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1956-03-09 - Newport Harbor News Press
• ~· . ·-. . ' .. -~ .. • I , RARisOR . ' lfEWPO·ltt NE-WS PRESS 49th YE.A:R-NUMBER 4 N~)YPORT B&ACH, CALIFORNIA. nm>AY, llAllCH 8, HIM FrvE CENTS PHONE HARBOR 1816 -------- Horse Track looms Nearer UnAmerican ·Committee ~::~~!,::~~~.:Summons 3 Local Folk ,,Ill!• \ "Ht\ F•ur r,r••Un•I~ ~""I• GOURMETS DONATE $4350 TO HOAG FUND Therf' \l.'c·r{' 1"a t1;if1c·d "l·u~tomers" from every perapr'Ctive who filled the dining f af'il1t1l.'s ,.f 1i:11rarn's 1n Balboa \Vednesday night -happy participants 111 thf' "(;nurn1('t .. d11~111"1' preparet..I by J am("s Karanl fo r all thost" who donated S50 p1•f pl::it1· f111· th1, b1·1a·f1l .,f lhl· Hoag ~temorial Hospital building fund. Pict urt.,_I Jf"l1v .. rin~ 1 h,.. t'll\'1·lup1' n f f'h <'c k B and cash are, froni left. Mr. and f\lrs. Ja m l'H K ararn. (;1·nt g" fl ••l!.J.: 11 . '-lrs W1111frt>d Bacon. hospital adn11nistraltl r and r-.11·s ' " 1., -:I! LI <•I >'\lj•t'I \'I"' •t I" 11"'1 111 "'MESA CHAMBER INDUSTRIAL SURVEY GETS DIRECTORS' OKAY -~~-.••11 .... ·1th d ll t'• 1 ..... ~1 .. 1 1·~11"' "-~''' 1ll\ll• , 011:. "' S11nl11 A11~ 'fl ,\I lh., """n 11,rr!l n~ ,.JI I I."~' 1.-.11 ,,,,,-. t1a11d1"l •••111•··• 01! ,, .. '-'' ,,,., ~I ' " (;t'l1rg~· llva,t II li:ura111 lurn('d over to hoi;p1tal attac l11'!'i $135<1 -!;1aff Pho to "' ,, I \O " .. ,.,, . •, I Ii'. •, " .. HOSPITAL, STICKLER REMOVED FROM SUIT Brought Malpractice Adion by Hoag Patient to Continue ·Police Block Lido Isle to Find Thief ' . ,,, "' "' " . ' ll \1 \ ........ ~, . 1,. II•'•• I ' " '"-. .i...:, . ti. '" " ' q ,. " ' ••I I ,.1, I ....... 1 ,, ,, '' ..,1 '" " " '" '" -•I I '" ''"ll'l~ ' • J ·I ·I • !\ • I ! ••• •• ,, I< "' '111 '" ~ .. 1 'I ,, I! ,,! I• "' "' ' ..... .~•·1r1> :-;,."1"''1 ll.-1<1/1 !1<•11 ' • ••! .,,, 1 •,~ 1,1 1 '"'' Ill l•••·t~ "'''" .~•·111•h1 ni.: l.1°!" I·• 1. \n.,.1<·~ •'••ut111 I•" th' ••"ttn fvr 11 hu1i.:1 .• r 111,,l ,\l 1 1 "' 1111 ''•'" "0:" ,.,., 111 1 T be t:;011ta ,.,,.,.,.. Chan1ber o r Commerce boa.rd of d1rtf'· '""~ Thuniday noon 1ppro•·"'1 a pl•n ot th• GalUOt'Tlia BU.IA \'111111,bt'r n! f',_.,111ne•••· fur •n 1nduatri&J aur-vey of t.he f•\ty '" 1,.. 11~,.!! nv th~ statt tiu•h' Jot fo!''l..f'din&' lntannatlon to ll•l11~t1 111ll ·l~ 1nt .-1~~t rd 1!1 l<l1'a l1ni: p!-.nt• 1.11 th• Harbor •t•• 1 •1•• , .. , ~I 't ""\l}f'r "''"ll<.' pay ror thl' t·n•t °'1r prin11n 11 ·'"' , •'J•I• • ,,t th• 5111·,.,.1 hut th•y "'ould be ha n.JL,.d frM ol , '"''~" t11 11, .. •'di• ,n~n .0-·1 •"<01,11n, to 1..,...,, ~; o .. v°""' "' 111, !'Kl1t••1nl11 11 .. p111ln1l'n\ .,, !:111pl11yn1ent, Loi A ll("l••- 111 , •u1t i,:,. .. 1 lht 11:stn 1 .. , t h'" l '•htom la c ha.1nber PT & T AGENTS WONDER- Who's Stuffing Phone Boxes with Cotton to Collect Coin? ' Carter Damells, Musick Have No Idea Why Called to a ppea r befor"' a mt'l'ling n t tl1.- A c t1v1t1ea CQmmittel", A pril !~ 111 tht• Loa Angt'lt'11. They are ~I r a11d ~1 11" ll •11J~ l :nArnl•r11:11.n !•·do·1·11.I bu1ld1ni; ~r '':1rt•·r IJ,11·111·!1 211r• \o'ia Koro11 . 111.1 J ~~n i· •·hot<' 1>l••" r,f A von St •h )' h t h a& ~n ,...rv~•I Ill.I O•••lu potd Da..rnell •••" n .. """ '"" ~II ~I' i•lll I \\ . ~ • ~•uo·" 11 1"1 'I •' 1n h•i;h ~· •1·~ ! " .ll • l'I" "I '' " 1 !~• I 11 "'"' II " . ". • 1•1 ·~' '''"' ....... 1 ~ .. 11 1.-1 .. 11, \\ '11 • ""' ' . " ... •'"' <1 r •ln"il IJ,,. < "~" • J .. •11 ' ~ . ,, , .. , "" • "' n .. •I , ' .. , lh• •llHI llt' t1.,,\ "" 11 ... "' "luo: ii ;I.I ~: A <llU, Ill \"1.1 1-;hooll ..... •II I! I \1 11 ,,, ;;•• 1111 .. 11 ... ~, ....... •1-:<"lll-" .. r th<" PACl flC t ciund all th• pbOf'I~ &lon1 Co&.et ~U\•(·rl••r l.'••Utl Judge f'rankhn G. \Vest lod:-iy f::rl1lltf•1! pri~ .. <1 1'''1"K 1" .r.:•·l '"'" h•·• 1""''' "·1'1' • rrh·j>hone ,.,. ""r'" :oLAli.'"d outl HIKhW•)' had . bM!n miimll&rly l01>J( 111 ll•" 1<1\lu1~ rou111 .. r 11<-1 I• 111• 1,,.,,1.-.1 1 '"i.:hl1 .,,, h i ll!lfed ....... e nt. were uil---t to ,11111 ·!-.Ull n1t1\1<u1~ l Hr l \\'O defendants in an Sl'li8 ,00ll n 1al· 11•1111~ ,, ,.,, "' ,11 , •h·· "' ,, i..1.,1 ,.1 y .. ~t•·•ll •\ ""H""'.i: ,1 ...... ln t.1•-._ h boo •'7" J•r:i1 ·t11·t• !"Ult ;q,:a111~t fln;;_g Ho"pital and flve (..!11ft·•r'-"'"' A•'l\u llH1I 1""'11 "' 111•1 i.:~• $I " 11 ,j,,11 ,,11 .,,1.,111 \ n•l•·r 11, .. pli""'' l1'~•1t18 1.11 !'<•t1•l H tl!:hwav ••t&Jie out n_,. ht •d h U!.• n All •u nunora \.\'.-<1 ne..,l1 y Iii" "'1lr "" aaod . .,.,..._ un<ter •<'•1a t1 ~· .. ,. 1•·•<•• .. , 1111: rrom • •,. v " r e ra~ "' pneum on ia uid ,...,~ un•"''"'" ~· nnt U&at •h1t h a<! bfl,en •trv ... 1 D&m.,Jl •w .._.me poMlbl .. tQn n.-cUo n h--t we1tn hi• '"'11"'• fut nl .r ni.arllal •latU• 111,1 t h1t au111· , ... .i.t .,11 bf' ,.1,..ut ""'! """"' 11•11 l!tll<I h'" h•·l l:><"•l l...,.1•• .. !hr '"'''" lllll I••" •11•1 IH!" I•! "Ii•' 'loo " .. 1 .. J d II l Ii< "OO l<• "'"''""'bi· HO•" f\iisi.it:i! •11·111111.J <1n '""""" 1nt.1 Ltir h ... ,~,. 11 1,,, 1 ii• 11 ... ~ ,..,.i,1.1 1, .. 1• "',.n ••l'•,,.1• .,.,,., .. r<'l'."'''~I lha-t 1 ~fto~t to a ppre.,.. _•_•_auaJM!Ct .u gt: ··~).!'a\•· t'" U V " h l••11nd ... 1.;rf1 .. 1 1.~1k111~ 11•1ol•ll« ,,.,.. <ol 111 .. h ~n!I• "'l' I .. ., ... ,...n "''II• 1u1lk•llk ' lh .. pa y Sha haJ been man It'll !" L&rdn<'r J r bet orf lh11l 1 ..... I ",., 1'011 h i ... ,. \\f~lth l '"· A • .,, "'U' 111•!1 •1r 11 >•L•ll .. a11d I.Jr. llar.'1•y ~tl1kl1 ·r The muvl'I! by Atty11. l 'l1tr1·nt:(' "~'"I 11••n. ""'•l•Uri• .~11·· 1,ITh "Ii ..: 1,,, 1,.n! "t Lhi.~ 11 1 .. ,.1,.<J 1'11un",. b,\' .. 111fh111; 1:uttun 111 lhe l l I FFA ' :i1or ai;\>e Hn•!l \ .. ~'.+o ,.,.1 l!•1111 ,.W,.t~ 1111( pJ11111tl ff ~h1le1n.,nt ,\l!h"ll,0:11 1he1·k1•red l'illll , Wi\h 111·1 l"IK Ill ,\•'" ''i"•l"lln.• ''l'~n•!t\111•·• J>"" •·ul11 l"lUlll i)o iXt':a \ oca ''"'"'' i.n Lil" 1d,1ir1l1 ff 11 "1•.-111111 "unuaual th,. JUdj!.1" ~·•••I 1lw hia 11tuHJ,., I ..... , .. n 1 .. 1;11 1-1111~ t hr 111"k " u1 J•vlu ,. "·•l•I " ,.,.rv'""" •l aUon l ..,.It.er •&a tried for t <Jflt"ml'' l\t I.he Hou. commlttt'• 1n a rurmfr ~Jlt" ~l- he .,. .. .,.,.,! nl"'" ' .. nr .-rn••t 11 !"'"' w11 ~\ •·I V"''"" l'"liln •\\' 1n1~l1t •l•• ••1 !1•• •lrni;l(l'11J: bll•ll1""" l h"" .t11~ 1'"'"''11 "1 IP1•lll1\' .. nlc!1•'" 11 ~ l1a •I '"'1 1l<:'l••l1 ~"'1 t" """ "" < 111!"1! lib .. r.d ..:r qups hr ~lu•l ll t1•1 h••I ,.1 ,.1 ~11,..,1 t. ,.1111,.111ent r11 tlt':il to bn nic ,,,,1 11 n~ He 1rn n .... 1.,,1.·1v •fr•q1p•"t p ... n .. l: _,,,11 .• 11,,11 ..... ,n ... t11 1 .... 111,...,,., .... 1 up~·,,.1.,. "t :i-:1u \\' c'<"a"t H1rh·1w•11 Ho t r1,.111 1,rr prO\"etl ••etfl h1t •I( 11 .. l l-•·n u1 .. pilrt nr the ho11p1 lKI 1111.i pol"'"· Ofll<•·•~ 11011 .\l.in,.,n1 nn! ",.1 .. 11<~1 ~u1,,1·"1.•ol.• .11.i 1111 t1,. n1 .. 1 11111<1 .. a p t.''"" 11 !1 111 a . lh" JUdJ(fl l\<'MI """n 11 the ,.)l,•g11tion. ,,f 11p<'o;"L!lc 11•):l•~•·n,•· 11nd tied ).!r~ Al'.<t" llt•ld1t·d th ··••_,,. 1-1··~< •. ,\,• " ""K.t: .. ~1 "n o>o'"Y l t'j:><>rled \\',.,!11t'.-.111y nli;:ht l I s courai Ul\'OILt..'EO The fa.c:l t hat •h• w1111 aum.mon- ~ u ndv th• n a rn 1 of ~ylv\a L•rd ner -med to bol>•r ouol th11 '"" · .onJ111. 'J'iit l..&rdn1ra Wl'rfl lh V1•1- C9'd In IM• or 1i43 betor .. lh<' !•·i:~d in the •nlnir •l•lein•·nt. It Stickl<'r. Don H•111\111111 tJI•)< k<'•I ,,ff 11,~ In ii>'.• 1 .. 01,1 "" ,.,i,, rs ,,,,,,.! J•nn\I' o>.1Ui h••<1\h """' 111 •• 1..auun H• gol .1 .. l "'O'llda 't •·Id llP to . IJrlllll Ll•t~n<1&nt ~ ~ma.ln1n& 111 th• tu tl11• ·~lan•t PIPol l!"l'I'~! 1'\or•cun .. 1!11• ·.i .... ,,,,,,,, .• 1 /\]Lh••llj..ll hHt ~ "'''''!111: n11111b.-r hul "''''"" he 50 Delegates b-n lo •• O•l•}' 111a.k Hl1:, a kn••"' al•olH 111. to lh.fH'· f,.,.,~ olllfJ •(aln.•1 t h" oh•f,.,,.J .. nl ~ 1rlul Mr<• Dr~ J oaeph H Br•)' illl\'in;: "1f "'Ill'!• I ll ••••!•l111i.; I•• Ith' ·•~-'""11,.·1 l•• io:"l ba <k hl1' l'•"n he I ' ' ' ' .. , .. I'''''' l -I>>'''"' .. ,,,,, "' t••ll"•I t he 1e!urn "kll A rou1111 (li.t.n ;: .. • ,,.,n1v I"''"''' co.ternp1 i·a• dl!ve lnpeid, hfl •!I.HI .S11011lfl l U•rl1111 d. "'"• ~"I'"'\ I "HW' rhlkU"""' havf' Merl ~uller· '"''"""' sLu11111 .. n. "' 11rw•:: • ~ntr•I H '"'il'. th.o11p1tal .i.nJ S!IP1ilr1 l•1t l'ltl Ba.J.11 n11 ne, R . A. A n(!"r."''" I ' .~~" 1 ' ~ • ' ""' ~ " ' "' J R • ~ J d 11 "'"" L1.1 r k "''"nu""' l>Mh l tl\f' .. 111ffe<I ...,·nh .ntton w11.•l•hn~-1•1.i.1ntitr U• J ohn H K•nk•1•! 11r 11 11•1 • ...,.,"e••Y . u lo:" ''"1 ACKERMAN GIVEN fJ1t n1' l 'uint. lie rllll•~···• u 1,. !U-d,.111ed non-Mtut mollon.1 l•ir lh<' • 111 "' 1 ~:-"'.:::_" l nV••lllll{lllor& ••! t he, <'nn;ipaiiy N _.port HIU"bor Unkln Hip U\I rrom It ev ~r .,11,.,., ti .. A1 1d "''" 1;111 1lrn ,,,.,, •. School P'F A cl\a.pl•r t.Qtnorrow l ------- lend1tnl.1 .,..1th ne,1.ll1o:en<e In lhf' <4U1'rt,.t nf ph,va1cL~. 'I DES ' WARNING r"noval o f a ~thelt'r ll•l>to f11)nL Afle• a runff'.-ence ui Ule JuJge'• h1~ bladdl!'r. "" clalln• portion• ch&n1bl!'r~ thi.. nu:iniln&'. ll waa ,,f th., lub9 bn.>ke of f .•n<I "''er• lltipulalf'<f hy both pe.rtie1 to ••- •'IU'f'INIJ,y and ~rowoly pt'!· <'UM Ule jury 1!111 p r'O('t""1' with ~ I Mesa Chamber Sqpports gg §:f ;:; MESA -!OARD SEEKING n•1tr .. Jlo ren1•ln In th• bl.1.Jl r C<lUrt tnlll. A ~llh~quent • nper111\11n by A.Hy. 1-.._1 YtJt 17 -• 1.6 df'liYer r.t1i.·r.1 1'<'n1oved Ult' p11 1'1LCI"~ a<"-hi• op,.rung atalL1'nenl .tiol't.ly !lot'· ''''"',.Ji:" to th• """'P!Klot l"r'' noon H~ n,·p~A"nta lir11y Ju<lre \\'eat &dm1ttrd ··nnt vn•• 111ntl Anf1er:oon H<' 11l!<l'i ..., • ..._ f"'!TI• 1 ... ~e In !()()" producl"d an 11rgi.1· 11,.1 for ~t r1<"kler. Tt"!Otimon_v ...,.11. mrnl for non-au1t tdt••r th"' v pt"n-""l'f!o;"l""1 to I~~" th!• art,.r11wn MARINE UNITS MAY GO TO MIDDLE EAST AREA F.J, T ORO ~lARl.NE BASF. ln~11.• fo r tranaf<'r to the Mediter- IOCNS)-MIHlAry o ttlc 1aL1 11t li:l r11n~an thealr<'. T l!rn l!l!at"d tof1ay tt>at llOllll' local .\1aj. Robfirt M<'i!!k•r, 1 1r 11n1l11 1n a y bf! lr•n,.ferred f ru111 l1<111&l Jl'l!l'Vi<:r• o fflc,.r ,.t lnfc•r1n11 - EI Tr1ro, 1 Jl'Rlll!<' Counly to th<' nuddle ''""l w1th1n lht' fll"Xt f,.w "''et'kll. Hun· 11r .. d11 of /llar1nr11 live. ,,.. :"e'"'f!Oid HArbor. Yt'l!ll,.r<l1'1y, 1800 n1a.r\ne11 '"'ere ~h1 ppe.J from Camp Lf'ju<'ne. :'\'. C , IQ the troubll!!d hot l!lpol "" the tlangl!r of war Mlwe..n larael and lhl" A n1b state• rtamt'd an<'W'. .... 1.i 1'.011,\' h• ha(\ llJlkf'(l .\lllJO< , ... nt'rsl Cla ,\·ton C. J"'r""'"· ~·nrii· nia nd•r or .\fanne 11re r11f l 1n th,. Pa cific lhl'&tl!r 1f 11.n y unil• "''Ollld be rlo:tar hed" &n <I thr llfllPra! ~late<l "n ot 1U1 yel " Ho .. ·•v<'r. MH;)Ler pointed out triat 110n1e El To1·0 unit•. pruenUy In th• P11ciflr. could be &hipped lfnmf'dl•l•lY In the Middle Ea.et" ...,·ithnut l<Xal kno...,·ledge. These unll" i:i1·e abo&rd 11ircn1ft ca rrlua pre11entl.v in Orl<'nla l "'&\l'ni, he !Wlid. o>o·hlch co11ld 11rrlve al Glbralter un<ll'r 'fhl! tranafl!r of Ult" local unit• "'011ld be made. OCNS lr arnetl. to h11rk up"lhe battallon ot lnf1ntry d11'p1ttched ye11terd1<)'. The 1ntormat.inn \\·tu <'..;du~ivl'ly by thr O ranice Coun ty N"'"'"" Rervtce a!l<'r rombal-ex· pl'tlrncl'd pilot~ revNJeil they wet• packhlC" th lllr balt In rea d - 1,.srne<l I 11!<'11111 in • short pe1iod or !in>I' 'Thl'r"'" " !nl or 1.Alk nut !1 erl' that 1101n<' ot thl! 11nit11 1t re icning to he shipped directly froJ11 El (Vot!Ua......t on ....... %) AMENDT tAKES ASSEM .. BLY PAPERS Ja~k AIT'tf'fldt . lefl. yeel en.l•y obt.lned nomlnallon p.~r• on Rep\lhll<"a n •nd ~mocr•llr t1rk'l!t• rrol'l'I Ulll•n Anl lt'. d•p11t~· ,.-,unty •lerM . In ,'(lurlh••U"" A •Titn<h. !l11n1 a \n11 '"""'"", .r ol ""lllf: l)t 'NS f'hot~ '" " v1 ,,on~ .. r "'hill J1.q1pr l'h· lu C10ella1 o>t fllt• lu .lulu>'"~" e1·m1_n, :106 Ja~1n1n·· A Yt .• "'h "n h" 1 .. un.1 " 11 .. l•· "" '"" 11.·rn,lahlPl•I rraoll1 •i: ·•0nn(l..~t'l an" 1,1,.~ 111 ,\l'""h' \\"hrll1• + 111 .. wr1t..o·1 1 ••r, '' "d !•o th" l ... t to ••f I ht' llH<11I II ••I ol1.1 nu\ I.II"" h""' ,,, "I" ti ,,1, .... ~ "' k .. 1'!1>~11 .11,1 111 1 _, , :officials in Master ?fan Boosters Ask for Professional to Chart Cha•g•s for Future Growth boa t,._ KUOI• •t-Santa ~::~!: $868, 18! fROM STATE Jiona.l tlnala for public mpeUID& I ronte.t anll p&rlt-.mfl'!tary pro-1 c.e<1ur•. A n •l.-cllan ot nfn eera tnr the enaUJn1 yM r aleo wlLI be Mid. km'"~'' lw 1111n•«I th·• "l1ol• thtni.: ,,,.,., 1 .. rtu• '""I"'!! , .• 1,. ,\1 •·~" 0·11 .. nol••·• ••! 1•,.111 -r.nl•· '"" lo1.~" ,,f •h,. v11 l1 1 11.ti1~ :\I-I Honorary rannf'r del(l"e<!lll will Funds Set Additions for New Buildin9, Existing Plants to 11.,,,,, 11 ... 11 .1 .. r •!1 1· .... 1,.111 "' "l "'t ""~·· 1"" 11ub<1 1v1d,.r nut m11tht bro &'l ven to <>Ulaf1.ndln1 c1t1Hna 11 .. 11·1\··••n 111····1 1 "J.: y1••\•••!1•1 ~''"P 1 ··~u ll "' \hi! !".~' br tn .. ,who have a ided thfl rutur"' tum-ON ] COUNTS ·•J.'.l•'•'ol 1,, .~111 1'"1 1 Ill•· 1 >111 1111111 ~ \"•l'll•"V a llut;t>lh<'r l o the cl!y er11 In lhe eoulhi!!nl re1 lon A n •tf.aa Union 8 ctl.ool D111tr·11·1 ~ h•••la w ... l!lffn WedneMtay niithl wh"'-n thfl ..,ttoQI board pa,,. .. d 1c..-1hJ · t iol\11 ••kln1 S868.1&8 rron• the ita l-undPr CtiapteT 19. l1LV'l11.in :1. of th• at&t• educa tional o:O<Jr 1n •u111 ura t .. d l••I y1;;.r whl'n bo•Hl- ·...,,,.rP ''"t•·i! f•>T lh" w hnl,. prt)gr&•ll 11 n1l It Ill ""l'"'•'ll!•I lhll t the 11'1111.r<t "'Ill l>r 11ble lo "d ''"r\11111 r<:ir birl1 1t>o·,.,1 rh• IAR\ ,,r Arni ";,111 111,~ ... ,11 ,11,.1 lh" ntv 1·rnl n<'1I ril ~anl11 An1t '"hi. h 111 ~yl ng the a"'·11nl11 d1nn1tr ... ·111 l><o held a t B• '" !h" '"'"""11111• H<1~·ptir11 1 ,,f th" ... 111 •· p1 "p~rty ....,. a pllli'e h1r ex-12:30 p. m. tnm nr,.ow In lhe hip lssonnette l''"l"'~"·I "'"~I··• 1.u111n11; r1lwn l'"no!•nio: lh<'1r l11n•lf'<1 ln1h11'tr1« ..chool c&fet.na. ' r11 .. , lillt11h•·1-·wi ll • "11L111111· 1«1 ·ri, .. h•.i•••I llRl"'"L thwt con· ' p1».~.~ f••• 111•' ll1r1n1: i•f " I""" ~11Ll 1n,i.: K quitl~r f.·xµerl a t a Mesa DentOI ·to Meet En Route to (1·~~«•11111 plnn111ni.; l'!l.!""l'l Ill r~· l•tf'I' ,tsto• "''O ,J n!)t bl!! amia11 j , "'""' ""'! ~"~J.'.'"' 1·1111ni:<'~ in lh•· "."1n1·,. l hf' pill c11n &lw•.r• M The Harbor Are• Yoon1 o.mo-The mon,.y i.. alloc.alecJ to •rld1 - Community Chest Committees Told p1,.,1 f.,, r1,t11i·· p1·nie•·t~d l:"'"''ll1 1•h11 n1e•"!" S 11,,. , 11 , • ct&la Will hold • public mMlll'll lion• ln l"'"" <'Xl1lln1 ..-11 .... 11.• .. 11<1 t t P • .. 1 t 'tl,\.\IRt;n 1..;·:rrF.a 1• ~--<• M••• .•••-·h 20 ,0 ,.,_· ,. ,, , <h ,. a e rlson '' ......,. . •"I •' for '"N!l"l!On o f a nl!!W <'l,.1n1•nl I t ,V iHl11nl .,,.~ '" " • ""''I""' I Tl' ,. ,i,,~:1~,,.~'.'.~11;:.\1 "b " !h~' Th•· h·tlf'r 1" 111" Jllll nnin1: com· trrvit w candid•\•• ror th• Co1t1 ..choot In thi!! Santa Ao• Ht1i;hl" Hai·b<" ~"""11tn!y t 'h"11 w"'" 1n""~"'" KrHI r1!V 1·11.,nr1 !. ._. wril-1 Tb I l n1.111ed Mllrt'h 8, a l " IHnChH\ll ltnll'ftc!ng by thrf'•• dlf!i'tl'n\ Ur· snice Couril,\' !»111~·•"•!' 1',>u r l j•1dge~. Donald J !{1.~~·11111 .. tlP, 'Z.Z ,f O r•nic ... l1 .d1t1• "''H.' "" 1111< \\'ll) to lhe aliole pen1tent1R1y Judge Jllhn Shr 11. •''1"\'1t'l<'tl \hP d,.f,.nd&nl "f t l'C'•'h'i111.: pn•J"'•t.\· l!ltolen rrnn1 " Cn~t11 ~'''"" 1urn1· furrr 11tore prll!IOn . NflUng that lh .•"'•lltH:tl" h;t•I violated hlA pr<•h1tt1 .. n 11rt•·t ,, II••· 1·n1 i1·8·Jl'>1&111'~ .• 1,,,, ' • •n• w1 "'" Ju.lg·• l"r&nklin \\'rJ<\ ·"'ll t•·l1o'1·.I l!l" d• - fr,nd~nt l \l p1 i.'ln11 Judice Hnh•·rt ,;"1•lnf'r ,,, .. f,·.,, .. 1 Bi""°nn~tle '" pr1"''"' 1•11· rn1• 1o ·t'111 prl!'Mrlb<'1l hy l;1w "" IJ\HJ,:lary nl1•1 rranrl \hl'rt l'UU!1t1" Th" JlldJ<:P round !ht> rl..,f .. , .l11nl 1e11il1y ,.,, thr chargl'~ 11 r,.w dM)'.'I "ll"· Thf' burglary Mn•t IC'""•! tl,.•ft ail<'1t10l ion11 W,.I'<' Ornught 111 '"'l1- l'lfll:Un11 "'•i\h 11 r1t!,1 l)y Bl11.'IHnnrl1r an<1 lhr•e oth rn1 on \"1,• hunir .~r M ra. Rulh ~tcConnrll tn , N""''l)flr\ Bt'at>h. Approx1n1"lt•ly $1!l.~11M1 worth of jl""'''"tr.1·. rlnthin.: ""'I ?IOUHhold equlpn1,.nt .. .,,~ t:.ke11 All or B i,.,.vnnr11 .. ·,. ,.,.nt~n·····• ar• to n1n •'••nl'utr•'IUl1· 1<h1rh mean" frflm on•· 1"1 1.•, ~·l'H•~ --. Mlllc-n Bach Dies on lalboa Island "'!I H.~l'I t h,o •LI\ l" 1'1111l~<liMtl'I)' .1µ11r11vl' th11I ""' 1 ... n ,.f 1111' nut.\· tr.r 1•l.<t1 1e;1 ... n111 1.; • .. unty tr1·r1111ry nu1'th 111 111•· <II:: I•• ~\.1 ln<tu"· II 1 .. I t11 J'!'•il....-1 111 .. lt!'l"lll;<' fl'"" h•'•ll ~ lllk"n O\'•'I h)• • 1'~"1tltnUKI ~ub•ll\·1.1 .. 1- ,\lth•"ll':IT lh•• "h1un lwr 11 Mr· t11:t lll' .. ,,,,,, ... ,j '" \ti<! .......... ,\tl Tit't' nf 1h•• 111n.•t••r r1IHn "''1Lh.,ut 1t h•'•lllo! ,-•. ,-u "''•! b1 a l''"'"s11111n lll 1'\11ni1•'• 1h•· •I•'"'''"~ r .. 11 111 111 1•1 .1.•\11v r111 th"• n111!h1 '"""ti nnl Clarification of Vale Case 1'h"' :>.:rw11-l'1•••.• 1-•~''" nf ~'eb I~ •·a1Tif'•l II """'~ ~!·•ry Ill , ... n- 111•1•t1"'1 "'111 111·· h<'ul'lnR bf-for•' ·J,.. ll•'PHrlnH'n, "f l n~11 r1111''" .,f the S111te ,,r CH!1fnrn111 , ... K•u·d lnfl: I-I r.~ • .\t .. rcl'tle~ 1-\r{:o>o.: V"le'• •1•· pl•• 11\1011 fHr An 1nsu111 nr<! hrok· t'r s lh'l'n~r l1r1" l 'I'•· .,rtu I,. ,., >••n• ••11~1,· F 1:1• 1t l"n ~1· ! '•orlll"ll. 1•!;'"!'Kllt'" 101lllllll'l"ll•TI PI 11111'•1 1h/11 II.~ RI 1'P- ~ul! nt th,. 1n1.,·•11.:-11!1nn ~l r.'1. \'11);> ~hM.~ ••no.:":.:('•! Ill f1'1t Udlll"llt 1•1l"'ll<'P UI Hll •lll•I hi!~ ~hU"''ll "ntru<t""''lllll "-~ 111 • ,,,..1,., I 11! l•u;;;inP«.~ ""f'"•111.:: !h• 1•11 hJ,.. t•' d""""r .,f J.>_,,• Thi~ ~t11•·11 "1·' , 1'1"''"! ll">IH 8&111'11< l11ltrn•lf'1 ~ " .. , ... ~hn· k"1! '1111\UH!'.~"'" h" .11111: iln•l IH 11"1.• b• lod•}' Wt\Pll lht \ h"'I •< llllllll Hr R """''~ l•'!""!"I \> '" IJllMtrlf1'I frtr-nd, JaTill'~ 1.\11,·ti ,-.::;.. tl1" Ar·,l•'•l J'Tl'H:d 11 :1111t .. 11t1••0nil1 l'h•'•"f"''' mUkn111n '"111np~··•t 1111•1 "'"'!In !71i'j lh•' :-••"· 1•1,. ... 1 Jtk•~ 1 11,~. •t ~ drive nf tt11.i ·~ lil'•l'u'•' !'1>011•"'· 111 ~1 ,,1,1, ••• 11•nll1· I·• l"'"'I ''"' l h~ Marln .. A\'fl AtHl n .. 11 • .,, SI , ... 1.o,1i111 1 .. ~1•ll la-"", ... I ... 11· n· the l•IMl\d l l llhllJ: "" ,\!,, \nl"" 11pplw~l•••ll 0.«h h1toJ twe" "11h lh,. /ltd•·n 1h;1! !h•· ""'1'1'"1" 1 oli•l l\••I 111 Cn. ror n1nr•• th "tl A rin111·t .. r· 1••n11orn•ll\' r111•·.-1 1o 0n 1,.., 1111 •·i:•1!1 ~ri tury Hr hAd )""! 111Md" a''"· nor t'h lll';o• l"I Hnol t •·i:t"I• 1111 -"-"'' lt'Yt'ry to Bt1Ar•1nltt n ~ :0.!11rkel Hn''"r !trn1.· "Ill(!\"''' ""1 Hl'flll "'a• walk 1 n~ •<'r""• HAll.,,11 A•" 1,ahl" t•• tl11· l••"l •ll~ lol lh" aervlet 1t1tt1.'in '-l'h•~n h".""~I T hi! :>.:""" p,,.~~ 011 1lrir k .. n. H .-111.,,1 1 .. ·rn 1,. n1~111 •• 1] hulk ,1( f t1" n'"'"'"' alol rnt1l•I r .. a1 h h 'tll n,,. U.•I\' .\I •-~ v .. i..·-1111<'1!"• I• I 111 .. 11• "' '" I t'l""I ti lljt r.-, •\I 1h-.I '.,,, h I h• ..... ,.,,. r.-1n•l••"I !11 H.1111 ~l .•11•111' 1n ( 'nt o\11' rl"I .\111 1 11,. ! 1t .I n•· • • .. 1 .. '" ,,.,.,,1,.111 ,.• ll 1 ~ I II·•· ~ -. '. ··"·l"•l'llo'. .. '~ I • I ~I I 11' 11" u Ao• ( I l,.n by 1 ·n,.1nbt.r S<'<"rel•ry R. F . Meaa City Council. Th• place or •re• 11 ~•l mchool 111 pr""'"r1 YI rn .... 11nt; o f t hf' hoa rd f>f <l•rf'<"tr"' !\'eto:1 L;.-1\d"~ '"'illr' tM aid o r l Dlfl!UTI( hu not )'fl b.nl deter· kn1n1>·n aa Pnmary No. 2. h,.l<,I Al VIII• M"''"' Hl",.t.1uran1. 4C'<>nUn1-l ,.., ~ !) min.rt. ThlP mon•y will N)V"r (Iv,. ,.,t•ll-Th'" 81'f)01nt111•nt" wl!!re 1n1tle by LA YOUTH BACK CUT BY BOAT IN UPPER BAY liona l c lllM room•. rt'"l MK>tn 11. th.. r""'f'flll.1• •'l"l't"<l pr Nid•n l. janitor e.J'ld 1lor•1e toon111 at H.olW'r' Oland•• HSl'J>"r School: four rl&Mt r<M)m•. 1 NMn1f!d In • f'nmnut1ee11 were fllu!U·UM room "''1 l11 k ltch,.n. M r~ t-11rv•y Sr•n•l!r-11n'1 Mr•. l eachera· dlnlnr niom. re1t mum11, E•·f'lyn Uar•l1n"r. •1'<!C11.I R 1 fl s . mech&lllcal, uUllt)' a nd a\nra.~e Orrin W \\'t 111ht Jr Al Clen1- room1 at Monte Vl•la Scho .. l. cnce. /lln H.ogrr Hiortl1 crl!, I.Ar• n• """"achoo! will l1 1 v .. t i U.v•~"T\1 110. ,.n,1 VI R111Ler, bu•li{f'l . rl-nxima two k•n•l•r g•r ten Ra ! p h ~I I' y e 1 •. /lln1. Ba.all room•. r•media l r(<Om , mul!l-u•• l'••tf1·11un. J11hn J1•h11~.in , C harlr- A l ~·Vrrtt"old Loa An~e l1" boy W11.tl!r anll took him to tht' Bay-room wilh kltchen.1 ... ch<'r11' ro•.om . F nntl1111 11nol f:,lward ).ltlum, can1- ,.,.,,.1,·.-..1 -'"'"""T<' 1njur1 .. ,. 11t 4 •4:, 1hore Boal. A.nchot ... I!. 17lh St. r""'1.f'00'1l.,Janlt11rroon1 "'"'"han\-p11gn, th• H.e •· Don a ld t;, I' '" )'"llt•'ril"" "'·hen h• fell over and Coeat H!rtiway. "'.._..•Illa..., ... C•I •n.d •toraf"• room. al!d adtnln1•· S app. pubHrH": II. l 'ay n .. Tha ~· \111• ~i•!r ,,f 11 1tpf'erHr.);' n >tor b<J.al ta.ken to th• docl.ol!'•a ornc•. J;d. trstion room. 1rr, J.fr11 Han l1&rrl'. /It ri .Som•111, oil 111 .. l 'pp•'r Nt>...,·purt BR,\' and ward!! ma.int&ln.a a tr9Jl•r In I.he 'I)l-lmpt'OVemenlll I.ti! p11rt nf fl'on\1t111. ).!llufll, Yl'r \(hl and Olan · wA.• •'Ill ll\' ltu· pr r blade• Sa.yllhore 'n"&llflr P a rk here. t h• M'.'hool deve"lopment proirra.111 rtrr, 11n1nr H!l"11 u! lhe 11ulhu11rd n1ofur. ------------------------------ 1'he ""'Ur:;... J nhn Davit.I '.l·1&n l1t. '''"' laken to K prlv e 1•hl'.•i,.111n 111 l'osla ~l<'la 1.PKI !1 o>~\!'d for ~.-tn~·h tll!"'P l1&l'"'r1.tlo n11 n·un1 th,. ~hnuldf'rll lu lhl! lumba.T rl'~ll•ll requi ring ~t lt1·hr~ Thr 11tl•ntlin.e. ph~·s1 cian. 111+11< .-thllt if \hi" yout h '• 1njUri4!9 llit•t bf'f'n on .. ln<'h rlu~r to the !<pi n,. he "''ould hllYI! hat! t<lt&I I'"' 1tl,\'/ll.• l"h•· 11'1\"~ trol1I ,,ff1o •·111 h'" 11n1I hi• !IOl1 •·!I! Ill 1h .. 1r ou!b<i,.rd n1otor 111 th,. 1'pp.-r H•r 11,.,.,. 11nd n... "!O M ~t"'•'tllni<. i-:•l\\'atdll fu• 11"" Tu h"a;: nn fflf a turn. 111 .• 1 ..... 1, 111.-b<Jy fPll rrom '"'"1 ,..,.1 "'"~ """k""I in!o ,.•h1rlo11i.; l''"J'"!ll'r hllldf'~ 14,. 11 ~11,..1 th,. ho~· o.ut of HARBOR WEATHER T~111prr nl 1<11'11 th1~ v.·ttk In lnt' 11,,,u,,, "'"A."'"'" ~Hn•l!t' :\l r1nftA.I T•1 ~ .. 1"' M"r.·h • ,'fl r<"h'.) \l•i •II ti 1'11•H • !•' \t•r• lo ~ ~·t1·I •• M111 h 9 lll('llr "' " " "' ":: .;,, '" ..... ., " " .. '' " .:. OOLra UFE -"Happy Birthday" wu the sz-ting of the day .,hen .\ of the Harbor area galhel-td at the palture •l the eut e11d of Corona d fl"le "Wranglt-" on hi• 0firat birthday. 1"hf' «oil bt"l on(ll tn N11.n cy an 1;ardnf'r p1<"lurt'd with him •• hf' ./iioyed a •p«1a l M'r.·in& or horse ca.lt.1'. • I " y • 'I . I • • PAC" 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS r ctDAY, MARCH 9, 1956 ·I' c'J Or TROY' NOW AT ME SA ,, T :,. i. ~!c..lt>n J--icro · '-- ' .. I~ •I ... ~ .... ••lHll fJ.,lllll" 1tt.v ..... 1n 1t. r. '" "licJ,.11 .. 1 l'r")'." n.,.,.,. 111!" IL ''J'j,. I .• lo I :.111~"' ' -- 'MA RINE UNITS " · •11 ;1.,., oi lr""' J l•~I I 'll~· ,, " .- ,, -.. ,..,. , • "' T "" J. " " '· " ... • • aO.n:a &ftf!NI) -TboM who gathered at the puture eut of Corona deJ Mar to l'njoy a first birthday party for "'\lrarixle'' co lt belonging to the children of t.be Robert Card111·rs are 1•a tur~·d abu\'l'. ""P,•anuts" __ beari11 g Pi nky f.'ilher; "Pop-- com" bearing l\at hy .\!tCll.\·: "lloja" b..·ur1ng Nancy Gan!ner; "l..Jttle Guy'' bear· hi&' l\arcu 1-'cwte.r; "Zatuan." baring Bonnie McCoy; ''Geronimo" bearing Karen Baboon : '"U uck" bearing Unda Purcell ; "Swaps" bearing Barba ra Langley; Al Beltrw.n, proprietor ot the puture, ltt at.anding on the fence at the far left of the piel u;·, .. 60 Realtors [MANY HARBOR STUDENTS to Hear Lloyd WIN OCC HONOR AWARDS M t H 1·.,, '""'"'"I'"""' at ee ere ' t• •" I H \lf'h'1 ';~r" • ' ' "-'• I ' • ' ' ,,., ,. ,, ., .. !~j lo I ~ u I a1t_.,1a I.,.' I '" ' . ::q; li., .. ,J .. 1 I " ' ' j \'. , • 1-l IU . ' ' .... .. ·-' I " J. J ! >'1 of. •• I I ! , J 11 t ;,';.Uu11a1 U11.ak vt ru, I lo I . . 11 '"lll 11p• '•t 1•n · f'rQit r• 1•1 I •J·l••" , .• ;1 . · -~ \ .ih.,• • , "I 1\1 ·r-1 .. ,,.,.,.., n•.,chl~ • ,,, ILlll.I.."),, ll·• , fTI ~ ' i~ I'• I t'l"' " ' .. 1 ~ ,., • •! , "' .... '• ., .. . ' .. ... • .. . . . • .i·l,.1.1 • • , .. . .. JI'·• I ' J ..... . ... ,, I ' " .. !1•.··· " .. '"' '" "~ • .'.11~ .• :.i. •. . ,, •". .,, . " ' ·M• •I ~ 1 •. , ~ " '' ... ' I Iii ~ E l"'\! :)),Ir 1 .. y ~:nKI•• f'RLll ~ ,,,, ·111on•"-" Flu~ ''I 3 \l•dvl• 1 )•"II oj i<'rt ::-,·.,,I 1;•·1~') .'>l ~r -·r.1 ll~ ~11,.u , 11•« J1\v11 J;;rlLf' ! • o• IL J ·,/.r. .·\ J. r ,., ':1•·1 :.-. \I• • .-I« Il l\ .'>I"'''"'' fll• t\h"I "' <! l 1• I II " 1'·'" H1.,,,<1 l II ," 1. L 1 . .i· ··•· " •," ... 1 .. · · I .. r • "" • 1' .. \',t .• -. •·· r i;•· r .. ~•T •• 1 .. 1 I< '••! k 1~llJ '.,,,I 1 ...... u. \ 111a n ~ ....... • l 11a1,,a,. < h · '·~~ J(vu l ",,k-1 o •I \+ ''•<" t<"·•U<"J ,.11 I ="-"\" 1 1"'' ,,,,, ail .,. '•·'••ll,. d• I .IL•t J "I 11 •. ., 1·11 1• ~'•II • 1 ... 1 I \I" j, 1111 l:r 1.:1;~ J ui<• ]'!L \;<oU 'I' .t ~· ,, ~ ,. '1 t '!•I tn "·11, h t n 1 1.,~ 111·•r .... .,111 11~ i,,· 1, I ll ,;1,. u"·""" vf ft,,. p .. r1 v.hl~!1 I I\.' • u, ·''"' l'"•rl '' "" n•1t K " ""' "'"' '" .. llL" o .\l .. 1.I J.•I , li&JI, I ~/,uJ__., , 11 .. ., '""" .'>1 •• 1;1 11 Jn l(o:'•"ind .. .,n J"l\I J.,.,,.,. h~J\1·11 J uh"•"'"· J".i- ., 1 .. ' . ' ' I,.,' '' 'I 1 •• J ""' •• ,\ '"II •I I • l •>< I) < ~· ' 111 • . "'"" . . . "'' I., ... 11111 .. •\U• tr ~U <. JI ·~ ''""f'rLM.>d ul l l"h\~1 1111•1 ''"'•"t~·rl. wul..o lr •I• .i 111 • u>-l ""! ]"" t 1,1 le ,1J1,. '·" I< p·: , 1 ·• A L•,,. «~•UI• l l\ut !•TU· ••·!ll>jj ,;, ~ ~ .. ;~; ••• 1 •l'l l··d l 1 •• '.J,.(.Jlt: ~ .J1H I~ ,,,, ll1' Jl •\'11, ni:.-.. t J .. • \,n.,dl .. ~ /, h " ' •lllplO •<j l•l;IO\• . ~" ';una•.,,,1 ! I , t ,, I,,, I ,. T fill. lh__. 1 :1 Sl'.l l•"n 1'.n1 k t• 1')<11· 1 .... ' • ·1 • """ h .,,JI,. t O Y!h<V I~, ... j ,., ... \! '' \· 1. !I,• It i' I•'• •I T " I I "'' ' I .1 .. r• ' .. r ·=· "' ... 1 ··~· 1, ·I r.y w_ C. H1•• .:•" "I \11•: (.:ONla ,\\...a l-111 .~! ·'· ·o.n111 e u.nk I··• J•"' .. 1 •On l••1!!•n1 •H•I S .11 S B bru.nCtl, .I ""'" l'"r·t J.le"<"h pi er On Om ).l•··ri .~ 1;11 ~ ' l"• ·l~I ,\\1.1 ~L•rtne l1 1:!1t ana M n . J &n1N Mesan in Crash I ·'rw "·""''"'f l'·•!•' .\1 ••~b .. Al-1l'•H e r Spiller• t1f Coro n1< dtl .'>lllr, • ~I\ J, •• 11-<oU•l.•••I '"•ll'ilJ liru-"'" i•arenl~ vf ,. b .. t,y tx;y born ,\ <-'I ,, ,, t1 I' r:,, ,,~Hl•I 1,,.. +<IL •• l'o, 1 .. Cl"l~ler\.ltcll, l"h.,r· M .. Hh I a l lhe Corun a ."-:llv&! •!I• I t •-',,.,,I • • 11"! i" r .. I I}'. ll n•plll.I. • nl•·. t 7, ,_.r ·111 -l\ Jo:. lvn $1 C'o•· L.• :.rcsa, ·"" ~• In <1.n 111 l id111 ~ .,., Ill: IPll'" •II 1' • ll I V \'. il!..1 ,, "J 11,• ''. ::7. .,r fl11o111l t ·11 .r •• 111.y" i11 .. 1111 .. , \\!)Ill.II '1"1(.\\ t'.J.(H il ·~ ~t:ttlY.l<i l'Rt :!!lt:.-..-"N. "BAVARIA ";," GERMANY" ... 0 .. 0 •Y I !II ...... c., ,, • II• ''!J L COLO• '<I .. -'4 <C0t ~ .. 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Too Late to Be 1 Classified I j_,\'11·: ~ •. 1 ,.,,11, 11rd ~l er-c:ur)' Mark ':'' '' •n 1• ••• t•• rnnt rol. Exc11l- 1.n• ,,.,..,, ,, •1 llP\r Of'te3. 81c83 I \I '•1 \ !•!I \:"l• :Z h<.\nn, a nd , h I '" n U!\l'"r duplu. I )4 ""I htlll 1111rairt. \\ $1·~ _1(<11 t!y $1!\U. Har. ~··· 81tfc --------- I "\. \11t ... fn ~ Rr nt -------------I •,I ,-.;, ;'\h:\\'L\' •let'Orlll&d l 11.~1. "'· u..,.t11l1 • •pt. ear> . \, .i ,v H .• ,1 ,.J Sl\11 ln"luoJ. u lll. '\•ii1/1~ 1•_., \\' B11!\xil\ nlv•1, ~; '\J 1l H"<'" h. 1111.r_ i i:nt.\\-, l\lc8J 1;·~-l:f'a l l':011 lal.-i --·------------- OPEN C./\ T & SU N . I ' .! '•n'' • ' t '.!' •I Grandolfo 's complt1te menu for the family 1·11.J:.\ e :-.t'.\1 ,111 : rfl e I.\"\!""·' llO'IJ. -.\!.\UL ft,\\ l !ll.I • ,"'l"l·,.\K:-. • ::,t.A. FOO D rnof} ro .,o 511 Balboa Blvd . BALBOA Harbor 4837 Ul't ..... l!.\IL\ l 'l .... UU.\.·lt ~1 1 11.-..-ll ,llT. I l,j):-O t.11 ·'IU:>ill.\l' DARTMOUTH COLLEGE GLEE CLUB CINERAMA HOLI DAY ED SULLIVAN'S TV SHOW (twice ) . PE RR Y COMO'S SHOW CARNEGIE HALL, NEW YORK \Viii f(i\'e Q/10 COi'\CC:J ·:·r April 9th -Curlo in 8:30 WILSHIRE . EBELL THEATRE ·&·I U I \\". XI h SI. Los 1\u11;clcs I'~• lo E•tahll•h Dartmouth So. c.Jllol'llia Molllolanhlp Tltkt!h p _16 -P'M W o"9Mloa Cl&ll M!"'I. l11ltttU. MUIUlml -HarlHtr lfll LUNCH 11 :30 A. M. -2 P. ll. DINNE'R ~'00 P.M. -V P .M. OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon -9 p. m. I• lo >~c·! .\!on1111\•I :".~'\ :"\E\\'l'ORT f11 .\'n., <'O~T1\ ~1I~.c.:,\ (.h ... t 1 hl,.•·k ~""th"' -11111 At11• (-• .,,~Ir.• l hlh/ ' ( 1.11 .. t'.ll .'M'O:O.-DAY~ -\\'l!"li"TEK llJl::A~!'f Ol'fl.Y Th M · 11 :tol f)("t:A'.'11' A\'F..\'l't: c I ,,.-,,.1·1,,.!lTO" llf:AUI ( <1'11'1.l-:T t : , ......... $150 I DIN~r;~ hO~n~~n ···~·.~·~;~·.···--~~-~~· .. ··c;~~·· Salad I 1r·hoirc nf Roqurfort nr 1-~rench 1Jreal!ing~ j :->t,·:ik r1 r 1-:•t:il!l•·r tA u~lrtt!ian L..obs ter Tall/, l takt·d U/' f-icnll01.l('d r•o taloeH, GarLi c Bread - C.:(lff1·e. Take Mother Out ta Dinner Tanitel Jl.,u!"'I : 6 1>.lll-'"II 1•-111,--C 'lu .. ....i '.\lon1lay LODGI AHO llSTAUaAHT S U U\\"l'l~At:t: j )f-1 Tltt; UOAST Every Night f)Ji'\NF:R SF:J{Vl<-:IJ 5 p. m. 'Lil midnight. l 'OCh:T ,\J ! .S -1 p. m-'til 2 a_ m, 1 2 Nu.Jn Snturdsr.y & Sunday Spec;ol Sundoy Bullet 2 '1 ;1 9 p.m. . -,.-... .--- .l n~t ,"\outh of 1.aguna - •PORT : ' LID 071fa,tu . ; . -. NOW SHOWING THE MAN WHO NEVER WAS C..ou.scOl'f " , ·~~ ....... -.............. -.. .. WOii II.All¥ 1"ClllA!O Nt.IJlll lllW. lol!LP•~ .. ,..,,,_ , .... ,_,..,,_ C\AUDlnE COIBERI BARRY SUWVAN ~-ralCA~ i l~~(;H f:. ~ o"ic ••••••F<o••• ,6.... Klfl'.; .'t.\T Oii \T_ I '.'! l•LUlll•t. ~l (l_-..Tt•0 .'1 1 .U\ "Lone Gun" STAl<TS \\t:IJ~t~IJA\' JHll .... llllHIAk (•l. \' )I ADl:-lj•·" "On The 'Threshold Of Space" AUoiO s 11t:1.1. l" \\'lSTt:n.~ "Cash an Dellvery" • wit• t•e \.\JNIJNA O~L MAJ/ /(lf .. ~1'N1hl V Now SlloWhlt TWO llG ONES ~AMES CAGNEY OORlS DAY la "Love Me or Leave Me" Sllte hn1 lasaNce Cloem-.ic.."Ope anti (.'o lur Ci!/ .-. t Co111pani~es u K-1011 . I -1•111~ - SPF.'.'i(·t:Jt TRACY In "Bad Black Day at Rock" Q .il In t 'o lor t1.l~o 1 3~ L. l ~lh Sl. W l L•nd" ( '(ntuTUt._~P'fl ("olila~,~··:'~"'----------11111111111111111111111111111111111~ -~ ~: " _, t )\\" Slll)\\'l :'\ Li 1:.,l)S ,1.\K. l j with all its ma~iflcence and all its miif!t ! -·, RO.SSANA PODESTA .mrx JACK SERNAS ,p1m SIR CfoiiC HAR OWl~KI . mllIT Ill!•· •Wt 1.,1ns -mm 1111L11 '11'\t;'J tilll li.lltiil ""'""'" !OHi !WIST ,.HUG H Gill ..,.., Wlil llS[ ~ ----··~-· Second Feature "THE LONE RANGER" :'\OTt:: t;,.,._ t'bow Fri. and Kat . H!art .'l:l fl Oldsmobile Owners Thi1 i1 !!!! wHli:. y.., OWUMbilt hes M... W..'-' ewt by ti.. Dodge Doalors If lliis orN for tlil1 wHk's -W Deal of the Week . in trade on any New '56 Dodge * Whopping big eYW4llew•Me .,. your Old~'91 * * y...,. .... --c.,,., ......... ,.,_..,, low 1119ftfllly P9Y,....,., S-Oftth wppfy ef MW '.M De4fe •" wll .. ln6WMla1I Custom Roy•ll.y. .. 1c.r.. ... 112..-.,•Ml.....,W...1,,.._ ond 4--door 1.uci9r tt.,..,_I INtM W...-l'c.ftvertlW..I Volum• toles mean b!I savings for you durln9 ovr S.11.-tt-thon I ' AL BEATTY MOTORS ' t , 1680 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Liberty •• 7272 • I I I I 1. I , I • I I ---· . . . -. .. 1' ••• Bob R t Ua....I DeMol --------•NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I ,A6E 3 .. ·. ager 0 m:m IJ ~~~!-ES~~~.. FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1951> Offk • lnst·;,.•.JZ-Here !'!: l•11r • U di AR 1.----------. el' GllGIMI ,,."': ... ;: :..:,:;.;,:. ,_ .. , .. , .. ··-· · ,..... flt MN. W. I . L'~•.t!--' •11 a ID .. ~ ---., ---~ ~ ..... wt rfl U.. JMJl ·D~Gll IAe, ....U. 1'111,Ur: ....... aM ..... , --.. - ll Ital" ... tu IOJI&• Place, wUl I f'lUll woocs.i..d. ~ otMr u.rp. ....... MN. ,.... IL J\tlpr, fH Slap "9 ~ aat..daJ atpt .. 1 ,...,....._.ta wW llllie •rwd ...a..d at -11 n11 ~ Wini P'6al. ... iMelll l11rrit.d to MIU'Ch --_.,,,..JJot of la.. 0n.ap after Ute fit. ~ Ufle Dfl&Ole.J t.a.. ...... at ...... M .Ail.r ~ .... fOll' & foUr•4aJ' I la "9U-&nau..I ~~ ..t tof ~elf: nuz M , WWW st S ~ eamln•U-. la ~ CD&ilt. CUpt•. Ord99' ot Ddlo&a.1 111otMn ~ u•ltW-' a •••••r fll ,....W • t"9 ..cond. pr.iialnarY I =. :_.=::'':,.. ~~-;-~1 ;..: : • •••.-n = ;!:. ~=;~' to the / Imported lM publk, .c.artillC' at I P. •· i 1-----... ------• y_.. ~ left bofn1 Monday OtMr olfle.n lo be lnn.Ja.d In-1 y4n .... D..,nuc:K, Holly-morNa,-and wu due ti.cir. lut j chide Ea.rt Oulkt,J Jt., Mll&or wood-"'lf a -.-11.J' U.. DlPL HW brot.Mr, R.lcUrd, UI • 1 OOW)Cillor; Rk:lw'd C&rtir, Jun'°" 'notJdal' 't__ ...... It ~I)' Iii tro-b at UllC where h1 WU r.·' cou.ncllklf"; Jl!rry KlpalaU'Hlr. MD· ~ .... -..... bou&llll tM ..,.... c•Uy lnlt.la.l4d uito Tau Kappa 1 !or deacon: Teny O.llM, j~r ~· .,.._,. &p.tkin trai.rnlty, I Qco..,eoft: P'ranlt t11.u&OW. .enlor I Lody Brett c .,ndles •tewud; Jotui Hulmtt, JUR1oc •tewU"d: I Tom NiqUt'lle. m anhal: Ron I n~. orator; Tom Troolen. ! l"bap ... 1n: Don ¥/rlcht. IM'nllnel: ! Ted P'lah, ..::rlbe; J[:d Gib.on, •I· moner; D,. W • y n • K!Mt&Lher, I treaaurer: T~ Hirth, •h1ndoud bearer ; Hruce Nichol•. ru ... 1 pr .. I c•ptor: NL'\\ port f urnilure Co. Presents the letest in Covered in White modern cheir1- Gi'ol'g ~ HO«!. ·~nnd prl"!'.,p!f"M'; I J,.rry H llMn, third prl'r <'-J>to r. Bob Burnl'll , tuurth G<.nC' MrCandllAtl, fif th , Plutic, Comfort.able Pract~l Euily CIMned Stykd to atay A.Ian a ... nden ... n. el.:th 11n~c<"ptor, prr1't'11tor fltt,·t plt•r. l ~~~~~~~~~~1 Styliah REPORTERS ON SPOT available Who's To Be Miss Costa Mesa Poser They're Asked to Solve ll.-p••! t•·r ... new~l"'l"'r" H "rtH)I llH liol l•lljo( I !1r ,.., ... · ~''''"' ""''"\l I h,. fl!'•! r ()Unc1I and J','.r.,.• ltlr I ll)'• /li~l l"IUf'l")t' .. • the <'ort l,.,,! '"'"" ('·••lll (Jl'r t ~.o ut )llan11.ation" ~11&rtLCI · 1•11 t .. .i .nJ 1t .,....,, ~u· h • lhrll! to _,.,. ii• a ll tvr 1 "t our t.,,..n pt1l 1••••1 .-•l• "'1•1 t~"'" 1t•t;"lh<"r In • 1 hit •! t 'n .. 1n1:..-r "' • '""""'" <lf'altf' tu ,.,. u&"nlSO' DODGE TICKETS TO SELL-A~THON GO!NG FAST Colrn 1rlf'rt,. A ll I 'lub ! ·,,1>111 ,utll(\ l'ro1t t <'•ll 1>11\ll <'I , A )Jt ll l ~ lt••Wl>I 1nl{ '" Cha 11·n11 n M A !\'"'"'"" M'"" <··y1t11 ,.t,.,.a ... ·111 n .. ~ .. 1,., t "'\ rr •• 1n a ''''""" r••nt,..,111111, aru1 ..... ,u , .. ,.,f ... lf rn lh,. :11"1!1 t l'll "K" ~ ·0 11nt ,. ~·1 1r runl.-"l T h<" annu11I A ll·<.'luh •11nn•• ..,.,11 hi" n .. Jd 111 tn,. 11 ...... {lnon1 .. • ·.,.,., •'nLI"~" •l u•l,.nt r f'nl"r <ll r11n 11 !•"1111 ~· n1•v•1n••nl1 lh •t we d ... ·1d "'1 to u111M r till• uur (<•11 •nnual affair l hr \Jlf'r"t' till• )ea r I• l 'i·u· tr r ,.,, •Ill•! ~'r"'"''" "Tht' de ll' "'"It '"•" .. r """" dt'Velopn1C"nta 1n 1 '"alll M .. •• 11 1<ln1<,.l bt'yun•I 1;01T1-J .,r.,h-n•1 .. n RHder Car Shean Off Utility Pale Al Beatty. lC'fl, Ne-wport llarbor l)odge J caler. i.a all snu les as he pres!"nl.5 two t u·k,·t~ to• l't.·l••r l~vonl' fll r t;1ant JJoJj:!(' "S,•11-A-Thon .. s h 11w at ~brine Auditorium April ~J . 1·tie i-h11\~' will featurt.· i;tar ,; li k~ I la11 ny 1·h11n1aR. lk-rt P a rk11 and l..awre n ce \Velk. St111v.· tit.kt•ti; may be obt a1 11t (I fruin !; ·a tty'" floJgc agency, l680 N(•wport l~!vd. SAio1 :-;,.,,.,.._,n. '"T'W<J Kn\I unl'• n1tlf Y""'' ~ •IC " ,,...,. 1t!1 J""'"d 1 .. -A ullht y poJ,. nn Balboa Blvd ,,.,h,.1· Jn a lll rlCf' nu•f'l1na;, '"''"I(· bf'\..,.,.,n 40 1h i nd 4 lat atr-t wu "'"'"IC .. nr1 h"""''"K nur "t"" • 11•, ,.:.mplf"tclv 1tvl"rt!d 1.n11 1 .. rt hanc- lnl( by th,. win'" r • .i10 ... ·1nc 6l'I 11 111<) I CCJ•lent 1tl J .~ &. "' )'e•- \•1.!a \'. Pre-Registration at High School to Start March 14 Some Close Harbor Auto Dealers to Agencies on Sundays I Mn;u, 111 f 'ha rlf'll 0f'aJl Re-e<!f!r. 1 ,11\n:, \\ B111t,oa Hlv<I , lOld po· Ji. .. hr ..,.,,. rvn·"'I otr th• r oa <1 h\' )"v"nilr • (lr1\•1nt,; a HI~~ mo.1f'l •"Ill•" K""<1•r W•• not h urt, oftl· ' ... ~ •11 1.i ,\9 part nr !ht· ··~•ILll ''1"'r !l-l ltt' ,i,,!1•· "h"n l ~u·\· !•.••II \ht' 11.,n 1·f c:l•,..·e~ ,, 11"· :..'"l""t 1u11th i::11u.te 'J'h1.~ ••11;11lh .. 1,,.h· Harbor Union , H 1i::h .• hou .\. "" po•\t.:'·''" ""''I! he •'"n le•l •di in \/it' 11Jt''" ! 1k1·rl " o ~·fln!tt• ~hp \., o In . ...-IJU~>n••ll• 11rfl<'" fin<! thr"lllt'hfl <l1 !ho• , '''""-n1l.ll t0<,n11 ,,.,,.,.r.·r " ruJJ U1 1 lhf ll' !)UMll<'~~ ··•tat1l1.d1111 .. nt• ••f\ , I I '" "P"'nd "''\th 1h r 11 t1 nll '"" :on.i S1•111!111~ tflo·1\1\'I' lhl• W•·.,k-••nrt Bnnual pre-rf'gl11tr :1: ... 11 1 (l,1 -.~·· !11<1 11,,_ •:n.,"n S•·h•iol 111 :Xt'w-Mllr<h JI , "'''"P1•nlC tu 1·i.(t" !:> r·on1h.1 <'tf"•1 f<•t all •'• h·n l .~ \\h• 1•••11 P.•·11 h "'''! 111 Ill" R,.:, ~•·h•M•I J oil1nJO••n , f\t''"''l<'nt ,,f f'Jr•n11:., .... u be ln 1.h,. ,.,h .... oJ • Ul llll: Th•· Hl c,,,,,, ,\,,.,.,. "'1 TU Olli•lll,1', .\larch tu att,.n<l rf'hJCH"IJI ... rr\'l• .. ,. ,,f th'" 11wn , hu1.; .. an(l "th••rw••f! r.,,.,.,vc a full <111y nt 1''11fLll r"llllliHHlll " ('••uni •· Mo\1•r t'a r Jh•Klo•r 11 A•Kn ~"'\"''dl"K }'"'' 1'!11~ I •!I ••I llH' 'I Allo·r Ill•''" ~1 u,ten1~ )J.,\'l' ~ Th,. r .. 11n .... ·1ng d,.•l"r• •r • r•·p•irl .u to ~ <:IO•f'J <\n S unil•y• h..,1 •-l 1rt .. r, ,.ff~\.""' llu• Sun.,My j:Ut•IRn<'f' pf11,1:r1u 11 1·•\,1 l•h~h···1 I•\ l\f'•'11 111 l•"'lnn.•lf'•I 01., h1i,:h 'r ho>vl J,,hll.~"n AA 11 I FoJl,,..,,ni: th,. u .... "'h•M•I ;:1V<'.<I t .. ··ot··h •t·1·h•11r f'1',\ Ip•~ ,,,, ...... 1" m ..... uno: "' .. 11 jH'11t•\ •<lu11t•·11 lht .. lll(h••U! I ~·· An· • 111,,~111"'" """'uni ,,i •·\I I""" •··~hi!. ~111•1" l··•l"Jl; .• I•• L-t' hel•I i::••!".• •uunl v l"••'l\1ly \li~ 1!,.Rl~r~ 11 .. n •tf ,,, r·~· "'' ~lh·I• .11PI Ill 1h 11 .. li J;h ll•'hVt1l ltll •l1\••nUtll ··n In th .. :-;,. ... , ....... \ Htll•h-<'u"I" ·""'"" ''1'1"''11UH!\ l ·• "''I I" l•l .... I\ , .11 1· •.• 1 ·'·"Y f'\••n 111.1;. ,\(11 ,. h L:'.! Ill ... ~ .. h••· ol•I' d•··! j,·, 1R·r11 11 t 1 lif'I~ .. ,.t ... ·1th Uie ~1 u~1 ""' ,..,1.,,1~·u Ii} ~ .. 11 1 1.1. A l tlu " "·" 1•11 n.: rur-t"•ll l!!<Jy•·.,,. t .. h11~r ll ''">" u ! rr&t tl\e 11t111J.ent ~,. "'""':.""l Uy tn .. lh• 1' ··~~1 .. 11 .. u"n ..,.,:1 U.. 111,..1., 011 sun•l"y · A l Hf'11 t1y Mnl orll. H fl\' C4'.r\'•1 r .,n1 1a..:. Th•o<lor• Hnri1n~ 1>1111 .. , I John~nn & ~f>n . I Luu H.,.....i " A ........ -1,.tP•. ('Olton t;o1t. H11 w;licn·\I at.Kin -.nJ tla 1 · C•tll l••f'1 1n& tl"lt•tl"I . "'"''' 'he hl jlh .'l•hl .. JI l "''•):l"lll l T ho• l•1tHl •Jo·,.lrr r·•·ilt l!IL••'•I "our Al l!1e pre~·"' li'fr« lh•I•' 111• ""\ ii 'l "'"ll""-' \lint l"'t•lll,. 11 t;oul n~nely d•lf•·• ""t ""bJ<"<"l • '" •, 1,.,,~ "ncern111 '°' h 1):h S• tl .. •d otrt'rrJ in tilt' "i, ... 1 ,urr1culun1 1 '"'' "'" .11!1ni: "'"~ t; .. 11 11 s.,.ero·•! Tl11.'\ llglll'f: 111• IH·I•, , l,11111e• Wh leh 1~"J '" p r'Pl""t"" 1'"' •"n.:ul · Webster Admits Rap t11r~. tine a rL~. '''''''''·1111tklng. an+I , # _ in•lt1.'ltr1al art11 11 ~ "·e!J a• the col-1 in Eichler Robbery 1"11:€' pr•parat.ur.v rrogram. In thl:! I .. x1~n•Un1 ach•"d program, three S A.'OTA ANA . 1()(':"S f"l ••Btl. 1111ill llunaJ COUl'llt'll Ar'! lo .,, oUl!l"l tng gull ty \0 robb•"): ,\lll(•rt I. 1·11 ful' lhe Y"'" JUll t ahead. Thi"" J..:ichler o r 408 E . 19th St., Cu11ta • 11.r<' ,.lag• cr11 1t, year bouk JJM!· M,.sa , tlf'fe11'1h1 nt H ugh H . W,.b- p111at1 ... n, and ,,.eneral •1u·i(·ul!ure. 11l•·r. 41. of 279 .\\' \l.il'IOn St .. A ll 1h,..,. will t)t' incorpora ted 1n lo CV11t11 Mf'"ll, Tllf'll'IA \' "''"" ortJer- lhf !:"ner al a;11nl1t nc11 c 1ven ln t he <'d lo return lo Suprnor <.'nur! p!t -l'tj:;lstral1011 J•l••i.:rilnl, 1n.,r(' fn1 J1t unu11n•~'""'"t 1•r Jlld!:· ln "ddl\lon '" l""K •~l,.nn.: •!•I-1n°11r f.I H1 «h 2; r\rnt .~ nnw u1 All •·nd11 n• ;• 11! t h•• \\'rh11 \o•r 1t•lmill,.d 11 .. 1<11n1:; ur hl!(h IM.'hool, •ll ~11(hlh J1,nodr:ra In I Eichler and taking l ltO J.'o•h. 1:,, lhe hlt;h 111:h• .... 11 (l 1~tr1l·t wlll rP-Tia-d~r~n(l•n l 1~ In 'u~t"•lv H,. ,· .. 1v" fntormll ll1on 11n•I ln11!111ctlon '"'"" re1>1 1•,oent~ liy lhe i'Ubl1C' sbout lht> lyp<' .. r """r}I lhlll n1"y' d"f!'ndf'r. Need for Retarded Children's School 1n Harbor Told Board Need for a "P"''"'I -"<'hool IJ111lll·, SUJ•T E vrrl'!tt H•··• "Xpl111n•<! Int; for menl1tll y n •ta1t!cd puµH., th~r., 111c ><b<•u! Su 1•11p11~ 111 th,. 1956 BUICK PLUS 25 OTHER PRIZES FREE Trapp&. Sons \\'Miff"rn (ia100lll\f' Product.. ... Auto Acct"MOrif"'I 2l01 llarbor BJ\·d. I.I S-6221 {;1Mita M'""a ·,, Fint Une "Dayton" Tires ="-u So-r11n1I• Soltl llf'r,. FLYER, 6.70x15 .......................... Sll.00 plus tax FL YER, 6.00x 16 ..... -........... . .... . S 11.51 plus tax THO!IOIRED, 6.70.15 ............ $14.80 plus tax THOROIRED, 7. l Ox 15 ............ S2 l.04 plus tax ('ornplf"t .. IJ ,... nf DA \.T<IX 1•..,.,..11111'"• Ano1 Trur k Tlrr' •·1·1,1. UA\.TOS til'AKA7".Tt:t: "L~:f u1·tt l"A .\tlLY Sfo:R\'E YU i .i{ FA .\!ll~Y " • • w"a vulced \\·,,,1111.,.,tny ntghl al H11rbnr llrt.'11. that 1tll<•tll•t b" 111 · ,L.-----------------------------11 the n1e1nlnr or c .. ~t,. Mf'ILll Union tending llUCh It ,.,.n..,.11. hut tht•rf" !ir hool 01.ltl"lr t b"11nl by Rogf'r Ir; no way under the ~t"t'" ,.,.,d ,. Ht1.rd11c re of N e ... ·po rt Be.ch, who tha t two it<;hOOI~ Clln cornh1 n ~ t o hnpW lh•t all 111'h•~11,. In the H•r-b111ltl an i1U1lit11 ti0fl. bnr 11rl'11 and l"'"·~'hly HunUni;ton B eiit·h could f),. ""l•Lt ined In 1uch He ,;aid the pupll,. ~hoLld tJ,fl. nltr.Jy he on 11 "''llll l<ll ~ •'>'fi<l>U.'I a bu1ldln1 pn1i:nt111 fron1 normal pupil,.,, h••l ho> .,. • .., At prraf'nt, llfl1 ·l1t1 r' Hid, pu-not opllrni1'ltic on ,.itl1>•r 111_, ,1 ,..,. pit!! fr-om llH'!"' Arf'll:O artt 1>91ns triet or Ne-.o.·pnrl H"arh ~Ing t 11 k !'n care nf Ii! the G rtf:ley a ble 111 ,,,., anyth inlt' ah<.ut 11 at Srhool nf'ar \hi' •·1111nl)' hOl!pitlll prf'llf:fl l. Al p r .. ~nt, K .. a ""i<I. Th•t H hool 111 "l'f"t flo,,..·ing and .1n.n.•1><11·\11 t1on C'Oll L~ 1 .. Gt""ll"y lh• local a u th11nt1"" n111~t pr ... ' for t;oata 1'l t!!a pup!I.• Rn•ount p11 r.1 to l&kt-<HI the 1 ..... 1. hf' to 11hout lwo--lhird1 "-" much aa itJa id. I CO-'t"' ot f'ducs1ion lhl'rl', wlltt $ELECTONE'1 -chip 4llpleyl y,,.,111 I'<: amattJ h•" "mrk " " '" Ch<>rn.t t1p-to·11t--m1nulr. J'f'l l«r <1•ko• .,,hrrr .... t•otn OIJ Colnnr • nr .-1\[Lt:.CTONE o· .. rn1 <ol<>r J1•rl11· t.. .. ,.j Prr-h.>rmon1~t'd h, •~!"'" t<Jlot rnn· •ulu nn F.•.:h ot •hot huoJ ror,J. ol 1r'"tkhn1 roJo,, '" rhl' SELE(,. T<INF. rolnr ,1,,.m 1J1u t(1 J!'lU QI J!t'fll"n rnlor rt"•ulu Corot '" !ndaJ' U1 111 ,Jm.. \'"" ho.t n <J " "1f\ r11n1 otJor homr 1r•r~ lin,11 "~"·· '"''d~ and "'"· •oth tlw ~llt' • 11,l Cnlonr pa1ou on 1k 5-El..t:CTOl'.'I t.,;,,, •JJ•t"m! 1·om• In •n•I lf't )(.,.,I IHla,,.. '"'r 1•i.ir•I "'lwrt, h"'ll• .I'"' .,;1h .''"'r J••inlini: l''"hl•·n••· 2620 "'eet Cout S e•·port 84-ach Where you seve DOES meke e difference! Experience • • • • An word when you important plan fo in'(esf your Savings Amer1co's Savin g.<. and Lo an Assoc.1 a tion~ will c.ele brti fe t heir I 25th yeo r of .<.erv ing America ·~ thrifty fti mil;e., ne•f month. We ore.,,p roud o f our own 20 yeor.<. of serv ing the Oronge C ounty community in e ncouroginq thrift a nd home ownership. Our $2'4 .000.000.00 in osse ts reflec.t the confidence o f inve sto,rs not ~ly in Oronge Co'f'nty. wh e re most of o ur live. but 1n nearly oll of the 48 stoles and in countries os well. sov ing1 fomily mony fo reig n The~e wise save rs depend on th e tradit ion of sound . sofe se rvice ond conservotive monogemenl which i; port of the t rus ted Arnericon Sovings e nd Loon lroditi on. They know t hot when they in vest with us, the ir funds ore in turn re.inve~ted m.1inly in First Trust Deed Loons to help buy and build homes in O r&nge (aunty -.one of th e soundest investments in all the lond . !n addit ion, they e njoy the odded safe ty of Insured pro- lectio n--eoc h occount insur· ed ~o fe through the Federol Soving$ .,nd Loan ln suronce Corpora tion. o permanent ooenc y of the Unite d Stoic~ G overnment. ... ~ ... Utllll lll WI JlllNTlll NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS and L o-.l N ASSOCIATION A , Pal"IO"T, Prrlltdr11f Harbor 4200 "-oun-e-~- l.I H-111 3 O• '''"' RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMl\l4~RClAL NO J OB TOO LARGE OR SMALL I ll66 v;. I N~WPORT P, Lido BEACH CALIFORNIA 111 f"I~ nf ,,,, ... , .... (M) %SO SOlh S t .• NrM'JJOrt Bea<-h Harbor %5" 1802 S•.-port lll,·d .. Co.ta MHA 1.lhf'rt,· 8-:t: 126 I . Coron• del M•r Office 2 407 E•st Co•1t Hi9hw•y ~~~~~-"-'E~"-·_n_.,._·~•~•-E_o_•_:_•_"~c_•_o_,_,_,_._•_T_•~"-""-·~-•'--~~-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- deaigned for beauty , priced for burning • lnd1 •·l•l1.1&I "'"'&\!"Ill'"'"" of fll1! \\'url1l r r af\ rnmb1n~ a t nbute to a happy oc- c a1>1 u n hi!tl)r.r in orir 1n mad., f lll lrl'Jy ;,( ""I X With J oid "'"' •ll<•r ·IN <>r&t.Lun1 tor • tori •>• tu 1de (Ir of y .i,1\t n1.ay • l 1\t1n.t; l·ornme1 nor•t1ou Porty Condle ~ tor hlrt.htla y , wf:ddln(, 1pec1&1 deror•t ed sn1a ll c•ndh• lh•t are l'lf'al for 1.ndlV1du &J plac,. 11t:tllng 1 or .ltlJ'el ch lnot• \\'h it• ol'lly wtth colored •••x de•lisn-, flot •l ho11q uf't11 L.oly of !h• V1ll ... •· ~nd Go ld ~ta r , Twelve inc.h d inne r t epers that match c.hi na po tte rns Exclu&ive at mo11a Corona del Mar 2760 E. Cout Hwy. Ha.r. M03 ' - 'J 111 · J L \-. II ,, " I I I " (" 1! ,, " • • ~- hostl'd by !\';ua·y auJ )j.,.,.,·a rd Langlt•y. \.'ia Un· d1111.•, fi nd,; Nllnl'y Rerv1ng rrun1 li ving 1oun1 b uffet tu J•'"Slt' J1·au ~!.111 h and tli J o9eph Herbert V111cenLB. Affair v.;u1 in honor of Mrs ~larch . l.o~ 1\11~t'll'l:i neY.'!-, paper woman. ~ Terry Bun i; Phut" N E II ' e () f{ 'I llAl{fl lJ f{ J\l astc r Point (~an1e 'J'unight " PA GE 4 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRES S " FR IDAY . MARC H 9, 1956 '" " ' " '" . " ' " ,, : ... '" J Philhannonic. Sets . . tlorl to "'1Ma a.&lnhnt•. tlW lodet)"• M"'9ic dSi ticlOI', UMI lM ......... ~ ....... ---,..,. r . ......,, -.. o.rtNil9 ...... ..... .. c. Fuller.ton Concert ..... .. Mn. Hwy ... .. . . . . as Fifth of .Season - Bre11-Comptyiy 'f•.kes Out Sponsoring Medlbership .....__, The Or&nge Couaty PMlba.-le Bociety'o ._ii. ing second birthday wlll bi. Ollllnted With tAe ftftJl coa· 1:ert pf It.fl current -to .;. MW la ruoert. a .W April, it WU decided at • meetinf ot the board ot dlrecton I held here Mood"ay witll Moreland. Leitbold pn:ak'••c. :\'tun~rou. report. on llotJI ,._ _ .ti. (•·nt t.nd projected -.c:U'1Uu of f4IJ1M ~) 8cbad• "4dM to !!.e M.W.:!ety we,,, p~i.&t lo I.he & ......... Of. --benll.IPf, i.:r·oup. which lncludotd dlnclor• ~ & ~p bJ UW 11-" welJ a. members of tbs ad--O•kMn Company of Br-. bu v1ii01')' board. put ta. IMlciety on u.. nrm .. t I M ore lh•n $2200 wU ckared n.&ndaJ foot.1"1' H hu ..._ abM ror the M>Clety'• concert ~ by to achteft thll.I rar. accordins to r I th• Valentin• s..u •• rep:wtecl Iba. A... i..-.A.ndenoa, .,.llt&llt ii-- K aren Margr eta Brunlft&". eJteCU· -.art:r. tn·t1 direc::tor The donation to tbs In ad41tJ-._ lo tbir cc:inc.rt plul- S0<.""1 r1y o r $3600 by M.r.. Ceorp nm! -t \ tai, northem ~ County. tt bl hoped tMt anotb•r \Viii Entertain 1 A board Cruiser ~I r ""' Anthony • lllt't \ltllL on bo11.rll 1n~1r r at11 n I lh<! OCC'U IOO ll1J ~ tll~ 1,,,u,J111 1&11n1vr 1,..ry 1'1 t" <'h!\•"I 1'1hlhli'I .,f J.A JI 1hr k l 't•·•· p;' r. r• 111,. , n11~,. •H1<! 1nr tH·( I H• •, I» !roll""' ""Ill t ... \11 ""I .\11 ~ ,\\11 1to1 11 ~ arvl , h 1l- ~11 J• IP! <>ll•I J ~rll• r r"h a ti"a 111 1,r.,1 h,.1 nr OH• h• ... ~l and • "' < ),...,, Ir h'll•I~ "'"'" v.·irL· "··d lilt.> 1 l•!l ·::<J A\llUILary. \!•; F t1<llk 0·11u1<h lllHJ Ml " l."hf · 1d ~lu1 ,.; .... 11. ( ·1~"' Tl 11 I'• r' ' " HI! < •11 "' •.111 p!llr of Bymphorue• for Youth can be pruented the end ot A pr11, wbll• U.. ~th concert ol tht' r 'f'llar eea.m momt'thn • late In M.ay wW br1n1 the orchulr• to HunUitston Beach for Ula nr11t ud IL W...._ ...... ~- AM; .... adwwd MttlMmau 91. hlMNa. . ..,.. Jeok eon. 0. .,, .• (bdit ~ ... ..,... ... JloMco flt. w. dlJ, ... ,...., ...... u..., 1...-ud .......... ,,...... v~ i...,... a.di.. •rtom.iWfll ,,_, """ flTA u .........• c... -.~Eare•e .. .... -=-....... o,;,,,, ~ ..... -..:..._ .... ---..,..... ..... . ........ _ .... __ _ l llt_ .... .._.. ... ... M9 ... I ....., ,_ ..... ""-41 .__ ... W_ll••. SITA COIONA DEL MAR TaAYEL SBYICE HarfMlr 1246 C-t Hwy M OrdUll ,,,_aie CDll r-t Oftb Le ~1gt1e J u11 io1·s Wil 1 I i1 s tall J{.ev ie'vv Book Cart Li s t for H oag Hospital Use •••! ~ ll•l ,, , • . ' \\., ... r '· .•.. .,. ~ ,. 1c1. " -t: ,, ... "' u\· .... ,. '" " . ' ·" ' " " \1 p. I .~v. :-.11. ,, ·'ll· .J ... \\ .1. ' ' \\ llll• ~ ,., ,,1n '"•I .. ' I '!lot I'-·• ' I~,,, "' I ,11,, ''" "'"' I ' lo·! 1·;,. '" I ' • " , . :0-••11 "' 111 I',. ... ! ! " .• r·• ,, . "l< ·I 11 ... ll<d!l• 11 1••1 \J p '· 1: .. ~~ ~J .... ~n. J:, TO HELP ;KEEP THEM 'HEALTHY P rote<.'t your fam.i!y'• most precious pouC8s1on ... health. In case of ill- neM, rely on your doctor to d1agnoee and prescribe. lkly on us to fill hia pre.cription11 accurately, q uickly. You can depend on our pharmaclBtll . • Late l\1arcl1 In \ , .. 11 . ' " " " " '" 'I t '' I " THESE THE ---- ~ Every one of lh.::sc Ford... Deal e r ~ US~D CAP.S is cle an cind class y . loaded wilh exlros ! ,, ' Ii ".Jil f-·onl l '!h l 'f" "5 1.,,f'h, 1· ~ dr ·5;1 1'1~ !"1:bur '·.1 ·~1! l{uu·k ""Ill' ·:i1 :'\.1,..h }. ,!, 'l!l l'ii"I I 'ii~' ',)5 :\11 f;h :-.1 .. r rn' ·53 J :q.;u.11 ~ ·;,o Oldi-: ..: , I 1 " 1'! -""' (;·1 •• Theodore ] : Io -.-'" :~:) ' :t1. \"~ ... I ~!! ' Robins I "" r I· ..... i r •· , 1, , ''"' :1:.rh \1·.11 .. 1 -.,,,,,, in I hi• l ""'"""'•I I XIOO \\. t '"a "! Jl,1 .1. "••II ~lari111·r· .. \l il1· .. l .ll~·r1 1 X-'.~1 -;1 liL ...... ., -JV'COIJT" ' JI I li ~ ... ,, .. ,. ,_ '\ ' . ' '1/. ,. r " . " "' ,.,~ . ... ·"'"•'' " " ·' j •·>I I ....... H 111 "''' ,, ·. ''"I' .• .-·ti•' ·"' , ,. .. n.: .. r ' ,. ' '" • '""' orl"•·n '" ....... ,, II,. I 11 'I 1-r w., ' HI 1, I> ' .~-,I ' .. ,,. , ,, "' " ,ol I ' " " ' " '"' '" in .. I lr!!••1 h.1 ' h•· n '" " 1..: ·" I .. 1.1 1 ... r '"""'"'\• • :.11 ,.,.," '"'"" ~·1,.n1< \\,,lf l1 11 I.I A k •·.< ll··1h,.1\ ~o·L••·n :'-l r1I,. Ii \'.'•'fl • 1 \\'"11 ••1 ,\I rll ~1 Ail! " S.11tH1r l s t .. l•'I ,,, \'. " .•• r 11,, ,, .. ... "''' " '' . · ''" '" ' I I ' \j • I ' " ' n·. d 1 ~ 11i.:. 11•' 11 ~" ... " ... ' • .: ·1, ... ~,.u .. 1 · 1 .. '"' I I •"• t • lo\ I"' ,iJ ' I ~Il l.I.£" I J., Lto. <1 1, I . .- '" l ·~ •' ' ' I •' " '" 1•,,111-.. n . ,,,j,, I " '· ·" '" •, ... ' J !Ill JO .I ,._,.j " !JIU • ' ' 'h· 1 .... ~ t ,,, ... ' ' n I\ •·"' " •l1>!j.;•' ,,f 1o>l11u 1,. .. ,~. •r1o l Jl>u r.' ti i ·1t~"Y· pr··~~ ,n1t1rrua n. "'"'' ~u··•t ~ 1'1 r~ H umlnPI srw 1k" n1 1"I I Iv •in th• w1ir k uf th •· •ux1 1La r \ I "' I '"'" I !"' f' •" .... ., 10 .; '' 11 I +I "· : J" I l•,01 I "\I• '.J\ T l'I• F< 11•1 I·""'' .. ,, ,,, '· "• I P • " 11 · I 111;.: It • 111 lwl" I •\ •· ,,i,., ·l•I f, I I 'I"'' ,,, •di l{l• lo,., ~Ir• I.•"" !~I~ "'' ''"~rh , ~111\ln 1o: t!i.•I 1"r 111•· 1 "·'' ··n•lln 1: .\l1<I •!I ·;1 •I<•· "' "" lo•·111 • ••I llil• ~· Hi "''ui•I .,.,,' ""'·"'" I ~'"' -I'•;. l•tl•' ~ 0>111 k'<n•L· 1"' ' Ii·< 1'"1: j ,, fo, . .. • 1J' l, 11.'1 •" ,, P \\ I · 1 .. 1'11 ,f1d •I•• 1 •• "'!·' ,, ,. '" .. ,, "'' , .. ' ~ ' I•'' ' I " '•~ ' 1..: I Accessories Spring Wardrobe • J, ~· • .- ... ,. \ 11 11 ,.,,\\,,fl .~l \J :f,,\1 ·11 \' '• Ladies' Accessories 111"'"1 1•11 111·" 1" 1'1 r, '"I"'' d .'ol "ll•IHY~ '1\l:\ll 'J';•; .• ~l\!11 .._,: l·<•I: Y•11·r1 ,,..,-\"l "'\:JE:>:<r I S6 I H a rbor Blv d. liberty 8-484'9 Costd Mesd II ·1 ~1 Y 1.-..: <'••C:T ·\ ~!F i'A 1',\.\11 '\1•:-..: I'.•• ,, " . ,, ..... J II" \\' '" '. ' " ,. ,.,. h 1.1 ... , J ,. .. '"" .~· ·'. •l a l• I I •I' • ·I'·'·· , ,• \ .... ' "!', . \I ' .l•·.1n•·I \•• :-ilu< kttull •1 t.. <'l•·ltor"I f' '11 t>•'P ••I' ll' r lt1 ·~•J•1 I h \\ • I' " . \I '""I ,\I re \l.,,l,111 h•' r.,•1 h •·•'l1 ~Hlllpll "" \ ~'IO'•I ~h .1 l••·n .\!1 Kll•I \Ir • J l.1111; 'It.\.•""" ''I' 11 .. 11 h .... 11\h .... ,., .. f·,,~·· ..... 1 :.1 1. ~ll ••l l CRAWFORD'S ... ' "'' " • "" ( 'ol fl ··1 . •• • 111)•• ... ' " " .\1' ' 11 .. r,. ! I :.1 ' It ''" " ',, I I•• I ( " 'I''• 1 " "'"l II 1l1 ""' 1;1lh"I t \I .' 1·,·:t .on.! F1··ol • I '·'•fl! '• I , ""'I HI<·• \I• 11 · ". ,, , J' '" I fi,, ·~ "P I .\1 1 • ~ .~~~~_,_@. FREE DELIVEJIY tt..rttor ...,,,,.. "'" GI,·,. 8£'H G~n St&mJ>ll Pn"'Criptlo• ........... , for lite \\ ii• l 1&11 11,.n.,,11 ,., •• ,,..,1 "ll•llrt, 111 I"· " ' ;q. ..• ,·11 .. '· ""'" " . " I L " I\ ... ... ' .. '" '•,' ~ l ' "" I••• r/T.P'· • ///(.J l.J I ...,. •• t,111 K , ,. "' t ''"""' ·"' . 1804 N~M"J>Orl Bou.le-.'ard In heart of Cotlta M~ 1 l)rrftct fJomt :lDebtlopmtnt) In clw ...,...,,.. .. .,),.,.,;...! t.raury whk h nnh • <'~1111~'> """'"'[>fw-tr <All nfl,.,. "~" 11.•LD """'' ,,.,._ .._.JI ,,.11o;.,,. lhlfl"lt lhe y ...... '" .,........ "''" ;~. ~ ....... Now....,.~ ,.i.., r•n "'"'Ii . .:!.,....,""......,.. M'tt1n11: lu• ti"' !'"nq111I lok '"" "'"' lcw )l'<Jt .. It ~·.J J"'UI l.unlly OI ...... ,nr .• n r-;11 ....... ,,_ • .......,.. f"nt <,..,,,.. «.h•""" i,..,. all ages,~ ... all d ... ,.,.,..,1n.ot1o:ino-""' ..W. Boot Ttn: 11•1.F. COMP••~ t~IM"I rti.f •-"' ............ ~ In • , ... 11£ .. "*' lhne ,..,.,, . ...,>f,.....al f.><J11>ts . Fno-th.I r-. '""I! f>1•! in 11.u.E,~.n' (;AMP\. .. f:nATU " I~.,~,. I''""',. ,,.n,.11,,,,. "''""· J11lr. .. ,,.,! 1 ·,,,~ -<omrlr1,. .. -,th , lulihou .... IJt. II•· I ~·" <>r 1• ,.,.1~•!1 r.n> I'""'"" ltl""•nJ• !rnno• "'"I hlu~'l~•I! ""'"!' .rwl •" "'""'"l f""">l -1'11 '"' th,. ,..r1.,.,. ... rt~ .• ., .... ol .. "'\""' .. , ... • .... _ _. - T ". --, ...... --12-. ·~ ·-- . -·---n·--... _ - 4-ACBE llCUITlll Pill FOi Wlllln llODOD -----.... _ -..• _._, -,,_,,_ ...... Estates ---_ .. _ - I .. .. '6tm -,_ .... •-•m _,_ --, ..... , -"· ·---I lllln -·-- • ! I I J .· • • ' ()ff icial \Tisit NEWPORT 1-tARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PA RT I • PAGE ' FRIDAY, MARC H 9. 1956 l.l!Xl 1:-'l.l-: c;1 Jtl..S have o rgan1zf'd a commllll't' t •• at·qu:u nt 1:-!:t!Ht rc~1d .. 111" 11 ·to liJOJ:; '111"1 j .J:L/\,., q f lhl' llCV." !'layer,,, (..1u b V.'h !t:h IS l o ,.,Lt).:" Jt.~ !Jr-.l f I ,, LIL"' ··B.111).:" ,-\r .. :.HH.l t-'.ltzabcth." ~:u·l·li '.!'.l anJ :!·! ul th·· 1.id•· ~·1u11 J1 11" 111.!• .• :.11 ing. 1! 11, 11 . tht· 1'llK..'1£'li f'altL l 'u 1t1 ·r J uJy l·'t·ri.:us(1!!, S.1n1i_v L\•i t.u:.11 1. l') 1 .. ·.1,1' U1a n1· /l ... \J•· -•atcd, D1an1• \\"ai.;).;••1 1~·r. Juan \\'agg .. 111·r. J 11 1l1ur· n ·1•r1 -.-..1 1l.1'11 lhe buard ••! .l1 1•·ctuni anll ni f r••!ll , A nnl' S1111lh -:'\01 r·1n>.1n \\",,bf), r· J'h,.1 , SEA LARKING By GL\".\"\' f.'llt.~. t:D\\'.-\.lllJ 1.t..:STEH) S)llTll Such fun to • ruiee ;1b-1ul t hf' ha y I'·" T \ "! l lo I•'' 'I ol "'IC I •· .111 111•· 1, I "1<11·._ 11 •'•lo :.:~ .... 11 1 ,, .,, , ,., I • , .~ I 'f • • ,,, ,, ""!I '• 1 Special Event for Bethels Huntington Beach, Mesa Be thels Initiate Groups T he official visit of ~1.-rs Ha rold Aggcst>n, grand guard-I ian and Clt'nn Yuu11k1n. lliHl(Jciotc grand guardian, of Jub's 1 1 Dau~htl'ri> attr1:1 cll"d a lar~e t1.lt('ndanc£• of guests a nd rnL•mbl'I s l o t he ~1 11.r1:h 1 11h:<'t1ng of Bcthehi 157. Cuz>ta .\! ... •., 1u11 l:!IJ. H uo !ln~ton "'""'I• at tr:" t"r1\l11.v .... 11 .. rnovn • 'lloL· .... n !'ha11 .... linj.;hl '""l v .. .-n .. , 11 .. rlg •·vu ~ ! r" "' Bl.'lhll 1~0. h' n-1· Ill 1 ·,,~111 Z\l ... ~u M HIP~ \\"llli. ~ll!l);o•I', R ••l; .. 1·t 1·,.,,,1 1·11u 11, hnti.JJ,·I '!'·''" • f :-;, ... 111 Harul<I u .... 1,.., Ja,·k H 11r·I tl•:h;·I I ; .. n·I h .. r ,.,.,,,, ;,, .. 1r. ''''· lt .. Jph I I"''· Jvhn ·'1''!..>1&.1111 Lt'I~ •''"'"l•·U !"r th•· .. pr tuh..: '"'1 t 'Juulo·~ Al")' Jo ,,.,,.,.._,,, ,\1 )· •"II \\'11'''"" an<! l 'h1u·1 ... -Arv J r I '"' l •I• '"lo; '"ll'tlU.tll"" "t.11 .. lJt• 1dl "' ""lllt·I 157 • I !loll•· /'\•·/ hPflU!•d <j•,...,11 'f l•1.,\llt,OOHnJ1r•I >:U., .. la lllll"<lll<'<'•! ·l••l '•·ol .. Tl.• lllLllM[l>·ll , • rO"llH/11)'• '.r \ , ..... ''" II• 1 • " ' ! " i;:11·~11 :0.,1 !I "' ' ,. ' ""' I I" '' ' .... " r .. , " . ·• :0-. I II 1.1 ,, ,,., I ,·11 ... 1 '..: ... ,, ' .. . ... ' . '•' !•'"" lhe 81th•Jin .. ~ ""I", (~ II'. \'.t::•r J r W•J!~htpl•t! ,,..,_,,.r "t • :'">• .ol "11n.: f.•,.11(• ••II I 1...1n<1 .. Als-''"I' ;.uuh· nl )\• tJ,. I . '· .:::::.'I f ~. " '. '•·. '"' "ii' I" I~ I••• ""t I " I• I 11 I" '''I' ,,/ lll'lH•·I 1'•7 ""''' A'',. .\I• t;" ·111~. Ii• ' l'"" I ''"I • It •1'1" \',1tlk•1 '""'' '" ' . 1 .... , '""11• ) I ,j- '' '' '" ' ·II 11 .,.. '' I I ) ! " .\1 j ''" ! I" ,,,t•i' '. I' I 1 • ' I ,. ' ' • I I • " ·I " ' " ,. H Ill·! I • IHI ..... ,, 'I I i ,.._,., I•' I ' , ol d ' '' ' " • ·• 11 I :.-'I ,,.. ....... " ' .... 1. , r ,., '• IL"' I' '• Ir. ''""'!II• ,...:,.\ • ol I" ,., ~IR. ANIJ ~II~~ t:! 1\\ .\l ;J ' 1 :i: and dan1·111 ~ :1 : tll• ll,.'t, tl11·1r 1dl'tn., ! ,, . .i II •"" 'u ,1 'l\·rry J {.,11~ l 'h, \., 1: .. :. 1" t• 11·1r.L C l \'I·: c·c1 '\T.\l'\l ·1:.-· (~irl S c <>lll :-> l~l'nd ... t '! ~·1 ,. ,. '. " ,. .. ' ... . ' " "' I d<HIO. """ .... , ... <•' ' •• I''. !I· " : 1 l • · I I · \ 11 h ' " , I " I '" • I I \ • < ~ • I J I '" .. • : , , ... I • • ' ' .. '" i, \id '· . ~ .n~1 .. 11.i1,,,11 u .. ,. . """·ll.: ,, • •I I T1 .. 111o;lo-.. 1101.l•·'! HURRY TO THE LAST ;io;..: ::1-L.. ,, ' ' ' ,, " ' ... 1 ' 1 .•• " ., ,., t .. ' •I 'lo•" I<•· I . ,.,, .. ;. ••I 1"i: 1: ... 1 .. ·I 1 ·A II.I I,• ,\l,11•1' .'I p Ill ~ I 'l.1) i\ !t • I I, .. , •I\ I l"l,J•"l"" GOING OUT OF BUSINE SS ; ., 111 t h" :'\""I"•!\ ('anal -"1·tJ01r1 .. n •rni 11di-; uni: uf thl' \"l'1111«· Beach (L'.a.lilur!!Ul.I can<il:t ... i:;uch a J;;.nJ of quaint <'tl· 1·hantn1<·nt .. 1<'r\' •!1!fL"r£'11t fron1 th· !~ay pru1~r. 'I'll• t• \ "' ,:. \' " "' . ' ' II " " -·,' I! . \ ... ! T het a O ffi cer s .i\ss u1n c Out ies JUNIOR r:~'O? -.. 1 .. :' \ I' • ' II lll \'!(•\\' tlh1•y cc.11 't ~··t unJt r th•· .1, I•• 1Ui;~, ~LLnkpu11.-1 ~ lj,\ L l.l<JA . '· VRrd .-tot.-of !hP ' •llrac tJ Vf b 10! ,.,.,. (/.o• "1" ,,,, .. , " ' 11, ..... b,.1tulll11l 1\.,.,,.., 111 I , ""'" "• tl"n , ... ·1ha1 .,f ,\tr IUI I f.\1• \\I 11 ..... LJ ~,rJa J1 . '"' :".~.,.~,1 l !ol l•t!l•I l! i. lrnl\ 11 ,j·1""l'I"' • "''1' 118 f1'1 1t 111•'iw !l11nk• 'l "~\"' ,.,,. <'t.J1ot1 !.1<tn ,"\nr'I ,,,,.,, .. ,.,,,J lh"' •of 1t1r· H"ro~ o;,r,. "" h "'"" t,,, ""t ••·11~1 "'"~ '' t• ,.,,. ' <II • l<-n H • ... u I•' 1 .... 1 .. .11 1 ... ,, I 1 "' z.-1' I ~-..1~·11· l1L•· I•"" tho> ,.·,.~ '" I L"J,,u.j ,i,., ''' ' ,.,.1 \ n 111" 11 ... J ~>U 1•-a n·i l\o," "' H "'""I '" 11,.,,, "'"'' I"''' 11> II 11• 11 .. ,.,. ''·"· flj,.• ll n•I J,.,11 .. Ill""' 1. H '"" ('R UIS!:-:1; hH«k brldl(e, ""l"d t h"l !IH' <old L ••I<> !un !Hl•I o nl ,.1"~!'11);: "'llh \"•r >:"l'" W•rf r•1Lauiant 18 a .. k,.f.,h>n. 1 .\1 1~ ·1 "l ' IJ\'llltt. Jlf'•·~1<Je11\ ••! the 1-Ko nd-1t\ut ,. 11,.,d~rn "Pll.rl· 1 hi' -"'"" l'"rl A uxd1ll t .\·, hut t ""' " m"nt re1t1nl! .,n f1tr" l1fl1 nj{ llUll!< 1111''' J('~tUng ready r•r the 1i..1b LJ1lt••n f 'Af'l:<TR·\:-0:1 -H~""''""I"'' H.ulaur-.nt upen1nJ(' >1uon f'\ut; "'111 l!'v" 111'1.,!h,., uf th .. ,, HENRlr:T"fA. tt1.-. "'A rflun•1 the '.•r»1rl,ltn);: fa.~111011 ~ho"· lton »h•"•"" W o r ld Jn IIli.:hty Day•" p11doll.-Fr1·: .. y . .\iut·r h !fi . pl~nn 11111. wheeler 11l Gon<J.v1ll'1 du. k'-arrnll~ '" '"' "" hnnd . Su•· FH k"' the ba y . Jookt>J like "hf hi!'~h"1 11 ,\fH,e~ Uurt ~lr11ub. J •rnf'~ HnllL· raca ltftin( too ... 'allllt ~l h.1t>k· I \1,1)'. J llhn Ea rl. Ll."n ~-;>;e!..;on Ing 11!rrht you h11ve rvcr ~"""· N f -1 ~1nong othrrs ... le r h er burning 11ot """ fnr th" IHJI 1t nol T OBY \'lll<'nx 1 ~ .. Vf' Mike Todd mutlon p1r!111·r prn-Sund11v inr thr1r ~:urop.-11n t n!' d uctlon , •• \Vonder .,..h8 \ ll~C" \/\r or ltlnenuy ~oun<!s lokr ln for now ~ 11 11r•· "" f"fou<l -S in.. v.·1 1h RIC HARD'S c-lubhou.-.,. pt<>\'••d X•·v.· IJ1 Iran.~ th,. lu •I •!np once a g1\n lo be 11. i.:-uld rtll ll" "r th<'n " ~, 11 ~-.,y .. J('e to 11 .. ,.,.,. a ... 1 .,. rDear Dick · Whl!'Tl 'vitl on IQ t-.:.iater 1n l'an11 fl••n 1 )"()U Of*l. tha t 11nack b11r "" l n11t vuya.:c. \\'ilcQxrs -.. 11re i'"" •n I all our fr1en<11y chllchRllnl('. will ~i Ay . not cau11e thu~ "b1111k elJK1n11" ! C6Tll.1.IO:-:s ""~\ \\'f'{fne,.<t11y G«>o:I In 8Ce Ev \Vhite . II! N ev.·p.,rt Hnrbor YIH'hl l.."luh Stodle Pe&r11nn ~!A non ~fRplt. v.·otl find "II fllur 1-:n oup~ "lh·1n~ lju.1t back rrurn SAn 111 .. 1:u1 11 up" with v.,-c1n1;o C·ill11ti Renie and IJ"b Stn1lh 1who "'"'\"n1 .. r1 11 1nln1o: 111 lur,.·h""" 111 the n ow llvinir 111 \h<' URo•k Uay• -rloOi fOJr !h<" p11!1"!1".~~ ,·h11ir n•~n tha t •lway11 r he~·rtul . 11.l\\'ll Y"' help-'w!1ll 11.re h••H•IP<t h v SAiiy 1.\!1:; ful M ilo Litr)' MIH"l " 1t:l1t1Lpll<! uf I 11;11-vf'Vt Snnier11 ~ .. Ii.· Mnd H AI'· bu.ty Dfck 1t1.-h1tt•I v.·hu llR"' b"'rn '"' h.,,.,. JU.<\ .. rn•···d h•'l\l>' 11 ur11 m o vtnrr J ennie 11.11·\ ~~h/I 111\n thl!'•r 11!'''1 • ~"'"'" "'"''k t 111• 11h·•·•r•I th~ lovely new lr1·111.-1 .. rn&."l' home. St"1td1 1fl fl··v.· 1H 11 .. 111 1,,. l' .. t ?::O C K l'I T SCUTILEBl'TI· Lhf' Far"·clls -'I" ,[,.~any \\"elconHI honor 1., Lido 1111~ pr,.x)' Ill"." 11""'- fl'ra.nu11 4 M r~. Ch,.rle.~1 La1n b w ll" Nf.:\\'L\'\\'ED8 [,,,,,,thv 1111rl . \a up and 111><011\ 1tltr-r ,. h<1tpit11I A111ly Kirk 11rr hor1w ''""' 11if'ot" 11ojourn . . llh1 \"nu knnw \hat h11n.:-yn1·~1n 11nd h.,,;t 1nJ(' 11 ,.,~ k- n a t1onall.y r11 n1ou,.· 11rchnrclur11.l 11111 purty lh1l; S•lfl·l .. 1 111 thr,r photo&T•Ph"r H1u·u1,t Da\·I~ ~pent Ualbo.11 l:illyr1.,nt h•n • · la.It week -enil ~hnllll ll (I: lhl! A l f!.,\l.f:t l/\ BA\' \"\11h.~ l;•t,,,;L ·-. •I' I .. ". " . " ' ' "' l•·I 1 JUN I OR EB L LL l\IL~.l l3 LRS l3USY \\'I'!'! I <:<rl'TON 1\1.\LL 1!,• ,. ' ·d '" ''.q•1•• r "' )I oO! . " " I ,.,, ',. •... ,. I.• I " '! "' " ' IJdi>I '" "/" lak• 11 !oy ;\1 l}pen t., .. r.v I "ur: 'til i I'. )I. ·' 1·,,,' f' "' '' ... .r· • " .. ' '" ..... ;.. . " . ' ' ,. '. '' I ,. '. " ! I !". ! · ,,. ,, ,, '.,. j.• I• 'I ' . ' .. " ,, ~.' \ 1 " .... ,,, """ , r .\!1 - l. ''•I' '.,. I'" ltll j . \', 1111·• I \\ ·~'·"'" "I l " d I '" . \' ,,1 '" I ' '' '" •I "' " • " 'll ,, •i!I• • 11,• I 111!" • ,\\1 IU• h •• I• ·I• IL I ., '" ' .,, • 1 I· IOI \\I' I f ''>I• I• , •I f1••1 , ' ''I II L "I~ """"' !(, 1,.-lt \\ ' I ' •1 ! II " I,. •• /"' •!i<I 11 ""'''" I•• I '''"' ~· J' ... \! .11,,, • '' ''" l ' .. ' 1·1 .. ~, ,.,,, IU ' I r,,. I'll/ . .;• Hiid I'"""''"' (•_,,, " .... '. ' .. I '. ,\ \ ' '""I• I,., 1\ II J /,.·I o, 11 1 . . "·•'lo:'" :.11ll1.r1 , .... ,j ..... 1 ...... 1·· 111 I '" I < ll IL I In• l•n I • ~~ • • • iii • Ladies ... for a ' <JOOCJ ' . 'r or Hair rL · _na,o:n'] fry S he )I) ( !uhlc• ••• 11,,., • '' J,,., "'I"' ' '\,' L I lite '56 l71c rrolct • , .. • " i d""'lln u~ "II 11,,., Utt'°r -bt&r whu·h /<:.l lur.-,, ~'.ln1u the El~ I 11h•nl "Ill• 1:0 :Jh tut ed. ta.kine I""' t 111 Ill•· , lt-.n-up camp&lp . I i.:..11.Lr to 1·u1Lt!nll<: Uui1r cl~a.u-up i ''""l"•1i:n 'l 1"•·1• 2~• ll•" •nnounc- l f'ol t i.At 1r .. 1r.11 111.t.il lton1 or 1Der- •·h 1u 11 . "1 1 ,1. ,,.,\ .. 11101 .. bas~ lhe s,,,u•• "!I o<!I •· h th,.tr atic.kl!'ra 111 !h,.nt 111111 ,..,.. thal "-ry l"at' 111 !!'" ll,110." ~'"' ha" unf . f I :-; ' ( Ill /11 ,, •II I /I (l 11.' , I , //lt(ltr '/I t/JI /It I· ' co~~CER To · .. -.... T:?l -LINE ,, '. ,n. ·1 ' ! I,., T - ' ~ I ' '" ..~· ' ·r-.- '" """"11 r. , ", • ". . .I , ! .,. r:q•>\ . 'I. 'r 1li· I'., ... "• I • •' .,1 ~ · .. n l1f•" !- 1 ' ·l•'· .! .:.11 ; ~ .... i. -... v ~( ..1°-' ~ ~6 i h t: \ '\' 1-"l(I J.'\ T IH .l'I. ~·1'1 1 1<1-. • ,,,, .... h .. r l 1•,1,,, I. "'II ', ,. ,"•d l 'w r <>1"1 '\ .... 1 '\ll \'" 111 'I ~ I -, 11 .. "''" "',\II ' • t. .. 'a~~i "C'O Ql ~~E R 11"1 lhc 1u•w '"Two-Ten A l:ir10 1 :edor\ one of 20 f1i1ky new Chevroleh,.~ ... Upholstery Draperies The F ine!!t Crafts man:.h1p Pl us F'a b r·ici-; at Close~Out Prices E n able1t1 Us to Give Your Old r·urniture Thal NE\V LOOK at As tounding- J:>rices D uring the "of f se1tson" CALL US DAY OR N IGHT l.Iberty 8-8518 Flit eRlln1r.!l!1 ur onl!' ,_.r onr .i._., ••!Alur• will r a il ""ll h .111.mpl.-.• a l you•-''"4 "t"RI. Ho11se JGanlen ~~~-~ ill MlllTllX~ rtl Tlil r.\no 3017 \\'. Coa~t lf"·y. {~arinf'r'" Milf') l\f'""l1ort 84-B<'h .\\,11 1r 111n • • t <J!\\.>]1 I'-'.;> <I S\\",f\llt h.-. ·' " I'• .. \,..I._:, l ' ' ' J'ha1:i1.1<,\, 11 '.1 1, .. \"' ,I Jll1'Sl'l"J!1\1•,ll •:1 11 ~·: II ol; d r11gs. ,\...: l'h •111•.1• <I \\, <' p<'ll~•· ! tv·n1 :1...: i•r• 111•0• I I'.· 1" 1nC'd ir:i1:1• t hal n '11 -.·,,. I :1111 , 1• "111iral'I""' 111:1d•· I•• 1•1 t 1>."t. 1•ai11"t.t1'1 n~ 1.11l· rr ..:.=~~1 .l~J -"-.: ·.: ·-:. 11\I !"" .' 1• I 1 .,~f l\" ! I' !i 1i ' Ill• i :011 ! ,,, ... ,1.1 .\,.: :1 1q•j·l1• ~ "l ;,II ·\ ··1 "'111.i ... " ·;,! • ,, l•l f'-'d\· 1 .. d ·~- I• 1 ... ~· '! ruh • \· r\ :·· t •4h.:l\h 1";, ·! -.,)••i .. !I .~t...11 .111.! 7 · h i ·" bell 11f11 '-~ got pm re r /Ji n t' .<; J'KI 11 t l1r r -q 11 i, ." o 11, i !lrnt 1n1/s llf'!I' kl•/.;_ i11 yo11r drlr i11~1 r1111.I 1111•1, ,/(. / '1 O/! I f ! .11 ' . ' Hu1 p"1 1 · tJi,n if .d 1 ,,.~. Oii :1 /\ tli··k"nf ~·our In" I" ;di i1 1.1h•-.. 1n unl,.:1-,h a houdr1d nf 1 ·hl'\·r11l1·t JH•\1i·•·! l '11\1•·r rh :it 1n:1kl"" p:•~ 1 f.1 r .-..1f1·r fo .1· :o-;1\'(ll~ "•1,:0lld ' II h1 '\ tht·1· r•·ally t"Hll lll '. P1i11 r•r th:11 ~ ~n1onth a." silk ;inrl :L...: full qf :11 tion 3.." ::i :;tnn;.: of 1irt .. :ra1·h• r:-! !~1~. r], ... p-1.Jn·athin~ j)(J11•·r t h<.t 11 ,~1:111 11 ·. l!1•'P.",.; th• •I , •"- ~t ni<'l l ••ll t•f l:n•I,· ! 1 h .JJl•l! h11•·r,I.:,.: .... .,_ ·'" ,. j,.j t· ( •I• :•)fl ••1\,. If,, l' Air ""'"""""'l/l-1""''"'"''"""' "'"-fr /I• ·••.-r-<.r ,,, • 1;•r.1 •~··""'••I>''"'"' "'''""~''"'"••'"'••"t r!~"'' '" l 000 We.t Coast Hi9hwav NE\VPOr.T c:r,c~ co. Phone Ll~erty 8-2261 I I ; - • • :J.rom ,, '':Jf;_~-(}overnmenl moneg' Gxcepl ~~~~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~~+.-J~~~~~-+---_;:__-+---~. NEW RT HARBOit NEW PRESS fRID Y, MARCH 9~ 1956 i PAGE 4 • PART I ' ' ' ' ''God grant us the serenity t~ occept t he thing$ we cannot change ; the ~oura9e to change tha1 thingi we con a nd the I DUL ME IN. ol:.NTS .1 Editorial Circuit Rider wisdom to know the d iffe<ence." (A. Anon.) By UNITED PUll8 EDITORIALS CA Sympo9ium of EWtortal C-Omment ··trta Califomla. Newapapera) Judg~ Morrison 4es Out with More Felony Probation In n1onths past thf' N«.,111:1-l'rc·ai; t\i.111. in the fi~ld or fair comrnf'nl, (·riti('ized o.:ertain al:lpt-cts of Orange County's jud 1r11try. Today "'<' art' forred once Rgain to note lenient st•nte11~·1nl( b\' a Su1".t:r1f1r Court Judge of 11. young man v11hn a~st'rt•·lllY admittc·d pulling or aitlfng in the staging of 11rvf'ral Nt·wl'ort Harbor bur~lar1e8 and, or robbtr1e~. '!'he ma11 ir1 qul·i;t1on waa given a long term probationary sentence evrn th11 ugh t o nv1(·!ed o f nnf' of th<' "ulstll.ntling arn1cJ r obber ies tn recent counly hii,it ory, \Vf' are Ho rry t 11 nolt' that Sup,·rf(•f Judgt J..:1•nnl'th ~fc1 r ri.;011 J 11srega t'Jl·d thl' n ·1 •1lll:ll<·tu lo I I• •II i~f th~ l'' ~un t Y pr(Jbat1o n departn11•11t v.·ha·h S!)l«'lfJ• ;oily rt·!'On1111,·nded the-]'ar·ly not b•· 1·1·1!·:1:-.t"! 1•11 1•r o b;1\i••1l 'fh1 ~ v.-.1~ r•·· 1t•rte1 I and t lh · Y••Ulh i"<'tll h••lflf' \.\"l tl1 t lu· ur1derst a nJu1 g hf' Y,'111 111akf' r•Sl ll lHl"ll j (,f .I Sl/"1!!'-'. •·1 thi: usual s u111 h i,., l''"t..1l1<•r1l •'!'"''"11 111 1••1'1 t h• r,.\l n t y . ."\(/\ b"ill,t;: ''"Ii/"\ .Jll•I!.;•" ,1 IS l .. .i I p8"'l"H::" thr uU):"h th•· B dl!J u! a I" J:. •n 11 111g '" ).:l\+· un uril1111 •.. ! .. g.d •1!•ll1 11 lo·ltt•f" ;111,( l h• l'<!ol !l\ ,,t I ii• l,1\\ 1 •1 k ll• 1\.\' th(' lJ• II< h I •h ... 1·1\111;..: J 11 1 h 11'1 l ~='" I )1 •' I • "!!'\ 1 'f ' .\,;d ii.\ I• 1 I I 11.1 1 111 I" b• I rl::; !hf' d1·!1•111 lan\ s !1ri-t • r1 irt .. th,1l 111· 1·1.uld b·· 11·li.1b1l 1t .1 t" t \ • JI T f, <1 1).: :, llf ,., I\• ,; 'II 'I •!ol .,, I 1 ll I" v. ,. undt't • b·· h .. 1 ~·d i<t antl th1 • , ..... 1"t' r .. r A11d 111 :•n,,\111 1 Nla\t• 1'11 ·••(lS li l • thH lJj.i lt! h• l •l f o•' •lllJ:11it .• : H 1)\\'£'\·1·r !JJt·r•· 1-.i11 ••1h• ! \111• ··· ,,f la .... ' t•nf •• , ..... !!1111! [11 l•'I ' !11 ·!.11-. I\•• 11;1\P !'<•" H a h•(·aJ lJ,u\k Jl>bht"! ,,j l\S.d <'fi"·\11" II ! !ti lilt' lll~li l \'i!Ult, It y,·~u1 th1· !-lt·1·und "u('h 1111 1•· 1!11· ,.,,1111• pl.i.•· 1•.,1.-; b1.1 r- ~lar1zvd. Yt·l. 1f 1h .. ,.;usp .. 1·1 1r ;1 11 l \.\ll1·n apJ•l'l'· ll l'll dt·d ~,_.t s 11 111·1 1r 1·a \11 11·11 t t11n11 th·· I ••lll't ;; JL wtl! HJ•J IC'a r 1 .. t h1.· nrx\ v..·1iuld-h1· ban k lod11d1l lli:.it h", too. m«y g"t nff lightly 1J 1·11 ugbt. bllt ,i.:L111z1n g b anks a nd ti nli!1 n~ u p b11 ,,1n .. ~-;~·:-; •If' \, . ..,.,. 1i1 1 .ii. .111 V.1•1th are t""'l• dllf .. r r nt th111~.. f inly 1n d•·i.:r1.,· ,,f f11nd,; ... li ol•·n. ...,.l' t bnik . lla r1d 1t ,; .,..·hu l!·r r"! 17.•' a (.II•• b111J ;111d ga;< \h r (J<'(U)•Hllt~ ar1• l'lllling q uit,. ;1 ~·r1o111s ·-J .. l.J.' 111 II>-• !f 'l'hat 11 :i" t h•' ( .1s• 111 \\'ll!1 h 1li•· d• f··11da:!\ r•i·h ·rr •·d t o s av.· h1n1:-1l·lf gt•! ~•:1 rl'i .,r p r 11IJ;1\un1 .111.J n"I ••I\,. .1..y 1n J:'ll l. \\',.. 111 t ill' fare-t h•· farts. llarh••r ;t!'f'H uarn l·I~". 1 h ~ll :i nd ()r:1n g•• L'nunt.\' n111st 1111 • d 1s1r11•ts. a t"\' j::t'1•w 111g, mo re bus1n1'KS arid r C's1,J,·n 11a l •·sla bl!~h nH·nts ;lr"•' ("••Ill · 1n,g 1ntr• bi•1ng. l'h•·\ d .. :i~f\l tin pr1>!1..:l l•·tl .,(th•· !av.· from th1~ l'r1n11t1a ! fr\!1).:•' If nu r C'u\1rls Jl"!"'J;;\ 111 •..:1t"11l)! 1•rol hat 11.i1 :ig:11J\R\ the rrron1 rn•"ndall~•n f•f 1h• ( 11 1nl \ 1•11 1l.ii1 \.ll•JI d1·1•;1!'\n1,..11!. II. dl\'lSlf)I\ n f l;1\\' ··nl••I'• •'111"111 v.h11 h ~t 11d1· .. ,1h1· I h :iil"\'.l'S nf fut urf' 1·r1n1•· 1:1111 1 t hf' 1111l11·ul11;,)"s 1in ·1·1·•11s n ·1·•1rd, th<'n Wt• l•l"I.: 1n f»r \he l"'ssd,•l1t 1· 1•f 111<1t•· f(·11 J1 111 ·., 111 Ll1 c county 111 yf'ars I•• l'!1T1l• \\.'e c all to 111 1nd a "a! lad w tlh narcol i('l'I wh1ll' "Ill .. 11 pr1,ba4 1111 i .. r a s 1rru lar of fense, recf'1ved a sPcond pro bationary sentf'nce 'r C'rms y,•c re he had to bf> hQmr by R p. m. daily a nd h<'lp his mother with thf' J1:-1h('8, You 11hould h:1vl' heard the police depurtment!-l hi>\.\'I v.·h•'ll 1 h(·y h t"ard 1 hat un('. NOY.' t)H'Y \\.'ill b e I rying Pl\ Judg(' ~1 u rr1so11 's 11 ('\,\'. est de..:1s1on for !'liZI'. Kaiser Once More Follows Supervisors on Bond Issue W e see our county board of superYil:ln rs this week 11.do pt«I unan1n1~H1Bly a mf•li(ln tn place thf' board's po rk barrel ~42 m1ll1o n 1.:n unty flood t·n11trol bn nd 1.S!:IUC on thl? J unr-primary ballu t. A lthough (.'os\u ~lt•sa , N1·1vp11r\ l~\'fl('h nor I~aguna Beat h , ~o far a>: \.\'t' k no\.\'. \\•il l lx·nl'f1 1 hardly a dime fro m th1s extra1·a~ant l'"li11.·:d p l11111 dt'!-lll':rl'-'<I 11s a drainagr n1eai;ure Ii! hen.-•f1t l'ertain inland and \\'l·Ht county ~ubcl i visillllR . Thf' unanin1 it y of tht' rn nt111n . us 111 an C'arl!f'r motion when the bond iuue wu approved, once ?J'Ol'e putJI Supervisor H einz Kaaer into the limelight ao hia constituentJI can, look him over. He'a the politico who represents, it aays here, and Laguna Beach. Newport Beach, Costa Mf'6a When he 1•otet1 "aye" on this fl ood C(l ntroJ n1ea:-1 ure', ;1~ votes lo put a new, •tiff tax on hi.d home f o lks deepit~ the t{l°ct they stand to gain litUe from the b o nd isaue·s dubiou11 fl ood contro l n1e a.sures. As you·u re. i.:all, the count y farn1 bureau and the county chapter, l~ague of California Citie1J, both came out strongly against the bond iM ue, favoring a bt·tter n1 ethod, sug- gi::sting c hanges whic h "'"f".luld save n10nl'y, a id the farm ers a nd urban folk. Thr-se y,•ere n ever publicly considered by the L·ounty superv1s<1rs. ~fea-nwhile, .Kaiser is being put on the h o t seat by t .. aguna Reai.:h vutcrs who are irate t he county would cons~nt t o any 11d1•lands dr1ll1ng b y the ·rcxas oil tycoons who tbe buard uf i>Upt•rvisors ha!! allo wed to fight legally against t he state fur a sserted C!JUrlt.v tidelands oil right!! 1-?'gunans a re l1 k l' Ne y,·vurt l~caeh N'1'1J ents, they r1·:-.,.11t l'<'rtain 1ne t hods IJ f takui~ .. 1! fn,n1 t he sea fJi,ur :-\o, Ht'1nr.. Jt \l'OU\d SC'l'm is batting II. t h1JUS<i11U . 1111t Ua 1Jiy,·1ck 11.nJ all •1nl .\' 111>,·ay frun1 h (1!nc lJut in his \•\.\'fl Ill l!it• -,.,·r f•ll l{ d!!'t'Cl 1<1n. 'Go\'ern111ent Hasn 't A Din1c' "J-:..lural 1»n l1:t,. 1t1...,·ays bt•f•n a matl{'r f (,r the !"l,dl· I J1'" 1:1 tli .. !'tatl·h. v. rit•·s J anll'K \\' !J uuthat 111 t ht• l ·!~1 h1) \"u to·r, "'l'h(· Fedt•ra! r ;uvernm!'..'nt h:!!:!n 't g ut a d1 1nP that 1\ do..~,..n t lake away from the people. !-;c, ll ( .111 t ~1 1,· .. nyth1n ;.: 1.1 a sc hool systl'm y,•1thr1u1 f 11"?<t lia1·1ng takt·n 11 """'".\'from the 1•c r y 1ieoplt· who t1boulU Ix-~uppvrt111g the slat e systen1." '!'ins i s true of 11.ll o t h('r federal "g:r anti>" to !01·a! g 1)\'•·rnn1f'n\. Gn\•(·r11m cnt, hke an 1nd1v1duat. can't gt·t a nylhtng f o r nolhu1g. ']'a,q 1ayt·r~ n1u )';t JJUt u p Lht· n101u·y plus th" Jurge add1t1onal su1n:-1 nbsurbc·d by tht'. b ureaucrats a 11d adm1n1stralorti. THE CAPITOL WEEK II_,. \\' .. \l.T't :H J •• BARKOl'l.t, l inn et.I l'n•ss S tar r l:orrespo ndent 'l" 1'' Tr ..... uiv ... 11 h•"•t ~p.,11.11 111; a 1 ... _ .... h"•l1o:1·! "' !'11 ltr,,•u111 hl~- 1· > 1111.• 11· ~n ha" '"•1 I ,. 1 ~·1.•~lf1 l<H · lo \ I ; .. ,. ( ;.,,,,i,,, 1'1 J h'.ll l>./l! I"" I\"' fUll•I• l'hlol • ll ln•lll!'I '''"""fl ... hi 1 ht' l1•jo:!Ml tt \"i ~ Ill "II t•I, <'I i<•ll .I ''''' Il l•' .. 1 ... ,,,,11)( 111 !1·· Ill• l1111<l 101• l•• ,,.,,r Ill,. K111i.;hl l!1 H1 ~,.! 111••1! r1" hlll.!" o•)il»·no!LTOH•• J ""~ln l'1 ··~I" .. d ln I• p $1 'i htll1"n "nd 1•,.ll·••I•• ,,.,.,,h $1 7 11,tln>" '"IL~l'•I .. ,., "' '"""' f " " ' I•'''' I I " ol ' "' " "". l.:l '"'tl \·'-iii!\\ \\!I"> • ru, 1 '11~ ·•11 ol •,.t·· "' ! '' "' • "II' I """'I\• "'" .. . ",, ! ''""II''• 1!1 ~l ~p h 1" I ""J! o•I" ! "I ~ '.,,,~,d~I ll r ... ' ~ ... , .. (>ild .:~1 ! ., "'~ 1•11 ... i 1 ~ .. 1!1 hll.• ···t " ,, ...... tll jo:ll IJ\l \ lhf'I'•' II J\ J!\Jlloi l' ll· 11 C11IJ furn1a's l"•Pllll'l \1on I~ 1:1•1\\!llji( A" ffl.•I RI " !:t l~ ,,f 11i.. .. 11 lt•fl)f•O i"''""n" 11n11u11 lh lh11I on~•·1 1 1tbl .1· lh1' t:n1<1to:f'\ n1ust 0:'1 II)' 1'1'<'1')/ )'Pll I S11Q1 ,.nHn1!1 +·,.~ .. ( y,•111 • Mft•t lll .. llll• IJ'1<l j:"I .. , .. fl\ ,,. a l r"ll•I 1· ''''l'""'t~ ""•11l:il 1·11 11 .. 1 J•ll ' , ,,,,.,,I . ,n, 1 "ll~~~ oro I~"· hll \'I' f"I ltH• 111 i.:1<'n~ "l'l 'r"\'•"1 f.:111,,:111 " •I• J•U I! llr1d I Ii" H"lh 11 .. , ... ........ , .... i .\1M ll"t ••f IR••! tt'" ,\,.,'II ll,, li "H ""~l:~'a./"'l 11ia t l •o \'"I'•"' KMl•f<;•p•ort i't 10 '/f'*>'r ,,f u.••nl 11 I\\ .:o•'ll<" ~)""t\•\ 11'••1 " ''"'ll•'I 1111!11 flt' ~~l<··.I l••r ·rn" lt'i,:tsla! .. 1• ~h'l111:hl l{app apnr\ !lh,,!ild ~!M <T " ,,.,.,,..,., h p r.,o:ran1 nr ~t )'•·111 "n•I "~k,.•! hllll '" "' 1-..1111111°"'"""'' H<>rn11 1,\ f'Al•I· "'1'1l "r !111' IL•1:h ,,.·~.I' 1'ulr"1 n s k ·' <>d ln !ht' 11f'I\' hlHlj!1'1 f••r '.?~1)' M•!d1lu1n11I 111 .. n Jn h1•lp po.I n f' \hi' h 11:hy,·a 1·,. Th~ 11.~~~·1nhl\· ·"'"'"""'· Praident Eisenhower'11 deciaion to run for a MCOnd term and the anticipatio n of 1uch an ~ouncement cauaed editorial peM to rly Jut week. Ian Fr-claoo Chronlr·i~; "Yr•1N!)l,l)n trom lh• l"f Ucllet '°""'• l!MMnt. l:&Mnbo"'fr'1 dec\1-1on lo lo be Oen. Lu.clua Cl9J'. hHd of run _for • NCOlld lfrm ... wu l hfl N'aUon•.I C1t1&ena t9r «uen· the tHpoNN! of a m an wl\o ha.a how"r. A ccordLnr to U n 11 • d n ev'!!r fail'!!<J lo >1c1·•pl a .:11 lh to I Pnotu1. Clay .,,,,.\ "l'fllttlly with a duly thal "" f,.ll h<!! c ould pf'r· i;:1oup ...,·hv eoilKtlv•ly decided torm. Th"' 'yf'a' <lrchlo~ ... ha" 1 ,"\'1xon •hou\d be aent to l h • bttn welcom~ by t ..... o o r his !howrn. SQrne R,.publlf'.an 11:01'· pro.pecUve OJlJ>On"n!a, A dla i 51 1'· ,..,·no r11 wl're J.alked O"<'r, al well v o:n90n a nd Sf'n. K •fdu•· .. r . •Jn lhf' a" cabinet mo:rn bera." g round ' t hat lhl' lt•·publ1.;&n re,.. Br<k t'rllfi•I<! Cllllfornlan: "'ll h•• ont of th" 1111~1 f.,ur }"Pill~ i~ IJl',.11 !Jb..'lei·v .. d bf'fo re !hat Mr. 1956 ~LECT\O~S I his. and hi• t o d,.f•·l'h l Th11 t 1.• ~::,, .. uh •iw .. r b<"llr v'!!i •ln t-.r,.ly 111 r·1i;:ht. and it ho 11 "l'·""'l•J thin.; lhr prng1·,.1n~ ~"' In niol!ol\ bv I fo r the CQUnl11 i.nd t••t th .. h is a.cln>on:~trat1on a nd 11.. ha.w wo rt(! -that hf I.~ 0:"!11K ll! 1,0: fuui;:~it h a rd '''r tn .. m whf'll lhr y , 111 a JOOJ1il1u n lu tlo-f.,nd tl ' hil\t' r 01n1 ~ un<lf'r 11\taek . tie hM~ " , , I J\luscling lri AFFAIRS OF STATE l\y ll l::~H\' ('. l'llal•:\RTHl "H ~Al l~\''~'.111 . ,, ·'. "'" '' ... 1,, ... ,,, "I ... ' •1 .. ) • ,, .. !' ••• ' .• \1 ~., 11 ••I •I' I r·· .. ''" .. .,,J,.rn·l~I ''• 6 "'' II••· "•"I• " '"'""It' ,. • g•~l•l<LI ,. .\11 •J.o' • , .... '• " ... IJ" I"• ..... ·:" .. '1111i!llll l1· .. 1"". · •n •· .. 11· ~.1t1 !'• tl IB ~ .. tJ. 111:!! t h .. ·~ l!IU.• h "" 'l.!t flt..t' •I' I 11, t' ',, t I T 10 It ·r .\ l't. Oroville h-1"1"1'11 1")' "\\'1th lkl:' b"•'ll ""C•I U!"&f:t"•I by lhf' r .. 1111und- runnlng . lho: upvu"t1011 1•11udUlat..-oni,: pru~r"!.• 11..:tu ,.1"...ci by the n11 · will &Mun1e " "\ro>nuou~ !<11 k t1oJn u111i"r th .. iP ll•lllnrl' nf l hf'lll!. "'tlh little t•l\1o.n1·e .,f r r ,,.. 1 rd 11n•i.:ran1~ 11 11<1 h.. c..ertain ly h"~ ut/1>'r U111n r"'""'1n1r1.; th'!! l1t11l 11 r n .. 1111 .. nuon od llll"Y>'tni.: th .. n1 to h,.lld of lhe pl:l rty r111 '""r YPA1 ~ !Hit 1n1u tJl'\w1tltng nr •ntai:r.nlll· .\1 .. y llii lh• druu1·f11 • ..,r 1i1\h 11t·,.1 \n r1aod~ 11 \ll tk in Cu11g 1 1·.-.~ "'Il l "'IHt k l'rt ~u111t aJ.~u \\'11 11 It'l l~ 1/li41n .. ')' '"'"p1n.: i ev.~1~1 1~··~ IJI)' \I"· , • .•1•1 .. ,~1 1on~ o r th .. va lut"~ 1" .,,. t1<J/o&J suh•l•nl~· "'"Ill r a rry n ... ,,. "'~!i;llt f"i l\ll'l.Al 't~:\t l' T U Ht. \T 1. .. 11,: ~ '" " Ii· >ti!• llllu• h"• II 11 .. 011\ i".•·1 .I, t .1tk.ll\I! .... " 1"1··~ ol t'tll ..... 11i.1 "' I '... .-.: .. 1' " l'I.!" ~.•.•u11 q11,, '" \\ I J ", '~ . ,., 1r.,111 !fl ~ I,. I '" " "''"!!"' )H" PI "I Ht• 'I '" •1 ,.,.,,. ! f•1 "., 1 .. 1)! 11. 11.,. , 1 11n11 ·' ,. ., .. ,. ,, ' ! 11!\TK.AfT Tt:fl'f S Rh!1A" t'Rll!••llllbr\ "'° 1 ~t r . ~-I "'""''"',.! >I ••>II""'" I> 11'1! I·•:.; lu· '"n lov" f"r r,p ,,If 'A f .. • t1"r I•• , "" 111" .. u1 111r H! ~Jl< lfll'! ""'"~' t "11 3 1r n11 11 .. • "'" I I l't• I• "' I ol o/."" •.,,.,. • r~i~ ,,,, 1~· \I•· c 1n .• n I •l • I" • I "" ""'. ,, I I ~ ""I .1 " I "~ '' I,•• r. I: • .. ,, ,. • '~ ... 01.'11 .. .... ·l """ I• l'h I I ;, <11\llk l 11.• I •· ,,,. "' "' ;-;l<!ll ll \,,lU.ft.:: !tiH! !"•~•Ll•Lill \' lii'lrt T!H' r t •• I, 1 '" .j., ~'""' 1 ',, "• .u1 I "'I-... ,,., ' "i'I" .JI"'" I I ~ ...... 11• ·I' ·' If.,• l•r'"'" •'· ·"" ~1,1•1 ''•· !.•·'"''' Jr •~ lh•· '' '' I'• ·•1 ,,, "' • ''I' ... ''I " I' ·pt M ' ,,11•1 ' 1u 11 .. nnl .•I"•"' ·llu• 11: 1"'11111 .. 111~ 'l!Klll:•"' 111 • lh•• ! 'I fl'' bll"'" j 1n~1>1 "'·ul I t.o•· ~"!'""t1.-.J 1,, lh" j·'"'l'l•• "t ! 11 r ):••tlrt'"I 1•1'•1 l""' '"'Al ·""'""\/"I IJ,\\" ... I 1 •_:•·u• ~,,l,.I • I I ,.,•·~· 1·•1 ··· ,, '"''"1<11!• ,. 'I"'"""'" "·~11•111 d"' "'" II "fl ... lo K! 10.•1• f" "~ n• .,,. ''~'"''' Ill"!•' ,. .. ;••·!I 11•• n "r, -. " ~ ! • • I• u• IO I ',f 1"0:" I "LI! /L"I 1! \ J .,1 f u11 .,1; !n t o·~ I Ill ·· ''I"'' F 11 •' t ne J•'!"''t ~11,1:;: ... 1~ l :'11• A ~ 1, • I " 1'"' '" •·tot 111 ru ... t•'"'I ' I I ~n '!'" , 1"1 l•n 1,,1,: • •11 I Ii.. ',.,,..,.1111, .. ,.,,.i,, .• 11 .Jall;.!•·11"1• ~'1 1 •I '"'" h 1··1"1 l" ·11 l'I"• ""' llL.•' I ' "<!j I• ill' "!! ! I"" ' ' I •rt t ! '~" " "11<"•ni: J'~n 1· I 'I• I fl l Pl·\' r ll'11•1 ) 'H 111' f!• i '' ·+' I h<'I " al " Fl•,.r\/1"" o•t l" •I It'!" In 1«1):111~11 ,Holr I Utll\l!l~ l!lll ( .. ,, " '" '· '" ,,,,,. 111•• r ~, I I !1K! \ "11 'l' I !w • !" I " . 1 ... 1 .. ,,: fo, ""' I"· II·· j "• "·' '"" r' I II•• I "' " ,, ,1 ,,,. 111 .. 1 ·,' .,.j,' '" , ... 1, ,,, h .. I'" ' .,, " ~. .. •'··" " '" ',, '' "" "'h•·n ~ I •'II ' " , .. .. ,., .... 1••11):1 h •of th•· ! ",.:•11111 ~""°''"" I 11•· I "J" •I t r '" • dll 111" •\•'I 011 \ 1!1'. , It'\" [ ............. 1 .. 1:1•'/I 11 I •'•"'" lo•>W IPI <"ff >'• I "'' 11•1.• I ... , 11 .. " r••~ 111,1 I 11,,. , ~ ,,. ' "11 , •. 111 • •. .i I 111 ~1 .111 1lfl,·~ .. r tr\' It "'·ul I t"·11111t It•" on \o ,,JUl I It 'r 0 11!'< ,, ' '"" I OI•\ \"'•hi\• u ....... ,11 ~~ ' .... 1.1 !l••! ti .. 111!1•"'"' ... 1 I Ill · h'" ,.,,I,.,...~''"• 1•.·.t1 1"" 111 f,..'I, ll•·"""' '" •lupl" ,.,. It''' i., II~ 111 • "' Ii 11"· 111 t" • 1 lwt I"' lo•1 I "'' 111•! ••llJt.,l\" I" '"H 111 •lupl" •1 I ,11 •'1 \'. \u11,.,11 nn1 1,. 111 .. l""l" 11 .. !l• 'J')1 .. '""'""llt•• ,.1., "'ud•t h1• ... 01 .. r ... n ..... 1 •••• 11 .... •·I •(I•\ !Jiii ti~'" 11, •• O l•M ~Llr •'• II 11k• .. 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Sacramento Sidelight • n'"' l" ,,.,. ~1 .. ·11°11111: ".•~l .. 111 J1 1t<I 1 r .. ·r·· "h" F11 11· l<!t' M••·('l<ll•"I ,,,,.q,1"!1ll,\" l"•l" I ••·A l lllt'll.•111 •'"" '" Ill•" 1<•1 At"" :-.; ........ 1'1'"1 1.. th~ ).'.ft .. lollf ,., .... l ,,,,,n,• h••P•"t" '"11"•'''"'''"" '""h 1111111 '""I.I hP 1·e\'l \'r•I 'l"hA! prn~ I'"' 1 11\1\\' I~ OP! h n c l•l II .• 1111 •. 1 .. , lldll \'rHI', A l"" l h~ \'t'I" 1 .. n i:l•t' !1U '•J } ll<J!t<•• o,f 1111'11:'"'· It ,,..,.,i,1 l:l•'I'. r ... 1~r11i "'"nr•"I " \"rl" ,,,,..,. IJ11.•1u""~ 1:r .. w th u.-. f•J!•' 1<n v !'••ft l l'l/N'l 011 ~•11np,,.!1 · 11 .. 11 , ,1ul.1 hr knr.wn. T h+'rr" •1 o Hilt;: !•U !h,. •••no:1 •·•~0<'n"! l•·g1.-llll!••11 f'l"'•!"l><!llA I<> 1-;.iu vr """'~ tTlC'·' .A fll Ap,.nol $1.l.'.>0.000,• 1n t h11 nrxl r1"• )olA(°HA.\IEXTfl, d ':-,:,.;, ; • .'l."1 (1 1.• ~·-~l h • L\11""· 1\11.~ '"ll""rl'll ll\"I'" ·"''llW\\h ~\ "II " '""'~ •n l(IM l>I ~ '" "\11\.,, •n<l IO• f'1t 111~ '"''RI \'f'MI .. 1a ohll.I: J ul\· I •h"""" 11 $~.1 ll u lll••n 111c 1.,1111e '" •• ,11t 11 ,,f rq .. ·111ton1: l h" •·11.riou11 8\M I~ jt~<'ll~ll'A iill 11\t'l'f'll .... of 10 .') f""f '"'ll '1\ol to•o' ""hit h l •"''~"'P•I !("l •~q11P~I do.ln"t t v1•n 11·~ h ll•I-~1 .. n ~ ~·"•!• "~" l•l !hf' liR)'.~ !!UllP '" lhf' n •,..U•· hi lhe '"'"" loJIJIJ '"""" 1 ...... 111r u1 I r~ U\••••' .~i ••"'"'j <t••l11<l.• "f" p•n<l•nji'. ""11 1" ,,.·)1<'n hllt<:k IJ"~" "n'I 1·11.t -fu<n j"'"" h11.•t•1<1ld. 1!1!fJo ult 110 "' to T•(;lll e y,h11 h "'"~ If '"'"'! llll' l"to:•~IMtlnn y,·oulrt K nii;ht 11 ll!O propo11e11 11. 5110 rnll· ltu11 IHllhhnj\ pro11:r•1n 1n thoJJ new f111<"1tl Y""r Th~ t h1!'rl p11 r·t o r th'!! budi,;,.t - 1 h it 11n .011nl 1 h" ~la t " mu11t p!ly 111 f1 ~rd 'hilt~•·• to 11upphrl pub~ 11, •·•hi.·11 l1on, (ihl a~" L'llli11t11nc ... poJ lol11 hPlll\h 11n,1 111•1 l'I nef'•ly •·l11t.lr~n v.·111 h<> l'f')~a.,,.,1 on ,\\;,I\ 11 ~1111 111.• huoli;••l o.•la1111 ,. "'h"" l{ll1i;:t1t •l+'lf\•er~ '11""-""0:<' !<> \hi' , .... I(. All 1h!•·~ <"ll lt"l('11"1"~ J!'l"•>wt h ,,r t hr ~te l " 1,.fl•'• I thi' ft" ~I rxp,.rt.• l'l""•ltrl rrl II hu•l j!rt f.,, th .. 1~:16-:17 '""' tl•·f•n 1 fl!'~'lll hrMr n ll I ho> J I 7 lhP 1 "·~11111"11·" JI "''l"d HI H•lll •ol ... 1 Ill !'111111' ••f 111" ,., .... 11 ~ Ti ... i-... ~<ll " p rr•·r·1111" I~ \hi.• Cvnl(IP!IB y,·111 I:"· •l111Li l(l11'11fl! • "'"" ,..,1'!!rlll 11p~nd · llLLil l•Hl lnl"l"~M~e w1th••lll 11nd Nll'~lllH.~ "' l 'a.!1f•ll lH!I, w•· lh" \'1 1""''~1 !.1··~ •'1 1 11-~tl<'Pl l ••r "'ll pnlu·)· ThrP11lJ1 lr> !llJl'r t th• hr1<1\Ml1un Tiie Riii\\ .. ll l'l1tln "'II.-IAk"n IJ}' ll nylhft "'"!l.I'~ Aud n1l'llllll s11hl',,n1· mill"" l'n !h1• 11•1tn1n1~1 1"i•un·~ ro:que~? ror s:iz 1n1lhnn tu u p· +'!"M11' \0 MllllP <'llllf'j; .. • ThMI I ~ " 2•! i i• .. t t"Pn! '""'"'Ai; .. fn Ml'"llll· 1n.: hHl 1! \\II~ MJ'j)l11 ••t:U pn1n1ptl.1• R•>1nt' kt<y p.-oi·t,.111.~ ,,f l\11,g hl < hll•IK"I y,·1 1l nnl h .. p1··~··nl(',I un- 111 \Ill• l,..1<1.-111 lu1 e , ''"'"'II"• Jn M"r"h 'fh"Y 1nclud,. the 111uo11n 1 lh"t -.111 I(<> ln 11 e4111• .. hPAL tu·· !lll'I p11r k~ frnnl t i<1f'lnnd~ '"I 1>1 .. n•·1 11!1•1 1h" Rppr<•IJl"lllli••l1 , If :.'11" h:n11.tht l'L"lli 11,.k f,,r ~•I P "' '1'"~1- Tl••ll (lt f'P<hHP" rnn~tr1wl1••<1 uf !h" I lt'<•\'lil .. J1M1n <)ll lilt' ~<'11\h"I "''''" v r the "1''11u,n 11111 1 .11 r\h· .\liu ·l'll 6. 111 .. 1,. th"' ,,,. ... ._. Ilia! llU;llP:R Tt:~ll'I ~ 1_..·i-:••JI."''"" IM11~ n1 11 y •lll'!!lra<·k "'"'r"'" Wt"ff' j!l•l•1 f,,,. ,..,1,. t.hl'!"t' "'~:11 rthy,·oml r-,•.,t Sn Dt•n1h, TJ{" · Th" lf'•llflO. hnw"""r. ""'Ii auµ.tlu& -but a ,,.al f.ight 111 fo r,. lh•nii ... ""'" r.-.r Ua l\, '"'"'· 11 fi l11U .. n1 l'"in<l•'"' up \\'ll h Mr. E1 .. enh.-.Y.'f'r b11r k ca .. 1 1<011r•·•· (•f f<Jl'"I ,.11r11ly f,.r t h+' In fl"r t , Hr1·nn!ing-In th,. rf'· 111 lh(' l'Hy, 111<1rP dnv'" 1 .. "'lll',.•"I· rnrero:8l n1lliT1\l1>h· .,f n•h1ns 11\at •'U!ll "lll · I•'"""· lhP ~11r1h"''ot""l f'Xh!Utl" 0 1ie "ti b<>tu"ll h1" 11'1(1!1111(0\'" pru.:n11n lion·<1o11Mr no.,.. r Pnt"r' o n a bi1• rPr l1rr111t1o n 11n1I po,,.._ .. r11.1· "'""" .~f'!"tll J.: p 1lio:1·11nM >:I' 10 nf t h~ h ;ji.h+'~! \lnPY>'n l l'pr~ n f ("11no:re>1111u1111I l•·11tle1H "'"" "''!l Pf pr·njl't'l nn !hf' upp"r l,;olor a do l h" ~ ••. ,.,.~ .,r • 11 1i•lh"'"1. nn<t l+'ll!"ULlll: .\1 1 ~. It. 1•. Hh;,11u·hM · i"'"h fnrw;1rd lh+';'-' ho!'•' f l•I !I 1{1 .. ,.r. "'h••"h "'11ulrl ""JH!f"llllly at- lh!'"" l•• l•Ul dHW!\ tilth· ~1 ri:f H•·ld Y>'h" I.~ IV•lf"k lni;: •• ., h ••r J ul)' M.IJOUrnnll'nl 1IH tl' r ... I '"'lu rM (ln \\'yomlnli:. U L&h n<'I k!I •l•1.:l<l!"!i.le dt').:l'"I' in P")' lluh•i;) And \\'It II t l1P 111'1''''"' h•nfl; 1111•1 :-.;,.,,.. M "xn·u. Prl\'•l" powrr l .lol "r 11 \\'II• ol1••,.Vl'r•'•I lhHl a l t ilt• Hf'rko:l"Y ('a,nqn1.•, n ~.• "'~I''''"! 11p," h,._.,nt'-"" h n.• 1111l'"h Ml ""''lliM!llP!I hnv .. (•''"'"'! lo buJ ""tlll·"·<'rtll• ,,..,.,,. 11'1'"! r.or f\'I· lit'f'll "lp·11lntlll( 1•ll l'\hWnl'1n~"' j "sl, ~\u k•• H Pl"P Uri' /I fP ll' ,,r \h<' 111111 (J1~tr1lJ11ll' !hi' h ,Vdrrn!ll'rln~ l •l1 7•no: 1h<> "'"I ~n·I 111 .k111 ;: 11 .•R}.~ 111" rf'l'"ll ."'' "1 .. i:ul ~r 11.n):I"· OlHJU>" 1.•1<U•!M pyw,.1· pn•tur<l!'d, bul publlr powl'r !'"!'•"" '''""lllh In l""""I" " ruu· '""'""l.~ .;,. r11 ,.11lo11r I" f1.•hrrn1,.n. B11<lji'el l •'•'llll'llilf"n ili•lt"llll w uuld ,1:ruu11.• ••bj<•• ! l"h1ef Hfli:'\lm,.n t """ l••T lh>' y,·111!••1 1H1 11~ '" "'"~!' I•• ftn•t lh,.11 ""Y lh t<0ll~h ,. Jl18l<! p'!!ffnlt ,. ~ll!"l'IUA nf 1100.000.00Q for th,. 1,.i;:11<IMl1"n '" th!' l'lr..d 111r0 .. tlji:h t h" io:'""1 e11l'lh, 11 nd 110,.,.l <)f ~IHI<.~ tub\'..~." 111 n , .. n,.xl r1,.~11 1 )',.11 ,. Thull t8r l rvr w a tl'r 1n 11 grnwtnK are11. 111" w11\t'r-l1<hl(' ~(•n1rpl11••' h··l·i w ~,,~. H. P Hh,.ru ~hn ·fl<'t (I hH11 Ill,. H •iu~o: ha,. kl'pl ouull'r lht' A<lvoca ll'll or public r1evf'lo1•· NEWPOQT ~ HARBOR .NeWS ~., p R :es s~~;;:;:·.~: "'\!1<1 bn.•11•"~• h11.~ h-n••llll'•I 1n l"/1 )~,l ll 1/\ Ill 111,. p11.•l fl\,.I\· .. 1111u11h,11n.1 .•t11 1 .. 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'flln11Jl 11 rn;i n~ !~ k no"·n ~ h tll <"On!tnuln11; 1r. .. «o rp'lnill"TI 'fhe Ho1111P Arm,.<! ~!'r\•lcM l'~·r;~~.~,','; ::;1;'~~ ;:'~:~r ~-: 1~~·~1~)~~:~~-,:;,:~ :;:1 •• 11~'.'.''~~!n,;l'~:nr~:.:~;;iz:,~):,. ~~: 1111· .. 111 .. t Ax r•to· nf .~;; l"'r """l Cnmmltle" h11 A bl'ron1 H a b1M 1111•1 lh•· N•"'P"'1 nr.111 .. 11 r r'""" Sr•'PIH l ·("I,..~~ '-hitt.-1 Hl lh<" l'11l1f<1n1lll U!ld"r lh•· A o•I ,,f .,,,.1 fl IL ~1 a" II lfl :-,:.'" ["''' rubll..fl,.d "''rry ,\l un<I•~". \\ "'""'"'t".' 11n1I 1-'rl•h'.\ I'.' !hr S t:\\l'llRT 11:\KfUIH 1'1111.1:-111:\0 0\11 '..\.'o \ !'211 RallH•n. llh<I., ,,t.\\l"•HlT nt:\• II .• \I.II ''""'"'II•"""~ 1616 QuallflNI fo l '11hlhh l.-·1:·111 '"ti<·"" RJ l...,•t f'r o f lh•· :-u1w·rl"t ( ""'t "' "'"I \•h•'rll•·"'"""t" "' \II 1\111•1" (ltal>,i;•· I " In \1·Uun '"· \•"!l~O·! ,\1f'll1hrr l l"Lif"n1!,. '"" 'l"'l'"t l 'uhL,.,h .. r • \,..,.,.111t loo1t \IO'll\l~•r :\Mllulll<I t ,d!1 ut,l'l l \••.,<"illlln<> , ..... ,1 ... ,. "' ll t""~·· 4 "'"''·' "'""" :-... , ... ,. ----• ltL l •l •H"h \\ Jl .1.1,\,\1 ~lt1>-fo;~, f.d '.I O fl :>.f nl\'tJ ~. Hl•i XTl ;~:r \•I\ 11,., .. ~ l•!••'''f CH AR~F;s A. Af{~1 . .;Tttu :-.: •• ~I ·• llHl ln•I "'·1"''1"1"11·1•" ~ 11,\Tr::'i: S1' .. pnr1 llartH•r :\""' 1•,,., .. , T ri·\\,.,..t..I ,• c.-.unt~. J6(1(1 l""r .•r•r: !>.~Oil •l ~ 111"•. ~I .\!) 01.llal.doi "' tlran;c ~···11nl ,1 s~.00 ll'l't ..... , thr"" m o:l. ;11,, .,,.~,,~ '"'' .. ~r ... 1 ... 1 '>I I '>t'.\\ , 9· i°i•• in~1··11<1 • f " 1 ~,!-•n K. •1•'fw11 hH.l ~»T liH ',fi.:,7 1'1l •i:h1 "l"••·li11i: P'"~'~" I)~ r.,,,.n, t"Ol•'<I h,I' 1he Lf'l:l~I A lur~ for 11 ,. Ht ll lll.• 1,1f l h•· h io:lof'_.l t<irm! of ]Pa rni n~ 11n(1 f'Xl ,.n•l inK "11r 1,... IMlll'~ ... ·t:uC'h 1Jy V~t-pr.,11!'11l &t1ve. V1n~1t •0-C!l J, r1<,,.d r .. 11,.r Hnd ,.,.1111 i1 ,.f •l~n i-1 ~ 1 n!hPrWl:l,. w•111l<I o>:qnrp A;.on l I 1v.·h lc h Include• a provi~•nn to,,.. ".l:'''I publot• fA,-.ll11,..~ I 111.-.f'()\.P:H\' TOl.IJ l bl•hlll'tnr " !;\"ul tnut h oppnalllO<l ex pll!C'!t'd. I Jl-'!!llf Ei«'tl\111 638 <)f l••t yf'•r'• :-.:nt'lhPrn f"e lifu rn•,. <t.•~<'tuhl i'-Hu1 """' '"' "'""7.lO[( •ll11nvrr•' l'HOHl.P:\I ).101,\"l':ll '111 .. l••1!fRl1t.llnn woulrl lOY>'l!I'" lhll! l">t>ten11e Dl'[llll'lrnPnt Apprn1•rl1t.· 11,,.,1 inolu H!...,I •n A 111,.~tthc 1,.,t h,•~ 1'""11 n1a •l" ll •t l~•••l'•'l l' w h11h \\'olh !h" trr111~nd•ot1.• 01111)M •! "' rl'!ir"ll"'fll Ill!:" f•or ,,..,.,,,.-.n frn111 !Inn A1•1 11 fl!!r Unn which .... .,.k J!i•'I "Ill ,..,~k F'l!>,•1l!l1!•;ol sh1 .. ll•1 ltl Pff .. •I, Pl•\",+!•· !lh' !h,,. Wl!<dUlll )<1l<•lhr1-l!:l"'I!! t•l<•h-(;:1 I•! (;2 J•l"\o.!•• th .. 11 IJ1it l,V IJ•OP-hl<nllJrl~ \hi' •Jrp!lt\mf'n\ ln f'l im• ~'·'"'" ''""' .•Tnl " f,,11,1• 1., ri :< ..... ,1 ''' lll Hll 1,, I• ,,.,1,, .. 11hll l hl.:h· l.•111 1~ ~"11'+"1 '" a l h·a~r 111 .. f•\A r .. r 1·"'•.•r•11• ,.,.,., :.o, Nn•t r ll tA,. lnat 111 ro:: "'"'"'111"" ""'hfrh com 1,.11 pll!dp ltl nld•ri1t~. t••Rd!I, 111 J.:~'"''• ··r 1d·•I"' 111 11 ... 111nHu t11•n1 "! ""~"··•· to 11 l··ni: 11nan ~"'el'..U ~"1·1 e l ,.,.,.,n!v lo""~· lnJu11Lt)' w!lh pn,·111 1·nterpri-. •ll •••'L• an•I lloHl~r~ •lll!lHl~•·•I Ul f~11,1l1 '"l~IOIH1• ,\nd II •h,•11ld 'l""·~l ••'n Th,~ q11 .. ,.11••11 \~ h•;w .. 1 .. •ILll"" ll'llll~t ••ll .. WI\•·•'"'" "'•l•lf d••l"""I" .... 11n ~ r Rll ••Hll" "''-! r ,,., ··u1 I"'• .• .,., .... , ]'Ill 1 \' "l *" Fill' 011 1 Ml' Farmer McCabe Writes ... Grass Roots Opinion 1·1' ~·•h•' '""' .i~-1~n"11·n~ 1••1 ,1 I l•IP "I !"II t" II•" loo" < ' f 11 •• I" l to . I •I• '« 111 "! o " I• I• I 'I , 11 ! \\ 11 11• •11,., "lu·n '"" .nc 1 !1« "1•· ["·11"1 •("' I<"' ll L " I• ..... ~ •II -•· '"' 11n•I •l•-.ll•! ,,,11 .. ,ii..,111 1 ........ lh'·" t1 •lt1 • 01<\\•I ~l l•H l\)111 \ 11'" ll·ll Wl!l")IJ! \\•!lo\l fllo: ilo " hi•I- ''' ),di •Hid v.h 1· hll•••!• '""' : .. •111 • ~ ·~1111 111,. i;a:r.r 1<1 !11~1, .. n :'>.Olt \\',\1 .1..:. I l () !.' J{ "l 'h·· •'••nl !l1••ll •'!'P ••tt1111 11o•·s f1 •r II• l11f'11 11g a stn•!lj:;f'r 1rf'.-.,..·11r l•I a:1·l at f'TllllR !hi' frrr rnter)'rise ""' n y,·a _1; of hf1'.'0 11111•;;tnlPrlt ;ir{' I .i bul• •uS "''" 11ro> l"trrn::th· I••! ''""' i.n.._ d () .... " .•.• l•'j\ tll r di It"' ~,,.,,j •'K•llo f t>'~'"\'" l!J• I I"'""''''"('.! "·nlfll .,f l"•ilH •" I '''''''"'" 11•·"1 •1•!~!111 ~ ""'hi• lft • n ·t •h t.,hr n "'"~'·l ~I:" "I •. _., At1•l h r .~n l ,.,,., tlunll ,,r 1!1!'11 1 .. t ••11i 1 .... 111.ni,: ~n.i l1 kt' 111.- '"' 1 i.:' .. ~1:h"•••H1 I ll ; I>• u.t' lt•n1 1!1n [!•~ 11· \''I••\• •rf 1'.o fnrnoi> "'11 lo•• •lllPlllH ll\~ ,\1,I II> •1 ·11 11 • c•••ll .. r.1 111! , •• ,,.u)11·~'1'1nr;: !'"!->~• pl11 1 .. :~ ,,.,u : .. 111 n 1 t h~1 1\ 1i.:a n;o:HI "fi "!Hill I• ~•k H•i; $f•I · J.,k,., lh• h1~·h,.~I r•!ll<• ,,f l~11•n· :,.,,)1 \ fo r.1 ••1,t ' "l'°i ••i·°'f•P• d .'. f,.h~ "·!''I" "111\"PT\\ 1h" n ll"Jt! ''"I •,.,.,, 1>11rr t ~n<t "'"'" ... ,..M ""~"'""'• ;t-.~ l.~'lr , 11R,.7jl•I! r. • •rP~I .. 1111"' "''' "" "~1 ·•11111; ""rn h f's u .... 11 . I 1f l "J"LI'. l•r ~ .1 ~1 Pf !l l11,:l l 0,-l hu k;,! F el!r r askrd m f' \hr othrf" day y,;hat I raised on my farm . I to ld him about 5 a rrNi of ro"'-'8, 1: acr e o f goat11 . i11·r(' of h11111•es and 1 4 11c re.tof chickC'ne and duck•. How n1any a cr('11 have ynu got . he asked . About 250. I 111ed, but I 1n Ha\·1ng the the rest of it fer 011 derricks ... I hat's modem day fann ing ideal.a and, By G rannies, I'm f<)ller'n em. '"'' Fanner M cCa~ rL&"hLI r"""'l'dl , ' '· , -j 1!}J..t\11.\!r . t" pl11 r '!' them~~Yf'• ln···-WI LL hhl C"I~." llA,,'I t-"81 Cfilil', T.~· .:.•1· H w vt'r 'T h<'!., ls llu ~tlitr " ... •· "' do1ri;: .. u, pit.rt ror hOt<lO TWO HARBOR CHOIRS PARTICIPATE IN FESTIVAL =-~~ 71 V ESPER CU'.'ll't-'.l t1' -The K in;: !)avid L'holr of 'Corona dcl !-.Jar Cotnmunity Church Congregational v.·ill part1t·1 patl· 1n l!a: v1.:is1x:r o:uu1·1·rl T~·u lurt-..1 lu the county J univ r ('hv 1r f eHtival 11t ChuJ •rn<in C'iilll·ge next SunJuy et 1 3tl JI rn. 1'.lembers UIL l fr.int rnw. from h:fl) !,1,.,.,'r y ·r iu11npi;un, ,\1 <irk \';111 L1ykc li nd T immy M orn1ons W-111 C~at h er for T en1ple [)cd i c:1 tion l~it es 'T'I.• ,.. " . '' '"''' '·· 1 ·1u " 'J~ i·e r~i· I T "" •"\ Pl1 ,, f 11.• Mike Green, Mike F1anegin, Tod Heu; (third row) 'Doug Gom.lr:e, John Smith, Dlclr: Buttenvorth and Mike \"enable. The &ll·girl Pilgrim Choir will alao partici· pate. Mr1. J. lalie SteffellM'n will direct. Sm.!th ; Jimmy (MCOnd row) t..wrence and ' All-anthem Progran1 at ~~;:1"·~1 .... 1,·1.,, ,,1 )l•,.:. I{ .. ~;1 1.~ " ' ' ' ' ,, I: t I Chapman College Hall ~;:~~ ;;::::" C'-....... :: . r 0 c h I 1; ... , .. I' T /<I•' ·'''. t'u.!•·l!HH ..:)Ume <.1<><.1 young s1ngera rom range ounty c urc 1c~ !_,..,Ii•· \u 11 !•,.1,. l.•1:" "' B., .. 11 will ptt.rticipate Sunday in th~ Children'11 Choi r Festival in , ~1du .... 1 .1 ,111 1 •f"ll'l0o f·.;1 ('.-"!!, t he Chapman Coll ege auditoriwn. it wa.i; announced UXby )Ir• )1 °0•1\1 .1·f'n ... \\',. 1· b G w·u d o~ · r :-1 8' ... "·''' J.111 ~ ·'' ,: .,.,. ,. y . 1 ar u.uelt, 1n orrnation chairm&n. They ar1~ 1 C'httl'iuto n L!ull""~ l•r u li 1 110 . , from. Corona del Mar Con~regationa l and Newport Bc3ch 1 1u;-, • .. 1111 (• I\' 1..-11 K" 11 11 .. 1 1 J, t.l ct hodist churches. 1°11~·· ,,,, 1 l '" ,·,1.i •• 1t 1 1•" ,., The 11111\UK! <'v•·rll, •l'°"""'t'<I by •IH·I .. ~ J oli•»'" 'Gl'!t!'l"U' ~, •••• 1 lh<" 0 11tnJ.:•• Cuun ty C:l111p t .. r uf \lh•cll ''"th /\It'. Tlltl1u1" '!'h• 111<' 1·1a.1r .. J Condu<'t<Jn;' Gu1lol '""Ill f"hri~l l 'l 1l•I " Th<ll"I"""'." •() l'<<l!.·i;·· >11•·1"1 ·1 • i'("l"h"" ··~1,,, •. , }\\•hi'" t "u1 ,,, "' 1 ,\I •' ! I.•.··· u .. ~~"1' ~u .. 1 :-; .. ,,1, '", f»1!Utf' It •·e~J>t'T o•on,1•11. •)1}<:11 t u 1;,, .. ·1nu11 K•n11:. Ko111nlz" 'ft,,..,. l h" publ1r b<'l(llllllllJi: H( ~JI)!' rn 1·1, K11rh,' .\tu,•11,.r,. .. l...,rol .• !ol \ A c l\A ~·u1 crn r h urche• "'!l hr 1••pr" :-11i~p1i.,1<1 ' \\,·~l,·y,, ·1.,·nd ,\t·· t 0St ;;l 1v1CS(.l ,.,.ni.,,1 tiy 0·11 .. n.1 i:1··1t•l'""'" lh,. l~·rd '' 1•1 1111<k ',. •1• 1~ .. .i ~i,,,..t rn.11111 . t u "'~hth -t;r11•1t: a~·-itoly ' 11 m1 \\.,llu~n,,.• ·1\., C.Jnw Ft"rs·t B"j)tt'~t Oiu(krt I "uh Vu hl'a Swt:ll111 i: U J l'ICl) ... I ""Ai'TA liAHIJAKA I 1 111 .,~·tvr~ "' lh,. ~llur11! i;o"UtJ.¥1 Fi!~ll•'lll •l•rf't"!ur 1., ~\t'.'1. H uth "'"· '. Kr•hbl•I J acobtl ot 8&nll. Bar· 1 "'ILL Dl&U."I' Al t/1" ~·, .. l. -,•\ Ct»la J.1,.111. 11 .. • 1 .... '· " " bara'a First M•Ulodla.t Churcll. Mr.. Barthold Jack•lalt. Mr•. ·Th• all-uilhani repertolra In· Mar11.ret Pttara, Mlt.1 Rachel . ,\TEACH SERVICE 25 W·ill Be Baptized a t St. James Cht1rch mann will topic 11 thr 11 ..,,.,,\<'"' f,.r 11,. l'Utr•nt ~n .. , Thia a n,1 11,..i1 7 30 ~"I\•!•<" II "Th,. liLIL A Sh11ri S111i.l11.y 1• !•· e n1 "Ith , At f!-J•) I' 111 I ",,z "'"' \ .• ...... 11•111 • \\ ... :,. .. •·I~ ' Holy Communion at 8 v. m. ui' SL J amf'.B E p1 acop11.l ., .. 1·,.,,,. ,., I Church Iii follo wed by family .ervicea and Sunday ~chool •0 •1 ••• ~ " '"'I I ~· o 1,,. L "' ' ,. I 1j) ' "' hf' f • . " J.A "< d 1 ... "'l)1 .. , ...... , l a t v 1 ... an l a. m. ::sennon topic of the R~v. J ohn Par kt a11 n11ounc11m11n J • , r I I w11J be '"Herod Anupa.11 -Toyiog ~·1th Religion." a:>i ---------------------------------H .. pl!&Jll "'Ill b.-•rl111 11111l•r..t J, E cl gar l !1Hi\"• "I:' ,,! "''II ·1 .. nor • llutt lo :.(! ·~ •• •\'•I' I " 1 ....... ••l1. /HI ,\ 1 " I H," ! •·~ ,, 1, ' "" q '·' ", • I I If\ !t"' I • l "h 1<1 t h, ,. Hl1 l1Kr •Iii 11' c1~rk J 1 A 111o:•·I· • "'' n tl.•· I ··~ , r !h· 11 •. ,,,, ,, I'' C hurch '. '.I ' ,., " '' 1, ,, '" I• I!' I' ·qh"'' I• • "11 ,, ., •! U1>• 1 ·,~~1· 11 ooth "'rv1~"•· to oc :e..:clved O\Jnnr L.tnt lht i f' II • ~ m Ad , , . /' oy tht fu llow 1n111 : NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I. PAGE 7 lco1nmunlon e•ch \\.t dnu d•\. Wt\"h \OCatL-.; r:l,\'('1 I ~! ' .. r• ,.., ' I I r t ,,, .. Su11d;1y Rites ... J "" at C<l 1\l Ch urch ' ' ' .... 1 I '"' L it" " " "' " , ... " . 1 ... , '" " , '"I ',,, I• I hr '" "' " " ·•l' l I ' IP •)IO \'' FR IDA Y, MARCH 9, l 95b TO Rl'.;CCJ \'C JtlTf: la •ttende,! by nieir1b.r• <H th,. "0 11t '·•' YPY. wlth brt•kf••t 1erve<J &tlt'r· I HARBOR TRINITY BAITIST BEG INS YOUTH CRUSADE Sunda y '"'''1Cf'1 at Harbor T'rlnlty l:Mipllat Chur,·h n1•rM. Ille b..-(C1nnLnM: ot a wwk"1 cruaade of me~Un•• ""'Uh lhf' R•~. Louie Rhoden. :ll·Y•&.r~ld youth apeaktr. Son1t'Un1e1 ,aJI• J t l'l., "Bll !y Or-ah•m of tha Can1pui.." he ri .. 1pokrn to n1•1 y hlgh ~hool 11Hmbllf•. '\'Ith ?.I r. Rho(!en w111 be p\1nt1t Howard Ralttnn. w!·'> 1·1 e ,..,111: 1.,.,1~r 1' f'11ul J•·r..~• n. 11. -"lud1•nt Ml J_.,~ A"!;"I' ~ S I..•'·· ,-.,[I "'-' S11n•lll) Mh•1<.J '"'-''""'" ><t !I I '• 11. 111 ~r .. ! 1<·,.. r ~'"I I• •'• ~t I l Ii In, v' I"' k S 1111111 C a ll lil1k1n1n, J a m~• ..,·ard 10 u11 pa riah ha ll. lor '" l <"~irt i. A rtnu1 A •1•1'11 J r C.-or1e ~llchael " rei ,u n A<l•n11 '-'a ry \\'a.r r f'n lin..er'ln r . Al 'XJUAKl. ""•• • ; ,:.11 ::ip~r:y Broen n1 . Jef tr ey Thi \\"um a n'a A u111!a ry "'Ill wri .. n ·~1 , ... H .. wa rd Hr~nns. J ame• Morr-an m11l }\&!ch I I .... -1 t'h !2 30 Jun1.h· "'1' "1'1• " L.'.hrla ten M"n, ~l eph e n An<:lr1w l 90n ..:'rvea by tit J..i.n 1 Uu1ld ar,,l .n:~.: :• 1 ·11r11lt n1rn. Scott A Ian Chr1 1t1n· 8peak1r "·1!1 be Harry 1'1111\•n, \ •VI. F r &n(fl D 111Jelle Corn Deidre auperlnt~ndent of the l!:pllll·opa l R 11<·1 n Corn. }1'41. Raymond Hardy I C1'lu1·ch Homa t or Chl!dr•n , Loi l "01 n Anif1le1. ?>:oo.· In ILi 62nJ )'!•I I A l..o \\'1Jll1n1 Sh1lld• J.ee Jr , tl'l1 honie aerve1 nvl vnl)' l t,• Jvhn Ktu ! i..,., .. ·r horna• Frederick 01oceee vr l..O• An1ele1 but fron• /Alf' k 1r h..,n 1 Henry 1.-. <:11.rolyn I the a.rea . .A l••ka lo P1n.an1•, l l j Ke).o 1'1 <-11 "'lr Joy1:e Dudr eon ' r .. c•lve1 no t unJ,. rron1 C.'vn11111111 \r ,.-.,.]~ !•ol•• \\"Jl\"11" -"''"', 011 \•1<1 1l!v r-hr•t 1>11! 1~ "O•/•P•ll'•'I! ], 1 1 ... ,-.: •. , l q.).,\u n;o.; .. " f'1un'•·f·~r u1~-~111 1 !•11 "h" "•·I h•· " " ' " ' 11 ' .. J ~n ,, .... !•·n )I . h> .. I r ...... "'"'1 '", ..... Of'"'"' •I I ' J, ,,...,,,.,. 1:1•1•~"! H~r nfo~T••ll ll•r 1•1'""' pf'l1 n•~" .,• 111 ~ l\Hll"' ,,1, .. ,,,, Ill A n••'IH'H 111.n bV ff!·f!I• , .• i,1 l1 1ni: ''" 1111111· pr••:u, .. , or "'"'ii' !' ,..,,., 111 .. ur hon1e11, bl-- •11 ... !;u• I"'' 11 ... 1 1.,11.y logrther ,,.,., t!l<:I r t h<" 1, 1r~1 111 Cl•nuuen:i•I l"11n ''I-. di 11.u·t.oo•r 16111, J ob !'1 1>00112 l "•1i:u1 01u•11t. Harbo r Re1t Memorial w..u .... 1 .. 11r11-lnk~• 4011 nJe111. c...,uwicr.ry 1111-rh .. r ,111 1.JoJ.,r For Your L e11te 11 Inspirati6 n l .t\".lll~ " ' "' ,, ''1r •"I",, II<" ,, "' '" \\I 11, 'I \Uf'll I l "Jesus Before the High Pries t" t I I • d 111. ~I \'1'111 \'I' Lutheran 11.\HllCIU Church L -•t" <1 I\ t • 1 "'ti '""!. I 'L--1 "' .11 f I I ti l \I \\1•111;1 HI l<dl l 't Scr111on o n Subs t;111 cc •I 1,, " "' I A )••uth hllnq11~1 at II :10 p rn ""!11 J'l'<"~"'1" th.-• ru~~·: • ll\f'f'llll !; "" ~•ro h J:l 1-k.b J1;1.\' .. np<or1 fl)(;tboo )J 1t .. r .. ~ I \' 1-A . "'ll be a •~!al t:t•oo•t ~l Il e ban l.jue t, "t\I~· ~ ·:.,, 1 .. •Ill )·~u11 i: r~·ulJ!oo. • JI!!~ !'"" _ .. 11°1 ..:"'11 •~ \\1l11""' J:ja rtiec 11t• 11111.8'"• 1 CdM c;:;_~urch Women H ear Travel Talk Anywhere In 11 ., !.•· .,,,, :-0· ~!HJ1'" oll 1'11 I I ' tnu L IH'• :0.11B I , " ,, '''I ,, '" l•"I 'I " 11 •'•' .111>' " II< L' ~,,,,,,,, 1>1 ll "h••ll•" 1·• ><11•:1•1 111 .. '"'''lf>C \.~,7 \•1. i,:l\11) tr.r••Ul':h :-1 ,.p II 111 "' the l;,.,,, :;11 .. w ~dfn 11 •I e ''!""~·· ' .. 11n1, ,..U"l;'"ll!!•!.~ . 111 lli·•ol .•• '" '" .. I l h • u " II 1,,. ••11.,-----------------------------''-----1':tl<ly J~. ;,., '. ti Jl••llJ\h " !h h • I t u ... ..-J 1,. I '"\ · th,. ":f\ll•'c "' I 1.1 , '· ''" Il l"~ .oh••1l •,t• I • "" f'"""ll'I" I' " ,,\ ,, 0. C. 1\l ethodist !)inner, Concert SPECIAL MUS IC Methodists Will H c<1r 'I l 'u turl'H (1f \\'11.:-h111i;;ton. IJ. (' Rlld i':uriljlf'. \\.·1th a 1 \r:l\'1•1 I.ilk by ~1 rs. ('. (;. \V:tlJt'C'k, rn•')llbo•r nf tht• gr .. up 1 ... 11ur··o! 1:111 sr 111 .. •·l111i;; 11 f the \V,1nl! n's 1:,.11.n ... ·shq1 1.f " :-.!rs. \\'aldr-1 k t1,.ok t.'-1 ,.,,,.·· •I• I 1 I ,. I • I,,,., "" ~ r"' f'n l lrq1 111 I J u.>u,. ' ..,, '" 1 Lt • 1 l P•n I"' ,..,.,., '"· "" .+' "t\<lrtc '\1 • •II•• I "~"'"' 11> l\~11 1 .l .. ~11~ "'I 11 ""~' ,. ·1•·1 I ' ' ,,, 11 .'• . ' . ., I .\\ .. 1' .1. j '" ,. I ' •.• , I '""'' "'' the R ev. Harry O\vings I l .ol" 111;1 d\'! ,\J ,, r l\1rn1nur.1! y ("h Llr ch , IUHI 1 ll•f ' ft 1d11 t<: I l!,.-tn~l"f\' i•f rhK! .'" pl11o'o·., .~IUI< h I\ !<I "'JJ "'"U)ll "' I u I« ~ ... IH I !, .. I ' r • 11 .. 'lour • II "' A "''' I' "" , "1 re.· ,,, •,11 • 1 t 1,.y • , )\~i rh """I .\!Pinn .. ,,. hl••Ul(hl ltle:r n!l1f' I"'"'''" ""' 1,,, , .,,,1,,11 , T tlf' ){~" lfarrv ~~-rJwlnii:~ nr h,.g in11111i; F"I' ~ 1'11•• 'c~ .. ·,.,1'.,,'.,',; 11,,11,.., ,111,1 ~l i~. Vloier )L c 1u np· 1 I l 'ull··~~ ~f•n!,. A n,, w ilt b-t: "Uf'•t ""n oJOtt O'r ch>l.tl &f: Jltrr\'I<•' I·• 111~ v ~" f81111 .. 4 )'O! 1't111ll lto"tll"''" II t.;1 .dll .. t " ",[,.I •I "• I ~.•\' 01111 •I 1111~ I•; 1!11 • I> ,,,.,,," ,,, ''" 1.' 11. lln1! II )lh11J I I"'" ·\ • nt1ol 1 oo! I\ 1 , '.\ ! ,.,, lu•' ·"!'""'" ~I 1'hro,1 ('!"'''II by lh>' :-;,.M '"' •hi,iJ oh M~ 11 ... I'"·~~"' 1h,.1,. ha ~ 1~·11. \~ .. ,.,, . .,, i;11t 1hn1 "'n"n l••l•I ~,,','.-.·• ·,',11'1,,, ',,·~·""'',·,,',', )';"'"!~\' It• wlll ~pr11k nt both i r-ec•t1tl)' h••IJ""I 1n 1 "lnlll"I ""~ f.,1 Y.t\11! 1ro,. lll••ll")' 1• ""'11, I T h., tf'!O•Joui= l!f''"I' n•P,I• 111 10" -h1t ll /\l ~t ' h 11 Kt IU ;\ loi "" l : Ml 11 '" 111 ,, ~.•~! '""1 n1r1i; "''l ~hlf' ~1·rv>1.'.~-~ hl !I :111 luvn 1n ;o.;~Wp<H ! l:•·••h '1111- 1 iH.f l'll IUHTllO"l-l lunf'h l l noon and pr01t fll!n .,11 t<h!O ll ht: 111 1"""•1111•· "'"" f·i··"·bt>Jl l tns I< 11·! .:·"'II ,,_: '" \\ ' " ""I ! I '"'' "' H~ hAJ< t"k"n 11-1 I ,.Vttnt:"r!IJ1tJ1l .. n\pflll~i"' In ftll .\1 ,.111 •' •'t\IP •h "''lo"""'"' •1 ,\!1• Ar11i.t l'rr ry, •"l"bret1ng '\\'unll'n u( the Hibl .. ' In · ,\I t~ ni ,,,,1 1 •.• ,,,.,,,,1 "' ltr•• ""hJ .. •t .,f tl1.., •ern1on. ··1·0 .. -· od1J11 •hun h•'• .. r ,...;,.u1t.0·rn <":ii•· h•·r f<ll•I\ ,.,.1111 Hnnl""r~ry, w a.• \\'. R s,·.,villf' .. r 1,11,.,.,1 ... n ... .\!•• h ut by pnt)l'r ,,,,.1 1.o:-.t 1u~ '\\,,·.· J 7 20,21 1 I Ill' '·"'' I oJ t·;· " • !ll ,,, • r l-'or L1v1n". f•irn1 a a ud Arii «n>1 , ... know n 11 s "Thf' 1'!,.n·h ,,1 l"all h" h•H•"r ~u~!t a nd w aa pr•ent ed !~Tanc1 J1 Cu.it 1~ In i:hlIJil~ or th,.. l•a ul "MY• II• t I,. • ;,,11. !> T• '' t r«nl fl"lil•'"" < l 1 l • :-.;,," lu1I< l!I \h r l<ll tl"\"11• r "( lhlti.i,:• l h•j•nl t or, ltli! f'\'hh'lh•· oof lhoni:' '"'\ 11r~n ,\\, 't ... 1 .~!' I , Ill I II <11f..•' .1 ,, i1 1 n ,,1 r I :<>I r. (J..,·1 nl(>1 Y.·il l h" 11pr11.k 1ni: ''""1" ,, 1 •. 1 .. 1 111 •. 1("11 1 1·hun·h in the .... M.,rH'" the <'Onrcrl r.r tht! putor, the H.ev. Hoy A !!'ll!Ur .. s l"n 1 t•1tfl!O~'"· ..... ho """LL\ be lf'H<hnK ll ~1KI , ,.ti b,. .•p .. 1·1Kl pr<•Rrhlng llflli vi11i!M.Uon "' ''"" !" nt\ .. 11<1 11• "' "ill I"· "th• r 11 !'I "Lr-.O ill ( ··nl\.' 1 ~·•"I f•tl ,j,.,.,. I G irl Scout I ru1.<.•lnn 1tt !":! l '>1ul '" Mctho.h."t ------1 ( ·tiur~·tt 111 Cnron11.do for • ""'t:k Activiti es at Costa Mesa Camp Fire Girl s to Note Anniversary A va r!~\\' o r 111'11\ll\1<'~ no·r•Jl'i"d • the (.;!rl ~ .. ut inM'fl" .. r l ·.,~1a 1 C11111p F u,. 1:ltl• •n11 their .>.tell& 111 ,..,.,,,,11111· \\"•.•l1111i.;1 .. n ~l1,,1111 i.:"r 0:1 .. up lt!u" I',"''' l••l"lll. Kn1! l.1n ... 1n· .• huthot,.,·", "'"'" ,,f 11, .. 11 .. ,1 .. .i /\1 .. 1 "''JI J"ln c•f'le brat,.cl h.-1'1•!ll!' :./.~ .. 11 1·, •hi~ 1no;1th •l 11h ''"" h•'I!• IHTv~ 1>1rll N""'\"' lion•"" 11d v1~•·r 1<n,J ti .. • nul •••!l '" 1 •1J,.1J r•d lnio: ll a tr1p th1n11;.:h" n•'"'"r "P"r pl1•n1 '1 ,,1 111 111 .~ 1•11rl 1••,.' It\,. 1tllh annl- provM ed11<'H!1nrir•I :.1 1 ~. l.J..·h l '""''IMC\/ •of 111" t .. un·hnh uf their M oore a nd 11 .. r dauhhtrr A II) .~"ro ! "r;...o rurut "'" '}>lO(lrf', "'''''·"'"" f,,, Tr'"'I' i'.t. In (',,~111 ,\f,~11 111•·1 th<' fl arhnt IW'COn<I i.:rlloll' II"""'"'"~ ..... , .. (/"<I 1h•· l '11np J '" ,: .. 1,. "'II f<:Ut'stll Rt a ll!•'f'!lll!! •• r I!.•• 1 ·,..~t .. h•·l•l II •'I t 'lo1•ll11111. ···•I I\·" n1 Hit' M r11a Alll"rl•fHl 1.f'O:I ••" 1\lU.ilL.1rr Tltl 1'•1. :-\'"'I"'''! H·+h'h rt•f'tf'lt· whrre lhry M•«·rple•l t h" ;.:1ft <1f '11••1111 I <<'Tll••r "'''"'!111~ to1 1-l rll an Afllf'rlC"lln t!ui; l••t 111•• trr"'!' I l'fllll H••d<'!. 'h"''"""" ·•f U1<> H •u·· A Valc n l1n;· party l••r 111nlh"'" l"ot Ao·•·,, ,·,11111• Fii" !.•;1•1<'1,. A!I• of the 1111·111herM "fl~ ~"··n bv ~··•I"'"'" '""I ~tis. 1·11,,,t ,\h•1T1i<. Troop 40. 1'11>1. L•1!a O"hbt.,•k 1111<1 l"'•f(l""I" •ha•1uo.1tl, 11H!I feMliV•' • he.r d&ughtrr Alk«· ll-l1l1I"" k 11.re • V•'nt \1·111 """"""1 ""'~1 .. th··· day co-le&llerlll. !·'arty 1'·f'fr,.s tir111•n l• of a.nd ) 1'>11, MM-ri•h I: ltliO. In cake 1uHI punr l\ n1HI V111.,nUne w hirh Dr. !On<l Air"!!. l.uther H al· ittt eprone to tl'le1r 1nnther1 MY U ullck lllld othl"r leading edu· helped ltle l{trl" lo 1·ern hoap)· c11tor~ rnnnt'd the f1t .~l ltSH.IP ot t.Uty an.J c ookln1t bA<li.:<·s. Troop C11 n1p Fire G lrl1"' "'ud Afr1. R~ ~. Mr.. J . J. c_;an1thl, 11dvl110r. df'I. R EV, •I. E. O\VINGS Episcopalians at Convocation ""njoyt'd t'llcurlllOnll tn !ht! C N1ta ,\1!ml•!Olon ln 11\r pllr\y ..,.;1 1 he 1-lt11. J o....-ph H . R igg-. pre.ti · Me11.11.. Firoi Depa rt111r11r . "'li~r"' n p•H·ka~•· ••f ,.,.,.,\,. 1 .. r Kort>u ,\..,nl of the W o1na.n"s Auxll!ery "dJ1 u !l1rl~1·l"v <;l.k.: "'""" l11nf'h · prn ~n1.1n ,\f r~. A J HU!l••r, 1uuJl1,• du •••-,..,11 "''" ~"' ~ ... t !J\' 111 ,.1uti<•r11 10( lUr Ot the lhurt:h, hu pllu>n,.,1 t!I" IH I.• 11.11•1 •-r-•fl ft RTOllp, TMble1 1'pe(.'IRI n1u~lc for l).il h ~<'l"l'h'•"" "'''' <fr(ul'«l•'<I ""llh 1'<'>1th blua· All """""n ii i;roup1 11re .,..w1ni;: for lhl! "pr11111 b11~111!0r •n <I 10,.,,,. bPrs "' ttl" L'hurch Sr hool U111h1 ! At 9:30 11. ln to \"<~'Ill ~<'IV "'ill ''"'"~ IJ-f' ll\Hll:: h\' H ~l•llo! .\11,,,, • ,\! ftr~ I" hrinl{ '" r11.p.~ r.,r h11b\ Thy 10,.,.1 11111 1;,.,1 Hnil ~lllti"r \lt • A11!111t ,\ KPtnprr rr,..·l q111ltll "h•n l tl•·.v nl<"<'l \1.JnJ11y 111 by /t<lOI!<&""" 'fl\,. :-;Klh ltlflT'." ~l<l,.•I Rno! j f'Ul 1I '"l!OTllll, •lt'!Vn[1flr1Jlt 7 :!Q r Oil Ill the h•J I. k ""'" 1.1 ''" I•\ \!1~. !) It H'l!Jk<· Ch!Jll' "JIJ !Ollljo( lit Tl•" JI "' 1.,, I ><ervlr,., ... f'llrn Yr JI:\., n Tu .\!~ · •·Rll l "I• \t P:r.Tl'll"' by Hnrkrr. \\11.Jon l h"Hlll-• "''It It",., Rll!\1Jlln•"•L that !tie art• hfl''" 11 b11 ntune ,..,fr, 1n th•~ 11n t/lt'OI. G!r1' ::>~out .. and lh•'l r 1 ~11d .. r1 I MYF Studies or Nrwporl 11@,.,·11 "'Iii utl•·nil churf'h thla !-lun•tav 111 11n 1f"r1T1 Is · • t 111 honr>r or th .. 4•1itt 11nntvtr;t11.ry erv1ces a Other C hurches No Boundaries for Religion !>t<'nl h,.rs of t he ~lt'lhr.rli~( ~·ou11\ Fellu"·Jlth q• o r C hruit Church hy \ht' :-;,.,, l\HVC lll .. ll,1:-Ur"!Pd fl !11lld.\I 'J'Tfl,1:-Mlnl nf nthl'r d.-.noni;n~ttnn11I + •'"It• h•.~ I.ii.•! S11ndJ1t)" ft ft~r nt-1 'True. 1·rll .:1"" knnw~ no h<><lr1• 1, 1,.111,J.! ,,111 ty ~"''" ,. ,.. l tlf'ir ""'" 1htrieii. >'1t11 .. , .. r 111,,• tJr nn\11 111 • !1'1 1• h 1""' "-'.l""I'" W"tl l \"1~1tUI~. I'll•' 1,, l)H• • 'hr1.,1 i..ro s, 1•"11• ··I 1 'h "'"' I• I lo" <•I ~1"1" T" 111,. '"'' , ""I Our r111tti r 11n h<> ""II' "·" br .. 11d ""' th<> h"llll<b"'"'" H f "Ill" ITIHl'I~ ' $r. ~1....,ke \\1lh,.r11 '\'ii,.\". '" lini.: min1.!lter ot tlu· 1·.,.,,.,,,_,111,_<t Culll-.~··"\"1• ·· 1<t St J:o rol "~ ~:r•~····I'·•+ In p1o • 1"r"no: 1h1•_,. ""'! :o\ ni .. hnn1e rnunity FeJl,,..,-~h•p 1n 111111"""' 1n1... a llf'W B•·n··~ •·f '"""t •n~~ '" t;o· Bpc'TillOretl by the ~ron1p for th,. nexl LhrM Sundflyii, The meet · tngs wlll be h.,Ld "t JI L m. '! ltl~f'"··!•ot !h•· Ito•\' Ko_\/ l '111·l. >;Hn. I! ! <h." U~'«"I t h" t11f'll I L "tl1('r c Uf' hes. h-1r1. ~.Arl Stonf'bll~k . ,.,·,un1u•lnr. at th111 J:ball Club, !'11!'1 \Veit Bal· lntroducl"d htr nfow 11... ..... 1.~tsut , .\I r~. 008. B\vcl. 1'1111,., Nr11 Pun·ell rr~.•hlefl 1u1cl Ll11 ne Oltrrol It'll'" llh' 1 ... ,..,)n Amenca·s Whe never a n d w here ver. the need for the services of 1.1 fune ra l d irector moy Porke,.Ridlcy se rvice is im med iately avail- able , b ec a use w " hi'l vc profes sioncJI connec- t io ns w ith o t he r d ependa ble ful"le ral directors 1n communities from coast t o c.ocJ<st. If we are c.d ll ed !i e forc a n y affa ngements is usu a ll y_ possible to sove time as we ll as money for the family . have been made, it I A I &O A '~Al.')A 1',1 "NO •I IDO !Sl ( t-orwro1r M •C•t . 1..u •or<~ on ,....._l St at ion Wagon f'•ICfl ITA•T AT they inspected tilt' p!Ant 11nd l "'l1 1<h h.l\·•.1 l;i•(•n ut11'a r t1v1•ly nf ~I J arnrft Epl-""OPRI f'hurc h equipment 11nd ,~· .. r•' !<""'ll f•n· "''"l'!'"d In· 1h·· ~111~ 11t 11\Pir '""1 11, ... h<>11rd 1nen1ben'I. P.trnf',.. pre.~nlion ··h1ld rrn·,. li..1 .. kl,.t~. I n••••'11nx~. Th.-I'·"\<.,,_.• ..,-111 hf' ~1. L. Keeler, J ac k P inkh11rn. \\·. ""d /.t tr"'r h>" LrHi.:P <IMi•.\' JllRnt w r.111•\"''I .11 11•1 !<ll!l'I" t '" ''"'"'n 0 . \VrLj!ht, A . J. A une !Onrt J . w . to v1f'w n11 lk1ni;::. past ~unr•ni: "ll<l ,<"ni.nl•••·• ''' fu1 !ll<'r th" 1·1.,np Donn&lly. a ttended ttle t..nn.- bottlifll:' .,f 1111tk ""Ill! fpll•"''"t h,\I Fu··.~ l"r1holuy !'l••J~•T lh •'nl !', fl.car t\ Cnnv...catitJn 11.nrl v11.rio1111 ..:lrt i•·., lT OM.nl IJa rs.. l'11 rf'n!11 \\'trr · 1•111 11 t i"•'f'•I~ · • • llt'.!J' t-'d••111I· work~hnp• fo r bnltlch pre111ld ~11 t~ The •<L!neral topic ot the &et'· If'• will be "What J!O Thi" L ni· veraalinm?"' 11.nd .,.,.,14 lif'Hl v•11h t he fiuth, purpro!Oo' 11nol prnJ:r""·~ of librr~I, un11•Pr,..d "·ll.:1"n Thn."f' !n l••r,._~1 .,,1 1n ~~plnrlni: " rf'l'li:•OUil J>htl• ... vphy hain•,J "n ica- !IOn 11re w~l•''llllf' J., 111teni.I thr "'~"tini::11 ot 1111,. ~•••Ill • T .. 1norr0<.v th" "1 \' F . hA~ pl11n· nr<I M ~"·1n1nllnl{ pJ1t1 ly 1'\ Oran ~ l'••H.~T ~-.. 11"'"''· hn1•<!~ l'l rnllke It 8 1 ··~ul111 .-1.,,.nt Guest Pastor at Is land Me thodist A 1956 FORD Station Wagon $)969°0• Invited to th•· fir~! b1rtholnv ,-.. 1 ... "hip"" JltO•I 1'hR1rmen fr>r lh& l)lnc:MIU\ <.:°""" :r" blf'l&M'd .. r tlw ll'alher. ·rn .. H,.,v _ l' to• lll•nd or Co•t• brallon of th1· t i)~'!'· A t·rindl,... ----------------AuailiMry, hild a t C'hrlllt Church, l~t lhlll klnP,1n pr .. , .. ro.,1 '°" ).Ir"" "'111 ht> a"'''~l l!l"'JUt ...-•I light r.erf'lllOllY Wll."l folln"· ... 1 by At Mill ik e11 H ome H"'•londo Bet1 ch., M!Orch 6.•· ,..... ,......,, t.tw-tnnn.uulon nf l.ti.-.9.Jn .110<1 II H Ill. In Han-.... I~· pre~n latlOn llf ffl"l'I\ )'~&r JYlfl.'!I "--nrltJ.-~lll. :!$:31. \\·,, Ill'"' 1.111•1 '"·•0\lllUllll \' !"hUrl•h Iii.• \<ll'!• t o the membf'rll. Al!h"HJ.:h !Jti.~, . .,.,.;tn 11 .. r JHh 111 Thf' all d11.y 81'!1...;on .... -a~ pr~· ju.•t bP1:1nnlnK t" un•t,·r~l~n t 1n" ..,.,u 1 .. · .\~k \\·~11 1 I Sl\11-JI ,,,,.,. FUlST Clfl"KC"ff O •' C'llltlST ptotllll'lP•n ro1 11.nM~o'r n r lh" U olO ..-til;><l O\'<'r by M r•. L uther A fl!.bulou~ tr"'11~1 1t·p~ !.;.,,t hn~ p!a •f'•I y,.,(· ('l1unh p11ll!"r. !he It••\• l'lnl'l'tll, /\\•.~ .• l•Jh<'\t" ,\lill1 ken 1m lSappcnfit>Jrl. V1ce chJ1tirm1U1 "' 01" 1n the tlo>pth~ n ( tlll! c•i·th. ']'\,,.. l•"n11lcl tiMi'I' 1~ p t•'>l•hlnit a l r>L. iook u.i: r"""',ir.i t.1 " "''t'K·<'tl<l 1"'11 !: B,.1tch Convoclltio n. Th t m .11tr1 ial lreio~un:~ a r" "xplurling l ~11.1rK"1 P.l et!ft>Uuil Cl'n wch, ~ll n ' . SC 'l t.::'\"TIST "'''' ''"''' ,,,, "'''· w . ''•"k•·'-'" H.1•v. c. V. MUJ 1 orri<:i•ted a l .,. , 0 •1 • 1 ,. ., • JJOI v:. Ll<f•. "•'"Po''•••<• • • ~ h 1 1 d Wl " •nerey afl power. the ~1•1tl· le~o tu • '""""' n "" "•n:n A ........ ~ .1 '"•Mo"•••°'"''"·"'• Wto• J.l\Jll k rn .11t1•I hi" fri,nd \\'1 LIL1<m t e rommunoo 11er,·•·e an wo-lual tr••li~• •r" 1t1U 11:rt'11.l<'r.lo t F1l1 h pr<>(p"lllll. c-...-M Q•iol, k ••"'i", 1<1 ..,, __ .,o#i ... Hyde l.J " l 11 ~' 11 fruni l..o<i m ... n Of Chrl•l C'hll rf'h Wf're h0!0· 1:.;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;..;:;;;:;;;;;;:;-;;_..;;;..;;.._;;::::;-;..;-::;;;:;-;..;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;=:;;;:::; I ,...,...... lt'ISll-e" 11.t 11 rrfrt:f>hn1 enl pero o.J. "°" ... ' kloool -'II•·"'· An;t•I".• '-"•"' S..•i<o • ll·lf •· "'· l"llln" ..... rr •ll"r Uil..t f or a l· W•<l,,.•d•r E•••1•1 ..... ., • ., 11111 •-"' I "'Id in rn.'' 1.,..~1 .. , All nwt1 ILt" ll'n1!in.,: the t.!1'1 d 11.nnua.! 11pr!111 a .... 1 ... •"""' le<o••d •• Ill! v:o L'••. N _ _, •••<• 1, o1>•n •••' """ fro..,,llar•.-1'"· 1111 :11. A )'"·"'" 1.-,..f,.tt;"f\I'" Ap11I ~ .11nd 4 11t 1':1 toe ""'· "' i oo ""' "'•"""'"''' ''""'·' JU•ti.:•·UH'lll 1~ '' ;•,.!'I \I J1t )l!."11 \'ll )llta<lnr 1-fn11•I, l'l1hn ~prlnjC!I. 11n<l· ···"'""' ... ""'hid••····'"'' . c i..,;<1 ,..,i;,,.,. ' "'T<'Jll:: Al",, •. •••n ... ,.,,.,, h••'t /fn r lhf' "l'r1n'-" "'""''"& tn be n. ~ftll< r, <o•dio•l1 1•·•••d to •"'""j1rJul'li.: tv tl1t• l111th t h11•U•h l'<'r· t\Plot ~'~' 1•, .Ill ~I 1.nk.-,f"hurrh "'• a...•• ,.,.i,., '"" ••• "'' '''"'"• ..-r ullon 1n.J ,1 .. ~th. Lo•n" ll"lll h. ·- -·. • BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA Ml!:SA C11A l'~:L 1j 41 Superior A \•l'nUe Ca.ta ........ (."Allf. !'hone U bf'rly k-21 21 CllAPEl. BY 11IB SE.\ lt.20 E . Coll.at Ulvll. •'otOllfl tl<'I M•t, C a!1 f, l'hon• Ha t bor 42 Ford Dealers IK>ld more 1tation wagon~ 1n 1955 than the dealen1 or l he next 2 leading m:i kP~ combined . ReAi;on? The public rt>alizes th:it while other rnn nufactureTI!L are copying last year Ford wagon fen turcs. Ford if'; offt>ring nl'w f('atures ~ .. greatet vn\ue than evm! Like new low prices ... ns low a11 $1969•! Like big new enginel ... u powerful U 225 honepower! l ... ike betler dPalB ... better thnn anywhere! Sb: ditl'eranl Alai.ion wa1on models are awaitinj' your inspection at your Ford Dealer's. See him today! " THEODORE ROBINS • Of'R ~!.Ut \T.A.R ',,.. . .. t'.ll \·11 ·p: I' 'ltll"' t 11\.t.\.tl SJTY UhPrty 8-1411 • • ' • ' ' ' ' PA&E I . PAAT ·I -NEWPORT HARBOit NEWS-PRESS • ---------·-·----------- FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1956 . ,--- • ::Do I I -/' I NE\\'POR'J"S F1NEST _:_ Pictured above are local poUce department officers from one of its three shifts .. Lc>ft to rig ht, are D<>t. Patrolman Robert J elensky, · Det. Sgt. A. I .. Johnson. Sgt. Ernest Laurin ; Pa~Jmen Robert Brockie. • ' . • \ • .. Curtis Sissel, F..d.,..•ard f:!asgo."'· Rudolph \'r1lt'.'n11 ~;.,r·v Chu ng, Robert Nel~llll, \\'allat.:" l\~rr. Gerald lr\.\'!11, J, 11 \ 1.:1ng. l~ay Cook : Sgt. I •. \'. I'hebus. Patro lm;;in J.,J\n 1:11r11· Sgt. W 11l1an1 Blue anJ L'apl t·l :1rry [.:'l t:C·. -~t :iff I 'l:o•l" Citizens of Newport Bea~h lcnow their 9endarmerie pretty well. They are a good gro up of staunc h Am e ricans. These men work in our community to prOtect life , lim b and property. The ir job is to "keep the pea ce". That pea ce 1s yours and mine. Peace is for all whether ypu are a visitor , enjoying our wonderful community, its bea che s, ba ys a nd cool Pacific waters; or whether you are a shopper taking ad vantage of the many bargain s offe red here fo r the ben efi t of everyone ; or whether you are iust a casual troe1nsient -Or perhaps an Ea ster Week vacationer. .. Easter V/eek' and vacationers and policeriien have come to mean about the same thing to a lot of folks . Newport Beach residents .enjoy the fun that everyone has, everyone here wants everyone else to enjoy our wonde, ;ul ''Califol'nia Way of Life." Yes , our poli~e department gets no partiCular ioy out of spoilin g its routine of police duties with the irksome duty of herding about~ bunch of careless revelers. But, here is one thing-our policemen, cops , bulls, or clubmen are a c dlp · able bunch. The description you u.se will be your own. I But have fun, good clean fun. Enjoy Easter Week, rest, ielax, fish and swim, have fun, go to c hurc~ on Su nday a nd remember our town as a happy land 'cause that is the way we would like to remember all visitors to our community dur· ing any week. Wh1tever ya.u need to complete your fun you can find it here in our hometown. Prices are competitive whethe r • want ol ives or onions, meat or potatoes , a suit of clothes, a flashy shirt, suntan creme or even a keg o f nails. you P. S. Pictured above ore the men of one 1hift! • . . • • • ORGIT HAR ARE •• THE '• . • ' Hardware FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE ••• Paints ... Wallpaper ... Appliances • . . TV . . . Radio .A Good Friendly Place to Shop OPEN -·a· .-'· ... --. \ ~ I ·~ . . • I 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS Harbor 116 Newport Beach J -. • I • • • ' • s ·r :\.H1"1:\G (il'N -Runners line Up for the inter- t"la i;J.! 8~U r<1c1: with Junior Jt·r1·y Jiilliard t he winner ln 2 n1in , 5.3 ~('(.·. Others in race \~.:er·e J:antly l'eel1·r. -Slaff l'boto JUNIORS WIN INTERCLASS TRACK MEET J 11n1"1~ ""II lh" IO.\ .. ,. In·~ I•" n lll•"t'l .. \ ;\'""f'"l t 11 .. 1t .. ,1 t"111<·11 lll ~h ;,o.., .. .,1 \\, ... 1 ..... ,j.,,.. \<.th I .! '" 11 .. ,.. !"'·"'" ' . ~··I'' '"'" "~ ~' , •I• I•, o 1 "• H l '•'• • 1n•I I T•·•h '•Loo If •111 1 .. •,111• I 1111 •t • r.·lu.. I" • I•·• ""' .. • • !• ·t l h" "I I• 1 '''"'" "•·1 ,. I UI U•••l '" '" l nnl•I l '"·''~•ll "'I" "''II II•• l •>O .\'" t •I •11•··11 HI I" I ,0 11, 1110: II )U/1 !• ••ol :> r• Ju 111 H e J<J:l'l"'•I U IT , hU1 I<'"" I<" I l h•• tJ,11 "I' '·'1111 II•~ ~1 .. 'l•I "It ll « I<'"' d•11<" (', '' h l"·ll 1!111"• •·\I"''''">: J. ""' l/11ra:• ': lilln 1"1''' "' 1h• ,...,,.,,.\ .. 11,., ~· .. ··I "'"'~· F. '. Ly ·1 ('l1".1 l1l' T :ylor lope~ 1>1•11 1.'-; J11i1 J t'\\'t•ll 1d1t·ad , the winne r in tl1 e Clal'Ul a11d Al Yard. -Staff Ph .. 10 h \ .\\ '" ' 11\ J '.•I• ;" '> ); .. 1, \' '" "" j, ,,. hhll J ll.Jl•Hl •I : o:, !\•·I\ 1;,.•11•11, 11~ 1101'11" .1... 1 ... , .. 11 I''' ! "' "•I·• ' II ~•\• H• I It~ I Ill I! I or1 I It" I 1n t/1•· '~" I'' I:" -+ i • I . ' ' ,. ' ' . .. , ' . ' : I .: 1n '/\'' " OCC Netmen Play Mt. SAC Lose 11 Today o II.ti<" l•o ! ' .:" J •1 •'!'I "'!: t h•·1r 1111 ol I""' 1 '' 1 1·~1 J,, l ~·lli: 11 .... ,11 ('11 ,· .. 11 .. i.:·· ll-fJ 'Ju ..... 111 1 lh•· l l!nn.:•· c·,,n·! ~· ,\I ,', ,.,1J, •I. "<17 g ,, \ z.,' 1 .. •l• ;j,,· ,, 111 11. '" ,, ,, ,., Hu. '! I !!I. 111 I 11" In ""'I ott I' J .. ~ i"'ll"J:·· 1 1·nn 1~ ••·11111 !"'"'"' 1 .. 1 ·"'"';. I" r• ,. it< !11 -! 1.-11i.:11,. • .. ni ... 1 l•~I •I i~•t.. o1dl ,.., ·1,., "" "I ... 11h ,\It s 11n An1"n'" 111 .\1t ~.\•' .. 11 ... , Hy l)h111k1ni.: C,,11.~1 It-" J..,111.; ' II• H~"' 11 <h11•ll•ltl•••I ti"',,.,,,, fll •·\'lloU.• 11 .. 11• 11 \\ltlo .\1 ',, '"~·· ("·"~' .... 11·11 .. "' ! ·""'' h ii\ ... 1, .. ,. they .J!.1.:<l An" • ""!•·.:" ~\I ,1• ! ..... ''" I ! I! " . ,. ,, J<,..•lll\• ,.f II~ T ••l>l! 1J111 l••h,.~ ~ 11 •I •tr1;,:I•• 11 .. 1, 1 J,H I ok! ,\1,•r• II\ .J i•lli• • /\") fl·I .,., "n•1 .~1ni:I•' t:. I I \\ ""k .1 ... ,., ''"'" )l,..,,,h 1l.H 1 .1.•1 ,I"''" !lnl•l •·11 11 01'1 '1. I\ I 1'" lh11d ,\ni.:I••• T,.•I 11•·~•·1 •I .H I tl.-1 ,;,.11 •• (\lo , +fl<'<'1 i;.n 6 -:l , f11.,rt 11 s•H.:lt·, .''•! I I " •t• ! .. . ' I. I : ' ''""' " '"I I I ot I , H1 ~ ,i, 111, ,. ' "'I ·"'' "'' '" ,, " .. l • '·~·I I .H I• I '· t., J I. -J..~. \I., I \I • .. I'. ""I I.• l..i,,. ' ·Ill 11 "1 .,. I • • 111 I,.• •1 ,. '• :.! '· " ' I I I~' di ''"'"''"''•): l I' I:\ 'l'Ht; A lf( -Jack t.:'f'\\bl'1,·y mfl.Ji:et! a r.1ighty r Jll Tlll • "! \I ft. 6 in . 111 the Cl11 s~ A ·pole vault \1.t'dnl'R· d .i v 11111·rn11•\11 during th(' :1nnual interclaas tra('k tl'•:,., ;1 \ l·L1rb11r tl ig-h :->eh•.1"1. -Staff Photo BUC TANKERS SINK CA~~INO BY 46~38 ··~· ll•1·ini;:: F:id 1F:C •. l'il e1f~hur11: ,r1t '· St>:1nt 1 10C1 !~8 :'>!\, Pl~ 86. 1;o 1 !•~: ion ~lurphy •l°':M ·, 1· .. 1~1.• .~;(·, 111r-•••n •EC• .~ti 1. ~1\11 b"··k o\11"11 1F.C1, l!odi;:"~. 10<.:•, ll•"ll lu111pl •UC• 2.Ju I , 4~() I H""'""r1 .cx:1, c:a rr .. tl 1F:t'1, P'Anwll ot><.:1 :,:J7 : 200 brPn~t 1., ... ,,,. •'ti.'•. '\'yoru i ~:ci . H111n- o1 ; .. u 1 l·:t:1 2 :42 :9 : 0R~l•y OC Tl\" i' ""I:•' t·.,,..~1 •'nll ,_. l 'L· 111 A rn11l1. Hodg:e11~ 1'1Llrphy, ll-011·- •"•, ,,d :if!11ln I 4 :(13.9. r11I•" H•o I;.••! "I l h••I< \l11Hf \ "' o ... "' .. ,.1.1 IH>l l "! "" '"'I ~II!~ I•\ ' '" 11,i; , ! , '", Ju h .n ,! I,, 1••!j;o• ~.I ( fl II "'" l ·I•~-:~ "l ., \\ •'olnr ~·I·•~ n\• r t lll ~:I l II"'"'' I Summer Leagues , '''" 11 .,. 1~, .. u ~ tenl1111 ,.n h .. •tf ,i .. ,1,. ,,,.,~t kind ,.f ll :ilt .!}I lrHd I ,1,1 1·:1 1'Au111••1 l ulng 1ntu !hf' 1,•1-1 '"',. ••! lh" ,111y , 111 .. f,,!lr· 1 1 , , , o·ln1 I 11" f 1 ""~lyl" "'"ll II ••d ,,. .• •rt ,,,. , "l'I"">: ttu • ""•'n1 1n ~ Tr"' 1~1 .. • t• 111 1~1,,. "~ f'h11ffr~· 1 ,, 'o O:(' •1 11 .,l .. l <'h I.\ In !h" (~'l' 1,, .... nl • 1.~. w1lh t .. fs An,leles 1 , 11, !'01llrio:c 11f'! fol' ,\l>1rrh \!\ 111 , ~ !.'. alau ln th,. hon1!!. Pf>t•I, 1'f11r<"h Hl 1J1r PV-~lcs parti<'l1111 tc 1n a ,1v11hlr dual Jllf'"t 11·\1h l~·111t Hcar h .. , .. 1 J.u11 A ng r lell v.11 .. y Ml Long ll•'81"h li•·,.nltlll : M ,.,ll"Y r,.l~y F:I C11- ni!nu 3 .17.9 ; 220 Ro,..·n1 .. n 10C1, 1 Gnrrett 1 EC~. fl'Arn11lt 10C1. t 2:1:l. !>() -)1urr>h~· 1(1'C.'• l 'f'lt·r~I , ~:\1 H"'-t,lrl 111(.'l 21\ I, 'JOn In· .111·i.11111J n1l"d lf'.I' '\llC'n .~:('• l.1· ull• •(>('I 1:,H 11'H 1:·:1·1 'J :•;;,: Tuf'Mia,\ '. ' \\'f'dnr!Mta~ '. ThunMI&,\ '. Friday .. 1 ;n;, SurM"rior, C-°"ta M,,.a R :-1 ~ X:-l ."1 fi ;30 9 :00 fi :40 X:t.) 6 :<10 H :~l 6:-10 X:-lt1 r.m. p. rn . p. m. 1•. rn. p. RI. ll. RI. II· n1. p.m . It. Ill • 11. n1 . Now Forming 19.'1 S(·r:t f<'h Trio i\lixf'li ;,·,. -!i 1111>11 l.adi1•s' llandir:tp ()rani,:r ('~1unt .1 _,,.i .. i f\.811 &: ('hain ,\l i\.ril .-1-IO ~·rult'h T rio l .adH•!I' S<·r all'h l 'rio Sc-r:1l1·l1 ~lj•n'" Co1nn1 .. r1·ial llarul.il'llJI 1\lix1•d l·'o11Nunu· tJ 1wu Bo\\ ling 1\n BO.WLING 1\1 1.1. til.01~/. .. \li.:r. 1.11,...rl.\ 8-:i·!~I'! HA ·RIC:>R BILL PHILLIPS. Sport.A Editor I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS:PRESS -PART 11 FRIDAY, MARCH 9. 1950 PAGE I ---- iPIRATE SLUGGERS WHAM WIN OVER HARBOR 9-2 Thr1r rourl.h 11tn1.i&'hl 1r1u111ph OCt:. lie \\urkN t he llrat tuu1 ln - W•• r re<JLl..U 10 CU11.1'h \\"c n<lrll n•n.11 • i;l\·in;_.: up """ 11111 ~·1'f'.&h P 1ck e1111' Otant:., Cu111t l"ulleit" ,.1.,., J 11n :<.e\\'klrk a nd \\'ayn,. b&Aebllll \l':IUI\ &a lhl':~' WllH.t:k<'<:I Ulil"l;tl"j!hltl'. l!OIJpll<llllU!C'. 1118" Sll\O' a 9-'l <le<·111on O\'f'r ti10 lbur Jur\uu h•l l<•ll f,n the. hlll <.:u11 .. i:e \\'1•dne11<ll1y ........ , h""t .. I•"'" ru1 co .. ~: v. ill Hun1" r u n11 hy .lnl1n F:111 11 .. 1a <ontl U.. '-ilh 1/Jt' l 'SC lh.>ah Ull ,\la 1r h GtnP Ratnf' jill•'"d tht lil" hil 1•11 16 Al :; p n1 Th,. r'u <o \f'_., l'la~ ah: 11!'tl.~·k. E:.lil1ac\11. hit h:ll fuur-l'l'LA 1n•l the l'.Sl: fiJ»,r .11na 111'1}' lbll.Kll:er Ol't't the rcn\etlle!olei·a t•~llly a nd ).l:irch 1:1. nffd tr. leH·t o rf lhl': fifth 1nntng ... f'OKt: ft\ IX:'\'l.'<1; .. R111111· h"'"Khl 1n HUI \\', \~• J i.n.J \.\'ayn" Cout:t:t1 1' 111 lh" 11llllh "llh h lA 101111,1-t n p!""' lh1>11.c.-Cu1<->1l J O'..! Oi l fl " . 4'1 >llr h l 'lo'kf'n~ 100 0111 " 1 • " tne ~"' rn-1nn111o; • 011tf~( Th .. K"""' \\a ~ • alle•I .. 1 111,. •·n·I u ( lh" ''"'~11!11 d ill' ln :,11 •np h "lr\•h I\ ti 1' 11 \\'Ill I !'"' I "' r t l 11" 11 '" t1< n 11·•1""" I ,.;1,.,. llr•1 I'"\< Ti •'l"n~r. l . .,1 lf'1 1 t '"' l..i,J.:\11 " ) :,.,,.I• "'\"' 1 ~•\ !•>1 ~:u..:•11'"~' -• "" ~u1·1•l1 \""' 'n 1 ''dlio ~·''" Ill "" '"'" l.1 Mi.;•• Mrlo1 ,. ,,.1, •1,,11n.: 111,.·l•11 r11 •1n r 111I\ ''"' 1,,.,\111.• onH I ~• '~'l••"•l A lll"lh• b1lf ('l"h CIOI\ *lf'J'h .'•OJI ,~1 "'LJ' • ~ .. ·~ oli\\f'I I "' th• lu1> "' ~°'" '"'"' t 1 om• '" •nd ,... •h• n•,,.. ~·' ..,.... \\ tarl""' ~· f',~•T 1'>01\lul-. ) lo 30 h•rl.,..w•r . 1 ~111X llarll()r Bl\d. I .lh<'rl .1· X-'.!tXi:! • • .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . II /I l'"U """ l•u• ,,., "' . . . . . . .. • • • ROY CARVER • • • Pontiac 1100 \\. l 'oast """"· • • ... . . . .. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . m .4~ ~ A~ -- ' !lef s Forget Excelsior-Emil C'Mch l!!rnll J\'. ... rnf' •&l'A llf'' On" \hill !( .-tlf'.•ff'<I lhl\ Co&Ult r !h · ba•' 1111 .. pl111 ··1~ •llHU<te 1a 1PJ11celknt ~·nulu •' .1')(1'1 "r~f'l " ' 11 nt1 hP ,_ , "!->"•'Ung 1rf'&l Uun1• ~IJ I'll "'" 111, th th# E x1·ela1"' h~•111 u f ""' "''"" Mcon1l11.> It \\'•" 1hr t11-,;r 11..&1 IU! luid h1.1 n 1nr t...-ketDall vlfl.1 .-r~ I bao ck Ill u nl!Or rn 1111,J hr 1•U1 l h.-n\ 1n '" ,,.... "lt11t \h•·,1' <'<•Ul•I "" THl•l'S A .... sp~r~1,e, . f:p~ult . .. ,, .. ,. "'"' "' "' ' "f ,·u1 I ~,.u!:I' I I ,I • l'llll :i 1·p ·•rt ll1i;:!1 ::••l H> Jn 11.,_ f,.,.,1 11 "''~""II' " .~ ! "" ... ,.,!(It~ !• .. na•l.s .11"" lh• Harbor master Reports 145 Calls Answered Thf' ll•l>ol ''"~•,1 111 J'11 ! '"'~\\·r1-cu 1~;, 1 di · 111 F<'IJ1u>11y l l"rbor1n a ...i t o J!u~ .. I E ('J~1;.: 1rpn rtl':<l 111•!11.1· Th~ •lf'l-•U li. .. ut OO&L• 9UJ'>\~I • j l ,\U '" 11-- Ul l'""'l l!;ll :•il !\\ • ' '""' .,f t~•,.!• 1 ., orirt:;• h ·i:'!;; 1>: .. : •• , 1:.11> 11 .... ~ .. ,,.,,. ,.;,. u.I'>.! ... ·t ti .n.u~,1 !'1 •. ,~ .... !1! 111 1-•1·1:.. ,. '"" '"'"]'lll .rll> ..... j M&M Motors Marine & Automotive Codilloc Specialists Interceptor Marine LI • & JIM'S Codilloc MUFFLER SERVICE Sonn,\ '" :\lurfk r:i. • l )u11I l'i1- ''·"'' t'a•·h•~) K•·pl&> ''"'""'• l~I K-;1; 11 '?IOI)\. (<t ·I l1 11 ~ .. :\'1•\\1111rt -......---· \ ON THI WATll 1\1 1 1 '! \'~ // JOHNSON 'S NlW HOL ID AY BltONZ( SEA -HO it SES ·1 h ev r t' i m11r1 ' 1'1i r r ,1,,,,,,' J hr n e w '}6 Sc:a. J l ur ~~~ ~11·J ed 1n H olid'f llrvn1r •nd Spra y Wbi1r . ( onie in and see thtm. f'int gre11 n ew m odc:lt -J to30 hp ~ South COGst Co. :\1'11111 •rt IU\11. 111 '!3r1I St. ll111rhor '!t.iiOCI Johnson ... , " llfl ll'f' l •f ,. , ... f) .. rl11llt back! \\'h1·11 "''u'r.-. out for th•· rvr·n inaz -a l 11 JJ.ll 11 '" "HH<'"l"•r.. 1l, 11 u1:hlv 1·•1111fnrt 1n11 lo h•· 11h lP In phon¥. 1·ou~ h.:1 hysith'r to~ if 1·v•·rytl111111:·,. okny , isn 't it'.' 'i'ou'vp prob- .... ~hl.v rloo•• II Int~ nf lorn,.... A ~ M 111:1t1 .. r nf f:u'f. 11 "''<lllld bf> hard 1n '"uni ;-i JI th<·"''""~ 1·01 1r 1t•lf'phon1• ft,,..., hrin11 you peac~ of n1111d 11h i· lo,~ 1u,.1 .. ,1 •. 111••n· ••! 1h .. 11111111.~ ;1·,. for ·rhe men 11nd -·uml'n .. r l'11 l·ill•· l '•·l1•phnnr wor k lo mMke your le-ep o ne nu1re U!it" " ,. l h r I \'l r \' day . Cl -----. ~· ln .. urit.n('I' llroker11 ,_.:,_ ____ --~ . "N-··~.I !!!'; '"'·' ~111 •• Urh, • ,• ... ~-~ ,...,.._, .. J \T1 1 ~·. "· -~ ' ,,! .· ... _ .-.·',l\.'l'?..1:.:..:-~ :' lt11rhnr 1~7.\ -·-"'"·" ··--. ··-_,, . .,I'"'' fi, ... ,.h, c·11.11r • -' ' ......,.._a,j.J..w.:~ JOHNSON SON l 900 W . FACT! ITS A '56 Big M NOW AVAILABLE Hardtop Coupe with that lon9, low Montclair Silhouette fo r uni,\ s2499oo r:q 1·1rr t:n \\ 1T1t MERCOMATIC IADIO or HEATER SEE THIS CAR TODAY ... Cu ror your ll091!}' -M0tt MlNN')' (or \'uur • Conti,..nral -Uncoln -Mercury Coost Hwy -. Newport leach I • • • .. -~ .... -·:.•·,-,,_,_ ..• ...._-..._.,.. • ".,.l.a....-1:.J ··--•• .,.,,. -_.., -., ----~·----- PAGE 2 • PART II -NEWPORT HARiot MEWS.PRtSS FRIDAY, MAlCH 9, 1950 • COUNTY _FLOOD CONTROj. · 80~1-=LM:.::AL~NO~;.;.nc __ i _ ISSUE SET , FOR JUNE .BALLQT :'.!!:.~F"::,•;c;'.!::0: ' .. ! I r J H I ' r' • " ·'· ',\ '" .. J .. • FUTUR E ,,. ! J "l ' ti 1:, :i1 l !,!• .i rh" ., .. r " TO RULE AS OCC QUEEN I•• "'· h•u1 .. 1· •Ill lo-rd "l Uru n1;~ V""·~! ('ul oi.:•• will t•• ,,,. •J! 11,,. 1 .. 11~1 .;n !'••11 1 •1'<'11~« (.,'!1<''1~ 10! ''" kll· I• h o.I al l),l' !';1·,.t.!••1 ! l'11·L< ,\ ·:,.'1111111 I ~ IJ !>( I-/ ol ku• I• !i l•t•···, ' !• ij, lj'I> .,, .! I ... r , ~ ·~ "; 1 .. ""I, , I ~·;-11,, 11.J t' ( "" d 1•.1 I 'l • 1:• I' II• 1 < h• ,'!1 ,.,,I, A iol .. r •• ~ 111• 11" 1 i.n.J v , !'·Cl! Co!t '' ~ ... " '" ... " "'I '" " ·l ·' ""'' " . ' .... ,,. !I'll " ' ,., ' '"' I '" • t!c"t T .. ' . " + '" '' ... • •• ' '· .... ·" "'' •!• + , .. I ' . . .• '' '. • 1 ,,,.,.,,,111 111 ,, J • 1_,. r1. ••.. .,..i.. ..... , -. ~ .. ._ ~ •" "' j ' ,, VIS!T I ,.,! !'!,~I lit•:, ! \\.I ', :\t1Ut-·1 STATION Lhc t vui . t-'11 l' }.iarbhii. I l'h~ so i:h1J. - ..... •-""'--., ... a..-CJDimdl .-0 ,.... al.HT.A. 4.MA. OCJf•)-'l'ltie cl us • ... . OlltftM I 4 "•... ... ,, ...... ,: .n...oa.. ...... -........ -m.r,... ca. w. u. -., _,___tit. pW SI of. • fQ,000,000 COUt)'Wlde flood bcm4, ---.-pt .. ....... Mlected .. Lia. Juu I ~ MIJOt.. ..,_, ... ...a "81h's u a:a· '!'be boeri ,...u,. put tta ...... of •PPf'0"91 -ta. . • ..... ,... ... ~ •toM u.. ...,.,, . t1ood co.ilroa JMa • .u..ttt.M. ..... • llml'rl-... ., ....... ~' WoolleJ. Dat.ed U.. ttb *"7 ot Karell. 11M I •u;a ,....,.. a&lpb·llohdilim ...... tor tbe '!!'"". 'C"o ~ JiUJ&Ql:RT 9CIDWUDP .,.. 1'i;!*.i '1' -vi°"." ... \I .---No. l~~~ ...... l/t, "1. 1f6e GUIN AND OIANGI Former City-Oir1ed Sweeper Stolen From Parking Lot A .t.rMt llWffper. fonurlJ' U. properlJ' ot lha city ol Newport .... at&d• th• -· &&turda)' 11"-a It wu .tolen trOCll a Dowst,, ., ~lpt. nt. WUm, Don Jluaeell al Judge Gives PrObation to Mesa Resident ~. told Loa Anples County lllerttt'• depulle• h• had JUllt tlni.llM4 -••p•nr • parklllf lot on Pvamow\t 8 1"'. &Ad lat'l °"9 brt&'hl orura n1ach11Mi tor a few mom.ant.. When ha ntw-nad the -.. par WM 1ona, R-11 M l <l U\a pol1ee ~d ba &tile to apot Lt aUily baca~ atDl«:I at Lhe •m• Uma waa a r~·p&lnl~ dun1p truck to whkh t he aweel>"r wu h lU'Md! Raid Ru.a ll · •·1 had a heck o1 a llma conv1n1:1nc them that Lhe lhln.r w11..1 r .... ur fll1:hed. They .,.Id It W.I• l1k w •!e•Un1 • hw•e -n Juat dt..,•n 't h•PP<'ll SAN'TA A '\'.A 1()/'NS \~ A A ~i gn .,.,,\ .. f :-;.,.,.·p,.rt :t8-}'e&i-old , • .,.,t,. M .. ...an __.1,,, 11•,.<h ,' "'~"~·II 1• .. !n!~\l ul th .. ,,,.i,. u ( \Joe "'", • l"'r .,.rned Ille l11•t1ngi.1t...h .. r1 ~·1 , ''~ · ero .. lwo A.Jr Medala 1.nd tuilt l U •ll <\\«!' ""i'C•ll >\ll't'l a l.I Norw:. or •ALI: MOTIO. U m&BT OJVEN that Ute undsr•l111sd C. O. ac:HOl'J'WTALL. in~ to Mi.I. truieter Md oon•ey unto R... M . KUHN.. Ow pc>dwUI, . tiacur-. tq\Llpm.nt and st«k, belonctn1 to tM un~ll'llfld and loca ted In &Ad U-4 In i:onn.cUOn with the OOQdUct of lb• • bu 1 I n • • 1 . or ICHOITBTALL PAINT STORE. loca ted In ths cllJ ot ~ ~l Mar, County of Oranl'e. State ot C.l1forn1a. Thal the nama and &dd reu of the lnler>ded vendor I• C. O. 8daoffft&.ll. tl%l C&matl.Dn ..\VU\Ut°. Co~ ditl Mar, C&l1tonua ; a.nil the name. and addrea.t of lhe In - tended vend•• la R . M . Kuhn, :Zaa31 Top ur the \.\'o rlJ l1r1v.-. l.A.cuna BM.eh, L'allfom1a . That .. al aai .. and. tra nafer will be conaun11n 11.tlh.J an.J th., pur.h.aa .. pr1t· .. p•lll •' t ht o rf ice "' 01 ~ H•y Earr ~iv.· (',) In. 1112,'. ,;,,,111, t •o.,.l Hlv•I , l-"l(!Ul1t. ft,.._, h. < '"h - lu!T\11& <11• !.I •l>1!U}, l !J~.e . .11 lh .. IH•UI .. r l !•lh , )Ii f!!I ", i,., k "•·\' Iii.I oil j'i '•- ']11,. hrii..;ht •.!• 1. \1 · r ,. "' ...,,.. 11 .... 11 .. 1 ...... u1 I ; , j 1,: ! • " l !J _'. I ; ·: ... ' 1 '.~. .\I r-~. :\lice Good'Cundu,r Rl LobOna 10 1·~,,1 1 • l'"nn!en..i .. n1 •d I hr 1e <ol l,.d II•• cotnb&L Tu-1•)' w•• Jilact-d nn 1..iep.,rUueut /\ .. • •U• n. • 1wt"I''' thre• y••r• atra 1c rit pr o tJa t •<>n \w t. )e•r• •i:· fl ul "'" Lt'l'1e\l it ati.-pi-ltn11: J UI!!)' '-"l be.'1 tn I.II\ a. lo '.<'I" JL ... 1 .. 1.' ha 11..Jdt d. check cn.a..rc .. a. ~ 111 '"'h"!'f' an,1 "'1'"11 ~JI l'~n,,., h l.\'lllC any , 1 .. 1111& a,;11.:nal a n.• uf ~h • part1e1 h,.r,.l" 111a,v t ile a nd prelM'n l th• aarn,. Th!• n11Ure !• K"''" pur.,1a n t tn 8ec Uon J ttO "' tl•e C i vil C0<1" .. r CaJUOm la and. •n•en<ln.,,nl • 1n.,,,.. ... 'COUNTY HIGHWAYS MASTER PLAN GETS ASSOCIATED CHAMBERS OKAY "" l'l\t'n 11 .... •I• 1 I , •I> • I •• ' t d] Fnnct. A . JlaU:hfotd o f tS. L lilth 8L w u be-Ion 8 uper1or <..:ourt Jude• K-th IC. Morn· LEGAL NOTICE rt·euo OYl"ICI: laoa ror ..n t~. He adml!t.d ~c Lbree ch~ 1P ~ 81.f- G&l Cal-. TUaUn. NOTICE U! HDUCB \" GIVr;.i I A ll UJ,_ bo~ ch-ck.i w•r• tllllt ~ !oHowLlll' panon. tui.va dno.wn <.m th.a Newport Rr&nch Men nomina ted 1or lha orf1r..u of the H.ank of Am .. r1ee. Al ht relna ftC"r 1nC'n tloned to ~ fU!ed W1tne .. the ha.nd.11 of t ht-, ... : d.ur lhla IHh day or l.la r~h. 19:..> (' 0 . 8 C..'HO•-F ISTA IJ . l!ubec-nt: .. d to an.: •"'"''fl tn b.!foN 1ne thl1 ~th <.JRy of M•rt h l ilM J B. A N D.l!:R.S11:-,· Notary I 'ounly J'ubJk Ill •11<1 f 1 "" ,j a n,1 S t ~!·· ,,, I It IUl j.(1' ''••11111', fourt..tr. b&d r hock 1:t11•rs • --.·al. at lhC' Gt nf'ra l Munll"lp&I i'.:l<>tllOn , 1,,., l!I ~~rl>l lli( •1.-v .. !• I'"• I• \ ,.,.,.n.,,,11 ,.. "''a• apfl")tnt"d lo dl..lnll-1. Ito bf' h .. td Jn lh" C'lly ot :\'"'"'p..>1·t 1 .,1 11,1,,,,. 1,.~1'""" "a(/\1 t 1h1 1y tn., Ur•l11 . .-. vf pr o.h1b1t R&U:hfui·d, •CCO td.lnc 10 thr Hea ch , <'•!tfo rn1 a on iu.au .. y lhe 11a } At 1 ,q1,.~1 ,,r 1ri ... ,~ 1n " d nlhnc •HJln ut li'w-tiiLJllli 10th de.,y 01 A prit. l9M S o !1 ~8 " i t<~ ,.,.. .... 1, 1 '·1, .. r.,tw1 •1' "'"' lt1, .. r t•• the ····un ly lu1'1! /or probaUon reJl(lrl. h-.d wrl\t tn 11"' P'or member of the City Coun1:il ...:.,.,. •. r r .... 1S E:A L 1 I .' '. I lj '""' ,. ,\t , '" ... r, ,, ' '• "' 1 .. 1, .. 1 • ll ·l •~\,.n," "' 'J. •nil.,.. int.11<1 "' woru.1-f:'httk1 a1nca A uruat. Dt.lr !et J !t•c hi,:n, ,,~ .. ~ n.: in.-ru •ura l Dn !lJ:<', .:l•·p .. n<i-1 The rl•fr ndant hl•1ned hl• GE R A LD r BEN!'IETT 11 , 111~ "" wtuth !ll>'! .. nce wa.• tnr ch41ek a pree 1>n !1an1lly m!afor · ltll"um bt.nt ., ,. ' ~1 .. I l., It" ".:.i J.._... ll •'••-•hl,. ""'' i;,.n l~·r · c r""'l"f , The r"~i for a.c;Uu1111 lwi.e1. R&ldlh.1rd wu • nil\')' CHARLE15 I':. HART c t:ttnn('AT•: n•· 111 ,. .. ,, ...... .., t'IH.\I ,,:\\I I . J.l.•u ".JL I. l "· ' , 111.· On1n r~ C'•uJ11•v U1.ar.J '-If" .l>•IT ~ 16/lJ , .. 'll f,.·• l<"•I ,,, A ns• tr.,, \,. n .. , .1,.,,, •'! '"' , ... ' !r••ll· .,, "" '•:ro• \ h.. .,~ ... di "" lhe rn all.•r r a !OLf fro1u th•· flier. ft#<or 1_.11un .. u .. a ch C luln10.1 vt \.:om-' ,.~or m•mtx-r or lht-City Cot.ncll Th,. undl'r1t.,;·n .. <.1 r1· 1.1,., , •·•t •fv t hat thty a re run.Ju< ling ,. ,; .. n,.r ~ I Do.l renta l bu-inl'M nt :llil ~ ... , I\ I~ "r:f•' " '" ".<'I J "I I" n ! • !• ,.1 I ~ 1 ltn ... .,/ IJ, " l"I ' ' " • ···! ... SCOUTS TO PLANT 1500 P!ME TR EES OH TP:ASU CO .. " " ,. '1"1L ' ·" • ' " \I •'' , ' " I. '•"•i •J.r! l' 111 < I I "·' . I .,. ' . '. ~. "' ''l ..... . ' '" , ..... ' r•lo ! .•I• ... '. I. • r f"•-t " ' 'II I •!1•1 J'l.'fl !'. " . . '"' ' .. ... ,, I> It•'~ 111•' .11<1< >1111 1N !)\,. ""'"''ii on " ·" ,, .. lf. I ' "1 ! " ·" ., "' .,11 "' \ 1 f1'j' ,., ,.1 ,.r, " '" " I·',, ' " I. ,, ' " I I •• ',I ' '" , .. ... ' ' '''v"" ''" r "'I'" 1 ,. I '., !\1<· .1 .... ' "" " 1~\< h• f, 1 •· I" '·' " tp. "! I ... ,.,, ' .•' " I! ' ' '• " "II ' ' ,, M• I~· •'1 I ' " In 1 I " I GREATER EARNING.$ REMEMBER ... SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ••• EARN FROM the 1st. \ '!..\ J(!· : ;, 'l A , .. ' !,, , .• ,. ,..:,., \,, fl1111al'"lfe t~ ll A Ll'H Sl'H ISLl::!t ,\ler <'h An\ ('""·~t 1t 1,.h1'·~1 ."-;'"'!'''rt n .. ,., 1i • '· ,i.r, .. 111.i 1.11.:. r tJ • .,, 1»1 1n.-, ~•Id ,•I 1 lo· ,,f :-;, ", •rl H •I I>"!' U•.,•l f(•.,,\ •I~ .1111 lt.,11 ••·I I"" I•' ••In- l·"~"<l • r II:. ~ II· ·' ·' i.; I "f"•/1• \ > "'" · J utu1 u r1 .. 111t .. f :.!HI E ' "~·'l H 1t:tl\ .. IO} ·"""'I"'" /.,"'I> '"!:! ! • •,111 :-;1uul"Y 11 ,,,1,. , t ~l : ,\t.,1 .. - Fr>r !"<'n1bt r ur tht City Cou11cil n"r ~1 r .... 1, :.;. "/" """ !1 • .. J.. l'ER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS ( I ' I I I 1 ••-' .. ---.... ·----. ----• 8l1ze Honored 11 Top Airman for Janu1ry 1 ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,,1~•!::!8~cll~·~--~·2·~ ... !!!!·~ ... ~ ... !!.~ DEUYEiY . GUARANTIED . China Painting NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -IART 11 • PAGE 3 O"ltan •'IO:IUUT 1U Rll8'I "• FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1956 ltRXEST HAKMON Af'B, til!:\\'- FOUNDL#.NI>, Nuri.hraal A I r Cc>ni.mand _, A.'tC Bill E. Glau Delivery of the Nrwpdft Harbor New..Pre. la cuanntttd. C.a'rrier boys wilJ de}jver t)eir papen b. fore 8 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedneeday &Dd v.ida7. U your paper lti not deUvered by tha t hour pleue call llutlor 1818 and your carrier will brin1 your. .-per. Dia,. ....S l!'\'ttUa& a..;. -On1n-. TU • N!JW ,,_........,.._ ..... Beaoon Peraonnel 100,. -i>lo:rw .... _ -HO ... ooDMtad tro. arpM-w ua4i.t N..,...n a.car, .......... ..noeJ 9llCfttary OI' 1966 ..... _.l lunp _, -----------------------•• USED Af!PLIANCE BUYS DOUBLE Bowl St&1nJeea Steel 72 lnch Sink 1 :.! P rice $111.50 ..:in ot Mr. a nd M1·a. J-Vance 1._ ____________________________ _, N-·port lie.rich. wilh lhe b,:i LADIES I -· Do ilhCN1den or f .,.j.O.! mdcaJ ,,_.. UWarl&.n Ubwty &-J l l l l:at.. u . ... CIO(lt wl~ o-Uln•r , chrome sl1ddl4t u.d ....._ ........... un .., top. dlrrNime snu ..ct)uC- aw. brOOft', 'n. ll&a..c. -.c1 I• I Uta or ~ """ •J '97--t.e ot 11.01 & mo. No ~ ....W.. MJ .. Wty tr-. ... ...,U... d&)' or -.iq'. 1 wt w. aw,-·· La o.....,. 1t111- BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER, bolt down _______ $39.50 WESTERN HOLLY GAS !\ANGE .... .. .... ·-·-.. ·---· $61.50 \\'M.lh"'r Oftach1neri1 al Ern@•l l ------------------------------~i:~~~ ~:llj :i~~:~~n~~J~~e::=~~ 1C I ., . d Ha.I• ,.("'""•.n•1.,,, pro'"o:ntt11 hl",:':L ass• •• la R E' AX A.TION ~T M.AJa: .A.N A.PPO~ b' .. m •Rs•• kln 1-NlT. , t white table top with grlddlf' I DIXIE GAS RANGE -· ...... With 11w•r1h1 a11.:rHry 1n1t hla 11t·lec- t1on ill 1o i.i A l n111t.n->(l!-thl·-~lu11t for l he nwnth .. r J&r1ua1y. T he pr• ••nlat1C1n \.\'•~ ruatle hi t h .. liaJM: Conference Huuni at E:rni:"l l111r-C.0.•1&1 lfN>pper Adll nm ua UM " . ..._.., x ...-p,.._ Swedish Massage In your born..'' J!'lea.w call Harbor f, Tt6 or Harbor 70. .., 7S~ "FIX-IT'" KNITTERS Redllctlona ua all ,..me, 11.ttedl• potnt.., "Uaeu tor pa&aUnc. nae yarn• A ~- Sit N' Knit aD tfa POil UUD WuMn. ,..,f1&wat,.oni • AUK> ff••• I ~ buJ9 Oii CU.l -d uprtcht. tr I I a, 1,.. our comp&et• lln• ol. l!l'ors• A lt-2riAator appUaoc•. lwh.ill' table top, oven conlrOI) DEXTER AUTOMATIC WASHER ..................... -...... .$74.50 In.ot&lled I 4 l.Jnf"llt I lnertion $1.00 add'I. U.. .14 ta A1rm11 n GINze wu alllo •i:ll"l'lto•I 4 l..ines % lalM'rtio•» 1.50 acld1. U9N .%5 eL n1on. Mechanical a11d E lectrical Malntl!flanc• Service ALL '°''ORK Gl1ARAl'fJ'EED. Jlt E. B&lbo& Bl .... 11&1\lo-. :t2t tc Jake's Appliances GAFFERS A: SA T'Tl..ERS GAS RANGE, oven control SSQ.50 BENDIX GYROMATlC, Inatalled -·····-----·--·-·---------$l>9.50 ADMIRAL DELUXE ELEC. RANGE .. .. . . .... $89.50 a• JaAu.ry • u"cr-11.ll [\ ... ., Airliuu1-1 •• flf-tJie-Month •n•I wtll 1 ,.pra•·nt 1 4 l J a eis 3 ltulettioa9 2.00 addi.. U.. ~ eL l!ISLL 01f Tl:ftll8 l NT H.rt.c,;. Bl'l'd. ROPER GAS RANG E -· ................................ ,, ... _ ....... $59.:IO Erne11t ~h1 rn 1011 In U1c ~onunand 4 l .htes 4 llnertioa• 2.50 add1 ....... %5 e&. wl<I• cc.o111JJot'tlUon. 1 siu-.Uo• \\&al«! Adil wlU ,...,..1,-111 1a•;0 dl-.eouut. Oaall i.. adYUIDI -'7· A rr. DEL1C4.Tm8mtf cu. •1&0 Ha rbor 361.f. or 6183 Mtt c UMN< l loll (While table top with O\'en control/ GIBSON 6 Cubic fL REFRIG ...................... _,, ____ ,, ___ '6{.50 Tbe Cahtornia a11111.,11 r nt .. r.,•tj Ml!li lMUM AU IH f. LINl:.8 lhr A ir l-"1,rrt tn April. 111.• .. i A(!"'· I • ------------ ------------·!ONE t n. rd~ -·-----'60 GARDENING ONE larre conimerc. ntr-l1"--J7& 1 SCALEB, •et) l GONDOLA -~ Call owner LI 1-4223 morn1llp or flEJ'RJOlllU.TOR. 19M d-'11a.11 model l&rp c....,..top r ....... r .pen.!• rnM' ch.Iller. me1 ..... In lhtl door, t&rs"• w•1•table en.pc. U-.d 2 month•. N-. h u • ye&&" ruannte.. 811.J&nc• owed LI 111'17.tt or 1.ak• ower MONTGOMERY WARD GAS RANGE ........................ $79.50 C'Onl plf'llrtn or 11111 lhu.ir 1·r•u 111n' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ at Park11 Al-"8 , 4.'llhrQrn1a /lr nt- ODD J OBS A ~ UP. NO JOB TOO Sl.Ul..L a.t'lt1r II p. m. or U l-~7M a.tt.r 3 :30 • •-lt.ada.. krc I very clean) HOT POINT 6 CU . FT. REFRIGERATOR .............. $59.:IO lr ni.Jr-tl" 1!1 ...,.,.,...,; '''t-11 lh"t • 111 ,., ,_ ,,., Co\lF'ff at Chttnute AFH, Jlt 111 l'\tptemtlf'r. 1V6l. h.-w11 • 1,,.11!<..•lgn -I ,,.d tn L uk<' AFB A r1 :r. r1 uru "t•.-rt ht W&.11 '"'Ile(\ f,,,. U\'<·•~··•" .July "'Ith th .. :-.:ur111 ... ,,~ "'' t 'u1nu111n•I 1 l.'pon hlR arr l\'11J at E i 11rMt 11 111 - fllOl\ 111 V.:1"11 .. r. l!l:-.4, /\1r11u1.1 1;1~ "Ill • ,, ....... ,., ... , 1 .. 11 ... ~o :-. \\.,11l/\1•r Jo,·• <1ud 1~ l l••"r.11 1 1.o. .. tl<011j.( 111 ht" ••• , ... , 11"1·1 d:O >< \\1 ~& ! h.-7' 1 lh""/""'"' ColleCJe Official At Eastern Confab l •1 \1.,,,1 t! I""" 1!•·n1. I ,1 .. 11;; .. l ' '"": ,\l .. r1>1" •· f• • '-... ,, l!"•"U l 1/ir ~ /,., Ao •'ti' •I! ,\,• 1 1' I •di~)(••• 111 l'rh I"' l•1•" , ""' ,,., 11 '""''"'"I'!' o'·to-.hl o. f.., I ••I >. "l • • 11 •" I II " • • Tl ·-J•d • ,. ' ,, " ' I•··-" ' ..... " .. o \\itrJ.-Ill ~. \ \ ~ I ., ,. o,' /'• n lol .11 ,,o ~q ,1"' I !h,. • t 1th· , ,• I • I• ,, •"J( ~-·I ,. ·I ', J "" 1.... (-,, '. 1•1 l"1·t··1 ' r !I,., ,, .J """'' l •Hlll'I I •~·~ •' !•' I " " ,,, I ' "' I' ol• hi " II ' t "0 • ·II ....... " Orr Gets Probation Despite Police Ple<i 111<''\1"' '" ~jl tr "I 11 d""I 1J I' • " '·r..1<11,..11 h) 111~ f i"t,.ot. " ,j. f' •I "'I !">II i"'l"l"I '·,,I<! l Ju•I;;,_ h•·1t1>< ! r> ~. M 1°11'1'"•1l 1 l"•·l"' ! ,,. J o.t111 \\ 11- 1,11111 l lfl'0 .!7 'lH)\ I 1 I Hn ll•H1 Av.-. :.,, • ._.I"" t I:•·•• 11 '"" I '1!'c• .'"Mr• 1•ro•l;n l1••!1 IHI n>!lt,'1,.1 I•~ loil•I th" "1,•,. t, "" I \\l!n \l•••hHI•·• \fl•' I 11., ,i.•1..i,,1.,111 ',,.., "" " " " ' " Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday <!OASTA L SHOPP E R -\Vednesdays Dl-":AD Ll:-;ES for placing or t anrelll11g ad.a ue: F ur ~f !Jr11111y PutJHra tlu11 -Friday 6 r .m. J<'ur \Vfl<h1r11<1 a y P ublli:a uun• -T ueaday 1 p.m. 1-'ur J< 1·1<111.) Put.hc1<tlOn -Thurmday 1 p.m. :..t:\\J'OllT llAHl14Ul t'l."Ul.l ~HISO 00. :!'!I I Halbo• 1il1tl., _,c11·1>1.1f'\ lf.lo,arb, l.:llJllora&rl. BY HOUR. DAY OR WEEJC. LJ 8_,,080 or Ll M~f. ..... "KENNY'S" Dependable a.nd Ceinplete LAWN & GARDEN CARE l.)W W . Cubbon, Sant• Ana l'all LlHrty 8 -M-42 78p88h KATEY OOANE tb.e payment• of ia.01. No caah Specta.11.1.f:• In ladl1111 a11d chlldr.rur ~. My eqully free. Se.e iJl&"htly u.eed ortrtna!. I.lid bet-anyUm.t, da y o r e .. enlnt. lt<tl l•r p rmenta. W . C..."hapman Aotf!. In Oranaa. THE A L TERATION 8HOP ot1't!r11 1 __ K_Ello __ r_r_•_-M_,_1_· ------ l'llllt"Lllleed M WLftl at rM90nabla TABLE TOP ft.A.NOE, &"ood con- prloea, UJUon-IU. O ld refrtg. Run• In KINDEi.L'S PATIO Jood, SM . Uberty 8-3440-... 21 2721 E . Cout Blvd., L!Orona aet M•r Plralfl Rd. atl<"r 6:30 p.111 7St81 SERVEL 5 ~'~ cubic fL REFRIG. ··--··-····-····--·-··-·--····-···$89.~ • KNOX HARDWARE co. t20 Eut 4lh St . Sa nla Ana Kl 2-2336 BED SPRING and MATTRESSE.'3. complete ..... ______ $10.00 BA.BY CRIBS and MATI'Rt-..:S&, Spec. $10..00 WASHING l.IACHlNES $12 :50 up ------------1 'lkS.0 1---------- _.\II t 'l•-,.lfh·<I /\dR mu .. 1 bt' palo.l fHt l'a1b In ad,._rllfl ot p altllce.Uoa. COMPA:-<ION • h rht howre work ---------------LIKE NEW 1700 -22 CUBIC f h<" rait-11 ~11,.1 ~ .. -111 nii t i..~ o""l"inl11ble ror u)()re lilan on• lncorrtct tr~ l<1 !r 11v•l. art .. e No dHnk -I HAND BRAIDED RUGS Fl. UPRJG HT rREEZER S.'.11'>0, Complele_Sele(:tion of good. l.ft-.::Ns SUITS S6.50 & u p LADIES DRESSES 25c to 9~ 1n~.:: ,.11 !;I "n ifll, r<'.ll•r '" lli<· rii.:li t tu corr ..... ·\Jy cla.ulfy any and a.U lr111: •·r ~n1 oklng !'I ll li11nt1nii:·1 HAR. l l 2<t , 79<·11 1 ll·b «IHI 1,, ,,. , • l .. n, ,.,i uul, 1o111.,11n1 ug ru .r id<'• •ni..I r<'&ula t1on1. I !0n l:!<"ae'h, LE:>o.1n~tun 6 -i 286 t J<'REJ<: J.NSTRUCTl0 :-.1 \"u;it Our r·urn it urt"" l:X·pt Completely rf'-fUmiah your li11rne ul t hrS<· lu v.• 111"' "'B L'Y WHAT Tlil:: HO YS H.J::BL'll.lJ" ' ~~":1~i~~-~1~~i:·~ ______ ---_ -J ~2:":-!J~illdlo 1 Sen1oel Nc \"'l"1't l!:oitvr Custom C abine t W ork ll I' < J I·: 17ti7 i i I ' C\I !\ ~ h• UJ1<•L !u Thu1 oo?") ~ I ITi i:cr.i 1.<1 11 '" ,.,, '"l""I Hr,.1 II A ll;~r ! H ~; ... t•~ ..... t ...... •'• · l\,Jh r ------------------------ 'Tll•JI MOTIELL'S AN D PEE K C11lun1al ~l urtu ury IJ,,J~,. ru,.~ :-,""<" ... \\r,.:- u.1n11ter :.1 .. 1tiU11 .. J 1'111 K A ll '"""1''' I uu"l.Y Jn;l,\ul1un Se11 1ni: 1ano1 ll'!& •JI ,.11 111•lh.• T•·" 1.11, n.· r 1'ull I· 1 •'<' t ZJ:::111th :J:!,. l ,.,., r t u1 n•«l "" 11' <1f la• k ui fU11olJI '" J· to f,,., lo•I!'. Hr tvo 1m e ll t UI llUl!IC'1111lc 11ppr11lM1! L•ll c . Everett Sm ith JI,,, 80tfc PAINTING PAPERHANGING 5J:!:"f ~~~ll'~ ~~.11!!r Har 2•lH or !>317 PAINTING JNTEH lO R EX1'E:RJ OR AL.SO ~I ARl:>:E PAINTING Llt.'E:-.ISEIJ --1:-.'SURl":I) u Gle nn J ohn,ton !.!.:::.llui!1!i!1L:_ ~fi~t;·~i_a]-c_ _____ :il\ _ :;i~t :"ll ,'\l'e~·11t1rt B"acti l.'li ~-!' l •I· 'v•'• /Ir !,I;:,, 1.'"'"tol.- •I• h ,I•);: I •·1• j .,j,J,.r I,,.,, l!<i~ Ill .I .t - 1, I• j l/IAl\• .., !•l""I j,,~ II I " I ,J s l••l j 1t,.rl1<1r JJ-;"6 •'tltfc fJau1 l1ng & l'aperh&nging \.\"e d\1 the work out"Helvea, .JU Y"ar1 eJ.Pf'rlence 80tJll2 O RDERS TAKEN !2.-Pumltun-ror &le All n .. w ma lerlal, ... all11 bla. GARDENING and C LEAN -UP JO BS W ANTED MARY l>'AN'NlN, 11&6 H l.'•L BL l'.I Hl':A UTl>'t:L :..•t:\\' LI BERTY 8-b 13 9 !'J~t ri: I Hey, Mu rgatroid! ""'' L I' ALI.. nly cr11.1y H l-1'"1.JelH)' I f COnl• J<'L'R!'o'ITURE With 'l p<:_ J11·1nl( '"''n1 ~f!t 1n your ctiuu·,. uf '"'"!- r rn l&h1 1~·1 2 -"'""l.ll'l111 erhl t11b· le• 1.11<.l rorr" tat;J.,1. 2 1u.-.1r 1 n t Ktll r !arnµe, :>I~ "'r'OUj.;hl ll•>n d1nettr, rnode rn 1-tro<>1n H l w1lb II Ur•w ~r rlr t!lllt'I anr1 la1·JI" R 1 nllrror Ler ge P h1lt o 1 0'fr1 g a oy s Maintenance •l ,',iag>c Char 1anga. au ,(, .... 111y Ha\ae clt'LDlnC-l'lOOr w a.a1n1 Harbor H" F·t l:'>~!'l !.uw i\O"'n 1111 y111en! !04 \\'all ..,aahlnf -Wtndow cleanln& ,.. I. wef!kl to pay Thia lR litl>'llt' ,,,_ \•eneu an blln,~-. t'phol•tery 1 .. r .. t1 .a l th .. lu"'f!el J'rl<<'• c1•r 1 ln•ured. F'Te-ti E•tanate• \\'ll V' B~au•• U!ey·1· .. e u•r-•hU"'n WHrty a -1332. llfc •n!t fll:I :..'E \\'. a nd nl•n -\\'HAT H L'}j ~ \\' C'•n~nah r1~ 1 --------------a .,.1 ...... 11on' 13333 :-:e .. pur1 Bh ·d. H•r. •M l Me,0 Woodc ra ft Book keeping & Ty ping ------------'-'-'-', H<'nilu.~k ... cuun11Jir -corn~r """k Service SILVER !>'OX l:'ITOLE P E RF'EL"'T CO!':DITIO:..' Rt....-il•&ble. H•r. 1&36. Sl p83 bookl;•-•, r he • t •. •·a b1n,.l• Stu r dy con•lructiun. •en!<'I' l('\Jltll'd llraJ..er1 110 • np Book .,.,...11 24 in t.o ~'l in '7 9.") • VETE RANS INDUSTRIES 1 0~ r:. ·11 h . Upi·n F ru.Jay a nJ .Saturday until ~1 r n1 " :12--f'urniture ror-Sale 3:!-l"l1 m ltur"' fnr Sale ----- TRY BAY FURNITURE AT FOR THE TRUE VALUES LOWEST PRICES -NE W -t"OR S!ofA l..l.. B L'Si:-O P.:SS a.nd rOn· trat lo1"9 \\.'e •<"l llp 11;-..,k• t 11 flor · ,...1 to }'QUr lndl\"l<ln1t 11.,.,,,, l'Hl':L'K .111r 1· .. u onable monthl}' r RW'I H Jor bor 4688-J 7t pl!&h T'\\'(J Al\'TIQC E cha1rft, fire 1-l r•.,n. <"11d t.ablf!•, 1ron1nc bo n nl, rllit.he• r1el 6 m.Lec. op . .r.a1n!11 -~t•1n;r-\'a1Tir.h~.• 2 PC ~IOIJ F;n,::-; Bl':lJ IJl\'AN SET '''it1 r11a•~o1 •• •"•H11fqr1Rlll• ~hair 2\:ll &l'b<Jr, L' M LI 8-164:'>1 ,lll~:>O \'Al~L'I-: AT 1:1,\\" J99~fl PAINTING HA l'l~J ,-..:G •ll.t n<!d J"b~ J t~'.11 ~C)N ABLE LI !i·lil.'lf! Hl!l tl1R. LJ 8-&27e. 81c83 -------- DRAPERIES a nd SLIP COVERS LUCILLE DRAPERIES ---I \\'F:OO\\'OOD •tu"fl 13:'.. t•h1on1e i 3 PC. SECTIONAL Sl.JFA-IN'• If\ .. • 'fllf!I breakfa"'t 11et It:'., Mt•c rum1-j rflv..,r. lure •nd l1u1tp•, H•rbur 39~17 -R 12l'.llJl'.IU \'A Lt•E 80p8l l _ ~~-~~.·~----8 PC 1'1 APLE \\'OOl'i A R:\I LJ\"l:-0'•; l{uo'),\I o :Hi 01 ·1' 111• l1alt• ~vf11 THRE~ ROOMS ur be•uU r11! ne"· plat furnl ru1·ke1. LIUli l h a11 , 2 ~l ·f••1ul 1 ~urr .... 1 .. 111'1!. L lll.i r1 .. furn~ure .fur l l\Jl'.I. Cun,. 1n I t&blr_ Ian•!':· look a ro11111L 1 JJl~.60 \'A l.Lb lfl:B :'.IOI) \V. L'ellll;"I, An ah•1n1 tr _ Jd' G AS rtA:-:CE AT l!AY S l99~o<o t '"' r \r.,111 l•'.1111•• I Th~ f•t• I 11 11·•11 11• I "' 0•'••••11 l '.!-IJ11ildi1111: Sf•r\'I('~ J,1re11,..,d <l 1n1urdl. l J1 .1 .. d ------------------~-S.l1&f1 ctlu11 f,:Uarant<"<'d. Ha.rbor 6664 or &1193 MASSAGE BLUE U1.•tu)l•t"r"\J 1t"1t1\>n al cou··h lrol ~·h10111e 111 111 IH~ ,"J.11 Maho1 b'.Jokc&11,. LI $1311Ml V AL\_IE AT llA \" si..llOO ! IJ I~ oj., l.,j • In·• "• ! "'" .. ,.:ll Hl•I t /l I \ 11 " • u,.c,~ lo.: f1711 I• "'" "II ! I ~ ~!Ill 111"'1 ' 1::1 .... LJI. Hit-Run Victim " lh" "h U"' •I It 1\11 Jo· d 'I• "". •Ill\• I 111 th,. • "'"I I 1 ,.f "-• '' I' o' 1111'(1. Ol l~,.q ~ ,;,. I' 111 ,,11 I·, •1 ;: , 1,10111·,. 1.-11.,ro.-.i in .. 1 .. n•1• 1 ,,, H11k0'1" '"I ""'''·'"'".:•·!In iii• ln1pR' I Boat Gear Stolen Two • Ue<l •! J1(1 IJl'CM'•\'••r l llli(~ VII!· St u ~11(h .. ·~ro! 1<t.il•·11 rr .. 1n A boat 11H""'''I Ill r1 1•111 .. r 11.1-; S•pph•re Av••. ""'rH•o \\ dli!11u .I Sr hworer l'f'll<I! t•·•I \01 , .. ,1,, ..-.' ,..,._ l~nlay . .,Tl'le r1nii .. "'"I f! nu.,kc•! v.•1th. th, '"'""' 1o 1 t h.-t1<-~t Tl•r,... \\'•nt:"· Classified Index l •·un,.raJ :ii·ou.-... S (;ar\f of Thank.ot a Hpecla.I APllOW>Cl'IU«ll fi •·wieral IJlrMIOMI 10 Bu!<ln,.>• Uulde 11 Hulhiint !Ua lr rlal• 12 Hull11'01; ~r\11'1'• l-1 l't"r .. un111 ,. 16 ~•r~ \ ullr (H t If Triu1 .. 111orhil i.,., 11 1<0 .. ri111; )g Ht·ilul) A h!• ?It 11•·.~Hh .\111• " . "!'! J,...,,.: uuJ I uunll "!I l'><·ll••"I•. l ri.lr•ll'Tt ·u1 211 l'>il ""I ""'" \• "u;,,.I "!II l lt•I\• \ • :111 I ••ti 30 .'Iii" r ll11u1· .. u• SU·\ ~''"11• llU-11 ,\1•1,.1:on•·o· .. I I \\',.u1,.,1 1., 1111.•· S? J<"urnltun· In t :"a lt" l <!-A i\nllo1u•'• IS Hual•, )'olnp ptlo•" S-1 .'IJu,i.,.I, II.1th ... 1· \ I.$ 0...1:'"· I"'"• l't.:1 ~ ........ 11.,,, !1 IJ ••'•lu•·k Si ,\utu• \\lllll1••I 611 Aulu• '"' ~nlr •O--,\ ·1u1·~ A 1' .. r l" 41 Aul ,. '•·r1 1,-~ 6'! Tra.I•·•·· 6~ ,\1q 11 ...... . 41 ,, ....... t t n u.-n1 •IJ A111 ... J.. lln•i•.-.. fo r '3-. .\ A pl ... lnr U••ul 614-8 11011••'" t"r !;1•111 63.(' TNllh·r :-.111••'•· 69 k <H.,.•• fur l(r 11I -6t-A tt-1 fln111...,. U -B l<oom .t 11.,,. t•I 60 IC"n .• Mb". 6S 8 10"°"' A' U lll<"I'• 51-A ttuMncM R•nl.al .. 111"111 M B..,_ Oppur louJfl,.,. 6S Ml>IW'y to '"'"" at M-T \\•ttlt'<I 31 ~ i:lllal,,. \\ ~"'"" Ml RMI !!111411• s..n·I"" to 1-r r .. P"•I.'' •A C-.nM"rh·•I. lnii•OJt!r\al t i 1LMJ f::•lale f::,rh•nl" '' a-i r .... ,,,. l '{)~I l 'I ,f-~"Tf-: & !'aper f-ia nh111 g St•rvicc ~:l'l!EN~: 4) SAL 'N U E:R~ :Ml 31xt str-t, ~ .. wpi.>11 liellt h H iil ll<•r :!1116 U c _.\II !'( 1 nol~ F'REr; ESTl.'".IATES l.l i.J1'rty ~-ti!Otl Smol l Jobs 'Wanted Carpentry -Paint ing I .. llJ(l "''Ol'k -Hrl\<ll'lla lil1 l...lbt11.y !j.~!IQ3 C ARPENTER Repair \Vork Uo.c. Your H nme N eed l{epa!Hn& or Remodellfll ! Call Fnu•k. Ll~rty Mi:W A ll Work Guara nltrd 7t tfc 1 Painting, j P:q ..... 'r Decorating f-lau g111;:; L;~~O . BUHKl-L\RDT 1 .11·~;;"\;Sl-°I ' ~·<•.-..:·11tA\"l •oH 11;,o; \V llsth SI , (".,~1 11 !\.It'"!< !.ll;•'l\y t!·h.t:i- General Conhactor 1.11..:ENSC:IJ j\, lo' \\"t·r 1-: -l{l'!llutli:lt11g J :-i11 r:r,.JN .\1cl\l'..,-.;z 11:. f[·11 uur u.,!JJ-\..Y 58tfc E:i:perience d -Garde ner 1_,\N tJ.SCA l'l;\JLi aud Cl-1:'.:A N UP:::i I E:a!Lr"ale1 t r .. ., Ca ll J ohnnie. 1-l 8-2687 & 1. .. 1 8-528~ 8 1 tfc ----- Howard Steam Cabinet \\"1'111·1pou1 b•th • I --- FOOTINGS C•ll J.._.l 8-7 t~2 fnr •PJIVl nlm•nl DUG 1 ________ ,_"_" 1 .. , ...... ... .. 1•t1.· ......... ,. 'Vllll"' ! l••n~ II\' Fur•I n" •1n!o»1 l"hun tank• .... .... k Ba• k h•"' l"uJ1 .. ,,1 f.l h ·PtH CARPENTRY l-.tJN Oll ll l'.:!'1\ll{ WORK N'O JOB TOV ::>MA.LL H, 0 . AnCtrllOn 1014 E. Balbo11. Ulvtl., Balboa CLEAN UP JOBS Call 'Yard Ma intenance Three ye•r• e1.per1enc• lhl11 ltJcallty , L I 8-:J7 ~.tl 111!t•ng 8-6."..L~ .. i..I!<)' ul '"i!hl. i..llJt'l'lY 711<·IH PAINTING llarl><•r 2t ,\O M'I! (I' -------------·-BY HO tiR. ~n1all nr !•rr;c Jl1l1.!I ok. fte•~on11lol., r 11le•. FOR R ENT Llto .. rty 8-212:.!. Skill Sa .. ·a. Elec. 1.Joril \a, Pollahera. 1 a ll l)"Jl"ll or S1.11tl •ix. \Vhttlbar-------------- 1u"''· elt' i:F'.XPEntE!'o'C 'EO i )j ·1· !,l!Ud"nt J. W•IUld l1kf" t· .. !l1<•l••l<nl( IJI ,,.. BOYD'S HD~VE . 2ti.:IO \V. C UA S1' t \J ~H\\'A\' Ut>t:tt)' 8-J 4J:>, N<"wport licb :ilttc Alcoholi<:JJ Anonymou.a "'rile P. 0 . Bo• Siil N"'" 1101 I Be11c.1. L"ahr. l"n<111f! tla rbo• t 79S U o I H--lh·11.uly .\ii.lit --·----·' ----------- Suµc rl'IUtjlJS I-lair ~111r J•,b.• l)J \71 ,,.V~R. PRACTICAL pr<"ff!rred. 8·:>137. l{,.fer .. n< ··~ JIA I IJo" 11np112 !'\'ur.1•, d11y work Rt ferPnce• I..lberty i 0p82 ~lfelp Wanted GIRLS HERE A RE JO BS Th~I ·'"" Wol l h,. p nlu•I l•1 \Pll ,l'Pl!t f t'l"tl'I ~ lllJ•lll! '.\'~W h1)!h l '<·t·r""'" n11y 10·1uu•ul '''"'' IH t'f INll ):f'~ ""lllJl•"I Wl!h !lio• l'lt~I ,.111 , •. "'j,,[j i:.~c Ul lJ•'" '""\! n .. ,, v.·,.,tk•ni: 1·onrt1 t i(1n ~ lld•I 11 p 10 1 111•r "''101w<1 :--,. .,,,,1,. I W""~1 1 1¥, , jPI>" w1lh pr~"tl1:•• 1:1.1 .L .-., L. fllt \1\Nl It I::. :-.;n F:X P~~I U~::"\t'E Jt f·:(~f l f ft F:P 1,11h•J1 S alun HI l.l<'11 UI} llHr ;:.(},lj SlHt t. , . .,,.,. """" J••I> 111 '""' l•f 1111 r tf<l . v -------------I nffl\:"~ """I .1·,.111• h(l!l lt' PER MANENT SPEC IALS TEL>~PHONE Ol'ERATORS I ll'! Ll11bne1t'en ror $11.I .Super-t .... nohn rnr $10.(~1 $R.~O Ulnr1~ ;.i\ SU ~.Q !;11 ,\.\l l'UIJ & \\A\ E Sl :'JU r·1.J<.u 1·11\~;.s B~:1\l 'TY S HO P -A ppl,\· 9:00 In 4 00 I'· tn. N . ~l 111n St , R rn . "' PAC11'-IC TELEPHONE ~IAHOG !khum11n Sptn.,1 ptano s,1:.0 R nund mahoa. c<;Jfffe ta blt 32 Ln. n ,-, 22 In. mah<;J&-lamp !a bl<" l l.~ 2 m ahng. commud•• botti tnr 122.60. l..l tl -6700. ""'" ---~~~---~ x 12 ("OTT'ON .. WWI mulit- r • .Jor rur rever-bl .. '26. 42 1n .rouni.J •nUq111 .. -elnut eoft .,e ta bla $17.:wl Ctuid• 1td~w•lk hike with balanc• whe•l• '!2 H11 r, 3007. 80cl!2 DRAPl!:ltlE!I -Boucla ona pan.,1 13',. rt. wl!i• a IOI"' 11.nd on• 8-63211. 79r81 t l'.I re. ?>.I. DJN'E:TTE :::ET ----------IJHL. MAPL.li: bee! ''2 rn a pl., 6 4 toa1n rubbolr •f'&I ch111rx •lr•"'•r d 1rMlng tl ble o, dcllk 1~.30 VALUE _ •LS Mahu11:. dr<"•l'l!.r 1:.0. b<-<I .pread $~ H•r . l j:\J. Sl c8:l ,~ P\.'. MAPLE DINErrE s i,;T, ------SL2V.l'.IO VALL'E 4'l' rnun,J l n hl.,, 4 ,\ T BA ,. ,311 Ii.\ n11trh1ng rh••r•. AT BA\' l 711l'.10 .. -U ~l':D T A N H....t-01 .. an A rh•ir·' $40 Hr11! j.t•"-"l •·nn<ll\!'ln H~1· It PC. BEDROCJ~I GRUt"P fl tlrv: <toublf' •l rr'>lO'r. n1irnl'r, bnok c•.t• i.lfl~2 ,\\", "I J l l ~largt.i<'l'll"I C'.l'l M. 81 r ll:.! 81 M MON8 Studio courh with. 111lp t•nver•. M11ke11 Into •lnlf:l<' "' <1bl. b<'tl S lOO v11 lu1· $2:\, 208 !!:. Ot.!~an Fron t, 811lbo.111.. 81 pll3 h.,.(lboa rd. 2 n1xht ~l•n1b . l.>tJ" "lon nic . 1nn•r~prtng 111•ttrtu 111'1!\•I rrame $2.Jll.1'>0 VA.Lt.'£ BAY FURNITURE AT BAY 1 13~.~ pa11tl r•ffmtnt 71.-. ft. .a; 108" 32-..t.-An~OM Lr 8-3UO:L 7ltttc 427 E . 17th SL iBetv.·, .. n T 11stln and ST ORE F'RO '.\.T F'AR KISG Coat.a w .. -1 TALL GABLE CountfY Hou.11e U Fl'"ICE EQUIPME!'.'T. ·ry~-ANTIQUE."3 F REE EVES. 'TIL Nil'I ven rt:--authe11t1 r antiqu,.1.1 OPEN 8 w r Hrr. rhtc k wrller , counter. a d ju1t•ble •hehing, 11Calt• lo 20 lb . bll lin1 m11r hinP11. CN!nf!r 1.1 11-JIXl.1 7fl1 rr colored JIU•, br·a... copper. ------------------------------ l'tP-Ea.8l'"r S..I• LuxurhlU• \\'hilt Nyl"n STAYFORM FoundaUon Garment Ourinl' •peclal f, week ott•r. 81.ayform ot Sant.a Ana KI 3-4029 79c34 F r esh Hearing Aid BA'ITERIES W• G1v• SA.ff Graen Slamp• Gun derson Drug Co. i1•1n $l. al Balboa Bl.,d., Balboa p,,.v.·tr r , larr•fM, fur11ll11 r,,.. f1Pm ""'"P"'n"'v" gHt 11,,.n 1a to the f1 n .... 1 I. 1a r,,.•I fu r th• f'l•lif"<·!Q1 KATH lt \'N A...""N' J OI!:-:~ tt 7il ll•1bor u1 .. 11, --. 8•pplloo Santa Ana 7•cMh • Sailing Instructions ITT STAR dOAT or rlattle JJ.M l''r huur fo r on,. J'f'r.,un or S:'> l ~"~-~J 8~----~~ SI-If' F tJR RF.r."T on l'enl111ul11 I t'ln pr1•·ate 1lf>C'k, C all ll11r. 24,\0. fl6t r·· ]'1·1 TRADE Movie Projectors FOR RE!':T 16-M.~l 3:>·~f~f ~ J]fo:A l'T1 ~·u1~ 70' •11 11. &<'IH)f1nrr. K" I RllY'l'llt'r<'! ~:!l•'•·l fnr ••h11.rlf'I \\'unt ~n•11 llt•r lwo><t nr prOjlf'l'I}' 1 221~ \\'. El11.Jbo1t Uh·•!, Se"'IJ<ll'I 1 H11 rt.>ur :tll3'-66tfc 1 3~MuAlr.al, Radio, T V DAVrS-BROWN Clean Up Sale of USED TVs G. E., 16 in, Console OL\':\fPIC. 16 in . Con~ole W. doors E,,.IERSON. 12 1 :: in . ConAol1' 1~HJ!_,CO , 12 1 .:. in. TablC' modt'I PHILCO. 12 1 ~ in. Conflolr JlA YTHEON. 21 111. Te.bl<' niodf'I $64.:IO " $69.~0 $42.50 .SM.50 ~4 .50 $94.50 DAVIS -BROWN 1s85 Harbor Blvd. Liberty 8-343i t:o11 tn M CAil 81 c86 Ho!BBY a nti MOl)E:L AIH.l 'l.AN~~ SL'PPl...IES 18 Fi' PLY'l\'00[) ~kiff "'Ith u11r•. Radio ~ T \' like new. 170 H~r :inrio. 711p81 r M -MU&kal. • ' Spring Clearance ---ti! l'I. V-BOTTOM \win Ar r .. w 'EXCF.LL El'<'T \\"000\\'A R [) l 'J>. 20•;. OFF on the rollowlng l{lmm 34--Mu~Wal. Radio, TV CUSTOM AUDIO t.:OMPON ~::-."T8 3~7 N'ewport. Orf!aon. --------------· I A n1 pllflrr". 1pe11ktr•. tune..-.. la pe 80p82 1 r~orde ra . 1nrk upe, r h•n1t:er1, Jn- GM dleeel•. 2 year1 old. (.~Oil~ I RJG HT PIA!':O &: bf:nch 1180 proj.,....tr.r• • 8mm <"am .. raa. nP"' 140,()()t'I $1'11 for J30.000 phnnt HJO.f, t89~-\V. 81Jp!lt y.·h1l e th"'Y lul. ARGUS JOO Rox lUtfc l '.1·;:, i "hur<h Slr,.l'l. __ ___ 0 L[lo•rt•·"~6:o~ c .. ft(R .\!•."8 -;'(J,fi; v.·al t projKtora, Goldt JOO ••••t l J<"l11 , Tlo.r 300 w•tt Sh.ov.•r11.""· K-30 8 rnrn K•y Rtnnt Cllm<"rll.JI -·--------------------------p·ianO 1..-,,.nrn~ _ ~,· .. ryth1ng 1n H11h. 20' CABIN <_•R UISEK. Radin, Fidellt~· ... 1.ou1;.1 .-ug ''l'"1;•11•e a11u •1- (j1 .. u • .i :1nll.·1 ·ll't"l1n..: "I .. UYf'l'-C II ''"'11,-"'' 1 C11! put)'""' ""nil! <n l•O a Your Relax-A-Ci1o r "'uol·• t hnl t-:"L :01·11v11 I.cl I'' O•!P )"II .);t'!I; -------\\'AN TED .,~per1 .. n1·"1l h••tl'I n1 11.1J. R,.f,,.rf'n• "" r ""Jllireol 8 P 11 r 11 re \,-•!l;::o>, l.M XUlllL l...,n,·h M rR ~v.·1ft !ll r l'il Meers Camero Shop 17112 Newp•>rl l:Jh•d . CoRla f'honp Llber1y M-i042. .Mt llR prtf -------1 A \"()N hJo ~ "~""11~111 11•1 o i!Ht ,. r"r _ , 'fUUI.~ l'•o ~,,11.1,1 ,,1 ) o·apnbl .. llL<t.•· /\.-1,. & L'~I K l ~!1--A pplla.ooea 1 ha.it Lanie Au" gf!n<'rator a l-mn~t n..-"· B<"'t In """'' eon1h -R fj h• IN STOCK llnn. S2tl00 H~I' 47Jl or Har e lnis Ing 0125-M l\Or82 : Il l ----I· Rebuilding SLIP FOR RENT HARBOR HI-Fl BUA1':-i }o'tJl tNl'l'L•ftE H l N l::S.SC:.S t '""''"'~lno llf•ll~ !ln •d1)oj.(RJ!"n I i -4272 ,1jt),fl2 ' J~A NGE w'1ite !11bl" to p, al•o r e-I BaltM1& l',,.n111•11I R H :"l:":"l~~ l\l!..S!>'.\' H \·,,11 I ~41l l -, Qu11111y .,..,..,.k only Har. 4733 AS KRL',\t PIAN<' SE:R \'JCE ~l RI 2-7880. --S-1-ip_&_R_o_w_b_o_at 1 --K-no-w-lto-n-El_ec_t_ro_n_iu-- 3J33 N tll·port R lvr1 t lltfc llar, 411-111 78ltc ' 1-:.S & 1'R UCh:S HO :S l•:llULJ ) 1\l{'I'I Cl~F.S ~I Ut:il C1\l. ll'·~:s·r 1{u :.1 i:::N f .S • OH. f :E1' A Tl::N/\NT l-'INl.1 YUU. A JU/1 CE..""( \"OU A 111'.:LPt-.:lt -----------!j )'~I ,,, llY at1 1 ll.~!'4 F.()()K KF:t~1 ·;.;R \'l"'ll; ~ I" i.,., rr11':~r1 l<1r . hot h in !fUO<,I •·on<l w d •l on,.; llou 1t11n~ •X pt'll~l!l'e R•a,.•.>n•hle H11r. 4036-M. 8 1p83 \\'nlP H"x lt-12 --- \\"ASHER NORGE Alll'llel(>r typ,. nec-,.....,.11ry "\11!1n11. qu11lL11ra\1nn~ lt•)<·.!12 22-l~l a11J Found j :"lu~ I• .''•H or rh&11re la gl't 011• ----·---------~-H JU~E\\'OH.KElt ... .,..,1·y 01 h rr nf !hr hfo111 u~ ... 1 2 months. l.(J!;'J' 1· .. 111H ··•·\ ··ll~r t1~ll"I' Y"IH ds:-· 11 10 I .... 11 "11'~ lu ~ll•l 1!33 411, l'•y I I av a "'""-k Nt<!-<1 t•l•I 1\:111., Uu11dHI. Tip left '1 p .. r ht111 r H11r ••:Il l)-\\' nn 1\n""ll. Th<"y ha ve tour like .,,11i,: l•·111h"I · in•·"·ei.J l11 1r "'4 1•·M:Z I thl1 rtni: \Vhlrlpool. ABC, Ben- ~1 .. ~. 1." , •• ,1 .i:.! \\••'"0111,.lf!• c.-----1 <lt x . 11 lo.... 11.111 '"· 8~ e t Ch11p- L J k tllill'J Ot ll•r J!l:!l any-\'JO ME:->. Many offll'e il"!'llltl'Hlll niw ""ar•h.ouae, 144 1 W. (.~ap- 1,111,. Sik:!i:.I UPI'". 111.•·• *•1<.Vtlf'-'llir ,. ,,\h~r~ n1R.n A .. e .. Ln 0.-..np. K.Ellolll'J ------M~;:-;. F'.n,.;H>f!!:I ~. ll'rh111··,.1 "!!1rr ll-~j!J i M•n lhl"r~ !!V"fl ifll• 'l Mt'ff /\r .. ·11-l'r""-" '-IR>t~•!i.-u Ar1·1 LO~T l11d1 r11 Llu.w;!u n r""I w11 ll•l • r11rtury .lt.:XF: F ARRAR ---- f1tKtl'• Ill <' .. )!, .. I '.!I l'nJ lhf") &It! •l KE \\' A k (l f"IVlla ln• tit<"'lit li:MPl •. AG<"Y .. 402',-~2n•I Sl I O'Kl:E~-v.: .. M1CRRIT o,,.1 u.xe ~··· yuur H rV1C"-J l.'~l pnoni! r a ril• A 1r1 .. n1ifiCAU<..ln HarbM-1 N"""·por l, 11r rou St ft•tn1 Cit,· r a nire. l•t• mod•li. l..l S-8.11 2 HARBOR 1616 '24.'\9 .n SOc82 H•ll . 81 cA3 Space for Rent Am•r1can t.e1\(ln 21~1$UI St. Mei.'tings 2nd · 4th Wed. 8 p.m PRtf :ie FT. CRUISICR. lot.a of ~tl'll•, Sle..pe two, hf'•d. Gr•y Mart11a 120 b.p '1117r.. I .I S-7M2 8-.::83 DJ:..'KrT'T"EX'. 100<1 cond1U0t1 n- duron ..,.u 1.1611. Ll Ml\&1 ",,., TV REPAIR F AST SERVJClt. Rl:AS:ONA.Btx, St!'rvlooe call• till 9 l..I 8-11300 p.m. " {JO PIANOS .. ·anted ror OUI' rant.al d"partn1 .. nt. Trade your oM p!11no on Ha111mnn d Orpn 8plntl or Grant.I Plano HI&~ Allo.,..anr e Danz -Sc hm idt-Phll- llpa Bir Plano A Orpn Blore 112<1' No, Main. fa"la AllL SACRIFICE R o 1 two o d llqUU'I. piano. On d1spl•y a t waretiou-.. Call Owner Har. ~-IOU'c Just Pho,,. HARBOR 16 16 lo Plo«1 Your Ad on This P•gi -~----..._...·~· PAGE 4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PREss'1o...-A-for Solo FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 195b • -----'-------~ -------34-Mu~lcal RadJo. TV ! IO-A11l1;.,. f o• ~ale SPECIA°L BUY ! Ele<'l ron1" ''rK•n. unl1· old. 1.1kr. n .. w. ,.;.y, ., '"'"''"'~ J3'k• L·in· I Yi!.Ol<'nl 1 .. nn• lo\ Sl l J\~-io~lt!-1 ~~'n<.-1!1(1;1 421 -~1:1 :-; X11 !1111'•r .. ~""l •t • f'hn r1e ){!ru t,.., 11· 1 ·•1157:.! Pickup Truck SALE • GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ''i GMC 't t. ptckup. '3:l CHE'VROl..Jt'T ~ l. p&ne.I. ':'>I L'H.EVROu:T 'ni t. pickup, Sporl•1nant1 iop. 3J ooocaef -... t. pl(.'kup ·~3 CJUl:VRO L.ET !,., t. p ickup. ·~ C'JIEV. '•w t. Pickup. JI yd.r•· I t &4ia. 19'9 \ March · Used Car Specials FORD 2 door oedajl Run.a good -only ................. _ PLY STATION WAGO N L L.ight green, Radio, heater, Powerflite $175 -------------- '51 FORD <4 DR, RAOJO-H€ATER >'OR DOWATIC $<495 • '> 43-Apa. a e-lor a..t 411-;Ae a !.'~ for - Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31.st St,, Npt. Bch. Orn:RS ' Delightful llvinc. Apt.-Caboau. UWltleo paid. wltb Yaeht .Up ac:comodWona. •, DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl '5') t ·11F:\·no1_1;;T \·s. 1 : ~()O(J truo: rnilcs. 't.O CllEVllOl.£1' "' !. "pickup. ·~1 FURIJ V-! %, t th&tbed lon ':'JO! f.~C ll-tU ~ t 111ckup 1953 w /$/W TI~· -Onlr .. , __ _ CHRYST .. ER Wind.80r Cl ub Cpe. Radio, Heater, Powtr Steering Light Green -Only $20-15 1. MARK DOWNING FORD Dally, ..ti)>, monthly, youly. l'or appt. or reearn.Uon, Ca.I.I Har. 2992.. Mtfc HI.II,!! ( •\\'~ !!J • Fl I !l,,fl••t;l.1J•h ""11.'.S: '\""'\ 1 t, A l l~t!r"•ll-hio.1,11,,. /\,\! 1·.'·I '.11n •· '"" 1·I11 ,,., ~ I I~_,,' ' .,,,,,. 1!1 1,.1.J '• l!1,.t11 \I'.-\<!II 11.-11, \,,., <t.~r l•l•I• .1 DAVIS -BRO WN J ""''• 11,,, 1,. ,, I C.1 I, 1·,.,.,, •.1 .•. 1 r.t • · 1 :; J; I ! J •\\ J '' ol ,, "' "· \' ' ,. ' .. -H ; ;. ~ i . "I ~ I I 'I ' f'I II• 1,L ., 111•; 11\11 I"•"" 'oil H•·,1111 11.I J-H• '" rJ 'I• •. 11, 1, $••"'' ' ' . '• I ''" I• ' ; \I "' " I.• 11 ,. $9.9 5 " . " " ' ' JI • 11.1 I• "•I • I , < I "' ' I ' .II , '.I t '• \ I I I ! '"'I I \\ ~I I 7.,. ' \\ I Id 1 I IJ !"''II"''' "'"' 1• . .,, l ,, .. I I ' ,. ! 11 ... ' - ' I ,, ~ '"; HI ) -; I I oUI ii I I l" '·" • i l'-1 '1 I!' • I ,, "' "" llih1• T ' " I 1•1 \•"•. ' I IP , I• I '" h"l1ttloo111 I• , \ J·1•11,.., •I• ,.,. ,1,.,., '! • ' ' )o,:hl \\.11;, .. ~ l;J. 1 I ( • ' t l 'utll• •• J 1~'1l · ~. l«o •·I' ! I 1'111.,•1• ,fo j l>ol!llll<ll"I I II ,_,!IV. _1, _-.:,. ,\1·11n. :-;r111t o ,., o l1f-:Al "f ll·i l. \l\l,'\'A\11\ .\\I .1-',_I 11:<·11•• It•'•··•! J 1 .. ,,, ! T\' t !Ulll•lllulP>!I Ill l1l•1Uoh' 1k J yt•!lr <dd. :-lo •ld II'"' '"'"110•1 $ril~J. !"Iii r ifl• '° .. 111 .. ~ 1;,::,. 'I,.,,., .• I l 'IiYllle l>fir·ty. H 111 4,;: ... h ~'I _3.-'>-Doi::.:~-(~a_t~'.. ~~·!~ ------- HEc ;1 ~n:1:t:1 • I•"' ,. •.• 1 I ' ~lllffi""' • 11 nT .. •o1·l c1 1 I 1\-~':.!0I\ ., ·I l"i•.• ,\I" I :•~ '''' 1 111 l J!17.! .. • .. ~i-1 .i ' 1•,l n~·k ---------. .,------------ H~:o; (,,>!',\l<JF•:t: li•ol:.-.r ·.i \I I $ lllti I I I I I .l ~ "--' OLD CARS AND JUNKER S HAULED AWAY • ·;,3 F()J"tl) I ()',1 rn···· 10.µoo ton m•l<'I! US!:D CARS '5 2 P~f"'tia c Chie ftan \\ ' II 11 11 •• 1 li'.LLl:R 'S'1 Plymouth 4 -d r . A CE/'.UT Y! S8 95 ~~ILL ER ,. ' ' I 1J.J,.;.i I 11· 11\1\ I.I"..::.-,.., I • I» JI I 'I " I \I' . I I. t• t I " • I l -I , , I .... I j• I.'•' j ·'" I I -, ·~1 ' '• '51 P on t i a~ Super CAT ALI NA _;[,.II•'. l:,1,:f t ll_1,l1.u:1.1\1i.: ~\ \\ \\ ,-:\\' ,t11 1•;1 MILLER l 'h1•\'r oil1•t · f)Jd~Mnbil1• 700 \V . L'oa,.;t 1111·~·. I.I H-2:.!!"18 1"17 l 'l \ \l!tl IJ! 1:• .. t !n1 r1~- I'"' 1 Ii ll ' " • r I , , 11d1 Lu di .. ,.,, •• 1.~. ·1· .. , 11 , .. 1'1tl; 1'111• ~\! • I· ' •I I ' • 1. I 1\" 1..111! II I I" • ' • I f' I• I I• I,, ,+ \ •''·I•' , '!"I •' '' • 0 ,, +.' ,, '54 Ford V.8 l'.,\:\'i'll \\,\/,();'\; 1:ul!v , qlllJ 'l"'d $1595 ':'>4 t..:,_tC '\ t, pickup. Jtydra - 1111ttl•· I ran.1. ~l Ft)ltli I t duaJ. flatbed. •II C'HEVH.OUl:T 2 \ uu ~ \VB ·~11 l llJl >C fo~ 2 t ., 2 11/)f)~d. :'I" <'l tJO:VIUll.t !'l' i l It ' flat bclo.l, 2 "P"'"''J, Ii ~6 l11't!ll, ('.I+• (;,_:t.: Z t L'Uti:. 14' 1lakt, 1 "l"''"I, I\ ·7~ t 11es ':'J:l c;,.u· 1 ! COE 179" \\'B 2 ~1~1C'd. tl ;2~ llftll 1954 BUICK SUPE R Riv. !'fie. Radio, Heater, Dynaflo w. W S1 \V L ight Blu@ 1950 'OLDS' 88 4 door &.:d an. :l tone blue an e xcellent car. It , 1-t., Hydr1lmat1c t-h"Y J9 1t 1'11r!r1r Cout Hwy. Slltlfi 1~1N C1'~Y.~~ 111ce3 S.t75 '52 Old, Super 88 '1 door, R & H . Hydra, ·• l\Jllc. power .iteeru1g $1045 4'7-Want.ed to Rea\ Rental• Wanted \\'e need apt.a. and ho~ In 111 MCUO!\.I tor both w lotar and year'• 1-. F 1.1m . or unrurn. It )'OU ha ve I. YaC&nC)', phone today The Vogel Co. OWNl:ft.S 2 Dedrm. bay v1..,. f\11'11. apt. wllh TV. sarb. at..,_J. Laundry f1cili1Le.. patio .BBQ. A'l'allable t mo11 or ye.rly . .07 Ferl'llflaf Avt .. corona d•I Mar. CO AST PROPERTIES CO. ,.;, ••. thr large•l 11.1111 c l,&f\f'•l "' ••~·"l ..J.u .. I\;! 1n UranKe Count y I llt•I"'" bU)'lllJ<; 11ny n.-•« 11'\Jtk I" ~'"~tu '"" ""hll l "'" hll ~·e tu .. 11 ... LOU REED & ASSOC_ •• MILLER l'!:C'':ro!r t -Oldsmobile 3:!01 W , C11t. Hwy . Newport Bell Phon11 L.lbforty li-34111 2(),8 M&rlnt, Balboa l•la.ru.I Phont! ~larbor ••t. ~&67 E. Coa.11t H y , Corona dli ~t•r Ph.-me 11 .. rhQr 1741 Ruth Jayrl'd, Realtor M ildr ed RJ111 A Syl"na Thon'lplOD Auoc:lal•1 301 E. Balboa Bl.,d , 8.11100. Har. ~ or Har. t&OO tt STUDIO APT pr!\ .. le entrance I f!n!pla N', wa lkln( d i•lanc11 t o I M o pping c:•nter • t>wi. e.u w. W .W . WOODS GMC DEALER 61~ lit ~: I.lo St ~1•nl11 A ni1 l)l'o·n S"n'l"'I A ,\I T •11ok 11 °!<1• l•n 1)1 11111,;•• l '•nn1l )' '55 For d V.8 Fordor $1295 MILLER ... ,,, .-.: ~ C HRYSLE~-PL YMOUTH DEALER Honest to Goodness USED CAR BUYS /l ( iJJ~ ;r: I 0(.irnn,.t ,, .~,. 1;,\r11 1null•, l(1td1u, IJ,a1.1 , ~\J .,1 , v..111 .. 1:11°1!· I (, at. I ~ i dr II ' ..... • 1 700 \\I, l "ua.s t liwy. Lt 8 -2258 111-r\-TirM It;. PartA New Rnd Uije(f Tll UCh: AND Pa ssenger TIRES a .Hour Rec appin g Se rv ice {'•)lll ld•·l(' J ~r"k" Sor\•lc'{' A:"lol' r r·,,11t J-:nd A lti;n n1cnt l'••All S ~:J~\"h 't-: Lido Otflc~. 3•1& Via Lido Harb11r 41171 11'02 New port RlYd, Cu.ta Mr~• LJMrty ll·M19 i "' llllh, Colli Mua. C-a.JI Uti.rty 11·~7M 1 rt .. r I'.! p "' 80t!c 1v A !'>ll'f.:D TU RE:-;T _ :.i or :i "8g_ffoueea for Beal tledr\.l<Jn• L1J1fu1n U1he<I hon1e . ren(- <e<I y11r•l Ao !(&r11g e Hl lt1rb\Jr 11 re" Y<"u.r '11 1_,,,., up tu l lOO j fl"'" n1u H. .. J;:ulKr' r ... .,1 .. ra .. ,n. pl•·}~f! '"''~ \\11\,. II•·~ •J ll r n ttli3 nr""~PllP<"I ir \\/\~! f ,1rr. I.,."" un!urr. 1".,,.,Ji., ....... , \1 • I "J!tl : t,,.•]111 l\ilUar ,, r1 '°' ... , .,rnpl , I ~l ~r /\.hilt ~ .1nl \\I ol" Q •l l ;11, b l "LIDO ISL!:. 3 b6!1ruon ... 2"' bath homll, Of\ &nnu.&J buJ.a. Slip f or 40 ft boal. UM ot 18 fl. Vlk1fl&' run11.bout power bo•t. 'l car 1 ar, t>ea uufully fUrn!ah- f'd al'lrub~ •100 ptr month. Inquire al t l U1 lboa Cvvea, N "wv<>rt 3&tto 1-l 'HN B U R .\! l 11·r1Jl&C•. )'1r·(I ivt A vail. M111. :11 l"UPl'Y ll•r 1erv•f"'. JP) !'l.'u UtSJ:.-:vi I \I•• H!d CI \ j,: ·'" l.PU~r J !r 1----- ~ : . , .. "o /nhll l1ut l_Jl•(J I SZ..Jo~. Ur AJi.I """' J b<-dnn ,1111 \\ ,·,,,1 If\\'\ LI "--:!;!;', ... I ,, R-E -0 \' . .\ll t•1•Ufl(' Ju· \"1]J,. It 1 ... luad~··I & 10 11111111,l.1L•· '17 I • I •, -· "' 1:11<11;• t J•t1t <1 ., : or Ill•· ,..,111.ng HOW ARD RYAN I ,,,. 1 ""IJ ,,.., ••••1 11 .. ••lll •ff• r ,~"'" p ,., !!•· \\l'h ,,.,. <lu r- i; .~.. Kl .11 "I l.l 1!·2;S3 ~··· 80vt.2 'J. t.>at h hotMI~ un1 .. r11 AV111I J\j11ll l t.ra ..., llt\ \'ut \\az- '"''~ A /LA!'l.'TIC t '.b2J -:''1tfc YEAR L Y 111 11t.ll fu1n hvu•• \\, ar1• 1·r1•uJ t" .1nnuun1·1· t llf HJl!H•lr!llll•'lll l&S lhl· !1.-.t11bLtl••r 111 Su11 L.1 A na 411d (Jr:u:,.;L· f'11i.i 11t ;. Vis it Our Show Ropm See O ur Comple te Line 1 True ks · Buss es · Engines I G a soline · LPG -Die sel 1-:1 1·r11 1l_\ff ':-'CJ ~1:A 1 :.,c:J.: l,;jf...'. l·-1111.h ~.utl a A 11.1 ·53 Ford C ustom 4 -dr. $795 MILLER ( ·11 1 ·1·r·~lr·t -CJldl\r11nt11lt· 700 V.'. ('o;t s l 111\·v. 1,[ "-:!:?:i" '50 BUICK CONV. l•i''',\J•!.(1\\ H & II \\II JTf·; \\' JTH Ill.A<·.,; Tl •I' $475 TERRY'S BUICK 5TH AT WALNUT HUNTINGTON BEACH ----- '56 BUICK HI\ ll·:r{A ('lll:i'I·: $3495 MARK DOWNING FORD I l \\ ,. !" "' 1 • ... ,f,, ( • .... _.1 111 ':'\'T IS•:!'\IC\ H~:,\l'JI Hausken-W atson ~l'l>lrl' l"AR CE:\'Tl~R HARVEY MA YER MOTORS ... tJ l · 1'()9 \\'. 1Bt .S t . ~\ ... TA A-.:A Kl 3 11..:•iJ t-·t·H ,.,. Z b@(lrtl(lff\ hufl>~ on l'<"n•n· ~lliM r l\1 !u~e1\ p<\Uu, ) ~11 111· !Jtfc: il0Ul lP I \ 1l l 1Pl l:J I 11 -\ut o Sl"r\'lrf' 1. r ·• ~..!.-,-: 'otor Overhaul II Ll'i0 !"'" i bt"•lrnl ~ l111th !urn " .. " & unrurn f ,, -u•n111 rr "'nl•I• ('GAST PROPERTIF..S CO. ltuih J~)'•"'-1, ftealtr1r :'\O ~!ONEY DOWN * with this ad * ti>r !'4alf' I 10--. .\u1 0 .. r .. r :-;a 11-· 10--Auln!>! !>t J!.J1 ~.J !lot&~ • SylVlll. 11h""I'"' n A11••><-l1tlr8 .\U l t.: U>tlboa lllv•I • B11ll,.•1 ------------------' '50 BUICK SUPER Hf\l-;IUA !•\Si'l-0•\\ l(\l •li •l 111-:A·r ~:H H$:~~5._ .. AHJ· ~Al~ j TERRY'S BUICK - 5TH A~ WALNUT HUNT ING TON BEA C H '52 CAD. CONV. J'l)\\ t:tt l'IT~_::t'.'.I U NI; ttr l •tt A HA.It $1695 MARK DOWNING FORD "" 1· ::ri 11 t r11r1t 1t. C 11u• Ill :'\Tl:\'•-'Tll!'< lll':AC"ll llwy 11 11 ~:I '51 Ford V-8 Squire t"tJ..,1. RA-H. c 1 .. a n. :vlAKE UFf.·~:lt. ~-HANK 1_,t'EVHF: 2612 '"""''JO(,)!I H arhnr ·~•21 BIY<1 , !\'~""J>Ort 1qo•ll.l '56 Ford Fairlan e V-8 l ,oad("•I wi th PVPrylhin~. JIH:h1d1nj..'. 11ow r r stt•('r111g, br:ikt·~. ·r . l~1rd ron,i::i nc. J •• ·ss than ;)(}{) !flilr·!-1 $2795 MILLER ( '111•\·1·1 i l~t -Ol.ts n1oh1l1• 700 \\.'. Cna1;t J-fwy . I.I 8-:!2;j8 '50 Olds 88 Sedan • I '5 1 PACKARD 4 DR . I( I I '/ 1 II• \ , f I l , ! ! ',\ \1 I ! I' $595 6 ('yls. !'l t"yl~. ' ......... -........ $4 8.88 ...... s:;B.88 In• '"·h" Ot•th Jnb<•t •n'! p•rll . ;..:. "' rlnf'\, o••r1~t p1n1. valvl! 1->•1r11L ra:1t1~• or "ia.111 &lid rod )., ·••·n ~~ Ex1°,,rt ri•ut"r tune up ''" ,,,.,. tJr •.!Jt\<) nHi~ gu 11 rant"" :." \l<l"l·:r l •tl\\';\'I Hl-'.Bt·ll-T J."'.NC l'NES 1·1· ''I~ ~1 u:-:1 11 s TO PAY- .. r H11 r 1.IDO ISLE 14 r~,. be11ut1lul l fll)ll " ,., .. ,1.111 l nru1 n • llUlaJ 2 S27~ '"' ! oatn h•;n1t i.;•1llt ner L'OST A ~tES A '''"''"' Ioli flu r1 ) ' old St!'> " ""' MARK DOWNING FORD I H "" \• " Ir ''" n /11rtory by &kllle<I 1. "~ .. :1 ,:,. , ,, ,, t runt,.nd wllll p. 8 . palmer incorporaled I 'd 11 ,.. II 1.,- ttl 'll.-.:o ;l<>", l ~J \I II • ! •• '51 Plymouth Concord I\'\\ t,\ ! I II ' l•·J\ II o\' •I."' j s j :~, l·HAC\'K l·f·l'\jq =-'•"I"''! !', ., .'I•,. ' ' ' l~d l\l 'J1 'K .... 1q,•·r 1:11 !( 11 "" ( 1.;,...,rll 1"11<1 \11 ':-! •II \ :.:r 1·:AL s o;1J 1·1, •• ,,nl .; :··,. • "' ~···· '" ·" .'\ " I ' '" '' t I 11 Lh .. u11•L•Ll" r"Kf\. IH1y <1 1rec:t. 1,1 ,-hanson co. management n!'.:11l 'ILT and INSTAl.LED 3333 vi a hdo & 1700 w. cou l . 8 /IUl'.r ULOL'K I h\\')". har. 1500 & lib. 8-5573 f-1 1J!I • .. -·-·-· -·--.. Sl 'l9.!:r0 _ _ ___ _ ! ltr:v1111[.F:'l'. ·--........... Slt9.M l ":"lo"F IJH:"lo'ISll E U :I b'tldroon1, l 'l.\~l & Z•t iJw:;t; .. -.--.. --SI:'>~ "Pi•»r d"pl.:x, verY rl,,.., lo Udo ('JlltY~ .it. l •~: S•fl'U ........ _ 5 170 :-;h"Pl'LflJ' r~nler DrJVf by Mi1 .... ~Tl !•~'.l!A l<~:I\ .. -.-... $l70 ~16th St. Call (;!yJ e Meyer . H&r fol.11...: _,, /'U!\'Tl AC ti _ ..... _ .. 511'0 :.:11:,v 8le8j I '! 11 !\ ....... -............ _ S l7!:r -------- 111 -1>,-;1 .:-; ... ... .. ....... $17!:r f."tte T ov.·ln1t: X l·:\\" CAP.. Cl;AJl.A:'\'T£t: lll•1..:k. 11 1U"l 1ne"t uur l lfUH.lllnl1 !'lu.• tnx"ll, .:11aket.'I 1u1d oll 11111·n Sunr!ny 10 11..r11. to 2 p.111 . BELLES ENGINE Choice Hal boa \\'inter R~ntal• on 1sland & Lido l.sle S111all Ar 1•0J:y or Ja1·ge "' d1luxe S76 to $300 rnonlh VOGEL CO. "' ,_. REBUILDERS y 8 \ OJ1t'll D~Jy S lo 7 State Bonded 2"R M1rln11 AYf ., Balboa lllland P h , H•rbor 4t• Qr li11.r bor 10 11'1 Re:oi. J-l•r. 3&29-R or Ha r. 1229-R '55 Chevrolet . NEW LOCATION ·t t1 .. 11r , 1Jl:11·k ;111-I \\ h11• -:310 Ba.st 3rd St. It & JI , l 'n"'"'''.l~lh!•·. \VSW tir(':'. $1795 MILLER S AN'TA AN/\ NASH· HUDSON RIOH HAHN'S ,\!'Tti HADl() HEPAIR ll).I J J (,\~l 1\1'1C Sl::lt \'ICE ·I":' ~: 17 ::. ~·~•TH ST N""'1>0rt Hr111:1'i l ".!-"frailrr.. '49 Hudson Commodore ----------------1 1\ ·I o ,,, \ 1 '·' J .Y t i'•O l•l\A i\-!\; !.•l·f•,\ln ::o, I l ,-.; •'"' 1'111 I l !tor 1,," ·.u~ I ,, "l'"O\ J-I•"~ '52 HUDSON I H!ll .... ~;T •'I.I'll ('Id I'!' ltYl •l:A $59 5 *PORT ORANGE * '/'/{1\ll ,1':J{ ::5Al.l·;s a nr! SI Tl'i'f,JF:S ~:!(I() \\I. Cvust lliway. l\'1·\\'J111 rl L..;cllch I.I 8-1420 "~·· K•I i. •. ,,,,11• SH14!'.I .r _,,,,_ :-<h:u•IH 1.1kr """'' $11 •~ 't,:, I ~~ H··n-<I••» 1 llH SJ·l~O '1'1 "''l•·Z<' 'l n11>9 ol<I S:l l~.''I ("111 I'-~ \\"t 1Kht T!l nd~n1 e•tfc ON BALBOA ISLAND SEE US for y11.rl)' and -..onaJ rtnt.&J.a. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor "'" M&rl~ Ave.. Harbor D02 B ALBOA ISLA.ND SEE ME ·TA NELSON CORONA DEL MAR FOR CHOICE RENTA LS. !:>t::J\SONAL & YEARLY. :.!9Ul:I t: Coa.11t u ..... y. I -far. M60 " N~~\\'PORT HEl!:HTS 1sn2 & 170) Ha"'" Place. Two r:.·1r11111, g1<rtl. dl~I', ne1r 11ehool11. 1 ·n r11rni~herl_ I-"'""""' or t>y monlh. i · Sherm Allen. LI S-Ml..3:'1. 1'9pl!• ·----------- JXA.-Apts.. for &nt 2 BDRM. UNFURN. rront tr1pL•z /I o1ton1 allc heat. r!replecfl. w11 ter 1'•1., y a rd m1lnta lnf!'d. Owner- 1.1 8-77'7& -272 B~way, C.M. 71k'81 1·•t 1", i 1ew.-ry, clo..e tu •><-ea11 .. ~tore•. One 1<1Ull II:'> UlO. If\• utll. ll8 .... ·3L~l St , :"lo'.,v.· p"rt liear h 80p8 ! t"\)/t(JS A IJl:J~ MAR 1.1nru n 1 'J. v.111 11 hou•.,, YA hea t, 1a1, 1un .i,., Ill Y1 n1 1nll.J.ll t11n .. o1 • ,. •• l .. , p•1 8 13:.1!: &OG M&rj{u4"rll,. l {kl!'J. \VJ\ TF.:Rl'"RONT pier .. 1llp l'n- furn!1l'ied nt w 3 b'"1 rn1 horn<' tlt!a(r1c:ted 11 r~a C.11!1 ll11.y • Bta i:-h Realty, Ha r 121!4 81 c8J 1.J 'rl'LJi.: ISLJ\NV • bdrm , 2 ~th t11rn. hou•e, fur- nar~ h"'•t till J un11 l:'> 11:'>0 p~r n10 liar. 12~-\.'.' o r Har 23• 8 lrl!3 ~·1 1 /ol , l'NF UH/'." 2 De <lrni. houae t:1.11j;1 • r•r pHlt t:nl! ~l10 1 •1 JUk1 t rc1111 D"'•r h H11rbor 18•!-l\'. 80c82 t..'OFtu:>:A DEL MAH Channing. unturn .• l UH hum~ '"'Ith l,t; Jovtn,v; nn , flN"pla.rr. l ilt ti.th " k 1tr h with •un ny b,.....fa.t 111<'&.. Nit"e f•nf'ed ~·ard. Dbl. g 1a r. (Jn!y 1110 per n10. on yr'1 l~u~. VOOl!::L CO., 2M7 1:. Jla.r. l 7t I Hwy. """ NltVo'PORT BEAC H, newly deco- ra tlld 2 bed.rm. howi. A ~·· J'uni rof' unf1.1m. Har. O~-W 11Qp12 UNt,UHN. -2 l::le<.lroom t•~ H~gQnl•. C"l:u•ona del Mar. SU rh!ldren OK. Bea WhJlUaMy HY11 tr t -lii'.11 239."I N ido Way l.a1f11f\a Beach. 80p81 * * * l:NJO Y UVINO on th• ~ fronl Kitchenette •pU.. 6 rm.. Wllh pt!Yalll bath. Ma.Id 6 ~· 11e!"l'tC•, TV -230& W , Oeeali fi'ronL Harbor eoil. * * * PLEA.SANT room ror .-.u-..n near H~ Haeptu.&. pri"Nte 1n- lranem. 1..1 ~. IOe&2 FOR Rl3:NT: GROUND FLOOR office ~n ne"' buUdlf\I', n-.r l.Jtlo. Ample parklnf'. For In· form a tion. ca.JI Mn. J"ay H1r. !Mt llttc LIDO OFFICE SPACE NOW LEASINQ otnce •pace, In \Jllr11-n1odern ltllerbroek dMiri- M Lido bulldlnr. No Clnw bulld- lnr. no finer addreu. LIDO REALTY, Auocia ... 3400 Via U do-Harbor '''' llo • Ground Floor FREE I ' i,, "~;L ~~~"""·I" ; ,f ·\•;f' \H o,· ,\ l_.,._,,·o •n Al,..;] l:'\'·ll E,\l.F.Y ~.!••HHl:-l Al ':;·1 1:-; ,;J,I 1 l :l•:'.1~,,, ~•It l•,•l ul!r l..0Al1f.:J• A 1;• H 11 ' ~•Nf-; SI{•~> F1~,\:"lo'I.;: l /'FE\'I<~: _!t; I~ :"lo""" f"" l llllrhor ,•,o:i :'\' ''" I"" I "''''I.~ TERRY'S BUICK \\' ~ $1fl9~. ll•'f'<I C'IC'>tf\ HR .. d lt&o\l!·lfll l'A'.\: J\:\lJ.:lt lC1\N \ 'n '" ""'01nt -l\r n.t1k ill Ti'" •'lf'.\P Te11 y Crown of the Sea Motel In Corona dll Mar e OFnCES OR STORES For Leue in - !{arbor lnve.tment Co. Bid(. 30th lt NewJX>rt Blvd, Har. 1600 i '\I .I . J.~E:LIX ~! !'l·.J.{ ::'i,I:\ I\.:. l .l II 1:161. I,,·,,, :'-•'"l""l l!h" SELL YOU R CAR ~I ' I 111 11 I 1 (:,'?() ,'t ,II , '" 1'1:1:. 4'Hf.,\H••Ll'I ! J·•• l.111• I "" ' llt'ot! • ! 11., ~'.'I I \l .. .. ,, ' ' ' I ' • ; ...... ...... '" ' 'I • I -.IHI\, \_011,.·1 I I\\\'. !.I "::..·· .... " ' ' ',. I ,. "' ~ 1 .. 1 I • • ,, : " I • ~ I I -• : • ' . 11 ~I'\ ,, ' ..... ' ' I""''"' 11 oil ; 11 l. I 11l!l~i.<:.L!:1 . "-·0 ,\p1 1• 1 "' .: ,, ·II i' '' 11 "''"!· 1 'I I I tot.!+ \ " < ' I, • "' '•"I '' < 1J I.• ""' • I I ! I ;• ' ' II I\ I , ., • ,, ...... ..... •.' , .. ,. " , "~I /,r • I I I \I •, :'\'• I• ' . II • ' ' ~ ,\• ~··1 •o· ,. \ I• "lo ~ I • .or ~ \ ,j ~; ,tlio .-In;· '" ( ,\ I •II .I 1' • t;l ,,,,,, ... .'::''I 1. I onol I "'""''\n ~<•,\IA (:'\'. ST ~.\:'\'TA I\ l :, ! l"o '"r\!rl!l'f\ $11;·, 1·1111 lt~r t'><•• A .-.:A .111 ;111···11 ISTH ATWALNU T 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH I'•.;~ lt ,\1(11• •H Ill\ l• ( l•~'! \ )1 ,.;, ... ,\ 1'5 5 FORD RCH. WGN. I.I l! {,IJ.• I Grant V.', Musick Your H ud son Deale r !j,\1 .1·:.S ;111d SF:lt\·1cr_: ::;,:; )"\. 1,.,fl ,\ ng1'l•·i< I\ r; J-1218 \nu/1,.111, 4'.:'.l f(' :,~ •11.1•!{ ~l'l 'EH k~ 111 11.Jl •AY 11\l~l•T•ll' Ha•ll" lt e.tl•·r. H.'" l /'.,\<•'I 1•11\~f'~. I\•\\ 1'1"' !o"I<' 0. "' , ... \\ ''" .. ~·1 1"1•• ll 0 \ • ' • 0 ' I" •l '"(,I J'i.\ t "Jlf'1 '>\' ~:1t 1 lltl \ 1•: l•AI do> ll ~:AT ~.I~ $1895 MARK DOWNING FORD ,'• .. 1 1·,, if., " ' '55 Olds 98 Hol;doy Cp. n.&·11. l!ydr:irr1nt 1<', 1"11\'r•r st1•(•r1 11g 11 111 1 lJ1·;d ;:1•:-;. ,..:;.,!,\ :-.; . •\\' $2895 MILLER ,. I 'tu\ I It ! ~I M\ \\'. I ·,,,, I ( t! I I .• I I ! \\ I , I ! ":..:..:;~ -I •'I •I' "' 1.01. I .. nt1" I I /\ I • l1 kr Ill'"' f"r '~A I :111 ]!•91 <'orn tor t•ble room1 & k drheneUf! 11.pu. TV I,,.,. "'""k -monlhiy rat •. ::6•;o ~: L;o ... t H .. -y. H•r_ 3lll t j )o-87 ~1 ··..a ~f!rr t 'H AH/ol l'NG new 1 bdrm. unl'\lrn. ~IOJ•f''.! I'., , ... ' ' I 11LI /olHIA. A l> "l'I. •1nri11 g ar. Ckean 170 nHJ. yrly. Adult•, no llfl:'> \V. l&th St. C. M. 2 R..M . om et: n-\)' d--.t.eo:1. pll'!nly or pA.rlllnr •pace. 12• Broadway. Cost• w .... "'"" , ____________ _ BROKERS NOTICE ' ' 111 l· ,, , ~•"' •1 ~!'·"" 11_1 Al.,ha '"' I :2 \\', \\'11•""· 1 .. wrr ,., .. \1 •• p.-1.~. H11r. 80 ur Ll 8-l8ll.. 7ttrc FOR utAl!iE. Prtnolpa.I ~. 81p Lll JO IS LE'S li-\\'1u1INI tu """l ·----·-----------~~~ I •u •• '" to('\ :1•,, I( I I \t II I .. ~ -• ti . "" \ I. It oto Ill lloul,.•r 11,...& r,, \• I' 111 Ml< S:l ' , nf•" n ,.,;.,,' \l ~Jr " I b•lrm. & rl~n. poWdf'r rm., t in-- plat<', full elec:l. birch k1tc:hf!n. I; ~: bUlJI in 1"11.1111 .. dlah· v.·11.8ti.r U p1tLLra cgmpJ.ataly • 11)1 .. l<td l.a!ll M par&lll p&llV, lt:'"8i• plu• boa t y..-d l&OO rt uf •J:Lrem• quality. Har. 29U l"JEL MAR ''"fl "pl '"fl l,r 1 ~n1 ,.1 LJ • Int 1<>'1 ll-20.lfl ull! II I efl• l>t-•hm \\'J n l1p8.l niain 111 . • Ba7 A•1., Ba.ltio... Ground floor, ~ 2flOO 9q.. r t. 8ull..lble et.ore or ott\ol . Altenuona. can Hu. to or LI 8·41311. IOtlo • •• I --NEWPORT Mocs.ro Dita. vmoe 1l r proftlll&onal 8Ulte. localed Fllllhoa 81Yd. Park in(. Vacant. 1t12 N. n011•et s . A. or Kl 2-0Q.~l . If I ~·..;.-... -~ ..... ··---......... • -· --· ... -~.-........,._. . ··-... --··--- !1::::!!!!!!2C,.!lo~~·~-~·---__illl!!!;~v!lll!•~Jt.,!lo'!_~l~•~oe!!_ ___ 1 c!::=11~,.~·~ .... ~lo~lo!____ 1 it!--f~ra l f:.o;;t ltf.•1 fi~Relll f' .. _ta_l•--~---'!2 : - -----~---~ -----------·~:;wpo~.i 1-:: ~ .. --.. ~ .... ,. ,.. .. p,., -PART II PAGE 5 HOME LOANS B.Rr -& ~/ B v ro-yo&r 1'1n&ncing llh YSHORES Bay Front Pier & Float or~N 2~1~U~~~l~;~s.~~un-,l<'.Jn JI SEE TODA y -ONLY $55,000. Two Xlnt be11.ch hoUH or reut1i1l :l b.r. t·tJn\'f'rtible rumpuM rOQ~ Excit ii;ig "iew of 1·1.us le" 111.r. u111t·2 1••t1t>11 f ronl living room a.nd k 11 chen. Clear <IW&ler bay and Construction Loon1 -Refinoncin9 Free Pre liminary Apprei••I• Cotreapondent.a !or S EE l !\'SJIJE St<!.~tJO · aandy beat h for kiddies to enJOy. THE EXECUTIVE J br., Z IJ1•h, lerma BACJ( BAY U!e and Cuualty lnaurance Company' of Tenoai1ee J bl'. :z 1,uth O l\"LY S:?i ,OOJ ;: b, '""'II·. r'""" b•·11 1 1!~· $:06,:..oo '.! 11r, •l<'n. Ii.<' J,,t )IL'~I' Bankera NationaJ Life loaurance Company s t:~: s:z6 11~1c1 '• 11,r.,-<' e hOll"t Jl)('at1on $tlll:t:i SOUTH COAST Mortgage Company •, .,,.,.,. !ull vu•w .,f h .. v Jll.:i<11< • l 'l O 1< I ~•" hlKhly !'"~In• le•1 ~~.·,uj1 7!J " :z:111 111 b""l a n·t• $1Hl::.u T .. 1·1111.< ~ Claire Van Horn " " Approved FHA !.Iortgagee 1600 We11t Coast H ighway -LI 8-77!11 rfewport Beach, California BALBOA ISLAND 111·~~:" IJA I LY H 11tJ' 53-A-B~la~s F.1'.!nL".lils ! 61-Kral ~"'--~=----------' t:stt.te t.:xeh~~e • 1 u1, 1 .. 1\'.; !-l···· 11· N IC E MOlJElt~ 1tono I'"""' ur 1 TJ{A OE office a l 11188 l'lactn>••• SlVO l!ilnch 1,1 1:.111 .. ,o .. Jh "I m o Including ut ~!111 .. _. l ~,.·nrr ' · ' I !or H .. 1~.r l''"l'"n' a t prop•:rty att.-.r !, r• tn w~k day,. or any \Ill\•• :-. .. l & :::,un ' __ _ we.=kton•~ !ii tl 6 2--Heal t:..'\ta~ !" • -• • J t "-.... , ! I' .... ' • ' t ~. 1,.·.11 ·~''"' F ,\ I ,, I !"" '• r ~ ! •I • ; l • <l'> 1111• '" '*"'' t '· '" ''" l.•·IL ' ' $~" ~.· ... •' I' ~:.111 •1 :.1 .. , 1:y •'l t ' " ''" I. I "'' , __ -or c11.lL LI b·~~ti6 11 rt.•r :i l!I nr !','.','.' ... 1 ~. ~'.\!'., ---------j ,.j,•1 :'-! ,, ,, "' _6•_e_ .. _1n_ .. _.s_o~P~Po-"'-'~;!;_,.,_[ Bay Shores [EARL W . ST ANLEY Ji '" ',. ' .. ,• llES PONS l!cJ L1': P .l::ll.~o.-.; ,.,,.1 .. "r I frn1a 1 .. ''"'" n .. ~ ..... ••··I I •1' -H!·:Al :ff JI: lo a.:rv" •• ;,o.i •• ,11 ... t 1' l!Olt!ll '"I>''··- ",\,, lJ )1"11 JJ1td)' ! I _,, ·r·· .. -1 t ! .\" I : . , . ~ , · " I .,,, • .,J ILii~. ,\,.;, <·"'· L .... 1~1 ... 111.. ... L lljlol 4 ! '" " . • u li« • I'" I'' t IH1; 11 !<..,; JlJ(; B IG ilLI" I l '1vl• II• 1tJt114. llu1 r} ' " " I I '·' l 11 1.,._.1 \o.1 1•~ " " \' . ' . -"'' II I ,. :-, .. , \\ I 'I'.!• ·~.J ' '• tJ'1r«' ,,. \! J .. :1 .. .. ........ I ', ... ., RALPH P. MASKEY I ... \ !. ! " ' Balboa ,,., I"' ' I " " . ' r\' ... " Dup le :< ''" ' !•t•<i 'l/\111-, C oast Prop ert ies C •RA ."111~1-: '·1 1&.'17 N .,v. I" _,, I.I !! 10 ,,: c·o~1.\1 r~11l·1 >.1. 1.<.T ,. .I " I PM f 1,., 1~--·-·' :"' L>•I \<IL I.II.I. JI I:-" ' " -1.. ...1.. , ,. ,\, •1,,, .. • 1t l<.'•1 I" 1 ••· I '~tired ""'ll '" ltl<.'.Ullle Mr d •·II "' " ' ~· .. ,,, '(o\jf l lan~.r .r•,.;i " Newport Heights I 111 • , lt•p ,. tng IJU~lt" ,. I ,,JI f t'.'~ ph"n~ E "II•< I• ''"' Balboa lt1\· !'r"]" 111•-= J ~o~ \\' H"H"'" I' '" INCOME PR O PE RTY ·~i •w ~1 I"•\\~ Ll-;\\'t .:-> \ I d $ .. '~' r.!L /'!'f.' 1 \.Ho •I •V.'I I•~\•'< J l!<i j·,••:,• I-)I \ I••·•" I ,; , ... l·<'f I .J ,,. ~t.: ' .. :.11 . " I '' I I' "" ' 1 •• , ... ., ' ' 5:i---,fonr} to I ,0 ;111 :->l-.1\J'<+H T llLf•;H I. 1., IJ\\ .'.t.H Vied New port --------·---------------· L(JA:"S l 'f1 H\'11 ,1 , 1.\tl 'l(IJ V~:. J Ul.Y, ~!•J!J l-:lt'\J Z I':, u lt H~~~i.·; \.';1·1 l:"r"K~ " "' ,,,. I' \~'e H1I)' "l t u..·1 I ,,., .I< :-.;1-;\\'l'UHT U A l.fi••\ ~\\J:"'CS "' l,o iA'.'> A~.:.·•' J \ ' '' .'. :J11! lt• ,JI ·: i~ LI II 11 1" ... N.B.C . Rea l:y 3.166 \'1a l.ulo J '• JI <I LOANS fo r Ho mes ~U } I Constru ction Lea ns :-.t_t: B••I! :o.\·1·11 I.It EXCELLENT LOT l•_Y "' • t s:.: .. ,, I I 11 0 I Ill .,. I LIDO R-3 : ... 1: ) q ..... '"" 1, 111.r l.'..b."1 -\\ " ~" l.111 ~ I-ru!H ! di [' , , 1 .. ., .. , '· '" It \" <Ul I D.J~:I \~!I •- I " 1-. \ -.; ~ i~· '. r " '"I!"' ,., .. 11 Lots for I.'' l, I I \' ""' I 1 t '' ., " 2~f!'~:A ,:T (.:11,\:0.T HI.VI ) (•"11111>< dPI :>I"' 11.ul••r J.11"1\ k c)• i"Ji1Ut'.I ~ \\••l(,o ,A •,~'. I '' "1etm l .1:e 11111 ~ 1111<!& h.I :t ~1.-..'1 4Rtf• ,! I" 11111 ... ..... hi"" f11"r·,.,,~ ~-"l"'I d '\I' '" :011hr11t 1-11!1 l'r t•" ~"1'"" h·lnn h'"I~" 1 ~, bK!h" !IJ<"· 1.i ••• ,. JIG jlJI.) ruJI I"" .. C A LL M E TONIG! IT HOME C f•ll•I r11.-l l•lt1 ~" . ~.I LOANS 11: .. r111 • 1" .. -" l'r\YKt ,. ,\\,.,,.., TRUST DEED S BOUGHT & SO LD 1 1,-.; HE A i ~!' <I F B i\1.tl<JA .,11 ... , ~l'"" b l\lc v.'lt h I r~ntal.' .... ,.t 1111 '""" '"'' "'") !•ill 1•11!. "' ... t:Ai 'K HA Y I~ 1, . H«r Pl'\:!,; I .~r ' " I'•"' I~ ' ~ ' I l ' I -" I I , ~11 • I"'" ! • I 11• " ,.i. 1,.1 I \l I ' i""I 111 1,1 HJ:->! ••·.ft ! ,,,,-1.• I 'ru·n.,,. \!O'W I •I All '"'I''"'" F nr F1<"r ~"1111n1ln••·11 t ~t ,1•1~ l:<"~\r,.t<"•I I 1,.~.,1 :0 Fodl 11nu• $650 C ASH Don I. Huddleston 1 ~"" 3 bedro111rn Ll !-~41 J 7,l "~· l ~lh hi CASH ... \ J'OR TRUST UF.F:O~ WM. R. HOLT MORTGAGE BANKl'.'>G SlNCE tiJ O. 1809 N . BUSH ~A :0-1 A KJMB1':P.LY J -j ll8 HOUS E O PEN l 'ayrill'll\~ !t:-. tl1 .J/I I L r.: \ . ~ Jfl n nl Alli .\111 rj'.'lf't•I <" •'l •:.1 l 'l 1 I ~:,\~Tl'~!{:-.' Q\\':'\'l'~ll n ff"'"' J 1.r ( 'r1-:t;1 .11 ' "h·•c khook . AJ-<::O VERY C llOlf'F. :t hr . I ~, A 'X A : ·' lif'al. 011k fl,.or~. l 1r"I'! J:l<d• I <l•~P. 2 car A:al Bnni:. y1•u1 I halh. Corona tll¥hl111l<la lncludt's Costa ~lt'::.a LI "' w. ca r p...ts & •hllf'""-I ~-G ll LAT llROP, l •L1:\ F: 1·~1 II""'' I'' I Cl •~!. Hllr. ~44 ~ "'"" ,.,.,..,,. \·1F;\\' f,'IT I •• '•l-~i.i-:1 1 l\ll•k I\;,\· \\,1t" '' 56---MODf'\. \\"antf'(f .1 1r••1•1 • r .. •, ----~-·=~-----~pCTUlati1rs 1\!lf'll l HH1: ii"" ".lh l•lln~. H~ lX:l::A:" \'It.I\' 1\l'Ht::; ll!\,\'>.:•:F·~ \'(•\ I AH•1V ~: LAl;t ·:--A Ht:,,r·11 4P EARN-10 °/. I !'• 'I 1" '• "''"·'I''" " I I • 11' !'h••ll<' L I .~·1 71'-I '" I.I Joi liO~l 1 " I 'I F or morl! infurn111I '"" l'1tll, KEyBtrinr :1·31111 I ~,.t..,. "' W111<"f <ihlt••t 'J',.,,,,~ I t.I "11;;~ . -I M-1 Zoning Ho ~r: & I N L'0~1 i-: , .• ,,,, . .., 'I '" "I 1.-.; 1 •l ! .. : J • s4·~u•I LnJ\\"N, In·~ In r.n,. 2 hdr11• 1 , , '" 1 .,1,. 57-Real }~st 1tt.f' \\'anted I t"""'" 1<l SJ 1"'1· "" H"nt ''u 1 ... , 1,, ----------~-.-.-----:! ,.11,~r . pay11 \nan. !or '""t bntli 1,,,.,. A JA L'l ll~ 1··-.: I: ,I SELL your ho1n f' or \ll~1U1 l lot · 1 '"' S\90 .,,.r ninnth, l•· .. 1· .. ~ $!•2 1 '·' • (. II ,,,. ,.. -~·1" I t.11 ,·,.,•q • II~ no · pr-uf>t --; Uy O"''Tit'r, LI );.,.,, ~ 11\ ,.., . , " " FRANK JA~I ES. H€'al1Pr 6:\1frl (~lrmbf'r M ulllpll! U .•tinl; ~"rvlc<"l 1 ---;~:;;T I.', I 11 1 ',." · 312 J.tann .. A \'f', l;i1<lll<:111 l.•lRntl l rHl l\'l:'\j•IAJ, ('!IA l :~1 11""rl 1 •• , ••• h•t ••fl t i " Waterfront Duplex \\'ITH A LA RG ~: FAJ.llLV "''lll 1 lfllUIE'\JU1!Ply tltt \hC' lt•'lll .. llt1oll.S 1 '"IUl' In 111111 :.1 -)'t!Ul· .. l.J . b lrr11 j • &2 ft bulkh('aJ w ith O\'('rl'i zt'd n oal: N icely rurn- $:!6.500, cat1y terms. 3 BR. Beach Home ~I :! -,11u. [OJ \\' do.,.,·n pa yn1e 11t. ~ block fron1 ocean, cxrel!. rent a l a rc-u . N t·;,r pi('r and rnark('t. ('onl JJI. f11r11ish rJ . and den. 17. liath hOlll<' 1••!th an ~ """r!lt•nt \'le\\" ot t he m•ean "":11 ,..,,._11n galo ie -0 1·"r ?f)O{} h~ r, IJ\·111g 1rea 'vith :l ll rl!pla<:f'~ 11n•I a ll the f'Xtra• you r1tn tht:ik <•f Pn«r will llU•dll'.t' y.,u 111 ~.:.! .'.IUJ \Ve Juli'>! t he k<!y. Bac k Bay Ranch Home n1 .. 11 r~, i.. Sat.. Su n. Just Walk e ;\ h<"'1ron111 _ 1• Q uli·l b11nJn 11r('O'I • 1 1. yf'ar~ old In i 2. ()v.11•·r· n'•1\ln :-; fn •n1 :-:1.1t.•'l. !'.~'/H'l ·r:i> t hi~ ~ )>"f'll r uld ~l!J~T SE!.!. 3nd h as .1 bL"d,ruom. ~ bath , ' 1 .... f•"" il••llh' ,,, :-:1 '.•.~l.10 :t!i';t, v.·1 ~h l'lo!llj ;,1-.1bl« "" 1 ""' v.• .. r\h ti! -·l G ~ Locatl·d in t h(' back hurn es pr1cC'd S300U LO:,;l her St. off lr'\'lll•' JACK BREN NAN , REALTY ,\J{C l-ll·;s·· .:.;_ .. \\ I '.<.1•\ I !v. ·: I .I ~.;;;3 ~1 . I· I " II J·;\' I·'.:'\ l ~.;c ;~ 1 ·:\TJJ_, /'\ f' CORONA DE L MAR 1·•1"11 IH ,J "·!I ll'" I"< ;,It'd "I~ l :oai:-l I fl~h""''H~' ]11 1, .r·' ;,11·1 ""lll K un 11ut.,1;111d1n'._'. I 'j 111:. I" • .. l 1; '''1 lll"hl'.<1.I' .tll l f<11 •111 V.'l ii \\'ojj [!i !uHk Jll}.: l!J[H-• ,;1",~l 11,; J,,r u :! •rn1,,1 1,,1; CORONA HIGHLANDS ,, ' ' I'' ' I •II,, ,,[1.,l \d t ' : I! ... I''' f . ... .\ I« , l1,.,1 UI ,. I 'h1 ~ ... 1d i !til ':--1. 11.\J L \' ::.:~ I '.1hr,J! '· ! I•• 1 , I I, •. W. E. FISH ER & Associates -I J. ' 1-t . .\ I: COSTA MESA • • • '! ,, '· .. 1 i:. :1 BALB O A PEN INSULA " "I . " ,, •d \ ,,,." 'I 1 •,1 I • • • NEWPORT \'. I 11 1: '\ .\ : J 'J "/ :-> BEACH Dupl ex $14;500 ' ,. L \\ '1 1 i '" I ,, "' . ' , ,.1 "' , • ·I"' , ~ 1,.f, ,,,~ •11• 2 1 .. 11' .J, "n I·", 1·1''' • I ~ '"'I-:' d• I• .1.,•·, \ ~ "' You C an't Be at This I '1 II • i ;t' ~\'.I """ "'' ',, ·:· • • • ' ' LIDO ISLE " r11 ~: ":"o'l.1 ~I'" " ' ' Tlt \T !'\'\' • ••\1 J'\Ht: \\11 11 \ \ I • ·" 1;1.'! .I .. I dt"' I• ,.,;n1plf'ti!l y f urn1.~1 «d I•\ n«v. CJ l• )O'l'l.!llU!'I ~<"l i: ;;i:~;,,~n'""'r l ·~•thl11.,,h ~1 .. 1 I Ne w Modern ~--(. 'O :STA • • • t.,,•1., ~ • '·•11'"!~ i.nd • \lu.,ll\' IU!I\• • > l.l,'..! ,<) Going 1 •. ,!',>,!'l·1·1' ,, ., ' Ii •'I" • In l Busin cs>' Id ' I<, ,d II.• I, I: • Bay & Beach Rl ty .n:. ' ' .. , OPEN HO US~ :O:t111ola\ '..'•i."i" \ ~ 1 ;1 I;,\ ' :-I ; • J 1: :· J;~. " " L I I • ) , I • '" , ! "'' , ·•·" , I '\ ,; ~~I> I ',\ .. ,, ,, I'''"'"' NE WPORT " HTS. LJ!-'.L !(;!IT FL.:L l"fJl"'r1\(,1: Full Price 111-.1:·' ·" \ ''"" J 11 l·'."1 1.\IF • I.I 'I!· • ' •.:• " $7 500 " " \', ,\ J ' ' " ' ' , ... ' "' . " ' \ ' ' )• '" .... " " '" 1 ... ;. •• \\ " I ' " " ... . "' '" ti I ' , .. ., ! ~ ''" "'· " I" \I ~ "" • ·I• .•I"'~ 1~•'0:" ... I I'"''" HARBOR 20 4 2 Frank J a mes Linwood Vick Newpo rt Hei gh ts " " ,\c. \' " . '"'' " C. ED JONES, Rltr . II " '"' j ,J" " -· ''' RE AL VALU ES FU RN ISHED "' ""' ul •[, . .,, I ii• '" ' • '" '1 '' ,, 11 . '" '" ' ' " . ' DOLL HOUSE ' " ill• I .. 1 .. "' " -1 • .,, ~ • ' ,;,, I·,, I• 1·!111 " ~ ' •I ~··' ·~· ... 1 .. 11··· ·I "I • • • SO UTH LAGUNA J•J j ' ' lo • ·"' ' ,.. ',\ i '"'' I 1111 "' "' .. " . "' II di ,, 'I 11,, 1 • '" '" ,':, L I , .i f '·• , I I< I, , I J•;. •I• • ) a~ ' '• "'" ''l'I•' • • • COSTA M ESA • f'"l·I ''"'! nr\'«1' ' .. t " di\ I· lf·l>ol JI Y•1U \\lull " I 1111 " t• t ~.,.,.,., \\ "11 "1111' .Sl'"'" .1., .. 11 ,,.,,I l!•h•·t l"'"'s ho:\' !h" ;\ 1 .. •I•"' t1.,I\·" "n l"l ;;;:,., 1'"' i ' '" '' ~ \ .. ,., • ""I Seven Islands Realty Invest ment Co. & C111if Near New port Pier I :'\IT;'i F!'IL"\'. I •lo\· I." " 1 ll """ I '1•' I'' "I"" I .• I ;,.~· 11,. I •!!1Jy !!d •i,t•"I ... 11 .. <11 '!·•\\" ;,.11 a :.· I',_. '"' I"""- & ltl :AL.l• ' .. ' ,\'' 1·., .. , r : .... See Me-Ta 'I I l '.e1SC:'1 J ) Ii·: \1 • '·' I' 1 :.! l ·1 •I < \ ·.; I' \ I \"I J.J. Ht· \I• 'I• I'\\ , '11 :i •:" \ J ·~ !. ,\1 II: i-'. \ST I .. !.'.'> 11\\ '\l•;1~ ~' \, 1; : I I. I I ok •• ti\'\\' :1 I 1r' Ii """'· j dll' 1 I• I.\' I 11""1 "" 'l'o I r l I"• , ,,,I ) .I •. 1 1,: .\HI !:-' 11 " f,. l!IO I I.!".'"'! I • jol, .. • I 1' 1•1 I'..•\ \\.,,,I I • • II I ' I ' •l'•I.["' II• I "'"" • •:-1 " ~ ~l 'lt•"•I 111!1 pr1•<' l • .\!'l.I 1-11 Ll,..,TJ:'\1 , { L<l\"l-:1.Y 1 ·o~T A ~1 ~:s \ _ 1 :~:l•H \T , I !'\TH lhh• I ull 1· t ull !I• "" , 1 . ., 1.:, • I' 1><11•1 •'"I" I. • ' 'I 1•1" •' ~!I ·'"'' 11• ·~11·: ,\· ! "' .\TTI: \• .. l'I\ I:• lf•I• ·~" I, il ' " I "" l ,\· .' lw•I ""' ,,.• fl ,., ~"" ~ I , ,,, I \I " ' . II q lo \,. "' In Tustin Sc ho ol Distr ict .' ,, ' " 3. ? :':I• 'I<-: 111-:t 11~~1 ' .. 1 .. ' 1lo'n 'ill· I 1 •• , .... I!"''', I"'., I ~. ' " • 'I " B. A. N:O RESON " ... ,, ' . ,, t••· 1· "' ... 1J1••""" ~fl:"g". .. :, . ~·1 :"" ol"'1·n. !.tJT ~'""I 2';, Ill l lo>1< . ..-)1<1lol Sha fe r '" .,,""'" ~ ] '""I >1nd tuak•' «ft 1 I,.. $.,",'.,!~.d J'.'> ('riHt l:-.:A f1l I. \I \1:-. I · i I 1 h"!"" :i11d ~llld1" '""" "". IH ! "' I ,t :;"'' '' •·I ti 1 Ii'.' \\, j,., It" k•I FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1956 , F!S HE R'S FINEST! Exec ut ive Jn :1!'lt' f 'll • :-.'\'lrtlr" "I~ 1 .. l.11 1 .• \\ '11 I ""' 11 , h. 'h !. .... " ,. ' Bay fr~n ' \ .: !. . I~· ,, l fl " ' •I :. '' 11 I 1, " ., VI//-, I [) "· L ' " l ;\ l l " ,, E~ta te •1,.1 1 ·1J,: :: ~lfl't•f:<. l.arge healed ·I ,,._,111 1 .. ,! Jivini.: r uo n1. opening ·t' ,, :H·,. anif HH•tJ. :-\f>pJuat1• J lning k ki ht'll :; l:i r~t· t>t°'lr .. o n 1li. 2 1:: \, )\ ~···,.·1.11:,.. h11111<' <•l lo ·r:< ~rat·1ous • ·,: "·" '"" t)O 'fitlllflll 1•1 dt·~('tlbl' Pie , I " " " " '! •t' ' Duplex "1· 11 a \\ n. 'I I 1• ., ,,. " ,- ( . \\ .. 1l,t.)1 r t u l YJ<,\J{' • 1 · 111· hr ilktnK " '! It•·~·· '.:-~ I . I ' , i .J u l 1 \' 1 .I\ 1' 111 • \' 1111 " Rec llo r '' , I l ~L/>.ND .. ' ·'' I . ·' .'\ . I !'. ·' ! ! . l. BL A~:C i-'t: A . GATES, Rea lt or ·• 1 I \' " \ .. ' L-' ,1• '' ' " GA L ~OA \ J 'I 1\ .\ ' j 1· I. ' \\ ii I" J ••. ,, . '! l .'! T; I 1.l :O:'J'j~I; " 1 l r ISLAND '" " '" L.l 'I I '1y th•· bdrrnc; l1 i. ... t,111tly \' ,, ,, ,,, 111\•"llJ.:.tll.'. ' \:.' ,j Iii PENINS ULA '" :_• -It· ! ; " I \ ~.. ·'1 . ' I \qi, 11> , 1••t \, 'h I• 1 1•1 : I• •If\• " I." ;i 11\ llP ~· ;il• d fur i"l 1r).:" :-.1111 11;.· .\11.J pru.:eJ :I d· • rt··L ""'I D /, 1,L ... t -\ Gl 3SON, Re altor Wan } ! ',1, -' L.ivc t: ln cor.1e \ ? ' I d i l l d G Lido Isle • , ' ~l orth Bay Front '" 'I ' ' \ l I \\ ' " " I ' .- 1 •• ,t111 1o: I '" """ 1 '""'l'1~1 .. 1y 1-·, '"'' h q'"" Iii· "J- ' • I •I "I l,1< I" '" I'"' '"~. ~ '11110 .l \I '' '' .• ,.1 ~ !l!Jllf1f't '• ,\11 ,_, ,\JrR '-'fill- '' \\1\11 .~ll""''~· 11,.: r "''" hut l .. r~ kil· ''·' 1 ,, /I II•'• 11' n ;~:! fl. ' "I"' nl J:A Y '•f', '' IH 1<1 1•,,.r &. : ' :n 1 • r •I!• Har 20 4., "r £''''" L I ~-':2114 n•·,,.,-. ;1 AH. 2 h.ol h . p11r11·h••l l T Har: 1000'.'\\' .,, \l11r J~&•. Tf1 k il"h"n bll·•n '·'''~"· l','.1,',",.1: lllt~'~1,1 :v, ,1 """ d••rk IJnly S~:l ·,1111 r \\'JLL Bt;'\~un;-:-.... nt·r. on l'.lllh(u1 1,., '"" 1-.;,~ '-•"I"•' 1 l.'1h1 nd On<" nr '""' b•"h'~"" "P' ~I ~I l 'l;\"C )\'E B 11 111 ltnr ~~,10 1 LI <; i r. .. • .•11. ' ' .. " -. I la r . Realty l ·1 ll r·~; .\\, F.uk1rn 1'1 11.. '.'>•·" .... ! 1· .. .,- ATT N_ ov .. r dh1.··11:ar•11: ... '41lh ,.pa•... h L tn hu!11l !n f1ont.Bu:<ll ·Z,:>:;:1~: T A!<;E A l 'T() a~ 1""1 1ld \\l1 .• Lagun a Bca c O~'.i Prf'""· '""!•tn h""'" l,.~'1" •'I""! "" ' ""I • '' \\'A NT R 1 .. , H .! 1"1 •. -.rwp .. rt v 11 rd r"n<<'<! FH ,\ tni.11 ~1.,1.. !:\\ arf'lll 1n !111-I,. '"'"''II '""111 "1 ~••HI ,j,.,.! 1 -tll•" l :\,000 'I' l l 1 ·~,·11 bl,. ~.'>•1 '"'' H T I~· 1•1 1• '"~I 6', 1111. l'!i•ill" H (' i"luo"'' O HA:\'t;r: ("ll,\,;T !'!:iii '~'. .• ~ 1-.,1 11,,1, ~ \S,',7 ;'\'""f'"!I. Co,.lll :i,1~•1< I.I 8·#1 1 ~1 Ill• Ill ' c· I I ~ I 1•11' pRJV ATt: l'AH l'Y \\111 h11\' f1 Hlt1 own<"r v 1t1 1tl'll l"t "' • .i.1 .. , h"tll <" a,MULll 1l!lYl'IL llu r. lliil!2 1'1 !1 1' 11.J INDUSTRIAL 11hl11: "'Ith ~h°"· l'!><)lll, ~1 1 2 . Jlll!1 !-Olr""t :-; .. ,,.,.Ji",r \ Ll )<..Jf\.1" "·''•'• · ,. C O RONA DEL MAR u,.11ut1fully ,i .. , .. r11 \~,1 ~ h.\1111 hnnH' :".'<""' "'"'" • Hrf'"1. I'"'' f'lll1 ~1 1 n~. firr pl11<'P. lari;<" p u !'" !(rill .t. O\',.n. tlbl 1<·•rnl(I' :-;('' 11 t fi\•1 J r•~"""" C1ll '"'11••! H"' 4:18 1·.I +!Ill A v,,.·a d" ;i.,, -.: 1 RAD E.., ,\[\• ., 1 .... J.,11 ···•"' I '.11 ~ ,. ~, \ ~"I" r, '._. .. .,, ' I \ A H I, d ; l •"•i" II " \ I I' •, 81'.'.','"~1tilllt~::~r·ll~,'~ 1~,1 :·::. ";:~~'. 1~ 1' TU L.~ , .,,.1.1 \,.. • hl,z b1r~.•1 11 111 BY O\V~JER P • h > •! 'T1 1f r11•'1"•! •." ' •18,000. !111r. 4.1 2! nr i \ltl6 1f l I.• "' 1' --· _ r:t I•'"" qf Jl '>U<l S•l 1•1 ! , 81 ·~;r :-.:~:ss A 1-..·1·• •\11· 1 •. , • '"" t •r•I 11 •· •1 · ' ' '"'l<•I ":$.:'""'•II 11'•" j jn • '" ·''' Ll 11M a ftr r ~ r n1 P f l\rrl. .'>!Q t .l ,\1•"1 .. n•o. Ca ll .... ,,.,., ! I Jlllh 6 I' ii. •nL111 ,\ j 7111rr 1 11 ·~7'17 ~-.,, ... " 1,, It I •, "I " " I . \ Pr ov in ci<i l Perfecrio n " " . '" "AR T" ADAIR, Rl tr. 1 ' . '" LOT-. AC i<E ' ,. '"' ' " 1 i.;" \\ 1!" ~·:••\I Re ward I "I •• ' " 1 t ! • " I. t di d I')., >l '" Os bor ne-F orton 1'.l<Al .'l'Y l·t). \\' ' .. ,,,, !I '' I '·•• r • 11 ;tn.:" • ""'''""i '" l'.l .. , ... Traile r Wanted I\ 11.! ·; H \\•I" I '1 I I""'" I· .:. r· .... " .,. ' -q,.• . ' . ' . : l ' • ,r, I" .:, I \\ " " Fitzmo rris Rlty. C o. ,\1 I ' . I " I• ' '' " I LO T FOR SALE I :.~ \' 11 I 1 .. t ,,.) :.; ] 1 l' I t ; (!Ii ~o :!l\.il•l t "r' !1:1 I l it'.hla !:•I-' l'f-;h "f.'1 I 'I ! I I.I " I •; !.I.!. 180 ft . Parcel """ ' ... I··!~ ' . ,. j,,, " ' -' C AL80/\ '.:,\ Y P:<.O P.CRT::::s 0 Ir vine Ter r ace • ;n ·1 -·· I!' •.\I t: • . " • j I _, To I f A• r ,. ... '"I"~ • '·I•"!" •I • '" !1 . ' ! " $ .:< :,11o1 j' '" .. HARBOR INVESTME NT co. ',, I" ' 11,,1 ... r J>il"• L I ~ ;,;\~G Har, 3688 LI TTLE ISLAND !"l.o•! l!lj.' 1 .. 1 ~· ,;.,, ·n· lu.1 .... 1 li"'1n u ,r' 'II""•" ~,.,. \•>Ir "' I < I ~' t" F •onl 1<"r :·~ 11 ~1-t . ' • ·- PAGE 6 • I PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' 1%-lleol r.tat. FRIDAY. MARCH 9, 1956 --------------------["C" THOMAS "f:' THOMAS B/ B BALBOA ISLAND-JUST LISTED Very attractive 2 n . R , 1:1 1 bath home and 1 B, R. Garage apartment. lgf!. li ving room». a ll nl'wly deco- rated and beautitully t umished. Unusual fi~· p!acee, nice kitl'ht>n , !!pacious patio. l-lu f.'XCf'llent in come record. 1'his is 1op quality property. Very close to North Ray F'ront . BALBOA PENINSULA IN C OMF: -Hft ract1vr modt-rn du!'lf'x. 2 -2 l'J . H .. unllH. Excellt-nt lnca11 c1 n, t•xtrll largt" liv. m1 . tn upper urHL $32,.'l<XJ -Tt>rn1~. Early AmPru:an duplf"x-l TSftl br11·k fireplareit. 2 13 . R. 1:1:1.l'h unit -Nu:e sunJec k. \ulli. of extras. S:!8.~)j 1 <)"'Til'r ill -~lust sal'rlfi•·(·. :l 11 R , 2 b11.th . If!:<" laundry r1.urn , bt"·aut 1ful !J1·. r1n . Ureakfa !lt b ;11', d1n1ng liri•11. Ul'u•d br1t·k f i ro·plci.·t""'H ,\I! """'l <'Kl"· Jl<'l111g, n1c1• pal1u with I~ I-! tJ all f'lf'f.'\r11 b u1 lt-111 k111·h1·11 ~~.'\.5'.h.J -i.;1n.ol l1na1111n..: \•• q ual1l 1<·t.l l111v •·r 3 h 1111.'11"Joo 1111 rpu• ! ~tr •·1 ·t l.11 ·111,.: o 11_1 1•tt/'k 3 b•ln t1 ~ ~ bH t h!I 1•a 1 h built • 111 kil•h•ll<-1 l !sh1\·11~h·r~ l '>1•·t.l b r1r k !11or•J..,,!I I .in~·· p,1t11:. $:!].,',()(1 4 ;•1rod f1 n a11("l)IJ! Deol w it h Re o ltors BAY & BEACH REALTY , INC .. Realtors "Reel Esttite 1s a Te chnica l, Legal Com- plex Busin ei' thet requires ye e rs of Ex- perience in Titles1 Deeds o nd Tr ust Deeds ond the l;ke List )'11ur prorc·rty f, or j.;«l llg !<1 l>• II '· l ,IM)0.11111) ........ r·r t1 f1 f MULTIPLE LISTING SERVIC E Newport Harbor Board of Realtors COST A MESA Th e Best T owci on Earth l"l.JFF f/,\\"1-:'.' ·r11 1·h·;o.. 1111n1 .. d1;1t1· p•i!<~•"!<!-.ll•n ••! !•••11! un11 "·1 t h l1r•·1•L1t1 ".!. !~1 1•a1·h u111t .1.: ~111 1 - :i,;1·:-. l,dr_v f., ·"l "t a~l· '""Ill ~'.!11 ."")j~I """1th S34ll )ll 11\1""11, lll"ll!h l_\ 1 .. ,,,1 1•a\'tl10 'lll . 17:! !111••11\1· ~~:i~1 111•1 111,,nlh 3 Br. horne . 11.; b<1 ths. llY."d. flnwri<, flt'~·i .J:i.ce v.· w carpet. dnublC' g<ira g" 1\-l lot.·Bt.1on $12,7:10 wi1ll t.<'r018. NE\\'PORT Hr::Il;lf"Tit 2 Rr. & dC'n. llvd\, r1 ...... r~, f ircplarC'. largC' ~ l"l}l gu rng,• and .... ·nrk 1>h o1p !'\l'r...i:'l !l<imr p:11 nt1ng but a r,•1'11 h :1r.k::i1 n ;ti $13,!"iOOTf-:lt .\I S C-~ lJu11111,.1111 Znn,. '_Ht r•· JUi-1 ,,ff 1': I' l~l\'d , v.•t!h g 1M1d 3 l~r. hum1• .$1~ ~1110 V1."t\h ~:lt100 d11..,.·n . G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd ., Costa 1l1·sa l~I 8-1601 ' \ . SIX UNIT INCOME An in\"r11tn1rnt v.·(•rth ~·1nir 1Jl \"1•st1g:1l 11•11 , i:.h11 v.·i:. ~721}0 annual rf"t11rn, r1\"l" u1111 ;.; nirrl.\' furtt1!<h1•il & carp1'tc<l . J,,,! fl1l _x 11.'-.., !<IX g:1rag•'!-l, \\"H.<:hr< .. •n1s. spr111~lt·r H~·~1 t>1n , 1•rrt1 1•·r!y 111 ('x•·1·lh·1l! 1 ·~·1 1 •l1tH 111 , inron1e-1~ fr1•lll t•f•rn111 111"111 1 ••nant~ J :'in s1 1rnm,...r i-t•11 1a\s1 1•11111pl1•!1• Lr1·akdu1\'t1 f1g ur•·;o 111 \•U1· 11rf1c1•. 1··u11 1•ri•·t· $70/)011 "·1111 , :-.t••·ll•·nt f1n.1n11 ng ~lult1p lt• !'\o. !l\1·17 South of h1~!1 way. lwu iJ1•dr111•nl:', hd\\•d. fl ,,nrs, hcatolat 0r fir1'placl'. ·1 ~1 fn1)( Int . plu~ O!lt' t)'··tJn,on1 gue8l aparlnteut. Ql">l-:N l-IOUS I·: !JAi i."\'. $2;1.flOO 1't'rn1s. 32S P 111ns l'ttln ,\\"f'. RAY REALTY COMPANY 34·1·1 E . 0111.st ll\\'Y· (."11 rona flcl ~lar Ha i . ~::!"S ~ arror-;s frnn1 }{:n1k 111 { · l )..\! l ~t E~1B":R OF' ~l l'I..'1'11'1. .. : 1 .1 ~1 l:\"t; ~J-;f{\"ll"I-_: Sit in a Sunny Living Room ll f:I.AX 1111d en.1ny :1 J{ay ""ront ,-jc"' """1thnu\ pay- ing Ba:-.· 1-'ronl prii•rr-;. :~ brdr1)()0l.<:. !>C p;irntr dining r11o n1. F1•1"1"i'•I 111r li•·H t F 111·111sho••t ~:!t> . .',(~!I Open House 11 ·1 l"ultlllS 4 oo.Jnni1., 2 bnthi1. tx·11ut1full.\" f1o·t11s l1+>d garag('. I .. ar~e l•'ll<'P<I v:1 rd s:::-•. noo DORIS BRAY, Realtor ! >ouh!i> 216 ~lsir1nc A \·r , Balboa Island J-la r :.!O nr 6·1 .. I ' Bay Front LXCICLJ.ZNT Vt'ATER locatlon-11 ·bedroom•. rROt<T ' .. uu. Iara• ltvtn1 room overlOOkinl bay -p•rlly runitatied -Im· m et;lla tt pohf' .. ton -ONLY fit.~. Bay shores I The !,.RICI£ ot 123.600 ln<'Lud.e1 I 11 VlltW nt lhe bfl,v, px1 loc•- llon nn 1:l1y.ahore Drive. newly p••nteU ,.11\ienor. :I bedroom•. 1" b1th11 , lg:t. II\'. roorn W"lth ' r1111111tone r1r·epUH·e 1 11d o nly • BALBOA ISLAND ·• SO. BAY FRONT, juot ....t~red, t BR., 4 bath. 2 fll'Opl. pier and float NOW ....... ,-----·--.. ·-··---···-·-··--$68.500 EXCLUSIVE fW)fL front.are on So. Bay. Pier and alip. 5 BR. &: den, compl. furniahed. Xlnt condition. NO. BAY FRONT, 1 yr. old Orient.al modern, remodel- ed rear home. ---···--·--·-·····-··-------·-----· .. ·-··-······-$49.500 NEAR SO. BAY, 4 BR., 3 ba. wood paneled liv. rm. firepl., 2 BR. over gar. could easily be converted t o l BR apt. Priced right at -·.............. $27.5<KI MULTIPLE l...JSTlNG, 300 Block, unusual beach borne FA heat, 2 BR. furn., llunkl.'n garden. Teml!i $31 ,500 ohort <1111t•nr .. 1u p11v1<te b<!•<'h. LITI'LE ISLAND ~ .... 10-1\ay tor yuur )'l!ar a!'Ound 1 • Tropical sci ling, 4 BR. plus 1 BR. . $34.950 n•·n1f'. rental -·-··. Cliff Haven Ox .. ": li t~ 01"HF. Bf':ST l.<•vl!'l~· 3 1 i. ... 11r1om. I 'I. bath hon•e. \~._:?I l1>·1n)( rr•urn. din rou m , hd"''d J 11 .... 1• nu·.-ly \1n;l..,ape<I nr11r j \&Id "'1:h barbo'que anJ r(lnl· ,.J.-tfl.1• ~.-nC'<'d .,.,.1th gz-1p~11a!cr: 1"11• 11111: $22.:>0<I I 'Ranch Home LJTIL'E ISLAND, Unusuitl 3 Rfl., 3 bath home $36.500 LIDO NORD 5 Bil ., 2 BR. apt. Real deal to qua lified buyer. \Ve ha\·e buyerH fo"ree estimale8, fur gooJ lislinga. l'XCC'lll'lll service. Har. 1 77~ -~ves. fo.;d1th M11.roon HYatt 4-622:.:! J ohn ~11.:nab liartx.ir 53511 w. STANLEY, Realtor •'H Al(f.J [.\;(l hOll\P It• I ~ .. 11 ... ~ nr . l,p\'1•1\ """' ),Ol!I<'• ~U~\< l!I IHt dl 2~5 Mar111c A\c. D<1lbua l11lan I fl•, f l 1"1. <inly II lll•Jn\tl~ vLJ tn1 ~·· Lr •l!OrUt1•n, !1111:r hi ; •111 1>u1ll In th• 1 n'-' \,,1 ' .. ,, .~ !M"I:'" lo•ll•(o·,! "illi .q,,., II'" J, .. 11111 r .• \.I " , it f''"I Jloo.: .-. ·1~p .. , Ith l•!t.1.-d 111 \M '" !'Hll'I.-: r J:ti:! "nv "C" THOMAS It J.:A I .TOR H.lld A:-iSOl'J A·rr::-; ·1·· 'l'll (J ~IA S "L •. THU ~IAS HOME & INCOME lh 1.\IE I l-lt.,\I J"I ~\ I. J Ul'~l >l{)I\ dtd ,.;,,,. J•lua a ~l!'f' l!u nll(ah'"' 1 .. 0 llo•· l ullta Th o• In 11••1 ",.;io r "!ll '"'l • •••p1 r 11lo• "'rlt hU1lt J !II{ h11 ni.-11,.~1 a\lu'• ·• '·un11t •''lb ! J • • ul•I )<;~,I t:&•l •t•!e J .. , 111 ... 11 ... , ' ....... i. .. 1 1,.... 11'{"'" j.,,,,.~-!H.i)' ,14 :. ..... ll J+l e K 1,,111 ,. ;.,J ;:r •·• • .,,,.11 \' o\h in I • '" ' .-.t-:r.J .\;( • "1!1 '"'""I'" .)"'I HDWD. FLOORS i'" ("A'. llA.\~. l!A.r~l •\\!o(J l • 1 1·~"' rt : •ll•· fll !•<' •• : Ll.•flhl ll 1.,, \\,.!••'•'a d"l'IC "lthl j Lr I+ •In ~ •>II J•. ~l•h• \' ,, Ii ol11>lllll<,.. ,, "" T ,,. ~ 111111,11 1 111•• lo• Ii.-",1 I ,.,., ,.,j ',j I •Ill>~ /,, ll<'\\o>r Ill J\ 11 1'/'!'\' 1·1.,,. ~.'"'''I' Ill •11•1 ' ~l ~.:'l•}ol. OPEN HOUSE I• t I·•' ..... >t !•11 ·!11_• ;:-•111•1 ~• I -~ p n1 : .. :111 Ho·,tllirl I, I 11 I ,.,..,. .\lo·~ll : •···'11111 11 \\1• nr~ 1tr .. 1·1.u,, • u11v •.tl'luu •l<•"n NEW 4 BDRM S. ,\J.J. I \l:•.I' I\•" \\:i 1·;o l ·111 ~ 'I ~ ., • 1 ... 111~ •llol I:'" l•MI 1.,.,, -ol 1!nll\ 111,..1,., "l''"•I l•I ~,, !.,• ...,., •l•O'l f""K "' ~1 ~.,.,1,. .._ ,,.,.1 1,,,,. "• f !1 :!I ~• I 'I "I"'" "" 111-l"•I t •11t' S .'~1111 ·l!l ltl"l\kY t i.-.: ·1,q:-; .. :-;~: ONLY $1000 DN . l l~l ,H .\lS . 41,•. LU A ,\:' <111 ly yo ,,1.i , !'.'nit r.r $~• '"' ltio h:•,, I KA,.,., +nl t l.I_· A. J(Ullo1 1·1ufl1" 111 II. '''""" Y•••I o·.l"ft"t hi'~\ f~·t· \"11.IUP I So hnnl. shOl'J'LllJ: & 11 IR1i(P )lln1 1nr 111~ 1•h1i<hPn . l 0n111e on k. II'! lo• •hn"· y .. 11 till.• H ~:A!. Mesa-Harbor Realty • .i-A s~1u ·1A T~:s I :i•11• <..: .. nl l'r St . \0<1Sl a ~l .. sio J.l l'l·ti!Jl I f,, LI !I 7~!'i i I BALBOA ISLAND }"mest lucal1uu, "°' i;lL"I' tu tllc I~). uu II.JI -.:>t.11 & wiJi> lol. t) I l)l/ltl \" ~,. ... ti (H •ltHI I IJ<i\!J;.. \',.r)" ld1 g.-l1 1111i..: 10111111 S t•Jlat f\lt' t!!H!ll ~ fUl.•111 Patio <11 1d lt '.! ··ar _Ka111 ).;<' 11lu:-. pa \••d 1•:01k1nh The 1dr<1 J h L•lll•' f o•r i;r.1( 1uuw faru!ly l1•.i11g J{ .. aS••na bl .. l• rrLL!-.. • • Bfo:ST IN t't)~l f-: 111 '\' F'nur un1tE1 oil~ Juli.. ],1·t l/11~ onl' build th•· i·11u1ty f••r Y••U. Only ::;1u ~w~1 J.,wn • • l.IKI-: 1'l) J J()~!1-:~ SC't>: this !argf' ("11rr1t·r lot. n1•1!<t dc!l1rablc !'.<.'Ctio n of thr lj,\l'I..: !{.;\ "\" area. \\'~f. \\'. SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD !'ark A\"£'. at ,.larinr , i{a llina !Jo.land Investors DON ~T MISS THESE :;.,· : , ·t,· DUPLEXES ·!>,· ·1:· ·::: l'HH'l•:IJ \\'A Y 131-:1.()W ~l,\l\J..:f-~' :\".1w l1tt1!<lt1ng. 1.Jual1ly :! bdr111 . tl 1qol . :l s•old lo •ft. Hl "HftY lak(• _v1•ur 1•h••l<'f' Hl tiliK .'i>'Jl:oat1<Jna! 1•r t1·r>, $1·1,500 1·1·a dy t0 ll1 0 VC in TRIPLEXES S tartin~ !K'r('\";tl tv.·01 lx'dr111 unit,., $2 1,!jOO ~11bm1 t r111 d o ..,.•11 :\""' i;t rf'f't. 1·urb!l. v.·a lk t1• !<l t•n • ;111 0! :-~·h,...,..1 1.<; :-:.1art ~"Oll i" r1'11 t;il lt t-:"l'IH":~1r:;..;·r IN('()~!!·: :\'U\\" v.•1th tht!Hi~ n111d1•rn, 1·1 11n pl ~·t1: st•·ad y pr•1•!Ut't•ri:.. CJ.ARI\ REAL BARGAIN I BUDGET BUILDERS , INC ., LI 8-7759 1 I ,, 1 .... 111.111 .. \· 111 .• IH ..... ··~'t I ""' •n \u"n . 11>111111~••.~··· "'~'I" "n'I .. 11\ I""'" 1\•·•h "' 111 hn1.i1· 11~"' 1/or 11• .1 , 11 \ 11~11 Ull•I 'lu-• I" I ' I"" " \\ "".! 11""1 • l.~ I ,.:• ~12!·1 l-1>1.rb .. r (.Jua l11 ~· l-l u t1l(':'< &· l. il •' ~"' I '"""' n I I 1 ,\ •' ' ~I J."' "1 " \ •II I '' "i"'' I \ """ I' l ',.. • o.,, <•\I~•' 0,..,11111 ! .,,.,, 1,. 11~ rHll• ·I 1 1 .. 1 ~.:11q11 11! 1' ,, 1·110· .I I I" 1• ,, "1111 • $'.li"oo"o CLOSE IN l·•o<•' • oiA!hl\ l"I' '" JI Ill'"~ J,.•,h '"'!" h'"'" ..., 11 /• I\\,, 1,,,1 h • 111 1•11~1 •I " !•! I"" n '"'I •ml• '""' hl•.·k • """' 111 .. ,11·- lll<'jl :I(' "J. Y"lt l'• »1'1 ll R!d\\O n'• l 11•11• ' •'II" 111 !hr Hl • I joJ,.,, '"" 1""'11. '""""~ \1•to '' <I, l'I ,11: .. 1;.,,,.i.:,. l'u!l•l H;" ~_\>II ff'11, •"I .\I lo•\ > "I' pt" " 1' ''" 1 J I ! ow•" Phil Sullivan & Geo. T .. Everson ••• 1 ·''"'!"!I f'tll,i (01<'1 11 .\1•'- A••". 11 .. nl ~··•I R .\t •·•.1 H~" •t1 LI ·' ,:i;.;1 ~·'''' II" I : I.I I'-:u1 ;1 BY OWNER .-.:~:.\t ;I.\" ."\~,\\ .I 1'•11111 i"J"T"~ (,,.I< i.,· 01.,, ,,, ,.I ,•r N "'•"I.I' l.on•I ~I")"°'! I" I ;t•• l,rl '''"•l'l"l <'ll !•U•l'd S l.J .'1•"• \••<•"~ !(, f""P"'l~ I'''" I""' """ -''' !!• ;"\ ~ ! ,.,1\,. !, ' ·, ·~· ~ ,11,,~.. ~1 1'•~7 I•· "l' '""011~ l '• •·"'I"• ,1 ,lr 1-n· ,.,! F '•-d""' h1111•~ l.Jt> .. 11 ,. li ·6..!:!J "f1 .. r .~ ; '" 1 ... 1 •• • 1 .. , .. 1 ~H A 1"11.1'.l. Rl' .. 11 C~I. n1urn111&~ 111 lfllff' BERMUDA WOODS 3·Bdrm. & t-";iriul.\ l:1 .. 11u ur (..\111\· J/('11 ll•1n1•" nn .-.: !IJ \41 ,114111 sq . 11 . 1111 ::;: \\llh or.in~,· 11 1·1·:<. .\:u:h 11>~ I '"'" I '··-' .... • :"> • •• ' It \I I I ,,1 , 1 •11 ,1 I' I ~ ·'' ·•I ··1 h ""•' I • · ' • · ' l""' ll '"' """ n I"'·. "" " .H• ~' " ' .... ,, l"' i l d l 't-:l-rl\J~·;-; 'J,,i... ·111,.,111 1 .\1• 1 .. 1 7 1 ~1:-.1 ,i11 •n ·a~1 I f111ii ·~ !!1 )'l l••j ' l t 111t·r1 ],,, i '1ri I 'n •>'P' t t h!-:11 •. ·:~ '-i-7 77 :.!. • NEW HOME 3 Bedrooms. 11/i Baths ~1:1.-,1 .1 I n-h .. ~1;·; 1lk.l(l t hl.v ~11(;1 rr ·r,\hl·: 1a:.c;.-.; •·,\:-;11 BE ST BU Y c o,,-A MESA AREA ~::.2 !:: l':1!n1rr C08ta ~le,;a LI ~:'.:.'fl.>7 I __..--~ ... This Weeks S~ociel1 BAY J'RO!\'T HOMl: . . . Ex1:i11- a1ve w ith ua t bedroom•, I \. batlul alurco p:t1r1ot. r·.n1naul1 Loc1!1on. pier . prtv•le beach. The but thl're ll for th• mon•y. 540,000 tenna. CJ-I ARM:l.NO PENIN!l!LA .POlNT 2 BEDROOM HOME •.. only ~ ye.r1 old. Mod1rn, bMm ctll- 1..11.&•. ~iowi roorri1, d(>Uble ti•r•c• ana cut. ~uo, 517,too. terms. Hl!:RICS A PIPPIN Jlal 2 doors lo the t..y beach. 2 bed· roonia.. all new rurniture. pallo 11n•a &l\•I :.! c:•r g•r•&"•· TerrUic belch home or rent a.I. J !:).000. t11rn11. HERE ARE A ~"'""E\V INCOME UN ITS CLOSE TO Titl!: 1llA Y OR OCEAN USE F'OR HO M!!: Y..'J1'H SOME INCOM I'.: Ult F Oil. RJ<::NTAL ONLY. 1 t • :i •"rarat1 un11.11. 2 and I I b .. dr""h111. ~11 ch W1lh llt"Jllltlll' I p11t1ot1 and bb'qa. rumlshl'd an(t will •ell fllr 5 17 .~00. • 'J • "I. b e <I r u o n1 1111c1ou1< hun1" "'Ith 11. J 11nJy b1u.;h.-lur 1n rrar , 1111 t "!. ~111"!0.1;•""• f urnish,.<! 1<1 \1\, un 11 1~,,. L!l\.t f t Jut tor $17.~0 I J 1 J·lt"fl'l'.I !'.I ~V'"I •llll!' "''Ith :L "111a(J u1111 ~ "'"llh br•l rV1>n1~ K ilo! .,11,. "", ~ 1.-"" Iii. 1· A'"~'""' :-;,. •·II r, u1 11J ,.,..,. A 11 1.,.1 .. ,'tl1-j Ill'""· I"''"·~'''"'' Mn'I •11 .;••vol • un- dol..J'U\ o•L $11' llVll, g1.o•JJ l••on\11 'I • Al•u ''" En ~l H,.,. /\\••n u ~ t 1111• 1 L• •l••••l" •lllol 11 n,1 .. ,.1' 11 "\ "'''! lljMl ilnt·l11 l•o•! IJll Ill "~f" "'°'"" l'!")'"ll\ ~1·•• ltll~ Ill $I 1 ·,11" t ,., , "i. 1 t •. \l l\1\ :-;l 'E• IAI. 1\J!H \ !-: ~.~• '"'''' A ,1.,11 !1 l "rl1lll•ll'U 11 ••-1 "''i•h ' "',11. ,! i.,.,J,i'''"'~ Ill• .. 11,J ~ '"II !IH •h· f<11 1J••t•~•I 11 n I I,., • I•!) ') Ir • I" P ,.,i I llU,I ti If'!!!~ ""~ h<Hn 11"1\\r <I """ ~~e '"" I• 111·~ Balboa Realty Co . '11 '" , '·· 1.,.i. .... 1 ,111.•, ., I;. ,. • ,, • •'i• ~ t [_..,. \I I Pl.,•I J••r~1,t11 1tr ll o•UI! iUll ~-H11J!,.,11 lll•'•I , li 10 \!J,.,. J"loHll• ti,,, '"'I" :11;7 Ocean Front Home \\1th "' 1'~1 ~I " UILll )111 ~,. I"! tJ~~! \orw. I "'"'"'" S'!lloV J•r• Yl"""! ~·1111 I"''' s..>1.o ;:iu. ~·l11nb11~J '1'"''1 11~ Why Not Live on Broadway? l"h1 "I' 1 ~·•1 11" ''""''' 1,1.-pl101 ~ 1111.i 11 .... ,. I••.:.-><dk 1n , h •·I ~ 1110 I OH" II• IOI Hll•I '""11•1 r 11" 1, 1111 .. I""" •u 11I·· I"''''"~" n •\,-lo. 1,,,_ J I .I ,!,.) !"ildu1L1l •I·•" n 1••) ""'111 ~:\<' I llu11,. LJ ~·I 11 ,1 90 ' from Bay Tu·n h•··li 1" 1'111~ •1"'1 t--•11 ? "' ~ 1 .. 1~ I" 11l~,1 , n , .. 111 ,., "' •··~· \\ ••nd· 111.I I>"·" h "' 1'"' r•u• ro•·n t In''"'" ~'.1 ,. I """" I .I /\ · --•; Littl e Dream House I " " 1, .. I• 1" I 1< ,,. "' ,_ 1. ,, " " , 1: " , 11 11•"" • _,r ! 0!1 0: ~" ',, I 1 ....... ' r.11 I•,.,., :"'lo·· P o·• •"•I I'"'"' ,1111\' ~"' ".:·· 11 1 ,. ""''•Pll: ~ ,,.,,. ,,r ! l\r ·-:-. -· __ , --· ~-· -;;w·----------·!.'-- \ 82-Real ~tale "We're Moving to · 1rvine Terrace" • •• f (_ I Drive tn today and 91!11! tor you...it the many oat- llta.DdinC· featun.. or thia ruw'bble community. More and more Harbor uea ramJBee ue tnapec:ting ttie.e exquiait.e bomea -notinr their comfort, con- venience a.nd central location. More and more ramlliea who prefer a home ln a re- alricted quality community are moving into lheir Irvine ;('errace homea. Inspect built the by model homes, Corp. Mac co furnishe.d by exquisitely Martin & V on Heme rt Irvin~ Terrace iA localed on Cout Highway oppo.tta the new Irvine Coaal Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE: AGENTS Phone H arbor 44·18 For l"urther Information * For R C'l"Ommendat1on. v.•e refer you lo &11yone "'ho holds e. Leasehold &tale in l.rvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, !Jay ~h o rea and Cliff Haven B/B ISLE , . ' LID 0 O PEN HOUSE JI><\ -'"!!Ill'" 11\\ \:'~,f( l,~;A \0 1:-:C: f'ITY, ha. f(~"J1t·c ·~-L • l'l{L •"~: an 111 • m <"Nl Si.1 & :O:u•i I l~I t..i ~1 "• A ~ Hf-:l,ftl)U,\\,-:.": 1J,1 t11 !" lL••IU~ 1..rg~ 11,,i: to ••ll I "'""'"I n "" ,_,. l""l''' fl lp•"ri1111r•ol l'l"u" HI !(•. tlhllO 11 1!111,1 I :"""' l<' lot T"ll ' Ii• 1'.11 "I 1., " nor J,,1 A ~ltll•,.; .J:I:'> :;un :I II ~:! •HI I\/.\!!' I ltl h~ \p\ '")\ • ,,,,1111on 1: t·,.,.1111 "'I ",. '111\•t •. ,,., R•h •·rll•f'•I hAI 3 tl .. •lro<lnl.I , • •Il l •1"'1 l l>11!1t .. Ajl\><llnlmtni.. ,,/ ,.~, ..... 11 .. 111~\e 1"!tl."1 l";\IAHT :<;~;\\' ;\I OIH•:R:-; /\Ul!·t h.flJI :I llo:."lr1Jf11111 2 l)a \h.•. /,.iii u1 t i,., lo.It• llr n LnveJv "•II l•• "'"Ill <"l !'pe\lnJl . n1re I "I" 1rn 111~•1111 t 1!'1\\r)' Priced on L1tln J.2:)0ill) •rllo1y 111 !!'."' OPEN HOUSE 39<17 "-1 arrus Sl .• '\;t'v.·port !Mle ~:1t u r1 lay ;ind Sunday I 00 to 5 :00 \\I A Tr:J{r·1lO NT Fl "H.:'\ISl I F:J) •) U NIT. y..·hat C'\"•·rytx1Jy i;i l •><J kJn~ f1.r One u11 1t has 3 b.·d rn•1111!<, ~ l.Htthi:.. la rgt• l 111n ~ r!i;101, <l111u1~ f\11)m . . ' 'l'hC' otl11 ·r unit h11s I bt··dr1111111 larg1' l1\•111g rrn., :.! car garage, PJl-:Jt A:'\!) FI.,O A'f . Beaul.lf ul 10" \"ll'W Jut un l..:ui~a Ru1t.d overlooking r nll re N(•V.']o()rt }-!arbor . ''Deal with Reoltors" BAY & BEACH REAL TY INC. ··Jui>t r1~ht t•f tt11• l.u1n Bridge" It :1 rt),,,. ~:!!19 ":1·c8 /•.•"up•, .,f th,~ ll• '"" \J""n"' V V O• l•·lilo l!H\I!\• !1·J""lrlj.; ~"'H •!!II) ). I I .I•:•:, I;,., ••1 I••! II•' Best Buys Corona del Mar Newport-Mesa Rlty. 1. 17!•'1 ~'""Pl•rt H l1,t 1 ·0~!• M ~-~~ l.( "·, "'"' ~:, •.• 1.1 "7.' :7 New Homes S295 Down ·ri.r1·" 1 •.• 1, .... ,n~ 11, IJ"Th• l;o n;" l •I · i;::•'• UHluol,, .111 •••~!~ 3. Tiu. I.• • 'l"·'I""' t/1 ,111 1 •'n r•n~· ( ·.~11 "ART" ADAIR , Rltr. 't,j,fi \• ·' i'' I ). \I( 'L ,\1 • I I .~ •''..! '" I loo -.i;i-..; Cash f;HORECLIFJ.,S. E:XCJ.USl\·r:. l"<'l'I. «ral homei> hi:.t rd •·xrlu~iv.-.ly "·1 th U8 . 111·t·d~. ""'e ..... ill (1nd 11 fr•r yuu . w e havf! M>V· Tell u11 your Sf'f-:l..1t\IJ I'll "\" Univ 11n '' ;"l bt.'<lrn1. ho n1<'. liar-...1 - \.\'00J fluorl:l, f11r1·f<tl :ur h1·at. K11rbi•Kt> d1Mpoiia.l, dble, garagr, fen1'rd yard. !Jra111•M included. L'hoict' l(l(:ation and low do"'·n paymt•nt will handle. Priced at SI B.500. Nu t elephone info rn1ation p\ea..e, ju.l come to the off;i.:e with check. A real bargain. J)l.Pl~f-:X Bl i"\"S. \\'e ha\"C HCl"f'ra! ,£:"Ood duplex list- 1!lgJ<. SC'e u;.; f"r b•·tt1'r buyi1. but you better act fast. r-11·~.\ll~l-~J{ UF ~l l"l.1'11'1.I-: LI STING S. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PR lt~f-; T . ~f(<!"l "l~Tl {)N, !'traitor 3 117 I::. C(1a ~t !Iv.·_,., L"ur .. ntt d1 •l r-.11:1.r l·la r. 47 , ,' l!o •\ I :~ I I ,o Ill ,.,i ~· "' ;I I,, I I•••'-' I "Ill!" \'l oll ll•n••ol "' :\/•' I(, j.:11°• l t ,tf1 r•1• luea lrJ n,·:.:t dt,._i r t u Ncw1 i0 rl Harbor Bank , CDM) Osborne -Forton BALBOA PENINSULA I 1:1·:,\t:rv t:r>. ;•.:1 \\ ('qll'l 11\11· ·•'I'•· •J11<n;.:•·• ·""''1"1 1 l '.~~·I f I to -;;,1,J I ( u .~!!1 I "' ,.. U•·Pa n 1-"ronl year round home -5 bdrm. 4 bath- F 11rplacf'. ('11(·]or-;cd patui·-Cpts. & drapes included Rt S•l 2,!">00 1•r1 ~, l·H•".I 1··"'111 1"• "1 \.o 'I" f ~ol.•"I Ji .. ' I " .,. I! 1·, ,' I • " II . .. 1'1" I \ Ii•""' ~. "• .. , ( I •,\ " I l'H1 ,,.~-r~ r11- , ,, \1 · ' I I ~ 11"" Busin ess Corner I '·.,11 :-! I~ ·'"'' !H2 •I• ''l!H\' ,, •• , •• < \ "·' I /;, 1<1"1 ~1 1!'"'\I lo I .... ' !1.< /" I•\:'\ I.!\' ,,I(<.;~·-.,· l\~~I l·:.•:~rr 11 ~1 .'ot1'•1 11 1' n it~ hi 2 ~11\~ II\ 'Ill 4 :,~\''> INCOME \ ! L H ~ H \\I ·, , "" JI~ 11'10 ~.7. ,, ;:; 2 1;n •r1 • .. ~,.h •1 •J• !--~"""' «h,.ul~ I 11 !1 !l\l r"l~1 I.I ~"·"I ·. ;2p~~ COSTA MESA $.'°)~1 .00h, ~ 17 .000 wiU handle. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE l.1•lo, N1 •t \{4·h t-:1·f·M J,J /'\-30·'41 !l1tr. •llfil ·ir li ar. 4Bi2 -l l 11r f)1'12 WANT ONE TO FIX UP7 r:'.lnr blk . 11, bll y & oc1•;1n. 1·"·r1 bo·dr .. 11 n1i;, Full J'l"ll 't' $7.!)jJO. $3.50() ch>""'"· $45 per monlh, !nl.'.01111· fo r sun1mer scaJ:o 11 J une 17 l o Sept. 17, 1955 $610 Arf'a rapidly increasing in \"alur. If you can f ix & deco rate, better 11ee it. ' ~ ROBERT V. BROSE, Realtor 1920 \\' Balboa Bl vd . i'"cwport Beach Har. 4072 80c81 • • .HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES 1 Between Irvine and Tu,tin A ves. on Cabrillo north of 17th ~t. MODEL FURNISHED BY DANlGER 'S OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Jieavy l!.hakc r..io fs , hardwood flnorl'I, bi;.; \l<>ubl1· &:aragra, fur tcd'-<11r lit·at. buil t -Hi ''' 11 a:id 1.<11g,·, di.¥posali;, ~·\.'.'C l's, l!llld111g-gli!.~" U11CH1o , u:K"d br1L·k f1r<"t •la~· >! Terrific Jookini.: h 11mt•s with f':-tt·f'll.·111 ti"' r p l1111s U/l c..,.,,lll !l.1l:'\.!i . ., 11\ur;t J..-011 <llJt ... L .. ot !'1J , 3-bedroom: $21950-$2000 down 3-bedroom and den: $22 ,950-$2000 down OLE HANSO~ CO. 'l'r:u 1 l'li••rlt·' l .11" it : -• ,1,; {Of () ~ l ,1 ' , ' . J .I ".::,., I;.;, " ·' Luxury Lido Ba yf ront Home & !nccrne A tnt rd ,.f 1-'1" b• ,!r• .m<.; .t'ld " o·rn ki lo !t..,ll~ , \ :\',,, 11 1, Int,; •d 111\1;1 .1 •\11. .... l .1•1 I • \ I 1 pt·tu•i; ,i11 d t .•·ly d taJ •t.>n .\I 1 , , , I t 11 •!1 1;...• r i' r·14 IJ•"l'''"•d 1 • .i -, I l· 11 I I I ( ! \ ' ',• : )',.11 n1n\ r r1::;l 1 1·1 t .. '·1· . " I q 1 r \\. l ' •Jiil.i i l1!11 ! 1 'Jl.1 t>l ll• ! " ' '~· . ' ,, j ' " ' I , 1:, 11 • i;. I 1. t..:1--::-.:~ \ l'.l·.i.J..\:\l 1 !J ILL h l::.\l I ''J'(J:-.1 \ Ii .t J O~J.1~11 I o p f I \ '1 ', _ t;!.tJ ii_.! \'.'\ Lido Rea lt y Ass(){iJtes J.100 \'ia l.1.!11 l ! , 1 1,,, r l I I I VOGEL VALUES Check these outstand in g bu ys BA!~BOA __ , 7 units, b!'st area. ll H1rtu•d1L·,L :10 · !•JI -1 11•1 111 t" expand. Tile rt.io f. (Joly ,:..1:! . .:.un. ,\ pp1 •1:<. :111·, return on invei>lriH·n\ 011 unly $!~1.1111\1 NEWPORT HTS .• ...._ ' }~xquiaite \'iew h<lln C' -...·1th heatf·d pool. rooms. 2 1 .: b11 thi;, 1>• vJ .-.,rJ ·• 1111 g. c: Kitch. l3c sUJf· to kl'• \\ill take t: R!:I p tlll l '<l~ll!l""r1l . ;\ 1,1! bf'Ci.· J•j [lrc:un .. ,i hit CORONA DEL MAR ' Rustic 3 bed room & df'n. 1 1 ba th~. :? ! 1r1·plac<'!ti 2100 sq. ft. of lo\'ely h\•111g. Priced r1hht ver y i.;ooJ tcrrni;. Rli;u Good R-2 lot. 0Cl'3n i;1d1• of l-l \\'Y· 011 ly .'S-·I. !JO. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 I'.:. Cfit. li v.'y., Corona dt:l .\Int· I 11\: t 711 11 1\ 0737 Open House HARBOR HIGHLANDS I Now anncx<·J tu !\l'\\'jlUl'l l~l'<H h J Oppositr l!lt h St. and l n·inf' A \1'. 19-ta P.rH1cil lu I.an<' l.OVC'ly c(lrn(•r hon1(' 1,f :) b<.•.\r .. •1 lt-\ \\"I! 11 l.1ndo.1f',l)1· ing-. ~rap(' "t~k <' fcucl' atlJ l •'ad\· f·•r nnnl· hJtt. 1r· cupatH')". 01\1u ·r~ ha \<' 111"~' ii .111>1 1\,JIH r1 11., 1. ;,1 1 I!• 11 1'1·u·r $17.tJOll f.'HA L (Jlln -· J\l"''· J and I bj•drin. Jr,1111 ... ]i .:,011 1 1.1' DUNCAN HARDESTY , Realtor ~l l:.! Ne\\.]••lrt l ~h.I. :\l'l\'1'••1 1 i'• 11 h l iar 1-1...- BUILD NOW 937 1155 Square Square $4.90 per sq . ft. Foot Foot Horne-$4595 Horne-$559 5 OPEN SUNl)A 'f AF'TE:H.NOOP: . ...: & \~'F:EI ~ l)A \'S SCOTCH CONST RU CT ION of G ard en Gro ve, In c. 110.Jl \\'.;Aln11nbl1·r 1:;\ l . (,.11 .J, 1, 1 , " -............... ~--._ ........ ,.---... -- • 62 R••Zlt1 ·• R11'T' 11 NEWPORT HARIOR NEWs.rRESS -PART ii -l'A&E 7 FllOAY, MARCH~'· 1956 . p. a. palmer incorporated • • ••A ..... • developers Which one of these Lido Isle Homes do you like 7 of Udo Isle ' five rrttle indi.ns one little indlen oay thlo one -"IOOll i-. 0. 'J[lpp l'lo!>I. a bedrm. 1 * bath, 2 patloo, bis yard. bis llroploco, big vi~, little prioe. pe,lllO. Clllot CIWleld knoW11 all -call him. Af odern. trulf fine t bedrm, home. d1tion e.nd haa everything ................ . Sparkling new, 3 bednn.s.. 2 bathA, built-in o ven & range, carpeting, clc. Perteet con· . .... $37 .:\-00 furn. Incl. . .. $32,950 6 unit.Ii rurn. on 80 rt. NO. BA YFRONT. $1 05.000 X lut . terrTil:i. '.! bt-Jrn1. 1 bath plws bunk l'ln. & 1 ~ bath. $22.500 A prca1t 1g c hon1e, one of Lidu's Jo\'chcst, a n i11lln1atc pH ! I" for st.litude u 1· gay con1pllny. 3 bed rm•. " lJJ ths. Furn Wit h ra rt· feeling and tastt>. $30.000 :'\'-:\lo', larger 3 bedrn1a. 2 baths. nuilt in 1'>1ng t', t>nclose<l pstiu. 1.AtndscspcJ O\'f'I\ & $33,()('IO ;">;Q. l~A YF'RONT hon1e, 3 bdrn1~ .• drn, pier S7~.000 ~· \\ rnn•lt·rn . go1gl't1U 1> l rt-pl..-x .. • two little Indians .• uy thia one big enough for wbolil ~ bednDli. 2 bat.ha, den, dumpua room, Cl'I• 2100 9Cl· tt. lD. bowie alope. Will tra4e for HutJnc llanch, Ar· cadia or Puadena property, Price $21,900. War- rior Breer ia your .ICOUl -c&ll him! throe little in.dian1 way thi11 one bigb in aky. Uke bi&' chief, you can see all f rom the living room. Small. cute color· ful 3 b<-drm. Kinp Road ho-low price m .MO Brave Famawo rth aittin' by phone! fo ur little indians say this one perfect 1ummer home -wtnttr, too. On Balboa lala.nd, 4 bednna., den, bl& patio !or 11ummer talk and sun. No better buy oa the laland, gay1 Chief No-'Feathen Kincaid! five little indians i."\)!"11 =~ h1«!rn·1, :! bath. t•l'rf. 1·rl!1d1! 11 1n .~:.!\I 7!°)0 I 1,. ;,t,11\'o ' f\l"r' r')C( IUl<l\'.-l! \\'Ith ui-' l."'1•rnf' 111 !11·:.\I I. j)I AICr ~.:H.:-:. r .. ,. tht'l>l' 11nd ulh~·r b"•1d liU.\l:i l ll I say they all agret> -th!. one ls HOT! Big fam ily home in Shorecliff11 Thia one ~ret, owne r aay no talk on telephone, not on open marktt -I.Jut will ..eJI 4. bedrm .. dining rm. $4.~.000. \\'a1 rtH r (Ji.burn knu..,.,· '. '" <t l!d h v llll':o. p. a. palmer incorporated ol e hanson co. ma nag ement 3J:fJ \'Ui lido, barbur !.JOO p. a. palmer incorporated ale ha nson co. management 17W w. coa!;t t:lgbway -hberty S..::t.')7 J • • 8/B Corona del Mar J 1,·11! v. .t h Rcaltvrs Mo dern 'j\ '" I.• 1·r l) r !' ~~" " ·: 1,,11' ·~ ''1"~11 p!.tn111n& Hoio·J l>A\lO 1uv1.rot 11 •n • 1t1••• 2 Dtnl , ,, •I• I 11 •• ,, • 1 • ..:~ 1 ,, •I ',,I •r ~I ~ \:'\ 110" A Honey <I I ' • ), q O); •'~ . •' _,, • •·.t! 1 1 I • d ~'"' • J • '•'•P "I It\• Ull ~ $.!1:1 pt l' 1\\0 • \ 1.. ,.,,j 1· , ,.. Sl•!_!')(ll'l $19 ,500 'I to~dlo« , • I \ IJBlh• L.-1 :., h • •",•I , Jjou • ;o. 1 l'"iL • \\!th \jt';\ !·' • I '' " I''•"'"'' ~ltr "V'' ; .. "'' •I••'" l•L~·I \,.,.,I 11 i-11.~ Littl e Bargain • I •ne 1_,,.,J/'111 4 li lli\k I (,.,JH! e :i.t1i.;htY e .. 1.y • ''" 'ront <J ( R.-2 lol • J'lf'p!y u( IYJCJU1 In bllt'k • H'll•••n11 hJ, 11t 5 l Z.~ Bil L'S BEST BUYS A BRI LLI AN T . .o\ln111st 111·v.', C al11<>1J1i.1 1h t1·1-li1·d1 ""nL l _ hlith hOHlc j111 111.:1,1,• cutb• t ,\ 1•1v,·d !"t S<.''1)1lll h lo11d~·d "th 1"-1""' ,\,, l llt ••J l d···l , .. 1.· '"Ii .I .• !· .. ~· l ll .11W .=.!l"t 'i u,~· ' , A REAL SLEEPER 1 'r• .J <·.;i;1u11al hind· !'hf u h!' ,'\;«xt t n i,;1 ,1111:11 .. r 1>t·hvul {Ill b•'"l 1•)1.1hl 'i!\•· ,11•'"1 l•I ~·.,,H ;1 ~!··--;1 ('11s t •·n1 h 111!t ::111 rh h1>1Jlc . :-: t~ I:. 1 j b.i.t h ,, l-1n pl.!\", F /\, ' Lea t. ~I. \V fl i•Qrn , 1.111 ... ;ill l 1Jh .. •"l IJ.,.,·11r·r lt>a\'111:.; tuv.·n ~ ulu:-,! _,,,·!I 1r:1111l .J t.1t• -. :-·.11 1II1\ 1 11~; .il ~l !),!J.jO \\'r il ,\'I!•· .\••II [,. \I '> a 11.I t, .. :1t Jl DOCTORS, LAWYER S, BU SIN ES SMEN ,\r•· yuu l11oh 1n ;.: l••J' .i l•11•.1l10 11 1 11f ~ull r ,,-,..·n" 'l'ltcn lrt u;1 eht1w you this • 11••1(·•· !f7' cu1nu1 .. rie1al pr"l*rly on \\I. Jlllh JUSt of/ lt.11·h.,1· ISl \'d.-On1· blk. fn 11n new CoHta ~1 c11a C 11~ ll.11 1. ·1\,·1 i :.: btlrn1 h1 1 fn•·~ 1in prup£·rly now ra n , a~1 1\y n ... r <1n\'(·rtNi for bu ~i· JH't18 . T h1i1 ,; a d l·u l 1li.i1 JU ... t • 1u 1 t tJ,· l'a.s::.,·d 1q>. 1-'ull P rH'f" .S2{l.500 I\ 1! 11 d•.oY.11. 8 RENTAL UNITS One-half block . fr•un1 11 ar·\),,r l~h·d , \'i•1·y < l•l!lt' to do\~1nt11 v.•n area. f'o11r ,11 1)ill·x•·b . l ••ll l1.-l1kt'.! arranbt'· n1ent , 8 gnr11ge1>, :? l.11111dr y 1<11Jtlls N icely la nd· SCliJ»ed. Pa\'(•J JHll'k111 ·~ ar1•fl IJ\ fron t f,,,. gu ~11t11 . C ll•a n and attral'll\'1·. J-:1·::11 11•11 tJI J1utr10..t ill tov.·u . F'ull price $42.000 -~1 7 ,0UU duv.·n. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like 0111· fn1•nJly ~l·1-.,·tcC'" ;wonderful View Lot -': r""I""" H1i;h!un•I.. l 400 E . 17th St., Cos.t a r.1 .-r{a l~l bcrty S-11 39 e Announcing! ! e "The Pa cific" ~1 01J E1 . HO.\t I·: • • Of'l::N • • !:>:J turJay -~L¥1ila.r l lu~J!.Ul. Horb or lslo nd Rood • J 1)'"'1 rnom• • : ):H•! tJ< • ~h•k ~ r ~,t • R•l•<'J rlrjflltHl t fU <'l'i••·= • 1-llA I dUl •I<>(' '"'"" e L .. 1 ~Jt• L" \ 11'..l • l ~IJ\l hll I ""'·hn( • L.t.q1;e •unl1\' 1••11v e 2 Jo',.r•,.•I ""' foo111"•"• ~·''I'"~" >11 ~1'1JJi:tl, \\ .. ·111111i;11 .. ·~· "l ~ h .,.•u lier • S"p•r&t•• ~erVI• r ron1n • l'"ln•· • 11l11t11l \011111.1111 11 .. n • , • !11,1(t 111 • l•-1 lr I• 111"',. ""'' • f' • (•t'hlt:f>lt•IJl\• d"'"f'll •l ... I • ~:l'-J>f'llllVPl y l•nd•l'k!lf't1 • l·t t•ll 1< let.I 10.r~• 1 •.-•·~1o r--\ 11\ /(:\,,r,..n~e 1. l.'.<Kq1Pr. It\• / l:JL1L]\ H ) J 11h11 U l"l111k , l,lu•l1ty l:l•lll•l t "' J'••l ... w ~h .. 11 \••t: t n qu~l1f1.-!I r 11 .. 11t~ 1 • jl !! Jonn Abl.'Jl HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS '· !\'.,ti.lnic .. ny nl('<'r ---~'"<------------H ~ rh-'lr 1 Kf\!\ E1·,n111J.:1 phunfl LI 1!1-~3~6 • ~I 1~11 •ll \'I""' I'; "'';horecliffs ;\h,.ul 11 t~ luxury :-:1,c In r,·,ry 1e111<'tl i ,,.,,•r11 11. -:Z IJ1<th1 An·J11t ect d1'a1"n D'nutlflll l1111d11l'llp1nf Thi• lit st fur f.~9.l'JOo !)e1Li with Realtor~ Bay & Beach Rlty Inc I c·.,,.,,r1a u .. 1 ~lflr orr'-1' Trailer Park ,~ :-,I'\\ 'l·.S 1•111-. J'"" ~ l), ''"ll•l<i" ;•<'II 1 .. ,. ~·;u l•'H. '-l:-i.ou" d.,1,n, '" 1 rn·~,. 1n1· :O.:~\\'f'"r\ 11"1'" BALBOA ISLAND .. t..:0 11'\JG 1'(J l:li \' 1\ ll(J~I C.:"' Luot all the th111g11 yuu ":''uu lJ !Ike G,1od 101.:atto11 Snun.t 1·1111,;t ru1·t l'>ll ~tn1 ny room!' tir par:it1• d tning r\lurn t-.l odcrn kitch<'n w llh :1rr1plr· j•u_l'buardi-;, for n1iL·a 1·ou11trrt1, J1ll h'."'"1!-.l1e 1' & ~µ~r:ba ;;£' l!1111 •ul:lal. l•11r1•··l n1r h1·11L f."1 r1·1d;ic•· \\".di 1 .. v.·.dl cnrprl ing l >,·11 11 pa Lin ! "1111:-.11 :111~· 11Jj-.• guc~t a11arl1ncnL l,:11 ~" d o11 b l" gar:ige. HESPERIA Opportunity o( a 1lfet1me. GET JN ON T HE GROl"i\"l• l-"LOOlt. A c;1ty t.ie1na-born. Ut1L 111 1lei1ert J11·1n.1;. A hu11U1u1.:e ur .,..ll.\fr, 1111\'t'd Sl1 t ftl11, ret.,Ur ntud lv\1, 1nJual r1Rl acreage \\"onJ<!r• ful ''l>PoJrlunHy lvr 1nve•ln1tnl. J,;;il 11• hrlp y ou. F'or rurlll!'r tro!or11111 11,,n ("'Al~I~ l~I 8-72!~. J:o'r1e tnui~po r t11t1on •r1y L1n1t CLYDE GA TES, Broker J88• Pl•i;enua . Cu•U• !ll<!•ll I Osborne-Forton Hl-'..-\1.1'\" ('0. ~:1',?J \\' Co11•l Ill'\". If ynu •·1•ns 1d 1·1· ;di t h1 ·:ll' th1ni;11 a "~I U~1"'' for happy Ji\·111;.: t li1·11 ~ou 11re 1H1 r e to like thu1 4 ht ·d rn1. ~1 . ba \h IHHll" .ind~ bedrt1om gut'St apt., ae~~r~~o~rm.~!~~!ts ~ \ \hut \\'t> a!',• <1f•1 ·ring f,1r (•Illy $10,000 down. •• 11 J •,.11 •11,11oi.:1•• "'"'r~••\ U<'11r h LI k-7!'11~:: 1111 1· ~If>"\ l'\'~W I L1 '-1 J:Y •••·•\•1u 111 •~1 • r holnn l a ~ 1•111 ,.I •• t•-•11' ll •th l\,.lll•, ',\'~t. \\' ST ANLEY ' I " ' " \', "" .. 11 ' .. I '"''""'I 1,,1, !' I •11 o·r ·• •1111111 ~.' -· J ! 11 ... ,.,,r, ·1•11 1,. .,fl,\''' SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD 1. ! 1, ._ '" I l'.1rk ,\10· .11 ,\!.j1 1::••. 1;:d b 1"1 lrilll.t1•l Harbor 2462 I , , l.1 l•l ' • I ,1 ' ..... ·1:\•,,.i: ··•1\.~t 1·1:j·•r·F11·r1r·)-1JUST I •, '.:0•.1 1"'' ,.,._,1,, ,\\,.,1 A FROM STONE 'S THROW 1.1 ; .. 1 •; ,: I·.,-,., I I ~-1 l•fl• J Grove s & Ranches "\'\'."I \ .\:'<>.\ ·, • .. 1<1 ,,, '.-1 "·' Ii <; ·"I !"' ,,.~ t•,\" \ IA• ••l<~f :'\ lh•nl l·.~I AI •' 11 111 !·•"•I, l,l k0 6:i L;, Kl '2-~l/IT. H Y a11 ... lllJll CURT D_OSH, Rltr. 3 15 Marine A ve. Ha<bor 1560 NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL bath ~. fircpl:u'(", b1 e11 kfa ~t lJ;ir'. 11 1111 11:.; a r('a .~ 1"1 1l'1. l'r u pt•rty HI t•·lll"'J a:td !.111 °!~· :q •1·d U\\·11••r'11 leaving f ur Japan a nd ni 11s 1 ~ .. 11. l'ricL·d al only $J 3,~ 1"1' JI ":'T ( 'A .'\''T I.A ST ' Call ~t.1 n LJ· !.1 .. \ '" EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor l~lh A: 111·111· I, I .., .;.:1\t iJ )'I'll!"" ohl. f3 rl r>k f I rr p I><' '· ,hr~kfa.~t bar. dlnuir "' ""· I lidwrl, flnor 1. UM'd 'hrl,..k nn rrnnt \'~ry. very nu'" Full pl 1\;I $14.:..00 \\'e ha ve II:,. k r~··- A lao In N l'l'"Jl(lrt H tls tit~ tti1 .. 7 Y""r ull1 ',I lldrn1. h•olllt' fur Sl:lMl<i- "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. !"'66 :'\C"''J"ffl Ul \'d .. Ct•sla :0.t P~" I I~ A-:17112 nr L r l!l-61184 1---------____ , :"!'.:AH 0<.'EA!>I, :Z llfV.' huust:'I , both furn. w ilh r1replact1. 1•r• H)I<'~. 11,.AI n ow bt fure s11n1111 flf rent"-S110 11ll •!own. OR A:'iG t-~ c 1-JART PROPERTIES 1 1o1~.~ N"" po 0rl , Cn•ta Me,.;. LI 8-1 &.1~ li:Vtl. LJ 8·14 00 :-·1-;\\"l '(j/tJ" n~:ACH-CL08E ro H tL:H K("llf UJ C -M O(l••fn ;.> 1~1r n • .i ,i.,, h<Jnor. !11·,1:..: i :n .,..,Lh o.Ju11n1 11rtll, 1 l•K•h>ll" 111 ""I t lace 4 plrluni w 111dow , 1·~r ~klni.: 1'1111'1 Cer11rnlr 111•· ln balh. k1t.h•n & ~._.,,.,,,. ,,,..,m !: }..; •lllt\W&lh Pr , 1t \1JHh"1t ',/ 'QI ""' .lo '... I"''' 1 ~111.P '"r'"•<'! v •r'1 I I "·t4flll ;,,.~ • 8/ 8 Reduced! Lovely Duplex! e Wu Ill.NO! e No. a1T .860! • 8A V. SJ,100! • H .W . noo.-. -t w.m. Nd! • Tiie blllhl -cut'---..-•! • G•rqem t)9tw-"'nit.! • Appolllfmfln\ on)Jt! ~I • H urry: Tht. ta nlo.! $17 ,850 FULL PRICF.~ GOOD TERMS! $18,500! Newport Heights! Ocean View! • " )'!'oU• "I•!' • JI \\ II·~·•~' e L••'K'' '""l•lnr•·' • L>t!~tt 'l'JU v k.ll• h P!I • F ull Jlnillt: f'"'I" • l••t:·· !<'."'"( h"lll><: 11111 l"'l/1 e 111,! i:111 .,,i ,,111n.:I• l•••l ' • 1 'lv-io1 ~\.. n• o ~!1 .~ $2 000 Down ! Eastside • t n,. !"' ' .,. • I! I' . ' '. I 11'1 '.\, l [!II \·'I 'J 11 ! I I·~ ·, \ • , ( ' .... I ' ( 1,\ 11 •l r ~!.I., l·.i' I J!,_,\l. \\l 11I !.j \l .'l•J!L· BA Y & BEAC H RE ALTY. Inc. 1 ti',.., :--.· • 1' I" r· ~ . ! I ,\\, I.If" T '\ " I :11 " .I "I I 1 I., I' I ! I •• T t • • ;11 11 \ A DA NDY TWO BE.DROOM I Jul \ I n11in 1 1 ." 1 , ,. 1!111 1~· l lJH IT '"T"''r-,:I 111!1)>1 I \ •' Ii"' .i '• \ .•.•1· J~, 1,, d r"•HU .-.. dl>I :.;.11- d,.!• °;"_' X -.ii!•" l ii •t < .1 \ l,ol \tl < llJ'"J lu1• ,\ IHll1I • 111t.JL1 "' .\.lld \\••rk .~1 H-~h l !1111 l •'L'• NEAT THREE BEDROOM !\"e:arly ne1,1,• h"nlt' in K•H1d r1·1o11Jt•nt1al area . Th' bedrounlri art· gi:·ncr,,ui1 l!.1U'. f.'1r1•placl', dtning roon1, ijl'l'Vl('(' pur1·h . d11uh!t' garage, patio and red brk:k 1111 re ar \aid a11d l·11n11.J..-t cly fo •nl·ed for pri- \·ary .. 1111 , 'f. D. at $()8 pt'r mo. Sl ·l.flOO fu ll pnce . on lar~ g~:!""~E~~~~~ooel>, tUe kitchen. Full price $9750 with $2:>00 do wn. THE VOGEL CO. 1700 N£'wport l ~J\d, Liberty b·~~n; C™la Mesa 1-:1•(•111ng11 llar. l ~9-M ' VOGEL VALUES " Lido 3 Bedroom MAIN OFFICE & Den \\!ILi ... J.f<:ASl:i: \VITH 0 1->'fl<JN TO BUY Oil SELL WITii LOW 00\\'N r1 A Yi1S'NT THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coaiil Highway, N<'wport Beach LI 8-3481 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT A ITRAcnVE 1 atory home, livable and conven- ~ent. Thrtt bedrma., 2 bath.a, maid'• room and bath. I Carpet•, drapes and appli.ancea Included. ' T. D. ROGERS, Harbor 1585-W O? Ryu. 18029 J ITRT CO ~IPLF ... 'TF:O PARK MANOR A 6'>titrl1·tf><I J ,f1\. Dc·v~lopml'nt Dy ~l •·l .l·:c\1': & l'EAll SQI__, Sper11litt on-& Buildrr!' Wl•1t•om(' ti()' r1~~idenliRI lntH. 11:1\'P 1>1in1t• ::i.par11ne nl lo~ left, IJuplrx coi-nr•r J.,t ;.. A ll 1mprov£'mer\la in. You Con•t Beot The Pr;ce & Location. l 'r:l'~·1: s ta :t ~J'.!::..U Drive by and !Ju~·. A r roKI-\ fr11m l :O,.t:.. Meaa Park. 'lhtb and 1\n11hf'1 m. rd Al .. Rf:A I >l' SOLD l'hflnr J.,ltx·rty ~-1 7 ~1 Llbcrty 8·0021 lI I f I l ' Ot"t'IC t~R S T . .\ttl .t : 111i.;ht'11 d1nn.•r da1" i• 1.f !-l .irbor \'a•ht ('!ub :11 " :-:r·at"d t "~"!ht•r 11t Fr id~•• Vr 1d.•\ Ail).:lo ·rs 111 ~e'>'>'JI"' t 11 till hf t !:\Ill)-'. I·: [..d1\ MARINE NEWS PA G E 8 -PART 11 -NE W PORT HAR BOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY , MA RCH 9, i 9S6 TIDE TAB L ~ F ndH)' .\!11 1• fl ., ~11 1 .. 1 ·I~\ ~l11 n h !•I ~1 •t1 • I> I L ,\! '" tlu' ,\\nf ' II I• T,,,.,,.1,.1• ,\\1r' Ii \ ! l\···lll•'"!~\ \!,.r • h l I ·nio.,~·lnl !>1 .. r .. h 1_, 11111•· I lo.:11 11 " ''' ' ... , " •" ,. ' " r, I• I• 11 '" "' I ll IH )II ,)I H• I 1 " t"IKST , ... l.1.1. qlJAR1"EK \fl>i!'\ r.t><r 19 Mllr ','!\ '" " -... '" LA.ST (.,I I .\HTEK A l" 1 rlln•· ,,. ... "' l•i "!I\ 1' "' I~ lo " ,, .. ,, (" '!, I' :•\ '" "' " "' " . ., I' " I ~' 11 II •• I' (I • :-.'!:\\' MIH..t:"o' ·"'"" 12 II t. I" '" ". ' " "·, " "' ' ' "' "' READY FOR A GOLD CUP B•llinlt' ror Nl'WJJOf"t H11rbor Yll<'hl C:luh. hf'lAl f11r lhf' ~pnri~ Oolcl (."up Rr~;1tlfl , M11r,·h 17-)8. \\'Ill bl" Strwt E11r1~ht an<l hi ~ Rho•ll'll ~llM>I'. V.'!11·h . ~ho,,.·n 11.hr,.·r_ • E11trlP.11 1'lrr11dy n·CPl\t"I lnd~cA1r l11rl('c' t1lrnout f"r .•c ri~~. St11fr l 'hotn • WILLIA l>I !-\. l't:T E ll SO.'\'. I. A water ctrrt """''' •·Th" li ~ ..tiould nut b!' 11.,..,.,. tnl,.n\nl nr clel•)' in Jrv1•lo p1ni;: pear .. rul "'I" pllcatlon11 ,,, 11ton1 1r """'"J!.\' \h11n w• have bt-<"11 1n t'JlJJh)i\111,.: t h" tnllllary ll p1'hl'11tlnn11 " --~ MARINE INSURANCE Mntoot111 "'91n.r ~.,-..t·ortot1 RniJtr c ... tStl "" ('-.•I Hlc1ta .. ·a,\ l.ltlreft ,.. 1"'1 ~ SOUTH COAST CO. 2.1rd <Ir Ne"·port Bl\'d. ROAT ('t.l'\'t:Hs ftAl.ftc:)A CA'.\"\'A S SlfOP .... -101 114 : l l•t St ,.,...,,Oi l I E .. C .. GOLD CUP SERIES DUE IAT ·NHYC MARCH 17·18 Jeffrey, Chi ldren Smith Due Honors · het'•1 •l•;fl .. I too\• •!1 m.atrlrulanll . .t 1•,,.11. na •Hht' 1&9 1. ll• J uhn \\' tJJn111lt·•I. rh,.1rn1an ,.1 tl1r tl 1\'l~1un o f hun1anH1t'!!> •l thf' Cnl\'P ~ly uf C•llfu1·111• Ill I Hn ··ra~•I•· Y•ill ~ p r1n1 1pal $~k· .. r 111 th<' ,,.r,.111on1P.11 at 11 •-m . Ill B11d ~t'• l l•l\ o f !>!Ulll, I I The Gold C\1p S,.ri,.,Q °' o nl'· crl'wi '""I dl'•IJn ap~ chan1p1on11hlP-' have Harold \\' I been annou nct!o1 by N~·port tt11.r-en. rnr11t1-1 Pe1rcy 1 college by <..."rlinin00on l Cl.A.RE!>t o:--:i T" •• :-,: .. ,., Dana Cove lid Oka and •l•ff o f11.--port Ht.11rh !!>l U•!,.nl~ 111 l>1•n1u11• Y bOr Yat'h l C lub for ll'te Wffk-end -------------- 1 or March 11-18. Th~ 1ullow1ng \ clll.aae• hive bttn lJJted . Lehn1•n•. Snip..><. l .lthlnin)Cfl, Int. 14 '• K 38'11 !otereun r,;. Al· ~tro1u1 Lu(h•r11 16. Ll'hn111 n 12'11, Metc1tlf'•. 8t11ra. Kllode11. l', C 'a, Oct•n Rac1 11K" 11nd Tt11~tlt'11. I Six or rnote enlde11 mu1t Mo 11111tl~ In e11 r·h c'l1t1"11 1t1nd e nll'Jt'll n1u~t be rill'd \\'llh the t•Juh not l1t1l<"r than l l a ni. !>t&rl'h 17. ThrPI' rat·~• "'HJ l>t' 11.,1,1 for ~111'h 1~1 .,.,, 10nd the 11tart1n,i: gi1n fur the fltlll ('11111~ Wiii b .. I JI. n1. 111!'•" wu1 ti .. 1nrurn111I ,1,.nl'i11g Ill 111t' 1•h1b hull~<! fullu"'lllR Uonni!r 8atunh1y rugl1t 11n1l th .. p·,.,.,..n\a· lion ,h11noer \\"tll bl" h~hl Sund11 \', w llh fa1."1lit1,.>1 ""'I l''l\'llt'K .. " ~r u i .. ._Ju b •·.>.t~nJ ... 1 lu l•>llli!;.l>1n! .. , ' MARINERS WARNED PRACTICE BOMBING U .S. Cu1111t Cuilrcl announ1·· e11 two S1tn Clen1 .. nt11 1 .. 11111d .t rl"Bll c lmed lh111 "'t:(•k fnr jltactlce bornbing. Ca" t I 1· H.l'll:k ar .. a \\'111 be 1·lv1>i!•I ti Ml I y l111·u ul(h F1 1Jll)', 8 11 , rn. to n11dq1ght . Silltl••h1oy an<I 8uru.J11y cl11yl1t:hl h•«ll ·' Pyr11n11tl C'OVf' ... ·1!1 ~ <'lull<'<! !>turuh•)' .a p. 11 1 lu 10 p . rn Tue&d1t1y, 8 ;. 111 to HI p nl DEATH NOTICE \\'11.J..A ICIJ' O llCt \\'t:l.I. Colleg,. ll lP 11 inont' zn;, ltU.tt i<U' ti A ~TA AN A. ~OC:-IS1 -Coun• I • 1• ~•,pt'!•,....,,-~ T"t' .. tuy •Hll h~•rhs· lPnl11 \\'ho .,.-:Jl b" hOn"r"J 1<l "'' •'.•r '"n•ll.tur,. ••t up 1 •• SlOOO 11n11J1t1on11! }.!11t1 1,uli1l1v n \1,.,v •'IC l••r ,11•i1Jiii'f"'11 t Pa1H• J'o1n1 1·o v" t'n'I""'' /h'I<' !:;~1l111•U1,v, ~la1,1: jl) l" •l"l,.1·1·111nr foun d11t1v11 '""''""'"' IA •<!Ll 111~tl'~ul ••:.t~ 1,r,. !• • ll"' '""'"'~'"I •'1)\t' f1t•·1 1; ~:- 1 l"t j.:111•' • 1111" l..'1• HI F11lh•1l"!\ !.t \\'•ll111•ll :'II Jt•!fn·1 '"" ••! \11> " J ''!"''"'•\ 1" 1111\'t' ··•(1 .. , .. u 1 .. ,j,, l l'h ,\lh.!' r ••!l o"\ l l :.' ;-.:,,,,1,.,;u~ A\'.,., ll J•or11,., J!I 1•,,111 .. 11 ,1 ""'l, 11•· J111t111i: 1111'1 "llL \1·,•· w o rk •L '' •'i !HU\ J'I h" I "'' ):l'h •IU"l<" ''' ~1 hlllln'I ,._.ch•~ol L< " (JI!\''!~ 1t .. 1.,., .. " ,. ' "' I_{,, ,. 11 11•1 ~,' ~ ~;11,, ... ~ ~n,.1!" •1.•<•f:h1•'t '" l'IHl1p ~•nll h "'~"j' 1.,,,, " ~'''""'""'!' " ... ti• • Ht.'•\ ~ri. :1·,111· "' :" ,.,. I '"I \ I ~·r l '111 .. u l li~H ;:;, t , .. .,] H,.f,,r .. • ~' 11•!.-lot ' ,.,, b.· <•Ill ,.,. ti!) t1<nlt1• •ll;ol••I ., J•,,,, ....... \'•.J II•,.:" h·· Udl•f h .. , •• ~.I( ·-1 ... ( 111 '"'"1''•·:···1 " " " '' ·I• ·" '" '" , .. u .. ~ .. '" "!•" Ji ,,,. ,,,,, •!•·lh ,[ t .t1" I ~ ..... 1 ' JI :l.•'U ·1111· "'. I "" -lll<'l '"'t"ll' "' .,q. ,, " ·'' ...... BE SURE -INSURE "Uh ~l.\l "J(l('t: io.T.\X l.t.\' I u,.,u r161U 'I' Onl.\' l'kulll) llwrbur :!~i I j~J \ t:. c·., .... 1 llla;hll II.)' I u roruo .. , '.\tar \\ .\·r1:1t Jlt.:ATt'.R."i ~.<l l i ~(.~ICE .oftd l l,All i \\'1llard Taylur Oh""'"ll 80 .,1 H• "' Tl"'"' "" "'I '" ....... Joe ,.r(/:;,6Jo fc/ : d·--1 .. . ' .......... ~ ~ .... :1 '" , ....... Spieler Can But Not Too Yak ~ 29th St _ t11,.t1 M,1u 1·h 7 HI I '" JOI ~ :-.;,., lh H1u11.<l\\'H)', ~"Illa A111< I•·· ' '" " " th·· ol h·..,··' " rc~ ... s " "' Cl NI DOW>! pret01dcnt .. '-.l rH. ( ;t·rl rude &yn\uur, sec ret a ry ~ 1.nb~ J,:tftlil l'un1rn1tlt't' 1:h.1:1.1rn1a11, 1>;t;i nding !\.Ir's l "a!I p r ng rarn c hairman ~ T f'rry Bort.'> l 'hnt1• !\.!rs. ){ay Friday Anglers Hold Dinner Dance at Newport Yacht Club Lo d ! Hflrl' 11 li1u•f 11111""·' llo: ""' l)•>lh .\I U in U.1tn111 nJ, 1\\.. a n 1 , ,.,,.,. t .. lh111 ,•1 ty fl ••lll !".1\'lf'l l!lllh r.1 u 1•, A tP.qll .. >t ~"hrnltt ... 1 1.. 1 h,. yra r~ 11.g•• n .. ""~ '"llT• d u1v11•' ('o~l ll. ,\l t"~a L'I!}' CuUto• 11 b)' 1;,.n·M 1u f tlh• Cllou"''l l l''"-'J lok!.ll IH'I•' I T <'lf'v1111<>n :-;o;rv1t •·. J ·~}6 .-..: e"'Jl"f 1 H e lll ~ur' ,,.,.,, ti' ,. ''"'' li"IJ,,. 1 lilvd . t '1n1l11 r.l ••J>fl, 1\! .. nd11 y '"' .,( L'>nt u •. ,., t1. " •l.o1i ~hl•'I', 1\lo Ul•"l 8\e Ii r11.,b1J .. I' A .~v-tt·1n 1 J'"Mll~ !J1ll<'Slll~ o r :-;11t1 .01•I ,,,., Ill \h•• •I!\ 11,.\"•"<'ll ,\11'")' j Hrl•f lh t~i! ;;1ko .. 1<!1d,1!•11 "II I""' April l \ '!" •ll.•.•,·11<Jlllll•• """·/•H r· ;;r• K{·~"'"'" lnl I"'" lo~I l"'lol1,11J l/tl•""·"'"'I• """ :-;,.J'\1,., "•I! 1, .. h"ll s .. ~10 1 1" /,;ll"Jl (),~ !J],.,,l>!I'>' l'I 'I I \ l ~'h•·I ~ !tl ~ 11'1' 11 • ~• \>llU (•<-,·1·1.,,.• ·1 h~ 1nul11l1• 1.r,.1 ,q 11•" • 1·~•-"' " ··1 •.• , .. 1 '""' ' ' '• '"' .-:1H1 I·•~" \1• I d • i• ~ " I!/ .. , •• , ,, •I brl •'t ,, p !• ""'.k !11·.· s1 ,,•ri..•·•·n " ·" h" t•,11 I <'f"' '"'' ... ,, .... " < K ii•~ •I I ( '"" dflh (,( I ;.! j "'It , I ,,.. I "' " .• , " II ••' !t\Kn l(Ml rr .. ·rubt·r.• R11•l "~'" 1 ~nll•1 .. ·~'' ~··· ~!ok•·1" 1' '' "' " " '"'' ' !!"" II "'1 ' l'hO"P 11 .... ~. 5llU L•"'" " 11 ~· ' ' ' FINNEY OPENS SATURDAY, MARCH lOTH ISl{t-:.\hl " . .\."'I' -:--11111:·r c 11~1 11-:us ... \_, ll\"1 14 11 1 ..... '" ' ' """ \ ""' ... ' 11 ·, .. 1\l •·Oll q ..... '. ' I'"""'' '" " ..... "" -.,, 1 ... r ' u 1: ·"· .... ·'" ' "' '\.'I l"'rl '' ' ' ..... 111 ,,1, "' ..... ... " !h " ~·, "I J~ ~ . .th.····! '111111''1 An.~ 1 .. , ~ , S.t111 t .\1 1 .~ !('""I' 1 ·,, "'" I• ·1 ·•·• I \ ,.4 , J 111 t ... 1 :,; .. , 1 l.t• I' 111• ol • I ~ • I 1; 11"'( • ) ., 11"' "' ! ,, I • ·' lr· I " •!lo " l'r"r ""1"11 "' , ... l'h l 11 .. , • l \, '"'- k llf' I 1'"110 I '••I "JlHol•• ")ll+" 11 I !Iii.: I All\ hll<l Hlhol/1•·/ ;;< ·Ufl ti"" 11 IP•lll LJ.>,. ""Ol' I•~ ,,.,11 ... "'' t fl•' ' 1111, ' ... ,,.1.. >''' 1' ~ 1 .. 1,,11;; I•''"· I~ Hll \Ii• i, .. 11d ~·I\!' I:· I\ hn I""'• lul;; ,,,.,1, r ,, ' .. ,11 .. .i \ ,\,. ~ !llll•P '"'""'! ;-; .. ng11 SUll"I·•· ll lll\•"•rl···•11r11[, .. r lJ,• P\ ··n •n~ Ill• 1 .. ,1 .. I ""''' 1 ll M l •I "'"~ !11t' J, Jin tf,,,lkH t'><••i;,I·, fll~1 \\•'Oldlllj,[ 11111«\•'1•<111 ....... 111 "' l'l'\1111"·' ll••l•l••ll• lt1 1ll'l l~1 1'1 ll••.• "' , o <.' "11 1 I• I• •I '"llH· :<.: NOW IN 3 PRICE RANGES_ THE BIG M 7lha2ton • t•~ I ·' \ "' ,,,,, ~""•I• HI''"' 1,,, Hll•! ~""'''"' I YACHTING SEASON SET NHYC _ Regattas Scheduled I During Next Few Weeks flH HJ;:• ~I .. •••Ally ~·ll lnJ: l!tl•1"r ""' rnr thP •Pr1111 •e••on at ;:>;~w- 1•111 llAfboot Y11,hl !'lull \\'Ith ff\"- 111..: "'' k• 11 n•I 1,1 •• 1111r•1n11n1 -.11•·· II"" Ill jU"ll;'''"' Ci" F"h 26 th" Alhll lf•l"-• ('I""" ,.,..i .. ,1 llw ror,.t 1"" .. 1 fl\~ '"'"" '"' th" Jn.'ll•·•· Allo11 111,,.~ l'•·tT"'lllHI !Th,. f•n11l lhr•'" ,,,,,., 1111 1 hf' ""'l"d !-.111plot y \<l1h lh" l1••i>l1 y f'!'>'S•'!ll H- !i•on f.,l\<J\\'11\~ lll•' , (,d1''i11Sl'/!l or j lh .. Ill'!"'" ,'\Cl\\' I S Lt:A IJ l .~cJ·n~ ul thp prr.~~n! 11111,. 11r~ Keith L!llHpk1n "' VYl', e h u •\('.'l H .-.1'lo>1 or UYL" l<ll<I R nbo>o I l!<'i;t"11 I of Ll\'l', All "'!thin OllP l"'Llll nr Pll l'h ,,c hPr l>ul , "'•lll 1 hn~e r11r"~ Tu I(•• l!Jld Tho> blll"l1 ~•· nf lh" rtr,:l\t I Dunigan !Gunnery at Fleet School SA .... 01~:un. 1FllT:"C)-r-;a ... y E n11. G~orKe IJ IJun•J:•n J r , 11on of Ai r·. 11ntl r.1 r.•. G P. [)unlg1U1 or 2H! E Bfly A•·,., N'""'pnrt 8 t'Hl'h, report~ tn 111.. l'IPf'l Gunnery S<'h"t>l 11t S11n fJ1»1(n l'Pb 20 H ,. I~ Kl\Pn•111ll( 1·nur11r,. 1n the cnnlrnl ,,r Anti -A11·c-r11L ft Gur> BAtt .. l'IPll nf ll H:ot1\1 11ry type 111111·~ and lhf' lKIP~t u•Pthod11 of 1111•11~ bun1b11 nln1,.1\! rn1· u ppruld nf fnur werk.~ 11w! \\'il l i.:r"•lnfll e A\l\rr h "· Brrrorp. PnL•·rl11Jt: 111r r-;11,·y •n 1.,,11t r1 .. "1 '"'' t• .... l"r t1 .. h111<I, 11 • atill "'"'t~~h· • trnJ•hv l"I' 1!1'6. I A la., "n Sllll<l~~ !I\" """r "' ll\f I 1. .. h"'"" .1u11;h1· ri. ... 1 "111 ',,,,,,,1 .. 1r !'1,.•r :••• "" ,. • ''"!"•r11'"" !Hr !he Hah ~ .\!,.,, '' l '~q ... 111111 n ,,. IA 11 n111n .. 1u trh'd "'ll .. n .\ho to 'h 4 "·Hh lT t'lll!"'" ~111lu•K th•· !II'"\ twu rll''"' '><'•th s .. 1111 ('n·••rp '" NH''<.: t••J•l""I( !h,. r<>.,l•'r ""'" 1•'11\I ~h r111t l ''' Jun LuH!<•t111ttn "' 11v1 · Thiro· 1 !'"Ill!~ h··tnn•I J 1111 .,, J 'o>lo· c: .. 11> or :"l(Y1· f',,111111,11. 11p (11.•1 "r" lJollK 1 \V<w~! 11nd ·r .... , Sk .. h1J I "' :"HY•" . .l11nrnv ;-.: .. "'fj<•J,! •.•f H\'L" IHl'I H«r· l••JI 11'.,·k •ir l'.'ll Y•' "" 1hllll(ll ~h,.ulol h·· '1""'nn),ll1\ ,.,.,.,\H\~ Sun- <J ~y 111\,.rnoHn 1001.11 l 'l .I' s t :H.lt:s 011 lhf' 11"PL• ,,r lh""" 1\\•I .. ,·~n(" I,. 111r P••f•Ul11 r u>'·11 1111,,nHI :-;pr•nJ.: (;nl<I r·11p ··"""·" .. n ,\111 1<h 1;.111, 1 th,. J1111 •J-f,.tJl:!ll ~11\'C -!.AY (' •h .. J11•nJ1:•' Ill••' "Ith >I 1' HIO!llll· p>1ny1n,i: huf~<)lorwry ,.,u J b,or-11<'<1 I 1n,.11lt.« \\'•II 11.k" pl11•·•· ••n :-;,.1ur- <lll~'. 1>!11 1• 11 21 1 .. 11""""' n11 Sur11l11y M11 rrh 2:1 hy t h.-r 11r1ti11K r)lpo- 11111on o r \<Jp·flo ~h L sAll•n11: kn""'" H.~ lhe S•r Th.,n1 a11 J_.i pton l'Pt • ~ru11I Tr·•ph ) nu·.- E ntn"·' fnr lh•.' ,,.,.111 "''"' 1n· r lu•1r 1h.-drfr n <k •. \\'.,ltrr Fr"nz· 1 An•l>ll" ,,f Nl-1,·1·, K rn \''""""' Aqa l1" .. 1 l"B\C, Gnrti .;.,uhl ~I Balh·nna or SfJYC: th" F'("(' Lurk "! UY•· . .J1t dPtl 11y 1:1111 [..;q , .. ·nrtr• 1 .111.i i-(,,,,,i,, H1{,,,.._~ .. n Jr·~. l ~•n1 ,,r 1.,1 \'!_'. Harold I. Johnson Jun,., 1!1~.~. l-~n.• DunlJ,:11 11 ~rMtlun t <"d fr.,11 1 !ht' 1Jn1'>'Pr~l1y uf ;-.:,..,..1 MPlli<·" ,,.·1111 " na.·helur u r Sc i,.n,·.- rll'l(r!'r In '-~"II F.111tll"'"ri"K 11ml l .... 11~ PlllplO,\'P•! hy t h" .. "'tin 7..0nP 8oAI Coonp•n\' In B1lft<>A. l'ro11PUar HPpalr• t:olurnhlan and t •e.irral Ajl:Pnf'y Phon.i ltarbor 6'!0 tlllt \'Illa "'ay, S e,,.·Jl'(lrt Reach ' MARCH BRAKE SPECIAL •1795 Bonded Linin9 t 'nrd, f'hp\·rolr l or l'l,\'mnulh Newport Auto Works Auto Rrpairin11,; '-ToM·io11;--0ffkial Autn {'luh f:araJ!f' l>a)' J•hnnr : l.J 8li1'81 l"ht:hl rhonr : llnr. :-11 :i4i ('O!>lla M.-sa '"'"' BErr,,, ELECTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e STAFFORD & SON F.Mctrkt&I 1111 Ri\·~"'id" A'·"· f'ontnwl-0 ,.,_ · l .llM"rt ~ ) K-1311 design 4-door hardtops. advanced Montclair, Newest, most Available in or Custom series. fMI NfW MONTQA11 ANO MONTllfY PMAfTON~-N" •·••nl••r pill.1rM • .,r , . .,.,r~" I\\/( lllllr" import.ant, oo vit'\\'·L'r an1111ni: cur\'••"f tlw t»•ul ,,.,1,. lh\• wh._,J,. "'d•· "''rid to ll''t'. Now there's a Phaeton Lo fi t a lmost a ny new car budget And ' whichever model you choose, you get the ad vantages of greater· visibility for a ll passengers -plus easier entrance a nd exit, a nd exclusive styling touches which distinguish the Ph1'1et.ons from all other 4-door h ardtops. We invite you Lo see America's most beautiful fleet of 4-door ·ha rdtops at ow· showroom today. Newest reasons why the big move IS lo ' THE BIG MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN -MERCURY 900 W . Coast Hwy. Newport B~ch Liberty 8-5545 • l I 1 '