HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-30 - Newport Harbor News Press.. • \ • . . - • • --:r, KAJICR SO, l~ • ~ PHO?jE . "* 't •, ,. · 1. ' I ~ "· l nae· ·Kill.er ,. . . ,. - • •• ~ nc}ay '.... ~ Uol"! 1Jo~ 19, buab&lid of 18-year-old Oleta , ".!mill• JobJM!on,· Oolta M-mw:d<r · VjctiJ!>, ta --~Jn .. Coota -Po-. , ~ Ike Deportment by· Set. 'Dean Pollom In charp. of in-,atlon,. =stilt l'liOt.O ·-. \ I ' ..,..-, ' .. ~ ._ ' OLVZ )If IUIOll:f '.... w: l~ CMmin'. Id!;' aimlacilopt ot -tt ~' llh o!'f"ice. stud* one ot .-. Henry~ Ii'• -·1n Cold& -PoUo. ·Dopat-' meit u11el00ii for mari• ~ llf-:t8'ywi<otd -EM""'° -· wife of Harofd Uoyd Johnoon, mtio..a:at NU.. -oa old Bu!ta Ana Army Air Baa -Stall, Photo . ' ' ..... • ' , . - • I , • • • • ~­. . l I -·- ' -. PAGE 2 • PART I . NP,t'POflT ~R ~ . -THE CAPITOi-WEEK . • .· EDI OR·IALS " l Newport Freeway · 1"hr~ugh : ~~ as We Unders~d 1t R~llnM!i'f> or Coot& M-and• tlta ~ Nnrpol'l "'-Y becapMO a UUJe ni'on a-I Wod- neoclay when the State l>Ms1on of H'fghway Aiililili • Engineer J. C. Womack met with Me... otflcis.la in. a -• · to11r of the area involved. ,.._ •. At. thio !"itlnr it becomeo apj>&Mlt Ibo least coola ;_;. M---~ P...-€tly:'W tor~· by a. ; ;; : ·~ <Jt \!J!Wllilil of Newpurt<lihd. ... •<i:,eoway °'* ; ::;· 20lh SI. Inland to1'iuaad.it Road. In &:ldltlod, It ...... ; ;;,_., likely' the Means Will soon be adviaed bow much w.ct L.~ westerly of th.e prnet1.t boulevard will be needed f!r ... right-of.way to widen tht projected tree.ay: • • ' • -. .. ' . ( . . • , • f ' I Those meeting with the atate repre1e11tativ• learned what mome knew earlier; namely, that a fNe- way is ~ther fenced off, depreued. (where the ''dltcll:" appellation occurs) or raised from surrounding land. "The method for the Newport.Freeway to our knowledie u yet hat not been settled. We envision a total width of 120 to 180 feet for the freeway, additional footage from the prement road· . way to come from the west aide ot tbe ·tboroughf&r8. · Much of thia will come t'.rom at.ate, county or federal land, rather than from privately owned property. The Newport Freeway, according to Womack•• ldeu, will have five a.cceu point&. Theee, probably, • . wW be located in inten:baoge. at 20th St. and Newport ~ Blvd., 22nd St., Wil80ll St., Del Mar or Mesa Drive and .. at Paliaades Road-Bristol St. . Jn addition to thia, a two-lane roadway will be : . lnatalled first on the weeterly border of NewJ)?rt. ~ :· way, allowing buaineu frontage a.cceM, while the · present Newport" Blvd. three.lane strip will be retained on lht eastern edge ot the freeway. Federal land, COUDty fairgrow>dto, Southern Ca!J. fomla Bible College and undeveloped property will be involved, we undentand. in the 15tate right.o0t-way acquiaiUom. How the project we •,.deecribe will flt varloua Mesa folks' oplniona on l~ ri won't apeculate. . Thi.I la ollr Conception of how the MW trffway prob- lems will be worked out lnao!ar u UY atate ia cop.. corned. Meanwhile, Colt.a Meu city oftlcial8 wlll: be adviaing lbe it.ate of their ideal: and dM1rea and Nft'· port Harbor Chamber of Commerce'• new hip.w.y • committee will be formulalin&' lta: rerommendatior:f ,'to the Newp0rt Beach City Council which, to date; 'hu, wllhheld wggeotlona to the lllate · pmdio1 a locaf opUilon 1urvey of merchants and road Jletwork IStudlee. We all mtut. realize Newport Harbor area which the two cities comprl.ae La ~ ex-''nsly popular for motoriata from all poiflt.a: that the state highway • offidala are pluming to handle thia ner • 11vwbtg influx through thia a.nd other freeway plan.a. Actual ltarting ~e of the local freeway widening prorram 1a dJtticult to predict. But we know 11.>me kind of free. way 'trill be put throuJb l!y the atate. lleanwblle, a.ta M-and Newport BMeh elvlc leaden and city ottlclaLa •re cortalllly wlthlA their rlgble and dutleo to put all their boot tbouPta &'!d effort. IA14 devl.alns the boot r-y pl&na thoy can provide. ·lo 70 ,daJ111 val1111>1o ~ out' o( aa a-worlllDa year of :UO dayw, the BooYer CommlMI°" ._rlljl In , 1ta ollld¥ of !O<leral pope.work. Addlni' the time roo qwm tor looal and -,.port. wblcb too mut bo · -..i.-~aneullyW.,. Of..,,.. lllaa a 'l!llllol1 'wordo ud.n,.u.. 'aru111allJ . repQrted, .... ll .d:apllcatlon-4-............ , •• , u.. coiiiiiiliiilOO 1-rlfti!JilP, r.viiliiL For l!llrlollty, ult your neJa:bboro who are In bull. •-!OC' --.. and )'Otl'll pt an Idea how mllCb • ..,...,._ paper1rwlt. ii coo"•r you. Easter Thought for . All Euter 1ltla uo to a happier outlook on lite. In the lau(blnc eyeo or cblld-. IA the beauty and piety of the Euler parade, IA the :lo)'OllO ""elllng or cath<idrai voloeo, IA the luplrlna', ap<>ld cry, "He La rlaeil!"- IA all thMe the brlsbler bopeo of ure ourre up and the CU. of earth d!miziilh. · In a ""rid oorely ~ by It. material problem.o, the devotion of thought to 1Pirituat values at lbia ae&· IOD. can do much to brine tnrth into clearer focua. We Corset too otleD that mate~ty ii not everythlAJ - lndeacl, WO 10aJ admo day ie.n. that It lan't &11ytblllg. We·forfe'l too, that 1plritual for"Oe9 are alway. at hand to (Uide ua &lld bri&hten the way. The man wb.099 ReswTect.lon we celebrate. each year bad lltUt or the world'• llOO<IS. But be alwayo bad What be needed when be needed it, even to the extent of feedin&' the multitude with but a fnr loaveti and fil.hea. Thil wu undoubtedly leis of a "mir&ele" than the uwtation of the divine law of supply. Modern Chri.ttianlty bu 1urel,y m.i.aled the vital point in Olriat'• teachi0 p if lt believee that the Almighty ia indiffer· ent even tor a moment to the well being of anyone, Let ua at thia 1euoa contemplaU the deeper mean· in• of Euter and apply ita spirit to our e.tfaJra thn>uchout the year. It 1eema to U8 that that ia the real way to obetrve Euter. P~rent:S Are Delinquents J. !'dgar Hoover, an aotborlty on crime if there t'Y'er wu on .. hu placed the blame for juvenile delln· quence aqlla.rely on the parenta. Be a.Id : •The rerrettable fact ii that the IJTe- •poplible parcmta: who nerAect their dU.ty continlle to do..., bece.uae ~ t.b.ey are not held Telp<>DSibte for their dereliotioli •• : The liartlliig crime condition. exil:Ung ~1 retJeci. that IA Ameri<a the bome ii Calling In Ito tradltlonal tundtion ao the firit and CoN!moct clau- room .....:.. a. place of }earning how to live u well u a plaoe of liviDr·" Checw by Comparison When Pl"ilD$ Mlnilter Antho11iy Dien waa uked recently in Parliament what It wollld cOlt to eotertain Kbnilhcbn and BulpJiln IA thetr lo.day Yi.lit to Enr· land. ha npUtd, "Very much le111 th.ii a millionth part of oa.e ~ bomb." EntertaJ.nment of Soviet lead· en comea cbeeper than .. containment•• of Soviet ex- P'"•'oa.. COURTHOUSE BEAT By 'AOK 80.El'l'NEB • ., WM!ID. L MQDUU.," .... ..., SAa14 M~, -211-(UP)-Tbt Lesfd'l11n ii roody lo llart ---""'thLa -.iu.....,. _ W. coot.rowny ~ .. bo Mdded. • · ""' tiw1Pt .. ..,.. ....... &le ......... IUk'8 -....i ,..... ti-..... Ol ~ .... to •t water apm.e .. ....-frOl'O OOollatal ta ... tll4& Cdb---.tnl of tM .,... ~t. •la _..., .... .._ ~ It ._.,.. .. t U1e 0010tMo JUy;r Biil ta. two _.... ttal are ,c-r .....-«. U.. ncl&maUOa ....,.. and al*l fl/I ..,.. ,.,..,.., Ph • "8lty lh; et.ate Nt1oNJ water pollu· &U ·« ... to ~ ... • tloa tGAUol ltOUdt.. . .... ~ fl/I ...t. ,.. -wililtuiar-wa.n"ti: &D t Ji ••• ~ ...... to be lnduded la th• . QoT, l<Joodwln 1. Kftlcll.t pl&C*l AfW' dep&l'tmenl. uacw direct tM ~ ot w&t.r ~l 001ttrol of a cabl.Ml·rull: d.lr'IC· r;orpn•tJG. OD tba llPecia1 _. tor. .-on cm. Mud1 &lb, Who the he· 81ver&.1 lndlv1dual MO&torl lll· l.alaloft ttdt met. •IKed the uppar houM ..,.... wW Tb• • A.IMrnbJy •Went 11,.tit to ace.pt the W•inberpr-biu.-nd work Oft lh• prob~m and l.ul 1onu1 hlnted that tha CJo\IVDOr week p&9ed by a 84.-1 vote a mtrbt be ready to a.ccept eom• bill to create a new water d.. chance• In th• A&MmblJ'•ppl'O'Y'" partm;nt. ed meuw-e. But lhe moment the meaaure But Knl1ht made hi. polliUon hlt the Senate 11ide of the capl· crystal-cll'llr at week'• and when tol, It waa etnbroUed ln a welter he llld In 1. •peech ln l(tread! ot cr1lleliarn, oppo1!Uon and critl "I c:an &uure yotl u..t th• ol ·•'we don't want It." W1inberger bill LI th• kind of SE\'UAL Vl:RS:ION8 bllL I Wint . It call• !or & dlnet ln1tead. the Hnllle came up llne of authority • • , l am. wtth M.mOlt a half·dlxen ver-11tron1Jy oppoled to ~ lloftl of a water reor1anl7.1.Uon Uon or a m•Jor departmant by b\11-all o( them radically dltter• & board tor Lh1 rea.aon It would 1-------------------------·lant trom Ula A•embly v1rwion. divide aulhorlty and r"P'"''fbi" OppoclUOn tn the Senate_ wu Uty and make It lmpo•Htlll tor IO pronounced that Gov. Goodwin lha people to datarrnine aaetl,y J . knlsht felt It Imperative to who 11 ma.kins and carrytnr Ol.rt to to bat for the A&M!mbly bill-water pollcy ln C&lllonU&." Wfdtb, ha dkl In a 1enu oi The r ovemor went on to _, The announcement of new liquor probe Jrt'd:Ictmenta by the Sa.n Diego County Grand Jury promoted th~ Writer to look back over the re.ult.a of a aim11ar investigation here in l~. It wu unprodu.cUve, convtctionwile, t9 put it mildly. • Speal'M•ded by Aat. Atty. V,.nder LAn.s aid lie l'ot the Gen. Thom1.a Martin, probe re tn Idea • fro tn n.Wa .C.or1e. that thl1 county came up With lnfor-Pauae had won a Ylctory. nu1 matlon which led to the indict· wun't t.ha caM. ht; cl.ai.m1. ment ot 1~ peraona. Only one. Take the 1tand Kl'. Vander Ray Ad 1L1T11 of Glendale hu 1one Lana: lhrourh hi• final COl.fi't proce... ONLY ONE IAUI: lnr . and he never ... w a day "Actually, there wu ontY one behind ban. IMU. to b9 decided tn the Pau.e Al Ad&lllll' Reond proMtLon C&N. Wbe~r be w .. to J•l t Nrinc before Superior Court Nl&ry dU. him trom Jan. i•. Jlldge Ktnnelh E. Mon190n ha 1966, unW U\1 datennlnatlon ot drew a nne and wu placed on hie cue, or not. Ht wu enUUfd probation. fl• p~tou•ly b•d bMn to hla "ff.U.Uon pay and reUr~ c.1:1.ed pn:i'baUon by the a&m• mcml ben•flU Wldu lh• law judgr •nd fflllenced to ~teon for whether h• won or lo.t. the lenn prucribect by l•W on 'When PaUN wa.IW<t 1 a 1 • r y .-rand theft. from hll tlrltil' Jln. tr. on, there Acl1me wu convicted of Un• waa np nHd to ao &head with lawfully takln.s $3000 from "6N' the cue." Mellte.1 ll'bre1tcr for fi!llDeerinr PauM, former Oranre County •n o:i·Mle ~ene1..:t liquor Ileen.le liquor iupervtaor wu to have tor bu Capi11..nllo bar. MI 1 I had a continued' heiring before Forut.tr wu content with ber the Alcoholic Btverac• Cont.rot trnn•cltOll &nd etronrly recom· Bot.rd htfl March 19. ·~ la.ta lut week. lhat It the Welnbarp>r bill ..,.. 1'h9 ,..,.....,.ar &Jway1 hu t&._ on hi• de1k Ml would bil moll ed • 90 .. c.a.Jled ,.•lralCbl ltna" happy to •Im It." qeoey Wber. lhe director, ap-No CllAN'oa pointed b)' the .-ovemo,-, hu UM "How.~er." he added. '11 It la aulJMlcit7 lo •t water policy un· a choice of h.l't'lnr a dlNCtor hampered by a board of dlree-who 00.. not actually diNCt, and ton. & Deparlmen l which I.I not aa 'l'llat'• I.he kind of aetup Knicbt .U1<Uv1 Department ot llt.&t• "uu and that'• the kind ot or-toftrnmeqt.. I belle" we would ~lion t.b&t ii c1lled for 111 ba better oft to mak• ao cJt.&nru th• blll by A.Memblym1.n c..pa.r at all In our water .,-.ad• W. Weinberpr (R·S1.n Franci. «attar«!" and u.neoonlin&t-1 .. co) and 11 other membera of h1I ·they are. •Mlflllbly committee on pern~ JCnl1ht'1 poeJUon la that a WLI• ment ,orsa.nJ.aUon. tlld wat«r asency !. -ntlal ~ But a. majority ot eenatora ~. tore lha ll.at1 can proceed to d .. p~ tba te&r (hat •uch a pro-ftlop the J'u.ther River Project poaal would create a ''w•t•r &nd othar vut project.I to d .. cur''-man with the power ot nlop tha .tat•'• water ruourc .. Ute and death over water. In a loeie&l manner. Twenty-five •enator1 dandad 'lben I• no Indication y•t what to&et.her and introduced a bin by the nnal outcome wtl1 be. But Se.n. Georce Miller J 0-Rlchmond) ll '1 a c inch that a1 100n u the Wlilch (IVU a 1even-m~ water l'·ater dilpute 11 .. ttled, one way reaourc111 board U1r eucntlal pol· or the other, the leg11l&lOl"'l~wlll Icy-making powers In tbl new be lJI a hurry to end the ....ton depa.rlmmt. 1 •nd 11t back to the+r difl.rtcu 1n 1ddltlon, the principal ,,,,.. ro~ 10me elecUoneerin1. mended proba.Uon tor Adami. Accordlnf to Vander LAM, 'who lhat appeal'~ lo be th1 feellna worked In the Oranac County II· of mNt ol thi»e who U.Crtedly quor llcenM probe. "P•tae got pe.ld Wld•r·the-t&bl• prka for what he woUld hive rot 1nyhow." -------------------------or »omr... .,. under ltlpu1aUora entered In A F s · Only t•o othua ware COllYlctt'IJ I.he procftdln.aa. Pau.e waJveiJ F A I R 0 F STATE In ... "·-"'"'llP""" ·h ..... ""' rt1h" to '"'"'• •lal• ..... . Thay w•rt Geor&e A.vu, 6allta ploymml. HatVever, he doun't Ana bar owner ; and Harold E. waive any rtg't1t.. under the 1tate MacKcn&lt, '8.11trict liquor chief. employ«• retirement .y1tem. By HENBY C. MaeARTllUB A vu died o! a heart attack ht-111• 1t.te • lg1"ffd to pay all fore he could be Lmprilonf!d. Mao au.mi due Pauite In a lump aum SACRAMENTO, (CNS} -More resentment aplnat Kenai•"• CAM 1uu i. before Ule Tiie ex-county liquor ~ had the manner in which the it.ate diviaio~ighwaya b&ndles J'eurth 01-lrlct Appfl&la Court on itever&.I. Jobi under conalderallon. eomc of its freeway probleDlJI, partic!ularly thOlle in which 1ppeal. Tha lllM OTanre County Grand Mac Ken\!e ind A.vu were con-Jury wii thi butltlt 'ln hlitory. it cuts through tbe middle. of amall COJDmuniUe. where it vlcted ot bribery and con1plracy However, the curr~t Jury rnay ii felt a free-way jwst u well could go around the town. ia to bribe. be comlns <"Ion to equallJn1 the be" h I th ~-'if ml '-'•'-ture The othf'r lnd1ctffi 12 In Or· work load produced by the Ii· mg • own n e ....,.. O a ""'&_._ · an1e County ettber were toWld quor·probln& juror•. Alll!emblyman J;t&lph Brown. of property to a void thll, and allO lnnocent or bad charie• dlamlM-8tanlalaue county, h11.a ,lntroduced to rive lhe people oC lhe com• t'd. Th1y Wll"I Charley Buch· TWO PROBES a bill ln the auembl). which In muntty a chance to hav• IOITle holta, !am L. Collln1, Sam E. 8tnc1 their 1JWearln1 In a cou· a Jn&n.nflr ot 1pe&Jc.ln1 •upple· MY In wh1r1 the tr...-ay aboul4 Coillnl, Cbarlel Devine. Ra r r '1 pie ot month• ago the 1966 rrand menu meuure1 lntroduoed by bti loealed. Lehman. Mickey Johe1. Franci1 Jury hu launched Into a pair of Ae11rn1blyn1en Sheridan He1lund. He(lu.nd·1 bill, which w•t ln Trapu&l. Oniver n.cktna. Artqur major lnvffllgatlon• -veteran• of ~11condido. ear\ler, would r9q_ulho tha dlTieCocl .1 a. Eldred, Tllto Takekoahi, A.I houalna and the oounty ho.pita!. Druwn"1 meaatn-e amencb I he of hl1bw•y1 to pay te11tal.I from How Much TimeDo y w k sc· . . T T ToNU and Herln&n P&.UN. Th• body 1.1.10 hu returned In-•l~'ta and hl(hway1 code to pro-th• prope.rty It t.Cq'\l1rN ptnd1ns ' . . OU or ENE A HE CAPITOL u.alhrl.::, 0:m~~em: ~! :.~tm;:r1: ~~:!:'\a~r=:~~~~ ~~~ ~~~=r~al~ ~:per:t~ A~~1pei:1pu7-::~c~nt:Ot!: ::~: :; 0... 'Governmental Reports? ' ' bMzt J.rt r..de~ ot IM~r It conducted an Inquiry Into • chuecl of condemned by the de· tax.et lhlt would ba collec:ttd. Jt 1.r . . • .... ,_ .. ~ ' article• thll week. That'• I.he con· Garden Grove bl.by•• death. So pulment of public worQ, ln 11 In etfect, u ln lieu paJ1Ddt ~" &-which the dhrl.1lon •ot hlfbw•y• II lo rec:ompanM the city for IW in J'OW' ~who have llD&ll ~"•• - the ---who u---the·llrlll, tlM -otatloo man llftral cloora clolrD, the p1_.;. ocn•tttee over the reqwt of Attorney ut.r at~y 1-.nL off an4 ~n1. located. un e e ~-• W!j • Q -•-t:'NI flr.l entered Into •n •creemmt ~ ri<• • ™""'" _.r ..,...,000 \o intervene in Uw a1 to the route of the rreeway °"' of tM II' P90 Gu Company rate. 1t'U jiODe of the s t s • d l' ht with the board of wpervi.on1 jlt>oa ,.......! -lo -out In Ibo -IA a k>llc lime. a c ram en 0 I e I g of th• '~'"'' "' Whl<h lh• ~" ''Th• pte>ple of Turlock," ha 8-id, .. are Upael becauM of tb.• fruway pl&lll of the dJ't'llioft of hl1hwaya, u h&va baen ~ In many other conununJUu .et . ·-er and t:rucU.. la. !ha ~ l>lock. . . Sometime, for cialOltcy, u&t!iG'l>OW mflilftlmo they muat •pend compWns repo<t. am _..., queltlom for local, state and ftdeial pemm-ta. ud bow thLa spent-time affecto tlioir ciiot-.' · V_., ...._ .,... Mt sulilJ ot rnal· la to be ,klcaled. or tM city, If r r ••• 1~ ta ottla.. the ro&d cut. lhrouch aa t.noor-- .......... _.....,, ... ,, rl .,.. ...... C&Uf01'11t&... . • • • • • • • I l ' • t i • l . . • • . • • . - .. , -porated community . . ,.,. el 11 :aa. ~ .... )lll1lo • Benult -.Id ba 1"1Uldn't an: &ACR..UCENTO. (CN8) -At• Cowl.ell "cont•renc .. " all over hNia Jll ..... u.a .-.u-.. Wbtnupaa tempta of th• Ian Dtiro CltJ Ule 1tata of e..tlfornla have been The Stant1l&u11 county aasem· Ju to tht contn.Uan tbat rtghts-of . ..,,.y muet be; &e:qutred before th • tre.-w.,-rout. i. . Juiown. Brmvn 1a11 tM ar~t data not hold, u UM p~ l'OU'tH mu1t ht madt publlo-Any• how before the frmew1y ti cons •truc:ted. It hu bet!n. Lha prac- t1c1 of , the dit'lllon ot .bl.a~ way1 to acqulra property OD. the grounct. that w eb. p~ can Stud.is abow that more tbUl tour mlllton mnaD. bulln ...... roll.It •pend ~ to 211 I"'" ceDt or their tlml compiling report& and wwerlnJ queotiolll for the federal government alone. '+bil m&kea them to.. 12 """" I>amoaruJo ~ H\lch Dan· OouacU to ctrcumYtnt atat• lallil uaed a1 a way lo ret around blyman uplained 'f:t llltroduc· ~ Nl!7, Cl( 1'a1ock, nm&rlled that 'l'&IMl MCrtL m~• wu de-th• law1 a(aln1t aecret mMUnr• lion of lhe bUI w to prevent - It .... _ darad r.cenUy by ,....,..,7 a.n ~ publtc bodlea, Md It '' 10 ... a r11..1eo such a1 '' occurtnr In i¥W1 ........ t.baoldtridl.oluk· • •• , 'TUI k h -tb cll ll t a...,. ..,. • maa tt be .bu •topped aral ltdmund 0. Brown to ba lunate that the l11ue la re.toJ..-ed r oc . w ere, •r· v •on o a...tt, ~ hla Wlle. both contn.ry to 1:!1• lettar &nd tietm;e they becarni even more highway• propoMt certain elev•· .. $211.. --·~1 ........ 11 ...... ,_._ of lplrlt ot ui. law, ,.,desprud. llon1 wbich reaidenl.9 ot the com· .._ .. -_,._.,. _..._ mun!ty Itel would materially .A.tkll'9tp ~ ....._mt-~ --.. .... ,.,_, __ ,. In & Jenstby opln1an. I.ha •t• It 11 well known th1t at lht• - •-.,_, ·-~ · ,....., .... __ den1age property value1 In lh• ~ .. -'9 ,u.·tu ....... ,_ ...... ........... :. ....... I , .......... ~ ... ,...,. ..... ..... II HlllM -SP -a. .....-IWnMU &a & ~ ~ torney pnaral "l)l*d UMI 1ntm1 eontwme•, th• lhUu In which city. .,..-------------------------lp11 or · cn.t. (be wu appoiat44 bT a ot th• Mi. lil.(lalature 111 rt· Lb• public ta llltllr.ted an U9Ual· w&lt. him ...,..bMe·), al'Oe9 to t.ba ~ ql&lJ1as pu.bM.c meettnc1 to be lT raaolYed, a.nd that the eo-ea!I· ............. ,},,.-· ~tau.a to .... 15.t.wn.U.. • UM! SO AGREEMJ!:lll'T bl obta.ined muctt chMPM" lt tbe nta ...._ ot u.. 0-m'..W., -.Id It bu oplA. to t.ba pubUc, &ad aot Clllb' eel open meetlnr ot th1 OOW1.cll Tba ,,,.. taJtta "'1lr1 Kep ,. • .....,,. to Ule ncular publlo m .. Ullp, but merel7 .-in• otnctaJ action to ronasa Pabliil proWct th• tnt...i. of tba pub-aim \ha ''ooat....a.c91" bald by wb&t the oouncUmm hav1 PH· *"" & a.,. Uci tad tntmdM to llMp Oft dota&" public bod* ln IA ettort to ~ cM<:ided. ... \Mi ... ·· ar. .. p Wonn&Uon ttom. tM pee>-'7ha r1cht and &t>Lllty ot the .... 'nai; Ol\'a (WA11gpf08 pie ~ ftprdlPl.l. paople to haTe tree and open ti llet•W ..tlwo Qt.U.. UUll-O.ml~ --'"'I-· 0-aara&&; 1tt..., ,_. -· •• er • ....,.w Al90. he pointtd out µiat t he unlUlpectln&' L&Kpay1r doMb't dlvt11on of ht1hway1 h .. 11eq;ulred know what tb• Ma want. it fOf', ,• rlghl1-of·"'"•Y in Modeato. but Th• dirpvlment -* bM tNiea 1t.lll ther• 11 no f'retway •CTff'" ulln·HCTet abotlt'" "ilt Pf'OPWt7 ac· ment 111ned up with tha QOm• qula1Uoo plu&, and bu 'a rulrll munlly. Uial It wUI not clllCUil iUci: .. \.+ _.. ,..._ "'Wi'ft dalM our lhttJ'.• -.Id Thi Ian DMco Ot7 Ooundl acc1&1 to all mMUn11 ot local FonDer'7' t.ba N~ MHC-'I! a· ..... llltcllilll. ..._. WI cMn.11.1"• &OJ'• adopted. • Ju. I, & r.oluUon .. S1alaUY1 bodl .. \1 vital to lha .......... ...... ... -.. Md U. ,. ~----,,. * taWa"' ... to .., .,. bann"t.., CODtaiRias In an 1 reltrlctl'*I pre.em lion of u lnformtd ei.c. l ~-.-I a1 • t,p.lnllt publtc att~ at ila \oNl• and coutitut .. an ekn:nen· ..... • C11 rnrM?ot -.. .... -• 0., .............. 8 ° •••• ·hr'o.i.r...., ..... ,.,.. ....., w.. l"-..... ..,.. down to "eonr ....... ·· .t.11•znbl7m.&a tal ..ZIC\l&!'d to democratic rov· & "" lma\Or sup. K. BwM. l'r&nk L&ldW, &Ml Dtf1p. Wbo 91"1U1'1Ul." Bl-own aaJd ln b1I ZD.i.n4Ml11att4-Cllw~JCU..••ss,l~la~...... ftJa ftW, (D}, adTIMI tha cosa• wu autbor ol. 10me ot th bOla oplaion. . a.u OUlllO* 7 - ·-DmWc aJtha M t-11 that aa7 Ullal-111 U.. I~ &p1oM. ..m ·-----------cautorata 1liilW ~--t. _,.., ~ ~ u.. altona•y pnaral eouJil m•Un.p, ~t.«1 tbti opln&QJI ... .. ..,... "' --... • - . N"¢ t ".W.1111-... ..._. ...... ,-u..t-... ,. ~-~~ lh4I rat. a... woul4S tl'CXD Bn:lwL --..__ -'-.__ to UJ• peoplll Ol U.. llLllCD -nllf'D'" Jl&\Q'Om ...... r .. Olllllll'~ .i< 0.. I... .tit& • 1 1'IMI n9btct1ou ~ u.t p;r- l:Ul ,.a.-.,-, JllMWl'Oai ··~~ ,.._ ..._ 1111 :,.11a111w aa leutol-.A.rWlr a. Breed. ..._ IWDltltlrl.a .42~ to th• 'k·-to ...,... ,,..._ ... 6.IMT , If Al. .... ...W 0... (1t) Of A1t.mM& CO.I), oftend CO\LDdl ocmterwea 111 Baa Dkp .,..,.___ ..... -"'__ & lllMtllU'-lllOta to Burm' U4 tO f'Unls.b tbiatr um-. ad· -.-......... *L' .... ... ...., . ~ ,_ • • ........ ,.... .. .... ~-·-... ill ·•··· ... ~ READERS WRITE •1.,.... et_.. ..,,c& o-tgOrs'lp-. -~ h-.. .. -•tt:m~ ..._ io put ta.a SIQ.000. o,_, oeoupatloftl. .,. and t11e M ,. ;Tl, .1 • _:i JS rl .. •• --Ulla = • .... ~ .. -u. ..... ~ ~ OI" --------------·I II(--1(.,.., U.. ••• ,r.: I =--Ge .... taM., .... °bJ a .-......c.-, 0..,. lips . llkd. Tilt oOuneil did' D;&r )(r. fted4ick ; -I f .... .... -!lat fte•1111 ..... ~ ... :.= Mmhr et ONep Olmllf' X.W. ~ --. UM --·''* ,.._. Blwd'• Kip U.. ~ ~ '\IVt, ol lhl Ha.rbor COl.lndl Par· -IDOUoa. ~ ~ It ...... ·t AIM>. UI• )IQbllc ... teqU1nd eot Teacher A..oclaUon Wl.nt to BmN R.l:Dl>ZCS. PO'rtl!PM All it • .. u. ol. '80.000, tiiut a mat. to apedf7 U. ~ La _,tt-our apprectatlon tor the WX'IJAK .A,. ,.,.,.., .... -._,.... W cit prilM:dpkr, a4 •p.....cl whlcb. It wu kl.t.er'MlllCl, and acell_,t way )'OU have rov•red ORJrCOrfD ~ RO~ ~ °"""'*" out .t Mil tM faer U..t II U.. ieplablnl whether otr r.at fnfluanc41 oo l.,.V-our publklty durtnr th1 put year. CBAJlLE8 4.. A.JUIB'1'ft.Olf, Jif•,•etml •uputnt a' rt ~ .-..rt. lf'Ultlq' ""* for in_.. latloa WM to be \Ylld.. WIUlout Ula nne oo-op!t'&Uon of aot. dOtec ""UOft in u.e ot Ulll ty.,-, On (&latnr ~ to a ~ .,,_, we !itel th• prorram of Mw:tu U!iarti would be JtO .M lo th• , .. council eonterente, an lndtYldut.I P&rent·Teachar relatlONblp wOuld aed tMa qu•ta. hall to runaln. alml., u;c.pt IUlfw, 81ncV'f'Jy, .... , ... .... _ -.. -= ....... .-.t i. -., 8-tt ... O&mn'art• -,.. ...... u.r. -....n. .... .,.... HW. Ull'IW a ....... e4pd .......... lo, U.. alt.on")' renan.I 4oel when requut.cl by I.be council MARY KNIPP ..tl if tM .... ,., ..... N0,000 t.ppropriaUca. Lo .paaar.. ..C.Orra._&c. ... ..... --.,., .. tf .drli Qa· The Stanl1laue ... embtymn term wtt.b tM pu.bli.. potnt. out that lhe •I.al•'• acqul· Jn uwil pra.otice. ta.. .. to. lllioo or th• r11ht.11-ot-way re-dl...UIOD of bl1hway1 do. ~ ltlOW!• the properly from the tu u It plu.eM in loce.Utis roadll roll. and U lt ll not lrruMtllateJ)' and IUchw&79, a.ad tt ~ ..._ utJliaed. th• commWlltJ •Uff_. only ln the put tww. ,....... ~ from lo11 of ta.xd. He belll\191 the lna11tence of the ~ lhe fl'ffWSJ .,-reemMt ahou.Jd b& that It llU S-• Into \M ~ 1lp;ed prtor to a.cqut.IUOn of th& Mum&• on trwlta7 ...-. Farmer McCabe, .Writes. ~·~--in Well, theJLbad_the P.reold.@tlal Primary up In Now Ha.mpabire and Kefauver n>mped off with the ,Demo. cratic nod. lea'flag Ad1a1 tar, tar behiod. Poor ole FAtee. I feel 90"'7 fer him ... he'll eliminate Stenmon all right, but I 'opect tbe Party Clsera will make all their Big Medicine. ln tavor of • couple Dark Ho,..._ ' probably Ba..rrima.n and Kerr . Fa.rm~r McCabe / '· • DlllCVllll l'llOGILUI -8of.rd oftlcenl ot -OoUt TIICA ptber foi: m.t- fut to -.. a ..,.. wi<i.· project atmed at .. ~ mlie&te an11 loll& .....,. -and orpnlutlonal goala '"' tl!e uooclatlon. 'l'lloy ..,, left to right: Miio G. Lacy, vice-pr<Oldent aod Mrs. William H. H.m.,. ~ ot Newport Beach; Duke Cox. ~ ·aeuetary ot c..rta w ... ; wllllaoi. r. KJmeo, pneldent; fOREfGN S1UDfNTS . TELL ~ LOCAL GRANGE Of PERSIA ..... Stalir... •• Gill c •• ,,. J~:· ~u·.-1011 _~ • W.L...... &..~C.- JSS "-iq~""'---ll-< Qoota- ------- Sunday Dinners 2:00 P.M. FR~E CUSTOMER PARKING afar LONI AMe lllTAUIAMT 8llOWftl.&Ca °" nm OOM'I' ~-· SMYIO~t,.... -........ _ ........... --c-.-.. c:tiMim ~ ...... CMll .. ._;.,.,. WM .... °'7 tr---_, ... , ·--.,,,..,. ...J ~-=......:... .:..-. ' ........... w. .. ~.--~ ...... =.~"=..~,.!;~ . - .............. ,. .... c ' ":W.. .. t:: ..... ............ ,_,. .. ,.. ~ ........... a-~ ,.. ..... ..._ ... -CW... U.... It 'I'-. -ta.II " ~· .,, ,...,.... ... -Qtll' llHI ...... C\Jllt;P. -U ... -I a.a D' 0 .. -... -_ ....... ..... u ......... .. • ' CHARTa MEE't. SEr APRIL· 7 \CllMtm' .. •1 '•U.~llilt-1' pal ........ CM wma. I .. 4p0t.a1•..-.•t11e ..... Aft1m ..... -.---.•-_., ... ..._, po1<0 1.rdi.OIUP...-~' .,,_. ~ _., Is •I I Ila U. ....... tor Ule)ooal ch*. It ................... om' SI wt.. ... .......... - "Tiiis Island Eartli" SUN. AND MON. BUJllPIOU!:Y BOGART .. "We're No Altgels" STERLING HAYDEN' "Naked Alibi" QIU.Cl: KELL 1' :'To Catch A llllef'' anmoou~· . ' APORT -::', I COIJ0/'11'1 D(I. M 4R HANP 'RIHJY e NOW e Academy Award Winner Best Achess Anna Magnani in "Tiie Rose TTaf~t.;;oo:;;w·· NOW TIDIU ruEll. TWO l'E&1'UUlll -------·-ILUDOU'lllOOft N ,& I Lawte. 8tnet" IUDS JUT Sil'. "OB08llED llWOBJJ8" 8TA111'8 NUT WEDNDDU SIC!BA&n WIDll&aa.....IJMMA a.u:D "IACKLASH" ...... ''THI KET1US IN THI OWKs" Mesa~ ·~ .,, . NOW IN !ad WEEK MIU'· ·--''n. Wh!Ntaled ' ,. llli:k" 8TA111'8 N1;XT Pm. IUIAN BA.'DV.a.D &IOBAU OOltift " ..... Cry To•101uw'' -NOW •I I, . ' ( ' NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS.l'Rf,SS -PART I • PAGE J Grando/lo , s (tormvly ot HemM) compMte menu for th. family PIZZA e 8PA.GBrl"l'l~l..4.8A.G!'iA. BOKE -KADE LI. VIOU e 8 e SEA FOOD ... , l'OOD 2'0 I . 511 Balboa llYd. BALBOA Harbor 4137 . OPEN DAD..Y U NOON-U lllDNJG.ltt, CLOSED HONDA'!' m-1i,., 1ee .4.,i;. 15,e r..i,: • .,.. ~....J ... eani•s• .,_,.1.-4 •. , . "-,,4 -,v.ic. -~ia ·o p ..... Za•'C•s aua~ay"S ,.,. Ml ,,....,. ani Hlrllcll' lt...t. "' lNNlm LU.NCH 11 :30 A. M. -·2 P. M. ·• . -01-NNER 6 :00 P.M. -9 P.M. . OPEN SUNDAYS 12 N_, • 9 p. m. 2588 NEWPORT BLVQ., COSTA lllESA (IM 1 Uedl ...U.-6 ...._£.a Dea.VJ' 0.J ............. BL.~ . OPE.N- 01aage Com11r'1 ftewest • FIMst • • • • • • 0 • • • •• 0 COCKY AIL LOUNGE· lllld ......... • • • • • • • • • "' LocateCI in 0 • • --·-- VAN.'S ....... Alley • . , J;ineat in i;ood & Drink Fe•turin9 2.50 New York .' Stea Ir - . ... Dinner • . .. -·- .I . • •, - =.TAKING A BOW, hando f.U oi~ tributes, 1.' -E Diane Hoyle, who pt&'yed the p&rt o Jennifer in the :=-ant preeentatiOn ot Lido lale Play~ "Ring Around :: Jtliz&beth." -Don Buab Photo DIRl!ll;l'Olt HONORED, ·~ J'l'od~ -a bouquet of _...... to ~' L. R. McCulley aa tho lead playero Dan Petter and Kn. Norman Watoon (I to r), , wbo played the put o( Ellrabeth, loot on. Lido' Playera are holding tryout. for their nut perfonnapoe. -Don Bmh Photo . Juniors · Hear Reports Art Gallery Young Matrons A~tlve i~ Philanthropic . Work H•uo•. •••llcllr: , ..... p""'''· Features Show Toy 8hqp: and Paul Leugtuidre. layette.. b R B d alWORD YEA& Y ex ran t The AHl•tance League ha 1 lnltallation of the new "offieers of the Allilt&nce proved to be a civic •&tet. R•· Rex Br&ndt, P&Md«i& Soclel)' lponM to the two main mona1· 01' ArU.t. and~ UnUl..S _ t..gue, Junlor .A.UJdllary, WU held Tutllday at the Irvine ralatnr project.I of Ula Junior Bc.boobi: thNe are UM btr na.me9 Sh·oest Shoes! ANNUAL EVENT Cout Clu~ during a luncheon lellkm. Mrs. E&rl Petenon Auxiliary, which were Lhe .J'oUle. for April at lAr\&n& Art Qal.. I ___ "':=::;============'''-' ------~--/R!~ Id · ch·'---· .,__ Robert ~wner fll'llt vice-of lll~ and t.M Candy Cana Ball lery. TM uhlblUon will fonrtall1 el u &U &IMU&. ~. '-''"' • . With • tea Oft Euler lu.o· • St' J A • 1 • c ; Rolan ger • teCOD mad• th\9 a ncord year for tbe Y ,. ' . ; .-ames UXI iacy Hartley, tN!UW'er; w. w. Bertu· Conunlltff chairmen lrt Junlol'll. daUOn. JlrL )louJtOn will Kt .. lelt, c:onvpondlnr 1 a c re ta r y; MmN. wtlll.am. ltllt.r, Omt.&I For e:11unple, Dent.al Chairman b09U.. S t J 1 B D t Walt.fir :Splcer. lla.IJIOJI; and f9r· Clime; Hush P.lumb, Thrtft lbop; Kr .. LlndNy YounrblOod report. 1'11• klwer plltrJ wtll t.atur• -~ e S U y azaar a e m•r cb&irm.&11, Mt&. l'onut Nu.t. Wllliam Onmdy, wtlt•r•: Mor· U!.at.-tome of l.hia money mad4I l.be work ot i...r--'• Kilool cllll-u puUam-.itartan. pra Noble, .KbolarUltp; Hu r 11 poulbl• the purchase ot much dted. 1lement&f7 ui.rvup b 1 s ll needed dental equlprnenl. Hun-1Cbool In UM Ka.la G&lJary ti. JSoiard rnem-. of lM Bl dlarre ef the Old Curlo111\y 8llop, -----------------------dr«h of children m Lii• area re-work ot a... ~ rr.d JllrMs Woman'• Auxlllat-y w;re Mr1. Grace 8. CrOSler of th• N E W p QR T H A RB OR Ct!ive dent•! care from Ute clillic. ZimmenMA. J'rode Dau. &jn&r I~ ru•f. at I.be Balboa la-white l:'lepha.nt' booth. . In the COfTllnr year U.. Clillle. Banlen, and ma.DJ' ot.IMn f'OWldl .... • hom of )( J ~" H. 8L Marprel 1 Qutld wLll ha.. echedule wlU b9 doubled. out tM PSA. .xbiMlioa.. IA U. -• n . .,. ... , th• candy bootb lltld St. Joen'• )>lr1. William 1A1Ltr, w.it&N 8'U.OI. l.I UN ltO. Brandt tlbDW, ~p. A.wcUiary prealdt11.t. M&reb Guild the cook.a. tOOll booth. SL cha.Inn.an. hb apent men7 boun Brandt 11 put ,,-dent of lM II, fDd dl.lcu.IMd pl&M for the Cectlla'a Gullet and 8t. Ehr.a Deth'1 on the numlt'OUI •merJtnC, wel-C&llloml& Watercokn" loclety, re- JijJy luncheon card party and ba· GWld will be In .dw.rce of h&nd· ta,. cuu In the area. People unUy elected \o tbe NaUon&I aaar btid rtflrJ y.-r at lhe par· mact. artlclea. WaJttuae9 wlU be who can't _wait to be lnvesti1at-A.ca4emy, a.n Wtnictor Mae°"'" lab. WI. stria from lM Youns People'• ed. For example, the .fantllY. with alvely in HYea. wUwerliUea uid Kn. Thoma• B. Frost, Mn. J'eUowlhlp rroup. dfUMd ln col• nl.n• chUdren, olde•t 12 whoN ut ahoOla, th. auth« of UU--. Harold M.. U.Ck and Mra. J . Don-ortul v1eM1M! C09tun1e•. Publl· MRS. WINil'BED BARBRE, Women'• F.dltor father wa• aent to a. tu.ben:ulosls boob on w~teroolor techn1qUi1t. aid r.r1ueon ar• ~h&lrmen of city w\11 be handled by Mr1 . .John ward two Wffr,.. befora Christ.-and the boldar of .ome tT prisee. th• affair, Ml for July 18. The w. oonneUy II.Gd M.r1. Harry K.1-----------'-------------· lmu: or th, mother whoae emer· award1 and med&ll. u..m. of th• .,.rty wtu be "Old euey. PA6E ,4-:-PAR.T I _ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS' aency operauOll lett thrff 1ma11 Ruult or u.. popu1a.r wt. tor VleAL" · A.ttendins the luncheon ~ wer• 1 children with no one LO ca.re for Ule Fitbn.lWJ' _ Karch rnemMn' Kn. John c. Mceoll.te:r and Km• M'. L. ,K.eler; H. A 11111.ll : FRIDAY, MARCH JO,· 1•56 them while the father work.ci. uhlbttlClll 1a\'9 Johll da Wllde'• Mt .. -W. Henry Seel.,. wlll a. w. 8 . Wrlaht; H. H. c..y: Many of these people Med Jullt "Wl•ter Ench&n.t.m.nl", t6wt Juncbeon co-chlilmien. Mra. Orin Haro)d J.I. ~k ; J. Don•ld ru-• ~mporary lift Lo 1et on their place. RoMrt. WOOd'a "W..C. W, Wrtsht Jr. wtll be In charre sueon; Thoma.t 8 . Froat; L. A. WATERCOLOR TECHNIQUE feet apln. Others are helped un-Wind" a.nd lrYlnl M&noU'• of Ucket reHrv&tlQn.1. Mra. Jo-Patter.an, L. A. RarnUton. Jack . UI the wheell are Mt ln mo'!,on "Wh~,.. th• SwalkJwi , l\eturp" ".Ph H . RllP and Mra. L. A . Pinkham, .A.. J. A.de ... H . R. Hen-DEMONSTRATED FOR BSJ for county a.Id. , we,. voted MOOnd and tblrd re-HAmUIDn will -lcomo ......... drl" Jolm W. "°""'"' aoo Maey · l<n. Low• Llbboy, 1'uil! Shop -UY<ly. Kta. J . NeU HarT\11 w!.U be tn Loa T'am.-r. chalnnan a.nd .Mre. flan. Broer-Both lh4i Olf!UONI wUI -.t.rtaln Jiu ·SplUoa ~r Ol. Beta. Blem&, Ph1 llOC1U .aororU)' I· Toy Shop.. chairman are a.I· kturdaJ al tbe 1a.11ery. I p. m. m.t at the home ot. Mra,. 'J'ohn Buabe, Via Ithaca March 28 ....,.,,, buay. Dqpean ai.a.on duDGMtnUq wt~ Kn. C. R. 8t&&t ..ut1nc hOiltM&. Mre. Jeck Qui.en-TOY SHOP "The Art of Drawtns Bhlps" and distinctive mirrors <la.-dol- • !'lllO I!:. 0.-Hwy. Hartlo.r 5403 IMl'T)' prMMMd at • miodLll meeu.,-. ..nnt .. n membera The A.Wltance Leal\M! Toy Mn. Oleuon at tM p4a.no. wert JNMDt atld. ttva lu-u. Mmea. Kenneth Inrm•n. Otto !hop mUN a real Cbmt.mM 1 F'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""""'i am.teuc:e, OOfdOll rn..nk, (.Banta AnaJ John Colby and pcM.ttble for chlldre:n who olher-NEW in Costa Mesa CUT-RATE BEAUTY SERVICE " Why. Travel? Savo Here! ·· Shampoo & Set . Manic:1,1re ••• • • • • • • • $1.50 . • $1.00 • • • • Permanents -from . . .. • • $5.95 up ~ , •. ALL WORK GUARANTEED e • CJOBTA 111:8A -'7111 W. 19th St. Coot& Metia -Uborty IJ.1651 Lim.E To Co111plt11 Your • Spring Enstlrlblt COMPLm Sll.fCTIOH Of RM fun In All ,....... $..,...And Colon. AU lecnonably Priced • • • Haw Your Fvn RESTYLED. NOW • et hdvcH P'ric" COLD notA .. VAll.T · '·ollf E 1: DULlll FURS 21l.N. ..... .,, 5-11All112-1223 OMNGI. COONrY'S fQllEMOST FtlUIJilt • • • Jolllr·KIUW, w\-e ml1ht not ha.""e one. Many nwi ,,,...._ oa a.rt, WM preRnt.ed by Mr11. JllmU epparently uselu• or broken pta.y thln(1 are: painted -.nd mendoed Ta)'»r a.ad Jitn. Joh.a lknW. rach J1vin1 a. ct.monatr•Uon lo perftttlon and aold 11.t very of lbe ~Jar tecbaique wtUch tha)' e&IT1 on u a bobby. low price.Ii durlns Ute ChrtaniM A.JlDOWM:91DU1l ot tbe oext mffltn1 wa• for .1 April 11 toy .ale. , at Uta hOm• of lira. <>eea.r Taylor, 421 Momlnir C&llyon Road Oona.tlon1 to the Thrift Sbop. IF IT IS FROM ••• wllh el.c:UOn of ornce,.. on the •renda. Mn. Rodn~y Trotter located at 50~ 32nd St., provide wlll be co-ho1tt11. clothlnr at a nominal price to l l;========·==============:;lm11.ny tamllle1. Furniture and I hou11ehold 11.rtlclH which ire oo-. · .fl nated by the publlc and pk!lted GROWING BOUQUETS for Ca:1ler ':..'~.'"~,,~~:,~. ":~.!.~';' Beautiful. COLORED AZALEAS ........ $1.20 aad $4.00 :t.,ten11>1r1 of lh• Lnrue 1l10 1..50 ... · 5.50 ma e many buutttul Ullng:1 Quality OAMEJ.IJAS ·· .................. -----which 11.re on dl1pl11.y-In the Wom- CYCLAMEN In bloom $1 PETUNIAS .40 and .50 a.n'1 D chance. wbJch 11 In the A l\'IDI: ~ON .01' 1'-''DOOR PLAN'b. \VI: OUT YlllAP aame bulldlnr ae the Thrift Shop. B /( Y N U R 'I I R Y Among "" ""'"' artld" m•do LADIES' ACCESSORIES EXCLUSIVE • • • BUT NOT EXPENSIVE • • • by the mem6ifa of Ole J~or F=™~=E.===17=11l=:S~t.~====C08T=~A~HF.8.&~~~~~Ll~=s.=i!Oi&==~~...,~·~ru£•~u~•=ba~•~1~1~,,~,~tt~u~.~w~•~k~•l~l-· HAND BAGS la1l year'• layetlu chairman col· lected and M.rrt to the Hoti( Hoe-• GLOVES ·tt I G I R L S .... -~"'!::! .. .... • ~o~~E A1'11:NT10N .-J..--"'----, Choose "HER" EASTER GI CJ• • Comln9 .im91uH7 Am_X'!.". • cre.old119, ,.99ln9 bund le of n•rves? WJ;.t you've got to do,,honey, it Jhift out of hi9h gear and • . . · RELAX with ihe NLAGARA Tl!ER)(O.cYcui-PAD. GOOd for the bulges, too. You can get all tht. - . ANO MORE -at - · Health Studio none llarbM 1Cl, or 811 la pe.ncM tot' u .,,..tme.t lor t"l\¥1: Dt:MONSTR.AftO,N-•NO OBLIGATION • IOI Kai• Stftet -y ..... 1aCro. UM •~ r.-...... la} DARTMOUTH GLEE COLLEGE CLUB .. bu appeared in CINERAMA HOLIDAY ED SULLIVAN'S TV SHOW ltwicol PERRY co~o·s SHOW C::ARNEGIE HALL, NEW YORK wW Jive one CONCERT April 9th -Curtain 8:30 WILSHIRE -EBELL THEATRE Wll w. 8th 8~ """""* to l:At.Whll ~tll S.. O.We~ ScllolanlllP A ......... tl.11 -Y..-'ndwla oa&I Itri. 'nllette lllltlkem -RarlJof' 1111 uu..· .. ,.. .,... " _.,. tM JEWELR' Y lh9 JU,nlor .Auxlli&rJ' to daMte to the Hoar Ro.pita! an X-re,y machine to be µae,11 In sur(er)', a Croupe(te oxuen tent 11.nd Ml lnhe.tato1: OX)'(111'1 tmt. Tlle Jun- ior Learue a.I.a 1•" l600 to the Family Council of Oran1e Ct'.ltlnty ind '2&0 to the Lillie Le11gi.ie e a .. ba.11 tor u.nlrornui. • IUlL • ~IFr WSAl'PllfG roa l'OU& OON tlCMi&K<II: UJies' Atcmories Due to th• 'wonderful reapoMe to the Foll le1 of tif>:i, pruented lut May. and the Cancty Cane Ball In Oecilmber. many Improve- ment.I have be<en made tn the Dental Clinic. The Junior Lu.gue and their hultba.ndt lire preeen1- 1861 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • CAST rova •UY IN 008TA llUA 8ALLOT8 HEU • STOU MOUU-D&U7 t 1• LIL ta I •..-.-...a-MM_..,. lng ihe P'oULff of 19&6 May %J and 241. I TAIS IS THE BEST WAY TO Plec• aketched above are abOWD ln our Conlempor&1'7 ah.op Furniture in the contemporory mood. FU RNISH YOUR HOME ••• •.• oonsult our decorotorl Avoid the snopp<ng .• '.the CQ<tly,,do-;t yourself misfoke.!>c -. Our decorator wons with yoU within r,our pre.determined budget; the results ere priceless ..• Your~ ~so reflection Of the toste aind personaility of your fomily .'. , o W0<1d.rful ploce to l;vo noppHy- ent1rtain proudly • • . r There is J\O chorqe for this grviC9. I Do come in to ~l:er's •.• where -.,good 'faiste costs no more. . . Harbor WT 1.1.:'..::=::=::::=.:-:....:·:........::·11:•::::·::::::·'.'."';:"'::":-:-:-:::...:;::......:::. __________ .;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... liiii ........................................ .:.;.. ... .;;.. ................. :.. ........... .:. .................. :...~-~-~.:..-=:: ... -- 1 • • • • • .. • • -, I • • -• SA1URDAY FOOD SAl.E BY LEGION AUXILIARY L ~ ,_,...,..~ •-er" ... a ., 111!••"'1 ............. Md ......... _. ........ ' 9 , ... u.-llUllri.~ "" • 7 •T.tt...:'1••~--11-:,..,...... --•o.J-...C:: ...... tor u.. .................. -. Wd·Afdl-..... ... ... ..... • "u.. ..._.... .................. w • .., .A. ... , :A.ft. ................ .. .U p11c1rtz wm ,. • ......,. "9 11111111'1' '-sltlll ,.rt* ;:: =:•::. • ::.:':; w fw ... ,.,, .................... v. A. BOllplllL ..... , .......... - x.p. ..... ...-.. ~ .... u. ...... .-tMb' ..!... trait 111 wtlosrned a ... ....., u. u. i..t. ...UC. ~ ,....a ... ~ M'rt. waa.c. a,d. Mn. 14' OMW S. .UU la 11011ir1 ..-.~-) ........ ?:f: -, ~ ud ..,....,,., ft -~ !....-• • Km ..... ICtX r ..... 1-------------------..;..-1--....... Under-sea Skit,'Pi:ogram . · 2.;.1:£:.-...::. for ~ub Pack 10_ Meet-"-c--Robhl10Uflave &n C\lb Pacll 10 ot Clitt BaYlll Melt. ot the boys & IOUYClir llbjl• • Jl&rtlMI Pit. and Kn, B&t"YllY and BQ"tibortil. JU.lb·lilbtcd thW ior. Wll · Roblntloo. 0.UC. C01ta X... M- Mattli m..u&:11 wlth" a pro,nun ]).a a. under-U.. Mde1'91l&p ot ~ the puents of a bo1 ~ I• tbe !MftthlJ' tkfS• of ''\hi.-,.,..., OenldlD9 Ba.rtl:er, doeed the Mueh It \orll tn OOron.a N&T&l clel'1ntM'!' ~usw~ Hcwpit.a.. Deft II opeMd the Di"HUQ· , • "'"' ~ ... ' 0 • ....... ... ....... Eng-llsh ·IM·. ·ill· Ford ahlp ot Kn. Milton Shedd Md Nra. Wllliam Pella. combined 'force. to preM"Dt • aklt. Ullin&" th• record Of "Bo&O.. Under UM Sea." The boyl tn tti• two dena ~ a naJ.IKk: Nckdrop ot under- water Utt .. EM:b bo)' WU rMpon· albl• for tl1a C09Wm• .and lbe audltnce wu amued at eaeh new proot of th• bo)'ll' tnsenulty. Oc- topua, atlns ray. hermit crs.b. weakfta.h, and ewordftllh panto- mimed tbt Boso tlcJL MlchUI Pe.lla played the le.ad a• BCJrP J'LOWER. CART and travel poirtera announce the "April in Paria" theme for th~c;:n~w...u wirti prue:nted Balboa Bay Club's .,\.pril 13 dinnftt dance. Red and white striped awnings will to !OW' nirw CUbll, Phillip Pet•r- ' traa.tlorm , the .dining room into .. PariUan Bidewalk cafe. Planning decoration eoa. Den 10, Dixon O&rrett. Den det&Jk ... ara (I tor) Mr1. Karl Davis, Mn. Mac Renfro. Mrl. Mark Soden with 3, Jame1 Berry, Den 7, Jobn Tatum, Den 15. Roger Hope, the la'tter not pretent. · -Terry Boris Photo CilbmUW' Don Alldereon, pr.-__ ..:;.· __ _c. ______ _:. ______ _:__ __ _c•'-----'--~-----" 861ted lh• tollowlnl" awuda tO: ----------'-----'----;_-----I Jam• Barrett, wolf rotd arrow; Ahl"alel J:utu vaaUon spotted T\sl Wllllama bear b&dfl' Terry U.: cruller Qu•k•r l:ady, laland LClrentsen. ~ rold and atlver Cl. pper 1S9Jero out of San l"rlln· lll'TQ'W: Terry Lomu:, uat1tant • • cl9co, leaVN.elodJ. Pe~p 8 ~ deJmer:" Bart CtlrtatleT, bear 87 GINNY (HB8. ED\VARD LZSTER) SMrl'B a.board u..nune, t badr• and cknner 1trtPe; Denala ------------------------! crowd9d, and. Ute Art kip ~di, b 1 a r bad,.. Leonard S E'-A-L ARKING .ABOARD TYPEE :.. Look& u il N-..,...rt will once wtlh, .90n1 David and. Bob~y dowri. Bonda, wolf bad11· ' M I c h a aJ "'"r' tor tb1 week-end •board their Sllal;p, denner;, Dll , Renfro, U- B&'&ln be bleued with a glorious Eaater ..• with swimming, cru~r W11twtnd lll. -illtaltt dntner; Ricky Rylelt, yac,bting, tennis, and got! tn the' offing tor vacatio'hen; IRVINE cour..'TRY Club din-bear badJ• and ro1d 1rrow; o.v- and bea~ inspirational Easter mervicee planned for the ner dance takes piece tomorrow Id P'ontlu.. wolf (Old arTOW'; . . nlJhl with member• danctnr to Tomn\.y Cifrk. wolr bad.11 ll n d ~ 1:i;' by our ~ovely ha·r 1nOH 11\lptl' ireen, and brow tbe mu.ic ot th<>1e IUUns Drif -~--..,"""oi v.J'C 1urtaced BBC covrtt; •.. amons en .. -~ AND Otrr 1W. •MANY NEWPORTXRS • are tJu:m, Keldames H&ITY RoblMOn. , The cubmuter urred anyone out ot town (or tbe Eutei W:.ek Lnfa ·Attrldc•. Ru.by Jenkl, VIC· inter.a 4n beln1 den mother• whJta their ''"ciiy cowlni•· enjoy tor Flemlnc, RaJpb Coulina, and Frank Hamilton or wor en for nut y.ar to con· Doul"lu Bundy . . . Newporten tact pr l den motllen or him-- their Tae&Uona here · · · Btjl Jolnlnc them &t luncheon included H •' .elt. and Toby Wilcox ar• aboard the MfMlamea .... ,_b AnderlOn, Alan ome in May Tb• }l"n~ Liner B.8. Flandre on Ute Mickle andc;:.:..-Yardl onto1 brothera, llfll up • Ideal ,second · car ~ ' , I • low first cost • Amazing economy • U. S. shift and fittings • Outstanding performance For business ancl pleasure Hauaken·Wat.On SPORT CAB .CENTEB • hi1h. MUi "''to •rrtve 1n patY · .~·· ey. a com.pie display ot underw1ter eopn , •. the' Forut Smit.ht aJ&d MAROAJ\ZT 'I'RIDER WHITll P'n.nk Hamilton, nDW al C&mp 111.tnr _I , uMd commercl&JIJ tffl Soutll .... ltl'ff' BANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA family are )(txlco bound • , • bU left her Udo Nord homl' and Stew&rt.. GL, haa Jmt been ad-and 1j)clttlnJ'.. 'l'lll men demonc 1111 lla.rtlor a-1~ &nd Balboa Yacht Clubbl'ri Tiny bought a boma In BaJdWln Hilla vanced to rank ot 1econd lleut.enlJ\t ~led the tqUJpment and an· OOSTA MESA, CALll"ORNIA and'Dean Whit. &nd their d•uP,· E1tate1 .•. II buly' tumll.hlnJ , and w1Jl be rtileued from Mn"ic• swered the ma.ny quutton.. I.he Tekp&:0. Ubert)' 1-ll.ff TelepMM 1'.DrUlerV 6-Ull teri P&tly ana Belly Are abollf'd landacapln1 Ud retunr •ettled 1""-" __ ... __ .,. .. _._,_•c_,,,._.:.•_:•c_•_ .. , ;;------------""""""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"I their crulaer Betii.-P•l et Av&• With her two cblldren ... how-three month.I~ •Htt ~ upect.. .II lon for Eaatfr SunMM •trvlcea: ever she will ~ vac.Uoni and ed. accordlnf to word r«alt'ed by ·u 1. B , later J".ill crulilf, IO Cherry Cove 'A'ttk·enda at the -Bay Club . , . hl1 parenU, 'Mr. end Mrl. A. A. pSOn :S0ll Orn for ~· fW..1f d&)'• Hamilton of Eul Ocff.n J'J'onL An 8 lb. ~ wu born March . GUDYS (Mn. Paul WltUam) Lt. Han\lJton and hi.I Wl/• Will 24 tn. BL Joeqh Hotpllal to Mr. TENNIS beld the spolllfht lut Lawrence entertained the J ohn be her• In mkl·W...y wUJ bul'd a and Mra.. Robert Upeon 704 ~ Wedneeday at lh• Balboa. Bay L&wrenca ot Uncoln, Neb. Jut new home on se~e 0r1v1. Acacia Ave. ' Club when a group of &w:rly week al her Udo Iale aummer l i~:~~~~~~~~~~-""'-"'"------1 Hlll1 netten joorne~"-d doY,•n fOt' h'ome and pve a famUy dlrurer luncheon 1tnd a fk1t 1am1 on party at the B&lbo& Bay Club •• SJ,ONDE for sportswear and G l a. I I tt111111 it out in l&ilored •. gabaidine 1 I a c k • and ItallaA "11.k ahirt. both by ~·· 1t Richard'• MOVING AB 0 tl T Newport seem1 to be the order of the day . . , Eal& Jon11 hu IOld her Newport Helfhtl home a.nd t.aketl an apart.ml'nt. on Lklo ·Illa . . . U\• Chari"•· Mclv•re and daucliter Niki 'have bou1h.t that cute black aild White Vlacher houae on Udo llle and will move In lhorlly. after It hu hid a decorallnj"r touch ... Bentlee and Mac )fc.Ke.nry: h.ave ]el.led that pr1~ty lllnk houee neer Ule Udo bri41:1 an~ will be down In April , , • in the meanume t:tiey .,. week«idlnr at th• Balboa Ba)' Club ..•• TROJAN A.JumnJ Club Of New- port Hvbor wl.ll l\pkl an or.-•n· lzatloa t ewport Harbor Yae.bt Club Tbul'llday, ev1, April 12 t •• VIP in cb.u&t, Mn. X&rk Soden of eo.ta. :w.... J.e t.aki.DJ ,..." •• Uon1 . • . iloaond sue•t. and epeaku. wtU · bl Fornat ~ cood. A.. S. Raubenl'lelmer lind Arnold Eddy. • ABOUT THE BAY durin&" Loi Upholstery Draperies . The Finest Craftaman.ahip Plus liabrics at Cl08e"9ut Prices Enables U11 to Give Your Old Furniture That NEW LOOK at Altounding fricea During the "ofl 1euon" CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Llberty 8-.'5518 3017 W. Cout Hwy. (lo(arla<r'1 Mlle) Newport Beoeb ENJOY EASTER BRUNCH AND SEE ' { :J~" ·~ler ··''FASH f ON ParaJ, FE~ME '' in . . Gourm•t RHtaurant DISNEYLAND HOTEL (Off Katell& Next to Disneyland) - Gown1 modeled by • • It adds that dreamy extra some thing! maiae'!f!Jrm_ PRE-:LUl>E* SIX-WAY -. . . . nuw lightly-lined-wtlh--foam-rubberJ-- Here' a a brand-new and beautiful ....-.ion ol Maiden- f""I''• wonderful Pre-Lude SU-Way, ll>e bn you can change and rearnnae by limply 1DOYinf_ or ,. .moving the euily...cljustable ltlapsl ~ow, Jlaidm- , !onn luhiona thia labuloul ~ ... with ll>e same under-and·uplitt conatruction ... but ... tllere'• an added something! A light loom rubbor lliiing adcll the illusion of maximum CUrftl to modest contounl White embroid<nd broadcloth, AA, A, B and C 1---.... .,~iit !Ult . cups 3.95 ---- ' • Hat'll !laliAI\ irtr&w. - Swt Photo '9tikk s.mc. fOA , loller Shades lt.uMlud BhM19 CloUll .Ad CU.tom t;pedald• • l>r9f*'7 IIM'dWuLA.. VenaU&a ua• OAU. IJAllO& .. THE SHADE SHOP Qt UM 8t., N..,..n BMd ~IM f'Ml bmoe I WB ,Newpmt.~~•IQlOd -b Sh... modeled by MIO Via Udo, N-rt S-b ·-· ., • • . ' I· • nn • g ~er i iB~ • Easter's trrfoted at Rlchtrd'1 Udo MIBtt •.. with the ""1>th101tod trumpetin& of our beautiful Enter lilin! Wt een't think of 1 lo'ttfier way to 1ymboliz1 the suton. Then e1qul1ite IMlf blooms ire IUCh eloquent centerpittes for Uster w1ek .-•• such thou&htful remembr111Ces for speci1I friends and loved ones. Call·and-chlrae thtm, if t")l.I like .•• we'll dllivef Of wir1 · anywhertl Or com1 choose your own ti the Flower Shop ... just off the parklna kit II UDO MARKET AMERICA'S UNIQUE FOOD MART NIWPOIT llACH, C.WP. O,.n SunMJ & D•lly t A.M.-7 P .M. ~•33 VIA LJ . IN lMI UllO lltOffiNG AUA • --·-----·~ ' ... ·:·. ... , . :..·. ·'· .. .... .·.~ ®l :::: ).~ I ~: . l !J: :i:: :0.:: ' .-. . ... .... ·:·. ' ... • ... . ·' ... r • ' • , ,/ " \ ~-: . ~:.u.....i~teLMo~· .... • at Corona del M . ' -~w\IJ-.... --.. ... .. .,.. Ml'riot la lobe ..,.... ............ -• JIMI; o-w ... .._. 0wrrca -.wary ,_,... TIMI ....._ • .... a z ., ' at. ~.,•t "'1dclt; u.. the_,. al .. _... -.. a...11 ....-CllMlnoll etiolrl w01 .. ""'nM 1'~ ,... a a .. • .. ... ---~ ... ~-~---""-tcllUr'tl dt.Ul'dl aebool wUl tMlr __,. ........ ~ awnMe IA_tl:le-.anctua__!7 at •:•5 ~WW-~ lPlt :t1 1..U. IW • 9Pldat .~ l'.&dl and .. All u.. llliPn _. ti& daaa wUI ....... part hi. U"9 pro-Sprlns'° (8*~) !'. °" card s:rlm. Uld Cl.l'Ot Choln .Will pr• l!'.&r4'°' (KCM1ta), ....,._ l1"*lll-ud lM Kln1 David, PU· Cbolr Of dlikb~'lft"! tip .-t iqtd&l rnv..tc. Quol ot u.. • ()tipU.M" • • • , R•cul&:t momtnc w'orabJp la tll\m.pl1aa Carol:!-bf CAROL CHODl ()ne..'Of the ft" ebcNn Of the Corona del ,,Mar Com.aumJty Ch~ _ 9Cllt4ukd. tor 11 o'Clock LD the Haney Cal.II. "1 1ttq Dt.wtd whlth wW take put ID.. t.bo -Serri:i at .11 L m. In ti.. Pett -n..ttt. ' . .._.. dio1r '"" .,....., """" ~ ._ ta--tbeir polo blue~ aie O-to r> &oiit row: Sall,J &Yto!I. Universalist ~,.!'14,,. ... .!:f: ..... ~C::~ Su!l&D Baley, sua1e Butt.erwwth. TerTy Zander, <:.11>.1 V•11cM. LucY Smltb, Fellowshi'p ~tho""!-~. 1-... -... " =. Jeff Y•WIC and Sb&roa Joooo; -row, ~ t>.vll. De\1ile U.vll, Pat ·~ ~ -- -..., at:l'D· ...... • ~---' i..~t~ Bob D --*-'-'-ft...-'>.t .:: Good -·· •-··-u~·-~--k on nepv splrttual(~ tJMi"loftt •.u .. AL ~VJt... In wbat WU ode the little OCeaD llnlllt Grocery lltOft WU~ GreeD. Tom Ball, P.19 ......... ' ~man _. ..,.,...uni .....-; -row: 1.M• s. When "hu ~k It" or Euter" ~by,_, RIDl'- by ~ .....,511 of God Church on Palm flwicl&y. J'or EutOr they wW b6 meet-Cheryl Ana Llnkey, Douc B11nel, Brian' Smedep&rd. Catherine Beatty, Shelia ..01 bo th<""' "' Mr. Wll•Y• wal4 "' tho ..,.. .W"""c -.. IQ; bi the American Legion Hut. havfnr O_utgrown the remodeled atore·buil'.dJJl.c in.. sp.eng, Michele Porter, Pat Metsler and Tina Hem. . . . 'MrmOft on J:ut.er Bund•.y at ll ... l1U1Wel')' attdant wtD .,. u ~-... 1 __ ;.:.:..:._::. _____ ~.:_....., ___________ ...; _____________ a. m ... 'th• UnlverMll1t Corn· lhe church durJn1J tb'-...viO. to· ' .llz yeus.: • In foreground (1 -to r) ~ tbe: Rev. Ira C"l'fi"' Rena · P~ley, 8, r muntty Pelknnblp, &13 West Bal· care for ·chtldrea. \ Dora Tbatcller, DObby A.mbw-gey and llcblD Pbecley., ... h 7 ye&lJ old; Marvin BETHEL CHOIRS Go od. C t t .., BIVd., ,.,,., .... 1u ~·~• 1 . --. Sunday School ouperintendeat and Raymond 'Whi.'te, tru.ttoe.-8taf! Photo . , un ~ a a ~ .. •ni or "•"·•· Thi• e<vl« Gil'' I for O.l"o•• .. la Mld -.ch year In honor of ~ a.q -"'---' ~ o· Ai R't Sunday at I.he rebirth ot Ute •t mpringtlme lt WU .. sirl for Kr ... Kr& Ch'ldr pen r 1 es ud th• death ot winter, ''The Wllll&m ~ Ill 17th It.. I/ I Mesa Baptist .. okl .. rellJion llM:lf and p,.· Santa Ana CommwUtJ' BQirpttal. 1 en d • n • I-o! Eoole''. o<ld Wiley." ~ Ooou ><-. bom ...... 20 la llaptized hurch ew:J by Comtnandecy ~ ~-":'... ""=~ ~'.::. ~~~·~= e;_;; :::::r~ ·~:";ere .:~..,, .. dilldnn recet•ed Cbri•t· A · Membera of NewpOrt Beach Bethel No. 157, Inter"' Ucal Mrvlca la lh• morn1n&, l :SO Tomnl7 Thomp110n of Corona de! Notlns the birth of a bab:J .. I"" tiapUam 011 Palm euaciay at J _/rfn I~ national Order of J ob'& Daugbtera, wlll take part in the and 11 o'c.Jock. "l'he Rev. P. O. Mu. Addlng to the beauty and March 22 In Corona Na\'al Bo. Pf Balboa bland OOmmunlly a.JI nOunCent.ent,;1 combined choir formed by Cotutal Bethele for the eecond Neunwlll. wW h&Ye u hll Nrmon Trau: U tiU?e;rlntendent. will be pltal are Marta• Pre. aa4 Mn. ; lllldCb~,!Un,n;:rl. ::~~ --.-----------------------!annual East~r Sunrise observance scheduled at 5:30 a. m. topic for both ...-vie..·~ St.one :: ~olot~heJ'l:U%~ led by !,.= Albert NN'biii1, eo.ta ~ ot Mr. and Mra. Mlchael PAGE b . PART I _ NEWPORl-f-IARBOR NEWS.PRESS tn Irvine Bowl. Laguna Beach, Rolled Awa:f'". I:;::;::;::;::;::;::;;:=::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;:;;;;; •1• I"· Avo., --· d·' Com · do nie Rev. ffa.rTY owtnp, ntUr-TM combtlllld cboin will •lnl 11 , .. ~· .,.._ ~ by the Santa Ana man l'l' "' .. 1 .-n 11& 11ot W --• T To •--FRIDAY MARCH 30 I 9 c L pu .... r 0 '"''9 rll P the ulhem ''Rlde-.. t1on" at each • 11'..... en'1 y...... _____ .._ ____ • ______ , --~------~ti'io. 36, Knl1ht.1 Tflnplar, Church or Banta Ana. wUI de-........... llDd llrL Warren Taylor, Open to the public, the Eutu liver the Mrmon. Bcriptuns wUI of t.beM .emees. =1A~= ~~: HE IS NOT H.ERE•. Sunrl111 Service \1 belng plt.nned be read by the Rev. Lym&n. D-Sunday~ at 1 :•~+1----jl-I' JO't. Ncbard Park, 211 Onyx by t.be Co[llmandel')' tor Muons lie, putor ot the i...cuna BeM:b w!lb cluaee for all ace.. 8ll1IKl4" llJand. and triead. ot Orange Count1 Method lit Cbure.b. At 7 :SO p.m. lb• comblned Ch.an· VIC-£51-1---; 7:00 •• m. jollllns tl'I• church were FOR. HE JS . RISEN &Dd aurroundlnf territory, Seat.I MUllC will bll under th• ~ eel, youtb and Junior Choir• wtll u;.11.,_ BanMIU. dau(bt.lr of Mr. are avallttble tor MOO worahip-Uon ot Sir Kn11bt RuaeU c . Oo --P'r• tn th• beauutul outdoor Crouae, hl<h pri•t of Sant& Ana preHnt &n Euler ntat.a. ''The 111n. Lloyd Barnett, 110 Dia· " ,._ '... b amphltheaJer. Chapter No. 73, Royal Ach M&· Dlvlna RedMmer ••um u1eme1 Y Ave.. BalbO& laland; Jean· ''We thank Thee for the beauty of thJ• d&Y. · Bon.Der, claucbter of Mr. and mn11, Rulli Anmtron1, orpm.t, Chui• GoUDOd. BoloUt.1 wW be ... Robert Bonner. -i.20 Oolllna for the golden meuage that all hature prOclaima . . . will bll ..W.ted by Harriet WOOd, Don Valda, Jlarleoe Reed, Lo'-~ lal&:6~ and Terri 0 open our heart.I that we may hear it too! Lead Dedicat ion of h&rplat. 8wlnt and Willl&m Schumann. Mr .. h. ~blM of Mr. and ua, we pray Thee . , • into ~ garden o!-,the Reaur~ ·Job'• Dauchtel"ll of CoutaJ Vllkld Will dil'«lL There will be X.ttlwfr v, WMdelich. 2M M 'al Gi"fts Bethell tron1 Newport Bu.ch. Jlilad A'r' .. 8tJboa J.ll&nd. Terri reetion where we m&y meet our rilen lord. emon l::luntlniton &ucb. Gvden Qrov .. & Baptlllrna.I S.rrice followlnc t.be 1')14•11cl!e, wu ,,._ lpedal ;rec-''In Thy presence restore our faith, our hope, Beal Beach, Lairun-Beacl:I and =~~ ~ provided for .. Uca 'for tw work ill lb,• our joy • • . From thia moment, 0 Uving Christ, J.lemortal rtru ,tven t o the San Clemente will torm the choir manbllrtbllt c:lua. Ept.ecopal Church ot St. Joh n the th Eu Wednelld&y a.t T:SO p.m. Pra1M we aak Thee to go with ua wherever we go, be Divine will be dedlca.ted and ui;ed tor e ler Sunrlae Service. and Bible Study Bour w ill be held, Sermon Theme . ' for Methodists •• 'Tbll jo'JOU. _,. of llUIAr will be to&d lA ....,, ecrlptun aM .ermoa a~ two mom1n1 Ml'- .,._ at I a.m. and 11 a.m. at aitw. Cburch by tha Sea la N.wport Bea.cb," .tat.u ·the pu.- tor, UM! Re'\'. Roy A. Cul-.. Th• flnt eerriC. b;M Men Rt Up II "'1f·ho\u' earlifl' th.an Ul"U&l IO that a spec1IJ. HrviCI of' bapti.em f« tataftt. and children mllbl be tw4 &t 10 1..m. our Comp&n.iOD in _aJ that. We do. And fQ[ this for lhe !Lrlt time c.n Euler Sun· M:erubera of the Sant& Ana Com· followed by prayer mffUni• of the day at the g :30 a. m. 11ervlct1 mandery will act u uibera. vart<J. JlVUJlll. greatest of all gi!ta, we oUer Thee our sacrifices held In uie Harbl.lr Area Bvy·1 ot thankagiving." -from '"Tl:le Prayera of Peter Club. Tl1• R.,v . ttobl'rl A. Gnea- Marahall." LESSON-SERMON Reality of Evil Is Challenged ser Sr., vicar In char~I'. will of· Ucale at comn1union v.•1\h ••· 1 !! .. la.nee tron1 Clllrence A. )le· Coy, l•y r .. auer: EASTER SU NOA Y -APRIL lST Corona d el Mar Community Church 9 :00 a. m. 9 :45 a. m, Early Communion in the Church Sanctuuy Church School Euter Worahlp in the Chureh Sanctuuy a. m .. Morning Worahip -five choirs will sing-at the Port Theatre on Coast Hwy. ,, "THE LIVING CHRIST" Out.doot Servtc .. on our Oiurc:Ji Qnunda OVerlooktnc lhe Jl&r'- Adult Choir 9:00 •• m. Bervtce In our Bu.ut.tf'WtT Decoratet Clmn:!I Chi1dren11 Choir. I W5-t.ni. Suvlc• 1D the auudl Adult Chol• · · YOU ARE ALWAYS WEt:COMI " NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH ROBERT B. GRONLUND, ~ 2501 Cliff Dr. Nt wpot' n.rpta Liberty 8-3631 Liberty .. 'll!IO n. combined Sanctuary a.nd Chorallar choir• will •tn1 lbe a.n· tbem, •• ._ Jt Beg-an to Dawn." by Vlncent. The choirs ara un· dier the direction o! Ml'I. A. J. Rutltr, with M.rs. Omer J acobi "Let not him that ia deceived tf'Wlt in vanity: for vanity aha.II be hia recompence." Theae ch&Uenging words of Job (15:31) constitute the Golden Text in &U Chure.bee of Christ, Scientist, Sunday. The Leuon ·Sermon is on • Thf' 9.ttar CrOJl!I. brau c11ndle hoh.Wr1 anU !lower Vllllf!:ll were ,tve11 by M r11. ti. 8. Brev.-·er In men1ory of Ahn11. Kuhn. The t~al ­ lce by M11. W1lllam T. Marx an,1 80n Bill In memory or Lile hu•· band and fathe1', \V!IU1un T. Mara. and by M rH 1~11bt-I fo:lnipll(on In m1n1ury o r he1 f11ther. Alfr~ Ptlm.'t'. Th~ proce511111n11J croKs wa1 prt~nted by t.l l"!:o D E-1 "========================!.'.I================" \\'ambolJ in n1omury ur her falh· ~--- .. • •e church or-'nt1t. Al.lo. for ... ·-· "Unreality." th• &uter 11trvled, Mra. Fr&nk H. IABerr wlll re cuc•t .-opr-.o A •tlrrlng •l•tem•nl from· "Sci· .Unuu wlt.b the word11 of ChriJit aolo&lt. Sh• will 111n1, "Open the eoe• ana He1.kh wllt1 Key to the Juua. "W oma.n. tnou art! loo.ed Gal.Ill ot. the Temple," by Knapp. Scripture•" by Mary Baker Ed· from thine lnfinnlty . . and :'l'h9 Euler ..nnon 'by J.tr. dy reada, "lf 11\cknua la true or Im mediately •he wu mad~ Qirlaon wtll bll, "Attlnnatlone ot lb• Idea ot Truth, you cannot elralght, and clorlfled GOO" ~te'." 'nl• cl:lurctl .chool wW deatro, atckneu, and It w.uld· be (Luke ll: 11. 121 13). ~ beld &t • a.m. for an chll· &bimUrd lo . try. Tben olaulfy ------------ dftlll'• cl--. .tc.k:nell and error •• our M&aler ~;~·· d14. wben he spoke Of Ill• 1lck. Services at 'Whom Be.tan bath bound.' and ewport Beach """ • oovottl"" ~Udoto !OT U· Harbor Tn'n1'ty . 1'111' ln Uwi We·Jlvlnc pawer et er, GeO'rice M. Vu:.k,.ni. Ill The boll bvlt by Mr11, lllltl .Mr~ J tthn Donnelly Ill ITI*'lnory of \hf'IT paf• entl, Mf!I anJ M1" ~I. I. Ca.n· ele and t.lr and ~I r~ J R IA.n· nelly. Their eun KntJ.e11 u1 !o!IVlllJi: the pat'!'n ln lhe n11me ur h111 cr•nllpij rrn t~ T enebrae at Service Sai nt J ames First . Baptist = ~~ °:.,b::UUM~.~ B · Ch h . ~--aptiSt UrC The lm)tt'eaelve Tenebrae aervlce •""'--nr.t Baptlllt Chuti:h, 11th doors to INCb u ar. boWMS. and o1-•r 1 .. t•-b .JA--•'--_,,_,. .. ,... -.. ..... ., ~.., at the Barbor .... Y ni .. ,. ..... •pent Y &diS W . Balbo& Bl•d., will hold Mta; -. capUYe tree __,..............., --~ -... Cb.rill In tha tomb will be held dupllc&l• Eut.r Bertk:ea at and mortJly" P fi6.) Trtnlt7 Bapttat Cbun:b will be at Bl. Jam-Eplxopa.1 Church 9:'6 and 11 L m. Th• Euler TM c:oneLeUn Scdptura .a.c· conducl4d bf the fte;v. Raebunl t.onlsht. at eight o'clock. ending m..-,. by th' Rev. Herbert O. oount of the woman .. whlcll had :'r~ ... ~~~ta; :.-~.-i~ -~~-the consre1auon tiling rro"I Jobuoo, putor, will bll "Chrtat, '• 9Plrit ot· tnnnntt.y elth~ ,._, '7::"":~ .. oon ,_ • ..__ ---•-•. th• Churcl:I •Jllcl:I la in total darli:· the UYlq ... nour.t., Th• Youth 1ean, a.nd ....,. bowed topt.ber, ...... , _....,....,.,. ...... -neu. OIKlb', ta t.helr new chotr robM. and could ln no W\M lltt up bar; ant put.or ot' & Bapllat. c.burcb ·--><·' ln ArcadlL Sunday .ec.bool am• On EulAr Sunday Mrvicu an, wW 11&111 &l r,oth _. ... oea. ... Mlt'' Le stv.n... Thll aocount con· t •• wlth , .. · """"~ Oommunlon, e:ao L m.; Yin ortnrl. wW •IA&" a .-olo. nnn at : a..m.. CJ.8.&MI ._ lhlDdaJ lkhool, wttb JOMpb H . S B for all II&'•· Worabip 1ervice at FuUv Communion With ca.role Tnu 'IUpet'Ultendctt. 11t'W b11 &IT18 Qll OrD U Lm. In the Gem Show bul1d· anQ HrtnOD, 7:30. 9:1& and 11 ~t ~ W'IW bout of I t5 A IOD .,,... lorn Karch 27 tn Inf on e>ran1e County rat,... a.rn.: Chlldren'• Flov.•er 1ervloe • be1d at : ,~·-·•-. with mite box ,prteentaUon, f p.m. a. irn. Ba.nt& Ana Community Hoe pl ta I • ._._ • ._.. Al ~I wonhip at 7 o'clock to J.lr. &nd Kn. Donald T. Har· A •P«lal bl.pU1ma\ ee.rvlce was Thera will be Hol' Communion p. m. th& putor wW llhow cok>r· rta, ~Gf7 PlacenU& Ava.. Coeta held at the Bethel Baptist Church at 7 a.m .. Euler TuMday, follow· ISd plcturM about the Euler MnL He Upped the ite&lu al In An.iteim on Friday. TheM,.new ed by prlnte com'rnunlona by ap- st.ory. 8 Iba. I ·oc. 1nember1 wlll ffl:elve the right point1nent. :.,...:.-----------'-------------1 hand of tellow11hip at Commun-April 3 there la 1. deaaert hridge ·Outdoor Easter Services for Harbor Lutherans Ion 1ervlce at 1 p.m. on Sunday. and f11.1hlon ahow at l p.m. Ln lhe Bill Acton will ~Jn charce and parlah hall. April 12 ta the date there ,.,-nl M IJl'Cial muaic by of the annual eprtnr n.h try, 6 to the cbolr undllr th• direction of I p.r!J. In the hall. ~ out.door •"1cti of woralllp bath,. with Marp.ret Nl!tlrnan u 'a.t 7 a.m. on tb• chuti:h rrvunds «>101.tt for uie laUer number. Tbe owrkloldnc the barbor and eer· cbLldren·e f 0-l"lllce Carol Choir 'ric•-ln lba ctnucb at I Lm. wW ..i.o pre1t:nt two anthems 1.t aad 11 :1& a,m. w.re 1e~uled the I a.m ... rvtce both entitled fat 1:ut.11r Sunday at Newport "Alleluia." Harbor Lutheran Chu.rcb. Jn chllrr• ot 1nt.er1or decora· "PUlOr~I'{ B . Orotllm'W• ttons -tor the .ntc•s b Clyde ;, · Nl'mOD at a1J three eentc. will LoucU wh1le worship committee bl ''Th• U'linl Ctu-t.t" cooclud-Ch.airman Ted Neleon heade the ~ bYi I.Ant.en ariu on •"'Jbe UoUP prepulnf for th• outdoor Quiel... W'Ol'9h.lp .. On dilpla)' tbroUPOut the Dtck Grauer. T hr ee Services· at Balboa Isle "111 DMth Mert!ly Goodbye!" 111 the 1ermon topic 11elf!Cled tor Easter Sunday at the S.tboa I.§. 111na °"l'ltr!Wllty ire tftoll"l ll Chun;h. ~ "'!v. Donald Q , Sapp wlll prrach three eer· vicu of worship: I, 1:30 and 11 a .m. Tbe clllldren'1 choir will 1\ng at I o'dotic; Miu MarTellee BP«ial &iut• mu.ic at all Easter-.r:.-i la th& llfe-.Ue rnur- UU-~ .... *" llJTllAll'ed b 1 d.lrectora DI.I• Touni al ot. the relUrncUOn. Thi lar(t! M-oocl:11 will .inc at both the 1 :30 1 mua c: Mn. 0 ' crOM which ha.e anDOWlCed th• and .\! o'dock Ml'Yicea; th• adult ~ Cbolr at botb u.. 7 lb• &nd-Warna Whll.9 will 9iao ~ ..... ,..-U.·l-6 "' ·MrYMee-wlU wli'dt ~ .. JaM» dllld . tor U9 Dl'OYldti ~ ~mu.tc tor the 11 .rn. · L · u;a .. •lifi£ u.-. """W'IDI: "lllftl O'aod[ iirilOi. ~ un- alnl' "Awalt• Thou Th&t Slffp--wW bl n••led at thll dap1I ot der u.. dlneUOn ot LMUe Va.n •l" 111\d "la th• Did oi lb• ~ SUt# Dt.1 brin,rll\I" lbe wordl DJk._ Krs. Non. Tlllmany will "'H• i. JU41r!" to -.1.W. Both wtll be tM c:rpnlst. W ff&tund u part el lM ou"" T1M I a.JD. Mn'tee bu been dooc' .-.tee with O'ftr 100 1111• add«1 tor JDut•r to •ccomtn1>o -ftl UM.~.... u.. dlll'Cb First Southern Baptist Church F lrtit Southern Baptllt Church· of CO.ta Mtaa hu five eervlcu sclultlule4 tor Sunday, SunriM ear. vice. 8:30 p.m. al Knott'• Berry Parm: 9:4& 11.m., 8und•y School: 11 a.m .. momlnf woreblp: e :30 p.m., Tralnln1 Union and 7 ;30 p.m .• Eute.r mwilc procnm. 1n preparaUon tor th• 11o1mmer Dr.tly Vacation Bibi• BchoO\, there wtll be a cllnlc Monda1 at I a .rn. In Anahetm. , • ~undat' School •or ken will meet ~ll' l'.t 7-,i;.M .• ---U W1ll Prt· mary and Junior ChotH. Mld·Wffk eerv~ ls at T :4& p.ra. followed b1 Adult 'Oloir ?'ehellJ'll&I. at. 1:30. Thu!'lldlly ls rneetfftl' nipt for the Brotherhood, \\'MS. TWA, OA and Sunbeam (f'OUJ», all at I p.m. A ...._., _, n.. ......_ a....., ,.,. llW Mbl« UMcl to dMont• data MdlUon&l wonhlppen. ~ .. QirW, ~ ................... ~ ... """1.""---------,1 ~;::=======================•1 --.,,.~ "-UESTllDS ........ RINT ........, ~ ....... .. ....... w ...................... -•• .... ...... Dlm1ll6I ....... ..::::::-~ \:-:;!et...::-";: = WMl4.W.t."I' T'l'l'l:A CH.A.PEL BT TBll UA ' •. , .. l;ii_ ~· w......... ..... -'i:-iSiiOC:'---ci-~~~I:. Coa:M CBl""Vd."' __ H . a-Iii l'tllt"'-• S&Al.'8 11'.1SGKlAL. • tld iiii, n. ,....... i. --.u, .......... ....,. U1 o.m-BL, o.• ..._ Pban9 U1Mrt7 t-llJl Pborw Haztlor U :::.,a......_ ........ ,....,..1L...:::..::::::.::.:::.:.:::.;....J11.._ __ ...;....;. __ ...; _____________ ~---' BALTZ MORTUARIES I • { Jtrfcct bomt :19tbtlopment ) · 11169 ..... -..ned beauty wWdi ...,.._.,..,_ ~ .... -~.,.... au.:.n .... wOI f'llkt ...... th. ,,_.. .. -,... iMmmt 11911 ... . ,........ .. -,.. I.ad _. Ill ldnl tettfas: for the "-ltlll 11f• )'Oii .... re.. ..,._.. md,.. famdy. Of --. di '-'11 ...,._ .... ... _... .............. ......... ........ tr ·---cma.aitn. ~ CoMl>an" 10:1"' .. .... _ ............ ,. ..... ... WI $' 1 fadlil6a p,. diet -. ,_'lled•"·•S-C..-~ • ..,.. ~-"-... Hu. a..t~wD u.. • i.-,,. ...... pert.~ sr-h. ....... wlM.dbel~wl 1w' 'I ,ooa-.u re.. die~ ... ~., - ---... -OOM -..... HAi.EcREsr Campas -._. 4·ACBE 11~no1 Pill FOi IUIDlnS 'HODOR -----.... _ -- ---- fl. I 152 -ow ·car _...,.. --, .. , ... "' ·- .-, ..... ca .., --· --·· . ' -· I ·- KAT ALUMNAE TO MEET HERE Luncheon ,,,.,. aeM'9d ln the parial'I hall. A.monc u.. tionond pe.U wer• Kaer. Kelly, Ntw York Ctty; Kn. Henry a.. ol La,wu. Buch, junior put aec· ret&r)' ol u.. Lo. A.ac•l• A.rcb· dloceMn ~ell ot C&tbollc W o- men, and MrL J . W. Camro&clc.. praldutl ol the Women·• P•rtab CouncU, Our Lady of KL Cwmel Pariah. Kn. Jo.eptune Carpenter wu decor•tlon ch&lnn&n and Mn. Forre1t Smith, luncheon chairman. A BitoKEN ARK can lie fW1-provided it'1 Jmapnary. Here-Mrs. P. E. Peter- .on ia su.ppomed to ba.ve a broken arm, burned band and head injury, receives tint &id trom (I to r) Mrs. Bob Hixon, Misa Kay G,oodwin, Mn. Tony Blair and Kn. C. E. Pebrso", all Newport Beach Elementary School tta.chera. They attend ; the Red Crou course at Horace Ensign School, 7-9 p. m. Monday night to.April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Martin ZelUl&ll a.re teachers. Salvation Army Salvage ·Drive Is Headed by' l:lay Langenheim Jl&y Lanienb.e1m .,.in bu been named chairman o( Dtsc.a.rded articles contrlbut9d U last Y'•r enabled the center to pro- The Oran1• County Kappa Alpha Theta Jt,..lumnae Ch1b will bold It. nut re(Ular moathl7 meeUns, April 10, •t 1 t :<IO, at th• ho ma ot Mn. H&rvey PUl"90r\. 11' Via Ju· car, Udo lalL Luncheon lrill be HrVed foUOWiRJ' the meet• tnc. wllh Mr9. Joeeph Fersu· .on, Mn. Howard Lewi•, and Mn. Phylli. Jeftr\M u co- h09t-. All 'ntet&I ere cord· !ally Invited 1.nd ahould call the hoateu, Harbor 1)37•. Mental Hygiene Plan Regional Lectures Start Toastmistress in Mid-April Conference Plan• for the &outhwe1t R11- A lecture Hrle1 on problems of lonal conference ol J.nternaUonal th• adol~nt will l>e held 11.t the Toutmiit.rui Club# Were mad• St. Andrew• Church. N-port Sunday 1rternoon at tha WUlon Beach, •tarUnJ April 16, it w11 Hotel ln Lo'1I' Beach where the dbclOlled today. conrerem:ti will be · held Jlltle 2 !>lra. Sylvla Bogen, p11.rent edu· and J. Cttairinen or Founders' cation teacher i nd leclurer and and Councils 1 to 10, together board member of the Southern will\ varlow ,..110""1 conference Calilomla SOclety for Menta.1 Hy· ch&lnnen, met with M,.... Donald (iene. wtll be the 1pe•ker. M,... McBride., 1upel"VWr of Soulhw•l Bogen 11 also • member of. the Region. ITC, whlcJI inciudu Family RelatloM Council ef SOut.n-Bouthem California and part of ein callfomla and the Californ)1 Arizona. Council of Social Work. She haa a b&ckround of many yu,..· work 1n parent educatlOll. The proi'r:im 11 ~Jnr 1pon110red by t.tfe Harbor Cou~I P·TA In co- operaUon with Oranre Coaat Col· lep. Mr1, Bo.gen will di.cuss Ul• effect... of growth on at'lolt1cent1, aoelal bch&v1or, and the need for JUldance. A question and aruwer period .wtll follow the lecture. The lecture l• Of>"!l to the pub· Uc without charce al the St. An· drew• Church, 600 St. Andraw1 Road. Child c•re will be provided. A . full procnm of ac Uvltlu y,·a11 planned with lmpi-omptu and torrn11.l 1peeoh puticlpaUon of the contest tlna.lllU .cheduled tor the luncheon and dinner pther· lng:1 on June 2. Contestanta-wtll be announ«d upon completion or colltlcll 11peak-off1 now in pro- s:reu. Council 1 repreeent&Uve• wHl 1:9' 11elected at the lpr1ng conference at Hunt1n1ton Beacb Memorial H1.IJ April 21 . Mra. .Al· berl E. Jot\n.on, pruklent of Harbor ToulmlltreN Club, M• been appointed publicity chlllr· man ror the rc(lonlll conte"'nce. , 1 .. ' ·JZB~ OF HOPE This thin&: we call .hopHt i; a atrane.e thing. It apnng• etcmat in the human breast ... and ye to often it h,a been mocked by time and ua1edy. Why indeed, doe• every man ' . h en when the clin1 to hts al~~· cv .. hopelcas." acl[.1tyled re 11ts cry The answer is written in the beautiful history of the first Easter Day. Fa.ithful friend• of the Master came to anoint His body. Ca.me sor· rowing ... without hope. . .. And they returned rc}01cmg: . . .. "Christ ti r1aen · · · That was the birthd~y .of Ho~ • the certainty of Chr1st1ana that ~~;n death cannot destroy the be- lievin&: aoul r . -- Harbor Reat Memorial Perk Mwal 1aiu-.i , t.M cltlseDa committee which will aid the Salva on Army vlde :z;o,110 hours of occupeUonal ID. lta annual Salvage Week campaign in Newport Beach. therapy. eo.32~ meal.I and 20.aoo .!l'lia drive th1a year will be April 30-.Ma.y 5. Other commit -lodgln&•· In addition. SIM.282.66 --..--<•~~~~~':!"""-!om~'ll<"•~llA~lsJr.,..~11-~~f?,~~~-µw;;;u paid In 1a1arlu and cuh amben ere;~bun:bes, UJe Rey •. Roy A. Carlso,n ; MY-~~oxa....,and client ~ B. o. &mien: m~ from local born• and otfk:ea, 'Mle.e worli:er1. Family ·Buffet or-Woodnren You.th Rall~ . .at. Baptist Church And every Eaatt:r Day count~·'' men and women discov!r or re is- coves: that Hope. It bn1nc• Uine: · to their lives. t w . _JQJl._~ --------------_...___ yours ••. ,._ ........ ROM OrMl•y;. ea-rice WW bti reconditioned 1n worklhopl Bt11adler Wllll&m J . Parlr.inl. ~ ..M:onlll OrimM and. p,._, ot the bll Soclal Sa'nc• Ce~ter manacer of the center. 1treucd Offlcen or the Or•n(le Coun· .. ftldd1dL whic.b Hl'VM th• ara.. Tbil pro-that CQntlnuance ot the procram ty Wood~en of the World or· ~ .Anlt7 Red a~ CUI provtdu a llOdal rehablllta· depcn4-upon the CQntrltniUorui of c~Uon met •l the office• o! .,.._ WUl ....,..r c&li. to oollct Uon pr'ogr&m tor>lll«IJ' and bMdi· aa.Jv•c• arUclta. Th-Include th' Jodee ffCNltary In Santa Ana ---~t •till u.abla .rtid• capped men. clothlnc. ihoc•. tumlture. diabu, M'1 ·~.'"'tr evenlnc lo p\.l.n a fam· ...;;...;.--'~-..,..--~-----''-----------lm•ttreuu. Md41nf, kitchen uten-I Y u et and entertainment to Endel Netuat. pro.ldent of lbe Vi1lUn1 international S tudui:.· Auoci1Uon and 11.U<knt at South· em C&tttornla Bibi• ColTep, wtll be 1pcaker tonicht In i"int Ba.p· tilt ChUTCh, eo.t.a Me..., atj lbe Youth R&lly of Bapllit churchce from Santa Barbara to ea.n oteeo. Thi• Church Feature Spons«ed by these Local luslMu Finns , ..__ .. 11\1, borne appliances. 1Uverware, bl held 11.t the Carden Crove Flo·. wers v1·.e· W1"th Fro'cks ....... ndl .. , ..... N ....... W=M"• C1"b Frtday. Apel! •• and ml8c:c\laneou. arUclea. at 7 p.m... • -Chairman L&ncenhe!.m ursed Friends and nel&hbor• or "''t Panhellen1" c Brunch loc•I ruldeni:. to •V• their cut· Woodman members wlll be ln•lt· u off artkic• tor lh• satvaca Week td to attend the a!falr, It wa• drive, when a telephone call to dcct6ed. Children will bl enter- Doemll ot ctnerarlu 'ln tull who wu ... i.ted b:p Kra. Robert Liberty 1-6Mlorffarbor 177&w:lll t.alned with 1ame1 and moYlet bl " 111-·'ed th n1val t Calllli M Robert Harbl#on d,an -tiring a Red Shield t.ruck. In adjolnlnc room1, with sdull oom. •·--e a .o • ,... • BUperitlion, carry1n1 out the :st=l tha Palll;lellenlc echolll.r· o! &1rll al Newport Harbor hlgh tradition of Woodmen joining" In abl brW'lch held al th• ,Friday 1ehool, WU. 1pcclal (UUl •l the At St John social actlv\Uea wlth their !&m· . club In Co.ta MMa. table ol Mr•. H. O. Boyvey, Pan-· • 111e1. 1 O&lb' decorat.d tabl• prisea bloorh· beWc .pruldenL h o• • Attending the meeting we"' ed W\ ol -VOWY ~. Tiny pulel C.Ommlttee chlllrman' ware Kn. t e 1Vtne the follow1nf oftlcer1 repreHnl· .... lllelU accented the talll.._ Ralph Mldleleen, procram; Xra. tnr varloua communLUct ln Or· 8pl'lq' •t.J'-f1'0lll MartlJl'I'• bl Marton X. Cameron and Mrs. Rob-At thti Church 'GI •l!IL J'ohn tba ance County: Mrs. Bert 0 111, Colla JI .... were. tntrodUold by .rt Lenker, food; Mn. A. K.'8amp-Dfvtne, Wbic]). rneei. at 8:30 A.Cl. put Consul Commander, eo.t• Kio.I' O'Brl ... eommentat•r. son, decorauon.11· Mn. Edpr Whit-tn the Boys Oub. Ctlllta Mea. thti, Mea: Wendell Weltlake. Couul ~ JUMI Ow• p1&1ed the mer, table pri~: ¥1"· Art.bur J . 16-.-olc• cbotr, directed by Edwin Commander, Carden orow: Bill p&.-~QToUnd I« Oii• f&Mllon Auna, table arrancemeni:.; M.ra. 1.Aleon, wUI etAS th• Mcri>ccke O'Brien, AdY190r Lt., C:O.ta M .. ; ::m-Geeril cbalnn&ll ~ r::J. Jwph RilP and xra. NMiette Commuru~ R"~ and an ltutel" Howard M.yva. Banker, Banta -Mn. ft.lchard B1ll , Copel&n4l, prts.; Mn. Cllrl Ven-anthem. Ae It Began lo D&h" Ana; Robut t>rww, Camp Seer. •trom, prUii; Mra. Jack. Newton. (~rtln ). The Rn. Ro'but Ori-tuy, oo.t& ...... Mn. Wendell CHINESE CASINO Real Cantoneee Food to ';ake Out Opu Every Day Nelual lived through a bombtnc by eome 3400 Jtuaetan p\anea. u - Clipcd with a Sf'OUP ol 11 to Sweden and hall 1ince traveled In 20 COW\triM. ·in· Mala st., Bo11>oa nartior 220J At Visalia LAUNDROMAT Fluff Drying Servtce Finlaht!d Laundry-Dry Clea.Rini' M'.r1. N. ll. Howard of 150 E. 11th SL, Co.ta MeM. lett Sun· day tor a two wceka tr1p to Vlll&lla to 1ta.y wtlh her grand· Z817 VIII& Way Harbor 11101 eona whtla th• parent.t. Mr. and NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complela Home FurnWttnp Mni. Ed Van Dellen ..,.. on a rlylnc trip to Spa.\n. Owner of Psi cltic 011" Co. ln VLN.11&. v·-u-- o.uen make• yearlJ trip• to Spain to purcll&M oli,..,. tor hi. canner!• In tne U.8. nq an frequent 'ri9\tor1 to CO.ta x-. 2620 W. C4ul Hwy Libert)' 8-lllS Pan' el Program talll• . ...-.tine )(rw. Aune -N 91'.ir, &Ctll\I' Ylc&r, wtJl bti omciAftt. W..u.Jte. Ullletaal 99Cfet.u'y, Xl"I. Tad John.on and Mrs. Leattt Clarence McCoy S. 1-J' a-der. Darden Orovt:: Donald Wanric.11:, . Smith.. OrunnUtlM mcmban taclud· Th•r• '"' sllftd&1 khool ~ Sllcort. eo.ia II.-: Robert 8JP-Mld••Y City. Georc• Bftta, Gu- f "'r AAUW Un1't ed. Mm-. Walt.. BunvllA'U. Ken-" for all aa--. conttnnaM ~ llert. Watdudan, c:o.t. Meea. &nd den Grove, and JlrQ o.n.,. c.- PHYWS' CLEANERS .. U nttb eooiiq-, .~ Elplau. es &nd an tvenlnc Tout-. l'"NP [ t-~~~m=•·~·~·~"~"~'~'~°"":..:...,,.,.;:;;~'~·~l&~~M~~;~.:~~_;~~_;~ _ _ Tbomu B. Fn>et, John kundley, meeunc. Ii ,,. ~ swuey \fKlr'D)'1tr,-Jcmu Rwt an.t.l.=======------ Vfthotnltr women. Banta Ana Uwtn Wateher. Gaines New. Son Bl'tltdt. will bear a panel dI.-1------------1 Harbor 51111 . llM* ~ Balboa Blvd. HOMER E. SHAEER ART C. KISTLER CO., RI..._. Bayl'mlt ·~ 2901 Newport 'Blvd. N1orpon -· ---· DICK MACKO Oraper1• -Carpet. -Upholltery Compl,te l'rH D.oora~ a.mo. S420 Via Lido btJor UIS ' . . Newport Ught l'lut 5erY1ce Z817 w. eo..1 m~hwa7 P'OP'.S Fa-St111k H1•1 • 8" Inn& and J'ohn Strlclly bome Cookin.I 6 Nklq' au E. Bolboa Blvd. -· IHI . STAFFORD Ir SON • ~ on ·~ ru.tur. N...S. ot Our Count)'" al U.• nut "I" -na. ch&n&ill& appMr&nc. of a4I -f----__.. ... _,,.. .... ,-.Jlm m In the NJ:WS·PR.1:88 la du. to A boy b&bJ WU bom Mvcb ~ In Hoac Bc.pltal lo Mr. ~d Mn. Bord O&lM9. IHO JUpla ' •REALTOR _111-nPlace --1o&.Jllo..£1orl Electrlca.I 00ntnc\.or9 110 Blven14Avo. NIWJOR Bel•-A--1 April JI '' I p..rL at Ule a~ sa auta .Alli. · ~ ~ 0. Well wUI ~th• ~ ot u.a ..-wbkh will be CJOl'IWOMd ,ol Ji0.1'al' Dora HUI ol N.wpol't ...... th• ...... Karl Cb.rt.\ ol tM 'I'Utln ~.. 01\lftlb e.n4. au.r of PollH D!Want J. ADIB ot ll&llta Ana. 4 pOt Jue)!: dlnMT w1D bti •r- "'4 pncecPAf tM ·~ Mn. at.ulq Adklne J11 cba.lnnaD ot U.. comrnttt"" which aJIO tn- elut. Mra. a. R. c.ckln1. Mn. F . lprlnptMd. KIL C&rl Hop- kfnl and MrL Dllrid JCcf'add!'- I • : • ' Ladies ••. lor a good trim or Hair .Shaping try Lido Barber Shop " • Vlllcw'f RexaR Dl'll'J Stons 'Two locatk>NI to 8crw Yo\I Udo Ille 11 C<>mna iJ;I· MIJ' THE IA Y DEPT. STORE ---· Ubomca..me -. ' NeWJM!f1 Hcubor ..._,.,... "YODT Oommualty N__... S. E. IRIGGS - Ji:l~trtclll ContrKtclr "Good wtr1n1 doe•'t ooft ... It Pl.,... .iu -ai.1 st. u.n.or ma , • . . -' -· • . PA&t I • ~ART I ~ HARBOit NEW>PltESS l'lllOAY, M.uat 30,...1-916 --EEWA lmW11a......,-..y•lllli9-..,. U.. al ·a•'•'• la ,U.. .... wufllU....._.or~.4JJ.~ .. N~=~~ ~ -........ 1.... ..,... ...,...,,_ ..... ~ • tile. CIOIU'f., ...... • • ...__ W~ ..... a... Dtt' Ian flll ~nm._, ...... .U.. ..... polo&. 1r1t. o.nt Oa If~ ealll k'-l ..... ... 1 C'S 1_1"'91 ........ ..,. ... ----~ e.'1'-.1' ._. t.M .... , ........ ~cdat.._ ... ,._ ....... \ ... ... -W - I 6 .. all* iiilriir,Jjjj" - ..... °""'1 ~ llie f1llt a .... °"nil ~ ...... .,.. liedt J 7 .., ...... 111 ft.-PCJIW .&Wft M pl. --- wtl:ll ....... at .................. ~ ...,. O.." ~~-....... "\la• ........ ~ .... -~ us " ...... m....uc.. ..w .....,.,·ta...,...._ 1 "'\ ....._,~ .._ .,.. 1 '" ,_....._ ... c.o.x...a.a.w.s11~ .._. .. JP..._ _ _..., ~. • A.a ..,t el tM lut4tdl .,, AWOL. •weuw, ..... _.. 0.. L& ... 9 i4 Ol8Dll' W\11 = ......... ~ CbttN1 .... ... b ., cud tt :wt ...... Colla .... "-........ ...,. u... • -., wtt--..,..... ,......_ .... UM: ftetlla t90 ..... ~ -a wouN. ...,_of U.. traffto ~CM ... tn-c .._.. -.U ..._ ........ 1lwt(r M WM •aicNll:O. ... ...__,....._b II llUI. ..,.....,, .. M ~ "'la ,.. ~ ol ......,., ODrtioJ' Ud. at....._ ~f)o-. T , . .._. W. ._,. ........ Mp ...... -._ '-9 M -l tnltle -'-.,.. ..,. at;-... • RM a ti wwtk Wt t I ~n,...==::: --ta. aoor.._m.. WON • ,.. ....... ...., ..... ... .... ...... ud. .-ot ui.;: U.......,. ......... Air" ..... uaU1e to ftlb.&m W1l111 1dv ... ..a.~ ...... llottw W ........ ~ edfS their dtil"Mt!oo' °"" 0... OilAISWi ....... ~ klid" u~ --\M: t11ac*. ~·--loft frw Wflll« ... Jlllllol .,_ c.L... .-. 1t11u .. M .,.... wllktl. waald. M _.. rldllw i. ~ ...._ _.., l1tlW an tbe flow .,_.,.. ..._ to ....._ fJI;.;;;.;:-;~ WG.udc. UU.W a ... I*'•--~ '1:· ~~~---·~IN)lla ..,......__..._....AW ................... ..'.dlat r-tlrlrf.~ft;f wttll ....... m--. ....,_. flmiltlcaton MlllUU... u., .... fr'OlllD U.. wound. ,,_ ~ D.C. t111i1 pl&A Wbea M ,al4 tlM .... .,...... I WWW fWI t7JflU.l'ft' ........_. Dl coetlmltll ....... _. K11&DJC& 8IMllAJUIT tns. S. .id~ ftllled Wo..,. ... ,Huntlqtca a-cit ~Yd.. Oeat, ................. tMt ... tlaawttlt. ClMdia WI Mt.._ ... rm-~--PMY,.,..--..: claia,....,.., and .......... "°J«it. com~ -. t1au. ~ wu .. r !I :, :A 1a u.. r-1t1 to u.. ~u. ta tWr ,.... bu ii• e. pw.tbl• eoftMCtio11 ot ....... ._. lltanJJ7 ...._ ,..... °"''lo......,-· ot .. "'·e• .... ',_ ot ...... -.. to ...... -,.,,_ WIUI .... ot......,...... .. _at":,§ _... ~· feel aow .. W'• ebOWd "I Md lllllld ..,..,......, .... ...,.t.·J'.,_ ..aa ._ ~ Mlt .......,., .1...-. the 1'6~ lllf the o.t& Kim *"7 .. lrw.'9 tMdll a ~. Ml4 Wo-doiw'Jt wtu. • ..-Mind." M deo-to,u.. Hike .._ ta 0 2¢ ......... Wt11e l'Mtlltl,7 alaJ.n wtth a bite ~ flnt he ...... of 0.. . • ~ ~ .._. ~ ·JiiM '-.lot fll evu.utt p.ia. Wit I J .~ U...., ta Va.n l'fuya. The Arin¥ In· BbclyotKrw.. Joilul.W ..... llAC.&a1BOa .ll01'11'11 _,1 pt •'ttll•~ mtl1•,.. J~ -.s4 tae w.t • C\IM'll ...upto,. aald a number ot men .. RldleJ' l&Ortu&J7. k _,. .. 11M ~ ottlda1'I &180 ~ • °""'1' ·""' ..i .... Illa U.. 4'lt7 Md Mkfd °""* to drt.,. U. at the M-Mike ._.. bad ..._ INftt lo aou.too tor '*l't!U ..,... Iii! to ruPoa4 f&YOl'&lll1 lo the ,.._.., t*tue WO&l1ct M te p 'fteUra illto boeta. x._ &o .c.,. ~ ft4l&t' V&1r Nu19 at · the VIC... Dep. Coroner ~ eatd .......,Uoo ..U..C • the N....,t MMcl wt.lb aa or:tcta -.a ~ .SU. Gird&'• wu., ..._.. Oe.rda time fl/. lW ~ crime whtcb loda,J" there would ~ .. no Freew~ be rti"!'Uted OD.to *ac--nau. CIDUDl ... l"ft'JIOlt Bhd. INdi M c1ron lifJw. .kbn-to..,. be&n ':.u.tlU° DlOdWI OpM'andi to inqµeet u;t,i\ Tu.s&,J. Arthur Bhd. "We ¥'.ff a _,,,... to ~ tow lmldll al. , -owe c!Ourt cottqt;. B• did not 1!11.• ttie J~ alaJlrlc. W..1 pl&Med foe MacArthur, al· tratt\c WM ~ tratnc. pla.la Wto' J.b•'cbana• 1,a p1au oc.. A ua of. u.e men who were In e e 9 e e • e e e read)'," Mid Womack. --wua tbe ftilUJtt "' ~ ,,. t'Urnd. PoUoe Mkl Quale t.okl that ....._ at ume ·of the Jepeoo e ·c I ·• ~Leprra added the atate had Will ~ the ~ Com.-' them. 119,Mt Kn. Joll.ll9on out o( murder, 'CID men eald. 11 bel.ns ... IN .._ ..... ~ --_,UM ear ond ,...,.,. ._. uolod<....,,.,.., ... la u po<tod to.,• INIU••NCI e me«." ~ Mid. the door, enter the eott:a&'e ud ready th.Lt attemoon. KA 1 'lbe bfftC count whtcb meit.a1 aw ~ls p oa In the beadli.tita In lb• CTlme laboratory ot tbe e Service • DEATH NOTICE n BERGH SKETCHES VAST r.ouNTY PLAN EWl7ITJlj Ueup11 (Ill. N<l'lfP(N't Bl'ld. amUat ol 0Uderkerlle'1 auto. '?bell he M•rltt'• otttc-. today. at&lna on '1' . ,...'!:'.':'!-;.!: ''" Rob<~ to tb&I whl<h N...,,.... Boach H• """'' to hi< ~ •~o. th• doth!"" of both Johnooo ~• • John Leahy O,..""• Count-u>1 &nllWer to the irA",000,000 questio n WU dUplayed to rpemben i.. 28 0 N-peri~ lA the put wbea they -Hla wife wu not at home, Oar-Gard.a, which may be blood, ere • ._ ~, """" Drewette, -12· of 1 ... -..-·· conducted a almllar count '!rill cla -.kl. and he found her at the belnl' eumined. Aleo being taled e 2602 ot the Auoclated Chambers of Commerce this week when the Muter Plan for Blvd., CMt& M.eu. were beld to-bl bandied Ulla Ume by tbe home of • friend. Aftw a 10.mll!.· •re two blood. 9t&lned pacM rrom Newport 81\rd. • • ArterlaJ Highw&yl wu expll.i.ned by Harry Bergh of Coron& del Mar, county day at 11 a. ll'l. ln Puke•Jtldley etati, Cotfey uJd. Each ca.r drtv· ute talk wtth her, he told otnoen. an Earl BtanJey Gardn•r pocket· • HARBOR 1549 Plannino ~ngineer. Pictured with the map at the m-t• .. -from Jett, John Carr Mortuary Ct\.&pel, COit& M..._ er la &topped end quuUoaed aa Garcia returned to the bue. He book rny1tery round on the bel! • • '"'""~ With' the Rev. Joeeph W . McBharle to hi• orlrtn and tlMllnatlon. uld thl.t waa after 10 p.m, Wed-beneath l.h.e vlcUm'a •lender bodr l.f. Ruur l'booe Serv&ce • of Lido Iale, chatnna.n of the meeting; Bergh and Supel"VWor Heim K&Ji,er~ Costa oUlclaUng. M.r. Drewelt• died nMday. Guel• aald he ... •Ure of Inveatlptor Sloter found two roll ••••••••• ¥~. Bergh portfa.yed tbe . vast lowland country of Otuge County, MO 14ua.re Wedneaday In Oran1e County MUI DEi th1-becau.e 90meone In the bt.r· of tllm ln the cottage which wll • mile1 ln all, growihg into one llO d ty. e 1uggeet • P g or e·en had been In tM nureery •upply urtita. He eatd 119 did eo, theq,. ll cl H ed. th t la.no.in f th tire Ho.tpltel' 11.fler • ahort !line ... He raclla ulled hiro l9 tuna ott lhed ------···~~~!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjl county on an overriding level of integrag&tlon or atreetl, bJ~w1y1, dn.inage and bualneu 1n Long Be&Ch •Ince 19'°· Ooatlalltlrl from nr.t ..... 1atd 1n 11i. own bUlta; and nt4 OPEN MONDAV kindred problems be undertaken. The meeting wu held at a.n Anaheim Hotel and had moved to Coata Me.a 11 the police obtained from lettera comlC book.a. W1*I police ulted ftl da I t •·-th •----· led monlha .,.o to llve with hi. round In the deelh et1t•••e or the him bow be could cloth'-. be .-Jd L NI qw MO cillzen1 of the county in atten nee, the argest • tenuu1ce e AOl:IU\;la _, J ~ APRI 2 d&u1hter, lrf.n. M&u .. ce oyce. youn1 couple, tlle tamtue• er· e bad oii& tumed the »PU oft In , Chambul baa ever had. -SWf Photo Bffide. the daupter h• la Mll'-•t.ood the palJ' waa leplly married. balt ot the bu'ncU. '-/.-"""'"~~~:.,.,J£'t~-.,..,~,,;...,..,.iU-UiN.,.01'-it------i .--===:.:.:....::.:._:__:_.::_..:._ ___________________________ lv1ved bJ a JT&nddaurhter, Mre. Jobl)mn hu aUepdly Mlmltted tie· Johmon. -..ad t.e an1Yld fii'iiiet- 5. Pra 50-C N Wade lab et.nnce Batchelder and oae married the vtcum Without a ll· Uout. U :ll ~ 'ftunday mom· · . . lse, riticize ~;._~>: .. ~w·", ... "",07y,l!'r;..__~~ ~ beix:: :.!:.DIC:~ c~ :,t= i!t. 0c!",.~':q az-. ~i:. ~!::' ::. ~to!! • • _,.. -.......-.. ~ _..... eterf, Burbank. r&.ftl'M:I for G&J'Cla and John8on a\ onl7 ale k.,-, M bad to ~ CoUn"ty Hosp.ital Doctors ~;:~ ~ ~:!:1~;:!~' F~b~1 =,= .. :.::~_,=,d--A-w_ar_cMd _____ ~~::i:.:~aEt:~ ~!:!-~;:"::~~;.~ _ Southern Pipe and C...lac ·Co. k __ .. Oa.ANoc, (0CN8) -PralH Mn Art.bur Good ot G•r(len Thunday-wu ewarded contract to l ~de~<~k~«~•~·~· ~l~l.~ha~•~·~-~~-~~to~W.0:•~H~·~-~~riJ~h~l~ba<~~oh~•~oal~d~-~-_'._~~-=~-f:.==~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~!._ tor ~· work at dodora •t Or-Grove told OCNS Qie fell t.hat McAdams D•ughter lnllt&ll l.f.·ln. water pipe at the the tHU If they are neceaary to to1d. her bla wit• had been attacked .. ,. Oou.nt,y o.neral Ro.pita! ca re ot hrr huaband, who died d <lty t-"-, _,k p~ject with the o .. tl ... _a Il'e a beby girl fOf' Mr. en ,_..., ..-W•a racel•ed today by Or&nre In F~ruary, wu er u.... fl-'• 1-.. bid of $41 ,77~. Money, r1 t h M~ De.Yid McAdam•. 2084 Fetl· • "' .,_ County N-• 8erY!ce, brlncln1 that recetv,ed at a P va e oe· ere.I Ave., Co.ta Meaa. The cbild City Ent1neer Bert Webb told the to nv• I.ha number ot report.a of pit.al In I.he county. 8 •oun<ll. will '-• trom the city waa bom J'eb. 27 ln Hoar 01· .. .,._,, Cood lrfftment · sWu. by rormer pltel. w•ter fund. paueni.e or relatlvu or paltmu H-bor Democrats l------------------------eompared te 00 report.a or mal· ... t reatment ~ trom tonner N and pr..ent paUeht.. and e.mploy• to Hear ewport ,;;:"'~=""""==;;;;;;,I Candidates Next Too Late To Classify A beloved Easter tradition ... ' ·-- • ........ PLEABE NOTE • I •• OUR 'NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER a (Je1r AD th w aDIDllH ,.r 7oar c.,t•ve.leitoe Liberty 8-2253 Crawford's ~.<fJ:.•1141). Next me"ting or the H a rbor i=!9:::::,~Bel:::~P:..;W::;:U::.:ted:::, ____ _ Dfmoc111t.s Club will be Ap r l I _, 3 at Harper School, COit.a Me.a, GIRL GOOD AT FIOURJ:S with when cand.ldates tor Nrwport Sood ba.nd Writln&". Some. typlni. Beach City council will atlend '0 br. wk. PO wk. Write Box the open meeting, it wa• announ· C·2!, Newport Harbor Ne.,.. ced today. Pr-. 90c92 The Harbor Democrat.I won a 40-.&utoa f or Sale '66 PORSCHE •))Mdeter convert• Ible l l ,000 milM, red with blacll Jeatber. Exceptional condltlon- $2690 -%2t Via Koron, Lido X.le, Har. UU.W or Har. 6371. WANTED bo7a 10 to 14. yun of pr\l:e March 18 ror h•'rinc' t.be larp•l repre.ent&Uon •l tha 21th ~ For N._..Prela rouJ,a to ------------ ConiTe.ulon,i.1 Oemocralk Endorl=' be Opetl IOOft. APPLY Mt. Park· "°'" er, 2211 Weit Balboa BJVd.,-ln1 ConvenUon in t.arun• Be&cb. "ne prl&e: WU a milnec>p'&pll Newport tI machine. BABY 8l'ITER needed between Colita Me ... council can4ldat.. houn lO:JO a.m. to 1:30 p.m. appeared at a prt'1oua forum of Mon., Wed., Thu:e. a: Friday, lhe · Democreta IMt •eek. Vicinity or 16tb St. 6 &allta t.o a Ford Dealer ~ Ana Ave. LI &4SI&. toct2 19&4 MERCEDES BENZ SOO 6-tlr. Hdan. Low mn-. •. Immaculate. Harbor 3Mf.·M. 90U'c BY OWNER Open Sat. A: Sunday l ·Di 1oW down payment. FLASH ruST LISTED THlS MORNING. Ftr•t Ume on the inuket. Back Bay area. IM.MACULA TE S yr. old borne, 3 twin fl&e bed.room•. tar1e living n:iom, !flp&rate din· lnl area, room1 tiled kitchen, with brukfut irpace.. A TOP BARGAIN •l $12,750.- 0nly $4000 down the b&lance al $71 at 4 % int. lncluda every· uung. No often. BY APPOlNTME~'T principal&. ONLY to EXCLUSIVE AGENT FORD VERRINDER, Har. •263 or. 34.77. USED CAR '54 MEICURY Moaterer Mretop ~PJH!d" 1IJtt.b Men!Omatk, a..a. WSW .... r-.r Mlat ap..br. Beaatltlll Jet W.=t MISSION SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO $ENERAL ASSEMBLY ' n.ua reall.)' •ta ~ ...,. en. $1895 '50 PONTIAC .............. ~ ... ~t U,.. Estertor .. _.,.. u... metllllkl -on. M7 : ...... tkt. .... aeeda la • --htrtq' U.0-... et mllee ., ~ ''" atvtar. $595 '55 FORD l'bt. elMl1 cnw. Victoria ....,. ttyte .... ee:rtaaa)7 c.&.cla tM. q9 1111'\lla~~-~- .,.. &ad •tJ• exterior _. '4th Degree, Knights ol Columbus preee&. EASTER MONDAY CHARITY BALL featuring - .-ee+lrl" t.tertor pi!• a It-* .t a:tn ~.,._, trlD. teav• ,_ tsw...-b,_Wliea. n...oq ~ $2295 • ....... UYllll All LUI fMllATIH ilpril, J ·BIJ# • • • It we1 e tiny cott•9• ~ Ordterd Sftfft In Ph~•dtlpfti•, 'enn1yfv.r1ie. Comly ltidi watitff to blly It. Off"ic.n of tf.le Oriord ,roviffnt luildin~ AsJOCletiOl'I t.nt h1m Sl75, 1ncf th. rm Sevifi91 Md Loen AHOCietion Tr•naeotM:>n ." tl9'1e ci -· .. .w. Comfy lidi'1 tiny horne it rlandin9 todey, e 1yml>ol of +M endurl1'19 role whtch ~ .. Men the vital fu"letion of S•vin91 and loin A110Ciation1 for 125 y••n. Thit Apr~, we 11hi+. e eenfury.end ... qu•rter of S1vin91 and loan Hrvice to tf.lrif+y, hOfM.OWTlin9 Amwiun flfl'l9iet. Your fundt, in'f'91+.d tn ow i.,Mll'ed S1vin91 •nd Lo.n Auoei1ti0fl, en in turn r .. in....n.d uncl.r &0urul, Con..,..,etive M.,1qement 1" Ffnt T nm Deed LOM!S to bvy or b.ild homM f« O!'•MJ• Couflty '•"'•iet.. n;., ..,. w . 11 f+le rounffst irrmfmetlt lri el the worlcl, in the tM f•.'t.tt-growin9 9erd.n •pet In Am.riu. We eeleM1+. -20tft Ani.i"""'Y i" 1956-20 ye.,, of HfYica to eonservetive ln- ......ton. T)tir COflfiffnee in our ~°"' "'•• bu9t our re~ to wel 1bov. 125.000.<>00.00. We tnvite you to pl.u your uvin91 with Or•n9e Co\jnty'1 fist.st 9"1win9 SrAt191 end Lo.n Al10Ci1tion, letin enjoyin9 OIH' curffnt hl9h""tum of lV1'r per y••r,•ith tli•iclend1 p•icl 4 titftet reerfy 9ft el KCeUntr.. • FREE GUEST-PACS . C..11 •• -....... ~ ........ -..... ,...... Ill ...... ,..... k•do. ... •t -c-....... "4•• ofRc .... C...+ Hith••'t _., M.cArfftw a..i...N;-•"" •K•iv• • •west ,fl, wiflo ew ·-,u-... ..... .,..., ....,., th. Gv.1t·'•c •••'•" ••• ..;,. •• t it· ··-·· -..·. ~•c.tl~ i11 Loi v., ............ •• two~. , ....... ' ""... '51 MERCURY , ---IJ'---nAB1JOB---... -AJUtA_" ----ltiau• eoupe wtUa •-.i ....._,., tl ~~tM; i'idh, NEWPORT BILB_OA -\SAVIN8S,__... FttU · DILIY.IRT • We OIY9 8&11 OrMtt llfMlpa • 1804 NeWpolt llYd. la the llMl't of Costa Mesa .......... 'l'nllJ' • toac ..... .,, ' "$695 See us today I Theodore Robins YOUB J'OllD DEALER OW ... Yeu Ill 8e"'9e t. ....... 01 'f'J' SlOI W. Oout Rwy. --......... _Mlle lAorty 11,1471 • 1.AWllNCI WILK & His Orcheotre Aprl 2ad -9 to l .--: U.00 ,,., ,,....,. ltVID~S B.u:utOOM BALllilA 11~ L111 •••••l•ll•• V IA LID O IEAOH 3 3 •• NEWPORT P.A. P'alme r, P r e1 id •n t HARBOR 42 0 0 OALIFORNIA Corona del Mar Oflk:o 2407 EGllt Coaat Hi9hway , WITHDR AW ABLE !NS,URED SA VJNGS • • I ' • • • ' FROM OU> m NEW -eoaCb Al Ii-win. Wt, eongratulatoo Cooeh Ed New· land, ri(ht. "'"1 ~ ~led to ta.Ir:• over Newport Harbor'• llWlm mentorinf next ~n.. 11>°khit on JI lbe ~an· All-Americf. prep ace, Don Redincton. Irwin ii still wtth tbe ..,,Sallor 1pluhera thil leUOn, but moves to Oranre Cou:t C.Ollege next fall -Staff Photo CRUCIAL OOU~ER ....._ Rowland Hill. Orange Coast · College· outfielder cl"OSled home palte with the Pirates .econd and final nm or the ball game against Fuller• ton Tueeday. Wayne Coughtry tossed a no-hitter to capture the .fray for the Bucs ot Coach Wendell Pickens 2-0. Gene Raine'•· single 11eored Hill -Gene Tyler Photo . THAT'S A FUR :PlECE UPI • Tom Trooim, vanl.l)" ~ jumper &~ N_ewport Harbor J::llch, ~ the -.cond 8&1\or ln Tar t.nc:k hillory to IMp over t tt. recently. Tn>olm cleared the bu at I .ft. i,s ln. on the a&Uor c:ampu.t ov.l, then repeated with a I ft. JU!"P for rtnt aplnlt ruu.rton. -ltatt Photo ' . HARlo-R .. . ~o BILL PlllLLJPS, Sporta Editor • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I FRIDAY, M.ARCH 30, 1956 HARBOR AREA TRYOUT CAMPS OPEN MONDAY FOR KID BALL Tryoot1 In the Harbor •'""-'• coordinated boy•• summer bueball ·pro(ftm 1et underway Monct.y momlnc. •t&rtll\I" a t fl a. m. The tryout. are tor the purpoM ot de.te.rmlnlnr tum and leque U&l.puneni.. for local Jounplars on the bui• of q-e, IJf'OWlh tnd MUI. ' Boya from 11-14 u of Be~mber 1, 190I can r~rt. to ~· Kea· Park al 9 L m. M.onda7. Bo)'• from 10-I can report to Monte V1•ta School a t 1 p. m . The Tuelday eched~ 111, * ~ 13·11 n110rt.i..q to eo.ta M ... Park at I a.'?"· TufllillDY·Dd thoee 10-I to Cotta MN& Park at l p. m. ., ' • • 31EA1iUE-MEETS • ANAtiEIM TOPS ' POSSIBLE SITES FOR P.CL BALLCLUB -t"w1'n .. (8), 1'6.1 = : -.-(M), ..... IU.UIUQE BT.&NLl:Y •--Oial7 --~" Ul5 I:. OOM1 '"'7 eo-... M&MMotors ANAHEDf, (OCl'fl)-An&belm ,.ou wut to talk about Uie New Marine & AllfOMoflYa la ~ u u.. ~nr dt.7 York ,Tut...." nd . -~• ••-"7 th• Hol-How1ver, there are muy tac· -<JeMnl ...,_,. u er a>Jl91Utta._ ton lnYOhled. In order for • lyWOOd Btan wbM tb4Y plan tum tn th• Pac&nc Cout t.earu• their ' mon trom I OUmon l'teld to move to Anaheim, the two &ft.er tb4i lt6T bu1b1ll .-.on, m01t important potnta t.o con· but Stan' ottldal.i ...., bave 1lder ara the ae&Unc cap&dt)' near17 ---.-dOiift iorilr iilff they and pa.r~ f.l.d.ll.Uu. A modem buball pe.rk R&t· U'I conaidertn&". ln1 between 10-20,000 per.ana I• Th1t •tory ot tlwl -stare mov-nec•aary, allO adequate parklDJ. lnS to A.n&hel.Jn,. hN Mm lloruk-The c:lty mutt 1et behind lhe Ins out lha pUt ,.._~ Vice-move, becaUH the ..attitude 'bt \he J>rt,atdent Bob Cltfntnb btdlcated city will fll'Ure •trongut In tl'le at PAim Sprtnc• that at th• mo-move. menl It •Mm. very' poulble, The Holl~ood ball ciQb iii The re-..on ror Anaheim to be movln1 from a community Cadillac Specialists lllterc.Ptar .. CedlRac MariM Engines u 8-3381 • JIM'S MUfFUR SERVICE So.,.r'• l(afflen " Dual Plpeo the favored location 11 baaed on. lhroufb no fault of their own. many tacton. HM&nc lbtl list but btcaUM tl'lelr leaae ttpll'el 11 the fact I.hat the HoUywoo4 at Ollmor1 Fltld after the 19~i ball club baa been conduct1n1 Muon •• the area 11 beitl( '°"' •prin.c trailllnr Mr. • tor "" YUted into oomm1rcw. deftlop-AIM l'Kt•rJ" lk,.....,,... ~•ta )'ean.. "We bave bMn extremt111 mmt.. • ll 8-4'1'4 pltutd w:lt.b. u.. ~unent and TN.a torcM the llan to be tn haw towwt the dtrto M won• aw home lo' the 11M ....an. !101 W. Qout HWJ .. Newport derf\11 to ui... Aid .... ..J"l.,. l'i __ _..,. _______ ""--------=-;;;; Y"" t.Nlninr at Aa&M&ra i. • loas Ume. tor -. ch.lb. UD1- FAIR FACES HORSf9ACE PROBLEMS ,, Other tryout camp1 next week -111 ~ held WednN<Ll.y. J-t--T •--&. .. Wherever poulble, the boye will be placed on t .. l'NI whk:b .....,..-• W ~ ,~· .. ,, .• \. ' 11.ICTRl·CALLY SANTA ANA, (()(j."l'iB)-Knotty will pla7 at their nMtt1t tryout al'91l. The p~ ·11 Alllde ... 1afJ Sllde probiem9 beln1 t~ by tbe Or-tonduct.ed by the Newport. Beach Recre•tlon Depa.rtment and anse County j'&Jr Boaf'd before Harbor Boy•' Club In cooptraUOn Wlth t ht Newport Harbor Kikt GaorJ.. ctnt.erftaldlr .• CIA It can e1tabll1h a thoroufhbred Hilb 8clwol Reere&Uoa Pl'OJll'tlm and Coe:ta Meaa .6ark and o:.ch O.Dell ~·a N....,.rt. race track on th' re.tr lfli>Unda Recre.atkm 41-tric:L Harbor Wctl adlOol )WUor' ftf"" were outlined Wedneeday by Vic--., alty .. ~ broke hia ankle 1Mf.: tor A . G&blu, deputy State Al.tor-1-------------------------· ltns :Dito •---l&a "'1d&1. •-UT US HELP YOU e If AFFO•D 6. SON -Elodileal Colltncton llO 8'vonldo Ave. . LllMii'tJ S.UU • ., Gen•aJ •. f .. """"' m•mb<n GRE_A_ t ;DAY~R IRISH .... ,..... him .. _ ... lW>"'" and the Orange Co~y Bo&n:I of ;;;; = ~ Tar outneW. ltanda.1l 9&64, wW ··;::::~; •• WU ... -·····" • Tim Patrick Paces HBC ::...:"" "":.::.:" -===-....---,-, --==,,,.,,,,· ==~=~ by the f&ir board and 1Upu'Vl10r•. B a k Ow wbo &rl uplortn1 th• variOUI UIC '"ers· • .,..,,.,. ~d .... lblllU• lnvol"d T .., ... L WI L -I I • ::: :"': .:i:.:!i.":".!: ~.:: fau · ii OY"° aguna .? =~~'!o;:=,,,:i::.= Tim Patrick ~ _ Boyo· Club 6-ac~ .na field LO O K ! I rs-1 o· R'N '· J"air bo&rd memben are NtlrlftC forces to a 22-6 victory over the lA.guDa Beach th1nclada to utabllah th• track .. a mMM in fourth rrade com.Petition th1a week: Lacuna-captured ot obtaln1na tun4e to drltiOP the the third, filth &.nd &izth lf'&de-meet.I. -· -:::.;;,~ ;::.._::,'\;' .::..~ -.. trt .... -.,,... ....... --....... jump~... TRAD. El -m 0 N A al &ncl puk "I .. tor Oru&9 eowi~ )'&rd.. dull.. tbe 50 yard cl.Mil ud Wrd ID ti.a broad :Jump. Uana. ; lb.ti high . jump for ~ ~ , Ro1f:! la.ebon ~ a fir•l · Jn Ol'IStlr to tlllabllll'I a tat .. wck. area )'owipt•n. H• ~ Uw Ill U.. nfth fr&doa 15 )'&rd duh • ' .. .. ·-· 1 • .. la ... while J:Z'ltn hrtth. )Mped O&bl• told ... -In lb• U -lb• '° IA •· H to • tint <nlh a '1·10 ottort to< . 8aV'OJ' l\eataurant, atate law ,... wblnlftl" bdPt la the field ..,.I. Barbor 8o71' ctub. Qene, Pala-• • -.... I ...... that • M ...... •UIJ> ....... ft. •• .... • ....... '"' -...... ,.. • NEW ·'56 0 0 0 GE··. READY FOil Pl<l&OJT -' F1nt Baeem•a Paul c:raati.d of two or mon · ol'tLdal <>thtr llBG'""' polnt-praen tor Jump llftd Ulird bl ~ broad Lora.tlen .-umea the diamond J>Olle neceuary tOr bocH-. auch aa the tab: bo&ni, &n tha fourth ,raden """ Da~ Jump. • thab act ln a recent Stm1et tt. ..... outing ell Coach • lnttt.tdual dty oC a bod1 u the J'r.t.nck lllld Harold Crtm. Tbl 01Ha& WllfND8 ·-board of au'pe~l'L ,.it tied tor aicond In the ~ Hae mu. ...... pert' Emil Neeme .. Newport Harbor. Hish School Sailor' No u.\an.rrv J~ at M , and Freder1c1t took lncl~ed Jed llCMMtc.o. =~ nine. Tbt Tara ioppJed Santa Ana M in lint local °nl• M~t• 111Uty then can ia-third• tit tba SI ud ISO 1ari'I hmn, Mib Pall'lcll an,J. Brian I 009 M Pa k -~··--h Mia revwnia bond9. M Mid, With--~ • • tAwte. Perrta tooll·1 tlnt. In the __ .. _P_cam__,....,•_•_t __ 1a __ ,.. ___ r_._--_-_o~ __ P_o_to ____ .1out Ua~lty to t.asplljwa or tbe IAOUN"A WINB TO Jt.rd dUb 111 I .I Md Wrd • pa.rent badi• lnYOlffd. t.qww. \oOk U.e lblrd ande 11L i.be Ml )'&I'd 9J)l1llt, Hou•ton H rtfson, Joh Span Tba deputy atlal"n4y refMl'aJ ewpta 11-10. ;U.. !ltua 23-11 and wu aeoond In the :lllth jump. a nson . -.Id t.J:i• .ante .iate law wb1cb la f.h• elJtt.h 3-11. ~I with Patrick a n..d appUcable In the Orana• CouDt1 lJlo tbtl \.btl'd. fl'l4a compeUUoa. Lewta, Md maqfd. MOOftda tn Pl.rate Th.I · :.ads t · Win· =N= .. ~ =.:.: ~ --~ ~ ~ --..... ,... ..... nc1 !..!! wb~ .. ClOMtruct1q ill• h. :::.:. ~ :!"tar=· ao .,.,.. ~ JUm~ a UW'd In the • eporta arena b'J tbe d\J'. A duo lol rirN ~ 111 ti'), Joliw (J\), &bltfer That ~ Olbfet l&Jd, eQtftded 111 u...;,.,,,,. 14 -to ""8ta. a. ...,_ .tllntJ' Md" ~ llurdle.r BW H&rrla:lft and welP,t COCI, 1:Qa.J. Two XU.. Olbaoa !~ ~·~ ~ Loa 1raa. oUt thl mu.J .._,, and -.. inlca in'fWllld. l:dwwda dee.Wed ace Ge. ... Jol\Mon ~ O.ch fl"), Worth)' (0C). BueLa (OC}, _.,_ . tur.I nomlc q\lellllillnL ' the •tud7 will Lake Um•, but 11 •1 . Brandt IOCI. 11 :01.t.. Mlk. Gib-.... tnc:t~ -H~ton Harper• Orance Ooul .on (F ) ~ IOC) Worthy One or the bl&' problem. belnl: He .wumari&ed bi9 talk In two mUMt. be done.. 0 0Ue1• thlncladl to capture an (0C), M~Knl('bt (RI, t:.~l.T. Mile reced, lie declarM. ta a pec._.ry major prollhma fac«I: 1. U Ula s,.ktn1 of tbe city of eo.t. "Eute1T1 Conte~ trlanplar rUay ft (W~ ucJC•lrf'i,t, court tat of U&a 1.,.Ut.y of the enUtJ can 1141 er.tad lqallJ la tJie M-. Edw..,.. aald -.nee th""e fair cinder .e-*' be1"9 ~ .iw-~ .Ion•), 00. S:.U.t. cNa1 enU\y rnT'Olttmeril. fnvotwit ..,_ of h Clllllll't and I. 'l'tta ..,.. poUDdl ate Jal tb&t ctty nothlnf DOOn. n.. Pirate .aptk:e cnw com· mp HurdlM, HanUon (OCI t~. he potnted out, u a rwtrtc-nomlc r-..tttnt1, add wtlet>Mr tM· tlbCNld M .,.,,. wltbout c.o.t.a filled 17~ point. to 11 ~ tor N~ U"rin,pta (QC), 8trocer <J'I: t.loJI of the oflate law ~Unf bof'4I cu be ~ .. t a re&-w ... ·, ,-ood Will lerton a.ad 42 tor ~ Vmaowr (OC), 11.1. Low Burd--Ula HiMI of fair Pl"OPtlrt1" to • pri-..,......._.Mlier.t...at.. Bl* hlleaW'tikr, fa.Jr manq-er, Harrlaon topped' U. bl&l' u.m~ ~H..triaon. COC), Jltohrta; (r), nt.a ~terest. The emrt teat WOl.!Jd 111....,..,..,_ la~ COft\Plete nm; .. ~ Ut4 lditd llln! 1-.U ' • Here's our , special . DEAL OF THE WEEK on BUICK * wi..,.,; .. w.-.,,....ftee ... ,.., .... * hdl ......... "4• ... •fty ..... '5' .... * Y.wc.llU_...,. ,,...._.po,_. ~ ,..,.,., ,.,,..,,,., "" In tt.1 and tbt >ow MITI• Bwn•toa tOC), Slnlpr (1'J, detennlne whether a l"OUP liach to tith ot tbe propan.1. -.ineer-ad7 -1-~'9~ .. ~~ ll•J!'l Ute _&hot •P'' .JolnMe , (0Cl u the ~ o( tu"'111on WAJ..4_ Inc reporl.I, r-•enuu lnVOl•ed. ~n-lnr a atatf:ment on the ''°'-"-m-· 1---~~--- 9.bat <18 n . 2.,., In. and 1Wiriiil ~h.t trJ, HcrWe11 (J'), thin,.. edneldel'9d a prtvat.a lnttlNlt. ~protiliri'li 'ihd reniiil m.nl'• tftA on t a"lili proptrt.y. Cw I• tW. ...tl we-.. .. • lllMI tt..t c.w't M Mell th ~ 1!2 n.. I In. aton (OCJ, {I-I~. Hlrh. Jump, The l.ol Anplea Oollleurn com-a~te u to procedun, Gab-AT• Minr iOt!S"t an plana ot Other Bue nnt. oame trom o....,w1 ti'), Norroan (OC); ~ .ml91i0n c ... In now under ,Ucm a lt1t1 -1d. lb• Jtockton nee tnck layout. A.L • ... A; _11:_..J M. o 1'. o •• Bob l;jue.a who touNd lh• llO Kinfton (llJ, 1-0. Pole n.l.llt, Hop-COUI'\ teat, the •ptt.ker .ald. VIEW 8tnDL\.&Y Bl.ale enlln•..i ...... 1 .. .,. on the l•lr A,. .• . I). 1:03.2. ilid Blan Aoplilfis With JdM (OC), Orton. (J'), u. be-OOVEllNJU:NT ROLD Fair board manber Roy Ed· ..... ..- • lift of 12 tt. tn tht pol• tWfltD McKinnon (I') and Uppka Another dtttlculty, he Mid. la wans. ot Oranp. ln ewnManailll' lf'OUllOI, l'le aid, baYe already • ... 11 . .,.. ......... 'hi ... -loc>. ,..., ...... , ... ,,.-. ... ,., .......... t., ,._ ,. ""',.._. -..., ""~ -_ .. ....._ 16'0 Newpart il!d. Costa Mfta Liberty 8-2291 to MtUe for .• p&lr ot IMICCIDda (ii'), Syler (I'), Qt•••wr (I'), the fair pound JWopw:t;J, wltlcb plaM of the rrciltp, declarad many -;;~~~~;:============:::::====:;:~;;·;::;:;;::;;;=:::;::i:============::J======-:: tn the ettlW'J and t2b. Remits: lfopkin.1 (0(::), 11-114. DUcm. CIDC'e wu tbe Santa Afta Arin,r Air 1Upa woWd ba•e to be takan .,... I 100, SwartUns fR), 'h.Jlor Jon.on (OC'I, brMI (I'), JtaiPt Bue. hCfi!d ther. la tht P-lbla ton the tuk can be accomplla1te4 ~OCl), Letncti (ft), RanUon (I'}, 8ocb1qaff (OC), tlJ.t. Ja .. ho6d that the p...-nmmt ..._ .. Ha ~ UM board wlU omu.-. (OCI. 1.9. no. swarttl"' f R)., -S)'le.t' fF), T. UTllLl*On to oO *'Id 11\bterai rtpU Oft tM lt aU parltM .,.. ~·· la IU Taylor IOC'), Letricb. (R.), Wiley (OCl, RMeru (I'), ~ (f'). propnty. f'elliMftll on the tNdl JllM. lh (f'I. Z:?.0. <1<10. Jona lit), Wat· 111·1 nMI .con: 0n.np C0Ut Bef°"""tha nJ~ tradl:•COU.kl ti. MM to be e.xpJorect. ha th.air order, eGn 1R1. Town'f!nd fftt. Tomp-Ccllep e1 1,, f\illertoe 5l'ii · Rt.,. coma a Hallty, the ia.,Yer .a)d. are : 1. DMd• otl ct-.~ on UI• M>n \Ji'), !'II O. SIO, Sues1 lOC). era.Ide <12, rnlldl tlm• erid effort muif"" fair JT'O"Olds, I. Drawtq of ... re+- . ' - (l • • • .. .. h••' .... ' I . l • • ,· " --· • . • ' • ' i ' . • • • ; . ; ' ' • ' ' ' • ' ' ' . ' • • \ EN GJUND WCK VICTORY OVER TAR ~ .. ·• I ., H :..I I ' .;a. 1.;. • • • • ,._ Mud .... ,.,-' .... l:lt& . SAIL:'OR TAKING HIS CUTS Jn th!• €aae, it'• George Mabee, outfielder-pitcher, ~ one OD the noa ln. recent , Newport Harbor High School Tar diamond Wt at Cbita 11 ... Park. Mabee bl 11Cheduled to alternate with Gary Green. winner ot the Sallon' lint SUDMt 1-e game, on the anthill th.iii •pring. -Staff Photo ' CLEAN SWEEP -Two eidppeno in Newport Harbor Yuht Club't Bprlilg Qi)d CUp serie. !owid. !t ~. Well pleued with their ~ward.a .are Pe'cgy Slate\" who took two daily !inn.a and the eeriea fiJ'lt in the K-38 clul and Strat Enrflht who did the same Jn the' Rhodes fleet. Reu-comnfodore John. Bamdall made the award.a assisted by race committee-man Jim Webster. -Beclrcur, Photo llHAl.L l19A'f WINNEll8 -Accountlns for almott half of lll7·bo&t tlOet which turned out for Newport Harbor Yacht Club'• annual Sprtnr Gold Cup een. were the eicbt amaJl boat c~ ..;.tinr off the noD<alm pier. Rear-Comrnodoni John Humdall congratulates Jerry Madigan on hia vtcto17 ·in the T.ehm•a·12 ciu.: Warren .Blinn who won the Lthman-10 divi.Eon; and Jim Warmington, topa in the sn,wbird ~ all of wh"'!' . .,.. nllml>t:od -· NHYC'a. ~ tklppeno. -· Beckner Photo OONORATUL.\TIONS Rear-O>mmoddi'e John Humdall ot N~ Barbor Ya.cht Cub award.a three of the coveted gold trophia to three wbmen following the annual NHYC Spriilg Gold Cup aer is. Trophy holden from Jett are Dick Hahn of NHYC in the Stu m.: Ruth Huk.U of NHYC in the Lucien; and Kelth Lumpkin of VYC in the Albatrou diviaion. -Beckner Photo larabees Get HoR~/able "1e•tio1 fot Kansas library .Donation ltnaeUid lh• board to bulJd • kl· ecny at b1a apeue to m"t the pnibl-._ .Now mure tJwl tooo booltll .,. ~ la •ta.I etaclu la • ..-11 f\lnUabld MC:Uoll. tkltor Loses Caps .... __.. rca ~.....,~-~r ---. ............ •••ol! '. ,,. .............. ,.. r_,-. · ,L111 H1 td $d• ,rs · De~ =:,,.:: ::,:i.•:-r';~ • • -.._f'" ..... ..if....,. ..... -laoll la Ille hunlloo lll"ODt..s·tlle Ntwport a....1::::...::.::=:.....::;;:.. __ -, ' lo.uBIPo.i 11c11aa1 a,uor """-or Oooeh non 11qms trom '' -.at Ille 8unMt i_,.. -at li'1IUli'toa with a ~ la tlle llcl>hrelcht compf!ltlon Tueodi.y. ..... a ...it, tlle fOWWflll Indlau rolled <>Ver tho Tan In aU ............ t&ldAI' tM ..... lmWl ... ,..wq &JoQ&' 1A ftM lilll7 .,... U.. •• ''" • '5\S r.wt.. ·~ etncb tor • ... 0. C'I M¥t • 11%. ' clOM fta&ab wttll. ~-m•t•e M UIM•lllM tar.r to_llPft' Bob _...,..,.;; 'nMD 1m1u. lllt a bUtd'9. ~ ....... thrOWa oU •bide and hit ,.... ............. II. 11erme~ NaL ........ --•• '""""..... .. .. ""' •• "!" II ..... Sw'm.on naltbed It. but I,_ _...,, f M . -· ._. .• --.. -..... , --· .Pair · o · eets ::. '"'.::!"".!.. .. "'· ....... ,_. · • f ' At laait It cam• down to tu 1-.f -t .. tioi•-fOm omonans "1"' which tl>• lndl~ ......... I -w ... -... -- T-No m•• 9Wimlnr vtc:tort• ~. ~ u~P:::.i;:n'1 pomlbly 1~... \• ... _:j BOOK ro IPAD -sian Hopklli.o, Oranp 'Cout Oollep altitude lonr, -... blJh Into ti.. OIODe for Coach Hueoton llarper'1 traclt and field 'tore ... Aplnlt Fullerton and Rlvenide( a trianruJar cinder •••loa which wu· captured by the Bu~. Hopklnl contrilNled a 12 ft. effort for nm pla<e in the pole vault. -Photo by Wally Pieree we:re racked up by Orance Cout Du.h men 1t~ for YI• Sall-\'i)Y -------... -.,,,.;;I__ OoUqci Tuellday when tht>y met on. Tom Niquette 1na1ged the · 1'llSr and defeated the Pomona College vanrtty century •nd 220, Bob fb ,_. __., n.raity and fruhm11.n 1wlmmlnr Buckland and Tony Roe.ch fin-"-' _. ~ ~ INed on-two in ~ ll 100 and /.,.. ~--., Coach JO<I K.roU'a mttmen took DO and Glua Mom.on woii UM ~~ A\: U.. JnMAUN of tbe !our•)'e&r CDI-0 190. .... 7 $ 11,. ftNltr 1$1' a 111-13 CO\qt J'or tM MCOlld •lr&laht mMt. • \ and dtclltoned UUi J'roah by 60-Tom Trooten claued I ft. in tu ' • I ;::: .... h11b jump t 0 r tlret pl.l.c• r • . Ku Bowman ,CIO.nllnued hia AU• ap1Ut th• Tribe ~n. OlbU ' I p~y la t.ll• &atance event.a Sailor tlnta l.nciudld Jui Bil· by ~ tlrN ltl ·both tl"t HO Uard la \.be B lUO, John Hen.- and '40. Ou of th• ma.t n.pldly roUn Ul lbe B ahot put ud 1AO lmJl'Cl"ftns PI (a t • twtmmen. t.opa., t)1tls tor lop spot Ul tbe l>oul' D' A.mall. wu l'UMer-up to IS htJh Jump. Th• _yya.1tr reJq Bowmu. ln both even ta. Another ~t ot Glenn sai'C*-d, Dodd on...two, combln&Uon for th• Bl.Ml9 .....,_.,., O\arU• Bany and Nt,.. w .. tM tlnt and,.MC!Jlld of· A.Ian qutt• ckfeated :J'\LU4irton. Hod.pa and Paul Bntth&upt a..ulta: Van!ly -Hilb ~ th9' backatroka. M, Xv.d!lh. "th. 100, Nlquilta l•-----------led lo 11 lb• tot&l nv.mMr or RlilUJ.t.: Medley Rl.lay-rro.h lat. MartlD •th. 10.&. t4o0, A.Ud6. acor.l•• tram .. ,.. baa t.oued ·l :J0.2. JJO -Bowman (OC), aon It'd Buford tth. aao, Bo11fta lD tbt BYCI' ·lnlu.J pair of riC D'A.ml.ll (OC:), Gou&'h {P) 2:U . 2nd, PM~er 4olh. l20, NI~ la~ auUnp. Apln1t Riw•ral.de, llS-0 IO -Ball"d (P ), Murphy OC), PuMlon lrd, 21.0. Low h~ Ptrate vktlrn, CO"'ibtl'J worked Hwttu Cf'rolb) :2•.3. 200 lncUvl· Berry •th. Miia, R.lou ln4, O. the tlr9t alx atanau. · dual Medlly-1fyon1_ IOC), Lynn toekl inl. Bbot. Vlll•rrana Ind, MAY BE RACQUE'f: .. BUCS GET STUNG! Th• l'ullutorl Homet rac- quet .wtn1er1 lltunr Oranc• Cout Colle1e nettar1 with a 7·2 Mtback ca. tb• rival oourll 'l"u..s.y. Lone Bue W'laa came ln Ult: doublu '#belt. J•t'f'J' Bolde and Mv· rttt Jamee won t-t, '-'· a.a and Leonard BLec&llWI and llob 8taata-did UkewiM 7-~. .... But not aaUAfled with 1lmply ll'roatl), Band.inon (P ) 2:30.4. Rum.ey lrd. Ktrh jump, Trool1n blowlnr lh1t ball paAt rlv11 bat· Dlvtn1 --Bta1•b•r r IOC), lit, Peanon · 2nd, 6-0, Broad ter11, Wayne 9t.,~d up to the Btu.ta (OC), Greer <P ), Oneltl jWnp, Buford 2nd, At.kin.on 3rd. dt.h and touched otf lhe thr.e-<OC). 100 -Baird, (P ), ?t1urplly Poll vault. Bento 2nd. Klredltll hit Nnqt tn the third tram• {OC). Whlta (Fl'oah) :M .7. Back-lrd. Relay, Newport · (Buford, which a.ccounted for occ .cortn1 •lf'ok• -Hod.re• (OC), Br1lt• Peanon, Ban')', Niquette) l :U .I . 111 the Horoet battle. haupt (OC), 8ch1u IFroah) 2:-B -HlJb 'hurd.le1, Surmon i.t, 1998 Harbcir Blvd. Pin.ta doubl•• IOI• WU ab- 90rbed by Gene Tyler· and Alan KOON wNW 1)1er, Holden, Jam... MooH, Bt.· cailWI Ud Btaata dropped etnr ... ' .~. Ra.mmlnJ a triple Jnlo center, 36.7. '40 -Bowman (OC), D'Ar· Smllh 4tb, 10-0. 100, Buckl&nd Cou1htry dented ltLI dllJl on na.11 (OC), Booth tFn»hJ. 3 :17. lit, Rouch :Ind , Frederlcluon Rowland Hill'• foUowlnr two-200 Brea1t 1troke -Miller 4lh, 10.3. 1160. Hin.en 2nd. Rice bafpr. Gene Raine'• linJle Mnt (Froah), Lyon• (OC), Lynn 3rd. 220, Bucklend l1t. Roe&ch Hlll 1elloptn1 ln. It wu 1tr1et1y IFrolhJ 2:40. ReJ1y -Frolh 2nd, Fredertckaon 4th, 22.9. Low Costa Mesa u 8°2062 COMER ANYHOW W•YD• worktnc · wondir1 trom 3:36.IS, hurdle•. Shaler 4th. 1320, Hll· the mound from the~ on In. Piclt'1 pokll'll llnld up Ilka tht. durtnr the Jout: Hill ct, &Heh Coopman al, Raine lb, l:ltrada 3b, Jerry Wa)'t 2b, Ted Coutll c. :Jim Newktrk If, Jeddy Younr rt and, oh, yea, Cou1btry p. Advance Ratings Given Reservists Summer Leagues Fonning Monday 6:'5 p. m ............. 495 Scr&leh Trio . s-:~ p. m.. ...... ___ Hlnd 6'• -s men -z "I.a4Jea • '. Tu<Joday &:SO p. m ........ -. .udlet' lla8dlcap '• • 9:IO p. m. .. ___ -Oranp O...ty Net.I 8cl'91ch Ttlo Wedaeaday 6:40 p. m. ............ Ball &I Chala Ml.Xect 4'• Coughtry on lirite Mound Staff Again? Thi Naval TralnlnJ O.nter In Sant.a. Ana baa announced the promotion In Hrvlce ratlnp of Appa.rmUr WaYJM Cou1htry three Newport Harbor Navel re- hu mad• th• team •f'&l.n thll pn11t. . '' 8:45 p. m ............. MO Scratch Tito, Open BowUns - ......._ .. 8\IC:(l•INl\y pu.si.Jlg qucllfyln1 AnJWay, when the Oran1e uaminaUoftl f'l•en ln March are Oo&.t Coll'l'e Pl~te1 of Coe.ch Leoni.rd P. Jamd, 10D ot Mr. Wendell P1ckm.1 handed Eutem and Mr1. L. P. Jame1, Newport Conlerenc. competition a 1oeOOnd Bea.ch, enslneman third clua: •tralcht lhutout, that wu Courh· J"ra.nk M. Sleraen, 10R of Mr. try out on the mound hurlln1 a and Mr1. H. C. Seltnen, New· 2·0 no-hit triumph •1•lnat Fuller· port Beach, protuelon1\ .earn.in, ton on the w:.... diamond T\IM· and Dean L. WWlatn1, 20CM Mey- day a!teraoon. er Plac1, Colt.a. Meu. ndarman Wayne'1 t.irlinl' effort soom· .eeond et .... -- Thursday 6:40 p. m ............. 4cllet' Scratch Trio, Open Bow11111 • • 8:45 p. m. ..... _._ .. .Hea.'• Commerd&l lluldk:ap Friday 6:4-0 p. m. ............ Mb:ed - • • 8:'5 p. m. ............ Open Bowl.Ille All Nlsht SATURDAY, M1XED FOUBSOME-OPEN BOWLING ALL NIGHT-8UNDAY OPEN BOWLING ALL DAY A EVENING VAN'S BOWLING CAFE and COCKT AlL LOUNGE nos Supe_rtor, Cotta M-BILL KU1lZ X.,.. 5 big reasons why the really new Plymouth gives you more for your money than any other low-price, car . . ' 1 Y ..... ••clwtv. -Pulll luHww Drt.f"I 'J'.ouch a buttoa-o« yoa ro! Thia po1ltlwa mecbatrieal, matrol 11 th eafllt. ea1ielt •••r. OD1y Plrmoulb b•• it. amoq low-pricil can. 'I y, ........ ~_. 6--..-.......... ..,. ...... Inalde and out. P1.7moulh is tM ''bil' boy'' in It.a tM-ld. 11 feet kJn.r. 011tmeuUl'9I tiaa·ot.Mn in~ hnpo..= ta.nt. W'&7· Mo~ room for all I 3 Y•v,.ttrP.-.ntyi,_ny -,.... .trlina e1i. ,.., Don't Jet other low-price car1 fool you with warmed- O't'llt' •u., '5' and '66 modela. Gel the r••llr new car- tht all-oew 'H P\rmouth. The "other 2" can't thatch P1111\0Ulh for safety. Onlr ,PJsmouUa often Safet7·ltim wheel&. electric wind1hlekl wipen, 2·c1linder brakn. Plymouth'• Talue IMd hu eent salte .oarlni. tnabllas deaJen to &1W JOU U'!iiflq clMls. Come ... bow ... , It t. to own a bla Pl)'IQOUth. .. • • • A Bal* 1&land couple, K i-. ln memortal strinl' to Ubrarlt11," IUld ).tr11. Cha1 le11 Larabel, haft the ,.ttt ot '3337 to lll4I Nore. J>etn 1tven an Honorable ltf enllon E. l.A.r1'bH Mamortal JJbruy of •Yt'a.rd by \\'ho's \\'ho ln Amer-8t&tt'ord. Kan. Larabel la th• lea for £..r , ptlonal MemoNI neph_. of I.ha sirt ill WboN Gifts to lib! •t1t'.ll. memory the llbc-1r1 WAI but.It In '. Thfl elgbUl bttlU\i.IJ l"'ani WU 19()1. ~,..,, tu tht< L.arabf'e.s r or lAamlnr lh1 llbnry had Joaeph R. h lt11 of Fontane reported l.h•lt of two dlac type llubcap. from hi.I car In Col\a • Me1& Monday ntp1 Valued at U& ,... ,,-1r, \he bubl WH"I r ... PL:YM, OUTH t 1· ,,.,. ,,,. 'rt,.....,."···'"""'• .n,.. ,-rs,..-· 11 . cos s ess ... ,.. .. .-l'HI '••• -• ,fy1nolll'h. r .......... ,.._ -,_ .. .,. •-' •• ••"'• ''"' oll .,.., wn _.,., • LOU RIEED & ASSOCIATES -·I '.-. "a unique uan1ple of cuntlftUity ovet'Oow of boolla, I.Arabel an cover«! ' by N f'WPOrt Bee.ell po- ln-lie• Depart.meet.. • • • • . -· ' . . . :::.:::'1~;:::'.:;:::::;;;-;:-:~:::::~;:~:;:o;:;;:;:~'~::i=:~ I NEWPOtiT HAUoR ~ESS -PART 11 • PAGE l , ____ Flll>_._A_Y_._.~_CH __ J0_._.1956 _____ , • I !....•. / I ' TIDI 'TAILI , l ••'I JJI• __......,.. ;:,'--~,_~... : ,:.::.. : \. \ ' I ) I I /.,' IN8TA11.A'l10N -Balb6a Power Squadron o(ficial9 wert iUt&lled fu ceremony above at NHYC by cOllfornla Di<trk!t Commander Thomu Sloai>. left. Standing, from " left, new office,. Including Secretary J. B. Stoddard, Commander Jameo Edwardo, Lt. Cdr. Al Rylelt and Al Sp<J\!lU, treuinr. In foregrouod, from left. Kn. Curt llooh and Yra. Edwardo. -Beclmer Photo . ·oANNON FOR OOllDIANDEB -Curt Dolh, left, receives amall bronze cannon from Executive Cam· mitteem.an -Dave F1rt.h at annual Balboa Power_ Squadron ln.!tallation ceremoniel March ~ in New- port Harbor Yacht Club. DOl!lh ia oUt~ing com· ma.nder of local squadron, having comPieteCl eecond year term, during which time group here made ill greateot growth. -Beckner Photo EDWARDS TAKES OVER SQUADRON HELM HERE Kardl,IO U:n..p.a. U I :",..,._ J.O ...,.._ 1:• ,_ m. U •:D a. m. O.~ ,. ~ll -. .-l :M p.a. .'a.t -~ Ji:OI .. m. • 1:1 l:M p. m. I.I ~1 .,•:ti ~m. • O.f l:D p.m. • t ~f:JOL.m.. ~ t .1 &:llp.m. AJftl .j t :• a.m..' O.T l:&J p.ra. I ~ ' J:U 4".: m. l .t &:6' p. m. A ... I · • 11:11 L In. 0.1 lO:tl p. m. wrt:sda.r .• ...... .,...-,. ..... .. 4:11 a.m. a,t ·a:21p.m. ' ' U~ a.m. 0.5 11:11 p. m. 1:15 &. m. f ,1 f;ff) p.'m. -.> ·@ er ....... rou. qC.uriu KOON Apr. lT Apr, ~ L.Lft QU ....... Apr. I U :Ot a.m. • ..... KOON Apr. 11 1T a.o • •• "' ... J.1 ... • •• ••• CommlU... which a. • part ot tor the lwUor Na....,at.or CCIW'M. -the Executlvt1 S.rd of the for u.-In all U8P8 8quadron.I. Squadron. oth•r mernbvt of the Nut ••enU other U!.an the com.mitt.. eltcttd tor 19~ are t.eacbins ot' couree ! now llli pro. Dllvtd' l"lrth and Dean ca.mpb.il. SHU WUl be th• azuiual may N-lleu\Q&nt conun.uider IA d&N:9 llaJ' 2f at Newport. Hir- AI RJJ4tt Wbo U. Mrnd u bor Yacht Club and unual nn- 8eCre""7, and who II ,chalrman d...ou. at A n.Jon JUM Jt. A ot th• leunauhl p ewne and new COW'M In PUotiftS will be- wbO bolda tb• snd• ot AdY.nced tin. In September, OD• stYU a.I. .etJot, He too baa •mid ln other Newport Harbor Yadlt Club and capadU. •uch a ipecla1 rmdes-on• at Valley Junior OoD.. ln 'YOWi and barMc~ committee•. Baa Bcll&rdino, undoer Balboa A!'ftn lpmcer ·will eontin.u• u Squadron'• proa-rain. eom... an ~. ud btflne aernn 1 Ilia now ln p~ •t both ot Ua- tlnh 7eu ,in tbal pomuon, tn P'aetie, dedu*t to ttniab late whkll b9 .doM an effldent job In April or •rly in May, u WW and &dda to b1a lrea.turv'e du· mo.t ot the aprin&' COW'llM. UM, that u u. Important mem· ber o1 lb• Exec\IUv• o:>mm.1ttee ln abaplnr the orpnlaaUoo po1.1. llA.UNE VPBOU!'IZ&IMO -. 'OHNSON'I NIW G! HOLIDAY llONll . , 1 r HA0 HOllU TlleJ'1• • ,.;,r,"tn,, ,i...1n._"'_ I H.._..,Wlallolldq ....._ ... ._..,... eo.o "' ud ... -NlDe..-w•fall _, ....... - -:.~--- SCllllll c-t eo. ~wport llht, .. Uill 11&. -........ Bf L C. P EASE EJeven new 9e1U•dron.I ba•e al· &"rack BAUM>.t. 0ANV il cl•. H• bokll Uwt Sea.n1t.nanip ~ BOAT 00\'S.U J0/111 .<iOTl Commander Jim E d ward• ready been chartered th1a ftu. Jarnea Stoddard i. the new SBOP . . taku over u chief alti~r ot Callfornla aquadr0114 make up 'lbe aecret&ry. IUI bu MrYed u .ec-H....,., Balboa Pow•t Squadron, follow-thirteen.th D.latrict with more r"*tal""J' In th• put, u Cha':'??an Hi1:'/b1~1 ~ .. In&" hia eleeUon at the March 22 than 1600 memben. ot A.d•&nc9d ~ea, hu taken I ~;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;im;.;;... annual meeUn& et Newport Har-Commander EdWuda Joined all the couna Kinn, holdln1 the I j bor Yacht Club Edw•rd• be· BaJboa Squadron In 1960 and hU top ,,.ad• ol Na'ftptor, a.nd In· comes B&Iboe Squadron's thlr-held mo.t of' the lmportanl of~ ltructln.s la tM N•vt.-etlon lfftlt.b commender, a.s tt e local flee• In that lime, u well u oour.u. Ba W a.llO a memtt.r or "rroup, a unit of the Unit.cl colnc lbrouiih the PfO&"r•m of the ,Natlona.I Junior Nevtgator Stales Pow-er Squadro~. bo:,lna cour.-et, to attain the-hlghut committee and I• at pruent en· .t. •ixleenlb year. irr•<Je, that ot Na"f1gator. He hU P&"td 1n r9'Y'l•lnr th• almanac GETJING TO :eE A HABIT FOR . THEM OPENING REA.L-L -1REAL SOON .. Newport Harbor Yacll.t Club's Lipton crew celebrates lta eevpth victory in nine yearw by again poelng for a ~ with the impoelng award. Standing: Bill Severance, Tom Sbhlll, Skipper Walter Franz, Oa.n ~Thompeon and SCYA Com- modore Porter Sinclair who preeented' the trophy to the winnen. Foreground: With 12 member• In 1940, al aerv•d th• Squadron con•t.MUJ '-::=========:::: . durtn1 tbOM yeani a.nd hi con· r It.a or1antuUon, end 60 membeN tldered to be well qualified to ln 1960, Balboa now hu 360 carry on the rapidlf expandtnc member• and nearly 200 pou!ble proeram of t.M:blng and ~Uvity new member• Dd'w enroOed In of the locel Squadron. He and the cul"ni:nt Pilotlnii courlN'. It I• Dolb have woc-ked cloaely durin1 IN F ACI' MOST ANY MINUTE NOW I • I Mary "plel'-'bead. leap'' Yorston, Don FAier, and S&int Clce\O· -Beckner Ph«.b nece11ury for mf'Tt to pau that POWER SQUADRON BRASS MARINERS WARNED :"~m\:,~1;11~i:.,.'':,!!:'1::; =:';::!:~~ ":,':.,,':: ~~ . OF ISLAND' ARING new member• durln&" 19M. er. L'i'8TAU..t.'110N Dolh received an 1mprualve iTTEND DISTRICT MEET Pru:Uo.,bonlbtnl" ..anga on upreulon ol appreciation rrom j I . . •~ a .... ., ..,.,, • .,.. .,,. At th• mHll•• ~Uri•J c.,... tho m•"''"""" •~ bh two , ...... n~ b7 th JI· s . Coul mUlder CufUI Doe•• called upon ot outata.nft1111..,.,.ork u comma· Guard u tofiowr. 01.inc:t Commend er Tbomu doer_ ~0 YMr• wti.tch topped .... Cutle Rock, dally through Sloan to Wt.LU \he new officers hi• fouio yeah u chalrman o& Local 8qu&dron dei.ptu and Mminar. Al Rylett and Robert Fridey1 8 e. rn. to mldn!Jht; tnd upon Put Commander H•l"r)' the Pik>lln&" coune. lie w11a J»'C· offtcera took an lmport.ant part 8cbofleld met wttb th• Seaman-Saturday and Suaday, day· A•hton to 1Wear In "'eral ~f: Hnl.H •it.ti a llW. cann011 by in th9 • Unit.I Btataa Power lh1p ::::re=: \~"OV:thJ~~ light hours. :~:n~, A~l~~ic ~w~~:'an~l'r, ~h•b:;:;:ue ~ :ed m':! Bquadroa'a '11ilrtff!lth Dlatl1ct•• ;:lor Na¥fgator ar;roup: Ray h.u l"l!Cl!lltly bff,n appointed to ber11hlp torelher with a re..olu· Conf•renc. h•ld al th9 Miramar Doaald local Elective CourHe l")'ing out the proiJn-m for the the national IJSP3 Phmnln.: com· tlon or giallLodr •lg-nl'd by t.he Hotel in Bu~ Konica la.It Sa-chaJrm~ took pa.rt In that con· conference. mlltee. T hi• h1 an lmporta.nt mrnibl!r•. Preienttitlol}. ~·•• mtde turd&J. Balboa• Imm.Slat.. "J)Ut f. r.nc• and Georc• Fox and A.I-Oelecete1 trom Balboa., ap-commttttt of wht~ all m!'m· by Ray 0oru.id. Do.h now .._. Cnmmuwt.r •. CurUe Doeh · ·~ ~n speiicer from Balboa were pointed by th• k)c&I uecutlve bl'-r1 •'"e. vtpt:r-\enced put co~-coo1ea chairman of.the Execuuv. chai r man of tbe O>mander• acUv• lD the meeUn&" of Sec.re-IMlnvnlttee •wer•; t1rba.n. Beh, manders. • Coat~•· Jt WU attende( by lUlea and Treaauren. Peny Cl•rk. Dona.Id. De.ve Firth, The work of this .-01-o.mittee .,, lM com&ad•r• of. the nlne Doab reportAd from th• Com· Leonard HoateUer, Hudaon, Dono-chieny re1pon1!ble for the ever ~ ID lM C&llfornla DI• mander'• momln&" conf•rence al nn John.on. Le. i,.anne, Elml'r progreuh1r work and teaching trict: lb• afternoon. deleptae bualneaa HeywoOd, Schofield, Jame• Stod· progTam of ·the equatlrona, a.nd Balboa. San Dl•p. Lonr Buch. aecUon and Harry A.9hlon, put d&n:I, Spencer. Kln&"eley, Pomeroy mtmberahlp on It I• con•ldered .... ta Moaloa, Lo• Anple.. commander ot Balboa and of th• Loc.k•bey, Phil Smith, Robert. • high honol". There el'1! now 199 SOUTH OOAST CO.· ra..dena• Banta Barba.-a. Ban dlatrlct. report..S for tM by·lawi Ree. Alte!-nat..1 wer. Holt&. Aah· Squedrona acrou the country, In 23rd .1: Nt,.,port Blvd. FrllndKo &nd o.klan_d. Elmer La committee Local Put Comman-~o~n~.'~Doo~h~-~~-: ...... ;:;:.. __ ~2~0~d~l•~"~"~t.<~,~w;•~th~3~0,~083;;.m~•m~bo;,;;••~~~;i LanM, Balboa'• OWrman of Ur.• · ~ JIMN .i .A.dmiea&oael and UI.• Pi· .der Harold Holt& reported e cll&.lnnan of th• nomtn.Uns com· lot.kit" ..,..., WM cbalnp&a ot mJttee, which nominated Loe: An· t.U.t coat..nce l""'P and <John p1f1e Put COmmandoer .A.dam JL Jaaplq, La I.Anne'• a.allttaft.t .....__._ ,._ ·bll'I took pan. u dld' Balboa Ko OU..t for ltM uuilttct .....,n- _._, Val L•'k•'-J ftcm. UK mander. He ~ elected un&nl- .... a.mard1ao PUodns .C!OUnL moualy. Balbo&1 n-1961 . com· ot maadl!r~ Jim ~ Mr'\"ld u W&ITC ._....,, ~ a membu ot ~ct Con· u.. . bwl Ad'tMOed PUot.lq ......, aJid '1l&s .-. .. _.., e..rou t..-.nc. eomnuu.. which ... ~ ......... _,,.. actl¥e • In U.. U chaJp of mak1ftJ pl&n8 and car- ~la ..i pt·7ov ll'ree Dcjlet for a New 1956 IUICK . FR EE PUis ZS OTHll PRIZES J • ' ••,• I., \Trapp .:& So.n __ · Wiit.en OMo'fee Pradact. •.. :&.ato &ce11I h '.u11~ Blvd. u s.az1 eo.ta -o;....,.,, ..... .....,..~ ............... al~ tll "l ... · e 1M 0.. F-a, -Ilene Y-Famil1 • Ctmclt THISI LOW, 'LOW PRICISI ..,:CM' TIRES c.i.J.-1 ... , __:_ __ •• $$.SO. OXWEL TOOL SETS·~.,....; .... _$4.00 REAll VISION MIRROR ----~-$2.50 SOCKET WRENCH SET:!::'"': $1.65 SAFETY DIC'-~ORD !&n. ........ $2.50 HAND-CLEANER .. _-~ 30c , ITS 65c PQUSHING M ·······-·····-·-··--~ DIFI ECtoRS _2.Sc_ SAVE Buy Facto..Y Dir~t • FLOOR-MATS _'. _______ .,._~cr,..,.....~$1~ Olllor Twin .i-, i.w ot ]1.fS,... '!' Olllor lvll •-,low• .. J6.fl ,.,. DUPONT El$T FLUSH ' 75C RADIATOR STOP LEAK ·1 lie QIJAllD DUl'LSX _ _ - OU'llOARD MOTOR OI~ .-_ 49c ....... __.__ ... MIDGET PUERS . · 15c LICENSE PLA11·fRAMES',..-80c , -WE~VE A.-• Colllpl110 Liiio' of Alllo Ace 1111 rlel ' JI ---1111 Sl'ICW $ID AND DllftllNT nNSIONS OUll INCW.TY lllDOIT __l!!lllV9Y -0 .TOUll_lllDft!O NOIUMS TO US -• E-Z REST BEDDING CO. . OY11 2S YIM.I bl MANUfAC'NllNO IXNt•tlCI o;.. htr t A.M. .. ' P.M. -Meli • ., _. ..W., t .. t p ~ ' • • • 2030 . S. {MIM IQ 7-3440 SANTA ANA TO M417 •·PLOWll • Harold I. Johnson MESA----- AUTO ' SHAMPOO 3 MINUTE CAR. WASH Tllf: BEST ••• 11108T, THOROUGH WASH ..i INTUIOB CLEANING 'OB la tho Harbor .&.. • u 8-3707 • Used Car GuaraintY GOOD FOR ONE YiAR -. . .. ANYWHERE IN 1'.HE .U.S.A. Whotl Y-Miier C:llevrolot Used Car. a_. Tiiis Seol of WwtMlt. , / It Lasts -9 Moatm l.c11ig• 1hmt a New Car Gu.•fr Toa MU be)l1tectudt.....U7~ol re,.in WW._,.,... fw w J'W'.frw. / -· o1 ,_-• illo f1l1 wla,J ..... palill A lobor. a-f• 1 Jw ..,.,_ xoma ----------d":': lfdlll"lo. ......... ..... C t'r.oem?'tt ._..,._.r,t' ~a&~ I -. . _....._,.. Ow'll,a.laMll ...... ............. ,., ... .... 0 • ..... • ..... AD.a a..trft8 .......... q« 9 ~-..................... ...... ......... ,. __ _1'1~~' .._.,,... ...... .... , ___ .... ----) . ' . MDl8r ChewMlet . , -. WCKY 7 llAll KORllAL 700 W. C111t tiwt· Ol 1 ••lo -Cb1111l1t 1000 W. C1•f Hwy. .. • ' •• ' ••1.ty -.ZZSI ' -• .. -- IN 'Tlf.&I WJ'lfe ~ .t.bm..n . Biile!Ae Dlldm .I08 Or ,M r. u4 Mn. L V. &Ck. or 218 &.JM.,A&..J(..,,ort. Beacb, ~ciun9Uy enrolled •In Bute JOlltNy' TrJlnlns with the Utllte4 Bt.&t.M Air 'l'orce ·at Parlu AJ'B callfornia. Upon cvm~ of h1a lnwnc he wtD be teat to one ot the nwn•rou.1 Technical or Admln· lltraUv• tr&tnlnc achooi. or aa'.A.t.t ~ Bue where hll pUtJcu1ar ak1U i. needed. Alrm&a J.ncram e.n~d tile A.Ir J»rce on Jan. Sl at the UB A.• R«ruttlnl' '8taUon, 1011 N.1 X&tn SL, Banta Ana and "-. enlllted by MS&"t. Sam M. Iuac. Prior to hi• enU.tment, he attended the Newport Barbor Union High ... ool. " . ' . SILK HATS DONE lf8sa Juvenile 'luglary Ring C11ght by Cops • ' '.:RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMMERCIAL NO J OB TOO LARGE OR SlllALL ;:JIG IOtll St., Nowport -Hubor 2ll3S -. -. ' ' " .. .. -. I ' ! • -. ' '· ' _.,~· ' ti •• • • DILIVllY GUMANI• Y Newport Harbor· B. P.O. E. 178'! Meet.I every ThundU a p.m. Vla 0purto -Oantn.I A.ye, , Newport Be&cb Albert H. Mattbew.. JCu.J.ted Ruler MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 Bol..a -Ju.tt J'(luth ot Wat· min.ter Memorial Park.· An Oran.re County In.ltltutlon Bervlnl famille• of all fattha Telephone (Toll Free) ZJCnlth 6231 No ODI ever turned away bec&UM or lack ot tunda. 2630 W, COAST WGHWAY Uberty W4M, Newport Bcb Z8tlc WAYNE'S CONSTRUCTION CO. ' General Coqtractor All work pe.r.3nally •upervllled. LI 8-2023 · Use C leuified Ad s in t~e 84tlc -. GREATER ·EIRNlll'5 • REMEMBER ... SAVINGS _.ived--by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the 1st. Smell Jobi Wanted erpentry ·Painting Good wodl~blt ............... PAINTIN6 mn:BJD_B_,...-llXTERIOR ALSO MA1UNE P AINTlNG LICSNUID -INBURSO Glenn Johnston . 601 • IUt BL N9Wp(trt· Beaeh s.rtior 1171 Ot:fc ., FOOTINGS DUG w-. 11n-. MPtlc t.anb and NWer conntctlona, WO!'k ctoo• by l'ord mounted Backhoe. Pbon. HTatt ~ Collec:L ...,.... .. .,.. --~------!--------~~~~-CEMENT a BUILDING ,._ J.& Pw 1·1111 All ...... FREE~TES ~8-0109 -A IMb,olJce .&.Qoa.ymoum Wrtt:41 P . 0. Boll Ill N.wpart 8eacb,, caut. ...... 8&rt.or '* Gener.al. Contrec:tor 1-...---~---·'"'-1 ·U CllKSED N.,. Work -Remodellng J . llILTON lllcKltNZIE Superfluous Hair YOUNG WOMAN 23 would Uke t'Ull time ch11d care at beach or b&y. Af!rU i1t or aner. Will Uv. In. Lambert I-UN. 81cil GIRL. 22-wUl do QrPtn1 at Mm• or pa.rt-Ume offte41 work. Will b&&y .. lt OI' l'O abopJlh'&c'. LID(. 1-4373. lk90 Roy's Meintenenee ~ et.•c-WSoar W..-, W&ll ~ e1en1111 v...uu bUaadL ~ luun4. ~ ICltlln&W., ~ ... 1111. tit• CX>MPANION-July 6 A.11(Ult- eobk, entert&tn, etc. B&lboa Bay · -penanabl.__have 1 yr. rtrl- Uv. 1n (white) Writ. D • .rey Qeneral Del-No, Hollywood, Callt. llp90 "FIX-IT" Mechanical and lllect.rtc&J Mal.ntenance Henrie• AU. WORK OUARANTElZD, Harbor 6614 or 689S Harbor Q99.W 118tfc P ertU.M11U,, nmqyed trom race 1 ___________ .. _u_, ~ ..... S,.btowt and IWr line m·~Ho more t-mi1. CARPENTRY lll!NOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO BM•iJ· a. o. .&.Adtnaa 101, m. B&.lbo9 8J:otd.. Bal~ Harbor H60 13tlc For Cardiac Cond!Uan1 Kidney Stonu ~ L. Bl\Y A.NT a, &. • Udo'e 8aJon ol BeaulJ Har. ZGTI ... Cell Your Relax-A-Cizor CONSULTA.."lT Demomtratlorui, no obUcaUon BONNIJ: WlL80N-HYatt t-Mf4 or HYatt f...att. llpH COLD WAVE - COMPLETE $6.50 to $10 GARDENING ODD JOBS A-CLEAN UP. NO JOB TOO 8MAU. BY HOUR, DAY OR WEEK 4 8-4.080 or U 8-fM4 • 89p3 GARDENING a nd CLEAN-UP JOB S WANTED LIBERTY 8-61 39 ~2lfC PAINTING BY HOUR. Small or 11.rce jobs oJt. Reuonable rale'.L I..lberty 8-27Z:l. NephrlU. Allerstu Salt ;r're. Diet. H&l.r cut Jl, Shampoo A 11et $1.llO I ------------- Liberty 8-5012 IT cl CLEO J1K.E'S BEAUTY SHOP lttl en II W led 193:1 Church St. Fl.nt atreet Eut ,..,....,,.;;:....:;:~lv;.:;;:•=om:z'--'~an;:::.;.:;;::._ __ EXPERT REMODELING PAINTING ot Ne~rt Blvd. between 19th and 20th. co.ta Meaa. 1..1 l·SM9. tt Chine Painting -~ and benln1 a... Orden Taken How PlooooUboftJ ...... '"" TUTORING l:kment.ary .t MOMd&ry aubject.I $3 }Mr hr. Hu. 664.2-W. 89ctC Pll ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS LAWN Garden Service Fully u.:perlenced thi. area. By month-week-hour. Phone Llberty 8-7~11 87pl HOUSEKEEPER tor couple Ucbt work. Liv• 1tl. It dNked. Har. 1871. 8k90 Statistical Typ ist for pmtUon h;l North Oranqe . Count y ' . PDUUNENT POSmON .Excellent Starlin& 8alary. Top EmployM Be:leflla Call LA.mbert ..aoll or &ffll7 at HUNT FQOpS, INC. 1740 W . Commonweartll ~llerton, O&llr. DISPLAY . ADVERTISING ./ BALE8KAN NJ:mDllD u lldd&Uon ............................ Uon , • , II" in UI• H.a.rbcM' &l'U • • • • STOW with Ntwp011..co.t& M-. ffrtt.. d9tafi. at Gft09 to Box. a.u -w. M!QPaper. NUD&D AT ONCZ ' . Vachlnt.1.4 lnlkl9 Carpentera;-Tadtt;""""Z:XjMtr&teed --~~+1 APPlJ to. Y &I'd oatc. 80t.rnr o::>UT-tb. N.-wport Bl'ld. at "rd IL . ..... COllPTSMT HOUIN'•PU. tull cbatp, m.u. or t'.W.. Hours noon to ..ntt dbmff. J In tam.Uy. U•• OUL APP., IA pef'llO'l wtth nffl'UC!a, 1111 Oceen Blvd., Corona dill Mu. -· LADT la B&lbo& .,_ tM tren~ lnl" In '""" home. To Uk• owr ••t.abllabM b~w, ProOt.a.bM tor r11bt pel"Wln. Bar. "1216-W - • ' - 7 I IL .. t SECRfrARIES , STEf'IOGRAPHERS ~MUsic-Lovers! . ...... Uoo.la ·-' --. I • ' • ' • . •• "U! ·-IANGE and TV SPECIALS --_.-. -·-- , I . .• '• • .. . -- I • •" !II ,, "!'• ! ij 1!11 · ilC_-!lf" .... ~Ps~&~, 'f~Y~::·~r."*'Hl'O===ll=T=HA~~-~llOll~~N~EWS-l'R~~~ES~S~-~P~A~ll~.T=ll=·=P=A=&E=·~5,, fCliOiiii ra, ft. -i= • ~ ·' • ~Cff"to;J ,_ .. .... -. .... -. Cust :-c· -... °'-' J.11 IL.p. Wl ~ • .-i~ om ... 1 . ...!:::!·~·!!!·~·!.!!'!..!Tt!•!'!!·!!·~--'·!.!•=All!!!-~~!·7!'!..!Tt!•!-!!.'!'-~-_,. -.._ .. .. _ .. ~ .; .-.- tuTWIA W •• 0aut Jllllrft1, •VJJW llWtwl • • ~ -=~::; • H..,,..t. .. tpc:N ~ to -,of# .. "*t..1 ~ • • , • ~::..::: I-Nortli 9••n9e County • , 11 n. ... pgtJ, -Ut.rtc dlntl7 .....,~'--T . . Spec. :i:: :=~~ NEW MAYTAG RANGE, liq. :iop.llCI Now Slf>ll.96 :::..~.: .. v.:r =,; ~ ~"!! :..'"Z': ransportation iaii .:~:~:: HUNT FOODS, INC. l140 W. ~wu.lt.h l\illarton, C&llt. HARBOR Hl:f 1 ' U&ld WEll'l'JNGBOUBll LAUNDROIU.'l' $llll.l!O , ....... ,.... . "9t'fdl• ......... -, • ,... ,. ... ,... 81.._ Hai . ..., U&ld Dc>~~u~ ~c RANOll '149.l!O -~~":!.T";!1._ HARBOR · H.~fl . TIUo Uoed SERVEL REll'RIGERATOR 9 cu. ft. '411.l!O ---· 1----------IWEllT!NGHOIJS&Apt. ,qp. Range --$611.l!O ; ruut":""""m, INC. f'!'9I ..... 1'1-Ill~ Bar.·=~ Movie -Projectors · usED TELEVISION BUYS ' • DrowflDU> ....... , .... 1t1on ,. .,.,.,, PliNoe -....,. l'OR RENT SYLVANL\.21" Coaaolo with Halollght $189.M .... pal,n;t., I -.u •. Tenn• it tor.._ovr r.nt.al 4..,c.. lltlhMteuti. 1-u::M l&-XM a&-MK. PIDLCO 24." Mah. Conaole., excellent condJd.Uon _p39.l50 demr.il Har. Uh·K. llk:ll ~ ln uu. • MW Pia.no ~~ ~",,"~. G. E. 1r• Blood ·ei-1e ''9.l!O Tn .. "'E :_ ~ ~"!::""'"· 1946 Hudson NO MONEY DOWN - 6 . $ 99 . ·' • • • • • ( door Spring Clearance EMERSON-12" Mah. Conoole --·----• $42.00 l'~U IPJ'ClAL •UYI • ----~-------I 2or~ OFJ<" on lhfl follbwing Mmm PHn..cO 12%" ~ ConloJeu.,_ $4.9.60 Ul4UTD'UL TO' &Us. .chooner, l'O IS UU:D JJO BA.al 40001\DIANI • projec:ton • Imm cameru. OLYMPIC Blond CoDIOJe 16" with doon $09.9!5 uywbe.N. ICK.cel for charter-u low~ ff.a full priot. Val-. 1951 Henry J ...... . $ 129 GIRLS GOOD NEWS! GOOD JOBl!I -GOOD SALARY with t'Nqueat tncr9.tee tn a company that actually encour- agea advancement. FULL PAY u )'OU ara trained. -Openln.p for - TELEPHONE 9PERATORS -Apply - 9:00 to •:OO p. m. 514% 1f. Main St .. Rm. 211 • lkinta Allf • PACIFIC TELEPHONE OLDER MAN tor light gardening: A ti.o.t ct.re 3 day1 a week or more. State age A 111t1la'ry t>t- pected. Write BOJt A 21 thi1 paper. 81tpl)l While they lUL ARGUS 300 VM U--' Ht Fi Ph~ h • ( .--1 ~ Sf-9.95 Want .maller boat or PJ'Operl)'. up \o tJ.70. T9rtm u iow .. fl w.tt pro~tol'I.. Colee 300 watt .....,. .,_ ....... p ·~ 1220 W . Balboa Blvd .. Newport. I*' lllCIDtb, at.- • J•t.o. T D .C. 300 W"l ••• ,.,...,.. DAV I S-BR 0 w N -""f. . ...,, SHAftR8 , ..... llOT) K·:KI 8rnm Keystone e&meru. ut..oa H. ly~ •au.ta ·Ana A ttal gu aver • • • "Mears Camera Shop l88:l Harbor Blvd. · Coot& loleoa 11 rr. KLD<DR ulWty -L ...... IOm-y .... n ' 1 ""9 Olds Sedanette Mahop.ny. Kolor needll work. ~ • • • • • • $ 149 .A. r-.1 bUy M'l5. Har. MM or ELZICTRONIC OIUJANI . .na.t. lllr.a 1782 Newport Blvd., Calta Mete ___ Llbort ___ Y ____ 37 _____________ 88c90 __ _ Phone Llberty 8·70t2. prtf USED APPLIANCE BUYS · Otqnlpl& 2·20IJI. Ike th.ls weak at. 1~ W . Bay. 90c9t new, •v• .-00. to leoG on lhtlM Mauttt\IJ orp.u. I C H M I D T • PHI1L1Pll. eo.. ato Ho. Main, Banta A.n&. EM.. 111'- 1948 l>iymouth . . . • • 4. door 1~ial • • • 28 rr. DOUBLJC ended, Jood 3°'8-Appllanas motor, &ood hull. Bee at Qto8 =====----1 DOUBLE Bowl Stalnleu Stoel 72 Inch Slnlc .,. Prioe $116.!IO ua. P•n. """""'"" ..... Oft• -:D=-o=--=rr=-cY,-:-:O:-:-U:-::R:--:S::-:E::-:U"'i:""" 11941 SEWING MACHINE BENDIX AUTOMATIC·WASBER, bolt down •00 liQ " E. o. 8eunden 500 31"· ....... Newport Har. 2971. tOclt HI 1-1 B • WESTERN HOLLY GAS RANGE _ $6t.li0 ------~ -r argalnS (white table top with griddle) t rr. PLYWOOD. ,.... B BUlLD TOU!t OWN IU -n 1951 • HTDROPLA.NJt. Maktl offer. pbonograpb,. uelna Newcomb • DIXIE GAS RANGE -----------·-·--.. $49.50 Har. 3412·M. 90cU2 Harmon-Kardon AK-l'M. lunVI, (white table top, oven control) LEHMAN 10· Dtnchy 2 .wte of anipllfterti; ~ A "°°rd Slngeor Portable Electric, DEXTER AUTOMATIC WASHER $74.SO u.111, tn.ller, new cover. Reuon-pl&yera. Crome ln and 9" them. 1950 Gua.ra.nteed ........................ $2D .MI Installed able LI 8-724• or write Dou&lul We will help yov MMmbl• it. Y.'hlte Rotary Portable < Hubert. 2-491 Cnatvtew Dr., with "'•"' ·-··· ................... ''"'° GAFFERS & SATl'LERS GAS RANGE, oven control $!19.llO NpL "'"· '°"'' DAVIS.SR OWN \\'h1te Rotary Conaole BENDIX ?YROMA.TIC, lnata.lled , .... 9.50 SNIPE aatlbo&t, eompJete wttb 1aa:1 Barbol' Blvd. \O'tth Lighl ·· · S49.M> ADMlRAL DELUXE EL.EC. RANGE --··-·-$89.50 Watt•• •11• • &1.nd doUy. Good Coeta MM& -LI S.US7 1951 UP TO 40r r ROPER GAS RANGE __ $:)9.50 coadlUon aaoo. Har. 24M·W. "HAMM""'"=o°'ND=-:M-:coo=EL=--:ev=z-u-Md-:-:hu--:t I ON FLOOR SA}i.iPLES (white table top with oven control) 90c92 pttfect condlUon. llCHXIDT· Sln.rer Portable Elec~c, Sew• good ..................... $17.81 Chevrolet Club Coupe ; Plymouth . . . . . 4 dr. Cranbrook • • • Cadillac . • • • • • • "62'' 4 door Pontiac . • • • • • • Deluxe 4 doo r • • $ 89 • $ 69 • $ 595 . $1195 . $ 495 ' Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained FREE· WESTINGHOUSE and Vig GIBSON 6 Cubl ft REFRIG eo..i IU\ 14 ~ Ft. BlRCHCR.Arl' BOAT ·pHII..liPa, 6JO No. Main, Santa 1949 oreUI. Bee ~ before you 1pend C • ~ .. __ L1KE NEW. $11:i Har. 10'27-W .......-. your money for an orr brand. 30 APARTMENT SlZE RANGE, SPECIAL -------~-$29.:>0 90c92 ------_...------I Dodge Panel ,. Cadillac . • . ' $ 395·: agency NO rD collected from applicant &U-11-t N-port &11.ch WAN'rl:D fl"Ofb Jul)' l·Sep~n1ber l:i al Beacon B&ty. fttfln&d womui. lo help In houM, cook lunch and dinner. Sit 'A'lth c:h.llctr.. occu.ionally on 'A'e<-k· enda. Uve out. Good aalary an1! transport.Atkin co.ti. \\'11te J.l r1. 0 . J, P•li ... ro, Tt\:ukite Rllpch, Goleta, CallComla. 88c93 DESK \VAITJ1'•a FOR BROKER Oil SAI..f;.SJ.IAN. P erm1111ent. Sbou.ld know lo. 1tl area. (Conflden l111l1 C&ll Rou Uro•.,Jey. Balboa R.Wt.v Co. 1-1 .. rbor 3277 8!k91 HANI!> BRAIDED RUGS FREE 11\'STRUC"l"lON ORD ERB TAK.ES All new mate.rial• av11\llll)le ' ),{ARY FA.N'NJN, 1193 8 C•L Bl. lAcun• Bch. HVett 4-711\JS. 87ttc Fresh Hearing-Aid BA TI'E'RIES JV• Ol•• Slr.H Oreeo 8tam1>9 .Gunderson Drug Co. Mll.ln St. at Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 5t!). Pr D•y E•e:ban&"e Prtvllece on All HOT POINT 6 CU. FT. REFRIGEkATOR ~9.50 1------------•• D ,..,,,._. Pe M11chlno 90Jd By U1. ., 40 FT. DIESEL CRUISER, roomy, .,.,_ OP, ...,..... _-,'-~--- \VE SERVICE ALL lotAKES. \\.E ARE AtrnHORIZED DJSTRI- BUTORS tor White Rot&r)'. V1g- orello, VUtlng and Other•. SANTA' ANA'S OLDEST SEWING MACHINE SPECIALISTS. Wheeler A pp. a.nd Sewing-Machine Co. KI 7-4401 310 E . '&th SI .. S .A. (.'Ql.OSPOT re:frireratw JOO. Ma· 1!c l:hlef J'U ranee, aulom"tic cllM:k control•. la.ra-e oven and broller ~. Both In u:ctll1'11t condition. H&rbor MOIS. &ti Bt:a· con Bay. 90p92 Hurry_ TV. Shoppers Look at these buys .for your 2nd set. 21 " CollllOle Capitol .............. $99.30 17" Motoiola Comb. am-rm $99.60 17" Pacie.ard Bel.I Comohl •. 179.90 11" Adn11n.I Con.t0le .. _,_ .... $19.96 12'~" Admlr111 Ccn90Je ........ J.39,96 12 ~-· Emenon Cona;ole ··~·-·139.&e SERVEL IS~ cubic ft. REFRIG. •11t9_50 sood cond!Uon, perfect horn• ,, JUN HENR.l KNOX HARDWARE CO. _ t20 Eut tlb St. Kl 2s2336 THINGS Ycfu NEED' at prices you can pay, BED SPRINGS & MATIRESS Complete ··-·-·---·-· $10 Baby Cfib & .Mattl"<ll8 -------------$9.96 Completely Furnish Your Home CHEAP Men'• Suit. ......... ~ ..... :.·-·-----------·---··-··-$6.50 up • (()()Women's Dreues -····----~95c • VETERANS INDUSTRIES OPEN FRIDAY .Ali.'1> SATURDAY Tll.L I P. M. Coma in and abop at one ot our 3 convenient locatloiu t-02 E. {lb St., SANTA ANA S%-Fundtu.re for Sale RATIAN, WROUGH~ IRON, PATIO FURNITURE Complete .election of Wrought Iron F'urniture. Barbecue and Braziera, Lawn Swings, Garden e.noet-8ell or In.de tor un'lt French •pectalll"t ot do( dJppln(. property LI 8-1833 eveotnr•. worh ln :rour hom•. lMI Tu.- 90c tlo Av9., C. K. Har. 15348. SURPLUS Navy 28' motor whale 00.ta. J4M each. See at Port 89p91 ot Seven Seu. 3121 w. Cout S9--A.uto. Wanted Hwy., Npt. Beach. l8c90 -----~------1 - U-Maaleal, -. .t T v Knowlton Electronica TV -REPAIR FAST SERVICE. REA.BONA.BLE. 8e.rvic. call.I Ull • p.m. LJ a.&206 B A L 0 w I N ACl'OIODic Spinet 1420 SELL YOUR CAR PAID J'OR OR NOT ,. McCarthy Paya MOl"tl s. Jilin Kl 2·3MYJ OLD CARS , AND JUNKERS HAULED AWAY FREE Pkno put.ct. You can eave on Ca.II Felix super S.rvlC41 thl•. Bf.a.utltuJ Spinet ~ '396. U 8-4381 l9:'i0 Newport Blvd. Anoth1r Spinet Mahoe. caae, 17t 1 lovely tone, only 1497, alway• ----------- lot.I of wonderful bvcain1 et 8CHMIDT-PHlU..IP8 Big Pia.no 40-Autoe for Sale A Organ Co., 1120 No. Main St. ------------1 100 Plano. to chOOM from. Euy tenna. Open every Friday eve. and Beach Umbrella.a. OROA.N SPIDClALt BIG EASTER BAM.BOO ORA W DRAPES and TROPICAL ' USED HAMMOND Spinet orpri. Floor Coverings. tn perfect playlnc condition - S•ve 1200. Convenient teTm.11 at New iluppJy a111ved. BASKETS of all kinda & Bnuaua.1 Girl Item1. SHAFERS (Since 1907) ~1uo11"d We Guarantee SALE 60 CARS PAINT BRUSH.ES Canvas and Aluminum Awnings. •21·•23 N. Sycamore, Sallt& Ana All of .Our TV Sets! Phon• Klmbuly 2.(Ml72 1~~ 'PAINT CENTER OPl::N SUNDAYS and EVERY SANTA ANA TENT & AW_NllQG CO. Orange County'• Organ Hdqlnl. I626 s M i Sa ta A Kl 2 354.5 Free Deli e HAMMOND ORGANS complete INC . EVENJSG UNTIL 9:30 · a n, n na . · · v ry line, euy t.erm•. Your oJd \Jp- 1948 • • 7 • . $ 595 ' "62" 4 door MARK DOWNING FORD, INC. TWO 225 w. 5th BIG LOCATIONS Ii Hwy. 39 at Pacific Coast Hwy. Huntington Beach WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS THERE'S. NO, FOOL'S DAY LOU REED , CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH DEALER You get ·I OO'?o value for your money, E.VERY DAY OF THE YEARI . :-. :· :--.. . . . ·-:. 1955 ~YSLER NEW YORKER DLX. ::; tlJ Ulil!I BL, Newport Bf.•ch OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 rlghl taken in exchanae. Try be· l--~ .. ·.·ooo~~B.~T·.~u~.~YR~AZI~l:R~~:::-; .. ~•;:+-~~~~~~·~11'---~-=-=-=-=-~-~·:::::':::::::::::.2::::::::::::::::::::::::::89c9::::1:::::::-j'-1~0~":::'.~r:uyee:;~racUc. tu.mace. uHd wlndawi 4 doon. _ LIPS Btr Piano and Orran 4. door -2 tone gray, Radio & heater - W /S/W . ·: T .i1re New - . pave -Hundredl"· -- 19115 PL Ylo!OUTB ST A TION WAGON - Bank Fin•ncina ----100% Warranty . . Har, 3781.,v. 110 Opal, 8-lboil Home ApplilUlce Service Co. SI-Wanted to Belz si-l'mnltu.:re for Sale Store, &20 No. Main. Santa Ana. J.eland. eoct2 2101 No. Ma.Ln Santa Ana HIGH.EST PRICES P.AlD FOR NEARLY NEW all mol.bproot LOVELY eleclric player piano 1D cedar cheat.. Beautiful nru.h-perfect condition. Te.rm• fflJIO Co.st lloo...-.&ll tor 14, Hu down. and $18.SI per month •t . Sit N' Knit ITilT GIJ'T-MA.KlNG now for Mother'• O.y-Fa.tfte.r'1 Day- Br16eil -Graduation -Birth~ ~I Oood u.ortm4!'nt of )&t'N. 1tTaw1, Corde. handlo 6 ba.tu for t1a11. Nff'dlepolnt and PA.INTEX llnen•. Knitted Sholllder.ttu, atole• A •hortlee. REDUCED PRICES to get ac• que.lnled. a 13 E. lklbo9 mvd .. , BalboL Har. 4822 32tfc • CLIVIA. plant. In blOOl\'i, au .-. ~ 11 A up. LI ~78 90c92 'Attn. Property Owner! An JOW MJl«:Unc your wa.te.r hu.ter? LIMITED OFFER $2.llO Oe&n, .. dr&Sn and edJu...t your watu h•ter. . , Ct.ll your D.A. Y 6 HIGHT AU'n!ORlZCD D&A.LER Kl 2-1668 Kl :J..7100 PHlLCO Retricerator, brand MW, We• crotie top f'reder, .eparate JUNK meat ch!Uer, 11Mlvo In the doot, IRON A M:ETAL. Bra. lk lb., large ve.g1table cr1.-per, all color Lead 10c lb., copper Ile lb., Interior, 1161.81. Nn ca.ah neld-aluminum tic lb. Cell LI a-M92. ed, ju1t pey bank $1.07 per · .91e93 month. S~• day or eveJ\ln1 at 1441 W. Chapman, Oran11. KEllogc 8--6817. • . • SILU'ERB (81Dc41 1907} 2827..J, befOl'I 11 .. PL • ~r Ul-42! N. Sycamof'il;, BUlta A.nil e. Skfl Pboa• Kimbuly 2..oe12 ANTIQUJ: drop le.a.t cl.lerry table ITElNW AT OR.A.ND. AD orlctnaJ 2 matchlnc rMd bottom ch&ira. COl'ldJUon ams matertal. THIS 1100 or ex.chanp tor &nUq\MI lB NO REBUILT PIANO • .Alto plne chut ot 4raw.n, Her. ~be, MNOll A Hamlin. I.eater 4431. l8C90 A many othen at sr-t u.Ylnp. Really 100 planOll from which to BOYS na.uUcal Darm. •t.. Bunk •st-A-&a.Uquem Choo-. 8CHMIDT. PHILLIPS, Are ·you beda, boit •priap + mattre1MU. &20 No. Maln, .Banta Ana. II • <te•k iii chat. ladde.r • mirror TALL GABLECountryHouae t>"'AUTJ-•L ""O"AVOX '"· In the ma.rket for •PP ancee · 21 Slc90 Da .. u _...,. ri -'UY> 11 rr. KELVINATOR retrt&erator "3. t.i Ht . ANTIQUES FM Radio-Record-player 21" Reg .. price 1339.go, With trad• BEDS two-U.. ~ Wa bede N~ l'Uiety authentic &.Qtlquee, TV comblnaUon ln blondfl oak. --~·······-···· .. ·······~-·-···-·-'218.tO with wll"tl •Pr1DPt • Hollywood coloAd clua, br ... , ccppe.r, 1 year okl. Sold new around THlS \\'EEK SPECU.I.8 Iron lep-Plld matln!Mu. JtO pewter, l&mp!I, fumlture, fl'om 1800. 8ecriflc• aale '326. Tlt'ITlll. On late Models DON1 WAIT! TRADE NOW Save Up To $1181 AT McCARTHY'S NE\V WKIRLPOOl. AUTOMATIC each. Har. 6111. 89c90 lnexpenai•e ,(lft It~ to th• Private pe.rty. Har. 4.872. 8lc94 . Rec. •le pric. $311.IG ltne9t • ruut for U.. collecto.-. lt20 So. ll&in, Sall.ta Ana Buy tt now tor THRllE ROOMll of be&uutul new KATHRYN ANN JOHNS ITUDJO PIANO, • ha.rd to pt O-nwe Co.'I t009t 7-llAhl.. J!39.96 t\UnllUl"tl tor f l.II. Conwi ln 1tm HM'bor amt., Banta Ana plano 1396. Terme. 8 qua r • • -•---:s and BA VJ: llO. Jook a.round. -·~ 1 74ol8b 0 r a n d. B • • u t I t u I 11nUque. dealer SEE THE Kl:LVINATQR FOOI>-1 •HUB'.'.'.'_'.'._'llOO~.':W'.:.~""'~~l-'.'.;·~"~·'."-~'"''.'.'.'.._tf'.'. I::::--:::---:---::--~----· 1 llCRKID'T·PHILLIPS, 120 No. Open Sun. • mt. 'till 9 ORAMA now on cHqa.,.. I· _ OGta,, !!!fU. _JWn.-.,,,_a.n_1&_Ao&~-·--~---Jake's AppJi!lriCes MHa Woodcraft ' llS-ll Knowlton Electronlca l,1~ .. ..,,-amvROL&T====-..,...,.,,....._ -.-.,.--~. "" ........ m... °"' , .. , ......... , -.,., R;A.DDLEBOARDS TV ANTENNAS -~-~':..~ ..,."*':'.;.. "'.! ,... JOE BECHWLD-Plumbtng t.13-MH S9cfl san. Thia _. •peci&la. (Clear Beam -BJ G&ln) • ~. Tall• P«P ~mt.a. 3 dn.w•r 2e" chtlllt -····-· 110.M 12: n. $39 60 CNBTAU.ED ..i ..... to ~ -......... lln. -· HarbOr MIO STtl OAS Ran~ O'Keefe • Merritt, t dr•Wtt W' c11eK· --·-llL88 ' · com,_.... TOW' -·•l'J'lllDQ'. ...... _,.. NJ:W BLACK Pe.Rian 1,.e.mb JUI\ Ulle oew. Chrom1 &'rill 5 druwer 28" chest -·-·--· ,14..18 110-HuntlnJlon Ave.1 Htg. Bch $9 .95 alt.v 1 P• m. et LZX. M1:_:.1 ltoa.. ... .,., worn $l~ cuh. broiler and e.,eryt.1J1v. ~ 2121 Harbor, C. ).(. LI .. 1143 .LZldnfloo MTt2. .... _. LI a-6203. Htfc =-=-===c==c-:--::---cl KV 4.fll l8e90 MMl!d an4 look.I br•nd new. .....,.., lNI ,Bl.Q"CK MK d)'Mttow', pod . . Balance d\M o nly SIM. Take !J ROOMI BllAUTD"UL Nl:W iiAJOlOND CHORD orsan. UMd. upbolatary. $100. l\lM coo4 LI • over B&nk ot Am•r'ka pt.ymenll FURNITURE With 2 pc. Uvtng BALBOA PENINSULA 1tnet end Qua.rant.ere bis .. Ylnl'. 8CHlllDT •11e. a tot p. m. or LI a.1111 Light green -Powerlllte -Radio 6 Heater, W /SfW-IJJw niile>.ge -Best buy -·--·-Only $209ll 19115 PLYlolOUTB CPE. .8eip. -Low mileage -Excellent condition. -$1395 1963 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER DLX. kadio, beater -Power steering, Power brtlr:ee, torque drive -W/S/W W.. -2 tone blue only $H70 lOfD OLDS 78 CPE. Kedium green--Hydn.m&Uo -·ExcellentJbops pine car ror !11• wife ·--····-··---------Only $370 .!IH9 NAsu , t OOoR sEDAN 2 T01>e green, very good tranlportatJoo , .. Only $1W LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLtR.PL YMOUTH DEALER · l200 W. Cout flil>'l>way Ll 8-MBe Terr' s Buick Comer · Silt and WALNUT _, THRIU of the year is BUICK NOW ·BIGGEST trade.ins . ever ·-DRAPERIES or $1.74 s-r ,.....11.. 8torff •I room ftt tn-,..,u.r ·dtote. M JftGdo. ·moor1nl" for ..... Koorbll" juat PRILl..IPS, r~ JUin• llptl NOW" 1----~---' StjP eeVERS Ch.a~ WIU'llhou. at. lt4l •m fabrice. 2 N......mar end tab-overbaulld-N .. cb&ln • (Joat. --...._....,:_ •Ar Cowlt:r, • --~-----'-------------eng ~ -w:-Clhiij)maft, Or&na:•· KiUOii l• a.net cotritlill U. :rmodira CiD HiP. m~: .... --uo No. K&lft, au.ta ..U:--, , .... T L -..... "' °"'"" wsu ........... ..,., • .,,_ u•1• 1am.., • .......... , '""' MllT """"' .... , .... , qua1u1-_ a. wow, ...... -"" ... Biggest Selling _Buicit in History &Um•t.tl -8ampl• l'llftp, dln.tt•, mOdem bedroom Ml e&Uon tor tr&n1fer, llotO BALDWIN, . Bunplii)w uprtstt. ,.q,uJ.\J' Is ta.a• over ~ Lucn "" DRAP~n~ 1--.::..~--=""="""'=-"'"-w1UI • dra-.r d.rMler and l&rp pluio ID nae condition, itto LI ..naa after I P4"• IOctl T I Bu k L~ ~ IDllAL FOR RmN'TA.1.8, Stove m~ L&rp l"lilloo rdrtc, ... rr.. LOWMAN, N5W cUl:n oa-. Otlnfttli.tll lertN •t l=:c:-:=::==-'-=-.,-.,-:--=-::-::--·I s '1c' Jlub61'" UM or MIS J40, IWria'. $.10. Bolh rC*J eond. JilacM . Oel' ~ au tor ~17 Is OecQ Cbryakr crown I lo 1 IJIU.l"l:RI (mncti "1"7) 'llO BUlCI( l:pKl&I. I\ 6 .. ._.. e, rry llt.fc tJ. W«O Mt• I ..... NU~ -. Law ... pe.)'n*lt. 104. rear, 20 kilt&-OA17 100 boun Ul.ul N. a:rcamore. .IA!& Ana WIW, pod pa.lat priotd tilkL t.arCA OA,MERA 1..a laNI If MdJ W:AatJat. Nc:lll'P lMt. Jo ... puM •Mkll to pe.y. Tb1a lt '"*'C: 0(. J2&00. u .. Mll or ~ LJ Pblm• KI.m.berlf 1.-n .tolt"Mlwpcll\ BIYd., ~XML 1116& $313. ff•r., 14U-\V, lldl button and ,.,.... 1'11.la ill a Na.I fered et tat. lowMt p'10M nv MOH. tlcM 16 PEft MONTH Nmte • rood LI WJT1 Mlltt -tNy. Jt wlll p&J" you to IOGk. I lhoWn. SI' & R b prwctk::• p&ano. Ttnn l'lill ap. 1153" CUfToM 2 door Is 111t J-,=====:--:::::':-~::.;--::::=;:-:;-v;:_;;;;;;;;;-;;;._;;;_;--;;;::=:--;;:;;: ll$A.80NABLE uaed r h,1b cha.Ir UMd It 3I WMM. rotnr home. HUB 1100 !f· Center, A..nehelin tt IP OW oat pUM tt JOU buy: ~ llettu.'7 Mont..-, ~~ lNO CRJlTSl.&R 'N.-port, soof a:nu.n~ =-Dralt~ 4&7 tteu, •1o11rwooc1 ~.old oNy ow• 1.1a.11. Pa.7 bank --f PIUu.JPa Co., lla.nta .Ana. Good c.lknt condtu.-Prt. ,..rt;,-NMIU. ~ Har. ~. c.d.IU.. -·M. ~ ~ radio PbOr\olT•ph. H&r. $1.11 per Wff.k. TM7 took It lo l'OR SA.LE orv.A..M 110 l.J 8-4122 Space or Rent prACUoa ,w.o. "'· tuo, J tt6. t.,...., Hanor ••U. ~..,. ·-. touc .... ..-i.i. ~ Mc. N...-208-w Uc:tO Chapman Wanhoua., 14"41 "\\', IOCll rsced ,_feet eolldlUoa. C.. bil KEI... .A.medcu Lqioa 2l&-1$Ua at. llA.LIZI' DA.Vla GR.AN'D PIANO RlsK. a.. ~ut t:llO. lHO lrTVDS. Cll.UIP ... dr. radio ..en e.l u• VJ.a. °"""°' UOo SILVER FOX STOL.II: CMprM..11. Oranr•· I' lol-~-2Dd, •lbw~ 8 p.m • 20 I ..... "'"l W --v-...,_.,., O.D .......... _ •-Pborw. I.al&. Har. ~:JI to l !IO PJ:RFECT CONDtrlON. f-6111. Ma.n I.here dajs and -T04j 1•t rwnalt. qukller, chuper ~... • lllU. UA.toNA.BL&.. HTA.'JT 4· l -.-• ....,._~ -...-,. ~·· L . _ -..,--. """"<h Ntw~Proe .... nt ada. ·PRU A.F'r&Jt t.. lklO U I-Mii. t:tcfl KY•tl t-iilt31 llft« l. Mc90 P· m.---11. tocll 8•"0"&~ .H.ar. 1138~ Lt •Hnlnp. . '·· , \ . . . -' -I • ·~ • ' ' • ' ' • • • - ' -. • l ' _, - ., ; ' . ~ " "' ~-' ~·•I-' 0 ., ' --" ' • • ' " _:-:---... --l-~~·~~-~~&~--~~tW~·~h~"""l'..,.fP~A~&E~·~6~·~PA~R~T~l~l~~THARIOR~~~-~1~·~·~·~~~!'~!~!~'>~•~1~1~•!!!:::::::·::!=:~~·~·~.i~~-~-·~·~;;:::=:=:::~a~-~·~~~r~"'7~•~~:::::;:::~a~a~•~1~·~~1~-~:::::::·~,..,, -.:-· A~ltsa • , -· -sa:JO£NtCKERTr" · = 0,.·01!1,. 20-,...1"M-. BAUOA ISLAND $1500 DOWN 8/8' I • I · I • ...... ·- JI . ,, . . !! :!!'! • •• , " • 117'!* ,. !e • •F: ' ... ..._ --HOME LOA .. 'S . r ~ o .... DAILY ,.. , ....... ""' ..... ..,,. - It ,_ wut Ito aiQt • .,.. • • Catrdnas ___ l, . ut ~ll!r •/" c:wpet.. Bu ..,.... -. --6 car. TOii euMt anom to , _.._ Marma' s DO WOT °"" ,__ ... \hll oocqpl4d. a..'°.....,,,...,,._ _. um oppottualt7 tG owa a • I Co t t" . ' --R-" I ~ -Jll&l!lt)ed U.t.Mor w-. 411 lm~ta a.. .._ ... or J.aWr model ~ cu-. .• n1 rue ion """'"' -.-.1nenc ng . 1~ ......_. rA ~ tt...: ~ 1twua ud str..t "fbta. • · Free Prelrrn~n•ry Appreisela -~ -"--. .,..,. " • ..,.. ....._ ..,.. .... " B ,.,,.._ ,;. fld ·· Lido ·Penlnstila, Eiit mt St:,:Npt.-Bcll. ---r-....... 1.., =-,. .... .,. ..._ ,___ .. .....,. -uy nrm ..:.on ence · . ~ta totf' .,_. '° ..... -&&17 wma. llli.r.t -s buuruaL Orn:RS Ule aad ~ty ~ 0oml'UQ' -· 1m --t> ""'-· ~CK B4Y AREA DQ(El>tAT!l DELIVERY Gold..,, Ha•k. .Pe>wer Bart, etauoa w.,.,_ ~l and Oomma.nder ~ Pkk • Uf& """ 1161 Commander I Jport Cpe. Uk• new. ruuy equipped. Save over •1000 . """ 1153 Commandu I Bport Cpe. 'Ib• llb&rptilt one yel Ovetdr\H, Rad1o • H-iater, 81.1prem1 lira etc. .l.296. WHAT A.. BUY !~! Buy With Confidence JOE . NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DEALER '631 Newport BIVd., Npt. &ach. Dellgbttul u.uir. &pt.-OzNooz UtllltlM. pzld. ol Tem!-I HT.U ...... '""' • ,..... .... N-....._ ... · wtth · BaU.uw National Ltte 1nlurulce Com.pt.DJ • ..._ 3C1M MM:na1' ll&rbor o.aM o.t Kai' 1 Bdnn.L, c.mtn.1 h&U ·.' Yacht zllp zcoomodalloc&. -• . • EARL W. STANLEY ~ ... "":!!. "::'-~!: !".: D&lly. ·~··monthly, yezrly. SOUTH COAST . RIWJ.l'OR ~· . ......., at ..,, •11·'°°· For appt. or .....,"&tloa, jlzJJ Bat. 2992. llltfe c m ' -_...._ ...... bland DREAM HOME · Mort.ga· ge om' pany u ""'" M .... , ... , N ... ,~ ..... .. tu. tintplace. loftly yard and 4~A~ for .8AJe '8-.Apta. a 11--. for 1lftt . · • f.'\lt a . r. 1..oan. run pnce tor lLERCEDES -8ENZ--PORCBI: rt7ftN J MdroOm bOnl• on Pea.in--A pprovtd FHA )(ortgagff Balboa ~~ n:~iUon only 112.~. _ JAGUAR& _ MG, ...._ ua Md&. •bCIOMd patio, 1early. 1600 West Cout lltgbway -U S..7191 ~ Qpau .u -. on. ncor. A.merican cais chen a OOIDp!9\4 ALSO two 2 bedrm. J MUI Newport Beach. 'Calitorni.a Good #UlrLIMI' rental&. 1 block 3 BDR.MS. AND DEN mec.han.lcal Uupectlon i.od road apt&. t\lnL 6 untum.. __ .:.._ _______ ~,....-------------1 to 811,y llfi,600 with low dawn New ud located 1n COsta Mcu'1 teat before you bu}. Al.AO now t.Ak.ln1 HHrvaUoDI ' ,.YllUllL ftMlt 1«Uo.n, LAr1e rooru CALIF. USICD CAR tor wmmer ,_tall. 48-8--B~ tor Btat S6-M!'!2'. Wu.tied UlroUlbouL Hu ewrythlal ln· IN8PICCTION 8ERVlC., ,COABT PROPERTIES CO. CORONA. DEL KAR, J&rp Ut. EARN 10"'• An ad. )ot an chanMI roe.d, Ba.I-ctudtft1 bUllt in ranre •nd o-n Fortlgn Mtr. C1.r 811n. ~!}: ... J•~8 -Re:~-room, s bedrma. 6 den, nu /1 boa Ptll1MU1&. Only I U,000. and inter-com •Y•ltm. Ell«llent 111 tndultrtal Way, U 1--lTll, ·-~tu a-.uplOll. hOUM-Fum.. Naar Bay A oc.&n. ON TOOR MONET 2 Oc-.a J"rooat )Ota OD J:. Balboa t.rm.. "" Newport Auto WorU,, 90l I:. 81..1~ BlYd.. B&lbo-. lt::i mo. :yr. r"GWld plu utWliet. ll'or mor• Int~ C&U, BMS. IJO,o00 eaoh. 120 lndUltrt&l Way, LI l-?711 Pbo11.a Hu. ~ or Bu. '800 Har. CMSl~W. IOct2 Oyttou 3-!Ul • C. ED JONES, Rltr. H.&l'bor 010 ""'"' u "LIDO mu:. , .,....,..,,., ·~ 1 ______ .:_ _ _::" Coast Properties 9QH I c19~,.,.,..,8~rn=c~K"""op<e1-.,-,al:-d•~'-"'"'-c4-,.,,..-• bath bpme, Oil annual b&a1a. 61_ae.J !'.date Wuted. Ruth Ja)'Nd. R..1tor ------------1 tlo .edaattt.. RAH, new waw RENTAL 8Up tor 'O n.. boat, UM of 111,.-====;;:_;.:.::::;:=. __ Mll4red RI.IP A 8ylvla Tbompaon :t.tembft' MulUpla Ll1t1nc lM Harbor Blvd., Cbata MaA u 8-3333 R-E-0 We are proud to announce our appointment a.a the diatrtbutor in Santa Ana and Orange County Vi,it Our Show Room See Our Complete Line Trucks • Bu1ses • Eng;nes Gasoline -LPG . Diesel ED THOMPSON GARAGE 302 French -Santa Ana tire•. Har. &oe9-J. tvra. UpiO SPECIALISTS fL Vlldn1 runabout power boat. WANTED to 1eue W1t.b opt&oa to A.-ocl.ale. Q 2 car 1ar., bel.uUIUUy f\lralab-buy. 2 or s bdrm, moderate SOl Z. ·Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Balbo1. . 41-Aato Semae CALL EDNA CRAIG ed. ahl'Uba. 1700 per tnODth. priced hOIIle, needed by June. Phone Hu. HM or Har. '600 lnquln1 at '1 Bl.Ibo& Covu.. Excel.lent ref. Har. 5347, 90clt2 tr Motor Overhaul DORIS BRAY, Realtor Newport." 8etfcl c-,.,,=-~~-------l-----------­ \VA1''T older bouR, Wt•t New- port or New-)Xlrt Htil&"ht1 are&. Ha.r. '167-R. or BOit 116, Ninir· port Beach.. 89p91 21G )larlnc. Ballboa .l.lland NO MONEY DOWN Har. 20 or Cit 49-Booma fur Rent * with this . ad * Choice Winter Rentala on ENJOY ~vrnt on * .. , ,. ... 6 Cyla. $(8.88 Balboa llland Ii: Lido I.ale tronL Kitchenette apll. It Mn.. 8 C •· •••ss Bmall .I: cozy or la.r&"• A"dC!l.Wt• withprlvatabalh.Ml.ld•phoo• y... ------~-170 to 1300 month M:rvica, "TV -2300 W, Ocel.rl lncludt• both labor and part&. ""---1· bo eoo1 VOGEL Co. ---·· .... '• .• Ntw r!.nga, wrt1t piDI, n.ln WILL BUY ttorn VWper, Oil Balboa llland. Ona or two badroom apl Over dbl. san.r•. W1th •PM" to buUd In troaL Boa H-1, New• PrNL eauc grtnd, fitUnf• 01 main and rod bearlnp. ~pert motor tun• up. JOI Marin• A\re., Ba.lboa llland ~~~~!!!~.,!!!!!~!..---! ~~~~!!!.!!'il~!!Z:_ ___ I 90-<lay or 4,IJl)O mile gu.arut.M. Pb. Harbor ''' or Hubor 101' 55--Stona •~ornce. 80 ''IO"'G'e Ptvp!rtz 4 Br. -2 Baths Baauutul 5 month old borne, cu•- tom land9c•plnr. pink block wall in rear yard, Kin&" alze patio. Only 1 block to ahopplng ceatar. Ctlrba. sewer A: 1lde- W&llu la. l'\111 price 11~. 170 ino tncl. tax•, in.. A: tntereat at '\\ .,-. with asnall down pay- -L (NO ltOtffi-"bo\YN). Rea. Har. 3829-R OT Hu, UD-R EN ~ "'" lNDUBTJUAL b14. wtth ,mow REBUJLT Ga•-' LIDO OFFICE SPACE N rt~ Rlty """ Up to 1 ... ONTHB TO PAY Now •~·SINO rr•-•· ~ ·~;,.'::,",".""'-, •• !' . ..._moot> ewpO . esa • --TWO BR., UNruRN. duplex In .....-o "'' spl.CI ... ...._..... • ~ -------------Bullt In our own factory by akilled Coron.a Hl&hla.nlia. Oce1.n vtew, rntra-modem &llarbroek d91ip-plUf uUWJeL Low t.xea. Pl1ca. 1791 Newport Blvd., Cost.a Mt:IB macblnl•ta. Don't contend WiUI ruiarly new, fireplacl. 4i•P· ed Udo bullOi.D&'-No finer build-lll,000. Bar. f.321 or fMI u LI I-MOS EvtL Har. 0188-J GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '49 CHEV. S<lburba.n 'Cil C}.tC \, t. p ickup '49 GMC Y, t. pan'! '63 OODGll ~t t. pickup • 'Ci3 FOR.D V -8 •,w t. pickup 'Ci3 CHEVROLET 111 L plckup 'O' GMC .,. L pickup ·~ CHEVROLE'r h l. pickup Hydra-trant. '49 STUDEBAKER ,. t wLlk·ln '01 FORD V-8 % t. walk-in 'Ci2 STUDEB.IJCKR " t. pk:kur • '60 FORD l t. (IU&J. Oatbed 'OJ C HEV. l t. pan'I "&9 l>OOOE 2 t. 14· natbed, 2 apeed, 8 ::?~ Ure• the middle m1.n. Buy dlrec:L Imm-" -1n1 no tin ·••-..... occupancy. l lv.1 per mo. · e.r ......,._. REBUILT and INSTAI.I.ED -by the month or ltua. LIDO REALTY, .Auoclatea SHORT BLOCK TWO BR.. un.tura. apt. la. Clltf MOO VI& Udo-Harbor (4fi( FORD ·-·-------1129..50 Hvn., near IChooll. Ground tlr., Uc CHEVROt.rr 11,9.00 modem. dllp., fan. Ir. BR., HP· 1------------- PL nt. "' DODGIC ..• 11~ 11.r. 180 ptr mo. CHR'l'S. • O!: SOTO ··-1170 THE VOGEL CO. HA: 1741 STUDEBAKER ········-----1170 89c9l OLDS .I: PONTIAC I --·-$1701----'--------'-'-- BUICK --··-·-·-ll75 HUDSON -·-···-·-1175 lALD Car J'He Towlat: NEW CAR GOAR.ANTEE NEWPORT HEIGHTS 1802 It 1702 Haven Pll.ca. Two bdrtnl:., rarb. dllp., near .chooll. Unturnllhtd. Ltue or by month C. Sherm AUm. LI 8·M36. • Ground Floor e OFFI~ OR STORES Far Leue 1n - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30t.b & Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 BlOc:k mwt meet our 1tandardl PIUI taxtl, gullet.I and oU Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. . . 88p93 1------------'--FOR RENT, NEW ott1ca 11 x Jol. LIDO ISLE'S Udo Bhopplo( .,.._ IT• P" Fabuloul brand new. 2 . •toey, z mo. on 71'a. l.ue. Ba7 It Beacb BU8mE88 6 INCOXB: property, 19th It Pl&cenUa. B7 owner- Ll &-67H attl.r I p.m. or wMJt. endL 70tte s1-11eo1 l!lzta1.e -e TRADE quality PABAI>ZNA n.l· denca exclUll.Va Ue& tor rui- denUl.1, oommarclal or lnd111trt&I property Ill Newport, Balbol.. Co.ta 1~... or C.D.K. ...iue 130.000 Writ.a Box Tli CU9 thll paper. 88ptll WILL 'I'RADll 410 tt. clle9el cnn.tr, home ano&t for rnUltlpl• wit proparty. LI 8..ass umlnp. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open DailJ 8 to 7 &ti.tit Bondld ... bdrm. a, din. 2 bat.bl, tlJ'epll.ct, Realty, 3112 i.tayelta. Ha.rbor cup1tad. N:aey ck>att.a. Blr'ch 1 __ 36_43_·--------"-"-' ------------ kltche wl.tb. built In GE Ranae A dl.ahvruhu. Ba.r, wall ot Jl&M ~BaalaoNll S.taa. onto lwh 31 n . walled paUo, I O'---='°"-'----'-'--- Bay Shores 2tl71 Clrcle Drlva Opm Dall~ -l ·f :30 NOW PRICED TO SE.LL I bdrm., 1 % bath, frpl., J'. A. beat, all elec. ldtchtn. Spaclou1 p&tio -~U.lll iti~BBQ. OVeraiu .-.,...-., renerou. 1torap. RALPH P. MASKEY Rll.U.TOR Stll N.wport BJ\'4., NPl Harbor 'Ol Shake Roof Corona del Mar NEAR OCEAN, only S yn. old. Well built, 3 DR Ot 2 l.nd den bome, 1% balha, tlre pl., HW fln., electric or gu klLChtn, DR, patio plexigll.:>11 rncl .. complete- ly tencM.. So. or Hwy. Firm prtce 118,000. A' VERY GOOD VALUE. EXCEPTIONALLY nice 3 bdrm. u.d den borne. Large kit, :Z ttre- placea, 2 bath~. hw. nrs., OR, ..t'Wle root. 1•00 aq. ft. dbl. r•r- are •lrtMtd for •pt. above. Oow to shopping;, good location. AP.- lng 123.000. H .. good loan p•Y· able 190 pt r mo. !:XCLUSIV.ES WlTif Jobt1 E. Sadleir REALTOR & INSURANCE IVAN W. ERHARDT, A.ssociate 3333 E. C,t. Hwy., Corona dtl Mar H•rbor 2i:z2 88c90 Provincial · Perfection lo thla :Z bedrm , bel.VJ' 1he.kt: f'O(lf board 6 bl.\. exterior, rl.l.etd ultd brick bffrth, open beam eernn11 beMuUful cablnall Uu-ourhout. home built by a muttr crafum&n. One y_,. nld. BeauUfUlly J1.tu:llc•ped. '3.000 c:Jown. 1(7 INTERNATIONAL Ll8, 10- WhePI tractor, 10 :00 Urea '02 CAtC, t 70-A tractor A :emJ dump, J0.00 tire•. ·.NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA roofed boa.l yard, car1.ge. Ra.r. 21188. 8lc9' HIO ACRE 8J:CLUDED MOUN· I Bldnn., 1 batll hom.--nle9 Eut l'or Rent ln Coat& MeA TAIN RANQI. 2 wtlll, about 1lda klaUon. Bullt--ln raar• I.lid Cl"rff Dn·ve :Z met1.I bulldlnp 5 acn• ln ltn'IOna, Now _._ .. ins "cnr~. fln1pl1.ca, VA heat. Obit. • Udo Isle A.pjngtrnatal.1 JOO' mo'-' t cb&nnlna bldrooma. I IOfti1 ~ti.. You. wW loft U.. fUtJIY' room plu. larp ltYfAI room. ~D llKIO 8lfl,. tL al pat.IO 11pK°' •ultab1-tor larp ,.. GI' ...-. f'OOD'll Ile. PlaM .~ 8~ ..• Cliff Heven A Beautiful vil'W and Ula ..sd9d attracUon ot a klda11 .....-W pool In CUU H&,,_ I .a W-- room., 1 krnl7 ba-~ tamll7 room wt.lb. BdaC9 sbulter doon to li't"l.DC ...._ A. load ~ wttb .u· )d9dS ot e.nl r pGllllbWUIL 9D- cio..d back a.rd. w~ t• children. -Bay & Beach Rlty ln"c REALTORS 3112 Lat•,..tta. Ha.r. H4I "JUlt to th• ri1bt o( Lido ~ Evea. pboD• R. C. Gf'Nr, mp. Har. 2991 REAL VALUES INCOME J'our ut1ita on well loci.tad ..... •Ide corner t:loO x 1&8 one llluWt block from Newport Blvd. ~ ba ld•I locaUon for mor9 la• come or medital centt1'. Let u. SHOW YOU THl8 TODAY. ONE ACRE ESTATE 'Ibl• 11 one of th• nneat ~ ln Coala Me-. Two muter bdr'a., Ula k1tcti.n and puJ.m.an bath. Wall to .,,.I.I.I ~ throuch oul Laree bruktut nook and klvely 4lnln1 room. Thi• ll truly 1. ru.t family hocne. . Alao hal nit• rue•t bouJt wtU. Ule klkbai and be.th. Yard I.I be1.utltully landecaped many trea roeu. •nd trult tl"lff. eom- plet•ly fmcecl. Double rarare, ~d work ahop..,Don.'t mlN - Inc Uil•. Stat eaat Md• locatlon. Prteed to Mil tor only 124,l!IO, temi1- B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Nawport Blvd,, COlta MMI.. Liberty 8-1672 EYM. U 8-4120 Uberty 1-8613 , Uberty S.}721 411 Irvine Ave. Newport He ights OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 • 5 \Ve are over•lockf'd on uff'd trued and will a<!ctpt any rtuonable NASH· HUDSON Own~ ON BALBClA ISLAND BEE US fOl' yearly and -..onal 1'1:'Dlall. "' l -150 P«' mont.h approximately 7& ht&d ·~-;tla. prace on alley. s-er tn and lJNiINISH.ED house -$1:Z,MO l·l75 per n1'onth Nie• ye1.l' round home, lde&I p.Wd for, 114MHl 170 mo. In-full pnct Extra lot •Vallable. 1:r F.arly Amtrlcan Archltectura Stpa1'9ll lot 100' • 100' 15,000 for ttUrernent 122.000. Cludt• 01,r.y lnttrtlt. with arnall * Ht•vy Bh•ke Roor • offtr~ All type• "' 1b.f'1 to chouat1 from. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 816-19 E . 'tb St., Santa An.a Trut;k Hdq1. tor Oraiiga County RI OH HAi.iN 'S A l'TO KADIO REP AIR HYDRAM,\ TIC SER VICE • 'OW E . 2WI'H ST. Ha.rbor '725 Newport. Ba.ach NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30ti Marine Ave. Hubor 502 BALBOA IBLAND sq. ft. J>.v@d and Fsctd. down peymtnt. llART" ADAIR, Rl+r. oft Lovely R.anchy tlrtplace Bay & Beach Rily. lnc. 10 to fO atru rivtr bottom l•nd. ' * 3 Bet.1mu1. I·" bath formly Ln Willnut.a ·~J>«r Newport-Mes A .Rlty. 1661 Ntwpo.-t J:tlvd . (."cNl!a t.l eu 1 ~'t \Vall to wall Clrpt'l • "Ju11l rlfht of the Lido Brld1•·· acre. u LI 8-37(f2 or 1..1 8·:5G86 °'' Garba1e 1Jlapoea1 A dWunut.er Ha1·bor 3543: 2999 ltve1. s lJ.t EM:MES U 3.730:5 l799 Newport Blvd., CMta MeY l-------------I -tt 3 ('ar rarare SEE 'ME-TA NELSON s7tfc 11oc112 LI 8-MOI Evta. Har. 0289-J -tt \VLrtl.I 220 volt• ----------1 -----------1 e Lr"do Nord """ • 1" 0" ..... "'1'' CORONA DEL MAR NlCBI J.IODERN 1ton1 room or Back Bay Lot W L"d ? 42-Trallen FOR CHOlCB R&NTALS. ottlce at 1888 Plac1nU1., 1100 l1760 down ant I 0 B Front SEASONAL It YEARLY. mo. lncludlnr uWIUea. lnqulA Wl.ter It Mountain Yim THJ:N ay Priced to sell thi1 week..,nd For p~•howlnr. Call DOW 1 * PORT ORANGE * 2908 JC. Coul Hwy. Kar. 5060 at property atte.r 6 p. m.. WMk ORANGE C..'OAt PROPERTJU SEE THIS TRAILER $Al.ES • U day~_,?ru~', 6t7166me -~·L ,•,,sun. 1807 Newpo , eo.ta Mua or ..,.... • .... ...,r : or LI 8-1632 -Eve1. L1 8-lfiOO Spacloua 3 bedroom 2 bath home, EXCLUSZVE LISTING (Ftnt ume ottued) HARBOR 2042 I I Hausken-Watson SPORT CAR CENTER JAGUAR, (8. A. LocaUon only) AUSTIN-HE.A.Lmt' )lOIUUS, .AU8TIN Al.IA ROJOIO RENAULT, )(.G. -and SUPPLIES weeke.ndl. · 6711 1-------------built around a lovtly 9WlllY 2200 w. Cout Hlway. "8A-Apta. for Bent CLIFF HAVCN patio. The lot ll 58 ft. wide and NEWPORT Mc(dern ORS. otf1<:9 ~ tM ll roorrl f 1W1m I Newport Beach U 8-«20 00.t& M-or proflllMkmal Suite, loci.tad 16.d3 LIVING ROOM, flreplac1, ,.. or • m n,- We nffd Ciao UMd \nd•lnL 2 Bedroom, 1'-lplu. Ilka new, Balboa. Blvd. Pafkln,-, Vacant. H~le h.12 dlninl" room, lOMk " pool. On.17 AO,OOO Wit.ll term. On• story modem -home. Beil North Udo &a.ch locaUon. 3 B. R., 2 beth:;-f )"N;-fHd, ~ tt.. LoL Frank James &_~_:._ N-CU 8&.le. It &entce 'a.,, U9ed can, All K&Jtu, Im- ported i..nd Dom .. Uc. 1201 SO. JUJN 111'., BANTA AN.A. 'JO. 6-1181 19SJ HARBOR BLVD, COSTA ........ Ll WOOl lf '51 30' Kit ICJtcelltat -·---·--1189& ,..,...,..., adUlt&. 170. Har. ~ 1'12 N. Flower 8. A. or Kl of do9tta. PaUo. DbJe, pnp. =A. INVUTJriCENT co. ''2 30' Pacemaker, bel.uty 12090 ti 2--09:52. U I...arrs lot. l&nd9cl.ped, fertcld. &I 1!' Kenakill, -new _ ••..•.. ll3a5 ------------Newl7 red.cont«!. 111,?60. -Nr.irport.9001UYd., at SOl.h 8 L All modtm convplt:nca, e:lec. 1arqe door. $81 ,&00, lt.nna . : ::: ~~t' ~~ !~!!;. 1 or J bdrm. apt.a.. \auodry rm. Store lease Pl.ymanta llel. ww art7 MCODd. Harbor 1 J:va Har. "''-J ..... _..,... ~ 87 day, week or lnonlh. OWN"I:!\ 115 8tcnal Ro.d, U 1-----------'°'-"c.1 PAN .AMERICAN BLUE TOP MOTEL Excellent location on the bJyd. la 1-2'84 Mdl7 : .........,,_K_ • .,. N-.ort m.a. """"'• • ., ...... "" ,,., · -.;;5 ACRES •Harbor Inv. ..,._T"'7 ,..,...rt Buoh ITU• monu. "'"' ,.._a1 optlo~ oan INCQME PROPERTY COKMERCIAl. ZONE -In Colt.a M-on maln M.rwt. e&oea In REALTORS 30th It Npt, Bttd. Har. 1800 Ind. Co. ltoO""°'B~~ .. B .... peclal ~~':-!-' ___________ .. :::_:tr~• I-----'---------~~t~~ apn~~ '2fi.000 DO~ LEAVE& YOU -._ n. ;,._,,._, .. , LUXURJOUa 2 Bedroom turn. l------------I 1311 -·~• proDt or ,12,000 811.tar, unde~ .... t COVU'I 27 -"ODICRN ._ .. __ n ·-pL .----kin, Bay ··~-r ~. .. u ....... , a.. a YW<IVV -dOWll. lo&Y• $JH proDL f'.H.A. a.nd m&1'1 ex:tru. Or!.&"lnl.l black a.win(, paUo, fenced. 8acrltlct. AL80 M-M to 1.o9D I 19 .fini.h. Pon:d&nlud. P •rte ct Udo T'f'.IJler Park. Bar •. li:rol. Slip for r-it on Penln1ula Private .., ODel: • • oan. y owner, LI l-!632· e6Uc to ~.--&.lr1et. Ntar large 8,tlc deTelopment l100 front tooL l------------- T~ : Hnotdnr ""'"'· Uo,.,..ally ""' 0 ,.u, do<ll. Hu. "'°· tr HOME LOANS . oond!Uo• Utru·ouL """ "''~ .Avocado :"l(71). 0rt11nal owner Phone ,7_Wuted t.o a.n,t; PEN1if8ULA.. POINT-neat oCu.n Con.ttrucllon -ReUnance-8ale1 Grove RUSS FORD Ocean Front Income HYatt fi-7589. tt :;.:._:;.:::=;::;::....:;:...;:=.=:.:c---· 1 A bay. 3 room apt. rum. or 5'7o • 5%% • .a~ unfurn. 100 or l&O Include• uUll-In.I, Fun~1 · -Bld1. It Loan,.'- lNO ou:v. Conv., RAH, onpna1 Rentals Wanted uea. Har. 222&-J.. 89c91 Prlv•ta Money ~ • ~ owner now ln •rvtce. 1450. u · -1-MTI. 88cll0 We nMC apt.I. and bouatia In all BUSINltBS lVOmU will chare Trust Deed.a Bought Ir: Sold • • 1aeUou for bOlh winter and lovlly osy rroot apt, ln uao Cl.JI f'or 5'ree Coriµnitmtnt Gr•nt W. Musr"ck 7ear'1 itu .. F\lm. or untum. center. will! a.amt. E.xchan1e DON L HUDOLE.sTON .,. U you hava a v1ca.nc7, rettrenca. Har. 1228. 89ctll Yout Hudson Dealer · "l>bo•• ""'•• U 8-~1 Colla Mua SALES .and SERVJ<;!i: The Vogel Co. ATTRAc."l'lVE New untum,.. -2 173 E. i'1tb. SL bd•m. •PL ra•.' ""pouC ,.,.,;. 2ND & I ST T.D. LOANS Near allopplnf, park .I: boy• y,·rrH TOP PRODUCTION ln ab-REALTOR solute froat !rtti area. Call UI llOO w Cout 11-LI 8 •111 tor details. · -J• ~t DAN A. JACOBSEN, Real E1Lata ------------·I Har. M91, U 8-1317, Kl 2-2187 HYatt ~ ~ REr-.'TALS PLUS vacant corner lot •t 92fi Eut Oc.e1.n ll'ront. OPEN HOUSE BUNDA Y p. m. Good rtntal area, all tumt.hed. P.oom to build more l21,!Wl0. Not much over 'Value of lot&. Eu:r ttrnu, tlne 1pecuJsUon A wort.b lnveatigaUn1. HOME & INCOME Shake Roof Farmhouse and read all theae &"ood fea- turea -I yr. old-hwd~ floor• . •lldinl 1la• door. Pine cabinet klkbtn. 2 bednu., bright and · Heights Income llllffiaculal•. Bit. Of\ wldti lot 3 NE\V UNITS, wtlh .wlmmlflf MU Back Ba1. "A lKlu.M de-pool. Cloae lO ~ It shoppll!.I'. Bayabore. Beach Home OPEN HOU91l "'1-kWh.m-W. 2015 CIWt\WW Dnw t b.r. PL"Ua Js-. ualt Oftl' pr, rood yr. rd. or 9111Dm_....knotl7 ptn• lat.-1 p&UC. -Ul.000 BA()g B4Y OPEN HOUIS-.....ark_. 2:185 't'Uatln A 'f'I. 2 br., din, nncb7, w1M k>t. W..U am.need -:--·-ONt.1' ISl,000 ALSO 2 br., _._ tamll1 dla. na. Jots ot cloHta, 't'SIW, Mautltlal ya.rd ··········-----·--........ Good % .Cre .,_ Lare• Lot BllAUTY ---""'° 120 • 100 ···-·----··--lllOO Claire Van Hom RLU.TOR ' 2731 W, 0-. JIWJ', U .u7T 253 N.U.A..ngelea KE~7278 3201 \Y. CIL H1•ry., Newpol"t Bch. Pbon• Llbertt 8-ldl • ..t.u.baUll. uuc 2GI M..arllla. Balboa llland club. &72 Plwntr. Har. 2"0·J. Strvln« all Or•n1t County s0ri2 We Buy Trust Deeds 1000 00\\"N, llv1 ln QDa :Z bdrm. bom1 at 13 pe:r mo. Rent on \ othar, pay• loa.n. Or rent both for lliKl per month, leave. 1112 pront -By owner, LI l-71S2. ldiMd with a d1Ud ln mind." BEE THIS 0:0.'l:, ONLY Pl,700. .Room tor• pony ud pet.a. Only You will like IL l------------- NtwaDd U...S TRUCX AND Pe~sen9er Tl RES Pbonl Harbor 644 M47 E. Coul Hy .. Corona dal Mar Phona Harbor 1141 U60 Ottlc.. I'll Vi. Udo Harbor ft71 1102 Nt:wport Blvd., Omta Mt• Llbert)' &-6&87 Uo ll0.760 "''" """" -. .. ,. • Nice East Side CURT DOSH, Rltr.1c __ .:;,,__ .. _<CUEV __ ,.._KJ_o-•_n_•_'""'_'1 N .~;~:. ~!!~+-t, .. Co. Location 315 Marine Ave. A Rare Item! 1_N_'""" __ .. _ ... _"' __ '-'"_''°_'_""'_1, ... ._.. -.. ,.... ·..._ Bolboa Island REAL HOME on ac.aJi Front ovER WOKING BACK BAT-bwd. noor., n....,i..o.. U.... Built f~ owner. Well plannad. he&t. dOlribla aanct. IPOTLD8 '"" oo __ R_O_N_A_D_£L __ """ __ l_bd_nn_.1 ~ Make Collateral Loon.a tum. apt. l75 mo. JT1Y· leue Royal Mortgage Co l.nclud. uUl. Har. ZMl&-lL 8&c91 .;.,.,.., ,. 81 ·' ~ • • ...., .... ~·port v.,, o•prL Uch. DUPLEX rum, a rm.t. 11.rage. vn Harbor I 549 2' hr. pbon• HrVlce clffn A quiat. 1 bloc;k so; of P'lnt St., !,ii block or1 ,H1.rbor 8!"1. 1I0!2 W. C&mllle 8t., San- t& An&. CalU'. \ • 8ip90 Harbor 1560 8-\. ot conatructlon. • out ot... 1tate. owner fOft~ to noadJ ff. men-a Into. IJ.NOO wt~ LO.A.NS TO BU"ILD, IMPROVE, ------------and •crirti' n-I rm., .1 \1 -,.thll. Jow lkM. ,.._L B·Hour , WANTED TO RmNT-J bid.room boWtf, Harbor ar-. J'Mrly ~ Or leu1 ~th option to buy. -W-ant ..J&ra('t. flttpl. timcld yd. THRJ:i: RM. APT )'";tffpa f.-218 19th BL H1r. _21416-J. 8idll BUY, MODERNIZE. OR WHAT A VIEW! Orapea. vt(W carpeta In 11"1nl RErINA.Nc~ . INVESTORS • ""' u""""" "'""''" Newport-Me•• Rlty. - ""' e.,. ""''"""" INCOME BARGAIN Chari., E. Hart, Realtor '~"'" ""· .... , bun• ""'· -Nii\VPORT BALBOA 8.AVIN08 m.uatva none ttnplacel. lADd· IM N.-port .m.n..~~cc .......... _:w.-.-..J R1cepp1n9_Service Complote Brake Servlcl Al<D l'r<llll End AllaDm<tll ROAD 11.ERVlCll 1'rwtoM B~ Plan J'(lllUn fot th4' AllkiD& HOWARD RYAN 801 • BOil W. la Sl. BANTA, ANA "' ...... -/ Pen:naneaUy emplo.1'4 locally. ~ for Rent l::ualltrit )ocal mer.nc-. wr11,, 1 ·--~4------~· -- box XJ8o•tbil nftspaper. MUc C0RO~.A DlilL MAR. 3 bdnn. A-LOAN A880CIATION $6000 Buy• ~ .Equity, 1•2 ll<trL M20 W;tJ-ltio.. Blv~. Har. J'U .caP9(l. f30 Via M&rtn. (Drd LI l-6tlOI &'NL U. t-lMI UH Via Udo Pb. Har. ,200 unit. t1ear .c:booll, all. nnted. A TU•Un) Colt.a M...._ Llbert)'l------------- wstdm. boUH A pnce. )'Mrl7. ____________ u_o COUPUC, mldd~lld want to Aduha, no peu., J blk. to bettcb. 1-.. t tie<trm. unrum. bunr•low ,AvaU. June 1,tb liar. 3528-M. LOANS for Homes ~erenca -\Vril• Boll: 8 -13 ' 89c91 \hia paper, 88cfG ------------&~ -2(1 JT· l.ol.N THREE BEDRM. unrum. hou.1e, C L LA.ROil 2 bdrm. dupltz. Hwd. floor, iub. dllp., "'Al"• A: retrtr.. PH«' J.IO mo. yaan ~. 1128·8 Thutta A\OI., C.M.. LI I-TUJ I.It.er s. llk't 1 I t m"'-Old 1"owport Viola "KL Onstruction Oans llLS mo. PbOn• afternoon 1.nd 1,,_, LI I-702'. 81Slfc. SEil BOB BATTLER • a&IO EA.81' CO.A.BT BLVD. LIDO ISLE. Brand new I btd.rm. Corona dd Mar Hartlor UBI I be.th bo1.1111 unturn. Anll Rep. POIRIER )IORTGAOE 00. April 1. LeaM. Ul-Vl& Waa· W•tro We Ina. P'urldl X1 1-litM lera. AT~"TJC '-4&23. TIIUc ' "1tc 0 • l2'7-per mo. rar. dt.p.-ran-Business Corner 8-6331 Ev.un.-.. lle90 aewar. U l-5'M. 1$pil C-1 CORNER. fllxlOO. downtown Beata Ana.. lJtl,000. Subm.Jt BY OWNE_R ta.-" """'· 2 duplt:XfJ ntar High Bebo.I, on' DAN A. JACOB8JtN, Real EIUt• \., acra. Not leaaa land. EICC.U. Har. 5611, U l-63J7, return on Ln.mUMoL ZoMd to Kl 2·2187 HTl.tl '·68191 bulld add'I unit.a. WW tak• part roR BAL& BY OW~ bad- t.rad&. Har. 6::111 10 L m. \0 r'OOQI home, 1'6. bstba, land- 5:30. U &-C70 • ...., T1Uc ~ 6 tenc«L FHA 106a.. -You 1et naull9 quiebr. t!\eaper throu1h N-..~ ...-t a.di. • . ·- J'r-'om bom9 &rlL C.all Uhtty a.ens mominp or attar I p. n:a. J.ltlc MUST SEE U38 FA.lRWAY DRfVE, COIJ'J'4 ME.BA, 2 bdrm. houM.. ~ lol. dbt fl.I"., Dew dYtrict M&I' l'Oli coune. Larr• llnn1 rm .. larc• kitchen A dlnettl comb, .AtUc lnlluJaUoa.. bdwd. fioon, .....,. ~ tec:.1 ep.n att~ 112.300, IArr• down. 'P'or •pPl. wr:tta &Of)-31•t or call Har. 217!. ~, . .,.. ............. ·--· FOUR BEDROOlll SJJ,1!00 t?e PER MO~ •• lM0.'8 OLD 1CXC7:Ll.l2tr LOQA1l'OH. .. Banta AM A 1"' 1*0i A 'I.. wtU. ai.ct.no' ba&L r.t We •boWl.r .......... t.-. Wltll prb. ~ fu "91' ....... Grt.f*t&k• .r-. ~ )M,6. ............. ORAN'Glli CX>AST PftOPlllTID 1807 N_.port. o.ta X.-. U 1-IW -m..., Cl W. ' •• ... • ~:::'.""°"""~ca~·~·~n~l~llgM~h~::::;=-~·~·~•~-~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~1;~11~a~n~1~-~l~t~1 ::~:::::·~ .. ~~·~2~:1:•~z~l=to~::::·:::::J!lll;:;•;t11;:=;:;1;1::;~E;;;;;::~-~tHEV(PE)tl'-ttARIOR NE\YS-PllESS~PARTJl.,A&E7 ~ RUDAY, MARCH 30, 1956 ' r-r .. Best ~ys ii>rQna ·del-~ POCKET · · ~...,__-'" ~ -mnnn -"C"·~A BeautyTBOMA& .= .... =-=~=a~ •• ~.-=~--~ ~-moux:i..irn 0eean ~ 2 ~ • .i.n. 2~ · = = 4 ~..!;:. J foJU,UUU _,,_...T C1WU11Mo ',.... LIDO BARGAINS bat¥; ~ wall to wall I'. A. heat, fireplace. ..... -""""" -·-.,.. -.. -· --Cbl>b location A pr1cod to ..U qulclt. Only $37,!IOO -__ ....,. .. ,_ ,... .er ~ ...... ..........., '""' •uo........., ""'•-The ftneat, I•. rgtd B•y front )ot rtm•lnir.ti• ., __ lftM ---,.. I. SRO'kECl..UYS. Ocetn view -home for the'""d.fa.. "* W. _,. ... -,,_........., • ....,. __.,.. ~ rM- c:bnh>allnlli boyer who .....,11 &114 C8l1 afford the !:::.:! .....,. to "'" ,_ In the H•r·bo'r Ar••· • -,_~,.._.,,• """"' ~•. •• l ~ ,.,._ ia lTt T .--2 bed.rm. le den, qualitjt • • 0 - _ ~ •-,_,. • .. room wtth .. ...._... ._.. ._...... now to eeObtl' ·~ rl&Q built, 2 tlreplacea. dream kl~JL Beautiful home C -'°°"' dta. ......, 1 .,._ bedrma., lnald4 .an4 out, all modern teo.tureo to make it com-WHY HASE 1 -......., dollrh<M · -• ... • ~ ==ry d~-· s•-by appo'·tm··t. p~--· AROU~'D IN Cl~CLES? h • 'B • · · •"-"'°' """~ta 0''" ~• ..--w ... ~ ~ w -·~ Wll ICNo~ ,..,.,.T -·.,.. "" Two· acre•, R-1, wit 200 root ay nont-,....., ...... 11oo ... •"• p1i. to •U. IIXCLUSIVE WITH U,S. t)at t• 10,. ..s._m Lldlt We. n •' . w/W carpetttlS. drape9, k>&da or w.u ., our "'-··= .. ...,. ant. On Back Bay entering from Mt•• • ._ -•Wllil'""_."" 1n. JUST LISTED -EXCLUSIVE. Thia attractive 2 UMm Lo JOU ";_~ .. .,.... "=r t.ertor, room tor BWIMMlNO w._ bome, plua guist room and bath only 'h Drive. (The lot adjacent on the welt to POOL-A CllOICS PROPERTY block to Qceu Blvd, Corona del Mar. Completely ~. • • • •t IJl..600. tuniJabecl. Choke 1~tJon. Priced to sen quick WITHIN 3 S~ITS two atory Coloni~I tiouH. I This 11 NOT at ~-T.,,.. 1t dealnd. rou WJLL mm rllJlll1a, A LEASEHOLD. ed dbl awtmmtnt ~ttq. Hlaatklll DUPLEX 1 bedroom each 1 unJt fwniab • · and a cleaa -.nd1 bM.c.h. Brud prap:, clOle in -Choice location. F. P. $16,7~ n..w duplex. I ' l:illdrooml up, 2 • ~ .1-• dowu. Flreplact. ~ pt-~w ~wu i"yment. .,.. dock. ,..,. A .....,,. ...,.. MEMBER OF lfULTIPLE LISTINGS. ,.,_ 111,DOO-h>molo,. _, -· CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. YcCUISTION, Realtor ~7 E. Cout Hwy. Coron& de! M&r H&r. 47 • • • BALBOA PENINSULA OCLUI' J'RONT ii:rl 1'-1. 'lllllQI. 112,IOO. Good t.uma. Ru front For •elt by owner or almo1t any i;roker • ' . Phone Harbor 2024 89c91 • Bayshores 1. vmw -BA YllHOQ DRIVE-- Ideal I bdrm. home tor year around tt.tnc, 1" b&Uui, hdwd. noon. ,ext•rior ntwlY p.lntt'd, n.r privaUI bMcb -GO OO V ALUJ: -IZS,IOO. . a, BAYIHORm DRIV'& -On• o[ the bNt-S bedrrn1. plu. gueat OI rumpua room ovt-r r•r•re, .(Ottlce loC&tecl nein door to N"*port H&rbor Bank, COil) · VOGEL VALUES COSTA MESA yard view or Chln&. ----------.,-~--~--------• . . 21Ao bat.ha, on. owner home, lo\'e· ly Interior -138, 760 . BILL'S BEST BUYS SUPERB "LOT l>Ox 140 In-the hub of the mot1t exclualve area of Costa M:M&'I Eut.ide. The last vacU1t lot left on thi1 quiet atreet. of refined. hoxnes. All improvement.I in. and pa.id. Owner aay1 mu.at Ml1 it this week. Only~ AMAZING BUY 1700 aquare feet, under construction, cboote your colon and wateh it grow. 4 B. R.a, L. R., family room, built In kitchen, laundry, 1% b&tba, pa~o,. R W. floor1, F . A. heat, gar. di.ep., heat lampa, fireplace. Beat of ranch 11tyi1 design with shake roof. All or thi1 on60x150 lot on Back Bay street ~ ot country estate homes, for ONLY $20,!>00. Ready about May 15th SEE WHAT WE FOUND Tutefully re-decorated in & out, three years old two bedroom home in top realdential section or Cot:ta Men. Fenced "-nicely landacaped. Full price onl y $9950 low down . W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'a like our friendly service" 400 E. 17Lh St., Cot:t& Mesa Libert.y 8-1139 CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX, juat the thing for home & income each unit hu 2 bdrms., garage & patio -located cloe& to achoole, 1hopping & beach $18.500 finn & a bargain. See for younielf. EXCLUSIVE with HERE-THERE EYERYWHERE SEVERAL CHOICIJ Pll:CE8, lO acra each near Newport Bee.c.b rMdf ror 1ubdlvt.lon. lllOOO pt1r acre With 11' ot oU npt.a. Plenty ot water and doM to ....r. WW CO!Ulldu aubordln&Uon. • • • HURRAH I I GOLD DIS· COVERED IN BALBOA! as INCOMll UNITB, dale t o 'kY &Ad beae.b. Grom t.i.com• 118,000 to 117,000 per year. AU.lng- 113.000. Qood tenna. WW coo· 1lder put t.rade. • • • JUST ONE SHORT TODDLE to tht'. heath It llky -blu• water•. •· * * •· * Harbor Highlands 4 BEDROOM MODERNE 1900 aq. fl, 2 flaga:tone fireplaces, l l/2 ba.th1, encl. patio, diabwuher, blt.-in ranee and oven. diaposal, W /W cpll., lawn complete In dichondra. Com~ thla for value at $21,600. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME 2 bdrma., 11 x 'n L. R., dining area, tile kitchen. eerviCe porch, dbl. ga.rap, HW. tloon, utra. room · oU garap with h ot & cold wat.r would malt•. rood guest room. On corner lot, nicely landaeaped.. New Low Price $17,900 THE VOGEL CO • 1700 Newport Blvd . Liberty 8-111197 Evenings Har. Co1ta Meaa. 1539;M BEST BUY-Excellent 3 bt'droon1a, 1~ baU\I, r.verM floor ph1n, ltdt llV. room, w(W carpeting • m,.., di.poll&l. weather at.ripped, rrapest.ake fencing - 01rmer wtlJ CONSIDER TRADE vacant or lrnprovtd property - .Jf'ull price 117,17r.-$92 per mo. "C". THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIATES 22t W. Cout Hlway Liberty 8-~:?7 Newport Beach ''C' THOMAS · ·•C" THO~IAS Will .1 .. p n ve comfortably and l------------------------1 nve mor• uncomfortably. Prked It 112,MIO -'4.000 down Balance l60 monthly. NEWPORT HTS. • • • WE F'URNJSH FRI!:!: CRTINO TOWELS TO THOSE WHO C01i(I: TOO LA Tm. Seven l1land1 Rea lty & lnvestm"ent Co. ,03·:J2nd St., Newport Ekh., Caut. Kar. &568, after ~ p.m. Har. 5611 B/B Open House COST A MESA the best town on earth .. 4 ·sa. HOME, 2 bath1, fireplace. large livinf room, double garage, patio, fenced yard. (2 yn. old) Truly a nice home. $15,000 with $2MO down.· 3 B. R. HOME , 1 ~ balba, fireplace, patio, double -garage, near transportation &nd m&rketa. $13,800 with term•. C2 Buaineea zone, l/;1 acre &nd 3 Br. older home, Hwd. floora, large ae.rvice porch, garage. $12,~ with tenn.s. INDUSTRIAL LOT 70' (rontage on Placenti& Ave. ··-·-----··-··-···-·······-······-·········-··········· $6500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor ADDITION Four bedroom home In rood IOC&llty. Two bath• -large I rar•«-6'1.t on • new clrcle atreet-oni y 1 yc11r old Thia is an eitceptlonal buy •t onl y &12,900. $2000 Down Thl'fle bedroom home with 11\ bathe Hardwood noor• -tv.•o t:ar • .,. .. ,_Forced elr Heat- New Street-Dl•p<»al -Lend· ecaptid -Backyard fenced -~o bttlf'r value in Ult. town •. • Full price I• only $!2.lilOO. o..!~~~s.~~~a!, ~~i:"'' WE"RE NOT IOlJDING ! ! $24,500 I OPEN SATURDAY It SUNDAY Let U• ahow you thi.e IO'Vely S bedrooln., 2 bath home at 103 Via. Yen.:. AttlacU\'e con1er fireplace, large garage. Priced $2,000 undt:r market tor quick sale. Only $9,500 .down! $31 ,500 A spacious 3 bedroom. 2 bitth home that you can live in with pride. Large Uving nxim, dining a.re&. lanai, giant size bdnn1. $6,500 pou!ble down pmt. $59 ,000 to $250 ,000 A few choice bay front homee t.,_l afford you the ulti- mate in living pleuure and rtlaxation. Wit.}J and withottt piers and 1lipa. By appointment. only. HARBOR HIGHLANDS BEST VALUES IN AREA 537 DIANA l .ANE -Charming 3 bedroom,· 2 bath Ranch typ~ home. Beautiful yard and patio. It can't be beat anywh~re at $18.500 561 TERESITA LANE -Choice 4 bedroom, 211.l bath home. J.~ireplace and lovely patio. Thil a..lao ia a "good buy " at only S24,500 COME IN and let problems. us HELP YOU with your hou.ain& DUNCAN HARDESTY REALTOR 2602 Newport Blvd.... Newport Beach Phone Ha.rbor 4718 BACK BAY Cozy and appealing is whal you'll say when you S<'e this 3 bedrm .. 2 bath home. Large liv. room, fireplac(', t>!idi ng glass doors to patio, bar kitchen, and the price includc11 all wool carµcting, drapes. ne\\' slO\"C', refrigerator and fireplace fixture•. Only $23,950 . Newport Heights More living for less money than any other home in area is offered in this charming 3 bedrm. home that features electric dishwasher, diaposa.I, wall to wall carpeting, large covered patio with BBQ, concrete fenced yard, aprinkler-5 front and rear.:__ A1J this for only $12.600 Next Doo r to Beach $11,950, only $1950 down · Older home but in very good condition. 3 bedrmJ., large closets. separate dining room, nice kit.c.Htn , completely furnished including TV. Thia won't la.st. H'URRY! WALDRON REALTY CO. Har. 83.f.4 308 Marine, Balboa lsland 89c91 Saturday-One to rtve ~1 2 Orchid, Corona del Mar LI 8-7729 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa. Mesa You rnu•l ... lbJe Unma.culate. 2 -----------------------! bdrm. l\ome conv1nMnUy local· 2000 equar1 reet-In excetlf'nt condition. Wired tor ?20. Lot l.e 80 feet In width. An n:~lhmt buy. Tenru , , , Full price . JACK BRENNAN, REAlTY "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8"7773 e Announcing! ! e ''The Pacific" MODEL HOME • • OPEN • • Saturd&y -So1Ilday lto6p.m. Loe.Ile<! OD Ha rbor l1land Road ............ ....... ·--• Ra1Md neptone fireplace • Lanai dlnlnl &rM • Lots!• to X 111 • BeautU\iJ P&D.itns • IAtse ilW)1IJ' paUo • J J"orced air tum acu, prbal'! dl.epoeal, .W•lin&hoUH d l 1 b· -e lepar&lA Nrv\oe 1'bom • nn. oe.blnet \Jwtallationa • Bunt In .iectno etove and oven • O.U,-httully deoo..-ated • Elcpenalvel7 i&ndKaped • Re.trkt.ed ...... Dne!OJ*I By Clarenc. L. Qoopw, lac. BUllt By .lohn B. Cl&rll, Qu&llt.y Builder 6'or pre•lew Mc7wtn1" to qualttWd dlenUI can John Abell HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REM.TORS LIDO R-3 I -30 n. ~ °" SO. BaJ Pront. 111.000 uch.. Can T. D. ftopn,, Har, l...,W, or RYan 14021. "'" ed In a moet excellent nelchbor- hood ... Full Price ju.at Sl4.T:Kl v.·1th exc9llent term•! VERY BEST LOCATION Spring Has Sprung £Jl.('lu•lve S.y Ave. dletrlct. Com-ll lhl• prelll_) little • Ru.atle pletely rumiahed 2 atory. 2 Mod•rn 2 bdrm. and 2 bath bldrm., 2 b11th Bay-"1ew home. homl" built around a ckllfht· Obie. 1•r•1J•. $20,000 tull price. fully te.ndecaped, ehrub encloetd EZ ll"rmt. Lot le R-2 (room to pitlo ... and It elt.e way be,cll build In trontJ , .. 8ee this. on a 45 toot R·2 lot with ample OUTDOOR LIVING Enjoy ttus large aheltl"red patio with built-in B&Q, flrepl&<:e It roorn to bUlld. We hava th• key ana th• price 11 Juat &18.000 furnlahed. •"''"' ·~-•ao• Y•"' ... ,u. B ild Investors! tuUy planted, block walled tor UI ers • • privacy. Thi. t1 ree.lly eom .. O.rage a~rtm•nt iii C"xcellent thine to '"· evenlng• too. A cond!Uon "brl back of R-2 lot modern a BR. home and l'lle•t . . • Plenty of room tor utra apt. plu1 dble. l"&raJr. roea with units In front. Top locauon next thll. Ell.clnL Coeta Me• loc. to bueineM sonfll ctnter ot ~ Announcing MYRTLE E.' DAVY, Reaftpr COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Ol>ENING April 2, 1951> New office:s in the new Bay Front 3422 Via Oporto, Lido P!ua Builciln(. (Across from parking lot of Lido'e Shopping area.) Telephone Har . .5446 Residence Liberty s.5297 Prtc• 119000. Only JMlOO down. rona dtl Mar. 119,.600 f.p. ----------------------- BALBOA BUS . BLDG. He&J t of everywna In Balboa. Aaklng Ju.at 125,oOd , • • And eeller will ltue beck tor &250 l per mo. lnve1lora hop on lhl1 one !~! BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Ocean View! From Uie llJl&Ck'.KI• upetaLr1 living room of UU. I bdrm. l" bath turnl1hed home. A Jarte heme nicely tuml&hed on a la.t"J• lot. &24 .000 run price tumlMl.td with Jutt 10,000 down!! Bay & Beach Rlty Inc REALTORS Corona del Mar Ofnce ----'---------1 31130 ll. Coeat Ht(11"'•Y. Her. 5M3 E:ve1. phone R. P'. Oldda, ~IT. \~ W. BaJboa BIVd. Har. ~181 LI 8·!1158 In t he Back Ba y Area 1----------1 BM.uUfuJ n-home.-3 bdnnA. or 2 and Jen. t ~ batha. Many 1p«:lal teatur1L Priced r1(ht. \.\'ould you like • country 111tate or eppraxllnately 3 •ere• whue you can keep hQl""IN ! We ha"' It In Orange Cowlt)'. 1'here 11 a lo\·ely 2 bdrm. and den home. Ther• are ltlme eYOCado tree• •*· " We handle M·l and C·1 prope.rt)' BEST LOCATION · Newport Hts. BEST BUY IN NSWPORT. cabin 28 on lk7front. Ba.Jabore Park. Sleept Ill .. lllO tUu prtc.. Own- er on prwniM& 8ktO NEWPORT HE IGHTS 1111,900 T&AR OU> t bdrm .• 1" bath Mme. 8-m Oltlllna". k:noll.f plne kJtcbfln, ~ dllp., J'. A hl"llt. Land9oaped. fenc-ed A dbl. irar•re. Nur Hl1h Behool . .A sOod buy. OWNSR, L1 a..&Ml. l<ctT Mariners Mile 00 ft. with office buildlnJ on $350 per month. Excluaive with OSBORNE-FORTON, water front. Realty Co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach (al Port Orange) LI 8-7562 A BEITER HOME BUY Pl&nned to live in home. 3 large bedroorD.., 2 tuU baths. Living room f.acee p&tio, three gl.ul sliding doors. See ue io work out down payment. to auit, and plan to MOVE IN TOKORROW. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd. LI S.1632 NON-VETS No Down lmp<>unda $295 Coota ll ... Ev .. LIS.HOO Payr;nent 3 Bedrooma, l ~ bathe BEST BU Y CO STA MESA AREA lnqWre at 2S2 E. Palmer Coata Mesa LI S.26:17 •• '· • &14.~. ~--------------------- Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 185& Newport Blvd., Co•la J.te..- Ph U 8·6761 Eve11. H"r. 4366 LI 8-2013 LIDO ISLE Nm.AR n-. larr• 3 br., '" bath, double sar...-e, t lreplace It partly !urnlehed. Only $4000 down SPACIOUS QUALITY BUILT HOME 3 w.RGE BEDROOMS, I" balha. hw. floore. nreplace, 3 car plua rara.-e. comer lot a.nd near club hou.ae. $H,li00 -down NEWPORT HEIGHTS . 1 • 2 BR. OUPLEX. Ot>le. carport, Jot 70'xl&I', can buUd 2 more unit•. $16,240 -terrm1 COSTA MESA 1 6. 2 BR. DUPutX. Dbl•. 1ata1e, Income S 130 mo. Jot JITxsotl', Ff'Wlt• on 2 1treeUI; can .. u off ~. near achoole a etoru. Shaf::.. r:alty 108 McFaddm Pl. At the Ne~ Pl.er lt"t'N. Har. ft31·W, Har. Uin.M Lots for Sale Bu1ld. your new boni• ln tha LEMON HEIGHTI DlSTRICT, Tw1UA. Lot. to -100 -.J.10 rMt wide. Jutt one mile from the freeway. Prk4!<1. N low U 1•095.. ea.u HaHlor IHT ewe Har. wa --11 Comer Jt..2 lAt. Balboa Ill.and 13000 dowp ORANOlt COAST PROPl:R.1'11:8 ll07 . N.wport, oo.t.& MIM LI f -1612 -Evu. LL ... ltOO Speculatort Attention! "8 OOGAN VIEW ACIU:Js A.BOVJC LAGUNA BEACH. -40 ac.... In ••l«r dlstrtct.· Tl"nM Only IJMO P«f" acrt.. Pllooe LI 1-1791 or LI .s-&621 '"' \ BIB BAYFRONT EXCLUSIVE Bay Ave. -Pier & Float -Very attrae. Modem home, lge. L. R .. nice kitchen. Beauutul 1pacloU1 master B. R. with fireplace plwi 3 other B. R. • 3 bath.e. Dbl. prav Fw-ork•hop':--Amp\e' room titJ-·.--· park 2 add. can. Completely & nicely turn. $79,Mkl Peninsula Duplex 2 Bedrooma each unit.-Sun deck with view. years 014,.....:.. $28,500 -THm.11. Balboa Oceanfront Income 3 Unit.I turnJ"hed -GQOd area. $22,500 -Term1. l\> BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC., Realtors • 1450 W _ Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 Eve11 phone, Gloden Fay, Mgr. Har. 1856 VOGEL VALUE MAIN OFFICE * * * * * CALL YOUR HUSBAND AND READ THIS .TO HIM FOR $24.750 you can buy lhla new 4 bdrm. Ir: den 1paciowi bome within walking distance ol th.fl bt.y. FEATURES 2 bath>, FA heat, Lge. bit-in lritcl>oD with all the modern applia.ncn, big Uvitt1 room 1¥ith ultd brick fireplace, 20 rt:" muter bdrm., shake roof, etc. SEE TlilS ONE TODAY. We have the key. THE VOGEL CO. ' 3201 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach WRIGHT 7! ACRES 2mocu From AND GARDE?( GROVE ~an Acre 1,2 Cub LI 8"8481 BLVD. O RANGE COAST PRO PERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd. eo.t..a lleu. LI 8-1632 Eveo LI 8"~ - • • . PA&e I · PART 11 -J.'.tEW!OllTJ.tAQOUIEWS-PRESS -' f ·-~ ~ ...... -:1 ·1 .) •...•... . .. , • ..-.... -......-a a..i-.. . - ' --. l':o-· Bl B EASTER TIME! • ft/el V aluea ! _,,. • Bhak• root -a br, • de.n -1"' ti&Uui' • 2 rt.rept.c.• -bl.lUl·ln tiJl.t'~en.! e Dbl. pr. -l'l'PI'. HTB. -21,9 ,,._, $17,&:j() Ocean . Views! Lovely Homes! e J2t.600-$26.000-fS7,600-5f3,300! e May W• abOW )'OU theN 1 Real Nice! • J B.R. -dbl, KU. -l&rTe patio! • Wall te wall carpeta thru-out! e FHA. mo. paymti!.U ~9 lncl. tu.et! FULL PRICE $12,500 C11te! $2000 down! • J bedrm. -1 % bath.I! • Patio -lan4.l«ped ! • lG montia old -rarbage diapoaal ! • Natural wood cablneta! • BM thla rlcht away! FULL PRICE $10,000 Cloie In! $8750 • 3 B.R. -older -nice lot! e Cood Hnt.a.I. area -E. l.flth St. • Owner want.I to cuh out! SEE THIS! $8750 Ocean View Lot! • Let'• ro 1ee thit today! $4200 BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc. REALTORS 1696 Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa, Cali!ornta Llberty 8·1161 Ev.. Phone Art Tietz, .Mgr. LI 8-3010 • < . , ' • p. a .. p:a mer · incotporated .. , 1. developers Oubtanding -Li~o. Homes. . . A :I bedrm., 2 bath bome with ELBOW. ROOK. 0n to rt. w1c1e --t lot. ~ ,. .. ,.. lov-ely patio and teiTlllc ktt<btft. All the rooma att Jood BW 0.1',y ~y .,... dlAppof#tmebt --thla today. Priced at $28,ooq 'with very good terma. 2. 'A t b<drm., 2 bath home on. tll tt .. wlcle-·t<> ~ lot. Built-In oven and range, lpa<ioua patio. Jt'1 not new and Deedl eome redecorating, but it ll well buUt, roomy and ~ lqca~ . Thia la . &Ii Ideal family ,home an~ pply ~JM,!IQO. ~~: __ ' -' I I 3. 3 bedrm. plus small dt>n or Ottice, 2 batb1, on 45 ft. -• to • ortrada lol Pegged hUdwood noon, ro"'1> he'Wll paneUnc wtlb mua1V. l>Oamo, btauti· tu! RANCH TYPE-home with · gorgeoua patio. ~Ing about thla hdme la charming and It'• in petfect condition. Built in 1951. Where every· dal' living is what you have always hoped for. Good bomee ~ being ta.ken up rapidl~ ao see th.ii now ! "2.500 L New, modern, 3 bedrm., 2 bath; carpeted, aliding glau doors to patio, stone fireplace, forced air furnace, form.lea dream kitchen. Close to best swimming beach. You just can't beat thiJ for value. $26,500 Terms. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 3333 via lido, harbor 1000 of Udb 1.ie · , · Lou's Choice 3 bednii. • 2 MIB home Oii Lido I.lie'• djll\rl.ble Lido Nor4. DdJcbttul ,._.of the Bay ~ tbo· muttt bedrm. • u....... Newly ~ .and the ...u.to-wan cazi>eUl!r. dnpea &ad: lhitten aft Included. Sandy IWimmll1I -a atep,hom the ftont door. ]fow. prloed at $72,50(). cau Lou Breu and be Introduced to Uvlq at Ito ~ . . \. ' ' .. . View Home-Corona Highlands . A lowly new 2 bedrm. 6 den hqme wlUL theoe love!JI: featlll'O"' Wall-to-waJJ.cupotlnc, larp din· logm., 1-1 brlc1t fireplace -~ ... ·11.qe bllllt-ln ldtehen:l:l&D Jack Criafield tor turtiierl!ifonu.tlOD. Lido Isle 2 bedtm: lei.au.re home on 80 ft. 1treet-~street lot. $32,0QO. Terms available. Call Joe Kincaid for detaill · . Back Bay Ranchette • Cosy 2 bedrm. home on level 11' ~· S...utltul view of Back Bay and mountains. Futl price $15,000 Open Sunday 1 to ~ p. m. 2t8l Tu.tin Avenue. 100 Fee~ay View Without a doubt, th~ mO.t deairable inalde fot on-- Udo. R00m for a large home with pool. Full price $32,:SOO with terms available. Call Bill Faruaworth. p .. "'· , palmer incorporated· ole henson co. menegement 1100 w. cout rughny -liberty_&.15673 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK! ~'We're· Moving "' BA FRONT HOME. ' bedroom., bl.t.M. !Cut Penlnaul.11. Jocauon. ~-1-''0lder property but sn•t value. to lrv.ine Terrace" . For The Yachtsman Prtvate beach and pier. Exclu- alv• wlth wi at $40,000, tenn1. Beautiful Newport Height.e· Home ttAS 2 BEDROOMS PLUS. 2 batN, tull dlnlng room, dinette, new wool w to w carpettnr wd In bffuWul condttlon. ll hu two 2 cu fa.T&l'H which can be mlchty handy , , , all for $20,0CMY tenrui. Balboa Home! Drive in today and ~ tor younelf the many out- standing featurea of this remarkable community. More and more Harbor area families are inspecting these exquisite homes -noting their comfort, eon- venJence and central location. More a'nd more families who prefer a home in a re-. stricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. ·· On Balboa Ialand'1 moet tICIU•IVt North Bay front with the wind and the aun at your back. • Pier 1.nd float • Lovely encloM!d p•llo • Pan•led family room • UHd-brl<'k Bar·B·Q with ele<'· trlc •Pit ln kltcbena • A ,..,...., that 1.Ctul.lly hold.fl two <'•t• without h1.V1ng to bend them • • PIU• the US\19_) heavy 1h.ake root. l·" bt.th.a with ('Oiored tlXture.s, 2 bedroom•. ttc. CORONA DEL MAit VOGEL VALUES KALF BLOCK TO BAY BEACH. 3 bedrqom hom111 and Interior hu been remodeled ... terrific kitchen with cloeet.a plore and nice H•lnr room ~Ith fireplace. 117,600, tenn1, Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished • And NOT forty ye•r• old or twenty. but jl.llt & babe of three yi:an. and •uu.ed to 1row to I. MCOlld alory • Prtced ridJculou1ly low at $47.300. • ' . • • • · Preview-Showing J I •• Bayfi:ont Pier and Slip BAYSHORES Newport Harbor's Most Exquisite ' Year Round Beyfront Home. (No ttlephone intormation -Please call for appointment -qualified clients only) ' ALSO e e BA YSHORES e e t • 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath ··---····----··--·-·---······-······ .. --·-·-·-·····$24.500 2 BEDROOM, fumlahed ............................................ $19,500 2 BEDROOM. 2 b'atb, Carpeted and draped. ~'!'er lot ·-·---······-·-·---·-"·-··-·--··----..... _._$27,500 3 · BEDROOM, 2 bath' ·······-··-·····---········-·--··----,---------$22.500 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 Eves LI 8./i386 Luxury Lido Bayfront Home & Income NEARLY NEW ON VIA Ln:io SOUD A total of aix bedrooms and foW" baths. Two mod· ern kitchetlB and two lovely view living rooms, plua, lots of lwt:ury .extras. Beautiful wall to wall car· peting and lovely drapes. Also, two stoves, two refrigerators. Disposal yVasher. Dryer. Full price only $65,000 Excellent terms You move right in to the seldom used owner's apartment. The other deluxe apartment is occupied now. For full details consult with either GENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTQN VIRGINIA MANSON JOSEPH H. GROHMAN Lido Realty Associates 34,00 Via L~do Harbor 4444 • 1. 3 bedroom home on 45' choice comer lot. Lg. rm.a., ·eep. dining rm., fenced yard. Excellent · buy at $16,500 with good tenJ1'. Balboa Duplex! by Martin & Von Hem~rt . . Watch Your Wife! VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND 2. VIEW of the beach, ocean le hilla and just a few steP!I to Little Corona Beach. 2 BRI, l %. baths, fully furn., picture window&, fireple., attr. patio. .O' lot. Call now for app't. Price $24,750 BEAT THl8 property If you can, 3 bedroom kiwer •J>t.rtment and a ~ bedroom upper, both fumllh· t'd. Hall block to best bay bffch. Situated on two lot. and au f'll. rood condlUon. Priced at 120,000 and dandy terms. Irvine Terrace la located on CQut Highway o~pooite the new Irvine Cout Country Oub.· EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE 'AGENTS * * * * * RANCH STYLE HOME.- \ 3. Duplex-so. of hwy. 1 B. R. furn. apt., 2 B. R. apL, furn. w/etv. & refrig. Excellent rental area. Low price of $18,500 Newport Special Phone Harbor 4«8 For l'urt.ber Information l UNIT INCOME prof>f'rty, near * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyooe 18th Street. Hu 2 bedrm. hou-t. Her eyt1 will ll(llt up whan you ehow her thl1 tU•Uc charmer •.. 2 l&rre bedroom• plua lar1t rumpu. room-2 'ba.lh&-buuti- tuJly encloffd pa.tlo--ovtnised rarage and laundry room..,-&11d the location t. t.ope jl.llt • pitch and a putt from the Golt Club. Price! Ju.st $17 .MO with a I.ow down. The "real thick" shake roof ranch style home with W /W cpta., fuina.ce &. fireplace, bit-in range & oven, disposal. Lota of used brick. open beama & wallpaper. 3 bdrm. with 2 ba., in home plus guest room & :)~ b~th with dbl. garage. You will love this "patio planned" ialand home at $34,500 •• a. "CUtie" 2 BRa, w/w cpt., lg. kitch. with eating &re& & new fonniCa. Perfect condition in & out. Best of all ''Good" financing. It will be worth your "bile to get the detaila. You get the "right feeling" the minute you atep · tntp tru.. 2 .BR., 2 bath home. Top location ao. of Se&view. -H.W. fin., {irepla .. adequate healing, 220 Wiring. Beaut. flowers & land.acaping. Tot&l price only $22,750 THE VOGEL ·co. $7 E. c.t. HwY., Corona de! Mar HA ' 17 41 HA ' 0757 . MULTIPLE-LISTING-OF-THE-MONTH! .. j Caravan Special • '" !lie Evaluators chose as the best listing: ;·· :_,Klranw Drive, BALBOA., .3 Bedrooms, $28,~ .... ~.. ' 2 baths - 3 years did -forced air beat - dlabwuber, carpeta & drapes, included. · .. ' Call your Re•ltor' Regarding MULTIPLE LISTING NO. 1>911 tn front and a 2 unit tn rear. who bolds a Leasehold F.atate in I.rvi.De Terrace, N rt H • ht Rear unit only io year• old . . Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff HaVen ewpo e19 5 lltUe older In front. Both Crame • Ocean View exterior but pla.1terM Interior. ----------------------!• 4 bedroom•. 1·% batha A rood value at 116,600. JUST COMPLETED • Plut larse den and nunpu. •oom 2 Uru1. Income! BALBOA LOCATION. 2 bedroom houae plaa nice 1 bedroom rental over 2 car .. ..,...,.,, Cloae to downtown·ahopptnr; -both ttnted now. llb,000 and gQOd term1. Balboa Realty Co. Opposl te Bank of America Rofl1 GNMlley Ed Lee Al Corne.lhu J*eph.lne Webb PARK MANOR A Restricted Lot Development By McCLEAN & PEARSOL Speculaton & Builders Welcome 60' residential Iota. H&ve some apartment lots left, Duplex corner lots. All improvement.a in. • 2,000 1q. tt. uvm1 area • 2 flreplacea • Ju•t 2· % year1 old • Land11Ca~ and teM'aced yard e 122.300 FUU. PR.IC!: • We bave the )ley Bay & Beach Rlty Inc REALTORS 1870 Harbor Boulen.l'd eo.>ta MN&. C•llfornla L.l 1-7714 LOOK AT THE FIGURES. GOOD 2 UNIT INCOME. S bdrm. home in befit rental location. Ha.a 1 ! ~ ba .• 1 bdrm. apt. unit over garage. AU in' tip top con· dition and apt. is furnished. Ideal for investor with $10,000 ca.eh. Full price $32,500 - 40 ft. Marine Ave. vacant business lot. C-1 . Here is the last one available. Price $21.500 THE VOGEL CO. · 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Next door· to the Poet Office Har. 444 Eves Har. 1229-R Har. "248--R 700 E . Balboa Blvd., ~boa Phone Harbor 3277 You Cen't Beet The Price & Locetion. Drive by and buy. Acrosa from Co8ta Mesa Park. 18th and Anaheim. EVN. pbon• J\. F. Gedde•. mJT .. ,. LI 1·3168 !----------------~----- $1500 Down FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 bath.I, dbl prage and worUhop-Fenced and lan49caped. nlc. comer lot. Full prlce $1.8, 7~. Newp()rt-Mesa Rlty. 1799 Newport Blvd., Coil& M-. LI 8·6608 Evu. L1 8-177 4 Investors POTENTIAL INDU81'RLU. front.- ace on 2 stJ'fftL Dlnct on rail· 'hrd ALREADY SOLD Phone Liberty 11-1781 Liberty· 8'6621 tf LIDO NORD BAY FROM A TI'RACTIVE 1 story home, livable and conven· lent. Three bednna., 2 bathe, maid's room and bath. Carpeta, drapes az;d appliances included. T. D. ROGERS, Harbor lLSS-W Or Ryan 16029 , ..... "'"' '3600 "'' '"" BALBOA DAN A, JACOBSEN, Real El'tate ISLAND Kar. 64$11, u 8-t317, Kl 2·2187 HYatt 4-&IN FLASH-$5500 AND WORTH MORE: CLOBJ:-IN l bdrm., dble pr. and flrepl&ce. Ch. Jln1t and block fene«I. Sp.ce tor another-unit. ll~down takes IL Best--Eeshide 3 bdrms.-1 ! baths U.AVE TWO FINE HOM:EB on belt 1t!'ffta, dble. rar., Hdwd. fin., tlrepl.. with •% Gt IOI.Al. 116.200 &nd $16,800, With 12500 and $3000 dn., Me tht11e bf.r.. (&in.I! • Owner Gone East CORONA DEL MAR. 30 x 118 Lot So. ot Hwy .. level. Only $6960 35 x 118 zoned R·2, level block &.: !':i from Ocean $7950 2 B. R., 2 bath home with view. Xlnt terms $16,500 Charming adobe home on 60' lot. beautiful paUo, FA heat, built to last $25,.(50. Beach home on corner , lot, lanai, $11,500 terms. 6 Unit income on Marguerite, abow• fine return, furnished, low overhead, an excellent beach lnvostment $70,000 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Beautiful 3 B. R. home, large living room overlook· ing covered patio, F. A. beat, 13,i bathe, corner lot, a quality home. $2$.000 Newport Harbor Board of Realtors Hoftnwood. Drive R·l Lot Good Buy • EASTER GREETINGS MUST SELL th\a modern 3 bdrm. on tlne u..talde •t.. Flrepl .. dble. ........ carpeted. only fl2,&00 with 12600 dn., •% lo&n. pymta. O( $16.50 Include. taxes. Tell Us Your Needs WHY RUN TOUR LIDOS OFF ch.aalnr ralnboW# f Let ow-•Wt RAY REALTY COMPANY 340 E. Cout Hwy._ Corona de! Mar. Har. 2288 (aero.. from Bank In C.D.M.) ,_ MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OJU.NGll COAST PROPERTIES ---------~------------! 1817 N.wport. Coat& Mesa EARL W. STANL:EY, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND , ~ NORTH BAY -Immaculate and Inviting 3 bedroom. 2 bath home. J:..vge living room. open ll---",>-,-... ~if .. mcnttrettve-flaptooe fireplace. • -~;oil. 1 .bedr<>om income apartment Summer rental eommitmenta $1100 Only $10,000 down. .· • WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Park Av.t ... at )farine, Balboa Jaland HADFIELD Harl>or 2462 Realtors ' LI g..1&31 -Eftl. LI 1-1400 EX..CJCUA:N'T b\\lldiq: ai~, tn Cor· 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Wand ona dtl Kar. R·2 lot wtth larr•1---------------------doubl..-cvtre and tumllll'led apartment &boft. o.ln..bl• ioc&· uon. Wut offn--Terna. J:xChiilii W'lth "'lCll" KOl:ilaftdl. Harbor •&20. 89<'91 Bl:ST BU~ BEST ST. CORONA DJ:L MAR, full prl« 111.aoo ~erma. a tir., he.rdwoad ~\ (lrs .. r .A. hfll.l. Garb. di.p., fir• place. l car l&J'8ill!. fenud lot. ,G. H.. L.ATKROP. 313& IC. Cout Hwy.,1 COM, Har. S442, fHl80 flVft. 89c91 ' LOO~HAT WE HAVE- 2 bdrm. Ir 2"\,ath home on M ft. Jot on Lido PLUS an adjoining 30 ·ft. vacant lot. Lot may be purcbued with house. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE 3416 Vit. Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4.972 Evet LI 8-304-0 -Har. 51.U • ftnd the home you w1.11t tn .tu, --------------------- aru.. priaa nnp 6 dn. 119ymt., 4 trom OW' many uelualv• and ' MulUpta U.tinp.- Mesa.Harbor Rlty. • A880CtA TE8 609 c.m.-SL,. CO.t.a..X... L1 Milt or LI 1-7114 • Harbor Blvd. .\ 0000 INVE8'11lSNT. 12x2t0, wtth l'OOd home. '20,000 uktni pri<~ I DAN A. JACOBSEN, RRl Etll&tt !Har, &ell. 1..11·131i, Kl 2-2117 llY .. tt ... aaH BAY FRONT pier and float. Two bedroom, rumpua "'1lm, completely fumiabed le onJy $M,000 40 ACRES .. Between COSTA KESA AND SANTA ANA BEST ACR~GE 8UY $3:500 .. ..... Terme ORANGE COAST PROPERT.IES 1S:S7 Newport Blvd. Costa Mera& LI IJ.1632 Eves LI 8-1400 -. .. ' •