HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-28 - Newport Harbor News Press• • ' COUNTY GASOLINE .. STORAGE TANK SURVEY COMPLETION DUE THIS WEEK . ' ' ~ • ' - -· f• ' .. ) 1 I ' -· • .. ··-· .. .. . . . ~ ... ... . .. -... - • ,. . . . E.~City . . . .. ... . . .. . ' lnent . looms .. . ' . I .1 •, _ ... , • • > • ...---........... -.-·-....... -~ ----·-·-····-·-··-· -·--' • • -.. ..,.._ ---,...w,... ........... ....._, 'tOCRI } ...:..n....,. ~ . .. ....-Sci am· ot u. K.....,_ Of"' 'at a. at. JO:IO • • ' .... ter ,..,. I a,_a1tmt .C UM Dlpartm9nt _ ... ....air.: ........ Karcb 11. oo.......@!.:_ntld ~ ~adi!IOOL • - ' ~ OllmtJt .... -... eel a• lltUd tQ.a ... <Jetolle0 -.....-ftt a.if wtll M ,P'« I 111 .. a lddllliM ........... a\_ -,.... _____ .::..::::;:.:===-------l::"":':=~·::·":t"·• .... ...,. ., • lNll. •1 jlulW aneton ...... tu ftrt n.tn ~al •:11 .... .......,;s. o,u. -...... ., ---t:lll& tW u..,. W'l"d tll&t flood ~ ml& .. Eut. at the Balboa 8&7 OU,hu b«ar1 ..,...,....., ....mr. · 19 a. wbin wtll -" u. ~ frml u.. ....,.. oi wf-. ,_ -n .i.ouoa to u.. klo:ktl .it. 4. _.... 411 *......, ... of a b'Jlditlan dudzil ibe •Jut ....:0 ~ ad wtiJdl wlD .. -:..,... • tbatft thl'M tlloeka '° aa. .... )IUal poadl. _.. aMd.. llUl ~ ouertet ot-ID( wU ... lt7 Mill A. X.- obeervatio!l it 59 ono .. of-the-llnNt that the mem"-"'"" .,... •• 1a ....... t1'1 TM 'dltKtan ._ ... ~ U..t · · · ... -aoe. Olrt.7; 1"° a o..*"I. • 1 11 -. _._.., v .. _ DiNf'n19 bt lual4 Jt'tta dK:a ... -f • • ~ •• '8:\•l•'t. _. haa yet en~ BBC f~mJJ;iM. drw up and 'P, to n. ~ WW OWl4tir' latllftld wt.ta U.. ,.._ duQ bit ·~ , 1D .._uppi,-'a.nta ~t m--. ai. a.. IM. Ba11a J••Ctt". IJ'Oml· M -.ill. ...... .._.. te' M cliurch and uually, before the day la out. ID09t of them. ......_t'a ..-auu. at tMlr , ......,.,., ..,,..._, ~ AM CIAJ'OD.. • ,...,. ftt4ia7' put ot th9 Oct. wt ~ ?°""'~ bfU.Wicu -..ua: TM ....,.. ....... = come over to 1221 West Cout Hl1bway for dinner and tbe WI m•rt'nc. Apdl •· .. t.fl• ... '*,. ~ ~~ wlthou\ WtJft1Ds Mllltla Pl&OMd b1 tha brN ~ I.bat flood &ad ~. llllDOIDJUs.d, UJ.t.. :::U. ~ "" .. , children'• &e6vitiee ... , . ._.,,, .......,. atteruGa .... ~ .... ~'7" ~ .-u Oft Ulle ~ ..,.. oaMnl ... .. ...Ml..... '° n. a.Id bl tbp net for tit" a ' • _.. • ,.. _.......,, 11&11. ~ ••l•r •the June "if 110 vaioe, tM1 arped. 111Gca· UM toUat7, wtlll 9'ell .on. -.oted Tith Awm!IQ J)Wrte\. ..t-.. ... - La.st ypr'a Euter ~ere wu a bright and joyoua 00-f!u-•1~ ,.,·,n·,.-•.:ia::••IJ tt Th• water prob&eml ~rtiuent u. ... wwli1 be°'"" tbe da.J, cap On ~-. pabdell ~·Daft JrllcOrtw, a,,...,. .._ ~ ...... ,.,... . But • th -'tio' t .,.. _,,. ... cps .. -t.NI, e.rned lW ~ cm ·•••Uon . . lldlWtw CU""pelit. took, out ~ -id.;-&... ..,.._ -e&SIOD. 91(8 "9f'e eomew~t in e r--n o U11S _... "9t tt ._ DG!t rt.,. ~ abould be If. put ot aa1 flood 'Ntlk!:b pNWllta water ftoaa'rack4 TM 1-M up for_ 'fOJei tn hn• tn.uon ,..,..... ~le.,,...... 1 ·Al'DOld a&.. Qolta, ~ .,.. lady who lived la the a.hoe; we had eo muy child.Na, we '""°"' '-~ ~ 1-~ cimtrol plan. ud \IJP!4 ~flood ln.r tbe \&Qdiel'fl'OUDd ~ t1i1f: btoluo-tbt tntln OO'lbtf aa one ~ J'11p·t't;1 ... l:llilt h• erw =-ta °'-• 19Qf -. JlM'cll 11 • " didn't knpW what to do. Good thing the capable Mn. Ge.... wu "°"'~,,___ ~ ~ aOwi.ty CClllKRl and -.p-......~ 1.0J.;---Oood--ttol •1117· tue4. a& ._. ..,.\&&. ·~ trude Giraud did; When 100 more yoWJpten than . bad , made reservaliOns arrived for the fun. Mn. Giraud awn~ .= mooed help from· all direc'tione and quioldy brouJbt tho • : 11it~tJon umler ~l. l'bia year 1he'1 Sot thini9 llO' ....U • • • . . . . . • • organized tilatthe-evenb, WW.go awtmJJd(lsl1 _""8 if a division or lcid1 1bow up. Slfe still wanta'."to knttW,_ thc'1tg)a. how manY"'....ar6 coming. ~You wiD be dolnf her a ireat kindness ~y . ct.W.Dg &Rd mlJrlng reM.l"V&tioO&. And don't forget that Ehe 'ilildriri .brina~ thett" own· buietL That j!vi•io .rete_.. ilm!t. hod, .at..IJ>V. _:I'll• Euter egg hUDt-~:\o' p;m.,¥ p!O•Md llko an Army maneuver. It'll be conducted ln marked-off areu around the grounds so that none of the parent. will pt hurt, and .it'IJ be done by age grou'pa IO that \be ne.ter, older children won't beat the 11lower younpten to all the eggs. This Ui a form or forced 1haring, &11 right, but n hope you won 'r-tag it as .10Ciali1lic. After all, aomeone hu to look otttJ'>( the aby little three-year-<>ld girl in iht pretty b1¥0..~lt u4 •e sure intend to: Well, when the age rroups finiah ~eir work-pther all the eggs they can in the t ime 1pecified -they'll blinl' them back to a counter who will t&lly the re9Ult.1. .>he kia with the most ovala will be rew&rded ror hia endeavon with the Golden Egg, a most sought-after prize. _ • Nor iS thl1 all the excitemE'nt. At 2.SO o•.t.ha'abouta, a big Easter •how will be put on around the poolO,..-Peptto and 'Joanoe who have a dancing academy · fn Santa Ana. Tbeir t&lented kid.I will perfonn for oun, and it'll be quite a 'production: For Pepito deaigna costumes &l\.d. propt especially for these occuions, givipg the ~b aa much time and care as he does when making UJ~ JQT a televialon show or movie, a sideline of his. ; ~ ·-:_ .. But what or the adu!U? Don't they rtgure in -our EMter schedule? Sure they do, t.nd heavily, too. Chet Gabriel Arlet ha.a been work1ni" towvd thil day ror two . months. He'• going to ata.ge a holidiax clinner:that just won't qu.it -:-.(.i;:QJD noon until~· ·lt'U m .. elude 8l1Ch mt.reel ai fflet or IOli"~ .lll.Olomate, dar. Jing of spring lamb, phea.aant (wiab ·we could" 6reU: Gabriel of the habit of calling it "•upremce de faiaan, au llUC d'ananaa," but be'• 1teadfa.at.)1, veal &e&.Jopi.ni aaut.Be rena.iU&Dce, P4 accom g ~ galore. rouu sm-w-., Buah. Newport,,. 8Mch. ... ..,..., tbe new Bavolt Corp., f-.tul"- lq plu:to .Uec:t •Ylnp in ~ uwttr bWL B• LI pniiidaftt,',of n# conCUL . - . f'Y Arrested as Drunk !)river: rraign•tt: Set Malcolm Juee M•J, M, ot 53 Balboa CovH, WU UT"aJ.ped lD N~rt. Ju.etic• Court 1ut week on a felony dnlnk drtTltl.1 compl&int •lpe4,,oby Co.ta. Meaa Polle. Departlllen,t and 1 .. u~ by UM dlatrict altomq. May ....... .n...t folk>wtns • Mild-on. t.raf· tic acold11nt on Newport Ave. north ot W . 11th 8t., COit& :M..., at l :tO p. m. Mardi. 21, y ii'liffn relM.Md on 11000 ball. Two pei.on1 lncurnd minor ln· jW'!u and '"'were taken to RO&( BCMipll&I tor U-...tm..rt.. TMy "'"" Kn. Gertrude Watry, 91. and Mn. Kapa 8chley; fol, of Jf.3 m. 10th It..,· puaenren in a oar drive b1 John T. Watry, ea. Of lllm Qf'Oft, Wiec.. police reported. Pol.Ice cl.im...:l May WU dri":: tq-W1tbo\lt Uitiii ......na cro.Md tba double white line beton •trik· tnr th• Watry nhk:le. • '-""-· $' 00 Lost · ·-;o•en R&ooM. ot a1Tt.lr . .A.rt-. It., S..ta. Ana. no~ ea.ta M-pql.lce that ahe loft a purM contalnlnr 1100 OJ' tllON from ber CV bl t;b., -.CW, .C--ICM&. Orm Pd N..,art :BtTe. ""l0.ftl1.> JO. Iba .aid It wae • lMS)"a bl.ack l"atUe -. -;. LIDO D~UGS . -0.. ef UM I.Mo ...... Mal Via Udo, Newpon 8-h _.,,.,..,........ $169 PLUSH TOYS. ____ .:._..,. . .,. .. NSon • Ouddl7'" AMt'd. r.w Colen ........ 4IGe "SHOVEL ·-··--. ___ ... ,..-1.1- . . .. .,.._. wil:ai Z.tiu °""l: _. ... D-~e: . $'J49 DANCJNG ""'91T ........ ..,, ~ · ilsti1 Tovs~~--6tc FOR '· THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MAR. 29, 30, 31 , Gally Decorated and Fl1led Easter Baskets _. ... 3fc Claocolate 'Mae_ PEEL·A·WAYS . m •• ,..., 1.1- Delloio119 OMeol•te o....m 'S FILLED EGGS . -· _ _ c .. .,.,..._ ..... ® ...... _.. •• 60c 4ne .EGG ··-·--·····-··--·".. 1;... 1- (-) P.t.JIOBtlaNO JIOU..ION..WU:S . ' s 30 EASTER .BOX -·--··-······-------·---····· k 3 ~:;:w~.!.. IWey, r4"".k EGG .. _IOL 7- • • 24" Barbecue Brazler. ... .,.. •itrd7 n..i. Orome lep, llooded wttlt oew niw.crUL ~. __ S9f5 ,...,.VALVS -. ~ -{AND CHAIRS --· ______ .,,., S2'8 -..•m• ·PATIO UMBRELLA 0015 __ ,_ftc To7Ln TISSUE _____ ..., ... 4 .... 37c ~ ...._ ,........,,, ............... wklli 1 l .. -··· 8-.uh.I-..... _ .. _.... Ull-_.. ..... $.1.95 A Beloved Easter Tradition .... ..... F1.W.. 11,.-te.,.. -.1ew-1hil "-'•dbq. K-ab)t -... ..... 1 a.. S-plw •ttw:W. • $.I.ti REX BATHROOM SCALES ..... _ ............. .a-L...W.MA ..... V.ALUIL-... ·----s41• Complete Line of Liquon & Wines ---· SHADY ABC GROVE BEER .. Silver -Gin ·- Watcll llepalr $7.50 -dttwL.o.t...,...... • _h, ........ ~ IH" .u.tf ........ ...... ...., .. Uri_.._ •f ............ _ ... ...,.... _..., 1 ,..., ....., --- "Cute fl Ole\•er" "'°'°'"'" • -H~UrCH _lfc H oublpllt'• BefreelliMe• 4 ... tJpre lllo47 m&os- QUELQUES FLEURS _ __. .... • A MW Qwtaia Pl atetlcw .t SHALIMAR PERFUME • _ ........ -----... ·-$125 -MILK MAID D~ODORANT _.- APOrHECARYJAR ~_. ••• ;:$3'5 y.....,. .......... TOILET WATER • ....... N ,.,.,,., ... LirmcKS'H1 i'"Di' ...... ~.~·""$..ao --...IWllk •Lii 1.--- 22 FUVOllS . TO . . CHOOSE • FROM i Galon -·-••••• 79c • • \ • • I • .. . . ' • SHAKE · HANDS · AtROSS -THE YOLKS . ' Cotton Goff, (le(t) Newpoit Beach Volbwagen .dealer, couldn't believe hia eyet11 when '\:Wo Seattle lfntveraity bukethall pl&yen drove into his agency ln their com- pact Volbwagen. But owner Dick Striclilin (center), 6 -foot, 7 -incher from Huntington Beach, and hil teammate, Bob <Gode., 6 feet, 10 inch~ l.rom Wuh- iqgton .Ute. aay they fit in fine. -Sta!f photo --Ballance to Officiate at All-American Prize-S-ession . IJW »a.\l&ace. popular dlac Joe:· ~ With 6 p.m. 8aturdaJ kt!)' of Radio 1*.Uoa. K7WB wW .. tM 4-d!lne for Udtelll to bl officiate at the lq ..\D.-American depo9iled ln the .wtoru. Market.' "Golden Wlndf.:U ot Prt.-WlmMn wtll·Mt b&Ye to be ,.,_ .,,,. MMkm um Batu.rd&J' at' p.m. ~ Bowww ~ .m- lll tbelr ~et. -a.ns. a.a.. -.. ... ~ 0rn., du. .pen ~t '°' UM to oaat.t. wN~ wu .lnt:rMumcl • at th. bePmlnC of W.'tnOll.tll b7 ,. Uw ax All-American M&rttN t-.. tunm a tint. pda_of u ~ , 1 paid trip for two to Europe and 1iirta to~ two w.ac.. 8eccmd prl9I ii'" .. lpankin&'-.MW ltGI 8'dcll I 091.tury two-door hudtOp Mdan. '-~ 'Jbtrd pr1MI i. an all-expenM paid trtp tor two tor one WMk at tile • .,&, ~· Hotel Club d9 P.ca, .......-... _ In addUJon to the ,..ud prta., fourth. flfth llfld 'slxU\ ~'will .., be '6-pc. MU of M~ ~ ~ ftl\lf!Cl at $N -.m. A1lio a ~~'-'W· and nn Ul.M Klee· ,tric 8ltln.til wttl M awudtd. "l'lOlc ... frooln each of All·Amer- kan1• • markeu will be ruabed \~ tM iW'tae conte.t at tile O&rdm °"°" AlJ..AlneJic:&a lllt. ot UM BILL M''AMO& f ., t.• 'PEK£ PEEKS AT NEW HANDBAGS JN'Pectnli new "Shq-M" Mp now~ at Olp._ 1"11Mn'• ~ Mop; lllJ. BartMw Bl"'4... O.ta M..... S.....bw pet ~ ""'rroUble ... Olp la~ W uw modwn ibop ......... ~--. . ·~-·' watch th• colorful event to be 1tqed under KIMc ~ht. ln South- '"' Ct.Jtlomia tn.dlUon.. B&ll&nM ~ -Jooldat' forwvd -to-rrteetlq HotC... IUNS ••• ,.~, 23' .. f7t',.., .. :."'-... • • ........... y .. ~ ·~~ ·.,;-;; IUNN!iS.:. 2~ ~(--" 30, 31 ~l I -*•..,.., ....... .. .. : CUP CAKIS •••• 5'-: I ( .. "-• &-.. ............. ) I I .................. 10t I ·-I I PASTRllS ••••• 15·-I : ('"'"-•1.-p•••••lw) I .................. , ...• : I Jl.W,W I I ~ ... -! :u. d !Gimp' ... ~: : ... ~ .. ~<""'...! y !· ·--·--·----·-·· ooap1'.t. DSL JUJ1 . ... o-.1: ..,.. A001UJ'8 UOVNA BE..lcB IU .,. ...... 111' .......... .......,.,, ................ N&tffii>wr DA.CB . •o..&:llw7. Al Orange County's lnmtUtion . leading Home lending CONTINUING TO PA'Y PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 Al Accounts Open.cl On"' Bef.,. The 10th of the ~th EOm Fn.m the I st • LAGUNA FEDERAL SA VIN6S & LOAN ASSOCIATION • m OciN.m ... ,.... ftlllMt 11'1' ~Un LAGUNA BEACH STOlllS a.OHD -SUNDAY • . --. - Te help yM p&.n ,. ........ ..,. ..... w'H -. 1e•ilN .U llH 1r.uJM.Ml f"""'• I• _., ,... IMI• '4'fM ;,, .,~,,· .... , "" ,. ,, ....... : .... -'., .... ,,,_ ,, ) ,.. -,,_ J../-,1 Hon .. ,... .... el .. ••ttadiaa •aJu .. featured .M ' .. :·.· ...... -·~·' ~··· .. ·:,. . . . . ~· ........ * WIFTS PREMIUM IEADY•TO.UT Ml111.e.,..,.W...., . ..,s'1t ll:llolll ._ iM I 1 I It ...... B IJE. Willi DWI 1111 ........ ~~ hlllJilutllol RILL aun HALF .. SJ• -FRESIHGGS-LARGE 'AA' CRfA14 O' CROP-ftMtt .... ,_~Col· lfomio. l'.mct for cot.ingl ·APPLESAUCE · "~!' . ":10' BOUER '• DAili!·~ .. ~ A . '!59 MAYONNAISE -~ .. ~ ~49' April , ' GOLDEN ·CORN A 2 •:: 2t ~~~ BROWN SUGAR< U.P '!IOC '" . BAKl!RY SPEClMSI &m-SttMn.gs for Easter &sting! bli_ni Slicid Pineapple 1011:25' ll;:29' Curtsy C-..ut LAYER CAKE ' - Tw!'"layer, frHh-bokod Regularly 89c ....... 77' PriKela Sweet Potatoes 2'&-18' .\'lessen 01 for Salads -~•-,.-- ' HOT CIOSS · 111115 Curtsybaked . ' ,.._.,,25c 11118 -Mor. 2'. JO. ll. "l6. Ill mJll! llllllD Wiii -Y. #" -•ol ............. 111 • , .. ,,-... . ., ....... NulAatle Mayonftaise .... ,s~· Ocean Spray Crinbeny S.ce IM..;. 111 • -' . -· -.~.-. ~ " _.,,,. ... -.-------~ ___ _. .,;_:;:;:_ __ -· ·-------. ·-· ~·---:-· -. ....... -- ::-'l'OUTH CONCll:aT-l'LANS ...re 4iKu...a ~ -tliia;:-: iroup of Philharmonic Society cbii.nuen at a coffee aeu.ion in Balboa Bay a ub. The d~I concert.a are ol&t.ed ~r April 21 ID Coot& M ... and Anaheim. In front row (I to r} are Mrs. Fred "Ferny CJ! Santa· Ana, county chairman of youth conceri.~ Miu Fried• Bellnfante. .}lymphony 'conductor; Mn. J o • e p b Gauthier, publicity. Rear row, Mn. Korela.nd Lelthold, executive director and Mn. Cheater Adam of Fullerton &nd -Mn. Karen Margret& Bruning, eX- ecutivt direct.oJ.."'-Staff Photo . ' SKORGASBORD IDW an 1!e1ac ~'>l'l!I by ,..mbon o( St. Margaret' a Guilil of St. Jamoo Cbun:b, meeting at the home ot Mn. Hiary Seeley, 281 )(ea, Drive, Coot& M-. The dlnnor will be held April 28 at St. James and prooeeda will So toward the build· . Episcopal Women's Guilds .R~veal Events Slated for Next Month Fund Raising EventsPlarined NEWPORT HARBOR Fashion m1t Klll'Cb 11 at Mn. BHle)"• welt.,.. bvrel.~ and tlM p,r..D• Show Luncheon hom•, 281 x-. Drtv•, eo.ta MML court. amonc other aourcu . SL Jo&a'• Guild a d•votu<r Nut meetlnr ol lh• WollW'I'• April A d •n•rl'iM t.o coUectlnr me~~k Auxtlt.ry Jnu be .April 11 wtth First on gen a clothlnl and canned food.I for tb• h&n\an' Jmt.Jtute at San Pedro th• Rev. Rollo Bou, hMd mutv Epiecopa.l women of the lia(bor area have been mak· supplle: .,., urse.t11 nMCSed, .~ ot at. Jam..,.J>ay Bcl!ool. u ·~· inr pl&M durinr Lent for a ~Euter .euon of eventa, tum.ltur• of &11 llinda. Anyon1 hav· er. Luncheon Will be ••rved b7 It. . . -. for Concerts !" f •'ch · deuert rd ...,.,. d f--•' ab lnc articlu to donate may call Kariar1t'1 OU.Ud. nt o wu.i . J.a • ~ ..-~Y &n ~on ow Mn. J, o. l'ersueon. liol a-1t1z.1 ;============ to be be.Id Apnl 5 &t ~ p. m. ,m SL Jamee parilb. ball under Speall:er for th• MarJ 20 meet· 1ponaonhlp of St. Ehubeth • Guild. Stylee will be from 1111' ot th• woman'• auxili ary wu MRS_ WINlFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor , Shaddock'• a.od MT1. Ckorre Yard· tq event tor Ui1 Cllurcb or·et: Harold ~den oc t.b1 l:placo.,_i .;--., PAGE 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS l•r wUI bo <0nunontatoo. -· "-JoOn tho Dlvtno at Coot&"-o< ....., '" Chil._ Ho wu ..,.. $3500 N \ d d f Dual WEONESOA Y, MARCH 21, 1956 L.. 0.trandtr la ruerv&Uonl and Whlcb It. Ma.rpnt·· Guild w111 Mn.ltd b7 Mrs. JOHph RlJ(I, &uai· . ee e Qr Ucket chalrman. M an &ttW&t• W1Mll a J*'Dl&Mnt U&ry pl"llllldmt. • -~ -St.-M:atJ&n:l'• Oulld hu H Ver&l Vicar Ui .upplltd.. TM bolnt, now tn It. •2nd y•r, Symphony Performances HOLY_'X'EEK BACHCONCER'T w•nl> plannod, <hlof or whlcl> .. SUIOIAGIO IA.Lil ..,... ..... WNt Cout ~·· rrom __J :J_ a Swed lab imorp.1bord dinner Th. JUild, of which Mrs. John Panama to Aluka and .. 1upport· ---,----~-. Aprtl H In lh• p&riih hall. Mr1. Donn.Uy .. ch&lnn&n, la to bold td .ntlf'tily throu1h vo.lllllt&ry con- At the March 21 c;offee meetin• at the Balboa Bay Club NATIONWIDE. TOMORROW "'"'' """'' " <h&tm>an. 0""' • ,.,.......,, oala Aorit lo to Kar• tributlonL It " l~tod on 1'1> l'ARKES·RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 ..... .,,,.., -OOlta --.. .,, member• ••rvtn1 will WMr Swed-ln the hoUM next to tha old Colt& &e:rM ln lb• &an Ra.f&el HJU. .and r-... Mn. Fred Ferrey, county eh&Jrmaq of the Symphony for Th• naUon..td• Holy W•k bro&dcut by tb9 I.a. An· 18h co.tumea. Tht. la a tund f'l.W. w .... B&n.k bUUdl.D.J. Dona.Uona lut ,_, car.d tOT tO eh4dftn, re--l...Dert7 I-Mii u.,.... Youth, invited chairmen from the variou.e areas to diacwaa rei.. Bunau. ol. Xualc ..i.u acatA ta-. th• form ot acerpt.9 may be le.It at the parlab ball OC' "'"~"'~.,~~to~tha~~-~:·~•zy~tha~~d~•~<u~~· ============ the comtur concerts which will be given April 21 at 10 :30 trom Ba.ch'• mi(hty "St. Matthew hMton," It wu announc· Tro)·an Cl b , may be plcked up .ft • c::&U .. latt - • ed today by J . Arthur Lewla, dt.J mwlc coordinator. · U •-W\lh Mta. Donn.U1y, LI ~ a. 01. in the Orange Cout Collece auditorium and aga:g at On April 11 tllie ... uA wm •rv• The half-hour bru&dcut will be aJr.d cout-to.c::out by • •-2.30 p.m. ln Anaheim at tl'I• Uuton UM of limited mt&n$ to purchue D1·nner Meeting luncheon at ll'I• laneral meetlns HIJh School auditorium. Mlal lfOOd Clotl'llng ror thPlr children at. NBC 'I'tl\lhda7•t ~:30 p. m. Carlton Martin will lead the Loe of th• Woman'• A\ttlli.ry of St. Ill In' I A h ~·1 to -"'rttn ·&.,...phonic Ch"'"'•• and accomna"ytn• chamber J Ch h -th )( J J'rleda Bellntante conducttnr w m mum COi · P one .,... J... .,._ ..---.. The Trojan Alumni club of Ult am• urc ,..., N . o.h n conduct th• 1ymphooy orche11t.n. at Mr1 .. Kelley at Her. l••IR-~ Mr1. orcheatra tn lh•1 liach m\lalio. 'Ibe chOruA la th9 top-nt1ht Harbor area will meet April l! r...,.i. u ch&lnnaa. Plan.I tor u. ... both perfomu.nc ... 'nl• m\111~ 11 Harold Beck at iQ: T-a15w 111 adult concert Cfdllp of tM 8UrMU of K\alic, • diviMon of tll• at Newport Harbor Tac.ht Club, •V*1'9 were made wbm. tha l\llld perlormad tor atio.ut 16 mln'Utu brln&" .omeona to pick up , dona-Municlp&l Arla DepL 8 p. m. Cockt&l l1 wUl preced• 1:~--::~--=---=---:::--:-1 i.:::::;;;:::::::::::::::;;;;~==~ and the lnterpretaUon. ud ex-Uon.. -------------------------the dlrir1,er &11d the bufir\•1 metit.· pl1natiort' luta &boU\. 10 mtnutea. Cllalmen from the v&riOUI areaa Ing will featun election of otn· New Grandchild Bft.iooll OllOVP attendlnl" the meellnl" wen Mme.. SKIN DIVERS cer1. The purpoM of the m•Un1 wu .Moreland Lelthold, Harold •&eek, Gue.LI will be P'orut Two-. f H R R• 0 ; . to d.19C~ wa)'I and me&M ol raia-lMI\ J. AlexandPr, Gel.eomfba. Ii:. I------------good, buketb&il cO&Ch ; A. S. or • • 1ngs Inc tundl throuth eommunlt¥ pro-I...-Xe&rn.1, Robert .Mackey, .mory Li· do Cub Scouts See Raubenh•lmer, edue9.Uon vtc.-Whet1 th• Hadd .... _, ot Irlino j.c:l9. ParU• of canuta. btld1e. Moore, Millard Dunde, CheCer D. · prealden.t &11d Arnold lllddy, aJtun• Terr_.... left racenU .... ,• '°' ""°"""'· butfelll and y&llJ.lhlnJ l ... were Adami, B&muel D. ClnUtenHn. nl dir.c:tor. For information, e&ll wcs•ted. Eventually It I• hoped Bac-ba.ra MacNellledl• and Don&Jd Under Water Movi' es Mni. Jack C&rlOn, Har. 2951. Arla., Mre. Rine expec::llkl to •lllY You Aro Cordially Invited to Attond the Holy Week Services . ti ,• .. t h• bridre playeN will fonn • per-Vam!erbUt; .AllO Ml'I. ROM Sh&ter. 1-------------1 with their daugtiter, Mra. Kenneth manent l'TOUP to help .wupport thll ""'"Y' and meanN : M1U S.llntante. Craft Jr.,. and drive her to the P-oJ-t " Important to the cul-cond•<to,,· 'tri. Af•-r-·· Bruning. Flower Arranging hoapltal f1;1r birth ot a HCond chUd. • -• · ....... Lido Isle Cub Scouts futened their .eat belts for an ltu1t ad th • tun.I development of the .chool ex~utlve director and Mra. JONph e • r ran parent.I found -c• ctdld. H. Gauthier, publicity chairman. evening of ann-c.hair action at the Lido OubboUM recently, Class Announced little Deni•• Chrt1Una ti.d a.rrtved Tb• conCilrt.8 ar• rtven for chll· when widely.known loci.l akin diver, Herb Sam~n, he•d· th• day betora. Th• baby weJ,rhed dren h'om Ul.a toµrtJt, throogh the • h , -• ty An Euler flower arran1ement 1 Jbl., ! oa., hq black b&1r and •IJb.lh ~. Tb• COii\ ol 11.ch .Fuc Sia Soc1e = ~~;;~· =ta~th. :1: awarded th• lqpecUOll f~ to by MrL Bl&nc.ba ITYirl•, <>r&nr• blue ., ... look.a ilk• her mater pair of eoneftt9 11 r.;. To date Den 1 and attendaoe. ttac to Oen Coul Collere •dull education In· l:Ueen, 11-ow lt montha old. The T --~.... trt• ted ' movt. f ... name Chrlatlna I.I tor h•r JTe&t· lJ p. A ··--· u . Meets Tuesd:e:·y II fT. fJHAllK . etructor. 11 on d1-pl•Y a t Rt .... -(r&ndmother, Mn. Oo .... A. Hol- .. h&Y• &oout \l'OOJ)9 Ott prln.te . ~ roa rwo MON'Dt.!11 MlL A now.r ·-·-·· ·~ . • l Tiw mot.l.M plctur... ab.ot. ,olf ard'1 Mark.it th1I w _ donor&. R. Sanford M&rtin ._£,f 0\tnd&le th• loc:a.I ooul &11d In th• Ba.n Thi followlnc" were awarded arra.ns•ni.•nt ell.Ii u urht bJ Mra. -------------! Sr •. Andrew's . l'rnbyrerlan C:hlHCh llUI • IL .Udrlw'1 lld., Newport Bllicht9 PALM SUNDAY hn1cal., w.~1, -1 110 • i11oa ..... hrmon -'-rbe K1n1Un-ot Chri#t" lb• R.av. J&me1 I . Stewart ' A tu\W'e money mak.bll project will be rueet ipMker -M· the .cOut &dl.l••emW1ta fw ti.. month. tosupporttbelym.pbony!OC'>Joultl m•ttnc" ot the C..Ul'Wal~&tiDn-CJemmte and Ccm>n&do i.l&ndl of l'ebnary &n4 March· Irvtn• will •tart Tu.:Jay, .A pril p• h will M & ~ w. or ebll-., -··•-•a •--'•lY ,. 1 at Vicinity, ..i.u. cameru.and und.lr-o.m.,. Oordaa. Reed lite h i o, a l tM N.wport Barbor Luth· InG -Cabell MA UNDY TllUll8DAY llAllCll -.._ •vc•... .....,. water JMI' manufaotu.nd 1n tba; , , p en dnn'a dolblns-st.Yen .onMUm• ....-'r:IO p . m. la' th• l:ftN~"'-&Mn K~ Worb, U.-Dui:J, Jilt autr, J im C&dw&la.der, er&n Ouu'Cll. TM clue wU1 m.Mt IM,.._.ef~O----T 110p.a. eonm...., Ke4ltailoa -"KUW, 11 n tr". tW&lll MQ 11 and MaJ IO. thti ..... 8chool audltort.wn, HamUtco m•·=· --vad .. ~----....... ann. Bmlth., Bill e&C.h TUNd&1 ....... T-t:IO p. m.. on Honor Roll plac. to "9 unouncad J.&!a!• __ -~-St.I., ~A Mua. ,-.-~ W .... U.. Wllliam9 John ......... -"'U bo ~.-~-bout ..... 11-tl. lhark. &a~ :-:-r A mnall mat.,_ ,.. ..., ,.._......_11 _,__ -··• _ .,· . n. ............ I'-'"'" • ~ ~ OIJ9'Ga'l'UJ"Oft.. ... ~ · wt.It spealt~on .oll 1r1111d· • ll lam ~ ,..... KtrU and O&v. Mac-__,,, t&k4I ,,_.,.. ..,.._. • .._ -· Thll la aft oppmtunlt·7 for taml-ins" aM DOmPj1t d:la.ktnJ. H• 11 &tt&ck bf & .. on oa. JMID Malian; US'ltant dennera, Grer chaf(fld. RqiN&tlon -w Mr. and Mn. Bradm L.. l'bach ooi>D Pim.ti ; . ··-....... ~· .. ._...-u-...·;... . ----'---''---'----1,. authority an t~•-subjec• and how dlven ~r &IMS nail Von. Rottman Blll We•~k Pe'· plac• In th• flnt ci.... r Co ..... ., pUmo e&.a.m., ptul &1l lhe vtYid • _... ...,r '------------o rona del. Mar, la ll.ted M OmdM\ad ., Ute Har• OovooU oi Qwe!MI Retmier-Edwards Rites Announced i. bdnatn1 & aGJbber ot rtlta UU4l1I aftd d&ftaan of 1kln dlvinl. kal.l, M1M X&ncu., D&ve Mac· th• honor roll for th• tall •m•· ror Ole plant til:n"' . Mahon. JUdlard Hom , Geor1• Lido Players Rdreahment1 wtll be aerftd, Prior to ~ M& cinema, CU McCleDiii, )(Dr.e Ober,· Larry Gib-ter at Tau Western College. l:.UTD IUNDAY · ~lit doc» prl&e1 awarded and draw-muter Gerald McCl&lre Initia ted. '°'"· ·Jerry Ad&m.9 and a 111 Holding Tryouts To be ell(ible tor the honor Mr. pd JOI. Ktinneth a, Ounte-r, b1,p held for pr\IU: ·~1n9='"11!e BW BuUer and 'J'tlny Jack.eon Into Undeke. roll, a itul!lent mu«. have &II .... ..... ,.. .... ,..._, ~·-><-. putNlc I• wtlcome to, a ttend. Bobc&U and Mllr.e JrU.np.n ud Udo Playen will hold tryout.I aver••-or 8 2 _, In ~ .. 1t'N'MI• -...... 11"' ... a.,_ -"U &I.Iler a. Not "frW' • fttl Jtn. n.m. •. •twut .,.... ._._ "Scott a.i. Into WeMlo. Walt bad1t1 went to Bob Mc· ~n".orrow at I p.m. In U do lale _,.. . •·-• po ta, or. have announoed date ~th• mar-Bo r . ....... ClaJrt. Pat Werner and Bob Fox. ubhoiae tor their nVlt play. lo I1>llfhlt, a .. B plu1" avera1•. · n.,. ot llttlr dau1ht1:0Nol l!IUt · • faUhtul over horn. rel&Uona; With " ttom o the o-. M ReeetTin1 .,.Id arrow• tn the C•ben u. • llOphomora, -•Jo--._.r•t tf latut lhJlf1 • -l :ot p.& '.:4-. --··~ .~ ~· •-be produced June 1 and 2. Two n• • Edward4 t.o Charin l\ftmt•r u..7 t-4 to blfll'lrvirir·~ <rJVeY .,,, tu ..... m.-10I' March, the cran.-wolf cate(Qf")' were nm Vlle&ck. /l'r";':':•=m~•~t&U~•~·~IY~·;;=~;;:==!:;:::::;;:::;i;;;:;;1~===;;::::~;;; Jr. tor .A.prU T, 10 .I.in. tn It. Qotdeb Bula fM hl.U'DU lit•, and rn&l'l&hlp &ward went to Dm I tor Orea Von Hoffman and Bob Mc· .crlpll are belnir c::on.ld•ed but Joachim C&tbollo CJlUtt.h, Ca.ta lt will •p&h: you llitR!\~bftr.etne1e. m&rlrie .e •. nfe" ih&doW boxl!ll. Claire. SU••r arrow1 tor w1;1tve1 cholc• wUI depend M tryout.. Mn.. \(eaa:, · .... -Mary BU.er Eddy Aul1tant Cubmuter John SNeldl _..,. Jlven to Onr Von Hottman, L. R. McCUUey "'111 dlrect. JUHIOR ~. 'HELD ltll -.f L11J Nie at an apt time Saturday, wltlt arrival ot N~ Btach'a Initial Euter Week invuion. Part" of \he Wet crew hel~ fo"" ... -the AU.4Dlerlcon-Market • ID COrou de! Mar. From left al" Janice Beeftey, Patty Baumt, Janet Riedel and Kimberley Ku•ter. all fourth graden at Harbor VJew School. Proceeda from the aale go to ttie Cri~led ChJW:re.n'• Photo - Mllr..! Ober, John Sttieldll, Unn Wllli&lna 12). and Bob McCl&lre. ~I to Bur1 were Bill Llndek•, Klli;e. Vllack and Jeff Clark.. Gold &ITOWI on bear ~ ....... eamed by Bob Sawyer, Dlclt vaneservort u d P9l9t Kall. Bean 9'1Y9r arnJ'lln went to Bob 8&.,..r, t..ny Olb- -. Dkk Vander'Vort 9nd Bill .; Unde.ke. UO?f AWA&D8 yer. Stephen Duey. Bill !lei.ch and Mike Ma.ngaii. Before •djoul'Tltnr the m91ttnr. CUbmuter KcCl&IN announced the folloWinl' future cub di.tu tor r.t:k 37: the committee me-etlng wtll be April 11 at P•rry Clark'•. Via Eboll. the next paclc meeUnr wtll be AprU lt, and the Bike Rodeo hu •n eel up tor M.&y lt. ' L6o1I ...... W"tlte awarcled to llJko ,.,..... and RlchMd Hom. BE SURE • INSURE LIGHTING FIXTURES LAMPS ' J'lztW'OI I< Lampo IA every Wonted Style • Conventlonal •Modern e Period • the '9.ttu, alm eamln&" a told "1UI MTO'f' iaad two lll.IY9r ancrw1. -KA1mu ... ~ ••• ~.1~~~· PARTS llUft REP·~" lland7 JUep WOii. told and .ellv1r ·---nnu ftllliJ .,_ ---.....,,. ..,.,. .. __ .. ,. r 0 td • ..,. .,_ ........ ,......, _ "" ,:,:::.~...,. Indoor <:1 u · · oor .............. tt.8"8&w-l~~~~===,=11-Rr.smENTIAL & COMMERCIAL-~ VISIT '"' ljAPPIEST ,lACt: ON lAlnH '°" THf HAPPIEST EASTER fAOATIOM See the L&rpaf • ,,_ Dlaplay of hmotla MU.. Lig~tlnt Flxtuno •Lampe · ln the SouthWld! e-' -ln~ ... Into pndjej'J Beaut1ta1 1 • .,.~ •• Nw la OW' own ••• New Modero Buildlnr Harry M. Whetsel ' UIO Ntwport lllvd. at UU. St C08TA llESA - u IHl781 " • { ' • 1 '" • -• • • •• • , ' -A S1'UIJl:NT PA8111QN ~al -~ud mod-by &lrjo qt -Di'lp Scbool1"iai..ia' ' .. . • t • for the P·TA meetlnc at that echqol. Commmtatorw .. ; · • ·were Joen Wa-ud DW!e )(eyer.' Kodela lneludo . Jill.. Stauffer, 'J'wrT WW!lqb, .Judy ·~ ftutll. • Ann ~ .hdle .l.Joon,' c,n~ - l'a!*er, ~ r.um, Linda ~WU. Dlw Sc-.i., NEWEST OF NEW •princ fuhlona .were shown today at a fuhlon luncheon In the Villa ~ Bero· (I to r)'Beth Nothrey, Gall Jiooovang ml Trudy Weaver model .m-e., &e~I ud .ahoa from Rule'• o! Califonlla, Lido Sboppln1 Center and other obopo. -~ Buah Photo · -1-d @Oll:en on tlM 0-0.. The IE 7HE GREATEST Gl,JY IN THI WORLD ... = -- _... bec'tna at U ~--om-...,_ at a p.m. TAKE YOUI FAMILY ,..i----'----~=1t--.,•251I TO DINE ....... Have so. .................. .. a--:--;;. Mn. huJ A,.ua. m ........ llUUUIVlt. ~· .... lTUl •t.. Ooeta .... .... ( ....... ~ -... ...., ......... 111\.---------' al Boas eo.ptt&I. I' CONTIOL YOUR ~ Rtd~ kl~ lbt WST-IU'IS WAT : j .' I -- fl !I [ I ( '~/ .. _rWll ... ' . ' • ,, ) . ...... • .-p;Qrf •• P>JR:~ •• ----IT: .--• -=; • 'Comiog·uogluecl7 Ale·you • creaking, 1&99ing i;uqdla of. -7 What ""'vo got to do, honoy, is shift out .of ·high . goar ••• ..id .•• .. R.E LAX ·-~ ... .. . ' --::;. -• ----. -• ---. --- --. -- --- . -- -·. ''W'ai:r'i,_ . . ' -----, -~ .. . --!' •z' lllfaa .. i:OO L._ lo l :lt p.&. ' ' ' " . 'OWS ·-.----·.;= -- . . ·~VIA UDO-NEWP6RF------!J..-UI In Jhe Lido-Shoppln;.'Center. ' • I I . ,. , • r . .. . • ·. • ,-re - l • . ' .. • • ... -· ' I --,,.-... -.~.. . -- ; ... ,. .. _../,,,.. ' ' . . . ... ~ -· .. , Sl ·tl·SUIDIY ~. 9 ·1:1~ 3 II• SAU DAYS . •ft-• M e11•M, : ................ • . -. 7 P.M~.· -- . . • I . ' , -• ......,.. L ... .. .. . ' " . . ~ . ilAmerlcan'1 Your 101+.r Fea1t Heaclqu'+.rs! Every ~pt. 11 brlmmln1 over with lteuntlful · · ~'".~ fMclt of 1prln1 -lt'1 jU1t like d1pp1n9 into the "Hom of Plenty"! Finest Fresh, Oven~eady Capnnette All-A_merfcan Gracie AA Larte, Doz. In Carton FRESH EGGS GOLD Ml.DAL FLOlJR (s.Lbs. .. :45c J . 1~LI. IAG ... -~··· : -.:,. <> .·!-•••.. . .. ~-·~·'. ~ ' ~1"· •"'I "•u:.:"'• ... "J• -r.. •1 • "l~ .... ·-' ' ' -· _ . R~ASTING . · CHICKENS , 3::.:b. M.J-1-ALL GRINDS I WISTCO WHoL COftF.EE · .'.·.--Pl 1-Lb. Can I n.-oa. Jar ll.A~K 'N IRASS IA.MONA l'Ulll! ........ _ .... "Z. ao-• BIRDCAGES'----· IAP~IEClilr ~ lnclutlM Ma11unl11 i.., 1pl1th ' " ahleld incl fe!M11nl 1 • • COMPLnll • 95 .r5 ILUI SU~SER -CQMllNATION 6tfa CHEER . -=:=-. I ... .,..,. Miii•' ...... .......... ............ .. 17,"I Make WONDERFUL oY•ter D...,nt hr Your IHter ""wll . 12.Ct. JAii KING Of HAWAll-46-0Z. CAN . · , . . . 55 c : "'"h,_-.;.,;;. -.,-.;;,., 1 PINE~PPLE JUJCE l 39 I D _ • PEPPER I Nlble11Whole1CemelCernwlthSw111 ,11 ,,,.. 2. . ;,. : ,':49c 62:Sfc ! MEXICORN l24L c-· · ~. ----• L---------J r·-.=---~ --r---~------, CAl.rGoLD-~z._CAN : . ::u:s=.. ~:~ I MANllCHl'MT? MllMUM : sliicE ; ORANGE JCE~ ,.,.. Cliarna-ne •.DRY CONCORD s11• I ......... u .. -.. ue..~'"" I '•AM ,..-.. · 1 With Dinnwl-FIFTH I---·-•-'""'' I GllHAIDT'l-NO· 1DO CAN :•-~~..:;JmE . · -: -2· ~. 35° : tlllt~BWI : ~ $_.,., _ _.. ~ .YINO ROSSO ~!'".:., 49c ~.::::::::=:-_-J _ · , : ---· · . : . I ""1ll ... I Au.AMlllCAN .• ·• I Kint Oscar Norway -, CDUiiii'SOC'S o-· . . . 25 -- , '-----------~GIN ----............ s3s• l .A ... ~·-~!!_Rtry~•••' l . NUT . ~z.· ·. '.·-_;,. A '"'RAM, ........ s114 CllST ' . ,. ~ Bu GIE -. A ILANCA TlllPU-DRY ..... VERMOUTH '"'" . .. s13s 314.0 .. 23c • LAuRAscuooErsNEWKINGSIDl'ICo.. • ~~~~~~~~~~~;..;;.:.:~-=~~~~J -:-__,_ --~":_-_ --_ j-p . UOUOR.S • ' • I ' l ' -· -~--. - ' ·EASTER E88 . .......... ,.... ' · OW C.toaa1r•t , .iiiii'lc ·n =~~~ ............ ~~26-0&.lou~ • . 2 1• t.90RTON'S SALT .... :..... ,.. ., · . i<iiiPY CRA'CKERS '·~ ...... ~ .... 2sc ' FiCitL JISSUE ............ 2,.,2sc • Nefurll Ml.....a a Pl-W. w- Afl)UA·YIYA ::.=... ---L-IP_T_O~N~T:=l:-:-A-i • tlll .... t" TIA .. 7Sc I =.. 21c I , .. Mote.-......... ~.­......... • ............ .:IUll!' ... 2 ..... . - ~[• • ao. ai iii\ ·-... . ..... .. .. , : CUP CAlcll •• , • I'. : I( .. ._ • ....,..,. ... , .. ) I ' I --.,...... .. ,, .... I ...... .. : 'AllW ••••. lt'.: I( .. ._ .... ,.,.,.._) I I ..................... I ·~ I : wt.cM1 .... : I .... I I V. I I \fll cleNlll!lfl ~ I . I • ..... -~---. ' ... , ' . eDOWNIY · OCll• f ICU• .... .... ...,.,._,,,..._ .............. "' ..... ••• ALI( 1111-.: F 11• a 1111 -Ml.Y11.t I 1311 J-.Ut. C1lo lag e GARDEN GIO~ e coitONA DEL MAI .......... --.................. . ........... _._, ' . ' , --. ( .. ·' -.~ .. ' .' •.. ....,... , ' ,, , • , • -· .. WBINESDAY, t.jARCH 21, I~ • '•• ) ' I "God ~rant us the M~ily to Kciopt tho ifiiOCJl we aonnot: q,.i,g.: thli ~cour199 to .c~""99 the t~ings we can and th • • • • ., •• • • •• . ' • =97 CJHWWW • •• l .. / • '' .. • • ' J ., ., • • '· ' ' GOURMET SOCIETY LIVES , rf UP · V.U.. dt \he LldQ ... Ille Wine a1l{1 -Food Society enjoyed a gourmet dinner &nd ~to complement every courae '\\'hen they gathered lut week at the com.mun· tty chablflouae. There to talk upon and demonstrate wiDM of many type1 WUI , }>cillllail W. Bo~r of Beverly Hill.t. Pictured &t the buffet board are from I.rt,. '~ B91llday, chef de culalne; Larry Leli&ron, houae coiluD!ttee ; Do11&lu Bqlei!' · ..u.r.r; William Chrlatonaen, oecret&ry; Randolph T&ndowsky, pre&ldeti£; an cl, 'RoMrt BanU, maitre d' hotel. -Photo by Gene Rou ' . . ~·-.. . -. ' ~ .:-·~r co-NGRESSMAN ·UTT ra+s 'EM HOW·· TRAILER PARK -. '. n.. wu a lot of poll~ advice from a.n uperienced campaigner tendered f <JOllUaued ,,.. nm Pac• Bltmday when Con...... Jam.et B. Utt VfU COQlered by & trio o contenden ,..venue• to pay hi.It the rut.room f« the State uipembly. Pictured from left, Georre T. Kellogg of Yorba Unda oonetnactlon c:OO. Thill .,, .. con-, .' .. :aM:J,.. Picket:t of .G&rdb. prove, both 1eektng the assembly aeat in the 75th 9ldlr'94 but rio acUon wu taken • ··Dtltrlct; Co~ Utt and Jaclt Amendt, candidate for the aaaembly from on ~~Rtdd•rhot uked the ' . bA 74.th "District.. All are Republican.a. -Staff Photo moUoa to tilr• th,... .upt1rv1aon ' M -• . . of, NierWtkle, at a Ml9ry acue _;,WRONG ·~Cl TO--SMOOf . ~~~·· N•wpo<l Buch. 00 F•b. ;'!. ~~:;.::. ~..'...!': ;Dehler wu fore«! to tum a.fer er-lion ot ~ 11* authorl-4 'lA M Bookeil" w approximately $100 In euh to unanbnoualy. 'nla council at • -~ -~.·.' ! • 1 an ·. Ql1 ea pons \b• defendant whO ~d ordveQ recallt IMtlUll&' boollWd ~ : • halt pint or wbiakey, .. <Jln&rick'a pay °"" tM $600 . . 11 lff . Gun I klent Th• at.ore clerk alertly rot the mark IN\ tabled the 1111,....n.or . . . IP er nc ...... _y CN' Ucm.ee number. ot. ~ Job ~t. _ O.ta MM& ~ apprehended .,. U.. euapect mlnutee after th• -=•· ._"' ,.._ ... q · \tta eon't'kt, A ,..dant of t11it W• New-1Uckup. p • t p 1• ·• -.... , .... -.... "'· .. -......... ...,.. ...... -. ..... .,. ..... ,_._,.., w ..... -. nva e o ice • C.O. ........ ..,. ..._. bf H9'P U. beard or.iawall ~ th• trouble, oecur wtwtri b• I• drink· ,_.t ~ pOUoe a&: ... ,...,... pa. attOl'd&q to poUo9 nctll"d4 lnl'· The judp IU(Jf'.ated W•I>- .. • a· oMrp et MM'fl:!lJA ot • et.er eon I.act .Alcolloltca Anoo1· I 11 3 , ••• o( • nr-na bf • .,.. .-L..& . a ts mou1 while Ill jaU. ._, ..... --.. ......-e .. ,er e "'"'.., • ·'" , ... '"-•,.. Local lwh Repoit ,,.,_-:,.'::" ..... -.. -l-mo1t• Term N•WPORT ...... CR -A • .. ~-per•ture (10 Lm.) 11 ~. U:· --. w. X)lwa = ol-lobbery lip ... ~::.~.~.:!::.-:-- . cit.ta. .-... be Mlcl b• ..w -VlalbWt)"-6 .muu (wtlh hue) --11·,,.. .. U. __. alt.-&AKI'.\ ANA, (OCMl)-KU(h Smooth .urt. ...... ~1w.at la ua uMC..., BaftAU¥t Wet.t.r, Oi1ta M--. _;_~;_,;.;; ______ •II ~· --a~~ hoW up Splegeh HaYe Son · ~ ,.,... •~eel:::.::: a Uquor •tore okl'~ TUMdar wu Nolin&" th• b'11..b ot __ • ~~ bor M a..d· lhrf ""onw ttJd. • ~ttnced to alx moot.U. In coun· M&rcla :U In Hoar ~ art tll•NI~ ~ -tr Jail and put on thr .. yean Mr. and M.ra. J •m •• lpl.-l. ~R • .aid lM7 W'lir'lt. .. -uon l9ll Raymoind St .. O.ta ....... .. • Nport that Lbe ..-,,. --. • ... Wii -Loi A.qea.. WtblUr Of 17~. WU-. •L ,........ 1 1· ·•r.r.ro•••'f· ~-'"",..,.•tit __ ........ °"!.._!I~~'"' Harbor Reat ........ _.. 0twwwa11 --· -· -., • I P k t-.Ja ... ~,.-a 1tM biMt.Ms &D4 eantw:iAf. memone e r ' I . I l I I I I l ' . .. • ,,. 'J.. " J: • • • "'" !C' • ' ., ... {- . ·' ~. ,,. " rt ' ...... ( · -: Sw itch tiJ -., • ....... -''---'---"" _. _____ .., __ _ ' -IMl.IOllTED! ;J.iOLLAND CANNED HAMS - -- • U.NOX BRAND ll4Jl8 • 5 lb. UNOX HAIL-........ --16-69 • -.. .. • , , 'j1~J ro~ ;~.r't~'f.vJI~ J4T. y.,', ~put~ wholo.-1 °'·ot --aoJ oa1eJy-w1th..., e1-1o-r ... _ forget ·watchlu( &DC! "woltmc" ud ._ / Ing~ ... have...,,, "play"tlml ID,.... j ~ lmtead. Yailrelooldo"""°wlll fak• .... ot lbe ooob1 ...... dollcolly. RI for f\Nl •sn-UIDed robbaJ'7. Webe;t1:r r.dmllt.ed IWn!f the I M· 111-1a--.. -W.... Y• A.re~ et fW•-1 ..,.._. lie wu..,.,...,.., and reaJIOOMMd by II~ In hla ::t ~~ ~ ~ n05 W, BM.BO& Ill.VO: NEWPORT ~llM.fJB .,.._ •; .•. .. t.~ lfADOS fl: Lm.....,..JJOl.it;JUtl -~.un-earunw a.rt.-et Gh&er ~ C!-V•X':'.:01'!·~·.!• t:_'....:."""'":•'':..-,•,'.::-~·· J1k:1o11 ~ Miftco, police ...i~ .AJbert Eichler •t 2123 Newport l.----------Jlllo. ..... ,. ... ,...,,.,.,...i L ___________ ..,,_...,..;,.. ....... ":-~~-.;;..;;.;:;,...;,..;..;,,.,;;;.oiOi .. ..;. ... ;;,;;...;,.~;.;...;;ij,....;~...:;.-.J " >J-l. ~ ...... • ...... ·-· v.:: ' - • r • • • , • • I • • • • • • --~. . • . ~MoltT ~It NEWS-PltESS ~AY, MAR~ 21,..:19" . , hdtJs ·~SA.LUE ', ~%8, 11111 t f*:port .... "lhl<'~ 7• ... -. tllo ~ 11 .. ,, 111\<l -.. ,,.~ ......... .w hok -......... ,.., w,, ·-· ............... ~. .. . 1lp •• • IS!V•I" • .i1ap Jd\ar ...., IJlla.&way, -Bunny, ya olo -boiled ""·'· ... I.lid quit .,., ~jumping around .. , We set , • I .-. • ....... ... rythlq~rht here, both tbe llttlnr' \typeo I.lid Ind!· tlon&l ~U.. ... I-· 1H to de-fu,ay ydl'e.]llutel: Sunday houie-to.boualn' wttti omooth oa1lli!r right down the · TURKf( AND HAM FOR A. SUNDAY FEAST Haa11att.. •• llobM 8aaoke """,... ..... • • ........... ,., ......... 1r · · tine • . • ' vue •sp}an highly ....,. ommraW for eurpriM bff.. ms-tote -•-... Loob Ille . a dlocolalA>- CJO••t4 eU .w. l'Ole--·-........ -•w.. .... -........ . 'l'llo-f OotrUe~loh, rd •1 •.• i..r..,.e.i -..... -.. ....... JIU. UT'. .. Cap .i..., -do ftDed wWl egp,ud ftxtap~ ......,..putadloll. ot loe . ermm. la th lllOOd. .for uy EUter~ ...•• -_ .. , .............. ~ -·,7-. plU aa4 hlM eoew.,. It.Ima ••• Ouuuteed to_.. every· body slJll "b. you l'Alter lloDaot" ••• MOO flattering . . . and I promiM the m011t cherilbed Rift any bueband could, give Iita wife, who in turn couJd give him hJ1 on Father'• day ... Yau know to make 'tbe pair . . . la an angel . • , A birthday an1el ..• There &re .twelve ditrerent figurinet •.• EM:b portnyinc i. month •.• The June-Angel lo • brl& •.• The September aniel ii off to echool .. , Tbe Decrtmbd' '11lere'• .. ft.Mr tor Utt &Mter .,._... •• • , PINIAPPLI .. • "·-···-·-··-··.lb. .......... 5ne: ..........,. .. J'OMI • Tuder 7' WHOLE HAM .. _._..._ 1-CARIOT.S.._ii...,. ,... ...... lldq, lledtUI 81-., .......... 5nc: !!Aul 5 SHANK END _____ _., 1-ORANGES __ .... ........... 63 aun END ·-·----·'"' c ~ -()\"Mi.....,. - HENTURJ!EYS __ ,._65c · . L1A Cllelte Prime FM. Beer 7nc: Rll STEAKS ·-·-···-····'"' 1- PRMRiB ROAST: ... ,tc Fl"Mlt. ~Po.ti -lleet.ea .. tt 4& PORK ROAST .-~..'...-. 1- PORKSAUSAGE _,...Sfc s~iD· a'AcoN __ .~ 4Jc .. 0.,... ....... ..,..,. . 'Mae - GROUND IEEF ··-.. 1.fi-- ... • a.-Quo1117 s5ts CANNED HAM . ,11 # -iu'M 'Wu "Ulo . l5' Jiu -·····-···12-. woNn CHEESE.,.. 79· .t...dr9'• 1-u& Bolaef•r\ .c•• DRESSING ···--···---··---·• ... iN iiSCU"rrs....... 11' -........ Toh ol 11 angel LI curylng gltto ••• Each ia a dainty , ceramic, complete with a gold halo •.• Nice too for ucyone who hu outgrown the ltuffed animal stage ... The Mezzanine Shop al.lo bu the c&odlea, pa~ t&hLI •cceooorleo, cuds, gift-. wr&l!l>lnJ, bul<et · moldnp and · Easter Toya to make :E..Ur Sunday • pleuure a.nd joy to Lil .. ·· .. ~~ .. ·~ "fRESH -8"":~~ --ood blggeot day or the ymr, _, _ _.... to ~ ••• Aoponl hl&hl7 .................. FAit. ... • . ~ WllJ do ... ""* monf Became !'.Mier, like ~loal-0,.clq ' • • • Wlloa '"'°" ......... like I te'pt: tap*'sy 0 • 0 Raft .....,. nf the -N.-a..a.... Onmela for tM -nrey ... N.-O.. -0....-.,. --vu--... ... Br'* belq' mmebable. u..,.-..-... -'l'h1a y-.r the A.&l.leu and llydraDg-. -bloomlnger than ever .•. The colon are more vivkl and more varied, tbeJ -to be bunting out • Lil over with -r l/olplty , •• Eiuter' lJll .. tbo llllfold their .....,.. petall In our Flower ·Shop... •• ;J/No doll1voi.,__ or wire 0owon·or plants.,.,. wbtrt. . • . -. .'. · J.llallJ" a' ss ........ ...... ,, ... D.Fa --m Wal ' tavfi . -_..... • • • Clllle* ................ 1' .. _, .. a wt "r ••• IMt doll't ! ......... -...... ....... -... Sbo9' Lido •t lUcbud'o Lido market , .. Entrance to Lido tole, Newport lleocb. BAKED ~ fOR EASlER • .. . . Speci~I tre•ts-O•~ed just for ' Easter! Decorated layer cokes, cup cokes into ' • • btisket1 and chocolate decorated c;.ak1 •991 mode just for bunny •nd his p•ls. DIUBSDAY -38' COOKIES .. :.=._.~ ,;... .<Jn<btW..... 23' IRIAD ___________ ..., l!'IUDAY .......... 6 29' I U N $ --------·-· '" ""'"' 49' l"IE ___ :_ ______ _,, BATU&DAY -Doto Flllod 29' . .COFFEi CAKE _._ .. .- DiN'ND ROLLS . 6,,.17' 1:1 Oamhllo B..-dlfod 75' . BING CHERRIES ...... 11..0L f:J ~ 8Wftlt Fldded Watenndo• e1Jt1 CIRCLES IN ...................... 11 S')-OL D OUnlao B-.et Pk.lde4 ..cfttl HON_EY DEW BALLS u 11 ~ . IEI c:i-.IM Sweet PlekJed 59' CANTALOU~E BALLS11 • "' "'-·-65' ·CRABAPPUS ""'---.. -------·' ..... ;EA'CHES. ·~-1# I OL 111 ONoftu• t 1 «M .. ~ ,, , ....• ,....... ...... ... . ~ .. ,....... ......... . ......... Ill" ........ ...... .. u..,1' ....... ,.,,.,.,,;: ,.., ____ ,... htMl9":11•...,..,,..._ ----2 35c PINEAPPLE I 1 ' -~. .. • _... .. . . 5ac : BumR -------·-··-··---··... 7 . sMiii lGGs_£ _____ 41c &:atn ....... ~ ..... s ...... --... I OINletta T,._t. 2 23c JUI.CE .:.._~ .. I -... QA&,.,..,....,..., .... SUGAR . ~OUR~... I 5_ 45c . . ' C"HOE'.9LA rE __ ,,.~ 39c ................... 16 COCONU-T ___ _.,,.... C W1J' Ofteker o-tetU AJtC'l!l 49 . FOOD MIX __.,.... . C • 11conom~ . . , . .G1Fl'S 'AND-CARD svr~w;·:._ 31· . ,,,,..,.,. ._. -31' RIPEOUYU 11 ............ c.... ...... , DRESSING • . ,,_ UI • Wlt.lteDtc"~ 38' DETERGENT ............ ..... CLEANHR ....... 16•L 3/ 43' • ............. 2/45' STlA WIPRIES10" Oi':' JUICE . _ •-2135' m:"s ___ .__.._2135' .,....,,_ ~ 'ftl&"M er 79' DRUMSTIC!<S _______ , , .. ~..._ 99' CttlCKEN ______ , ,._ u - ~w ... ~,_2/29' •• • • v- ~~ · ~·-SHO~ Be remembered by tho be•utiful 9i~ .. • • you givo from Richan:l's Homo •nd Gift Shop. From soft fur bunn ies to exquis~te cereimics and glos_s. ·~ - . • -IPJ)CIAIJI l'Oll lllAllCD !9, so· "'!'I II, U5e n><ID JIA.&T OF l1IE LIDO SHOPS I 8aleo tu oollect.d •• luablo I- ' • • ' ' • , ' - ' • • '• • \ ' ' ~ . ..pi..,;.,, pill aflnlne-ax::~ Prol$CW ~ . u;r-_ at carda In u.; clu-.. .,. ....... and • - . , dirmer,,wlth pg,.Flf.prilM and many ·~ .....in- Y.OU llllOOLDN'T ~VE J>OJO: ft . .:.: So uy• Pffllilllk'B'""lidmlrlngly to 111•-.tout •hll!e!1p. -The OC:cuioO WU Ilia birthday 8urpNe reunion witll lam- m&tel th ex-Trojan lineup. Mn:. Georp ·Brown !Jf' Toluca, ,Late enjoyo Ilia •i-11 of ocupt&u<e. -• I , 1 imoenoN rounded out ..a tun day for the sr.oup ot • ••. U·Trojan wani<>n. -KacJlo'Pl:ice l'ho!Ala.-;<1 '.'-. .,. ,· .··~·J,.• •• ' • • ........ , .... ,. ·-oJ . . . ,,,. .. 1'DIE OtlT no• nlN'-'All llfCn ~ giieit l!oo«. Georsa '~ of Toluca Lake diPo hlo pen u Claro ~Mr and loin. Marvin Buaby, Mra. Nick hpnell and )ln..o;Jlr'O'itll look oa.' .. . ~ , .. fow, Bill Sloan of Padlic Pal[ 111'1, co.ch.1a LA. IClfoo! •Y.tom. Pat ~ Or NeWball, ~ Nick Pappu of USO and Al 'Relloln, DI-. of Athletb . . •t Huntincton lleO<h ·mgb School.~ K~ J. GU Kuhn, Capt&in ,ot 1936 Tn>jan team. . ., llONAL!li ")'l:li.DI 1'111: • WIVJll -Ex-'Drojou line up one -llbort ~ &D .DUtla!ider In tho ~ Cllare Proinlncor a tonner Wlld<at "-UD!YtnitJ of Ariaot!L From left froeC llarvin Buoby, Cleoliie . Brown, Preininpr, Clare Preininger, HUMton Harp- er, coach at Orange Cout, Levitt Thurlow. Back /"" - ' - • -- l .. f -· .. --~.-,. WRAT·A.1 DIFl'EBJ!!NCE THE YEARS DO MAKE -Ne~ would' have known you without that ~ame tag, aaye •1USC Coach Nick Pappu ·to·ex-Trojan grid atar Marvin ~tiy iot Fuµerton: 'Mn. Preininger ·diici>ve.red. many ot the men · had not met for 20 years. ao · name ti.gs were in order for initial idenilfication. . . . \ . _,, . : ' -. • ,.., . ~ nu u:ssmis -Th-were ou.n!il ilf ·~ Wlvm at-111• end of ~ ~t nine hol .. to Ille doughty, divot dinon, to ·spar -. oa ~'.Ille eec:ond: ~ .No aliilia permitted and Jiecklinr wu eocourqed. .-w: . -1 I . , . .... OWNER OP' JOE'S roNOUl-'-Slm!&D ll!llector Prelbiriger gtina as he 1nb,,. · ducee Coach Nick Pappu to Tommy! Tro~ah; life aize toy Chimpanzee, one of Jill' . (ifte. Enjoying joke ia Mn.. Levitt Thurlow of Eacondido. • , ·' NM.DI ~ooom Yoo-» JIOllOET -Joe ·~-~ GU :g,.;. to-.·.._ )IOU.,...,emher'il'' back and forth !JI a grtiup,,~~ of Jlro., Levitt Thur!-,· Prelninger, Pat S..-U-of Newhall, Al Reboin;.J!un\ington Beach and Mn. Nick Pappu. • I .. I ·~ -. ' • ' • I • -~w.ta .... --.w .. -----""* -... ....., ... .., Git Oleuaa. ___ .. __ . trr tw .n.111• • ta.t llUlll • • • • , d ! T•lal'.IA•IW .. .. . . ., ... • ~ MKa MAp -0171'9 '....., Bon'1 1111 proof .that Coull Weadtll Plck<llll' th,.. "'M -., Oont-.. dtamonit· clwnPI fall ,...,..._!ly. Cltcher Ted Coutbo \riOd to~ a.triple Into a home IUll ~ RIYclldo' l'tlday 1lflth th1o ~ f¥>wever, Plck'a pokera pulverized Rlvenlde 111-0 for' the EC win. 1 -OOC Photo --' • HARIOR . TAR SPLASHERS RAT! AS . MIDWINTER MARVELS . • - Sho'OinJ oft the loot gatherod In the CIJ' Kidwlnter ltrTy Whitaker, Dave VaMen, Paul Kanta and Dava . IOHHION'I NIW HOLIDAY llONll llA·HOllll ! Tla•1'r• •••rll ftt7 Invitational 1wimfett at Redlandl Jut week are, Allen. The ~ three t:rophle9 are for the nl'- •tandlng, from left, Je;.,.y Farquhar, Ted Von Hemort, . llty and '?' ch•mp!ouMPI and choice of Redlnctoa Don Redington. Chuck Koivilto, Bob Johuon. I>muda aa out.t1 Mln1 .wimmer. -Staff Photo # =--.,. ... , ..,Wk81M- Buah. Kneeling, Coach Al llwln. -Emlo lollmloJ, PA6E 2 • l'ART If -.NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS W'EONESOA Y, M,4RCH 'll, 1956 A110111t Nine leab· Orange t::::1:r:.1:: Bue Tbinclad Crew 2nd to ' Citrus Owls NIM.-..... tde .-'· !IO .. l BUDDY BELSHE, ex..euc SWIM GREAT, SET roR YALE MEET 0J'LA.1'GE. < OCN S) -Ora.np mp Bcllool'e bueb&U Pa.nthera wer. d.t'Mled 3,-1 by 0.rden Giove Hl&'h School Monday on Ill• Crans• City Park dia.mof'ld. Sotitti c-r eo. ,N_,.rt Blvd. at llrd St • Bud(b' a.J.aib•. out.1tandln1 athlete a.t <>ruse Cout Coll•• lut 7e&r and A.JI-America IWimm.lnr Au, WW com· f!!t 'In ·the 8aUor NaUon&l A...t.U Indoor lwlmmlnr and On.n1• Cout O.>Ue1e'1 duo ot Dtvtiii Cb&mplooahip. at Yak Vnlverail7 April 5, I •nd 7, ~· Winner• wu broken up accordinr to Oo&eh Joe KroU. "Tl)ijr.tay afternoon at IA V•me • la' a thNe·.,..ay track m .. t cap· B.lahe, who hM Jut nituna~ trom. two month.I of tund by Citrua. The Owl 1plk• oondlUonlnJ ln Baw&tl, 1.1 .XPKted to •nt.r th• 1600, ..220, toi'c.' eo.1.lecled 1'8\ti polntl to 651Ao for the Ptnt• of Coach a.net-440 rrmts.. At· On.rip ~t, Bel.th• w .. a wtqner or Huertqn Harper a.nd 21 tor L& t.b9 Holnw ouUltandtq 11.thl•t• award and wu Bouthem Verne. C&Ulomia ~ploo. ln. dl1tance;' SWlnunlnc e•Mta. While Lee Taylor of th• Buca ·-----------------------wt.a 'upaet by Clt.na run.nerw In the century and :no. Gvy John- ..,, eonUnued hla OOmtnaUon of tbe wetsbt e•enta. nabbt.ns ftntl In th• &hot put and 111.:\IL He pitched the platter 1'2 ft. 7~ 111.-~ pr;ppelled. the Iron peJo ta H -'ft. . Ml 1'"' In. , l t . w.. the llCOnd ION th U many 8\lJlfft Lffru• 1taru tor t~ JootJ b&Mba.JJere and th• .. ,.. -· 2800 Johnson .,., ''"' ,..,, ... t II I 'I ... I • Tbe.4 flat 'wtctory .cored by th• Plftt.t.u came In the &80 wbm Bob heu broke the tape PR~ SPEEDY ll1!llAN -That'a Lee Tayio~, Newport·Harbor· lllgh gradu"· In ,, ..... ,. .. See Us For :.; J OOllPLETE EASTER ~~ ~ .... '"' Stan H opkln1 unbfrlclally broke ate now running for Orange Cout. College, couting the century ln 10.1 a~ainat the oc IChool record of 12 ri. El Camino recently. Taylor bu scorched the cindera in doing the dist.a.nee ln 9.9 G~ In. In the pole vault by w ... n •• Pierce Photo eJearli!r it .. tor nnit plac~. -_:f:;:o.:_r_:t:::h::•_:P:_:ira::.:t::ea:::_:.alrn=.=:d::yz-=tllia,..·~-.... ~-'°-"_·_· __ ...,__;_-________________ Other Bue nrata came tn the Application blanb. for partlcl!Jltlon In the Harbor ,Outfits 1 for ·.,,.n'i & .boys ( area'a coordinatfl(f •ummer bueball program ·for bo)'I },_ were thie week< betn:r puNd out 1n CO.ta ~ea ¥d New: . . ~ -AT - port Beach elementary achoola, from tho tbJrd erode "YOUlt .ftwul· OF 8TYLJ";S• ••• clu&ea up. Pareata weni adviMd that anyone with 8-)'llU'o Th M old boye In the eeoond ~ In· mak.-.,i~ h• Will k plac9d on . e • an tere1ted In the prorram ahould a wa!ttnr U1t a.nd uet&b4 to apply for application bl&nkll. Y&Callcln .. thef occur. , ......,.... .... --·· Tryoul11, which wW det.ftmln• JJIO IDCP.llOTJCo '-"UD.l.A ~ 5~1LOR HOPES LIFT AGAINST :'FULLERTON 'broad Jump and h.tl'h jump. Larry UYln"ton lea.pad lll-10 In the bfio&d -d Bob Norman tied for top• ln th• hip .with a !1·11 1.ii effort. UvtnRlqn wu 1econd In Ule tilol •ncl javelin throw, Jerry Worth MCOnd In the two mile and T&yior third in the daahe1. George M * i 1 T••ibed to ·Opell C~imps Still on Indian Diamond Tomorrow Title Hungry capabUIUee a nd enable propel Th• 1µmmer bueb&JI pro,.,..!\\ ... ()pea PttidaJ Evea.lap "'l'U 9:00 pl&celntilt of the b07a CIO ~·,-::~·;·~::;;;;'-~<1>;•~-~l~m~-=~l~IOO~~====:;===============;;;;~ la.ml, Ill.rt MondQ", Bo,-. f1'0Dll, ' te -1• u of Sept. 1, ltM can tryout at C:O.ta Kea Pvt at 9 •. m. Monday; at ~ l:n- aip School nl!!llt Wednelda7: or at Harbor YIN ~ lD On'-- Olla de! Mar, April &. • • Boye 13·11 u ot a.pt. 1., 1161 J'VLLJ:ftTON, (OCNS) -can tryout at Colt& M-Park With an UplW'(e of hope aweeplDJ throuch the New-co.ctr. John Va&entino ot the de-at e L m. Tueaiday; nut.,.WedaM- rt Harbo School Sailor • tmdinr BUDMt x.... • , r •ye h• has a April G at Harbor •vs.w kbooL defeat by· Anaheim. Monday afternoon.. Ccacb. Emil Neeme blanch ot bO,Ja who .. are hunsry roa BOYS 1M lei.di hJI; 4PR'e Jmoektn onto the Tribal dj•moad at 3 p . m. tor a ~pkllllal\lp." Explain• Boye 1o-a Monda7 at Kftt. -' af•-It will k .teoOnd. SUD.let Leque V~ilno, '1Y• la.t Mveral key VU.ta School at l p. m.; TlllMdq ,tomorrow ..-.. ~ . mar JllayeN b7 sr&d\Jat'°11." >t.. ~ Mua P&rk;_~.l.:W.9!11- oullnr for th• aocal bubva. 1.30 P m MGlld&y and l,JtJut The run.rt.on Htfh mentor r~-nMc1&y at Ho~ Dw!P, kbool; TM Colonlatl cloutere eurpri•· Ocee.neide ~at ·I p. m. Thurtday. ported. "OUr P'tchlnr h&1 been a or April ~at Hubot VI.,.. .kbool. , 1n11r blanked ~ favorite• for A w~ worlccMlt Will a.t.o IUrpriM thu. far. W• have Mike Wberenr poulble, tt. wu an· ~ dlunond dl&dem 5-0 behind M hefd. • · Jeiirett, Tt>m Glvena, Tom Hen-nounoed, boye will h plac»d ~ •llwl. lour hit hUrllnr Of Southpaw BIT PARADE ry, Larry Flahel and Kent Pem· team• which wUI play at the1r Bo! Schola at La Palma Park. BborUtop Bob Whit.. with a broke. However the main .,.orry nearut tryout area. tt wu th• llr9t Um• 9lJ'c• lllM pair ot double-. and Larry War· I• our Infield." . A. •Pticlal make-up ~Y for Anaheim hu defeated the Ad· laumont w1th a duo or etnrka. Valentine opened the loop race lhoff .who mlu the orifinal try- akirla. _ wua 1eld1a• U..-Oob-Mt-ptrada .wJLh, .Yetaun-Jelty Ft1hel, lut ouU "bet!l.tlll-~f vae&tlOn, lllne:ta' ~Ii. the dorOill'liTJ r 1n--11uuet COlltplt.itk>A. BotA...Mv: Y~&t;• ~ll:ClF ~nd le•lJ!.._cat· or_of.bar pod reuon hu been twtrler bpt. oontl"Ol· ef t.b9 plbtl .MT a,.....,... 'rralllns .,. &.c-clter,"'"'6elitnd llii plate; rookie Ht tor BalurdJ¥, April 14, al tllttlwrbOUt, w&lJl}q thf'M lndWui ond au.man Roy D.nlel and Lor-John AU!ln.90n, ttr.11t , G!lr1 Bou· ea.ta M._ ~)t, lt&rt.lnr al ~7"wtufttnr lltr•., TrlMl entaen, -.GOO, \nd C.tcher Bud ton.. up from the JV team. ~-1 a. m. All bo» tb,rolq'bou.t th• .moundlm.en wtt.-.d a ftlnr ot. Tbom)»Oft and Outn•ldw O.OZ.p ond; CUI Pennington, third, Jer-Harbor area wiJ1 att&nd W.. wU4nMI tn U.. .eecond tnnillr. KabM, .IJ3, 1'Y O:loate, baaeball newcomer, mak .. up camp. U a bo7 .. miaH ~ .u °' .An&Mim'•. talllN • Ar&lut th• SaJnt1, tb9 ,...,..; aho1't. bo?-~-..,,.._te--•"·ttt· .. tba .,.......,_ ....... .,... ~ etpt bb\(lil Ii u •l R<rrATINO DUO bat. for • ta&m • ...._, ot .Ml. fowlght.i-TV lout ,_ ~ N .l.a~• p1aftn9d WlnJllns bW'IU' 0..... ra•• up Mm• &Diii J'\lll lfcht bit.a. thf'M walb and ltruck ~ Ll1htburn. fifth ranked to •tart 01orJ9 Ma at V"' out ,,.,. rt...i batter&; , liJht~t. meeta L. c. Morren -lon. Dn.ll boJM9 1:0 work lint •t th• CJevela.nd A rll'na on to-._..~,. 0U7 Gnen. who · , n!Pt'• 'lideo bout. atarUnr a' 80Vl11 00.&ST 00. , , . took Olft ot ~t& ~~· :;: 0 ... ; Lick Salftts 7 P~ m. LIC)\tburn ha. a 1t~al' 2lrd A Newport amt. TIU: W&NN;A•? ...... w ... 11 ...... ott *"' ln ~ ro fftnn.moroN BEA.cit: BU ;~"=·~M~·~·n~I"':;;.' ~vl~<~l<>~"~·~·~ro:::;•·~·~· ~;;:::;;;:::;iii ·m-r ~-.:-MUOft with nrat 8ac.k•r Paul -• th• mound .. ~ Lon•U.. ~111 up lb• chuek· ly Vall to.MCI a fl'fe hitter La Gary o1'eeft o¥' W....-part , ..... &l&c:k .. ne-eded.. · '--.qallut &anla Ana M the OU1r1 K&rbor HI.sh 8c:b0ol Sellen. ..... ~roke a ..... Ue w1th a .-ll'\l'le Gf'ffn to&Md >.. .,, Ylct.ory 'Iba · S&llo:, .. ~llPrl wtll won run In th• elJl:Ua lnninc tor a over UM, 9'1Dt1:1a tM IDcel ·fhroulhoU.l l:ut.r Week "n· M vtc:t.ory over UMi kl.nte bl Jada' lnlUtJ, p~ · .. Lilq'\A catlOn, Neema ~ 9&m• 8imeet r.,-pa comp.Utlora MOQ· •t&ff ..,...,..,.. at· Coat.a Me.a Park nat' wMk da -----~"';::.:":::,..:.·~__.-".,,."'-'-'''-'-.._..__,-·wm liit &p1ftllt. 4al•r I>tt at lr:i;';;;~~-:-:;· ;i,;;;;1nf Tar SWlniiWl'.Jj'~ .... u..:..-..1 .... ""m I " Newport V..i.ty Thine, ... 'I 'p' lali u •. ~ilaiiT.·M.,..., '""""" roua 1 ... 10 nuu I SOUTH ~O RS T 1aas Friday nut 'ftalr. "'• Qiu er... ....... to Stoy SIL~. ly HNd ,,._ Coa<h Doo l!Umo .,_. ..,_. ,._ -• -will TH el'lppd la N_,,ort ---- 8Mch Ul• (Wd •ctl'litl... but N&Wi'O&i' 8&.l.Qll l\'"twport l;l•rtMJr HIP 8chool'1 Aamstaaroo.c:.b BUI 8tr&w wtU ...immtn flld tr-M:k &ed. fl~ con®ct workoutl for Ule thin· men plal\ ..._te ~p I• • .W.6!1 cladl ttom.J t L JD. <to noon nut throu1h I.be EalltM W.U vaea-Mo~. Tunday ud Wl'dnMl.l&y "°"· Coach Al lrwtn of the equ11 equ1ut1 .ald he WI.I un11bl~ lo ~l!'t a meet for h\11 chlllJe•. but "oul b<rid d&U., workeute la J't.l.&p&l.· I T'ueM!.ay •nd Thured&y &ttemoona at Jeut 10 of UM Tar.J wtll rtpre· ~nt N'e.,,.por t Har&ior In the an- •ual "kttp In Map!!" Eaeler meet at Wfl.!No 8Me.h. • I . MARINI ~ INSUIANCE ";!I..=.. "":!f., c.. w. 0-. .... ..., ...... constRUCTIDn [0. RESiDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL. COMt.4tRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SllALL UO SOtlo St, Newport lleoch llarbar ZW • ·~ \ ' ' \ K•V • • • • ' ' ' ' , • ,., freight 1ro._111. ... ,;..;i, · y-taymen .,. tho Pocifoc Eleciric loilway Agonll wilo '°"" 131 ..,.,....;iliot In . Soutt-n Califomlo. f0< clopondolilo' fi1i;gM ..,v;c. tq ar f"'"' )'OUf .t-call 0. !lie frlonjlly r. f. Aoont In . YaUr com~unlty. Hit expertenc. ~r ... him to help you ' , • rovte your shipment... ex.pedite the movement .,of your ·good1 and advite you on efficient -1ting and, ,loading. Ho· wlU bo r--hopP'f to ..... )!OUf--- PACIFIC EUCTlllC LINll . ., \\ ___..,. ____ . -. I l I • - • .. ~. naosrANT BUN -The of o..ch Chuck Randall capblj~ ·'-"-triwi>ph OYer Bani& nm WU-impol'tant. 'l'hil one 6-ce,~Newport Harbor 1V '''" K<>ohler. l'bot.o fH "E SPORTS. -I • ' 8tnlnt• for tM folloWllic ~ eomm*'<*\, Mat ct u.. clW bllM . · · came• a plM:l9e call flJfl <Jae-. It WM 3.. W. Drlon. IL ArltbaQ --...~.-• ' OMdlo" "'W .. 4 De to .chedule a pm• wtth JOU nut aea-." ' Mid th• man. "I'n t.emi. tl')in• to set a came with you tor Mftral aeuam. .. 0..,. told hlm.. "Now JOU COftlll to me. Wh&t ctv-?" Turned out et. Ant.bol'1'• eo&c11. • and team Ud attdd.4 a OomP": , tao tOumey PM• of t k 'hft • tbie MUOI\. "We like the .._, ; 70U play.d and Wted u. ..,. )'O'Ur player• p911orm9\l llDd act· ed.,. the 8L AnthClllJ' lfi9nt.cw told Oqe. "You haff tbt kind ol '1oys --. want to pi.y ~" And tor ttu• ·nuon ,.oea. iii &bl• to announce a ~,_-. at It. .A.Atboll.J'• Dec. • apm.t .. tam LISTEN · to t.be Sheat.oa, Hamm•P ''Privet• Wire'' . KAB~:30 P~M. fll'.i•··~ ... .lo SllEAISON, llUIMIU:l<CO. I • • '• . .• .... , NIWPOllT ~ NEWS.NW -,ART 11 • 'A6E. I WIDNiSOAY, MARCH U. lta • ,• ~ 'EM P.LA y·· IS : BASEBAI t I AIM . ' ·- \ The &nt in a eeriea of inlormative meuagea &om your Uneoln·Mmmy dealer. -·- ,.. ' When you buy a new car, you:want the best«d~"-or, the most for your money. Today it isn't easy to he,1,sur~ you're .getting the best ••deal," arid confusing advertlsing . claims are making it more and mor..e difficult. This is our effort to bring-understanding out of confuSiO~~ . . . . . * --1----'l;g__, ' ' • • . . . getting the best ~·deal," whiaiever make of <"Air you buy~ There are two bMic fact. yoo ahoald bow when bayiag a ...., car. . ' 1 No dMikr mn 6'.,. you moN for ;rour mule-In llsan il'1 uorth. . ,)a LiaeOla:Mue..y -.1.., .We rerp 11& - botla io~ la~-...i ..,.. ,_.,, •• H-la oboit, IO ov pelicr. l . We pYe yoa a Gdr alle••H ler . ;;· JOV~ Uoed can hne 1 cle'1ilte muket ftlae, oo no 2 We eell om proda.t. al a r1111 u ..... dealer CID illtellipndy allow much -for price. 1~ ~~ID ~ odier cleakr-~'!!!? ... ~ ..... ,. ...... 3 We make a-lair pn&t .. __. ---cut . y .-. your cu forrJ!iucn -moTe · o•en.-cl ...t la•tlllwmL l)>a.. ""7"4her c1ea1er. Any l>ig ...... u....._ will hne '°~"" iiiiHli ap -lleii eJii Ii tWo ·c1ea1. ..... -4~ow. .............. ~ .,, ..... . ........ . .... ...:...w • ..,. ........... ,.. .... ·l......._ Cl!.• MW Metwr1.Mc1111 we ...... ' !Uc tlaey're doe ._ kyi la .. 1 np Hdto price e•·•er Come la a.a S.·• .._ ,_ wily ,.. dolllk '°' . ·-,,,._..,~ .......... ,.. •. ' • ...,.,.,. _, ,. ..... _ diatwtll _,.. ... ..,. _..., ---· ............. To s...-_,...._ Yoaa.,. A.....,c:.(" ~-, .I' • _.,. ... ~la tide,.,.._ .... . ,,. ...... ... ' .....,,,.!:-.,,· • .• YOUI UNCOLN8!MEICulY DE"lfl . -. -, --, ' • -.----· ... -.- • • ;, I : EASTER Otn'FITS !Or home and church wear were modeled by couaint Teny "Gt... a.nd SUl&n Sh&fer at the ruhion •how~ard party of.Laa A.migaa Circle in Goodell H&ll.. · Mrs. Ann Heyman Commen~ted o.n atylea from the Bay Depart· .. ment Store. -Staff Photo ' SCOUT PACK 105 : -cub~ l:f qld ... Gei;etl!pn y, • See ·~Subinariner Film I \ Ten 'Pack 17 Cub Scouts Win Kite _Flying €ontest • BALTZ MORTUARIES OOBTA. K&BA CB.A.PEL 17'1 8UJ*ioJ' A.,YUU• eo.ta x-. cam. ftoM 1.A4rV •1121 C!U.PllL BT TD Ul4 IUO m. Clout Bhd. OClroaa cw. Kar, CilHf. / PlloD9 Butior a -------------~-------.,.._------_._.__ 's..i..w .. ·--..... -,.._ Mw It -..... _ ......... i-Y fer.-, ' ...,._ "' ""'• ............. -" ....... ~ ..... lt-wMt 1112111jlie ....... .... ,,..., .... . -- 1heM and lllCUIJ ether •••Int polnll wtll lte ........,.lnllwd "9ht W-your eyeo "'tlle IMdlenlllly ........ ····-chof, .. MR. EDWIN HEMRY Sat., March 31-9.S 'p.m. . ·CoMo ... In-have ,.,_.. ••lllono. ' AIM elk Hou! the -1111 1oy ......... CMk ..... LOOK! LOOK! TWO BIG SPECIALS S~WRDAY QNLJ • '· •. • , I \ '" • ·. , . , ,• c ,,, .. wtlll ............ -,,._ =.,...,, ....... ,.. ' $29.95 _" ____ St- rttt"M ••• ..m.i. -.. ~ \ . _ ... ' _ OO~ir~Wwu~ ~ ., ' i "' ! ..... c..~•-.. , ....,........., ~· ....... , •. ..,··~·ft} ·, . . High Qtiality Printing Pb. Har. 16Ii , " • ) •. • I. " . ' . • l• llAPPJ', IUPPY VOICD -, Davllf Ollon, muaical cllroctor a!· B'll"'" ~ Schoo~ olto ~ piano u .Gilio Gloe club lllnp "Wblltle' a Happy Time" at ID· . . • • • Cole, IUrm Jl'l1nn.-JWwle Kello, Mary Jane H.lm· brool<, John Butt, Pete Neuman, Bob inaold, Dick Stahler 11>1d 'Jim Butler. 'lb mualcal JJl'Oll'IDl wu given bef°" onnuatelementary P0TA lmtallatlon 1ut -1<. -·Photo by Don Buah • • ' " - Alrp'-luf~ LoMi: Mlllcir -Case • J • , ------.. • . . , < .· • • ,, ::.'I~ A1dll11I · ·~ .......... _...,.. .. ...... c::i..a..... -d ....... "Jrd ...... h"':;"1~ ....... e'bltwtrttsrrt...., ' ·. .,_..,... w ..... . c.,.u.,., ... .. Giliww• =• ._ . -.. Mardl u ........... ......... I ___ j·=·~ .... ••'O , .. -.... t .... ....., ..... __ .., ~-· ~ Ullud:r--"'lJ.lorl8c--. '~ ~-=·::.,. ·:::::.:!'!'"'':'"' ._ ___ QolllDot ::...:"'J:"t --= • • • • • ... -_ .... a tt,I _.., • ., ---·zvr' 1 "If .... If 1-..:..;;:;:;;;_;_;_~:_ _ _:_.:;c::1 UI ftlt Mltll _, .. ,...... a .. W ,... Olil: U .... ft Ill' ....... 1-l •• ,, .............. .,..~ ~ ... • 7 ........ .. ' ... !' ........... -j\ =:u.: ...... __ CI , ?1 , . ·r.· ·w:1i..:r.:.·.:;.·. ~·R••NTBR .-SMDENtNG - - -. ....................... . ;; . cl •,.,. ••It•:; a--1r Wort I o• .. ,.ERI-Es -! WWW)llOI u,.;-a•s1 18 '!'!" .. a -Dloo -qt--'II... &od--.,~-IV" ~'=-..!.'-Sia ... J t 't • -=~-::.-=-:... ., .• , ICT --, ~ :.::.."* Ill* anif ~'-~. $ ....... , ..... . . 2 •. LI WllT. u ..... llttc c: ~I.~~--1.AJ\118 OOOD •A•• -OOOD ··'!'-~·.. ..._ .. -. ,. 1 --o•t•••••r~.-... w:sa, r. -------.·-U1CQ..LJD-i>JtA.PmD:s - 'i... 1'--..... --·.... FOR RENT • FOR ' llfl11t11•----· ..... -·-.la. ---• -. ff6 a a.a.~~ ' r ...-_._ --. lldll laft,-. ~ Nt' 1-. PAPER 11._·•fiTIOJf Med.at compuay tbat ~·....,... • ... ::i.r· •• 1 .. ...:-. .... '....... 1 ........... \ 1.IO ...,,,..... .. ... al..,,.. oc .... • ......... lU.D .Alf~... .... ~L I.. ~ :-::, ,.:·,,::.. -T.: .,: ;=_: ~ ..... ·:=_ ,· J=., :=l::::;:::: BOYD'S aDWE. HANGING Swedish Message """" r ...... """ ... ~ .,000 -~~ra:i-'.:W .... ~ ,..... -• Ja 119 t OMll • .,.,.. _ _,,., ... W. OOAft BIUBWAY la 7o.r...... -Opmizip tor -.,: _, .. ,. , ·~··,. .., · NEWPOB~a· :i-ws-P~ """"w ........ A· Y ......... NE'S........ CALL ............... _ .. ..:::::'IO."" -...... tt ;rELEPHONE 0~R8 ~ ~ ~-= s & .......... lalr H . ~tw.v" .........,, w ..... ~,--.... , ' -· -WBl'N WOK.Ur ..... hwMz -AP"1 -a&ml>ZYM•..,. ..i--. wd -• ,.a ' ~ "' _, COASTAL SllOPP'll'D Wecbieldav11 -PAINT!"""'-• -->:-!1~ ~~ 1:00 .. •:oo ,.. . >w7 ""'•,' ..,. '" w.-uo ,. .. l!'f. ... ,., ...._ .,,........ ™1'.~ -<1 CONSTRUcrION CO. nv .,._• .':.. ':rin ~~~ 11•~ N. Mala at., ±111 • IAt"U... ~New ... .au..,. ....,. ....... ..._ 11.'..... • Co llft'9ltlOll. ~•&atom •• ....... LI •---1--........, lulta .ba pdoe O. -11 ...... eo.... 11111 .... ,_. •.......... l>&ADUM'Ufol'Jil&ctuoreanceUtqadaare: General ntractor .AUIC)"M.lJUlmP4Dl'f:IWO --... ....,.. PACIFIC Tl:LEPB. H9lr)Glt .._ _.... uoo.w . ........ Ma ...... a taie .,.C: r. Moadey P'UliMe&tloo -J)1llaJ 8 p.m. AD. ·wodl puaoaaily ~ LICSNU:D -INltilt&J W01UQNO MOfBWI WUI c&n • _ ' ' , ITpllJ ••-...,,,.._......,...,._,......,,P.... ..,,,.,... "'I Joh....._ • LHAL NQ11CI r.. ......., l>u>llco-_ .,.......,. 1 ...._ ""' .. enn """'" "' ,.... ,... • -. ""' · C L111CA C1J1111t..t. 1.1 -11 ""'' DWPOn' ••amoa 1't1111.1811.1NO C)O. 001.11a-. X""'°"'._. worll. ... , M= Call ui..v B~V••K&&P&~ flor • · 11'9 1NI fllO. Bar lill-W tktl 1111 ..._ • ...._ w..,,.... ...._ o.au.... •• A 'a'' ..,.... 11.t1 ...,. ...... ,. 11c11 uetat. wor1c. u.,. • 11 • • _ _.,._, • J • Jlu'. ltfl. 'lfctO a&\aOMAllLll Wd dQ .utr ' AA"' ...... Ml .............. 0..-......... ., paMl..U.. VENETIAN BLIND PAINTIN. Gt ·~ mtm-l>ft&>T•""!!:.~~ .. A-.. ~--. __ .._.\ ... ~-.w.. _.!!.up~~~~ , •• ,. ••• ,.,., ftm •-n. pablllben wW not M ~ble ror mol'9 than on. lncorr.et -.....,,._.._ ~ ._.._ ,--~ ... -~ -·-n....-,_~.,_JMrto. lUe'tklo o! aa tkS.\reMrV• the liltlt t.o oorHCtJJ' clu9&t)t any and all LAUNDRY . JIU': 11°'"'1 an.a p.m.. ltpll -..ne&t:loN. .......... DO'!f fOt IUt-W .,0 ---............... ucUq' • lldl Ud to ...,_ .,,,, ad not ooU'onniq le nal• end ~ nni ow m•c"''"'• procMI llMUlr ' tu top JiO• ta .,... ...... 0 • .......... •• •11. al lllOl . . od., ft•ronahlf prtoea. A....,... P:APERHANGIN~ T011NO 'WOllAlf la W'INld Ukt dornMU. Pd ot:bwa. IILVZR nix ftOl.11 ·--.. -Clas lfl d I ....... ......, N-..... --.... --,.. __ .......... -.. JIJIM' ............ ~ ""'"""'COMDmlOll . ... Z'':o::.. ':"tl<tlUoul~,. n-x Only .$1.00 . s . N II ..... -............. WID llJ>lll r.uuw., ..... • ··-.. ~ .... ..... u ____ ,,_,,_,, :=:::=: y Newport --=~-=-=• ~if!~,~·,.!~ ..:~=~=: '°'"...;::: !;.N~~ KNITTERS .. ... Ill .... ,_ '..-.w I ......... .., ,,..,., 8. pl7. 807, E. WOiit don\ bJ appoUltlMat :a.r. alM OI' atf or pait..Ume omc. work. WW OLDD KAN tor H-t ~; ~Ila• all JU'Mo a.U. • M. _.,..... fll r11'1·•=-an , .....,.. .,.,.....,. Pbon. Llbuty w101 u baby,..t or ro .tw>pplnc LEX. ..... _...., w for pWitiq, nc ......... t. wit: It B f 1· 09llde MM1-•••ry ~undaf I p.111., or Klmberly 3-wl. ppUe . MIT&. . 89c90 a A boat can S day1 a weatr: YUD1; I!: ne.dlee. DmDl'ln' JI. CLIW\Y, u era r........,. VII~ -"°"""' ..... FOOTINGS DUG """'''"" ... • '"'""'~•· Sit N' K •t • '• -16 -..... ......... Nowport ..... . H H HOLBROOK R I M •nt ""'"'' w"" Box .. JI "' . -"" o.ta.,.... o.ur. :! ;:•ch.._._ Aniert a. uatthtiwa. EW\ed Ruler DEPENDABLE PLUlmING wui. un-. .epUc u.nu and oy s at enance ~. _:__ 113 •. Balboa B!Yd.. Balboa -Wiiio"JJ _,. MM ~ ITt.h :u..,.. You o... · · . ••er COftlMlc:tiona, wmk daa.• ~ elee·..-'1oor wutq • Utfc -........ ~. 11 ~ ~ Dlrect.on Repair ~i;:m:r:!.m.Wn.ct by Ford mounted ~ WaJJ ~ el•n'q Beacon Personnel TWO CBOICI: t PLOTli ll&rbOt .._ /II DClllW)'l'llT K. CJ.&UlT 17 ... _ Phoni: Harbor ••2' Pbon RTatt '-IMO Collect. V...UU blUld& Upballtuy l009'J employer ntaia.ed. .8-t x.mort&J Pv•-Cypnt. ftA.ft °' c.A.Ul'OIUllA. ) 11 ... Q Aw. llcHH n.--. "'-m.um..i. • CouJnT °' Oll.UfClll 1., 11 ~..,,. MOITELL'S UIOl Ba.I.boa Blvd., N_.port Beach Lrbert7 ._1111. lttc agency MCtJon. &T. *' 17cU --Oii W-l'ftlt •fll IWda.1151, 11 IM* Miii ...... AND PEEK pltp l4--h.noAU IRONING NO n:z coll.ct.cl trom a '=ooAK 16 MM cam1n eomplei. ..,_.. ... .. ~ a. u ....... i.lnotJo• G 1· C . 4.!Hbt . Newport a.di ·r w4lh rtUh atlachm.nt.. A ,..., lfwlar7 ................ fOI' Ute -14 • WV.U••• Wu.led . Colon•a• Mortuary enera ontractor In my horn•. Batt•ta.cuon nar· .. f4I 4UO 01 ... Mdl fo6d C..-. ... ata.te • .-•ncu......_ lt ... W..... 7101Bola-J"i...teoulh0f-W_. --blcmNUD--~ AJcohoOC9 ~ ant.Md ktlii ta qualit7. ·ud KEDICA.L Wlltant I!:~ oond., oomp1ei.wtt11.matl,...... -a l;dn•M .-di llW'On,, _..,, • 11•-h• • -~---·• -~ N W k n. od II 'A'r11-P, -0. .. 111 prlc.. Har. IOl.l'W, ITc&I lat, NtwpOrt ~Ar-. nau. \:31 Har Hlf.,W l?c&I ·~ ~ DOROTKT"M. JO.A....... O.U,. --.. c--. ew or -nrroeqf Newport ...._ CUii. llat. ...,.nence, q~ 1 •Y' • •. . • ~~.._... ..... to 'N Vi• IO-B ...,..,1 ,~0• .__. .~~ ~u, .. tu.~ J. Mllll'ON KcKBlNZIE ..._. SUt. ,,. OOXPAMION-.IUlJ' • 4usuat-•...,. p..-Un .. t lnformatloil\ th -Harbor ·-w •.• ttc • coo11, •tarwa, .ic. 11a1-. ~ · nr1t i..ti.r. wrti. Boe S-IO 1 ttn. PropeNu Owner! ,._. ...._ .... If ~lllwriW 11 Wae.t.d to BaJ ~ooe (Toll ..,..., _.,. vo ~·· 1 yr. (1r1-ear. thto ~per. 11• '' J .. ta.. wtUabt .lllMr\llnMt. -4 II l'anlhaM fN' Baa. Zllm.ith WI ....,rl 11-' u.at • aetutAMI D-4 t=t'1-. Now nv twud away ~ CARPENTRY 18 l••tf Alda u .... IA (wtalt.J Wr1t.11 D. r,, WANTm> nom. :11.&Jy 1-a.pt.eber lM W. II .......... lte. ot Jack ol fWMSL O.•ra.I Del-No. Hollywood, ltl at Beacon k7. AliftMd D1' w11NW wmllOI', I " ....._., a..u.. T v MINOR REP~ WORK. Supetfluous Hair ca.ut. · aapeo Wu.nu to htip 1n twNM. cook haft ..._. M 911' Mad and II Dop, Ota. Pet. HO JOB TOo au••.1 permon••._ _.. ... ---"AX-Ff'' lunch lad dlM•r. llt with alftMd 91' .n1c1a1 ~ UM ..., M 1'9abr7 U BalJtla& Senka a, 0. A.Adm -·-ch1l4rm oocutODIJly on ••kn ud 7W .. tw. COl'tiftoate tint If Ll....-.dl ~ lOlf &. 8&lboa Blvd,. B&lboa armt,. Mp. ~· ~ Mir lhch••tcal and lnKtrtcaJ •iwll. U\'9 OUL Oood -.larJ aad • ..,.. wall.ta. • A.et. w-t~ DICK I!: HERB HU'bor Jf&O latte UD. ..,,, .No IDClh .....,.._ llllaJ..at.mw. 8en1ce tr&nlportaUoa. eolta. Writ.II Mn. JOU.r DAT A HJOHT hi ~ L. JOlfU M A.Iii. tor a.Hi THE GARDEN SPOT ' mu.me L. UY.A.NT IL & AI.L WONC OUAJ\AN"l"l:m. G. J. P9Uieero, Tffokite. Jtaneh. ... ....,. -'" -,.. .._.., %1no a P.... OOKPLETI: nu....., •loci<. Ex· CUS-TOM_FURNITURE Udo'• -11 -.., Bu. •71 ,.._ -.. MN Golota. OU!toml&. lkll 4 '!'Ziii> D&t.Ll:lt :er 0=1~.::: ~ ~ pert Pl'dcnln&' I!: l&nd9eapldf. DISTINC'nVlll..T DESIGNED . '* Uttc CCP.ERDNCSD botel maid. part I J~O~IC~l~~:LD-:~P~lum:b!· ma~. 'lt '~s..-· !;:.':::",.-, \· ::x_~c. Hunttnrton "-!'; c.·~~ Call GARDENING ~~ .. ~ ... '::'I . IT<l ..,,;._ ~:~"'i... "_.,... • ._ ''* .._, •1s • 2ltA at .. Newport Your Relex-A-Cizor ODD JOBS • c:LmAN UP. ilOO. llcll arooa. AD. BO sft.I•. ""6,. . .a..ta.. (u ._. ,. Tllrou~ 10111 np1!111u1.c1 and • Har. d6I or Har. Otkl·W •¥•. NO JOB TOO a1U.LL 0omp1-t ot oan. track. -- • , 0 rr• g..,a a--f• a-.s thorou1b undenlandlnt of Mfyer-IOclSh OONIVLTAbo'T BY HOUft·, DAY OR W'Y'rw D&IK WAITING and eq •t. WW .U .U or 11~•-.. _,,,., roR 8ROKZR. Ok &ALl:IKA.K. ....... • • ._...._ -· •• '.- M-0 mu.. •-, ..._.., •• can put your want.I Into Dem, _ _._ .. onri DO -Uon. Ll MOIO or U M6" ~-. --· won.• mo ••K.IJ(Q· • aw for._, word• that 1•t acuon. SPARKLEnS BomOi'~-ittatt AiM --. ..,, aboWd~ ~· -. • tr •• • .. ....... ...., Home. Lit UI btitp you ~: DISTILLED' WATER ... BYMt ~· ----------..... .._ • ....... llpM (OalatldieeUtJ) "-" ---... .. -" -··-TOOLS "" cu<lae Ot•>dlU... SEA"STRESS COil --· r 7 tr °nz ' 'a .t UM Cit, ~ -kl M a.Jboa a.J.1;7 o., J1uW ll'fT ttf U a1ene • omc. BOATS au.7 St.on• Alt.r&ucma A c2Ne9 ma.kln.f. 17151 . · ·---.... -..... -.... ....... FURNITURE N•phrltll All....... COLD WAVE. ~-~-"'"'""-LI...... _, ==:--=::-7::=::.l!=-:---c-'-:-..... ~•a.. ,.._.u.. Salt rr.t o .. t _..... ..... _ :"'. ., A.-tll ........ 0-•leetce M •=·•-Opponu.IUM BUSINESSF.S Lil>lrt" 1-IOlt 17cl ' CO"PLETE ~ bMww. 1 L m. 6 1 P• m. n. · II llw7 te Lou # m 17p88 ............. -RIDtll bdta9ltrra ,.,, Slf -=••t to .. 11Me7·W-ted CA.RS A TRUCKS ~..,::: ::",:Z "i:!. ~ 17 ..., -w..... HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES EXPERT ~.!50 to $lO GARDENING end HAND BRAIDED RUGS ...._ t 'l'TI .a.1ow. : =... ~ MUSICAL 'INSTRUMENTS Hair cut 11 . Shampoo • Mt 11.00 CLEAN-UP JOBS J'R1:!1 INSTRUCTION -" --- ... _... • .,.. CLEO P'IKE'8 BEAUTY BBOP ORDl!:Ra TA.KEN tait.& ... pAlla llM&rtlp Wiii M ~A 0 ";:_...a.1*1Mtdal ' • • ·~~:.-REMODELING 1113~ Cl'lurch Bt. rtr.t 1bleet Eut WANTED ~ .. !11yn~..=!~.:ftilabie.a. ~ Jll. .... • ... u W .t A,..O ,_.. 1 &eal tll l!y•••P OR GET A TENANT' or Newport BI'l'd. l>ltwMn 19th -.-z1o ...... ~., ..... ~, -v -~ ,_ _. ... '""..,."..., ,_ a..,,...... FINO YOU A JOB .... 1<>t>. COrta x-. u ..-. LIBERTY 8·6139 .. . ....,_ -KYOU .. ,_ rru. .,. .. ""'"...,., ...,. M. al t11ia ..._ 11 f :ll J.a. ta UM . LICENSED , tt Utto OJUZNTA.L ltt108 ~ ..., ... 0...... OtJIQ•• ti. tM Jf..,.n __.....a~ \lMd c.u,... GE"r ·YOU A HELPER Fre.•,advb Pbon• Har. 5M11-Wl-----------ll-----=,.,.,_,.---I palnld.' ..u..i-Nra. ..... 1--,.------'li;o...::: -..... -. .. --u• ,._llcal"'"1uwbowlllbowo TbuoN-~,._,,,_,, .. Ad· .,,... U-&.boole,lu-PAINTING .. 11.u ---""" .. ! ;-11 ! ., ..... _,, ... d ..... -~· 'l'OXOIUt.O:W to bade up wbat M Taker• an up.en. ud th17 an at 8Y BOUJti I.mall OI' ..... Jobi oil. tra.:tbl orisiU1 ..a.. A.i.o I ;;. _ ;;;JI:_ • • 1 ...... _ ................. tMr.-MUI TODAY! CIMClr; t.b• uoed JOW' ~ Jut pbon. -Stand bJ :rour local n•WIP&P91"1 TUTORING ft•....,.M* rat. -.tlque a.ti. PValDIAl'r• ™" rca ~ .... • oan ta lb• duillti.d MCUOa tez HARBOR 1818 the.v ar. tba M.t rnendl· aa,, El•ment.ary ~ MiCODd&ry subj.Cu i.n.v &-ITU. 2fM &. er..t BJ.atrwq. c.0.111.· ... ll4tJiC' • ..., ._ .... v • .-• ~ ~ ll•llUl'7 ...,., Grir&nlaed community can h1n. I~ per hr. Har. 5&42,W. 19cf4 ~ &'* U II-IMO an. J .... • Mt 7'110 1,#m ... w ......... .,,.,.. ~-IRIRMlll ·" ,., .......... . muAZ.........,•....,. _ ....... --.. -·--.. --. ........ ". 1e1 ... oa.t&11..a. OnW '• ..... 9'UtkN9 ---··--·-'1'00. ......... ...... -, ,,,., .. ..._ 12 ,,..._.._. ' • • • GREATER ·EllNl"'5 • ReMEMBER ... SAVINGS. rectivecl° by the 10th Of the month ••• EARN FROM the 1•. • t \ .. • ·-.. . - • . • • • .. . 1NtaSN11e , Cumn Hi.fi t,4AmESS SETS .._, 1IMw . ' M , ... ,.. ,_ .. I .... •o.et· .... 99 .... ... ... ._A • _Sfl I • 'rt W 0 I I•• • .· .. _..,.._ c, a ... , .. o.. . , rYO"• C • ., E_' .:_·_·4N~if~W~!·~·~J:T~·~AG~I~. A~'N1~ml!~~·~!'~oS-~ll08~.~lll~.N~-~~::;Sl~· lflWJll~1u;i&..,~q,~6w~iill!!~H:::"';::"':"l .. ~~ ........ ~L~::lrARBORlff.1' ll" . . . . • . I ~ ......,.· -+-.,.,,.. ,._.-tt 11 ~ · · · -• • ~-.t"I 1 PAD> .a.. ca"°" ·.~ ,· u.,.i .wwwiriG&OV? ~ RANGJ: -. flt..l!!p 1 I --.., ""' . ., , . --..... -• ..... o....~~ Wiii 48.llO --"!•-- -...... --..... -1 .... -• "' w.o.. • . • . •~ . ' , - ' . . • • • ~ . l 0 . - -• . ,:: . ' u~ llaVJ:L cmu.Ti>ae .... ft.--=~ -~-.. =--,,, ......_._ . -. ..~ .. ~..... HO MONEY OOWN w~,ihWiJOU.A ~~. , , .,.,.--··---... --~ .. , • .,............., . UIEP ~ON BUYS ·, ~............, ,,,; .......... 1 ~~.r::~~'!: . B4pt.ll> .AW.A.Y . • ' • A , , -, • • • ll!LV.AJIL\ 21" Ccuolo with Balollcbt $189.111 ---..... ""4 --.. • ' -FREE . . ~ . -.. PRIX.00 M" 11a11. """'""'t -t -'2311.llO .,._ P-"'"',... GOOD .,.;.,..,. -IN-UI • • -• .,... •or ... ,_ n1C11 ., 1o -..u ,. -_.,.... . . , .. "' 'HuJ-on' 6 · G. II. 11" ·illolool 0-. SCf'I llO -· · ·.,.,_,,,. -.. •-'" -°"' 1'tlla - -• t"TW llft • • • • • • • Elll:RION 12'-' 1lab. ColUlolt'. · -"2.IJO A -~ ~ uo ... --. -u Min tteO "..-,on ..,.... ·• · ~ · ' dOor u.,:.!' • • · .... $ 99 , . , · PRIIOO u~~-11a11. Couolette .-$49.llO .TECO FURNl:t'URE ..... .._ ' ·.--. . · 07,. OLYllPICBloadCoaoclolll"_.wlthdoon· 169111-w.i.t•tn.t __ , • .iiiiiiiiii·-·.,. -W. '1""'1 H-J · Vll Ullld ID Ji Pllcnolrapb.'--' _...$491111 .,,_a...,. ...... rddq tm t --lonoa. 1 --...._.._ fwJlltlt ~-7.<I • .,., 1 • •. • • • • •..-• l'!'ta Mpdel a. ..,.. ~•vlDC'· rr. · A real pa a1W DA-vis· BROW .. ' ' . ____ ... BIG .' . _ 188GHA11>orBmL : •"co.t.M~ ,,.,..._., __ ::.:::~ ... °"::;,:~ -1949 Olds Sedanette •..•• Liborty 8-8'S7 • • 88e90 ......._ for fUL OW TD ...,. ' EASTER ' • • ; • ~ UQUnd. • • ll"SJIAL WUYI Pl uth . ..,._ ............ '"'* ti 11!QDUOILUIACCQIU>1ANI ~SALE'. 1~ . ymo •.•• : • -• USED APPLIANCE . BUYS -W.wnJT fU1J -w ,; -.. -..... fl:l7 --V•I>-~ • •'! ' d-apocla1 • a&ao boa 1prtns • lnattr-, mx.. up to $1TL Ttnm .u loW u .. • • " • $ 129 . . . $ .149 • $ 89 BENDIX AUTOJUTIC WASHER. bolt down $39.llO 17• .., .... N. -......... 1M1 · Cf!e~olet Club ·Coupe ·. . $. 69 . , Peta~nger . ~ . -_TJRES . a.Hour · Recepplng..:Servlce . Qimpilta ·Bnb8onlco 4MD . Front End •HpmMt - • &OAD A:l\Vlc:ll .......... _ .... ' Toan for tM Aall:blc HOWARD • RYAN 801 •~ 809 W. lat !It. I.ANT.A. AN.A. ia..- DOUllLJ: Bowl stalnleu Steel 72 lneh Sink 'A' Price $116.l!O ..n.nt eoodltzon fllO, u HTOO. ,. ai."j'!;,. ""Tiso.e llOT) 60 'CARS WEl!tl'ltkN HOLLY GAS RANGE SM.ISO • . ..... ....,_ .._, (whlta-. top with griddle) Me•a V(oodcra~ -auTa sffritos fUl1 ..,. DlXDa OAS RANGE -.. -, ___ , .. U9.llO o.t "'"!,.~~-~-~ ""4 "'""' •-,._ .... '"' 1951 Plymouth • . . • • • • • • ' cir. Cnnbrook Bank F.lnencing • • • $ ~.'.151--' · ............. "'"------ ( LU. b ...... ,. ... ...---OD alz:allfl n.-aplMf. reAtal •"""' ta le top, oven control) ... a drawtr w • cm.t _:__ fl0.11 ntura: btb.r ~ blq9 DEX'l'ER AtrrOJU.TIC WASHER $7'-50 ' tnwv JI" cbut -tu..U 1a KlmMU i..t. AcnmnJ,c . lnJtalled • drrAw ,. .. cbMt. -tli.U J!'IKbw ~ ... laJ,,m) ~ GAJ'IW\a It li.TIUmtS GAS RANGE. oven control $Mi1W> mi Barbor, o. M. LI 1-1w ~!. "'.::=; ~ ~ ~= 111CNDJX GYllOlU'l'lC, In.tailed --_$119.llO I ROOllJI M:AUTD'VL >now P1u4o ---t·PhlllOpo .\DlllllAL DELUXE El.Ee. RANGE ... -'89~ rt1Nl1TUR!l· wtth ' )c. "-,..._ • .._,.. -.,. aft-n •a a• ~GE • •JCO "" room Mt la your•e.boke ol mod-No. Kala,, 9-8\a .... .....,._ ~ ~• -----... .....,,_, .. falldcL J N..am&r-4 t.U-f--'----------1 • (white table top with oven control) ...... -.. .._ • -DO r( YOURSELF GIBSON I ~ .... ft. REFRIG ••• ~ .. .,. ....._ 1 pc. _, ._ , ~ . ...,...,.... dhMtLe. modern ~OQllD. .. HI.fl, .AP~ 8IZl!l RANGIC, SPl!lCIAL _____ ,._ •. $29.l!O "'"' I *""w -... _. u'-"-~ e cu JT REFRIG-'TOR •• 9 ~ ........ ..,._ ....,. -· • BUILD TOUR OWi( m . n .....,,. "'1.1.4~• • • .ll,l.(UL -~ .-.ru Kacsc a.i ~ alt tor only )booop'apb. U1tft1 if.,..comb A ll:aVJ:L O\j, eul>lc ft. REFRIG. $69.llO -· i.--. ,.._, '°' ...,_""'"-..,. . .,. ""'"" · w.-. to ,.,.. 'l'kL9 ....... of-ampiw.t. .,..--. • NCOrd · KNOX HARDWARE CO. ,,.., •• ""' ,._, -"'! ...,... eom.,. ... -.-. Kl 2-2336 VETERANS INDUSTRIES OPlll't' l'IW>AY AND U.Tm\D.A.T TILL t P. M. C... Sa ... allOp &t _. ot OW' I CODwniml locaUoM . 402 E. •lh St. BANTA ANA ....... W• wtll mlp 1VU a...mble IL HUB IOO W. Cent«. Allah91m U TV REPAIR 100°1' Warranty· On · Late Modelo DON1 . WAIT!. . TRADE NO~ ,save Up To Sllnl A.T McCARTHY'S GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS . 41-Aito II& tloa 1950 Cadillac 'f • • • • • • . . $1195 Motor Overhaul 110..KONJ:r DOWN ~-~95 +•this au ..,.;. • • • CylL .. ,. 110,1.L ... . '182". " door Pontiac 1951 • • • • • • • • Dlluu 4 door . IM!lUdM 'llOtll" 1llllm .... ,.na. $395 ............ ---• • • • • ' srtnd;· fttunc'I Gf IMlll ,.. rO!I IM&rtDp. Dplrt motor ... .... . 19J9 .Dodge Panel . - 19-ia Cadill11c . . $ 595 ....., or '°"" m1lo ,. ... ._ • • • • • • • (1'0 XOl'JH DOWN). · REBUILT ENGDllll -UP to 11'xo?ttlu TO ••T- Bllilt lD om owa ~ ~ llkUltit "92" -' door ' MARK DOWNING FORD, INC. TWO BIG . LOCATIONS 22:5 w. 5th I. Hwy. 39 at PWfle Cout Hwy. Htmtlncton BMch •• WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS • snacblniita. Dcin't OODtmd w1~ u.. DrlddM mu. ..,. d1nct. REBUU.T and INSTAIJ.l!D, IBOJtT. BJDCK , l'ORI> --'1Jl.lt ~. ~-.00 PLTILADOOO'li·-. '111 CBRra. • Dll aaro -$1.T~ rrut>D•KER ..--•1to' OLD& A PONTI.A.C I -flTO BUICK fl.Ti BUDllOM fl.ft Lour. Car .... Towia&' ,,_ <W>l!Jt....._ Bloet. at\11\ m..t .... ~ ffm'--. ........ .u Op19....,10 ....... .... BELi ES EN(;l!-4E , REBUILDERS: • ffiERE'S NO FOOL'S· DAY • • .. Open nm., • ."° lA 1tt.-< ·~ NEW J.AJ\.iATION · 310 Ea.et 3rd St. • AT NAlill·HUDBON . ·pwi.. • . RIOH' HAHN'S ' ., - ' • • I ' ' -- ' --.. • ,, . I. ... .&,...r .. - ... --- ,, REAL VALUES l ·, • ••• .. . • ,, . ... . . ' II ......... . , . BILL'S BEST BUYS .-.. '' .. ~IJl'!ia-LOT 60x I 40 ·· . __ Ja.,..09 Jlab~of 'the D101t exclusive &re& of Coeta ~·1 Eut.lde. The tut. vacant lot left on thia •. 'llflot -ot refined h!>at~ All !mprovemanta .,,_~ .~ ~paid. Owner A)'I mu.t ael1 it .thiJI week. ~-.UY. • '1ft0·,,.._. feet, under conatructlon, cbDooe your eobw ud -teh It I""'· • B. ILi, L. R., family • .i n.m. -ballt. 18 ltltehen, laundry, 1 ')> batha, patio, , , .'Jt W. tloon, F. A. beat, gar. diap., beat lam pa, • • Clrlplaee. llpt of r&nch otyi. deaign with shake · ~ 1.-·rddf.· AU of th1a on 60x 150 k>t on 8ack Bay street 1Jr•f _; ·1 ' m COUDtry ootate bom .. , for ONl.X $20,500. ,.. ll4ody about May 15th • . --....... ·5E£ WHAT WE FOUND ' " •· ~1 re-decorated. In I<· ou~ three yearw old """""·1 twO bedroom ho~ in top reaidedtial teetion of , , ~ K':"'· Fenced 4 ' nicely 0 landac:aped. Full y prkie •only $99150 lDw down. • . ... --· ~ W .. A. TOBIAS, Realtor • . "you'll like our friendly .ervlce" _ 400 E. 17th St., Ooeta Keea Llberty 8-1139 CORONA DEL . MAR ,30" 118 Lot So. of HW)' .. level Only $6950 · 36 " 118 IODed R·2, level, block I< ¥.. from Ocean •. J ' $7950 c-11 I " I-" ·r :ts. R., 2 bath hnme with view. Xlnt tenna $16,:JQO Cb&rmlllg adobe home on 60' lot, beautiful patio, FA heat, built to laat $25,4150 , !'<ach ·home on OOfDtt ' lot, l&nal, $U.500 te-. l .,UAlt in.come .oa M&r1t1erite, lhqw1 fine returo, furnliti"ed. low overhead, an excellent · beach investment $70,000 • . NEWPORT HEIGHTS , • ~, • .:;a.utttat S B. R. hOme, large living riom overlook· _..,..., ..... 6d patio, r. A. heat, 1% batha, corner lot, ! '~ '~ ~ ' : ~ • a quality. ~me. $25,000 ;·. ·RAY REALTY COMPANY ;;· ~:S. CoutBwy. Coron& del Mar. Har. :'288 .-,. .. , • · <-floom BaDk In C.D.K.) "~"' llllf81C!t OI' MlWl'JPLE 'LISTING SERVICE "'"-6• .. .,. . • I • a ' • • ' •. ! -:. .-. i . . . .. ; "' ' I I 4 • . '· • • ,·:LIOO BARGAINS · aer.. eM:2r, l'lMI' K4"fPCld s.c:a. ~-~ nt' o• , ' '' DAl/r()B. r.d7 .. sulldt""· .... ,... ,, MAS ,, .. ..,. '°"" 16 .,. .. -.,_., . ., · ' " 216:1· N'"'ew~pot-t Shod. · ' Newport - of W.W. Ul4 clGM~ to ...... ~ r. :' , ~ :i ..... , ,; ' I ~Phone mz.t,Or· ms . wm aanelder wbcdiMtka. ........-RJCAL'ft)ftl ' " • • • ' and ASSOClATES Tlie finest, le;'9ut Bey front lot remaining • HU.RRAH ! ! GOLD DIS- CO.VERED IN BALBOA! Z3 INOO.K:8 UNrrs. c10M to bay and beach. Gro. lncome Jll,000 to Jl7,000 per )"U!'. Alkln« ie.ooo. Good tenn1 . w • t\mdah tree crytnr towelt lo lho.e who come too lat .. • • • • In the Harbor Area. , .. . \ ~~w~~o:' .... ·.· .... _.,f}SH~R'S FINEST : · , ·. f. IS ··'!'OUR ·QREAM .. NEWPORT HTS A BAYF{\ONT home with PIER I< FLOAT! OPIT{Q-Id · ' . .'.~~It is w1.th &n •Frtmeqt ~9 b•lp buy it for you. _ , ~f!\ V . ...._-'-"· •• ,~fi~g 2 .~oom holXle,plua, 1· bedropm ·&putt Four ~-·~ <'In .. r ood ~• ment, al idi.n g atu1•wall to La.n&.i•a.Dd Bay. Beautl· ~}'· ""° · ~ -. '1"" fnlly-modemlled.. BAYFRONT BUY OF THE P.-..:e-Seta on a ntw circle • • , street-only 1 yelU' old. Thi.oi I• YEAR Only 54.9,tSOp ' ' Seven Islands Realty &' Investment Co. &03-32nd It., Newport Bch.. cant. Hu, 61168, &fter 6 p.m. Hu. 6687 Twci aores, R-1, with 200 foot Bey front- age. On Beck Bey .•mering from Mase Drive. (The lot adjacent on the west to two story Colonial l:louae. J. This. is NOT A LEASEHOLD. an e:ii:cepUOnal buy al only • • · • '"·~"'" , 2 .. A LITTLE PRIY.ATE KINGDOM . tt?IVV\ 'A "WO-_it,.~ .~~"-·tfll ~ tl!ll AC~, beautifully land· ..;._":~ ~ Ma.c ... -> -'"""'1th ~ler system (Ol' euy m&tntenance. ; '~~~~~!,.~·t1w~ ~,. TIU'* llft.er frontage.. ~ Luxe SWIMllING For 1ale by owner or almost any brolcer. car 1•n.1..-rorced atr Hat-. PdBL. Room for the Dog. Room for the children N_. 8trMt-D'8poKJ.-1.And· la Full · llCl.ped......,Bacllyaid fenced -No to P y. y fenced. Room to build another Phone Harbor 202'4 bett.r n.>.ue ln ~ towil. . • \lome fo. aon a..nd.. hill wife or Mother and D8,p •.. Qpen House . ' run ..... J "<!# ·o· ' ' •Md'W till!!. l,lt....,.,.ptiOA&i 3 ~ 2•,;. .bath" . Sat. A Bun.-On. lo Five . 89dl1· ~ "' ' 12,,_,, -· .,. . ·"ifo\if~' wl\ii-3o' 'b .. -;room' opening to Lan;i with y!:2 m~~! ~::,~~:: 2 Industrial Bid a. ~e. fireplace and featuret too numerou. to bdnn home connmlenUy local Cima in lo heart ot town: 'Nearly deecnbe here. .. In.,• moot -<•11-t n·'rhbo•: ----~--.,.------~-------.... ~ 2000 9CIU&re teet.--ln . acell~t · · • AU this for ${9,500 hood ... run Price Jutit Jl\.760 Ex I , L'd Bayf condlllao, Wtred. fur 220. Lot .Lt , • , "'" """'"' ......,, ·" . C USIYe I 0-ront ao '"' la ....... ""' _,, ... , • .. • i'o•·appolntm••t in -can ~ bllJ'.•· ~·· +•,. 1 fl)llJ.. • pr1ce , • ·• I, •• • • s~:~~~? .. ~~ .~:~ Rarely 1~:'., ';!~*!:;you:-u~i1 Sulliva~"& ' ' •• F. isher and. Compa' ny home'. built around a delifbt-ot the caJlbre G T C., · 1ut1y 1andacaJ»d, aMub enelt.ed Mldom ott•llli tor Ml•. &Oi• , . -, .. !.,1f\9n ~ -.Newnert Blvd. Newpon R...t~ ~ .tl.~ patio -• -and it ~b way llt. For tynlly reuora, l~ New1i0ri~ Mna ~.. · ---~-..,. .. . ~ .,.. -;'":;:;;I' '._-;--• ~~ \ on• 4:5 root R·2 Jot wtt.h ample Ult. e\9ltOl'll bome Ph Lt .~Tlf ~ .r .... ae1 -,..,-..,-~--~~-r,-=·'-'·wi-:'-<t~•-·-"'"~•·.,•..:•1.._,,-.. '-'''---..:.·-· '-' -rwm lo build. We bave tbe is ott.-.d: to the · .~l.l:l· rt.._,, ?> • 1 •1 • r-••.a. t• .,.. •:• a./ B key and the pt1c• Lt ,tult Jll.000 -let.act ~ ~ ~ . • , • 1 •O ;·.1 ·B ' • turn1ahe11. wbo un aaort ' ' -D Builders • Investors! o...r .. ;::. :-;,_..,_,, LIDO. I~~ · . Garace apartment tn .uceillent •UdO'•.flntlftpolftt. ~~1?~!'~ · 1 'J.j ... · 1 .1 • ,. '.-. ""',. ' '• oondittnn on back nt 11-2 Jot , '""""""' • .. ..._ """"".._ • . '.: :''. ·~'(fRONT EkGl'\f~l\lC' , ... Plenty ot r0om tor exU. J.ncampuabl• Tiewlil Only '4000·~. t ""r .. untt1 In tronL Top 1~ton nut I..rse pt.er and .itp • .. ,, Bay Ave:__: Pier le Float_ VW, attne:-JloMna '. " to bu.lnea. zonl!d e.ster ot Co-tor yaur-bMt at J'OUl' door. • ~, ron• dill M•. 111,IOO t .p. Architect Ooloord'• ---+--_.!SP~A~CI~QUB;-aiv~4~U'l'll'~~~t--::ib~o;me~,~lge~.~L.~.R~.,~n~l:ce~ldtcl\e!L;~~·!Jleollllllll;;·;~~....-~~!-,,----l~ ~:wisrr~·V'iiiiiit""-t-----;r.-;;:;:O:~~::;-:;::;;~~ J'f•<o l'::.__..,.;~11t;~)llllr.-it111m~~Ime!,', !iiifleil!i'1iiig;iroo:ooimO.,:--i:=~ I W • The ......... bU7w ""' lmmedlai.17 . 1 LAROll' -..W..~!I:,~· th.t, "lialbL Dbt llJftse .t. ....olimbop. · Ample ...0. to . ' " ~ ~ .. COST A MESA 'the best town on earth .. r I • Fromt.he~up9tatnl1Tinl' ncop1-U..~nlu.eat llW.~~~ .... JUI ___ ....J-..,._l-3>, ca:ra. ~1--'v•-c...s-.fanL~"""' cloOllla -patio, fenced y&rd. (2 yn. -old) un \JOO.GO .. .-a ~------, __,,, ••.,...... room ot thW 2 bdrm. l~ bath U .. _, ... 11.: ~com• Jot and nea.rclub . , • ~ a • • ', ...._,,_ & -~ •·-· ..,. 000 with ••~ down tutnt1hed hom•. A la'I• hom• .. n ... _ rood t•rma. ..... _ • .. D-...• I '""·;0j •' -.. · "'";.--·-~-.,..., """"'· • ••~1''""'..,,..on•Ju,.1ot. Kl.LLION I -fl6.llOO-.-.. · . -• \ ... ": r.-.,1•1r,1Sl!a. ~,..9!{·~· · --.. _,,a B.Jl HOKE. 1% bath.I, fireplace, patio, double f!:t°:.~1 :W~1~Jlbed wtlh 83il Newport Blvd. re• ••t•t• Harbor~ · · .•r"'i ·-~·-l'f" ' • ." 2 Bedmomrllli&lvank.-su""9ct WIUI• ....... 1~ ·Pnlo, _,. "transpol1&tloa and. m&rketa. •. NJi:W':PoJ1r"'$:! •. _ 'Yoa!f..2!<!.::-J2(&00 ':"' '1'tnM. • • • .1 '13.800 with 19._ Bay & BR!~c:roh .... Rlty Inc VOGEL VALUES · -COSTA ·-~"'ESA •·· ... ~~~ .~:~··.&n>Oo·:~;,e~nf;~;,t··.,.;;~me ·(%2 a..m--.. '4 ~-and 3 Br. older home, ~ nn ~·--• ·~·· " :_:.~;;·~.;~~~i:==~rob, garage. =~=~";:~-= * * *' * *. -~~~~~~.:.;~:;,. ~-~::~;1;,;~~1'."4·~~·, · .· ' • ~ LOT 7!r f"!"'tage on Placentia , u , .. ,.. 1900 oq. ii.:\ =~ ... 1:..~ b&tha, encl . .~..,.oo;t.;.~ '~-BA'(' J"P~Cl·:(~L JY1'. i~¢. ', Re•ltors ........ . ·· ~ BEST LOCATIO~ pt.UO,dlahwuhor,bll.·lnnnp&ndonn,~ ·~tre..:i~~: : HllOW •. BaJ~Blvd.,Bal...,.,. ·~:UN G: N WElLs .R If N r.f' Hts WjWcpta.,lawncomplete'l.ndJchonctra. Olmpan n.~•!'.:·....,,,..., ... 0tt •EWll1>1K!ee,GlcdmPay,llP'·~···: :, .. ~ • • d. ' ~a or ~ . ewpo·. • . ,t.hla _for v,.iuq at '21.llOO. \0, '~ ~., ... ~. • 1--· -"-·~·---· ~·-·--· ____ .._,_ __ _ U10 N~ Blv. , OooQ. Kesa · LI a..... · • Rl'-' · " ,., " _ ..... _......:....:.---=------------111lla roo!u~~ ... h~= ~~-. NEWPORT HEIGHTS vn:w HOKE . Shafer.' ... ~· ', " . ! 1 .. '. NON.VETS No Down Pay(nent ::.:--:'.::;:•:,""m::"':.; !:!:'"~~"!~'.'!:::t~~~ , :1,·~,;~)..:~.· ... LOO~ Wt!At WE .,l:il\VE-'0""'.. too •=...... "' ,.... off garap with bot .t. cold wator would mate p>d a • ~ ~ ~~~tit ha@Ja on 311 ft. ~ Oil Llcli> PLUS lr.Qpounda $~ ~~~ '::. ~-1T:S .!:.~b~17~ guest room. On con\tt lot. nicely land.caped. s... BJ.~ .• 'if. l 11 "· ~Al\ ~iJ~jP.-tftClllt sot.:_; ,J.9t "9 be SBf¥1,rooma, '1% bat.hi wonded\11 buy. N':" Lo'tt'Prtce$17,900 -LO'ts·~lO.:!~r. I •• :. ·--1~1 P.fll'CllUM with --.-1 "ART" AD.AIR, R tr. THE VOGEL CO. . Build ·.-·-,_.... ... ·· ' · · 1:1 ".,. .·ll;:~~r-• .. · . :.:.,, ·: JIEST BU,Y COSTA MESA AREA ,,.. N""'°" .u ... """"' ... 1700 N-;., Blvd. . ~-~-·"-•m"" -~. :fME-VOGrn•'CO.: •vmCE u ...., ..... u ·~ , ...:::::::-: ··-Ev··•·-u--. ~~.:-, ;::•,: _: ;.!!'..;.!!: ':! au.e-vio. UIO,'Npt. Bcli. -~ • ~· "1~· · "'' > • ,;;.,ulra at 2!12·E. Palmer ---··1 ~"' --.• --r-.._ .. -.. -··· •'"""• -, ••. . •,· jo._ O\•·-~ ,...... ~ LOT .~ ...... ~ -, -Coott.KM&' . -u-s:mr 1-----=----=--====---1 - --r--~!,:~ ~ :::. ~~ -, l'Cilfll~. ji'i'!' t; ..... .,,at::_ ' ,..... , -.• .. , '_.;, C T • •A ' CORONA DEL MAR rutton. ...... • A amER HOME BUY " ~. '' .. . -JI~~ ~usl""''. Ai iV .. :·:. -D clu.t•• witb "' . Co(w .;::i Lat,. ._.. . ._,t u#\1'1 '11."\iii ..DV .. I~• ·;., ~ 1Dl'.1PLEX, Jutt tbe ~ for home 1e.1ncome ....!. Osbome-forton Plannecl to Un lD home. 3 !up bedromu;"2 tull '=' =---:-~.. , __ .... ._ .._.,_,,,. 1 _..,_ 4:t•...,i,• • _.., .._ • ,,;_ ... .t. tlo located CO batha. Uv!ngro0mfateep&tio,throa1luo·alidias OLU<Qll.OOAa'r.PJIC>l"CllM ·lRJST"Blt SOL!> to~ •ate • .lll li..1-c ..,.. --'l"lt bu !1-;.prtO pt. -REALTY ' doon. See ua t.o worlr out ---nt. to_,. ,_, N-'-" = . ~ h-In~~· ..... let._. . . .;,......-to llChoola, ..._. ...... beodt $18;1MJO flrm 132' W ""'"' HWy ~,w •-. -.-~;;,,....._ '•• , , • "-··· . • f -·-" EXCLUSIVE with t•t Port °"""9> Nowport BHoh and plan tn MOVE lN-TOKORROW, Ll ~·-•...--o.,.· .. mt· • .t1oo.--tl• Wse -bla ~ lOth ...._ p&llo • . •. lk bt.rpln. a..· or•--· u ,_,.., Hu. at .. .-Sf>ocWator.•~· · ~Noe~. NoOda -•Ue•lftC~ flalDs up .• ·;: .. · ·wA· 1o"ON. ·.REALTY. co. ________ .,_ .. _, ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES ..... ~~~i\lr ~ .. · · ;· '•~at~. ~tyour~. -~ n . BEST BUT "' NmWPOftT. """"' 1857 _Newport Blvd. -\ .Costa 11-..... ,. ....... -'l'.m.. .EJ.TON B'~RNm· "R tt· . .~ ....._ , as.. 1lland ·2!. on &ytront. Bayah0r9 Park.. LI 8-1832 EY9I u 8-lWO Oalr ""°,,.. ~ . . " -"" I •• or ~ .. Bar. 308 Karine. Balboa 89cltl :; .. : :;;::. tun pnce. :=; fto9e u . ~i~~ .. :':.~ ~ w~:!!~~~fi"!'~·~!~.•m.l~LI~,\ .. •• " ' • r . . _.... . . ...... . ,- ' - ' ' cl .. • ' I • • • • _ ..... • ·-' , • • • .. . . Cute! $2000 down! • a b9drrn. -1119 bat1u1! • Pata. -laftdilK:aped! • 115 mcint.U old -prbq:• diapoul ~ • .Natural W'Q9d e.!>J.a .. ! ... Ult.I rfC'.b.t &'ft1! FULL PRICE $10,000 Cfo5e In! $8!l50 e I B.ll.-~-.nke lot! e Good not&.I VM -&. lttb llL • Owner want. to cuh out! SEE THIS! $87l50 • Ocean view Lot! •• Let'• p .. thll \Oda)'! $420Q , • BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc. ' REALTORS 1896 Newport Boulevard- Coota M-. Callfomla Liberty 8-1181 Ev..i Pho.,. Art Tiell, llrr. I.d 8-3010 ' , CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES 1. 3. bedroom home on 45' choice ~omer tot. Lg. rms., · ~. ·dlnlng 'rm., fenced yard. Excellent b\Q' at $18,!500 .with good' -1erm.i. . - 2. VIEW of !lie bUcl., ocean t. hills and jlat a fow. otepo to Utt!e Cori>na Beach. 2 BRa, 1% bath-. fully tum., picture windOWll, flnpbo., attr. patio. fl)' Jot. C&Jl DOW for app't. Price $2{, 7l50 -~-Duplox-<00. of hwy. 1 B. R. tum. apt., 2 B. R. apt., tum. w/etv. t. rdrig. Ex~llent rent&! area. Low price of $18,l500 4. "Culle" 2 Bllo, W/'11' cpt., ~. Jdtch. with eating ana A new fcn'mica. Perfect condition in • out. ---or-.JJ "Gl>od•--fhumdn~ I~ will be worth your.while to g~ the detalla .. • I •'' O. · You get the "light feel\Dc'' the ·minute you otep lllto ,thbo 2 BR., 2 bath h~ Top location oo. of SO..vlew. H. W. tin., tlrepbo., adequate heating, 220 -~ Ileaµt. tunma:-• landocaplnr. ToW prlco oaq'~750. ·THE V GEL C --. MULTIPLE-LISTING.OF-THE-MONTH! Caravan Special The Evel'ueton chose u the . beat listing:· KJramar ome, IIALBoi, s liedroomo. $28.l500- 2"batba -3 yearo old -fon:ed alr heat - "' . . . · SPECIALS FOR • TI!!.~$ . )'{~EK! . BAT~ emm. ' bedrooma, J baths.~~ klcatton. OldC' PfDJM'rt7 bUt p.t T&lue. Prin.te·bUOb and pier. J:zlilu- "" wtti.~· at f'0,000. tenna. Beau~: f"'POrt Height. • lU.I -J lU PLU!. 2 baths, tun ... room. dinette, nnl' wool " tO\ W carp«!nc and ill bl&JIWUI .e°'1d1Uon. It bu two I ~n Which can be ~.haacb" .. \.all tor •20.poo ........ Balboa Home! HALI' Jil,ocK TO BAT BEACH. a Mdroom ~and 1ntmor hu ... NlnOdlili ' ••• ten1lk ldtdM9-w_IUl-eloMtAi-piore Md nl~ HTfns room wt.'t.h ftreplace. •tt,600. taDIL \ •\ Balboa Duplelt! BJCAT Tlq8 propttt;J tf JOU CUI. a Mdroom· 1awet a~to••• a 2 bedroom ~. bo tumllh- e<l. Ba1t block to bMt t>Mch. Situated on-two lotll an'd all In rood oondiuon. Pr&* at ''20,000 and dan4J terma. • . ~" "We'~ MovinQ to Irvine T ertace" Drive Ill today end ... for younelf' the auin;y out- ltaDdlDg fea~ of thl8 remarkable community. More and more Hnbor area families are inlpeating t.heoe eoquialte homeo -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. ' Mon and more famlliea who prefer a bome tn a re- lllrlCted quality community are movlllg into their J.nrine Terrace homea. · ' Inspect the model homes, ' .. built by Macco Corp .. -·---l :exquisitely furnished by Martfu & Von Heniert ..... .. lnolne Terrace-U located on Cout ffighny oppoolte the new Jnine Gout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY,_ Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 8/ B For The Y acbtsman On s.IbOa IaLan<I'• mo.t u clu.ive North Bay tront wt.Ur. the wtnd Md tbie .. at )'OUl back. • '"*" &Dd float • Loftl7 tftC10fed paUo • Paodled family room e UMd·brlclt Bar•B-Q with elec· trtc .Pt la kltcMn • A prar9 that aetually boldl two cara without havinr to ..... u..m e PlWI UM uwal beayY lhake root. 1-IJ( ~ Wilb colored fl.kture1, 2 be4l'ooma. etc. • A.lld NOT forty Je&n old or • twent)', bUt Ju.t. a beM of thrM ,...... Md •tre.ited-to I'""' to • lleCOftd •lo?J' • Pr1eed ridlml.Jbu8ly low '1.t fU,800. . Watch Your Wife! Her •1• wW u,...t up wbe1I you •bow btt th.ls IVJ!lie eh&rm.itr • • • 2 }up bedrooma ptu. J.arse rumpQ# room-2 batb--be&utt· tull.7 *1CloMd paUo-ov..ui.ct Pl'&I'• and laundry ~ • ' - ' Developed by, Clarence L. Cooper. Inc. Built by John B. Clark, Quality Builder For pleview ahowing to qualified client. call L JOHN ABELL HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. ' REALTORS Harbor 1600 Eves. phone U 8-5386 ' " • ------------------ luxury lido Bayfront Home & Income . NEAI!LY NEW ON VIA LIDO SOUD .. . -A total of •ix bedrooma and four batht. Two mod- em kitchena and two lovely view living room.1, plus, lots of luxury extra&; Beautiful wall to wall car- peting and 'lovely drapes. Also, two 1tovea, two refrlgen.ton1. Dilpoeal. Wuher. Dryer. Full price only $65,000 " Excellent terms You move ri~ht in-to the seldom used Owner'a a~ent. The other deluxe ~partm~ is occupied now. For full del&ilii con.ult with either . ' .--'(;ENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTON VIRGINIA MANSOIJI JOSEPHH.GROllKAN Lido Realty Associates MOO Via Lido Harboi: 4444 Lb• loc&Uon u lOpl Ju.t a __ pltelt. a.nd a putt train the Golt'!------------------- ' UNJTN~ 8~. Phone ~YCS l'Ol"'l'llrtlfl!l"ll!formallon • ~ "::.:.,... .,, .... "''" VOGEL VALUES .... ~ ....... -... ,.. ... _..,,, * For Recom.mend4tioa. we nter )'OU to anyone 18lh Street. BM t ·btlltnn.. ' In '""'' .... ' ""'' .. " who biltdo • IA11oehold Elltate ln lrvlne TerTace, Newport Hei_ ghts * * BALBOA ISLAND * * * Rear unit onq 10 ,....-. old.. . Beacon Bay, Bay Shofte and Cliff Haven utu. 01• In tront. Both tr.ip• • Oceu Yiew RANCH STYLE HOME - exterior bUt ~ blt.11dr-. J-------------------J ~ ' b«trooma. 1·" ba.U... The "real thick" 1ha.k:e root ranch style lome with A soo4 ftlu._!!~,00. \ •'flu! Jar1• den and rwnpu. \ """" W /W cpta., furnace t. firepla<:e, blt·in range I< 2 Uni• Income' * * NfWPORT HE~GHTS * * • 1,000 9i· tt. Hvtn1 au oven, disposal. Lott: of U8ed. brick, open bearU &: 8:~=~~'*:~ . I~ : ~u!'ti.1~ara old wallf>aper. 3 bdrm. with 2 bL , in home plUI guett OTU 1 ear ,.,.,._ Clo. to ' • Wndacaped and terraced yard room Ir % bath with dbl garaje. You wW love · dOwntown sboDPbll, Nth nnted e 121,600 "1LL PRICE thia "patio_pl•nned" laland.-home..at-~~- now. 111.000 and. pod~ tarme. VIEW HOME -NOT .A LEASEHOLD ' •· W• ban u.. ke7 Balboa 'Realty Co. OppoMte Bad of Alqarlca $1500 ·Down l'OUK JISDROOl(I'", I baifi.~ dbl. ..,... 11D4.~l'.noecl Md ~ me. CCll"MI' lot.. run prloe tu. tao. • . · I • . ~ Newport-Mesa Rlty. 17ifl N...-port B't'd.. cu.ta MM& Ll I-NOi llY-. LI l-1Trt ' Investors $4500 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT O>mt\letely tuml8hed, Ineludlllg .Onoole TV, d'!"P f ...... , new 11 tt. refrlgenr.tor. Fenced yon!, extra ~e 2 car garage, beauUful lawn.1, , Patio and barbecue. . Total price $.21,000 I • GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC • . . . 3112 Newport Blvd. Nowpcrt Beach ~R 2552, EVES LI 8-3186 LI 8-64-06, . Hari>or 3921-W . l JUST COMPLETED PARK MANOR Bay & Beach Rlty Inc UALTOM / 1175 Barbor Bou1en.rd LI 1-TtU • llvM. ph0a. R. .. r. Oe4dM. mrr~ LI -AIOI FLASH-$5500 AND WORTH MORE! CLOU:-IN 1 bdrm .. dble pr, and ttreplacti. Cb. ltftk and biock f.-d. IJ*C. tor UIOUltt ·unit. •1000 down tall.N It. LOOK AT THE •FIGURES, GOOD 2 UNIT lNCOME. 3 bdrm. home Ill beot rent&l loca6on. Bu ll': ba., 1 bdroi. apt. unit "over garage. All iD tip top con· · and •2t. iO furniohed. Ideal for nm.tor with $10,000 '"°'""' · p ce , ' ' , ( . . 40 ft. Marine Ave. vacant bt1Fneu lot. Cl. Here bl the lut one availi.ble. Price $21~ THE VOGEt . CO. . 208 Martiie A""" Balboa Ioland Nezt door to the Poet Office Har. tU EvM &< ~1229-R Har. 42{8.R · Best--Eestaide -,----------------~- 3"bdrms.-lt baths LO"'K HAVf TWO J1NIC HOMJ:S "' V be9t •tree~. d~e. CV., Bdwd. l • nra., tlnpl .. wtth f CJ" 01 ioan.. -Three bedroom beach home, 'h block to ocun, LOOK LOOK 118,JOO and lla,IOO, wtth '2600 Only $~ . and pooo dn., ... th... ~ . ....,, 2. BALsoA DUPLEX. Room for .one more unlL ... C.11 your Realtor ~•gerding POTENTIAL Dm\lllTRIAL tr.t- ap on1·itii'il:i1:liliiCt•r.n· ~ --r-·---Ow~er Gone East KUllT;-ldllL Ult; modem I bdrm.. Good rentals and ·onty a few mops to heaclL A.at· ·1n, $1',500. llake ofier. " · • ..... Oo17 ... ,... ....._ • A Ratiicted Lot Development ~LTIPLE -lJSTIN~ NO. 6911 DAN A. 'iA.OONlll<, 1laal .,..... By w:cei.EAN " PEARSOL ---~ · ·~ ::'~:'Jo_; ~~t= _ --8pecylaton A Bullden Welcome ) N wNu.t Harbor Board f R It &O: reoldentlal 1-Have oome apartment loto left, entN! I · , 0 ea ors ~~r.o':":". Duplex corner loto. All Improvement. hi. • • OOOd ., ' • -... oRANOll OOAlll' PROPll:RTIJ:S You Can't Beet The Price .A Location. ---'--~· .!.l.' "'----.:.....---------! 1111 Newport, o:wta 11.. Drive by and buy. AcroM frOJn <:o.ta lieu Park. ' .. ftM .ut.ide ._ J'lftpl. dbl.. 3 ...,. .. ca.rpeted, ~ m.aoo Wlt.b • uaoo -.. "" ~ pym.u. of 111..IO lftcJlld• tu• • WATERFRONT FURNISHED duplex, 82 ft. bull<· liiid: Pier iiid fioat, double pn.ge. $25$0. • Tell Us Your Needs (. BAY FRONT pier and Ooat. · TWo bedroom. rumpuo room, completely tumbohed I< '!Jlly· $&1,000 WHY RUM TOtJ,R Lll08 OIT :.'::":. ~ ::'..:":. = JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY ...... pde9 ......... P"'J"lht.. ~--~.,,'.:NP--THE-kRCHES .. ---~ J---~J.... ___ ::.B".;..1.D""-A· -ISLAND-.. ' LI 1-llll ~ s-. LI .. ,.,. '18th and Anahelml ru..uvr. acm·mrr-ll'ld'•••'--.. -~rd A.LRe•ny soLD ,.. "" -. 114. lot -wtlll ..,.. Phone Uberty 8-1 ts1 Llbert7 !Ml821 tf from GUI' n1.U7 Pclual.. and I" ..... .+ g_, T 1' 0 ""7"7 Molllpla ......... ' :;::_:3820~~:'.:w'.:~~.,.,.,..~~-~~~:;::========-.:..._.,,~~-''.'.:H"'.:J=--·---'--O· Ni:.(ll NOllTH BAY -IiDma<Ulato and lnTitlnc 8 ·;)>edloom, 2 b&th b<>IM. '1-llvlllc niom, open t.,........::.....--1il' l<l>•.:ua •ltiwlh'i ~ fiftf:l1(l8. ~ PJ,Uil, ':I --...-t . .. flli"'"'ict rental -~ta $1100 · Onlr '10.000 down. • _ ~· W. STANLEY ·SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD ~ .... •t )larille, Balboa Utand Harbor :ite2 • doubil prac. and ~ --------------'----~ .,.,.unw ...._ DtliNtJI• Jocao. • ' 1 •• .:·=~~ .. ~· ~""~""'°~~--t:tOO-Ne· ...,._ B_..Y FR°'ff r--o ft WIUll M1M KOl&IM..tt.. l'U' I"'\ Qr Bwbor ""-ltatl BEST BUY, BEST ST. • OORON.A. DSL II.A.ft. Ml prlcc .11&.&00 tCIM. • br., b&rdWOOd fin;., F .A.. heaL ~ dlq tir.. · plM:'i, 2 Mr-....,.. rincld lit.. o. R. L.A.TllR.OP ....... eo..t H'wJ.. CDJrl, 8*.r. 1W. MIO .,,.. -lk91 ATTRACTIVE 1 otory home, UVtble and con-· , J.;,t.. Three bedrnu., 2 ba.tho. maid'• room and i>at'b. ' CupttAt drapN uid appli•ncea lncluded. --. T. D. ROGERS, Harbor ~w Or Ryan 1&029 ' ' • ... Harbor Bfvd. It. GOOD ~. lb:2to, wttb l'OOd hom•. P0.000 aaldna -. DAN~A.. J.A.co9a1tN, l\MI s.t&te Hu.Mt1. l.1~17, KI 1·1117 HTatt t-11M I '40 ACRES ---. COSTA KESA AND SANTA ANA BEST ACREAGE BUY $3l500 an acre Tenna ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd. ~· Costa w:..& LI 8-1832 Eveo LI 8-HOO . . . • ,c ..