HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-21 - Newport Harbor News Press• ' > • ,, I -. .. ~ .. • • • . ' • s Bergh or ~be l'lann_lng _ Commtatcm, and Al Koch, County Road Con:uniuioner. The pla.n wu presented to the Corona del Mar J.lereha.nta Oiviaion of the Chamber of Commerce thil morning. • • • ' , • l ! ' . • -r. . I ·' . . . . . ' ' • -- BIRTHDAY. KISS' i:ioR AL FORGIT ........ ~ ...... --...... ·-Al. -u UM pati'1 ,.,...,..,.. ftnn. .wf aided. 1Um ta _..mubr ·: Jl1I "r0.da7· 'holll ... _,..,, tlap&.neata U.. tit.ore ..u. ....,. the Ull&I "H...,,. lllrtMQ'' .,...U,..-On ct.k1. -lt&fr PMto 8>R ADULT -. - ...... ,. ... •....•.• ....,. ......... WTD·t••I . ltc'"· ... ltNIJ Dttl: .:; ·' • . , .... ' \ HA~.DIU.S UOl & C....117. O.-.dol Illar .. \ .. • SNCIAI.$ FOR · TH0RsDAY, FRIDAY,. SATURDAY MARCH 22·23·24 w .. .-.,,.. .... to Juffle yoor' -· lpudcei wllb 0lM ~ Ntof~ •.. pt e''el')-thlac yott aeed for Ibo Day lllld the -··· .. t,_ that •pell S-A.·V· l.?f.O,Saplln~ ' ' I • • ' .. .,. • .,., .. 11.o.w .... CHOOOLATE Lcirp SeleotiOll Flied ... .., Mlkm SITTING RAlllT ............. . 73c . WHITMAN'S SAMPLll 1-lb.-$2.00 .. -1-2-lb.-$4.00 Dl:lJCIOl.18 CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATI l'W..A·WAYS ~t."Niis .................. · 1 - 0 · SC w~::.:-!: COYUED MAllSHMALLoW EGGS l."°E"""N EGGS --· ·· · · 4nc: COCONUT EGG I .doz. in crate -39c Cll~M EGGS . k ,..:..::::;:.:...;~-::..=;;;::;;;.::· =.,,;:...1 _.._!.._.....,... •• "'--.J'• ;,,,· =..---=:::::::;;::::::::::;:::::::::'..~:__ ______ _ rrut.t-re>Ys =:;:::-==-.. 1 '' ' ' ...... ... ...._ 0 1•11•-rekr Oo1Mata61 K__. 7• ~11R .IASKIT·.,........_ _____ ..... 1- ~............. . '>Ge SAND PAIL........,_,.,,. . ., ... l.1- PAYLESS llOll IVDYDAY NDDS TY TR.A vs -~---__ 159 ............ .-olon. ·1 ' 149 SIAT CUSHIONS..,.... ........... _ ... : . -. ·4 ')Ck ·TOILIT TISSUI ._ ........ :... -tlT'{; --. De: ·YOGUI D111RGENT _ ..... -~ 41- WAX , ......... ...:. _____________ 1ec I Oftly ·~- all ...... ...._• ........ ,.ao.-,.... .... ~ .. .y l.drloot" '°' U/• ....... ,..,,. .... v a..a, 11ok• V Yot11 ~ ., ,. 110.00 ~-­~- Dectric Shaver '''·" ....... ., ... ~ ··-"'·"" ,., ONLY •1245 . SiLKScARFs.::: __ ~_ nc ........... .-iw,.wi ...... "':'"''"' 21s . 3''· TOILET WATEt.~.-, ___ . . • l ' . °""" N-DllY 'a'9lf Q,m.UllU ... so SKIM FRESM~NER .. M·--... 1 . . . ... &,..a N IJilNIW. arae 1w1it • ........,, ,,...., _. CIRO.PERFUMES K . • ... VINCINTS -ICE ·CREAM ~.. rrr f ,J ' I ' Complete Line of Liquon & Wines -- . 5c· c •••.. 10.C He . d Packecl ~ts » q.:W11 Ste . •. •• 9111• Ym ·-.... r SHADY GROVE 11.1111> ·nna __ , T' Ken tack' Host ... k•ntucky -· IRU.I 01.0 100 noor nrrll '1" " • Silver , . '' watci. Repufs -s1.so · Gin U7 ........ watel ····d,--~ ~ -·-tiplltls, or -· •' .wt .... Iii ~ ri r1 ---" .... M. u · 1'lll'k ,.,. , I 1 , .. ,. _, ......... ' --" (" . • _.;.. --v l • 'I ••• . . • .- • • ' ------.. -.. • • • • .. Fl6H1' ~&AINSf 'ohtH' ' . . . · · ... -......... -.. , .,,_........ Ore1•e ·.l11.1w11.!·•~.,~11e• ~1c+ •.• , ... a..a ......... Jt.· • ~ ~·" r I ft r , ::.:.. "':': = '; ::::: ~ere oa ~no;liftit -D&!fls . "9lni h •n I~ I ;, . _. • -fte11Uw ....... .,1.W;-...a.wto11p•ail1flfltbe A. J*1:r: .r...u.,........... rwu4 ~~ ....... ,... s I~ Ill a au.-,.rt ·~ ••all:•••• oL . boy•lroaa~'?f~~ ... ~ bT lln. C. ll. w-. ..... t .,., ..6-ft ""'""7 f ~-q?' I hi t.p• lf~·· Beach polloll aate ........ ~ID.ii x-. A..,.,, ......... t~'*;:!U.:-"*:·-:'· Ml., .... ~,, ~.:=:.tb~=:t-: .;..~:-·..:rtt!:: I lM Kutlof ....... '' ift Ocalt& )( ... poise. mid. ' . o4r::19!:1'11!,.,~.i · ... -.~~~fer -..=~ , r..-..a ......... 1~: Sis , ... JI>--_ ... -• -. L m:u ·~~J~'. Ult.' 1err . :;':'..::~":=~-== l1rd11 N1•l11tsd ' I' ~ftfo pOUCi. • ' : . ~WUl&nt~ lllt!!I!~ !"' ~-.. I !: • Not~ ll9'~ kt " ~~~-.Orn :.,.. ::: J:.:~:-;.::.- ftio' ...,_"& .... 1a ~...... -...... .... ....,. 0( ~ I In Corooi Na'ftl ~U,t.1 °\o ~ ~lut.4111 u t.reMW'U ..,_ ,.-&~ CtiiMa.. .... ...... · . .Adlard ~ 2!4-Lt-:i'~ Mra.' r.ddk ol. tM OfPllfallon· to nu an \UI• ..... aM I~• ,_. a~ ....... JI. DIM' Md .uotd • nOttapo ft. .,.oo,.ona. drd aplr:-4 term of ADdy 'Y(aDl~r , = ~!·~ ~.:=~~ IJIMti.. _.1: M•r.. wbf> --~-rflllped. · , O;lllc.-'tloli • ~·i.. tJtoe ~who re-,.. u....r ""°*-f ~ • L& '1Habrtr. wu 1.&n&ble ""'I\)' ............................... - .. TELL OP TllfE -The birthday ~f 81--•-old 1f1010ioi,,_ A. mn;y, ,.. .,_. ~ ...... ·-·....,. cfUEy .,.... ,,~ , • W Oilta X... and llil .wt.er, tirat.4 wttb ai;.. ~ calle twin.81 Frei A. Heney,_C:O.b Meaa. (rig t center), and Evana,•)'!orwalk.; bi:oQ!er.•P:t .. E. .Heney • ....J:L-fM?nte-~ ... ' ~ ~tff'.W4 of\-i.octt ~-~.n. ctrtnk "'"9bmenla. · Mn. Walter Whitefield, Long Beach (left center), sister Mr\. Ad.lard E. Buctn&n,' Long ae.cfii -. .a · -... mw. WNWWO Ml•• 4'-USh· was obaerved Sun"'··· In Hereey's home .. Helping the Freel'• wife, Grace. -·staff Photo -• ;;i-. J"l!M"Ud ·lia ~ ..,.. bot1l tie but"~~ tDP' h•r .._, • . -la .Kl.npton.-e.tt.rto, CUlada. la wtQt. two ~uir.. two srand· -------------~---'--------'-'---"'""---------'-------~-I.Im but •CUM ~to Loe An.J..-~ ~ thfW"'• .... t•ST&nd• Assessor Mal'ls In 1183. 'l'JI> Coot& ><-man d>lld'''" -and hi• wile, GNCe, b&ve UvM / . In the R.,.._ dl>trict "" lh• T. D d d La d V t St t . ts ""'' _., ,...... ax-ee-1--n e a emen Th• &dual ......... w•• lut • Thuraday but moat ot ~ ··n "'--..;..... County SANTA AKA (OCN8)-Hu1h al.llera and brother. coukin'l (et VIWl"19' J. Plumb, county uee•10r, todeY out to Cc»ta lbaa unUI Su.nday D-M--Ledly W'(ed Orante County vete,.n• to attemooo, .. • -r• ..a tau.. . iplltruc:Uont tn their u · N0Un1 the twtnar birthday •-MARCH SPECIAL ·-• ftl,I YOUR BATH , .only 3600 Large Color Seledion ' 9MpUoa fomu!I. SAat.AJ'ENTO fCNS) -Tax Plwnb reft!T'red apecitlcally 1.o p obaatl H ...J dHcMd I.and ln Oran1•' -count)' .t.ateou:Dla &DIL..~\J melled r ~ -laraMJ held b7 U.. Ill.ale t.ot.aled 11 ae- to P=~:~ .~. o!';:e~galn re-. April J~ fQ;. C iHil rM-UcnO'f~ u of( ~an. 1. quel'tini' you t0 com»kite th• BANTA ANA ~OCNllJ-Prot>a· StJ,te 0.trolkef Aobe.~ 0. Kirk· fffrm and ma.I.I it to our otthJa Uoa bearl.nt ud p~mt wood ·•mnsncelll '°4ay. Immediately to enable µs to pro-of Jud&'•meat ftrr David t.. Con-ftiS ~..,wrui 7l4 acrn ttae your clalm befoN the lqal nell. 40, ot 475 JN Ave., New-~ 1t11'..i. Cft iJM M1M' date de&dHDe. We wlah to c4.ll your port BM.ch, who pleaded (Ullly .. "~ Ip. Kir~ u&d, • Alaminum Wall Tile'-~- 3-1''-0ver Tub -(-3 Wall•) Completely Installed -48." Over, Tub, Installed $-40.00 Dec;orates ; .. : "-cts -W-.iroofs AU Wark ud lllaterlalo O-teod FHA·TEllll8 at.tenUon to I.he l•Uer ot ln.ttruc· lo poaauaion codeine, will be -· 'r'.--,i ... ~ , .. _ .. Uon. ln regard to the cOmple.Uon held In Superior Court Dept. 2 .-&-~ -'! to- ot the form .. lnaamuch aa t•llure April 3. laled --' ac-. • decre.-e to corriply may ,..Wt Jn dlNJ-Th• defendant, In C'Ut.Ody, of-'9 "" .,.t. ~IOI.IN ki*'8, lowance ot lhe clalln. pleaded fU.IJ,.l)' bdon. Jud&'e Ken• a al& )IJU'OeDt dft,,ue., ''If there are eny veteran. who netb .E. Monia.DD . )&Ill WM.It. 1be . Kiflnioocl jud "' .,.,.__ nlld claim• for ue.mpUon i.n OT· public defender aa14 ·~~ hu ..,...,.. 0ue''.to Mate ettorU. ,,; et Coastline ::. • -r-~ Floor 0over1a,, Inc. -·1 " ange County IA 195~ who h•n written a letter t or admi.ton ln-r-I not:-received • ton!i tn thfl m•ll to a n . Worth Hoepital 'OonneU td. .. de~uaat and tax -deeded Ml C..ter Sift.et Coola ii..., Colli. . Libert,, S.Z286 br--thl.a date. they are •skt-d tu .,.... •rreal.ed Fe.b. 10. property to. IOC&l tas rolls. NOTHING LIKE A DAifE -One of the musical numben in "springtime on BroadWay" to be premeated_in the On.nge Coast College Auditorium, ~y al 8 :15 p. m. will be the Rodgera and lJammerstein number ·f rom South Pacific. The spow will be open to th~ public wit.bout charge. Left to right, atanding, &re: Mike Dri~kel, Dick Camp~l~ Vic.ki ... Jooea. Mary Granger and Joe Kemper. ~eeling, Jerry Wise. -Photo by Eugene 'l)tler. notify our office. We w~ll eee th•t • torm I• m•lled to the.m." Because Of' the.e •t&temenll wh1c.h hi• office bu malled t:o vete.r&rn1 for them to ftll oot •nd return, Plumb does not. think It will be neceatlloQ' tor hlrn to poet a d•puty In Newport H•rbor thl1 yea.r to help wt.erana wtth tbe(r uenipUoN. S~le.ctions From Broadway to · Enliven College Musical McGrath -<Given ·' <;,u."!Y .... Jl~iJes .. , $5752 as Sii~ 1-14 Year Term Jrailer Funds on Bad Checks . ""~· -cCN•1 - A rotpoun1 of mualca.1 comedy Been In Love &!ore," J oan Tonne · sta.te Controiler Robert c, Kirk· SANTA ANA IOCNS) -A woOd today reported UaJ, Ora.n1e rt!l.H.'ll<'"ll will 'nllltn "Spring-and Bob Sla"at.e; "Luck Be A 3~-ye11.r-old Nrwport Be•ch man county rec,lved $0,71)2 .... Ill , Lady," Bord en Gr&nger; •nd nd •--I lAlt un BroallwKy. the mualeal ·~ake Back Your Mink;' Ann who 1urre ered to ........, A.r11e el share or the f!r1t aeml-annual 1chel.lull'd ror ()r11.ni:c C"o11 ~t Col-Mor""""· Ja.nice Hender!Kln, Dl•ne aulhorltle• WU eent.enced to the apportionment o( trailer coacb: •-· Chino l.rulUtuUon tor Mm on • llcer13e fee•. };?>gll u~ ~la rC'h 28 ... t 1·1·, p. m. Moos:e and s ue Ahdl'UI. ~ ' _, b C"l"•ful KJ--•t .1, '"• _,,_, fo rged check chfllrgOO yesterdayt The dl•trlbutlon Cove?'• th• per-1 ne n1u111C'al 11hu\V, pro,.!UCoou Y "v _,, "'' ..,,...,.. 1-l•rold Ted McGralh or 814 W. tod from Sept. 9 through Nov. lhe Fine e n<I Appll~d Art• DI· of numbers •uch U "Rhymf!ll Ocean Front pluded i u 11 t y. 30, Kirkwood 11.ald, 11!nce the l•w •l•ion of t he cd!!et;e. will be open Have l," with Barbara Jaekaon JudJ• Kenn•lh E . ?.lorrl.110n or· under which It wa., made w ... to the public without charre. A and Gle.rut Grove.11: "BaubltW, dered blm to the penitentiary for pused by the tlM Jc(lllature. : medley of the rtl•olc 11nd the p&nrle•, and Beads.." Baba J ack· the tenn prucrlbed by Law (l to The apportionment to all coun· eerlow will make' up the pro-llClll and tb6 a capella choir; 14 yeara). ties of the state totaled SllM!.271. ·sram. aceordlng te Jame• Fits-•·Falt." a eolo by B&bll Jaek..ton The judfl!! uked Chino be In-KlrkwOOd .11ald the 11_. la"· a·erald, music tn~tructor. with dancer M11.ri lyn Kenney; •nd formed of McGrath'• request for provide• th•l the C'OWlty •udltor ~ ftod(er!I and Hammer· 'Stran1•r In Paradise," a duet medical eaam.inauon on hi• al-mwt d'11trlb\lta the •mount • 1tein'• SouUa Pacific, t he ~g by Ken St.toud a.nd Babe Jack90I\ lqed akull dl!!tbrmlly. equally among the county, the ~ h it "Tl1f!t'e'• Ngthln' Like -A with the a capel.la choir. Tha public defender'• offl« etty ln cue• 1n which thf! trailer Dame" wttt-be anc by the· Men'• ou.e:r puU ot tbe lhow .. wtn had 'uked for a del&y ln .llf!ll• addreM ill In the cit )',' •nd achoo! Olee Club. A ba.cU.00.. aolo. "Thia include a modtnl ..,dance, • lffnl! t.enclft« w.Ul tiMlor• could study 4'9trlcta. Nearly w .... Mine," wtn ff!9.luN! ti'bfn u.. opera. .. IABollelne," and th• defendanL Judce Morrteori " • -•~ l.ee Kratt. Ruthi• V. Huffman acred Ea•ter mu.Ile. aplalned Cb1no haa the racllitiea ,.,,u do 11 M>prano M>lo. "Im In Tl'IOM re•ponalble for the lhow fOl' .uch procedur_.. \ ~~" With · A Wcmdert'ul Ouy.r• are June. Fttt;cer(Jd. Hcrwanl 11.cGratb. accordlnc to the ,... ,...,.. Grancar will aiq "Ball X.y ud l:wlt.ace Rojaa. mU11lc; ont. w..• &'f&du&ted from high l Hal.""' Cynthia 8trotlwr aad 'utl .Rowan! c_-pp, .rt and clfflp; .chool ln Ufoa¥m)"orth ~ Woiften'a OIH CIUb wtD t..m. dp 1.-lan ·ltett. druna.; Benriy Kan. tor "lm Oonna WaM Th•t M&n C:ampl)ell. danlDt!; and· Dr. Junea TM probation -..hoW-ed efl"'l - JUpt OUta My H•tr." . ThOrnton, ceneral coonl!n&t.or. bad c h ei: k • tot.a.ling 1111.10 Taken ftUn Ouya and Doll• will ..-a1n.tt the defendant. They !9fl'- •. be -''If I Wen A Bell" by Ed -rm-,u. ftllat bl. Commercial ed from 13.TO \o '30 aqd were Warne and Ruthie Huffman wtth PrlnUDC OllJ. Harbor 1116. Job wr1Uea In Banta Ana. ,H.91trwrt thi a ,capeU. ~11; ::1·n . Netet PitnUilr ~L st.ch and 004& Men.. /• · ~' _iO:ail;.mi.::i .. r.a.;a..a.,~ ... ~ . ' .. Perfect for your SunClay dinner ~, -. . -.-RIB . ·1,QAJT. If ANDING r CUT·-"l;tftVE RIBS -.... .t .·• I"" . USDA a.oice beet, ~. ~ -~ t aged, uUmiioJ wf0<1 wiip-. ··-6 3 " i•gtoroutaadmrveper· Ilk ( fectly-Now, cJf a low, . fow prldf p • , _ • • ... .. 35' Ground Beef Franks _.., Claolilr-3nc All -i dal)clSoll.... •. 7 Ba< on -aeet liver -· ...... ~ 2.89' !Jwift's Premi~•or ~hBIAcll H-lt ~35' Sliced BACON 11&~~:43: . . PUCllS slkes or balm Toilet P11* I QOO.lheet coll ·DEL MORIE SCOT TISSUE HEINZ KETCHUP t!~ 1~·1t CAMPBELLi:~· 2 10~~:i29' VA" CAMP · o:'ca~~2~1Q 3Q.oz. ·17" · can " ~GO~~!'WE illlAMOOK Er HOT c:::..s ~!: a· A.,NQUn.-..PIES e:: Ftr••-••• m;, I Beet • ··~49' .~w. .. . :· • '.I ~..:. 2.1.ayer Pl_.. CAKI ••••••• ~.: .Jf'-. ' . &..:........-.. • w-· i . lel·Alr1,....,,_,,. ~--..... ,..., • r,.,,.;""' 'f1'4liJ7"' •• """ Cfltd a.: ... -.) 41t .. • • ...... ny ,,; "'"""'----~· · · · 1r-., ........ ..., ' ·~~~~,~~~~ OOJW:SA dEL MA.a G RA·p E FR~ u IT SIClll Pudies ........... ,. · -· llif•en1es .... _nc • . . ' • ' . I : Straw•.m. .. , ... ,...234 ~·my't ..... 111 .. llb 8 ..L "2 9 Cid .• •.n lte-19' trsllll,.tal .. _torfill-. ..... _ C · c--rro.c...._, ... _._,..,,. ,lnltt 1111 .. Woo .. ...., "4ecl ii "---.----- """ &Jar ... "°" ' . . . -. . ' -, ::::~~-! ~~ 5.$~ Dr·icEt R-'°'1--"'•tES .. """'i•• _;:,z\\•-..tfte~-...... -.,. _W ·\IY Uft .. qv1ti~ _ 11o11i.7:_.. _ 0t,_811,,¥..,_ YEllOW ONIOtus. · :~.~~... 4' Oillceiic.t. :::::: ~ nc '" --~ lb. ' s .. tttl -· .. ,. .. 15' , 'WINESAP APPLES =::.=. lb. ·1oc 1:15~---fu;:....U:29' ; . ' ............ ~IJ~26!· . TH&.Y SET UP.·· HEUPOJ MACHINES AJeunder Edgv, millwright. ,with hammer, -oome work beside a N~ 2 . --p.-.m pil>del undw the w atchflll eye of Plant Engineer W. A. ==--;.w-iyi .Sobaugh In the ~ _,, at Hellpot Corp.'a \emporary headquarlent at 1&41 Placentia Avo. Satu<day. -SU.If l'liot~--· - HS 0.-.. Bwt- AC01LD'8 LAGUNA. l&AOll IUB~y BALBOA ISLA.111-0 1'1·--Aw~ ~TBEACR ~· ... no_eout e...,, .._~~~.;.....;.~~~~1>11" , ,. '\' ? •I .. ~, ' -.. _ • 'I ' • • ' I ' ·- • • ·1 • 1- &re • .!!~ B.· w-., -ya· aod. _.., aod pn, era! party chalmwl~ Mr. West, A. J. Camm•U. ahd Mn. CammacJr, ereaident of the Cath0Uc Women'1 Council of Mt!. Carmel petl•b. -Stat! Photo -~. ' , ' • • .J F.OR CI'r¥-CHILDREN . . . : _,. <CP, N &a¥~ lUter hat but Of i • .;,fl!' more tmportoo>,co to the ChlJdrea; wl1l be hw,n )IJ11ie a ..... Marcia' 31 to be fo11114 by qUlcl"cyo<\· I .,....,.;,_.."'_ .... ..; ,..,, ,...._............. . . . . . : Al-1lle Port Tt-tre h. cOrona dot IUr 'two dooOiijt.d -.wfl! be odmluloo at 9 :80 a. Ill. Jo a '~ opooaored bf.«NeWpoit Beoeh OptlmJot Cub. • >. Dldt llllllard an4 Illa ·fellow 'Optimlall will hide the.· -In the field near Harbot View ~ aod .will 1111perviee the children io a huot for thMa after the show ia over. - -. Juolor Ebell .a~ memben are expectln(.\lieJr cbildren and y~unc guests, a h~, at Colt& Mesa' Park. ·When the '*bunny a.ck.I'' ate !Wed, a picnic luncheon will l:>e merved for children aod adult.I. " • .. • ....-f FOt-•triKl'.CiiliJ'9' ~A~Jl.~;s ~ ~v. ·,11W'i"'_,., A Complete SfcX:k of Populer Populor·Priced FOotweor. For MEN WOMEN CHILDREN 5695 to s1495 JOHN C. 'IOIElTS Men.'1 and Bo)'ll' D~ l!bo. - • Symphony Considers . Children's Concerts . and Audition. Teas Daughter For Pfaus Ct11W.Un1 I.be bl.rth ot a baby d4,r.l.pter th.I.I WMk ..,.. Mr. &nd )(ra. J:d•ard f1au. 70 W. ltth St., Co.tA )(.... Tbe tot WM born Mvcll. 11 ID H~c H~ p1ta1. r , • A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW EASTER FOOTWEAR FOR CHILDREN ~ ... C:.,.°!>~ Ti .. --·-----~ s49s to 5695 - r==IAIG~N TAIW Coast Faculty Wives Calendar in the Making M..tln1 March 13 at the home of Mrs-Dudley Boyce, Ca.ta ¥en. 14 m1mt11r1 or Cout 001· • •re h.culty W1ve. Club reor-- t/I ian1-ed their .chedul1 &nd alat9d i ruu calendar for thl• nionth. : Book and Drld11 MCUONI wUI tlold .nonthly meetln11 and lb• ~ub )'Mr· wtll be(\n ne11t fall '.f'llh a welcomlnc luncheon. t.o h ·followed by a Ohrtlt'.lJ\U par-ty, •Prlna !uh.Ion &tiow and 11Um- teu )(arch 2t to m.inlH!n _or the u.ecut(ve commltl.H. Kr.. Wendell Picken-. prealdoenl, ullad I.be .... k>n to ~Jflet.-dttalll ot lJl• reOrnniMUon pl~. Tbe brt4r1 H"ctlon raeel.JI Man:h 28, ho.ta11 t.o be announc- od. Poetry Volume Authored by Local Woman Maine Couple Visit Kin Here Jt\1T ;ot. luck #UPHJ' a, 1peclaJ ~~"·· Humphries Have Girl · · AMutinr hoe:ta.Mt for thl.I Uorui, natur1 poefrul, f'"clu, medl-il:ieeUnr · :were ~. Tbomu taUon.1 and ml.cellaneou.. Poema Celebrating Ole birth of a baby · bear INCh uu.. ..8pr11'1 a. rtrl. born Man:h 10 in J:1oe.a Sl&k.&7, Ova.Id J:lllt. BamtMI K c-, .. u ,, .. I -.n-Ho.plt&l, a.re JO'. and Mre. Jo.-Neal aad KUQ ... ,&.ton. · ~. O?Muatkm , . San Juan ., The lliDo.k -.cue. ntet ~ at Capl9trano", "Candl-1lcbt" and ~~ H~:!_hrklr. Ml Bro"4w&J, the' hOina at Mn. J , ,ft.obart Keat "U~tortunale", two lovely veniea \p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; for an lnlormU. l'Mdlnl" ~ Blithe belbmlne "Lady Moon hN loat • 'pirit. Puttdpi.Uar in lh• play her veil, It'• tangled ln the tr.eta." were Mm.-:.. Bull P•tel'90n: Mr1. S la n I e y, pow reUred. Howard Clapp, Fred ff\lber, tau.(ht In ·Newport Buch Ele· Jame. .Love, ·~ P~lke, ment.a.ry School tor 29 ye.an. She JamN Jit.cuatd. aid •JIMibert hU 4-dlcat.ed th• little volume of t•L ,;.. · · pcwms to her brOlller, Charle• E . I : Ml'I. 6.r•ld EIH. Wtu ...;. h0ti· Baker. 'MUA UPHOLSTERING Upbolstemc A Draplrl lS60 Nwpt. llMI .. Coata ._. I.Dler1f' B-4'711 tIGHTING FIXTURES Fixture. & Lampa in Wanted Style ' LAMPS " -.~~-SOit'tlrrllRt ..... l!lt't,11$"1'\ilft•t"-- Dtapl&y o? ra.,.oua l!akera Wfbtinr ~ A Lampil In tho S!>utblaod I ' • Conventional • Modern Cu.tom O..igned &nd made to your order Antique Keepeakee m&de into practical Beautiful Lampl • Now in our Building Harry M. Whetsel u 8-8781 For EutEtr, new 1prin1 ,r.welry ·...t.o aparke every outfit. Choose braceletil, ea.rrinp, necklaces, e1.na. (itts, and smart JeWeled. noveltia . . , •cool and white of gold a.nd glowing. Choo.e noW! Bethel Mothers Will Nominate The Moth1r1 Club o( J ob's Dauibler1 met In the home of Mr .. Glenn Dy.&rt, 400 Redland11 Ave. M&rcb l~. wilh Mr•. Harold 1 Beebe pruldlnf. A nominallng committee wu elected to report on a propoMd ..iate or new ottl- t'nnply elegant ·new handbags l I All Popular Ma kH Watcha1 Diemonds !7H E. Cout Hwy. Harbor 1403 Starts Thursday March 22 .. w. ~~:.::: l $377 In abort Lot.- CD.A'.MUNO OUT l'08 ···--·--- TA.BL£ NO. Z wot.en'• hl.rh CNdto 4nu 5 ahoea. Graci! Wallur, etc. $ 77 l!lbort lot& and di.con.Unued ll~ V ALUU &o 110.tl _ .,... Olve I to I o .... ......, ....... I to I n .... ua-ma • Popallir ..... .........,. 8H9 .... Pre-Easter Selling Event ' FOR EASTER THRU SPRING A SUlOIER • A SpeclAI Grouping of New o..._ AttracUvely Priced Liberty 8-7431 • ' IN LOVELY LINENS A COTl'ONS ESPECIALLY PRICED ~ for )_ OUR BIG ANNUAL EVENT • Made to l!ell for Now • H .1111 " .... l~.1111 11• 17.1111 JIM 22.1111 11M 24.1111 j • •••• 28.1111 ·-• -29,95 ..... 311.00 .... 3P.llll • %1.M 46.00 --·- .. Fashion Apparel 17 6 7 ·a Ne..yport Blvil. Costa Mesa Btor. Soun .•. 9 :00 -.m. to l :IO p..m. Monday1 thru 8aturd&y• • -.. t ' . • ··- .• . l • , , • • - I .. j ' I ' ·-• • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.DRESS -·l'AllT I .)AGE I ----..... -----.,....----., WEDNESDAY, MUCH 211 1956 ' -~ FJfLLOWSHIP RALL of CO,;,na del 11br Community Cburc,h, CO.,.-Uonai, wu dedicated Suaday be· twee!\ _..1c ... , Al lhe ref,..hment-i'able are (I to r) _)l,rvey 1>eMe, lln. ,Arthur A. Kemper, president of Fellowship I:Iall • ls:·Dedicated at . . Corona ·del Mar' • "FelloWlhJp" Hall, IO named ~\er a conteet, ~as fo~­ , Jn.ally 4ed1cated Sunday, March l~ ·at the Corona del Mar CommunJty Church, with an iJnp~ve &e":'ice conducted .by Putor i:dwln Gomke and."memben of'the congregation. , the Women'• Fellow.hip; . .lino. Goo>ke and' the ROY, • 1 lllSS ANN llONTGOIO;RY x6luUs Edwin C ~·· with Mn. Willlam Baklrela al the ' , e , ·--·o-tr .. _um. ___ s_tat_t P-ho_to _____ ·..___ .... • _,,Ann Morris SOROPTIMISTS OFFERING \ B B e d uN :2~~:c9~s!~!t! ~~~.;... to-. ~ ~1 _e_ and 12 "IC• .::U-her 7'ry own 1r lh.• w1na I.he pHt•r C9t.\ Mr. and Mn. Tbomaa ff:aya Korrie ot-8Aa.llartno, for· award offel'ed--fiY. l1i. Soroptlmilt Club. PolWt will an.. mer rsidentl on North Bay Frollt, are •rmoanctnr the en- nw nce the b\lf(rt dlnMr dance Which itoroptfmiAtl are ' premeat &nd COm.inC' marriage of their 411.u,ptef' Ann gh•inr April e, 7 p .. m., ln caplaltano Biacbcotnben Club Montgomery Morria to Robert Wan:en Campbell Jr .. .on. ot •• 11. fund ral1lng aUa.lr. All pf"OCff<I. wtll 10 to the Glr1' Kn. Roblnaon Campbell of Pebble neld, MioJ'IMl ~ J r, and Club buildlnr fund. Beach. and Robert Campbell of Oooa.ld-~ Tbe hf'n and. f'IP are beinl donated by Soroptlmlat Wtdllla:, ~ . '._ · ~ )'OUDI people .,.. tenlora memt;;°r-Doone LA.waon... Mra. Lea Pratt l• dacorat.J.ou Th.a wed41AI' Wt.ii be held X&Hb a t the um.,.,.atr Ol Ari9one. c}lal rman and Mr•. Wendell Hoyt. Ucket .Je. ~ 1-'l\lcacm, whfr'9 tlla ~ 11 t.klng reierwt~ ' · 31 at 8 p. m. ln the Xetbodl.lt.. &ttiUatad "WlUl ...... ...,,,.. f ra- Chu.rc~ at &ul Gabriel wltb ~,.. temity. An ..ntw adlM)uncem.11t DertlcaUon an4 a re:rreahment and tundl by m'tmbera at a Coet AT FOR""ST HOME .... ~, ,.,, .. w .. lh• ''" <h1Ueh ot ........ r.. . cepUon t.o ronow at 8an 'Dabrtel of th• .~t .... made at Country Club. K IM Linda Mom. Kapp& Kappa 0am.m&. Sorority wW be mald Of )lonor a nd. b~ Bou.e bl " ..-.U.Pt. ~monJ. • K 1"V1l·f'fl: Lay Mod.er1tor W. D. A .Uver eervlce, a nttlng me- Hume«in In a 11hort lltatement mori&I lh memory ot Ui• untimely J b • R ! t aa1J: "lr'ora1much aa Lhl1 l'On(t' .. tSMth of Mra. Aqne•~E. Grill'· 0 . 1es· epor we4411l&' dlre<:tor. waa pretiented, p Uon ha• •et It• hand• to ~ ~la u.,; &lf:t• of her ramlly ~nr_of thla ,Pariah ho111f', the 1.1\d d:lanf trienda. . s c main ha.U bf'reeftrr dall be callef Oll MJ,ntina:1 by Burt P roctrr . ,.. on no· w amn Fellowah.lp Hall." ud JOila caui•ron heve bef!n prf'-}' Spettklnr on °'half or the ""'° r...t -to ~hurch i.nd bunr ln J ' -· · · · p1., ....... L.. a.kkeh•. .. _., .wom-•a FtiPowahip. \ At the March 15 meeting ot Job'• ~ht.en, Bethel Lhe board of deaC'Qn est lM ~~:..~Ip ot Mn. 157, Co.ta.-lleaa, Hven.I members tokt of the trip to For-eat luall, wttJ<'h batl l>Hft. tlliJ A~~· ..-nd C'l)tfea and Home, over ~oua wee"k~nd. Thia eveat'"wu called ~· will be KlM comt.ac. C&mpbell, .~ter ot the brldf'ITOOm: a.hd t.he M.loe1 Mona Ande~n and Vlr&inkl Smith, Kappa Kappa G&mm.a aororltJ .a.ten of UMt bride. • Paul Wanter wW ti. liOOI• m •n and \Laher• wW M A.lee Ctvtcb- • Harbor Rest Memorial · Park IM~·w·•·•t1 .. ..,,_,~lo~:f"·"' .. ,.., o....._c •=1 - " . •1teLll JON,,_-·,,. 3419 Newport Blvd, •• 1ntl~ly tl\rough dcmatio ,.6f'laiior ~ ...., • -----------'-----=------1"Snow Campi' -1.tbough there wu not any _Jn.OJI. Fort7 Cos1a Mesa Homemakers . , Disc uss Safety P~oject girls _and ei&ht adulta m'481 up '\he~; the· girla and two adult11 leavtnc from the homa l.Aia ~Kr Md M Eri-t ot Mra. Dran Smith Friday by en.ta. Mm o:..a 8 1~ MDtorl motor co.ch, .... ·tlh lh• ot.hrr adult.a Steller, w~ ·&an(:;., i...onaro fol low!"&' In private c.ra, ~.n. and CharlM A ry J r. ... • ...... ~ i ·.., ...... "" .. KOCK Rll?-i"TING Dw1nc the buatn.1 ..... toJlwtth - • N.wport _. ___ -.. +• ' • • :-.: . .• ... ,;.~J;-; .. ' "'•''• . "'"· . ~.·. . : . -, Report.a. dl!:mon'1tratloM and th• STOUP work oa a traffic pro- tutwe pl1n1 filled the a1ei.d. at Jec:t. tt:ra. R. M. 'Updlke, chair• ..... ~~tnCMarch m~unr of thfl co.ta ....._ata.ted that llla..aN11q..hom• lh dep&ttment had voted· to eontrl· Me.a Hornema.kera, held at •. bute 1'2~ to °'9 i-R ilLIJllp61't f\lnd. home or Mr1. Jack Hlrller, 311 TM al.9t1 eAeuUft ' bo&t'd had W,lnut Pl•<a* .. ~lra. 0. R . Mlt-voted to chaap t.M u.rna to10r- They 1 rrlved at lh• camp In bonoracl. qurtn Carol Crain, pre. time for dinner, Utea iietUed In •ldlnr. the tollowlng were elven their u•l(llf'd cabin. before belnr MCOrta and honor•; J oy Inman . led on a "rock hunt" by l.Jtt Bam-hlinOftd: quHn--Ot Bethtl 212. Oar" ''· a.uoclate cuardl1n ot th• beth• :ien Grove; Haul Moyer. ru1rdlan rl. Barnr•. who I• fa1nlllar with of Bethel 212 and David Gribbin, l•pld&ry work, came prepa.IM'd put uaociate rrand guardian, wtth prore ... lona l equipment to who wa1 actlnr auoci.te cuardlan tna.ke the rock hunt an lntel't':at· tor Betbel 1D7 ln the abHnce ot Ing P:pl"l!leni;;,1 for the gtrl1. The Bame... Mr1. Deel\ Smith, guardian fo~owill1 day waa fil.lf'd w1th of Bethel JD7 wu aleo eecorted •ailou. acUvl.Uea. malnly hUtinl and honored. Viattora from Garden and ~-~rinir tbe eventnr Gro•e _.... wtlComecl u ..._.. par- treab.ly made popcorn "": .. Mn'ed ent. and other rueata •. • .. ) • . • • "Mfr told of ' lh1 county activity a.nre County Farm JhfrHu Worn. i:ontesL c'lMl'ns on 8epL 3. Cer· an. ab• aald. 1lflcatu of merll wtll btl....prt-Project Jeadera· Mrw. O•~ aented the club recel'llnl' moet Chamben and Mra. Howud Mc· potnu In rrlMdllUp Oftr...... .oowdl demorutrated ...,.,.. t.o Mra. \Y. &. Nlr nOl:f ni>ortec1 on w .. h wool' blankeU, featber pll• lb• aafttJ, 'Jlroi:~ 1u1SUUnr Iowa, foam rubber pillows. Vee> • tric llhMte and blanket&. Mra. Breakeni Club o. R. MJlhoft, ""· w.· "-m, .. 011 • and Mra. .lotm . Bma44•r.r Hosted-~ths · ~ •u• pUMJ. modwat.on in t.ha • ~ Mell'lbt>l'• aN lo jolfl Th• ~ Rotha of InrltwOOO u.. county l'f'OUP March 29 on fl•l«l Y dinner fOlf riiemMn or a trtp to Holklaf Ontram• ln lb• B19itt.r1 Club Satunt.y eve11· Hollywood.. lnl' at the home of Mr. and Mrw. Pre~nt were Mm ft. How1.rd Roy Bt~ 411-~ <k#nftont. M.COOW.U.. De.rit Chamben. Llu- f>weHCtt were 11...., &9d )tme1, rence rz.edrUuen. R. M . Updike, A.l,btrt Schmidt, fto7 Sttot' Burt PhWIJ19, Jo!)n Benadurer. . ~ Carroll. ~ "ratnft1rth, ~ \\'lbon. L. E. JonM. Cha.rlt• Port Minier and Mra. e.llJ Brown. Potter, Jlldll: Hlrt l~r. Frank H1a· \ Mr. and Mre. Carroll Will be hoitai .. 11, S. A. Brown, O. R. MlthofC l l ~ nut meetlnr. anl\,. Wllllam Nl~l•· . ., HOSPIT.U. W.. tout ot tho em\in&' .,hen· -li(jj:iali{eo p lliend al Kanm'a fllr die"$60 a plate ei>\CW'IOU ·.im-wllh 1rocoe<IA IOiJli to lhe h°'pitai ...,._.fond. Left to Jilhl: . ¥<1: and .lino. . "Yim-8. (:IAtk. tho w. R. .-;.. li-,' .. .• BALTZ MORTUARIES <DlT'a: ME&A CBANlf aun:r.. ft. 'l'U DA. ~ftiiillf"' IUO-Jt ow" Bite. - ' ~ N.... Clillf.. COroN lel X., Calif. Pbona LJWrty 8·21.Jl -ftODe Btnor U and a.mustnr indooc' came1 wer• JS llASONJC 'l'EJIJ'LE 11J.yed. • Immediately &llA!r.Sunday break.. fut tbe entl~ party hiked to a p~ Mlected 1lt• for morn· lnl wonhfp ~ E;meat c;nin, tat.her bf the hoaored qu...rn, •·u the apeO. .. and Kay H1rtU led Ule croup In 1Ln1lng. Afier the Mn1c• the l(irll prep&red for lh• trip l'IOm• at ? Jl.m. Letrlte Ary, 8&rbara Kl(k.-trl~ and Marian Reeee made th, Hport. AT OAMJ' noea attendtnc were; I.nit• and J1nel Ary, ROH l t1rlo Ande...on, Beverly Bf'i:be. Bue Buccola, San- dra. Ch1mberlaln, Barblira, Mery Ann, and Balll• Cooper. Donna. Ch~rch, oarot Crala, Bharoft Ed- tdn1. Barbara '&lme.r, Chrll Gill, Toni, Bay, Dorothy Hairy, Carol Hen', Kay liarrle. Elal11• Hood, Diane Hutcheaon. Janice Hoff"1en, Terry Jacoba, Kay Klncald. Bar· bara Kirkpaltk:k, Conni• KUler, r.,.,. MC!Gcnem, .uria.. Robe.In. Lou l:llan Robluon, Mar1an a-; au.11 a.-t, Gerry Sana"er, Linda Shaw, Roxanna Sn;illh. Unda &Wier, Und.a Spencer, Penny lpeth, 1:19'e 81Lm11n, llandra Smith. Jo Ann Wallon and Jrrl Wuren. Attendlnc adult.a wt:rf'; {'H i C.rol mad• th• Ions ew&lted an":" noyncemblt of Bethal• c~ ot metUng place a~ date. BertnnLnc In April, J'ob'• naupt..n-Win meet ln the nea.rty completed Seeiia.r1n1 Maaonio 'J'ampl• at lMh and BL Andrews Road. New m"t.J.ns' d•llll wt.II be the MCOnd Monday at 7 :IO p.m. and tbe foirth 8aturd1y al 10 a.m.. . Carol. announced M1y I •• the :'.late for the ham dinner. a term project or lh• qUtJen. Tlc--ell w111 be anllabl• at the next l"eJ'll•r meetl11g. Each girl wlll be e.xpect· eel to •ell •• many .. poaatbl• with • prize golnc to tb1 l(lrl who .ell• th• moat.' o~ atrvic• polnt f,,r each tlckrt .okl will •1.o be ctven. Sf'nlor•Prtnceiee S.V6rlJ Beebe and Junlor Pr1ncf!ll Mary Ann Coqpea- wlU "Captain". team• tor ticket 1ale.., tp• loallll( tMll'l obltpled to (lv• a l'-ftY to th• wtnnara. Newport Varlaty '1'01J& I ... 11 &TOR.II we om "lhwa ,....,. Comin9 unqlued? Are y~u._t c:reakin9, sagging bundle of norvos7 Whet you've got lo clo,.hOJioy, ia .Nft out of h;9h gHr • • • end , , , · ; . ' REL A'X with the NIAGARA THER.MQ.CYCLO'PAD.-;'- Good, !Or the bulga, too. You eu c.t. all thil -" AND MORE-at~ , , Health Stu.dio .._ ......,., Tn, ff $U t. JleW tot u .,,.... ' tw -nc~ IJMIOH8'1'•":'"0N=•N'o 6BLIO~-- ltl11A1118lrM'l .... (acntM UM •v-t fl"Olll Belboa lu..L. • .. ' -- • MatcJied and 1~ I•• Dad's· MWtelt · ·····~ -. .--.-·-- lllimtal --Color. -ad p-pocka&ed IA> lake lhe ,.,.,.,., ou.t ~ drwJnc Jun· .... at.ply -la wuh- lib+ellarm -1-JMOs °'rt-'• •Wt ut Siaea 2 -7. '3" SHIRT •N SHORT ••TS by DONMOOll " j .. ... .. • :t..YARDA.GI_ *'UNENS '. ~. .- .. ' . ......... ,. ". ' . • .. : ... ·' I Sult In ~If l"'Oi huf bluer -lne· 1.lll..,. . } tapered tn>uMn. -. . . By llr.'lliifu f1J t5 . ,, . • -- • * Apparel for Tots.to-TM111 3404 VIA . LIDO NEWPORT - ·ln·.l'h..Ude·S·lioppln.,Genter +le~ .b ~ -- ' I , • ' I I ' ' • • ' • I .. , . I .. . . -· ~., ' SPICIALS FOil • n-.11.; • Frid"' • L • • • .. -•~bunnies •· .v.,. HON5YSI ' .. - -. U.S. OIADE MCHOICE" IO~EUSS. ROWD, & TIED CIOSS-all' IEEF · . ' Our Fu1110Ws c ..... Lean lolleless Brisket -. -----·'". ' Al-American's lOOo/o Pure Pork-1-Lb. Cello RoU • .-~ . , All-American's Rr:s+ Cj)ualty Eastern -1-Lb. Pkg. . • . ' ' . . Our Ul_h a Fresh, Lean • FiSHSriXPk •. 49c '-- iiiiiii ~0 ........ _ C1 ....... I ...... "I 1' c " , • -~.-. ' . •• " I " -• • • ·. . 14 " I . • • .. ' ! -· , ' ... ... --,~-·--:;r-------,1 .. -Full 9*art . 'DNIAISE --... Cake Mix .. . . . . /'" . . ' • EXTlA~ANCY .:..:11P ., SWift D'ANJOU . ·. , FIM1t laffntl S & W IRAND-30 ,40 Siu ~ .. · 12-0a. Celo lcMJ JOMAJOSOUP ·3 ~! 23c ~ ' . 99c MllANl'S -STEEPED IN W.a.Q SAUCE! LIMA BEANS 4 No. I c.n. . . r----~----, r-----.---1 I CANDY BUYS! I I SODA POI' IN CANS I I MOUND . I I SUPER-COOLA I I MINIAfURES ·29c I 1 · I I cruo Pi•,,_ . . I I . All yo11r f•vo~ ffovonl I • . . ' -· EL FOO~D · • • : ALMOND ... 39c,'.: 'e }2.0L ~gc . -{ -.. J Q.J' .CIWI ,... . l ~ Qls;ANS "~ . L--------~~--~----.-~ APPLE· . 303 . BERRY Cans l)e/icatessen r HOFFi.w..-AU.MEAr ' ~ M~ ~ .. l . BOLOGIA : ~!! 39~ I c . I ·-...... thin-Sliced .• : "· : iiiM ~~ 49c L-------.J . -t0°P: Ciif~MIX ... c ilr&llE •. ' ALboAMERICANWINi:rwiiE vliio$£ne~:-49·. c· . Ya-GALLON •• , 19c . .. ' 27c ~ 25c 3 Lp . lolls • UDS . SALE.... HORMEL'S RISH 33:. .. BLUE "" ·29· LIVERWURST ~......... ... •1• •u::E37• =: '219 iiiDiR~--1'~ BU•~: . . .. :·:~·w __ .....:;;--;;.. .. --.!""'.-...---.·GE--·-3r liifiilsM"-·'-;-r~POTATo --r: --·-=-=;.~~s!~:J-\t1~'4;c-· .... +-.1-~IW· . '@ """" ' 10 I SALAD •MUSCA•· v. .. AL •.. ••·1' • 0 11pt1...,·or-L1w ... •· ."., PMk11e1 of 10 ' l -•v -., -, ·'' I I . -· -......... ......... ) Lotune -a.oz. .. •. ,. 25 JAC9tJES 'BONET ET Cl! . .. .. al . -. E~'N(;~ 53° L 1~;~~-c: :A~.:.::..~~ •• "'sS ~~~~ ==-=-:.=;;;;:;;;;;:;;:;== . ~ .. 29c • e DOWNEY e NOIWAI K • NIWPOIT llACH co•• m toi. 1 -co•• Pl 11111• 1 Ml --11111WAl' AT r•1• _.,.,.,_ __ .,., .... ,.,.,._ -IAILT 1iL t•I iii --A.M. TO tJ!ll P.l[l.MILT • • .. ·- -. . : .. '. :: .. · ,. ... ' . . :- ... .:~ . ·~ - ' ' . ' .. ~ ~:-.'S . -~- • ' . .. ...:: ... _.. • . : . . . • • • ' .. .. . :: : .• l ' .. . . • .. • , • • 011ein1nenl PA&i: 8"' PART I ''God gra'1t us th, ierenity t~ otcePt the thin 1 ft:-f';&n w~<l!>m lo ~ !hf I • -County s;:rand Jury to .~obe Hospital-Brutality Charges At lont( laat th:! Orange. Count:: Grand Jury today wu to make 1t. official probe of alleged brut~ty ant.l ffialtreatme.nt of patient.B at ·Orange County 9«P.eral .. Bos pita I. Theee were firat aired wee_b ago 'by the Nowa-Preu and the other members of Orange CouJlty ·New• Service as a 'm°atter of public lntereat and pllbUc irui;t. ' To date. however, the county bo&.rd. of 1up0ri\eors hu bad nothing official on the m&tier before them. as they Mt in aeasion. S upervisor Heinz-Kaiser baa .. told the News-~ if anything ii wrong in the hospital to blame him as he's put in ~any hours each morlth stay- ing abreut of events and conditiona at .the hoepita!. We hope that 1 all hi well at tl1e count,y imtJ.tution but fnim documented evidence by patient. and penon: -o(l this !le"m8 too m uc h lo believe. It la a fairly com- •:tl!ing .c~r coun-ty ~osplt&Ja, wherever situated, to t:re ·under f~onally tor one reason or aholher. i'Eiat could be becau'ae the institutions are tu...upported ~-\.id "therefore 1ubject to the individual t.upa)'er'I ;icruci'ny and criticism. r: ln-!Ofar u brutality And maltreatmentJ11 con~tn­ .P.. WJ!l _find it not toO hard to believe that some per· Sonne!· may be guilty of callowi regard for-patients, iiteridlng so many of them, with so many aches, pains / -jhd tllne~s. ~owev!'r, \hey _are employ<'d to t&k.e ¥•of such fo]ikll, not to cu.ne them as one local wom.a.n .~ she wu trejted. , #.,,, ~·date We have no rea.aon t o believe th at this grand jury, consisting of a number of persona who served on previous Orange County Grand Jury panels, is a'?' ball of fire a.t uprooting staid, interlaced politi· c&I arrangementa a.mong varioua county o!!icialdom. Thk_.h ·not criticism.(1f>u undentand, just observation. With the-se former Jury mCmbera on the venire, we believe It logical to expect some action. The foreman baa ae:~ed u auch two or three times before. '· • ,. • 21. ,,.. • clieiigo ; th. cO..r090 to change tho things wo-can and tho c•." (A. AnonJ '~ ', • • l • ' ...... more et.rt!> from !loo DOrth -of tho late,_. ~ of San Joaquin R.ao4 and 1.4 .. Alt.·-to ti>•. kDl• All.& River for & 'llliltb ol 100 -l>y lO"feet hi v F'" .... -'I'. . . !'hi.a 1on, ditcl!, ~~~..J~ ~ay, would be cheap lo drag dirl froin fQt roadbed plltp08el u well'U more fidod' control. · _,,. . .. A• you CAii -and, .,. truat, tb,e 1tate eng;peen will see, the ~ of deepening the· Sanla Alla _River would lower ite -riverbed.~ ex~· nm-off ht- nooct timea,-thf ~eeper. ~I n)DDfbl U ~ h:&lanll as the Dd~.J)ralnage c.Di>eli -Paularino Road and . Newport ~<1! Th,ia ~ dlli:h.could tbet> continue •· to q.rey 11--,.. ~ ~one! teoto0f .ave,. now, ; It is the desinl of mdlt thlnkihg> Newpoit Beach and Coata Meea merth..-and .ruldeata to keep the proJ)Oeed "ditch" free..A.y from nrinlng theae two rapidly growinj coau:nunitie1. ~ The reuon tor such a ditch bu been to provi~ material for the Saa Diego~ay, With tlM 'lgslcal ~-ti~ sp~ above, ex· • plainlog .holr tile atalAo coGld pt, It. tr,.. dirt without IMmowtqs '1llp!l'l""1'Qlt Blvd., l'• eaa -no'rouon for tbe M-·lf be cut up by highway bulld.,...ra and CUTY...U..... ~ . Now _fl the time tOr Cocta Me.a, Newport Beach and county offieiale to talte heart, 1umm'on tJieir courage and braina -in a word, to tell the •late highway engtneen how this plan could work. We tee no u.- cuae for tet.rinf up Coeta Meu juet to provide .. dirt for anotber fr.eeway, ' Punctured Balloon • .. .. , THE CAPITOL WE.EK -. Br WAI.Ta L BARJDULL ' United P,.. Slatf Conwpondent SACRA1'ENTO, KARCH 21 -(UP) -The ABsem· bly hu appt'OVed a recoid·bigh $1,756 bitlion_atate budget which allo ~ Joiiifer 1iCuae policy· in three important Cields and forwanWI It to the Senate. Althouah th.. buOcet tJW tht.t. ct.me OI!' of the AllM:mbly on a McGee 1&14 be wa hearlUy "" U-.ll voe w&1 S20.T' mllUon 61i=-fa'ftlt' Gt--•equlring-1-be--alte-of...-tM ftr than ori&Lnally uktd by Gov. Oroville d&m for tlood control Ooodwln J. Kftiibt. hi• flnanc9 PQtPO#u. rom WASUINC'I'O.N-REPORT ..:.. By Your <Joa_.,... IAIKES B. IJTl \\'e ufto;o11 u n1ea ~d J.wo brandt.• ot the .Ellecutlve de- o&rtmenl •Oppoailng ~ other ln iecaJ mattera ~and, 1~en 10me- llme1 twu bl.lttaUS wlt.hj.n the AJT\e Ex~utive branch i;luing lhc aam.e thing . J'or ••ample, the Bureeu ol ttecJ&matlon hU the ruponlll bl· u~ or erecting dam• tor irriga- tion. Qood control and hydro- t.lectrlc power. When they pro· poee the continle\).On of Orie of .theH project• within the exter- ior bOu.ndariea of an tnd:lan re· reeer'\'1l.Uon, property rtgllt. mu11t be acquired f rom the Trlb&I Coun- cll an I.hat reHrv11.t1 ~property l ed in tbe' De' OOVEAN"MF.ST TIGllT SPOT The Dep11.rtrnent or JuaUce then n1ec1 a l'Onderhtlatlon llUll but there la a queatinn aa 1 to whether or not the court! have jur111dicUon iu '-"Qndan1n111 ion or land held UQder a 1r~11l ,V any more Ulan we could ~vndemn land ln ;\IUico. Some opt imist. believe that we can h•ve federal aid to education without federal control ot education. · chief Mid there wa1 ,un no ne6d He wut on to uy ths t "v.·e for MW or b1Jber taJie1. ln the Klll.Ull feel acqu1s1uon of lor, Bureau of In an Afta1r11. ae tnuilee for the · i1diana. Bo we Qye the Reclamation Buru.u negotiating with the lndl11.11 .Bu· r10~. boUi wllhln the Ot>parlmtnt or Interior. The problern 11.l"IM"ll u to how on& dee.la wltl'I oneaett 11.t arm·. l!!n{(lh 11.lld be fal.r to both parU.1. l t 111 my opln1on lh11t th11 BU· reau vf Rec:la.mat?nn ahl">u1<1 ha~·• cornpl,ted 11.1 negotiatJon11 f.,r the a.Ile before they 11pent 11n7 numty an Ule pro)ec:t • .Now. 'we •te tac4 e;tt -wH.h el~r Joe.iha an or th• money ~t we hsve •1>eut Q/ payinc the Indi..ria whalevt-r 1 h'l'v dernand. WhUf' tt ia tri.. 111.•t the dan1 alte and l""l!l!rvl"l\1 ~11• art vn the ruervatlon. th•· 'o\'11 · Ur lhlll paua 4a'0u1h lt <1~1 n.ot ru1e · en t.hi ,,..erW.l 1&n and 111 a natural reeour~ that ~huuld be dev,loped for all the J.tt'QPI• ln that area. ' ' The Repo<1<r. of !ju<lia. llfiu., puncturea this b•i· loon by pgintin1 o ut that "it ii only nabiral that the federal rovernment should coDtrol that which it aub- sidil!eo." I~~ ell!* the HJl&h• Act. p._i in 1916, providing federal aid to vocational education. rts pro-- ponenta insisted that there would be no Cedera.1 con.4 trol involved. But now a rule requirM that e.a.ch atate w&nting thil aid "is required to •ubmit a plan which mwit meet with the approval of the Fed.e.ra.l Office of Education.'' Tboae who pay the· billa wW alwaya call the tune. ··-- ( ''The l:Ndret u approved la the 8&D Z...W.. aite at lhl& Umt approa.tm•telY In balance," John 1,1 im~\Jva to protect Southern Pe!ree. 1ta.tt. fl~~. ~tpr auirornl•'• f\Jlure wat~ d('Vtl· lo the matter before our Com- -60. ·~II'. if0°iiMd for Midi· opment." HI! added "we do not mltlff. at the pruent time, the UO.Ml. hVenu• tel take cani ot want ,the ff:fleral covern.ment to Buttau of Re<'lamaUon proJ)OM<I t.h• 1tatt 1D t.5e nut fbc&l year." •CQttlni Ule San LuJ11 111\.e." th"' building; of lhe Ytliow Taii P.0-C. a.Id that Ula AaMmbly McGee ..,-1·~._ however, that Dani Oil the Crow lndlan R~r· There we are · tt}"1n~ w 1 on· cluUe a .uU1factor>• !1~111 w+rh them <'Ven though !l '""" Li·· a hundreJ Ume1 U'I' al tu.I v11.l ue of th!! property. budpt veraion would ruu1e In a actl.&al cona~·uction of th• Jo'RP \'alion in ,\lont.,na. Nol toraee· 1eneral fund diettcU. • ot. about µ ~ )l:wa lt a determination of In&: the above .tta.ted legal prob· million by Juna ao. J.tOT. but add· tile CQWlty Of origin problem &1y( lt'm, they built. a high tenelpn ed lb.at dld ~~ Ca.k9 &a.to account tns llOUUlem. CalUorn1 a a f1rrn powar llna to the dam 111te anll d , Th1a tribe UL alw Hrnu•ncl!ng tha ITri mllUon 1-lhi r&111w day M(ht to wat.U. p1·oduceu. He 1ndi· v::petl eel hu~e t1 uu111 <1f motu•y -. ., -,. a ~r rapita dl11tntJL1t1u11 uf the tund and tha 116 million Ill. the cate<l--that ciOUld be done Jn U1e prel*J.·at.ory to the con11ll'\lcUon --•-1 bond -•..,.aot •-• Jt.nerM l9GT .... on. . vt the dam: • money. whlch woul.i J,.l'Ji•ll! !he _......., .__. ._....... body ot Uitt tn.i11t to 111~ (letrl· A.-mbly ~ Ht iow.r WJmotlT DEBATE The tract of land that wu rnent of f ul1.1re ,.,11,., .• t,01111 Jt boU. pollcy on. tlit l'•lhw JUy.. 'J'b9 f' in&Won. l~m w finance neceua.ry for the r1111ervolr ajte i. my be.lief th•t 1r Lh"Y. J:li.-poM • • • • • With suCh a condition prevailing -a aubat.antial Mimber-of grand jury members having experience, i~clUding their foreman -we think it reasonable to believe the jurors should do a workmanlike jcb of separating the County whe.al from the chaff. whether it be in the hoapital, the board of supervisors, O ietrict Attprney's office, Sheriff~flu.. co~ty ,counsel or wh&tever, We hope the turrent jurors will !ill their dutiea- A Look Backward er Project..· Ult winter olymp)o th. lHO Wtnw olymp~ll w·hia-;• 11c11.rly 10.000 11.crea. It coh..u-or 11. capil.itl ·~l't the 11 .. 11"'\' 1 , ,ame•-&nd the ,J>f'Ol1'Un ot ~ Md Ulrau&h "W!.\.bOUl deba.t.e de-, tut~ neerly one third or the Jn-11houhJ be n~nve..strd ln •d.J il"'""\ fl'!adUon. or l&llW Bt'lth• and 1plte U.. earlier recomuae.ndatlon dian re11erv11.t1on . and lhe treaty .Jand ror u, .. ~nrrit "'the r',,,w ' Par1M. of the: tq-lalatlv9 aUdltor th11.t It 1 of that tribe atate• that arre11ge ln!U-an Tribe. a.nd n.;l be <lill~l)lfi.l · H.i.atory II alway1 intereati.og-....:... and tometimea it \.iii' ~.ft• J>Olitlon on" thl. ,._Uler be 1trk:ke11. of their re1ervatiO-n" ahall not bl" !!d by lhe pruent ;cneraUlln . .Al l I ~ a.a. the County's independently supreme criminal inve11ti- gaiive body wittl 100 per cent efficiency. We wish them well as we believe they have a fertile field to ex· plore in co!Jnty government and law enforeem.ent. makes a&d readirig _ "\ River Proj~t _. hly ,ln Se.t The ..fltll· ~owft'" ~ al1-0 ap· r·educ@d wtUlout lh1· t!OnMnt or Jegt.latlon involvinl" lb• ~ndi\ln r-, · . , V9C' of tb4.I ~ui:ial p\&n \o proved the 4"tatlan frorn the the Tribe.I c.>unctl. 1rtM. 11 v'ry '11ffl<.•u1t to"'handle Take, for mlt.&net:, the hbrt.ory of the indiVldual tru.lter _1urplut wat.t1 frorn \.be -vemor'1 prtortly Jilt ln aetl1ng flue to th"" fat t that e11r:h 1,-"• in •·-•-19'XI •J..-•t. •-TEX Tl:\t.ES \'ALUE come -~ """• -... ~ on. a. $2,000 income was rlLID~ rea-er Nftf to lhe up • 12&:1 millloa n ... year beach r1 •.lways 11.bo11t ievtnly dl\'lll•"l $'l __ -'L" arld llf'd.lt ot the l.t&U d p UllltU The power 1.1te 11.nd the reeer-f d Meanwhile, we'll wait with interest the outcome' ot ~e jury's county boepital probe. --.u.ld for &.-~ peraon with tWo cuiadn::n and a cuf·oVl!:RRu..i:D ~e ~ltys .~:i me.:: e!;'1~~~ vo1r alte were 11.ppra111eu for thf' or an •ga1n1L every proptlll•l, $10,000 lb.come jt ... & mere $(0. The A-mbly rebudad by an ha.d added to It aubstllillially, 10• sun• or SJ:i.ooo v.·1thout 1uJ,-ning \"ISITOKS . - ·. I Logical Method to A void Newport-Mesa 'Ditch' Plan Now, the l.ja l.ibaa at,..20 pet_ceni, on. the loweat overwheJmlnl" 84.-6 vote U!e_ 001Y cludinl" •, k million doll•r Jt,.m any vii.Jue to the i:i'?wer lhat. -LI.lit weelt we were very1 happy taxable lncoJ }eftla. From there fl g · iftl attempt to 11trip rtom the budget tor unsp.-:citted Loe AQ&"elu pro-would be developed. I he Recla-to welroiri• tJlt tollowtng .iiitorti T oe8 ~ Y U UM anur. p 1 li"BP .•P ~Ute-I. ~~ato~ !."!.lion Du_r_eau offered the Crow -the ladder, ree:ehlng' 91 per cent at the top. uon. • "l~grollln.r." ·~··-· 'Indians l •-t mililnn dol!ar11. o.-trom lhe DiMtrlct : J.l r. itna Mnt. Jt'B no WOOder that pt!\:)ple ltill talk wiltiully &nd A..emblyman Clark Bradley The w&yi and m!!&nl commit• th11n ten Llmeii Ila actu-.J vai ue. Dean ~·. Bra\lfurd, G/or!a .. Klapp noslal 'call of th good old da. :Wh' d fft...Sa.n Jo.e1 offered the amand· tee added .~bout 1'1e..a mlWon to Durlnc the plannl(lg 11tag'• the and P.tr. and :\lt•. J. \\'. Koyt, Jr. . gt y, e YI'· 0 aree to ment to delete the fund1. He the 1ovitek>r'1 ortgtnal bud,et. TtiblLl Councl.I wa1 gom1 ak>nl" from Newrort Beach. predict wbat taxes will be 25 yean h •. with gov-arruiatt that lhe mtution of the ln addition to the ·11.0 . m1wen1 -------"------------------ernment functJoU. belnf_ &iparuhd like tbe proverbial water ka:ht.s problem •nd th• ).dd\tlon (o the beach p1'0gram, Sometimee the logical, simple a.ad economical plan gree b tree• - -~ cnatJon_ ot. a ahl&'-~talll _water I.be. ~tt.ee lncnllMd' lh• '4-1 ia the hardest t o find, yet Newport Beach, Costa. Men. D ay · department •hould prtted• any million FRP budget by $3.9 mil· AFFAIRS OF STAIE 1 ----------~----------------· IProctam of Mta .cquULiUon tor llQn to provide atl.ldlea an4 alte and. Orange County officiala, by standing together1 the project. ~w.itton for an AllDn~- eould present It .to the state division .of highways and Sac·r·a-·m· en to S1'del1'ght Bradley Aid ~ inde· tra qo.~·SanLI. Cta.ra·San Ben-. 'de th r l l ti t th tl0-c'1led. "'~ pendent Becltt.l report on the Ito aqueduct and etudle1 ot oou- p . , e pra.c 1~ 80 u on ° e '~" .... r-• 11.0 blllloQ P"°. Jett produoed con· t&I route.. It ..i.o ln.Mrted a 11.e SACRAMENTO -!CNS) -""he. Califoinla 1-m:•iat"-619 :: ... "li'IM.wav "ditch" now under diacu.aaion. " " ~, • u::r.-..u• . By HENRY 0. MacABTBIJB, I ~ '""""',,,.~-, l·---..,'-..;.;,,.;,, _________ .;,, ____ ,__..;:,..111derabl11. evidence tJ)e ·-pr-ejKt la million Item tor tort!flt r1 rt pro-is entering the third week of il.8 1956 .bu.d-~d ial ·1·n e two loca.1 cities and the county ~ach could SA~(CNS~)-Work on Governor-· v .. i .... ht' not yet .eoaoflllmll)' or ftn&n· tec:Uon and num~ 11malle~ . ~ e-" , j.'--. \. .. Wt-16 • dally tea.alb.le. Item.. seuions· w!l-h none of the problems w~ · it oq__ Rll~ &ta~ highway engineers whQ, in their t op level record break.mg billion and three.quarten of• billion burl-·--"But Auem.btymmi. PlrtrtQ -xt··.., once .It wat on -lbe Ooor '""' convening aolved. · pl:inniar. ,have ordained the various state freeway · i. .... · th Sen le Fin Co ' -q:--Gee (1\..-V•• Huy•) lade ot Ui tuJ1 u.e bl dded $ u ro.;.:..., "You &re n'gbt." That, .•• tb'e atate gent'us ,.. 18 progreu..,.. m e a a.nee mmittee, now chair-LGo •• .,. dol •ti ' _ _! boo 111 Y • 4·1 m,llon The A1111el'n.bly, "-"ork!ng f&11t on 'or the OOportut on ... So tar. ~ -· ed b ~--t J H ard w· ,..,___ f _ ... __ ...,,,. ,,. on. oppo_... to 11t u l11.rle11 or ~t•te ,m. U\e o~mo h , . "' ,...,n Y ~Or · OW U&MUUll, 0 .t.wwu'C county, U.e ameodatent and IOUlhem It(• ploy!!ei by e ·~ per cent apU $1.l Guvernor Kn1ght"11 budget. tn• ll r .. no 1111'1 • Cb.ar,re 0~ freeway location&, Which often f~ Up Otller• &nd a number O( itema that COuJd have been CODlroveraial lllla\ore vot.d With him al.moat million to faci litate COn.llructiOO. Lt''aaed that d1>Cun1ent lo $1 ,756,· ~~· :~ta!':u:~i:e:nh°:n8; ~:. W"6 _well conn«ieted cities, COUid ~ rlgbt if he 'fl1tlld have bH:ft approved by lh• com· IOlidly. oC 16 national guard armories,~ 83-t.«179, appt'oxlniateiy $20 nul· Import.Ult mH.aufte.: .. o6pa (tpon the aolution we have. We auggeat the mtUee WlthoUt 4eb&te. In -new or the atUtudi and· fut lion nlore than the ·•um called Th'~ t. DO .;-_,,-'tJt th• ,... ot&la1a f ~. u N Be h and 0 Th• Calllomla Olym'""""' Com· work .or U11 UHip.bly In pullnJ" • "¥"-O "'°Ila -eaa, ewport &C range ,-•• • b , foe b.,. th• governor. The a1~m · rial le.,..lllaU,. -·-al""Ulh mlellon, ·unleu a major UPA-t OC· .... eovernor • ud1et, ..rt.er au1· N 0 c 0 M M E N T "'' '""'· .. .., COqoty tell the •tale to proceed at once with it.a San cura ih the it.Ate aenat ... .,-ta.a meotm,-It by IOme $20 mllUon. -f ' , bly th~n rro•· .... .:1eo1 to P~• the it i• r.u.stomary to Wind M. up. at D~ (Sepulveda) Freeway with this exception ; the budr•t r.-cbu the. __f1Q9.r .. _la Then too. the conlild,.eral.ion of budg .. t blll and h11ve done on Ila 11bout the .u.n.e ltln• the lt~•la· -' ••u...S of Ul #ld!Uonal tour mil· a . budpl la an elacUOh year ill By JAMF.8 W . DOUTHAT own account with \he probk-n1 tuni ro1npletM the budt'et ..... ~ IOStead of hauling dirt from· ttie propotied "ditch" lion doll&n \o '* tor in-omt>Uoo A<>l conductn to economlca.I ~-or f1n11n1"111R" ""''" op. J..Ktlona !or •Ion, Hmited to 30 day11. · freiWay through Costa Mesa to fiil the roadbed of the1 anc1 e;11ffUllon /Jlf. the iHO Olym· lhK!tlolll. ~tPLer, lh• trf,nd, 11.11 the 19!>6·57 fil!Ul year. The hot wa~r 1uu, haa not,.. San~ Freeway, the afate could get the same Cree pie Gatnei lo \he wtntltf" or tl\al ehown In the aa-embly. would be WASHINGTON -\\'hlle many tlla.L a Democrauc Congreq will However. th' bud~et la far been snt"ved, alt.hough 90me fundi yew, .to be held at Squaw Vafley. In the othf'r direction. with llOme Import.Nit labor btl1 11 are now enact any tabor or 'Nelf•re lea· rrom being a bill ready to £0 to hi.vi! beetr approved, net.rly ten dirt by ~gging it from the Santa Ana River bed, there-ll l• neceuary to h•ve lhl1 UMmbJ)'l!l!!n attemptln£" lo _..,. penqms in CoDgre... their rate J.ala.tlon,. Governor Kntghl for h11 alg-nR · milUon. f.;ir prellmlnuy wMk 011 ~Y d~pening thia flood control channel; and by drag· 1..Pr~ce ~ tterore the Winier nuei!.ce vot!!rl by .111!.CuriTlg more thla' .... Oil t. uncert•ln. Many on Capitol Hill think ture. 'The a•embly m.ea1ure no"· Orov111, d11m , tmictr't. iiot--..l:t"Ual -.-.;-~~---------:::"--------------· 101)mp\ca OOm.n\ltte:e be:lor• U.1 -pork barr'l approprleUon. to r HiatoMce.llJ, , V!!ry little labor Lh.aL J.(r, l-1.ilcM ll blunUer~ In goe11 to U1e et•te tenat!!, wh,.re conttructton work, bllt ,tu.My and • •.· midJllummer mMt.tnr. u placing t.belr di•trlcU. l~JalUion haa bf,en enaCt'd In atl.acklrfk the popular and )Jighly a aimi!ar bill, wtth IOmeY,.11.at tilt acqutm it!on. • •• the gamf9 at Squ.w Valley wu Tbe inc,__ In the bu41'et an election ,_,. But th.la rttord rempect~I chai.rman of the bouM dtlferenl approprtaUona In var· conditional upon tunU. l>llnr .,,,.. alao prompted 1n .am, re· w&11 eomplleO before the An.-U.bor Qi.mmiltee --Rep. on.ham -Loua categoriu. already I.I being l1~1Jo"l_ED .Jill:A.8Ultll. • •vallable for tacllltlea. Undlr the iipecte bn Ute protnl• that Gov-CIO D\el"lll.t and 1ntenalficaU9'1 A. Barden fD·N.C.). Mr. Mitch· con.tide:red by tM aen.ate Jlnance AMemblyman ·a.,JMr Welnber· budget btll, the •tale 11 dlr,ct«I emcir Goodwin J . Knil"ht would ot un.lon polllkal activity. ell complained that Chairman oommittee. rer'• bill to crw.t.e • ,unified · to 1ecur. all the r.venu• It can &Ilk no n-tue1 th.la year, u AllO unlOft labor'• 1g58 con-Barden had been bottling up the Whe11. the finance rommlttef' 11tate water dep•rtment h•s not rrom tlu! 1a.mea t• repay a1 hi. 1tate department of fill~ ~lllonal plan• have not yet· adm.1nJ1tr .. t1on·a propd\i.ala by re-get. r!!edy, ll will compare the n1oved •a yet to ~ polJlt wtJere ~~-:.:·:•: c. much of lha .M-npce moaq to comJ'14e1 the p~lve Income been fully revealed. E•peritneed ru1Jng to permit hearing•. r1gure. in Ule two blll11. and un-lt nu t>ttn beforw".eitbe.41 of the ! . ,J'on:nerly the K~B&Jboa New1-nme. the treuury -~ble. alOllc with certain reaervee, 11.11 ot.ervera belten the Al"L-CIO Such an ati...ck, ,tt wa11 jl'enar· doubtf'llly try to work out all the two hOU!t1!1'1. ~n•to1· Ben F'. • \ • • • • .. -!~; and th• Nf'Wport-Ba.lboa Pnee • r1nance a110 apptO't'ed. the IUfftdent to take car1 or th• wilt rouow thlil courn of acUon l.lly •nrd, c"ttainly will cot ~ompromi&ea It cu Wore eend· fluhte'• characlerlullon ot the -'To";-:-::;;;>;;:;;<;;;;;;::~;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;~;:;;;;:;,;;;;;---::-_j nearly 110 ia!IUon tot the Yea.lb· incl'Mffd bud&et. Neb Will rpe•\t...._U....,..._ e.u~JP....:tmaW•Lt trt•.o4.liifte -&..JJle.YW>L...14-1.llt-M.UIUt ~U..~:~11. aDc.CC4..,l:Wlde~___., -_:•:..:.·1-~~ ... ~·-~~·~·~lo~-.._~~'.:1"'.'.':'.ot~n:u~ ... ~-~ft~P:°"'::~t~l'~e~tt~,~T~-~'.'._--= "ir}{j'ffl'"="••:::::t,~ ~ -140'T.CX--.xJl5 ~eA.tlon from Mr, Bal"den, Un· l'loor.·Howe•er, tl"'re are .orne here laat Week, 1ndlcllte11 U111.t the -. ";?.-;Ill' ~...., pollUcaJ advanta«• tor Ule un· -.. h • ' 000 to Ute propo.ed approp11atioo. ,,,e admlni.lrath>Q 11 rolor Iona 1A th• 1~04 tiectkm ...,,... Ion boeee. ttowever, mlrht "make cornpromlHI whlcb apparently meaeuni will ave rough. 101n.-· Ci.tared u Becond·C .... Mattef' al the Plletoftlce in Newport ~ for 1tudle1-of a canal trom th• ,dow;n. U'le line wtth lt1 plan or no p&Jrn. conlllderable ~adway In the sen-wtll not be worked out, and thlm i" the 1tata senate. \ C&lltornla undu the ACt of Merc>:r. 3, JJ71. cout to K11rn rounly. 41 wa.w tax lncre&11e•. The iovemor 1aJd Thtlll, ··in Cot'1"1dt1rt1\g •-lf!e ate Labor Comm!tt.ea where they ln!!llll1 that 11.11 u1u11\ in con.aid· A1111embly wayi and ine11.n• illl tran1rel'red from Northem to definitely th•t he Ui not ln. ravor r-y have a 11ymp11.UileUc ni•Jorf"ty. er11.t1on or the buflg,t, It "·ill go rornlttee .baa 110me ,40 JlHlUon Southern C.W-omia vi& lb• o..t of ' an lncru.M hi ti••· 1tat1 P' lel(lalatlve. propc.!aalll. It ml&hl de· Mr. El111enho,..·er', !n. hi• st.ate-to wh11t !1 kno"·n •• Cree~ con· .,... cld• to wa1e q 111-out ump&lcn in apec'ta.l •pproprlatlon.-for 1klo4 11lute. ... tax. M Jiropo911d by senator Ran· , of-the-Union MMaftie, tl-r~ en· taru.~. rehi.bll\taUon to d-of beo-. DUS POft FLOOR dolph ODIU.r, ot Yreka. chairman t• 9*.tment • • · or It mll"ht aclm"l11t oC h.la PJ'!'J!'"l.m' 1t1bmlt-.W T'l'le commfltM's work on Ula ot ~ -.te t.Mn•poNtlorl C!Offl· do nottdna-. ' , or It mtgh\ aeek led to Con1rea lul yea~ for I OIST CO)DIJ'ry'f:E ~r.• it Cal\, ull. it. ,1 .-1011 , buclt;et will "rontinue tal1 week, mlttee, to fln.W.-~ra to flood to force J"O,ll~I -..Ol•, In order ravtllkle ot tbe ,Teft·ff&rtley ~· " 'f'he l'tff tol\ferel}{'e consllt.a Of tJr~ ~ti. Borne Of i'!r and. It probeblw Will "-to tl'I• d&ma.-at.le Jllrhwaya. city and to Id. tb "Mendw"" and "'en~ lndlcetlou er., how•v•r, that the a ct1ni.mlttc11. or 1enatora •rvl I# undOubt 1 Wi~ be • ated;--., •" ,.... mies" on r-eoord without · but unt11 the •ert•l.aUan' Jmow1 floor of lh• eienate bltoni Ute eowtty fo&da. O>IU•r'1 bill ta, in · any 0 · admln.l.llration will nqt preu tor tMLmblyman whlc n attempt. ta ._..r Ollllfeinls. M_,,.pN hJirllliMra ..ua.d&U.. ~eek e1oMa. thl wi. cotOID.ltt.91 on tn.N· pael&Uoll of tiDa1 ......... act.ion. ""°°""le ·the bW.. Jl'illJbl&, M· blnf mu~ l_t wantll tO ~ ta. Member NMMMI FAborW .....__,._ Antldptited aliCM ill U.. """" portaUOn, 641 tt LI not l.UteJy lnduilt.rJ', howcNC , ~ I.I But I,/ tM union• a1ltc"'1 tn nther com.rnltt.e• I.I appolni.o., ?11 catepry, thrr• "'Q.~M ao -· ::~ Member of o..&p 0.-l:y Newt ~ ret 90 tar have t.jl«J to mattr--I.hat It "W'lll .,.,... NII.eh th• HD· confronted by an AJ"'L.Cl6 cam· ptUni ~d.-.Uon or the1r al.-&Ad 'IO on ttnUI •g"t'ffment .. ~tnt aa ,!: whe\'9 U.. fl'IOl!I• --~~·· . '-1181!. Oenerally, It ..a &qlll.Cted •"-aoor. llK'h a meuure. In a.n pt.Ip to ellmlnate from the Tan-t..ack nn Mght·t-urk laW1, w ~ AJI t.11f1 tak .. time. an<! ey'• comln1 "'" . .·• .... -{ • • BSN' REDDICK, PUBl...QDID\ that tht eenate nnat.ce f'orhmlt· eleetJon ,_,.would l'r'l:elv• ahort Hartley Act Uta .ec:Uon (14 -Jll WV would IN opea. fbr ... "i wkM U' l trM cQinfero.Gll CW11mltlte 4.Jld when -t'tiat jo!A\ "'iw.ch• \VILLlAM' A. MOSES, Eklltor · tee ~ reduce the wmbl.T •hll'ltl tn Ute ... n1bly. pe;:fUnl at.ate. to outlaw the .arlety of TUt·RaiU•.111lam•nd--can hit a oompromlM oa the llrwt the t:loot, thera &r(" bOWKl to be -""' 'OJtMONO J:. ROVNTREI:, Advertl•ln,r Dl~l.!Q" v.rlion Qt th• budpL by a 1arie ll-.nwbilia. ~ t•t .. OC ma.a.1 cl ahOp. El1ht.een •tat• cow IMDY. One ~ ti q111i. c"'°'" try, lha bU~ ,...Son .... tU l'aJ>' additional at1run1enta. .,._t6l" , ' CRAil.LES A. ARMl!'mONq, llechantc..t Superlnt~ndent n1ar,1n. However, Wt.111--. -d •P«lal '-,PprOprie.Uun bilia, ino.t l\ave ·a"... ri1ht·t~wurk Lawa t.fJelto ""' puilil.4 .w tM . dl)Otl 1 a..totie • lhklt iit the ~·t. Ra.n<iol!Jh C'oll\ff" lntrodue.ld a 1-----,====---------::... _____ _:c_ ______ ~&e.tlll"'' aaa •· ..,. . Wl\ktl ................. ww...tiaoc1 ..... ..,,.._...,_,_..,.,_., ••• ,.._,"""''~-+:.;:;~;;o;:,,;;:;;;;,;~ -co-.: .. ~---:::±1 ' ,, .. ~ Ii f oL -• nle&.tLIT• 0 nrro;o&JN" Oi11 1. I.IX 8Ull8CRIPTION RA.2'U1 . ~airman of the eommltt.e. and NbabtUt.&t'°"-haAJll by • Uu·~· &me ctf th• l~elioll ~d--lea.1tor ~•ter (R·Arlz 1 , t11nw '"· e u u•r 11J>fl'I.... , Ne-.·port ll&rtM.r Nr" .. Ptt.a. Trf..\\"wJllJ la o,,..... ~'1· ..... per r-r: "'" .t• "'°""" fl.II ..,_ -. O.Wda .. Ol'up 0.-"7 11:11 ,,_ 7NI / - ' ' • " Mw presld'nt pro tem of U'lt! Becau• tor eV"tty bill v ot ed, lll' In Con&naa la tavortli by rutore ·t'k11 trad!UOnaJ r :g-ht11 t>f a"""'"n problf'm11 ,.nnounl"ll'll by ror ro•ll l'ehab!llli<t\on 11n'J It will -.nate. t e It majar NdUCUOn1 tur.o.. mv.9' k e.Vall.a-bk to fl· 811.c"l.IU"Y of Labor Mitchell H' Ute .,uit" 111 rl"guh•l• Jtt 1 ~f.t, •vern1..-Xnirhl whtn h• IMUf'd 1 l•ke Uu11 to clllpoee oC UU. A* WW• a ~ ~ ,.n..nl1 aw. M. Mwwv, _,,..... MepU.. Jli*.UCC. bCIJ'COtll ar wal.a.o\it.&. Lbt -.lt.:A" pnd'""' ULM ... Ml ...._. __... --C..C...--.,.----... -· ' . ' , ' • l. !- r I ) l I - • • I • • I •, . -7~Testtfr=for , N&WllOlT HAllOA N&WUlESS -PART I • P>.Qi t ~AY, MMCH 21, '95\f • • . . t . ~· JML.si. '°""'> "'· .,..,. a--· . ......, ,_,.,-f':IPQR'.T & couuC'-ArT ..::.;:i :":"~ .. -eo!.': ~.~ .. ~ ':.""~ n£J __ . !•u•1i;:11-. · Otud llW'T lfPltMd • full ar.&1• li'm. °*9P not .aabpeaa.ed bf --------=~---.---------·I tnq!Wy lato .U.pd. Oral!.&"• Coua-Ule Ju.ry. PIUVAft WUUI OOIOlCN'I' ~wtlla the ftnt t.ft day1 cl. ~M ty OeMral eo.plUJ 1ftalpractlce9 Prrecedlnc Boldtn tnt.o lht ... D~ f'ILOll JrZ'W YOIUt TO thaa durtqr the t\rK third °' ....... u dlec.,_. uctuahelJ by UM llOll Mid In a lklpertllr C.OUrt. Dept. N'EWPOAT BEACH Ornal OF fW7' While lM9 Lt Riii ~f ,... :N.,..Prw pe1 <>r-rise Oounl,J 2 dlambf'r _...,,.. .-uawtnr. sum••aow, HAMKILL It eo.-. ..t a-. tban UM ttrure tor the Nsw• a.nice. . + Kr-. Marte CSU ot Jtueu Park, 'he NI •v......,. ,_,. DOW ~ ~-Marcb. QJ• • ,.er ep ~ Wit.AMI ~red pt.o II ... .I.all• &eyao..._ .,Ith Velen· tlfllN tlie IMall •• -.rkt( ... ~ It .....ia U\tl lmprovh:1• It~ us. doelld door ..._ b' DUtrtct U... Dr. Karl .-.rtman. w.,... a.-llfll i'i8'9 ..,.. Hklb' bl ffW car '¥"utat:t~ WhUb At~raty Robert v..-1anc1 .,.. ~ ltou, ONnc• Dally ~ ,...._ l'f'Clllllll • nJI& ... ..,.. to M .mte capatti. oC ---''----'.---'----·--I N..a '1t)' editor and Mi.-Be"r17 -..a.. .0., •tt&19 aod buW)' ~ 1161 lnto & fair o&r JM.r · _ ~ __ Andna, hffod of lhe lw»plt&I'• 9QUIPJa4ftl tn .ntldpaUOn oJ' anothar eai . Mesi c ~ •1 prtatrial dep&rtmftlt. CAtkm \II. 9\111 advlMd for aons '°°"' period 1n u~T-ouncl Mn. Opn, a "*l'-tl llW'M, tanlt; ...... mt 6CQOUa1-. It lft-Cnt.kNI, In th• stock 10rktt. at th C!Ollftty ~ pw a elp· '-~U!ld t.Ut ft .,._..___. llO'Wevv. llKIU •tW,W bt In o~. • ed •lat.emenl to OCN8 r.cmUy ln Mfh bu.lllMM plateau and lh• JIC*-" Ttte hlsher pnce-earnlnp RUOI Approy~ New· which -"• charred "deplor&bl•" llibUlty ot .. fatrly Ma.rp W.lnMS for •tocke ff.fleet• lncrculnJ con- .. ~ . CMdlUCIU 1A Ule 1.tetriCa warf. COft'tt;~ mu.t be ll•P' la mlnd. Oduct. ~ e.Jement of coatldence ,. · Kr&. Opri._ M qn lllck l••e fJ'OI'\ 11...,. .. uw...,•u,at Ud th• could deteriorate rapidly ln Uw the hoqlt.&l and due to l"port back actJoa. of U.. biond ma!'ket NID&im r.ce ot' -4verlll INlin_. or poUtl- flre Budget Kay 11. Wea.le, wttb deoW'ld llsht and the cal dewlopmenta.. inventory ac- MU. Re:rnoktt Lt a YOC:atlonal .uppl~ amp&.. J'urlber ~· c:umula.Uon h beoominc Wdent -DW"M auaahecl to UN ~ttere\lloU las WIUW. of ICOlll9e. .,.,..._, 1&114 tb• -trq'U1. tn tteel. coPPlfr _ . ... ward. affect. tbit Jlond markat and ti.'f'f lndually ittockli i.. ton.* l'_.VSJ • intndff Cl»t& Me• The Jury broke up tpdt.y'1 .... Atrenl& ftOO.U ma1 well \tnerlt wbat nmW.Cmt ot the ~ OOWM:ltnian AJ'rift Ptnkley could lion at 12::30. J'oNm-JKk Bar· fl'om. & Niii.ark mad& by Rep""'° ataau ot earlier bumlneu d _. aotll1nl' wroa1 wtlh t~e pro-1ent aa.19 I.be next mee~ by th• 14!1taU•e Herbert., ~t., l'ho and bull m&rltell In etock, ,..ct: bodcet for the ,!t: • ne:;: full Jury on t.be hmpltal t.u• will ait&ttd W,,. ~~ AUned Durinl th• tut t rrw w• "" ~t ~ !'O be at I a.m.. April 11. ~~ltM tbt.t '¥. trdeN )lava bM!t rewarded... U.. COUQCU ..n:1 .. tJn1 Monda~ Sarsent dtclared, "We've 1ot a N&"YJ'' ... lMrtn, dolnl" too•sood i talllhs po.tiUoni tn eqult'-1 deni.-, -r... tbid&M lb• ~\Kile . h• k>t l:DOC'I work lo do before an ln-Job °" ........ iSotrn .pWMl ~ ...tNttni U\llllr atf'Ml"Oi 111 mak- "'4 ... 81.Dc:i9 It '9 Ollly pre.llmin.ar)' ttillcent report ean be ~vm-i. Much pl'Olltai ta tlaeir alruatt COfttncta. lnl" new hfshl for the year Home J thlak lt. '"'uld be a_ rood ruld• J!lO"-inveetigaUon w1U b&v• to be ..u.t.taat. Ka.,,.· SecNtary ftaJ• example. 0,-curnin.t 1trenitb. ca.n pOllt. fOC' -wortdlll" out arranr• ~· and a lot more tkl'f'tlls mond B. l'oflar, ..,._ &ak-4 " noted io Pacltic weetern OU. muU witll ~. oouatJ." don._" 'rht jury roroam&r1 Wd -..tliet.11 ... M t.MQstit that Ul• lndu~ Pure 011, Pltllbur&h steel, De· PlaJlt., "'"9d i. adopt th• pre-lnvut!J"allon 11 ai.o under way try aboWd ~ al~ bilt•r prof· troll Steel, lntemaUonal Tele- llMla&f)' budpt. aU lt wu cu-Lllto Y•t.1r&111 claim. er mllrep,.._ Ill, aa-ered \bat it laD't Illa job phone J!m.,...,n Electric Tho_p1p. rted bJ the rNt of t.he council. llflntallon by Oran1• County 1ub-to ~· that cMciaon, but he allO P~ucta Mon.-nta Cb.mkal na tlftt.&Uv• bud1•t of ~9.· dlvlllon builders. te.tltlecl.th&t ill. relation t.o lndu1-:il~ ReducUo~, American Bm•lt~ 110 ... .,...,.,.. ll.r1•l1 UU'oUll' lr7 u a wbele tht &!reran. tndu.1-&nd J\f.ttninf, Anaconda, llllnota the atterte ot Councilman ,Bert try prortt 11 low. Any rt-appn.1.Ml Central Northem-Paclflc.NaUo.nal •'lllU.. a farmer volunteer flr• POLICE "NAB LAD of N&Y)' COfttn.cU which would Diat9l-~a. ddel ol CO.ta Meaa. IN RUNAWAY TRY permit lltpUy .mor• 1om•rou1 lmlth bu decl&red. "B«:&u.M profit ma'"fln.e would bti bo\pld to Dow-.lo~• Aven.ce. ... l ·•• •-lh 1n-,.•-ent ap-1 of so lndu1triall .. 009.to dqWn a.~a of nd~ "h\MJr&nC. ,... .. , l'f9'1'pOrt Beach TbW'9Chy ... -I ._ MD _,.,_, -... 00--·-"-wtll • ••· .... ---·•·,, XI ft&ll1 ····-····-· 111.TI down .SI .,...._ "'-........ """'7 ptcked up a 14·year-el runa-w.. ~ .. -· • .,. f&I' In •c ... ot the coet ot way boy who wu hitchhiking N....,. of lmproYln1 car .. 1.,. l!I UUIJ Uea ··········-···· $7.17 up .Ol •taltliallill1 ud Sl&1ntal.Abl.& I.ha f,_ Loe Ani•lel te Peftl&o conUnuee to arrtv1 from ~trolt. 1 p.m. Volwn-l,110,000 dt'part!ll .. t." col&, Fla. Balu ot new c:an by Nub deaJen American SmeltJnr ............... , •1~ Balboa .lark Dev-nt Recommended The younpter cl aimed hi.I in the f1ret ten day• ol Much American Telephone ····-······ ll• ~ p&r'IAt• llYtd tn Florida and were up a1Jno9t. 12 119r ctStt trom >.naoond& ................................ R &3 "'- that he waa runnlnt away the lllle period a y•ar ...,.Ji.r ac-Chry.ler ·························"'.········· 'll" from e.n uncl• Ill Loe 4nreln. cord&n1 to John W. R&llpeck Mlc:1 DuPont ·················-············· .. 2271iti He appi.rentJy lett hi.I uncle'• vtC»-,...d4int ol Nuh·DlvlJton ot General. lnKt.rlo ···--·W····· .•... , e• \4 home Wedneltday n.IJht. n.1 Amerie&n Mot~ At the Mme General Motor• .....................• ''"- boy wu rc:le.Med to hil uncle, Ume Mr. JOMpb. It. Bayne, ~nera.I Olmbc:I Bro1. . ················~ •t\ii otttcer1 Mid-l&JM MPqer Of l'ol'd'tt,ll!ercury Grea t Northern R.R; .............. •a" ------------.j otvWk>n, Indicated that. Mercury N.Y. Central ···········-····-·········· '1"'- deal.era IOld 2!1 per cent more can )(ant...,, Oil -·····-···---········"• I'" ON THE MESA r' Counc~an Made Victim of Raillery Collqo Plans 'Bridey Murphy' Dance Friday 8\neialr Oil . ·····-···--··· 4214 Standard. Oil of Ca lif, ................ 98 Tran•mulca . . .. ·····-··-····-···· 39W.· Union Oil of Calif. ················w 69 ~ u.a. Steel .. . ....................... 80"-_ HOME LOANS LA_G.UNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION . T~ OFFICIS To s.rv .. ·You L0cal Doctors' Malpractice Case -ln-linal--Arguments LAGUNA llACH AND SAN CLIM!NTI PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY ' Ut ... ..._,_c.ta 114111& QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE Low · LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS PRllNDLY IYM'AT1il'/1C HlVlCI FREE CUSfOMEllS' ,ARKIN• UCROW SHV1CE. llff'ICllNTL Y .ONRATID LAGUNA BEACH mo.-A .... l'HONI HY. 4--1 in SAN CWAINTI .. I N •• ~ !tool ' ... IMONI wt.-.. J 141., J-1>14--- w HYecltitti 2-~lf6 ) __ ....,_ ..... ~ ,• J • SHOP MONDAY & rRIDAY NIG HT S 'TIL 9 . .. ...... , ...... ..,..,.. ~ .... ......-....... ............ _ ... _ _..,Ml.,.. ..... • • I .... Clllllllt ......... 3.97 ' a-11 '":!Tiz -' hl!willl """"'' U.. I , I I I .. fi=., 1 ........ , ....... ·- l .11 Platllc Hllf Klftttl .. DellYert Men Wstw 5.88 l wll 9/16-iltdi IAIW• •. \Ho....i Mr. ..-.w• ........ ,...... w11I '4ffw1 , ,..., -~.... J0.4... ...ti.111. ...... 21119ts-.. lltplll z .... 811•" lllrrer ......... , .. ~, .... lfeiirtc -... 111 2.88 llJ:lar 1a..11 • ,W.Slf 9~ ---..,.~ CC:::""' ........ IHl)IOrt I rulers 29!~,. AJJ .... i... <eok·~· ....... ....... 11 -·'·· 1-i .. ..... lew,. 'tlll. ).,.,..:I tlyloj J W~ff •• P1rk lllJfurt 1.tl Vah1e 1.66 31.11 Llrhtwt. Z9"1n. Bike '34!. 11t11retor Piiiows • L¥•t.....Cleth c ... ,. -1.98 ,...,_ d--•• 1 .,~ l l<hly ............... --•""' . ...,. ... =~t frlooeo-1~ tqVI ..... ................ 'lll ·-·· .,"' lrllfl 21~$, ................ ..: ... .,... ..... -Mtt.L -..... ' . • ., ... l.upt ........... ,. 9:99 , ..... ............... • ,, .... M Mio* .... ~/~ ...... """''- ' Reri 209.50, 2·£C. Liv RI Room ti 189~. 8.45 Toll1I Stat Save 2.4.6 4.99 S.Olid ~Y"Y••~• pl11t>< -1. ,,,. oU uo1>dar<I bu•i~ A•ailoble 111 blo<k, .. ~he ot 6 '"'''' Hor-111 tio'"' ...i.wo. .... S.Mo "-. 99.50 Cratuman 18': Pwr. Mower .88~! .. Peggy ltll'CC Egg f r\lil-N1o1t c,_, c..im 4-01. 29c; 1 ·llt. 79' 0... ~11• f11I• .,., g_..,.ly ~ ... •iltl ..... ~· Ooilp '"''"''""'· ow. It • • ,......, eift ... Reg.IAI~' Sport Shi ~-~~-·· ,,=·:. 6;44 .. II.II, 3·Spilt Hl·FI 1'11111 59! .. &1HltM Tiit 9at-ln.-All Celers ' l•gular 14c ••· 11' ... lo111 •-"'• 011.t _, 19 kMI d'fl,11, ••11 1M 1.,.101t..I •••" '" .i.--• • 11 or --., .... _,, "°""' .. i..... ............. ..,. cs1.,,.... a.....~ · 6:99 • ' • • • n~-~Rifi..,.,.---1 T ... phoooKJ74J71 ' ' • -· • • • • • • I ' • PAGE 10. PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS . . ,. WmNEsoAY, ~RCH 21, 195+ " . · · ' ' . /, I at the annual Soille Hawkfnalllince. .S.-. • flrl Mlj boy .affair, lo _...i by the Gld'o I.eo-. at Harbor. ' ~_Tba DJ1l U•'' )1111"""' a.. 1' . ~ tfadlllanal ,,._ ~ wbltA or •Y au--!!! ud z..:"~. °" ·Jrieh u 11-p1rc ta•nt eol· · T~Nj;miO Ud Jltn . on. T'WUt.d •tre&m.,. .... , from ~ Bul'fllC .. •.11.4 '-ll-l~t-­ •top 1M 17"' wtilW --~o,... Jou ct and Wa,li.tr M klkxlu danslcNt ~·the ~p 8.ndy 'Uiajir and Biii t.wtal& oC U.. •trecawl. . .. . '1!!*; Linda LI• b and • Bob A ,W..l fta ntt. ~1 Wa1u ·e. x.y Shader and Larry dl:ap«I ...,,UDd UM ~ of ~ K 1beald. D&tan, 1Nland and ~OIM. .rortime 'elllnc booU.. a.sat an a1r Brook&, Marf i.o-a Pelllteer ud ot my•tef)' l9 th!• putlcular 99C-Chuck ~. Llnda B<Hce and Uon ot lb• &ym. Br1Jh,1. vwA ·Steve Lee, Pat Stoddard and ahamrock• and a .ten owr th• e.ttt• SW.II. J'anla Mather and Roy ntr.:hmani lfl\ftd H&dl~ ''8atb• Jb)'ft. Cbarlott't . Cr11tleld and ·tub JIC>m:" nnlehed off the rabu-Rick" Clbeon, Ma.rtha )Vbllney and Jou• decorations. BO bby i<alaah, Lyn ~ulberg and . -~~G FOR DATES -Diane, left and Patty tµley, cou.1ln1 of Balboa Island, above a.re lfhown • t~g aa they waited for their dates to &rrive to take them to Sadie Hawkina Day dance at High oOhoal. -Staff Pholo Bnlde1 .belnl'" able to have Pele Banner, Diarle Atkinson and your tortun1 told, you couk! be ll!ldr1ilge SWM.IQI!. Jtt&ri.iuuie Ber& JUa"1ed by loftble lolan'J'ln' l am &nd Carl W WlaMOm, . ln ~ CerernOQY at lbe lacred lktty Beatty and Neal Tbom p.. Onion; have )"OUI' ~Wre taken llOfl., G&lle Unruh • a n d Doug and m011t Important, dance to the \Vhtte, Ann i Bel\llllt-n 11nd Derrl ft.ne mualq_ of the RHta or Or-N oga, Jill Peeler and Randy M&e ~ Collece.. mwp.... Marprel oaughan • n d SOME 001JPLES ' M ike S\ftln, Linda Byrd and Tt\PM Badia &nd 'Lil Abna,. kick WUaey, Sh~n Lodau ud at\endlnf were P atty Hopldaa Bob Brlg1>s. J esalc:a OrlrrW!. and and J ohn W hlteflt l(I., l.yM Leon· ~en Roberta, Judy Ou. and 'l'Of1t a.n.1 and J oel ·~. Norma Pa~ Bone, and Beth Snpw-a nd ~ tin and Bob Hertner, Perle Hen-SLanley . deraon and Denny Holl&nd, Mar-Sl.,UMBER PARTY .,. ..K!!.. Woodrich and Denni• Stovall. A r~r the dance. JT!day nlJ ht. Judy Smith and Jack Lieb, Lura Kl had a 1lun1 ber party •t Carolyn D'-"lcl and Roy CaUl1, the hpme ot PhylU1 Mil~ Bh.aron Daiong and Bob Lyman, Thoee •laying up all nlcht. g~ Carol Tr11.pp and PhU Klar, Judy rllng and eating we1"1! Laural Nlquetta and Tom St.ndl, Mclin· \VOO<S&on. Sue Ma.rigon. Sue ~ da Taylor and Jim CJemmona. !er. Nai\cJ Campbell, Lynn Peast, Diane ltlcKl1U1ley and John J oye. Jody Lleb, Unda Preaton. t.Jndll Gay Waldron a nd Donn , Ann-Detrinr . P al Rq:an, Joye• Vitt.a. l!lrong, Pal Daw.on and Carlton Lyn Mc.Fa.rl,t..nd, Pat TutUe, Jal• Smith,. Bev 11.nd Dick Overby, ten Grflt!n and Ph,tlh1<. Caryll Kolvl•to and Chuck C11.r· Who wu It t.hal wa 11 late to ti'r, I'..onnll Hartltl l and MI k e t he pa.rty ? Ne.in. -other than Ulna Lloyd, Joyce Ville and Artie K.i'1 president, 1.ynn Pe11.&e. Hl r tcber, Jaleln White a.nd ·Bob cin anyone tell me what are Green, Marh1n Hatch and Dick th09e •trann nor.t. u ttered late-- -------------------------Koerner, Brend11. Watcher a n d Jy by populir Laural Wood.t0n? ... i . ., .. -~: .,,_ ' '· ~ -·~ -.. .s Hou .. s ' . , ' I I , •• STARTING 10 A.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 23 • ' . T. • ' ' Open .-Fri. Nltes During Sale ' -. ••• . . ' -' . -... IF YOU'VE ·ALWAYS WANTED TWINS-we've 2 of th• most repulsi ve ones youvtt'ever uen .•. '. They ~sed to be $99 each.· (They're Cheirs I ..'...-········-········-······· Now $89 hr bolt!! I f t ~ ~ ..... ·. l,• . .-.~ . N8WH~ ~~:1/.Y.O,URSELf ITl:~ut the le91 on the•' basket chei;, .• ~d save I ':, 11" • 0, .... ,• '<" :t I., •1 • .., "":!'. , 1 -· I • '\ • . money.-.~ul.:$J~-ff ·_: ___ . ''-············-.: ....... ~·-···········--·······························-·····---Now $1,tJ '1 '-::'-:..., ....... ~I t •~.,.!.-.. :. .. t '\•' ·'··· ' T,HESE ARE· REA LL y· '~HAD.Y CHARACTER$" ••..•.•• Beach um,b/ie lla11 T11rquoi\e, • • • ' • \ • ~ ( 1 · yellow and red ............ ·•··········-·+-'. ....................... ~ ...... -............................ ~.--.... ::.,. .... ~-----•'..{... Now $J.99 ;.., •1 ·I· \ I <I ' , . THE CHINESE FORGOT TO ·~EW •THESE TOGETHER-So we • .ha~~z • I ~ of 1ingl~ 9r~u • ' ' I ' ' • I ' .. '" squares. Regular 35c .......... -,··········-······-············ .............. : .............. ·--·······-·········.,.····~··-.......... Now 15c ea. . . . ' . -CONNIE'S RITZY ERROR-This is a combo coffee · dining table wifh for '!'ica fop . _Re'\lular $199.00 ········-········· ....................... ...f ........ :._: ...................... -......... -.. ·-·····-···-·2 .... -........................... Now $t9.99 Sayre to Double Trailer Park N~1r He Owns New · Property Area I Stev_.D. Barnett. Phyllis Howald l b ear lt'a a • very lntereaUq llnd Walt 1.1 Hum, Penny Grahm story! ' ·•nd Bob Escobar, Sharon BL Congntulatftma go t o two j\ln- (."lalr 11..ru..I R.on Waldlleck, J udie lor (irb at Harbor H1gh Sebool Orl6tlnk and Dick Sauacr, J o--;r'he fir11t la Su• Brown who wu I Anne and Don Jackaon, Ju dy recently cho&en u thr delegttle T hompaon and Bud(ly Gortman trom Harbor to 11.ttend Girl'• . . . .,,BOB 'S BOOBOO-Side Chair1 . He li kes it so much you'll proh,bly have lo fight,~i"! to, got it. Regular$ t.20.00. Side c ha ir designed by Paul McCobb --.. .:. ',;!.--................. N-SSS.DO Plana have been announce('! by Wlth hi• father ln the management Kayla Crou 11.nd J efTy Hunt. Sla,te, She will It'll.Vt! lhia awn- Vlct.or B . ,!Jayre Or U do l 11le tor or Sayf t holrllngs th, re. "-lary Campbe-11 a nd Dick ,.fll· n1er for Sacramento v.·here she doubllnl' I.ha pretent al:..e "of lhr In enlarging the pr,.1ent n1oblle ll'r . Toni Hou1ton and Tom Bur-v.111 parUclpa.le In a model atatft,. TraOe Wlnda Tn.ller Park on H a r-home. llC('()n1mod11.t!on.,, Sayre puf· '1iiugh11, Carol HarUhor n and Dar· an d ..federal 1ovemment. Sui wu bor BJvd. In Co.ta. M eN. cb&Md the adj<.11ning property to rel M cMlllen, J udy T11omura artd ctio.en far ou ... tandlng n1oral, SQre r9cenUy pu~hued the the tr.Orth conslating ·of over 88,000 Dave FerguJtOn, Bartmra p I l t achol~ Slid ltaderehlp quaJJ-1 ,park and &djolninJ° properties for 1q. f t. or ground a rea. and George Jaquith . "-lehnda Ma· Ut L Su~ can alWllys be recog- a OONlldtrratlon In e.xceu or 1160,. Part of the new pru1~rly v.•iU slr11 a n•I ~ Smith. J o Men-nl&ed by bar friendly llmlle and 000. O.bom e-Forton ~lilly Co. Of be devoted to a srnall , 01n ri 1e1·ci1 l denha ll and Sktp Buci<nan, Lou-her wlllln(neu to help othrr11 a11 Newport. Beach repreaenled both shopping dl.strict to Mr\'•• re1:1illent11 1 l•e ftlgg Hnd Bii i Lee. Vicki shown by her variety of actJvl-1 purchaaera and the aellera In lhr )f tile traili:r park. l K1urbt snd J ln1 Verri:nger, Sut u ea &JM! her many rr1end11. tranuction. "' Co11ta M .. ,U\ City Co l•'\t·ll 1-lon-\\'illiama, a ni.t Ray Sowden, At.SO 8 0 .,"0KEl l Tha enlar(ed pt.rk \.\~· be' nuin-da}o g r anl1:<.I a var'lanCe op••icaUon I 1'101lf: l)A.SCEHS The aecond ~rl to be hunortd 1 agl::(I by Sayre's llOO. ct or J r.. ""' e • ot 811.yre fur the addition wh11•h "' D111ne J ohn.son and Dav(' W ard, waa M11rg1u~l Andn·w.~. 11fftc· recently re~rned tror11 Velo:H!I, 1 C o J La I Nev. whe re he has been assoch1.let.I %One, H·4 11ntl ·2' Tho: Pl OPt"1Ly 1 11 r ene r11en 11ni.1 I /\•~ry Rob-t1oootely k nown 11.-" !'!1 l"g, 1<•ht n i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I la pi·eai:n tly being used ror a b1n.'I. J oAM I" 111011111.11 11.nd Gevrge .!!be "''as chosen to represent Har· chicken ranrh. Thornpltln. J eannt Buford and bor a:i 1ta foreli:n exllia ni;e alw· ! MA'rIRESSES Glen Sn1ilh, Judie Jbbot!IQ~ and l def}t lo Euro~. 1-leg 1'1'!11 apen~J I ,Jloe.t. -B onM!r!I -Trallera J !m :O.lcKlflney, Sharon Reev 11nd her l hree month aumip.cr \'uca- lrreJular t;h.ap1...,. I Son Born to Boyes Bill Childrl'•li. Sally Beadle!! and t 1on in £urope ll\•1n.t:' with~ fam· Llberty.1-ISOS !\'0:1ni:-the birt h uf a llOn Archie Keelen. Carol Ann Merl-Lly 1'll l!he may belltt le11.m or COSTAM:ESA M ATTRE.o;sco. ·~11.reh tt; in Jioag Hu>pitul are deth 1tn,1 Dun Edv..ird11. J a1kie tho:ir ..., ... y of 11rr .. 1-l <'J; 1,. noLed l ;. Mr. lilh l ;\.Ii-Ch .. rl<ll! Bo"tl!o,I ? and Earl De Loa Ru .... , Cyn-for her hig h llf'h•1la11hc n1tlng, ..,,,,,,,,,,'=l>O""="="""°,,,,=",,,,"='='="=· ~·~·,,,,~J~2~0~":._A~'"~'~•ld"__~A~v.'..'~· _c:-.~··~i.~~~I~;.,~., I l hta Hl"nde rshvt and Hob Reltran, htr tnendly duipuM1Uon. 11 n(j htL .;;: T erry l{lrth 11n1t TOO Jaye,.. i'11.t a !'Y "' -~ lnuler1h1p S h1tr .. For cool comfort, warm complimcnt.11 ... TOBAGO SILK \by B1*ER .. May we present . :~·-our "royal nubbi- :tou.. l igh t we ight lOO )o silk fabric ·with • moat 11ubtle ··-.a..n d eophiaticated -. . . I , , I f .~bby texture. The f~rie ·ia exclusively Baker, t he 11 p ort ·.·. .. jQ.t LI hapd-tailor- •id in Baker'11 8U• perb tradition, the ttteef" on your ego " . &I tmmeuurable? • I I I Navy, Coats Brown end Natural ' ' ' ' I ' ' Sleeks in Natural only .. -Ha1)""n ILlld Larry f!iley, ~t im wt!J 1 Metcalf and 1\"e1I ("uuch. these -g 11 J11 ar-·o rthy ' Nllncy Coane a nd Buddy Bry-jof tne borllna ·be~lC!wed upon ant. t.lan r lli1. Ryplnd u anll Ah10 th .. ni For tiH"~ are l'>''O a chieve· K eltl'r, V.'antlll \\ull('1 and Dlck 1m·nU yuu ~dJlnot i.a1n unle•s Tr1lutwr1n. 811.1b11r1, Leuard llnd you lll Vl' f'lll for th 111uch errort Da\•e J,..,., rtl, J.1 a.ry Lee Bur bank 1111 •! t 1u1e on be h a 1 f uf your and Bob llaydtn. L.Jnll a Johnson l ~chooL ·so conp a1 ul11 tlon11 Sue and 1'1111<" f>el'rlng. P eg(Y Srni!h a nd ~fl'!'.;~ I won't \O.'IKh you luck 11n(I Jf'l f Ro:'ll'. Kall'ly Br!ekn•·r t.c{uusr you wHI nut net:!d 1l and O...\•t• S110\.\', Anna M'cFarlan•t I Y<1u h11.ve too 1n11.ny ulh<'r fine and GcurJ;" H.\'\ nolrls. In~~ Han-I quullllt'!s to ever uced lr1vl11.l1ty ' "'h"w 11no1 P.1!•1l·k N11pol;r, Ltnd11 1<t1<h .... luck ------- Pause-Resigns Liquor Job .. Charges Dismissed ·by ABC BANT A A N A fOCNS\ -He~r· all retlr>ement benefit.I, plua .a.c· 1 .... ., .... ,_.-~ 0 ~ '~--·· .m_a.n1 J.~~ll.F.~-.(2J:!llv;..2rlJl~r.. £-2..1!, -umula.t.ve.$-'J}:; ·'-~· ~ !: • •»r= ty rquor l"o nti'lil-oll Ker. 'Qoii"iT11y " n1ii4 A na 1n11 n no11 1rv- . re11lgried h111 Jl'U'!•llon 11nll the de-era! offer11 to take J<lb11 11.ntl It partn1ent o[ alcoh1>l"' !wvf"<:111tf! wt>lghinJC: them. Hurwilz .w..1d control dlamlll8ed char ge11 agaln!!l hln1. Pa1111e w1111 to havt" a hearln11; be for" the · control', hr11nng board today in the county'!\ new y,·ei- fa~ bu1ldinr •~bly roo1n. Paulie ""al l'Ullpo!rlf!d •fier h1• ind1ctn1enl by lhe Orange Cottn; ty Gr11.nd Jury on t•harge11 of tr:on11plnt.cy to unl11.wfully uae hia orfice ln the l.r111ua.nc1" or liquor Ucen1:1e11. Juriea acquitted lhe liquor or- flcr r on a ll charir:r~. Ac\ordlng tu Pause'11 11ttorney, ~111x H u1wit%, hla t::Uent w!ll gel American Histary New Adult Class A c l11ae In A·merlcan Hlatory will be 11 part of the adult edu- e•Uon proj(ram ,al Oran,ge Co.it Colle1e atarUn1 the "''eek of April 9. It v.'l.11 dl9Clo91!!4 today1 SGlary Sthedule A new aala.ry acl1edule for Cc11L1ta Meaa elementary a<."hool teacber1 wu adopted by the lll'hool boa1•d on March 7 which SupL Ev<'rett Rea n.ld wou ld put the 11dm1nu1· tra Uon pe11.rtr · lnlo compeOUon w ith 1lrnllar .chool11 !n the area for teach.era' atrvlcet1. I Under the new 11chedule l f!ach- er11 with A. B. 1tl'grl'l'I ("11.n atart Bl $3900 a Yl'11r 11.nd event11a11,y receive $6326, \\'hil~ 1n11trur-lor11 who h11v11 M11.11t"r'11 dca-r&ea can I 11t11rl nl 140!)() 1.1nd 11f\er 10 yea ni '"1.1n draw 167•0. I BE SURE -INSURE "'" ~IA l'R ICE l'T ,\:\•czy ln~oranOI! Only Phone Harbor !47• 1115 P'.-C:O..t Hl"'h"·ay · Coron. ... Mar The cla.u ~"'II cover ua m•Jor I a1·eu In the h latory of Ur.e U. !! l '-;::;;:;:;;:;;:;::::;::;;:;:::;:;:=::::::::-~;;l with tmpha11ts on e\lrTent aspecu 'i It will meet th• Stat e require-[ ment In American History, CJ.31<11 -km~ Will be h<'lcl Morid.lly a nd \\'ednMCIAy even 1n~• 1 from · T·ll In room 7 or U1e 11· br11.ry. The ln11truclor Wiii be Rob· ert Cr1ea1er. '"'"' .. ,,,. ,, '• ·-BIDWELL~S ELECTRJCALL-Y . e LET US .HELP YOU e • • 1.1 .. . FABRICS-These are really crazy, mixed-up prints and some p1alr(.~Jde stuff , • ~ f11'gula r $1.95 ·_: $3 .~5 yd...................................... ... ..._ .. _"" ... ·-··-~-4J.t ......... -. N!'W'!'' yd. .. .. . ~ IF YOU'D LIKE SOMETHING HIDEOUS-"l'm a lounge "."i tb ~l1tor covered in the _ hardest to-decorate around colors you could find ._ I'm regular $179.fr~ ~.L ... Naw $122.22 -. -. ' -~. '" PERSONAL -Will that gorge ous blonde that took such en intero\f (~·.'l. certtin bqok· cas ~·planler come back end look egein7 It's $75 leu 'n ow •.•. even:,(f you don't wa nt • • • it, come back anyway ........ .,. ......... :_ ...................... ., ...... _ ................ _ ..................... --·-···-····-····· .. ···· No"t $100.!)0 JACK'S JIN>(-8 "cuitom" I ha -ha ) Bar Stools co,.itred in wh ite pla stic ... co1t us to make, $bl each, but we're tryi ng to ~el rid of them et a big ravings ........ Naw $.25.0(I ea. "YOU CAN'T HARDLY GET THE SE NO MORE " . They 're celled "Gooey . O..~ks"· • ·end yuu can use th em for small occa •i onel tables. Reg. $9.99 ................................... Now S2.t2 BUMPY'SjLUNDE R -"love ly" I that's whe t the sal esman sa id I ra nch -style r.ugs that are at left fi t for your cal. Wero. up to $20.00 regularly ..... -........... ·--········ NaW-'$2.22'uci • ~ I • "' l'M A LITTLE TIPSY -b~t beautiful -end if you have !Just in·«ase yo~v en'I figured it out, I om a chair!) 0. It liability insurance you 're Regular $89.95 ......... Naw $60.QO . -r . ~ ' SOLID GOLD (well maybe not qu ite I C ha ir ... they tried .to sell me for $18.95 ·• , • ,.... • J • 'r but you can hove me .: ....... -._ .... : .................. : .......................... _:~-----·-······-·-·······-.. -........ -·-·········· .. ~ Nowi$)O,OCI'. · . • -~ t • ' "" 't.'w-"ftmrl ·ha-ye ·be·e·n lit whe n we bought t his-Odds & Ends of Lamp Shades-eh! 50 5'°'oH ' .,. , ,.., J • -. -' Chandeliw !now doesn't that sound alegen17 Th-.y're NO:f really I we tried to get ~89.95, but we couldn't so ............................. -............................................................ , .............................................. Now $20.20 Miscellaneous Junk: AND ALL OTHER STOCK 1flo 50°/o OFF! . .. -' . REMNANTS! REMNANTS! REMNANTS! REMNANT$! · · • J • HOOSE & GARDEN ,: ' . ' .. 301 'i w. Coast Highway . : .... • • • ' 1. • • :>;i: ... .. ' .. ... ··;; -.-,- •· .. • • • , . oNEoFTBEuoosRO~~~i--~S~T~~-----:-:-F~F~C)~R~lt:inimmci.~·~S_C)-::-:::N-:-:---tt-~~~-~~~ ...... """,,~ ..... m.n·c1alllrt"rt~~~,..,.._~••"*kr11ilMaludlRllwlwiJirS1S..••davy·---:~--.~-:-----:t-~ 110 ru,~Mdd.-A,·r. Ll lM'rtr R-43-&-I -,...." -·., LI a~ss1a •• ..-.:'.11.-.:11-· · - ' I I • ' • .. · . .. • • • .. ' 1·:::.;~~~·~~~~-'~~~?°'•·~':~~~4~~~·:...;..·--~.:...,,..-...:.----------..,---~~£::.EWPOAT:::..::::!~~:::;:::::::;~~~;:::~1 ~·~WEDNESD::..::::,::,::::.=::A~Y~,MA::::;=RCH:;:..:.~2~1.~1~9S6='::.__..:::..:_....!..:;..::.=..,.=.__;;;=:•=·:....,..----.....:....,.....---"ol-_..;;::·~:..__·_~'~· --':.' ...... • ' ' OP"n ' ~ 9~,r,p.:M. . , ~-Dii~y · ·& .. ' Sunday ,, ., . .. ' - • ' - -· ... .,..... . f : ' .. .f . .! .. , . . .. . ' ' ,, .. . -. -~.,~,·~~, .... ~·•iii . ' : _' ~ · A DellCla•· C• el C• .. l..W• •viii IMlntWMlletldl .. ~ ::-. . , r I "' \ ~... '., . ' . . -. Thanks for being. our GUEST last weekend · The coffee you were 1en-ed wu doliclc.. 0-t Colteo, .... - tbla w..uad. A tJOOh - I \", oombl.,...,_ of 1o1tta deUdott9 coffee -heked eopoeiallf for Richard'• and other CertUled 8outbera Oollturala marbt.. A -perfeeted by- wttb ""·eiJ bit of good· cottee flavor u lll,per priced -Nailo94 aDJ AdveJ"W _brands Of eottee. I Olvo It y<>ur 'halo Teot by totlai h.ome a poud Ulla weebod. Yoa11 qree,. too. Iba* o ... t Coltee lo 11"'4 coffee. , from our l>elicateu~n I. DWJ13DAY MIDNtronl8oup ~ Port A Kraut ~ll-~S.U. 8-• Loaf Ch .... AY ..._ ll<>utlledlliih Toray Tetruzinl Au Gnitln Pot&~ SUNDAY Sa.ute 01icken Uven Macoronl " lleat 8auOll Au GraUn orem Beul• llONDAY --Stuffed ·Porl< Cropo Crftmed Potai- rlJIBDAY ='""~ Si>o~ WEDNEllDAY Booton Clam Chowder Stuffed C.bbep Rollo -- • PllODtJCE • -- '·Try a P1ii1d .-r Ndiwf ,• • • . . \ ' • •• • ., \ ·GUEST· 9 COFFEE ... .., • .. ~ BUTTER lb. 59~ eon-. EVAP.MILK Cbeeeol.oaf VELVEllA 21b. _79c ~ - • . 4 ,.u. ·3 .1 c Zoe (!nn4 TOILET ·' . . TISSUE • e FROZEN e ·-~ · 37c H¥VROX _____ --"~ NJS.o. N..._. wavut7 27C WAFERS -·-·-······-··· ·._ · Bl'llM:fMt of Qillmpl-21 C WHEA TfS ______ ,:_. ><... ...... 2 21c STEAKS ...... ·~· OL ... • Bos of !" ·······--········· lt.•e "'......... 2 23c LEMONADE ••L ,., x-.:....Four '1111termU SEAFOOD . 53c · ASSORTMENT __ .. L ,. 1,,. -_,, 2SC-New-Fou ,,,....,.. FRU:D 53C JUICE ________ :. ___ ...... --s-cAUOPS _______ ,:... . - ' ' Saald9& ORANGE-2 33 ·-Appl• . JUICE . c Jule-E 33c -.....;.,. R~~-------:•OL '" -·----.... ---.... --.-....... 2 53c · . RASPBERRIES ..... ,.,. CORtr.=· u~L 2 ,., 31.c. PAnThS° ,.OL S ,., 100 ' Av0c1oos ___ J.ff . . BldHT ()nrMa.r & Clumk ' 37' P'NUT BUTTER .......• ..:... C ____ ...... __,, ___ .__ .. .. . . ' ........... ~' . • • ' i CUSTARD PIE~_.54c .. -Pio """'MIX " . · 17 STICKS · ___ ...... C ----. .. . . .. • ' . oeTErse'Nl .. ~. 59c -. .• .,..: ,..., ...... . ../ -25c - -· ALU,M. FOIL ·--~..,... . · • . ~RS£MEA1 ... 2-r;;-J9ec...-- -. v - . . ' . . RM!•LI roa ••!!CR n. II ... u, UM -~.--. . • . . 8o1<9 tu collfcled •• tu.able ltelnfl ·' -, ' . . ·.0011 ...:n.or 'DIE UDO 8ROP81 • r ' - • t r, • • .-• ,_ .. , - I ' l. -. / .. • ,. ... '• '. • •' .. , KID BASEBAtt EEf ~ ·~ 4llaa _ ~ ~ ~GH tior ..,... rtsftt haDdef' · wi.o 111 9ftlkr' eon"'-i to th• ctn-Summer bueba.Jl planl for kl(l .~ tn the Barbor danaU ,._ "" ......, \o .-an expected to. be lrofted out ID a-. -Nr lln'• llicluC\M. Oecq1L nm " ._ ""°"" nw aprinc trala!Dr at port Ba.rbor YOUtl:t Center at ... ~t. ..1.,J.!.'J-!!!'l~!''!•~-~.._~-----m.-+>u'oe..for the aem'On h•t beell-"IU;.: &-• ... -""'1iiiil• ........ .... port Be8ch --...11o-.; Dtnct.or ~ .. •. -lte ~rtormaid for Os-u .. ·~ ·• · · :-. EXPERIENCED .. Ha.P. · fOR TAR .NB IERS:' ~ U\ah In \M ClUI C r-'l'M-~ poial to bli .et • pl~ ~lM. l'klliHr' i-.,u.. , la th.-qu.UOn pt ~ b6--""'° ., ftl. !ft& ~ TOI" TIMES tween Newport BeM:lt. and lhl htnd ple,... .ubtUW.Unil. -nl.ablUll\ed Hutiot Boys' TM .,._, eommltlff on C MM- Clul) ond profram. ii cooper· bUI ~ tlltilt ~ on •UOn I• not favored With the pa.ftl)t ... p 111,i. ,na. and rtpl&lloN. • Bo19' Club, then plaQI will ban ftY.OVT p.\'f'&S to IM launched for u enUrely MaelCUUU rtpOrt.d HBC ll'T" eeparat.e )'OW!.fator bu.Mil pro-put aat .. Ida ... cm tomP,t'a ff.. pam withtn the city Umlta ol Cltton by Jiewpar\ llMcb 6' tba ~ewport Beach. Tout.b c-t• m .. L -U a ~ 4DULT8 INVITED atlw 6-l ii: .,.._. v,pom. -119 llrill be Mid ta Newpolrt ...._ .. Qt.rlaT1clt. bu announce!i l ll a t Medill... aid. "If oot. all lJT." "aD tlif. -.rdl will bli ~ on oUta 'll'Ul tu. ~ ID O.ta tbt caw.." He otended a.a. bt.· ~·· \ ytt.atJOn \0 alt a.dultai lnt.erellted . Pot.111.IJ,al ...U. a1M1 ~· • '.MlcJtOJ H11h'l, fti'll doab .... loft. and Loo Criolll. -'°'1NN. ue -a :i,ot -· ..,. Am-Coar! Cooch PaaU.-wbMa. IGJ>lJI.,.. at '11111 lo CIDtoh OJenn: -t. lllP rullod co!Jecla~ --'ValA, aow •whf.,. at NiwJott HBC L h In U.. ~e.r bulfball Pf'OP"&M floaln Ut ~r wbo haff aot aunc es fO< ,_. ........ to '"'"" tho ........... .,..,. ............ , qi.eet!IC, All l.Qvtt.\.iolt WU ..0 .. OR U.. Monday nJ(bt CO'lehbi~· . : llarl!or Hip School -Statt Plloto ' . • T · k D •1-1 -~ to Rtld Kedlllli&A, dJnlc9 " Jlartaor ..,.., °"' r1.1 n s· -......... " u .. 11oya· MM>l!W.. --.. .._. .. csQi.. -~ .,.. ... KoQdQ ...,.. 61 adult.a. 01 ,rep .. Oval , """ -01"" .... 1" "'"'" · • Moo40.1 ............ .UOI< --U.&•INI 1 • alon UW ,,_k wtlJll Coilch Wen-"""' . ------~~----! -• ., Ill• H•-.. ,.. Club d&ll Piel<.,... of ~ ,.,.....,,, INSUUNCI track tMllOO at the bl1h echool Euterp Qonter .. u:• ~pion O•· ........... ·''' "' ci¥a1 Xondq attemoon touftd • enp Ooaft ~ ~. Olllo.....,....___..., 0.. _.. ot top Um11 tul'Md ln · hll w. o.........,. NEW COACH AT PR.'N&E COAST ', Jbn ltupluld, ¥ 111 alld •tlU I .... J.fri4a7 ta \IW N .... PrMt. wu K•dQ' DllM appol.DW ~t tootMU 'Dd Mild u.dt co.Ch by tM 000 bawd-., l.,,.._, A srtduta'ot Rwl~ ll4lach, lta,qlland Ill only atbhtl la btflor7 ot I.bat hl"1 ldlool to will ...... OD. both the CD' footbe.ll qd ttt.dl tMmL -OQJ note ........ th• duh nt91\o It wa• an-~ ~~ ' -...,.. ,- _,,. •• HllC ...... u. 01...,. Crew Go tit Rod J(acM!lllu, . J'i.eUot MA10NI for MYM th Oral\ll Qout oou,,.·. l1NW • aad el.PU!. l1'de club memti.n 111tArt.&IM lb1 1tr°"1 U.C 'fro-w\11· be oonduatld at ~.wport ju. ta Lido . Oh&M•l. a.t\ltday. Ratbor Hi&h lchool oa Morular 8t&rilq Ume ~ ec-edWed for tl'Om l:IO p. m. to 6· p, m., 11 a. pa. 1---------------"!"--------· I :"~ .. :"ou;nu.~· ...ad. wtth th• ttMJrth.1.---'----------1· \ ftftll • llbrth pden drtlltn& ~ i...cw-BMcb ~ %1. H A R • 0 R . ,,_ ,,_, .. W-y al· ""-· ..... ......,.,,. M~· ~ ~ upon the day .... prodllo94 by John.nJ' U.C\I: KtleduJI Of Coach Dori HUlfliN In U.. llHPth crad1 ~ Burne' prep al.hlete1. yd. dub aft4 b1 Sixth Grader A bu. for the hllh 1ehool cin-Jed Howton In the ri<I and the den •W l1•v1 at approximately l\lch Jump. ~ uncorked 1 3 :30 p. m. upon thOM day•. with 11.s timing La U.. IQ, Houeton Boyl' Clubber• from Horace En· toured the dat&JUM bl 1Ji anU let •tirn 1"9porUnJ direatly to the ny with a M hlP jump. 1 hip achool. Other toa m.,U e&aae from BILL PHUJJPS, Sport. !:dltGr F1r•l meet will eend tbe John Grie&Mr aM -~ knlghlen · • · fourth, fUth I nd 1lxlh ,sTad•rs tn the .avenLb srade both tlo· , • ~ 1 i~, 6.4, and trom • e Pf.trick PAGE 2 '" PART 11 -NEWPORT• HARIOR NEWs..PKESS ftoblneon wu dellberately roulf'd in the 1utth I~ 80. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 195' 1z1. the t1n&1 1~ noonci.. t>ut &11 ---------------,,.--..,,,=----th• ref91·11 uw wu at1v1 xolns Boys, CLUB WIN1 S-D-""' of .... ,, f.-<>m ="''"'""' ot the rln.I'• charre. ' H1 awarded lb• ball to .Na· llonal Cit)', they took it up court .. , and • lut •ec.ond jump ahot wq CROWN BUT DROPS C ~ ... ·:.:;:.1;'!., -::.:~:~" C 1am1: Robin.on 10, Jerry IA YELIN ~ -Terry, Livingaton, one of an Hehn 9, Bry•n Lucu a.rid Tom Barbo Bo • Cl b ped th u • .....__ ---l..n-1.-~ Huber, 8 II.Ct).; and Tom Sando· . a~ t~. duo ttnding Orange Cout College, ----------01 ... 11 r ~-~ wrap , up e_ ...,,.,.UUL-&I~ ni J. D sun•: Palat1rr1 ll. .._.,,on the jaftlln~ apinat Cb&pman on the local · -..-00 at. ~ Qiego Boya Club Sl.turd&y by capturing RUNIU RaPJI :s. Jim Curtia 1. campus oval y. Terry -the splinter lM Taylor Sn•eeds . ·I>-champlonabJp of Orange &Gd San Diego oountleo but Bryan Lowta '· Donnla Pmln ' ft. 11 in., one of e better marb in Ea.tern Con-' p.! dropping the C crown to National Oiti. Both the triumph and Jolln11.:r Brockman '· ference •Pile practice~ -occ.. Ph~ Ra pi~·. Cen, llr. 'f. and the Mtbock occurred to tho final -!'da -of plu. __ -----------t-----.... ---~~-----1 ~. lW to Ban Dl•iro'• that pol t It bl.ck and t-.. 1111&11 ot 11 and 12·ye&r-· n wu • ..,. ..... • • LM Tliytor .nda.J" ~ lb:s-1 nilled to cloee In on 1 .....,Ji potat adnnt&f•· LISTEN to the Sbe&r10n, H•mmJU "Pri.v•te Wire" KABC--6:30 ·P.M. Daily Mon. t.hru l'rl Market QuotatioQI Financial "News Businesc Commentary Interviews P.rue.tttt'd by SHEARSON, HAMM Ill &-CO. M<•#<• ,.,. ) ... l S""k c.,,._,.,,.,.J.,.., ,.,, ... ,,w s-• .. , c-•"'"' c.~~--r~ SAILOR SPIKESTERS, fACE pr.a..~~---.u...;; Coach Rod MICMIUl.n'• flnt CIOI. tkn 4le olh• boldln1 ' fut.eat century tun• ot the track the rt..i. tn the third JMriod. In th• lul mitlut.e ot pl&J', It SOUTH CO Muon In tbe l:utem OonfennC41 With Ron Palaterrt psclnr lhl wu the Harbor aru kJde who AST 00. Via Lido Har. 3331 CAREFUL SERVICE,....· ~ for your $JeM-rt' Ou ..... in lte Joa. ... · ~ tbltoo': ~..:!i Joli-Jllll1I fftllll O\li 1atts _... -,.. of eol1, •t...tiaaiat9M_.u4 r.,. ,.U wmk on JOV ouiboud -· 'toolllq fol ...... s,a.Hon.P W1 ha .... d!iaa at l'ri• poll,, •w.u-. . SOUTH COAST COMPANY LEUZIMGER HERE FRIDAY when h• •'Ped tbe 100 yd. dub oometi.ck aurr•. the local ladl held _th• one ~nt ma~. Steve 13"" ll'Rnrport Bmt. Newport .Beach ·-In 9.1 ap.1Mt Chapman .. The Pl• adp4 put th• rival• 2~·23. '=iiiiiiilli~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~::~:::!;c_ _ __:~~=..:.::=::::.--....'..------~----n t.e Wftcladl of Coach .Huutat. n.• Barbar Soy•' Club c quln-• With one SUD.let League dual meet under their btlta, H&rPQ' won °'' meet 7o1Ai..eo~. tel Of ll'"an-a 14·Y•r--0ld• were ·Taylor •Lio lta&ld the UO lb blhJ11d 10.12 1t end of th• ttnt .the Newport Harbor High Schoell track and field forc19 ot 22.1 with a m011 tau wtnd bl- Co h Do B I k f Im ·-• b ih •-·t hind hill\, qu&rter •1ahat National Oty ac n urna 00 or an provicu I ow g &pWlll ""t •11·1-s into an ll-1 4 halfllme Lu.edncer Hi-"-~• thinclada on the Sailor oval Frida. y .after-T•"7 Uvtnriton lh1Y* tbe 1114-na. r1nla, look over at end ..., Javelin 1 .. ·11 for the Bue., aleo noon. SU.rt.inc tinw baa "been aet for 2 :~ p. m. on• ot the Nit marka recorded of ~ th1rd itanu 211·2~· From In tact, 1thlel4c director Ralph amons Ea.tern Conference apik..- Reed hu expr-4 Ula beltlf Ill'· -11ht. Buru. P:peetA to UH •ler.. Sta.a. Hopklfl9 cla&Ad 12 Newport'• depth ~ INJa:• th• him In th• 180, probably In. lhl n. for tb1 Bue• u Ol"loJl.J• Cout dlfterenoe In 111 thf'H · dlYlliom. 1'u!11rton meet. llWrpt tM pole vault. Hop JOBN8TO.N,E'8 Meta Auto Wrecbn Nlldl... to ...,-, UMi la1Jor B lklldtil tM ttn1 ~ of. • Wlllt up to lM ln pra.cUCI l&lt 111ua4)1 h•a•lly fannd an.r It.I 9'pl"lnt.er Tony 'RcJeech, wlnh1r of week. l:yewltne-11.id Stan victory over the 1peedf Banta th• Clllt\LCY, 120 and 1"40lt ba-left lnch• to 1par1 In m~ An& a.inti laat wetlt. . ton can1er ln Ul• vi<:~ re-thl9 Utt. -· 1Au1"1'1r. tn .... ~ to 1ay. surn., 4lltane11 CoKll lltll f r;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;o;;;;;;;=~~""::i::;::i::;;;;;;;iiii:j j t ""t.'""' ill -.. It !Or Frida .S~w and Reed were lmpr1ued II I ,.,.._, ...... )' -->'.:. ~~ ah0wing1 ot .,nater Joel n I J. VJ I ~ .... to~~· u.. be4.Llt ... onto Fenton. all-purpoae dl&rlll Ber· oche ·if 1'otuta -"Wirt not lhl 11ut dtiOouraa· ry....-prtnter Tom Nique;ttl a.a.d ~f h .. ...,. ''" .,_1 •• .....,., ..,,... ium .. ~ 01·~ a"'"' ~• very T !!rsday Nite, 5 to 10 P. M . Banta Ana;'' Bum. ~ ftll Roll.y. ' ''Whon,... -"••• ... of...-• ALL YOU CAN EAT -1.75 top ft'llD were unable to Plf1prm Plhns for A..,ten Md &not.her appeared LA only OF• Friday An11er1 Luna.eon 6ub 1vut, our varalt:r d14 & crllllt· abla Job." will t .. ture Color tum. oJ. lAI" -K1Mtn1 enUrdy 1plMt Banta JlnJ of yellowt&Jl, tuna and •I· An& w.rt Dile Martin and Don l>aeol"I In a talk by"Bob Collier MINdltb. Dodd Peareon ap..Pffnd Of th1 State Departmvit of J'l8h 6nl)' ·ln the high Jump. aut111 and Game-at the March 23 l'IOOn hopel th17 wlll all be rMdy to 11\fftln&' In N • w JI or t Harbor ro la Ume tor th• T;,. tzjp to Taeht Club. · • .C OMBJN ATION PLATE . Shrimp Cocktail • Soup • Salad TOlt&da -Taco -EnchJlada -Spanish Rice Fried Bea.n1 with Cheese -Tortillas Coffe or Milk Senor Louie Moreno and Hi.I F&&einating Piano Starta ~(9 :00 I?. Id:._;: Tonite and EVERY NITE! P""y Time at 11 :00 P.M. -EVERY THURSDAY? 7'ullerton-Udet'm Tu..say. .Pal.M,. aliGtMr ..._ tor Ult PJCTJ:I NJ:Wq..&. v. C. aa1e H E N .• y vu.it1 will com• trcn L&IT>' coacb, on. U3r n&Uonal oham,,.._ ~ tM d1at&not J'W\Dlr wbO "TIMI 0o'n1 aie Wfthout • we•k· ' ..,.,.._ t1r."Nektani" , s bela~ fec'4Sed to tunt. out fw -... J'OU c;u •trlk• al Th1t'1 _ • ..-. w. OIMt llWJ'. ~.Mt•" ~11'6'1 .... tlf.--u.t ·or--.,..-tn.•: .. --- • •• ' .. -· ' ) ·TOWN TOPICS from Ban1c of -America Newport •-h Branch Roland A.. Wrifht, - J1 it yoiit ''''"' bou•• ' WITH ... 1 ftowlr p.nift •.. a new pado for outdoor li•ing ... &ob paint .. , oew ~ wal~paper: .. mott room for~ 'f1mily l Wrll, don, t p~t IC ol, DKidt QOW t in1p U Of tCJ"irs you d hke to make •nd ar e fot low. rost Con,·rnicnt TIMEPLAN 6mocin3. Y4 caa bornrw up to1 Sl"OO with no down ptpnmt., •• repay in 1.1p to 56 1m1ll mondtly lt1· Ml1.,.. budgeted to yow tocom... ~ Jocal TIMEPLAN C'Olltrlceor or dtalec. CllQ ananp 70v whole job fo r 'you. Ot ,_ cu takc·ure of It )'OWltlf •t our beak. ------ ARE YOU A ' ' . "HALF-WAY- HOllYIST? ' DID 'vou INOW'THAT if you have.a ... of Aas Li.a regullt \,r Tenr:if•n ch«kins accouat JO&l cao •r±-ri• aa Automatic T ramfer of FuQd.t co your '"'°It ICICO.e P Tw. tervfce ~ AVI. ,..U tMllf tripl CO ~ .. Md wt1I a.tty out your 1~tenuon CO •v• OlOOly nrplut7. Aft&WJll q ""' bno<h. . , • l .••. . .. I • ·' ' • I I { • .. • .• • • • ' . ,, , ..::;:,t>. --' 1 l'IPE JD llBOW A90ABD -"Ankles Aweigh" • got uDderway l'rlday wh<D the chonis lntroduced tho llhow. J'!'OUl left0 Jllu Diane Fruhling, Mrs. Wl':LL, BO'.IW""lJS DOWN ~ Naughty -but nice ~ .. unf"'l"ttable ahon patrol p&ir, from left, L M. Treadwater and U~ R. B!!gewater... They are really .lira. F, R. Fox and Mn, Gtorge Michaud. ~llil.o:, :r..iiMi,.,..ne_..,. .... up anything th~ good. ' It'• .Mn. ·g -E. Hoffman putting over "He.din' for the Bottom Btuel." . ' -· . ~- ' ' • 1, • I ' • . .,. . ' j .. , . .· , . .. • Sidney Peck, Mra. Bud l•nn!Qg, ~Mils K&r:UJD. lllller • and Mn. Ben Red&ck • ....:. AU swf llllotoo - .. , • PMJIFIO DUTY -~all&n ~ and a -.Uor'1 drea1" were lnter~ted lnto the 1bow by Mn1. Art McKenzie wbo da.nOed the bulL ,. l ( . , • MAN DIE ~.&'1"8 -When two ~-,gd overboald 0 for e&ch ot~er thr~·$ notliinlto do but 1'Kiila Me and KllfKe w,R.h-.:..-rave:o• • ~ Arnold Nae;t!li, !tlfi ~ Mrs. W, R. Coleman ~ave the per!orm&llCllo • • ' . . • BPW 'Bosses ~Night' Sho w • ' QUABTEr IN llA&MONY ~ Slnpg "Trial Hoqey.,oon'' fer &Dlluai -Night .taged ~ Buaili.eu and ProfMaional Women's Cub are., from left, Mn. Orville ~ Schlueter-,-ihe bride, Mn. F. F. Thayer Jr., Valerie Sh1eida and Mrs. Auatin Cole, J • .. ' -an · brideamaidL ... " . •• . , r .. .. .. t• ' ~, .. • • • ' ,. ' /I f I '"'". • 1 f 11 Newport, Mesa P.oJice Joi1 in Drunk Arrests l - The police ol both Newport Bffl.ch and CMta Meu. were coa- ce"ped whin Antonio M. oaa: darl1111, 3·1. Santa Ana was arre.at- f'll •l noon Man:h 10 IJfl 1u11plclon ol d r11nk i..lrlvln1 and hlt-at1d·run •·ount~ Billy t.f. McDanlel. Santa Mar1a, rcpoi'M!d to Newport pollce hla c11t' "''ft $truck on 17th 8t, and Cna...~l HIJ:hway at 11 a.. m. He gave •· deacrlpUon ,ot the car. A.n hour later, Costa Mesa po- Hc1i 1potted the 1uto on Newport Blvd. near .Mel& Drive. Aleo book - ed' for being ln toalcated In auto were Ganda r1lla'1 three cam· panion1. Guadalupe Garcia, PedrO C Torr,1 and Reioburto R. Mel· ctior. all Santa Ana. LEGAL NOTICE • r _ _. -... • . NEW PONTIAC AG.ENCY Ground wu broken for the new Bhowrooma o! Roy Carver~ Pcbllia.c, 14:00 W, Cout Highway, thfl; week. A $50,000 ahowroom ii· tii~g built for Carver under contract by AWJtin Sturtevant on land llfUel4 tor the ahowrooms from the Irvine Co. Pictured u equipment started workibg, Sturtevant, V. E. M:cAlliater, •uper· intendant and Carver. -Staff Photo ~Et;;:~:· PA~T-VEAR COUNTY,-GROWTH ;SHOWS ~.~.t,~,~~f::YE; 5· YEAR BOOM STILl CONTINUES undenl&fied propc>M8 to .. 11 al· .• cohollc b4verare1 at th ... prem· dttktnl wUI ~t Colorado RJv1r ~. dMCrlbed .. folJOWI : Supenison Prwess Report ,water aupplJ by about 97 per cent. 416 Eul Central Av1nuC -":II• From Juty 1toDec.31 .19~MWD BolboO/Nowport -· Proves Population Doubled ................. "" fttl of W•· Pur1u1.nt to 1iu:h tnt«nUon, the _ ter Into UU. county. undrrslpt'd la appf11na to the De. BANK DEPO~ITM 1·p partment or A:.lcobolhl Be••"I'• SANTA ANA ((}CNS) · B"~ tin ed t &1,,..~ With tbe wave or pr"·~r-Oontrol for l•uancti or -alcohol· --ue1ne11 con u o --..... boom · Co 1.. .1 .oi.. lty, •b&nktna' dlJi>,llU have moved le beverage Uccna. tor~ 1J!-Orallge unty ... t year a1ong with we tremendoUB upw~trom 1193,308.000 In 1904 WM u follow•: popul&tion bike which nearly doubt .. that of l~. ON SALE GENJ::l\AL """' to 1212.m,ooo the pei•l 12•monlhl. U>J\TERL Detan1 or th• county'• amulna' total Y&luaUon .tnce 1960 wu taJ· POlt&l 'kettpu womed to an iSEASONAL-Q Yl (l'OWth were dikloMd today in 19<!. at 1118,263,000. Nut in Une a.llUme covzit1 hlrh of S3,llli7,· . . -• • • '· .Gl etlt _,, ' ' .t e Figures! LATEST AUTHENTIC FIGURES . . . * SHOW THERE ARE 8771 ESTABLISHMENTS, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • • • .--~ . THE PAID CIRCULATION OF THIS NEWSPAPER :f MARCH.1ST -1956). - - - -5820 COPIES THEREFORE-. 2 H0MES IN 3 I , Anyone d"'lr1nJ to protMt th• Oran1• Cowlt:r Prortt .. Report wu Fullerton at 1103,1178,000. S&n· 7K.72, wttfi. Banta Ana in front. ~.,:.~.;t ;.::.i "':: :: ~ N°:.!.t~..-d b)' iu· Board ot ta !Ana tanM third at 191,87'.; It bad IY-l,,Nl.81. Anah&lm part.ftM!!lt ot Alcobols. ........ Ill..-·--tnJled by Buena Park at IGO.l30,• ranked na:t at 1413,Mfl.M. l'ollo1ir· ~at Bacnm•tq. ca.utoirrd&, m.Umat.ed county population u OOOf N.,.port BMch. l•l.717,000; Inc' were Fullerton. 14G4,l24; co.- ~ "l'"'unda tor denLt.I u pro-of JUIUUT wu ut,ltl u ~ OrulPi 111,911,000: S&n Clem.nu. ta · ~llea&, Wr4r&3.i3; Newport :.Ad.id. by law. • an official Jll.22' ln lHO. Banta 117,Jll,000; Coela :w ... ll'.7fi,. Beach, 1210,116.2~; IA.l'\Jna Bea.ch, ··-,.-X.0UI8 B MJNTD. QuudlP Ana .ult la U.. IMd1q cllJ', popu.· 000 Brea. l10,S21,000; and Lquna $181,836; and 0r&zll't, $152,,71. ' . · ' ~ W-. wtUI. 11;e10. In ...-4 ftlll. "!,~""""~~1~1~had~~-~~c<~~th~·~--~----------------------•L_1ll.L....lL _ _J S.JIAM'CHMiliJl A ALmT ' -• ~ nd READ R. 'l'BOllJ"90l( ~ _19 UtJr4 WW. 11,0111 TbeN ....,. J1',TIT lnCM'9 tel• irtat... wt:tb. bUlln-vol!Un9 ~ No. l_ot N...,..Pra 1/11/11 l'f.wporl a.ch. fOW'Ua,, 11.Mll pboMe t. ()nap Co\111.tJ at UM Ina '" ~t onir lM-4. Cuunty --~----------1fonow.d by Cotta ·Kee&. 17.120; cloM ot Jut year than th-WV'I auto 6-len claimed 78 per cent . NoTIOE TO BIDOEU' Oran1e, 11,813: Buena Par1t, 10.-In ltlU. Anaheim 1howed a-urump-1.1P"flnr In new car 1&le1 and 1,,. Th9 Board of Tru9l.Ha of the 221; La Habra, 9'M: J.AsUna Ing lncreue 1\nce 1860--7401 per cent climb In ueed car Mltlnr. Newport Beach Elementary Beach, 71fl; H111ntlnrton Beach, phonu to 20,038. Garden Orove·1 The u.me reneral trend wu r• School Dletrtct. 2000 Cliff Orin, 5171 ; Brea, 629:11: Seal Bu.ch, phone hutll.llatlon1 went up from Oected tn other lin" ot bulinUI. Ctl.7 of Newport Btlach, County 36Qil_;,,Placentla, 2190 and Dairy· 1983 to 11,700 over the five-year TAXES, OF COUR81i ot·•Qnnce:, St.ate of C&llfomla, land, eoo. period : Fullerton, ~76 to 13,3"2: -. bu! t la wtU NQllV9 Md• to pun:b&M 80HboL8 OIWWINO Ot-anre. 4682 to ~~12 ; Newport • .,e c roun Y tax rate ~ .,_.,,,_ t 141 , • •t,41 per $100 ~value with· • room ........... ..-; o II ( 8cbool enrollmel'll ii up on all 13&ch, tlll to 11. 1 t 8anla A.na, lD lncoi'po. rated cttlu a d ,, .. olWn. foldblc lq catei.ria tab-20 693 to 34 l&O• tad PlaceftU&, n · I• alt.em&t., portatM c&tatana front&. ·Bin-t snnd lncrMM 11ft to lHt ' ' '°'1t.lde. The 6 centa added to Ula table and beDcJl C"Qmbta&Uoll, ... Oftl' 1164'1 enroiln'Mllt. WU ln the /..-tottJ of lfl.,84, nblclN wy )Utal4e (ti road tax. ' I~-to tba ~ 8-.cll .-ooad. A total or •tu .tudenta Nl(t.llter9d Ill th• COW'lt7 lUt JIU. Br-. has the lll(hut buk rate ~l'J J1cMo1 DUtliet. NfW• .._._ U.ted la th• MCOnd l'rade 1.q lKI, there were 72,5&0 a.-.M, with San Clemente nPt Port :a-c-. OllKonUa. up to ...i-,,_. u eomp&Nll to UOl ln chJAM rq19Urad and la 1~-J,Ll_l.IM. Santa Ana~ $1.17; 1;(1!1t P.. m. ft~. llarda •• lite prior' JMI'· 111.118 re(llt.tted. . ruberton Jl.'66; Seal Beach, ltGl..)t ~ ....... wtUll .,.itl· 0¥enll att.ndanc. J-.pecl 17•401 A tremendoWI blke In auto rees. Jl.IO: On.n&"e and Le. Habra at Ca'.lf....,..on toe at U.. dftce ot trom tT,411 to M,lh. Uned up traUon wu llhown ln tMI ove.r IL""io; Huntlnft.On Beech 11.29 ; m)2( 8iJKd Dlatl1Ct. -.. alnA IS.Ml 9Cbool llUdmt. ln Ul66 116009 to 121084 i...-Bellcll, Jl...2815 : Buena Pa.rk, ;.~ hid t1MD M aooompanekl lNT, UM TMt attaNIMce bU.lp Tbe ~rth of~ County 11.J&; Placentia, II.IS; Newport by a c.tUl«I ~ .~ler'• la acted. ta. ~ wu retkcted 1n • 8-ch, $1.14 ; Anaheim. 11.10.. Ia ..,..._ .or WdMt'• '84 MW u A trtDd wu -~ in b~ table which. &bowed only $8,646.· addttJoft, eome llr~ are a---' amount.. of Mt leM Ulia tee. (10) bulldlnC. tUte ~· accordinC 02• lot.al •&luallon ln lltO and for otMr la.Ilea 1uch •• ll(hlln&', ______.._.,__.of_~~ ~ aade to ~~WU \o tft!C~ hil'her $161,68_1.JIOJA..l_MM, ccn~. harbor, .chool and nood ~~~ orM ~Oi;ntil~ LO.\.NaJN..81d eo __ •""-"'-·-------"--1 Boianl,,Gf ~ ot. 914 a:bool J"or ~ Oh tour-tJlr!lroom ~l. to ,_,_kit di11lwr7. hom• -.... now' Ulldet conatrUcUon T1te ~ .tale ioan ~ • Bi4m~ .. ...w &Rd ....,_. u &pJut t t41 tb,..bedroom•ra.. 9'W'le4 torwud tn 1S1G1, Jt.t .. CCllhmere Sweaters , 411•. •9· JP .f\a'altuN ....-In spit. ot a .i:.er market 1n-uw It 11..-.av.y y...,. alnc:e ltGO. la • &ltl" ,_. Wldl tbe .ersoe .,, t.be bJaber prlcsd dw.uiap. more Ol Ulla county, A total of •0,211 Tok• from Store ttCMik Olftrict. ..0 Qitt J>rl.,., that o&Ubn bom•· are under ccn• toaN wu made ti\ lSIGI amount---iti"'1jiirn•"':;-rQ&WWtdli; ... oe _ 11a. Local police today are huaunc before 2:00 p. ra. ICarCIJt 21, lfM. e41'1t of th• .Jwuaa wen prlollel The county's fruit an nu .er.-~J'#'r"•rtb'rt. hnvy -Mr-nttm'" ---.,,..~ t o 000 ta ltlr' an.ii l' per ap maintained ltl downward WMrin( dark 1orl111111e. 1U1p«ted Urril: ~ '° M:iaflpt Md or njftl cmt ~ $14.,000. ).fowenr, la p1\IDl'tl lut 7eer. Total acr.se hJt of tallld( .Ux f._.hmere eweaters anj or au Mdl. Or ~ part ot lMIS. f1117 J _per cent ol. tbe MW the )OWelt point ablce Ul4i aa.ooo from Tbe Ciothe11 Ho""· 215 xa,... any Wd, to. "Watft·UJ taformal• boUMe w-. Ulldw 110,00(I s.nd U NeCll'ded Ip "1115. AOl"lq'• ~· lite An. KJ' w ..-1,.,...aartQ, ADii to .. t I*' CIMtl over $16,000. dow1l for Jut year-42,211 Valen· Lourie Crl11P1\, proprfetor of add , t1el u 9Qle JQclp· flfl_ th• UMIOLP ROJIU dU. 1411 othtr cllr11a, l80 wal· the ellop, told police lhe wu f'Mt1t M"'9 ,...uaca•-s ol tbe 'Iba J•tC-'Mliac. of umold com· nut.&, mt olher dedduoWI. fw a walttnr on one ot lh<' men about ...,\etl&I or .. ulpmalt off.-. pltted ~ mo._ up ln dll'ect 51,"'3 total, a deer-MM ot nearly 1 p. m. on Mar<"h 13. show1n,. blm · 9'/ '«del' d Ow ~ ot comparlMln to their price. It 7000 trom the prevlnu1 yeer. .ome "'nn1en'1 1k1rt 1. The other ~el ,,. N 8e&Cll te trom I.I per ttnt unaokl Hard•l hit by I.he tnnua ot •t In a chalr at1d w..1ted-Mar 111t11natary lldlaol .Dtsutct. cm. ~ st:I p.t-"'1t b!Atdfnr wu t he Valencia 1t'l'1'P tM ""'"'"" et1-t"-v.eUn1 toMI .-·~:-BJ: H&L&N• C811NAR on IJ'OOO and olller dwelltnas. which l&W 14lt acru cleared In otncer1. . --";rilr •· Ce.rk ---MOil &11 tra('\..9 were· elllc bl11 1966. TI'<! 1wealrr1. ot pink. wh.lle Dated: Men:h 12~ 1-iM ror VA and' rttA trns. n.. MeaopolU.an Walef.Dl.st.dt_t .an<I ll"l!Y color~ • .,.,.re enc11"'f'd tn Publltib : March 14 th and ll11t, O~r a 11\x-year rertod An1helm expan•ltd it11 l!neti thrnugho•1t the tnrln·lr1ual pbutlr bag~ en•\ 111•erf' 1 ,~. 11 far out in rrnnl 1n lh11 \'.aluauon 1 counly in l~!):I and .,..·1ll hll\'e nrw '\•11luN 11t a total o! $117..:10, lhe No. l<M Ne,.•1 Preu ol builctmc-Pfflltll•. Thal t.1t,v 1 laClllha rea<ly by . July I. Ad· e&J<l._ HARBOR . &S -~ ,t MONDAY -WEDNESDA~ -. FRIDAY • No Other Newspaper ----·---. Either. Metro1106ian ~r .I o~~--. ~ Can· Approach l~is -· Figure! -. . . . IF YOU ARE NOT A SUISClllEI YOU CAN RECEIVE THE NEWPORT · HAllOI NEWS-PIUS ·a DAY~ E~H . Wf:EK IY ClltlNI • -' -HARBOR-~ •' I t I I j : '· 14 M..w.I. ......_TV llDop. ........... .......... 11 Uveikdl: • A.atel w .. w .. ut.M ,., 1-11 .... nm,..._ . ' " • (!D~l~-~·~t:!_;:r!!1!!!!'~·=':!•:!r~(!!!::J!!!!J•~W!!!!!!!!!I !•_::::~1 ~T HAU0« NEWSiri£ss -PART I~~ PAM I L01T • ..... ""'· n , ,_ ·WEONesDAY, ~CH 21, 1956 . ___ .......,_Gil!UI ·-' •• !I • It "*" lill'll.bW· .... ... WAJU>. Har. "11. .._ ., .... .... -..... .... ..... ...,,,.,, I i • • NEwPo,RT BARBo:a PWS-PBH!S Clauifiecl l"clex l ,.,....,.. Not.tar. I.,.,..... ....., _ _,____ a -, n.oua r ml; ' t'4iautltlplreeton • JOB~iC)uW.• .. .__...,_ "et ..... _ .. . 111 'Cu .. • .i;,. Ll~l'h~ 11 ''b, ·1.:: •t ........... , .'1 .......... ,... ... f,1.4 ~ fw.Jla* U.B Ho&c. ,.,.-a-t iM>.---·. ::.~~' .......... •·JkNu'd ........ -u 8tofft A otnc. 6S·A Bn·'rr• ._.._ .......... ~ .. 65 ...... 7" ..... 61 M••r "'ante41 61 R-9 Emtate "'•ntl!d 68 fl-a !'.Mate Servkle It 'lsMMDe Pt"OpUlf IF.A CGnunerk:al, l!Mlu.lrt&I tl a.l· ~ &xebll.p· n_..r.. ..... ~. TO .• HIRE A MAID? •• • SELL A CAR1 IUY (4. TY?~ RENT A ROOM? FIND A WATCH? SWAP A BOAT? JUDE A TRAILER? LOCATE . A JOB? Use • . . . Every Moadlly, W•da~dlly lllcl FrldlrJ __ COASTAL SHOPPER-:-We4needay11 V Newport Barbor B. P. O. J!:. 1787 ·- J.l.N\I every '1111.1ndey I p.fll. VJ.& Oporto -Oultra.l Ave. • Newport Be6ch Albert R. Matt.h.wa. E:uli.d RUier WHITE WOJ.q.N du.IJW houae- coo4 r_eft.ren~-. OwJl lranlport· DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS Kade to Order ' J:at6nat. ._..., Bam~ LUCIIJ.E DRAPERIES IDZAL POR JU:NT'.A.Lll, llto'f"• f-tiO. ~. uo. Both pod oond. LI 1-3"6 an ... I p.m. l!Ue WEr!'!Naeousm ti~t. ~ Owe control lA ftnt clUI COil• d.lticm l '10-110.:t'1tb It.. Npt. ...... UNBEATABLE LOW PRICES AT BAY EXPERT work by hour $1.60. l:xpoerienced . • •• .Al.o WUI ~Wr _ ~l.'CRl:TARY -,-Ct-clvk, pt.1 MOrTELL'S REMODELING LI l..utT or '-! •·.1111. -~=-::t, ,:::::;, -.:;~: KNITTERS ND PEEK f CONO&MIAL hard-worldn&' cou-Ir other.. JUNm FAIUUR HAid~ on all yanw. needl• A I · pl• for rnot•L J:1tpe.rlenced m&&d EMPL. AGCY ... tOl~·lhd BL, point, liAen• tor pa.ln.Ullc, n.11' fl.N Butterfly CIJ\vu W. ·1. -NEW- Colonhtl Mortuary LIC&NBICO It tn•lntenllnee. Referenoe.. _ Newport B'eacb.. &Ol'N9 from UM 6 DMdl-. chalra ............................... _ $.6.U 7Mll BolM. -J~ eoulh of \\'Nl· Ft>M" advlee Phon• Har. 5&08-W Paul McGruder, Box 17Gt, lndlo.1 -"'-'';_,..."_•_IL ___ ~ __ ... _ .. _I 1 s' ·1+ N' Knit I "~~r:. ~~~3 COtlon loop . $11.13 mtn•ltl" Memorial P•i-k. 86L'99 C..llt. 8-tp8G ' I • l ln "·-·-·--II ·--'------------1 -----"-----.:....-1 Dl:SK WAITING •••• "· ~·--Bl.-..---.......... 7~.:i.o JC 3 All.Al •lt'I" rus• $41.e.Q .An c.tnwg11 ......... ,ty .... .,.t ut ..... 1. »-·--f II Ml Roll& Se1"YLn1 tamtlle• of .. u faith• General 'Contractor LADIES ror. ISRO~~~AL&IKAN. I lltfe t~atl--t8'' ~-~~··· ~-~-~-~:. ts6.to Telt-phone (Toll FrffJ Do .lbtnalckn feet cMf "1111~ 6 Ill k ZEnlth 1231 ~ .. UCl:NSED or • Bbould a-loc-1 .,.... i'OJ\ &Al.II -131 ..... I jWlre . po. I C ¥.'. L din«\, No 011• ever tul"Md 1.way_}*:aUM1 New Work_ Remodeling M.A1::m ~~~~?tor (Oonncs.ntl&l) mater.1' amp. ~ -2 ,:~ .. i .. -... ·-··J.b·,·i~··-;,;;:..;_~!:~ of l&ck of fund&. Gall ftGN ar-i.,-, wtr• outlet. Mff W Don ...,... ~bo":11'~~ M~ttc Swedish Massage 81'"'" ....,,, ~ · _..,. .!!!. :-;~-~~~'i';r .,~'..;; ;-;: ~,;dh;;;,!J'oS>. lZ-Bulldi.DJ: Senieeti 1'A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY 1'HE r."EW in.chine proce.. metll• od. Re•eonabl• price:•. A ven1• 2 t.ai19 re1idenUal blind. Only $1.00 Bllndl n!palNd and nbuilt. Free Pick up and delivery Work don• by appotntme.nt PhOAe Liberty 8·!i701 • or KJmberl,y 3-15669. , pptre CARPENTRY. MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB Too BlU.LL H. o. AJMSenon 101t E. Balboa Elvd.., Balboa Harbor tt&O 13tte Custom Cabinet Work No Job too bll" or lOO am.•11 For lmmtillate ,.Jipl'&iAI c.U C. Everett Smith Hal". 4t47 -8 lO 6 8(1tlo ln your bome. ' '6cl7 D. L. Tabl~.l ka•~ .. -.. llt~ Pleue call Harbor t7t& WAITRESS qtpl1.catliob Min&" ~ 11!9.50 Si'" Gu range --·-f~ or Hubor" 70, , . MU lakUl. Immedl&te employmanl TAJQ..11 SAW, d1Uc 6 belt, .uder, fr"lll.00 J po. LeW90n ~ 41ft0 ____ .;_ __ ,__ ___ .~.lJo . ..llOl .Jti.f~'-'-_ill"IA.c,K_ ---JM-',-~.,......,. ~ _wft.h. Ml ·······-··-············ ····-··· )lll.o4 "FIX-IT'' SHOP J30I E.. ec.a~ HJcbw-.y, mot.on. U: t-UJ&-10 a. m. to-Jl7t.MI J po. B«Uona.I ~ Corona dd Mar., Ilea& t Ill j Mel? nibber ........................... ll1t'.~ p. · JN.60 Doubl• 1Ludlo couch _ JM. . ' ~ a,qd i:lectl'lcal ll&tnl~&nee Sf,rvtc1 ALL WORK OU~ •. Harbor MM •r M93 '"" -GARDENING ODD JOBS A CLEAN UP. NO JOB TOO 8:MALL f'ULL TDCll aale1 slr1 tor wom· NEW D&LUXZi KtalDlnl •Uta-689.&0 l net9Pf, matl and bo1I: en'• appar•l llhop Oll Balboa l'D&Uo wuhl.nc iaacNM cOO 91)1". Ht ..... _.. ... 13t.lll\ le~d. C&ll Har. 1610.W atl•i-1135, llacritlc. tor •1&0. ALSO •t~ll.30 6 pc Bedroom Ht ·~··~·~ I p.. m. Uc87 lnternat.IOG&l Harw•tn Model TO o.ep rreutt oo9t "~ wUI .-.crtfl.ce Jzn. ~· t117 or 3111-l. l&ct8 · Bay furniture "Where pi-I ce• ar• held 4t 81'.y"' l:XPERIENCEI>t bOUM tn.llwlni· pal,. men or c......i handy man wltll SOlJl• va.tlu upvl911ee.- LI 1·1411. Htto MAPU: DRUAl:R, ~ 6 Ml"S. 4.27 E. 17th at., Co.tta x ... DICK • KERB co~~~~?,.~ .~ E,. PAINTING . / BT HOUR,. DAY OJ\ WEEK Ll .... OIO or LI 8-.f,Mi TOpll l:XPJ:IUJ:NCJ:V, food 6 codltaU 'Auto wubar, eliec: •• ~19", belwHn 'J'ultl.ln and .lrvlne w&ltrMa between 11 • '' y.... be.rbecu• n•vei-iaed. bf.at 6 mtr., rre. Btontront Parklnr-T•rm. ..... ffa .. -mao Oout HJ h patio table • 9hatnl, ldrai>ei-lea. ' .. ..,, N-;;..;!.. ~ .......... w. ' ·-,OPEN EVE'S. 'TIL 8 I pert 1a(den!n1 A landKaplng. ''KENNY'S" H U ... h PAPERHANGING · HOT POlNT elec:trie Ito••· J19r· 708 M .. n •c. "' .,,.. " . . 30-llllleo......... IKC • "'" "'''"'" ""m" I LEX. 6:1022, ---tr --Dependable and Complete I . lavatory bul.A, CODI.pl.le, l rot· H. ,H. HOLBROO~ s1:ie~~~1: t!~!r ~w:: ~~~ c:!E HANO. BRAIDED RUGS ~:.' -All '"j"0 ";; a ROOMS Bl!:AUTIJl'UL NEW TtJRNJTURE w1lh 2 pc. llvinl" roont Ml ln youi-dloLc. et..mad. .. •m tabriq,. i l,l•\19.DlU .it tat>- l• and coirM wi:Jb. 1 inbdua DEPENDABLE PLUMBING Hu.. not or 6!17 Call Liberty I-~ i'J\£1: mftaucnoM . IN pl:llf'l)CT OONDnlOM, J1oY9 A. Prompt u '1Gp&lb o~~:,~ ~ ,....,. ...iit. uw lhirt • tabl1 J&DIJll, I pt.·t.rroutflt"lfo"n dinette, modern bedrven\ · M l with • dra-i-dreuer aDd ·lirl"• mli-ror. L&ra"• PhHco nftiJI'. A MaJ'ic Ch•t ~ • .ii tdr onl7 $HO. [.ow down paym4111t. 104 week• to pay. Thll i. Mini of· fiH'ed •t lhl ~· pd .. IVtl" .-.. Re}ali-Service Maintained 1 ------------1 --~----~----I~ ~lNz'dl.li'~ MM 14. Jll. *J """"" ....... .... FOR MNT GARDENING and:~· r • BL SL,"· B . .rtor ,, llOl Balboa BlYC., NtPPOTt &1cb SkJll Baws, J1te. ~ Palllhen, CLEANaUP JO.BS IA.run& '9ch. Hratl t ·T ... fKll l l-----------,.-'-1 all t)'Jlel otf Baiideia, Wb•lba.r-SILVER rox ftOL& CEMENT & BUILDING ,..w •. •"-WANTED PEKRCr cmmmo><. All Kind> BOYD'S HDWE. LfBCRTY I 8-b 139 ·-~··& Bar. ..... u MARCH CLEAiV.NCE 2130 W. 0.AIJ'P-HIQRWAT 'i .FREE ESTIMATES Liberty Wi:J,6f NIWpOTt·Bcb. nuo 5%tfc COllCPL&"Tli Brr b&UU"90m .na.- Llberty 8-6109 lure.a. Call Ht.r. 11'2. -~ a.I:. R.El'JUG., I ct. y..n Ull.60 HUB 100 W. Cent.r, An.-.. tt 29U Small Jobs Wanted Carpentry. Painting Good work-Rea!IOnlble I Lrber1y 8-MOJ s1e06 COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Sen-ice ~UOENi: 0 . SAUNDERS 000 li.t Str .. t, Newport Beech Hubor tlt7G U c PAiNflNG PAINTING INTER.IO~ _ .EXTEJUOR BY HOUR. Small or J&i-1"• jok ok. SERVEL. I c~ o.k. $419.61.11------------ 0RIZNTA.L RUGS apwt17 • KELVINATC)R. let• mochl, ••TY THRU ROOMS of b.euUfut new pairld, eatlin&t.M tuna. XUlll nlc. ·····--·-·--··-··--ft9.60 tumltura tor i1u. Comt 1.111 ALSO ~ p A.INTINCJ Reuon1ble rat ea. LlCENSEb ~ INSURED Llbf!rt.7 "1·3721. Mil 11 Oriental acatter nlP OOLDllPO'I'. .... i-u.ukd -Mll.&o look &l'Ound fra.ctlon ortctnal Taha&. A.lao 2 Oil RJ,NGZ. U'"1 top IOT. 134.00 HUB 100 W. Cant., .Anebe1m U wfM.b antique ch•U. PUllDLdf'll O'KEl:l'S 6 KJ:IUU'M' U" ....... 601 --~=-------- · Glennj' John.ton 001 -3Jtl St. Newport Bffch Harbor !17• ~c :'l' 27M E. Cout ·H1&"bwa7. c~ wi:oozwooo, delWI., top cov. &IX ROOMS . of tuf1\ltu... HU YACHT SKIPP •valla1ble. For., ------------U" -·-··-··--":-... ·--··-----•7G..00 new, nitriir., •lov•, runck. mer 8WICDIS nava otttcer.1i:x.CEI..1..ENT BUTB Pncticall mABY SPIN deyu, pod c_ondl· dMp freKe, wuher, n1w oon· Able, 10bu It belt ot rd"ermcs. new Kanmo-pr ·-...... u:l.! Uon ······--··--.:······-··-··-f(t.&0 aoM Hwinl" macbtn .. Hu .. 11111 C1U La .... LI l ·MKl2. 88c88 -··~·-·--• ..•• 1_:___• WJUNQ.l:R'waahw ruJ ftiC1 '31 GO -17M Miruna.r Drt• .. Blalbo9.. • oven, •-i-, ~ • · llklM GIRL 1'1 dulr.. "be.by 11tttnc". •tc. 1100, A electrto rout•~·-· VACUUK ~· ..-varal, llJ'hl hOURWork, da7 or nlrht ctllent rond. 11.5;.I>Mrbora tr. -· ... ·--II to 111.60 QUALITY JU.HOO. ftmlittn,°"' durlnl" Euter V1catlon. Exper-t-110 . .:....Hal\ 0712·R. 86 l:vtlrJlhlfla Queraat.Md-ccindJUon. Druel arnr, ......... encecl. LI 1-21561 SaL w Sun. j z.aq TertNI ca~lnet. pair ot u~'.., • WAYNE'S CONSTRudioN co. Genera.I ~tn.c\or 8'cl!T POP CORN MACH1~·e· ............... ---· E>Cf>erieneed Gardener -~.,.,----~-,.---'" aTROOTB HAROWAR.E, aoe11-w. . "'9' All work penK!nllly IUpemaed. Ll 8·2023 LANDSCAPING M ttc OOM:J:8'."C WORK by bour oi-V•q 1"9UOO&bl1 --Harboi-21. HouMwan1 ......... Tlinr--tt---=~~~~Trifu--+=======!o===~~H .. ~';-· -.eo~. eocld • and CLEAN UPS FOR PAPER local ietettnCf'. Own tnuwpoi-· ~7 1-Ha beda -11.ll wtni ffrillP 4 -.....,. .. • Jnt Can ~SIDEN'TIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COM~l:RCl'-L . -NO JOB roo·URCE OR SlilLt. Banor%5U Liberty 8·16.59 . taUon. Kl 3-6it3. 8kl8 TWO llNOLll BEDa cGiti .. Wood ~ ~ JalM;W. sottc w ANTED ca.re tor boy , ln your matchlnj: llol&ln, carpet awHp-SEWING MACHINE BUYS 110 -.ch. B&r. 1111. .. ~ CARPENTER Repair Work 0... Your Horn• NMd Rep&l.rinl; or Remodellnc 1 Call rT1U1.k, LlbertJ 8·G"4i • All Work Guen.ntM<I TtUc P•lnting Ii _Paperhanging We. do the work ouraelvea. HANGING h°:n: ~vf::•ln~MP:r~.:;:;; :;.:p~, =.. to;-:Su! == = :::.-l 1'· 50 BLmlUpbOYUN4.-etlOllal-eh . He!chl•. Har. 62ll·W alter Jouq-• V•ifoua potted pl.anU, Bobbial ·------~-W JlO '4t.llO Mdos-~ LI 1 p. 86ctO LI l-t.216 etter a:· ''* WJUTm ~ -·----f3t.oo 1-4321. "°'7 <;ALL HAR ...... w w-.i,.,...,. ........ -...... M w d ,. . "',. Roy's M. a·intenance Watch R•p•iring ..,.,.. """'"'' -·-···-·-·· '"·" Ha oo crarr / ------------1 Unuaual CO.tume Jewelry 11 ,.-. la lltlllta .A.A& Hemlock ~-torn• dMk. HOUM cl1udlar-Jioor 1"1lli!I' JEWEL .BOX B.nice &11 m.ak.. bookcu., . c 11 aa ta. ........,,. Wall wub.lns-wtndow cl-.nlnc Wh·e ·J 11turd7 eonMruc:UO...•~c.t.. V U .... Ul .... _._. Corona del Mar • er JUldell dn. ........ ·~· ~ Alcoboll-• ·onvnvnm ene u ...... a. ............ tl'J' !17-• ~--H ~--... ltol ~--......... ,,---lUUnd. ...._ :m:.timat.u r ............... wy, a..-Appliaace 'A Sewtnc C&M• H ,6n fb tJ ta0 1T.N ~-A Wrtt.1 P. o: Box Ul Ublrty &-1111. ltta pA:p Mach. Co up. hhl~ .• , • IO yean uperlenc:. Newport Beach,, Cant. Ot11'BOA.RD MOTOR _ 2,_, .._.... T ... , 110 ·._ t•• 1• 2121 llertlor, C. X. UA-l_r6: · Ueen'9d 6 lnlured. Pbwl.e Barbor t'1M· B kk • & T • .,. ·r l[I .. ... .. :-=t. Sat11faet1cm pal"&Dteed. .,. oo ••ping · -yp1ng A.lroooled Ucht •tll'h'. :a.as... ~ LIDO NORD BA.Y l'BONi' r:.tlmatli1 trff. can Johnnie, -~l-o v:m-u,tll mM• and . HOUSJa rut.t;.~ LI 8-268(" '1 ~289 8ltfc 111-B!f:!lly Alm Se;vice m1«1.""""" t&dd~"" .. :.; Are you <T ""°,..> or 111a11 qu.uh f'OR 8M.U:l. BUSINEM ud con-la tM m..vW tor appa•-o•T tum.ltun to ti. llllld d aa.dtJ..' Paihµng Decorating Superfluous Hair ,,..., .... w. ro!Y•-. tr11<><. ANnQUU• u • ._. ..,., ,..,,.. 11 ,... DLVIKA'IOft -rIC11 ~ .. ao'tAIO. ' Pumuiet1UJ remcn'e4 trml tam ed to your lnd.lv!.dual n-S.. ture., old cb1aa. ~'-uU.. Rll"· prtc:. fUt.16, wtu.. tnde Hord -.U.C hi"aQ-, ~-is. Paper Hanging &.rm*.. 1ep. Eyebrowli and 11e1r CHECK 04.ll" reuonable mOl'lt.hlY , .... mU11cal tt ..... brua .,. A --·-··· Pll.tl e t 10 a.-. ---. GEO. B .URKHARDT ttn;,:zt:~~ tw::I'· rate.. Harbor "31-J. 7•11Mb =~;:::;a.~.-::; W11 WILL PAT UP ro lo~r~ .. =~•~a>~~wt~"'[:":·:+E-.~ I .. ucmram CONTIU.~ft Udo'• BaJoe °' Bteuty Bar. •7• BOOKKE~··woman. Retail &n4 u:~ aJtUq\19. .,_ --fiet-, . ·.~~io:·_....__ .. :,-.. -~ ... ~ ITI w. 18lll Bt., eo.ta: ....... tft •ton. Balery 1260. :no. Writ• brine ll-. IL vi.It 1111"' ..,.. J'OR TOUR OLD W•mD ··-·-~r;;;~~==~i===::~~;::====s=::==~==~=~Ll~bo:.t~y~·-~ .. ~·~·~::i1· 1 ·--:--c:~~----1 quallt1caUONt, •I••. uP.,rier1e9 .tora.. Qi.utie "Dian., 1IOI EaA Oil M7 ...._la....._ inillllde9 a....., _..., ,..., to eo. w -11 uu. pe.par. Mc:H ••tdr, ~ J11m1.oe11 -..oat. m nm JaaA'llU.TClft J'OOO. <lotW. 411..,.,... tn•••: Call coN~~n~·· ~---· ""·-.... -·.·~, WILL 00 a.nr odd jobl.. GJMrtmc-~.1.u a.r~ • I'd In prdflllnc. cha.utt•u.rinc. lllOO V.A.LUW Jake'· A--•:a-·.s ..... as a Your Relax-A-Ci1or , ,, '-- Har. 0681-..J atl.tir t ~ m. ltpM OCJM'ICm\TO lJO .... MOOt' "·· ~Jilli! llV.lll' Pert.et, WI~ _"'ftpir .-UlJ lUf llu'llor mff. ....... HOUIS WOftX b7 dll.y. Own t.ranaporte.uon. LI l-'11311 14e81 ( ' . TRmdlNDOUI BUT ' • $1119 8WEl!:l"8 JlllWlilLRY ' 6 LOAN I " ---~· M ·• •r ' . .. ' .. . I . . ~ '. . '"'\ f .... - • ... ~ f I -• ' '" •"'*•'-.PART I I -NEWPOltT HAAIOl NEWS-PRESS,fl~l==M~•!!!•'!'"'!!:·:.!·~ .. ~·~lr~Y~~-•1 ;n~:t-,u;"'~";1;1 lli~;,;;;;;;~~1!•!::!"''!d~s~~·=n~~·~1 ~=-~M~Allt~~-==·~•!!1-Jr~.!!!!' !,_,.,.. •U!!:~ .. !! .... !!.:!! .. ~!'!..!tw~W!!!!.;I tl!!:~'!!!" .... ~~·!.!•!!!•!!!~lll!!!,W!0 !!' • . ,_. I "'• ·~. · ~. I\ Y, M.UCH 21, .. !GU· • , • · .0 tr:. a \ ~ _ _ _ ....-('; , ~ , UO. W-llORR --#' r I , f • -. "'°.-.cau. u .--u •• ~!B~l.IJ&~lll£_\ _ _!_tJ____ • . ··-l •• : .. ' ; · ' ' ; '' . • •• ·-II·' ' -, ..V..0 ftftmla WE/ 1155 PLniount ft~ON W.AJJO?! .. . • , APPLIANCE -~.~;.,-:":"";:.: .!.!:""; :. OlD c:Ms -.....,Heet.,-.w/SfW-.Beautl·-LidoPenilllula,M.ShtSt.,NP.t.Bch. ' ...... • ' . 'fat llPt .-. J'llJl7 Ol!\IJmML Onl)'· f"Kil .. I nd TV SPECIALS """ .. ..,. .... I ~ I ANO JUNKERS ' . 5*.' a ,. ' ' ~"""LED W '/ 1111111 llTUDl:&U<ER STATION WAOON -l)olll:l!lflil ltrl!lls. -'ft..c.t av ~ ..... . . . . . . -HJABBOR' -I HJ.fl, """' A A . ' ~~ •. ~ • Sooter Ud -2 -lltl>t blue. 10,000 ~ NEW KA'tT~G ~GI:, Rec-208"' Nclw ........ -~1111 fREE ~ m1IM -Only ---........ , ........... $18911 . ' YsUt ~ .. _.,-·- U"4 Wlilfl'JNCJHOUSE LAUNDllOIU.T $1~ ~ ..,_ ...... 8'<. ::: 19111 CADILU.C 4-00oR SEDAN '' llaQy, ~. ~. :r-JtJ' UiOd WEBIINGBOUSE ELECTRIC RANGE • • ..,,,,_ _,__. 1 ,_.. '"·· • L... "-·L•-~· · ...._ ell · • SHD.50 ,....,.w..a,Y a .... 1a ..,..., CALL ·-• ..,.,,........ _..t w----···-·--·--·$1296 Far oppt. or_...._, Coll Bu . ...-.. ...,.,_ v•Oll --~ "' --··· · _.. .................... -. n:LJX SUPER SERYICll llll!O CHRYSLER WINDSOR f •DOOR SEDAN · -. --. _:.;:_ ____ ..:.._ __ ~--~--- I Ulld SERVEL REFRIGERATOR 9 _ .... ft. .. -_,JfD,50 ,..:,!'i:t = ,:"" ...::!":!. u -~ lJIO HOWJI"' -;i-_ Ylbl ......,. -Good lhape ______ ..... : .... --···---·Stud> I !!il~-A;:!!!uto~15oo!!!;ni!!•!!!----·I !!b!!!":!!:::!!!~·!..! .. !!!•!!!•!!!•:!•~·!!!•!. USl!ll1 TELEVlSION BUYS . . . -....... -........ I ---------'-·11~· NASS BUtlllON l'UltN I ---SYLVANIA 21" CoDIOte wtth Rtk>ltgl?t ~---·---Sl81.~ ~ 6141 No. x..a.. ·.l&DLa ~CHRYSLER WllmSOR t DOOR a 11Ula. .-111 t ,..uo. ~· =.::~-~~~~--~_t".'."'dld~_-s_::: ..... OltOjJ,BPl>CLU,I YO~~AR 19'11~':.7,-:!:R-~;;,AN ·;·---·-.. --.$3!16 RIOH~N'S .. :;;:::~.;..;..: R. Q. A 21" Walnut c.oa.oie Real good . $129.00 tJUD BA OHD aplolt OrpA mir,..11,..nt .... R.. na~--n..lv $1,... AtlTO K.t.I>IO ltSP4Ilt. for .wnmer ,..taaa, G -l7'' · la """" -""""'""' -• ~ --.po --v-,v ·--·-... ·-·-·--· ~ HYDRAKATIC SERVICE OJAST PROPl!:RTIDl OJ. • •. Blood eon.o1e .. ~em aa ... uoo. Ooansiimt. t.,. at PAID ro~ ~ Nor . EMltRSON 14'' Kah. Coneole $illK> . · BHil'l:Ra (ltne. 1'°7) iuo ~ ft7' ~ uao1 LOU . REED & .ASSOC. HartMw ,4:a a Jll'll.N~ a.cb xuc1r!u~~ ~,_ PHUOJ 12~"' Mah. c.on.olette $49.50 W-421 N. ·~ ~ Au I o-----="°'=-.,,,-.,.,,-,-c---o I .t...odat• • . OLYllPIC Bio d Co 1 16" -"th··-d-· ·.11.o.,... Pholl• &lmbu17,a.ot1'2 WANT TO BUY Model A Ford ---IOl &. a.n.o., l!ltN.. Jl&Doa n DIO e w• OOrl -··--····-·~ "'-' °"""'1"• 0...,. -tn. In hk --Bar ...... Jt. CHRYSLER-Pl YMOUTH DEALER ·-...... Har. llM o< Bu. •IOO 8.uoioND CHORD o...,. 1 """' ''"' P. m. ·"' _.:::;, 1200 W. Cout lllgliw.y LI 8-34118 * PORT ORANGE * ---------" • aUlhUJ UMI: Uh JMW. You 'CIUI. ------------1----------'---'------------TRAILER SAID ... , th1o Without • -·-·-NEW 1~L DKW . --· -~ -. IM-Apta. for -D&nl -Schmidt·PJ:UlUps &IO N. ____ A ____ r_ .. ________ 1 7 ;iv ~ ovrr~ Ka'.l.n, Sl.nta An&, ainet. lilt. Del $ Cou -2200 W. Cout in.r.;,. 4TTR.4CTJVll c::w..baftodill Mal' ~ . Ga' hie uu port pe "' N rt Beach U a.-.t42Q eomplitUt7 ud MW\J' ~ 0000 Pra.ctlc9 .PlaAoli $16-1.IG Don't m ! ' • ewpo I bedrm. or l tt.do:t.. ud den. . pod: ..,.,_ '61-W Kit. Xlllt -'"1116 ceiJiap. Bar )d~ DAVIS-BROWN USED APPLIANCE BUYS .. •1•6 All lD __...Uoo Sl 895 w. a.• Cleu. Uiltd C1'941-..... ..... or will r.nl '4 a month Dana.-.. ,._, ~ CJt.n.ie eloM t.o DOUBLE Bowl Statnleu -Steel 72 inch Sink ~ Price $116.ro &duntdt·Philllpe. 120 No. MalA."" • ·~2 -2'' Klt. Jkaut1 -i1• IMadl. Jr . .._ 1111> 1ac1. uw.. .BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER, bolt down _.$39.80,~--'"_ ..... _______ 1 DEAL WITH (fin• Tax AU...-) 'OJ.JO' ...._..,. --Plll ...... ...,_,...-I P. m. 1 _ ,... 'M -27' Biltmore · flMI Utfp \yESTERN HOLLY GAS RANGE ··-···········----$M.50 llAJOllOND-·"'""" oil .. -. RAY McCOY . ~---ff Inv! Tri .... _ -· ... · 1" ........... --·-I,,-~-------~ (white table top with griddle) eu.l•t tU"Sm. 1 uHd Spinet ......u 0 en ted on new Ja.guan, wni''"" .1.n..1f PAN AMERlCA!f TWO a&Dftll ~ (utlanl.) wttll. DIXIE GAS RANGE ... --.......... -......... -.... -.... ·----.. -$49.50 ~u.!ik~ ~~ ": R~man ~-· a:=es• ==--..:: ·.!_1--a!~~ (white table top, oven control) , tor )'OU bui n.na -8chmklt • OllANGE OOUNTY'S WE MUST REbUCE OUR INVENTORY! ...._ Bar. 1161 f.2tt• DEXTER A.UTOIU.TIC WASHER $7C50 Pb.Jilli-OD. 620 No. lla1n,,Banta FAllILY DEALER lltft GAn'ERS A BAll'I'LERS ~GE. oven control $59.50 _ ..... _,._a_PllCUL ___ B_UY_! ---. ., CHEVRourr ':..":". .. ~"-nrra_ ui HARVEY MA YER MOTORS llJ!:NI!lX OYROKATIC lutalled $119.50 I UUD 120 IWlll ACX:Of\DJ.ANB SELL YOl;JR TRAILER WZ CAN Gm' YOU TOP DOu..t.ll FAST. ~ to the kit wti. .. tnllan an SELLING.-,_....,...._ Crown of the Se• Motel In-Co1ona del Mar eo..,.,......,_ 2137 llorbor • LI 8-2166 Coot.a)( ... LI 8-22117 A.DKIR.AL DELUXE ~ RANGE $89.!SO .. low .. W full price. Val~ 2 dr. hcL . -· ' up to flTI. Tenr:i. u low u S6 _.~ J"OR.0 CRUTLiNI! -····-'4.6 ROPER GAB RANGE ·-· · $69~ per month, at-2 ctr. RMUo-S.tw ---------~~-----------1 (white table top with oven control) ui~~~ ~·Ana ·s. C4LL t.l 8-lt.11 A kltebmette apta. TV ' f De.y -weell -mcatht1 rate. 2600 E. Oout: Hwy. Hu, JlN TlklT GIB.90N 9 c.bic ft. REJ'RIG , $6(.M Pbaa• Klmbuiy 2.ot12 ·~ MONTGOMERY WARD"GAS RANGE •79.6() RCA VICTOR 18" Televtao.. Ml rQRD RANCH WON. _ '41 BUICK ......... -....... -. Ml Nrieta 6 dr. IF YOU DON'T KNOW USED CARS KNOW YOUR DEALER Harbor Trailer Supply 2117 Harboll Blvd., Coata 11 ... A..i.o open. Sunday, 10 lo I . OOROM4 l>llL K4ll OCEAN SIOll Untum. 1ar1• ll'f'\n.c rm., new b&r lf"pe lll:ltchene U•. tw1n bdrm., pod ti.a. 4 wq drcul&Uon, bah:orUu A: .un declu. kuadry tadllU... rar., uUl. pd.. lllncte or couple, ref. A vatL April I. JM mo .. )T. leaae. 1nqv1r« JOI lrla. Har. U.3 .J Mell · eeuc (Yety clt.ah) ill bAuutul .. h!rlteld" Burt '63 01..DI HOLLIDAY ti -·-N1 HOT POINl' 8 CU FI' R..._TGERATOR 1'1tn .:n • Walnut cab&net W'IUI. door1. Jl'lne ' ' &:61.' n.a -_._,.ON OGndlUoa. $60. PboM HYat t SERVEL 5\i, cubic tt.. REFRlG. _ .$69.50 •-T~ u RAY McCOY SELECT -BONDED CARS AT LOWEST PRICES - KNOX HARDWARE CO. $317 BUTH Be&uUfUI tull key· board BP,lMt piano ave $1"6 on alm,oet new 1plnet rerrt&l return: other wonderlul buy• YOUR NASH DEALER Rental• Wanted w. need .... lllld boUMll ln all MCUoca tor bOth wlnte?' and MOTOR OJ. tn Klmball I.Miter AC1'0llOl'l1c n.chu etc . .o~ Balmn Mapla,1 --~.--------- Santa Ana Kl 2-2338 -1)16 I:. nn:t ~ Banta Ana , I-YMI"• i-, J'urn. o.r \lllf\&rA. 180 NEWPORT BAT FRONT at· u you bav• a ~. tracUT• fUr'fl.. 3 nn. A bath, tod uUJ pd. naar 1loN1, bua., Beach,, phone &'1 boat • awlm faclllU• Har. WARD S. tffv INC. THINGS YOU NEED ur•t w"""'· Blond ou THOCh at prioea you can pay Prov. eulut tenna. 2 Studio Planot o..na -ScbmJdl • PhllUpt, '49 ! T. DODGE 1236 S. Kain St. PANEL TRUCK tm·'SPIUNGS 6: MATTR.F;SS Complete -··-·--·· .. ···· $10 ~~ 8 :::1'1.U:'&N m $395 Baby Q;b .. )La,,,_ ··························-··········$9.96 1---------1 ------~----·-1 Com.pW.ety Furnlilii Your Home CHIU.P Men'• SuJta ........... _ ... _ .... _ ... _ ...... --........ -.. $6.50 up e tOO Women'•-D1'IUell ~Q:ic e ,VETERANS INDUSTRIES OPZM' J1UDAY A.NO &A.TUllD4Y TILL I P. M. C.-. Ml and .aop al one al a1r J coa•ez:dClt kJcatk lla t-02 E. fth St., 8.\lITA.,ANA RATTAN, ALUMINUM and REDWOOD PATIO FURNITURE Complef.e .el~on of Wrought Iron FUrniture. Barbecue and Brule.rs, lAwo and Garden Swings, Gal"IUn and Be&ch Umbrellu. BAMBOO ORA W DRAPES and~ TROP~ -Floor CoYerin.ga. • BASKETS of all kindo. DO -1\f.> YOURSELF HI-Fl llUil.D T<>Ua OWN Bl -Fl phoAoCTapb. ueins N.wcomb A H&nnon-K.udon All·J'X tu11en. ' ampllfl.,.., 1pukera A. reoonl • plll,Jera. Coma ln and ... them. We wW help ;you. UHJnble iL MARK . DOWNING FORD · DA VIS-BROWN Hwy. 018 at Padftc 0.. HWJ. lW Harbor Blvd. Co.ta W:Ma -LI l-M37 Hununcton Baach ""' STElHW A. Y G RAN D. perfect '63 LINCOLN hard lop cpe. lm· oon4iUoo ll,Ub WOODWORTH m.aculale. All a:t.ru lncludl~ '55 FORD STAT. WGN . LOADED $1795 ·MARK DOWNING FORD ~0-pewer~uip.-WU& ..aACIUJ'IC&- Hl1hway, Corona d•I Mar. tor •utskl. Ml•. 11"6. Rwy. 19 at Pactnc Cout HWJ. ,,.. 86c38 ALSO 196' CKl:VROLl:'T. Mut • Hunt~ Beach ---~·-------.ell elU.er car. Call U 1-7801, • Mc87 BALDWIN. Bunplow uprl11Jt alter. p.M. HcHd------------1 piano Iii fln• condition. 13961------------I 1960 BUICK S,Pfdal DalWU! • ~· Conwnlent t•rm• at 193~ FORD VI J window coupe. door towiD.c ftd&n. Dyaatlow, SHA.J'l:R8 tSi.nce 1907) 1i01 en(UM Har. !321l alt•r Heater, undetieal, Nf.l cover• 611-t23 N . sycsrnore, &ant.a An• I) P· m. 81c and man.y e&tru. Orlctnal black Phone Kimberly 2--0e7l .,....._ nnllh. Poroelanlted. p • r f •c t 'd FOn.u ('4f. Md.an. Zzcl. body, motor A Urea. poo, Call Har. ..mane NOOrd:--Vnuauatly tlne ~w. o:ao to t :ao p.m. He OOQd:IUc.!. Umi-out.. :ruu prte-9 '470. Ol'lliflal owner , Phone Santa Ana 83cll8 IO--Auto. for 8Ue The Vogel Co. ....... ... 1201 W. C.t. Hwy., N.wport Jlch. NJCWPORT UACH tiua. 1 bed· Pho.De Liberty I-Mil rm. apL 1arace. Ownar J>eY' 208 K&t'llle, Balboa lalaod cu It water. Near bM.cb. $e2.Ml Phone Ha.rbor Ut. yr. r1lWM1 U 1-1~09. Mtfc 'Ml rQRl) CUltDm Rane.la wa,:an. 2887 E, CoUt Hy~ Corona 411 Kar TWO--one ~ "h"'"'-Phone Harbor' J 7t.J room ...... '".... •PU.. Will t.aka UOO or accept trade Lid 001 sue VI.a Udo 1768 N-port Bl•d .. Ol»t.a Mu.a tor ni.y ltoo 9qUlt)'. call att.r o U:bor OT1 • LI 8-ttl2. ' 86e81 I p. m. U:Xlncton 6-4t1J ~. 1702 Nnvport Bl~ o.ta..X.-i IU,f,-9ungs ~Ith K-lTCKEN. Kan:h. 80Uc Llbut)' l-60i7 '--Wiii accommoda te 2 to 8 people -, t.d CHJCVROLST Btaliob warm -Av•ll. now for Euter V1.c•Uon'!' IS46. lll:«llent condlUon tor , u•~• u •w . 2 or I bedrm. bouM. Baltioe Jala.Qd ~partmeni.. 324 Marine A Ye., Balboa Jal&nd. 1i. a.-•. Qal'bor ~W or Balboa laland, Ba)"l.h«e •lcWty. Harbor &QM, M p HYatt t-tAO Mca7 WW pe.y to 1100 mo. U::hi&b -----------'-i-2&01. S4cM f-0.A-'-'.nnoo ....... -'------"-"-'---· I WANTED TO RENT-3 Mdroom New and U.ed hoUH. H&rbor ar ... yeuly leue o r leu• wttb optlon to buf. TRUCK AND Want r•rac-•. t1npt, tehclMI. yd. t P•nnanenUy employed locally. Passenger ExoeHent 1oca1 ratenneea. Writ• T I R E S box lU8. t hin nmpoPft". IOtfo 8-Hour Recapping ... Service ' Complete ' -Sub9cr1be \.o the Laader, Adftr- Uff tn lb• BEST, Call Hubor 1111. ' 18--Apta. a Damm LIDO ISLE u~uo ... for Rnt FOR LEASE, well loceled unl urn. risw borne. COM. 3 br .• 2 batN . amau but lnimac.ulat• f115 mo. Harbor 4~. · ltcM t BDRM8., I bath hoUM, W.W. C.rpM, garb. dl1~. 220 kit· ch•n. L&nd9caped It fenced yrl)'. LI 8·8572. Mpld Brake Service AN?l "LJDO ISLC, 3 b«lrooma, 2\ii bath home, on a.1u::n1al bula. Blip fdr to n . boet, u.. of ti ft. VlJr.tnc runabout power bOat. 2 car rar. bel.uutully tum.I.ah· ed. abnlba. J79C) p.r moatb. · iarre. beauut'Ul. ..eluded s lniilUtN ., t1 Balboa eov.a. ' ... .. I 3 . ' I . : , • ' ' ' . . .. .. --· ; --· UnWIU&l Gift ltemo Canvu and Alumlnum Awninp. LOVELY eleetrio player plano lll pert«t cend.IUoa. Tum1 141.00 daW1l. and 111.13 per moalb. at SHA:rmul (8tnce 1997) t Jl-tU N. 8 yea111ore, Santa Ana Pbone Kimberly 2-0872 1"50 CHRYSLER 'Newport', pod Xlat1 t-TAll. U condJUon PQO. Har. 2111.J. ------------1 Front End Allgnment ROAD SERVICE Jlirwtone Bud&'•l PlaD You,..-for the Aalllnc bod.mi. A l&nal, 2 MUl boale. Newport." MUo .; U nt\lrn. 1270. tac.I. pr&.l•r. ~--;;;i~ SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 182e S. Kain, Sonta Ana Kl 2-3M5 Free DeU .. ry OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL U . 86c88 IOtto Ha11sken-Watson SPORT CAR CENTER ~~=~;; ~.: Grant W. Musick TV oombinaUoa.. ta IMoDO-. oak. v LI d . " I --l--">Jll~"""·14..·!'= ·~oa!Jimo..M ···'l)']··'.1--i· 1_,. OW:-"Bi5la n.... aroun -~OUr AU IOn--uee er AUHTIN-B'Kl.&.LET ~~!:'.~~!'Jl~!..---·l .~-'.'.i:~·~-~ritl~u~n~ol~e~m~•~·~T~onnn~~-SAI.E$ and SERVICE KORRl.S. ~USTIN !~!.::::!B!;!N!!;!lo!loJlla!!Jrfl!o!f!!!!!.. ___ ~ Boeta, 8appllee PriTat.e J)Uty. Har. 4372. llctN 2$4 N.Lo&Ancelet KE~7278 · JJ-'4 ROM:llO COSTA MESA UDO ISL.I:, Brand 11.,.-:11 bi!d~.- H 0 W • R D a bedrm. uaturn. 1 71'· old I ball! ~ uaturn. .A.yalJ , .."; ,.., JM • mo. A.Prll 1. Lea.M. 111-VIA w..... . . .. _ _,R.._Y._A.~1!5t:-'--l;;f;"~L~·~ ---=·~~·~in~co~,~~i·ra~Ud,~rr.~1·~~~A:::n.ANT!ii~;;c~·;;·~,..;;··:;~T·~";;':_.:--]J 801 -809 W. 1st St. ole ban.aon co. management THR&IC : • SANTA A.NA 10 ...... ""' 3333 via lido A: 1700 w. coUt • mm. old Newport Vi.ta lrM!L hwy. bar. UWXl &: lib. s..5573 !!° .. ~ = afternooA .:: .... co.MK•llCIAL lport OI' aLJP roR Rl:N'l' on Pertlaeula Knowlton Electronlca Anabetna '2Uo RENAULT, J(.G. .qalpt. ,...,,, I~ llOOOp t&Nl. M prlvatt dock. Call Bar. 2to0. New Car Bai-• 8erriC9 Xla1. .......... ....... ........ • '"'' TV ANTENNAS Cleon UM Can ..... """"· Im· ---------1 ON ..:i BALBOA ISLAND THREE BDRM. unrum. bouee, SEJ:: UI for ,.ari)' and tenc.d, paUo, bu.lll•Ua BBQ. W/W eeuonaJ. rent&la. carpet.lns 1a lJ~ m.. tt llall. I < *Ur' eonailder prop7ert1 trade. -----------1 ~Cl ...... -Bl 0"') '56 FAIRLANE ported Yd Dom.Uc. 41-Aoto 8emoe HM , ... K. · ... -· , -dod p UOl BO. KA.IN BT., SANTA A.NA .;:o_;c:.:;:::.;::::c;.::::., ____ • I . ""''ADE IN complltte to your Mt. ~ . ower 8teertnc', Pows Kl ~1181 ·Mo·fo.r . 11\ BN.k-Fomom•uc. &c110, htr. Overhaul 10 IM'. BOAT, 1 % b,p. outboard $9 95 lilt BARBOR BLVD. • ,molar JOO. Kl Wta&. Mell s~~~ ~~o-:=:::~~ LI ~20!I. • . attic • $24SQ oosi.t •·=A NELDA GIBSON, Ra1tor ' dn.,_ 1n ll'ltftS rm. a.tom lot ~ Aft. ' Bart:io;r IOI 1Nilt llnAltfaA Mt. A't"&U. Apr. = • NO MONEY DOWN a.1.1.nnA 1&LAND L llOI ,....._., A... c.o.ta. * wi th'1s ad * ~ ·-•n SEE· ---T•-.,,.--.,N n:RY NICS, ..u ~ ..ium. ~=-':!° wi:11..s~~o~;J1~ ~:tw~;_ ~~:. ~':!;,~: coMPLJDTJ:LY eutomaUcSPtNET , •·oo., Hart>or JOS2. , '8lf player P111110. Term. -WOO[). MARK. . u 1-----------c WOJtTH Pl.ANO CO. 2410 11. MM& llMt A Hdw'e. U0-21lll SL-Hutior 28•~ -Ml. FT. SPORT 1'"18RINO BOAT Cout Hlcbwa.y, Corona del Mar. flJ CADILLAC Coupa de Ville . ..:. Power et.Mrln&'. ~ .JOOCI con- dlUOft. Thia car la a etrlklnl bu.UlJ. Jll60. Har. °'67. Uc8I ·~ ~ -~ 8 Cylo. ' $48.88 qJRONA DEL 1UR 1 ......_ .._ "''" pt.• jouo 8 Cyla, $58.88 , l'OR CHOJCll RmHTA.LL •MS. A....U. lm•«M·~. Ub.rt.7 lllclUd• both labor aad part& ' B&AaON.t..L It ftAJU.Y, a.MN ... LI I-Tiii. • .Meli : .... ~. , Newport Be&Cb . fully equipped. ready to charter 1 86c8S DOWNING .,. llpU qr tleh. Cub 118&0. LI a-ee.71). 2 JCNSH.ALL Or&f.lUI electronie ,. ;-;~;;;;;:-;;;;;:;:-;-;;;;:;;;;;-;.;;;:1 ----------''~'~c~ wUl .acrtnc. for quick ..ale ltlOO KUD90N HOR.NET, hard top conv•rt.lbk. power •leerinl 6 power brak•. Con.Un.ntal kit, WSW, RAH. Bar. J7K-l:Y99., Bar. ue;a, ffcll6 New rtn.a.. W1Ut. ptu. nln not I:. Cout Jf.W7· Bar. IMO KUT.al. Wl:llK Am(JAUi ~ tlWllp of mata ud rod • tt taqe oJ4 hou.. la ~ del bw.r1np. bpert motor tune up. Mar • ...,._ abeut 11. ..... t• . . , .. ou:am. BOAT ,A 110,000 'f'9b· a..uut\1.1 F r e n c h Provincial ~ IUilnw:--~ .. c. rnvM'I SNOWBIRD •oell•i -41Uon-:. FORB --~ _ ......... , • ••-· Jiniiiii~ ttke 'tlllW', • .,. St.ale tto61 a:M:l7 new paint. 1·eutta of' Ml•. ~mui '"'"""' ... ,"!.=rin.. Du.a·SchmJdl- 11 4-J.NCl. AJ8o I A 11' pe.d<De-- to-da7 or 4.000 mil• l\IM"Mta&. Choke Wint.er /.Rezl.talil cm J .-. plu. .,..._. " (NO MONEY DOWN). Balboa llland/A: lJdo lUI n'UDIO apt. aa t •r a.1 ..... REBUU.T ENGINES RmeD .. COS7 or i..rs. It MN:&. 1100 ....... ~­.. WANTED SNOWBIRD board Her 3iJ. P\!Wpe .PW.noa -d Oreana. 1520 UO. .. M. kclfi Nfi. '](ala, B&nla Ana .UW:e 1916. llarllOI' Wl-W. UcM KELSON KR.AJIT lt fl. "11.b trall- -';i"~;t;;ii;;;i';i:;o-;;';::ii-:;;;;::;;;I ""· lill:e -NM. ~i.o 20' KMI 01.0tJCHiill'D di ... , powirrtd Sloop, food aau. '800. 'llJOrUI KMoaer. 104 ft. lenst'f. l l • l lJOO. JUI A.meUl)'st, Be.lboa ham tJA dnt.UCbL 8ee 1'l bland. Kar. 205-M. MrM ._tnralne Locker tt!l W. Coia.l Hlpwa,y, N....,ort Seach. ror inlonnaUota wrta No. • 8&UJo& 00.-. N.wport S-ch. Hu. UM-al. ' l4c88 CABIN CRUISER 2• fl. 'akepe 2, fnc.. ,, .. d. 8olld COllSttueUM. 0"1· 120 h.e. be.It LaNc • ;ump aulllarf fin. J\Mdy bi JO 11171-3111 w. Oout Hi&b'wll,)'. Newport. l6ctO I W ANTl:D TO BUY -Moorit11 _a,.tween pavWOn 1111d I •trTel. Har. U.lt.J ~p87 TV REPAIR I Piano Refinishing • ' Rebuilding Q13Uty worll only ANKRUM PIA.NO S'EftVlCI: KI 2·71111. 49tlc )0 PlAN08 want«l lor OUi' rent.al deparlmenL 'T'nde )'OW' old pl.a.no on Hammond Orpn Spinet or Grand Plano IUibMt AUowan~ Dau -Schmidt· Phil· Up. 0 11 Plano It Ore-an Stan UO No. J4aJ,Q. Sant& An-. -UP to 1JI KONTB8 TO PAT-. .,_ to'•-tb a.,,. A 8-.cb Aaa1t1 IM..., Bwy. at at PaCftc Cout HWJ. HWlt..i.qlon ~ .... , lil54 C4.DIU..A.C t a;oGr, 62 Sedall none. au poww phi• air coa - dlUoalq ~ -MO IX&na i..-. ~ Hi~ -L.l a-6127. Mell Built ln our ow:n taetory by akilled ''"' ......, mon HartlCll' NII ' --._ .. --"'"' VOGEL co ....., = I \M 111.HllUe .... -.,. ll1rec!t.. • -REBUILT 11.Dd INSTAIJ.E[) 208 K&riM 4Ye.; Balboa I.tland COIWNA--nl:L 1lAJ\ Pb. Bartor '" 01' Harbor 101I --ftioe I BR. boll!.. tll't!p&a.. KW BBORT BLOCK RM. Har. 312t-R or Har. J.Ut-R. nra. 1 c.hlld O.k . All rNrlcor- MSJ\CZDU -JJEN'Z-PORCRE FORD -1129.&0 . -JAOU'AM -MG .• tc.. and CHrV!tOLET .. 11t.l.&O __________ .... _. :;--~ ptir mo. M.o.-t.o-rno. I - American can 11'f'VI • conipl•le PLYX. 6. 00001: Jl.06 VOOJ:L CO. Har. 17•1 lk.. -.- meebaakal lntl)«UOn and Riad CHRYB. A o• aaro _ '1Tt RENT AL · R-E-0 t.lt. ""°" 7W1buy. ITUDEB.A.XJ:R --1170 -PE l ST c.u.ir. uq:o CAR OLDS • PONTIAC 1 _ '"' S CIA I S We are proud to announce 4VAll.4.BL& Uullt '11a1 19t. J bclnll.""hofM fmc.r terd. nH.r _J .llC.bool1 N•wqv>cl H•11 1N8PllCttON' SERVICE, BUICK -fl.Tl CALL llDWA-CR..\fO Oraiige County J'onlp Mtr.,~ c... ltt'f'. • ~ rr-To!: u 1 ,......,... "'''· u a.1131, Ns:w """ou.t.JWfts:JI DORIS-BRAY, Realtor our appointment u tb• di.tribul<>r In Santa Ana and LI 1-1170 1rt.er 6 p, m. Mc.81 Vi1 it Our Show Room N.-port 4 J.t.o Wcwka. Block muat m•t our NDdudal Jtl .~ _liaalfba. .Ialand 1~"!:::!•!!1!'""!!!"!..!'~"'!..!•!.!•!!!, __ _ 0 I 1JO Indmll1&1 WaJ, LI 1-7711 Plu tu., ..-.C-&Ddl aU _ S.. to or M I * * See urComp1t1 l ine 1 __________ ..,._3 0p.naUDdQlOun.to1,..... ENJOY UVIM"o •*u.. oeean. True ks. Bunoo -EnginH ·oo CHSVJtOLS:T "" ... 1 ... , BELLES ENGINE LIDO ISLE'S <~L Xl«ho .. , .. ...._ • ...... ii~ br'f.k.ee. power 1Uae and l'al>Woiu llraad -I IAblt'T. J with prin.t.e i.ua. Maid A pbooe Gasoline . LPG . Diesel _,, .... "-........ ..... REBUI' nERS """"· • -• ...... ----TV --w. "-" Ollttr LrMTn: a::ictT ~ ...,..._.....,. -.... . ..alrdl. ............... .m.. - . • Open DeJb' I to T It.ate lkmded ldicNa with Mllt In QS J1tanc9. • * * ED THOMPSON GARAGE BACIU>"lCIO .... """""'"' v.. NEW LOCATION • ·-· -· ....... ·-.: llU.Uon we.,n -Rad.lo, beateT 3lO ..,_ -t 3rd St. onto l\lllb. II n. wa1li9d paUO. ROOK tw woridll.S ..._ M ..S JT _,, 302 French -Sant& Ana PIM• auac:-•Wt. 1Md• wall £AiO rooc.d ...,_.. ,...,... pr.p. Har. pw ..... Prtftte ~-urea.· a..... Mii. 74lfc 8.A.NT4 A.NA. 2"1. ltd4 UJ llUt tit.., If~. ppue ·~ I I ' " •. -· • --; ~~k::=·'~•:!:•:!r:t8;••:•;~;!!=!!=!!;!:~'9;1:·;~,,;·~·=~·~-~ni1~t~··~,;~·~-;~~-~·;·-;•;111;;rt'1i . -. a ~lll ·•io-W'i't --!:!!II ... '·1 ' ·~RTMARP'NEWs.PRESs~PART-ll '::-,46£7 ...... _:_...._. .... ~. ----·--~ , · WEDNES0AY,MARaf2r.~1ts6 ~ :j~. HOMIE-LOA.NS. ' ----·-----.;.;;~--I "); '_( "' • -•'11 -• ' !! !&Ill.I ... ,"' . ' ,:.:.. ' -. ... _. ~· ' -~ Jlrlff ' l>jr. ~ti ....... -cu. KW I aad Dr $f1 liOO • ~ • ., 'A· • --_ ,..... JUL .,..~.P!9Pt flra... """"-.. • m '" -... vw._ --· I--"' i .. S r: · " • JI'. -• ••=r -...._ !loll' a. • da., """ -.... • -ON fHC HEIGHT ~ Conlffuctlon Loe111 -Refinencl"" · ""'fJl!UCll>'.!'?,m.L ~ ...... ,.--.....,. .._ -·• •"..... ~;:;::.-;:,;:t:"=.;: -"' -· · Fr Pr 1 •. ,. • ....... •• -.,.... • ... Cit ... a bjlrm. 2~ i-• ... ~ "'"'· ~ 1111.. : : . •e · e iminery Appr•i1el1 -~ .,. --_..,,. BA BAY BEA,""'1' ' ($ ~50ll O"f. •aooo · ...... , .• .,.," · • ••"""~ m -.. poo1. M7.l!OO : ~ ~· ~ •or · • ..... - -ta .... -•·II.JI,, ,,.,., -41a. -. ,.,_,_ •tu. * .i..:. ·"'tlnfl. ·;.,, 1a ._ .., ::!.:" ,..... nnp uid 0...:, )leolAld wl •fii'I. ..~.. ..--' .. --.. -~-------.,. ....... J=·" °"!'"'--·-0 H 33..,22nd S :: --ur.aDir1 .Iilauftn .. O>Jnpoily" · ~~z -."-............. , ...... ,..., ..,· ...... ~ . ...,,... mfif 'al!.lrin.'10.a:io pen ouse-' ~ t, -• o1 ,....... • • RALPH~. MASKEY • ,.,.... DI!!< • .-~.;,": 4 BDR••s .,H.:ArHs ONLY 111 .. 1>owx ... ,,. .... s.twdq ud Bund&1llluch1lllh ud 1Ttb-i.t!i G t : ... BaV.._N&Uoaal Life Wunnce'Comi.a1 IUi&t4'oa aot tn.000 m •• "?.I ·-UL. a. 116 WM. MI ti, Orte acre n.DCh borne., tee. ltvtnc room., dllilna' .. \ AS ,u_u,...._-.--. ,_ .. w-."""'-,....,..._..,.._...,,. ,_...,..,._~,•-··-•·-,_ .... "'::-:-... . so·uw (() T ........... ··-OOA.ft'RIQHWAT ~.~ ... ,.,..~.mo& old. wtu...._.-..,....~ room,~-... __.. .... A .............. ~ •• , ... «::r-· ~ • • WATEltFllONT PROPlllTT _, -P .000 dL. oo -... •• lb Qo. oountry Uvtng at Ill boot -~ cloM to town. :_ = . • ' · • · ~ · . 1-----------1 -c:loof )!o•IH!nl' .,,.._ lla7f*'oll\. ~ fT~-8'6. on-( -.....,. ... -~--ua. pt,00() :-tenm. -Mortgage ComAAny : 4 Br. -2 Baths Cl~ir~ Hom ... R;! 1~;..;,ors..,.. .~~~~ THE voGEL co. I"" llTll w ~~ -•••,_IO• 111 -~ n100 ""'tlr _,.. -•-· 171X»N-.. Blvd. ~. lllm& ... _... -· v.-..--lk&Utttul • .-th o1d bom• -• -.-~ ...... 1 • --·· ---0.... --..-· vyo-app!'"'*1 • ~ -· .. -.--Liberty s.l!IWf Evontnp Har 153&-K 1800 Weal Cout l!lch••1-LI S:7791 . -· _::;", ::-=.~"':..,·= Sh k R f' .• ~k0il_ 1~.u. ~~E. ~'i:.:S =-.-...:=..= ' . Newport---lleaeh, Califon!!&. .. ... ""Ir, """" .. _._ • a e oo .,.._ ..... ""...: ....... • ........ -., "°'* ...... ----------------------1 cent.v. eu:m., ... '!: " .t$de-' l&nd.11:1. ""1Jts' di.I( fl2150 wlt.b uw. .. tlfllO ...... ,... tm.. N I v· I Wh I .... ~·~-~,!!!,.....!!!:;:;.... ___ -· lo'--................... ., .............. u. .... ........,. ,.... 01 '" .,.. .. · . • -............ .,,.,.. ... ew. 1ew. ew. --• Ml mo bM:L taw, tu. • ta.... lllde locat:Son. BuUt-in. nnp and dUdla&' we. ud Sm&nnce - roa JUDIT ....,, ........... will ,.,, _,OME LOANS " ::..:."" -.......... ..,. ' ......... ,,_ FA hooL Dbk Mesa-Harbor Realty -.. WL Im-··· ,_. ..._ mp..,. ft'Ol'&tq'e.. Sl92-W n P1"• on ~,.. S.Wer in Md _ ..-oa, to ~ "'*Jw. eout -· ,......,. -· ~ -..........,_..,,, N rt • • Rlty ..,. •~-"'000 "' ""'· "'· • A880CIATE8 C ED JONES Rltr LI a-iate -u wua. lka8 '5,_ • 1%.,. • d9' ewpo -fVl8SO • dUd• 6K" blm.t. wttb, trnall IM)tLI Center SL, Clift.a KHt. • t • IA&. riwl• -Bid(. It Lou. -1TN N~ 'Bl\'d.. eo.ta Kea 40W'D Jlt.7llWIL Mfll A ~ ~1'f8' KetnW Jltdtlplt Ult.Ina' 51 IMAM a ornc. Private Monq LI a.M08 .,..._ Bar cme-J ltll ...,_. 8hd... o.ta x-. LIDO oi'J'ICE SPACE ~1 ~eo':em1':.!:~ _ • h · Newport-;Mdsll Rlty,. REAL VALUES ..._....,. NOW 1.IOUINO ..... ..... .. DON L HUDDLESTON Coron~ H19 lendo ~ .. ~owpoft ';;:;'; :;:'" .::~ SEE TIDB $7000 llf: c· ASH Ultra--..-. l:Uettloroelt dMlp-LI I-Mil COit& w.... NEW aumc ~ HOUlll II' YOU. AU LOOKING tot • 2 ed Lido~. No fin• buUd-l'TI 1::· l'Tth IL s br 1"-Wht. Le UY rm. • ' ............. Coo4 .thrM .lldm:&...mm.. llar4-nx UP w. I Mnn.. turL boUM ,. , Every look a tllrm. Art1ftl will 'want to lDOft In CLYDE MEYER 807 Karin• ,. lq, _..tin• &Cld.r9t. br. :C-. ~ kit.. wttb ldl'Cb 5 LOTS wOOd !loon wttb brand new ' to lutJ JOUIMlfl 0.. 1:llOClr from LIDO REALTY, ~te8 ·CASH ~~t#,__1!UUWD O'te 11 rans-. carpettnr. We kitchen and Nth. e.nt. cf erw,... dll Kar. 1--------------------'·-~ StOO via UdD-lkitior L . . . . w w ....... ·--.. lW CA.ST .... "ONO". .._ ... _ "---.. evuy bdrm. a muter ... rm. • JUST co·~· -. • . • I • ~~ ... .. . -,:·· • • , . FOR TRUST Dll!l:DS . . --., -.-.-............., .....,. Fof'C«I IJr heat. Alt. fVSl't. 6 .acuc..1.J:M..1 ~------,---~',.."· 1 WM.. B. HOLT :'"t:!l ~tnc. v~~ ¥-. U200 each.-tenced yard. This .. a re&! value Two Modem Houses .• Ground Floor I MORTGAGE BANKING other fM.tur.. muat be· ..... to for oa)J" $12,&00. ~ TEIUcl. ~ DIOHft. Move La. SINCE 1»30. apprecu.te tlt.860 oWner tfl 0 b . . . oM. otlMr r.**1. Botb t bdm1a. e OPFICES OR STORES ,.,. n. BusH •ANTA ANA ... ,..... ,.._ •• ..... 5 ome-Forton BUSINESS ZONE -.., " _ ,., .,. ... .KIMBKR.L'r 3·7111 ' D' TOU AU L6oKINa tor a . , PARK MANOR A --Lot Deveiopm.ni By McCLEAN It PEARSOL For Leue In -pl7 Back Bay Lot REALTY CO. bome and bunne1• locaUo.n. thi. T • I ·-----*21\N\ d Harbor lnveotma>t Co. BJd¥.l-R--ll:-,-.. --~~-A-TE-·-L()--• u.:_S_ '"l!o-. un W. C.Ut ....... b I< APJl'OS. Ii..,.. of pvund-rip e_!l-..,vuu Own Spec· ulators ~Build.,. Welcome 30th It N.wnnrt BJvd. ~• 4U'll Wa.ter A Koala.in view• (at Port Oran&'•> N___. 8"cb 12%&300. Wllh ~ two bdrm.. NJIWPORT JiluGB'.I'a. .acb untt °' -~-lnter.t Raite 5-6~"1 ORA.Naz COA.ST PROP&RTir.s u I-TIU &;.6i.U .,.., home. nt. ill • fOOd cJOM 1n hu t Md.roo-. ....u. nataJ 60' reaidenti&l lota. Have eomo apartment 1.pia 4o.ft, Har. 1600 Lou.t quickly me.de 1n the Harbor 1887 Nl'WpOrt, eo.t& IL.-loce.t!on for m09t. anr kind ot ...._ l'.P. fl0.000. • Duplex comer lota. All lmprcwement.I in~ Ar-. IA.run& and CO.ta. X..... LI j..l&St _ z..u. LI 1-1600 bUlln..._ We feel thl9 If really )' BROKERS NOTICE "'""' •• mu1ttpl• untu. n... BALBOA ISLAND •,;1',, ..... ".~,........,"" ..... INCO••E FOR LIFE You Can't Beet The Price & Location. or old. Bfl w1ae and._ .. bf N-6 BzbRJa., I BA.TB8, BRAND ... ...-. IVJ ftnUlclnJ' your pruent Jo&n. NEW. Larse double rarac• and A Jewel of Rar:e Quality • • • 1 NmW t 1*lml. llom-. on lot Drive by and buy. Acrou from Coat.a Meaa Park. l'OR Lb.BJ:. • Prlneip&I comer, main .t. 4 Bay Ave., Balboa. Ground fJQor, appro.x. 2600 .q. tt. 8ullabl.e ttoN or ottl.ce. Alt.eratJora. Call Har. 90 or LI 1-4131. 80Uc Ktntmum. open•. 20 yeu term r-i tlrtp~-s.w-. paved a bedroom born• wtt.h the appeal B A NERESON i&o:ooo. All ,.led.. o.-.r 11aoo istb and Anabetm. • tf ~ No charce tor pr. •lrHt. aS4-allu A: curti. ln and of a beach cott&a'W: &nd the COD· • • 1Ml'l1' Income.. , lh rd ALREADY SOLD llm1n&l'7 e.ppra1&&1. 10 a-ttaa paN1 tor. JCxtra ~ eo.t.a •t.n&cUoa a.nd •tfblll;J' ot a t8 REALTOR Ph ARTIIUR A. MAX "-,___ IWI Umo to ,..., .,.. .... homo. L«at.d 00 1 2 Nowport Bh•d .• Ooota ><-St Bid -8 lb one Llherty 8-1781 Liberty 8-6621 U Mortc&c• Lou COnwpoDdmt cbooN 10W' colon. Only a Jett. , the lovtiiut atreet on the t. ~y ~1171 .. ' Ev•. ti.I MUO Or& 9• lJ 0111 1 ----~-'-------------''C.:..- OQddt.nta..I Ul• imun.ooe eo.. Prtce only •12JDo. t.enn.. Phan• land. Bpe.e:tou. 7ant. qharmins-Ube~ "86la' LDlert7 wm CANNOT u RZPLA.Cl:D FOR F OR RENT. NEW ottlot U a :U. IU 8outb Maia Ault.II 4Aa u.yt1me. LI j..1't1t or LI t.1111. ly furnlahed •.. 1:2f,600. $25,000 Uk1aC price.. ::::· • ."~?':!..:';;. !'':..!::; .. ..... NELDA GIBSON BALBOA ISLAND BALBI OA BAY ""'"· 1112 ""'"'... ........ La B h L t REALTOR ..... ""' ~ w...w guna eac o s ,.. w""'' ...... Bo! ... i.1an• oPEN DAILY ,.. PROPERTIES EARN 1 0 010 Located. lD buut.U'lll l:1rlD\..U.D Harbor 002 or 4921 DO KOT ~!. R=-a.. t.b11 Office Suite Jc BAT Pnftt.e be&cb. Hlfhly beauWUt Wood p&neled lnt•rior, U05 W. -.nio.,. Shd. Hu 8111 OK YOUR )(ONEY ~~~~now, 'MUST SEE • 2% bedrooma, FA heat, °""' -----------1 a u1TJ: ot 5 oftlco, or .ch can ror JDOhl lnlormalk!n call, • •""'-· place, Wl'J' ·tonly liVlnl" room, S M T btc Anted Mp&.rately. Total 1000 KEylton• 1·3181 cau Jl.l.l1)or 190'1' na Hat .• ~= 1631 J'AIRWAY DRIVE, COSTA lnta.uq .un.ken Pl-~ 88 e-a Nelson oq. tt. ALSO ' ti KEBA. 2 bdrm. baUM.. J..cL Jot. duc.d to $29,"IO. -1:uJ . l'OR LU.& WNJ:R.-...6 THll K09T IKPOl\TA.NT AD ITORE 25 a 60. wUll ll'rina' MONEY WANTED lf'l' 0 bed-dbl. rar., new dJAtrict n!I"' pU Bar. 177:1 bu, l:dltb Karoon, . YOU'Li;, RIUD"'IUDAT quarten. ln·tront parklnc 6: • _...., ...... ,·-1"'-~ ~ coune. L&rp UvtA&" rm., la.rre HYatt 4_.322 COJlON.l D&L KA.I\ NEW HOME 3 Bedrooms.' 1'/2 Bath~ $1350 C...h, $67 monthly MIGHT TAKE LESS CASH • BEST BUY COSTA MESA AREA Inquire 252 E. P&lmer LI 8·2657 parkin( lot ln rear. Downtown r..oc..U....weU Mt&liU.tled tlrmU. •--kitchen A dtneti. C"Omb. AtUc ll'YM,.John Macnab Barbor 6161 eo.ia M-. 1761 NNJ!ort t-1&0.0001n Oran,.. O:mnty b\.iai.. l'r.edom .tiom. ..,.... cau lnWlatJon. bdWd. noo.... 191" AJt:n•rro t bednn~~t..,"'----·--------'---------- Bt•"-· LI M'82. '"'" •-"""' ... , ..... -N"" U....,. ....,. "'°"""" <r :r&nl ,_... Opoa '1t~oono. EARL W STANLEY "'""""' ""•-°' _.,,-' '6000 to '20.000 -wW dt.coWll. an..r I p. ra. lltfc 112.soo. I..us• dowa. For appt. n'I:':, trom a.,;,. WOUid ro«tll,_ tradl BTORIC i"OR RENT-eooo eq.. ft. eo I.bat buyer "11.i mUe better . wrtte ~i.t or ca.I.I. Har. 2t71. ~TOR tor 4Upln la Oorcu ct.I Mar..-. :=,:;, ::· ~:rHt::.~ ::'t 16~u!:..n~ : .:U':. CLIFF HA YEN Bktl 226 Karili• A .... ,B&lbof blan'!r =~ pa1CL EXCI.U&m: eo.... .... ""· ,...., •• , "'"' wn ...... U·l4 """li..npa..,. ,.... LIVnfO ROOK, ..... ...,,. N'1ce' E·a'st S"1de. ;. -rn1.1 .. _ Jobbw ouU.t or etonrce,. a.c.M .. --•-9Xlt ..... , .. *' room. _,, .,d,;',;,.. P.U:O.... ....... Locat·1on Balboa "-LO.,__ c.~.~. ··TR RUSS FORD Reeltor roR SALZ 1'nt .....,,.. ,,... ·-· ·~ -' P'J'htr 1% tnterMt.. Balance IA.rs• lot, l&Dd9C&ped. ttnced.. Hdwd. aom,. ius. )ot, bMuU· 1600 Cout Hihw•y lJ Ml•l 5'.lli.Bl at 166 per mo. oft OU.. Newly Ndecorated, 111,TIMI. -/ J"llmlah..S dupla: all on one noor. "'""" 1enis...... Oo 88cll hym"'to .... WUI ,.,....., MC<md. 3 Bedroom hom• on. wtdt ArMt. Oood. tummer rentai.. 1 block • .._,, ,i; *'...,. lf Qub -----------1 den Gro" Property. Harbor OWNJ;R Ill I~ Ro... Ll bwd. fiooni. fireplace. tl'letTno to Bf,Y 114.600 wlth io1IF oown J'\lll price ..... ~. tuoo down. iotl-R. , l&cSI l-l"6. lteiT heal, double ...,...,... 8POTLll89 -P•yment LOV'P,,I' J_ ~ JtdJr:d. floor.. l"Mdy to move lnto. tll600 with dual turnao.. J.us'9 Jot, double NJCS MODSl\M ~ l'OOllD or 5'7-Beal r.tat.e Wutld NEWPORT BEA.CB-CLOSS: TO low down. payment. An U CI. lot Oil cbanne~ road. Bal· ... .,....... nu. '" io..n. CIOlt9 ·m. omot .i 1111 -Pl&cenua.. iroo WIU..BUY trom u'it'Zler, c.11 Balboa moH WCHooi. --Modml 2 N • • RI t.oe. Penilwula. Oftly t11.ooo. ri-. fU.TIO. · + mo. ~-atWU. J.ruauin Ial&n4. Otte or tw6 bedroom apt. :·d~e:r:..ocn~ ~ 8Wp0rf-fVl8Sa ty. I Ocean J'ront.Jolirt.oa 11. Balboa KST4 lfllµIOM •t propert7 aft. 6 p.m. w.U Over dbt ,.,..,... ~ spi1.oe pl&Cl9 6 picture window OTer· 17" Newport Blvd., CNt.i Me• Bl•d. $10,600 uch. • HOl 11. OoM, H"'7 day• or ~ Ufn• llat.. 6: 8wl. to build la front. Box B-2, N•w.. k:lokbir pe.Uo. Oeramlc t.lle ln LI 1·6608 !:Yee. Lt"' t-1•63 C t p rt• Corona deJ Mar, Jiu. MIO. Uc&e • or c&ll U MTN alter 0:30 or PJ.s. llUc be,th. ltltdaira 6: .....nc. room. OaS rO~ leS onelwldl. 07U -----------1 G. &. dlshwu.IMlr, attaclled t l\ulh Jayred. tor ao-.Goome Pwaoe,.t c&.r pr. ,, ur pc:rrt.. I£r1e $650 CASH . -•. Lid N d A BETTER HOME QUY ' Plam>od to live in home. 3 large bedroom., 2 lull baths. Living rtX>m fM:ea patio,· three ,..,. wliding doora. See us to worit out down payment. to luit, and plan to MOVE IN TOMORROW. , . ORANGE COAST PROPl'RTIES 1867 Newport Blvd. .Coat& M ... LI 8-1632 Eveo LI 8-HOO BALBOA ISLAND "Ll'!TLE ISLAND" C0TtAGll:. Huny, tlilo one will go fut! -$19,2!1(1 -... ~~-.. NrwPORT Moo.m DR.a. oMot ~~-:l~ tenc.d ,ant. LI j..l•N. T•cM Klldl'9d IU&'P. Sylvia Tbomptm 0 or o.r prot.-cma1 lull.. 1oc&.ted INDUBTRU.L bldc'. with olboW '-----------NEW 3 bedroom 1 % baths ''' .. -~laBlt~. ...... Bay Front CHOICE BA YFRONT location with un ed 'B&Iboa Bl•L Parkin&. Vacant. room, 112 • IOtb Street, N"'POf't NEWPOR'" HE GH --.... DIU ltll N. rJow• 1. "'-or Kl BMcb. 1.-..d tor 1160. month r I TS P&yment, le. th&D rent Pbon• Bar. 2161 or Har. 6600 view. 4 bedroom.a, 2 bath.I with pier &D Tb• 2-()862. u plus utWU• Low tu... Prle• $1.a,900 . u IOCCLU~ LDTINQ only place like It in the Harbor A""" $58.000 fll,000. Hat. 4&21 or..... u TZAR OLD • bdrm., 11, bath ,Lowe.t, Price (l'lrlt Umt otttnd) .....: . a& Ba'.'"•• °""'!'!"!!'-BUl!.,.... • .--mCOME '"""""" :::;,. ...... ,..:S:.!;:'~-·~ eoota 11,.. .,.. Beaytiful en. ...,. ....._. -.....~ ... - -DORIS BRAY, Realtor " • . ' • ' -· • • •• • --·PO-~· • •-·on .,... _ 1tu1 • Plactl:IU.. s,. own.r-heat. r • ..,,....P9d. twaced •dbl _ -n-· • ·~ -'-Uo a --· .,,._ .... _.._ .... -Ll M-Tll _ .. _a ..,. ..... __ .._ __ . · ---..g ~,.pain,...-.J---C'll'.!l!l<!JE~~FOVEt--+..;.-~-;..;--~:.;.·~;.-~--.~~.J___ .,"a_. u,..,,...,.,.. ULA""'ve.,_.__,.,Ba...,lbo&!!!ll-''""''"'"",.d __ Har.,...,__,,:,io.,,..,._,or"'--'M<! ____ _ ._---~.nadir; 1'1&& ttdli cw..,....,t«I - -~--p.m. or •Mk· . i. --lnqlilire--26it --·~· •.f.Y.Jl!J. ----~ --- .,_-to ...-.IC» aad aoUect n-om auto· .m& Tott~ lood b\17. OWNl:I\. LI 1-6211. . J Lot. ~ m•Uc Wftdlnr -macblJ'tu. No Mct7 Cotta M:eea LI 8-2657 approXlmat.ely 1:1 mJlee trom F'" ~ ::.·;;:,·":'.;,.~SI. • .., -!?~!!P CURT DOSH Rltr OVJ:R LOOKING ~CK BAT-~·..:i .~:...'U0:::: ... .1 .. ~::.......--lnol . . ..... --·-·- capltal a~. J'or pa.rt.I· TR.ADii .,,..Uty PA84DmN'A. ....S· I • out of It.ate. owner forced to ot "'7 (ood Va!.ndu. • flT.IOO, ...... cu1an wrti. &n. fM·T 'l'hlll · dme.• •clualv• araa tor ,.... 315 Marine Ave. -..Crifloe new 1 F ·· 1" ....., - paper: 17p81 .d.nU&l. comrnerdal or lno::!ustrial Drape11. yr.m. ~ta in ·um, K'ULTIPL& Dwm.LING lo\ on •H b I C -. ~~!. ~~.K.B&J~ Balboa Island a ,h&la. Unuu.I atmcu.. Eut .lid• coaa w .. f6 ll 120. a.r or nv. 9· • u I y Jl:We ·ca.r. In bee.rt of .... ooo Wrtt.e Boll Tll .. -Herbor I 560 family .... Many buUt tu.. Clean nMt 1 Bedroom bOu.. • . UALTOlta Ollnlna d.& Mar. 1dMI tor a .... ~ maMJ.ve •t.oo. tinipi..c.. l.And· ~ M'TIO IOt.b 6 Nik-BITd. ' eOup1a. Priced rip\ with aKC91.. th1S paper. Mpet leap9d. tao Vta M&rtna tlSrd now • P,...r-~7· · .. s.r ieoo -llXCLUllV~ with ... BllAUTil"UL ............ , .. both BY OWNER • """"' ---i.n...v Fi.L..-• ' Rlty c . .. ... La OABl!T OJ'l'ICS , w w ,.,....,..t. 6: dni;._ lb C0: ... ,....01 .., -' ·-bo 8-Aal l:...runp. l6c90 lrunOrrlS • 0•1--'-'--------t'Tn a Coe.at .Rlcbw&1 ·-. -Y"" ..-,,_...... ... ...,,.... -~.... m .. 1-----...:... ____ _ °"""'" •-! ""'· Bu. O..a _,... ~ _ :::-..."' ;':t, "=7,.,.'-.: !.OT FOR SALE -· J(Ultlplo ..'::..,":,; Mell ' BDRM:. ?fJOIC HOME ln Santa fenotd Jll,IOO. t9;J'INI to ,...,_... Realtor . ...... Provincial Perfection ----------,\,.-'-\ Ana. lbl• ~ IOO lfauona&. OrNta R·2 View lot 60 ElOO tt. 11ao m.. oout mpway. '!! 1!«!2 ID'-, G. H. LATHROP ,.__ ""' On S..'nfd; Corona eo-del Mu. ...,.., ""ta U>b t -... .. ,....,. ...,., LOANS for Homes=.!...""'::..,"'::;.."°""'"',.~ CLDT HAVJIH PRICEDHlghTOl•ndltsll:LL -• Beautiful ;::.. "::: .!-"::.....-.,::; ·FURNISHED KODELB OPEN BERMUDA WOOD-S L Rifrig-tod Alr Condition ... CONTEMPORARY ~~Eru<I -from $20.lfOO 3-Bdrm. A Family or ()qoT. 0... - on 8 to 10,000 llfl. Iota with onnp V-. ·-IO l.ioaM UOOO DOWN, 1100 pa mo. tor ll N LI H beam e.illa.p bent:U'UI ·~ .. .,. -'P· •82 ,.r. old 2 ~ att.rac. •tiacoo LI 842'12 ewport -f"lts. ome ~ bom• bUut i., a -----------------~--- • Constru~on L9ans _ Btlll r.tate =~~~:7i1i.=: T6ctf t.AROS and sPActou e 2 bdrm., ~dlocfpM~·old. k: -- -· ·-- """BOB IA'!TLllR A Rar·e lte•ml ux JUOCJU. Realtor INCOME PROPERTY ,., """' "°"'w~ ""'w ..... ' ....... , ,.,.,. -... ... ~ ... --=· .... w. ---" . ._ .• ,.. -........ -... ......... . Corooa it.a lkf Barbor_ IUI ~ ROQ on Oo.-l'?-oat. IOol7 $.14,000 DOWN LllAV111 TOU One '11 the-Jonlleit i.om. on ~iff l"C'Ve ..... POifUSR MORTOAGJ: 00. t Fullerton A• .. Hu two --i. \J.I[ Liil · N..,. tuo --·-•-KI , .. ,,. t or owna. W.U plaM.911. f111 montll -t or •u.ooo -.--~ ·-lleot of LIDO R-3 r-· t ,., ........ 1:.<0luolvo with '1l011>118"*' --,IU,O<IO • '8ttt ocn.~on. down ~v• lllKt.t""°"a-,au.t. F .B..A. us. 120,000, pod tenna. tull pricp _.tn. lot ant1&bk &fl. t -10 ft. iota oo So. 81.J nmt. ·louL -:1 own.er. tetlc 2ND i I ST TD LOANS WHAT .. Vln'I ---can T, D. -CHANNllL FRONT LOT .......... BALBOA REAL TY CP. "ARr' ADAIR, Rltr. Btrrtnr au ~; 00\dlt.J' Ch•rles E. H•rt, Realtor 11.M. lJ;ID-W • .,. RTan 1.-. t.ilk .... dld.. ,vwy SOOd &nL 700 a. Balboa BITd~ HarbOr UTT llM H...,.n...., o:.t.. ., .. LOOK SACRIFICE OCEAN FRONT LOT A Rare Item ~And Whet A View DA.HA POINT -Bl:ft WY -A-1 • We ~ Truat Deedi auo w. a.Jboa Bl"-Bar. lUI ' . lltfO' ITOOO dowft. ll&rbor 11~ LI WTn -u ....... • • • -Colla~ Loans LOT 50 ~y .127 _ i:="~":~ •1!,<_i_,;. uo~ -""""" "'°!'< • Lots for Sa)e AvOC41do Grove - -. • · . , Roi•' ~oifgage Co. NSWPORT HlllGHTB. 411 Nnr-A.BOYS WUN.A. DA.OB. __.~ .,.°'""'\ Nmp • no.t. 1 --.u Bull4 f'OUJ' ... home in th• wmrToP l'ftODucnON 1a at>. --------------~------ l50' " i 1e· ns1 ·mcZI>--To SZLI,, ·~ONZ OWNJ:k Gl'ftT t..uat ~ . ·- • •• . • Hl>I ~ ~ Nprt. .Bch. .,._ ~· tMb aaa, o..mw .,.. ta water c!llltnc!t. 'l'lnnm. =-~1~.;t~ ::: LEMON RID08T8 DUITRJOI', 80lute .m.t fWim ..... Call 1111 1'or QPOiatm.lt ....... ooUect LI .. ,..... lltft Cla17 PAO,_ &me. • Tutta. L6tli to.., JOO• 110 Met tOI' dilt&D&. H•rbOr 1549 BACK BAT tor, fO:ldao ft. 0or. nm. 1.1 1-1111 • u t-a21 BY OWNER wtda. J:u.i 00• mn. trom the DAJI' 1t.. J•AAOOD1c.9111m""'" a.a s.w. •• Ju. phooe ~ . lltl tr.ew-q. Prio.d .. .... .. lilt, ..... u ...... ,,.~ • -ot IJ.,... Vlllt.ll and T'l.lltJn -BALDO~ Ull-UfD I bedrm 2 . 1•"6. Kl J..1111 BT..U. ....... • __ .,_ fllil60 twt. o.JlLl 8-lTIL UclT ~~ J1t.ONT, t ~ l}' br.Ut lilom9, ..,..Ce a.putrn~t. ~~ Hartior ROT •VM B&r. 6.111 LOA.NS TO BtJtU). DIPftOVS. b&U.. i..n.t7 ~ J.!90 --Apolena. IW-. lllO n•-tlt:!' BUT, KO~ Oil BOKI: 6 INOOKB: bM llUbltaatial tnciopM tro.D de .-1· Holmwood Dtl\'t ft.EnNA.NCll · H10t DOWlf. u.,. .. _. t bdrm. llpl. 1'11919 II( Pl,oot llMlludem , ft·l Lot We 8'Q' '!'Nit o..a. .... at sa per mo., Rmt oa ftml.. Nlc& vmw property, IW ktt. Good su7 NllWPORT BALBOA. uVntoa ou-... J*1'1I *"' Or not bct)e. IU.IUIPfl DfVEBTldMT 00 t\'IOd 2 · bd'"'1 .. a.. .bouM. ~ .l • t.OAl'f A480CU.TIOH f'Or "'° per mom~ ~ '" NfWpmt lltYd. •t toth. Bar. 1.00 pl&H, p&Uo • dble. p,.q.. -ORA.NOi: OOAIT ,..ROPDTU:8 IMI va Udo ~ ll&r. "°' tte prom -a, owner, LI ': .McM fll,IOO. Own•. LJbvtJ' ':;. ~"':.t~fWpurt. ~ :i.oo ! • IY OWNER - t ~ ...,. mp kbool. flft ~ acft. Mot -.. Jud. l:Xctill. nun. Oa lll......,_t. Zoned to lluUd ad4'I .tt&. Wm Uk• pe.rt Ude. ,.,-., .... 11 ... , to l :IO. LI M110 ..,... TTUc I .. TEN ACRES~ENTl!-L ~. _ Sellen will ~· to -ject to 1-. . HENRY. C. VAUGHN 2029 Harbor Bhd,· J Ll·H?Ol or Ooeta- LI&-4718-. • I • ' - • . - - - -.. -' . • .. J • ' 4-. ' .. ,.·-·---~·-'_··~·~'---------_ ''--'---. ___ --_ 4' '+ • ':\....--• ---~w;;;:;::;;::. ;:::::;--~ -.---• -~~-¥-----.. I • PA6E •• JAlTl I -NEWPORT HARIOR N£Ws:!'RESS a!:;·~·;·~ .. ;;· ~ .. ;;~~;,,-;f~a~·;·;· ·;·~=~·~·~:;--~~~~·~~·~·~·~-~~-~~==~·:fa~-~-~-~I -~~-~·~s=ta~=-~·~Ol~lll~li~tll~l·~·~:;::::'~a~§·~elll~litta~~ .. ~-==· ==·=~;I I I · I • . I: I'. • ' ,_ I • . ,__. ~AY. MARCH 21 1956 . = ~~-· _ ~ NEWPORT BEACH' ··w -· M · · IJAi.ec>.~ -~1so.Nt> . . • . li~~ -~;:~ :· E>d.. L. LL::D 0 . S p E c' 1 ·A· L , ~!.::..:~::;, , ere . . Qv1ng . . . : 8J'l!lCW.. A. !"&' eharmln, home. • liednn., a rr ·-::.: ·..:...:· ~ . . . · ;-..;':'.-.:: ..!~,.,.,:: . . . _to Irvine T eri'ace" · b&llll,btn !Up llY. room, ttreplact(. pllle panel ~ tnWior ... ..._Joe&. . . at •111aoo. Su.bmJt reNOnt.bl• 'h bllt. to &i. lleoch. One of• oar BEST BUYS. ' ~=·::-:..:::=..:Op.,. Saturday· and Sunday Afternoons :==c,~~thl' ,.,...c, '71,l500 dldn(. • t pNl'f lllOOIOi! • "If W• atlll hev• It" . • • • SD OUR OJ'FERJNG of thlo 1>lno paneled well . A.,.,-t Jlulldl•r , WITHIN 3 SPITS decorated bo-2'becltmL, T lio.tlla, -llecl . ........ .. ~-.,._ . ,. YOU wru, nND nimNa. c1oeet. ' Pa•...t 1Vltio a6d BBQ. Reduced to &l'OQDd di.lo~ a ..ita plul · , llW'lmmlnr. ~. rewc. .. uon ~ r;'Wl 11:1\1\. ~ ~\. eom.. and a d• lddy bMCh. B~d 1f4'fll,OAN \e'tm.L Pitt.air ~ = and ·103 Vie Yelle new duple:x. s b.droom, up, 2 Ult--\ down.. Flrepla.ce, over-alaed gar. SO. BAY FRONT. A •--utl!ul homo of 4 bedrma., u ·1 NGllML -"'nn now. • ~ A.-1 coaotUon. Good t.acom• , , , • • oJ ., .. dflek, alley. A tttrttlc buy, 3 rthl, mald'1 room and bath. Completely fur. us.,ooo, tannt,. HERE IS THE chance you'v• been d.re&minJ : Priced .ll,000-Paymeat. very ailbed. . Prieed at $100,000. n •• nn ~ • ~ ·-n 3 bedrooml,. 2 balha' priced at only $24,600. Owner -y. f 0 ~ I ~A"""""" ,...,NT!, bu p~ larger home and hu pven ua thlo Ll1TLE ISLAND. A n..uc and wiable 3 bednn., 3 bath, In a aelect district. $36,000 BAY FRONT home &nd Income. One of the few deluxe apt. lllllta on Lido. Lge. lot. euellent beach. 2 bedrm. ap&rtment available fo1' owner. Long leuea other unita. Income approximately $7200 groq. Good TD and owner will a.ccept 2 bednn. home aa part payment. Priced at $90,000. CORONA DEL YA.R. Leuehold. 2 bedrm., con· vertible den, 1 % baths. Living room opena to patio. Large eliding doon. Stove and draperie.a fumiahed. ,24,~. Low cub down to qualified bUyer. We have buy.era for good listings. Free es~tea, exce11ent service. Har. 177~ -Eves Edith Maroon .. .. John Macnab Lou Boynton HY att 4-6222 Harbor 5359 Harbor 2878 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor •.~,!! == ~ __ . tow price for QUICK SALE. • LIDO ISLE , w17 attnw:tt ..... WoWil bf, nice AJT ~" .,_ do TRI: ONLY SPOT ON E.ARTH .,.e:SOU. i.om.: tor latp tamll}(, , OON'T w -..........,, ua now -.uat po.it THAT CAN COMPETE WITH .....,. -ia thJa BIG VALUE! . . HE.A.YEN. 'A deliehtlul 3 bdrm. fJt,........,, t.-rna. e~ I 0 '· ho • ' ; homewlh .,.t ,wtowcar- PENINSULA DUPLEX! -Only $9500 down. petlnr and drapu. Larre patio ~ 2 car garage. 3 yurs <lid. Underprlced at ~$31 ,500, terl'NI. LOVJ!LT IPA.CIOUll DUPLEX with I btidroOml 11p Uld 2 bed- ' tooma down, • • • )roth nioely f\lmlabed. 8...U .tucco proptl't)' a.no. recenU,y nlleootat.M ill and • out See It tew tfl,IKIO,. term.. NEARLY BAY FRONT! Juat 2 d.oora from· tbt 1>&7. 2 bedroom. billD' llklely tul"'Cl&lllbect and bu 2 car pra1e and paU.O. Wonderful tor be.ath born• or rmt&la. Act quick. flS,000 with term•. • SKALL INOOllE! 2 Bl!:PARATll UNITS. 2 &nid ! bedr"OOrna. tumtlhod ibd near bay or OOH.ft. tndlvldl.aal P.uo• and bb'q•. Uv1 ln on.1 rent the olhe~ or rent both. $16,860, . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor • LIDO SPECIALIST • 2602 Newport Blvd.1 Newport Beach Har. 4718 • • • BALBOA PENINSULA OCEAN FRON'I: LOT R·l , ~xl02. a1a.l'IOO. Good lerma. Hu front ya.rd VltW Of Chln•. • • • • HERE-THERE EVERYWHERE SEVERAL CHOICE PJ.e;CES, 20 acres et.ch near Newpott Beacb ready for •ul>dlvl.•\pn. a&oOO per 'a.er• wtth ~ of oll right.a. Plenty or water •nd clo.e to 1-·er. vv Best Buys Corona del ·Mar H~::~ .. !·~:~::·Dis. _. 225 Marine Ave., BaJboa Island term.a. 1. SHORECI.JFFS Ocean view 2 bedroom & de'U, 2 ~' ____________________ ::::::-----------+~-'Cba'Ct:i'h~a=, "'carpe'="ctedC'-7-c'w'iIItO-wall F. A. heat. fil;;eplace.. Balboa Realty Co. Choice location & priced to oeu qwck. Only $37,000 COVERED IN BALBOA! 23 INCOME UNITS, clos1 to bay and beach. Groaa lnconia $16,000 to $17,000 per year. A.akll'lg ,85,000. Good t erms. Corona del Mar Deal with Realtors Our Best Buy ',I Corona Hiehlanct. r' Large view lot B/ B Corona del 'Mar Deal with Realtora Two and Two r' 2 bedroom.s 1t 2 bathroon1• ,I Extra bunk roon1 Oppoalte 81.nk of America 2 • SPECIAL BUY, 3 bedrm.. home, hardwood firs., Roa. Orffley U Lee • Al Corneuu. Joeephln• Webb FA heat, choice location. Low down payment and 100 I:. Balboa Blvd., B&lbo1. only $16,000. ~ Phon1 Harbor 32'17 B./ B LIDO ISLE 3. JUST LISTED -EXCLUSIVE. Thia attractive 2 bedroom home, plua guest room and bath only 1/2 bl.a to Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar. Completely furniahed. Choice location. Priced to aell quick at $23,!IOO. Termo if deaired. Shown by appointment. ·' We f\Jrnlah free crylnf towel• to thoae who come tuo !ale. • • • Seven Islands Realty & lnv.,tment Co. i503-32nd St .. N'ewporl Bch .. CaHr. Har. r>868, after fl p.m. Har. 6!Wl7 "C' THOMAS ••er• THOMAS Drive In today and -tor )'o111'1181t the 111&11)' out. 11taadiag teat.uns ot thlo .-utablo oommUDlt}'. Jlore. &11d more Harbor area ~ are l:n.lpectin.g these exquisl~ homes -noting their oomfor(,' OOD· venience and central .location. • ' . -More a.nd more tamlliel who prefer a home in a re--. atricted quality community are moving into their ; Irvine Terrace home.. Inspec't the model homes, ' built by Macco Corp . exquisitely by Martin & furnished Von Hemert · Irvine Terrace is located QD Cout Highway oppoalte ~e new Irvine Cout Country CluO • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor «4.8 Fo1' Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leuehold F.et&te in Irvine T~ace1 Beacon Bay, Bay Shores a.nd Cliff Haven B /· B OPEN Until HOUSE! Sold! • D\lplex -Ee1t.1td1! • H. W, f1111. -1eW1'!r• -CUrbtl! • Gar1gu betwttn unltA! • Clee.n -extru ! e R.O.uee4 !rom '119,llMI $17.850! 1941 · 45 Sant& Ana Ave.! 1 to 5 p. m. OPEN HOUSE! • t" AttracUve: Lanct.caplne 11 3 bed;OOTIUl,-1 ~ bat~ r' UH!d brick ftreplac• t' Separate 1iln1ne room y Shake roof 3 Bedrooms I batJ'la, Well built modern bOm•· Bu\ltilul raiMcl· 4.. hurtb tlr•plac• J'.A. Hut. L<lv•ly kitchen W1tb dl.wpoal DUPLEX 1 bedroom ea.ch 1 unit furnished, dbl. garage, clOle in -Choice location. F. P. $16,750 Low down payment. Cliff Haven Sat.! and Sun.! 1 to 5p. m. i 1' Good te rma r' Good Value at $21,MKI Not too Big • For a amall family • 2 bedrooms e Newly decorated • Nice Patio • Ftreplace • Really att111ctiv• • See It for $le,760 '·' . Deal with Realtori·· Bay & Beach Realty OOrona del Mar ,Office 31530 E . Cout Htehway, Har. 51563 . . r' Hardwood f\oora ~I }o'ull pr1"9 $18,~ Open p • In Uii11 apac1oua \odem • Ocean It mount n views • 2' bedrna. ,__ baths • Convert1t,ile d • Rumpllll roo • Lo\·ely a.eel ded intlo • Good Value at $3ti.OOO Deal with Realtors Bay & Beach Realty Corona del Mar Otflca 31530 E. Cot11t Hleh10.•ay, Har. M63 CLIFF HAVEN OPEN DAILY I to 5 b25 ST. JAMES ROAD Here ia one of those "hard to get" 3 bedroom homes in lovely Cliff Haven. Only 5 ye~ old and a bargain a.t $15,000 DUNCAN HARDESTY7 Realtor • n d dilhwuher. lntereatlnr room arrangement. 1.ar,. patio walled. C&.rpell and Draper!••· AJ• ' )'fl, REDUCED MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. t Bedroom•, 2 bethl. Laree P•Uo • with bUilt·ln BBQ. Lare• llvln1 room. Gr&nd, tor indoor-outdoor PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor " 3447 E. Coaat Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 enttrt&lnin,. CLIFF HAVEN Open l:lo..u.u 402 Kine• Road Sat • Bun. 1 :00 to 1~00 Ma&nif!cient vi1w. Lovely 8wlm· • ming pool A Charmine apacloua contemporary modem I bed· rooms, 2 beautl!ul baths. A womana' "Pride and Joy'' kit· chen with bulll·ln r&rl&• an_,t ThermodM oven. l:Kcellent room arraneernent. L&r,• •eparal.4" dlnlng ;oom with Shutter door11 lo nvtne room. Come up and 'Jet an eiaulted feeline.. . "Deal with Realtoni" CO!!ioe located adt dl>or to Newport Hubor Bonk, CDM) HOME ANll INCOME BALBOA ISLAND -outatanding 4. bedrm. home with aepa.rate dlnlng room, up·to-the-minute kitchen, fireplace and forced 1.ir heat. PL~S attractive 2 bedrm. apt. with picture windowa and fireplace. Only $10,000 down. DO IT YOURSELF Convert tbia 4 bedroom, 3 bath home into two unila with minimum of cost and effort. Well built and cloee to the Bay, (Say view if you look hard.} .$7500 down OXE 01'' THE FINEST home11 with excellent locauoo on K1ng11 Place-Li:e. llv. v.·1Ul f1repJac,.., din. l'O(ln>, 3 bdrm•, 1 \t. balhll, hd\•;d. floorl!, v.· lo w carpeting, J o ve·l y landscaped g'TOUndJ!, b11rbt-q_11e, gnipe11t11kfl l'tncrit. VALllE 1-'RJCE'D at 122;!100. . Bayshorn BAY VJF:\\' hOml' on B11y,ho11' Orlvr -Enjoy ynr ,.round llv· lnJ in lhl.4 truly tin• 3 b;drm home, rnrnrr k><:'•Hon, hrtwd. . BAY e 3 D.R. -1,.. Bath! • H . \V, Fir•. -F ireplace! • Db!. Car. -U!n. Jtn1. ~ Pa ti{J~ 430 Esther' St. $14~50 FULL PRICE! DEAL WITH REALTORS & BEACH REALTY, Inc. 1696 Newport BoulevaTd Liberty 8-1161 Coilta Mesa. Calif. Eves Llberty 8-3010 flQOr~. flreplal'e and .inCldl!'ratrly ----------------+------- PRICED at 173.r.oo. _/ Bayshores Th!11 cham1ing home on Bay11hor• Drive offer• 3 lji;:e. ~r<Him• pl111 ~roorn It. •,. b&Ul o\•er pr•re, delightful hv. T'm. dining room and nook. i'-. A hf'at. w to w carpet1ni:-"-"\! "Real Ertiite Is a 'fechn1ar,i.irgal Com· . . pie~ Bu1inen that requires years of Ex· periel1ce in Title,:Deed1 and Trust Oeed1 . and the like ..... h drlpf-11, FIRST TIME OFFER· Bay & Beac Rlty Inc LAGUNA INCOME ED " '"·10-0. List your property for aale with a 3U2 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3343 mt Evu. • Furnished - 2 bedrooma and den in front house-Plus ''r'' ruoM (' member of. this Board •... we're bachelor apt. iD rear: Close tn, near·-storea and---t···-t,--TI ¥ ,.__,_ ------··-·----• "Ju11t to lhe rteht of Udo Brldre" tra.naportation. . going to sell $1,000,000 .. "'Orth of FISHER'S BEST BUYS 1. Lee. I bdrm. Only 2 fr•· old. Fi 2 • · REALTOR ~res 1 ~o on investment real estate each month d4ring 1956. Price $18,950, good terms, and ASSOClA TES lsANFDRD S.TANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Park Ave. at ~arine, Balboa laland Harbor 2462 HOSPITALITY HOME • 22' W. C011.11t Hiw1y LI 8·6:"i27 ---Newpo1t B~ $12,950 $2650 oown $83 mo. 4 tld.nn .. 1~.i. baths. MUCTIPIE"LTSTll'<G'"'SERVICE Newport Harbor Board .. of Realtors \\'HY PAY RENT when you can ,.. - buy this 1 year old very allr&c· I" - '11 t Lot &exllO. Many me. feature•. 4 •;, r.; loan. $"60. Try $16DI> du. (or will take car u part pymt.J Monthly •ptyment 172. (Incl. Int., lna .... l&XM). SEE THIS! in I Laguna Beach uve modern home'! Ideal neigh.I -------,,------------------. -. 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 • -utooA Is&\ND. 4. B. R. 3 bith home, mode~'!_ and "" lovely. w\th apaclous' & charm. 1 8. R.:. ap~. Dbl. • ga.r. Gutet room & bath. Owner leaving area. Pde~ !O aell. _ A HONEY. 2 B. R. home with beautiful 1 B. R. apt., 2 car gar. Guest room & bath. Ldy. room. DON'T MISS THlS ! COSTA MESA. BACK BAY VIEW LOT. This lot YOU will want f(f your pe-nnanent home. It can't be beat, and wt haven't anoth('r to compare. Let \lS abo'W you this one! . . ~ BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Mor!De Ave., Balbo& liland-Pb. Har. 1671 or 1672 , 7~ ACRES . 2 Blocka From WRIGHT AND GARDEN GROVE BLVD. • $3650 an Acre ~~ Cagh ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1867 Newport BIV<I . Cooi. Idea& LI 8·1632 Eves LI .$-BOO ' I 2. 3 BDRM. HO)(E, on ('Orner. lot, 1 bdrm. borr'lt for "'ntal in rear. Both only 2 yn. old, llhake roof. A pl'1)~y y~u·u M proud to o~. Bolh for $15,760 Only $3000 no...'ll. Fisher & -co. 2603 Newport Blvd. Har. ff29 Just a few atepa to HEAVENLY. GRACIOUS ~auty. Expansiv(. panorarnic ,ocean &. hillt views. Quiet 11treet, near-town. High. ceiling tivihg rm. 32 x 16.8. Planter fJreplace. hardwood pegged floon. Dining alcove. Den, all tile bath-.· 2 bed -. " rooms and 2nd a.II tile bath. $e(:luded patio. Payne furnace1. Obie, guagfl, DMitinct-ive lndividl.lal $45,000 value for $32,500. Exclusive for YOU. ExclWJive with GLAD KEER 275 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach (Between Broadway A Forest Av,e.) • HYatt 4-4974' 84p86 BEST 'LOCATION Newp9rt Hts. LOOK LOOK LOOK Thi• charmtnr hom• with 3 bed- room• 2 balh•. h&rdwood noor.. 1. dt.epo.&1 lo•-1Y fMc.d yard, car· pell le dr&pM and· many GUier h:atutt1 too-nwt'erou• to m~n· 2. Uon can H y()U.I\, for j\lat 117.· Ml). H111 a 4.,. toui;-tnJly a wonderf'IJ.1 buy . "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 3· ·tee8 N....-port Blv~ eo.ta-Men Ll 1·3792 or LJ 1·618f " ___________ , .. CorMr R·2 Lot Balboa Laland $2000 dowr. OR.A·NO" COAST PROPERTIES 11G7 Newport. COila Ne.a LI l-1U2 -E• ... U ,._l,00 I l I Three bedroom beach Only $12,!IOO. home, 1 2 block to ocean, BALBOA DUPLEX. Room for one· more unit. Good rentals and only a ff!W •Lepe to beach. Ask· ing $14.,500. Make offer. WATERFRONT FURNISHED duplex, 82 ft. bulk· head, Pier and rloat, double garage. $26L50Q, - BAY FRONT pl~r and float. Two ~room . rumpUll room. completely fumiahed & only ~.000 3320 W. Coot Hwy. Li 8-7Tl3 ~;~~~ :;:'.1 now for appoint-VOGEL v ALU ES MAIN OFFIC~ • • • BAYSHORES JUST LISTED ldMJ 3 br. pha den, l "• btt.lh homt Only $7600 down. For prt·ahOIO.'· Ing call' Harbor 204.2, or evenin&• Llberty 8·720•. We lll.O have oOier• to show )'ull, • BUSINESS PROPERTY tTOil-300 wn•.d C·2 on East. 17lh St. ExttpUonai opportunity lo buy valuable C·2 property ?fl thl• fut de-v~lop!nr b1111tnP.•• •t. For f urther Information, t all ., ' HARBOR 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS 31 2 ~f11r1ne Avf', Ralbo'.11 laland. Business Comer C· 1 CORNER., mhrtOO, doWntmim Sanla Ana, JUl,000, Subn1it !•rm. or tr!lde. DAN A. JACOBSEN, RtaJ P::datt J1 11r. 1'1691, l.I l-#1317 ~ ll\'aU A·IMUHI NEW FOUR UNIT SEP ARA TE 2 bdrm, ~ Ill Ooeta Meea nf!•r •ll!'llpol. Pr1t•d below markrt. lnrorne 1310 ~t nio, 3 rentell holc\1'41' t open for ltuyu. Tttnt1t. LI 8·&•~ bf!ort 11 I p 111. Wffk ti.a)'•. l6c8a I * * * * * -PIER AND FLOAT ELECTRIC BOAT WAYS Ideal loca tion near Lido· Shopping center. On l''t waterfront lot.a. The houee ie not new but-bu been remodeled and In good condition. 3 bedroom.a, 1:1 1 batha plus a :y, bath ht the bath house. Heat- o·lator fire_place, garbage disp.. di1dimuter, etc. Beautiful covered patio and greenhOUM. $83,000 with onJ y Ss6oo down. CALL THE VOGEL CO. 32Ql W, Coast ffjgbway, Newport Beach LI 8·3{81 WANTA FINANCE A JUNKET? LET'S get together and he.Ip a poor neglectd downtrodden couple take a trip to Europe. All ... wome one hu to do iii: buy their ho'me. Otherwise, they will have to spend ~ aummer ramblin: around in their 3 8 . "R., 2~; bath aod den. home-. enjoying the two fireplace., \VW cerpeting thru.- out. the all electric kitchen, the unbelieV.ble t'lofM:'t Apace, the 11harpeit liv. rqoru you'll see in n1any 11. moon, AND the greatest \~tw you c:tn intag'l,;n.,.r-.------tl Phone tint, we're ready to ahow it. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, AMOClal•· 3622 E. Cout Hwy, CoroJ>a d&l liar • ' I I \ ' • ' ------ • W. A. TOBIAS, Reeltor .,...'ll Ullo OIU' h1ondly _ .. 400 So 1Tlll It., Coot& w-Llberiy l-11J8 , . Corona del Mar OM-or u..-iliOit outotandlns hom• aJmi1 Ilse ........... California cout, W It. ot fl'l:Jllt&p oil OoNa Blod., 330 feet of water frontage oita thla "-ol dlotlllctlon with a view f"'1l1 ALL rooma ,,_ which you oan .... i.h the ever.Chan(lnf wal<ro of tM -llDo, the bo&ta comin( and 1oinJ in and out of Ilse brukwatu and Iha bftutiful rock for- m&Uona up and down the cout, plUI ov1~lookiD1 our twv ..,...t beachOL Larp Uvtq l"OC\m and oolo.rium, dining room and . mald.'1 room. plqi 2 bedrml., and bed sitting fOOlll in. main bo\ale. For ruesta, • home 'Of their oWD, al.lo with oulltandlllg view. All of thla • . Be4utlful 4 Bedroom 1-"""" .,..,._i. Thia II 'a bof,utltlal Udo holl\o. -i111y .4M1inec! , &114 1[luUt fOI' ~ fullly llvln(. Sllclln1 ~~'"l' pOtlo ~ both tht llv· lqrm. &114 ._ jUNr bodnn.. Colllplotoly built-In -&lld 111""1 other atru too DWDITOQI to ..... ilon. 'l)la h.-wtll .u .llli~toly -u .. of Ille t1n • ..,..,, If not on Ill charm -So pJw,N call 111 now -todlyl San · Remo Holtle 2. .. UDIU on llO feet Of the vory beat BAYJ'RONT. dMipld by -· Ali. Two 2 bodnn. apt&. with pftftll )>&tloo, twe 1 bednn. apta. with prlvato oun deelal. All overlook the be&uflful Bay. A, true barpin' at $80,000 ~ only $20,000 dowu. ()u of Cl4o'1. lllOlt boautltol :--toanll<!Ourta -tho -and Clubho)llo and beach at tht end of Ille llrM,t. Thia It a ,....S.ua ll beclrm. hom• with unuaually ._ IUDDY -and tropically planted South patio. ll'llrnlahecl piice 136,000 with very &ttraettve terms. . Large Shorecliff Home 8. II UDlbl on 80 feet BAYJl'RONTAGE 1t 320 Via Udo Nord. ~t 10 well 15 ye&r1 a.go thaf when It waa modemJHd tut year, the ~te and dry rOt ' i.wi juat clwpd for ,lnopoc:Uoo. You juot can't beat thia, for valu• at only $10C5~000 twm.hed. Tenm. Tb.I.a home hu everything a · family could ever want, -4 bettrma., 4 bath1, formal livingrm., full diningrm. 13 x 15, break.fa.at room,· dishwasher in the kitchen, buUer'a pantry, forced air heat, hardwood floon. Beautifully planted yard and o! coune...Joc&ted in one ot Calitornia'1 .outata.ndlng oubdlvla!OGI -SHORECUJ'P', Priol S•~.000 .. p. a. palmer lncorporU.d <I . olo henaon co. men•Q•ment )1888 vii Udo, harbor feoo p. a. palmer incorporated ole henaon eo. mer.e9omen• 1700 w. cout hlg~way -liberty 8-~73 8/8 North Bayfront Belboa Island Pier and i'loat Oompltt.ly oM.nntn1 In ... !')' r•· ~ lledwtlod, ltuceo and \IMd brtck ..t.rlor. Lov.11 •n· c:10Hd patio. latN lar19 ktt· •• wtu. bu11t..ta av B-Qu• adjotna ~"'4 tamll7 l'OOJll, Two Mc1focmta. 1 'lil ba UUI. ltrHNd tor NOODd lt.ory. I )'1'11. old. Only I' T ,MO. • • • VO~EL VALUES Check ThHo Outatendin9 Buys • CORONA DEL MAR VIEW HOME on Ocean Blvd. 3 BRs + den + maid'a rm. Terrifically larse room.a thruout such a.a 16' x. 19' dinlns rm. I< 26' UvlnJ Mn. A real family home. Full baaement. Seo thia outatanding home. Price $56,000 -the only one likt it! NEWPORT HEIGHTS PANORAMIC VIEW HOMF--new, rustic exterior, Modem Interior. w/w crpU., 3 BRs, 21fl bathe, Anthony heated pool -many outatanding teaturu. Pric9d &t $47,500 -wUl trade for vaca.nt land. A dream home. SHOPPER GUIDE • COSTA MESA 21M llt&te SL 3 B. R, ·-···· 110,9~ 221 Walnut Plllc• 2 a: d•n ll3,2M 211 M&po\la 2 Bii' Br ..... Sl3,500 50.:125 Vacant lot next door 271 .................... , ......... S4 ,t100 4117 Abbie Y.'a y 2 Br ........ •t-l,800 ~.repla<*Dent coot today. Your tut ~ to """ th• mQtrt outatandinr view Unturpa1sed Ill 8outhorn California. Priced to .. u at $107,llOO . Back Bay View! 80" BUSINESS LOT ON NEWPORT BLVD. in fast growing a ... a. A ,.al buy tor 113,llOO. Ideal for 3871 CJub Mela a Br .•....... $16,000 th i::·· 211t 6t. 3 Br ....... ,.lijl,100 THU! HOKEIB OPEN DAILY FOR INSPll:Cl"ION. ..-...., v1-ct .... Bay? 3729 OCEAN BLVD. ' ................ ~·"' • Wn4 110'111TI' (2 kM-196 acre) ---,.. • J bdrm. Q1uu OOWll.ry llom•- See .JACK CASKEY or GORDON WAI.KEIR • s.&tttul J!AUo wtth mwiiv• W. E. FISHER & Associetes lllM IL .Cout Hwy., Coorona· clll.lW. _ HAR. l!Q8.a 1Cn1 Har. 300-J -Har. 2Ul-W .._.. .. • J'unlly Orohal'd, Cf'llM ti• t'enoed • Plent.J JOOm. for ~ • •labl• • llUJI -.Mn • bull I M_o-t WM\ed. lou.Uon -~ """ • All tor Ju.t •ao.ooo With on1y office bldJ. le rm. for living qtra. NEWPORT HEIGIITS BEST BUY - 2 BRa, 1 both Ill homo + far. w /•pare bedroom lo &th; · HW firs., 14' x 18' living rm. Nice bed.rooaa; with crou ventlliUon. Lovely Jdtch. Ir: breald'ut rm., rum. hea~ cedar rocf. tlO' • 127' fenced lj>t -nice ya.rd. ~ bQm_t._ WU! rn•kt IOID.e<>DI _happ,y ~ 1 Only Slll,tlOO ' '" ---~~-------i -·-THE VOGEL CO. COSTA MES~ The Best Town on Earth.• •Ow»• "':" ~ ~ """'"· 2867 E. Cot. Hwy .. Corona del Mar HA: lHl HA: 0767 A BAClt llA.Y BL\UTY -2 Br., Doll, 4Jn1nf room, 2 lwollla, doable -· flrepl&co .-patio, boauU· tallJ ludlcapod. 128,llCIO with - Cliff Haven 1 •• ---------·--~--.. :=.=.,a,. ':':"u!:'.4 ,=. A RARE BAY FRONT STEAL! ! ! wood tl0on, lhtnf1• root. kltcMn W1tld tor tJO v. a; I. loin. Ju.t ON KllllA DRIVE: Lovoly 1 II<, homo, Hwd. tloon, double -· flroplleo. ~deal for Nllro4 eouplo. 112.llOq with torma. • fU.000. On Balbo& laland. CHARMING 2 bdrm. home ftoAiilll on bett SAND BEACH, HUGE Uvinc room with d1U1httul VIEW, beam,.ed oellinp, breaklut bar, fireplace, TILED bath, PLUS •mart VIEW .APT. 6 eztro GUEST room A bath. .Parkin( for 8 care. ALL COMPLETELY FURN. VERY IANTA ANA llJllGHTS. 8 Dr. homa. hwd. flooro, ._ _, 2 ........... foncod yard, lot 110"136 · '1J.,?llO Reuon&bta torma ·ca yoaro old) C-1 ZONJ9 (llullll-) ODI tull ..,.. 182 z llC»- npt.111-town. ldOll for madlcal or profwtonal lNll4illJ, '60,000. T..,.._ lncludoo tarp ... u built 2 Br. home and 2 car ...-... 11·1 IDd-.i lot 10 z 1'6 : .. : .... ______ -:::t91100 G. N. WELLS; Realtor u 1-1901 VOGEL VAWES -LIQO ISLE VOGEL EXCLUSIVES ~ pioVlnd&l 2 bclrm. 2 both homo with dininc room. .Dlol patio, dbl ...-... Price '30.800 • • • , Deal with RaJltoro Bay & Be.ach Rlty Inc U111 Hubor .....,_,. LOW PRICED, only $10.llOO down. ec.ta MM& O&Uton&& - LI .. ,,.. • z .... LI ...... PLA YH<?USE ON PARK AVE. Ho~'E & NC'"'"-'E On "LITTI.E BALBOA !Sl.AND'" -CUTE. mu.11 ·IYI I ~IYI BEACH HOME. With fireplace A lovely patio Ntw t bedroom qartm•~._;d . $19,250 Furn. to':;:" :..::00 .;;:,,:'"':.,. PROVINCIAL DOU HOUSE 1ook10 r M&u.ut\&l .tWlniiifi& pool 11t1ok n,..1eoo. wo .. ..., ON EX'l:'RA SIZED VIE;W lot Ill CORONA HIGH· iaund17 rwm. Com.pi.tt17 tur• LANDS. Spaclout living room, beamed ceW.ni1, alahed W1tlt. au *"" tumialllap. ··--.. brt·• f'-I . I . bad oocl fl &odOMCI patio Mid ttl'nC'. U.v• ~ ~ «•P ace, g eam.mg w oors. Two la J~ wU.h lllO. monthly (l'Uld bdrm-., heavy SHAKE ROOF, beautifully taoom-. Only Nl,TBO, wbtoi i• land.tcaped. A CHARWR only $28.000 M1ow prtllent 001t of np-.. ment. WW oonetd•r YNIJlt IOU In acll.np. I t.pg. to fJ'Wlt'ay. MARINERS ISLE REALTY .._ ... .... 318 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor '781 ' ~-B~<;;R~LTY-C0.1----~..c._ ___ _ 411 E. 20Ul St. 3 Br ........ 127,000 NEWPORT BEACH l0a5 flt. Ja.rnee, I Br, Op•n Pm• ......................... $l:l,OOO .. . -. ·1&00 Haven Plac• Trt· pluee ...... :................. '22,::.00 ea. l023 w. Bay Ave. s Br ..... $2::1.MO HARBOR HIGHLANDS MT Diana I£n~ I .,. ·;.:, .... 111.~oo UHi Sylvia Lan• 3 B:J .... IZ0,000 ~l Ter,,,ait.a L&n• • Br ..... $2i,::.OO LIDO ISLE ioa Via. YeLJt. a Br ......... i2•,600 12• Vl11. Mentone 3 Br ......... $31,~0 r. ····-·· .. Duncan Hardesty UAL TOR IS02 Newport 81Vd., Newport llch . ,., '" ftat ~ npt ho-tor a lupr family. 8 bclrm. 6 ..,, 2 -. approa. 2'00 oq. It. Kuat -to --ppNC!ato tile value -ol-~000 ,,..":.:::"..:"'....... CORONA 9EL MAR ---~---1 ~~.,,.~~~ =-Bowh homo on ...... lot, beauUful lanalc fenced ... LIDO ISLE • . . -. and another VOGEL V ALU!l ~l._J ~ _2 \) llatl;_?!:.~I. Thia -II loc•lod ....... ...,,..... WIDll to llVI - Udo Nord. Price 115,000 THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE . ' 3'16 VII Lido, Npt. Bell. Har. Ml or Har. t972 -11.I 8-3060 -Har. OH2 • <:ORONA DEL MAR _ 417 Narcluua . Juat -plolod lhlo Dlol <Olnfortable home with 2 -i.an.., flillii and llvlnc room. ~ 6 popa. will love the ldtch<ll .. tars• dinllls rooe~ juot Mp&ro\ed by the lalallcl aJnk oo.,.. ---:"l'V'-wbllat you work. Such..cosy_ llvlol. Tile llnci Jiu atL&ched work lhop ,. den. .Etpen. 1ift11 Jo..-,,..i ii oompl.uly fenced yord. Yes! Tllo NOt bu haV ahalceo. ln fact thio la a owell houa .. pcifld to ..U right n"'!' ,1 ONLY Sl8.llOO. ~•r Har. 151!08-W. CourtNy to brokero. 8:ic87 • .._,.,.. ;.. yard. near otoreo, etc .• priced to ..u at Sl2,7llO ONLY $4000 Down 1 SlfiOO Down rouft. BEDROOMS, J Mlhl, dbl. prq'9 and worltlbop-J"•nced Uld ..-~ alot oom•r lot. ..... ,.... .... ,. .. . Newpo!'t-Mesa Rlty. Two bedrooni home with complete ruett apt over 2 ear ,.,.,.. Jot ta 45 ~ 118. Hardwood floorw, ' juat a few feet from Ocean Blvd. See ui /or the beet buyo Ill Iota. ' RAY REAL TY COMPANY 3"4 E. Cout Hwy. Corona dll lfar. Har. 2288 (..,...,.from Bank Ill C.D.M.) MEMBt;JR OP MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE NEAR NJ:W, LARGE 3 8.R.- J. %,, b•lh, double &•ra,e, hu •v•f)'thlnr for • home aod p&rt• Jy turn'•h..i. BEST LOCATION, and near lhe club Muse. Shafer Realty Har. lW - lOl,'McP'edd~ Pl . At lhe Newport Pier EvM. Har. 44$1-W, Har. 26211-J.t Jflt N..._ ...... Oollo -l-----~--~----------11-U: 1.uoa &v-. u: •'ln& Harbor Blvd. ·Investors PO'I'SNTU.L INDUllTIUAL tront· -..i • I ~. Dlnet OD rail· llDtilL-OllJJ f&IOG-,... MN.--- DA.M A. .IAOOBU:IH, Jt..i l'.lt.at• Har. Mtl, U a.a1T, Kl S.lllf BTett ~ I.Ala or U:AUl, ao n. trontap ... PlaeteUa. Ooo4 inoPI• prep. •rt1, 116.IOO. Own•, U 1-307:1. ..... • LIDO NORD BAY FRONT ATTR.ACI'IVE 1 atory home, Uva.hie and convta.~ lenL Tbroe bedrma., 2 bat.ho, maid'• room and bath. . , ~to, drip<> and appllancco Included. ' T. D. ROGERS, Harbor 1686-W Or Ryan 16029 ' A GOOD INVICITMJC.Vf, &2"2IO, M tti rood tiom•. 120.000 aaktnr ... ,,., DAN A.. J.AOOBAJl:N, R-.l E.tal• .. r. Nil, Ll l-&31T, Kl 2·211T HYett 4-64KWI INVESTORS INCOME BARGAIN QOOO Buy1 My Equity; S-2 bdra, un.11.A "'"'-' •.c"haot11, •ll rept..t. 12~7. per mo. r •r. dl11p.-f11.1t• - ''"'Wf!r', Ll f:Ml :!I.. . l ;\plt8 I ~~·/ B ./. . . BA YFRONT . EXCLUSIVE Bay Ave. -Pier A noat-Very 1w,ct!V1 llodam homo. Lp. llv\11&' room. nice kitchen. llMUUfUI •pa@u• muter .bedroom wlth...llrlpl&M,_pllao .a other becllociom1 .. a bltha. Diii. -•• work· lhop. Ample room to porlt 2 add. caro. Complotol7 •and qlctly tum. -$79,llOO · BAL~OA COVES 1. Exchu1tv1 -1'&tlrfront -Pier ,. Sit;. '80,000 - 8\ii ~old. Vt.rf attroctlvt 2 B. R., tarso patio, uclualye area. Juat llatocl. 2, 3 II'. It, Lare• Pa!Jo. Sandy Baach. Pill' .. 8llp. WUI oonllider froc(ellor a'lnallor watarfront homa or Newport Hel1hta, ~rona de~lhr or!! -U9,800 3. Juot complel<d -Plllf A Slip. 3 B. R., 2 b&th, vory attractive built-in kitchen, wall to wall carpeting. ~.000 -Ttnna. Might lea8". BAY AVENUE -INCOME 2 B. R. home, 1..B. R. l•Jl.le aputment plus bach~ · lor unit. $6000 will h1.ndlt PENINSULA DUPLEX 2 B. R. each unit -SW\declr. with view. 2 ye&n old -128,llOO -Torw. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 8 B. R. homt·-Hardwood tlooro. Oooo to Hieb School. i'..,ced yard, (ood area. SB,tlOO-TonU. ' B. R. -1 % bath1, flroplace, knotty pint l<ltcllm, wubtr, dryer, 1tov1,. rotriprator Included. W /W carpeUnJ. Fenoed yord, cl ... to N"'l>Ort Boaeh Schoota. $17,llOO DEAL WITH REALTORS BAY & BEACH REAL TY, lNC., Realtors · 14:!0 W: Balboa Rlvd¥. Balboa Harbor" l!IM ' . ·------'- LIDO l.SLE • NEW . Two Bed.rooms -Two Bath._ Now la th• time to move in and prepa.re !or 1. wondvful 1ummer on excitin1 Lido llle. • ' Many clever detail.I that muat be MID ...:. not deacribad $24.llOO Fu1J Prt.. -Torma EXCLUSIVE -We have tho t.oy. -1100 REALTY - • BILL 'ilmfwro.f' • OllNJI v-..., ·' e JOE H. GROHMAN e VIROINU. IU.N&ON Combining 20 yeara o! Lido Salee Experience • . . 3400 VIA LIDO HARBOR .4444 4 BDRMS-2 BATHS ,, Near the Hjgh School on Ramona Place,-Only 1 year old. "Sets on the circle -well kept. Hu a I,.rge i>ingle garage. Can be handled tor $2430 Full price i1 only $U19® . ·CAMBRIDGE ESTATES OPEN HOUSE . EVERY DAY FROM 1 P. M. to ~ P. IL ' . Custom built houae on 16th Place and lrvio• Awr n.,ut. Lovtly homee with -1.ll the belt fe1.turea. Rome have swimming poot. -&ttacbed prqe - ' . Built m teatures. Buy a home that will !Dant.11 in value. Restricted area. U you hav• ·a rood equity we might ·cmuider t.radee. ' Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Ev~rson 11166 Newport Blvd., 'Cott& x- Ph.-LJ· 8-6761 lileea-Hu. .ae&-&l-f.2018 Waterfront _ _;_~ For Lease . - 97 feet with pien and 1llp1. 60 ft. front.ap-'ob ·w. Cout Highway, 1.J'&rlnen Mlle. Ideal for 1111y Marine Type Bualneu. · Lon& time ltue ava.ll&bte. No telephone lnformaUori pleue. QSBORNE-FORTON, Realty:: Co. 2323 W. Coaat Hwy. Newport Beach (at Port Oran .. ) LI 1-7~ .. . 40 ACRES Between • • COSTA MESA AND SANTA ANA BEST ACREAGE BUY $3'® an...acn . 'Torma ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES J857 Newport Blvd. Co.ta l(IO& u 8·1632 Ev11 u s.aoo • J • • . . ... ·~ .·;··:.. -~- AaY:IP .:'f.A_RT IJ-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ·_WEDNESDAY , MARCH 21, 1'56-' . :.--· _.__ - SAILOR TRACK SEAS ON GETS UNDERWAY and C squad feU to defeat. Below, Seaflea qta.rlie Taylor makes a mighty leap in the high ju.mp. -Staff Photos • • WINNING RUN -Bob Coopman, Orange Cout College infielder, ci:ouea tht:. plattei: on JobClny Eltnda'a, bue rut lnt bottom ot the fifth for the. Buca'.i fourth and winning run against the USC Fro.ti nine: The Friday victory wu 4-3 alter Coach Wendell Pkkena' poken dropped a pair to UCLA and the Sc Spartans. -OOC Photo MER€HANT NINE LOSES FINALE; . . . - ' ii..; !:"I • luc Golfwa~...­ by SOllhl .' .,.._. ' I _1? -~-.w.. Orance ~ ~ ptera dropped a c.Jw dfclnl11 &o Bult.a Ana Oolle1e ...,...,. at U.. Ban- ta Ana. Oounl!)' <;lfalp ltJ a 11-ll 9COre. Deaplte a 11, lbe Pirat.aa' No. man, Robert Dlft1. .._, . l-0. Distance runnen for NeWport flarbor High and Santa A.111.-nni up above ln the B 1320 for the Sunset League Dpener on the ·local oval last Friday. The Tar B'1 Produced the lone winner as the Newport varsity N-0-W'-S T-IM-E T-O--SH-00-T -OF-F -iBECOMES-MESA. BRAVES SUNDAY TRAP., WIN EASTER DINNER! New Sponsonhip Permits Park Sen Van Horn .. •U a ud a1ao loat ~. Al ~ a_ VJMent Saundera, wtlh a.a 14:, .put I and 3. Syd Tovatl'• tl -P"-Jalnt. • 8.{l Win &lid Bl* ......... WUb • 102, \oat 2 &lid '· Tiie preeenl ro.ter look.I Wt• th!•: Gen• Jundklft1, ftrat b.ue: A ham for Euter dinner wUl be the •ta~. at the Sou!h Play.to rontinue Lane C-.5 C:0.111 R ifle and. Pi11tol Club trap •hoot on .MacArthur Blvd. ¥ 1 .,,,,.., Buddy Pierce, MCOnd hue; Bob Black. third bue;.f'lomt Rldgw,ay:. ahort.atop: Chic~dem1. centrr· tie kl; Ray Rimer&, le.ltfleld and pitcher; Doug Darnall, rightfleld; Bill Flanagan. pitcher, and Ken~y Old E:.tabllahea ln.uruoe I .... UU:f All llite11 wrttfe:n.. TH f. SP 0 RT S WAT CH By BILL PlllLUPS near Col'nna del Mar Sunc1&y, The futlvttle1 ~ scheduled to 1tart at 9.30 L m. Redman 0. J&.rrett of 30 Beacon Bay copped IJlx match- It the 11hoot held Feb. 19. Other Hartxir 11.rea wlnner1 were Nonn&n \\'. Dulworth, M. C. Sm.Ith, ~fjY Couch,' Fred W . Ku.t.er Jr., Robert W. Lampert, H.F. MftPtiy, John O~nnan and W. B. Thummell. 9 NEW CAGE R~CORDS Cagy Gage Collects Mark Chart for All Tar Fives Nine new team records were this season recorded by Newport Harbor High School's $unset League champion Sailor basketball quintet, it was revealed today by Coach Jylea Gage. The 111.l!t three \Vere n1en1btr• of At the ••me time, GaRe rele1111cd thi.;i 11&1.son'11 Tar champ.. team and lndlvldlllll reconi• he has ~101lE fiA~fEH dlllgenUy compiled by digging back Rea80n given by Gage for •o throurh all pa1t cuge aquad ma~r nev.· mark1 Ht by thl• 1ea- marka hung up durtng TRr court I .wn • 1:1quad •• the number ot hhitory. gan1~11 playe<t.·The T11r took on 27 opponenu, •ccounllng for the fol-Probably tht rnnat impr,.~ai\•t lowing record.11; • • individual effort unParthed by Jo"'leld Ji!'Oal.11 1n ont aeuon {1501. Gage'• work wa1 thlit of Dtnn)' Popt; noor game, one 1te•.eon F itzpatrick, la.11t wet'k nan1et.1 121 11, Grttn; rebound• in one ae.a· Orange <..:oa.iit Collec:e·1 n101t S<ln .tl92). Lorent;r.en; total polnll V'l:l.luable baaketN.11 player. Fitz-, bv team In 1al.$0n Cl467J; tlekl p&triN, W1w k'o1 th• ~te·goa·11 on·f' ~me 1!%1; -fletd g-oa1I ba.lketN.llet9 In J>Qlnt.a .cored, 1euon 1.5711; floor gamt INAOn coiled.~ 963 tot1l poLnlJI In tour . 1 &22 't ~: rebound11 one jt'atne 1 56), ye.r1 or pi.y at Newport Harbor lanr! reboun~ 11eaaon (97ll . Hl&h. I Other indlvldual r-ecordl of Sall- 4 t"OR ,_"l:l"MASS or ca1er11 inclu floor came one Il looks like Orange cout Col-[S&nLa Ana. Running the anchor Most Individual ~rks held 11.t game 12.51 , Bill Iota. '.54 : and t•re ~· up with one of ·1av of the v..r1Jty rel1y aga1n1t Sallon:1on1 were obalned by I.he.. re~unll• one !1L InJOQ. th. finut junior colltge football the speedy-S.11inl3, Cha.rl!e took gTelll P.ul Ne1.1m1nn. pmml•lng '04, Team t•'cnrda: tal point.. •-h I r,-hm•n '"' •<• •' S•anf"'d nn.-game t86). '0.5: percentare n( coachlJ\I' lrlOI In the Southland the baton weU .,.,hind t e r val .... • • .. 8 h "Unl••,•lty who w11• ""•ntty lfield g'.111.ls t,42 1, '!'.l:l; fret lhrov.•1 In Newport Harbor'• Al lrwln' u Slll\lll Ana runnt>r. Lit e too .. head mentor and a11l•t.ant11 Jhn out after his rteelllg roe as if named P1poo>1e rnurt rapta!n thlll one ga.me 130), '00; free throw• St.a.ncelaod and Bill Poort-. I'd there waan't a doubt Betty v.·ould ae.aon. Neum~nn hoill11 the llE!leon-lllC'!!llOn \3.5j), '.5~; percent11ce of M.Y It'• juat a rn.11tttr of giving catch him. He didn't, but Charlle al tot•I poinla, 11cnrlng avera1:e. free throws r.66.J. '.5!'i, and floor lhal eombo tllne tnough to put didn't loae a yard more to the tree throw• l~e-·c:llme and overl gaine one game C~I. '.5!'i. topt.har a ch1mplon1hLp eleven guy, either. the 1eaaon bonor1. • FLOOn POIXT~ B • ~1 _ The point.3 for fl oor game sta-to • ruarantee the Plrate1 will i;). The San Diego oy• C Ub D Nrumann •cored 3,3 po1nle In tlstics are compiled by credltLnc way1 be rt1nt up ther11 In the quintet Coach Rod htacMHllan'• t9!'il) ro r an 1verage or 17 per two polnta for lnterceptlOtUL, a,11- EaateTn Conlerence grid race. I Harbor Boys' Club lad11 defealt•d cont Ht, hit for 18 g!ft t01111es 1n sisti1. ttbounds .11.nd held ball and Rlpt now. uf cour-.e .. Irwin la for the ch11.mpLonBhlp or San DI· a alngle outing and hung up 131 by penalizing two point.. for rum· atill attendlnC to odutLN at the-e&o and Orange counbe1.S11tur-fouJ 0 Jlne connecllona In the J<e!UIOn ble!I. bad pa.ase.. 11.nd vLoifUo.AJI bll'b 1ehool wh•re he 11 work!n1 day boa•ted Ont of the fa.med of :16. Arm11.nd Nettle• of the like •..teps. out-of-bound.11 ind foula With .Orne top notch prep llWim-'POVl'eli brothers. This one Wal 19Sl-!'i2 Tar team trall11 a_, prep Ti'.> ahow how tough It'• roinr' Costa Mesa's Merchan~8 played their last game Sunday when they got edged out of the Orange C.Ounty Winter BuebaJl playoff championship by Orange on lhe · rival field 6-6. This wu the tlnnouncement today o( Business Manager Ed Lane. at Colt• . .W:eaa Patil coe:u 12"- . But Mua appliance !Inn Davi. Lane ... y1. HI.I bl"Mkdawn of u- Brown hu acreed, to 1poneor the pen1e1 looU like thla: turn for the coming •ummer au~ Three b&Mba.lb al 12 eM.h. M ; Moat•. e1tcher. Newport Tennis Teams Unbeaten aon under Ult name of t.he Co1ta an average of one br~en bt.t per Coach Glenn ea..ett'a Newport game. 12; the v1alt1nr t•m re-Me.1a Br1vea, Lane reportrd. SaJd Lane: "D1vll.-Brown hu ac-tffd to furnilh the team with IZMI and we v.·111 play u long u we can on that lf\!10. \\'e are g oing to try and play .at hpme every Sund1y afternoon." PLA V ALL \'EAR ~ivea 17.DO; the umPlre chkf, ~: Harboi-Hlch Scboo1 t.ennia .1qu1dll th• bale upm, $2.50. and the ball detealed Lone J;:Jeaeb Wilson net and bat boy• liO cent.. each, $1 . team1 he.re yenerday a ttemoon. Sunday 1t On.nee. thfi Meaa The Tar nra.lty won 8·2, I.ht equad, winner of the MCond round junior varalty W. l t ma.rk~ the play In Winter ~e, bUllt up a !HI lead over Orange, wlnne.r o! fifth straight wtn for the var- rint round play. But with Orange 11\ly and the third atralgtlt for • • the JV'1. Both ~ undt"fe1ted . ..... ne pointed out th1t he hall loading I.he cuahlona, an outtlel_1er not been able lo c:et a l«'.al org ... n-!tll doVl'ri llrld Ulrea ru111 dented Vanity• wlnner• were Johg Mc· lzatlon to 111.lee the money ll lake11 the di.h for the rivaia. A.not.her Kinley and Scott Thomp!Kln In to keep Sunday b1U1eball going and Orange rrounder went between a.ri the 1ln~lea and tht double1 duo1 no longer ha• the tlmt lo call on l e1utfleLder'• lega ro~a two run of ?.tlke Mang 11.nd M ickey Ha1- merchanl3 for donations. Yet ttre hon1er Jn the nrth fn.me. kell and Lee Crt.l!lflll and Gray town team h11.• played baaeba!l the LA!ST t'OK Kl(.'t: Kelao. Junior ~varsity w1nner11 year-around for lhe lut three wertl! Bill Doner. Tlm J.1an" and ye.11.ra. 1nainly due to Lane":1 tf· Jerry Rlce hurled h11 Jut r am• Jerry Cox In' the 1ingltl!1 and rort..rJ. ror Coeta Meaa and wouJd h11.ve li!ck 8chleuter &nd Bob Walktr "V.'e hope bueball fana will come out and give the Bra\'fll enough 1upPQtl.. tQ.....cunun1.1e. .keeping team ro•nr for 12 mont.Ja a ytar:· Lane aald. had a !'i-1 victory e:otcept for the In th• doublu, local tnl.cue11.. Bob Locioero wu Tar ~anlty losera wtre Don t he leadlnc hitter With three Dolbee an.cl J im R lolc.man In the btowt-tn ttve at baU. lringle1. JV loue1: Single., Chip During thi. final aeuon, lhe HOWARD W. OJlJl!USB 1808 Newport Blri.,eo.ta. Ilea PUO!\'E ~TY 1-UU Private Police ,. MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATR()t ·~ CALL SECURITY COMMERCIAL PATJOL -. Kl 2-7027 Lane added that he gl!ll pa!d tor f~ing the diamond on Sunday. "I am going to Ull! my money to h~ keep the te11.m_n1ng," Lane revealed. He Lpreued hopt that 10me day the ona Club or eham- ber of comn1erce would 11tt flt to apon.or the Meu team. Merch*'nt• recortled 17 Wine \\'l lley; double•, Ev Davia and •ca.inst three ~Dacka. They .cored l ""~b~lU~~ .. ~·~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~ le<l n.Ln• against .57 ror rlve.h;, Each Sunday ball game played Sunday, the. Brav• rice Coron1 al Coat.a. ::ueaa. .Pai:k.. aam.. I• l ·30 p.m . Lant put out a call for ballplt,ytra from th•~Harbot' area, requeatlnc th.al anyone In· tere1ted could try out at the pa.rk at 12 noon Sunday. CONCRFE BLOCKS PCXl-BLOCK OOMPANY -!S!O 8. llallli It.. 8-Ca AM PUllJCE -m'Da:.& &1ti'D 00.NCKTI: NOQILI llEDl.TORCINO SDZL Mel Btrl'f~ mer., So the SunMit Le1gu.1 Wally, bud or Charley Pov.·ell. pro -• h Id r th H bo I <'IJi!'C reco1u o er o e ar r to be for a T.11r to crack Neumann'• c:hampk»llh.lp11 h8ve a earner on grid Pnd wtth the 49era. 8nd Art. are11. hil atterttion richt now. the JC at.hl .. tlc whla. \Vally ta.kea · 11e1u1onal .point total of 373 polnt1, after hla older brethren. He v.·ia N!'t\IPll leads In total po1nt !n high 11ooring Junfor Pope thl1 aea--~-,ri,,N~•~l~U~';'"'~i·-'t'h~•~~'°~Yi.,;w~ho;;;,~d~'~'~w~•j.i..,_ .... .,.;,,:...g.i..."-,-"-BC'--'~~-'"~""~'~"":--'~:';-;-"~:":~~~~~~~~~'-:::"":;;:::;:~•.,..._., -d f t"' 13 I•-one 1eiuon 111 .!I) and rll!'ld onai. Neumann. yel ndaaed • de.adlock "'· ""rs!.'" S.Lloro a.re ht-Ing e t•l. w ..,, po n...,. ...- • ,,_ .., one game {12). Other individual for the record by one point, 37!- con8'4'i!red la hu1ky Don Reding· recorcl holder• unCO\'ere<I by Gage 372. Gage expreaeed bellef Neu· loo, ~ AD-America frttt1lyler. "Tar Bat, N.et. lnt'IUde Bill lnloeti, Paul Lorent-m.11.nn'.11 mark of 18 frff lhrow1 -tn Irwin CllUf'99 R.edln&"ton wouli:I iotn. t~dli! Pope. anrt Gary Green. one contP!llt would never be topfl'ed . • ba'fl! " rood chance o! co1ng prettT'"fal' In the 4,,00 and 80ll m<lM Olympl< "''" "''• , .. , Teams Start HDWn"tt, Redington doean'l. be· long ...to a llJWlm club· and hu .. ow.:·." '"'"'""' '""~" '" League Play the O~plca. J.taybe the big boy MEEME NINE LOSES OUTING TO LONG BEACH TEAM 6-3 wouldD t make the grade th!11 Ume, ~t tha <'Xpe.i;1ence of en- t ertnr lbe trl•I• would certa!hly 1 Ne1vport Harbor H igh ~chool'fl Coacll Emil Neeme'e Newport Harbor High School ba&e- Ml hlJG up for m111klng the Oly1n-1Sa1lor b~ball a.n<1 tenni.a tea1111 ball club dropped a 6-3 practice fray to Long Beach Wi14on ptcar..·IOtlt y.ar1 henca..Jl.I • col· optn the Sun)l(!t ~agiie dlflmond at CoelR Mesa Park yesterday afternoon. The defeat feft Jn~ and net ~hedult& here tomorrow Wh09. 1t'a lru'9 Newport Har-flfternoon Jl'galnal S8n1a Ana. The the Tar ta\ll)CTS with a practice. record of five ~1 one bor Hfcll School Alhlellc Dire<:• ball game takes_ place al Coeu victory. 1ucth. \Vith two nut and the b•MI tor ......... Re9d I.a no lnn•er heaa hteu. Park v.·hile the racquet T h •. p I Lo lo.11d!'r\ on 11 11a1r of wal\:ii ftnr\ 11 · ._I"" ----• 1~ f h hi h Starling ar c wca!'r au r-1 •-·'--··"' at Tanr\Ue bl.a In· h'l11tc!'les are "''cu or l e g 1, hi'" t th !lelder's chQlce P1uJ c1m., up ••Ith .... ca ...,_,... • S . ent1tn gave up ve ..., o e · ttuenot ii 9t111 beln( felL And llChOOI C"OLlrlll, tarting Unie la I powe.r[ul rlva.la ln lhl' fi,..t tv.·o a 3-0 count on the l>att,.r. N'een1e that'a:.-M Jt ahould be from a apprm:lmalel,Y 3 p . m. Inning• v.1len \Vll10n jumped Jnto 1110\•eil Lorentzen"' to flriit llnd ,.....,. orltt.r ' Ilk• lhi1• mentOll', Coach Emll Neeme will tt.art d Bl blov.· Y.'IUI "'·avl'd ~fabee to the mound. Twll ~ ell.her Gar Gret!n or Georg• I' thrff run INi · -g Bad CJMeb Don B\lm•-"«"'8•· Y P1lcher \Vlnk.9' home rvn over the. more 11troll11 for \\'ll~n meant 1 • , .~. ta "' •--• d Ma~ nn th' mound ror the Tar . r •-r •1 •--10 -• " .....,...,.y aroun rlcht field fenee In the !t«Ontl pair o r11ns '"" or.-"a......., got the tw •, hW 1....,.., .. quote Bumll nine. Rema.lncler of the atarttnr fine! out on a pop fly to lhe 10• Ul .ih.r 4a.1 .. Jl&)"tioa aome or lineup aplnat lht S.lnLI will •ta.n&a. t Id .... ~ •-·'-.__..:....,"'' -·Id -·b probably look like Utl1: \\'llaon wu 1uned In thl! hit ie · -.. _ _,,_, _..,... '" r '"" b I t It .looked like the Tire •1·er11 ot ~·.All t.be ot.her coadlu Paul Lorent&en, flr1t bUe; Bud rolumn rom ... en on Y . ...oren • ~ f ·, l~ him .. Thomp«in, centerfltld; Bob :r:en and GeorJe Mabee Who ci:inlC' coming right back In bottom of :he lD the •. •.,U. ~ma .. White. Mort.atop: Roy Danie.I. lf'i:. on In relief In tl1e 1lxth 1nnln&. 1tAnu v.•he.n blnJl:ll'• by Green and fleld'• pll~J. ya. ond baM!" M1.1bee or a~n )e.fl Llnfortunately wild pitching allov.·-jB1H LBmb 1u1d a \\1\aon 1nutf on U & S-0 ooa. He lnaiall'd e~~n aU field: ~rt Bergeron, calcber; ed Ul1 lnvad~n the VI-Inning trio I Dave Tan1ura'9 l!Jlicr1tlre loAlled tha b9f't.,worktnr In lwu . ta. Dav Timut11. third b#l.te and of ta.lllu ln lhe final two frJUTI"'ltht ban Vl'\th none a"A·11.y. but nol If -Se a trac.k .. vent •nd e ' · · ct th 1 • Larry Warlaumont rlrhUleld after lh• hllora knotted \J1e count • l"l.lnn~r rroe~P t P llt" a tie~· runt. Thia way, Burn• ' . 1----~-----poln~t;~im ]"00 11Md aom• Pufornun,s rdr ~ 0.1 a ri n al a-2 ua t.h~ mkidla canw.. ~ . OM to oover an ab.rent performer, Ba.Mttt'1 red hot Tar net teAm Two or Newpo1·~·· •cvrea earn" I IUCS Belt Rivals JOU .b& ... blm " will be J ohn McKinley, Don Do!· ln the third Inning on IL(I error, Tht i,,pe ~ ·boy eo.cbee llk'• bff, Mickey fluJi:ill, Myte tfang, w.lkl lo Short.ltop Bob \Vhlle and Coach \\'f'ndell l'k ken•' o ft....t and llum1 W.e to J'law Le. Cr19ell, Cray lCelto, Ev Da-Secc:llld Bueman Roy 0.0\el, 11 11ni::e Coa~t Collt~e rtr11lf' ba. U'OUnd HI O\&rlle Berry. Bir '611 and Jim Hh:;kmlLI\, 4\ngle bJ Rtghtflelder M•bee ,l.nd ' b11ll tf'am )"ClterW..j dere11t~ fi: ~ wtUtnr to f'IU In any-11. 1111crlfic-e by Let'U'leid"° 011.ry~ Gan1lnn 'n t hf' r1vnl firl'1 i ........ he'• •Mded. What'• more, rack Results Grt't:n.. 1 \\"ayne Cou~htry hurleil lhe flt .be U...,,. doe.a a tine job. •nal'I ln the fifU\, • 11n11e b)' Crnt"t· riv,• fr1UT1e• r•ir !hr Bur•. x1\·1n ~.Jt-,_. a terrine atUtudl F\lllerton defnttd AnaMlm rielder Bud Thompeon. a •lcl<'n ur thrtt" h>I-"' Don LA:11:h f1n1$h• -d -~• l!W.rythlng he'• ~ol." 78·2!! •nd Sant4 An• r11m~ uvrr baff 11nd 11er1fler• hy \\'lute ;.1vl 2•\IOI!. ··~· 11. hnm" n.:n rnr ti· Bumi......,., HtM'IUl\a"lot'i BetlPh 111-Jjl. In gun-n.nit•I ""'I ThampKlfl •<"ro.. J111 ~''"' 11~1lJ run. li<·b l..ufHf'!, 11, eee;., a•n a J'OO(t ""Ar111fl,. "' Ml l.elj:ll" 1 r~,·1t \"ar~ity cvnipell· lh!' fin"! g•1ll)r •hsh •l,.nt ,. ,..1 1 .. 1· p,. k~n~ pvk··, 111 t!, ~I.a 1A U...&l.LGlet Ofljl-WU" at;:a.Uui~ Wl.11 .)t:atel~il.)', Lo1rnt1en lo~t ~ont1ul 1n .),,. ~\'t'ntti. 111t.i"t; • I • IF I WON S6~,000··· I'd stlll so tor Eieven Cellars at.634 I ••• MORa .. RIZES Jl'OR P'~V.OR THAN ANY, OTHafl WtNil t ' For the third 1traight yeft.,...Eleven Cellars has won· more Award• fol E.r:cellence than any other wine at ita prioe. Thia wa1 in the Special Divf· ai-, 11166 Call!oi'nla ·State Fair and Loo Altpl .. County Fair. Enjoy the low~ luxury d El .. en C.Uant, toniabtl \. . ELEVEN CELLARS WINE CAtlfOIHll! WI Ht ASSOCll!ft()H-SAN ,UNCTSCO. CA.t~t"1A. • t • . - ' • • \