HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-23 - Newport Harbor News Press• . . l!i&Wtwl ~-·Kn. Ray Donald, 1717 E. ~· JllYd., .1-d(bt wu' crowned "¥n. O>ota K-" toy jadpl. In conten beia at Friday Attemoon Club. · Shernow mo\te. up one atep in competitlon for lllrl. America title by appearinc' ~ Ill Slnta An&. -teot Stl!(t Pho!!! _:. NEWPORT WOMAN ·::WINS '1'S .. 'MRS. .COSTA1 :=-ESA' . ' . . ·BADG~·· DIPLOMAS .fO~k-Vlei/ PUP-!Ls .• Harbor View Scbool · Prtadpol--AilNn llarlln, loft,' ~ Oii 'l'lm'*'•Y mom· --1111w&rlll ~·w-....i :RoM't Fernll ·.-,. J~ l'lrw>en ..a,. and diplODIU from Newport Beidl• Fin Cbitf R. J, -The bodpo ...,.. do- nated by Nft)JOrt Bubor Kiwanla ·Club. -Staff Pboto .. • .. . --~ Kardl 11 _ IT fT ~~u -· 1r -u--·-"-a ... ........,,....._10 _•1 · 11 ".......,,Marcia 11 u .. ,,..,.-,.. M.udl n .. eo s1 rrtdV •. ~ ~ ___ 19 u • • • • • . . ' . • ~ ' . ' --· .. ·\ ... • .... • • , . .,. --·~· • / STUDY -Sl'TE~ FiEW 'vlNCENrr.BUIWING •• l;onnlo Vlncellt, left and his -. po-., ilob on <lout"~ odio-t to All~Amolbn v.rbt,. 'Ramlley, cenw and l'nDelo ~. ~ piano Corona del liar. -Staff Pboto · for tb'e new druptore they arw in ~ of bullding ' ' • • - t • • • • . ' ___ , __ _ ' • _.,.__ ____ -. ·~ .. • PAil I -,NEWPORT HARBOR NewS.PRESS STAITl 119~· [ ' FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1956 .: .: '. • --..non .... _.....,., -.,..._.,,.,,.. __ _ ' .-""*" _____ ! . -_._ ..... _ _ .. .....,... __ IUll8 MAT. llAT, 1:45 .. ... . ' ........ ,...._ . ....... -.. .. ....... M..wnN. ....... 11 ' ' ..... 11tt, •••••· i>AVU -1t.nuJ P ........... I. Twe ..... -'·- GRIPPING MOMENT Of PASSION Genth\1 Khan (John Wayne > rt'it.ralra ht. Tartar p.-tnc-cap- tive <Su1an HaY"an:ti when 1he lriu to k'lll him dur1nr a n."Ord d ance. Thi! tcene 11 from thr SS million epic, "The Conqu\ror", lh&t la ahowtnr for • tv.:o--wtek enragen'leht 1.t the Mesa Theatre ata.rt1ni" tod•y. -~~~~---~~~~~~-Ann u a I High . School Art Exhibit Slated April 25; Jurors Picked TM e!tvenlh annual Newport P icl'.·llp ~lat 1onll are lucated at 1 H arbor Art F..xh!bll. h<"kt Apr~I Ti'd C 11J.qon. :W,'\-0 W. &•vmtJI• Sc1111r i. Wrecll• : . ~ ' 80lMl't llfl\dhil, llf air« 'It., .... l&DOQ!f!i "Ott ll1a mat.or IMOt-- ... M&t, 16~ It. Mid MU'0\11 Aw. at' .. • ~ in. Tul9CIQ ~ a car . drl._, '1 Mel;tnila Je' ~ told, lT, ot 1011 W. ..._ Bl~~stoa~..., IOl BaJ'lkh ,Driw , N_,....t . -. BMeb. bu ..... ..,.. • badP for rtn. m.arbmanablp •l tM I>a1ll umpu. ot UI• Untwndt;r .. Ollllllmla. ftdftU IWDifl Uti• ,.r11t aprtnr ,_,.... or lh• •ttaJIC* ot U'9 l\Hent Oftk:fN 'ft.t!altls Core-at Davia. m. ,..._. u u ecpet't marklr'l\an ..med at the JltOTC elH'lUlpment at l'Oit"'~· Wuti,, Jut lllm• ..... PNMbtatlon of the ~p WU aad9 bJ Lt.-001.' Walter J . An• rera, Pro t • • • o r ot Mllltt.rY 8clUoe ud 'he"°' at O..'fta. .. ,...,,_., .. ..Jori.ft& .tft soolOI)' Oil U'1ll aoru..nno.t' ot tM Uni· wnu,.. •Pt C&Jllpu.Me, and u ~d~l o( tbl •tudmt bod7~ IE THE GREATEST GUY -IN THE WORLD ..• = ' TAKE YOUR FAMILY ' •• ~TO DINE VILLA MARINA (entruM to Balboa bland) port. ,Otftcert u..td 8q\&l.Ns ...... '1.---------~ not hrt .la tlli• acddeftt. · ' • LU N C.R-' 11 :30 A.II. -2 P.M. DINNER 5,00 P. M. -9 P. ·II. OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon · 9 p. m. (clo.ed Monda.ye) ettnquer ~-world I .. • ' I., • . TH• WQMHa t· .......... ;sis' , : -..,.,.pr • • ' 8peelal -"WRITll T AILltD B'DOJl'" "'dulU fl,00, ilWllera Tfc, ClllU4lrm U. Kids Matt.Ht I P .M. -"ltlltJBAJUI" • !~ lh1oui;h April 29, will ~ Jllr-s · I I A L t L I or,.d by Uu·ee ectucat ora in uie ,ree · -''q ngc "'"· • o n It Suuthli<nd: J ean Bol !I• of t he Benell '-l un1t·1 1>1tl Art cent.er UMi Q ality n • ting.. Barb 1616 Unlver11ty of C1Ufoml11 Ill Rtv-at Sc1 lJ!I"' (.;u\leg;o Arl 0.-part-Q -...-rm f . or er111de, \VIU11.m Brice ot U.C.L.A. m"!_'.''"'.'.'-:__ ________ ]:,===================""'~-----=-------=_:_ ________ _ 2688 NEWPORT BL VD., COSTA MESA (.lu.t l block .a.;itk or Saata Au V-..b'J Cllub) alllO Sll!I 8. Malt! It., an.c. and Howard Clapp of OT•nt;e ...:.. Coallt Cotlt~r. The e11h1b1l aponaored by :-;P.,.,'- por l liarbQr UNon Hl(h &c:hoo.I ~purch ..... •W•rd show, orrer- 1~ 1tnd SJOO for lha pr1R- wl nl.llilf Wt~rcolor and oU. Jt la o~n to Lil 1.rtt•a. PalnUnga m1ul bf! at pick-up 1tatlon! bt'- fore April 18 or at the hl(h eehool before. Ap111 19. D_.TH NOTICE Cl.AUDI: l>ICllENS Claud• J:itner Dick~•. '8, of 101 Llftdo Afe. died Maren 21 • at HGa.r ff(lflpHal-He wu: bonr al Monte:r;uma, Ind., hu teslded h9ra lor over 20 yea,.. and for 10 yeara waa -0wner of Balboa llln Cale. ' 8ur¥iV\nr arr I'll• wlfe Maudie A. of the home: alao many n~ ph.wa and nlecu. Funeral set"· V\cu wtll be held tomOrTOW al 2 p.m. !n Ball& CMJ;?el. corona •I Milt' with the Rno. Donald G . . Sapp officiating. Fti\al rites will b9 at Me1tvM Abbey. Memorial ctona.Uocu lo favorite c;harillu may IM m1.de by · friend.a tn.tead of ltfndans t lowera. · · 1r you can lflbrd even a small car_ · . . ' ·you -can now afJbrd THE BIO ' ~~--j.o=========~~=======l--· AbMntff llolloh s~ We••u•y WA.LT DlllNSft ''SONG OF THI! SOUTH" ' "'l!IAllDINIA " Md C&rtoo• Pv90NI Wbo will be un&bl• to cut Ui'11' ba.llOU ln the cit)"• 4)1'11 10 .tecUou an DOW \n,.tW. to.. Mt.a all9etlt.e.. MlloW f'tOln u.e· clQ' dwk'• ~tne1-, dtY. IWI. TMf Wiil M aftllabl• h'cm aow u.nW "jlril I. ' a.tween MQCh 11 and April I , tit NWlttMI tftCluded, applie&UOMI tn ~ •I.I be maf• to tbtl cll)' dedl for OM atiNn.t YOltrl' b<lloU. .[!lfJ,;ilA NOW SHOWINC!__ "Lowe Is A-Malty Sple•daNCI Titbit" -.... ; "A Man c ... d ,._ .. ----- Sfwt1 Sulidciy ... ,, ~· ,, "lnlcit Interlude" t 'OR AD1 LTS O~L\ . ' {1 I . . . MllQllTCUITOMMMDfOP-c:.'tnyoathe--Jow..Jli'ollild'*:lbmt._~_.~tOILwww;-.~ bJ&t.wtJW MCllllLcWt --. .._, tu low sn-. um emt:om bud.top .. -Olliil ot m •o Ill'• .._... btQI.. -COME IN TODAY·! LET US SHOW YOU HOW YOU Cltf MOVE UP TO BIG M POWER, SIZE AND PRESTIGE FOR ONLY TWO OR THREE DOLLARS MORE PER WEEK . Rll lllSTAIG, Tiii lllAT IUY: Only two °" thnle dollan more per WMtl That'• Ill It -lo move up from the '1.ow·pice" Md! ' And ~ or a ...U Cit, ,....'ll be dri.in, ,_ iilo 11. A cm -{¥;·--.. -·. ··-ns• 00 thot'1 bipor In lqth, biiPr in :wblolbla, .,._ID wld!h, • er.. to two tom bicl· . Thin, too. you'll be pltina Ibo odv111\lpl ot.)1-J"• N1..... 11!1 la..., lltllllll•, I I S ... 312-ll!Olf .....,.....,.,,.--y~-ifiiliii'. ~----1-----­ Juzury ol M<ftWY'I lnterion. And -r.0 ...... -.... M blll- }oint front IWlpenaion. a 4-bf.rNl carburetor, an im~ ~ whftl. And mucli more-GU al_no _..._ So atop io OW' lhowroom. cback our •rnaiin1 ....,u;~ W-4 cili ollir you i dW--yoil1lliOiit iOOllt lor --· -r --1--• -.,_ .... -. ..................... Olw . ........,.... ........... ___ .._._, --• err · Nllll.,....,...,.,....,..=;.o;; let us .show you how ecisy it ii to~ !P~'°~·-·_· ~==------------' • . . .THE BIG ERCURY lo two ._ -.... Wt 1191~ ... •111, °'tMI lllthlUIYAM IHOW". ~ ..... "\ .... t•-.._.... IO«X'I a...! J • JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln· Me"2en'"' , ________ 900 W. Coast Hi9hway. acrass from Bay Club NEWPORT BEACH • . ' . . ;. .. , -, - --. ' I I I ·' l I t . ' • • -. J Blln SU:••m ;_ Hubllul! IUChtOr, pnoid•Jlt of Harbor Ana ~ Oub No .. 10«; left, Tlleoda:y Dlgbt ,_,ed beof ~er, award from Lou Sqtber· W.d, cllotrlct rove.Dor. Jlelllnd -s..tberland .. Ji-ck-Peruiey, educational vloo-preai· dent; Bill Rainey. •dmlnJetrafive vice-prt.admt bet Cliff Hannah, area governor: Local club al.a won "club ot year award," held by Hannah. -Fred F.lUI Photo --County Band.· Orchestra festival T•J· .Tonlon'ow Miillcal Gl'OllflS ta C0111pete; Ratings ", Wonian Suffers Back Hurts After Traffic Crash M.lno. Injuries were by Cl\artnlan M:cC&llen, ()ak\and at 10;15 p. rn, B&turday, whm ~ car allerNJy ran into the r.u b A.n _.._ 4 • School' U Ifs of her auto u eha wu a topped J 9'19Riafon Oft ""'-ft at th1 lntet.cUon or l7UI. BL and Cout Rll'hway, acoonUnc to ~ Ull\ual On.llp County m. a .. m ., will bt Horace Enalp. police. trtct 8&IMt and Orc.hMtra F•U· kMol on:k•tra. Hu.nt1n1ton The woman motorl•t N.ld •he val will b& MJd at N.wpwt Har-Bu.eh Hlp lchool ban4. U.ltle till ed to C•l complet.a lll!orm&- bor Union Hlcb 8chool: today and t.ka tk:bool ban d. Wllab.lre tlon about the <ldenU ty or the Saturday. · BcbooJ orcbeatn.. Paramount 1:1--othu driver. L&ler aha found the Twenty.four band• ud orch ... ment&ry 8cbool band. Little ~· Imps.ct had c&u.Md• ptin 1n her tru and o"er 90 aolo and en-School orchutra and Paramount back. police wen llllOf'tlled. aani~le Cf'OUJ>9 from Orance Elem•tary School orcbulrL County and 1urrou.ndln1 ..,... Atternoon performance, l lo -J'or the nn.t lJI. Commercial afar _ I LODel AND IRTAUIAMT •own.&c::s w nm OOAl'I' Dancing Every Night · DINNER SERVED 5 p. m. 'til midnicbt COCKTAILS-i p.m. 'W 2 a.m. · 12 Noon Saturday Ii_ Sunday Special Sunday Buffet . 2 't;J 9 p.m. CloMd. Wed••day .; laa 8outla of ,__ BYut - • • wUI participate. t :SO p. m., will be Paramou.nt PrinlU!r call Harbor lJlS, Job The public ie tovited to any JunlOr Hilb BdM>ol bancf. Or· I 'Prtn~~Un~c~O.~port~~m~,.~L~===~====~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~:;i1:;; or all ot the.. perlormancu -•• HIP, School band, Para· [I wblcch will beJb1. J'riday after-mount Junior Hi.sh School on:bN- Sunday Dinners • - \ 2:00 ~.M .. FREE CUSTOMl;R PA~IN6 DEWIE LUNCH Wrt.41&. .... 11:11 .... -1:90 p.m. ' CHINESE a11d AMERICAN DISHES l:M p.a. -1:11 .... FOOD TO TAKE HOME Tloe -Plloeo-llle y ... AJOud CHINESE CASINO 111 Mala St.. llalbo. • Harbor ~S noon, continue durlnl" the eve-ln., Gardea _ar.-e Elementary nlnJ, and a~ day Saturday. tchool orchfll£ia, Anaheim Ju.nlor Blrh Bcbool orcheetra. L& Habra , The event I• •pon.t0red by the Hlah School band, Brea Junior Seulhern Calltornla School Band Hi&"h Scb'ool band and Artuta and Orcbe•lra. .&.1.oc:latlon. HIJh School band. Playlnl" durlnr the afterQOOn ALL TO BE &ATED For· Your Dancing Pleasure aeulon today from 2:30 to t :IO All or(aniAUona wilt be rated p. m. were to be ·Gard•n Grove by adjudlcalor1. ~e receivin&" Hlah School band, N.-wport Ha.r· superior ratlnc WUI be ell&"ible bor Union l::l lfb School Tar b&Ad, to at~d the re(ional te1Uval.I Callfoml& R I ( h School band, tbl1 yur In Compton and TUI· HunUn1ton Beach HIJh School lerton. Orchestra •nd Anaheim Hl1h J1i1d1• tor the !e1Uval are Dr. .School b•nd. J0..:ph e.ru11man. Unlver1ity or. LOCAL PIA"TERB RedlancU: Dr. Maurice hulkner. Durlnc the eV91.lnr 1>9r1oma-Unlnnltr ot C..lltomla at Santa a nce, 7 ~o &:JO p. m., will M Barbara:' Honnan. llolt. San Ol- :;u~n ~I=-~; ·~ Bta~e~epii..~~= .. • , : School orcheatn.-a.nta Ana Hich 1'n<I Graff. Pomona Bchoolll and School band. and Newport HIP John De Imo n I co, Olmpto.n Bchool Canoert band. khoola. Cllnton Sawin I.a chalr· Batufd&7 fr'Oln l :IO to ll:IO maa·or the feaUv-.1. • See The Am 'ttg "Fc•1ulom "DANCING W,AtERS~ ' -· 2nd Ann.Nil .Oreng• County Sporta \ .& -Recreation Show ' APO; 4 THROUGH APlllL a . IANTA #fl. IOWL ITH •. R.OW,D ---"...iH!ll<IM:.t"'IHl'.--- .._ • "-••• llop • -...... .OW N• Fee __.=·· n. Valublo ·l'rlooi Pint '°"9-· •• _PolfO Coollnt ••. A~ ~"9 .... l:lonealioe pitchinv conhat . • • • .. ••• •write Splltl S••• H111f ..... 1" I ...... 417RtltWHl-... llllg. F11!•• .-Ir U.-SG1ta Ala K•allerty J.1521 • J.231J ' -• --• Saturday _Night • • Ill ~-. _:.,;The Aquarium Room Steye · Starr and His Stard usters VILLA MARINA , ,, .• , -, (af lhe entrance to Balboa Island) Luncheon Open Seven Daya Each \Neek • I Dinner • RHervationa: Harbor 3930 • Caneia . I, "!,:•: • ' • ' -J PONTIAt . -, r'rt Ow 1M11c11ats I ·are NOW " -under ~-- ~-.... :~ · .. :.:·:-~ons1n1etfNj:: . . . . ~ . ~·: :::::!:: " .. ·'-"' 1'• 1• : ... '-...:. \Ne will h~~ . ~:6: the newJtf• · and most modern facilitiea to serve you Our lot is over-crowded ... with NEW '56 PONTIAC$ \Ne muat aell them to-make room we-· offering the GREATEST SAYING$. EVER ON . -· Come In ·.-. . . See .Ua To4.y ' . ·i . Our trade-in•· .•. are alway~; the .HICfHEST ) • • • • • our terms alway• the legliimate loweat • "oy I , . Ca•ve•-·- PONTIAC ~ewport Be•ch 1400 IN. Coest Hwy: -Liberty 8-3-t66 ' I I I , ' • ' j ·I -• . .~ O. G. ~ tint '"floe pnilldaat. 8"u row, - Howard ~. OOITlllJl!ID'!!r llOCl'etary; Allan Criae11, second' vice ~t; :Edw9fd J. Brookl, a dYiaor to tho J.unlor Awdllary; Paul Rogera, -- ing secretary; Lawrence Brown, treuurer and Mra. Cutle. -Staff Photo , , _ Jll,6,llTJ:B SEA.L ·llOY AniOld BaJllel, ebooen to rop- ~ Oliap Oo!mty, learna from "lf&dam Mayor Doa Bill that ahn bu proclaimed Saturday u Crippled Oilldroo'o Day In Newport Beaeh. Volun- teer work .. will be on the ~ to ofter llliea and to accept donationt• in any amount to aid the 1956 Eutilr Sell campalp. AiiSIST~CE LEAGUE oftlooro...,.. u;.1Jlod ~ dJoY !by Mn. Rlcbanl Cutle, llnt vice preoldent. o( the National Council, at a luncheon 9euion in the 1 L<iACU-Center. In foreground (I to r) °" )In. Ed'jtonl P. l4illett Jr., parliam•ntarlan and junior· ~ )l,..ld•nt; Mn. Nelaon Noice, p-do•t and Mn. Mrs. Nelson Neice , NEWPOR T HARBOR Easter Lilies ' New President of Sale Campaign Assistance_ League· Lruotollatlon of otrioero feotured the annual meeting of llR8. WmIFam BARBllE, Women'• lllditor Helps Cripplecf thl Asaistance League of Newport Beach, a luncheon event 1 ..; _____ ...,,_ ____ ~..,.,..,_ _______ • 1 hdd i t tho I.ague cfubbouae March 20, Mn. Edward PAGE 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Saturday U. N1tlooal Crippled Children'• Day when llillett.Jr ... P,...<ding. All membero of the Newport chapter <.\:FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1950 . Euter Wieo will bIOQlll in 1treeta throughout Orange mcluding m their vanoua categories, active. aqmta.rnmg, O:> t Tb ._.,,,., tin fl "m d b h · ,,_.," ••• Joolo• •='"'" oow OOUN(Jo. FASHION BRIDGE BENEFIT un y. -,,,,__ y paper owero, a e y p y1<-Mr .. Richard CMtle, tlnit .'vice-Kr1.. Ro~d wrtrtt.t i.. Recton&I cally handicapped penona, WW be offered as boutonniere1 p•Nld~• ood lh• Nouo.,1 Coundl eooo.u ~p-n<allw wtu. Mn. FOR SEAMAN 'S INSTITUTE by pm\y volunteer worken. Volunteera will be on the eonduct the lnet&Uadoa c>f new of· Wlll&rd KUUon a• aJt•rnat.e.. vot-• fir'e'I'•. ...... dol•p•--ar• Mn. Geo'1(• .u.t.I to otter tbe ~ to ebop-~ to fO("Ut 1JP8Cl-.I attenuon on ... _. .... ,,._ It. l!:llabeth'• Gulld o1' the Woman'• •.A .. ..iM.-ot l!lt. P'" and to ace.pl donaUooa 1111 TakJnc their pl.ees on the '"' M.oorti an4 Mn. Man.hall NI.. -J crtpplell ch.Udren a.nd their nf«k. were M.mu. Nel9on Neice pNSI-decker. Jiamu Epl.lcopal Church I• holdinc • ~efit taahlon lhbw any amounL Mayor Dora HlU hu laued a pro- dent; 0 . 0 . 8UeM, nrat Ylce-prut-Ho.tea•• for the day Included and "deuert card party A prtl !I at 1 p.m. In llMi pas:tah hall, In accordance wlth lhl.t proirram cl&matlon naming a.turoay Crlp- dent: Allen Crlaell, MCOnd vice-Xm•. Hubbard Howe, M.&rahall puf 'Ol'the proceed.a to JO to the Seaman'1 Church In.ttlt.ut. pied Children'• Day In Nev.·port preaident; P•Ul Rosu.. ncordlnc Neidedi:eT, John Boyd, Eynon a t San Pedro. Beach. aecretary; Howard Pet.enen, oor-W)llta, Thomu Webllter, Clarence Mn. L. A. Hamilton ls 1eneraJ chainQ,an of the attalr. Ric hard Ward -in The day wtll be obaerved with r•pondlnf HCretary: t.wrene9 Cooper, Vlr(inla H&tch and Frank Mn. Georc• Yl&l'tUey .,111 commentate u proC...w.na.t mode19 W h · gt D C the, leunchln&" or a week-long pre-~o"""'u-~1· 'm"•umbour~~.: ... c~~~ ~.tl:I~ Unnell. ahow ~mmer gyJea· from Shr.ddock'a and Mra. Robert Horn a8 In 00, • • Eut.er effort to gain add!lional '" '"'' ' -..w ... u Richard Hadley Ward, a junior, citizen support for the 1 9~ E .. ter · if'tt Jr., parllmantart.n and Ed· wlll welcome rueata. IOn ot Mr. and M.... q.)rce Se'-3 campa.lgn tor •21,000 to help ward R. Brook, junior adv!.or Shower Honors Decoratlona Me ln cil.&TS"• of Mrs. Dan Patuaon &nd Mn. Ward, ?708 CUtt Dril't, WU crippled children. The new president hu appointed William F isher, Mrs. John B. Jotm.on la ln char(• ot ~ &.!DOii.i 17 Principia Upper School Ma~r Hiii !~ed "by weartnc •• cha irman Mmu . Auatln ·Sturte-11erta. There ...m b9 ~ for· ellCh l&blt, ~I' to Kra. (bi.Sh 9Chool) atudenta wbo i.tt a Uly ')'ou help"-your handicapped vant. Thrift Shop : J ohn Boyd, wel· Mesa Matron H. L. O.trandtr, ·~ I.a ua charp <if ticket NMrw.tlolwl. BL 1...ou&. Marcb 11 1n two prt-ne11hborw ln two waye. F'lrat, you rare: John Jotuwon. Dental Clinic; vate r,ailroad eo&ehe. for a week help th• phya!Mlly <l!andlcapped Hay Lan1en!'ielm, publlc;lly : WU-A c:Olor .cheme of pink &nd blue lllra.. Smith March 11 for the .t:Udy In w~ o . c. A bwy aduJt who made the Illy to *ome 11am H. Kirby. Toy Shop; Clarence wt.th an umbrella of ('Itta and l:*by J 0 b t S Daughters of obll&aUone. Sb• aJao aaked l'iN wMk tor Upper 8chooler11 tnclud-Mlf·wpporunr. Ttten you help Cooper. ha.pltallt,y; lU.n.ley Clark, c&n'llJ"• favora featured the baby who care to hokl ott1ce durtns the ed •lllta to th• HOUM and Ben.· m&tlY crtpPMld chlldt'en ln Orana• 'hlr ..... ~ . ..,..._ ·Riller t•••• 'ta·t I .... .a.c.. _. ~-·­llantwu. • v..-.... ' . 0£1.L •••..,. IN THE· ~ADE SHO~ ... -.. N--,~--.... Oflle9 . .STRAW & ~OYllTY IAGS FOR EASTER $295 to $495 15th St.,, NE:WPORT BEACH DARTMOUTH COLLEGE GLEE .\CL U .B bu appM.red in ' CINERAMA 'HOLIDAY ED SULLIVAN 'S TV ~HOW (twice ) PERRY COMO'S SHOW CARNEGIE HALL, INEW YORI( ~ will give one CONCERT Ap ril 9th -Cuitain 8:30 WILSHIRE -EBE LL THEATRE . 44-01 W. 8th St. ,...,....._ I I .Tl -For 'l1eUU OaD hou.1e: J<»eph Beek, ac:hol&rlhlp. Mower Sunday attemoon (1ven tor Will Attend next tenn to a!p up tor thrM ate ... well as olhM" hl.ltortcal County by you~ cton..Uon to Lb• At.a Mmea. Everett Gardiner, Mn. Emil Myrehn by M.n.. Gary Df'ncee In the order ot preten.nca. apot.a, uul meeUnp w,IUI. Wuh·1 :Cri~p~p~1 ... ~Ch~U~d~~~·~··~·~~~l•~ly~.';' =;·~=====================~ 1u1Wnln1: l:dfar R. Hill, proper· cim.tenM'>n a.nd M,... Bud Over· EAs.ta..-~Prill.Ce Next meeunr wtU be April t, ~ otftciala; amon1 them the Ue1: Kenneth Albright, perty rent; rnan af UI• home of the former. ...,-~,'-Ir---.. .. T:lt.. p.ft In· ~f ~tant to u. a.cret.arJ at. the .._ .. ~·. \ • •• a.I and Dal• Rarmey, latNOn of· H28 Elden Ave., Coeta M.... ' Mlb'lM,. o( J'ob'• ~Un hmpl•~ 16th and It. Andl'"'9 Rd t..rlor. •p' fleer lo Lu Amlru Auxiliary. Otune1 and pn ... wt:NI followed Bethel wbo aitended th• r:uter-TORSO SHEATH ·.,•. of s.olid t issue \\'Ith all bu.11lneu dlapen.Md with by re:fruhme.nta hl1hll~ by a sunrue 8ervte11 tn t.be l...&&'un& for the meeunr a luncheon and "'baby book" cake In plnJt and Bowl laat year remember It ae a 90Clal afternoon ma.de UU. a •pee-blue. . • rnoet tn.plrlnl occaeion. BeO!el 157 BALTZ MORTUARIES I•\ occaelon. In attendance were }fmea. Mar-llM been invited \.II putidpata .m OOSI'A Kl:8A CH.U"l!L tln Ha.n#o9, J~ BudJank. Ru-uu.a •nlc41.apJ.a um y...-. Olrll 11'1 auperior AffDue Party at Temple •ll Hardcu Ue, ~ ~en· who b&ve not stped UR for thL9 eo.t& K-. c.nt. .ia.. i..ura Netland, lAoaard Net-ennt lhoUld contact elUlllr canl ,.._. Llberj;J' 1-JW Finl .ode.I nent boet--1 by 1&Dd, Bert.. McPMnon. l:hnM' Cra1n or Mr. Binltlr ~ )(arch I ~:;;;;::;::~:;::::::;;:::;:::;~~::;::::: CH.A.l'EL BY TD a&.A. aeso m.. pOut Bl'td. Omma del Ku, C&Uf. .....,,,,,_ .. membe,.. of lhe Muma.Ide tMuo.n· Chrtatt:rwon, Lea llummen, Dn SO aa that ll tile~ tor rMautndl le 'flVM) ln Lb• n-Muonlc MJ1'ehll, 01n.D Tawm, J'ul lua practice at J p.m. tn the ao.t_. Tempi• wu the st. Patrick'• Dey aitteteNOn and M1MM L)'IUl and )(yron"Wat.oa, promoter o! ira,. card party etttnded by over 260 Myrna NeUand. lnrited but wable terna.I ,.iauona, rt!portlfd c.i. t)\e people. 'l'wenty -•IJhl buelnt.. to attend ,...r• llm•. MJ.nle)r N"tt· "Buf tn eo.ta M ... " cunji&iin, rlmui donated prizta and proceede land, 1\9,J' ft.Mtmyder, St.wart Mc· ,, ... Nby vol• ar• cut tor orsao- Ladies ... lor a good • trim "' ~"~'"~•;bu~ll~dl~n~J~f~u~nd~.===~l'h~tr~-~·~-;~Choot~~u~H>~-.~:_-\la&Uou wU . .b. a call prtae u U.. ; s-1-s. •lalllll t.bal UHi b9tbel Ml allJtble and r~ that memben. t.bell' t&tlllll• and tttendi be Cft't.aln to ull: ...._ P.,Ple for f'Otei UCUta at I.be lime ol pur· cbaN IO th.,. may bt bt.lloted for lob'• DucbW.. or Hair Shaping c t ry ... 1. ' .t:.•-'' lmKuls .,,. IANl'A AMA -1204 I. Mal• •. -C t raftt 1411" PASAJINA -1t11 I. w.1 .... It. -"· WIM, n~ , .... , ONN ~· AHO r11. IVd. · • • Upholstery, • Draperies The ,,neat Craftlmanahip Plua Fabricl at OOfle-Out Priolo Enablel u. to GiYI Tour Oki Furniture That NEW LOOK at Astounding Prices .Durl.nc the "off RUOn" CAI.I-_U$_12AT _OR NIGHT Liberty ~18 - i'or ..umat• w one ot OW" Meoratorw wt.D call wt.th ..tnp1ee at 70"r requeisL • ltll.7 W. Ooaat Rwy. (~• lllllo) Newport - •• • Lido Barber Shop • Benrl7 Beebe lnrit.ed newly ln• ltl•ted mtrnben to Ule home '11 W '-H Dd St. -(Milt t.e ,._. Ottk!9) -N~ ~ • M-C-tl"r 115 E. I lth lilt. Ooeta .. _ ...... LI 1-11'71 • (dwards . THE SNOB FOR CHILDRBK - serves them right TWO STORES TO SEii.VE YOU: • • 1115 8. Mate ... ....... ..,,_ &I t-tll!ll • piq ue • , • with matching pa nel c oat. (shown below) Oren $14.95 - Coat Sll.95 , j • f, l ' ' ' ' • SCHoLARsii'iPs for, laC&1 stria will be provided by Hwl>or Panliellenlc thro.ugb proceda from the annual bridge hrunda, held Wedlleoday at Friday Afternoon Clubboua. Viewinc the arraY ot pri&el are (1 to r) Kmeo. lllcbard Hllliard, hiuncb chair- , " • ' Bf LAZY 'IE' THRfFT'f Enjoy · A Freighter Voyege ArollDd tho Worlcl :'. ... SHOO ~ So. Amerio&0$HOO r . • ArollDd Africa .. $1220 • C-plolo ''.\ ....... °""" ·. .. • • • a-:''-'1 ~: M.- •f •• . ) Tnrvel .SllrYIOI Oout Hwy. at Orcblcl ~ from CDK P. 0. PIM>oe: H..W. 1M --- . , • • 11 '"''"'" Q1u1/11~ -~your doctor writw • ptNCriptlon for you, uk him it it matt.en Where yqu have It !Wed. He'll • ~--~ILl.o·IAke tbe.PIWriptlan:t.o & ~ mscy lhU enjoy. .. roputation for dependability upon prof-'oii&l llldl1 &ncl 1111.ellity, ¥!J::!, oervloe, ..._ ID ,your ...u.-., &ncl price . Such Mhlct leodo directly to PIJNGLES tor .,,. -t fully Ill tbo Nqulnment.e doot.oro oet up f~ a truly P"'" 'l d -~otlon --· Th&t lo why they oft.en ~· D tliio~~ptlon fWod at PIIINGLll:S ··The ' Easter Parada _ ;, -~•ry . l.;;portent for the Little Folk1 Apparel a AbC • .... fW BOYS and . GIRLS • Sl1a1 I to 4 y .......... --·-,.. -~ .... ---u- . - NEW Mll1' IJOlllNO f ' ..... _.....,. 8BOWD OIJTll jlRI' · - ~ f ~~1t~Uo11 11il1Jlaittor_mtd.. · cod. Meta u 11-,..1 11.,. -11a111er-. ·a111' c o-w -.. . .. .. II 1 :..~~.,::.NEWPORT HAllOA NEWS.fRESS -p TI -PA&i.t -., ,.. .... ~ 11 -FllOAYoMARCH 2J 1956-- llUlln . B-IN COUNJERt-.. " ...... •..•.. ., ....... ~OMY- 30 Day Full Exchane-Plll/llep L C. SMJnt, Office Mo dot ........ $36.00 UNDllWOOO~. Model •.. ;-:ttf;St IOYAI. Offi._ ~-.......... ,,Slf.541 UNDRWOOO, No1tei.1 Off. Moel. SM.st Born "show-off'' ... , Munslngwea.r's • NEW BOAT NECK T-SHIRT 1166 Men lhow, more style ... more fun to wear! And Aow it wean! StWliy combed cotton knit a>nstructioo. Guaranteed not to lliink out of fiL CokirTait. Jn white, egWll lllld. &old with <OnuastiJI& bandL SW. 4-18. IOYAI. l'OITAIU! .............. $41M UNDllWOOO Office .Model .••... $42.50 L C. SMITH, Offk. Modol ....... $47..Jt IOY AL. Office Model ..••••••. , • $41 .SO ' N FIUPATB•a< T E·wi3oR DEPARTMENT STOi:i:t .. Oll .. 0-~dH .. IL iJ NIWPORT IEACH 0.. ........ Ir.-H-;.t f'IW ... ~ . -fjf:~\ .. . -,lilt ... F•sh;,,,, pl•ys into your. lwind1 f.,. spring •.. in the 1lwipo of now h•ndbe9s. And 1 beoutiful 1hopo lt..y aro, loo , •• or sh•pos, ~should .. y, for ono of !_Ii• nJCN! thingt about this sMson's liandbegs ls the ple01ing v•rilty of ,;,.. •nd style• • .. one j ust right for you. illustrated ••• SHASEE . BAGS ••• from $3.95 .. . MAIL AND GIFT WRAPPING FOR YOUR CONvENIENCE . CUt ,_ "11117 Ill Colts _.. llllloti - • ' ' ,Q LGA'S Lcult.· .Acc~orie~ • \ "E xc/111i-re ,· , • but 'Not Ex,,.nsi-re" 1161 Harbor ...... ~ COIN Mesa s:roRE H0~:30 lo 8 (a.-Monday.) ' . ' ' • ' ........ r ·' r . . . ' •• ~ ' • • Oli'lllle ,..,. off ~YlcbrWI . . Here YACHTS READ~ . , MARINE NEws- ' ' • caeu.erdal n..berm&n A. Lyle McVkbr, 1017 Gron Plact. eo.- ta -"..,... to po11" , ... PAGE b • PART I -,NEWPoRT HARBOR NeWS.PRESS twdq • .lh&t hill 4&-tt.. flahln1 -•.Th• Poo< eoy, ""' ..,. FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 195b - AL LIP ON RAC ., ' "9hi. :lnto durtnir tbe •eekend ..., .• ""' , .. ~. TI DI TA ILE • 'll:drlcller Aid th• burrla.r ~med the hup ot the door to Pln cit.ranee to th• OO.t'1 cabln. IJ• told police ttt.. rtn1 wa1 old tpd rurty and valutd at only SlO. .,.._ Cor Clolitecl Fridey March 23 Salurdril.y March 24. Sundey March" Mond.ay Marci! 26 .._ -1:"0 a.m. 7:3t e.m. 7:30 e. m. l :OD' p. m. 1:1e a. m. 1 :31 p. m. i :OO a. m. t :OT p. m. H< ... ,.. ' .... • •• ... '" ... • •• ..1 •••• ~· 02U ..... ltll p. ra. 1:21 e. m. u ~ . .- Franz' AllClale tO Defend NHYC Title to Sir ~ .Perpetuat . By '.4.0QVJ:UN& BECllND · J :: On Suaday, a fleet ot cl~ to 100 bOall will gather ~ 0,0 off the Balboa Pier early in ~moon for one of the ~.J y.ear'a mo«t important aailing eventa. Of the 100 only ~ ai:x are dlfectly concerned u ~ipanll in the fbt run~ 0.1 rung of tbe San Diego Sir Thomu 1Lipton Perpetual Trophy ~ Cb.ailen&e Race: the remainder .... . ....... , Md • -....·up erew ... ... -1traapn '° t41lt ~Cldoa and an rNffY for a " ...a. ..-U.. tlnllla for th Up- toa Cup. Pnfacln1 8uaday'1 excitemenl wtU , M th9 lradltlonaJ dlnn•r· dulc-Bat\irday eventn1 et New- port Hari>or YC durtni;. which the member. .and auMU will ha•• an opportunity to mHt the UptOll er.wt. Pr.entaUon or th• trophy Will lake place •l NHYC follow· ll'I' the race. @8> SOUTH 00.4.llT CO. Urd 6 Newport. Blvd. ~I Chaunc•r Reubm Dtuck of tt6 ~ lltb BL, Colli.a Meu, lnton:ned police March 12 that two 1ff1d•r M.lru •alued at Sta were 11\olen from Ill• C&T. The car wu p&rii:ed at the l'Mt of 1T03 Superior Ave 0:>.ta K-. at the ~. b•" """"'' March 27 P;IK e . m. 9:31 p. m. 10:21 a. m. 10:10 p. m. ... u ... l :~J Pl m. 2:11 "' ... J:lta.• 2!11 ..... 2:11 ,. ... 1:1§. .. 3:2:1 ,. m, t':lT .. -. 3:11 p-a ::i:Ol L ftl. ·O.e-of lhe nut will be loeded with Club' which held the tro~y tn ....:e.. bopef\11 spect.aton t:rom the alX li4'f: lhanU' to Aln Irvtaa and MARINE LO compeUai yacht cluba. Th• r•c• hie ,9'P&r1lle. ·cave wtU be rep-INS"• &NCE .......... ' ~.J wW Qrt at J p. m . and, accord• rueo~ by Km Croan and bJa '8Ullt. • ' I r ~-- , . ·la Ille oll-j.,Pottut matter of Pa.. -s.rtty, 11et:ro·· ,,;o.n1..,,..., "?alldetloCO 'of. ill qllUteNllillioo ~ nden. Recent. firurea ahow that our motor eoache1 are averasinr o•l7 2 .. 55 avoidable aceidenta per lOO,OOO • m1le1 ... a di1tlnce equal-to i tlmee around the world. You ride lafely when you rfdt Metro. Carefully .elected operators, phu 1,.._ q~nt in.spection and rlcfd motor~h maintenance, pard you IYet'J' moment. whether it'• for OM mile or aiJtJ f ., .. -..... -~ Tw Jlctnfi ,,. .. tl .J • Me tropol it an Coach Lines ...,~ """ Harbor 2734 Herold I. Johnson Pao; aDv ..,..,.. ~ ........... ..... "C:. .. 'U11 Till& W.,-, N~ ._. WMnud•Y March 28 Th"""'y ~rch 2i 11 :14 e. m. 10:4.4. p. m. -t.:Je p. m, l.6 in& to lb• ruin, mwt be ailed PCC"'_\lloop no. 20, Akahi, Al· .._tit WMmc onr a cour• •or ftOl lui Ulan thouq Croan hu yet to ley °C:i,,....r.noa a.ltJ' Oo. 12 mlles and mwt be completed cl.aim :tr., the award, lie hu been w. OMR" mp .. ,. ~ .undowft: tht. lut .Upulatton In ~ plt.chin& for ta. put·l~~====~!~--~1~MS~=~·=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======: r..Wltd In the caneellaUon of UU'M War• and hie ractni ~I '. lbe tint race lA I~ cord in' '1.ther event. prov.i hlm ~ Thei OO?•ted aw•rd. rl' map!· a 1lron~contuder. A.a hie cnw llt'lt?' Ucent foul potnt for anybody'• Kan .. b~J.4.athered •ucb. crack ' NEW SPRING SHIPMENT ' OF 0.h ....... GIWY•• DUAL w••WTY JJ ll1iet·Ktti •'-"a•,, .... i __ _,,_., ....... ,_ ... _ n. :•tt Mtldectory • ......_ ••• ,,., •• 111 ... • ..,,, -COfJlto ..,., ·"" .......,, ... -..,._ ... ....., .,,,... Col ~~ ........ ~ .. ... 611 Ilmbel'l,J' 14400 ~-D3loa Mill ' . -: Al~S CARPET ' -. o"1f-auo wo1111.11 .+'---,;w~a.n"n .,., DRUG .. 'IUYERS THESE ARE. ;;n:: _KQT! , ' . . . . ti08 Ooooa Froal · ·N-Newporl ~· ·Newporl8-h llAJ.5 Apr. 11 trophy CIM, hu mede Ill home Milora ·Harry Bouqeola, HU· -________________ .:__ ..... ~--. l•l Newport Hubor Yacb.t C!ub Y•rd B . , Kenny Watta, Gary ior •la of thrm put .. ""' y .. re Croan. ~ Smith, and Dick rucn QlJAKTE• Apr. 17 ...... 410..ana Apr. I MOON Mar. ,. LAD Y AN G LE R S throufh tlle effort• o r-ita.tf-Corii· Brownell. . ~ Walt Elliott, hie j:rtick _ From n. the bray cam• Bal· • ~ NHYC a-, and the California-boa Yacht Club'• ehallen1e with By STEIL · (1111. Bay) HAJtSHALL 32 E.capade. Thi• yeer the d•· the PCC ~ 11, Lark, whkh' wtll fem. of the cup bU been plac•d be •klppe~by Bill Lapworth. in th• capable h&nda ot anoUier BYC, In • ltlon to all the other Juat what doet tJ!.e, lnterelt pi4' ettorf"jiN put JPto ltatt-a•n..a•! ... :Wah.tr J'nn.&. club Imp ""9"la In. UI• put your club mean to you! Doelt YP¥r .J..Ua .. 1•• int.awl ._. ... ~ ,allo a C&J .• 12. two yeare, \ tnatalled a mo.t · ~--~ f ~ tile Crt:'lf ad Andale'.-111 lmpr...efye tf'Opl'ly cue and ha• m~re up to an u.meltiah attltUdt ..:.. lD that yoa. are be 'tM ..,.uca1 crew whkh bu a •pot ell -~ked out tn wb1cll working for tbe good of your orpnlwUoa, f*I. not 'tor ~ dtfmdld "'· prmoue lo dtapl•y _,. Upton Cup. AW· penona.l trffd, In tt.1.ns 1n lb• • ,_,. ab09N J:ecapade: inc Lapwortll In ll1• &ttMnpt . to caliber of an unMlflah munb9r board ol d&rec:W. wtll add lb.tr -Don-lld•,..-.BaiDt.--Cker'll.,-'I'om _wrut t.bl award away fro!IJ NH• }'OU will beJp your club ~ talent.a u a plhk on t.bl n.-l!Ycahlll, Malit Yor1ton, Clary YC Wllrbi NUl--m>lln'K"'D<~ and flcrwu, alao pln Ut• rupect tenllve ,Prosram for -1eM. Mn. St.a&f, nd Bill Severance. An• O.anr, John fltarioU1, ct.Ip Clea- of your community. FrMll:. (Qan.) x..s-.... PicciVo. da&9 I.a ea.117 NOOptu.1:11• .ven ry, Bert Hend.,.aon, ud a.....-.. TtUe wu accompll.tled when cba1rmat aa4 Mr commut• an from ehOre u the onJy black Griffith. t the• !'t.11;1...A. eetabl.IMed u their makinl arrancamenll far the an· entry In th• nc•. She ca.nlee /.-• lbe cM.11-p.ler lnxn. San Phllanthf'Oll'IC Pto'Ject -lb• Han· ~I "Pre!Ude to J'iahinl &en .. the number C·S2(7 on lier manl· Ole10 Yacht cft\b. Quu Gould dlcap Children of Oranc• c:oun-flt," .,hlcl'I will be held •t the .ail. and h.i• PCC -alO!OP no. 12, Bal-ly~ Thi• project wu adopt.S Balboa a..,-Club on Mey t•. · ruurr CHALLZSOI: lerlna. le probe~ th• rooet d.- tllrou1h the effort of Kn. Wll• Watch thl9 column for complete .A.,atn thta )'Ur thf' flrtt cl'lal-tennlned entry. BI?YC. quite a at- llam !Olive) Ncltetl&ie pre91dml dtt.alle al a J&ter date. ~ NC8'lnd by NHYC wu urally, fffM a eor(,ot propriet&1'7 In ti~l. And for lbe 'flnt time · YEA.A 800& IOOllU · from the CabriUo &•ell Yecht rl(bt to thle ~cu.lat tropby funde wue ralaed lronL LIM pro-An important ... that ha.I •Ince It ., .. to °'!.1!1• In Au(Ult ceed. of the "Prelude to J'lalalq' .bMn comple~ IA --the )'tar book; '° mvdt. enthu..lum wlllch make• of ~~· that Sir 'l'lfmu Llplllll 8prtni Party", which prtml.riQt the cb&lnnao. Mn. ft.at (LllJ) It a must that I (Ive tt •p•c•. ft: ted81 the awanS\ far COl'nJl9-' wu jwt a fun far. 1•t·to-pthtit C&U and her commltt.a,=-did an The lillOW' et.arted with d .. tert ..:· henc• lt3l 'when tlMI before the pi. •tend ""-Lo;,.&M dlnc )Ob lA comp lhll an" cotf• (more of Mr• l"r&nk hU : Id the tropliy, 8DTC terfOllMll!U of nthln(. liOOk----:-' -• -M~-delkioua Illh~ ad It OnJL__ lwlcSj In IHI so the new Preekient Mrl our bell l}pmemade cake1) and -. ~.oclif Ba.llarlt:J:OC::..MY. Ml!l~- Hub ~ l~IJ Power. ~d ~ Ther1 are a arMt many n'\OH hour from e·ao lo 7 BO before with na. Could le a n_u , ~ppe.r · ... ~ ~ '•lta tM dO;" &bat U...Jm .. uaa wu c&Ued '° OnMr. •n vrpert cr.W, fl~ rood · ._., M ~ tlUl W.. Untl TMrt wve ....,..a .... rnembllr'• boe.t. a.nd a l&rl• "' ot'+Pklta IUt.UG VPllO:a.aft:&llt8 oW edl\Ot W lfdlW ,..,., ~ latrod**1 which, wl!Jt Ute above no~ ta- 80d (lOys&I ...... &Mftc' , .......... "-'"a Tbe IMltlill ... chanet.r!Ud CUIUVe, will m•k• BAl.leria a ;.aiA _. fltt&n&"" ... -JI ...,. 'Dr tl\t nporta of the 9t&ndin hard boat to beat. X: _ tac ~ Al&tr t. t1U. "Mufl1 .. CCllinmltfeM and ..-yone, ~ CL&.8110 ISATl'LI: ' ~~~--+J•'"'"=WJ __ . ·hUd ~ bis •II In maidna the ThOM fortunate enou1~1<> ;1 , · -UMl~M• .,.. Ha-,llMn I~ kn Dl•1:0 for ?:e met ~ a l&tp i;.;l Ud tvaU)' JRUch. htnru on a ' pod Upton RiCll WU( Lmj ~ ftatldii MMOn, boWfter. n. the claNle batU. ........ -•-• -m~tnr wu adjoUmed for a pad• and. tM IM Aqak!I YC lltO'M 1pouond by UM Nft'pCllrt· entry, Lui, wklch ettmaud Wia" ._i-. ll&'f'lnr: and Lou ""'" • thr1Ulq ten-~put ftft• •tetpri•, S'YerJ'bodT• Bulin--." 19h. Harold ..,._ :Jr ... INldl' whJch pro"4 to be mast im,.._. aptn .. UYC'.a · eb.._r __.ta ..._ To ~· UMi Jr'DCt'UI ao au.out .rtan to .ue-., tMt qt.la mt.A7 mebe,.. wen ma.ch t.n ~ ill U.. lMI ..,.._ 1i1NiP1 b1 ~ rr.. ,._.. LuJ .. alllO a POO llllOp Ml .a· l'Toau.r, .A.rt GronallJ, of thf! &rrl• no .. 11 on II• ..0. -Pllt'l~_hu l..ued '° "II M.11.-1be S&th and nDal 1111.Uy la L.A. .a J>&.111· Only a t .... Mfl IH&l lunday"t CODi.t Lt 1AW bad tlle Ume to take adnnlq'e \Yb.ltney'1 Callfomla-32 Atornn· ot hi# reeroue otter, Amons .te. no. C·32/t. ch.allenser from UloM w b o have bffn ·luokJ the S•nta Barban. Yacht Club . ~ t.O io out and catch pmt Here •(•In w• have a boat ln ftM. .,.. • ~ _J'ud (lhrJ --19,) top condltloa, a ·crack re.clnr ~ Md Kn. Andy (fttl- rna) Bradtord. Ge\ your tackle r..dy "pl•"· )'OU know you but be prepared Jwrl Ill' cue lher. ahould be a • good f\11'1ln1 .. ..an . • ....-.o.... 13c • ·~ . 9 SACCHARIN ···--_ l'OUSH REMOVER ,_ c M&MMotors ... .J .. _ 0.. On.Ill 'D l L>. SACCHARIN '---__ c CREAM SHAMP.oo __ 4fc ;, -..ac: ---6 1 ~CETOtlE ---------1.1-TEA KETTU _____ ~ ~!HING SALTS _._ 1fc SCiiso1s. : ••...... ____ 4~ "" .. _ k ...... q.... Me ~""GMESIA :::-:... ____ 7-IAKING SET ____ 77- ~rP.,2SltoillS . ~ WCJJllC 'MIXER . __ Sf'S ST~R ILADES _.-.,.-'~ QOTHES H~MPER $595 ~f!RIN ·-fc [~~ --~ ~I. ALCOHOL _ 11c BLANKET $15?5 Cl>TrON 4 CHAM&fs _ '11'8·- Marine Ir Automotive o-..1 .......... Cadillac: Spec la lists ~ Ir Cadillac Marine llMJl11e1 u S-3381 • JIM'S ·-'-MUl'fLll SERVICE llOU,'t lltlfllen • ..... .,......,. .. ;. .. ;.;. __ , .. SEE OUI C•C ULAI IN THI MAIL u u1" ,,. __________ _,;....:;..::,..:.;~:.::..:.::=:_...;.. ___ J z~Ol W. c-t HWJ, Newport , " SARANETTE Mas/and Carpets The wonder carpet. Ink, Iodine, coffee or any other ataina are washed off immedialeiy. Cm.not harm the aurface, even with clorox. $10.95 aq~ yd. ARRIVED • • • l:t or• •r• :some of the styles that you may see in full rolls. STAR POINT The luxury new looped texture -all wool, very heavy. $11.95 .. M!O Via udo • COTTON FRIEZE Treated againat aqil. In green, •andalwood and many other colon. $6.95 lnstalled over heavy yt'a!fle paddihg. PLUSH COTTON CHENILLE-- Treated againat eoll. Roee, beige and Feen. Very heavy, hah pile. $7 .911 ln1t&llod. ' ,MULTICOLOR TWEED CARPET ' . R&yon -he...,y "'ibt. ff.Ill! and $8.93 lnot&llod. Dick Macker FLOOR COVERINGS Oarpet. --_;, Upboloteri Ph----• Jatorlor ."J>eoo-g • • AT _,tr AIC * ...., ... Ami_.... 11 .... .m ........... ......... 'J ... ....... "' ....... " . o,,.,, Daily 10 a.m. 'ti/ 9 p.m. • ....... , -"l" .m-l-t•3' 1717 s. ... } • \ ._ ., , I • , • - -- • -._.-.... Universalists Announce "FOR YOUR ' ' . . Local Expansion Plans HOLY WEEK Plan1 .... ·ere 1nnounct"d 11at Sun- day fo1· "' ct'\,urch-wld11 campalp called the "New Life MOV1!!ment" to be conducted by the Unlveraal- lll Conununlty f'ellowlA.lp of Or· •ni:,. County. Thia prova.m ... ·11.11 uma~rurated EpiScopal Rites for Holy Week For Palm Sunday at 8t. JamM l:p!Kopal Church the Rev. J ohn Puke ha1 ch.n aa aermon •ub- ject. "81.mon p Cyrene-Cacry- tllc CrQ&I wtt.n Jnu.". Fam.OJ' M l"Yic.1 and lunday School are . at 9;1/J and 11 a. rn,, with HOIJ Communion at I a.m. Holy WMk aervice1 JJ:wiUd• H oly Commun'°n at 'r a. m. Mood&y, T'uffday and Wedneaday, On Maundy Th~ there will be Communion a( 10:30 a. m. an4 at a p. m, Candlellltit Com- munion. with mu.1\c by the chotr Of lb1 Ohurcb of St. John the Dtvin ... Coat.a. JhaL Good f'rlday ..mcaa a r 1, ChlldrC1'1 aerv1c1, 10 a. m .: 'l'hrM Hour lt!rv109, 12 POOft to a p. m. ·and, Ten1bn.1 •rviol ..ith mualc by I.hi Senior Cholf •ll p.m.. Ftve ttrv1c .. will 'be. held on &Mt.It Sunday, one at fl :lO a. m., MmriH; 7:30 a. m., Choral Com· rnuiiton With m. .e.iuor C ll o Ir 1lft.rtn1' the M&z'becll CommUl).iOl'I MT"Vice; t =lO a. m., Qloral ccm-rnunJon with the Junior Ch oir; by the national board of the Unl- veraati11t Church ol An1<1r1c• and iii beins launched by Ula .xecu.1 ---,-----,-----------------11 live boara of the local group LEA VE QCEAN FRONT which lnclJ,lde11 Lffin Rudd, pre1i· / dent; Mra. Bernice Ch11.af', Costa Me ... MCretary: 1Ted H1rrington, treaaurer &11d Mrs. 'fo1n 'MIW'llp- eon. bookltMpeor. SI.at.ea t.o continuJ tor about a month, thla caznp&J.p Ml deal.peel to to11~r more llbersl rchgion in New Church. Planned by As5embly of God lhla area. The objectives Include "'rhe expansion prOgram or the pl&ll.I t or a new mlniattlr to 9<11"V11 A.Men1bly of Cod Church Cllll.t the UnLvena.llat., new permanent t or a purch&11e of pro,perty ln tacUltle• for lhe muy actl\'ttlu preparauon to bull4 a new of the v oup, 11. broad currh:ulum church. Slarttng-Eute'r 8undt.y of rellgtou• education for children IM aervices w!ll be held In lhe !Which wtl! lilclucle a study of old Amerk:a.n Le3lon Hall at llll of the major religion' of lhe J~th St. until complellon of lhe world/ and an enlarged prof ram new bulJU.111. • aciJo...:tlng lo the of ael"rice &e .IDffi. UM! nMdl ot pul<!r, the ReY. lra L. halL the commwUty. ~ Having workf'<t In lhe church AnU.cipat.d M a "'*", ot Ow p.11 .. tstant putor for two yeara, total program w ill be • .eeriea of Mr. Prat t ha• been putor since Be!nz very intere!lterl In youth and l.n coopert1.llo11 \"lith tour oth· er Aueinbly ot Ood group1, Ul• ch\.lrcfl I.a ahow1n1 a lechnlcolor mO'Yte. frt " of c h•rge, In the Balboa Theater, April 3 and e •t 7 p. m. Pledges Made to Youth -Fund June, 19~5. A four year atU<lent Ftreelde FeUow•hli;m to which ot sOuthern California Bible Col-A candlellicht aet;1ce In which mambera and t,rtencla wUI l:Ja clJlt·· ":D; ~8' ~ Mer\ "{CH'klas at a ttn11.11clal please• to lhe Metho· vtted and at Which Unt.e Tutun 1oclll l.ndu.1.11.I pl.ant tor four rtt1t Y outh Ji\lnd were made wd plftlll for U>4' ll"OUP wW 'Oa ~ 1-. b \'• st·-'-~ ... ••-con4uctP.d Sunday evening by th& culHd. ru.rt.her lntOrmattee -. to-i:e ~hu~~ ....... ._"'t' ....... Senior Youtb Fafiow11hle of lhe be obtAlned by phoJlih( Wll· The COllfl'tgllUOf\. hat been Balboa lal11ntl Community Metho- 1111.m Wiley. actinr · minbifff, at crowing •lowly. but very atudUy dl•t Chu1·ch. Leading tbe acTVlce Liberty +"1'61. tor Ula put two Yfftl 1.\1\UI the ~,.. Dick Bridgman and Suale ------------1uttle church at 2504 Ocean Fronl. Stone. Baptisms at Mesa Methodist l'f.hldi R4-ta 10,_ la nfy crowcled. Prior to the tervt~ the gToup Thi rerular 1ervicee of the •w '").fy Fund and Tours," a cbW'1:h are: Sunday; Sunday aound fllm1trlp deacrlblng the ei;· .chool\ 9 :t~ a. m. • (claa.ea for tenll.ve miallqn'!Y ·and rellel all .,..). momlnr wonhlp, 11 work that 11 ~one on 1. natlon-.1 At Cotta X... Community a. pi... Ch r 11 t'• Am~doni and lntemallonal level bf the Metbodlat ObUte• Ulan-~~ ba lYOUJlis Peoplt'• Groqpl · t 110 tunct bllptl.lm of tnfanta and chll4"n..at p. m.. evening wor11hlp. T:ao p.m .: Rf!Creatlon wa1 led by Donna both lhe 9:30 and u L m. Mr-Tue9day, '"Loi -Conqueat1dordea" Smith. Refre•hmentJi were aerved · -1..-13•19;, m eeUnc p~ S.C.-byJ Bulle St.on.e al)d her mother, ¥tees, with b&ptUirn ol botb·chU-B.C. a.t 1' p .• m.: Wef?IMday, Ml\I. l:mery Stone. dren a.nd adult& et the 11.me houn pra.yar meellng tnd Blble 1tudy, The Vol'P la plannlnl" a beacb on Euler 8U11day. 1 p. m. •t ·ch.urch. pl.rty for April 6. at 6 p. m. OBSERVANCE" PALM SUNDAY Man:h26th 0 a. m. &: 11:15 a. m. Worthlp • HOLY THURSDAY March Zfltb 7:80 p. m. Commualo11 Service C-Olored Bible Film "'The Upper Room" • J Good Friday ' March 30th 7:30 p. m. Service wltll F1lm -1 "The CrucifiKion" • NEWPORT HARBOR LutMran Church 2601 Cliff Drive N-rt Bd1bta 11 L m .. the Setllor Choir pre· On Man:h 29 then! wilt be t. •cmtln( lh1 F•Uval Communion teUpW'llhip pot luck i\pper at fl :30 •ervtC41 by ~ abd th& otr.,.. t«y antlnrm;-"Chrilt, OUr Pu1· p. m. In ThomplKln all wl tb the O'nl'" by O.nk1. ltev. JOMph Mc8hane oftlc~Uns Fo1d Owners_ At • p. m. th~ wUI be tM M Holy CommWlion "' tbe 11&11(1• tra.4JUOJL&I chlldren'1 f\ower •er· tuary "at 1'f :a0 P. m. -B! will read -'_1'_•·-----------llhi litany and there will be lpec!aJ -mualc by the choir. Rev. James Stewart Speaks at Pomona -~ I I ™• h ~ ..... ,_ Fonl ""' .... -.w ... .., tho 0-.. halon tl !Wt -fw 11111.,....., -W -Deal · of the Week in trade ·on any New '56 Dodge * Wh1.1111!1 ~_.,.,...llf!aiN• .. --* .. A:.ffttont twice•.,. •II ... v-;;.,;1 . . ·u "Doili ... ....,-' . ' . . .. I . . * ........ (-.,.,, .. ~ .,.,"."'' -a..w ....,.,, ,.., •• ..,., -' ' ..... ,....,. ~ ........ ..,,,., of .... '16 Deel .. .,. wll ........... , ' ~ loyal1l l~ltl0Cen>-l 2.0-...i 4-doo<-..12-•fMI....., ~ ...,...,., ~lon w..-1 con~•l•I 11 ..... ael• ..._ Wt •vlnp f., ,.. 4vri"8 _ ....... . AL\ ,al-A TTY . ' . ' . MOTORS • ' 1610 Newport llvd. Uberty 8·2291 ...... St. Ail ..... l'resb WTEB SUNDAY APBIJ.-1'*·· • Servteea •f Wonbtp -11:00, l 1IO, 11:00 ..._ .. ':-·l- Herli,or Rest Memorial Perk Sermon -.. U Eut.r Be Not Tnl•" The a... Jam .. a. st-art ~t of lafanl Baptism -3:00 p.m. --' = . ' High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 r _ ln•smuch u 1pirltual development em.. braces the endW'in& qualiti11 of our ea~ttence, ~ tbe Cb\lrch CIA truJ1 bt called th• symbol of ci-rillntion~ - HiltWJ ~ that th• mott hichl1 cl..-1· Hli4 ftltlODI arnboirwblCb-encomactd end-+~~~~ prOmoted tlit lUe of tta.· m ind •nd 1pirit. Bd.lldf.ni'i ha'Ja crumblff.·'citia have dis~ appe•ed. and' peat natff have btcom1 u lerend, b\lt the revelation• of God remain eternal. ' . That is why the apptarance of a church ii • iUp.. ot ..pror:c:: .... wheti.r it be ia a ... t nsetroptillt •or-·1n a country .Ula&•· Por tbe· ChYl'ch reprnenta man's quHt for immortal Tntth. When ,au support tbe Cburcla pu will bt COl\trlb\lt1ar'to tbe prom-of iivilintioa. You will tinric.h: and enjoJ-)'OV'ODIT tm. perlollable _w1__,.....·eou1. • S. E. lllGGS THE IAY DEPT. STORE Slectno.i pontNCtor _.;-; · • C:HINEs~ CASINO . . ... RMJ" tin.toile.e Food to ro. 0ut ~......,...,.,. . .. w .... st., Bolbooi -nos • LAUNDROMAT NEWPORT RNITURE C:O. Hom• hrni8h1np 26ZO W. C-t ff"Y UbortJ 8-111.S PffYWS' CUANBS """"' --· ~· .... it ..,,.. . m :Sh&St. ~ms ART c:: KJSTlEl C:O., ki • .,. ... Bayrrwtt ·~ 1181-NewponBl..i. N-poot -.-....... - DICK MACKER Dl'a.pm• -·CWpeU·-Upbei11ta7 Oom.pleta ~ 1*onlinc..,.,...,. ··.•. -VlaUdo -- ' UNMI ' . - I ;. •• • ' POP'S Fa-Steak R1ii.1• 8~s.: ~o:n---~ Balll~itB-t-'--f ~ HOMER E. SHAffill ~TOR 108 llleFJodde• -(o.t Ille Plor> Rexal Dl'llCJ S-' .. Two louUolll to Bern You • Udo lolo A Corona dd Mu " ST.lFFORD Ir SON -- a:a.ctnce.l Oont.n.cl4lnl • 110 Rhoenide A..,. Newport --Ubett7 .. %%78 · · "Your Communttr N_.' • • -----'• ... ·~ ~ uttr u..n a · ...., cowtUftf," UN: maMy ~ ontered ~· on UM dlt.Gh wllldl· .o ...._ IMt if A~ ft9 lhow wUl ipor6tiaa.n. Bill d.dft to ~ ~ the cwndl' :Mtai4q7 to .._ ru-.i.u..-..n.-oal)'-111. Q;,e~-i.t htld , lft Mi\.& , .,..\na JunioJ' .. & , ..-ut)' f.o be, nck:Olllld ~ tf'luft.rnd f'rin I~ d_ty'• JeMf'o-UJ atqe. • ' qi,Ulp. ~ , ~ , ' ~·to &U of U... to M.,. &I tund. • I " . coaw -ip apiUt blm • .IA ~ •• . P&rt of u... pzoject mon1y win' \ -'---Y•iftk-. ' . .. ................ _,....__ ~-u. . .-:.-11--_:_ ___ ...... .:,...."--~,. .. -'"' ~ of ••Htns uid Wlll ocllaket&.t.Udlmprovement.to .1.vu.a.1., .I."• x. ._.¥ ·... • . •" • , TIM ftolt... TCNJdl: 662 Seaward a u.t at ...... .c. ta U!JI: ~ Aft. U4 'tbl H&mllton • ... - 1 -. .......... •io °' • ""' """' • ~"' ... """ 1"''"'"' .,... at .... .,. ..... ....,_...,.,·~ Stock Report · · STAITING .. TO A.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 23 ....,,,.. lT •\ HOiie HotipltaL lt11. , \ I£ter in UM: .._tbls. 1.b• e®n· : -r .~ . , • . n..,.:.A)lmMIOb hOtM on B&r·•----,-2-~·'--'.:--~·---J ,,..;. __ ..;.;, ______ .;.JI • • ~ lal.e, toiometly tM Jue.hi. H ... I ' • ,._., .Jr•fe io ... tjta-r1 .. ,..,. v~ !'I"'>!.~ th• OCC HOIJS ' oow.oom:s.&n:uom•. • ~ qi911t.er of mucll ·of ta:. 1PVllUnc , ao lndu.trla.11 -·--..612.Jt up .LU ~-~~~~~~!'~~~!..,_,,fJciCl&I ac.Uvtty ot ua. community. O.&hrued ·"-..,.... ..... 20 a..u. ·-··----·--·;-~71.71 Uf: .07 =9 8 AA .1nvn.aUon to thel!j hbm• .im a malnlnr old .__ liWldtn wtll 10 UtW~~ --···-.......... 87.21 up .oe Ueuiared occuion to tnel9l of · --., p 1 ni VOLUME l TIOtol U-,!...,_' a.dlo, 'l V tb.t raldente ot th• Nniport (l"adually be r.placed. over. • . P~ ', • !'• j!!:;:;-,Jlartlor are. who ha•• lamed period of yea.rs. The naJOr llOUJ'Ce American Telephone ._ .............. llO lf uoOj NDITtO,NED T .V, •t., tQ ..ftite:Uonalelf rqa.J.d the fr&· ot future ~. fllnd.I will be CAna< .. onda _ ................................. , .•.. ~ '°'" 7 . .t: ll~ Inch, ruarutee4. P,iou. couple and ui..tr aon, hry er ···-·····-···--······· .. ···-··" .,.. , •ll "Oit• o.-all •ao to seo e3. ~tead .. · obtained from Uteo t\lltion patd for DuPont ............................... _ ... l21~ 'twitw~. 12 • e, Rear ot. • j ~'A~ WM bOm 1A Om,aha, 'oot-OC-dYlrict ' #tlldenU tor the ,General Electric _ ...................... ft%. , atnd Sf., Newport or call H , lfH., · 1n-·1ws. He .... Jrraduated wie ot bulldlnS•· General Katon ··-············-··-······-" l&U-R. 47~ ~ the Unlvualtl or N llruka May Co ............................... -....... _'8 · • \ 16.s._ICeolt hla JMt ct•dU&~ wOrk The place ot pneral educallcm ]'lo. ~can A.viaLlon--80 for Sale . •t·tT. a. c. In the irutrucUout otterlnr• at N. Y. Central ....................... ·--··•• " • if,t 11 pr••ldent ot tbt H. I'. Cout. Collep w .. demomtated. Monterey OU ··········-·······-·-·-" '61 OLDS Holiday, RA.H, P. B 'A"'.,.""nllOn Co ot Beverly HJU.· Safeway Storu ................... -...! .•. IU • ••-batt • •-.. &... ,..,_, · • Dr. Jam.el W, 'J1M)rnton Jr., vice-... ,.,_, .,._.,___ "'•• new '+'"'' ery "" • ....-, @airman ot the Board of the Na-. · .,.,. ............. -.... ............ _ ....... _ .. ..Q • J2,000 actual mile. •tol9~. Har. t~ American Fir. Wu.ranee prdldent, waa in charge ot dra-Standard Oll ot CaJlt _ ........ 102"- • 111&-R.. !7p81' Co., Chairman ot the Board ot rnaUc pruentatk>l'la tn,.olvlnf var. So. Pacific ............................. -.. ,.-.ol • Home Savlnr1 'and Lo&n AA9oc:ta-IOUI areu or reneral edUe&Uon. Union 011 or Ca.lit ....................... &O II CAD. DEVILLE Sedan, FuJI uoO · chairman of th• Bol.rd of -··-th u. B. Steel ....... --···-···•"-·•· .. ····~•% pow-er, Sacrifice. Local. car by. '1!-"'! · l:mphUl1 wu ,._...d Oil e eciu-' prtvate party. Uy1tone ~-8782 '~~American Savinp and Lo&n C.Uonal opportunl.tlea \t .. ltn-4 to 1------------ atter f p. m. 87c88 ·--r-l&tlon of Beverly Hilla and prepare 1ludente to live m<Ve ef-DEATH NOTICE -----------llCOt4ll ot leuer lJ\llu.rMce compan· tecUvely and to function more ef-~ _ ~~ Jl'O!t.p Station Wa~n. Muat lq.1 lluUdlnc compani• and lNlur-t~enUy u membeTi of. a famlll J ------------ a1ll .l.!J¥n44Ja.tely. f.175. Harbor U&Ce tlrma. and lt!;Un HOWARD MENlllN'G ·1 I 3W. • 87ca9 .Be l9 a member ot the Newport . u c · ~ Funeral aervlce1 for . Howud ~""""r Yacht Club -... •·-•· QUE!ITlOMS INVITED :-:-:l ~ • .... _._ • Menkln,-, 92, of 1931 Cllurch IL '8-.&l'!: a Bow K~ Yacht Club and tlae .Jona,.. Louil <:onnd,)', pruldent of the eo.ta x...., wUl be held Kond&r . , lhO Ohab ot Loe An&:el• bo&rd ot ~. wu muter of at 2 p. m. In ParkeA-Rldley Mor-- Jii:ODSIUf. nearly .new unrum. PouncAL POWJllt ceremonlH. He lnvit.ed cltlzena to t.ue.ry Chapel with the !WV. l&rce J bednn. upper duplu:, , ult quetttona and to make •ur· and p.rare qutet, Walklnc dill· ~n'1 uplolta In polltlc:a paUona ~laUve to the operation Charlu F. Hand ofttclaUn(. Mr. u.nce to Lido bualneu dlitrtct aN ~ i-1pec:t.a,cutar than ht. -Menklnr died Friday morning at .. 1 · of tbe coDece. He tnd!caled It waa •• h llln H and ~rtatlon _ Will clv• rile 11~ <. Uie financial world. He la the; duln of the tru.etee• to k~p hl1 hotne &Lter a • ort eaa. e l• .... to' permanent tepant. ISO crecllt~ with. MCUl'iJI&' tor Call· le Inf ed and to bene-was a native of Arllnrto~. Neb. mo toml"-lRep11blioan NaUonal the peop orm and came •to Calltorrtla In 11H3, CLYJ>E MEYER, 307 Marine, Conven 'n alter CbJcaro had tl· tit from their hel~l and iu~gestlona h.ad li"'d 1n Co.ta Meaa einee Sep- Balbo&.lalazfd, Har. :&:Kl ready ounced the_ locale u In runnlnr the co ere. tember, He wu an enS"t&ver by 1Tc89 then; a ctcwe frten·o: ·or Gov-Mu1lcll entertklnrrient wu pre-tradr, -----------emor · , : n J. KniJht and Mr1. Mnled by lbe collrce • capella survivon are hie wife, Mn. G. 4.9 Booml to Beat Kn4bt\.~ wae ~ or the ohotr under lh't dl~Uon of Beryl Menklng of the h0111t; two J'URN. ROOM, prtvat.. bath 6 lut Ca.QI . . ·Ria COWlHI Uld ad-, Oregon and Mn. Agneii Badrerow e11trance $40 111onth. US Coel&-:rice ba '· conat.Unt17-~ -fkluthl&nd and..~ oi the c.ere-of Nebraaka; three brmhcn, GWi_ ""'"'"'¥1· lttee 1n the CoYa':Dor'1 Howard Kay. !listers, Mn. Roecoe Carter, of Mea et., C. M. LI 8-t371. by botll • and.. &II ~c!at91 monl• were televlaed. and· Leourd of Nebruka and ,87c81 ta the m c.titomli. &NL N.wa-Pnu eoclely writer, M!'L LNlie of Oreron. Jriterment will -----------Ah ·~ ~en.Uy a.TOid-lldward Leiter Smith, who covered be private 5a-8to,.. II Ol!lcoo ,. ~ • • .,...., WO> In tb• °"'"'"• of tho o<=1">o to• · , ~~ N .~r U'e& e&)'inJ', tb.i. neWlpaper, nport.ed on the • .JIOE MOSS OPTICJC for leUI 1,000 aq. 'Ive .no , t In .any v.nture buJ.ldlnr'• debut. The wa.Ua el'1!1 Grave11ide aervice. tor Joe1Moea, New bldr. in center of ea.~ cloNr that , mU.. Of our home.'" dellped by M.tllan1 Sheett, no1.e4 .tl, ot 18th and PlacenUa Sta., M..a. Plf'nty ot pat'~&'· LI Ahma.lilon, fWU•, l>orotb.1 -.nd art.lit. Coeta Me ... will be held at Har. I-~. 87cU ~ ~ H~ Jr .. ntdtnamed Gov. GOOjlwln J, Knlrht wu bor Re1t eemelery Saturday at , Stady. ai"fJ. ~ottd trto and amonc d\i1lftarln who conJT'&tUI-11 a. m. with the Rev. Jo.eeph W. 82 BNI Eltate"-aA lnH~ .Oft the Weeitend9 ated the Harbor Iale realdent on McSbane otnckltlnl'. Mr, Mou on Ule bay ol J;llfbaeu. • th• nH rtfucture which u-dled in Oranp County Hospital BY OWNER NEW:;, DUUT Romu iravertm•'on It.a exterior, March 21 after a heart attaclL Open Sat. • Sunday 1·0 Durlpr the lu tor;tnlrbt tM aet ott by two bronu fi&"Ure1 He wu a native ot Cu~ 631 Qpel o.... Cof'Ob& df:J Kar .uunantona o ,hi&. MW Bn•r· w!aeh at&o.iltat..U...At.renlth ot th• ~ a retired rancher. Be ta ..,... I Hdf'OCWn1, 2 bathl, redecorated ly Hilla branch Home 8a'f'irtP and 'tamny. Interior or lll• flrm lnclud-•lved onb' by friends. Parlce1-- h1111di anf ·out. •tMOO With a Loan buUdtns. I~ tremendoul u moi'• tiaverUne,-•talned gl&a1 Ridley_ Mortuary .. u ln cha.rre ot low diowll pe.ym.nt. 17c: new• coverare throu&'hoUt tha window• and ~rruo fioon. •rranre.menta. ' j ' . . . OfH ~ Fri. Niies o.tlng Sale .. -~ . . ' IF YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TWINS-we've 2 of the most repulsiye ones you've ever seen .•• They used to be $99 Ach. (They're Cheirs) .................................... Now SH for bollll !jOW HERE'S A DO-IT-YOURSELF ITEM Put the legs on these-basket cheirs end seve . ' money. -Regular $7.95" __ _;..;:___ --............. --.:.. .... _ ...... ::.. __ ,,_ ........ _Now $3:'9 I , ' THESE ARE' REALLY "SHADY CHARACTERS" •• , , ••• Beech umbrellas. Turquoise, • yellow and red ................... : ........ -... -·----·-.. -·-·-....... -................... -................................................ Now $3.99 ea. • THI;, CHINESE FORGOT TO SEW THESE.TOGETHER-So we have a lot of singie gr•;s • • squarH. Regular 35c ................ -.............. -.................................................................................... -.. ,.. ... Now 1 Sc"· CONNIE'S·RJTZY ERROR-This is a combo coffee. dining table with formic• top. Regular $199.00 ... _______ --···-......... -............. --.-.... -.... -......... ~·-·-:.. ............ Now $99.99 BOB'S BOQB0.0-Side Chairs. He. likes it so much you'll probably have to fight him to get it. Regular $12.0.00. Side chair deiigned by Paul McColib ......................... .:. ........... N-$55:00 FABRICS-Then er• reany craiy, mixed-up prints and some plain olde stuff ... Regular ' $1.95 -$3.95 yd ..... -........................ _ ................................................................................ , ...................... Now 99c yd. I ,. ~ . . ' IF' YOU'D LIKE SOMETHING HIDEOUS-"l'm a lounge with bolster covered in tho hardest to decorate around colors you could find. I'm regular $179.95" ......... Now $122.22 PERSONAL .:... Will t~at gorgeous "bionde that took such. en interest in a certain book- case-planter come back and look again? It's $75 leu 'now ••.• even if you don't went it, co~• back anyway _ ............. _. __ ....... c_ ......... --..... _____ .................. _,_. __ ................. Now $100.00 JACK'S JINX-8 "custom" (ha-ha) Bar Stool.-covered in white plastic ... cost us. to . . . miike, $65 eech, bUt we're trying to get rid of them at a big savings ............ Now $25.00 ": "YOU CAN'T HARDLY GET THESE NO MOR£" • • ,-;-They'ro c•lt..d "Gooey • Ducks" and you can uso them for small occasional tables. Reg. $9.99 .. , .. ___ , ...................... Now $2.22 BUMPY'S BLUNDER -"loyely" (that"' what the salHman said I ranch • style rugs that ere et least fit for your cat. Were "\Ip to $20.00 regularly -.. -... ~ .......................... Now $2.22 M• .. ' I --' • ' ' ... ._.,. " ,. . ..... ·-,:...~ • • ' • \tlerfut bo ..... --. I rW"-1~ .tr• .... Ila pb:n-..... ,,_. HA&amrr .............. ... JN"I ...... ,_. .......... ...... ~·-,_ ........ ..... .......... .,....,_,.. ... .. ,..... .. ,..~ .. 'Of ........... ~ ... -.... .................... a...ct. ....... ,. 'h ___ ..._ ... ,_ a.a..,eo-.-r ...,...._ ... .... _ .................... ... __ _. ........... ..... .,_ .. wa.R·• W+C.... .. nt ..... ~·-11t1 •--..a.a. ...... ;'' ..... '.i... •1-----= r:..~=-.=..-~.r ....,.. • ··~ I ~--.... ' . 4·1CBE ,{, UCUIDOI PIUfOI IUSDUTS • ., IODOD ------]tit- ..... ---.... -- ....... _ ..... ,,.., IQ."· ·- l'M A UTILE TIPSY -but beautiful -end if you have liability insurance you're 0. K • ' . (Just in case you haven't figured it out, I em e chairl I Regular $89.95 --·Now $60.00 • SOLID GOLD (well maybe not quite I Chair ••• they tried to sell me for $18 -,~5 •.• but you cen have m.• ' ................. -... -............................ -............................ -.............................................. Now $10.00 We must hev# been lit when we bought this-Odds & Ends of Lemp Shades-eh! 50 % off " Chandeliers (now doesn't that sound elegant? They're·NOT really I we tried to get $89.95, but we couldn't so _ .. ' Now $20;JO Mlscellaneous Junk AND ALI. OTHIR" STOCK 10 TO 50°/o OFFI ' REMNANTS! REMNANTS! REMNANTS! REMNANTS! • .. HOUSE & GARDEN: Cleans H'ous .e at • ---..- ,30,.7. W.LCoasl Blg11WG¥- LI ~18 Newport ·a.am Op• every illy of 'tho woelr ltldtl69 S•illly ... • I' I .,, I 1 1 ·- • • • NOT FOB THE nABBY -It'.1 not jut • cue of roinr along for the ride wllen Coach Paul Baptlo!jo'a Orange · Cout College Pirate .,.... tal<eo to th•t eight-oar ahell. You got to Lave 1ome mu.clel alone, too. Thia year'• Bue p&ddJ.en m&ke with their own e&noe ag&Wt the Trojan Froeh in Lido Cb&nnel come · 11 a. m. tomorrow morning. The SC vanity and JV'1 will &lao be on hand. -Photo by Eugene Tyler • ' ' ' . ' • • • ; __, ' ~_......U.Um&W uL~llEElas11S1~tte!i&n11,,_COnftnince .:¥ :."°:..a.:,.~~-~..::: . Qtr)a • .... Mcqim• • l,... ... _.. 0 J;Hrus' 'Owls ltto .. . :-....... ~ . _ 'iuL~•arox: <oaia1 --__ -.. •.••_Degler T-* a--°""'"' " •t ,_, -""' -, , ... ..,. 1'1ir .t ._, ., ,,.. \cc.t«I M a ... wW -. Pt "'-.::_ ...._ ,_ at8 ....-..... lllU....,. __ ,_. -.. -.... "~ =---~ .... _: --,"'!" _,_ ":"° 7Ut.LlaToJr, (OCIO) -A: -cj. ___ ...;,;;;;;.·;...-_.;.. ";._,...;;...;...-...,....il .... ..,.iiiiii~!!"!"::.._.~111!1!!'.:lll:;DIB.'!lll · · ,._111,. ---..... ----. ~ -~--~· . ~-: ..,~ma ~· ..,_.. c.:-.t&rillCb' _..,.,...__ .. -1 .~ ... a tn .. -m--. ... Moo ,_ .......... t.t .. l • ~---:U:..rll• ... saw .f:or '---,-~·· ..... ... ft.'fW ot .-.Sta._, tba owt. lllto C\tnt.i to~ tut-'-toot.MU Ian.ta A.a&'• 8alnt& __ !_..._ ........ -........... __ lleldla ... __ _ ...... .... ap. m.,.., ~ ...,..... u. 1llT --.:. LM: .A.rtb'• llWllnmen duOild ~ l(..-~-1-.... ltll · W , *~II" V'tv '* ·eo~•"'1. Ja~.,...._B ....._ · .,. •• ttaat u.., would ......,. ••' t, .a w.·-·i.>d:a • · aaMt. u.. lDIMw ,,.. .,.. IJMMER PlANS ..-bwlblp 6a tM ......... '.'ft. I' t 'P'; I~ •a.I -' •"'1,~ T"'1. n. ...... kw .. KID .BALL · Sff HERE ,.,.. la u.. ••• u .. :,.... ..... ' .. .._.. --.. to"' .. c.. . • hUlr1ela'3C ~ It WU ,a; nouncldi •t.,at tM ftiJl&fO' would Mt. -.tt..mpt. to '** mu:. more membeN. . A ~Harbor ...... llWlllDer '*-ll program Wit> """" -... -· tor i.;,. o! 'Neilri>ort -and O>lt& K-lo <XpOCl«l lo ... ...., Will oo ...,_ be - 11o-+0Hd ·"1 N ... port -offlclala follmrtn~ a puhllc ~ ~~ ~ · "*»"'* -oonducted by BOb Glllgrlcb, cllJ' recrea-...., 1a .... otli&IJ. dlulac . t11o Uc.\' .,..._, _ la tbe Newport lej', Jack H-, J'. a. Butt_.. u:::; :-':'i.r tam.,la tnck,- a.not Youth Oint# .t Corona worth &ad MaclllWaa. MstMU ud t.m. ctm1as tat del II.Ir WWsml111 JllPL BUG& CllOU · tJb6.-U. ,,.._ the .umm.v Gtnpich potrlUic\,. out tut .me. ..__. propoam. will -be ocm~ UM Newport ~ dty rec:na,- .... ~ U.. MtwJIOlt n.eb Uoa ~t ill .UU la the ~ ~t ln ooop9f'-tonnad.... .cq., ud &t.tsnpttn.c .U. WW. Bubar 1JtOJ'fl Club, to canduct a lot ot aett't'IU. t. tbl T~ C...W, 1'....-port. U.... aid-. ti..b&ll UlW . MUIUner, Ula bor u..km Blatl kbool diatnct dtu.ond J)l'OSl'arn wu too btl' a Md Uaa ~ lldtool dia-Job tor any -one apncy to do trleta of oo.t& X.. &lid Kew· b)' ltaelt. On u.. other hand tbs port. BMcb.. • Boys' Oub had the espvienes .,.. au• AtbM>Ue DlnctOt' and Of'Plliu.Uon bued on con- ftodl MecMHll•n ~ d1a.-dueUns the bueWl Prosr&m 1 tor tacad tr7-outa for the llOO Har-tour 7Uf'I, He added that then IMlr .,.... )"OVtM ~ to p&r-were no Hrto\1.1 ditftlNftCU la Uetp&ta la the JWOll'*(n.. tht. sum-rMpect to UWI pro~ betWffD _. woW4 IMrSlll Konllay mom-~ two srmclsa. lq, Aprt1 J. Tllis OOll\Jtl•ls try-Bpencsr rM«t tbs Sq.ya' Club out wll•'11Y follows: -policy, emph&atmnr Hiie 11 a DY.OW o.&na Harbor l.l'N ·or1antaaUon,. not a .AptU J _: ao,. .,.d lt·lt u o.ta MM& orpnl&aUon.. ot.aqt. 1, 19M, -.ms. Oo.t& . :::.. "'.:;,~ ..!::~· .,._ TOM GILLMAN'S m!::!'/·:,r.;; :O.::. •:;:; SPORTSMANSHIP l-10, alta'noon, oa.t& Nua Pull. MPIJ.Y AS YOU PAY" ti•Nrlilt• IS lftli IS 1 Oo/o BUC. TROY CREW RACE --: TOMORROW Apnl <. w...,_,, :_ so,. MEANS TROPHY 1-----------lrt. 11,Y In. Taylor lrium~ed ID il-lf, momin.f, Horace J:n.lp Tom Gillman ?'9CSiYed lhs QOESTION Is •. lho ooMury (10.l) and thi no llchooL l!o7o .. 10, .-.., Ho- (12.4). • race Dud.p Sehool. •port..n&n&hlp • .......,.. u re· The other Cout llr1t cam1 ln April :I, Thurad&y -Boy1 11· i ult of hi• ):>lay wtlh the CAN QUESTION lh• 880, Bob Buu. (2:03.7). ~ 11, m~. Youth C1nt1r, COi'-~~en~i:tet~i:u: MARKS PLAY? 1ult.1: 00& de! Kar. BoJ• a..io. after· e1nt 8outh1rn C&lltomla Shot , Johnlon {OC), T. Uvtnr· noon. Youth cuter, Corona del Boy•' Buketball Tournun.ent • -•ton (OCJ,"' J'iJ:udenlhal (l:C), Mar. al Culver ctly, TlwiN ld&y 'be • QuuUon fil-7'l. Mlle, Dal'il {l:C), Banil& Tiit bo)'ll are buitruet.ld. to &t· "It'• th• nneat award a Mark oo Ul• field Bunday, (00), Sonat (l:C), fi :fi7.1. ttO, 1.9™1.. P.. b'J.__..out CIUDl'll MUMl member or our team could :·:e.· .. -_ ......... ~9'*·t,.,... ____ ....,, -'come ;,; Ttiday ! .Let us help J011 with your Painting Probltltns~ • Elrht-oued lbelll w!ll nUh but It'• for 1Ure ~t lhe Harvey <EC), P~). lh•l1' bomea. FOi' tboM un1Lbl1 to rec1tve," d.clared Bob Gins· down Udo Ot&nn•I a t 11 a,. rp. to-newly chrbllal)ed C<»tl. MM& Scbwlnn (EC), M.fi. 100, T&ya att.nd U-1.ry.uu; fi ... t mak• rlcll, city r1ere&Uon director. morrow when Ora.n1e Coa1t Col-Brave•. formerly known u tOCJ, Hel(tllMln (EC), Don' Noah up tf')'-OUt.I wrrill lM held April Oillman wu hilh point Iese meetl the Unl'ltr1lty ot the M ••·• Mercha.nta. will !00), 10.l. H llh jump, 1'r9udoul· lfi, Saturday, at Colit.a Meaa man for thf ~aJ .quad Southern California. launch their Sabbalh diamond lh&1 (ECJ,. Ue between Boll Nor-Park. which W•• coached bv Art IK!bedule at eo.ta M-Puk (OC) d •·-·· f~) ' Four boat.I WW •tart In the 20Qi man an _... .. ,,... -... • Am.one tbOM .pt&ltbl1 at th• OuUtlllHn. He hit for ll meter •rnt. Tbe Tr0Jan1 w !D coni• 1 :SO P· m. :1·10. Broad jump, 8chmklt (ICCI, TouUi. Oentfr dllcumlion Wldnu-point. In th• three · .. ~ .. ........ .,. .. _.....__. CARVER CRAFT h•'le lltelr ...Wty-,arwS J•Y.r th:~::u~a ~i:!kmoaa~! T. Uvin11ton. (OCJ, Bmlth ·toe), dij ntpt Were Olnfrlch. Al played tty N•wport Beach 1n "1el11 ent1~ ror pracUce pur· 22·7. Ht1h hunll•. l:naan IEC), 8pucer, H&rbor Bof*' Club di· l'Mchlnl' con110laUon bracket 1998 'f""!'~~ ............... .;_ .......... n.e compet!Uon. u tar u tllld ! Knipp lOC), L. Ll~tca (0C), r.ctor: Grant HowW, You t ti ..ntnnai. ot th• caoe du-,,--. That Wtl1 bl the oppoe,lllon, 18J. UO Suau (QCI KUJer BL 0ranl'• COUt ll com:emed, wW bl accordln& to But.1ftN Mana· (z:CJ. Sb,ltter (OCI, 2:oJ.7. UO, Ce.nt.er;, JUn Ztil•. Robert Hart~ ;;"~';-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-=· lll.tllllO~~~·B:)lll'Jl~~·~..:~~:~;;:;;..::~:~~(;~==~~:::;:::::;;:;;=i wttb the 8C froeh boilL .ni. U •--Thl1 w1l! bs•-m.c. race o1. Uw c•r J:d L&n~Ul• Van Nuy. Taylor (OC). Hels..:io CllC)r ,,_ • "QuelUon MarU, a bulb&ll N'O&h (00). 22.'-. Tw& mlle, Dav\I •••· t-••-Pirate.. Th•v M¥t •---, ' • • ••· .w --•• ••"• •'' bee~ ,,.."~r~:; out 4ail7 si_,; •rly l----·---_;-·------(ICCJ,""111.ttla !OCJ, BNtftr (OCJ, .•. " ,. • ',, ... • ' . /"11-,,,. -• ~: ~.: ::-~~·B;;~i:; cLou Go \~r ~~;e£."\~c ~ THIS· WARRANTY· PROTiCTS YOU Next e'lent tor Cout. Will be a I Th' I d (EC), Hopklnl (QC), ti• betwe1n .. ~ , , race with UCL.A h•i:-an .Aprll 21. IC " inc I l"rtud9nth&l (ICC) &nd Boaard --·--•u t fECJ; 11 ..... Dl.cu1, John.Ion (0C), Ori M•y 12 lhe ..--........ ... mee Crew hff'en FreudenlhaJ (EC), Rodrl(Ufli I C u San Pedro and on May 19, OC · uc• .._ .. _ .. __ < ), 12.1--1~. 1te11y, EC. s;:u.2. they will vlllt .-f oaaou1• c";',:-...... In lh• PJn.i. .1 ... to-a.59 Defe·at Ma'cMlnlaft Honored morrow will be letterman Al Bak-Rod KacMllll&n, •thletle dlNC- er Gerald Bandlck Al Hathaway Oranr• Oout Coller-track· tor at Harbor Boys' Club wu .,;d Tom Pletll aic:n. W1th.l>U&ne lten dr9PPed a IMi practlc• th• 1urpr1Md recipient ot ~ llt• 8owen, --G.ry--Le e"la ••II, 11 O· Jllt.t.LtQ.....~~ memberlhlp tn tlle Everett Rea acbutlp1la and Jim 'I'lhbl. John. rat. oft.I Tu.sq, .AbMnoe ot IC:hool P·TA W9dnNCSa.y nlrtit. Sw!ln '*111 be ~n. Jlm Mor-1tt11 Harrilon. whQm OO&ch Huee-Inl'ited to dali.,.V a talk on b&N- rt80ft and Ron Sabo will lM alt.er-ton Harper 1li confldent ,wowd ball, Mac:MlUtan found he w11 to aate oaraman «9'1 couwaln. haft nabbed· \bl ~ .. ~b andt k>w ~" U11 award t.nau.d. th team Tom lnardl9 ncu. ~ ....., dif uenc•· 1-----------~ on • 1" '!'be duo ot fteld at.ar a,.ry ' em. Emil Dopyera. l!lwn. onm-.Job.MOn and dbb. IJ>Uk.Ml' Lff Tribe lecits OraftC)e ., llta4. °'!.,~-1::!'• ~ ~ ~-cantlrweil to tum ln tbetr 'Ibe dd•ndlnl BWlMt L • as u • WUHam ..,....., .t.dy p&1r ot nnta aplece tor dl&mond cha.mpton Fullvtoo ln· ~r. lb• OC tbh1cladl dlanl dlf•ted Oraqe 1-l In OJ*'• Jollaion cappad th• 8bot wtth Inc de'-ol their Mt Cf'O'lfll a put ot U ft. '"" ln. &Ad the J'•terda7 attvnoon.. Th• came d1M:ua With _.a. platter 1ptn ol 121 went .a.in• 1nnlnp. \.\.~I . B 1..r r f. ILICTRICALi.Y e ~,US HELP YOU e STAFFORD 4 ION · ':¥ -... • 'D :t1'•l Ooatnctun --- ,_' Ht ... ill<IJ! -l... - --. Lllloriy MM4 - O.........,•keere]oll--. cn1Mdisidl9 .. of.,.ad faaw"41'P1 .... Tlwy .. , ____ ...,. *"-..m., '°" °" oaJr diet.....__. ....... ,.... plir wodt -,.., CMtboud -· lo+i-1 ,_ • w S-.llDIW •• heTe dMa • ..-,_11."'w:iw. SOUTH COAST COMP-ANY Nowpori amt a& :lard 8~ Harl>orzeGO ....... ..... ·••··· ... -.- ---summer Leagpes • Now Forming Koeday 6 :45 p. m. ......... 495 -rrio ' ' I :'5 p. m.. •.. _. __ Jlbed 5;1 -I .-. -! Ladle. l'lloaday 6:30 p.m ,__.,.,,....., • • 9 :00 P. "'-------llnllp c-t;lie111 -Trio -iWOObJ<•day 6:4-0 p. m. _____ _Jloll & <111a1Ji -4'1 '' 8:'6 p. m. ___ MO 8& ..... Trto Danda7 lr.0 p. • 1 1•11' ._... 'ldD '' S:t.5 p.m. .,. .. ·0 1' rr1•t1·1•r.·•s"llolssipp ~ 8t4-0p.m. .... w...... _ --3:46 ,.., O,oaillo•Vs 'M--!"'ll"'lii"'M.o-------' v••-~s ~BO.WU•G . ' 11'1. 111tK, o.,e...a.. ,_ Ao•''''' la Ill .. k IA ., ............. .. __ .,,...._ ' ' ) I I _._,n•' IT LASTS 9 MONTHS LONGER TH.\N A NEW CAR GUARANTY, Yot1 wll be proNctecl from any coats of repalri' wllldl May .tie for -,._.,fr-~ of pwcllcne Oii ti.. folowlat special '*" a 1o11or. Good for 1 ~ _,.,. 1a .u~:. -, • • .i .. ST.tND.tml TB.tN81118810N . .tV'l'OllM'IO '.l!B.A?<SIDll8IO!f -.. -wl -°""" -and' ........... ••• --..---,---~=· ....... -:···-Ja ·-· di • .• - OLU'l'Cll ll1'll:UINO Dloc Froa& ulo ~ - l'I ess""' plate ( uerep& a I J a a m e a t Belew beutmp. ud lld,Ju' II). (liMla _, p1hta &. lie-..,-..i, wllli.,.. .......... ) 54 CHEVROLET CORYil IE 53 OLDS SUPER "a" ~DOOR BeUer rsaust« &Mio P•ter Pwr •• ._.,. Pwr. Bib. WSW 'l'lrel ~ ~ i---.. $Z095 . $16tl ' 56 OLDS "91" STARFllE 12 PONTIAC: 4-DOOR ~ ......... ,.,,, ~~~-­ l'blo ----sm\ .... -· - .tll 11eW Sia .. w_. --..,_ Perteet I $1095 • 55 CHEVROLET Y4 4-DOOR 53 FORD V-1 RANCH ·WAGON -..io a.a. WIW lbw .... 9·,te1 Ote•lwe Spuldloc 111ao1r a ---waw ,._ U1oe -..,... a .n 1 $1HS . i4tl' e PLUS MANY, MANY _ ottilRS . e_ CH .l ;Y-R·o ·l11-· LUCKY 7 KAR ·li -AL , . · ' . MILLIR 700 W, Cwst Hwy • -Chemlllt 1000 W. c-Hwy. • • "' .. !Uieity .. USI ' • tlberty .. 22, 1 • ., • ' • • • • , . • '• ' I ·- .•,. : _r • PA6E 2 ! PART 11 .__ NEWPORl HAUol NEWS-PRESS "UITLl!l BOT.a&dr-TBluhaii -Fred Schenck of N-rt ,Harbor Yacltt Club aailod hill'Cbequen- doque (whlch mean. little hot•hot ili Cube) to I • I victory in the -Snipe ttee d uring NHYC's annu&l Spring Gold Cup eeriea laat ~-end.-Becckner Ph<>I<> . . • ' UGAL ·NOncl • • . ~AKA.. ( l&r)J ,...a ~ .aopted ._, • ni, ....,,,,.-<lab 'Ol ~ -0... IL Jst ts, .....,., m..un., or the Ot7 OOUndl ot · a.& OOli.p ~a »<w.r. oo OClll"Jll*a ........ VIM. ,.. UW 01;)' ot. Newport DMch hid ~o A• llll!W'* at ~1 luncbeon '*"9d to tM u.a. ......._ ..,..,. a U.. 1J _, OI )llatc.b. JJM.. bl ... inc lut,,, '•7, It WU .C.&t· M~ N .. OldM'ft. lilU'dl I Mlfll tM ~ ~ wit: fit tod&1. UM Ngal ,ao.plt.&I at T@ttaJts, ·~=cmKmN: ' ,....... ) • " WJLDDl, 111'()[).. UGAL1 NQ11CI ta. lllCffoa. wt.th llMc -.aUrWllt.- St)' UM ot Ute afoNm.UoMd ,...,. ot land l"'Ultad to tll• Clb'olNawport 8-cb; ~ nortb........., aloar aald -*'h....url7 ltne and &lofta -·aty ..........,. """ .. "" point ot be(lnnlng, Ho. lOI N"'•~ . 'u. ,i. u.. -ot Mr. an• lfN. ·IUJlO, mOB.m. RIDDJ:.8- l'nak L ~ ot JIOT ·&aata ,·ltor, JO:U.~~'·:~~~-~~~~?'J~~·;"'iJ4~ (»oCa ,._ , NO !> ld bu opened for on.om _... ttd from ~ N~ V..t.. T ... osaTDPO.t.TE or BlJIDQ.88 tutil:rt en~ u the re.ult ot · u •• -.ua , , · -~~ · , -..,_ . BoU1'WOOd ~ School u4 wal il'Tl;p: ' ,._ -., . --ftMIM n... N.,.._ epplkaUONI m&4e &D UM U9e of iamp&o;.4 by Carter~ A.rt.14_ KAllOl!ftT ,amtoVf>lft ....---.'Ji._ ~ .do ~ cer• p&uU.ct.· ~ l&id. l ' • BuppU• lb North ""llywood. al.7 Qatr, Uf7 Ulat tM)-an ' con4'Uelkl&' ._ ftl. ..... the a.utJl ., a ~ ~=~~~U:=tfiiij(ji::~--J.-.i; o . mu:. ~. deltcateue.n and ~olie or nooa i.ctw. 9CheduW f« ·,.., i. ~ .. at :sTt s.it'l'rth ftJtneerbtJ 1ti&dentrm P'fo'rtdf"!fl.. --l.EGAHff) ==,..,, ... ~.,;..::-_:_4~ , _ -. bt lnl4; vanou. anu ot ~· 1 • ~DaUP'l10N OF' der Uw ftcUUoua firm name of aeerlq emJllo~t : 4dvtaon,,ol NO'l:ICl:""'OP INTENl)&D &AJ..S RELlfOT ANNEX ANTRONT"B MARKST aad that llwl Enclnffl'• Club en Obar ... KOTICS XS BlCRllBY OIVJ:N: BtttM11tC &l AACJ• point in .ald·ftnn' 19 oom.poMd ot the ~1- • . Ltwta, Jen? EWm Uld Cy Roolley. _L-'n&I. M1LA:1\UNDl:R,. Vtodor, u.., boundary Un e or th• City 1owin.K Pll"90nat wboM nam• In wboM addreM ii 1aoi H•¥tn ~.._ o( li'fWJIOl"t. &e...cb, ll&6d ~le run ud P~ ot'rt.ldtoce ue u DEATH ..t. bl the"acy of Newport a.di. jlOb:lt Mlnr the moat wnterly ronow.. to-wtt: N011CE °""'"'., ""'-· ....... -Oi)j. _-.,,.that "'""'" _., ANTHONY Prl'RUZm:t•<>, ---------'·;...-·llOl'ftl&. lntendl to ..n to t,, J , cf.lud puled to the City ot ~1~ !:ut 17tb I~ OIL\&L&8 8CHW IWUST. VendM, W..:0-. ......._. N..,.-t Beach~ by dffd dat.ed ' C.O.ta M-. Ca!lt. C. ' ARTZ le Ql kiDp ao.d,,,lll U..Clb' 0( J~22. 191', and NCOl'ded MA.RY LC. PETft\]'Uillr.ro, Co t J • Cht.rle. JoM Schwartz,~ 7S, or ff"'Jl(Wt 8-eh, 00'.mb' ot Or-ht Book.'&30, Pqe 22 Of Deedil. 171 lllut ~ Street, . wan 0 OIR 000 Al'-"' A ... : <lod Much 20 ...... ltate ot cau-tho fol, -ot ,,._~ Count7o Coot&"-cant, at an Orance hospital atter a ~· ~b.cl pa'IQIDa1 prOp-Btat•'ot Ol.Utornsa. ...W arcl• Wltn-. oUr b.arMM tb .. UUa day School Food lengthy Ult1eu. He wu a naUve. ~,...to-~t: ' potDltJ8St b9tq bl & l!JM l1il'lc' Of M&tth, 1954! 1 Of Illtnoll and h-.j li'led here tor .411 #tock , ln. t.Nde, fb:turt111, IO I.Mt .ouun11uterly. ot ud -· ANTHONY PE'l'RUZZD:LLO I ~ 2 ~· yun. He WU • mtimber tJtulpm.1111t' and. rood w1ll Uld p&l'IJJel .to th, northw.terty MARY I . c. PETRUZZISLLO eet March 5· of We11t lr'Viilg Ma.aonlc Lodse Trade Nante Of • eutaJn Cleaning une of Lot 16', BIOck 2:, Of_ BTATI: OF CALIFORNIA I llM ot Chicago. bUllMtl, Jutiewn u TIP TOPPERB lrvine'a SubdJvifd,on u lhOWft COUNTY OF OR.ANOE )u. ~~ Gowan, director of food Re 11 iurvlv~ by hill Wife, CLl!A.NERS, arid located at 1887 upon a map recorded ln Mia· Of tMI 13th da.y Of Mareh, A.O. aer1;tpe, Newport Beach elemen-Mu, of the home; three eona, Onnc• Avenue In the ctty of eo... cellaneoo. Book l\ Pqe 38., 1961, before me, the wuJeraignMl. Ch 1 R • Ra d ta M-Cou ...... ..A Oran••· St.ate Recordl of aald n-n*e Colin· a Notary Public in and for the (ary; achool•. wfll preelde at one area · or t • home, y an ··~ -............ c "' nJ both t c d 1 M ofCalltorntaan.dtbatauJe,trana· _ty;tbenee&OUU:twMterlyalonc sald Oonuty and State, r..Jdin, or i•he rlemoruitr\tioni 11 t the -..wa , o orona e ar " and three grandchildren. Serv1ce1 tel-. Uld Ullrnmen\ ot ·the Nqie ••id pu.Uel llne a d1'tance of lhen!ln, duly comnU•loned and MArcb 27 tll!tslou of the Third were held today at 10 a . m . at wUI ba niade,,and th• coruildetl.· &ei.00 feet; thence 90ulheut· 1worn, per90nally apPeare d Aru11fal Su.te Confen!nce or the Bal'I Mortuary, Corona del Mar Uon therefore will be paid a( 2;00 erly QIU'alltl to the eouthwest· A.NTHONY Pl!:TRUZZutlLO and ea/1,:..rnla School Food Service chapel wft.h the Rev. !'AwlA c. o'c1oclc p.m .. on Ute BeconltdaJ of erly tlne ot Aid parcel granted MARY I. C. • PETRUZZIELLO, -i Oomk rrl 1 ,, • .-, ... A-1 1968, at 'the bCl'OW -rt-t.o th• Ctty of N"'l>Ort Bel.di known to me to be the pe.-.onii ANOdtatlon In Santo M-'ca. e o c et ng tore ... er w ,,., v•.., _ ...__,_ "''-' ment ot THE M.uuNERB BANK to a P'H4•t ot lntenecU01l W1t.b w~ neme11. are aul»crlbed to tta .. -, lo·•I '"""'• domo.,.'"•tloo, Seatarlnr Lodge r A AM. Private . h --• •·-1 wl"' l t t aod k ''0 ~ ... "' interment followed. at 2UJ· ~t Coa.tt Rtpwa1, In t e n ... -.... we1......-y line or tha uun · n1 rumen , ac no\lo'- "Meet ~fr. Eltlubltor," will be 1--------------the City ot Newport Beach, County IO feet ri&ht ot way dMCdbed ledfed to me that they executed 11ven~ the final day ot the O(_ Oran1e, State ot Callfomij. In deed to the Slate ot Call· the Mme. thi;ee conference, March u -Commfs,ion Okays _Dated Jril&rcb ,1, 19M ·~ fornia NOOrded in Book 683, In wltneea whereof, I hava hen!· 27. lfe berahlp of the &a#OCla-NILA RUNDER, Vendor Page 248, of otflclal Record• llnlo litt my han<I a affix~ my tlon Jnclude• achoo! dlatricl ca!e-Buck G~lly Rfftroom L. J . BUSSEY, Vendee ot a&id Orange County; Mid )tfl eea e ay an year n ' terfa 11Uper\'110r1, manage~ e.nd No. 1'36 New1-Pre• 3/23/H polnt ot lnter.ecUon lying In this Cerllticate finit above written Why the clty baa not bullt a penonnel. reit room in Buck Gully wu die· the bound1ry line ot the City 'fi.EL.EN J . TIPPETT Installation of (lfflcera la .ched· 8"Glatio. No. ""9 ot Newport Bee('h; ·thence My Comml111non Expire• uled during a b.e.nquf't Mart'h 26 cueaed at the meeun. of the p&l1!..t, A RESOLUTLON OF n-Tll:l'lo"TIOX northeasterly along aa!<I north-July 4, l BeP beach a nQ recreation cwnmlaalon TO A'"''"'•X • "D Ol'"XG In the Sa.nta lotonlea Miramar •"•"&. "'--'" .,.. we11terly line and alon1 1a11 No. 1436 New1-Preaa Tue8day. Part ot the iully need-'"'OTT~t -r.nr.o-Hotel. '"" ' •.,. · • "' City Bourulary line to 11.n in- 3 23. 30, 4/6, 13, 19~ Gets License ed for development before the reel-WHEREAS. there 11 1ltu1ted I ~;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;; ___ ~--------------.;;;;o._.o-;o;;;;. ___ • room Ls buUt hu oot been pur-out.ide and conllguou. tO the City I: chued, lt Wll.I stated, and lt wu of Newport Beach, a certain unln- bellev&d thl1 wu holding up tha habit.rd territory within the mean • Come in and. get your Free Ticket. for a Ne"' Slow~ Sf-ART, FAST FINISH FOR RACE SACRA ttE NTO, (CNSJ -The Improvement. Inf of the Annexation of Unln-1956 BUICK .. eonlr11ctora· &i1tle llcenee hoe.rd The eomm\1i1iton voted to reque.t habited Territory-Act of 1939, ••Id announced qualirtcauon ot Henry the city council to buy the reat territory beini' more particularly Along with th~. rest of the 157-boat fleet, the 12 Thistlea Whlch competed in E. Erbe. 829 Bayaide Drive, New-o! the gully park alte and proce~ hereinafter dell<'rlbed: and . N~wpcirt 'Harbor Yacht CJtib's Spring Gold Cup aeries ha<l an exciting race Sunday p<irt Beach. for a 1eneraJ bullrJ-Immediately 1•.'ith con.atructlon of WHEREAS, the owner or old l'LUS 25 OTHER PRIZES FREE ·ar •-h 1· h . ddenl to t 'ml& hi h th ing conlract.or& liceaa..o. :he reatroom. properly· haa expreuM ilaelf aa temoon-wuor;o t e 1g t &11'"8 su y gave way-gua y wt w c eeot em -------------------------!being de1lrou1 or having the ••me flying around the coUrtJe. · Winner in thia claaa wu John Daniell of NHYC. -LE GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE '""'"•with th• City or Nowpoct Beckner Photo · Beach: and -----------------------------------------1---------------------------WHEREAS. It would be for ,lhe City Pattolman Exam Set April 4 Moore GnMJ Taken Gerald W. lloore or 1813% E. Ba.Ibo• Blv'1. Tburaday noUlled TM cllJ civil Hr,ic1 board to-police ot lh~ then. of liquor. valued •ay &nnOUt11ed u eaamtnatton al J147.24 trom ht. prt,fe. Moore W'lll M Mid rot lh• po1ltJoa of Mld tie believed lh1 liquor ;._. pallet; patrolNan oa April 6 at College Paper Wins __ Awa[ds at Redlands • a . m. In city hall ~ubcU taken .omeUme between March 1 ~hambers. Final date for ftllnC and March 3. Included In the •ppJ..lcatlon 1-March 2e. rn1'1slnl" liquor, Moore reported, Special awarda in five cateaor· Application blank. may be ob-we,.. lO bottlu of Scotch, nine le11 were eame<l by the Orange talned from the city civil .er-botUe••or 'tlllne and 12 botlle• ot Cout couere Barnacle 11.t !he •ice office. city hall bow"bon. Uai\'UalU¥ ot Redlands Joumal· ;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;:;;;;;~;;;::;;;;::;;;;:::;;;:;;;:;;;I tam Day March 1. J ucfge1 egpec!a\Jy p1·ar11ed ne\1:1· writing and ed..LUnc-. makeup and l)tpoST•phy, INlure .. 1port11 a nd ~. n. OQDtelt included enlr re~ porn , mOlt iouUiem Californ1t1 junior oollet.e pa?eN. ' STANDING -BY 0 ~l, FOR FAST . - SERVICE . I When illnesa strike. without warning, speed bl vital. Our higbly ... killed i'egiltered. pha.r· m&ciate cooperate fully wit.h your doctor ... till bi8 preecrtptioll& with greatest speed, accuracy .. , deliver on the double-quick! Plea-. Note Our NEW , TELEPHONE e NUMBER LIBERTY 8-2253 3 Line 1-'-All the Seme Number For Your C onvenience Papu1 w.re not ranklld ln or· der of the JUdgM' choice. but QIU.rt Brown, dlr.ctor of public nl~ll~1 •t the Untv•rslty uf Re~11.naa, declired Ul'at'"th.P Bar- nacle _ compared favorably with pJI olhw entr11e11.. Tblitffn, 1turlent .... Chuck Bab- coek, Al"dtn 8111.ck. Sue Counter. Jen>y tbin1curn. f.1a rilyn !ng- mundi!on. Bea I rwin, John Mur1ha, Gerald McKenna, Keith .\.funn"", Pat.y Phillipa.. Rodney Shlmmon, Bill Stockham, 11nd Don Youn(, attended thd day-long proi rarn. S~he• Wtl e given by John R~ae, f.,1tture wril"r fo r lhe S11· tunclay EvenLnr Po11t and Col· ller'a: Dave Ackley, th•y 11111.1111J1· ln& editor for th" S11 n l:iernaldln1> 8un-Teleg"ram ; and Ch.,rle11 f.foh- ler. iUlll()(:i11.te editor for H111,·hart and Company. Chuck B-.bclock, c~&dltor of the Barn11.cle, Newport Belll•h, ut 011 a pll.nel wh11·h tti~cu"8ed the junior coll e1e" new11p1tper, Kellh r.lonroe, the 0th.tor B<i rnscJe co- editor. Co.Illa lo1 e111, wa• une <Jf the tludent. ukeor;I to cont rlbut•· que11tlon.t to the j:lanlll. -Uve mettrr.ant1 a.re lhoq adveru-pattpn_lfe them. People f¥J read tlle Pre• who ... City of .:"oiev.·port BM.ch beat lttteruta for the City ot New- Mtak' uf Callfomla port beach and ft. cltlunm that . :oiOTICF. TO OOl'lo"TRACTOR~ 1atd ctty &nlW( laid territory; and SEA LED PROl>OSALS will be received at tb~o!!ice of the City WHEREAS, the City of Nev.·- CJe,rk, GJ ty Hall. City or NeOA•port Beach, Ca.tlfor a, until 7:30 P.M. port Beach did on or about th$ 20th ttay of February, 1960 1ub-on the 11th day of April 1960 at V"hlch lime they will be publicly opened mil to the Oran&• County Boun. and rud"for p~r!q_rm.J!I.; work a& follov.·1: dary-Commlnton a lepl deacrtp- For the Resurfac lni;' or Uon add plat of hereinafter dc- Bay Avenue •nd Balboa 1crtbe<f uninhabited territory tor Boule\·ard. lta apprnviJ pu..-uant to the pro-~o lilrl V.'ill be t ecl"lvcd unleu It lis made on a propctNl !Orm turn-rtalOn. ot SeeUon 3:I002 of the !1hed by the Clly Enalneer. Each bid n1uat be ae<:ompanJed by (caeh, Government Code of tho State ot cert1/led or CaJlh1er'& check, or btddt>r'• bond) made payable to the Callfornli; and City of Newport Beach, for an 11.mount equal to at lea.et ten pottt.nl WHEREAS, on .March 12, 1968 t lO 'k I of lhe emount bid, 11uch ruaranty to be forfeited ahould the th ere wu tiled witb the Clty Clerk b\dder to whom the rontract l1 awarded tall to enter Into the contract. or the ctty of N-port Beach an rn &<'C"Ordance v.·lth the pro\•11\0111 of Section• 1170 to 1781 of the approval of .. id Orange County La1x11· COO!' the City Council or the City of Newport Beach haa u -Boundary CommJ.u!on pur.ue.nt to l"ert11 inl'd UI•• genl'rlll prevailing rate of wqu applleable to tha work the provlliorui of .. 1d Section to be done as rollow&: 1 Carprnt<'r C<'1ne nt Fl111~her CLASSIFJCATION Laborer.~. Cl"ners l or Conatruct1on . 33002 or uld Government Code; -NOW, THEREFORE, 8£ IT RE- Hourly Per Diem SOLVED by the City Coundl or ?.'are Sct.ie -Wage the City of Newport Beach that ..... 2.90 23.20 the following deelaraUona and ·-· 2.825 ll.60 noUoee be made and rtve: .... ,_ ... 2.20 19.38 IT 18 HEREBY DECLARED, All pl'lnlt Rakl'r anJ l111ner 2.41 19.28 that proeeedln&'I have hem lnltlat· Fl11.g11111n " 2.20 17.~ &d by t he City ot' Newport Beach \\"atchn111 n •11d 1o r Guli rd 2.00 16.00 to annu the 1ald terrlt.ory her-e- A pprentice ~:ng111ttr, UH~luchng l"trentan, Oller, inafter de1crlbed., which Mid ter• Grea.11er .................... 2.26 18.00 rlt,.ory II conUtuoua to the preaent Air Comprr"5<Jr Opt-ra tgr .... -......... 2.37 18.K boundart• ot aald city an.d which Asphalt Plant F'1~n1a n ....................... 2.M 21.20 satd territory now b unlnhabtted A&phal1 01· Ci us hing Plant Engineer .. -............ 2.81 22.48 within the meanlnr of the Annex- Cuncrcte or Aaphalt Sp.reading. M&ehanlcal atloft of Uninhabited Terr1tory T•mplnc or Fln!Hhing !\larh!ne Oper11.tor 2'.81! 21.44 Act ot 1939; and leclare that the Conr rete J.ilxer O~rator -Paving Type and reaaon1 for aeld annexation are Mob!JP Muter ... ·-2 flt 2!.2!1 tha t the owner of •aid territory Concretf' Mixer Operiq.or -Skip Type ........... 3.62: 20.18 d""lr• that It be annexed to the , Hf"ll \'}' Duty Rep1t1rn1ah . .. ................ 2.2& 18.00 City ot • Newport Beech and It Motor Patrol Operator\ including any type of ..,ould be for lhe bell lnter11ta of Power Blade 2.82 22.~ the City of Newport Beach end Pump Operator ..... ·-··--·--···· 2.52 20.16 It • cllluna that said city &nnex A.oiler Operttlor ........... ...,_ .......................... 2.60 20.SO l&l<J t.rrttory. ' Tractor Operator-Bulldoier, Tamper, Scraper, NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN or Drag Type Sho\•el or Boom Atlachmenta 2.68 21 .44 that It la proPQled by ..W City of T'rencblnr M11.rhLl'le Ope:ret~r .. 2.78 22.-08 Newport Buch to annP: aald here- Unlver~l Equipment Operl!.lor ~Shovel, Drag· lnafler described territory to Mid line Derrick., Oerrlck-Be.rge, Clanahell or city, which a&ld ter'rlt0l'7 •hall ln Cranel ,.. 2.91 23 28 theee proceedlnp bear thl" nam,t Drlvera of Dump T ruck• of 11111. than 4 yardA · "Hellpot Annex". The 1peelflc a .. Wati!r Level .. . . .. . 2,30f 18.44 tcrlpliorf of tba boundarl• of U.. Any cluaUlcatlOn omitted herein. not 1.a than 2:.00 16.00 len'ltory to pl'O~ to t>.-inne.11- All hLct. t.re to be oompare<J on the baa1I of the ctty l:ncineer'1 ed 11 attached hereto marked e1Umate 6( the quant!tlea of work to be done. Exhibit "A " and by reference No bid v.·JJI be a ccepted from a ContraclOr .who•hu not been 11-made a part he~f. cenaecl In accordance wtt'.h the provt..Jon of Chapter fl, Dtvl1lon lil of l'VRTlUCR NOTICI! 18 lf!lRm. Uuatne11 and l'rofeMiona Code, · 8Y OIVl!lK thet on Monday. tlle Plana may be ·loffn. 11.od forma o( propo111aJ, bond•. contract, and ~th day of April. 1956. at the hour 1peclflea.tlona 1nay be obtained Ill the office of the City Engineer, CUy ot. 7;80 p.ra .. In the Covnctl Cham· Hall. Newport Ue11ch, Callfornla. bu9-ot U.e City Hall of the ctty The 1peci1J ettentftln of prmopectlve bidder& \1 eall&d to the "Pro--ot Newport Beech, 3300 W"t polllll Rl"q uirernenls and Condi llrmtl{ annexed to the blank form of pro. Newport Bo 11 I e va r d. Newport pusal, for full <t\l'eetiona a~ to blddln« etc. Beach, Calltornla. a h~arlng wlfJ The Cit1 of Ne"Wport &ach refftvllt_ Ule right to r•Jecl My or be ht.d •l which hearing any ))t'r- bida. ~ ownln( 1ny real property iMthin lhe boundtu1• of the ter· rl\ory 10 propoeed to be annued ('Hy of Nev.·pOrt Bt>aeh, Calllornta r.1. SCHROUDSR, City Clerk Deted· Marrh 16, 1P5tl 1434 :"Jev.·&-PrP~~ 3/16. 23, 1966 in ~EE the -PHONE..., fol' DELIVERY Harbor Area • :i~~:-;:;e'-,:pon: ==~ ll r'-"''-'-'-"""'"''-'-'-;;;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;~l•ll·on and •how calUJe wby auc~ territllry •hould not be., annued. • THE l'RE!lCBll'll'rON PHARMACY FOB ~ BABllO~ A.RU • ; 1104 NEWPORT ILYD. - t;aJ'k FrN at Rear of Our ·{iton~ We Give S & H GrHn Stamps witlI"' State f•m-lwni1HI Ct•paaiH ' ~;1011 £) '#, L ~ L !.. C•ln• /183 t:. 17th St. Cost&M ... o,_ ••\'erf l.1 l'!llnr: 'til 7 P. M, The above and foregc:rlnl' Reto- luUon f'463 .... duly and ng11- Trapp 6. Sons Western Gasoline Product& .•. Auto Acce880rie8 2101 Harbor Blvd. U ~21 ·~ta Me1oa Open Dally, Sunday~ Holidva from 6 L m. to llldnlte ·CHECK THESE LOYL LOW !'RICES! FUEL PUJ.1P 1:!: .. ::::."'.... . _ . $3.50 BATTERIES 0 ;,:.;"'.'' ·---····· _ $4.99 •• LOCKING GAS CAPS _____ $1 .61 SCREWDRIVER sm ~·::: ....... $1.25 YANITY VISOR MIRROR , 79' FLOOR MATS ;;:;:· "~ '"' """'. _ $4.00 PALM WHEEL SPINNERS . ___ 50'- CURB FEELERS .... ~t _$1 .08 EXHAUST ExTENSION '°""""'> ___ 69' FLASHLIGHT • <f!l Incl. '""'"" ., .. _,_·--·· 98' RADIATOR CLEANER . __ .. _.::._,__ 75' POU$HING CLOTH ~ ...... ,.,:,. _, 29' CAR WAXING ~~!°· _ ._.$7.50 ,FRF;E ,., Sl.IMl can of CAB WASH with the purch~ of reg. $2.00 IK>ttle of Tari-le Wu: ' This Week's Moment of MadneM I I 1 ... OIL FILTERS Type wlt• "' 59' ' °"" eb.utc'• -.-....... __ _ ALL ~ OIL FILTEl!S ...W. Oil Qbaage 99c , LET OUR P&lllLY SERVE YOUR FAMILY RESI DENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL . COMMt RCIAL NO JOB '1'00 LARGE OR SMALL 230 'soth 81., Newport e..cll Harbor U11 .. ·' ~ I , -• -i: _ ~~ ) • -~ --1 •_;.----· ,r ... ;,. • ··;-:,:~ • ... -,J. • • ~~· ~ f~·~~~~~··~~"~"'~·~=:crr-=:--:::•~•~,~·~ ·~-·:::~-;::::,~~~:;::-·::=:.:::::-:?:-:::::::::::::::::;::;:'::::-~~:::::-2::;:;;;;;.-:;;:~~~~,~'~-;:'.::::::::;•-;;:;~·Tr!•Li'.:':::::~E:;::::::-:~~-~·~--::;:r :=:~~:=~~=:'f':'7:"'~":;:~~::"'7':'.::;;:::;'.:-=-~-=":-:::~;;:=;:~~~E;~ •. i • ' -' ,.. ' ~ ---co .• -~----'""'.--.:.. • ----7 --~ ' ~ L ~,.._~·~---~~-·~;;...,__.;; .---.. .-- -' •a a a • .._;.._ . ~U=;!!'!=i!i?~l~a.~ntii'i"==:l~ll~ll~I ~K~l-~~11!~1111W~~~· ~:1•!,!:~M 1 , 1 • •• 7 il1 -,! ' NEWl'ORT HARBOR N~ -PART 11 -PAsE l ; . -~!J~Y , GU.AK¥t1.U1111----i1----.CV ;.l\·Pf' ~ _ · ~ .. ~"'-~--" .JO.. ·'; ~+.-i..~hm.ersf-MAllCB~CE FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1956 , ~ or-tJii Newpaot. &ttior ~ ..... ,.,._ i. _... n • -·-r 1'1LDK:1.UYI 1 ------,.:___..:..:..:...:;~=====---i cu....,,teed. cuner...,. w111 c1e11wr their papaw .,. REMODELING ....... 0 -. I --' • .o ... l\D'Ua.. • ... --. .......... !•!:!•~•~n!!•!!!!!r!*!!......:;-c...._..!SO:HP~=:!:!PP!I!!!!'!!.!'!!'"!!-..:.-:... __ fore 6 p.& OD Mooci'l.Y 1 w-..say a.ad~. U ")'OUr' _ WANTZD ~for llOy·.f. bl J*JI' Blth-ftlellty l"llOOfd.I 6 ta-... an &a~ I d. nllla ._._ '81.60 ... P•IJOf 11 aot dellnr'ed "'.lhat boar ·'--call ~-~· -.. ..._. ~ .. ,..-: ......,. _. ..,..... '!'llT ]!OR YOU kl:l..VDIATOft, ,.,. -· • ..,. APPLIANCE _ "'I .--PU"VUT ~um oe. uw.r 1.n c:::wc 9" ~ • at ah --·--·····-·-.. 111.&0 1 1616 and .. your carrier will brln& YOW' paper. 1 ,.,.. ad"OI PboN Jl&r, 0008-W a.J,tata. Hat. GSU·W after M"'QOrtt .._ttM new COLDePOT, tnWb&Uled -Ml.DO ~=~;~=:=~~~~·~~§~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~·==~~~'--~~-~-~~J• P. m. ' llcllO ~•boeuvtat~,fl ~n~~c:;:;:!: T\I rnr'.l'llALS · ~ . .ft y's MeffJf.nenC ARBOR . H1· ~~0·.~~-"'•.,:.;, I Y \r"n.1 ~ CIC .,. • d. . ----... llTI --~~ ............. , ••• ,. . a-s·s· I •• Alcobo!l!:I ~ w .. ~ -·· .... 'N-. Bhd: 'JIU .... 1 ~cm.--:;;.;,;;;;:-;;;;-~::::: .NEW MAYTAG RANGE, Ror. 209~ 1'1ow .,;.:!_.$1S9.95' ,. I • • ,I ' ' .;} 1-- I • _ :..=:· ~ c:: V=.....,. ~ 71ttc VACUUX CLEANERS, ....,_.a.1, Ueed WF.STINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT ... __ $119.50 .,_. -'"" L1bott1 .. ~ --CONCERTO SPECIAL -·---------····· SI to 111.00 UMd WE.5'l'INGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGE . . ~~~::::7-:::::':'.':"-:-:;,.~~"'::'.'~ .._;;~.;;;;...,.;;...;; j __ .;.._.., __ . ..__~.,.:J--'·k I __.._,,. I .. OONCl:R! '""" V ALUJ: """1W., °"""".__ Double Oven -Deep well ·------·--·---AH9.l50 ~ ao,,_ .... ,_Iii._ '&9'1 c 1 • .,..,.,,,,,,, uol)11: .-el)"" u: •'YJ> ng ~-accordtmr. v.....w SERVEL REP'RIGERATOJt-9 cu. tt. _ ~9.~ 4 U-1 ~--~--., ""• -•--... -1• B ... m Aldi P'l'f•" wllh '""' qv&llty ---·-.... -~ ::; _::;:c. s . r•tu~. 8TR.OOTS HARDWARE, .~ • Lines 2 -1.GO ... ,, .... .%11 ... ' • erv1ce • Tl\ElllONDOUB BUT ""-USED TElXVISION BUYS ~ ~ S -Z.00 "'4'l. -· .%11.· ... -~:;!!~-~:a.. FOR~ BUan<EBa ... .,.,. $199 1802 N-rt lllvd .. "°"'" w ... SYLVANIA 21" Console with, Hllollgbt --·-·-... $J89,9(1 4 laeerUou .. l..60 mdd'L .._ .15 ea. um.. ...... ~ Md i.tr traetora. W•,aet up boob tailor-SWEET:S-1EWEL, RY LibertJ' 1~ PHILCO 24." Mah. Console, excellent condidtiOG l23tt'.ro ......... WuW .U.-=-~~~ ~~a.la a.-...._,,, tm. Wped-No -. twwtn1-~IC ~:r ~~ m:C~ It LOAN O'KD:n: • Merritt a.. -Ranp. PHIL00 1211" Table model ........................... ------------$49.~ -----·------------------1.,,.':,~_L..,~!~ u": •• 1:.0671 rate1. Harbor '611-J. T•pllh 408 \i I:. 4lh St.. Banta Ana lBM dll'IUXe model. lamp and R. C. A. 21" Walnut ConlOle--Real good ·--···--·$129.50 .......... acau.., -1-----_.:. ____ _.::__ I .o.uy t ·)I) to 1 Fri 9 30 1 clock with· oven Ume:r, ch.rom• G 7 NEWPORT HABBOR NEWS-PR~ U. , , · • · ' ;:.,.. frill .,.,,., •n• un "' o;p. • E . l " Blond Conoole .............................. _ .. ____ ... _ .. $59.50 ----::;:-;;------j~W:!:;:;!!ldp!!!!~"!!!~~'.t.-.:.t.·,;~-u.i. 1 month, balanc. ow.it EJ.fERSON t•" M&b. Console ··-··-·····-----·-------U2.5<l Every Monday, Wednesday ·aad ft'lday . Cell cAFm • MAJUNJl • .,, -All Fresh Hearing Aid ~::~• .~.;~ ;,:~·,::,.-: .... ,:; PHILCO 12•,1," Mah. c&.olette ....................... _. ____ $49.50 COASTAL SHOPP ""R -Wednesdays y R I A c· ' ...... ™""DIATELY, Bay-BA1Tl:RIES , ........... my oqvlty {AO. OLYMPIC Blond Console 16" with doors ......... -........ $119.95 ~ our e ex-~ IZOr view Employment Ac•ncy, 2127 W• 01 .. NH OrHh &tamp• See anytime day or evt-nlnr. CONSULTANT. w. c-· H•i•w•y. LI ..... ,, G "" w. Ch<pmon, o,..,.. DA v Is -BR 0 w N DEADLINES ior Pl.actn&' or eanc•Wnc" ads llHI For Monday Publie&tion -Frid&y 6 p.m. Demon11tnitlon.t, no obUpUon l""=-==o-===~-·~·~,..~ underson Drug Co. KEU011 8-Ml7. '' BONNIE WlLSON-KYatt t-MM II.ART TIMI: WAlTR.llSS, Wed-)(&In IL at BtJboa BlYd, Balboa 1---:.:.--~-----18M Harbor Blvd. Coat& Meu. or HYatt li..f3H eeda 8a A 8 ll&rbOr tilt!. Pr lDl!lAL FOR R£NTALB, Stove Liberty 8-3437 g•-•• .lp.. n y, turday unday. $t0, Rdrlz. $30. BOU.. food eond. -----'-----------------·-~-----For Wectnetday l"ublkatione -Tueeda)' 1 p.m. For Friday Publlcl.UOD -TburedaJ 1 p.m. NltWPOBT HAWJIO& P118U8BINO 00. ... ISLAND PATIO RESTAURANT, ----------'--1 soo Marine Ave., Balboa Iaiana. Movie Pro1'ectors u a-au~ an.er a p.m. 13trc USED APPLIANCE BUYS Ill I B&lboe. Blvd.. N.-port ~ Celllorata. PERMANENT SPECIALS ._ _____ ~-·--w 1 -• FOR RENT ASHING machine, 195e Nor~ AU ClU&Uled AU muat be paid lor Oaelt la adnac:e ot pnblieadOL The publlaher1 will not be ruponalble tor :non than on. incorrect. lnaertlon of an •d. reaerv• the "-bt to col'T'ICt.ly cia..tiy any and au adl and to reject &ny ad not conform.Iii&' to rul11 and reculation.e. $16 Ot.brleleen tor -·-····-.. ···· 110.00 AGENT NEJCDED u. pre.tent re-I-MM lS·MM M-MM automatic. Jmt pl.lib button, I DOUBLE Bo s10 Super-Lanolin fol' ·····--$8.50 corded SpiritU&l to a muaie pub-HOBBY and MODEL uaed It • weeU. movtnr to "l Sta.inleu St.eel 72 inch Sink 1, ~ Price $116.50 BHA~rs.•~~~ Sl.OO , 11.ther. Write Box V-11 W. AIRPLANE s~PLIES !:::-'° m"; 1!o!:..c~t ~ll lak~ BENDIX Atrl'OMATIC WASHER, bolt down ------$39.50 CLEO FIKE'& B».AUTY SHOP newipaper. a.pae Spring Clearance clad to let .am«>ne hav• It WESTERN HOLLY GAS RANGE ···············--···-·------$&4.50 1936 Church Stre,t, Co.ta Mesa Beacon Personnel 20% OFF on the fouowinr 3:imm tor what I owe, 1121.69. No (white la.ble top with griddle) Classified Index 1 F\lllitdl N ottce. ! Cud of 'I1WlD a 8~ Aaaounoeme•& • ,...._..., Dtrecton 10 8u1Mff Gulde J 1 Bu1l4lac Makrlal• J :! BGDdin&' ServlCM l& Penou.ll 111 8bre 1' our C•r 11 TnalportallOll • l 'f llooflaa" 11 JJeaut.)' A.hll 10 Bealtb Aki.I %1 1-t -.4 Found 1.-!kaooi., lo1i-ructtoa II Sln.attou Waaw.tt !I lltlp W-led IQ Mk .... Un-ou1 SO-A l'"PI &0-B Applluon 11 w-ted to BuJ n l"1umtun for 8&le J!-.A Aatl!Joes ~a Boata. Sapplkt If. M-.icia&.:-liMUo, TV 15 Dop.. U&t .. Pet# ....... ..,. 11 Uv..iodl a• AuUl9 Wallted 60 A11toe lor 8&le ··~·Pvtl 4 l Auto 8enk:e IJ TnlJeR .. ,..,..... t'f Wanted to ._, '8 ~pte. 41 u-tor But U-A Apt.a. lor lle11I U-B Boo.ee for Ilea$ &l-0 Trailer 8p&ee U Roome lor Beat "'""' --.... II &oorn • Boe.nt 50 Re• .. Hi.e. N 8 lof'te & omc. U.A~a.tala .... .,... .... OpportmdU. IA MO&ef le 1-a. If HODIJ Waat.4 IT Bal b\ale Wuted l&&ealSRliMe..'1N It beome Pnp.t)' ••~w..nw tl ltta1 &Mt. .. EscUaa'• .. """ ........ Wberty 8-8609 70ttc lOO% employer ~ed ~~{~to~'Y •1u~.m1.:ac~~ ::;::: o~O f: m'::ri. ~ DIXIE GAS RANGE "·····-······-·····························-·--·$i9.50 agency watt projector-a, Gol\1• soo w.tt anyttm. day or evenlnc. tf•l (white table top, oven control) CEMENT It BUILDING All .K.tnd• NO FEE collected lt'Om applicant Jell!, T.D.C. 300 w1tt Showpac•. W. CU.pman, Orul•· K.Ellos-1 DEXTER AUTOMATIC WASHER ---··--·---$74.50 LOST on Sat .• Mar. 17, Ladl,1 fi lS-31-t Newport s.ach K-30 Imm Key1ton• cameru. l-o~8-='8=l7=.=--~-~---1 Installed 22-Lost and Found --- ~::~o~~ld,. w::Y w_:~~~,.to~ SECRETARY _ acct-cl•k, pay I .Mears C~mera Shop SEWING MACHINE BUYS GAFFERS & SATI'LERS GAS RANGE, oven conlrol $59.50 I ·-;;;:::;::;:=:--:::-;:::::;;:~20;:--"· f _ __:;w~A~R:D:-__:;"~'~'-_::":1:0~. __ _:..,:::•:8 i ~:_~ ::~·~ :!:~1 •.:;·en~c~ 17~o~e~~:_,•1,v_',·;.,eo._ ,. M-,u =~g~: =~•e ::~d -... J29.50 !=~L G~E~TIC, Ina~d ·-······-·_:··········-··-·$58.50 FREE l!'STIMATES Liberty 8-6109 COMPLETE 'PAINTING a: othera. JUNE FARRAR ...... ~ ...... P Bobbin ...............• ,_ ............ 189 ~ ELEC. NGE ·····-··-·········-·--$89.~ Ii PaJ>er Hanging Servi« 24-Scbools, 1.utructlon EMPL. AOCY .• 4.02i,t-S2nd SL, WHITE Coiaole ................ :. 139:00 ROPER GAS RANGE -·····-···········--··-·····-········----$09.50 EUGEO o . SAUNDERS Ch' p Newport Beach, ac:roe. irom DRAPERIES WHITE Rotary Coft>le ·-J•9.Ml (white table top with oven control) · .., ,,., """'' N•wpon...,,, me ainting city "'"· .,,,. and SLIP COVERS """' ....,,.., ................. · "'-'' GIBSON s Cub' r R · H&rllor 2tTI Uc Day a.nd £\rentni Cluau 11 year1 In 8anl• Ana IC t. EFRIG -··-·········-··----~·~ p omere TUtn Now J.fltDl~AL aa1i.tant • rec,ptlon· Etti~~=-t~ OB~pl.M Bew""''h all 1 m-.ke• APARTMENT SIZE RANG~. SPECIAL ··············-·-·$29.50 ainting le Paperh&llging Pbon• Liberty 8-0Mll 114.Ue :~~tt e;:ci~:=h q~~= LUCU.LE DRAPERIES 88 er HOT POINT 6 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR -·-----·~$59.50 We 'do the work ounelvea. A 1ny pertinent Information tn Harbor "664. or 669!! Applii.Dce. II Sewing SERVEL !5¥.! cubic ft. REFRIG. --····----------$69.50 ao year• axpertenc• 28--Sttntlou Wanted tir.t letter. Wrtt• Box Z..20 Mach. Co. ' ' .. '::!.,~ MASSAGE Cuo llol• .... ., 8"" --------"'-'-''Kl 7~40t 110 E. 0th SL KNOX HARDWARE CO. r.t.1m"&t.. frere. C&IJ Jabn.DI.. , 81:1..L ON TERMS 86c&8 LI S.2687 A LI 8--0289 81tfc Howard Steam Cabinet \Vblrlpool baUl.1. Painting, Decorating Call LI 8-747~ tor appolntmtnt -hper l!augiDg 1---------"'-'-' 1 GIRLS ' GOOD NEWS! ' ' . 8 FT. DELI CA TESS EN cue $1~ ONE I ft. retrl1er•tor -·-··-·-100 ONE lus• commerc. retrt1 ..... J711 l SC.ALES, $M 1 GONDOLA Jlri Call" owner LI l•HS -momtnp or Are you In the market tor 1ppllance.1? 11 FT. K.ELVINATOR ntrl1eratoi- 1Wr: prtc"• ~$331.06,~ with •trad1 420 Eut 4th St. Sant.a Ana. Kl 2-2336 THINGS YOU NEED at p~cea you can pay ~ • GEO. BURKHARDT LlOl!HSl:D OONTIUCTOR 17& W. 11th SL. eo.ta Mua CLEAN UP JOBS GOOD JOBS -GOOD SALA.RY ...;ilh trequ£t lllcruae• In • company that actually encour· agee W&ntement. -.tter 5 p. m. or Ll 1~766 alter 6:30 It, w~endl. We _., ......................................... $219.911 BED SPRINGS & MATTRESS Complete .................. . $1 0 "'"""' ...... Ya.rd Maintenance 'nltte yur. ttpel'14ince th1a locality. . General Oontracfor1-C&ll . __ u_...,_ .. _____ .. _"0 New w:.'~'::.,ode!ing . GARDENING J . l4II:.TON McKENZIE Hauunr -and odd jobe, RE).SON.\BLE Harllor 6399-W 58ttc CARPENTRY lollNOR RJilp AIR WORK NO JOJt TOO 8lU.l.4. &. 0. ADdft'aoll 101' &. Balboa' .Blvd.. Balboa Ubuty 8..JSM. Slpll• LADIES Do lhoulder• or feet ach•f 11 RELA.XA TION need'd 1 MAKE AN APPOINTMENT lor ·Swedish Massage Barbor 2'60 83ttc 1-------------1 In your borne. PAINTING PAPERHANGING S,t~f~~~~ ~~!r • Har. 2f.04. or 6317 • u Pleue call Harbor •79!1i or Harbor 70. "FIX.IT" 86tt Mechanical ud Electrical Mllrrttriance Service AU. .WORK GUARANTEED. Harbor 666-4. ~r~ 6693 ~ El&tfc GARDENING ODD JOBS A-CLEAN UP. NO JOB TOO SM.ALL BT, HOUR, DAY OR WEEK LI M080 or Ll 8....fiM4. ,. ... FULL P.A-Y aa )'Oi.i. &re lr&ined. -Openinp !Of' - TELEPHONE OPERATORS -: Apply - KNITTERS WE WILL PAY UP TO \ $100 FOR YOUR OLD WASHER Redoc'lon1 oa &ll yarn., 11tildl• CL&llY--WMber •n •lock point, ,llnen1 for pa.inttn1, ru&' SD THlll KELVINATOR ll"OOO- J &rn1 A: needleL , [.,ORAMA. now on dl#play. Sit N' Knit Jake's Appliances 313 E. S.lboa Blvd .. Belboa 32tfc 1937 Hubor BJvd. ------------·I U 8·66114. 86cU TWO CHOIC1J PLOTS Harbor 1-------------1 Baby Crib & MattreM .................. , ..................... $9.9~ Completely Furnish Your Home CHEAP . . M'iS-·t.i ----C -$6"" en u1 ······························-··· ............ :-..... ."'-J up • 400 Women'• Dreaaea .........•...... 25:95c • VETERANS INDUSTRIES OPEN Jl'ftlDAY ANO 5ATURDAT TILL t P .M. Come Ui and a.bop at 001 ot our 3 conv,nlent loe&tiona 4-02-E. 4th St., SANTA ANA 9:00 to ":00 p. m~ !!ilth N. Main St., Rm. 211 Banta Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE Heat Memorial Park. ' Cypreaa Rl:FRIGERATOlt, 19615 Philco de section, Har. 28•fi 87c89 (wr;e lar1"e' cro_.. top treeur.1 ---------------------~'---­ ---==---~-"--·IKODAK 30 MM Cam,r1 compl,te DESK WAJTING With flaah attachmenta • ca1e. aeperat• mot chiller, vegetable crlllJ>C!.'r aftd mbelvea ln the door. Can b.a~ for the contract bal- Mce of 11~.at, no moMY neeOed: you jutt tak• over the paymenta of $8.14 per month. See anytime day or e.venlng. FOR BROKER OR S.ALE&M.AN. 144. ALSO GI Bunk bed.I, Cood Pe;tna.nent. cond., complete with mattresaee Should know locel area. 110. Hu. 248'·W. 87c89 ( Contklentlal) • Call Roi.I Greeley. Balboa a.ally Co. Hubor 32T7 ..,.. W AJTRESS appllcatlon1 bf!lng tll.kl!n. lmmMl•te employment . 'Do nol .telephone. SNACK SHOP 2306 E . Cout H.lchway, Coron.a del Mar. Mc84 FUU.. TIME Klee .,itl tor worn· en·1 apparel ehop on S.lboa J11and. call Har. 3!110-W a.ft.er 8 p. m. 15c8'7 Attn. Property Owner! 1""1 w. Chapman, On.nge. I --K_E_ll_::•<r:_•_·":c::':c'-__ ~---1 An you n,rJectin.r your .. ,at'r heat'r ! LIMITED OFFER $2.50 Clean, dnln and adjut your water heater. INNERSPRING MATTRESS SETS Call your DAY A: NIGHT .AurilOfUZr.D DEALER 120 Coll lnnerwprtnr mattre• and JOE BECiiTOLD-Plumbing · matchlnl" box •Pt1n&'•· Pnt-bullt H'rbor mo 8lcl borden. Heavy duty coven. SA VE $30 ·Sale price $« ROSEPOINT LACE RATTAN, ALUMINUM 111).Cf REDWOOD PA TIO FURNITURE Complete selection of Wrought Iron-Furniture; Barbecue and Bruiera, Lawn and Garden Swings, Garden and Beach Umbrellu. BAMBOO DRAW DRAPES and TROPI~, Floor Coverings. • BASKETS ot all kinda. '. Unuaual Gift,ltema " Canvu and Aluminum Awnings . SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CQ~:: 1626 S. Main, Santa Ana Kl 2-3645 ,..-ntllftrY OPEN MONDAY AND· FRIDA"(·,NIGHI'S TILL 8 p;xpERiiitCEO beu-trailer r• pair man ot cener&l handy man wtth .ome trailer experience.- LI I-2'.11. 81Uc: .. ~: 312 Coll lnt11l"lprtnc mattne• and , · : 1..()ud ot -' P!-INTING .. "LAWN INTl!RIOR _ llXTEIUoR Garden 'Service EXPJ:JU.ENCl:D food A oocktail ' waltu11 between 21 4' 3~ )Tl. old. Henry'e 2530 eoa..t· H~h· way, Jiewport. 86Cl8 flOOO wW buJ J'.ABULOUS col· lecUon b&nd mad• la.c81 RoM- polnt, A Polnt d1'Vm!Jla. Pbo111 Ha.r. 4363. . 87c89 box •prtnp.-~,built border• -'-------;--------------~.~-.~·~-....;...., and .t.ablUura. .. ~.....__..___ { • ·-·----f ~--• SAVE $30 Sile price $49 ~-"-;;.•-==~'-'-'"°';:..;~=--·I "'"-:.-;..:;;-=~==°':.::-=-~· -The family of · bonald J . Dowd txpl"eMt9 appreclaUon to the-Ir many frit'JMM for their klnd- n ... In nmembtranou, Oower1 Ud t.hou.sbta durln.c their n · hat bereavement. llSTHllft oowo .,, Experienced 0ardener LANDSCAPING· AL80 liU.RINZ PAIN'l'nfG Fully uperienced tbla area. LICENSED -ll'f8UIUl:o By month-wHk-hour. SKINDIVER; dry eeal auJt, u9fld very little.. wtll flt 5'"" 160 to 8' 180 lb. mu, New ~o M!Unr prtce 14.0. -ll Balboa Cove1. UNBEATABLE LOW PRICES GI J h Phone 1.Jbl/llrty 8·7~11 enn o ndon 11p1 001 • aut at. Newport Beach I -----------'-130-Mi.oellueou 837 lndivid~ pockeled mualln coll, damask cover. ~d bolt eprll\(L Rqularty' •tH.95, now BOTH for tb• LOW PR.ICE or 188. -. HAND BRAIDED RUGS N""P"ct B<h. Hub<" 11~;:'; Harbor 3171 "9tlc EXCELLENT care for invalid i.,dy :;;:;_:;:::::==:::;:::::.. ___ _ ·1n prtvate hom,. Pleaae call Lexinrton 8·8041 87c89 WAYNE'S CONSTRUCTION CO. · General Contractor AU worll perwonallJ wpe[YIMd. LJ l.Joa3 CALL H.Aft.. AOS· W -' . ------------'--1 FREE _IN9TRUcnoN FOR SA.LE -126 UHd 2 wire ORDERS T.AKBN meler•·20 amp. breaker-a -2 TECO FURNITURE AT BAY SEAMSTRESS .. All new material' 1vallable. wire outleta enclol'!ll!'d. Don Al ll • • k 11•• '"ARY F •'"'"'" 2509 W . lat Strtet Santa Aiia -NEW-!Anl one ru1 ma Inf. ;w ... .... .. , .. IN, 1116 8. Cit.· Bl. M'•n•. Purchulng Agent. City Monrorta. Coeta MeM l.J M826 1.Aauna Deb,. HTatt f.·7898. 87tfe ot Newport Beach. Har. 3131. Open Mon., Wed., 6: F'rtd.ay till 9 .. •-9 a m • 6 87cil9 $9,95 Butterrty Canvu W . L --. . ~-~~ -----------'-' .... _ P~ vg;"ND~~N. • ;::;-;;;::g~v;:-:;;;;;~;:;;:-::;;:;:;; I ===_,=,.,,--------1 ia;~:n.9xi2···o;i·~··· ~p--.. '6.l8 "KENNY'S" Dependable and Complete LAWN & GARDEN CARE loot W. CUbbon, Santa Ana ~tM:rtY 8--6042 .. 71p88b ReuonUl .. Har, 1'3e, U TA.SI.JC 8AW, dt.k A: belt. .. nder. TWIN BJU>S, box ............ A: flll9!!i jotner. jlll"AW, ahaper -wrth matt.ruse.. Ideal tor ';bUdrtn. f7~: ~'12"~-~t~"~P 1411:60 ORIENTAL RUGS experUy r• paired, eat1m11.te1 tum. Mu•t MD 11 .Pe~e.n Kat.let .__ruo fr..cUon ort1ln-.J. value. Abo I antique Cl'IMtA. PUSHMAN'S 27M I:. Cea.It Hl1bw1y. C.O.M'. 8•c8fl :0;~,;,,Ll 8-ll38-lO a. ~~; Only l•O. LI 8-66114. 87c89 M9.b0 RollaWay ·bed-•pr. NEW osi...U"U Kenmor• a.uU> OOLDSPOT elect.rl.c retrtr .• new J5:;~t·:8~. -Bi;~k'"W:··1:· d~~~f.~ mallc wuhlnJ' mt.chine llOlt tnOll>r, eood cOndltlOll. 166. Ht , ......... -...................... IS3'T:95 J235, S1CT1tice tor Jl&O. ALSO BlObd• oa.Jt dlDtn.1 t.able • • 199:&0 0 pc. Maple dinette lnle1·natlona1 Herve•ter Mod.. chair• 13f5: 1 coffee table_, 2 aet _; .... _ .................... _.... . 179.&0 70 Deep freaer Wtl • l•M>-end tablN A 1 corner lemp 1119.60 1 pc. )laple dlnette •t· I ROOMS ·BEA~~ J'URNlTURll with j~)tYiq room Ht In your Cbolflt.cfLDlod· ern labrtca.. 2 NeviuqM# tab- lea and coffee tew:;~ern tabl• lampe;, 6 pc. tnm dJnene, moatm bedtM$n , Ml with 0 draw'r <IN!!Uer Ud lf.l-le' 1 n1lrror. L-.rJe Philco .,...,.,.... A , Magl.c Chet nnre. au ior only $06. Low doWn payment. t<t4 weeka to ·pe.y. Thi• J1 tletnt of· fned at Ul• lowut pr1~ 9Vltt ........ HUB IM)C) W. Cent.er, Anaheln\ ti TRRn ROOMS of MauUtu.l "11...., rurn1ture for Ill&. Come In look a.round. HUB iOO Wr·Otttter" A:nabetm u BLUE Upholatef'ed M!ltlonal c.uch 14.11.~ llaboi'· , bool(.cue, LI 1-132'. 15cl7 .. ". GARDENING an'd '" will Mcrtlicto f215. Har. ••27 table. Blon<k wood. llM• topi, D. L. Table-2 leave• _ ...... llat.Ml POP CORN MACHINE· or 3984. 86c81 16 -.. 01.U Har, 12.51-W eve1 .. 1129.60 M" o .. n.a1• ··-·-'88. "BOFA BED With bu ..... CUSTO" FURNITURE CLEAN UP JOBS j;;::-;:-;;--::;;;;:==--=-::--=--=-:--l.~H:•~·~·~·~·:":..:"""~~~----..:'.·7~e 117'.60 2 ..... La•IOn bed divan m•••-···-·· ··-·· .......... DISTll<~T DICSlONllD WAN-TEO • V<,.Y ........,, -""'"°' 121. MAPLE DR-"" • ><~ WALNVT Ml oiz, .,. • _, "' ....... _:~ .................. lllt.00 plotfo= ""'";,; ..,.;'';,......,, A a&l'INUIHING · .,IMcM Auto wuher, elec. rotlUlU8-&1eo bcJX aprins A mattre.a. Ex· 1119.60 t ·pc. Sectk>n.l foe.m lnctudo CU.tom mu. lllp '"' C. mva\ll'rr BMI'l11 LIBERTY 8'-6139 OUTBOARD MOTOR -!% h.p. b&rbecul never UMd. ~t "mtr., e.Uenl condition NO. Ll MTil6. rub'lt« ····"· ... ~ .. ····--·-f $l.2t.50 eoftN. A.JI .,...,. lood Ollltd&IJoo, tJI • stu. It.. Ntwp<>rt &rue Atrcooled llfhl .. la'hl JkndiX. patio t.able A cha.Ira, dra~rlu. 17c81 St9.&0 Doubt• etudio 00\K'h .. 187. Har. 2"1-K. lfa8'7 and CJ.E~ UPS LlbertJ 1-18511 Har. •W mr Rar, OMl-W •••· Alto w.9ton opt meter uWI Har. 04.61-W. Mc87 169.50 IMnpr. mM.t. and bo:x.1-~---------.C.. -. -; -• , .. ITI .. ,G ' mitd ........, tock1o. Kl ,_,.11 ,., d 'P'· "' -·-·--··----···---·--$3t.t0 U-. . . -· .,, AAKt c 1 _ 1 ;, , ~trettt, ---· _ -·--Mct1-HP't. ro.o:n ei.ctrtc._S.1..ove. per=. ,Me1L YJ'..OO craft fl58.®_!_pe }kdrOo• •t __ an.oo '• Smell Jobi Want•d STILLED WA R'l BOUR. sm..i.1 or l&rr'-Jobt oil. feet. • nle41 , Planter, <"om~r O.t tl\at utra chelt now and TALL GABLEro-..:•~a-·-DI TER l\euoftabl• rate&. A.NTIQUl:S: UnUMJal TIUll fuml· la•atory buin, coruplete. 2 rol• aav-. Thi. wu.U •peclall. Ba " f •t ~..,.w, "-Carnen~•. D.:....: ... n J'or ~ OIWll~ Llbutf 1·2122. hlf'9, old chbt.e. ~. enU· ~~nt MU. All ror 120· }{~ s m••r ff" chelt ···-··-··· lfO.M y um1 ure ANTlQUF.8 '":::-r .ll~l:'-lll..7 KJd.n4.J 8tpaa • W'ffttoll qu• m.ulCIJ u.ema. w,,.. lrQn_4 • , Mc 4 drw.wtt 21 .• MMl I Y,,.11 Nie• "1'1et)' autbmtSc antJquu. ,, I, ,, ' ' \ ·, I 'I , .. ,\_ I ,, ' "' ·- , • ' I . 1 ', I ,, GOod work~" Nephrltl.9 -All•JTI•• wood '*'-. old·l.wm dtnMr 1*]e, $ clraww 21'' chffl _ ... , ....... Jl• 11 "WlMr• prlelil &"9 held at Bay" Colotyd 1tue, tna. copper, -TACHI Sklf'Pat a+id&IUM..-s'OI"~ .. pna.-otd Jeaebj, l/lltl:o W• bu7 ! , nfl~. c:--1ili ··-:a aoifts -UJ..LlJ'th l t...--Ctwl• M.... ~ ~ . ,. llc:M Llbel'tJ "'60U ' l1c1 nMT SWEl>l8tl aava.J olllce:r. and ~ antlqu ... Pleuei betw-TuatJn IUld Irvin._ lMxpMelve 11n n .... '"to u.. CARPEN T Ii' R . ""· QTINGS DUG Able, IO!Mf' A beet of references. brine It.ma In. V~t our 1arp WJ:STINQHOUS.11: ekcl. ........ .._ L100 NORD BAY .FRONT Free ltotetront Park1n1-T'<tnn1 flQl/llllit A~ tot UM ooUec:tor . ..., F'V Call un. LI s-.6002. 86cll. •~ Cl1&rll• O.vta, lto& £ut Oven eoolrol Iii. ttrat cl ... con-~ HOUSE rou., ' KAT'llltTN AHN JOBlfa Repair Work w-._ -...,.. ... oou. 11 -....... -..., .,.,...,.., A"""'"" L.B. """"-...,.,, ••Uon 070-u .. ,..,. ""· ,:,:; 11 ROOld) or moa QUALITY 9P£N EVE'S. 'Tll 8 ""1 ..._ 81 ..,. ..... ;,... 0... I'.., .._ lhed a.,ur1lll ...... ..,..,...._, wortt ~ l!pl bo\INWol1t:. dt.J or nlJ"ht DINNl:R. ,JACKITI'· Suil. lltt:b tumltun to be .old at .._au. Ttdtb .._ • ll•1l1U•l • tt7 hrd ftlOU:oted Backhoe. durlnc Eut~r Va.caUon. b,perl· clau Lcindot'I Made. Al new WJCOOEWOOO clf>C'k control aut•. FJCll PRJcrl lte .. UO Udo OOROJCOUI • 1\-.ota, )rmnd new ANTIQUE• lpOOI bed. wt th arprtnp " nffda nftllllblft&'. Kar. 24.N-W" n<11 C.U lf"rult. LlW\)' ...-.. l"tt06 HYatt 44'(1 OoU.ct, enced. 1J t:.?Ml &at. or Sun. cost f200 ffll tnr·s15 8'U .31 1•~li~'fflp t.lova JOOd cond!Uon Nont...t&rttnrPridaJ, Ku-i:h U . cover. to.m rubbu cuahlona, 411 Wor-• Oiauu\Mf tttfl lldtR Sfc8l 28. Harbor &&OS·W, 18(:18 SM . liar. •OOP Ile at lO a.m. · Mel8 122&. U 8-M:al, lkU ' I • • -. , , I -'. rA~ 4. l'AAT I I _..tiEwPo11r HARIOR NEW~RESS IO--Aatao ,_ - ·. 'FRIDAY, ~CH.%J, -1956 I u ....__.n nu --~·M :,.~19-M()NfH-wfAl:S-·-~ U-A16o llenlM - MolOr Overhaul • GMC Cabanas-Marinas c .. N11t•I. •·er,...z..V----!SI !trh NO MONEY DOWN 10 rr. BOAT. -i .. ._,. ~ motor NO. KI 1-.... , .J ... TRIPLE CHECKED 1915C1 PLYllOtn'll STATION WAGON , * witft this ad'* . Custom Hi-Fi USED TttUCKS -·-·~W/SJWtlrw,_lleOllll-ec,11. "8.88 "NOWBIRD ............. "' ·uno~ II fllll!Cht..-. runy .,"41Pod-Onl;r ' Pl'l5 8 Cy'-;..88 o-· Lldo Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. compt.i. w:itll all lood: CIGDIU-MUSIC ITSl'EKB ......... L p.ML .._ 9""· "'" -- '""'· .. _ -• .,_ ........ to.,..,, IBd!.idual .......... CKSVJ\0""1' II < ....... 19511 STUDEBAKER STA'l10N WAGON --............ -Dollghtflll nvtnr . .lpt..cabulu. Utllltioo pald. no-nt.11 at-ll.U1tililr ·nu e-.. ~~ ~or bom• • '11 =·~t.c>p."' " p1wr. Beater ud oftftlri•e. 2 tone U,bt bbl6. 10,000 =d. ~-;.,..~ran:'!: .,with 1-~-----~~~mrPQd· ""*-~--...~~-----, .. .-;;;:;;;;;;:;..;:;,,..""'--~l-1,...._.ac-~t..··-11L'JOJ-"~-....,...,~0ii-17-·~---.:.---~·---Sll8!~--J~~-~~ij\!~-~·iiii··-~-~~~l-:--~----.Yi-w·:1a1·~-"llll-"lllll!lllod~~~-_,,. . ~ .• -. ; ......,. or •.ooo inn• CWUMW-• . ttARBOD HI Fl •oa FON> VI, ~ L pkkup. ·lMJ._CADDJ .A,C "'°°°1t. SD>AN----(NO xma:T.-..DOWNj, . -~, monthl)', yee.rly . • ,..u:;~,:ATJ~i:;.~'1~ n • :: =~ ~LL pl:=·p, hlly equlpPe.J. Licht blu. --·--$129S -tlP ~~~:~A'l-, h' &ppt. Gr~ Cad ftar. 2WJ. •tate 4IOGI ·UclT aw Newport BITd. Har. 4e81 hydr .. mauc trana.. 1960 CHRYSLER WINDSOR •• DOOR S EDAN BuUt ID OW' OWQ. t.ctory by akilled -'-------------~----~{----- Sttfe Tttfe '&0 ClfZYROIZI' 1' t. pto.kup. Ll••t ~~ ·•· ' ~ m&ebl.nth Don't eoat•ad wtt.ll '8-Af!!: A 80.. -~ -~~8~~8~•~-~~l~o!'.r~Re~o~l---CAJllN CB.UI&ER ,. tt. -1--..,.,,=·=-------~~ . ... ---au..... ; -... __ , .... ,_ ........ •II-• --. _......,; '&1 J'Oft.O VI, 1' L ·fiatbed. ••----,,_ ...._, . """"'¥ ~-"" " 2· bu:. head.-8oUd conatrue\Joa.. 8TEINW.A.T Oran.d l.ll perlKt •62 ITUD.l!ILUC&I\ " \. .,lckup. l&ig CHRY a T 'IPD ~R • DOOR REBUILT aiLd INSTAl .I.ICD FURN J Wroon1 bOme T Pein· ''UDO ISL&, a Marooma, t\9 Oray 120 tr.,p; bll.l.t t.ank •pump condlUca. aWi Kn.aM Brambr&.cb, "' ~ n.u.-.J.A;JV .. BHOJlT BLOCK wl&. tDCIOH<l paUo, ,...,.zy. Mu. bonJ' on uuiut.l M.u. :~Jl ':" C:::' Bi ...... •JOY Mucm 6 11.amJih SJme &a UW. 'M ~.=:-:;,..'! .. L plckup. Light ~7 -Only --r-:..------~·~ l'QllD ntt.60 ~ .. ~ .2 •• ~.~· J bath 8.Up fol' 40 tt. t>o.t . UM ot 11 J ( • ' u "96, alwaya 100 PWAoa to -CllEVBOJ.&T 1141.60 -ap .... ·--............. tt.. Vik.I.Ac runabmn pow•r boat.. Newport. ".i1. I l6dlO d\ooN trora. Dus • Bchmtdt • '61 l'ORD t t, dual, tl&tbed.. 19"9 NASR -• a DOOR SEDAN PL'lll. • .00001? -tlM A.L80 no:w tallla.I' rMerftUou l e&r pr .. bt'auu ruuy tumlab- sll'p ... ..!owboat ....,,~,,,,,, • ...,""',....-... .,..,-N-·.,_--.,... ... ....,...ta '5J CHJ:VkOL&'I\. 1 t. du.al.L E¥celleat tnnlportatJon -Only --,.--·----'19a CRRTL • Dll 80TO -StTO ~ASTPROPE:.:..n.a 00 ed. .muti.. f 700 per moaUL ~ K . . '&J cu:mvROI..lcT 1 t. .,.,..i. . l'l"Qt>EBAXER ····-··-t 110 •....-.:.i • JAqutn •t '-1 B&tbo& eo ..... Space for Rent i.o_::~~ ~~fu.,!1ano,...: .,, CHZVROt.rr 2 '" c1rc, ltl" ---LOU REED 0. ASSOC ~~~ • PONTIAC • -ri~: Mn::.;:~~).1~~mpeon N•wport... a1uo ...,... _..... wb. Cl • BUDSON _ f lTO AMoci&t_.. • 1N SANTA ANA, new 3 bdnn .• AJMliO&a ~ 21&-lOtll St. ~ Uld f~l.13 per month •t '(9 DOOOll J t. 1(' bodJ", J 1 Lou car l"rff ToWtni 301 ll. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa 2 balll. untum. hou... hdw<l. Meet.lqp 2Ji4:. 4th Wed. 8 p.m ,21.,.~c:a!!,':,• =Ana .~: spM<ICHltVROO;~ ~,.... · CHRYSLER.Pl YMOUTH DEALER NEW~ GUARANTEE Pboaa B&r. 2'M or Hu. ilOO ~':"'iJb~f~~ f.nced )ld.!I~~: 1 ,~· • PRtl Phon• Klmbuly 2-0871 -.._. 2 L li' body, 1200 W "'c.o.at Hlchway LI s..34Be Block mwit meet our at&lldarda __ ...:_ _________ :ul T:;;;;r;.-n;;o,;;--;;:;;;;;::--;:;;;;:- 18 ft. ~ IHELL ll&lllns dlnrbJ n~ ip' 1900. Ve~ l'ood con-dl tsea.~iicotnenl l&il. Ju1t rl(hl for,~W... 112~ .. ( '' 2QO other boa IA U.atf'd. ! ''J.'!lolh,power and 8&11. NC8..\RD80N YACHT ·~'ANCHOR.A.OE, INC. ~ Jfl 17c92 ' . SNJiifl '&ailboat, completa with wi::t..·. ...:u.. 6 p11d dolly. Good 'cOnd!Uon. f3:W. Harbor BEA.UTtrUL MAGNAVOX AM· YM ft&4lo..R.c.ord-piayw 21M TV eomblnaUon In blonde oak. 1 year old. Bold n..-around MOO. 8acrtttce 1ale f!lfl. Terma. Prtvata party, H&r. t872. 8lcii Knowlton Electronics TV ANTENNAS (Clear BM.m -HI Gain) 1N8TALL&D completa to your ML $9.95 _ .. _ .. _._w_. _______ 8_7_'_89• I LI l-02~. """ 3 ~. 1:25 Urem, • Phll ta&N, iulc.U aod GO THRD RDR.M . untum.. houae. '&3 OMC 2 t.. irt·• mb, :I 1pMd ()pan Sunday 10 un. to 2 p.m.. LIDO ISLE ft:nc.d, patio, built-In BBQ. w(w ''" U•N. • T 1 B 'ck C BELLES ENGINE """'""• ln '"""• •m. • hall. · 41 ~~~~~":o:!'·U::.. erry S UI Orner REBUILDERS :.'~. :-=~.i.' 9:~orn: ::;rie~n:k,~;ttn:et.r~~a~~~ 408 motor. • 6th and WALNUT Unfurn. UJ5. UlcL prdenar. 1. 21.ot P'tdaral Ave., Coata ' 0pa:n O.Uy I to 7 8tata Bofta.d -COSTA MESA Meu. l:Jtfc S.e th• larl'••l volume truck NEW LOCATION • ..,u ,. o.~,. County ,.,, THRILL of the year is BUICK th• 1>6at buy• In uMd trucka. _ '310 East 3rd St. Our 1t.ock lnclud~ trom ~ tone NOW SANTA ANA to JO wheahon. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER BIGGEST trade-ins ever NOW l~Tralle .. * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES 3 bedrm. unt'Unl. 1 yr. old I------------- JM a mo. UNP'U'RN. !ll'W 3 bo.Jnn. hou.e p, L palmer incorpoi::ated JU mo. Mr•. P'tlher IO tl-1171 or LI 8-tl07i U ter I -21 36 ole hanaon co. ma.nagement Un\Ofl Ave., eo.1.a MeM. 17ctll 3333 via. lido &: 1700 w. coait!----------- hwy. bar. IMO 4 lib. 8-M73 JOHN L. KEEFER'S BALD""'=w"1"',"-,-,Buno-1-a71o-w--,-,,.,-,,.,.,ht 815-19 I:. 41.h. St., Banta An• Selling Buick Biggest • 1n and SUPP~ 2200 W. Cout Hiway. History t8A-Apta. for Rea:t EASTER ¥.'EEK R.ENTALS Larl'e old hou•1 In Coro11a daf Mir, 1leep• •bout 10. 522:'.I for 2 wen. plu1 depa.IL STUDIO 1pL on Udo-Bay Tiew 1100 a week. Ma.rifle Propell er Service piano In fine cond.IUon. f3i~ TrUck HMdquarter• tor Oranre Co. down. Conv~nlent tema •t R.cpttchlnl'. at ralJhl~nlnf •nd BHAi'ERS (Sine• 1907) BalUldnC' -8rulnl' 220.. :Hln Newport a.ai:h •21-03 N. S~amore, Santa A.n• 17p8i 1---P_h_oo_•_Kim __ w_1_1_z_-00_1_2 __ -----INBOARD BOA i TRAILER for ult J i:ll Har . 1330. 17c8i TRADE B&AUTD'UL 10' awt. ~ar. ro an)'W'btrl. J!ll:cel. for chartar- Want aln&ll1r boa.I. or Pf'Operty. 1220 W. &.!boa. Blvd .. Newport. Harbor 3032. Mttc WANTED TO B UY -Moorlnr between pav1.Uon i nd I 1treet. Har. 1519-J 85p87 Hurry TV Shoppero Look ·at theae buyt for your 21" Conao~:L .......... $99.oo JT" Motorol& Cmnb. am-fm 599.60 17'' .P9rkard S.11 Couola . f79.9:1 17" Admiral eon.ole ............ f 79.i5 12~" Admiral CqlUIOle ....... $31.iO 12*" Emerson Conaole ...... $Si .95 '49 .i _ _Y. DODGE P~TRUCK $395 MARK DOWNING FORD Hwy, 39 at Pacltlc Cout Hwy. Hunt1nctcm Beach BrK-87 Terry's Buick HUNTINGTON BEACH Newport Buch LI &.«20 Wa n~ clean UHd uad•llta. '51 30' K.it Excellent ····-· ... flSiNS ·u 30' Paeemalter. be.auly UOB:'.I 'M lei' Ktn1klll, new 51395 'M 60" Pan An1er., t1rrlftc $749:'.I -------------------------1 M 30' Par•mou.nl CU.tom ~ NEW 1956 DKW • Deluze Sport Coupe $1895 ' ( Plua Tax 6: LJcenae) Ca.1b oftera invited on new Jaguan, Triumphs TR.3, Hllhn3n. WE MlJST REDUCE OUR INVENTORY! PAN AMERICAN Par..mount·KrmakW Travtiu...Teny 1Stf1 -, ____________ _ SELL YOUR TRAI LE R WE CAN OET YOU TOP DOLLAR FAST. Oo n 1 1 cn 10 the lot where tre.llere ara 9E.LUNG.- ~Fre. Ntlmm.te1. CALL LI 8-2411 Harbor Trail e r Supr,ly Bay • Beach R.ealt7 Inc., ..., ........ A TTR.ACTIV!: Corona de! Mar comJ1letel7 M d newly turnl.thed 2 bedrm. or l bed.rm. and den. Beam ~a. B&r kitchen., Fully ~led, G1nc-e clOM tol ------------- beach. yr. leue 1130 incl. uUL CORONA Dl:L KAR Har. 3064.·lb -nlC'e 2 BR. home, flrepU.., HW ""• TWO BEDR.M apt. (~) \ttth (VI.I'•· :IQ2 • 311t. Newport Beaeh '81.M rno. Hu. 177~ evM, lkr. OJMI 82ltc , ____________ _ Crown of the Sea Mote l In Corona del Ma r Comtort..t.bJ1 room. 6 kitchenette •pl.I. TV O.y -Wffk -monthly r•t .. 2600 E. Cout Hwy. liar. 3194 70c87 tlr1. 1 child O.K. All r.decor· ated. Ii!> per nio. Mo.-to-mo.• or leue. VOGEL CO. Har. 1 7~1 Mell AV AlLABLE about M•y lit. 3 bdrm. hom1 fenced yard, near 3 .chQOl1. Newport 1relfhU-· L I 8·11170 altlll' 5 p. m. 8&c88 E~JOY ~v~~ oo *th• ocean 2197 Harbor Blvd .. Co.ta 1' Ma ·Alao.open Sunday, 10 to 2. 1------------- Knowlton E10ctroniC1 We Guatantee A11 ~ of Our IV -So ts ! 1960 CHRYSLER ~Newpof~, good ool1tflt1on $800. mir: 29'ir.J. - -HARVEY MA YER MOTORS ---... MUt COROJiA_OEL MA,it OCJC.AN SIDE rront. lratchen1tta apt.a. • rma. with prlv1te b&th . Maid 6 pbona •en•lce, TV -23-06 W. Oce1n Jo~ront. Harbor 4Klll1. .• * * . . - TV REPAIR TABT SERVIC!:, UA80NABL!:. S.rrlc• ca.Ill tUI I p.m. u l--62Cll5 u bow 170. VITJ OPEN SUNDAYS and l:Vt;RY J:V!!NING UNTIL 9:3& RELIANCE Home Appliance Service Co. 2101 No. Main Banta Ana Kl 2-1968 Kl 3·il00 Bra.dway. Ll {~~~~.,-------~=I ~17 COMPLETELY automauc SPINET ------------·I pla)'•r -Plano. Terma -WOOD- ORGA.N SPECIAL) WORTH PIANO CO. 2e10 E. VIOLIN, cue Ir nne t_._2.06 l -7i82. USED HAlCMOND 8plnet orran. Cout Hlchway, Corona dal M.at. In ,,.rac:t pl•>1ns condlUon -aacu Sav• f 200. Con•enllht lume al I <'-,,==.,.,-.,-...,---.,.,.---1 SH.ArERB (Since 1907) 2 MINSHALL Or(l.lll elect.rontc •21...fiD. lf. Syca.mora; Santa Ana will .acrtnca tor qWck 1al1 Phona Klmberly 2.Q8T3 BMl.lUtul I' r en c h PrOTtJlclal OTanta Co1111ly'1 OrT&n Hdqt:n. Juuen·Organo like new, save HAMMOND CHOR.O Orpn 1 •ll&btly u"'1 Uk• •"· You can play Ulla wl\.hcut & l•MOn. D.u·Bchmldt·Philllp. a.20 N. Main, Banta Ana. idnc1 1114. ;JOOO Pr•ctlce Planoe li~l25 to 119~. AU In cood oondltlon , or wUI rent JG a month Danz- Bchntldt·Phlllljl1. ~20 No.. M•ln. Kuta Ana.. 1800, euy term•. DILl'.&-Schmldt· PhlW~ Pi&rloa and Orrarui, 020 No. lrktn, S&nta Ana linoe 191(. Piano Refinishing Rebuilding • 80Uc Grant W. Musick Yo ur Hudson Dea ler S.lLES and SER VICE ~ N.LolAngelea KEl>-7278 Anabetm '-2Lfc " . We are proud to announce our appointment u the distributor ln Santa Ana and Orange County Visit Our Show Room See Ou r Complete Line Trucks-BuuH -Eng ines Gasoli ne -LPG . Die sel ED THOMPSON GARAGE 302 French -Sant& Ana <&"1-Wa.ated to Rent 2137 Harbor LI 8·22:511 Colt.a Men LI S.22:17 Rentals Wanted 1-------------------------·l w. need apt.I. •nd hOUM.t tn au Untum. ~e llvfn&' rm., new bar typa k.ltchenatte, twl.ll bdmi., Sood bath. ( way cll'cul4llon, b&lconlea Ir eun d~k1, lllundry !acWu-. ru., utu. pd. &Ulc"ll or coupl,, rd. A••ll. Apfll 1, iBl mo., yr. ~IM. •Inquire 308 lr1a. Bir, 4~93·J Mc87 LIDO OFFICE SPACE NOW LEARINO offlCtl sp:1-et1 Ill Ullr•-n10<1ern Ellerb~k dl'1l1n· et.I 'Llrto building No tlnrr bulld· \ng. no flner 11.!dr- If-• IF YOU DON 'T KNOW USED CARS . KNOW YOUR DEALER SELECT -BONDED CARS AT LOWEST PRICES - YOUR NASH DEALER WARD S. LEE, INC. 1236 S. Main St. Santa Ana 83c88 0--Autoa f or Sal& Don't Gamble!, '55 FORD STAT. WGN. LOADED DEAL WITH $1795 ..otiona for both wtntar and Year'• IMM. J'Uru. or unturn. U you have a nc.ancy, pbone today The Voge l Co. S201 W. c.t. Hwy .. Newport Bch. Phona Libert,. 8-3t 81 108 Marina, B&lboa Ialand Pbona H&tbor 44t 2&8T II. Oout BJ., Coron.a. de! J4&r Ption. Barbor 17il Lido ottlce, .Stlt Vta Lido Harbor 4i11 1702 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mraa Llberty 8-6&i7 "' TWO---cne bedroom u.nfum, apt.I. 1181 Newport Bl-.d., Colt.a Men Ll 8-44.12. Mc-88 Coata M- 2 Bedroom. Trlplu;. l'arafe, adulta, IJ6. llJce llf!W, Har. Mb~ II 1 or 2 bdrm. apt.a., la1mdry By day, week or month. nn. BLUE TOP M.QTEL i03 Newport Blvd. Newport Bea.ch 87ttc: WANTl:D TO llEN'T-3 bedroom LUXUR10U8 :I Bedl'Ol)dl, LIDO. REALTY, M.-ociatea 34od \'11 l.ltJo---Harbor ti-4~ • Ground •OFFICES OR . "' Floor STORES For Leue ln - Harbor lnveetme.nt Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 BROK!.'lt& NOTICE houa,...H.ubor area. ye&rlJ leue apt. over1ook1nr Bay -FOR LEASE,, Prtaclp&I eorner. or 1-wtt.h opUon to buy. AL.BO m1ln 1t. 6-Bay. J-v• .• Balboa. W~l ,.....,,, firepl.. fenced yd. Ground noor. •PPTO•. J500 1q. Slip for rent on PenUuula Private Permanently employed locaU,y. rt. Suit1o1 l>le 1tol"9 or office. Excellent rocal referencH . Wtitll dock. Har. l'i&O. tf Alter1llon1. C1 U Har. !Kl or LI boll: Xl8, thl.9 n-.ipa.~r. 36Uc BINGl.X turn. 1pt. uUI. pd. $4 0 8·i 838. IOllc mo. 309 E . Bay An., Ba.Ibo&. -Sub«.ri'M to the i..d•, .A dver· l7cU FOft RZNT, NEW offlca U e: t•- ... H.AMKONt> Orp.u loll rnodel• euil.Mt tarm1. t uMd Spinal lrloo:W ltk• nsw bll' M NI'-f'ree »radloe """""' lilt• ki9loqa be-lor JOU bu7 "o.na • Schmidt • PhlDtpa Oo. 620 No.. )(&In. Ranta ...... \ . Qu&lit)' worll: only ANKRU)( PU.NO URVIC!l ....,, UN la th• BUT, Call Harbor Udo 8hOJ!PI~ &I'd.. JT5 ptr 1818. OCEAN Jl'RON'T"'"r--"1Kiriff.·* -mlf.lm"'j¥1. MW.-'"&Y'-a'liUcit--=~'- RAY McCOY -' .&PmCJ.AL BVYI I UG:D 120 BAU .AOCORDU.Nll 'M loW u f '6 tull prtc.. Valuea ~ to t1T6. TvrN: u loW' u '6 ,_ mont>1;, at-- IR.AnRI (Slntt 1907) f.H-dl N. lyoamon, Santa A n• Phmt• Klmbarly l-0872 IC1 J~TllO. 'iU'a 60 Pl.ANOS w&11.t.ed tor our rental deputmuL Trade your old piano on K&mm011d Orpn Spinet or brand P1uo Hic'beat Allowanoe Dulli • llchmldt •Phil· llpe BlJ Plano Ir 0rl'llll Btor• 520 No. Kaln. Ba.nt& AnL 'Sb FAIRLANE Loaded. Power Sletrinl', Power lkakd-J"ordomaUc. Radio,. hlr. $2450 ORANGE COUNTY'S FAMILY DEALER CAR PAnrt'S. '" CHEVROLrr -·-··-·-···-··· $47 MABK J DOWNING FORD ==o-=---,.-,,--.,-.,-:-· { or I adult.. hrtly tum. l'&r· Realty, Jl 12 Lal•yell.•. Harbof" WANT Two and three bedroam yrly, rent.al -11112 W , ()con 3843. Mt!c bCMaU. lh.v. waJUnl' llal of Front, N~ , l7c89 { -------------tenantl •lllinl' to lta.M. , ART c. KI8Ttp co .. 2901 New· CORONA DEL MAR. two · bed· Office Su ite port BJ"1, N'awpart Beach. room unturn. apL N .. r ocean Hu. 5221 87c39 View. Modem. Garb. dlapoaa.I Har. 2302 or Bu. tHO. 17cll '8--Apta. a 80lllea YJCA.R.LT RllNTA.1-uUI pd. a I ---~---------I amall apll.-131.60 to ftiO In ON BALBOA ISLAND doWn wwn Balboa. Har. 2021-K. SEE US for yeerly and 17c8tl 1euonal rentai.. SUITE Of 3 ofOca, or ~ can ba renled _,.,..t.ely. Toe.al 1000 lq. fl.. Al.SO ' STORE 21 • to, wtth ll't'lnl • quarten. Ih·tront pa.rlcbl.t' 4 pukln( lot ID T<P.r. Downtown Co.la M'... 1 Tll Newport Bl•<L, UI l ·t41J. licll ROA VIC"l'QR' tll" 'i'1JaTillch .et 1n. bea.Uutul "ratrtleld" Btlrl w a1n1.1\ ubtnat wtth doon. J'tne condlUon fllQ. Phona HYat t 4.7 ... ,. tt f"OR BALE-'1\J:NCH Standard poocll• pupplfll. AJCC r•cl•lerert. Harbor. 10T3. 80c87 MARK DOWNING FORD 'M BUICK ............. ·-··-····-· $81 to-&.:..nn. .. - Riviera ' dr. • NELDA GIBSON, Realtor :I08 ll&rlne Ave. Harbor 602 BALBOA 181..AND UDO LSI..&. Brand !Ll'W I bed.rm. 3 be.th hou.M unturn. A vall April l, Lei.II'. 111-Vla Wu:· -l1n. A Tl.ANTIC 4'"61a:I. 79tfc llTORE FOft R&NT-eooD ... ft. JJ&O J>9T month. Lo7ww J1oGr-of bulldll\I", 27311:. Clout W,bway, Corona dal :war. ~ tor uPt mt1., Jobbel' O\lu.t or lftorq' .. S'J-U veR.ock '~ OLDS HOLLlDAY ii -·· $47 Loadod JU:O. QUARTER HORSJil MARE. Rwy. 31 It Pacltk: Col..lt Hwy. $100 -CALL LI 1-8223. tf Huntlnff.on Beach RAY McCOY 8'<87 P,1 BUYI Beautiful ruu key· boan:l Splnat piano •n $1(5 on ~Oil new 111ln1t nnt&I ntun; other wooderl\11 tn.111 la XJmb&U IA9t•r Att"O«lftlc Jl'ladMt' etc. aome 8alem KapW.- li&ht Walnut, 8'°8d Oak J'rench ~· """''l t•~-2_8tucllo Pi&ooli -r:i.n. ~ kiiiii.lfft. Plillllpe Plaaoa A Hammond ()rpnll 520 No. Kain. Saftla .An&. _____ A_u_tao_..,_w_ .. _led ______ { •:,e FORD C\J•tom Ranch wagon. Will take JSOO or .ec1pt tnda tor m1 liOO equity. Call a!ter MOTOR CO. SELL YOUR CAR PAW FOR OR NOT McOa.rt.b.7 Pays Mon ------------{1•20 8. Main Kl 2·S&01 DO IT YOURSELF HI.fl BUilD TOUl't O\Wf lU -n pf\onOll'rAP'I, u•inl' N'-oomb A Ha.rmon·Kardon .UC·J'M tUn1ni, ari1p1ttl•r1, 1peakan ' ~ pi.,y.rw, Come ln Md ... tb.m. -W• WIU M&J ~ ...,.b&e tt. -. DMJY.ROW~- WANT TO BUY Model A J'ord In h.lr condlUon. Har. 2Ht·R. 1.f1Ar l :JO p. m. oo wMk daya. .... , OJ..!> CARS AND JUNKERS HAULED AWAY FREE 1w Harbor BlVd. cu~ f'•llx Bu.per hrvb Colla M .. -U I-JUT LI ...,tl 1960 Newport Blvd. :115 E. Fir1l Cl p. n\.. Ll:xlncton f-4912 Mn. { ------------- Miaro)t. M>lle liK8 CHEVROI.Zr Btatiofl waaon ~i5. l:xcellent e<1ndltlon for Ill ·~· HarbQT 002·W or HYalt 4-t6f0 85c87 19&0 BUICK BpechLI Oelwt• 4 door tourlriw llf'dan. Oynatlow, Heat1T, unde~I. •eat CO"i-e.re and many extru. OMC1nal black ftnlah. Porcelanlu.d. P e r f • c t 1ervleln1 1'f!COrd. Unu11ually fin• c:ondltlon l.hru-o1.1t. t>"ull prtce t4 70. Or1f1nal owner f'bone HYatt 4·Tll8. tt Hausken· Watson SPORT C.lR CENTER JAGUAR. rs. A . LocaUOn only) AUSTlN·REA.l.ET MORRIS, AUBnN Al.SA ROM:llO RENAULT, M.G. New CU 5&lfll A Benlc- Oeu. UHd. Can, AU MU.., rm· ported and DomuUc. J201 SO. lolAIN ST., 8.ANTA A.NA Kl 0-1111 . 19" HARBOR BLVD. COSTA KEaA LI 1-6061 ti .M1CRCE>l:~----=-11ENZ-PORCHIC -J'AouARB-= MO. etc. andl,·-,,------------UNCOLN hardl.op cpa. lm· '*"'et'ican Cate l'lven 1 compl•l• mit.eulat•. All utrM lncludl111 •---siiTt 1C1Nim~wWi,.~yr'ioi'11ii'ixOin'i~i'.=i..,iRi:rl ________ ' ___ 17_•_1 1 coadJUcm Jt ,415 WOODWORTH PlAKO CO. 2t10 I:. Clout fflltlway. COl:'OM. oe1 Mu: ro.cbanlcal tn1pectioll and roed power equlp. WlU IAQftlFJCIEl t.Mt. Won )'OU 6\ly. fOt" quick NJ• fl846. CALO'. UBED CAR ALSO lloa CHZVROIZI', Jrrf\J9l •• .... -To tfnt & hW• qi bu)' & tlOP&. th• .tmplMt ,...,. to ttnd 1 pa.ea to UV4. U. U'll"OU.fh the W&lll aa.. -115' CAD!LLA.C 4 'door. ft S«t .. ttone. all power phu air con- dtUonlnl' 143.W -1>40 Diana Lan-. Ha.rbor HtchL&nM -U t-MJ7. «tell - IN8Pl)C'l'l0N BERVtCE. Mil tither ear. C&U LI 1-7801. ~ M.lr. CU' Beno. arter f pm. McU Jlf lndu•lr1&1 W17, U .. 1731, N-port Aillo WorM. 120 Ind~ w_,., l.l 1-7711 ""''" '06 VOLKSWAGEN. dtUon $1tt5. Hiar. -New and Used TRUCK AND Peuenger TIRES 8-Ho ur Recepping .. Ser1 ico Complete Brake Swvice ANO Front End AUrnment ROAD Bl:RVICI: nr.t.ona Buda"9t Plan TOW'll trw the .AMtft&' HOWARD RYAN 801 -809 W. i.t SL IANTA ANA Kii.am SEE HE· TA NELSON CORONA DEL MAR POR CHOIC1C RENT A.LS. 81tASON AL Ir YEARLY. t9()8 E. Cout Hwy. Ha.r. 0630 lt LI DO ISLE'S J'abuloua brand new a •tory, J \ bdrm. Ir den. 2 ba.tb.11. flttpl•c&. C-.l'f'4l"!ld. Many ck>Rt.. Bircll k.i\Ct.en wtth built In OE Range 6 dl1hw1.MH". Bar, w•ll of gl&u onto Ju1b 341 fL wallf'<I J»lUO. roofed boat 7ard, 1anp. Har. 2NI. 81dli RENTAL ·k SP ECIA LI STS CAU.. EDS.A CRA 10 DORIS BRAY, Realtor T HRElt BEDRM. un.tuln. hotaoe. 9 ., •. old N-port Vi.ta tract. 58:1 mo. Pbone afternoon and ev•. L1 1·7023. Mlfc RUSS FORD, Realtor 1000 c:o&at Whway LI M14.1 - Mariners Mile 60 n.. with office buildlnr on $350 per month. Ezclu.aive with '()5-BORNE -FORTON, water front. Realty Co. 2323 W. Coaat Hwy. · Newport Beach lat Port Oranp) LI 8-7~2 Ill Marine. Ballboa lal&nd {------------------------- ---· --:r-------1----"-"-·-'-"-°'-"----I :iia.~~A.::-:-~!'!'!-!?."!!.2R!!•~'"~loc__, U.A-BlllJMM .,,,. .. il-Avto b Choiee VO'iqtc.r Re.nta.la on Fw-Rent In ea.ta Mca ?fJcm MOOl:l\N ear. roam or ..... ~ ~ Balboa lal&nd 6 Udo lale 2 m•t..i bW14lnP,· otflce ~~tla. t lUCL. NASH a m.JosoN 8m&ll 6 ~ or WT• 6 dalwr.a 1:"4l par,muntb mo. lncl\ld1nc atwu.u. lnqW. owa.. '11 to 1300 morith l·fi~ pt.r montb •t pnipttt7 atttt O p. a ..... a.pa,.i. ~ Ll?O' a 1eo· 1&,000 csa,.. °" uy une aat. • ..._ RIOH HAHN 'S VOGEL CO. ... n. ,...,. ... -· ., '"" u ....,,. att. '"" • AUTO K.A.DIO REPAIR 2'tl Martlll Ave .. B&Jtio. talf.nd &y & Bea.ch Rlty. Inc. W'Mk-0., • 61tf HYDR.A.M.ATIC SERVICE Ph. Harbor i44' or H•rlxlr HU& "Ju.111 t rt(ht or th• Udo 8rtd1•~ • tOi E. UTH. BT. flu. Har. 3tJ9..R or Har. l229-R Ka.rbOr IM3, :tttt Jr:.-. Ranior 4726 Newport S..dl ~ '4tfe 17tlc • -lut>-=rlbt to lha t-dar, ~ L1.e 1n th• 8En. CtJJ Kubor lilt. .. l ' ) I J . ' !JI ! : ' ;;t a--" • !! y•r... ·~_...,.. • . -. -.. ;.;; __ ~~--.-~ ., __ ... ~""---~-:..,.-::::=r._--~=~ . --~.--___ . ___ ,,.. ... _ . -, .... ~-· • •11!:::!-•!!Wl!-!'.!Z!l!!l!!__:-:__;·:_a!!:;::!•!! ... !!.:'D~l!!l!!•---l.1 :~ ';'! ·-S?!ft I 1e -.:;; ~ -:i:::::._ A • , ·" , . ~:.Ul---11--:,--"-'-'· -·="---'1U11T""""~oo,.,KP.._.u;:,,,,"';rw""'--_~---_otLlJDQISLf -... ' --'EWPOllT H,t.A-OR N!WU'llESS -PART 11 · PA6E 9 F«IDAY, MARCH 2J, 1956 It .... m.tat. Orange Grove . ~-.. PARK MANOR . . WHY CHASE .,,....._ ti ..... -_. A ~ Lot ~ fOUR TAlL AROUND ' FISHER'S FINEST aw.. ... .Illar. ~ Oidill .,...-• ..._..._., ,. IDfOW SVCl\1' Mm• u4 -.._... klMI ,_. famll7. I .0. · lJY ~~ JI 'EMtSOL tu.t » for MM • lid& W. . of ..., 1004 V•'m•• ' Will tt. Wt' p1....,.. tO m· • --- I . ConatructlQll Lo.n1 -Refinan cin g Froo Prollmlnery. Apprai1al1 O•neopoN!ellm for "'llf'e onaCiiiiiltj WiiihiiOO Oimpoo:r · ot Ttncer1e 1 · -KUL'l'!Pta DWmo llft: ~ Eut ~ Calta II.-. '6 :II 1IO C1e&a wt t ...,_ -.. DOW -. '"'li"fj:-lf'M.; 1 ... •N 81*"';"~ ~-llulld~ W'fl«>me Iota~ ~ lo ,.. .. ,... '°"" I. IS YOUR DREAM D1q>1a ..,,,... Jota.. All Improvement. 111. '--~--"'--,e..-·-.:e-~0c---I ~A l!l&TJ'ROIC'l'1l0mt wltlrP!Elt' It l'UlAT-?-----~--t · Htl"8 Jt la with a.a. apartment to help buy It for you . - I· • - llillUn NitlO!iirW-t Ii1iUri1iCi compoiij-. SOUTH COAST Mortgage Company Approved J'HA ll:ortpgee ' Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. KullipM LUUlll. -· --- 3135 m. Qliut. JUdlwt.7. Coron,!-dal Mar. Sanor" il.51 -Balboa 1900 Weot Clooat w,h~ -U 8-7791 Newport Beach, Cai!forn!a -----------------------IFurnl.ahed dup&as all Oil ODe f\l)or. U.A B·h .. Beetall 6~!!::;;!!! •-~~·!:'!_·_!1'1~!2'!!!"'"!!, __ ·_·,j Good .utnmer rental& 1 block ~ !!28!2 to Ba7 $1t,&OO wt.ta .,. down NEWPOR1' llod•m DR.I. oUlc. INDUB'l'RLU... bklc'· with~ peyment or pt'Oftl!Mlon&l JIUite, located room, ~U ·Seth It.reel, NeWpori An ueL k>$.-. ellla.aM& ..-4, Bal· a.nio. Blvd. P&rkillll, Vacant. BMch. lAued fOf" $150. moatb boa Ptn1nM&LL Cab' tu,QIO. 1'11 N. l'\o!ffr I . A-oi-Kl plua ulWUM. Low taxee. Priea 2-0951. u 118 OOI. Bu. "821 or 'HI tt 2 OcMA l"roat lob on J:. Bmlbo& ' . BIY"d. 110,llDO ..-ch. -You C.n't Be-.t -Th• Prlc• -&--Lo'Clltlo-n. -~ -IAl._IOA ISLE • ~~ btdrOOCD home ptu. t bedroom aport· 7 tra roll I AL'& • ... lbf DriV< by Olld b.,y. · ~ from Cloota II:-Park. ,... ,... -"' ,_ ,., IDfllt. olidlng gluo wall to Lanai and Bay. Beauti- 18tb. and Anaheim. · llalrt.. il'• ao ..cNI &o ua. A l fully modern.bed. BA YFRONT BUY OF THE ' \.lrd AI.READY SOLD --:-..,. at ,_.. _..,. to .llb.ov YtiR Only $-d.:500 Pt>-Libort:r s-1781 Libtrt;y M62l tt .. .,.. .. :"" 0 • 2. ,A LITTLE PRIVATE KINGDOM NEWPORT BEACH AD your own. on a full ACRE. beautifully land· J B&DltOOM llOIO: W\t.11. I bl.UJ· rooma. ~ roohl, ~ 11•. .C..ped, with eprtnltler •Y1tem for euy maintenance. SCOOP! See Me-Ta Nelson ee.t .... talde N91ShllOl'bOod. I Bdr. 11' 'Mt!w. dbie pr .. JrW TUii x&rr fioooftTANT AD IAI' n.om ~ -., WIHOW. Thnfe street frontages. De Luxe SWlllllING ooMft 'finr, i Cf.!' P~ u d POOL. Room for the Dog. Room for the children tbiJ., nrePL, w1th a 01 4" YOU'LL kEAD TOOA y !~~. t~u~~= to play. Fully fenced. Room to buil4 another )o&n. Only 1a.ooo dn., !'Ull COROKA DEL MAR • Pric., Ill.too. T1W le aice. $ I 510 ON.; $ 8000 N~t_ UtU. J bdrm., ttrepl., lot. M -. lH, doe.-ln. A rMl iood bu7 tor llDaJI flllnilJ. ART18'TIC 1 beclrm.. caJ1»tted dOW1I ~t. Mon~ ~t. home for IOl'J. and bil Wife or Mother a.nd Dad. tbru ·out, tlNpl&cc, J b1ocb approxtn&ate17 111. Add to UU., &n exceptional S bedroom, 2 'h bath from Bay. Would OONdd« UMk e e e I tor dupln la Corona del Kat...-· · home with 30' liTing room opening to Lanai wlth •u.ooo tu!(,...._ SXCWllIVI: WITHIN 3 SPITS barbecue · firoplace and featureo too nwnero.., to US'J'ING. ' ' 'COU WlLL l'IMD J'IUUNO. d~ribe here. -· .. ~ =-~~= All thia for ~9,MO • .,.,. dupLa., I MdroolM u1. 2 For appointment to eee call dowa. 1'1npJ&ae, • over-alaed p.I'· 4 BDRMS., 2 BATHS a& a I -Opportmddri... BUSlNESB • INOO>a: properq, c p CIOM to Wa.utda aboppUi.1 cen• COSTA Kl:8A lith • Pl&ceftuL By owner-oast roperties tu Db1e. sar. on1y • mm. o1a. wvm.T 1 BEDIQL. i B.\TB. Rl:IPONllIBLI: PJ:RaON rnal• Of LI l-8'TMI after 5 p.m. or wMJr. Rulll JQ'nd,. A.itor aeaUy done, ooly 12.000 dn., 'Hdwct noon. l&rr• Jot. tie.'\IU• tem&M, trom thl1 uu, wanted 1nds. 'TOUc and $71 mo. oo. s.J. tuUy l&nd.tcaped., neu Qplt aia to •ntce and collect trom au~ M.ll~ Rip• 41 Bylvl& Tbomi-on F\ll1 prtce $11.IOO. $1JOO dowa. =~-~!t =--cJ:.:. 8%-B MI Estate 301 E. s:i::1;;,~d.: ~Balboa R.4 ~LOG. LOT S LOVELY a bednn., bdwd. 11.oon. 1'9f•~. &nd $880 w-orklng o•--LOO-·o BACK BAY-Phon• Har. 2MS or Hu. 'IOO 50 x 200 Ea.It alda 12"0 dual fUrnaot, laTJ• lot, double ........ •.<:.<.no ~ tt IO x 127 8-er tn• U260 ,.,..,._ FHA'% lo&a.. CIOA ln. capita.I D~. For _..... out ol 'atat.e owner forced to ..._ ,.., an.,. .... wnnc b<q. Pt1otd n t,000---P&Jmmta very -· • • • BALBOA PENINSULA oc:mAN l"ftONT LOT &-1. 6hl02. fisher and Company 2603 Newport Blvd. Newport. Beach Har. «29 cul&n writ• BQ1 'M·7 Thi• Mcrltlce n~ e rm .. 1% b-.tha. -----------CLOSE l~E. SIDE F.P. 111,750. papll'. 17p88 Dr•pee. w;w cupel• In llvtn1 Bay Shores a 8.Jl. RWd. fin., Ule bl.lb • lDn'A Nmt.SON •U.llO. 0004 t.nni. Ill' trantl -------~---------------. 1 U 8 T little cate In ' h•rt ol • ti.all•. Un1aU.11.I ittr&cliff Jlltc. PaWld pat.Lo. FaDCed • 2tol IC. Cout RW}' t&auly rm. Many built Ina.. , ,.....,. _.,. d.VL f lJ.J60 with Corona del Kar, ll&r. IMO. Corona del Mar. ldetJ.1 ror • m&Ulvt •lone fireplace.. lA.nd· M'tJ OroJ. Drtw couple. Prtcl!d rl(ht with ex cel. ....,._ V 91 4 ~ loan. t.enna. EXC1.U81Vlt wltti._ UI. ec•,,..__,,. f30 la Muine (·23rd Open Dal!J' -1.f.:IO LU c AsEv o FFiCE • :..~u~n' eo.~11&. u~.'.'!! Now PRicmo ro uu. Mesa-Harbor Rea1ty 2121 C. COlit RI. -·· • barlll .. """lTb&'Q; , .... • TES--~'-j"---"Sl""C"Tms---- Corona del Ma.r. Har. 0848 fO tt. FRONTAGE cloee to South j•L. all elic. k.11.Chu.. lpaclow -IOI Out .. IL. Oo9ta X.. --·- Mc88 Bay, B&Jboa W•nd. TWO B. R. paUo -built la BBQ. °"..... LI Mill • LI l-7'TIA IP' YOU AR.II LOOKING tor • ------------1 HOUSE • BACHELOR APT., 1•ni.c•. 1ecvoua ~ l(OOd \hrw bdrm. bome.. Hard· LOCAL 5 cenll lo l l VARJE'TY wood noor-9 with br-.nd Dtw STORE tor u lt. GOQd deal tor 2 cu ra.ra.ie. 2 patJo.. extra RALPH p lo ~ A t'KEY • Udo Nord ~Unc. We ldtcb.,_ &M bl.th. n qiona!blt per-.on. Ll 1-7 .. ,.6. p&rkln.g. T•l'Jrul, pnee 11•1"1 In· • J¥ll"'\,,;;> every bdnn. a mut.. .iae rrn. s1cu t.eru~ WILL SMITH RZ.ALTOR . Bay Front rorcec1 .u be&t. AtL ,..,...,.., • 205 Mutne Her. 200-J a .. u N..-port BIYd., Npt. Bch. twtced )'Ud. TbJI la a ..... 1 valu. Balboa 11.JQnd 87cll Ba.rbor '°2 tar GCl7 $12,600. l:Z TEIUUI. EXCLUSIVJ: LlBTJNO 1 1 • • Cnnt Urn•-ottiiidJ BUSINESS ZONE n on REAL VALUES Jud new ., Chin&. • • • HURRAH ii GOLD DIS- COVEREO.IN BALBOA! HOME LOANS Laguna Beach Lots 4 B 2 Bath Con.trucUon -Rerlnanc1 -Sa.lu LocatlKI tn be•Utlf\11 EMER..\.LD f' r • - s On• lt.ory modem home. Beal North Udo Boch location. II 8 . R., :t b&th. ' yrL old, '5 tt. LoL 13 llfOOIOC UlfTn. C-. to 1>1;y and ti.ch. (¥;o9 lncom• 111,000 Ir YOU Aiu: LOOJCIKO tor • to •11,000 1,-r ,....,, Aak.lq" bom• &lld bUldntM loc&Uon UU. J81,octO. CJoocl '\Wr'm9. O'i'i • 5 Y.~ -et;"., BAY Private bu.ch. HfJh.lJ lna. F'unda -BldK". A l..o&n -reatrlcted atta. Chooee now, BeauUtu.1 5 m1111th old Mm•. cu. Tru..., ..!:~~~ttBouMogob<Y! ._ •~]" w~e H.lectlon I• (ood. tom INdecapbl{, plnlc block .... ~ • ~ u C&ll Harbor 3907 eve1 Kar. 4.111 wall ..1D rear 7ird. Kins 1lu Call For J't~ Connnltment llctf. paUo. Only l block to ahopptn1 All Mod•m converuenc.., •lee. ,......,.. door. la IL Approa. Ji6i llOl'tl ol. IJT'Owwl 1 12~d00. With aood two bdnn. W'• ft1:n1Wa a. Cl'Jlftl' tonll born&. Tlala w • pod eloM ln ~ tao. wM 'GO?M t.oo late. louUOl'I. tor MOit .air Jttnd of , BALBOA ISLAND. f-B. R. 3 bath home, modern ,.:id lovely, with apacioua A: charm. 1 B. R. apt. Dbl. gar. Gueat room It bath. Owner . leaving a:rea. Priced to aell. A HONEY. 2 B. R. home with beautiful 1 B. R. apt., 2 car pr. Guest room & bath. Ld.y. room. DON'T M1SS THIS! COSTA MESA. BACK BAY VIEW L<Jl'. Thi> lot YOU will want for your permanent home. It can't be beat, &nd we haven't another to co mpare. Let ua ahow you thla one! BLANCHE A. GATES, Rea lto" llEYBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., B&lboa Island-Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 DON I. HUDDLESTON -----------c1ntet". CUrbl, MW•r A •kl .. I.I 8·M41 Co•l• M-FOR ti.A.LI: BT OWNER-4 bed· wallu ln. J"ull pric• 112&00, 170 111.aoo. tfnn.I. lncl. b\dtn ... W• t .. 1 UIS. la l"fflly • ·• • prtc.d rtpt and llbwld ..U 1100D.. w. ... tmna. _ _ ,_s .. v .. .W11Ud1 Roalty ,. Co. -B A. NE. RE.SON ·'. lnvoatbi ont Co . I NON -VETS No Down Payment . Impounda $295 l71 E. t7th St. room home, l~ balhll, land· mo lJ:lcl. t..x-. bul. 6 tntere1t ecaped 6 ttilced. FKA lo&D. al '~ ~ wtlh mi.all down pay· •Harbor Inv. CASH ... 'roR-TRUST DEEDS WX. B. HOLT MORTGAGE BANKINO •aINCE 1930. Jtoe N . B\18H SANTA A NA KDil:BERLY 1·7111 .. , Freedoll). born• ueL Call manL RllALTORS • • M>l bnd I t.. N~ Bch .. C&llt. JOth It Npt. BIVd. ' RllALTOI\ Har. 6111, atler1.I p..m.. Hu. 6617 _________ ,Newport-Mesa Rlty. -· '"'° ~!!~rtN ......... ,.11 81•".;_ eo.tau .~ OST :·• -.,.,, --1 . ~·· ,_,,. C ._,_ • 'ESA C(IFF HAVEN ~" ,!.-iiort ~;:; ~ o=~ 1 ----:---:----:--:::-:-:~-:-:-:-I: :Llbo=:.:":1 :: .... ..=1:'~....::_Ub<rt=:.:''.....:1-:::11:::":: ~ IYl Uberty M223 IDOrnlDp or after fl p. m. lltlc 15x2:S UVING ROOM., ftreplac., .... ~ .. hl2 """'' .... m. '~" BALBOA ISLAND BAYSHO!tES Bll:9T BUY Open HOUN--Jl!l·Bat-8un·M.oo. ~15 CrdtYi.W DriV• B/B 3 ood °"" f21,15(l() BR.AND KEW Mt located ln eo.. t& X-'a GD~ MC• Uon.. i.rp roomi ~t • 3 Bed.rooms, l 1 :! baths BEST BUY COSTA MESA AREA Inquire at 2:>2 E. Palmer LI 8·2657 LOANS for Homes ot clOHta. Patio. Dbl•. SUI.I"•· A J 1 • n.-"-••"t Lua• 1ot. laAclacap.d, f•nc9d.. ewe o.i.-~~ ""'~ y Newly redecorated, $11,750. -I -bedroom bom• wtth tM &pl""I 2 s.FJ PLUS dorm. ov•r pnJt. yr. round or .um.mv-knattr pln• tnl. I patb -··-122,&oo Corona del Mar Opon Houao 8unday 1. O bu~.~· bu11l· ----------------------- Payment. IN. WUl Carry NOQnd. of a bacb cottq--e and UM COD· 1" -JO YT· Lo&ne OWNER 315 SIJn&I. Romd, LI atrw:Uon aM 6tabU1t7 ot a Construction Loans ,.,. .. _ •->M• ·~·• -.. 1..ou ... ~ the JovellMt et~nt on th• Ia· 8D BOB 8ATT1.ER , 1&nd.. 8i-doua ya.rd.. Cbann!Jll"· ., .. llAST co ... T BLVD. CURT DOSH , Rltr. 1, .....,,,.,, ... --'"·"'°· Cor6Da del Mu Harbor 1881 "'•· rouw:R ><ORTOAGE' co. 31 5 Merine Ave. NELDA GIBSON Metro lJt• 1rw. l"\mde XI 1--6116 '"'' Ba lboa lale nd REALTOR BACK BAY BltAUTY 2 8.ft., DEN, t•mU7 din. room, Iota of cloHU, "t1ew -roum tor bo~uutuJ. pe.Uo A: 7ud. .. ,_ .............................. -.. -... llt.MO 2 B.R., DEN, ranch atyl•, w1dtl lot ... # ............ _. ____ ui.doo -2N_O_&_l_S_T_T-.D-.-L-O_A_N_S Ha rbo r 1560 BY OWNER 308 M•rlnt Ave., Bl.Ibo& laland Ht.rbor 002 or -t82S COAST HIORW A. Y WA'l'ERrRONT PROPERTY -----------·I ~ bWldlq-B&lbom ~nt 511 Orchid * $1-l.750 rull prtc. * .Excellent term. * A 2 btdnu.. hom• * Convu.lent R-2 location * Clean M a -.vh11Ue * Sett.Ir hurry 'Exclusive with UJ 8eTYtr11 all On.net: Couaty We Buy Trust Deeda -It llaie Coll&te..i Loana Roya l Mo rtcje9 e Co . HEARL T NEW 3 bdnn. home, tum. b7 d~tor. Nicely land· ac.P'd, tars• lot. oompl•t•l7 tenc.ci $13,&00, t•rma to r.JiOne· lb.It pereon. 3069 N•UOnal. Co.ta 11-. 1 .. p11 Boalltifu l · Claire V tin Horn Ne wpo rt Hts . Home REALTOR Bay & Beach Realty LARO& .,)(! BPACJOUB 2 bdrm., 2!131 W. CUU\ Hwy. LI 1.,177 Corona <tel Mar Otnce H02 Newport Blwl., ><JJ"'l. Bch. ror e ppotntmmt pboo• coll.ct 1~ ~th home. J\&U dinlq nn.,1------------13630 ll. oout. lfirhway, Har. Mb H.erbor 1549 I" hr, pbOrM ~ Holnlwood Dr1111 • cH • R·l Lot' dln•ttt, new w to w ~­ On• oC t.11• )OYUl..t bom• Oft P'Ullu\oo A••· He.a two Hpanle 2 cmr Pnc••· Jb.cluiiv• with u.. $20,000, Jood terme. "1.0=..,~N"'1-T0=-1JU1LO=="."'"'D<PR==o°'VE.= Good nu, BUT, ><oDDNlD. OR 'OP.ANO• coil'!' PROPERTIJ:ll BA LBOA REALTY CO. RU'JNANCI: 1847 Newport. Calta Kea 700 I:. B&lboa Blvd., Hubor 1217 w. Bu7 Tl'Ult n.i. Ll 1-1132 -Evea. u 1-1 .. 00 Provincial Perfecti~ In lhi.. 2 bedrm., h•VJ" ehall:t f09f board A tJiat u:tctor, rai.Md JIMld brick he&rth, open bMm .... beauWV.I c:abtDetl HmWPQRT ULBOA IA VINQ8 __.... - 6 """" ..uoocu.no..... _ CL11'F RAVEN , Corona Hig/lla nda ~ Jll,orza• bullt by • m.-.. ~&a. One 7at old. .... .,. Lido Pb. au. d(JD-floocr DOWN, 1100 I*' mo. for:_I NEW RUITJC RAN~ Hou••. tlo yr. old 2 bdrm. attr&c. 1tucco ._ BeuUhJJ.7 '••dec*ped. n .ooo ctown. Udo Isle A r-.J bu1 la a I bedtoonl home. Low do9n. 12•.wo NEWPORT BEACH n.-. bedroc:lma, I lit.the. New phunbtnc' and wtTtq Ul,SOO " J'OUR .. UNIT lNboK&. Alwl.p f'Ull. atMd)' "'t&&nta Ill.MO ltnna. -----------home. Flrepla"-pe.Uo, .mall tot. a ~-. 11'. batl&e. Le. u.. rm. A Cliff Drive "* !?!f waa1oc1 • ••'-'""" ,..,... .. •• ""'"'-"'-""""-, .... , kit., wiu. .,,.,, Art C. K"1stler Co. ::::; _;;,::; _ RllX RIX:HS, Re.ltor mbin•ta.. bullt·tn OYen A: rans•. UMFINIIHED bou-. _ l lJ,llOO EARN 10 0/ 0 ZSO'T W. Bilbo& Blvd. Hu. 5151 W •. W. ca~t It drapa9 lD UY., 1'1111 pr'lc. Sx\J'L lot a~bl•. .R&ALTORB (D rans• -~ &Ad lnt•r· """"" _ ,,..._ . ...__ NEW J 10,B:IO •• ONLY •1110 ~~(~r' I TI per month HM 1 'i6. ..,_ di.9poN.I, taa ""° -........ ~ Uvtq room WI~ ........... ._.to J*Uo. 0n ............ ~Oc· -.... , .A.prllj~IJL YOU CAN'T BEAil THI.S S BDJUll., -.I)' I Jti1.rt ~ Be&u-UAiDJ" ...... ,.. twibl:.:-)k ....... T U c..f\&llt dlcotated ~-0.ll. ~ tu ont 1~,P.PM ill umc r90ftl, -.... ' llNet upta. Prlce4 at l10,J50 1'IUI u UtU• u •1TJO down., pl\iii lJD. poundl oC I n .IO pw mclftdir. 1n· oludtN tUIM and ~ 1'1.1& • w vaout. lmmd&Ui ...... t. tuaUfted ~-l A BEIT ER HOME BUY Plarufed to Uve in home. 3 large bedroom•. 2 full bath.. -LiVing rocim facee patio. three glaaa sliding doon. See ua to work out down payment. to auit.. and plan tD MOVE IN TOMORROW. ORANGE COAST PROP ERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd. LI 8-1632 • Coat& Meaa Eves LI S..lWO AN UNUSUAL BUY MUST BE SOLD to .etlle et1la.te. Attractive 1 bedrm. home in Newport Height.a .. Excellent loca- tion. Hu luge double garage, lath bowie, patio C. ED JONES , RI~ -1101up1o ........-f and lt11clng. Needo oome cleanlllg and fixing u p. 111t 'B&nor BlK. ·a.ta 11-,.. Appraiaed at $8000. Submit your offer. LI w.a&a ~ -.._ • • • .~~ ELTON BARNETI, Rea ltor .. Preview Showing 4a N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach LI 8-2772 or u 8d2H • Bayfro nt-Pior & Sl ip BAYSHORES BALBOA ISLAND" • • /C IOcl7 din.. .entry are& lnc. IA.ndtdpad ltOl Newport Blvd., Newport Sch 1---,--,.,,---,--,---• ..,.,.._ °" ... v-; .,..,, "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. Ru, -.,,.. N_,i Borbor'o moot u -ON TOUR MONET .-w &1110n ln.tormaUoo call, U,..ton• W181 LIDO R.J otll•r t•hlnria, muat M IMft to app..,l&t• ........ Own• •fl I ... ><-rt BIN.,~ II•• ----------1 quJolto ,.... '!>UDd Bay· •li.rJn.E ISLAND" CO'ITAGE. Hurry, thi.o one • 1 ' will go fut! -$19.~ tt 1 -ao n. Iota l)ft So. Ba7 J'ronL -----------Pl.500 ..ch. C&ll T. D, Ro ... ra, J'OR IA..LI: 1'1rwt Truat °""-Bar. U86-W, or RYan 1..o2'8.""' JM'11As •9'. tatenet. B&lanC41 1itt. • 14,Ut.~f •t 8'0c per mo. on Oar· ----~.------­ dta Gron ~rtJ'. Harbor ........ -Speculaton Attention! U OCEAN VIJCW ACftlCS ABOVll LAGUNA BEACH. --40 .. &C"9 lD wat .. dLtlrtc:L TtrtM. OnlJ l2l60 p.1r .ere. Pboo9 J..l 1-1711 or LI I-Mil HU 51 8tol -Waalod WILL BUT hocD U'WUI", on Balboa i.IMd.. OM w two belhvoi:n apL 0nr dbl. prap. WlUI ~ :.':.!.......,'" """" a. B·•. N=.' --A--R-a-re--lt_e_m_! __ \f ANTED to 1eue With opUoft to bu)'. I or I bdrm. mod•rate pdcild horn' n~ by JuM.. rxoellant ntf. Hu. U.7. 17cd ·ll~i!'.o-£Io"Hge TR.ADS quality P AaADllN A l'Nl· dt11K:• .. -... ·tor n.t· UAL HOMJij on Oc-.n Front, Built tor owner. Well planned. a.t ot oou~cu.. -· WHAT A VJSWI Che rloa E. He rt1-Roa lto r ,,JO w. BaJ.boa Blvd. Har. 1 ua -...... ""-..... u '"'"? "' u ...... BALBOA ISLAND front home. lkcll: Bay Lot •1750 down Wetw1 A MOWltAiA ~-• OR.AN'G.ll OOAft PROPEl\TU:B 1167 N.-port. Ooet.a M.- 1.I 1-llU -l:Yff. U .. 1400 BY OWNER Shake 'Roof MUST SEE (No ~ latonnaliOft-,_.. ~ tor •PPoi•tlMat -q\l&Un.M ~ta ..,. • CHOICE BAYFRONT locatlon with unporalleled view. f-bedrooma, 2 b&tha with pier and float. The only .place like it ln the Harbor Area. $68,000 DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marine·Ave., Balboa laland Har. 20 or 64. LOOK --$AC RIF1CE OCEAN FRONT LOT , A Re r• Item -An d Whet A View DA.NA POINT -· B£tl' BUY -R~l :SO-• 118' YES I 'PRICED TO SELL 112,IOO-TE.l.SPHONI: QWNER OYPBT I~ Nice East Side Location I Ill IP ..... • WWiliini£.1----------------------- lrft. noor-. ftnJllace, thermo • denu.J, conuntrd&l or lndUat11&1 property in Newport.. Balboa. Coat& JI(.. Ot" C,D..lil.. YallM •---no;ooo Wrtt. ......... Ttt-"cm:re 1--Uia. paper. ISJill --Gsborne-N>riort REALTY '10~ Mat. ....... ..,.... IPO'D.&ll 1---......... -..... --.-.. --wttll. ...r6M~ M·l ' " .. BllXO tD VL I b.troom. 14 bath. W. W. carpat. A dnp. tn. Co-"""'"".,_ """ • lmf!DC"l'tlm HOMJ: ta muta ...... G. ·H. LATH ROP M36 If.. eo....t H,.•y. ODroM ct.i Kar Kat. HU. H80..... .... HQ.llll: It INCOME taoo DOWN., 1f'ff lft OIMI 2 Mml. bome '1 A J*' mo., R.nt c.a othw, ~ lou.. Or rmt both tnr •llO pr m..,Ul. ._.,... Ill tnftl -BJ' own., u I-TAI. . -· -eland by JOUr toalJ u...-ciaper-9 U.'f &Al u.. ... ~ ...,. ecr&DiMd C'OID&ll~ cu ...... .. ., - TEN ACRES POTE'NTIAL M-1 l!ellen will ro "' --oubjec:t "' ~....mg. HENRY C. VAUGHN 2029 Bartio. Blvd. °*"' 11: ... ' LI H781 or LI 8-f 718 Ev<Dlnp • , ' • - • - • ' ' ' -· ' -'- • -• I • - • • -· • • PAE!E '· PAAT 11 -NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-aE5S ~•!::•!•!!!.I •!!•!!!!!6'!.'~..;-;;;:;;::1 ~·~l:!f'!'"'!..!!1D2!!!1!!.1!!r' __ ,._..!!!!:: FRIDAY, MAI.CH n, 1914 ·-r· &Ai:B6* "IStAND · .. ~oo~· Tlie" Over -·=•*tr.w.' t 4 ~ .. •• • '11ie P~clflc" 'We~oving . ':~'.;,. ~ ~ =.: ::-,.J -:+ "=s.:~-=:-s L I D 0 Sf EC· I A l · KQDEL HOKPJ .. to Irv· .1ne Terrace" ~ blk. to So. Beleh. <>DI at OU •BJ!:8T BUYS. ........ ....... p ' ., ...... • • • OPz:tf • • ' For V~uesl ~ ....... _ ... ~-. ... .,;: ~~ Open Satur.day and Sunday A#emooris . U7,ll00 qklii1. -• ......, --Saturday-SWld&Y • .'.o.. __ :-· _,-!B~EE~-!JOl!ltJR.~Oll~~~·otLJ•i.ib•it• ~p.s.• .. *-ir~· ... 1111111• ... Mll..a-t-~~~=.i;~io::'-' --1-~,, ----''lrw.-.tlltiiu.-it'._----+-'·--.,.-'°::-----r--·~-ror )'OlllWOlf the nWl1 out.- c1eco.. home. 2 bodrma., 2-l>atho, -bod .A..,_t Bulldinc , 1 to a-,,..,_ · m __ n.tt_nr f~tw. of thla ~~bl• oommunl~. < • • •• • c1-t. Paved p&IJo ud BBQ. Reduced. to "=f:::."! ~~ ~ i-w'" Kbre and more Harbor area·famlliea &N IDlpoctlnl ~.!500 !Otme. ' -·---l Com-' H•rbor ltl•nd Ro•d -ezqulolte homeo -•""·· tbolr comfort, --. p;;w;-.o..-. -... -'103 VI• Yelle'. venlenceand .... tra1~ BO.BAY l'llONT. Abe&U.tttulhomeof4:bedrma., UUU'1' w AD,....... ···-·•1 1 9 a bt.t.ba. mald'• room and bath. Complete)y tur-A-J OCllillltt.I Good bleotDt • • • HERE IS THE cb&nce yoo'•• been ~ of: : :.:::-~ • . Kore &nd nion fimtllet who prefer • home In • ~ nlahod. Priced at $100,000. "0·000. ......_. 3 bodrooma, 2 1-tho prioed at ODIT $2f,llOO. Owner o ,..._. -.,......,, 1trictod quality COIDmunity .,,. moving Into their Ll'1TLE ISLAND, .A M1!1t1c and uaable S bodrlll., BALBOA ~ l'llONT! baa putth11ec! larpr home and baa rt•.., uo thio : ::f"-~ r,:" Im.. TerriCe homeo, a •-th In -1..-.11_..a._. ..._ uwt, 6 BiWIW)()ll, ·~ ~ boala. fo.. 1-.,.""'-f QWCJt SAL& • a..tlfQl aU"• -' a -· -~~~ ..,.,_ -... -,_..,... ... -... -or . ' ....... ....,:";:;;:: Inspect the model homes, BAY FRONT home and ~ Ono o! tho fnr _., -Woul<I '° """' DON'T W.l!T-C&ll uo now -!Im clepollt • t -..,r~ """'' - • --"'" ..... .....,,. ..... thll ma VA.LUE• ~ .,_ ••••-built . by Macco Corp. apt. unit. cm Udo. L.ce. lot, ucelknt beach. U&.000. t-., •"-. · •Uher 2 bedqn. apartment aY&llable for ownc:. Lons PmrqNsULA ·DUPLllX! Only S9l500 c1o..... • ._.,. "'"'" ...,. · · exqµisitely furnished leaw other unit.a. ln.cdtne approzJmately f1200 • n... qblnet tnM•0 •HoN LOVJ:LT llPACiou• DUPLEX • """' .. .....,., ........ •-by Martin & Von Hemert lf'OU. Good TD and owner will acoept. 2 bedrm. wtth 1 MdlOCllbli up _. 2 bed-• • o.u,bttully decorat.ct . home u pvt payment. Priced at $90,000. room. dowa • • • both D.l.c.lJ' • ma...., .. 17 ~ped rYmW!ied. heu -.ueeo proputy ~ • ltMtrieted ue.. CORONA DEL MAR. Leuebold. 2 bednn., con· and ,......, ..,_. ... IA and STY .vertlble don, 1% batho. Uving room openo to patio. ou< .... " '°' pc,ooo. tmna. ' DUNCAN HARDE , Realtor 0.•-1oped By Clarenc. L. Ooopt:r, Inc. Irvtne Ternce 11 tocated'on'Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Oub . ' . Lug~ 1lldlng dooro. Stove &0d dr1peri .. fumilhod. NEARLY• B.AY FRONT! S2t,llOO. Lo,. cub down to qualified buyer. '"" • -. ..... u.. ,.,. • UDO SPECIALIST ,· BWll By EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Jolua a . Clarll. Quality B\IUder l'or prntew aboWtnc . Mclroom. home, llieel7 f'\&nrl.lbed We have buYtt'I for good lilUnp. and bu 2 e&r ,..,..... and paUo. to q\Wl.n.d t:Umt. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4-«8 For Further Information Free estim.alel, acellent MrVice. WondertuJ ror k&cb borne or rent.ala. Act quick. fla,000 wtlb 2802 Newport mvd., Newport Beach Har. f 718 C&ll John Abell * For Rec:om.m.md&tlon, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leuebold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shorea a.nd '/Hf H.aven . Hu. 1775-Eve• Edith Maroon ' ' John IUcnab • ' Lou Boynton HY alt t-6222 Harbor 11359 ll&rbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY; Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa llland. B/B B/ B Corona del Mer Corona del Mer Our Best Buy y Corona 'N.IJblancU t' ~· Ttew lot ., lttn.ctJ•• L&DdKapln( y J bedroonw.-1 li!i be.llwl r' U1ed brick tirept&c. r' Good t•rna ,t Good Value at 121,SOO Not too Big • For a 1ma.ll tamDy • 2 bldroonu • Newly decoral.ed • Nie• Pauo • F'lreplac• • R11.lly attractlYI • he It tor 111,7&0 Two and Two Y 2 bedroona ,, 2 bl.Uuvona t' Extra bl.Ink room ,t Separat• dl.nln.s room ,' Shalf.• roof Y Hai-dwood noo,. ,t F'ul.I prte1 111,600 Open Plan • In lhl.I 1paeiou. modem • 0cu.n A: lnOWltaln V'ltW• e 2 bednn11. -I baUui • Convertlbl• den • Rumpus room • Lovely Mtluded patio • Good Valul at Pll.000 Bey & Beach Realty. Bay & Beach Reelty Corona del Mar Oftic1 Coroba de\ Mar otf\c• • '630 I:. C.O...t Hi1hway, Har. Ml3 i630 E. Coul Bl,Pway, Hu. 06l3 • ' \ ' CLIFF fftyE~ OPEN DAILY t to 5 625 ST. JAMES ROAD Here i,. one of thote "bud to cet" 3 bedroom homea in lovely Cliff Haven. Only 5 yean old a.nd • 1>arrain •t ns,ooo DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2802 Ne"J>Ort Blvd., Newport Bolch Har. t718 Exclusive Lido Bayfront Rarely cen wo' offer you :- A Ylry t piClal home ot"lhe t9llbN aeldom otterld tor 1&.I•. Tor family reuon1, lhY euMom bom• 11 -0tt..-.d to lbl Bel.ct 811Ytt Who can ..Uord "''-. ,. • '"""'- • SM,t,IJ. INOOME! I SEP.A.JU.TS UNITIS,' 2: and 1 -------------------- HARBOR Best Buys Corona del Mar iNvE~~~ co. bedrooma, ftlriaabed and n•r bay or ottAn-It1d1Yldual paUo1 and bb'fi*. Livi 1n on• rltlt U.. 0U.1r w r1nt boUl. 110,t~. v' v' ' H.uNr JIOO B/B . I Balboa Realty Co. · -saoRECLil'TS Ooe&n v.iew 2 bedrooma A. dtn, 2~ 1:vm1np pt.1·• u..u.11&--l---- Oppo.lt1 Bult ot Am•rica Rou Greeley Ed Le• Al OOmelhu JOHpbtne W•bb 2. 100 J;. Balboa lllvd., Balboa Pbonti Harbor 3271 • B/ B ' LIDO ISLE 3. 3 Bedrooma I bathl, W.u bu.Ill modem boml. Beauutul ~· Marth ftr1pia.:. ., .A. JiMt. {. Lovely kltclWl with dLljlOMI and dlabwuber. lnt1rMtlnf room arran11mant. Larr• &)auo walled. ~ a.nd ~rl• . ... • Jn, - REDUCED • Bedroom.. I baUiL 1..&r111 Pat.lo with built-bl BBQ. La.r11 llYillJ room. GraDil for Lndoar-outdoor •tintatntnr. balho, carpeted wall to wall F. A. hea~ fireplac<. Cho Jee location Ii: priced to .ell quick. Only $37 ,:SOO SPECIAL BUY, 3 bedrm. home, hardwood fin., FA heat, choice location. Low down. payment aad only $16,llOO. ' . JUST LISTED -EXCLUSIVE. Tbil •tt.ractlve 2 bedroom' home,. plua gue9t rOom &nd bath only 1,11 bloolt lo Ocean 'Blvd, Corona del Mar. Complotely furniahed Choice location. Priced to .ell quick at $23,llOO. TeMDI if deaired. Shown by appointment. DUPLEX 1 bedroom each l unit furniahed, dbl garage, clo.e in -Choice location. F. P. '18,7ti0 Low down paymenL MEWIER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. lleCUISTION, Realtor 3H7 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. f7 {Office located nu.:t door to Newport Harbor Bani., CO)() "C:' THOM.AS "C" THOMAS Cliff Haven ONJ: or TBIC FINEST homu with e&e•llent k>c9Uoll on Kins• Plac.-LC•· llv. wtlh tlnipi.ce, Gln. room, I ~ .• 1 "6. be.W, bdwd. flool'll, w to ... c&rp1Un1. Io v I I 7 landKapld f"Ol,l.ndl, b.\'"~119. sraputab t•nc6d, V ALU& PJUCJ:D a\ 122.600. Bayshores · BAT VIEW bom• on Baylhor1 DriW.--DljOJ' Y•r " around llv· lll.1 la UU. truly tlnll I Mrm. bom., corner locaUon, hdwd. t1oora, ftNlfllace and mbderat.ely PIUCICD at $2:S,500. Bayshores Thi• c:h&nniDJ bom• (IQ BaJtboff ' !:;LIFF HAVEN Open House --------------------Dnn otteni I Ire. bedrvo1n• -pru.. bedroom A: !oi be.th ove-r OPEN HOUSE! Until Sold! e Duplex -East.lid•! e H. W. fir1. -MW1r1 -Curbl! • Gara1e1 betWMn WI.Lt.I: • Clun -•xtru ! • Reduced from S19,i~I $17,8501 194.1 • 4.:5 Santa Ana Avt. ! lto6p.m. ------ OPEN HOUSE! Sal.! and Sun.! 1 to ~p. m. e 3B.R,:_1%,Bath! • H. W. J1r1, -JMreplace I • Dbl O&.r. -Din. Rm. ~ Patlol t30EathorSt. $H,9li0 FULL PRICE! BAY & BEACH · REALTY, Inc. 401 Ktnp Ko.d HOME ANO INCOME I car.cs, dell1httul Uv. room. 1696 Newport Boulevard. ~ roo-rn and nook. r . A. lal A: au.n. 1:00 to O;OO Xaanilideot Y!.ew. ~Y•IY Swim· mini" pool A,, Channln( ap&CIOWI contlmporvy modem I bed· rooms, J bMVutuJ bathL A WOlllalUI' "Prid• aAd Jo1'' 11:\l· cMtl with buDt+in ran11 and ntennodor oven. J:x.cellent room UTUptn9Ql. lArJI Mpu&lll BALBOA ISLAND -out.atandinc 4 bedrm. home with HJ>&file dining room, up-to..the-minute kitchen, fireplace a.nd foreed air heat. PLUS attractive 2 bednn. apt. with picture windowa and fireplace. Only $10,000 down . b~t. w to w ~Unr a.nd Liberty S.U61 dr&Pll, nJUIT TUU: Ol'J'Z:ll---#-----------,--------m ~~-• ...... ~ "'"' ........ doon DO IT YOURSELF lo l!Yi.D.1 room. Com• Jp and 11t an . ..-uit.ed t•lln1 • • • Convert thit 4 bedroorn, 3 bath home into two unita Bey & Beach Rlty Inc 1112..., Latay1tt1, Newport Har. 31•.S nti ~. "Jlll"l to the n1ht or Udo ll{ld••" LIDO BA YFRONT •o· Corn1r Jot.. Pier and flol t permitted. Build to llull your- '"" with minimum of c09l and effort. Well built and cloee to the ·Bay. {Bay view if you look bard.) $7600 down LAGUNA INCOME Furniahed - 2 bedroom• and den in front. hot11e -Plu• · bachelor apt. in rea.r. Cloae in, near •tot'N and lralllportation. "C'' THOMAS " REALTOR snd ASSOCIATES 2:2• W, Cout. Hlway U l-6527 Newport Blach $12,950 $:IMO oown $83 mo. { bodrm., 1 % b.tho. wri P.A. T UN'?' when yuu t:an buy th.I.I 1 year old v1ry attrac. tlv• mod.-n home? ldtll.I nel(h· borbood. Call aow. !or appoL!U· mut to ..... • • • Fi(Ure9 12% on inve.lment Price $18,9li0, good t.mnL BA y _AVENUE WM. W. STANLEY ~.!:.~ "Reel Estele is a 'r ech.nicel, Legel Com• plex Business .that requires years of Ex· perienct in Titles, D•eds end Trust Deeds e nd tho likt ••••• Liit ~our property !or oale wlth a member ot thia Bot.rd • • • • we're s-oing to aeU $1,000,000 worth of ru..I e.t.ate each month durlnJ 19M. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ' BUT BUT OJ' THIC WU::K! Idlf.11 br. plut den, I',( bathhom.t. ........ tull ·-'°' .... rom· SANFORD Realtors HADFIEte """ST!OOGOiiii,...-,.....h~-N rt pl1t.ely f'W11.Wlld I story, 2: bed· u • ..L...r 2••2 in&" ca.lf ll&rbar 2:0U, Or IYtnlnf'a ewpo roodl, 1 ~lb hOd. .. saooo cto.n. Park Ave. at Ma-rine, Balboa bland ~ -av LD>ert7 a-Tio.. Harbor Board of Rea~ors Lot L9 R-2. you can build In -----------------~-~rW• a19o ba!' "°!;•n t!' lblw 70U. t,_L " ---------------~---- LOOK "~~c~R!!P:;::.-r;". VOGEL OCEAN .FRONT LOOK LOOK I unit f'lfttal incom•. Very belt 1 looathH\ In Balboa, oompktel7 • tunUMed. Nt.000 uklll.I" price Three bedroom beach ·home, 1'2 block to ocean, Only $12,1)()(), • tor tbi. altraclln MONEY MAJ<ml. Corona del Mer $7000 2. BALBOA DUPLEX. Room for one more unll Good rental.I and only a fewe•leps to beach. A.ak· ing $1.f.,500. Make offer. \.1i chh. B&l&ncl t.O inontb tor • thl• two bldroom furn!Med 3 plaee on fW.r ol R·2: lot.. bcel· ' Wlt )OUUoft • OCEA:N FRONT WATERFRONT FURNISHED duplex, 82 fL bulk- head. Pier and float, double prage.. $20.600. 4. BA t' FRONT pier and float. Tlro bedroom, runipu. room, completely fumilhed & pnly $.M,000 ISL l:xceptiofta.1 opportunity to bu.J vaJuabJ.1 C-2 property on tb.i. tut deYelopln( bu1lneA •t. For tUrt.hl.t' lntonnalkln, call HARBOR 2042 Frank Jal'l)es & Unwood Vick ~ REALTORS 312 M&l'lft• .A.Tl., Ba.lboa bland. VALUES -MAIN OFFICE * * * * •• PIER AND FLOAT ELEqTRIC BOAT WAYS Ideal location near Lido Shopping-center.· On 1~ waterfront lot.. The hou.e • not new but bu been remodeled and in good conditW>n:· ·3 bedroom.I, l o/4 bath8 plu. a % bath in the bath bou.me. Heat· <rlator fireplace, pr&.ge di8p., diahma.ter, etc. Beautiful covered patio 'tlld veenJioWte. $33.000 - ., OW.r &I '"'-of waterfront on Lido'• ftn11t potnL ' a bedrooma. ' balhl. lncomp&rab.11 m ... 1! Y.Up,n.,-and llltp tor.~ boat il your dooc. Ttt.1-bau.untl I lllory. • bl&-. • b&Ul modern l'lom4I l\u a ter- flftc iliW of UM charmer and ocean. Located on Ballloe hn- ;JACK ~RENNAN, REAtTY Business ~corner C.l COANSR;-ff.100. doW'ntown Banta Ana. 111.oeo. Bubmlt with only ~down. CXLL · ---- Ardllt.ICt Colcord'I UdO Ma.tt•rJMec1. Thi qualtne4 · buy•r wUI lmmedlatt.IY _..--r9COl'11M lh• ouUlandln& value at 1111.&00.00 unU\u.allT 1ooc1 tmM. KJLLION ., •• 1 ostett lnl\llL BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES UKIO W. Ba!boa 91:Td. Har. 5118 SMl Newport Blt/d. Harbor M06 -----------1 BEST LOCATION 7~ ACRES 2moeu~ WRIGHT AND GARDEN GROVE ~an Aci'e 'I.a Cub • BLVD. . ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport m vd. -Coota M- U $-1632 Ewa LI S.lt-00 ",\. ewponHfs. 'ftll9 chllaaiAJ bom• wtlh I bed· rooms J .-.~ Mrdwood !loon. dWpo.a.I )oY'll7 fCGCld )'a.rd. oar- ,.ta • .....,.., ui.d ln&.nJ oUle' t .. turu lM namll'OU to IMll- tton .-n \II ,_,. for ju.IC. 111,· lllO. Hu .. 4'Ao lou.-tnl.J' • WOIMlerf\ll buy. "ARr' ADAIR, Rltr. 11H Hewp«t Bhrd., eo.ta M.-1 U 14712 « LI 1-&IM ' . ' "AT THE SS20 W. Coot Hwy. AR~'' LI S.7773 lft'ml Of" lrade. DA.H A. J.A.COB81:N, 'Rt,el Eellite Hu. Ht1, LJ. 1-631 7, THE VOGEL CO . 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach LI S.3!81 -----------------~~-JO 2·2117 HY1tt 4--&fH -------------------- ON THE HFJGHTS 3 bdrm. 2\<, batho, unau.,,...... view, flropll<A!, bit.- in ranee and oven, heated •wllnm.inr pooL $4'1.500 • Open Hous-333-22n"'d St. Satunlly IJfd Sunday ti'll'Cb 18th and 17th-I tll S One 1ere ronelt home .• J-ce. ll~ room, dlnlns room. Jp. kit.ch.en, FA heat. fireplace, w /w cpta., country living al It. best -yet cloM to town. $.2-4.,000 -terma. THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport Bl•d. Coota M- Llb<rty S.55117 , Ev<nln(I Har. l~·M • NEW FOUR UNIT l&P.A.RATl:I I bdnn. ~ ill o.ta M-..-,f Hlllpol Pricld btJow rna.dllt, lnoonM 5110 pet" mo. I rented bold!~ 1 open for ~ Tmns. ~ bifi'.i'n I p.Jn. Wffllr. dayl, Mell +Comtr ft·I Lot Balboa ).i.nd uooo down QftAHG.m 00.A.C' PROPER.Tm6 l•T Newport. Co&ta M.•w. LI .. 1W -l:'t'U. U 1-1~ INCOME PROPERTY SM.000 DOWN l.&4. VU YOU PU monua profit or J1!.000 ~ I•._ l lh profit. P'.B.A. loa.n. By &wnt:r, U 8-1832. 13ttt: WANT A FINANCE A JUNKET? LETS get together a.nd help & poor neglected downtrodden couple td<e a trlp to Europe. All ~ one.l>u to do-"'-buy.t.hoi>-bome.--OU.'"~•--•.-, --- they wiU have to •pend the aummer rambllnJ -around ln.tholr ~B.-R .. :w. bath ond deo-llomboo .. ----~ enjoyinc the t.wo fireplacet, WW carpetint"'thrut out, the all eJectriC kitchen, the unbelievable clottet ll)>&Cf:, the llharpelt Uv. room you'll He in .-.ny a moon. AND tbe f"'•l~t view you can tmactDi. Phone nnt. we're rudy to 1how It. R. L STRICKLER. Realtor R. B. HODGE, Aaaod1lll • 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona de.I Mar Har. 27't4 ' • I • JHREE BElilROOMS, I i BATHS °"""' mcmnc "out, muot ..... Three --downtawa. Very dooo to echoola. and pphlc. per lllOllth. TOO M~ITY LIFE .1 ' Lobldnc for mo~ elbow room r Ti.en let ua obow you ijlla omalf'knchett.. ho A .cltn, with B. W. tloorw and flroplaee' oo 86x330 ft. lot. :r.o..e.( A -1 wblch me..ia you can ltop boanllng out that bol'lle. • l'WI piioe '12,llOO Wilb low down. · , Tell u. •bat you can do ll n'll work out the re1t. . C-f-t!OME AND BUSINESS Or home and rentalL Very'clOoe In. Nearly - S -bedroom home. 'All .,,..,.. -, lorp. One -22!<28 and .notlier 18X2o.· Woiid.rtui hOme wllll 8bop or otorip ,.._ u II, aud-.,P• lan4 for apt.MioD. for either bwfn-or •put.men.ta. $15,llOO -with $8liOl,1 down. . . ' . FAMIL'I' HOME FOR MoTHER , Wlth· a cheery bullt In ldlohee, loedo ol cu~ -de-bu, -Ice ·porch, breakfut aod dln-lns l'OOlll, spaclou. ...tful den for dad, plua three •. i..,.. W-ud two both&. Y&rd feocecl for tlte ldddleo, large patio for ....-yone. ·AU thlO , In center of Colt.a Meea'• Back Bay. Full price $26,llOO wllb wm.. W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor "you'll like our friendly service" 600 E. 17lb St., Coola M... Liberty 8-1139 • Corona del. Mar One of the mOlt oull:t&nding home. &long the Southern California cout, lM ft. of frontage on Ocean Blvd., 330 feet of water frontage sill th.ia bome of distlnction with a view from ALL room1 from which you· Oan watch the ever~han~g wat.en of the cout line, the boata coming and going in and out of the ~ter . and the beauliful rock for-· mationt u_p and down the oout, plus over-looking -our tw~ great beachea. Larse living room and eolarlum, diniqg room and maid'• rogm, plua 2 bed.rm.a., and bed sitting room lD. main· boutte. For guest•, a home of their own, alao with outltandinr view. All of this below replacement coet today. Your lut chance to own the m08t outstanding view ID ,'louthem Califomi&. Priced to ...U &t $151,IJOO THIS HOKE IS OPEN DAILY FOR INSPEC'riON. · 3729 OCEAN BL )'D. . See JACK CASKEY or GORDON WALKER -. W. E. FISHER & Associates 302f E. Cout H!VY., Corona del Illar HAR. 5032 Eva iilr. 3()1..J -liar. 2f2(). w -• cleYelo!*'1 of Udo · Jsle • . . For So~e Peo le! 4 I ' \ °"'""' mUal ualta m&lr• -...... than ....w.s a ..,,.i. family )>Ome. We hew -IDoome po- ducen at th.la tb"9 that . .., tee1 an out1tenctlng. .All on °" LIDO ISLE, ,;.lllcli meana that they ahotl)d enhenoe hf value, tllay rent.oct-and pve you -t!>e -eojoyable Uvtnt poqlble. ., 1. a !llllt. -4rin by 102 VI& Lido Soud (olf ... tor) and -tlte )>Muty and quality. Theo ..,_ ·1n and talk tt Over. SM,000. Terma " --1 ' 2. 4 !!Dita oa ll<r foet of tlte_ very best BA YFRONT,' dteoJcntd ·by llilled>roek, A1A. Two 2 bedrm. apla. with pmate peliol, two l bedrm, apts. with prlvat. . IUll doclia. All·dftrlook lbe......_utlfol Bay. A true ~ at $80.00\> furnlabed, oruy ,$20,000 dowo .. 3. 6 uo1"' Ol>.80 feet BA YFRONTAGE at 320 Via Lido Nord. ~ 110 well 15 yean ago that when it wu modemlied 1ut year, the termite &nd dry rot JDaD. • jut cbarced for inapection. You juot cln;t beat tltlo for value at only $105,000 fomlobed. Termo. -p. a. palmer incorporated ole henso n co. management 8333 via lido, herbor 1000 ' . ' Beautiful 4 hdroom ' . . , ' / 1-down~. Thia fa· a beautiful Udo-_ -4'11 •141+1 llJld 1"111t for Coltfomla famll7 u.tns--.., ,Siiao nil r.-&,IAllll>Y p9tlo ttam llatli "lbo IY- lngrm. and i..,.. .._r ~ eo.pliteq-41, ll!tc:ben and many other -too lllU!'!""f to motion. Tlllo houle wlU ..U •·-lot.17.__ of the ftnanclng, ti not on lta ~ alw. lo pleue coll WI --today! • ~ . ~ San ~emo Home. Ooe of Lido'• moot beoutl!ai--lllllllo -"'. a°'* tlie ·-and Clubbo\ioe and -et lbe end of the llb'eet. Thia ia a gracloUI S bedrm. borne wilb uou.ually large ounny roomo ud tropically pl&oted South patio. Furnlohed price '8e,000 wilb very attn.ctlve terme . Large Shorecliff Home Thia home baa everything a family cauld. ever :~rm. f bedrma., f batha, formal liYlngrm., full 13 x U, breaklut room, dlahwuher in the kitchen, butler's pantry, forced· air . heat, hardwood floora. Bea.utifuUy planted yard and of coune, located in one of California's outsta.ndlnC ouhd!Vlolono ~ SHORECLIFF. Price W!.000 p. a. palmer incorporated !3'1• hen·son co. me'n e9em1nt 1700 w. cout bigbway -liberty fl..MTS 8/8 VOGEL VALUES SHOPPER GUIDE North Bayfront . Balboa Island ' ..... ~ Pier and F\oat CompletelJ ch&nnlns 1n every NJ~ spect. Redwood, .tUcc!o and uM'd brick uterlor. Lovely en· clOMd patio. Iii.tr& larre kl\. chen •Ith bullt·ln 8&r B·Qu• 11.djolu pane1ecl t&mUy room. Two bedn.iome, l % bathe. Streued !or HCOl:ld elOry. 3 yra. old. Only '47,&00. • • • Unsu rpassed Back Bay · View! • PanoranUe View of Baek Bay! • i.od 160's:}.76' (3 lot.9·% .era) • a bdnn. deluxe c:ountry home • .Beaulltul patio wtth rnautve .......... e Family Orchard, c:rom U. fe11cclf • Plent,y room for hon. 6 •t&b161 • 8mafl cabin In back • Kost. wuled klc:&Uon -lieu. . Drl"ff • • All tar jtlat »0:000 w1lh o'nly Chee~ These O uhtendin g Buys · CORONA DEL MAR VIEW HOME on Ocean Blvd.~ BR.a + den + maid's . -' rm. Terrifically large room.a tbruout Bl?Cb u 16' x 19' dJning rm. & 28' living rm. A real funily ho'me. Full buement. See thlll out.standing home. Price SM,000 -the only one like it! , NEWPORT HEIGHTS y!!ANORAlOC VIEW HOME-new, rustic exterior, Modern interior. w /w crpta., 3 BR.a, 2 't<.: bath8, Anthony heated pool -many outatanding featuree. -Priced at $47,MO -will trade for vacant land. -A dream home. 80' BUSINESS LOT ON NEWPORT BLVD. ID fut growing areL A real buy for $13,000. ~deal for office bldg. Ir rm. for living qtn. NEWPORT HEIGHTS BEST BUY -2 BRo, 1 bath in home + pr. w/apafti bedrooin & bath. HW fln., 14:' x 18' Jiving fm. Nice bedroom.a with crou ventilaliOn. Lovely kitch. 6: break!ut rm.r rum. heat, ~ roof. 50' x 127' fenced lot -nice COSTA MESA -221 Wal.Dul PMcc I A: dm lll,UO 271 M.apoUa 2 Bil Br. ---113,600 . 00a125 Vacant lot nal door 278 -······-·-·---·-·--14.llOO t17 Abbie Way 2 Br, -·-·-ll•.&00 3871 dub w-1 Br. -··-'U~.a:oo "4 &. 'n.t St. 1 Br. _,ll,'30 •17 E. 20th BL I Bl', ___ J27,000 NEWPORT BEACH fo (, I'll , ol f< ,Ji ... -tm It. ~ I Br:~.: r.~ o,o Pm&. ··-·--·-···-··•1s.ooo 1506 Ha."'•. Place Tri- ___________________ , ..... down yard. Thi. hom~ will make someone happy - Only $13,500 ~ ···-····-·· .. --.. -Pl,600 et.. • Owner will carry Uui balance. COSTA MESA, The Best Town on Earth .. • · · A BACK·BA.Y BEAUTY -2 Br., Den, dining room, 2 be.the, d6uble garage, fireplace, patio, beauti· fully 1an•ocoped.. $26,950 with tepns. ON JilESA. DRIVE: 0 Lovely 1 Br. home, Hwd. nooR,1 double prage, rireplace. Ideal for ~ oouple. 112.llOO .with terms. SANTA ANA JfEIGBTS. 3 Br. home, bwd. floors. ~ . tarp kttclila, 2 car ,.,..P, fenced yud, lot 60x.135 ' $11,'fllO Reeeonab)e tmn. (3 ye&ro old) C-1 ZONll (bwoln-) one foll acn 132 • 300- . ricbt.-ln·ton. Ideal for. medical .or 1!!'0f_.,.,•I buildlnc. lli(),000. Termo. Includes i..,.. ..U bl!ll1 2 Br. home &nd 2 car garaae. 11·1 Induolrial lot 70 • 14!5 ···-· ~ . . ' G. N. WELLS, Realtpr . Cliff Haven A V!lRY NICE 3 bdrm. and b&t,h In mo.t dMlra.ble loe«tlon. Hard· wood nOore, ehln(Je root, k llchen wired for 320 V. G. 1 loan. Ju.et n a,oob. --.. . . Bay & Beach Rlty In 1875 Harbor Boulev.,-d Colt& Mee&, C..lifom.1• LI ~TTt• ~ee. LI 8-3.111 ' HOME .& !,NCOME • Naw 3 Mllrocn ap&rune.t ..., -I tarp' l l*bOOID t,putmtab. ..... ,.._ -qoo«- look l•• "8ulUN.,~ ::"-. ~..:t'~"";!:; THE VOGEL CO. 2661 E. Cot~-.1o-. Corona del Mar HA : l'(_il HA: 0757 * *'NEWPORT HEIGHTS * * . VlEW HOME -NOT A LEASEHOLD $4500 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT Four bedrm. with dlnlnc I< break!ut room.o - Pomplotely tl!rlllolled, lncll!dlng oonaole TV, deep • • -.., -11 ft. retriprwtor. Feoced yard. extra Jars• 2 car_., beouWul lowna, Patloud bUt.ecue. ' ,. ' ·ToW _,,.. "l21,000. JOU W. Bay ATe. I Br ..... J26,600 HARBOR HIGHLANDS -637 Diana 1..-ne I Br. ···-·--IU.600 1148 Syl•la Lane I Br ... -$20,000 Ml Tenelt.. L&n4i ' Bt. _,.$24,600 LIDO ISLE · 108 Vi& ~.U.. ! Br ......... $2j.50(l • I 124 VU MeatoDe 3 Br .•.. -... Pl.&00 ut Via Ithica a Br. _ .. ,aso.ooo t----~18..,,,10!!....'~~ Blvd, Colla M,.. U 8-1601 niaM4 wtth .i1 n.., Nmldlap. • EndoMd patio and terrace. Uft lb tw:ury wllh 1180. lftDftthlJ lnoom .. Only flt.7MI, W'hldl Le b<llow pi:e.tani co.t. oi npl&q,- ment. Will eon.Ider •aeant 1oU GitEENLeAF-!EVERTS_ REALTY, INC. Duncan Hardesty " ·VOGEL VALUES LIDO · ISLE In ucllan1e. ll bike. to rr.eway, VOGEL EXCLUSIVES doM "'· . . 3112 Newport Blvd. N.;,port Beach HARBOR 2552, EVES LI 8-8186 LI 8-6405, Harbor 3921·W RE.\LTOft. • •. , ...... ' "" • • . _,.. • - 8/ e-~ . • • • . . --BA YFRONT EXCLUSIVE Boy .\ft.-Jiti.. A floet-Vog; altiQ!ft Ko4ono -Icio.· ........... ---.... .- ........ mu ..... ,~ wit!! ........ _,_ a otber ~ 6 I llatfo.. Dbl -A wvrli• ahop. .. ... to pOlli 2 odd. ..... Oompiet.q ' .... aloll7 fll'l'--'19,llOO ' . . BAI.BOA ·CO . . 1. • _llllrcluaive-=. wat.i'lont -f!IJ' a"!l. $815,000 - I~ ~ l>ld. Vf!ly a-.t!Ye 2 B. R.. larp-petlo, .....,.. area. Ju.! lloted. 1 I B. 11., 1-J'Stlo; Sudy ~--P1or A Sllp. WW conatder trade for analler wat.ertront home or Newport Beighta, Corona del Kar or!! -$49,MO . . . - S. Jut completed -Pier A Slip. S B. R., 2 bath, """I al.tractive ·b<dlt.-ID ld~ben, wall to' •.U carpetlnc. $50,000 -Tenna. Might leue. 1 BAY AVENUE -INCOME" 2 B. R.-_ l B.R. -aparlm8lt plua - lor unit. $5000 will handle PENINSULA DUPLEX 2 B. R. each unit -Suodeck with view. 2 >""'" old -$28,500 -Term.a. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 B. R. bOID!' -Hardwood flooro. Clqoe to lllch Scboot Fenced yard.! good area. $1f,llOQ-Tenna; f B. II. -l % betha, fireplace, 1tuotty pine ~ waober, dry<r, otove A refrig<rotor Included. W fW C&'l><ting. Fencecl )'¥d, clooe to N"'!P"rt BOoch Schoola. "$17,500 " ,., ' BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC., Realtors lf!!O W, Ball>o• Blvd.. Dalbo& Harbor 12M . LIDO ISLE NEW Two Bedrooml -~o Bat.he-Now ia the tbn.e to move in ~ prepare for a wonderful aummtr on ex.citing Lido Iale. ------' ' llany dever detaila that muat be aeen - not deAcribed $24.~ Full Price -Tenm EXCLUSIVE -We have the key. L·I D 0 RE ALTY • e BILL ICDlPTON e OENJ: VRU:LAND e JOS IL GRdHM.AN e VlROdftA MANSON : Combi.niug 20 )'e&f'9 of Lido Sales Experience 3400 VIA LIDO HARBOR 4444 4 BDRMS-2 BATHS •• Nea,rthe Hjgn School on Romooa Place.:_ Only 1 yeu old. Sets on• the circle -well kept. · Hu • larp oingle garage. Can bo bandle.1 for ~ , · Full price la only •12.llllO • • CAMBRID-GE ESTATES OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY FROM 1 P. M. to 6 P. M. Custom built bowie on 16th Place and Irvine *Ave. nue. Lovely home. with all the t.t; fe1.turea. Some liave owimming poolo -.attached pnge - lluDt ln feeturm. Buy a home that will Inc......, ID ..iue. llootrict.i VIL U you heft a good _ J!!l\1117.llLID.!&i>__Lconoider tr.dao. Ph~· SulliVan & . Geo. 0 T. Everson ·· ~ Newport >Blvd., Coota w ... I'll. LI IMl761 Eveo Har. f368 LI 8-2013 Attract. )ll'dvlnclal 2 l>dnn. 2 botlt home with dlnlng N.B.C. REAL TY CO. tlo ------2''.......--L--------~ • • room, Dice petlo, dbL lara&e· Price $30,500 Und 6 """"°" ....,......_ • • Harbor~ That jut filbt houe for a larger family. 3 bdrm. JA.KJ:8 c. HOWARD. RMJt.or A deo, 2 both, approK-2f-OO oq. ft. Muat -to Vtola C..P" • Mlk• O..oo. LIDO ISf.E appreciate the value of SM,000 .u.ociatet Beach home on corner lot. beauUful lanai, fenced CORONA DEL MAR '""' ·Yard. neor It.Oreo, etc., priced to oell at $12,7i50 ONLY $4000 Down ud another VOGEL VALUE NIJAR · m;w, ~ • BA-'I"wo bedroom. hom.e with co~ &pt over B&yfroot. I bdrm. 2•.-bath, pier " fiO&t. Th(a $1500 DOwn 2 car garage, lot lo f5. ll8. Hardwood flooro, _,,.__.,_ ---home ia tocet.d wb-•v•rvone want.a to live -r+'er)"UllflC for • bome anct part. ---., ju.I. a few feet from Ocean Blvd. 11 t'Umlalhed. • Udo NO(d. hice $75,000 BUT LOCATION, &NI ·,._, the FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 balhl. dbL See ua for the beet buya in lot.a. club ho\l.M. I ' THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE =~~,.:·~;:,·i:;;;.";':', RA y REAL TY COMPANY Shafer R~alty Sil& VI& Ullo. Npt. Bel>. Har. W11 or Har. Wl2 ""'1 prioo '1'780. Har. HG · -LI s-3(KO -liar. 51'2 N • J Rlty :If« E. Cout Hwl(, Corona del Illar. liar. 2288 -----.-----~---------·I ewport-Mesa • (o,cr-from Bankm c.o.M.> .. ;00 .:::;:,-:.: 1\'.. , -. COjtONA-.OEL MAR-----f,;';;'" N_,, Bl..i, eo.u ,._ _MEMB __ ER OF _llUL_ TJPLE LISTING SERVICE """'· .......... w. -· - il7NUU..U1 . ~ a;.._U].ftff l -------------------1 Jut oom""""1 thlo nice comfortatile 1lome witJ> 2 hdnna., 2 bathe and living room. lhma A pepa will Jove the ldtdlen A tarwe dining room arrinPmml. juot oeperwl•cfby tlte loland"t!lnlt 80 you ce.n. watcli ty whilat you work. Such cosy llvtng. • The ......., JIM altacbed 1llik ahop A don. E&pen- livoly 11-ped A olimplotaly f-yvd. Y•t The r.or boo h.._., _....,.,. 11> fact thito 11 • -u bouae I< prloocl to Mil rtcbt -•t ONLY $11.llOO. °'"1er Har. Sl!()B.W, Courteo7 lo broltero. Mc87 • Investors PO'l'Kl(1"lAI. Q(DUBTRU.L fl"9l.. - .,...,. .. I ...,_ta. Direet'• ,.U.. I rOMl. Oa'1 flMlq per •c:f'!o DAN A. JA.ODml&N. Real Mate Ru. Mtl, LI ...alf, KJ 1·118' HTatt ._... - BY OWNER 8AJ..aoA l&LA.ND, I '*1rm... 2 bat.It. lloftlier, pn.p apartmenL IOI .t.lt'ra. Har. 1180 ..-..- """' I LI~. ~ORD BAY FRONT . . ll!it. Three bednno., 2 botbo, mald'o l'\)Olll ud bath. ' Carpeta. dnpes and 'appllanca induded. .. T. D. ROGilRS, llari>or 1685-W Or Ryan 16029 Harbor 81vd. . .. -ooco~ w1.u.. ,,_. 1WMM. tao.ooo ....., -. DAM A. 1A.Odnan., AMI &.tale Bar, .. 1. LI ""1T, kl t-.lltT BYau. ~ INVESTORS INCOME BAR~AI N $5000 8\1.)'• ~ lf.iu1t7. f..I bdra. Wll\a .... ~ all' r.lell. ""1 .... -__ ..___,__ ~. LI W636. -15p18 ' ' 40 ·1-CRES Between COSTA. KESA AND SANTA ANA BEST ACREAGE--I U-Y.-·--···-·· ·· $S500 an acre ~ ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1115'7 "Newport Blvd. Ooota "'- Ll'8-1632 Evoo LI 8-UOO --~----------------' - ,l . ' • ----- . . WAY ro 80011E ·a~ G...;WIJUllDSptdler)'8Urday~ ap.iDat the 8aJ!ta An& Saint., knowa bow t!) IQ\1._ thme need9d ~)'I ~ the diah. He'• jilst Ia.id one down and _llr .tarting for fll'.llt. · Dublng down the buellne for the plate t. ShOrtstop Bob White, who ft.pped a dUo of doublel aglinst the rival.a. -Staff Photo . • TARS WIN ·LOOP BASEBALL FRAYS FROM SAINTS; LOSf AT TENNIS WhU• Newport ll&rbol' Htp ltftll1. .tn(1a. b)' 9-ond' Buetnan I KabH ud Green'• Merit!~ ecor- khoal'• bueb&ll t-.ma opened t.M fto)' Dukl lrAd. LlfttWder Geors• Id th• tlttal Lwo l'UNI lD ~ Uiinl. luuet lAI.~• .-.on on a win· 9 1 ii ... , .... ,,..;...., .,.,,,_ f1UNGRY ·..,NCH OF BOYS apiDlt 8utta .U..•U.. Tar team. -· taanll .... Jarnd fftllll th• \Ill• defeat.ad Mt nm.·"Dy tll. rtft1a. Tar JUlilor Nine Knocks Oar)' Ore111 ~ ntn• hit.a to !Wid tbe Y&Nfty k:Dock .. ot Off . RI I wn b G l ~:";i1.:~ · ... ~ .. ~ v.a son y O"O -Urmi on U.e 8aUOr oampu1 ~t ,.. ___ b Cb -~ •n--dall' "h"·~· ··-• f N rt dW.mond. c.oach Chuck Randal.I'• ~ U\O& nmu I --a• 3 aq..._. O ewpo ra_ppws Wffe ~ th• !l&tnt jun-J{arbor High School -junior vanity bueball pl&yen broke lor vanity 11·10 tNlhind OU Sharp'• looae with a U.hit b&rraee on the c&inpui QiiinonclTUe.:J.ay MYen hltttir. . afternoon for a 8-8 triumph over Lone Beach W1laon. It Coach Gl911n BuHtt'• unb9aten · th f th ~-"" aft racquet .wtnre~ came to tlMI 9ftd .wu ~ flnt. Vl.ctory of .. e lel.aOD · or e J. ac " .-• er ot u11 Uni W1Ut u... ~ of abeorbtnr tour ltr&iPt pnctic9 ry HW.blrt ""'° bul(ed out Uu-ee loop Coms>9lltlon. The likewtM ~ · bllo 1 thr-. au..m al -'n • d.tealed Sant. Ana 14uad remain· Oea• Trlmbla became tlM nm n PU. UJ" ..... Id lhal WI)', Cilppinc the V&rlltJ' R&nda.11 hurl1r to (0 UM route, two ldn&* and a double. Gary t ot1te1t 1.0 uid th• JV Ht•to M . twtrUnr a .a hlttat ap.tnlt WU· Pickm11 &bt • pair of btnrlea In IOn-H• ai.o whlttecl ttve a.ad ft•• t115>9, BteYa 8oudcr and Lar· Shorutop Bob Whtt• led tba walked lb. 1'MM .un• rl'l&l9 ry lbnt.der hlt two for three. lallor alu1rer11 at th• plate, •muh· bad P~Y clobbered UM lo-Other blow• cam• olf t.b.e bat• lnJ a pa.I r ot 'boubleti oft the of· cal IW. In Lons a..c.h lt·J. 8o ot M.Uta Geol'p, Gary Cla.rk and ferinr• of Saint Chuck"1r Larr Y for tba Batlor jWllor Din• It wu Trimble. Vincent. Tar Cent..rlelckr La r r Y •weet "YUi.i"· • lii pHviOU8 practice tray• thl• Wart•umont corureel!d tor a duo Ran4&ll'• rampa&9r11 wutad no MUOD, tha Tar .TV'• dropped di•· ot •UICI•. um., r.tlinl' ,__,. to. a tm'.. mond. Jou8t.11 with Lonr Beach Whita'a IHd oer two-bf4&• and nm 1-d 111 U.. tint tram. &ad Jordan 114, Elu:elalor 3·1, River· Oatchff Bud ThompM>n!• 11tncta aicortns two more ln the aeeond. Ade t.1 and Wllaon 14·3. put th• local va~lty two n1N1 1'hf'M n1NI ln tha MCONI handed The wtnntns lln•uP' •ratn•l a.head ln th• tint frame &nd th'J' Wllaon a tamporvy W I.ad, but wu.on Tueaday C01U1lated ·or wer• ne•n-htilded. All VTOr, Wa:r· t.ba Tvl took can ot that 90CX!. Oeorse ct. J>tcll:au 2b, Souder laumont'• •lft&'k and. While'• MC· u tMJ trot bold at tb• m.a.ct. Sb. Hulbert rf, Ten"J' Bapell C, rtnc. added another lD tha ..cood. -BIO UM atnw' llmomon •· Clal'k l!, f'tnt Sacker Paul 1.otu~·· 81f '¥' ftr ti., boys wu Jer-Shr&der 1~ · d4 Ttim"9 p. . . ~ ,.·_ .. .. • > '<! DOWN'r"ow,.. .... - -$ANTA ANA · 2. MIN.• • • • • ' .. , 1x11ta ·.8IG ·~Lowa•1 . . WI WILL GIYI SO DOLLAH :=..~$269 , . . ,FOR YOUR llviNG.ROOM SUITE -R19erdl111 of a91 when traded in ,on • now ~-pc. sofa end .:heir -Tredo makes tho-down. ' 60 YOQI' Tnwle -·-- 219 WI WILL GIYI 30 DOLLARI r~o ~ . of'it? t: ""1:" .. -[!t.e.'fBrew~nz lntlustry!. FOR ANY BED SET -Re91rdl111 of e91. Who~ traded-in on any ~Cll.mpJote la!L.11t in our stock. :::'"-*':...119 ;Our-.·, hitlB'* grain crop i. i.tey. Califcmia ,pwc1uca IDCft"buley-64,116;000 ........... .,.. ~lhan ~ other ..... Out f~ ......... $66 .mµtion annually, growillg it. ,,, ,. M oi . . ..,. .. ucb lhil ..... -c..Jifclrma crop ...... the browing of beer ...a ile. And, of-, boewen .buy 100% of California's world 1._ hop hot o- ,._... __ WI WILL GIYI 20 DOLLA"5 . ... -IN TRADE fory'!ur dinette set on ---- • now 5-pc. chrome set of Your TMl6a.-- your dioico. Extra chain eveilablo. Your trade is . your down payment lOl WEDl.8 ro PAY THE BALANCE -FREE INSUBANCE 30 79 20 59 f-to the nme ol more tbon three am • boll millioa doll.m every year. In addition, the Bmhig lncbay I pwclwes large quanlities of o<hu food procluca from Calif"'?" fai:mcn every yur. . Ben' Belor<t• to California Prosperity FORREST RfRNITl:JRE ST-ORE U. l .. llB~U POUNDATIOll ® ... 111 to 115 •oadway lDUT1' Mltl -----_ -__ -___:-. .;;-_--__ - s 'V'l ... L."9GE VEtS ' NO DOWN tlCtPf CCfSIS and impounds ,_ r- S6519mo. incl. pr. t int. fO< yo<Jr f&mily, Ctowolds Villogo homos oflw so muchl n..r.·s bo1uty lo liv& with, In authonllc Ql~ornlo • • Contempor•ry styling by fomous Cliff Olsi.... n..r.·s a>mfoit, tool The wcndetful Mory Oll1wl ~ has built-in P-range t<>po, wall ovon, garbage dispoMI, and a host of other timHavlng devlcos. Ec>i<>Y the 5(). gel Ion w•'!'-hNlw• the 75,000 BTU fore.cl oir heat with the~ati< coritrol. And luxuryl A moulw T1x11 lllnd- stone flrepl-dimbo high onlf wide, the unique fornUy room gathers eve~ fdt tolk and play. All !ho feituroo c.n't bo ll1ted hire, ID ctMI lo Croaroods Vill&go ond -(or yourwlf. a ond 4 h•-, .... 2 ........ 2-• 9ar .... AND aOSE TO EVERYTHING! .. ,. Rod .... Md f•llf to~ , VIII.-, fwOl'llli 8. lORO. t• k'1and 'Ol:H•!" A. Hlghwey IOI -"' to Newport • ._ --~ Wt to ~hi eqd right to model•. from .. ' ·~ i.E/ lfACH CITld drlw CO.t Highway NOW AV AILAB ·101 to ......... -· °"' ....,,..., .. --· -loll .. D&lhl • l ··- • • > ' ' I I • . . ·-