HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-04 - Newport Harbor News Press• ' .... -.. ·-_ .. -.. -----... . ..... ..... .. . .. -.... --":' . . . . . ..• • •••••• ·:-: .. _ ... _c..-· ... ,.,. --•• --. --. --·-··----·-r----·---·-~·· ...... ·-·. ' -• -. I • .NEWPORT HARBOR .NCWS t•RCS·S 49th YEAR-NUMBER 15 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1956 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS ~~e Har'"-r View Principal COOaDD[ATING DEPAJ:J'llENTS -Officera from the Valley DivWon. Loa An. ge"lee PGllce lllpartment, Sgt. K. W. Scarce (left) and Sgt. Al Ortb (right), join Costa Meaa Det. Sgt. L. D. PoDOQl (right ~center) a.nd Frank Oxandaboure, Orange C(>unty Qigtrict Attorney inveatigator, in going over riew evidence in the Co1ta Meaa murder of <Mita Camille Johnson. The officera are attempting to find 8 tieup of the local Iii. with the death of teenage Barbara Je~n in Van Nuys two months ago. -Staff Photo ' I COUNCIL CANDIDATES SLATED TO ADDRESS JOINT GROUPS New ~ which Oft ltl- De9b Niorn ('JI eo.ta x... .. cha.rst Of the ~ ..,.u .. old knit• mu.rdn' of teen,aae Oleta Hatcher Johnaon, 18, at 360 A~ Tbti We.t Newport ImprovemHtt Aa.ldatlon and lhe cado st., aatd ''will very likely C,ntr&J. Nip-port Beach Community AMoc:laUon will hold a break the CAM U w. corM u.p wtth joint meettnc" in ctty bah at 8 p. m. tomonew, Puf'POM of the kllltr" wu today In pooe111lon th• eeMion wfll be to hear candldaln f or cit;,. oouncU and of the Oranr• County AhartU'1 to dlac~ .i.>1119 Of ~ am.endmmta to the city charter, ot'floe crime lab. A renera.I dl9Cuatoa will be hf'ld on rcmoval ot th• ra.- Po\Jum rt!l'uloed lo tell nature of t•!fic Electric property and other current problerna. Co- t.he evidence, where It had been cha irmen or the rneettnr wtlt M Muk En,i.1ka, pre<iidtnt ot 4 Youths Booked • found or by whom. the Wut N-port orp.ni&&Uon and ~ward T. Ha&ly, pre11- ID Narcotics Raid · At noon today, Sst. Dun Pol· dent ot the Central N_.por\ ,nM1P• bn advlaed. the N.,..rr-.. h•1----------------------------wtll )aWl.ch a ..::ond ud more thorou&'h .-rch oC U'9 eo.t.a MM& .... 1UmNDd.La.1'.the oottar• in which lln. J~ wu al&1n NEW HIGH SCHOOL SITE NEARS. TRANSFER SET .......... N t P I• Arr t 3 ---....,.---------·! The Jmlfa wMcll wu 1'oWMS lut ewpor 0 ICe es Pulos Jury Trial ;.:~"J..:' .::.::.;:; .r.",;';w~ Juveniles. Jim Shelton s~~ AN~f~., 30 ln• s:~~ ~:;~·;. r' nocent wu the pie& of' Pet.tr blade but wh«ber thta la an!mal "· Pu! '' t ''° y•-• , .. _ or humaJt u ~et haa not been An ).8..yea.r·old.. Costa Mesa youth and three male ._ne o., ' 0 • .. .._..., determined. • ...... Nord, Apt. 2, New~t Bee.ch, Last obetacle apparenUy in the path of Newport Ha.r· bor Union High School's acquisition of a 70.acre parcel in the old Sapta Ana Army Air Base wu reported being re- moved today. The Wuhington, D. C. Health. Education and Welfare Bureau iiu instructed ita San Franciaco juvenile& w·ere arre&ted by .Newport Beach police at 2 :30 when he wu arralrned In Super-Harold Uoyd Jotin-. the dead p. m. yesterday and charged with narcotic.a violations fol· tor Court >icre yceterday on woman'• huab6nd. "probably can lowing a n..id on the borne of one of the JU' veniles on Cata-ctiarrea at po.aftlllllon and IOlllns' be eJiminatAld u a ~t." he r~ office to proc-1 wtl.h ln hopea tlle new .chool plant can n1arijuana. · added. tran1fer of UH1 parcel de111red tor bl In operation a 1ear rrom Ulla !Jna Drive, juverlle. •l'T'fftcd hive prior re-Puloe, In Cllllody. wu repre-8lZE M\'8TEJIY • new high ac:hool plant. • September. Oat. Sgt 11• John Bloom and A L cont. on other cha rgee. llf'nl~ by attorney J . w. J011Un. l"rom I.he lmlte UUU.t lrllo the ThW newa waa telf'(Taphed high "ConfT'ealm.an Utt hu rally J ohn9011 11rreatc.J J.inea Shelton. The detective e&ld that Shelton Superior Court Jude• Robert younr woman and Uk •ture of .choDI board ot U-U.teu, H • d d S"One to bat on thll tblJ1.1," Rlns 111 of 179 I:. 17th S t. t.'011t• denied haYlng anythlnr to do w ith Qar<lner tel a Jury trtal tor Puloa '1-"r wound, PoUwn decli&red there RI~. boa.rd member, announced. Mid In si•lnl" th• k>cal Repr.enl· ,\fen . The offlctrJ se!d t hey found I the nan:otlc1 found In Ula Gata· on April 30. The defendant wu I.I no pou lble-way to determine by l'Gibert Geier, aide to Conr~ aUve credit tor p;pedlttns the par· a hypodt rmic ntedle, dn1g8 and Una Drive rtisldence. arr•t.ed b7 Newport Beach po-the llu of the euepect. Recent man J:LmM B. Utt. A talephone eel t.flroul') N&ma ot 1-.d tape. Ha other paraphem•H11 related to Bf'fora they are arrai&nad, eald lice N.&rcO 13 llftez:. .. ha _.pd.ly kniflns CUM Jn Alh.mbl"'&. .he call from John Gittord oC Ua.-Ban added th&l Gilford vi.lted tba lllta naroot\ce In the hou~. Jotmaon, u..,' clothillJ Gl ~ 90.ld 10 marljue.na c.,.,..W to *4. wtt• "'1ow7' \o be am.liar to V'T'aneleco f'tiPXle.I officti to .chool abo.u. two ...-. .,.o aM u.n In· They Mk!. they ar~ted two of Ju.v•H• 1~ l>atns aQIJ:ped J.o "" a ll·year-okl NIWJP'l B •a-ch .-. 1111 ... ~ nete olfklal1 Olltlflrmed lh• ~ .i tonned U.. a.ans the aehoQI Mlllld uie ,J uvcnilu u lhf')' left tM rc9'-1r 11 cont11n,ei MlY , avtd•nc. of,•c1:•:•_·cK:hoo...::cl_..,,:.:.::· _________ .... ·~-~::;::•~4C:1:•...::•:..•c:'":,....::•:>_ f dW ll!legram, ft.Inc nportad. Cid!)' bo,. to pt 10 acna. -tu~~~· other narcot~lO(ENT DUE r·2, TRACT "ANNEXATIONS r:~::.~ &t~~e~~ ·~'\;~ .... iw:~ t!At.&• WM booked on ch&rsee r the hlsh ..:hoof to proceed ~tfl IA <·-··•' ot 00 :?: .... p1 .. ~1 _.....'. 'the deteC!ll.,.. eUa. 8Mtton.inay (\,~-.,.~....... -..---·· of poaw:ekm ol narcotlce, urilaw-po9tbly be arralpel! Oft U. n&r· appraiaa.J of the 7 .... _. &te. a tor each 100 lhHlmtl, proYinl' need t\.ihUM ot n&fCollce and hunlah· cotla cha,,_ lhla attamooo or ta.ak th~ bo&rd turned o•tt lo ot all 70 aer-. Rine nporUd. Inc narcotlce lo m lnon Goode t\. Goodt, Santa Ana. Rtnr 1--------::.__:_ __ _ .,.., """' )"•'"II" wo" bookod lom0<~ mornlof. APPROVED f OR MESl w d tho app..aloal lo a tlnal ot.op for J)C 1..ton of th11 drur ~-.Jobnaoa · Mkl the raid f'ee'tlt.ld . , before tranefer can be made, the WOR( BEG-INS unlawf\LI v• or narcotlc.e. ul "accum.ulat.&oa of lnfor· vaJuaUon beinr required before-I ~-;....;;;;...;..;..;..;;;..;;;.. ANAJ.YZ'E DRUGS mation received" from tln\41 to hand in Ole event the property le be-Umc. never uecd u planned. · J ohlLIOn 11a ld the drUJ• arc Inc ·~ by the Orange Coun· t y labol"&tory a t the prMtl.it Uma. Also .ctieduled for a prellmln-AcUon waa taken by the Coeta il~ iawyer to operat.. a cat and Meanwhile. the t>oe.rd haa auth- ary heart.nc April lO on the rralld Mc•a City Council Moodv.y nl.ght dor Hoepltal cm _r.ut 17th St. oriaed It• architect& to •tudy tM •• rt •-.... _ .. for llNl.X.Uon of tw6 tracts of alter prot..ta or the Ne_,.,.,.rt wif' • au..., cn .... l't and rec ... vln& -.. -1lte am'I prepare preUmlnary plaJul 1tolcn property chara:ce Ls David land to lh• city. Hearlnr on one Dalbo& S&vlnJ:I' and Loan Aallo· Pehlman, 20, of tl3 11:. Broadway. anoexatlcm wUI be held May 2l. cle.Uoh. ownera or: a naipboring Coeta Mel&. Recommendation w a ' adopted $800,000 ullidanUal dnalopment, that an eiecuon be held on the were wilhdrawn ~y It.. attorney, A thin! youth picked up with other. . Dee H&rwood. First Helipot Potentiometer Made locally Aileen Martin Rejected by Unanimous Board Vote By Bl::RT BRINTNALL Miss Aileen Martin, principal or Harbor View Scbool for the put three years, waa refused re -employment by Newport Beaeh Elemenlllry achool dietrict board lut night. The board ~tood unanimoualy I behind Supt. Roy O And,rllf'n'e _ • recommendation 1n 8pllf' of a tcn.e 1 at.mo9phve Cl"-aled by a.boUt M of K1M, Marttn'11 f riends. The Ir pruance more thlln rUled the board room •t Horaei!I EMlp . School. A demand ftom the floor that Ml• MarUn'e 1latu1 be 'xplalned 14~ wu retu8f'd by Supt, Ander.en on ~~­ the rround W t Mi•• MarUn wu n.ot preeent and had not ~Vf'n her conHnl Supt. A.nders.•n gav& a review ol th• dlfflcultic1 of aelectlng penonnel for the .chool 8yetem and the veat reaponalblltty car· r1ed by him an~ the board In 11Uch dec!Jlion•. He d""'h1re<t that Mi .. Martlrl'e re-en1p!oy1nent had bet'n under que11tlon Since the end of her tlret year in Newport echool• and that abe h•d ~en frequenUy Informed of the achoo! pollcy, both orally and by letter. 6-HOUll JttUIN'O The matter came to a bud Sat- urd&J, SutL AnderMD aid, whan Ki9a MatUB ncaueet*I -.. be&rlnc ~l lSS AILEEN' MAltTIN' did not feel I 1h~id rt11lp , Any !n1p1rtial lnVMLi(•UOn by lhl ..:hool boe.td memMn W0\*1 h&v• enabled them lo haft dYoourlted !he major crltlclam#. '!be Kl\Qol bolll'(I and the au.periD~t have acted within their ~ JiCbll and lhP'I' have dona Wbl.l 1.Aq &hourtit ... L ~d Uw board Oltll'M'Tlet wttll lwr ; for lour ~ MondaJ evenln1. "l woukl like to eJ:preu my a p· Pralae tor MU11 Martin ... prec:l&Uol\ for th• conce.rn expftn· ~ by Kn. Gordon M eM&han, ed In my behalt by '° many of Frank CaudcU, J. A. MOOl'09 and the parent.a l lld t-.chen. I shall xary Pal.ll IA.cy. Caudell -.rited re1nernber my three yu.r1 at Har· ~ tor Jill.w: Monroe'• di.. bor View with much pleuure. I tnlual jnade public and Monroe han found It \'If')' plea.aant to decl&red the .udden a.ctlon looked work With the faculty, the 1peelal Ilka a lll&r chamber M!Mion to hlm. t.eachen. the p&l'l'n.11 and the chll · Miu Lacy ae.td ahe did not think dren. The cafeter1a /:Ila.If, the cu~­ the reUOllll ahould be made pub-todlan1 and 'the bua driver• have Uc, that such publicity wu not been COOpaC'&Uve Mid pleuant. her Ide.a, nor did 1he think It Ml•ll 1 "Jn fl~ln1 thle .echool year t Martin'•· But, llhc sAid , Ahe felt ahaU itrlW', .,. alwaya. to do my that Ml11 Martin'• l'f'putatlon wa• bNt !or the chlldri!n and all con- u much at atake u her Job. cemed at the .ehool." FJNI: Rl:PlTTATIOS Anderffn, while decltnlnr to go 8ht-llon wu out on $1000 ball on cherru of receivlnl' elolen property and g rand theft. auto. m wu arl't!•tf'd by Newport Beach pollee M.&rcb I when p&rta ot a stolen 1 9~ri hardtop con- vertible auto 1tolen in Lynwood were allefedly found In hi• ~ .... Ion. Hill preliminary Marlnr o ft thaH tbarrff bu bea con· tlaued I.ft M9'ri>ort JUllUO. Court to t :ao ., m. A pril 10. Johneon aald two of the three Shelton and Pohlman, Huold Tha nrtt anne:uUon C9Mllta v ilL\..NCS ~ Keith Deen, 19, ot 10822 Huard or about 12% acre11 adjacent tA Tbe ottlcla.la p-anted a var- A ..... , Santa Ana, on March 27 lhe pre.ent boundary ot. th• cit y, lance lo the BctwJU • HU!berl wu sentenced lo IKl day1 ln lhe lMt )I v·----aoultl of 19th St.· w~ on· Bulldere Supply, m .,_._. to county Jail on P8t'-Y thdt charre•. rovla and \Yh lt Uer Av~ llf'U lumber and allied prodw::tl Tblrt.y da.7• ot thU WU eu.pend· The tract to be YOtcd upon. In a non~onnill1 C-2 c:om· ed fot one YMI' u & c:ondlUOn of proYidl!d 1ufrlcient •lcna.t;rea are mercil.l .,...._ probation. obt&lnl!d on peUtlorui to brl clr-A permit wu rn.nted to the MESA EXPLORER SCOUT.S' RESCUE BECOMES CARTOON culatad. cona11ta of llW> a.crw. MWt.ary Otder of the Purple more or le•. we:at of Placetl& R-.rt, Ille. for ~ to con- Ava. from N-ix>rt Beach cit y duct an f'Xhlblt ot anUqua 'ftre- llmlta to the p~.9tRl Coat.a Mee• arms and war equipment and lo School Site Set Aside A new echool 1lte hu ~ act a.aide for Newport Beach l!:lem•n· tary Dletrlct .echoo1' by Ole Ir· vlne Co. on Irvine Ave. at about Eut 19th St., Jarnf'.11 D. Ray of the echool board told truat.Ma meettng Jut eventnr. The new alte · will Inc.Jude ap- proidmately 10 acrM, Ray Mid. It I• alao the plan of the Irvtne Co. to let aalde 5 &crf'.11 neJ:t to the 1chool irrounda for a park, Ray ... ad, and he· bellevee Ulla (l'Ou.nd can be coord1Jl,attld with the echool elta lo lnerc&111 recreation· •l pur~c1 ot both. Supt. Andf'r9Cn rcruted thl1 !&el lnta the vartoue .. pecta ot Ml111 The flr•l Rellpot PT'llCl1lon Po-Idea. with hi• ltAtement that In N&rtln'e cue, .aid It wu 1\mply t~ntiomett-r inada. ill Newport all hla uaoelatlon with M lllA Mar· a matter ot the pr1nctpal'1 quaJlf1• Harbor wu turned out at the Un he had atieolutely never heard caUona belnr a:umlnad u abe wa• Hellpot Dlrtllon of Beckman In· a •Ingle derocatory aeatement re· belnl conalderad tor terwr-.. Ha 1trum"1t&~ Inc., tn Coata Keaa. sardJlll her' reputation. He &&Id •Id lhat the rNUlt at thll U.&TTH • y utcrday. One of two modell to he ht.d the~ recard ror Miis nation. In hll oplnlon, ahowl!d ten• be praduaedt lrnmad11.t.ly In the Martin per'*m&llJ, but he did not ure not t.o M deah-able tor h•r m new oa.t& Jhaa. pl&at. D. C. believe It "'ould be poaaible for Lbll poalllon. Mlaa Kartln hu Ouncin, cmeral m&na&'•r ol the people not In close, day-to-day, been hdd ln bJ&'b panona1 by t he plant, repiOt'tl by .JWy aome 20 touc.b with the eltuaUon to "make f.aoulty od &dnUruelre.U•• IUlft' ot: 1uch· lnstnunanta and related ac-• declalon rqardtaJ her nlenUoa. th•-dlllrlet, Ancter.en sald. cl!IQOr1ee will k In production KiN Martlrl. today Aid: • Haney D., Pe&ae, cba.lrman of Explort1r Scout.I ot Poet 83 ot Coata M.... -r• honor-ff thll montb by Boy'• Ufa Mqulne when a ctrt.oon dramaU&aUon of a recent reacue attort' of the unit .,.. publlahed la the A,prll i.ue. Thi marastne teatun, "A True llory o( Scout.a lrl Actkm''. de- plete the reecue ot a Scout from t.nother poat who had fallen 80 feet lo lhe bottom ot an abandon· Id mining ahatL Jhvolved ii\ the re.Cue. ac:cord- lnJ to tlla feature 1tory, were ~­ plorer1 Oena MCC*ndll11h, Allen (C..llaued -Pait-I) llOTII UFE HONORS -Leiter Beet .... dlredor of Youth Service8 · Aa&OCiaUon of Orange County. I• a.hmm with the origi.D&J drawing of a c.artoou pub- liahed in April isaue Boy'• U!e., depicting heroic .-u. of Injured j.outh by E<ploren of Poot 63, ·Santa Ana He(lhta, aponeored by the Youth Servicu •-•tlon. -Stall Photo bounds.ry. collect contrlbutton., the money ZONING CHAl"\Gf: to be ullf'.d for rehabtlltaUon The council ai.o ~lcale11 It de· work among 'ffterana. The ellhl- 1lrt!e a sone change for the MC-bit wUl be held at eoma dale ond anneii:atlon f ron1 lte preMnt after May 1. R-t 1tatua to M·l lnduetrlal. Permit wu &Lio rranted to In other acUon: the councll block '()ff Perk Ave. trorli 18lh paa.ed a moUoq to reta.ln the to Center Sta. from June 1 lo firm ol Burke, \\'lll1arns and t for I.he annuel CO.la Ml!ll• Borene.n, Loa Anrelea, ·~clal· L.lona Club Fllh Fry and Carril· ilta In municipal tln&nQnr. to (0 val. The J'lib Fry It.elf will be owr plans and coatract11 for the held Jana 3-3. Th• permit lee new city hall. A llQOO lee will for the event aleo wu wafved M <'harlJed to~ the J1f'rv1ce. by lhe oouncil Councilmen approved r In al Councilman Brue• Marlin wu map• or the Hunny ln\.'e8lnuint authorlaed to re~t t he may· Co. tract af 160 lots at Wllaotl or In a ro•ernoir. emi.terence ln SL a11d P'IMlentla Av,. and an· Sacramento today and tomorrow otbar tract on 20th' St. of lhe to c1>nalder lhe Ju1(Wle d8uo· Saffell Co. and approved the qUl!l:lcy probtam ln Ula at&t.e. A slsnlnr of an aveement be11Feen maxinnan f'.'KlM'bdlture ot $200 the city and Sa!fell. •u aulhort&ed tor Martin and They approved a variance aub· one other layman· from ColtA milled In th11 name ot HCl'llJ"Wd Mesa. Industrial Liaison Job Created by Mesa Council The poalUon ot 11:ud 8te.nt C'lty [industrial dei>artment. Ha would mana1ter or "lndoetrt.I llaieon "entice" lhdu8trlee lo th• Meea. . 9ftk:4:r lo the city m•n&llPr'' •• 1 to take •dvanl~e of the fM-111 · lt 1, technlcally l&Aown wu rr&-Uu, curnata abd 1mo1·C'rN at· ated by the COit.a Men City ntoephan. LocaUOn ot lndwtry on Qou.ncll Monday nllhl u Ute first ltle Meaa would help th• burden ltep lo br1n1 mor• lnd1atry lo ot 1ncreuln&' 1.aDUon. It wu •· Uie community. plained. Applicant. fOf' the poeltlon will be lntel"Yiew~ by • commlllee of councllm~ and .. Vara.I local tbi!witriallata. ni. OOUDdJ ""°laid to -1thhold the lllJary nn1e and r ... dcncy The city father9 alao p&Ned a mouoa to hJn a Or. chiet and estl.btl.sh ~ t0tt en,rtneer and ~an fol' ta.. M'llr' ttr• de- partmonL ~lftcalloa unUI all applk:anta eorfey -.&cl be .a.i.dy hu MJv- ha" bffn \hlf'n'lewed. Thie wu era! applie&Uona on Ole for Pf'T· made at the 1utcf'f'tton of City IOftMI who dlMr.: lo teke ta ta Attorney Don Oungen who tell for flt"tl chief. He n.ld he would 1.hat 11e!llnr hard aod fut rul"• Uke the oral uamh111Uon lQ,.>bt t<W' •la ry aad residf'MJ tnJ1ht Clnn befon KAT 1 eo lhll' chief dr1•• •"11.7 eome que.llfled appli· coWd So on th• JOb by Juhe 1. canta. le&v1n1 hi"' O'l'll month to (ll't Th• a.Hlatant ctty ma11arer J the departm«nt "'t•bhahl!d befort- would hH.d a $10,000 per J'a&I' th• n.cal ,....,. bl!sina, J uly 1 . , Tho 1lte, &y 1ald. etiould be entirely aatlltactory lo the board a1 It \1 In a fine poeltlon u re· 1ard1 pup!l dl11tr!butlon &od Ue1 hi.-h and hll 1ood dralrlage. It will be po1albla lo ncrotlate a favorable price for the property, 'ley •aid, but If not the board can 1UU cxerclae I~ ri&'ht to condamfl. the Ille. R..idick Purchases GG Rocket &press Lepl not.le. bu beeQ rua4 with tl\e County.o f Oran&e alpli- fylng a. chansa ot ownenhlp ot the <Jerden Grove Rocket Expreaa. An t lcraw hu been entered into whe,..by Ben Reddick., owner·pu.b- ll•hcr or the Newp<M"t Harbor New11-Pr1>1111, become. the owner o the inland publication. Wallace Huber, founder of thP Rocket Ex· pre11111 ll and will rcmalfi aa pu.bU1her . n .. Rocket IXpr.11 hall: .1ernd th• W"t County ar.a toe the P98l 3"" yaara aad a witerlng into ~entll whereby It wW •· ~ It. new• Md J>'et•,.. age for the rapidly r"owlrlr a... that It Ml'Vf'lll, HARIOR WEATH1Elt Temperaturm for Ute put -k at Newport Harbor ar•a were HIP 1.Mw Thurada y, )..(a n:h 29 . !WI 44 f'ridaJ', Ma ~h 30 . 63 4• &t.turday1 March tl _ Q 63 Sun<Uy, April l ·--58 tfl Monday, A pnl 2 ___ 60 otfl TuHt1at. Aprll I . -8n •& V.'~y, Apnl t -~ 41 locally. "fl 11 wtth deep regTet that I the board, alat YOlced hie nprd ~Uy, the Co.ta K.-tlnd It neceuary for m e to make tor Mi. KattJn perwon.ally; but Hcllpot plant tllQPk>1• •pPl'<W· the foU~g statement In reprd aa.ld ha believed the board had In• matily 71 ~ UlUmalelj, to the acUon taken by the ec.hool tonnaUon which wu not open to Duncan -.&4. l.hla entarprl .. wUI bol.rd lut night but 1 appreciate the publ.lc and th• board would ~upy four bulldlnp and wUI the opportunity liven to ma by have t,o act on Ile known faclll. employ 1000. The plant produc-lbe New•· Pre•. When the . quelllon came to a Ing th"e ln1tromenta, WU for· "I coUld not ac~pt the crltl· vote Potra. Louie Cffnar, bollrd muly loc•ted In &M.lth Pa-.dena clam• made to me by the 1JUper· member, eourht to ha•• the Mar .. &nd vtcl~Threa hundred and lntMdent u jWJUfl&bla •ince they t lrl llsue .eparated from the gen- flfly perta re upectad to be have been varue 1nd unfair. t {Oo•tt•~ on Pac-" S)' on Ula p&,y~ y July J . _::...:._ ___ ..::_ ______ ..:._ __________ .:_..c ~ FlllllT -l'lnt potentiometer produced In Newport Barbor area by Hdl- pot DiYleion of Bectnwi lnatrumenta. Inc •• ie handed to HeUpot General Vanagu D. C. Du.ncan by uaembler Phyllis CUaeo, N~rt BeactJ, u Product.ion Man- ager John Pamperin k>ok1 on. The Harbor'1 first Helipot Prtcllion Potentiometer wu fuhloned &t 1941 Placentia Ave .• Coat& Meaa, temporaiy qua.rt.era for the electronic ln1tnament component !inn during ill move to a new, $2 rnlllloit pla.at at Newport Beach. -Bec kner Photo ' - • ' •• --..; ------ • • J , PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Field WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1956 .1 Completed for Coliiity Prl~ary Election . June 5 . ,-..,..,....,....,....,,. ___ ~....,-----------1ua Ortaad w. earridi: (D\ ot Pour ..,.. Ill th• rwut111.1 fOlr DEEP SEA DIVING GEAR HEAVY FOR HAULING, BURS LARS AND &an Clemmle .. AU b1v1 croM-tho third .upervl.-ori~ ... t to M tiled. • · Wt epea lty n*"'a ~ )fc- , tncwni.rt llarl nuu., ot hdd•. C&adi~ tor tM npn• Newport BMCt1 cteellMCt "° .... ,..,.u_.. po1t N9 snntt )I. GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BA y-CLUB By DAN BA YLE8S EhJlit C•ndldatft File For Post Left Yec•t by Lyoa; Five Vie i. 74tli ,.....lectbl bl Utt t t Ua. R.,.. at Bn&. .A. + &clnatt. of • Bu.l'(lan wlth a rlalr tot' deep ... dlTblc .uuck at t:b9 ATA..'nl llQfAft AA&belm, WWlUI 3. PlilllU.,. Df Two ~ tlld two a.. J'Ull.ton ud Qtadf ,......_ Qt Wat.er:wear Oo .• HOt W. Cout llipwa7, d\u1q' \be •11!r...d publ.lcbsa U." .,..n.w tor tM 8'Mn& PartL , and ato&e '630 worth ot dlytq 941Wpm-.t. -.coordlq ip a .tate ..ute ~ 'ftM)' _.. lD· • NO POD poHce r.port. cwnbent Jolla .A. ~ Jr. (ll) c . M. hat.bulJ' ol lut& 1 .Ana A 10 cu.. n. di'lins.alr lank, part oft.be loot, wu toG ot Hw!.tl~ 9'M:la, Joha' M. dnw no foe lrl the llHt .uper· SANT ocN L J of Full rt.on. nnamon llt.), ...... too K. 4Jlm y1-rl&} 41•tr1ct eom~U.. N•I· 'I'hoee or-{;:..u w1lo be&T and -ee: Arthur Godfrey on . A ANA 1 81 -The roy ;yon r. • e _heavy to be evned by one man, poUoe ~.. 'l"MJ tD) ot ....... aed ~ --~ u.., d.ht tne:urnbeftt ..._;;;--1..:;; court d, --• TV th r1eld WM ecwnplated today ror The primal)' acwally *1U •r"Ye ..... ,...--ra 10 ..uu at the tamoua redhead often uproot.a Oran,. Cowrty'• primary election ,.. a apeclal alec:Uon to nu Ly· touad" markinp wbicb lndie&lAld u.. eq\dpmant Md .._ mar XcOaM (D) ot 10tardtm. ~ Y'Taaklin W~ UMf: ._y. hi~ •bow ~d trar1:9planta it in fresh ao1l for a weelc"-or two. June &. • on'• unuplr-4 term and a pr1· draafed 100 feet lo a walttnc truck. Allo ~,...,.. 11,.. Grow, ' ., ltlOM ftoftl,.... Hia favo. nte lotatJOlll awa~ from New York thua far have P"lllnr deadline ,... •• & •· m mary to detennlrl• ....... ty lt&n· 11'1"1' DI &ACS J'lliq fer d1ret\On "' lM Or-'----..ii--· · r--rubber d.lvl.ns .WU, thrM Olhtir luit.e &ad a •U.W. leatbM' U'l;'l:n --.ruJ and bi• own ome m Virginia. Now there LI Yt1t1rday. Th• ~&l•tnr ot vot· dard bearer• tor th• November 1'or the atu. ~ *""' Ooul.\1 M'l&Alctp&l Water a pouibility that he may do b.ia pr6gn.ma from Southern er• ottlc• u.td 110me checktnc t. 1•nttr'\I election. At thlit ttm•. a deep •• d tvttir Mlt. .Dtltrtot dl&lr IMWnMnt Jam• Dlltrlet ..,.. IM\LM...._Y Glenn California. )et ta be done. but the li•t ot candidate wtll be elected to ""' , &. vtt Ill) ot lout& Ana wW P. AD• ot ~ D•. I. and. A ICOutlng party, heaaquartering at ~ Beverly _Hilla ~:~Y =-ta. appnra to be •. reiut~ ri:~e';;i.z ~. ~*!"w. (~ck•~ ~ to.~ 1 th• uu. • NJ f*trk\ ;,a:~~=~:'"= ~ ~ :cWB.Mn\ael ~ Holel, toured several area.. lut week looldns for a likely Bu.lkt..t r-.ee 111 1n the 7tlth Slx Rapubl1carui and two Dem· Garden Ol'O\'e, Cbarl .. T . Hlnd· oni7 "" .tartarw .,.. '°"" to tulllf.'" er.wtord at &ouUt. ~ and locale. RldiDS point were •lnger Janette Davia, CBS, Paciftc "'"-Wt Dl•trtct f narth~m-oen· ocrat. have. c,,,....n1eci tn. the M• (It.) ot Orange, W\Ul&rd ll. the PNt-n.,. aN _JGU JJMndt 'nomu H. KueMI (ft), lncum· atuan ·WIWi&m A"t'ia ot t..pna Cout Radio executtfe Guy Dela Cioppa, and an eaetern CBS tral Onltte County) where etJ"ht tGth. nie1 aN IUch&rd T. H&M• HtuW.lk {It) ot 8e&l .Beach, Dav. !R) ot Banta Ana, A.tMrt J. Dato Miit, ot ~~lm. 11 UM me a.ch • ...,. unop,_.. tot poa1· exec., Robert BJYtr: (no kin to ;Godfrey'.• o~me mualcal t lllldidat• ue .. t to vie /or th~ IDJ ot Wmt.mJ.Mter, Oeor1• T. licOre. fRI at W•tatl.uter and phino, (It) ot N&Wp9rt Be&al&ta. oountJ&n ... kl~ the U.S. a.n.te ttoM ta Di v. l and 2 ot th• director, Archie Blier.) The trio dropped in for luncheon at JK*"t \•Ct ~a.cant by Nillrtnc-Le· Kello1r (R J ot Yorba Unda, H. WUUun J . ceeu {RI at ~er-llnll!e aumur (It.)· of Senta Au. role. He crou-ttled han. CoNt&I MUftlclptJo WetAlr DtatricL the Oub and a.few houn of peace arid quiet. Tbe idea of doU>.c tbe ehow from Cattt'QfDia etarted with Miu O.via. *'Why," lb.e-uked. Godhey one day, ''Can't we 10 to the :W-•t c.oui !" "All risht.-go out and look around for a 1pot," said GodJrty. "But let'e not duplicate any ecenery we've had else· whtre." ' Well, Soutberu California ia like Florida in that both ha.ve teml·tropical climate•, but there the aim.llarity endl. Our Southwest. hu ao much more to ofter.,-mounta.ina, for one thing-that the task or f\1 ise DaviB and Messrs. Dela Cioppa and Slyer ahould be relatively taay. So far, however. no decision ; the9e aafaris must be carefully planned, for there are many points to be {'Onsidered in moving such a large group (over 100) cntC'rtaincrs, technicians and their gear more than 3000 milea. • Aalc:ed how Mr. Godfre.y was doing theae day•, Miu Davt. aaid be felt wonderful. Which ie the way Miu Davia, who had been driving around in an open convertible, looked. ·::.· Two •ingen who won't have far to go next month are Marian Morcan and Chuck Nelaon. The two Hollywoodites have just been enppd to perlonn at the Hoag Memorial HOIJPttal Ball, to be held at the Club on Friday evening, May 11. Both are top-recording and TV ~raonalitiea. Yet to be aelected. 11 an M. C. for the Ball, which ia being apon· •ored for the flnt time by the Newport Harbor Junior Ch&m· ber of Commerce. Only 250 bids will be mailed to couples in the area eo that attendance can be held down: 500 people. the committee feela, ia a comfortable and aociable number. Greta Garbo wq here being 10Ciable with friend11 the other evenin1. The greate.t of the film 11tan wu entertain· ed during dinner by Club members from Puadena. We with 1he'd m~ another movie. \Ve can't remember an Euler Week that wu u nice aa this lut one. The reference ia to the weather-not to the noticeable drop in attenda.nce by the high achoo! and collese kids. Come to think or it though, the thinned~ut crowd had certain advantages. We were actuajly able to go to Balboa lahtnd, park, transact a •pot or bu.sineaa, and return to the Oub all within a few minutes. Wonderful! Oi'F FOR IA PAZ -All secured arid ready to go, Ca)Jtain Earl Tralle, above and crew aa.iled Kuru, power cruiHr owned by Mr. and Mn. 0 . S. Fletcher of Loe An,.elea and moored he~ for i.. Pu, T\lea· day. Mr. and Mn. Fietcher will ny to La Pu where they will board Kuru for .a 10 to 11-week fishing t.rtp. Staff Photo K11111 En Route to La Paz on ~ Marlin Rshirig Cruise ft•~ power eruleer, Kw;u.. to "•klPJMT" Ula 11·«. ttahlftt' boat, owned bp Mr. and Kr& D. S. u "1rtn•r, a cook. 'ailCI • cc.bin J'letcba.r flt 1M Anfal• left It. boy. Kur\I i. power9d by a (!ant hame port iL Uwi 8&lbo& Bay Ch.lb, Oluel enrtne. BeauUtul and •p&C· ~ ,_. i. Pu. Mr. and Mn. lou•. Kuru hu taclllllea 1'or Mvttl 1'14itcher Wm f1y to i. Pu thi. 111r more penou, a ahlp lel•pbon• ....,,, to jiolrt the u.w for a 10 to and many l\iJNr7 "a~· tor UN 11 ....U' n.bJaa trip lD UI• Quit mact enjGyabla cnliM poeelbJe. -• .,..WW oov•• about lOOO mUaa Lace Will Athnd of •uutW blt.loi water btt.,_. h.-. ...a ta PU,.. Mid captain .............. ...,.. • .,.......... win .. Polite Institute ftJtna baek ud tort.II MtwMn 1.- ~ tad IA. Pu at dlffel'flnl Capt. Harry i.... of Nl'WpOrt ti"'• dv(!nl' UM trip, eo "e will BMt-b Pi»lff o.pa.rtment wtll proMbl.J" IJl&)I:• that port nvenl Niptutnt lhe local lo~ April umaa", h• added. 17 ·111 •l I.lie p,.•ct> Officer1 Ad- Althoul'fl K"lll"l.I wu ft()l fully mi"l•tratln ln•lltula wblch will loadtd wti.n Ni• left Newport tiar-be h•ld 11.t Los An(elt• poll~ bor, aha Lt, Captain Tralle ~pleln· 1dmlnl1trat1Gn bulldlnl" ed. ~ulpPed l• t...ka 1luru to r • The ln•tHut.. ""'hlcl'I fMllM"t• trip ar •• Ions •• f'nu r month• 1111 ... 1 poh<"e •dminil1tnllYe tr•ln· "We Will aid fr.h etOffll -to our lnr tor chief•, aheritf1 and thote ~t ~ each lime we 10 offl~r• dlrKll)" 1•1!1tln1" them. tnlo t... Pu"" he Rlll<t. I• undrr 1h111 a 111p1ce11 or UHi Crew n1t-mber1 r ... r K11ru. tn!•l '"'"•l'P Offll.'1!1• A SllOC1•ll<m ot h\'I!, Captain T rallf'. • l11 unrh bvy •(011hfo1n1 " ' UDO DRUGS "'OM et lite Lide llllope" Mel Via Udo, Newpon 8-h Barbecue Brazier Hea,·y, •lW"dJ 1teel. au-Jep. hooded with Dl!W nit.eel 1"rtJl 1'e1J11lar ... ~95 JO Iba. f 1uo ........... -··-··· Charco&I e.;:;'" :;.r.._. ___ $,95 Giff B:. of iWo 1 7oc: ATTRACTIVE VASES __ .. ,. "·" 1- .............. wttll. pWI ~ eDd tt.ted -- Aa ..... --lf P'• Mt $]19 DINNERWARE SET --·-....... .,, • -..:ib of ea,., IMM'lllr., plat.ea, deNeru I wll of IUfM. Crealll'"r ~ co"er. • • REX PlaoU.-GARDEN HOSE$l49 Loq r..-tlnl( -• l'ear o ...... tee PllabW, U(ll~•t.-H feet. IVORY OB JADITE COFfEE MUGS NOW 2 ,., 14c POLYETHYLENE WASTE BASKET 2.49 VALUE TELEVISION TRAYS .._ .... Pa• .. ~ $159 & eoloMI. • oatJ... ·-•·• .. -.............. ••• ... .,..... I DECORATED FIREPLACE FAN BlllORT OOLOltS .....,. ,_.,. flr.•i.c. ....... ~w .. OGt $ • -.1. ltla la .,_, 9f fttt law" .............•.............. HAUOR DRUGS ..... rltOthproof, tt1l1dtlw- '"°*· wodloble. 16 • 231"\ lftCM1. HHYY twUS tkkln9. $12.95 Value SPECIALS ,, FOR . THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY APRIL 5·67 1011 .,,. ••• Twe plllowa pteked "' dtot, reusa ble poly-...,_...,.,. PAYLESS "'· J.. 1.....atlon· ol wo1M I ·FOR EVERYDAY NEEDS PALl(OUVI: 7 HAND SQ~P ......... , • .., ~-......... ~ VOGUE DmRGENT .............. .. _ 49c ..... KLENZO FACIAL TISSUE ........ • APRIL ;/ PAtiESS PRECISION •• That Sefe9ue rd1 You r Hea lth \\'hen you lea\'e yot1r dOC'lor'• p~rlptloa In thC'l. hand. of our rP(llteftrd p~1t.a, )'OU ran 1"" •are tt.11 It wUI M nnM w•ltb. prof...UOnal p""'"l•loD from f"""b .cappH• of lop • •-.Illy potent drup. CO$METICS &ubber Upped ud p1&1a -<:ans. ot IO Ptu 2 26C BOUIE PINS ------•pedal I•• w......-. lihH!d-Auo"'"8 eolon 69 ZIPPER HAND IAG .......... -•u• c -NEW Sil.K SCARfS _______ •~ 39c NuTRl '"toNIC SHAMPOO ... ~1 50 SAVE SAVE o..nl r.a.etrkl IJt== er 0..,. ~ TRAVEL IRONS -------~·· _,,, ._,, ...... $149 SEAT _CUSHIONS ·-----.... , ... , .... ,.. 11c BOOK MATCHES __ ·---.:..-, .__..,. 5c BllOWN PAPER BAGS __ _..:..;;.., Zee Wu. Paper LUNCH IAGS ··-----·---··- WRIST WATCH Complete Line of Liquon & Wines • YINCINTS ~ ICE~M l WATCH REPAIR s7so 17 JEWEL -SHOCK PROOF-ANTl·MAG· NETIC-WATER PROOF Aa.y Standard w a tr. b cleuod, oiled, ~ -1a- aprtag. or crown. <N' at&ff where IHlONli&l'Y 1'itb mMitloli of UU. Ad. AD Wortt pan.mteed 1 '>·ar. Rlllt}· watehf'a ex1.n.. SHADY GROVE • aLUD nrTB .onoor s2f7 ... ABC "BEER t..12 ... CANS g7c Silver -c • , "*' cone .• -ioc H11itPCidi1• Gin ,,.. ... ·30- • noor 9uwts Ste r1 i Gal°" .... ..,.. 7'c • • • • • • • f I I . I 1 l I • __ ..,_ ---...... __ . . . -. .. . " ... . .. .. -.... _ .... ~.,.·-~----..----··-·-· -...... -.Y•-- ' . . ' HEW EVIDENCE 11 More Gtns TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT 59 N~WPORT TEACHERS ON PERMANENT TENURE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-l'RESS -PART I • PAGE l WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1956 , . .,.,,~ ...... .,"" .,.... T k Sh ~~:~:ny·~~~:: pu~~~mlD • I ea at op in.· new erld1nc1 at llM crime "'-" hand pn11 valued at 143-4 ' Sl&hOl"ll !lplntt.ulna Club whc It meei. at lilt . Ptacentla Aw., O:wla x ... l'\ltllr'I pJ.atu tor th• dep&rt· met a. w•U ..; Ila lliltory will 111!1 \11 not fllll'l"rprlnt1, Pollom I Wlff reported t•ken rron1 Art ind r11ld , brWllhlftr ••Ide r1port.1 pub-BUI'• Tackle 8 lor ... :iw v.·. Cout --------------------------- J .. h«J el&e\vh1r1. All tin&trplint11 1H1Sbway, e:1l'IY ye1terr11y mornlnc. PRIVATZ WJJlE OOIQll:NT llf'l'l U Wu.tralfd by th• otter· t u:ned up wn-. twnd ~ lhl' Police uld thl' burgl1ry wu 1p-DIRE<:? 'ROM NliW YQIUC TO inC"• lod&y ot U month Federal riiine lab expert1 at the c:ott11t p&Nnlly done by the 11m1 lhlef NE\VPORT BP.:ACR OJTJ;CS OF ~·a...-~ on• 1.16 e< ""' rl&"ht •Iler lhe 11aylnl' w11 II who b1;.oke Lnto the .. at1bl.Wunent S HEAR.SON, HAMMILL A: CO.-buia. Even lh• bondl 9Gld to ti• r1 porlrd, How JOOll the~ print• onu before' lut yu.r. Ther1 1ppea1 .. to bl a l.retld to· MJ\Ot the new brtdl"• tactllty ov1r "·r. Pol!o1n uld. 111 101nethlng th" U.ted •• nl.Lulnl' were a .38 ward •(Tffter Hl~Uvtty, Th!• ap-th• Colwnbt.a fron'I Portland north, • "1c l1h orfl"lal!I knv"'·· ··1-11Jrr1 11pect1I, two 9 mm Gerrn11.n L11ger11. p11,1 not only 111 uu1 public, bl.It to \lerm bondli maturln1 in lt'fll 1• .,.,. t)n. It'• alt111rd buntb. of ~-' a .44 cal. atn11r act ion, ~211 cal. 1n1titut1orui.I 1ctlv1ty a.. well. Trad· weffl priced on a J .20 bl..Ua, tu "'Jrk."' tl\e delectlv1 11ld. automatic, • alntle 1cllon, • .•4 ., .. continue to t.akl a cauttou. exempt. Tbe ~r ot OM.,.I nn1•nln1 Newport. ~ mi~ ment1u")' a!hoo1 I>Utril-t leldler11 1'h rFt™:,tecron & pamu...,t bull! l.ut AIJ'ht at • m.Mttna of Ul• 1ehool board In Horace En· qo School. Elevmi of lhue are new to tenure, h1vin1" jlllll com- plet~ their flr1t thtM year1 In ,HQrace l:nllf!t School: mm. • fish M related b)' tH trio and a color Ben&Oa. Joyce Boedrc:ker, Cl a)' Sptl ers rnov1• will bl MGwa deplc.llnl' th• Sumrell, Mary Blrry, .J'ra.nc.i• lit• creil of thl ..imon. Kenny Fis~ and Game Mea to Address suue:r, K•y Cll•pm.&11, A.rt auv. Mem.lloe'l'I ot Uia ~eci.t at Bmnett s. Pnic-m 1h.1Jf'Ml,ll,. tmKn, a.tty Cooper, Gene Dulin. 1'illl and Game. Bob TerwllUfer, Th• J'TOUP pl.an& to ~rticlpal• Ted JQhfllOn 1-McCltntock Bob Olcker and J1J<e Meyer1. In the NaUonal Bplnn.hlne Aun· Miry MouteU~r. Jean Orr, N~ will bl' In cbarre of the procram clatioft e&1llnl' tournament April Perklnt. Ju.1 Pel~ll, Norm 8Ull• at 1':30 p, M.. tllrnOl'TO'lt' Of the 8. well. Dick Bwe.c. ¥'4 Belh. T.,... • • • • • e • 1 • • • e • • e • • • • , 1 1 , • • • • • • • • • • Newport Khoot.. Me1nllm1 tnv•tl11tor1, y,•ho be-ct.L t~r model doubl" aclion. over·&ll 1tUtude, and 1ra .xpreu· a.ctric &r1nounced today hill com· ll••ve th• Meu murder UM tn wltll two .tnt1• .-hot cap and ~II .30 lnr t)w, oplnlon that moton and pt.ftJ.~Tt.0 ftMRcl th• tre-t h~ 11,·o·n1ontti--0ld bUlcher knUe cl.I. revolv•ni and 1 ·':I cat. re· 101n1 of th• 1lrcr1tu look lower, m~ ~ prorram. ~1iiy!ng ot Barb1r1 Je~n. Van volv~. while mMl of th• l.l'lD'l.qiwft wOl.lld be ln thl market ~th an. le· r~uy11• leen•J"• Army wire, eon· otftcen ~Id the bul'J'l•r pulled 11.oCkl and a l'"f'OWln&' numbtf o( 1u1 of •PPJ'Oltlmately $300 mll· Thirteen leaci'ler11 hlv1 blatc&ted .. ~ they wlll not return thla nutye&r, --~----~------, • • H-tolellllt • • • t ntrl'r1 u,-. all avallebt• leide. a IC~ fooee end forced open 1 oil• may be cetllnl Into an oVft'o Uon Of debmturee. • Jioltrl!l lead l• aUll the phycho-J'l&.11 pan.el lo &"•In 1dmlttanee. bought terrltory, 1t leut lernpo-Bl!SIN1:88 NE"'l!t SupL RoJ .Andel"Rft told tbe board. Of tblM b1 al.ready h.u re.Ian&· tlon• from .ix., au or whom ptaiaect the IChooll and their a.uodaUorui. Rl'llilOIUI for quitting lndUded fam- ily and home, leavlnl' town, heaJUI, an o:pectld baby, a.nd lwo to bl Th• buJ..ldb:i,r department tiu lit-• 1ued • blllldtnr permit to J\oy w.1--;,'------- Sawl• to f!OMlruet a IH,000 • {P thh: killer lheo!'y Pollon1 u .ld !·-------------rarlJy. Som• tradei .. hav1 been J'lnit quarter report-of a num• \11 \•e.•tlgetore were rollowtnc ur • DEATH NOTICE putlin&" out lhotU In Ford, on·t:M ber of l•l'J'• b1nJu "vN.led n1w rf'port received from Bryc1 Eut· lhlOrY that public telllnC will COC• b1'b reoordl of net lncom1 ran&· tt11:l of Newport. 8"ch •~t •I Unu1 to 'affect thl• atock adv_.... tnc from 6 to so per c.nt more • p ",tu.rp drt?•Rr" In a Cotti Meaa MR8. UZ7.ll! LOESCH ly. Bhort. are &lao be!nc UM4 .. than WU r.ported for th• drat Th.OM ... vtng Harbor vi... Pr1tate olice b~r v.·ho tall«!d 81tuniey ol&ht ·or · runeral .ervlcu tor Mr•. Uale a hedJ'• pt"adlcted on lbe .rrowtnc •uart.w el ~ , 9Choo1 .,.. Dorothy Carl, J1cqu•-feellng ··-' "'' &eneral. marklC.o llM C.udln, Nina NIXJtOn, VehTDI 1'"X3\ wo111e:i and knl!Ln1 thrm. Loesch. 88. o! 221 Eut Broedway, ---K I d N ii beginninl' to ihow 10me •lCd DOW.JONEI A VI:~...-ee tr an ancy Sheet.I. Fron\ • "~'"' •f'LI! l'llli »e0ut1ng-the erea :!o.ta Meu, w1ll be held Th11r'ld1y or ttl':llnlcal deterioration. · so ~ .. -Al11.U down .2S Hora.cl En.lien are. Chartotte Car· t"r lh1l man" Pollon• 1111 hl 1t •1 t a m. tn Parke,.·Rl•!lty f.{or · 17 •• t2 t IA Kl"" The money nlarkel continuM 20 RaU. M•-·-······-· 1 ..... up • pen •. w ...,er. Art Ma..'fr and MERCHANT A•.< thl'r 1u.11pelt, 11 ~far1ne who tu1ry Ch11l""I, Cott• f.fe.111 \\•Ith the U W 0710 •--01 •-11• MD -16 t U• -·-··· . ""'''"'' • ....,. , rJ'&n. ., rom Newport I 1rtrd 11111;>iclou•ly ln N .. wport Rev. Charle• F. Ulltld offtclating, echool are Alyc1 Anawalt, ArleM J'.:l'llCh B.ftr r the murd• r. ha.I been uallled by the Rev. Joseph\\'. Mc· EXPLORERS .1 J. m. VOL(TllCE Borden. Betty HUtlr1?th and Bar· PATROL l'lln1in1tf'O, Pollonl 11ld . "Aln101t Shane. l ,t.1 0,000 hara Kirkwood. r'll mlnatl"CI," Pollom .,1d. was I Mni. Loe1ch dlf'd Monday, after ('11otl11ned from t 'lrat Pa1e AmeMcan Smeltlnl' .................. 118% Prmi&nent re·employn1ent v.•ia and 11 t1!lpect picked Up In Palm Sprln("a t. brief Hlneu, at the home of hrr Boi·li , Ron11.ld iiennedy, Dai·id HU· American Te)£phone ··· ·-.-....... 183 &lvecn lhe following: ?.londay with what wu 1pparenUy iaurhter, Ml'I. William E. Nickell. llngll, Bill Stonr', Crl"que .,.,..olver· Anaconda -···-·····-··-··-·-········711' ti I 1 HARBOR BOAT blood on hi• COl.l. Pollom Kid Sha., ... a native of Ptlt1burgh, ton. Denn!JI O'Halr. Gary Myrick Chryaler ............................... ,.76'1ii 1 A 1mnitra~n11an~general : El· lhl ~ WJJpecl hu been releued by Pa. and had lived In St. Loul1 ind c.:1 .. 1e1nont Shennan, 11.U real· DuP<.ont .............................. 233% ~h~~;,mAcn:11 e ca~lt~!~~· :r~~~: PATROL T'11lm Sprlnp pollce aft1Nnve1U· many Yl!l.rl before romlnr to Col· lentll o! Santa Ana Height.I. The General Electric ............ -.......... 81\:, Heffern, Emnll Mattlll, Wilham g .. tor Mike Healty artd Mt11a La Meaa a year. •10. Sh• wu a ...,.,~t 111 aiv>nioor.....i -by the Youth General Moton ............................ 45' RI G P olle• S...+. ""erel r--talkod •· >o-yur member or the ?.larkham '·· •-GI b I B 26" tier, rayce Sevier, Clara Ellen CALL •• -...,.,., "' M _, p Srrvic"I A11so cl11tlon of Oranr• m e roe. ····· ··•·············· "' Spelln1an. Bernie• Vratal, h im Tuesday nlfhl. 6ITIO•~•l rabytenan Church In Counl~'. G~at Northern R. R .............. 4~"-C d An 'nqtieet Into th1 murder of St. Loui1. N. Y. Central ..... .. ............. 434' orona el Mir School: SECURITY the cornmon-law wlf1 or an Anny Survivor• In 1dct1tlon to Mra. c·R\' FOR AID r.tonter1y OU .............................. 3tll9 M1rjorle Barnett. M11yme Kln1e11. COMMERC pnvate 1tationed 1t the Co.It.a Nickell a re t,,.,·o d11ughlt"rl, Mrl. The 110)'~ ""'ere ca mpln"' on Cal· Slncl1lr OU ····-·. ···········-·-M% Velma Park, Allee Rail, Doloree IAL ?>ff'•& Nike ball', wu 11111 pen4lnl' LIW't'enc• Brendel of St.. Louil 1ro !>lountaln near Baratow on OCt. Standard OU of Calif ......... -.1D11%. Reece, Ruth E llen Rlch,,.,•lne, Ve· PATROL today after lhlpment of th• body llld Mra. E1rl Cn ppa of fllinola : 15, 19:'.l!i . whrn thf'y he11rd a aUd· Tr1.t1Nmerica ..... 391,i ronlc1 Schledrr, Katherine Vaughn. to Hol11lon, Texl.I by Parke .. two ('rlllddaughte111, Mr1. D 1vl d 1en llhoul for help. They rwihed 'to Union OU If C&l.1!. -······-·········84%. Harbor View School: borne at 000 RIYIW ..... marriod • • • • •• • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • T/\l'!re Mut Be 11• eu.tlm' wtlfl' to 11et t• ROY CARVER Pontiac HOO W. Cout H~'Y· Uh<rty 8-S~ Nel\·port Beach • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ridley Mortuery Monday after· Oy1r of Lancutl'r and Mr1. John :he tdce of the oprn venllla tlon U. S. BtHl ....... ····-······ 80 Dorothy Bodine, Oona Rand1 ll, Kl noon. U.llh ot Venice ; al.so a c reat-.1oh~ o! an OP"" pit 1nlne. At the -------------J~I'• Thompson, Vlrclnla Booth, 2_7027 • • See Pontiac Ad Page 7, Part 1 • • ·-AccOJTl''""'Y'"' the body wu rran.dch11dren. DOllom ...,:,., a boy named Larry C C T k Caro! Dent.on, Bonnie l..ang, Betty • r ~-ar aver a en · t h1 hwband, Harold Lloyd J ohn· lnurnment will be lJl Melroae iit'lJY. T rine. An n.a June 'Vevlll. Gt'nt'-• ~ ft t :'~~"'.'.'.'"~·~~·:'.'.'.: -~~'..'.:'...:"~'~1~~:.'..!1!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!!~-~·~:.::·~·:.:·_·:.:·~·~·:..'.·:..:·~·:.:·:..:·:.:·~·:..:·~·:.::·~·:.:·~·~·:.:·:.:·~·:.:·~·:.:·~-:..:·~·~·-.on. 19, who dl1eoven:d h11 wife, Abt>.y Columbariun1. Thi' co11ta r.leaa Exploreri low· •ne o • parachute-type Ci r v e\'e er, ....:n1 •Y "" uy. mother ol a two-month-old boy, !J"erl Allen Borhi to the bottom 'PY COYer from the top ot an automo- ""'Lth 1 l''Pinr wound benl'1th her 1 long ropr 1111ct after Allf'n cave bile belonl'inl' to T. J. W 11aon, l'!t breut In th•lr tiny court cot· PRIVATE TUTORING .he injured youth e.rnert"ency fint lnlt E. Baibol Blvd., early Mon· tage at 12 :111 1. m. Thurmday. ~·d he quickly fu tened a rope day w .. r•pocted to polk:• )'el· Pvt.. JohnlOn wa• r iven• JO-day BY TEACHERS OUT .line around hlnl 11nd Uie othl'r tf'rday. l••a•·"'· He left on the Santa Fe voulh1 hoh1tf'd him to the 1urrue. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::; Prlv1t1 tutonng by New• ' • f 1on1 Sant.a Ana at 1 :33 p. m. ye.. port Beach elementary •chool The \nj11red boy w11• found to terd1y for Hou•ton and• meeUnl' h hlLl'e a f r1clurrd right •-. l<•"- Old £it&bUahed lnsuranc1 Apncy teac er1 ll out, it wa.." de· '"' '" v.·1 th Mr. and M .... Ben Hatcher, clded by lht board a t the L•11 e<J ll'lft 1nkle 1nd deep cuta parent• of the 1l1ylng victim. 1 ~bout h111 hrarl. Thi'! youth recover· All ltnea written. HOWARD W. GERRISH 18081-fewport BIY4.,Coata MN& f'BO!lo"E LIBERTY a.-1a1J meetln(' &al night in Horece Todoy, lei' work and lnterroJ'&· ~d sfter a long IJ.erlod in the ho1· ltnllign 1chool. t!on11 continued w1lh 110 new Je1d1 pn .. 1. The dl'!cla1011 w1.1 made on or 11u1pect1 havtnl' been tuml'd up yr11terday. R.etumlnr t o ••I.st P•illom and J;lealey •l"e Anny CID .. 11prrta. Danny Rio• or the Or· 1nge County Sheriff'• offi~·e, r·n1nk oxendboum from the Dia· tr\ct Attorney'• office, and Sgt1. Al Ort!~ 1nd W . C . Sca.rce from thf' Valley Divlllon. t.o. Anl'elea f'ollcl'l. HARBOR VIEW C'oDtlllued rrem nrst P...- tral employment recommend&Uo1a or Supt. AnderHn. but othtr board mrm~r1 could 1e.e no reouon ror lhL1 and th& Mlllr'9 pec90nnel U.t .,.,... p.-4 In one motion, 'Ibe vol& wu wantmoua. 81JCCl:8801l 81.ATED A 1ucceaor to Ml• Martin, &Jonr with a new principal t.o tall• over dutlu In ~ new Nnrpor't H1l~t1 ~ wW undoubtadl7 be cho11en at a apeclal board mMt· Inc to be held ne•l Tuuda7. ~ bo&rd feel.a that It i. tortuM.te to h•ve on hand appllcaUora from 2~ ca.ndldatet from whom Ula two prtnclpal1 can be c~. Ttli• Jlat will be 1lrted out Ud• week and pn>b&blY r1v1 men Will be ·uked to mMl t.hli board at tbe •P9Cl.al ..-on. A n-Ttee pr1nd pal tor Horace Ent.Ip .c~ wu elected TU- d•Y 1Y..nlnf. On the recomrnen· dAUon of 8upL ~ A.rUuu • .... '~-'),0"' .,...,._.. ...... IQU~~· 65' .. 171o-..... --LOAJ •••••• 43'-. ..... ..i &1'sh ML!UA• Ci.17' ....... ~ ~~~~~ OO&ONA DD. llA& -o-.& BW'J'. ACOIUYA LAOUNA auCll ............. ao\LllOA l.IJLA.ND Jtt....-~ ... ~K'Wh'.lllT a&ACll lff C-t ...,, recommeond&Uon of Supt. Roy 0 . Ande~n. who 111ld the practice lead.I to dJrficultlea In the 11y1tem, even Jn the Cll..'!e or ('lvl.n& •rt le..sona by teach· c-r1 ln t.helr 11p1re timt". Mni. Lm.da C.enar. of the board, quutioned the rttom· mendaUOll. and voted •r•in.1t IC Chriat..natn, "'ho hu been car· rytoc lhe burden of the po11tlon durtn.I' lhe put year. ""''" ad.\•a nc· ed one poeilion on the ulary 1cal1 and nt.med to th1 vice prl"" clpalAhlp.. ._ $ESIOR AD\.180R~ Al.so •long on th11t evel)t!ul trip w111 J!m r.1rcandll11h, P O!tt 8if1 E11plorer advi,..,r, and Ivan Myrick. 111.~i•tant 1rlv1'<0r. The or!g1n11I art \'Otk ot the fratu1e publl11hrtl In Boy1 Ufe wa11 prl'!entld to the unit by th1 n1agulne'a art departm9TIL Newport Variety \'OUR Ii aad 10 STORE \\·e Gt~·• Cro-8tMllP9 Ou-Front Neer Pier NEWPORT BEA.CB Put A Hart in Your City Council CHARLES E. HART is on independent cond idote. He is e res ident end in bus i· ne ss in Counci1monic Distric t No. I. He is fom ili.!!r with the needs and problems of the entire .city. Mr. Hort is o former member of the C itizen5 O il Committee, the Mo yer 's Easter Week Committee, end po st presi dent of the Newport Horbor Boord of Realtors. He has been act ive in the West Newport Improvement Association and t" Newport Island Associat ion. He is well known end re spected in his district. The Undersi9ned Endorse Charles E. Hort For Councilmen, District I Mt9. 1'f"lllM H. t111ley 8alldJ M.eAa.;r Mn. A.lltti \\'. 1'rvet Mf. &: Mn. P1clyd ll&rtl• R.aaollail F . GMda Mr. a Mni.. WW.-I . Katti• H_..,.. K. Glflerd A. X.CltlMA Mr. &: M,.. Rarokl GI.Ml Ray Ne118"1 It-O""'lf'J' Nr. a Mni.. E. :Su...a P'l•y4 G"'l"·e \\'lllloam O. Pfll'te¥1· Mr •• Mra. M-Wt &. Ori"'" fll:r .• lln. A. Pftr.--. Mr .• Mn., .... IL .... A ... PIM!lpe Mr. ,t; Mn. Edwar11 T. Hf'&ly I . I:. l'l•ldL- Mr. a Mne. B. M. Horn.~r Mn. llt.fv'a Q. P1a.ce H~ M . Hol.kt!r Cltanl S- 0.vW W. HollbJ ae. 9aW M'I'. a M"-~tanll'y llood )Ir. a.,.., ..... I . At-rr Mutti Ja,rt!d . Kr. • N,.._ o.do9 81ple Mr.• Mn. Harold .loOoM Kr.• Kra. I:.. V, aCMktblrs Qrdol a. lotm.on w.a.-.. Stark Ma.ry W. loh.D11nn IW~J 8W•a11e• Fred R. l oyeer Mr. • Kn. ~ llWlr&ft ../ Wiiiiam "-old lay 8totU-T" R. ..... _.,. , .... __ .. Mr. & M.ra. Lia B........... °""" &. n..-.. Ir. P Fnioili •rtr>t~ Laah VlWll "'"'· a . Kulil• !Ml y_.... l\1Ulem ._....,.. , ... v ... ... M<. a ""'· £4...-.... Mr ........ -.......: a. 'ft'.a.. ·-,_;'' w ... F.Jllot t .. . ~ ,_. .. ""-lllp l>wlJ"ht 1.-11.. Ht. a kn. D, A,""'""'" Mr. a M,,.. J oa. 1111. ytKT'f Mr. A. Ml"L II.ward \\rl11llt Vote for CHARLES E. HART For Counctf~•n, District I, Newport Be•cli -Be Sure to Vote April 10 i TIDE giant SS' six• large 1lz.e ---------····--·------··25c FROZEN JUICES BEL-AIR PREMIUM qUALl'ft Tangerine 2 :::-2 9' Concord Grape 2 ~· 29• Orange-Grapefruit2 ':29- BAND BOX ICE MILK CltOCOlATI. YANIUA,, K-...... 3fte STIAW9maY n..a.voa eta. ... nSAFEW&Y-· • BOILING BEEF BEEF SHORT RIBS GROUND BEEF BEEF LIVER SLICED BACON DRY SALT PORK c..-.. •e c:..a-._ ._.. this week's tfviftiest way to please the fami1yl USDA CllOICI P1.,. me,t .USDA CllOICI Ea:t«I '"" triM VISKING PACKID FfMhly ground ~ bMf l\llCI Oil ILICI Nutrltloua. whc*IOmll POPUl.Aa RANDS Grad. I In <*ltophone SEASONING MUT Excellent~~ •. 9' .. 1sc .. 3Sc •. 39' ',;.";: 35' .. 19', •----a··-o-Pri Filet :.':: 39' · H1ili .. di Flet· ::: 43' WW. Wltitiit '"';: 39' I •••••• ••••11• •• J --.... ,& •' TOMATO JUICE ~.;~; ": 19' JELL-0 GELATIN All::-.:,. :6' CAKE MIXES ~;,~~!;:. '~ lt MARGARINEC~=~ 2:!25' CHOCOLATE DEVIL'S 3 3c FOOD BAR •••· :s9c llltterlion Cookies Ritz Cridien C:Ul'tl'f ICl9 HI, 19' corru CAICI .... .1&.Nl .... N ll'ii..._37' .... UA tANeWtQI .... ....... .... ::19' 5...iwlcli s,r..i .... , & QI ·::: 0:39' "~: 13' Stllr Kat T- 1111 .... PlckleJ Zipiiy DI Plcliles _..,.... ...... ':36' ";35' --- ~ V111t1•l1 Uddll ~ c.tGra•ler• ..... CioW• C-• ..:.-...:.. NliletsMr!iaanl MJIMitellice ----• --- 21::251 2 '!: 23' 2 '!: 29' ": 19' ",; 19' ' ___ ... ~ _..z_ IMC ,,, -M I K Hal Him ~ rwo I.AMI •ua ':i: 6C' ':37' llll!ll -&,ti S. 6. 7. 16. ... II W..,S .. lM! 111111 -A,11 L ............ u.lt ltpll ......&. --- ' 8 CQ$M011W GIVEN AWAY IN SKYlAIK'S $70,000 CONTEST! 3 HoUday Supet ""tr Covpff ..,W)' w-k for 6 w_k., 0.. ,,_ tr .. entry Wort~ ot Sat.....,O'f'• SKY\.Altl llfAD' ~ todoyl SKY\ARK FRJSH IUAD large 2ac Enrich.d ww .. • 'M.at. l..,tor • Sondwkh. loaf CUCUM8a5 DATES -.u._ YBJ.OW ONIONS ' I -10' , ..... _ .. 9' ........ 3 ... 10' • ' ,. I ' • . . • • • PLANNING BENEFIT for st. J&mes Day School are (1 to r) Mn. Ted Rogen, Mn. William H. Mead and Mn. Georgia Bullock. Some 500 women will attend the "Blueprint for Spring" fuhion show luncheon to be held at -Balboa Bay Club April 19. -Terry Boria Photo View • School Benefit Fashions 'Bluein.g ~ Feature ' Blue' St. Held Jam es Event to Balboa Bay at Be Club On the aocia.l calendar, April 19 mark.I the "Blueprint for Spring" benefit fashion show and luncheon for SL Jamee .Episcopal Day School to be held at 12 nooo at the Balboa Bay Oub. Previewtnr niPWe•t color ot the 1 •nd h•V'I! bee.a aent out to aoct•l- Ha.on, "btutnl' blue" In "C'1111ual•" 1te• or Orance CQunty and Lewi de1lgned tor the Balboa w11 r u! Anfele., Ufa, will be ~ent. and ft Lf'n(1 R ('tll"RCH l>IKl:C'f'EU ot th• aehool There .,.·!II al.90 be The Proceed• or the &ffa.lr are beach wear which v.·1Jl Include lo kO to the Day School, a cllurch Nn and swim co.lun1e. .,.'!lb a "pon110red and dlrt:eted 1oehool ad· top to toe eflffmble look. 101n1nr St Jame • J:pllleopal PAJLE1''T8 OOllNCll.. Church. Tha Rev. Rollo M. Bou Th\1 yearly IM!neflt 11ffalr. which 11 11pon11oOrPd by the Par- ent. Council of the St. Jamea School, la thla: year being direct- ed by Mr•-Harold Beck a11 11:en- eral chairman. M r 1. Wiiham Mead and Mra. Ted Rogera are tuh!on lhow co-ordln1tora wtth 1.tr1. Me&d aa commentator at the affair. 11 the director or tha .chool wh'*'" over 100 puplJ.. a ttend cl&&11e.1 ranring from klnderpr- ltn throuth g:rade •I•. FINISHING TOUCHES for decorations at the Lido Isle Woman'• Club Tuesday ca.rd party and luncheon are given by Mn. Vincent SalmaciaJ'" left, decorations chatnnan. Also examining costum~ figure which formed background at head table are, from left. Mn. Thomaa L. 'Lett.o, club president; Mrs. Martin J . Lock- ney, card party chairman. -Staff Photo NEWPORT HARBOR Harbor P-TA Presents Psychologist "'Tu.mwork Do.. lt-1.n H•lp- tnr Ch.lldrm:i ..-tth J:moUonal Pro- bl•m .. ' will be th• aubJect a t th• nut meeUng ot Harbor View P·TA. April 11 , a t 7:30 p. m. In Mra. H11.rv"y Somer11 la taking rt•e1vat1ons. 1'11'11. Elv.•ood Martin and Mrt. Arthur \\'1Ulam1 have dealgned the lnvltatlon1 11.nd a.re plannlng-lhe decoratlon•. Mrt Don.aid Fergu10n 11.nd r.tr1 Hugh HutlloOn will act u ha.teatea and Mr•. R.ay111ond Do•ta I• in C'harge ot publlcHy . Children are taurht by quali· tied teacher• llJld ... a norm&! part or their day they attand llally chapel and hava ncul&.r aacred 1tudle1 to complate a ro11nlled education. Student. come from a!l 11urroundln1 &f'ff.I In 1·luU1ng IA"n1on HeLC"hll. AJ:iahelm and UIKUJla Beach. Stephens Aluinnae The h'>me ot Ruth Ann To1r, 917 Ray111ond Ava., Full•rton. W'Lll bf-11Pt l1nl' tor a mtttlnr ot th• 01'ange County Stephent Aluma• Club a t 7 .4~ p. m. today. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women•1 Edil<>r PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, .1956 ... achoo!'• cal•torlwn . lnvitat1on11 have bf.en blueprtn!· ed ln keeping v.•1th tha theme Style Show The "Gut•l NIC"ht'• will f•tUr• • talk on "Piower Arr~r" by Mr1. \VeatoQ Walkar ot Banta Ana. P-TA Panel to Feature Graduates ~rdon McMahon. Yic.a pruldent aad pro1TU9 chairman, wtll pr•· 1----------------------------1.-t Chart .. W. CabMn, cllnlcal for Rebekahs it EPICUREAN DINNER FOR P'Y<h•lol'ol to• th• Mo<ropoll· BE SURE· INSURE A •tudent pantl ot former -t&Jl Bt&t• Ho.pttal In Norwa.lk, A 1tyle ahow d1rerted by 1-fr~ wttli :::W':::-·"';:!~r feti:: a~~.h~ HOAG HOSPITAL HUNTERS &a (UMt 1~1r. .: Laura .H \\'!lton And featuring HA~T~ women a apparel. waa highlight I'"---~-, •. ,, School Puent • Teacher ... ·-·•-. Conn.ct.eel wtth the V1teran'1 t lh '"l ~ -~-Mr. and tft11, Jamea T . Van RetlNt!J.e.ar and Mr. t.ll.d )I(~ 0 e ruonu1 Y meeting of the llU £. C-i JllcllwaJ liml meeUnr to be held April Admlnl1tr•Uon tor four year• Triple Link Club of Ule Cocita ,I Coro-del ..... 10 at 7:30 p. pi. tn the toeil.1 W . Worth Bernard ai·e hoallnr a bu!fat 1Upper at the &r• In th• field of cllnlca.I p•y· Me.111. Rebek11h11 recently. Th•' :::::::::::::::::::::::::~ hall. f'llrliclpaUnl' wtll be Mlaa nut! honie Jn Beaoon Bay April 13, entertainlnc botl.rd m•m-cholol'y, Cabef'n hat been aa.o-meeting Wiii! held at the homP Qf Dlue \\!eirUake, who wu ST•d· ber1 or the Jlunter• or the Hoaa-HO<lpltal .A..uxiUa.ry and elated with t he Metropolitan Mra. \\falter Bird, 1 ~1 Orani::e uated from UCLA la•l year and their hu11banda. Gue11tlil will In clude Meur1. and Mme1. Sta te H0<1pital for ali;: yeara In Ave. Prii.e of an electriC' clO<"k la now .• ph)'lllcal education in-Cha.rte• Goodinf, \\!!l1111.n1 Bil.lier, John DOOa"e. Geo~ M.c-th• a&me field. Hl• ei;:perience wu won by M.r1. I!:. 1-1. 8teven~ •lnlctor at the hllfl achool, and L&ul'hlln, Ira Reed, Leon Yale, WIJUam Taylor, Letlte Qw.1-•t th• ha.plt.&1 ll'lcludea peycho-Ho.talllf'• tor the evening were Rory Pulaa k t, now a ttending la!IOn and Mt11. Ja.eph H. Ga.ulhlf'r. therapy, pe.-.onallty t..eat1n1. path-M.me1. Roy N. Coe, A. E . Coleman USC. Othert will be Orel'Ot)' olo11ca1 and applied work. and Al bert Dlt.on. Othera In a t-Wrlp t. repreeent!nl' Pomona and Van Ren.,.laer, I meintM-r of the Wint and Jrood 8ocl1ty DilCUNllon ""111 c.ntw &l"OUlld tendance were Mme1. Dlilve Be<'k· Claremont Mena· Collere and and an authonty on the art ot cooklnr, wUI prepar. tbt th• m•J1lally retarded child, th• ett., Jake Swiuer, Florence Olr- Ole.nn. Tttomu, now al Occ::lde11ta.I. buffet for th!'-irue•Ul need of a 1ehool paycholo,Ut and mer, Jud Ballard, Georgia Crllve•, W. Worth ~rna.rd f rom Cti..p-[•---------------------------[how emotlon&J development at-RtC'hard Ma.nock. Jf'M A. Black. PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY Fonnerly Oraoei.! Ulaat* 1 lo' Broacll"'9.J -Oona 11-man Col.lege wtU be the panel B T fee~ I.lie child Ill ht. hom• and Oplll Goodyes.r, A. H. Small, Bill rnoderator, uklnl' the •tudenll ENEFJ AFFAIR achooi life. He alto will dllC~ l...allter, John T1ylor. Ida lo!ay !l'pec:lfto q ue • t Ion• conc,.mlnr emotkllll&J problem• and cM9c.lpllne Block, Andy Zltney, Beelr1r:!e •• ...._ 'I.hei r re!l'peCUV• .,;:hoolt, •uch u In pnerLI. Art.tr tha talk there Gable, Cecil George and Mt .. Ruth Liberty WfJ.4 U I-MU tulUon, li\·\ng coc:id1U~ apeclal-c d F' l SI t d will be &J1 open dlscuMlon, dur-'.Fu;;;;•m;;;:•;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;, :~L~-~ T::d.11tu~~~~Jl. ~q:: 0 me y 1 m a e :!..:~~ Umt qu..Uona will be f el.I to i.:ive their per90na1 reac- uon1 11ni.1 qu11111Uon11 from the by Harbor VI' ew P-TA Harbor View P·TA hu exlend-1Udie.DC4: v.·ill be permitted. ed lnYitaUo.na to Corona del Mac, I Derry Nog-11, German rorelgn Newport J!:!.mentary and Horace excn..nre atudent. will ~ak on H11.rbor View P·TA announcea lure •~nr the famoua C'omedy Erudp P -TA membet11 to attend Rug & Carpet Cleaning Upholstery Cleaned the comparison • betwf'en Germlln a bfonet1t movie. one Pf'rlOrmance team and I.a beil\J" abowa tor the th. me.Uni. l llnd Amerlc1n high l!c hoola. Jun-only, at lire Port Theatre !n Co· fir!l't time 111 thla &rM. "Mie box --------------11 !or• and aenlora 11.t Harbor, u rona de! M11.r on Saturday, April orr11:e w lll open at l :30 p. m. Visit Daughter well 1a their pe.i:enta, have been 14. One-hair Lhe proceed• will iro !nvlted to attend. On the bill will be "Abbott to the Harbor View P·TA tor in Red.Janda A croup of HawaJ\an IOnp and Co«etlo MMt th• Key•lon,. current expen.&ea, echool proJecU will be pre~ente<d by t.he Harbor Cope," a comedy, and two car-anft equipment. Mother11n1~ra. F 0 11 0 w Ing the toone. The feature 111 a npw pie-Mr1. J ohn Stallman, I meeUng lherP ¥dll Dr. 1 i.orlal m••anlil (·h11!rman. ill in Mr. •nd Mt11. J . C. Blllinra and WIY' and 110n Nall ot 1121 J'u.liarton Ave .. I charre or Co.ta M-. apwi.t th• waekl'nd tha P-TA I with Mr. and M.ra. Oavl1 Cadwal- ~~ U~Jader i Dorl.a Bllllnl'•l &11d f11mlly hour with fr<»1hm&11 niothera act-F • d R lhf' f'vPnt. M fmbfor~ of In)( aa hOftlt>.~.~f'll. fJen S eturn et:t>t'ut!ve bo!ll'<I v.•HI T i;ike Prizes. at FAC Bridge to Kansas Farm u.~her~ llnd hoete!!l11e11_ tn Redlanda ,M.ra Bllllnl'• took 11. ---------la r&e birthda y c.Jie tor her d•ugh· I Stays-With--kurrt --t~·· ~~tJa.d.!-)'. ~ .. ~.PrtJ L - -.. , in San ta Monica • IA Our Plant or la YOW' Rome SHALITA'S P•rsian R119 Clea1d119 Worb IN DICK MACJlER'S SPRING CLEANING SPECIALS e l~llwrt~· 8 -7618 s.azo vi& Udo SCHOOL THF.SPlANS, Michael Ober u "Uncle-Sam:· and Anila Martindale a.s "Mise Liberty'' headed a cut of third grad~n at Newport school which pre· ~ted a play, ''Miu Liberty and lhe Children,"• in varioua roome. Friday Art11("1'1oon Club card 11eellon met March 23 a.l the club house ~rt wat aerved A plC'nir Jul .. Siitialil°y at Coatli 1'ten Park waa 1n honor of Mr _ and Mra. Bob Friend and d•u&h· ter• and lhe Chari• Frif'n~ t11.m- ily. who leave Thurtday tor Q11ln - ter. Kan. Bob and Charle• 11nd their mother. MrL Anna Friend. have h\'ed part or the year tn en.ta Meaa lll'IC• 192~. The Fr1end11 have a farm In Kan... and ara • Mrtt. Ray Jamee of :1111 16th P lace. Co~ta 1-leaa, returned 1&.t We-i>k fron1 1 len day v11it wtlh ho>r 1unt. Mr1. Alex!Ulder )(tiler of Yakima. \\'aah., who 1a •pendln& lh11. winter In Santa Monica. On Sunday Mr. Jam .. and tha!r eon 1nd hit wife, Mr. and Mn. WU!Jam Jame1. joined them for a spacl&J blrthd11y dinner tor Mr•. Miiier at the hotel where ahe la .1t11.yln1. BEGINNING THURSDAY APRIL STH bv !he hn!!le•-· Mni Kenneth Newport -School Children ·~~:~t-· F:ir!ot'V~Lr:!:: P t Pl S • T • There were •lx ta bl• of brid,e resen ay IX Imes ~d "" ot <OOU<a. ,.. ... •"-WPre won by the Mmea. Edith Joeeph, Michael Kirehner, WLI· S•ltt'r, J . E. f>lcCready, A. R. \lam Lombardo, Greg p, r •on, CinlfTILI. C1i)iald Lawrance. F'. W . Howard Plt.ley, Bob Rouo, Har· 1.ytle, Art/ Cubbage. s.a.m Cox. vey Sh1fer. J . J Swigart, Hank Winona Shaver, Cl•ude Zlrkle. Thllyt'r, Terry Thomp.an, Paul J . L. McCallen and Mis' ICdll.ll When third 1Tader1 at ~-· port Be&Ch Elementary 8 ch o o l prepared a play. "MiM LlMrty and I.he Children". it had not one. but atx: po1rformanc ... Yorston: Connant. Stephanie Alle-n. C1.rotyn Am· Next aetUon me9llnir 11 April quiet, Jayne Ellmore. Marilyn 27. Mra. E. 1. Moore. chairman, Finch, Patty E:~an•. Kathryn LI 8•1123&. 11 allklng for reNrv&· C'Oln& back to IL Preaent at th• picnic were '-fra. Anna Friend of Santa An/ii, Mr. and Mni. Bob Lindstrom, Nell 11.nd Joan. of Glend11.le; M r. and 1'fn1. i;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;; C, C. Athrldge a nd c.hibtren of ~ee.n Vtew; ).1,.. R. u . MOlilem/iln, Harbor Rest Ruth Ann 11nd JUI. of RtaHo, Mr Memor"i•I P•rk Uld Mr1. Frank Hrusa, M r JLnd ... u Mn. Monroe Nettleii, the Bob Net· Ma~l9Uftl-l•tennaai tie. family, Mrt. Bea Gaultney and O&nleu, CJemciut..,. Mr.. Laura 8oren.10n ot C011t11 Dlr«tld by Mllla ltvelyn Ullle, all chlldrea In th• third ,,.de room p&rt.lclp•ted, with Michael Ober and Anita MarUJ\dale in the lead part1 of "UnC'le Sani" and ''Mlaa Liberty··. Meu. R&mor a& OWier HamJlto1;1. Mary Htworth, Sandra lions by April 26. Hernandex, E.11lher Lally, Heidi I f-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;;"-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~===:::::::::;::=::::::::::::::::::::~ Maraellua, Merrily McColg, Penny 1 1 MMerve, ChrUUne Moore, Clau- dia 0.bom, Barbara Van ~U'Y and Claire W!Wam-. A.l«I in the cut warti Terry Bax Ur, Ted'1J , Ellerman.. Jamea Houae. Lance lahlnael, J • me a ESA Visits Harbor Gymn man with Mra. J. A. Hibbard, co·cha1rm&11., &t'ttt the, rea'l&na- tlon of Mrs. Dorothy Newman. Mra. B urton Beck. ru&tl chalr- m11t. announct'd tulurt1 ruah daloL Member• ot Eta Eta chapt11r, ~t at tM mMUng ware ll:pallon Slrma AJpha, prectdtd Mm.._ Burt.on Beck. Qeorge Bea- 1.helr repar m"Un1 l.Ut wuk buiaft. RJcbu'd Smou-. Clarenoe With a vl•lt t,o t!!• Rarbot' .Area Lut-. Mel Blrry, J . J. Dubeau. Uymnulurn w bar• Director Harold Sha,... Frank Clendenen, o.orse Joh-demonstrated a Fr&Ak Thayer, L. Z. Taylor. J . prosnm of caU.thenUca. Aftf!f"-A. Hibbard.' DonL\d Runt, Kra- ward th• m~ con Ya a • d topher Schult&. 1'. J. Smith, Ev- at Ufa hi'il'tl• of Jrlw. Fn.o.k anitl Brace and a C'\1-t. Kn. ·I'bayer &nd Mn. KNtoph• Julia Underblll. SchuJta, 21 t Tutln A"'· Mr" I ;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:=:;;;:~=;;;:=;;;:=:;I I Cv.ntt Brace ..,....dlq. Ii A nport ~ IMlh '7-Mrs. MliA • o.ora-e .Buba&tan. Tiet • pre•ldent, un pl&l\1 tor th• l:SA state eou.n-UPHOLSTEllNG ··il oonvenUon to ba held •l Ho- tel IAla)'Wtt.e ln I.on& Bf'IC'h April 17, 11 aBd 21. Jlr1. Donald Hunt WU appabtt..t 90Cla.I dWr- u ................... la&t N.,t. IM"'-. Coa'-Ila.a -LlhrV MTll BALTZ MORTUARIES ooer.a. MDA CBA.PSL l'T&l 8upstar ... _ ..... 0oeta MM&. C&.llt. Phone Ubert,y a.2u1 , . CllA.PEL BT T'ID S&A lnO "'· 0... BITd. Corona de.I Mar, Calif. PhorM Hubor t.2 LIGHTING FIXTURES LAMPS PARTS .AND REPAIRS Indoor & Outdoor n:\..-Yl.RI:!!< & LA.\rt'lol IS t:\""Elll' W~"TJ:D li'TVLF. ... MOOERS C'O:'li\'1:::\"TtO:\• AL. aN PERIOD • RF.SIDEN114L & COMMERCIAL See the LargN!t & F'inE'lrt Display of F'amoua Mak('rs Lighting Fixturce & l..amps in the Sout.blahd : Kt:P:r8AKF.S & A'.\'TJQT"l:g MAf)I': l:STO BEA.\l"TlFtJL IA XPS Harry M. Whetsel 15 10 Ne<A·port ftl \d. "' 15th SL ('U/il.TA Mt:SA .. LI ~81 OUR IST ANNIVERSARY SALE I I • • SPECIALLY PURCHASED SPRING AND SUMMER . . OPEN NITES FASHIONS TO SAVE YOU $ $ $ $ FRIDAY 'TILL 9 e DRESSES e SEPARATES e PLAY CLOTHES e SWIM WEAR e JEWELRY e GLOVES e BELTS e BAGS e HOSIERY e MANY OTHER ITEMS BE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS AT 1883 HARBOR COSTA MESA LIBERTY 1-7566 BUY IN OOllTA MESA \'OTES WITH EVER\" • I I ! ' . , -. • -·-·-· -..... ---· --., NEWPORT HARBOR NeWs-PlES~ -PART I -PAGE 5 WEDNESDAY, APRll 4, 1956 Merit Awards Prese~ted Costa Mesa Pack Cubs ~ bJ Deo & at Harper lei Metqv, Albert Kell., &nd kboOl. tM March zs m•UD• of O.'rid Kmd&U, two Iii.,... bear jCV.lt Scout Pa.ck 181 wu occa· 1UTOW•; BUI BcbUlta. Rlc:ha1 d j •n ot. a welcom• UI th• new Dm. Mother tor Den 3, Mr .. LeRoy PoMy, and her ...i..tant. 1 Kr.. Ca:rl ll&ll. l:&cb WU lnt.ro- d\IC9d by CUbmuter JM'.k '1etch· ' •• It wu announced durlnc the ...mn,. that .. ,l.&Jry la Solnl' to conduct tour• tor Y&rlou8 deru. a11o that Aprtl t• l'lu been .e.leet· 114 u dale for th• tortbcornUl&' trip to M&rlhelt.nd.. While, wolf bl.de'•; Drew Neeb, BWy net.dler, wolt bade•. JOh.l ud •II.,.,. arrowa; Frank Mom-I'. Philip a.a.. wo11 i.,.clp.., l'(llJ """"' Henry Revue, Cold and .tlv,.r bear arrow; Jim A.DU.ti., auv .. r M&T ·lll'T'Ow; B&iTy Bayt, wull bll.dp, rold l.ll4 allnr uro.,.-~: Darrel Met111er, rold 1.nd •ilvl'r wolt 1.rTOW•: John Neeb, li"n b&dJe, fOld and two 1llver 11· rowm : Stephen Fletcher, lion badge, rold lftif1ow; Grerory Cu+· three aUver wolf •!TOW&; an.I Don Bendis, beer bl.dJ"e, goht and 1Uver 1.rrowa.. EASTER PARADE winnera at Costa Mesa Parlr: in the 4 to 8 ap group were Suea.n Henry, left, who received the toy cabinet a. fint priu and Julia Athrid,.e, right, with a .et or dishes, second award. -Staff Photo ·SUCCESSFUL FINDERS ot Euler eno on 81111da7 al Coot& -Part were (l to r) Jan, ~; K.,,.n, 7 and Kenneth, 9, chlldml ot llr. and lira. llndley K. Schwan. Event wu 1pouond •by Coeta Ilea Junior CIWabtr of Comaierce.. , Sta.ff Photo Enter1&inment for the eTm.lnl tDdud.s 11dta pnMated by Den• ' and T; a Mort ool<M'ed ntm, 8hown. by A.rt Neeb, of lUt year'1 Idle con.tut: ud kn lnterwtinr nJm, nm by Col. Henry Re.an•, pt hla recent tour of duty ln ., ..... Attad&nc. dleck, won by Den 1 wtth ao on hand, n.-Jlld a -----------------------------------------~tol&l of 157 P&ek memb9ra, pu-- One year pin.a wera received by Harold Hoffma.n, Daniel MeU(er 1.nd Da.~ Metqer. A Bob Cat c:e~ooy WU In· ducUon for Da.vtd POM)'. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM HERBERT PENCE William Couple Los Pence at Home • Angeles • Ill ~ Muried in TriW~y lrlethodilt Church, Berkeley, William Herbert Pence a.nd his bride, the former Nancy Jane W&r- ren or Oakland, have made their home in Los Angeles. The aon or Mr. and Mn. Parker P~nce o! Costa Meu. and the daughter o[ .Mn. Clayton Wuren and the late Dr. Warren ,1eclted TOW• In an 11l'ternoon cere· mony al which Dr. F. Marion Srnlth WM Oft\Cl.anl. Nancy, riven in keeplnl by her uncle. Horaca \\'heat of Bake.-.- n.tc:t. wora Chantilly lace and tulla In fioor length, and 11. fingertip veil. Sha carried 1. lhowar ot cune- 1\u l.nd •Uiphanolla. ~ A'ITJ:NDANTS Ml• S&lly FerrU. WM ma.id ot honor and" brldumal .. weni MIN Cuol BlullUa and MU. Ann At· kin.. Tha lrfO WU (Owned I.like in embroider.cl t.atfela of duaty 1'0M l.nd c:&rTlad hannonlainr now.,.. Jam• lldCllan wu tie.t man while Roa de Golla and Phil Wood. Theta Chi tratem.lty brothen ot the bridesr'com. ""ed M but. man. For her daughtar'a ,)Jieddlng M.-.. Warren wore blue lice wtlh pink 1.ccu.aorieii while Mra. Pence waa gowned In (f•Y al.lk faille wlth roee acce11it0rlea. HARBOR OliEST8 Amonr ~eata attendtnr th• ceremony 1.nd rec:epUon held l.fter- ward at Univeratty of C&Jifornl• Alumni House were Mra. K. B. Sllaulea of Loil An(tl... rr1.nd· mother of the brlderroom; Mra. John McMlll1.n.,.Mn1. Wlll11.m Dohle 1.nd Miu Gll\&'er Cook. The bride la 1. atudent 1.t UC 1.nd member ot Zeta Tau Alpha .orortty. Her huaband WM an honor at uden t at Harbor H I s h School, WM 1. member of Alpha si.ma Pbl at Ora.nae Cout Col· lqe and ot Tbeta Chi at UC trom wbkh he wu (l"toduated .&ut JMr. PLANNING CXlSTUMES for the big "Shipwredi" party to be held al the Capistrano Beachcomber'• Club April 20 "" ( ... ted) Mro. J.'. Wolter Preo- ( •t&ndlncl MR. v.n Huguenin ot IA.gun& S..ch &nd I kneellnrl )Jn. Florence: Rypinl!lki. -T"rry Boria Pbolo Luncneon Event for Statbright Speaker Election for Eb ell and theJ.r NpOrt la to be al Thund•1'• m .. u nr . 1 enta and gt1e1ta pn!ffnt. he&rd nose ncelving awarda merit· ed. during the month were: Dan- To Den 2 y,· .. nt the Obedience Fla~ and (he honor of termu111.t· Ing the ml'.-tlng. An Eatler theme featured the meetln~ or Starbrla-ht Club, held '-1•rch 21 ln Odd FeUow1 Hall, Co•t• Me••-J.,u.ocheon de«1r WU carrl-1 out by M~. C. D. Home. chairman: Mra. C!ude John.Ion. Mre. Harold Wllaon Lnd Kra. C. K Cawthra, he»te1111a. Mr•. E . L. Hobel, pruldent. conducted the bu.tnem aeuton. Membera were told to remember the vol.. for -.ell doll1.r pur- chue In Co•ta M-t or the nut few monthe. There ww • di.Ku.Ion on ..U· ln1 Eutern Bl.at jewelry, ai.o other wa.ya of m&ktn1 money. Preaent, i!' a441Uoo. to the bo.- te•ll"•. were Mrnea. H. W, Hump- •lead, J . K. Wallace, I:. V. R.- gan, V. B. Keeler. W. H . Randa.ii, J . M. Henley, H11.nia Cot.tie, H. R. Tnuel. J . D. McMillan, Georre fi'OJL, M. A. Berry, W, H. Boulll, A. B. Wright. H. E. Young, s . A. Cedde1, Harry H illiard. the lat- ter 1. guut, u wu Mra Allred Fl.Cher: Alao Mme11. J. A. We•t. 0 . R. Mlthott, J:. R. Hobc!l 1.11d Jeann1e, E. F. Brace, Rey Nlel.aen. J . E. McKee, A. A. Voorhee1, Bernice Kn111. Or1. U lllan. C?LIU'dl. Sophie Seymour. Maude Wood, Lettie Brtnder.on and Lou.IN Byera. Licenses for Local Couples Luncheon Election of officers will be highlight or the monthly meeting of the Ebel! club or Newport Beach, Tbunday, at th, American Legion clubhouae. A 12:30 o'clock luncheon will feature Colin Gravee, Loe Angeles executive of an oil company u speaker. Reservations ahould be m&de u u.uaJ wtth Mr•. J . A. Gant or be a.proaa 11..D.d a-a.Jly decorated Mn. Phil Frtm:h, Mr•. N1cholaa tly awatter• avalla.bi., acoordlnf Brettner, pr .. tdenl, 1Uited. to Mra. \\'llllam. Gambe.1. waye Go for cotroni/. J'ollowtnr the bualn•u hour and meana commlttH chairman. MN. BuU Peter.on, Yice-prMI· Book• not .old at the r.cent dent and pro(!'am chalnnan, hu •prln1 fe1Uvkl will a.lao be 011 a..rranr..i u 1ntere1Ung entertain· .. ie, Mni. F rank Pe,..w aa.ld. mt.Ill f•tun wh.n ah• wU.1 ln· At a board meeting to be held troduc:• ''Mosul." H• la not 1 •t 10 a. m . in the lowl1r. Mr•. hypnotiat, but blll.a hlmaelr u a Brettn•r ww report that 30 mlnd reader, mental ana.lyat end 1ner11ber1 ot lhe Mnlor Ebell Of· wiaWt&nt. He U1 at '1lnce humor· renlzallon cooperaled In t b-e ou• and educatlon1J. Mr1. Peter· Crlpple<I Child.Ten tund drive pre- eon •IJ, and Jn · view o r the cur-edlnr Euter and were rupon- r .. nt wide lnt.erut ln h1a fleld, •Ible for collecti.n& approxlmate- ahould prove moat entertaln1n1 ly $100. F or lttoM looklna-ahllfld to 11rt The bulldlnc committee met giving or Chrlatmw, there will Tueaday with Mr•. Ruth Vedder Cub Scouts of Pack 186 Fly Kites in Contest Recent project ol 00.ta Moiia were: Ron11.ld P er!el"I., hlgheat -our gay by.tt..yard prints and plains in the fobria - ,. . ' . . ' • • • . ' . . ' .. ' . ' ' • ..... ,. jjt;SDAY .... Cub Scout Pe.ck 111. und.,-Uie a nd a-real•t dlllt&.llce out; J ohn N T New direction or CUbrnuter Jack Netb, e a'I •I I e • t kilt: Ronni• FJT!PATRICK Fletcher, WM a kit& contut on J .. nka, ,l11r1 .. at k ite : J im Hatter I E·•wTA9Ll·p~•oo'"'R4 BATHING the ('l'OW!da of Pacific: L&ml· and Bob Sc:udder tyin1 for the natu moat 1.rtlrtlc; and Bury Hall. SUITS Th~ rroup met at I p. m. and moil unu•ual. judgln1 foUowed at 7 P m. with Other• -.cOOl'ded reoop.ltlOll tor ARRIVING Major P . A. Tonnema of El Toro third and fourth pl1.cea In the DEPARTMENT STORE Marrlaa-e llcenaq wer1 lMued M'a.rln• Baae offlcla.tin1. dlfterent categoriM were: Steph· EVERY DAY ta Ana and Glor11. Crowell Oard-ln nictn: Danny Goodman, rreat -GQtt, Ronnie Jen~. bavtd Poeey. N!WPOIT IEACH Catalina ner, :i.o, Ne'"'"""rt Bel.Ch; to Rich· eat <Jl1ta.nce out; Richard '!Yhlte, RJchard White, R0<er Brown. Pie -r-O.. 911on B1Mk n.-N_,.n t d ud Lee ll:mniert. 26. 206() New-tma.llut kite; Phillip Ru.et, D~w Neeb. Hank Rev&ne, David an March 27 to Roland Oe<0r1e Cu· Fir1t place wlnner• In the en Fl .. tcher. Phillip Ruee, Jtf· 0. .._ 0.... f'rmf; ac ..., It. iJ FROM r-va , 4 ~. 20412 Cypreu Ave .. San-event were : Don Bend!&", hl1heat trey Richardt, J lm MU•l&, Gar}' ~ port Blvd., Coata Mesa ind-Vel-larc••t kite, Billy Fl.,tcher. motl Bagley. David Kendall, Bill scud-:V ~~ ··- 1na Irene Smith, 11172 H lchw1y a.rtl.Allc; moat unwiua.l, Larry In· ner, Michael Jaaaca. Tommu ~-""""'~ -De Weese 101. Anaheln1: l '="~"~'~hl~.~~~"'__:~""''--~~'.:'ll '":':•p~h:•~"~~::"_•~o:d~Fc'._'.'onl<".','.~"':00::•:•·:.__'..!,,,======,,f!!!,,=========================,.,=====~ On Much 21 to Rotlert Edwin Thoee 1.U.ln1 aecond hono1"11 Tomlin. 2G, :lllWI Puent..i St. and Rita r1.1 Roho., lT, 2064 Con- tinent.al, bolb eo.ta MM&; to Uoyd Raymond ro.teir, 11, 211~ RoHWOOd Ave., Santa Ana 1.nd M1.ry Je1.n KeMI, 11, llS2 Ml.pie AV1!., Col.ta M'.a: On Ml.f'Ch II to John En.n Morg:ui. CaracM, v~ ud 8\MI eau., Gothard, 110 Drift. wood Road, Corona d•I Kar. Portland Guests Calumpit Camp Women's Events The Aprtl calendar of evenl1 for Ca.lumpit C&mp No. 39. Women"11 Auailla.ry of the Sp1.nl1h-An1erl- C&11 Wu Veterana, beran with the r,..ular mMUns Monday at An1,.rl- CUl La(ion Ha.LI, Santa Ana. Mr1 va.nu. Q&J(J'ord IW'Nlded Tbe MWhif cln:le will n1eet April I 1.t th• Round Hou.et, San- M:r. I.Ad Kn. Charla W.ZU. Gt tlat'o Pull, at 10 t.. m, with • at PortluMS, Ora., ••re recet potl\adl luncheon 1.t noon. Mr•. au-ta Of Kn. lea O uk of llO ~ Hall la ch1.trm1.11. Bc:ufflu MacnolJa A ... , ODeta XML Oil l.ftd roM1 WW ba made for th_. Monday UM lhrff ..tailed .ot.M7· lpanjah • Ammcan ntaru1 al l_lan_d ____________ 1 Lons Beach Hospital. Committee tor th9 month will be Mm<M. P'Of'Mt O&y, Frank Rowe and Caroline 0 '8Ma.. Curt.la Ch.pm-. MTen YMr old On AprU 16, Calumpll Can1p aon ol Mr. and Mn. Leo Chapman Aua!Uary will meet at 7:30 p. m. ot lit Mainoua An., eo.t& M.._ at the ·Ammcan Le(ion Hall. A U! hom• from H~ H09pllal poUuck dinner at I p . ni. will be und«wtinl *l.l'pl'J i...t prw.de th• m..tlni'. --------------I The Wkknni Club ol the a uxt-llary will mMt at the home of Jln;. rt.All: Rowt. llJI Maple BL, Phoenix Guest &Mt& Ana., on the afternoon of Mra. M. l --~~ of PboMia, f'l1d&7r April 30. ~ ts ·a ~..:SU-o(. ¥-r"· and Oil .Aprtl JI Mn. Wtntlr-ld 11.lj. 9 . L. .,._ im J\ineirton Twombley WW IM bollt.e. to the A.._. ea.la 11.._ Kn. J~ PMt PT991deni.. Club l.l a noon '9 -aunt at llrL Bot• and llO&-lundl«m 1.t r.dotl r.t.l,ll'1nL GU· rotL N ... al8o at eo.ta 11-.. d.n Gron. afar Lfltl._Mt.J_D!!A._VIANT ~~o.moo.uT BllOWES OF P'ASBIONll AZEN ONLY AT llEAl"AD mDGS F1UDA.Y, A.l"&IL 1. A.T l.:ot P. N. 0-...,.,. ... Wa.lq ............ Dimer lrJ""Q.1-.. ......... • ., ......... 0-. .... "Cit .... Om Mv• -ht1jw • WHAT'S Bil Air Sport S«laa YOUR "Tto0-T•" 4-Door s.do:ll LINE? • - Chevrolet's got three ••• Bel Air, '1"WQ-Ten" and "One· Fifty." With 20 souy·Myled models to p ick from, there's one just mode for youl AIE YOU A IEl All IUYEI?' The Bel Air Series brings you lunuies and conveniences you won't find in many models of ,'higher priced cars. You al80 get Chevrolet'a record-breaking per- formance, with bontepowcr rang~ ing up to.2261 ''TWO-TEN" TO YOUlll TASTf? The "Two-Ten" hu it.s own l.Ul!Y new l!llyling and colorful new interiO!'!. Body by Fiaher, of courae. And you eel the atal)ility and the 1urenesa or control t.hat make driving aaler -and aweeU!r-in a Chevy! "'ON!~m-" ml YOUI .,U? There'• no lack of chrOnw trim in Chevrolet'a lowest priced llefies. And yoq can pick your power-VS or 6. Come on in and aee which one of Chevy'• 20 new beauUee 1uita you best.I •QM-lift(" I-Door S... .. __ , ___ IEL4 ID aA111MOU1 l'lltlto I• nc .... ntl: "-b'u fMrit.,__~ 1 ...... tA 2 Mdlioll Can! • -----------it!W!:!~·~-~~ft!!!l~l~l-~!·~·~-!!~U~l..t.. I• YOU• C.ttlV•OLrr COWTI:R, "'9 ..... &er •. • IUTIJ l'flEt MW-ATTCWtlia.vMIUT OUU:lr'S..'.'..-------------- MILLER CHEVROLET CO. NEWPORT IEACR J • l'hone Ubet1y 8-22& 1 \ I ' " -. • . ' .. AQUA SPLASHING WITH BACKSTROKE ACES Following his C backltroke performers along· the far pool deck' during recent Sunset League ewimfest in Fitzpatrick Memorial pool is Coach Al lrwin in white T-1:1hirt. The Tars have swept two loop Meets, from Anaheim and Huntington Beach. They travel to J<'ullerton for the big one April 11. -Staff Photo • . .. • HE CAN HIT, TOO -ee.idea ati!Ung S&ilo.r batten into a 3-2 defeat at Coeta Meu Park Monday afternoon, Pitcher Tom Ankersen ot the irater Dei M onarchs baahed a run .scoring double. Here T ar Catcher Carl Bergeron reaches in vain for Paul Lorentz.en'• pitch. -S ta.JI Photo 1------------------------------' by \\'tute. Thon1rsnn, Da\'e T•· H A R B Q R n1ura and Bergl'ron. Fishel's homer In the 1!xth 1et· tied the ilaue. The Sailor• need ' 0 nut feel bed, however. Jn hl11 last th1·ea ~ea, t...ury ha11 lashed f•uL eight knock11 ln 11 efforu for a ,727 averaa;I!. BILL PHllLIPS, Sports Editor ~'ishel lo!Jlled. fair ball, too. He ""urked the full 1even frt.me1 11i;1lru1t the loca!JI, glvlng up SPV- cn hill. \•:hlfflng 10 ~nd punrhlng • ut bul a trio o( ttte tu:kelll TAl(l YOUR FAMILY OUT TO DINE ., - VILLA MARINA (entr&JtN to &lb-. .... ) . JOHNSON ·SEA·HORSll Y our old ou1board i1 ""or1b,. ••"''' Let'• ulk "1rade-i11 .. oa a •parkliag aew '56 Jo hatoft. Nine sr-c modtl,,} ro JO bpi South Coa•t Co. Newport Bh·d. at 23rd S~ Harbor 2000 .• • h "' uo nson .. ,,., ... ," fOI DIPINDAllLltY I YARDLEY STARS IN TV PRO GO · Newporl H11 rbor profe1- 1ion•I b•"ketbalt ran ... 111.w loc•l courl producl Cffirge Yardley in action Saturday 11.!ternoon 1n Opt'nlnlf of tht1 NBA cage playorr1 at P h1la- delph1a PAGE b . PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PREss l f";;;;";;;;N;;;;L ======~=======;; WEDNESDAY, APRIL~. 1956 MATER DEi VICTIM -Among the nine •trikeouts recorded Monday by the Mon- archs' Tom Ankersen against Newport Harbor High School's Sailora was thi.s one by Rightfielder Bill Lamb. Mater Dei ba.ckstop is Bob Webber. -Staff Photo MONARCHS EDGE TARS 3·2 IN-PRACTICE GO Shoulder Pains Bench Tamura ' Th11 1l 811seman Dave Tamura Although Y,..rdlty top~d Fort \\·ayne P iston 11eu1era w ith 27 polntll, the 11v11 l Phlladt!lph!a \\'arrior11 c11n1e !rum far behind in the 1ec· ond half to win the g11ne 98·9~ Paul ArlZln of the \Varriors w111• hlgh 11c1U"er Y,'J lh 28 pollll!I. l'he pl1lyoff11 betwef'n !he two te1un1 continue unlll wu1· ner of the 00111 four out of 11even la decided. • CAGE SLATE Gage Ready for Practice Next Season FISHEL'S BAT TOO BIG IN INDIAN WIN OVER SAILORS The mighty bat of Larry Fishel proved too much for I Coach Emil Neeme's Newport Harbor High School Sailors in their second Sunset League diamond outing Thursday al Fullerton. I cra1hlnr out four hlt11 ln rour atten1pt1, Including a 11lxth inn· ln1 two-run homer, Fl11he\ did n1orf!. damake to Tar hope& off the mound th<an on. 1p1rl<lng hl1 Indian teammate• lo an 8·t vie· tory. The 1011 left ·the Ne-en1e knock· f!.r11 with a l·l loop record. George Mabee 1tarted on the mound for the Sallor1 but a pair or walk• wa.a clo.ely followed by l<'lahel'1 tf"\ple. Gary Green had to come on in rl!'liet. ~.!rplte the rocky 1tart, the Tar3 ma naged lo struggle back Into contention. cleadlocklng-the frty ll 4-4 In the fourth . Short- 1top Bob White'• eint:le. Bud Thompton'1 force. an error and fielder'1 choice acored Thomp110n arrived tn the fourth on 1. walk to C1rl Bergeron and ba&e hit• LISTEN to the Shearaon, Hammill "Private Wire" KABC~:30 P.M. Daily M on. thru Fri. M arket Quolationa Financial News Business Commentary lnlerview1 pre1enled by SHEARSON, HAMMILL "Co. Oceanside Nine Knockers Next Here Foe for Tomorrow Coach J ulr11 G•J:e h&a rtle11ed 'Jf Co11h E mil :\"eeme's Sev.·port next sea."<!n'11 practice 11ehtdule Harbor High Sth0o'1I Sailor nine rnr h11 Nl!'v."J)Ort Hllrbor High n111&Pd .\lunday·1 g11.n1e again"t School Sailor cager•. SunNt Lea· Mater !Jt:I at COil.i. ,._te11-& Park gue champ!! lht• ffaton. Th,. practice a•mei get under· in lht flral. due to arrn trouble. fO~•Ol01 .• "'' 111, .. 1w,. -"•• la1~ S1..-l C"~••1• ••' •'~" """",,.I S1«4 ..W c-"'"''ll £or~•n,., Neeme Tan1u1 a . hot comer 3331 Second Annual Orange County SPORTS & RECREATION SHOW APRIL 4th lhroui;h , APRIL 8th SANT A ANA BOWL G e neral Admission Adull• 50c Children ur der J 12, 25c GIANT FUN ZONE & KIDDIE CIRCUS DANCING WATERS a free attraction S~aJOO,...d by !'ant.a Ana I.Jon~ ('lub () l'r0<'"""' to Bllnd Aid Fund Behind the fine curve ball twirling of Pitcher Tony A.nkenen, Maler Dei 's Monarch nine edged past Newport Harbor High School'a Sailor .sluggers 3-2 at Costa Mesa rrum l!Uit !lea!Kln, irurrers pain ln hi1 1houlder whenever he make.!! the long throw to flr1l. He a&ld he lnJUre•t the 1houl<1er twice dur- ing the football 1euon whlle be !l•"fVl:'cl "" ~ 11lippery t1a!fb1u:k on Cri11ch Al lrw1n'11 Tar eleven, w1y · f'lov. 23 with the annual Another Gob dish dent w11 Alumni cl11.1111lc ind wind up ifter 1p!kt:d up In the third on an the Compton Tournan1ent ..Jln. o. etror, a walk to Roy Danlel, Lt:ague cla11hes open Jan. 8. LorenUt:n'1 force out ind Ma· bee'• The final two talltea Follow Ing the alumn t bat tie. , ::..:.::.._:..:.~:..:..:.:.:..:..:::=__:::__:=::c._ __ ~:.:_:.::_..::::_:._=:::.::: ___ _'li,,;;:::;,,,;;:::;;:::;;::::;,,:;,,;;:::;;:::,,;,,,;,;;:::;;::::;,,,,.,,.,,.,,,,,.,,.,,.,,. .... ,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,i the prf'p hoopat.era warn1 up for their title df'ftnse by \11.king on Paramount hPre Nov. 27. travf1· 1ng lo l<:xceL11lor Nov 30 and St Anthony DeC. • 11nd ho1<t1n1 R1v- erskle hl'1"e Dec. 7. Park Monday afternoon. lt. wu a rlnl!! Easler Week I rlithl center did resl of lht dam- pltchln1 duel between Paul Lor· age. enUen o f lhe Tara and Ankersen, Paul rn11n11g!'d to h11.n11: onto with the P1rochl1l Le•gue'a ace lhlt 2·1 Tar margin gained Ln chucker g1ln1nir lhe nod on bult the fwrth U"nl1l top or the atxth or a three·hllleor 1g1!n1l Lorent· A h1l batter, thrte rrrort and z:en'1 alll-hLt efforL Tony whiffed three 11ing~J1 acromphahed the r11ne inen ln the .evrn-innlng go victory for !hr ~lon11rch11. Second Ntwa·Prcllll ad!! brlng re11ults. .THE SPORTS WATCH For lhf' tlr11t thref!! fr1.meJ1 It l 8111rn11n E.1 Gentleman took one ap~ar'd Anker•en waa 11ntouch· !'Olldly 1n \ht r lb•, H ua rle ind By Bll.L P~LIPS able by Coach ErnLl r;'.eeme • Jo-Shorl11lop Lou Ertle 1in1 led. I·-----------------'------------cal t>.ller1. And he 9ttnied lo Third S.cktr Tim A.nktr1en be 1a1nln1 .c...,nrth u he went ruched nr1t when Mabff drop- alonf. Ha fanned one T1r Tapper' ped hi..s outtleld ny and Wabber In th• initial 11..1.nU, two Ln the cruhed a •in&"le to rl(hL Coach Emil Neeme is having bis troubles at lhi.s game ot pasture pooL T o listen to the man talk. one w ould arrive at the concluaion th&t not only m ajor league man-1e<::ond cuto Ind a.JI three Got>. \\'ilh the bap 1UU bulltnl'. a who trekked plateward in the neat double play from Lorllbtaen third \nnlna. to Catcher Carl Berieron to agera have their b&fr..thinning thatc h-grabs. Tony, ihowtni h ll leoelh at the Thomp11on gi;it the klcal lade out A n1on11: the th1np thlJe tar 1s.nor thlnclac111 \hla 11,.,..,n . Sailor bench, IO enjoyablt w11 or th"! mtll.'I. But the ganle wu !his 11e11~n whh:h ha~·e cau~d Raiph L~ currently tng11g"rl in or· h11 work. o""ned the Tart' fourth I Myond rtrall. • h I I b b II t dertng ntw footb11ll Jl'r111t11 111d •·~ T r I e oc~ prl'p II~" 11 mat~ r<) by v.•hlftln1 hla favori te whlppi"I <'.lnlon·ow " tern. 00. n at Cott.a h II pant& tor Coa ch Don Burn11' Tar hi p k th 5 l to i r~b \•1olrnt!y onto 1~ ~l<u boy, Short.liitop BOO White. thret'· '"' llr · ' 11 or• will 11.t· 11:rowth hHve been baal!B on ba!l11, eleven of next f111l . . Bud lime lo1er during the frty But I tenipt • r etu rn to winning way• walkt, ~u·oll;, free ticl<ets to ThompMn round h1n111"!r in tht!. 1cr1ppy 1-~1 r11l Sackt!.r Bud Thon1p-llf;llU'1.•I O.-e1<nllldP at 3 p. m. f lrit ancl all th,. oth,.r termtl quanclrv nr 11ltt1n1pUni: Lo ph1y a.on refuted to lf't thl11 1tate or y<)U rn t y think or whi~h. cauH bMtbflll a n•1 go out r•1r trark 11t - atrair• contlnu+'. Tribe Tappers 1notinrS11men to populate that in!· onl': and the 1111.n1e t1111,. ••• Th" Bud atepped up there and p•~l-1111 tuahlon free tor nothing. hu11thng lad df'<"lded he v.·1111 more ed the pelotll Into rlfhl field fur D ] 1 Fr Jmport11nt to Coer h Em!J Nel'n1,.·a a rlean 1inglt. He &tarted run· rop • ay 8'-fore the i:ame agaJnrt the nine than to the Sailor thlnclada. Mater ~1· Monarcht at Coat a h th' d I nln1 wllh one of Anker~n·1 fol· to 1111 pu 11 ilitmon pay flr11L. F ULLllRTOl'. !OCNSJ -ln Mua P11.rk Monday afll!'rlloon, b ·1 lowtnr , pltchf't, 11.nd when J.ton· ut w1 l •how up for track when· arch Catcher Bob Webber hurled a l•l!'.hl lhriller Mond•y at Amer-Neeme extracted a promiae trom ever the hortehlde acllvltle11 al· the ba.ll into ce:nterfleld, Thonip-l1e-Park. the MontebeUo Hllh hla twlrlln1 choice, Paul Lorent-low . School Oiler bueball•" f'<l1ed &en. ' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:I aon "''!lund U.P on third. Fullerton'• Indi&n.m. 3·1 "PromlM .,,..u won't walk mo-' So etrectlve w111 Second Base· . • on an .,-'" man Roy Dulel't *'cr!flce that 1mpreative four-hitter. than 12 In 11 row!" Emil de· ~ Bud llCOted to tie up the till at j F'or the 'T'rlbe, ud their coac'1, mandfll. :::;:' '•DE'fl l ·l and O.nlel w ... aare at tlr•l John Valtnt1no. ll w~ their third '"Ab801Ultly," rame back Lor· f~.· ~ • on the bunt. Roy l<iped attond 1 •tra1ght lose to ~he Oller• Lvl enLten · Ju11t 11 · I and Lo~t.t,.n'• Infield blnfl•lyear. lhe11e tv.·o lf'an1~ n1.-1 1n Paul did evf'n betlPr than that I SOUTH COAST CO. moved him to third. lAfl Fielder lhf' C IF flnlllll. •nd thP OilPrB fle:11p1te th" 3·2 101<.• tn the <"hur k· 23rd A Newport Blvd. Georgl! Mabee'• ucr1fice llllov.·td .,.·on lh11t one too. in tlllrll inn· '"!! n1ag1c of Tony Ankersen or •':===::::::::;:::;:::::;;:::;::;:=::::::::::::::~I Daniel to dtnt the duh 1nd the 1 ~1l91 Su~enn11:H lhl!' •elbllr k "''L'I th" ~f(ln11n:.hs l..nrenlttn 1<'11lt,.r-.i Tllrll wtnl aht•il 2.1 1-' 11.r er on1 enry 1111 th" In· ,.,j xix hit.I •nd 11.,pl the v.•lllkll MARIN Thlll v.·ai eil<l uf tn .. l!'l (I< for d1iln11 r'1Jll!'rtt•l but r"ur blo"''' 1 tn 1111 ab!IOlute minimuni E ~ .... n1.,·11 knocken Anktr~n re--• -----Sf'"r'l11p11n1t: Alhltllt· Dirrllor INSURANCI co~·,re11 and ttl thtn1 ti"" n onr· IUCS BoHle Pair 1 Ralph Hct<.1, lone ~n1e .-courge ~ooth s.JllnK" two·lhrPt throurh the final tl'IO , nf rival SunM't Leaiue ctndtr 0.b<U"ftf'-P'Ortnn Re61ty CO. of 11.JuJ.1.a.a. j \\"1U1 • lnl.D&-ull:ir Euttrn Con· 1 coach.ca, aya IL ao.meu.ni•a raeia L ZS2S W. llout. Hi1tll"'·a7 Arter alto"·~ni: a Monl!irch t111ly frrl!'n<"t \;frtnry uvrr FullPrlon 11truge not to be handUni lha l• Ulert 11·1'MZ on a 1tn1le bu11Je: In tht1 openlnlJ I e.n!'I R l\•t r11\de tn their crf'dll, r1nlo. Lorent..en appeared u ef· I C(•11rh Hue11ton li11.rper"11 Oran~t !«live 111 Ankerten. And that 1 COil.•! te n! I e g e thlnrlad1 10 ln1tlal ),fate:r De:t run wa1 un-11,;11i~at the lwo toughetl oppon· eamtd due to • patr of trrort1 e,1\3 1.1 the loop Apr11 12. On which allov.•ed F irst Ba1tm1n the S11nt11 A~ o\·ai. the P tratee Da\'e Huarte to reach Bel·onJ ' ill tllkt on M L. San Antonio I balW! where Anker~en'11 doull it I" 11n.t th .. Tlf.n ~rnktm"n r:i 2 Pl ;Ul·fU.O(':t (."IJ ,"\tPA.'\ -!,:!"I "' ·1.11:0 ~I., ':10:11 Pl ~11l.E -u ..... 0 1 ••.. \ ~u l.... • ,, .. ~;.ct; ... 1'1 ltEl;\'l'ORl"l.,(i l'O •••• ;;_ a.I I ,., , ,•1.1 •• 4. I A•• '"i-~• ~•-1 r r 111 ELECTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU • & SON I.;.tttrical Contractors 111) Rl,·eni1l1" A,·e. Ubfoort y K-4Mt • ' ' , ' . -• " . ' • - IF I WON S&.4,.000 • • • I'd Mill p for Eleven Cellan at, 634 MOit• ""tz•a POlt PLAYOlt THAN .-V OTHO WIN• I .. ..,,.,: ···'-'~',A.;: " . For tho llalid lllilltllat -· linea C.llan lau wo• mon Awll.l'dl fo r Egoel .... tau ~ otbs wine •t ill --Thia -la Ibo~ Dkl· .._. 111116. Colilanlie ... ,. _ f.oohJ6 'a c-tJ Nr. ,.. - lialoJ tho lo• -hmny ~ n ..... C.U..., tolliabt I ELEVEN CELLA~S "WINE C!'tWllU .......... WI fWIWW,~ • • •• ' r \ I I ' . WEDNESDAY, APR 4, 1956 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE 1 • ftced to .-md _and KOnld on RaUI'• ainf'e. Sine. Wayt follow· m ~~ ll.W "MCC!lld Mmu, WU tcbWly talled to acoompit.b 111ucll tor all )l.L8 •fforta. Sn-enUI : The Santa AAa pltch- l'f'tl are no dummle1. They caucht on tut. Why add utra hol" Ulroulh your tiud from all thOlle Une d'rlve• ! They ga.v• lbe Buc1 9e:Vtn .waJJr.11 for four run1. J!lla"hlh: Two more ruM .cored """ehow or other. but who wu kMplng lreck by thJ1· ttme? Anglen Go Latin l"riday A.D&"lel'll Lunchto11 Club "'111 m~t noon J'rldly ln New- port Harbor Yacht Cl11b to llM BUI Toblu' plc turec1 on .A.capuleii and oUier pa.Tl.I ot ljluico. \ Friu!U ar• lnYited. DONALD R. McANLIS , D. D.S. Announces the Opening of His Office ot 2610 Av on St., Suite "C" Newport Beach Practice Limited to Oel'ltistry fer Children Liberty 8-7 771 ,(.~.--· ~ ..... FOR FREESTYLE H~rt.'• an overall scene at Fitzpatrick Memorial plunre on the Newport Harbor Htgh School campus whenever a Sunset League awim meet takes place. In thla cue, on-lookers await the gun which Will mean anOther free11tyle victory for Coa~h Al Irwin'• Sailon. Third from left ii Ne'VPOrt'1 All-America prep, Don Redington. -Staff Photo Final Tryouts Tomorrow for Summer Ball rtnaJ tryout" t'&mp11 for the Harbor arf'a'11 1'ummtr b&a~ball pro:;ram rnr boy• tron1 8-18 ytara ot •K' will M h.-td at Harbor Vltw S~·huo! 1n C<1runa ti Mar tornonvw fron1 D u. 111. till 4 p 1:1 ::.Oya tron1 11 ·111 "" nf .S•·pt 1, J9;)f ar. l'!l'hfiiull'•I Lv l•'P•l •l fur the d11mund lr~t• "'h"h dr:t rr.1,nr r:11 R:.111r,1t1on ,, lr11n1 11..•&l ,'.':nn1rnt 11.t 9 a. n1. T ... •Ls for L '.J e:;e i;roup l'l'dl end 11t I p. m . Bo)I& l 11>n1 1·10 •• or Sept. 1, lll~8 11re >t<::lt-Uu ll"d Lo rrpnrl •I llr bor Vio N S~·hool Ill 1 ..,,.1. i Lhe l ·•1 1 l""•1cluding p. •I HOME LOANS TIES l'OB Jl'IBST -Bob Norman, Orange Coast College thinclad. clean the bar at 5 ft. 10 in. in th& high ju.mp event aglinl"t Chapman College here Fri- day. Norman deadlocked for first place wttb Biaa of the rivals. The Pirate epikeateri defeated Clap· man 701/::. 0011::. -OCC Photo PEARSON COLLECTS GLORY ON GREENS . to conVlnce other COlltare.nce toe1 lhey 1tood & cbanc1 .,.ui.t th• Neu.men. WAYNE BE8T8 Unable to roll anything Vl"hlte anlhtll &cl W a Y n e P Coughlry re1ted ht. good hurling wrong, \\'alter earlll>n 11· m. Jim N"ewklrk took over for emet~ed w innrr of ttw! week-thP Pir11te1. He worked the first Jy Au1tralll1n Singh~• tour-nament on the Ntwporl ilx for lht wln a.nd bi!" Je.1Ty Be 1 ,. h 1t1oniclpal Bowling Rlt·t Cllme on to firtl1h up and l!"rl"t!nJO March 27 with 18 i"l t..gged ll"illh that round-lrlp- po1n~11. per. Ed Wilcox "·11~ •ei·ond I n •11. the. Don11 got fiVf' bing- wllh 13 whilf' Bruce Ht111u• It's to 11 for the Pick poke.rs. ind Al Oxland tltll wllh 12. The l~at ICOrlng on the rival t111.mond rontingenl wtnt tome-Oxla.nd won the. playofr. th.ng llke thla: Welcomed back ·to the P"1r1t innln1: \Vlth two out. gtt.l'na after a 1ix -wtek •·a1·11uon In Mexico were Mr. Gtne R.alne ind Jf'rry Wayt 11nu1ck.ld back-to-back home1-.. end Mr~. Taylor C1rr and Fourth: Thl1 flve-run, four-hll Joe Sta1np. ------------·, battln1 exhibition ...,.,, highh1ht- BLANKS D ;od by Rowlll.fld H!11"11 three·run pokt 1corln1 Ted Coutt• end Bob Loct<"t-ro. AC'l'l\"C mI.L fltxlh · Hill slrolletl. wu 11crl· A U. S. Nation.I Safe O.po1it lox 9ivM MAXIMUM SAFETY Pl.US EASY ACCESSIBILITYI"• •b.st plac.e for your vafuab&e~ and importont papers, too • , • co.ts Ion than r • ~oyl UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Nowport I Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA • ,,.,,,,., ••• , ....... ~ 11111¥1 ~ qF &ALLY ~ Dick Woody, Fullerton Hornet left' fielder, was thrown out on a fielder's choice in second inning o! the Bue bashen' 2·0 no-hit victory this season. Johnny Eatrada, Pirate third sacker, h1 making the put-out which held the Eutern Con- ference rivals in check. -George Rentfro Photo Dons core But Pirate Nine Wins Here's the BIG Fact You Need to Know LAGUNA ~ERAL SA VIN!OS • LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICIS To Sert• y.., LAGUNA llACH AND ~ SAt~ CLIMINTE QUICK !< HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "~EOUCIN6'1 INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY JTMPATHETIC SUVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' MRKING . ESCROW SERVICE. liFACIENTL Y OPERA TED LAGUNA BEACH 112 Oc.an Av•. P'HONE HY. 4-t 177 SAN CLEMENTE tel N. ~ ~ .... 1 If it hadn"t be<'n for e thrtt Pirate Thinclads Entered 'in Annual Santa Ana Meet n1n ho.n"'r by Catl·her Don Ad- kirui o! the. Santa Ana Don.'! 111 the eighth Inning, Coach '¥'.'endcll Ph;ke.n11· potf'nt Orange (.'Oi..l!!t ColleJ!;e mound corp• would have l't1·etrhed thPir 11corele1111 '11tlnt in the E11tern Cortterence. to thref' I Southern Callforni.a.'.a top JC trackml!fl, tncludlnl" 0 r aft g e le Auatralla· Ior the Olympice lhll tall. Competing In t..he lerr .. achool dlvlllon Saturday will be -Lo1 An· 11elu City Col\111., Sanla Monie.a City College, Long Beach City etrli(ht 1a1ne1 Jut week . · Co11t College Thlncladl, auem- blr on Don Jl"1eld Saturday when Santa Ana Co\lege'a Don• hcMlt 20 J C track squad• at the third .A.1 It wae, they h•d to .•f'llll' tor jU1t a one-1kled 17-3 v1rt••r1 over the Dnn11 1.nd thtlr th11•l 1tr1lght triumph In thf' lonp Fnr \hi! sea!M>n. the "1n ·lifted thr mark to nine agaln!lt four let· bac ... annual Southern Cali!omla Junior CoUege. Loa Angell!tl Valley Col- Colle1e Relay1, the larp•t all· i.ce. Ea•t Lo• An(ele1 Junior JC relay meet ln Ga!Lfoml&. CoUege. &1 C am l n ° Colleg1. Thf' four lo•-tor the Bue Broken Into tw<> dLvl•lon1 ee-Compton Coller e.. Jl\illerton Jun-i.ahera, lhree-Ume holder• of th" ' "r"-,_ I& d 11 lilt Colle,.e !lnd Mt. San Antorllo t .. '"""ii" .... r&e an 111u. IColleg EC diamond dladf'm during \hP srhool11, I.he Santa Ana n1eet ha1 •· la.•t thr1111 eea110n11. c1me be<'•U!ll" I .'let-n rKordil fall e.acli. year u Running In the 1n1all-1Chool \he wily Pick wu tryU01g hanl the Ill.alt"• top alhletu vie ror d1vl1lon wlll be Sant.a An1 Col-p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;o I lht many troplllu a.nd mtdalll le&e, 8&11 84tm&rdlno Val~y Col· a"'•arded In each event. l11e. Pho.nllt Junlot" CoUege, In Ute large-IChool dlvlaton d~-ChaUey Coll•ire. Harbor Junior I tending chan1pion Compton L~ ex-College, Orange Cout Collt"ge. Ullol!d Aato Part• JOHNSTON E'S Mesa A-Wrecken peeled to tigbt It out wtUI Mt. Pierce Junior College. Cttru11 Jun·, and Ac:coeMOrt"" S11n Antonio for top honor• whlle 101 College. Porterville Junior 2075 Placentia A\•e, defend.ln1 chan1plon S.11.nt11 Ana I ~!!ere. and lmperl•I Valley Col· Llbl"rt)' 8--79JS (;1>11ta MNa anr! Harbor J C 1u·e l"lll.pe<:ltrl to :.:,;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~::;:;:::;:;::;:::;:;:=======:::I lllf'lll nHl~t of tne lhuntler In t he r :~~1~:c~~~~~0e~~t-:1~ ~~~oe~: nochs Je Ronda ,rccor<1.lnthe.11.huUleh.urdletc-1 f Th d N'f Sf 10P'~ ,., '"' M""""'" "' ., ''"'" very urs ay 1 e, o . rvr . 1 &rbarw. la•t Y."M"k Compllln will ALL YQLJ CAN EAT 1 75 b• "Y'"' foe >h• "'"°"" '~'· > -• in the 11pr1nt 111edlPV ~fl.•<lllnl \hP n•llOnHI record tn the mile ~lay IF111\ WPek by ODI)' .2 ot a •e-cond. ~l l Sen Antonio ! :1l10U 11tand1 11 ~U(N"I rhFln<''" of 11et- llng • ne"· n1><rk on Ula flit Dwi oval Saturd11y. C OMBINATION PLATE illuimp Cockuul · Soup • Salad Toet..ada -taco -Enchilada -Spanish Rice Ji'ried Seana with Cheese -Tortillu Coffe or Milk Senor Louie Mottno a.nd His Fucinating Piano Sta.rt.a at 9:00 P. M. -Tonite and EVERY NITE ! Party Time at 11 :00 P.M. EVERY THURSDAY! 1:11 N RY , s .. ,...._ for l'O("ktalh1 .. '619 \\'. c-t Hw1. "Oa lbrlaf'r'1 Mlllfl .. R ich Ju1npln1 Ch•rley Dum111 o f Compton i11 expectttd to e•sJ\y surpau the: ni .. et rttord in the I hip jump. Beiude.-holdlng the n•llon•I hli:h ~hool rl'<"nrd In thal PVent. Oumu h11JO leaped 'I· 10 nn num,.rou11 occa11lon11 Du- n1u 11 1tr1vlng to .-.1ot·h the 7 It. m•1·k tn ln11ur,. hta 1111111111111 ~~~~=~~;:::;::;:;:::;:;:;:;::;;:;: C-ms Have loy A baby boy wu born ~f&rch 21 to Marine Sit and Mra. f' red ! De:rrlcka Cotnam, Newport Utaeh; ln Coron11. N11.1·a1 Ha.pita!. •••••&••• • Complete • • INIUlitANCI e 1 Service e 1 John Leahy •I !802 • Newport aJ,"d.. • • ~ONE HYecinth 2.11•1 • er HY .dnffri 2.11 t6 HARJOR 1549 • RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COM~eRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SKALL ZSO :K>th St., N~wport ~b L!::====:::::!.J I• - About the Mdbilgas Economy Run! All Eights of · All Makes in Actual Miles per Gallon! Po5itive Proof That Pontiac's Great Strato-Streak V-8 Is America's Most Modern and Efficient AutomotiYe Eqjne Official Results Released by General Petroleum Corporatioh, Sponsor of the Event J. PMTIA< 21.1"8' ....... ... t. cua ...... n.-.... .,. ... 1. CAI l ....... a .. 12~,. ... 4. CAI C ....... llJ1t4 ... ,.. ... S. <UO .t .... tvm .... ,_ ... 6.Wl .•••.. ium .... ,_ ... 7. <if• ...... 1Ufl7 ...... ... I.CAii ............... ... -, •. cu········".-...... ... 11. CAI l ..•••• 1t.IJS2 .... ,. ... JI. CAI J ...•.• llJ ....... ,_ ... 11. CAI l ...... ILMM._.., ... .II, UI L ...... ILl1st .......... - , .. CU M ..•.. 17.&MI ...... ... 1_J, CAI I ...••• 17.ml ..... ... 16. CAI 0 ...•.. 17A1'1 -,_ ... See Your Pontiac Dealer for the Grwatest lconomy plus the Grwotell GO on WltHls ROY CARVER PONTIAC 1400 W. Coast Hwy. NEWPORT BEACH Ll~'*-3466 '· i r , I • • WITH SALLIE April 4, 1956 NewwrtBooch The Tender Crop . . . 8prln1 Lamb thU. April . - . The very first of the 1956 round-up to •PJM'aM Jt:.i;:: 'o lamb appt'U~ for the on · romln111: t1tun~r. autumn and Mntf'r month• . . . Should you purchalwo I~~ 'o lamb u y neit Ockibf>r,. twould be from the same crop . , . Thfl ~~ would run from 5 to K poundi;i •.• In April you c_·an't fibd • Mprin1 larub ... K wt>ll(hhtic: more than four pound" ... Tender, youoic: and d"llclou1t from the top blf"atlnK w-c- tJon of thf'm all . . , the Sallnu Vallf'y ... Don't put off WI May "'hat )'OU •houkt do la April, If you want to .. t Sprln,; L&mh ••• This I.a the month and rl1tht tht& week-end ls the tlmfl ..• While we're on this meaty. aubject, let's turn to our good friend Met, the biggest plat· ter filler of t hem all , .. The Univenity of California re- cently bluted all the old wivee tale. claiming West Cout grain fed beef to be inferior tn quality to Eastern corn-fed beef by the follow· tn g experiment , .. I quote from University of California Conaumer Marktrting Infor- mation Ma.nh 10, 1956. "Experiment. were donfl at t he Davia Campm, Unl- 'Venlty of Oallfornl&. De- tf'Jnninatlou wem made to ahow how much dz:reooe ta mUng quality w crea- tecl by ttnl&hlng n on com lnatead of barley. The gperlment.al animal• were Hereford ateen above a\·~n.p In uniformity of brtt>dlfll:, age and quality. Two an1m:ah were .elected oe the bub of oomparable IWoh and olaa pterod al a loeol .,._.-Gnd- lnc wu done by a u. 8.- D . .A.. lupect<>r and the eanusNt aced 11 d.a) .. ~ tore turthflr teat. were -"Prims Rib routa lllld top round lteaka were uae4_ for the eompari.ona. The ribs were routed. uncovered at 800 t or four hounJ, the rountk tor 1 hour. The cut pieom were cloeely matched for location of muscle, size, 1hape and general appear- ance. . fte judge. .oored each .am.pie on a 7-point acale for t.endemeM.. juclneu and fla- vor. Their decision wu that barley-fed beef is equal in nwy 1'Mpect to that of corn- fed. Another factor of in- terwt la that t he degrtt of finJah. u l.ni.icaled by the fat- neu of beef, bl not u im· port.ant u mlrht be supposed In determining the flavor, t.endemm1 and juiciness of th• meat." If you Jaavea't tried Rich - ard'• Owa Choice befof from their owa. Ranch dOWll la thfl Imperial Val- My, JOU've mlseecl the fln- ooll Lido Day. ls ln the air this week-end, Tburwday, Friday and Saturday April :5. 6, and 7 , •• A once a. month event, geared to give Mrs. Bargain Hunter twice u much for her 97a a• ehe can usually buy •.. Ta.ke the time to browse around ... Vincent'11 Drugs. Lido Electric, (G. E. Dealer) Williams Stat ionenJ, Li do ~ Toyland. Dic k Macker Floor Coverings. Malaga. Import.II, (11triclly home stuff~ Bar- rows Dept. Store (Children'!! and Dry Good11l Jf'ri's of Lido (Tola to teens. boys & girls) Bidwel1'11 Store for Men. Rule's ot Galifomia. Ladies Shoes. a.nd strictly for t he Ladie. . , • Vagabond House, La Reine, ShRddockM and Lido Fuhion11 ... Al.110 our own Meu anine here at Rlchard'•, one of the l.Jclo 8hopa a& Ute NttralN!IP to Lido blo, Newport 0-:h. Callfornla , • . Qom.In~ up Friday the 1Sth. next '""'Jc •.. FuMoa 1'nuart! Hunt. fMturl.n& elothee fntm the Udo Apparel and Aett!i· 90ry Shopsi • " _ Seioe tt. out ln fl'Ollt , , . MIJ?ic'n. mta'n ....,-lllln1 !-~ • I . . . . . . --· __ ..,_ ........ --···~ -··--· .,. ___ .,.._. ----• NEWPORT HARIO R ~ WEDNESDAY, AP1tl[ ~. 195' r • GOOD LUCK SKIPPE RS ASD CRJ::W San Clemente Jal.and Race SatW'day, April Sevenlb \\'e would like to extend our appreciation for your en- thualutio putlclpatlon. i.. our MA GIC KA.RD pme. We're ha\i.ng u much fun u you art. Come on Iii. and 8fle 11 you are a WINNER l Darlrolit BUTTER. ~ablRco Rlli CRACKERS __ ltlclul.rd'• O-·• MAYONNAISE M..1 .B. Lllnr Gf'Mn WHITE RICE ?tl..l.B: u.nr Ut1Lln WHITE RICE Annour'a Sllrl'd DRIED BEEF H I/. M 0\'t!ll Bak.etl BEANS 8 I.: M 8MWn SIJlit BROWN BREAD .--Iosco" • • G .... n s•......., 3 23C BABY FOODS _____ •%,. '" WHEAT GERM t'armf'n Oau&"htf'r Tumato, rtna-rr, banana, plnea1111Je PRESERVES - PEANUT BUTTER FLOUR COFFEE ., .. 31 c • .• 49c " .. , 53c 5," 45c -• , .. 69c J FIUK'y. Rf'd \'tl\'PI \'arl•ly ( YAMS 2, .. 23 c -' CUCUMBERS 2 '"' 23c EX·FANCY, WASRINGTOW \ WINESAP APPLES • 2 lbs. ~ ... SE\\' 8L~'DAV !TORE HOURS Open 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. ,_ "MARY HAD A Ll'ITLE LAMB, IT FO!LOWED HER THE MOST ••• lit: TRAILED llER INTO RICHARD'S, II TURNED INTO A ROAST." ... Really, Tender Spring Lamb Selected a t their 11ucculent beat ... Prime fed and r aised especially for your meal- time enjoyment! lb 691 I • LARGE LOIN LAMB CHOPS 691 lb SPRING LAMB I • lb 981 SMALL LOIN LAMB CHOPS SPRING _LAMB I • -------·--- lb 291 FRESH YOUNG LAMB Ll\'.l::R SPRING LAMB I • ------- lb 491 -SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED BACON ·------------- INTRODUCING A NEW CHICK F~'I AT RICHARD'S CHICKEN FRYERS lb Orf'-11111 ..i,'l POTATO PATTIES Blrd"'°y" MIXED FRUIT .. ORANGE JUICE BlrdM!Yll Bri'f t>r CHICKEN PIES ",.,_2/23' 29' ... I'! nr .. '" 2/29' ,., 2/43' SPRING CLEANING · \\u h1l11y l.H-tt'rittnt $229 ALI. . . .. IO·lb. b-Hohl l'f'al l i l.A~:o\\\'AX l'r<>ll'i·l ynur S3 lori• :>-SO\\\' Hl.t:.AC'lt Pro.-1or .t c.:amblr'• TIUt; •••• 53' ,_, .. _39' ..... 59' IJ quld Delerrent ]1 ' ,o,· ......... -····-··· .............. , 01.. Ubby'• Rutt.Pr &an• <1r <.:hop~ 2/29' BROCCOLI _________ .... _ C'7 /, n I J ""'-. /J f Jre:I V..:>ahe .,,LJai{'J• DELICATESSEN \'1111111·, l'i11pr.-n1,. ttt:RB URP:~:-OI S~: , 8 o,,33' T H l 'RSDA\' P<1Lat<1 c.1.Azt:o oost·Ts ........ l'<1tato DIS:\.t;R KOLl-111, 0P"'n Tu11 l't:At:H P l £ .......... _,_,, ...... . ·-6 "' 24' 6 ,.., l4' _.52' ··..-h 23' OATMF.AL &READ ......................... lo&f 8ATVRDA1'' -----------·------------..._ ...... ........ ' 59' '-''"M.t:LON OIKCLE8 .. S \Ii ,,.._ =R HORN" ....................... 3 fo,-25- ~~~ C.UU: ........ ·-----······ .. Mdl •7 ' FRESH, SWEl!:I', FULL-POD GREiN PEAS--_____ _ 2 lbs. 231 ,__All..... 45' F RA...Vll8 ... --·---""· IPF£1ALI> FOR APRIL 5. 6 I: 7, 19:16 FOOD MART OF THE LIDO SHOPS! ' I • • ·' ·.>. ( ; ': " ' \ a..,. . .. NEWPOR T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART 11 -PAGE I WE DNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1956 VU::W ROAD PLAN-Pathways of future for Orange County a ppear on map to which Ha.rry Bergh, center, point.a. On left, Kenneth Sampson, also of county planning commission listens to Bergh as does Al Koch, county road commiBS1oncr. ' \ New Map S-h·ows Future Growth for County • Arterial Master Pl an Keynote to Progress By BEN REDDICK During lhe pal<! \'f'llf the ~fas· te r Plllll or Arter111.l H11;h"")""• In \'llrlOU.!i 11t11J,:r~ ot d<'l1n,.11t1on hits been pre:.cntetl t n 30 11r IU mtf'l1ng11 thruu1o:ho11 t Lhe rnunt,v. It has b!'en .:h11n1o:ed. 11p UalP•I and 11 \leretl n1"ny 1in1el!'. The plan ,,.5 proposed tod11 .v l11 nnly 111hle to find employment ln come aa l'Om\iltte "·~ reason11b!e vl.!l1on I to our Go1drn Orange County 11 nrl pl11nnlng c11n perfl'el it. All pathw11.ys of forward trod· Out of the hui to d11.lt hlLll ding people wlll lead l hr.n1 •!.ong rnnH• 11 11,..,.. ~ntJe r:;taJH.ling be· j the "Pathwaya 11f the ~'uture f to twt"l'I ea llnd rounty R'''·em· 1 Or11ng e County ft ll"lret ""' l l y 0 t "f th" of lh\1 great horde wlll be able !lll'l'I a l(fOllfl.!I. U u h ll!Udl!'ll ln~nn ip\Pt t II." thPy ll!f'. 1 10 lll8ke thtl r homtll; !ind \ f'll h•ll ~e 11 ~ yflr-dftlirk rn, em11l_oym t nt, and beg n. at .•Al. Lhe mtlilllllr~ienl u( , f'.!lpon!tibil-! to rtllll)' llvf' 1n our great N ,..,, .• 1\y by both (L IY •nd cvunty. ! purl Ht1rbor a rt•. I To n1v11t of thok y,·ho .... 111 Fnr 1n~1arH'". \Wll" In rec .. nt conie lh<>re Yi»ll be nn boundar1ea. .....,..·k1<, on1" in . ~an ('i,..m .. nto: I Tht)' will care Uttl" Yilhf'thl'r r..,n1 th• hpa of Sup<.l\'ta01· H~iru: thf'y dWl"ll !n Ga rdtn Grovf', K11 111t r: .i1tl ont·e 11n (,az•lf'n Gr~'''i v.·e.1tn11n\.llter, Santa Ana or Co11- fmn1 tht llf."' of Supt1vu1or \\ii-ta M"' or Newport Beach nr ll-• \\'arnt'r, /1a11,. Yir hflllrd the Laguna Beach, or any of the lh•1t1J(ht t>Xpn•111<"•l "" follu"'11 artaA In bclwl'tn lt 111 quite llkPl,Y thlll lht Coun- ty nr Or11ng" will havt lo broadtn THOl 'SASU~ ut·r: Ila acupe or road "''.Irk lo 11111 !11-F1nanc111.l condition. determln· nnw l he inlttM~tlon of Paularlno St At the r11r n l{ht of tht. pie· ture .,..e r11n out of atirlal plctuf"I! 11nd yr\ th11t lack w rve1 ' t!oublt purpol!'--nlltflf'ly tile 11rta t><>yono\ th,. photor rap\'' for \hf' n10.•t p11rt JrvinP o Ranch la nrl that will be long:elH. in df'Yl"iop1nG r•1r re11ldenUal or bu11int1111 u~t. Thf'refore lt 11 flt- tinJ t hat It should remain-only a rough ch11l't. with dev4l1op ment at 1. l•lar dlllt upon the Pathway lo the F'U ture tf'n11nr ... 1·onatrtu·tlon 11111! rcp11.l r. atiun to rind a "California \\'11.y nr hlghw11yA runr11ng rron1 co11n· of Life", de11irf' to be clo~ to 1y 1111, tu cuunl\\ throu ~h and the •ta 11nd blly will brtng lhOU· At the r11r lel't nf the plctn· a r r'"'" 11Ly hounda11f'.'I w11 hout !la nds rlo11er to N!'wport Beach 11-ri1ph a bove"!• H untington Bea r h re11>111.l tu n1un1clpal Jur1"'1 lrt1on." and Co11t.a ~lel!>l. Thi• wHI ~ BIYU. which is an imPQrtit.nl l1ft- I line which "'·111 well aerve the Jn Or11.nj.:e <.:uunl)' th1.'I i• 11.n t~'lle of llUC h fllctnrl"ll •• can gtt11ter Newport H11.rbor a.r!'l , It .anl4l.Z1ni.: AllltPnll'nl For )Cllr~ fin<! 111t'11 in our irrf'lll N""'port la a majol' 11ta te hl11hway dea- the i·r.untv nf l)illnl:" ha~ on1y l H11.r bor 11rea. 11nd cl!rtalnly will · 1 Lt be true of 11.ll the t11ec:utlve11 lllled one •h•y to piu<ll beyond arl't'ptcd 1 r~pon~1b1 l•I} fur roar-" 1 h r l . . i ,__ Wh!!Ut r, A iu~11. anfl through San h o 11 11 t e ac ont1 'eewn.,re 111 .ounT y t•·1r1to1y 1 u•luy t" lllong lh coa~tline _ Th .11 Gabri!'! Canrn11 to the dellerl <'Ollnly t••1-r1tur.v i.~ r~p1dly becom-e "Y rountry. A t Huntington Beach it want lo Uvt ~re. llllf l'11\' bHl .'l\1 !1 \h!' 1n11cls re11ch F or that re&.tan y,•e cholle to wlll 11erv!' lo airry 1ni1uatry peo· lhroul{h cltl<'11, 1u..-rn1111 the county look a t the map 1.boYt iu ' our 11le t o lhr1r homea In our oom - and """n lnlo 11dJllCenl c()uflllea. munlty -"a <"• ~""•l Hi hway map, t he ma p of our comu nily. "' " .......,. I · Thia 1a a neYi' \'1"W for Or1U1ge County llr1'l Cf'rtainly onl" y,•orthy 011e and ln<llv111\ble. two cllle11 In Wrtg-ht-Brookh urat Ro..d. pie· of noi lnK .,.,.11h pi 11.lff a long th!! ont t ownahip. tured ju .. t w .. ,~ of the rlvl!r, la For pu~ or atudy we bc-cOming tncreaa1ngly •~nnrtAnl "P ath.,.•Y• nf th• ~~ut"r ... "' ..,. ... -. have had Hoyt·a Ha r-bur E n(TIY-to thoae peopl• who live In thll A .!'11.'ij;l,t: l ITY ' Ing Co. prl"pare the cut repro-comfnunlty and work in inland ~t!I Plan.n..--tt111 ry Be.l"lfh due~ 11.boYf'. It I• the porUon county citlt11. Jt P~.Uc.uWlY haa relf'rrW to th,. grellt pl•m of Harry Bergh'• M .. tl!r Plan -ervw.1 \'I e "' l m In ate r, bardan the City of Nrwport Bear h "·Hh 1 proJrcta of U'lf' atale hl1hw1.y that he• lo 11.ll hi\en!A 11.11d pur-or Artert11.l H lghwaya which molt Grove, An•heim a nd Fullerton. carl!'ru1 ch11rta a nd pl11.11ntn.ic ! ~} !len1 aa pla.nned for u,.., County post"' ~·eiterly ;\"ey,·port Blvd , (Teally arfecta Ll"' 11Uperlm p<19ed l'il:".PORT FHltt.:"'AV Careful charting and planning of future growth ia tbe keynote of all act ivity in the County of Orange today. Certainly that i!t true in the Newport Harbor &rea where Costa Mesa officials claim -wilh grave misgivings - that their city will have 50.000 po pulation in . .1960; while 11hu.,.·~ an f'•lin1ated _p-11pu\11tlon or Qr11 n11e. without rerard lo r1ty St"l" H li!h"''•)' :,t,• 111 ._ _.,111 rie 1over an 11en1l photograph pro- for 1960 21\.800 Accord1nii: ,.,. "~-ur county bounda rie"' are ah('lWn ;.lty .,r \ht Hllllrl' ,,,,..1,nipa.•a•nll'. duced by H.oward, ~w19' Pacific P'lcturf'-d jUflt lf'fl or centf'r a l 1 Jnetnnr plan• a ll4l ..teta1la ::c.\\·i upan the m.p wtlk'h ha• bffn )~ 11.qu•re nule• A 11 111,\y of hi:1 1 A\'t Indmtn.-1. \\e t.hlllk It d..-the coa.tline ot o\lr pictog:s-11.ph l.'1 po1·t Beach will hit the :i.,000 pr<'parf'd t1rrl"IY l.hN>\lgb lhe Ma:"iler Plan or Arltn &I H!J1,h-plctt m uch n1nre th11.11 11 11 of the the hlJthly controvenilal New-pot'\ m•rk In 19iJO. JOlnl l"ffort. olHa'rry Bflr(h. I "''aY"'. 11. llLU<ly u f the gneat u fill W'OT'dl we could llOfnpoM on thill Blvd. l!'r•wa,y Ui.at Will_ c o ln- \Vhether lb• cal<'ulatlo11• or el-county pla.nnln1 •nrtneer: hi• ••-photolf"•Ph or the tnlire rou11 ty pa1e eould 11y. land rtom the prfliM·nt A.R MI th~r city ar111 r \1bt clUl only bot 1t1ta.nt. Kenneth Sampeon and 1 prt r artcl by Pac1fil' Air lndta-F"or l1U1t.ance 1 at Ult upper overpu.. through Co•ta Meaa. ,.told. b)'-Ume. Perhapt Collla County Road CommlMloner Al tt!e" or Uing Beach , ll fllTTI left hand corner of lhe plctu r4l aroun(1 Santa Ana on th• e...t. •' t.l1111a 11 too a mblUota, per hap11 Koch . l'ltlHled by Howard 1..A".wl11 of U i.Lo I.II. 4hown lb!! propmied San Dlt&O by -pa.111 Tu1Un on the WMl. and Nowport BeAch 11 t oo cotuiervll· I.Ile • lhO'fl·• the wl!IO.lnni of Mr. 1Sepulved•I F reeway a1 double 11Jt1matl!I)' coonect w ith the San· WSO t:XD!:R-STUDY Un kin e crosa th county ta Ana Canyon Freeway that uve rerardleaa. both muat Bargh'i thtnklnr and dt'jlC_rlpUon. e• 1'na g 11 · 11\e pUi.n ..,bm.ltt..d tor hear-The freeway croue1 the Santa pteaenUy la compl!!led to Sa.n p'9.n. lnr today hu bet:n under atudy Short •lrhled for aur. Is lhf Ana fUv..-at a JU~ture Of 1:111• Bernardino. 'f'hle aam1 frMway LI On• of th" moat constructive by the cOW'ltJ otfld.ale fOC" more per.an who cannot &ff the contln-Ave. It Cro.M Harbor B.lvd. j\l8t de.Unfld one day to travene the plan. eTI!r concelvN for the tn-than a year. nu·oUJ'h the f ood ual upanalon of Wa now he.vlly lnJand Of Oialer l!l. or at the San Bem udlno Mountain.. a.round ttr1 Qmnty of O ranc• LI s:oinl offit'•• of the OnulS:-County populated area Into one or th• northemmo.t .nenaon of the Bill: Bear I.Ake and cknlrn lo Ap- to public ht ar1n1 In Santa Ana ,\MOClalf'd CMmbe.-1 Of Com · moet de~ly pop,1Ll lf'J are&.11 of HalecrNt. Bubdlvllolon. Tb.la too 11 ple Valley and thereby With little today befo1·e lhe county planntnr mf'rt!e a nd throul'h I.hem wllh l111 the United Stal•·• a n.J Southern a ll"I( the pr'91!'nl rurther mo1t ' effort onf' ('OUld reach w"-t wtll ('omml111ton ind bo'"l&rd of IJ\lpe.r--hl"lp of IOl."ll.I c hamben of Ci"lm· Callfom la, C1tm11te 11Jone bid• f'Xlotfll!on Inland of the c-1ty hm1t1 one d11y be t he t erm1nu• of HiJh- ~ {"~ 4c < /</,,. )- ' / ;.:., ' / , ' ~o,; / 001; , ' ' ' ' ,, \ 7. " ' ' ' ,' ' ' LAL.U NA QE~lRVOIR / and the eully dflve\opabla por· lion of the Irvine Hiiia cont.alned ln the photo portion or picto- gra ph. Q uite po11atbly MacArthur Blvd .. will be 1wun( unto Pall- 11ad+'11 Road, t hence to Brl1tol St .. around Sii.ilia Ana on, the w119t to a junrture with the Brea Can- yon Free .... ·ay where It 111. pn1aent· ly plllnllP!I lo terffllnate al the Santa A na J.~reeway. All lh•11e pl1n1. moatly at.abl· 11t ed, a re rPlltoelfld In t he need f'Jlpre•~d ln the lar&" dotted U11e paralleling Ule coutllne In the pictograph. Thia la lb• couna lhal the plannlnC" 11.ns:tneer1 cal- culate will be taken In a rerout· 1nii: of the Co11.at H lchway at ltOJf}e ruture lime. Already In Huntlll(t.on BeM:h the. at.a.Le hall IWWied M.. M... Mc.- Callen ownf'r of t b11. property at the northwl!.terly coml!r of H1"'1· way 39 and Coaat Hlrh••7 \f'al the ata te conternpl•W taking the properly In I.he reaUpment or Coa.mt Hlghw1y . .At Mat .. ,,_ ure of ?otcCallen'1 prop<"rty for a temporary lmprovamenl U\era would N jU1t that. a temporary lmproY..,li'!llt. cnatins: a tur ther roed block alone the Pathway• to tile Yv.tur11.. MORE ru.oRT Th• tll!lpest enatad ra.latlva lo th• plaa tor cnallAi • "d•- pn1M«I" traaway hllUwS U1:1'0Ulh C09t.& M-from 20lh S t.. to the Dl.,u ll"rM'ra7 will ba noth- df'mn 1ufflclent privl tf' property throua;h t he c!t1e11 11lon1t t h e oouUlne for rreewa y111g Qr the exlat ing highway, The State Beach 11.110! Park CommlMlon h•11 bemo11 nl'd 1.h!' ract loudly the y wt re comp1·tMf'rl onto the Huntington Beach state Park too tightly by both the Pa- ci fic Elf'C tr1c Railway righl-of- w1y a.no;,! the Coa_,t H ighw11oy. C••r- ta.lnly "onUngton Beach r 1 t y muat one day tace the fa<'l lh11 t the high •peed t raffic <'f '.he Coe.It Highway mu1t be re1-011ttd. When thl• lime comt• the plan depicted on the MUtf'r Plan f1;11" Arterial Hl1hway1 prepared by Ber1h. SamP90n and counclled out with ro&d ec;imm!aalonflf Kod'I wll! be prooml.aent ln th.a 1t1.1dl1!¥J- Now M I.hf time w hen 9'• county could well afford to t KM"· c.IM tha atat ement and dlrecUon pronounced by Supentl!Ora V.'ar- n~r and Kai9tr and declare tha t it la Ule Int ent o r at Jea11t t he County o1 Oranra to lay a mRjor 1trttt acrou tile Newport Harbor Town.alll.p at 90llle tlm1 In th• ruture. a.kJn& a pathway def\nlte- ly determin.d 1tO th.at Janda could be acquired a.nd laapayer• throu1h whoee property t h,e pro- po8ed road way would come could .-k a new J.oc.ation after Juat c:ornpenutloll la ..-i~ Uum 111fjlh· out the @Xlpnciaa ol Um• lhrot.- Uinr 1.Mlr opportunlU-. ' 1.0UD P1UYl'E8Tlll a-round for protella now becauM they have announced pl&nl to lo· calf' a 11econd high 1Chool on the •. Ml"•ll a t Fairview Ro&d and Bak.· tr St. r1r removed from the pre1ent 1lte. Whl're the Cou t H l(hway ll IO<:ll ted la ot vtt.al concern lo ev• c1 yone. It 111 o f d'lre con»qul"ncea to t/11»e proper ty w \11 be con11um• ed 1n t.he reloca tion . The •tudy ti t he propoell1on.jy t he count)' ofticlal1 at 1..hl1 tfine 11 proper. It would be a noble reature if \ht ~rd of 11uperv\aort wer e t o preu ttie ptan with every a vail· able mf'ana in order to provide t hl' (Te&teal pubHc aervlca to their con.atltuen\.11. The location of Iha h i,:hway, pa.rUcularly ••11.h Ill prob.Ible comtrvcUon akin( frffWI}' plan• \1 of vital concf'rn In the future pt.t.n. Of Uie C'ltTel or N•wport $ea.ch. LA.run• Beach and NeWpor'I! Beach, aa Wtll u all other are-a of the coa1t. If lh"re can be l90f1le re&J10nably rert11in route arrived a t f rom Iha 11tudll"a now pruented, decld&d upon In con~rt with the l!tata of California and aet bac-Q and rleartns:• orderly made prO(TMI will ba well Mn'ed •Ion& th• Pathway• to OWi Futur11.. It would appear that ltie l'OUn• ty planntnr enstneen hava ar- r1YN at the -.ma relaUva locia.- l lon In t.h9 Corona 11.i Mar ar• u pn>p<>Md by c1u..n. ther11., ln- l•nd ot the acbool propertleil and of the city ruervoir. U the It.Ate can &(l"t'e with OU. propoml and lns: compand to the furor crMt· We recall Ule k>ud pmU.t 1 I'd when Ula it.ate be(llla It. frocn thf' high echool when tt l ., 1-ti "• ~"-t w., 1, • ., pro-• t•a t a 1,_. adopt the r1rouUnJ, tbe .. Jrt'ine • u .. f& "" "r'O\J ng VI ._ U .....----,., " L~ H lghw a7. ----l~~=-~·to·r~way ml&hl be Co. woukl M fl'ff batter to plan \'lM>rl. It la Ult ··Maal f'r P lan of I ml"tce and offlclala of all the pt!Ople com" to C-l1torn1a. Our 1 of ea.ta MelL I way Jt "'•hh.:h al.a orl&lnall!ll a l Art11.rial H1ghway1" for the Coun-~vunty i;ommunJU... hopu apq. clima te. our OCtllll brttt.e, our our ca...Ulnf'. ty of Orans:e. I p\ana of .a.ch hav• bMn lntlf-pleaaa nt count r,·1ldt . rolllnt h1ll• 1 OOl'llJ..,I; J'\4 RPOSI: O rtalnly OK Um• la lonr 1one a nd rf't'Teatk:>nlll and llvlnJ I d· The SM Dlato f'rff'wsy .nu MacArthur Blvd. la pictured 1 w hen It wouki be poulble. econo- lnl eJT&Uon or pnaent roeM. """°''"" in the m..iei-plan of • ltw bt~ h u Ba tcally oir n:uonalHy ID =· p:l.enalona for tha tutur• and 1 .. Pathw•ya t.o th• rutur1", vant..aceom, beckon& a ll who a n1 1 crou Newport Blvd., at "·hat LI 1 h.a •)' w n t • pper Y m • ll'Ca ted In blick of t h• achoot on and u.1 U... M:hil or I.heir h ill• 18th st Here I.II that plan as:aln. I ror proper PMh_,. lo the J.'U· Hl&h achoo! O(Ocl~ have IMI tur11.. ' l r -~ ., • • • I 7flrl.one'J • Gxcepf PAGE 2. PART 11 NEWPORT l:tARiOR NEWS-PRESS WEONESOA Y, APR\l 4, 1956 1 ''God grent us the serenity to accept the things we cennot chenqe: the courage to chenge the things we ~en end the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS Council :Election Upcoming Indicates Public Pleased There'll be an ele<:tion in the City of Newport Bf'ach next Tuesday. To this point it ha.11 been. pt't'- crqed by the quietest cttmpaign on record. Thill of itself iM m08l indicative. Indications are that residents of thf> City of New- port Beach have been reasonably well pleased with the seven city councilmen who have served them during the past term : This we can understand. Despite some lengthy council meetings. replete with h~h words, misundenJtandingri, charges and counter charges, thi• city administration ha8 been sound and progressive. \Ve would take thiR opportunity to compliment them all on the direct move& that they have taken to remedy the st.or.agt defects of the water system of the City of Newport Beach. Soon, with the cooperation of the Irvine Company, perhaps ""'ith the cooperative effort.111 of ,the City of Costa Mesa and the Coastal Municipal Water District, there will bt-created a high level reser· voiw providing stor11.ge for 600 feet o! domestic water. How much is 600 acre feet" It is more water than i8 UO\lf stored at the Orangf' County reservoir for ~he entire County of Orange. It i111 sufficient water capacity to protect our needs and those of the coastline for the forseeable rulure. We would compliment thf' council on the care and time they have devoted to city business. We ""'ould compliment them for the effort they have put forth to rid our town of its principal uglint'ss. the Pacific Elec· tr1c Railway right-of-way Into downtown Newport BeRch. Jn fact, we are so pleased with the City Council of Newport Beach that we rceummend the re-elec tion of the int'\Jmbcnts, Gerald C. Bennett ln Di.strict No. l ; anti Clarence A. Higbie in District No. 5. In the san1c voice we state that we do not fN!I that these men, n11r any member of our city council i11 a S:?OO per month employee. We feel that each has dem- onstrated such devotion to the duty that each sought, that their time could not be adf'quat-ely compensated for at any pt'ice the City of Nev.·port Beach could llfford tu pay. We feel that it ~uld be disastrous fo r us. u mrmberR of the stock holders of the corporate body of Nc\\'J'Klrt Beach to establish a 200 SALARY for our ci ty councilmen, We do not want people who can ~be hired so cheaply. The job of city councilman. historically in this elate, in .99 per cent of the cities, 1s regarded a.s an honorable civic duty. It is the work of persona who feel that they have a civic obligation lo perform.~ It is the duty of him who has ability and training that his city can use and feels that he must discharge an obli- gation as a citizen. In the smaller ci ties it WflS never intended that thc $12 or $25 or S50 per month shouJd be considered a.s a "salary." Jt was written into law to recompense citizens on the council for out of pocket ex.1>ense. It ill also a certain fact that in Newpor{ Beach the $50 per month payment docs not cover ''out of lKJCiret "kpe?IS<'." "'T'he -co-rrnrn·-rr~~~ ~lei reim- burse anibrif tts memberR for their out of pocket ex- pense. This is nothing new, either here or elsewhere. The city manager plan has been adopted in this city a.s law. It is in the chaner. lf our council mem· hers would act as membeni of the board of directol"S of a $60.000,000 corporation with SS.000,000 clear arid free capital llA8ets, wh ich in fact they are and merely direct the policy level of their corporation to be admin- istered by their "general manager" and his asailltanta their time "on the job" would be cut by 100 times. ' Thia they rouat come to do, This is what the people intended, this is what h1 the law within the charter of the City of Newport Beach. Ell.mlnation of ".sC<!ond gue.seing" and· meddling a.nd holiday experting of the duties of the admini.atra- tiv5 heads of the city and a devotion of council time to the board of directors at the policy level would ~limi­ nate any fancied need of a salary jump for city council· JnlWPOlll' ReWS rorm,rly the Newport-Balboa NeW8·1'lra,a 1.nd th' Nrwport·Bo!boa Pl"Ma A Olpel'dab&e Local ln•tltuUon for Offr Fort7 y..,.. EntaNd ... Becond·Cliua Matter at the Po.tofflcc In N-port lkaeb, C&l!tomla und•r the Act of ).farch I, 1171. 1 raWJMed en,,. ~onday. \\"eda8daJ' ud Fri4-T 117 th N~WPORT ltA.RftOR Pt:'IU.l8H.L"'G COMl'AX\' l t l I B&lboa IUY4.. NF.\\'P()RT BEAl,'JI, CA.UF. Pllo-Ra.rWr 1111 Q..an.d '-... w.wi Lepj ~lll\ce9 _. A4"'rU--•t. or Alt IUlld• •1 .0.U.. flt .. 8uferior Court of O,._p C.. la Act.lo• No. A·tlln llf...._ C..U.:...... N'e~-.,.;i.:r PuWlliberl AMocMtM. II•'*' NMloD&J EdllonM AM«tatt .. M.,.Mr of Oro.9ce L"oun11 N_, le"·koa Bl!N REDDICK. PUBLISHER \\'It.LIAM A ~IOS!i:S. Ed1tnr OflMOND E. ROU.TIREE. AdYf'l'lltlln( Di rector CIUJlLD A. ARMSTRONG, M.-chan.1c.J 8Llpe1u;tendant 8l"Mf . ."tlll"TIO!\ RAYEd : s .. ,,.n Harbnr ;<r;P•1•-r ..... ,.. Trl·"·ttl<l' I• O~p l,.0<>11nt.', M H prr yrar: $.II IH.J .. 1, mo .... ; 11.S. IW.. - Outohlt1 ol Oranc,. l nun1, $~.Oil l"'r )l'•r I ' ·-' men ot $200 per month and · tor the Mayor to $300 pe.r month. In keeping with a diacuuion or the b&Uot upon the cl tixena of Newport Beach will vote on Tue.tay, we" recommend a NO vote on both propo-1tiona on the ballot. Proposition one ia an abridgement of the reuon- able exercise of council admin.iatrative authority and an endeavor to adopt into law a petty demand of narrow vision. We will vote !Or Gerald Clarence A . Higbie Dilltrict 5 ; propotlition one and two. C. Bennett, District 1; and we will vote NO on • P.laudits to Council, Police on Handling of Easter Week We must commend our police department and city council for the way la.st week'11 major Eaater Week vacationing students were handled. A preliminary check of merchants ahowa buaineu a little better than lut year and buainesamen generally have commented on the younpters being a nicer group, better behaved all the way around. One 8',!bo& Island buaineum.an commented on the "courteous ~t firm treatment" local police gave the city's teenage guest.I when they needed rettriction. The same man and others reported "much leu pil- fering'' in the stores. In another vein, ialanden aounded a suggestion that ci ty council could clamp on a curfew which might cut down even more noise, particularly after midnight. One point which they thought could be worked on by police in future is the tendency of young racerB to speed down alleys and gun their engine11 generally in popu- lated zones. Those who have read the trobbles Palm Springs has experienced tbi.I Easter holiday period with unruly you.ngsters can appreciate the fact this city bad such a good group of youthful visitors. Even though the city o rdinance limiting numbers of tenant.a to each rental unit waa thl'Qwn out by. a Superior Court judge re- cently, the knowledge of the court reversal may not have reached th0&e who were restricted here lut year from living in overcrowded quart.en. As we noted prt!viously, it ia high.ly probable the ci ty ha.s been filling up so rapidly and thoroughly with permanent residents that ava.ilable houal.ng for Easter vacationere has dropped oU conaiderably, Thi! fact Newpon. Beach ia a highly desirable year-round place lo live hu been accepted byilundreds on hundreds of new residents who have bought and/or leased bomee. This, of course, makes us each week le.ea of a resort city, more of a solid residential area for folk11 who love Newrx1rt Harbor and want to make their homes here permanently. We can't blame them. We would like to add our compliments to those v.·ho are commending city council and the police depart- ment for the method in which thht Easter Week period was handled. There-is room for improvemc>nt next year but it is encouraging each sprlng to B"e little better behaved group of children visit ou r city and enjO)' its bay and beaches, Do ¥ott·Want-70e Back-for Every Dollar Invested? \.\,'hat's lhe value of a dollar bill ? Think , . One example, California would get $26 million for federal aid to schools under the present bill before Congress, but it would coat California tax- payers $37 million . Thia means Californians would get back only '70 cents for every dollar they put up. The idea ha8 eoaked thoroughly into some public offi cials that money coming from the federal treasury is free money. They reason that whf'n federal aid \8 given to their area, this money doesn't C08t anything. Federal aid is actually more expensive than local doin~. because it goes through more bureaucrat.a' hands anJ the taxpayers themsel\'es are le!js able to control thPir tax money. Federal income tax df'adllne is April 15. If you lhink federal funds are rree. look at your tax payment.a. Think· hard on the value received for your dollar. Horse Racing or Ordinance1 Many l;oeta Mesana are quietly smiling to lhem- Mlve11 and waiting to see which way the city council will jump when the question of horse racing at the fa.irgrounds comPA up to them for a vote. It Is again"l lhe Jaw lo gamble 1n Coat.a Me.,a. Thi.a fact bloS11omed into a fine display of virtue when lhe queatloo of pinball machines came up for a votf', Soon, If the fair IS to have ho~ rHcing, the council will b<-fa ceU with s decision over the variancf' which .,...;u be eRaential Jf the rsceH art to be held. Heard of This College? Re<"ently in the new8 "v.•aa a college which ha• no can1puR, no faculty, no students, no alumni. It never w11n a g&mc on the gridiron becault' it nevtr pla yed Ont'. ll C'.ame Into btsng nl'11.rly two c<'ntur1ea ago and hu playt'd a ..:ital part 1n Amt>rican h11Jtory. But no- body tver aa\\· Jt It'~ act1\·t only onC'c f'Vf'f')' four y<'a~. and U1cn JUl!t bneflr. It'~ !hf' Electoral C'onrgl'. J:C'm<'m~r ~ Gumming Up The Works \FF AIRS OF STATE B7 llEN&Y 0. ~ SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -People who are intereated in the increaalng costs of public education in California might do weU to · read the March iaaue of "California School•", published 8y the 11tate dep&rlment of education. Thia little book baa a circulation of only 12.~. and that roo1Uy to school teachen and officliUs, so the information conta.lned thrre1n ltl tlot gener•ll)' publicised. to the 1tale'1 more than 13 million people. Stat11Ucally, the department ha• done a cood job of Qutllnlng co1t1 of public education,. and compar· tnr them with coe1'' ror lh• put ten year.. , Moet o f the .tory 1• told ln one 1mall-paragr1ph m Ole r'port on COltl. Thi• 11y1; "Durtnr the !!Kai year 194l)-18, th• total average d.a.lly 1ti..ndance credited to a.It -chool dl.1trtct1 wu l ,182."3. and the tot.al cur- rent upen.M wu $20!(488.000.83. Over a 10-year period the 1 vera1e dolly ottendance lncnteMd In the amount or 1.lltl.148 or 100.9 per cent, and the total curl"l!nl ex· pen&e of educot!on ln••rea8ed f113ll,1170,442.72, or 21111.~ P'r cenL" GRO""l'll DOl"BLU Thu II ll la .o.h""'" how th• 1chooJ populat!nn doubled 1n 11. ten·ytar J)f'rlOO. and <1ur!n1t th' 11an1" peno•I. \ht" 0\'1'!'1111 ~"•al uf f'ducatinn "'"nt up :lllfl :"'. P"r c'nL Dr~11kln11: olOll'n the Cfll<\1< to the rnorf' und"l'~lanr!able 11n1•HJnl of n1nn1·y nel'elll<ft l'Y to e.luc1u e an ir1dlv1dual 1tudent. the report 1ay1 that "lhf' current exp,..n~e per Llnlt or aver11i;e 0!111ly a!lendant'e fur all Khool di~tncta In 194:'1·411 ""'II.I fl71 23 Jn 19~4 ·6!'.I thl11 unit expen11e had lnt'rell.IOfd to f ll<!.30. Th' lncre•IH' fl\'f'r the ten-yrllr pt"r100 w•ll $141 li, or 82 4 per crnt" • "T'ht n(UT'l'r.""nt·"COUTtt, "1nctu"~ grade• only from kindergarten to through 11rJ1de 14. which includ .. 11 thf' junior coll"gel nf the •l•le. St"t' teocher colle~11 and 1tate un!vtr•LU11 &r• not lncluded in the aummary. The entire blll for th!• ffrment of education In 19~4 -M &mowi.ttd to f 142.lM.443.3!'.I, for an avera1e dally atlendanct of 2,37~.681 •lu· d•nta, or a per unit C<Wl of 1312.· 40 per 1tudent. Th• n,uru ln· elude all 11nera.I rund1 1pent by th1 dlatrlcta, whOM revieuue1 are both from loca.1 tu:'' and at.ate •ub91dlu of educoUon. A VERA.GE COST AlthoL11h the 1tate-wtde av•r· ace co.t amounted to 1312 40 P"• •lUdent. lhlre I• • wide vorl•t19n In the ('{lunty ttudy, ran('lnc from $261 In Del Norle t'OUnty. to $697.83 In A lpln1 count y. Thf' high fllt'Urf', of cour.IH'. 11 unuaual. du1 to th" f11cl thlt Alpine cnunty h111 nnty 36 lv•r•ge <la!ly Rtle_n- flllll""· ant.I •11parenlly. thf' few'r number or llUileni... the hl,g hf'r th' per •inll co111 Lo11 Ange.le11 county, with 1hl! g-reatellt number nf Jll!Udent11. 89~.783. hit only •!lg-hUy above thf' 11v•r•re. the pe_r unit COl!t h•v!ng bee-n 1318.33. ln11truct1onal coll\!, of COUl'tf. makf' up the g r eate.t per cent or the llChOOl rllpel\1e. The report 11how11 that 61192 of 11.ll fund• •p .. nt .,..·e nt for !n~trucUona.l pur· po11ct. which lnclude11 for lhr n1011t part the 11alarl•• of the t'ach,r1. \Vhfn the unlt..1 or food 11rvtce. community •ervlcea, anct capital outlay are 11dded to thf' general -"'"d r.e.-t.11: the-npm"t·al'row• on.r the ~and total for educat •mnunl.ll to f812 309,637 12. Md lhf' l!Ullta per unit of average d111ly otlendMce JUfllp to f311.f3. READERS WRITE TO THE CITIZENS all time.. yet tt l1 a well known roct that the•e .. me men hove A ludicrou11 eituatlon 11 bflnc found It nece ... ry to iccept 1ec- for('ed upon u11 ln uur c1,1rrenl ond11.ry po11itlon 1 ln r;rocery city elecllnn. 0 u r Councilmen JJtotea, eervlce 1ta.Uon• el('. tn nf'f'<1 11al •rle.11 lo~ pl'rform thf'lr lhl'1r 1parr tlm!' In orl'ler to In· erriue their 11larte11 r111pectable citizen•. llnrl 11ve .. nr111n11.ation11 111110 vote fur their I In ,.II falrnf'.o.11 let 11.11 t'OllJOllt!er t""'"'"tlv,. repre~enlative!. Mo1<t ,,, th .. ille people fef'I honored to lt'h'Lfll' llll'.., pe•\ple A hvlng: hllV~ thP prh·Uegr n! performing I waae bt-fOtl! '''" h1'!g1n lo dole their reispect1ve dut1e~. 11.nd th .. y out "POCKET MONBJY · lo lhtl" do lh•11e varinua dut1e11 ,without whom we have honored by vol· comp•n .. uon lnr for thl'm ..,. t'OUnt'llmen. \\'e have many retired realdftltl Let UI dlvhlt tJ\ll eJttro money who 1r opproe.r hed In I.he right ""'•Y. would probably ~ 11ad to ! a monr IJ'!OM who •f'tually do IJ'!e perform • Cl vlr duty l!li<'h u be· work 1n1 a councilman without hotrtnc to C'OnelOer th1 remunerative 1nd. Beine elttled to Ute city coun· ell .. ()fie or the h11he111 com· plemanta tha t """ t'&.n pay lo GUr clth4n•, Ir •ft It hu been ni.mor· ed lfll!lny U1rie1. th11t lhf non1lnee tor our l'l0Wlc1I nee<Je tu be rr· imbu1·....., tor hi• 1ervlce1f ~I In 01 de1· to icrt 1 h1(hlr caU~r of l'Ounclln1an, then w1 n11ally are 111 1 q 11011ilary In 111 hnne11ty, •re we lo be· JL~V• that o $:.100 1 pu nionUl 1 n1•n !• eaMnUal to tM ,..,1tar11 I anti ni.nnlna ol our clty ! \.\'ho ~ th• a..ctua.I work ! Sur.ly no! I our C()undlmen \Ve do Niv1 many •nd dlv•rae ~·1uor• 1" our city I •overrunent. Sn l•t U• lhlnk of ft .... •o br&n<"hlll Wlth IL'hlth WI al l ritll•n~ have a n1or• intimal• '" 1 -l l(>fl~hfp A lf'l•l10n1hlti lh 11 t •rlually Cl¥fll u.oi • •"n.ote f'lf •e• t'U•ll) •n<I rellablhty, n11mo1y nllt flrf' <ll'Jll a nd l)Ur pl'hre I ll"Jll Th'\' l tl' (1f thf' bfo't ("ll!lhf'r I Rn ol "" •On boo ,11,11111 11'""" n u ,.n "" uo ''"f"""'I <rn th"m •1 J La:T'8 VOTI: SO ON THE PROP081tD CHARTER "-'4£ND- MENT !'IUMBER TWO -81'C· TlON 402. • 8 BEAM -...... I W.r .-.t ~., ,. ..... 1.r~,,.:, ,, •. , ,.,,~ '"'"•tit•c • __ ...,....,...~ ...... · YOUR SENATOR WRITES By IOHN A. lllUJIDY Ill., 8ooolor, ~ Dlob lot A J.ut-minute controveray over state pure.hue ol. ,the San Lull Dam and Raervolr ~te in weft.em Merced county prolonged cOMiden.Uon ot tlUt year's s1.m.ooo,ooo budget in the lectaJ.ature, but by the time OU. appean In prtn.t th• Woe wt.II ha'" boen r.ol~ and I e11peet to N Mok ln Orinp counQ'. lt t.v;mod out, When t.h1 time eamo ror ttnal VOUac 011 th• bud- pt, tb&l ma.ny auemblyman. mQllUy ttom 8outhom C&l1fomla. did not -.at to a.ccept Ute rov· ernQf''• pl'O'ria1oo tor delayln1 purdl&M or ~ Ban Lull lite. ~ co"'rnor had ulled tor an appf-opliatlon to finance -.Ile ac- qulalUon, but "requoated that the acqut1iUon bl delayed unlU otter July l, liG7. to 8M If tht fed· rr&I gowmment w11\ finance_ and conatni.ct th• pt'Oje(t, a key vnlt of th• it.a.le • propoaod J'l'•th« IU\'llr ProJoc:t. Th• louthem caurom.ta. &u.r.m- blymen w&nlfld th• alt.to to buy the •Ile lrnmedlately to !n1Ure at.ate operation ot the proje(t ond protection ot a. water relay 1ta· lion tor the 10ulhl1nd •• contem· plated under the Feather River P'rojecL Neverthl'leu, the 1over· nor ~malned 1teadfut In hi• poaltlon. the new ~putn\flftt undfr a •tronc polley-makias board, n\h· er lb.an o llftlU diroctor. fto pYernor OAnOWICOd It.• 1'0Uld Yeto a bill creaU.,. a deput.ment uMor a policy • mUJnc Mtard. Many ol lhe .na.toN ta.VOl'inl' • policy tlO&rr1 ~-to foal tMt MK:h a bo&rd would f\ln.ctJon ju.t u miooU.ly a.nd ruponalbl.y u a. board of dlrectol!I of a private corpo,.tlon. 4.n ln1portul Nbj.ct whkh cropped up In th• clOi1tnc daya ot th• 1pacl•I lloOMlon WU the dl.apo91tion of I.ha Lons Btorh Udola.n~ oil r1venuu. A btll car· rylll( out o compromlel Ntw1t1n I.ho .tate ud the dly ot Loni" BM.Ch WU lntrod~ In Ute .... oamb.ly. nii. mea.ure would (Iv• the 1tat1 .f120,000.000 In accun1u- lated Lvn« Beach o.11 roya.JUell, and woultt (Ive I.he •l&te approx>- molely hall ot f\ltur.i r1venue11. Lonie Bf:arh would retain the oth't h•l!. FLOOD RELIEF BILLS All the le1t1la.tura moved 1nh1 COU1'Tl.' BEACHES "'tat wu expoc:tod to bll the Bud(•t ltem.e for Improvement 1 ... t w"k of the 1pecla.J ••llHln, or •t•l• bo&cheo and p&rkl In bill• to ('rant 1tate Nllet' to ar• Or&nce county went throu(h 1111-ou anoc:tod by lut winter 1 mo.INted. The.. ttema pnn1d• floodll' appur1d huded for •Ure for acqui!llUOQ ot. Bola Chica puMl't. One ot theN bU l.t would Bea.ch, and addl.Uooa to 8&.n Cle-prov:lde f 24.IK>O.OOO tn •late •id rnente, Doheny, Coron. d•I Mar to loca.J rovernm,.nta for repair and Huntln(ton Beach bettchea. of flood...J11.magt<d \'1\y a\reet~. Juat what wu lo become of I county ru•Hl11. itM nther pub!I~ 11p«lal lf'cJ.tilaUon to e1tabllah a work3 Another ""nuld l'rel lf' ,. new 1tate clep•rtment of w1lrr 1 $12.~.000 re,·vl\·111 11' IUn<t tu htlj> re.ourceo WU 41ftlcult lo predict cltiee. cuun\1,.~ ~nol <11 ~1 11r1.o. f>· u th!• ...,,. .. bl!inl' wrlt len. nance 1m1all "''t"' plUJl!("tll The Mnate wo.t mak1nit , I The f!r11t bill \., it·•ch tne guv· •trong bid to tewrlle the a.tJH:m· ernor'• deMk 1lu11ng the C•ff1enl bly bill whlrh would l're11.t' a "l'IU!lon "'1111 niy bill permillifll( df'p&rtml'-nt under a J19hcy-n1ak· the Metrop<ih\11n \\'11ter L>i11tnct tn1 director. A majorl\y or 1he to 11fll 11hurt l<'r"\ notf'11 for 1m• member• ot the uppt'r huUMI' ftl.v· prove.m,n1 r1f 1<queduct11 and Ol'ed a 11en•te pru~1al to j'/IACI' pL1n1p1ng 11y11ll.'n1,. Editorial Circuit Rider By UNITED PRESS \ Rumbles in Ru.aia regarding an apparent effort to knock the statue of Joeeph St1lin from its pedestal arotllled the interest of California editorial writen lut week. The Beverly Hilla CIU-.en: 'The ten. of coune, to conform to en,I · current and HnMtlonal devdop-1&81 ~-IA the party line, Uut ment. tnvoh'in( the bWUn1 of tilo ... the attacQ on Stalin morl'-"' 10111-nurtured mytha about Jo.eph 'tnYO!vod than Juat the facte tfi11 t. Stalin • -, la th• hotteet topic new Um~ 1.nd a """' line prevail. among diplomolfili aourc• In I.ho Any &mblliOWt would-be dlct•tnr naUOoa.l caplt&l. 1'b.a lmprUlllon in nffdo a -pecoat. a 111·hJppln1 boy, WUhlngton ll t.ha.t Nikita Kruab· a repo1ltory tor hi1 arror•. f"ur ch1v la behind the move ... Thie StaUn la wa11 Leon Trolllky . may be "A'lahf],iJ thinktnc. but how how far the dutnictkla. of. the ca.n the truth1iibout Stalin 1)1 re· St•lln le.rend wUJ proceed , , Vl'-a.Jed 'olo1thout a1-o revea.llnl' .ome may depend on how. badly a.nit ot hi• duplicity ln dealln1 with how oft.en the Kruahcht\' 'comm!t- lhe democraclu !" tee' re1'1n11 nf'lda a Kape:,.oa.t." The San Dtero Union · "Four Oakland Trtbllne: '"'Mie Chin•~~ peraon1 wide and throe-quarter• ot ('{)mmunl11t11. ln m11ch the aa.rne a mile long. Thia wo.1 the .iae ot vein oui •ti othera out•ld1 MOKow. the line which qu111ed up In Moo-round themaelve1 Pf11'plexod •nd cow'a Red Square la.al 8und11y to po.1lbly bewildered by the new1 file by JOMf Stallil'• bter. lt .,..,, tha.t Joceph Stalin wu beln( de- no greater th1.n the u1ual one thronf'd ... like oll the other. thf'y Which form11 for the n1M'abre prl· 11r1 i olng •lo"' al>oul joining th• "Hf'gr It prov"' 11galn that it takn p1radt1 until they find out "'ha t t1n1e to profane 1 man 'olo'hO for H le all 11bout ," 20JMT4. WN beldJlll. La J.tu>_popu, .• ~-M1'..tftt:ll4-Tt: f;fJAKR ll.('e u • God · • • th111 'rf'pudla· j Modesto Bee "The bluta at ~ta· li1111' ot -St•ltftUon\ -14 lo.o·gt-iy tor tm m ·m Nikita Kr11:othrhfl', R U!!· export. It 111 an •ll•1npt to de· 1.r11 n p•rty boo.t. •re WAltf'r 1·1- nalur• comn1un1•n1. IO n1ilk it of brlrhl. rommun111t p11 rty J,.t drr !rt ill! venom. A n1e1U1ure or tht-hypo· E11.at Gt'nl'l1t.ny. n1u11t have boen criay or the K r~~chev att•ck 11 1 .. akl"d delll>f'ra ltly unlell• one la th11t he wu St•hn 1 ln1lrurnent In to u1ume th" Iron curt•ln audden· one of the m011t mur:ierou1 epl· '1y haJI bf'C'o1ne porou•. Undoubted- llodf'• In th' Ctl<l lclll~r 1 r•rt"'r-Jy thf' lfakag-e of Kn111ht'hf'v'1 1.he crua.hln( of the L kralnlon re· r hal"llrtf'rlutton of Sta.Jin u a ''OIL"' JlflYChopalhlc, blwi.dertnc murder•r XEl\" 8<'HF.ME Dl"E wu meant to have Ji. tavotable Vallejo Tlmt11·Herald . "W,._ can't In fl uence on nrjt'oU•tlon• KQinf on rr~he !de• out nf n1in(l that th111 h) 1.Qnrtnn between Bni,.i11h and 111 •nother prop11ganda a~he1ne the Ru11J11•n leartera ... the revelatlon11 Kru•hchev crowd ar' 11bout to un-of the lut fp_w l111y11 have 1t ren,rth· load on th' world tu t•onvln('f'. 1 ene<I the f'lernrnt of healthy akep· friend and foe that \hf' pretenl ll<"l•m 11monr the ma .. e11 and to Soviel.11 In eon1n1arid are a refonn· th1<t 111',l:'hl <l t1Jr""' th" lmpreKn11.bl· ,.,1 l'rfW W<)rthy of t ru1t E\•ery· IHy <>f the Soviet 11y1tem h11.11 ~ h<l'IV. 011t ... 1•!e the I ron Curtain. wukrn,.d," knew p~tty ""'lL what Jntof'f Stll· Onl•.rlo·l'plllnd Il11 lly R•ptirt : . 11 ..,.,.,. 1u1J lht' J"n1 th11 h,. would "Ther1''11 one thin.-. wh!('h wlll ,u to \\"In • poll'lt .. ra u11e lllll• rtl•&Jrl•m•nt It df'- Htunbolt.lt Sli!nd•rrl "'Actually. flnlll'I}' "ltabtl•hf'd Kruahthev u I.he f'T'O('eRI or dtmoUl\I' Sta.Un the nt."' le•(ler or th .. So\·l•t from thl' hfro ca111e haa l>f'•n goln1 Union It put an end to th• Krem· on erraUcelly evl'r alnce_ he died. 11~ concept of l'OY•mment by com· ln l•te Ill" hltl blrllld11y IL'U p&u· mltll'<'. Tht 8ovlel• h•d by-p ... ed I'd over without menllon A yea r Ma!enko1• and now were l ppan'nt· 111ter he drew jU1t a few llne• 1.nd ty by-Jio.aatnc B11l1a.nill. Fo-r tho ll &In.fie picture ln Pra\·da . Soviet rlF"lt lllnf' • mon hu tmtrttlld 'olo•bo hlltory t.11 ~LllnUy betn1 rewr1l· can be collod tJ\1 new ltaUn." Grass Roots Opinion BEAVER FALU!, PA .. NEWS-TRIBUNE: "The Chineee Year of lhe Monkey -4654 -bu jua:t -bqun. Thr-ynr of the Shttp hae ju.It ended: One could wiith that China'• irubjugated milUona, inatead of knuckling dov•n to thf'ir Red overlordl!i like aheep, would emulate the monkey during tbe colhlng year. For monkcya ue indivlduahata. Moreover -monkey. ca.n bite !" LOVJNGTON. N. M .. LEADER. " .... A. lonJ u men a~ forced by th~ 'union 1hop' to join a union a.nd p1y dut1 to tlH\l unJon in order" to hold th•ir jot., th8 union ha1 no moral right to U&t one penny of th<>M' duttl for pohl1cal purpoACfl ... ," NORWICH, N Y., LTNION . ''Thl'rf' are frw tolki, tht'M(' day•. •·ho take 'pridr in thf'!r ability tcf do with· out lh~ 1h 111ga lhry c'lnnot afford." • I I 1 I l I • • • ;----;;;;;;;;-~..--..-...-......... -..... _,NEWl'ORIRA"RIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 -PA<7E.3 HARBOR HI-LITES ' -WEDNES DAY, APRIL 4, 1956 By IAUllEL WOODSON Nancl took ,a abort trip to Colorado, Sunday evening, to vlait friends a.nd look over the University campus. So--- ju.t for tbia week , she uked it l would write up her column for h~r. 'Ho'pe it will be o. k., Nan. rtrwt. a wry happy Ea.t..r Y• and rtrl1. Th• homt1 or wMk to all you IUY• and &ala r1. Cart OLM 1who wu aul.lited Legal Eagles Prepare for · Schurr-Walker Attack Case District Att-y's Office Repom 'Full Steam Ahead' Pr-lltion Plan trom th• On.nee County .chool&. by Mr1. Ralph ~aver I ind Mr1. Everybody llffm.t to be h.avlnc a ollack contained the ho1te1111e11, terrific tlma thl1 &lorloia wetk h08ta, and rueata. re•pe<"tlvtly -h-'• hoplnc for aom1 1klrlou1 a!llO . M\111 Swift, Dean or \\'oml'n tty .IACK K. BOETT..,..r:K n 1e defendant \1 charged wll.J;I we.t.her,Jluh! At any n.te, have at Occldent11, a;ave a btll'r but Th .. Duitr!ct Attorney'a o!Mct BlUl&Ullinl" the clrl In• we•t 01.r- a ~I DLut for the remainll.ir v'ry Informative talk to 18 Har-ls procet"<1in1i: "full sttam a.hes\!" 1ll!n Grove una«upled hou11lng or th• vacation-but do I-Ilka It borlte, LaJUnllll. &11d Oxy gueat1. In 111 preparation for the proiie-tnact. When they returned to th• taay. okay ? Aut1tln1 vdt.h ~pplementai y ll':n-cuUon of Utll': allll':gtd kidnap-at-Sl"hUn-honill':. the vtct!m'1 flai;ice, Secondly, a fond farewell to thualum wera five 11udent1•from lack of be .. uty quel!li l.lrs. Donna Lloyd Brett. 21 . of Garden (trove, tha many famlll•r college fart.ti Oxy: M•rilyn GIM, N•n1;y Dea-Srllurr Brett. 19, Gar<l<'n Grovr. w11 waiting. frequently r«<.1gnlzed lalf'ly. Ev-vf'r, Jane TwomPy. Helen Saller, Or&11ge CoLllt College studll':nt.' J.tlq Schurr leaped out. B rett eryon• will ,•~et!'. I'm ·1ure, th•l end Marilyn Hooper (•Ktetary gave ch•ae. Tiie ht1hway s-trol It waa rully great havinr thll':m or th' •ludenl body). Hearin& Deputy Diatril"t A ttorney Ktn-and Brl'tt fln•llV forced ~'alktr bac:k for awhile. SOme of thole about the hlltory, educational ~:~t, \V.::11~';,' 0;-i~e t~_! ;;:~~ to the .:urb after a lone. hich- happy .-.c&Uont.ra we,.. M I k e &ima, requlremenll, f1cUIUe1 and fomla title lut year and fOurth 11peed chue. VaUa from Banta Barbara, Wylie various advan~ of the achool, ,_ ,,.,.. h f lh '"~llil"rr·o .,., I t 8 I• rx..--Unf K I d A d Sch lbe were Vl-'Rl& ..... _. • .., J"dy Fo•-p .. l"e ,., er in t e rice or e .... r --ee er an n Y u r1 from •a"' ......... " Mil• Unitll':d St1ttl!I crown. la di':-their aecond \'hlld. Cal, Bill Keller and Sam Rhen-guaon Laurlp Hendrlc.k1 J.1er borg from st an f 0 rd. Sandi Andre'.wi. Cathy Hofm•nn'. ).{er-termlned to r1.rry the l"e8l" .t.tiM Schurr niarr1ed Brett a Schmidt fn>m COP; Ann Gibloll, lln Couch. JaMic1. Ruberti.' Sue Ulrough lo the conv1r llon or the ff'"' d11y11 flfltr the af"f...-onJ allll':I~ Jillie StettKJn, and Arlene Huff Brown, Laurel WoodlOn, •nd An· dll':fll':ndant. Trial opr ns Apnl 16 attack. from SC: Patti Clemence from tloneltl'! Dittrick. Naney Cannon, l Jack Jan1e1 \\'alker. 20, San-\\'11l kPr f1r11t n1pt his 1ct·u11Pr UCLA. Betty Beck from Mary-Joan Ma rth l an d, and Joanne \a Ana -upholalPrrr. i.'O ch•i·gf'J whl'n Ah.. pu.!le<I fur advtrti.!ling mount, Glen Thoma.s and Tod Crow rrom Lacuna Beac h All!O with twice abd111."tin,1: the curva-p1clurr11 in his pl•ce uf employ- \\'hlte from Occltlll':nlal. prll':11ent wa1 anolhll':r Occldll':n tal ceoua brunetlr 11nd rorcing hPr tu nirnt. HI! hrhl th!! pro~. After DU!IHlNO 'J:M rP alun1nae, Mr1. Nancy Pl'nny. 11ubmit to hf11 cr1n11nal sdv•ncf'• thll': r1r11t 111\atk, M1111 St·hurr tohl Next l"O mea thll': ··i~lectM few" Mlll!lfO r.-.15Tl\'A.L Jo"'ivl'l count!! "'tre 1ntluded in a Sh .. ri!r11 drput1 .. 11 11hf' i.11dn't rf'{"- h kl I , cornplaint ag111nl<t th t 11tucky uii;n11.r )1,.t' ...... uul .. nt. l\OWll':l'er, l l'l wor nc peopll':. l "he ll':nl.irt-Looklnr'bal"k • b!l -th' Or-\\'slkrr Th'"Y "rl''" 1wo of fut -~11r ~ket<hf'd 11, l1k .. n .. 1111 uf \\'all!· atl!a'11 jumpln11: h•• kl'pt ..,vt'ral ange County Dl11trlt·l ~IU.!llC Jo'~•·l ,.lblf' attark, t;••v ut kidnap1ng ,.r 11 111,h u.11 .. an 11n~11z1ng re· H•r~rlltl ri;ally bu11y. The t11v-tiv11l wa" h"ld ln our high achool 11 nd 011, c.f buri-;li1r.i· 'rhf' tlf'fl'n· i.rnit,lanrt lu huu. orlte J.R . flnd11 Glori• Chapman. audltutlUnl March 23 and 2• ll11.nl lK fie .. ,,.1 S50iJO bail. !t Jennie and Dutne Lt1nd, Csrul c ti I t c d c ~t .. y~,·~ n1i-;urnent11 to qu .. ah at ompe nr aga n11 11r en rovll':, wa.!I P"' "P b.v 11n un!tlt'nllfl•·J I Cnaln. Vicki C1111':n1r, Nant·y "''" Callt I& H '' l B h J,.1111t p .. rt uf lh'" .-h11.ri,:ll':1 11g• n1:1t orn • un n& on eac , ~nefact or. ant, Jill Blum, D!11ne R iley, Le.ur· An•hll':im, Fullerton. S•nta An... \\'idk0'1' !11.11 .. u u .. rure Jud&" f.tu1 - ie Hend1 ll"k• and •racC'oa Haye• Orlll&e. Artieala, La liabra a.nd ft:\(;K T() JOH 11~un. Su th., 11t1g" l.!I now owt ninnlng from &tatlun lo •t•tion, Pllrl.lllount hich -chools, our own Since hu1 Jaol l'el"""l', \\'alk"r I for tri .. t Lil Saotll Ana Supf'rL .... r cle1r1n1. &nd !1ten•lly, 11<.·reaminc concert band, conl"ert orcheatra hu r•turneol lo hi~ JOb Jn a 1<1<.111 cuur·t AJJlll 16. hundred1 of order• .above the and T•r band inade thll':lr u1ua l car upho\1\ll':ring .o>hop The pubh~· 1----'.----------- noiie. Rece1vtng that jumblP or tremendou1 •hov.•ing. Th!'y each defendll':r off!cr 1" handlinx hl!I I A R •t• order• •1e the cook• and makeup earned the fatnlhlr top ratln1 11. c••e Drftnd .. r :.:ick 1'\t'\rr ron-rmy ecru• 1n9 boy11 : Dennlt Bro"'"· Trrry Reg-under the able d!rPl"tion or Cl!n· l'nda hr'll ha\'" a 1Uu<J·defenar • -L • •n. Ronnie Keeh•r. Buddy Coant, ton Sawin. thu1 : Conc .. rt Band· for hi• Cl!ll':lll 1n New ocat1on J•y. Dirk. Tom. and Phil. Larry I tSuprrlor!, Conl"Prt OrrheAlr11.: Tbe curly-ba1reJ, br~pll':c\&l"ied \\.11lkll':r hat adnullt>d rll':lat1un1h1p Th,. L" S . Army RircruH!nr 1t1-Metca.tf dlahes out m1.ny a ta"o 1 1Su...,noro Tu B&nd ' tE< ,,11,n' r,. ' · -.,..1th the \·1r\!n1. Ho"';>\t'r, he lion 1n Orange County II•• mo\'Pd daily, too. La l<,leata h.1111 k .. pt Martin Kol'rnll':r, J ody LLrb, Cyn-The concert bllld pltyll':d the ,:~rc:~,L~Lllhdl!n•~"' using force W l~: .•R:~~ 1;~;.11~;n~! !2: •. ~,.~~~~~ th1• Brittan, and Carolyn Calll.!1 . Jl'tf'nch l\'atlona l Drfllf' ,.larch . ll:il!'erte•I a ct11 'AND • NOW, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN .. bu1y. Ann GlbJKJn. Lyn Peue, •. .. I \\ alker alle11:e.Jly hL<I !n th'" 1 inf' ln "I S1t. F1 ed A . Ponllnf, Mlr(le Rodrn. and Lvn ).1cl<~1r· 5 · I -·• b · ' by Turlet. Der10..,nk11vll':her -rear of the 1,111~, 1 bt'aul)",. 3n1nll I ~l•t1un con11111ndf'r. · 111 trauaa w11. tz arran1:.,.. Y car M•rl"h 2b Aller 1h" ,ut off Off1<a hour• .. 1w cb1.n,;eJ ar1 I.and havr /Jt,en buz11nc at Onll':IC 110 t d 'Th O f ·. . • Ringmaster Dick Lane, right, recently introduced this trio ot Orange C°l)unty beauties on his KTLA "Circus" program. From left, Dee Dee Cunningham, Newport Beach ; Dianne Weddle, Santa ,Ana and Sherry Langley, Anaheim, who t old Lane about sec- onJ annual Orange County Sports and Recrt>ation Show, playing Santa Ana Bowl today through Sunday. -Do n Bush Photo , . • L', II.JI " v.,1tU1 f ro111 wuik Lu an Oran~" dnl'.,·ln 11naik nu"' ;>.l ,1nol11<)1 , \\.,,lnf'1d1v 11ont1 l•ri-~hop. •no.I Neal M~t<..alf and Jutin the Sy1nvhony ln li Fl .. \ .. by I ' • T Henrotln a re ilavlng at !hi': Mar-, b .. r. the d .. r .. nuaut 1~ •t•H,,,.J of •1¥<)', l'I .. n1. to p n1, •111 llP~· l<•urhet. Thry a1.t0 11:111111•<.I the fl•.11hlnx: a k<llUl on thL. w.L.JLoJ ,i,.~._ Tlour•olay anfl 8at11rd11y, g ket Spot. Hev. LUn<I !~ w0rk1ng, .. u,,,.nur rallng for thf'lr 1!ghl - S T O b • I B I I '" ,. fut<.1fi ( hll':r tv !>Hbnut lo h1n1 u J.,, t .. :'I p 111. ue 1u11i u11i:. t;1r" a Jw1n 1~adlnv of "It .. Jlln Th;in1t'1t." Tht'· . s p '·· -' I t and Bob P1<•k11rd "l·ool" Jt .. t the • f .. The •ecun<J 11llri:,,,1 11t\1H k uf 'Kl untlnlj[ 1.-.. announc ..... t •• 1 1,rch~11tra payed S111:nor Bru11-I .,,,. B••ll ,., ... ,,.,, ,,, , ..• , .. J ,00 . "''''''' '', '''"'''''"'"ho ··•o•h O·• THEY 'LL COMPE.TE FOR EASTER WEEK QUEEN TITLE Four finalists in a.nnu&l. Euler Week Queen contest gather with Tom ·Reddy, radio KWIZ, lo discuu dance due tonight at Rmdezvous Ballroom. From left, Dianne Blount, Newport Beach; Sandra. Macintyre, Costa ~lt'sa: A.1a ry Hightower, Anaheim : Roberta Young, Garden Grove. Euter Week Queen and her court will be introduced at dance. -Steve McKeown Photo One Hurt In Mesa TNffic Accident Within minute• after aha ••• lu~d a cita tion on M•rch 28 tor 1peedlnc In Newport Be.ch , Wilma Wrevenal RobtrlJI, 37. or 108 Adami St., wu Involved In an a uto wr~k In Colt& Mesa. In· jlll'll\t:; one ptrll(ln, accordlnl to pohcr . Takrn to Hoar Hoaplt•I for !>0'3\ble 1pln1I Injury waa Belly Jo Chism, 28. of tJ2r.. French St .. Santa Ana., J>&IM"l'r in the Ro- ber ti' car . The wr.-<'k occurred on th• cor- her of Rochffltr et. and Newport Blvd. Driver of th• oth•r c a r wu Donald J:urene Otvena. 211. a 1tu- dent of 1121 8. Birch SL. Santa An1. l'\'e.,.•port pollct 1a11ued the spttd- tn1 Ucllel a t 7:10 p. m. a nd the collfaion occurred al 7 :2~ p. m .. t.i'('or(lln.r to poltce record.11 Mesa Man Charqed With Dr1111k Drlvln9 ~, Howa n' ~lrd Banta Jr, 42, 119 Broadwa,y, C01t1. Me ... wat UT•ted on a charga of drunk lt'i'41l'lf by Mtrea ])Olice •t 7 :/111 p . m. March 23 In the 100 block ~r Broadway. He wa • bookefl a t 1:1>0 p. m. ln Or&111• County fall. N oah An\burf'Y or 371 Roe.hater llt .. ONta MeM. n.ouned pqlice March 2() that h1.nd tool1 valued at $90 hart been t aken rrom hlJ1 pell.up He l&ld the a uto nttch•nlc looll v.·era In a (Tf"t!n rnelal toot box.. He .aid tha theft appartnlly ~while the lrut'lt wu park· ad a t 1782 :-.-awport Bh·d.. .I Lumber Manager to Attend Meet be11rh. Phylll11 ~1!1um h1111 been t:h!no'" by Ro8111nl . "\'ina .. Tr1ste" ,",,,, ,,, ·,,,, ··~~~ r,,.,,k-,:·,',.,.,, . .., r . u TI .. y bu11y, bu11y, b1u1y at Vinl"rnt'I I "F l l d .. b Sb I d n" r , gu to t,;111'0pe n11y J01n the i.,lh Lido. Jack Sffiith and Pete Sl"hUl· t&fnr r~:n ia Yi I '". l\l<lll, •n • !n~ to thr \'ll t1111, b1"k" IJ\to h<'I' Infant ry D1T\11lon which Will gryn- • or ano er super or 11 ng in ho111e !It 12~12 J o11t>11h111' St Gar-.9("0~ In Augiut of thl1 year. T he berir a.re "be<'on1lng lumbtl"Jackl' i ht di "'Th B !J t p l · ' it Bnillh Brother• Shrll':t Metal e C .~e• b ng.otr ', hll e •. Char -d,.n Grove. On<'e 11~11.1n. \\'alkl'r •l1v\11lon la l"urrrntly 1t.alioned In 11enne Y rn ac · am-1tM<!rtf'dly proddrJ "!r.!I. Brrlt 1n· Ft. Ca1110n, Colo. Deadline tor joln• Richard D. Swank, manager. Wotk1 1.nd Sonny Co111e la hid-I p d " b H I p on• on a1·a e Y u1nme , to ht\ .,.·11\ln.t car 11 kn1fepolnt. 1nJ 111 April 30. ing up 1t Saddleback "Mood• Interludll': .. by F'r!'d, and _ W•rd Harr\ng"ton Lumber Co.. 3300 Writ Coast Highway, today wu reportPd plannlnr to t.Xe an a ctive p&rt in the 39t.h &11nual convention of Ole South- ll':rTI Calltornla Retail Lumber A11· 10Clallon, Aprtl 17-111 in th• Loe Ang,.le1 Ambaa111dor Hotel. Son1e lucky !Mlul11, Ilk,. N11nri. •·song of Jupill'r" by Handel a.nd "' trekkll':d aw1y from ot1r fair l"Offi-a tran&ed by Andfrenn. consUtu-1-::::::::::::-------------;_;;;;:r---, munHy. Jin Blum look • jaunt led Liie Tar band'• prO(T•m. to Berk,.ley, Untla Clpa ry 111 t.al!.-••• :J. .. 1ng tn San Frenl"llcO and Joanne Thf'y, too, a chieved the IUpll':r-____ '..! SUll':IM 11 enjoying the au.n in Tue-ior rating for sight readlni;. Four ron and Palm Spt1ngi .. ~Don't of our ao.lolat.11 I Mona Rae Bar· run Into a iun lamp anv,,.·hrrr. I lo"·· Ga.ii \\'hlte, Robin RylelL JoJo' 1 L n Ml"t"ITll.nd a-nd lll'r and. Carol Hyden I also competed molhll':r ,;',. pr,.ernth· rrlq ing un· and, nobly. "'llkffi away with der th'" Ar ipulro ·110n.~hln'" and fuur auper1or r1t1nc11 Congr1tula· Toni BuITough•. Carol Cri ln, tlol\!I lo you, ~I r. S1w1n and to Olona and Mri. _Chapman arl! all the band a nd orche11tr• m1m- Orne \\·. Hamilton, 11':11.ec;outlvll': vice ptf'aldent of the a.uoc:1at1on. nld buildlng m a terial de1 Jera of lhUJ city will hear l•lk1 on the C•llfornil. wood aupply of the '"' of the lLll bulldtnr btr1. EvPryone who attended "·a11 •llO having: • b.1111 In Palrn quHe lmprt91ed, and it wa11 Sptlng11 Margie KnoJC "·•11 not quite IO fortunatt-lhll': had her egr"d th.at the enlLr• procr1.111 ..., ..... fabulou1 ln arr1U1p;em1nt and tonsil• removed the morning of March Ji. partlcul11rly ln <'AKUlh.m. \\'r're 1t\J very pr(IUd of yuu. ~1 "RPR1f.l.E The night of Marl"h 30, F'rh1ay, --------------• l found one very ~urpri!H."<J ~l111:g1ll': Crane aurroundPd by "Happy lUrthday"-wlshtng !rlend11. ~1111:· ---------------lg1e'11 n1oth .. r 1n!I G11y Arm$ln'1n11: future. method1 lo load utd reduction ro11t11 , Due to hm1ted apace. all th' nll':Wll gathereJ r•nnnt be ln1·Judt"d ttu.11 t1n1e. However. If you will DEATH NOTICE 1111Crl!tly pl•nnf'd the party 11nd llR. }111,,lt'HKt:V MtTKPHV Servicra w~l-e condurtll':ll .. t p. ni. TUtlldly (April JI Hun1phr'"Y f'. Murphy, DDS, 2 1 eally ca1111ht f.faggie un11.1••1re. Pr111rnt1ng her "·Ith the hl,1: be l!Ur,. to 111.ve nan1e• a nJ d11t1·.11 of parl!PI! 111hl oth'"r happening~ fur Naru,:J. "he'll ht' glad to JIUl !hPn1 In nf"l!l 1~1111e. If you l"1nnot ronl11t·t hf"r b ef ore Thur!Oday nl1ht. bf' 11ute ln cont.ct mt ur l!DrTitOn~ .. 111e "'ho will ~ 11urll': to get the 1nform1l14n to her. know •bout it all. Thanka a loL '"' ... "'ho dlll':d Saturday I Mir. 31) a t his homp, 724 Di11mond St.. P•- ciflc Br•ch. Be1tde11 hi• widow. Dorothy, or P acific Bf!al"h. he 1 .. ,, .... a JKJn, H. F. ).lurphy Jr , of Corona drl Mar. Burl•! will be In Fort Rosecran1 l\'atlonal crmetrry. He was I vl'ltfr1.n . a \\'Ol"ld \Var A1n1 Cro~by album .,..,.r" Sur Zerb!', Le11t .. r Carr. Phy!J1.'0 Mi· lum, Ttl~h Knapp. D1Mnf' F'"ath· enrtone, !'al Tutllf', Cynthia Wll- ]11.1T1•. Merlin Couch. Lyn Mc Far- lutd, Charntth St.ar .. gp, G • y There a ra more thin 430 toll Arm1trnng a.nd Mr11 Cr~nll': ro1d1. bnd(PI, tunnela. and fer· Repre&ll':nte uvr11 of Oc<"1drnla! I Colltoge hii':ld two Informal lu.ni'h· ne.11 tor motor Vll':hlclr1 In lhf' rona on Balboa. t1l1.nd. M11rch 31 Unltl!d Statt1, 1 ccordlnr to thr each for Jnlf'rt•led high achoo! :-:atlon•l .A utomob1la Club. GREATER EARNlll'5 REMEMBER ... SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the 1st. \ '" ... -. . -. :_:. :: ·.-. .............. ~ .. y ,.,. "?-Iy \Vant Ad aaid "Ttrma' -"°' 'WM't'M'r"' " PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS > .. ' •• I J I ' --• PAGE • -,A~Jt,~~l~I~ NEWS-l'RESS --U-G-... -·-N-O_TIC_E_ .~c=;._:1==-.-s--s--•• -·,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;;....;.;~ .. "-' MASSAGE WHEREAS. lt woWd M tor U.. Bowv4 ltMa Cabi.Dlt LJG,A,L NOTICI lint lnterfft.I tor tne C'ltJ ot ... ~ •Uta. lf~ ._... ud t\.I igtu-1 ...:=;:;:;;;:;:~;:~::;~;::;;;::;:;;;;~;;:;;;.;;;;lc.a u .,," ... .,.,...._ ... \ &1• W1at I • !9Wallllll ·-• GIRLS GOOD NEWS!' .. tiliii'- Musk·Lovers! ~· NOOf'IM 6 .... .,.. 1llll1ltalf JVIT 1'0ll YOU ~W OP'F1CT,11: -Announcf!· rnent of the 111ppolntmt-nl ot Mad1l1n• O&WIOtl •• chtet 11ernw offlct-r •t the C011t• M.... branch of tha U . 8 Nallonal Bank w .. made to- day by Mnk manager Yr.'. C. RI•. Mr•. 0..w.on, mother of Uu·-daur ht•n and a rea1• dint of Coat& ).tHa. at 1123 Continental AYe ., ha• been with U . 8. National In Coll• Me• fOI" OYer " year. Prior to tht. tim•. ahfo wu with a b~k In .Ban Dl"l'O for •l1ht yea.ra. "Her bllrlklnJ exptrl- ence backirround a.nd ell"row •x(l4rt•ri ce makea Ml'll D•w· aon hl.rhly cepoble to pt1r10rm ..,, !mportent a .. rvlce lo th• ~oplt-Jn thte •rf'fl. In the matter of eKrow work." aa~d Rlea. SA Ad Agency ~ow Dissolved the •u.t. ot 11&14 deoHMd baa ac-- 4utr.1 bf opsraUoa ol 111.w or ... w_.,.. tttt>..-th•111 -ta a.ddi· tion to that of aaid de<:eou.eU, i:.! the Un1e of deatb. In !Uld w all ~ c:ert.ahJ r'MI and ,......i pro- perty aHuate In the County or Oro- &.ft&ll, It.at• ot Oalllomla. partlcu- l•rly deM>r\~ u l ollow•, to·wlt : Lot Ji of lb• BubdJvl1lon of Block C of Newport Bay Tnact, In the City of Newport Beuh, Coun· ty of OrllJll'•, 8tate crt Catttomla, &a 1>4r map rtoCOrded In Book 4, P1.11 ff ol Mltcella.n.oua )Upa, In the Office of UJ• Count7 Recorder of l&ld County. Commonly known u 321 Coro· nado street, Battie.. catlfo"lla. To1eth1r W1Ui bou.Hhold fuml· ture &.nd turnl8"tnp located on the &boVe·deacrl~ property. Property l\a.I 4 bedl'oom1, 11.i: b111Uul, 2 1tory hou-e, turnllhfld, vuy cloae W Bay. Said real lUld penoaal property w ill be acid air a unit. Temu or a&Je •rt cUh In lawful money ot the United Atat.H on confirmation of ea.11, or part ca.ah a.nd balt..nee eYldenced by not• ... "ur.d by Mortr•r• or Truat DMd on th" property ao aold. Ten per cent of amount bid Lo ba d•poalted wllh bid. Bldt or offer• to ba In writing 11.11d w!ll be ~lv•d at the atore- 111ald offlco:-et any lime atter the flr.11t pub1lC'atlon he"'of a nd before !;late of .1:111.le • Daled March 23. 1168. ' Robert E. B !veru, ln pro per 21~ Y..'eat ilh St., J..,oll Angelea l•, Calif. T rltphon1 : Michigan 2213. ROBERT E. BIVENS,' Exrrutor ot th1 Will or al.Id Uece<l••nt. No. ese New•·Prt:N 3/211, 2s. 30. 4/2, 4, e. 9, 111&& Ct:RTlll<.'ATE OF Bt:'Sl!'fJ:BS •·1rt1Uoua P1rm SanMI P11'T)'m&.n. 8ple\man and 8toop1 A.dY1rtl.aln1 ln.e. d!a.t0lve a11ncy, 11.tfact.lv1 March 31. lt h&a been TllE VNOERIIdNJ:D dotl hert· .. nnounc•rt by th• former a11ncy. by certify that 1he la conductlnr a l'ach of t he lndlvid11a\ p•rlnlrt manufa('lurtnir bu11npa at 2MH w lU .. 1,.1.b.llah hit own 11nterpr1 .. Coa.1t Hi,hway, Nl'Wj)Ort Beach, 1n the 01ar tu1ure Callfomla, under th• flcUt1ow Uial .aid city anMX MJd \Uri· tory; and Oeu&a1 .. ,, All ._ • -W: I 2 5 • a ., \VKER.eAI, the Cny of New• .t UaM 1 ~ SL•. aill\ -M-. GARDENING 0000 JOBI -GOOD au.Alt! port ... ,. did oo M &bout U.. 4 (JooM J -1-M ,,..,. .. ,II .. wtui -t .... ,,_ .. & \2th day or March, 19M 111bm6l ' U... S lllHrtloml ~ ... _ _.. ....... .SI-. ...., _Md odd,..... oompu.J U&at -.clu&ll)' ....,... to lM Oran11 COwtlf 8ound.vy 4 Unee ' Luertk>M ' ~ ........ .SI & Jtti80Jf...ul ..,... Mtn"""""t. Con'lml.Mlon a t.s-•1 detcripUon ~°"' .. a.I.._ wfll"""'" U.,,.. 0 Cllilll.111"'7 ...... ~ 1-1111. ll)IN J1.TLL PAT u 1" UI ~. .. Jf...,..U ......uM ... ... tDdM ., u.,.. ...... HARBOR Hl·fl UMI plat ot Mrel.natt.er dMcribed JGNJ.Ntllll .t.D la I Ullm unlllh&biUd territory for ltl ap-LAJ)I1!'J!. -OpeNnc9 fW -am tt'.wport •t.e-...,, .-i ................ to IJ>• .... ,...... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Do --.. , ... -· TELEPHONIC OPERATORS -,-,,--,,,---~===--=-· al S..Ctlon J&002 ot Lb• Govem-Evarv Monct;Jj wec1n-.a..u -.... ...,, II ···•XA.TIOM MldedT CHEeT or ' DR.Awa&. u.ia. rn•nt Code of lh• Bl.It• ot Ca.I!--· r ·-r M41CJ1 4Jf APPOINTKllNT fCI' wide, 11, l't t\. axt~ ...,._,. rom1o; ••• COASTAL S OPPER -Wedneedaya S dish • • -App" -liko ,,.. 16, ••••....,..,.....,, '!'lll;fllOAS .•• "''"' "· 1906 W• I MlllSll98 ... ~-lhe1·a ... ftled V.'lth "'-City DEADLINES tar placiq or ........._ .. an: .. -lliOlne. •:OO to f,;00 p. -n•w nxtw. ... rood _.t • ••--day Pu"~o<lon -I p.m. ,.-.. l lt% N. Kdn Ill., Rm. Ill al«l ......... ~-•1T Jrf~. Cierk ot the ctty Gt N...-port or on.u.i• --· "'-.U Btnor t'tM ---. Be-.!h an appro1'al ot •a\d Or-l'or W~-21.Y PubUcatioNI -~ 1 pa. ot Hutlclr TO. lltt Bp.ta AM Barbor IMIOl-W. tool'l ·-•• •... -, .. ., ___ ....,..., ""---i.-For J!'rlday Publlc&tloa -~ l p.m. PA.CD'IC TELEPHONE .. ,.. __ ._ ..._, .... , .......,.. , uuun-~ -...v...... R.t.llllOK P._ilmDC"Q..,,... IPllCI.AL B,..-on• "'-_.,,., non P\ll'IUant to the proriaiou NEWPORT .,_ """' ''RX..fT'' mia:a •11J(a NllW. Tow-ca.otCOI al ScUon S&002 of the Govam-Hll~a.J"-Blvd.. N..,_. ..... ~ U5 Mch. Ooa JO-(a. bop. ~two mtnt Cod. of th• Ital• ot C&li-411 C1WUW Adi most be.,....,_°"" ......... .,' •·••• ,,. .... ,Ml aad :m.atria&I Statistical Typi1t M-ln. bo)'8. two l'"ln. ,., .... c:.> fomla; and na pubUaben wW DOt De rMPOMi~• f• _.. UWr. -. IAoontGt Klilltenuot IMrTSol n.tA. rtn.. t.hre. ff hi.. '°119 NOW, TKERD"OR.IC. BE rT i.n.wuoa of a.a ad, r-rv• Ill• riaht to CIOl'nCltl1 cia.tfJ &IQ' llUld 1111 A.IL W()IU[ OU~. for posttion In bDI-. 1&n ~· Av ... ea.t. RESOLVED by .the ctt1 Council Ida and lo nJect 1.n1 a4 not oooformlnC to IV1-ud ~ ...,_ MM or ... W:.... IOcl2 ot u1e ctt1 ot N_.port 8e&ch ---~---------I North Oren9e County that the tollO'lriJ\I' dKlaratlona S--'-1 Not:klee ~ 8=M)!I 9ento1m G.E. WilHINO machine, ~r a11d n.otloaa be mad• and f1ven: ,._.,-.;;:;:::; G'AROENING prJULA.Nl)NT POSITION ~ lt ft. row boe.t l~ i.>. IT JS H.llRilBY Dl';CL.ARED. y Newport Harbor CUSTOM ... FURNITURE Exc.Uut Sta.rtlnc" S&lary. Twin beef.-•Prtnc' • matt. ft.. that prociH1cUn.,1 have bffn lnltl-Dl8TIHCTIVJ:LT DJ:8IGNCD Ol)l)NO ~ ~ CL&AJ( .l UP. Top Emplo1• Benlftl.11 90ft&ble. Har. O'Tt7·J. IOet'J ated by lb<!l ctty of Newport B. P. 0. E. • AMUr. Call LA.mbl.rt &-a&&l Beatlh to annex th• M id territory 1767 • RU'INJIHING n BOUR. DAT OI\ wm or apply •l HAND BRAIDED RU6S h1rtlnatt1r d.cr:lbed, J"l\lch ••kt MeeU ewry Tllllf'9day I p.m. C. SVllRSTr 8IOTB LI kOIO or LI ~ rRD INITRUCTJON territory 11 conllg-uOUI to t.b• via Oporto -O.ntr&J A.Ya. H.t..r.~ :tll. s!!~ :..S"'.1:rtiv-. ~ HUNT FOODS, INC. 01\DlllUI T..ualK pr .. ~ent boundar1" of Kid cit Y N1wport lkacb OOu.llOll Btudaa-t., 21, Law 17'° W, Commonw-.llb AU new matlri&ls •..U.bla. and whlt:h nld territory now i. Albert. H.. Matthews. !CX&lted Ruler ----~~~~=--""'--'"-! ma.jor. Would llU employm•nt _____ ruu7_'~''°.,,.-"c·_Col~c~-·---MART FANNIN, 1116 I. Cit 111. un1nhabltlld within the meantnr DICK A HERS Jf.-port area -kend.s 6: a l.asun• Bch. HT&U ._Tiit. ITtlc or the Annexation of Unlnhablt· THE SARDEN SPOT llllOllUY tn llWYlnMr. o.p.ndabl' DISPLAY &11 Territory A('t or 11139; a.nd. de· &--l"uneral Dlneton COMPLln'll nW'Ml'7 .tock. Im· coapnlal, •Tea.more 1-HJt dur-. ADVERTISING ~~~r!:!'.cs arr1Y.O. ~!are that th• reuoru for 1ald pert pnSealns t.=~· tq ••le 6 Hu. 1291..J w .. Jc. annexation &re that certllln 0"'n· MQTIELL'S 708 Kam It, B\ln _6 ., uub, tlUc BALESMAN NEZDJ:O u addlUon PAINT BRUSHJCS ~r• nt itald territory de~l re that _... to rapidly u;pa.ndln1 or1it.n.1a-JO cuiu A: up t ANO PEEK LEX 1-lOU. U' U 11 •-th --bo It be ann11ted to the City o HOUI& c"9aninr , ,.i.nUnr. odd Oft··· ••... • .n.ar r ar.a HARBOR PAINT CENTER :-ir,,_,·port Beach ind It ,,_,.ould be Colonial Mortuary H. H, HOLBROOK job.. bjlrl1111.c:ed m&n. Harbor .. , . l1'0W wlth Newport-Colt• INC for the bloat Jntereat.1 of the CHy OMO-J. top92 MML Writ• d•U.il.1 at once lo • of Xewport Buch and 1l• clU· 7801 Bol.la -JU1t llouth ot Wut· OEPENDABLll PLUKBINQ -;;~:;:;.~;;;;;;<L(;;;<;;;;<;;;;:[._""°"'<>'.'._"B~·t~2'._:=.~th~l~o~n~~~·po~po~•~· _[412 aJnd It., N•wport B.uh una that nld city annex uld mlnatlT M1mor1al Park. .t.. .,_,ft DAT wcirlr. waaM. own ~r-t0ct2 tt-rrltory. An Oranr e County lrl1UtuUon J\ap61r hrtklt .Ma.U:ltainM t&Uoa. IClmberiy 2~. tlpf3 WANT BOY for week and weed· NOTICll IS HEREBY GIVEN lkr'Vinf famlliu of all !&Itta Pbont: Butlor "'6 lnc'. Pay 11 per hr. for food that it I.a propokd by nld City Telephone (Toll Jl'rff) 2801 ll&aloa IDYd., Newport. a.ell PAINTING "fOrker. l t. yn. or OYer. Call of Newport Bu.ch to annex ••Id ZEnlth ~:31 1 pA:I •YN. KI 5-1441. 92cll3 h111reln.t..n1r c!U C"rlbed t111tl'ltory to No one ewr turned eway bl<l.t..UM ft SOVft.. lmall or l&rfw jobe ok. ahall \n the11e procff'dln;1 bear Libert.7 1-nn. said clty. which 1ald terrttory ot lack ol tunda. PAl~ING tt.uon&bk r&t-. ••• ••m• ""'" 8 "••• '""'"" l~Busln-Golde PAPER ANGING The •pe<:ltlc de1ertptlon of the __ boundarlH or the t rrrttory 90 INCOJ.fE TAX SERVlCE proposed to be annexed la l l· teched llf'reto mark~ E11:hlblt COMPETJ:NT Auditor wl!I be at "A " and by reference made• p&.rt !i07 E. Balboa Blvd. Thura. lilt h1reot. 3 p.m. NO WAITING. Har. 3110e. Fl.IRTHER NOTICE JS HERE· llltV:I Call Hu. MOll·W ..... CARPENTER Repair Work LAWN Garden Service Fully e.1;per\1nced I.hi.a arae.. By m.onlh-WMk-hour. SECRETARIES STENOGRAPHERS For PoelUon1 In North Orange County 1NTE.RE8TINO ASSlGNMXh'T8 8 &!11111 ~.ooo B. T. U. nu.zIEJ\ J'1oor tum&c1, uHd wtndowa 6 doora. Har. 37119-W. 110 Opal, Balboa laland. ~J Sit N' Knit Account• previously h&ndltd by ~1~;:' :i:~:a~: ,;::nE :~:m;!!!i0:; f>erTym1n will rontlnue to h# the follo,,_,.1n&' ~raon.1, whoae name1 BY GIVEN than on Monday, the ~ervtce<J thru111th Aprll until new In full 1t1nd placea of rlildencea are 14th day of May, 19:J.e, at the •'onnecU(lna c:•n M conYenl•ntly al tollowe, lo wn; hou r of 7:30 pm. on aald day, 12-Bnlldlng S.rvi.. Ooee Tour Hom• N~ Repalrtnc or R&modeUn& T call f'r&na, Ubt'rty t-aM Ph011111 Llblllrty 1·7611 11,1 GARDENING and CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LIBERTY 8-6139 AdYertlalng En(lneertnl( BTART GIFT·MAXING now for ltother'1 Day Y•ther'1 IMy- Brlde• -Gr1Uluat1o n ~ Birth· day1! Good uaurtment of y•m1, 1traw1, Corde. handlr! 6 b&.111 for bit.Ji. N•edl.lpolrit and PAlNTU !111en1. Knltt"d Shouldtret tu, atolea 4 1hortie_11, REDUCED PRICES to r•t a.c· q11a1ntt-d. 313 Ii:_ Balboa Blvd .• Balboa. Har. 41122 32t!c .. rr•nred. DOROTHY M.. Cl.EARY, nr 1111 11oon the1·e11fter a• the mat· 8plelman Adv1rll1!n1 Arency, 2018,,. Sanla Ana .i\Yenue, ter may be heard In the Co11ncll located at 120 E. \Oo'1.1hln(ton, CC!lta },fe ... Calif. ChamMrl ot the Ctly Hall of >\-i ll continue operation " an in· \l/ITNltSS my hand thla 27th the City o1 N~port Besch, 3300 <ll YlduaJ comp1-11y. day of March, 19:i.e. Weit Newport Blvd., N~wport An adY1rt\1ln( fi rm to bf! 18 1 DOROTHY M . CLEARY Bt-ach, California, a hear1n1 'A-ill known aa Ma.rklllt-ln( £n&UJMr1 AT ATE OP' CALD"O"-NL\ 1 be nad at which he&rlnir any per- w1ll be e1labll1hed by Stoope 11nd COU NTY OF OR.A.NG£ )N. aon o.....,lnf 1.ny real property hi• partner John L. SulllYan. On thia 27th d&y ot )(t.f'Cb, l!Ktl, within the boundar1e11 or t he ter· before me, the UT\denl(fted, a 1'1tory IO propoffld to be annexed Notary P ublic in and for the a.aid h•r•ln 61!.cl'ibed, each may •P· pear and obj~t to the propo.M'd O?unly and S tate. reialdinr therein, annex1.tion and ahow CIWM! why Thtft ot a tay aled wtth rtd 1luly 1·omm1Nloned and awom. per· ' k II ed DOROTHY M auc:h lf'rl'itory ahou\d not be .o Satllpla Siad Stolen wheell. worth 20, WM ta en I"°"" Y appear · a.nn•xed. [rom the patio or back )'I.rd ot CLEARY, knQWI\ to me to be the Th• l.boYe and fort In Re-- the a E Semple_ hom•. 717 Nar-. peraon l'thoee na.m• ta aub•crlbf.d aoluUori wu d uly and":e:Ularly r·l•Ull A Ye !00mettn11 prior to to the w1thln ln1trument, &nd 1 pau*Cl and adopted at 111 meetlnr Mareb 13 police reported. acknowledged that •h• executed ot the C\!y Coll'ncll or tht City LEGAL NOTICE lh;.;~\~i-r~ESS WHEREOF. t ot Newport B"•Ch held on the Hth day of Marrh, 19IWI, by th11 followtrig; vole. to "'it: have hereunto aet my h&rid a.nd -------------• 11.fflxed riiy offlt:lal 1eal the da)' C.'ERTIFl('ATr: OF BU81:\'"&88 FlcUUou• nrm Nune and yrer In thi. CerUflcate Oral a bove v;r!ttt-n. I~· P RANCES I.. J ONES Notary Publ!c In an..t tor S.ld Co11nt y 1.nd St11t e. My Comr11!A1iori Exp!rf'.• July 9, 19:i8. Nn. 11:'.l N•,,_,•1-Pre1~ 1/28, •t•. ti, 18. 1 9~ TKI: UNDERSIGNED do h1ttby certlty that they a,.. conductlnr a pa rta 6 boat ri1anufacturln,r bu.JI· ""' at ltl& Plac•ntla, Cott• )te111 CalltornJa.. under the ncut10111 firm n•m• or AMERICAN P'IBER- GLABS 6 BOAT CO ~nil ttUJt ••ld flrin la rompo&f'd of the Col--c---,-.-Tl-t'_f_C_A_T_<_O_F_B_c_··-,-,-.,-,-.-. 1ow1ni ptl'llOnll, who11e n1111lltl In F'lrtJllnti• tinn Name full and pl.a.cu of r ir11aLenre •r• all THE UN'DER.StGNED do herr· rollowe, ta-w ll b~· certify Uult they are conduc·I OERALI) L. MA8S EY, ting a rt'ta!I 1tnren1 bu1ilnt'l11 al 106."J HermMll L>r · 307 "Manne, Balboa Jaland. Cali- .Anaheim, Calif. fom la. under lhe flcllt1ou11 firm MARCU8 MONSEN, nllme of F'RAN AND MAOGT and 708 Center Stre!'l, that Mid nnn la compoeed of lht- °'91• Meu.. CalU rollowlng per110ne. who.e n1n1e1 GEORGE A. HUSHLING, ln foll and placel of rea1denct are U t Plum Pl.. aa foUowa, to-wit: Coata Meaa, Callf. FRANCES BUPP~ WITNESS our han!U lhlt 23rd 40 1 ~ 38th St. by of ~rch, 1956. Nl!"'NJ)Ort Beach. Calif. GER.ALO L. MASSEY MARGARET SJNES GEORGE A . BUSHLJNO 21:".i Sapphlr• MARCUS H. MONSEN Balbo& llland, C&llt. !!TATE OF CALIFORNIA \\.ITXES S our handa U\11 2nd COUNTY OF ORANGE )8'. day n( April, ltl:MI. Of thta 23rd t1ay uf March, .A .U. i/ F'IU.NCE8 SUPPI..J: 11156. befnre rne. ROBERT A. /1/ MARGARET &INEii EASTMAN, a Notary P11l1ll!' In and STATE Or CALJFORNIA ) for th" 11a1d County 11nd State. re-COU:\'TY OF ORA.NOil Jaa. •tdlng lhll'l'ln. tluly comml&1lontd OF TtuS 2nd day of April. incl ,,,_,,urn. f><'!'itOnally appea1·1!(j A. D 19641, bdora m1, ROBP::RT CERALI) I. :.1A SS ET, M.AHC\'S ~· \.\'ILL.MD,. Notary f'Ubll<" In MONSEN' an<l G~:ORG!: A. BUSJt. ~ntl t0 r the' M-ld County 11n•1 LISG .knoy,·n to !Ill' to be Ula ~*r· S!lll"· r·eel(llfll' th•r•ln. duly con1· 1uM ,,_,,hoa .. nAn1 .. 11 ITI' ~\lhli<'r1bo-d 11111<-~iOnf'd and irworn, peraon.t..lly to the y,•1th1n 1tu1l!un1,.111. 11n<l a ppe11r,d F'rarlC• ll!lupple and t ('kno.,.·ledlil<'•l to int thill lhllly I MMrl(llr<'t Sln• ltnown to me to irxecuted t hr aa1•1 e M thP P""'°"' whoM namu lll'I L"'i "1T!':ESS \\.llEREOF. I •ubscntk-J r.o tll• w!Ulln iutru- ha1·,. he~unto 1r l n1y h&l'ld and I rnent. and acknowledfed to m• aff1111!1.I my offl<"lal atal the day that tht-y axeculed ~ .me. TN a nd year In lh11 C•rtltlU.l.4 f1r111t WITNESI WHERllOr, I h11 ve &bo•·e written hpreunto Mt my hand and 1ffi 1ted ROBEftT A EA ST~IA N my ornclal teal th• d&J a.nd year P.ty Com mu11lon Explrir11 tn this 0.rUtte&tlll nnt abo,,.. July :29, l9M wntttn. No 110 N"w•·l'r".u I •! ROBZRT f'. wn.LME8 l 'l!I. ..... 11. 18. 19M My Comml11ton ltxp!ru ;;oTl('~--ot·~Al.f: or RF.At, Novmiber 17, J9?Je A!'\"1) l'f':K~llNAI. PROPERTY No. 113 Nnr•·Pr ... AT PR.l\"ATf; SALE 414, ll, 11. 2°' 191)1 A~ A 1·.,·rr R ..... lutloa No."'' ~1) ~71 ,l'l)Jt A Rf:~)Ll .TIOX OP' INTl:N'• J n the S up.'rl11r C'u111t of Lhr Slfllt' TIOS TCt ASSl':X Cl':KTAIX 11r f'11 IUnrn1 a, in and f,.r U1<' Cc1un· J"H (IPT.KTI. TO T iit: C-11'l' l \' rot l.oa A111t,.J,.11 .... ~ ~t;\\'POKT llJ:A('H ,'\:'lo'U • Jr1 lh" M•tlll or t ht i:.t.t• of 01l ·1xo XOTl<.:E THt~((Wt' J,Kf: R BORO, 0.ctued. NClth:-1 WHER!:All, ll'l9r1 111 ~lt uated 1 ~ llf'rrby 1tY1n th•t U1• undtr-out.1ld• 1.nd cuntlruou1 to th• •1•11~11 Will Mii •t pri••t• .. 1 •. lo C1ty ot Newport Bel.ch, • Lfr- t hf' h•r:*t and hf'at btdd•r. l'Ub-taln unll\Mbtted tvrttory "'1lhln j<~·f to connm1at1on Of Ntd SU· Ul1 rnMnln( Of th• AnnaJC&'..IOft p1·nor Court, on <>r afl•r thl 11 I)( Un.tnllablted Ttrrltory Act of •l•y ot April 1!1()4, 111t Ult-afM ct 1t3t , &Aid t•rrlto1 }' bl'tnr 1iiore o! R••h~rt I: B1• ,..,e 21.f.i y,·,.,1 pa rUt~l11rly h.-..·t1naf't1r ,J,.~rlb­ ~ ,,.n!h ltn'flt. 1n U'I" 1'1ty of l.GI eel; and A·iio:· , ~ 14, lri th• Count.1 uf Le» ¥.'lt&RJ:A!!I , rerta tn e>wn1r1 ot Alli"• h Atatt or Ca lUomla •II Mid prnprrty 11.... Ppr-.d l h' 1111 ht, lltlt-111rid lntirrNt Of Nld l tht:n'IHIYM .. btlnJ dMIJ'OUI o1 ~1 .. 1 '°""'"'! 11 11'11 tlm• Vf dta.th and MV1nr 11'1111 1&m1 &n.n1J1td w.tll •!I 111" ni:ht t•tl" 11n•t 1nlf'1..,~t thlll \hf' ('II~· <If :--.,.,..port DHrh a nl1 • Aye11. Counc-tl meri · BENNETT MAf'KA Y. l3TOP · OARD, HIGBIE. RIODE:RH OY, HJLL Ne>e1. Councllfritn · Non• Ahffnt Counrllm•n· WILDER DORA 0 . HILL J.fayor ATTEST MAROl:RY SCHROl'OP.R {'B y Clerk ''EX.KIBIT-A." "·,..t l&th !i'l l'ffl Annf'llatlnn B"rtnnlng •t • J'l"'lnt In th" boundary lh1" of Ult City ut Newport Beach, U ld pol nl b"!nr th" •outliwest roml':' ot l.c>t lll'Z. "''""'port ,_fesa. Tre<'t, u ah own upon a map recoroed In Book &, 'Pare l, of Mi.cellanaou1 Map.. Re- corda of Or•nre CoUJ'lty, Caltrom\a ; thence euterly alon&' the aouthtrly line of ••Id Lot 1 lll 11nd along the aoulherly lln• ot Lot 1012 ot 11a ld Ne.,.·port ).teaa Tract to th11 aoutheut corn1r of u.ld Lot 1012 : theni:• north•rly alonir the ra11t<'rly line of 1&ld Ln1 1n12 tn t he 11orth- eut rnrn!'r th!'rf'Qf, lhr·nre ... tl'rly 11!Qn.i; lhf' """~IPrly prol•i11i;:11t1nn nr th.-north"rly line of Lot 111 2 nt 1111 !<1 New- rort Mf'1111 T r11rt nr111 n.Jt>fll: th .. nortl1Prlv ltnt' .. r ~11 1•1 1...,t !l!2, \0 thP 11"1-:!lf'l!.•l l'f\Tlll'!' thel"f'Of : 1h"""" •0111hcrlr &Ion~ th .. ,.._,1rrl \' llnP .,f ••lei Lnt i!2 l•l th" ••1uth· 11.1 ll'rly '"'l n"r thrr•«•f. U\lf!TP f'a~\f'rf)' lll11n~ lhP 10Uthe1I'' 11n .. or Lot Rl2 Qf Mid Xe\\·porl ~1"9.fl Trll <"I to the 1011thf'11J1l rnrnf'r tht-r•· of: •ll lil pnlrit bi-in£ ln th• "''e1tl'rly llnf' "' Pla(· .. ntla A••nur. u ,o.,1ltl f'L11ccri t \a AVIOUI' I• •hOY,'TI upon a n1ap of 1ald ~r 1vro11 ~tl'•ll Tr11.ct and 11l!W'> •hny,·n n1•11n a m 11p of U1I' F1r~1 A<l<tltliln to New· port ~Ir~" T i-111 t. '"''Clr<l~I In Book ll. l'iif!:" l'i 1 of )fh•('t'l- l&nffin~ ~ln p11, R~&fod11 o f ~Ille! Orl'ln1<" l'n11n\y, California, 1i n1 I ,.111<1 pnlnt ai.o belnr In thr b<>urid1<1y l!ne Of tl'I• Ctly "' C•>lllll ~ff'AA : thence IOUtll- .. rll' 111<>111(' the we1tf'rly llnf' of 1111.ld Plac1naa A ye_nua and •IOl\f 1a1ci boundary llnf' nf u , .. City ol Co.ta Meo to th• IOUthMIM eom•r Of Lot 11 2 ~ •• ahOWr'I upnn a m1ro or uld lat-AtldlUori ,,, r-;,..,.. port ~ftN i'rart ; .. 1d c-orner bf'1n1 ln th• bo)Undli~ 111'1" Gr th• CltJ of ;..'.!!Wf"'T\ S..ch : theJ'IC'I Wfllltrly a nd northtrlf •lonr Ntd boiln· ctary lln• or th• l.'lly of N...,..port. S.ach \o Ula pol,nl of bei1Mll\I. ~·o 114 s,. .... r r .. -..4 t 11 1111'41 Painting Ii Paperhanging We d3 the work ouraelves. 10 yeara u:perietl<* Ucenaed 6 in.urllld. B&U.facuon ruuuit•ed. EIUmat.&1 tree. C&ll Job.Mle. W 8-2687 I< W 8-5289 Slife CEMENT A BUILDING -All K inds All Work Guannt.Md T•U'• COMPIEl'E PAINTING I< Paper Hanging Servie<1 EUOJ:NJ: 0 . &AUNDlll\I 000 llJit 8U..t, N•wport 8MGh HarlM>r ml \tel Painting, Decorating Roy's Paper BanJin1 GEO. BURKHARDT 02t1o Mlllintenance FREE ESTIMATES Wberty 8-6109 LlumN&ED CONTllACJ'Oft tttt 178 W, 18tll. It.. eoet.. w ... -=---.,---;;::--~--:--1 ___ __'.Uberty 1-1&21 Compltlt Profu\ionol Houucltonin9 General Contractor UCl'.NSED New Work -Remodeling J . •ULTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W 58ttc Small Job• Wanted Carpentry -Painting Good work·-Rea10nabl• U !Mrty 11 ·51103 FOR RENT llc911 Skill Saw1. Elec. Dr11!1, .Poli.her&. aU typa of Sand1i'a, Whee.Jb&r• row•, 1te. BOYD'S HDWE. !?830 W , COABT H.JOHWAY WberlY 8·3•35, Newport Bcb llUc CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO 8MALL H. 0 . Ander.on 1014 E. Balboa Blvd~ Balboa Hubor 2400 ' S3Uc "A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY TI-lE N E\V nlAf hlfle proceta meth- od. R11aaonable prtc111a . .4.Y•ra1• 2 tape re1ident.ia1 blind Only $1.00 Rl!nrll rc-pal~d 11nol rf'bul!L Free Plrk up and d!'l\Yrry "'ork diln" by 11ppolnt ment Phl)fl" l .,Jlwrly 8-1'.iOI or KJ111h .. 1 ly 3·M 89 ppttc SPARKLETTS DISTILLED WATER For Cardiac Condition• Kidney 8ton•1 Nephrltl1 Al11rr!t1 Salt Jl're• Diet LJberty 8·6012 PAINTING 17cl lNTllRJOR -J:XTl:RlOJll AUD MAft.IN'E PAINTING LlC'l:NB~ -INllURZO Glenn Johnoton 11()1 • 311t S t. N1Wpor1. Be_t.ch Harbot' 317& 't l>ttc noor wlJtj.nc and buttlnr Window Oe&niDC Upholltery CleuUnc PaUo. Color wued Lu•troUJ Reeult. REASONABLE Phone Liberty 8-1332 IRONING In my home. work. Ll 1·3910. "' IC.l:c1ll1nt t2c93 FOOTINGS DUG HOU81l WORK, by Ult d111y- ca.n dr1Y1 el.I'. Kl 8-ftl• after \V&1t• llnu, Mptic tazUu and 3 p. m. Loc&I r1rer1nc1a. .ewer e1:1nnectlOl\I, work done 92c94 by Ford mounted Backhoe. 1-------------- PhOll HYa.tt 4·Mt0 Coll.c:t. i:XPERT M.JitlCAL STENOO., llckH Rapid typlnf . ahorthand. temp. WAYNE'S • CONSTRUCTION CO. Genen.J Contractor All WOTk P'IJ'liOD&lJr IUptrvtaed. ll .. '°'' 14-hnonala AJcobolice A.b.ooymou.1 W1'1te P. 0 . 80JI !Ill Newport Beach. Call(, Phon1 Harbor 47116 or Pl""· ~ 12.&0 per bo\u'. Hu. 1370.J. lllc93 RUINED mld4le .,..0 lady woWd Ilk• bou.ek:Mplnr job ror a.dulU u,,.. In 1r dM!rW, rood cook. rafenncu . LEX 1-4752 or LEX l-40CK. c92 Men I Joba now ope.n In ~ANTA ANA lo}ll('h St:hool rraduatf'!I, •ff' 18-41!. tto Th .. e ar .. cerll!"r -------------joba with eitcel- Superfluous Hair lent opportunltJM ror adY&nC•m•nt. G I R . Ptinll&ll"-tlUy remond 00.. tM& enera epa1rs anna. 1ep. • ....,.. uc1 batr Clerks .... REMODELING """ ... ,..._,., m ........... . ELLEM L. l:RT AJrfT R. &. U Cl!:N8ED Udo'• 8alaa of ... UtJ' Bar. MTI P'ne ad"1C"t. Ph. Hu. &60l-W tN "'" -----------1 ------------PAINTING PAPERHANGING Sr,if~~~,~ !:!~!r H[r, 2'404. or "IT Call Your Relax-A-Cizor 'f' CONSULTANT o.monstraUona. no obttraUon llONNJI: WIL80N-KT1tt 4 ... 1 .. Or KT•lt 4-41H SlpH COLO WAVE COMPLETE $6.!IO to SIO Con1truciion Htlptro J.O.., w.u. Paid ...eati(INI ud boH4&ya. mectlcal COYl!"I• a...Uabl• to em.ploy-u d d1ptndenU. Co. paid ptnalon1 arid dlaablllty plan. APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SANTA ANA Mon .~~rt II A M 4 p M'. Southern Pleaae CALI.ON US Bair cut 11. Shan1poo ... t 11.ao Counties \\'bl.n 'A'lll Ct.n n111tp YO\I wtt.h your CLEO rua:·s BEAtn'T llBOP Producuon and oU.r d1p&rtm111nu PIIRMANENT POSmONS ExcaUent Bt&rllns 8aJ.t..rt• Top Employ .. a.n11111u Call LAmbert &-36&1 or apply at HUNT FOODS, INC. 17'°"" W. Commonwealth 7'\lllerton. Cant. Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency NO FEE oollected trom .t..pplle&nt fill-3lat Newpon Bel.ch WANTED fn>m July l·lkpttmber 15 a t Buoon Bay. R•ftned woman to h•li,i In bou.M, cook lunch and dinner. Sil w!U\ children occa11onally on week· •nda. Uv• out. Good 1al&ry and tr~rtatton co.ta.~rlll Mr1. 0 . J . Pell&Mro, TecoYO~ R&nch, Qol1ta, C&JJ,fomte. Uc93 WOMJ:N: Oftlc• ptrtonnel, all cJ ... ltlcatton.1. Refl1ter now tor the top joba In lhl• a r••· Aleo domeauc and other•. MEN - Many poaltlorw OJl#n. JUNE P'ARRAR, F:J.fPL. AGCY . •02.,,·32nd St., Ne•Yport , 1c1·r1a1 from City Hall. WANTED COLLEGE g-!rl 11 or OYtl u motheni h~lper. Uve tn. Ha.r. 62&2·W ll2ciH. NEEDED AT ONCE MachJnL1t1, lnalde C&rp1.n~n. Yachl, Experienced Apply lo Yard Otflllfl SOUTH COAST CO. N"""POrt BIYd. at 23rd St. ""'" TyplaU-Stenoia BookkeeJ>f!r• WE HAVE JOBS FOR YOl:' No Fae to Appllr a nl TEM PORARY PLACEMENT SERVICE AGENCY 41• BPURGE:ON BLDG , 8 . ./\. 92rilth I---~----CO M PT E N T HOUSEKli:El'ER, CLIVl.A plant.I In bloom, f2 • up. U a-~••e all ataea. "°"" Attn . Property Owner! An you nerltetlnc' your wa t•r \~t.ar T LIMITED OFFER $2.50 Clean, dr&ln &Ad &dju.t your w•llr heaw. Ca.II your DAT " NIGHT AUTHORIZED DEALER JOE BECHTOLD-Plumbing H&rbor &330 Biel DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS Made to Order E1Um•tea -Sample1 LUCILLE DRAPERIE.S Harbor H&4. or &191 BILVEI\ rox srou: PJ:H.VECT CONDITION, Reaaonabl111. H.t..r. 1&.H. Utfc TI-fRll:I!: painted woOOen .callopecl corn1cr1 Two y,•\11 !It 31" win· dow1 6 on• -t21". AJ..o 2 ac- cordion wood doora to nt 30'' OJ>f!nlnft. Cali Har. 311•8 or H•r . 5891 1virnln11. tlc9J MAPl..E OltSK, 2 redwood lounau with pad.I, ••r1ou.1 potted plant.I. Uberty 1-42"~ tlcll3 Watch Repairing Un...W Cootume Jewolry JEWEL BOX 21215 J:. '"'' .... BIG ANTIQUE SA.LI: NOW OH to (IO<fr ott. Mu.t make mGre room! Antique furnltW'•. Joa~ of old Chlna, J•welry, rla.MW&ra, clocka, l•inpa, pictur•, etc ..:_ B1rgalna (alort-. CHAH.Ll.E DAVIS, 1806 E . Ana· heln1. L.B. HI: 11-3039. tuU l'hurgt, ma le ('r r.,rna.lr. SINGER elect. portable ""'1.ns Hour11 noon lo after dinner. 2 maehlnt. Good condltton 12&- 11'1 family Liv" out. Apply ln LEhlih ll·22M. hpN per.on w1th r,•fl'rence~ 16115 Oelf'&n Blvd , Corona Jel Mar. BR.OWN aqulrnl h&r ooa.t. ICIOd 90r92 oortdlUoe fa6. HTM\ t.-2113 . ~~-~----..... LADY ID Ba.Iba& &l'M tor Iron· lq-111 own home. To take oYer GA 80UNE 9r1pe. tor charstn&' Mt&bliabed bualll.._ Prohtable boat b&tterlee. ... uutW larp t1M' r1Cf\t perecin. Har. :'12~-W Jad• tr.•. AnUqua ~ rbNt ~112 6:-brle•·brac. B.a.r. JON-M . ===-=--=::-::.,.--,,.-,~o=~~ ..... GIRL GOOD AT noURES with =-c-===-o-,,--=~~-­l'OOCI hand wrlttnr. So1ne lyp1n& CA1Tl:R!i A BA'l"n...ER re.np fiO tu'. wk . l(lO wk. Wrllt' Boit wtU:I Jriddllll top-'t'll'Y l:1-a C-23, Newport. Harbor Newa· M.c:riflca 125. Preaa. 9fl('92 lllM 8t~tM.k«'·laad c;rulatt tdl. WANTED boyll 10 to 14 ye• ... or are. For NrWl·Prt&I roUlll!I to be open aoon. .APPLY Mr. Park· .,., 22lt "'nt Balboa Dlvd.,- Hewport tf BABY BfITER nttded bf'!.,.·een llouni 10:80 e..m. t.G t JO pm Mon., Wed , Thuni. A ~·r1•l11o)' Vlclnlt7 of l~UI St. A l3a11t~ Ana A•• U l ·:J388. (l(k-9:.t 1ed. T Rad. -Htl'. 1226. Harbor tll•·J. altar 4;:t0 p. m . HpH BOYS 2t In. blk•. Ue4ill#.nt C<ln· <1ifl('ln 117 &O 2014 Rfpubltl', C, M. Ll 1-211! tie O.E . IU:FR..10. 8 ft, ITG, Hot.point ran1• 11'>0. G.E. Auto. w aah•r 6 d r ye r 1100 ••rh Du&J he&d· boa~ f'()mpl"l" with tWln m1l- ll ttaea 6 aprlnp • ~ ebu\. 11it.ut111nr problem• A tTll\Md 11n Church •1 n m 1tn.t Jtut Gas Co. courteoua spec.talllt will fl&dly or Newiiort Bl•d blllitw.a 1tth WANT baby fitter tn my home. h1lp )'OU pflllp&rl d!ec \lv• &dY•f-and 20f.)I ()olta M~ LI ..... ,.. -------------·I fl day• Pf'I' wffk. Berin April " Ma pie OU&l hMdlboant.. Wende baby crib • mat~ ilutlor •741-J. H cN U11nr . ) U' WOMAff for d.t..J' help. 5 d.ey1 a '3 ptt na7-20U Mii.pie A\·f' tJur a11n 11 to Pl'(l''l dt J1Gt1ne1 •d· Wffk llsht ht>U•" worlt baby u 1-3990 91piJ 11• Pl:n.ll.\N llC&ttl'I" nap. Kuat "rtl.alnf eounatl and help )"OU fl! •.t c::__............ 11tt1n1 1100 mo Har. 4424 -W. I Nil frl&/"U(lft Or1f11l&l n.lua. Al.90 outatandtnr renilu . ~ IMIW!do9 92ctT MOTHER'S helper, "'"" thn; 1 Hewl-hlt• chfft&. ok..ta1 NEWS-PRESS P"r1 T Jo • m. lo 1 r m ).t 11~t rur • •11ptrt11 repairM. a.ti· CltMified Ad. TUTQilfN_G -C"NrJ"°'Y rll&da and h..cla b•Y• cu. IU) par h1 21~ Ut-m.at1:1 tr" PtJUOU..M"a lfM 1:1.nmtal')' 6 ~ .. ~,_.. !'f...,...,.,.... _..t ad9, TMl'1 why eh•d, Corona di.I Kat. H.lr 4 13~ E. OD&lt Hl.chwa7 CJ>.N ; ltARBOR lete •~ rwr hr Rar ~'I.I'·~· ~ th.,. sit 11\K'h qulrll re11.11!1 li lri .1 ~ I \, ' -----·-----.... ··n: SEWING MACHINE Bargains 81npr Portable El8Clric, -..... -....... -...... $1T.81 APPLIANCE and TV SPECIALS 81nCft' PortabM EJllClnc. Guan.ntMd .... Whttl Rotary Portable . 129.Ml 121 ~" PRILCO, Table model TV -···-··-··-----···-··--·"'2-ID 10'' llAU.!CRAFTERS ...•..... ··········--·-··----'19.116 !00 ...... ...ta UM.14. But1rl P"'"" and Sa.II. IUC21.AJU)B(>N T A.CBT AHO:IOl\AGE. UlC.. 11.Ut. ... 11'dl 16'' G. E. Comole ·--·· ....... t .......... ---$38.90 1, rr. ll'lftC8CIU.r'I ti•. lk'Ott wtUt Upt -···--··········--· 131.60 White Rotary Con.ul1 17" PHILCO Table Model, Ex~Uent -···-··------114.ecl Atwat• '" 11.p. f'l'S. Tab bolla Custom Hi-Fi KTJ8IC I f I I Lill PJ&Aned to yow Uldlt1d\lal lllttn· tar r-.Wtttnc~ i. taom• • bu•n-. BmAR It COKPA.Rc. e..vlhlnUe 111'1' tlddity at our eompi•t• ....,.,. of U'1b.I 8ouad. .. wtU!. Ucht •.. .•.•.. ···--$-d.60 UP TO 40% ON FLOOR SAMPLES 17'' SYLVANIA T. M. ········--····· ......$7•.eG l 1T5. 211----'0th It., N.-port. 121;:!" ZENITH, T. M. ······-····················-· -lllA.16 8-dt. t lcll) Bar. 4111 1211 " PHILCO C II tt .... .,_ &M•IJ. f. CTCf. mariae ~ HARBOR HI-Fl .: onao e e .................. ----·-···----·---· .. ..-..·""' pl,. ~ _,.t.lM ,_. parU 1711• Tllte ---·-------·-NEWPOltT HAltllOlt News.PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 5 IG-Aat"" for-Salo - WB>NESOAY, APRIL 4, 1956 --·--------..,\--"'-~--- 100°/o FINANCING (on approved credit ) 1954 FORD 2 DOOR R-E-0 We art j)roud to announce our appaintment u the distributor lo Santa. Ana. and · o....,.o County Vis it O ur Show Roo m See Our Complete Li ne T rue k1 • 8u1ses • Engines Gasoline -LPG • Diesel ED THOMPSON GARAGE nu:E-wksTINOHOUSE and Vlg- Ol"llli. a.. th .. befoHo you ''*'u your lllOM7 tor an oft brand. 30 Day J:xchanca Privll~1• on All JladWl• llOkl BJ u .. 15 ~1l'' EMERRSON Con.Ole ·······················-·--·---··--···-Sf.2.9G u: a.int. tscMl ~--WlN----~.----- 21" SYLVANIA Conaole --············------------$189..50 11 rr KLINKER UUl)' boat. pl&DO ~ n!~uO:priJ:: $100 45 RPM Phono ·--------···-·-····-·--········-·····-· --·-····$10.00 M..C-.,. Mot« !..., ..wk. down. Coo.valet t4111U at 24" SU.VERTONE CoMOJe .......... ,. _________ .$139.50 A ,...i bUy M71). Har. 06tt or W-=':.~c.a!n~ ;::~Ana SHARP 302 French -Santa Ana $11.70 PER WEEK ______ ,,_ .... DOWN WZ Bl'!RvtCI! ALL MA KE8. Wll J.1\£ J..tJTBOIUZEO nurnu- BUTOR8 for Whtt1 Rot.Vi. Vl1· ~ VUdq tmd Otben. BANTA ANA'S OLDEST CROSBY Refer., Shelvador ····--·---------$129~ OLympl• 2-2089. See thla WM" PboM Xlmbarly 2:-091'2 CROSLEY Electric Range ·--···-···-··--·······--·---·-----·se&.50 at 1358 w. Bay. ~2 1-------'-----I W. Elect,., Range ----.-·--····---··········-·····------.$1.d~ ll .rr. DOlIBLI: •1¥1ed. pod 501~ ~~•o•spt.w:.n;.,~.~~~ ll'IOtor, sQOd kull ... •t QJOt ...... _ ....... uoo p._ A.DcbM.,... M&k• on-allowance In trade on new piano 1%6 FAIRLANE TOWN SEDAN LOADED 11i161 VORD CONV. Privata p&r l)". M.wtt ..U. A.jl pow•r equlppeJ. Whit• with Wtllt1 top. Wiii trade H&r. &031 daJ'L D:l<"!H, 19M VOLK~WAO!:N dt1IUJ1.t . R&ll and atety bait. •l.f.96. U 1·4711.1 9~c:ll-t. l!EWING MACHINE 8PECIALISTS. DAVIS -BROWN 1~ Harbor Blvd. er E. o. ~ 000 :Slit. or orran. 8C1DCU>T-PBILLlP8, N--Hu. JITL ..... ... N~ ...... ..... ..... $200 DOWN aNIPll ..Uboat, eomplM.1 wttll LOVllL Y ELEC'l'RONIC Z m&aual $19.29 PER WEEK 195e P'ORO Town lltdlJI. A vul- onl&r)' repoiue9ion completely equiped. •tali• up $~ In b&t::!k paym•nt1 A l..MUDl• contract Call Jack Ye>unr or Tony C11.ntu LEXlnrton t-1~. tr<·9'! -------------------------1 Wall'• -111 A and dolly. Good 8plaM. or1&4-hi pert'e<:t C011d1• condlUOD. '360-Har. 24. .. -W. Uon. 81v1 '400. <:oavWent Wheeler Liberty 8-3(37 , THINGS YOU NEED toc81 tar~ at-1955 FORD CONVERTIBLE App. and ~ Machine Co. ID T-4401 llG ll.. &I.JI, St ., 8.A. QAFJ'Da • BA Tn.ER table top l"&DI'•· clock control oven $30 LI 1-1871. 92CIH PJ\A.CTlCALLY new FRIGI· DAJJUll. UMd only 1ew month1. I cu. t L H&rbor 1878 d•y•. LI 1-7084 evenlng11 or .et a l 1711 m. Coul H lchw•Y c U.M . 82l·D4 -------~ PHILCO Ratnrerator, brand new, l&rf'9 .,,,.. top trMnr, •tparat.e m .a.t dllilw, -.Mlv11 Jn th• door. lv 1• n1eU.bl1 crilper, all color lnt.erior, •t&e.11. No cuh need· ed. jwlt pl.7 ban" 11.01 per moa.Ut. ... d&y or 1vanln1 l l. l «l W. Chapman. Oran.-e KJ:lloq 1-6117. &t prices you can pay BED SPRINGS A MATTRESS Complete ---- Baby Crib & Mattre88 ····-····-···-····--··----.$9.96 Completely Furnillb Your Home CHEAP "hfen '& Suits -······················--··-·------·······-$6.!)() up • 400 Women'• DreUE'11 ................ ~~ • VETERANS INDUSTRIES OPEN FKIL>A Y A.NU 8ATUROA. Y Tll.L I P . M. Come 111 11nd •hop 1.t one of our 3 conve.nie.nt loe&Uo nt 402 E. 4th St , SANTA ANA po RATIAN, W RO UGHT IRON, PATIO FURNITURE Barbecue and Brat.iera, Lawn Swinp, G&rdea and Beach Umbrellu. PADDLEBOARDS 11 fl., $!8.00 ll~Hunllilf'lon Av• .. Htf . ~tqton l...f.79%. TRADE llld BltAUTIFUL TO' aux. tchOOMr, r o uywtiw.. Eac.i. for ~­ Wut •mall• boat or property. U20 W, Balboa. BIYd., Ntwp0rt. Harbor 3032. ffttc "°;-M"91aoJ, -&I T V Knowlton !:l.K:tronica TV REPAIR 8H.U'ER'8 (llUl.CI ll07) Ul-0.:S N. 8yc&mor., S&nl& AM Phone Klm~r1y 2-0872 Orance Count1'• Or ran H6ql,., ""' SELL YOUR CAR PAID P'OR Oft NOT McCarthy P•y1 More 8. Maln Kl 2-1601 OLD CARS AND JUNKERS HAULED >.WAY FREE C&U Fell:I: Sup.tr StMlc. U 1-Utl 111:)() Newport Blvd. LOADED $150 DOWN $17.43 PER WEEK MARK DOWNING FORD, INC. ' TWO 2211 W. ~th BIG LOCATIONS It Hwy. 39 1.t· Pacific Hwy. fluntln(too Boacb WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS 19Ml BlJICK Special Deluxe t door touring 1>1"dVI. Dyn1rlo"''. He11ttr. under11r1tl, 1eat covrrll 1.nil 1nany e.xtru . Original b11rk fln11h. Porcelaniald. P 1 rf 1 ct ''rv11.'tng record . Unu11ulllly tin• rond1ti1.1n thru-out. t'ull prll"& $4711. Orlg1n.1t.l owner Phon" HYatt t ·7619. tf ·~i FORD cu.tom J dr. RAH, & 0 D . MUil 1111. Se.i6. Harbor t 1J2·\V &ftl r 8 p. m.. 2124 1'1 """ lllllf, H.al bofl.. 111tfo New and Uaed TRUCK AND Pa11en9er BRA.ND new Philco RAtr11er1tor t.h9 089 l.h&t. hM 1pe.c1 1~ bol· lJ.M. bull ... , nlc. Croll I.up ,,.._ chut. alt color interior, "I'· • m.at criapff. Pd dn. to $124.M.. No cl.ah <Jn. u you pa7 th• pymt.a. or 17. 72 per mo BAMBOO DRAW DRAPES and TROPICAL ' Floor Covering•. 17cl FA.ST llmRVJC&, u.ASONABLll.. ------------·I NEW CAR TRADE-INS LOW PRICES TIRES 8-H ou r Re cap ping ... Sarvice Complete •M Baurtua'1 A A 8 A.ppllaia« --220 OO. Main St~ &wil11. j..na, Opn dall7 W 9 Bun. 11-~ Pfiorie KJ 1-7201. BASKETS of all kinda & UoU1u&.I Gitt ltema. Canva s e nd A luminum Awnings. \ SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING co\ 1626 S. Main, Santa Ana Kl 2·~5 Free DeilTeey OPEN MO NDA Y AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 91ttc S2--•'umiture for Sale 32-P urnlture f or Sale &.rv\CI e&Ll.I !Jll 8 p.m. LI 1-0206 tt 8 A L D w I N Acroeonlc Sptnet Pia.Ao 14rfkl. You <:an 1&vt1 on thl1-Beautlt\il 8 plnet only 1316. Another Bplnel .14.ahor . cu., ~YelJ toot', onJ.J .191, &lW&J'I iota of wondlrf'UI buplna •t 8CHMIDT-PH.ILUPI Bi.I Plano A Orran Co., &20 No. Ma.in 8t. 100 Plano1 to ch0011 from. Euy t1rm1. Open every FrldAJ 1v1. WA.SRl:lt, Norr• l9M. Just puah bullon and waah. Thu1 l• a n1••! buy. J\ will pay J OU to look. l und It 3 WP.1k1, going home, only ow• 11~.%7, P•Y o..na 11.8' per week They took ll to Cb&prnan WarehOU9e, 14~1 \\'. Chapman, 0 r 1ng1. KEiiogg ' a.6117. Jl&n t.h1r1 Ill.ya l.lld IYlnln&'a. RED A Chrome dinette .. t . J bmdo portoblo bu, olo<L lanA """ -y l"mo. To"' old Up-RAZED PRICES bJOIMI• cileata wilh Dllr:rort.. HAMMOND ORGANS complete nu:J:ZEft, brand nl"W Intern.I· flrTplllce Kr"'n, tl~t. ,.,,...t.e.r, r!f hl t.a)l;m ln e1chan1e. Try b<e· Uon.al H.&rv•ter lh• bl1r 1'1 cu. To Ra·1se Taxes men.1 llollt. Ii. .. 40. ladle• Ice fore you bUy. Frea pracUc1 It. on• that hLI all rerrtg,rat"-1 •k~tu A n1ilc. article•. Harbor roGmt "..._ 8CHKJDT~PfilL.. lhal'l'H, extra apac• In door, Zll&-J. 8lc8S LlP8 Blc Pia.no and Ol"J'an all color lnt1r1or . PO . dn. to Stan . 6:.10 No. Maln, 8&.Dtl An&. $181 ... 1 from ortr. 1898. Caah BOOKCASE. ma ple nnl•h, J the.If. l~ WEDG_lt .... '000 R&nc• Ill or pay the pymta. ot 1 1350 J2i.96 value AT BAY 118.JO lhl b11 CP &JI aulom1ttc, clock. LOVELY electric ptaye;r piano ln par-mo. I Lamp, friddle In mlddle. 1lmmer perfttt oondll\on. Tenn1 $48.60 a114 Be~·1 A A s Appliance Dl!:SKS, 1nod•m ar m1ple nn\1h. burn1r1, Ulat new roU.,rle down, and $18.33 per month at -220 So. M•Ln St., Sant.a Ana. 142 ~U v•lue AT BAY 1211 60 broil oven A u:l r• •n&ck broiler. 8H.A.J'E.R.8 rSlnc1 11Hr1 1 Open a..117 lll 8 Bun. 11 -:i Phone Pd. dn, to l1181i. No ca11b t%1-t23 N. Sycamore, Sant.a Ana Kl 2-7201. II PC. ).lAPLE .,.,.ood ..rm 11vinr needed If you P•:r the pymta. Phone Kimberly 2-0fl72 -------------1 ro6nl i"roup, lnl"tude11 "'°''· phU-ot $9 10 per mo. · 1--------'----- rorm r~ker, 2 1tep-end1, I cof· SM B&urhn'1 A .. 8 Appl\UICI! STElNWA.T GRANO. All orl11nal COLD8POT refrta:erltor 180. t.ta- ctc chief l"U fiUlJe, 1utom1Uc cloc" control•, lllr(I oven an<I bll'Ollll" Mti -Both In exce.Uen t ~diuon.. H&fbor &OOe. ~ Be•· COB. Bay. 80p9~ fpe tabl,., 2 tahh1 Ja mpe, l floot -220 So. M1ln 8t., 81.nt• An.._ condldon and n11teri1l. THIS lamp. Open dally UI II aun. 11 -~ P hone lB NO R.ICBUILT Pl.A.NO. Alao 12911 :.o \•atue AT BAY l lliltlOO --"-'-'-·'-"'_1. ________ I Knabe, Muon. H•rnlln. LMt'r I fl. many oUi.-. at 1r1&t 1avin11. 3 J"C SECTIONAL, fo1n1 n1bber WE BOO.BOOED Rea lly J.00 PlUIOI from which to t·u~h lon,.•I 3-2 pc. Jlv. r rn. H l&· MIJST Bit ChooM. SCHMIOT• PHJL.l.,J:PS, ltH WHIRLPOOL Wuh .. r lt1 th• _nl.c1 dllwi• oc:i• •th•~ hllJl S18!l:iO \'lllue AT BAY 112P ~ CLEARED. t'M tured for 12,9.:io 020 No. M•ln, Santa Ana. -~ --·-- UM btc tub, acit.tol'" 4J,.no .... · h:l2 COT'I'ON LOOP R UGS. 1111\f'I( rtnae. UMd 1 mo. Pd. di!. to m.ck •t•l.11 no cu h dn. tr you pay S2V 60 \"l \UI" .•• AT BA y SlV \I~ the pJl'Dt.&. of •11.11 per mo. I ... a.~·· A • 8 A ppll•nce STUDIO COl'('H. 1lttpa t• .. O, 2 -no Bo. M•ln St., Banl• An&. 1prin & fille>J txil1le.r1 ()pea dally Ul 9 Bun. 11·6 Phone I BQ 50 \'llue AT BA V 167 00 IC a-not. per •PL \\'Ill take 1100 orr a n<l aTlll FRi:E 0 £1..1Vt:Rl" BAY FURNITURE 4%7 !:. 11th St. Cost• Meu ---------S TO V 11:, refrl1er1tor, ml.eel. furnl• lure. Cheap. LI. 8-3440 altl'r 5 JI m or we.41k1nd1-9ltft O --... --...... --.-0-"K-M-,-,-.-.. -,-rr-l-lL-IROLl..A\\'AT BED, ~ site. 1leepe ..... llk1 new. C'hr'om• rriJI two. w /ln11e111pr1111 mattre11 .. ~ w· d ,. ,_. ., .. 149.60 value . AT BAY J:m.OO Mela 00 Cr8TT btoUw and .-v•r)'lhlllr. Repo.-C@t that 11tra ch11l l'IOW 1.nd BEAUTJFUL MAGNAVOX AM· FM R1dlo-Recurd·pl•yer ll" TV oomblnatlon ID blonde oe.k. I )'t!lr old. Sold n~w aroun<l 1600. Sacrillc1 ul1 1326. T1rm1, Pnvate party. Har. 481:.1. 8h."8.f. Kn owlton Electronics TV ANTENNAS I Clee.r s-m -HI Gain) lNB'T AU..JD.O compl•l• lo )'OW' ~ ..-Id and look.I brand n'"'· ' PC. WROVOtn' IRON d!nl!ltt .. v1. Thli wMkl 1p«lala, $9.95 • ....,. Bank ot Amtr1e& payment& d 21 .... ' Oii 8' ltuo B•l•DOI du1 onJ.y $1~. T1ke ... t. Mll"a wood ITlln ex\,.n111on l:S dra-r 21" ch .. t •··--····• 110.U U M200 . • ' I.able, .f. foa.m rubbe.r ee.at ckaltl. 4 r1.w1r ...,..,, ..•..•..... . =----'---------·I ol 1. t per WM". Stored a l ~9.60 val\Je ,_ ..... AT BAT 13960 1 ~ drawer 2t"' chllt. ...•... 114 .81 Chapman WllJ"lhoUM at 144.1 2121 Harbor. C. M. 1..1 8·1'4& 'W. Cb&pman, Oran&'•. Ke.llo11 A.PT. SIZE GA8 RAJ•IGE, 4 bum- DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl CHOOSE FROM 60 CARS Ba nk Financing 100°/o Warranty O n La t e Model. DON1 WAIT! TRADE NOW Sa ve Up To Slim McCARTHY'S 1429 So. Ma.in, Santa Ana Orange Co.'s most reliable dealer Open Sun. 6 nit.ea 'till 9 GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '48 ONC ~ T. PICKUP 19115 NEWYORKER 4-DOOR SEDAN 2-tone Jf1lY, Power al.eering, Power Bn.kes- Radlo 6: Heater. -····-···---------··--·----··--·S&ve Hundreds 1965 PLYM OUTH STATION WAGON Licht rreen. Automatic tranl., Ra.dM>, Heater - w;s;w Tlnio ........................................................ $199~ 1965 PL YMOt.n'H BUS. CPE. B:.oeptlonally 0.... -Light beige ................... -$1395 1963 CHRYSLER NEWYORKER 4-door Sedan, Power ateerlng, Power Brakea, Radio, Heater -2-Tone blue . ·-···· .. ····· 1963 FORD CLUB SEDAN $147~ 2-Tone, Rad.lo, Heater, W/S/W Tires .................. $89:5 !949 NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN Light a,...., .......................................................... $lilt! 1~ NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN Ll1bt green ·····-·········-················-·-·-····-· . $24~ 19153 CHRYSLER CLUB WINDSOR Brake Service AND Front End Alignment ROAD S~V ICE Ftrutone Bud.f l!t Plan 'lour1 for t h1 A.1ll.ln1 H OWARD R Y AN 801 • 809 w . l •t St . SA.....,TA ANA Kl 3-1363 J31re -------- Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdq+r s. & hou r IH'Tvil"~ f"ree Ptc" up A deL1vrry Courtney & Lester 1596 Newport Blvd, Cr•11ll "'~~a PHONE WBl."RT\' 8-11 \)8 P&P Liub P /S -Rad.Jo ll Heat.er ·········-···-····,. ........ $119:5 41-Ant., l!k!rvtce LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout Highway Ll 813486 Hausken· Watson Sport Car Center '54 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR . Heater -Clean -A real buy • . $888 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. __ .. _$411.88 8 Cyi>. -···-··-···-·-··$58.88 lacJude• both labor and put&. New rin11, wrl1t pln1, val\·1 • crtnd. JltUnc1 of main and rod M&rlnc•. EJ[pert motor tun• up. i<>-day or .f..000 mile IJU&ranl~ (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP lO 16 MONTHS TO PAT- llUllt lD our owu. tact.o'1 by llldlltd mac:bl&.Lllt.a. Don't contend wH..b U.1 middle man. Buy dlree\. REBUILT aad INSTALLED &l:IORT BLOCK 1-1111'. Man t.heHo d&J I A ev1-e.r, oven heat con trol, broller COMPt..ETll: huuMfUI of furniture •-"'-"~"-·----------1109.60 v¥lue AT BAY 17!1 ~O lnclud••. I plec• llvlnir room Kroup. l)l!'(lroo1n 1ncl ud1ng double '41 C»l:VROLET 8l1BUR.BAN "00 FORD V-~, •._ T PICKUP '&3 J"ORD V-8 '1o T . PICKUP BUU...0 YOUR OY,-'N" Ki -Fl ·43 ClfEVROLi:T v,, T. PICKUP phOOOl"Ph. ~••r N•w~mb A I'>< OMC ' T PIC KUP I '49 BUICK SUPER $345 FORD ················-·--·····-~··· 5129.:'10 CHl:VROLET -··---114.9.60 PLYX Ii DOOOS -· $J M CHRYB. • 01: SOTO -$170 STUDEBAKER -··-1170 OLDS A PONTIAC 6 -$J 70 H1rmon-Kaf'don AM-FM t11ner1, ':'11 FORD ~ T. P ICKU P FORD-• • • • " • • a1nplUlua. •p.all:t'rt .. reoor~ OMATIC'I 14 Dr .• Delwi:e-R , H ., Dyn"a, w;w. Original interior & paint •RAND n-Phllco Refriger11tor llr,.uer wflh "'lrr()r. b(lokca.t lhl btr 10% cu. ft. W\Ui IJ[trll T\\"[N BED S ETS. cun1plete In· l&fT9 frMll•r che•l. dalry bar elodea 2 '1nnersprlng m1tlrtft11r1 1 h!!lldl)vard. n1•llr"~" .,Ir. l)(lll pla,yer11. Come In and ... lbern. ! '51) CHEVROLET h T PICKt:P w. wtn help YQU ..... n1ll\1 It. HYDRA MATIC ,.~ _. ... 11 1 1q1i1ll~fl neo 1urt.•f 2 1111ttchiof 11prlnr•. 6 JH .. ""• fltnln.r !="roup .......... "I · c, • .per • • co or B1·ani1 ne'A". p .J dn. to 1211.f.24 I Interior Pd dn to 11 \19 Q.4 N i• \J<•io; spring•. 2 1napl1! beW -·, · d..i it , S:li 9.M)valu~. ATBAYS lJ9(~ cu h orpaytht'pymlJl.orSS 46 .. _ pyro · nee you J>lil) p-er wirck. Alao our Jll$CI Pb!l<'O U!.1 pymt.. or 110.17 pt1" mo ... -· B f TV pd. lln. to 1141.96. -120 So. Maln Bl., knlll Anl , 220 SQ M11 n Sl. ~nta Anl\J DAVIS-BROWN 1886 H1rbor BIYd. COlte M.,.. -L.J 1·3t 37 ... °"U•·-'I A A S Appll11nt::!f' ay urn•1ture Se,. li&ll(hn '11 A. A S A.pplt11ru·1 j Opan dally UI 9 Bun. 11 -0 Phone O~n dally tH 8 !'IU", 11 -~ l'llun• Kl S-1201. 427 E tjlh St , Coal.I Mt~• KJ J-7l01. HA.Mt.IOND MOl>EL BV Ultrd bill Hf't"""<'l!n Tu11tin 11nd lrvln' ------------1 p.rf1<:t oondlUon. SCHMIDT- 11-Woatod to B!g'. IDORJ:8T PRICl:B PA.ID P'OR JUNK UlON A METAL. Br u. lie lb , 1-d 1oe lb.. copper !le Jb., alumblum. 120 lb Call U 1-14~2 """ J.'rl!'I Storefront Parklnc-Te1Tn1 :J2-. .\-AD~utW PHll..Ll.PS, G20 No. Main, Sant• OPEN EVES 'TIL 8 TALL GABLECouotryHoUHI Aoo. SPECIAL BUT : O"K.i:!:FE .. J.t£RR.11'T Raner Uffd % mOI. 11'11 big CP •LI automaUc 1immer burner•. lltl top, hltr over•i•• oven A th• chrome 1trill broiler Pd. dn. to J \14.03 :"o tin. pymt. U you pay thr pyn1\JI, e>f S& li pt'r mo. g,. .. U1aug hn', A • S /q111H11nc .. ANTIQUES S t:SEO 120 BA.BB AOCORDUN8 N"lc• v&rl•tJ 1utllenttc anttquea. color9d 11u1. b,..., i:opper, rewter. \1mpe. f\lrnllure. fNllD ln~llpen.ive rltt lltJTUi lo lh• ftnMt A r&rMt for tb1 col.IKtor. KATHRYN A.NH JOHNS 14771 Harbor Blvd., 8•nta Ana 74c&8b u low ... 146 rull pr1ce. Value1 up to 117&. Te.rme .. low u IO per n1ontll at - 8H.A. jSillCI 1907) 421·6%3 N' • .!lyounort, Santa Ane Phone Klmberly 2-0872 EL&C'TRONIC ORGANS. J~t like rw-w, MV• 1600 to 1800 on th..., "STUOE.;,.KER " T WAl.K· '49 FORD CLUB COUPE . . . $295 JN ·~1 1-"'0 R.D V-1. '14 T . Fl..ATBEO ':'ll STUDE.BAKER ~ T PICKUP ·:n FORD 1 T . DUAL.. f'L.ATBED '&2 CHEVROLET 1 T . PANEL 't i CHl:VROI...1:1' l T. C. A C .. 111 " W. B. '&.3 GM C 2 T . C.AC. 179'" I/to", B 2 8Pl:ED, 1:2~ TIRU ·47 1:-.-rl:RNATlONAL K-8. 10 \\"H.UL Tl\ACTOll, 10 .00 R, H, Clean ln8ide &nd out Hausken· Watson 2201 So. Maia 1932 Harbor Santa Alla Co&u. MM& Kl {).1188 LI 8·1194 TlRES to-Auto. for .. ·~2 OMC 470 TRACTOR A Bl:KI· O\JMP 10·00 TJR!';8 le.e the l1~st n lue1 l N <:k deal· •r \11 Oran11:• Cou11t7 tor lht beet buy1 In ~ lnl<:k•' Our •tock mclude1 ff'OOl •.. ton to 10 w)leel'"" MERCEDES -BENZ-PORCHJ: THUNDEl\BlRD, Ma:rer. Drelt1 -JAOUAIU!I -MO, e tc. and c..dilllc en(ln,, •P«lal 1uepen- Alner1<:an care ct-nn a <"Omplelt 1ton. paint, whftia etc. Never m<"-eh&nlcal lnepecllon and road raced perfect oond1Uon. Can be tMt before JOU bu.y. Ht'll a l 119 VJ.a Ol'vleto. LIOo CA.UF. U8ZD CA.ft UJ.1. liar. J.Dt~;IO to 1 :80 BUICK -··-·---·-··-·---117$ HUD80N --··--··---117$ Loan C.r rr.e T(JW"lnf NEW CAR GUA.Jl.ANTZI! Block must mMt OUP 1t&.nd&rtl.I Plum t.l.JIM, 1..UN a.Qd. otl Open 8\mda.y lO a..m. to a p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open O&Uy I t o T Stat.a Bond.cl NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. &A.NT.A ANA NASH· HUDSON Own• .. RIOH HAHN'S d-f'andt.ure for 8a)e THR!:ll ftOOM!J of ~•ullful ""'* furDtture tor 11"6. Con1e in IGOal e..nM.&nd. -22Q ::ie> M•ln St , !-tan la AnL 1------------- 0J>e'I d•lly tll 9 8un. 11-6 Ph<1ne SS--B oub.. 8Gpp llea KI 3· 7 20 I . :;::_::..:;::..:;:..::.::£_<;;;.=----I P:8PSCTION BltftVJCtc. p. m. Ol'l/y. 90c:l81 J'or1!.p Ntr. Cv ..,..,. A UTO H.A.DIO ftEP A.1R 111 1~ .,.V:t•:·w1:ru~171i. Grant W. Musick HYD~~s~vICE bee..~,t~r~~ orsana. ,,~';HM IMO T • W. W. WOODS PH..............-8 Co.. No. atn, G"C DEALER H UB &00 W. C•ntar. An ahf'lln tf lll ROOMS BEAVTlFUL N'i:\V Fl'RN l11.'RE with 2 pc. lll'lnf rO(un Mt In your c:hOi('e of mod• r1 l'I tal)r!<'• 2 Ntl'ILllll r e.nJ l•b- lr.1 anu cof(ff 1ablrs. 1 1n0t!,.1"T1 t8ble 1$ui1p., :I pc . .,.,-rourht lrvn I dln•llr. 01oJern bedrooni 1<11 .,. Ith ti dr.'A'f'r tlre~r and lar Ct lJ INCH HOt-'Y:M.AN Talf"vl11lo;, 1 table nu>fltrl with b,.1141 1u11I 1<'1th j ••rial $36. llOLL.YWOOD T\\"IN fll,;O, '"'"I •Prin&a. mattr..,. A lt(I. I ll) Harbor 2041·\\'. 11c":'I rnh :vr. l..lrit.t Philco rtftll. A --...,...---------M &(tC \htf range. all for onlf DINING room lfl I pl«•• S40 16"6. Low down paymant. 1<M Chrome dlnelle ~•t $~. Dav .. n ... ~ell.• lO pi y TbJ.111 being-ot- port A l"hl lr $3:1 H•r 2212-M fr1.-d 1t the 11.1wt1l ptlC• ev11r Pll~:l 11ho1<1n -aubla"tbtl t u lh~ i...-o,.r, A.1lv•r- llM In !hf' Hf'..ST. ('iill ll•1hrir ,.,. H ~li MIO \\" Ce:nter. Anah•lm U t FT. PLYWOOD, clUI 8 SI.Illa Ana. ~l. t8lt, M ----~'-------·l et&-111 IC. 4th ift .. Sant.a A..n• HYDROPLANE. N.ak.1 otter. Her, 1412-M. 90c.:82 ----------- HAMMOND CHORD orran. u11~ Guar11.11t .. 1111 MYlftl. SCHMIDT PHllJ . .JPS. J."r1nchl1t.d Ham · mond O..•l,.r for Or•nic:e County, 1120 No. Main, Sa nta Ana. --- UCHMAN JO' Dln•h.Y I 1ult.a or e.an1. trailer. n-co"r R-..on· 1blt. I.J 1-1:.144 or wNl• OOU.11•51 Hu!Mrt.. 2481 Cr .. t'l'lt'W Or .• NpL 8<:11. topjt IO PJ:R MONTH renta • Jl'ood I pracU~ piano. Term r~l 1.p- 14 ~ n.. BiflCHCRArT BOAT pll• lf you buy; SCHMl.DT· LIK.E NICW. 1116 Har 10%7-W PHIL.LIPB Co .• knl& Ana. Oood ..... J prM'tl<:e pLlllOI Jst. 1110. •190. WANT TO BUY STUDIO PlAN~~ to ret 26'--H' SPORT flahar or charttt. p..no UM. Term.1. 8 q u • r 1 Toll .... Writ.I John Ooodrid! -()rand. B •• u LI r u J VI UQUI. O•n. Dl.l~ Colta M-. Cahf ICHMIO'T-PHlLI..IPS. 1120 !'i'o. 1 1pU Maui. ianl& Ana.. Truok HMdquarter. tvr Oran11 Co. 110 Iadu.trial wa1• LI a-1111 Your Hudson Dealer Harbor t71& Newport S..cll ..... SALES and SERVICE U-Tnlle'" MUST ,,u, talle over pu.yrn1nt.a. IMO CHRTlt..al ·N...-pcrt'. pod 2S3 N.LolAnplfil K.Ef>-7278 "'----=------:~~~~e~ru~.t '7°1~~-~: ooadiUoa. 5600. liar. 21.181<>.J;,, --'-"-""-"_m ________ ..,_fc %1 FT MODERN t railer, ntw ._. •Willi(. palkl, ftn<*L 5&(.TltJt•. 1-------------Lido 'l'N.llar 1-'ark.. H&r. ~:.108. 19:'KI OLDS II. rln1 cotuSlt.ton, Re.... 61 POfWCKI: 1peedltw -vvt-·~ BUICK Spoo<lll. R .. H. n•• ""' dlo A ht1t1r. M50. RIU. ()(17._J , lb!• 11.000 mll-. red W1th black "°"IW, rood pe.itlt prlo9d rlJbL l~~--c=-c~~------ t1pN 1-lher. irxc.iit1-.1 oondtUon-1011 NfWPOI'\ BIVd .• Colt.a Me911.. l 'l' rt 'nl.A..l.Lllll. ir.t. ·~. a Nd~ ---~-------~ 12611 -t2t vi. Ka-on. U60 LI 1-1177 ~a rooma. Good condlUon. Fran01• 19&1 CKCV. ~ Aire. I ~yl. lala, K&r. UU-W or H&r. U 71 Yi'eJctt.. •toc•vll\& 'J'nUar Court. ll&11<1&l'd ehltt. Only!)()()() mllff. 1Kk::P2 1·:,3 STUDEBAKt:l't V-1 Zdr cum · IN ea,. a L. ao.ta ,.., .... llp93 NU!iT SEI.J.... now fl•v• com -_ ma.n!Mr ~H. O'Drt,,. bl1t"k. pany car l300 lk:iwn, wUJ 1104 MEl\CEDEa BENZ JOO 4-<lr I www lltTttt..,. 11". H1rbor fln&flCol to quall.O"' perwon. C.tJJ ~.Low mJ1_,.._ bnm1a&!At• tt:S2·W. 1 114 Miramar. Balboa. Hu. 337 ·\\' after I flptl Barbe.or 1114·M. . totr... tlttc lt FT. TR.AVELAIB hou.M trailer, tuny equlJ*I. IJ:lb-1921 Pia· °"'"tta.. C.M. u l-1&f1 92ct3 - f>AGH~ 'AAl1"r=NEWPORT1'1Alt1~rrmws:l'RESS -~43-~Jl.~-B!!i-~~f~or~llt~•~I :..::::r•!!B·~-~Ll!"':i!!!i!!!e~tir:...:.::r-!'*!::!•~-~:!D~Mo!!-"~==~----FA"taio W EDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1956 ·uoo I&LC. • .,...._ '" nrouanw.L -· _..,. ,._ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. Ol'FERS Deligbtlul llvln(. ApL.C.banu. Utlllli'" paid. wt th Y u ht allp accomodatiou.. Dally, weekly, monthly, yet-r~Y· For appt. or relel'Vation, Call Har. 2992. • UJA-A pta. for Rent baUa home, on annU&l but... room. 111J ·Mith 8trMt, N.-.port Blip foir 40 tt. boel., UM 0( ll 8-ch, lAued tot 1160.. mont.b It. V~ nan&bou\ poWtt bo9.t. p1U9 UUUtl-. Low '°89. Pricto 2 car ,..-., ~uUtuUy t\anl.l.lb· Sll,Q& Hu. tUl or 4111 tt ed. ahrubm. 1700 ~r mOllth. lnquln at t l Balboa Covea. Newport.M J&Uo * * * ENJOY LIVtNG on th• ocean front. Kltchenette apt.. It ~ with Pf'lvate bath. Maid A phone ..rvic., TV -2!06 w. Ocean l'ronl Harbor &081. * * * .... ROOM tor worklnr ml.n.. U and S7 per week. Prtval.I y.LTance.- 121 281.h St.. Nawp6rt. ppUe BU81.NE88 6 ISOOKI: properlJ', ltt.b 6 PlabllbUL BJ 9-nlf'- LI &·&711 aftfl' I p.m. or w.U:- end& TOUc !M!A--C-merdal, bd .. lrial FOR LEASE C -2 Zoning Lot to by 200 n.. Plu• drlV9W•Y· rae- tn1 Charle SL, Coet.A Me1& u 1-!&12 • 91c& Newport Heights I 8dnu. on.lJ P501 Doya. TbU LI nff.t and dff.n. clOM to cttUttb.. a.nd 8choo.la. lmall lot. alcely la.ndtc•l*f. FULL PJU<:m ONLY '11,000. $1l!OO ON. -LIKE NEW Onl)' I J'H.h old Md Ju-t lUte new. Low pymta. lnetum> Tax ... laal.tr&nce . .lll in:lpt0...-ta ln and palcl few. S i...rs. Md.room.a. J'uU prtc. I M&O. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY W• h&n I 'Th.ree Bdrm, and 2 l'oor Bd.rmii. Homu le• than 2 year• old both r.qulrlnr • email down pymnL Qua.llft'"1 buyer• may move In lmmldtate· ly. Call for lnfonnaUan on ll:it•e. B/ B Newport Heights • OcMA v1- • t Mdroom1, l" bath. • Plue Iarr• den and rumpua room • IOOO 11q. ft. 11v1n1 area • 2 n replaeu • Jwit Z "Ii years o~ • l.A.nd!Kl•pcd and terrtc~ yard • S22,&00 run prlc• • We ha v• th• kty • • Business Opportunity RENT FREE Buy these 2 duplex.ts and have free rent on one unit. Income from the other 3 unit. 'Nill pay for the place In 10 yeara. -4 large 2 bedroom unlta Close to atorea and tranaportaUon Sewers au in and paid for. Call Harbor 4718 for detallii DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. -Har. 4718. -Newport Beach ' * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES CORONA DEL ~UR OCEAN 81DliC 61-lleal Eot&te Es.clwl~· TRADE qua!Lty PASADENA rt1I· dence exclullve a rea for rul- denUaJ, commercj.&1 or lndu.1trlal property ln NeWPort. B.1100., Co.ta Meaa or C.D.M. valtM S!0,000 Wrlta Bez YlO can OW paper. Aflp99 ''C'' Drapery Oen -M1ple Shop CAnttr of Coeta M- Excellent locaUon. COST A MESA the best town on earth •• and SUPPLIES 2200 w. Gout Hiw&y. Newport Beach LI 8-«20 We need clean Uled trade-lnl. '!il 30' Kit Excellent ......... $J89!i UnfuTn. large livlnr rm., new bar type k.ltchenetta, twtn 11" bdnn., good bath. of way clr- cul1tlon. balconle. A .un deck, laundry fac!UtlM, ru., Sln&1e or t"OUple. ref. Avail Ncrw. $~ mo., yr. leaae. Inquire !OS l rl1. H1r t:.i93-J. 9!c93 ':12 !O" Pacemaker, beauty S2P9:i 'M 1&' Kenaklll, new ~ $139~ 'Ml :10' Pan Amer .. terrific $749.S 1 'lWI 3:1" Paramount Cuetom S.f2Y!i or 2 bdrm. 1pta., l1undry By rt1y, week or month. nn. • PAN AMERICAN P1ramount·Ken1k111 Traveleie·Terry a:ltfl BLUE TOP MOTEL -~---w.l--,Newpo1"t Blvd. Ne\\·port Bf.ach LL'XURlOUS 2 Bl'droom apt. overlooking Bay - ALSO 87lfc turn. Ren l ols Wanted Sllp for rflnt on Penln11ula Private , dock, H1r. 24:10. tr We need aptl. and hou1e1 In all •eetlon1 for both winter a nd AITRACTIVE New unfurn. 2 yu.r'• leaM. Furn. or unturn. U you have a vacancy, phone todey The Vogel Co. 8201 W. C •t. Hwy .• Newport Sch. Phone Llberty 8-J481 208 Marine , Balboa 11land Phone Harbor of44. bdrm. apL gar. dl•poa•I, gar1ge. l'\~1.r 11hopplng. park A boy1 club. !ii2 Plumer. Har. 2990-J 90C92 PROVrNCIAL l bdrm. unf\lm. du· pltx. Qu 1~l loc:1t1on, clo11P lo 11t(lre~. beach • bwt. Ll 8-34 26 bf'fore 6 p. m. or Ll 8·7983 e\"tl LIDO OFFICE SP ACE NOW LllA8INQ office space Ln Ultra-modern Ellerbroek de-1gn- ed Udo buUdlng. No ttner bulld- lnf. no ttner adru-. LIDO REALTY, Aaaociates 3400 VLa Udo--Hal'bor 4.off.• "' e, Ground Floor • OFFICES OR STORES For Lease in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 i'OR RENT, NEW of f\« 12 x 24 . Lido Shopping erea. $7~ per n10. on yrs. lease. B•y I< Beach Rtalty, 3112 Lafayette. H1rbor 3643. 84tfc OFFICES tor lta11e from l"O up. Near center or Ca.ta 1rolt"5&. op- po11te new bank bldg. LI ~-698& ~2c93 OELL'XE double bu.np.IOW In Bo. Puadena, a yn. old. 1 bedroom each, trade for rt1o1ldenllal or bualneu Income Ntwport area. F. L. Montgomery, 1107 Maple St., South Puaden1. CL :l-8288 or week end• HE S-!719 i2plll GZ--lleal Ealale Permanent Home \VITH 2 BEDROOMS p!u1 den. fireplace .t. double caragl'. Sil· uated on 2 IOU. on com~r JUll 90 fL trom the bay. \\'ould make a.n exci:Uent bu.Ch home. Priced e.t $18.600. Subn\1t ail offer•- Newport-Mesa Rlty . 1799 Newport Blvd. Cmta Me• LI 8-&MIS Evea.. LJ 11·7237 2&97 E. Co&l!t Hy .. Corona del ?.far Phnne Harbor 1741 ' 112TFC T\\"O 2 rm. offlct1 • tlesk 1pace.1 P lPnty or p1rlung. 12• Broad· • Lido Isle Udo Office, 3•19 Via Udo I-larbor ofi1 I 1702 Newport Blvd., COila ?.if' .. Libert.y 8·&:197 CURO:\"A !JEL MAR 2 bU-;:;; \\'ay, Colta Me1a. 92c9• 0:-.'E OF THE M OST CHAR~flNG turn. fluplex \\·attr .l ~a. pd \ --'-----------4 bednn. and den. 3 bath honiu $6:'> 1no. yearly-2:.22 seaview M·A-Bll!llneM R.f.ntals on the t1land. Be1uUfully de· 92c9i corated, eJtcellent condition thru- -------------F or Rent In Co.'lta J.f esa out. On comtr lot, $39,9!)0. \\'e trc io'L:H.:\" Al-'1'. yearly, 1Jv1ng roun1, havt1 k"Y· I 2 met11.l building• --=~-co=-===-~~~--I ~drooru, d1nt'lle, kHchtn • \\'ANTED TO RE~-3 bedroom b .. th =-:ewlv red,.corate(t 16:'.i 1-S:'JO per month hou1e, H1rbor area, yearly le1u1e or ltue with option to buy, \\'1nt g1rage, flrepL. fenced yd. 1111• u\iliti•'~ p4 Nv children or l -Si5 pvr (llr1ntti p•·\~ 1112 E o.:-.... n f.~\, U10lbull SepRr'l-lltl lut 100" X i:'.iO' 15.000 Hiu ~.-111-.\t llZi:lll .11c1. it. Pav~u end F .. nced. I Pern111.nenlly em,ployed locally. 1-------------B<iy & Beach Rlty. Inc. MYRTLE DA VY. Realtor .fr: ASSOCIATES 3432 Via Oporto, H11r. :'>4 ill Evu. L.I IJ-~297 I New Lido Pl•za Bid(. on N. Bay Front) Ed Jones, Realtor "" Harbor Bl•d.. en.ta Liberty 8-!!33 .... VERY BEST LOCATION Exclwilve Bay Ave. dt.trlct. Com- pletely fUmlehed 2 etory, 2 b!'drm., 2 bath Bay-view honie. Obie. carage. 120,000 tull price. !:Z tennL Lot I• R·2 I room to build In front) •.. See thl1. OUTDOOR LIVING Enjoy tht1 lar,C lheltered p1Uo with built-In BBQ, fireplace • d!nlnr area. Back yard buuU- fully plantecJ, bl~k we{led for prlv1cy. Thia 11 really 1Dme· thing to 1te. evening• too. A modern 3 BR. home and JUNt apt. p lu1 dble. rarace, roe• with thi.. E:xclnt. Coet.a Mee.a loc. Price Sl9:100. Only I~ down. BALBOA BUS. BLDG. Heart of enrylhlni: in Balboa. Alkins Ju1t $2&,000 • • • And Hiier w!ll leue back for $2Ml per mo. tnvt•tor1 hop on thi• one::! BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1:105 W , Balboa Blvd. H1r. :1188 IN COST A MESA 5llOOO plUI Lnventory. • • • Provincial EU:GAl\"1' USED BRICK FIRE· PUCE. Pttky cypreu pa.nellnf Lars-• 1tl'x29' llv1n1 room. :! br., 1" b1th•. Hardwood nooni - IMIO 1q. ft. -122.300. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc REAL TOM 11171'5 Harbor Boule\·ard Co•t• Me1a, Callfomla LI 8-771 • Eve •. Ll 8-31~11 Don 't Overlook Me I Excellenl local reference.. Write box XIS. thll new1pap41r. 8:itfc 48B-Ho~ for Rent "JUI!\ right of the Lido Bridge" Jiarbor 3&41, 2999 Eve•. 92cll• LADfES' DRESS SAOP. Very rM NOT GRACIOUS, charming or exotic, but I am a cood •turdy functional 2 bedrm. honta with ceda~ 1hlngle roof, hardwood nooni, dual furnace, contlortablt llv1nr and dining room, l'landy llltch.en. •tr-vice po«h and bath. with •lucco ex\enor, pluttr 1nd papet lnterlo r. Laun.dry and ample •tor•r• f1C'llltlt1 located In over•lr.• double garare. rence•I • re•r yard \\'Ith breezeway. Be•t or all, I"m bullt on a 70 rt. cor- ner lot faclnc the well rroomrd falrw•r• i nd freerui of tlla S,A. r oU cour•• w!Lh a lovely moun· taln view, 1no clau1lraphobla1. -.1 y prt•eut f11.n1lly h1• outcro\\'J\ I 1ne •o l"m re•dy to •htller antl con1fort ntw owner•. l 111 In hl.M k I for IKlmtt S7300. Tile reaaonab\1' I price or ltu lhan $11000 ni· quire• approximately $:l600 dn. ! A can 1ncluo:le eome •ppll&nCt'I M y location I• 161 Me1a Dr!\'f", Co1ta M (' .. , or phone my bo•11 at Libe.rty 8-~88 and look rr,~ HARBOR AREA 2 bdrm. houae, THRJ-:E ~EDR1tt. unfurn. house. 87ttc -------------att.racllve 1mall 1hop which can g•rage 3 In family. Yearly -6 111u11. old :"lewport Vbta tr1ct. Ll 8-3396. 92c94 1 S8~ 1110 Phona aftcmoon an<:l NICE MODERN 1toro r oom or evt.'. Ll 8-7023. 86tfc office 1t 1888 Placentia, $100 ;>.IJ DDLE AGED LADY want• -mo. includ!nr utlUtle1. lnqUlre furn. 11n&l• apt. u pllllalr1 v.·ithl WDO !:$LE. Hrand nev.• 3 b<'drn1.I •t pzopt"rly alter j p.m. 111•uk gar•ge o n )'l'atly lcue, o\"t'rlook· 2 bath house unlurn. Avail tl•Y• or a.ny l ime Sir.t . .fr: Sun. 111( ""&!tr. LI 8-1.5.53 after 4 p.m. A pnl I, Lease. ll&-V11 \\'az· or call LI 8-6760 after 6:30 or Shake Roof 92p94 lerR. ATLA.'\TIC 4 -~823. -:"lllfc Wttkendl. ~7t! , }>'QR LEASE unf, 3 bedroom borne 1 -S--L I 48--Apts. a HOOH8 fot Rent S8.5. 814 cong1tMJ St. c .. \fcsa tore eose 3 Brurm, 2 b•th honie-n lce E1st s1d• loc1tion. Bu1lt-1n ranee a nd 1.>\en, rtreplact. J-'A heat. Obie. garage on °11ley. Sewer in and pal(! for. Slof~ $70 mo. In· elude• :ii.:,~ lnter,rt. \\'Ith llllllLI down pl) n1rnt. 92t93 Exrell•·nt location on the bl>iJ. ln Fl"R.'\ 2 b\'tlroom tionie nn Pen1n· Coron" u,1 J.!ar. 112r. 1:wr Newport.Mesa Rlty. •11!11, encloaecl patio. }"f'iirlV. FQL;R ROO.!>t uufurn. t.iunxalov.' &, n1onth with. ren<'v.'11 option. Qw.U ALSO two 'l bedrni. '.l bath! garigel;JlJl)l~rnionth =-:earcen· l"ORU VEl<RINOJ::R. •&t"O\ 310'1799 Ne\\·port Blv•1. Co,.t1 !>li>4& apt~. furn . .I: unfurn. ter vf CO!lla .\lrsa.. LI 8-698~ rinns,ttia. liar. •s2l 90\.:9 2 Ll 8·5:108 , Evt1. Har. 0289-J A l..SO now taklnlC re1flr\·ll.t1on• 92cll3, -------------16ll ACRE S~~CLUVED 1'10UN-! TAIN RANCH, 2 wells. 1bout 5 •t'rf'I In lrmo111<. Now &razing 1pµrox1 n111tely -:":I head cattle. ~let year round hqme. 1d.,1I Cvr retirement $22.000. for 1ummcr rent.al!! COAST PROPERTIES CO. Rul.h Jayred. Realtor Mildred R1g11 • Sylvla Thompson A.uoclate1 301 E. B1lboa Blvd .. Balbo1 Phone Har. 21!1~8 or H11.r. 4600 RENTAL SPECIALISTS CALL EDNA CRAIG ONE Bt'drwn1, new duplex. un- tu1n , gar1i;r Adulu Xo pet•· $67 .~G-2~& Flo\\·er St., Co1U Mt.'!a. 92c94 0:'\E BDRP..1, hou!Le h1rn, garb. d•11p . .ft f,rf'place ii I J..ark11pur, Goron1. de! ?>lar -H•r. 3271-R. ~M oney lo Loan ~U_u_sJnees OpfOrtunities CAFE & MALT SHOP I OUT OF 'T'Q\\"N O\\'NER anxio1ur to 1ell. St'aU; 2~. elL!ly tor couple t o operille. BARGAIN FOH. QUICK SA/it . 507 E . Blllboa. Ulvd. Har. 3&06. 92c94 M-Moncy lo Loan JO t•I 40 acre11 rlvtr bot\n1n l11nd. (orn1frly In \\'alnu\1 Sl:'iO per "' ,.._ SAM EMME S Real Estate Broker 1.lbr>rty 8·i30:> be enlarted. Acreare In Coat.a 1'fesii. Anaheim, and other p1rt• or Oranre County. One perct"I C•Q have railroad 1pur. 92c94 COSTA MESA 1:12 J.lont• \'lata Fitzmorris Rity. Co. . ,.tullipl• IJ•Unjt. Realtor LOVELY 3 Bedroom rurn1"h"'-l Bu11lnl'.11• B rnll'r I honi .. on the cotn'"r or E l<lr>n 313:t r.. coast H lgtiwiy 1trfft and J.lotHt' V!.11ta. F ire:• Corona del M•r. H•rber 21~>2 pl•ce, hti.rdv.·ood !10011. dining room and lo~·ely p1llo. Thi• d"· 1lr1ble hon1e n1ay be t'llld turn-I l~htd at $13.:x>O or 1,1nfurnl1htd at 111,0QO, 4 1,~;, Jo11.n. LIDO ISLE 3 BEDROOM 2 Batt\ with forced 1lr heat ~ lovely corner flte· place--11: Hparate dining •rt"•. Kit. loaded with. Ule. Thi• 3 yr. old horne !1 \\"•Y under pr1cfofl at 124.~. Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 2602 Newport Bh•d . Nevoport Bch. Jiarbor 4718 Balboa VlEW LOT {ttt) on the cll!f. Full street, curb and eewer ........................... ---····-·-····-··-$12,500 M·l lndUBtrial Jot 70 x 14~ ................ -.............. $6500 C-2 Zone t ~ A c re. 3 Br. older hom", HWO, noora garage ....... ....... . .... $12.500 BACK BAY -Comer location, lol 76 x 138 Partial view or Bay and mountains. 3 Br. home (2 yni.) Hwd. floors, double gars.ge, $12,000 wilh $2700 down a.nd balance Si'S.96 incl. tax and i.M. G. N. WELLS , Realtor 1810 Newport Bl\•d., Co1'ta. Mesa LI 8-7729 OUTSTANDING SHORE CLIFF For the family who want.a the BEST -we offer 3 bedrooms, and den, 2 f1replacH, 3 baths, carpeted wall to·wall thru-out. Home ia on the ocean frout in exclusive Shore Chrr. tthe ONLY such property 3\"a1lable), and with the greatest view imaginable. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, Associate 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Afar OPEN HOUSE l -5 Har. 2774 p.m. ·SATURDAY & SUND A Y, APRIL 7 & 8 421 SEAWARD RD., CORO NA HIGHLANDS Tvto modern design houses. 2 bedrooms each. Carpets and drapes includL'd. 92c93 I BA \'SHOJtl::S Beach House REAL VALUES (Ji'E~ HOt:s~; ~·n-S•t·S\lfl·Mnn Ft:RN"l:-.HEl1 3 b<1nn huinf', onh· ! :.?~,\~• t:rt~Lv1ew Ur. '.l )'<"•r'!I nl<1 \"tnf'l!xn bJ1ntl11. p,J. J..ut.• nt J•)Ulll fr.r fRnt1l1· & fn,n•I•. n1<•d blllh Jl )l1'11'!J' ~-UI HIUI " U 1n g<'oll •·on•!111.,n Thu• "on'" l>f \hP ni,::::·r JJEAL-.;; "" h~ll! 1111•1 In 11. lung urn<". F ull p111''" $H•.5••• monlh!y r••:rme:n~• 1.,.1 u1~11 rent t:z Ter11111. DON'T MISS THIS ONF:'. 11-" YOU ARE l.OOKI:>:G fvr • I J.i;,. 11" 1.>l~r jo;lol l"~' i p•l1"1< knHI ty l'HI! Int 1-:Z 1l'r1111 $~-.? ::.oo. 1 1)1 $23,~,(IQ 'I. br ~ b10th BA\."K BAY Ch1t11~1tncllni: 2 hr. 1Jrn ta111lly din. nn. lol11 uf < lu~t"ta. "'t'". bt•u• good 3 be·lrn1. hunie, h•rdv."01>U Ultll ~ard 1uv•)• 1ur hul lt' ur floors, hr•n,J 1,.,.,.. r111fH•t1n1;, puul S-.?tl.f.l~•• tlltd kitcht''.1 a11<J halh, lorr ... l 2;,!i;:, Tii ~t•ll Avt Ul't:X HOl:SE 11.Jr heat, f..11rh ltt-iJr111. 1110 ... trr ,_ 0 2 · ·' " • j \\'.,""" .. 'II 11 br . 'u••n. nuu .. y 11i:r:e Att11.rh1·1t g11"11ge } enrl'•I l<'l<l~ lut I :-.·1.Y $11 000 f: y11.rlt. l'fl<"W to 11,Jl for only! ' • .l.'IY $12.~00. r:z. 1'"rm11. 1 'r1"~ B. A. NERESON REAL.TOR 1;,l!JU '•lier~ l..a1 io;r lot UEA l'T'\' 120 x 1.w "" 11··~1 t;t. S682.'.i 111\l:.v $1i.'>W Hardesty Duncan 20-year Financing DORIS BRA Y, Reoltor F\lrrtl•hed 1'uplex 111 on ont1 floor 1982 K<".,.'p<irt. Bll"d , CoAla 1-f••"a 1 BY OWNER Clair e Van Ho rn 218 Marine, B•hbo• J1land liar. 20 or &• ---\'I ALK.lNG Dll!rtanca Udo Shup- plnr. home privilere1 for con. cenl•I ernp\oyed won1An. l 40. I Harbor 4118. 91p9J LIDO ISLE'S Fabuloue brand new 2 story, 2 bdnn. It den, 2 bath•. flreptace, CJU"P41tad. Many closet•. Birth. )tltchen with bu!lt In OE ft.Inge A dtlhwa9her. Bar, wall of gl .. • onto IU.h 39 ft. w11llt"d pat.Jo. roofed boat ya1·d, glllll'· Har. 2988. 8tc94 ON BALBOA IS LAND SEE US for ye11 rly anti 1eaJKJn11I r,.ntalJJ NELDA GLBSON, Realtor 108 Marine A1·e. Harbo1· ~2 BALBO A ISL.AND HOME LOANS Con struc t ion Loa ns -Re fin a ncing Free Pr elimina ry Appra is a l' Correspondents for Life and Casualty Iiisurance Company of Tennessee Bankl'ra National Life lnsurance Company SOUTH COAST . Mortgage Company · Approved F1-JA Mortgagee 1600 Vl'esl Coast Highwa y -LI 8-7791 Newport Beach, CaJiforn1a ' , i REALTOR Good 1ummer rf'nt11.I• l bll)ck Liberty 8-1 672 Evt" LI 8-41'.!<t 2 iluph·xe• near Jiigh S~hool, on to Bay S it.~ with low do111·n Ll~rt.v 8·8:tl3 I~Jhrrt}' 8-3727 ·~ A•lf" Not IP1n1e l111d. Exct"l.. 21!102 N"~"port Bl\'d., Ne\\·porl Bch. p1yment. -1----- rtt\lrn on 1nve11tm,nl. Zoned to builU "'ld 1 unlt~. \\"ill t•ke part ita.rbor 4~18 An 'xcl lol on ch1nnrl ro11.ll, 8111-LIDO ISLE 1r1<Je HHr. :1.'.l9 l 10 1 , n1 to l--------------I boa l't"nu1.1ul1. Only $12.000. !i Jtt LI !i-827() f'\'tA . i7tfc ~EAR Uf'\11', la r ge 3 br. 1 "-' bllh. 2 Cktln F'ront Jot. on E . Balbo1. double 1p1.r•gf', f1rr>pl1ce .t. partly Blvd. $10,:i-OO t'lch. furn1.'lht<i. Only $4000 doi,1.'n Not a Cracker Box HOME & INCOME Coast Properties Ruth Jayred, fu.1tor SPACIOUS QUALITY • Nord Front Lido B11y EXCLUSIVE LISTING (F'Lnit Ume offered) $4200 00\\'N, live In one '.l bdrm. home •l $3 per mo. Rent on other, pay.s loan. Or rent both for S190 per month, lean• 19:1 protll -By ownt'r, Ll b·1832. but a 1p1clou1 2 bdrm. a pt over 2 car rar•c• plu1 cuut room on rear ot Jot and you can build In tront-weU bullt-.IJ>(lt· Le.SI e.nd a Ureplace--exc. !lnan· cl11g -thl1 you should 1ee. Mlldred Rlrr• It 8ylv1a Thomp10n A.uocla te.rr BUILT HOME One 1Lory 111odem horn•. Be1t '"" CURT DOSH , Rltr . NELDA GIBSON 301 E. 8&.lboa Blvd .• B&lboa Phon• Har. :Z6~8 or Har. 41100 " 3 LARGE BEDROOMS, 1 %. b11th1, North. Lido Be1ch locatlon. !$ h111-. floor9. fltPp1ace. l car plus H. R, 2 b•Lh. 4 yr1. old, •~ n. g11n1.11<'. ('Ot11er lot •nd oear cll1b I Lo• huu.~<" REALTOR ~1 4 ,500 _down • l1AJI mo;lrrn c1mven1en.:e11, Incl. 3 15 Mo rine Ave. 306 i.111.r1ne Ave. Mesa Home •lioc. aa r•g~ (1wr I B lb I I d B11.lbo11. !Aland. Phone H1r. &02 -$67.5<.i'O, ler111• a Olli 5 lll n J BEUHOOJ\tS. llrlt"I! living 1"0!>11•. Harbor ISbo C L '"bat". t ,.,., old.'"" '"t Shafer Realty '•Harbor I Co. -·---.1 ots ~Pf'l'l&I pt!Ce s 11 11:10, only $26~0 J·lar. 140 I nv. I INVESTORS 6.5' FROXTAGE on Coa•t l1 1gh.[ (lniin. 1111; .\lct'••lolen l't Ht:AL.TORS ' '"OM $10 2K" 3U\h &. .'\l>I . Bl\•d. INCOME B RG IN ... -a y, ..... . . . "" or 0111ner l v· L t At u ... x ...... ·pnrl l'1rr ::;_:;;:;.:"'"'--""'-"::;::::.____ A A \\·lu build 10 1u1t tenant. leW. 0 S t :i·ra JiAr. 44 38·\\', H•r 2:12!'.l-1'1 fl•r. 1600 5.">--Money t.o Loan 5.">--1'1oney to Loan 1 4lfo SEE ME· TA NELSON CORONA DEL MAR FOR CHOICE RENTAl..S. 2ND & I ST T.D. LOANS R.EAL £,1:,"'TATE LOANS l~OOf ~uya My Equ1\y. 3·2 bclr1. 2 l...OTS CLIFF ORl\'f;, fl'" Aln1p!e , ------lntere1t Rate 5--5t,..:1% un11~ ne•r 11Choo~. ell rented. 20..86 tt. lot Balboa Z.lanll l lJ,2:tO price(! below market S ll!.\)(IO 1.o .... '"'°"'_,,In tho H"'°' ""'· .. , mo ..... dlop.-1~;;. ALSO I "'""· I 4 Br 2 Baths I BALBOA SEASONAL ... YEARLY. I :ztoa E . Oout Hwy. Har. ~6-0 Ser\·lng 1!1 Orange County lf We Buy Truat Deeds -----------1 & ~lake Collateral Loans Choice Winter Rent.al9 on Balboa bland & Lido We I Royol Mortga ge C o. .,mall A ca.y a r Jarce "' delulle 2&02 Sr11 ~llt lilvd , ,'\µrt. lkh I 17&,to S:lOO nionth Ha rbor I 549 VOGEL CO. 24 hr, phone •t'r\·ice r!lfi l Area, .Lagun• end Cost.a Mt'u. !ll'"''t'r LI 8·M3~· 8:i BALBOA JSLANO -F urn :I bPd· MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR • - Slng:le or niultlple un1l•. Nl'W CRES I rm1, Large patio. g<.>Od tern1•. or old. St w15f' and &ave by rt· S A Le~ than $20.000 t lnanlmg yvur pit'•ent l.uton. I ]\!inunuin expenM. 20 Y<"•r term C01'1 ~tt:RCIAL ZOXE -In Coi t• CHE STER SA LISBURY lr dt1!red. No char1" tor pre· !>lei<• on 11111!11 ltreet. Cl(}AI In HI'.' LTOR t!niln"r)' appral•1l. KI 3·6931 tu bU•lne111 d11tncl. Nr&t lr.rre :c.;RT DOSH ·~LARENCE 1...AKE Ai{'fhUH A . MAY ~~::i'.~:l'nl •1 ~ rrnnt fOOL i AMOclates~ Laguna Beach Lots Mort1a1e Loan t.:orre•pondent 31~ l'>fRrtne Ave , B.llb<>a l11l1nrl Locited In bf'iutHul ElotERALD N .. ~;~~ ~~!!~~'"dCo . H•rbt)r t..:.311 8'-lll llllfUI ·' n1'1nth ohl hon1t". ru'· tu111 11uu11, .tpln,. p>11k blOC'k \\"Ill in r<"•r ,\tri o.J, Kin,; 1111 ... p11t10, Only I block In •luipplnJ:: l<"l1l t'r C\1t b• """''"r It aull'· j ...... ik~ In. Full prl~·e $\:l~,00. Siu i.10 !n< I !1.l:MO In~ A-lntiorio~t I 1.l 4 •,·-~ V.llh 1n1•H \IU"'n p~y- ISLAND Of'E..'I" UAlLY 1·:1 312 ltuby 00 NOT Drh·e put Sea thl• bf'aul1ful wOOd p11neled Interior, 2·~ bf'droon1•, FA heat, tlre- pl1ce, vtry lovely llvln1 roc:oin, lntl'reatlnw 1unken patio. Re- duced to $29,41\0, -1!:.uy term•. 2n& M•rln• Av~ .. Balboa U.land Ph. 1-larbur of44 o r llarbor llllj O\:cl<l'nt•l Ufe Wura.nc• Co. RUSS FORD I H_1.roor_~11;1 ll2r9i BAY Prh'IO\e bl'lll'h. llighly fl"ll'n\. l H I 9lJ South Mlll.n Sant• An 1 '-r. l ii'j E\·e1. E11lth Maroon, No '' c r"•trlctetl 1re1 L"hC>Ufl# now. om es PP ALTOP lvv ll 3. HOIC'E HArl)()r 8 1\•,j N M RI HVatt 4-f222 I RC: '" F runtai;:,. front• <Jn 'l •trrrl.A Wh ile \ht M"ltt·tiOI> II Jr(.ltid ewport-esa ty. E\"U John Jt.lacnt1b Harbor t.~O Rea:. liar. M29·R or Har . 1229·R t LOANS 511rc for N"E"\'PORT HEIGHTS J S-02 It li02 H11ven Pl11l f' Tl•'O bdrn11 .• l(arb. 111.!Jp., near 1chwll. Unfum!llhed, IA"l.ll or by 1nonlh C. Sherm Allen. LI 8-~3~. 88p93 '3A-AptL for Rent I HOME LOANS l6ll\/ \\". Co11t H111·y. 1..1 8·61 •1 $:12~ A!~ ··to,, H•<"··· BlviJ C•ll H1rbor 8907 f)Vf'• H1r. 4818 &•,·, -2U )"<. Loan• ·~ -" -I ""I•" ' '" t Bl I C •t 't o 90cll2 p1vpertlu. 81 cll• ' " .• ~1"-'r \(. • •• "rJI EARL w. STANLEY C t t' L S Con•t1uctlon -Hrf1nanl't1-::;ale1 I -LI 8-5~1l8 Ev«~ Jlru-. 0289-J ons rue ion oan . ,,, .•. ,._. . ,., CLIFF HAVEN ··c'" ""Jo"'"· ""'"" NEWPORT HEI GHTS 1---------I SEE BOB SATTLER In•. f>'un<l• --Bl.Ji:-• IAiAn -1~x23 L.JVJ:'\'U RVO!>I. lirtpl1ct, LI 8•33~~9,9 Harbor ?};;;~ • .M•P 1, •••• 0 ," •,1 :..~lnn . l • bot" I Ac reage 22:1 Marln• .A\!e,, Balboa. Uland 2'1~ EAST COAST BL.VO. l'rn·•t'" :Money 1epar111e \lxl2 dining room, load.I 1 1 ...,,. ......., "' "'"' '' ll Corona de! Mar Harbor !8~8 Trust Deeds Bought & Sold or clOtlt'U. Patio. l)bl•. pra1e. ffl c\14 home . Beam ct"IU.nr. kno1ty p1n11 ZOXEO F( 11< Hl-:SllJJi:NCE ar In· I--------------~P POIRIER i\[QRTGAGE C.'O. Call F or Frpr Commitment L.tr&e Int, J1ndlcaped. fenced kitchen, 1arb1g• dlllp, io". A 1fll•tri1J U•(". Al•o top !)l"'(K!U~" Metro We lrll. f.'undJi Kl 3-!ilM l DON J. HUDDLESTON I N,wl)" tfllecor•ted, $111,7:'>0 _ 1 LIDO R.J he.L Land.cal"'ll. fi>nc.d A dbl t11•e Orll!i" and e1·or1dn 1rn\''"1 REALTOR Lots for Sa le l !Stlc I P11yn1l'n!JI $68. \\"ill \'arr)' ffCOlld I r•r•ce Nea r lllg:h St·l"lovl. A l\A:>; A JAt."~JB8E!'. R ... 1 J.~(11.1 " 81NGl...E APT. c)OM lo ba y. J l:i Ll 1-."><itl ('oat.a 1'1en O\\'!"ER Jll ~lfTl&l Rne.d, Ll 2 -30 ft. lotl 011 So. Bay FronL 1 o00 bu;y. O\\'NER. 1..J ll•f>2GI liar Ml>t. LI 11-tllli. m o.. uUlLU .. paid. to June 1:1 LOA.NS TO BliILD . .IMPROVE, ----~'-'c'_E_._t_7_tk_S_t_. ___ 1 8·2(1t6 84c97 S3 t,U)('I eich. Ci!! T. U. Rocer1, 84ct 7 Kl 2·21~7 HY1tt 4 ·66i6 Butld your ntw hrJfl'l • In lh• 309 E. Bay, Kalb()• lllCll3l BUY, MODERNIZE, OR • --------------1 -<0" I LE M'UN >IEIGllTM OLSTRICT, ----=~--=~=c--1 REFINANCE I 51-~I 1-At .. tt>: "'anted Uir, JM:..\\·. or RYan l islt t rourt RELIRM !'I 2 balh•. w r U I'll· FOR SAu; OT O\\·~·~R-4 bf.ti-T'u•Un Ult• t>Q. 10(). 110 fttt NE"'PORT HEIG HTS \\' 8 Tn Def'd INCOME PROPERTY c tal)IL•htd6 l<"nled.)ll<i lnclud•A 1·0{•01 homl!. I~ baU!11 , l;in<i· -..J•ll' Ju1t une nllle from the Untuml1h.ed. :I bedroon1.1 • .-ar••,• 1 NE\\'PO~T u~At...B~A SA,VL~GS \\'A~T!:U to leu. -..·ith e>pUon to $?4,000 00\\"N i,.J';AVJ.;s YOU J."OR S ALE 3 bedrooni home $96'10 \\'.\\' r el'J)f'll. Spl .. nd1tl l•,.·•t Hn. ac1reil It ll'nt "''-J.'llA Join he!'-.."&)" l 'rh rd •• kiw M like nf'•" $83. ltar ~. • LOAN ASSOClATION buy. 2 or 3 bdnn mocler•r" SJ.88 n1nnrh profit or Sl2.000 on land ron1~art, fM10 down I r!OM to e"iorylhHl&-C>-...nttr l•a•'· t'fl'f'dnm hn1n" l rt"I Clll S100:.. -You aet ~11• qulckf'r, dleiperl SJ6t1 \'I• Udo Ph J-h.r. of 200 pr1trd h!"\mP nf"edf'd by Jun• •lo"·n IM1·e. $194. pmfl! F.H A I Sit tonrro~• St~ c'oel• ~fffl I Ina-~F.E 4NVTIM~ O nly Llberiy 8·&223 mornUll"• or Call Harbor 3~7 •Ve.1 Hu. 4811 throut:h N"l'WR-Prl'll wan\ adi. I l!C • Ellrf'll"n\ rl'f Har ~'344. 90<92 Join einwnior. LI l.l-i932 ~tf~ 92cPI Sl3.4:M) Temia. U 1·7V~9 91 c9.l afl•r .5 r in Hille l1c0'4 J , • 12 ••' raau a .... ..,. .. Serving the Entire Harbor Area POCKET MONEY "We're Moving • Exclusive Lido Bey Front! A Vf'~ •PKl&i hom41 One Qf Udo'1 tln•t & b9rtrooma, ' bath.. Pl.er and •HJ! QuaJ.ll)' and ch-.na 8-yond compare Now • ,bedrooml. t b&Uw nr.,i.e.-r .A. heat .,.,,,.. .. ua thHe:- 2 bedroonu • tars• ~.1 ' ..... L&rre T'OOmt throua11.out Extra wtd41 lot Zleetrtc svac• OJ*l•r R.aJ Sood buy Pt.TIO A ru.1 •paclou1 hom1 $31 ,600-JOOd l«fM Shorecliffs Luxury Home! On lh• ~· ot the l>acltic 3 b9droonu and den s b&th.I, 2 nreptacem • Private bMcb, wuna.tched v1ew1 Priced beloW co.t Suburban Charm! L&rl'• tenced corner lot Lovely yard a.od paUo I bedroorrw, 2 bath.I a 1pa.rklln& home Only •18,&00 On acepUon&lly llUJ' term. 8M thia; 'U. I. buy! Summer rentals We h....,• 90m1 c.-holc1 aelectlon1 now KILLION , real estate 8341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 Opposite the City Hall v' v' Best Buys · Corona del Mar l . 2. '· SHORECLIFFS Ocean view 2 bedroom.a Ii den, 2% batlu, carpeted wall to wall F: A. beat, fireplace. Choice location 6 priced to aeU quick. Only $37,500 ARTIST COTTAGE, 14 by 15 ft. living rm., 1 bdrm., 1 bath plua studio porch. Nicely & com· pletely turn. South of Bay&ide Dr., 2 abort blka. to ocean front in Corona del Mar. Permanent hill view. Priced to sell quickly at $10,500---$2.500 da. JUST LISTED -EXCLUSIVE. Thia attractive 2 bedroom home, plus guest room and bath only 7!l block to Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar. Completely tumlahcd. Choice location. P riced to sell quick at $28,500. Term.a i! desired. ~. DUPLEX 1 bedroom each 1 unit furnished, dbl. pn.ge, cloae in -Choice location. F. P. $16,750 Low down payment. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3«.7 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 4:7 (Office loceted next door to Newport Harbor Bank, CDMI BALBOA ISLAND SO. BAY FRO~. ~autiful home of 4 bednn.s., 3 batha, maidl'i room and Oath. Completely fur- nished. Priced at $100,000. LITI'LE ISLAND. A rustic and usable 3 bednu., 3 bath, in .a .elect diatrict. $36,500 . BAY FRONT home and income. One of the few deluxe apt. unit.I on Lido. Lge. lot, excellent beach. 2 bedrm. apartment available for owner. Long le&.lle9 other unit.a. Income approximately $7200 grou. Good TD and owner will accept 2 bedrm. home u part payment. Priced at $90,000. OORONA DEL MAR. Leasehold. 2 bed.rm., con· vertible den, 1* baths. Living room opens to patio. Luge aliding doon. Stove and draperies furnished. $24,500. Low ca.ah down to qualified buyer. Har. • We have buyeni for good listingll. Free estimates, excellent service. 1775 -Eves Edith Maroon ' ' John Macnab ' ' Lou Boynton HYatt ~6222 Hubor 5359 Hubor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island CLIFF HAVEN'S BEST BUY1 1. 3 Bdrm.a, l ~'. baths. FOREVER ,ulD A DAY - Yearly lneome $4,000 -' unit. on &0 n . "B&Jboa 0c.an rnmt"- s11.ooo down-monthly J*ymtni Ollly $115. PriC:.d low I t $21,600 MlM 1.hi. OM and you'll -.cl I bl.JTtl of .. plrin1 to cur• your headache. • • • WHY CHASE AROUND IN CIRCLES7 WE KNOW SYER y home and lot Uiat 11 tor Kle on Udo We. It w\U M our plMWre to show them to you at your conven- ience. • • • WITHIN 3 SPITS YOU Wn..L FIND FlBHING, .wtmmlnr. bo&Unr, relu:atlon IUld • cl..n eandy be&ch. Bnmd new duplex. 2 bedroor111 up, 2 down. ll'lrepl&ee, over-.-..cl r•r· ar•. deck. alley. A terrlflc buy. Priced 1111,000--Payment. very euy. • • • BALBOA PENINSULA OCEAN FRONT LOT R-1, 6&itl0J. 112,600. Good terma. Hu fr'Ollt yard view ot Chlna. • • • to Irvine Terrace" Drive In today and wt tor yountlf the many out· .tandinJ feature1 of tht. remarkable commWllty. More and more Harbor area famillet are lup9etinc 11>.Me exquhdte homea -notlac t.belr comfort. con- venience a.nd centn.l locaUon. ' More and more families who prefer a home in a re- atricted quality community are moving into their lrvine Terrace homes. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace ia located on Cout Highway OJ.ipo9ite the new Irvine Cout CoWltry Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor «4-8 For Further Informa.tion HERE-THERE * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leuebold E&tate in Irvine Terrace, SEVER~~E~li~EH~~ES, 20 1 ____ 11u __ co_o_B_a_y_._Ba_y_S_h_o_ret1 __ an_d_Cllf_l_H_a_v_en __ ~ a cre1 each nt'ar Newport Beach , • ready for 1ubdlvtldon. $!>000 per ' BACK BAY acr• with hi of oil rlcbta. Plenty ' ot watl'r and cloae to 1ewer. ·c ozy and appealing is what you'll aay when you Will con11lder 11ubordlnaUon. see 1.hla 3 bedtm., 2 .bath home. Large llv, room, • • • fireplace, sliding glass doors to patio, bar kitchen. HURRAH ! I GOLD DIS- COVERED IN BALBOA ! Zl INCOME UNITS. tloff to bay and beach. Oro• lnrom• •19.000 to $17,000 per yNr. A1klni 185.000. Good tt'~. WUI con· 1ldfr pilrt traM. . • • • JUST ONE to ~~2c~! 1!y~~l~l!atera. WIU 1l~p five comfortably 1.11d rive more uncomforl1bly. Priced at $12.~ -$4,000 down - Balance 160 monthly. • • • ~ WE FURNISH FREE CRYING TOWELS TO THOSE WHO COMS TOO LA TE. Seven Islands Reelty & Investment Co, ~!-32nd St., Ntwport Bch .. Calif. Har. 6368, alter ~ p.m. Kar. :,667 • 411 Irvine Ave. Newport He ights OPEN HOUSE 1-5 U Early Ar~erican A rchltectllrt -:; Htavy Sh•ke ROOf fr Lovely Ranchy r1rep\11ce ~ 3 Bedrm11.~ 1 % bath ·~ \Vall to w11.ll carpet 'r Ga rbage dl11po11al Ir dl1hm11ter tr 3 c11.r g1ra.&e ft Wired 220 volt11 ft W x 127 on paved all1<y Prlc~ lo 11ell. BAYSHORES JUST l.ISTED ldt11l 3 br. plus d•n, l % bath home. Only '7'00 down. We a llo have olhi!r''t to 11how you In Bay1hor ... ChHle to privatt bMch It Balboa Bay Club. ~t· ttr call now tor 1ppoinlmtnt. HARBOR 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick IUCALTORB J\2 ).tarlne Ave., Balboa i.Jand. B/B OUTSTANDING! Newport Heights! • Ru.tic -CU.tom Built? • Hur• U11t!d Brk:k F\rtplace : • H .. vy 1haka roof~ • Beamed celllnr ! and the price includes all wool carpeting, drapea, new etove, refrigerator and fireplace fixtt1re1. ' dnly $23,950 Newport Heights More living for lesa money than any other home in area i.a offered in tb.ia charming 3 bedrm. home that features electric d1shwuher, dlilpoul, wall to wall carpeting, large covered patio with BBQ, concrete fenced yard, sprinklers front and rear- All thia for only $12,600 Next Door to ·Beach $11,950, only $1950 down Older home but in very gOod c0odition. 3 bedrms., large closets, aepara.te dining room, nice kitchen, completely fumlahed including TV. This won't lut. HURRY! JACK BRENNAN, REALTY "AT THE A.RCHES" 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 UTILE GEM SMALL BUSINESS -LARGE 'VOLUME And completely charming 2 bedroom home adjoining. Located on Balboa Island's main St., "MARJ.NE AVE." Approximately 2 dozen exclusive Jines of little girls and boys clothes. Carefully selected mer· cbandlse and wide following hu made the tum over phenomenal . Exclueive Listing Please pbbne for appointment to see WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa. Lll&nd Harbor 24-62 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 bedrm8., 1 &: % bathe plus apartment with ~ ... bath. Ne11.r Schools, covered patio, fenced yard, Single garage & S car port. J.todem kitchen, built in ra.nge. Excellent home for 11.l'g'C family. $24,250 CORONA DEL MAR Many poasibilitie. in this one. -2 bdrm. & bunk room, extra. large kitchen. Iota of closet&. Can build additional unit, R-2 lot. $16,500 View tot-on Hazel Drive, near beach $17,500 RAY REAL TY COMPANY 3444 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar. Har. 2288 (acro&B from Bank in C.D.M.) --NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 -PA~ ~ W&DNESOA Y, APRIL 4, I 95" 8/B ------ ln5tantly Appealing I• thla "ODme HIU!er HOUINI". Jt l:JtPreMe• a fruhne• you Mldom ... on a city lo\. You un1o1t ... Ulla Lmnia.clilAe J bdnn. borne con.,enlenlly 1"c•IAld In a moet llltffUen.t nel(tlbor- hood. A re&l bUy at $1•,7&0 with u.o.lltir1t term., . -.... Balboa Penin5ula WEIGHING VALUES~ 'nlen -th1I I bdrm. J t.lh. 1bake roof beauty only I 1n0ntn. JOUDC! 21' uv,tnrroom leadJ.nc to tpaelOUI patio 6 11mdeclr.; bln:b paneled Mr kit- chen -butlt-tn. ran re -Only a block from Jetty. FHA 4'1S ~ at s10i rno.. Jl'.P. $2.3.~ Gracious Living 11 the ""'Y you Will fffl abo\lt Ulla J bdrm .• l·"'-bath borne with a p&Uo bl1 enou(h tor badmlnton. The 02' Lot 1peti. comfort aru:1 ra.re luxury ot •PIC• &t th1 11Urprlaln1 price ot 121,500. Panoramic Ocean View THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Lorge lot 1uitable for 7 unlta, $!!00 unit alto $ll800 R-2 -.i<tltlol Income lot, Ne"J>O't Hei(bl.o ~ Holmwood Dr., restricted R·l home alte ___ $6000 Comer lot, Newport·Heighta. North 'front ___ $6600 Wat.er A: mount&in view, Back Bay, R-1 lot .... $MOO Comer lot with water view, Back Bay -···-·····..$7500 Pie ahaped lot, end ot Banjo St., water View .. $1MO 11;2 Ac:rea, home -Garden Grove. Per acre $3650 !§ Acres, mfg. r.one, never Iese ·······--····--······-·-~'000 Back Bay a.creage for subdivision. 9 plua ac. '$82,500 40 Valuable acree, we1l and hou.ee near here. $1..0,00 Excellent terms on theee listings 2 bedroom & den home, cor. lot 90xl.OO. Sharp home -···-····-···········-····-······-········-····-··-···--······---$12.2!§0 3 bedrm... ocean view partly turuillihed. Take tr&iler _ ..... .................................. . ...... ·-·-····--$12.500 3 bedrm. YI /W c~png, moetly furnished. Bar· g&in .............................. _._, ............................. $11,6:i0 New, liv1.ble, lovable, 3 bed.rm. with 2 batba. Popoo. .. .. . . ........................................... $13,lj()() ~i homes, both furn. New. FP &: garagflll ... $26,500 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd., LI 8-1632 Coeta Mees E\'es 1.1 fl ' IOfl trom the tpacleru1 ll p1ta.1ra Uvlnl room ot lhlll 2 bdrm., l '-9 ba 111 home ~pofltng on an extra large ---. lot acro-1 from Corona High· l1.11d11. A large a.rt11UcaJly dtt· ( orated and furnl1hed home pleuln1 both lute and purH. $2f.OOO c:ompletaly turnlahed "'1th juat J0,000 down!t Feel Like Falling in Love Again? Then 1et acquainted with thlll little Ru.lie Modem 2 bdrm. and 2 bath home built around a dellchtf\llly !1Lnd1C&ped, 1hrub r encloMd patio-and It 11ta w11y b&cll on a f!l foot R·2 lot with an1ple room to build. We have the k•Y and the prlc1 ill juat s1s.ooo turnlllbed. r Bay & Beach Rlty Inc REALTORS 3~0 IC. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar, Calif, Harbor 3~3 ,; BEST BUY IN COSTA t.iESA A. BrITER THAN NEW 4 bdrm1., 2 full bat.M, dblt. gar. drape1, pauo and landteaJ)\"d. With only 12,000 dn. and 17~. ~r mo: Full prlct, 111 ,llOO. Thi.I le excellenl. FINEST LOCATION Open Until Sold €{705 Seuhore Drive Two bedrooma -completely furniabed. $13.51'111 $3000 down. Balance $100 mo. Two Bedroom Home Plus ~ furniebed units on 2 Iota. Corner on Balboa Blvd. $29,500. $5000 down. Balance $200 mo. 1/2 Bloc~ to Lido Shopping Center 2 bedrm. home. Rl'al cute. 6nly $14,800 - $5000 handles. Furnished Duplex Few etep6 to beet beach. Full price $11,350 - $3350 down -Balance $55 mo. including interest, principle a.nd taxes. Only Bay Front Home On Jetty for sale. 6 bodrms. -pier and float. 3 car garage $67,500. Very n exlble terms ART. C. KISTLER CO. REA.LWRS 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Har, 5226 day or night p BILL'S .. BEST BUYS 3 BDRM., 1\i. BATHS. COila A.lea& St. Near Irvine, HW. flr1 fl~pl., Dbl1. 1ar. 01 479 l()IUl 183.91 pay1 t.IJte•. prln. etc., Full price, ll ~.200, with only .3.000 dn. $76.23 PER MONTH INCLUDES TAXES & INS . 2 BDRM . FIREPLACE r lJl.L PRJCE, 18.000 and onh· $ 1300 down. Owner very anxlou°a on thl1 little home, only f ~1 yr.1. ol(), Jt'1 a iood deal. OPEN HOUSE Saturd1y·Sunday !·:'.! p. m. 26M Redland1 Or., Cost• Men. 3 bedrm. KW, tlr1., tlrt>place. Only $2:w>O down. 4~<;\ ioM. E. SIDE Welk to Town 3 B .R. HWD. FL.RS., TU1 II.Itch • Bath. Patio 6 fenc. yd. clean u a w hittle. You'U Jove thll at only 112,200. 4\.t ..,_ loan. \Ve hav1 2 It a bdnn. home1 for 11.000 dn .. Why pay nnt T build Up your oqnlty With tt.11t money! Mesa-Harbor Rlty . 6 ASl!IOClA Tl!'.8 &00 C.nter BL, Colt& M·- LI 8-91111 or Ll S.-7714 It would rent for $100. 3 B. R. modern, Ji g:1t &: airy. HU fireplace .& dbuble garage. All 8t reet improvements 'in & paid. On sewers. Close to Catholic Church & School. Only $2300 down. RESERVE YOURS NOW 3 and 4 B. R. homes under construction. 2 baths, F. A. beat, dil!lpoaalll, double garages, large lot.A. Close in ea.et.side location $11,450 and $12.450 From $1145 down. Better hurry for the few lots with trees. SOLID INCOME From these 8 units one half block off Harbor Blvd. Jn downtown Co@ta Meaa. 4 duplexes, large lot, 8 garages. 2 laundry room.a. Neat & clean S-42.~ W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly .enice" 400 E. 17th St., Coot& Meaa Liberty 8-1139 -----VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLANL Harbor Highlands Newport Beach BETTER HURRY! We have only one 11 bedroom IUld two three ~room• hom• left. TheH home11 ofter more tOf U\1 mon1y I han any oUier home1 In U\e Harbor area. $18.MIO to $24 .300 OWNER WANTS ACTION - Nice 3 BR. home, 1 'f.i baths, flreplace. lovely bar kitchen, dbl. garage and ne11.r be•t North Bayfront bea.ch. Owner leaving state hu juat reduced price to $26.000 furnlohed. $7,lj()() down paymenL ITS Really Time to Buy. FOR 2 UNIT INCOME - 2. Forced a.Ir bt!at. 3. Beautiful comer lot. • Built In ranee, o vtn ! • Wlndow ,..t -paUo! e 2 lJR. 6 den -l ~ blth! __ M_EMB __ E_R_o_F_MUL __ TIB_J..E_us_n_N_G_s_ER_Vl_CE ___ 1. Duncan Harde5ty Here ia the best buy. Hu colorful knotty pine lnteriora, Ir both unita have • fireplace. Bea!Jitltully furniahed and right cloee to best beach. Each unit rent.a for $12:5 per week, IUmmtt &nd $70 monthly Winter. A $10,000 down payment hero will really make you money. Full price $26.~. Now ahnwin(. 4. Real nice kitchen. 5. Olnlnc room and brttkful area.. e. A.cooUltical pluter, prqe. disporM.l. exhau1t fan- all 11>.o luzurieo. T. It'• a lo"9ly borne, well financed, and. les1 than a y<ar old. Price $1U.960 THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Higbw..y. Newport Buch LI 8-~1 OPEN HOUSE 310 SAPPHIRE. BA.LBOA ISLAND Jl'r1day It SoL 11 to ~ p. m. 3 plUI bed.nJll.., 2 flrepla.cet. den room. carpeted, prt>op dlop .. Juat rod.corsted. Wirod for 220. PLUS FURNISHED 2 BEDIUI. A.PT. CHESTER SALISBURY. Realtor C\lrt. Oolh 6 ClattnCf' Lak~. AY'OCial~l!I Sl~ M&rine Ave .. Balboa bland Har. 5971 • ~ dbl. 1ara1U • 2 )T1. old -tlMn! l lT,11'° Bay & Beach Rlty Inc REALTORS HIN Newport Boulevard • Colla w .... Calllomla LI 8-Uf(. i:,.... U 8·!010 Shalc:e Roof Fermhou1e and ru.d all thMe rood fe•- ture1 -t yr. old-hwd. noo,.., •tll1tnr Cllllll door. Pine cab\nflt kitchen. 2 bednn•., bright and lntma.culala. Sill on wide lot near Back Bay. "A hou-e de+ aisn~ w1th a chlld In mln<t ~ Room for • pony and pet.a. Onl1 $10,7&0 with UOOO down pay- m~L CAik CUIV/4. Kl a..-3111 tOct1 Trailer Court Site IN C02'$TA M~A AREA, Jot •l llOl\lr\S. Only IT'lSo J"!r 1tr• DAN A JAC088F.N, Ree.I Cliatt H•t Mill. I.I 8·1317, Kl :r.2187 1-IYatt 4--&6P9 OPEN HOUSE 112 Jade Ave, 1·~ BALBOA ISLAND 4 bedrm., 3 baths, quality construction. infinite charm, all electric kitchen, unit heaL lta beauty recognized by National Home maguinee. Excellent financing. $39,500 DORIS BRAY .. Realtor 216 Marine Ave., Balboa lslaod Har. 20 or 64 ti NON-VETS No Down Paym!!nt Impounds $295 3 l!oclroom>, I I> batba BEST BUY COSTA MESA AREA .. InqWre at.. 252 E. P&lmer LI 8-2657 REALTOR ·, a&02 Newport B!ri .. Newport Och. Marine Avenue Bwlineu lot Cl. Now $21.500 ff artl<M" • 718 Want Lido7 Tm:N SEE THIS • Spac:loUI I twdroGn:I J bath bome, bull• 1round a lct"1y 9WU1Y pe.Un. 1'be lot le M fL wlda and ther1 11 room for a wa'\mmtn1 poot Only aaa,ooo wllh tem\I av11able. HARBOR rNVl:STM:ENT CO. N'.-yltltrt BIYd., at 10tb RL Harbot' JIOO Eftl Har. 6U4-J _, Speculaton AttenUon ! " OCllA.N vmw .aCREB 1ABOV1: lAOU~A BE.ACK. ..!-t O ~ In watw diltr\cL TUJni, I Only 12f.60 ~ &ere. Phone L.1 1·1781 °" U 1-M21 . llU THE VOGEL CO., Realtors 208 Mutne Ave., Balboo. laland Har. 4-44 or Bar. 10~ BALBOA ISLAND New 3 bedroom "cuUe" and apartZQenL locaUon. $33,000 U!rma. ,. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX. ju.I tho tl>.ln¥ ror bomo A "-- eocl> unit bu 2 bdrlDll., prqe A patio -1""atod · clooo to ocbooil, obopplnc A beoch SUl.liOO !!rm I< a l>arsoin. See for you-if. l!:>CCLUSIVJ: with WALDRON REALTY CO. Har. 3344 l PAGES • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -'a-'--~RNl=-r..::;o.::t.o;;lo;..._ ___ .:;82::...R:::loal::..:F.ow.=:::...---..;.e-a..!==:;_::r..:::lo:::lo::_ __ __;&i.-.::::..;:::ll<el=.::!'.o:::lo:::lo:::._ ___ l''"~!;Reo~I ~IF.ii~'"~"'!!.....-___ .::8!:::-;;.:R:::MI::...:-==---~ WEONESDA Y, APRIL 4, 1951> ,. BALBOA ISLAND HOME I: INCOM,}!';.. McMt attractive 2 bdrm. home, plua,gue.t room&: bath, plwt deluxe.1 l;iedrm. apt .• •pacloua &. channingly fumiahed, over double gar- age. ,Thi• property ia of finest construction and like new. Few feet from bay. TOP BUY -BUT HURRY! $32,500 $~.000 DOWN-GOOD BEACH HOME--2 bednn•., 2-car garage, near bay, $19,000. See this now! FURN. HOME, 4 bf:drm., 2 baths, beautiful patio, dbl, garage, 1:1howe'ra and dressing rooms. A rew f eet from North Bay. Thia ill priced right at $29.~ Now po l't Hei ghts Near achools, churchet1. transportation. 2 lovely home.1;, 2 bedml8. each, with dbl. garage each, on adjoin- ing lol.8. One new, one remodeled. Older home is rented.for $95 mo. New home vacant, for imme· diate J>oneuion. Thia is a reel ~veal at $21,500 Costa Mesa -Back Bay Area OWNER LEAVING STA'rE 8 Separate home11. 2 bedrooms each. garage with each, well constructed, Je-,sg than one year old. Lotl!I of charm, attractively landscaped. Yearly rentals $7770. No vacanciee, long waiting list. You can't beat thi& at $6-4.000. Below replacement cost. Excellent financing. So hurry! It won't Ja11t! BLANCHE A. GATES , Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa .laland-Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 VOGEL VALUES NEWPORT HEIGHTS RANCH STYLE Lovely 3 B. R., beamed ceiling•. 15X.25 living room wit h ma11ive Uled brick fireplace, dining room, breakfut area, built -in kitchen. W W cafl}ttl!I throughou t. 1 1 :1 bath.a. Reverse living w1th ti1'1ng room 11.nd dining roo m faci ng out aver large µat1 0 anti beatJtifully landscaped yard. $24 .500 full pr1e~ CI.OSI-: TO ClTY CENTER Neat, attractive 2 bedrvom house on ly 4 year~ old, 2 blocks from city center. Nicely landscapt-ll yard fericed with redwood. !>6 x 135 R-4 Jot'. with r oom to build income unit. $8000 full price A_ GOOD 4 -UNIT INCOME An almost new, gOQP incom*e property only t\l.'O bloc k11 from ehopping and transportation. Each unit is a roomy 2 bedroom, with nice li\•ing room and neat kitchen. Garage for each uni t. $315 monthly income, $31,500 !u11 price. $180 monthly payments. THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport Blvd. Liberty 8-5597 Costa ~l cea Evenings Har. 1539-M NEWPORT HEIGHTS Owner leaving the 11t&te -hlust ee11. 2 bedroom, 1 bath home on large lot, W, W carpeting & drapes go. See this at 506 Aliso. CORONA.I.H IGH LANDS 3 Bedrooms, bath & :1,1. Street to street lot. Permanciit view. 428 Cabrillo ----_ -.,PPN'.I _fOJtJ~~ ~h~--~~f!!!-Yi..~"Y. h9!!1! .J.,!1ih h.as everything you have been looking for. Permanent view of harbor. both beaches and unlimited view of the enlire coast line. 3729 Ocean Blvd. We have many fine building lots in the Harbor area. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coast Hwy., Co rona del Mar. HAR. 5032 Eve1 Har. 306-J -Har. 2420-W BALBOA ISLAND Two 1tory Ranch Style home -Just ·l yearf!I old. Channlng living room with open stairway and uaed brick fireplace. Western Holly kitchen and 11ep&· rate dining room adjoining delightful ])a tio. Twenty-tour root ma.stl'r bedroom and two family bedroom.a upstaini. Separate guest room and bath next to u.sable 2 car garage. Located on a quiet street very close to So. Bay. WM.W. Exclusive Listing Please call for appointment. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD • • Park Ave. at Marine, Balbo1t. laland Harbor 2462 J UST COMPLETED PARK MANOR A Restricted Lot Development By McCLEAN & PEARSOL Speculaton A Builders Welcome GO" reeJdentiaJ Iota. Have eome apartinebt lot.a left, Duple.x corner lot.a. AU improvements in. You Con't Boot The Pr ice & Loc otion , Drive by and bu y,. Acrlll\."'l ~om Custa ~t t•!ta }'ark. J8th and Anaheim. I :i rd ALREADY SOLD Phone Uborty 8-1781 Llberty 8-6621 t! ( • p. a. palmer incorporated developers 3 Excellent · Buys on Lido Isle An Arehlt.ect'• Dream 1 of Perfection Rambling beauty built arOund a large patio. On 2 Jot.a al the comer ot Via Lido Nord. Thi..home has a plus value that will be appreciated for yean to come: 2 64. gal. hot water aystema, all copper pipet, built.in di9bwuher, disposal, oveNize Ther-" ma.dot range and 2 ovens. 4 bednna., 21).i bathJI, family room, extra large living r oom and dining room, large service room, boat house.. If you deaire a fine home orf the water, yot.i 1hould .ee thb -NOW! $59.750, 1 :.! ca.11h, balance $235 per month. • Words Can't Do Justice 'I'ha home ia up to the mintue in conatructlon-ia beautifully decorated.. and will please the m011t exacting. Large living room with open fireplace, nice ii.zed dining area, three good bedrma., and 2 nice batha. THIS HOME IS THE BEST VALUE ON TODAY'S MARKET AT ONLY $33,000 Designed for Efficiency Attractive modern, living room and dining area 29 ft. by 19 ft., decorator's kitchen with. extra cupboards, terrific patio, 3-ear garage, 2 bedrms., 2 bathe. YOU JUST CAN'T DO BE'TI'ER AT o.$28,000 ALL ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE WITH US -/o, these &nd OTHER GOOD BUYS, come to HEAD- QUARTERS fo' LIDO ISLE. p. a. palmer incorporated ole ha nion co. manage ment 33JJ \'la hJo, harbor 1.>00 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS of Udo Isle View Home-Corona High.lands A lovely ne-w 2 bed.rm. & dm home with these lovely featurea: Wall-to-wall carpeting, large dining room, uaed brick fireplac:e and a. large built-in kit· chen. Call J1.clc Crisfield for further infonnation. Back Ba~ Ranchette Cozy 2 bednn. home'on Jevel '1h acre. Beautiful view ot Baek Bay&: mountalna. Full price $15,000 - Open Sunday 1 to 5 P. M. 2481 Tustin Ave. Lou's Choice 3 bednn. &: 2 bath home on Lido Isle's desirable Lido Nord. Deligh!ul view ot the Bay from tbe Muter bedroom and livingroom. Newly redeco- rated and the wall -tO -waU carpeting, drapea a.nd ahutten a.re included. Sa.ndy swimming beach a 1tep from the front dOOr. Now priced at $72,500. Call Lou Breer and be introduced to living at llf best. Lido Isle 2 bed.rm. leisure home on 60 ft. atreet-to-1treet lot. $32,000. Tetm8 available. Call J oe Kincaid for details. 100 Feet-Bay View Without & doubt, the most desirable luside lot on Lldo. Room for a large home with pool. Full price $32,500 With terms available .• Call Bill Farnsworth. \Ve &l.!o have _.ome excellent ll6Linga on Lido Ba)'· front a.nd inside lot&, and 110me choice Back Bay location.a. p. a. palmer incorporated ole ha ns on co. management . 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8·5:1"i'3 Lido Isle * 4 Choice Properties * Ou r Best Va lues ! T'ENl !\'!"ULA BAY 11'RONT~ lh•Y rru11l hnuir. 4 l>Hl1uvui11. z' t11tth11. ~a.'lt l'1nin!lula Jn•'11t111n CHIJ<'r prn1,.-r1y but i;:r•·•! \'lllue , Private b•·•rh 11ntl pier. J\11,UV•I, ttrma. LQ\'t-:r.Y II>!" :i hrd1111 hnn1t on ~.u ft. 1:0l11t'r hH un l.itlo NOtd ~il\IM hv. room. 1~. h•1t1.<1, FA hra.l, a ltracu1·c lnll'IH.ll', J .. 1gc "'*lltd IJl.tlO -$;\:;,,:,.\)Q, . . . . Bayshores * $3000 DOWN DUPLEX ·-1 block to beach -3 years old,. 1 bedroom units, (1 furnished) On 38tb St., Multiple Listing No. 6728. Price $15,450 * $3500 DOWN Duplex on exclu1uve Cl!.tahna. Drive. Three years old, very nice inside & uut, 2 & 1 bedroom units. ~l ultiple Listing No. 7085. Price $17,250 811y front DUPLEX. BtllUtlfu!. 11peclou11 {lropt"My. E11.!1l Pen1n- aul11-Only !I ye11r1 old. Pri· vate bt'•ctl, p!i!r r111ht.'I. 3 r11.r 1ar•1e uid unt1J1ty roon1J1 Ttr. rifle \•1Ju,. Ill $:'.16,000 -i(Jl'\ll l.e1·m1, Doth ex1 lu&11·e 11·1lh u• BALBOA Ot;f'l~EX' B/ B EXCLUSIVE! 9 UNITS-NEW! NEAR JETI'Y. 1005'.-: ~~~pancy. Owner will consider ucb.&Dge for Peninsula home.• $34,000 iqu.ity. Balance O$°'o financing. • URGENT VALID REASON tor oelling thia nearly new three bedroom two bath home. W /W carpet- ing. all elec. kitchen. large laundry room. Nice patio with BBQ. Owner ill. MUST tell. Priced considerably belowWplacement cOflt, $6000 will handle. BEACH COTTAGE -NEAR NEWPORT HAR- BOR YACHT CLUB. 3 1 .. bedroom8, 1 1 :: baths. Large Jot. Modem kitch;n dishwa.sher, diapoaal, \\'asher and dryer. F1 A heat ... Furn. All thi• for $15,950 -Excellent tenna. SPECULATORS ATTENTION! 2 lot.o Balboa Blvd. Near School. Seller will consider exch~ge Harbor area, bouae or income. Property now partially improved -many different poaslbWtiea for capital gairul. Very low d.n. payment wiU handle Yearly rental-New untum. 3 a'. R. home--Pier and Slip, Exclusive area-$300 per month. NEwPORT HEIGHTS -4 B . R., 1:i4 bath1. Fire- place. Knotty pine kitchen, washer, dryer, stove and refrig. included W /W carpeting. Fenced yan.i. Close to Newport Beach Sc hools. $17,500 term.1. BAY AND BEACH REALTY , Inc., Realtors 1450 \V. Balboa Blvd., Bal boa Har. 1264 Eve Ph. H.irr. 1856 , . Luxury Lido Bayfront Home & Income NEARLY NC:W ON VIA LIDO SOUO • A total of sfx bedrooms and four baths. Two mod- en1 kitchens and t\llO lovely view Jiving rooms. plus, l0ts of luxury extrai;i, Bt•aut1ful wall to wall car- J:iellng and lovely drui)(•!'I. A\:;o. two st•Jves, lY.'O rE>frigerators. 1J1Mpu:-;11.1. W1t~b1·1·. Dryer. 1-1111 p1'1CC only $65.000 Excellent terms You move right in to the seldom used owner's apartm('nt. The other deluxe apartment i.& occup1et! now. F or full details consult with eithPr CHOJCE LOCATION on B•y~hort Vrlvr. clone to pri1·ate IJ.t.>ach. J bdrn11. Pl..l'S l~e i;:u .. st 11r nun-j p1u1 r oorn ui·er Jo:':O.t'llJ.:1', :!•, b11.llu<. I A ClfA R~11.'\°G 1-10 :.IE 11 t $36.i,'JQ • • Extra Nice * $1000 DOW N "1'~1x-er upper" at 414 .Santa Ana, Newport Heights. ~lultiple L1st1ng No .. 6718. Price $9500 * $4 500 DOW N Only 4 t.1vor1 lruu\ 1111)'. S1tu- a lt.d on 2 lot.... 3 ltt!Jroonu; ...... dov.·n and 2 ~drooni• 1n upJlll'r Furnlahtd. Good f or horn11o wllh lncome Acl fA.~l on this une GENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTON VIRGINIA MANSON JOSEPH H. GROHMAN Lido Realty Associates LOCATl::U l'.'.° TllE CllOI~EST rt11ldentlal area jllllt orr I rvine Avenut Jn a btaulltul ttltlng of a ll nt1<,· hon1t~. DELL'XE: ranch. atyle horne, hes\')' ahake roor. tie. 1e11r llv~ng toon1 v.•lth 11lld· 1nr g!u!I olcJQrs, o1in roorn. 3 lgt l1·d10CJl11•. 2 tilP bath~. btllll· ln U\'•n anll n1.nge, •le!'p 11dt1 v.• v.· • >\lfll'tln,I;", btautlfully lie• l'Orated. 65 ft. Jut, roo1u f«r 11v.•1n11n1ng JIOi\l EXCELl..ENT VALt:~: at S26.6M, • • • View Lots Oct.AD \'1tl'>l _ ~--$'9~00 ~ Corw:na llighl11n+I• -· .. $1 0,000 "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOClA TE$ :Z24 '\', t..!011al H1v.·ay L fbtrty 8-ll:li Nfwport DtACh "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS B/ B LIDO ISLE Ni ce older view home, Newport Heights. (Not a Jcast:hol<l) 1700 sq. feet plus garage ancl lovely yards. Multiple Listing No. 7047 Price S21 ,000 HARBOR 2552 GREENLEA F-SEVER TS RE ALTY, IN C. 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach EVES PHONE l .. I 8-3186 1 .. I *5405 Harbor 3921-\V, · KEJ!ogg 8-5885 • . ,, .MULTIPLE-LISTING-OF-THE-MONTH ! Ca ravan Special The Evoluato rs chose ai tho be st listing: h1 iramar Dri\'e, BALBOA, 3 Bedrooma, $28,500-- 2 baths -3 years old -forced air beat - dishwasher, carpet1 Ii drapes, inc luded. C all you' Re alt or Rega rding MULTI PL E LI STI NG NO. 69 11 , .. 120.000, $6000 dov.•n. PF.NJNSL,.A UUPLEX Annlher e1tclu111\·e. 3 t-iroon111 up Z 3400 \'ia Lido Harbor 4'1 4'1 dov.·11. Nicely rurniah~t.I . Both ., r"nled. only 6 yN r.11 old. $28,:.ool-------'-------------------- lem1•. • BALBOA OCEAN F'RO!'.'T. ~ bt'd- ruon1. 3', blllh hr""' lnl,rinr tPn101lelrd 11nd Vl'I')' llltl1lll'tl\•e \\'r.ull,J be n11,. hunJt for large !1unl.l}'. i 2:i.ooo. trrn1~ OUTSTANDING VALUI-~$ IN LESS EXPEN$1Vf: I NC0 ?-1 E f'ROPERTIES ... fur !n~t..aru·..,, 2 bf'l1roorn hHnl" v.·1th tv.·.., on•· bedroom •r-Minenu !n rr~r Good 1entAI l0<'1tl1on AlY .. lly~ harrl '" t1nd ne .. r lh1s pnc(" 01 $16,:'>00. t ern1e. 2 btdrvom t\(11111> v.•Hh rule a11d nf'w barhf'lor In 1e,11,r, ~"'0 i;:1tr- ai;:•••. 4.:;x 100 fl. Jul All furn- lahed •l $11.:.00, t• rrns. Z lledr0Ctfl1 ho1n e 1<,·Hh one bf>•l- room 11parl1nt'nt u'·er 2 t•ar li:1'T- agt. Near J1hopp1ng and Oc~n or bay. Rentt'd no"'" 1 1:i.OOQ, .. \\'E HAVE OTHl-:KS Balboa Realty Co. Oppo•lte Bank ot A n1er1 r a Ro11-a Greeley ~:t.1 Lt" Jom,phlne \\'t•llb 700 P:: IUiHJ118 Rl11l , H .. lbuA Phonf' lllltbor 3:l77 VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR NE\VPORT HEIGHTS Beaut. 1900 sq. ft. View Home. 18'x21' living nn. has Swedish fireplace & opens to patio & Anthony heated pool. 27' Solex glaRR view windo .... ·. Bit-in stv., O\'en, dishwshr .. wall -hung refrig. 3 lg. BR!!, 3 baths. HW firs., W/W cpl.. touch plate lighting, ac. pl .. inter-com. system. FA furn. Brk., wood, 8tucco exterior, shake roof, walled yard. Owner moving -must sell. Just reduced $9000. A terrific buy -don't overlook it. Call us. CORONA DEL MAR • Attracth·e Atodern 3 BR, 1::1 baths. So. of Hwy. llfid way between\ shopping & beach. l'lsd. brk. fireplace. Sliding glasa doore from lg. living rnl. & dining are& to patio. Bar kitch. Lg. lot. You'll like this. Priced at $19.950. • THE VOGEL CO . 2667 E. Cat. Hwy., Corona de! Mar HA . 1741 HA : 757 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 464 Santa Ana Ave. POTE!\'TIA L t brJroon1t, r.,n1- )'lfl~l1• f111nl~llt•I (,,;1an l Ja11L - ll~klni; $~8.~I. N H b B d f R I NO APRIL FOOL ewport ar or oar o ea tors 1 'A''" , . ..,,m lo""'' "" "·" •l•lt Ni.·e ll11••n 111111 l'l1rubJ1 3 Bedrooms Here is real convenience close to it.II Newport Beach activities, yet away from all busy trafric. t'O:\!PARE: T1\IS PRICE ..... 1u1 a ny • bfllroon1 on l.L<lo Larg• h\'!nf: roon1 built •round ll1rge plll 10 with bu!ll·ln UBQ $35.600 On lh• BF.TI'ER PART 01" TH£ l!'-ll.A!\'IJ CLIFF HAVEN £\'ERYHOll,. \VA.-.-rs to ~t'tl l~ ;~:d t;~b~;~~~~ l v.~~:~~\ I~~~ b~7~ 1 Qn ont .<11de and to1•tl)' r111 . .<1riol h~th on the oth~r. "hi.•h hu fl,xlbl,. Ulle LlrJe JhUnj( • ,1,.11 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT ATIRACTIVE 1 story home. li\·able and cQnven- ient, Three bednns .. 2 bathe. maid'a room and bath. Carpets, drapes and a ppliances includfd.'- to 1~uo Lull\'101111 l'>Ooll 11 n•I T. D. ROGf:RS, •plenllhl \·ltw of blly C•)n11·1-rr-----Harbor 1585-\V Or Rya.n l~~ ly r,.nr~I in •~•r An thi~ for 1 11 t ------------------------- .. ,_lnfr prlc• o f '37,600. T'ro11 Do oompal'• n. , • lay & Beach Rlty Inc KEALTOKS 31 12 t...tay,.ttc. II• 3643 2999 eves ''J U•l t-0 lh4! r11"ht Of Lh• !.Jdo Drulf{t." Mui+. Un it Lo ts ~:Aa'T ~11 ·•: l«.at11. .1.tt.'I• All uni In 11nd rt•llY lo a:o. • •A:-.· A JA<:oas.: . .,., Real F'.t1tate .!ar. 6691, l..t 8·&31'i'. KJ-t-2187 11\'alt •·6&gg HARBOR HIGHLANDS 3 Bedrooms. l :\~ batM, forted air heat, bwd. noon, W W carpeting &. draperie&. Lovely home on well \,and~aped corner !Cit. Just J 1:.: Y"· old.- \, He-du<'cd to M"ll at $17,850 TH fu VO GEi CO. LIDO OFFICE 34J6 \'1a Lido, Npt. lk1i. Ha.r. 4971 or liar. 4972 ~·e. w · 8-3040 -Har, !!1142 -· • , nn1pl,tely rrnrl'd. GI 11'1alt' S:ZOOO do .... ·n, tull price $9160 N'fatly-nev.-. 4-Wrm. s nd 2-bs.Lh hon•I' L>ouble g•111.ge uilJ tencl'd, J l600 IO.'\ll tN11dle, bal· Henry Va ughn & Assoc. 2029 Harbor Blvd.~ co.ita Mt8'1 Ll 8-41111. EVtR Ll 8-41M, 8-411 8 A GOOD BUY XORTHEA8T ('(.Jl'TA 1'tEl'A, 3 11<1rm. o-r 2 &-·TJon S62.58 per mC1nltl. :'\l e~ neighborhood r,.need rrar yard. RALPH P. MASKEY REALTCIR !4..11 Newport Blvd -liar 402 M-1 Property \\'JTll Gt>Oll lll •~ll·; 11a•I h)() ft front111('e la ~~n1"r 1,."d~t • ,.,, • ...,. (,,'.All l "T d~la1l• I l>A~ A J A<i:OBS,.;N. '"''"•I ~.:..1111 , I liar M9l, LI ll~JI': . Kl 2·2187 H Y'1tt 4-6696 Fireplace, Hardwood floora. Shingle roof &nd a fenced in yard fo.r privacY. Unusually fine pai.io. , ALSO NJ..& look at Dick Richard'• home down the 1t.reet d-"3109 Cla!)' -We have the key. Large 2 bedroom and Oen. Load$ of room snd a real 1pcctaculu land· scaping job. DUNCAN HARDESTY , Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. -Har. 4718 -Newport 8e&ch Llbo LOT ROOM FOR A POOL ~2 1~ feet for only $14,9{)0 Ex.clualve with CL YOE MEYER , Realtor 307 Marine, Balboa laland • J