1•l••r ~l 'l111.-110.1h r·•I I• di' \\ ,111 \\ ··~ "" .;u1t11r <'o .. 1111•) ,,., ~U·•nk b11a11 11 n.i ·11 Ju•1v \\'t:ot n"V RI th~ n·•\'ll<'hor•l 1.... n "''°'"h"• • .. n.1 ll1r 1r ~"•'•\.~ •"'I''': -~'H'"' u11-h1-..i t•'"'J'" , ,,. lo ~11 11J1 Illy ' l.IH )KS liC>C)O -~Ir. and ~lffi. v.h1<'h they openr'<i r•·Ccntly at Gu ~ 17!19 ,\l1lrilk1s. ••Y•:i..:r~ "! 11t•1•i I ,.,;1 ,, ).f, .;i J{d,•·r v N l''>''port \-{lv•l , i·l1····k r-••Tll" !.!l""I ' .\1 1\r;,\,1,; '·' '' ~" . I • '" •-'·• <II•" 111 .. \\ ... ~'" "" ' "' ,\, \\"a •lil"l!nt p!U• 11 "pll l" ini; 1111teoi l!k" thNt'l ~r"' h>1tti. ot Tlln >IJHt Ill··~ k<:"V ''" l111i;trl'I rr1.1r1\ ~··lt 1r1.1: ,,,., !il 11r "''h"n ;'"" '"" "": "' thf! ,,, t"" ru11s1r f1eL1l ,,., I' l•>n..: " lr·ft ('onstA.nt111npl·· a,; I\ y11u1h ln com•· 1,. I '1 1tl• d :-:t.'ll• ~ ,, ' 'l!I" •. •fl ' l••',1 \\ ••hb•ll H .. Orange County Savings w Bonds Sales Stay Up Mitrakis Drawn to States by 'Gold in Streets' Tale " I : Tire , Wheel Theft Rash Breaks 3 Men Report Losses Out as r Iran ;:'" C<.unty 0111lc~ nr s~, or• •: 1tn>I ll U•>n<h la.~L rn onth ,.,,,, 111~ v1•1 .. n ,,r J,:"l•I 1n U"lr •It""'' " Jr•f1'· 11<r J1o 11•"1 •:u.~ '.1.I Llr"h 1 ;<•'.• ~,'"'I' 1 • J'.t\ol "L oll • '! • • ' -< ••'llLlJl"ll • • •! I !J"l I•"' '• •' t 111<1~·I l he lrt1 11! ··-~l1thl1.~hcd 1 ..... I"' .!H• ,. I· t t1111 1 Ill t ... "'" ' \l••fl }\ak"!I' Ml 1n .. Lll !ll!'I ,, • . '~"' "'n"n 11 11 r~""''I~ ""'-''" 1;111 :1111 :,···'I""' l!l•"I h1 .. 1<cn. It y,·a~ rf"rortc•I tV<la v ti; Jt "'"·" th .. 1tL•t st.,rv .. r ,-n· t "' Harry L .. Han11nn. vol un\~r c..,u n · I L" b•· I"' ~~·I I•!• 111 t f (! .... 1,,.,.l , ly hnnrl r hAlnllllll I An1••11•" !1 1.d • .111••·•! h11u t.. •V• 0111 Ill• 111"1" 1 1!\ 1",.n ,1.1111,11••1 I• J :iuu .. oy •1t lf".• or $~1 ~620 com- 1 nnJ run JIY,HI I v 1h.-1·11.t,.·t P"r" woth JHnul\rV 19~:"> Bt.l~.!i nr s1 11 i.,,., ~lo l i.tk i~ 1 ,.lut~~ 111 ;-.;." l :">t :">,12:'1 and ('0111tr1bu1 f'd 86 p ... r Yu rk 11•· .:••l "J"1' r"' ".i.,11 .. 1 .. ·~nt t .. "'111•1 th<! l"unty·9 i 6 J nu!-.i,,, 11,..1 1,, l 11 111 ••"Id~ a .1,, hun 19:>6 >:""I •rnr r;1 t:ir. onol f"llnl I! hH"1 Quu11n1t" ··e110rt rron1 lht' Tr"" 11,. "!'!'~·'"" t11 ~ 10 ,,.,,,.,,Id "I' • .,,.,, i f•·1"11\1n1·nt. Han.•on ~l111 ••1 rwtll " "" ... n.11 "·'~ 1~r1 1111,.1 l•• !hilt Southl"rn !'Rlifo rn111. 111.!iu h11rl h ... 1 I'" •I h o~ '"""l I• 11 ! • 1·~nrd y<'11r tn 19~:">. "''llh F.I /\f!··• ,.t.,.,1 " 1.·.,11 o.r II'"! n 1' ""ti H Mt1.le11 nr $Z16,1140,&J2 1 r~l1t!o\'•·M '~"1 h1rn 111nn •·r ""'' WAR FILM DUE AT LIDO The Aetlle la l11ken rrom lh<' ptrture d'ptcting one ~·f th·· •ln1n1:-""'t 1to.rie11 that h.11.11 tome out nf \hf' w1ir. "T h<' ~ho n I\ h·• Nt\'l!f \A.'1111," flln1 At.Ar r!ng Clirtnn \\"~hh nnol !:11'11.< •o111h >1 1" I t v.·111 81.llrt AhO"'''lllii" at lhe Li•IO Tht•1111·~ nrx l \\"1 .. ln··~·I''' .,1,,,,i-; ""IU., ''T"-lUI-" LAo!~·" \\'Ith C\Aultett" C'nlU.•11:. Hearing on Appeal of Ebell Club S•t A public he11r1nll ""'" ll<'l ~\nn day ril1ht by r1ty 1'fH1n1·11 fo r 1 March 12 al ""h lch llJ'l<' p rnpo ,..1,. by E bel! Club thal thl.' r lt_y hu1· two Jo i.A for pll rk lnj!; pUrJl<•flt".< "'Ill be dt•eu ..... fld. Thf' .. 1ub w1~hl.'• I th• cHy to buy l..111• 12 "nd 1'.l whtc h bav111 a llfly •nU a!n•el ,., . <M• DurlnK eummer n1nnth~ th,... cl ub \f'tte r t o the t·nunr •l ~1 11 1 ... 1. l h• lot'• ccruld ti... 11.,,.<1 rur r11t,1 .. • parkln11 and hbr•rv pl l rnn11 Rf'L'Mln fo r thc .-1ub Jt11k1n~ !t1" f lty buy th~ lnl., 111 l hRl th• "'" J"'rn1lt gran!rol b\" th~ i'lunn111 , nm mu'""'" rnr a 111·w 'ln hh•"I'" <'f>nt.-in• 11 ,..,n,11t1un 1hMI t 11" 'lull pr1l\'1<lt! '"'" lut11 fu r .. 11 "t'"t"' p t1ok1ni;: If f•H"•'d 1,, t.111 I 1., 1 l• , lub run·I~ 11 v111l11hlr f,,, lh•· 11~" ••l1fl<<! "'"lll•t I>-' 11np11 11 ~.i .,,., lvu,.ly, lh• l~ll ~r 'INIJll! •lo Sundey Dinners - 1 ~11>1 .1 V I" k"t l ' '" t \j, \ ill 'I 1·, " d.1, 1•1 T 1.,••I II IJ,~ HI 11 1,•·•·· ril I ol A n11 n"r 1>o•h t •1rll.~ tll ·•~•' ''"I of I on • "11•1 "·h,.f"l I pa.rk!n)I: lot. TI1e lt,,,ms 11o ;-;.v.·i~·•I H•·IH'h ""Orth $80, he toltl po!lrr I ' • I '" '' 1o1, I " ,,,,,1.11. ·" 1111 "' •\ ' • •• I•' II /'r-... Id " '""'. . •1.-I' I ' .. •"I n '" " Ill " ' .. ' •l•••ttd11i;: l•• t"T"Hl.~ '1ol '"·' ,.\•J, ,,,,. I ~" r\ l ,u"''""'." \\ho•"\. !••11>l11 n N. ' ,, ' " ,, th· .-At 11 ~II·!•• \'-hi!• h" V.lt~ R\'o•ll•l ll>: 11 sh<1W 111 11 i··u.: !ho> !'o>r\ Th<'nlro>, ho·l '*''l"•'ll 8 I~ " . ---1 McGrath H.aring Set for March 20 S ANTA A:">A, H11 ruld T. M1.:Cr11Lh, J~. of 8·l 01 "'I I .1 ·I "'I ' •II . .,,,1 I l :in f' l!I. J__,-,,,,. .... ~ .. -$ll ~,!l w. 0c .... n F rqnt, N"Wf'Ol"l Btll<:h, ho'" to /'11r 1>v.111•r l 'h1lop r· l 'ri1'Hf, rl"llf\f!d l(\Jd\V to f<1rj,:LOK ll $2:'i ~ld1 .. ~1 .• '"" h •~ ••I'll l1Hl<•·r 1· f01r !r.1tnl•n 1;n 11·P, l••~t h1~ frnnt "'h•.,•l l <'hl'r k whcn hc Willi arrlllgncd be· ,10 .I •·••• lu • ..;111 ~'"'"1"''' •111.i •1h1lo• h1• \111~ li\!••nrl11 .: th .. l.l·l" rn r f" Super1ur Ju•lg'l Keiinelh Ii: 1t ..• llO•Jl' !1.1.• ~""ii in -"'\'<'I ol 1"ho•11 l ro· IJ•'l""''ll !'. Rl\ol ll .\~J 11 11\.1 '-turtl!Ull TUi:!l'dll)'. " /,.' ' • 1!• 1 • 1 "''·-~ In ~1 ' :,·~· JI" ~111 '1 lh'-' whtl"I 1111•1 t ire wrre I P.tc(lnt.lh . fr-on baJl, 11J1kcd for I'\>' nn t I I. f'!• •!•1 ~T r \h'1" "urth $r,u 11 probau~.n h••Rnng Judlo(I" P.t vrrl- 1 ' 'i ' I 1 11 \-\!"• H··•h fr"r' wh,.~I.• Hrl•I l 1n•.• "'"r<' ~Pn ·"'l h<'llrllll( 11nol ~<!lll<'lh'ln~ 1., '11"''•·1 'I II\ 11 ''" !~k ·n l i•dlL •ll r Hf 1111•11 \\'111!'1 1\ rc1r ~1Mt<.'.h 20 rt , l 11 ,• , • I ": '"I ~· O''\ I"'' ''' t"·~""' ' ot>ll.11!11~l 1.1 flh··rt1'1 n.'h A1111holln • ••k 111 t h" 'J'hP lxiJ(UH cheek \1'115 _pu~c-.1 In ('llo•I;. Inn 4Jh .,rt11•n~i. ~Rl'1 l n .. 1 1..e VaLley'.11 3-l arkel, ~c wport 1111 11.1 Wll.ll pnrkctl in 1h~ e •nployc•· lll'acb. ,_ Lathrop Due Home with Byrd in April I •·1111 •, •111 "''"'I'·'° r·.~t 11 \J , 1 '" .. 1. 111 I\' ' " .. ~ 1n .1ni.: ,., ' ' d '1., \ ~ '" •II ii II t ' I" \\'11 ~: ~~ ~~::::':':LO:·:':'::"::":o:':':":"::':'":::';'~··~':rr~·~·R~~·~·~·;·~·~o~>~·~o~,~-~L~\;'~~~~ •· "11'''' ".11, .,, ·d ip·• 111r<r11{1 I ·,-,,." ,,,,.,.,,.,.,, 11nttl !Ii 1r r"q1u'"I lo\ I I I ' ' 'I+. '' '"''Ill, h 1 • I ~ t ' " ,~ '''" \ I l·r ,1 ~" d " I I 11 ro "'·' ~\ , ..... J .. ~h l•f1• k Ill 11 ,~ to· I(,, 1 ,, ,.,, I \l1 IJ'1fl1, I• l1t I \I""~ 1"1'"11" ••·I H 1, l•·i l""l" '.ill I I 1J11• IH"t I 1 , 11 '" '-•" ;,..,.l.1nil t. 1!111 ;: .. 1 h•~ f•lun!I t .. ro -t11~u 1,,·11 1:1·1>1 • llr1·1 Thr l .~ttl!"I'< .• 11: t,.• I• 1111o !•'o\ 11 '. \,.1 1 lw .~lo1p d ,, k., l1ut 1tl J•T •'·••Jil •)•nl l k ll••W If lll"I" \\"Ill Ill"' l "" th(" ~:.o.~t 11r \\ .. ~1 \..."""1 . a r11t1111; i:p"k'"" I •nhn ~111•1 Grandolfo , s , r ... "'"' ly of H'n1~1 1 complete menu for the family l'l:t,Z A • :-O l ",\l:ll ~:rr1 • ~"AGSA 110 ;\l t: -~Allt: llA\IUl,I e !<o!TF.A.KS e is t:A f'OOO 1-"fJiJ f) TO GO 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 4)1'E:'\. 11:\IL\' 12 :'lo"lHJS -lt ~llU:'li'IGHT, CIA)St:I) MOSDt\V 11 to I.I >' 11 11"·11 \ •• '""" h.-r .. 1n 1 ti .. I ~:::::::~;~:;_;~~====~~~~~-~-~-=~::;;::;;~:;;~:;;~~ "''•'t;q;!" 11111·•11,• l•lh', 'I•• "f•llni;: tn 1 ~H' :..: JO 1 '' •I • I ,\ I 1: • •11 n' t.1],. I 111 I', "' •' tll••I •" 1 lo <Pt I O"O I< 11 " ~pr IPlj!< .,f ~·I'" l ~lt d1Jf. t. otl dt ·"Cll• l ODGl It.HD llSTAUIAHT f.:1111 \\"l'LACE or Tiit: ("UAST Every Night l)fNNEll SJ-:f{\'l::D 5 p. m. 'til midnight l'OL'h:·rAJJ .:-::-·I JI· n1. 'lil 2 a . m. I~ ;'\'1ufn ~a t11rday & Sunday Speci al Su nda y Buffet :> J 9 p.m. CIOM'd \\'t'dnMWlay S<iulh or 1..a~na H \'att 1·•·1 II .. ! l •1 k •· ('hu 1l··~ 11 F on l nt.,rm,.nt .,..,.~ '" ~ .. 11 11111.•n 1111•. ~·,,.,.1 ,.,. S••lor11 ~ n1n1<l1 n. 1-t"y C'•·tni'tf'I")' .. ('iru•ma.'"'"ofl(' anti •·•···nl~11 r Jrr Ju.-•·pl· A ll11u1a nn J \\. HA11lsun. \\"1111 11" F 111.! Have Son ~tern. J nh n .1o:. Hut. h~~· •1. earl Trevon I. J 1;1cob,.r, 011.n \\" ~I< .'ll1Jl"n· 1 H11pp1ly "'I• "' n., " ''"" bHtn ~:rne~t L . .'l!ot·k , 1. L ;-.;,, ho)i«,n . .!iUll t u n1 .. l1 h"11te Ill Ui.!-'1 • ·, . .,·~1 !JHl\Jtl•I t: P~hl °'''· \\.,\!111111 D ~I . Co.11\lt. .\lo "' ""' Mt l>ll'I H 11n .. y. 'l"err<:ll L tt"' I \h•· R,.v ~!rs. f'rf'•l '"TI• h To•' ' ·1 hr t tHl,f J<11nt'" St<:Wlllt. /\11thu1 \\" Tuttle.1w&ll born Feb ~! 111 ll""I> fl ..... (",,[,.r u.n<.l ""n J::h rcnbe1;; pit.al. ........ L .... --C C" IW '.:i -Ff.Ir Ill"-fldf!~I 1.l ! '1,nH•" 1'1u1''1ni.: 111 1! H1.r 11<u l!l l6. Pr1ru 1n~ l "!•·••IH •·1I Other bull rd rn,.1nben "hn w ill ---------------- b,.., un.e v1c .. -pr .. ~1rltn t~ •r• Vik<' l"runklln. t:r.,enlt:ltt, llublf'oll 11.Ji1l )I.I r~ i;LC"'llrt. The club will r""'"'"" II.JI rhAr\<'r dunng ,. ch11.rter no;:ht preA t>nt1 - llon In !i.t...,.ch. ' L I D 0 7'ccr,tu ' . NOW SHOWING I Ul'lT /JfNA LANCASTER · MAGNANI In ttie b oldeet 1tory of love you'v e e ve r b een permitted to eeel Al.80 ~HORT SUIUECTS Kids Mat. Sat. 1:45 Bomi. la "Kll,I,ER LEOPARD" STARTS ,WEDNESDAY CIJfl!!-51.llA WEBB· GRAHAME _., _., ..._,..,., _ .......... ...-.-...u:. -·-.- t::'\'l)S T l 't :s . to.,·1·1:-.,1 UI ....... 1 :'Ii . I nO.\t !cSO •A STRtlUNGLY 6000 "10YIE wtth 1 ptrtonnuct by Frank Slnllr1 that wlN bt lltnl to but wntn A.CA.OUM' AWA.RO timt COmtl around !" __ ,-.,.. H--'4 1""- Terry Mool'fl ID • "Pas-riced for Da119«" t\llH) 81'!1ected Sbort.-Adulta ll.00, Ira.. 1te, Qdl4. lie STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY ' r...-----ll--i..~ .... __ ... _____ i·.-·~~ .... .·• I • • !'if-!YC Df.:F'f:NUEI{ -\\'altf'r ~·ranz' sl1"f'k "b!a1·k IJt·,11J!y . · t hl' l'1:1 l1 f .. rn1;1 ·3:! And,dt'. "'ill ,,,k .. u 11 th·· 1·11·!~ .. i,, Ill t h .. dt·f1·11-.1• .. r th·· Su Tbu nl<\C-, ],11 I •ll l \·r 1.11·tuaJ ·rro phy 1111 .\1arl'h ~J 1'hr.,1 ugl1 t!l• ga ll a nt arid 11ttvr1uus 1·flurt~ •ii \\'a lt J<lht1t\':; r::.0 1q .. 1•I• tl11-. n tH)!n111cC'n1 tr111 •hy hai. bt'l'n 111 th•· 1 ~·:-; .. ·.s:-1•.i1 .. 1 ;.;,'"'Jlo rt llarhnr \';.t•·h t 1 ·1u h f "1 "''" ,,f t h1 I•·• .1 ,, \1·11 .v••l<r!i ttnd A nd;1!r Iii nol 11bu ut ll• l•·t ll fi' l .o \\.o\ ( ·.,n lcndt'rt1 f\l r th+· \'Up a t tins t1111l· 1u1·l ud.~ h> n \ 'ri >an's PC'l' slu"f' Akahi from the-C.1br1!1" l~··a, h y(·. the P<..:C L nrk. sailed by Rill !.11p .... ·orth f11r t h•· l ~albl:>k i'l', and lh1· f 11rrnt:r Lqitvu lru1•h) l1 .. !d••1 1;;i rlz Gould's l'CC flnllt'r1 na frum the S a11 !Jit'~•1 Y<' L.fH1 Angeleil YC is hold ing el1m111a.tion r a t E's tlfl =-'al · urday and will announce their Lipto n Chalh:11g"r immediately following thet1c races. ~ Bec kner l'hOJ l\l BROKAW WINNER -Bob Allan's trim little 1-36 sloop Hohday o f NHYC followed h er c lass victory in lhe annual Mid winter Regatta wilb a solid win over 11. fleet of :.!7 rivals a \\'l'Ck later lo capture hancllcar honors a nd lhe Ur uk ttw 'fropby in L.A 'l'C's race Rround Calal11u1 l:;land. Also bringing honors to Nlii'C Wlls l·l l!\\'ard Ahniansun's IO. meter sloop Sirius, again fi rst tCI finisll, anU first in L'!a:;s "A ." and Dick Stt·cle's Odyssey whic.:h placed third in Class "A." -8e t•k11er Photo SIRIUS FIRST IN ISLAND • Ill•• ler1•t, Pineer Pi11ist Newport Cadets MARINE NEWS Nw1wct to Drill MARINERS WARNEQ OF NAVAL FIRING M&MMoton ... ~!,es at• _:;_ ____ ..nu< __ -----PA_6E_l Jmii at Col .... NEWPOltT HAlllOlt .... ~~~ESS -. PAltT I CLARm<ONT. _ ..-... _., Tbe ())lat Gu.arU ha• I•· rued a -..nUa& lb •ll 1narui· e,.. u.at Ul•re will be cit· &ho,.. nrmc tn th• fol..,...,, uua o( 8&A C'lamen~ lal&nd: ........ & ····••h• '~ ._,.MM.I will be OOf"· .Wed ai. 2 p.m. 8atunMly for "Cecelia Berndt, 90. umnwr St., Co.ta. Mua, lo slve eoncert. ln Tomb- durtn&" aold ..Jah day•. .... e.mdt died THl!Mlay In her Jlom• &fl4-r•,._ b1·1 .. r lllne ... She M d !Tvtd. ln Co.ta Met.a one year. Service. w lll be \'OnilUCled ln ParkH-:Rldlay ),lurtuary C!1apel, eo.t.a w .... and Rev. Clive WU- Uama of C:O.l• ,.te,.. l.:hurch of tile Nal'.a r ene ~·11l vfrLcl ale. Mra. Bt-rndt J11 1111·1uvtd by two dauchtei'.a. Mra. Ralph G . Zeledom of the hon1e atld1e.a and Mrs c i..r\l: a ailller. Mo ... c..c .. 11a EIH- IOr\ ot l..aruna· Beach : f ive gra.nd- chlldrtn anoj five great gritnd· children. Interment W11l ~ In liar- bor R.e1t Memorial P a rk. """' "1doy March 2 &turGay Ma.rcll 3 Sun<ay M•reh 4 Mond1y Marc h !I Tut'sday March 8 Wednt &day M1-rct\ 7 Thur.S..y ~· FAIDAY, MARCH 2, 1956. trom "-port a-ch "'-the ~o Tl DI ---.:l fi a.m. l :fiO p.m. 1;07 a. m. 41 :07 Z:23 •:tll p.n1. •· n1. p.m. 3 :60 •· m. &:ti IJ· m. 6 :02 •· m. 7 :1l p. m. ll:M a . ni. J :31 p.n1. f :36 a, ID. ?::ill p. m. TAILI •• ... 2.1 ... 2.7 4.l " • 3 " .. ,_, •-1 3.8 ••• ••• .... .... T:;JC> a..m . •:13 p. m . •· rn. 1 :06 p. n1. 10:311 11:22 ll :M a. n1. p.111. •· n1. l l 02 p Ill 12 :27 p. m. 0 :00 a. nl. 1:01 p. m. 0 :40 11.. m. l :2i p. m. •• 2.1 ... ,_, 08 28 0.3 " O.J 2.3 '-' ... --0.1 TC Batl&lkl9 ot PonMll'l9 c on•1• and ~ont Nea'• CoUrt• ~ beea named rn~bera ot the b.tt.&UQll.,drtD t..m' tor Ule -..._...,., LL Co.I. ftoben r . C..U. Rock, da.1Jy lhrou1h loday, I a . Pl. lo midnt1hL a"d Saturday-Sunday, Man:ll 3•f.. d&)'U,.ht boon. P)'l'&mid Cove. ~Y· I a.. m . lu 10 Oater, proteNOr ot military 1el·l ·--------------·I ence end ~ICI. announc~ hr <l&y. Drllh .... Oul1&1d RJ~·hard <:Jeni. 30, ol S&nl& A.rut. Harbor • O..parlment employea herl", r • n • drill t hrui:n hla r11ht lnd .. x rin11:er t'r1tl1y afternoon. He •••u r1.u1h'd to Hoar H.,.plt•l tor treatment but not hOlpllaHi.ed. report~ aho.,.· ~ u-.ia.,..... ca••c Spe1I I Ii i.ten:eptor M .. e & c.·. c ....... u 1-3311 • JIM'S MUFFLER SEllVlCI Sonnl'~ Muftlen " Dual"Pl_poo __ _,, A.Imo YeolwJ &e• u 11.-57« 210 1 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport she rill\ a piano 1tort" in T omb- atone &nd with • da ughll'r, Mn1 ~.:rank L Cla rk. no••: of !';au Ga brtel, gavt conr t1 l1< t>rtor .. 1111 I l!IUdl~nCt o f 1111nrr11 .,.•hen Anroni. 'A'&I 1U]J • lern!Ol \' I • The te.m or Z6 expert cadeU who perform •t 1 amea, parad .. ano:l othl"r cere1nonle1 Include• Cadet Set. F ;C Orqury F. 'Yrl(hl, aon or Mr. ~It Mr•. Ro- land A . wr11ht, 21i110 Clift Drive &nd C adet r ;S1t. Rlch.r.rd W t..rkln Jr., .:>n ot Mr. and Mr1 Rlch&rd WaJt.er L.&rkln, 2661 Bay. abor• [)rive. Wrl(bl I.a a I IK>3 rraduale of Newport H igh Sch0<Jl and a Junior In Clarenion l Mrn'1 Colleite. Larkin, a 1962 Ji:radu!ll,. o f Bell H iich School. •• " 1rn1 .. 1 1n Cle rl"rnonl , Men·1 l.:Olll"K•' SOUTH COAST CO. :!lrd • Nr.,.,•purt Bl\'d, -U.-e mcrcnanlA a.re ~ a d\'<'rll-palrOnti;• tbem. ... FU<5T Q 1J "RTE.a ~llir 19 FULi. MOOS :'>t11 26 LAST QIJUTEll: )>I•r. 4 She a l:io g1111 .. ('Oncl"rl:'I 1n Ch•· 1 ~·~~t,..~,.~~1:i1:~ .. ~~.~!::l<l ~\~)'~,,.:~:' _l_N_F_E_R_l_O __ R __ VET HOUSING of h,.r p.a1ntin1es 111 '~"'""" p~•I• of the l'ounr rv ()1\1" ;1r 11 .. r ,.,.,, I ''I.Me:'! hllni;'~ in n,,. ,•:1p1t"J ti111ld 1 '"' '" " ,, .. .,_ """ , IN COUNTY INVESTIGATED HORN I ;__:::.;P...;.:o.:.:ll.-Ce.:_:._B_.O_Ok I VA Officials Study Complainh from VFW on Reported Housing Abuse ' Visitor on Drunk Count \\ " 1 .. " :.,;""J· '' II• .. !1 I" In" .''d t t " .. ''" I .; ' " "' K •'' " t ::-1 ...... ,. . • : i\ ,.,. ur. : r ' ~ ' ,1, " 110 \I .. In• L· I'" ·~· '" H···K. ~·· •' I • n . "' I d r I' l I.!:: H r i ..... • ·' ..... 1 .. ••>ll•J•l•otll ~ ·r Ill V~l>'t •n ~ 1 lJ1!1•1· II II 1\1•1 ..... ~. ,.,, "' 1 ,.,u~uJ. 1;, -1.,.,.1,.,.,11 • "''"" Pl UVl"rt.u1·111g ti111 "!I"' .,r l •l•l'\n,t: 1 ~ ••I l'u" lo •~r• Ir \"~'" ~" "I' "" ,.1."1•·t• I l,.,1.,, "' l fl~ Ali••I•• tu~ l""P"•ly. th<' ,.,1 .. 1111 w111 l ln<t v .. 1,.,,, •• A1 1111 111~11 ,.11·•u ••fr•·11•l•1h1ni•elt '" 1 f1n1n.11J h .. 1 .. f h,. ... 1 ... 1.~1:•·•1 1111111;' t "••u' 1ol niu ,.,n1n 11 ltl"il ,,..,, .... 1 )o.11 '' n\• .. : ."ll<' :"" t• l""l l • a nol I• !•n•1 n111r <'• Aflrt l.'lf \'A h •~ •~!111! lh•, 1 •1>f ~·lnl "' h•h• .. J 1'11 ~ 1n1om,. 1n•1 '"f'~n·o: 1• 1n•'•' l •·I' """·' 1•••ll j•!""·I J , •Liu F:lhotl ~•"l t•qu .. ·! I•• 111 .. '"I , !1<•·•••1 r1! I TI A~K."i Kt:t•t 1KT ""I f,.,1,k110i; ~"""'' •llf" '''"'"' lo\ \I'" OH .... ,:.-''"'"') \I"\\' D•1•1.rt no .. 1H '"""n1 1 n•l~1 I \\h .. n !hi· ••If•,. S~I \\ ll11<1u 1·,.,:r1t1l .,r 11 .. \,.L .. r ••,. ur ~·or · Thun••• J M"''"' s.,, t-'••'"'"· fl Ull•o:. ,h,.,k .. ·I 0 11• •I· •'lll·l',.,1:,. l\~r ~ l<>r .,, lll l<'•l 111.at1•in (U. \'unrr11 ,,1 111 l\'111ning ton, ll C "•1<111 h~ ~,,.,. '' '~' ll••1ni: 111 10:11 .. l lu .,,t1n1• i;11<u.1 Jiu• .1 .. , h a.. 1h1-,, wt .. lo.• •l(O ..,,It, l'll••rtu•ll '\II"'''' l\11• '''11" :o1 i:ai tJ,. .. 1, •• >.,•1 '" ''""•11,:1&•~ In' Ul1n Tea ~u .. "' 1n,. huua .. v .. 1 .. 1 •'t! 1;n "'" '""fl1'. • >1 ll •·1: .. o1 ·''""~Ill)( "1 .. ••"1 11\a a tf111 r~ '""ll"ltt .. ., "" !"l'"t!· 1\I!"' 11 'h•nl 0•1 •·• \\11 1>'1 1;.,11,.n ~.11,,•!l "'I'"!!: 1<"111>1 •nt ,.,l a t.ua,.~ In Vr.011i.:e •'<iutll} llH•· "•~ "''"l'I •11 w·I r, 111• 1111111:JI(·• ''' lh .. 1 ... ,. Aril(•·I"• ltl"· T aag u t', •••huea ('Vn1n11 tl<'~ .,.. ... , lll'nj,!" ""n•·r, 11•1,1 .,.,,.. 1n1lk•l l(lul1dl nll <• 1111'1 tH'N:; 11•• ,i, .. :,..11.,,1 int<) th,. 1,.~ua by •f~"I' ""' tu th•· •·II ••! 111'· ''""! f"'''""nt Ji..,, r.,un•1 n••~1 • ••! lh"IJ am r11 B l'tl hs J r•<JU'""tf''l !l\t' f-ll u .. •~1 tl11 ,, 1,.1 1 .. oJ I I"•· l rHufJlv I ,,,.,.t' h•"'" • ,,,1 ..,,1 by V A t o l"l-'Of\ un Lllr 11 \u•l•uri •ll11r•, '"~'~ ,, .. ' •• lo·" ... I''" t 11 .. ''I"'·"' tlilll"'if I n 1 .. 1 ... ,. Ani.: .. 1.,,. nl11"'" 1 .. '"Ill• r hirjl;I"~ .,r <11· .. 11~ •l•P·11·~ '"1•1 •n l!f.l·~.-..11.-. I'll!)( t:UI ti t : p1l1n1¢ 1 l"P•)rt on ,.,.,·rr .. 1 ltsrl• tu>tl C>oliQn 1,..1,.,. ! f')( \'A 1.,,.,, • .i ,,,. ron 111 tht' r"untv ·run11¢hl, lh,. 1;ar- Ty,·u ''"'Ill) 1U11, ''! f"" "1·1~ ,.,,,,,1""'"'' ~II''"' ,,.,.1 111,. v .. l~I'-d l"n Gruv<' \'¥\\' ~ ..... t "'11( rn•f'l fnllll•I !'1 II " 'tr I''''~ 'II 'I,.•!' ••l t·,,,1 r ~.I' 1,1 f•oll•"' !ILl"llltll, "''l1h C h•r\,.• {)t1f\A!H;,. r•"i!ll V lun"l"'n .. .i •ttl1" 111•· 'I •I'" ""'",. 1,,.,_, ,.,,. Ol ll r!,.,1 1,, , . .,, builolln i: lnape('tor·, Iv h"•r n1ur• I '•'·I I•> 1 •11>·•:J~r ll"Ll•llll( !'t <Jb· ot l i1r ""lllllY • olllll"" •nd JllT!/9'- Spec1a lit in g '" Live Crabs Live Lobsters • Complete Fresh Fish Line and Cooked While Yo u W •ii of Sea Food Cherrystone Clams • Oysters • ... Boats Land at DELANO 2800 Lafayette St. One Block aff Newport the Shell our Dock -Fresh Fish Daily BROS. SEAFOOD *"' Newport Blvd. Beach Harbor 42l0 On The Bay 1 Boys Selected For 'JI',,:~;· · .. "11 , 1 :~::;:·/~•"! 11 .. ,. bttn '."~"~-'~'~"~"'...'.'~''~'~'~·~·~··:'"~'~'~'~':'"~'~''.._ ___ _I~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---------------------------- , •. r ••• , ... , 1 .. 1"" bu1til er of the ho1nf , Culver Caqe Go " , . 1 • 1 r 111~ 1rt1er ,~ •rnt th' l The foll"'A'Uli,; Ill t~., .. ''"I" Hur1ce E n .. 1.:n ••Al' .. "h' ''"''' IM• •<1),..•\...,I 10 IC" lu l'\11'.o'! !'1!v thh .,.,,.,,._ •t\ol 1+n t I • '"" \l"lriM•l 1tn ol "l"'J I.hf IOOln Kr'QUll r•n>1n•1n.: 1n<i r1omf!, Tlw! rna tter • "'"l'"'"'"•I i '> day•· If oundl· 1...,,,, ,,,. ,,,,• ''"'"' t""l lh• VA "'~'l•.;~1 .. ~ bl\OI n ri.:,,t ••t"~ f ur· "I II•' W I\!\ !••llno.• !I '!>I •"l •'I •" 'I ' ti C 11!1rn 111111 .~· 11 .... 1. t:h>1 1 I•~ I'"'!"" \,, nl I 'I• t Sl noly f(,. r !'>\•'\• \\ •I 1·, '• Q,.tl1 :~1l, U•·I•»•~ ,\J,,. \I 11 • II· '~ \\'11rrurn. J11 r• l\!nl.._ •. .,,,,11 l"" G1ltm•n ,.ii,L T""' An·h" """ The tl'>1n1 ""' .~· 1 .. , ,,,, I"' •\ti Chl'l~\rn&"rl '""'''"I J••11 din:rtur u r Ill•· ~' ,.,,.,1 I'" •I( I ,, " "''d H '' G111i.:1·1,.h c-.·""1'"11 1\.,i,J1 •·•1• • tlu n tiJI\., \"I lloat firm Bou9ht Loi<lo!\V(!O><t J\()~\ 1',1 \,tt ~ l"'''"\ In CO•Jl<.>r:.te.! !ir ltn~~· II C-. ~I •t I g11rl"t IJ l<Tid .IHllH ,\I I~•· k•~""'! ?!.~ Cry~l"I -'•r , 1 .. ")"·1 tt 1,•:-01 .. ·I cn1tl or s.-,111:\••111 1 '1t ll f•.rn111 w 11" t1 th' 1·0 1porlltlurl llll .• I'"" l1A,.r•! 11 1 4323 Cull~! lh.1:hw1<1' 11 """ " , .. 1 .. , 1111 plln ru•~"· 1 h""'" 11no1rr lh .. • :J bill w lun1\ ..n hi• j>~•ITlPnt ~ ·~ ~ .. 1 ll' i h .. \'A ""~··d "tl 111" """'"'' anoJ "~1"'11~· \\l>1tl "'•• 0!<1 rr•·,,n1111Pn•I If ~ .. 11 ii... v•'\"11<n 1"''1"'' 1111.. 1!rht "I :11 , 11:. I , I rrt,. """"~ .... 1 ro hv r•1rth1'•111f,! fl,! th.. h"l"" Car Claut•d in Mesa \)IP •Ill '"di•' W11.• ~\•i lt'n :11, 1• 111" , .. )>.,I•· 1•( 1: ... n1:•· ~; \1'1<•1t 1 ••! :-;.,,,,., Ana \\)uJ,. !! (,"'' l'J!li\~ol Kl M ~'j \\'. l!'!lh SI ··11 ((< _\l .. .ot ,\l ,,nd11~· 111,.;111 !'"' ·!•' I• i•Ht!••d f\ "'lnj,; W•lldHI\ ,_, i.1, .i.;, . ., '1• 0.""I rnl 1 1· I lor "" t 111 1 11~•· ! '11'' "" I lll1 • I'" 01• "' ••·111"' •. t tw 1 .. .i,., r1•·n1 11.• .n<o11111111 :.;~ 10J 1•I \11 ,.n 1\"I" !hr I ''"I' fl"• lo Sail Dana Morris Invitational Regatta ID at CCYC BYC H11'.boll \'>1 r h1 Cluh y,·1 11 hr !hr -"'""" <lf tlw l 'IA•<'"''•n l I y,.,.hl I ·111" l11v11111 "'""I I ·,,t1••I:•'~ H•')!Hll~ I thi.• Y,'<'<"k{'ll•I. HllnO\JIH'<',1 ( 'odHHU•• ilO•" Tl"<I l lon11 ••• r l'll•H•i"fl·• I ,.,111q .. ·tu11: r .. r t h1• •·1 ~·>rl"d 1H'l'p•·l1111I l 1npl" YI . •PHii • ">II 1,.. 1·,,11 .. 1:·· T••fL11•1l•• • ;1enn H wk ~r: .. 1n CAREFUL SERVICE.~ for your l--- S'ea-11'~ Ju.st New '56 Chevrolet Task· Force Trucks out! Champs of every weight class! I \\'111 rnt,.r 1111r ><Ao!flt111t RUN THROUGHOUT COURSE I ~~';:::~.~~':':"":::.:''..,'.~·::'.'.>~.,~~,:;: ~ Expert outboard ~ motor repairs New models to do biqger jobs-rated up lo 32.lJOO lbs. G.V.W.I New power right across the board-with a brand-new big VB for high-tonnage ha~lingl New auto-· matic and 5--speed tra'Dami••ional Elapsed Time of 12 Houn, 56 Minutes ~~~: u'.~~~;,11 l •~;::· .... ~;~:r'1',, B~~:::. Wins Ahmanson Yacht Brock Trophy ' ;;.'"-"-=-"·_··_"_'_'·_"_'_·w_'"_"'_''~"" ti.• :\'t:AI. flt:i K .... t'.H I AIHl"u ~h n111th bo&t In fon1•h l\'lth 11 n"H l ·l"•"l·I II••"! .,f Z~l \.h " "'"''~ "'11111,.1· nn '""'"'l~d f'n trlr.~ 1h•• snrui"I lt. .. h~" Tr••· 11!11" Milo! ""H••'r o f 111•· llt••kll" phy rt1.•'" fron1 1 .... ;\ll l(•I••.• H>1 1-1T r .. ph1 .,., ... ,. H .. h A lli"'" lt111• bor 11 r'"""' l '11!;,l 1n<l l •l••t1·I 1111•! i.11 1 .. 1 ... 1.; '1'"'1' 11.>11.IA, HI•< 1"1 Ul'll Wll.• .'<Hli•·ol 11,I \\•••·N ,.,,,i (l~ltl /: Ill• h1l'~'"' ,,f ;-,;l!\o' ll•dl J l OWll!'•I ,\~""""'"n ·, ,1 ...... It• ,u.,1 "'""~Is ....... "'"'"''" l'IH,,. Jll,.(l"f .1,-,, 'I' :0:'1 "I • '•! )l,.1 bor \'11,·h! t 'h<i• ·'''"l""t \\ .... ! ,, .. 1'or"f"h P[l!J• 1\1'0! !"'1 1••/IOl"•I I<•· cnr-l1ni;:l1 111 1 .. 11./111 " ,,11 11 ,,. ""1 1•" Ano t '' '" llH"••"!•n ~ I" n••!•' IJ .. tr 1hll t th•• lhl r P 1 .. ,..IJ\' IJu dl 1.:'lf) •l""l'~ ftnlllh"d I·:.":! •11 llh lt •II<'<.~, l!nll•!AI ~!1 ~1 '"1 "lld I '•• Sh• ""~ '""I ~·I •••• lh" 1.11>•h •111\ol1·1 in lh"! nnlt>r. l int .,fl !Ii~ h•,.11k11,1l"I IL t hl ~h"rt l)• b"l•>I" lt1 1,1n1.:t•1 S1<l•n·I·'' "r'" ll• fo Hn"-. (I,.\~ ..... ,, .. f"r 11.11 •'lnp~rd 1111"' .. r I~ ht.• :16 tn1n. fnr tt11• ti7·11,.1 ~ '"' Ll>I I Al!huufl:h ,,.tll ~ho'll ••I 1h~ rl"· :->11 111• Muw~r1l Ah t11•n . ..,.,11 ('()r(I 11n1,. fo r th1.~ 111nu"I , 111~•11" \'t ~ J,.,h, t:~<tl'j,:• Stlll'lt l• S inus ~1111 .•lll'•<I 11 .. 1 llMl1•1" ~I' '1 1 •"I i ~·r \-! ''"~ :-1r,.lr 1\m• !n q,,..,, .. ~ l>i t 111 1·1 •• ~ ,.,. ''A" ll• ..-,.JI M• "''\In ~ II•" f:'"Olj,:" "'"'I\ 11 J'h !u! !"<! 1 I H.o ~"t"ll•· l"I Ill" .~•'< >U•I 1111<1' 111 1 \I" \'.t "k ''" , l.J11 k, l'•ul I .\..;.~ •ft" 1i111 7.1noin,.1 ,., r A . K"n 1''""" 1..'U\ I..' llol1n,., II\'• I' 110 1.~1·1:: ll I_,. {i Ht),\'f C.:tJ\-t :ltS ti \I.HI >\ l 'A."'\' \S -.1101· .. ., .. Q, 11)1 1 ........ ~· '"' "'"Ol t I L~L H _..;,_..;,_ __ _, ~~--~~----Harold I. Johnson l'ro'l'"ll"r l t1·p111..,. t ••l•uuhl"" >1n<I I· ,.do•r1«I ''~""""~ l'hnro. ll11 rh••r i; !ti '.!Ill I \Illa \\II.I. :\1»•11vrt l\••llf h MARINE INSURANCE ,..,.,,..,,th "'i1illnc ll•horn,. I """" 11.-all.1 I '' :.!.,'?,, ""''. ' """' llli:lt\1 "'' 1.11 .. •rl\ ,..;:,11 : Our mtth•nic1 •rt' Johnron- lrainffi in lhl" u~ of •pe<l1I far1<'rf'·lf~ 1ooh . Thty UM Joh n'>{ln paru from our hr11,. it(){k, 1J1urin11 )·ou of on!v lht finNI maon!<'n~n(I" ind •I"· pair "'ork <in rour ouibo~rd mf'lo r. l.ook ln,; for • "~"' $.ra.Jlnr~,.~ \X ',. havt rhl"m If prict"S you'll •rrr..ci11 ... South Coa•t Co. :'iifnp11rt IU\ll. al 23NI SI. lla r l10 r 2600 New Middlew•iqbt Chi:rm~ f\f ect tOOay·s mnsi modern I ru ck fleet~ It 0ffcr; nc"' champ-; n( r 1·rry weigh! class, includi ng four new heavy-duty '>C'rlC'\. It brings yo u new power for every jo b, wrtll a n11x.lcrn ~htir!· ~!rokc V R• for e;·t'ry model. l 'hen !here's a v.·ider rang.c of lfyd ra ·~1:1!1r model~ and Pnwcr1natic, a new ~1.t-speeJ autlln1:it1l·. r lu~ ne w ftve -spccd rnanu3f 1ra n!imiss 1nn~ t lnrne in and 'CC 1llcsc nC"w C llevrnlct trtit k,! •1 ~ •lumla•d '"I ( F u•«I _),,.,., /J fol•1 '"'d Ii~~~, "'"drl•. '"' ,,,,,,.,.~,,, "'"'"' j~ n/I "'~"' ..,nthlt 'I ,,,,,.,...,,,"'"'""' ,,,,,./,,},f,. '~" • .,J, "'"f' fJ/ ,..,.J,/1 ·~·~·•Pr<d '"'""'""'"" 1!11nda•d m .~""'' WYJri ,,,.,i /lllll"lJ.. Anything lf1!11t1 i• on old-fa•hioned tn1 c¥. I MILLER CHEVROLET CO. I 000 West Coa•t Hi9hway NEWPORT BEACH Phan• Liberty 8-2261 ' ... ., ' • "-~-··---·· ----~-...... ~ -------· . -·· .... ~·--·---. ---• ---.----;-____ ...._ . --""-- NEWPORT HARllOR MRS. WINIFRED 'BARBRE, Women•• Editor PAE>E 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, MARCH 2, i 956 LUCIAN SCOTI SPEAKER FOR UNIVERSITY WOMEN Lucian D. Scoll, ln.tlructor 10 E nglr.h an d !heater art1 a t Oran1• Coaat Colle1i:e, will ~ thr ~p<:Hker I t th• reiuLa r l lHl•t•I 11ror r em mqtlr.1 ot. Sa n ta A na Branch ot the Amerl· ca:n Auocla tlon ot UnJveralty '•''"'oen, March 8, a t 8 p. •n ., a t the Ebelt Club H ou.e ln &inti;. A na ,, Sectt W ill preface hi• d ll <:U"61(Jf\ or "thr Uvln" X::'" • trom !:o pt to Lorulon" w ith a hun1orot1• aceoullt or the dt>t:l!ne of e locu tion. M r1. E. T "tarqu1,., \l.'ho wu I have ~n the •pot.Ilk.Pr , hu been drt:w.ine.i in ._;.,,..,,IUly b)' (h,, S t.ate Depd"m .. nt to rootlnu .. wtth th.-1nro1 nu1t1ory eervk 1. S11e Je<"ture~ on t hP po11t.lu n u/ .,.,_,u\itf! In the United Stat••a 1n the veriotlll Jlh&.11e1t of hfr. A n11ounc <'<Ut'nl ,.·tll be n1aJii or S11nta Ana ~n•nrtl'• ~h"L''' fur r<l'Cl,)llln1end11.l~011 ••the '"An1t"ncan mother · THE ROBERT CARLSONS danced at the Balboa Bay Oub with Bob reminiscing: with frienda about tht· Acapulco Race. Hr had ju.st returned fron1 the Mexican reeorl. -Terry Boriy Phot o HARBOR HEALTH rooD• .. X . Jill' ....... 8h1I. (Op.1JIW ..... -..,.ta.II N_,.... ..... n-.. l..Def17 ....... Under New M•negement • SELF 8EllVICfl._:•:_ ___ _ NATUBAL FOOD8 -REDUCING -DLUIEDC AIJ ,J:RO't'--8ALT FREE ud VEGEl'AIUAN DIET Come 1n end Browse If We 0.0.'I _, .• "'U.t .\'011 "·-1 "· .. ·u 0.-t It ! Featurta1 Organlca,lly Grown •·ru1t .lulce •Dried Frahl Sale Oii Fancy P'ack Dried Frvih ····-·-· 1 Off ' EUIGUaa "'1loie Grala C'.-,...11.I• A: f,our ... M kla.S.. 1-Und& & &Ill<' C'f'f'f'k Yood ... -~nttgl&n Idea.I •lat BN""ad llaaflP~'~!!".t. ~rult Ii \'t-1 .. t.mW JuM•r• 'nlolmp.on'1 Ii !iehlfr• Qualll)' \"l1a1n1.,. March Mun or J.,rt'11 u,... Ii: Pn"\'f"ntion M~ D OM' la. Pick up ~-our cop}'. t.rgt-iteltttion or Ht'a.lth ILookit :Se"'· Of'Saak "1--al Rn-..s-Lu .. · l alorir -:-Ou ~hur1 rnJa1 It'• 0..ll•·lvu•! A•k fo r SamµI.-Tulr. INTENSIVE EFFORT H ea rt Fund Sunday R es ults Are Pleasing Parent Lecture o n Punishment e For A Limited Time Only WE WILL ALLOW YOU • • • • ·r11e th ird n1eel!ng or Ua· P a rcr1T J':•!u t ut u"' 1,.,\1 11·~~ ~1 "-'"1"'''"! I•)' U1 11Jllj:I Cv•~l c'c.Jlo·"e 11nd th •· I' 1TA • Wlll tJ~ !!~!.! .\lh!ll! 7 ~I !J .II• J ~,\l.l{(J A HAY ('I.I!: . ..: ~1.tnJ 1 Griu; (uunJ .\I r and sun•la1_, l''"'"".1n1 l)·"1.1., t!u .. r· f••• t ~~ ~vc1>1no:• .. 1·,,nt l1orrl e n1 In .Sl A•".!'""" 1'1111r•!1 IO•door fOJll erl!•Jn In l•o:h alf uf ll hu i::"'" I I•"'"'" a n ,J lUl ••il'• ~l r 1 ,\l /"!:I [ '·•\'..• ·! I I.id" 1.,;lt· d an1·1n:..: 111 thr th" lfl!le H~art l"\ln•I 1.,1 -"-l'"rt '""' J••l1nny ,'1.,1 cer. w hu i.iruvi<.1 .J parent "'!Lh •'!oHl t,.11,11.,r n:•·l l••i I ll:..r b<11 i.i1 ·~1u,, .. 1 a !Jj.Jl••Jo;lfllh t .. Jy 1ntr11u1.,,,1u11 .. ntrrtalo111rril a luni:: S-t.~~lu ti wea anno un• •'•I t1 .. 1t1.~ .. ith eunt:-'\J .,.• Ma111:•r•l Y.'hlt-l u re r, ll'•!J <.l tM< u•• 1•1•"8 l'UJH-0!1 11v 1 ... urt!Tll'I! 1..,11111un 1tll•l .\Ito lllj; 1111111\ T"llLtl \\h11.l l t J,. iill"ll'lt••! H•lph T •nilrow•kv ,,,,h.,Lt1111:n AT TllEATEHJ'4 To T each" \\a •IH1t1hl lh11>k tJI 11u1 ~h .. 1>1•·11 :-;.,.1111 ,:, .. r t ,..,1., T'wu n.ui,~. 11ot the Po rt &11d ouraelve• •• tee ch .. r1. r aUl~t tha n SEALARKING I ! .. cu un-0 1->!Lla tutll,,nl~ or ~ plli.&· Lido tl'.eatt ra "'er a enlhu1!&1ll·: u di.aclplUl•n•ra . M ri . Gr,.,.n ""'"· Uc het.rt bole • e r• etlll lo be ,ally •O~•IJ<•ll r,1 by Newport De· • '' ' ' ' ' ' ' J t.tl•\ ~'"" chlhlrt'ri a n opp<1r!un11 y a.'~ t..i I h' '" 11 .., ><•I"'' '"" 111 .. ntary •cri uul yuun1tnl11r•. 11!,.,t· !~IR ..... 1-.lt\\Altl• l .t~fft:R ) .... \llTU I In 1t•hl1Un11 )" U1o· 11l.o •'"" l&•llY led b} 1,.,r,..•o •I •l!P"•r•nc .. ul to h!arn ---------------------------------l.1<• the 1>:1u lt • ••f 111 .. uuirl)' ~p.--l.Aio•te 1<n<! Ch1.H ko. the TV I l.n 1·orie<'~ffl i <'h1ldreo 1l I• t 11 .. 1 :\ll{J:\l{I! 1"Y !•t-:~: (Ill•· ,,f ih.-. n11 ~t d··l1g h!Ju! ll.':!f){'Cl8 ""'I ""''"l• ,,,,.,,,1,aJ ... 1 r.,r 1•11rtl·i<·Jown .!µuuet)rt •I by Ule lh•rbor ne.:euary lo ut1 <1er1l1U1d tr. .. 111 of a. 1)4lr1)' I!> tl11· :.i ulll• IJutl <1.t lo 1,u;.ith . 1>u \!:<.'day ti.flc r ''I'"''"" ,11i nni: II· '"t ttu1nth I CVuru.:d ut :-:cwp.;rt E!tnienl.11.ry lhe1r ne•·<l• lhttr 1nltreal•. tll .. 1• . . I 1;01.1--r::Kl'I All) r -TAI . the 11101111 oet\C<1 ot-Lrly ca par 1UN a nrt 1Lm11au on11. T he t h·· lilrl.lh•·a Ha v I luh H t •·rr1f u· .\1.1rd1 (,rai. T\'f'•'E' Too $t00 •va lua uun ol ~hll<l beha v1•" )\:o.1 t• l h I I · !"ti +' f,.-r,,•11! ~,,..,.,.l•M("k,.M );UJf · I 1·r1ll~•'• •l••\\u 1 ,. i.1 ~ I••• al ••ti ,\1 1/~ .111d J1111 tl .. ~1 .i t their Hllllfl<')' 11.l 11v111., t "uuul r~· <'lllb i Hur•t" E llftll !'I etu<lr nta contM· w 1tn pn1r111 111y " •eltiah uri::a n1111n Joi llk J.1du :51ouJ V.'iill'l l r 1111l l,11.ni thr lo~1 !e•L bell li) .unti l· bute•I jl.rU•ll~· u111enully Wllh a t nd p1 01::"r•,..•·• 10 lh11 P<llnt "'her·c .\1 11 I! \ 1 ·r ,, 1 ·• h l aJ l hf chtltl bi-.tnn 1e1 • ""nl•ler t1 l~ .. 1 ~·•i.:••ll• 1111 , .. "l'h \,.k .. • r·,,,,, .. ,,1 1 J>,,. IU.in-Dut 1011: 1 th11mp1n11 14.'.! ti,> • lpo•l•r c"nle•l wit oc mer· ,,,.,,,. "''''', ,,,.,,,., <""' cha n •• prcvi<l lnf their "''ifldow a the b-ehl \'JOr of oth ~r1 , 'fhl~ dut:8 fl11.t1 ,r .. .11 <.I""'.:•· '"I 11 '1, Sed 1 .. ul • .:11'•' r r ... ' " •P , ' not take pl .. 1 ethrOU1j:hptJn111f\!l>~nl !'•II "'II +o \\t' "Miii I 11 ll•·l ,J•on •n~I !-"r&ll•I• fla{..«•ll [I.Ill<,. ~pnn ... ,r....r IJ\ !),,. ()r1tt1.,;e. ~a•hUWCa"e • •lrl l •rtc .. 1e ttt• -" -. d but tll1 u.,..:h learning 1'"11 11•· 11 "' '"' (•'I" \tr1HE \.\'~:t i,;-rr1<1 1111 1 1,1y'l"010e l 111-Y wn•!Tri-1!1 ~· i.:11 rn»r"<l 'WU w1nnera "'"" rece1vr prlt•·11 ~"""' 1111 .. 11 .. 11.•"•ri ~·~··~·" '" ,•,. 111 11.. b1<y "·' ftJHn•I at th,. .. ppro>..1n111tely 1:.:00. iu.tui olir•J< to dona leU Dy \\'1lh~.1 Mt a u on er1 11 \\I<• l.,,.lilrd •' !I• \l!!•ll. 1 11111'"~' u .. y ..;hnr,.~ t1••ill" 111 [•uk,, t 'ir~ \':0.1•"·\ ~""''rlll ,.,., .. 1 AtllP:~ TH.,S K E ll C:1"11 ""~ (h .. 11• .... ,.1 fn1 ·.,·t \\•• < .. ;t11l A .~i,;f\aeft~• 1A h1H•11 .. 11ry "Our 1p'l'r11.I tha.nk11 a-o ou t tn 1&n•J ,,..,.,,.,,, 11 .. • ,i.,,,,,,1•·111' l·•··ll•I \)!'"f" • '"'" •.\11• H••I A ll<,,f\!( L/,• n1 .. n 1 I·"") •llllf'Jlt the pllDl1r 11plfllf{'I m en and ,,.,,1111' q,.,,... ·1·r 1 7,. t•t • ~ J,.•. • ! •«11• .• 111• s .. to1,111y l w ho ••''" lh•· i tu<.l,nl• 1 ti.·,.,_,l w omen '"'h" IC""• ao on11Jr!ahly Qt r• ••fl .. ""I''"" I " , , ~1.,,1 IL'"'' ,, h,.r ,. ~"' ''" """" J•••• J •• !\n~•·ll 1: .. n•\<'Ll'uu8 lhtlr tlml! 1tn,1 "ffo rt nil Hr1tr l "'"•I I,,., .• ,, ll ll, h It "t"'"·t 11, .. rr•11\I 1.~ A fl~"J"~ 10th<' flWn .. r w hn ,,,,,,.,1 ... 1 ,.., .. hall n>Om ~IU!<IH I 11al•I Mr• T•nrt'lw ,ky f"1-1.~ •11· ''' •t·• ·t"" ~I,• ""'' !•·Ill ,, 1·"r I •\\",.I r•• al.'ln gr111rful fo) lh<' .. 11.1 •• , .. ,,,,1 , " ., '" ••• 1 ••.• 1 1 '"i." , •11··1~ K'lrnaai·na 11w ., J;:'"l, •• , ••• ,11 ,1 .. 111 ··"~,r ~t"'K .,oul 1/ 1! f'1 l•1' •I•• •'1• •\ i,: ll11 t "'''''""' ._ l!l11t l!lh "''"lllUIHll' l-0 ko·Pnh' ,,,,•. •j· HI ,., •!• ,,, "·"' !J• i,,, l•r ,. 11 ,, ,,1 .. 11 a n .. l•"l"·n~11·,, t" l tl ,. ne•·<.la Th., n1eet11111 I• ope n ta the p11t1. llC .... ·1th lree 'h•l•l ""re p1uY ltl .. •l A U pariirilll 111e i11v11e.J 10 11l\en<1 th• v<to-11 a n1 . 11e.11~1on 111 th" H! Andrew• ChLlrch, 600 SL A n•l•·i·w~ Rood. ' s7so TOWARD FOR ANY SHAVING INSTRUMENT MADE Bio de Raz ors Sha ... ers or What Ele ctric Stra ight Razor's Ru •ty-Domoged Ha ... e Yo u THE PURCHASE OF THE FAMOUS NEW SCHICK ''25'' ELECTRIC SHAVER Thfl f\Nt \\"1t..\ to Shtl\'r i' l-:J1°1"t rir and 1 ho• l~·'t t:IN'lri1· loii h 11l f'f ii. tJ1c "SClflt 'K" • Th• l 'r•·~•·rlptl .. n l 'h&l'Tl"l&A'} '"' !ht:: Harbor Area • CRAWFORD'S l:>, ~·.,•r. @· . l)( • Ll M·l 2•2 ~ .• t'RE t: l>El.IVEH\' . \, f;:-... S&-11 (irPf'n Mtamp ; · 1804 'Newport Bouttvud In hMrt of Coeta Me.a lnsur&DOe Broken UT Bat t.hie DrtYt ll&rttor 'l ll N_.pon ~ o.111. IO lll f'1H k • .. 1,.,11 I 11 ,..,. ,, I·•·•• I lln 1: .,11,,. f,,,11 ·~ ... !• ••l •••'!\t uf ·'""')1''11 J~ra1 ~1 f11r m "''.~;;;.,. J 1·1.i,.1· .. ::.. 1-"i .u. 1'.'..: .! ... ~:· 1 ::. :::~1"·~·l "~·1:",~~. '';:: 1 I 11i tiation 1 ··' A 1 "', 1 ,·::;::; 1 ,,.,11,1 .. n •·I ~11 ft111·1 .. l~•-U• • .,,., '"' .. ,, '"' l'.•·h lton11 ... "' 1 ~ coll,.,1 ,.•l !1,.r·· "1n·ir:n '" lU:ll'~nr.-l _':::':::::::==~-::L-============:-=====--===--=======================~=====-======: 101• • ,_,, Po> • 1, 1 11 11 111 ~''""' (.;1,,,,. 111., 1 ·1~n11 fn r 0..lr 1.nn u•l lnLlfatLon loca l "n·I ''"!" to<'Krt pr '>i::i •m• 11 t ' 11• I • ·, t , .,. .,, • ,. "''ft' •II,., 11..,"'1 when m .. mbe.rt u r 1 The 1"""''" l"r "Ill 1, .. .i .. 1·ul<'"1 ~··pH•i. l• • 1 , • ·1 11, 1.11 •Hn11 .. r i.nd l-.111n11a 1n1t club m r t 1tl the hon1 t to th•· ""1'1"rt .. 1 r ··~""''n "•h1 · I'•"• ,, 1•'·• '' ~ hf ~l r1 l!:olwi.r(I KPlly, 108 l ri• c•l"n '""' ~ T1•0•!•nH1 !\1»•1'1 J'f"· 111\lll l"'I'' ,,,,, 1'110 IJl 'l(l>AV evf' al"'1 founrl A V<'. i ff''""~ o•I ti.•• An1,.no1u1 Hea rt Ill •· .J. d -.1' 11.,1.. 1 .... ·•ll\" lll\h paru"~ )!18 Norin11 n ~~lllGera l•l v.·1• "'"'11<11<>11 .~'Lr11hf • I II· "''" •. .,1.. '' "( 'll' rnO•I tntert,.,11110: •1ri "i'll<ltoted rtA rv11.1lun• Lh11\rrne.n - Ill•· 111 !• I ! 11 . '·' '' \ , I • 1" ft t the h"r11e of the !t1r 11111 11.tt.e.1r. tv b11 hrlrl a l Th•'t 1·11.·11-. .11 •J ·'' • 11 I 1:.1,, .\!. L oi K1 1fl11 wl1,.r1: '"'1re Gibby 11awa11&A tn Lon& Be1<ch Marrl1 1·11,.•· ,.11 .• 1 ,11 111 11 !'"'' ··· h11d µI Mnn••J 11. r11n111y hlrthd1y 11e lrivlte t loo ru r tltnlnK there Fly Kites Safely 1 ... 1,,, .. 1ti. 11 .1 '·' •-"''I" ~1 1•· 1·111tv t;1r her b<'l\'r half .. ·1111 111vtn by t h11 m1n11ic•m~nt "n "' :t,•· I< '"I h•,•t,. '""I 1'"-'"'llllni; t11n/l\' KllY pr~11,nt1 11tl<.I K a1n11a1 ne.~ "'Ill be-In H11"'lll- ll11~l···••'" •1.: lhl'/11 th~ "'"re HJt rnet bll\I H 'lrn!U Kr1rt, 111 n ro11tu11leA ~l r1. H11r uld Hul\1: ·"''"''-• <"·ur I• 11 ,,y•l •. H,.t ly KOii IJ1eck r;it,nun 18 etty •nll M19• M .. n 11nn• Well• •r~ 10- •",',',',','~,'",,',,,,"',:,',,1', 1(1· "1 •l.._"·~A lh•·1· 111-. .. '"K'",',",",.t1ni: r11·r birthday ), 1111 \ea voted •l tile 1 .. 11 meeunc ·-·,,1,. rh !ltou i.; 11 n1: l)(lrothy and 11nd • prevtou8ly e cceptlld mem- F l.11-1"1 ;'\•: ,i.,,,11 lfi,. i:Avl~· <1~.-. J11t"k F'!'<'n«h ber. Ml•• ~IJ111ell n11 Peter110n. '1 ~1'"1 l:tl -• • 1•1•11•' J"""i 11l't"R A STAR Dnroth) K 111lt ri Mr 11 Vlt'K!Jll) S llll'k ,..,, p rt· •!111 •n • r I I i l<lh•v 1"!10 t·1.1 ... 1 •~ illf """'r81 1n .. 1nbrt i ent ,.. ¥llPI L\of Mrs ltOb••lt n 1•· '''I'''' 1 II •••• ""I ),.,, ... "f !!1" 1 .. 1n<11 •h<'on l( l h ,. brl1le R!rk .. tl~ I 1111' 1•1!1 111 I !oll I ll• 1,.,, d ~-•l "'rd!,'''"'" J 11,\<1 Mn<l l 11 1111 J .. ,., 11 I Ii white 11 lllY ' ,., 1 1 t h Retreahn1ent• nd a arJ<·11J lluu1 "111 "8 1 '"'" '"111"" 11 0 e corn l"ted the e e nlnr n11rHh••r "'' '',,,I •1•' 11 ~•·n-fol•I 11t Iii. 1•11!\ Her blo nd p11t·j p '"''""' I'"' 11 t 1o 1!.,111\'. ru•ia n 1 .. · .. ut. ohainun11: n111 nner i :":r ll.I m eellntt wlll t>-A pr il l-t:.111 .. 1 H'111:. 1•11 ..... 1 T tllh fi nd tri"n•ily ~p•rk li-Pntlc•red ,.,.,. <1l the h on1 e of )11• 1 ..... 11. """A l l'•ln•· 1·111 '· l!P·I l-~.1t lt-j tn •U hrr •!onne1 compaioos t 6mllh :'Ill Alt••" A v•· ll+l h \11 · 11io 1·,.,, •·1 !., I,,, 1.r I ,.1,-,1 t• .11 •. 1 ~ •( '"'"'" 1,11,. ••f I h•• 1·~1rr~··rl 11 s lll•·t •·,..· ;, IHl•' "I"'''"·''"' 1111•1 ~·.or1111 • W•·!lol.• 11,.,,1 i;:1 !l"d ;01>.f !u l"'""t ltrHI ,\I l"l•·U·' ••lo•h11!1o_, H!hl \•! "'t h ol 1111 Af.~f) ,\f i\l!l >I •,r·1• 1'·••111nj! 1'Ut11.1.,., 1<.I ·" 1,. •'llJ"\' •ll•ll ol11110 ,..,.,,. )!1<11111 ''I I ·••• \1 .•11" t•• "''lh '''""t:• "~ l1 •lo+ni: ""l!h :'\1111 ·<llol H ,Ji, I U • II• ltlH' .> •l•I ~h· t'~<I l\Ur•\I\" .,..,.lt f O 1 \h<'or ,;ue1t\, rnnn ilr<';:n" ""'' .. l•\'f'l!H1-i>' •;, ,,1 IJ • l\T a I ·Iii "' I<' 11\ldo•. V.' h 0 HI :•' r•t p· I ~ ' ' '' ' '' .. 11iir or•· 11,.A..•l1n , nn•1 ... e r 1tn ~JI) W"I' \., \"'lo .,11\o• h,. I 1u :11 1n In ;\'""'\•<lr1 f.ir It rl~h1n11 "'"' n~·1r\ \"I • 1il 'T Co111n1unity Scr,·ice Note Auxiliary M ee tin g • 111 M 11 •ti Ill Cnn111111n ll\" S"'"\I"" l"!""'I. .\!1,. Follnk •'I ;\l••lll l> for the A1111·r10 11n E..i-i;l<ln :'-Ir " l"lor!i.111 S tL11 .:·· 1 A 11:<1l 1ary Unll l!tll or :-.,·.-w1,..,r\ 1 ~!1~ \','~11 .. , .\l11 lh··11 Hrl\o lo llllol 1tll rol h··• l 'ol\8 .\I i·~ G~"'"~" v ~ui: •t "' • 1•· " It ~.1 1,. 1{11 bl-r1 J 1:1 •l <'OI . II•' ' I'"' < tll<ll'Tll ll 11 .•1.1! • •I lh' I h, ... , ~··I ,, •lTlt .. 017.ll l f••O ''" ·fto' h1<•J "'"" .. ',, •' ,, "' '""' I n'"' 11 "" I . II •II " ''" 11• ,. .,, ... '., •• 1 '" ., " '" 1•~ I• "· ,. L. A. State Buy s Clapp Painting A l"""tuoj; 1 lr11nl{e Con•I 1 y lln"i11 d r1a 1•t ' C11lle;;e 11 rt 1nlll!''' l"t I 1• 111 .! l•o•<'ll )'llo • 11"'-"•I lo\ I.-·· \!l,.:1 .. ·• .~! 1'. !'ill•i:·· 11 ",. • 11• 111 .. I l,,,1,,, 11 ... l'1·1·~col !"'·"' 11Li. • 111• •! I ':••I "111 t)t p r!.',,.ut."! IJ1· ,,, lo ' ' ••• 11.• 1_,-H• "I""'~' 1•!11•t• f'llt I h• 111 I 11· t 8 1 •'Ill l"I'> • 11 +• ""' 1.i 1'h·> po11 ·!11ii: "•• r(••• !1"! 11'•1!\ ~ "'•"' 111111 '"'' ~111 11.111\•·d 11,v rnun· ,., ~1 ... 1. nT~ .. r I. :'-'>11 • Ladies . . for or Hair 1. Fly k ier~ 1n Jn o p<'n field . J\\'.\Y fr uin t lc cinc poo;o.·t·r lont S JnJ 11rhcr ovc r ht·Jd ob~tf l!C t10 n~. 2, fie 5tirC' Strl!1~ I~ perflLtly 1!1y 3. N ever u~c ... ire, or !ll('tJ l!1~ )\fin~ 4, If ihe kirC' c.ur he~ 1n . 1 rov.·er li ne, k·t .!)O 11n 1n~·d1J 1 {Jy _ Southern California Edi1on Company a good Shaping trim l'l<"li:"•I 111111 11 .. 1 Ii• ii I ,;, '" " ' " . , .. • " ' ,. ' ' " \~ ' " i. .. . "' try ·""'I I•' l h·· •I "' .. , ... ) "' J!,, 1•11 t 11 .. "" ,,_. I l•Ml ll I • ri ,: , .. ' ' 1, :·I " . Barber Lido Shop • • I i.' I to I 11 •1<1\h•.j ••'"'IM!'• '"•Ill 11 .. ~, n \ .\ ft• ·!'·! •I 1 .... \\ \' ~ • I I• ,.j ' l°" '" II, o I• l hlhlr.-n'• Hair ('•HtLn1 A !'IP"f'lal!.•· • ,., r n .. •n ,Ii If\ I• 11 !'I 11 )h 11 ' f""~' "'" "' '' I )I" 11•·11 \I,,,, ! 11·• .\IL,•l ,,, " •!,. , t I \I ..... , ,, T 1t1~ • • 1.. "' ' ~ ' " " u .-111b•1•\\il ·••• 11 I I lu \I 1 ,.., I ,\!•• l'•·,l 1\1• \I, .. n l \lo . ~I · "''' t 1·111 1• II ""I \!··· •1 111\ l.o 11,!u 11!1 I I '1 1• ti' • ( '•I 'I,, "li'. ,. LI· ' '"'' .l,oAt\ Hll ,I ,IU !!• ' I" .l nhnSll>Jl. J •!< 'l lo ~I !'" " l.1\llr . ~fr'< II " 11 1·hJ11111u1n "f Ju11n 1 '. ' I ,.. \:. ,, I' I I ' 1• " ' I ' ' " ...... ,, p·'' "JI I ~!l • I ,. J ~ • ' 'I• q,. · " I I "1<"·:1• '"' T II • ,\!11""' H Rrtolt \'1111 ~·1 1" \•''"'"" hrih ·'··t,I• •"•1 \\ 'I• ,;A1•· '!."• .i,, .. ., 11 11 d1 • !1 ' \i1!1-'1 ,li1: I • Ucl ta Jni ti:itc 1111• •'l1ll·•n ·11 r Ill "" ._u,. n<'tJ. 111 10:,:h t,.r 1·f ~I r i n1l ' "' f)'""1"'' 1 "" •, Hn~p1l ul Th•• ,, .. , :-11uilo•, .: u ,.t, o r :!ll 1 ...... 1 h11 ~1i .. ,,.d .h•• •t J un "'' !11 I•• • , 1 '· 1•11 l •• !f.1 a' I n i ·,.,.., new 111r 1n h,.r~ lltr .. 11·t-!·, 1,.191!1 ,,1 1•.f· n ~ ,,l !. ~'l:ort SI. -1 n~'' to l'o•I Qlfl<'<') -~e~porl ""'M"h c ... -"' CORONA TRAVEL DEL MAR SERVICE H,.rhnr 1246 (·oR'I II"~. 111 fJrr hiJ llJ1Po'"'itc Post OCCiCf' \ ~ctfcct borne :liBtbtlopmtnt) l• !he temM", ~ "-"'Y which C>Oly a allllj)lll •tmolphrtt ,,.,,n tlfif!f, yo<•r tt..u.ac.:.r hcmr wtH ~ durtns the ycan '° corn11 you .....,.._ rwod 111.., N'""""""' ebe c-,..,.. 1 . .:1 .di .., tdo.I or(tin' for the tnonquU life )'()tO •Mii l(w f11l"M'Jf ...J )'Olli' Urnlly. Of --. .n 1....0,. ~-· iiap-FK.,....,...,... ... a.11...,...,... ol a.II .W.-1•..tbM--....,_._ Boo!: TD H&L& ~ rec:iop ............. .... 111......_. ...... -.rm._ OOll~ ~ 'or lt.t ,-, }'V'l>ll lad bl ~ c..-~ .. .,.. 1 Jarse pnn-. nc:n1tlooo '"" H11P- crat hf't..-pldr with dubhowe, Lff. U. i_,.... ~II pmr\.. plmk P">Und•. 11111111 ud kan<'.ll•D -..b, .net .........,,..Ing pool -ill flW tlw act..alw p.1.,...,.., ol -- -, - ... -... ...... 4-ACBE uc111no1 PIU fOI USIDllTS IODOD -----..,._ --_,_,,, -...... -....... HALECREsr Campus Estates IM ..... u,"ut CO\TA "''~"' H .. i... l<>v••-··~ ...... ··- W••• .0.1 .. 1< -w.1• .. I ~t ........... u -., 1-1"'1 -_ .. _.,_ - _... --7,411 IQ."· ·- \ • • ' ) • ' ---·~------~·---.. --..... _.__. ..... ·-. ... -• . .. '· ,, NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART I • PAGES FRIDAY , MARCH 2 •. 1956 FAREWELL PARTY for ~l rs. \V ili1!1 t-"1cJUs ""'as held Feb. 23 at 8 11.lboa Bay Ch.:b. ~i r. M.ud Mn. Fleldt1 with ~ni. Gary and John are movinl{ tu Yucca Vu.!l~Y C 1ft11 were p resented by fr1(:'nd11 . Standing t I t o r J a rt> ~1n1es. ~1 ar111 N l'wland , Ccril Norri~. Robi·rt Ol1i;ha11t , \'ini.:ent r-.tt~Ianigal, Everett J1·11n1ngff, Wayne t-l ardy. J ohn K1rkpatr11.:k . 1-:arl Httll klltl l::r11eKl Jo'1t"!Ji1 of io'ullerton. Seated. Mn1et1 Frank 1'hayer, Fred t-:11.n:I . ltob1·rt Rtiyd Jr . tht· hon\l r~t'. ~i ml'11 Al Horvath , I.Rt' S hun.·k and J. ('. J uhnsvn. ·r,.1·1 y ll ul i.; f'h utv TRAIN THEM EARLY, SAYS YOUTH WORKER •Hi I ;-.t llllHI. ,,I il"t. H o nor P;1 st Pre sidents and Schoo l Staff Nurse ,11,111~ 11,,. F<>u n 1 •. , I,, r 1r t•:ull\ "'~• 01" I""~~ '·•' , r "'' II '<lh!I '" I l ·~ 11 .. ,,.. ·I ! "f{o•li!..>:',' ad \l.~·d t! • 1:1 ·\ '.\1Jl1a1n i3arr) ul thr i'athJ1- ,hc \Vcl!ar1· llurr-d u ••! ~.111 la :\1111 "arid by tt.11 1n.·a11f': d nn't 1" ~~,, ..... ~111 11 ""' i '"" ... tea r tht' tf'f'nage ""rl'"I · 'A'ht•n h" ;i1!1lrf'~!'f:'d 1•ar1·nt11 a nd ' -~ ..... ,..,1 Ur11 rh "' > " ... n 1 ·ourr.n1,.r·• " l~l~'J·: Jt':-'l' J{l·:~;I,'\:-' ~Ir:; l\t•nn1•th Hrp11k,., .. 1 f{1n l·un ~pri ngs, lse11.ted ir1 chair) ! r11 11•1· l ,1•!' l·-l o• 111;1\r •11 'A'a . ..; h <,n 1•r ).:lh'"'l :1\ a ··1~1f1 8t'g11u1 al 40 " p1:1.rly hosted :-..1\111dr1~ lov .'.!1 ;111d ~\,., \\'uy r11· ~l urJ .... k. J 1!1$ l)oJptun Tt'ITRC(' S tanding ti l!1 rJ .111· :,\, .•n•I ~Jr ,.. \\1!11au1 'l'rlll . "l,.·f1y'' ~f u rJock , Ke nnl'th P,rooks. J llhll l{•1y1I ~lr ."' ~ ;1.Jv. d;1d1r i:r•·nny l.ani-;d,•11 ant l '1;11 g C1:1.ldw11.latle r , Jorei.;-rounJ, ~l rn•·" .\l u1d1•1 k l ,.~n . .;d,.ll. 111""ks and J ud) IJt1111!ttl" ~11.l"o ~1 r .-'\l ago111 "K1rldy" 1 1 1~l 11 111.-,;, J"k·· b lld n .. il ~1ft..;, n1ui.fr, i.;1llKl l1K 1-1nrl ;1, 1·akc l OjJpC:J wit h "'httc !iltt:!i tciich1·r:1 altt·nd111~ !ht· I· "un•l•·r ,. I 1ay m o 1•tu1g .,f the :--;..,"" port t:.:lcn1entary P -'J',\ "/J..-yuniJ lf1\1· ,1nJ par<'lll!I s 1't/l1cal ii• .. .i ... ._.,, 1$l!IU1~ a .i .. , !1<1 ,.,f ,\11 I ,'"" "''I• tt'l~.o!"tl••ll • 1n'f"''~· df,.11'1~ "'II h ''! ""'"' H" • "' "" '~ '" ! ~·' ., ...... " .,, •• ~1·• I' 11 ••1·~1"·,J •h~ .... ,11 !lh· 1ol···l ~·· l•l .. u .. t •I "1 "d' l1<•l 111.,nl h • ~TAKT EAH I \ I 1-d•"I "''. 1 •:l '"' ,, I.I) <i/1 ·~~pl!". "'"·""'lo' il•1UI ~11~·' LJ .. r - \' • ~I ") • • ~" • I I 11 Ill• I I'"' I ""' r "" "' ,J "'"""~ I( J 'l:i"l'Vf'Y ~'\!llr .. •l \\ .. ua, r a 11<t !I '1 :td l'l•J1dJ1!1• I I "!'1·Jl ''] lal 'l 'Y l~1rt lrd 1_v I ~!ull /'hUlu F"''"·'''"·" ~·I t/,~ h1l 1. 1<lnJ ''"''H I••~ \11• p1u .. nt . th" lo•'<l ~l O•'IJ,., tu ·'~•I "l>•'to \h<I') ,,,,. '" U•~ t1 11,,1 !~. ~ hool•! Hy k"'''l••lllC "n"~ •I"'" •l·•Jl laool~ ri1~h t+'""111h lh,.•r i.:r""'"" '""'" •lnlUr"" "di h 1t v" .. tt ... 1,,•,1 .,.11 '1•1 ·''''11 .,Al't-~ 1·,,,_.1.1.,; l"'"''ol"llt :.11, J"l \t Hr• I ~'"'~ 11 1 n >Uln•·d ~I •· J1,1L n .-;!11• l·I• p.1111~111• tL\ttr11ut llll•l ~l lK• v.,,l,ol "·' ''""1L L1·1 . ul lh1: n .. r .. u•· I' i.o; 11·11"1.i:· .... \I ""'" ,,,11 ... , ~ Fuchsia Group Slates Speak eJ •Ill• l(1ll l1" , •.• µ ... I tu1 I r~ .. ·~ ''"I l••hrl h 1n1h•1 •l r•1r llf'~t )••a•'s l'hlll p T"rry ~n,j ' "'"'., "''"11n111 ~·I To i ' 'llllfl l~I ~ 111" t Ii·· 1 I•" or ,. ''"'l'''!it llV" "IHtll IH \lie t ljln• 1,, , _ iri~ t"'"""J.:" , *""" .. n,J l~ '••ll.n11 Tl•'•· ~ . • • . ' .. . .. Ke\' 11 .. rry 1'v\Jnkrled llil lhlll• 1· 1'""1:!1' •n R'l! lh·· ""i!lTV ,,r Jitc-k U<la1\ Curona dl'I .\l&r, i11 n .. 1,.~ \,. "nJO) •I• 1n11: !h !11~· 11.1 i;u.,al ~1·••kt1 ... ill talk 011 1• ··!••r "1 '"" u!.i /'""~ A" " "~hllJ" Plan ta ' 11l 1/1e ,.,..,.,t ,11~t rnodl'tll ~.(ampl .. '" ''"''~1 .. ,J •lf \he ~illlii. .\IO!>i• U"} 1'illt'I k 1IJ\ll-' l,.lo ,1•1°•11 I•·'·~ ,..11·1· l !ran.11 "' ll1" C:nlll•••111< :->a 11011aJ 111~ 1'·11""1• 1•• '"""IU• !Ill .. ,,.,., 111 ll1l•!t"n ~ l'l "![r•n•• •• ",..)J ,.. ~-.11 .. w 1 r1~ I !I" r h IJ I N \ ,, ''t)· ' ,, '"""" I hillnll~tl l!Lll l"'"' ... , ~~ 1 '~~1 1"''"1•1<'••1• ~:1 .. ,,, .. 111 ''" I' T A 1111''° 11\11 Hf !•f !" e"'f>'" t "I'll .. ·. ....~, .. ... ... i"M•~n Hn.,.1n "n ~l1rHh••'h H~-• A !bt•! ! H " ftft)• L" Nell Murbargcr's First Book l~ca<ly fo r l)rcss ('"'' .• '11·•1' 11 ,,, ------------:ng relJ•" t1:1 ,,r ll••t "''el'k ~·w n~J 1,.,. ,,,1.i 1.1\l I'" Newcomers Club 1111bl1Ahlng 01 her f <! ' ..,,,.,k r .. n \ll·!S ,\l:'fH \'t! 'l ·lll{llN:-;u :-.;, Z<1nla comrnittee chair-Nam es Officer s ll1tl1vely f'ntltl••ll. "Ghn~I~ 1 t lt1•· Gl<'lt)' T1·1,1l" An•I hu~ drl\v• 1'"d thl! t'OIJY t•• Ill<' !l1•:-,.I\ r'll'~" Jflan. 1 •1~· .L1.1 .. thl· ''Z '' p u1 tu l{ai;h1el t ;.i 1 "' 111•• .\h1nth" lor f'1 h 1·1u11.\'. Tv.·en\y nn ~ """'•·om~r• lot'•·•·-p ,.Jin lJo·•,.r\. 1,11!d1~l11·1 ~ •ii l ••· ~1~ .. l~~IF'"~!1trl811:~lk \~~.,,~1017,:le~; .. 11 :,1 ,.i;u7.•n" Rachae l Pere z is Named ;\l11o Ch1trl•lt' H . York, 22ti p 011•1 I~\• '''!<""" 11111 11 •nl ,11n ;i n, .. , l'Y ''"" ·rh .. iir1n1p . .yun•ured U)' t 1ni .. ted 1 ~:,.vvu ... 0 11\a .. n.1 \\111 '"' <.:01.,n ia J <'-1 M • r Con1n1un1ty I 1 ln,.tr·al••<I "'1th llittr•V phvt•11(rap11~ ''hutlh , ""'t'!lOlllt'I I ll """. l't'~l-•lent~ lt11 11.•rn I• l o eltnuna tt l.d~"" 1,,1 11,. n\1\tH•! "-" ""I! ,1 ~ Jnn .. 1111 ... •• 11nJ nu~<'tint:• ar" h"loJ nu11 .. ·•"u" 11••p~ ·•l pr1•11enl In tPte hun lt• ot n1eu1-Zonta G irl of Mc>nth fl t < hH"I l'rt •'1. 1 ~··111•11 " ,., f'"lt'Z t :<·~t11 1,,,1 "'I I I" I ~I , I 11 .. · S•1 .. 1Lt 1'11" 1 ....... ·' " ., ' I ",.1 11~1 >1 1~ !'I"~' n',, 11,, .. ·11 ,.,. I " ' 11 •. ol "' '·I ' ' , . ' " ' " .\11 ~. .\h Jl'blll ;,:"1 ha.a l"Cf!.U'"<l ' '"·•ling ari 1n(e1r~t lr th• •ri· !><tr•. 1· •II•• M\enl ul ...,·onwn 111 Lh1 bu•1· 1 Ml'8 Ro bert Roper 11 chairma n II••-~ ""' l·I IJl.:l h11.a 1<ppo1n ted the rollow lnr "'t1l 111g 1<Wll1J~ ll'ulu C•hfunt1" A~~··•'>•llnn u f r ·1.-~• \\'11111o>11, ,,,, Ila• 1.,~1 "-·•s 1 huu" on lht nff1r•.,·1 and chai1-n en ; M 1nea. M On Honor R ull h.1,<i • !ol ltd\1 •1,,111• !1 11·nollln··~•. (• \'>l\lr.:hu, ~··•"!'<'!ar1·. t"";\r nn d•j .. n<1 .. 1,,1i:1, IL1,•'ll•'N• v f Char-I ~·011n1. (•'lephon• cha lrm11n , Vu·-1 ,,.,.,·rn111n i.: 1•• f)1 c .. orR~ It a .1 .. 1· 11 •1<1 1.1 ... u11 .. ,,1 A n•en1t.ier •l(1nu1 K unkle, •eco1 <11n1-: 1e<'r"· A rnin·"~l. l'T""'''"lll o r !Ii•· l 1111-.; .. r \h>1 1;.,1. A!hklL!' A•llOrll•IU•n 111 •Y. Jnh" Ti•µletl K.lhl lttl'har(I •1!1· ,q· H···ll.<n'b l(i.V f{,, ... 1,11 1,,.,1 .,,,,1, .. no1 •ll.l" JU; <•JI · L.:rh!•'f'\•:••ud. h1••l,.,._ c:o-cha1rn1 •·n ,,1 .. ur.:htto1· o r ,\1 1 11 1,1 M r• k L1l 1• I · I :.."Kl rn e~l1ng "'Iii be 1'1 11rch j,:; He!'~e. 11111 1 N°•llTh ll11 vr ... 11 •··'f'•ll•ll!I ~ •••T•'\•>i\', RlilO 'll .<f'I 26 J :lll p. Jn Il l Lhe ho nie uf IHI~ 1 ... , ... ll "lo"<I 1,. 11 ... ••'h•dr>•IO< pln11." tu Kl ll'nd (ll'a n ~e L'••K.~t .\l r~ Cllrl Ot1•l1'•. 3220 Ol·e.tn hunor r•dl ,\11•• ll•·<'~•' 1.~ 11 "'"""' 1 ,l!\1·c•· "' " L''""'"'''111\ rnitJnr 1,\ve. 1'!1·•· Sla11ll'y l:l11~b1 n will •L th" unJ\'t'r"il" "'hl I• 111RI"! i.c ~·--------------------------------,l be ll MlJtllllll hu~!t'Nll, A 11yvne !le· 111 ed11r11t1"n l•l!i•· w.~.• l!lll•l""I• 1 ~l1i11r.; !nfu1lnJtllOn lllllY \'a ll the f1~nn \\'ii1llL<'r l 'nil tl\ ll1r.:h So l11•••I l"L'"l"'~ WOii"'" Z"H\J\ I<'• "1-.11 17,•'• <o\l\S\H!Hl lllJ.: sl'l•I• 111 11!1 I11 ~.•l.,(~ 111 BALTZ MORTUARIES teil'f'h"ne ,h1u nnan, f.l rN, Young In l\•.~2 ,\!E!';A C"llA l 'EL '" '" "~' """11n0<l•d Ill•! h\ ,.,.,,,I• ~ II • '11.rid l•I BI", ~n ..... ' 1 ••f "'""' r1 on1 the "ll• "' ,\~"'' a r .. 111 f.,, !'ll.oT •· "!1'l 1 .... ,.1 11,.1 ... 1• \\'tl~hl n~r.:n n1 · "~ 11 11 1nolll'Hl11~I 1ur111 .. o1 1,, hav .. I I(,,.,, !lio• '"''~! d l~llnR Ul•hllld ••ll'· ,.,. ... · "1 111,. 1·J111•<· nr rnakllllt' \11 • "' 1. h· ll"t ~"'"re of !heir i," ~I 11"1 i \ l'h,. d 11'' ,,.,. ••r 1he Nrvada !11-1.,11• Il l ~ ... 1~1y vu1 nt .. J out tha t '" ll•• l"'"l )11 y~· .. 1 ~ '-Ira. ~!Ur· l.l.11 1 1•1 11 .. ,. jJUlJl11h~J 1 1<0n•e 40-0 111,.i,i<~·"" ~u.J ,,..,,,,~1er 1 .. 11•111eM •1 .. ul111i,; "'t/1 th .. ,.,.r\,. h!litOr}' or 1111• 1ul1•1 111•tt111t t1111 '"![lvn ron1· ~·11 ~· •I u! t h" •liil~• ot U\ah. ''''l••l>o, ,\114•"1" 1r.r1<1 ,-.:ew l-lex· lf.:U \1r. "fl"' ''·"'"'>t ~o>I ',.,, !h•• \:f'Wl 'f•T \·l\l\lbn11 "~ .. o111or nt I ·r~•~ ""'" "" .. _ .. 1....., Mf1'0 u.cn...., ... -. t .. ...., IAlllM COlillH1f 11.,. II · II ... --- '" Presbytery Speaker Tn. Wotntn'a t-'t"ll11wahLp vf SL. A nd r•Y.·a Chun:h WLll h&\'f' I.he Rir\I\ \l.'allirr jo\ l'ro:"Jf' erLllll .,. ,.peak•• J .. •n<' .. , hr11 I l ot covununity proo:;r:.i m and !'IC>· chtl ,,.•eH•r• w<Jrk ur r r .. ;ibytr l \ Lil Loli Allll;('h:il •t t h<! n r:.t Ull'f'I · 1111:. ~f~••h j l.ur1·h ... ·" "'Ill 1.,. l s..•1 \'t';.I b) 1110'.lillot'I~ o,;f th<' £.tth"' 1C•rcle al I :! :;(j ... TTL Ul lh11 , chun:h lounie Daug-hter ~1r. a:id >'Ir.• ·-nwh•~d Sh11w l l-t Gn1111.l t:itn\11. 10 r I h•• h;qJP} pli!'1•r1L!I o! u .\.1ll~ht .. 1 b11n ~-,.h '.!~ 111 l lu,u: ll v~pH.il Shr h.1 • l "" bn.>lh<!r• Echternach So n lt • a b"'t:ry buy lar f,lr ft lld M•• John .::.-ht1'1n1r h l fJ~! \'1- ,.,~n J.n.n .. ('~s1a M••" Thr b11 lh I wu~ Frb 2ll on Hvl': H o&ptl ~l, -•• aClye~ll •aO "' 1..lf'E ........ I I I I We've brought Spring back irith &Q.UIRE SOCKS .. _~...-.....,.;;.,• 11 ,/ri .,!,. (I~ 1!.cr1•r1,~. ro/. ur[ul u ~ u ((J11111•11/-l1t1 t Or•-/he Hf1<'tl/, /rr~ltr ~/ .•. ,,.~ • .. 1 /~r,,., all-111 11 ,.,t /u 'I''" ll ""r ll'llllrr-!1'f'll'tf I)"' •I ~ •1 li ft' (:umf in and p1tlr 11our f(lt'"r !lr /ron1 our lita utlf~I. ll10 6rltr 11011 -/J11r "'11.\:t •I "'0" /nr b•·~/ p1r!n ng•! !//Pre II'-•hcni• rhr rn/•'/f/rnin 1\'rinht A 1 • g11lf -n l rrf/t ln ~'"'r f••tl 0 >1rl J,unir r)ltl Ortl11 JI .) Oprn Snndn~· 10 to .'i ()'.'\ Tllf: OC f", ,'.'\-FR0:-0.'T ftl '!'!•111 "ltr ... ·t nri .. s11 .. 1t 111.,.k r'""' I h" ="""'l"•rl l'lo·1 ="1,.,....1>0r l He~~h • \\t: 1;f \-I'. '°A If 4,Kt;t::-> l'iTAM I• ... I ;~ 1 SUJ'lll !or A vrnue (_'.,s\11 ,\l,.s a, C11!l l l'n,.110 Ll!l<'rJ)' 11·:!1:!1 CllA P i:'.L BY THV. ~F:A 30'2U E . Coiut 1:11•"<1. I wish t o express my t he pleasant re spon se he art felt wh ich we gratitud e fo r received to Coro nll d<'l ~1ar, Upholstery Draperies Thf ~·inc!<\ ('rnft~nlAn sh1p c 11.11 r. " l'lu,; J-';i br11·i; :i t C'lot C'-Out l'r1t't'.'\ r:na bl\·~ l 1s t o Gi\'r Yi>Hr (lid J·'11 r111l 11rt• l 'h<1t j\'J•:\\' J~(J(J I\ ul A ~tnunding l 'r1 ,·t'." I lu1·1 11J..: 1!11• ''off si•a ;.;1111" l 'J\LL \1:-' l)A'I on. Nrr :HT J.l bt•rty ~-~:-.1:-- 1 •! •"1!11111 '0'~ 1" ,,,, .... r '"" d •·r n rnt(lr1 w ill ct ll ,.1111 ~""!"·~ 11t _l'<'llr r•'<'Jll"•L • :~·11 ; \\". ('nn<;t 11 11 ,\ 1 'l:1ri111·r'-. \lilr ' ~f''A'JlOTf l~·it••h ' .... • 1 ... "Th.1! i~n ·1 a 11 •• ,, • our opening invitat ion. It is a genuine plea su re to know thal the women the H arbo r A rea apprec iate the new type o f of sh op we have brought to them. I pled9e myself to con t inue expanding my tions ... to con t inue an d exclusi ve acce sso rie s attire . searc h f o r co mplete t o my se lec· the new mil ady 's Olga C. Grauel Mail and Gift Wrapping Service for You'r Convenience OLGA'S '* Cost11. Mf'e.A.'l'l Onl)· r.xrluRi\'r 186 1 Harbor Boulevo rd Arf'PAAory :-;hrir • Costa Mesa • I Roy Carver PONTIAC WE WIU DELI YER A NEW 1956 Y-8 PONTIAC 'FOR LESS than 44 of the Models So-Called "Low Price 3" • PONTIAC 2 Door Sedan Equipped with • It.' dnult11tl1· • Ka.fin or • HPt1f,.r • fHIH·r .4.r N'ti.40rlt-8 •2390 • Catalina cpes 11 ,\rll"limatlr -Ra<Uo or Hrat,.r ~ othrr ACCHIM>riN •2490 (pl ........ , •• Ii l\l"f'ft ... ! • Other Model1 & lody Style1 at Comparable Savln91 • Us See or this Today week-end Select from Our Huge Stock of Pontiacs Serviced an-d Reody-lo- deliver· ,, • ' No One Can Save You MORE or Serve You BEMR than your LOCAL DEALER Roy Carver PONTIAC 1-100 "'· CoU1 Hliflway ~""'port """h 1.ltwrty ~MM • ' • PAGE 6 PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS : LIGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICJ UGAL NOTICE LIGAL NOTICE LEG,AL NOTICE FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1956 H.rbor Hl<Jli Men Aid Science Fair Two N .. wport Harb<:ir tll•'n ll11v" ~n ··~!oi.f"l lo po!>I• uf Ill" plannlnlf C:.Oll!.•l1 lltee f()r 111,. 01. an111 Cotll\lV S<'lenr " t-'•11 t" b" r ondurted M•y 3 -~ 1n 1J11J C•.U!t Gyrn Sal1 l• Ana. C~lel(e SCtlool mf'mbera f'leete<1 .,. .... Robert H ou.II': anll John JuhnlKln ,r Newpoot H;orbo~r tlr11r.n H i!h S1·hool. who will be !.1 llu11.:~ ol LEGAL NOTICE unto •!!I my h•nd •n <I •ff•Xed mJ •fOclal M'•I the rl.liy •nil J f'ar In lhi• C er t1r1ca :f' rlr1t 11bo1 f' written •I ROBERT >' ""11..l.MES ~(y Con1m1u 1un F:11plrf'• '.'lovf'nlbe.r 17, 19.'i!:i :--:o 1t08 Nt\Vs·Prf'Sll :! 10, IT, 24 3·2, 19-'8 ' , __ -..Ch on and •Iler the operaUve tmt t.h9t. ltf Part of Ot.ti•kln it.le or Ulla ordlnanc:•. 2 Qf the uld Revanll! ud Tax•- " (JI For t he ~r~ flt OU. Uoa Code lhl! State of Cahfornia chapter, a u retaU uJu lhall IM ll ·named or refttred -to a• lh9 ~ to haYe bffn cONum-t.aldn& a1ency. the City of N-- maled at the ptac. o f bualneu port Beach ,nan be l'Ub•Ututf'd ot tA. ret.aUtt unlea• the tan11ble ther•for. N vth1ng in lhla IUb· per90nal pmpl!rly llOld la de.livf'-r~ d.ivteJ()fl 1ha ll t..e dtt1ned to require ~1 .lhl! rtl•llir-r dr h11 •1ent W ...n t1le 1ub1utuUon of the name f1I out-of.at...te deatlnetlon or tu a the. Cit y Qf Newport , Beach for oom.mon ca !J'er for df'liYery to the word "8t•t•'" .,..hen lhat word an ~t-of,...lf' d~•t 1n•Mn. De· 1a ulled 1<1 pb>rt of I.he lllle of 11.,..ry chllrJ•• Jhlltl lie !nclu\!ed thf' S1 1h! C..'Qntrnller, the State LEGAL NOt;CE OHOI NA~l't: Sfl, 71% In lht JroM re<;e1pt• by which Tre.uurf'r. the State Board uf I AN llHlllSAXCK ot· TU£ CRY t.... I• meuured, rf'itarj:llua ot the Contrul, lh~ SI 11 t e Board ol IJt' '.':r:\\'l'llRT H(".e\('11 , AUi>· place to whll'h dellvf'zy la 11111.d!!, Equah~llon . o r th~ n11.111t. of lhf' J:Nf; (.llAl'Tt:H \' :-.1•:(TIOS8 when •uch ch•r&e• 11re. includi!d Sh.ti! "l 1!!"su1y ur of th .. Con· G"ifllJ-8,,09. TO AllTI! l.f" VI 01" In the ITlf'l•Urf' of Lhe lllll••« 01 «l•llHlon of !he ~lPle of \'11]1IOT· r :!>; \fl '\l('IPAI. 1'"111:, ,,.. UH tax \nq>Oll'Ol by th.-_ Slllll' ul T11~ n,,1 >1h.~ll lh•• 11>1111' ur 0 1" 1•11 .. l"lill A ('ITY i'ir\1 ~:i'i A.NU C•htorn111 Jn !hr ir-\ir-nt • r't11 ilir-i 1eit; b,. •uh.•titnle.! r .. r lhHt .. r I s t; TAX; l'R~1\ll1l :-..c; frt)R ha.. no ll<'!nilln,.nt plH cir-ur hu~1 -lh" ,;ta t .. 111 •nv ~ ... ·11,i11 whir-nth .. TJ!F: l'f:tl .. 'IR~A .,f F: J\V TH r: n-In the StlO!~ "f C11h l(lin11t l<'"ull u l lh1t \ ~11li11t1\tl~hit1 "'u11ld llO AS OlllllNA/lit'Jo: A~lt:i\111:\"1, A!'O IJ HY.t"t;AUNto C •'.HTA l '- ,._t:C'TI US~ lit" Tilt: ('I\ II. 8 t:H\'1( Y. N\'NTt::\I 01-' T iit:' ('IT\' flt' !'•it:\\ l•flll r Jlt:AC II \.\'llFREA!t th._.. (',,,I :oi.-r\'h" R"ll rd h"" 1 e••<.11u114'h1le•I \•, th•· • 11 v Counr1I or N1>1>.•p•11 r n .... 1 h t nat Sr•ll"ll 17 •Jf 4)t•llnnt"•" ".J I I \<11 ,('h <'~lll tlllllhf''1 I\ t.:1'11 ~ •• ,, .... !-'v ... 1 .. 111 1n th,. 1·11v ••I N• "I' ••I 1 fl.,• .. ,h. "'"' •••llll•••I ln S<1\1•·n 1\i l .,r ("lo"t•t•·• I v f A,1 /1 1, II• ( 'llr f.hHll•'ll If I ·0.1 .. nf 1 h. i !I\ "! I"• "'!oQrt B•~" h . .-11t1\l•·d t-:!11-:11,ol. Hy Affrr"\<"<t by lt!!<"f'lpl "' I'•! Ro•,n he th·l,.t1·•l tr""' '·"'! (·\!I s~r'"'"" S) ~1.-111 N1i.1 WH~~l(~~A S 1ho-t 1~11 S,.1,1!• II ,.,,,J 11 .. s !111 LI""' 1, I I~ • 1ty ' 'Jlllh 1! 11<."n r~.~t ""'''''' I . 1 I ( , "I ., '!Lit I f <I N·.,, r· I ,,1 ' • ' I• '" "' •1·· lrl• '" "' "' ,, I ! " llHIL' n 1••! ~."I "I' " "' ""'' '" ~T'\Tr. 19,flAftll ""' r:<t11ALI· Qr ha.or ninr<' than on' plf1ce .. r 1equ11 P 11•·t1on to tlfl 1.akf'n by ur ZATION flt'" A l L Yl''fTiON8 bu1lne&1. th' pltl ,"-or plar!'ll at ai;11 1n~t ti·• C'1!v ''' HrlY Hlo(t'nt•y IS('llll:'.':T TO TH Y. A U· whic!'! tf't111J ~Ill •~ 11 1 ~ t"<lnaun1-rh.-1 1uf rnth"r 1tHlf! l,y ur ui;a ln~t '111 .'\l.STRATIO'\, lll'f:llATIOS ni•ltd ~.all bf' a.< •l"!"tlnll1•••1 un-th•• :;tJO I<' l«•ll •I oil ~:11u~l1111\1io11 A :o;U ('01.l ,l':(TI O'\ Ill·" THE <ltr lllll ~ Kn•I l"'(lll"\l"n~ pr~ !I' 1,..1(<ot11•1Jll: tlu• l "lltl l••n~ IU ,,..,\I.I'." .\S ii I !'<f: T.\X llEKI:· "'1111,.d IO ~\I ,,1111,t~•I t.1 th.-Hu1trtl 1 ,,r, • .,\ 1" 11"· 11olnHn1~1111ll<oll "' R\' l \l 1"!1."lt:U 1 -i1·s ... _,·1nNc;l (Jf ~:4uR l•1_..1, .. ,, ''1"'!>1!1••1\ HI tl1<• •t•Ml'l"' "l"l Tllt. l'ftll\'1"1111\'.i'i 111· f :H AI'-• •h• •It ~-X<'"i•l •• ~ 1 .... ~ ... ~n ··· ... 11h·• ~1 ... 11 u .. · ~11b~lltul1<•1\ h" T t.ll I \, ...... u .. n .. 'fi lMl·61!3 ()f' l'!<•l'h!NI a n.t .. A<•f•I 111 ... 1 .. r .. ~ '""''"'! i •• ""'~ h·•ll ui.o•h' 1ro \UTH l .t: \I 11•· T iit: \1 l 'N I-thPy •r" 1n•'o)F1~l!Ll•nt "'Ith the thu-.· '"'''""' 111•lud1111: b"I llul ( 11''\I. ( ltflF Il l Ml'I· S l '<?ff pru1·!111n::~ 1,~ !'art ! 11 ti! f10\ ...... ,1 11.-.,, •• ,.1.iy lou11l t"•I to !L••ct lun• 'r 1Mf" A .~ Till ~ OHlll 'A:\"('f:i 2 of th .. """I H<"l'f'IHh' ¥"'* T""" 1 .-1~11110,: t•• !/ • .-~i.1°·11 .. 1 fiuu11U I \ 41l't:H·\T I \>:: ''II l'K~•-''"" (',...,,. ~u <JI Ill~ l''"''Ml!Jl~ ur ... 1~-.. r !ti• l''MI .... 1 I ¥lli .. ru1 .. \101 ~i. 1•t::-..A1.T1t .... t"()K I ""'' 1 01 1 .. .,,., •• ,. ~ .,, ,. .. ,.i 11o t .•• ~ 11 .. ,, .. ,, .,1 t111· ~11f>U1111 \UH ATllJ:\":00. lllt:llt.11t. (".,,!~ II• Plll''ll•lo-•I ,,,.,i 111 /1,1,e I'"" """I\'"" I l'l"\'l•h "II'"' r,., •"1l1 '"'n•ol 1,r thP City •H•! rf1~11 nil A111I l!:i>ll ~r .... 111101 ,,,, '""" •t11· \•"' "''" '' •I r-,:," 1'"1 \ H.-•" h •l'"'" "' <,un .,. plh ~ul.-"' .,M1~,. l tA•,. ~•,. !1'•rebl "I ,., t \" • •'• ''' 11 •t"' ·•i:• •hr ''' r•llu"• "ol "l'\•'•I 81.,1 .,1,,.1, ,, p11 11 n1 ,.,,,. ··'h•• ... n~"''~'I"'" •>1 L~11.:1lll" ""''!I••.'\ 11011 1 h ojto•r \' \"~•IL"n Ill• (h"Ul:~I !tdl; s•• l••llh P"'' l><1l 1••1••I\ "Ill II \•"lll•l ll••I ""I 11q 'lj olJ!I ~I l lll!lu,j. ~\<!•Ill llh•I'• • !o ''~"J' ll•f•I 111• ' ' " ' " , .. '., " '" " 1 ... ' .. '" ,1 'n11.• •"ti I•! r J H>. \\ !"•" "''' "~I""' \I I•• I ~ .,f ll" • • I '"' ' "''' I " ... ,., 1:. '' ~fl•! ' " ..... '" '" t !i.-'"" l\I~' I !-·'. " ...... '" II " :00.1'1'•' 1111•1>1 11 " )• ,.,.,, " "''I 1· ....... n! ,.., '• r 1H!li , ... " tmpoM:d lly thi.. orcl.lnaact. UI• ed In a~ wtlh -.Jd em- proviloiona ot °'8.pt11r '· ll«UOM ployee'• recular ra te ot S-Y al f400 l.hf'O\fp '4.l:'i of Art\cM VJ t hir-d u1crtttloo of UMr City ~ of Uie Mwtlc:lpal Code. of l.lYi Ct.y •r•r Such empkl,... aball IM of Newport Bu.c h ah•ll t;,. a p 1n required lo won: on holiday• t&ll· In rull force ud ettecl •l Uu! Inc Within U.Mr --~ work rale of on• pen:ent 11<;;.1. Nothln& week. I f a dec:lared IM>llda7 tall• ln ~-. ""*--.e..M a. .,_,. upon .uetll -.io~·· JaOnnal ..... ~'11 u ~"""nl -)' pe..-n of off. -ea:ln M1 M&1J M. a6ded Jobe Qbh&alloo to p&y to the City to hie ncaUon allowanct ." of Ntwport Beach uiy a&laa o.r 8SCTIOH ,. I : 'l11J• Uf'ltbtalltt Wll' t•Jt accrued a nd owlnc by .S...11 bf. pub!i.bld at 1f'&.i one• rea 110n er the p tovla1011.1 (tf Chap· In the Ntwp0rt Harbor N-•· Ler t , Sttt!Of\9 6400 throu1h ffl-' rm.. a new1paper of 1en1tal or A.rllc le VJ of the Munlc:ipal cln:ula tlon, pr1nled and publl1hed Code u f t._h11I City ot N'ewport and ctrculat.d In the City of New· Be•ch 1n forcf' anti f'ffect prlor port Beach, and lhf' 11•n1e •hall be Lu •nd 1n(•lud1ni;: A.larch 31. lWI& tn tult for e• and •fftct 30 d1y1 · 5,., pon 6.''>011 Pl:NALTlltS after this pt.Hlllf'· Any pf'r~on v1ol11ttn1: •ny ol the 1"he ab<>ve and rorf'ir;o1 nic ordin· 111 uvl11iQn• of thla chapter ah•ll anc• w u Introduced at 1 rf'gul•r be dttrned' guilty of a> ml•· maeUnc ol IJ'I• City Council of de111Mrwr. a.od upon convlct lon th• City 0/ N-porl Beach hald lher .. ot 11hall be pun11h&ble. by a an lh11 tllh day of t'~bruary , finir-uf nol more lh&ll S:WO 00 or t9M. and wu rinally p~d •nd by 11nprls"nHh·nl ful' a p111100 ot adopted on the 17th dHy of nut n1ore thHn aix <6 ) n1on Uul !n P'ebruary. l9M, by t he fu!Jow1 ng 11., l'>tv J1111, ur by both •uch vQte, to .,.•11 !1rh "'"t !•n1•n!l>Jnn1e11t A.YES, Cqunc1ln1en . B<>n11f'lt, "1~~l"TJO~ Q",O!• SE\lf:HABll..-"'ilder. M•r k•y. St<>•ld11rd, I l \" J1 a 111 "'"' l1v11 ~ui;k .. t1on, l l!gblf', R hlderhot H oll ~"11!1•111" • litu~... l>hrll.M or por· NOES, Cuunrlln1f'n x .. n r 11 •• n ••f 1 t>•~ , l•Art"' ln<"l11d tn11 . A.BSEr..'T (;c,unt Lln it n Xt1n" !Jut 1111\ Juntl"•! to ""Y ir->ten1pt1on, A ITEST: ,,, 1 .. 1 ~ny 1.,1ts"11 h~l-1 t._. tie in· M SCHRO UDER 1-'l"J l•< Ulllurlet1tut1un11.l b)' till' City Cle rk >l•·• •-"'" ,,f .in} 'uurt uf 1·u111- 1•• 1.-!lt JUI 11!.dlo \IQl1 , ~\Ith ;1<"\:!BL(tn -tu1ll 11<11 11 1!··• t t he vah•tlly or :-<o 1422 DORA th .. 1"111Hlll111K po1•11on~ ,,f lh l~ J>;., ............. R. 3 11/M u 1111.1.! t.l11.y1;r l , r.H J•lo , 1"h.-l '<ouru ti ur the City ----- ,,f 'l""'l'"'t H•I!.• 11 ll~r~b) oJ,.,!,,te" O RJ)IN1'NC:P: NU. 11 1 1Mftl lt w "uht n11ve 11•1<!f11,.<1 t hi~ AX f>Kll l SASClt OY Til t': ('IT\ ol<>•lil•1 1111'1 1·•0.:h "...:t1<.>ll ~\1ti-1 llf' .S P:~l'flRT Hl':AC II A l._ 11<" •r11 1,.,,,,. ,1 .. u•• ph1;o11,. l'RO\'INO 'f11p; AS:-.t:XATHI' , )'"1\1•11 th,.,, .. 1 1r1 r~1,..,11,,. ,,1 TO Tllr: ("rf\' (II' '"t,\\t•11tl'f !ht• 111,t 11111.l 11111• onr '" "'"''" Ht:Af 'H (II' f 't"H1'A I' I N · ,,., lo"ll• """'"" t ''"~ "''!•'ll•• • llAttlTP:ll Tr.tutl1•11<' Dt:l'l. Mi.c.Jlanaoul Map Book '· Strttt and a.Ion& tb• boWldal"Y Pace IS, Recorda o f •Id Or· Jh'" or u ld City of Nf>WJ!01l an&• CounlJ, thet1C41 no1lh· Bt-at·h to the potnl o f belln· wMteri)' alone the .oulhwf'11t· nlnr. «11 liM of -.Jd BlocJc ~" 11111 SECTION 2. Thll ontlnanra Uonr N id CHy boundary 111111 ahall be p.ib!Yhed a t kut l'.ltlc:I to an interae<.'tlQn ..,.Jlh th• 1 ln the N-potl Harbor Nf'..-·1· l90Uthf'9.al"'1y llrte Qf JrYlne·' • PN!1111. a newt1pt1-per· ot .-...i Aven111; lhentt ilOUthwett.-rly circula tion . prtnted and pubtiahed &>ol'IJ" Ul.e .ouUlf'Ult'tl)' Une u t 1<nd clr!'ulatf'd ui th• City of Wd lt'Tlne A""1ue l l' an In· I Nni.·port Beach, and t.h• •111• te,,_;Uon w ith t he .:iutheo.i~I· I ahall he Ln full f!>rc. and tfl,.cl trly prolongation of th" no rth. ao oi•Y• arter thl1 i:-_..ce eute rly Une of 20th S\rO'rt as I TI>c 11bove a nd f()ri!aolnr ord•- ahown upon aald map of r>O"f'w• n11U("I! .,..u lntrodul"l!ld at a f'f'l!'.ll· port _Hf'1ght11. a•ld po•nl 11l9n 1 1 ~ r ri1, .. tln~ or thf' Ctly c ouncil bf'in1 •n •n1lf' point In t h" o r thf' City o>f Nir-wport 8"11• h bound•rY h nf' or thir-t•11~· •·f i"•I·• on th•• 20th !111y nr Ji",.brusry Co•t• Me .. • Ulen1·P l'llnt11iu1n1o: \11.-..6 •n•I \0'1111 flnallv paaard •n<1 .outh""Vltir-ilv a I u n g -a i·I i '''"J;lr\l on the 27th. rt.iy of Ft'h· aouUIN.tterly li ne or l 11•1no> 1u"r) 19~.8. by thir-tollowlnc volf'. A venuf' to IUl 1n t"r•ert•t•n .,.,th I lo .,,..,t the 90Ulhwtsterly hnr of lflth AYt~g. C ounrllmen · Strttt .. •how n upon 11 11111p \\"lldf'r, 1'1 acKay. Bennett. Stodd•rd, ot Tract N o 112!'1, re1·ordr1t "' ltll(l>l". R ldLlir-rho f. H ill M1acellaneou3 M11fV!, Floo k 39, N ~)ES t:ounc1l111"n P•1e 1, Rc<'Urd• of ~ul Or· A BS l!::-OT l!ounr 1ln1tn angf' county, .11 .. 1 pt•1nt ,,f All'F:-:T Lnt .. rwct lOn befllg 111 1ngl•• ~fllrg,.ry S<·hroludrr point In lh;-bountl1<ry 1,,,., o1f l'.\\' Cltrk 111!1 1d Cit)' of N•·"'fl•irt IV••"h, thir-ncf' aoo\h~11at;-rly 11Ju"I{ th~ aouthw.-.\.,rly 1111.-11f -..1u1 !6tll ;.:,, t 11' \ o• ~t:\\ l'flKT Ht"AI II -..1 11111 t 1u t 11, l'IC.-\t ·ruu, ... l)()RA U lllLL S E::A l.~.l l l'l(l)l'lll'Al-<..: ""Ill 11.-rP'"'''"! K\ 111 .. <)ffh'f' Of \hf' Cl!) l'!f'rk, City Hall, <'11y nf -.;,·wpu11 lll"R• 11 • 11 l•l"rn1a ''"111 7 .Ill o;-10< k f' M on the 2tl!!I <18 )' fl! \1 ~" 11 !'<!Wi ¥! "'lllL h lllllf' !ht')' w ilt bf' puLh1·· /y o p..ne•I a n<l 1~11d, lu1 f•l'!f ''"""!< ""'k "" r•lll••.,.~ I ,., thr L r.ns1r o<o ll••11 ;,r " I• '" I Io I " " !l 111 I•! !II I: r • 1 T '••' I 'I\) <JJ '\:~o;,·p•1! ! lj o MO h '1 • ~11"1 PMI ~ :\"u LIO\ ... tl/ be '"' ~o•r I Ll!i lo•~., II '" n1••h• I•"• I l lJl••Ra l to fill f\jlll !•hir-I !iv lh.-('I\\' f:t1J:ln.-•" ~-~, !1 !>1•1 l'!Ll•! !oP R '<OfllJ)ll f\1"d hY tr•.•h, ,,.,tir1~·I "' ... .-111 .-1~ .n~·~ ,,, '''"•\•·r~ l"•11•t .,, .. ,,. p11)1<bl,. t o thr ! • I I >• • • 11 0111 11 I'• 1~111t•1tl "I 11,,,ll; "!It :•· ' ! r I II• • !1 ft rid '• , t I !,~ I a' '" •I• ., ": .. ,I·' H·" r '" J ... 11i.-1~J " ... " " •I "''"' 11t•o·•• i"''I' '' l1r 11.''l'ATl':l l r\:-1 II \tt tt<I H 1,.,1 ,P"' I! 1•!1'u lllloltl.r\.""IJ" r\.'\!"t \. \\J IH II I ti• nf ='-r"J>••!t B.-.. •h •r! "''' ll'' '"'1'"'11•> ~' l~~•I l,.n p<"r•~"' ,, ... IOST ICll Cll :o>. ,,, T ii t; ll(.1•"1 .. r !!It" •1r1••u111 t •' ~'"''>:·~'"'")I•,, !•"1•11'<1 ~h\Jtll'1 Ill .. "' \\ H~ fl ~.A .; '"' h ,, "'I '" 1 •• 1 •1,. " ' ,T•I• n~ I•! '\"\!•I' . ,, .... I !It t \t-Id •l\t " .. ..,~•"I I••'. 11 .. I<'. lo1'tU• ,,. 1 I ... . ' • 'I•! 'd i "''I :-.. ''"'' 211 I " ' ... ' I " I ' ,\llOI "•"•ll"'i' " H·" i 'f !ho ' I)\ "! ,.,..1 l/l'· •••n•· 8 Ef"TI():" '.! !Ii ••f I <!'!II•"' I ' ~l• I o-l •I I • I •' 1 •' •I "' , Tl1.11 ~-· 1 , 1 'ol I "''"' '" !•111 .. ,, '" d I !I '"'I s ~ .• ~IJ•i=-< 1r1 <..,-1 A IJ ~l •'A TJ,...,-:-, ~••H 1\l l'<il"l\1~··L f 11 T flF l·I H~. /•E l ',\f'.l \11-~T ''" ~ '• I I "! I" 011,1, ,. "I 1111.trn.-1.i "l l/l" "''"Ill •l\A!J 11o>I \1 111" '" •:ll 1 ' '. .. , "' " .. ,,. .. 1r1 .. n l.)111•!~.(tne 1.i l' '''"'~ •' • rit tlu1.I lhll'I •111.1ld ol I "I!' ' ' . .,f fo• I tl" !"•"I ' f'l1P1 I 111 lo•l ,\ t I •IL '•I• " t" lh" J•11 1 l-1'odl I•\ l'"llll'tnu·n t f•>r 111• 1•• ·11 .. l- tl11>1 _\•Rr11 p11ur I•• p , .. ""'~ 1t •1 1'" '-'' 111111 I" ,. •In• 11 j., ' " t , • :t • F''"IY "J'IH n1,.. h1'"'"'•'1 •' l•>~Ml<.!I !I,,. rh }~" 11 •f'llOI ti• ,,1 11• 1•r,.!!erll•"I by tf•~ ' I -.. 1 ·" • J!.,..rd '"111•h 11h•ol , ... 1 ... In lht•~" 1 •·•11111· •1 ' t 111· .. r the 1 n t••I :-·><i•, A1 , " .. "'" ,. " "' I! " .. I" I' " ' " '" " " "' •,1111 ,. 1 nr '""'!,. ' r, .. t ' ' "" " ,, ,, ,, .. "' " " ,,, I •' II " r "", ""'I "" .. ' " . '. " " ' " • . ~. 'llr "'"j II••• I I ~11.,,1 I "" ",q, 1t ". '"' I'"""'" '" " ' ' '" " " ..... ... ''" " .. ,, " '. " . , , " . "' I I "'"' " ' " "' " "' ,, '" ,. .... o' I' '• • OI i ,., '" .. ~· •1 ! :-.· •' .. r • 11 ,,, .. , ' ",. "~ ' .111 .. ! .,, ·-'" ~ ' • " " '" " 'I''''''' ···t " ... 'I I'' " ,., .... '''''.ti n I •" •Ill "·' ' .. " ' ·~"" " 1 •• \ ,,,,.,,I ' ' '"'" . .... '" .. 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Counc.llille/\ H,.nnPll 'thl t t 'rt•1n 1nhab1trol 1•trll"r )" II ,,,1... .'>l H\ Ka) Sl0JUa 1d, tu lhf' l IT\' .,f :-0•.,. l-11 ~111 .. H1,Jolrrh,.f, :>;! 11-:~ 1 •uu11c111nr n Al\S ~.'.T t '""" 1ln1f'f1 .... 1-1~~1 H dl O'HPL\!j;'\lUU,• 1~1r! Br11 C"h H 1~hla1l'I~ herir-111 aft,r .1 .. 1111("nl lrd >1.• fl111tJ"•1': \t ~'~"r li !';• t\!<'ll<lrr L ll \ t"lt'll\ UO fi A u A.nr>•·x B"'' Wh1rh I ~ n1 u1·f' p•rll' lil11.rl} dir-· ~cnb.td , 11 nd \','HERF:A S ~t 811 1<1 ~pir-r1RI t-J"r- lll LL' tlnn U1e r••ll""'"lJ; qu•&!i"n 11i 11.• MllYIH •u h1111 tt~rl l" lhf' qu11l1f"'<l elir-1 turft rf'111d1n1; In -111 l••rnl .. ~ "SHALL !IARliU ll HIGH · l.A :-<1)8 A NNt:X BE ,....,-. ·r11 .•.. '""'' "' "" •ff C1HUl:"oA.SL"t: ~o ;&JJ t.011 ~ l •h· 1•1 "'""' 1•1•11•~•' 1 111 A~ UllUIS A .... Ct: ())-" TttE. (IT\" !h,. ! •11•1"•1 11>••"11 ,, tr1111•rn1>·1 llF :o;t:\\t'CIRT Kt:A Cl l Nl!:X ~:D TO {NCOll.l'ORA TEU I :-.; A :-0 I 1 '-!AD& A l 'AHT Q t' 1'Hli: t :ITY ~,,., 1•••~•·· l'''•l'•·rt\ '" r\\1f:~Ul~I . S l "S-l<'l:C'TIO .'O 10 .. r'" . . H t I" II ~ '" In II.. ('ltA l"l't:K ? o•-T Ht: o~-N !:Wl'OHT u ~:A l II A NU Tl l~~ PHO l'Jl:RTY IN Sl'• 'H T t:K- 'll• 1;• to• 1 ,,, , .. n , , .. 11 .. ,. •·~•"" ,,, I t 1..\s .. 1•·1( ATIO~ r\ "II 1>0A1.- 1o .111hu!p"' "I .1~.t11•1l\ ,,, 111 -\II \" l'LA~' tit" T iit: ,.l.:"'IC I · \&Ill"'! tt\" be o!l•flr tu )!t""~I "I rnll•>lli ~ "H):•ll "llho 11 !1I.-'" \/1, "Hlk l'l l I \ "' 11 \111•" I[, I \\ 'J.;•• ... ~ 11 Hl"l~"Ui.\ r1 •11ol ,,1, r • llrit ktl!ncl,.r t.1 .. , lr11 11111 H111•h )'p1nl ,., s,,. .. ~-r:un 1'1 l '" P'""t"' """I 1 'en1e nt > 1111,.t • 1 \t .. " 'Plu1nb~r l..i'll•I •1r • ·.,,. ••n l Ro<lf ilor T ii i! sir-1t .. r~ 1i.1r"'1 1.. .. tJ"J1r r.> 1;.,nrr.d "' I '1tUlk"I Any Cla11~l1H"ll \I ,., Id• <\1•-1 11'••· "' ""' lo•" All I.old~ fHt IHI" ''''"l'l1tr•I •tJ• Iii'" 1!11 .•1• e1Urn 11t t or ihe q 1111n1•t ,,·• .. r "'Hk i" t'" '1""' :.' .... I I : ! ••• :: "'' 1 I.'\ 2·111 :: 711-' '1f :t io.!') ' " 'z., T h"u ~ :t•• "' t ti~ '"it)' I'• r I 'I P1'\ \\ ~I:" 2 ~ i,., ·:11 ,., :1 ~ .. :: •I•• :.!!'I 2!! ': l ~lo ::.>:Ill :'I\ 7:.' ::i ... o I ~ 72 t-61) I 7 60 •:n1:1ntf'r 1 Nu bid "'I ll t,ir-•<r"r l".J h •ll•• " ! <>Ut!-" l"r .,.110 UC!!n•~d 1n •C«•rdant e "ilh th,. JH"''"'"n "'' h•pl,.r i. hM 8 f"t QI bf'tn IJ111••nn J!l o r BuMneu •no.I J•r<)ff'~'"n" ( "d" Pl •n• may be '<f'"l1 B!\•I I ''I~"' jJl••P·'~•I •Jlf'<"ll lc•t1ons m a y b" ••tiht11,.··t "1 I llt' .. 1t 1r~ • <.:1ty Hall, Newport Betti h I .,11!• nt111 111 11h l1 oonltB<! 11 11\1 111,. l "l\y F:n1t1n~e •. Thf' •pei-1a l 11Ll!!nt1on ''' j •!• 'l'"•\I\'•· h1°1 Ir•• I• 111 11 ,,1 '" 111 .. · p,,., poMl Requlrf'm<'nY a nd <..:onoll!UHt. 1tn111!.\4'1! In 1ht; bl•nk fn!!ll or pr t>· !JO•al. tor fuH d1r,.o·t1on~ 11• l '> bl'l•l 11i.:. "t' Thf' C1ly o r "e"'l'ort llf'11 r h ,,.~,.t\•'11 !hr bldll r1 i;:ht lo rir-;ei·t 1 ny o r a H !"It•' llf ;-: .. w puH u... ... h. ("•l•lor n11 ,\t SL:lll{()\ !J£k, t.:1ly Cll'r k hf'ro re h1• "l'l""'lH••tl ' '' o•I I "" 1 ' "' I•~ 11 '" • ~10!1 I "'. • •11 I I w' ,, ... • <J '• ,.,., s• •\• " " "'"I j " I ·•lnl!>t 1111• l•>11l•1111~RIHl1I '"'"(~lilt: j))-" THt: C'IT\' 01'' •lo 11oli"'" · , I "-''' "' onl1>1 · 't;\\'l'llHT Hl:A(H HJ1't)ttY Lll': "A.F"I"E H :...C("H A~ N EXATH I:>:, SUSJE<..."T TO T AX· :..:u ATIO N t:l.,/t.:Al.-LY \\"!Tl! Tlf~; ---- l'ltOl'E RTY \A.'ITHI:-< THE C ITY ----------------------------. ' .. \ be pn-_.rn11.-.1 n y •h• • 11 I:-••• " Boe.rd. ~,,,.,, "11" • 1• ... .. , O•ll ''"'I' ,, II .. , I • • 1 ~" II· •I 11 , • 'I•·· .11 I .... ' '" ... 1 "' ' . h! •.• ,, " . '' '""""' ,\llo h < Hl1 lo~ <•I 1:.o•I • I" I 111 ~ hi "ll\"I ltlht "111 "' ,,,.. oi• I " I I ",( \ •I di I! ,[ j•lj 1/,\1 \hP r ih.• ll Mll • "' • ,,11 l"1t" i i<l r ,,r l1,1r1 >1rl •!•lu The C1ly Cuuncll of the City ,, , 1, 1 1 1 ul1 , ul 1111,. •• "ton 11 of """" ~urt U~•<-h doe-ot1.l•111 L• ''' 1•,;11!>11 1.I II) \loP )'lo!ll•• r,,11., ..... r + 1111 ... ''""'"'~""" "' the s~:l:"r10...-1. Sub-11f'cu on 10 or hllVe • h11o:h "'lll•I ,,,,, ,111•11 Iii f'QUI\ ~I• r' (bl ·r ""' ..... 1. " ~ i.,1 i <'haptf'r ~ .. r 1\IT L<l<' !I I ~lun!clp11I ('.1°1· Hf l h• \ 1l\ Newport H"'" !1 II• n t ii ! Lt, !-;o\'\1••11.• 1:17()1 11711~ '' ll'l•l •••1\1~!1••' lh• I•' •f f.71~ t>-l•7 •r>ol l\/'.l " ~·. 1·' "' n, •i~ \I 6~ \" ••I I hf' ~i<od ~I .. \•• HI '-•11 1.,111.>1 I Ch>tplei :.I hf t h' Cla.a111f1ca t1on •!I, "II\• .,, .. '" •••l\•lllllpt1nn Hnd ::lalnry P lan of the M'uftrc1pal <)) l""l'Clll ,.urr h .•~•.t lov up•IM 11._'ud' .,r the Cl ty ()f :-Oewpurl t•il• <of '"''llti••n ••l•I"' 1111 1 \IPa•h 1,ir-""'t the .•anif' 111 tietf'· .. 1 ltl• .1 ...... l•··~·•td~ 0011 "•·~··11 11,,. "'h 111 ~ l''""''"fl' .. r 1'.ort 1 ·, d I >1.o,1•>11 ,:. •ol ''"' Miil<! H• '"llOI•" .,,. ,111 I I <.'ll1l 1or11 I·,,,,,. 1n111n1111.~ lh•' ·I " 11 ... 1 ,,,~ ••\• """'' "'"' >1111!• • 1 w,,t,.•lrntl~ 1.,.,~·I• 1., i,,. ll>!t'I ti1 "'""llol>'d Lu tead '"' rollowa 11 h.-r,.b; ,. ,,,,~I· d l-lli:C'T'•i:O.: It"' •01.i1,,,.,, 11h11Jl h,. I 11t1l1 •tP•d "! I• 11~1 ""' •· 111 lh!! 1\1:'"1'"'1 ll nrt,.,r N '"'~" I' rl!""-", II PH'I' '1 •11 I'" t • •I lo:" 111 1 " I < 11 • ul11 to •!1 I'' •hi•·! JO O\d f'"!1\1•••••.t •n'I r1rcul,.l•''I "' 11!" ("11\ 11( N ""I"''"! H· '" '' •hll ll ho> '" !ldl ,\IJ r!ll} 11 llfT f'I ""I 11 ,, I o J" " " 11 •I ........ •••• 11 n•n(·• .,..11,. u1•r••luo ''•! .• t" 1••1:11l11r n\e<>t 1ng .. r th•• • "1!y 1 .. un• !l .,f th•· City of ,...;, • .,.pv•l Ll•'"'" tof'l<I "" thP \~th o111 v .. r· ~-··1>1 11111) 111.-on 11nd '''"-" finally l'"-~'''•I .Hlol >If\• 11\ "(I on 1h<' :!71h •1111' "' ~,.br11urv 1•1:16, hy lt1t• fnll"" 'II~ '"''' IO I wit A\·~:~ \\'1 Ii l<'r 11\l n• olnw1. ~1.t 1{111 ll111 ti1•· '·' Id•·• II··· !'<O F.:-. ' "lln 11111"" l\•'111U'tl l' T "t l , I .J H ill ... 111•' 1\H~F::-.: I '""" .i .... ' :.. •!1" A 11"El'T / ~l,.rio::•" \ "' l 1I\' '"lo 1\\ 1u ..... 1. r I •I Ill ,\ \!11 I• I ..,-• I• ' I 1 •'~>I , " lllLI. l"o. 14:.1 ! Lt:KTll· le ATt: I II I lr l II lnw, I I rno '"""" T h,. 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'"In D11y· •ooi'• IRi.; IU•)"•'"ol /\\ 1h1~ t'•l' "' u11r '"' 1u1 1"1"' b~ th•· 11nl "huh 11 1•· n<1\ ""' •1 Ml••11 T! 'F PIJn J>1r y Z2no1 "hi• II i.111r h,.rn 1nf'IU•!r.! 111 ll\t !;\A l" or C11l1rurn1a upon • r~ 11i 1\h Pail I ', ur J)1v1"1"" i uf lh•· ','>l11v 3Ulh "o"""o"~ 11! lh•· •llll"ll llLX 1mpi1K"'l l li1olir-r or .-. .. nAUn1e1 ~ai<t Revrnut <1nrl T11~><1Lt111 1'<,.!t· J qly ~tl1 hV 11 n1 nthir-r illy 11 nd r <)llnly 1111 Rt•"lf'l~ f,.,..,, lhe 11&1~ ~1'111!1 11utvn>11t1 r a lly he('u•"~ ~ p11rt "~""lr11t Monday In Sir-plf'mber r .. 11n1y .. 111 .. , than lh" , oun ty in of t11n1.:1blir-ller•uu"I p1upttrty I of th1a ch•pl<'r "Sept,.mbtr 9th, known u 'Ad· "h••h th•~<•\" 1~ lUt.1llf"1 '" 111v l upon .,..h1ch 11 1<&le~ or u•e \RJl "S ~-c~rl O'.'\' 6~ E~JOJX l!•:r. n111 .. on Day· 111 1h1• "1!11l•• .R .... •\"•il•I 1110!)"•1nR hR ~ l}f'ctJm!! dllf' by 1!':A11on of COLLEC.."TIO:.' t-'ORBIDIJF::".; :-;o '0rtnber 12th , 11~·· 1,.~ "" !hr ~1.-.r111:•' 11s .. "r th,. •11111e tr 11.ng.1 ct1on to •ny 1nJunc11on or "'l'•l uf n11<nt1 •lf' ur ( "N o vo>1n llc t I Ith, •tl.•1 '"""U"'l''"•I! "' 111 n1 lt1l•'t 11t h•'• 11ty ~no.I r oun ty, counly ut her 1•'):11 1 •H •·4111to1hlP 1•ui •·1t• •Vt-ll'!n ns' f'la v· p•·1-"!l"I l"•'l"'I'\ 1n th111 1·,11 nllu• lh"" rh .. ~n11n t1 In "tuch •h.111 1, ... ~u" 1n 1111v 'Lill 11•1 1•>11 nr '[IP<<'tr1bl:'r 2'>t h "'"'II 111 .. 11;r"•• '''"'Pt • t1n1n t h• Thi• •1\1 '" l"•ftTP•I "' 1111 11\ p1•·~c,.d1 11i.: 1n 11ny ••J111r ll l.11t1•t l "C.Ouon•J ~1 1dtt.y rron1 12 noon ·•Ir Ill "' lhr ,,.,. !,f !hlll !'l"!'rt I 1~11~ <..:tu\t-""I• r II ~ .. , ••• 1•r ... ~ .. lh .. 8lal f \!I lhl~ C1l~ "' 1<~111!1•( I 11nl1 I J r Ill ti h1•~ l>o>PI\ -11h1••I I•> 11 ~Hlr • ••r 1 .. , 00.\111"!1'" rn ll•l~rl 11\' t n:.• "rr'\ r•lflf'"r o f 1hf' S 1Kt" "' 1111• 'E\'ery •lay on which All 1dec- "~" IR \ IJI Alli '"""I '''" lt'1.I 11:1 fl ll•I •••1•1 111 <l•'<Tl!\ "'h•'1 •II\ 1 .. l"'"'••nl '" "")""' 111. , .. J t l•lll 08 held lhruujthOUl the. •UPll\ '"'11!1 oth"' th>111 lhr 111"11 Ill" 1"111>1\ '" "t1uh ttu~ le<li"Tl unole1 lhi. •h11pll'I 111 1•·11t l ~:llfllt' , •• ,.,,11 ""hl<ll lhl• 01!•' ,, I• I •I'•.~ 1 .. ,. ••.• 1 •·I 1'1 Ill lhl' 1.~ '" J •11·1~lul\ 'l "' •h·· H••\•llLI.. ~., ... ,,,. d1ty 11 ppo1nte\I b y 1hl!" 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I It 1\ ! ! '°' r r11 11 .. ''!"'' ol l••I! ,,f ~"' h ••• n1n1.11, l"• i ~ •. , t"''" 111'10 th1,.ui.:h t)1l'> th;-11br"'· a ny d ay rn11y be df'Alg· ,.;T,\t~: "[r1. •'•lln"n'" •h11 il !11• '''''"''• ''' ""l"11i .. 1n" lt'<l'l•·I~ nf A1t ult \11 of th,. f.l11n"'l'~l l ru1h·d 1111 a holLdlly by p roclll.IT\11 • '''"''" ''i'"'Ht 1~ "" A1••ll 1!1:.6 I"'" 11'"111 .... 1-..1 .. "' th1;;, I •I·. \·,,.ir •·f 111•• !'•!1 n r =--•·•11"01 t loon or the C.."lty M11.nage1 . upon Mnd p1 "' Ill•'••'•• lh•• 1·111 ~Jrn il :-<I' 1 11•'> ,,,111 \"!->E IA:.. 11•·~<11 ~h1t l\ h " ~u~po>n •l"ol .uni J ppru1ul o f !h' <.:1ty ("<>1111cll. ,nntJt•\ "\th Th•· "1!~L <' J1,,1t1ol ••f r11 • All ··~····• !"~ •~ h•·t ~h~ •h1tll no\ tti:111n IK' .. r Mn\' lntr('I "t f'f, Nu en1 pluy~t~ Bhall 109.;: F•p1H\17'"!"'" id l''"lf•••ln ~11 '""' l'"'i''"''" ''" II•· •! .. 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"'"!A/Ii h•'l l'b\ l'"I"·~·· ptu-f"ll .... t•"I a l t""' t 1 1nl'~ l hf' hourly II•,,, f•1•1<1!o1al1•r1 •• ,.1 .. 11•· •t·••H~· .,., ... 1 ,,,,,., r\'11111• ''""t t•"""••l<'r l hnl 1r 1 .. 1 ""'' •r1un·11 l•'nt or t ti .. 11 •f't;:ul•r r at • I ··•I, J'I 1 ... 11·111 l"'•fl II•" " ., •I·· ' .... ,,. ••11~•11 IT ·~ ,\,.,""''"'"" ll"IO' lh• ,.f pit) All 01hPr '""'Ph'}'ef'1 in ,,, 11 "", ·~1·1 ,,,, '" !"'I A •n• I'' •·11 I "' lh•• --•I"-•, . ._ •.f ="""'r •t t K""'" ••"''ii 1'"~'1""'~ ,,r i.:1AIP 10 ur bf'low " II ol ,, 11' •l·•I !!1• I' '•' J• 11 .,,1,.. •o+rl •''"'' 1,,.,,\•Jf)\ lhl •o1i 1 llHIH ~ '!>11 11 !)" ;:1 11 1\l t•<I ir-11hf'r 101nPf'n· 11.·n••• • 1 +." 1o~f1••' .. ~ '1 '• •·· 1• 1·.0 11 ,, lh<1t tt•• "!"1" 11.,,,,,, "1 l"l""h· ,. .. r,.,1 10111 ... ,rf f<•r •~4u1 r"J wor k !\t ,,1,r lo " 1111 ''''-' •!111 •"-' ,,, '"""I• \\l\l•1Ut !''"''''I" I"' """h"l<•!K),"htoh"la\'!)rl<ddf'd ., "' I '" "I " .... r'\ ,, I• 'I .. 1,1, '""r•''" "'" ,1 ,. l•'l•Pl1+l''•'l"!'•llnn .H ••i•"'l•ol h"'"'h•••"·->1 l"•ll 1tll"w1HH t'Or rl'· "'l"~1111o1, ... , ,,,,.\hi•'" ··~.+!I ·-· ,1 ,,,, 1 J "f "h """"'"'1ill11Ptl 111 nd "'"'ldl " .. 1 '""' !'")"'""' 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"' f, 11 .. 11i 11\,t 11 hnl111•y !lll1l\ nnl !"' l'~"I f"r the hol1da) ' ' ',,, '"' ',,, " .. "''. ,,, •' 1. :;.~ '.\. ,.;,.J , I~ •• : ,)i; ,\iJ! .. L ! ";1ti .1:• pl" od 1lo• fol U ~,. l~'I"• "'~ '"''""~ •(t"r1 ... 1 ""'' 1111t'1ir-A pnrl .. r Ou• ... , '" ' "~ !h••"l-:1• 1ull1 "'! l• 1•11 ! "'" .,f 111P l "ll \ .,f •"''~!'"fl l!t·~· h ~hA ll n"t hr-ol""'"' I In hAI'" hr~r1 !"ll•J1"!1 '"d bn l ~··•II hr •h•f'rll"d '" hR\f' IJ"t-11 II\ r1111 f•OI•'" ~n·t eff,.,t 11\ thir-111tP "' """ ;'o •1 <'ll' I I I !'Ullllll'I' •r·I~ fl• •O• ~"I llflt.1 -i'l.1.,1! I l'•'ol\ 1·1"'" 'rt 1 t;a • h "ITil'l'-'Y"f' in • p<>••· '""' , r 111. 1 •• 1, ..... , '""'''""I'~: ...... I Wldk • ''" "·l~~·~n .. t~·I hol1 !Ml •\••'t•I .'i11nd,')' •h oll '-'" '" ,,, .. , ,., ~•rt • "' 11' I< ' '" llu• ....... "' ' 11'• .. A II I ~II •h· .... ,~ .. •..: ••• ~·'l''"li.'.11 t· '" I 11,,. Si1tl·• h·" l • · (,., " 11 '.' " f.\t-< U\""l lh,. 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Y 1 T HE ENl!Ht: HON JJ ~;lJ IN· DF:BTEDNESS O F T HF: C IT Y 0 11' NE\\'PO HT BEAl H UUT· STAND!N t: O il AUT H OR.IZEIJ AT Tiii!: DA TE OF' THE F IRST I PU BLIC ATIO N O ~' T HE Nr>TIC ~: I OF ELECTION ~~OH. •NNEXA · T ION t'UR TH!i: ACQ Ul::llTION1 i :(JN STitUCTI O N OR COMl'Lli:-I TION l!F' M1JNlt:IPA L 11't-!L.--------------------------' l'flOVEM F:NTS". I \\'H!:REA S, ll 1tJlpPar~ frotn Ille --------------------------------- """L" of<"•~'"'"' of<"•'"'" c I ., ·ec1 r aJtl •t ~11.ul spec1~I ~lf'ct1on lh•L J a 1n11 Jo nty Of 1111 \'Ot f'll cul !n •11 ld a SS I I ~:::::'~0,'.",0'~;,, 't::;'~f" N':'w~~·~ I Be11l'h 11ncl lh,. R~!!.u1npl1on of 1111ld '-'''--------------------------------1n~ble.dn• .u t•vor annexation up- on lhf' tern1• cont.alned In lhf' qu~1tlon "ul>mltlf'd , All<! \llHEREAS. It •J>peara tha t a&JU 1perl<ll elf'<:llon and all pro1:Hd!n1ft rel•l1n1 thrrf'I O h11vf' bf'11n con· dueled 1\nrtly In 11.ccordance wlth law . c-tal Aooppet Ada rua to lbe Wldwday N ....... w ' Unes 1 l.mertlon $1.00 add'L -.26 ... 4 lJnM 2 lnaerdon11 1.50 add'L -.26 -. 4 IJDe8 3 la8eJ1:ionA 2.00 add'L .... 15 .. 4 lJne& 4 ~rtlODfl 2.50 add1. 0-. .26 e&. 81tua.Uoa \\'Miited Adll "111 ~h·e l~~. dlM'ollmt. OaM la .C..-cm aaf7- llllSOllJM AD ll'!I t LINES NO \\', THEHEFO H.E the Clty i --------------------------- Counr ll <or thir-City of NPwport Bf'Rch d..,.•11 o rd11 1n R11 tn\lnwft NEWS-PRESS SEC'Tl fl~ I . Th111 !ht 1tnnexe \1nn nf U111.t certiun 1nhnb1tP\l lt•r n \.,ry conllJ!,llOU• tn the City ' " " " Nt>wpo rt l:\t>R "h <1e111it:nl!t• d ~ ' "H11.rt>or lt1ghlantl~ A nn~x' hf' and thfl lllUTle 111 hereby 11ppl"OVf upon t hr t!'r•n~ <"<>T1l81!1ed 1n th ftforeita a1 qu•·~Tlon .,.•hh;h WM RUh mitt<'o'! ~I lhe ~p,.rlAl election hPl un thf' 14t h J11v of ~-~oruary, 111~6 S11ut t'rr1tory '" df'sr n bed ll'I to ,, ' " I· 10 ... ·1 Begtnnlfll at an •n1Clf' point 1n the boundary line uf t hf' City o1 N Pwport 8,.-.ch. ea1tl anglf' point belnJ" In th11 w~11terly llnr. nf 17th Strffl, 80 feir-t 1n w1dth R!I df'Kriblid ui dttd rri"onled In Book t OI PRRll!I 4;7, Otf1c11tl Record11 of Or· 1 n.i;:" County Ca llfom •R a ncl ""Arin!' north 2~· 21" O."," weAl 11nol thlt .. n\ t 9 63 ff'•t h'l}111 t h" 11)091 ~•~Lf'rly com .. r of IJ.Jl 18 8~ ahown on a m11p of Tr•rl N o, 1218 rl'CordP<I In Mi*<'tll•neou,. "lll f>* Book :l7. f'qe• 47, 411 anti 49, llir-cord1 of .. Id Or•nge Co un!y , th!!nl"f' 1enf'r•lly n()rtherly 11.lonit 1111d t."lly bonnd11ry lln~ to •n 1111gl" point 111 Aa lrt f "Uy bo11ntl•ry !on~ ,..1d 11.nglf' pu1n1 11"1111 in 11111 aouthw!!ltf'rly Ion~ of l:k>l •k ~2. of l r•·h1ir-'1 Sutw.lhl~1·111 11.• re co r ded In Mi111.:elkrnPQu• R.e<'ord MAJM'l. Book l o n r~ .. &S o f Ret'onlir o r 11a1d Or11.111<" t"ounty 1-n!I M.ing 1t1•tanl 12{>11 U\I f r"! R•>o\hf'll~tir-rh '" 11 , .. ,., ~'"o"" "I>"" " ma11 "' :-,:," l~"l H "i:ht.o. •n d TtlUldtd ,n ' ' 0 'NEWPORT ~B R Every Monda , WednHclay and Friday ' COASTAL SHOPPER --Wednesdays DEADLINES for pl11c lnir or cu celllnJ" adl .ar•· F or Mond1y Publlc•Uon -Jo't1day 0 pm. For Wedne .. lay Publication• -Tuf'eday l pm For t'rldi<.y P ubUcation -Thurlday l pm. SE\\"l'OHT HARftOK l't.:llU!iUJNO 00 !Ztl Ba.lboa ft.h d., NflWport a-.ola, Calllo~.._ All Olwlr&ed Ads 111o•t be pa&d for OaM la adv-.r ,..ae11..._ The pub!Yhera w ill not be. re1ponalble tor more Ulan one lDoorrac:t ln.H.rt1on Qf an ad, rNCrve the rtrht to correcUy claatty I.DJ and all a d• and to .. Jt'ct any ad not conrormtnr to rul• and resul&UOftl. Spoclal No- y Newport Harbor . 8 . P. 0 . E. 1767 M~,t1 eVf'ry Thurlday I pm. Via Oportc. -Central A ve. Newport Sf!ach Albf'rt lL Matlhew1. l!'.:xalted Ruler &--Yuneral Directon --- MOTIELL'S AND PEE K Colorual Mortuary 780 1 Bnl11e --Ju1t South of \\'e•t- mln•ter Memonal P•rk A o Q r-nit-f"o1111ty ln•lltu11nn S er\·1n1t fa.nllllf'A ,.f Jtl taith• TeL,.phon~ !Toll t1tt1 1.En11h :.z:ll :-;.., one "'"'< turn"d •w11 v "'°""ti'" ul l•t k uf t 1UHl~ 12-!','•'!'!'~§ s.rn- COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hangmg Service E UGENE 0 . SAUNDERS ~ 3 llt Stree.t. Newport Beeicb tlarbor 2978 ' U• For Ruulh Use C lassified Ads fn the New1-Pre11 ' Mon Classlfled r t '' • ·. / Methodists Build Camp Bungalow at San Juan Capistrano Youth Lends Fellowship Group Aid on Saturdays ' ' ) Chriat Church By the Sea. Community Metbodist. hu rtt:~ntly started the contitructlon of a new ca bin a t the Luy-W Camp In Orange County. This iA one uf l'.!Cve raJ ca.mpa of the Methodist Church in Southern C11li fu r111a.. and U. located about 14 miles inland from San Juan Cr.piHtrano aionr the Orn10 hlithwa y. The 1 J 11 m"• T11ylor. Ralph \\'1!"°11. Gtr- cab!n I• one ot 1lx now being built 1v <iuro,Jon, Hill J.hJ)l,., .. 1,1. ltou by local church grou p• rro n1 1ht. ()"''"" a nd t he !'le\ Ruy Carl.on . tQunty. The ca blN 11re fn1n1" \\'hen compleltd the c•n "" "''Il l 1tructUrM built on HIJ.20 cernenl 1lC<'Otnmodlll• at 1 .. a.11 t lf!hl ptr· floorl . M>NI each. It 11 11 ul 1l-.iJ"L<'<1 thal The n,p:t workd&7 •t l by the 1 the i'11nip will be 111""1 1 .. , '"r lout Ioctl Cb.Ur<:l'I (TOUJI I.JI Saturday I l'<"!lh l"QUptl d"nn!!' lhe au1111ner TIM lFOl'k project i. he&de<:I by th.-onunth1 l•y loaad.,. of th"' churc-h. Harol<1 I Th" ca.mp wu purrhtue.-.1 tw o GI...., and _..,.a.1 builder• Ln th' '"'"'"' ago 11.nd the o•r:g1n1tl lh'- lvcal cl'lurcb.. Al-.o the 1 .. ruor I ''''''''"><I" thin~ rould ·•rily pto>Vl(le ht!Cb .-cbool )'tJIJlh1 or lhe churr h r.. 11.bout 30 per l<'Jn1 The """'' r11h- 1re p&rtJdP9UJli' In lhe pro).,·1 10~ anu •lllllrll! rou1u th11.t '" .oon Church and U. S. Flags Dedicated by Methodists At Harbor Lutheran Colar.t tllna conc..-n1nc J•ua A .. t of n._. nai• wu form.t.lly I ot the llapubUc" and "l'Ulll' OUt a re ~wn each WMn..s.,y at 1 :SO accepted and dedicated In a recent ~ BanMr." ~ • _ ~ durlnc lhe Leriten Vuper Sund.a.y m<::1mtnc aervtce at Cbnat Mn. Jve. pre.ented the ctu'W.. each ~'ednflllday· at Newport Church 8 tl&n and Amarica.n tlqa m mem· Harbor Lutheran Chul'Cb. y the Sea. The n.,. I Or)' of her fatber and gn.ncPoii.-The ffr\ea of Bible r11nu fe&tur• were • memorial r tft by Mr1. Mina Her father. Dr. Jotln Ely Jam-. Nelaon Lell'lo ot P&MWln play and lvea. • 1n•nber of tb• coocn11•-1 waa a veteran o! U\e Civil W~. reli1lou1 televtalon ('Ttti.I i. Tbe lion. . Har crandM>n .,., ... , ki-t ln ••• If! Ltfe" I fame, u the Ql.rtst. In all The rt•<• were a ccepted for the 1 a naval battle durlnf V.'orld Wu etcht of the ntma a.re belna-ahown h II al .the m!cl-week Lenlen 1ervlce1 c un:h by Waller Bllvtn. cllair-1 The !lap 8 r~ or rtne ~y lon rna-o r the Newport Heights c hurch. IHI.II ot the bollr•I of t ru1tee1 The tertal with goJ.I 11 Ince cord it.nd lJupllcate 1er\'\ce1 of wor1htp m1n1.i1te1, l/111 Rev Roy A Car!AOn t.uaelt. Each llag 111 on a 9·fool will be' held Sunclay al 9 Atld 11 :10 l"'d .lhe conc rtg•llon in lht ht.&ny l pole, topped w1lh eag le anoJ l l •1811 a .m . w\th Pa.ito r Ro~rt B. Gron- or d.-;llc•tioo, followed by 1 prayer., embl.9nUI of metal. The nai:" 1trt lund pr~achlni; at both ..._.,-..•1ceM on A• • pal't or the dedh:atlon lhe to be Jou.ltd In \he u..nctu1u·)' 1 "The Preclou1 Chrl1t". Holy Com- o rrani.l played "The Battle Hymn bu1lduig. 1nunlon w!'b be ttr 4d at both 1erv!«11. Lenten Series at Christ C hurch .. A Purpo•e True" v.·111 l>e Ute 11e rrnon lhfme on Sun011y . ~tarch t , Ill Lhrlllt t:hUr('h By the Se11.. The llllnlaler, the RfV. Roy A. .-----'---------------------------·I' '111 l11un, -.nnvun1-· .. 1 that thl• w ill he the nrat ·of thret.' Lt.'ntfn ••r- NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 195b rnuna Ull(lt r the feTJfrl.I topic; "\\'ha t Can J,1ua Show Me?". "Thc11, aerniorur 1n ~l•rch wtll help ---------------------------------lta 1r1tt riirrlc "'u1e or the qu11.l1tlea On Uii. next trip lhe work l(ruup to be conat1urt.,<I will IP"•tly ex- ""'ll! btll1zt. tr&mlnr lh• eab1u w1111 ~ ten·! 1I J1 u1eJ1dlnea.1 l lL 111J,hl1"n to 11 r11! root. Men Of lhe ChUl•h v.t1u •111u1IJrl' 1-.i.11 plllf; 11 lli 1t l~" "'"ll• i re partlclpa.tlng w ith \'••l>Hlt,rr 1t tJI< fur U!>e bY tJ1 .. l"'"l lil"''h'I CORPORATE COMMUN ION •crvl~e• •rr K•nn•lh J11 , klll,.••11 thro11gh lh~ ,., •. ut Ill' )'••r ---1 111 J.,~,,.· ll f•• \-.l\1<'h are 11. ('h1tllenge Iv.. c 111..,l•11.JOa i.vu11y ," -... .. ~, l.tt. Car 1 ~011 Man, the Chi ld of God. ]:-; Christian Sc ience Th e n1 e 'T11• •• nJ11nt u! 11 11 ,,111,., • I ,,1' •tld •le1dru 1 1•luu ..... ''" in., 111 11 11 ...... ' ... I <' I .... , 1,, \1 , 'JI B h II. e !· t ! • ~··k~ r. S• •·nrr 1u 1•1 II• 1 ''· .'IHI. I\~~ 10 r1.la" nt r .on fr urn Jell.th La l"l<I 11,,. ,,;.._11~:u1 e11 ),,.,,,,.I "'rl•I In u ie Lee.,n·Strmun on "Ms.n· I I L• k.n~""· ~1V1ni,; • • ~ ,,,.,,,.,., 1>.-r l ln all C.:hr11t111n S('lrnl't 'IHon n .... '1:i:.: i. r :tor ~,.;, ! •j. ~ • I • 1.-w S un1Jay .,. .. .,,~ "''"l th .. n \11 1• 'f •· ·•·' \\'h•n ht r i on bt"\ll m l' 111 ,.11.i •l .. •lll ' 1 ~ l;••l ''"'',. '' '·· J(,. t.11.• ,, /''I '•'• 111''1 tnl• r rt•a! won1An th" ,"\l'u111-f:;. 1 '!'1\1""~ ~" ;.-i n ... " •. ,,.,.,,,,. h,.l<I ") a l,.a•lf••ll~ \,; h .. , ltt""' •l~•! .. ''''" Ii..,• l•>lh 111 ,;,.1 !hill "'''"" Eh~i." • ",~ !""'*'''! :i 1 . ... ,~ant ••k •<l 11,,, "I• It ..... 11 1o1·1 th •u.,,1 "r.11 th"' ,, "'"' ~""" • I• ll .,.~ll v.1111 111,. •1111,1' "' • .,. .. , ... 1 It " ""II .11 I ~ti · Eli1IH1 I•~'' •'i\111 ~ ll>•r •!i·I ll••f fC t't ll l !.ulll. • ,,.1 ~ ._, .... 111. ''" ·" •Jo•r •I l•iel• ,, I .111.i I 1+ ••. \, d I• j, •• 'I • I+ ' -" " ,, .. "" ,, a ll ' OF EPISCOPAL CHURCHMEN 1"hr "'' ~·f :-;i J •lir. 1 • ~ ! ' ',. V1·•·· .,, '1 • ·1 ,,. • \! "~« J<ll/l"•l " 11 ' ' t I'· • •'' ' "" ''''"II "1• n '1," I>' • 'I of St An·l11•v. • ~ • 1!"" •11 •1' ''"11' ,.., I"",.,. ,, u ~ • • •l 7 Ju • Ill ll" -~... 1. l•I II 1 .. r ~·· ... vrr1c 1a.111 I "' j ,j 1'' '' '• • • t:'' I'.•:,. ' ' 1r t!l\I( '"•' lu 1,.n•e A ;\I•' IJ \ ,,.,,i,1 -l•l• ! "'l r(l'ln ,, ...... i;~ lkHl•U"I•• 11. "T V :-t~~1~1· ·1 ... 1 J '·( .. Thlrly·e~•··n "' ''" i''''"":nt l1 ••ll• ~I J .. 11 ... ~ t"!J<JWe<J I" t hr~•~l,,Jll 111 !ht' !'"'l•h ll"ll T?' "'" ' Tlie I '·' \ M .. ~,. ~;I'•~·' 1"'1 .... ,,, ,.,. .. r .. ,, l·t • I II'<,\. l<l 1h• 1!"11"1! 'll'IL H"Y' l'l\:h h i 1• !H •\ . ... .. \VI LL P AR TI C IP AT~: •• .Junior Choir at C h ~1p n1an F'csti \'n 1 Coll ege Th .. 1'!111 ,lt •·••.~ l'/l"H '' \111" rr.ir.1"" ,J, ;•~1 •1 ,.,,1 v.111 ~111 )( r • ·1·· .. ,. .,.,,,1,,. ~t '' ~" "'" T"" .... '1, . ( , ,\I t ll ... " d " .1! '11<' I ' ' ., " "' .. "' ' ' Luc al \\' i II l\1s tor Preach LI t Coro nado "' " ., ' '"" ' ' ... ,. ,,, . " ·.1 ... ,.,,,,.,.n n ,., 1i .. 1• I• hv 11, .. i-..,. 1 " " -• i • ' U• I , ~··!••l" k" 1"1.•IHI• .t\ II · ·'II ~~·''"' 101 :-,I · , "·· · ., .... , .,r 11:·· I \ I "l 1)1 l ",,, I• IH T11. ". "" . " 'I'• "j l·l • •I• II 11 1: M'l • < 1! I \ ,.1.,,,,.i, I!) L•.\lh trl ,./ ',,<I 1, • lfyor'1're saving· for & co~fortable future ... ' Where you save does make a difference AJ. ~than 1,,000,000 Americ::t n• atrtady l<.now. there aro imp0nan1 adv•nt111e« ~o pun1n11 your u.•·m1" 10 U\JL.tltd ~' 11111,1 •"JI ··~n A 'VJ<.14111<'.llll . 1-~cellfol ftHHll• ''"'" '"U! 1111••lf • I\ on~ ,.J,~nlJ ¥< 'lnd ern, •!11"t nl, lor"arJ luci•1n t \(l'I'' I• "'°lhc.r. And. or roane. 1ouf ml)M" K ... re i-:i. .. ,.. 1q tr.. aurel.1 Savinp •nd Loa111'~"<..:u1.ll"'1' •.iui ~II' ••e l''"'O..\td I'• ""ind nuna~~mcnT a11,1 •ll~••nt>al '""'' (/,., II~ 111'•"f•I !i' "' \l••l•o l t•' !he I .,I II •n "~'' •. "' lht I .., 1 ...... rn'1•f nT '" ~•''""' l~••• "'" W<'IO, ~ '""" "•'""""!'/I~'" ~"''"" w•+• ~" i,./Jo•• """ •~·~·+·,/ \""'IZ ' a11d ,...., •. ' ... ,.,,,. '" 1111,,, ""'~lw·# ,,., "i L [ UVIMU AMO LOAM fOUMDAllON .. ..... i.-... , ..... ''''"-' tt1lt• ""'" I•" )O" f'ul you• 11'0«t ) 1n '" ''""'"J ., .. , 1"'' and I non I• ''''·" "" "'"" "'" vc1 '"" ·~I ltlurn• """h J~ b•ll•· "Joli•" .,f r •.I .,.,nt • •·" ~• ,i,. l~,, .. ..i,~1'··~····lf ., ~ ... ,,-. '"'.. ·- fnl• •I~.,, ld,.111111~·, ••, ,.,..m,,.., 1·1 1'•'>1 'i' IT ••«I •Un•\a• , .. '" '" .... ,It .. •~·"··· '"'" •' 11,.,•f·I '' I'~· onll ! "'"• !•, .,,, ; 111,1 I""" •rld 11 .. n,. ••'<'" !lie"" A"O'"'"o'" or~ • l f<JT f,.r,~ I~ fl»C'U1 ;,ll'~ <111£1 hum< U\Otlti>hlp 11 .. n• .._,,, nnl • !I 1~11 frt.,rn• ~C" ' • "'' !u! I •" ~·-' '' '" ' (• "' ,, I .... " . " • ,,.! 1,,,.,,1.11""' ·!"'IL 'I""""" • """""t••I I , l'lc)•l••J•• 1 ,,. ,.,1 , 1• ... • "' 1 ! ' "''" • 1. "'I \-.ntlJ Mtf'O" ON SA'rURl)A Y ). II' •'I i •r~ ,.: " "' ,, ,, ,. >I •'I '"'Pr•·" '·. '' I f "''I • ' •I i, .,, . "' • • " .~ 1 •· I' I ' • b • "•' \,, ' 1. '·" j,. " <Jf • ,1.t.i..: llll , NEWPORT '' 1, I' •1 .,j BALBOA SAVINGS C.F.O . Author (;roup 'Mary ";\f1ry Llch t ltuaJ 1 .... dt r lt"OITI a uthot a.n•t '!"~ V!\ntOUVf' II (' ~u I 1 ~ " .;.,.1 t +.f I• I n 1 to 1-l l'~l r l,i gh t' .,.~ t •• .. , , ' "'~ I ,,q H · d!IO -.1 •' I• ,·., ,., . _,. ,,.,. .1 ......... . : •• 1 .. ,11 ne th• 1r1i~st speaker n! 11, .. '' UrAllf" f'ounty r ~-O 11-•• 111.c I\,, !• '" s,.111r•lay In !hoe Flr~t p,...~,,,., .. ri~ •'hui•h.191 !>lo 0111 no:" 1)·<111: ..... , • ., •t I r"''"T " Tl ~ \\ ,, 1··1 • f • •• ,., A r~lluw•h•p ~'''"l t .. •i.:1 • "• •1 rr • I ' I ! ' 1 .. , .. \lu.' I.I•!' c " ... "'! -' ' , •• 1, l· ' • "' I ''" ,,,.!I ' "'• i.~1·11uui...; "' " ~16•1 ' " "' • 1 .. ,, ' " ,, I • il"\"li < r I !• ' • " ' \\ I \j ., ' • .• 1 't •. Beach Ne\vport First Baptist Th•' H •• , ll··r• ·11 '• hl ''" '1.,,,,' 11 l ·1l 1.'""I • lwlr '' !) d·• I J· "'11~·:1',,1 ,, " I " 1· !1 '' •II Ui •I' ·l ~! • 'I i'I II ~ I .t I'<' •h\'l•" '"' "' I "' " L· .1··1 • ~'.; ,. I I: I~ ' '' '''" '""'"' 1 · .. ' ... " . " \l•·i.,•.+11 .I 1 ,:11 .. ,, •!\"I ' . ' '" ',, '•' l"h I . "' ~· 11• v I • ' • , .. " ··' ' .. .,. ~\· h1~ .. -:. i-f ' ) •1" +I I• I 1 II' l ~!> p m. Al t p. 111 .~\""· 1.u •d "''Ill n r ... n th' m"t l 1111{ v. 1th 11 II · ta lion• tollowf'd by 11 rri<\'•'r !· f1ru tory A pol-Juek 11upp•'r 1 11••' ~'h a rt ft'10m la a t 6 p n1 whl• 11 I• ~A T••(j by tho"' hP111{1ll~ ll h"l (\tsh. ••111.d or d,.~~<'rt H d 1h .. 1r ~· •1 •f"'•·•~ I c rl l • 1,, ,,.. , ~ ''''" 1 ... 1" •' I h•• h•,.I! r1 .. 11.\ 1·1···· t "' ~ ,,., !'. q ' ,. ,, ~'"''" Ani.-. j, ' -1 I., "~L• I : •• , .111 I w rvl"e bel"lna a t-; 1:1 14 111 ".•1n.: •p1r11 t1011 led by ,1.!n o A M! !'IH"'- \l'rl ,,r O.r~11 1:r..vr At 7 •~ M 11.ry Lllfhl w1ll llrl11¥ If"' ~\'~lllU ~ mf',...11g,.. "MILTY U1tht" ,~1 1 1, fAatn1unlJ hllll ron·IU• lo:<\ P hyll1" ~t'l'Vll::o?!I 111 1.h1Jrt:he11 11\ !l••·-•I n ( Ull!' 8lll\e" «'h••l .. ru··~ •. r i'""'d" ~1 14n\~ "11'• 1t" "'I•-'" ,,f I' 1t•1r<•1\'J ... 1!h ,,11,. r 1•n 1•''" •"' 1 •tll • Wl'li I!• •11~: TI••• 11.~•'1"; 1-, !'"'!I I" 1<1! "'· \\•I" :0-' h "I \\ 111111'"" 1~"'1 " t r~"1 u S ,. I 11 ~I 11 " •t,•·n ·· "lid 11 .. · I! " \\ "I Tt"• L.• If,· I ' ' I '" ~t ' .. , "hulll ,1 I f.'. !~t·~1<t•"I 111 t.)11~ ""1'1 " •!••''•1•·•1 T•' ,.11 ~.>< ,,., ~lln .. • \ '-'I Ii " ~·I 'Ii" J.n·1ni,: ~'""'!)'·' h+ r i 1 I • , .1 ~j \ ~> 11 I )11 <.~I' l<J<•' .111'1 ''1f ,l"'""l'·tl !' ,,,1 I "IH ~T "•111·: ,, 1n ~·11 ><r1•l !liP "r'"''" ''' 11 1,., h,,,,j,p.:, >:rll•''" 1111<1 l'"'P' 1nr•'111<:h H • , h<JH h .\1 1>! 1"1 .. t>'ll• '' llill •l•l Full.-1lun IA lh• l•'A<lt•r ,.r !h•· lllft•1•1llt l>\T' An(I l>lr" J"''"''' ltuhll l-•"n lw11 n~·· v. !] hll \t• d11t1i,:t T l1 ,. S• l1'"'I 1,( :-,t,,., .. ri, I' :• f'HI l••ll 1W1oi lly ~,,,,111~ \\••1•l •! "I ·"''"r n '' 1 j,., \! 1'1 •1'1_\' 1111-I I" 11\ '" ; I' I" !::ff cctivc f:>r~lyc r 1S.:yB Lecturer Peo ple Organ iz e Young at St. John's Episcopal I ''('hr11tl11n ~rl '!'nt·t · Thr S• !""' r 'lt E ffective r r ayr r· "''11 Ii·' tlu· •uhJ"rt ur a ltrllu,. lo ""' 1 .. .i, ... •'IO,•I over Sta lion K~·\\'B 1 !t&:u "' ' Th• f!rll youlll_t J1fluple:1 rtlLOW-~ S11n•I"}' r'"'" 7 Ln 1' p rn ll\ horn"~ T11e1da y l"\'rnlnR. o\1ar"t'h 6. 11! i. •hlp mf'9lln( rnr thr hlith !W'h"o1 1iu1•! lh" H••\" 1·1nh TlH', wiu 1 .. r 10<.·k. fnJnl F1r~t l'h11rrh n! r J ' ' .l\"l'l "ll""'''''''•rl(kll T.t<\1••1111.lhuM-(·hr•~t Srl,.nt1at , lh•dunr1u H•l!lh ai-e 11;rnup r<l!ll Sl <J ln th<' I!· 1 ,. nr~• m,.~11111: """'\Ill' 1n ""' Tti ~ 1,., !111 l'r . .1 .. 111,..• \~·.,11 \;.; .. r \'llll!'Ei•ll'<l'l'"\l 'hur .h~'••.qt,..\l ·~• 1"11111"1\I' h ·:ll•' l•I 1•·•1> I•'' 11,., llw•hin;:Tnii f l(' 1011.11,,.n,t:w•••' wiu h•·!•l Sun'l"Y ,.,,.,.,,,11{ a l th~ 111 .. u1h,\ .,,,,~Is ""'! •11 ... u<.•1 •,n Th~ •'hnJ1:1an Sclr•ur 110111•1 "! hon'• n r ,>.t r 11111! Mr• J,.lin 11 .. 1> i:"'"i'" ,\l"t•'"'"r<l 11••) "'II I'!'" I.I'•! ""llhip n>'lly. Zi ! Bm adw1y. l 'h"'r' w•·r~ ,,.,.,,rdJ\ 11.n•l ,11111••'-I------ Ii I \ •'•l I 1 • t,.''• 1 •t <. l lo•t 11 • Saint J an1es Epi scopal l'I ""' IHnj.: r•L h••' II '' I ~ •n<1 11 ""' I'""" •"I I II "~ o ,1 "' 1•tJt1'~1 nl :-ii ''h11t'• ii t 11•' I(••\· .11. ' ..... .l·•hn ~lA\" •' • f,,~ 11.•'I' ' "' I 1· ~•"\Id 1 'h II" \\ 111 ·' • ..:. H• , I ' t"• I '" I •' •, !· o, '" ''•"'11' '" ' " ,,., I """i<I; I'•" 1 I• ' 11! " "Ip,.. ! •II• T h•• A H •I 1;1u. 1 "Iii •1!1 \' 11• !• :t" /I ' 11·1· ! 1• .. " "' "'' '"' "' ,.,, ... Hn ··I 'I' J, · u ... 1 u >' ,, ! !• I '• " " ·r·, .. , .. " I! 1 .. " " "" • ""'' '"'" r 11! \\ ·~ l.h ~.I I \' It! ; " " II• I'. ,., • •1 lf\t.; .... '' " ·1 ,, I < 'IH l~I • ll \1.1 f.,.111~ h1•I t 1• 1 'I' 'I nnd ti' ol •' I 'I" H ., .... 'I"' ,, II \' ,,1 I' 111 "' lh"'""'" 11•11 '"'·I ' •+" .. " 'I ,. \I ,\ I 11 '. ' . " ' .,, I • i·.;" II '" •I ... " ",,. !.• :, r.• <•t I f'r I l l"•I l • !•' '"""I\' and <; .. ,!fr.y ....... t 33bb ,,, ' ,, "' LOAN ASSOCIATION Via Harbor -4200 "R~ur1•f'• I··• I•• ,ot 1l ~ ...... .,, t·•·l l l<+•l' ~ I) 111 II NEWPORT /• A Lido BEACH CALIFORNIA. l•t lt.o••} !1"1/lo,: • .,1 :-r1tHl1< A l,1\1 ' ... •ti .. ,, d .. •;· ""' h\ ' I ' < \1" I j., ti!•' :0-•-< 111 "'l"ll i;,,.,Jl .\IH l")I J2 ,\'hlJ" - \tr1, .. , ,.,.. 1~Tt1' Corona del Mor Office 2 '4 07 Eost Coast Highwa y ti •· :"'E\\'S l'ltESi:; t ~ 1!ll1• l1' 'I'" k r,.•u!ts. TO WIN SS0,000 ! Hurry! Enter Plymouth's huge S\50,~00 Lucky Motor Number Sweepstakes! Just a few days lefl Don't miss this chance to win a fortune! n 1nr .vnun..: r..r1pl,. pr,.flrnt ,.1 1t1t Th•' J\1 1,·•~•l!• !"! tl•• '1.IYl"P "''' or1tRn11.1t U1"1~I l11t'"t111;: 11l Whlc'll I ,\!r:<_ J,. .. n SJ"""' k ,\!rs K J th<"y hel•I Mn •'I"• t!••ll ,,f ofrl"'''·' F ,•r·l"1hn1..:,•11 ,.,,1 ~11 llrl'! Mr.• &nd Qf entPr lM 1nn1t.nl "'"! <'••Tl-1"'"""11) T!w l 'F l' 1" ''ll''ll l<' a\ltlJtl(tn con1n>1\ll!'~ll Til•111•· pn•11. ( ;..11 h11:h ~· h<o<..Jl ><It•' p .. rr«>118 lu entwt r" tl1t• M l.•s"!l f'tt1,,.·la ~:11111~. ,,,,, ... •I~'!' ~.1,,,1,.1 :1r\'I lu'•"!l•'' Dia n• F'o rd,.rbrul(Cl1, 1.111(111 1"'1111 -!!.t:\IV!:' In nl[ Iii" "'''1''111··~ <1om, ltlot-J.,.J\r J u1lv Wn rtnllll. ',----------------, r -----------------------------·-----------------------------------------------------------, You can llltor wllh INY car. 1950 111 _. I H"'rry lt••jt:N I\ T "tl '' ~1 .. ~1 .. n ~:11 k 8 Johf-<·k "n'1 A lt,..rt Ynr•l u rr ... ,. .... Pl"' t •"I ..... ,.. 1 •111t•" F'onJ,.rh111 i.:•'IL l"''~L<l•·nl ; AlMrt l ~:~~~. ';;rel~;;~··:;~~~u:;•n~~~ I Barry R•it•l1. r'h1rla!n, Th,. •n-• tt'rtaJnn•t"nt ',,. ,.,,,,. m!l1'11 11 r,. T••ll\' ,\1 .. ~1 .. 11 ~;!,,•·• 1.-r, A lh,.1\ YK :.t """ l11•h ' \\·.,, n1an. '1•11,,.1nn1111 fn1 th(' r onM ••'" ll••ll COTIHHl11"t lll 8 .. rry llSllllJted IH Ju•h \\ ,., 111<1 71 F'llndom •HI<! T .. 11~ ;\t ··•I"'' 111···! ... I\ t ·IRST 1 11 1 IU II 11 1· ~ itllf-.T -.t lt'.~ .. 1'1.-.T no1 .. ,. 1 d• ,.,~,.~" •••· ~ A ~'"""~ of 1'o "'o'"•· C••'<" T•o J "' c~ ... ~ .i C•"•t \<'""'"' • l o•'o" ..., .... <•v"'f'. l v•d•f k•oo• • I\ • -l•••., J...,.,. I• o~ • -. Wo•-ol•• l •••,•; "••'•"9 I 0C I' '"! ••Mii ... l oo,.. •oLO'od •• Ill\ •lo lioo Mo•.-l 100<~ , 01'•" "''' ~"' "o~ tDO •·"'· •o \Oil ""' ""•••••+<<•>• ',.., lOO •"'-•o 1 .... ~.., """ •·•• ' •o ' Cl.M• ><ol•d•" n.a .,..,, " <o•d••"• ••"•~ '• •'""~ ,.., ~ i.. .. <., ,..., .,. ••• , .. o.o; , •ff~ Herbor Rost M e~ori al Park Mau•oll'un1-l nlrnll'"lll For Your L e nten I n spi ration ''" " lu t M• Ii I•' ' 1 I ·11 I"\ I n c .. \,1r & ~riu nd ! ... 11 \\ • 1 , ,, , , , , r;,.,. 11! • \\ t:I )., -' "Betrayal 1n G f ' " c nsemane II A 11 :1.; a.11>. ~1·:\\'PORT LL>t:1e1 ail 11 1\RROR Church u .. 1 ... rt H. 1.runlu.11:. 1·..,1nr 1 •:;,,11 t Llt'I l•ltl' I '\I II l'OH1 Ill 1•·11 I'" Gar*na. t.'<!fft"'l"ry Barbor al t.l..J~• ---------' L.-------~I ' IMPORTANT coiled us tim e of need the Those who have ha ve often a b il ity commented up on Parkes · Ridl e y the of profe ssional org,,nization . \Ve rea li ze the professional work performe d is importa nt to t he fa m ily t1nd always take extreme care w i th t his i:Tiportant pa ;t of our serv1c.e. PARKES-RI DLE.Y MOllTUAR.Y ltl' , "o 1•0 ... 0-..... ~ •o••• ~••• ~1... ,.,~~-. ll 11•1Y 8 -343) ... rr ·-- ,.... • ---,40\..._ ....J-- ___Je_"fV'i':'I-• ---._),\_.~ ~ ~ t•!l O•·t'-'UflO>o 1\I AMO ·llOO 1Stf ~ ~F,/)f""\--...: MIWJ'Otil ala.(." •CO"°""" ott... ~ \._;/ \_.. ... 11 OOESN"T Ill" lo Ill I Pl-outh ! lnl pri-M,M : ,_ ls! PRIZE 2wd PRIZE 4th ,...,.._'2,AO , 11 -.,, '"'"'' "'un]'h /l(J If• any l 'h·m nuth .)1 .. 111·""11. nfld '"l"i~lrr lh,. m•-l•·r uuin· j ... , .,f 1 •• 11r ]'1.·,11 ••! ll"""f lll"ilrl r1n !ANY MAM'.E) .. n ihr FHEE rntry l>h1nk. !lid -11h th .. !•' •.• [!1 •• ~ l!ur '''u "'"'' l1u1r•. Con lr~l r[~ f,,,. . .,., "" .~.,1 urd"'· \J ,.,, h 10 I! 1ru/J !1\. .. '" ""' ~ J.i:: -Ii··· .,f 1h111 t1 ::.11.ri.w 1. ln.,!I I" II 1'1•111,.111h ~I'""''"''" flnlj , $50,000 CASI TRIP AROUND THE WORLD FOR TWO BY AIR, PLUS $5,000 Sth prla--U,000 : ' 50 print of S500 I 75 prt.i" of $251 1DO prla:H of UDI 555 prii:ff of $51 715 print In .. 1-- arand total of $150,000 • ' ' ·----------------------------------------------------·--------------------·----~ HURRY! CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY, MARCI 10 ...... t. .. ~ "'"""· h•ll•• tN:td•-'"· ... ' .. '"' co• rhor'1 9oin9 ploc•a wit.ti IM ,._.,. I• H...t PLYMOUTH - k ..,,. to in11)<1cl 1k1 b11o u!•ful ret.a91 P'il""-4io •h•"fl """"' ~ 1n. ,.,. '""~" l '1,..t+ l!•.11 .. n !1'""'~ , .... .,/ m~nJ r111n .. ul.b 1-..1 ....... u~ ,,,1.,., 1 .... I"''•',-,.,, ... ,,·1 ,. .. ~·1 hh ~, ... , ••>u. You'll fu>1.l Pltmoo>~h t.1;·.·· · "' t I·.,,., tn •. , .. ,, '"•• !h•D ••liia e.1 .n 1t. h,.1.-J. A..J ""'U f1uJ l'!,u,.,tJIU tt:all1 ~,.,, 1., l*-"-lu<J! LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 12CO W. COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH LIBERTY 8-3486 ., LIGAL NOTICE PAGE I PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, MARCH 2, '1956 ('ITV OF Sr:"''f'O•T BF.Al'H g-°f,\Tlt f)t" t:AUFt>MNIA SOTlt.:E TO CONTlll.A(.'TOIC!il ' ' r SEAL.ED PltOPOllAL8 will IN 1 ,,.,.,.,,.,.d at th.Ii otftce of lht: Ctt1 ('l,.rk, City th.II., C1ty of N t wport ~ll <'h, Ca.llfornl• until 7:30 o'r h)('k r M . on the Jtlh day of M•r<"h, 19:'6 at which time they will 1)11': publocly n~ ~ ni•<l; tor per· -f!it n11 n1r work ... tollow1. •. .,, t-'urnlahln• •11U l).,l1ver1nf ~ · .. ,ll'r"I• L"lyln1h:r J•11 ... No bid '\rd lj hf' n!l'l!!l''e<I uuleu 1l II' 1111de on a f"'OJM.>IOijj ft.rn1 1.i1 1uahf'd by the Clty lo;nginet'r )';,.,·h bhJ Olll&l bt: M<'('Oflll)lll\!ed by ''•.•Ii ,·,.r11r1r(I o•· •·a.d11,.1 '1 i'h..,.·k. "' 0 1ddrl'·a bund1 ruade f>ll ~·,.tJ: .. l•l ! ~lf' (.'1ly of /\'•w1>0r1 9.,.., h. fur •" ~111ount !'Qual to a t dea~I r ~n r,.n·ent '10'7,..J of the anu>unt bid, ~'"''' i[UUant y lo bf! f urffl\ed ,.h~·uld the bidder lo whom Lile <un tract 1• awarded f all to rnter into 111 .. conlra<'t I A ll h"L• a re to be co111p.1.r11a1 011 111 .. b11.11111 uf Ult-{'ily Eng1n,.t'r'1 ..... 11111/l l e ·.,r !he <11.111ntll1f'11 or work lo "" <lune. ,">;., b"I "'Il l lie •• 1 !'Jll"'d t rnm a r .,ntrar lnr "ii" h111 ""t o""" J.,,.,,~d In 11>1'11 11.lanr l': .... 1111 1h.- p1•11·1 a1un of C'h11pll':r 9 "I 111 1•1,,1tui I/I Of HU!l!n"a~ In<! l•rnff'8'91Ullft 1· ... 1 .. /'lana ""'Y b., 11.,e n enll r.11111~ "' Jl"''l.'U·•11 !, b<.•n!b ' .. ,,1,,,, ! 11 nd ·'f"=' 1fn a !lun~ (n11y boo .. 11111111 ... j it 11,,. vffl•·e uf th .. ('Hy !.:111i:111 .. •·• i ,11}' flail Nf'WIJ'irt l.l .. M• 11 C11J1l•H Ill~ !'h ... •pe0 1111 ~11 .. r1t1"" ,,r !""'I"" '"" h i<l<l••!JI IA 1alled t n \/\r '1'1 "- 1"•-•lll R ~quirernt.nt• 11irl t.: .. n ' ,j 'l••n• Mtlnf l<,.,I l•1 \hf' Dill • W r••!!I .,• f 'r"P"~•I . f«r !till •\Ir r ''" 1.• ~- t :1.t:l "Tl<ft:'IT\' Jtt>OSTY.R -Charlci. D. ~h;:dy11 - ht•!n1. left, d1i;tr1 l t rn a nagt·r nf lhe L'oa;;tl1.11e ar~·a ,,f the Snulht·r·n l 'a l1tnrn1 a ~u:1u~ l "••. d(·n1on slrates 8(•n1e 111 .. rat llre 1 .. b.~ uM>d durin ~ !he C'0m 111g "l .11·f' !i«ll"r l-'.ll'•l111 a lll 1a 1n pa1gn. At !he 1ntr1oohl('\(•I'\' n1•·•·l 111g 11f 1!11· drl\'f· l-lr('. fn •rn !•'fl .\!ill•·!',[.,,,. Al:.iin!l•"'· l "rb,,r1 [, H,h i_'1,111 ·l1 I\ H :-;, ~, .. •I \ I:. '" )1 I . I·· \\ dl1,..1n" !11·ld "~· .. 1. l'I ,. •'11 ~ r,f :-,·,."'l"i<I l!"h't' r• ""''1"-• U1r r11i;ht tu 1•·Jr ,1 ••" a ll hll.!3 C ITY !IF '.\'t :\\'!'• JH r lit:A('JI 1'A l.J t 11HNI/\ ,\l So h1·r,11•lrr 1 'II y l 'I• I k l••! .. '1 t",.hr111•' 2A ·""" l l '.:'11 ~""·' l'•f'.•• I "~"' 1 -' -,i; t t.l(T I t "lt A f t . t 'IK ,\.t <It' ltl "'l' t ..... ,.-\,tt: Tl1" uno l"r·''~' ... 1 '" ,,.101 DEATH NOTICE IHIKA r:. IHIA' t'. \1 1• ''"'" t: I "~ ,._l 'f :'i .' " ,, . '"'' n '" " l'"'" "' 'l\ •• " ,\' , .. n·~ "' ' lr•Lll l\ .. •l 11 .. , .-... .,... , , l 'r ~111d r H A .'\d1·s. J...cis A !l-l nll\P!'i Gf:.and. Jury Probes Hospital Evidence, Kroesen Committee Says A,">;/\lfEI .\! '' H ·-.: • K r''"'"" :-,,, , lli'IP •11<111 "' '"~ l1n11 ,., .. 1•,' I ' " " ' I •) L • lt ... 0 " ' .. " ' ". '" l-•• I ,, ' '' "' • ,, '•'N ''" ' • ,. CHINESE GODD ESS TA KEN FROM FIRM " ,. "' _111 .. 111 .. } .......... 11 .. 1011~ ~ ""~t rrltlll l bu•1l 1r•~ 1<l ' ,,, .1 111.; i. ....... y ,'\ .. \\'!"''' '~• 'O!\ ~··1 .. ·1 .. 1 ... II• II • !l " '' '' '.' .• ··::,:.,··;.1 ~,';·,-."·~~~::~ •• 1° ;-.~·;·.'. ••• ;:: 1 Former Newport '"" . ,, ' . " .~' .. ' ' .. ,, "'''···· .. " , . ' .. : ... , "' I , \.' . ' " " " ... ... ' " ~. I ,.J ,f,•rlUll LJIHI... I In• r " "' "" "'" "'"! ~1,1 ~ ,,f N""'l"'fl II ~'""' J\''·'\ f{~n !11I.• llllll \h/11 .•11 \d !trHt "' "'"" 1~,.,.<1 ••f thr 1.,11., ..... 111 ~ I""~''"·' l'• \\ I J•,hn l!r1~tl•U "'Zn) E < ""·•I lt tJ(tl"'ll'f '"'''")~•!I IJ"ll ' Ii i'11 ll/"I "'"· :'itn11l•y A•l~hll ''' 71 ~ ,\1,1lu hHr S Lreet. N•"'l~·•I l.lt11 ,11 1·111 Al•' ""f ""r ._,.,,.,,,1 t ",,. .. I '"'"'" Man Sentenced Sil~\:•.ri;~' ;'1 ";"I,, 0J •~•,I "~;'.,, 1 ;I :1,.~1: ! s,\ ,">;TA ,\.,'"j:~!;j I . ,.,, '" ·• ••• lli11 • 1,1 .,~ ·- "'' ·, ,, ' ,, ~ " " . ,,, ~' I '""' ,, H 1 I I·••,;• ',I ;or ~ .. v· 1" I In d OI~•· S•·i.I I e (,KO!,// ~·"""'M l l ! ] '• .,, i"I A I Olll<lllh~ 111 ·l l'h .U\•"111o11l rn \!1,1J1:'1 l· \'•~"!"'"' tl1" ' •"rll•'\•'I I .J"~''l •ll A I ,I~!" T: i. .. 1 hr · '' n ,, .1 .. 11, " •. ,, "'d" I, ·' ' .. 111 I \(1,, ,o " • ·" 1, I ,,. ,, ,, l·•·ll .,, 1.'I '" . · I 1 • " ' '" ---J 1n N1·" 11• .. li•'ll\11 \\/"'It 11 11 •'.•1 •··1 11 fler ht l'l•·ht!•·d ~uilty LJ!L bit I i.:ht'~k !h!l l ;;•·• ' ' Meyer Finds Planner Answer Amendment !"!'f\Ja . • COMPLAINTS ft n m t'l,.,.I ' . , .. , ~1 .• • .. " . I ,''., Tht u.ndcraiorced t.u rlhrr r.fr!lfy '1111! th,.y hfl l'f' ll't"lnl•n •• •OT!· •i"•l•d 1h t •111'1 hu~•n .. ·~1Jnd•1 l!I• Td I" f'o1J!l" ll!ld Ill.I I .. ••f t.:11111 l !.,>1 1 /:r11!~I.• ( uni lrHw•I "' o' ti ,)1111 R!l A lo b11le\ll 1.-il<f S1:1"'tl11 r 1·.,L;t'' j )"'I;;~ i('""""\11 ~: \I .• ""' o hi0 •!'1·irt n r I 1r,. ;;1111,\ l!.,!l t !»'II!"" I ll•'~"t\ .. ~·"l ! l1Md .,. l l .: I• hd lH \\o'nf'~.• H!lr ."<t n A\u1e" trr1.<1 J l;ot •1ay ur Ju1.uar' 19:'16 JI IH:-.' ]\/(!~Ill :-;' STA.-,;l.J-:Y llHJ:'iBl:-.1 o o/l ':"TY O F VHA'.\'•:E ,., fin rh1.• Jl "l L111 v ''' .l 11 nu~1y l~•\6 befura in e • ,o,,;nta ry J'ublH' 0"11• "-tll ,.,. nr S•'1"'1 •-•r J"·I~· t,:,.,,.,. 11• \1 ,,,,""'" pr""•"t.11~ g1 1 nd JUrl' Ti1 .. l"'~·••hl" of"'n .. , .... 111u : 111111 bf.,,() hig u1111 1i "'JI 11 .. nr.', •• ,..,r•· (,. hold 1t ~l ~ .. n t R A t " • ·,.11 .. go· "'"' 'lh.•"I \o·•! Jn 1l1e 111''11/lton " • "U1ll\' I '" H ~n·I f•1 r lh" 11 forr•~PI ''nunty I Stal ... \H.'l'!'<•nRll\' fll•l"'~tt•tl ''"·ti\.• 11f ... r ....... !\''•U•1n.: hi' I•' I ·hn ll•1~1)1n 11 nd ~l•lllPI' B••-l/Ul .' ... ,,. hr"11~l1l II '''"1itl h•I• , •. ~1 .' "'""'" l<> '""lo ho> rh~ p•'r'"'n.• •!·'' ('"'" l .o•~ A ll ~··I•·• V•t,•11u1• ,..,~. 11~,.1,.. Hr,. •nl'l"<••b"d l,, th• \ l11.u 11-.t1'nl.,,n ••i!1o1,,I.• "'hu ,,.,1_ ,. tli•n lr1 9\run1··nt .. n,[ M•l<1>(1"''I· •'•! l/!Hlll:<' ~-HJlr!v 1 .. l11Y"~ILJ.!HI O' ••ll("•I \r, nie \h;ot lh"Y f!/l•'Cule\l ti"· '''!"ll'L~ 1<n<! 1h·t•·t1<I th•·•r l"" •-hu 1·~ In \\'1tnP.•• \\'h•·rr of I h 111· .. ""! Th•1t' ti ll\ l•h• rr.-in1pt~\\1h1· • r~1'f h11t1<! 1u\\I 1d f1 :.:~<I 111y ••!tl•'llll 1 ~'1""~1 t •J !h(' <l"l!l!';o' l)oAril nf ILH · ""~!the rlAy an (1 Y'""r1n lh111 L'rr-p•'r'•~••fll h\' lhP llrlltJ,i't' f'«lllll \' l1f1 c11.!01J f1r 11t ~IJO\'" wr1llep. / \ 'ooHt• ii uf rtl!' \',·1 ,.r~n11 u f F <.l re,;;ri H R RIN'; I \\'llr~ rur 1n'·"·'t1i:;atonn. t"ollt.ry r 11bll1• ln and fnr th~ II "'"" 11111,Je ktHl'l\'ll y r 11l,.rilll)' { ·,.un!y 1.1 Ur1.nge, Sito.Le o f t..:a liforn!a. I thut 111,. l_.Q.'I A11grlr11 ofr!t·" L• Kn. 14 1!1 c0111p1l1ng to. reporl on severa l :-.'ewa ·l'r•• 2 l~. 24 ,1 2 Q 1956 \l'll<'l~ 111 l he <'Ulln!y. 1''o rn1er ly the Newport-Balboa Nr.,.·8-lin1r! and tilt! N1•,,.·pot t -B11lbo11. l'rt~s ~~--~~~-.~-,---~~~~~~-1 A Dtptndable l.AM·al 'tn•t1tu Unn fu r Ul·er t "orly \'tan !11H11{'V "'II •• r ••• nk I ,, 11., ! " , l" •'!' 11 '" , IP·, I< - Jl,.11dm1t\f'•1 p11l>t ooor1 ,,,.1111 r11!3 '· '••1t ' I ~ ' '1,.' I<~ Too Late To Classify ""'k ""'"' t)ldn.: I>••.-.. t'I :"I I f"{l'.\l ,\\'I. l'l!ttT<11:H 1\l 'H!·!' I' ii' 80·-Ml~e llanrous -~----~-~~~~~ STkt•M H ~:l{r ; C /\Jtl-"lUN 1•1'Hl .!C /\l •I1]1~:ss 8YST~:M . '''"·l'l"T·· $1:<:, l ~""·"'J.:l••n ll••l~··);._~ 111'('· WTl1 ••r. !.!'""! o·ondiln'n S~.'I. j li'.!-1(.·al BAR GAIN '". " ' -11 '. ,, " ,• ' ' ----, \ \,. \ I ~ ! I " I! ' I ~ .... '""' l!ar .. !i<lli·ft ~"' \'1-;fl Y J."\\ I" 1\\ ·, )' \; \I!· -..·r IN VALll • \\'/\LK~:R. !1 •1Jll~\nl ol",'ll1t il"l'r ·l ~I',; ''' :1 .~ • In .. ' .. '" Jt•· r • \J ""' '!.·-·' '-''' '. . ··-' . ,. " '" ,, ' " ' \I· . ' ' . '. " . ,,_,, " ., ' •I "I • •• .1,' \, " '. 'I"'• "' "''''" ,,, t< n,, .• lo •TJ::" I If 11 ll! t ' ' '' 'h " " ' (I Ill \lo ' ' '·' • • 1 '· I ti • \ •• ,., ol 1 •'· I I ''' h 1n n• t),,. , , .,1 '"•I 111• ! LJ11\1I h,1\P t1,•d "~·" "' ~ "''"di .-1il1ol1 It' '" H ,,.,'' •1 . '" .. 1, ...... " f,, 111., •·•!'"<I ,· I , J I • I '"'I l'l"f"'''- ,.1.,,,~ ~· ~o h'!I <'qul11pt<I Wiiii 1·e1110 •·11bl11 lrlll' h-1--OPEN , . ., LI 11-3~!16 :s,.-.:o HOUSE :l1 6 ]-;, (}l'1·:1n Fr .. 11t 1 1 nr 1•• ''I"'' ol t ""'11 ~" l"I,,• """I '"'•'111 ti.•,l•l,"h" <if ft!I• .~"1\ "~•It \llO lll!hr Ai'i d"H so.~A_ppltan~ I ~1,,,.1,.. 11 .... 11 1 ----------!1r\l .l!fl/\ 11! I\'\ I f\<1,"\l'.h"'"'~ TA BLF.: .d1t1on ~ood. l'(JP RA :-.IG~: li:'•'l<1•t t'.,11· St:.. Ol!J r t' ft •J.: Ho Pl!< Sl .'.1, l..lhe rt.v 8 :1~4 0) 4 ~! t l<•h!H •l'l\o\/1 "' II 11 ' :< '" b••l< l!h ·I. 11 .• 1 ••••! "''"'' .l:" ""I ~'. ft1, I I 1•ol 1 .,f I; I. l·"u:.k t .. ~"1~11 1·1,J ~ " li oll I L ' 1"'"" 111111 1111,J <'··~t~ ,\!,.,.,, S l• loll ."Hlll• .\,11~ A\•• T !l<' o»ll!l<'tl f.,. .• ,,Jo ''"•l\ AIJ""'''•1 ~ '"'k I•• >'\Ill · lh·· I ll( t.~ io nd IJdt" \ ·•~!.• ,\t .. ~11• J ;;ut1 ••r• ~ .... i ' Po•I Fun k 11 j1 1•1bl ~111 ""ul<J h Rv<' IJ< .. •n ·"l'"'"<llly 1!•1h·!'1'.l. ;o11 11J ~1ey- C l "SlV~I MA OE RATTAN :: i O ACR~:S r 11•·1 h.-i11oun l11 nd "'~· 11' th@ 11n1en•ln1e nt hail t>e"n ''"\lch e~. C hMl r~. 18n1,...., rt•· ,(-fr•t 1t1 r 1lv 111 "<1!11.,t.•. $J"1•• Jitr 0 r"n~ul\t<I ;o1n~l' therr •~nit rurb• IRblt At ,.111111.,. n··•;;hh.,•h•>od 1n ~-un i!~'"'" t:nt rred &11 Secon<l·Clu s~ .\111\t~r 11.1 lhc l "•~\"ff1r.-. 1n =-:e"·porl 11!~9. "''JU,lthl I run a nil gJ:i."" d111•ro}; I II•'"· , 11" l'<1nfo11n 1u •n \h<' ~•ur ,.11rhhlli:; B 1 ,,1 1\K ~: •>F~~;H. !Ill• 114» -;.~·'Ill ·"" A f'H~:~ 1r1 ll1 <' "11"•nt 11111• •nil------ e!\<h, .. i.i.· 1"' '1 ~ .... •· ••1 ... ttrt~" Nicholson B Born Cl\llfurn111 un<h>r the A<·t uf .\la I L h :1. t'rl\IM.\' 11}' c ·•1)ll 'A:-.·\ '"' tO--AutM fur Sa.Iii ---------------" . 11 ''" "1'" In! ''"" "\ t1.J11n 1111·1 ••nt oy ,;_,,.~j hu nt ~ THl"I llT I"(' S.li•l111 I :\1 l Hl"I ,\1 1~ 1,. ......... ~·rn('sl • '.\'1t h1ol~•·n ( ul p n11 •!~I ~!A 1 "''" 1•nPf'!ll~ .,f a I><\' bfl!)I l/'llll !11 !Today's N. Y. Srock Report I Gets Appola11 .... Kenroeth Fowler, i:a,...,. R. Hill 9ald1 -loller Sh1~es I •nd M~rle \111.11 Pelt rl'prffU!ted 1h .. ~f1.1 1nrr1 8 arok of Newpo11 I Bt>arh .t the t'ebruary d inner ----------------! n1rrl1rog of the Lntl~ndenl Bank-....... 1 •. m . A•rr-..c.-• era A1uK'(1ellon Qf Southl':m C•ll· Cu1tom •p«:la!Ua • DrapelT, Hard-r. e Ven•tlan ..._. t 8ti fl; up 1 98 forn111. 1n l.o~ Ani;elr 11 rtte ntly !6:1 28 1 ~I Com1n1llH •PJ>C)l!lln1f'nl~ r or 1 (;41-L ....... . up · ~9"'8, u announc..i by U... Aa-1 6.'.I .'.13 up 1 It, I "°'·1at1vn'1 prealdent K e.a""!,lh G J p.IH. \uhu•w: l ,~.UOO \\'atker Vl<"f! prl'llldf!nl ()f Thr THE SHADE SHOP ~·anner• &nd M.en:hanU Bank of UJ UM ~ N...,.,. _.. M l.on11: H<"•r h. tnc lu1leJ H iii pr .. 111· ....... ~ ...,,.. oea- 1..·111·v,.1 .. r l!I~ ... <h·nt vf Th" )t1<dnl'r• Hank, •~ 1--=============~· 77'~ " 11Lru1bl'r u f the. 1n .-nLlwn •hl1> II•"! I i • 01.1nk tJ•J(Kni:i•tlu n 1•1)11111 11u.... -It pava to ~ tbo1 W&llt lldtl. 1)11 1-'unl c, .... , .. 1 1·:1 ... ·1 •1·· f:1"11er ~I .\l utor~ t 011 11ht l Hr•"' 1;1 1·111 :\url hr1 n It H. , N )' C•·ntr MI ~lufllro t•\' !Jil ~ln<'\H!O' UI] SL1u11!1<r<1 !Iii ••f i 'a lll, 1 Tran1111111t'r1<:a Un1"n l)1J .,, t..:1<h l. U.S St<·l':I with the ::'2~ :.11 .... 4 4 '• :l4 •. 4'J '• t~J •• 3!\' ij ~ '. 9~ 1, " Bil\, !'17 l. State Farm lnsua1ce ,., '.' Co•pa1i~ I.I X-1111 l ...;d ' ii n • : ... J .• l :~:l .... I ~r h :O-.t. f\IO W n yJe1t • • • • • ., CUSTO M 1 A LO R ED L~d i e ~· & Me n's ' _, l p Slac ks • MARCH CLEARANCE WHILE THEY LAST Odds ond Ends lox SprillCJI •d MallnSHI TWIN !'OIZI: MATTRESSES LOW AS $12.95 T'\'I S ~IZt: BOX SPRINGS LOW AS $11.95 1-1 I.I. ... 11.t: MATTRESSES LOW AS $14.95 F-1 1.1. s rzt: BOX SPRINGS J.OW AS $13.95 i A FEW KING 72'0184"0 AND QUE~N 60"x80" SETS DRASTICALLY REDUCED MATCHED SETS TWIN SIZE LOW AS $31.95 • FULL SIZE FROM $36.95 Buy Factory E-Z REST .. "' I• Ii \ \1 I ' I\ J' ,\\ 1:,:i'.!ll l .al..1·111~.d ltl1d. 'flJr r•·,\ (i· 111 i Direct and Save BEDDING CO. .\l •·nrl•~ •n I t n !•v Ii \() t ~anta Ana-20:W S. ~a.in St. kln1hforl~ i -3440 lll • r't·a t ur111g l'hf' l-'1ncst l;a:1 .. 11 l~ntu1h S«uh h r'rench ~11 u l [it1mcst1c \\ U'111'!1A a11d ·rhc r·1nest l mpurtr-<l Silica f• 0r S u 1t11 & Dr eese• • [..e .:; r.q Cufl •l'I )\ <'1 "0 A ller<"J t.Qn\ Done 1n Our O wn Shop • OPENiNG SPECIAL! 1'.ST(J)t T All.OKt:O Ml.ACK,. or Skltt• tor l•<llr• nr •IM'l111 for m~•. 8"1ect a.II- "'H>I rTJal f'rlaJ•. FinP•1 l'ranaman~hlp $22.50 OPENING SPECIAL! nt:l ,I X.t : T AIJ.ORJ:D Mt:N'~ SI IT. \'our rJl"loe of •ty l• S..IM'I aJl-,,.·ooJ •nlllf'rial or l.ADfl:8 or ~L. 198.50 Edna and Morris All Work Fully Guarani.cl • 2334 Newport Blvd. t'rtday 'Ill t :OO '!'lll l'uhll•heJ ••·tr.~· ~lunlla.1·. \\ O'<lll•"•d".I' 11.ll\I :"it:\,'J't >KT llr\HlltlK l'I Ul,l:oilll.'l; 8-ltiu. 8h'ol., ~t:\\'l'CJl(T llf:A('ll, t .\L i t'. l 'hun+· ll11rbur lfilfi (,luaun ... 1 10 l'utill~h 1,..·11:•1 -'"tl<'r• 11,l' l),.rr,.., of ltl•• :oill llf'rlnr ( nurt .. r itn<I ,\1h"n;.,..n,,·nl• "' \LI 1\11101" l OrlUljr•' f n In \••11,.n '"· A -'!110'~ 1'11\A l'-pltrl,\', StiP\1 J•IOl'Y 01· 11 ur k In HM I llor 11114-H. IZ-Tr1t,ile n1 \1·1 11 t11 \((' I 1 .. atl,. -;g, XU SAM EM MES I'"" '· ' ·'' "' "'"'"'"' "I \,,,Ill /I,· Ho•;d l•;:<l"I" Bnokrr ''~·~·•~'~"~"~~I·~·,.~,~~,~··~ __ _;;;_,;_;__;=~=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::-::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::~ H111t .. tr I'll ·! I{ I ';ii! !Yf i !\lembrr ('alff"rnla ,,-,.,..,1'"1.-·r 1'11hll•.l1 .. r• -"•"'••·IK!ln n )l.,mho-r •'•!li1 nal t :•lllnrllll ., ... ,.,.11lli1u1 !\l+·n1hrr of Oni.1111:1• f """'·' -'~"" ~., . .;,... -----li!F::-.t HEIJIJ!L'K , l 'liB Ll:'HF;tt \\'ILLIA.\I A )!0 Sf:S, f:ohl"r OH~ION D ~:. H(l!':">TH t~F;, Ad\'c1 1 .~or1g J)1r,.1·lvr CFIA lll~F'.S A AH~1 S1'1l:U NL:. ~1 r,)11u1u-..l Supe11n t~nuent In Oran'" Opoo t:very I '' .,;,,~ "'' "-"' 1t11·r1os H.-\Tt:s : ="""port Harb"r :\•'""·P r ........ Trl-\\,...k lv Cuunly. •S.flO f"'t .•·•••: J.,.00 .. 1\ m"".: :ril..\(I 011l•hl..., o f l>r•ni:;•• ("n unl,•· 10 .00 l"'r ,\t"Kt "til .... ~ •. lhff'I' """"'· ----'"'------T F:H!'!Y f't:ST OM 40 ft , .l hdo·r-.1 .,,,·tpl 1on~I conr11linn, nne .1·,.,.,- ol•I S11cr1f"'I', l.1110 J'11rk, liar •,17;; "r H11 r Z7:'!1 711t•!IO U~~ II"' < IH~-•1 - f1rd R•!-lrl This '"'"'·'l'fll'~I '" t;uy, arl l, 1enl o'r 11,,,. l 'h<inl' H Hrl)nl' 1616 FIREPLACE FIXTURES CUSTOM FLUSH-MOUNTED CURTAIN SCREFNS ~awr/t IARIECUES 'ilhljd J.~ SANTA ANA 2204 S. Main Sr. PASADENA 1215 I. W•l"ut St, Ktmberly 5·2719 lY. 2-2136, •Y. l ·I067 OP'lN MON . AND Htl. ''fVl. ' JOHNSON & SON Offer1 Brand New '56 MERCURY Hardtop Cpes. low U $ 2499 00 pl"o ......... li~OM with MERCOMATIC RADIO HEATER More Car for Your Money -More Money for Yow Car ContlMntal -Uncoln -Mercwy 900 W. Coast Hwy Newport le•~ll I TAR TANKMEN SINK 2 SCHOOLS AT LA HABRA HAR 1 ·0 R '°~ Varsity, Form to I, C . SqUQcls Make Clean Show Top i BILL PHILLIPS, Sport• F.ditor Sweep !~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newport Harbor Union High School's tank l!'.'a rns ,.a ,, NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 195b up overwhelming acores Wednesday afternoon in their S\Oo'itn· • ming meets with La Habra and California High Sc hools. i'------------------------- Th• T"' '""">" uo> 1" op-F•"J"""' ,,,,.,.,, '" "'>' "~" RECREATION TEAM TO ENTER ponentJI thl11 way , 11v1'111 Jui "" .. ~r1y 1n Uu• """~url N-poc< '" C•hlorn,. "' lA "HlTTIEI< SUT CULVER CITY CAGE ·TOURNEY Habra 8 : I S txl \\o:<IUt'11d11 )' th~ T11.1~ Thf' aa111t' O~l!'r-t11Li•nr"'1 k 'Ull'• th•"" ~"'"""ll".I: , .. ,..,,~ llilk•· ""I occurred 1n B a nd C t•·•ni , ... .,,. \\."h1u1 .. ,· H 1.:n S.·fl1h•I HQ"jlllul .• Thr ="<'"]'Utl B'"•<ch R t't'r•..it1on Depart111Pn t ... ·1U ~ petlUon "'llh the Ba of H•rbl.!1 «l \\'h1ttto•r ••'l''~""tit•••! '" lh" uP't'nu11 '"und f>Hturday n1orn1ng ot 111., acor1n1 611 p..oinl1 Ito C;ihfu1 n1 •·~ H 1•r.,·1 huw 1t "''ill •t La l!!.'>tl 5,,u1t11·1·n Ca ll fornut Boys lia!k.etbt.11 ch•mp1nneh1p and U Habr&'R 9 point~ l'lhh: In Hab1" 1,1,.rnanof'nt 111 rulv,.r City C •quad'• '"""l Lt was lht> . .an>' I \ AH . .,.IT \" ~I .\l:\IAHl' 1tory , New pti{I 30, ~1!Uu1-n111. l7 ~!edlt>y H .,l~v '.\' .. wp,,11. Lio '.\'1•"''f'Olt w ill fs<·t' tilt Culvl'r 1'~1 k tea.m of C ul\'f't C ity &nd La Habn i ~ I H &br11 l"11 I :.! u2 ~. ~· ~lfl:' I "' th~t , 1\) s Vfll'rlln ll ~lr1nonal A ud1tnra11n A ri L"h ns- ~HU\'-' IMt'KUVr.~l':ST I Yon H r ult:>rl . :-.·11 \\".,111111,.n I.A l•n,,.·n "'II "uw.•I• thl' B .. ntr)", ~rvnsured by the recr,.111 1on l 'oa,ch A l Irwin u.1•\ "Thr k1,la J i:>hn•o n . l" :.!t17 IUU U teaat •l•·part1n t'tl! T earn pl11y geta untfrrv.•1ty at 10.20 a .!"· ar' shoW1nx a K"TO:llt 11111110\._. F"llr<juh11r :"H !>l 11 n1l :-.'H 11 ... --------------------------------- ment and tht' .,..,.}' thr; 1;1 1~· i;o-vi'),(' 1 07 I ',!1ll1 ~1••' .\1 111~ I Ing we <l.n ••JCpe•t '" ~,.,. ~,.,.,.,,,; ::11 l~i:i:r r.-i \\,: ... , •. (" :: 111 R_E_A_D_Y_F_O_R __ M_O_R_£ SATURDAY (If our schoul rt'f'Old.~ l)ruk"li \Ill ' :i IH" U1" k I""'""'·' • · H .. "" · T h• >Ch·"'' ........... ,, s'"""··" '" ...... ,.., ..... ,,. Boys' Club Cagers Take Laguna· ha \'e .~ft <on!S brok'n a nu111ti,.r• l ·Owu. l•lt• ~.· .. ~ .. ~i:J.:•·•·~ or ''""1,.,b 111 )tHrM ra~! Yt>n H .. ,,, .. ,!. :-1"1 J••''""'" 60 13 p • f F 11 T he T ar • w nn l he v111 ~1lv 11>rr1 .~[10 f 11;•111i:; ·''"'l""I -..,." • ; 01nt or u erton w it h uut lh,.lr ~lar p~rr ,~nn r•-1.>11r!, L""I l l\•!11·,,!11111 .. "''!""~' Don Red1llng t1)n "'hO wa ~ u11Rb1' :-'It , \\"1l~qf\ (' ~:a.•tll1 ~11 LI! \o ··un1prte l1r•'l Uat r,r illn•·"-• ! :iun }-""' ,\l"<I 1'1110! 1rnJ~ !'(111"11 ' Jo •! 11" I I" q U<JWr,,.r h"'I" •~l><•rt,.•I J ,.,,v '.\'r"'l><•1I j,., II"'"" l 1 , •..•••.. II\ 11, .. '" •' ""I• ., .. . ' !'..o o!11 th•1 n {"alt '·t'""'l"''n•t •I ' ' ,. ' I ">: " •'I 11 I 't" ·1 "I,. >!! ,.,. ' ,, .. " l"h" H 1i:t1rft H~1 I• Ir',.,. !••UI . ' '" •,, •C "~ "''~ ' 1 ,, , co ~ I •1 1 • ,. 'I' U t1 • I " I.'"" l·I 1 .. 1 :;~ II ,. li.1111 1" " . ,., . .,,. -· "' FULLERTON INDIANS WIN 10XNARD'S CIF PROTEST . ,.. ~ F"L·11 ... :H ru.-.: 1 <11·--:~ 11"1 }-" t " '' '! '"~··nr r K•• I~' \\ ... 1,,.•.-.1~' ~, .•. , .. '"' ,,., ' n:..1 •! 11 10.1 .• l·"·t.·'' •I .. ,, I H oi!;h .• tJ1t.8k.,lt.111! V1• l"'Y '111)' 1111.:t1f I•··' ., ' ' I .. ' " ,, ... ~ t ". . ' ~ ...... ,. •• ' r '·"I' ,, ,, I'' I II ' 1 ...... '~ '"--.. ,, Jl•1 \• \ro< "·· ' " .... ~ "' ' " . " I 1 , . " " " ' ,, ' ', ~ I '! -" -" . '' ,, 11. ' ' .. •· 1 ' ~··· ,. ft,,,,,,,~ ..•. ~1 · I ~ r •!IH rl•L• J; I I ft' H• .lf,>11·1 • 11 ,~I. H·,•· I,.• ·1,,. •I, .. •·I'· 11' ~. "'llldf,ol 11,. c ... -"' I OCC Hoop Rec°"d Oranc<' C'0«1't C'ull<'lf'01 P'lrat.1>1 I fln1.t1r <I !hr hvop 'lf'•.li()ll with an ! 18 "'n II 1,,..11 n'l"OTd &.Rd a fourth -! pl••·., !1n11h n1 the Jtutem Oori• ff'r<"n•«' If tney would he.ff ""' 1 .. n p11.<.1etl ).ft. S AC . U\ey W'OUkl h"•·e 11nu1het1 1n a third ~ Lie "1th thf' ~lounll •lln'""· wlUl a T-3 n·,·,11 <I 111 th" En,;lrrn Conte.Ce. MAIN OBJECTIVE Our rirtuu.ry lun1·llu" ••• our µrlurl1111I ~,.,,j,.,. .....,. malll <>hjM•l l;,. -j,. l o 1111 pt1'9Cf1p- l\u11 .. "1111 1>ruf.....Uonal •kill ""ti l'"ln~t•klnl( t'an'. Tow• rd lhi • "'""· .,,. 11uolni..ln a rnod- r rn l'r.·~··rl1••iun L.w.th•ralury r11ll)' 1-.p•ll'I"'" .. 11h 1•r .. 1·holu11 ln,.t ruuwn!~ '""t '"""'1'1,.l•·I,•' .1 .. ,1,,.,1 ulth th" 1l11·• .. 1 q 1u•llt.1· 1\rul•· \\,. ,,,.,.,,.,.... tbr liJl,. .. 1 l''"''"~"t"""' .. ,.,, 1r.. ""'' "" 111\'"·'" t!o•I"•'' "" lh><I 1>ro 1nl...,. •• t .. r It"' f llllui; ,,f Jlfo•,..·rlp· llu ll• \,. ""' 111ai11 uhj•·>"tll't'. HOW HARBOR WON CIF ROUND OVER HELIX ·wayt's Homer ! Aids Pirates with Compton !t ·· I " t: • ., 1 '• ' " '. ·II t·I< 'I' I r!l"l ~ l.0 "1• -· 1•• t , "' , 1 ,,, f'' ! \I.•· , I J !p \ l ll ,•t:•·· I " 1 · ! "'' 1, '" CORONA TRAVEL DEL MAR SERVICE 1'urJ\1•·I uf lh•· l;.,.h!J.,.,1,J Jol11a 11p111g up th1 • r•b••Ull•IS , itti·•1!'•l111b tu i".0a•t1 J ul .. ~ 1:ag, 'J'ar \';ir-s;I•. h11op 111·11 tu r , ·"l'"!JL-<l 11J,. •lill••l•'I '' !i1 ·\1>.'•·1·11 1n·t•111 ;;1,,1 do·l•a t 11h,.11 tl11· :---a1l"r~ 1"1l1 J11"·d H••ll x l l1gh , Sa11 I •H'L:" tit t1•1 1i!I ·r1i•·:<do1 ~• 1ugl11 .it ( :;1rd• 11 1:1'P\• Ah .. 1·· l.:11 11 11 .. r p•·t . ~" :HJ, ll;11b·•r ',, 1t.11 I Jn <<'!!lt•r. )!O•'S 11 i' 1\'1\h t h.-I.iii l l.!1• .. t•.1111 1 .. :..:1.ib, 1i'l:t h .• 1t 11·s 1;0,:-<• •I • f i1 '.'\:'-/'ho1t "liv~1·l l\•1n.1h:in 1'1.••:-.!·: l'l.AY 1 ; .. 1· 1:a1n• rir rJ\l'~ h1•l 111 ~· lite ball in th1i; a ..:l1u11 ,.,111 11 111 ;111• ()ran~l' l \,,.,.,l l"»lk•J:C' vs !!a rbor J uruo r t \11- ],•['. !1,, ·\ .11\ " 1-I·''' .! ·r11··~.t .• v, <ii ( H ·~ • t "..a, 11 \\, I' :1 •111•1 I 1,1 .... .:11 • ··11.l•ll"'"l irll· 1·1 · I I I•\ t:l • . ! J· d1a111••n ·l ! ' ! I " ' \ 1.. I I.' I : ,. ' I ' ' ' ~ I· <: 1.1 11 I ',11•111<'• 1111.-. ,1!l1•lJl•l<•ll, ••fl tlJ1 t ., I [ .. 1 .d Panther Nine Opens Play on March 12 \\ ' I• • ~ f, • , • · (<1r " :1 , .. ,., !l1• 'l .. 'I'"' ,\1 ,,' ,, '' l".•I 11•' , .. ... ' I ' I• " " I· ",,I~ I " ' 'l•'' ' ' "' ~. ' " oh •I " "' ~ "" ' ...... 1 I" '~'I ,, '' " '" 'It.• I I' ,,.• ''" I• ',,, • 1 • ·• I •~ \<, l•l' •11•1·1 ... 11···· ,,, 1 .. 11 .. ,. l ~1~I \"('>t i '!I 1•111 Io l!•'/•l••t ·1•1l• hrr H .. u11r ,\I •'R t'• 1. •~ r .\)'f't 1 "" '" r•!I n i.. 1•· 1111" " h''' h1~ '' ,, . " I ' '>. I ~ ' . ' ,, ' " ,J ,.. :n .I ,., '" I• " · Ii• t J '"' •II I" k ' ' ' ,, 1 ...... ' ' ' I "' ,. :-:" ,p I ·-11 I A )"l">'•rl{ ,,.,..,!Iv !hr,,.,,. •t lr 11.v \I R)"\ >t Jt(ll)° "h•I ~r '"~ 1 ln.11 t .. «~•· t tl>t t ~ti• lo\ .. r Ii • k lo;"~e 111-111 .. ni:e 1',,1<•l 1',ol.•'.:" J•1ri!.lir .'-:1111• " 1111/d l<•L<>:/11 ' II 1•:1 -r l'1ir '"''"'I: ~_"Qt11J•\•!f1 T"t :.~•• tn !1 :-1 r111 i:• .,f n .. • 11•' · 11 ~'' 1\1• " ~I"" nail 1~·, " ""'' l/\f' f 'H ll1 .," 1.-r· f • I I•• 111 !II~ In."'"' Pl"1 ,.f Ho .. 1111 lo:'\ t" ( "n110 11 f '1' 1'. o·• • Io ,, l!o o 1 I' ~I "II\ o 1r 11,,_ '" II.•• ! T···l 1 .. 1111.• tr1r l '.1"'''" , , , I A1 • lll'r I 1••·1 "ll :11 .. ~"" ,. r I .. ll·" • '" l Ii• r11 r I" "'1 " • II. '"' .. .:· f!JAI •lr111 r >fl \\)O\'l f r"'""_,,.,,, I T •1• -1·ol· I"', "" •• , ~ , " 1 • .. ",., ·' I ' ., I " !" "'" • ' ' o ·11 1 ' .. n ~ • ''" .• I • \ ~r. .. , 1)1' " • ., .. \\ H, ,T' 1 th~ I ~·· .. ~· '-"'"" ""r' .. l• 1 'I ' " I , " I !I " I 1 • ' 1,, 'I· r,.,,, 1'--" .. , .. '" j,\ "" ' '"' /' '' . l · ... I''"" •. '" -·! t ,, I' . ! ,,, ~·· ' ,, "' ' - HI ·'·'l'-'· :-0( t•H._ '"'''"1' I •< ·~ • 1 ~ :! l :. t\ 7 i.. \I I'• I I 2 u fl ! u fl "" ! " ' " ,, ' l '•11 11 p jo1n H 1 1~ !I u 1 I 11 ti:?1l" O h 1 .• , ..:' t '""l"""n ~ \\ "' ' r ".,, 1.1 ... I"' 'j 11 .... , .. ,,. \\~11 l,.fl f1r l•I \\"R!l • I 1 ,, , I I '" '" '"' 11 ·11 I· ~ll••t I ,.,,.,.j ~:"I' ""I An •I l\<'n (""11 J.:" 1·,,.,~1 " !111·1 "lh,. f'l'l'll•l tv.· .... ,.,,.,,~ .", I Ull.• . "~ ..... , '" \!"' ' , ' ,, • ""'I \\ ii I lw T 1 llo••I ,., . '"' r' ' '. I ! i 1 "' ''""' I'"" 1', .... ,.1 .... •'• r •n .• '" I •1 1.. • I • ""·"ll M h Be .... j •\ 'I I'• ·I I,, 'r, J ., ' ... J, ' " ' \tn" ~1"1· I !< 111' !, I• r, lj, d ' II ,. ~ . 11 • -' ! • I ' I 1 ... . ' '" li"d I "" • I I JL,1h " , I, " 'I "' II ~\t l 1'j:ro o< 1l.>• •·••nd I!,• I.!"". .. oll1 ... ,. l"·'"l '-'' .-•-• 1 "·" ,,.. Th.-l" I •r • t" I r ' , •. , • • 1 , \,., t '• ' ' '1 -: .. t• I• .j. l '·'' <I •I '' 1 .. 1 \;I 1, ,. • J, " .. " I (.1 "• I,_, '" " I " . " '" I•·'"'' ' ' '"' I\ ~ r, ,. '. I I " , ,J IH " I , \ ,,,.,,.__r '' 1:1111 \'>II" 'I ' I' • / ' ' " ' ·t •· < " • f h\ " o\ 1 ••111 "' I• I" lfa rl)()r t'.?16 10• 11· ,, \•I«•"' I"'·•" Ut~J ! ~ ·'" ' Summer Leagues "1'11 u r .... 111~ VAN'S Ii : 1:) \~. m . X: I.") V· m. fi ::lO It. Ill. ~'.110 p. ltl. Ii :40 p. 111. iol : 1:1 I'· Ill. Ii : tu p. rn. x :1:1 p.111 . li '\0 p.111. X: 1:1 p. Ill. Now Forming -1!1.i ~·rat c h Trio .\li.,;"J .~1·s -3 1111'11 -2 l.AIHMI I Atli1·,.· llan1lirap ()ranJ.:t> t 'ounty :'\•·l~i &ratl·h Trio 1\all &: l.'l1a.in Mil.ed 4's ;;.10 S1:ratC'h 1'rio I M.lirs· ~·rah•h Trio Mrn'11 Comn1rr1·ial llMclira11 .\lixhll t 'o ut'MHHI' ()pt•n Rowtini.: ,\IJ :\li:ht BOWLING 1~11.1 . KIAJTZ, ,\t~r. PIRATE SLUGGERS BANG 4· 1 WIN OVER HARBOR •• '1 •·• t·-.1 1 .. h(ll 1 ere ants at ,,, , 'I"' 11,. •• "Hn .1 .. r1 ,,f"1·11·1t r , I '""" "'" .. '"'""' .. .,., """ Corona Athletics I • I••' .. '" ,. l ,l\·<·,.,1 .• 111•11 li•11 !l1o:I•'"'""! "" Th•' u·~· h l",,ll rJ.:•· I' u·I 11 I' ', • I '" '. .\ j•, " Ill• H r l ,., I " "A ll ' 11 , .. 11 ,,., , 1 ,, .. ·1·0'"" 1·"· ,. 1 by 7-6 Score \II ( 'h •I· ,,, I o .... L" 'I !.:••I• •'• ·1 \• II to,• 1·l.1 \ • I • "l ' "" ~.I 1rl"•1f"I• I . ' " .. Tl,..'"' . ' ' I !I ltu!ll " H.o "1:11, 1, .. ,,,1 .. ,.1 .. ( .,, .. 11. 11•1 I.• " . '" ". II " , 1 ~ ·, •II• II '' II !I " "Mesa " ""',I,,,, I• d •·I· .. 11• ! I ··l·I 11• 10:1 ~l •"li'Uil ,-,,,.,,,Q ,\!hl•'!10• 11\' 11 ~''''' 7 I\''" Ith• 'n•TA ,\1 .... ~ '"'l•I :-<nn erv1ceman .1,,,, "'"'k••"' 1111~ ·1 , .. , 111'"'~ l><">t Jn ~I \ I llPI\ n><olo•t ' ' . ·'' • 111111····1 11 .,, I I h<' Sil II I .,,,', I 'I I •ll!j.;ll•l•I" I h• . ,. ' .. " l , ....... llllll .. \\.•\'11• ,. •.;l'•' ,.,.,,,: ~1 · .... ;:1·.11\ lf"ad 1111< 1n1 1h•1 I••"• 1.,,, 1,.,., ""·"'1(1•'' ' .. ~t. I' p .I .. S • 1 •111\' AIT"r"""" pol• li•·t H•'l l•H 1'. ·""' I' • ' "I ' ;; Trains 1n Europe I 111 ·;.1:1~ .~1 ~·11 ···~ 1 ~·:" ,1• -· ...... 1 fl .Si,:I . )I, Ith\· t, 11 1•1'il"h1•••k ~I 111 lh" ''I""~' \ ••h:OI\ \\ wl1o,••• f11llio·1 I I\•~ ;ol IC•i ~!111\11 h11 ~r h11 ll [-''"!.:"" \\llh ~11! \\Ill l llo·I f''' k nn Ui•· 11 111 !n1 '"'' '''1! "'=~·"II""" 1 ,~Lj.;" lnJ!: ''"~!•II lr111 I{"'" "''"1 r1,111 I 11 l qllh"I {\\• ,· .. ~1 .. ~l .. •A ,. 11n·l ~nd IHI IORI'•·• I I•"' pl"\' 1.A JI M ,. .l1•ri,:olll1i,: ''•"''''" l!Hil""I! "''Th brR s t <'·•~!M Mr.•n ""'I ~un•l11 1· IL\l{B0 11 l hl' .-: .. ,·on.i '''''"'''"! l •1•1.'lll0•1 ,,r 1 .:10 I' n1 11 lh" ~l r~a """" 111• ''"""'~ ;:111n;: 'I• 1 .. 1o1 ln1 ~ 11"11 II t hf' -"•'\•'n!h 1\•u' 1n 1: .. 111u111\" nf'JC l tw'1 "' lh"" 1rn1011n •ni: !lu r• 1 ... ·1;:h U•'ll! 111' ••• lll•t "'l"C"IT1!•I •"""' " S.:! ~11 .Jo11.1,1,. k '" f-'.111"r" ;: ..... , ... lhf'.V \\Ill, ... "int ••! )f' .. ):11•' &n•1 \\H.• ti1tko··L I•',,.,,. l"n ~!·· THl l••! .. ;it. '' .,.,, ,. :;:.,, I" : 1,. " ~··• toun Chll!!lf'" I Ii ... ··'""I\, lo 1 •• •11 110"1; II II• t { '•" qtl)lM '1 ! , ••~11 I I· ' .. •''. or· \\>l htl1t •·· .••1•0 • '"•'i:"1"n l '"""(~ I-I I .,,,, •\ ' , • • '' ' . l• 111~ nl '.I I' n1 '.\'r,.;I "•'•·\< • .f' I' •hi "• Hit' "': ''11,.CPP''' II !,,,,,,_.' " ''"!1 "1• ti ~:-1 .. ~ '" " d ,. • .1 .1 ' nn !h,. r,.,,,1 I •t • •1:···•~ '' 1Tti ll1t r 1'("11.,,.·h- to,.,-0)11 ,\\.11 ,Ji t.\ •1 t l 't'I.,\ HI\ f"ro•<11f'I \111r1h !• T . .,ll1•n :h 0 I' p 3 0 0 Dons Win 7 Track Events, lose Meet 62Y2 to 59Y2 at long Beach ~11 ,.'1 """ ~'"rl .. v r n!ll \\"~dnr.\ day tn !ht' ~"""''" "l"'""r AJ!:•ln•I J..onx 1-l•·R• h ('1tv (·,,11"!!'". h11! d n>J'f"'d A r lrll'•· 62'1 t•• ~11 1 , •I•• 1~ lun 1 .. 111., V1k.lnl(1< !n !~>11o; li\•:u h. !~Al\0111\n,.: t n 11n1 •1~Mt.J\"e "'in• In th" 1111),. i't!~O-y-11"'1 ""'" ""J ::-11ufr 11111 !h•· l"Jn n1n11 .. 1< 110:1-1,,..,1 111 'l"'"I~ r · "" '"' tth• 111•1 ·· · ,,, 1•., '''ll !"•I " I ho 1io', ;H 'I ~ 111\d ·-"f'Jl !O<!n fr.rn1 b.-f<Jl'r ln11£. "·' h~ ,.,,,,!r <I to 11n ~11.•y 80-~·Arol ,,._ t•>f':'>' 1n t h .. mil" n 1n in !h~ !1m" .. r I .If\ l:tyer 1....t lhrlluJ:h•H1t lhr ""' ... .l••h n l{,.r~hllW, J,,,,I!. •l 1-1•l1n~ fr·-~hn11u1 fr<nn ~Rn I •1~1:.. 1n1- l"~-d tht1 .. po:rt..,.l.us II! l.u11,_ l-\o>A1·h n1· hr,.,.z.>nll'. lo1 "" r llrl\" ~r:, •«U , i.~ k•n~ ·•t 2 ":.! :, 1n 111-<l•u\ ,,.i r1" Tho·'""' '""!\<!!>\ .,.,.,. •J ' ' ' " ,fi,,•f 111 ll,,li"'' A ,-,f 1/1,. •II-B<1th l'JCll l 1•1!1hr1~ h111l~•I I"'''' 'I"''"'" f'1 d1 ·\nl1•/\1r1-1<tft Artil-:-0-Pwkir k 1'1!'11<'k !'Ill !l iPI " t)l t'll 1n lriy H11l!11 l , n rnur 1nn1ni:,. SOUTH GOflST EDDSTRUETIDD ED. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMMt:R C IAL ;\t I J ( in TOC) I .ARG f: OR ~!<of A J,l, llarhor ';!.i3'.l ·-' IF I WON $64,000··· • • • I'd stlll eo for Eleven Cellars at 634 MORIE ~RIZlt:9 f'OR f'LAVOR THAN ANY OTHlt:R WINlt:I For the third etraii.::h t year , Eleve n Cellnre has ...,•on more Awnrde fo r Excellence than any other wine nt i111 price. Thi• w.111a in the SpeciAI Divi- 81on11, 1955 Cali fornia S t.ate Fair aod Loe Angeles Countv Fair. Enjoy the low·C01t lu%tlry of Eleven Cellan, tonight! ELEVEN CELLARS WINE C•llfOl l'l!A WINI •SSOCl"llON -S•N 1 1&1>1(!~(0, C•Uf01MI" ' ,. PAGE 2 ·'• .. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDA Y, MARCH 2, 1956 RONALD .(ND DON Al ... 0 Me ~1 Al-l~N. l~o\' Sl·outs, watch aJ; a.Mistant dil!tnct Boy Sc.out con1m1s.,,;10 11,-1., p 1nM t he ".:Jcuute1· nu.1tht:r , t.Irw. J ames ~l l'~1ahan . 370 r·1 .. ,\.,·r .-.:.1 l"•Jt1la Mc!itt. ('hamhl'rlain. A\\.•a r J" ii-! OU I h€' ~h l'ir first t 1nle lh Ls a ward has f'v1•r 'bt·l"ll t-:1rn··d Council and is t he result of thrt·1· \'•·;,rs olher Scout wu rk~rs. -~laff P huto by u 11 1rn1a n l!l lll~· <J rfl1i~l· ~:n11•.11• S1·nut y,•,,rk1ng y,•ith Stuuts, l l·ac·h111g .u 1d dirt•i.:l1ng T e ll s WSCS of European T o ur First Aid :Jass Starts w hich th• publlc I• lnvtted. Nicholson Son A medical dt.coune by a doc- tor and th• dvill&n de!m.e pro-A ... JunM l:rnul, WU bol'll K"l"llfD w tU bm c1.-en durtuc u.. 1'4b. U ln Norco H<»ptal, Qlrona. C'l'ltM. R._vt,..tl<lll or Wwma-lo Bp. I aad Kn. ~ &r· ~itw hr~t a id cvurlM'!< •tarting uon on lb• COY,_ ma y be ob-n•l Nlcbolaon. 004 S..wal'd Rm4. t.l•• J ohn U'Ren wi."' •pto•kr "lfl •• >1nnounced by th• Sou~-Lalned by all\llis llMt Newport· H1 w.lcbe4 • Iba., 1 O&. Mn. ru Or1i1.11gt Cou11ty Ke.I C rvn COllla w-Red ero. otnc. a t N~ i. 1'9"1lnS Wllb be.r "'"ht'll t ho: \\u11111n"a Soo.l••l)I '' , ....,_.., Mr and a.tr-a. ,.. _ _._ 11llC<' H 1rtior 1~. r---· •. _.,_ l "hn•Ulln :'i•·l'YICt hl"ld ll• F1.·bru ----------------·I~ al t..11.t.t ~.._ witll bM' J. 10land•rd f1r..t 111d rourH nf .. ,,. , •. ,., .. ,, ''' rhr1•t C'hur•·h b) 1 buaband. wbo U al n.. LolJW1a, ~ •. ~ v "' g ho uri! "''Ith 3 hvU nl CIVL l&ll hn Kin D ' U1~ So:K Sh.->•.llCl her hu~bant1 ,,•ft.nae aup1ile1nl!n ~ w ill be of-JO 80ll le8 Wub., .. rwtlred trom U.. U. 9. St. Elizabeth's Guild Pl&ru1 Bt. Ella&belb ·, GuUd If IL Jamel l:pileopa.I Churcll will mall• pkN tor Ila Aprll .,._...,~. faahlon Mo. wMn membllra -" March T, 12 :SO p.m. at lbe __. ol ....... J~. ,., Ortftwood ao.d.. )Ira. .L. A. HaiaJ.ltocMI. wW ........ 'I'"-"' 1 .... 1 111irnra"r 111 1ht Brt!l.•h 't•rffi 111 H orll('l" En~IKTI Sch ool Georfw W. ~ ot P....s.a.1"--"""-'C·c·:.__ _____ -"cc---- l"I,·• 1111.J ~~u ••J•<' .,, n,.,,,111(1• ,,1 by Mr and Mr ... b.t 11run Zclr11a n. :otep-falher ot X.... Albert 11. Smith Son Born r1rst tud uu1tn.il'tor11. &J.:innLnic Jorm.on o1 eo.ta M.aa. p.aaMd Hayden Daughter 10 --""' ' h" F1,.·11d .. t111• 'l".,11 1.li. 'J'h,·~ ""< 7 O aw•y •t • •·· n-brtol •--'"-_.,,_ The D&Y1d Smit.ha, t -.., .\to11d•y. r.f•rt'h :), t o I p m.. ,_,., ..... ....., ..... .,_ Mr . .act MN. ONnn Heyden, 219 • !:"'"<' 111 .. u1unt h~ uni: ••f \.\l\l<"h Lhe c<.1un1e will r u n wllll April fo~eb. n atter a two year illn~ C09Ui. Kea a t.. Co.ta Mtaa. are SL , C09ta Me.a..,... ~YI i::... wa .. 1n 11 • .,,r 111&11•'"-l:":ni;!an•I. 111111 tJ At the first rnee t1ni; flr1l Interment ... a t J'VrNt i..Wn p&ntnt. of a ctrl baby boom F•b. t buy boo.by born Jl'eb. t al lh·· J.,, ul i!l•'!1d1t·r 4,~~ """1.\ a1U ruvv1co; w 11 1 be ,,how r1 to ~'l'lrletary. Glendale. &t H O.,S Ho.pltal.. Ho.pita!. ~ \" r I••~ ' •f h\11 II·• 11 'I\ I I' ro:llt 1" lo: I I I 1i'"·················••iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji 1'h .. l''"J:l ·"" lullU\.\CU hu!<h'l'Ull ... a"r•~•! l>V L.Jt• ,\nu .:><~ ("1" lt' I u1.1 ••n ,..,11.-1· .1t·1 .,lt••n.il ~<'·•~iun l<"d lo 1 ;I!',.. I ';11\"11' :<11lwell. I ;111,, t·t,,,,. 1, .. 111•1•"1!, 111 .. •1111·111 "ll•I ,\lr. j I\ ~:111•.I( '"I 1Wlo~I 1,n 1111• \~·:.; !' s 0·"111.·rt'n•'" h• Id .J.,, .. 1 -~Jt, I 111 J•hue n1:0. M •~ c·to.1 rh·.~ \\' .::: .,.,r,.l ><•Y "t p••l· ruitl"n ••"I'"''''' th,. "';•·1~ly h"" '" lli•·\'o·<I •/~ ~··"I !•• ,J,.\o• M r~ \\'1 IJJ.<rn 'f'.l ••·l) "'.'•l "l11r\ o f .~11· , r;ol ,, 1,1"1 ·'" r c.·11i e: :i 1 .~ ,.up , ,,(f,., 11 <~··< !••r ! ,,,. 1(1 1• h"JI M o.~ !.~ t' "di 1<\l.,11.J lh• !'""''''''' t'"' ! Hi•·t'~!'!1:;-o f lhl' 111 ·lllP'I ' t ... 11dJ ll•Jn •U z ~,_, ,\1 1 0.•I•~ .\l 1•h I~ 1t11I ;Ill• ~1'•t · r o+. 1 .. 111 1_1 11•!1 !•1'"'"1 th·· 1 ... ,.n1 I , ,., 1,: , I I '·" ,.1 r111d ~l"r h"'"' Ji, 1 , "' 1 ,\,,,,,. ;l\~r•h HI You'll Be Glad Theodore Robins Is Mad I I•.~ 1 •• ,.,, ••1•1•v•J1\•••I ,\\u•~~ COSTA MESA MOTHER ~·. ·· ......... :.:. .. ~~ But we'll w happy if W• get a chanc• to· prove to you that you can't get a b•tter <Mal on a new Ford than right her• at home. GIVEN SCO UT AWARD Fonvar d Liberty Tea n1 1'ak cs Na ti on al Banne r At the A!ue a n,! 1 ;,,!·! i,.1•1•i1p·! "r 1 ·11h -.:.· .. 11• helrl rf·e1 ·ntly 1n ~l J,,,,. h1111 f"'1 1:--l1 Ii.ill 1 · fettl u r<> .,f th•· prugra1u \\':IS 1•r•·St.·Jlt llt1••11 "I Aw11.rtl" fo r \h t~ f11 1:;t t1111e-tu a .. ,,,,111:u1 .. \I!~ . .J.,11 .. .. I'" 11< •!Ji 1 ·.11 k ; ... 11 '" '1111' \I \! !11 If. ' 111 11\L I;. j. ,, I " .'l.,. ' .. ' I " 1.' J •• ' ' H •:. \~ ' ' .... ' \ \\ I 1; I I" .. '''"'• .. I• 1, •I I ':,<' " I "·1 'I ,\ " I' " '" , , I , " , t "" Church \Vo1n en Un ite in Dn 1· of l'r:i ve r Fl·, ,. ....... , '• !'!' '' "' ., 1. ,. , •• t !• .. "" 1. " ' ...... "' " 'l• . H·•·· " ' r """ ' . " I• Ir ! ' ' ' ' ..... I ' " ~' -,, 'I " , ! l, " " I I'"•'! : T J 1,. '! ,, ,. ·I· t'' 1 " ...... I'. "' '" " 'llr ',\ • 'I' I• ' ·-111.-h .; ,, .. " by [1,.11 l•.o•I" 1·,.,,., \\.,,,h S• t i"" Jun ~1< .. \l.i.h11 n. J .,c· l11 nt •n<l Lclll.Jld Stc11lwr.~, ''"i'<'ffiOll}' by i.1 1.·ha~I !'>llnl/I .\IOHr•", J >111 \\ hol'" I\ tu rl '··· I , \,, I j _.j,. 1, r • '•.! ,, "' ){, 11•1 I ·"''' 11. '" I\ II 1,.1<1.· ~·•·!·! .1·"' I• n• I.• I I ' i,,,,., I • ''"I I 1 II Ii \\ '! /ll .--~11' ,. ! 't, .. I'-•"' i1 •r " " '' ·I I\ • I Ill " \\ • " r " , r ~.,. 1'11\ _,., J·,. ~. ' 1-\\'~ll<tl"' T• •I I '" I. '' 1, .. 1 ... \\. ~C,··1 .. , 1 '.,n•1ll I I " hli ' "" j " ,,,. -" I\ 11 •' :<t\.- r,n~n~ '•)11,l•t I llu \•I \.,!" 1,,;lr\ 1·tt t:~t-' l .-\·1·10,,:-0 '" l"rtl l 11• 'Jr r n So ·Lo'• J'.1•11" I !". ,\1p t. ,, I.· F«llnw1nt J 11\t}V\e un l ,. piir• H•ruc \\ •nt ~ l>&rt 1• 8 r.,lu l1n1e IJ<JI.' /_,.,,,. H•ib• · II t •·r lllll• •~,.1·l.1 n! !1,lli'' t ;-.•a • 1,, """''; 1•rc . ....-nt.· J ll«' I'"~ •'l.•J 'T"h" t,: ,; .\I l•·r lo~llll•·r r"r 1•1" l"'' '"111 111 ,. ;11 . h• 1" •!· • j ,.f• no<li•ll1h) I<" !•.;I, 1L<>'1 11~11/l•'f l.1 '" IJ1<·i~"~ , ' ·1•11110!•, pro..:nl./ll MWil l'I. Ill• r~ •• ~ ... 1 "'' l'L •·l· •• •I '• '' llAKHUK AKt:.\ :••\ •hi ~ '. 11 " "' '' . . A rt!nu ' 1.r arrr•w , ' ,, 'l1-•· . "' ~· 11 •I H I 1• '! ..;, ' ' " ·" ' : ... ,, ' " ."""I '· .. 1•-<11" !ln•t ·""' I• t ~, I "' ,. ,, ' ~ I • ·''" I• '·Jl o. I I ·'' 111 ''·'I I I ,. " ' 11. '" 11 ,,Ji l(c vi c w • ...... " ,1 ....... t.f.,1._:11 ..... ,, " " ., •"'l'"''l'l.n1o: M-''" 11 ••• h• 11 \l ., .. .J ) T ~ '· 1• ·' ="•·W•urhl L l'1Ul\1r11 ""~ •Jl l.:l<ll- \1 ,.,,..,,,~ • F K· 11\ \I• ~-II 111.1111 I ni• •I , , 11. !ii ln1 1! JJ, ,,, 1 I'll I !~"'" >\li•·n "'""l lll!f r11 •.:I!' .... 1 ""' • • "'"' It• I ,.,1 "" 1•11··•. 1<11·1 I''• ··,.11".•··1 ,.p.-1'•1<1 ,,,,,_ 1•·· r ... 1" "''"' t• 11,,, .. rr.-nni.; 1~ ,,. •I ,~·1!h Girl Scout News '" : n•· .• r.,·, ' ' ,,, . ' '' ' •! ..,,.,, ' ·" 1 <1 AU.-1-,, 1).,. 0 11 • <'l 1'1•".•·r IHt:o:1.H"l!" h('!U' " 'It\ l1<" It \' lh<' hu~T pa~\'lr. !' M '"" J" ',,. " \IT ' '"'~ ..... ,,, k .,,, ,,, \I I'" ! I ' I I~ .11 ·" .. ' ' • '.: ,, r 1~••!1 "' ' ' }'I I '" " ' .. I 1 h· ct~tl• • snr1\\'Nl_E TROOPS 41 1<!1 1'1 :\ 1' .n,.. l<!'•. -,. I Lt •\' tu lh~ T.,1 .i,.,,,~ ·~ I " "'""" "'"l\.h th .. lr ltll 'tr~ :11 ri; ~h"I'' '" r 1 , , ., ~,.,., .. ,~ IU!ey a11d ~1·~ <'l'\11.d t >- 1 ..,~·,,v..,•. ,-.,, "nll1· ,,.·~ro! ••r\ fl T 1 <I' " ·,;11 .,, \I ,I j •P ' 111~ " 'l"!)<K ' Son for Morgans 1,1 th" ~lartn .. C"rl'" L1~h1'•1 lh.•n 'f ,\I•~ \I 1111""'~ 11""1' Ir••' ,\I r ~nd ;Iii.• J r1t1 .. 111 .. ~ ,\1 . .,·,.9 11 A ir Ha~<' lhP i.:1rl• \, •. , .. 1··· \1,1,•t• Ill II ·I• l"'· ,,,,,,St 1 .... , .\!· .,,,.. 1n1tll'd to lMk 1n~'''" a hPh•••\•1 ··r :~'"'' !UI 1h'"11 J Ill\" 'LI ··· on-, .... 111. ••I II 1 ... _1· h~fJ) l~•l l• ~ .. ,, 1,1 ~"" w h a l m 11kt11 the '\\n1rl~-•·11 •"1 ;11 •~ l1 1uu1>< • Ln11,1 11.n«I" ti 1:1 11,.sg Ho1tp1tal. h lf•I" .. fly. Then thl'y "'ere l>tkl'n 'tr'~'P t., \l'H•11 vu1\,· Th .. J:ll•"-"'""j-~-'--.------- .-in a tour t hroug h one of ltll' brvt1ght f111·"r/t th•'y h!\d '"" ll' A h S blimp&. 4. 1 •nu lot" or t .. n "'"'" hll•l lo<Jkonj{ ! rn art on T hi' ~r11 v.•t re reR.!l;y OVPr· f•lT !h f' r .. , . .,,, lhP >:"""!" t1R(I Thl' E;.l"a.rd Ar11h>irt11, "''ht'hlll'd I t the 1!1-l' of lhl' hRnR· 1 hl•l•11'n Gro\'f' PeJ11.ce, Costa 1'1e1111, 11r" where the bhrnpa l rt hoU,r•1 ~lltii HOl"fl;>-:S(l~·s "e t·on d parc11\11 of a boy baby boro A h•o accompanyLng the If.Jr!.'! grad" BrO"-'T"llf'.'1 hu ,.e IM'en prac-10 at H oag J-!Ollpita l. "'"Pre co-lea d,.r1 l'lf both trv•lP"· I L<'•ng 11•'11>:" !.,r Lt: .. J1•llt>( Low Mr 11. (,1alr Barnett, Mr.'!. :O.t11ry 1 ,.,.\,.h1Bll<'n 1,. hr hr-!<l ;l \11rr h ll Ask •·w . i nd '-1 1·11 J o hn 1...-.1 Thry .<!pe nt , .. .,,,,. l!Ol•· n111k l111: \\'ATY.R l f F.ATt:ll1'1 Joe &cf.l o£/ r1 .• 1 :~1e1 x1 1 BE SURE -INSURE .. 1th M,\ l"K I C<:t~ i'ITA:"o<l .• t~V l n~u·"n''" (lnl~' f 'h n c11· lf1trhnr '!.&1~ ~:J I:• if:. I """\ llll(h"·ay (",.rn!H• dr l ~l ar We Proved it to Many, Many People Last Week-end -Let Us Prowe It To You Today! Here's Further Proof Of Better Deals RiCJht Here At Home FREE! 100 Gallons Gas FREE! l 00 gallons of gasoline FREE with th• purchase of any used car on our lot• '53 JAGUAR M"rk \II ~ $1295 '52 OLDS "88" Holld,.y l lardl"'ll $1195 '52 CHRYSLER $795 '55 NASH ~l'l rli l lardllip $1295 Fifty More A-1 ·so NASH " Oo<_•r-00. $295 '51 MERCURY t. l11b Coupe $695 '53 PLYMOUTH l<iuhu,.,._ $1095 '51 CHEVROLET f"l<:'C't lln .. '! Door $695 '51 NASH t D&ur--00 . $395 '49 CHEVROLET Fleelllnti fl Uoor $395 '49 FORD V-B Tudor~ $395 '54 FORD ~1 T. P'll'k-t "p $895 Used Cars to Choose From •Offer t~xpil'e8 8:00 p. m. March 6t h, 19~ THEODOU ROBINS .. l'our Ford ~aler ' Our 35th Year of Serv ice 1n Th is. Communit y • 3100 W. Coast Hwy "On Mariner's Mile" Liberty 8-3471 1·r S E E 1'1S that ·rrt}(}p 41 hl\ll Jilli .. hllrt•I llUl'l"'lll ""'' h11 1I i<l\11 l~l'n lravellng qu!tc a b1l \hl'll• •lf run play1 n1: with thl'ITI Thl' •h1v11 ·nielr ll"•der. ~I ra. F'ranc111 cooloe ~Ille Wli /t 11 gre11t 11uccl'11s ltoi••v anJ ~o-ll'11dcr1. Mr• l'l11 1r 11n1l :111s ll<>b1 11'""l 111 plc11"e<lll l"1!";1 ~tl and M111. 1'1ary Askr"'' 1t hat e!\r h jtlll Mh! htr quota Bl\CI IEU"S IG PE' CENT t>O.,.N '.::'."..."'~~~~~~~~~~..:.::.::~:::::::·:·:·:·:·~"~·:,·:·:·~·='='="~::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::~ 1 .... ,k thl' glrL• to L-1;:un11. Br11r h P\'t•n h11.! _.-,..v.-1·e 1 r<'-or,ll''"'' L------------'---' to the H ouse ot :) Million :';hrllrt. ----- w h•te lhty ooo"d 11.ncl 11 ah'd t>\""r 1, llltrrlllly & milUon 1Jhel1s. A.it tJit itirl" werf' JcAvlnK. thty "''l!l"l" Kl'""" •hell• 1111•1 f"l'•llt l'K!'dll Brt 111•111.-nto" or \h<'lr v1111 t. "/"!{(1Qf' 2,~. under til e ll'Rdl'r· •hip of 1'!1'1. 1'la rt11trct !\1r KHrl\)' 1<n1t {"11-lea<ll'r :\lr1. E1!111 Zi.ndr !", t"ok lhe MC('OrH1 K"'"k! Hnn•·n1r ;:11111 t o thl' <..:orun11 ..i,•l ~'"'" ~·1r .. S tatio n . Thtre ~Ir Krll ll•~ .•h<>W<'<l t he g !rl• th,. 1tv1ng-quiu · l•·r 11, "" "'ell 1111 1h" P.n!lrc ~ta l>un !IP. 11.J11;i r 1q1l11•n P.! 111• •h ll lt'll .. r 11 r1rem11n 11 n('f c•u11in.-u "afrt.•• "!l•:i . .,.·h1c h wo rkM ln ""ll h \h" rt•il ~tv rr11gr11.n1 lhl' Hro wn1l'" "I"" 11! n·l~·in g, VHA NG~ COAST Coll,.i:• Ai.:.· r1rul!uraL Orpi.ru nrnt "''Ill! lt1•· ""ene of mu('h "''llvlty n•r .. nth · "'h•tl Mrll. Mll\hl'"' Cox 1,-..-,k h•·r llru"''TI'e Troop 41 to 1 h" f"oll"I(" f'>r , \\'11l8on ···r11ni.: ... 1 th .. trrr r ... th• ~11lrt 11nct i\11 Sln1n"'"~ "'"R.• u, .. w,111ile nn thl' t11p Th ~ g!rlrt ll8"" "ur h th1111e~ flll ··~t ll ,. btoini rrrr111···I r"r 1111<1 · l\ .. t, h"w 1•011 Ill 1•"-I •"' , hl• k,.n~ .o.nr\ !h" fR;j{ r11 ,·tor\" lrA rlo!~ MTI•i 1 n!h"r f11nn lmrlrnH'nt~ 111 ,., \""' 11 nd lh" L"t•l-• voho. "" 'l furnH"•I nr1• th<' Ill''"\ pr r•··IL •I>'• ,.111n111.!~ ''" !ht' f111 n 1 T'ht h11t hlll(hl 1•f 1hr 11 1p ., •• .,,,,h i:•ll h11v 11>i;: Hn "11"''1"''''' '" h"ld " ha by ll'ln1h Tl"~ "•· trip 1""1-! ln t... rflll"'"h'''"" I lhe !(Oii" 11 • W<'ll a~ th,.11 '"'"Irr ~!rs \\"rll\11111 Kl·"' or •t1d ,\!<.~ n n s:<'r 11 ,., ,19. 1" "' 11.1~, ~''''"'l"'"'".i lht' 1.;11:- A~·rt:H ('•IMf'I !·-rt "\(; ll•·ll<-1 :<L..1ol In ~ .. , """ c (1tr h 111'·11-<' \1'' i:r~•!r ~:>r l '. "f'l'"'I' °' llfl\\' bU"I' "•'lllll•o. " l h .. I< l( .. 1,,.Jr,;il;:11 ;,: J:,: ~~ "'~t h • r· ,,i,. Tr ; !·' \'j\!"!Htl• I .,.,..~ I !(,,.I l !lto•1u r• • !I\ ]"!1 1 h o\ ll•'"" ••fl 1 1"1 • I •I lh• I• •1 Y•'•r. ~"I hn.1 A ,.,.rl' •nl· 1 •' V 1<h'nt111• ~ l'•tl 1 -=~'•'••"\"!• ·~fl A.I•~' lh-""""'"' ~1 •• I.At"' T r ~·1t1•!11 '"'I 0 11 \ GREATER EARNING-$ REMEMBER ... SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the 1st. HE. 7-1201 ' 2 PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS t!-Bulldt.a: Servlcm -Wuted n-e.1r wuw SO-B-A(!"'nt"M NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE ; CEMENT & BUILDING ·LADIES Do a/1oulder. or feet ach• ! A.II K ind• FREE ESTIMATES Ja RELAXA Tl ON n-sed ~ MAKE AN APPOIN"l'XENT for Liberty 8-6109 Swedish · Massage nu In your home. Small Jobs Wonted Pleu,. call Harbor t79~ "' Harbor 70. ,,,., Carpentry -Painting "FIX-IT" G...o..\ work n~aMJna blt I f.feeh1nh:al and ~!ectrical Lll:.oerty 8 -~llOJ ' I Maintenance Htrvice &8p80h I ALL \\.'ORK GIJARA~TEED. i Har bor M64 or ~93 CARPENTER lli!lt re WANTED-Men • \.l.'ornen-\\'ho are lnlantted In n1akmg .afllt' rxt ra c uh. \\'r1t e to Jo.. Reiter, Msr. 29-12·l•l A VI. •• M1nnt'a· polit, klnn. 7•c;9 Beacon Personnel 10070 employer retained &gency l"O FEE collected from a ppl!cant •l:S-J lat Newport Beach M'AN tor general "'or k 1n 't:.V 4- apphan1:e 1tu1.,. ·ry1.11ni,; &r book- k"l'PIOJ f'lll)t'r'lf'll<:,. pref .. r rt'<I "" l"t'jll!t'N ('~•nt1•!.-11t lal \\'nl<' APPLIANCE FINAL . CLEARANCE We have over 50 Used Wuhen, Rangea and Refrigeraton that we muat aeU thia week-end. To do thia we are cutting our marked prices aa muc h aa 50Jo nRST COME, FIRST SERVED SO HURRY : Here are a few ot our apec.lal..I - SERVEl. Refrig., apt. ai%e ···-·~·········--······-···-.. --Now ' $59.50 NOROlt 1U1t.omallc waalMr. J~)& de luxe. t op io.dlll& •rlta!or nlode.I, ho.kt.I t poun<hl, wafhe.•. ri.naea and •PlM r1 ry, Jiat puatt butt.on. SWI hu ruaranlM. U!led lhorl Ume. Bein& lJ'aN. terr~ e&AI. S.lance uwed LA JJ61.M or Ill• ov•r tll• ptoy - n1enla ot JI.SI pmr month. No <'•8h needed, my 1qully fr tf!. s.n anyt1n1• day or e ven•nr. l441 w. Chapman. KEUosc 8 -M17. 31-w .. w .. 11ay TO BUT! Mf:t•I l..alt'lf". condillon. 1 .. 1 u.,l•lll• tv B";. S -8 lht,. fl"]' .. ' I KENl.lORI-:: Auto. W11.sh er . . ..................................... $69.f>O \\'A NT "'"" 8·707G 7k7S Repair Work MASSAGE """ FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Waah". late model ........ $65.00 Dou Your H o me Net"(! Repalr1ns l !(.'Q L DSPOT Refrig., 6 c u . fl. -··········· -····· .......... $29.f><l l -------------- Howard Stea~ Cabinet 1 I FR G D IRE ""I R lat od I $79 50 or Remade.Una! • . _. 1 :SO.-Ml8Cellaoeou11 I '1 A , •:.. ec. ange, ' e m e ········ ---···· -· -··· · 3%-hnaltatt for Sale I Ca.11 Frank. Uberty 8-&SM . LI \~~~r11i~"''lro rb~~hl'!.'"'"1,",',".,"', DRAPER·l·E·S----GECONOMAT BENDIX ... ·-··············· .... N ow $55.00 • ROOMS BEAU'f!F'UL N E\\: All Work G"(ra.nlelfi.l 74l1CI i Cll ll ( $ " -I '. 1':, i{efr1g-. 5 CU . l. ·-· .. '5.00 FVRNITURE wilh 2 pc. l!\'1ng CRAFTSMANSHIP RE:0.10 1)1-:1...ING -B~lLOl !'I Ll L 1» .. n a,.<t and lna"r,.J l"o Jub !VO hlg -N•1 Jub too 11na ll ·r 1 1 01~0 i-;Et;I .1':\' I lisr u29t -R &e r 7!1 I Pain t ing , Decorating P a per Ranging GEO. BURKHARDT I LICENSED COf'-'TRA C'lUR 878 W. l8U1 SL .. Co111 a /l.!<"1• l . .Jberty 8·86U ---------P iunt ihg & 1~apo::rh11.ng111g \\'c d'l t ht· .,,..cirk uur:o;•·l\'o:::i. 11• >'"'1r o ,.,·1·~11 ~0 ·" I .u·.,11-U &. ~n ... ,, .. u ::.11.u1r11ct1<1n i;u"' ~n1 .... .i .:.,.1111<1tlt1 t1~e ('11!1 J ••n11n 1<'. LI 8-:!6h7 & l~I S-~J::"i'.I ."iltf(' Custom C abin et Work " • !o T • • Ii ~ ., .. , •. ~ 11 .. 1., "l'l"'"'"I c. Everett sm ;+h •'' ol• .,.,,,\ ~""'', •. •, ehd SLIP COVERS Kl:L\'INATOR Refr ig , runs o k ...... . ..•.. ··-•.. $35.00 room 1e1 In your r ho":" <>f moU· 1 HA!'\'OY ,\tA S "a 1,\,., '" ~I I I (J!d r "'" f11br1CA. 2 ~tvania r t:nd \atl-!'epa 1r or "''hat~ H/', ~!!Gi -\\' · "' .. " .. ~:A SY S r111u.i ru_.r ..•.... -··--·· $49.5-0 1 '' , .~ ,.,11 ~":111111111 ... ,, !'-;u nf!I,.,, Je1 a nJ cor .-e. ta '"'· • ""'"~'·" \ Uc C GA S f{AJ\'f;ES, t;everal fru rn $20 t o $39.5-0 t11bJe Ja n1pa, D pc:. wroilitht Iron ---------.. -----I. ILl4F: ORA PER ~ 1 e1in ... tt<', ino.:lf"rn be<.!n>i.u11 , .. 1 GARDENING HarboJr .'.166t 1or ~':13 '<· 1 5', Cash D 1sc11unt -F ree DeHvf'ry wnb 6 drawer dret111er ir.nd l111w;" OJ)f) JnH~ & l"l.F..11 -.; 1·p, / !I\. ' .1111rror. Large l'hilco refn K & !'O J(Jli T()() :-IM .~l.J. . . Ant-iq1,1 .. u .rl•th••ll $1\~·.-(JW J STROOTS HARDWARE, HoucewareS /l.l•1i1 u.: Che( ... ,, .... _ •II fur ""1:•1 BY l!OL'I~. !•A\" ••I~ \\~.f.1"' •J•lnnini.; """~I ll l r,u , L.«v" I F S!'ll:!!'I Lo w ,1n.,.·r1 payn1f'nt 111t 1 LI tl-4Ut11J "'' 1.1 11 1 .iL .,..,1 J l•) ,,1,1 1 .. ,ko>•· 11 ,,111 )~ !"111:! Newpv rt Rlvd . C:n11t11 M f'FL R I.I R-3426 w .. tk& '"I'"" Tl\111~ tJt.111 11. vi \ :'lpll8 ,,,.;.11 .. 1 ... "'""'1 •Il k~ 11 .. 1.-ij r .. ,~u 11l tn .. lo"""t 1•ri.r~ ,.1,.1 '"" "'" ,,,., ...... ,, .,,. ...... USED APPLIANCE BUYS ,,,,, •. , GARDENING a nd C LEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LI BERTY 8-61 39 111 f"•·•lro 1., • .i, !•""'SIU ,,n·1•111• ,l\l'IJ :.w \\'. Crn1er, .'1.n•h~llu LI, 1 !r,.~.•rr~ S 1:, "" 1'1111• h I~"' I .... 1 Jt!• .'>f!, "I•\ l•"·" 1•0 .. n .. IJ~ :,., !<Ulk v S:l:'i ,,1 I ~•.l•·t;i .. ,.1.i $'..' .. .. r 6 1 ,,,.1, 1·fl..1Lr>< 11,111;:nl I .. , 1. ···h •. 1.i '' ' ~ I ' ' • r !1 t ' 1 , ' " \' ' ',•JI 1 . .r• l••ll ,_ ''" ' : "' .. .. .. IJ()\'BI .~; IX>1•:l Sta1nlt•i!s :-;1,"('172 inch Sink 1..: RJ·::'\!"it :\ Al '1'0:0.1ATIC \\'ASH ER, bol l dov.·n \\'l<:''J"l·;JtN t-101 .1 .Y r:As lt AN Cr~ Price $116.50 $39.f>O $64.5() PRI CED RIGHT ('(.>Ill f' 1 ~ l c r•j"IJ''''~ll t f•lnlturt " fn1 I r•~ •Ill k>l< llf'll .-; .... !''"I . ' " ·.i •, ,, 1,, .. , 111 u, r. 1" 1. '" CLEAN UP JOBS \\ .. \ '1 • '" ! ''·· 1 " ·1•1•-- t .,,.•hitt: tiJ.lil·· tup with ~riddlt") '\"]!I ll~ \\'J ;f '.'\!;J-~!{ \\'A ~tl t-:IC J.>t:T"ft'l"l t«1!ld1 l!11 n I 1t-•. \'!'t-:I{ /I l .. l"lJ.\!A'!"Jt. . ." \\.·\SI-I 1-:J{ $39 50 I ~7-1 5U Mesa Wood c reft r·,.11 Yard .\l:..11 1\t•n .1i 1L" ·n .... ~ '.>'""' ,.~1·•l tn•" lu• a!:'~ i.1 s r; ,.., ''" .._ PAINTING ~ I'!<." 1 ~ ... · 11~ ' /{<·"·' " ... ! " ... ~ 1.l 1, .. 1 ! ;, ~ ,,. • Jl)· \ I ) ) r ~ .... 11n" I.~ I "1'1 I•'' t: ,, " 11 .. ' '" "' ·' 1 ·"" II 11'.I .r .. " " ' ' ! \ \ I I' I! t ... 1, .. j, .... ' -· . . ,, '.1 .... 1 \\ 11 .. l u'-tall1"I !.:\t;'.'\J)ft.0 .\1AT I n"t1tl 1, .. 1 Kl-'.:\! d:\ t ;yl{1 J:>,!,\ TH.' 111.-.tall•·d \\J·:.~·r1 ;.;1;11 ,i L·~r. I'.! 1111li T\' J{Ll]'l'.I: I ;,\;-i 1{1\;\(;!-: I 1•>h1tc tabh· t 1·p v.·ith 11\t'J\ ..:untrolJ $7!} 50 $.'"/I :"1!l ~~:1 Ht! $5~.:..u c;11:;-;().\' 6 CubJL ft. lt !-.:1-·1t!G ··-·-·--···-··-·· ---S64.50 '111,l11Ut1·.J & .l.,l <"Ul(" ~ "" •,,,,, j"1 1·1· y.,1·1•.!-il:J.t ,~ :-A\i .'\ Jd( l \ i •ld HI./,; l 'H~.:-J "'' •'" ' !• S"!< .,., .\l1 1l•t.H'. 1'.I tl t4T J u ol~ $~11 :i" :~~! lt•u t..ur l" ,\I 11 ' l LJ i, lf.1•, 1-"••H !'iALI·;. )1"l"l1P"f'\ "u'I •I"' FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1956 . ' M--M-Radio, II TV M--M..i..i. a.dlo, II TV Hurry -TV Shoppers • SACRIFICE SALE 17 " & 21 1" Clo1in9 out a dozen o r more Tobie Models and Consoles. All full year warranty on pi cture carry a tube. We Carry a Large L1n(' of lJElt'd 'l'Va Pri.:t·J. a:s I.ow All $29.95 , A 11 Reeon<lit tonf'd All r.ua ranteed \\"f' rent T\. s .. ts '!'ht• fir~t tv.·,1 ruonlhs n f rf·nl SPECIAL DI SCOUNT to Serv ;ce People· RELIANCE HOME APP LIANCE SERV ICE CO. _\ .. ...' '\ '.>.I 1<11 :-:-i 1.1 .. A: 1~ I ...' 1 •, ,.., !.! : . :•••! :S-l-~u."ih~. Radio ------""-""------------- TV REPAIR I I °\ t I I l \ . ' ~ '" ~ .. .. .1 .. ,1 .. 1 1 111 .• ~· ,, ' ' I >II-·• t ,. ' ' . ...... ,,. .... ,1 .. 1 '. ~ .. ' .... "" ! ,_ , .. '" ' . .. ... ... "' •'"I~ " ' I -~· ' ........ 1,.,,.,. . ,. " '"" 1~·" I«· ' .... »I Ii •"'. !-.!(J:'\l'l ;()!-.!Ell \' \\"A ltl1 l;AS lt A~(;f<: ' •\ •U t \ 1·1·y t lo·an J S7Y ~o lr •"ll hll lj,;"l•!l "~~.i I I~· I.di" ~"""1'~ l•I 2 l'"I' "'I l ~ 111 •·• I·'""·" " I• ·r ·' l ,,.,,. !. .... I I"•• p ... (I :i 1 .... nu .. FA~T S ~:H\'l''F HI-\!--••'.'\' \l!!.F s~r'"~·~·ll'J ; -• I r I H ii I 11 " "' '".0:°'" ""''·" PAINTING PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar l\o>.•l ~:,rw•l~n• ... 1 !IHf ;{t 1o t Id ',\'.11 lo.illf U :.3 I~ " WAYNE'S CONSTRUCTION co. !~ ll'C .llS Ht: H I 11.T ni 1 ~1·11 •r~·t \\ ~· • \ '\" P• • IT l.J ~,,,,.,, IO n-! 1•1 ... 111 .. J I.I 11 Ge neral Contractor IJ r LSS EI) :"O i.'\~ \\'••rk J }.I ll.Tl ):'\ tl .. rnodC'"ling !-.t1 Kr:Nzri-; FOOTINGS DU G "' ·~""' ! 1., ~ ,.1 •I ''"' ,11< ,. It" ' .. 'I I·~ H ' "n ~ •1•11 11 , .. PAINTING l.'\"TEHH)lt -~:XTJ-:f"l.J i11'{ A l .SU l>I AHI SE PAl STJ:"'I.; LI<·~;;>.'::;!!:! 1 Glenn -JSS\"ll t:lJ Johnston '.\r" 1·"1 t 11.-11<'h '" l '"". . i~ ~. " ' . ,\ 1• l'M •r """k .. I l'I '• I o l "' , .. ,.,,, ' . ' :"-I 1 ·1 I-I~ 11 .• 1 "' I •'l"l "l\' ' • 1\-• ,, .. Roy 's Maint enan ce Hu•I"<'-r:!l'an1ng-1-"lu(H "a~UlK \\'1111 "'"~n11111 -v.•1n.1 .. w ~J« .. 1.1ni: \'"n<'ti•n b l!nol ,, ! ·ntv•l•t•·ry Jn~u r"U Fr"" ~:~i.in •t".1 Llt!••rty d-1J J 2 Bo okke e pin g & Serv ic e ... 1 '' \" I '' •HI I ;o ~ 'llJ-:1 t.. ... r "~"-' '",. ,,.1 •. _. ll 1~1 .... -i oi•• J "KENNY'S " l!fc .. " I ·•ol J l1•pP!\•!:'lhlr :11 \ l t "•nq•lrt. !,,\\\;\ f..· 1;AJ :l•I·::'\ \',\J :I< ,,I HJ. tHJJ •\\ '' ••• , •'•( ... 1 ,.,,,,.1. '" "'" \ ''•I ,.,,, .. ·\I••' I " q" ,. 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Harbor Hi-fi! 2630 \''. CUA:Sl lllL:t·l \I/_.\ Y L!Mrty 8-J4Jj, ~eWpurl Heh :llltrc CARPENTRY """~"!< .uur1.-.1 ... \!tl thr h lr~I \\ll\""' """rk1ng • "n·l1n .. n~ a•hl up lo an!PP" S I·"\', 1.: .. 1 llllttl l\H.\T ).-UNOll ll!'.;IJAI R \VORK NO JOB T UV S~IA LL l·I. u. A n<~f:r1'U!I 1014 E. 0 H11lbo11. llh·IJ .. 11Rrh•1T ~4~1J Ill\ Ibo• Experienc ed Gardener l.,\NI 1SL"1\l'J'.'J1; a nd L'l.l·:A:-.J \'1';:.;_ l.lbo:·r·ty ·"·16:1~1 :lotrc Alcohulll.:H A llUllYlill>Ull \\'rile I'. I) ,.;,."'l)()r t IJt'Rl'•'· C 1111r. P hone llarl1"r 479j Superflu ous Hair l'\'r<n&n•utly '""'"'"I.I 1n•n • llH~ ann~. 1,.i:~ ~:~,()1 0"~ M•h! half llnr """'ll""J :-,,, nH•f,. '"""ZI "!; Jnl)~ "'!Lh plPS11 ~1' ="'' :';!Ari ~,,,.,. 11r" J"h 111 ull•' uf •1u1 ••fT ll t'l< II"'" '""' h<)lll~ T l~l~J::P l·I O!'\ ~: O Pl--:J{A 1'0H.S ,\ rrr1.1· ,",\ •\ ' , \> llll I" I IHI I' "I s .l t.1111 :->t l{•n ~I I ""nl a A n11 \\fl,\\,\'\" '" ,,, ... "' \\ \ 1 1 1:~· • ...::-~:.~ I",. 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DAVIS-BROWN Clean Up Sale "f USED TVs \1 ! :\'1'Z I ~ '" 1'., bl •· 111• .dr>I (; J·: \ •i 111 ' •, ·Jl~\ 1 .. !)f ,\"~ll 'li . Jtl 111 1-:.\11-'.lt;-!i /'.'\. l 'I l l J,t ., , _ 1 :! J 'I l 11 .! t I 1:: 1 '.! DAVIS 1 ... -..:. Jl.11h"r till.I n .. r ! \ ... ·; 1::0 BROWN 1:1-:1• !'l(l_\'1; 11 1i-I \!_.\.l"!'l{!-::->s r: . ...; 1on11ol•·l•· 1:.\1 :\ I t :ll~~ ;111•1 .\l,\.["l')(l·:.-.:s ~f't"<. .~:l~ ~o $1'.·I ~1(1 $6\• ~ill S·l:!.!"JfJ $.'"1-\ ~·1 s:-1 1 ;,n $: i ,·,11 ll;o rr, .. r t 1•·1 It Tltlt~.f; f(lU >.\1 S 1.f l1 ra•1!1 ' ,1 .,. .. j f "n•!Uo e rur $1\1:'1 ,.,,,. 1n " I\ M '"""'j J!l II ~"•I \\ I ~n!~I AUK!• :!:.·;_"_-;-_~!! '!~ ~~ ------- ·r A LI. G A l{J .1': ( "•iuntry I l.iUSf' A:'\1'/(J\J l~S :-;,, ,. '"r1,.11· "lHn••nti~· ..., ' 'I"''~ '"I l""T ~·d"''"! io:I~.·-~. 1,,,. .... I"''"' 1,.,, I' ! ,, ,,,,,,., :1,. 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"" 1.~ 1., 11\1' l.•'"•!••f 11 ,. 11~~-; I ''°'II IN "' HARBOR Hl-f I Piano Refinishing Rebuilding C,'llRlllY ""Il k only A:'\"Kl"l.t.:~J l'IASll ~El~\"[(·~; ·l "I fr J{r1t1v.·!t !•ll I::J (•('tn >n1r·~ TV ANTENNAS '•"lo•:• r' Jl,,11.,1 Il l • ;u<11 ' (S:o;"]",\J.!.t ;!> ""111J<l•'I" l•I ,l•rlll ~"t $9.95 --~ DO IT YOURSELF HI -Fl I'.!" 1 I.I 1 '" ,., j•ll,.lh•l(l lll·I• H•111 1; :0-""" • "·' +. ,0: lt111""'"_i.;,,,,i,.,, A .\\ I-\! 1q1 .•1 '!"'" k "' • "' '"'"'•I 1•1 ••. 1,,.., ' ''"'" ou 11n•t ~·" 11 ... ,. \\ ~ "•II I Pip '"'J ,,_,.._., ,t.,, 11 DAVIS-BROWN I.I • ,1 4 ,j J!t:A l "l"ft'I I. '-/<I •l l llP I• hi·"' I •·, I .. ,,.,. I• 11'111.,1•. ~.o\" $11" 1" $.' '1 1""1"• I '"""J1l l•1PI f1'W /.:IJ '' ,,, I<'• II "" d •I ""'' \ia pl• I \\"Kin ol F n·n' h l'r'•' 11 • "'1 \I , t•• >-·•tol' ~;11n"l , "'" "'i•l"' 1, •la11,,,l(P•I L!l 8!i .1•r ·t1~ }t~: '•"' 1 '" :., ,, f""' 1·~ 11 .. t· ~·" ~·q $!~". $17"• ~,..e 111"-"' ~I II·» '•••Al ·L2n·I A n111vrt·•~t1 !<"I• J >,\'\:Z -~•'llMJl •I' • 1'1111 J.11"" 1tl•• H11o; l 'I~"" At1•l U1a:Kr1:'l•1 • ;,~H S•l ! .. :i:~"·· HFJ\1 .. llFI J. \!l .-..~H\I F!T~: "f~•.1 "'-\lf . .._T \I "! .. 1-1· G. I ' l'I ;..1. " 1.• \ 1 r r ... I..-•' ~r ., s .... , .. ' .. ,, H \I I I' " "' .~ h J !''"'' • 11>' ~ _1~,.- :"'II I LI ! !11 , ... ,, •. ~ l•, ,H I " ~ i I j·l"IL "1,1,,,, I r11< 1111 I j l •J •I \"'' "' :"-I I I I• I Io • lf.H• 1.; , ••. h .. 1!.) !,HA ,; _:..M I K " •>ri •~ l\ tlA ·J I-I '•''•\• l 'll( ... .1 11 .• Al•n h "M!i .. ~I A .'<'n \ , ' I "' • I'• II• " " I '' ~· SI"· J I \',/ H t~ /' " .... 11.\1 11•1 l'lllU..ll':l t!l't :-• /l.1a 111 11.1. r.1 ~~::. " :<!I--\111'"'" \\ anl··•I ---····------------ OLD C AR S AND JUNKERS HAULED AWAY f REE \ 'Al~I. Fl·:J.t X !"l ;l'~:ll SER\•JC E LI "·I ;.;i. l!'.~11 .'\·t'"''port 81,·<t. 74, 811 SELL YOUR CAR l''\JI ' '"•1 1! 111t :-.:al' ,\11 ' ... , lily J '.O.\'I M o~ ~ ,\1 "" Kl 2-130t I0---1\lllO'l for S&.lf'I -------------- ·so Pont ia c Se do netto I{ -11 . \VS \V l·:x1·1•ll .. 11t nh·chanical ( "111d1 t11111 $395 MILLER ( "h··i·n ,1 .. 1 71\n \\' t ·nas1 . I )ldsn1 nbile llv.•y. I.I 8-:.:!258 ... s ! ... , \ '• ·'· I·' 11<11 ~ '•louo.ol lf" "'"•1 •''" !1!10! . 1:<>0<1 «nni!i· !llOI. 6061 77, ;g 1-.. 11IMn .. , lu h •"d11 n H,Hh" hl'M1f'r ,...~ .. .- I • • "10l<'ll' <'(/<lllJMl•'t>I $27•, I d 111 , "'1'111 \' '" "-'IJI I a.k "" ~""II •At I.EX ~46 12 aal>o. f(Jr I•·'''' ·• I! • 1 I I' '" Ol lie :'A' l;lf II I· l'•i•~ 1 'h•"'!t)l•·t \'II "" I\ • .,_ .. n H"':"" hell\,~ p ,...,, , ~"I" .. 1 .. tr Atl111 wall 11 •• , .. ,~... 7411<1 '53 Ford $795 MILLER ~!1·1! .. -••. , .. t!•l• 'II I Jo.'." I J:··· ·' ; '7\ II , ... 11 1a: 11 "" F l• ~-II , ·' i 'ho 1 r <1l1·t · O ld smob1~. 71111 \\' • -..111;1 r1 .... ·y. 1,1 8-2258 I • ...... ' . " ( ' • l ' GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 1• l!\"1'1'~H!\'ATJ01NAL '• ! 1111·k11p I~ 1 ;~1r •, I 1nckup ~'l Cltt'~\-HC)LE'T \i. t ;•i:in•·I ..>I C'li,.:v1i<1L1':T '\ t f'l <'k'.llp, Sporl•Hlllttl IOJ' "..l 11r1LJ+:Hi: '• I JJll'k >op .1, C'H,.;\"rtO l..f.'T ·~ ' 1•1• ll •!p •.11 !'llfo!VROl .1':-r "' I f'i•'hup d ~!1t~l • V -N .,_ I !!"'"•" '•'l ~~UIUJ % l !dr.kup p n ku1i, lt \•1 111. u111tu• tr11.n•. ' PAGE 4. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1950 19M Used Car Specials BUICK CI-;~TURY , Riviera Coupe Dyn11.flov.·, radio, m-ater, 2 t onie blue .. ···-·· 1955 , Pl~Y~·!Ol TTl-1 STATION WAGON ......... $194 ~ V -8 . Pow~rflitc. radio, hSBler, WSW, Light green, AN r:xcr:1•'TIONAL. VALUE ....... ··········· .. $2075 1~50 PONTJ1\C: CLU J~ COUPE " -,__. . . .. ... .--. -~ ... ,_ ............. _ . . ·-·---·-- 48---AptA. ~ Roaw for RMrt 43---Apta. & Rowe for RMt_ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninaula, Eut 31at St., Npt. Bch. OrrERB Delightful living. Apt..Q.banu. Utiliti'" paid. wttll ' Y&ebt .Up a.ccomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, year!y. For appt. or reeervaUon, CaU Har. 2992. Mttc ____ !'f_ ... _. ~Z-"'--'-_ .. _____ M....,. "' Lou __ _ 20.yeu trtnancing HOME LOANS Construction loans -Refinancin9 Free Preliminary Appreisal1 Cotret!pondent.B for Life and Cuualty lnsur&nce ComPt'ny or T cnneuee Bankers National L ife l nsurancl' Company r - 6l--BNJ Eatale Corona Highlands Panoramic Oceen View W\AND n-H o nu• and lneom• t1 .. l11A<'! roruit. Ul 1u1tu: nMJdtrn. ~,... th...., 2 • be•ut. 1 BR. hon1e. t'UUy ca rpC'ted, hava alt"Ct . ovt nl 6 «1'111:. lltona lu l"C'illn~ f!ra;l!t L .. a. lticp111• s:s:io pt'r n10. F'. r . 134~ lil·~:!ll f"O lt 11'-:SPECTION. t i9 :o.tornlnit t.:anyou ltt>llcl. Ha.rb\)r :i: l'.l-J . &tlcill '.! J.'011!• l ! •l i!&I f\11+"•"! 1~ ('1!,.:\'f{(1J.ET 'I. 1. l•il'• \\'IS 2 Tone gr('vtl . hydra1natic, radio. heater. WSW S475 4()-.Auto. for Sale 42-Tra.Uerw :.:...~~~~~~~~1 -~~-"~~~~~ SOUTH COAST Mortgage Company TI·ll ~ ("{'luhl be' 11 biio: barg11!n 111 t h•~ loclllll!n, If l"llllhed L•Ut 10 1:1 1u11n nr s1:1w s11 .oo p .. r IH ll l ': Int 1( .,-,IJ "0 1f'r111~ ol 12\Jl•O •In prl1,. $1t• ;~. S•·" .',19 f:I ~hlden" C-11ll .,.,.·n•r I.I 8·,'l:.!!li i :'l! I• ;,11 l •<1J 11,J•: 'I. t 2 •ri .. ~.i :, .. < 'llF:\'ltt1L,.:·r 'I. I 11 !li!H1nl ! .,.,.,,.j )\ '1.,'1 I",.,. :,,, C.\t~· 'I. 1 ('i1,.: t i ~1 .1 11 •. ., ~,.... .• " ;;:•, '''''h :.:t I,.\\ I ' " I 1 I 11·; 1 0'• '! •I'" I 1' ~!, Ill• " \\ H :, I J •(•I" ... ~ :1 t •!Ulll(• ., 'I" •~I ,, ... , , ,, ··~ I~ itr" "\'l'r~!n< k•"I ion , >• I ! t "' k· "n I" •I " ,;.,.~ ... ,"I' , " ·I· I 1.,,v ,.r " r ~· ~If :"I~• • n •.• Hll I ~d \•· ,(011,t• I• nJ lo 1.,1w W .W. WOODS GMC DEALER r,J ~ I'• I',; 4111 S• A•" ''' ~ .,, h 11 I ,, . ' '' '54 1:. I. \\ ··~ 1, I ,1 \I 11 $1595 MILLER i ·r-,, .1 ·' tpll \\ \ ., fl: l J l I\ ; I .J ' -' . Grant W . Mus ick Your Hu dson Deo ler :.'!l:l ;.; I.• ":\ 1 •. .:•·l1 :. I\ I·:,·, -" ' -' .. \,,.,, ... ,,, '4 7 Che'1rolc t $365 MILLER 700 \\' . !ll 1~!llllh1l 1 llv.~ I.I ..... 22 ..... '50 BU ICK CONV. I ' ' I .,\\ I\ ... JI \\lt f"I~: \\11 '! 11 \'I, I' $4 75 TERRY'S BUICK IO::>;r J)l !DSON 11.l'B COlJPE Bltu· and 'n·urn , radio. heater , EXCELLENT CONJ 11'1'/0 :\ ............. SW5 :-:TT'J )~:11 ,\l\J·:I{ :o;TATJON WAGON ()\'l·rd1 11· .. iu·tual 1n1J.·:i l<x r·..-lll·nt Only condition. Only 10,000 $1 895 ~!ANY LlJ\\ r.::rt Pfl JCf:D CARS -NO i'A 'i'~ll:.:.'\"1' j l ~ Al'PRO\-"ED CJiEDIT DOWN AND J,!J\\I !~:\Ml\ TERMS LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYS LER-PLYMOUTH DEALE R I.I 8-34.-C\6 ---------- S-l ·M·C·A CHEC K $2 99 THIS DOWN AD ~!(J N1'H :: .'.Il l .!. l 'l·~lt t;,\J.!,(J~ 7n '',! l·:. I l:l'l:)l:'\G :-:i l 'l~!-J) 1111 _\J;, I I .1: lfR T()I' . ..:1•1-:1-:(J BEAUT Y -COMFORT -LUXURY KING 'S AUTOMOBILES 1-: :..: r l\J1u b.·rly SA.'\1'A ANA INVENTORY Save REDUCTION $ $ s SALE ·'' . ; ,\U:>l !l'I JaJ:unr Jiillnl!lfl I 1.,1 1(1\·ll rd HARVEY _'I';'," f j;,.n,.r LI ~·:t:.!:i•S '54 Corv ~tte H·f-1 \\':-: \\ A n!1,m :i tu· I .1 kr fl,.\\ $2095 l·il\\\' -·rr1tir11pb -'l"l<:l MAYER MOTORS \'it tvr1.1 J (',.:<Lt \f('.'111. (.1 ;...:,tij7 .t.0--Autn"' a nd fru c.ka ----... -------------I '40 : \-J I 'I' '"' FORD ·; \\\•," "I\ >: ""' I 1< I' I ' I Pl'" I ' "·H1,o<l $195 I 5TH AT WALNUT MILLER HUNTING TON 8 EACH I ('hr\ 1ul•·t. Oli!:.~n1•b1!.; '48 HUDSON I"°" 1.1 · ·' ., 11.'' 1 ·,. r • 1'111 1 '''I' I ,, "' +.i ' ' ' ltl• ,,, ){&H h,.,,,.,111 \lh 1 .\• 1 •"II\' hrl'~ \\ :o-11 /1\ l>t I I,,·~ 1·• " .. t ' I'·•!'' " 11:1 rj I~-I I:• H 'r-n lit · I "I H:.1 "'"1 •I ' : ' '' ... I I I Ill ' ' fl • I " •51 Chrysler W ~n d~o r !Ludlop f~ I!. ,\Ht• •fl1.1 I(• l'•·r1· ,., : $595 MILLER · • ii I •111 • .t • .. ( 'Ii Pl I'• ii Pt ';"()11 \\' I '•·11~1 I !1\ 1 I 1 ~ _ __' i Hausken-W atso n ~l 'tH:'J' f ',\H . 1 \1,I I· ( •; '.\:-, I I" ,\I :•II' 11 ~:11 ~\" :>.r 11H1t l: •.• \\ 1 1.-.. Al.F.\ H<1 \!it" R1.,-..;,\ L I I '.\ N "IO' I "• r )-" • • ,.,. ~···' ' .. C lf'•l• l"11~,J 1 lit• (\I ,\lno 1. l:rl J'<>t l<-.1 .. n,f J ""I ... I 2:1VI S<I :,t \I' \ 1{1 ·, 11 "" l!•.~:: H I I .I I• l, 1 I ' ~ /" \ ''I II ' fod I ,\' ! \ I' ' h ..,h l li ' .. ·I· ,,• 1 " I 71111 \\ 1 ·., .... 1 f!Y.'\' j.J ~·.!:!:1 .... '5 1 BUICK CLUB. CPE . I '\ "J \ I l,! 1 \\ ll .'II I! \It~ \I . :-;It i': (.1\lt $695 TERRY'S BUICK 1 5T H AT W A LNUT HUNTING TON BE ACH !' ''"I I \' : ""I \\ " \'. . " \ ! ~ ~I II '4 7 l ••tl $325 M!LLER 1.1 .... ::.'~·.-.... ·•1 . ., I I 'I .! . ,. .. , '55 Chevrolet V.8 1.,j( $145 '54 NASH \I E:TROPOl.TT AN ! '():'-:\'F:J{TlBl.I'-: H111 l1" • Jlca lt'r R"Rllliful l'nndit ion ThrU.()Ut $995 '53 FORD \'-R RANCH WAGON J{,t-11, 6 pJy tirPI l-..:xcrllcnt , conrtitlon $1295 CODON GOFF The Volk swegen Dealer -.:~" ""' II,, "I 2'.ln•\ !I~ I IH •I" /\ [~11\"1 1.1 \\il.!.~11 1 ,\:>,",I. t 11,\,\l•TOI' 12 "' l·!.,>1 IT' Ff!I( $200 I' I I J \11" I:• I " I T"\J:-.;•;T,1'\," I'\ J 'llP '50 OLDS ,, 1·1:11 1 ·~:1.1 x~: II \ l•l:/,\1 11 fl\ $595 I',\ l\1 !EH ;.'Ir'-" 88 -( J If \(!fl ,, ,4, ll TERhY'S ' BUICK Before You Buy A CSED CAR, let our relia ble me<:h&nlr e ~IV<'! tt fl ~ 1 ) ]0 pt. iutch. ir11~ct1un 1 ~J Roa<l Tu t (3\ \\'rllt,.n rl'p'lrt of condition CA LIFORNIA Used Car Inspection Service i.1 11·11642. ro r a t onventent Iota· l •.,fl• In Or;;.ngtt ('Qunty. llAKBOR AREA , !'.'twport Auto \\'.,r)1' 120 lr1<!Ustnal \\"t.y, C?.f, It Hor.-,,tn l"or'C'lg'" Mtr, Oar a.er. IHI !1111u11(11t.! W8y. C .M . pp8lh ·~ti BL!;l:. r clR5CH£ l pei;idltlar. l'rh'•ll~ .,,.·11~r :-;,.\'tr rtt.rfd , '.\1111•1 1' I •·~ f'n.-t $3000 :-.o •h·,,lrn< 1tY11tt -t ·3~fl~ 711ttc I '5 5 Ford V-8 ~·o rd"1 f{ 1 l, F1>rd1J1l11l tic \\ :-;\\' ·r1r •·>1 $1395 MILLER l'h• ·. r1 ·!.·t . Oldsmub1!e 7M \\' (·11a,;1 !!"'\'. LI 8·2258 10-;\-Tirr' it r arts ------------ New lllld Uacd 1'H.UCK AND Passe nger TIRES 8-Ho ur Recapping Service (.'41rnplcte Rrakc Service ,\:-.;I ' F·rwnt J-:nll Al1gnmrnt lt1)Al• SEH\ JL"t: F 1rr•\""t' l.l lh lg·el l"'IRn Y"ur~ f or the A!k1ng HOWARD RYAN 801 . 809 \\'. l et St. SA ;'\IA ASA Kl 3·i383 41-Auto Se.n1oe llt!c Motor Overhaul NO ~IONEY DOWN * with this ad * -······--5'8.86 6 Cyl1. 8 Cyla. ··············--····$58.86 nrlucl~a both J11bnr •nd partt . Nf'w rlni.:1. wrl•t pin•. va.IYa g-rln<t. fltUn11 ot m ain and rod beutn1•. Expert motor tune up. 90-day nr 4,000 mll• ~Lee. NO ~ft)NEY 00\\'NI REBUILT JCNGINES U P to 15 ?.ION'THa TO PAl"- Bu1lt in our own f•ct.ory by akllltd m'lchlnl1t.1. Don't eonten4 "1U! the m1d(llt1 m•n. Buy d irect. REBUILT and INSTAt.r ED SHORT BLOCK •'ORD -·--.. ····----·----1129.50 CHEVROLET ..... _. ___ lltlt.~ PLY M . A DODOS -·-·-·-$100 CH RYS . .I: DI: SOTO --Sl10 8TUDl:BAKER ........ ·-··-·--lltO OLDS 11 PONTIAC t --·--1170 l:!UlCK ... -......... -.-· .. "·--··-11 1~ H UDSON _ ... -..... -............ -· .. 11 7~ ..<Hiil Car l'rt• T ow!ng N/!:W CAR OUARANTl-;f; llhwk rn 11lit 1ncf'! our $Llltu l11td8 P!u• lll.Xt'I, 1uktl.I llfld Oil Vptn Sunday 10 •.m. lo <I p.1n. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS t)pf'n Oa!ly 8 to 1 S l11tte Bonde<! NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA ~----------~- NASH · HUDSON uwnar. RIOH HAHN'S ,\I 'fl) J{Alllf1 lt~:PAIH Jt\'r 1J<Ar-.l 1\T IC SE l\\.'ICJ·: t n!l It 2!1Tll ST. {11 I hO'I • 72:. lt-'f rsH'"n ------F"()R ~ \ T 1· " • ! Ii '1 · h i 1 - STH ATWAL~I UT* PORT ORANGE * TRA1LER SAL~;.~ H"r I IHI I: ·53 Olds "BS '' $1795 ;--, ] 1· ll · l l l l yd t'il • MILLER \\";->\\. ::.' h1IH' I "1,1 $1545 ii I T'' T11 :. 1, t .., r ' I;\\ 'I / H I .... MILLER ". ~· ' \\ ·-, ... I " I • ' . " HUNTI NGTO~I BEACH '5 4 Plymouth ·I • r! r f<~ully l·:qu!pp«I $895 MILLER and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Con&t IUwey. Newport Beach LI 8-4420 ;,u 26 K•! h,.aut y $1114 :1 ~>4 ·21\11 ' J'iha•t• LllcB n('w 121 4:1 :1~·~2' 1-JPnJlf'r I t~R S.1tl\O .'-.6 ·.'.1•1' Tt11"•l•ze 2 nioA "l<l $314~ 411.3.;i· Curtl~ \\"ri eht Tan1ltn1 I Hl9:-i w~ n-' r.lean IJMo<1 trlld .. IJUI. PAN AM ERICAN ]'111 111nrount .J.:,.n~k l1\ T ra• ele:r.4!· Ter r)' f.IODERN 77 rt. lrw.ller, new li"''n - ln(. p11 tto • ten<:t . L.Ldo Tr•llt r l'a rk. S2~ or COftllder triadt rol' prOJ.ltrty. Har. GllOll. 77f'7& 47-Wanted to Rent Rentals Wanted \Ye nrtd 11.pLI, and hoU8eB In WI aect1un• fo r bolh. wlnL .. r Ln.J yur'& lf'ut: F ur n. or unt\trn. It you hoH·e a vacancy, 11Mn., l1)11•y The Vogel Co. 3l 0l W. \.."JI Hwy . Nev.'f"lll Bch P hon<'! Llho'>rty !;·3 41'! 208 M•nne, l.lalboll Island Phune H•rlJ.,r <ttt. 2&&7 E Cnut Hr C-or onll ,,,.I :\lrir Ph·•n• H"rb<Jr J 7t 1 f_,.tao ur t1c~. 34 P) \ u1. L1•lf, !i02 1111.1 t.c,1 t\I~,. S t'""l"''I n 11·,1 Cu~la 1.Jlleity 8·0.-.V7 li.: Approved 1-~HA ~tortgagee 1600 We"t Cott.st Highway -LI 8-7791 Nc wpt1rt 11 .. acb, Califvrn1a 48~ApU..~~~!__---1 l;°J.:~.=!'.u.!I~'!.~ .. ~-!'~~s __ l'!\'Fl'll.!\' 2 h<1rn1 1\1111",•. nr"ly ;';JC !': !>10DERN ~tllrP rl'>\ltll nr •l!'<"•ll"1t!r•I ( oHI lw\" •·~11 $1~ mo \o,'n1 .. r p<1 ·""1 •1 talr1"'! 211" \>\'11ln11l , ,.,,.,,. M"~" -------- U:'\'¥'1Jll.:-I . !\'~:\\'!.,. d"n1r1t,.,I I ,,.,.irr•I up><l•lr 1 "f'I Yt't.rl1 H• n !1tl Sn~ II" hl•1 ,,,,, A•1Llll !111.1 1 .~:j:, I\' f !:<ll~ n 1111 ·""·'"l><Jrl t:U•lll n ll11r l il 1~• \' \ llAl\.l\!S•l '""' I h '• '" j • " ,. I >tc•W. I"'\~ H11 0 "pt •.I,,,:/• ,. I J7LI I'·"· )!!. \ !"• ' \\ \(;, ,, /u' r J I " . 'I · • ,,., .. '' • I " -I n1"1:ce a.: l-'SS l'Jari'r.::11 s :r~1 11 1., 1n1·l11•llnl: 11! !!111··~ ln•1•11r .. 11.t J'f"l" 11• ar1··r ~ l' 11, "''•'k '1•)'-" or 11.t1y t1111e l'\•t. • ~"" .,,.-<'!Ill L I 8·:'li tl& 11r l,.r :'>·3u nr I, lh S1 n~•r I "~l•> .\\t••M .• ,.,,.11 b aetnt ,_,, T\" '"l""' 1,.11111·l r'1: Ila r <!(!1.:. 'I''"' ,, 1"t\rlJ\) II/Hi,: II !J,.•l 1,, .. 11 l 1<of\ !"! I ....... 1 '"''"" "'' ,,, I,. ' ' ,, ll lo I" . \ I , ~l1il.1l•i $4lhJ" Pt':R AL'kl'!: 2 K ACHF:.~ "" ~1 0:'\'RtJVIA P l.::'\'L"A N llAl\IJl'.::<TY , Ke.Ltor liHtW! t <H1 23 Rentols Top lnc:o me rt .. 11:.1H .... ~1 ; .• 1: .. n ,,f ['I ~ l ", uu•u,. .. "" 1 .. •111~ '"'' .,.,.n•r •1· l l"•' 4 JU lt&• .. t 14 Duplex Lots ::: ].f)TS \\"llh l<fj;t' !flUldf i;arHj!• , ... , ~h11·r···•,.: ··~r-·,.1 1 ·.,~1~ \1 ••" 1'"""' Ttdl 1•11• r 1,1...,, .1 1\1"< 1 :-;r,· n, o1 1 .•.1•· 1111 1 '••ii•I t J "r,:11· 1.;1 ~ i 1 ' I I I I R-.; ' ''· I·•' I \ 11. ·""' I ' " ' " ' ! • • I""' ., br •\1 .... " +"11 "" -·r.•··! ),· !' "·1, • ,..: )II.I d dt I(••~,.;• 1n t!llll•"I \\'\.fl h) I:< J I 01.1 .. H \"et11" 1 .. u.t' up ' Sl••" .:. "1111. I . I' ' ' ' "' "' !• .,. ! I ·ri. I UHor,o· I' ,I L!I •" ! •' 11er 1110 H P~u l'•I r .. ,.l·l•1,' p111 •• ,,-, •• " ' ! " '" .. " • I 1o V«d her-.. \\•II• u,,, '' !' , "j \ '"" "1"" ~l'"l'l": • 1 --. -H.\llU11\ l~L.\'I ' IX-Art~.&: R onM"l!I ro r fts-nt I 1111r" uv.. • 1 .... n - -----Il l••') 11, 11 II · I' f'(tR(J:-.;,\ !·~·1. \11\I'. -..;,,,,i, 1 .. · ~· ''"' "I I' S " unl<>I 11 It""' h '''" A l'I '"t" 1 ... 1 ,,ii H I I , 11\fl 1.1 ~-"l \! H n• , " '· I' " ;.• " ' '" II" ' . ~ :.-·.•1 ! I! 1 ·s.s 1-'0R D. Jt,.rtl1 • .i L.• •t "AL ,\I <!\Ul &ct 1!t'• I.I ,. .. ,I 11 • • ., I "' q "' I l y 111!<" .. : lf'f't "! ll•r<I ~"" 1~ 8••1ol HI 11"'1"81'111:,:: 11n•11'll1"• 1 1.,p \\,.,.1 .. 111 1r 1"11 .. ,, ,, .. , .,. ',. ,, . , .. ~ ln•Jl ll I •H A '\•. t .. • < l ,r.:;: :-.; ''"' I· I.I 1' I<,\. .... , l•H• •I "~.I ! !~. \-.]' ' ' "" I " .\!· ... I ' 1'f)~f\l i-:l '.1·J.\l , IJ 1T ''" ....... "l."'t t '>I L11 \1 1·1.1 ~: '' 11 t 1. .. t •v :~.1r.1 " 1lnpl<'X f11 t1il )<"A hfat H._"'I flf ~. ""I' l'"l." Har U!e1 ·K r. -. ~ r, A't0rHAl ~l tV~; Al 'A !t! llH:O.r S!r tJOO KO•l l ""'r k on.: ·~f'l'•I 1ol~"~"n! 1, .. ,,1111"1 11,,,.n fr .r.t 1 \\1t11 "r "'''l•••ul "'1 1'1•~· ·'"'' f'"L'R='< 2 ""•!r>)()m notn t' .. n ""I" •·Ill [•i. .. •I lJHll•I AL)'((l twi1 :1 b,.<1rm ,,j,t.• tlllll llr un!lltll t'rn111• , ..... 11 '..! 1 ... 1n A l-"-<1 n•·W t"ktno; ,, .... rv11 tl••J1~ for •tJ rrnner 1 .. nt1d .• Huth J ,.1·1,.•I. H•·1111 ,., ~lt l llrit<I R111M" .i. ~ylV•~ Th,.1npH•on A.'-1'" 11!\•'" :1111 ~: Hnl!"'" ._ll\"tl, l\a lt,.•a l•hont ll11 r. 211.'.8 ur ll/\f Hilll) " """'IV ruin ~lr••ru ~ ,,, rrll11" I n,.tflnl! S'.lOOO I" r "'' {·,.n 11;1, 1 ()()"'• F' • l."11n<1ry .. t•· f l\f1 I" r '"" 11.-4i!\7 7T• ~·• /1 Inane Ing .-l11d ... nlll A, ... 11.o11I• I ' JUll• j1 "' .n ........ "' • ('"' '" , ... , l .. lh llH l•Pf ~ J 7H I I\' ()1~!1 11 k~~f'l'();";~JHI ,~; !'F'Jl:-:.1 ):-,; 11·111•' Pt 1"1 ('11 11 l• ••I d ,.1~1!o lru11t , :-.;"....-!'"'' Ji,,111,.r 11 7\ \\' l•n1&ll", r1 ,.n1 111!~ •I"" "•11l t 'I J•\:-' A JA ("U U.S~:.,· f{•••I E•I•'" 7<r·7V tn "4·r\'lr .. 11n •l •.,11 .. 1 1 r, •. ,,,11111,, l1r .. , ·,,1•1 1.1 ~·IJ317 h i • .'\·i :'\E\\' 2 bt.>drn•. ~!\t J,: '" II ii'". Ii" SI , Y1•:0111 :-C:o•wp•nt. 511 , '"" :•I ! ·;,,1 !1 11 .. 1 ;i~,1•1 H :7. 7!• n •"t lt ""n•llri"' "l"•'h•n""' :-,; .. _ .-elllnr; A i.:" no.t .,.~·•·nl llll e,., ~·•)!~ .'l"l.I'", riv !l \\';";~.t!-4 r. .. 11. 1 .. r .. rf'n«t• "n•t I :('1•1 w1,1 ~, .. ,.: +11pl!~1 n"'""""'Y ~·,,~ p11 1'• 1·ul101 " ,,..,,1,,. H-'l1'. ;;:001 ·-:" '1'1,,~ '''"I+' I ' "' 11.j'• 11 "° l~U• ~I ~·r,.1·· l<!tl• lhur\., LJli~r!y ~·!1~23 .~ p l•l tin I,~ 1.,., I ' ii,\ !o.11 11 it1't11 L~ II -48"-HotUit'~ f or Rf'Dt ;'\:>-Monf'\" t.o l ..oan ,., .... l..I D.:rly t~trn1 'llJJ>i•·." 341\ Oi l• Mt , 78 .. ll'J UA LliOA n1111r 1Jch0<,J Ao church 2 bilrni ., •h•n a pl., furn ytly. on \ .. ..,.,. i s:, tnn H uu~~ Z b1lr n1 , 1 bath, !lr u h1 rn yrly un leue 5!10 mo J M t.ll LL~R 1.:11 :102r· \\' Jl..J- t,.,. Blvd., H..r. ~09 1 .. r ~266 .\1 -;1 .. -.,...-,c-c-=,---,.-l"tlR.t >:"\A lJJ!:L '-IAIL l 'nrurn t bt',1r.,<1m rorner dupl .. A 0M r1'to:t Se 1111 r11.l~ p•llo. Hft r. i J1\•·f\ j"j"\ f<: BAI.BOA Pli:NIN!!U L A y•a tly rant.al, 'l..,.,·o ll.,dr\l"'tl u11fu1n. t!Liplex $1~ M\O L'"ll.11 V,,g,•I ("n •l•r. 41lil. 77«7 i Choice .winter Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Isle llmaU 6 co1y or l11q.i:e & (\Clux e $711 t o iloo 111onth VOGEL co. 2C!I J.1arln• A\'t', llalh•Ht l11 l11nit Ph. Harbor i44 Ctl H11 rl~1r I HI~' Ru H11r 3112!1 .R or Jial', J~2~·H 641fr ON BALBOA ISLANf) :-;~;~; l 'S !ur )•rar!y 1111•1 scaJ10n111 l l'l'ntale NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30I M•rln1 A\·e. Ha.rbor .. , BAI.BOA l8LAND SEE MF. ·TA NELSON CORONA DEL MAR FOR '"llfl l f'~~ RE:-."rALS ---------------· "LJl)(l !~Li"., z1~ b11th horu". un i•11nu11! h11 ~1,. Slip r .. r ,II/ rt bnll\ U!IO.' .. r Ill rt \'1k1ni;: rutiH b-ou1 p<•W• r IJ.•KI 2 cll r 1ar. 1»·11ut11ully rurn11h· eol ><luub>i $7UO j•••r 11H•n lh JnquJr .. l\t ~I B11 1t~J• C"""' F Uil:\'. llDl{.\I nr ,.pl•• "· .~llnl 1tl!'r"" a. lnl i\>'&11. ~1 1tr l ll ,-..;., "7~1 l 'oppy H•1 t1t1J~ .. 11 36l!,; Lt1di I , ur ntr I" I ' 7•>11 ' LA HoJE 2 !lit, lt U:0-1~:. "'-'"·ly f urn <u1npl,.le Autu \O"l•~'\o'r t :)· ..,,,, .,,., S!I:, 111.. i11.·, "''' yr 1""-"" Nr fl l'loj•i'•n.: • t-1111h lt• hunl. t..:u•I" ,\1".," L! 1'1·U.h:.i. ;1;p7M ()('li:AN Fftu:'\'T :'\EARLY :-.:~:1\' 2 t111n up11t11lr>1 J"un1 11lc.v•· & r,·frlt;•'rnl"r l\nl.1· ~Kr l'"ted, flt .. f>IK• "· t.a1 bt" "" ,J-.utJI .. i!li.t. I •··ILi'<" fnr t.o!h ''ltw ""11 11\yl<•. A\11111 .• .. nl)'. no pct" 1 12:, 111v. (ln yrly ltu.'!t 11111-. :JJO I l8o.:!!!I 1·1JH1•:"',\ !•l·:l •. \1\11 o.n1111 n '.! h<\rn\, :1 tmth ho1n~. o;:\rllR I' ,.; •• 111h ,,f l11;:11 ... 11 v >""~1 • 1.-.11.~ .. Har. 2!••10 Slf/11 tn", :i., 1'•) • • • !rnnl. Klt.-h•'llett,. ll.Pl• . .t r11111 w ith vr1vutc hath :0.lalrl 6 ririonG ••tvlr ... ll'V -23fifl \\', Urea.n Front. 11,.rt>o1· r.1101, * * * Hv0.'1 fnr wud<ln1r: 111•11 16 r.ntl 5j µer \\'tt~ll. l~~ '..!lHl1 ~! 1'1 "·;,,11• e"t''""" :-; .. ,1·po1 T prtrr 11 ----- U~;\-Apt.s. for Kent BAl.UO A l~J.ANIJ I b(1fn1 t1Hn i,: .. r 11pl ln J1ill• 1 ·$&.~ I"" !"I d pd . K•1·. 087i·W . 7.'1~8•) :1 011HM 11:-.;f-i 1RN f ro;-;-tr1p1 ... ~ A 11ton1•\IC he11 \, r1 ,..:plar~. \01\l•·r p<I . y11 n1 nia ln!Hinrd Ownfr LI 8-:?7i('I -272 Bro•dwa.v, {'.~I 76c7.~ flp '- L A!t\lh:. 111<0111 1u1· 'J. 1"<.il"J:" "'"I" "' "'t~nl~, ,.11 ll••ll•" I'! 1v•h•i.:•·1< tt<'..,.<>(llUJJ,. '..!2 11 t)!~ll "o" A •·t", Cto•\H '-1•'"~ 11>11 ll~I !! :111 I<• :.I '.!<! '" i\! 13Al.HlJA IJJ.\'O r or nrr b118lnt'~8 11011!1• lur 11\('d" 111. 11'·11tn! or any p10!1•><11lon:il II~" :0.1 ntl•'1 :-i. hr at - HllJ. 1u11kin~ (Jwnrr ltl2 l"n . l"ln...,~P!. ~A l~I 2-1•!•:'.2 tfo' -----.. -,, __ . -----------· J\(J:\lt-.: & ]~{'(!~1 ~: WAj~i.,:y Tl;l~.l~~~~IZ~~! 1:~~1\' ~.I lt ~•t1 1 In • •I"• .. '' • I f\""l" ~' ) I t'""" n Jt .. t,. 1 11 ltlo:FINAN t..:~: ••tra•t II")• !"nn iJ, 1•·ut l:l..it + \Ve Uuy T n utt O•"'"~ fo1r f l '"' p•r m .... 11 •r11 .. ~ t9~ N!.'\VPORT RA LBn A SAVJ:-:(;s ' )•I•·'•' llv (1\0'11Pf !.J _ ...... .. a. 1.t)A:-.; A8.'iO<'I ATl0."\ 3J&tl Via L I.Ju Ph. 11 .. r. t 200 I "" 180 ft. Po ree I LOANS f -H--I :-;,.~r H~rk H111· <Jr .. 1.i ~~11 J -Or om es f>U x. lJU !"L• 5J:!Ou e._ H lu .1.16 ! ti·,~ -~u y1. Lo a n• Con\truction Loans t:t:t: B(Jll SA'ITLt~I { 1~!!'> lo:Al:LT Ct.1 Ai:rr Ul.\"IJ L:or.,n• ll el l>lar Harovr 38>!8 H"i' l'\llH11'.;lt MOll.TG A•:lt.: t..:11 M"lru L•I<:' Ina. F 1111\Ja Kl J·.:>ll'I~ CASH .•• t "UK THl;ST l)J:IJE Dll \\I Al. 8 . HOLT ?.I QHTG AGE BA.N"KlNG S INCE 1930. 41ilrc 16n!1 N flt ":;ll .Sf\.XTA A:-.:A EARN 10 °/. o:-.: \'01 '1-t M ONEY ~Tir n1orG infortna lion ca ll, KE:y11tone J .JJ8] .-r•-1~1 F.state \\'antOO II u .. j ~' \'I)\. nf'I•' J '\!IT 11 \\A ;";f ,, •11 1r •bn•••I lw!l11n hr•ll••' !)1 01 '' ""'I 1111•1 10 '].,~., llo !'11•t • f<.f ··"· •tl••f•jH !lllC <"f'nlPr IU\ol Tr11 n•p 'I H IS IS ~·i.11 \''II .s 11 ~·,o l !lllJ11 ,:11 \\"11 lr Jl"" 1· 1t1 1h1" ""w~p•r"r --~ $1150 DOWN ,i b•lrn, turn ro!t"llC " 11t re"r "' ll <I-Iv~. b•I. 170U\J ill ti •,;. 4:l.! 1)11./lh" Curun" •kl '-f•r . 78µ 0\.VNl::R TRANS FERJtED I •·•l :l!Jf',ltll1 l '1 bH lt1~ l~P. •lL>I N"'"ll"· Jtl,.., 11t1' pvrt. !....,l 6V i. ll•fi LUh•j'lf'IO).) !~1ll •"I •ll•! l,,n.i~, ~1 ·P•I )I I 2.'.0 ilO~l Ar1l'4· l1~11n A \'•, ('n•lll I.I ll-6!1111 M-1 Acreage Iii•·• lndua1tu1J 11111! l 1&iler po·r a cra, "••Y tern\li Jl1\:'\' fl J ACO l:IS~:N. ll,.11 1 ll11r. r1&!1J. 1.1 1'·6:JL 7,• K l f'OUT"t S17.:>0 f:El,I, y••111' hon\1•-:;--;:_~~ 1- < ".tll \I"" 1 ..... FH<\SK J,\:O.IF.S. ft,.11.l\nr F<1r ~"I". :'\'E.:\\' TltlPLEX _ By Owner ,,\l.0•11~1 ~!ult1plc l.ls11ni;: ~<>rvlr"I :1 1t /11a1·1n•' A l'<', llH llJ•H• l-~1,.,.,1 Hllr. ~042, (Jr f:"~•. !.J t!·7:tHi "' II 11.l .• 111·y !r,.1n vwn1:t'. nn IJlllt>(!il l1<ll<thl Uth• <or !wo to1,dr""11' ~111 u1 "' dtJJ. ic .,r.,,_r , y,·11 h •1'""'' '" hu 1hl In r1·,.nt. Hox. 11·2. N<!W:\· l 'l"S" II.Ii.( f• I·•• 11IK•n S~u .. ~00 s .... lo "l'I"•·· ' inl 11. r17'..! I 'Ill Ill" I. LIDO II :1 r 2'.•!>{1 .. 1. 68< MU '.l -:io r1 Int• on ~o. Bay ilront . $.1 1,{llJIJ t'•Ch . l;a ll T. D. Ro111 t r•, H•r . lOllll-W, or lt Y-.n 1..e-029. :\E\\"l'OHT Al':ACH HJ!O H ~('HOOL Jlitra l'LO"F: T\I ~1, .. 1o•rn ~ Ii 1' t-1 'It.'>; l!-111 ~:I• pl•c•. 1:•rs1e. I I• r b..>r t•t,tt:. '.l ho>·lrl>l~ hk' llt'W 19/J FUH lll'::\'T '4\fc or!1r<' In 11f'"' loUtl•llnirc. ""''r HESl'O."\S !llJ.~; pr,.·a\1~ p.irty ,,..,Jl l'"Y 1 1000 olov.·u on ,.Jll4>r "fl11rr- 11ppe1 ' In :-:e,,.·p,.rl \\'rile Kr.x. 11.;. :">"c"'l"•rl ~ .. 1·h. c .. 11 ''"' ~1.:>:"·R. Oip7!1 \\ ~: hA rllr n,.,,,1 h•l rin & d ;·n hc011 1,., llv1ne 1111. "'!th •lotllnl: 111·,.11 flni,:~tnnt fu·,.. phi• .. t. 1ncturt' window o v•r · l•..,kLrii;: f'lt!ln C-t"r~n1\r t l!P In h1 th, k1!ch .. n A 1'e1v1ca ronrn Crown of the Seo Motel In Coron• del Mor '-"""f•1rta bl,. r•••n11• •'-k tt< hrncl!r r.p!.• T\• llMy """'k nionthl,v r11t" :.!'\'•II~: 1· .. ,.~1 1111y 11,,r :;1\1 ~ ;,.,r li7 0 \\ .XP:R;.; l h,.•lrm hAy ''"""furn 11rt ""!!h TV. g11rh tli~P"~"I. 1-"'llllrh·v f•rll•ll,.~. pAllo1 IlRl.,,l. "vAllAtJlr & 1111•• nr 1·r11rl1c ~•Ii F"rrnlo':.f A\•f' ("nr"n'11 .-1 .. 1 ;\111r (,"'()AST f'ltOPERTIE.<:. CO. ltuth Jayra.J. Ha•ll'" M!lclt<>d H 111:11• 6 Hylv1a Thou1pant\ 3"1 IC "" l~"lbo>a ftl•··I , R•lhl'UI 2i;;,8 o r H•r. Hll'ilr " n .. 1 11rl l"n f11•1 u.• .. 1h~ r111~ .. flf"l " !• Ill 1hl nr"'ll f'•I" r 1 .. LUI •rll, ""I " hl1 ,. 1'1"'"" J,l<l•1 A n1p1 .. l'"rk.lni:: ~-., .. l11- r .. r n1 11t1 .. n. '"\I \Ir~ F ll' J,111() (IFl·'l('I·: :-.Ol'AC J-: ;-,;1111 L~.:,\~1 :-.:•i ,,·11rf" ~!··h<' !n I "111 •• -Ull·•"" ·1 l-.J1,•11n ' '' h '"~••'Tl ,.,, 1.,. '" n1ul , 11no; :">"•, f1:1'"t 1!11ll• l- 1111; "" t I "r Ll•h11 <>~• Lll)Q nF:Al.Tl'". AHSf•<"i!il(>~ '" • Ground Floor l-I1irbnr Jn\·c11tn1f':1t (._'.,. Bklg • 30th & Nt'WJH•rt Hlvd, l·l ar. 1600 2'. P..\l llF'f.""ll 'jo, .,,.,,.ll. (1f' "llllf"I ;•1,.t · , •-I I ", n.: ~1 l .'I I ~I • 1 I ' " 1 " ·1 I 1.. .< h<-<!1 in 1111!•"'11 ,,r,,unr\ 1~111111 hf\11<<' fU!"n fl1 S:I ... l'lll<I R11 lb"ll ('H~'.'I Sf\f.l)<(IJl 'HY R ... ,.11 .. r .11.•, ,',!17\ 7!!1•ill1 c: F: •l1~hv.11~t .. ·1 "tl,.rht"l t ,.,., i:1" .t. 1·111 l"'rl l~r1: .. ""·~;,T;~~ 111 ;J:~D ""' i!~~~~~l~-~~rt, .• _· ____ , rr .. 1•1• .. 1 !<"l!:nl! \t'i. ... r-'•ll!l1nnr l11·1ni,:. ),., i.:•• II\ 1 I Btdnn11. 1:! .•l:-'E:!S8 .t-J."\1"U,'4£ J•fllj)ttty , 3 b•lh•. 11l11u In c) 11 \ Bedrm. lltlt1 ii-l 'l """"t1~ ll\' o"'·nt'r · 1 ~111111 "1111 •Jt .115U St• y uur I.I 1'·!ii t>fi "Jt~r 0 p•n ur Wt'Pk · lu•••I br"k~r ur i'Vf"•. Fro11lLer "l"I" 7iltfr ;.:,:,:•-1 7()c8211 1;-,;1 1l "STHIAL w1\h , '""" !i !:l · ,U)lh 8 trr•'\, Ne\O'f'"rt l("'"·h. l.ot•1<'<l rur 51!>0. rr1••nlh f' ua ul1l1t1"" 1,(,.,.. tn.xe~. l'nLt J \<(111)0. liar . ·1:12J nr t ao& tr BY OWNER 2 •111f'l ":"t"• ., .. ,.r H11!h ilr h""I. "" •, ••re =--"' le•, .. l•nd n c .. 11 t"t\.Jrn 0'1 \n"""\mf'nt Zont"tl lo 1.1nl•I 1111<1 I 11nll• \\'1 11 t•lt,. p•r1 • , 1 .. 11..1 -..»Ill 111 a m '" IJ~.A t'T1 ~·L·1 : VIF;\\' H O MP.:. ,..., (':ot•l1110. ~11n ClPm,.11t.., 1Jrl11r1d an;l ~1111 l'e•!q1 1111 from your 11v1ni,: n"'rn "'ln•l11w. ,.hi• I• not 11 1, ·'"'h•d.J hut " llOMF: Y'•U <.1 11 IHI proud lo OWIT. CALL O\\'~:l;'::H. LI !·2&.:>i 2312 Cliff I 'l"l\'G 87rl!I Ml81510!'l BAY F'RUNTAC:E ~ ..... 0 1"11!'0 eo 11 '.l HI· l'rlv at<1 Bt•ch R1par1t1n I I iJ:'1l fl ll M1h<•r !l\'I\ '' ; ,, '" 1tr t11• !,11~1 lor "" ti11y l 'lV••"'I ,,1,t::-;i·1 •I HT 4 ;11·1~ ;,..c I I I ' • • I ' • Ptt' r.tat. II -f'.ata"' • Lido Isle • North Bay Front 11!:::::-::·a..=1:..:1':""~='•:_ ___ !1%-"'-~lle:;;al:::..::l'At=::•;::"':__----l tl!-BMI f'.ata!AI l'lEWPORT HA"~OR NEWS-PRESS -PART II -PAGi.5 FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 195" -<" - ISLANn West Bay Ave Gem Lido's Best Boys BALBOA L7 T WO 8DRM8 .. ' ...... R -2 """' 8% _, -·· ti! • ,, - i..v.iy ta.1 VlLW f rom liVll\I Ezc.Ju.IY• U.t1Ji1 ltx.qulatte J'M.r round eompktely tumi.l'lf.d Bt.y P'n:>nt horn•. lo- cated n-r bM n1d ol Lldo. 2 muter Vlf'\ll' ~room.. 2 family beclroom.. Hrvanta qua rt•r•, 4 bathroom•. Mr. • Mn. encloa- 11(1. dl'nall'I .. room• with ltlower1. V'4!w dl.nLn1 roum. butlel"'I k it· chen uff main kil crlen, Sil fl lt'I._. f'llC loH<I, c&rp'led BAY Vll:W up•t < • tanal. Pier 6: no.at. ! c•r p ra1e. SO. BAY FRONT, just reduced, (BR'., 1 bath, 2 firepl. pier and noat NOW $68.500 EXCLUSIVE 60 ft. frontage on So. Bay. Pie r and slip. a.BR. &-den, com p!. fumt.hed. Xlnt condition. roo1n. Ylr.plaoe, i..rse double B I B , ....... N..,. .ellool 6 churcl'lee t"'t.111.. prio. .. JUtlt uo.ooo M.ul.llpl• u.una 11 819:1. l..11.1g .. Stra <tll ('r~1t rv Lo t C-2 Zone BA YFRONT EXCLUSIVE-LIDO NORD Uu1lt·1n n1ni; .. ,\ (•\'"'" \\'•ll·lo·\1111.lt ~"'1'''11 11)t l,1k .. """"' i.n ,j u nly $1~ !:l.">U ~IJ" Lvl ltl $12 (;OHl \\'~ h 1>VC II ft•<.11 C <oO•! KILLION , reel eotate 23-11 :'\1·w1x.i rt Hlvd . Harbor f>f1!1~, FURNISH ED MO DELS O PEN BERMUDA WOODS REFRI GE RATED A IR-CONDITIONING 1 ·c1;.:·r 1·;~1 1 11)1i.1\HY ~l<J J )!;J~:\ :J b .. drm ;,nd 1:1 r11d1 1111 I t '"it\ oj ,•p 2 b1tl\i )!. 'r\I '~ 1•!\" t •I !1 1 111141 i-'\ I ' :· ,, II I h r t ., Ir' '.· l '\l•'l l "ll\1-' \l·:·r . ...: ·r rn.alll!•.I \,• 111 :-.:1 i 1 ·~1\\:-.; l"\'i \li·"I 'I ! ~ \ I •I . 'i · 1 I ! i•• \t'ltl 1•·1111,. >ti •' 11 ... .t.J,., ' "' II 'I I J 11 1:1-:i ··111 +"\. I .. " I 1 • ~ • I , · 1 '!I l'1 \I .I.I-I: lll J.\1 J·, ;... ... "' '" ' :1 It I< .... lt I ' •. I ' ' ' I I • j,. I•''! ,, d ., \ ,. II I" ~ I 1 J" 1 •' ~ 1 ! II I I• I •• I II ----· W EIGHING VALUl:S? 1 .. ~.,k 1 ng-I• I .~ •Ht n1• 11 .. •·' l\•>J'Th" 1li1'I :: )1,l r111 ~ L ,lh .• 1, i 1 .J " ' ' 1p1 . !>.1 .. 11 uiu~ 1•.it 11 , ,.,. s1.•1 • 1 k ()11l y ~l11-. l'I" I'·•\,,.\:• H.t 4 F I ' ~..'. ;,.,1111 J; .t !'i l1llH01d.1 l"I ,\ll•dl 1,.Jl 'l·:~ :-l ':-.. _1 111, !:'. lJt·1·u11 Ul\.I 1;L·r 1:1.,·rJ .f{ 1.111 \\',i:t. L',ill ;.;,,.,.. MURIEL M. PINOVER , Re ;il tor ~ 1 11 \ '111 SEE THIS OPEN HOUSE SA '1 6'. ..... 1 ·"' I! 1 • :-, l!;1;J,.1;, I < !1t il' I :: bolt ;11 II 1\ I, _q, .• ! \ I '1 l "\. l"Y. h 1 .I I : li<i !11l 1 r1 ' n1~·11t ,11 (I• CHESTER F. SALISBURY , Rea lt or V'UIJ prtce llll.&oo. T•rm•. e Irvine .TerN1ce e CUEITOM BUILT HOME • 2 Eiedrm•. A d"n • Luca ted on Dolph ln ~rrac·.- • Ci.r11et• A dr•iw~ • t:x1..,na1v"ly ht nda1:a 1i.-ll • l::l"l"lrtc kltl·hen Prtc• r•lh1r.U kl 132,600 Ter•n• HARBOR INVES~~~~J CO. j Evt< phonem. Ll li·.'.>aet1 H11 r 3i18e I NO. BAY FRONT. 1 y r. ed rear home .. old Or iental modem , remoclt>l- $49,llOO NEAR SO. RA''· 4 Bl~ .. 3 ba. wood paneled liv. rm. firepL, 2 B it . ovt'r g11 r . could easily be converted to t BR apt. Priced r ig ht at .. $27 .roo ~1 VL.TIPLE JJ$TfNC. :lOO R\<1\"k, un ui;ual bt:t1.ch home FA heut. 2 Bfl . furn .. i;unkt·11 garden. Terms $31 .500 t .. ITTl.E ISLANI), Tr or iclll :;ett!ng. 4 BR. plu11 1 BR. rental $34 .~50 LITILE IS LA ND, L'nuoutd 3 llH ... 3 bath home S36.:'>00 l~IDO NORD 5 Hit . ~ !=!It apl. Real de11.l to q ualified buye r. \Y e h &\'t' bu~·f'rt1 for good l!~ttngM. 1-fY liltt 4·6~22 1-l :t.rbor 5359 EARL I New Ocean Front ' W . STANLEY, Realtor :!:!~> ~1 .. r tllc r\V•·. l~a lbua Js la uU u~:A t.'T;Ft"L J t.eJrvurn, ~ t."!h ' -------------- /\0111e un \\ ~•l •'iJ l'nr r•· lot l'i•ln .•llilll Ill t i t.I) r••.Hll 'A\\ <•If'"' t11r""1t huut F A /1''&\ 1\11 ·• K I UUll OU/I dl ,k \ !llllpl,1• ~ I ""'"l"··I , , • U '" "'"~'''"' " ·ltl •' ~ f' '.~ '''"' ~I · """ SHAKE ROOF \\Enno~ rM ? .,,.u, , L•t '" IJLlll, OUI rv d h· T v ,2.•, •lnll 1 " ,,... I 'r . .. • · 1 ,..1 r u i;i ~ ~"'" .,._ """•' • l··•I "K ll'' I• 1\l 1 ~.I .. : ! :'• '··~" \;. ll \,.,Ir .. LIKE NEW 1•1,.;T ,\ ,l\~.~A~ l<~.-'1' 1~1 \' 1~1 """ lhlHl l<i I ' ! j, loU 1,,.,j rol)111 "'•tl• r1r .. 1 ol ~· • 11,.1•\"'0.•n t J .. , 1, 1111•1 'l""t"" ""'' •,.;• ··r.1 1 .... 1 ..,,,,.,•\ In 1•!\\0 1 '"' el'''·' I U} IHllt Ju.1 ••l,.d.-i'"~"' •0 •"11 J J.1 ~u" Rut.1,,,1 ,J••"" 1 ... ;, ·'' t •Newport-Mesa Rlty. li''lfl :'\'""'1"11! jlJ\·'! l '.,•I A \I ·t j l.I ~-.~.~1111 1·,,., 1!11 "J"'") I COSTA MESA R<1r!n• :: 11 .• 11,0 ""' h '\, "' i I • " \\"kll 1 .. \\ t ll !""" !•1 '!'"' [" lllJPll • f111l1 ~I'.,., 1?111•1 l 'n 1.r1•I 1 ~" .1u I"" \1 BACK BAY LOTS "2 '·t· .. 1 ..... ' • ., I t ·' A" f \~.~<I •n.j •• 1''" Your Corona de! Mar Estate Full Pr ice , $27 ,500! Jtl t:!· 1\l l \"!' -,·111 ' 1.r :·r t A1 ·1·1 .. \!ltl ,1. I\ 'jl lH!I "'I 11 •' 'r " 1.1 t , t Ofl' "17• If 1 I \\" t1 1•·1 d«1 1·,; ,,,,k kl'• h· 11 :ill'! d !1111 "ll• [I }"II .. r~· t11 1.J .. 1 lf\,111> IJ! •Z-<Hh•I bd :\l':,, ~l\t' 1-.111 r <,r]f .. r .. 1 tt;r ~ :• :1 r•'!!~ 1-::r:::: ;-:"::zl' f :1n11!<: h"!TI" ~t:!don1 ha .. tu 1:-· 1n11l1 q1!1· l11•llB!( t·11.u N.."C1 .so m u ctl '""'~·1 t 1•n11·u t \\ti~ 1"'l 1•h,,111• 14•1 11 11 .1~1Xi1 nt 1nt'llt 1 •~Lt~ " W . STUART FOOTE, Realtor _11 !7 \\' H 11 11 ... 1 11 1\'d ~· .. .,..·pnrt !{•·111 h I '!1«11,. ! l.11i,.1r _ l I·:\. Jll Ilg" l.Jli .. rt y .-.. .• -i 1 ~•0 OPEN HOUSE 1 • !'i H-.. 11111111 1•11·1.,,,)l,·.J !-lro 1 k 1!;1y ,.l\'Y.' ho111 •· ('.,1n h 111lr,~ 11.11 ::t d , 1, ii" r"d 1\111 .. 1 "11,J ).:L•"S 111 l" a • r1(•1t1,1 tH.l1 1.v·· t1··111 .. 1 •• 1 1,,1111111 ••1 1·11.14u 11.I 1J y1n.ir::. 111ak··~ Tl1"' ,( '11111:.I II•'"' hoolll l' ~ t .... 1111), :! h,1\h-., 1 .. d1:1n1 11• .11 :1 1,11 ).:.U;q.:·· 1111 l•n ~· 1 .. 1. '""rn 1 .. r "\\1111111Hl).: ]"''ol ,\1 "..:n1t11•·t1! \l•'\1' 1•! h.i \ and lull~. \'-.I :!:!11d ... tr• "L THE VOGEL t7nu ="•'l'>f1•1rl fJ l\d l'l1••n•· [,lbt·r\v ..... :1.1!1! COMPANY l \1L'll 11 ~!cal!. J-:\'1·n11\(I'. 11<1.r. J;;,:~~1-~1 C urt Dosh -Jac k Andre ws Clarence La ke 4 Bdrm.-2 Baths ::1:, \L11 1•, ,\'.1 I~. ji,, BALBOA ISLAND •1-.: ! I 'I' .,., If' I •! I'•• f'"•T ...... ., 11, • l"'l<IHITlll """·I )'" t ,.,,. II t,..,IT••"" I ' I ,i,. '· ' ' I , , , \.. " 111 !, 1' "I lllJ; ~lJ l1 1\< n i'"I "' £,,) J1 1!1 ~-'•I' I • T 11•" II " ' --. "' I "•' ,. 1, \1 '" '' H \ I ".,: I ! " \t '' '" It 1 1 "' ' I i 11 1\17 I e Lido Nord Bay Front v,.,.,, .. 1 ! ... n"" 'P' I •.'•r 1 "' 1-.k• •ll•n! I'~ I \\ '.\ I .I•' tll1 I I· 1 .. ,.,l•n<I I!'"''" It •· r •~~'"' Fii \ 1. •. ;111 i"I ,,I.tr $7" I' \1 • 111 i11•h11 ,; T.o '-• • \ -~ 11 >... '0 1 '' " F X•"L( ~I\~ I l~'f'J );(; • 1 r,ol I "'' 1,[[tl'~•l 1 ""'' C. ED JONES, Rltr_ 1 ::11!'!11 1.1111, l \~>t• h lnr111nn H I( 'J t!Kll1 •I \'I• uh1 1[1 ''' ' I ' ''' l•I"" "~ " ] 1.lht>t'\y " I 1!-3.1~.l l!l\•ll ll•t btu 1\11·1 Near Newport Pi er EARL W . STANLEY e /{ 1-;,\ l.'I'( 11: Harbor Inv. Co. .! l ,'\l l".-4 ~\'H .'\ l 1t•I<" j/Ml •I.:" l..1' ,. 111 •'ii~ l"t L1•u.1nl • I•"\ I•'' lh'" l'l"I''"' 1' 11".~I '•" 1 .. I •I • I I" I t 1111) J lfi :,.1,. ! di I 'I•" .... ,.II ,j,," II M>1 101' I "' )lu ll ~·' ~A l .~: "' I •~'.I. ,\I,\ H ! I· i~ H~::-.T HI I '111\11 '.; A ' 11.1111, II• I h' ':I ~I ' !II I' 1·•' II r ht•i·r I !•~ ,, ,n •" \; I '' .... l'fl f "Ill l•n ,, " \1 .. 1! I ,• 1 .i,: . I t·:.. II " l ·'I I '" I• I•' '"" 1'11• 1 ·1.) " " '•I .'•I' Balb oa Du pl ex I:,", I II I ""' lot· H'T1 .d ·"' ' J, •11•11 .. _\I .~1 > '1\\•1 I ,, l.'\ J' J.__, , ,, ... ·l ',,, '" \'\ . ' I·'' q l :F \l.Tf"l!!~ OPEN '.I ' I" :->I I: HI" \T l .. 1 I>" 1 j, Id ,,; •ill\ ;<I I I.! , ; : \I I , I "'•" " I;. I "'.' '. ' • I ,\ i l.'11 I I , j" '1 I , ,\ •11 I •·'I · l !-, I ' I ' \ '\ I ' '. ~ .... \\ 1~11 1 ... 11 '' ' :-1•"11: :.I H~:lJ/l.\{ ~lllrd"'''"'ct II•""~ l•••11li.r• <1 nul1I•' i;:8r•1t~ , I• $."..\•"I d••" ll 11 •11" l,U T !)11\l :.l j', n<•t Shafer Realty 11a1 . 1 Ul I""' ~,, 1• •1·1•1 • 'I l'I I' '! ', I' I ' • 1 ' . l \11 J l 1.,/1 \\ I In I Bay Shores ! 11"'11 I ,ody 1-( .. ,i .'\"()\\ l'Hll r:!• T O ,.,~.l.l. 1 lulr1n 1 ~, h;1!1\ f:1•!. ~· 1\ ,.,( r. " •I _.:I'' BALBOA ISLAND 1\tlrHf'IJ\'r> 111111!1•r1 1 \ h•.••lrn l . ~ l111 th h o1 m r P f'!'· fl' r f1•fl l\' ,j, • :~nr•1 l f111· r•nl••rt;i 1n1n~. f un :oi l·! ',, .• lq•~•·•'P A ,;!Hrn,.; th r .. \1· tr .,rn l·:.1;;1 bay (',,u11d• t••li IL11u1 -.hr •I ;iii.I r1·:1J\· !11 11 111\'f' 1n t11. ~'..!'-. ."i()tl 1 .. 11 1 1~ \\'~!. \\', :-:;TANLE Y SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD 1'11.rk ,\1·\· kl ,\1.111111 ·. !Su lt..1 .. 1 l1<lii 11./ INDUSTRIAL :"111 <l<'J'O "· 1\:.':'1 fr .. n ;-;·111111 Ann f11•f'v•:1 ,\' fronlilJ::•'- ;-;,.,.,.,;; :i11d H.IJ 11t1 h l 1t·M 11\'11 1lalih·. lt a.1Jt·,1,1d i;pur. \\ 111 ~f'"l l alt n t 1•nrL J<;:l\l 'J .1 ·;-;1 \·1-: .\1 ,1-:;.;·r;-; OSBORNE-FORTON, Realty I 'o or \ (JI ;1 11~t' I fl;u· ~d :J l CORONA DEL MAR Co· . •'\'t·~ J·;X!'•'l1l1! 111 111\ 111•" :1 bd t 111 ,\: 11l·11 hu!TI\ 'T.l\t',i{f' 1n 1 ~ 1,11 •11111 ·. ·• tJ11 1!\ri . h.!11.I 110•>1'>.\, d 1111n~ r m ..:h ;1k •· 1 •I I \1111 ·'! tt dbl i.(Ht !1 ..;1· ,;:1 .:.,;•d !t>t' :q •I l l' I ' I I I 1 .. 11 "' 111 I'" 1bl· :o.1•0 I" r 1t1,.1U IL JOHN E_ SADLEIR 1:.·:.\J .'Jl )J: ,\ J \'~·q·1-t ,\:\'('I·: TWO STORE llUILDlNO ln h eart ot BalbOa a t llS E . Balboa Bl.-1! I •lo r• 1..-2. olher vacnnt 1 Multlpl• U at lnlt' It t 8'9 P n f'.- 1• Ju•! ll&,000 . . . May w~ 1 1huw you~ I Evt!1 Uob H.•d••wa}'-llar l:tlll·J 7 Want Income 7 4 -Hou.em -Yeti 4 A LL N~W t ~rm hOWIPI '"'11 h );i111111e. no lot 715ll200 10<' ~:11.1 !Ide Coat1 M~u . A ll r"nt •••I Be•t buy tor 131,:alo. Tt1tuJ Live -In -One - THE OTH E:H 18 R~:J'\'T EI • fn1 S!J~I p~r mo A!lk II~ Bl>'"I\ •t>· ~·· ? 111ud1rn hou~•• Lu Ne .. ·port II • H<'l!h t<Jr 121 non Only S!· .. ,~1 <tnwn Th•Y a re WOrl h n1<J11• l':veft . Of-<• 8 1""''f'rt lillr 2.'l,J ~ \t BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES !:)110 \¥••1 H>1 lllua lih•I H11 rt.-•r .:i l~" I ! Try These For Size 0;1,.•f • 2 lif\lt M q,, I 1•ri1•. *'' d•)i• s~ '~l" 1.'\l'"r Ii J ~ i. IJ.JrlH . ""' > •• )ll I • • I • 1-'I·" r !l "l' ~<l '~o·I A! '' •• j , " • , 'i ' I 11 ... , ' .. I I Ill.Ill ; !1/1lt,l l l11j\ J''~"""' S IU•~J Hit do l 1FU ~;A K H, t(•..:.J £-~\~ .,,.. Jt J1•11 1 l •r. .I H K 1 11 l:iA IJIJI 11'.•I .i .\ ~LIP•\ I tll I 'I• ,.,. I' ( I" '~I""' •Ill '" " . Hn \I~~ .!: -,,,., ~<j\llfl A il'"I ~ I «I ~ ·"V ! 1,'\ · 3 U It I\•-' ,'-+•I• flt1I f:ll' " ! , " ~ Ll ll 1..'0l""Tl~Y ' I ! !! ''I Perf~l'I '''"'! J.11 1~" 1 I )I;'""' t ;,,,,J \~I 1110 'Mesa -Harbor Realty A ASJSVCI ,\ I ~-::> ~vii \.' .. nl<'! Sl L'v•IH M ~~· LI /\ 6\1 11 A. L.l ij ;;i.L y 1·1.~; Ev~ /'" l.J ~ ~·.i ~ I I 1 l ll"f': ~-.,. I'll I I •'.I '; \<i'-•Vi "" 1.b -h..v ... 1·n I.I 11.-.1e.11, l"~.\M ••l.'H ~~·~ I'!. 11,. :>i ll/\ I\ LARGE HOME l lt~H~: !;; v.-.i,; "'ti' 11.., 111 1;•· I "'i"·' tlok t .~•I tn .. 11, l"'"l ,,. ·•I• i, .. ,k 111g lul 1'"" 1 .... 1"""1 • ! 1.,,.1,1 ~.1 .. ~t 11""~" 11 .. 11,,. rlu•11 •, t.J• k l1· 1~"11 ""'I 1,,.1 •1 , l.11jl " !Jid 1" l."Lli l " I t' 'f lo "1 l11rlol , '"'t'I ~(! "\th l ... nLl!1f •d fl 'I 11·"~ ri ...... ,. nn·I .•/LILii••. r .. 11 type~ Ll<1Util1' lil;ll!'IK" "'llh 111 t11 rh•l1 wor k •nor Thtt 11 .. 111 .. "' l'I J'rl"fft•t r <•ntllU"n I 'I""" ITI ~:;,~! •1<11" t ·•~1 l 'I•'"~" ',oil 1 .. 1 dr1 11 1I~ LOVELY YI':!'! A T R1 1.Y 1.r•\'f:l.Y I""' 1 ~,.i """" h"'"" 'i ...... 111 Ji il!• "~ l"Hll•'" !h11f '"" "'l'"'11 v r • • T hi • ""'" h11• 11111 .i"'"'"' rl•" - I d•• t,1111h .. n.J l..111/,..n l l""' I •I n it.''." •I tll• hf'•t jt 11 rai:" .<n·I •• 1 •1 11 ~d \•1 ,. .. 11 rfl r J!l 7."1•) 11 °T h t1~1a n1 • hk.-1~111 B. A. NERESON llt·:Al .Tl1R 1f"~ :-o;.-.\lf'"l1 fill•\ !',.~\1< ,\!" M 1.11· .. ·1tv ll 1 11:~ 1-:1··~ J.r "11:•1 l.!h•I Tf /l 'l~l.1 I 1hi;r') ~ .10'7 NEWPORT HTS. J JJ;:Ll l~l /'l'FL'l . CO'JYJ'A t :I·: Full Price $7500 ll ~:ttF'. S A <1 :-.~; !'H/\:-.:1"1-'. r·. I.II l~TJ:.11i: tu h11 v ~II ,, 1,.,,,. !~ l r\11.. ' .. (I "~,, .. r j In H. ",, I '' '" '"''"I 11 II \\ I\ • ,1I1" t • I l 'I• 10'•<'·! 11\\<'ll"I ~n,J •1"' ••'' 1rrltor f •w1u·1 will tnk•• lnw •Ill l'•'.111lr tll ~;,,·~tll'l'll I r !"' T l I' ~fH'IL•I<! ~rl 1 !" 111• !l•·t 1110 k l' l"•'k • r \\.. "~' .. !hf' • ~II OC EAN FRONT Coast Properti<?s ·1(" .~ • l I '" .1 :•, '"'" 1 • I I' I'"' I•' (·.i.tl '" l'.l :l.j \ r.,, •I'•' .... ,.. .. !!'.•"·' ... ..1 'j.;l' .::r~:: J1 .. 11 \\' J"1 l1.01 ,I ,\,.,_•+ti.ii •' l·-.1·! ~·. • t l l:~ 11,11 !"1,1 •H a d1·I .\\ar I J.1 r :! 1 :!:.' ..... -;fl HARBOR 2042 Frank Jam es Linwood Vick ' " i3Y C \ VN'.:R " ~· .. 1 ' ,,. '' ,, ' " ·' " I 11• •~ ... "" .:--,.:.' RALPH P. MASKEY • '' I .,_ " Po\UL C. JONES, Rlt r. !I " ~ . I \ T r<Jii er ,,, .~ fl ~. I ., ,,, '"I '" ! ,(· I '* I. :-· .. 'l ',, \, •'I , IJi-:1,\11'· I ,' 1 ,\1 ;-. I !~ j,' " .~ •' ' r " L j ' • t. ·' ' . " ••• ' I. "' "' ·•'•I ...... : . I~!· \ I ·r1 !1! ! ! '\r" , • I ' • I 'I:•• I I 11" ~.,. t n'! OPEN AFTE RNOONS I d , I ~I \,. ,! IH I •••• 1 "'I' •1111 S,;,., • 1'- ' '"l''· 1 .. • tl,1. 1~1 ( "' "I! \l lll.•d' .111 . It 1 I ' I,_, INCOME ,. I-''. ·\ •,,,.,, ; ' '•' I .IF~-HA\I'"' o<·h l~.~(M'" j/. l•tll I',/ l!lt ~.·• '•' '' '"I • I " '' ~ • I I I " • -. ~' CLIFF HAVEN ,. ,,, '" " I• I '"'' 11 I I .... 1 . " COSTA ~ES A i !""" I " •I\ ']'·" I! REX RECHS. Rcel t oc : , .. ~ \\ t' .,,, l \•>l• I> I I ,1 INCOME I IL .-.· " ' 1· ' PROPERTY ,,I \ \ I "' I' ' ' Will Exc hange & H~· ,\I .T• •l\l" f I · Ill'-" Ho• l'T .,12 I •l.1 r 1 • ., I' '11:,1< ;: ,\II"" ••·l'•I 1 . .,,, 'I' '' ' .,,I '" . "·"''"'. Os borneForton !.1-'..\1."J"l" t'() " ·, ""' !I" ' ,., •. )'"'i ....... ,lo II.JI ~>1~1·1 ••\ "" Vi ew Lot' ! !-F ,'\ J\, I ' '• , " ·• I•, -:1~':' $750 DOWN ~!{1\'f<:S Ye I!. IN :1 IJ ~.IJl~,\1 pr Iii t11•11J1 11''" h• I"'' I ,.,, .. 1,,,n !•ln1d• n.o;d1ull ' •• :-""I "''''' ! 1.,111 .. •t 1 ... "l ""· l· 1 • ~~7:.u l'Ml"""11 1 '""'"r 11.i•n , .... 1 {'l ~Y Dl--: (;A T !-:~. l ~ro k rr l bi!t l 'la 1 <•nt lil, L"•"\" ,\l 1·,1o EXC ELLENT LOT ",! 11 1·1,f{r H I J<,H"t!<I ~.\·, "1 J I ~ 1 .• "~ \'ery 1 attracth1f' 3 year old modt>m 1 story home. 3 B. R., 2 baths, in addition to maid'a room &nd bath. All elPCtric k itchen, aandy beach. Owner will consider trade for 2 o r 3 8 . R . home. prefeni Lido, or will e:x1:h11.n ge ror larger ho me in Beverly Hill.II or Sll n Fo~rnando Valley. A ~k111g $65.lX>O -~f i ght discount a littlr for ca11.h. OCEANFRONT EXCLUSIVE Near Cathulic C hurch 11.ud .chOOl. r11.tf"d, completely rC'nl odt'lt-d 3 B. R .. Ne)YIY de<:o· 1 1 ~ bath homf! 1•11th ro n\m ~for additional urtll i:I. $21.0f)O -Term~. BALBOA PENINSULA ="•·v.· n111.!,·r n 3 B R .. J ,·11 -2 f1r1•pl:11-.·s, largr k1lcht·I!, 1 .. 1s .. r til.-N 1.-1• p1tt1u. n\·1·r -~1z•·1l J oub!,.. ga ra g•· Oct:a o \'1t·W. S32,500 -Ov..01\l·r rn 1g ht r.an11lder t radt for 1mallf'r houae or l'ltfl Harbr•r ;o ·,.11. or po111i1bly 1n co 1n1· -S u bmit. OPEN DAILY 1 4 P.M . 111 <; Strt:t"L :i H /{ :1 1111.th ,. 1111u,.t1t1I <h·•ul!ri l11 ts ••I ll1:q!1ltL•ll • f 't'lfll(<liL'fll ''\,.-11 11 l)t'Y. Il l\ .. )11!.\!•I I 11. r', '1 I t ·!t \ 1.t 1~ .1 I 1i. !~,-\ l .I~(/,\ ~:~~ j 1}! I /'l-.:S l ~·~1·1 .A -,i.•,-;.111 -ll • J 1,, , I I " ! j " f • • ! I <' c• 11 I I . I • • I " ' Jd11H.1 • ' '' r 11 1 · Dea l W ith Re a ltors BAY & BEACH REALTY , INC., Realtors 1 1.-~1 \\ l~albo1t 81\'d Balbo.1 I !.11 I :.:r i I . YOUR CHOICE Corona del Mar WOULD YOU PREFER .'\ ~ 111 ).:I ;· I ··~" 1·· l\!'t' ., 1!1tjl1 Y..i ~h~·1 .Jt"i"ll"H i, ( "J,,,..,. · Ill I 'II ]{ .: h1\ H I{ Hy.· l l<1<11!-i tir•\,la<•' .'"rd 1 '\:r11. l'<lr !I,•' 1-:111 tJ g •· ,t i :-.!1--:1~lt) Ill ·r .... u 1111it;. l•"I H:\'!>.;,Ht<l l "II'' I \ !~ apt 11\"1·1 :! , 111· 1-:Rrk g•' h<>th l r·a~"d i.;t""" .$~401 1 a n11u 11.lly ,.,,.,.11. 1!1 luc11 t111 n Pfl I Irr hid Rl .):!3,$111) Jiii !uduifr;: Jur n1t 11J• \1r I •1' \-, ·1 1 I 1' It ! liuildll!I.; 1 .. 1 ,ind ti h;.)f I 1.J 11 :u .! 1\1111lt ll k·· a 1••111 •1 v.·1 d th! :! bl1u kit 1r .. rn 11 .... 1 1),.tl 11 lr•·R11\· ha <. ;i '2 h···u·1,,•nl 11rll1 rr-n t1n~ :1t :o.i...'J 1•11 I Ctl /" J!••f \l••ll .11 1•! 1ho I• l.d 1 l'l•t> \Ii $!\,-;'~) .. l-•• \1 '!.L':-;I\ I·: \\!'I'l l F. C . ANDRESEN -Realtor 1·.~a . .;t ti .... ·.\ at ~1 :.r 1t,;11id . l«•n 111a d,•! ~!:1r H a r h"r 1'.'1 \(J ------1N u t ·s ·r1-:1 .. \I~ srrr:~ 2 b .. droun\ honH· & 1:>h(1)1 rcn l~J. plu11 cxlrli !ot1 M 1 zullt'. ~uV•l ::i J1Cculut16 n Ill l i1>1l .:r11w111g 8/'t!ll $1 3,5()11. 0Hl.v :S!JVUU d O\\'Jl. ]{• nt p uy11 balance with ;.:1..:·nd lllf; Ill• 1111·y It· ft. ;-;rn a ll s b,1p & :3 lo\,.;, ~.,,,J .:urnt"r . LIO!!-(' 111. ~II ZOlll' ~l ..... :1110 .,:••t.>tl J111an11n g . :--.ti:\\ ruB·r f1 1::1 c 111·s :! bt«lnJun1 ti.:. drn liu rn ". o·lui;,. 111. F-'111e '1111tr1cl. 0 1dy ;S l 1,\1\)IJ -1:uvd l~l"lll~. N.B.C. REALTY :t .:nd f,, .'\ewpn rt R ll'd . :Se""'llOTl Beat'h I la r :£>36 --- OPEN HOUSE I Iii .I .id\'. 13.dbull Isla nd ! 1 H . 111 _ l <> .-i 11. rll . !'"'a ! . ,\l:<l't'h 3 & :::iull .. ~l art..h ,I. i\ "'"'II l'ur111.-;hecl 3 bedn1<,n1. ] I but h hnrrif' ""'l! h a 1:ny \·H·.,..-ln•111 \Hrg•· l1\·1 11g ru1•rn. l)1n1ng rouni. /·,•!'1">·d air 11,•at . IJ.,11b l1 jij:ar11gc. Ov.·urr~ i:i10\'J1tg. i;,1 h 1.!1\I•• pr1o·t>d 1o i>t:ll n l $:l!i.!'"1tMI DORIS BRAY, Realtor liar L!I '" t}I $ S-$ $ I .I\· 1-: 1-·111.:1.: in 0 111 · -rr·nt • 1111• -2 tH'W h 11rn t'.'i f'&! h fu11ught:d. B11lh h a \·{' f1rcpla1'1•e, tile bsth11. ~al .q.:.•·>' 1!\·111 ;111 •li; It I I I l·'.xl t'J>l 11 1nal deal nuv.• a11 o y.·nt•rs' ht':tlt h 1rnt111•1l1.111• ll('l l<Jll rn.p1·11~· r lcar , .i;ub- d ••\\11 .1n.! ~ .. 11 .. , .,..•tJI ••1trr y balat11" O RANGE COA ST PR O PERTIES ]!o,:J ( ;.;,.wp•1r ! f{l\·d (·ngt&. b.1 e~;• I .I "· l f).1 '.! 1-":vr-" l.I f'. J-JllO ~IDO NORD BAY FRONT ,\TTH ;\{."'TJ\.F: 1 !'itnry h0mr. \i1·1i1 blr a nd conven- 1r11! T h rf'C' h1'1\nn~. 2 bat h11 . m11id'11 ro<H'n 11.nd bath. 1· I I !!UC; l"~i{S. Ur l~yan J 6029 -~· ···--· ~·-.~..--..-. ---. •• po ••• -.~ -., ._ . . --._.,. .. ·. PAGE 6 • PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~RMI F.otale ,FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1956 . a a aeo1- NEW BACK BAY HOME SPACIOUS 3 tx-drm. and den. large li''· room. din. room, firt:plat e. built in vven and range. Fenced and IAndl'ICaf)f'd. Ou banjo atrttl. with other equally luvely homee.. S26.500 full price. GOOD INCOME UNITS 7 furni11hed uni~ and 2 bedroom ho use in good East side location. Con11truct1on such t hat there 111 very little maintenance. All rented with ~~ n1o nth 1nCl._lln<•. '·17,500 full prit e . HOME ON C -2 LOT Two bedroon1, ne..-.'ly dccurat~ inside and out Only 6 y rs. (Jld . Near big shurping center. Ideal h.ica· t1o n for n1u1:11c t tat·ht·rs. y:..-.·e\ry rr-pair. ~un rr1H11r, t-tc. H.oum !r~ build u:1 lot $800U full pr11.:C. W ANT TO TRADE Ikaut1f ul 1,1 111u11 t h,; old. 3 BR. ;,nil dl'll F' • .\ hra\, r e<l bloc k wall Nl'ar ('haprn:;n a n.I Bror:k hu rst in 1 ;arl.1en 1 ir.,\·1· \\'a nt ;_1 K. t{ ilomf' 111 J\:""'11rirt !~('al·h a rl·a 3 BED ROOM HOME On(' Vf"Kr f•ld . llll lrlllflllat•· h••lll•· \\,•!! landHrapi:d an•I f<"n ct•tl. !\:,.;,,· 1•l1•111•·:1!;1ry :-.o·ti,,.,[ ·I f 111:illf · In&' l'>'llh S57111•r nu. payn1 •·11 1 ~ S:\1i2:,o lull J•!11 fi' ~1 :J(ll1 J .,v.·u GOOD TR IPLEX 'l'v,., \''""·~•>Iii "'' 11 •·•·fl-lf'l l• \•·d 111 ~'""! !:a.,1 1-. .... 1:1 .\I ""·' lu<.at!••!i J.;~11.'.• !i 1:n.:, 11-•ul:L t \\+, l.1t"!r11. ,\.J I•!,!• l ·-.~j ll !li'·ldt1 11!• o:I.• '-'1 ,+i.+ lud I 1" t THE VOGEL CO. J,1 1oi .'-'•1\t•· rt H J .! 1,. rt \0 " ~' "' • .. ,.r .1 \ 1 · -..o:1 ) '» !11li~-l\,11 l.r,i~I :0,\ Luxury Lido Bayf ront Home & Income 1\ '"ta!,./ i-.1.<o: h<'d1 •1 .. n1l' ,,n,J 1 • .i1r b.i\h.~ 1·"''1 11101 1· 1·111 k1l1h1·ni1 flli<l 1"'''' l••1•!1 •l"11· lz 11ng r• .. ·111.-; 1•l1 is lnl l'I .. r lu.'(ury •·xtr :ts l~•-.1 ut 1 !1il v.·all \<1 \\'~di 'a1 j '''llll~ 11.ll•I !••\r·l; dr.'1)H''l A l .~,, t l'o'!l Sl,•l •"l'I \ .\!J J 1·!1 1i.;1 rat•tn-l !1.•l""·al \\a,..h•r 111:.•1 Full 1<1 ••'"It!\ <\:1j."1 !!f!ll !· ..... ' ll•·tLl 1 .. 1111:- \·,111 Ill"\•' r q.,:ht 111 1 ' t lu• -..<'ld i.111 II:-• d ''"'lo• I'~ "!'••1trn"r1t ·r hi ,,th•·r .i.iu., •. 1,,,,11111•11t ,,, 0( I ill il• d )lHV, !·'101 111 1! t.·t J\<I!. 11u1"uh l\1'11 1·1tt:1·r I ;t-:'.\'J·: \'l{l·:J·J,,\:S J 1 l ~l !,I. 1.\1-:~l l"rl.>:S \ l l~I ;J :'\1..\ ~1A ~;o;(1;\ J(l;-.l·'.l'!l !I I ;J~(J/1:0.1 1\~ Lido Realty Associates l!:1th"1 111 I CLIFF HAVEN Al~ .. ; Yr)t" l.<)()l.\.l;\'1: FCll~ ,\ I.AH!;F:tt I Hl.\11-:·· I f l\o, v,·t· h '-l\.,. JU1'l thr1t. ·r:d,. brritll1ful ra zn bllng h•,rllf' 1·•1nt 111ns ·I h•··!rrns. :1 baths, d1n1ng-r r.or rn , d o11b)1· f1r!·pla1·(·, 11p11 t•111 u~ h\'111~ rno 111 and 1n add i· t io n th"'r•· 11; n largt' dl'll c11· f:unily r •io n1 ll 1.'l w1r1:d fur C'IC'\'l l't•' r;111).!". h ;1'< <•l.-.,·tn•· d1~hl'.·a,.hcr. d rapt'S a nd "'v.· 1·:•l!"l lll;:! l~··.1ut 1 f11 lly l1111d,.;1•apC'd a11d Fpr111 k lr r i-yi'tt+'ll1 :O.L11'l•·r l1ghl ~1\1!«hf'.:. and ()!"•o..llC'S 0 f <1Lh.-.r iti'tll,.., l••11 r1t l 1+nl .\· i n 1·ust•11n built hnmcs. T he/(' IS ;O!lf'l•· -"!•:11··· f•l••lldo•d Ill )l<t\J•• !•i r SV,'JJTI• m in g 111,.,J. l '1 1i1·•·1\y 1.~ i;1L11:il•'<i 11n C<lf'll('r lut 1n "Ii•· 111 lh• li•·.-.t 1·.1tl .. 1,f t 'l!ff lla\t·n. 1·11 1·: /'l<IL'I·; \\'IL\. SU !t l 'Rl sr~ \'(Jl,;. =--hiov,·11 hy appv intine11 t only. Ca 1J :->tan I~•· I .1t'\ r ,. EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor ! . I "\.:!fit; I LI TTLE BALB O A IS LAND ~l)j J•:.1:-l );JI\ )·'1 11111 (0·1•rJl1'!' Pn rk /\\"('Tl Ut'! i1 t;. dr1 .. •n1 ,, :~ bn th.<t Al'l'l'"\1:11;1!,.I;-~I l'•·;n ·s "Id 1',1nq.!11, l.1 .111,I I• !Y llh'"IY Ju r111s t11··d (J t11· h:i lr .. 1,·nt·1·:-h11' 111 f'rl\-:H~· i·u·r a nd llo a t r r 1•··· s.1;.-,,r111i\ ·r,.1·111.~ 1 .. s11 1t b11 y •'r ~ , r \\'111 ('X• h,1111:•· r .. r s1 "'" b11ild111i.:; )'r.•p"r t .v to ''l'l.d Ill' 111).:h<'t' \':tith • JOHN B. PRENDERGAST-Reciltor \I '[.1 'f..] \ 1•: ,\( .j•::-.:'J' Open Sat. & Sun. 1023 W . Ba y Ave., 1 to 5 p.m. R ('a l 1l\,,1 1n111 ;.: _, li••l1 ... •1n b11r~l:1l<1 \\' v.il h 11.b11 11k 1'•"'11\ S. li.otl1 .1 °l.1•'i l.,1 1!. l.11~1 ~,a !' ~n iat;" '['h1." h o>ilh_• L" Jlf:-.i "l'I · 11• 1;.11:i• .~"ho·,,~)';\\ 1111 n11 n ~ b<•a, Ii R tld lll li11;do ,I o ,, ,1 i ... I ' \"l '1111· l'""f. fll PJ>l:i r1• .111d ,urn p!.1t·i1 ltJll!•·I« I \,, 1·:i11 do.·h \l'r it f,.r 11 nde 1· :S:.!li I Wiil 111111•'¥•'1 .. Ill I• till~ \ DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 1-l ar 171 ~ BIB $800 Down THAT'S RIGHT ' O\\'NER SAVS SEU.. th11 \m . 01.eul•tt! 3 bdrm. i •, ye•r ulct ho1no1 w1th wall to w•ll carpet.., a ll .. 1ectn{' k 11r ht!n, n1<'r ly l1tntl •1:•~ . _ .j_.'.11equ•llt'<l •'&lu"' u! 5 10.7~ wuti\., duwn le11~ th11." the C<Mll or the r•rpet " 111011th· !y payinirnta leu lh1<u l<!ll\ T HlS \.\'ILi. SJo:LL TODAY ' Cliff Hciven KJNGS PLACE • :J IJf'<l l'IXITll.'I • lt•l•IW •K~1 rir.or11 • ·rht'•••H• <O••t•»il lr•I unit hraL • r·~,d ll1 1<k f11 •11l11 ·•· • U\'f'l •lital [0\·111.:-1 IJ'>lll up,n111 ~ unto • ~ti~11 ~r~d 111 11•1 '"'' r1ot10> • Ur •ul•lhll• l1tu·l•<·11p"'•I )lif\1 • 1; I Lann I ~~ n111 111rl t11>.e3 e F'i!! P''"' $!i ~··' Rcincho Linda • l , 11<'1" t•l!H j>IPlroly I Mu t •I • 11 "1 8'1' ,,,r n•I an.r •l••1-: k rnn~1~ 1 • ,\(1,.l~rll 1 l llU ••1 fl h h <' 1• Z !1r L111" I·•• ~1 p l lllJ ~<· •l"!I • \\ \\' ·~'!'"'• ll''"'l':l"HI • 1 .... 111;1! 1 1~1(~1"110' T!P 'P•A! • • A ll r l" 'tit k•t I .. ,, • :\it·1 H H.11 \ · " e ~I ~""" I" Cliff H aven " . . , I! ' ' ! . Pr ovincial L .\l.IY .\ll~lll 1·, ~ ~ •!. ·:~ ' <: ,1 r .. ,r \• I ' '• •. •.• 11 . " "' ! ' ''"'I lo .,,, " ' !~Ito" I'• '"' f' • • l '" 0:" I" I 1 ... i'' ' J,. !T It , ··• • ' " .\ I ' I I Ir ,_ ' • I ' I S.~ •,," • Bay & Beach Rlty Inc I <!7"1 tt .. 1 I" 1 I' '" "" I .... \\, '" ' I 11, ... 1 " , • ! 1 l I ' . l l 1\ \ /·. t ~ 1 '" IF Y1 1I l Ill·; :' LJ·: 1:1 .1-: I I! I l 11<:-.l·. . "l'h , f ' I" ·I . ' ' , .... l . , , ' ,, ,., '· " ~ ' 1 • 1 t \ r-t r I I \ 1 \• I I I\ ~ t I·• '" ,. ~ t ••• ,' I • " t t "' ~ ' .It• I '1 Ii I ·n }"~ ''"' lo•OH ~ .,I· !' I~\\ ,,\'I "I I·' I '11 11 !11'\ll ,, "' •: •· "I 1 0•1+1 •. "' I " , . ... I '~ I• ,_ .. "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" Drive ln l oday &Q.d .eie ror yo~l! the many QUt· irt:anding features o! tb.Ui remarkable com.mu.n.lty. Aiore and mort: Harbor area families are inapeeting these exquisite homes -noting their com.tort, con· venience and central location. - :Pi.lore and more ramilies who prefer a home in a tt- slricted quahly community are moving into their lr\'ine Tetrace home11. .. model Inspect built the by homes, Corp. Ma c co exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert 11·..-ine Terrace is located on Coast liighway 01ipoaite the nr-..-.· lrvint: Coa s t Country Oub. EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor EXCL cSJ\'j". 1.GENTS !'hone !·!arbor 444 8 rJr 1-'urthe r Information • F u r lt •·l"ou1me11Jal1un. \'o'C refe r y ou to anyone \\ hu h•1ldH a J .ea!irhold EEtatc in Irvine Terrace, R· a!'"ll Ila~', l~H\' :-:hi•r··~ ttnd C liff l·la vt'n WEEK-END SPECIAL Reduced t o $9850 $850 Dow n U\\;\l'..I ~ 1.1·.,\\l.'\t, :-."f.\'fl .. \\,\:\Ti" 1\1.'TIO.'.'' 1 ... 1. 11 ,; 1i ... [1·~·111 1i .. u1•· 111 ' .... 1a ~t ··!l.a (J11 ly 2 )<•lr.-11 ! ):<ll \l t,l 11 ll~!.li.d,.1·.•1"·1l!lllll l);l:'i.iti>.llj/' h·I ,\11111.\' H 1t 1· !'.'llra-.. \JAi.• r \\Jl l h· 11• 1111.11 .i •· this 1v1th l•·I•• lll•1ntl1I,)' \'.t,\l1l ••!1l~' THIS ONE WON 'T LA ST1 Fisher & Company l~<'.dlu1 ;, 111:.11ran1" lla1bu1-11 -'V VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR 11\ 1·:-;·J ,\/'\IJl.'-'G ' ;\ ! t•ii I h11nt"Y h"n1•·. J r•,.•lll"'. ~ !till hitths, I ! II lJ f't' hlk" tn 1 trt'plarr. J,1l('llllOll- the ()cean. 2 bt-d· hardwo•KI fl oors, 'lo\'•"I'•"! r1i1 J1u, h1 ·:1ut1l ul .~h rubt>f'ry ~t nd landsca!'ltlg , t<x 1 •·t 11 • r rt·1•1·n I I\' I'" 1 n ll" ! . lllll.:rl• 1r in1mat•u!a t,• . :>1.th•· Ull :1pp·1 I••1'••• 1111 11 hnrrlt·. l'rtl't•d 11.t .$2:J,V."J() 11 ··" .,, .. ,,.1 """" 1""1 1""1 .ii LE VEL VI EW LO T C H' hi d 1 ,1111.•• ,.,1 i111h· 1 :·"'"~ 1.i 1 a n-1 ----oront!I 19 an s Jll o! .. 1 ..... 1 Ill•· hr~t ,,.1 ...... 1, I !()lj' fri •lltag1·. 1-t..·Mt buy at s...;.:!;j() ( l_ncludf·s arth. l!"""h1•· 1•T 5:1~.~·11·• 1°·•11·• I sk ~·tt·li & 1.ians f11r bi:·uuliful 1700 sq. It. h ume} In·· y,,, 11·/\:\··r To.1 H ~: <'l.<•:-IE ' T!l 1 !11·: llA \ l :'\' J-lALU1\,\ NEWPORT HE IG HT S /\ . ..;K l\1 ;.;~:~' T!l~'.)';"''. llFI I« •I 1.11 11• 1,\!V 1,~r/i• 1 .. •11 ~\Ion 1 .. 1 t1nl'. S I ~.01111 ... 11 11 llf:l•H()•l :I! I U ~.\1 ~: l\!!t.1<l1•;r l1· 1 ,..,llu.J,.lr •I I~ 1 -.r l.1 H ~ !• ' '<I 1111 11 fl11•pl:.·•· 1 .. ,,,1 .. "'"'"" i !7 ~ .... ~!f;1J lt()(1 .\! H 11 .\I~: "llh .i::"r"L <\IU\l!~r~. IOll '"''""""" t"''' ~Ir" t:I .. ,11.ll rllt:'f'~ ~ ...... 11 fHr tio111" IU 1111111 1 t~''""n 1 .. t s 1~;,,.o 1er11•,. I'"''"" L liHJ U'I !.! lll'•'lt'! :) l.r"!ll \"'""~· 111••1<•1'1 ~··.111 ,.11 1 .. ,1 •• ul>lr J.:"1 "£' Ito·~ ul •l•""f:•" ·'/'ll•r ~j;i'\liH 1"11 "~ Balboa Realty Co. 11ppro.•o!l' B~n k 1•f (\l!\•I•• • u.·,~,. ';, .... 1 ... v 1·:,1 I.··~ 1/\1 t '1n11 rh11~ .Jn~·1•li111•· \\,j, ;,,,, !·. H11 ih"~ f11••l !11111•"1< l'huru· H 11t•IJ.,r :1~;~ BA ·r s11on1::s ut ·~::-; lh >!'S~; l-11 Sul :o;un ,\l,,n ,'\1,.'\T HE/\('lt h1''"" '" 1·•111,,/ ~ h ! l'l,I ~ I.,;• 1: II Ut\11 2 l •dl"~ :>~.I·~ !:°'>!'.I •I·: j.;l ""' '" ._ ..... l ~At'J\ l ~A V t., 2 1.nt l•t ~:\l.\ S21 """ ,\. •!"'I :i.;1• jul f1 "M II• Ir ' ~,.,,,.,, f"' "I'"" '• '<." , I'~" I •T ~ t .. •,.> 111'<·,1~11 l11,.;l11\ "''<pl • ~' ''"' Claire Van Horn i:v ·.1 1,1;: ' 2: , I \I I · .. ~ ·l ) '. !.! ... I.!~> HOME VIEW ' ' I~\ 11\,,\~:11 ~ 1>·l •11 Kn ! ,:•·:,I I ~H•nL'' ... \lh fhhll )•11<" 11,,•pl:"" I\\\ • "' \'• '• '.' 11"1: .. ~ T),, 1 .. -.,1 1,,. "' "'" :-..~"' P• 1 I ll ~ I"'• ._1 t t 1 I•\ ~:11,.1l•t •"°K \rr\' ''"•1 '' 11.•I ~ 1· $21'1"'"' 1·11 ~1 ;1·1~1 ·:····! ~i•l'T"' $:!IP•••' 4 ', ,,,,., .• • r•~l I,, :-:~:\\l'!•!lrs H~:;.;T HI\ ,·,,11 LJ 11 .~.-.~ 1.11\'••ly :1 h1 ·1J!'P10nl. :.!' bath \'tl<..:\V hnn1e l'.'ith An· thuny t lll·a lt'dl s 1\0 Hllln111i; pq1,1. 18' x ~1 · l1v111g 11u1rn . llag,.t11tl t' f1r"1.is .. ..,,. w carpeting , G. E . llrran1 kll l hl'n v,•it h sl'li'Ct b1rr h f<1 b1ncts. Inter· ~-.. 111. :-..l'Sll'ln, o•lf•I' 1'ara gc donr. ·I 'l'\' a ('r1a!i:i, sha.i-<e J "" 1 • I l" II. i.hO\\' l'I\". 'r.,., 1na11y .. u 1s t and1 n g: f eatures to men· \Vdl tradl' fnr g"od re~idl'nl1al Ju ts. L('t us you t hl!-: unusual hun1e. l''ull price S47.500. THE VOGEL CO. ' '.2tili7 E . Cua s t lly ., l \•runa •ICI :-Olar HA 17·11 lit\ 0757 REAL BARGAIN l·'nr lhi' n1n11 "Y 1t1Ls 1:-; th•' bo·:;t buy 11\ town, ln1 · n1.i «ul:i\1· 111 s1d•· and !•U1 • 'f'wu bPd roorn ho n1p 1io·;11· t hl' new i:1t y h.dl 1:1.11d vlv!io.: 111 to to wn . Wvod l ),101., l.Hrg(· ~arn)!\' l'•"!ll l'!!l dri vew!ly -1,.11 Y-ill x l:Jff l'r1ipcr\y 11u w rC'nted f<•r $60 a 1nonth. { ':111 b·· h;uidlt d f.-ir s2noo duwn. 'J'h1· J ull f ll'l('I' IS (•n ly $6500. CLOSE IN 11 ,•r···,. a tl a ndy buy Hl a th rt:t' bt'llr<1!11n h o nle with ll\11 h ;1t l1s. ()u l'Hl<l!<l•lc 11f lu ...,·t\ af'l11 -only t ...,_•o h!"t k" I l <>f•l I h.-. ~!•·sa 1 h1'al r<' :? years old. Hard· ""~"d 1 lu1 1r 'i .,111· ,.f 1 br n111st plPasant h\'!n~ ri,,•n :~ \1•11 '' i-.1• Pl't'o! 1111••. 1 ;ara,i.:• !'ati·~ l{a1'k · . 1::11.! l1 ·n·•d .-\!1.-y l'ull 1•r1r•· 1!-<inly $13 ,000. Ph il Su lliva n & G eo. T. Everson ]."\~11i :-..•·1~·pu1 t J.\h·d .. l 'usta ~11.'l'l!l l'h $ $ s s -11! 1\1 I•'" bt·l "'t'• 11 1 ·,,sta .\ll'l>a 1t 11d :)Kn ta Ana. n ear !lo11ho.•r J:h d 1·.,,, d.\'p!• $~~)i)1 1 a n a1rr. \\'a t t r 1\Pll l•",1rin 11ot., s1ibd 11·1ole SO<•!l. O RANGE CO A ST PR O PERTIE S 1..,~, ;\'1·..o.·1·"1'l !t;,.J . 1'11s ta ~h i;...i l.l l:,.Jt;::;:.! f:,r~ l~I ..,.J lh(I • • • AGE GATHERS DIGNITY SO THINK KJNOLT' of thit oldlth hOUM 11\al hi.I We&\hf'reQ 11\&n)' a •lonn &ad la aLLll lO c ood franuna-condition to w"ather m&ny mar. , • • Y"' -It'• .omirwha.t Ol'I the oldllh alde but It a.111·1 on crutchea. You'U l>t' 1urprued at what a pa.Int w....-i inc and • llltJe elbuw 1n.•• ... will do for It. Cona!dt'rlna tl\r price a nd the f•c:l lh., lol l.., eo x 106 on whl1:h l h•r• 1o1 11 2·bedroom homir. "dth e ll th" polenllal of a g ood ai1LI con1' fort.ablt hon1e . LhlR 1,. a r •,.. buy. Aflt'r 111• W{>lk 1,, don~ you anp thl1 huu...., "'ill b<• rula-hty proud of eat·h t"Jth .. r • 11ugh1y proud. Prh·td Ill s~OOO Ah110lut .. 1y nu c:hh1•li nt: .,11 1111 .. I on ~. Yr.1 ll II !II Nr ... 'port lit.I> • • • WE JUST ORDERED ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF CRYING TOWELS \\'t : 1;!\'E the.m !O !II•"'':' ""ll" •••n•• hloO la tt H "I':' 1, a •luplr ~ 11<>! trff our 1111 1111.: t~~·k Tr·~ ink I~ s!1JI "r l ,.,. 11,.," "'Ill l f 11 Braud 11~.,. ~ 1 ... ,1r"" "I' ~ 1. .. ,1rn•~ •lvwn l.IJ W•·r 111·11 !uu ,. r11 epl11•·" T.,.,,, 'l•r il:"'"K" ·1 !ong ~1·11~ ro lM" 1 ...... r, ·: i.h••r• ~11:1 " I u \Ile 'h1<11n~·! .,, I u l IJ .. •lh•' '"' ~1 "'' " '"' I to ~ ~,1 • "I 11 Jt "" 11 ~t" ,,i I' ' ' ' ! ~ " ' II"'' ,t , I" • ' , ,, J I"'""' 1~o11.,, J, "' 1 ~ d ,•• I''"" I 1111 11 ! ""' • • • ON LIDO ISLE TH ~ ,,-.;r.y :->l '•il' ,,., ~ \RTH 'J H ,\!' • /\:"> \'<•,\l l '"' I I' \\JIH Jtf~A\ "':·"' A <frl1 ~h\J,,! .I l•h t t •Pl" .... llh Z ll"!ll~ ... t , "' 1 <I !•"11111{ ;;1111 oll•I"' .. l.a 1 ,.~ /••'H• ~'"! '; •Ml r""'°'' 1 ,•• o 1·1 111eq )ll"•I •I S II o,.. I~"'• • • • DELI G HTFUL OCEAN I VIEW- " M•·r• P'"''"hll and <1Uu•t ll11n1: t,111 bf" }'(>Ur,. 111! tnt \)ll Y~ "r )<Jilt ILf t' l 2 on" bethnon• Up•I .• r11r "I~ f1unu.hN 5 l'.!,~U•I 'J"'!l ~r /1;,·~1 S ~J<IO ~q 1ut y \\'di •~II OJr t1 11LI<! 1n Nr wpor't llor1 th A r~h • • • YOU 'LL TURN HANDSPRINGS- ~'.1·~n If you ha vf' e.rt h rlt>-, It hrn I }'HU .,.., .... h Rt .... ~ < '"' 1 ... 1! )"ll rur S l 6 1)()() "''llh unly I l()(liJ o.1-•v. u I A l)rau1J ,,, . .,.. J t~Jruo1111 hulnf' I :l bath• loti•lr u v.·1 u1 111~ ,.~ t& • •l~ th.-k 1h h .. 11 F'1r· .. 11l a< •· 11ud\·ln .,,., • .,~IHI .!11 "'~ Z ,11r ~R l lli'" ~(1t''\ llfOl'l"l •JIPlo(.• 11 1• ~ll In 11111.1 11•11! f1,r ..._...""-' luc at1u11 • • • Se¥en 1.londs Reo lly & Investment Co. ·,03 .r.tn.i ~t N ~"''f'"'' B,h 1'•ltr Hu • :.~o~ Kltt't :. I' 111 tl1tr :,f,1)7 "C" THOMA,~ "C' THOMAS Million Dollar View PER.\tA:"'E!'.'T P A X 0 RA Jo.! I (' \'lE\\-l.o,·t !y 3 llte<l !Mlll, 2 ha th home on Cl if f lJru·• L,i:~ Ii\'. ron1 .,..,th floor 10 • e>Jl n£ "in(!'l"'~ for n1a a unu111 \'I~"'· ran'lll.•• •hn1nt1 rOOJ•11 v.·1 th r1re· place-w/w •·a1·~t1nk -13:i,ooo Cliff Haven F:Xf'ELl~t::\·T 3 b!:"J ro'ln1 I ~. bat h !inn>~ holW<I fltJ()r•. f LI ,.f'l"' f' <1111 I'"""'· IU\'f'i)' 1 o•H r }'flt 'I "•I Ii loll•h"'!llt 8' O<O!ll pl,h ly J.:!Hf"' l!l"kf' rr11 ' •'•I. top h!~Kllull 12~.::0<J\1 T"r!ll• Bayshores \·)~;\\· O F I.IA Y F.:nJnl Y"K I a 1 .. 1HHI ll\'lll(: on llH• 1111' ho••11h 1'11n111111111\y prt\IO :e br"' h Tiu~ hf•lllt' I:< 1.tralh lno ltl•'<I. h1o~ 3 bf'•l l'Qnn'I.•, 1 ~. tiut h~. Ii.:~ 1,, 100111 "'th fl11g111,,11., rur1•l11•" don nmn1 & d1n"I '" II ! r t1 Hll•I 1.• l'H.ll 'ElJ Hl\;HT a t $23 ~111•1 "C" THOMAS r:.F;A t~TOB. and A:->SQCIATI:::-; :.1• "-l ""~t 111v.·11 • 1.1 s -1~2~ =""".f'"' t u~,., h "C'· T l 10~1 AS "L~' 'fl"-10~1 ,\S I FOR SALE R·2 \'ic..-.· lot tiO x ltM I ft Un S"a..-.·11rd . Cor11 ns I-l1ghland8 PH.I Cl-:IJ TO S l-:I .L LI 8·427;! rlAYFHONT lflT lll'l .KHF;AI:! Fl :-:~; l)l""ATl ~);"i J~•MJ <1""11 I • t'l .. .11 11 BIB YOU'LL ROAR LIKE A LION! 'It you nll~ \11 "•• t.an1ba' J Two Homes! llr.••·t or T own' • T""u ~ '~""' P11r1u 1..1 ... ·n •?'i tl .. !h• r.a 11J .r11 ~p· • tll'HRY ' \\'ll>t)\\' !>fl 'S T SEL L S15,9!">0 1-,U l..I~ PRICE~ Two More! • 4 bdrm front '! 1Jolrn1 1r••' • ~:a~t,1<Jr ~ 1 11<1 :! )'t!Ol l• ul•I' • (:1rD d !•p ••" r r ~ hr•n1 Ct'1lln1 ! • O w11,.r """r•I S AYS s~:t .I.' ~J 3.5tMI Fl 'l.J_ l'l{IC"E 1 Almost Two! [;\'. ~f·'.\\'P0fi1' llF'.JC:l!1'S • L .. ri.;·· : \.II'" r .11 "'"II\~ • u .. • .. i. 1, ... ., 11.1. .. 1 !\·~>1· •~•'"f l :''· l .i.;.::.,\h t e Lo:~ 11 •·~· "' , t.,,•I • \\ I•'" ,, • •I•' \1 ,,,.,,. ·1,.• '1" -111n r i ·1.1, l'll t1..·1·:· Going Ga rage! • . ' o I . •. ' . '' " Big Lot! .. • ''"' 1 .... ·~·. :,• ~ '."-I " 'r•" I " . BAY & BEACH REALTY , INC. J11'.iH :S•V.l•PI\ J;,,11l1 1 1t1d 1 ·.,~ ! , ,\!< .. .;., ~ ·:1J!1 .. r111 .1 Llbfrt y .., 111i1 1":1 1•" l.Jb,..rly ..... \\Ill) CORONA DEL MAR r.-1 oor:H.1' t""'') h r and d··n. 111111 ~If x ::-.: IJ\·1ng ri>o in1. 1'1r•'11lar·1· ,.,(1,t111i:. i;l:1s,.; <l•HH 'i t11 ,, ,.,t·1Jud1·d patio plant1•d 111 t r .. p11·HI l'>h r u tJ.-; 1''1d!y ,·;or·f11•!i't l, large kttchC"n . dn1111g r••fnn. bath a nd T ·r "•11 h ugr b{'llr11orn ,.; \'o llh 1.,1 .~ ••f hu1lt ·111:-11\f'l'>.17.C''I g'.t<J· agt', .\~1 fuut 111\, bl••1k l•1 ,,~t·a u .~~ti .~M! '.\.Int 11·1111:-. C"UT J.::.<;T hous<' 111 ,,,...,.n, •'Ill'!""\•'•! dr .1p•·ll. ft•n1·f'<! lanJ 8{·11.111•d. 1:1 x '.!ll 1J1·1 n~ r·.;•111 .... ·11 Ii big f1n ·pla1C', h ""'J. llooMi. '..! b 1 111 • rMl1.1·d dhl i.;arag" S:!l ,!Wlll ~1 ', lua11 Dl:PLf:X. south <1( h..-.·y brr11 J1 ! n1 ·v.. 1 t W•• b('(J . ro1o m, anti on(' I b r· a1 •!. ""'II h ··)(\ r•a ru11 n1 a.nd 1 bath ffl r gur sti> n r own1·rf! UI'•'. h ltrhrnr1 h11ve (l bl. sin ks, garbagP d1spiJsalf:, hirch cab1n°ets. l'r1ced at $:.!f/.9;Jo to •rnt~ a 1a1lablo·, TO sr:F: Tl l l':s1<: -s t-:1<: 1·s RAY REAL TY COMP ANY 3 1·1.\ E. Cwftst 1-lwy l\1r Ur1:1 ~.i\l ar I-tar. 2288 (acroi;8 f ro m Ba nk i ~ '.Q •. ¥.J P.I E!-.fR l-~R 01-' 1'-IUl.TIPLl!: L , '{)'Mf;" SERVICE --- COST A MESA The Best T pwn on Ecirth 3 Br. horn,~. 11 : baths. 11..-.·d. fluurs, W ~v 'carpet, fJrC"plact:'. doublt:' gl\ragC', good J~ast.11dc location nC'ar 'f u11\1n A\·t. $1:!,i"51J v.·1th terms. NF..:\\IPORT HJ-..:JG l-fT:; -'l. Br. hun1t:' \.\·1th large den . Hwd. flours. f1rt'pla c(•. 1<:xtra large garage & ..-.·vrk shop. Home nN'd!I s.,n1(' pa1nt1ng & minor fixing. $13.500 ..-.·Jt h termH. DUPLEX : Ne;it & ('lean, ..-.·ood floors. roomy 1 Hr. ea ch s ide, shade t rees . $11},5(}() "'1th $2500 dn. and balanCl' $.80 per rno nt h. Br. hunie, 1-lwJ. floors, l.ot 50x 150 BG :S INESS WNE . i;aragc, A· I loc<1t1 011 for sn1atl busir11's11, Pnco: .'!i i l.ll~) ..-.·1th trrn1s. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1~11) Nt"'J'O rt A l\·o l . i'osta ~lt'"a 1 .. 1 8·1601 HELP US FINANCE A TRIP !.F:T·~ g1 'l ~ogeth"r and hl"'l)l a pour neglected d <1wntrvdd('n L"uupll" tak f' a trip . In E~u rope. All sonic one has lo do 1s buy their hume. Otherwise, they ..-.·111 ha\'t' t •J 8pt:nd th1· i;un1mer rambling artiunJ in titc1r 3 1-t !{. :!1 _ bath and den home- enJO)'ing the t..-.·o f1rel'lac1:s. \V\V carpetiqg thru· nut, the ;d i C'lectr11· k1t t h••n , the unbelie,·able clolK't sp;i t t~. th(· 1>h:1rpest 11\·. rl}U m you'll see 1n many a nv-vn. Ai"\IJ 1 he ~rea\P!:!t \'lt 'W you can imagine . l'hon(' f 1r J.;t, Wf' re ready to !!how it. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor !{, I~. 1-fO lJ(.;E, A1>suc 1all' 36~2 I-:. ! ·n~t l·lwy., L'o runa dPI fo.l nr !-lar 27i"4 s s s s 11 3R \.\'. \·u·tor1;i , OLl<..:A K \'I E \\I \ <il uc pat·kt-<J . 3 bl"'drn1i.. :! full b:1t.h homf'A, you v.·ould lo~·e lu live 1n • \o\'1 rlp fronlagc lots, patio.. 5alr11rnan on prC'm1sC"!i :::iaturday and :Sunday 1 • ~ p. nl or ~alJ ll!'o ;,r,nyt.unc to see. Only Sl1.!',()(J tcr1n11. ORANGE COA ST PR O PERTIES JfS.5/ i'\(•W)~1 rt 1.1 ~·163'.! li !"d . t.'uHla 1>1 esa !::\'CS. LI 8· 1400 .. 26U:l :'\1•\\ j•Pl l )~}I ,J. :'\11\!"'111-;:t'll.th Harl>nr I IOI)\\' :811;9 ------_____ .:_ __________________ _ 12 ........ G Weo!r.t.a. BILL'S BEST BUYS 3 Br., I i Baths On eu taide curbed and pa ved 11treet &: on aewer. A vailable March 20th. $450 down. $75 per mo. Full P rice $10;150 $'495.00 Down 4 B. R . J '.! 1 bath11, garbage disposal, exhauHt fan. All improvements in and paid fo r . Good ee.atside loca tion. F. P. $11 .09~. $82 pe r month .. A vailable March l ~th Half Aero-A-I Zo ning ExceptionaUy n ice 2 bedroom & den home with hardwood flooni and fir eplact'. J ust the place for the kid1 and thr:i r horse. DON'T ~1I SS THI S. F . P. $12,500 as low as $2000 dn. 8 Rental Units One half block from l la rbor Blvd .. \'ery elo!M' t l.l downtown area. Fnur dup\t>Xf'I>, rourt ILkf'. arranKe- ment, 8 garagi'l:i, 2 laundry rooms. nu.:~ly land- scaped, paved parking art·& in front fur gl.it·l1t.'i. Clean a nd attractive. &-st rental district in tow n. F. P. $•12.000 $17 ,000 duwn W . A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like Our friendly scl"\·1<·p'' 400 E . 17th ~t , l 'osta ~t 1·i;11 Liberty 8-1139 BALBOA ISLAND •-t OME A:\lJ I S I '1 J.\1 1·: If yiou ha\•e $10.000 for the dci v.·n payn1P11!. \\'J•: hfl\'P 11 v.· .. 10.J,.rful buy_ A bt'aun- ful home V.'lth ·I b~·dr1•1•nlii. :~ baths. large li \'111g ruon1 & bat h ,\11d f.,r that 1ncomi" a t1pa1·111u l!I l bt><lroom apl 11\• r ll ltd! ~1ze 2 car garag1· F1JRNIS H 1':J) 1pac1ou11 hnm.- 2 bedrooms. I H O ~! i.: -;S6(Jn0 1lo wn tnkes this J.li.rg1· J1v rm . sun r .... n1, din. rm .. b11th . ..:u11\·,.111 .. 11l k1tll•t·1 •. pat io and g1tragl' $1!•.~JI) f1 rn1 SJ-l ()RE('I .I fo'F'S \'TEW 1-I O ~f l:: -·I R. R a b1tthi. Bi"aut1fu\ly land.acaped i.:rounds fo'in•·i;t pride of u w n1•rRh1p h"n1" ln .. atu1n. Th is LH a l 'Al.L US NO\V. l 'OH.O NA IJLL .\l AR JNS IDE T IP OFf.' Ov.·n•·r is out of tht' l'lty. Immediate posi;csalLlll A tv.'•1 bedrm. home 01nly i y n1 . old 41\J like n1·v.·. A l:Jl::ST BOY a t .$13.5UO w~ have the kt•y" s u hurry to 8eC' this ooe BLANCHE A . GATES , Realtor ~i F..:MBERS Ql-' f\!U l .Tll'Ll-: l.L')Tl/':t; 31 1 Marine Ave., Balboa lsland-J'h. Har, 1671 t)J' lti7:L OWNER MOVING TO HA WAii IUST SELL 11nd has R }<:l)t_;('t;ll this 3 bt<lrr .. inl. 2 bath, ahakt' roof home to $1~}1~11! baclt bay a r<'a . v.·1th cun1pArabl" t3000 mor~ (And v.·orth ll ~ 0 1°1-:l\' [ ,Of'ated Ill I ht• hun11·;; prir t·J l'.N1'IJ_, SOLi) -468 E~thPr St . EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Thrtt! be<lrm. ~a c h hrirn". a fr·"' sh·p.i fr(Jn1 ocean. in t-xcellent rer1tul ari_•ii , 1H•a r Jll"r auJ ntar kelij, Completely furnished 1n1'luding .'J'\'. $1 2,:)()u v.·1th easy terms. JACK BRENNAN, REALTY "AT T H I:: A l\CH ES" 3320 W. Coast Hw y. 1-1 8-77~3 OPEN ~V1'~N I Nt;s UNTii_, ,i., P ~1. Corona del Mar's MOST BEAUTIFUL BAY VIEW BUILDING SITE Stitty fcf't -,-,,·er!o1n k1ng thr-\{;1y 111 the 200 blo<'k. Ca rnat ion A\·('. 1"his L!< la.'lt 111H' 1o•): J,1;;tt·d f'xclu11 ivcly 11 t s.:10.noo -"'1th 1·l's11·1<·l1°•n;; v.·i th F. C. ANDRESEN -Realtor ~l11r. 1541) IMPOR;T" ANT INFORMA TION1 t. BEA UTJF'U l.I.\" loc aled am1•n~ eitpensivi" h••111es 2. STRIK INIS cxtl'rior design, .,..·1th h('avy s h:i\.!c roof. 3. TI-I REE largt> bt'drooms and tv.·o b aths. 4. VF.RY 1.AllG E ktt f'hen with eating art"&. 5. PLEASANT !,l\'JNr. room overlooking a p11t io 6 . Gl-EAfo.t !NI; hnr1lv.·1if'd fl4i••rs. , 7. FORL;r.:1J 1ur h<'at . 8. NICELY l1111dst·111l{'d and fl'tH't•1 !. 9. THl.S HO f..11'.: 1 ~ undt•rpr1cPd fur a f;1st s;d1· ;11 $:2~.;,1~1 THE VOGEL CO. 32(\\ \\' C..1 nst i'l 1~h v.·tty. l"t''-''!'<l rt r{t.'lll h I .! .~-:l·l 8 1 ------------ BALBOA ISLAND TH.IS \"Ol l 1-.11 '~T SEF:: IF y1•u ar•· lo·nk111J.: fnr a humi' Rnd Ul<'' in1f'. A cha.rmjni::: rusl it· h0 •1111· '-''ll h '2 ~lrn1!>i ,, r ut ,• knotty pine kitr·IH•n \\',,.,,t J1i1t11•l1"\ thniu~h••lll jl,;1o·t• livin l{rOOnl ,,.,-:th Olltr':J<.:il\'t' rirt· placf'. A;":I> fl ~p;l <'IPU>= :.' llll•dn11 . ~ b:oth ,q•t v.·rt h 1.·L ·L · 1 ·.~ ~·1·1 1 < 1·1t u ·r: s . .-·rr:l{.\l S pnvate pAt 10 v i:.u r NELDA GIBSON, Realtor ~Of; ~fAr111•· A\'I' R 1ilh"a !!:l and ll3r ~11;: 11 r l'i~:! • • ' I • ~IEWPO ~T H/\ 0 nO~ NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 -PAGC I FR IDAY, MARCH 2. 195b p. a. palmer incorporated Samples developers of Isle Udo Free You find charm and bea uty on • B/B Udo Isle lido Bridge Office Typic•I of Lido'1 ullra-11ma rt modem horn~ ia lhi11 s triking 4-bednn. 2 bath house of unique com pact de.ign. The living-room features a handsome s tone f ireplace, beamed ceiling and aliding glass door!:! to the pleau.nt patio. The kitchen is a w o man's dretm wit h built-in ·oven and ~ge, bardwooJ cab· ine6 with matching tormica iunk tops. The ho n1e gain• added charm t rom the wall-to-wllil ca r peting. huge windowa, and .triking colon and wall pap(.·r. Of courteous, honest and sincere service. We ''.9 ex tremely proud of our sales people a nd are certain that you c&.n't find iie rvice any bet ter than ours. LID 0 lntt'lligent , prun\pt &t'rvice ~you r rea l etita~e needH I will be awarded to you mettly by calling. OPEN HOU SE I 5 LE ~lay w e suggest the foUowing ; J<te. Xfln11 ,,. ~II! & Sun I 1101 11' i'i fl<l CLIF'F' 1-IA VEN -3 bedrm. 2 bath •·---··· .. ·-·-··········· ... il9,95(J ,A 4 BF::111t00:>1, '!. b~th t1~no1 h· ·L IDO JSLF: _ 4_ be<lrm. 2 ba th furn ...... -· .. _ ........... $24.~ h<>rnl', 111rg\• uvuti.; '''""1 h111H •ruunil 11 l11 rr" 1'"1"1 "u to CL.JF'F 1-IA VEN -3 bed.rm., den, rumpus rm ......... $28,900 ~ut •fu l plan1111..:• bHil\ 1n I I T !IF; ~I OS'r CH ARMIN('; PRO. \'l :"'~·IAL ,.. t hal'~ t->'•·r a <1- .-~,.tl~.,.1 h 11 .. 3 IJ~•lnltllll•. <'On Y. <kr•. J h11 LIL~. Appc11nt n1 .. nt• of <''\'llll"ll" \>1st .. Uwn"r 11 lt•>'· ln.,: ' lt ,. The full price ~ $37,:iOO with $17.500 down. l.J Al~BOA 1:--·1.AND -.j bedrms., family rm. -...... ..$31,500 KBQ ltv<•n• t" 1"'."11" F·1""1 ·~ to 1. 6U' ~ot. ""luni.; $3:'! :'>•111 THIS ~~I \Ill' :....·t:\\' ~tOfl ERS h"'"" '""' ~ 1,..,11nun'I!. 'J l:trit n~. hHllb,,.!" <'1•"' k ll<'tll'll, lo>'tlY ""II I•• "I'll r 11.rprt1ng 111•·" 1,,.,1,, 1 .. 1p1,."111\'f' en\ry l •nh· $JC !t1l• o 25 sele-ct building aite. on UDO ISLE . A few 0 11 the BA YFRONT and the balance on quiet cru1>s street. close to · lJdo'1 private beachea. Comt' in and tell us your dPsire9°-we will try to help. \-\lh1·n all the advertising unoke elea.n, t he re .probably isn't a better place to· live in America than Lido Isle. INVESTIGAT E by coming to HEAJ.>QUA I~· TERS ! And n1any, n1any more -for example: ~1 flA'l ex1·1t1ng nl r1<lt>m home on LIDO ISLE. 2 bt-drn1ll. and d(•n, 3 bs1hs, on large lot with two patiae ~ 1°·1 n<'st shake tile roof. carpeted, art lati- 1'.ally ·papered, built-i n Tht'rmador oven and range. Complt tely fur niahhJ by decorator. Can 1how Friday unly. $37,500 J BEDROO:\IS, I '~ lon!h~ L"\~1'' p.uo A•k1n1:. $'.!i •Hl.t 1,, .... 1t11 4':'\!o: OF' THE l.A!tl)F::ST l,l t'r:'I ·••1 • ·•'1fl $20 /'IOO A I , :0: () O PEN HOUSE ~i~l~J7 ~l .11•\l~ .-·1 S t·l'J't•rl 1:-lo p. a. palmer incorporated ole henson co. management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole han,on co. manege.nent J 7UO v.'. coV1t high .... ·ay -liberty 8-5573 :-\.;1t un!:iy and :-::und.t\ \ no t" :i \IH \\1 ATEl"t l•'l ~ll;\·r f"\ ·1:."\ r ~l l !·:11 v..·ba t •'\'I !'Vht\d\ !'I !in k1i1~· l11r ·• 1 ''.'\l'l' Jur-t (Jr ,. (lfll\ h :it-:l B/ B Harbor Mesa Ranch Homes Corona del Mar Between Irvine a nd Tustin Ave i . Dea.I with Realtor. on Cabr;llo north of 17th St. Modem MO DEL FURN ISHE D BY OANIGER'S e Announcing!! e "The Pa ci fic" MU!JEL r10~1 r: • • Q J>EN • • Saturday -Sunday l tu 5 p, m. t1 ,.,.!.•" 11!·1: ,\:\]• l·L!l\I \ ,, ' 11 ).: I J ti )lo·atJ\Jt d . " h ot ~ I, " . '-· ,1 ,, !I ,1 1,, "Dea l with Realt or \" BAY & BEACH REAL TY INC. ( Spaclou• open plann1nj Love l!' •KludW piallo ,1 Oct-a n A n1ounla1n VUI"'• 'l bdrm. -2 hAlll• OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M . H•rbor lsl •nd Ro•d "JUHi r1 g h1 11 ,t!J,.1. !! .. i i" 1 ;1,1 : Hu1npu• toon1 E:>.t ria •lur •ge -btHll·h~ Be•n1ed C'll1ng1 \J()(J(i value •l l lO 000 So Is This • Attracu ve open plan • La rge !Ol 11o·1lh ocean VI•"' Heavy shake roofli. hard'A'ood floort1, btg double garages, fo rct·J-a1 r hl'lll, bu!lt·111 <)\'~ll and rang", d1eposals. i;t·v.·t:rt1, t1!1J1ng glass J uor.:;, U8l'd brick f1replaC('!l. Terrif1t loo klng homeR with exce:l lcn t floor plans un Costa ,\'lf'su'R 1nost det11rable i::aiot !'51dt·. • 3 1Je>h·wrn8 e 3 IJ•Ul1~ e Sha k<' r>~>t • lt.a\acd 11~111tont rireplai:e • l.1tnll l <11n111 jl' 11 rea • J..ot •l1 .. • 6~ !( I Ill • l:leaullful p•nel1rig • 1.L•!1'e eionll)' p•lHI ' VOGEL VALUES -BA LB OA ISL\A ND C HOOSE A 3 BDRM . HOME- KE\V OFF'Eltl~G -,\1 1!11 .... lo•v. 1•r110 1t \\o•n 1 l(l ng . 3&drm clo.~•·\,.;-;,,u1l1 l'"•\l11,111 IJ''tt\h firt>placf'. b c"1111 c t·1l 1ri;.:-\i ,t.;. 10"'1 ! .. 11~1 dld • Co runia HIJ llho.nri• • 3 heilrn1•. 2 b•!li• 3-bedrooin: $21950-$2000 down •;: F11ro·e•l 1011· tu1 n11i:'e•. g•rb•IC" •lie(1"Jl>il, \\',•tinjihVllllt' JI I h· "·u h er age rf'!idy f._,r ap! 0110·1 1 )1,111 r· ,,/\,l•>11s 11. :$:..'~ ·,1 111 nu I fur11 • • L.a rr e r .. n111 y roo111 • S•p-.r•le dining a rea • Dbl• jtAr~ge plu• o B1 port 3-bedroom and den: $22 ,950-$2000 down ,: !'l•p"rNlt 1erv1c' room F ine •'>ohln ~l Ln1t.all11.tion• i Nf-:AR Nf:::\V 3 l'll·:UR.\L n 1111t In el··•t n1· slUl'f ILnd 1,1\'f n «:tra!:" f._ r110 1• !'l\I j 1·.11 1,. I. 1-,,I ,,t J l11i.k • P:~tr11 nlr<> fo1 J31 .'\HU $19,500 t) .1 l.lf'drnu111• l ·'• b•!tos ·'r l .1 rl!:~ Jut • :'!" ' 11,.l o ·) /\:ir e p 11t"' with ,1 .. w .• ~ 11 •·p lN•,. --I lulll)ll' i,:11r1t11~ Fine Smal l I ', \:11 ~ I'" I'" 1·11•·1 •1•". ·°'"" I> rlo•< '"fl\ ••.I I: :)t•• 1L t•n ~!";,,II Home I. Litt le Bargain One i.,,11111 • htu ik l'U<Jill ,• ,\l 1~hly ' .. ~y • r)n ri·nn\ "r R·2 lnt • J'l.-,,lv ,,f ,.,,.1n1 1n 11a<'k e !\"'"·'"n"l,lo· 111 i l '!,-,.,., Wonderful View Lot , I ·:r Coron ri ll•jl'hl11 n<I.• I Sol h111 i;: nny ni. •I 3. ~i ll"~ ,.f VI'""' ;.: l 1:1:.n°~ Shorecliffs ,11a.,h11 t1 1\1:..111·\• :"'I•" 111 f I •'I y '··~1''" t i he.Jr n i•. ':.' hN 1 fl_, Ar••ho lrt'l 11f'algn I 11~11uUf 11 l h111•L•i 11plng Th~ hf'~l fn1 S\!l 511" l><'al v.·ilh f{l'.'al tor:s Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1·,11 .. nn ol ••I ,\\,.,• Off 1," Hai ~!:»13 ·1 OLE HANSON CO. e ( •1•l•,:h11 .. 11 ,j,.. '''"("I "' ,. • 1-.,1 ... ,1.,,.1,· 11 .... 1 •.• q .. •·1 d 1'1'"r 1•L1n !•r !!1•1 L111 1;1 .11 .. ·i--!.ol" t••.,11 1i.: e !to·~ll Hl•"I l\1•11 ,\1 1,,j,•1·11 h/'1 .1kl.1 "1 b.ir k1\1 l10'!\ ""1]1 d 1:-.f"'1";tl r·u1·11l :-t 1• d r,,, '-27 1klll 1'ract !'b 1on•· J.l bt·r\y ~-:?3ti3 I •~"'lnpt-1 Iii' Cll\r"f1•" I . C'oo"f"" Joh ll1Hlt H\ 2 STOH. \" ga r;•i.:•· ll•llllt' v.11!,1 •. l 'h .• 111,., • J .nn 11 • li.1k Q •1,,11tr r • r pr·' .. ,.. ,1 ... 11o "og t" 'I 1111111,.•1 • ll<'!l1 • 0 .... .1.'I \I • II Best Buys Corona del Mar ' ~HOnF:<·r.I FF:-; .Ju ... l 11:.!•··I -•·:>.1 lu""1''" \1·1th u~ jl HARBOR 1'h1 s 1nnnai 11!.1\1' ~ 1i ... 1rn1 and d1·11 b .. 111•· .. n ~h i/'J\11\~ INVESTMENT co Canyon l\L1ad 1~1l h p:iHor,11111c \IL'V.' pf 1wt•.1n. lnll'-' • h:n .. l t\' f'lll•• 1nl"r11 r lln' · .. JIOv. 11 1i.; th•·-..·· h· ,,.,, ~ \\•• k d.11 ,., .1 11>! :-:un l.1 1 THE VOGEL CO. :_'II• ~\.n IJi' ,\\' a niJcany un . r·A h• .. 11, l•u go l l:q.~~l •ill•' pal111, l'.arptt,'I l{l'~A J :J"OJ :S ,"\1•>.t ,(,<u r· 1., 1ho 1'1 ° ... t ~Jll11 0· anJ draJ'•',; 11 11lt1dL·d ,ind .. uty $31 .~itlil. 1 ~1::1"1'f_:I( 11 111 1"" 1•1"" l-h1.r 1\1 1;\, .. , lla1 Ji Uflfl\' 1111 t h1."> u111· -1l \\'On't IC1:-l. f 1 1 __ '_·~:ii:-111011°· 1_._'_'_·'_·_"'-"--l --------- ;--:p1•:Cl t\I_, 13C Y, ~ b1·J1ni.. !110111-.· pi ll~ un 1n1~1r-1 r H llljlll:< l l"tfl <, l1 •ll<"d }aid, l!l'l d t i""l'l'\, dii-:]•OO!<il , 111rlllL!'+' h;:>;!l. J-'11 11 p 1'1l'f' S l a ,;)lJ\) S31tOll d(Jl\'fl . ~10:1·; 'f l\IS 'l'UlJ1\\'. g ll l'h;q.:j• -f)nly DCPLt:X. l'lui.( .. 1n 1 h //11·,_. lri('at1r•n . 1 bcdrm. rat:l1, SOMEONE I\\ >II(• lti>.~ ""II 11•1'1 1>j ll\•tJ 2 •n•d '-"''-'l "l'i•1 l1nt'nl. I lu~ ;-; .. , .. 11 J .. 11i:·· J MULTIPLE LISTING OF THE unll Caravan Sp ec ial ' MONTH 1 un1L t u r n11:;hl'J ,.r id 1111 l•·a"" :ti;:.,-;~.!"'" 111.,, 1:ur· nit url· 111l·lu•it'd. 1:n 1n t uni t h\'H1labl1• fnr bt1Y1'/', }-'!' $10,7.-,q :-.;1111f(I d"\\11 "'ill lia11d l1~ .~ '"' O·• tw.lr•~!l•l upper !'I l ,.:, 111"1 l"•lh p8r\11J1y l ,,; 11" ~ ! "I"'' 1 tl l•-111 ~1 ·o<+ I• 11• I J '·' I " .I II MULT IPLE, ~ISTI N G NO. 673 8 111·:1.r ·x1·: L.<J J {~J:'.J~ l iL'l'J.1.::-.. t11···1ola1·•·. l)t •,.,l J1io :it1u11 ~II· \\ll b~· ati1'"1n\rrh·1 ft. l'l'1red at S:l~.11100. ·rl'rn1~ 'an bt.··arr<111g,..,d. .\11·:~1FiF.ll OF .\11 ·1:r11·1.1.; J.IS'l'Ii\'(;s, CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. l'lt ll 'I'..'. 'I' . .\lt·l ·t 'J;-;1·1{);"\, lt•·;d\~J I' \la t'. ·17 l •JI l"•lh' I l.1.d I I r;,. ,1 "!'Pllll!1•·11 1 1.,r th•• ,,.,! 111-. 1 ... 1111} A:"'I • .1n 111• """ 11111 1 to 1111\' 11 .. • 1.1 11~ 1¥111 I \\'Hit l"fl l"lll: Oce a n Fron t Ho me IH~ rlo•llJl>l.11111 l"!H!l{'•ll kf1•1 :\h•t · h11 lh 1, .. ,1.·· I""..: r•""" "Ith fur- i\11 ·1,1·11•1 .I·: 1.1:-;·r1~1; I OfJ io ·~· 1<"·:1lt><! l\t•XI d •.,o r tu ;"\••\.\I 'll! t ! !tlL b0ir ll1111)1, ClJ1Il :.':•::,:.-. .,::··:::,:.:.;:··:,::.~ .. "'" I Newport Harbor Board of Realtors s~la ~\le ~1.~+~o.~a r:~I' ~"~!~I ~~)~ l ~1 1ilt 1)'I•' [.I!'\ ITIJ-.: S••n 'I• l' ,See M e-Ta Nelson Tl\l·: ,\l•IST IMl'<Jl lTA:"T A U I \•11 1.1. t t ~:AI• 'l'\>I J,\Y ,·11H~!:"'A I•~:[. ~!Al{ :.,,s1·~;.::-.. 1)1\:,1·:lt ;:;.\·,s :)~:1.1 •. 11 11 0• 111"11 ! bcol'""n' : nn th. f.,,. ) 'I Fl • " 1,. I" • 1 '), " n ' I .)uo lt 11 "o" '" ""11 H ~ , ,, "II'"" 11n11Jlo 1110.: 1;11o,,11.11leoJ l'.:1<Llll.~11·;_· J.1,.lin ~ 1 ,\llTISTh.-: 2 br.!r"i. lo"rt. floors, ~1111tl l nnH In 1 .... r, '.' hlQ<'k" f1 •:n1 1 11 .. y \\"i"ld • ''""' ··r !r!ld~ ror d loplt:c In C"rnnt• •11'1 1-l •r $1.1 0111) 1<111 prlr" t:\.( Ll'Sl \'E 1.1s·r1s1. l.'l_)!.:T A :\L ~:s ·\ L()\'~:L\' '.! 111·.l it(.\l I BAT H H ·I"•! !I""'' i"l ~o Jqt h<'HU I t" I•. Ill:! I~•,,,,.. I ""''I 1 "'I! ''110!1 ~ Ul l f'I •" lo 11 !""' II,.\\~ ,\ I'.':"'•'\! <\1'Tl\I • 1•'1 "·I ,\'"'"' I'<~ t .,,,. 1 ,.;, ~ 11,.,1, "'~ I udo 1 f 11, ,-.1 \\l·'.'f'A :"'l·'.l ,~o•'' ~\j ,>I< I' !\"\"I I o,..·y CO.-O"A. dfl ,\lnr /1.,,1 ;,;,1111 O'ic 81'1 CURT DOSH, Rltr. ! 3 ! 5 Ma rine Ave. I H•rbor 156 0 1 ·'01,1.t. 111·.l'I ,\1 It••! SI·: l '•:'!o.0 1.,.,' , .. • ~ s···, . "' r .. , ·o ~ 0 • • i r -! I ,,, • ' I .o ' 1-.,.1 •\I~~~ , I t''' •' 1 ?"'', "l'f• Open House HARBOR HIG HLANDS t N"1\· a1 111cxcd 1,, ~. \~·po )r\ flt>a ..:111 Op1+1oi..11 .. 19th ~1· .111tl f1"\·1nl' A \'•· l fl1 ;> J 'r1 ~• 11°:1 l .n1H' J,o\'cly (•()n l••r hon1•· ,,f 3 b· tr1i.o rnt" \\'It h l:111•l,., :11•· in).:. ~1 ·q .. · -.1.1k1 ''" ,, :i n.It • 1 I\' 1 .. 1 1n11111·.J1at .· ,,,. lHl•;1110 \ \h\llo l~l 1\• 111 II l .1t •d\\1Hlttf\•l~k.~•\t111l 1'1 11••· '17.1(1n 1·'11 1\ J,1•a1t • 1\ I,~, I :t I .11 111 hlo DU NCA l\J HARD ES TY, Realtor BUILD 937 1155 NOW .. $4 .90 per sq . ft . Square Square Fo ot Fo ot Hom e-$4595 Ho\.n e-$5595 OP!'·~:'\' ~t·:-.1 1.\Y ,\l·"!l·:l::'\0!;:'\,..: ::· \\P::ft\tf'•A'i~. , ' SCOTCH C O N ST RUCTION of G arde n G rove, In c. 1 l 11 11 \\ ... I ! I -I' ' I "I I I • 1 ( ' j ' I u HESPERIA l)!'l"'rtu111!y ,,j a i1fl·l1n1c_, r.E:T l:"' O:"' T HI'; GRU! ':"'D ( ~ L("l<JI( A <•I.I t1•·111g OOrn l:lr.~l 4 1 d· ,,·~l ll\·1111: /\ hu1,.h1n1·~ 10! ""'"' jlil \'l"i :<t •"l'\11. l"Nlllf'n11"1 Jo h.,o!u.•lro"I n.1.-ag" \\1•11d•t l uf • ; i••·rl111111 , rur 1n<'e~lnh n! J _.I "~ 1 .. 11 '"" f I 1 II !I it I ,,,,,,, .. oHl o .. O! l,\l,I, I .I~ O.!!:t. ~ t "" I• llto"I••• INl lt>IO C L YOE GA TE S. Broker I '• 1 I 1 o,, <! ·~ I •1\I,< ,\11•.,il Newport Heights 1.. 11111 .! h·h' • h• i!I'' Jl1•1 \·,.!• •>i>I Hlit k 1 •r •jJIH• l>' "' t !" I l1u I <11, !1 >; H <" ' I ,\ • I 11""' ~ ( '_.·11 I • 1> k • II 11 til \'0•1 '"' I 110• >' ~ 1111 1110 ~ 511 ·'-"" \\, 1\11,•· 1 .. ~··- \I•" IU ",.\<t• r' ll•'>Ll11• !tu• i < • ,,, '"I ~ IJ t1 •11 !>ot011~ f••I , ______ _ IJUST THROW A FROM STONE 'S NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL This 3 bcdrm. home na~ 1 & 1 ~ bath!!. fircplacr, brcakJa ~t bar. d1nini::-a rea & p;1t1u. Property 111 fenced anct Jandscap•f'J, Uwner 'i; l+·;•\'Jng f ur J apan and n1ust !'l('\J 1'111·<'d at .. nJy $13.500 rr J1·:-:T <.:1\l" .. r 1.As·r· (':111 St ~1n J.....-· l.11•\1•• EARL w . STANLEY , Realtor 'l!Jth .!.:. [r-\ 11\•' L! 8-7056 ------ NEWPORT BEACH T\l'Il :i.•ly•1n11.:.: 1 ;~ I! I01•:11 1o,11 SHi.:,1111 !1•1 eri1n rncrc1R.\ lu\~. f;~erllrnl b1)1 h. \\'ill cons ider tf•rrrl!\. BALBOA PENINSULA ~!-;\\' li~':''J'l!' :1 1-tt·'1 11~1n1 l ''1 bath~. f1rcplncr, tJtUl1·111 il ttf'ho ·n plt\I" -$'.\.'!(~I -$7~MKJ do ... 1:n. i 12 ·••fl THE VOGEL co. LIDO ... OFFICE '.t ill', \'1a J,1d o_ !'\101 l ~rh lia r 1!•71 QI' H 11.r 4972 "ART " ADAIR , Rltr.1 o' ' ' \I 1:\• .. I.I ":l1 1HI liar :ii I:! ; I ~ "'.., PAGE I · PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1956 \ ' • • ' • • WHEN CAS EY danced wa h the strawberry blo nde .. , and the boys down al the barbershop c!ose harmonized on "Sw e et Ad el ine ", ... those were the "good old da y s.'' Especia ll y when you went shopping a nd could brag on how far a dollar would go. Bo ys a nd g;rls together, you and Mamie O 'Rou rke ... everybody got in the act to 90 "d o w nt o wn " a nd shop on Saturday night. Sure you hit ched up "old Nelly" loaded all the kids a board a nd made a n occas ion of the vi sit. Perhaps we ore antedating ourselve1 just a l;+t le but we do remember , the load• that would climb aboard the Model "T" from Th eo Robins agency across the street anJ head for town. Why sure we did it too! Bu t no t a ny more. We c a n buy better, buy more , park easier, and meet all our friands a nd old t ime ne ig hbors, a nd fellow townspeople right here at home. Why sure, a dollar doesn't go as far anywhere a' it u5ed to. The thing is that e very- body has mo re of 'em . But to get the greate5t mileage out of every cent you can do better on everything you buy right he re at home. The profits liriger longer and 5tretch the growing valuation f o f the b enefit of everyone in town. Y c s, you can park ea5ier here at home, whether you 5hop one area or another, a ny- wh ere in t he community parking i' easier, people are plea5anter, a nd who know5 ... you might mee t so me old sidekick, boy friend or girl friend that you haven't seen in year' ..• and fo r sure we'll be gled to 5ee you and pe.>5 the time of day. , FORG-IT HARD RE THE FINEST-MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE Hardware • • • • Paints ... Wallpaper • • • Appliances . . . TV • . . Radio A Good Friendly Place to Shop OPEN 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. SUNDA YI & HOLIDAYS Harbor 116 New.port Beach ~ • - I l • I . I I '