HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-09 - Newport Harbor News Press.. lii-H1l1 Fo11~ Safe Off Shore UftPER BAY WATER LINE VALVE SET .; . w .... ..,.. ~· U. lMtalllftl tnare ftJve co act or : : : T _..... will etaLrol 11.&Pply ol •ater to Upper 9'1 loOp --~. wattr -...; Yaht ad T fft lllt.ualed jUtt oppotftt Cliff '" Dt1 .. • lftlt It. Ua• .tu travel wand at"OUnd llay trod -,... ... -·~ ~ front lM . C!l\¥' .. 1"'111 • I.AIUll& · :, .. at OMlt HlaMral· -IWf Photo . . . ,, .. 0 10•••~0••·· ..... A-.Wtlllrin ............ ... .......... t0'75 .._..An. IAe~ .. ,... o.ca ..... "0... of UM LW• ~ U81 Via Udo, New llMck Ladies Nylon .Hosi~ . . MOTHER'S DAY • MAY 13 Costume JEWELRY Complete new selection jud •l'flved for Mother's D•y. !:7f _79' M.ke Mother• Quffn on her dey.. h.r love •nd devotion •ith • 9ift show her how much you •ppr.ciate from our immense end 'l•rl~ stock, •nd et pric~ to sult your budget • .. -EVERYDAY NEEDS ~~ ~ . 1W ,.u......o.e... 1 k WAX PA11R .............. -.1-5amp1w ~Ei.:7k J.~ 1fi .-CHOC ............ OLA,._.fts.,.,r s2QO IOliir PINS . -2 fM 29' . I, l ~uad boL .. -·-·--· • ..-w !re:, ..,.. ., M. .... ... WM '· 'a &1111 •,.-.. lunpler $ 00 ........ Lie .... ••• " CHOCOLATES 6 ••m..u: __ 2 .. 1r . · poad be~ .... -..... ·-··· -. t -·--$475 .M~T9:'1S ...... --· CHOCOLATES poem~···-·· ..... ·-·••U••·•·••H·•· 1 Sodll .W. w..a 3 • nssua., . ..._ -~ 'ftltw·• s2s2 .... , •• ,...... c nssua 3 -25 FRUIT I NUT ...... ·--·-.. - .... ~lloAer"•O., 1oc s.. tARDS -··-··-·-·····-'·····-··-.,· .. I 00 . MiiiNi1iS 7,:_ ___ -~ 19 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC , IMS• 1 ll11t._ ,_ .. r--lklltoa s500 WALLETS .. ······-·-············· ··~ -:: w. ~ a.t.a'• ... . ----'1~ . \ ltrt• 1elecffon of long p!eyin9 end '45 r.p.m. albums for yo.. STATIONERY MOTHER'S GIFT • •. . ff........... s349 .............. eelel'I Ill... 7ec HAND BASKETS --..................... ··-·~ WASTE BASKET .... tLU-7 . ......., ........ .., s1n llAZIER ........ .. ~~.!7... SJ49 T AR.l!U'"drdr...,.. 'I YINCIN1'S · ICE CREAM . PERFUMES ar.d COLOGNES FOR MOTHER BY CHANEL GERMAINE MOTEIL ELIZABETH ARDEN FABERGE CARON • GUERLAIN LANVIN Free Gift Wrtppin9 on AH Gifts MNff I& ftllf& • $.....1 WH11E CHAMP.AGNI,_ ___ 1,-- ?ta&well7 r-I W - - J "I ..,. . . ····---.. -· --··-·-···························-··-, .... Mca..s..'e CREAMS AND CHEWS -·-··-----··-·····-······-······ .. ·····-----.. .. PORTABLE IAR-1-9 ..,.. ..... _._.._.. COFFIE __ 95' -·· ... -• .....,.,. 55' CHEDI DllSSIN& _, ..... . ... "' .,; '$---w STUFFID OUVIS --·•%--.•· CAOO ___ ......... u .... 2141' s..a-... ·~ SWISS CHIDE A ... .., • A..iic'AN CHDSI ____ _. 51' C::tiiil·~-.. --~_. .sr • _,.,, .. • . . ' al Jec~arJ~J •• 0 • TAKE MOM DANCING FRIDAY. KAY 11 ..... _,a. HOCICJ .M1..W lal DINN!!& Al'C D DA..~Oll · FROZEN FOODS meke Mom'• work eesier •••. .. ..,. , GREEN PEAS _ ........ -O.. llalt ....... CHICKEN DINNER ....,. WHIPPED TQPPJNG __ • ...,... lllWa ,• INTRODUCTOR)'.::OFFER , ~ KR~FT-FRUIT SA~.D ~rs. ChlllM In ... 11-r-4y te vMI ' .............. -:-ft. • : :: ~~ 45c i 7ec . •Nowe• J 7 P"YT.a••_J# a. Pl'Muce ~ pt. t fl. • d~ke Qua/itg rfleab iaiiD . . . BEEF........... .. ............• 29-= iioIEif · . ~ . . . . IMS ~--·-·--·-·· sr . .... J • I ' . , t .. , . . ~~ > ~ .I 1 ·~ ~~ :~ • #- • . . .... ~ . ••• .. ,,. ~ ~ ~ I t ., . . .. . .b _, . ~ .. . . ... I • & • • I . I BIG .. DAYS ;! -·~ \ , A MAY' 18 I · l ,,.i Ii .THURSDAY FRIDAY '°" SATURDAY OTHER 81VE-AWAYI ON OPENING DIYI ' -~--SuPI , 1 · HY-.-GA$01•1-· ·•y--,~~n···u.,.-~ ... .w._.,. .. a~~ •.• AN . OUT90ARD . MOTOR . ~;:;;_;;~;;_;;~;~~~. , . . . . . . ' ' I . • .. . ~ .. Utb, we wlll atv• a ~..,_ which wUl mutle JOG te 1'&Z1C Vtlta .... Ethyl Ouolble. TIMii ooapou wtU be rech ••• for JOU nu ... hr • • I a& MJ -wttllla tn weeb after-oar tlttMt daJ" ....... uh ... tl• r----~---·------~ _____________________ _......,. ___ _ featuring the opening · tf a new VEL TEX STATION in Costa Mesa to Give You a BETTER Run for Your . Money 799 WEST 19th. STREET · ' ' I . N 1-1 s ·o ·N, s • VILTIX SERVICE I I I F·:-1· E .E~ ~~, . . • • • t . I '· .. t OUYER . • "Chal/fnger'' I Si ~p. .. : Oli-Motor fte OWleqw ... ,... ............... .... I ~ .. u.. ............... ,. ... _ ~ .............. tear.~~ I t•U..~............... [ .... . ..... ·~ ..... ,... ............. -u. , wa&er 1e6 tM ,,,,.,., ~ 'I "N el-* I wtde ............... n. Ch ......... ............................. I N ftl'M ................. ~ .. tJe .....te ftlel t.a1L It ...... ~ u..--..... ....,..,..lt7"- I ~ ..... n.. .......... , o.a.c.. ~ ......_, •••• . ... . I no1uc E1s, REFINEIS All lWIETEIS Of ••tTEX .. PETIOLElll PIOIUCJS: .1 ~!~ ~~~ ~T~ ~-~~ _·: "' I ~ ---~-'-............ • "-' ....... va.Ta ...... ...,.. • 1 ..., ._.. I,__ ~. ,. D .. ..,. L. - - - --·-. -· ..... - - --·-~ I . I • I. .. • I SHdPS OFFICERS · Membership >dinner of Lldo Shope Association held May 3 at Newport Harbor Yacht Club saw in•tallatlon ot new otticen. Fl'Om left, standing, Bob Ramaay, director:· Jack Penney, treuurer: Tom Toon, second Vice-president; Mllq Lacy, repr.aenting 0 . W. "Oielr." Rlehard, director; front row from left, Mrs. Lloyd Flem .... uecuUve leCretary: Jack Bidwell. new president and Lorraine Daniel, !IO<°'l!~''1· Not> Jn photo i.a ft.Oger. Barrows, new first viei!:-preaident. -Hugh . M~tt Photo • TAR RECORDS -:1ET 'FLAME OUT' RESULTS IN PILOT : DEATH Lt. <¥-John S: nlcklapr, 85, Santa Ana, wu tilled late y~y Wbfl!I Ka- rine FW "Skyray'» he Wu tlylnc from Douglu plant, Loo Anp!M, e!Uhed short of El Toro Marine Corpe Air Station. He 1eavee wife, .lour cb.1.ldren. USMC Photo ' ' NEWl'ORT HARBOR NEW>PRESS -PAllT I· PAGE ~ wa>NISOA.Y;-MAY...,_,.956---- ITT llE HEIE DIATH NOTICI (0-..... -. --· __ , --·; ·-'V n.tJrf& L .&N-....OH l.Nl ..... flowa owr tM rruk L. ~ ... ot •M Capn.ol 1D w~. D. c . Httllolrop1 Ave. cM.cl ~ •l lt ....... ~ ot 0.. ~· -"'96deaee. llOm ta PllbtttiVJ. The rtacJiolt-. WNclil ... -.. ~ ....,_ 1J, llTO, Aade,._ IMt&U9d ~ prope:r!;J' marbd wu • Printer ~ oceu~ at UM put. SI lM ftrwt "*«'· l.D4 9"Md Im .,,. W•I••· pol• to Ml'WI lM ~ M-U\b h18 nUNment. lh WU Am~lAtl°' .Patt. a nlideJ)t of W. c:ommual'1 Plau 8'" Mlnr Cjtlll~ bJ' tw u.. put 11 .. ,........ B . hJM. Thay...:' po1tn\Ntlllr 8un1Yinr AN b~ wtf• Kr-. ot Newport Beach, for 1h• ,.. AD Andt: of the horn*- mov•l from the pre•nt ...,..U., u ,..,. ottlce1 on 32nd st. to the Jarrtr .unerat aienku wtU ... Mid 'fU&rtere tn u11 n.W ~ at. Jl&lb: Mortuary, Owoo& del IMllldlnr by May 11. l>9diCatJoO K ar, lby 10 &t J P· m . Tb• &rt. wtU M mada M.a.J ao la ordti' l:ctwtn c. Oomke, ConJ"rlPU..- tp ..... r. In UHi prumce ot a1· duarct. will ~te. P"'•mmantal dl,pltariei wbo latft'Ment wW M la the Kel· w1Q ~ in Ull &NL tOM Abbey C.-et.1'7· MISA Ul'HOUlllY 0pe1'9.Uob of lha new poat ot'nc. lldJ.dlnC wtt.b thJ'H UmM u. lloor .9pMltl ., .. ~t min .U.UOll wUI. pcnalt' ..,_ rr-.ter expedl1:J'.: tM .,0. for Newport. . Md 91.l· bo& IeLand.. ~ W~Jtr. The c.ntnl .mo. wiU act u tbe ''worldn& •Uon'' for 11.te and .arl7 dl,,.\.cll of mall ex· -------------------------~--------l tebdlq connce IMyonO that IN SU1tA·NCI •d IONDS . R Sus d d D k s benndrtrle, M!COl'd1nc to police. pro'tided o~Jnarily tor a llina1• ap ,.~. -run uspect .................... o. "'*· "· =:.:."":~.~n::' ,.~:-.. :: KOREAN WAR FLYING ffERO HURT IN WR·ECK On w.obl ..... Esca-Found w1"th Br Compto• .• n ..... '"WU pull· bom ..... u., """" th• j- (Conllnu ... 1 from First --) ~ r-ed to lh• •Id• or the ro&d at W. diction or the N--t Be.di ~-~ Bay Ave. and 10th 8lll. by Ot---,,.--· · John Leehy , HtlN,t.Blff...,..lMI d •• J k Kl d 0 1 •lation tor more than ' yMJ". I ~"3;;;;;::;~;;;:~ added• t «:on In u1e 100 free. SANTA ANA IOCNSI -Mon-,.,, • A t ncen &e RI' an rr• The Corona del Mar Pc:wl Otnc.ll The c four m•n re!ey wu .ec-roe John Woblck, 2S, of 810 Can-I S lft U 0 Thom11..1. I• .1Ull an Independent tlT'St clum ond. breaklnf the •chool record von Drive, CO.ta Me .. , TuMday While Klnf and Thomu took ~t oftlce. wllh a ~7.1 Mlkf' 0.u.l"hn. Ted wu handed a •Ix-month .wtl.fpend-Shakedown .of an auton1oblle To-.:i lo th• •taUon Ofrlcen1 WU------------1 . tffwport Variety l"OUa I _. 11 aTCall Halleu. Barry Von Hem.ert and ed jail aentenca alter pleadlnf belonflnf to in irreated drunk uaril Saunder• and Richard A Santa Ana Community HOI-inr the lnlf'r11tclion. according: Tom Bnckner l"Ofllf)Oftf' the tu.m. (Uilty to escape and auto theft. drivlnf •UIP8Ct l11t nl1ht n!veal-Heinecke looked throufh Toio'• a_nd thti pack&&"• ot tsbleta-on the Wa otv• °""'9 ...... pllal nurM wu involved In a to polll'e Tl'port•. Finishing fourth. the tour 1n1n Superior Court Judre Kenneth ed a bottle ot 4~ pH.la bellned car. Th1y ... m thly found the •te-erinl' column ot t.hti car. ~ ~ rr..-M.., "-' tratftc accident th1t may co11t Attendant• •t Ho•& HOlplt.al varsity relay ot Rrd!ncton Ted IE. Aforrlton ttnit denied pn>ba· to bl •econal and a packace of lice aald ~ admitted rettlnc NJ:'WPO:a'r ~. tne leg ot 1. moton::)'ICle rldlnc th!• mom1nli: reported McA.l!.a.lly Von Hl'mert He/\T)' HUI and BllJ jlion. then tacked on th• Jatl t1rm l'.m'.:o'.'.":.'.''.'."'.'.":...:.":_:'"::'::'''.'.:"'...:"'.'.'d:._:lo:._:b<:_bo"".'.tU'.'.':..:•':....".P';:U.:_:0'.!V:_:: ... :_.:'::.'00='_:"='':._::'":•~d:'.N~P:_:in:_:M:m='°:·. ____ _.,.,======""'""'""'= U .S. )f•rlne Co • Korean War had •ut!etl!'d a t~cturld rlcht ' 00 on!. with a two-year •U.pe.n.llon. n'oday's N; Y. :Stock Rep ort Th• fol low\n1 lt.OCk qootatlou were fUrnl•hed th• News·Pr-.. ,lhla noon by Shear.aA, Ha1T1rwlll ·A Co., N•wport Beach. direct ~m the ff-Tork 8loek ... cha.nre: 0o.-·.,,onr1 A '""Ni'" 30 Induttrlala ...... ~.31 up 1.1 20 Rall• ····--·--ll0.t1 up lM J~ VLllll.J#• ____ ee.u up ..20 1 p m. \'olu-l ..... ... Am•rkan Bmeltlnr _._ ..... l'>t"' American Telephone -·--·-···111% J.nacond& -·-······-·---....... Tl" Chrysler ····-······---··~'it! d puPon~ ·················-·-·····111 % General Electric ···--······--·· 80'.i. O<enen.I · Motorm -·--· .. ··•4'1' Glmbel Broa. ·-·-······-··-···-···24 'rii -Gtut-"Norlhem ft:-"ft. ..-'61Mt No. American Aviation ---12% N. T . Central ··--···---·-·--"11 May Oo ....... ·-·····--····-·~ 42"' Monterey OU --····-···-.'....-.351!1. 8lnclalr Oil --···-········--·-····Tt SO. caL l:Otaon -··-·· .. ···-·--·"'"" Standard OU ot Callt. _l 12% JJo. Paclllc --······~········.:::__..01" ~er1ca ···············--··•11Ai \WI •K.niPs . ; t..S..;.t~EC.-.'°~-~12_LS_ • -7" .. l ~.~~~ OOSONA DSLllAA ........... AooaWB L.AOlTNA BUCH ............. llAl.MA 181AMD '"Man-A'"" • !\'EWPOllT BEAOH .... _.,,... ""7o PA.LMOJ-1\'F. .LADY l:STHl:ll CHOCOLATE OD Vl:.a&D Ll9U1D • 4 PURPOSE CHERRY . SHAMPOO FACE CREAM CHOCOLATES Larr• 11-oz. BotU. . Laree 10-oL Jar ~-.. : ...... -· 59e ftEO. ........ 98c er:::.~:~~ . 4~ fl .Ill .......... LADIES Flll8T QUAUTl' • POPUIA.K 81Zt:S-A~SCO IACltOM.E lllPLEJo:NT NYLON P.lenachrome. MANICURE HOSE SET FILM '!<o"ew Sprf ... 81tade r.-~ . .,.I I• leatMr - [~t>-=· -51" G ... raaleed s 00 $495 '""" 1 11&(1. !o .:~US·-···-······· ... f l.M ..... -.. :--·-··-···-· WOODBURY HAND CREAM ~~ .... 50c MONT AG'S-BOX STATIONERY,[ 69c HAMILTON CANASTA CARDS§.69c BATH BUBBLES ~£::--.. ·" 5 ... 51 00 SPONGE RUB'R FLR. MATS ,,,,. ...... 51s9 yellow, M ... . ltlat:k ··~· ~· ll.11 I-CUP A.UTONATIO UNIVERSAL COfFEEMUIC '5:1~----· 51995 XEW F08TORJ.A DESIGN' SANDWICH ---JU· .ASTER- -· Warn• B&ll~r --~95 llEGllLUl ..... _········-···········-·. TRIG SINGING TEAKETTlE REO. T\\'O 8UCE AUTOJIA.no TOASTMASTER TOASTER THiii BEAUTY W48 REGULAR 1%!.M _ ......... . ' ' 11001:1. 0 UGVLAK ......._ .~495 $395 ..... v.i.us __ _ ,._..._., • .-. .. 11,...._~ II ....... l 1JI ,.-. w ......... N.tri.t ........ ,,..... .......... .......,.. .· 1 •••MS I ' Amtlll 111111 JELL-0 ' ' LARGE "'AAH EGGS CREAM O' THI CIOP . 49' • GlfCtrantMd ,,...... Corton of eM -... .MIRACL~ WlllP ..., llLll :S' ":39' -n JELLIES & .PRESERVES ~~-~ 12~2"' CUNG PEACHES rml-........ ;. ... '· ... pb••l'1· '"'" fn.t ,. 7. TOMATO JUICE --_..., -:19' . HUNT'S CATSUP --a. ... -. KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR ~45''~89' l'-AllE MIX"'llllll_.... ~ """' ,...,. ... ..,..... .... • .&7 ZEE NAPKINS :-: .10' SMALL TURKEYS · USDA GUDE A, EYISCllATED 6ii1k J.-III I Mii* ::::::-na.49' ,.,,.,~! .... CANNED HAM ·= ~ 4.75 SLICED BACON :l": :39' .CORNED BEEF ·:m~ .. 45' OCEAN PERCH !J116&n-1 :39' FILLET OF SOLl '=' :49' IASTOtAHaTO INTa SICYIMK $10.-CONIUT. a121 1 .,..., 12. °"'"'--w.n. ...... .,. 11m1na- • !!JIUM 2 .=. 47c ~ ....... ...,. .......... -..... .--- ---- MACAIONIDNfll 2 ,._25c CJlfllY Al"E JOOD <l~U ....., ..... -..,.c...., •Ac ' .......... '7d ..... , """-n.r. M. W.. .. ll II. ll ll W...,.111 ............... ... ---Ie1T• ..... ~' SAFE'WAV ' • • • ' ' • ' . ' • ,, --..J ~---' ~ locly Evlsc. Fryers ••• .. , ·. • • • C Cut.Up i'• ... eacly a FRYING _OllCKEN 43t. : Y_C1i-C~1. Pl(nnp, Oven-Ready JR. TURKEYS 4 to 5-lb. Average! -- R(verh,ad Genuine, LonCJ Island DUCKLlNGS • OVEN-READY & CLEAN' AS A WHISTLEI I SC~LLOPS LAKE TROUT FRESH EASTER NI FRESH, FANCY ..... ,,., - ·cor1n CAICIS 6• 29' ,_ ... .,., ,,_, .. SAUSAGE Au.-AMllfCAN IUUll 111~ PUii POlll I-LB. CELLO ROLL 59~ 59~ ,. Gu•r•n!Md Ono • J • • -. - .. . . ........... llOP, SKIP, . ',,.,to ... , a.1111 llNvt COOl<m •••••• 33' .. ~ , .... ,.. .... , Full v •• , A9'1in•t • PICTSWEET-Your Choice! SIM,..E SIMON, . Br .. k•g• In Norm•I •• r• Ung•I e Broccoli Spears ALL VARIETIES • · • e Baby Limas -c,___,__PJE ~ Complete Lin• I • 'Fordhook Umas ea. · i=--H'"';-; .. ~~ F .....•• e-IT - ~ C ... 6 ... IOll . . of Open Sto<kl I · , _ _ • : LEMONADE~~? 2 For 39~ La~ Siu!- . MCmB'S DAY CAICI ~'L2t.. -7t' .. c ,..... -----DINNBRWA:RE 1MI IAMI aATIOltAU.J U'fUTtla .. AUTY lllaMAC 1'0U"f1 UM , .. TMI ltWT. ltOlll AT NOlllM90VS NfCB! CAN 'T cM• -AAIAMllll POI OMI PULL TU.I A•AIMIT lllAllNGo ••• ~U•IG AT HOiliit WATlll 0.0ICI IN 4 COLOIS WITH IACM IUI NI ..OCUT PVICMAllSI 1 I 0 .. 1.u Pol•to ..... .,. u .oo .. 1 Pf' TIIES fYltlla rtct1pt1 Pkg1. of 41 2 For 25C .____ ____ ea__,. - . . • I' • - , C & H PUR \ '/ I . I --· ;I r--·., ,\ r- ' • .. •• .· .r~ • l1 . ' \ .;t:ANE GRANULATED 10-Lb. Bag • • , . • • • Heaping Baskets . ' ... $ ' . ' • -----------------·----~-US No. 1 White Rose, Large NEW POTATOES Lbs. • , , I f Tall Cans Delicate.rsen ids Delight SHced or Halves, No. 2t HOFFMAN ALL-BEEF SAUSAGE SALE! HOFFMAN All-BEEF '• .... FRANKS ' _ __._ _________ ~_..;... ___________ I HOFFMAN ) YAN CAMP's....:No.100 CANS e; BE:_Ef. SALAMI I HOF;MAN ' : BEEF BOLOGNA . -......---------------------·--- - - - ---·-------- - - - - - 1-Lb. Can t I llATH MACxHAWIC-From the Londo' Coml s 69 : CANNED· HAMS_ ~~=, . --. ,----- ______ __..;...__: MlLD01CHEDDAR 45r. ---ALEX MEXICAN DINNER COMBINATION .OFFER! • ~ .. , • . • • . • • ·' ' HEINZ • 4 !.Qz. UEF TOMA TO i icoukoun• Club er..... 29C · T AMAtES_ ,.., 1----~--- P2 0\ ·s0¢£ fU\.\. qU~tl't . , e SOUP I . SPREADS 'J;:'.~?:: 1 CH;~. BRICK . -I I 3 ~ 2tc • = sucu 55c ~~~i ... oz_ .... 45c· REG. 89c VAWE • 59c • HAM...,._'!'•· BOLOGNA . . BOTH FOll -----------~-1~-'--------· ~OUR SAVINGS iARN 6°/o ~:;,,,, ' . Invest In Al~Am<iricon PreferNCI Stoclll • r---- I Imported Chllun All-ArMrlun U..roof Stroight $319 I ' WINES : BOURBON . 4-Y:.2ldl I Ull&.IN• -IHINI -CHAAIS HAUT IAUTllNI -CAlllND I I 99• I All-Ameflc.n I Filth ... .I BURGUNDY G~!I $1 l9 L ______ _i . iuiv'"i>oRT ~-G·1• s1 1' i ;...:..: .. ; ~~--, ' , , • ' - ' ' ' . ... .. .. ' . . • -I GIN I ~::,,,_:_.:r.=..;r ....... ~ .. ~. ~"~f~1o~·i>Kf ~.~ f2,,_~ ___ ~ -c=-~=-J-;.!.----=. -;-.. --,.,. DOWNEY e NORWALK e NEWPORT IUCH COl-111 sm1•. ML.+..M COIMll JtAllTO• • PIOllF' Mii COAST lllllWAY ., --_ ..... ,;1&._ .... , ...... _ -DAl\.f "111.'ICSlm - -A.M. 'IO-P.M. llAILY --.t,ft t A.I&. 10 7 P.M. M9A,...,.._ 11 ML MN9Aft t A.M. ft) 7 P.M. • GARDEN Gf(OYE e OOllONA DEL MAR e SAN CUMENTE -... la.,. ..._ lliil.-1....ioo ~r --c:oxn--ay-ar 'A-· · IAA.Y , ... A.M. TO 1-P.M. DAn.Y lt :tHI UI. TO ll:Ot P-M . MZ a ~lllO MAL MHATI ,f A.If. TO ti P.M. 1Ulf9ATI • A.M. lO ? P.W. t A.M. f'O t P.tll~ Wlf8A"1 t A.M. TO,, P.M. .. ' • , .. . ' • QUEENS OF "SUNSET LEAGUE TRACK MEET Camlnc athiet.N P,&rUcl~tia,r ln lut week'• fiQ.a.11 of the ~ and field leaiue :-meet on t.y ~rt ,llal"bo,r High campu. to Wive mf&btlly for awarda were theee SaUor lq_\IJ!lllU.I S~Dg, from left, Mld&e Alldenoe and Jo Anne Haren. Seated, tl'OQl left,1Pat Ke,ter; Sue Niuen a.nd Anita Palm. The sfrll were ex· ' -~Jllfg&.r-• -• .~..-..---....:....;.;.- • ' . • • • ~OUDi Of .. -a•. no ~~~~-!!~~~~ .. ~~~~~~ .... ""''~ -'t" ,....... ODUes• SWlm .._., la ~ ~: l.t. <nllf' -o..ci. W~ PiCk-BILL PRtt~;tP!! Spor1a Edlto< -,..... -• •P -"'""--,_,.,.,_~ - ' ... didll'.t thlJlk Ille. s-1 --------·----.:--~--·-----....:·---1::' :!. ~~ ... ~ =""' 11n. ~ -~ 1<»tldo t.ar Wldefeated rAGE a PART 1-NEWl'OllT HAUOR NEWS-PllESS :=._~ ~ ; ~· - --., ~ °'"" .,...... ID tao -... Confenace WJiltlESOAY, MAY t, 1956 ' -.,_.,, -· n,,; "'"' .... ...,..., ""''--petl\Jola. wt. .. ., Milcl· -,.... -, .. -.. , ....... -aa: • oo· day, thin •t,o....a. C-t Sflftl...... .,;..OTB' ALL FRours --· ............. top .. mloo eou. .. Sl, ..... ...,.i.. Collect:'• IW'UhbuckllDc Mt rt" 1"V V tM ~ aeon... topptn~ t.o. City 1•. ------Aa,._ Cl\7 Oltlltp by • baff I -~---:::-,;= ~·10':':'..: oPEN ~R.. sA1toRs . MONDA v ::.r~~::; :: = HEN•Y• ara.lut nary a defeat. . l"fOlia.11 .,ri•I' trttnlns rt. wW!uway •t N•WJIOl'l UOMI entry ot a-medley relay ~· n. ~ • 8i-~ ,0 R.uW llJ&'h lkflOOt Mondtl1 .nemoon. It w•• announced t.lm. aad cUver, th• Plnt.. cdn· ....,. .., '1IMI ate.a. a;;::f lb• Pint• poke,.. I.Ill• t.od•J bJ eo..cb noo BW'ft.I. Th• tra1n1n1 win be l\f-14 In 1"",,S-:~ m,k" .. , •.,-.. ,·,~po~un1..; NEW-IT •"''"CH' am • nconl •aa • aee •!did COGjunctlon wlUl lh• annual toollli&ll pentelhalon. fOn• "" • .... " rv ~ victory Ovet' CU.tt.,-• \M• rlw, ductld by A1 lrwlft, wt.O la.Ml over •• hf'•d _,. mentc>t• alnJ.cht SOUltlena California * OOCl&TAIUI * •I pea pul•N ..,..._, atter-r a·~ Junlor Colle1e tam ·lllle. UM Ceut Hwy. h. U ...... QOOft. u .... 1'bil wu Ulr kSaU• •t Oran,.. C.OUt Col.Jere n~t r.lL R.MulU: 20 Jl'twttyle: i-. J======-=====:: caJ Chatte:r o1M W'taklll P" u.. The.pmtalbalon wlll IM conduct.Id u an elecUv• ewn~ atrollltr (0 .C.): 2lwJ, "Grflll,f•r ~ Maben a ca... • JUl IU( duri.111 1)'111 clauQ tor a two-w•k period, conal.UDC et:•• (0.C.); Sd, Parker (ML SM:); week by OTttetmlq a alH M obat.acitt rtlft. p&Miq tor dl.tance and accuracy, putlna' till. ft.Men 11.A.C.C.): 5th. Flts- m.aqla only '° .._ 'Mil 1~1. tw dlltt.a.nee UI ptaee ldd1q tor d'!l&"ct. Jn u.. P..t.. ~ 1i:.c.1. 1•.i . N.,wporl Bar.,, .,,. llM u.. prosraJD bile tllrUd up ••er•t cantUdate• ror tM-8'.IJor ta B\ltterfl7: ht. n.uet.t Newkirk •• to tt u..n ..._ pidiron tu.JU who 1't,d not prerioualJ ion• out, tor l&C.J: tnd. Grouacb (l.M.j; Id, ao ""-·-•--.:L.. ...... __ ':.. • • .:::... A:Ul!Un 10.c.1; 4.~ Holin tMt. tJM k:.jJ;;;:,.:r;:,. ";; tqotball. 14ct': &Ua. BhaM tL.A.C.C;i, twtrttar the f\&IJ a1ne mm .. ln --------•,-·~--------------J1S.f. LISTEN to the Sbean6n, Hammill ''Prive+. Wire'' KABC4:ao PM. Daily Mon. thN Fli; 9!UY futtlon. An.er th• euu GOI Of THJNC' "DS ti Backlt.rok.,: l.t. Barth boul'lc~ •bM.4. ~..O a. Ur.e wry '-" 4L.A.C.C. I; 2nd, N'twlnl'tr 10.· tint ;rur.10,., Nnrkll'lll. r••• up c .1: Jd. Au1Un i.O.C./; •th, Mat·i M1.rket Quotationa o olnstai.n i., ,Chatf•J-Bums • En' ters.· 15 s,·,1or5. onn t>«-BACl: Olh , "'"""' Financi&i Newa UJOTI IUVALa {E.C.1. i1.o. Busineaa Comn1entary H• pw th• riwall anotb•r 16 Brua~trok•: l•l. Da11ett J Interview• ~7,?i!::;;;:t~~·: in CIF P--"1ms sa:...urda ... · . y ttc~~~l~~:~~g!:~u:::.~;;1 ps~;;~~~.HA~Mllli.CO. Pail' ot· runners ·made It •II '"'• ll;JI fl (L..A..C.C.), 17.7. I ..., . 1 &O free•lyle: lat. De.11,.tt !Ol~•'''~'''' , wa.1 rawr.4 tlMi Pl.UI• In th• H&rbo Hl t&.C.I: 2nd, Jone• tB-M.1; ld,1 .w ... ..,.,,.,, ... 1 •• •s1 ... l£•r'-r""M•tt nl.alll, Coach Don Burn• will'; take 1~ Neyq>art • . r &b M&t.on I Mt. SACt: 4Ui, Stroth-""~"""' S•..-l •""'--'"' £..o~ tmlnjnr a _. ~ -Staff P~oto PARENTS ·Of ; 'ENSIGN CLAss·c· ~iQS MEET Bil' b!O'ft' for llle Bue. ca.me thlnclada into· the CIF tn.ck and field prellmtauy meet 10 c ~th H LA cc l __ _. _________ ,Lo Ur.• ntui •tum& of combat .,. · .i: ' ope ( · · · ·1• 3331 Via Lido H&r, ~ at KUl'lly Hieb School ID S.n Diego Saturday. ·s .... 1 "·'· wbftr. IUPU\•khr J.ildy Touq". ___ ..1 llectley Relay: J1t, L.A.C.C.; j Newport Beach SPORTS CALENDAR AT NEWPORT HIGH wbcl Nppld lhrM for i.--. ~ entJie9. will ~..y-a.inat those from Av~o, nnuMd • thrw:nut. ham•. Metropolito., Oranre, Su •Diqo a.rut Southern LeaJUea. Thfrd Backer Joluuly Siil.rad& ~ta A-'• M1yer, ..,.nd ~hr. · .. _ .. WUIOll: low h.u,rd .... , J•ri. I.lo collected lhl"I• bln(\e9 IA ouu nve ti:t119. on• o( tM u ui fat the Yanity '°" hurdlea, b .Wt-HHliard, 1120; John BUll'Ot.ln. a dtUMi", J t abl• to sa. Bu.nl9 r1poruid, _. •bot put.-•nd Leo Lopu; ~· It wu Eilt'ada'• two-'o.rl'er t.he Sailor .. Ctr.a.rile Berry, fOl.lrtb jump. The B reby team wUl 11on1' Wilb two olh• doubl .. la ltl• ...-tat durifts ~· kftMt eonetA of Don ~. I.Mp Me« ban rrillaJ, Jl.. l\oe.ct., Wllaion and Buekland that trll'l'ertd the flnt canto bte11 .. iec~ 'to· nn In. . , with a.lltm•l• Bob llalrt.r. fxploal.on. t..adoff M tt. l\ow• land HIU •u hit by Ur.e pltdl•r. Beeldu Berry, otMr Tar .... ,.. Only one 8allor C quallfted snort.lop Bob Cooprn-doublld, ally thlnclacb """° rtacMd th• for the Cir prellm.. Tllat wu Gen• Rain• llftl'led. &.11.Nda. CI.r prellma .,.. Ran4y Pffkr Glenn )(on1110n In llO yard. dub. dou~l9d air.d You.a.I' warmad up alld Otl1 Bolln1 In tb• UO. Peel· tor b._ bonr.w wttlr. a two-Ma· er wa1 loop MCOnd and. Bollnl' ,.,. lbtrd. • COHVIHIENT IUDOfT TllMS TiC ,lll°lll J to2 N9. Main Kl 2·2MS • MERCHANT PA1ROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL PAllOL ·Ka· 2·7027 Kl 2.o754 "7111-SLOCa <>OllPA..''Y -..,. ............. ta A.a l'\IKl(m• -Cl.'"DE& AJlfD (l(l.'"ca.a;r& u.uc:aa Uln'Oaa5G ~ ... ltJYPUD , • . . • . Ho~ s_~al!_dard lnveste~ its money last year to meet your growing oll needs N•w Rel•N"J' llalt• to mike bi1b« oetu1 •- Mite took a WJ ,art.of tM ._.,aw. 'w 'l*!t ror ..... t. l•,,.,.•¥t. 11~ ............. f• . ...i-d• aad otk• .... prod· "-Oll; ftrtlllM~ •od. •Prl.P for bluer cropti, took a UO miltin lll'l'Ntmnt. ... ~ ..... .n-....... t IU.._ltaadanlOIC..,......._. ol_Callr.nla 1"Cl•Clld .0--" .. Irv• _,.. U.an HOO •Illa · 111 tile U.S., Canida u4 loutb America to 1Npply JD'lf petl'O&eunr. n.da. -··:·-' . .. Ill -j , ..... a&-..i....-eoet .. ..,.,. I ll ·miHta. 0u'T911<1~ .... ~ .. •II.Id: "'° ...... rrut11 l•er...,. )'Wd.rfro111. oU ..U., Ml"af ma· w:u V .a. .tee011r-. .l 11•4•....__,,.,..,,°" .al~ 1....,.....,,.._ .. '!/ '1 ... 1ar.., .... • STANDARD JMPltOVEJ) !ta abtlilf to ..-V• 10t! lul 1- by inve1tirt1 $347 Million for new productioo aua ~ focilitl• •!!,~-qpl~tion.-n.O "°'of our Sl\i' billion_u;.O..._ -wu 1pent on .. tR--h itema:11 w..-and bent6tf...f~9 tmplOyftl, -.ppli• from li'lort t,baa 10,000 U.S. ftrma and cnJdt . ' , oil trom independent produeen.. Vt'e pa.id p. $l071Dilhon tu bi::":;cU,~"I and our llt,783 .tottboldtn rettivtd 7; ol ~Jar we took na· u 1 retura 'on i beir 1DV!-LmtnL in tbt Compaliy. 11 ''"'WW.• '-°P1 el...,4a11uJ R.t,.n fw 19$.1,wrtll t• l'a..ta•~ron ' C..pa111tf~ a..1aM,llllualllt..5u ~11.CaHlonla STAND~~D ,OIL' croM9'ANY OP ,,.,. ,,.,,., .. ,,, ,,, .. , ..... .,,.,. ,., , .. ~ • . -.. --... ...... _ ofith """. .... .. 11rli1p1nMI~ t7U111llen In MW : u.s. f1dlltlle.., 1MI ...... .!•J• "'' ..,_,, ,., ........ ,,.....,., .. ...... ...., ... _ .. --- CALIFORNIA . ..... - :.1 I ( ' r l • \ .. ---------- • • • · APPLYING SPARK FOR TAR~AQE TIJlE, ... , . .. . ,, ; !!ere you ,.. fln!ah of the B 100 yard dUh with era waa ieccinll, Tony ~ l of NeWport Wal. wt¥er Bill BucJrland of the Tarbabel one atep fourth and Don l'rederickaon; tight, wu fifth. .. ~ ... wt. • r-,11 u.. ruJillO la u.. ·fl'lllT· iir.:.4 ,. • & JIMIM'l.ind ti.rt. ........ ..-.. . ( 'weilla ..... -.-i .. ..... .. 11.ft. illf.. ..... ' t the nwit ... a~ -6 ...... ,_,, el • · . •' ~ don to.t II '" ,,,_., 1111 to 11u -~ ~ A)i;o 0( _ .. ,,,.. ~ fMlio .,...,, OC-.'IM ;~ r«•nd, wbri 1"• Na t.orJ .. .,. u.. Jwtt.;(; · Mil ~.~ • • ~ Qub ~U.• ~ olt ~ feaional HardoOUrt •1taljlh ~ •lblelW 4'nct.Or ,,,.,_ ptwm, fnt. ..... ~--~ ~ ~~ ahlPI and weloome ~<-c:l . 0( N...,ort lb.rbOr-Bltb kbool. kt10&t would ... ,.. ptck~ up ·...-; of N.wport•Jkrbor, u,.;~ ~ new profeulo~ NJd \oday'• mM4i1c' OJ t.¥ .__ • fOl.M.9 OA ... ta AM. -rurh bt'neftt in:es1t w ~ei4 , ~ · _ Mt Ldp ~ """* llaft to 4tfm-U..... tor ·~ ·loop draw a larf• crqwd. The ev~ MARINE to Mt u .. 111. ~ f1IW Mec!hq ~ \ ,]. la for wtt~ 'JI. the N~ 1 • 11rou•t.a. "tv t.bG J• u.. (Jns. ruuen.!"'.:':a'f! ua am-"!'!4JAJUl.._~~~--:-. . tt INSUIANC in til-.00 .ol the Jecua." _ •• u--·l t,..._, .... ........., ~ alru.dy J..-..U.<!I ·• ,JIDl BUIJJ,. J\&llertQlt mentor, ~-wwe ~uW to diecu•• cinch.cl '\lie l:lntlu tournament. o.M~ Mid .he would Rrot.ett ~!no'• t.M .. t 1 ~ in. tp1&y people wuit to .1ee Lhe .. old UU. W. o..t dllquail4catjon. ~ CPl.ak.Ji ~~~ i:: ~t coaci:-~-mut..r" play and are lOokll\I' r.Attt.v a.7 Q~ Of Sult& Alla lltC' ~ ---• ma • • aooa, forward to Lhe matcbM 'wtl.k:h Buah'1 . -~ would. ):l{tic Pf'0~7 throUJh a'ppointmfnt ol wlU t•tun1: ~ ·s .. counur ~tee a-•R_. ·B--'-~ • liOoP Jury coamttt.M.. Reed 't'L Tony Trabert· Ito · ~ ._.._ .~ -.W • dM!l&loa -1111 M." to ' coe.chlq fropt Lbe ~-U.. tie made 'todaJ· ctue to CIF "'' Pane.ho -~JUl!t_ . ' Gon- lDJ r&(el. •:..£: ll&rt llalW'daJ. . &&l-Sq\Jra Ya. 1'."~;t-' rt• <X>~"DWVDSI' . amons lb• '-su-,w11. • ' ::. .--· ~. Th• 00hb'9"'11)' ·br'$,e '*1. ~ ,)l~J .lftdtcated .IOllW The ~t-:...r:e.·be a two durtnir lh• w.nlty br'Old Juml w~ Wut.t,d tllJ tlwlelt . :!.,,1°' .... 'l-Jlifte • t;wtUcb ev61\f. on U•• l!atlor clAWm rn.. tre.cll M.,.,t -~mt.I)' Joet.lliicJ -p-~ , 0 · day •!lel'nooc. duriq '°°P maet at,, ·la-~:nan1or ~ fa:° '/l..:..~h many . nnaill. BIU Jl"r&nt.s of Oran ... ~ ,lllfl) ..... ~ th•. pl ' . • • • of!idt.l· In ebUJ'e, t\'9t ........... t I' a.,., .. tit. Bailor t»a , ~ I . "-• td Ji\ljlno'• jump, w., .... ~ ildl .-Net:lved mat pleuure tl'Otn a ttctni. l.>.'W· attention, ~lied, to p~bU!ty~ putUllf op UI~ meel Reed..•ded bf.rt and t;tartwts,we'! cb~n u ~ •. crow-hop by Santa .yi.....ob--tlii f!IOO·ta'ken·tn· tTom th• mfft Ult ,ptrf~ .~Ju c,~1 fl'rvert .at tbt IUQIJ. , J'T;al:ll:a ~ &net l'r~)' .of i....t T.ony and ,Ru eacli'')Oi,M~ towid a 1ln11e ,apllU tl'llZk OYU WMk w:u 11nouP lo P.Urtha.1111 cat·llkt ntkx~ which la l().fm· oaANO:l COUNTY . ' edie ol the bc>an!. ,.__.,,r:te4 )lil atarttn4 ti~1. . portant lfl a raptd ~xclan~e. W Id Ch~ p'-shlp 4ec!alon and WU t&nheld . alter • TM' d*hee ..,.. that, ••Ide 'fhelr vQl]eya are a~rp and Cn•p or a"1 IUD . Lrngthy ar1wn~t b7 Maud!:• trom U.. eo.t~vva:y. tauted by an~ they ¥Ch have. aound over· RODEiifiitt.· tRedl Guyer, mtK rderee. tM woad jwnp. thla ytar'a lea· headJI, , · ~ The decl,akln 11lmlna~ FµJtno p• ttiMt waa ona of Lht tlnut Many tennl.9 uptrta cdnaider , ; First l1vitati011al Kid Track scRATCHEs sw~LL Dixon speaks·-~· M,,, 0'wn"'1'"e"~'v ... i·st" "1:~·,.5:::~1"".Y·o·u· th ~~;,S::~J~f;l -·'1"i~;~+,~~~~ Meet Set for. ·N.twport May 19 TAR ENTRY usr Santa Ana Fete . UIW ~.~:~ ::,='1~=" ""'"'", · AT' 2 ,.M:~ . from the tape. J4cKee ot Huntington Beach'a Oil· -Statt Photo ~" I Sunttt LeafUI track 11\d Cralr Db.on, a.uiatant . tra~k n b' · 11 · p· .. t ' M t s t The "old~.:::-... ~ \, .. t f'\ATdN,.. ;j tr:': .!1;*~i1:~r°' 1"thl ~~:·ai~ur~ec~;_U:io~~::rt!>~:~ !~~~1edM:1~~· ~~'su~::~ ~~1::.°i:.f~~:·:,:;:::~1,,t::~ r>(15e _a . aren ee e =:t;<:d.:Y :~~d~~:' ~Mo~ !'!tf.~ f a In Or&ni'• Co6.ty In IJl.·tourlh In Fullerton, Sulla. Ana, Hunl· Cll-' 111el•n11 n•ry< entry l1~t I "' a1110NCO •ua'T'f'Nlt' WIL lhroup •tchU. srade9 &i ~ru lnrton Bu.ch a.nd 8ueM. Park. •t San Drtrio S.turday to ~r a\ 5 U!.~ •n;u•l 5.i:.U AQa CGI·) Parents with yo~"tul on Harbor area aummer HBC Track Outing ttu":~:;0~1 ~~;H..,:i~._..1 SC tely ldMduJed at-N~ ~ .._.Pruldent Dick Knlll ot 2G-30 111 Newport Kat-bor H 1 i !I e.:-e f'rJl' port,1 nqiHt, lotay ba.seball Cua C cltibl i4 the ~ Leque (~onte· Adultt .. • •.. • •·· · • .' · · • bor Hlltl Scbqtl .ttl':"'!-~Jt Club •nnonnced med.113 will be •School Sailor~. 15, Vl3ta School te&Dlll) &re ecbeduled to med. in the m ain Harbor Bo)'9' Club lhinclJlld... Children ..... • ... , .. &I' May 11. It WN~~ .,rarditd ror an·nrat 1;>IU~I and Added to the Ter rontiri· IJl.on \,ii\ dbc.Ulll' the. chereM third Utrourh elghtb 1rad"s T1e1<1t1 Ave11e•111 ............... by 0.. Bum.Ude, S040. ¢hli dr .u membera .ot 1~ 'Win-i;ent l·~:e: t.'1 P•.:e 8. "'" ''h ·· i;c!1-:>ol auc!itorium at 6:30 D.m . TuMday, May 22. Here are h 00.,'1c. •• ,~.,1110• ''' ap..._.,., , j . J o. • ! t.fll'.e'1 ::::tt:a lt tlle OJym. • • .&.I-' ,,.,..,...,:i k travel to IAJUn• ~M'. for 1 oantl, .,...,.,.,.,, th.OP ca N . 1)'5i; fir•t vice P™ldent an4, -..,.,41· Ainr 're ay teaai; ,lb~ ~lil. go ack Snuth in lh, vtr~.t' pl:s lh1, r ;"lJ In Aust a1ta. Co•ch .;le t.ca-n ro;:;ten w~b.were anno~-. ~wee ; ti.,.ck and field n1•1t Satul'd&)·, 1t s " aao1< lh••• aot W• 1~tor. The Newport ~JO-!tO aecond. uurd. fourth, and ill:.ti 4 ~0 end rob:; te :.:~1 rnrr1-r·,~1<t1 a ..... 11 .~11 It Mel" 30 Cl b I -... ber~ Oo!I Pt:irton. 'J'urn ?\'!· or Ra'.rr J u:.:: 11.1 •.1.st ~t~.r 1111then L "''1 .. E .::tile ·NOOD U , Jack Cbarlu · Watta, Ga•ry Morren, wae annou•ceG today by H.BC ~-rff II I u a a~lnr -~ placr fin~her•; •nd • r~_plvJn; -.... , .. 1~:c11er, Frank Moore Geor&• , ... --•· RI> 8 k D ' .,.. u•••• ;•~ In conj'WlcUon with •11.rtraYeo,,.• tttophy wit! go to tht •lftm com· quette 11nd ..,.n;: H.sftlrt. the 11ens.:1.t o:ial Cah~ornla athlete 1 Bob i dM ' Ken ~ ••-"· c Y pet . •na Athletic Director Rod l'<la£'1'<111· I ••NTA Nt ~ 0, • Club. • Garden ' Onwe w!thdr8\V 1 · Jenk n~. ' cu r,. ~ Kitt-. .'fM~ l'raur. llar1. AISllTAN € Lii.A u & \.: A" •<I'm•"• 400 ~, -11 pUms. l!llMl ~LI, i"ltet you th W t th .o •o wu a ri c_ i l"on1p•tltor, Dixon . s1.-1naon. Steven Fletch4f, -Jim· +..-.. -,,. -I' rank. Br l a n, -------~~ par;:t lpate fro~ Boy1·...,6ui>.,..~ o~tion to ~.IA. iff·\tbJ>hy lh::i.v;~~o n:.~:ay ~·ea~ :i~ ~,·~I e;:·~;~·:i 1.;:e :::a-itl:a An1 C:>lll·l i:y :.;cut:drr, 1·1i"n Scbept", Ron--Rl~lmlth. John Cucchiara, ----' c,.e e .. <'!. 1. · ~ :i tr:offlr.a . , u•1· :::11lt. G.u<\ For411·bru .... Fullerton, IAruna Betch, hi.In· thrH', tllflu SlllM penn1J1ent 1nll'1ng 'he !:rl1or a1k!IUOn!. bia~kt •· I 1 ., .... •~:i 1 II . · P'r9.ncl9'Bt0Wa. Rtchtrd Stutlkk, ~,,,. .,,. ..... ;.• -·" · • • ··· _.._ • ion 90 , or.1..1)', Stl\'fll'IOn, IJ:or\q'I o,,. Jam•• ,....,,-1 Bobby B«k•• .. __ ,_._v_''-''~'-11<_1>oo __ ,_~_,_.~ .. :_""'_.:..:.,,...._~ ... _ .. _. ____ ~~---'-··_·_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_·.:-_-_-_._-_._-_-_.'..::'"~'"~"-"::tu,U-nt Union. pl;...; ... R.obut,HocLlnJ, 1'1:11 feud· Wanft su:. Cuey . Ktnr'. m¥MIA TV ·. ... . Par.t;of ~tandard's .eas:ni'1gs cam~ fs:om our work In supplying oll for other fre~ na:· · . ' l • . .. . ~ . \ PARIS TAXIS, Afri<an rivw boat. and A.,.tnlian airlbaen • -' "'°"ra on ~lat prod~ by Staqd'!'d ... ;.lilflli!~ 1.ut 79F .. • d on·io-- 5 Euta-n uaru.j,~ ... tDU11trieo, proceued It at 15 ov&;lu . . nlhlorieo, aupplied P,llrGlou,m product. to 67 cou•tri• outaiclo ~ ~f . ' tho 1-C--. TM niplt w .. a bi& -tar bad~ ol .. . . __ ,. ,,,.. .. 0rtd-J1411om, ..._....tion of U.S. oil-,_..._ .... a bifber otudard ol livi~ ror tllo .,..;~!• oi ma111 w..i.. I ' I • 4.' • ., • • U ,_ ..,... a _,,. GI ._. All•.al a.pert lor lHl tis to• ltaaard OU c.,._,. el Califonla. 1la. llU, UI B\ldt St .. S.. 1'ru<iMo It, Califonia ---.~&11oa-..o 01L 'co'•,.¥,ev ·op ~L-'t~~· .• •· . . ... ,,.,,., ..• ,., .. , ........ ,. ,., , .. I • • -- • { der. l<enn1~1 Schwan. Rk:h11'4 ftldlanl Blair, Jimmy Sexton, ' ' Br~·n. 1Uc111rd Ca.Ria, Bobby BUly ~tt'I', Miki Towle, , ; ' ~r&neljlue. John 0.yer. .Bil,11 Joba BWlt, Brue• Ha~nftkl, I · ~ ;;-}etch~ •• Ral~y A;tdl., . o.car ~ltl• -.ex-J1 • •• " <SfVE~'' • •• •'" •P ~1~:f~ ~.:;;~ ~~~8ti~Z?Ro'E BIGGED.·. 21~~ Q\rx ... \iq'~'1\t.. '-John M:atk'ti B1aif.t ~41Jtsi.C .,,_,.a .. .,... ,..!J~ / ••· • ·1•'• .,,, •. :1,. 1\ i. TbOm,r,a Jo\iri:el. ),obMi C{nt.Ov. 1-..!!l.. -'~.z!,, __ cx:i;,.~~lL.!-Ul. ~~L-\I 1 . IA:·r; .lfl<.;.r_;, t:u;ene HJte., J'a.!1 CAar• ~ lli.wley, Ch2:!es \Vu1vo.twp. )er· s-Jtl I ?, ~ ~ rr Hut>lunan, Q~ Col, Tom •rt IJW HUiett, Joo Hu11ainaa, Dick SER 1 'C ~ Hit<, '""'' O«haf<I. 1-M"k· i; ' bJni. '\\'ayn11 Ma,trtjean, 'OreJOl7 lfOf '-·bur' '. St~'. Dall" Jollnaon, Loula ~-1 --------~ ' ~· ,..,,,, l1el. Ph, llllp Ruet, Robert -labe11. ··-~· . =f :=---_, "\ Sammy Hulett. · ~;;;. ••••• .C~'9--"'"' P1r11lt' .. -Tommy Holl. J:,.oW- tll Dunn. Je!! Sket, Jimmy Cqiwford. Danny Holl. 'lcldoti Brigf~' Biil KelU!.. Jarnea IA• hodnt)'. Mlchaei Tuz. Danny Crqe.". llaJld H etrick. John ~~ ~ltlw, f'l kn d y Hale, llerili1S Thomp.11on, \Vllllan1 Croaa. Ken- ny Wlclcer, Robt'l-t w~lcWN \Vitte, Crall Enr1e, Morr1• Lar- .on, Stevtn Brtcr•. Klehalll K7-Ov ........... an '--'-~ era, Bill J oh111ton. ' .,_ · Cubs -I>ramua ,.._.,.. h ., :.. ...... ill .. _ of~ Dmnt_. Wapr, Ttrnotliy °""' f PT't.,_ ..... ,...., "iiiii mak. Matk awey, Robilrt Ji(&t,.. .,.......,.. 6o. our,.,. ' thewa. Robert P'ol1NM. Pa u I --'.. ~ .. 7" of oa1' SchJey. ;'rOlur ~· lilU' -.sptt?w•ar aeceud,.. . lloldtnr. · bo""°!' oooptr, • 8UlJ -"!' .L:!._ , ~ckerm~ DtruU Tripp, .Ni.. ... ....._, • J'9IU oudi.rd otrlch. Ronald RatflWtf ftlll ........ , .. foi a - BMWI'. Uward:'J'nft Jl':JC9.. -a.11 t7i1Yebftct... al rl \vo6dl. Di"itil ....._. 'Ml5-'-' ' "' Bthi't!t, "A.JI• York; 0 J:ltlMN ... ,.,. eppndaaia. "'""· Billy-· ,.-,..... SOUTH co•rT d), Robtrt AD...._, .Jll:IUi7 ,,. ~ .,,... " ,._""' · · '' ".: ".CO .. .ANY Olanta -. ~ Ha,_ llltb' ~.,.. xarif Rliach. au,. ,.,,. H', Ronald J\boadl, 0arY SMrt- dr! Philip Hu., J1toMit Ned.. Duatd Kerley. Blll1 n&na.J6aa, Denhl• ~ DatfftJ' lollQ. to~;'Rl1b1 ,..,,,..., Oar7 .Y~.' tfa'nftJ' PltUt. i.any JWmkn••, Da...td Rilron. &dward lacJi:.iii. 1 . , .. \!(·•' ·•,• r r •• ILICT•ICALLY ·•·LIT US HILP YOU e n&,.OllDti.ION •. 'F11Jta'rl C i1 ... -~~•:air 'JU• ; ?)r -.&:. -· '. . ....... , ~OJI TOO L.UGJ: ·oa _..,.. 211 ~ x.,.'°"' ._..· , . . ... .. . ..... '\o .. j ... :r .,. ... ' I \ .\ ' -. • PA40E 10 • PAAT I HEWPOlT HAUOR ~ESS WB»~Y, MAY t, 1916 • -1~--· ·' .. ·. '· ' \ SUNBEAM AUXOMA1'1Q PEBOOLATOR 1u.t. what every woman Jlu wt.bed for " .. the Bun· bM.m Automatic Perno¥tor.1 fliCa)tn Pftf«t coffee 1vvy time ... automaye.n1 • .EuJ·lo-Mt 11111111 llsht ION GUt WMa eoa .. •-...._ ·Jt,..... ltR.lt to lr.eep oott'M hot at perfect _..... t.unpen.tve.· si.w.u lltMI pump.-wtll not ~ Cit' .udt, A.va.Uabl• bl I eu1 pua and lo-cup ...... Alie ta copper. •• • • Aetlo• l'Jodfle ..... ......_, What a ............. to h&vt Al'Ol9liJ 9'Y'ft7 hOIM! KDIY.a and lciuon that &n alwayt atiup-lh&nb to Ul• o.t.er ~· Action &iect,.. ~ft 1aup. ..... ' a.. ,.... ta.et~~~ ffOUnd euttln&' edCe. ~ ., both idd-. at tM .am. tbM. PHuure #lop ~ nnt. blade 4&map. Olt.t.enlal Wllllt eaH t.Mt'1 t&q• · to-keep-ele'11. Sb&rpen9 ~ra, too. tlUJ. NEW SILEX "STARLIGHT" ()AllAFE 81.T lteauUMl7 aQ'ltd la copptt .... Wl'OUl:bt iron. u.. "'ltarupt." CUaf• and Cott.. Warmers b7 8Ua pnmde Oae flnWllna toucb tor l"'ildoul U'l1J'S· Wkle ..a. ,...., .. ~ ol brnrq-. ..., c1...in,. ln· ..,Um ot k:9 euba Wonderful, too, for lnltant cott-. OU\ pacMpl ku.p -. ~ 12-<:Up •t. ,,. -- • I ' • '. • • • . ' • • '. SUNBEAM MIXMASTER ' Oh,9 he" the n10Bl wanttd rood m,lxe~a 1Sunbeam Mlxniute1 ! H•• exclus11'e l1r1er }>owl·flt bea.teni to rtve more i.hon>u;;li n1lA lng for hlSher, liShler. finer· texturerl c1ke:11 and f!\lf!ler n1uhed potatoes. Mlxe1, mUhell, wblp., lbe•tl, ,u.... blenda. 1foldl, Julc:u. Avt.olhauc bowl 1paed•eontrol. ramoiiA.Jtia-J'tntr dial. OnlT "4.M. !!xehuil•• MhlJnqlefo blMd• •ttachmmt flJ.tL Bolh for f.tl.16 an.a your old. mixer, • • • 8EN8Al'l0NAL EW ui;y SuNBEAM Iba wondufui 'Jlft-an elect.rte ahaver dulrned for lb• 'lt'om&n oa your mind. Only Lady Sunbeam bu lh1 Micco Twtn hud. C1ne edge eepeclally r round ror un- jerarm UH. th•~ oth•r to .itav1 ltp-<:lose. 1n1ooth. End• nu. and tnl.!Mr nlcb and cut. of IOap and blade. Sma.ll .,. a compact ... 1&!1 and 1ul'1!. Chol<:t or stx 1:>1aut1ru1 colo .... Olft packared. 11•.tn. " ' • BORG SCA&-E ; :a:: ROCKm DIAL BoRG "400' BATH sc,\u; .t.n tutUn1 ,ut .... lbe Bors "4-00'' bl.th ..:ale With the fiMhlns 1tyl1 of todioy'• motor can! 081(?\ad to mfft Jf\C)dlr'Q ~ and Uw decor&Uv1 need.a of today'a .. t»iomu. The •J?Arkllnl "Rocket" Dial HPd and mas- olllad Wfde-.vlilion ~ a. euy to read. Modern --.Uty la llftry det.&ll! Cholc• of cokln. U!eUm• lkf'"riee Warnnty. lll.'5. ..... ~· •• •• ' , ' .-.- '• ~. I SUNBEAM RADIANT CONTROL TOA8l'lll Here'1 a happy 10lutlon to at leut one of your lift ptob.lenu! A. Sunbeam touter 11 Jr&nd to rt•• or to 11t. Patent.411;1 ··Radlant Control .. 11vu u.nl!ermly i:k- Uc1ou1 tout whether brMd ii frah or frosen, white or rye. thick "or Ulla. Lowen and raWi brN.d ail«IU)'. Ct'• aut~lnaUc bqond belief, ft1.M, • . ' . ' - SUNJIEAM CONTROLu3J Jit:AT l'BYPAN Perfect to Jive or to ret! You atmpU' Ht tha di&J for eontrolle.J heat. Gl•N perfect. cooldAs or ~ re-- 1ult.1. No iueuwork Ge w'&khlnc. l:uy-~ Fry Gulde and Heat Control Dl.r.I In handle. Square lh•JM ::ooka ?O per ceat more thin round p&n. Water--led ~lement for quick. eaay wub.lfll'. Thr'ft 1lz.m : 10\.,, ll~ii. l'Jh. from fll.16.. ... c.-0-Mit' RIV,U. <JAN-0.llAT OPENS ALL <JANS ExclWll."I All can-O-Jht opmen ha•• u ama:.atnc remcl'rable cutt<er and ft\8C1lel for ~ rlnafJtC' under th• faucet ... alway. ..,Ut&r)'! 8lftlle aetJGn b&ndl• open. all can.. Foldll ll&t aptnat the· wall. BeautWUl lle&mlnJ' r.hrome with 70ur eboke of dlcafe.t.or col· OrL Wllb map.et. ...... without m-.p«. ... ..,... -.xtra eutuas wh•L ~ ' • ~t ..... • • • --·---......... _ - SUNllE.Ul 8TEAH OB DRY DION l'he f1ne1t rttt tor any ooculon la a Sunbeam l!lteam or Dry ff.on w!.lh llxclual'f'9 Steam Fl.CM Vt!llla that let you iron on all onr l"OahSon of roUm&" .team. Now} Iron 'lt'ilhwt 1p~ or ckmpenlft(, OM•enient Thumb-Tip control&. ewtkb ttom .team to dry and dry to 1team tp••t~. ~•elPt ... only I 1-. 11'1'.I'-Your pld tr. bl•'tnid. &Dd •It.ta. r- '· .. '. TO~STM~ST(l P-Z-8lloe TolielmHlu -r 'l)e world'• ~ diaUnc:Uy 4itfeNnt touter ••• .u. world°• r.-.t stft.. r-uu. ~ue Puw.....uiloo that 1kN9n bM4 •utom&Ucall7, to&.tt9 tt, Ud ...._ .... ,- J'AaT-.,ll i,7 llMlf! N'G 1"wa lo ptWI. 110 wat.dltnc. TeMt. ... atkil tA etui'• alol Tout ,..... ,..n.. .... t.ToptJiM et t-..cma"'at "" ttnw. tnA . ' ., ' THE Fl.NEST~~OSI ·COM~ ST~ JO IE FOUND ANYWHERE ', Dantes: •.• TY.. ·-·-.Radto ~------·~- ·ncllY.; Place to ' ~! " . ShOp IU•AYS fl HOLIDAYS . . , • I • Harbor 116 220S ·W. B111lboa . Bhd. ' Newport Beach ' • • .. . .' • --.. ... . -- • I I I ' • • -' ... _my& llOJ-+ 'l'l>!>--ol·ll!f.f .~ -athletic activity ataged durinJ -~. • . V.y by OCC atudenla..• After ..,.iy mominr cl.-Friday student. had fUll ochodule trlth uoembly, carnival, -..... relay .._ bemd-gn>WID( ocmi.t Jud.Jil!j. v Traditional i!hlpw~ Dance with mwde by ~ Brothen ..,. • ' ·, ~of 'IPnc.J.lld Q\!Oen timurb.t day to oucceoilful cll>M.· · I. .. , . ' ,· • • . ' •• r• ' . ... ' ' ' l'IBATE'S 'un; -Maxine Walder, left and 1'111llla Yarwood, kneel at 'tee\ ·of Al Kepllnf<", candidate f9r atudent body ·at 00.:::, ' · lhowh trying' to im~ young lovelies witli his ~ capabititiee tor pMt. -All Eugene Tyle'r Photol ' • • CIU1!Z!f CANDIDATD -.ni.e ioven.. wore caildldateS for Pir&U°"'Dey queen title. J'rom left, tint row, llaraha Eidem, Judy J(Jttricl<, Lyu'·11oo'iey, Charlene Alvey. Second '°"• ~tom left, Fron-Norton, .Sue AndrU, Kathy Southward, Barbara Jacklon and Delia Gomes. .Ml Wire introduced at uaembly. ' . ' . SINO OANDlllATES -8allotlng wu heavy for title of Pinto Day klnJ. Eoch .... _ oipalation bad opportunity_ to nomin1to eon4idatea. From left. lint row, bict ~ Bruce Knipp. ·la _., from left, John Geo!S", Denny , l'itapatri<:k, TabrW Hajebi and Dick KoDD. r I • ' . 8~ECK: DANO£·-Kuaic--.for Pirate Day by EWott Brothena -WU played- J (or dancers in Student Center whlch wu decorated in South Sea· Ulland motif.. Rod &hmllnon. 'Lapna Be.th .ftd ~bara JacklOD, Newport Beach, Wel'I Cf'9Wilfd lUn.c. and queen by Spence Rush, Laguna, U10CiaQd ~~·· atudellt • ide iii',_,_.::.. ..-· • .,. \ • • • ' .. pree en . . ). . · ..... ~ .. · ....... o.u&NJV AL .i&Jl,'EA ·-Student 'pl... for Plnte Day aetivltiee KW preparatkma for program which includ~"' brootha, game.. lunch on college gtten. Here student. and faculty . .complete in relay race .. From left, Al Oneltl. Tom Plett.ti, Al ·Baker, RandJ' Alben, Francil Albers, Gordon Pate an'd ·Elfin Hil~ inotru~. • ~TE MI.LY --0.. -auditorium :.1ep1, OCC .itDdent.o. drum 'np ~ V.y pitch over micro- phone. A.9embly featureld faculty memben John . ow.no aoo Ray R.oMo In "Cuey at The Bat," • oll>er nUJllben: From left, John Georg<, Anaheim ; Randy Alllero, Al Boker and Lee Bay>, all Costa - • . YO llO llOl -1'.-N .. ~--of oollop auditorium. Plnteo ID flill ~ offOt' ootl drlnlt ' tout to ...,,_iu1 Pirate Day. r..,.. ,left, lluy ~. Pllyllio Y~ Chui-Ak><y and Wllllaa P&)'llt, art ln.ltnlelOr. - l • ' ' - • I I • • ·- • ·~ EDITORIALS ' P-PE t.'!u...---: s· .Jt...., ".:....,..,;. ............ of ... ......... .,. • ""' .. _.. el ~ 1-'IA-UIV.::11 Ila .. IOCJ. A 'lT 'll"'-t~ R~ A....• fte1anprtdlfUlfl.bilowet,.,_lloll ......+=:=..=L. vve -~~.m=e~~-~vn=es=---;---"'ll'iit'"'=ti .... ~"' &DI& , .... -• udlllt &D4 --r ; . -Jmoir-b ··-~---... d You 'l"9 "'""t ... -,;. -u..a· put ,_. C. doet. urtor our llllit .. _ _. tllo ~ Da:tnc Oo. , •• H .... of,.,._ --,•t.-J..•'....,,-hi tn.U r.mclwed ~rt will want to bear the --·:---. -• • -.. ,So04 .... w li'-'lr'IOaia Al'& K-y nlcbt. a otato ID liberty for th-Ud for t11eh" chll· : "' · dnn'1 chOdren. ' · 'nie co1111cU..:llla)a 'fan -i.d with ollvtr ""-" aplk• uaed ' ID 1l8o • .to dadleote 1111 -- Poclflc·P. E. Indra ~g the -leqth of Fourth St., Senta ~ \bn>llP. Ito bualn ... <ll&<rict. Tiie Indra were 1 • '"!1 _. f1io ...,,,.,. flna tblo ~ I You mlgbt ..... p I 111 It-,,. wlll ootllo tor Juat the old ....,. ...,.. tl&o ......... U.. or tllo .-roclr raU bed. W .... OMt to ,._.,If tl&o IP.J'I: - !' blne will Juat &... b ~od qB) ml oat of cint.r.t Newport. WW a.& ..,,,. day an!Yti j ,,. will be able te ..,....,,.IO ,.._ la tbo itPt , 41...itoo tonrd ... , II I tllla -oo , tnllle -flow, .o merca.at.' ••tmett '-pt to U.. ...... without •altiaf oa "'°" '* •11111~. l""!?dq • M empty can ..,.. tlio _, llinoto ...-U., 11 ..... • port and Balboa ....,. , It'• ""°n ,_,. ..... Illa 1'eft.rr-al&rtAd Ila campalp to ~ ...... 1"e1!e• and llUIJty to th• pn.e.iu, ·e-ir a11 ... rwt1.f.lt.eW. boteW..ap rlrbt-of .... y. -....... liiiifa.u& ~ ... retU... llilver apl'w, It' loolla u tlloup 11ewputt Beoch folb --Mpt. The gp.pJ: .;,,'ilio lo in a "slvtni'' mood ID : OW" cou.nty .. t. ... Efl tMfU p .. our COUDdl ! tM flrot few did aplbo llMy pall out· of tbetr out- ,_dated local tncll1p Wiim tt•1 removed. W•'U be itad to have the fbiit"liilwll .. llhmwl." 11,AllBOQ .Ress ,.. '" ·~~:r-~-•ftits • ........ I m Jltw .a. n•a s ts i...a kl P P'J ,...,_ .....,.y.,. U.S. Economy Has No Limit ' -with Forward-thinking Folk -' A blllldN4 yaro 1J6-wwt tloooe who - dJet.d obrtnklllJ llYlnf lllall4udo for tllo U. 8 . people -tbe llmlto of the_,, 6-llon ftn reachod. Fifty JO*n "'°tho-..:. ftlOlll .. ~ p-J well fllJed ID. "Tbtrl art Uldtll 1ife'll -be Import· m, food to tMd th• m• 11 awdlat Our cltiel!" llWIJ otill cried. predlctlDr • llatlo u ... OUR AMERICAN IXX>JIOK'I' llAI 110 FIXED Llll1T8, NOW A.I THEN .. ~·lo DO YlaibJ. llmlt ·to Oll1' ability to pn>dw:e more, to lift ~r. eo lone u we keep the poUtJca1 a.ad' __...le condition. in Wbldl mm dare to ID_ la -ldou, uw p,...._, _1D4 Uw machine-. -- • New City Manager' Hiring by. Council Commended • • • • ·-· -' Editorial Circuit Rider , Faraer MCC.bt ~ ... -- I I I I I ·~ j ' I I \ ~ I • • 1. .. ' ' • • • • SORQim:T ~ -Ku-li;J!IPlon chapta of llet& Sigmt Phi hooon>d their ,,,_ Omlen ..-tJy •t • Founder'• Doy Buiquot ot the Harbor BouM In Coota 11-. Abote' loft to right ue: the new p...mnt, lliu Louioe Oliphant; In· ....inc ~ Kn. John ;lluohe;...,.. recording oecretary Kn. John llopn; -.lira. .Emett WoJ!ae •od comt1pondlng ......wy, Kro. John N-.". Co-Sororities Celebrate , Birthday, ·Fete Officials I . , . Miu Karthi. Oehlerklnl Waif named ''Girl of the Qi.apter acted •• ml.ltre11 of YOU::' by'Ku W<-n ... n Oiapter of Beta 51-.. Phi Sorority cuemonie• for UM . Founder'• ""i-""' .. ._. De.y Banquet. :wm LouiM au. when ft .met with Omldon Rho Ch&pter, M.&y 1 at the ph&nt, oew prffldent « Mu Ep- Harbor HOUie tn Costa Mesa. Tbe pup cele)>rated lilon. Jed the Bet.a Blem• Phi •• Tw ty fi:UL. .1. --: f th t din 1 th sraoe. Mra. Jobn Ba ... be. new wse en • I.\"° .n.u..u.iveN&ry o e oun r o · e vl~·prutdmt or Mu Ep•ilon • 8ororltJ'.. io.. o.h1erldnr .,.. t-.n tn thla &tH durtnr th• put -k:om-1 I.he nN' pledr111. and eetY-1 a allnr •tar charm year. Mn. J&m• B. Taylor cave a IJnetlet J.n recocnlUon or her Kra. Jack B. Quianberry, out.. brief blatory ot th. Sorority, ~ nndertd to boUr. chap-aolni' president. o( Ku Epmikm )ln, Samuel R. J!'ruier •• Put· pn!llldellt of Omicron Rho Chap- ter, Tead a poem/ "Proudly HA RB 0 R We Serve" by Marjorie Scott, and a m-c-rrom Walter w. ao., rounder or the lnternatlon· • , C. See:ley €ited-By'-~11- Musicians - on · • At. lM AOCIU.. ot U. 0.-- ... ()Mt.l.7 ._. r..-. u- 11 d•"-· tpOMOftd ., tk MV- llki&I A.JU aw. -111-COii-*'*...,.of lao?'&. ..... 8tri. .... &wardM ftl'lt ..... i.. ... ~ ~ Dl"*9. TM ..a.cUom dKIN:ft \y Ute KUlk.:ll Ana Chlb &Ad ,_.., by the ooeit.Mtin~ ,,.... • llal:ll Prelude ud ruce; Bal_. Op. 111 No. I, Brahma; Prelude "Le Vut Dana la pta.lme," .0.'"*9)'. Tbe aud.IUona w .... Mid at Ute audU.oriwn oL qt. Oraft(• ea.a Oaller• &nc1 Judf.c! bJ tMdlKa "'°"' LOii Aa,p1el ud ·Loq ----Th• wiDMl'I ln •each dui DOW have U. oPportunity to compe\9 tor a piano 9Cholanhlp ol ou ye&t at the LOii ~-eon, M!'Yatory ol Mu.le la addluon: lo "''innlnl' a cull award. Connie l9 a •tudeal ot Rutch Mo.ea of Banta Ana and WM ftvtn U\e tu.pest of pralM by the JUd,... for her work. At Or.;. c-tr'• ~ Lo115ot ......... LM!llftt~ . l..tilufloft co~ TO PAY - PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNT1 INSURED UPTO $10,000 ~ ' AH Account. Opened On or lefofio · . . . Tho I 0th of Ille MOnth Earn ffom Ille lat • LA ~GUJ FEDEliAL SAVINGS l LOAN ASSOGIATION aJ IOn»'ltJ'. WU nad by Mr•. COS8'1AX<S &EELEY l\obert Bendc11on. prukh:>:ol of nt~A­n-: BY '"'11TI Omicron Rho Cbapter. Miu C&r· ----"-""' __ ... _ .. __ _ LAGUNA BEACH • I , -.11•·K9;81:NE1!'1T-D.IlfflER-PLANS-A.croup'..ot Barbor AR& ....-ia·p1oa. ·with lleotaunUur Bob Do'.lton, righ~ for a opecial eerel>tal polly .heneflf din.' _. ot·Doltm'o n.., notaurant on Lido lole Koy 22. Tho United Oerebro1 ' Pally "fOIUDteen include; left to right, Mn. Dorothy BJ4nchai:'d, Robert GrerD- ln1 ud Wll)Jam. H. Jahno J r. E!ltire proceedo of the evenJnc event are to ~ • -donatecl to the .United «Jetebral Pal1y of o,, .. ,.-county fund !or the ..-. olya Aide ol Omicron Rho lead tbe Jl'ouft&tr'1 Day pied~. A or lltU. Yalu• .,.. Iii.Iver and "==========~ 1urpt1M JUilll of U.. ~nlfl&' iJOld. In compartaoa. with loT1, - 1'11'1 Walter W. Rau m of Kan· Lht.l Jift ln .,....)"One'a JIOWll'r to You ret 1'MUlt. quicker cheaper MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women'• Editor .. Clty, *"' ot lb• r~ and be1tow. -Ellabet.h Cle(hom throurh New•Prelim ..;_t Mk --------------... -------I prealqmt of Bell. llpia Ph\ Jn· 1au .,...••;;ll;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;; tffna.Uonal. Roa& 1poke lnfor-11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESs..-PART 11 -PAGE 3 ma117. . • f ' , • WEDNESDAY. MAY 9, 1956 'Pl.an.I tor the tormation or an 1----------------------IJ:aemplt.r Chapter In tM New· rBENEFIT DINNER TO · sooK 'REVIEWHIGHLIGHT ~'2:€~ ment of a ClDd Da7 Care Center. , - OF EBELL CLUB MEETING ...... ty ........ '°"'''""' "" LAUNCH-FUND DRIVE .... ~s:"-=~:.:.:: .. .-:-= Er:.'=£.~~.~ .. ~ ot Mu Epsilon O•pter in June. lion hol\Ald a book ren.w Thunckf. Seek to Establish Child :;-....... ::."":! .::, =~ -!;_.a.;:::.."::':::.':;~.=:'"...::.~,. .......... .-.. K••..,, .,.. •· ' • ddJdru .act tM paNDte. bMds tJl,e 11nfted tltatd,b..._, ta 14 . .., brariu. Mn. Huch Hoovv. Cerebral Palsy Center .,!.t~m:p~ :~ i:: Thia prosnm took 'tM pa.ca ot.t.M rqWarty KMd· l:cedruunt.c!.~7.~l~~~: • •llO •Id wUI .. (tTm to the uled meaUng 'llf'blch haa bHn polt:poned • WMk due to the Mra. C. E. Btovall and Mn. A 1pecial benefit tor victima of cerebral pally will pi.rmtl thro'• n coun.wllin1 ud .tate rect.rau. convmtloa. In. Bert&ley 'llf'hlell •riraJ of· John..UMOn who ttp~t• her be held &t the Dew Dalton re1taurant· )lay 22. AU pro-' by pennlt~. th• parent.I time noen •re alteftdinS, .ecordlnr to Km. l'ersu McKay, daurh~r. Ml• Dorqlb1 Uuon. . to help mHl UMi hM•y l1na:n-cbainllaa of Book ~Uom L M new m.mben lD ~ chapter. ceeda from the c;Unner will be Wied to aid younpten c!al burderu which accompan,y _____________________ .,.. ol Oranie County suffering from the diaeue. Bob the care al cerebral }'91.ided Oilton, owper ol the r•launnt Harvey -&Cbooi ln San~ Ana. children. W111 .uw •• i.o.t for tbe affair. Currently It .b reported muy Drlv1 chalrm1n th!• Y'"ar 11 DAR Hears Lecture . Object of the drive 11 the eii.-chlltlrcn mull be releaaed rrom Su1>1!rlor Court J u,\re FTanklln tl.bllllhment oC • Child Day Care CP.rl Harvey 1ehool b II' ca u 1 11' G. \\'ea~. Center ill orur• County. Thitl 1nore tacOIU. to aerv1 c.... In add!Uou to. the Dalton Rll'I· Mv91opment oente.r WW ""• ue needed. , taurant benefit Open.lft&', Harbor u.. ctt.Udnn wboerl naedl cannot AID P.&UNT8 AND Area voluatMrl are cortducUnr By . Dr. Giles Brown M met wttb. pruept denJop-• (11111.0RltN' an lnte.nllft door-lo-door cam-••t f~ -.Md fd1l suppl~ The daYdoPIQeti,l center Whleh }'9lf1\ throurhout lbe be1ch er ea tn.nt the .er.ec. .t the Carl United Ott'twal Palay YOlun· thl1 month. . 'American Leaders' and Voting Advice Highlights ·- a oa u s resent . ' rogfiim, Wi.n A·wards FOR MOTHER'S DAY cleaner? certain'ly l her • give ·r .... WHAT A WOIDElltFUL WAY TO LO.SE FAT ·1\e "Mffil;Etts-WmyMt-..---1 CURB YOUlt APPEllTE Help1 Yo• LoM T•.t flltra, Welg•t ... ,. . . Ne·Calorie Ctu1liogl Ho s,oclal Dills! Ho !xlhisosl ' costlier? ce~lily not! r , • .. .. • ' • • shoes handbags . ·~ • Orup OMolJ'I N-•1llleal 8 or1-I I I TID -----"WU 'VAUGHAN fllOu- """' 111DYWllJ'bin & OOlJl'i'ISY WAllllBVBNE .AftllallM tor prtvate puWI. lkncal and a• M!ltiltlii. cu.u.c. m.1*" anc1 • ..,.. t•tar.-. fot UM t,G"' • ~ ~ ~.-. .-c~,.-~-fli~.1~ie~n~,=eF=er.'"-'-~~~~~~-'-~~~~~ • slippers ' ' I • ....... ,..... _ ... _ roar lduli... lllilw .. ~· bo>dfJ.-s..,,_ ........ • . Uve bdMr ~ MESA CENT9. ._ m SO U THERN CA LIFO.RN l A E DIS ON COM P ANY ' C-'~"4-1~.~T,...._ . ._ , 225 E. 17tt. ST. NTW• COSTA MESA ••• • ..,. ... - •! I I • I • • • • -· - • ' • • Ntipt1a s; eld .__, .. ...-~ """"'"' II. --· ---71 rt'Mrt ltl Mr mat.rMI ,,._,. ,_ ,I. lMI• n J.r. ... ~ ----· ... ~ • ...., .,.,..... Clllft. ..... ~ ltq'•ce troaa ICot.IPd .._ ....._ ..... .-... ot fl* aw ......,. 1\1.t• ct OlladUll -. uct aua ~ u.. u.t. .,, ... u. ... ot ~ IA-tlM ...,... ., ..... • .... MMMy of Rt...... WW.. D&'f&d; X.Clllq ....... I ta It. DI.Yid'• • ti tM""" ~ ... ..... cllm'ell. ,. • ~ \ • •. --. ,, •• 1 .. ..-.. • &::',$''~ ' ,_,., ...... Alea c&mpbl11 ... t ...... •rowa. \ Jto'*1. JUr- llWIMd Gt ciUdeliPt ee~ AU. l11tk .14t"°' a.od ,.._ ..,.. .... aHa.r Mnked ~--JL....., ..... ~ .......... ::--..-b1o.w .M ~ .::-..::. ~·•a~ 1'0LClfJ;m ll&P A Orallp Q tJ .. -Ufl _ .................... ____ • .,_ ~~-"' ......... crl . ,_.... . lcr. ... -...... , ...... -.. ,.._ -... -to -c.---P"'P""' la <>r.-.. ~· Loft to ll:fPt .... lAOft -_ . ., --.. -....... ·-ft.Oii •• , ..... . .... .,, ,.., ........ ·--. .............. --·. . w-.· ~ ~ crl u.. ~ Olallp °"8111 cbapler ot the. oa..ctele llnaip K&ck•Y i. uta =· ot ,.now ud whttti ·~ ~ ~; Nelle 1tldJey 9!Jl~ '.MczjOit Bl +, 1CJrtll L. ~ ~ --.-,"'tJ'-•""" .._.., ~K:k:·o1a11:1"~~.wlWam h fte ~·• n>olbotr wltft tpo; Krl. W, P. Hall Gn.y .t.rJ_y ellalrmlafwA• ...... , ud ltu~ L. Kltdaell, J:lcorted to th• altar bJ• IMr U att.wnoo. JO'Wft ot 4l\WlY Sant& ~ t ..... ~~--not~ ..... z-1·. le,.... o.17 ..... ..,1. father, ~ bride Wat attr1cUff. "-" lace.... complernent.l by '" ly ....... In • whlto U..U. -w;.,,. hat ... ,1o... and G L d "{ T ' I • · • ~~:,:.:-.=~'.::·,S :,=:-~ro::..~::;~~ ray a . y ~v'.-6 _.un~eer~---· t.oreo, her pwn fu.tured • bout· couple wUl resl!k near A.1.1.pieda s h d 1 H · • I w k n>e.Ua..~. JIA''CW HIALTH '°°95 font •klrt whl<h tuml .. tod In .. ,, ... _ wh ... "'' brldo· c e u e osp" 1ta o· r a chapel l•natll train. 1'le bridti'• rn:iora i. .U.Uooed. Tfll of BrUlaell lace In • rOM: IJ«'fal gue.U •t the weddlns ...... ~,. .... .... 0,11• ... ,• 9£' I u.- Vlil4t6-...... .......,. ova • ••1" MJO&S polnt d••trn tell rrom a Juliet were; .Mr.. Edward C. Child• ~ cap of matchlnc la.ce. Sh• car-and >lilrL Geor1e 0 . Hoac and 25 Complete Orientation . ried a •Un cov•rld prayu Kra. Ray r . Suton, rodmother• ' duoted ort.etalion d.l.IH9 April II ud ~ Beac1' V•ta.M . ' . book centered wllh &n arrang .. ot th9 bride. C . f V J • mt:nt Of Whit• rolll!!I Uld Jiiiie. Tb41 brid4i ii I sradUltfl of ourse or •o unteers • ' or the valley. Marlboroup .-:boo! &nd si..n-1 ._. • M:rL Jame.a Herbt!rt Brenner ford Unl•enity. She atteded A croup of Otanp Count:r. CO\D'N, CQDducttd by.,... w....- ln'Ved u her 1i1ler'1 matron Wrfsht Jitaclil&hOfti ~t.ari&I wom,R. la r-.dy ~ to 1tep Nn, eucutift ~ 'GC SM or honor. MrL Brenner wore • acbooL lnlo volunteer pt*tfl. w'fth, ~ Boulllera ,Or-Up ~er~ tlll"qlaOIM lare and .. tin eown En1lp Mackey ill a ~uate thttn Oran&" Countt ottap-te,r, Th' Qn.y 1Ad1 llltNlllCtOrf tuhloned with a wtd1 bouffa.nt ot Rlverafd• Polytechnic hlfh ter ·or Ull Amerlcul R..t CroM. ...son tor-~ II ,.oat• U.lrt and d a t n t y butterfly .chool 1 and lta.n.COl"d Unlver1Hy TheM wome., r1prumUns r WU eondiacl4d llo7 MN. a.wv4 1lffTeL ¥,. matchlnc headdreu and b currentlr attached to of th• maJOr arua bl the coun-·a , ~~ OrQ" Lady~ u.d a nOHt•Y hlchll&:hted by the canter, U .8.S. Bon Homme \y, lloave \ool~teered lt<I wof'k in Or1CQL&Uoo cl••••• ..... pink and blue aat!n ribbon• RJchard. He 11 a member Of the Red droi0 1 Giay Lad1"' sfro. IC:hedulad Alt w,.ac fOr U. ~ ... • ,f. •• · completed hu attire. Kappa" 8tama and Phl Delta Srul In hmpltall a.nd u aide• "tali bl Wldell UM Oi'9J' i.4'eit 'c : I' G In• the brldum.ald1 r-oup Phil profeNtoaal lecal trate.r, In rtcuJ&r 1ta.rf po.tt1om w1th trill b9 .,.,,.,: °"""-tlitlioa ~ MRS. EDWARD LELAND MACKEY -R&y' Huff Studios · ' The croup hu completed the Tdud9y ,u4 w.,,....,ar. an.,. arouse ay w .... ; Mn. Loo D. h<to. >I••. nlly. . U.. llod 0-. · -D T"° ,,,.,._.,. ... - · ' RIDERS OF SAN' JOAQUIN ..,,, Rod """' .......,_u •• """"1 ' _... _..._. -· M u·sical Hit PLAN EQuEsTRIAN EVENT All rldert ani lnvlled to the brulttaat and honeahow at th• Buffa.lo Ranch sunca.y mombq', Mar 12, 9POf180red High School Cast and Directors Commended bf 1Uder1 of 8&a Jo.quln. Bruktut. ...W be Ml'Yed [rom 7:10 to 11 Lm. wtlh nv•ral local merchant.. don&tlnf food /or the event. 'Ibe hone ahow i. .chedulfld ln. t.M &ttemoon. •1th Yarled ennta and prlZfllt pl.r.DD.ed. . By HABY LEE RICHMOND RepreaentaUvq of Rid•~ of. thfl II.II Joaquin that "· "Carousel", direct.id by Marie Hiebsch and Robert will ride ln th•'Orand Entry at th• 8ant& Ana Rodeo lhl• Went& of the mus1': ~d•<irama drpartmenta of the New• weakend Include Charlie Lulk, Jim Guvey. Bob Duncu. ~ Hatbor Union : Hirb School,, enchanted packed1_..;.Phl;;;.5.;;Born.;;.;.;.u;.;on;;.;;•..;0_".;;•..:•;..';.;-.;;·;.... _____ ....; ___ _ b~llMll la.st week-end with the beauty of tt.1 ·1tagihg, the Ii.rt hor\J d M. • Fulk ha.I 60 memben f rom oran,-e pee ct of u.. c I an brl1ht moments. Helo• Bo1t.1" lSS erson County, J.Gn1 Beach and Loa ,atolaU. and th• wtnnlng brll• 'nW&led a &tunning vole• wit.Ill An ... l• Mn. !Ala I... Bell al tilln~• of It. acUns. oe.uo ovezo,.\onq and be1.uutul t • Add th Lons Beflch and Laura Ga.rdner .... cogumips ~t bloomed Oft .,ihrplng, ta a Wllm1ly 1ympa.-·o ress e of Orance were taken In u Ul.e It.Ire like • 1•rd1111 and utallc ritnd#Uon ot the fine role ntw me.mben. Vlaiton at th• Uor~cn~ wtth t~fl Wt a.n4 ol. Nettle hwkr. Actually th• Weavers' 'Guild April mMtins were: Mr1. Ra)' aucme.u ol a Broa ••r abOW' ....ter ot ft.ne performance• In, Imhoff, J\lilerton; Ttiomu Peer· aillo-added lD th• magic a!-lhl dudea lbofl ~Ure Jnaplr~d and TM •-·•• ,,., ___ , W 90ft. Lonr Beach; Mn. Clara Joi. prodliM:Uoa.• SfR.:I cut.. Tsecoa Haye• Den-ovw..., ........., •affn St.tphena, Twba Un4a; Mn. Terry lteilcti •• &cr1e Pfppell-nil Harwo4, Denni.t ttendcreon. G~lkS 'frill hold lt.1acxt -ttns. TbeU WlllOrl.. Lone Baach ,_d •S• wOlt tM autieoce ' M&rt Ooar Ruby Ed Glti.on a11d HaJ 10 at 1 p. m. l.n UM Bowl-M.1m Nikki 'Itlom~ Lofl .A.n- wlth a IPl!!tlal blend of piquancy Mike BarUeti perlormtd 'minor lnr GrMn. Club HOUM In s--1•\~1. ud ln!acllou1 humer. coupled rolN with pollah and flair. P&taJ '------------1 wllh an e>.qul1llt'!y handled \'Ole• K.Jns.i.,. and Wa.nd& Trautwein Ua10 Park. North Main St., lh•t mad• blr pertormMtce one were particularlJ' d1rtlngui9hed Banta ML Fern~ld Girl Born to cbcrl.O I.ft tha m•mo.ry, In their deUshttul ballet1. M.Ju Blanch• r11tk1r1 011. Mr. and K r .. Knowlton Fer· SA....,DRA l'fflFEJl lnT Th• beauty and unteon or the N1wport Beach. wW ~ on nakl, 1804. Clay st., Newport · ··aanW'a l?hlfe , wiNMnt', wl1t-e.nHmbl• pertormancM or lh• tha u.. of baadwa.ta. ta la, ful u4 warmly re...i aa Juli• rhonui bore the •lamp of Ml.. ·......,.. Beach, are lhe p•rflltl ot l ordan aJIO plnfld ovatlonot for Mar1e1Hlebech'a Impeccable mu-terlor decoratiq. Ille Will WIPI baby d•uctit.r born Kay 5 In """ loYeiy vocal perftlrm1nrt, 11lclan1h\p. Th• hlSh -qu1llty, many aampln of fabrlc8 lllOW-1H;,.;;;;';;;H;-=;W;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I t f'ld h1ld the au4!le11e1 rom111et•· 1ubtly ahadld actln1 " well •• Ins the UH or color &114 ttat~rt. I• lj-\vttb the itn:lemf"U ind tlfll· t1111umer1b\1 bit• of 1t111 bua-Rlftllhm1nt. wl)1 be ~ ~Y of her acunc. Ted \"011 ftt'I• that added i.O th• tun and ti)' lb•·~-~ Mn. L. a . ft.mert'1 work 1n Lh• llo'onder• aparkM of the ahOW (INCh u Klmt. ot Anabe«• .,_. )(rl. /01 !'Ole of Biiiy BIE;•low wu tU-llttleat lnow child falllnc Arthur MW. of J'U;UarWa, All 4t1n.: a1tonlahlns 1n uoi et:i.•I; orf pai:a'• Dee) cam. from the tboafl ·tntarMtM. ta ll&ndwal't&& t1vlty and maturity. With " \'olre unerrinr 1tas1 know1 hoW ot dr&1 an weloome to at~. ror ta· tfi'rllllRJ: In Umbrr, .. pt'clsl!y in ma coach Bob Went&. But in rormaUon Clll' Kr-.. LOW.a K\ll'- tlfli low1r M(:lfltr1, R.nd "'Ith a •~d!Uon to tM'ttrelMI and bril, ph)' of ec.ta MMil. 1.J11itrt1 ~ft~ pro=;'·:llly'I ccnt.n.-llant .. "ltort. Ol Jbu Hlebach MMI .,.. Mn. mm.tr llO,tud c Orf c • llrbtJl'U:-Ult W.rl.,._~'" al-~· .... t.am halt blackl'\W'd. Ted'• arti1 ,, .. ri(bttuJlr pee to II* Za)'UL& Th• A,,u •12U.C' wu 00. mcnt wu one ot tha 1h<nv'a Tallman ud llC&.lcolm B\&chan&n duc:Dld by tbrl ~ llftllldel, ma.tor triumph.a. !or \}lltr cont.rtb\IUOn In handl1 lilra. Elmer ~ ol Ort.np. · R ichard c..rter'1 Enoch Snow lnr ...,. .. ta Md the intricate J(n. VeezS. C. Rof'ec" fll ~ wu an ab«>hd.1 1•m of pu· U1btiD1" probt.ml. bllm., tw, u.,...ma1i1 ~t tomlme and ttmlnc, and hll 'CITU ID& llOl'l'Ea tha (U1Jd II .. nu oM Mid MW PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY Ut Broe.t1tn,y -c.ta H11& ...... first• ud fadAI wqiru.tGn.1 Mn.~ Boatlr who alone alone &f'OUMd bUfttl of lallPllr WU ~ble for tba ~ at hi• ..,-.q illltlfMI:' 'Dle qUAJ-d~ prai.. '°' • moaWDefl· 111 ol bSll ft.ace wu m<Mll et-la1 aftd. Mlf1.. job .iJ1parbl)' fKUy1 1n bJa .olo9. Stan \Vii_ dont. M&f')' JlamJncmd wtio cre- cher In the crur1al rol• of Jlr-ated the antrudns chonosn· ,-er auppllld on• of UI• moat phy aim m1rtt. the icbool'• deep 11chly 1au1rylns portrayal.I In .-ratltude. Not ~ menUoa. tbe B•rbor'1 ht,tory. With a iranl-ma"ny worken back ~· wbo Ir vole• and 1t1n,i4 expn.-.lon did .uch • map.lt1oeai job. Yout-CHOICI be reeked cit the ~bou.t. D!:rector CHnlelli l&wtft w I th· and at lh1 1ame .time wu an hla acoomplLl!liicl o~t.ra mot'• ensartnr and loV11t>le npe, H1a o~tMli. eupJi"'!'1 'UM b9ck • .cene In which he teachea Carrie =";;o;;u;;o;;dd"" ""•'•'"•'----·-·-~·..­Pip~ the tachnlqu• to Utt r apl.Q.lt a "muhel'" wu • lltUe mutu)»ece thaL rocked the •udlence. Harbor cR••t 'Memori11I Perk PHILCO OR lE. ' .... 2-DMr ~fllt111at ... F_.. CotnhlnaffOfl ~ • f rnm hrU «> you ... • Caron ongind. ... To add 1 touch of tlirpntt to ,our handba1> thil jrwel-Likc ll(lllfl ol" prittkst C.ron perf11111r. Unmtatahhlr hri.Nut-u11trly citehantiits! AY&ilabk iii fUVU DI tLOU.IUJ, l f.U.OflCU., l'llITT Ol l'OIL, LI WUCUIT DV IOflftlUI., I It.ff ~~c.~~'". DRUGS LIDO DRUG~ -11461 Via Lido. N-rt llMcla llABBOR D,RUGS -Sl!Ol E. Coast Hwy. ' ANNUAL GARDEN TOUR • Pl;JBl,.j llMTED ' ~ i I '!'he AMuol·Ger<len T o4ir i:onducted by the Wontlil'• Commi!J.M of the -Newport Horbor Chombor of Commerce wUI be S.turdoy ond Sundoy. Moy 12th · , and I 3th,-from 1-5 p. m. ' .. Saa o 1olecfed 9roup of '9"'e of ®>best plonned end plontod gordens•in this inspir.tional' and edua1tlonoi parf of tho "City Boautiful C.mpaign." Tickots al $1.50 include oil ger<l.n1 both S.lu(day ond S..ndoy wft.:rnoons phn Teo, served from 3-5. You moy pkk-up yo~r tickets ot the Cho~ of CommerCe or at th• two points of deperture - Public Pier at. Vit1 Lido Nord and J\ntibes or th. Coast Guard station on Baysi de Drive, jurt iouth Forry of tho Balboo Y ocht Club. and stotion • wOgon transportation furnished by t~ Committee. wiU be • Our complete stod: of exquisite imports Of"d custom des.iqns is sh,,rply reduced to make room for cfelWery of new merchondi!e. Beautiful mirrors, tables and wall deGoretio~s to ehhance the finest home at moderate prices. ran,.r · ' ""'5111'-dfs#ncfi:q _ mit&• 0e ..... ..a 11w %'160 E. Cout Rwy. ,. BRIGHT !fOdNTS Sherry lnkle1 aa lh'll flarnboy· ant Kra. Mullln1 and oa_ye Grant u aA acidly kind 1tarkffpe.r llad H••ol•'I M . a.....o' ''1 -·- BU.MD NEW 2-DOOR PHILCO with Full S-Year Warranty OR GtORGE CHARLES INC. B~TZ MCRTUARlfS COSTA MUA .._.CJUnl,. ~ft.,.-. IE.A lfU lupiltior .Aftll.ue 16» lk Coul Bl"t'd. OMta KM&, Callf. ODr-. del Xllr, QUI. ................. IUl ....... ~·¢ FIREPLAff FIXTURES ....... -~1· :... • ' ' • -.. . . ·-- DILUXI 12 cu. It. G.E. i• n:celewt cancfitio .. , more -.. ---_, -"""''' .em ... for $100~00 .... ,.. Limited.,. Se P!.M Cottle Early ! NO MONEY DOWN .,_ •WHIM Y~U TRADI f.T !1911J'4'S lltAHD HIWTVlllCIAl.HOWATDORH'S 21" TV •1 ... aa.~ YOUR _ __ .JO-_ -CHOICI' ADMIRAL ' PHILCO IS °'"" o&n.r ........ -..... ' 1 a a •OXDAl"J!: ' t cordially ' . . invite you to the opening of their New Studio 'M•y 10 & 11. 19Sb et 655 South "8" Stree t T ustin 1 Californ11 Tea one until $11( o~clock ' • f • • • . I. • • I I • ' ' • : . ' • •, < . ' ~T tfARl()R-NEWSo~AltT1-f._.,A&£'·,._---= ' W£DNESl>AY, MAY t, 1'56 LIGAL H011CI LIGAL N011CI ti: •nd '°" 1M l&Jd Qiv.ot7 -d •114 ~Us-... ~ aMllt" Btat1. rukt.inr lbtl'9b.. dul.>' tJoned. U4 .u~1tet to __..... eornmiaa6oud and ...,..., _,...... matkRt •1 Mid luperior owrt . .onally •Ppe&ned ANN£nlll: on '1'1HUIKkJ', ~ 14, lHI. al KONVISEft 1na E. R.XA Lo. lO:fQ o1dodt ~ M.. or .... ...,., WHJTI: knowa to me to be Utt or uw .... n ... wtu.Ia'tb• llln• fJ· pel"90ftt whOM namN are .ubo lowed. by l&W', at pa ~t M:rl~ to the wilhla Wtrumeat, BuUdtq, TIT WM& ....... Y' -.pd ackllO'iledfed to m• that Stnet, Loi Anpl• tT, ~ lky • uecutad Ute nme. IN nla. all ri(ht. Utl&. w.iwt ult WITNESI WHp&OF, 1 b&VI Ntat• ot •Id Jt&IPI\ A.. out•· h'reunto aet my 'hi.~ and af· rid,., dKMMd, at tM Um• qi tlxll(f' my-"ljtttcial tril the day bl1 dM.lh. and all rll"l't. tJth and year la thla OtrUClcata and lnta,...t -t Mid .ta~ fl.rat 1bon written. hu acquired., lty OJMraUoo 9r ,.. 1-' ftOBERT F. WJLJ..M'EB law or olhe~ ot.htr-LhM My CommluJon Explru. o:> In addlUon to that of -1d November lT, ltllit Ralph A. OuUu1dp at ti!• No. 111 N-•Pl'M9 tlma ot hi.I dNU\. tn U4 Lo Pub. f.(11. =: 3/2, t , ltM. tho rt&! property deKrlMll u follow1 : C'l:KTlnCATE Of' 1'Csn...'"t:88 A.a uadlY1ded ona--balt l.llter- 1'11l)I NA.WE e.l In that certain proper.,-io.. ~The under1lrnf'd doM hereby caled Jn tha Cttf of NawpcM't ~rtlfy that h9 11 conductinr a Beach. County or Or&aJ't, lt&te perM>11allr.ed JUbbWt -eollectlon of Calltorn.ta.• and more p&rttc• HUTCHISON NEW· ASSOCtA TION OFFICER H~'" , •• ,, '"' 1ounw1nr 11~ "'"" .... " ......... ,, 1 nan1e and 1tylt: Lot 14 and tile ltNl.l'IWMl• Blayne Hutc:hlnaon, --'dent and renttal manarer Of All-D"WEY'B ,....... "' P&RSONAl .• IZED • erly halt of Lot 11 la BM>de Amerlc&n Market. chain, wu appointed Yl.c.prealdent of RUBBISH 8ERV1C& lat of "R...ubdl"rilltoft of tha We1tarn. Stataa Chain. Grocert A.NOClll.Uon at "th Ari· The .. Id firm 11 compoaed of Corona del Mar,'' u allowP. LENGtHY CHOW LINE AT KIWANIS BREAKFAST nual ConvenUon jU1t concluded In• Coronado. Previoualy lhe following ptr'IOn. t1>wlt: on a Map recorded In Book Hutchlaon hu held otflcea dt t,..uurer and aecretary of Dewey 8oud1r, of 2100~ Sant• f , pa.re IT of MllCOII~ festivity go into Kiwanla youth work in the Harbor area. -Slaff· Photo auocllUon. Conclave dealt \vith n-davalopmenta belnr Ana Al'e., Co.ta Me•, Ca.U-Map1. Record8 of Orur• I l-• od l ·"d fornLI. ~ "'-"nty, Calll-la. n 1uu\IC o pro., e better nrv:lce and conl'enlenca tor ""'" ..... 0.tl!d April 30, ttM. Blct. or orrer1 ar. in.,lod '"' ahoppera In rw.tion'1 c:h&1n 1LOnta. Dewey Souder aald property and mut be tn ------~----------------\STATE OF CALIFORNIA ! \l.'rltlnr and will bCli r.calved at MARINE TESTIFIES HE NO· Protests filed COUNTY OF ORANGE l"· tho of!l<0 ot Mlt<hott ond H>b- Tboua&rui. attended the annual Costa M e 1 a Jtiwanil Club break.fut to Cot,ta Mesa Park last laturday jn. ~right •unablne. Proceed• from the ·~~~~~~~~--~__:.~~~~ I ' INSTRUCTOR · AND A WIN MING MODEL Robert Hou1e, biolop inatructor at Harbor High School, inspect.a mechanism or teleecope, one 9f winners in Orange County Science Fair Jut week. House wu· in charge of Iota! ent~e. 111 'fair, wlVcb captured IWHpst&kea and 24 ribbon awanh.. Studebt .Winners. ~left to ric\t, &re Pat Kingsley. third place, geometric conatruction.1 \P enbrqkiery; Stanford Lyon and Robert Walker. tint, for the teletcope ; Deni&. cl:wfts, ~dart ,transpoaition; Lihda Miller, third, quadrMfc equationa. Houae wW ~ in charge of the Second Annual Fair next year. -Staff Photo ' Car Clo.den Hit East Lido Isle ' On Apdl SO. 190<, .. lo~ tho ""'· ottornoyo IO• "'"· UK•" on HI Steam Plant under•IJned Notary Public per· trix. or may bti tiled with th• !tanally appu.red Dewey Souder Clerk ot 11ld Superior Court or 0 Application of lhe Soulllern known to me to be the penon I delll'ered to utd -u:ecutrlx pe,.. SAW WALKER, D NNA Calli~ Edl-CO. IOT o ,.,_ whoH nomo lo h'"""'° '"b-oonolly, ol ony Umo ollu llnl Uf\cate to permit conatnicUon ll<'ribed and ackno'A•le<lged to me ' pubtlcatlon of lh\1 notice and and operation of a mu.ltl·mllllon lh•l he executed the aame. I btfore m1kln1 aald ulr. dollar ttum electric plant al TOM W. Hl!:,NDl!:RSON Said 11le w!ll be made upon Prosecutor Can't Shake Hoefer on Word He Noted ~air In Cafe Hwiuncton Beach ww.1 taken Nol•ry Public In and for uld the tollowlnr terma: under .ufunl1alon by tha 1t1t1 County and State. Caah. lawfUI money of tbl depa.rtment of public utiUtle1 No. 130 -Newil-Preaa United 8t.1te1. att•r • public hearlnc In Loa ~ 2. 9. 16, 23. 19~ DATED: April lt, 19~. Anrelea May 1. Emma T. GuUU'ldrr HZl'J ExeC"utrlx of th• Eatata or BANTA ANA (OCNIJ) -Pro-lr• on March 26, th• nl.lht of The hearlnr WU larrtly per-.. SOTICE OP' 11'1i"TEXTION' Ralph A. Outllrldr•. De- MCUtor Kenneth· Williama at-the tint allrred attack, In what functory, accordln1 to the com· TO SELL eta.led. tempted lo ahake tile atory of •h• aald WU an e ffort lo "nin mlu\on n'pt'eMntatlve ... there NdTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN MITCHELL AND KIBBE.RT Manne Pvt. Edward Hoefer ;ivtr" Walker. The wltneu 11.ao wei:• no proleata filed. punuant to the prov1alon1 of I By J1me1 K . Mitchell Tuuday a• the trial of Jack td•ntlfl!'d other 1tatementa made !ecllona 3f40 and 3~0.1 of the Attorne)-. tor Executrix Ja~• Walker, 25, neared an end. In the recordlnr which conflicted LEGAL NOTICE Cl vU Code of the State of Ca ll-MITCHELL and HIBBERT w'alker I.I charred with two With el'ldence Introduced. fornla. that FERD£E J. OROE-727 \\'eat Bel'enlh Street counta ol kldnapplnr . two of••-Und!'1' croa1-eumln1tlon by RON Vendor, of 461 Mar1Uerite Loi Anfelu 17. California 1&ult and one of burrlary 11.11.Jnat Proaecutor Kenneth Wllll•m•. saq:ct: OF W llUO Hl:A..RJSG Street, J\'ewport He!ghta. C..11-I l'\o. 129 former Beauty Queen Donna Mlchael• waa uked rerardlngan Notice \1 hereby rh•tn that 1 fornLa. Intend• to 11'11 to KENl :-11'"'1-Prna Schurr Brett. Newport Beach. 1aclu1il'e OCNB n1w1 1tory In public hearln\ will be held on NETH 0 . FA~NSWORTH Ven· ~ 9, 11 . 14. 16. t8. 21, 23 19M Hoefer tutU\td late Monday which Wilker repudiated the the propoled bud1et ift t he City dee. of 1019 W , Bay Ave .. New· j ------------- U\at he had ll'l'n Walker and conff'Nk>n held by Sheriff•• depu-of New)iol't Beach for the fl1c1I port Beach. California. all that CEKTlf'ICATE o•· llU81XE118 Mrl. Brelt In a Saiita Ana re•· Ue1. Thi ru1w1m1n te1Ufled he year 196«1-1"7, on the 21at d1y certain peraonal property con· l<'lclltlou1 Finn 1''&.nM taur.nt, together. tn May of 11166. 1mu11J..rt a llat of q11Mtlon1 Into of May, lllM, at the hotrr of tlaUnr renerally of all atock In 1 THE UNDER81G?<.'ED dou Walker hu 111d he w111 out wllh W1lker'1 jail cell and they wel'* 1 :30 P. M .. ln·th1 Council Cham-trade, flxturi, equi pment and hertby certify that 9he la cdh- lh• beauty queer\ on that nlrht. an1wered In lhl defendanl '' be1 .. of. the City Hall of the City cood will o a certain ,.ta!I ducllftl' a School of Danclnr two mOnthl aner the ri ... t all•r-· wrllln.r. pf Newport Beach, 3300 We1t cuollne filllns atatlon bualnen bualneu at 3f4.0 Via Oporto. I'd attack on March 26. Wilker 001'"TJlADICl'lOS Newport Boulevard, N 1 wp or t known u FRED ORGERON'S I Newport Beach. California, uniter 11.ld the two al-.ped at the na-He aald th• anlWtn tt.pudlated Beach. Serv:lc• Btaµon localed at 21 00 the flctlUout firm name of Udo taurant. '\hen went lo Lemon lhe conf.,.._ claJmlnr lhe)' bad )(AR.GERY SCHROUDER W. Balboa Bll'd., In the Ctty of I Scboole of Dancinr and that aakl Hetrhll wheA th•Y enr•red l.11 been riven uncMr lhnata. Alklld Cit)' Clerk Newport Bel.ch, California, and firm la compoffd of the follow· relatlorui. u be attempted t.o p.raooalty In• City ol Newport Be&ch that tha purchue price thereof 1nr per.ona, whOH namea In fv.l.I Williama wu apparently un-lervlew Wilker Mlchatla NJd No.. w H.wa·PTeaa l/t/H wtn bl paid •t 10 o'cloc.'k a.m . and pLacea of ruldence f.n u able to lhalrt lb• t.ut.lman7 ol h• had eontac~ th• jail andi ]------------~ on the 17th d&y ·of May, 1954. at foUOOA ... to-wit : Hoefer, who readfly drflW dla~ ....,.. rof•med to Sheriff'a Deputy C&AftFJOATZ OF B UB l1"'T.:88 rHOMA8·EU..XSOK EI C R.O VI K..A.THY KEu...EY vam• ot the restuannt and a.Any l\loa. Rio., Mlchalle aald. P'ktll1-P"ln11 N... CO. 1711 Atlantic Al'e., lrt Ula •21 Via Udo Boud tpokl pc19 IUv1ly aboUt tha affair. refuted lo a.now an lnlr""w THE UNDJ;M'IGN&Ddohare-Cl:ty of Lonr Beach. County of Newport Beach, Cal,t. Even Jud"• Shea plck!'d up the "1th Walker, clalmlnr "We'l'e by ctrtlfy that lll•y a"' con-Loli An1elN, Stall of Ca.lifoml&. Wltne. my haml tbJa 11th day crou-axarnlnatlon of the wltneM. cot him qwed up." ductinl 1 rutaul'&l\t bu.In"' a t De.led April 30, llOS. of Aprtl. ll&e nrtnc almoet .., doun queatlon1 1788 N t Blvd. Coll .. l'ERDIJC J . ORGEROK, VrfldOr KATHY Kl:lLl:T at hlm. How.V•r, the Mar1n1'1 Oth~ wl)lnoMNn lnclUded Ck· Cailfom~nder i.ha 11' tlU~ rROIWA.8-El.U SON STA'rE OF CALIFORNIA '. •-tta ol •• , ln<ld•nl ••-•!nod 1nr1 ..,..,ve• n an•iar Fred Roe. • c .,._ 1111 A&laoUe A COUNTY or ~-·-o• ..., .... ,,_ who lMll!Ltd he employed Donna firm name of THI: NJ:W OING-~.. .,...,..., .. )111. and heard bad Hportl r1r1rdlnr HAM• REST AUS.ANT and that Lu•J ~11• CaUI. Ot Ulla 11 day of April, A.O. Rl:PORTl:ll CA.LL.ED h11r moral character. Herold W. 1&id firm la compoMd of thl Ette,..w No. JH9 ltM, betor. me, PHIL BA8 - lh• 11me. ~HAZARDOUS SITUATION' Mesa Council Petitioned for Street Stop · ~igns Another wltneaa to take the Thornton, co-owner ot the auto followln1 per.on•. who.ti na.mea No. 132 Newa-Preu &/9/5CI TlAN, 1 Not&ry Public In a nd Mid or Udo Jal• In a concerted •land y1&terday wu OCNll re· up,.olatery ehop where Walker\• In full and placea of "'al.dence · tor th• Mid .Oou.oty and ltata, drive around t :SO p. m. A pd.I 28 porter and radto KWIZ new• di· 1mployed. tutlfltd th• df:tendant are u follow•, t1>wlt: ...,........,.. No. "8 Ztt'lt. _ ... rMldtn1 lh1reln, duly commie-Ml I M ANNETTE KONVISER Nv.o.•..,,.. OF ALE Or RIJLl.o aloned and .wom, perwonally •P- Car cloutera 1truck al the eut but r ot lll tl• for their trouble, r.ctor Pat chal I . khaela wu known lo him II a man of ·~o Poo•l •-no PROPERTY AT PlllVATI: ,..r.s KATHY Kl:Lt.mt' known wu aaked bY Public Defender Jood reputation. Minister Daniel ....,. ..-SALB police reported. Nick Meyer rerardlnr a tape ra-Rider teatlfled he had known Newport BHch. Callt. L~ THE SUPER.JOB COUBT to mo to be tho p1r.oa who.a A petition 1lped by 11 per-comer Mc&Wll of tbe bl!.nd •p-Joaeph H. Arnold, l 11 Via Un-i::ordlnr made In tile KWlZ 1tu-Walker tor thrie y.-ra aa a J:RM.A L. WHITE name la IUbatrlbed lo the Within ... to : ...... .:.,, .-..... --poUUon w .. ,.. di I OF '11fE STA.TE OJ' CALI· ,_ ... _•mon• ••• ••knoWlod(odto ION! wu pr.lil'n ..... ......,. ,...., · .... nr. oet two tapea from the jloa on Jan. 11 with the newly· member of hl1 church conr,.ro-2001 Santa A.na Ava. ......RN 1N ..... .....~... " -. ferred tr..t· eouncllmen to the rv · lA. AND' rvR TIU: ma that lhl u.cuted tho 9Ull .. )lea& CHy Council Kenda)' nl;t\l pollc• 4 ment for atudy and JIOl'e compartm,ant, valuf'd a t wed and her huaband. The Inter-lion and the defendant had a eo.t..a Mu&, C.llf. OOIJNTY OF OKAl'<i'GE Jn wltnell whereof, 1 ba...,. de.mandlnt fO\D'·Way atop al(na· l LOl•I of St.OO. Richard RIC'e, 113 view )VU made'att•r MIN Schurr cood 1•eput1Uon In the church. WITNESS our hand• thla t!h In the Malter ot the Eltate ot h•-"•to __ m• hon , and ·••-od repor • dlalppeartd foUo'A·lnr tlW! •llrred d1y of April. l9M , ., '"'"" -~ 1 0 -. ... be placed on th• corner of 19th Alao tor \.fufpalff of 1&ftty, Via Ven•al1, aald hla unlock!'d January attack and rtappe&l'l'd /I/ A NNETJ'E KONVIBER RA.....-H A. OUTHRlOGE, my ottlctal Hal th1 day and y..., BL and Sant& Ana Aw. to al-lh• clQ-tatlNn ·pallld a t11ollo car~•• r\Oed of tool• and •tttl 1 ... the wit• of UoJd Brett. 1 Sanitation Mfft /I/ ERMA L. WHITll Dl'ceaaed. In Ulla CerUfk$l• nnt abo v e 1 a • a UJ:l ·10 malta niWlr ffJl&'ffd" Supef· otlce 11 horeb l'en . Itho~t!+'milli~=~=;;;__:_.:._:_:,_.:._~-- Councllrn&J1. ATthur Meyer• lor Av•. a thr'O'.!Jh itreet. Stop t•Ja worth 116. Mur.-y H. Rob-iupermarket cll'T . l\iiular mil'llnt ol board-of STATE' OF CALI LA. tha underatped. u uecu-Uria PHIL BAllTI.J.M w1) ' la "'• 129 Vlo Yo Ito, ond B c,-. Michaeli lntltied Mra. Brett dlroctoii:• of County Sa.nltatlon. COUNTY OF 0"' .. NOE )-I th •-l t •-t A u v Comm ... •·• ... d he had tn..,.tlpted manv 1lp1 I 1M1 p ¢td on 111 aide "" n.--· o I .,.~a • o ..-.. ph · ~ ,.... , 70 · ttated In 1 iapa recordlnJ that Dl1trlcU ~ and t w\U Ila held at OF Tms 9th d• of .;. rl l c th d claim• fot' needed atop 1lrru In 1lreell le&dlft&' Into Superior 1y, I Via Udo Soud. aald their !he had attempted to atart her Y P • u rl re. Decr.aaed. ·will eell 1-,1-.61"' •• but •• ••-m•--th! Ava. _., ....... I p.m. today ln Room 239 of 1104 A. D. ltM. before me, ROBERT at prll'at• aal• to tile hlrhMl No. 127 Newa-P...., .... paat LR ..... op • .,., 1 -----~---------'·~··~·~·-~:.::m~~::::.::::·m=•:•:":._:w~•=':•~O~po:n~<d:'...~':':'~'~l~lb~o~O~,..'.:'.~·~·~°"~:·~··~l~n~Th~•~•~·.:_".W~'.....'.lth~~·~L:·_•~on':"'l&~~Ana~:· ___ _'..'F'.::_~IVl~l~,1~w~1:11~....'._::~~~~~~~~~~~'.'.:_."!~~".'._~~:'.l~~~~~~~~'.....,----eQn\Ot warant.ed "spteai atto-· , • Notary Public and belt bidder, upon the t.enn. '115, a.12. '· II, llM --' Thi p1UUOMn declared ther. Md belll many wnc~ on UM DEATH NOTICE ELVA LOID8C PA.OE hneRI MrVk41• tor Mlaa Elva t.o\llM Pq1, 32 of HaT ll:lden A. Ye., Coeta Mua will be held Frlda.J" at 11 -.m: at th• Park•- Ndley Mortuaf7 Chapel. Ch•p- taln. P. Earl Fry of Ul• Ora.nia y wplW will otnclate. >i'lll Pa.I• ~ed ..... _, Tull· da.J Jl'lorntnl' In Oranr• County bOJpftal alter an axt~ded 111- ll .... A naUvti ot C..ftfomla. aha wu a llf.-Jon1 ru'6ent ot Co.ta w.... Prior to ber lllflua Miii Pac• waa amployed .. a MCf'a-....,.. 8urv:lvln1 .,.. har pertnl.I, Kr. and Mr.. Btinjamln F. Pare ot ~ home, a bnlth1r, lknni• L. Pqe. Coot& w..... maternal (Taltdmothor, Mra. C. L. Hlnta 11f Eecondldo. patemal f?'l.hd- mothar. M.ta. Bell• Pac• ot Coa- ta Mna. two nllC411 and two nephew a. Jniermenl wm llil en tha wan. Mem di. rk ctmllary. w-·c-• °"• SftoHt Co11llllltH • Cowldlman AJvtn PlnkMy our· s-tt'd to Com Me• Ctty Cou:'l- C'll Monday nl.lht that ., C(atn- mLlt" "'° -.ppcMnted te etud.)' th• tit)''• mU'tt.r plan ot MM1nC and ~to. ' .ftl ,, ,I.an WU tuniod Oftr t.o UM C'GW'ICll Nfftltly b1 ttwo plaa.• ftlt.I l'OmmlMll>n an.?r nu1n .. ruu1 'J)rGtf'llli l rw:I r·.. :-: ' r ,'9 "'"-m-.de. C ed th• motk>n -"" • 10 •r11 •'nl lh• ., ' ··-1 • ' GREATER ElRllll'5 REMEMBER .•• SAVINGS Ncelv•cf by th• 10th . of the month ... EARN FROM th• ht. HE. 7-1-201 ~ PEI AIHIUM -URRENI WNINGS ' • • • • ~ • . • • • • • I -"· ! . --. ..... ._. '.J J ,_, . ,,-. -· ' -. "";:;;:;; • I • . . ' . ---. -• • .. - • ' • ' Fl" 1°11 ........-.""-• It =1sr•zs .. ----.---• ' _:46E1'·PAAT-11.-NEWPORTHARIORNEW>PRESS !I •!•r ........ ~ ·u • r.--·.---:::----~WEONl;,SOA~.-fW.--CA Kl' . • I : • • ._..~--------'-------'"-:--------. ,r., l 'll . .L .r •• p" --. . -Re-··· w-..a. . ,., -.... --61'" r -' -.. -• .. " ~'l'---n''-...... ~---""" . .,.... ._ """'' ... . -____ ... TI ' , .. I; I' ' I'. I " ,, ' ' ' - ' . • -~ -t-'" UC~ .._. ...... ---· &M Mb' ~ ... • -" ,... • " • Do19 Ywr Some Neeil ..... ,..... bi -.--... .II ......i. • I ... .; Rebuilt D • ,_ ___ ,.._,..,.. Ir .~•Pll!ired It . ' - -.. , :·-:··;b.:·o!-; .._ ...... ,_. -· ... a., ... .,, aJJiH' .... !...-r.:.. -.. : ·.""-"OD NEWS'. !" 111;1.J ... QUI l'rsd. ~HIM Udo' WDe -•.n• "7V • "" • • AJI wor• Ouarutald 1.u. • flL 8-VQ' au. •11 ~ .,~'. .. :r,~· ,_z'f1:'° . ..,·£.·; _., CARPENTRY . -~---... --r-----"'c~z:~. ' A,. n,.d Keepln9 it Slamed Our Price• On it .......... ,., ""° . = 1'ulum'UU ., -w. cw. ......... • ~ KINOR REPA.JR• WQRX LOI'!', BJIAOL&. bl.ck wlUI ,.. .. tta••••L NO JOB TOO SM.ALL whit.I t&ce. collar. ch-. A fMt. l'ULl. PA 1' M 1'* an ttUMIL You Come I Set it . DJ•-· ..... •' \ 11 L/ • <° B. 0 1 ~ef'llQll. brown Mn. White ~ _ Op*'-tott _ ' ~\' ~~ • ·.-~ / ' , 101• & Balboa Blvd~ 8'1boa marls on back. Named Jtmt.t. "t, ' • .''~ 1\\rf. ~~,.~~~ \. . 8arbo1' 1"60 Ullo REW'Al\D, LI 18.Ml. Tet '" Taieplloae' ape,._t.orf, \ 11 ·~~~ .. '~;;;;;~~·=~=~=:~:~:· ~---" .~ SPARKLEns • LOST -1. ..! ... ,,.,. ::-• • ' == Spring Fresh Water LIBERAL REWARD 9,00 to ''oo P. ... I 1,..-::: "...,,. .-. • : 1.--u It•~ N. Main Bt.. ,Jba. Ill _ '17.J '.I : • • .,... .V;~ Halt Q&llon for Infant • Plgakln .tecret&ty tYP9 pune Babta ..._ , ' · 1 •. :• ~J:, M&kee Delicious Coffee ~-.~~N"'t '"', ot _!~-P,.ACIFIC TELEPHONE •.• • • • • •.• (/r.:=;=f'~~· :· Drink I 1ia.H• a day a.ad enjoy ....... _ --.... ll • onu. ~ • , • • '-:'.:! the bHt of health. t&1n.I Pll~n • n1oney. Callo 1------'-' ------·I . . • • • • • • '\..,.· ...J "' L!!h1rti t-3807 a c1atm 1'9W&t'd. CHINISTS t---L--•••• ~~ 'r '•·. -!,. LL .. 8-5012 ' let MA •.••• 2Cl fi -------~----18WlNG8Hirl',muatbed&alA. ( "'J TUlUlZT LATHE OPICRAT· \ • ------------!8-&tutiona Wanted ORB A ~TOOL IU.J(SIUI,. - :'!:·:~'.~;;:.,.:· ·/ j I/ -tP . Genera l Contractor GARDENING ~:;,~T,.::fu.;to-"PR= ··~ ... New Wo~kCEN~~modehng ODD JOBI • CLEAN UP. :~~a;-~~-·. 1!: - ................ ··Hmm-m-m! ... Pretty fair rlasae1 I picked up in the Want Ad8 -( wonder who those folka are that'• wearinr winP?°"' NO JOB TOO S)tALL J. Mll...TON McKENZIE BY HOUR, nAY OR WUK NJ:W CAR aa\eam•p to Mil Harbor 6399-W 58tfc MONTHLY ESTDtATES Dodp • Plymouth can. It LI 8-4.080 or LI 8-4544 you have hELd ~lung e•per- FURNITURE LADIES 3pl8 lence we w!ll teach you the OOllPLETE HOUSEllOU> nJRNISHINGS ~G~:..:mao~n!~y • • Open Mon.. Wed.. Fri., Sat. Dileo 'tll 9 VETERANS INDUSTRIF.s 402 & 4'!/H USED APPllANCES ·and TVs . ' THOR washer wrin9•r type, like new ... 17 -INCH TELETONE table model ,,, .. completely re-conditioned ' 16-INCH MOTOROLA con sole .... $79 .50 Mahog. cabinet, completely re-eooditioned Dales Furn iture 18T4 Harbor, C.M .. . •r ... :---------------------'--- Oiatinctively designed Made. repaired or r,.tinl•hed Do elloulder, ur feet ache! la RELAXATION needed! automobile bulllneae. Uberal commlaalon 4' plet1ty of owner. to work. See Mr. Beatty-Al Beatty r.totor11 1&80 Newport Blvd., CoBta Me~. 6c8 with new picture tube . RCA lS .. Comb. TV."ma.hpe. r"n aolt with doon. AM FM ro111.,, 78, f.6, SI rpm record pla~·t'r. Jl"lr.t c lu. condltlon -$10tJ. .:, 1 ... The NEWS~PRESS / Mondav, Wednesday , Friday Delivered lo Your Hom e Three Time• a Week SOc -PER MONTH-SOc • .... WANT AD will cost you only $250 and ii will run in all 4 issues A Minimurr. ad 11 4 li nes. ' Phou Harbor 1616 , -He ...... ..Jlubor N-..PloY llooday, Wedneoday ud rrtdr.y odltloaa, Pl.,. • the C-tol Shopper, Wodneoda7" DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa~Prese i• c ... a.ranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papet8 before 6 p. m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I! your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue . cdl Rt.rbor 1616 &rd your carrier wt11 bring your poper. C. EV ER ETI SM ITH 413 • 29th St .. l'\'e.,.,·port Beach Har. 48:.i8 ur Ha.r. 2121 Ev-. '98c15 FOR RF.NT SkJll sawa, E lec. Orll111, Poh!hera. au typu of Sander•. \Vheelb&J' n:iwa, etc BOYD'S HOWE. 2830 W. COAST HfOHWAY Llbert.y 8-343~ Nwpt. Bch. 28tlc "A's" VE NETI AN BLIN D LAUNDR Y THE Nt:\\' machine pToceu I m e t h o d. Rea»on&ble prlrea. Averal!'e 2 t•pe rellnlential blind. On ly $1.00 · Bllndl repaired. and rebuilt. fi" .P1c.k up and d.ellvery \Vork done by a ppointment Phone Llberty 8-tl701 or Klnlberly 3-M69. _ pptfc H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbing A Pron,pt Repair Bervlre J.llllnt alnffl Phone: Harbor 4&24 2&01 Balboa Bl vd, Newport Bch. plop CEMENT & BIJJLDING All """" FREE ESTIYATES Liberty 8-6109 COMPLETE PAJNTING Ir Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0. 8A UNDERS · 600 l.i.t StrMt, Nn,.port Beach Harbor 29711 ttc PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERJOR ALSO MARINE PAlNTING LICENSED -JNSURED Glenn Johnston MAKE AN APPOINTMENT for Swedish Massage tn you? home. 1-'le.ue call Harbor •71>1) or Harbor 70. 88tf Beacon Personnel 100 % employer retained agency No F'ee collected from applicant fil3·311t Newport Beach CHILD care, live In, aal&ry. LIMrty 8·:1440 after e ·p. m. 5ttc 21 -INCH PACIFIC Mercury .,. ,., .. ,, $189.50 Blond cabinet, radio • phono 1-4-INCH rv·AM.fM ................................... $99 .95 Radio .. phoDo combination. Excellent condition. Dark . mahog. cabinet with doors. 21 -INCH PHILCO .... , .. ,'. ......... , ..... , .......... ,.,, $119.50 • Table model completely reconditJoned Coata Mesa 6 PC. Maple dinette set. 19" IVVU ~z1&'. dbta. door. M>.HOOANT. !l«M...,,. CRIN 4 C.blne( O'KM!e A M..-rilt chroma l oF • ranp, Uke .1.-w. 2 GOOD, UYlng rooM net.a. 1 red, l rooe. ~a COLLEGE Slud•nt. 21. Law m&Jor. Would like employme11t Newport area w1!4!kend.9 a 3 montm tn' 11.1mmer. ~pendable, concenlal. SYcamort! 8-3824 dur· inf week la Hu. 3291-J wMk· lw-.,.-,..,--.. -,-,-10-14-1-,-,,-u-,-.-, et1dl. 91Uc DAVIS·BROWN Me1a Woodcraft WI: HA VE JUBT R&CEIVEO anotha' iahlpnumt of .-ction· a.la. Comer dieab, book -. (qpq A: alldinc ctocw.,I. I drawer "FIX-IT" Mechanical and Electrlca.I Maintenance Service ALL WO~K GUARANTEED. Harbor 5664 or ~3 """ LICENS ED by U.S. Coe1t Guard to opente and 11av1g•te pow"r boat&. -lo M rt. Eor hlre. will 1kJpper yacht. or r1,h1ng boa~. LEhigh 9-7467. 7pla SEAMSTRESS DRESSllAKlNG & ALTERATIONS liouni 9 a. m. to 6 p. 111. age. For New1-Pru11 route• to be opm 1100n. APPLY Mr. Park· er, 221 1 West Balboa BJvd.,- Newport tl ' 1885 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa LI 8-3437 WA1TRESS wllllted. Exptrl·l ------------------------ enced. for breakla&t 11hlft. A lao •n u-r-~DaAeo11d; SO--MJscellan.eoua will train invrperlen<'ed girl• ~~::::-:=::::==::::=:..----1 ::::._::;:;:;:::=:::;::::'----­ now tor aummer. week-en<ill 4 ~ cheet U , 2t, JO, JI lndl.. C.n· ter suldMI dr&wen &t YU')" low ........ 30 INCH bar 1tooJa ·~--·-·· 12.70 2121 Harbor BIYd , Coat.a M ... u 1·1'41 """· COMPLETELY RE·BUILT Sit N,' Kint ALSO DISHWABHi:R wlnted. START Gttt-MaltlnS now for -... ..._ ·-~-~'!'1-momln« or nlte 1hltt. Snack _:. _ d.iV&n, all nlW n\aterl11ol. Mother'• Day-P'athet'a D&y-1 -----~------ 8hap. iaoo E. ~t Hwy,, Bride. --ar.ituatklft-Blrt.11· TalJG&b1i"~C6illitry-Uouae COM. 7tfc $49.50 UP day•! New yanw. l\r&W'll and ANTIQUES FULL ?CHARGE -eoOKKEEPiR cord•. 311 I:, Balboa Bh'd., for n1fg. concern. Pe nnllllent. Co1ta J.leaa. State quallf\C6· Uona. REPLY to BOX N-3-t , Newa·PrllQ Sc10 REFRIG with re-built wiit Ba.Ibo&. Har. d Ht aruc Nloo variety aulbenUo anUqueii. eolond siu., brus, oopper, AU new 1uket.a. MA.XII OrrER '"""'r, lamp•. turnltuh, trom 91).day guarantte.. 8 FT. DllUCATICSBEN cue lllapm.aln rttt ttiau to the $64.50 UP ONE tarp, ~· refrif t'bMlt A rvut tor tlte coUect.or. 1 SCAI...£8. 1 GONDOLA KATHRYN ANN JOHNS Call LJ 8·5711 af'Ur ti:30 P~ m. 14171 Barbor BJYd,, Santa An11 •11~ Monrovia. Cotta M e.w. SOJ.rE FREE. l50n1e ff'f! WHEEL TOYS LI 8-4826 99Jll~ Applicant• needed, n1&11.y off1c,. ------------' jobA. Allio. re•t&urant 11nd MASONRY And Carpent•r work. By lather Ir 11)11 team. 19 yra. uperlence. LEh1&h 9·81Ut l cl4 GARDENING and CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LI BERTY 8-6 139 52trc PAINTING By Hour ama.11 or large job1 ok. Re&.90nable ratu. • Llberty 8-2722. domellll<'!. M11ny jobs tor I qualtlled men. Regf1ter now JU11 e Farrar. Emyl. Ag<'y. 402"1 32nd St.. Spt. Be.ch c acrou tNJm CHy Hall ) • Bl<'yclea I 12.~ up '1'1-lcyclu $3.llO up Stroller• 14 M up BcooteN 11.76 up \\'ACon.t U .25-up NEED Cook11. w1111~u~.I G o odwill IAdu st ri es diah,,.,·a.11h1r1. Man 25 s ~ f.17 \\'. 4th St .• Santa Ana will\ m~?lanlcal back"g«nmd.1 ______ _ BAY V IE\\' EMPLOYMEl'w'T AGENCY 2827 \V, Cout Hwy, Ne,,.,·port Beath. W 8-~2 &IO IJESK WA.ITING FOR BROKER OR SALESMAN' Permanent Should know local ar''· f Confidentl1l l Call Blanche O&tetL, H1t.rbor 187 1 8Cl0 SEWING MACH INES Rent A Mach in e $3.50 PER MO, MORSE Se wing C e nte r 1250 So. Main Santa An a or wee.kinds. iUc 72tfc DESKS-FILES-CHAIRS erwe CountT'• • !S-Boeb. 8apPlie9 • l..a..rs.t Selectlon 90 HP. UNIVERSAL 8. 2'~-- Leopold. ExecuUve 1 reducuon. Completely r,.- FurnltUTe bullL c:.JI alter !).-Har. 31711. Steel otn. Furnlture 6cS ANAHEIM · OFFICE FURNITURE CO. te JT. rIBm 11u. boat, "''ind· •bleld. ....n d«k. 1teerin1C llS 8. Palm KEY.l4ne li..U22 wheel, .tent. cundllion S.100. Moond at 203 N . Bly Front. Dalbo& hi.and.. Har. 4781 Dav,.. ,,, !i01 -311t St. Newport Beach Harbor 3178 C9Uc HIGH <'pllbre .pr1c. nuM1e, be1t local Dr. 4' pall<"nt refa. LI 8·5M8. 8pl0 ICXPltRIENCED SECRETARY- Muat be able to take dictation, and accurate tiPl1t. 15 day wk. Apply at City Hall. Npt. Sch. " PHJLCo RJCFRJO. Dehu.e 12'111 ft. dbL door, auto. dctnMIUn1, 90 lb. croae-top !Haer. au colored Interior, thelvu In lhe door, cheete 4 butter keep«. Paid down to 1198.fi S cuh or t11ke over payment. of I'll .Tl mo. No cuh nttded, my equity free. See anytime at f.09 8. Maln, Orange. KE 1+6817. ..,-..,..-~~~~~---111' CA.RVE!lCR..U'T OB, 195!1. 211 hJ. Evinrud• l'let:l. m tr. C."wbullt trailer. A II u.9t'd llttle. P'lbtrslUl!ed plywood hull. Remote control1, elec. llart.er tinted utety glaslt. Muat be Ileen to be appre- ciated. Complete Sl 97~. LI 1·"27. tlp8 Painting 6 Paperbanging We do the work ouru.lvea. 30 7ean e.pertence Ucenaed It lnaured. 8at111farllon cuarantffd. WAS HIN G & IRON ING ,,. -·------ 15 PlEC'E bdrm. 11et, 3 pleee l1vtnr room -et. Maytag wub· lnr m1chlne. Plano Ao bench and noor l1mp1. Ll 8-7408. ' "' MACHINISTS SEVERAL ~" ot w•ndow" Deluxe K'enmo.re gu dryer S TEMPERATURE SETTINGS $149.95 DAVIS -BROWN 30 FT. CABIN Crul9tr. juat onrhauled, ready for Ute 1"9~ Hemlock fi-41()49 or LI l-Sll7 an.r I p. m. kl 40 rr. DU:SEL crv!Mr, roomy . I \. " (\ ' I I " I \ t " . ... ~I ass lthnt 81t tc Co!tla J.lellll. Call W 8-1~'19 Eltlmai.1 rre.. C.U Johnnie. By piece or by hoor w .. t waah1 tls-s:2687-&t'LT'""8'!~1!t---r-'n-.:...,.,,_,.,. ·ttry ,-1·4 > I!! ~. GMHM'Oi-U..~ e•pedrnce I -tnmn;--d'Xrn-• trtm,--Bell Sl,ady work. Some overtime. <'he&p. RCA conaole comb lW Hubor Blvd. Cost.a M-mod condlUon. Perlnct home ' LIBERI I s;Jttf Hnoar.; WUI itlr -or ·r~ror __ .... • ,, - l I• " l · ! ' >- I• ". _ 4 uoe. 1 --· $1.00 odd'l u. .. .%6 ... -4 Ulle1 ! Iuutlon.s l .!50 add'l. llnea .Z5 ea. --8U< PAINTING WtLL CARE·~ yoo, '""put t1n1e Pr,..fer boy 11bout 4 - 819 Go\·ernor St. Coat.II 1'1ea.a PAPERHANGING _ __ __" Aak tor )tr. Bun.lick at phono1Taph .. Radkl ; &ood GILL ELJ:CT. MFG. CORP. eondltion SM> Nearty n~ dbl. 830 \V. 17th St , C08ta Me•. niattNIL• S4~. covered bo• -------'-'2_0_ 1 l'prtnir• 110 with wooden frame ---SlO. Har. 218l·M. llcl NE!:D e.xperlenced younl' women WASHER NORGE AUTOMATIC muJUple" unit property, u l-&133 CALL EVENINGS. 'M model. U1ed only e wHk• lt1 lhe delux:e with bl« tub. =====--c-----1<3- Juat p111h buttoh -Wuhu. tfC71' POINT rt!tr11. • cut Lron rinMa • tplJui dry. Balance ta Wik. 1015 II:. BaJbo& Blvd.,- $137.119 or lake o.-er Ute ~y-Ba.Ibo&. Ip ••• ,7 :-4 UDea S lnlertlons 2.00 add't linea .%5 e&. Sympson & Nollar EXPERlENC~~lJ LADY dealrea tor e:o:clU•IVe wo111en'a wear 11hop tor all-around work. Ref· erencea required. Write Bolt M·33, thi..-paper. 7c9 Fe et Hurt7 ment& of $1.07 mo. No caah nMded, iequtty trff. See any-t t • ALL FIBER ciJ.J..18 outtMH.rd Ume day or ett at 409 So. .bo&t, 11" beam, ~tkl. .. '' • -t LkaM 4 ln&ertlom 2.50 add1. lines .~ ea. ' ltU.U-W-ted Adi! ..W '"9ift 1.1% dlaoeunt. Co.ala S. edv...ce oal7 ML~ AD 18 to LIN1'i.8 , But Expe:rtenc-.:1 WorkrMft Har. 2't.04 ar &S17 NEWPORT HARBOR-NEWS-PRESS Every Mon.,, Waclnes., allcl Fri., COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays -l ........ Penooai. AlcoboUca Anonyrnoua Write P. O. Box 311 Ne"'1>Qrt Beacil. Calll. Phone Ha.rbor f.71~ AD Cllaiiilfted A-~ M ,.W ,., OM& .. ......_ el ,.UcaUoa. I ------------ ~ publlahen wm not .. rupons\ble tor mon Ulan on. tncorrect LIFE STUDENTS bockkeepinr Po•ltlon Ao 1en1ral office work. Several Je&n ln· aunnce exp. Har. 3891·\V. 8p.IO Roy's Maintenarice Complete Profe ss ional Housecleanin g . Try Knapp Sho es M&ln, Oru,.. Kil l·Ml 7. no1.11Jori. tank&;. "300. Call u -Mo•• E-.,-.-8otl w. i.t st., Banta An• WANTED--ON... """"' R .... T -te -····•, Double d~· !:STATE SALESMAN Kimberly 2·S017 before 10 Ln!i. '-'-UW\lal"""."'"" .... You'll like our atralegic loca.- 1 ___ .,._,_,,.._,_•_•_· m_, _,._u_c SERVEL RCl'RJGERATOR Uon. mud~ rot1my office, SOLi> N£W FOR JM@. mutual co-operation 11nd Jiber· WESTERN SADDLE l&Q. BUT lT NOW FOR al advertltlnf. Thi• rare op-CALL LI 1-1~23. $282.50 porlunlty nuiy never <'Ome 93tfc OAVIS .. 8RQWN your ""'•Y agfL!n . 1----------S!:Vl!:N ISLAND'S REALTY BATHINETTE llke new. ltlln. 11M Harbor Blvd.. Co.ta MNA 1-MOfi. lclO v' MUST BE SOLD 12: IL CA.BIN, head, &'alley. , 1lffpa four, Chry1ler Crowii.-, Ball tank. Ideal for plet.aure. ' Sport flah•r or cha.rt.er. $3600 LI S.. 7818 8tfc .. INVEST CO. Blond T .V. table model. 449 LlBERTY 8--a437 Ml3-32nd St., N,.wport Beach Broadway. Coat& Melll. 6c.I O'KXml'lll Ir MERRJ'lT GAS MA.Kl: offer. 21 tL uWIL;y Harbor 68tl8 p E Rs I A N BOKHARA. Bl:· JlNO. '13 MOOel. The bll de· launch. chryaler enclnl'. re- • lilMrUon of an ad, f'MerY• lh• fil"hl lo eorloctly cLumlt7 ~ and 4 NJ:\V SERIES OF LECTURES Floor waxing and buffing Window Clea.ning Upholstery Cleaning • Patios Color waxed Lustrous ReaulU: llc8 LOUCH, Camel•Halr. HAM.A-luxe one. Lamp 11; clock with 111mble• Lyman 1.llander, fi ne ----------DAN. S AR U K. KERMAN o"'1 Umer, gTlc.ldle In Uie condltJon Har. l&otl·W. 4006 ,_ IP odl and to aject.&n)' ad not conformlnr to rlilff aJtd nrvJ&Uona.. "111 be ,;iven by DLU>LllfES for phldng or cancelllq no.a an: For MoinidQ' PUltl1c&Uon -P'rid&J I p.m. For w~ PUbllcatlo~~ 1 p.m. Jl'or ~ ,PubllcaUoa -Tbundial' 1 p.in. NE~ HAWIM)& PUWl8'QJ(O CJ0. nil a.a.., IUYL, K_,,-l'i ........ 9-1l' ....... • OR. LOWELL PAUL \VA DLI: 1n the St. Fr11.ncla Chapel UO Park. Laguna Beach. rridray, M1y 4. -8 00 pm. Ttme. Age and JmmortaJU7. May 11 --11 ·00 p nl. Brt!1th. vna11ty 11; ure Oon1Uon11 a ccepted. 4pl7 Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1787 DJPIC 6 Kala THE .GA:RDEN SPOT 111-lleautr Aid• M..U ._,, Tb...._, I p.a. .. Via Oporto -Oentnl AN. co~.{'..:::!.:: COLD WAVE '08 ""'•-•i.-uu....--.. .. COMPLETE ' LEX. 1-7~ PU REASO NABLE Pho ne liberty 8-l 33i Uo GARDENING HauUnr -1U1d odd Jobi. R!:A80NABU: LlbertJ 8s186e. .... HAND BRAIDED RUGS FRElC INSTRUC'TION ORDERS TAKEN All new materialtanll&ble. Mal')' Fannin. 1198 S. Oit. Blvd. Lacuna. Bch. HYatt •·1898. 87tle DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS Mack to Order EIUm&tea -Sampleo LU~ DRAPERIES ':.. N"'llOrt a..ell ~ICIJ N~~ ~t9d RI.lier $6.M 'to $10 Painting, Decorating Hair ct1t 11. s ttampoo A Mt 11.M ll6tt<' ·Papir Rio.sine CLEO l!'IKE'8 B&A.VM' IHOP ---------"=' t =-====-:::::::--;-;-;-c;;--;:: APT or MOTEL )t.ANAOER ... u local connecuon. W\dely lmow1l In lhla ar.a. lt•l reter- encu. Call Har. 1111-M.. HubOr litl8fi or Mi3 GEO URKH ROT 1930 Church 8t. J'tnt 1treet t:ut WILL care ror one cbJld under 2 GOOD RUGS. l2 ~ 18 4 9 by • B A o1 N.-port BIYd. between 1tua 1 yre. lft my honi .. can -'" u, r-...,,•NJ ~ 1010 w. U:CSNl&D WNTRAt.-i'UR and '°'4-Ooat:a X-.. LI t-1689 R.ate~nC!I. LI l s7a77. lpl BaJboa 81.-d. Tel 1',l ...... LllMr!J'•-4121 • u ...:::::.::::::::.::..:::.::.::.._...::!::1---:-:-:-:-;;-;"":--::-;:-;;-:-;:;;--I For Results u .. Clauified Ads i n the News -P,.u Your Call Relax-A-Clzor OONTULTJ..NT t>rernoo..troUcma, no 1obllpUon 8oM/9' wu.on -HTatt •-tttt «BTatt 4-CSM ...,, • WATCH REPAIR A NEW f!erv;ce Added. NEEDED at oae. I Ma.nae Gu W will call home En(\M Meehu~ 1Dxperlcnee4 • at. your Taclll Carpdl•J'll and lklat <or '1lEZ e1Umat• .net Bullde •111 pkll: up and dfollve.r. Apa~· to Yard Ottlee I'\ \ HARBOR 1403 BOtn1J COAST COMPANT The J~I BoJC ~elpW .. ted Nnport JSlYd. a t 1Srd. IL 1721 E. CDut.. Coron• d~I M•1 kl ~p --... --. -tter nip. Muat ael\ frac-middle. chrome aTIJl broller 4 River Ave. (w1ter1ronl) uon orl(fnal value. ORIENTAL blJ-oven. Balal'lce oWtd I• Sc111 rur• expertly "paJ,..i. l:.t· llfiTAI> or take o+er paymenr... :90:::-cA~T~.-,1~.-m~ln_u_m __ po_o_too_o_~-•· umat .. tree . Puahman·• 2733 ot 11.29 mo. No caab needed, board llUt. by 6ft.··-wei,;h.-JL!. co..t Hl«hw•y Corona del my M1Ulty tree. Ben any1lme 00 Mar. llcl I day or e.'19 at t(Jll & Main. 1 lbl. MO. Har. ~. 61 .\ KED. 81.ZED SERVEL refJi¥ .. like new. 120 baae acoordlon : Schwinn blka. Stt 1fttr Ii or week ends at t714 Park 8t .• Huntlncton Beach. kl ONnre. u 1-411T. Maytag Deluxe LATE MODEL WASHER CONVENTION AL TYPE' $119.00 DAV IS-BROWN Attn: Property Owner! JSM Ha.r6or Blvd. t:oota Are you ne&lectll\i' your water ___ 1_.iBER __ TT __ .. _,_,_., __ _ bu.tu! W9lt'l'llf<HIOUfJl!l Peorto Ve...- • LIMITED OFFER $2.50 Clean.· cfl".Ln and adju!ll your watar healt.r. JqWt modct-with att&ch m.ata. New, never 11at><I SM Ra.r .... ft. 8<' c.11 your DAT A NIGHT AUTHORIZED DU.LU JOE BECllTOLD P1umbing Har . Lo • ...i. -----SALC OR TRA [)~: St -Waa.ted to Bay Ji.INK R..t&urant kttctu•n rqulpm~l , Iron. C'iJppl'r. br•All. aluml1111 SACRJnCE . llalle offer 3'707 I f'lC. An quantity. Jmm~I !:. eo..t Hwy , Corona del I plr k up. Call U S-.11 0J Mar. Lf ~ SptO I 'l1 . TRADE S.a.utlCul 70' aua. echuo1uJ.1. "" anywhere. Elu.'f'I fnT cn&rt cr- Wanl amaJler bolt or property 1220 W. 1:1.aJboa Blvd .• Newp<••l. Harbor 3032 OOU• !6 rr. OOUBL;;:; ENDER. <'ritur1 4'!1'Ul.Qer OOod lfiotor. l lUld l1ull See •l Q 209, j.l.tJo ru1 ,1.,~ ..a AnchoN::;e. MAKE 0 11· •• r::.tt. JD. Q, C:i undrr1, =-ca • !!I I Newport.. lf:lr. 2174 D~ UP fnr ~nL Utn h•ndl.i 3., 1 or la rl(~r. 1•1,\'11\11 ,Joo k. 1 ;..,~. bllr a•U)u. lir tli ft. outbnan1 motnr 1KNlf ''• yr .. old Exl•'ll. 1•KMUJ1t10 . 1:.uu w ':tllll. ;, p ·P"T.,f"l1lJ~I NI: ·!)<·flt. lO'llm,-1. • 1•1 nr r l-1•l•1 t 11 ~I)' r ,,. <'1tl)"l,.-t, c:11•·•6hr. b:1ol 1 ~ .l 1 ·J. ' . ' ' ' •l l '.u 41~•. . ·' --·- • • • tr Zenith couole ·----tTl..tl) Rott.m&a eoneo'--········-···· sa1.1a lV SERVICE $2.00 CALLS oU<YWll1:Rll ' T eleviaion Sal11 Service and TARTER TELEVISION 1tOf Ea.t . Cout HJ(hw•Y Corona del Mar Har. 5491 TF 8£1: UllJ WJ:'LL DEAL! SPRING PU.NO 8A1'E Studio Piano, Ut.41 Walnut w .. 1•96 -Now ,396 rr.. Demoiutrauon ot Lii Mllll lclO Wurlll.Mr Orp.n la Your Home ------------1 S•T• lllOlllY on Orpn Rental I I IP'll'lZTI la-1 Grand, am&ll Jtatuna: bl.ondl, "'1. In u t . • • • •• -,,,_lll()Rl j;fAQoR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 • pAf;E l . !!'ft · · • 56 .. --'---""I EDNES&A'l';'MA, , , . 9 •. Dally, ....i.i,, -Wy, y .. rly. 111!12 FORD ctJ!ITOY club -· ..., •ppt. or ...,..uon. call Kar. 2W2. SUlo Beautiful mboon and white.' __ -~---~·,. -....... ..--h-a.ai.- 1953 CHRYSLER WmnsoR a.'uB cpe. ~A.pt&.t HoUllot!• tor Reol SEE ME · TA NELsoN CORONA OEL MAR FOR CHOICE RllNTA.LS. l:iEASONAL 4 Yll!A.RLY . nos m. Cout Hwy. Kar. MeO u Radf>. beattt and power ~ ----------------$12911 MAY SPECIAt:.s-· . New 1956 Chr{sler Windaor 4 Door Sedlon• l'nc:udlrt all •t8.ndard tactorY ~utpmeni Low u .• .Motor Ove.rhaul' •NO YONEY DOWN . Up to 115 Months to Pay 6 Cyb. .. ....... -............ 58.88 All St.rajgbt $2995 JKA-APt• fnr Rent. . Ellbta .......................... 68.88 1 ---'---~-- Plua tu: and liceDM! LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 w. Cout Highway LI 8-3486 R-E·O For Orange Now 24 County Hour SERVICE on Diatr ibutor INct.tJDES bolh Labor 6 Parta. MILLION DOLLAR VIE\V New rlnr•. W'Tllt pln1, \'I.Ive 8ay ud <kran l'rtnd. fltllng1 or ml.ID and rod Corona del Mu be&rlR&"•· Y.xpcrt moM:lr tune· NEW 2 BR. ip11Clou1 apt. Ba1 up. to-<1ay or 4000 mile ruar· kltch. Built in copper rangr &ntff. 11ven and r~er. Blldlnl'. gl19l GASKETS 6 On. "EXTRA door to 1un deck. LM11e $2 2:: REBUILT ENGINES BU~T lN our own f&ck>ry' by 1kllled m1ch!ni1t1. Don't c<>n- tend wJth the middle man. Buy dlr«I. SHORT BLOCK FORD I l932-4SJ .......... S 94.60 CHEVROLET ........ ······-$ ttlJ.~ BUJCK . . . .. .. . .. ·-··--· $12".00 PACK.ARD 18 cyl~ .......... $125.00 Plym., Ood:e 4 P'ord 8 . 1106.00 CHRYl!I. A DE 901'0 ..... n2<l.00 ITUDEBAKER ··-· ...... _.$.120.00 OLDS.. 6: P ONTIAC 8 .... $1 2000 n10. Har. 28·"\o\'. 8tfc S?llALL tum. apta. Bachelor 01 cou~e. Ulll. pd. Cppo11.l11 nev: H,_..hpot. lnqu1re tG~ N N~·­ port Blvd., Nrwport Bch. 6cll NEWPORT ISi.AND Fl1RN. APTS. on \\lt1.lCl"front by day or Week. hlelll plo r·t tu relax •• very quiet. \VA G NI!; H POINT. Har. 1717-J. ~&.re -s11~ntE:R rest~•llon~. 3 b,I;-,;. !lY.S-mt Wlf\ml. hou.e, 1 bd· nu;. dW. ...,.p; -..u.. A.$1.U .. only, no pet.I. aa:i; mo.. )'tllarl1. TU lrta, Corollfl de! Mar. Own• er AT1anUc 169&! 011 .. Har. IU4.M for °&ppL Tel "LIDO JSLE, ! bedrooma. '~ 'bl.th flom-. ot1. anAU&l ~ Slip for 40 ft. bo&L UM ot 18 rt. Vi&in1 ftlnabout JIO"ft't boaL 2 Cllr pr.. beautttulb' fund.ti• l!d. Uirui.. 1700 per moetb. Inquire at •t Balboa. Co•ea. • N •wparl. M Mt.ft TRA rLERS up to 45 tt .. two tad 1p1ce1 1vt1.ll. Lota 0( priw.cy. children welcom!'. CIOH to Blvd., 1to~6.9C:hOOI. Ll 8·78~ 1<10 19-Koom• 'or Retrt **** Vl~llnr1 ! V1c1Uoni1lll ! ! :;;njoy living Ol\ the Ocean F'ronl. Cor11plel,ly turn\shed )dtehen- i!tte 1pt4. and room:t with pri· v11te bllh. M11 ld 1erv!re, tr~ TV. 2308 Ocerui .Front. Har. 61.57. Ccmm1rcial,lndu1lrial Department Store Bulldlnf eo.ta w:Ma Hot spOtr Lot 101· " SOO'. 4400 1111· tt. 1n. bids. ( PlUI 0000 "' ft. of p&Yed p.rkl1tj". Plwi old• i lldnn. houa. -Stl.600-• • M Acree Adj&C«ll to Colla MelL tAnl lJtllltle11 anll.able. l:X!lflllent for aubdlvtalon. $IOOO ,.r acr• Servloe StaUon Good eomn IOC&tkMI bor BJvd. WiUI 150' $.M,000. Bay '& Beach Realty Inc REALTORS 1876 Harbor Boulav1rd COflt1 MNA. CaJlrornl~ R. F . a.dde1 R. W, OooNt.n. Day or nlpt phone LI f.TTl4 I eu. damq"• ln ahtpptns, mapl•. Sant. An& Jilwlc, Kl ____ _. .... ,,..__...,.._..,.,..,...1--4-.., I ruck Kepa1r1ng ...... .J , NASH ... -·----········R••·•" $120.001 I ••• ~-ER . . . . .. ·-..... -... $120.00 HUDSON lfll 13 Maina f . l140u Ir l bdrm. apt11. nP.\Vl.v rle<:"nrat- ed Waterfront Har. r>4M-J . eves. A: wtt.k encia. 6<'8 e Ground e OFFICEs OR Floor STORES · 'H-llMI l!:Atato ll:ll~ WILL TRADE 40 CL 'UMHI cntlatr. hem• &(loat. toz mul· Uple unit propert7. U .....U3 CALL E~NINGS. lcl ' .. • .,.. Wt' mOIW1-llCBXJDT· M2t11 lc9 PllILl..ln 120 N. Kain. I .A. I ELECTRONIC Of'C&lll llk' t new, our pr-k:. only 1575 up I 8ClillIDT·PlilLlJP8 Bis Or· pn A Pl&no Store, !120 No Maia, Banta A.nL One 8olOVOJI I S160. I I ·• ALL MAKES * Eliminate costly t.ie-UJM In at :5 p. m. -Out at 1 a. m. Since 1933 ff.A.JOIOND OrplUI u-1 A nn oppcrtunlt)'. Ona t&mOU9 CBOBD ORO.AN, OM BV Hom. ll6d.al ~ Uh DIW- Oon't watt · u ,.,.. wUrb to maM a pod •••••s on th• wodd'• tl•••t ~ ac:tDtlln'-PBILUPB Hom• ol U!.• Bumnond Oipn, 620 No. Kala at.. Ba.nta Au., Good Tvma, M mo. Custom Hi·f i ED. THOMPSON Garage MU81C ITBTDilS Planned to your lndlY1dual llaten- PLATllR pl&nO l!.A.LDWJN ~ ID&.. nqulreme.nt.a for bom1 A _ pl•tel7 raoondlUoned. p1&71 i.Wii\eN. newa roll&. run. far tam.111 JD1AR A COKPARJC authenUc Ama • g (Corner 3rd It French) Phone KI 2·2343 Suta Ana $5.00 Per Week room. $175 Nchar-. Yacht hlSb. fidelity at our complete Zin SP::~· ~2~~ ~aHtuAmoRotBuQvtnR• .. H.,..,l:·f I Buys Anyone buy• mAQ 111sbU7 UMd. nnt· SANTA ANA, CAUJ'.-DAN". In MldJtlon they Will Include tn- a. Car! al ~tuma. MW l'uanJltff M.qll1, 8Zond. SboaT. Ul'ht Walnut. • .,, $lot to SHO UU N.wport Blvd. Har. 4"31 CIDL RH.:llMAN'B at 1116 Bo. all likt NW, Klrro llpln•t ------------ PAP Maln St .. Santa Ana. hu ju1t unounced & l'lt'W methoJ of 1111111· ~ Oa&a, Peta 1111' high qU&llty cara lo the ;::;-'"':;;;s::i,_;::::::.;:.:;::.. ___ lmotorin&' public. Tbey 1t&le lh•t 1uranc1 and lnlernt charJea ln theM p1.7menta, ofteriQa' ror tha rtrat Um1 1. complet. "PacUI'• Plan." Dan.llJ Rlchm.a.n.'a It Jo. cat~ &l lSIG Bg., Main IL, Santa ADL Telephon• KlmbUIJ 2--Meil. PLUS lNSTALLATlON Open Daily 8 to El Monday 'Ul 7 p. 111. llunday 12 to 2 Block mu1t mee! our at1ndar<l1 Plua tu•. guk111t.a ';nd o!I BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 310 E. 3rd St. Kl 3-8264 LOAN CARS -PREE TOV.'lNG STATE BONDED • ft. -.,1uttful -w 2 bdrrn. ltJit l:nfurn .. modP.m, l blk. to D.•nch. 1111- po.NJ. Har. 2~02 or Har 8260 lk8 For Lease in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg 30th &: Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 WILL TR.A.DE beautlfUI ' bdrm. brick hom1 on t" ac"" In Pomona for Newport or Bal- ~ property. Call Har. 1970·W 1tter ~ p.m. lklll NJCZ J BR. untum. 11pt with prare ~ mo. Good locauon. ne:i.r •hopping. Costa t.1ea1 LI 8--791~. arS ,..OR RENT, NEW orftce 12 x 24. _ _ _ Lldo Shopping-1tt&. $7(1 per TRADE ISO,,; 300 n . lot In Van Nuy1, v1lu1 $8000 Of! klc\lll acreare or dWt!.llhtl'-Cl.II Mi-. Batty. Uberty 8-2211 8t f«i CORONA D!!IL t.IAH 2 b lrn1 1 n10. on yr1. leUf!. Bay A Beach g11r;1ge 1pt. 11nf11rn dr1tJ~_j! up I Realty, 31J2 Laf1y1ttt. Harbor Adutta, nu ptt.I Ss:I Pf!t mo ! 3843. 81tfc Year l!'ISr. liar. 3{•21. 6t81 ------------ 4.03 N ewport Blvd, Nl'Wport Beach Y'EARLY LEA.SF: 87t!c N ICE MODERN atore rooni or CORONA DEL MAR'S Flnf'11l! ofClce at 1888 Placentia. J.flquire 2 brdrm., m11ter cr1ft1d, at proptrly artei;. ~ p. m. week arUallc ll'fll.Ung, cultur•d con1- dllY• ur 1.ny tlma Sat. A Sun.. munlly Sl7500 'i flpre reqcl or call w a~78f alter ":Ju or Slop Paying RENT ~ weekenda. 07U 2 BR. ootllge. 2 b1th1, t!repJert . d!'n A bach. apt. All tor SllJ Corona Ce l ?il ar The Vogel Co. N .. wly, BMutllully furnllhl!!d. t UOl ':tao~.t, ~~:==~t Bch. t>-::f;oo,~308•::'::;; 'l~u A~l~~ MO. $3500 dn. t B•ch 11pt. w!ll make your pe.ymen~I Lib~." 8-MllS. r J JOI M&r\l!e. Bl.I boa lalllnd CRQ\V. Phone Huboc 44' "''Ith Bcnl:J. \\'h!tman 2117 I:. Cal. Hy., Coronrdel Mar 3'42 E. oaat Hlway CURT DOSH, P.1: .• 31.5 Marine Ave. only •~ ll'apl• nntA S21&. KLmb&ll. A.crmDD1c lptaata, fl'Olll. '4A. Ji1an;r oU!.• tTMt bu71. 100 Planot1 to cboMI from new ud uaa4. 8CIDOD'J'.. PH..ll.LIPI P1a.ao 6: 0rp.n Star• aill<:I lilt. 120 No. Malo, Sa.nta All&. JEAN HENRI ""-h Spada.Hat ot anyone emploJed c.n drive orf ln 1 clean 1111ranleed car tor u Uttl• &a $0.00 per week. Tbey You can ret th1 car of your Pborle Harbor 1741 Harbor 1862 -H11rbor i4~ !!Ye. NORTHWEST corner lith and Oran1e, Coeta M-. Outatand· In( comer Op(>Ollil e Alpha Bet& mkL near n~ Poat ot- tice. Suitable ror Uaed car lot. B~ ru.t&ura.nt. 1hoe ouUet. 1ppll&noe outlet. fumitura, ete. Cail Fnink Jan)-. Hu. JQiU. Balboa laland Harbor 1560 Knowlton JClectronlC8 DOG CLIPPING cholc1 within a few m.ln\lt.. l..Jdo.otttoe, 34.11 Vla Udo 'klO rurther 1t&t1 that they .. 1u ..U time. Worlu in your home. UU '!WU. Ave .• Coeta Men Har. UU e.c.p1 I---------------- lh-o&1.. with DO cub dowa. H.,.bor 4971 wf/1:1 1101 Newport Blvd., Cof\a !lieu Liberty 8·&&97 tr U < LIOO LOT TV ANTENNAS , YEAR. OLD KA.l.E. 6 )'t'•r old fe· ~ Pek1n.Jua dos", refl.ltered. 0.. Ni<mdorf, Tn.ller D-1- lUI N.wport Bl~ .• Snur Har- llor Trailer Park. k!I IO-Au\of for Sale 1 c~O-:...~A~u~tOll=;.:.IO~r:..;l!olo:=:... ___ 1wANTl:D to rent -3 bedroom --• -----houae. Ra.rbor 1rP.1. yearly Jeaae f ROOM APT. with 11plPndld pauo, e:ii:ce ptlonally nice. dla- poaRI. laundry. 1ar11e. Quiet. 8"11utlfully landac1ped. \Vell 11uJWorvhtetl. See msr. Clara \V1tlf'. l&ol H11vtn Place I blk 11(1. N'twpo1·t H l1h School. FOR LEASE 1m11l 1tore bklJ' .. bu1tn"'' ahop or office. riSbt In town with plenty of parlc· tnr. IM. G. N. Wl:LUI. 1\911· tor. 1810 l\'ewport Blvd., eo... ta J.fesa. Ubtrty 1-7729 :)0 ft. on LIDO SOUD ALSO I R-S Iota In COilta J Tr , near 1hopplnr e.ntar, By_ cnv . er. Har. 0111 or Har. 11°'. (Cle&r s..m -Bl Gain) lruitallad oompl1t.a to )'1>Ul' ••t.. $9.95 LI •-6208. S9Uc WG SAVINGS OJi NEW KIMBAL!. SPINET PlANOSI Our btr "ONcm IN A CEN· TUR.Y" facto11 mo'liA&' Kim- b&ll pl&Do ale •ow SofD&' on (for a Urn.lted t1ma oaly). A world tamOUa lttmlMLll can IN youn at tnmntdOm •'1.np. LllMnJ tradH -eonnnlent ........ 8JlAr&1W I S!.Dc1 llOT J Ul-US N. I~ l&nta Ana ftOM Klmbl'rly I-Gill BLA.CX mall mlallura. pupPJ 1% month1 old. 10711 PUT!. Gar.Jen JEtfenon 7-1477. poodl• A .K.C. Grove. SELL YOUR CAR PAID J'OR OR NOT JllcCutby Paya Mora ". 100 L X&1a Kl 2·3607 DO IT YOURSELF HI.fl .U.OUAR. conv•rtlbt.; 1968 XK- t•OMC. All utru, $3600.: -A.l.o, '1tcM NilH Metropollton BUILD YOUR OWN HI • J'I con•erUbae, $960. Har. !loj, day•. phonQSl"&Pb, ~ N9WCOmb A:l-----------''"'-Narmoa-K&rdoa AK-J'll tun•" amplltl--. ~ A r.aord ,. HEALY 100 Ivory wtth btut p!Qan. eom. la and ... th91'11. -..JMr. blUnaculat.a condition. Wa will help J'O\I UMmb'41 It. 1C\Ult 1111 to JJll)' lnlU&tlon fae DAVIS-BROWN • 11'5 Harbor Blf'd. ea.ta K--LI &-JUT ta 8TORK CLUB. Kl 2-9901. ... lMI c:a:mVRoLIFI' delwte 4 dr. -ftA:H. auto~ tn.na., Wa\Y- MOO oub. •Bar. "481. tr07 13 ua:D pw.c:. waat.e4. lw~p , Goldenrod. Corona dtl Mar. your .U-t old pWto -. ~• 8tlc ilammolld CMnl Orpn BJP· -cull alknlrUlee. llCIDCtDT -P!llLt.R8 tto No. Kala. !Uta .iaa. 15. PD MONTH pod prtctiee p1ano. l.t the ldddl.. ..... All term rant aJJow*9 on bu)' Good prac:Uc. p\.aJICMI $1a3, n46r. flTt. flt&. 8CHMIDT- PllIILIP& ms Plano aad ar.. pn. ltarl. 6IO No. Main. Su.ta Ana. J:a.q t.trm1. 1CJlowltcn -- ' -TV-Rf PAIR 1181 ~ la-BLACK PONTI.AC atar OU.If CGn¥artlble. 'PO'#t:r bnJr• A .tMrtnr. low mUeag1. $1111. LI &-UH. t7Ue WA.HT $&00 cub or tn.de tor • •ltJ In °1166 Che¥. 2-door .ed Tak• °"r p&Jmtnta. lilrbor lJlW. Tpl WOULD YOU Uh to bu7 & new car from a dll'«t factory dd-1- er wb& wtll mak1 )'Our .,.,.. mtlllll la ucban.-e for your Mnk9 f 0111 LI l-5421 be- t-... p..m. lei PLTKOU'l'll '" 4 door. Clean; jOGd--tbW a radio $175. Har. GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 411 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN '61 CHllVROLJl:T 'i T. PICRUP, SPORTMAN'S TOP ·~ DODGE '!a T. PICK UP ':M GMC 1'1 T . PICKUP 'M VORD i.,, T. PICK UP F'ORDOMA TIC 'M STUOICBAKER % T., \YA.UCIN PANEL ':IO CHl!:VROL.E'I' % T. PICKUP 'M GMC %. T . PlCKUP HYDRA·MATIC TRANS. '&O DODGE 2 \~ T. DUMP 2 8PD.. 9:00 TIRES '50 OMC 2 T. COE, 1•· BODY. 2 SPD. 8:2~ TIRES '!ti GMC MODEL 404 . 10 WHliiEL&R, DUMP, Bt L TR.A.NB. '62 GMC MODEL •70 TRACTOR AND 8EMl-OUMP. 10:00 TIRES Sea Iha lar111t volume truck dffler In OT111ge Count;t for th• •t 11lscUon of Ult!tl trnc1c11.~ All types and st.ea. W :"W: WOODS GMC DEALER a1a-19 E. 4tb at.. Buta Truck Headquart.an tor Orac1• Co. Grant w. Musick or le&M with opUor: to buy. w .. t ... ,..e. rtrepl.. fenct'd yd. title Your Hudson o •.• 11r PemanenU,. employed !()('ally. NEwPORT HEIGHTS Un!umilned. 2 bedroom1. 1arage. ll ke ntw. S~. Har. 6600. tt 55---Money to J..ou • ,;'1 I SALES and SER VICE EJtcellent l?Cal rererencu. \Vrlt1 263 l'{. Loe Anselea Kii f>-T271 bo:m: Xl8, tl\la new1paper~ HOME LOANS ATTN BUILDERS! Ana.bairn '2Uo P'AMlLY needa z or 3 bdrn1. - -Con1tructlon -Refln&noa-lalP.I euy thl1 dowt)town• ps.rcll. i.\ Laguna Bea.ch. Bulld I unit• -make blJ llS. Ren~r1 Jrn · lore. 119,poo. Call LI t-Maa C-0-A-TI,... .. Part. Ne1" and UHd TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hour Recapping Service Coroplete Brake Service AND Front End Alignment ROAD SICRVICE nrMton• BUdpt Plan Youn tor tb' Aaldq HOWARD RYAN 8-01 • 809 W. ht ST. !ANTA ANA ICI !1-13ta !Ul'll. or unrurn. hou ~" untll FIJRN. bachelor •pt. for n11tn. ~· •• "\7 '~ • 6''- f1l1 . Will l>•Y 4 n1onth~ 1 l!'n! R "fng. Ort 1111l!o. $10 per wk. 1111. Jl'unda -BldJ. 6 Lo&n - In adv&rtee. H11.r. 2-'iQ6-J\.I 312 ·~th St. 7c9 Prtv1t.e M,oney "'' • 8rl0 .5TUDI0 apt. with-kitchen, ti!; Tru.1t Deeds Bought & Sold 4 BEDROOM ho!J.811 on U d-,-,,. I ball'I, vtry nlct"ly (um. tnclud. 0.11 For Free Commitment 1---'C'C-,--cc,..---~-- JWy A AU(Ult. Rtlllble. \\'rote TV. prblg!' dl1pG11I. Prlv1tte DON L HUDDLESTON BY OWNER I Or. Bleeck IJ.(2 So. Broadway, p1tlo 6 garage. See to 1ppre-LI a-~l co.ta Neu ATT'RACTIVI: dUpll!X, nem.r Ude i..o. A ngelu 14. RYan 1·9193. C"llLlt. $90 mo. 1.1UI. Included. 173 E. 17th St. ahopa. J'umlahed. i2,.oou. 8c2t 2647 E. Cout ~i&'bw1y. Cor-1------------Sbow1 ~lllln.1 ratWD.. 1.J on• decl Mar. Hat. U2. klO &-1167. • ll!lc "8-Apte.&Houses for Re-ot LIDO ISLAND 11'\1.mlltlP.d o.-unl\Jnl!.shed Bachelor and one or two ~d­ room 1pu{menll. By aummer, mOfllhJy or yearly. LlDO Realty AMociatea MOO Via Lido Harbor 4444 -----------NE.AR be&ch, bn.utlful view. Un· tum. 2 bdrm. apt. TP11rly. 123'>i 43rd St., Newport Beh. 7tfc Choice Winter Rentaill on Balboa la.land & Lldo Isle UNFtJRN. 2 BEDRlf. A.PI'. Cla.e tu 1torea and tran.epor· ta lion ln Corona del ~r. $70 mo. Aval1ble June 1. Hll'bor t.689. ' 8c t88--1-I OGM8 tor Reat WOO ISLE rum. hoUlt!. & bra., 2'i baths, larse sunny patio. d!ahv.•11her, nNr Qlub. Seaaon o r monthly. Har. 4428--\V. 8c8 AVA.It.. May 20. new 2 tM'::u;: furn, duplu, garb. di.Ip., '''" 335-2oth St., Coeta M... - Liberty 8·81~9. 8c8 Small A cOSy or l•rre .t. delu:m:1 COMPLETELY turn. ans bdrm. 17!1 to '300 month home. $80. mo. A.dult.i only. v OG EL co. f-n• Oft• St .. Coota ,.,.._ Tm· 21>8 MA.rtn• Avt .. Balboa laland LOANS for Homes Construction loans SlllC BOB SA TI'LER "16 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona chil Mar H&rbol' 1811 Rep. POlRIER MORTOAOE 00. Metro Uft W . FUndl Kl i-4115 ""' 2nd & I at T.D. LOANS 8erv1.111 aH Or~• Cowtty We Buy Trust Deeda I< M'.&ke CoU&W-al Lot.n.o Royal Mort9e91 Co. 2Ml2 Newport B1¥d., Nprt. Bch. Acreage Trades I~ uru poLentiaJ butne. on 'I"u.t.ln An. ~ Orui&•. eto ft. rrt:ew1.7 rrontap. lubmlt trade or tarma. DAN A. JAOOBBllK, J\e&I bt1t.. RartM>r &ltl LI a.&317 KI l-n17 KT •MM FOUR UNITS NllWP O~~ HlllOHT& ~teat ~ 2 • I Bdrm. Will t&k• part. t.rad• ror tll ,500 equl~. H&r· bor 8691. t~trc ------------1 Ph. Harbor 44• or Harbor 101& Rea. Har. 1821-n or Rar. lnt-.R medl1te poaee11lon. Ln.lnst.on 1-3743. kl.O Harbor 1549 BY OW?O:l\i t bdna. 4 deft honM, b&Us • "· l9Clmed patio, W to W ~ .t. drapN. 'llihd ... fliil. f"mcad yd. It dbl. ,......... c.tl wa or lun. Ill P!um~. LI -....n1. ...,. NEARLY Nl:W Muaal'IChmldt f~'fnllen 14.tll" A'J"MU.CTIVI! 2 bedroom, 2 baUI hOUM, l&nal, 1 bedroom ot1 paUo. Nur rood beach. Seuon $1200. AllO monthly ntn. !:&12 Creiist.~1w Dr .. Dlt.yahore. Ownei-"Oft proputy or call E. \Y. stMJ.y, 'RaeJtor, Ha r. 177!!o. 1 k10 Nttc Sl!KIO DOWN 6 tno"• ta, I bdhn. ==""'~==-o~~=I MuN, rarac .. ~,.-_,_,.,.,_ ___ --! J wt.eel mot.or llCOOler, 2 ,..._ enrer. IO mU• J19r l'&IJori. $795 1:100 \llld!'r MW car prtct. COTION GOFF The Volk1wag1n Oealer Newpo!'t 81..rt. at 12nd Harbor I . k!O .. PORT ORANGE .. TIVJLER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 w. Cout Hlwa,y. Newport Bea.ch LI 8-H.20 'n 19' Vlklnl xlent. --·---UlU ·u 21· ~ CU.tom -·h046 '!11 21' \'lklna' belucy ---.$11H 62 30' P&ee:makar --·--U086 ·01 a.o· ltit CU9tom ----Sl!lto ---------PAN AKERICAlf Let RIOH IJelp Y-ou. ~lt7 Mleet4d ~WL:el'llltlll Tra......._T_.,., .. u YtARLY -1 bdrm. untu.m . dup\u:, prb. dilpOn.11 TV ou\· Jf't. water pd. An.tlable June 1. 165. !tar. f167-R, NpL Bch. fttf Nl:WPOfl'r HEIGHTS) tl02 A: 1 TOI Haven Place. /Two bdrm1., prb. di.Ip., nr. IC lbola. Untumtahed.' 1-aa or b7 mo. c . Sherm Allen, LI I-Mao. 4pll YEAR8 LEASE, IO\'tly 2 bdrTTI., 2 "-!h bl\'11hor'! home. Com· pletely fum. $12~ pR mo. r•t. U l-2ttt>. ltfc RENT AL UNFURN. 2 ........ hou•. 1 nttpl., h11nlwood noora. Adult.a. SPECIALISTS lnt~t ok. ... mo. ... 1'l CAl.k ~ru.. CR.A.lo 1 Mod•na )Jewport lit&. L[ QORIS BRAY, Realtor a.121• 1c10 LOAN'l!I TO BUlLI>, DlPROV&. .,.ft'&. QOOO • 4 I ~a'ltJ> E Bl.TY, MODERNJZS. OR LOCATION,' •uW 4ttwt. Ul1HAHCI: Sll,IKIO. -JIM 11arbor Bl'ld. We" BuJ 'l'nwt Deeda W l -1111, z._ LI a.UM: NEWPORT D.At.BOA. &A. VINOS lpJO 4 LOAN A.880ClA 'n.OM UN VI& Udo Ph. Har. ilOO . CLtFI' llA.Vlaf __________ u_•, 1121.000. a bedmw., J MtJt.. 4...,. -ee. •/tit earpeL v.,. cWo, a yn. old, lm.IMdlat.. OOCUllMY· 224 Klnp Pl., U 1-TIO'T. lttfc • WANTl:D PG.000 lonr tnm loan, at I~ OD c:ommereta1 bldl'• Y&JU4 M0,000 la AN• t1etm. 1m 1'"81rt"&Anco e. Phone Da.rl'lt!ll,. K!:)'ltont..Jllll. BA YBHOU LOT. I.Mt OM a¥&11abk, · •err low pity laul, BUUd to )'GUl' °'"' ........ flc:..U.a. • can Iowur-u F1tlf-- ~--6. ftl:NTALI -IOO<K atbr t :JO p. m. 8c10 NEW A USED CARS • 21f w..nn.. Ballbo& lal&nd Har. 20 or H BAYSHORES !JclO 1P10 -· •• rJJdUftVJCS. UA.BONABLll a.r.to. ea119 WI t p.m. ltl:ll CAJ' COU.Jfl da VIII•. F\111 ·ill t-UOI poww • ...,_. 7,000 mild. clan. ..:s::: Prtot """ euti. 4J8 8anta 01\.A.l'fD J"tanO. IMJl.1 1111• '""'· AM .._...., U I-WI atwr & x.oo, A: ~Un. ~t P. "'-ltfo Cl)IWll.UOn, atm7 • Clatk. .,. l'OllD 0aiupe, •41 lqtn•. Knalla. Dbn.iand Qr&lll.. Oft• MerewJ '°"' 1hC'6hi eolumn <M\17 '43-5. AAotJ\., JU&. Maft7 ~llall'ln. New battery MO o\her wwhd\11 tM171 \ft~ LI a.MOS 8c10 Come! Looll aetOUDT-P:HU..-~==~=~~ L1P11 Bic''P\&no ltOH. aeata AUSTIN B&ALY ·ltH. sins.- AA&. 520 No. ){&bi IL, l'oo Nnr llrM A ba.thtrf. rtn. con- Planoa; Homa Df UM Kan· dtUon. Print• pa_rty. Harbor MGnd Olpn. lllT. kJI TADADVAMTAOgof~llrruany 17 rr. MOD&IUlf tn.11111'. n- yurs ot ea:parten~• u • top awln1. p1t10, rena.t. tlacrulc-. tch meehanlc Udo Trailer P&r1r.. Har. 620&. ON RALIIOA LSLANI> SR ~ for featl)' and MMOnal ""ntala. liELDA GIBSON. Rot.ltor IOI ltartne A"-H&rbor 602 BALBOA Lii.AND no · , •ttc RIOH HAHN 'S '6ff E.. Wl'H BT, Harbor 472& N...,ort Beach ~-----~-----1 NEW 'M FORD V8 1-: toa pickup Y UST SELL AT ONCE Kl 2-3:507 McCARTHY'S kl l RANGER. cam, b'&lt... U-S ON stUOft. 0.:-C. tleot 11 ... WIU UCIUTICll r• qu}di ..i.. L1 W187. ' Tel nNli: lAdfl"I'· 1111it hOUM keep· 11154 -21 tt. l'Wnlnc-o ~m l ih•. llJH'Cia.1 r..tt1, Ck!•n. qui.et. tr1Uer, IJOtO. tenns. Nnir h.... 24 hr, parkln,r. 81n1~ fYf J1111111t }GO-. 'Flamla10 Trailer eooupi.a weleom•. Viklnl' Ho- P•tk. ':""DO \V, C ... l HJa"h....-·· tel IJOI &. S.lbo.>a IJI~ .. U.l· N...-port. ., I boa. pAp8 - ~ YRLY. LEABC 2 DEDRM .• 2 Ml.h, completely st-Real Zatate WuW t\lrnlal~. UnP.nA, blank1ta - dlsh .. , 1Ufftwara. TV, HI n . ~-..hlna' m&ebt!M', MWlftl' ma. chin•. t'lC. lnrhldad. Qualltlf"d fan\llV only Sii~ P9I" mo. In· chldina" l'Udenw_ Cl-II fcir ap.. po1ntmt11t HARBOR lNVJl:STMll:NT CO. Har. 1600, E\tl!ll. Ll 8-MN. kt WANT h'om owner I unltao 1 wlUI 2 br'a. &Ibo& .lal&rMl. atat• ~t accepta.W. -.ab p~. Witt.. M. PEAR80N- 612t Cr~w BIVO.. P. 0. Boa 423.61 . lM An.l'llM, C.111. ""' --WJLL /'AT c..a r... a Mntt ICAST SIDE CO!!la Meu. 2 bed· home CJIN H•,,tn DI" ~II room un(urn. hou"f:. U 8-7'32 d_,I Mar \Vrlte P O. Box !\03 Jlfe 1 Baltio. la'and. 3ct •' NWW, J b4rm. .,.u. lwlrM, llu.ke roof, tlr"q)laM,. au. pord\, M lot ~ Coita Meta $Jl,oot llTm& LI l-lltl. 6cT J!AL80.\ Lil.AMO. Yu-..iy , t\ir~ I bdrM. 1M>Cne ptu1 II"° mu. lneont• apt.. dbk!. lllNIP, ....... :aoo Har. 4:142. Pftl!I -To rent a hot .. cw buJ a bowie. t.1'141 .tmplNi ..... ., to nnd • ,..t, to ih't. 1:1 1bnfl11t1 the ...,,l ..-... , • ' • • • I • ' ,. ' •• I I• • ~fME'~.mT ... . ~ !! . • 'sl: "I: :. ) . . , • ! ! ... A. • "' I J.t!;"t,;";:;:' ;";,,;,·.,·:,,,.=.:.!I. ..., -•• ="""·=~-~~·~-~ll~Pl~·~· ===~ . • ' ~ Ji!IOAY, ~y \ ... . I -......... No:-. 'U"l'llOIWI -c-.;..,.w. . I "' :_ __ 11---1 .• ~ .. JI!! ....... :., ' ·.•f•· 1,81 I <' ljn.I-. -... I' "C' ~a. SHOPPER'S 'GUIDE -~A ISLANP ·' ,-' t" . ' ' • • -......... If\'. -• ' ·"tt'~ 'A BeaUty' If '' • , tlJOOt DOW!f. Atb'. J • e --"--•• and ,.y, . . •• • • .. -.. 111.100. ·-, UDO I -~ --· '!~-· •-...Lont ·.· -. ... •·· , . SLE 11ot w. todq! aie.ooo fl1ll ,.,... • LIQO IJeJTf I• ,,-601 LID0.8QIUE). ........... I., Operi , \ I cun ~ ~ 1:.' · 0 H S t A S ' 1 z t · 5 l '. ~ ~ :!t......., n tt. fl...,.. HO)IQC A.KO INCOME: On CoRl nr. No. Ba.1· ' • , . u.;;, "'"" " :::'."',.,... ~ oo -pen OUle ,I • \I~• 0 WAftllii\ONT triploi = . LoftlJ 'B. ll., cllnlli& nlL. 2 bath f\lnlloJIW -I IUU)C .... IL i.-tr· ......... ..... ' . 122 Harbor ltla.W Ro4d I lt'l'OR't wot-;,.. ... . r. A. heat. Attr, and -bit patio .. ,.,,. chanD· pr on oem,w.t.tr tmeect. lllM-• • · · .Up ·----··-··--•~1.000 Inc •pacloua one bed.room apartment. Extra Dll!ly 'I' to J p. ;,,_ _,..rant. NM'......,..._ Wt taltt jirlde la Otterille Wa 't<u1ybeautlfUI -!'=-~ .. ~~_.::..!• .. "TH,; botjl In canip. Thill ill OUR EXCLUSIVE and • (01 vi. !Mo..~ • • • -' -...... .. ; 17,foot.,,,.,..,.. •. -~ 11~800 .,., ..,.... PJothidal fyJlO home. bullt lll'OIUltl a larp tlol>tl· Uf vu """"'°"" :. ..Drr a real buy at $3:1,000. Xhlt term.. , .. ~~ C:.-;f" ~ ta!t~c! · H1llted pUlo, '111dlnc 111.u doon tro• UY. ~~ aur -............. _, _____ .,, '°° 09 11 ... Drt••· auoo. t.nna. .. 6 ~r Wroom, bay vi.,.. trom all eltlCIUIC , • ' ' OOSTA MESA KUM'< ON THU. built-In kltclotoi. lanai din • .....,, ehanlllns ded· . LOVELY $2006 down: WHY PAY RENT! N.W and 1pe.clous bu7 under noo.ooo' . ........ I -I botll'Oll " ft. ioi .. b.--~fioqt --~··t~ . WI: OO-OPll:IU.'l'I: wi:m ~. ~L"l'ORB · Dl:INC~N l:IAR0esFf, Realtor 2'0% Newport Blvd., Newport lladl ~4.t18 ; '•. ' t J, llE'!Ta:R HURRY ON Tml! ONE ! Sacrifice -OJfller • lileavlnl at.at.I. S bedrm. h-compjetoly fllnliohed lllclumn. rup; NJ:....,.... DACH -tNCOME-W-. 2 bod...0-, 2 l'llU. We botha ~th HARBOR HIGHLANDS S B. R. din. rm. homo. 2 batha. H. W. floore. INVU'l'Mll.HT. Chota110&&Uon told pl&ted ftature1, plua powder robllt, touch· Mt' lf'S.R.prr A,. ' UDROOK. U.t briek fr. place. with Therm. OVfll A ra.n1e, "' Bt¥4 ' apt. •ldl'· Onl7 1 · ple,tt 9-itclws. ~tie eellin--many h1ddan ·''• ti.th -·--·-· .. ;,--;-l'lUOO d.labwuber, dilpoeal. lot. ot tile. Beautiful Eut Xl'll old. ,1 )Ir. u.. plu. lanai A: • .., Kt llDTL L.A.Nm, I Md1Mm, aide 1 ti Full ri $ 000 ~ d«k. All 11. nna. E.s.c. featuru, &a abu.aclallee of ~ elollta", I K.th -·-·· .. ···-·-···-· PJ.,IOO oca. on. p ce 16, . wvim•r 6 wtnltir TeJ:\la.]a. ft... • ~p pUt W/w carpeU. ,, .... ~ 011 UAKJ... l...A.N&, a bedroom. A REAL . MEO "'""' bott• "'"" ..... ... ao:io: l'OR THE KOsT ni:ecRIVTl(A:l'IN'G . . .......... -._;. ..... _ uuoo MONEY lilKER FOR so NE. nuany. J apt.. t\a.Uy rum. -B """ ltU PlliaCILLA L4Nll.' a.... Conai.sts of efgbt sepan.te homet, 2 bedrooma i11,ooo .u1 llaadle. lhoWn by UYl:a -Price. reduced. tO fd,._,. p1n. -···"-····-··-·--··-fll,000 each, beamed ceilinp, garages. patioa. New ..... . "C"· THOMAS, Re•ltor CLIFF HAVEN and Channing. IJl,oecupled. Groat $7800 yr. Mesa-Harbor Rlty. u NPT. HTS. BACK BAY AREA. Fun price StH.ooo TERMS. • ASSOCl.ATZ8 AND ••B,..,.., .. --TU ... a::_:J..XU Pt.A.Cit, Mew" BALBOA PENINSULA : Unusu&lly attr. 3 B.R., 2 IOI Center 8t., out.a .Id.ta& ~ .. ~ • .._.. 111500 'LI 1-1111 or Ll a.771' .224:w. C.O..t Hichway, Nft.port Beach LI~ "4 IANrA·-·ANA.···AVi. wiu. bath home. Beaut. patio. Block trOm bay batb- Zva. Phon•: '"C'.' THOlli.8 "C" "'nt:oKAS "C' 'IHOKAS ~1: ............. "····-····· 111.IOO inc beach. J..arre Jot. Priced right, and Xlnt. =~~ _-~i-::~ w tllM~c;ito! ~-~ .. ~';7.~H! P'Ol•l'DllR AlfPdPOe.i~,.!!!.., Belvue Lane, BUI' CALL L"TTLI! _ u 1-2MJ u 'l .1.-~'1.1.. Harbor 1671 OOODALI> -LI ...... BALBOA ISLAND . CORONA DEL MAR 1----------JOI POPPY, J bedroom and Den and View ··--· ................ 1aa.1WM1 CUNNING 2 BR. hou.H, price lDclu.dea 1tove, refric. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS 6F MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Ph. Har. 1671or1672 -draJ>", radio, f'u.rnltuN. 'tV, dffp tnese, rup, ete. Beautifully JUdlcaped yard. Cement cloth,. yard. Tool rl.om. Work allop. Kany other featur ... · $4.90!' daft, Bar'tM .per mo. In.cl. tuee: It in•urance W2%-. Would' e«Mt at leut $1~.ooo to repla~ SPECIAL THIS WEEK. $11,Mll.07 Come ud -lt. ·Opportunity carpeto • tlrapeo. 'ii bll<. to·btadl. ll!OOO dn. $19,000 BA YSHQRES . 1012 atll:STVU:W DJllVE, com--1---------------------- COST A MESA the best town on earth • MAX W. POPE, Realtor Willi> B. Jo-Auoci&te ltM>S Harbor BIYd. ~ Mesa Liberty 8-11'2 ~ ·Ubcrty M1M VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR Corner lot, 3 If. bdrml., beeut. tlaptone tirept.., encla1ed patio, on Mup.ertti. Room to build •mall income unit. Price reduced to $18,MO. Ealyterma. Under con1tructioD-So: at Hwy. -1 blk from ocean, 2 I&'. bedroomo, 2, ba'llla. X·I&'. dbl. pr· ap. P1.eue call u. for u. app't, Priced at $2~1950 THE VdGEL CO. 2¥7. E. Ccut H~., : \ , pC>J!,ONA. (/EL KAR HA: lfil , 1fi: O'IM 2 BR., attractive. Near No. Bay -·· .... $22,500 pare at ·· -· ··-···-·-.. ·-··· 120.NO M-1 Acreage I~ •c~1 lf.$1130 -" What luy •l oeily •so. BAY J'ront, 5 BR .. ~ ba., .Furnlabed -··-·-·J!00,000 COST..\,MESA •&:r I:. :rotb ...:: NEW DRJ:J..l( fl4,IM)O. -$3000 Worth of 1'&Dd>c&pinr At· no utn. colt to bU)'V 11 UU. ~Utul two Mdroom home.. B1"4WGod noon -PJ"" q. -..._,a.rd faced - bu.1.161W. p&tlo -8ewer1 - lmpl'O'f'td Btnet -J'.H..A.. Tum .. K1»t ... WJi property to apPHCf-11.le. WU.ta to ..U lnunlKl.lately. T1rrtne Bu,y &t ,.,, swnoaNG POOL Ll1TLE ISLAND. A rustic &qd u..ble 3 BR., 3 HOKE ......... ~ ............... 121,000 bath, !JI a -.elect district. ·-······-······-·-.............. $34,000 2,~~d0~~t •4J2~::: BAY FRONT LIDO ISLE. Bea.uutul home pier Ir 1 baUi -· ................... _ ... 111.1&0 , • BAXILTON aTREET, l acn • float -····-···--·---········-··-····..:-·······-·-$136,000 bo\.iM --··-··-··-· .. ··· .. ···-·-s1a,to0 No telephon. ln!ormatloa. pleue. ' We have buyera tor eood U.tinp. Free eetimata. ex.ctllent eervice. H .... 177~-EvH Edith Maroon '' John Macnab ' ' Lou Boynton HYatt ~ Harbor $159 H&rbor 2818 EARL W. STANLf;Y, Realtor 22t§ llarin.e Ave., Ba.Iboa. 11.land We Co-operat• wtlh aJI !tea.ltora Duncan Hardesty RIULTOR 2902 Newport B1vd.. Har'Oor •711 B/ B Ohann1q ll4UM near tha Hll'll ---~~------------------=' ~ :: -rw' ~-VOGEL VALUES COSTA MESA $77 .5oo. -•· o ,.. ·• lb&k• 1·oof -p&l'l•l ce.llln1 3 Br. -2 bath, forced air heating, hwd. !loon, 1 double garage, .eparate work shop. Full street, curb & sewer, $13,9W with $34-00 down Ir: bal. ll& per montlJ. 2 Br. older home, large kitchen & service porch, large corner lot 80x1~. doLble car prage &: work 1hop. $9~. Te-rma 4-Br., 11 ~ bath&, fireplace, 2 car garage & •ludio apt. I~ month) A real buy a.t $11 ,5"00 but will need $5000 down pa.yment. C-2 Buaineta Z9pe Jot 66 x 300 with good 3 .Br. home ~ .ran:1e, $12,000 with tenne. M·l INDUM'RIAL lot 'h acre .................... $~ G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., COSTA MESA LI 8·7729 •• 1 .. voc;Eli,."'VALUE pl&o• -J'W'C.cl .Air Heat -, , • .. .:. ! Wall t.o Wall Cupet·-DrMlll ___. 1-----------------------Kllchen _Loi. of Cedar Pall· HAVE YOU SEEN THlS! • Bullt·ln kitchen· HW floon!1 •• . .,,.v elllnl' -Two car 1arac• -3 bdrm. 1%, bl.., HW fioora, FA beat, dbl. rar· • a Bl\. • J UM bal!'l.. dbl l'ar! LaD<lKt.ped -Value QUor. I boo'· d tr rtatl • Hur• muter BR. -Mt. vl•w -d th• Hom• you'd lo¥• to &I•• c OM to IC w an an.po on. paUo! OML WU! ~der lot In G• ! • Only '~ down. • CIOM In • Par II • lllopplA1 ! c~. 1\111 price • • J'11"911lace • Dl•poaal • Toucb. SH.DOG. NEWPORT HEIGHTS RANC8 STYLE plate! .. . Corona del · Mar . So. of the Mlghw1y ·o.n . . . . -* * ~· * 'fl Sl~. OOWN;. Cute ;~i~.lu~~n- et."!'ti1 Wna. t.o ..... ta eo.tl. ~cut.tl< .0 A 1Q.W: Silldnn, Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson lll!ol NCWfOl'l lllTd~ OqiS& M-.. Uberty 1-1711 l:v-Hu. UM 2 yr. old 3 bdrm. beauty. tee. Ll;l with Muaivt uted brick fireplace, dinlnr -lovely kit with blt.-i.D oven and ran re, brea.kfut area, 1 %. ba., w ;w cpu. th{uOllt. Lr•· pe.tlo, Jµclacaped completely fenced. Truly 1. beaut1ful home. ' THE VOGEL CO. Term&! Bey & Beech Realty Int REALTORS "" Coot& LI a.1111 Newport Blvd. Me.a. California £"¥ ... LI 1·2010 ll ........ , .. ·kwo&u...~ ..... aad·U.~ 7.rd ~ ~ iu~i::.::~ ¥JU1" ~ · 't!lu ,.Aey.tto., Oftl7 111.ieo. ..... . '1119.tl~"flut ~ -~ . > ~u.r ..... ~~ ~ * *· '!' if * Ed ~ ,.., ... iWJ.n-. .tv.u prk:• 1 .. ''C'' Jones, Realtor Harbor Blvd .. 'Colla Liberty l ·lUI QUa.llt:r plia bomu. ~·rn. elepnc• -~ ~I· Baauutul paUo will!. troplt»I planUnr. A hom• &Jl,f'Oll• w1.ll be proud to -n: l Mdl"lll#. 6 J blt.t.M. S•l,IOO. 8hOWD by appolAUMal only. CAFIC lJI a-uutul lllTer•dO BACX B.A.. T -OULlt&lldlnl Can.yOft. Bee.t. 60 at one .n . n.ACb.7 2'om ... 1ota acr..-• tins . hll• M•r ~Y dratt or LID<ON' IU:JGHl'B -• ac:n. botU.. Tltl.I ill completely f\lr· ranchy, aew. 2 bdrm.. den. '~'·''° · . · · '· 81'( & leach R11lty Ille ntabe4 • equJJIMld -.nd a l!i:JC.A. t1I'T ... -··-·············· an.ooo N •• ,.."..!:_ R. 1i., .....,........ • •,wp.ort .. ...,.... i -•• 'Y' Corona de1 -Mar omJ . Jl&AL MONmT .M.AXl:Ji. Will trade tor 2 BR. !ltr.JI• lA Har· TRADll -t bdrm., I bath bor uw.. Thill ill a raal I.Ji· VJ.mW Ilona• on lacrea -for ''" ;f..,.tl ·~· ao.t. x:; lllO I:. CA. HWT .. llartlor MU a.Ibo• Ocean Front =u_'I-:..-=--· ...:llT"-~l.l-'-."~'....;·1 .-1.•-,..-'c:·---,,---• BDftM, tum, old~ hoMo, ....,, DORIS BRAY, Rl+r, veetmm.l &nd U you are oil sood Harbor ana. , • ---1 ,. • • "' Jlvlnl' rm. with flt'tlP'-"· Unit 111 Marine, Balboa Ial&nd mlndl!d, a MW w.U I• belnC I • • drui.d •bout:.,, mu. from thl• C a1re Van Horn EXCEl.1.ENT BUY L~.kwhatwefour\d ·~·· ·~-· ,,.,...,, •.,.,. au.,.••" \ \ • • • &'&rap. 0c .. n Vil'W, clOM \'O 1-----------· 1 pl'OJ"lrty. l!lubmlt )'QUr tr11d••· REALTOR Tinna. 27111 W. Cout Hwy. LI J..•277 ·•""-'500·. -·; ' Oc:. ~J ..... .,a '""""· 110 th• My, 123.600. lanna. . ..tl,,'.1 • i • Qltalla&. Ol'Dl IATUIU>AT FJJ\ST TDU: OFFl!l\ll.D. lft. &.t.l'S' lb.Q' .. Qljl1"j,, 'll&aA. AND IUJilM.T, eoome unit I '*1n. turn. hollM IW U 109A,.~enta·'6M I IMdrms,·1 ": M.tM,.lllard· W1tll ire. bdrm. 1Vf4• apt. ..., .. lltd. •"Ji )itt:r.t U41 m4 ...,,.~.noon.-Jtoo ..,: ft. a Exceu.,.t nnW 11.reL On• blll. ,._..-. , ,. • ..., , .. ,.. 'ti~ lA'fft, '6\.IO ud to bay. ltl.600, t.rnui. ' ' ' \bl~ilf pzq-a. °"1Hr 'tu'tlbl'" C • p R.al-L ·P:ll,l~~i:..... ~ i·~ -"'" -· · oas.t roperties P':...._lJl'Of\ ... .., · "ART" ADA!li, Rltr. ft':~.;,"~" Nll l'fewpch'! •'f'll. lier. toJ lt4t ll!e.tprt Bl't'd.. Coat.a M• 1 glpla Dompaon. Auocl&t .. -U WTtl IOI IC, BaJboe. Blvd. B&lb<19 10 acres C-1 & M7T . . . ... .... ""'· ...... ·H ... '';';: "" "· ""' ac. ... , -::,1 ti!EWPORT HTS. ::::-.!.:::'t.~ ""'"'. -•UT I ....... • .... •• CIRCLE THIS • • lft're .dtn!Af rm. ht ptt'lect 0 Dill A.1~~ ~~ _ :::u:-...:uw~,!::!·~ 1~~~ i:~~tr!:~'om~ Ll ..... 1T , XI 1·111T ·D-; ~ ',· \ti.It wl~, ~:J...~: en Me.·uuru1 1i aer• Jl'U tc T ,.. ~•-I -. oft•r -All tMced. Bpaclou• 01t J"ewpor\ BIVC. -10l:tt. aot; '.t;mwa, ~~.-• Immaculate t B. J\. plu O-,J wn• 111,eot. I · f'lmUy dlnlnr or ftn, Lair ) ~ _. U R I II Itch-... T ll • rm• conlroll.d a.a~ t.ome ff =~., ewpo,-~•1• · •• ty "'•t. HWd. nra. "' Jo¥•1.1 C'O'" QeoreM ._.Mar. I .:...S k w....,..rt .,..,_ 0..... x.-. •r.S ~tlo with BBQ. Al! .... •Lffe17 •ffOln.Url•te. LI It-NOi ~ U •Ito ~led ln lhla tut l'f'OWlnl J"ltam~ Reilly Compe.ay • ...._ · Zoned for • pony er • OP.SN' DA.lLT _ l--1 P."'· WOft· chkk. lmma1:111at• thru . 0111 . '"ll .... lof' • Corona dol Mor C·2 PROPERTY Approx. % acr. of C·2 propt:rly. This is Nit• Ha• J, on• BR nnl&l• plu. r ood J BR hom•. Hardwood. Ul• A Door lurnace. Jdelll for mol.,I OT trailer court. O'I' •ny lrlqd pt hl1a!n... D...Q_B ',.. YJllB THII ON&. lee It todq. TWO 1&r1• bt-dnne. ••ch Willi It. own bathroom. UTlnr nn ti.. kU.ell• -•-4ifM.tl.......--an ..-panted by 1111-.nd·b&r llllak. Ca" ..,.t I lo 10 ,_ople. Hwd. noon thrv-ouL FA but. All ''''""' houoo In· B. A . NERESON clude9 r&n&'• and retrtr. lhall• REALTOR roof, pnae, work Mop and dm. run pric• only lll.600. 1112 N•Y,.port l!llYd., COit& Mua Owner. Har. ~W. ppl Llberl7 1-ltU l:Te• U Mlto U"Nrly 1-131! Liberty 1-3117 $9750 rwo BDRM.. boln• on out 11\de. - o.lrabl• loaUon. I...-rp II•· In& rm., hdwd. floors. tum•~· r.nced yard, lawn • ••rube. ·~ loan. 8Ubmll down. HENRY C. VAUGHN • Corne< .lot NmWPORT Hl:lGHTS ...... Priced for Immediate •al• ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES !OSI Barbor Bl"\ld., 0:.ta MeA 1161 N•wporl Blvd., CO.la Me• Ll l...f711 Evu. U 1-4711 Ll 1-1131 l:tte. LI 1·1400 MullJpk LifUq, •w.i· ... 8roller .. J1SO 11. Ollu\ Mil"wa.1 lhrf\al -n.w llotn• .-1. WrM•. ~·1t1e car~t• • •mart 11.-1n1;: rooo• dn•-•. A~ 00 ! ! ' .,_ ••mo ,.,.. I flM.at. M9 efft)'tlill"S lv .-_,..,.,, ~ · $15,600 Ooroaa dtillJrUr H&nor 1151 • , Rl:ALTOK.11., Kl 1·31112. klO J .. -•-··o '''°' d•-• ,.... o 11 • *°" IMljo)'•il•. O •M, ..... """"" " .. llOO m...,. ltd., Clift R•v•a. • ltd .... lilOiae •.. !11 ••• UOOQ ttow• l BDRM., I Ht• ,II.Om• wu• I OR..:NGE COAST • MOUNTAIN LOT. BJO a&:A.ll Lloplu, ...... ·-. •1•.•0U car (&rql!. r1.-.pt•ee. .... bNl, LAKZ n .. r Petu Paa C'tub. WAX W POPE, R 1•rbe.1• d!•p.»al. kll('b..n t•n A.II •trfl'I• • utllltlN In. 21\ · f'altor A.II fl!.nce<I. on• y ~a r olJ fl. x lUI rt. M)' .,qvl\Y •T&O, \\·n111 8 Jont1 A•"">c Re•11.-.r I Xt&r lii;:h 5, ;1w1. A bo111• fo• b&J&nu W pu mo. .1:1.,. uot. J tQI Harbor 1'JlTd-c ""1" M....,: J ooo1 ll•·ll'll f'rtr a ppt. Utwr' · • k• t.l •·11U Ev•. L1 .... 131 1 l~l . •c l i BALBOA ISLAND A BURPRJSll A\\'AITS YOU! Out•tandinl' colonl•l B·bdm1. 4·bal.h hOin<t with 11•v•r .. nd· In&' t.harm . N .. r Bay and Vil· lap! 145,000 with xlnL term•. - Exclu1iv1 Bey1hor11 Btaut. 2·b<lrtn. l Hoth hom•. Le .. llv. rm. aorreou• paUo- ·dlalnJ Ian•!. A 11 TC AL~ fl•,7~. NELDA GIBSON ftJ:ALTOI\ SOI M&.rl11• Ave. B•lboa 1ilind, l"6one Hlr. -S02 5 Acre Ranch QI! 8ak"r th. with rile• :r i.trni. • dfti honw. Now 1Mtn1 rr· aooed lo M •l . Prtcl"l1 for QU\ck •le. P AN A. JJ..f'OBBl:N", Real D laV H•Mlor NIH LI 1 .. 117 Kl l ·Jll7 HT 4·1>1M ----------- FOK &Al.om' 8Y OWNl:A. • Md· f'OIUITI lilam•, I '6 H l h!I, land .. a1lfll A ff.nttd. ..11' loan t•1 te.Jvm 1101111! •rt• C 1-lber\J 1-t.ZU 111oro1n1• att.,r ti p. m. lttll FLOWER SHOW Not quite but thia be:a.utifully landacaped yard ii a riot of color. The Berry plant.a are loaded· too. You'll agree tbia ia one ot the nicest 3 bed- room bomee you've aeen. GE diapoul, fan and many other extru. Located in one of Co.ta Meaa) beet reaidential areu. Sewers, wide paved atreet, atreet Ligbta all in and pa.id. i ~l ~Ci FHA loan. FuU price only $11,000 with $2000 down 6: payment& of S84 including t.a.xu and in11urance. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 10 to :'.j: LINDEN PLACE, COSTA MESA (call anytime to see> C. ED JONES, Realtor 1999 Harbor Blvd., C. M. LI 8-3.133 CORONA DEL MAR Charming adobe home with 2 b. r. and large dininc room, 60 foot lot, aecluded patio, land· Kt.ped, big living room with fireplace, F. A. heat, dbl. pnge, 1460 eq, ft. Xlnt term.a -will trade for Santa Ana areL $25, 450. Ocean-View home, (our b. r. and large family room, new modern alyle. 1800 eq. ft .. carpeted, room tor pool, hooded atone !irepla.ce, an ideal hom. to ra.iJle your famil y. 5 % lnaurance IO&D. Full price $39.500. RAY REALTY co. ' 3444 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 2288 , (acrou from Bank in C. D. M.) MEMBER OF MULTIPLE . LISTING SERVICE VOGEL VALUES LIDO ISLE OFFICE BALBOA BEACH COTrAGE , , 2 Bdrm:, plu! guest house. Fireplace, patio, W /BBQ. and . NEWLY FURNISHED. Full Price $24-,Mil BEAUTIFUL BAYSHORES • bdrm. 3 ba .. carpets It drapee. Muter bdnh. •ittinC rm. hu fireplacf It beaut. ba.y view. Gracioua living at a min. price of $48,000. Phone for appt. to Ht. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE 34-18 Via Udo, Npt. Bch. Hu. 4-971 or Hu: 4972 Ev .. H&r. ~179 -Har. ~H2 YOUR LAS-T CHANqE ..• - To build your dream bouae on ucluaive "Little laland." By building on thia cbolc. lot, you Yii1l cet a brand new home to your ex.act 11peclfl· cation.1 and lb• total co11t wlll be about what you'd expect to pay for an old houae in lhl" . ••me fine location. For further in!onnaliou about thll ex~lu..l\re U.UP1, telephone Stan Hadlleld. at Har. 24-82. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtor> HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa l•la.nd l-J arhor 2462 • I . . ·- . .. • , • • •• .· ' '• '"· •......... _~..;:,·~·....!•!!:::~'!.li!!...!•!!!!!!•~-!..::.:!•::..!:~~;:1~·!!::!·!•!!..!•~.t!!!!'~"·:!..~··~·:...:.· .. ·~~·!!!·~·!!!!'~'!!.::~::.!.....:!-!!!:::!!!. e _ r '-TWO DUPLIOO!:ll -Coot& -llloome $2'l'llO Ami. Price for tho • unit.o" $17,llOO. Oiily $3000 down. 5. Two houte1 on 2 lot.a, 5 Bnn. Ii: 2 Brm. $20,000. Trt S',000 Do. Room for 3 more l!Jllt.o. Build ... eotale. with tlllo on•I ' . 11. I-Unit&, IJ&.Luxe, Balboa peninaula. $82,llOO . l:uellent ID.com• and pride of owner1hip. BUY NOW AND HARVEST THE HIGH SUMMER RENTS JUST AHEAD! • Fisher & Company 21103 Newport Blvd., NpL Bch.-Hbr. U29. Eve. LI 83217. 1. .,., 2. " a. ,; •. ,I 5. ,I v' Best Buys Corona del Mar A lll:eT BUY. Only $3000 down huy1 tbJa 2 bedroom lrome plua unfini>hed rumpu.1 room. Hardwood noon, prbace ~ tum. but, fenced yard. l'ull price $1S,9C)O. BARGAIN. 3 bdrm. home, b&rdwood tloon. rA beat, ptb. dlapow, fenced yard, dbl. pnp. Oiolce-locatlol\. Bettor h""" on tblal ONLY $18,llOO. Edy tel'!ftl. , DUPLEX. 2 lllllto, 1 J>dnft. each. 1 complete- !)' turn. and on leue for $15 mo. l'rollt unit Yacant -ready for yoa to move lll. Only f'OOO dwn., fUll price $18,TllO. SHORECLIFi'S. 3 bdrm. and dtn home; 1 tun bath.; Only 1 yr. old, built-In stove and ovm, ~ wall to ...U, <111-drapeo thruout, encloeed patio. Only one at thil price. Truly a good buy, only $M,llOO. UOIACULATIC. 3 bodtoom 'J bath home. l block to oceu and be&cb. Located at 239 Heliotrope. Dbl, garage, hwd. tloon. fenced yai.i, baallUfld patio A lan•Kapmc. A ~ at $21,500 OPEN HOUSJ: · 1 • 5 . p. m. llolly unW oold Mml!!!!:I( OJ' MULTIPL!l LlllTING8 # ':"• ~· .. ll .-·, :•Ji°A,.~ Cliff Havea • Panonmic W-ot b&rbol' A oc-.. ~y cu.tom. 'bUUt hOf:!'•, , J llleicJtOOllYI, Nd!. With 1*bt. t.is• clolD with flNpiaM Buys! Seven · ~slands Re atty Flaptone p.llo Owpe.r' moved to Colorda Vneque.Ued bu7 at Pl.~ ~ • . .. . . 503 • 32nd SL, Newport Beach-Harbor 5888 -aftor 5 :00 I'· m. HarbOr 151181' . Summer Rental ' . B/ B · . OPEN HOUSE 149 Via Venellla- kt. A lun.. 1:00 to fS :fJ9 6 Charmin( bedtQOIU, 1 Kory, on 60' lot. Luc• ,mut•r, tWia cll.Udrdlft'1 bedtooma eaeb. wtOI opt:ntna-1 to . ,..u,,, ltd bedroom hu nafbte.·uae. I klhA. Llvln&" room optna to lar11 pauo. t · outltde ahow1n1 and dre9.lnr roonui. Carpet.I and draperiu. Atkins $31~. -· CUTE BUNGALOW 2 Bedn»om• and bunk room 11" bath.I, tars• paUo. i.ov.ly nreplac• $22,1500 • Beeutiful Waterfront Income 2 u.mta-cne a bedroom, r bath, aJ.o l bedroom apartme11L at.uutu.lly Nmlahed. Lovtly .. min .......... , 111,aoo • . . ' . OPf N DAl·tY· t-5 . ·Only · Bay Front· Four • 2 .Yrs. Old . I Si>etial Bedrooms • • '"""°""" _ .......... -tr.mo Den .......... .....,,..ao Bullt·IA O.eit . tkbl 1 11 a • 11\'tas roam ........... . ' . ·'Dtn "' ••• ..., . I.at" teo.eed paUo .~= °"'"' ...... Lot SI x &a; l<_J..., •~.ooo ....... ....... " Your HOit Your Holt T""'Boot J:U;le i:nett '. · W7Nn'\la \ 1«r7 :a.nett 160& Oou.Q Blvd. 111 ~· JM'f J'raat 21t1 "-Bh,d. Balboo )lo! ... t.t.... ... ... . . NEWPbRT k~RBOR . ~EALTY· , On uclualve Bl.y lal&n4 • bedroonu, 8 b&tU' Moeit charmlns home! " . ; Kl lLI ON , roil Wayne M: "Lefly'' Murdock 334.1 Newport Blvd. eaf ate ·Bert p'*""" ·, Harbor= B .UY N 0. W ! ... ~ BAYF'RONT p1e~·a.nd f]oat on tip of Ba.IbOa Pen-·--' insula·, ~· lMdroom plua ma.14'• roo,,, 3 car pr• ; age. '47,MM>. ConAider trade for lllge in.lid&,, home ori''P.oint or Lldo X.lt. .• BA YFRONT pier and .Up, beautiful El Bayo 1ection, I bed(oom, .. plua maid'•· room. Completely fur-. n1Jhed. · 3 car 1arage, aandy beach. Full price $59,Mo, $12,500 down . Balahce $350 pir tnon tb..; . W>,TERFRONT, ~r-'lld p oa_; ~ ~'¥1'h1' den' completely fltrD.tib.ed . on corner lot bear Lido Shopping C..ler. Only $26,000 -'$llOOd wl! handle.• : '' ALSO 3 BEDROQ14' ~IS~flll,fEWPORT · $ II N" 1 • ISI.E faclnr c'over.'·s~.o«*l'5'1"!< down. Jim end e Y •!Nin , 2 BEDROOM BEACH HOUSE, Vacant. Very clean. ......,. ....... -•• .: ..... 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone HMbor 16Q7 Stone'• thro"'. .to ocean $9950. $2950 down. ud float.! Lup paUo over-~· • B&lance, l60'. JlllOUttr.<.J 1. >..... • '11. • : "'°'""'.., ..,., u,.. '°"'or ---....----,..._.---,.-,,.------------"'"--"..._ ___ IEIGHT . .1 BEDROOM furnlahed unlt.o. only II yro .. ~= '", '::. ":it-~ ' BALBOA ·ISLAND BIU 'S BEST 'BUYS olt\. Beat Balboa Blvd. rental uea. I}, blk. to : ov• and ran,.~ DWlft.lbff', ro ~ ...... ~ __ ..... :_n ... __ , • I .._ ..... or bay t'O:A """ t'1 ~ r500 dOwn or wtll -_.,,, .. UOll4d ONE R -'""' .o,,-._ ---~ •~Y •=· HALI" AC. VACANT Im< -" ...... -. """ .... .,.; ,._, ..,. •. ,,__.,. ....._ On•<'ot J'~~~ IoJ&n4'•'~ cllltlnc.' --., """-"'"~• -tna..o(!!llt',f910i•mall.ll!>mo 11< A•Pl!!lr,A -.., ,....._ "'""'* "'·'°° t1ve and cbarmiD1"3 ii. R.-3 bath h.l'meo . ..:Pe;llOI> . ....,. • ..-· ' '. " Scheduled yearly .,._ $10,000. .· . t;1 ·: Bay & Be•ch Realty Inc R.liLTORS 111.t IAl'&Y•l~. Har. Jltl K&r. 2"I J:vu. 'Juat t.o th• riJtll ot Udo Br:ldl'•' BAY FRONT -ProYlnclal DOLL HOUSE, 8 yuro yOlinr, with PIER lo FLOAT . Ud· p.a. walled I<> view --~-·-··--~T ,llOO A gnnd BEACH HOME for a LAl\GE FAMILY; two bath.I, 'f.i bioct to tieach __ . ~-----'21,llOO • • . ' ' J " ' ' noo:ntATli qoctJP ANCY lfttr"t Mraa.' J Ill.Ult, tar-' ..... u.· • ll1la. • ._., "' a.b&l»' tu·. 1Arp dOUlde .....,., IO' lot wtu. dlW IL. eur-. ~and ...... fU,~llOO dn-$10I rn.o ART -C: K~STLE~. CO. ·~· REALTORS I ! • CORONA DEL 'MAR REALTY CO. Corona del Mer TWO FOR THE SHOW--u INCOME to Uacle Sam! Spacious two rt. 8: aputmmt '~t'' and a C\lle oa.e JI. R. apartmtnt ''DOWN," both completely , . . ' COUNTRY OLUB · BAYFR0NT SPE~'..4.LISfS " 2901 Ne..pbrt ·Blvd., 'l'lo"{lllrt iBeadf" ' Har. 5228 DAY OR NITE. . .•. ~ .. -"" l:l:!' PRICE T. McCUIST!ON, Realt<>r 3"1 E. Cout Hwy. Coron& de! Mar Har. •T (Offlco located nut door to N~ Harllor Bank, CdM) Multiple -Listing -of -the-Month CARA VAN SPECIAL ML # IS901-Two hollMO on 55xl80 ft lot In COSTA MESA. ~bedroom hOUM ud Ollt l·bed· room hOUM In nu -2\i )'O&r9 old- l'enOld -Prlcod $1'-500 Contaet your Realtor roprdlng thla one! ONLY ONE YEAR ·NEW . OCEAN VIEW J~ above our but •v.immlnC HEJU> IS WHT BnuWUJ. view • J bdrm. It lar&• din Ial&nd kitchen lllrp tamlt)' room Hardwood floor's li•p&rat• Jatu1clry room 0.tf 2300 reet. ll";lnl' area ID THia at IOI Poppy C&IJ u. tor appointment We c:o-.perete With: all Rtaltor9 turnilh.ed. '281800 • · ' Wonderriil 3 B. R. home .n· LlT.l'LE Balbo& r..-la.O.~ wjf.b aUra.ctJve two B. R. _apt., a' 1kip to, • the beac"b. $37,000 ArudoWi owner uy1 11SELLI" 3 B. R. home, &Dd income apt. cloet to tht' vitlap 6 beach $31.000 THRl!iE TO GET READY -to collect 9"'-net! . . The ISLAND'S amaJ.t..t triplex on JCTiU. llised lot, ,oom~lat.ely fumlahocl, with -~ guest rootta. A: bath tor th• n• OW'Der. . '81080 · (roOtl ----'-----·-$'6,000 . . AND FOUR "ro GO! I -TO. MARINERS ISLE , REAL TY . 318 Martne Ave. Balboa lllllld ·HA. '781 ' W. A.· TOBIAS, tta.wt'Oll . "JOU'U MM Out fl1tUJ;r ...not" 406 &. 1'/a It.. c0tta .M..a' i.n-tJ ,..ua .I-. FURNISHED Vl~W . 'AO'ME' '.~;·.:; . . . ~ ~~ra ote planning '\o travfl 1'lr """•ral ''""' Q Rather than leue \bW very spaclou1 · wl. modeM'l" view home, they have decided to tell ~ along with their vefy lovely It upen.stve twnlatt· .. ,, _ ...... ~)' ioga. Thia home hu three bedrooms, two bat.hi,_._. huge liV!ng room, dining room, u}J;n ~ kitch61\.,&Dd of coune th~re is ~ ~· hea~ j ' & firePllce. choice-od: fiooring! and -.--do'U:\1' ~ gan.p along with & lovely pa'tfo:· ., .. t•~ -. .. ~ ... '· ' ...... The view ot the -bay ani;t ocee.n ls' unobstructf6 .. ''~ from the living room, dining. ?Q9~ ,.nd ld~ben: ~ The property to on-deeded land and ,high 1'1><>V,,;,;'i the Arc~ea. ~ · ~ ·19 ·~ , ... , ... 1 ,.t • ••t (t The price ii; $32,000 wh1cb. includeil the furniah.. , $2000 DOWN 1n,.. T1tto p"'pertr i• r .... aild'cleit.t' a:nd th~ ... v. · " D H 1 -~~---~---~----~~-HO'-'E •''NCO'' M'E. ownero wDI R ll to a RESPON$Ul1.E ~.+yon a : 1r;: MULTIPLE_ LISTING SERVICE uncen ardesty . ... . .· ' IVI ar,1 . modest down ftO•-•"' and fl.iii.ace tlf.'b.tan,;e.'' ! :!,._, LIDO isl~ " . ....,. ......_ ... ..,.., ...... , . Bonitl.i:t;;;;°.rlrt .. are 111v1•... -....,.._, ~..... . I H ..&. ... Boa d f R ". UAJJroR . ll&tbe, Md•ood Mt utertor, • , ' ,· . • ~ ' . ~ ,· .· j ""':.Xi ~Wport a1w1 ' r 'o eanors "" ..... LH:".'~·.N, ..... · ..... lkb, 104 V1A ITHACA, complot.oly alWmlllc'• lidrm.. =r ... 7.::'.U:::.:; w. STUART. -FOO'(E, Rea ltor-- . ial N. Newport Bml. Newport Beach I CORONA HIGHLANDS SERENE VIEW tninl the 2attt ""1do1n !acing thf -Handlomely appolni.d 2 hednn. a. den, ranch ot;yle kom•. H•V7 llhalle t<><>f. 101 tt..ftootap nkely landKapaCI 10t. Natunl flnlah • . : ldil:h .. wltll built VJ ...... • ....... -air heat, hdwd. f!oon;" . • . ..... , $29,8llO lo worth tl Excellent-flnanctnr. --!'ll, bath - I yr. old home with wall I<> ,..U ,,.,... ...., w. "' klldt,. 2111 w. Balboa lllir.d., . Har. 2( F:-...;. tx•8:M"oo ••~t1n1,· dra,..·, bulltrln ldtch-clialiwUIM!r, • ·"°"' .um -opt. • • " soft. living room, jugo patio ,;;j _,. -:.'".!:.'f:t;*.:! = . ONE OF A"KIND .. ··:.""!! * • modern convenienoe t'or pc~ ~Yin&· Wt pMt room QL wtt.h • _ • .. ..... .,. · feel . thHI lo an out.otancllnr home for "5,oOO. .. .. -a • • ONLY R-1 lot oouth. of Se&vjew f."F 'fl• In, OCEAN fRONT • BAYS~ORES ·.. W E FISHER Corooa d~ ~. fl)xllB an41"t.t ·::---Yott citr:i~ HOME . Ir INCOME n ' '• ' .;;.., tlda tol: cub at on11 StO,T:IO. · oVPLIOX ..,.....,.,. · ..... , lot. FlJ.RNISHED 8 bedfm. h.,., °" 1arP 11\1 with · & Associates • · · .. " Tbo • .., ~"°"•••••mt • .-..m f0<.•wl.mm\n1 ~. atn. larp _,patio 11111 -.,.... .._ C!~~ P4yment Tro11blA :~:._ . = !:,~:.-~ (partly oovµ-ed.) Very com!..Ubla homo .wltlt 1 .... .:;:-~•.:;:. ..,..,. '1'r7..;o~-~~.;;,pm. ~ homl..Neue tjf lDC!lt corwSdw' dUplu er tn. .hJ3h ee&IODll rental rUo.m. '·~ $2!,BOO · · aho,.. A-omy-J}blc\Sia':to'OCelA.' OvtrUO<Y~. ft..~: Ao) =--"'-'or"-~-~ . MYRTlt DAVY,-Realtor · '. ;.....;..'.;; i.. ,,; -...;.,. · · Hon In toiilght. !'Hee $15,f/OO'· ." '; '.:~ N Udo Pl---Did• .,,.fl Via Qpo .......... w,.., ...... ...... - . u.~ w .. t! •11 -~ .... ~ "° .--· • .,., "";;4 0r. · R. L: STRICKLER, ealtor ' · • ... OSBOR'N·E ll!i'\RfAN--"t•·altv -C. ·' "'°'"" ~~ !~Lido 8bopa_hrlllnc 4n&l -~·· .--' • a B,-HODGE;-.. _te •. ,. • ·t "--,.., .. ._l""fr:.~~~. v -~, _ o s. LU"U-'ER.:S · ~----Har-·~""-'6 _ _._EY_-..:."!lln-'P:::.,.,...LI_~......:.;-'-·---1-~AAN&E-GGAST--~. GooooHllll/ .. G!it••• aet-t.t . • . IF -~. -nQIYl..ot ..... ,\ .• -· • PROPERTIES -. 5 .. -. ·;'.., _..:LI'.:..1-.:..TM_~~~.;:--=-=---'"--"'..::.---=:....Ha...::~.:.· MM--l IOI .. _ .... at.Jll!I. pin . c '\.1 • ••11<..._ ...... .,,... ..... We.~l;IA.Lb.ENGE-All -Complil'lsqo·'.- NewPORT -HEIGHTS .' ,.... ........ '-"''""·' .. Q .fAN VIEV{ LOT ..!-''"' ... ":'°'u~"'· ·· 13 l;Jnit$~Must. Sell "'!> ·.June ~~.._~, ~ .. ..._ ........ ,,.... l>aeWcllriv•-.Bogonia,.O>rona doi Mu. tOllDl AND i. REA1> BUY l:OR ~:&: . .Q!ntlrta "L', Ara 1'Jll In-..! In a •low kome ia an -i. !::-"'..,:: ~· .!,"'..=t ':Ii ~ x 3$-Room for two "'"1y VIEW HOKES. flTtN of \• lpodem &JTI!., with kltcb-. 8 ~ent _.,. .. ' ?lllt noldolltlal ._ T U 1'N ara. Cl&ll 111 .Ill -·· a..r, ....,. wui <an1 l ~-••· •·-•2 ~ • aleeplDg """"".PLUS 1 DELUXB OW1IOl'lo 11111• .... ,. • ,.....S to '15 ROdlanda. A ...,.pletolfhtnotlelocl --""*'.,,.. "°"" ,,.i,.. -of-·~~ ••*"!<>ta. ~nDa...,. N1:W 8 1111..! l\!i IJat?lo ' with ilepehllt ottlce. AU apta. be&uwunY Jui...;, homo with • .-of the Bay UM. · • · .,.L ' OalUfOW: 1 ~ '1fe!rt,', locatlhn on Balf>oa Penin.ul'a. • - : Termo"' llllt . . ORANGE. C'O"Ast CL~D·E.,~ ... E .. YER x ...... ,.,.,,!' •inlJ""'· Eotabljabed cllente1e. 'Exi>octec1 ..-na,ooa. EARL W. STANLEY'' Re.ltor . PROPERTIES r M Realtor lllq1lln.ownor z:iam.Paim.r "Part tt&do ~-c.u evt:!lnp " ... ~, 1111 1<~-Bltt;.....,....-lloa ....-.-rn-~ A u.~ •-•'~ a--~ ' · taF'lljijlOlutment. Har. 53U :,, •~•lo lnlao LI 11-:llllM -: LI 11-TOllll ··~· ""'' ~ ..._, ---~. ~ "-""' -LI S:---"·• .--LI ~itll ..... LI •1400 ~ ftQI ~ <' 2cl• ,, j ·- • ' " • • • -.. • • -.. •• .. ' -~ . .. _p ,• .. ..,, . . ,. .. .. 20th St. 1.ust off l;,,in• Tllla ~ -h..... with ·llhake """· "yummY,' ""1IWu, ellctl:IC '"""9 .i.. etc.! :U:a,y be .J>W'Chued for only '2S,OOO. • Perbapa You -would ' rather have :u:r. BiMell bWld a\ home ~ Your .own. pl&na, if .0 ~ have about 10 rtll)•inln& homflllit.em in th1A lovely oranp srov<- OUR ENTIRE STAFF 'IS AT YOUR SERVICE Jack Mullan, Jack Stockdill, Dw>e Jr., Elole Ebellng, Ruth D&vlo, Jean Smith, Marilyn Thomu .·DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2902 ,Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 8/ B CLOSE TO NEWPORT HARBQR YACllT CLUB Utile Income Ui>lto -. Own.er Sayo Sell ! Bubmlt All Offera. Aald.itg SlJI,~. . ' BALBOA PENINSULA 1. 3 B. R.-Two Story_ Home.· Juat decorated, New carpet.a, Lge patio-$25,000. Terna. 2. 2 B. R.-Den, 2 bath modern, completely furn. $21,7!50 -$5,000 down. S. .l'lol< Poll Houae oo large corner lot. 2 B. R., 1 '4 bathl, nicely landlcaped • . paU.. -$22,llOO. 4. 2 B. R., 2 bath, lal'(e rooma, fireplace. Neat u a pin -$1&000. ~ ' .LOTS Lp. C>c:eanfront lot on Penlnaula ........... Sl2,~ Lee. corn~ lot near Jetty -----.. --------··-· 11,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC., Realtors 1~ w' B&Jbo& Bml,•B&lboa " Harl>ot 128' ' Evenlnp -Harbor 18:16 ,_ ' THE VERY BEST BUYS NEWPORT HTS. 2 B. R. A den, Eztn. lie. lot $17,500 H.\l!ll()R HTS., Very cbann. 3 B.R. • 2 bltha Sl8,i500 CO!tol'IA DEL KAR 3 BR., FA. heat. Cbolc:e 18,500 C()R()NA HILANDS, View home 3 BR., 2 ba. $28,500 OORONA DEL lilR, 2 B. R., choice Jot _ ...... $97!50 TRADE ~ Gabriel 2 B.R. home for San Diero · BA!.BOA. Ocean Front for Downey, San M&rino, ... _ or Whittler. . - G. H. LATHROP, Realtor llS35 E. Clout Hwy., Com>& del liar -~ ' -Har. li6llO llURRY ! GOING FAST ! PARK MANOR A l!eotrleted Lot Development · By llc:CLEAN • JIE.\llS()L Speculalorw • Buildero Welcome 60' recldenti&.I lota. Duplex comer loll. All lmprov.,...tl in. You . C•n't Beat The Price A Location. Drive by and bu,y,, ACIVN from Cotta :u: ... Park. 1-1-----18th-and A••b.tlm. • ' ~ lfG"' fAJJIEADY SOLD . n-Llbirty S.l T&1 Liberty H621 11 SHORE CLIFFS VIEW ol 'l""P• hlllo. canyon. 2 tarp bedrml., 2 patloe, Iota of tila-lD..kitchu • i.tA,-diapooal,-- illlllwulter, allent llWltch.., fol'Ced air h .. t. hwd. floono. $27.500 • STANLEY A, SMITH, Realtor 2MT Ill. Ot. HW,, Coron.a del liar Har. 882 • ' p. a. palmer '. incorporated ole hanson' co," m8p'a9e',m~nf 333a via lido., harbcu' llWIO , • eaur...,.....,a-.. ~-°'"""'" tlftd ----A.-ol rctllbir,._ -l•lnl anlltllo-.lbednn.2_h_a_Ndlaat heai, ud ral eountry l!YIDI• Within. ' -- o< ooean. can Jl!D'~ ~ ----. " .. . 'Open 'Hous• ln Ba.yJhores f hednn. 2% i.thl In i>M.uilfnl BAYSllOlll:8, a 1 r ... t.t,tMD -..slmmln.J beach. 'if&IMo,w&ll . C&J1)0tlns • drapeo. Como In ud -thlo at J'.11ll ll&yohon Drift bet•-1 and 5 p.m. l!luM!o1· ll&y U. or ..U Lou Breer for appointment at your ·-• ~ .. , Open House 1 to 5 P.,M,. Clwmlnr 1.1tcry Ranch Style ~ ' badnDI. 3 .. ~ cllnJngrm. ~ blodt let Little. Corona "'-<:IL 288 Poppy A+inue, Corona del :u:.lr.IPrtce S31:SOO. Drive by or call Davldaon Qobum !or -. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-6G73 . -~.. ' • OLD BALBOA BAA'FRONT ., •. NPT. CORNER BALBOA 2 unlto '""""""· Fino OCCl'\NFRONT 2 bdnn., 1 """' -. ......,,.._ . ' older bid& .• ..-Oiila lend llMlf t.ow.t pdoed ocean &onl prop-lArp J'ud M!l'ml U... .t.nel • • • • om ~AfLy I A..M. TO I P.K. DA V1' IHAKll ROOJ'S, ~wOOd noon, bi& dou.,;. ..,..,._ tt.,:,d...ir heat, bullt·tn oYen an« ~ 6po1tl• .......... aUdJnc 11Ui doon. UMd brtelr --. \ TEMD'IC LOOKIKO HOllES With ucellent ,_. planl on Ooat.a x .... ·, mo.t de.lrabl1 Zut BtdL S-Mdnlbm: 121.'.l50-t1000 down l ·beclroam ud daft : Pl.H0-12000 down AD bOmu hav• 2 bathe , OLE HANSON CO. Tra.ct Phone: LJ'berty t-2381 or OUlce1: Ll 1-6571, Harbor 1300 • a BR., a -., ti.a'lplac., 1ln&le luq9.. DO pod fOundatlon- NeadJ 101D• p&mt, remod. l'OOr. Hu aU'a lot-make otter. to ~UOn .. tncreawl 'U\)' on Ba.I~ hn1n9.l.lil &t to chan.n.a ..nmmtn,. bllL t.o ------------------- lncome.. ~t prie9d MJ'· SU TIO. I bdrm., S bl.lb. bom• oean A bellt. IW"l flllhlnl'. tron.t now •t $31,&oo 1t only wttb LndOMd paUO. dbl,.,...... llo..500 r . P. P.IOO llL S:IO 110,000 down On a l.a..rsfi corner loL per mont.b oa U.. bl.11"~- Elleo Ra.pp PllJ'W. K.nrin l'tlll Ran ' Bayview Pro pert i.e s Harbor 4814 2 3 0 7 NEWPORT HEIGHTS I HOME! w . BeauUtyl 2 bedroom plu1, 2 balh home. 'P9-clCJU4,. ru'u dlnln& rn1. dtneft.e, w to w carp1tt.in'(, 4· ca.r pra1e. Wond•rful home &l 124'.1,000, $1.000 down. BAY FRONT DUPLEX! ; IUDA.tmnlL • 1•r old prop- 1rt1 with IJ*C\Ou.1 rooma, mbd· em tactliU• and the upper u. beauW\IU7 tum.Wied. Private ~ pier ,,..tr, uWtty f1M. a.nd a car pnc .. powdn t bl duptioa"ted ffJ' UI• Mll1nl prt.cl Ot w;ooo, With te.nna. li al b o a B 1 v d ., Newport CHANNEL FRONT ~ M AT. .400 CLUBHOUSE . OPEN DAILY 11 • i 62' front&ge pl~ pier, fioat &: concrete bulkhead. Plu. very cute 2 bed.rm. furnilhed beach ho~. Cloee to Lido Shopping. See: thil one today. BACK BAY AREA OPEN SUN., 1-~ U9 E. 20th SL, Only $23,960 Cozy and &ppe&ll.n,g ii what you'll 1&y when you ... tbil 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. Larie liv. rwm. fireplace, •lidln& gl.ua doono tc ~tio, i.r tltcbelt. and the price lndudeo all "ool c:UpetinJ, drapeo. BALBOA BEACH HOllllll: l t 1 • bedroom, s bath nome " new atove, refrigerator and fireplace fixtures. , doort rrom bell. ba,y bea.ch. ""'•••· ,,.w,, ""'· 0wo11 Triplex 1802-4-0 Haven Pl., Cliff Haven tor l&J'f• famll7. •tl,&00, aeooo "'l""· OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 p. m. Beat value in {2) 3 bedroom horo1. 1"' H&rbor area. Each unlt bu 2 BR., 1 with fire.. ~l°;e,· ~~rt.~~= pta~. Income $2525 YT· Priced at $19,950 patio or prden.! Older Only $4950 d.n, property but well worUI • "'' """"·"'" .... NEWPORT HEIGHlS B e a c h Shake Roof, Rustic ~ uw. n..n7 MW a bdrm. 1 'Ir'-bath Rw:UC R&nch home located Jn th• Mlect spot of th• Back Bay .,,.. Met Ull.n if Ul.eH 1Xlr'a9 &ftd fOU'll &rt'" with ua tM.t tt addll up &o moN than flT ,600. r' J.laatM bdrm. 11' a: IO' ,t WaJ.k·lA cedar-lined cloalU r' ~ufllol.a MrfMqu• ,t Bau.W\al U...-liNld p&UO " 0...l"'lbed ..,.... with 1,... ... _ ,t COpper"'phunbfnc • cuatom built throur'M>UL Another .~~~:. !ar~~:!'JY .... he&YJ' 11lik1 root. I bdrm .. C\Urtom-bulll home with an all elect.rse W.Ut.-tn ll:tlchen, ud "We're Moving • ' to Irvine Terrace" Drive in today and • tor yourself the many out- ltandin.g featttree of this rem&rkable community. More and more Harbor &re& f&mllies are tMpecttnc U.-exqulalte homta -notinr their comfort, con- venience &Dd central location. -. I More and more f&mllim who prefer: a home In a re. 1tricted quality communfty &re moving into their Irvine Tern.ce boinea. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & , Von Hemert lrv!D.e Ternce ii located on Gout W,h~ oi;poolte th& ...... lnlne Gout Countr1 aub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE .\GENTS Phoae Harbor K48 For Futther InlormatioD * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone ' who holdl a I~1aebold lilaUte la Imu Ternoe. Beacon Boy, BIY Shoreo and Cliff Ha..,,, lNEXPENBIVE BALBOA RENTAL PR.OPl:RTT- 8euon ju1t bel'lnnlnl'. J BEDROOMS, 2 batha -Panoramic mw from upper story. $1t,750. Will t&ke lot all Ul.MI a:tru lncludin1l -------------------d1abwQhlr, taicUrect llchUnr. t3J Rl1ht on l:ut. Bay Avenue, cloM to loWn. 4 unltJI - 3 .in1"1e1 and a b&cll•lor. AU r.oson'ect, fumlllbed at part pa.yment. • OPEN SUNDAY . ,lOU<h .............. ALL VOGEL TBI8 AND MOU tar -VALUES BALBOA ISLAND 305 La Jolla Drive (Wat end of Oiff Dr.) ' 126.telb. ~~~ ,;::: .......... -JACK BREMNAN, REALTY Balboa Island "AT THE ARCHES" (4) Hen Ui another OM -ame A Pier and float loc&Ucn wtth • 2 btdrm. 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 • Bhak• roor • 1Rtdwood and hlMM ln froat Uld a cut• u.ied·btick at.nor b&chUor la NU. Nice 1~ 1--------------------1 • Cb&nnln1 pa.Uo- t11 homel: wlt.h aom1" ln-• B\ltlt--la. a.r-.B-Q tn ldtcha :;::.•;..!'!:i"?. .... ·~ EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY : : :::::"':: ''"' '""'"' ""' (15) .Uk to .., thU 2 bed-• 147..MIO room f\u'aiAbell boln• wtt.b Com.tort.able year round home, 3 bedrma. A 2~S a nearly ...,.. baebt~ 1n baths. Large yard, double rarice pl111 rear, paUO, and 2 aitlsf• 1.,....... On a Wa"e Jot attn.ctive gue1t apartment. too, UlllOO'. On.17 117,GOO, $38,roe) gO$)d tenJll, ......... t6J 2 bedrooni 'honti1. WI a 1 bedroom apartnl!l'!:t oYer • . * * * LIITLE . ISLAND • Bay & Beach Realty Inc R&ALTOR8 ism Harbor Boulevard Ca.ta ....... Calltoml& LI 1-771.f. !:Yea LI 1--1111 In Corona del Mat CHARl4 HOKE - 2 STORY 3 'br. with king 1ize llvlnf rm. W/W carpet.e: (plUI dininl rm.) One king mize br. plus terriflC ' patio. Put zeot 1n yo6r livlnc here. unrurn. $15.000. Cub tc loan. lillR SALE OR TRADE-No. 53 Emerald !lay Delwi:e 5 bdrm. t blth home. Extra Ip. urinr rm. • dining are1 -3 w-f&J'IJO. Outetaodlac view, rifht on the beach. Retired owner wW take Truat Deed u down paymenL FUii prtee $57,llOO Evening call ll&r. 3829 M-1 im'S -$7~ tc $9!500. eltota :U- THE VOGEL CO, Realtors 208 Marfue Ave.. Har. 444 or 1015 (Next door to Poatofflce) 2 car ,.....,... l CJ°"" ,..__ town ln Balboa. ' A J .cOOd renter 1ummer or winter. ' IU.000, tll'Tl'lt- ' (EXCLUSIVE LISTING) On1 block from th1 ocw.n, love- ly I bdrm. bome Mid l bdrm. apartmenL '11111 ll choi~J---------------~--- Balboa Realty Co: Oppolllt" Birl1rtif XliiftCi • a-°"91q . lld JM J~1Welfb 100 E. Baux .. Bl'f'd., B&lbO& Phone llubor U1T Extra wide lot near South B&y. 6 bed.roo1n11, 4 bath&, large-Uving-aoom and _ .. te--dlnmg room. DeUghtful patio and ploy room. ·TRULY the Ideal !amily home . $42,500 Excellent tenno. · propel't)' with bla.utlf\ll view. LoRJ lenft p-ound I..... Oii ft' x m lot oa Barbor Bl¥4., Coeta. M-. C-2 -. 0.erlookia( tlle harbor. --U· UNl wkw lot In Newport. Belfht8 -••.• 11 ...... VlCl'OIW.. • ...... • WM. w. STANLEY ""'--• RI c ::!:: ::;;. =: .J:'.'..:; SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD n'!_:~."':!.... 7~ .... 0 • pt.UO thru llldl.q-11&m doon. p Bwitne. Blok• lllta-CCD.~ tcM'L ww. -"~Ir Ave. at Marine, ~boa Ialand ~r 2482 llaG J:&at Cout Jllsll...., f'ronta(e kit. t.tt&cNd dOUW.l--------------...:·c_ ____ corona dill Mar--Hu.-..JlU prap. lwfll to 11.,. tn and , ... , t• ~· ... I!!!". Lido Modeme Dream Home PLAOENTIA rr ........ -or ftlr • 1 to td Jl•l. May apllt •ftd MU ' Lido Island We h&ve juat u.ted wh&t we believe ii Udo'• belt buy -three bedrooma, two b&~ belt loc:ation. Built llllil. Street tc -lot. $27,llOO -$7500 down. Exclml•' with Lido -Rea-!ty Associates 3tOO Via .Lido Harilor 4444 ORANGE COAST 'Built on a fully enci-d lot and a half, patio and Iii ..,.. ...,.,.. P.,._Ua. Aaldftc' Sll,000 da. tor aD.1 ____ ...:.., _____________ _ PROPERTIES ._ for 11rimm!J)g pOOL Word& ... m.ct.quate ......., ""'' ,_,, ... _..,. • f I ' ' ... , " ....... Ill '"'"'" -tc deacribe the artJstlc UTUIJe!Dent of thlo lovely ............ -WHEN YOU G'O"TTA G0-1t-~====~~-=-7""...;~~~;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~t--hQ~~~· ~llvlns~~an1~d~d~lnl~~f~~--t--e1blll)l6E-64;>1'1Si'T--t--......,;..;..;.,;;:o:..,;""*..;,..::...,,_;:=,=:'...:.,.:.::..:_,:::~~~-.,., !--'~FOR $:· ... LE AND I ........... D-.\..,..,,. . . with It.I fireplace and beamed ~. 11 wall PROPER.TlES Our ~capt.d.' liU---;;;-1ea •• NOW. '1'bla .. .. "' ~c: &JI"\"'" DESIGN FO'R LIVING tc wa11 ~. The -boclJ<IOm and ,,., ,...._ lll'f¢. Coll. -7011I' oWoflllllltr, tc buy--bla laftly a bednn. 1.,.. .-> i.th lo puiot unuaual, another bedroom and. LI 1-1u1 -u .1-1~ home n.ea.r Ille Colulfy CIUb for ~ODly $11 ,9!!0. a.ASS A oton and offico blilldllli 1-tail Oii • -lmportlnt <Ol'lltt In Pt""""' --ffOO,OOO, WW po.y 7~ 110t net ud wlll depaolt PQ0,000 u ,_ &ec:wtt,. I.up . depreciation fact«. CALL OWNER, T. D. Ropno. Ryan 181111 or Harbor 3828 .. .... -·----~ ... ..___ • bath tor the chiktren., a!lo..a ~ tltchtn for Twma. 1 ..... -•~ ...__.. ·• T'· Did <:a1'o Cod.I.om.,.,.. milad;f. Ovenbed double ,...... -and "*......,,.' 1111.\Cll a.,..,., -•· '""' ..-utlfW la-11apt..,. n. '"' .,.,. « --• .., p•-ror adcli"--' •-•---• -If ·-~~ mas, MBOOI. --• flawtr boal, patio, plllah wall tc wall ..,.... Ll'ITLll OOllOlU. 111114CB, I .,_ -w -~ ....... 6 ... -"""",... ·-cupot. Pu11mu i.th. 8~---'""-. wr.... 11'1 •• ...,.. ..,. We tn.tte you tow thJI beautltul .._._.flown w1Ua dbdnl' .,._, ,,.,.._. ---., bA\ dllll•MMr. Oom,&.lel7 by appolntment onl.y. 'nnp&Mie A pklban wi.itow Call U1 ncnr. , ..... ,.. • wtUt ~ ,,.., &••tooldiie patio, o..ma'us. ::!.'1:..~ =""""":/ BALBOA BAY PRO'PERTIES ~.":."d.:'!:..~=:'; Oinau Har. ION. Oourttq to 1!506 W. Bt.Jboa Blvd. ""tla.r. 5188 cu pri • c.9.1' port. Lare• I ........ ~ let f.-.cl yard. LI a-1ttL lc.lfi CL YOE-~EYER, 30Z M&rine, Balboa J.a1and • ---·---~ Realtor . , ll&r. ~ • • ,