HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-18 - Newport Harbor News Press' .. • .. • • • -~-- .tt ck Case ~ury · .~oln. '· • • •....>-·---~ .. -·. -~-----·-..'-'-~ -._ . . . ~ .. -· -... r -.. • HARBOR P.Ress lflilWfVR'.T 'BEACH, CALJFPRNIA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL ~-1Qtl6 PHONE BARBOR 1616 5 CENTS • Elect McAlpine to Head L. I. Al*iciation First Witness Set Today for Schurr-Walker Trial Duncan McAJptllne wu elected pl"ffldent and Helect.ed dlrtctor o f the Udo Ja1e ConununJly A~ llOCiatkln ~W1nf ' the %2nd an- nual ~eeUn1r of the rroup Bat.- u~y. It WU &nnow\Ced today. The a~ at the annual meeUns' ... Clhe ot lhr 1a.ra:e1t In t he ht.loTy of lb.e auociaUon. By IACK BOEITNER SANTA ANA, APRIL 18, . COOIS) -Superlo< Court John Shea tOOay ordered proepectlve jurora in the Jack Jamet: Waiker kidnap-attack trial to "dlaregard completely" newspaper i.rtlclee lf they were introduced into teltimony. Newly..,~ director• ere Earl Bawye,r; Harold RI I 11. Oeorc• Buooola and Ml• Jean Perelli-Mlnettl. Hol4,over dlrec· ProMicutor Kenneth WlWa.m• j .:rowd. The courtroom w,. a t\ad ju• •Pftlt !) n1lnu\t• telllnf quk:kly tilled \o more than ca· jurora new.pai>eni and radio pl.City. 1tortr1 aeanlll" with the caae All ot one jury panel I• on hand tor picklnr. a• well u J>Ol'o Uooe from two other panel.I, lho11ld be view with cauUon. tora are retlrtn&: ptt .• ldent Mrs. It wu then Shea lnt•rrupted Ch&Tlea L&mb.•Kennrth Klnailey, with the admon1Uon to dillrtp.rd media r.ccount. of put and pre. Gene Rou and Mra. JOMph E . int coneemlnr the c~. K<Jm. Other ot(lcen choHn by the Walker, 2~. a Santa Ana up- board tollow'lng Uie gener1J bllsi-holaterer, h1 6LCCUM'<I of twice oeu meeUng wtre sawyer, vice· kldnaplnr a.nd twice forclnr pr.1ldent; Miu Peff'lll·Mlnettl, beeuty queen Mn. Donn. Schurr MCretary, ••d Roel, t~r. Brett, 19, ot Garden Grove to Mra. Lamb In her l.WlUal re-1ubmll to hill a.dvance'I. The port 1tre9Md th.-tremendous defendant aleo la ctwrged W1lh M>Cial (?OWth and lncreued bul'flary In tll• entry of Mn. UUI• ot tbe Lido JM Clubhouee Brett'• dealdence J11.Duary 10. which wu enlarfed and Im-Mr& Brett wu MiM C11.Jltor- pll"Oved 1ut y.ar. nla of llil6(; and a runner tip in She recoplSed and welc:omed he M.1&11 Untver.e final• I.Ml new orpnJ.u.Uona on the l1iand, yeu. She'a an Orange Cout u.. lkn'I Wine and Food So-C0Ue1e 1tudenL dety. the Life> tile Uttle Wllllanui continued hla t'Xaml- ThealA Group, the Boy ScoutAI nation of juror. today. Only one and ~ Brown.I•. of the flr1t doun calle<I hU been Th• by-la,.. were changed to e•!u.ed. 1!ve the hou.e committee the Gertrude Siarkl of Anaheim aa.me ciu.lncaUon ot Importance told the court ahe didn't think ae th• archiectural committee. llhe could 91!r"Ve In an unbi-..d The f« for b'uafer of p11vll-fUhlon becau.e of the nature of t(e• to ten&nta _.. ln~Teued U'le caae, She wu eJu!uaed fot' rrom $10 to ''~ oa-. =i M.ra. Brett wun't prut111t tor t h• momlns quelltlon.tn1 ot jurora. The accull!d amUed a,t Umea u W!Wam1 uHd a.mualn1 lllU1t.r&Uon.e to s et &Cl'ON ht. point.I. FntsT WITNESS TODAY ~ pr<*M:Ulor Mid h• hoped lo put on hit fir1t wlt.ne1a at around 3 p. m. today. He Indi- cated It would be pert. brunette J&11ice Gerber, a San Dle10 State Colle1e atu<kat. Miu Gert»er en\.ered the court· room at lntermilekln. She con-· verll!d brlefiy with Wiiiiama. Public defendet Nic k Meyer 1pent a day &nd one ·half int.er· vlew1~ proapactlve Juror.. WllUan11 aakl!d jurors today: "U the evidence ahow1 the. com• pleinln1 wllneu M.ra. Brett ha• • prior uncl\ute character. you undeoreta.nd that offer• only .. n lnfereBCe on t.be proba.bltlty of con.aent aacl Joa muat consider It ATl'OBNEY'S llAND -Publlc Dtfeader Nick Meyer puta a conifortlng band toward lack Jamee Walker, right u Proaecutor Kenn~ WlllWiiB ~ teU.1!1 jury why he belie"ft9 the auapect abould be con~icted of attack, lridn&pins and burglary. Walker ii charged with five count.a again.i Beauty ' Queen.. Donna Schurr BMt. -cx:::NS Photo Committee ch&lrmen 1elected ~IDENT by the oo..rd are : Kln111ley, re· Takln.r over her cha.Ir wu appointed architectural: M ,.a. Mr1. Blaachlo I:. Bechtel or Co- Kelm, ruppolhl.rt houae cum· rona del Mar. .... ,.. ,,.. ..... , • .. .,.~ lo Patterson Resa·gnation attack. ft. only t-.u. would be on probability that 1hia con- 1ttntad." ' ~ rnJttee: Sawyer, public rfll,Uons: At U L m. 1'9Cea, Jud(• Shea Roe• and Buccola. bud1et and ordered tM bailiff to clear the t1nan~ co-chalmM!'ll; IUna. p~ apect&tor 9cUOn. ~ up-.J:nf'd ttdurea; Bui:cola. pt.yrroun<U M>me P• ~•JttUve juron hlld •nd prderw. and Mt., PereUI· 'bee.D unable io llnd a le&t. MinetU. tidrieor to junh>r board The Jud(' told Lha 1-Uitf to or control. I• alkfw J4#'f CMd~ to M .-.led ftnt and lhft k!t. la tlMi ...... 8 "'' w ......... " ... Letter Wn"tten· for H"1m h~to-ba Lloyd Brett, 21. or a.rd.en Grove when the aec·· ond allepd .... ult wu com- mitted. Few chanfN are expectlHI tn Ula JUr"1 .. it now at&ncSa. rt Mna. Plannleg Cu/1 hlianer llalllft Spec.imtlve Zl!-illg hr Job, Less Reereation. Budget· ·Hike ' Newport Beach Park, Bea.ch ilnd Recrealton Comm111ion lut 8"entn1 adopted a tentative bud- MESA COUNCIL · GJYES RESIGNATION VIEWS c.oata 11_,plultlnr Coco•lll· lloner E. L. P'\111 9lllll aokt UM N~PrtJNi today M bMt ,,_,, ordered to .. 1:•lp" from U.. comllWlllon on.t;r.. one daJ l?dwe lha entire Pia.nNas lft'UP WM lo be reappointed.. ~ rnlCJ!allona of PstU:mon and Ch.airman Weller Weimer were accepted In the dlY counoU meeting MondaJ night ''wlU'I r.- 1ret.1." pt ot ll6i,890 for t9M·~T. The J'ollO'WlnJ the-1urpr1M rt•lr· budget now JOl!ll tn the city coun-nallonll o~llla lteu plannln1 cil for approval. Thi• Ill lt!,3i1 Chairman Walt er Weimer and more than the fl 18,293 bud111ted commlUloner E. L. Patter.on laat year. on Monday, the Men city coun- The only dl1<:11111lon nn the pro-ell t.uued it.a iitatement of the polo9d bud1~t revoh'CI(! around an proceedlnl• a• follow.11: 11f"1 ot f23,000 to cover beach ''1'11.e City Council had prefer· • deanln1. Thi. w&1 about 1•000 red not to publlctze th• tact ; i'ndte than for Ula prevloUI )'•r uat It reque.11~ the re.tpa- and member• or the commlulon llona of Mr. Weimer a.nd Mr. objected lo blldgetlnr funda for Pattel'IOll rrom the Pla.nnlns a . tuncUon over whic h tbey have eonuni-1on, lnumuch u both _cgn.t:i.L_'Ihe beach wo.r.Jc .La. u .. -~ klll.l-YeM"•of-Rt"- done by the atrttt departmenL v1ce to the city day after day, !lobe-rt Gingrich. eupervUor, ialnce our lncorporaUon. ::l=:.ha.:a:-~~!1~ ,,:: "However, now that they have tor atpa alon( the: bM.ches. The publlclaed U!e fact that th• 1'et ruull of the controversy wu Council requeateQ their· l'Mlr-Uona. It becOme.a iieeeuary fOT • cut of '3000 ln the propoMld the council to lnform the pullllc allotment recommended by the whJ Ulla aeUon wu taken. commlmon. "Th• counctl bu felt ror .am• Item.a of the budret Include Um• that Mr. Weimer'• &Dd Mr. llf.266 for admlnl.ltrallo'lt M.8,• 118 for the park depar~ent, P&tter90D't U'llnk1n( on bu'c 141,273 for Ufa (U&rd llervlce. plannlng policy and tllelr inetbod 111,189 for rect-.!atlon and $ti,· of carryinf out policy doee not reOect the views of the Council ·~1-"-'-°'-'_•_t_roo_m_•· ______ 1or ot the C"-•t majority ot the people .In our community. n was on ly alter _receipt of a rreat many complalnt.1 from reit1dentAI and bualneu men, and after lone 1tudy, that tlla Cou.nctJ toolt lhl.I action. loard Okays Plan Daye Olmtted. Oran1e County cOut Aeeoclatlon prealdent , told thl Nawa·~ the board of 1tu- ,....wors Ullt morning adopted unanlmoualy the R. L. Peltel"IOn report for developn1ent of Dana Pofnt Harbor. "Mr. Weimer and Mt. Patter· IMln deeerve U\e commendation ol everyone for their long earn· But Paltel'90n d~ b• Md rfflped l'Dh.lftte.rlly, "First Um• I kl1ew l WV.• to reaip," he eeJd, "W&I when I walked into the city, ~erk'• otnc. Monday morning and round the kttar nC tflMlnation already typed up." "ln general my dNlre to re· .u1et apeculaUve w.inln1 In the corporate limit.a of lb• city of Coat.a M-. and In the .one at influence led w_ th• ~t for my reeignation." he e:a:pla.lned. SOT FORCl:D E. L. PA Tl'E&80N ''Tbe counc.U did not bave to would Mt • pe.tt.ern tor ~ln1 fon:e me to reelp," protuted tor the •"tire area. There I• el· Pattet1on. "My t.ttrn of oft\ci ready too much commerc~ SOD· w .. up anyway on Moilday. All inl MW". they had to do -. not reap-• .,,,. .~at.ed plan of the point me If they Ml ckslred." iionta1 and atreet committee• ''The mallfr wlUch broufht whkb Barney J"re.ncqua ~ my- HARLA.'i" WOOD ,. thing• to a head." M Nld. '"wu aelt ""deYek>pecl In coepera tlon the Ho.-iand reaontns a& Tultin tailed tw P·l parlrlnr mninf Ave. end 17th St. trom rMldr.n-and R-1 multiple realcitnala.I Im· tlal claatµlca.tlon to commen:lal. mediately back ot the fron.t C·2 l fear«I. if th111 w•a pa.-ed It (0..u.ued -P&l9J t ) eat tfforU on behalf of our City, but lhe city council cannot al· low per1m1e1 f&eling.11 t9 Inter· fere with lt.11 duty of obte)nlng complete 'cooperation between the plannln1 comn1\Mlon •nd the city councll and the planning oommlulon and the people of our city. The purpolll! of 1ovem- ment 11 to ffrve. not to dom· inat.e." I ·NELSON CHOSEN MAYOR OF MESA-SECOND · TIME New Plamien Ncwcwd to Replace Walter Weimer and Patterson Claire M. Nelllon wu re-elect· IC. \Arllel Swart.a u -cJtJ clerlt: ed mayor of C.O.ta ~M-. and W. c . Rlea, ctty t~rwr and t""'o new member1 wen appointed L.. D. t Don I Duqa.n, clt7 a t· lo the plenninl" commieeion dur-torney. ln1 a 11peclal meelfnl of U'le clty Dudek, appointed tor the un· council ye111tertlay noon at the ellp6red term ot Wittmer manu. JU1tlce ('ourt bulklinJ. ractur1 •crew m&chlne p'roducte. Nel11on wu c,hoeen to conUn\le I-le "''•• Ofle Of the orpn1&en and In {h~ chair beceUM pf the Im· 1 tht flr1t chel.rman of the In· port•nce or hla pmltion ln th• dU1trlal dtV\1lon of the Coate current f\fJlt apilllll the routing Meq Chamber of Commen:e and of thf" Newpq-rt. rreeway throu1h la at · pl"ffllnt on the chamber'• lhe center al CO.ta Meaa. boa.rd of director&. "* II a chart· New plaJ)nlnJ" conunltal;onera. er member of Harbor AA• TOut· appolnt~l to rij)JUe Charrman mut«11 and •'-l*lfl muttt Gf Walter Weimer and C.,mmlMlon· Ma.ma Jubilee ~ or Sa.nta er E. L. P e tteraon. are Ellner (0..ebnaed • ~ t> Dudek, manufacturer and m•· i ·------------ ehine work• owner. and Harlan H •g • •fH Jlm111y Wood, feneral contractor. "' 01 w5"' ER TlfllEE R..E-~A.KED Reappolnt!Mt to lbe commllalon for tour.year terml were 8'1mey P"n.ncque, Robert Wllton and H c. SamPflOt\. Temperaturee for the pMt Wfflt at Newport Harbor a,_...., .... Hlrlrl Law Thurld&.J. April U -M 41 Friday, April 11 .... &8 41 Baturd&J, April 14 : U. 4!\ ftANJL8, f'AREWl.:U... -Councilman Gerald Bennett, left, leaving .et.t yeeter- --"dl~-recei'oed-conrratnlatkma--flf-M•·)'&f' DoN Hill, Counc.Um~ Stanley Rklder- -_,, C. A. Hirtiie arid J. B. Stoddard, above. -SWt Photo Georre Tobl&1. a holdover eommldioner. wa1 ctlo!M!n chair· man p10·tem. Seventh member ' of the pl•nnlnr group I• H•rry Ald1·1ch • [ 8u.nday, April I ~ 82 ~ M~y. April 18 eo ~ ~ Apnt tT -ti 6-4 Wlldll.eeda_T. AprU 11 IO • 51 The counc:U •Lao r..._l«ted A . • ) lido Isle Couple Alllendment-Hide • Officer Seeks Damages for Injured Hand B~A A?-"A, IOCNS>-Da· prtved of the uee of lwo f1nrera on hla rl1ht hand by a run •hot, NllWpOrt Beach Police Officer Wlllt&m P . Talbot today tought SS:S:.000 d&i!n.a.1em a1atn1l t w o men. who wen Mnl•nced lo prt- 90fl la CC1rUJection wllh a Lido 111• robbe.ry. Talbot named William I''. All· red aDd Uncoln A. Sherrick, botll~or i.. Crnc•t.a •11 defend· anti. Bolh were liven long prl- '°n term1 by 8uperiur Collrt Judie JQbn SheL Talbot c l.alma he wa1 patrol· lnl" about 4:30 •· m. Apl11 18, 1966, when he waa aummoned to the home or Mr. and Mrl. Alex Olli!r, 1!12~ Via Lido Soud. to help P1·eaA up a bUrJlary .-nd robbery. The officer contend• both de· fandanta were armed with dead· ly wMpona. He i.ueaea Allred fired a shot whJch 1truck him tn Ul• ln<le.-. and mlddla ttnrara of bi. t11ht hand. A1 a re1Wt.. Talbot aue.rt. lie ha.I !oat lb• ia.e nt tM ftnpn. The plalnWf uk8 $'10.000 1m- eral ckmq .. and '"·000 1~al ......... All.Nd, wboM father wu mur· del'9d by a wom&n Who lat.at orimmliW ltulclde, waa tentenc· ed to C!Or!.MCutl" prUtia. 1.,.,.,.. t .. buf&J.ary, .-obbery, kklllaptnr: aad uu.u.lt wtlll • deacllJ --poo. Darnells Ref~se Reply to Committee Queries Two Lido Isle resident.a, the Cart.er Oamells and Sam Berland, their a.uoeiate, Garden Grove, Hale Co. execu- tives, l.f onda.y were· excused by the House UnAmerican Activities Subcommittee in Los Angeles after they proved not the "fdendly wltneues·· thf' Da.rneli. aald thf'y would be when to 11111wtr all other que•tiona on ...-ve<I wbpenu here Jut inontil I ;advice or countel. We wtre i:om- 0.rnell and hla wire. lht forin· mf'rHled tor our niurteoua teaU· l!'I' )lr1. Ring Lw<lner Jr. both mony "~·en lhourh 1t wa1 llDl .f.2 and Btrl&ntl. 44 , each' Blood ':''1 th . rompltlf' anrwe1·1" Coo~r _ on the Flrlll and F'iflh Amend· 111 ~·1re-cha 1rman of the Slate merit.I in refwilng to anivrer Bar A1111oc1ation of Calltomloa.. queatlooi •bl.fut their activiHti Darnell 1!9ld. 1ay1ng he wa1 em- In the Jndtpendent Progtell!li\'e plortd to "1ih·1~e 111 an11 we took P h hill &tlYll!f " erty and l.f to ,,.,. ether tht'y had evf'r bttn n1tmbera ot tile 1tt:t ·1 10ot:~ AXl'ii."'F.ll Co111n1uni1t Party. Howevei. }.1r11 . DMmell M id ha had niajore<t Darnell '11d "Y· "No, definitely 1n 111u11lc 1n ~·ollege but never not." ""'hen uk@d ~f 11he wert' 1 pureue<.I h i~ ra ref"r. A•ked If h~ now a Coc11n1uni.1t P•rty n1en1-hll(I .. pet1tl•inl'<I to put the !PP bt'r. (\n the ballot 11nd whttht'r he had The •ubco1n miltf'I! hall bf'tn ever been .._ Cnn1n1unl1t ~ 1 r t y holding hParlng• In Loll Angele& nieml>er. he ronfl'rred ""'Ith Coop· In conne<"Lion with the alleged er, then polHtly told u1,. rom- aucceii•fUJ tu1ning of thf' IPP 111-n1itlet hf" would refu!llOI! to anll""'t'r to 'a Comn1u nl1t front organlza· Uon. T he Darnell'• and Berland were repreae.nted by Granl Coop· "· "J h.ave never bf'en a member or the Commttnlal Party," Dam~I told th• N,..,1-PreM. He l&!d h1a wife wu not. uked If ab• were a mambf"r or the IPP. Dathell told th• New .. Preu ht. attorney oon.terred with the c:ommittee CCUrlff\, P'ra.nk Ta"""" ner. prior to the D~Ji. and on ground• or hi1 Con11lltutlonal riJht~ ~onfJ of the thr-ee ....... ~ • viciou!!l wltnua In the ... n11e other1 have been In ti1ne r1111l before 1uch commllttt11. lkrl11.nd d,_ the lh&11k• of R~pr~nt•· ti•e11 Donald Jackaon, ~p 1n•t Gof'don Shertt. Dtm . Qh.I.., f<n hi• and hla counael'a qult L bf'. havlor and Pf'O(M&kmal manner althourh lhe Dona could nul •1ree wtth their fnethocJ qf de .. rle.nd beinf cailed and ~\..be t'I.. ·o.rn lde.nllfled u a coUld aot "det.ennln• the rJ1alia bualnee. ...adata or Bukr.nd. acaJn.i ua. My ..U• ani!I I tau-atood on the Ame A~U ti.rt t.bal we an not Commun-when .. ked a bout JPP and C9ra• Mayor Hiii loto-&'." WO ·~not. w •..... _ ... ___ ,c ............... ., Re-elected; IRVINE CO •. OFFERS Hart Sworn in CITY PARK PURCHASE City" council y .. terday ra4.lec- ted Me yor Dora Hlll unanJmou•- 17 tollowtn1 the canv ... 1n1 of YOtea and the .wearlnr Into of· Ow of Oounc:llman Charle. Hart. ntn1 commlaelon'e atteuon to thf" Irvine Co. offer 80 It could aet on th• t.ntaUft mall paw under commleaion et.udy, The rNOluUqp ~ tu J:rl I , TabulaUon of th• "YOl• and City councU yl!flterday wu nq1.tned by, lhe Irvine Co. tllat It LI reeervtn1 20 acrea for park and achoo! purpoeea 80UU\ Well ol ltt.h St. al Irvine A... The p1opert1 .. eHt:rN UI• 'tine Co. I.he ell., WOU'.ld ~·~~lo~ --+-I ·-p LDJ reault.: 0111tr1ct l, Ha.rt. 1927: Gerald Bennett, IM9 : Dt•trlct :'J, C. A. HJgble, 1"3: Rana Broertnc. 1289 ; Mn.· Loula CHJ1ar, W; Ralph Schllller, 276; M.ra.. H1.Cble, i2a: Dial.Jict e. Lee Wilder, 2.f.IO; A. K. Phelpa. W . Th- were 11ee tterl!d TOI.el• for And- r.,.,. W. SmltA and o~r writ .. .... Charter Amendment No. l carried 28'12 to 973 while Char- ter Amandment No. 2 I011t 304.1 to 'IM votu. A tote.I vot. of 8943 ballot.I waa cut out of 9158 ellflble VOll!'I'•, Sevaral election boiird officer• wert1 cell· ed to yutenlay'1 adjourned - hall It.a appr&iMd value. Council adopted a reeolution accepUn1 the orr~r In principle. ~*<:! Actln1 City Manqer Bert Webb to wrltt' lh'l Irvine Co. the city r1111ora the pt'Opo-.l. lf coMumne~ 1t.e purehue would be lq Ueu of the city'• r11ht lo acquire lhl.I property under emlnenl ~In pn>ceed- lnp. Th• reeolulloa alM> elated tha t Walter B. MeUott and AU.tin Sturtevant. In U'lelr rHpectlve aubdlvlalo1111,• would be u•eased $1 6 ~r lot •1 their •hare of the park •lte uqu.Wllon. The rll"aolU· lion further called tha city plan· S,..Ch Elem.ntary llcllOm m.- trlct adopted a atrnuu &.rr'M- ment on lhe other 10 attea, pvt- ~ price aWI to be •pproved by the counciL~ ~· The quesUon of lM Rae ot the new parlt on ln1ne~ A "f'•., wu di.cnMed at the rneeUns ot the pvlU. bMch• and r«:ratlon commtulon lut nlchL an(! no ec.-- Uon WU taken. Kowev•, Jt WU th• opinion ot moat ot the com• mlaalonel"I that a 1ctfl ln con- junction with the eletn.nta,Y 11ehool rrounda woilld be 1uffl· cient for park purpoatil If the acruge waa aha.ped ., t.baL It could be properly lal~ out, alon to atrat1hten out ambl1· .,. ____ _,...,.,...,._..,._ Ullin. They had no effect on V'Ole ~lt1. Al, Councllm1n e.rtnet t atep- ped do•·n. hi• colleacu• thanJr.- ed him perwMU!lly and by re90- lu.tion tor hl.11 work durtn1 lb• pall yeair1 on tb. counctL Ha 11hook handa with hi• llllCCUllOI', Harl, wletM!d him well. Pulos Pleads Guilty .on Dope ~harge SAl'fTA ANA -'(OCNSJ - Peter J!l. PUW.. 20, of 320 Vla Udo Nord. Newport ~ch ,~ day th.&n Jed hl.11 Innocent pl-to ruUty on • marijuana poaHM1oa Chat'Jt. PukM la.al wee.It lwid p~ tnnoc:ent on ~ and peel~ dUng of marljuana chllrlt'lwtl8 ha wu arralped before Burrior court Judre Km.nell'I £.. Mom- '°"· On Nq\Hllll of Pukae' attorney, J . w. Joet;rn or PMa.Mna. Judt'e J.f(Jrrt.an .el the oerl!ndant'• at.ft· 1encln1 and prob&Uon hee.rlnp for May 8 Ht' •llo HI the .. m, <'19tf" ''" pi ""'"''"1--lM Pfik" .... t!1-ra:• •1&1nat PWo1- • • HART 8WoRN IN -CouncUman Chari.. Hut, I above, was duly 11worn into new orfit"e, succeedl~c Gerald Bennett. yesterday by Oty Oe,rk.,__=M,,a,,r,,c,_ ___ _,_1 Schrauder. -Staff Pboto • PAGE 2 ·PART 1-NEWPO gT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEONEsj>A-YrAPRIL-t-f;-1'156-- •• • • u...... nee 'nstruct""-,.... =~;'7.:: -=~,~ ..... ~,; hster Mother ;;'''.;; ':"'..=:"'::'~· =~ "'::.; DIATH NOTICl----nc-w--u -I ~ ~llOlll. Nldott .. 13, ma,... 1 ..:!equate. cklOLln&'. ____ ....,,_ ____ _ GOINGS ON AT 'THE Fal' Te1111 Named by Board ..:..""':',.;.·~~.::s:~~ ts-let•r .i:-u.i~~ .. ':!"'•SN"" ::s.:~ .. _ ' ............... """' •tut""' of l1n1way ...... '"' '° ""'' .. """"' ... .m ""™-"""' .... ~-B , l•l a4,J\&ltOIL To 1Jaclr 112 Ml° ....,. .. lUrda.1 .,,...., al .,.r AL~OA BAY CL' UB' , Four R~ ha1lnlctor1 b a 'r I l{enl'J' 8. paftlu., 11, wtll ti.• tlnift...tty, and the muten de-.r;ory Owl tll• boYf weN b•ePJ bom&. abt wu a aattw ., nq. bffa appu&ritfd b)' Qra.n11 Cout .C.ruct In "uii field or hutory. ~ tto.n 8&11 F'rancl.tco State t ...a......_t kt lft her l!OfM llba brousf\l malt .... Oblo U4 bad Uwd M N ·ftwe Oollts• Board ot Trulteel fot' OoUep, l'Or llle put y~•r be A l ·1--d y, • tunawa1 of them With bfl:f' wbM u. ati• , 8)1 0 DAN ~Y'LESS tlot-07. AU will report for duty Aner reeelvtftf UI• bach•lorti ~ hu wqrk«S In UI• Nadtrig and h"oll'I a (Oller home II\ TmTance c.me ror tile 12·fe..-..Okl ,....,., lft,U.. •t.al.9 16 ,_..... t.11'9 - ------...::.... __ _;_"'" _________ ,comM1ncbl.,-l~t. J rree ll'om th• Unlveraty of 0l'9-wrillq' 1aa,ratory at San Fran· wu •pf>l"!'hendt'd by New-r~ The youncitter lold pol\M ti. la eu:;rttwcl by ~~~__....'. • • .,. ••· Ubl claco SlAte Coller -·-.J • ~ ~· 8Uo1An Wat .. _..,,., -·· .._ _ Mt'9 DolOru Yonker w 111 r;on, Pan.l&n atl-..... • •· DV.l:lr police lUl week after ran away from home Monday N ' M~ Adele Wot'91aR. • n..uyone who baa ever atfended a dance haa a hum-teadl £ncUah an.d Art. Sh• bu \·•reity ot cawomla, Berkeley 1be tour •bo-f• UutnactoN are th•y ne:elved a up fro1n 5.tra mornlnr;1 took a blcycl• ~ ~ t.nd xra. J1ontlce ming familiarity with ''The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi." had wlda expert.nee lllk1 1.n.ln· ond earned a mutera deJT'M. &molll' l1tfl 11 MW •tatf mem · Mlklr.d J"oc•rty, ~ Cout • nearby #Cbool t.n4 rod9 lllOlt Decker New Ywk' a -. J I~ started as a college fraternity song &nd jumped campus lnr In her ctuwen tteld. After n1ejortn11 In hl1tory. He hu be".' to be employed by Cout Ujsflway, lh•t the boy wu of the nl(ht to· Newport ~b 1~ lt9yi\old9. Cutv.r City; to become a 1tandard favorite. The lyrica set up Spe<'ifi-compleUns three year• of col-•erved a• h••cher tor one year Col~l'I next September. Five 1ottertn1 around her mpld. whe,.. hb e.eca1>9d• ended. 11 ~n and tMJ pMl• cation• for a. dream girl which preaumo.bly a.re • be U-ge at Cleveland School or Art. 1.t H•wthorne High School and • replacement. and eur. •r• to lntonotation of lhe )'OWll· Police rdeued the bor t.o randdllldND. u.ed l>y the Sig ill eelectin h. 'tlte'a 't Fr )fr.. Yonker1 1radualed rrom three yura In the Mid-PacU'lc care for the l~ to 200 •ntlr:t-eter'• foeUr mot.her, J.tr1. Mary Mra. P'tM!man.. I Ram•lna wtll be rorw&nted b1 • h , I t.I e • compan on. om Artaon.a, SI.al• Tut:bere Collep ln.tJtute ln Hawaii pated -tnc~ue In enrollment. Freeman revealed a 1tory or eo.ta M...._ to " at we ve lefll of Sigma Cb.I girt., their ~ya don 't Mott recently work for the Mu: lnatrur:tor In Sociolop wl.11 be "We have found •II but three repeated' attempt• •l rehapllll•· Zim-~--lorn Balta Mortuary, le and lnlel" at_ray too far from the formula. They mr.ke their choice• t•r• degne ...,.. cornplet~ In th• a.uipunent of Charla R.. of th• new te~her:.11 ... e -k." uon, police reported ........ ....,. Dayton t1K Ml'Y • with kn eye that would do credit to John Robert Powers. art and art history et Ctare1nont r-:,e¥rt. After compleUns I.be •tated Dr. B&ail H. Petenon.. Mra. Fneman n1d the boy M.r. and Mr1. Herbert Zim· Im-'~"~'·---,,--:-,--,:;:---::;:-:::;: ln fact, John hH been know to complain that it'1 diffi-Otaituate ScOool Mr•. Yonker bache.lora and muteN dqrftl prealdent. \VU 01n1 or nine l!vlnr In her mer, 179 W. 11th 8t., Clela -<Jet action tul. ~ °'-r:l.ulll• cuJt to keep hit arency going with IO .many beautiful ba. tau1bt art· &Dd hWn&nlUee 111 biA cbOMn fltld at lt&ntord larce home on 3 l •'r1'1 ot land. Meaa, •re the pa rent. of a aoo fled ad9 In th• NEWS-PRESS to p qWW,qg their modeling careen to t.ake up Sigma at Arizona 8t.f,te ancj. Serippe Unlve,..ity, Ntctot1' MrYed u -Ltv• Jnerc:JWU• ate thoae wbo There were th"" OOy1 '\o ea ch born March 27 in Ha.1 Boe-buy. Ml!, rent or bira. PbOrl• Cljt. _ ~ • i -• College. teacbln1 ....i.tant at UCLA tor advvUM-~lroniae them. bedroom, 1h• ll&ld. &.nd they had pltal. Harbor 1111. So wouldn't you know that the Sigma Chta of Or· ===== ange County would form an alumni aaaociation w they covJd Cet. to4etber every now and then t6 surround the'mee1Tf9 witb ~la pulchritude! •What a way to epend &Jt"eveninc! All the Aasociation needs .at theee meetings ta the feminine contingent; entertainment &nd special prepuationa are at.rictly euper!luous. But now we come to the problem. While the fra· tcmity men are content to do little more than sit and l~k at t heir ladies. the ladies aren't willing to reply in k1nd. In the first place, Sigma Chis aren't universally hahdaome. 'Come to think o! it. 1ome of them .ire down- right ugly. Which brings up the question how do they do .it? Well, they're ... they're ... conHidf'rate, and, uh, stable f.Dd, by George, they ARE Sigma Chia. Even IO, they're taking no chances. Wive1 and gue1ts will be royally entertained at the next m(etin:;. which will be on April 26 at the Balboa Bay Club. Pr~~i· dent Chris Hoffman of Anaheim1 vice-pl"'e!ident Cecil Mark•, Treasurer .Max Hom , and directors Karl Davia and Clark Sweet have set up a dinner dance to keep tht· girl& happy. Such members as Don Derr, Joe Smith, Tom Youmans, Rui;ty Roquart, Jim Muaick, Bill Cook, Ch8rlie Eaton and Clarence Lake, 'Ute bponSQr , enthuai· utically aecond the motion. Any Sigma Chi is welcome to attend, but should get in touch with one of the mem- ben mentioned t:IO that reservations can be made. And a. not. to the Rounders Orche8tra. Be ~re you get the right music on the racks. If you shouJJ accidentally play "She Wean The Golden Square o! D Tau D'' you're in trouble. . * * * THE SHORT LINE: Some of the nation's highest I ranking tennis players are engaged in the four day, 4.th Annual BBC Invitational Senior Tennis Tournament. lt'a on now, continuea daily through Sunday when the finaJa 1 will be played ... Ovel' 100 people are attending Jose- phine Walter Smith's bridge lettur<.'I which began last night. There are 1ix talks in the series which enda May 3 ... Georgia Bullock's casual dresse1 and Rose Marie Reid bathing suits will be shown at the "Blul·print for Spring'' fashion ahow luncheon at the BBC Tbursday (Apr. 19). Sponaor is tbe Parent's Council of !::it. Jamet Day School, and proceeds go to the church -sponsored inatitutioo attended by over 100 pupils ranginb from kindergarten through the sixth grade . . . • The very 11uccessfu1 •coffee hour idea,. foi;tered by Republican women during the last presidential elec- tion hu returned, thi1 time in a new fonn. the fashion thow brunch. Called "Spring F1ing for Ike." it will be held at the BBC Wed., April 25 Brunch at 11 :l:J, show Cttylea by Cbrylteen of Long Beach) at 12:30. LDTLE BOY LOST -Coet& Mesa police Sgt. David Gregg bunt.a unaucceufully through tele- phone book trying to locate parents of Robby FOiler, 3 (going on 4.), a.dventurer. His tolk1 w_ere finally located after patrol car ride through hi.a neljrhborhood. -SWf Photo Adventurous Tot Wanders 2 -Miles. ·Perplex~ Police Robby ru.iar. '"·eon of Mr. hacl bffn rtven to w•nderluet. &ad Mn. !\obert J. J'o.ter, 21!0 She p~ to keep him tin. ~ An., pft eo.t.a Mua er ln hand In tha ruture. poMc9 quite a time M,onday mor- :' .!= '""!' """" '"'"' . campus ClubS ..... .......... WU ........ , Joi • Pl t-.rf'u.U1 to the ll&Uon by Mr1. If\. lft QftS · -:O,"'""...;-.,."~.::· :,::,:,:-. For April Dance !O" ...!:: .. tul10Ml7 ~ Su-In keep1n1 with ltl• mol1t ;i\J"i:~ ~..,.Boas HOSplta.I. Apr11 v.·eat.her, Orans• Co 1 at Sha ..-ba waa loll or a Co.11•1• 1tudent. wtll hold I.heir l'Uft&...,. IO lllMI picked b1zu up, April Shower• De.nee on April t.rM--_.. tt•dM!i)' to~ JUI 20, 9-1.1 p. m~ In th• Student ,..il{'tlitn biiijpt. him ~ Cater. . tfl/N pone. 81\. Darid GNfl. HlpJl1ht ot the d&Zlce wtll be °"II' htltd to determine the 21 1a111 bedecked umbrellu, tr'Olll u.. bo7 .,..,... bl• ttom• e&r:h decorated and entered by ..... M pUtd him in lo a one or Ule 21 cempu1 club&. .A.a patrol oar and blpn huntlns. In pn1¥tout Y••r1, prtzee w1U be To CJncl'• 1urpr1M Robby preMnled lo the club entet1n1 pw pemieot dlrecuon1 lo hi. th• mo.t llumorou., moet IN&u.U. bOnMr OMt twt _.., out In the Durln1 t.he dance alto, Kini n.i.t and wtthla mlnutu pointed &.nd Queen.. candldetea for Ptnte out .lllb bOUM. Da.1 wtll lie pttfflllN by eech • ne otncer found the younr clu-. Mtrllha Plldem, lnter-Cluh .i.er lvtd 2fll .. aw•1 from Co\lnC'U Jll'l'tldtnl, ill t•rvtn1 11 • .....,.. he w found by J.lf'9, 1enrr1l ch•lm11l11, Publlclly 1• .:_~ _ beinJ handltd by Rifle Ch1h and Mn. roaterlaaJd het ~e ty -w; K . JC---.__ SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY HARBC>R DRUGS April 19, 20, 21 "Oft• of Ille Udo ... ,. .. M61 Via U<lo, Newport lleacll 5301 E. eoUI By. Qo,,,.a dol Mat • '''PAY LES,S . . ' REX Bathroom Scales ~~~;~!~~~.~~~.~~~ ....... s419 HOSE$249 r1uur: -RA-1. ss.:t GARDEN Lone i......tlar -8 1·ear 4;uara11tff Pllablt, Urhl\\'elcka-.30 feel. IVORY OR 'ADITE COFFEE MUGS • ,_..:-_··: ·.:_~1 ~ I .. -~:1 , --. ' -11 \I I ltubber nn·rred RUB.BERMA.ID DISH DRAINER . Buy Early SA VE BARBECUE "BRAZIER JO lbe. <.:HA.llCOAL MRICj)UETS ae,. t1.ll 5'i1uare l'uly•lhele11e NOW 4 28c DISH PANS --............. ..,,., '"'•D 98c · ······ ~ ' ....,,_Euty • Sa-.. Capo,;.. ''""'· """·•aU-. m,\.i •llb ..... oo" Pictiic'" ju6 " .. $1 49 .. ... INNEiiwliiE~sff .. s3 19 For Soaps and Deter9ents C-llta of t eactt. r:upt1, li&Uctta, deaeerL&. .. 1aie.; I aad I •u1er, creAIQer l~lb....::.TOr A1rtMt.-Ucr~ -519 ALL DETERGENT _ COSMETICS 11 UI-.. -.... ................ _ ........... . ---s.wzs ................... $2"° Tiii• Xew 6 minute t'acla.I "-It.Ill a 0.7 Deodo. ,..._ - AIM.lllof'llaa "Polka Dot" RANGE SETS ..... -· 73c Giant Hlze 53c •'RE&:! -Sl.ot l 'ah1e ac VOGUE DETERGENT \'_ PINK ICE ----------57 One r.DC"I Jar &: co\·er, one Mil• pepP.,r 11\aker, Complete Line of Liquors PRIDE OF INDIANA t Tear Old I T1l.AIGllT WlllSll'.ET 11 raoor l'1l'Tll _311 SHADY GROVE .. noor DIO•Jn' Vodka • noo1 """ Silver Ripple Gin • PIOOP Larte 81ui RINSO BLUE 29c . From Oassics lo "Pops" ... Our Selection is Tops! You con tollow your. 111u1icol urge where¥et it toke• you , . , whet1 )'O\I choo1e fto1t1 O\lt wide 1tlection. • FROM WESTERNS TO CLASSICALS: We have the follo.,.;ing: "OKLAHOMA" SOUND TRACK ALBUMS BY DAVID ROSE, JACKIE GLEASON. MANTOVANI AND OTHER POPULAR ARTISTS HIGHLIGHTS FROM "MADAME BUTTERFLY " FAVORITE CLASSICS FOR PIANO /· WATCH REPAIR s7so Any Standard walch ~ ollod, a4J.· malnaprlac, or crowa, or •tan' • .._.. ~ 1&ry with meotloa of tbia ad. A.I w.-11 guaranteod 1 yeu. RulJ waldHJa - VINCENTS ICE CREAM LARGE 5 Cone _____ c c::_ 1~ Hcind Packecl . Pink ____ _ 3()c (j)umts . St=' Balk 911&. ..,; 1/ 2 Gallon • • • • • _. .. 79c H "-Al·~u TO OllCXM~ ROii Mt~;.".",?~~.: ~l~S17!s~ .. ~~S!:l~!?,,'S recei'{• ~ bl.ll Jn "Jtlchard'• LI.do Matilel Mqtc Kant ' promotlio ~ ta tffeict ,trom 1(llo· Q: J.aey, mart'• ren.eral manapr. ltw bu lived Kua put ft 7ean. HARB.OR HI LITES ' \ • <t:. ~. ... ·-2...,_ Ot1c1I ... PIWI CMI 19'-. .... '"' ..... ......... -cm . ·-.. 29"-. Cllt ' HOMt'· LOANS LAG.UNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN /.SSOCIATION rwo OFFICIS . .To 5orYo Y• WESS0N "01l ~29' .:::: .. , PEAR HALVES CAKEMIK Honey, Whl•, ~. Yeftow, SplC9, 0..11'1',. - llO!lllf.t. a DCJl!ll -Kn. Lloyd Brett, -e ,.Doana ScbWT, aaten Superior eourt, Sant& Ana,. where abe la accuoer of Jack Wit.Iker, 25, charged "1th Jddnaplng and atiacklnr the lovely "Mia• \ Calltorn/&" ln Miao Unlvene Conteet lut year. ~ OCNS Photo USDA _. A llSP£C1ED, MSallTED. c.n. 't 7ou. j Ult Mlir thia chlcken rinUno to a ooUn bro.ott, jlliq goodu»I 8af••"1 •Ill Oftlr USDA GRADE A, USDA wpeeted chicken •.. IM ~I ,,ao.p ·-/f'!/<rl ••r-wilure/ For a feast w0Jld.,./.U1 -"illvi.'*6. o•U. °" &.le bv41•t .•• ,.ene seneroue portfona thia _. .. di . WHOUFIYEIS OIT. .. , PAii IEADY lb· -•••••oc~1•• ............ ............ Meat v ...... (ORNED BEEF "7;:'1' ~45c ROUND .stm ·-~Cll-~69' . (lonele1& Cut, leef lound Steak. .... 71c) , SI.ICED BACON -:r:J,t]9' UNK SAUSAGE .... -r,.,. ::44' SMOKIE LINJS ll(jl *Ylll 1!; 4 9' 111!1,ET Of COD <ct:' !: 3 5• HAUIUT STIAKS ~ !:49• --n:29' 2°: 29' . PARTY ANGB. FOOD ''He...,..I)' mtltf' LJ(lht ftvffy caff mode the- tAGUN_!;,llACN-111--..-IB~llN .~.. ca PIECMT MIX ... · :';!~ ·~ 19 . .INSTAIR CDFJEE -1~~. · 2 ; 49' ,, ...... , .... - -QUICK· 24~S8V1Cf ~- LOW EASY MOHTHl Y PA YMENIS ·FRIENDLY SYMl'ATHmC SIAVICI • FREE ESCROW l'HONl·HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE ... , N.11 ~..., • •. . . •EMOUIE _, ... Kl' """19' • ,.._ .. dh• .. ,,, •• 21, .., ..., ....... , . .,........, ...... -Aprll-22. ................... _..... a a ............ ca "Fl9KliFm WAmES . -.• - zunssar . =. FACIAL nssuE 2 :,:29' 2 :.: 29' ·19.oL_DSMOllLES GIVIN A.WAY ... ,._ ·200 W .... #:11 Afl•IEHll ..... _,.. .. ~ -.... ........... c .... . . .. ..................... ,,, ........ sKYl.ARK IWSIN "'""DIAD-.:= 2ac • • .,_.,.-....... An~ Letter .. ; .. ' .. • + _,__·;:•c. ... Roy ~:: •• Carve ·· o. new.,. ........ have beetl mclor· ·:': --tlon ct.rlllf' ~ the past 4 weob Their completion wOI CJIYe us tho opportunity to MrY• you botter In the most modem way. In tho moantlmo -property Is bu19lllCJ with 1956 Pontlacs that will thrll you with their stylo and performance. We Invite you to visit us at 1400 w. c:-t HIC)hway. Never llas tlio tilM beetl botNr for YM lo blly. Wo know wo · CCIII ple.,a you. We wat Y"9 to bow · · haw sillc-. ~-.. -~ '. -~ "' ". . . .. • .. • • -.. , :::; -_, ....,, -we say WO --have-to •-1111Yrtrto•~--•· Jliiso C4ft, to ·llllllw......i for tlio . -· --- COliltlKtioil .... ": No-wll• ... ..... ___ 7-" ..... accoftljillilt - CJ9111 .. • We wll looli . . ' forwanl to A ,Mel19 Y" ... , •• • • ·~y .· . . ' PONTIAC : Newport 8e1ch 1400 'W.-Co.at Hwy. Liberty 8-3466 • • . . . Df SPANlllll·AllERICAN W~ d&,YW-111omen ..., brideo. "Kem!>en or the Women'• Auxjllaly oC Calumpit Camp, No. 39, t!ley Js&ve o«Vod many yun u a drljJ team, held an annlwnary lunCheon at the h~ of Yn. Edward R. Roboon. 1013 W. Balboa Blvd. .L to R an:, oeated, Mnl. O>arleo wlsn.e, ~. J~ 11 .... .,.ptaln: Mn. Wardeo ' . -• . ---~ a.ed; Mn. Wllllam --Kn. ·Henry Hultell. 11tud•nr. Mme.. J!'rult Rnwe,,Joe Fttspatrid<. Robert O&ktonl, · Glodye Vernon, Ethel Lindley, Charlee TlbbOtte. J'oreot Gaye, Elva Hub\, EdllOn Lewio, Charlee J<l-ld, William Klua, Charlee Hyatt and Cbarlea !le&ran· -Staff Photo Calumpit Camp Women's Drill ~~t~:-.·=!: T • Ob An • Brown, Robert Oakford, Henry ·'"~~ 1956-57 OFFICERS for Newport Harbor Bualneu COrft8pc>Dding .ecretary;· Mn. Sidney Peck, record· eam , serves Ill versary ~_:ke~.~·of.~y;1~ti;':!i ':i~ .::;.: and Profesaional Women~• Club ~ill l)e inaWled Ing ~taey; }(rs. J)onovan SoUthwo~. second ,.._,_b .,, th. ""th · 'r Drill T • '·E;::"':;;;;'':;;;;u;;;n;;;••.•.Y·:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;-. J • Cl li f' t 1--\AllC taung e ~ annivenary 0 e&m No. Mn. Jam•• B. lt.odd&Nl., 2128 I I ~:-tomorrow evening. at Newport Harbor Yacht !J,b vJce pre.ident; Mra. Amold E. Naege , 1rs v~ ... f W • A .. •"'•-• N on t "'-1 It Ca Ocean Blvd ·"-· Ith M C J{ V · th . -'d l d '"-J H. Paleo -•dent SWf 2 o omen 1 .............. ,, o. ,.,. ' 9 \,A.lump mp, p•-t. w,.· "nr ••••-•-t un1-,Z:: w ra. . · am.er serving as e in-p.1"1;:1U en an aru•. · • P•"'00 • -Spanbih-American War Veterans, ~mben met Friday form. ot ,_;·Jack;~~;;; capa. 't"'..; stalling offictr. Left to rigbl are Ka.tbryn {M.ra. Photo. of 1ut week i.t the home of Mrs. Edward R. Robaon, :!iOl.6 with wbit• liklrt.8. Elcht mem-;::~ Ralph) Quinn, treasurer; Mta. Dooa,l.d Dungan, . W Balboa Blvd. Mrs ot the ptuellt team were ;;;.:.:..._...;._...;. _________ '--------------------------.,..-~r------· alllO pNM:nt. Lunch90ll wu •rwd. hich-1 with 2.5 C&ll41ea. Ten ot tM orl-., N.EWPORT • Ucbted by a 1•rr• blrt.bd•Y cak• l(inat memMrs of tbtl i.eana w.re On diaplay 1.11a Pbol.ocraph9d HARB 0 R l--------'--'----"'-----------1 wtta tba sn>UP wer• flr•l pria& , . trophl• won by th• team from MAY INSTALLATION Santa An an to H ead ~appa Kappa Gammas 1921 throu.rta ltS! for drill letJ'D noor work at auatu..ry m•t- ln1• tllroucbout CallfornlL In •1'iHUon were t-.ro t.rophJe. won at th• Santa Ana Armiallce pa· rt.de 1D 1940. Jihmbm's pruent f• tha occa.- aion Mn Kmu. l'ore-t Gaye, Char ... warn.. OlarU• Klnka.14, IE THE GREATEST GUY IN THE WORLD ..• = @ TAKE YOUR FAMILY ., !2.l!.! TO DINE VILLA MARINA (eat:nltot to ~-lalul1) MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women'• Editor PAG.E 4 , PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNE5DAY, APRIL 18. 1951> Mn. Jack ~-Hilton ot Santa Cl!.Jb Kai 10. On• booth wm " 1 ~Ed:;'°";;.:;...,.:;;;"-:;';obn;;:H;;;;"';::· :w:; .... ::;;!;::;;;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;::~ A,na ..,... elacted pr~nt of the under the diHctlon ot. lh• local Ii Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae f'l'OUP· Coocludinl' th• a!temoon wu "->claUOn ot Southern Orange a quuUon ~ answer panod on ------------.--.... ---------ICOU.Ol.)' at a luncheon m~Unr fratetl\lty edbcatlon from the held at th• home of Ml"8. Louime foundtns of Kappa ln 1170 at GtlllaiShn, 1113. Eut Balboa MonmoutJl, Dl. AhlaUn1 hotteu· BIYd. April a. otMr oUlcera fo.-.. WV* ..... R. P . MorrilJ, MN. th• ooml•r year ara Mra. Robert ~· a.~. ud MN. mack. FAG MEM BERS TO HEAR ~ .. MRS. ALB ERT LAUNER · • Mn. Albert. L&uner' of l'llllerton. at.ale i:halrm&a of MotJoa p!Cturq for O&lltornla · F'edentkm ot Women'• Clut... wUl M peat ~er Frida)' at the 12:30 p. Pl. 1uaCh.on ..u.10!'. ot. '1'td9.1' Afternoon ou..:-' The attu"luncbeon prosram ia labeled "hft De.7 wn.h a Bat BbOW," memben to ahow twr retU}l8 ln cra.UnC" onctnal .. t dHl.p& Both muterpi6ce9 of bei.oty and comJc c.bap11aw: will ba tud&"ed for prlue and ow ...... Blactonar, vlce-ptelddant; Mr•. mar. Barton. Beek, HCl'9tuy; M I • • £ Ruth ft; Maxwell, treuurer and A~'q lb• pllMriq' w•,.. Mta. ceorca B&melt, way• ud lilmu. Barnett, Baek and Hilt.on, nM&na dWnn&n. Santa Ana; G. A. TabklGllQ', -.Caot&.X-1...,,. ....._... .Kn. &but 81.raJUff, retlrtns J .· E. Kelm, Straiutt, Blacltniarr pnlldtl'lt, ~· lt WU voted Gallqb.er, DlckluoA, Kon1ll and to CODU.nU. provtdtnc two C&D'lp-Ki.. Maxwell and KatU. a. er.hli» for th• Oranse County 1..&cy.ot tht. city; Mn. Karaba1J Crippled Ctllldren'• Society u Beach. Mn.. J. Thom.u awanaon ...U u contributinl" to th• Kappa llnd Miu Edith R. JU.caul.,. ot llt.ISoul .c.bN&rahlp tund a.ad .. Lquna 8-4.. 1------------------------•lllilt1Jlc tba Dell.a Tau Chapter 'Dl• Dm m..u.ls-wW be • CURTIS L. NELSON, D. D.S. announces the opening of his office Poce Professional Building 408 Westminster Avenue Suite 12 Newport Beaich, C .!!li forni a General Practice Liberty 8·7622 JOBIE PROJECT !'."'!',.. .. 11>.~•~nn~i.:: ........................ of of· wtll ro to lb.e naUOnal ROH M~ I :·~-~~-~;..·~·~t~·~lho~~·~.a~•~•;.;•;'~=========~============~ CID fUnd, ror need,y Kappu. 11 Bethel Mother s Elect, ~ ••. MRS. THOMAS (VALLEY) KNUDSEN, Southern Reveal Dinner Events Th• Kappuur, 1porwottd by Kappa l'f'OUJW •trom Santa Bar- bara to ·San oteso. will be held at lha Loa Angele• Breaktut Film ' ~ SPEC.IAL! ~; Calitornia co-cbaJrman for Citir..ens for Eiset\hower, ;.;: confers wlth Mn. Marshall E: Nied~ker, Harbor ~; ar.ea chairman, on plans (for the "Spring Fling for ·.;,; Ike," fuhion show-luncheon to be held at Balbo& ~:_Bay dub April 25. Mn. Knudsen will be speak.er ~;-and honored guest.·-Staff Photo Job'• Dau(tlten. The "dinner will be eerved at the Friday A.tt.er- noon Clubhou.1e trom $ to 7 p. m., after which lb.e JOb'• Daughter• will hold Utetd replat' meetlnr and do rltuallatlc exempUflc•· lion and lnvtt&tkm work tor A new •lat• of ot:ftt:er• wu pr..e.nted and accepted at the Atn'U 11 meattnr ot Job'• D•u1~ Uin Mathen' Club held In tM home ot Mra:""Charlu I... A.ry Jr., "1111 M.ra. Harold 8"M predd- lnl'· Mn. Paul Cooper -. elected pruldent. Cho.en to Mn"• with her were. Mm.ff. Ary · Brandt Is Rur chased Again, by Popular Request -· ·;"M . ··.' arn1e Pink' ess~ at ~Fling for -Ik e' by Government Yf1\tln1 Muonlc and Eaat.ern Btu membe!n. LIN1: OFJ11C!:RS A capacity crowd tait Satur- day a&w Rex Brandl'• pre9mla- t1oa of Ill.I movie "Watercolor M.r11. Dtan. Smith, IJU&nHe.n of IA..ndK&pa.." Th• nhn. anstnHr- ~&rut.-~ _.,.diftnttr apon.aored by the )ut weelr: purchued by the Church, truaurer. · Tbt 'la.Ital· Jouth -c..t QuarflaJl Council 8l&Ui Department for dlllrl.bu· tauo.n tww:bl!On 'ta p&aMl>d ::!,· .Aalod.atlbl' to 'ba held at the tJon abroad. • It wW b9 tran&- Kay I. 12:IO P· m. at th• V • Kuonic 'f!mpt. tn• Brea. 600 I!:. lated lnto 1ew.n difterent lan· M.artna. Nomlnatln( commit~ Imperial BJ.Yd. April '30 at 1:ao rual'•· . . w~en w•r• Mmu. Robert P . p. m. All.)ob'a Daqht..n. Dlttn· aaturday at I p. m. uie A.rt Speth. Jo. Ktnc&ld an'tl ft.etnllt>ld be!f• and thelt famlllff ara tn· AModaUon la p....ntlnc Gaorte Hay. , .itec1 to attend. '.l'lclr:•U are Poat lq. a demONtratlon of cue- LILACS FRESH cu~ . • 891 litn: OWight D. Eisenhower la being asked to eelect. Mn. Emut er.Jn reported oa avallabW from Mri Smith. m palnUn1. · from & color •ketch an afternoon dress.Jn . her favorite plan• tor the ham dinner to be Kra. Beeb. appofnted ~... Tbre G&Uery Will •pin a,rve bu· nich/ nink:_ hi b ill be th " . d . ta ., t be ah held loO'OITOW, t.erm project ot Bot:lel &iul Xlnc&Jd to the audit-to utUt t.M 11th Annual M-'· !'.:.T:' W C W e piece e re8.IB nee 0 . own Honored ~ Carol Crain of ins commlttM. donna J'Mt.J.n1 which V(lll !>@ _thoee attending th&"Spring Fling.. Cot Ike"· April 25at11 held .at the 'fllab.lra :W.ethcdt:t • .& a. m. In Bait... !lay club. So &iiiiouncea Mrs. Marshall St k. Sh Mm":',.;';'." :.:,:, "~~~' bye Cbutth. ,.., lh..-C• tblo Y'" I' RICHAlD'S UDO . MA.RKn nr ouro·r "MotherhoOd in Art" and 1r.y ~ Nitdeck•r, pro1n.m chairman <Sent ot 0 ... ...,. .. County Feder&• y . ..., v RobeH. Chamberlain, CO-holt.U9U 1 u ed with ti • • tor the befteftt and chairman '-·a • tor th.a ev~lrw pa n ns• concern 1 m!LOR ST SHOP for Cltl&e.u for Elaenhower for Uort of Republican ' Women, U I· 1!J £ · ' ·. · wbjeeV-ot motMr and child w .:~ II;' .. the.. 'Newport Harbor .a~. Th• ho•tenlng a t&ble and will have 8 . ,.~'Qnor or WERE l!'i'\..Lt:DED ba aocepted at lh• IAJ'Wl•·Ga: • , dtel .wJll..be part ot ltle fa11hlol\ a!I he.r pel!lta the pre11~ent1 ot 'Tho.9 attendtnr we~: Mme•. lery tor exhibition-the de1di.n DELIVZBY O& 'l'ZLIXIBAl'B SERVICE_ llA&. ml '11 teaturlns crHlloM by New the Republican \Vomen • Cluba M'esa· Matrori.. •Jack Harri•, M.Uton Bttiler, o ll ;·1"~··~"~'='~'~·=· ======~~=====:::::::::,;; vi!: top-flight dNl.J neni: Th• of Qra.nge county lncludln1 ~hit. Jr.,· c . -Ortty Aftdenon prQFU1l aLao lndUd • bl"l.lncb Mmes. L. ,J, T\acker. Dovrlaa · Chambarla!n. Hay •. WWI• Sanier' · followed by a lhort political Yarbrough, Ruth Marnlnpt.ar, Kq9d to th• -!-ark tht.m.• ~ L. Grob.I, C: KW Chul'Qh R~ talk, "WbY EtM1nhower," by Mrs. E. V. Parker, C!'Kt! Scott. Vlr-the •hOW•r honm;tn1 Mr&..Pa Albrl(ht. Smith., Crain 8p11th Thom&I (V11.lley) Kn~. eouth-&i~la Doll.l'IU.. A.ttl'lur May, Roy Parrtab (CUolJ'ft Pridham} J5I Beebe, Ki""'nacatd, H~ M'. em CaWorn.la cha.trman for Cltf· 8. \IJ!llla, 0 :" Hoyt Corbit and Monta Vi.ta. Ooata M....., hoet· Paul, IA.Wfthce Nellon, Da.Yid .,.._. mon·o Ma\-y S1Jilrle.t.on. uaed recently by Mn. Joaeph Can, MacNeTin. H..... O-UM "\~'"" .... ow~r. wo The ra'lly 'it "• ruult oC U.. Bunp (N&nq M.CDonald) attar DyMrt., M.Wer and Ary .Jr eo~ ·ru•t wtl1 be Mrs. combined effort.a of four New-Banta An.a A'ff. home. n.. March 14 meettn1 ~t ttie Ol\o." .hetrm port mrbor Atta Orpntutiou, ~~ lncl\Mhd a myriad Kotbut' Q~ w .. beld In the r ---··-061Uoralt ' • Repub-baDoona which M.141 fortvnea tor bM:i• of 'U'-,...,___ ,.,__ . .., •-. Or _,""'"''" -l•r"1 ur......-• .. _ aw. J:l~nhower · bldd ... ~ ~ ""1-~ ... f ~boWer \. ........ _..._.._ iW' A. ,..ta m to N.wport. ~ta. or ARC 1.N' CHARGE Pre.C:lnd.·OrpalsaUonand Younf attalr. o.e noftlbtt ol daoot 1~--:'----='------- )(n. RQMrt B. Ba.mu.: iui-RepilblloU Club. • .. ....,, UM" with t1!Q' -' ert..1 ch~rman oc Ula •~nt. h• t!Ukia 1n. net rum. aanctn1 New Harbor Star.a revealed that th• brunch ,, be-CdM Women trom tha bl'anchM. otben •t u.e rour ... membera wer. t&Jcen lnl' enthuslal!tlcally •upported bf MM. Tb• ~~ taWe tnto Harbor star loeal i"nd county women aMI ... i held on• of th• situ. .a1 bab7 Chapter OE8 't.tcket reaeryaUone 1nay b9 mad• Will Elect bath tub l1Ded .W\Ui ~ P9M at...the resutar mae.Unc luL••k. a., April U ~ ciaUN tll._ Ucltet In whlt:h floated a baby doU wiUl W4rthy Matron and Worth)' Pat· ~~!!lo Mt.. JW&ar B. Wit· ..'fb.e,_.aoJUJal elfl:.U<!!\ 'of off!· a 1tA.rk 1tandtna panf r+n. Mr. and Mra. Mu: owan, St'ORE WIDE· • • ORIGINALS C4LIFORNIA .• mtr: .Aaalet.ll'lg lffa:--\Vlfuier-u£ cel'I 'A!lll ~ b!S"hllght of thl Girl. lll(!IUded almost ~"1"' prdldlnr. An A•rll .iww.n ·--wa-....H-Payn• Tl!~.a:. ~ Ol~ of tha• WolaR'• I I • new arrlY&l ~l:ht need, tbwDe waa 'llHd ta ~ Wllco:ir. Wllllatn Kirby, l\ennetb FoUoW'lhlp 01, Corona ·del Mar rt.m aatet:i pbla tO • h I c · \111 r t tAblaa, -.ati"Col• • .AllM'l&hl. J:\()!Mrl Qrowner1 Dan conununl..y Churctl ld be. held Amortr au.ta wen t.l'le hono""' ore.d rainbow• and J'&J)&MH 1111\· Drllk.al, D. Oerra.rd HoJt, How-Ap1'il 25 In J'ellowlblp Hau. ea'• srandm.otherwid altter., Mn, breUu f11led wltb .prtl\( now. ant Lewi•, Robert Mar&IWI and A l.J :30 ... .., luncbeol\ Will ·be Sarah M'OOft of ltoHmead an<I en. TM retNatune..t commlttae )lark Soden. · -·-• Mra. ierrJ" Wlenuburr of Al-tncludMI Mr. and Mn. Jo. 11,an. A.dclfuf to the py parUS!ln ff.l"Tt!d by the Readlnl' Adven· hambra, and her moth•r, &ra. ley, Mr. and Mn, ftank Kftler, atato.ph.•~ will be jeweled poll-tura 0fOU~ Dl>nald C. Prtdham · ot .'.))eta Mn. Ena.t Poupart and Mra. Uct.I trll\kela, .dltiplayf'd and aold P~ tor the attemoon W'lll MUL M'.&nile Havfc.e-.- llJ \h• jrftlf')' commltlte h .. d-feature Kn. Dunald Yowl• rt•· j-;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j .& llT Mn. Burt Oon1L and m Inf • book reviflt·Crom tha ~ ~ Mme.. JM'.li B. CuMing• 1ng Adventure l"fO'IP l'Mdlnl Hat. laam.. Jobn T. J)olaatranc. Ed-Boerd mHtl'nl' wfl.I be beJd F'ri- ward Kelly, Jam• New'41Wl m , day, April 20 •t 10 a.m. ~ W~ Ji'., Benjamin LU-'the Church 1IU&&t' Will be ~ aftd l't9darkl:k-9wen&OI\. held Mly 11. All 1rouµ. &A ' · v .. orkln on art1cle1 fo r llWI --.. .. BA L>TZ MORTUARIES C08T A Ji0:8.A. CllAPEL 17"1 8u.pwlclr AM\llf ' ' Colt& Me.No C&Ut. PIMJna LlMrt7 8·1121 CH.A.PEL sr TBJ: SEA. l620' II. 0out Blvd. Corona de.J Ka.r. Callt. Phclna SartJor U • STARTS WED ~'. APRIL 11 THIU SAT~ APRIL 21 -SETTER THAN EVE~· ''BUYS''! +15 SOUTH COAST il VD. • e DRESSES e COATS . e "JEWELRY e IA.GS • Plenty °'· Spr"'9 C'ottws 1:.A<?UNA · BEACH \ 1 -- BROWNIE' SCOOT TROOP gtrlo vialt News-' Prea plant, 1ee the big Hoe preu. in action and here learn about llnotype machines from operato~­ Harold Bradley and Paul Burke. In the group . . • I ' ', MOM. Go)'lud Greening, Bonnie Tr<moley, DenJoe Pk:kv!nl, )ilariJioy BMer, Linda _G•teo and Anne Kilroy. With them were-eo--leadel"I for the month, Mn. F.dltb Humprey and Mn. ·J ohn B. ltil.roy. .~ University. Wotpen· Hear Major ,-Hill la a panel _...... ,on •-Tho J'utun Needa of Our ~ held at the elecllOIL ed ...,....i ptogram meet- inl of tllo Am~''A.uod&tlon .or Unlvemty Women, &\Id& .lna Bnnch, ~yor Dora HW of Newport Beach 1tr1•1ll U.. nMd for Jant-nop Ut• wbkA 'mod ~117 u.. Pia• ... , ...,.... of Lb• many z ""• *•• a..i.i .... ..__ .... _.,,d lnd!~ a4 JI.ls needs tor-Mlf-pr 91 ~ -........ -~--t'illtllm•t." rrowth bt. pGpulatlon ot th•~-In conduaic.... hell'• W•t u- t1., Loq·rup plann~ II nfled. ~ Uiat pride ln tM county eel. llbll Mld, tor lajlu.try. la or-lbould produce adequate bulkf.. der to •'tOld air pollution; for Inga tn which tha JOVff!Ul'let · nter. ~ provld• nl)CUMI')' re-ct.a be hl>Um9d:' u.quat.e court .... ~. ana J.or ltl.0?'9 pub, in hOuM *'"u. Wt.era buai'*I order to m•k• Oran1e County c:an be tranaacted etnc:teti.tl)' ud a county or bMulll\il park•. Be-promptly. Adequate f•cllltle. *"' (&U. ot th&. need for 1on1-ran1• a1ao nll9d"'1 at Orange County p\ann~, a.be •UR•t.ed the feu-HMpltal, h• dec:lar.d, whera tbe tblllty ol emplo)1nc • eounty ad-1wr i. workinc under CtMt dJt. m.ln&.trator. , ncwue. ~udc• J'n.nkJJJa a. WeK acted Ia th. ltlec:Uon o1. orrtcen u moderator ot. the dl.acuNlon, Whlcll pr«:Mded the p&Ae] dt1CU1- _oth1r memben of tbe~d ~ ..Mrl._ Harold_ JIL..W.O.On of CbJ.t of Police EdWafd J . Cororw. del~Mar wu elected. l---~-,....,...,.,.Ltdhhlloo-Iale--.cout;:r-MartYnne-Humpert-,-:Melind~T--Ja.mea H\lmpert c&me u guelt. -SW! Photo of Banta Ana and the Rev. Karl c:h&tnna.rt t'f the education a.Id ~rl1th ot the Tu.Un Prelbyterlan commlttlfl for a four yee.r twm. ~cf AUen Hated that law en-Olber oflk:en elacted were, torcem t 11 00 med with 1 preeldent, lllel Ruth V. RJ(ht.er; en nee Wil nm vtc:•p,..ldent, Krw. Gordon Petr""e"'-Gt'rf proble1M1 prottcUon a1&.1"rt trat· H w tt1ea· HCOnd Vici 11 Y"" ll1D lie and the prenrTa.Uon of · a ' •pre •• Oa1ebratlnS Ui• blirth ot • youthl. Mr. Chr1et took the !lent. l4ra. cart A. Blnke; tfOOrct-da~tet April 10 In Corona Na-et&ndpolnt of du.linr directly ::~re~~:~:!Pon~~~I !c~~: val Ho.pit.a.I ..,. Mt.i'ine M/Stt. with )*)pie, u expr'"9ed. by the Mn H& Id W Robbi . ud )UL Catmen P•ter Petru-quotation : "That community 11 · ... ~ 01 · ,., n•w· ",-, _,., ........ _ ...,._ __,,_ .. t d t tut bl urer, ..... a. enn ...... oo •>'+ .-...., .....,._ --· ...,..,..... an o JN& •la • t.dvWora, Mrs. a. Clair Jordan, Harbor Women -~will Aid in !Palsy Drive • • Preparing to putlclpate in the building fund of the .' 'Orange County branch, United Cerebral Palay A.laoc;.. ! tl,on. 50 campaign' captolna for the Harbor uea, hee<!ed by Mrs. W. H. Jahha and Kn. William Meuenger, ccr chairmen, will meet with volunttler workers April 24, I p. m. in St. JIUMll puiab ll)' la pl&ctd. Th• propoeed clln- ' houM. 3208 Via UdO. C. 1'. Oro-le, with It. profe61lonal .ta.ft. flno ot Fullertsiin will speak on' would pirovide a chance for par- V&tiou• phuM of etrebralpal1y, 1nU to llhare problems and di.1- Vldn1 a nlm. for ~traUOn. cuu them wllh, u:perU. Special The drive wlll0 COQtlmae·.dUrtnl' equipment would be uUli&ed a.nd MAy and oollected monl• wW Mli help and 41ducatlonal pro- j lllecom• a nuc1eu1 f-U.. build-sr&ma pl&nned tor -.eh .child. W.. Dor• Oen• Golder, Mn. Carl Hopkllw and Mr1. Arvll Kirkham. 3 DAYS ONLY WH-Thun-FTI Jns fund ot a day-can -t..r The only hou.e-t.'-*' OUI· OUTLINE CAMP AlGN AREA r.... )(&king pl&ns for covertnr the -Newport at Banta Au for cer.bral pt.I-YI.A i.. planned fff ~ Harbor tiled children of ~ oounty. ar-. o~r aectionli ol. the coun- Harbor area tor the Kay United Cerebral Pally campaisli are are& leaden Younr palaled. \'icllml wo.Jd t.1 deperid111.r on a dlrec:t mail above, The women are pledging &n all-out door-to-door oampa!p to rai8I ta:nd9 i. kept at t.h9 t•t.r .uh day campaicn and otM1' method&. for an Orange County ~~bral Pally Child Day · Care Center. Left to rl&ht. ao that bblb. parent. may be Included ill. fund niaint acU.. frff t.o tak4I employrnnt. .uevt-vttle. wiU IM a benefit dinner are: Mmea. Helen Ingle, 0. H. Skinner, Stanley Brilbi.n., ~Id a.borne; Mmea. a tlnt Mllllewhat th• tw.nclal to be held In th• aew Bob Dal- William S. Meelinger and W, H. Jahns, co-eha.irmen; and Kra. Paul Fort.on. d&Mdnnt.&6• at wbk:h I.ha tun-ton r•t.a.urant. Vla Oporto,, to -----------------------~----------~-~ •• :-----------be held the nJ(ht bttor• tha ruta1.1tanl open• otnc:U.ll:ri ct.te AT L. B. STATE ·McMillan-Cook Engagement Told to IM announced later, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. (Bill) Cook, 416 Jumine Ave., ,._ Laguna Beach, are announcing the engagement of their ~ . da.ucbter, Katheryn Vlrgiaja. to James A. Mcllillan; aon OPENING SOON }off'!~ of Corona f:\..el Mar OMING fAJ..l for FREE Home Demoutn.tlom Kl i-MS6 5f o", I, •,1 • /\I< FNr!~ • •• • .. " .. u SOON! of Mr. uid Mr9. John D. McMillan of MO .Redla.ndl Ave. Klq Cook wu l"'Mfu&ted from Le.rune &ach Hl&b. School and Santa Ana C.OUere and la now attendtnr Lonr Beach I! t .--t • C.OUef'e ,.,here abe la &ttll1&ted with Alpha Phi .orortty. The an- racement wu revealed to her .aror1ty 1lai.r. lut weQ by the tradtUCIM.l eandlelJPt cer.mOny and ~ of thocolala. b«ro.thed eoupk, Mr. and Mr1: A PEEK AT TOMORROW • • Mclillll .. la u.. ~ ot th• late JMn XcMtnan, plonw rM!.daflt GI Nnpor\ --.ett.. He ,.,&I Cradualed ftoal Newport H&r'bor HlP SclillOol Del Orwlc• Cout eou ... ,. t. now attlhdlnr Loni' :e...ch nou... wt...-. he 1a atflllated ,.,Ith Btrm• P1 tntem· lty. Thi lnJ'&J'lll1all t WU alao t'l- ,Yealed to eloM nlaU•e• ol the couple at a 1urprlN blttb.day pa.:rty 1 .. t Thur.day evenlft&' at the .lr.OD"le of the br1d..-.ct.. .Pft. Hiit at thi9 f&mUy b\lffel dpper" and announc1ment party were Judfe &nd Mr.. C. C. Cravath, JAcuna, BM.ch; Mr. and' Mra. &d Gf'OO't'•, N..-port a..chf Xr.aod Kn. Cbari. Ja.eot., TetT7 and Cook and Mr. and Mn. McMillan. No defln!t• d•l• bu beeA aet for th• waddinr. Blue Bird Mothers' Meet Mothers Gt Toal!.kota and W1- .wna Blu• ·aard rtrll wtU bl JUMle tomot1ow nenlnr ot Mr•. Arthur 0.N. 100 Vt. WUitrL Mra. .er.i.t. IA.urtn and Mra. Paul Rodet, -...U1 ot the two 4th rrad• pou.,.. wtU be pre•- ent to t.aU the motheni of th• comlnl' (l'Mluation of l h • I r d1u1hter1 from Blue Blrd1 to Camp Fire Olrll. They Yrlll al.tO dlac:UM the C&mp l'l.re Day Camp to be held ln July. BE SURE -INSURE ' Xa~. OM& x .. : Kr. aacl xn.1~:i:i:::;:;;;:;;;;;;:;i;:;::iii;i !toblrt Doble. El &etundo, Kr· J 1 and Mr.. Dan )(cKillaa a.cl ~. and the pum.U al UM WHEN YOU BUY A NEW (II ' . ' .,. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and . fJtwe "th• t!lf'-nc••""'ibeiMt"OiwNei'1••• .,.tce...i HARBOl-BOAT PATROL CALL .... ·Auual WIN ..... .,...... c.....,. ,...,._ .. ~ .. flt• ...... c..t. ... -~ ...... •"""-w-. Tilwe., 1'11 •• ,.. .. ,,. SM.,._ , ... "',,. MAY 2 THRU 6 5 BIG DAYS ----.............. ___ .,~ ... Pg 6 4 , -.. j or Accordinl to th• uperts 1t oor Flowe r Shop, corua:es 1r1 as occ1sioo·conscious as the 1al1 who wear them! He re at Ric~ ard's, we plan 'em plain, ta ilored and srn1rt for luncheon or afternoon ... add 1 touch of frou.frou for dantina:. We suit the flowers to her costume ••• take the tee11- 11ers just 1s serioosly 11 theFownups. Maybe thlt'1 why we de liver cors.age1 (and tropical plants 1rfd fl owers of every description) all over the County ••• from the Flower Shop, off the pwkin1 lot 1t J.: UDO MAlKR AMERICA'S UNIQUE FOOD MARKET NEWPORT HACH, CA.Uf. Open SunffY 10 A.M.-7 P.M., Dally 9 A,M.-7 P .M. ,.. ............ l cJ::':c'IAa: t'.;b~· ... --. .. • JOHNSOO & .SON Uncoln-Merc:ury -... O..t .. .,. NEW"1RT lll'ACH IAf.rtr 14161 l'ADOL ®°- 2:~ -111-~ ~===-tHt43n-3 -t11VIAHL~IDO--HARBOR 2828 ~=--.JJ:b.-=" ==:==.:::.:::..-!6 \.. ' _.,I ' • • . . . . -El NEW EXQUSIVE SAVllG ·FOR 4ll·AMBUCAN CUSTORRS! · -' -. - . -. . -~ t ~. - ·-. . . ' Val-Chris Oven-Ready, Gracie-A JUNIOR · . . • • . .. All-American's Famous Fresh, Lean GR0Ut4D LIS. Hoffw1www BOneless. Hickory-Smoked PORK COTT AGE HOl'FMAN IONELISS . lt'1 luoclouoly Re•dy to En! l•k• or SHce cold on ochool undwicheo -YUMI CORNED BEEF ROUND l'lllSH PANCY ma --D BEEF-=ll-VER -' . CJ ~····--·---Ml AMRICAN RIST QUAUTY E.lSmN SLICED BACON c=::~.:.~::::-~ 12-0t . u.AIMrican Deluxe 1 ~ 29 l'llESH PUii! PORK Celi.; C WILLI.POINT SAUSAGE Roll OYSTERS Jor . ' ' _ Sp1clll• FOr ~.~lday. -~l;:ri. 2o. 21 ~ S&\1 .. ALL GI . . • ST AR-KIST CHUNK.STYLI FINESf fi)UALITY MARGAI TUNA NUCO' .. No. l .Plat c. 1-lb. Cal ton :· • . , ··-··· -~ .. I • LAUIA SCVDD£lt'S PUii-ia-OZ. .,,.. 49 : ggc SALE! ; ~t~<BUTIER ~. I . • I • ~"'"' ,. w..nderfv1 Stock-41p s.i. for .1 yev • Kp•mR'• ...,,.EISttE•wt...RrryV-20-0z.ES 3 5c I S & W Qu•Uty f--LOOK 11t the prhul • • • FRUIT COCKTAIL • FiGS I I . I • (ijlAPEFRUIT SIGMENTS KERNS PURI GRAPI JELLY .......... 2k e • • GREEN GAGE PLllMS : . : • CLING PEACH ~ALVES .: iPiiiE JCE: 2For190 • Your Choice e I . . I "',...., - : c-bln.Monl CANS :· CifE Mix-i 29 · I I . . e : APPLESAUCE . 6.=. 9CJc: SLogYc.wR"''geoup""Y K= 1on1e 35c .. ~-·········-·· .. r -NiNE' 005 - , Get • eo1or Map °' "'-wlll'lcl '°' 29e with Purch-..t 390 : CAT FOOD : CURTISS CANDIES C:::-~.k"°C · Li~%$:J iiirt£Rw~FERS ~: 34c · 59~ r - - - -- --i AJl.Amerlc•n Foetal Style Toilet 3 25C . : SUGARCRISP: TI s s u E· . . ~~ 39~ L~":_23~J PaiEiWE ~=.10-f 39c rPOncE;w.:-,oSTi AWPA•l·sCAKE. f'·OUR 40-0%. 35c< : • TOASTIES I . ~ "'•· ::: 55c L _1~~-J,~J iEVERAGESYRUP ~ .29c:: . . ' l ' BEST· FOODS FUU QUARTI .,~int (i)uality S-l~ND CAN BEECHNUT STRAINED BABY FOODS 4l-Oz. Glau Jan . s.o.s. tSCOURING PADS . 23c: 2;:,~ ' 1· tOVhY, "llGHTWElllT ' • PWT Fdl M NICEST · Y_.,.. ... M1l•11 « 1wwe ......... Ill I.Rt New, TAl&I Sii ii~ -.... -'j'lt .--., ...... I ' ..... _,.,,. ___ _ TOUGH .... POI... PICNICS, .. •••mr•'1 .. i111t1 l11 .. 111•••::•::"...._ ... 1tt IOAU & TU-• •II • t1zflf ·os ~·• ., .. _., ......... ..r.. t, ..e.. ,_ ... . . -Ol . '_& • ..... .................. ai ............ ..... WON'T .at., ·~-_..._., ..... -..• -.,-.-11wn._ .t.Auatts AT-HOlldT,WATllW -' _......_.,_,_ ..... $oloct_,_ __ .,...,, . ' ' ~ Delicatessen WITH ·; IAbt $5 .'. 'I 1,i GROCERY TAPESI lllDS IYJ' •Peas .Con eMlxecl YecJ. UOUORS • di111'2 :"tl~MI CMI .,._ ... '"' ...... e Peas &Carrots v-O..lcel WONG'S NO. 2 CHINISI I 9 DlllER .:..:::.::.:.... c '' ................ _ ICNOT1'S lmYFAllM 29 BOYSEl 11~~s "'•· . 0 39c IUPllT'"'l.U. PACKAGE PERCH FILLm ' . IOYAL PllNCUS RIST QUALITY IYLOIS . HOPFAWI ~T . . . All 51-•~ lo 111 'BOLOGNA I SHADISI . -99" ... ' OSCAI MAYa TWll·PAK SAVI 17cl , ... , ........... , ............. , WlllOlf _,...,.. suan . ..• DOWNIY e NORWALK COii• i41Li-• llOI A• . COii• ......_ a ftCH ..,.._,,, ..... -.,.N.Al&"W..... .. MILT ... 'Fl&W ~fttA.IL•JP& _.,.._MMI. e GARDEN GROVI • COIOl.IA DB. MU · -...... .._ ..._ ... , ... , .., COMr 1111MAY AT M,an2" -M&T "" A.Mo JO I-P.11. M&T -A.IL 10 I-& . ....llUATI t 4 1'0 II PM. .-.n t A& • f-P..M. .. • NIWPOIT llACH .. COaUT ........ , "' ••••• --iUL 10 Ml P& Ma.T .,,,., ....... ,, ... • SAN tLIMINTI •&CUl•OIML ...... -p ......... ,. ....... p ... • ~· , • . -• , ....... ,Alf I WEDNESDAY, APO. II. 1"6 ·"lio4 ...... Ill the -ily lo occopl the lhi19 .. e11111C11 chiloge; the courog• to chan90 the ~hi1191 ....... """ the wisd6m to "-IM llfloni.1~." IA. Anon.) • ' , EDITORIALS ,el~ Camera.Allowed Then -::.. '.;,~,,;~~~=,:~:.':: coirtri~. • , Sldl.,.., who oousht IA> hava a 211,000-pllon limit Barred in Judge Shea Court p1....i on -without .. por locU, .... favon · r 10,000 pllon llmtt. We had juot fb>MoW wr1tln1 an edilOIW -Be lo appar<DUy lookjns, , IA> the tutun> whlcb =•"hrs 8aperim-Jlldp Job Shea for Ma ...... Oraa.re County fa.cea: namt!ly, tremendoua popula· y-Uf wlilc:b allowed -pllolocnlpiwo to tali& lion Iner.... and attendant omog accompanyln1 It. ~ ot !!lo Doan& fdaun' Bmt at.lae-tllll, -. A. we have oaid before, no.-lo the time IA> con· ...-....,.. TM ~ -. to -tlMlr' ll'ol emos ln o....,.e County. Wen the county board ~ u U.., did hi the Beulah o-n' --, ot eupem.on tntelligoslt about future -· . we yean·llaek, without flub bulho. ..ins fut film hi be!J.ve the board would !9tnlct !ta ·air -polluUbn t:Mlr eamena. Thea. Bil Hoaor tet.....S h..._tt, offtet•Ja to bti:a&' In drutic recommenda.tiona which doddln1 oae pltotolftpher wu ••clanctNI "°""' would bop the county air clean u the . population ,..oaldaN, dtptty and all the other ~ellitq,re iDcr.aee. We do not upec:t. the board to control normally' attributed u nuon.1 why the PNla CU· -fUIDel coming from motor vehicie.; that LI .,.... DOt <1111 eameru at a trial. th1.n1 the oil induatry and the automobile manutae-''IY• had commended Judp Bi-for ~ a larerw muot ooive. blow for liberty, for tho people'• right IA> -M • But we de think It reuonable uletillt l&rp : ,........_ In the United Stat.o Conotltution. N"" · amount& ot p.ollne and oil, ocattered throuch the • lf• an upmet to he&r that Ilia Honor' a chuee to county, could be studied with an eye to .ui.ctar COD· IMlp aalt• hlotory nationally by allowing the -of trol of the tumeo ouch liqulda produce Into our air. non .. ftuh cameru hu aone t.·cllmmeriar. You .... a few jud... of Superior Oowta throuPollt the natioa have let th' preu ... natv&I . ;. }Pt to ncord the varioua e-..mta at triall. W• W9l"I ' d<Upted Juc!IO ilbea decided IA> join their ,...U • .• and -il<d th• public'• court pr1vile(eo oo all new& .: :media CO'f'..t.n& um trial could relate more thorough· .,. ly, tho nriowl deftlopmenu ot the trial 'lb.t 8v YL Prem battle ii biatoric, wf(h &ttor• -·· ney1 on the one ha.Dd ~ llnrlpapen on the other trylnr IA> ....trict and -d iiopectively the public . upecta ot court trlall. IJt the malll the courto haft been guided by the · • bar UIOdatiom:' recom.mendallona. Thi.I lawyen' : •. union, a doMd poup, baa done-it• belt in recent )'e&n to try and set tbe neftpapere' point of view. :-:.Jly nature, however, attoneya havin( to reepect their · .·!·dlenta' con.f'ldeDCM and pom.tioa8 -jun u much u -::.:.ne..men. &:Mp their 1'IWI IOQl'Cfll' confidence. - :• &fa Ntiolnt normally about publicity they don't con- trol. Wit had hoped Jud&'• Shea W1>Uld liOt aa eumple tor othtr CallfomJ&.Superior Court Judcto to follow. llUt ~ wmt amloe. Polllbly Bia Honor .-o .. pholosnpbor belnc IA>o ue14,_ about hLI dutleo of recordlnJ a l"'blk nent;-SO ~· clalnped · down. 1-you we had the unp1-t dllty of men- tloalnr Judp -·· portloil, with the COUllt)' COUil• Ml, ta maotll..tq • prw statement del1te4 nle1aed by lut :roar'• DOllllly srand jury. Tblo lllDe w• thousht Judp She& had apan4e4 the dolot<red boomda which haft conflnod photosr&ph.,.. at the · -.ity -llnce the Beulah O.ORll lriaL But Bio Honor -t IA> toada. Be returned and &ftD.OUDCWd the 0D.e camera which bad been \lied in the mornilll' ••••• ~too .. ~:"' that --1 jurore had looted at It duz:Ulr tbe coune of the trlal So, DO ..... --. Reminded that tho . court allowed aatunl light photoe at· th~ 0.-U trial, bit • quoted u ayi.nc· that wu a lonr time aco. A cue wtun · d.Wtance u.~... dilcontiauance, ·-Uy. · .. · · •SS 0 I....,....,, W:1' t I_.,,...,_ '1 * . • liW•Hllll'I• a•• .... "1arUllN& OOlll'ANY , ........... ~-·m. C&UP ............. 111• " -ZS 1-.W...,ltt'I -.Uocp s WI :aa' , ~ ..... elll: .. IC Mo..tel0.:-.-0..1111.&.-..lfe..A.41,_ W 'pOSP 0 Xwoc1rPD"t 1Aa11'M · Public Schools Week The 37th annual obmervance of Public Schoola Week, April 22·21 pointa up not only the educational , problem.a which vex the Nation, but on the conatrue- tive side, the intensified. ettort. tn many diverle quarten for the eolution of tha.e problema. The various levell of government are lncreu- iqly facing up to the re&litiea of the aituation, the publlo 19 ahowing a great.er -willingneu to vote the neceuary bond iuuea for IChooll:, and buain .. and lnd .. try ..,.. providin&' inc-&Id IA> otudenta throucb 1ucb thinp~ the Achievement Awudl pn>o gn.m of the State'• I.a.rs.rt bank and the many acbolanblps now available. The h\l,(e snnt. by the Ford Foundation to the echoola of higher Jearntnr WU & (f'll&t highlight of the put year. ; The public llCboot. a.re the bualn-of every citisen, Whether or not he baa chlldren attendiac achool, or never had children, he ahould be vitally fn .. te~ The America of tomorrow uiata In th• ochool.o ot today. Build rood ochool.o today -IOCJ4 buildiap. good tea.chine •taffa and cood educational programe -and you b;n!d a better future America. • Vlllt th• cluaroom.o durin&' PubUc Scbool.o Week. The educaton will appreciate your intenmt &nd you'll be .better ln!ormed on th• work they .are dotnr. Best Medium for Public . ·~.....-.~ .. .._ ... _ --' WASHINGTON REPORT llJ Yo<ir ~ i•lml II. Ul'I AFFAIRS OF STATE lly BJ;NBY 0. lla<AKTHUB I I I • c:iEaTIJ'KlA.n or 9L"IDC'DI Jl'lcUU.U. P'l"'I ..... TIU: UNDD&IGNED doa t.ereby eerury tMt aha 11 con· ducllt:11" a matiufactur1ns bull· nua •l 2Mll Co.it H t1t1way, Newport 8aach, C&lltomJa, un• der lb• llctlt~ (lrm nam. of THll Vl.40 IHOP, and th1t aai<l nrm I• compaaed ot th11 follow\ns prr.IOILI, WhOle n...ne1 In tu.II and plll.ce1 ot re1ldence1 ar1 •• tollow1, · to-wit; DOROTHY M . CLltART, 2011\,i 8•11ta Ana .Avenu1, Colt.a Meaa, Calif. WlTN'E88 my hand UU1 27th day or March, 1.9:'>8. /I/ DOROTHY M .. CLEAEY STA.TE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ).._ Oo lhi1 27th day ot M&rch, JIM, before n1e, th• und1r1igned. a Notary Pµblle In •nd for the aald CountY and State, rHiding t.htreln, duly comm\uloncd 1nd awom, pereonaJly 1ppeartd DOR.OT'HY M. Cl.X.\RY, known to m1 to be the prr10n whott name i. •UbM:rlbed to th• with· In traU"ument., •nd 1cknowll!dged Lhat ahe txecuted the eanlt. IN WIT.'\ESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto .et my hand and 11-Cfbted my otflcl•I .sc•I the day and year In thll CerUrlcate rtr•t a bova \Vrilll'n. /1/ FRANCES L. JONES Notary Public in and tor Said County 111<1 St1te. My Conin1l.u111n Expires 'J u ly 9. 19M. No. 112 New11-Pre11s 3/21, t /4, 11. 18, 19~ ~OTlC!: t)t° l.'.\'Tf:N'T tflS 1'CJ 8.EL.L Kt:AL t>KOPE KTl' NOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVE!' that ttie Bo•rd of Supe.rvtll()re of th• County of Orange lnlend to aell to the Stale of CalJ (ornla all that l"t!tlaln r<'!i ] proptrty owned by lh1 County of Oranre. de1eribed 11• follow•: P ARCEI~ l : ThOk por· lion. of Block l of 11-.·1ne'1 SubdJvUFlon In lhe City of Newport Beach. County or Onn1e, Stile ot C11irorn111. u per map recotl.lrd In Book I. p•1e 88 of !'-!1Kel- l1neou1 M•p1, In lhe ,,f!Jtt' o! the County Reeunler of aa!<l County a.nd •J! the ei•t h1lf of iecUon 28. T. e S., R. 10 W .. or the S•n Be1·nl'l'lllno Meridian 1C'ror<I· lnJ to •n Ottlcial plat or 11ld l•n(i fllld All.fU~l 4, J81X>, In the dllf.rlC't land ol· fJce, ducrtbed u (0Uow1: ~11 nnln1t a t U.S. Hulk· head St1uon No. 227 19 1hown on a map d1trd M•rch 20. lt36, F ile ~o. fftl. on r111 In th• U. S En· &ineer'• Oftl<.:4. l..oti An1,Le1, CallfofTtl1t,, el'tlltled :·Harbor Llne1 Newport Bay H1rbor, C1llfornl1", thence 1 lon1 t.he 't.: S. P lfthll.d and Bulkhead 11'141 between U, S. Bulkhe11d IH1Uona No. :il21 and 128, •• 1hown on 11.Ld map, S. 79• O'l' W'" E. 11.9~ le-rt to a nOJ1·tan1ent curve con~ave Northwe•ter- ly ind havln1 a raJlu1 of 1126.00 rret at which polnt a tangtnt be1r1 N. s2• 64' 63~ E .. thence Northtulerly 43.23 fe>el 1loni 111 11.1 curva t hrough an 1n1le uf 1' M ' M" to the btJlnnlng of a rever•e curve i; o n ca v 1 Bouthta•terly 11nd h•vln& a r1d1u1.of 286.00 fe.t't; thence Northe11ter!,,v 46.74 tee t a.lonr 111!d curve thro1fgh •n an1l.I of g• 21 ' 49-to th• be1tnnlnJ uf a compound curva conc&VI! Southeasterly 1nd hiving 1 r1dlu1 of 121.00 feet; the.nee North· e••t•rly 17.93 teat along 1ald curve tnrough 1n AH- 111 ot 36" ti~ 1 Oll'" to the be1lnnlll1 or • compound curve concave Southerly and havtng a radlu• of 3141.00 fHL, thence Euterly 109.TT fMt •lonr Nld curve throurh en 1ngle or 11• 11 ' 37"' to i t• poi n t of tan1ency with a curv1 )\av· Ing a radlu1 of 1643 . .50 'feet concentric with ancl d~ant Southerly 16.&0 reel radially from the 10uth1rly line ot tbe l().fggt Stat• Highway deacrlbed In deed recorded In Boqk' Mil, P•&• 36:il ot Oeed1: thence alonl' the pm· Jonrauon ot .. Id r1dlal line N. 2• 21' 33" l!l .. 18.00 feet to •aid .autherly 11 n e; thane• We1tarly alone 11ld tolitherly line to th1 .ea1ter· ly line oJ Central .,_ vtnue (dti9Crlbed •• th• tuterly Un.1 of the County ro.d ' ln UM died to lh• Count7 ol. 01'nJ9 recorded Octobtr 17. ltU In Book t9~. pa1• ., of Deed1); ltl@f!Cfl 8oulblr- Jy alonl( ••1d eut.arly Un• to ti. tntl'rHCtlon with tb1 WNterly prokmptlon' or -.Id U. S. P\e.rht•d and Bulkhead lint; Ulenc1 1lon1 •Id prolon1atlon S . Ti" 02' JO"' E., to th1 point of be- ,tnntnw. EXCEPT that portion Ulereof condemned In tee by the State ot Calltomt. by f'fn•I Ordtr ot COndll!m· • ....n•Uoq in f!uperlor Court CUe _No. -t 383T In and for aa.ld County of Oranr•. a certified copy of which ii reoorded In Book 1321, pac• Ool 3 of Official Rk'Ordll. PARCl:L 2: An tlM· ment tbr publle hl1hv.·1y llJOPt t.nd "r1l11111 purpoet• onr and at<T'Oll• t&ae por· Uoaa of Block t ot lrvln aubdlvtlion In the City of Newport Baich, County or Or•n1"e. Ste.ta ot C.llfornta, u per map recor6ed In Book 1. tl•r• u ot ).t1.celian90'1• Map•. ln 1ti1 o ffl<"t ot Wit County Rf'f'onll'r of Jlilld Counl:, •n<l of the r11al tlalt ot Section 2& T. e s ., R. 1u J , 1, .. l--1-===-==--=.N~PORT HARBOR-l>IEws.AACSS-u,RlJ~_fA,6t Y Today's N. Y. : WEDNESDAY, AP~tL ''· 1.~ ' -LIG~ .NOTICI -LEG.tL NO'l)CI LEGAL -NOTICI! Stock ~ep ort ' • ,,;-(C U it .._ .fin&. ..... ) W .. otltUle aaft ~ lftKtlnf a ,_n. a ...,._l manu• wbo •qt~ ~ wtlbta tutrv-..-. ,...,. '"" to act u 14ed4lu &«Ol'4'nl \o u fll-f•et\ll'\al ~ at ltal Pia--..,.-. Mbalt ~ Ur.e ~ ,.,., • - - (Ida:) plf't ot a&J4..kH m.4 ceU.. eio.ta M...._ C&l£tond6. baift tlliel'W aa.nttd. • Mk· o --s:AL ·-· · Aupet t , llto/{n lh• Dt... W\der u.. nctillou.'"llmt nt.f¥ ·~·to,.... t.M.t .uck•eor-..--. --.. f·------.,,------1 CCG•LlA~ ,,..... .,not~) lr1Cl Land <>:f'k• dtKrtl;lfd ot AKERICA.N rmi:Rol..AA ,_.uoo. executed lM .....,.. "'l llad d 00 Ume U)' ,.,._. ~.,, ... l ..... A\e........ ·~· Unmarrtocl. Dudek IJYU &t ... foUow1 : ' .. • BoAT co. and that aw nrm WITNESS my baod and QUI-~--r~~;.. ~~· ao loduatrll.la: R-·-· 608.&3 up 68 179 Br0Mh•11&)', ~I at a Potot on tt ~poMd ot th• foU-ln« cla.I 8eaL ' vrU.!l b<lllt lnlUMt or the IO R.W. ---·-··· 172.16 up .38 t:AJU.'' ll£."IUE.'\"T the U. e. Ple.rb.Md and ~~. Wbo&e ruunu In tull u4 PBlL BASTLqf " 11 t.;';1.," ~tt 11, Ut.illUu ........ M.16 down .08 v c 212 i;i s hu Bulkbeatt 11n41' betwun U. 8. 11au9 ol rut~~ •r ... u tOI• Notary Pllbllc In •nd /ot •ld ~in~ ~ · '"'°" eon-\ ood, 0 uwer, t .. Bulkhead 8 t•UONI No. HT low•, tctwi.t: Cuunty and It.at... . • . 1 p.lll. \'obun .. 1,•st,904 ~n ln COit• t.l eu 11lnce 1838. •nd 121 p.a lhown ob a m•p. CD.ALO L. MASSltY, w1 OOmta&lOn ExPtel Allhoush Welzner aal4 h• r..-American Smel(lnl' ···-······· M 1i lie and tu. wife. Irene. have dated M•rch 20. liat, rue l~ Ht'rrn-Ollll Dr., Mtu-ch I, 19~ ~ t:1Wllar1ly, ~: American Telephone ·····-·.--· 182 two iwna. One 21, ill married. No. ·~01 on file in th• U. B. Anahtlm Calif. No 1115 N_....PTe11 S1'8. n, reported Y A.na('()hd,a .................. _ .......•. 11 ~-TM th 1 141 ' du al l:\o En1tneer'1 Office, Loi AA· MARCUS MON811N~ t /i 1 U. 16,"tlft 1161 lA ,t.he N~•Preu »~ .. ~· Chry.ttt ······-··· .. ··•·•· .. -··-.--11'4 ° er 1• an v~ iue. aelei, \Clllfornla, entlUed TOI Cttiter Btl'Mt, ·'' ' ; a r.markable re•mb1a.Mlt W DuPont ~----···-.: .... ~ ......• Ht· -Wood ti a n1en1ber of the Unton "Hubor Un~. N--port Bay eo.t.a Me11a, C•llf. cb'l'U'ICA.ft 011' alJ«Cilr::sa that •ubmltt•d to Palt•rltOll to oen--U... E 1eotl'IO ._........ . lll '4 M.ethodttll Church ol Qosta JIFu HIU"bor. Calitot"nia" di•tant GEORGE .\. BthHUNG. ~ti-J'lmil N... al1a. , _ q,nenl Motonl 1.-·-· ........... 4-t'14. ind .,., .... • meinber of its build· the.noon B. 19• 02' iq'°· E., 83r ~tum Pl., KNOW ALL KltN' SY lf'HEBE Patter.an 1 letter irlat.94: "In (h-eat Norlheni H.f\. .......... · t3~ tne con\mlttee for a numper of 11.83 feet from 11td stauon Co.ta Me1a, Calif. PRESENTS· Ylaw Of lh• fact that UI.• mu\ar l!f. Y. Cent.raJ •. -... -................. 42 ti 1.,,.n. ,u iuch. he .,., .... overMer No. 227: t.htnf l contlnuln.t WITNUB our t1and1 lhl• 23rd '--.. :_. __ ,. -b >Y pla n \. vtrtually ct1tnpleted •u llnclalr Oil -·-··~ .. --------.. -61'4 _.._ • 7., 02' ..,,,w ... 3839',.t· day of Ma,..h lltal. The v.nue ... ,.... .,. tar a. the planning comml..ton 1·--•-.. on of caJfl ..... _ ioeu of Ila V'ohmteer 1:ori.t.-..o;Uonpro--, "" ~.. · • · c•rtltY lhal It Qi oonducUns • Id 1 1 d .. to ........ • ' ::: thence N. 13" 14' 60w I:.. QUA.LO '-Maaey .tn at llOl "&ul 11 ooncern , t 1 my e re Tranaamerica ~· .................. ss.,. eram. 111.14 ffft to tht .outhea1t-'GEORGE A. BUSH.W.NO df'Ulll~rbu ~ d l »a M rell1ved ot f\lrther work on Union OU ot CaJtf .... -....... 611,ii Tb• cowicll ali!o\~'~ 12 trly Une of Parcel l, dr1-MARCUS W. MONSEN Coa• lrbw~ ~ f~Uo r, t.hla commtaalon, and l ho eby U. S. Steel .. _ ... : .. ·"¥···-· · 61 \6. &l>Hntee ballot.I. Adcl!tion1<l vot.u cribed abovt; thtnce wutJ\.. STATIC OF CALIFORNJA ) CilltOTnii, Ir l~'ll ~ tender my ruirnat.lon U a caat and n...-· tot1l1 are.: Martin, westerly along 11\d aouth· co·--o• ORA•'G• I••· tlrm namt of VlNC -member, e.ff~tlve April 11, 1 •--2 o k'-•-s I • 'LI~." If' ·~ c. ALL BRUG lhat the nAm• ot sroup," he added. .. t ..... beea a, l l : P U\ >eY, 11 , l .... ; mt ••• euterty i lne to the point of Of Ulla 23nl d•y of J.1arch. A. ' ie:,e. M work WI the p\t.nn9!1 ••--• bod " 413 -· I th• CO"""'BUon and tt. nrlftdpaJ • nort-poJi.,..... y, S. 1123; Abbott, l, ; ... ,t •· bl!.Jlnntnr. O. Jlt)e;, before me, ROBE.RT A. ,_ ·..-, ,..... --d ~ .. AL--comml•lon ll naceMarlly Ume 1, t82 , \\'ih1on, L. 3.:1/. Other Bald Pan"el1 l ·and 2 an EASTIU.N, a Not•n. Public In P-C41 o .....,~ ... V~~ conaumlRI', It' tlnd It lmpou.ible ~ontni'O HAIT\' ~., ot 11ld eorponuun i. Patter--...lalnec:I hil '""P tlnal.5 Ooverapikc, 267: ~lenntll, Included within pie 11t'd. and (or \he .. ld CounJy and I l9 t.o--contlllue In lhll cap-.clt)." ,._,, W ; \Vindell, 17&; nd wrHeln1. •hown oo a m1p nled Jn !lite, ..... dtnr ,tbtreln, duly DRUGS 11°· 2· Inc., Ml OHAaTf:R MEMBt:k _. nevU made hUty decl•ions on Wll' Do 11 Kl -·• t b Lldo...Newport Beacb., callfomla. ., nnt , n._., · ,eac . Book 21, pa.a;e. {4 of Record• comnttmoned ahd 1wom. per-IN WlTNl'.SS WH~I'. Pat teraon wu on, the COl1lM1'-variance• "On th• 1fter1100n ot Total b11.llo~ t"M t wu 2087 vnd .an" Su.rvey1 ln the otttce ot .ohally .,pt.I.red GERALD L. elon 1lnc1 tu or&an!ullon al-the planning C01J1ml11lon 111eet.· total vott'lll cul waa 69t8. ttle County Recorder of 11ld MASSEY, MARCUS MONSEN th• corpqntlon hlll cau.d It.a tno1t t.bree y1!&r1 110 and ball County. and OllORCE A. "8USJIL1NO oorporai.·nama to be aubecriMd been tt.a vlce-chalm1an tor the Inga, the commtulon •• • group Th1t u\d 1ale la being made tor known to mt to be the peraon1 and ltiii corporitlon Real, lo ff put year. H1 wu al1<1 chairman per.on11.Hy lraptcts lhe property LI DO PAIR lhe 1un; of Thil'ltt'!\ Thuuaand whoee name• &l'I IUWcrlbld lo afflxed. thll 27lh day ~ March, ot the commlhlon'1 aUbdlvUFtoo. Jn qut.'lt~n whlcb 1111 up for var· , NELSON Stventy Dollar• \SlJ,070.001, ~II wlt!ltn instrument, and 19M. cumtnlttee. ' la.nee. Each piece ot Pl'Opi'l'ly II tConllu11eJ rrom f'\rai Pall") th' Sl.l.·I .. p•y •II ' .. ,.,w 11.nd ... k-owlo••·· , .. m• , ... , lh•y VINCENT DRUGS NO. 2, Inc. . • ..._ " · 0 ' '" " " ,,. VINCENT He tall.es pride ln the fact taken Inti> co1111ld11rallon on It& nu1nl~t l'111ly mem.,..,rehlp in rt.:01·.Jing fl'ea inru1 J t'i.l In the oecute-d the 1111n1e. ' Byp LONNIE R . the comml11lon tiu been iHvtdf'd. lndl•ldual ""*r!ll.'' prior )'f'll< s. tr•n•acllun 11nd to p11y for tnlt IN WITNE~S \\'HltREOF, J re1ldenl """ By BRYANT JC CH.ftl STEN· "'Tl'\11 I• how it ihould be." llllid Prior to the 1ec.,jit11nc1 ot l~"\'OK l-:S AMF.!\'"DMJ:'.\"'J'l'j ln11ura.nct If desirt'.J h.\' th.-~te. have. ht'~Unto ~t~ niy ~nd and S"'"' ratlef'l(lh. •·Ao or1anlutlo n of BY ORDER OF THE BOARD !fixed ff ! I a.I th cia .,.,. \\'ti011r'1 and Paltenon·a re1l1· Be• land, cont.nctor-<Jtve\oper, a my o 1c a 11e t Y c0.ruttrvat1vt1 and liberal•." • d k .• "-h d II Final Hearing Tocb . oil · ltf:W' · 'I -. McnterRoatl~lw SANTA ANA, l~NI -Th• Oranr• County Plannins "'C.o m- mu.aton will bold It. MCOnd publi'l h .. rln1 on a propolt'd Iola.let Plan of Count')' ~rterlal tllghway1 1t 3:30 I'-m. t.oday In the he•llb bWldlr'll -...,mbly f'OOn\)l•r•. • '.I""'·' '"11 td.nni~(ai\.. atw.tt 1 wt 11 pre .. nt n ew studlea M ~ac Ar· thui' Bl'(d. t.nd. Pault.ri~ 4 vt . rp.J\inp. Addied.. t.-M~ .. ted at the flr11t planM1'1' publle heariq by W1IU&111 8purr eon m. ~ ... ToblorToW'1 heutnC · •\rtlt be lhe laat-~for• tMi.g1.1Fn-11. Th• plln thw cou .lo Ule ~ of 1upervl11>r1 tor Podfbl• flnal 1dopUon 'Of an ~ ... The con.mL,.lon. WUI 'Mid .. pubhc mHllng 11, I ;'° ..P·f'· on lhe projected O..na P olnt "l'rff· way link. ». I '-t "mhe ro6i-e N II• n\111 along Sli11t1 ~nr•Ave Hellis to Speak · ,, Key 1pe.•ker • 1t , ttt. •(a'ange Count)f A190rLl1ed Cbambera of ' Con1mtl'C't1 n't:111bl!tlhlp ,Wl.quet April 2i ln N_ew.J(Or t, l(1rbor Yacht Club. will bt Br•d fln.1111, gl'n.,r•l mRn•i;e"r ari<t \ril~1l· dent of the It'Vtne' 00.' 'kelll1 OF S UPERVISORS Oio' OR-d i h C tlfi t 11 t Secretary naUoJUI Don /" Jdc11eaton, boar \nvo eu uut A.n1en ni.ent1 to II IUl year n t u1 e1· ca e f' l "a t no lim• during my mem· ... ~ I din ,._, bo ANGE COU:"JTY, CALIFORNIA above wrltll'O. tCORPORATE SEAL ... m lber of the Chamber "'I quut1on1. Inc u ' ....... e I ut v.·UI •peak on '"The Jrtt.l•'aarich DATED: March 28. 1956. ROBER"' A. '-'ASTM.AN' OR'•JA berahlp did the commi:;r.n M:>rve Commerce, told lhe council he hi.I bl.U!1ne111 a.nd hla l.lllo<:latlon • ~ STATE OF CALI!<' ·~ ......... lo -·y lndl• du•I ,, D .... ·-· Hloto•)"" accor•inr ·----ti.Jo• "'""' ... , wu reprtHnllng R. F . t Ptle) ~-ilh llh· arn . ......,p!te hll ' ..., ._.. .... ,, L. 8 . WALL.A.CJ,; My Cornm11111on Exp1re1 COUNTY OF ORA:O:GE )u. r !d t • -w county Otrk 11nd ea-ornclo July 29, lt~ On I.hi• 6th dry of April, -------------IGeddM, chelrma.n or the chain· ldentif11.•11Uon ln The Peop!1'1 r,. en ....,.e tote~. Clerk ot the Bo•nl ot Su-No 110 New1-Prl!N l956, before me. the under· DEATH NOTICE ber'a pla.nnlnl' an~ wtilng com-\Vorld whieh Hated hLm u & v.·lt· pe.rvbm"• ot Or1n;:t Count)', 3;28, 4/4, JI, 18, lY56 Jilgn t-d, a Notsry Publlo in a.nd ·------------·lmiltff, In pr~tllLn& the pair'• nraa. h,. rrtustd to allllwer •bout ••••••• , •• •·a11ro-•a -----------ruignatlon1. hi• allegl'd work¥ internanonal • ·, t .,, ..... ,,... -tor lllld Counly 1nd Sla,J:1, per· • c ... plct• • lSEAL/ , (;l!:KTlf"ICATE tlF lil "SINERS 110n•lly appeilred Lonnie R. \'in· lNl"AST TJIOH AS PE~SEY "I hive worked clo1tly with reprt'H~nt11t11e ol lhc CIO United s RA' .... ... By MABEL L. CASTEIX Ylclllk>u,. f"lrm ;.;..,_ crnt, known to nie to be th• Grave11d1 1ervlct1 for lnta.nl the~ men,' 1all.I Geddea, "And Publl~ \\orkers of America prior • IN U ..... . Deputy THI!: UNDERl:HGNEO do hf'r'e· Prt-1\dtnl. and Bryant A. Chrll· Thomaa Charlu Pennty, two I have a. hl(h rerard tor their I to l!IJO d lo d • xo. 12:il Newa-Prllll• by cerlify th•t thry •re con· tetuien, known to me to be th• week old .oo of Mr. IJl.d Mn. 11.b1hty. lf a.nythln&" c•n·be donl' F111 nk Tavenner, aubcommittff • an • • 4 !S/56 dueling a rtllll lln1rrle bual· Secre!.&t>' or tht CorporatWn John C. Penney, t OO Catalina lo kerp theM men on the cQn1· coun11eJ. 1111kl'd Berland lo con1· 1 ~l:&\'1~ -------------l ne&1 •t 307 Menne. Balboa l•· deACribed ln and thlt eucuted Orlvt, wlll be held Thurld•Y at1mis1non l recommend thla b,. mtnt ull ll IPlter to the. C11htor· • • ('f:KTll"lCA.TE Ol-~ 81 SI S£SS l1nll, California. under tll• fLC· the wt&in lnitrumtnt, aftd 2 p.m. In Falrhavan Cemele(y ,Jone," Huddle1ton 1«:onde.dG1d· nla !'r.11-tary o1 State .,.,,.h1ch John ~. y", f"lctltlett1• f'lrm '.\"lln1r tlt\ou1 tlmL n1me of FRAN known to me to be the perM!nl with the n..v. Jama-S. Stawart i:1r1' tru.i:;e15t1on. ] sho.,.,·r•1 h~· w111 a ppolr1 led a drle-• • K.XO\V AU.. MEN BY THESE AND )!AGGI a.nci that. .. ,d f\rn1 who executed the within tnatru-of St. 4ndrt w'1 Prubyttrlan But dt!pite thla the cuun~·il i;:11t<" l1nu1 the 61at Al~"mbly D11-1 %to% '.\"e~·pon:, Bl~ 1 , PRESENTS: 11 composed ut t n.! following r th Churt:h offtc\1tlnr, Baby Thomu tnlt l" Ille Stal~'• IPP ron1't'n· • HARIOR 1549 • . ment on belJAlf o , I corpora-acct'pted lhe re~ignalionM 11nd The Ul\d1'r11lgnet.L tloe1 hereby pertotla, whole n',rne• In full lion lht rtln nanled, and ack· WI.I born April 1 In Hoa.g Ha.· ta1n Jn J!l~K and t1u1.t he h lled a Ir th I II • Ii I ptaaed n1otiun that lel!rrs ot cert y • L• conuuc nl' a a.nd p ace11 ot re11dence are aa iwwledged t.cl me that auch cor· pill! and doled Tutlday. d ru1-1tort buaineu et 11462 foUowa. to-wit· por11.Uon axecuted lhe ume. Be.l!ldei hi.I parent.I he la 1ur-apprec!11.t1on be preparc(J by lh<' Ttle1reph Road, Sant• Fe FRANCES SUPPLE vtved by '" paternal _._,,d par• city clerk. \\'ITNESS'my h•nd and Offl-•·-· !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sprin&•. C&Ufornla, un.Jl'r the 401 • 38lh ~t . • clll Seal. ent.11, J.lr. end Mr1. George Pen- rtcUUou1 firm n1n1e or VI~-Ne\vporl Bt1ch. Calif. C d I Mai •nd hi• m• JOHN E. SADDLIER ney, orona e • CENT'S. 8 F, L F s E It v I c E l.f ARGARL.I SINES ltrA•I grandp1rent11. Mr. and Mn . ORUOS: that the name of the 213 S1pphlre Notary Public In •nd tor Mid Edward T. Ch1pm11.n of Hilltop curpor11otWn and 11..'l pnnc1p11.J Balboa l.11la.n~, Calif. County and State. Ranch, Cotta Mt11. ' place ot buelneas 1nd re11u.Jtnct \VITN'ESS our hydl lhll 2nd 1'-fy Com!islon Expire.a Parktl . Rldley .Mortuary of 1 o( Kid corporation Is VI NCES'f d1y of April. 19M. May 31 • liJ5a COit& lofe .. II tn ch&rl• of at· , 1 DRUGS NO. 3, Inc .. 3461 Vi• /I/ FRANCF...S SUPPLE No. 118 New•Pre•• r1ng ements. l..ido, N-port Brach, Clhtorni•. fl/ MARGARET SJ.NES •111, IS, 2~ :i12. 19M IN WITNESS \VHEREOF , STATE OF. CA.LlJ'ORNJA ) the corpon.tlon ha1 eauaed Its COUNTY OF ORANGE )11. corpor1t.e name to be 1u~nbl!<l OF THIS 2nd day of April, and It. corporation aeal to be A. O. 19:,e, be.lore me, ROBERT affixed W• 27th day of 1.ta.rch, F . \VJl...LMES, a Not1ry PubUc UI~. in and for nld County and VlNCE!'li'T DRUGS NO. 3, IJ\c. St.ate, re1idln1 lhtreln, duly By L01''NlE R. VL~CE :'\'T commluionld and eworn, per· Pre1ide.11t IQll&lly 1ppeartc1 Fra.nce.a Supple By JOHN .\, GRIFFITH ~ and M&rti;are t Sinn known to Sttret•ry ~ me to be the plr10JU1 wbolll!. • ' Newport Variety l 'Ol "R 6 and JO ~TOKt; Yto lil'i'm <Jrowu :'!U&mp• Ocean t'ron\ Nmar M er !\'E\\'~ORT 8~ACH \CORPORATE SEAL) na.me1 arti 1ul>IM.:rtbt'd to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA within ln1lrun1ent, and a cknov.·1- COUNTY O F ORANGE /It. e&ed to n1e that lhey extb.Jttd On l~\11 27th d1y of M~rch, Ult N ml'. lfl~. before me, the untf1r· IN \\'lT:'iESS \\'HH:REOF. T a11ned. a Notary Public In and hive heN!unto 11tl my hind and ror .'!&id County and Stilt, ptr· aftlxed nly ofi1c1al se11.l the da y ll(;nally appeared Lonnie R. Vin· 11nd ,t:c•r ln thl• Cerur1c•t11 tLr1t LI cent, known to me lo be the above wrltt('n. Pruldtnt, and John A Or\1flth. /I / ROBEftT J<•. \Vlt.LMES known lo me to be I.he ~l y Con1m1ar1lon Explru SK:retary of the -Corporation N<1vtrntM'r 17. l!l5i ducrlbed in and that u:ecuted the within ln•trument, and No. 11 3 Ne.,.,.1-rr"~~ 4/4, II. 18. 20. 19:16 known to me to be the pl!.l'10n1 ------------- who l!JletUted ti1e within llutru· ment on bl!.h•lf of Lhe corpora- tion t herein named. and a ck- nowledged to me that •uch COi'· por1Uon executed lhe a.ame. \\'ITNESS my hand and Of!I· cl&l Se.11. PHIL BASTIAN Notary Public in and for a1ld County a.nd Statt. My Coml111lon Expire& March 3, 1939 No. 111 New1-Pl'e11 4/11, 18, 25, 6;2, li~ CE RTD'ICATE Of' BU8lNES'S P'k:tlUo-1"1.rm Name THE'UNDERSIGNED 00 here- by ctrtlfy th1t they are co11- ducun1 a reetaun.nt bUf1ln1u a t 1718 N-port Blvd .. Coata )IN&, California, under the tlet!Uou• firm n1m1 of TH E NEW GINO· H.AM RESTAURANT µd that 11ld firm II· eompolld ot tlle followlnr per110n•, whose name• Ln rull and placea "<Jf rutdence ar. a1 tollowe, to-wit: ANrn:TTE KONVJ8ER MO PMTI Laile Newport fte4ch, Ca.111. ER.MA L. WHITE 2001 Safita Ana A..,._ CO.ta M ua, Calif. Cf:HTlf"ICATE «IF BUSINESS t'1ctlllou1 t'1~ Same MNO\V Al~L 1'-1EN BY THESE PRESE:>:TS . The onl1rraignl'd doe1 htrtby certify lh1t lt 11 con<luC'ting a drug 1lore bu1lne11 at 3461 Vl1 Lido, Newport Besch. C1hlomla. under lht f1cl1llous Unn name of VINCENTS WOO DRUGS; that the name ot lhe corporallon and Ila princlpel place ot bU&1Deu and reatdence of 11&ld corpora· Uon II VlNCENT ORtJOS No. t . Inc., 3461 viii. Udo. Newport Beach, Clllfom\a; IN _w?TNE88 WHEREOF, th• t'Orporet1on ha• caW11!.(! lta corporat1 namt to be aubacrib«I and Ila cotpOratlon teal to be •!fixed this 21th d1y of Ma.n"h, 19M VINCENT DRUGS NO 4. Inc. By LONN'IE R. VINCE:'t'T Pre!ddent By ROBERT A. RAMSAY Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL\ STATE OF CALIFORNIA • COUNTY OF ORANGE lu. The longest, lo west, 111·an• y 111 the LQ1 Angele!!Coun- ty JPP C:t'ntral t.:ominlttee. Ber- l1tnd d~<"l!ned lO a.newer. • 1t Hour J!ho1141 Sf-n ·• • ••••••••• • L , ,, " ' most po.werfu l Lincoln of all' time ., .. • • 1' • '·,I . ' ·,,""' ' '' -· WrTNESS our hande thil 9th day ot Aprtl., liM /II A.NNEM'E KONVIBl:R /I/ ERM.A L. WHITE On thl• 7ith day of March, 11~ befor1 n'lfl, lh1 under- liptd, a Notary Public in ar.d tor Mid County and S tste, per· aonaUy ap~ared Lonnie R. Vin- cent, known lo me to be th• Prfl1lde.nt, and Robert A. Rant· 11y: known to me lo be the Se.errt.ary ut thr CorporaUon deec:r1bed Ln and th•l t xecuted the wlthln in1trument, and known to n1e to be U!e per10n1 The ca r that spealzs as '\vcll of }~ot1 as you · \.vill sp~1\ of-J~~ ' . !TATE OF CALIFORNIA l COUNTY OF OR.ANGE l •· . ·' • OP' THIS 9th day ot April, . ' Turbo-Drive. And yet it also U.)'1 that you expect~ ~ , A. D. 1906. before me, ROBE RT F . \Vlw..MES, a Notary PUbllc ln and fM the 11id County and Stile, re11idln1' lhertln, duly oomm.luloned a.nd twom, per· .90nally appeared' ANNETTE KONVTSER ind ER MA L. WWTE known to me to M th• ptir110n• whOM n&nll'a I.NI .ub- 1erlbed to t he within trutn1ment. and "cknowledged lll me Ulat they -executed the 11m1. lN' WITNll:SS WHEREOF, I haYt hereunto Hl my h•nd and at- ft•NI my offici•I -i tM c1ay Harbor Ru t Memorial Park JlllauM~•tennm1t _ _.,.,, ( Of the many pleasures of owning Lincoln, none is more utisfying than wha t this totally new car says about you. For here ii tbe b e car that uya·you h ave a feeling for Lrend-settirig style -that' you admire tbe sweep o' clcan- ftoWing lines , .... tlle' scant ·fi ve feet ol lownou • , • tl1e s,\cck new length tha\ trlb llbJnlmtlbly-t:;tncobr. A"'nd, as SQ. many 01Mr1 now. U&tO lo thi1 Llnootn -maklna ii the m0&t sought-e.ftcr of'a.U ti.me -thls 1u.,Ub ot>M car~sayi tbat_ your judgmecft d ol lhe \ind·otben follow. - power lO bt beautifully balanced-wilh. comfort to 5091hc 'Y.'JPr . '-" , ::: • • • s tability lO ca.sc your mind, and • feel of I.he wheel IO j)\tC ~ ..--· • · • '' ••• ,.r""t ._ \I f1~~ d ytar 'in thl• Cflrttncat• t1n:l above wrU.tl'n. /I/ RQBERT F. \\'11..LM'ES My CommlMlon 1!:11.P"'I Noftmber 17,, 1131 No. 111 Nt-w .. Pr111 Pub. 4;11. 2:1: 11(2, t , ltM. CER'TfFTCATt: Of' lll'81.NU., • ,c-1 111"11~ .,,,,,.. ;"i'alfte THE UNDERSIGNED do htrt· by cert1ry that lhl'y are con· llarhr a& Oiiier PARKEs.RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 11Jf'GA4w•'1 -0..1.a M°f!M I .... _ l.lbt-rt1 II 31SS I.I S-St.SI ------- This Lincoln says tJ'ra t your hn.n tiflrto spirited per'" formance -the kind thal comes from teaming 285 high· torque honcpower with Lincoln's , incotitparabl,y' smooth )'Oll completely ln control. '· ... , ·,: · ' .. ,.,_. There's so much more .that Llncoln. .sa.yJ -and .IQ..~ • ; :~ ·;. ~ --;-::: _ OU :f itl say. But why not ltu_his new fi.!!C_ car" speak for itlGf? • .... $1qp iO tomorrow -o'r today if you c1i'I -arid ~lip. into ' · • •• Lho drjver'1 seal. .Make yoUL..Own. appraisal o[ thiJ 'Llncol11 I ' '·-~ ... tl\at's .a long -ond w ,Jongtd-Jor ! -• .. : ... , ~" LJ-NC OLN • ()11tr1 i.fta{ohly ...... ~rl1t fintsl i11 1h~ (v1~ cor {ltld JO.,NSON & SON, ·-. Lincoln ' . ' • I'll; . ••• , .... r.Y~ \ , . , 900 W. Cocnt Hl9hW..y, a cnKJ from lay Club NEWPORT BEACH ' Phone 'uii9ny 1·5545 ' ' WITH S~LUE Aprll.1$, 19156 N...,...-11 ~~"t:= tlaoJ' .... • :r..:,..., -• Fuldol! llllowo, 0.. Ullo A~ 8bopo ~~Hat. wtdrJI; WU lapp9'ed to be bllt -'* lul 'blday, wlD bo 7..-. for the loek- lnc "" -Frida7, .,,,r11 :10 ••• -""! doa't fC>f!:d quarter, • you can apleoeolllomomade ud a eap of eoffee ••• The Nlghtlaplo Ohap- ter ol lhe Hooe lkm.AU>- W...,, Wiii be --1ag &Dd the proaeeda wtD go to the Tumor Boud. of the Ho. pltal .... "')ii ad e In California" week l . , . Faahlon la one ot Calltorni&'e moat glamorou.a ~J;: . . . Who el&e but omia deaignen a n d manufacturers could harvest the euU&l, fun-loving, aun· J.ovtnc clothes we gala like to wear ••• All neaily pack- aged ln 10 of our Lldo Na· .tJ.ye Mop. ..• ao cloee be- c&UN thejr a.re ao conven- ient, but 90 far because they are 90 individually different •• , You can have a bite o[f of each , . . Tb.ii coming Friday at our Fa.ahion Tre•· w:e Hunt ... 1 :30 • 3.30 ..• To pt a whole piece, you 11,.ve to meander acroae the .t.teet •• , You might win a prize • • . All the Lido Sbopm are donating door r,:-... Periume aamples Vincent'• Drup ... A free gttt rrom the }lewport Balboa Savlnp and Loan • , • What a lovely W&f to .-pend an hour on a l'riday Afternoon .•. Now I gotta eettle tbja -U>• -Deportmeal bu oplnat I.he Dell<alM- ._ •• , It .tart.a thl9 wa7 ••• One lomale with the .. 1 doa't know what to have for dlnDer fU\len" po...S. I.he upbatt We up &Dd d .... 1n rroat o1 the --· .. no.. al-waya the porlecl ratle- maa lo.r ladW lD entree dlatnm, makes with the .~ILi •• , "Pot Rout" ...... bad that yMtenlay" .. • "l!J>&I" Blbe" •• , "We get tlred of them" ..... Chicken!" "I don't fMl llkll frylDg It" , • • "How aboot· a nice meat loaf then!" Her · e)"M U1hteDed. tomewhere ln a dl8tanoe a bird staJ'i.- ..i, chirping , •• She wao J'OIUll apln. , •• "Afd I eu me that new Swedish llodpo .•• Only ru mak• meat b&Ua lutead I" The two potkageo of ground beef )(; o k e d doWnrlght Ooatblielltal la her 1hop- plag ..n .. . Nezt otop ... the Dellca- tueen . . . One can never rt by the ateam tableo , -. . 0--the ndiua or ti>• Ir amelltivlty, you're cooked ,,,,_ you 1oolr. ••• ~ odora, twine them- -around you ••. You take In th•· culinery algbta • , • All cooked. just ate11mtn1 there , . . Hot , ready to take home and eat ••. Our female wu no aception •. , She 1uccumb- ed , , , Pretty IOOD Des 9llW her wt the two pack&gea of P-md beet back . . . • • 'Sanday Hoon 10 a.m.. -7 p.m. IJally • • u. 8. Cllokie • • • . -NEWPORT HARIOR ~ES$ WEONESOAY, 'APllC 'It, 'IH' • ' I ' wail·-t~. /,.flu ~intp an . • • • ' • •,Rain or Shine '. • ' . What will it be this time? . ' • FASHION -FOOD-DOOR l'RIZES-FRIDAY 1:'301'.M. -• Darigold Double A Quality FRESH BUTTER .......... . •. 59c: Fuhlon treuW'fl6, prMented by the Udo Appt.rfll Shops. 1 :SO p. m. Friday. under the pabM, at BScba.rd'a. Relax wttb a bot cup of ooffee and a fft9h pW!ce of cab. t¥ed and ee:n>ed. (for olily a quarter) by the Nightingale Chapter of tho Hoag M,...rlol Auxllla.ry. Spring and summer fubiou wW be •hoWD by l&Reine's ,Jom's. Udo tMhio~ Shattuek's, Rule8 of c:.llfornJa. Vapboad Hot.19e, Bidwell's, B a r r o W 1 , Richard'" QuaUtj Ffttlh SALAD DRESSING ..... 39c: CILlcken of Sea Ucht Mr.a t 25' CHUNK TUNA ·"' .. y, nu.-.. Uri• 43' SHRIMI' ----······ .. .aos.. Shahan and ileri'1 of Udo. ' Mn. \\'ebers 27' NOODLES __ ...... i: ... .....,uCoo-53' WESSON OIL -·•- :Sll>lei'o Whole ke'""I 2/31 ' GOLD CORN .,., ot?U'd'• Frellcll 35' DRESSING -........ 11 •L Smucker'• Strawberry 45' !'RESERVES ......... ·"· I..lndaaT ~· PUUCI r 29' RIPE OUVES _ .... .x •. I FREIH PRODUCE Biea& for Ea&b&'-Lar(e, FUlCJ', suh- ORANGES 3 25' ···---·-u... ......,,, ..... T....,._,_, 2, 19' ROMAINE_ . _ -· ., r.x-Faacy, 8Uclll1 sm. LoDa , . o-2 19' CUCUMBERS .. .. ,., • cR'i.cicns ....... 25· ;;..;i:1·c,QQ~ ar Martlaelll'• 33' Al'l'LE JUICE ,t F0~-·~ ... 2/25· CLO.ox .....,.17' ,~ I~-···-----11• -,._... 2/23' CLEANSER .. _ . WMte Iliac "D" 49' DETDGENT_, DEUCATESSEN <>rrcon'1 1'1Dea\ nDamook 59' CHEESE _ .... -·-·' .. • -·--. 149 SP ARE RIBS .... , .... UIMlll llr•nd c-.ed 219 HAMS ......... _ ...... " .. BAKERY • FROZEN Dole .. ~ t"~p .. 23' CHUNKS _.1111 ... Htaut. llai4 Piak or LMN'ADE, ... 2/'l3' X·MM Pl'osea M.ouataln ....... 49' TROUT ___ . ___ ,. ... ................ 33' IREAD __ .. ll\OL .......... 8~ 81Mk-V-1 .,,....__....,._ 7" DINNERS __ n OL '1 s ....... •. addrm •'~ LIVERS .. -·-·· -· OL "' 8 '""'90a'I ' f"l'M• Cld4"ke.-t•.., 75' DRUMSTICKS .. _ • • • • Tlt'L'RSDAV Pot.I• 6 14' DINNER ROW ,., •'Beef Strogano ff' ahe ·· 11 IAllilod polntinc to two c&nl- bovd cartona. ''And I don't han to cook It ... " ._ .. _Ibo_ f'"BIDAV Mai1NGUE PiE ...., 52' SIRLOIN STEAKS Wwwa tbe meat. and u. s. <lllokie -Tuden-t =~=:::·=: DINNER ._STEAKS . olopedla ••• WMa Y'"''"' --•--...... lb.89c: ·~89c: lb 49c: l\ATt.:R.DA 1' f1avorful Oru1• ROW 6 ••. 21 ' '"' 87' 11MiMt:a1a about .. Wbatts • ......,. ~.~!:ii ~;..1:"11n~ VEAL ROAST ..................... . tbe rtgbt ... -;er .•. E\--ea MuMU--- • tf JOO 6o llOt Wllb to pur-!Sbuk l:IMI \\llole 5~ -tbe food alrmdy . .. r:r::· lfr'-~ J'.:! _liAM.S.-.~·····-···-···I .. yea CIU pnpue 7~U. • o.aa.r Ma.rer 8\k!M 49c: Love and W.-! Rieb-BAC.ON _ ......... 1•. LAYER CAKE Banaaa Xut Ynun1'• Ranch- t to 1 pou•cl la.nlor TURKEYS _ .. 1b.65c 0-C-MaJoer Uak 55 SAUSAGE . ·····'"· c: · ud'1 the Food ltore among the Udo Shope •t the en-_ to Udo lal•. IPECIALS FOR APRIL 19, 2-0, II 21; 11156 tOOD HART ot· THE LIDO 8801'81 Sale9 tu. colittted on t.auble It.ems ' ' • , --' . l ' • -. I , ' -• .. • I ' • • .. " • • MATHEMADCAL QUIZ ._ Before you could ret atarted playing the c&J'llival gamea: at Harbor Boys' Club annual celebration Saturday night, you had to fi~ out bow many 8tampa you could buy. Serv- ing the calculating 11mall . fry at ebtrance. to the gym were, left, Mrs. HMTy BreBSert and Mn. Jim hk:Mahan.--Staff Photos by Bill Phillipe GAME OF SKILL -"JU11t put th~ little ball in the corner pocket,'' 11hilla Jim Hankim, right. as an ea&'er crowd collect. around the billiard.a booth • he condllcted during the Harbor Boys' Club carni- val celebration Saturday night. ,.. • ' Umet. The rope climb wu one of the ?M.ny ath- letic attractions at the HBC carnival reaiivity Saturday night. ~ · Oy 'TR&DJ. -"ntat auper-dooper tumbling duo, Steve Simonaon. left. and Harvey Gregg appear to be making a ratier·l\igb leap in huge Harbor Boys' Oub gym just to prove the Boys' Oub cpntention in the background that "better boys make better m«n." Actually, the boys an OOunding off the tram po I in. I -DRIVING FOIWE -One thing Harbor kids have plenty of, and here·a Arthur Hitz. right, making some decisive Jl.ita at the nail driving boottt, one of the most popular a.ttartctions at the HBC Saturday night carnival Active Year ·at Boys' Club In ita a.nnual report for t955, the Harbor Area. Joya' Club Hated a tot'1 ex(:len4iture of $6692.31 Nltb 74 per cent of the budget allotted for au~~· viaion. OC the 50 Soya' Clubs &II along the PactCtc Cout, Ule Harbor Area club had the distinction of placing in the top eight group for beat membership and attendance. By contraat, the local club alao placed in the bottom eight bracket of ·clube figur· ing the average coet per boy. Albert Spencer served aa executive director for the year of 1955 with Rod Ma.cM.lllian u ath· letic direct.or. Harry Welton, shop 1irector, Laura Belden, aecretary and Clyde Boley. custodian. Si.sty fathers aerved u volunteer coaches on baweb&ll team.I and 140 mothers volunteered to work at the snack bar and aa game &supervisors. Average attendance at the local club was re.. corded at 333 boy1 each day. The club ia cloetd Sunda)'B and some holidays. Three !uJJ.time em. ployeea and nine pa.rt.time employees are provided tor aupervision of the boys. · The following facilities were Open to Harbor Area Soya' club member., dUring 1900. library, in· eluding anall gamea and television ; games room•. billit.rda, ahuff'l~board. ping pong: craft cluaea, leather, copper, pluter of paria; art cla.uce,.l1pi· dary c~ and woodcraft shop. • WBATT NO rilcAIATOllT -11;,,,..er, Patrick. aaceriding the rope, doesn't aeem to mind u he ahinnies up towa.rd the ra.lten in Harbor 'l Boy•' Oub. Ricba.rd FeatberiiJI, left, ia offkial ...,...~-'--- Club 80Cials and dances. a Halloween party, Euler Egg hunt, mo:viea, four field trips, aa11'9tance at vark>ua civic affairs and all typea of outdoor .. aporta comp)et.ed the full and varied recreational J>rocnm olfeftd by the Harbor Area Boys' Club. A total of 28 boy• attended camp at the A. C. Pylea High Sierra ~•mp and the Vista Ranch camp during the aummer vacation . YAH! YA ML.f48EO! '1111t'1 the taunt G11.ry Robinaon wu able to thfow when carnival en· thu11iulil failed to .core wij.tl a sock in the face. Gary "·as the m11.n on th&l'Bpol in the 10Ck·th1·ow boolh outside Harbor Boy11' Club Ssturday nisbt. •' • .. ' I --. . _ .. . ' ' . ' ' ENlABGJ:D llE!ITAUUNT -J!#mod&<t ,.... taurant at Van'I Bowling, Coeta Mesa, abOve, include. tlve new boot.ha (background). Expanded area allon a.mple room for diiiera. Alto av&il- able for bowlera and •pectaton la new row ot tablea over~king ( &lleya. iTop Bowling Games Due at :van's in Grand Re-opening . NaUcnalJ7 lmo'lll'O woman aU· . ' • ·. FACE llrnNO FINJSHED -Exterior o! Van'• Bowline, Cceta l(-above, lb.owe twice the building the local alley bad before .-teuive remodel.inc pro-rram wa. 1tarted some months ago. From front door to right ii all neW edifice. Square footage bu been doubled to include new cocktail lounge and. eight new • alleya. ,,,.. "'"' ri..< ""'uon .,.,.. Joyce Boy lorn. Clenclenons' Have Boy th• cocktail Jounr• 11Vlnl" un- oba6'uctld view or lh• new auto-llarine M/Srt. and Mrt1. Wv--NoUnr the birth or a baby matle bowUq l&n••-ren M. Jo)'ce, Coit.a Me• ,an boy born April l In Corona Na- Th• openlnr wUI be featured celebralinr the birth o! a baby val Ho.pit.al 1r1 M&rtn1 Sft with fioodlipU. Hundredl ol ln-· YitaUona bavi bee.r. Mnt. accord-boy bom March 11 ln COron& I.lid Mrl. WIJter B. ClendinGll, lnl' to IOoti, Naval Ho1plt&l. ea.ta Kua, • • • Best Wishes to •..• VAN'S· . BOWLING COSTA MESA • • One of the Southland'• nNFST Recn&tioul Ceatera • PAINTING ... DECORATING ___.,_ H • W. Kirch Co. 111 No. Suta Fe \'18'.fA, CAUF. PAIAC!E '46H Congratulations To Ready Mixed toncrele CON G RA TU LA TI O NS TO-TH~ NEWLY ENLARGED• • Cong ratulations -T~ VAN'S BOWLING of COSTA MESA ONE OF THE FINEST RECREATION CENTERS IN THE :1tu bowl•• will com~ acatnat aplnat Buena 1"ark men'• ma- 'a l'Mb'• major ieasue team tn th• Jon, M itchell Brother• Conlt.ruc· I--_.. ___ ....... ;., ..... J'rid&7 Uon Co. ·Ill.Pt ctwtnr Ui• l'rand ~pen· Tb.J.rd m&tdl will r .. ture Coet& lnJ ct Vt.n'• Bowllnf, 1703 Su· Mesa men'• major1, Villa M•rln.a. perlor Ave., eo.ta Mua. playing asaln11t Freewey Bowl VAN'S BOWLING VAN'S BOWLING SOUTHLAND! Twety ne" automatic bowllng :~jr:r:i. La Palma Drive-In Ru· l&nu, an-cocktail lounge, cof· Bryan Hi;.ye1 ISbfft J,f,t1J will tee 1bop and r•~uraf'lt are f f'•· award prlau to the t1r1t W'bm&n turu of the 'I.a.borate remOLlellnl'· t>owler o f th11 evening to bowl Th• major exhibltloo r•n1e fea-189 ind 179 and the higheet lady ture1 the Southern C•l1fornla 1cratch team ot the evening. W omen·• All-St1r1 1g•l11J1t the Prir.e1 will alw be awarded t o Van·1 ,major learuer1. The All-n1en bo...,•leni ...,·ho t lnit attain titar• feature na.Uon.&lly -known limllar .core1. Door pr'Uet will Mftrle M1thew1, Dottle Crouch. al80 be awarded. Chyio Tuhim&, Owen Hyduke Van'1 BowUns ~ bffn com· and Bobble Shaler. On lh• local pletely remodeled with natlv1 beadllner team are Ed H&rpold, I ;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::; 11 Kenny Paae. HI Gento.I and LyM 11 ·Arn1Ht. QO~GR.ATULAnONS Three of th1 A.IJ..Star1 placed TO 1mong the top RYm bowlera 1n VAN'S BOWLING the Wnnitd St..te1 IUt year, ac- co rdlnr l() William (801) KJOta. man1.1er ot Van'1 BowUA1. Both team.t hav1 an av1rap ot 91.5. £x.hiblllon 1ame1 will bertn at 8 :30 p.m. with the flrat match tile Santa Ana lad.la m-,,On. Wotlum Contr1ctor11. compeUll&' •1'•in11t the C01l& MMI. m.jor1, The Br•t Shop. Second game will M lknta Alla '1111~n'• m1.)0r1, Chicken 1'11 &bop, , LANDSCAPING -BY- MUKAI UCENl'IED LA..'i DSCAPE OONTRA.OTOR 1110l So.~ 8t. HUNTl.NOTON Bt:AC:H LEXINGTON 1-ldt COSTA MESA ONE Ot' ORAN~~NTY'8 RECREATION CENTERS • MASONRY -8Y- C. R. CRAIN and SON t 104 E. HlU 8t.reet LONG BEACH ll M15S Best Wishes to VAN'S BOWLING • CONCRETE W•LCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE 113• Conunerclal \\·a7 f'O~TA ~f:·:~ \ LI 8-61!) ~~"• :~··ni& o:ra: OF THE FJXEST Rt;CRr:ATION <JENTER8 IN THE ENTIRE SOIJTHL.L'iD. •• • ASPHALT TILE FOR THIS 11.EA.UTlFUL CAFE, C04JKTAIL LOUNGE A."°D BO\VLl..'10 Al.J.ZYS FURNISHED a11d 'IN8TALLED b7 . Tousley's •· LINOLEUM e 8ERVJNO THE HARBOR AR.EA ALL \\'ORK Fl:LLY GUABA....,'TEf:D ''6 North Newport J)J,·d. LIBERTY 8-7214 Newport 8Mr.h 'I • SHEET METAL WORK DONE BY HAYES SHEET METAL 17!1. Saj,erlor Ave. Liberty g. 7175 COSTA HE!A JlES. PHONE LI MllO OUR VERY BEST WISHES TO . . . • • YAN'~ BOWLING --IN-- COSTA MESA ONE OF THE LARGEST & FINEST RECREATION CENTERS IN THE SOUTHLAND. THIS ULTRA-MODERN -- BUILDING HOUS.ES A COMPLETE COFFEE SHOP & REST AU RANT, ' A LUXURIOUS COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND 20 NEW AUTOMATIC BOWLING LANES. • • • , ' WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN General Contractors FOR THIS ULTRA-MODERN BUILDING " SOUTH GORST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL~INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL 230 30th ST. NEWP0RT BEACH I ( Harbor 2533 • • Congratulations To. 'VAN'S BOWLING Tho t.josl Outstending R.Creation Center • '" Southern California • RESTAURANT ' EQUIPMENT BY Orange County Enterprises 902 E. bt 8l SANTA ANA ICDIBEJU.Y ...... • ' . -+ / l!Nlln NEW .u°J:.Eys -. Now· In open.tion :U houn daily a.re the above 20 atitomatic bowling alle)'I at Van'a Bowling, ea.ta MeU. The.e new NEW OOOKTAIL LOqiGE -\ran'a Bowling, Coot& K-u part Qf Ito m&jor remodeling and apanaion, added the above "Treuun ·.Cheot" cockta11 ~ Mermaid mural In bodtground points up theme of room. TeleviJon ii ineet in tl).e wall u la jukebox. Aoouatico were bettered by lnoettlnc the enterlamment dericeo. · ~ . Best · Wishes Congratulations To To VAN'S _ VAN'S BOWLING ' . BOWLING --Ir>--A Costa Meu Tr1d7 • I' I • e HOTEL -. . ""<! Cenf!< RESTAURANT J'OI' the llubor .,. SUPPLIES •• Lath & Plaster -Y- DICK'S WORK DONE BY C;K.YARMER MEAT CO. ue aourWooo ofuvs--... 1'111 Z. Att';t. Nl!lWPOBT BEACH LONG llE&OJI =· ....... llJ:llLOClt ·- High Quality Printing, Phwe Hcabor . 1616 CONGRATUU.TIONS • · To VAN'S BOWLING . foeWtioo have juot been oomple!ed .na are bolinW the fln"81 alleye In Southeni Calitornla. . . _ . . Best Wislies To .. VAN'S BOWLING · -Ir>-- COSTA MESA • ·ROOFING FOB Tlll8 FINE BJIJCBEA'l'IO~ CENTEll -BY- ·CRANK BROTHERS -, 008TA llll!l8A . - CongratulatTons · · To IM most ouhtonclift9· . • • C..tor in Southom C.lilomio •· ' , · Refrigeration -·-Costa Mesa Refrlgeratl°'! C:O~AL I IND"U8fttUrDOllUTIO 1794 NEWPORT BL. 008TA llEIA uUBrY 8-1S'IS CONGRATULATIONS To • VAN'S . · · BOWLING -lr>--- COSTA MESA • I ALL BAR FIXTURES, UPHOLSTERY AND STAINLESS STEEL CUSTOM BUtLT BY"7" D :U :·B· i· II· Fixture Manilfac:turlag Co. . .. 5717 Towne Avo., LOS. AN6ELl!S ADAMS 2-6156 ' . BEST WISHES TO • . . • it VAN'S BOWLING . . • COSTA MESA COSTA MESA .. ' - -PART • PAGE l 11, 1'56 • • IDAY I PRK 20 .·,·~ = -.... -r ------c: ------ . --- . . -.. HOME ·OF COST.A ME;SA'S SINGLES CLASSIC . 12 · Now 20 FULLY· AUTOMATIC ALLEYS ~.- 6 •.• with the amazil:ig ~·AUTOMATIC .PINSPOmRS ••• . WE'VE 'THROWN THE .KEY AWAY.~-. -.wz .a: Now . OPEN 24 HOURS Every Day & Night . ... INCWDING SUNDAYS & HOUDATS· ' . . . . ' . OOlllE IN AND BOWL FOB HEALTH a KIXJBEATIO!f~ •• FREE PEPSI.COLA ON OPENING DAT I. EYE • . FREE VALUABLE -, -PRIZES -- • • Nationally Known~ . • ~ BOWllMG. STARS . l-- IOWUNG AT 8:00 P.M. • ~ • OTHER AmlACTIONS • ' . VAN'S . BOWLING .••• NOW --. . . . -~ " · ·ALL NEW IUt . THE NAME . & LOCATION . ' ONE .Of THE 'RNEST l MOST COMPLETE RECREATION. CENTERS IN THE SOUTHlAND •• • . .. . • BOWLING VISIT ORA!'f&E COUNTY'S • -0 NEWEST and · ' • FllllEST ••• : • • • • . :'A': 40! • .. ·Cocktail . Lounge • and EYDflNCi$, ' SATUIDATS I. HOUDATS -- 0 • • STR.UCTU.:..OEs • . . -IT'S "COFFEE - RESTAURANT -··-· _.,._ Tt1.E RNEST -av-, -~LECTR.ICAL WotlK . -TIMJ:," ;ANY ..... --t• l1t:11 i-;-:--clb-~--~---~~-~~ H~~~~~..-Y----~t-~~-'1'119fe-'ltt'eUIR-'-fl~~:7;:~ REAGAN AND TEBAULT ~ MacFARLANE co~~~olt=-'-"''·\~}/b!J,1 :!) _ • • INGINHllNG , ELECTlllC --· SPECIAL...:. New Yoit Stalllr DI••• -$2.50 . .. 1• S.nt• Ana 2021 North Mom Str.t 1·· RESTAURANT .__ _________ ......., ___ __,: Kimberly 7-2534 2115 North ~n St., SANTA ANA . , ' PHoNE UIERTY cos • • • Klmborty 3"9268 17• SIPE,101 AVE. 8-12'2 TA MESA ~ ---------~--=---------(l • . • • • • .. --. .... ~- < , . .. . . . • • I • • . . • NEWPORT PREP SPORTS SLATE . ' Oii)' ' 0 II e ptep .rt.I .._t \II ~le4<! for UM Harflor uu ~ u.. nut Ia •Mt prom-. to be .. fl&lbt d&yt, ~ t! ti. dlar-don& ~tellt from •tart lo Nwpoct H arbor Hlsb ~the On.op Cout-~ ~.,eaMndar. rowtn' t..m w1ll taee two •l&ht -TomoroW, the Bailor oared Wlla from UCr.A Satlll'-bueb&U and tennla tu.ma day, at lO;IO L m. ill ·LI~ travt.I to A~lm. Friday. Channel. Coach Don B\IJ'U' llllnclada Oransa Cout Wlll •be favor taf\lle wtth the Colonial -· -... It, lli•11• L.., . Tba ..,aiololJ:.,..... d&d mucb to lllMI the 1¥Mtloa of the Amcri· oaa tanner ud tnabled blm tc; partJclpt.W JRUCh morti f\111,)' lD Ula life oc tha eommunlty. LISTEN to the Sb.earson, Hammill ''Private Wire" 1t they row tbdr beat n ee. In •ke,. on the Tar oval, . lholr ftnt ....... of lh• -'"'""" at 3 p.m. ···~· KABC~ ·30 p M \he Pint" ""'i::~ lho '?To---V• • • """ day, Buma lake. nine men -• • GRANDSTAND FULL . OF BALL PLAYERS Here are_ a portion of the 190 Hi.rbor area · boy• who turped out (or awumer baseball makeUpe at -------,,.·iila ·I.res& Park Saturday morning. To date, ~ra bt!tween 8 and,18 with. a .econd makeup aes- aion echedul~ at the park t.hil Saturday, Below, a pi-oepect ii weighed and meuured in. -Staff Pbotoa ..... • • the eoordinated diamond program in Newport Beach and COsta Mesa has signed up 900 young. 71eld ny and Urry Warlawnont s •1 N t tmuhed .. bb'll'le. y~ can't beat a1 or e produ<lloo Uko '?~'""'8 on two • hit• . . The only oUiiar marker tn the Sq ds c pma came: tn tha filth when ua op Thompeon alftalad, •I.Gia NCOnd . and mov.d to thlrd on an error, , N.ew Nine Set for Harbor's Older Youths .corms ori n.ntal"• Medtlce, Or Go TMra wtll ba no ADwncan Lt- BUDY OREL~ ange-r\On Junior bueb&ll team tn t.be M'eanUma Green ...,... bretdn& Harbor 'aru thbi 1111mmer. Spon· ns on Uut anthill, facing ooly ... _... ~-.. ,.1 ·Ba lt' aot'94 by Theo Robina .nd Har· 2.a batten tn tha ae•en·1tansa _,._... ..,,_,... "' enn. ue , e Ht·to -four over perfec:Uon. Newport Barbor Hip SchoOI bor Boy .. Clu~ wit.ti. the a.14 ot Walklnc only one, Gary wtilffed vanlt7 and jWlJor nndty tennlll fathers of oldar local temarer-9 10 rt.W and PY\ •P but a equa.dil trowlced 0ru.-b a r a who want to play swnmer but· lingla btnri .. that( to '11°UefOI. Mon.4-Y 1-0 ~ B\l1IMt LMsua ball. a Ml':n:ha.nt junior vanity ot the Panthen ln ti.a' ftft.b tiU.. comJ*itklD.. Tllie ruulll: . nlna will be orrant-.cd ln plac. Lill'· Tb• other two Granse ball Varilty -Lea CritalI det. Of tha Lepon nJne. playfre Who reacbad tint did • Sbeldoft Clem 1-J, 1·3; Bob Ra.-1'118 _. announc:.d today by on erron. t•r def. Larry Boone, l-0, l ·l: Rod MacM\llian, alhleUc director 'In tha third, Green fa.Med the Bill Doner wm by default: Scott at Harbor Boyt' Club. 1kle tn order, out No. a beinl' Thompeon def. Jack McAYOy e-o, Reuon for dropping of Uie i.. G&ey'• fifth etraJght etrlke out 6--0; Or.y Kal8o def. Maury &1on juniors Mac.Mllllan la.Id 1'lct.lm Meyer1 8·1, 1-1. DoubtM-MJk• ' ' . Mang and liUcllay Jluk1U def. WU ~t the IA!gion prog-ram Jim Alldcreon and Wayne Rom· doe11n l take ca.re of enouch boy1 pfty 1-1 &-3· Don ."DOIMa and unabl• to play butball On other . Jim Hickman'cUf, KennetbNllee local tMJnl. "If then~ arlae1 other Sun.eel IAa.sue tr&ek Nol ln4. Leon r.owe, I-Or !-1, T-3. for a Legion team t~ the Harbor ault. yHterday found Jl'ullerton Junior varalty-&T 'l)ayjq def. e~a In the future, Me.cMllllan downlnc Senta Ana ~I and Rob.rt M.annebat:m.;. l •3, 4 .• 3, u.ld, "wa will have one." Anahtlm topp'1\s ·Hu.nUnst.O. Udrcl eet forfeited; Varry Co• MacMllUan pointed out t.he on. Beach 82-42 det.. PbUllp Nat.on 1·2, 1·2; Oil· ly boyt In the atta who would Jn vanity me,eta. ver Crary def. A.lie. Van Hou1e benetit from Legion pity thll 'The Indlant captured the B meat e~i, f-4; Stan L7Gnl der. Art 1euon were high 11ChOOI player& , ~%-it'll while the Balnta took l(aldOf'lado 1-i; 1-4 ; w a 1 n a O..ry Grttn, Georce Mabee ud Ula C ttl&ion f3"-1!'6. Tha ~ Whitrle)·det. J.a,8Chroeda8·2 Dave Tamura. Boy1 like Paul •n took lha B 't Tl-21 and tha JO.I. Doublal _ John. J'onU~ Lortnlaen. Bud ThompM>n, Den- C• &o-27 over AaaheUn. and Dick ~ttt de!. BUI ny Flt.patrick. Jim Newkirk and GREEN TOSSES -5·0 SHUTOUT FOR TARS Anaheim Diamond Scene for Crucial Contest Tomorrow Calm Gary Green t~ a one-hit.lshutout againBt Orange High Scbool'a Pantheri nine at uoata Mesa Parlr: .Monday afternoon aa Coach Emil Neeme'.e Newport Harbor High~ool Sailon won their second Suneet l"'8gue diamond outing of lbe sea.aon.. 5-0. Green bu been tha wtnntnc Ta.r chucker in · .-ch cue. l?<i'DIA31"S WIN Tomorrow, Crffn probably will . The Indian• took car• of Santa be Neeme'1 mound choice •«&inst Ana 8-4. Monday. • Uta red-Nil Anaheim Colonillt•. A big fi~t frame gave Green who ctobbered H unUngton Beach all the httlp he n"""ed q~nll 1-1 Monday. The f'Tay "1.11 be on (he Panther poktt1. ShOl'Ulop tbe rival pea ·puture. A vlrtory Dob \\'hlte led oft with a 1lngle-, over lhe•Colonlet <'louter11 woulrl Bud ThoniJ*>n tlrolled, Roy _ ...JnOVe tba Tani rl.lht Into lhlf'I< Daniel "'aJ sefe OIL a rival ml•· ot tba loop pennant race elnc:e cue. Green -..crinced and wu ~elm upeet ll'Ulle11on earl? 1Ulf• on another mu(f, Oatcher La Be1• ·~'On \l&lhad an out- '-'"I BE~!'t. ELECTRICALLY • LET· US HELP YOU e ' -. SiAFFORD & SON Eootrl<al Coblracton 110 IU\irslde A \'C!, Ube.rt)• MS« • • . • • • Bryant and Jimmie Burd 1-t.. Blan ldlooel. high acbool ana ~land b7 J'lllUf' Joeal nawepap-1-1; Bob Walker and .Jim H .. J C perform~ wou!d be UD&bl• er. they ar. lba beet trtende uy !tell def. Elbert Smltla and John• to play Lectce ball beca.Ulie thay orpnl.aed comnwn1t7 can ha••· nl,. Moore &-~ 1-1. e.ra too old. 50% OFF ON GOODYEAR NYLON DOUILE EAGU! TUBELESS TIRES -- NEW GOODYEAR ' 331/a% OFF ON TUBELESS TIRES TAKEN O~F NEW CAllS WITH LESS THAM. 200 MILES ! STOP IY AND SEE 6.70x 1s •11• Our Newly Equipped FA ~·•tax QECAPPING ~..L§.!l'~~--'11'41-._11~ .. ~·~·~ .. -b.._~~~~~1111-J111y Ti,. in Exch•• l"'LftR e IALANCING •ALIGNING e IUDGET nllMS COURTIEY & LESTER 15'6-HIWPOlT ILVD. e COSTA MESA. LIM!ty a.1197 • 1-1191 Jan. by 11 bo&t I rlhl owr th• to Ula "Cb&tfey InvttaUon.&l. Daily Mon. thru Fri. 2000 meter Udo Channel courM. A.... U.t wttk the Bruin frolh bow· Monday, Tar bue~.J.t and Market \iilUOta\loM ed. to the TroMbu. · ten01s team. travel to Hunt-Financial News The Saturday test for the Pl· lnl\On hell while lha lo. Buaineu Comment.u) rat.ea will be ewer the 2000 m• cal track and field torce1 Interviews ter dllta.nca with the tlnlah lint: UIJqa~ the Oilers ·there at the Oranp •County dock. 1\Ma\ay &ttemoop. Wedn.,.. prMU1l9d by =:r p:1.!! t.:t:~· :.:,r_1~ ::..=:.~i!':::!.rt1:'°: SHEAISON,lfAMMlll &.·Co. that b.il 0CC e1ght WU hurt by AMh;tiim foJJowed by the lf•i'illl .. 111 !Ht m1u1nr tbdr workout. lut Rule TburMa.y. The Gob ..,....,"·-•wt.s.t,..........,....., week durinl' th• rainat.orm. TM ..... ball and Wnnia 1quad.I _, Ji«t c 1 ...,_ Dues will get a.nother ctianc• • t~•el to kn ta All.I. Thur.. hiari,.. -' ~ ac next week when they 10 to 8&.1-da1 aftvnooll.. -3331 V.~ Lido Har. '65<> Iona Creek for a return race I ;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;N~e"'"""'~~~Be~ac~h~;;;;; ~-Ith the Bnibabes on April 21. .. t""'•"' Bue Hne-up: 1. Oenld Ban· CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 dick. 2. Emll Dopyent.. 3 • .nm Tibba. f . Ouue Bowen. 6. Cary Leonard •• Bob SdlLt~ 7. Tom Pl•lb. I . .Al S.~way. Cox -John Bwatn. Alternat ... Tom Cox. Jim Morrtaon., Al Baker, and BYf'n Orl.rn.tad. l'mll·&LOCJ& OOMPANJ' -1111 a. 1b1a It.. ..._ ...._ nrMJm:: -<llNDI;.& AND C>Osoam •'NW' - a&INl'OSCING l 'D.EL ... IUPPUES DON'T BE STAMPEDED! --· ' ·There IS opposition to the sa-called "oil conservation" measure being circulated-in California Its promoters are StandarcJ Oil, Rich~ field Oil, and several other major 1 ' -~~~i=~i~ioirn~~~ jl They have alr...ty spent aeveral million dollars to propa- 1randize their scheme. They are plannin1r to spend mil·. lion• 01ore to put it over at the November election. -WHY?-· In the public interest? Or in their o&e1n inurut1 Why did they by..pua your repreaentativea in the State Lesialature? Were they afraid that CommlllH hearln1• and floor de"°"' would expo•• tkair 11conHr11ation'' bill a. a greedy and arro- 1ant OIL CONTROL deolee tofiNthemMONOPOLYo-IM oU l>rllln.,.. In C..Ufomlo~ Why didn't they conault the hundreda of small independ- ent California producers, refiners and marketers? Wai it bttauu they U)(lftt to choke ol competition from the In· dependent1P I/ Iha lndependenu are throtded, t(!Ort't the major internationOI oil co mpanie1 flood California· with Atablan oil and, 1111• their pocket• IOlth fabu/011 1 pro/iu? ·HOW WILL OIL CONTROL AFFECT YOU? -' What will it mean to the property owners of California? . - How many California workera will it throw out of joba? Whal will it coat the State in wealth ancl.taxea? . ' , THE CALIFORNIA OIL INDUSTRY .OPERATES TO. DAY-A;olD HAS OPERATED FOR YEARS-UNDER STRICT STATE CONSERVATIOl':f LAWS. THESE LAWS ARE THE BEST IN THE NATION, ----- YES there IS oppo1ltlon 10 thu OIL CONTROL •cheme; ~a~n~•t re~r±-iOIU bi fNilii'n• oppo1iUOn from an arou1ed JJPb l1c u;hen the true 1tory U told~ 1 • . ~ • Don't be STAMPEDED! Get the FACTS I Don't be MISLED ! Asso u1ATIUN OF h&EPENDEI T Ott P1toD UEERS 417 SOUTH HILL STREET • ,_ .\ I • r I • L l'INISB UN£ SQUE'AKER -Tan racing to the finilh line in ~ly aeuon m~t aga.lnat Leuzinger are, from left, Glenn Buford, Tom Atldnaon and Larry Harp- er. However, the winner waa Teat of the rlvala, edging out Atk.iuon in M.6. -Staff Photo SAILING ACROSS BAR -Here'a a high-flying Gob making a auccessful B pole vault in a recent Newport Harbor High School track sesaion. Thia a Ja.ck Newbury, steady winner in the event around the 10 Ct. mark. -Staf t Photo Indians Awake at Plate in Time to Clobber Foe BANTA A NA IOCNSJ -Al· ter lo.Lnr two ot their la.at three &"&mH, ,i.~ullerton'1 Jndlana awoke wtth a venJe&nll' at th• plat• Monday, to knock over a tol.l(h Banta Ana Hlrh dia.mond crew, 9-t. Diamond Clinic Advises Coach to Clear Bench A dlacUHlon covertnr relaUOJ\.I with parent. durlng the Harbor arw. 1ummer bueball aeuon for local boy1, 8·111, wu the main l'Ubject At MondAY'• nt1ht eoachea cUn11 in Harbor Boy'a Club. eo.chu wue ad\•taed to r~ • atrtct thl'lr t>.·uchPA to playera only while ramea a re In ptognu and aid, In that way, the r u 1 • which ta 1.nlended to kffp par- erita and fana ln th• 1tanda. By keeplnc the parent• at a raaonable dlatance from the boya, eo&chea werl' advlaed, the tendency of parent• to coach lh«r own eona ta rtdu.c.d. 111 Ca.tel where both father Bd coach, for example, are telling the boy what to do, ht tend• to become confu1td. Rod MacMIUlan pointed out th• altuallon la a three-way deal In which the parent.a muat under· it.and th• boy la under direction of th• co.ch when he la enprtd 111. pm•. C:O.che• aipitltd Ult aummer t-cue• they wl!l"t lnlereattd In bandllnr. and where they would prefer to coach. Paced by three homera, the In- diana uplurrd their ~ghth vie· tory of lh• HUOa. Thl'lr aeuon rl'Cord la now 8-3. Tomorrow the Indiana play h08t to Huntlngton Beach. That iune la eet tor Amenge Park at 3 p. m. M.ikt Jewett homered for the Indiana In the fourth inning· with two on. Kent Pembroke homered In tha 1eventh wllh two on. Th• nrxt baller up, Jerry FlaheJ. thPn IJTl&<'ked the ball ovv lhe lert field fence. Jewett. who nlleved Lan FL1hel In t l)t n cond .lnnlni. picked up the vic- to1 y. Jewett fanned eight and walk· ed juat one. Fishel atruck out two and walked two The !alnt JV beat the Tribe Junlora 9-3. Coast Mermen Drub Mt. SAC in Dual Meet. Orange Coul College Mermen dnabbed Mt. San Antonio 6~·29 lut n1urlld6y In dual meet al Mt. Ban Antonlo, · Max Bowman led the on· elaujht. He waa In front In the 220 and HO !rte atyle eventa. Alan Hodgea won the backatroke and wu runner-up tn th• 60 fret 1tyle. George Lyona rarner· ~ the lndlvtdual medley and waa •~d ln lhf' breutatroke. R t 1 u 1t1: Medley: O.C.C. <Breithaupt. Ly 0 D •• MUlJ>hY) 3:29. 220. Bowman (OCI, Eu· ll'y IMSI. Milla 1MS1, lJ'AmaJI IOCI 2.U . 60. Lawton (MSI, Hodru tOCl, Kundrat.h (MS) 24 7. Individual Medleys Lyona SAILORS DEFEAT ORANGE Goach Don Burns New· port Harbor High School thinclada romped to •ic- toriea in all three division.a under overca.at akie1 here yesterday afternoon. Th e Sunset League acorea favor- ed the Sailor• 90-14, varsity; ~-10, B'a, and 45 3/5-28 2/5. Varsity -Htrh hurdle.t, Mere- dlth (NI, Grjttlth (NI, HopklM IN I, lS 2. 100, Niquette (NJ, Valentine (0), Yelaley ( N), 10.7. HO, Holman 101, MarUn IN), Buford IN I, M .O. 880, Hilliard IN ), Boline •(NI, Pttler (N). 2.03.9. Low hurdlu, Berry, (NI, Ut betWffD .Me~lth f NJ and Ho pk Ina ( N >. 20 8. '22'0, Pur- •on (NJ, Martin (NI. Niquette fNl. 234. Mlle. Oal roak l ( N '. Hanaon ( N). Rlou N I. 4:1152. H trh jump, Tie between Niquette tNI and Pear- *>n (NI ; tie tor third bel wt'en Graham (N) and Hopklna (NI, ~·2. Bro&d Jump, Butorft IN), Shattuck (01, Smith (NI, 19•9\4. Shot put. Vlllaf'r&na (N), Bath <NI, Rumllt'y (N). 48-0. Pole vault, tie amonr Meredith (N), Bento (N) and Servla 101. 10·0. Relay, Newport <Buford, Berry, Niquettf', Pt&l"llOn), l :33 15. F\nal acore1 Newport 90, On.ore H. LIOHTWl:IGHT FlNAL B -Hl&'h hurdlc1, Smith (N). Schlueter (0). Shaler (NI, 911, 100, lit between Roeecb (N) and Buckland ( N l; Baxter (NJ. 10.6 MO. Hood (N 1, Van Bickle (NI, Cherri (OJ. l 28.9. Low hurdlee, WllM>n ( N >. Schleuter c O), Walk- er (N J, H •· 220, Buckland (NI, Rofllrh IN ), tit belWffn Fr~­ • nckaon IN I and Bu ter ( N >. 23 4. 1320, McKinney INI. Han· son W), Oa1 cla c N ), 3 :311.3. H 1 g h J 11 m p, ll " betwePn Su rm on I N ) and Lopf'Z ( N) ; Howard t N I, 6·6. Broad jump, Smtth !NI, Hendert1hot (NI, Han.on IN I. 19-7.... Polf' wult, Newbury 1N1, Ue between WU· lt1U111 IN l and Cole ( N 1, 10-0. Shot put, H,nrottn IN), Beau- champ 1N 1, OoodaJe INI, 411-3•. Relay, Newport (Rouch, ;~red.­ enck11on Burklan<I WI I , o n I 1:110. Final K<>rt!: Newport ~. Oranre 10. R£AFU:A8 \VL~ C-180. Mornl'On I 1' 1, Fleeman INI, Coulter (01, 19 7. 100, Mc· Cub bin IN I, Roger1 IN I, Peter· man IN1, 10 9 MO, Wood 101. Lowp IN I, Ralnea (NI, J .3!1 4. Low hurdlf't, Chue COi , Cad· walder IN /, Taylor (N), 16 2. H11h Jump, Cadwalder 1 N I, tie among Taylor IN), SchUcken· mayl'r <Nl, Menrea (01, Chue 101. Clery (01. 6·2. Broad Jump. Seirel 101. Ro('er9 tN>. Wood f 0 1. l 8-7. Pole vault, tie between Chue 10), and .Arrabury (01; Clery !OJ. 9-0. Shot put, Yard IN), Amabury (0), 11:"-le IN). 43· 1, Relay, Nf'Wpol't I McCubb1n, Roger11, Mon-1110n, FIHman l, 4 7. 7. FtnaJ K ori': Newport 46 8 6, o ... n,. 211 2/6. Chapman Cagers 9th on Dehnse Bue Track fAces Lose 10C), Eul~y IMS>. M.anlpr Final NAIA naUonal deftMIVI t MS> 1 ·37 7. Dlvfn«: l!ltareburg ra.nklnp relta.Hd todiy Hated IOCI, Otaeatl (0C), Cawthon I MSI. 100: MUJ1>hy IOC), Kund· Chapman Colle11·1 record bnal<· rath. (MSI, Guth (MS) J:00.6. In( buketball team u nlnth ln coach Harper Hueaton 1 Or· &ck11lroke: Hod re 1 IOCI. the nation In team dl'fenae u ~~ Cout Colll'ft th1nclads B~tth.aupt (QC), Fishburn I MS I the Panther• allowed Uleir op. could come up with only 17 2 41. H O: Bowman IOC), Milla poelllon but 68.3 polnt.a a 1ame point. ln an Eultm Conference I MS), D'Ama.11 (OCI 15.26.6. on the aeuon. cl.uh at. Santa Ana Monday witJ\ Bnutstrok1: Lawton tMSI. 14· Mt. Ban Antonio and th• Dona. ona (0C), ~w (MS) 2:43.l. Wlnntor 17 ram• while drop. Mt. SAC ap\ke forct• racked up 4001 Murphy lOC), EuMy (MS) pln1 but. Mven Ult.a durln1 th• 107 point. and S&nta. Ana tt !92.t. year, th• Panllm't went fourU\ tnarkera. ------------11\ Calltomla and ninth lo the St.an Hopklna and Gary Jobrl· Net Resulh ' United &tat-. They 11eored 1716 .on ~opped the Plratu' p&lr of flnt placea whll• Bob Norman AN~ «>CNS) -Th• po4nt.I' for the >'e&J' "ftlU. lloldtnr Ued tor onf'. Johnton pkle9d \IP Anaheim Colonlllt.a t.,ni. team, their oppoll(tlon to .1623 polnlJI r aln•ln ur., ht Hue total W1th i-c~ by Capt. Mike BOuck, roll· to pin t.bt nallonal ra~. a tNCond apot. ad over Hu:nUll(t.on IHach. 9-0, I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, >locin&n <l•dlocked tor nnt Monday at tb• AUH.8 court.a. ID UI• bistl Jump al • R. I ln Tbs. wu th• eame _... a&nta HopklM took the pole .,.ult With A.M dd•~ the OUen 1>7 and • un. t in. un. ua. aatcb betwMft Ut• Salata JC>bMon puahed the ahot l>Ul and Colorl1n comlnr up nl\lree '7f\. 41n. fur top 1pot. Ulen to be a cont•l. The Anahflm JV twirled the Jl8Cua !or a ae<:wid team defeated Hwi~ lk&ch pJ&cie ra~. JV,~ a1M. • Old J:et.abllllhed .ia.uraac. • Apw/ AD lla .. writ'-. RO AB.D W. ODIU811 1808 Npt Blvd • Coet& Mesa PBONE LIBE&Tl' f.lllJ I Due to lM ao:mb« el Jl&.rtMlr ..... bo)'I. .,.. ~11 u ot ~pt. • l~ bo miMed wmrMt" tMaebaU miU .. 1 \l)» &ul 8&lUrd.a)' att.ernoln •t Q0sta M.a Patllr., potJtH• mabup . ..-.hN .,._ ec.bedut.d f~ Ooll.6 Mou. Park 9t.att1q-at t a. m. Ult. lat:u1'da7. Rod MacKilllan. aW.UC dll'9Ctr. ot HatbOr 1'o7S' Clttb. ntd flBC ._4 !14wpod. Stull Jltcl"CaUOn Del*rt-• ment otftots under Bob Glnl'rich. win ~ wttA telephoae c&U• oonce.mlnl' JOUl',l'ltera Wbo m!Med Uae malteUPJL A total of lM boye ~rted for tbdr diamond tat.I' '-A ~y, briqtnr ~ total llpect up for the IUJMlti' p&ata.lre pool PJ'Ol"Nnl to 900 even, ).{ac)(l11tan npprted. • "f$1noe ,... want to s-t every boy 1n thAI Harbor a.rea who want.a to play ~b&ll ualped le team.. W. .um• mer," MuM.Wl&D announced, "tble eecond makeup ,... llon WM decided upon." • CHEAPER IY.J DOZEN- Randall Rappers Romp over Orange· JV 19-11 'J.'hree-run circuit clout.a by Steve Simonaon and Jim Schones and the sterling twirling of Roy Dalton high- lighted Coach Chuck Randall's. Newport Harbor High School junior varsity victory over the Orange JV'a 19-11 on the Tar campus dirt diamond Monday. • For the local la.rruper•. the Ra.pd&U reatored Dalton to the triumph marked 11econd Sun&el ru1*>er. Surrounded by Ora.nre League w I n of tht 1euon haurunnere, Dalton w1u touched a.gatnat one aelback. for a •lnrle and triple followed Randall'• rappere h ad the by an error before he got warm· game all wrapped up In the Pd up apln. Then Roy tanned ttut five framu. but temporary the oppoelllon In order. removal or Dalton from the Single. by Blmonaon and Steve mound to the outfield enabled Souder aent the Tar JV ah.ead the Panther JWUOra to get ~k l·O In the ttrat.l'lnnlng. Rodr1· Into· the tray. Dallon allowed guez hammered a homer for OT- only two hit. and one run in lhf' ange In the •«ond, but Stmon- ln1uaJ five 11tarutu. then Ran-aon'a t htee-run blut In bottom dall aent Jim Louoen to tbe hill or "lh• ft1&me quickly eruetJ the HA.l0£N Ol'TISU Btnce th11 wu LouJen 1 maid· en chuckinJ effort. a bit of 1ookie wtldneu got the boy In trouble. Giving up bUt three blnglea ln the aixth, Louden wa1 burdened by l.ota or walka, a couple of hit batter1 and a few errant heavea. RuuJt wu eight runa for the rival.a. When Louden wa.lkl'd the flrat three men faced In the Mvenlh, Pirates Win Mounty Game in Shutout In a ram• played under pr-o- teat by John Arranblde, Ml. San Antonio ment.or, Coach Wendell Plckl'na' Oranc• Cout COllt'ft Plratee won their n!th atraJgtit Eaatem Conference (&me )'Hler· day :'.1-0. Arn.nblde prote•ted the r&me becau.M. he wd. Wayne Couch· try, Bue pitchtnr ace, wu not wearlnc a colored underahlrt. Pickens declared attl'r the rame there wu no baala for 11Uch a prot.ut, •ince the bueball rul" book doea not refer to th• colOl' of underahlrta. The ruin only provide aralrutt pitchers having ra.ggtd or frayed aleevea, Pickens aaid. Coughtry twirled hla third 1tra!ght ahutout In EC compel!· Uon u he held the Mountlu to five but blowa. Coughtry'1 team mate connected for llX Umely hit•. Finit acore for the Bue• came on ouUielder Bob Loci· cero'• home run in th• MCond innmr. JOHN STONE'S Mesa Auto Wreckers Ulled Auto Pam aJMl ANlNl!Orlee %0'75 PiaceDUa An. Uberty 8·'701S COtlta MeM CAREFUL SERVICE for your ~~ deadlock. SAll.Oa ·iCORJ'..8 Two more 8aUor acore1 dent· ed the OJr.h in the third on btnglu by Terry Bagwell and Oary Cl!u k. Apparently no one took hi• bat to the pl1&te Ln the fourth, but the Tara made amenda In the fifth and 1lxth. Five talltell troopl'd acl'Ol!la In the t•flh on 11tngtu by Clark and Gar Y P lckena an d Schonu' homer. Randall's rappt'T11 pollehed thlnp off With tight runs In the 11ixlh on walks to Dalton. Loudt'n, Plckena and Peter RAb· btlt and atnrlea by Dave Ham· mond, O&llon and Louden u the boye batted a round and then eome. In all. the Tar junlora collect. ed 11 hlt1 to seven tor Oranre. Th• locaJ lade left elrht men 1tranded to three for the op- poaltion. But what wu a few run.a In lhla contMl ! PICTURE OF BASE KNOCK Small wonder Second Backer Roy D•mel la beam1nr aa h• roost.a on first ln recent outinl' of lh• Sailor al~era ara.lnat Ocana1de. Da.nJel •~pped up to that plate and beltep a lint drive alngle. Since It wa. hit eecond ln the tet·to, th• 1a.d wu mighty happy. -Staff Photo AT LEAST RIVAL SPLASH SQUAD GOT SAILORS WET With wea.k Garden Grove's Argonaut splashers col- lecting only two point. in the three divisiona of the meet, 1t l<JOka like Pancho Gonal• n.. Tony Trabert'• number OJ\ Ult n.aUonal pro clrcUlt 100- mat.ch t.our Aich comu to Bai• boa 8-.y Cl@ Jwi• 2.' • Old pro Paocbo pUted former amateur champ Tony M , M In Carbond&Je, llL r.lon4-)' nifllt to tak• a 61·17 lead. In tbe preliminary, .Rex Hart· wtr downed Pancho Bepr& while tbe Trabert -Hartw11 duo took a 0·13 doubles '1ead over Ult Panchoa wllh a ai!J, M, l·l rictory. Hatbor area tennle f&N will be atl• to llC9 t.alM aame mat· cbea wben Jack Kramer'• troQpe appeare l'tere. Zonla Club t;if Newport Harbor 11 tp0naor1n¥ th• l~l ap~arance. Hofhnu, 2:17.~. 100 back. Fitz· water. Grant, Wade, 1:14 6. 100 tree, Von Heml"rt, Bu.ah, Brick· ner, 159 0. D1v1ni. D1nhn1er, Mc· Man.lpl, J.laddt'll, 89.8. lndlvl· dual m~Uey, Von Hemert, Rttd. Buck, 47 8. Four man rel•.), Newp<Jrt 1 :artckner, J ohnaon. Al· Jen, Buah I. Ftnal IM.'Ore; N•~. port 77, Garden Orove O. C ~ Medley relay, Newpo1 t (Miller, Corkell, Brtckller, Har· vey), 2 :06.2. ~ frea, Halletl. Brickner, Gau~han, 28 2. Ge breut, Bole<'. Curkl'tt, Bennett <GG I, 3~.o. ~ back, Oau(tiar. Miller, Boice, 33.6. Relay, New- port CO,aughan. Brickner, Har• vey, Snokel, ~l 4. Final acore: Nl'wport 40, Carden Grove l, ~ sorm COAST co. 23r·I a: ~E'wporl Blvd. MARINE INSURANCE Bmootb 8aU.lq 0.bol'llt'-Fortoa Realty Co. U23 W. Coaat mrh"ay Llb4' 11-7661 Coach Al Irwin'• Newport Harbor High School aqua-HENRY'S aces b&d little more than an inte~uad wetting Monday. Fina.I 1core1 favored th• Sa.ilore Rl'dlng'ton, Pea.rce, Von H emert The Art1tO<'rat I• ~panl111l 76-1 ln Vllraity comP.ttllon, 77·0 M.7. D1vlng, Mtnney, Andrewk. Foo<I and Flae St.eak• In B and •O-t In c. DeOatano tGC 1 lOl. Ind1vldual NEWPORT BEACH medley, Sc:hulberg, Farquhar, * OOOKTAIL8 * Here are th• complete result.a: Varllity -Medley relay, New· port (Schul berg. Arnold, Farqu- har, HUI), 2:01 I. 60 tru, Kol· vitt.o, H IU. Von Hemert, Jobrulon. 26. 7. JOO breut, Farquhar, Car· ter, Arnold, 1:07.1. 200 free, Redln(ton, ~. John.aon, 2:04.e. 100 b&dt, SchuJberg', Lew· it, Henderson. 1 .10 3. 100 free. l :46.7. Four JTl(U1 relay, Newport !HO Cout Hwy. Pb. LI 11-9006 (Pearce, Von Hemert. H l 11, p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;,. Joluuon), J'inal acorea Newport 76. Garden Grove 1. Bo -Medley relay. NewJ>(>rt CP'lt.swattr, Buck, Von Hemert B:Uot), J :02. 60 frM. Buah, Al· len, Brickner, Johnaon, 26.7, 100 I breut. Dalla•, Buck. CrelMr, 1:16.1. 200 tr ... Reed, Allen. MESA UPHOLSTERY t:pholltertJtir & Drapuy Liberty 8-4181 USO XW]tt.. Blvd., CO!rta MN& ; . .. Ford goes First! Our ...... lea lft Jobmoo. crai..d ia ..... of 'l*fal hdory-«ype eoola. The, Ult Johuoa J19111 from ou.r lup ICOCk, usurins JOU of 0011 the 6DM maiot1aalltt and re- pm wwk -,..., ~ , ........... to. • fH'W ~ 'W• laaft ... IC ,.... JOQ'U •l'Pt«i• ,, ' SOUTH COAST COMPANY Newport Blvd. at 2Srd St. llarW l600 J.-..n -,.;w.:=- In Performs.nee At o.,.toaa, Ford woa tbe w- faet o rtr •Trophy for be•t all. around pt'rfoon•n~ And Ford'• 225-b p. eollitw smuhed 30 WOJld 1"C'Ol"dl at Kmpaan. Aria. Tnlly. Ford Ft1 ltt1'1 In Safety The .d"-' o1 •wot« ~r YOted Ford't Uleauerd Dealp •tht top car advance· cl l~. lt'• 1 who&. famlly cl ufety f--. kl help P"*d ,.. .... ....,. la ... o1 •rl"'-' In Economy h lhT M~ Eoonom1 aan, a Ford V-6 won over .Il •n ln la clan. It carried cnon wet1bt W1th 1ru1er 1uollne economy per pcM:ICl than any ~tfve -.......... ,.,.. .... , Th• way a Ford performs. the way lt MYef, the way ft pro- tects you, go hand-in:liand witlicno waYif"loob andiai&. Ford'• look WAI inspired by America'• mo« adtiol cu, the Thunderbird. Ju nagged ~-bar frame and oarefuD~ body give' it lb. mdunoce and reliability tradJtional 'Wida Ford. Thes" ire the f 1ctJ behind Ford'• ttpUtation as the cm that'• worth more when you buy It .•• worth more wbm rou .a It. tool Come la llOd Mt UI IOOw youl FORl>V8 World~ L&igest.-Selling Eight THEODORE ROBINS SlOO w. C..t mpway, Newport... (llartDU'• llile) Uberty s.stn ------------0•5•7 n, rollD "PBt. WA.(~ ~ ta .. .11.------------.. • • ' \ l. ' } \ I '\ ( ... J : ,i . WA.Kr AD wdl coat you • _oniv'r •nd it will run In .1.1 4 ....... 'A Minimum •d la 4 Unea. ........... ,.,. 1616 Newpwt -If-"'-. ~ ._,,.,. ~t0z11la1 wl.....,. .... "' ... the Owtal. .,,,.., .,,.... , ,.,. PAINTING- --ID<'JtRlotr AYO KAaDfll PAIHTD«J U<:m<UD -1!<81lllllD Glenn Johnston ...... ... 8L N.wport Jki&ob. ..,._. IJ.TI auc CPLD WAVE P•lnflng, Decor•tlng COMPLETE hper H••M . $8.60 to $10 GEO. BURKHAR[)T IWt "'"'· 8JWnpoo .......... !! a,1p -· t.rumfaD ilJONfttA~ ~ J.lKE'I _p.AUTT BHOP • u ....-i..ni.rt7 l4UI 11sa Cburcb et. l'tnt .u.t &I.It -Men of N.-port Bl'f'd. belw.a lllll <X>KPLE'l'E PAINTING and 20th. ca.ca M-. LI .__. .1* aow opm. a •" • Pa HanclDI' -' tt ......... ..,. ......... I*'. ...... ........... ~ o. U.UND&RI ac-11-41. e0o aw atnet. N..,...n. JIMcb. ~ Waat.ed ~an..,..... ~====================:;.1 --~~~-~·;-;~;;;;;--~ ... ~1 )obi WI.Lil aac.1-R I •J 't loalop-DICJ[ .. m:ae oy s 1Y1a1n enance ,., .............. Music -Lovers! TIU LA.aGD'I' STOCK OJ' maw &Dd uamo ll&WINO ~11::::::.W;:an::led=..:."'::.-=•:.:~"'---­ J.U.CHIND 1a Bouthep C..U· tonii&. Ewuy ructim. 9llr'R- A.NTEED By the OklNC. Bew· '--M ... 1M o..i .. ln Oranp maHEBr PRJCEB PA.ID roR ODwltJ. JUNK DELIVERY ~~..,: .~- Y'l.-11 pst ~ 6 ~ptq'. • ~very ot the Newport Harbor Newa-Preu ii TOI Mala at.. BunUqtora BMch. Complete Profeuional Houucleaning Con1truction Helpers Blch-n.OeUtf NOOrd9 6 u.,.. .,... Mlec:ted. 1Uft l'OR YOU. al WJiy Tab Ch&nceil IRON 6 Jr0:T A.L. & ... lie •b .• Our lltb 7-.t: ta a.nt.a ADL u Lead lOo lb., copper Slc lb., lt'1 a Qoocl hwtnc Machine aluminum. Uc lb. Call LI 1-1701 Carrier J>oD 1'llJ dellDI' their papert LEX .. 7022. Pld' boron 8 p. m. on Mondry, Wednordry and ·l'rldry. General Contractor U }'OW' paper Ir not dellveri>cl by that llour p1-LICIONBlllD f call Barbor 1816 IUld your carrier will brlns your Nnr Work -Romodrlln1 l-De.7WMIL.hld ftCliUON ud .................. oo..,....e •'t&lll.bM le employee9 and depeDdcW, Oo. Newport. be&uW'lll MW "'ltudiO of u.tq 8olmd .. HARBOR HI-Fl JOU want. BonMUy ISoid and I------------_..,....,'*' ... U• or c.11 \LI. KI 7-4.01 S%-hnltUft for ~ J'rM Home o.mon.tn.UOCl I ::::;::..:::;:::::::;o..::.::..=:::'-- I paper. J. lllLTON Mi:KENZIE -----------------" Harbor esw.w Mt!c Floor wulng rnd buffina' Window Cleanins Upholltay CleanlnC Patloa Color waxed Lu.trowo Roaultr p&ld pen8lOGll ud aw ............... We Serv1oe All American BEJ'OREI YOU BUT and European Ma.kea of Furniture Machlnem at R.euonable Compare Cla.ssified 0-W f)Mp,... .A.dll Na bi \be w.-....,. N ...... r- U... 1 -., $LOO add'L -.!6 -. ~ U.. I In• e-tkt• 1.60 tlidd'l. U.. .J6 -. I U..0 S -.,,., Z.00 add'L -.!6 -. I U... 4 lmertlou %~ add'L -.!6 -. ............. .&49.w receift16% ~ .. <JMlt.laMn•t•ml:r lllHDl1JJI .&D 18 ' UNU SPARKLETIS DISTILI,ED WATER 1'o1' Canllao CoodtUON """"' ........ NepbrlU.. 4lkrftM kJt FIW Diet Libl<I>' MOU FURNITURE I Tel Distinctively deoigned Made. npeJ.nd or nftnlah.ed C. EVERETT SMITH REA'SONABLE Phone Liberty 8-1332 . .,, WOHJ..N, a&. 10 yrw. ,_,...i advertUiJl&' u p., whJch in- cluded eelllnc-. Full chars• booklliwpw, uoel typl9t &Gd vuttypl.IL H&I', MT&-W. "''"" EXPERIENCED l adJ d...._ bo\Lleworlr. 6 baby lllttlns b7 da.7 gt boW". RefenllOU tum- APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SANT .A. AN.A. Moo..·Frl. I .A.lrt.-' P.X. Southern Counties Gas Co. :'..NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS IYery Mollclay, Wedllnclay a•d Friday COASTAL sHOPPEB -Wednesdays 413 -:191.h 8 L, Newport BMcll Har, dot OC" Har. 2121 EVff. 9Sc:li5 ...... LI ....... ..., GIRLS NJC!:DJCD AT ONCS GOOD NEWS! · Clauiflecl Index 8pedal N- PrlntlnJ 6 Pape~ We do t.b• work ounelvea. .................. Uc.zwed 6 lUuHd. ............. ,,..,.. ..... l:xperienoed 7a.cht carpent.we a.nd bo&t buUden for expand- ed boat buUcHn&" pn>Jl'U'L Permanent worlr.. Apply io GOOD JOIJI OOOD ULAllY yard otflc. wttb frequent 111.cnuM la a .......... ·••t•~= 1 ...• .._... .......... If B• 'a-0.W. 11 ......... Mets-tialm 11Jla'' .... ~ ··-·llAMeY ... ou · it TN • 1rtni&1• .,, ... _ ll ...,A* . :1 8-bll ~ "!llMI ........ «•••-.i.~ ti ..... , __ w ...... !I llelp WuW st M'•'l'h •• ..... _ Sf.II .APJ"••- tl Waated ._ a.;,-n ...,tan,.,...._ ........ _ .. __ Mll-'-1,a.dlo.TV NDep,cae.., P.e. ·-., "-"* ».-..wutet .. .&..U. fer a.i. , *-A '11n9 & Pan. u .... Senkie GTnllon .. .._ '' w..w *° .... , u .a.-. a BOGNll tor a.e ....... ~,·--· 61.-11 ........... ---•-tw:a.t .,... __ ... ._ ....... .. a-.;. IDM. ........ omo.. ...... -· ..... M =I Oppa? MtlM .. ..._ . ...., ...... l'f .... s.eate WMt.I ........... ..,.,_ ....... w-r....v ~· o rtvn, ...-aw 11 ..... .s.&u. &P t •p Y Nnrport Harbor m.tlmatM tree. Call Johnal-, LI 8-2687 6 LI 8-6289 80lrl'H COA.8T COMP.A.NT company t.b&t actual17 8DOOW"" N.wport Blvd.. at ~lrd St. .,.. Mlnnoeroent. B. P. 0. Ii:. 1767 M•U"U1~1p..a. Via Oporto -OeDtn1 "'"" 91cl rut.L P4 T u JW an tnme4 a1uc1-----------1-----------·IWA.NTED IRONING -In my Nowpoot._. .u B. Matlh-. lllllalted ll¥ler Masonrv Worlc PROn.d.JONAL WORJOl4NSH.IP &-hDerU Dlreaton GU.4.R..A.NTEICD OTl'O J!JHANNESEN home. IOa ~ Costa M..._ tip EXPER. LADY dellll'M da7 work Pbofte KJ J.<1'114. tip "FIX-IT" MOTTELL'S '"'Balboa Bl•<. AND PEEK N.wport Beach Mtcb•ntcal ud m.etJ1ca.I H.a.rbol' MIT Kala~ kTk:e Colonlal Mortuary llcl A.LL WORK GUA.R.UITElllD. 'TIOl ._. Jmt Soatl:t of Weft· I-----------· I B&l'bor MM • .. a -,......., ....... H. H. HOLBROOK .A.a <>n.nati Count,. IMUtGUC. Dependable Plumblnc lerrlac tamWu ot all taith.9 ~bone (Toll fteie) A Prompt ZJllD.ltll &Ill a.pe.ir Service Mal.ntalned No one 9"1r tu.med awtJ beoe.u.. Pho.Del Ha.tbor 4424 ol 1acJr. Off rundL 2801 Ba.ltio.. and., N..-port lkb. .... EXPERT REMODELING .. "' GARDENING ODD J"OB8 6 CLl14M UP. NO JOB TOO IM.A.LL BT HOUR. DAT OR W11EK Ll l-"°90 o. LI M6M .... LADIES Do llhoWden w fMl acbet LI RllLA.XA.TlON needed T M.A.JCll 4.N .A.PPOINTKllN'I' tor Swedish Massage lltf Ltcm:HllXD 1-----------·ll'Ne&ehtoe l'llm9 Har. 6608-W Pl...: :a::: ITtCI CARPENTRY ' 1--------"::... .. 1 "'-10. "" MINOR REP A.IR WORlt VENETIAN BLIND HO JOB TOO WAJJ, & 0. .,.,, -'°'' a ...,._ lllYd. ,,.._ LAUNDRY .. BarMr 14ll0 llttc TBll NllW me<:htne proow For Reaulta Use Cla11ifiod Adi in the Now1-Prit11 m • t b o d. P.• Mlll•ble pl1cea. .A.v ..... e I tape r.ideaUal b1IM. Only. $1.00 Bllnd. r.palred .nd rebullt. n. Ptcll Up and delJHr)' Worlie dOM by appotntment Phone Liberty 8·3701 or Kllllberl7 l ·&Mi. pptf11 GARDENING Haullns -and odd Joti.. RlWIONAllI..10 Llbert)' ... llot. LAWN Garden Service -Open1D.p ,_ - Telr~ Open.torr -.Apply - 1:00 i, 4:00 p ... 11'~ N. Kaia at.. Am.. m ......... P .A.CIFIC TELEPHONE Beacon Personnel lOOl' employv rotalnrd -No ree ooUected tiua appUcallt Ul-li.t _ Newport 11..u WDUI OPSILA..'!Oft, ~ PIU't Um&. BM. tleO. abtar- --Be•mlM 6 0... 1111 Via Udo. ., ... RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL· COMMtRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SlU,IJ, AIMholJca .A..nonymou.1 W'rtte •• 0. Boa: Ill N....,o11 .8Mob. CaUf. ...... Banor f.790 laO aotai SL, Nowport --SW • " -Subecriboa to Ole Uader. 4.d· nrtiee 11'1 the BUT, O.U R.,.._ bor lfltfl. amYEN rr. ulillty tn0er U&d t tt. row boaL Idea.I tor WLe n.azun.-aad umptq, lll6. Harbor 11T7..J. 91p Prlo& <>then 11 they Our Priceo, Our euy terma. wtll .ta.nd .ervicing and Higher trad~inll hold an adjumtmeot. No Money Dowu WHEELER .A.pp, UM! Sewin( Machin. Co. 310 Ii:. Mb St. Santo Ana OLD &rrt:BDI wpboard P'l'.60. .... lroD ,. Wood bed. from 110. oM. um. phoao l lO. All· t1qJiM oqu. flOO, ori1:at.al ...... cbeil\11 ua. old rocluirm '6 .... llWkJ' '37.60, drop '-" ·cben'J" ta!* "7.IO, u.Uqu.e oJock9 from 11 rwnd o&k table Hcl flt.IO, portable aolal. ... tn--1---------- BEDROOM: arra YOU BAVI: pO to PO a arr COMPLETJ: I PC. BEDRJ(. BlJITll wtUa ln· ~ mat.tr•• and box .prt.np. Mr .• Mn.. a.r-r. mJrTor, htadboanl fnun.e,, I ....... 17.IO W:O. OR 11H C.UH W'l'lt. "1'"' t~t -Ar•· .You llqW port, {like a.-) 117.60, LIVING ROOM SUITES kJ&d9 o( old china, old jewelry, Jn ~ market for applianc.T YOU BA VE $&O TO flO A BET ~ pletur., elocU, aurloe. 11 rr. KELVIN4TOR nrrts. A. BrrrER 7 pc. UY. room JTO\IP etc. \o ~ otf. Mu.t make Jkil. pnoe p.u.e-, "1Ul trade 8of .. mat.chlfll' ~. I lMIY&• room. Bupim pk>n. I>Ml· $269 116 mu t&blu 6 2 Wnpa. ... ...aoom.. Vlllt our ..... . ... Tl 4. MO. OR lllT CAa1I mt.or. -CBARLm DA Vl9, 'l'Bll wm:m IPllCIALI DINETTJI: erra llOI JD. Anaheim. 1Aq a-di. wunNOBOUlm t'ft'l.11 ......... CBROKI: or wroupt l.roft table Jlem1oc:Jr. IOOSt 6 dr'J• ,.._buJ.lL wtth •t. 1.t 6 4 he&'t')' duty """"' , Pmn', ..,.,. -4.1~ uo . Paddi.boU'd 110, padcUebou'd frame •10, • llloUt to. po,- B&r. 1661-.J. t7pff • • SALE • • DESIONERll J' .AllRlCS I f68.60 v .u.um J"Oll '"- I ROOK GROUP OOMPLrl'll: 1 Pel. Uri.II.I' room srouP T pc. bedroom eomplet.e I pc. d1nlJl& ,_ Ill 4. MO. OR UTT CA.Ill ltM wm>Gll'WOOD Jlana"e, lta tM bl1 CP aft automal.I:. dock. iamp, p1ddle lb nddd.1-. lim.mer bumen, ~t ,..... ro- u..rie broQ. O'Y91rl u,d •lra .WU bl'Otlw. Pd, ctn. 19 1171.- lt. No Cub M8ded it J'MI ,._, Ole pymta. of Jt.16 _.. mo. he Baqban'e A A I 4ppll&nc9 -no llo. M .. n llt., Banta .A.n• Op.n dally tu I luft. ll .. .Pb<m• KJ 1-7201 . • I ---~ ~ .. • ---~ -. -·---. -. . . - -----·----------.---------+:.:: ' • . . . . -== ----= -. -.. = ---·-" : -· ·-, . ' • ,r • l ~ ,.!U! :::·~ .... -.-.i•!:!•!::::::!t!li!?!!Z!!R!!---·1·!!:::!•!! 2. I... .. " . I 1..-.-r• .. •rtu_'l'I.... !' f, mr. r ~ ~THAUOl ~ART 11 -PAee i · P~ARos , ,. . --. ----: -~I of the Mm1 .. WBINE!SOA:',Al!RIL "· '"' : -. ....... •• 11 • . L _! ...... ' 4LA•••s I ~ ....... ... ..... -• ' l~rq I .:;:i.....;::;.r:.= • Q- I&$ ... MTll. MtrllO liiiSlll - and TV SPECl~lS -. -':;"::'"i':'·lif.!I~~.:-; NEW 1956 Pl YMOUTH CLUB SEDANS l'.J.-..... M . ' 'JRADE -.. • ..: . OYer4rtft, ..... -.. a1r ---. ae. llltLlr, \iCJUUl!C»' . ill1laS USED TV BARGAINS -tr _ se0nww, .. ....,. ._ ODKP.u<a ·-•''-"' • a!ertor Ulm, tllrectlanal t1p1l& -.ioorw. I , . · WA.8 NOW --. "" ......... ~~ ':-t.• · tooe pamt PLUS otand&rd toctM,. ~t. Ltdo PenlnaUla, F.ut 31st St., Npt. Bch. ::~m:e==.::::\::·$1B9.'IO site.119 ~"'::.::r::a HARBOR HI-Fl TOTALPIUCEPLUSTAX&.UCENSE nlJlllt olld o.it flDllb -' --sun.GI! 12118 GI! E IPT. l>OU1IUI DOD. ..... Ull 1'-M Bsr. "'' $2112 . .,... · -OOOI -.., .... INIL .,.,. 111615 NEW YORKE:[t 4 DOOR SEDAN DailJ, ....tb'. -11. """""· re.. oppt. or ,_....-. Call Bar. :ljl92. !()" Plin-..... ... • Q•. UM ~·-=-=--====:I llVVCO 'dark ma.hoc. with Ar:t ,.,._ KA.Im o.rna.1iuao1J0-..•000RDJ.l.N9 . 2--tone gn.y, power ateertng, power brab9 - ----·-$119.60 $9'B) & 0. .._.,..., IOO ~ 11.a.. M Jow u "6 tun ,no.. ValW ~ and heat.er ----S..V• Hundndl Sl.H ' K~ Bar. Ifft Net \qt to •1fl. Tw1U .. JoW .. ., \ ( Dlll:RllON t&blo modoL mabt>s· cabioet 60 rr _., ,,,_ PW mooU.. • .._. 191111 J'ORD CLUB SEDAN tolllo .lnduded . Sl~l!O · '89l!O ,..4 -...,;;;.': ..,~.::::!.... 0 2-tone, radio, heater, wsw ttroo • ... $89(1 U _.,,loo 411::-Ae•e-~- ; ir• SYLVANIA, tsble model..,... ........... -.:!':'!,-.LI~~.!':' ..... Xlm....,.....,. 1965 J'OBD CUSTOK RANCH WAGON Motor Ov~..Leul ""'""••••boom.._ .. ._... rvr-• -~ ) mTI -..~.1Ddo9M ,.tla,. ,...rb'. picture ----· ·-$7UO $89.'IO llVSIQlfOI. -00 llBED -wsotod ...., Radio, heater, Newttreo, Powu ~. Power NO KONl!l' DOWN AU10 ""' s ......_ I .... Hll.lllLVERTONE, bl-•·~ ... •-""""'""'"' ..... Bis•"'-br+.'ieo, zlfety bolto, Valve Oiler, KcCollonch * .. .!.l.L th'is ed * sp<s. tun.. ., uotun.. 0-•~ ~ -............. a TV ........,. In.,.._'"'..,. plsot> s•~ clwno. Cooch~~ --~ to •• ,.. Wl111 A1AO -taldnc -oonoole -----·-_ $139l50 $1Ml50 .:;:::;;:;::;i: =:z 1 or orsu. 8CBIOD'l'..PHILLIPB, -r-· I · '-4""1LL'-.--00 P ___ .,__, fW -.munu rmta.&I. . I ... No, -..... ,,... 19153 CHRYS:..j!:R WINDSOR CLUB CPE. e CJ'l& __$4U8 COAST PROPERTIES 00. H" HOJ'IWAN table model, with pbooo cabinet, Redio • TV Specie s a Cylo. $1111.88 Ruth ,,,...., ...., ... blonde llnloh, new plctuio tube -·---$Hl!O OOMPlarll .u<Amnt ILUI DO IT YO\JRSELF ::!0·_,~eoi:'..~~~°:,.~' :oeptlona.lly .$1.296 i:=-.... ~:::::.. ': '°'"""~.!!~,:-- lll" MOTOROLA. -le, new picture tube ,,_ ....... $'19.l!O ::00 ,0':'., '::'"':,:-to~ HI-fl 1965 PLYMOUTH BUS. CPE. ~~ .= :'..: ~,., ""'~ ~~ 19" KOTOROLA. couole, blonde f'lniah, new ~ _.. JlU. Esun.D TOUR OWN HI • n Low mileage -·······-····---········-----·---·-············-·····$1396 (~o":r:.:"°oo~J~ • 'ptctm. tube ---------------·-----·-• ----SM.50 8:1'~~U:\11~:.= ~Ku'dcll~~~~:ei: 19M V-8 PLYMOUTH DLX. CONV. CPE. R.EBUU..T ENGJNJS ON BALBOA ISLAND 15°' MOTOROLA. couole, m&ho• ... •blnet -------··· ...... 50 p&cwr. tube. ampW'len, spM]l_.. • NCOrd Red & white Powerflite ~-· n .. ••o Hea~~--UP to 11 KOMTllll TO PA.~-Bll:ll us foJ 19U'b' Md · • ..-....,... ptayen. oom. m and ... tha1. ' w ....... , n.au1 • "-BulltlaovoW'D&aetMTb>' allllkd --..on.:l rent&la. H" E14ER.SON lll&bopny console ,,,, .. _ ....... ,,_ ...... $39.l!O 14" ZENITH mah od •u opny uble m el ,, ___ ,, ___ ..,...l!O ; . 17" SD..VERTONE m&bog. comole, Xlnt. eond.. ···-$62.50 121>" PHILCO TV radJo.phooo comb., dirk mah • , ogany comole with panel doon ·-·---------$74:.50 10" HALICR.AFTER, uble model Perfect for ehl1dnca -"""""""'""""" ___ ,, ___ ,,,,, $19.9~ lT .. A4m1HJ. OOMOle -·-··· sat.95 W• wt.U Mlp 10u w•~ lL W /S/W lin!e. All other extru __ , .... _ ... .save Mont)' =•'"'"'• Dcm.'t ~ Willi NELDA GIBSON, ReaJtor 1r• Zenltb eauoM ... _, __ ,Tt.90 tM Middle maa. 9'17 dlnct. SOI Kartne Ave. Barbor IOI Phllco Com .. _ ...... ,......... DAVIS-BROWN 1949 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR SEDAN RlllBUILT uad 1NBTUJ.E!) BALBOA JBLAND • TV .,.m.t r---'6t.ta 1186 Barl:lor Blvd. Llgbt gray, New ~t cove~ excellent ah&pe f'DG IHOJtT m.,oar SEE ME -TA NELSON TV SERV$1CEOCALLS Costs .... -LI ..... , . LOU·' REED & ASSOC. =..o-..rr :,i::::: CORONA DEL llLAR . 2.0 J:U:Cl'l\ONtC 0r&"&na. JuR !ik• PLTM. 6 DOIXD! -f 16ll J'OR CHOICE RENTAI..a, .un'WJll:U A.NYTD(ll new, a•• Ul)O to ieo<> on theH CHRTI. 6 Dll llO'l'O _ 1170 KASONAL Ir R..UU.T. , bosutUul .,.._SCHMIDT · CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTli DEALER ITUD!tBAKJ:R --$110 nos E . Cout e..,. ""'·,... Television Sales .. ~d PHILLIPI Co., 020 No. M&iD, 1200 w '"'---OLDll. PONTli.O . --llTO -tt Santa Ana. m.t. 1914. • ~t Highway LI g..3(M ,... Service • BUI--. f 111 RENTAL SPECIALISTS • 14761 Barttar B!Yd., Santa .A..Da 19 tnch DUXONT 00f1901e with--------------------·!~ rr.~ "1 , .. ll, LIO MU6 oltos ll"M ..sdlo, mshopn1 wood ,., ECONOMY CAR CO, ' CA.LL EDJ'lfA. CR.A.10 116cl JlOS N. ll&Ul, Banta Ana. NEW C.A.ll OVA..RANTEll 1----------1kt1 Block IDUl ...C: 9W' eC&a4U'U MAGIC CHEF p.1 range. clock timer, oven R.A.DlO, noord pla)> ... wtr. r• WHERE A DOLLAR DOES rrs Dt.TI'Y. Plus taa.., pa.u and oil temperature control --·-·------·-·-··{$29.90 cord ... aeJlOpl1)' ~. 1.a-H.UOIOND Cbord orran. UMC1. POOR BOY PETE TAKES CA.RE OF ALL Opclund&JlOa.JLtolp.m. USED APPLIANCE BUYS DORIS BRAY, Realtor 218 Marin' B&libo& JAl&M Har. 20 or H dudlnc m.icropllolM •Tl Bbort ouan.ntee bl&' savtnr. sC1DllO'T HIS OWN FINANCING SO YOU CAN GET IT'S TERRIFIC CROSLEY •lectric ra.nre ·-·····-----------$69~ w&l"ll r&4lo. 1'IA bUJ..lt. N..... PHILLlP8. FranchiHd Ham· IMMEDIATE D-"~Y ama1I Ull.lt i&o. Har. lOIT-'f' rnond o-ler for Onnc• CoWlty, ~ v.1:.1n WESTINGHOUSE double oven, electric range, -9kl 1120 No. Ila.lo. Santa AA&. FOR ONLY OH uoo, nsw 2 bedroom llbdll BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS !au mod<! --.... -........... -.... $139.llO •><ALL AJ<TIQU11 ROSEWOOD io PER MONTH ~" s ,... $15 TO $25 DOWN Ope Ds11r 1 '° ,....,.... ....... •pt.. --"""" - wmrINGHOUSE. ORGAN. 611 r.p.m.. record play-pracUc• pWIO. Tenn rent •P"" MONTHLY CAR PATKllNTI NEW LOCATION wt~ built-ta ran.s• aa4 OTillL &pt. •iu range·------·-····-~2.50 .,, w1u.. reoorm. ColtM table. pU• u you buy; SCmllDT· ·~1 NASH 2 door -------------·---····-·-··············-·-·------$18.90 310 East 3rd St. =tac,.:;_ ~~.U:t:" ;:-,..! Harbor 111-K. 9kl PHILLIPS Co., Banta AnL Good O'Dri H ~ •• NEW ~GHOUSE apt. me refrigerator, pracUc• ,.....,. ,.. 1110 sitG. ve, eater LUn".A. .AN.A. peUo. Yrly. i..... B&r. JN&. ' ' 'llO BUICK S I d, c:rou top freezer, door ahelve., 1956 mod $199.95 Prtftt. 8a1e c,.-,.,-"'-"_OTO;_,_R_O_LA_.-,.-,-,.-m-od-el 00.anette --·····-···-·-········---------SlS.SOj---;N;;:A~BBiiH-:.JHUDll()nn;;_;;;;yNN-·j . ________ _:,.,.~ DAVIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd.. Coota M..., Llberty S.3<37 • Pfaff Sewing Machine , 1ARGAINS Pi".AJT Couole/make."button holea, 9eWS buttons, 11i1 ·-. DOES EVERYTHING ....................... $1H.90 ELNA -Repoeeeuion Pickup Pympt.a. of _ .. '' "'" """'' """"" ,,,.,, '"""" .... $9.89 OOKESTIC A.utome.tk: zig u.g portable .... $80 ,,,,,,_,, ,,, "'"' """""" ""''' "'"'' ,,_,,,,,,,, ,,,_,,,, ....... $187 Orengo Co's. Newed Center PFAFF DEALER Morse Sewt.n1 Machine Center 12llO 8. l4aln Sant& Ano KI 7-M36 P&rlor Qrud Plano. wtth table • antenna, t"Om-• Radlo, Heater Choice Winter Bentai.:Oa. C&U to~~=tment. Httc plete. 19116 model lltll.60, -'49 CHEVROLET Club ···········-········------------···-$18.30 o.n... Balboa hla.nd 6 Udo XU. 210'l N. Msln . ...,,. Ans-• 't~ PONT!ACS .. ,,,, .. ,, ....... ,, ... ,,,,, .... ,, ... , __ ,, .. ,,,,,, ....... $17.40 RIOH HAHN'S AUTO R4.DIO ltl:PA.IR HYDRAKATIC SERVICE !lm&ll A: comy or '-I'• • d9iUM '75 to poo month (Choice of Two) FULL PRICE BUYS ... ,., ..... ST. VOGEL co .. Knowll<lll Electronic. '46 BIDCK Conv. -····-········-······-··········-·-----------$99 Barbor 4'111 Newport Beacb 208 K&rtn• A •L, Balboa lel&ad rABT ~~ i:A~::n.ABL&l ;~~-"-="-'Oolo,"'~"-'Pe-"' .. '---1 ::~ :t:~~ 2 -~~=::=:~_ ... _ .. _--=:==~::~:~-==::==:=== u-rr.a.n ~ i:::;:R o~ i:::,~.:-:: LI M20I u JEAN HENRI ::~ ~i?.:!" -,,_,, ___ ... __ ._-.5J9 .. PORT ORANGE 1' $TO UNTURN'.' bed~m dupla. TV REPAIR 21 Inch MOTOROl..A conaol1 'M model, beautiful -1nut rtn- Wt. Uke new 1179.~. 2102 N. 1lain, B&nta J..na Mc98 Fl'encb 8pecl.aliA ol ---------......... -............. ___ .. ___ ................ $'9 TRAILER SAi.ES . Tard, l"&ral"•· OOH lo .cbdola. SEE POOR BOY PETE o.ncl SUPPLIES ::•":;;,. ~"','.'° ~ ,....,"!. BALDWIN A.crveonlc I p I 11 1 t Piano pufect. YOU can sa•• Oft lh1a. ~ lptn.t oelJ" '"'°· .AnotMr lp!Mt Malq. C&M, '°"ely t.ooe, oal7 •4t1, -.twar- lotl of won41rf'Ul barp.l.n.11 at BCHKIDT-PHJLUPI BIS Plano 6 Orp11 Co., "1> No. Kain IL 100 Pi&noe to a-. trom. EU)' DOG CLIPPING Worka tn your bom.. 15'9 T\aUn A••·• O.ta Mu• Har. llSU 14p8 POODLE PUP, white. T wk .. ma.le, A.KC. LI 8-IOl1. tlkl tarma. ~ every J'11day ev1. )(INIA.TURE POODLl:S -AKC LOvmL T .a.ctron,lo 1 manual re(kt.red. Make. Cinnamon . 2200 W, 0out Bhn.y. LJ MOTt. llUo The Wallrinf Man's Friend Nwwpu.~ Jleoch LI 8-ff20 1 -------~--NEWPORT BEIGHT9 315 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA W• DSOd """ .... .,...,.., 1I02 • 110> Bsn• p,_, Two Your Mlilney Saving Addreu 51 JO' xtt &ac:.n.il -·-·---11810 bc11'JM., p.rb. 411.p., n.r. toboole. --------------------·Ill JO' h.cew"•· t..lillT '2090 U~d.. 1--or by ,mo. II 11' JCMWr'U. a.ft' ----------11396 C. Bb«m Allen. Ll l-0636, 51 llO' Pan ._. .. W'rUl9 •1ttc5 10p1 51 ... Pvamount CU.tom 14290 I"""""""--,--,.....----p AN AKICIU.CAN 170 110. D-2 bdi'm. UDt\.!m. 411• R-E-0 8ph»l ~ In ptrfecl COD· • Honey blonde. Hu. 3T74-W 41Uon. &&•• 1•00. 1'9rm8. aSci Authorized P2.IO down. 6 120 per mo. &1 1-----------1 Diatributor ~ plu•., ~ ·~ .ldt.dMll. foroed &tr heat. ....... ~ Tta ....... 1WTJ UfUll7 l&ndacaped. OU'dl...-- IOU• 610 Victoria, eo.t.a M-.. LI 1-a221 or Ku. IOU'"'1. .... BJU.rl:Rll <•'"°" 1t011 S9-Aato. Wut.ed tJl-411 N, IYCU'IO"-bnta >.m, I;;,;:....==-"==--- P'blXle Klmberly 2-otTZ OLD 'CARS ONnc'e 0ounl1'• Of'l'Ul Hdqtn. AND JUNKERS BIG SAVINGS ON NEW KIMBALL SP!Nm PIA.NOS! HAULED AWAY FREE For Orengo County Now 24 Hour SERVICE on Truck Repairing H rr. XODDU'f t:rall .. , DH awtq. pe.Uo. foc.d-~. Udo TN.U.-Park. Bar. &20L ... ,, VACA.TIONINO mA.llLTf Bal• boa Ia&&nd. tun. --.,,c.-- .A...U. DOW to J'IM IO •• ..,. 6, nuon&l)la.. ll&r. 1611-W. Tou 19' l"MUlt.I tuick•, ebe&per l'TU• ~ !f..,...p,.. want iada. =:=-;--:-:-:--:7":"',..,.--...,-- f'INI> Lodr1oo". ---lq', apeclal rat.a a..a, ~ 96dl8 ---------------------1our b4 "ONcm IN A Cl:N'· Call W"ellit Super 11rrlce TURT" factory moYl.D&" X.lm· U l--43e1 19C5d Nft'PG!'l Blvd. * ALL MAKES * l'tN 24. hr_ partdq. aiaPt - couplee •9'oome. v~ Ro- te.I, tol .. a.1boa ............. , ) b&ll pla.no sale now JOlnl' on ITcl (tor a llmJt.ed lime only). A Rentals Wanted THINGS 'YOU NEED Eliminate COl"tly tie-ups -at price1 you can pay llJ:D SPRINGS 6 ILATl'RESS Complete ·----$10 Bohy Crib 6 Mattnu . 0 9.llO Completely Furnillh Your Bouie CHEAP Ken's Sulla -$6.l!O up • 'CIO Women'• I>n!lNee ~96c • VETERANS INDUSTRIES OPl1N l'R.IDAY .A.ND BATURDl\.T TILL t P. ll eom. la 1.114 abop at on• of our I convenient locatloJui 402 E. 4th St., SANTA ANA world tamoiue Kimball CAZ\ be 'youn •l tnm~ •Yinp. Uberal tndel -oon•-1'nl ........ BH.A.TJ:IUI (alnoe lto7J f.Jl-ul N. lycamore. Santa AD& PIM:Jne Klmberty :i.OIT2 In at 5 p.m. -Out at 7 a.m. Since 1933 W• Med apt.a. ud ~ in iaD ~ ,_ boC.lt. wtatM all4 1.ar"• lea-. ru.n.. or 1l:DIUm. ED. THOMPSON G11r119e u ""'.,.::= :,..,,.";"""'· PAID roR OR 'Not (Corner Srd 6 French) The Vogel Co. Phone Kl 2-23'3 Sant& Ana M.cCa:rU1.7 ,Pan More ---------------------1001 W. c.t. H11r7., M.wport lleh. SELL YOUR CAR lUO 8 . M..u.. Kl 2·Ja07 PbaM J...DMctr ....... 1 1----------&O-A.utoe for Sale ,. tO-Auto. ffW Bale ,.. JilarbM, B&lbo& l.l1mnd ----------1 PboD• BaltlOI' '" SPECIA.\... SALE USED TRUCKS Grent W. Musick ..., "'~ %:,,,..~""""' Your Hudson Dealer Lido om... ..,. vis '""" SA.LES an~ SICRVICB: -'"" IOI N. Le» An.pl• D 1-7171 170J N...,.ortlthd.,Coe&a x.& -- &A.l\.LT V.A..CA.TIO!'fam A.T- ftNTtON ............. •at.rfnlat apt, me.,. ~ Aftll DOW' to '™ 11. 111._..ble Bar. 1:111-J' MU. CO ft ON A DIXL KA.ft, -.r aocl- •l"ll untum. I tiedtODiMI .._. poM1. view. Qui«. 1 Moek f.rosft Ch1n& c;:IDft ...._ H•. ll02 or Bar.tllf ~ HmWPOIKT lmGlllll "-: Vat\arlll.abed, J ""'8roolM. ..... l : . -r..-AnMetm UU'o Lnlct1' ....,.., t6 lDN n-. au. Hu, IHI. " -- . • • • --' . . -· I ' .. FORD THU?fDENmlD, c.ul- la.c ~n•. PITfecl coo41U-. Ml'ttr ~ lped&l pe.Ull. ~ •t.a. II.UT rtlC.A.lfC- ING. Kl 1-Mlll da,.. - Har. ""' ......m.np. ...... RENTAL LISTINGS WANTED. ( , , , I: '. •• l I' ' . ' J I -.. • --.-,.. ·~ ---........... ~~ . . -··-·-----• • -. > • 1---'." a ... _.. ~-' hHlWl'Of.~~ II'. .... ~:WBNso~Y. APRIL II. IS ' _ rl ,,. • -.~.:z !I e !'::?! ,2 !! ! q Auaust Income S.lboa -1--m 1u1LT , .:~.?t .. \~.~._ _,....._,ORONA DELMAR-.~--.--L IS~ .. 1,L-. · Every Month ~ ~...::r :;:~ = .,,, . ._,.,. .;·~ ta· =·~.!:t!.':: Jua llattd • '2z11s a-21e..t tot, 10'1lh ~!n hwy • . . r .,,, ,. 21).~ ,,.,..... '"" --,._,, TUw -.... ..., fUOO _.._ -,.,_ -loeatloa, -'-' to ...U al $10.-. °'"*' ,........., wm t.tUe -..a-!!~t.'14.111 ...,. ,....__ utta ._. ... t-. w.. ..._ r--- • • HOME -Lo·l\K'~ -·------~-. ,_an. -........ t•L , AnJ ,._,, -•"' ... " t.oo ""...i. ..... --...,. ........., -,,. "'•-. OCEAN FRONT ' -......._ with nw 110,000 P'f Do& Pol.nM.ll4. OnJy SU,000. ~ FflW ..,.,...i. pr-I m:r;>BK.. 1~ tlatli, dbk. Pf'- Conatructlen Lo.na -R•fm' enclnn ,_ -... '°" --""' " """' ,,.._ 11(••~~000 ....,.. .., Am ~ ta ~ ..,.,._t t Ooeaa "Proet w. • a. ll&JllOa wut.e to .. 11 •ulck. ruu pne. • . ' Fr11e Ptellminary Apprai1el1 ...,. ,. ....... 1a _,.. .,,., no.ooo -. . uo.ooo OCEAN FRONT • • .I.ft. .,. ,..., ........ orf e Pro erti °"''_..... tor o"""" w-.. .....1 .. -oast -Den es Ute -o.w ·tty Imuruoe Company wrtt. JIOT I . Ooabru ....... LOI RUUI Jaynd, "-ttor tJi T-• I& I AllP* ll. MUdM N,p II ...... Natlom 1 ·-~~'"~'"'~"'~ ... ~-----~~I IJl'f'la 'l'bom ..... .u.clat.. ~_.i Ufe 1Dauraoc4 pompan7 I• IOl 10. ,..._ BIYd., ...._ SOUTH COAST a .... -....................... "': ,. -CORONA DEL MAR VIEW VIEW VIEW Mortgage · C001pany 4P1110M 1'114 Mortppa 1900 Wiit Clout Blcbway -LI 8-7'!91 · Newport Bttcb, Calltomia ...., • .d'T .. U. t.i ~. UI .... «II ........ ..,., .... 1a. t5Uc LOANS for Homes '" -so fr· Lo&.a.r ~·!:!•!.:::!!•!!•!!•!!•!!.!l'W!!!.!•!!'!!! .. !!~-­ --., ..._ 11, Construction Loans '*A -.,.. • ir.u.\l&l bu1.a. BU SOB li'I"l'LER .. flli' ~ ft, 11M.t,. -. ot 11 1616 lift CO.A.BT BLVD. ·n. Tallie ,,..._t power boat. Corona del Mu lkrbor Ula , 2 ....... ~ tuml.lb· ~p. POIJ\IElt XORTOA..OS CO. 0U.U. E8TATll., ---t lo-cauc. ,tu.t ott Oc-... 81¥4 711 ft. tnmt. Wfi1 bWlt ..... 0.- aiCMd '°' outdocw •i..rtainillr and In add1tJoa a T..,. nice 1ardln cottac"• eompl.t.• wtt.h flr•plaee; klteti.1111 and bathrm.. On• of U.. Mft buJ9 la &l'M at .. f ,IOO. 'f'OftD VEIUUN- DD. U. Potuettta. (ju.ft ott tll• ~-1• Hu. 4.213, (ll' UTT. Mell NEWPORT HEIGHTS I ~ I MUI. '°"917 pu.i.d liviq: room with W'lu.u&l ~ place. Beet ('OUtrUetloa. Do- not .U. thla oae. ONLY 111.760 "'1.U! t.n.u,_ W• b&ff the ll•J . "ART" ADAIR, Rltr . llH N..-..port: B!Yd .. eo.ta M- LI •1112 VERY, VERY, SPECIAL!------- • 2 • •~ · L Hom • s...W\11 • '""'"''"'"'' .. uxury e ~ acn •IOO BQ, n'. und&r root', 'lll'ltll e l'lftpae. 6 Hardwood tlOCll'll f &er• ot otan,p• ln TUltlA e Barbecue -and aU tua.d. uu. ilwlmmlns pool, BBQ Uk• to l1v• ln the Whit. HOUMI T ~ mLl.d'• quart.en, atru W• don't IPMD with the Pnri· salon tor lllq\li&lt.e U'f'iq'! ' GOOD LOT lpeeulaton or bulldH9-bv.'• a IOOd lN:f ta a Jot Cio.. to tow.. ......... al~y. ... torrUlc \u7 al ., '12&0.. T8JUt& I tMdrm. ub W.c.!knt rtou.ra--...... .aoo tmm. OCEAN FRONT I UNIT J\&NTAL. lklllt k)c&Uon. Compl.t•IY fUnL. for Pf,llOO, ~ lt611 S"*' over seioo. t2GOO DQWN ' LIDO ISLE BEAUTY w.u built a 'Mdroom lM:lm.,_ a BDRMa., 1 Nth. r.A. hMlm,i, llwd. &on. J 1-t.b.I. 1-car &n"\:iitr-comm. l)'llt9'1'1, fireplace. pzq, toftltld air beat, di. dble. f&l'&I.. Aak1.al "1.000 J1IMI.. tull ... dln!Ar room. urme ' plutand w&lla, comer t.ot. · tlGCoed ~ Thi. ta • BUT -•12,t~. ' NEAR HIGH SCHOOL Pf.IO DOWN mov• you tAto a nJce -& MdrooDt. botne-1 % batu-oa. w.U bnprov.d. Bt. 0&np, early po111 don.. -A r-.1 pod. bu.7 -•12,960. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1161 Newport Bl,. Oo&l& M~ Pb.. LI M 7et-EYel. Har. ,a .. LI 1·1011 COSTA MESA SHELTERED PATIO wU . .b •11 buUl•lna. '1#t. l bednn. hCIM• pl~ 11M9t &pt. ~· 1ot. Obie. pr&&"•. E. 19lh Sl. loc&Uon. $0000 dcrlni. J:u7 term&. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 11Wl6 W. Balbba Blvd. Har. '&tU ·• Here Today Gone Tomorrow ... ...... tTOt ,_. --~ Melt'o LU9 1u. FW&4.I Kl 1'6111J ~ a& U ~ °""' 61ttc dant but '" b&ve a Whit. lf&.000 for qWca .U.. 1------------flOOO Down .1"fip;wt:.• MUt .auenr.r.•••n.""''""-HOME LOANS Jlll'W J ..... IJ •t..111 )loUee, Coutructkie -JLtanule. ll'M Hou.e ~ Sant.a Ana Ht& th&t willftiab you 'lip to par" D.ur A..1AOOB&SN.!\MJZltat& . H&r, 6491 LI 1-Ulf Oall CUSVA. Kl ~ kl 2·2117 KTatt •-&tit ....... .; .. fltllo rw.l 7U"1--I" • ·~" • '" I ~ lltJ.J, f?clt b& J'WHk -Jlldc", •Lou. -1-----------·1 -~=,,~,-:...,-,--,...,-_--,-c,.c-:.,--ctb,-•-1 Pri...U. Kon•Y 10 Acres .............. w fll. c. II. Truat Detdll Bouiht • Sold ..._ I '*-. -.., o.,,-. Bar. Call J'or l"rM Oom.mltmut ·.~ U ,Mm ,.,._I p.m. DON L HUDDLESTON , Ntta LI 1-46tt eo.ta x ... ~t'IM>==-:-:,_.:=-a,,-,BO'°">OOc=-.71-:.....,._-:----.71 11 ____ 11_1_E_._1_7U1_a_L ___ 1 -,.._. A ,.ut. Ullf'\&nl., -..., U9 ·Via ,,. ........ .A.TlanUc +-•,.... ...... He.I ~ JitsW• BOKID, wttll all .fti"F' ~ Oil O(leU, Co- ,,__.. Jil'.u. a.t ?Ww. I br., 'I'~ famib' r&. llY, l'OODl, ·s:aa ,,,,.. 1..,...,.,.. - ~·,,,..... -JutT. ·~ a.pt. t.9'.i ll'l'IO. AMO.· Udli I.lie,. t.aulltUI f'Ur· ai-.. ......_ ' JnODt.U Jun•. 2nd & ht T.D. LOANS a.rwr.1 all Oran&'• Count7 W• Buy Trust Oieda A Mako Collatoral Lo&na Roy•I Mortg•ge Co. H02 N~ &IYd,. Nprt. lkh. Harbor I 549 LA.OUN.A. BtiCB HOKll BUUTIJVL Nt. artWU. trt.waplt. Ko slare. Vut oc-.. Ttew.. I trpl.e., dan., J bdna., J batlu, carpet· ed. Dr-..,,_ 119,600. ALSO daUncUv• born., 12· llvrm.. wld• unaowd.ct m... ThrM PotcU&l bualll-011. TuatlA A." 11-.r Oruta"e.. MO tt... n.w.7 troatap. IUbmlt Ll.J ....... DAN A.. JA.COBSJ:N, !tH.l m;.tat.e Har, &etl u 1..il'? Kl 2-2117 HTatt '.ffH bdr"lu., 2 b&tha. Plplld hul. P&Uo. 12'0 8k7lln• Dr-., (Up 1------------p""' ..... , "'·""' Excl...... BY OWNER Gi&d K ..... 270 OcMA Av•. ATI'RA.C'TIVI: duplu, aurUdo HTatt '"11"' 98p1 &hope. nimllbed. 124,000. Show• u ceUent Hturn. LI BT OWNER 1-12~7. llltc l\UllU. J br. and den. $11.IOO. "8t I:. 10th 8t., Newport HU. u 1-74U. 81cl MR._ INVESTOR: •Motel Newport Harbor Nord Front e Udo Bay S:XCLUllIVm L18TING (J1nt Um• Ottwed) OM w.T mod•1'9. tr.ome. But Ndra Udo lk&ch loc•Uon. a II. R., I be.UL ' TtL old, 4D tt. LoL A.11 mod&n CIOll.Yta.lancu, at«. svar• door. f17,600, terma. • Incl. •Harbor Inv. Co. RJlALTOR8 IOt.h a NpL Blvd. Hu. 1900 l•t!c Oceanside Income l Bdma. extra Jars•, colored bath nsturH. roomy ldtctr.en. .All improvement ln and pUd tor. Bll"Mt Ulbt:.s. _,,...., .to. Full price ooJ.y 19860. HUITJ' on thl,9 OM. (t ~°"' lntflr•t and tuea tn.cludeil iii low auio.thJy pa)'TM.nt&). A1TN. GENTLEMEN FARKERS Bue• lot, aoo x H. loc•t•!S near Country Club. Very neat ..,a11 boUH at ttar ol lot. Room tor I unit.a lf dM:ired. l'u.li prlC• 18600. 8PECULA. TOR8 and INVESTORS C-1 lot lOOx.ltS wtth 10m• Har· bot-Blvd Front&(•. Clean 2 bdrm. hOUM on property, Full price 17600, $2500 down. EX.ECUTIVJ:8 A 'ITENTION 3 Bdnna, and den. AU iure J"Oelfl\9, Cott& Meaa'1 bfft loca- tion. Bullt In ran~ and oY&n, DUPLEX 0..... mw from °""°" apt. with added bath A rooma below, front bowie now Jeued, an ex.eel· lent iDvab:peot for • lleDli·retired couple. • FIXER • UPPER Small home with Iota of pculbiliU .. , aome _,, view. Here'• a place you can roll up your~ and eva while you toil Only $19.rocl tenJUI RAY REALTY COMPANY 0 M4f E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Haro 2m (auou from Bank In C. 0 . )(.) llEMll.ER OF MULTIPLF: Lll!TING SERVICID Home PLUS Income Well d .. lgned 2 bednn. and den home, with 1% b&tba, with. ita own private patio, PLUS 2 other uoiU of 2 bedrm.I. each, ea.ch with their own: private patio &nd each rented at $210 per month unfurni&hed. Income more than enough to carry monthly payments, taxes, etc. Surely a WON- DEftFUL investment in the tutu~ Built·in -appliances and carpeta included. Full price, $69,500 GENE VREELAND VIRGINIA MANSON BILL KEMPTON JOSEPH H. GROllJ4AN Lido Realty Associates MOO Via Lido Open Daily 1 to 5 735 St. Jamu Plac• LOVELY CLIFF HA VEN ~ New 3 bedroom 2 bat.ha, with a view. Carpeting, fireplace, b uilt in at.ove & oven, dispoa.I and big .2 car garare. Set thia dream home today $21,~ DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd Newport Beach l!&r. 4718 • ,,Jut,,,...,_ A ... pt. -total llUc ' -0. .. i.A'l'HllOP, M161----------. a a.. B"7 .. 00&. B&JWr REAL ~A.TE LOANS ~ -..._ ITett ID-t llalo 11-11 \!o'° Would you Ilk• a clw'ce 6 a.era parcel. rtpt nut doot" to • new 'nlritty Mart.--SboppJ.nc C-tw or 10 acre• OD TuaUn AffT Th• pboa.e owner - Harbor 19U. Vici Pr1me hichw•7 b!&UOft, Jl uni.a plWI m(TS. t• hotel unlta, 9 hOUMll•pU11 a pt.a., lnclud•. I.ued *•· MIJT. operanon. bllJh net. •lto,000 le.rm.a. Oc.._. l'n:ml-1 mt. lo. ol Pier, Inter-com •yat.em. cio.. lo ------, ------------------- . nro ..... mf'lrL· ak no... Lou.. •*kl7 made 1a UM fta.r. ........ ~ lfl Pl" mo. WW bol' ..U-. i.quAa aAd Corta -... ...,,.,_ lltl, LI. MS17, M..._ 8ln&1• 01 multipl• Wlit.a. . Kl, ,_.1\'7· Itel New or old. a. wt. and .. .,. -bJ nftnl.Dd.D&' )'our pr9et lln1Jf9 TllUU.Ca Mal• on """' ..... ......wuuy tu.m. ............ ~&lr I ..__ ......... , ..... )oan. 1'Ulimwn ~ 20 Te&T t.rm It dealNd. No daara• for pnU.m.laU'7 ~ Kl 1 ... sa. C&ll Geelf'I"• )(ooq Lots for Sale • Harbor Inv. Co. RliLTOltB IOth A Npt. Blri.. Owneni trill IUbCltdi.11.atAo Bar. llOO EY-. Har. 1611..J Or •W tn.de tkl ror ln. or 2nd Trut 0-.1------------I 6 completely f'urn1ah-'. apt.a., Dr.cellenl cond.IUon. 2 lo I )'Rn W4 OID. 10 ft. landK&P-d Newport Hls"h School. EX· au.arr 'ITJUUJ. ''C'' Jones, Realtor klL Ahn)'I renl.ct. Thia 11 a •onderf\ll 1.11.,...tmant a bome. fl«.ea.t widow, WW l&k• .ml. Ed bom• In H&rbar .,.. tOT part or "U al $31,M>O -1Ul low 1999 Barbo!' Blvd., Coa& )( ... LoYr . ~ cit n.ooo~ · . . ..... Libert1 a-3333 Fo4' 4.UU. call ADA CROW, """ BAYSHORES : "" ~ """ a&d llllnlN. ~-IOM-11 Ncl ARTHUR A. JUT ll«tpce Lou Con.poad.t .. amN'l'8 ... ,.._ Jliou. Wl• Ocdde11.t.&l Ut• luuranc• Co. TUI TIN LOCA noN ft.tel Hill, Lemon Hetrhta DI.al. SANTAANA HEIGHTS BEN J. WHITMANAAllOC. OPJ:N HOUBJC i"tt-8atr8UD-MOC 2~1) Crutvi•w Dr, f\a'll. Clater of Ooet& K-. DI llouUI ~ Banta .Ua 1 4duJ,tll -11'· Ll:llllp a..a:li. PP llcl COftA J<llaA. ..... -'"""'·I ;lll;;:;....:ll=-=l<-eW:.:.u=led=---1 . I , Wr9. MuMi 1 \6. •tM. IV" P1UV A.Tm p&rtJ lLu Uu-e. '" =:... di II 1 l, dbl. pn.p. tlnt T D'• tor Mle. Well , .. •1 _. ~ ~ =~ eu"4. 1ocal Jll'Ol*t.7. LI 1·2U2 l6Uc Lne.1 lot. 90, 100, 110 fl. wide. lluimwn eoa.ANCUOll lot.M ........... Call for tntonnaUoa Lloyd Barnett Harboe' 1907, J:vanlnp Hat. •Ill FIR8T TDOI Ol'l'ERED. W.U kept t bdrm. tr.om' all Ws• l'OClm•. beauutul bdwd. fire., uparat.e dlnln&' a...., t Ue k.lt· chHi II. bath. J'mclld p&Uo - Nicely lu4eoaped. A. BuJ at 112,760. '"-loan. DCLU8[VJ: EXCELLENT BUY =' .. ~R~.,:~~: 164l11 &, C:O...t Hwy., CdM. Har. 1M2. Har. '45J Xvea. . .. , Corona dal Mar 4 1T NarciMu• This 11 Nice 2 B. R., PLUS lp. rm. over IV· 2 patJ.oa. kA. ptn• Interior. EZ tel'll'll. R.euoa•bl• pr1~ 2 B. R., 1&n&l, patio, oompi.tel7 fumahed. -····-·····-.. -·-119,600 5HORIDCLIJ"B, 2 B. ft.. d•n Yi.W -·········-··-······-······· $4.2,600 ••• 51-8-1 Eo-Wuled WAMTllD by v.ry ruponaibl• p&rtJ non lrac\• mOU...tel.7 priOed l btdtuL or 2 B-R. a dea born.. BartlOr &Nao )TL -... Would lik• oplloD Lo t1u.1 M low dGW.. paymaL Exctll. "1.rmc• Har. 6147 'f t8<:91 $111500 ~'·::.~'-''·.:.·---------!TWO 1 ... ,. bedrm&. Neb wilb CORONA. HIGHLANDS. a den, u., own be..lhn>om, u viiir rm. 2 fll'eplact.' all Yi.,... $45,000 2128 E. Oce•n Front n1• kttcbm. -., dill.inc room .~ ,_ ~ Wl&A. .. to '1':,... ~ Prl•ato •tn.nc:e. ~ ...... M'.-pwt. ,,U• 1'iJoM llDr man. prtn.t.& ... truce. N_,. OCMll. c&Ml a ·c.ut lli.&ll-r· llu. N7a.W ' ,..,.. .. -!U!:~•!!!•!F•~•!,!Oal~!!-4l!!•~---1 C.A.8H up ta uo.ooo tor two li8T 11th eT .. COaTA MESA. l br., 0 .1. Joan. Payment.t 162.61 mo.. l.ru:1. ·~ 1.n.W...t "d im· """'""' Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR Mll N•wport Blvd, Hat. '62 bdrm. bouM. )(tat lM llp&d· •. ·Ground Floor-.... .-.. ,..,. N...-.. , Corona del Mar JtNt&n9d.. z. UNITS ln Newport Htl(hU BY OWNER I 8TORT HOUIJC on Balboa PvilNul&. ' br., 1,-b&lh. p1Uo, 2 car sar., plne p&n•ilq down- r~. &ttracttvt.ly tum. thru- OUL Price J4,7,000, OJ*D J'or lflllpection 11 to • BAT. A BUN. LOUIS W . BRIGGS REALTOR 714. I:. Baltio. BIYd., B&lbela ..... ,,.,,. .. a OJ'l"lCl:l!I OR STORES I... w.,-oaer, 12118 No. c. on halt acre, S :year• old. In· ' • ._'_ T --,_ I ....,, com• $3140. Cxc.llmt lou· 17 H • w-·-Ml -um.bu.a, ~&nd.ale 2. tip c lion, maned for a MldlHon&l ,llutlior ID....tm.ent Co. Bldf. MUST LOCATE BEFORE un1u. May l&lt• part tr.cl•,.... CdM f.;11 Goldenrod. CdM '~ 6 Newport Blvd.. JULY lit DaJ• Har. 6691. Ll 1-1270 Ch&n:n1nr 2 bdnn., Ip. nr .. 1 alter I p.m, ff.lie place. pic.tur-cau• b&7 11t'lndow i. Har. 1800 I bdnn. llGll'l• tn sood condl· over-loolltnc 111 o • t de11puu1 ..;.,,.,,==-====-c=.,.-,=-1 lion, not 1.. than 1100 eq. patio wtlh brick BBQ. Oomer ..,.. &ep&rat.d ltJ iaia.nd·bar LIDO I bl'., troplc&J paUo 1'1,llOO •Ink. can ... t a to 10 J*>plf'. BEST BACK BAT Hwd. noon lhnl-oul. FA HOMES. LOTS, ACR.l:AGI: hul. All tiectrt.o bou. lrl· Be&eb CHEA.PUil 2 b. r. ---11~ cllid• ra.o.p aa.d r.tnc. Shall.• ::.'.· ~;;,;w~ "":f,.:;' Claire Va~ Horn Owntr. Har. MOl-W. ppl REALTOR 2731 W. Coul Hwy, LI l.f277 IN CORON A DEL MAR :l R·J 1oU for ..i. 90\lth ot th• HJ(hway. m COST.A llr.sA -On e .. t .ide. On• bednn. home on '6• 1.JI lot. Room for m~ wUlA. 11,760. IN NliWPORT HElGHTS-V!•w lot"""16 ... a BDRM.8., ha.II • u .... room C&l'- peted WW. excl. bu}' at 19600 with 12200 down, J 64 • mo . with pe.yment. btcl~ pr1n• ciple, lntett&t, ~-and In· 11Ur•nce a nd bill ot aal• I peld) •n carpeUnc. ~ OnICE SPACE tt. Muat be 4&;i--.ort Hrta. $24,000 OR $30,000' DOWN lot. lo. ot h1(bway. ~nt Jmjr_ ut•lma .me. •pac• ln cure Ha""' ar-. prtced un· ON 1 new tncome un1u pay• Lo&n FHA. A•ldnr 111.000. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. C11~e•n: ~ duip· d.u 120.000. Ll a-714•. flcl 10~ plUll on klY•lmenL Top To &ff, call ADA CROW wtlh ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES . 1567 Newport Blvd., Ooeta MIN tp&..1#9 ......... Nona. bulld· Eut .. ~ eo.ta MN& Joct.Uon. am· J. WHTJrlA.N KlllUpl1 u.unr Realtor .... .. ..... ~ 10 iaoame ~ .A..L.80, HOKE AND !~COKE.--S:WJ &. Cout Hi way. CdM :eu.ine .. Broker tlDO -BMLTY. Aunclat.M -.-.=z.==x Newport Ht.. lo1200 or aaooo Harbor 1182 Har. ••&J eyq. 1116 .. Cout Hlrhway ',... -. ~ ""u. UCDUllTIUAL Wds'. w1tll abow down. Int .... llt on lnvntment 81c1 Ocwora del Mar Harbor 2162 Doctors' Attention room, lll•aotb lt.reet.. K.wport ph1.11 I~. LI a.71!2. l 6lfc1::::::::::--:-:--=-------1------------For 1-In Pro!euional .one ln a.ctr.. lA&Md tor l lllO. mODllt. WIDE LOT on Holmwood Dr. Sant. l..na-1..Up houae .Wl· ..... ~~IGW~U x24. p1u11 utWLIM. Low tax•. Prlc. l'OR. aALZ BT OWNER,•~-RMt.rtc~ lo •tnri. dwlllllrlp. CIRCLE THIS abl11 tor Ull"ff ornce &ulte._ LI 3·1632 Eve•. LI 1-l•OO B/B FINE HOMES! H•v• you looked fo.r a choice tr.om • with a REALISTIC pMce 7 U you ""• dacourapd ... WI lmmedlatel.yl w. have a lar,p &ielecUon. or rtne homr• at prlc.. ynu could not dUp· llcat& l! you w•r• to COl'lllnict Ul601 your "If! Example: 3! Year Old Dlnlnr room -Ocu.n view - Hardwood fl.oc>n. l bildl'OOnUI -2 ba~ -fore.cl II.Ir heal. Oct1&11 view 11 ... pe.U11-la.ri- dbl. l'&ral'e. nl• kitchen - NOT Jeuehold ! .:... 1100 .-q. ft. Quality OOl19lrUcUon -ut.moet priva.cy. J"ull Price 12.5.000 116,000 loan 6 'ill ~\o Int. G. I. RESALE 8PJ:ClAL -114,toO BEST EA.STSlDE, J bdrm•., 1%, baUui, dbl1. cu. PaUo, fl.rt.pl., Only 12~ dn., 47. lO&ll. Tbt. la • n&J. b&l'p..ln I $b500 FULL PRICE 2 BDRM., l"&J'., and wUhop on a 72 x SOO lClt, wllJ take trall•r U p&l'"t J>lymel\L 4 BR. 2 FULL BATHS $11,900 REDUCED, WORTII MORE, dble. pr., patio, I mOI. old, take• only lli&O dn., 171S pu mo. on BLI. CORONA DEL MAR HO}oCE It INCOME. 1 B.R. home Ls. !lvrm. with f!nripl•ce. Hwd. nre. Al•o 1 B. R. far. apt. Both fully rum. A r-eal buy for raUremenl. 19000 dn. M-1 -1160 per Jn n1wert If be•t m&nuf are .. mo, .+. ~ •• ,_... buy while pricee art 19.000 down -t.eJty only 121~ rlcht. I ac""• al 18600 u acre. Term.a. W e Mve lh• kt')'. DMv• lnto our parkin1 lol and let OW' c:owUou• &W t .thaw tht. &lld olber Mlected propM't.lt9, Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc. REALTORS • l&H Ntwp«t Boulvt.n.rd Coeta M e-. california U 1·1161 l:vu LI 1-3010 BALBOA ISLAND CHA.RM AND Pr.R.SONAU'I'Y ere l11corporatlld. In OW: 3 bdrm.. 2 balb hom•. w~ p&n· el1nc. dellghUUI papen and &pmclO\UI. Priced npt e.nd excl flnancln(. nns WILL NOT l..A.BT, I bdrm. hom• 11eal' bay, ju.t reduced to l la,600 With 11,DOO down. t-.4esa-Harbor Rlty. A ASSOCIA.TE.8 609 C"nter 8t., C"ta. M-.. u 1-1911 ot' l.J. 1·778' REAL VALUES OWNER BUILT Ch&rml.01 thlJM bdr, borne, tll• kllchf'n and bath, hardwood noor&, Oftt7 four yn. old. Thf'rmo controlled heaL Ooubl• 1rara1e.. lovel7 yard. fenced. Thi• I• °"' ot th• bfft buy• In Coe-ta M-. ruu pno. «i.17 · 111.760 EZ te:rna. ARE YOU HANDY Lars• on& bdr. home on sppn1&. ~ ~r• MJlJOO. Thill ~ 11 Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Corona del Mar -... ~ °' t!i-1ot. -• " .. tu-• u.u R aJtor caa be ViMd u • IOOd nnt&J. 1.111 lia;;'iil .,_, •TS piil" lll,000.. Har. •JJl or f..-ft room. borne. l~ ki.b&. 1.1.Dd· \Val lrQD.l. pt.1'...S all1y. Good -. • 7N-..... ..., a a.au . acaped 6 fme.4. nu. loan. family n•lrhborhoocl. • LCll l tl,000--Wr.or cfown payment 6 ~.,..a, .. 1111 ~ K&rW BU8IND9 6 JMOOIOI proprrt.7, l'nedom home ar-. Call prtced lo ae\L r.&d what thla altracUv• home •• MUc 11\.11. a J'laC*ltla. a,. owner-I..Derty M2n moruinp CK ORANGE COAST on bMuUl\ll % •ere h... lo _,......,• nc e 8 dell(tlt.IUI u.nlt.. -almo.t new u the~ l& -·~t• oe -.. Bu•lne .. Brok« 1 1 •-u -" •-• ~ • LI MT .. an.& t p.a, or wMik-after I p. m. llUc ott.r -.All teciced. 8padowi ~ .... olftet, ... 17 __ _._ 70U • ~I.. ,a.&.J OC paft1aC ...-. . c CLIFJ' HA.VEN PROPERTIES A lmma.cu.l&te 2 B. R. plwi n eu . ........ ou -... re.ii...... tr-on• to buU4 a D1oe -113~ E. Cout H l9hway ,.,__., r•-···• Sl2 ·--.......... ..... ..... ns -• ) """' bome. 8" thl&i t• -•• ';::: JM •-"""'· c • • t e. 1._ 121,IOO. 3 Mctnna., 2 b&lh. drap-tunlly dilllnc or den.. L&'Tfl Corona del Mar Harbor 2152 (Mu!Uple U&tln( No. 7000) UHO, \Al~ -· - • Itel 90A-CI f5tc::kil, ladmtrtal u , w/w carp.L Vwy clean, 2 IS67 Newport Blvd .• eci.t& Mua kite.hen. Thermo controlled • )'T& old. lmnMdlat• occupancy. U 1-1132 EYu. U 1·14.00 he&t. Hwd. n"'. A lov•ly 1:ov· .!!;! ! 2 ? ....a. FOR LEASE 212 k1JCS-.f'l., u 1·7807. H tt c TRADE :.:~~o°':;1U:utBB~ 2538 FAIRWAY DRIVE. COSTA C 2 Zonl.ng Lot •rM.. Back Bay. Owner• moved MES.A, 2 bdrm. hou••· I..ce:. lot, Jia MOi>9RM •ten ~ or ~ CURT OQSH, .Rltr. 4o BDRM., 2 be.lb bom• ln te1p aw•T· Zoned tor • JIO'IT or• dbL r•r., new dl1tr1ct ne&.r ioll ~~el~ PS&o91lUa.1Dqulre IO b7 IOO n. Plllil drll'•W•Y· be• condition Balbo. Bayehor••, IC chick. Jmmacu.Jale thru-out. courH. Laree llVlft&" rm., l&rre al.JS 9t; .rt. I p.a. wMk tween Harbor Blvd. 4 Ch&.rl• 315 Merine Ave. open beam Uvtnc room. nrepl.. P'tM carp.ii.. • •mart Uvtnc kitchen a dinette comb. AtUc -u..._au.. II aua.. It. LI l·Slft. 91c6 le•. modun llltchm, di.nine room dnpN. ALL 00 1 ! IMul&tlon, hdwd. tlor•. rf'&r U ••tM ... _ .. 1:ao or Balboa Island rm . "ble. IVltP. Jars• ... ca. R8 -N tenced. i....r1• 4own. Fot ---...; REA.LTO , KI &·~112 Ukl J- MUST SEE NELDA GIBSON REALTOR 30I Marine Ave. Balboa t.l&nd. Phon• H&.r, 602 SEE Tl-jlS B. A. NERESON \ RZALTOJl 1912 N«WpOTt. BlYd... 0-. X... Llberty 1-1n2 J:v.. LI I-QM uMn.7 1-M11 u.,. "m 21 BACK BAT "ol9ltf ... • • ' ' • is • 6JUl,ll!!;~B!ool~~ ... ~la~*~·~!!:~·~·~!~!~f?~l---H~·~rb~o~r~l~5~6~0'.__....,,,,I ~~~.f~~~~ A::.-aoot.o~n,;~ ;:r~: writ• l-00·31•l or call ::-i .;r;t; 1••--ft'-pa."4 tot.I~ tuiBlJ Pnm.Dl'A: fiil· -. {el~111--'._._-4~p-D>tu-comm. ay1tt.m • •~._r l------------1 • ::1t1• .. •• ·"'""•• cliat.rkit. dMC• ..,clWlln &l'U for nat-EXECUTIVE HQ~E for Bay Front home or po&&tbl)' tl"OCll do<>r. 11.tl•n lo younc· 2 YR. OLD, 2 bdrm.. born•, l&rs• llv. roC1m, hdwd. nooni, encl. patio. On lot IOx307. t>oubt1 1u-..f'-PTlc• $.11,500. home alt•. Two ..... ~ .. choice I plUil .. ...., ~ M or ent•taln p141Atloa ...... tj>ptr&t• In ........... , •L _.:.:. ___ llJ ~ ~. XU. A.~ dellual. comm«'dal or 1adU9tr'W ln'1ome. Contact owner, Ubf.rty •t•• In nw.ery. M.utv. bdrm hl:f 11&. "'-DA._port __ 1 la Newport. B&Jboa. LoVWl,J I Mclrm. A du!, 2 b&tll. 1-9203. 17dl bu Ui.d bl&t.h, I oOiu· larre _-.....1t. Hpl ~"".!:"'~.,_ or ,.n.11. 'Niue I pie.UC., w1tb-.t oc.an 'li-1---------~·~--bdrm•. w1th tile b&U!. Uv· '~ ....,._ '-""' Qf!. 2 levei. ln lov•IY Coron• 1·1 room ., ...... ,.,. •llh •lid . ·~ooo W-'l• ---Tll Clan R-t • ~ .. • •• n Cl .. --. -" -pll Hlftllandl. By owner. 145,000 lAI 1 • _,... • 09' ln lnl ,1... doon to paUo. A.I· •".!:::l!!!!•~!22~ .. !!_!L~M!'!•!.---• -J ~thlo~~,.~P"~·-----~-~~I bceL lerma. H..-. lltS 8-Utc CO.ta Me.a. tot" I unlt.t l blk. cove l1undry fM:IUtlM oft th1 ~ of( Harbor Blvd n•r U.rn•rd. kltcben. Ju.t compMttd. Muv1 ~ 90 avu.D. IMJ'ftOYa WILLTIU.DS ilO ft. dl..ic:ruw-CANAL FRONT SH60. Owner H&l"bor 0141-J, lft. An'NIP dcnll'll payment. ~' -~ 0.1\ "'· home .00.t. tor KulUpffi HOKm, 2 BR. 1 ~ be. 6 IN· NpH ~ ualt property. Ll HAJ, -. We 9Q ~ ~ CALL SVSNJNGS. lkM OOMS: uNl up .• ...tth Ylt.W. .... ro.r •AfMA. VINds 8oUI onl7 121.000 lt-rm .. • LO.AX AW>OI• OK --8U-=r"1M to Ull• L&adu, Adnr-KA.JllBOI\ INVUT)(.ENT CO. J191 '9la I.Mt Pit. -.,. UOO U.. la th• 11581, 0tJJ Hartlot" NewpCllt Blt'd. al JOU!. l · . U. 1111: ll&t"°* MIO f 'cH· - .-..:\VPORT HEJGHTS by a.ner, J bdrm .. I~ bath&, dbl. p .r- ac•, trnced )'&rd. landK•pild. ..-... - • ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES t~7 N.-port Blvd:, eo.t.a M ... u ...... ... Loi ~J40t Shake Roof J s.drm., 2 bath horn•. nlA Eut 1ld• ktc&Uon. Bullt·ln r&nl• &lld ovm, fhtpl.rce, lf'A h•L Dbl•. 11.l't.C• oa all•)'. b s-tt In and paJd ror. l lt ,600 -l llttlO down. Newport-Mesa Realty 1719 N-·port Blvd., CCl&la MM& LI a.4IOI .l:VN Hu. 0219-J Newport-Mesa Realty l TH N-port Blvd., Coet.& .M- Ll 1..flP'O' l:vn. Har. 02fi·J FIR.rr 'n'.q OFFl:RED, one of C.O.M.'• nnul dupltxu. h o bdrm ... nreplatle, pauo In .. ch. Wool carpet&, d"-i>e&. 1•rba1e dltP"&l A 1l1diQr 11 ... door to l&r11 pello. OPEN H OU8C BAT. • SUN . 801 Poln•,.llla, Corona dt'I Mir or call for appb Hu. 2162-J. . t kn ORANGE COAS1i , PROPERTIES 1~1 Newport BIVd... OMta M ... w l 0 1ea2 i;'\l"M, LI •1.00 Mult. Unit Lots EA.BT 8fDE, Coeta MN&.. All ulll In •nd rf'•d)' to 1 0. DAN A . JACOB31iN. RM.I l'.al&&4 Har. 54111 -lJ 11-6117, Kl 2·2117 HTaU ...... • • ' • ' ' I f • • 1 -.. ..,. .. ~ • .... , ,_ ' J11!!::...,~!..JE~*~ .. !,., ---!•!!::!-..!!!..!'!!'!!!!!!!!!:!l!....--,~n-g:::-!•!!!-!.L~r..!!!ta!!!ll!....-...:....1..!~-!'.!!!.!ll~*!!!-.. ~--~·~· a.1 -· a ••' .._.. Nl;WPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PARf 11:PX&ff-'-: · -ellTST-ANDING' SEtECTIONSI c moMA.S 'C-mOlWl --~--====-""_':_"'_""..__.~_~-1nc~om;a..~~;-=11-t"'.:tt""i•""· ~. _ --:;Wil>N£SOAY..--Al'AIL--ll •• 19~ :: : I ~;t, CORONA. DEL MAR _ ~ . Laxw1oua In every way -view of the -and. hlU.. '!200 Square feet of apectacular m<><1eni·archlteetun. -Ezclwlivo llaUn1. Bhl>wll by appointment only ~.000 ·----· !!ALBOA ISLAND One of the lal&nd'a fl.nest.. IJtuated on an extra Wide lot. very ~looe to So, Bay. ~ Bednrul., 4 batha, .epuate dining room, dellchUul paUo, dbl . pr, plua off at.reet parking. BAYSHORES ' ' A Value at ~4.960 • • Arehitect.. Own Home Substantially reduced Beautitul redwood, modem, ideal for the l&rge family. 4. bedroom• plu• -and 3 batba. Abundant closet and atorage ep11.ce. t'ropical Patio, separate play yard and large 2 car gar. $29,000,. generdwi terms. WM:. W, STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD P&(f Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 Costa Mesa the best. town on earth ... Two bedroom home, patio, prage PLUS a du. plex all on a very well located 1;2 acre lot, plenty of t.i:ee• -room to build on front of lot. A good view. Price $16,500 with tenna. ' Br. 2 batba, fireplace, 2 car garage, fenced ya.rd. aprinkllng 1y1tem, comer lot with beauti· ful l&nd.ocaping. $15,000 with $2500 down. NEWPORT HEIGHTS: 2 Br. & large den. Hwd. f loors, fireplace, EXTRA large garage & work ahop. Needs eome painting & fixing, BUT a r e al buy at $13,500 M-1 lnduatrial lot 70 x 145 ·---·-·---·-'"··-···-······$6.500 BAY&. OCEAN VIEW LOT 70xl40 (not Jeue- hold) One of the few remaining loll o! ita kind. A bargain at $12,500 G. N. WELLS, Realfor 1810 Newport. Blvd., Coat.a Meaa LI 8-7729 TAKE YOUR-PICK SHORECLIFFS' BEST 1. 3 bnn. & cien, 3 bath on the ocean front. For tbOM: who want the finest -$67,500 2. 3 brm., gueat room. 3 bath, family room bit. in.a. falore , a.nd heated pool-TOPS at $49,500 CDM SPECIALS 1. Comer 3 bnn., newly redecor&ted. Only $15,500 Name your term•. 2. Duplex -A beauty, 2 homes for the price of one -sha.ke roof, 2 patios. 2 brat ea, THE BEST. COMMERCIAL Comer restaurant bldg. leased 65 x lM lot $10,000 dn. & $300 per mo. Leta talk thia over, WTS -2 level R2 together $5500 ea. ~~ down. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, ABooci&to 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 2774 JUST LISTED CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX Excellent Location on Corner Lot Beautiful covered lanai $16,000 tor quick aale EXCLUSIVE with ' BEN J. WHITMAN .& Associates "Buaineu ii Good" 354.2 E . Coast HWy. Corona del M ar Harbor 1862 98cl RUSTIC FARMHOUSE NEWPORT HTS. Look what $17,500 will buy. 2 bedrm. A den, 1 ~2 baths, lovely Uvin~m panelled, used brick waU, den with fireplace. Sunny kitchen, brea.k!ut bar, built-in oven a.nd range. Carpeted Uviflg room & dining area. Forced air heat. P)ltio, ahake roof. Truly lovely. Let ua ahow you now. Thi.9 .is not leue land. QSBORNE-FORTON Realty Co. "'2323 W. Cout Hwy., LI 8-7562 (at Port. Orange) Newport Bch Har. 5154 eves. *Bayshores_·* HARBOR -MESA RANCH HOMES ~~;;~; ... :. ~=·~ELMA: ~~=v~~i~ WUI tpad°"" P"OPf"rt.y. ITUt L.... • I . ,,_ .. -. ""1 1 ,,.. , A 'GOOD BUY . WlTa >VP JbiA.NC!NU 1-EXci:t'.ENT Joe.ti~ on Bl)'WbDn Dr. vi.w ot e.y. s bdrma., l "-'Oat.II&. TOP v .A.Lum. f23.tl00. • 2-PR'ICll J\mOU~ f bdttn', dm., I b&Lba, t ftl'JPla.cM, pe,Uo. Jen«d. Anoth.r V A.J.... Ull al $29,MlO. 3-MOVll 01N !'OR IUMMER. 3 bdnna. plm 1,.. rumpWI rOORa, '"' ~Ula. uar pr!.· vat• beat:h. ISll,760. Mod•I U.{WMn lr\tlM anG Tu9Un A YM. ---. OD C&brlllo north of 1 'fth &t, OPEN, OAlLY 10 A.. K. ~ \ P. )(. BEA VY &HA.KE ROOFS, hardwood noor.. bis doubt• ,.,. .. ,., fli"roed·alr h .. t. bulJl,lft n"ID and tLl'll"e. dapou.i.. aew•r•, alldlnl 1lul door•, Uffd bric.Ir. ' old. L&rp t b.d~ plus 3 bedroom bou.e on. & (()> lot juat two b~ frcu:n IA UPP« and 2 Ndrooma down. • -.. • ••. _L.__ Uppel' .i~ tumi.tied. 3 ~ar Llttle Coron.a. "Bea.eh. Import.an\ teaw:rs '"tn· ~· Private beach. pler elude: 1,1_. Jiitch., with Iota· o! ·Ule A 'bN&kfut r1Plf. BMW. modem build· area, lt':rYI lee Pc1L:"'1% batht,..HW. floon, flttpla., 1n&" tor '63,000, pod wmui. patio, Oflll). blk. -wall. full two-car. cu-~~ eaay LOOK. THU!l OVER AT POPU-aeceu from street:. Total prke .. ouly $23.GOO ' UR PRlCltB. Two bedroOrn home with r. on• & a b&l.u.ce .of $15,8()().. on &•FHA ·41t,9'R, ·IAID· bedroom aputn11nt over a :a Make an app't to lff thla .h~me. - c~ range. Bay 01' Ck'fl&l'I loe&tlon. Both rented now. R--1 LOT , , Ooae to ot.own. too. s1 :-i.ooo, One of the lai'geit R'·3 Jot.8 left 1n. Corona del tum• tlr.placeL , Mar for s&le. The ~uilding .are~ pt~ J!O'xl25' -'l'w"o bedroom home ¥-1th new can be increued to aprx. ~ ~ 125' ~ with ap.- and cute bac.btlo~ In tt•r, !Ul'- • f-CAPll COD CHARM. Lola ot roorl\! II bdrm•, 3 biCha, bre&k!Mt bar plu. din.. rm., encl, paUo. 5311,M>G. Back Bay CH<JlCE .AR.EA -Be:autlt\.llly decorated, Early: American, lge. llv. room, n•tural kitchen w lfh bullt-ln r•nl"e • oven , 3 bdl'mS., 2 tile bathe, room for pool -DON'T MISS '1'1115 ON It -$211.~. Lido Values I-WOO NORD cor. locet.Jon. flO-ft. Jot, 18){2-t llv. roo1n, 3 bllrma, 13~.~. 2-ANOTHER GOOD 0 NE! TERRIFIC LOOKING HOMES wllh dcellmt noor plans on Coat. Meu."1 mmt dulrable Jt.ut Bl.de. • S-bedrOOm : $21,Df>0-$2000 aown a-bedroom and din : $22.160-$2000 down All bomee have :I balM • OLE HANSON CO. Tract Phone : Uberty 11·23113 Harbor 1600 Lovely 3 bdrm. WI. 4fl·ft. lot. ---------------------- v'ry attractive. price Incl. / stove, refrlgtralor A d r•pu. 14 1,500, tenn1. "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIATES 22f \V, Cout Hlway U 8-~~27 Newport Beach ·c· THOMAS ·c· THOMAS • '----OPEN-HOUSE Jo'rl., 811 1., Sun. 11fttrnoon11 :'128 R!d h1Lnd1 Selling Real Estate Is Not A Sideline With Us! It isn't the easy ta.sk M>mc people might think. ExperiC'nce is rcquir.ed it satisfaction iB to be asaurcd to both buyer and seller. List your property today witb one of the 300 Membera of the MULTIPL!i: ,LISTING SERVICE :\'EWPORT HEIGHTS, EXCL U· SIVE, only $2000 do.,.·n. 3 bdrm. home. hwd. floor&, flce- place. AlloY,.ance mecle for rt· decor1.Ung. A reel ba rgaln •t 11 3.~. 01 loan. P11)1nenta leq than r enL Top nelchbOr- hood. G year• old. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 491 N. Newport Blvd., Newpo rt Beach nlllhed. Two i lngM 1"•r11.p• proval of the Cit.)' Council lt c&.n.. ~ developed u.tt p&Uo a rea. 1...&rge lot . • . into a.n exce:Jent Motel Site. DOq,'t. o)lf!,J"look f:i :.: 100 tl-i11.~. term1. the many pouibilitie9. Priced at qnly $19,500 1'vo bedroOm bouae In rrunt, a dup1u. in ru.r, l bedroom. e.ch. Good rTnlal propt-rty and tiard to find ntar thl• pric• of. Siii.MO. ttrm•. Balboa duple){ with 3 bedroom• down and 2 bedroom11 up ... nicely' rurnlthf'd . . 1>ltuated CHINA COVE AREA - on t.wo dandy 10\11 and only half block to belll b•Y 1wl111n1t ng beach . Can't be beat ror $20,000 Ind $G000 dOWTI. If you like the ''Chin& 'Cove Area, .. pteaie ulr ua ·· ... h about the house to be built right at the edge. tf: -A .. the beach. It wilt ha.ve 3 bedroom.ti & 2 ba.tha · , _ a.nd ls carefully planned to 'tmake the maft. '11 : ~lo the lot and the ·beautiful bay view. W~ -~ye-,~-:-.· the plane and complete intonnalion at ~ :d(. ~_, --o[fice. Of courae. you can li!l.eet your oh Cot~,ra~ ~ .::.. ;:. In lile, paint a.nd wall paper -abov• &lJ, , ._ ·~ . it ls priced right. · ~-.. ! A\mo•t fOrl"ot a dantJy va!uo on • ~J ., .. ~; AMd• """' "' "''Y • •oo~ THE VOGEL CO. , -'' '\. from bt.y at ltt,tiOO and fur-• · niah•d ~· H.u t b4!droon1• 2667 E. Cnt. Hwy., Corona de! Mar HA: 1741 HA~, .: and 11\i. bath• . . •'o\·ell for 1 ----------------.:-------..--,------·~;4•!;.l'-J'i.;_.,;_ Ia.rre ta.mlly. 16000 ttown and ' ' · • -'a o:i; .. :.:.a""'"'oon·w"' v Best Buys Corona del ·''l1t-:.· you fi.nd a !utnl1hl'rt twv bed· J9 room home ]ust l'o\'O rtoor11 ' 'I • ,._ff_;.,,, rrom the bii y in Balboa .,.,1 th a 1. SHORECLIFFS, Mode~ 3 bedrtn hanft!I pi,iwy .. , 2 car l&r&fl:" and J)llllU at s mall de n or office, 2 full baths -c;arpet~ wal\ ~ 1 ( $15,000 like Ulle one. \Vonder• r' , tul frtr horpe or rentall. Term• l o wall, custom drapes, fireplace, built-in atove ~ it you wtab. and oven, encloaed · patio, nicely l~ptd. '•. ~ . O\\'ner leaving area. Priced to aell at $3'.:i801 · ··~--:-Balboa Realty-Bo . , Oppo!ile Bank ur An1P rlc" 1-· ftDli• GrePltY Ell Lc.-e JOMph!ne \\"t bb 700 E. Balboa Blvd . H11 !bol.IL Phon• Hartwr J:!i 7 B/B LIDO ISLE $24.500 111 tho right prtct ror thl• 3 bl 11· rooni. 2 bath hopie. Br ick rirr- place, lanai. Can be 1een a.ny· Ume. --· A Flare for aomeUilng <tlffe"'nt 3. I • • #. SHORECLIFFS. Ocean view home for the dillJ.l•,';· crniiinating buyer who want& and ca.n &!ford. th6; f .:i~ fln <'st, thie is lT! Large 2 bedrm. & den, qUA.iitY"~."r•i."'t built, 2 fireplaces, dream kitchen. Btautltul ',: ~-, 'I , hunle inKide and out, all modern !eatutes to,.•, • m_ake it co mplete in every detail. Shown by ·air--..i.··.:. pointment. Priced to sell. EXCLUSIVE wtr'H''~·:' US . r.,"': ~ • . , -.: . . ,,_ JUST LISTED -EXCLUSl.VE, Thia a.ttract'.iv~\·~~ 2 bedroom home, pill!: gu88t rcom· and bath oDl)t :,: 1 _.. block to Ocean Blvd ., CorOna de! Mar. Coin!•_.~ .. pletel y furnished. ""Choice location .. ~riced«>·'-''"' ;;'f sell quick at $23.~. Terr:o.a it d.ealrM.' · '"'-•',, . ., ... . . .,,. . ., ME.'dBER OF MULTIP):.E LIST)N(iS. , • • I ·s;;: Honeymoon Cottage l-----------------------I 0U1 bto h•d ln this potent'11i 4 OPEN HOUSE . bedroom, 2 bath hon1r . Con1- plelely furnlllhed for 1:s.~ CORONA DEL MAR REAln' GO~ F'Tt, Sat. sun. afternoon• llli M ar,.uerlte. Corona d~I Jtlar 1119~ buya t hl• a ttractive 1 bdrm. coll•ge on nlca R·2 loL Room for •ddltlonal Jn· Corne a pt. I).. eure to ln\•e11t!· ,1:11.te t hl•. Owner w&nt!I ac· lion. ( Mu!l!ple Llabng No. 7123}. Harbor 2042 Frank J~s \ & Linwoo_~-~ REALTORS Jl 2 Jtt•rlne Ave., Balboa J11land NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 Bedroom• Open Saturday & Su nday 463 H olly Lane Full Price $15,950 Don't mis• thi11 near new home. DU~CAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 I"{ewport Blvd. Newport Beac.b Har. 4718 . . ' ... Can't l.Mt. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor -, ·1_ 344.7 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Hll. t'T_;·~ (Office located next door to Newpdrt Ha.rbor Bank, CD)i{f,, . . ' . . .· . A beautiful. 1nleresUng , lrrl'{ll· Jar Jot. Can be h•d fflr $21.500 Can't be dupht·at~ on Lido , . ------------~------·--~ NEWPORT ISLE \VATERF'RONT '2 Unlt-prl1•at1 pier • tloaL 3 btlrma .. 2 ~!ha, 11.110 1 bdrm. ,1 b11ith, 2 car ir;<Lr· a gt. F'\1 m!Bh Pd , .A.lklnl" 132,500 , . Bay & Bea ch Realty Inc REALTORS 3112 Laf11yetll>. Npt. Har. 3643 E\·e11 Har. 2999 J ult to -uie !"lftlt or Lll'.lo Br1di;e BALBOA ISLAND ·-• • .. r CUNNING 2 BR. house, price includes stove, re.frig,,''.~·,. ca rpe~ & drapes. '.~ blk. to bea.ch. $5000 dn. -51~ .. 2 BR .. room to build on Jot ··········-------::-...$.µ1~ ? •• :;.~_.. _ BR .. attractive. Near No. Bay __ _.,22AQQ . . -, . . •. -" 3 BR., Near So. Ba.y ............................ _ _ Sr2i~ SO. BAY Front, :> BR., 4 be., Fu.mlehed ___ :~oo.-- . . . . . '.:· ' LIITLE ISLAND. A rustic a.ad ua.&bd S ~ .. 311 .... • BIB bath, in a select district. ---·-··-···-..:_ ____ $36,!StlO SEE THIS * VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND * Two Tropical units ··--------·-.. . ' ,. $84..~ Commercia 1-lndustria I DEPARTMENT 1oor;. Location Bu11ne111 cornrr In cent .. r or C011t.a. 11-ltiia. )'ull prlct $36,500 2g•;, down. Owne.r will c•rry bt.i&rlce. 80 A,crcs In new pl&nned community be• lnr M't up for honlel!, bU~Hll_,.,,, 1chool1, churcht11, el\:. 13000 acre Industrial 10 if'Vtl a cre• on 1-f!Wer. J;Onett )if-1 $8000/&Gre 65 Acree ··- In c1nt.er of ne){t a rt'a t o be de· DISTINCTIVELY DIFFERENT Herc is the buy of the 2 bdrm. houaea. Perfectly located clo&e to Marine Ave. Ideally arranged for bldg, 2nd garage_ unit, tct your own income requirements. Furnished price $19,850 EXCEPTIONAL LARGER HOME 2 story 3 )xlmi. home with treea &. lawn. Out- standing extra lot rooi:nineBB, , Price unfurniahed $37.!500 .. THE VOGEL co .. Realtors .208 !i-tarine Ave. Ha.rbor 4-44 or 1015 (Next .door to postoffice) BALBOA ISLAND $7500 down -Unwuial.ly attr. & charm.. S B .. R., 2 bath, furnished home, nr. North Bay. Thia you will wa.nL A REAL OPPORTUNITY.- veLoped. Ask.Ing 16000 Pf'r acre. LOT-full size. $11.500 ONE OF THE LAST! Bay & Beach Realty Inc LITI'LE ISLAND ' Atlr. 313. R. home $25,000 But Hurry? REALTORS 1875 Harbor Boulevar.i • BALBOA PENINSULA Co.it• MIU., Ca.llfOrnWI. R. II'. Gfl.lde-a R. \V. ~D Day or night phone LI 8-77 14 HARBOR BLVD. cor11 er ll ll ft •11 C-2 zone. \Vt11 1e\1 for le-ae ttllln IM)ml!. lnah!; p1ut:-el1 aa quoted. Ccxwt t~rnla. Charm. 3 B. R., 2 bath home. Nr. Bay bathing beach. Lovely patio and nicely l&ndscaped grounde. $28,000 Terina. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 M11.rine Ave., Balboa laland. Pb. Har. 1671 or 1672 OCEAN FRONT! ONE OF THE NICEST & BEST •tucco duplexea and t.he beet loc-Uon on the ocean front. Sit In yo1rr cu y chr..ir A.ni.t ~· joy watching the Sno...-b1 HI &. yacht MH'e• 11nd ,wtn1 111 So Call!Crnia '• finest beach. ·QnJ)' $7GOO down. ' Shafer Realty Hai-. 140 109 Mc!o~adde.n PT .. Al the Newport Pier Eve1. Har. f438-W, Har. 21129·M CLIFF HAVEN ' OPEN HOUSE SUN. l -5 31~ Signal RO!ld Moet dtAirable area In tht' Heighlll. Sparkllnc cle.n. Ttua won't I.UL Back Bay Beauty $11,600 full price. 12000 down 3 bdrm, •tl•ched s:arage Nie• tkoo r pla n, "ART" ADAIR , Rltr. lMlll :-.'ewport Blv!'I , COAta Meaa I.I 8-371!2 ~a-\"' BAY FRONT, LIDO ISLE. Home It income, 2 BR. ~ apt available for oWner. Otber unit.I ou J~ .. ; ;n~R~p=~rt$~!~ ~~~.~~-·--~er __ ~.:-~$.~ • -. :.· . •1' CORONA DEL MAR. Leasehold. 2 BR., Un .1%i.·'lo . Ba. Stove and draperiea included.. Low· lk>Wll. \ to qualified buyer. ·················-----:"'T"'.....J~. ._ . .,' We have buyers for good u.tmp. · . 1 _ -r •, . . 1'"'ree estimates, excellent eefv1cci •. r · ',; •·;'!.-:." . .. Har. 1775-Evee Edith Maroon '' John Macnab ~-· ....... '\,; Ht.r'?<>r . 16 ""HY.Ut"•·s· . lia.Tbor ' ', EARL ' ' Lou BoyniOn • w. STA. NLEY, Realtcir .,,~~ •• <{ .~ .... ' £ •. '"•"":if ''"'t.''" ... . 225 Marine Ave., Baloaa J,ll&Ov. .1 1 ~· ·.:")."'-·,~ Investors Attentio~· :! ·" :· :f~ Balboa · 1slan-d's--• · -~· -.:._~ Newest and Smartost'Trlpl .. i'";,~ 3 modern unlta ctoee td buci' . ; ....... J:-~·<i:. ·~·~ .. • 2-two Br. apt& · ' '•.' 14L&O....unr.P.;•}.,·"-. • 1 -one Br. apt. 4tt' 'JUfCtl A: bath • "l.!i._ '\" . • • drtilif" ---· _..,.... ) VIEW HOME with SWIMMING POOL ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK ~·rt. Vl.-.ir lot on Mna Orlva. ov"erlookln1 ~·ater with a dded hlll It m t. v1~ws, Acrol'I! from ............ lia~piii priOW--:wll~ iaw OOwn • ~ance In I) yr1. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES • H U(e l"Ue•t rm. • ~ 9 -- 3000 ·oq . n . ln b<&UUful condition I Shollld muno.,; O\'tr 53000 thi.9 awnmer, approx. ; .:'-:"; I WILL TR.ADE FOR VACANT Brand new 3 B. R. A family room. 2'battu, F. A. heat. deluxe cu~tom con•tn.ietioo, built-in kit- chen. See thll one be.tore you roalc:e your next move. Submit your trad• tor $23,500 l!'QUity. -. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 \Y. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 1~1 N'°"*port Blvd., CMt• Mru LI 8-US37 Evt.9 Lt 8-1~00 INVESTORS INCOME BARGA IN $:.000 Buy.,MJ i.tty, :S-2 bdni unit.. near a.ch.obt., e ll rrnt"<l 12:'!7. ~r mo r•r. dl~p.-ra n11 .e.,.·er. W A-.~35. S:'lpPfi I ' -' . • CLASS A store-an.d office building located on moat: important corner in Puadt.n.a.. Price $700,000. \Yill pay 6~" net net plus percentage. \Yill depoait $300,000 a• lea.e 11ecurity. Large depreciation ('-«=tor. CALL OWNER, T. D. ltoger1, Ryan 18167 or Harbor 3828 \ IM7 N-,iort l:Uvd .. l"rnita ,.1 ,.•• l.J 1·1&32 £w1. Ll 1-l l OQ BACK BAY area, C~a ltlt lll& 3 bednne,, 2 car (&l'&l(r>. Lar!i;e kit, full Jlrlc• 111.00ll Low down p.yrneqL 0 \\'NER - Ll 1-2~2 v:;trr -.... , S6000 rrou annU&lly. . ., . '.'!~~ $16,000. rurni1hed -Coad tenm.1 ~ . . I"·~~· · ......... • ... "1 t MARINERS ISLE R~LTY . ':"ti. -!Ur, (78t•ht 318 lJannL, Balboa Island • ' I I ' i I I I' f!Nll.._ a '"" - -KILLION real estate • Parade of Home Values ' Liilo Bey FroJ1t! .. ,_ Of ftUlt ...wrtront Lido Isle Family Home 3 bedt'OOmll anA dtn Two and a k&t.t baUW Lovely PaUo • Ov•ra1&e ....,.,.. Liars• p&ar lllllp I btdrOOD .. • b&ltlt .... -.qulalt. bOm• Nothl.nc wtU comparto ,..,,.. __ _ ' at '31,000 • B•ysh'ores Bargain II.GOO down Payramt. lna tba.ll rmt I bldroomlo, 2 batM CGsnp&.t~y turnJ.abed l:aooaii~ Bayaborea Buy 8e1t Newport Buy Coste Mesa Triplex Neuly New • . •u.aoo Ml pnc. Btpuate ~· •rnaJJ. down pe.rmmt L.&rs• faaced eomer k>t. ·~.:lbath• ... W.. )'OU'll loo.le oo turtller Uively landM:aplnc unexpected fa.mlly chanre. make lmmediat. -.le neceuary. Brine In your offer! KILLION real estate 83il Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 A home of quality and charm l~ G St., Balboa Peninmula Large living room with ocean view, 3 spacious bed· room.1, 2 bat.ha, FA heat, WW carpeting, tu.U aize dining room. Nice kitJ.:hen with disposal and lovely encloeed patio with BBQ. A.eking ~6.~ BACK BAY BEAUTY Cozy and appealing ia what you'll say wheft yol aee t.hia 3 bed.rm. 2 bath home. Large liv. room, firej>lace, allding glaaa doors to patio, bar kitchen, and the price includes all wool carpeting, drapes, new atove, rt:frigerator and fireplace fixtures. Open Sunday 1-5, 4!19 E. 20th S~ Only $23,950 NEAR LIDO SHQPelNG 2 bed.rm., large Uviog room, hwd. noon, roomy kitchen. Corner lot. First time offered. $13.000 Ea.ey terms. Next Door to Beach $11.~. o!Uy $1llro dolRI Older home but in very good condition. 3 bedrme., large closet.a, separate dining room, .nice kitchen, completely furnished lnclud.in&' TV. Thia Won't lu~ HURRY! ' JACK BRENNAN, REALTY "AT THE ARCHES" 11320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 VOGEL V ALLIES LIDO ISLE 2 bdrm. & gueet hoU&e. Including all new furniahinp. $24,tlOO -$7000 down. RENTALS Furn. yrly upper duplex ava.il M&y 6th -$85 mo. lncL U:tilitJe.. No children or pets. !i room 1uite for leue -suitable for pro!e.sional or bua. oftice.. $175 mo. • Bayftonl penthouae. Furn. yrly. ~ 2 bdnna & md.s. qtn. $400 mo. 2 bayfront Orr1ce: -5_ yr. leaae. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE 3415 Via Udo, Npt. Sch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 ~ea LI 8-3040 -Har. 5142 . DUPLEXES COSTA MESA f-.2 Bedroom units on the corner of Orange and l!ltb Only $36,000 TRIPLEXES 1500 Block, Haven Place, Clift Havu These lovely properties may be had for $22,500 caah -They have 2 bedrooma in each untt and &rtl alwaya in demand. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd Newport Beach Har. 471 8 • HURRY ! GOING FAST ! PARK MANOR A Realricted Lot Developm«nt By !dcCLEAN & PEA.RSOL Speculatora &: 8uilden Welcome 60' ruidential Iott. Duplex corner Iota. All improvemenU. In. You Can't Boal The Price & location. Drive by and buy. Acrou from C:O.t.a Meu P&rk. 18th and Anaheim. 75'• ALREADY SOLD Phone l .. lberty 8-1781 Liberty 8·6621 U , • • a •t.1-a ... ,......_ a •·'r.eat. _ .... _ -. p . \ a . palm .~.r 1nc .r.rroratell -.. . . dev~opers of Lido Isle Lido Lots! . Comer of Undlne and Soud. Next thing to • Bayfront "bec&UH the "Club with ita marveloUJ beach and !aCllltles ia 145· feet away. $1S.tl00. 0 96 fL width on Havre. Lo<tk at thia carefully- all aurrounding homea &re bea\lUfuL $33.~ ~ or -t5 ft. fo~ $16,000 Comer ot Centro Pia.a.a A: ltr&da Havre. Sl~.500 , For these and over 20 more beautiful Lido !ale lot. U.tod EXCLUSIVELY with us, come to HEADQUARTERS? Lido Homes! See tbi.s lovely home on Via Genoa, Lido's widee-t street. 3 bednna., 3 baths, 40 by 20 patio, hardwd. fln., 21).! years old and in perfect con- d.ition. $34 ,:K>O completely furnished. Vacant and ready! Ttuly a terrific buy. 204 Via Orvieto iS the address of a new J OHN VISSCHER HOME that we think you will like. 3 bttdrma. 2 bath1, papered dining area, steak grill in muaive fireplace, sliding glass walls to patio. Al.lo vac&Dt and available. $33,000 .. p. a. palmer incorpoFated ole hanson co. mana1J9ment 3333 ~ Udo, harbor 1500 Back Bey View lmmaeulato 2 bednn. ranch h.,.. on leod \~ acre. lle&irtllully iandl<:.ped. room to • keep anim&Ja or buiJd additional unitL Full price $1~.ooo. ae<IJut terme. Open h.... Sunday 1 ti> 5 p. m., 2481 Tultin Ave. Come by or · call DavidAon 01bum tor dctailt. Newport Heights Best · Juat looking at It from the out.aide wW convince you that t.hia t. the beet. val14e pomible. 2 good- siz:ed bednns .• ] :t4 b&th!. Large kitchen, nag-... stone fireplace, 2 car garage. 1200 aq. fL in a 2-bedroom hotl.IM! mean. Iota o! room. Ca.11 Bill Famawort.h for full details. Lido Isle Bayfront An older home on Lido Nord Bayfront. Four bedrma'., a la.rte livingrm. with a view, and a patio for outdoor living right on the water. Had' 11. pier and float. All thia, and furnished too, for only $57.500. Call Lou Breer to eee this . The Best For You Quality .construction 1tand1 out in thia beautiful Lido street-tO-strCet home. lt has an enormoua 3-car gan.ge with one huge aingle ~oor. Radiant heat that will epoil you forever for any other type. All wood interior walla that gliaten from the owner's care. Completely built-in kitchen y.oith two ovens. Unusually high ceilings that take away that depressed feeling. Pleaae call Joe Kincaid for further interelli.ng details. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 1700 w. coa.at highway -liberty g..5573 B/ B BILL'S BEST BUYS BEITER STAY HOME TONIGHT- Corona del Mar Sunahlne In every room and a lovely pn:Jen to relax in, 2 bdrm. priced at 11~.950 to all toda.y. • • Panoramic Ocean View $1145 & $1245 DOWN~ 3 & 4 B. R. homes with 2 baths, F. A. heat, double garages, large Iota. Real close in on Ea.al.· side. All improvements in & paid. Ju.at a few of them in small subdivision. Reaen"e yours now. Pick•your own colors. $11,4-50 &. $12,450 G. I. RESALE ' Nearly new, airy, and modern three bedroom b·ome. Parquet floora, fireplace, double garage on paved alley. ·Dichondra lawn and 11prinltl.er1 front and rear. Priced to aeU at $12.500 $2300 down Bala.nee $76 mo. includes principle, Int., Tax.ea & Inaurance. huh.I your wife'• hand In a aen· Ue and w•rm clup and t&lk aboul the home you Intend to buy. You'll bfl &l•d you did, • • • ON lJDO ISLE Ju.et wh.at yuu have been wilt- ing-for -2 bdrm. and den home on a.n over.11ized lot Jn almo•t new condtUon-P'r1r rc! a~ $29.oOO, -Submit tetme. · There can be only one buy• t'r ao be .11u.r• you call tor an appointment now. • • • OR v.•ould you Uke a lovt'ly home "We're-Moving:_ to Irvine Terrace" Drive Ill today and eM for yoUnelf the many out· ltanding featlll'N ot thll remarkable community. Mote and more Harbor area familie. are lnlpectlns theee exquisite homea -noting their comfort, con- venJence and central location. More and more families wbo pl'efer a home in a re- 1tricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert lrvine Terrace is located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Cub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE ... GENTS Pbone Harbor «48 For Further lnlormatJon 1r For Recommendation. we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shorea and Cliff Haven BIB BEST BUY ON PENINSULA! 3 B. R. -l :\~ bath, fireplace, dining room. wall lo wall carpel. enclosed. patio with B. B. Q. $18.750 -Terms .BALBOA-PENINSULA-VIEW! 3.000 sq. ft. of top grade construction in this 3 B. R. 31:: bath home. Permanent unobstructed vicW of Harbor Entrance. 18 x 27 !iv. rm. with flagstone fireplace -~laster B. R. of equal size al.so has fireplace. Full din. rm., 3 car garage. Lge. landscaped patio walled fo r privacy. Open House Daily 1-4 P.M. 111 "G'' St,., Balboa OCEAN \0IE\V. Unusual 3 8. R. , 3 bath home. Lots of flagstone. J3uilt·in kitchen, nicely . landscaped. $32,500 -Terms. NEW HOME-NEW LISTING Balboa Peninsula -facing city park. 2 B. R., 2 bath, den, dining room, built-i11 kitchen, Wall to wall carpet. »,000 will handle. from lha •PtCiou• upil.ILr1 i!v· tnr room ot Ulla 2 bdrm., l i..; b&lh home repot;inr on an u- tra larire k>l acrou from Cor• ona Htsbla.ndA. A 1&rre aru.- Ucally decorated and tuml.ah- ed born• pleMln( both tute and purae. 12-4,000 l)OJ11pletrly tumlabed with JUlt 56.000 dn. Builders -Investors! BLUE CHIP SPECIAL By Santa An& Country Oub. DelighUul 2 8 . ft. home with cozy guest room and ba.tb over barn style garage. We would like you to see and feel the warmth of thia home with its W.W. carpet- ing, interior charm and beautiful landscaping. ;'~!.!"'.;'.,",.'~':"'.,='BAY BEACH REALTY, INC., Rea lto~s G•rage apartment ln ~Ci!llent oond!Uon on beck of R12 lot . • . Plenty or room tor extra un!ll In front. Top loc1.tlon next to bu-.lntlll aoned centr.r or corona del M•r. 11e.600 rp. $18,500 with tenne. Attention Easterners! BACK BAY -COST A MESA Amongst fine hOmea in top reaidenlial area. Large 3 bet rm., with family room. Hardwood Ooors and carpet, F. P., forced air heat. Nice Built llke BACK HOME -on B&lboa Penlnwla0 • t l n • • t .11treet -ow-ned and carfli for by a proud '"down Eutt'mer." 3 bdrm.11 .• 2 bath• plua ocean· view .11undeck. Roee bordered . patio blf enourh for b1.dmln· ton. Prtced to aell 1.t 127.500. Term.1. Bey & Beech Realty Inc REALTORS • ~30 E&Jlt Coe.at Hwy. Corona del Mar Harbor Me3 Mesa Lots 1!1.5lll35 on Rochl!•ter ~t. Eul or Santa 1"na St~ paved. eewer1 In, 3 nice buUdln& alte. fpr rental.t. near new market, ottered below pre- val\tnc market prtce.11. Ch11nce for• lpecul•tor. SE.II: THEM NOW, telephone Har. l:I036 tor det•ll•. Mesa Home 3 BDRM". hou.11t:, large Jot. Drive by 2077 Orange SI., tt'lt'-phone for appolntmtnl to llfle ln•lde. On11 )'t'&r old, priced to •ell. Ocean View Lot IOx90 lot a t 337 Cet.a11n" St. '3!lOO down wUl handle. NBC REALTY CO. !2nd and !'i"ev.•port Blv!I. H1rbor 6~1S C·2 LOT. MIXJ2~ with b1Uh:l1nt: .• • lnconlr. Adjoin• R-4 lol · • 12 1,x.2&0, l7 unit aHe1 all rrir $1 :).000 or "'•Ill dlvldt'. C.1"ar. IU:Cepl •ny r..onable driwn llnd carry bt.l•nce. ORANGE COAST P,ROPERTIES 18.'\7 Newport Blvd .. O>at-1. Me.a LI 11-183:1 Eve•. LI 8·1400 . M-1 Acreage For lndn•try and trailer court. •Lit'•. Co.la .M-..., Sanla Ana •rtia. PA.11y tt'rtna. DAN A JACOBSlt:S. ft.-a t F.11t11l t' I I Har r.1111 W 8°1Sl1 1 Kl 2·:Zl8i ..., HY•lt 4.)6\M ·..: corner lot, landscaped and fenced. , FuU price $26,950 $6,000 down. W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor "you'll like our friendly service" 400 E. 17th St., Costa Afesa Liberty 8-1139 HARBOR HIGHLANDS OPEN I TO 5 DAILY 19'44 PRISCILLA LANE 3 bedrooms, 2 ba., fireplace, large well l~d­ SC'aped yard. -J>riccd lo sell Quick. "' DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. -Har. 4718 -Newport Beach * Newport Heights * • • 3 "BEDROO?\.t & DEN \'IEW HOME. not lease- hold. Complet<'ly furn. hwd. noors, 1700 sq . ft. of living area. BeautifuJ lawns, patio & BBQ. $4500 down. First TD $15,000 VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA -NOT leasehold. 3 yr. old. 2 bedroo,m & den stucco. Antique fireplace, IO\'ely natural wood kitchen with built in oven & range. Hwd. Ooom. View dining area. paneled den. 1 :11 baths. 1272 ft. or living area and many other plus feature&. $8500 down or submit. Price $22,500 GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY , INC. 3112 Newport Olvd , Newport Bearh Harbor 2552 r;\'('n1ng11 tJ 8·3186 LI S·:'.>105 & Har. 3921·\\" -. Jn lanal th1.t c•n be enjoy· 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1254 t'(1 In wtnt.er u ~"LI aa In Eves. Phone Harbor 1856 •ummt'r. 2 Datha, alao 1. lge. patio. 02-fl. lot -131 .500 - Tenn.11. • • • OR JUllt a rea.l nlcf Uv11.bte hon1t' Vo'iUI real tlrejilace, 2 bdrm.a. • nd bath ancl 1.l.90 extra bt'd- room &J'ld ~. bath alt1..ehed to double l"llrage. Ne .... ·ly p.11 intetJ. Very CIOlle ~o beach $22.!>00--ter1111. • • • BALBOA PENINSULA OCEAN FROl-,~ LOT R-1, ,.:,. x 102. 112.MMI. Good. tt'rM8 H.a.11 front yard vlt'w or Ch1n1.. • • • --------~-----~~---~·-........ Lido Isle Here i11 ·a genuine value in a 3 bedroom, 2 b&th home on a 44 foot lot. Lovely fittplace and large south patio. This home is just 3 years old and la one of our very best values at ~1,500 firm. Before you buy, let us ahow you thJa KELSO-SLOAN built home. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach ll&r. '718 CORONA DEL MAR l--------------\v1u exchange ror 40..ft. ull· boe.l or outright aa.le -On Poppy Avr .. .11.rU.11Uc 2 bed· room and larae rumpu.1 room. 2 firt'pl•tts. B~ath-ta.ldng v[l"W or UtUe OJron• Bt'•t'h &JUI Arch Rock Prit'ed •t S26,MI(), ternui. Phone for •p- polntmrnt to Re th1" on~. • • • OPEN HOUSE- Just One Short Toddle to th" be•ch .l eky-blue weter.11. \\'Ill •leep fl\'" comfortably and fh·e moni uncomfortably. Prlc· re! at l12.&00--Reaaon.11ble dn.. Balance SM monthly. OPEN HOUSE I~ SAT -SUN . 7003 Se•l.hore Dr, Npl. Brach, • • • HERE-THERE- EVERYWHERE- Bir homu. lltUe l'lomf'. h1 rh. modfl'"*t" • low prict'd hon11·1 Lo~ of lot•. • • • \\'E FURNISH J!ftEE CR\' J:'\"G TOV>El.8 TO THOSE \\''110 COME TOO LA TE. Seven lslonds Realty & Investment Co. I r.Ql·32nd at .. Nwpt. Heh . Cali f H•r. ,b3&8 after ti p.m . Har. :).')fl7 ~ ft·2 lot :-._.port Hrh1.11 ~ady to bu1hl ln""'1'1f vn Only R-2 lot In llCht. lv1 ..1 ... ORAt\GE COAST PROPERTIES 18.'·7 ':\".-v.·prn t Bini , t."•"'1" ).ff ~• ·LI 8·1632 £, ... ,, LI 8 1100 • LIDO ISLE ~FIRST TIME OFFERED. 1 year old delightful 3 bcdnii. and den. 2 bath home, completely carpeted. Drapes.. dishwasher, ga.rb. dispoaal, indirect lighting and weather-stripped thru-out. On 45 ft. lot. Large patio and master bedroom, 30 ft. living Norn, built-in kitchen. Truly an EXQUISITE home for $46,000 MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor & Associates LIDO PLAZA BUILDING. 3432 Via Oporto IOpposite Lido Shops Parking Area) Har. 5446 Evenings U 8-5297 ONLY I LEFT.-BETIER HURRY! ! ! NON-VETS No Down Payment Impound• $295 3 Bedrooms. 11 .! baths . BEST BUY COSTA MESA AREA lnqu1rc at 2~2 E. Palmer Costa li-!ef9a LI 8-2657 THE SMARTEST HOUSE IN TOWN The latest,' the best or everything, 2 large bdrma. 2 baths, large Jiving rn1, v.·1th wall lo wall ca.rpelmg_. dbl. garage. p11.t10 $35,000 Exclu•ive wit.h DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Manne Ave .. Ba lboa IHland Har, 20 lit &l