HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-11 - Newport Harbor News Press•• 11CA• Cl0l'IPAll--........ -..-......-.. u PrtDdpal lohn Nflnbuier. fourtla llwt lift. --.. ~· -Ila· bolnb th,..t aplut the ~ool with Dot. Set. 0... Pollom. llOCOlld fn>m Niii. Threat, &O appam>t lrid prank. -faloo. -Staff ~ • • ' PHONE IUiuloR · 1&19 ·-~-•lktri ·Eound Guilty .On , __.__~ ~ .. . _-,.,.A. 41 Cliarlis by l.urors! . . ·Donna Bakes Cookies. Here as She Hears of ·ve'*t. lly PAT MICJIAEL8 SANTA ANA; MAY 11, (()CNS) -The eeurtn>om wu almoat completely f"llled With ~pectaton u th• .even men and five women filed back to their cha.lra at 11:38 o'clock l.ut l\icht with & verdi<t th&t wlU _,01y 1end Jack Jame. Walker to pNon for-the rest ot hil life. 'nloe 26-y...r-oki Santa Au thti emotion U..t c:1wpd Ute aute upholst.-.r, &eeuied of two eourt.roont u tbe otM.r tour 'f"tt· OOUDta of ldduptns, two of .'.t.. dtct. Wfl'e l'Md-fWJ.ly of M.l&ck, tadt and Ont! count of tMrJ1&1'J' pllty o( lddM.pf.na, SWJt1 ot. &plnst. th 1 be&Uteou.11 Hni. buf'slarY, fUllly of attadl. Doan& lkhul'T Brett, 11, ot. New· Some of tlr.1 jul'Ol'I bad ~ In port Bfticb, liet.entd quietly U lMtr t)'H. :WO.l at sklmly In the court clerk r-4 the tlv• their chalni, ttf\a.llllC' tp c-.IJK ••rd!.ctA or pUcy -(\lilly u court. By ~ UdW U.. ""1k:t• CUrpd. s\llltJ 1 ot · eech evunt I were read, niu.r hlilf ot lh11 In.kid 11.UU.t hlm. 8l\e le a.n aa.rtroonl Midience wu ln &.e&rL On.nee <;out Colk1e student. ' w,.ruer, 31 of U.. 1ped.aton, "' 'ftMi curty • b&l.Nd, hutlty de-wbo hid •t throu.cti tft• lT daya tmd&nt 1pput9d llhoclu1d, ta U of trial, purchued a C\"l'lld.na Si"" a deep body blow when card and incUYkht&Jly ~ It the tint of t.he VflrdlctA WM ln· with their namM. The card u.kl ~ by Court CieTk ·ft.y ~ ''Wit'n 111 tor you, Jack." su-Jlo. Howev.r, .. the other Super1or Court Judp John fCll.lr were nad lndlYldUally, i!_e Shea beamed ff'CHTI U.. bench d apptiand em~ HY two the verdlct. weR l"Md. He altonM-)'1, Public Def.nder Nlclr 1mlled bri.llrly at Pf'OMC\ltor , M1yer and hi• U1'-la.nt. Richard Kenneth Wtlllam1, but lh• deput.y Sulll•l.n, Nt cfWnly In thttr dlltrict attorney didn't 111'11141 cha.In. 8ullJv1.n alowly •hakl.ne baclr. -Wiiiiama 119-t ltarln&' at hl1 hll&d. -• ltactr'ot"-"papeTll t.--f'roftt of- fl'T AATIZD GASP him. He did not loolr at Walker. Th1re wu a 1ta11.led &'UP Mn. Judy Walker, I.hi ft'IOU'lar rrom UM uarly ~bl.U oourtroom ot WaJk•r'• 11-month-old boy, wtw.n UI• nm Yttdlct wu read. who i.. upeeUns -olhel' child - And U... tha ~,._ almMl l\a.l: l'll!Ont.b, waiked ... l.hl. illl f/lf wtloGl .,_,. appannUy la. COUJ1.r0tf'I a& lU JIU"J' -WU i*llf fallJOr el ~ti.J 1'it. out a anam.. lndlri4SmU1 JICllled. • ~ mo"9 ~ .!.,. Not" .. ... W 'De ·~e ... _ 07•...,.. ltOpp9lll cw.. ~ fDr • ol tu \"llt"dlrt. -·tiad wt and! tlfa'"'-·IMC>lit wiU. tG ,, i ;• ~ • -~. " - • I SCHOOL CLEARS ... .-•IC.AD OOJQ'D -.Buawtt tta.Mool ••t zn aad teacherw aoo't on u -~ lolu\. Puttlnbo~. !owth -left.-....... ,..i.rdl.l"• - U.1 bomb ~I aplut tbe ~ with Dot. Set. o.a Pollom, -from rill!~ Tiu•~ •• appam>l kid prank . ..-...cl !-. -SWf ~ ·'-----J'--~­--· I . ' • ... -• .• • • • • • . Qin' ... w;s ) • PHONE BARBoR 1118 I CliMI =; • • alk•r loPnd :Guilty .Oft ...... :·-.. , . lll lhlrles by ililrors! • • 'Donna Bake$ Cookles'Here as She Hears of ·venld Donna· Glad About Verdict Which Convicted WaleJ • ' \ I • I • • • • • --..•.'-'-RT IA6E 2 ·PART I Nt:WPO ~. • FlllDAY, MAY 11, 1916 • "Gocj ~t m the ,.,,.nlty lo •c:Ctpl tf.a thin ,.. Cllnnof cho1199r Iha ...., ... to c.her199 Iha tllinp ,.. can ..... •. . , • ilia 'Wildom to • the cliff • ....._ ... IA A-.J ·1·--· ' ,• E D I t-0 R I A 'L S • ~storlc Past Always Worth ~tudying-Here EsJ)ecially · • 'l'lla rou...liac pcerPta.trom '1'lla Royal BOU ot · Ca0 •d. monthly letter are reprinted by the Newa- Pieao tDday In Usht orth!I community'• forthcoming • Goldeli Anniversary. The article, ''Cana4a'1 Me-, mortal.a.~ we feel ta noteworthy_ u It:. po inti-up the need to ltu4y> \he put al Newpoit Harbor 11111 ~ply , !ta lellOl\I tor fu~progt'eU. lt,fo~owfl : 1 • .. ' . b&ve hJien beforo Ille march ot ,....,_ or ni., we muat reeort ,tt:J marten . . . " \ , The exploration ol_ Ille put ~ baft ........ al lbollld be • ilnnp and~..,'~ JOq thJnp bapponed, or aJnsoot ball '1 I, lls&t P'" • !ood !or tboacl>t todo,y. S...,. a41.l -pMt - an extierimen't;-:the re.lilt ot ~ we ~uperitbct. Today ii the time to preserve our memoriall, wbile they &re •WI •vallable. .U the <i-Motlier aaid ' "Once JOne they cao -.r 1st ..,aoo.i, &ad eaeb one o! ILi lo tile -!cw lb<lr io.." No chromatic brtlUa.nca ,of Ille flltlPN lhould duzk "" Into -ins O!lly dun ,.., 1n bur ;ui. BRUSH CO JOURNAL ,, i , •• 1 A. little G1W a ' I 1t qo.,.Che .... a aiew World tlart ... wttb ... ..,,.. .. o! war!...., ·ci.. <16 Ille marvela, iwt'P' and bomllOot, .... • litllt --ocurriod u-.p lllo cl!eolrt -a. o! .Noltll. "'"' of ..... ---ta. conl • IMech.. ot tbe ..._ .hela.. ud 9'nia. ol , Nolhl.Aa ...._. '°•lap' IL. u world WNler an ~ It wen. mlred a wiQda,, ~ tronl tA8U> Ji::EPZA ;, .luty country that la &llvl to its fu ture lft,ouJd : be lnterelted tn fit pa.it, but we art tempted '1 the _A~ ot the pruent to rel.ax our grip on ftmtOl· . "*-o!,"What hu been. To be auccesafu) we nied the enerPtJc co-opera· Un effort o! ";'.tlonal, prG9ina(oJ and JotaJ people. 80 mucb ·bu betm. lost, 90.Uttle mn••na, tb&t declatve r octlon la illlporatht • · pulled tt out. Ind tf thwe ...._ lo Jnw:h flit ...... a.t, DOW enout!I IOldJws ,n...it, u.ey Set'• •lWhfne lh• :c:hUW=l..-ldl Uter.JJ7 CUTltd U11 UW. h!;llow Ot & "j•per .... tOf' l am cina., In to afety. From 'PruldenU and feel I a.rn a rnio.t re.lid jeeper. KIJll'a, lo '4>wly 0.1. '1 thl.I lllU1 1n the Krly days Of UM au~ auto •&IT'kd IU prec:Mnu bqr· mobU.. nri«a elu... ud C9fl· de111 With cocky abandon. Mo.-tut. wen a~ed tor tht> tor con9cioua, )'OWIS Ameru:-an hor9e~ C&JTlal'e mania~ ~­ n11nhood put the little car ale• and d!Pt•ts wffe Ulell throurti 1~ .,..,.,._ tt ~ ... rouch-l.ndeow-k. U.kniM W-la&W ltd ud lllilnlla.adled •with a bicycle, motorcycle. atrpae. \i'lorouchne911 no other vdllcl11 yachllnr and horaie enthual&lt9 ever re«lVed-ud lt carne back &U mutually ln.tetuted ln • ror raor1. Pflrtlcular ,,,,. ot ~ lomeone bu aaid tbal the grcate•l m.18t&ke ..... by the conl.MPorary 1eneration -any cont.em· porary 1eneration-ia that It doet not read the min- ute. ot the tut meeting. It 1t&rta its course with U.. haadicap ol. h&rinr to learn all over again in praetic, what it cou1d have learned readily from. the 1tccndl of it.-aricatora. Our put 1f! pr"HeTVed in memoranda made up ot ltonework and earthwork, weapons and tftenaila, -: plctma, llCU.lptUft, ecratchea on rock and acdbbllnp on paptf'. We cannot aave eveP)'thiog, and everythinr t. not worth Mving. What we uve mu.st have al.1· aifteance. It may be a painting tn an ancient church, ' ' ' The co&t need not bo s-t. and It can lit eqult&&ly Vclivtded t.OCOrdlnJ to ' SllWIL llullcllop and aita o! ·• .,.Uonal impoit&l'ce can be p-....i bf the G<Mn>, ment of Caq&d•: lb ... o! PfOY\DdOI !"pltlcanoO "1" Ille provincial governmenta; alld' loe&l olteo can be marked by municipal autbortU. and the co-operative effort. of community organi&at.IOU: It Can Happen Here -And Does! "My Mother" A wonderful mother God gave to me He made her Uke an angel as any one could bo - And oo tbje. "Mother' a Day" a loving wlah, an earneat prayer - Tbi.t ehe LI happy in God'• loving care - And on thiJ "Mother's Day" the Rosary tor her 8-u.. Qf It.I tou.i hnua, tt Uon. Tbe jesper l9 lM ·~ 11·on th• heaN of the G.1.'., one to appear on the .cene and and became a aymbol of ft1bt· jeeplns over tn. IOU. a.nd "-rl Inf Amtticana, l.Jat tVf.r7 ~ of 8outJtem caJJfonlia i9 tut Ject American. tt h'.ad to ba" beoomJns a major ~., a nickname. -d because It wu To the jHp purtal, anl)' • ''one of the -boyt" It• nlcbam:a jeep la a jeep, all oUMtn 6" wu maacu.lln.e and almply--a simply "for-wheel drlve," at&Uon jttp. waron• or plcku.JI' tnleb and Th~ Cqnteder•te aoldier ot the Uke. To him lM clltfennce yore returned borne wtut' hi• ia •• creat .. tl'9 r1 ..... p1Ud cavalry or arWlvy horae ·to &addle horae, con~ to ~ tlll lhe tlelda tn the R.ecoruitruc-Perc:heron. But once J'OO •tart tion ~ attu lba Ctril war. wtl.b. • Jeep • y~ may aim u While O. l . Joe returned with l.n anyway you -aad &dll a surplm J•P :ror ell.b.er work rem11n • true jffper. ' • or & bullet Kar on a. wall. or the aignat~ on a .; *9ewnent, or a frayed map, but It muat have meant .. metblnr 111 its d&y. -: Here ii one area of our IOClal lite 19 which we can let ounelvea go ln uninhibited enthUllum. The polJ\icaJ and ~onal . dl!!ere..,.. of bysoM yeani b&ve ceued to agitate ""' ·mlnda. In our concep- tion o! a united Canad& all our put btioap to all o! ua. Paaeion and prejudloo and Zl7¥lbomanl& could have no better monument erected .to lip1ty their de mile than thil: u.t Qaa1dlan1 lhould work topther to commemorate the ltruJrlea arid achleve- menu of the-Ir toretathe-n. I'll .. y- J'or all the little thlnp she did for me - Will dw,eU within my heart today.- deown on Ui.& farm or tor tun The popul.&rtty oC Ula jeap mid and recreation tn the tu re&dllli9 jeeplnr In Sout.hem Oalltoraia of th• Wat. A.iid wtUt. Ult r-.. it; on the lncreua. Bec&UM ot. lum of I.ha Jtep to civilian Uta, the lremendou• tntlwt of popula- a new breed ot "cat .. wu born, Uon, It la neceuary tor the and we c&ll tham "jeepara." The city dweller Lo ln•&l sr-t dia· name "Jacpfi.a.r'' baa been \IMd, UUlcea In order Lo ''&el out La but ..OC.""87 t.bla .. a breed of , ... country " Wa ..11.o ._. coop- car cJOMl' Nlat.d to the jeep ed·IJp In c\t!e9 recct1'1Jlil Vie but Dot u nlU&d or w.naLUt. 11t..ithtul. recrnilotlal n.IU& .ol ' : · We do not go back ,to our memoriall to raile She tau1bt me bow to pray and uk God'• Bies.-' ln1 bl-every way -. -: ~ &btir broke.n wa.lla u 1helter tor our (amiliea and ; .. partiam.enta today, but 10 that "1e may Qm from '. them, 90 good In their time, what principles their " bulldtn u.sed that are useful in our .new circum· otanceo. The put ot other contlnent. is a mine of foaall ta.Ct.. Here in Canada our put ia more recent. Other n&tiOlll &n! proud of&. hiatory that eoea ·bac)[ to the nicbt ot time; we ~long t u the eunriee. But our little i-at ta just u vital in our pre.ent u la tbair ,...1 put. 'The builden of early Canada were not equipped with the prodi(ioua kaowledce of engineering and .manotactarlJlr tb&t "" --today. They were doinf .amething tor. the flnt time. Within their ...-and ""bniasl ~dins' they did it well. , :rh. J& tlla im~ce o! our ~dala. not lbat • U:ley ._,. bid, but ;\hat they were new . ;.. . Sli~ Supervisqr Majority Grants Oil -Test Well · Okay In all tbla world there'• oo ci!t to compare - To tlie love and joy 1he g&ve to IM to &hare-- , A Oower eo pure and white for her thia day rn wear - lllL.lrAJly 811RPLV8 wmn1un1nc w1lh Nalure. Not •W ' Uloe onl7 aurp1u mW· only Dad, but et. i.e.. and tary ...,,.._ ., ...... a\failabl& _ t.D tM Kida. are lDd~ bl lll_. I Ule jelpt:r. and 1 know Oft• owtln11a. \\'• camp, -w. pteok, proud Je.ptr wbo ha.a an "Okin· wt abeerve and Wli mJOJ th• Two county aupervt.ora Uvtni on the aeuhore 1 awa jeep." and wtll ahow you the pu.re proce-. of "Jeepl.nr:· thrust their arma Into the dike holding bacJr the oU LAND lhe bull4it lMt.i. IA tl"9 acar~ (Ji.at aa itoma tollc: -.Joy ridina And through memorlea ao dear t I'll majle a.Del abed a tear - flood Tue.clay, but their ettorU were unav&illnr when -BESSIE SUTHER httle Htuan to pro•• It. Jl a horw round ' .'.nd rwn4 In • !-----------------------1 wa• not k>n& before Ult jeep I ftl\(;t!d padliock. we en.Joy tht three 1upervisora rept"Hentinr inl&nd bailtwlclu: out-went lalo lft4uctloa tor civilian bumpln1 ride. tbe Whlu ot lh• voted them. AFFAIRS OF STATE use, tllelr wte. •re v•rled 1tnd n1olor. an(J tbt ,cWhlnc rear• Hetn.z K&J11tt from the Harbor' area and Chair-n1anltold, from fire · e111tnu to or our family pet the jeep. ;;:,,,..._ ---a-.:nta ambulance., trqm ditch dl&rtnl It la not at all unu.ual to1 m&n W. H. Warner from HunUngwn Beach apoke BJ HENBY O. -.:.AD.a.ov&• to hoi.;ttn&, and from plowh1r our fa mily to ma.kt a IO!t or and voted ag&inat a ua variance &Uowtbr the Union !----------------------tn JOY rtdin& for the enu~ t\'en 200 rn.lle trip lft our JeeF Oil Co. to ~ontinue drtlllng a teat weU &t C.pllJtr&Do. SACRAMENTO (CNS) _ "Stop the Spollunen", ia famUy. l'Und&mtt1t&Jly UM ~P to some tavor1t• 9P0t In lhr The ot:Mr three· 1upervtson voted wtth the oil the captioD on a i.tt'..r Nill to Calltornta. State Employee ~~';' ::"1ia b~~;..-:_~ ~~;~t = ::: ~:;r~~~ company,. ; ~tlon me.mbtn· by L. L. Cbarle11worlh. preaideot ¢ b'oi. qi. ra.Wtary Jeep of nearly truck tcatla pur Jttp cf~ ' • Tbe .oil com119mr t.1_i __ _. ''--• 1 .. .:. pr-_._111• u..,. ... -n-~i..::i.. in connection with the comtJtutional 11 ,..n •ao-J.. Utue more to a4veotur• and ~ealthtat . r-~ ~ ~ ,..,.... 4ll'W -•-W'illlt horaepowu, t&tl• ridlnl. am.all· One, af the hlsMld.t.a-& pu1 inf ii to obtain & core for 1uirv.y purp.. &Dd. ll'dendtnent ad.opted by the Califontl&. legislature which w Ura and a•litU. m'" rowtd-Uiousanch or mile• of-jeejln1 b.- ag'reed to limit itl operation to the'one ~tL bolt. would perm.I& prlntl arcblteet. t th 'l!nnll& ~, ta 11 h:ll,.ln IJI• body.line• are 1bou&. pt.rlencM. waa our p&rtictpi.t1on Tbe imprMlkm of an event rAnalM longea~ When H and ~ t.o partonn worll PGl>t 0 • ...... m•n " U.a only c~. Probably no In the &th Annual, H«Ml·De it '"--'"--___ _.. _ _. •'--·-_ __.. _ .. _ •v••u,., owever, opponentl UHrted, that If the company for lh• at.ate 1111 a contract :!Mm. .... -:: .. 1: WUI t:"' ': autoinobUe In the hitltory of lh• Ans.a CaJvacade, whkh letl --~ --..v"'6U .....,. .. -.... ahouki bit oil ln the 8600 feet nothinr bl tbe workl ti&&la wlMe th& Aalf of • state • ~· we American automobile in4wlitrJ Ht.met on March lT, for ~Ut and IO t.boN who '9ak tO p~• o~~ry lD ai&· would stop a ruih of drlllinc .t-into the comnnm.t•... .,.._,. II u:ubla to partorm fumlah you aoon. hh wttMlood chenp like U111 Mountain In th• Borr-so 0-rt, niticant •-lhould. Jean to tb ...,_rva,tioo of .... v ~ -.irll-Thua, tt la Indicated the pow-jeep, and mainly beffUN Ill in•r .am1 ot lM trail A.-. --~..-' e r--·-Opponent. to the preteot operation utld the u u.... ..,., ,.... any further ertul uaocJ.atlon wtll hand out ~ pattem and uUHt1 had pu9td ht ITT• ud aarUar. actuatttlel., Few hlatory book.a have power to kindle supervlaon to bold up the variance unW a policy proat aMd&d that tM ata t.'• ~"' ml&ladtnl' propa11UM1& to Mm pro.en under tM ttrau (To b& oonthNld.) • emotional interest, but few penona remain unatirred covUiq the diat:rict can, bo &dopted with a llne & ctril ...tea work•rs u.rou.p tu.i'ther roue th• anupat1t1 ot ...... llley tread a nath that Cbam ... 1•1 .. trod, climb u..tr ce111pa111 wUoa. the Cl&.&.. tho9e 1 t • t • employ-who ._ . -,__. otU, or more back from the abort beyond which no latlnd to ocm.un. tll• aoclatiu.-mtpt at.Ill a..uew in prtv•ta m- t.M"'pllf that Wolfe dlimbed. touch the walla that drilling will he &1Jowed. 'l1M oil comp&nJ cont.Dded u. ol ti.a lt&tA'• ern~nt tarpr1-. and not obJec:t to .... Mi~• 41 Verdi~~ defended, look westward that information obtained from the core .... nu .. ;.. qttem. tor th&lr .-fMMnt. Inf U..t u.. peopla Who pa1 6-. tll rDck at Bella Ctoota whence AleXander Mae-would .... ..._. aa. to ill• d.trha.nt "' th• the bUt. obtain . .ome .ot tll1I • lltJp determine wher. 1uch a line llloWd. be taq1ayers and u.a people WltO n~ •tale work. JCss•i(.ftnt of men to crou the continent ot North placed. , 11 ... aata ..,.,.., th• oari... Tb& ...od•t1011 at• Un whet A* '1'11a., 'llsbted the Pt.dftc. ' j'-:"---------..-----------· worQ lltW eoutttut .. that Ula anplo)'ee'1 rctembenhlp and • , , {~. ,,_, Ule memberahlp o:r bU or 11• ,. r ~ tal:ueat ad. moaumefltl llhould be the s n i.dk&t. th*1 Ult c.lril •""' tam.I\)' la In o\har . auoct&Uona. t IUt ftioit in rrw1dnc w.t,orical places,· ucept to tell a 1C J' amen t 0 st' de l t' g~h t "II paoy.. M not c&rf to lftdlc&Uq It will ult lheal O\h• I •""'-111o<7 --ID the or'IJlna1 ltonework, earth, .. ":, '!:..t ... , ....,.., to ., " ....... 1" W .. UM Oull ,...,,. UMir DtUa ldqdom law.did b' of that munMrahlp. -t--~·~·;•:u.:·~llulldln;~~P~•~rid=· ~tmicheo:;:;:;~•;;b:•n~th; ... ~~can~~be:_f;::;;;=~;M;i~l:'.:;i;i;~'.::li;:'.' :;;;;;;~~;;;;;:; &a1ft.• wbo ,,_,.. t.ue1 and "'P-·v.n..u. noxr oL Attgrnq . LM nunant. and th• .. 1 UM · l"Mklent. -.1 "°""'"' Ko,... 8leur 4'1borvillo" lo Infinitely better lban ' General. "1mund G. BrbWD on the tJcobolie o.v.--.., · ~ ••~ -!ort built •• .._, 1_ ~-tio . ._ .. that It la a prtladt to a col· 1m--.. ·t nrti& u •tat. im-n~ __. •ru• • WU · . · a conwv.1 wv-.. n ll) ~ern CalifonU&, w~ it ii t.ctloa aystem aroorir Ole to or ~-: u w• leiee, we ope:n th4i ~ Wha, we have around ua the toundationa of not aewa Cy ,Jon.pr, ii in effect a •falrty .eordid ttory mo" UM>uaand •ft\PloY .. to WI· door te .. entuat lhaitrueUoa or bofkthtp. or the fUn>Jab.t.np of hou.aes, • tbe chain of ,what happen1 when the, public, throUJb. inattention ..,.... • MUI ot ~! lb& merit &y1tem ta Ii.at.a ~ to pYValrlolea~ attaJr• ptrmlta propt.pnd& on ~ • ..--.. anunent.. Wa Who make tll&t u4 beda aDiS pot.I aod pan&. ueed by thf people of a 11.tuaUGD \o i't-oompkW(J Mat ~~ ,._,. ~ pu.Mle. merit C)'llt.W ~ •1* • U..-1Ttll tiiii 18th oillturiei. ,,...._. people ceue to be o1 lLand. _; _ l6 lM no 10unf ,..._ n_, _, , OQlfftlmtmoNI . keep t~Ul wtUa ~ put>llo .. \ tm>WJ ~ and-take oD. the d,lmen.tlollS of Tl:ll 'hpon. o+tn.1 nor:e et dtUitn_ caAnot _,... la &Iii Mt-' "Tw Awci.tt6n U.. pledpd .,..... '' .eetq tut tba atMfld-• Ad. ntal h tu.I; .. -• W*" ta ,wuu.m a. aon.ru.· ,_.. UDI' tiu--. ... -. .. w. a.. .. an~t flllit ap1Mt w. l!"-,,..t LI det .. UicL" i WV1l1 ~ u.m&n ._.....~ , -me It.at.a ~ ot .... ,u,,.uoo 1at to MU llquW, oa .talt .,... ~ ..,...,., .. u.. l&tt« •Y•· Of cou.ne. lb• "tvpu.J cS.o ••• In oom.memo.n.tinc ireat men and women m°"btr, Uquor ear ID 5ou.tbtnt temu l,l'l&t ht tDPC9I la UM ~ flCb& Will coM. in.., a&ucUOa" ot ua. merit .,_.... a'"--ii 0De di.We, 'uJty: Calltftlfll&. &n4 DOW a t\&111.ift S"O«'I')' C!:r m11.t bl.l.aiMM, Tbe ( .. 'tpeolaJ. IAtnMC.' ( r OU. prvpapnd& ia ~1 JN... _._. Crom )\llUOI: la ~ ,.... i.,.. Clf •pP11-ilM .......... .-. ..... to qMd UQ0,000 • IM4lnc. W\ tft&l II It ,,.... By th• thr.e they make thelr mark on the world ·' la ldlDcei literature, pdllticl or war their birthplacea ·kft cb&npd handa, the furniture ot their youth hu been dllpoeed ot and 9Clttered. In euch clrcum- otan-. jult, lbe ..,.. u "be anclen~ bull<tii>P • ~t na a -wbof\W\" lt II \&lat.a tb& nu•W el ~ ... .....,.. .._, ud Utat mon· tnlt, aucb ecuaa ,W'Olild ..._ .. replete 'tldth refHUCet lo '"baa afotftl ana bu\cller atiope, and 97 wm M.w to oome eut of OW' oa ~ put ol-Ult ,..,.. er *- men" Utt Matnk. "o&rnpal.p cl..p,.. ta Ole mo"11t' ~t IDdt.td-1 ~ You wUI 1t&t.a, M m&ea7 ,....,.. 1 a contrlb\ltlona aild otbtr ntartfte-l too many alOOM enooun,a .. oa1led u.... ..on, throu1h itpllaton ... iOCU a. .... .. I.bat 10 to !MOW t.h• owr...l•dW.,W11c._ Ute -• illw, ,_.. IOCl&I cba,C..., to do ,our mbdttrt.ton MJlt tor la -. atratlOI\ of 114uor attain ln tht U lf•m • cha.Doi to wvrtr. -.n toward )f'OVidial Ur.at ~ eiutM \Mt .,. aouUWn psrt ol UM at.at. wu woi.Wd onr • puiof ol U• .....,._.. -•1-la ~ wltll,,. ..... •dl.J' tn 11eed or a cJunlq up. rqul&ta Ua1 u,., tiua&n-. ft. u.oetaUon a• 1 k 1 tn aftk:leMJ end lt.ilttMI 101&M1 wwroitr Th• clun·up worll hu be9I\ Thu1, elimination. Ot °" II· ftt&tat.m tM at.al& 1mpto1M by OAI¥ .. Ult •tatA _..,,,... ... docae. llut It Med&d • few jail cenae u & paper ot 1,..t ~ terMbti u.. am•d:tnent • "mat IOOt.eUDa, Whlcb ~ Miar Hfttencel and action b7 lb& C&I· would pu~ liquor cm Ula .... attack" dill t.lle martt aylfttm In bmlfttA tor tta llllmMra .. -· Jl.ARJS()ll lfomla leflalature Wort • new tooUa.r u ..,. ottiar ~ .tat. pnmmenL. •WlU7 lllcrs•d"I' liurd• W Re type of admlA!atratlon ...-... in· aibjlct to tM Mine a.w1 \Ml '"!I u.y .-vit... ..,. tb• the U.,.,,..... • .NeWS '-P s s voked ov• a )'&&r ap, IO Ula Qlft1nnl111 &ad ,0... hfUl•Uoft Jell.a: "you and 1 ara belfl& •t· ... Ulla wm Ma pod ...... ,..port. now4 concema matttra ol. 1roovt• drt.I,., Me. tac:t.d phllMopbJoaU, IMl'aU7 m .. t t.o "!f'* WI ,_, ~ 9 -mtirely of hl.t0f'1, WllJdt. aN BON'l:u.J: Plt.OiJ'08AL ' ... ~cailJ'. TM' lnM pur-tntJot lliatut ~ ~--~ th9 N~Bt.lboe. Ntw•Ttm. written lll thlrt.esa Jar&& YOI-. lt la ifttAl'elUq" te '*" tM.t ·-----·· ----------------! ud t.t.e Ntwport..B&lbot. Prwi ~mea or tu~ obt.abl.ed troftt llOn•lli. &CODntlq ft . ptlnclpala In Uq\IOf CUii In I.hi wu lM :s .~~·=-· ' . "n11 •· ... t.ecal a.ut.u. '•r o.w·r-tJ ...... :::;:..,b1 ..!:,Up.ton rn .. u.. in 1•11. of a.I' °" u"*' Farmer McCabe Wn'tes, ........ hooDd..Qua Malter at Ute PolltoMce ta Newport a..ch. ocM:Ti.r LSMON u....,., ot te ..., tbeu· • • • Odf<ftla unOlr the Act ot .Mardi a. an. Ttl• fllCt \hat u. npnrt ud ll&lM:I ~Uoa. IA.Lat, "-• ..,.. , --------,-··-----------..,...,!'I ~ . 1 '~--"'-·5 In~ eoet tbe 1*tun Wl'Olt hi.I-~ •tei· _ _ n J!A•.oi':vw .,~£ ~ oi-cdlini~-... •tal41.Jaw, • 1 ___ 1D. cue l'!! ain't tn.velln& blre J&tely ~ llll....,._.,....llfl:WJIO&TKACll.na.u.;-,._.a.rti.rtlt? •100,000. hnw•••r, llldlcataa nu.a. llle llmlt&UGD. u any Fri _..·IODll n..-fer you. Pvt near rftll"1 ~ &Om& \eMonl Dthef tl\an \bole --.om.lat WIU WUCk ftlr, ,..... ...... ... • tt ft•--.....~ t!-"-aM MNt:*lr 111 .r All ..... wttkb a1,..q i.&Wi i.. lat.al-Yld&d Jbl tthkl• t« a w-lau .U.ttr police C&r'I equJpP.a with Radar' Speed Ia. .. -. .. ta111J11t4"'(iiiirltl~pt..lia:&"ca.lf .. A.41* ed, muat be wlmllat.il-,. ta.. '°'8 Wllkh _e"8t\lllJ7 .,..,.. "'--•·~ N&tunlly I !Ind-" .... 1. out ttt. 'a.td · _ ~ ' -,..bKet.o....:.... .. trac~ot•lM~el\lii~ ~ .• ---- E t r ~"'l-i• s tJ7W P•.Hst •·.t rs/it· J the Ufldt~w;·,.... trt twtba17 poltaar, ... ~ 1• ',.. way. How llOllWVet, the Juatlc:el of tbe PMcl are M '..!. 1UDwl Edl .. ri&I A•1elaU.. and eot'D.lptlm. whieb llutt \he pie IMo'Madl of doU..... ud " r t et ~ 0-17 N ... lerTlle • aouww la ttquor mattera. e,..ted °" ......... ,. wldclt Ht-rirb-t aecommodatin' -theytll bold. court &D¥Whsa. DM llEDDICK. "1BLlaHml S'ftn ~ Ute Jtf1llitlll &Jco-en.DJ rocked the ""1 fouda. The•one that heard my confeulq,n WU mlDin&. r. / Wfi.1J..\ll A • .W:08EB. Edit.or boUe baftnp eontroa adlllW-ttona Df •t.ata Coytr'IUl'•t la _... ...... .i.ur&t x. KA.TBDfr,· AdWrlJllJll Dereetor 1traUOI\ hu. Mt up btita· •tafl-Ot.ttronll.. 1 , · Slrt Tbat'e one t.hiDc the (re&l eout.Jlwe&t. ii D"~ C11AJU.m .A. A&Mft'ROH~ ~eal ~~t ~ IM Procur1a.I a liquor U· n. auorna, ........ _ .• nm-part tv , • • frulmliM ud frttndlla... Nest timfi rU ----,===--'--'itiuCkiiPi:;;;;;:i;;;n;;;;:!:' :::------..--. and tlMI •tat.I hu u.cr... .. too ·~ to ~-lt4.YM1 ~ -.. th.a pnc.,_Jb! dDor wtU M bere. but ll LI UCMttns'Y ioo' IO by train •. - .} • N"""" .,.., Net'· ... rn-, Trt-\\.'eaklt ' optft tor corrupUon ...... , ...... TIHIPI~ Ulolj W'IM) Jliop& \8 -__ _,i;,._,,,,,..,,_,°""'liuiil)'iil,' reo.Rtornpe~r ,,..r: fl.7'9 ~.i: ,.._; fl.tll Ulrea --. It.an .. tons IA liquor 11cen..I anrt 1Uch occurrtnc:11 ta UM e QRalt)' f1.0I J11F 1tlU ff't 6'aUIML__ ~· Farmer McOabo WBD IDQB oa LOW-Wbather It'• • ,,......,. canyon or dropylng of! • srteep lillJ; llruaJa Countr,, Journal'• jNp prove. lta value ln explon.Uon.e for fun arid adventure. -Horace I'arker'Pboto. I I I l . ' Crawford's JUST IN TIME fOllt MOTHER'~ !C'AV . SH~FFER'S RJ~ r. ,., .. o"~ . H .. •1 a sift &bat keepe )'OU rem•btredl A , Snothl hn write9 ---... en. doanand-~drink· bwllio ......... tho 61~ tube. Genuine ;.u.u--pomt 1or·-.1ooc -· ........ -_ .. ~ AUJOMOTIYI .. AIU ___ .. ,.,. • I ' :__., ... Im ttlt ..,...... ~ .. ..._.._ 4,1_..:-u· ,._ ..,. ........ .,.__~- .... tc11 ...... ...,,....... ... ... ti 'l'tlMl om. .. - .WI Q J • f I ·-NrWl'Olf HAuoa NEWS.ra£S$-PAIT I· Meil FMJAY, nr;, i•r.-::--~--1-..,-_:~ 1D6&·1wo ..... .................. ....., M r111r11d • tMI Wtto• ~ " .. tae_.....dtW'wla ... -.. ottidoi """" , . . ANN\JAL GARDEN TOUR PUBLIC INVITED The An..,.I G0(den Tour conducted by the w,,,,...'s Com'mitt" of the Newport Herber Chembeo of Commerce wiU bo Senird.y end Sundoy, M.y 12th end 13th, from ~ ~ p. m. • '• See o solo<;ttd g~p of somo of our best plenned ind plonted cj1rdons in t\>is inspirotionel ond educationol port of th. "City Beoutiful Compoi9n." Tickets ot $1_.50 ineludo oil 9orde11S both S<ttu~y and Sundoy ohomoons plus .Too, served from 3-5. You may-pick-up your tickets al the C)lombtr of Commerce or at tho two points of doporluro - Public Pier el Via Lido Nord end Anlibos or tho Coast Guard' station on Boysid• Drive! iust IOUth of the Bal boo Y ocht Club. will bo BEFORE YOU SAY YOU CAN'T AFFORD A 4-DOOR HARDTOP I ·come "See .ourBIG ~ .:4·door'1hoeton hardtops _now jn 4 P.rice ranges • I f---·-- Mercury off~rs .you the newest, most ·advanced A~door hardtop design with new, high'r hors.epower in every price range.* Now theni'1 a 4-door hardtop to fit every new· no annoying ''blind..,pot" uea In the _, mat. ear budget-and looll al U.-idvania,ll yocl' _... <'Jbe .,.,...._.nt cl. the e..tc.•1 clocni and when you pick iwz +Goar lianltop fian 11ie-iiilfil proildta ..-entry-'and alt. l)iodntd,. otunnin1 Mercury: PbMton line. otylins tondw dlatingaioh the ~ ftcm .aJI - There'• sreal..i1n '"'}'tY Ill~ ~ed•lbr other 4-dqm hUdtqpo. ' ' , ror rear-t ~ N• tilat tbiere ii no See I.be ft.etoDI at "'\? lhowroom, tlieilCboia view<rampillj CU1'VI -the no'\)Ollt.er plll.om, I.be~ aui~ bndj!K t.t._~ · ~ ~~~~:::...:;:~~~~~~~~·~ -. Let us show you how easy it is to own_ • THE BIG ERCURV, t ' .-• ........... Ws .......... ..._..,,. • M.1.1\'MI aMOW,",..... ............. t• -.,.... Dfl1' -ca.-t a. -1 IOHMION . & SON~ Ll11coln. • Me~u-y • • toO w. c.-H~·•r.-.. '"'1.1ay Cllll NIWl'i:>lT llACH ......... .,,_ .. ~s '-~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~--~ ' • • .. • 'A6 4- ~ • I 1 I t C1ssly Jf1tJIM ""911t11.i11 llpOlt .. ~~ The Oran,. Cowlt1' onM J\lry ·wtJI probe the -~· t., • {'J·)'e&r-oJd tulle~ J\&'b.l.t at 0r&n1• OIUftty OJfteNl HOii" pltal aaa,urd&y aiPL Jury Foreman J. · Jl. (J&CJI) Bar1et1t •Id yuterda)'" tbl JIU'f bad been 11C.1iWultd to rdMM It.a 1 eport or an IAvutlpUee Into chl f'le• of 1Ulpr&ctke9· at lhe 1uUtutlon Wednnda7, but delay9d r.leue or lh• 1tateme t fw one week unttl It eould In• ve11Uc11e the dealh ol loee Chico. Chico waa found 1pr•wlfld on the noor of the tubtrculOloi.• ward. hW JUJUl&T vein a&Mhed. .... "nl• dee.lh I.I u.ld to h&YI ~ curred In a tu-a.-1 with two olher T. 8 . patlenta, Abraham CanllN .C.ctaa. 71. Fullerton 1nd Rou.llno C:..n1le1 Macia•. 11, of C..platrano. The two brothe1•1 are belnl held In a hoapltal Jail cell .-hilt Dt1trlct Attorney Ro b ert P. Knt el•nd Is decldlnr on tM t... iruance n f con1plalnt1 ar•lrut PIANE'l'A&roll COH91'BVCl'ION' -The dome-ehaped planetarium, adjunct of the balf·milllon dollar Sclence Bulldlnc now belo( constructed at Onoge Cout College, i. begloolng to t&k• alJape. Tlllo wtll be Orange County'• ool,y plaoe- tarium.. It will be available fo,( adult educatjon, u · well u regular jun.Jar college cla.uea. -Photo by Eu11ne Tyler. them. Sargent u.ld the jury dttlded It mtrht be well to t.a.k\ a n..- County's 'Only · Planetari1m Now Being. B1ilt at Orlqe Coad YEAR8 0 ""---_.-"C:;..l _.._h look at thf' ln1 Ututlon In YltW P ~'--'" ~w....,g:. -V-rs. Doug1u or the df'•th. He •Id, "W• Pa~!Jeon· Of Corona del )(ar 1Dllpecta a )\'bite Pea-might find aon1ethln1 we llhould Oran&'• County'• only ptan•t.a-plan•t.a. u well u UMI ilk)' from cock Iria, a apecles lhe' ~ heraelf which Include In our report." rium. and OM Of UM few facilt-•unMt lo daw~ lut eek · the · The reporl. .tebedultd lo IMI U.. pt lta klnd lo be toiiod bl Tb• planttarlum. CU. tis ullld .... w won p~t'1 cup at the National 1.1.1ued, wia to have been 1. com· LD7 Jualor colkce la now undet" for na'f11aUcm ~. •pberical Iril_Sode.ty Show, Lot Angeles. -Staff Photo pllaUot1 of the bo1ptt&I com· ~ lfta'onoiMtr)' and .olkt J«Wnetry , mlttc-e'• probe of the lnlUtutlon OCllWlnlCtJoll •l Oran&"• Oout u well u 1.n. ut.rooomy. it I.I Runaway Picked Up A ~way boy from Loa All· gelt"11 wa1 taken into custody by Newport Beach police al 17:40 a. m. recently u be wu walking alunr N.wport Blvli. 11ear 32nd St. The l "'·year-old youth wu h11111'! until arrival of hit parent&. • ! DINNER ' ~:00 P.li. -9 P. K. Open Sundays 12 Noon -9 p.m. • • < c1oMd Monday•) 2588 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA (luH t ltleclc ~ of sut. A.-. OouatrJ' OU) Pholle: UberV 8-:403 • Ne rt Be h I • Gr and a repott by Oranr• County couece. -.id. Aaotber unuwal t eature of wpo ac ' ns • ow· er Medical Society vohmleer lnvet· The dome-ahaped buildlnl'· in th• a.w lldenca Butldlq will be U1a tor1 who looked Into t lHI .-tudl Uaia pl&netarlW'n wlll tMi lM lut.all&Uoft of a lJ·l.n. re- Giv C · • cha.cce•. , llol.lNd. wtU Hat t o, It hu been nectlnc" t.al..cops. which~ LI btln.I en Up For Mew Species The charre• a1alnat the ln· dlec:IOMd. The !pit.a projector bu m.cSe e'l'&ilable by .Kartin Mur· SPECIALIZING IN fabrics . •• oUloUon w•~ oi<«I In OCNS """ ......... and wh•n ,.,.., ................... , ot H ont.._ MW•P-'pcrt p.fter numeroua c::om· wUl.allcnr ffmon.tratlont of th• BMdl. Tbil I.I & ""ll~-ebe" tU. NatdPua, lut weei. w .. award-wbo bU retlt4KI to her comfort-platnla of maltreatment were lOpor;raplly of Ula beavena. It llCGp., a ccordlnJ' lO collq• .d tte pre11idenl'• ciip at the able home II.ere with lb neat btJt 1eceived. · will be poal'lble to pro~ U11 itclatc• l •ae ll•ra, and Will be N4isou1 l ri• Society !how lll amall ganlen adjacenl. wu a Sargent -.Id the. jury will ~of. either lh• llou.th...-n or Mot•Jlt•d on th• root ot the Loil A111ele1 for the nnut new ptonMr crl19iar 1n Freeport, Ill. meet next Wedae9day at the Or· NCl'th•rn bemllpt).,..._ with their bUUdlft6. • lrla of the year. where the lived for many yean. ance Oounty Courth91.1" to ,.... , • There the maintain~ 2~ acre• leue the ho11pltal report w d R I t • p 'd Ac&.ulJly, 1'l r11. P atUaon didn't On the t<lff! of totvn tor the . e man . e-e ec e res• ent know h• 1pec1e1 -the Whit• culllvatlOfl of the lrli. She work· 8ar1ent 1ald the Jury heard , P~11 tietnr eoneldt red ed. with the Eutma.n Kodak WtdneJd1y fmm board of auper• , for the hoaor. Judgt.nc WU made company Ifft tome of the e•rly vl90rs admlnl1tratlvl! aati1tant of Harbor 'Barber S•oppers' after 1.n.91NCllon wu made of devt.lo t t 1 R. I. !Cuba l Morria re1ardln1 . I pmt"n o co or photo-a pm ,..........d Honor Fa.rm for Or 1evera fanna .,,.here varlou1 gr1phy w .th hf'r nowe ... u color .. -• ' lpt<:lta Of 111• i re grown. modtla. &nft County Jail inma te•. Ht Dan Wildman. Udo Ille. wu Jteadl; Oeof"I"• Orenrood, TuaUn The Wblt1 Peacock, wl}k b She moved to C..Ufornl• 10 A id the Jury will 1ttend • •p«:· re-elected prealdent of t.he Nh· aM Clyde 8prin1e. Coete Meu. FREE ESTIMATES SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES CURTAINS UPHOLSTERY HARDWARE TRAVERSE TRACKS CURTAIN RODS COTTONS 'NYLONS RAYONS WOOLENS SEWING NOTIONS We maintain our own drapery work room. w .. k her three yeara to develop ynre ago and to Newport &uh lat bol.rd ~ au~r•lmr1 m11tlnc port Hl.r1Mlr Chapter. 80det7 ... Oertel. Whittler. ta the .encl hu ~ on dl•play for tour yu.rs ~· to be held on the l•ue today. tor the P,Mervation and Sn• &"N'UP'• new chonu dlnctor. five ycara., t11 a blue -white Al the 1111 convention ln ·thl! coura1•ment ol Barbu 8bop Klmbe~y 2-9618 4TH AND MAIN SANTA ANA now1r. v"\itar1e and het.v11y Stalffr Hotel, tour1 werw ar· COllnty Tax Share ~I~ la America, Inc. ~Nole llrttt · rufned. "'~---r&nled lo lhe er.tr l'arm ..... a t ks ~a:·• \. . Mta. Pa~ explained It condldo, ud otb• Oower farnu SACllAKENTO. -"tCN8 ~-~ • liclude Dal• ·~ bll1b of & Mby Mlllll:lim81 ... ,_,. befOl"I In Ventura. SU J'ernando lt.a.t:e C.O.uott.zo Robert C. ICJrll• Whlt.Mh, )l.-, ,..let• t9: lllq 'l lli RO&g" Hoapi· • MW qed-'11 recoplaed. s.n G•brieJ Vall.,.. wood today announcH that Or· ed ~pruldl:llt: . 9ob Pettit. Ul an Kr\.__ud Mn. Guat.a.ve OPEN FllDA YS · 'TIL 9 P. M, Partdn1 'l'lcbl. ~tei i 1 An Parkins Loto · Henc1 the delay In r.coplUon Judglni 1>f ber apecie• we• ange county w111 receln ttS2:· Coat& Me11.. ten"etary-tt'ffAIUrer. Paull. W W. 15t). Bt., Costa I of her Whit• h&Oock. med" followtnr Inspection or 037 '-'. lt1 1hare of $3,116.747 Wed.man n1med the followtn1 to Me•. I The Co..-del wornaJ:\ that fanni by lhe Judie• ln hlJ"hway u1en tu:a appor· lhe bo&rd of dl~ori: 1iiiii~iiiiiliiii~~~~~~~~::::;;:::: ' Uoncd to cout lM In April. Don M c C a l\_U ~ Nnrport m Granclollo 's lform•rly ot HemetJ. complete mtnu for the f1mily PIZZA t 8PAO&rm e LA.IA.ONA ROME • M.ADI!: KA VIOU e llTE.il8 e UA FOOD ,OOD 'tO QO . . 511 lalbOl llYd. BALBOA 1tart1or 4131 ~m D.uLY U lfOO!f·U IODNI~ OJJ'Mll!I) llOND:U' • • announcing • • • • • OPENING OF The NEW --+--__________ _...: ___ ==-c..:.. ___ ;-_______ -11--- Gingliam Restaurant · • ~a-New"t Mmlcal See·otio• 111 r • . '""t I'>. Tim ~· ~. ''WIS V.UGHAN TalO" ~-t. .tlh iittJr 'WHITNEY I OOUNTBl' WASHBURN!: ........ " AftUabl• for private part.In , dancu and _ •'-CJuh acUvlUu. Excellent mu1uc and ent•r- ~enl. for lhe ··over -Ullrty" (TOUp. ~Mii UBEKn l-llll (DAVI ) tc.DULERLY &-l f"l (E\"ES.) afar r u oWrt.Ac;E 0¥ ·ru UI: Every Night ... .,, if'INN1:1i'sl:RVJ:t> 0 p. lU. 'til mldAi1h• " ~~1-4. p.ID. 'UI 2 L Dl. 12 .__., n1a1 6 SQndoY • • Speeiel S unday· Buffet 2 ~ii 9 p.m. ' Sunday Dinners OllANGE COUNTY '11""'' " "". ··~· .... '!"'' RODEO i 2:00 P.M. Santa Ana Municipal Bowl /I Safl•l"-'ll11 •d S1111day 11 ' May 12 ,, .. _. 1l°iit£-v.M. RA-MONTll ·MONTANA •"" •-WSTINO • WILD nta llDINO -4 tfUND8DS OP TMllUI ·-.. APVLTS ....... 1.10 Otllblet .. .. . .. J0c fill t..•AT • f tofl,aTt A\IAILA•t..lt ' .r..: •.... ~.=-··~· .................. .,........ ... == ~.,,,.,,. ,..,,..., AMIGlll :TOtla"'''"'."''' ............... -Ji,._ I r C .... , ~-1"H ·• • ••••••••• ••••••••••• '' ......... ~ •• • • .. " ............. , ... ,.. ' ., SANTA AHA JUNIOI ASMSTANCJ llAGUI ... SATURDAY, MAY .12th ·S.rvin'I Breakfast, ·Luncheon - and Dinner at Popular Prices • UNDER THE MAN"AGEMENT OF Semon • Formerly C1ttrln1 Mona1er of the Bilbo• Boy · Club ' Th-e -NEW GINGHAM ~RESTAURANT OPEN DAJLl': llniak,_t, t.ulldteo .. Dtuer, 'J ._...-1 p.-. I UND41': ••er Gib'. 1 ... ~ t•· 1788 N.wport lloule....t (J()llfA IUllA • .. • I -· I J • • • . .. • . • • I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART f. PAGE 5 . . • • y ·11;--i.sr ~~-'4· _-...,._~--~~ CJOllPU']'l'ELT 11JD -~. ~wo_-ordiaillot pours 1.. for two ot lier trimda tp. her biurre wi~d &partmeot in this acene from the thfe&.aet play.to be -ted>•t oronre Cout .eollege May 11and18. Appeuln&' in the fantuy of J'ean ~oux•are·(teft 'to richt.J, Nicki Niles, Loretta Ben.nett and Barbara ae.toa. -nOto. by Eugene Tyler. ' . HELD · OYEI! THRU TUUDAY llldpcl~tlle -.. Plc-tvo et An. •lld -t.o .. -pectly• Amdt . 1 Anni llateNl ForNmY .. You Will !Ae 11 r.o1 • 'M.tD WOMAN OF CHAILLOT SET MAY 17-18 AT OCC C.Ued ''tile most l&lked-about plctureaque auortmtirll. of com- pJay ot lhti MUOI\" wht!ll It ftrtt pa..!ona in lunacy and good In· opened In Nllw York, "The Mad· tenUon-, tht' old Counte• de- woinan o! Ch&lllot" will be pro-fllata the swindlers afld Hla lhl duclill at Oran1e Cout CoUe1e ··orld 1tn.Jrht •Kain, fo~•er out on May 17 and 18, It ha• bffn of danKer or ··promoter•." announced. An out11t1nd1nr 11ellne In the Drht or the 11 major drama play la a t~a ~rty, rtvellinr crlllce of N-York wrote with the famous one In '"Allee \11 enlhuaia.ttic praiae after .IJ'I• Wonderland"" 1n i\1 1Lral(hl·t&c• op!!flln(. The ot.ber three wrote ltd non.e.-. Jn thla ecena U1e Yf!Pletnent d.luenU. The debata t.fedwomaii con11ult11 mome 'alm.· r&&"ed tor Welllu In m~tropolltan llarly dotty womt'n lrom olh!lr ne~pera. Two crllica ahnolt quart.era of Pai LI about how to cun.e to blow1 in a literary club dl9poae qf her r nt'mlea. One of one nlrht w~en they becam her vt1ltore 11 act o1npanled b)t ,h•ted lJI ~x.preutng their op-a non-exlatent Uoi who, aht poaed Yiew• Of tht play. u ya. '0doean't w1nl Lma(lnary A. tiox-otnce .uc.ceas rrom the people 1tarln1 a t h1m -llllpecl•I· Wll')' fi rat nlcht. the p\ay'1 dert. ly atra"'era." Anolhrr o! lhll deft humor drew the moat per· ptxllated .t1tr1·hood htar. TOlcea aiatent crowd o! rt'peatera of In her hot-water bottle. ··1t.•a the any play on Broadw•}'· ln ... principle or the phonorraph," .ence, ""I'ha M,adwon111n .o! Chall· ahe explaln1. Jot" ii an •*rt&ln1ng Mn'ftOJl, BECOME IC r.AL tilaulnr Qle: Jnll"9 Jn heart who An exampla of the daft coun• valua rlcllll,.. O( lite over rich· te111' luminou~. enga1ln& · phlio-"iii•••ililll DIM ot put'&a. lt b alllO • Blbt• 9oph:y la evidenced by her ~p\y ., tun ot •tire on preeent ---:tlay to a quntlon a bout whether or ~ )Oclety and hllarloua fan!Asy.' not her mt'morle.• or youth were ____ ... _ ·------·~ -.. ·--·--·-r---·--·-· . i;=--A."'iD HEBE 18 AS ' ·EXOl':u..:E1'"T WA.JUI DMA.llA. l'O& THE LADO:I .u1 -·SllERJDAN·CllUI fiofue Next Spring STARTS NEXT WED. .... ....... .. •ANYTllJNO O'OONYOA OOES" L I 0 0 '· DAFT, OLD OOl''AOE.K not f•t"" ·h,. -"' ~ tha• thla The tale la ot a den. Old la like .. kJnr It her pearl.I are eouotn.t, hall dowarer and halt talllll, ··a.nc:c , . !lnowa nrbt.r er.:.eL dr..-ed Ln the con-U\at the loo1e1· y .. u y,·u r pearl& t.entli of an attic trunk. W'bo the more real lhty become." detlu a poup,of plotter1 eater Appearlnf the Oran(e Coa1t to drill to.r oil rirht In t.be Coller• cut wHI be: Coretta ceriter ot h~~De1vttd Parlalan Bennett, A.lien Bake~ NI c k I boUWvard.L , JU. U: t)d gt a 1-(Uea, Bube.n. Sexton, ~Ruth• I .. ( 111\ttman, Nonn11n Blanaett. MarJ PORf ll ... .- ()RONll ."'El W~R All/l1>q/~l Riel>anl. Epa "lhe 'Rnolt of ' ••Mamli. Stover•• vtn Dorla, Dsvld Hinda. F'red Harvey. Other• In the ca et i re: Keh· nfl.h Reed. Gary Hickey, Shirlee Dicken.an. Glenn Grovea, Donna Ba'etl, rrancea Norton. Ray Van Over, Phyllle Yarwood, Tom Plf'tU, Helen R.lchard90n, Geo. J..yona. ~ Baya, Bob Wheeler, J oe Kemper. Gene Parker, N'lck J'•khlml, Alan Hod1ea. rt.ndy Alben:. GordOll Tobi•• and Bill n ... Police Hllllt va.11a1 s .... --r-. """*-8aL -1:30 'll"' a...& 8llooio ~ ~~ &!do 11at llAL •AAJION sue& no• J'VMllN OIUCK" • AJM ru·ar•e,.. .,._. ... ,.. .,.... au wm NA4 .. ~ -..n- -. t ~ lllliQ 'ft ftaudilr. *1 tt u. I .. -. ta ... .. .,.....,,__ 'T1Mt ., ..... ~·-.. -· •• .ii -trtla Orup o.ua\t Wldw dboedJoa • ., ... ,.,·,,., t1111.a..W.1,...,.....,. 0 wUI .. q 0 ., ...-i ~-Gt the ,..,,...... I --· ............ wtll ~ _ ... b)',tbo ~ oc N'..Qort ~ Lodi• u1*c ch. dlncLIOG ot ~ L /!..........., ""'°'""' I'-· ' • All ......... tJaallt ........... Jl\Ot.bers • tmnc\I'..,. ......... A, 9te6 diablr: .... ' .......... ft'Of'·• .... ... . • 'l . LIKES SMALL TOWN -1'1. like a · ...U town~ very much ao that'• why I'd rat.her not mee a merger between our cltiet,.. uid Mrs .. Robert Nettles, a housewife of 1975V2 Fullerton Ave. "We have bolh lived here in Costa Mela practically all our livee and are really kihd ot d.l.u.ppointed Cotta Mesa, itself, ia growing ao fut" she A.id. Mfl,. Nettles went on to relate there were only 600 ·1tuaeut1 wbeo abe entered the local high school and 800/...when ahe graduated. "There are about 1900 1tudent.J1 now in the high echool and my little aiater aaya ahe juat doean't know any- one: it'a too big &a it iii without adding Newport" ahe concluded. -Slaff Photo • • • • is Mother's · Day~; ·' -. --- • v ILLA :M~A .-~ ;;; /!01/1; P11ICE Utl' 0 0 0 1'"LJ-1naic1~i. ~~) PHOMll~Jl:A.RBOR nlO rim. ltUDV.A.'ftns FOllD i1 1~1t lowut·priceJ of the ·tow-price t/a,../ otrauai.... OP IDVICS ----- THIODORE -ROBINI, IX nua .ocwGana ~ SlOO W. ~ lll&h-y, Newport llucla (_,..•Milo) • So diat 1"" will -be inconvenienced mar -auF< !hat ,.,.. telephone aow · and make memtions fa< 1 D•tr '*11 , ' SPECIAL MOTHERS DAY DINNER From' 4 p.M., Sunday, May 13, 1956 )totlter's Dav Dinner ' --AMERICA'S OWN MuSICAL .•• • TKB Plaru!IB OP TH.E YEAR I • GuYS >rnD DoLLS ~1 B~ ' MENU Chick119n e lo Reine Soup Roest Younq -To.m Turkey ..... Prime Ribs Bo ked Virgin\• Hom , Cumborlorili Cronborry or G iblet S.uc.o · Candied Yoms Gorden Butter Peo1, Rissole Pofotoes, Mi,;ed Greens esse --,..-----< Pe con Pie-le. Creom Coffoo-Teo-Milk • so DINING, DANCING end FlOOR SHOW SVC&Y 811NDA \' nu:UAPTEK WE orrr.a A l!rPECIAL PltlME Ill DlftNER , .,.. ... : .. $1.50 -AU oi che delicioas dlbM and sptcialties on our regular nam .ril be feacwed oa Mocher'1 Day a< DO ....,_ .. pritts. I DI-5'rWM" ,,_ lleH 'Ill t PM l lilllllr 5-4 "9111 3 I'll .. 11 I'll I VICTOR I H"URlEY · UGO\ BELL 7311 LI J lM llACll ' . - • • • • • •• ENSENADA RUN =:=..=:::::::.1 Flirt ...... ....... -=_,_-r--...._.-~~·~'!!ll'> ...... " .... ._ le I ... __ .._••a sxll 'llf ..... :I.~ WMI, c.icl Gl1tfs ~Jo111 Iii Feillvw Time .t&kll. ..,. It ~.... ... • ~WI w.c,• --= M wt.I ..,_ w • , .. .... bln!led. Mo a. _. ~ .... --·-OINll .... }·~-··I' ...... ... Mu> ... z...-..... Uwi ~ tWS ,.,_~.,.. II el U* " -. 'I .... .,. a 11~·-........ i....--••-. Clartd. "!Dill .. U. ... ,_ ....... U. OIMt ,o..d ... hi u. ..... -... ....... ..... ............ .... oc-.a ,.... -.. ...., -:: lillJrealt ...... ... • \ ,...,_,........ ..... ... ....al - 11J PAZ llJ(lB~ OONll W-' "' ... ' ra't tt -·-IJO.· .c ""'" Loo J .... __ ...... --.. -. .. ..,· ubU&tlon, and IOrfOW', pt&elltry and ....me:kntM ... "' Ub th.lit" ~. : ......._ ~ ~ ... wt- ..., wWded \aptheJ' iD the foW"-day ~uat c£ ~ U· • Tbll ...,. ~ CM otMr !T, llf .,..... ............ t a Dual Newporf..Emlellad& yach&: .,.. Jut week.~ ; • ,.... ~ w ._ ab4 ._ u:. ~...::..,.. ..... T9'e JWMAaLkfl ~· to the , , '\ WbJ.ct oJ. madli ilOOtW•t.&oin la , .._ .. ol a~ Of ewardl ud mWllb' .-ode t0,000 ~-:l'or the w.i..n tlU'. S -" A 1r11t'tt">~ltd ~ tM "'"" ~ ~ ... ~'f'll!d, bJ boat, DAq .. 90ld _.,.,... .. ~ 0( CM ""* ....... tMt auMI St WU ,.,...._. uotMr 10 ar-Borne ot Utt ~ wbJc11. .,... •-•-a ~ iKrW UM ~ li'M la DIMn· 11"41 by !IV In t.be eommunlty """ la 'fO"l M .... Mi l&Wr-U&M ...- Na 'B:.&rt.cw, 'l'Serw ,,...._ .U..t to pelt !AIM. ~ were dos"• Oar manUact ~ ..-OU.t bn• °"tCtr .. ._-er.. tM ~ ,_ u.n Md wit.ta.a pd. .,,.. and "9ta..,..Js were ~1.81)' ... .....,. ew Mme. ~rm.10 Ha., or Ai. ... ._ .. diPltart• to 1lap llMlr _..... ~ed. hlmmlq-pool9 DOUld By fh111d4r ..W ' I \hf t.dl· lbQ' .._ tM 41iftl ....... AD4 th ... Wt. ~ • Ida tr0m tltU• be -,.a ..,..t.b .. ~luh· tar Mrttar fll. UM dt.7 Mtor. dHnie •1•Wu. ta .... =., tM .unctiY• iiaayor or N..-• lAs al ecMols or ftllu.lnJ ..UOra. had Oft19 ~~turned tnto & July I, '1acas ¢' .. •to -M- pott Beadl ltlr Ohio wtnner. Added i. &be UO'#d w•re the 1leepy tlahtns pdrt. nouncement bt Senator "lbcau Tile ltOn'OW came ll'I llMI Jeck compa,un.1nta of two Cout Headed Meil up I.he cout. t.be H . K~el TboM ~ to ot pl'fl9ll oov.raae for thli ,...,.... Guard cuu..-. and ,t.ll.Ne u. S. v1Mel, beat t.belr way •1~t tak1 teet. m1Yt not.tty the MO.· tvent. OCNI tswpawUftl' th• Na"7 dutroyer1 whlth had ac-t.he wll'ld, theh'. ftWLt touia1 ator befon June l and must Hew•PrtuJ wu th• only n'"'9 tcn\J)UJ~ the ftMt t,o JlnMn. violutly on the cbOpPY ••· Mo.t ~h t.Mlr 17th ~y by •n1ce tMt provided..on-~t Mia. I&& addition, &not.hit" flt VM· attempt.Id to powar t.btlr ea.JI-July l and not be older than -~t. to cover t Jt., ldtla. ID&aned by ~ pot!(-lnl' .lbtpa Mck toward Ban Di· 22 year• Obi th1t dat1. world'• ~It. Jae.ht race. Race w CJUiNr opuau...., ~ and ego, oth1n took advantare of Kuchel W'IU ha .. the ril'ht to om~ ..re downcut owr tu YOhll'lteer, MCOrt •-la. plowed 'the alrofll' wind• to rorce their n11me two eandldate. at We•t· atfa.lr and Ole yachtmnen wer• iato U. Muku port to clOf &hip oblJqaelJ' •apU!.ll the hl&h polnt and two at AnnaPollli ud unhappy ovv the lack 'or racor· t'Urtber the alread7 j&m·packed -via. 11Y1n wt.ru aeunen ad· can propoH 10 caadldata1 tor NUon '°" thetr h&rd·worklJdl' 1t. Mu&c&n port. Tha contFunlty ot milted to becominr WOOl;J: In tha air academy. CAREFUL SEIVIC:E for your ~M• 0..J' ..... Diel ... Joli-o-- lftlnad in the '* of ltjledaJ bctor,...,.,_ tooJa. n.., UM JohftlOll JIU" t,.. ou IMp ....... -.. -"' oill> dtie ,.._ ....... .,.,.. SMALL BUT IMPORTANT -Fourteen youn_g friends of Paula ahd Leah Rog· en, daughUn ot the Paul Rosen ot Lido lale, were bidden to a real, honea:t-to- goodneq Jauncbtns party on Sunday, a1 the two g1ri. officially chriatened their VWJ fltwt boat, a Shock-built fiberglaa Snowbird nemed, appropriately, Paulea Wtdeh will fly the burgee of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Following lauiicb- , lng ceremo1!_iea •. .Pal&la &.?c\. Leab continued ~ boate88es at a buffet in the bay- front patio of the Rogers' home -Beckner PhOto pair wotk oe ,,_.. eadlo&tcf , aocor. Inokb1o1 ,. • ~ S..Honerwe....,..._• pricts you1J •ftlftdars. forta. And, ot COW'N tbera wu 1~000 .n•v..-. had' It "° rood. what wu con.1idered oo( oi the ----------- .-orrow. tao1 on tM ~rt of thoM ''HIN COin• U.. ..Uonl" Warn· roughe«•....turn tr1P1 ll'I the Nne tb'ir income t.u:." Today, be ex· W)¥> had pollah«I U\elr .....a. 114 the Dl&rO &nMn&da. t.ha 0 lo· ytar1_ ot tM annual Newport-plained, lhe 'ma.jodty of tto.t.. wtth a y..,. ot .-"4Dd -.lbolf Cal dall1' ntwepap.er. AM the Ensenada claMlc. , in the Euenada rsc1, wwe own· ,,..... ll'I hop. ot wtn.n!AJ, cml1 wuaJnc wu l'f'Mled ~ly by Some at>.ndoned their veuela ed by .. lellow1 and th1lr wt"' t.o tlDd thab' .ii. flap •'•'i••t rtldcknta ot th• cttt:r who open-at San Ole10, alter npunr the '•••ho •pend •YVJ exLr& dime SOUTH CO &ST at lolt ........_ ~ lid &!.td.r doot9 wide to l'J'Ht th• eleme.nt.. to Hach the cuatoma they earn to take part ll'I a .-reat "' TMre wu pa,..,..lry In a naw thtOnp. • chack 1taUon. They will claim •port." COMPANY lnnov&Uon y.ta ,._, _ a COio"' AW..utDI 8.U8JON their boat. next wffk...-id, when -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I f'U1 ~ lftdMd. On• uw At tba ceremozt,y, award& were they h••• time away from th'lr I: Newport Blvd. M Uni St. la WN to become an annual prw_ted by rwpr-.t&UV'e• ot Joi.. to .all back to Newport MAIJN,E Harbor MOO hi1bUsbt of th• race. About 60 m. Praa&dent of th• United •nd Lo.II An1e1e.. Contrary to INSURANCE per cant al the c"""' d...-.1 In lltalail and the Prwldent ot Mex-th• belief ot baen&da r111ident1, 1-&. MARINE NEWS PAGE b ·PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, MAY 11 , 1966 TIDE TA I LE ..... """' Rt. ...... Hip ..... ...... , 10:15 L m. ,. 3 :48 a. m. _,,.,JI 8:18 p. m. '·' 3 :04 p. m, ....... , 11:10 a. m. J .1 4 :37 •· m. ' -)2 10:06 p. m. 6.1 3:49 p. m, ....... 12:11 p. m. "' ~:30 I m. ...,. " 10:51 p. m. '·' 4:43 p. rn. .. ._ 12"' ... DL 3.1 1:27 •. m. Mq lt 11:59 p:1t1.· •. 2 ~:M p.m. Tue•7 ............... -.-7:28 •· m. MaJ US 2:30 p. m. 3.8 7 26 p. rn. Wednud97 1 :12 Lm. u 1.31 •. m. May 11 3:83 p. m. .. , 9 :08 p. m . .... _, 2 :39 L ftl. .., 9 :33 1. m. May 1, t :29 p. m. ~ ... lO :~ p. m . J <i ' (f • rt88T FULL !AST NEW QO.utTf!R MOON QUARTER . MOON ""'" May %t J\1111 1 June S No .1•ort' of it, 0 CC\ Pupils Must Wear Pants, Dean· Rules B•, -1.3 1.7 -1.S 1.9 -1.2 2.2 -0.9 2.4 --0.6 ... --0.2 2.2 0,1 u Clolhlng rules and r,.gul1Uoru td11 may wear 11lack1 or. peddle ()f Orange COfl.,t Collete Tu.-. pUlher1 to protect lhem..elve. day caueed • .c•mpia ('l111h when rrom the el1ment•. · • k>caJ 1tu41!nt wore Bermuda H•rvey w .. ucorted from th' ~rt. and a lf>Ortll lhlrt to caropu.e by eo.ta Kua pollci. Jui. Huber nportad U.. llud,nt re- Dr. J'~ Huber, dea.n of men. tumed 1n proper clot.he. h11-Jf 11-n ihowed the 1tudent lh' written hour later and would r.ot be e:s.- ::0Ue11 rule that no 11hort9 « pelled or IN9pended. \ t1-ckll are allowed on r1mpt11 :..._ ___ ..:._ _____ _ JnleM the cue eaJl1 for It. I Ctllet exeepUon. Huber •Id. Oil'-YOU 1Pt renlte q,uicker, cheaper di.tlncUve coatwn• -raqtns lco. llalca.n 'and A.mertca.n ad· not all lhe yachtsman .,.. mil· OMo~rlm e.:::JtJ' Oa. dMliD ... Y b h G t trcim &dmlr&l .Ut. to the .U· mlnla handed out lillnr cup• llon.alrea. MOit or them work 1m w. OIMt .. ,--~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;v;;;M;;;,;;;•;;;";;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ar roug e S lJw ~ ot Cll1nlM cooli•. to other wtl'll.Mra. Keyor Dora tor a llrinf , ln alrcratt faetoriu. r• • The7 toftM4 Impromptu p&radu ,Bill ot Nr#pOrt Jlucb handed In 1hoe 1tore1 and in profeMlonal Prl"son Term on lllld marchad WIUI chlllli held th• trophy of her dt:y '° Georr• circle .. hip behilld the U. 8. Nayal WMt. whoM Newport Harbor WORIUNOKEN' NOW D A • Band and the Mexican Anny Yacht Club mtry, Jlnket, had 'The dl.y oC the ml11lon11re ope dm1ss1"on and cavaio-~·· UlrouSb taken the clty'1 award, ''I don't yachtaman 11 rone." a boat own-1 the l lr•t. ot -Enaeriada. care much IOr the cup," Wut er told OCN8 "They can•t 1f- SANTA ANA (0CN8 f-Jamee R-OVOH Ul'llD..L declared. "becaua I tboup( the ford to own lb.em any more. And the,.. wu MUlck.neu on award wu a Ida from the bacauae they can't be taken off 1 Neal Yarbroui~. 18. of %8& Vic· the way be.ck. "Tou.'ye nenr K.e7or!" Wltll thl.!--be fr&bbed I;:::::::::::::::::::::::; lorle St., Co.ta Me.a, Tueeday Min. euch wind," a y-.cbtman Kr1, H ill and .unackad her I 1 wa1 1enlen<'f'd to pri90n tor the Mid. "I could han made It to :u:dl!i~.~ ~ • hup round Harold I. Johnson term prHcribW by law ( 1 to 10 EnMnada In MV•n hours lt we'd -~-tbe crowd. ~ Pro-11 .... ae-•-yearl) alter• he plt1uJl'd ,ullly had It ~ the W&J down." A ~ ... MCOrt Veue1, W Ola, eoru;;;bi., .';j'"' to herotn ~Ion. _cu1torn'1 • 1~nt at au Diip, which bad !'lo9tad OCN8 New1~ Yederal A&el'l<'y Superior Court J udge Ktnneth NJd, "Boyl" thl• fa the lick11t ~ ,:,;.' bMIJ!tviei.. WU hlShly none Harbor 9%0 !!:. Morrl10n pu1ed 1entence. bunch ol Y•chtmen l've ••er _!!._ Ml :.. r:c1''ta:meiithon th9 UJl VUIA Wa7 Npt BeM:ll Y'arbrourh wu one of four •r· fftn," a1 the "--11 dr.,sld ln· --r c e W-. • only • • · Marine & Genert1I Weldlng Autbo.-Dooler ud llluufoetum s.fslde Trailers Customer Trallen Bunt to Your ,Order l'roDer _ .. , " Bepolr . lurfslcle General Welcllng 2001 W. C...t Rwy., Ne"l"'rt -· ,M!>erty 3-%472 re1ted on a n1fCbtk 1 1take-out at tf CU1torn.1 check &ner tll'\ltinl' 1319' Edinger St., Banta Ana, ap.ln.t hlsh .... drtvan by %0- Marrh 26. ' knot wlnd1. PRE·SEASON The defendant h i d 1tx n'edle The P,r1nclpal •-rd ctiremony ICl.rll on hl1 left arm, pollce re· took placa at 1. hura barbecue ported. held by !CnMnadl..nl for the Offlcer1 ~11 111 they f ound • yachtsm .. wbo·tnn.dad the t:vm· quantity of her"Oln hidden Jn a Osar,tte 111.ck11ge tinfoil. He ... Mrledly admitted h••lnl" a ftve- C:.Jl"'a-cla7 btroln bablL Y1rbroUJ'll, a former 8&.nta An" Community Ho.pita! order· ly, wae a California Youth Auth· ortty ward when arre1ted. JOHNSON DOES IT ~ SOtlTll OOA8T 00." 13rd I: Newport' Bl'ld. --'1 AGAIN BIG M Grand Slam ' ' TM Summer Se1son is • REDWOOD ~:~BBELLA s249s Prfee ..................... . • ~~~~ ............ SS's PATIO f URNl.TURE ' SALE·! We are Headqudrtors in tho Harbor Aro• for Fine Furniture • Rugs • Carpet • !UN tft rainy w:eath'r whftl c,-tbnl\.lch New.-PrMI want ~ ~~~~~:::=)~' :>FFSK9RE FIRING M & M M t for · the month of MAY • • !..mp: • WAR~ll'.-IG ISSl,!ED ' ' 0 ors Marine a. Automcitive 1 1 """' ort San ctea\mt. 111.aM. euu. Rodt In&, wtll t&)ce p"4:a W. week \hrwP J"ri4ay, I L m. to unJdalPt, and Bat\ll"d&y and lund&J da)'Hsbt houn only, tha CoYt Qua.rd w1rned ............ l,4GU'NA PIPE & . TOIACCO SHOP 147 0out Blvd. So. LAGUNA BEACH We ftAIT1 a rGmplele Jlnr .,f Dolnf9tk! Md lmfN>rted CIK· .,... Qpntt" "' l'lpe loba<'· -1 8nteeen AC01'111M:1riH ; .......,_, Dwth!ll, Zlppo U•ttl- tin; OBD, C.mo7, Peteraen. ~ Dunlllll. lleywoocUe Pipe.. JJoMe I• rnr Mfftple of -el eur .,. .• nln,.t Weodl of pe,. •"'*- Geae,.a Kepatrln1 CadiUac Specialists I lnte:ceptar a. Cadillac Marine Engines LI 8°3381 • JIM'S MUFFLER SERVICE Sonny's Mllf~nt & Duol Pipes AlM l'Ktot'f Ke,-.rif'nteDll u 11-674-1 i1•1 '''-OIMl aw,., x .. 'pert MARINE CARIURnORS BepoJro -8&Joo -hrb ZENITH A STROllllERG · ~tiEO. J. MEACHEM US9 W. 0ou& Hltb-y Lllierty 3-IS4S WCTRIC ,SUPPLIES 8-11•1M ....... ELECTRIC CO. !f !~ • BOAT WIRING ONLY: • %600 \V. Cout Hwy . Ubert)• 8-MS! Get Y ~r New Mercury Hard Top C0upe for LESS Than Ever 'Before Full Siled . Fully Factary Equipped with all Standard Equipment Including M1>rcomatlc-«adio or H•ater FOR ONLY s249900 with payments as low .as 51697 per week IT'S Tl.ULY II GltAND SLAM TO THE llG M Stop ,In See a• Deal-You'I 1.,· JOHNSON SoN OONTINEN1'AL • LINOOLN • lllERCUJ&Y N-rtllloocll 900 W. 0...t Hwy. Uborty 8-M41J • • Daluxa aluminum 1oun1P ch&ir MUt put.kl arm re1ta It 4" bo:s. pad In, blue.. frel!fl. yellaw · ... -. W'Ulll.M. NOW OH SA.LE AT •. -··. -·-· •.. Al>pliance1 • Gardon and Patio Fumihlro of Redwood 8/ld Aluminum / UOUiA&LT SIUI, \ '$ 95 8n:<SAL-IAU: 17 ..."" ............. ·--· ·--.. ···----... -- 26!il~!'c!!?! FURNIT!!~T B~!MPANY ,Llb~c. ... , •·I Ill • -\ r tl114-1'rat leztlil1 .... , --!Ir -- COSTA MESA SerYing The Harbor • -...,. t"otra OO!n'S!li,SN"CE Area KEEP THIS UST HANDY ' allomatio · Washen · , Henderson 's •e•·e lertire--Perta JNI 1'1~ BLVD. LIBEHTl' ' to Aoc~oriel · · ·West Auto Supply Aeee-rieoo--Part~n·ltto im IL\&aOS BLVD. LIBt:KTl' 1-1411 I to Repain & Towing Newport Auto Works .&-.t-lki ~lil!llun E xperla U1 IND1'8Tlll.AL WA y U .BEftTY S.. 1tll I to lo~y & Fender Repain Curly's Auto Works ',._= a.MM Wertl:-R-Ublll' PrlOl'll 1,U Nftnb BLVD, 1.IBEKTl' ll·USI -- ' BACK ·ro COOKIES -Donn& happily returned to ber hou~wife dutiea here yesterday &ft.er hear· lng the verdict come . in againal ·her aUeced attacker. Jack Jiuns Walker. -OCNS Pbotc DONNA GLAD • ' . ' INEW'10RT1'!A•IOll-NEWS-l'ttESS -,AltT I ·~AGE 7. FA!DAY, WIY. 11, 1"6 ( """"... . ~ .:;~.!'~=r: to N.11 Al Day l1rry lergh-lire• ChAtce lo :: ,............ wso . := ~ ... ':': ~ ..= ~ ,.:::: :: ':!:i1• ... ~ EJ·11i1 ~ 8o11nme1t' -Plat tM eclllhhln: Of bet ---... Ck .............. a.,..ur-"" . - lftlll ... v.nte~ .,,.... .... ~ ........ -... UJ't1;A. 4"A. fOClla• -Oro ,.. ..... ln coordlnatlq tnau.- -· I -............... -"'°" .... °""'tjo ... ~ ~ bJJ "'""°""' -• MN. w.a.r bad ta.ea u ,ppln,J ~ ~ ,. I n •' i fW ~--._ Dlr.ctor Kal'f7 1kr'la -i.11 ftt bOehl elm went "'"° 'tM la. Hr motlitir4Ja.,,.. eer, out-JIN A-.1 ..._.., JP•• i.:M9 -"T' ..-. N>w.h dlapw.I 4tu•UOQ.. ttdt; CM _,,rtrooaa, Ud •PP9"" ud1 .....,., •* 1 t I f ,_ -... r.i a ~ 10 ~ * ...._ Jt ._., ti.rou,pt out. U.t the l'lpid 111.ur aek ... to NU&ra lo u.. · · tatiolla .u.t Ml wul ~ ......,,..t ot <>rup. OOUnt.y l1 ,_., ,..,_ et lhe drwnattc mo-a..u.,. -:-.... •-'-,_. d: la n•w s 1£ • • Ju. "'ODt ~ fUt eUa,t.netlq alt.19 (Of' tu.lk -t. Malt..,...._ al -l. • errunent"' ,... et a m .. Uttc .c wu a:plt.!Mcl that ~-va+- 1 a. WU UnAW'1'9 ot tba ......... ,~, ~ I~ 1:9 \he; ·C>nlaip 0Wnty L.eqµ4 of ._ W!f'·lllM U..t ,,,......'¥ . ..-.l• dlot UMil .fUdce .... d~ ....... tar:""' _, I I e b\U ' D .. ,_....rf,; . -..,.eo'f' ...... ftbd, tit• ~uJ· &M Jw'1 M4 M.tJ-eame * .... L .,.... tHU.. lnutll u.. com· ea bMl'll -uu-'"!" . • aMloa "' ett• will bec:OM 1nor4I ,_.. Mltf ~ a moUoa +:., 9 •1"·••t ot 4,....,; rorq. The_,_, .• ltoUd, .,..uaa m ~"' n. s.ape ec\ad t• ..-l,r1at.. fte ~t 'ftm.U t wm lin ta. -. Or&np -.n alfll\. ~ ~ • •ew "11• srINSUil" ~ UM\.aw..&y h)'•t.wtcal. Acttft dUtT jlti riipM' Md UM Bel'Jh'• ,..._i and ~ ~ "W''IM wlUcb wUI u.dlo bOtb her-6ot» ellrteklni-loudly Uiroulh Week=. "':'r"°"' "'-=--:~ "t b4m Will ._ atOtJ". X. dllto ~ end uUh.'" Otf Man-~ gourL A.IW-b -:;P._.. A: waa eet • w'IMa B«rsh wQl ft>" ._... Oeors• Weimer. ot Ore.nJe. Judfe Sh .. ;rudr1n11y n\a4e :1'~l~Galler7 UIN, qu:; peai{ btton -.-eaec#U .. tlOd.J. made a Nport on Ult maoblne. a dale on hla ca.tendar, JUQG 1 et Of N aval All' ~ '1'nln\n.s lf'9Ctotl ** "°ric.d UMl.r •P-" Preiatdifll" a t Uwi meeUaf" in J p.m. for ll"f"Ument.e for a nft • Pereonael Ol U.. l'fenJ 41.r ~ pn:ivaJ of •..._ pl&n tor loce.· J'rtfld9m&n'• Hall wu M11or lrla1. Ha then tumed to Meyer MrY• 'l'l'IMniA&' t1fttl and llGMfY9 lib( ind~ thrau.fboYt the Clain Nelton of Colla MP&. en4 ~Id ''tn view of the cll'C\lm• a nuadl"Ot\i' Ww be ~bled In CQl..lnty. -venou. tlU. -~W ,... The reneraJ memberahlp meeUng 1t.ancee, I think w• ah.Quid Jn.. tanna tloq tor tM Admiral'• In-'llle•l that their plennt.~ t'Onl• of th• l..eelU• of ct~I .. w!'ll be cnue Noll on ..,!be d.ef.nd&Jlt," •J*lUoft ~l I p.m .. lu~. 0.p-mlMlon work_~w-lth:-:°'::"-"""'--""-1 jh,;olodi='lni='Bo,...;.;;;oo~;;M;;•.;Y;.';;';;· """"'"'i Walker. wM "¥ b9an frff OB lain A. L. XacCubbon, Com--- • '8000 b&JI. blftl'd lho j\ldi'i ~ -mandlfll' otncer of the Nev&I Air look Halold D•• ~ S'HOE mead $10,000 lOf hU releue pmd-Reaerve Tra..lfttnl" Unit, a1enda IJlS th• •ppealL 8he& than or-a cordial lnvltatfon to lbo p\lbllc Oii Drwftlt Charcje .. rec Walk•r tnto cu.et.Ody a.nd to attend I.he colorful cel'f!iT.onlet1. b.endcuff1 \l'l!l't plac9d on hla which wlll be preceded by an Hlll'uld E. Dike, 41, ot 101 Vie REPAIRING wrtrta. ?.tra. Walker .creanuid "open hou"'" oommen('!ng "at 2 Nice, wu an Mled et 11 o'clock eioJenUy f1'0m behind her hut· p.m. la11t n11ht •nMr lntenJecUon of ~ M BallHt Rober t J . Hate· --------~--:'llt•\•'pu1t Slvd. and 16th SL, Col· kei anapped the eutf1 un "'alk- 1 ta ~ll'll&, and booked Into Or1nr• tr'• wri1t.11. On. d~n Son lorn c·ounty Jail 011 a charre or drt•· "!'! inr; 14lule drW\Jt. 811.E AK/4 00\\'S The Puul OgdellJI, 1987 Chun·h Cwta Me11a pollce chumt41 the He "'"""" , • , Cul 70UI' temU7 ahoe bUJ I• bell. 1.-.ru t.be ''I"" of rN.I allOe rel111lldlq". SeU.tactloa ~t.Hd or DO PAY· FRANK'S ··He won't be home tonight," St .. Co.-ta Mt~•. ar,. prenl..o! Dr c11r U1ke wu drtvtnr wu t:Tevel- lhe 110bbed to M:ra. "'•lkt<r, her 11 b<lv horn M<1y 7 at HORI!: 1ng tht wrons w a y on lh1 free· (at Mc..FacSdm Ple.c.!) molher-in-!aw. ""he won't be home Hoeolt1l. ....., Tho •~-• waa rel.eued ,..--!1 tt 8&lbo-. IU\'d. tonight."' un 1>111 -------~--~,,,,,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...~ ·The wo111en then puahed her • three rnr ron\·l<•Uon, OCNS !earn- way to the ai,le of her lauaband I ed latll'r. I 'lnd 1n1lch&d a brlll'f kl•• before All the Juro,.11 took their votr, --••••••••••••••••••••••••"1 the h1111ky drfe11<111.nt wu led BaUlff H1t:<'kl'l waa 11enl to Muni· !'" ....... y. Too Late To Be Classified Dowrl at Nt-,,.,·port ae.ch, Don- tt:e ullercd· Jau. 10 attack.I na, who bad acCl.&led WaUter or Thn:e of thoM n1orithll have mon the1n Into the c.ourtroo1n for • nport to Judgll' Shea. Howe\"er the juror. told Huckel ri:om in- ilde the ro<iln. "let UI take on~ NO MAD .RACE!!! llid11111.pplftC her and atUCklnc lA'Ln ~pel'lt at Newport Beach. ht1r on MArch 21, l l\i6 and Jan. S--Speclal A n nouncem en t I Ct't:l:ENT l"LA:\~ 10 Jf t hl ,.., 11 1 ed t dl mor'" tuillot and llff If we can --· ··------------What a re bf!r plana nnw thu1 ' 11 i·. 11 en ° ra 0 !lf(''fe." MANAG!:ME~ ur lha Newport tie •ll'•h•'ll (a over! report• o r the Jury \'erdtc:t nnd I So111e l•1rnn1 .~al<l !liter lhev NQ 100 YARD DASH! T Hatbor Bu~ra!o ltanoh ill no"' ··1 bJ!irve that I'll eel a job made oatniea l Cooku111 tor hei thulllfhl J udl'.I! Shea wa& gnin~ Ito Seit Covers & ops unJer the J 11<·tt.11n of Roy B. 011,1 k'lUo dawn tu btlnl juat htuibanrl, Lloy.I "All t rxn 111\Y to Joel( them up ror lhe nl<>ht • G11Ui(t &: John F" Towle All Mil Eretl." I.hi IBMrttll. ~•." llhe tuhi repol"ttl'll, Ml" that an!'! ttiry hnr •led through tht' T I • T • Sh I purch1M11 oc ull\Jii:u.Uona are to Tl be t di ~d Ml h•• we i re l lad It'• over." nnel ballot ay or $ flm op •-•<•tho•l~ed by the above b " t""IY J K t Oe She 1111.kl "I knrw that J,uatlce T he thl"'C'-huJtl-outM rhan.i:ttl 1 ""' een ou u c aue." • rangr Id •·-d d •• O•t' 0 ....,.._Trurk • Boal f'11 .. hlan" 1 mentioned ft'nt!rnian. lk:ll eo..,11 Colleae rout W1.'eka In tht wou ""' one an '"''.~ truth lhe'r 1·rr!'llrt11 11nJ tlle jury r11.me 1111 INDCft'SIAL WAY UBJ:HTV 9.iJU ---11 1 !would tln ... uy con11 out. into the rourt th~ mlnu1 .. 11 I I II . The former ~l !u Cal!!ornla In L t . Ith th b ll r II ... What a Buy! A llA!4D NEW ~ot~oint " ni1gs & Alum. Specialties Hasfin9_'s Aluminum Awnings ...... ~~·M1eufM'hl~·le11-'l&tloM MT •• l ft'B flT.. LIBERTY a.:uat C. 1rb1retor Consultant Ken Eubank's Mobil Service· l::IpPrt ~' ~pair. • lle&er TulM"-up 1,.1 T(18Tllf A.VE.. OOL ITTH 81'. UJl.r.KTY 1-1171 '!3--SiluatiunM \Yanted "I .'lhould 11•1.h.111.,te 1~ June. tut year'11 Jihaa l"nlverllll ('On-i~~~1ir: e•r 1 ,,.,. 0 g-ui Y 1 _ ----------1 but T Jnn't know l they U U.ke t t d I I '"J th\ k I'll J l -· EXPERT IRONING In mx. home. mt bal'I" the aeld "I'll pi·ob--~ ec arll< 11 la I ?>le\·er ,;.aid he 11 Rakinl" fur •• • · · · be Mre Brttt rrom now Of1 •• '" t t \ ~ B ti 118 3~1 Via Udo &lul1, Udo Isle. ablv r1n111h up ne11t 1en1•:.t.er ·• · · • . '"''!' """'' r I un,,..,r ec on I · Publlc De.tender Meyer 1 010-r '' 1 -• •h d H.aipor 333b. • _9c.!,~ llfr s .. Brett llf m,•Jorln:, in lioo Co•· 0 ncv.· t•,'••I w•• ..... ,, J If' pen1 evue on e rroun '< * · I d d Ill .,...,, " . Hi" J111·y received evldent:e I -<'<immti t ll •rt "n 1 vert llf 11.1n a.evetal count.'! or l1rer1ilarl· "Jut of court 1the conre1111ion 1 1 30-Ml.¥ttl~1!1:0~-----I llH. he aald, "end nev.•ly -ruund 11. \'er.llct v.·iu1 dKldtd by lot Cl.ty Yard Plan evt1••T1t't"'lhat wnuld ·u~t.ntl•t· the court m\11-dire<"[•d the Jur\· FREE. ONE BED DIVAN. one w•1hln( ma.chin~ Ill B~lbol Cove.. H11.r. 21lifl-J. ic I "'HITE kitchen ranre. cl•n, 1lk1 new, l&O 1..1 1·7930. lk:IO ----,. IT. COLDSPOT re!rls . $36. i 808 W. Ocean Frunl. Newport llu. HK13·\\' 9cll ~Ir. \\'1lker'1 atory \Ve dll1n"t in m1111rr~ uf Jaw ... tht V<'nh•·t hev.• thia eV'lden1·e until the ju t"y wall '""t ot!"\' tn 11\\' 11n<i lh,. for Me~a Gets went out lodl)', but .... VII")' Im· PVldton ce Jn the r 111e .. anrl nl'\\" ii portPnl.'' Meyer r~ru .. •d to di.a· evidence h,rll'torore not prP ,.,:. CUM the type or evlllrnce he"d e.I 1•· the JUl'y."" Counc .• 1 Okay received. 1111UXICillT ''I T'l't-;u :-. Thi dran11Uc verdl('t ot the The veidh:t waa i n ob\"h>t1aly Jury a.mi 11 a eulmln1tlon or 1" , .. ,... unpcpul1r one with t11e tuaJor!ty eo.ta eaa wW ro ahu.9' .t'ilh ei(flt llouq ot d"""~,..llon by the :>f 11pecl11.tor1 In the court. They Ill plan11 lo pti\ a corpor&Uon jury. The jul"y , W&JI aent out at DI LUii, AUTOMATIC Washer -------- FRll!E ! Ta1 FaEE 1.AIOl ~•EE OEUVE•T ·~· ll'fST ALLATION F•Ef tHSUllANCE ~OLICT k•9. Price Any Tred• ONl T 219" Car· Wish . · ·· Mesa · Auto Shampoo Tlilat'9t1Ut.IJ" 0--.1-lhlde • Out ~ 111 E. 17TH BT. Op,_.t.e Alp•e Beta UBJl!~TY 1--1101 ,tood nn the '''Jlll UntlJ well ~·~t y1nJ on W .-111lh SL. n.ar W-lllt.-.a.oa p;m. and returned lu t nll(bt mt!Tnlght. muttrrlng angrily. TheT Ller Ave. Thi M ua city oountll at 11 :all. Al 9:17, the Jury re-r;roup, hOwever, waa diipersed u )fond11.y pa.Pett • motlM th.at quelted to lldr the ta pe-recorded Welker wu Jed through the :t2-• urnltUrP for Male M.1yor C11h·e Nel.on and City conf.-lon played ln1lde the Jury ~ro\vd towird the Orange County ! DBL.E. BED. box la lnnerRprlnr I Clerk Arlie BwarU be a,tJlhor· room. The procedure w111 author· Jell, handcurfed to Balllff H.aec··I , $1 00·: I niattre••· h.eadbol.rd la rranie. lr.e<I ~ alr;n 11.n appl!catlon ,for lied by JtKl(e 8hea 01.·er the Ytg-kel • .50 H 3211! IH::IO a v1,.anre. Droua objection.a ot Defe.n<lcra If .-entenced t o J•ll. ,Yalker I .-ar. · Thr v•r\anco would allO"W the .... ,,,, aod BUlllvo•. • "'"' "' " face11 e mintmun1 aentence or 2!i ~ -----lnti..Uallon of the )'ll'd ln • t TO 1 \"OT". tr l -• u t r. ye11·a, aen VIC-. coriaecu VI y. Cleaner ~.PPLIANCE CITl 40.-Autoa for Sale pre1tnt R·2 reeklttltlal zona. The Kl7·11Z1 How1var , altv hMring the Iile ma.xllnum penalty 1tntche11 I v11ctu'Jt property.will bl fenceu ,, th J t-·• , 1 t lo u,o yun. 112 OADlLLAC convertible, cle11n. end Lendacaped In or-d~r not be I ---"---"-"-'_Y_•_-__ "_"_"° __ 0 _____________ _ Mercury Cleaners SANTA AMA 2021 S. MAIN w. lk Out ow-. me.ml .. I .. llAll.BOA BL\"O. UU:JtTY l ·!ll! • F1c1ng Chamberlain ~ Son ._.,..GCMI _. ClMAa Ullll 111 &. 1Tnl BT. Ul!ll:kTV ...... . 11s1r11ce . Bruce ~!!~~~~~'?,!.Agent 1111 NEWPORT BL"Y.D. U ..... -a&a. U ...... All power. Con1kl1r 1m. tratle. an eyesore tu 1urroundln1 homem. L.Ehlf"h. 9·1017. kl I Since it• former Uff wu a ~ • .;.\-Apt-. for Keat N"EW A CHOICI! I bdrm. apta. wtth r •nr11. Ckl11 to mkt1. ~A '86 jMr mo. U 11-1142 . 9<1 I rubbt11h dlmlp the yitrd Mhonh.l t( 1 vut Improvement. 1cc:ord· Inc to City Me.n..,e.r G e o r re Cc.lffey. Coffey N id he hoped to ha ve an ert.Jrt'it conoepUon of the y11rd reedy for the plannln1 oonunllelon meeunr nt.it Mon- day . - -------lil--..R.eal r..state o:.....==-==~---1 Smlttl In Hawaii 1 BALBOA ISLAND O PEN DAILY" l ·fl 312 RubJ I DO NOT Drive pu(. 809 WU bceuUful "f1'>0fl p&Mlod IAt.Mtor, 2•1 btdroom11. FA. h .. i, n,. place. very lovely llflnc". rofm, lnter111Unf" 1unken p&UO. n. duced to 129,4&<>.-Clt.ey terma. H•r . 1nG E~·ea. Edith Maroon. David E Sn1!th.. !IOI\ nf Mr. and Mt•-John o . 8111\th., 127 l riuf ~r. 1'U b«n promoted to 1.ChnlcaJ llUpant. He I• 1 ltMIMW Of • the: llHh -intanll'y. ltet.loaod tn Bewail. SmlUa I• lftf"ll• u a llf• fU1rd a t the 4rWl.Y' Mcb •t lleleiwa. Oehu. Today's N. Y. Oollboar~ Motor Specialim .... ''"" "''~" ~:,;:.;·::::'Stock Report CarYer-Cralt .•• Boats . EARL W :sr AN LEY I-,,,, . .,M~ A••~•" 1 ~-RiaM-S.rwti..-..,... ~ ~TOR JO ftahalriel• !Wll.43 dowa .13 .... •A••a BLVD. umTr t-'ltll_ t2G MartM A•e., Balboa bland j 20 Re.ill! 178.23 up .23 ..:::!::_::.::::::::.:::.:::.. _____ .:==~-===1 1 tf lS Ulllltle11 8&.48 up L24 P•escriptions Santa Ana Colle ge A"';;..:;~·-.~.:11~:::; '·''°· ..... ~ 1 Ameri('11n Tll'h!\lhnne ~ J81 C'aw~ord's Rx Pha rmacy OPEN aul<DAY , .. p.m. v • .,. Aoooood• ..• 78 .-ti YT ----~--to trhil I p. old, 2 bednn. home. Ch1Y••"'1 ·-·9i .....,...,.. -· .,,......._ IM llartMJr ~ Oood floor plan, !Ucely land· DuPont 1:17'r llN NSWPOSI' BIND. UllERT1' &4tU 8C&ptd fU'dan adjolna park. Of'neral Eltietric _ '°" ' Locat~ at lilt Sqliel\ lltreet. Central Motor• tl\4 'Referi•eration , Service !~tt11~<t' ... ~ =' ~: g~!l~1N:;~~m R.R. : r.~ & lie.rs-Jn at ltMO with. SHOO No. American Avlalion _ 11 . Jaclr. Wilson -. .... mo. ....... •JI. N.llt C•oln.\ . u~ ~ l:XCLU8IQ AOSHT -FOftD May Co. .1 ti~ ..,. •H l at •-VEJUUNDD. Har. 4213 Monterey 011 N 1' usaTl' 1--lt TI JIM'. M7T ...,., le Ba!eway Stores .• 17'4 -... -::----:~-~':"": _____________ l 'l -------------I s 1nclalr OU .. ·-ft ~08 lep1irilg Low Down Payment ~~~~ ~~-;~ c aut ..... ·1!:~ CORONA D&L KAft. , "*'"· Bo. Paclnc H Maberry' S 2 bath.. nnp1.aea.. l:xcell~t Trer..aamenca .H ••• : "' -n.. .. --vt1W. lmm*1tet.e CK.'CUpNJcy Union ou of eaur. .. . ... Ol'-'i --~=~---~,~ HA •HS. -,, U B 81-• M " _1J .. ~ m.,'D, ... amH ift'AMl'f! r. -..:: · · ---- r levisio• Service Da.,is-Brown Co . l:Qilft ~ ......... • •• ran. 1• HA&IM>a U.VD.. UBX&TY 14&1, r ilori•c fo~ ~ell ~ wamet Artistic T a1/ors ' 0-C_. u.tawi el ......... Pri""9-Alte......_ UN l'f&Wl"O&T BLVD. UU&T\' l-Ai61 '"' .. ,,,.., " .... ELECTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e STAFFORP & SON Ele<trtd!C..lndOnl 110 Rln nkle A'·e. Ubert,· 8-4341 .......... ,,.,.,.,,,.,.o,,.,,..,...,..,.,.\Ol°"<'•n=t.,"'1....,.,,,., ....... ,.,..,.,,:=i.t"'l!""Si ft Q a ·~ L.--------------~----------' .- • ""' lJ9btweighl Cham po I • NEW·'&& CHEVRO•·E"r TASK•FO~CE THVCKSI A MODERN VS FOR EVERT MODEi.i A MODERN MODEL FOR EVERY JOBI TM;o'ii a mw ct.rroI•t Ta.Ir.Pon. truck powered aad bullt to do your Job la. record limo and al rock-bottom c:mtl CbwlDJHI of every weight ol•••I Hi9 b -powored vr~ la Ncrey-duty Jobi.I you get the big new 322-<:u.·in, l..oadtn11c« VS in 9000 and I 0000 teritt ll"UCU. The Taskmaster V&--il llMdllrd iD other Lc.F. and bca\l)'~Uty modclJ. In lightMighu ud .-mida1iewciJh1s, V8'1 are •I tri-cost options. tww. wider ra:a.p of momt.-rcrt.d ";I~ IN. c.v:W.1 Come in and look ·em over! Pk:l:Upt, panel&; ltd;a., bt1.ywe1ghb nted up to 50,000 Iba. G.C.W. with new T~Torque llnlkm5-thC ri&ht model fOf your job witb ~ most moder11 katur~ mooey c:en buy! A n"ything !!!!, i• an old-la•hioned truck I °"" .... -' . nllYWflfll t MILLER CHEVROL~T CO. -. - J OOO West Coast HiC)hwa y l'hone L..'"'" 1 i. 2261 • • • • • • , ' ' .. • Rehearse~P~la~f~.-~~ . • N!!WPORT HAl\BOII • Auxiliary of Ch ildr"1'o Home Society held !ta meeting aboard Showboat cruilinc about the ba:r, at W'hicb time new oltlcen wen elected for next year. Lett to ri'ht,-new Prteident J ue (li(ra. Howard ) Lawao n .,.eell other new ofticen u they meet at the Balboa Bay Cub to boa.rd Showboat for lwacheon and meet.inc: SEALARKING By OlNNY (IDS. EDW ABD u:8TEll) SlllTH laJied into OM ol. ihMe •-and IA. Col. and MrL 0 . ff, Bob Dalton IHp. a t Udo 111• 8klAnv . y...Wrday to check OA the optn· .LIDO (.;Al .f'.NDA.Jl Next to Mrs. L&waon, (l to r> J ean (Mn . M. S.) Bernard. vice president; Marg (Mrs. Ja.ck) Riley, recording aecretuy; and Patty (Mn . William) Curtett corresponding aecretary; Jane (Mn. John) Oertly, new lrtasurer, arrived too late for picture, almo11 t missed the OOaL -I. Mull Photo ' Gay Comedy by Noted Auth,or.,Slatect May 31 'l1>e Udo W. J'la1"'9 club are ewftlltly relaMniA& for a f\llUN JllodllCllool. "Lo IJld Babold!" a ~ act oomedy by Jou Patrlclt. Tllo C-P wUI prqm_l I.bis. 11.o _..... ~ of t)le oprlDc ....,, on Kay lll, June 1 IUld J-·t Ill the U do tole clubltouM Q\Mlt ~ tor "Lo J.Jk: ltftd ··U'l...t ~ Ud per- lllM'd! .. • • he:lk who hu •Pa m~ • llrifnd w two c:llolM , ,_ ... • _. Stan IA i ft th• cut! u..r. u ... Aif9tt. Olan 1----------· 1 Dwl1') u DI' .... Der9ey, ·Nan.' :r.o.":"u: .. ~. = :.:~ Local P-T A aow .... ,..,.... ........ .,.. :.'...=-:~"':Sends 9·to u xr. l'tlitaa&t.. 9d ~t... • , ,,. . '" .. ·--.... -· • JJ Con:vent;on J(d-.... ,, ~.&,. ~ •I !'IA AM ..... , -J~ th• .. Ila ... • ... 1.• ... _._.~, .,-::p;,..·\9 d ....,.... ....-. •. _.,. ptMl!I\• . r . ~ an eel; wu ........ ~ t,IM -.o.. TtiM:ll«ii ~0:0.. 'flll hav• flllthOC' O'r u,. -~ ·-r~-nlae o< lt.e nMm~·JIN'tftt at "'*' ol tk Aqwt . Ji(oqa... tbe, P•TA ,~t.e ooeYolftUOn. be-, . inr btkl tn ~'-·"'->' I. Apel. ~ •ho fl.a>"' 1 and i1. n.,. ..,... lf••: Al-lh•. eblU'MtN' ot ~ ttff J"Wtber pruldimf et .CV.,.. am.u.now... filer™""""" call bu •U a... ac!.ooi p :TA: wit.n-en llinnkl por'lft11 Ute .. ....,ur, Bll~ MCond -tic. prelldent. I 1'nd1an ma\dta wtUI no pl«e to Newport Besch J;lementary P- haunt. Olan Dunla p, • dra.ma TA . c -.. Kottman pruldent 0r I ma jor rrora Northw!_lltem wlll oou~cll; Mary Kay. Cook, p.-e•l- play the romanUc lead. drnt Karper SehooJ P-TA· Har- . Udo Playera are ex1J9(:Uns a v•y PU.ft, president N~wporl "tull houMH for their comedy Harbor uftkla 1f10 School: Mal -----------------------~,.-· J prodUcUon and wllh to rtmlnd lkrry, prPdant Hor&OI Emllfl evu)"OM Uckelt wtU 1M on .a.It P·TA; Jotut. ltodd. pruid•nl Uib Wt:tk. A sped&I lAvltaUon Llndberfh P ·T A. NE WPORT H ARBO R ta Mttnded to Bridie Marphy to Th• eisht prfficknUI and on!' 10 Prize~ Awarded at orict: plldlld*D.t wtll•putklpaU In contereocu pertabilns to lhtlr ottc-. htld In 'Me.rnorial Aud- torlum. ConqnUon btadquart•r• \\'Ill bt ln i.ha Senator 'Hotel. tnr date of tha llflh wat•rtront Udo l&I•'• calendar la re&Jly re1lauranl and r-Into BUI chuck full for May. Tomorrow l'a~orlh who WU juat th• nlsht 1Saturd1y. May li t Udo :=;w-n wa wanted lo aea. lile Yacht club mjl!mbtr1 will __ M_R_s_. _w_1N-1F_R_E_o_eA_RB_R_E_._w_om_•_·_··-F.di-·1or ___ 1 Art Sh 0 W Four of ha.rbor council"• Col · la M•1& "Mothat1lnpra" will be l drlvlns lo the convention. Thef.t art; Mmea. Grant Fuller. Rob- ert H&lnt •. Haniaon Sanborn and Richard Scouten. tbert I.bey ,.,111 join M.other•lnstr p-oups from all over tba 8tata In pre- lt:nlln( a mUl,\cal proptm. i Pravt-0pen1n1 ot D&ltotl"a. bokt torth at lhe clubhou• for NEWPORT H RBOR NEW'PRESS •TUMfty. May 22, ll Mins apon· a Dutrt llle dinner dance wl.OI PAGE 8 ·PART I -A .;>-Tba ll:lt exhibition by arU1U l.ored by Un ited Cerebral Pally tropic d>ellf Ult order of t.'111 FRIDAY, MAY 'I I , 1956 ot Loi A111elu u d vlc!nlly AnodaUon of Oranp ~ty day. May will alao tlnd Kelly l--------------------------ISOuU.ern Ca1Uornla'1 rn.&jOl' an-! of W}Jjch Bill Fam.worth bl Thorpe mo-rtnr Into hi.I new nual ..,.1 1how opened May 1 at ''""''"t. Mudamu Don>ll>Y Udo'"' q~tm. "'""Kam .ASSEMBLY CANDIDATES TO "" LooAnftl" County Ku..= 1 Blanc.hard, and Robert GrMnlnl, Kelm'• ne"( U do bulldln& I.a wtth a rtupllon for th• mem. l H n..tlt chairmen. t ell WI tha 200 buiUnc 11.-ith all ·kinds of open· SPEAK TO CIVIC LEAGUE btra of th• lluHUm Auoc:la tlon '! ri•rva tlon• available are, at lnr 'Jl&l"Urt. • and a ceremony at wblch lht Ull1 early dal•, alr .. dy Mid T-t••d••. lkttv and f'red , _ l tm prb:e-wlnnt"' NCeLvf!d tbelr -.., J .s 1'1•m~r11 of the Woman"11 Civic ~•cue will htlr 1ta 1 011}\; 1 • • ButtOn 1nd Vlrc inla and Jim awirda. With a Bird ot ParadiM mo· H\lftman boated a aay Open auembly c1nd1d•l•1 from lhl• dl•lrict on May l& wh.i:i The J o1t Drudl1 FoundaUan I tit decoratlnr Ula Jiew reataUr· bOUlle for a hundred of their the'y conv,ne 11.t 10 a. n1. In Villa Marina reat.aurant, Mi-.. Pu~ .. awarda wara prfttnttd j ant !Mori dt:aln,.St pd-Bob bienfla. noted amonr Ultm Helen Loul1 C&tnar, •'LCt -prtsidtnt and pro1nun cha~rm"an, an· b)· M.r. Drudl1 ·to Rofu Kwr.tl J Dal~'• flllllad biMlu pNT&ll· and Ha r ry Kelao, Dorotby and nouncfld tuday tor an oil tntltled ''8htU Bueh" I Li11 lnlerD'llnlllnJ wtf.h 200 ol Ted TUman. Bobbl• and W illia Rtprl'sent1<U\l!'I o( new•pape" Hrvlns t ha Harbor and to Dorothy Lotta tor ··o.r- Newport.'1 1ayu t party -,_... Bual. Hrlen a nd Frank c:i"rlto11, arta al!IO h•V1' been ln\"lltd lo qut•Uon lht tlvt cendldate•. dtn ,._.,, .. a walucolor. The l tha ... benent ahoUld M a hutb Ult Van Ztrbt•. Harriet Pflqtr The polilk\ll hoptfui. wlll ba (1vtn tlvt minute P''"'°S" purcbue award · apc>MOred by rue••• aoc:lally u well u fin-10..,..., out or town ). the Tom thr Junklr Art Council want to to aktlch tht1r backc roundl and pl1ttorm1, Ihm will • = ... Proceedl~YJ P Htnder.ona. Had l\ln11 and Don ··ocean and C1ltt1," a palnUnr ~ .... , th t ....__ IJUIWt l" qut~uona put lo lhtm, •ht .. id. Le-.ua mtmbllr1 B" -h ........ nc a ......,. Harwpodl IJ'l\Oflll: oLhtTI. by William nee .• ,.a t r .. a rt· '°..,,.-.Center. bUUdlnr w1\litl!.. 8(11 .0.lta O&mma 'altflll\68. .ot ()r.. .. ,.,;u a tt•nd lunch•~n 1t tl\e r••taurant followLnr Ula can-laO. a.lao recelvad MOO prtu :::J-!!!"'"&: '° 111aica poulwi: .... Counl)' ~.,...ppbJ& up a dkhte dJMuN!un. all·ant1. ~ -DlNJ!fE& Gt1UTS 1eeond annual mxn .. tollr wh&dl dthtr, pr1ae•wtnneni, each re- : Amonr ex.pecltcl pull tor Ula proml1e1 to be" a wblrllas auc-Udo W t i• r en,.ral chairman HAWAIIAN celvtnr a 1400 pri&t award, ~neflt d!Mer WUI bt M....iarnu CMa . -• Marie rrtday May 11 of tbt Dt:ll• G1n1ma benefit wen aculptoT Donald Carpenter, i=.,nd MNlrl. Burton ROmbtrr er. !l:J0-6 1 on your callendar for from which proctl!ll11 will bt "St.on• l'orm" end palnttr1 Johll i)ial Dlkt , Leon \\'are, Kenneth t belr Newsiort aru cru~ whk:b CGl!tributed tu t ht .ororly'1 P1¥l JOIMll '1'h• Ta bleH : WU· ~lnr•lty, Richard Loftland, T~ wUI take In four waterfron t Nunery achoo\ for prt-IChOOI V1' s1' to r s Are Uam MUia.re ''NottaJ(ia tor th• ~y wucoa. John Kllro7, Burka bom-. open •II durins theat ap vtwally handicapped chll-Tbre1hold": Jotla Leeper, ''Tnle Q:law1fr, Randall Qed~a, Oeorre boura tor your lnapacllon will dre:n. Serving on her commJtlet PaUenui"; Sueo Strlaawa, ,.A.11 -~·tt:don, Rkhard MarMllu.I, WU• ba the Leon Tat. homa at 4 are Mudamt1 Gto0r1e IA'. Jobna, w 1 d tumn": H-1rd Wardlaw "Thr" =lartl J&hnl, lkott Horn.by, .Ed· Ruder Road. S..cOfl Bay Cfea-Robert Scholler,\ Arthur Aunt, e come lnta.nta" -and Channlnr Peake, ~'i(Q.. GroeAeadyka, Henry Lun· turlns Oolorua.I. American anti-Carl H lll(l"tn. H. Payne Thayer, "'Recllnlnf ?fbde". er .. (Dof'otlty O'Hara ), Jack queaJ: Ula GeorJfl Pfle1t r home Chlorit• Eaton, Wiiiiam Blun)Ck. at Luncheon ' eb, WWlam Harvey, H•nry a1 26 HarboT lal• ian Ellt'T'-1J •mt& Ray, Jack Houlihan,,. B. Briggs Elected ;>-111nt1JMI. WlWam Me11tn1ar, broek comtempol')' decorated by Harold Gimeno, Cht lttr Horton, H I P lull bl h will bt: I d d H Id A profu•1on of Hawailt.n bloa-:>f&ftball lbMclock. Jay Bae•· ten e w c Laurence R•ynol 1. an aro 10m• decorated the Newport f:qu, 1:m_,. Han80fl. P. A. tea.tured In .,\.rehltectural DI· Harvey. Calendar of Events -----·--·- MAY JI CONGREOA.T10 NAL Com· munlty ctuari:h of. Coron.a d.tl Kar. Buaar and FCN>d S&lt ln PUpim hall frem 10 a..m. to 6 p.m. Mme" r . w. Blackbt&rd and John K•dor, food Hle cha.Jr· 1 ran. • CM SCHOOL Ml.11ic Feal111&1, I p.m. ln tba hl&b 11ehool. JUNIOR CHAMBER of Corn· m.ro1, Hoas Memon.1 Ho1ptt.&1 btnef'tt dinner dan~ -I p.m. In th• Balboa Bay Club. MAY IS GARDEN TOUR leavt11r AnU~ bu pter or Cout Guard dock a l l p. m. for Via Udo Nord. ORANGE COUNTY CouncU of the Women'• Campu• club or: Pomon• CoU•1e Mnetlt \ta a l UM hom• of tbt ch&lnnaa. Mn. ~end K. Ha"ey, Sll Poppy An., at 2 p. m. KAY 11 OARD~ TOUR l .. Yln&" Via Antlbu-Lldo Nani Pl.er or Cout GuaT• doek at 11 p.m. STYLE PLUS Dot1 It Again! \ Summer Dress of --~ /st;k~ of California Ruffle ·cotton, in fine wash and we•r fabric that neede "9" ironing ••. double circle skirt M s wid e, self cbvered belt and buckle ... comes in following, warm, vivid colort, Geraniurri Red, Tulip YeUow and Fern Green. - M&M."' l t "KeplM-I UM ... 8 P!'.CIAU. 1' PRJCED A.T .............. . • Jii t ~·e"·pen Blvd. n. ..,..r Mii At'"' trem Q'7 Ball -}.""EWPOBT 11.r:ACB llmaT, DollaJd Huwood, Al ct•t neat mo11thJ; Ult Don Doo-Mrs. t art Hllls ren, preeldt nt Harbor Ya cht club for a lunch- tfaav, Huiut Ca ward. Earle llUI• homt al 301 East Bay 1 ot tha Dtlta Gamma croup will aon part)' hoitf!Mtd by Mrs. Ed· • U u •·• f t I R. win Slt tri and Mr•. Scott :ltal'ltty, Walter Glbaon. Allan F'ronL t t ..,,. ea u r na • bt: U1i1led bY Mre. ltusene '6r&:i. Haya MeLtllan, 0ou1m dellJhU\11 paUo, luala land..::ap-Koch a t htr Baltic. l1h1nd honie ~=· 11:r1:l~rt:~ ~e!~ ,,rown, Karn Copeland. Ptt• tnc a.ad tnt.rdUns anuquea: which will bf' featured d1.1rtnr motif, M.mfR. Steen and Thomp. Bob Brt11•. a Junior borUcul- tUTIJ atn1C.1 a ft d lqpec:Uoo ma }Of', wu rcenUy elected ftal· ly Ciairman of Ola Auoclaad Student.a of. Kellon • VOCN"h!a Campus of u.e California Ital• Polytechnic Collt1(111 f o r Ult school year · 1151-57. MAY JC • ..J """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ LEGION Au.•Jl.la.ry will m -fturroulfla, Arthur TulUa, Pater •llo th• Ba.Jboa Ialand home of the tea huur. Others ... 11tlns Qflll, . .ltk:hard S teele, Sam OolJ-U.. Ca.rt Hilllftl\I where tea M hOlll-at Ute tour homea aon 1rran1ed tha atfalr 1.11 a E •oho Ola.la. Cbarln Spar-wlll M IU'Tad du.rinS tht after· lncluM Mtadamei watter lplcer, Joint welcome for M.ra. WUI ulaf. Robert R&ndall. Donald 900ft, Thia home la .tamed for Nadine Hippe. Charlt:I Vandt!r· Von Ofenheim and Mr1. I>udl•y t d J GladdlnJ. oul-of·town vl1lton lt&:f'O"e, C>a arr• Ortttltll, Ila Swed.lab con emporary t· vort. Freeman A. ll'QWltr, ohn -... __ _,• D&....,., Jamff Caroll, alp. M. Thomu. William Bluroc.k, and M.r1. McC1arty HarblaoG 1 ·-~· •-A who has JU 11t returned from ~ .• •'Kl Wlllta, lrvlnf Watchir:r, BEH_.1-.L llOHOOI. Donald Whitlock, Arthur une, -1• ..,. c J w rd J ti K edy Tokyo. J 11p11ri. Mr•. Thomp.on )llotm Seudde:r. Warnn Glbbonl, Mn. John ~ a raon of Ow~n . a , u1 n enn , ha• al90 Ju~t l'ttum etl from a • three week'ft trip to Honolulu. . N'FW AUXILIARY SLATES Local 1ue1t~ Included: Mmu. Wlll11m MO$f'1, Rl.lMtli CralJ and Georrt IA'ard. Amoni o~r 1uea\JI alttncllnr wtte: Mma. Arthur Most11. Paul lknftbl.llll. Ford Sammis. Wallace McOoe- kty. J~I Taylor. Oacar CltYl· dtnct ancl the honoreu. . . §fl.ROJECTS · AND EVENTS -8 .::·New President Installed· ~1:1.rr':!~ed .. 1;: w1::k. r•c•nt J•m •• Coberly. Laurance i: May 2~ 1nd 241 were announc--f\eynold1, J ohn L. Glau, La.doy .. .and D. el~gates Appointed td aa Ult dat,. for th• Buddy B Taft, H. M. Walltn(ford. Ed· C: Poppy .._1e. Mr1. Don Johftaon, "'ard P. Jarvie, Jr., Sarnutl t TM Coutlln• vrw Au.llllary 1"· H. Patttf'IOn and J. \V, ThonT-Poppy day chairman requeatad Barnt•. R l ch a r d Lowla-4, the coopera tion and aulatanca George T. Hodse11., Loron WO· ~o ·Poat :u3e wtll •ponaor • u . Mmea. R. E. Moore. W E. of every mt mbtr to makt thla II l'' th rd Charita =*i1••kfMt. M'1 11 from 1 to Ha.mpltn, 1· M. TlmmlncR. M.F. project tor;. dlaab'ad velenna a s~E.ton~ ~h .. ~ 1Horton and ;l1 a.m. I.ii fl'Oflt of Ula Bars&Jn BIMhart and Fra.ak PtAflntl au«.... ~ t••-t -II•"-TJy -.)a<:t will were •Mette!. to Mrva •• a l-Miu Jacque Gaudlon . .,,,..~~ r·-Ttnativt pla111 tor a tea to -!'rro'"EXT MIEE'l'L'"O prtn the Auxtllary prorram un-t•rnatea. E' .. , m•••-•"t of the new· t..nef1t patients of t h• Lone Emerald Bay horn• of --·-.-·· Prtltdtllt Noland announc.,1 • hoo 1•·1 , • R l" " U. i.nltallad pnstdent, Mra. o .H. Btach veterans P ... w1ra ~urence t ynold• w.. • -•-!.Id. tha nu:t dlatrict meetin1t ~·Lil announced by Mra. M. w. ~l-Mtllnl" for nut Tuelday'• t May .. ~ tM held In th• torm of a brtak-The tta wtll M a joint projaat 16) Dtlla Gamma alumn" mHt· :.«. OUl.•r project. will Include e fut at Hamel Oft May 10 Mra. of lhe local aux\llary and aux!· tn1 at which Um a ttO a.. m.) f nquM. at Hotel 1Apna May Lealie Chatham. MeiMld dl11trlcl llarle:a "from otht r areaa. TM membtr1 of th• S"°"51 wtll re-... •:.ao p.__m, Mrs . .lherman pr.ftdent wlll pre1ide •l th" nf'xt mftunr will lit: held May celva their final' 1nltntd10111 tor Cbeft.. naUoaal VFW auxlll· brtakfut. 11 at La(ion. hall, Coeta M-. Uie Homa Tour. ,,,.,.,,...IMWlt wtn M offlcla lly Mra. Joa Duchtlie:. ... ,. •P-j -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ?"eh::omed. a t Ulla ba.nqutL pointed Amfl'icanl1m chairma n r • A'-'L .f'tclO' ,l'MIUnr tbe fol· to ftll t h• poat vecatad by Ml'll. I ~ dal'l"lh to Department EddW Bann who rt<"•ntly re- ~"MMpm•' .-hedu!ecl f.< ed htt !!POlnlrnmt. A i:tn· it ~O 19 In kn Dleio wer-a eral report and lh"ifti you w•a 1 ~lect.M ....... ' &art Dl.4"Sllt. ~ by Mni. Ea.rt Da1~tl, ii':. e ·~ L ac:. Buclit1aado comnnaiilt)'-.. rr1c:a cM tnnan tor WA rotr OPENING Coating to .town! 1 .. SBOll> FOB TOTS TO PU: • TEEN~ I ' ---4. Ol'EN Step Into · Silmmer W.th Color Sobel Squaw Dress • ,,,.. •• 0raa1:11 c ... ty p • 111 11TV IT .. X&Aa Tiii: OCEAN XZ\\-_pC>RT BEA.QR • --- a t lha Leflon h&ll to Ylew a nim on the Buddy Poppl• a t I p.m. More end more California FemiliH er• Turning to KARL'S SHOES ..• because they w4er well, auure ·comfort and Seti1fection et • Reasonable •Price . 1710 Newporl llvd. • ·-·---·-------... Try The Classified -Phone Har . 1616 , ' I KARI'S THONG SANDALS Insole of Cushion Foam Rubber • , Co-. in white, pole blue, plnlr and yellow. Stylecl f0< Summer Comfort • COSTA MESA • .. I • • T ...... VIEW PEM..EORlN HOKE-llemben of the Country Cousin'• club met at the home of M.rl. F.dwvd. A. Pellegrin, 14'19 DoJpbln Te~e. May 8 for an Orien- tal luncheon and pnenl t.Our of the Pellegrin home. Designed on an Oriental contemporar)-tbeme. tM Pellegrin home hae ma.qy unUl!ual feat11re1 such u ,the above ganltn. Ill°'"' f.tt to right .,., Mn. W. ll. Dunlap Jr., outgoing chair- man the h-u d Kro. Robert A. Buaby, new cbalnnan. -SW! Photo . . . .. • Locaj 'talent.MaY;·l-5-~ "'n.. roau---or 'W -a. u.. .u. ..,.. ~ -ial.nt. ... •Ullk:al nYMw to iN ..... N.ra. 0.. Jlradford uit Mra. ~lid ltJ' UM JVAIW Auiil'-'1 ftoWt. ·~: nuaa&e. KtL oe \be ~ i..pa of r..1nA11tJ"·.1'o&1ncblooc1; .-..,. 8Mdl. '•..,. ~ ud WI•'""" ,¥ft. ,JJJD .. i..w.; ~ 11tat LM New.-Ktr._, HlP ...... )IN.~"-KblW': ..U. llAool allditod91L Petu !!!'!!f UI' • Mn." ~: ~"1 ..,i Ol tbe J..,.. B. \.ON'I• dlUQc MIL ~ Ud °""'""' K ,.,. T ... Cito'. -~ ,;r l!l>foe" -..,. ........... 11-·-"""" ,,.. ... .. ~ ..... l'l'f:: ._,.1 ~ n. tu.It pu-llclt.1, "M'tL Hup ~Huteon .,. ty, whlda .... beld •l \be lA&· l(n, JunM L. Ora,. • 1\19 Cent.er ~. lfl&rked TM mUN procffdtl trom Ute ua. ~~= w-. of Pf'OChtc:Uon wW be donat.d to coatl.DiiOUll fOlt the the .Robert Olander Dmtal cun- LMc\MI members &ad tJMlr hu• le and oi;J*' ;.bll&nthroplell oJ _.... • -tlMI c:ommunlt1 apouoNd 1'7 UM • Mn. ~ y~ mu-A~ LMrue of NtwpOrt ue et1atrinaa tor tb• roum an-BM.ch. Tl~ an..1 be MCUftd ~ Ua• o«:bNtr&~ trom. thti ~ .,., 1"'60r ~tlldllary mem! "'QoWen Roi '1"" at DUne1· W • laoJ' ~ Xra. fUcltard 1Ud. COlld\leUd ~Y Ch.,.._ i.. ~ llartNJr 1211-R or Kn. Vere. wm .. "1n. the pit" fOC' Kotpa HoWe. Uberty ... 1 .... botb J"rkt•7 and .. twd91 nqtlt F "'=• , ......... ..,... Lloyds . Feted ·or ccnuntttee. tor tlMI 1•1a p~ • . Uon. t. )(n, Roland N-. ~"'"°'' . . . ' hill• chairman. Workln• wtth SOth An • ~~· ,.i:::: :m~.: · n1versary pro(l"aIDI, Jrln. Wllll&m !Utter: ., f' Ucket.I, )In. IUcbard hr" and The ~tion&l 60tfi" ,fedding anniversary cake wu Mn. Morpn, N~l•; pt.troll t.lcik: cut by Mr. and :Ji(ti, Frank Lloyd, 612 3:5 St., Newport eta. Mra. etiarlu lpt.rk\lhl, , __ __.,t;,._ . I prtaUzir and diltrltiuUoa ot Uck· Beach, ~~I a~ ~I'~ jn th elf' honor, attended by .j ,,, 50 relatives and cloee friends May 6 in the borti.e or , their daurbter, Mra. WllHa.m Cullen, 3.wl Finley Ave. ' The lJo)'dm, Who WU. married fl H · u-.v T ltOI la I'-J · b, Mo since lfll . er ,._er, wbo 1l1ll D · 'Starts __, • . o..p .. uvu tn Copenhlc• vlllt..ed ber n ve baft • mp.~-recipe tor •u: lriJt 7eara ..... 1taylnr tor 1lx Day Center ~ ··-· nod = . .,.. """· Uo:rO---~· • ::r ORIENTAL IN FLUENCE An lnte:n.11" county·~-L ...... "'W• to tit a lon .. Wf •• ....._ ... "'"°"-I" th• many con· ' • dn•• to ...., Nn4a tor tho -ho,. 00 •• ,!., It w~ .,.,, ''""""'""' '" """ •nnlvn-tabtllbment of ,u <>raa&tl Ooun-Ml tL" 1P1"1 .aary WU a c1b!egl'8m from ),fr1. ... -· · ·· C · T N ly vatted c..r,~· ~ Chl)d , • Lloyd·· a11ter. Co~~. 0, U~lilS our . ew D&7 ea .. Cmm .. --":;" .u:''~w':.,'°;;;. tn ~; Tbo Uoyd•'liv<d tn Alh~b" ~ un411r \bl ~p of IU· mar u if for J:i yeara before mavtnr to I b p1rlw J_., ·,l'rMl&la 0.. .w-.. Newport Beach in 1'~ 'olthen Ana ldckotf, 1 Whlcb •tu\I the u a mtu0nry contrector. He I• .., e · • ·cur Beauty· RATE Service • l'\h11.1npoo • Set ..... ,_ hM • M.nlcure .... _._,. _____ ILtt • Pem1•ae•t.. -·· from NM E r,1rr1rt1«:4 <rJMll'GtMI te l er\¥ l/!l"· Ali _.. ... gMa,..11tu4 B ViJ ta BEAUTY CORRAL 78~ Wut 19th lb'Ht COSTA MESA . e LIBERTY 1-1111 e • ' I •NOi ......... _ ,.. .. ... •NO ..... , 11"-- •NO ._, ..... ._ •NO ....... ...r .110-..... -----------H. DALE RATHER BE.UUNO OE:'lrt'TER • - W So. Mal· IU S-651• • kata A- ... Rug & Carpet Cleaning·~·: Hom·e·, D1'scuss C U ProJeCt .,... ... ...,... ......... Local Secretaries "'· u.,, '"'"" rrom ·~'"'" ltM campaip of UCP lo UMi Slate Annual Meet • pe.!!t commander ot Alhembr• Co . were particularly apprtel&UTt of county, ex:pla1W \!i• wrent Camp 41 Spanlah·Amerlca.n Wat I Member' of the Country.Cousins of Caaa hna. were a rare japen•te porUe.r of uM need of th• Child Dl.7 Car• Oen· Georr• F. Cl"otfott, W.hitUer Ve teran. and hll wife 11 a put entertained 'tueeday at the new contemporary onent&I ratn.lned atyl• 1een onlJ tn lhe t.:r. Ult medical explenaUon o h School teacher will pre-prea.ldent Qf ca.mp 4.$ Auxill&ry hom t M Edw-~ A ~11....,.., lt19 Dolph.in Terrace. rar E&lt. M.r .. June 1'18chn-, an cutbra.l ~ and method• of K nt a talk on olflce procedure• of Allut.mbfa. Upholstery Cleaned ·'. la Our Planl • - or la Your" Home • ., e 0 Tl. IU-u , ............ , , lnt.rtor decorator ot Letll AA· obtalnln the neeeuat}' ti.Inda. a.nd techniques at the Annual Compoeed pr~omlnatdy of lf!rmoni&lnc wit~ the unll9U&l rele1, and rueal at the aJ'lalr, Mn. ft.al"l&l"llt Dudley, printl· Dinner MeeUnc of lh• O?'Slge d1~~ L;oyda alao have another women from Puadena, th I backcround of Chine•• piec• edvlHd lh• Pellecrln. in tha de--pal of Cert Hlrvey lkbaol In Empire Ch•pl•r. Natk>n&l ~re-Ca f le , lt1ra. Al Eltey ot San country Cou1ln1, a phllenl.bropio majeetlc teak paneUnc and m&-alptnr and decoraunr ot their Senta An• Mid then •1' many t•rli:e ....oclall..,n Intern•tion•I. r ~· Calif. They have five ft'O\U>• helpl!d to elll.bllah th• hog1ny hallwaya. the MJt .. new home. eerebr•I ~)' chlldren In the Thur~•Y eventn~. •l lh• lrvln,e gran c:~e~ d ind three gTt:&t Caa Cdftna Reh~lllt..Uon Cen· Mrved a luncheon of Oriut.al Amons the local rueall ot the county who need a CP Cent•r. cout Country Club, at 7:30 fr an . I ren. Their olde1t Ur tor crippled children in Chi· dellcacle. followed by • &•Mral d•)' wire Mr• Burton Romblr· Tblre I• no pl 11 tor t.bem lo p. m. gnndchild 15 .H and the younr no u _the prlmar}' project of tour ot the hllect"lfl hfJl!I•· , r•r 1nd Mn. ·Peul lilmqullt 01 (0. no recreau'X aad they can Croffott received hl1 AB De· eet, • bof, 11 11 · SHALITA'S ~ .. Persian RllCJ Cleaning Worlc,I " JN. Dill& ~o~·s .. e 'SPRING · c•tANING :: the club. Gue&ll lOW'ln&" "Pelle.an Bluff Lido I.ie. only itay at home, w Oeclered. r ree In r.ducaUOn trom Whittler COiier• and ll ecUve In atu<knt Don't do anythlnc until you pl1eemenl work u well u 1tu· d<"I It: end 'when you've dont . SPECIALs e. JOAN LIN DSTEDT FET ED AT lZfH BIRTHDAY PARTY dent advt.or. ., it, •lop doi.nt ·tL -Giiiette A. film, 'The Rl&ht Touch UboriJ _ a.'Nli • SUI Via LWD Barbor USS ·"· '' ... wUI bl lhown by Herb Reuter. penmuHI rwpruentaUn ot IBM. Lorta" Beech. • · FREE• We wW turslali ,. .. Wit.II • ~,..WPI ler • Motbu, la UM fti-0 11"*7 0.. ondlt ,._, sitt 1'1191! purdl..,. oa Ole member1hlp eud, aH rf'Ve 7.v • ..iu.u sUt "·rapiilJIS wlthut diarrf'. fte .-t. -rtll•llila. ft Jive• ua. ltlf'n1•r • Bet 1%-dlM-outil oa itMlel')' ~ ' A. .,,_,hetU J>'rtJ' and thUtre trtp hl(hllchted t.b• tweltt.h bltthd&Y celebn.Uon ot Joai. Undat.edt, d&uchtt:r ol Mr. and. Kn. Tiki Und,ltedt or 1111 ClW Drive. ~Uy. rolloWiq t.b• apeabetU. ellPPer and a mo'ri• • e!umbllr put)' wu lnaq.,.ated by J oan and her trten~ PatU <:.udell, All&aoa Chrlatll!r. Diane Lonntaen. Olrl1ty Peter- -ud Diant111 Dalch attwd~ the affair. BoM...u tor U.. evWnr are MlrloN. D. H. Roblr\IOn, Buena Park aDd W. Drab. i'\lllerton. Oran&"11 county Baerttariel are In-riled to e\t.eAd and may make ttM.tftUONI wtth Mr1. D. H. Wonden 1t LAmbert 5-3480 or L.Am'"1't 2-1111. tud or-ll&ampe t.oo) • To ca.p Ui• c.let.r.Uon JO&ll and her trt1ndl break· tut.eel.at tM IOwania public brealttut In Costa Meu Park th• toUowin&" m.-nl.t1(. CALL PHOENIX B08IEllY . MRS . ROSS HOSTESS HARIOR 1246 ' CLUB ·-- ESA Initilltjop Celebr ated by l Eta Eta. Group RJL War d Chairman -oc•~•. FR0111'-.... ~ =.'"'..::: ":..:'. ·D•11•1 la:eat Store ... a1rr °""' • -"' -, ...... -.... ~ .. .. .. ~~ U llW I&. · i] u ~,.... el ·UN 0.- llACH ..... · "'-""" '" '"' ... Democratic ~· ~ a-... ~ "tttim N..,.:n "-Ual NomlM.UllC 0Wu4'd-.... ~~ =.".~n:=~V!: . for FALL vacations of a lifetime! ,. ... ,. ;e,, euaon•• •• , ...... bed olont ... .......... ~...,,Qi ... In ,.,. *'°" oltoard • ...,MMya..., .. LL ,.,., I _. ... ., Condifv. • fiol\.. lhe ~ Dorio or the MW Crlllol.,. Col°"'"" hi tt.e $ofurMJ, VulCCMio ., corn lkrncant0n0. or OM of the .. Ac.I. fxcoli- tt.w,f.HOIM'°'9,fJ10rcltonfct W ,..,.,. f • c:ompl9fe r detal11, phone, wri t• or .... eoro.. dol Mor Travel Service Diel( Ma rker •• • • .S-A--L E- . Stil Conff..,., Tluou9h ... M ;1A. y FR.EE ............... ~~Jobe. .i..,. ~r:i:: ~ ..... -.., ~ 11....;u. -°""'·' .. • • l"'•IMI wt fill: All .... ....,. • DICK MACica fU>Oll COVIUIGS -VU UDO BA.&aO& &Ill Mo. lft)'aolAI .,...._.,. wu hn- L, ......... W •• E;...0.IV•IS-N-H-•0•8.;.~ .... -8Tilllrll.•~.,..---•':;-..=.u C. H""""ro ''"IL.:========::=====::·=:_ ' WEEK END SltECIAL e ME.AT DIPAllTMllll' e BANK'S M•RKIT • .. , Newport y, oil WHol.E · . PORK LOlll POT ROAST O~A ROUND STEAK , GllADl:.A.A.. T -BONE--S1'EAK O&ADE .. RIB STEA!$ FAAllES IOllN'8 SUCED BACON ·. I i FAAllER IOHN'A HAMS l 2 or .Whole • F A&JO:R I OllN"8 • ·WEINERS ' • e i ., . .. ,. ...... r . ' .... • ... Blvd <· • ... 59';i: 3 ·5 ···: c ... Ip( 75~:. _g_91: . I . $,9', 42iR 52•. 30Ctt ~2~ ·~~: 3 . 4 c ::~::::::::.-.;;..;;;;;.:;.;:;.;;::;~.::;.;;:;;.._~~----.... ...,, •• ..;:=:;,, ... ifey REI LIV. .. .. . 45~ iiiOilT RIBS· ., 16'. • • ' I • -- ' 1 ' _... .. -·· ·-.. , . . . • • • 'A~ 10 ·,Ar ~·/PORT HA~llOR NEWSlllSS RIDAY MAY .II, 1956 • • . . I • • :Whether she'& a ))dde ·with a silvered veil, or a ~iling G~ with. silv~red hair, it's ,ijER ·oA Y ... e ·;-·" • • . . . . ··- '" ·- • • • ' \ . ' I • -. ' . - • • • . . • ' .. , I • • • • • Mother'! tho thoppot for tho wholo fomily, She teorchot to find tho bost quolity . And for 1U of the pt.ces in e11y reach There's no place 1t in like Newport Beach . When Mother rel111s -lonq 1fter lunch, She e.n rest 111i1r, pl11Hd 11 punch- She hos sorvod hot brood from tho loool rioro, And she found her b1r91ins et home. -g•'°,..! • Mother's 1 homemaker: The powered w1y Makes roo"l for leisure after her busy dey. Powered 1ppli1nc1s do the "'°'* with tlK At 1 cost so ~w it wiM 1tw1ys pl11s1. Mother's • decorator with • f11ir, For • tovetter home she pl1ns with c1r1. She turns to us for 111 decor1tin9 nHds, • Then every pl1n she makes sU«eeds • • ' •' • • • GIT· R · ···-~ • • • • • -• • • e • TM meswg• we haye tried to convey is this : "~t~r's Dey" .: must ntvt! miss. ' . It !oh on Sundoy, Moy thirteen, And "°thing ot ol 'it too good lo• OUR QUEEN. It's Mother who mokot ooch doy luD of joy For doddy os .... os thot 9i~ ond boy And whether it'1· loolin9 or using tho phone, . . She olwoys soys, :'l'U buy ri9ht ot homel" • , So why not telo o loof from Mother's book - T~ todel, oxomino ond look For somethin9 she c.n tre.sure, 11 her own - We ere s...fe you e.n find ft in 1 store et home. • .. . Thon ·r.nd o tel!011rant bright and goy And take Mot"'r end tho lids out on Mother's Doy. There ire mt1ur1nh, ~fes ind swenk dinner hoUSff With decor thot wiD plooso avon tired mo!. spouses. ·RE . , - THE FINEST -MOST COMPLET:E STORE TO Ii .FOUND ANYWl1ERE Hafilware. 0-. Pilnft .•• WaUpajer ••• APPDRes ... TV o. o Radio~-.. " , A Good _Friendly ~late to Shop SUNDAY •. & HOLIDA YI • • • • , . • • OPEN 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. ·Harbor 116 • Newport Beach f ... ! I • , aWIN HOPES FOR FINAL AQUA!:."';::;:=,;:;.;_; tlltOM iARS IONIS . ' M[, -- t 8UC LINKS LARRUPStS SHOW · TROPHY • ~ .,.... ---_.,. .... _........... w. ........ t-...... a-l-..... •'-i -~l4ffMI •=..,.. ....._....,.. ~ •w u. ctr ..tm ....._al ....... 81111 mp &t T:JO p.-. • ... • ._. ,...._ Lo la trials Mid ~ .,... I .... .....,. ... MYenUI ..... '41 TUWltJ" .... .wWae ~ ~._ .. -'CllUa amciq M M't' • .... ... _, ..... .....,.."' °"" --..... --.,..,..._ ...... ..,.,....,.., ... --.u._.t ~ dLt Jd.rb ~ at I p. m , ,. Clrup'Oout ColJeco ,di team capture4 IOCCllld pf.c. award lo th• Eaa'*"1 Cont-llnalo at Santa Ana Countey Clah: Fram left, "'""~· "!" Dr. J'nd Bpllor, "-ot m~. Bob su-. Vic Saundera and C...h Ray Roeeo, firat to tho -lot' ~t. Holdinr ·trophy, from leC, ""' Sid Tovatt and Bob Dlobl. -~ Tyltr Pboto . TOP TU T.&l'l'EB -Leadoff me Short.etop Bob . White Jlh•ww hll •wtngldg form !or Coach . Emil NMme'• knock.en. White, who'" ripped;hree · Irwin, who tak9 over u heAd rrh.I co&eb •ti Orange qout hit. in tfll:. &t bl.ta in Garden Gtove gO went tnto• .. ,.. 1'il.,BVau.Axu eouere nut_ tll.U, wtll conduct COV~Y OF TARS MAY FOLLOW A~ , TO BUC CAMPUS the fray with a .'44 averap..--Sta:ff Photo &ll SU'.ckland , B d•al. llr Ule annu..i Tar football pentba· - ___ _._. ________ , ___ ,_ ______ • l d~r lbe track · M 1o.11, nu kin, wh1 ch will •ttiit orpnlsed 'HARB 0 R beHl t.abb9d u a promt1ln1 Moriday al\d 1tart.M 'l'\leedil.y to bllckfiekl candld&te. conunut-for two week•. .,o~ All llQU&d.I wtll •Pr-\.-GI l1'&in Tht ptnlhalon c:on.lat.t ot pe.u-'• loa~r,• ll11'lt_..1hta throurb lni;: tor d1.u.nc. &nd accuracy, ,._ the v&rslt)', Burna announced . punl1n1i: for dlat.a.n«, place kick- The aprtii.r MUOn will i..t ap-!ng fu1 d1.alance and rurmtnr proJE ilnat.ely lhree weelul. I 11n Obi;lad e eou,,.e. All boy11 at Buru' aeaiilta.nt. wtlb varalty I :\'twport Harbor H l1h ma v par.. I • WlMn football praelice 19ta D.Dderway at Onnp Coul Colle1e coma Le.bot' o..,., new Hud Coach AJ lr- "'1n u:pect1 at i.eu t two ~ta up 11om hi• .ltew- porl K&rOOr H11h School. 8&l1of' eleven of Jul ld.llOll to ftrura pronunently In h\I tlr1t •trill.( P1r1le plana. and Jua.lor_ va'91l1 will M Johll llc1pat,. 1n lhe penfli1lon Jur1ng McGowan and Bill &ernau. aldftl llY•n c·la..,IH!'tl Paul Lonntsen. Je.etpat- ed lu t wtnter by lrwti!. u .. lb. cr-tMt h1&h ~. end l ner coechedt'' and Llnemen Dick Nabor• ba'I'• indlcai.d lhey will atlAnd OCC. lrwin look11 for the pair to be In thick of lhe Mttle tor a Bue berth. 0 t b • r a:radu1tln( Tare who ntay follow their oo&ch to Or&111't1 Coe11l lncluda BILL p.BD .r .rps, Sport.II Editor 1 . . . ., . Tl.at'~ • guod queallon, and ~·f' haYf' the an1wer. Stalf' Fann Mutual Automobllf! Jnau~nc:e ComJ1911 y 1trlYN lo ln1ure only 1;1reru1 driven. Carerul drl•eni have fewer 1ccldf!flt1. You pay the aelHnl' co.t onJy-Ulal '• the k!Ad at lnaurance State Farn1 ? ' ~ J erry 8i.ITIMI. WllCh-Chaln llnMian. 11Cat b&ck Da 'te Ta- mura and Halrba~k J ohn Hopklna. Protest by c::>f'fic:ie1lly Fujino Alterncrie Not Me1de Tribe: 5 Sll.AIGHT Unless there's a sudden expl011on, 1t appeani the 11 f1mou• for. So !t co.ti St1te l'a!;J"I Le. to do bualn--. and becau11e Slatf! Farm la a mutu1J comp&ny, the pollcy·tloldert gl't the 11avtn&'•· Jf you don't have lhl.I low coet dependable cat ' insuranc,, Cllll LI 8-1011 and lf't your St.ala Farm qe1u ahow":° _"Ull ho.,,.· you c-11n J:t!I ("(lmplrte protecUon-at low eoi.t, • I Sunaet'League Meet feuding between Fullerton and Santa Neeme Nine Ana WU de.fuaed durip'g th• ..Won of athletic directon> I &nd adlninjatraton at Garden Gcove Wedneaday aftu. leits Argos u~;erton. t~al~llf!U proll'~I IM'nli!<.I •r&uu1enl.JI t.ol why th' 3 1 T .I o~r the broaiJ Jump dlaq1..111.lltl· piolut ahould bit n1ade but 1<dd·' • ues.ay lee.µon Of Ronnie FuJUlO, Which ed It' waa ';.ot uff1c1111I)' beull l «Mil the lndla.ns Ule va1'ity enlf'red 1t that Un1' L. E. CAIRNS Ill E. 171h, W.1. "tlLL"LANcfo ' STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOM QPl1' :~<11 RANCE COMPANY t-: L l J• • "' '• SUNSET MEt.."T SCENE - A pair of GoW were in the lead when lhe B 660 yard .run went into the tar tum on Newport Hu;bor High athletic field lut week. Pace .etter wu George Hood lo-by Bob Rice. llice flnWied -· Hood third. Huntington Beach'• Zeithing won event to n:n~~t~r ~:c•~a~;~ track end fil'ld crown. Wlll not TMn olh'r aun11n111l1alon Neame'a Newport Harbor High offic111ly mad,. "'•re l.'!kro 1( tMy h••I a.nyth1n1 Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Scbool &klk>r nine deteat.ed c 11.1 And t'u_Jino waa nan1ee a C~F lo -"Y on lhf! 1ubJt"Ct. nus ~le· den Grove on lh• rtn.I tleld S-l a.Item.at.a in tbt broad Jwnp,p1e-Knignt, S.nla Aita ll<;,lld 1ootbllll ~· F or the Tar t.appen l1ml.n&riel •t lall Diefo tornor-cot<ch. uld, "I'd Ii"'° to uy the YIClor)' m1.rktd aevenlh Bun· l'O'W. Ralph Reed. New,.n. H•r· ll!Jrnethin!'.'' bot .,,..Ila not allow· 1 :27. -~I Photo . YELL LEADER MAKES LIKE ·MONSTER AT OC a1t lAl.CUe triumph egaln11t two bor High School 1thletlo dirf'C-ed to a.pe1<k. de feat.. tor. ln charge or aendlnl' ln th' ln other •~lion. \lf!1 r1ll 1·uwn· .PortlY Pete Helkea twirled a Suns't Lf!ague Cll•~ quallllf'r~. lend, 0 rang f' p11n~1pal. wa• UlrM-hltter 11ahut the Argo-wa11 11uthorl~~ lo 11dd l'uJ\no 11 elec:teJ leai.:;uti prf'll.iJf'l'll. rf!pl&e· n.auta tor lhe Neeme knocker• name. ln11; Fr•nk Kt"llO(g of An&hf'lm wlttl ac. Gary Or..n ulmly Should 'Fullerton 1\ldo.I)' JO Bill Frlnl..Ji will .-ervf' •• ... iue l'Oallnl' to the re.cue 11.te In the ahead w1lh thrir prolHl. w hich aecrelAry He replace11 Dick Glo- rray to apply the brake• when wuuld be the tlr1t Ill IMCU• hi•· n r or Anaheim ,. Peta weakened. Oardl'n Groye'1 tory. F\IJ\no would thl.r\ replace • t'tll'K on~ll'IAL..., loae ta.Uy wa1 w1t.hout benf'fit lh' tturd place m!n In lhf' CIF ll ~·a~ \'Ute-cl lo .,J~ rour Qff1. ot bbl.SM& In lh• aeventh ata nu. ! broatljnmp pl'f!hn11nar\ei1. Cllllll h1 1111 va n•ill' rootbaU Pacll:la' the plate a\t.ack tor j BAD YIEl!:l-ISO '£lmf'11 nf'xt fall. In · the pa.11t. the S&.Uora w11 Shortatop Bob 1 ApparenUy all the ba.d llt'l1ng I thr"'I' offu 111J~ hll l'•· bl!>en t"ni· White. top Tar• 1lu11er, "'·ho OYl r the m.allf'r 111 1trlcU7 be· ployed. TtN ltop, Looll and U.ten 11.1'11 olhtl'I' achool he ~ of alammed out thrtt auccwelve twffn Lhe two 11v1! co.ci.f'• A n'w 1 Ulf' waa niade that M1 of <>nnp Cout Collel'e. ~dy -.ya. Alld lhla Ja not ju1t bue knock•.; lll all. lhe Ooba J im Buah uf Fullerton and Plnky u.., Chi.In crew mll.ll w.._.. bnpt ~ Jsaowa u the kK'IM-~rah-rah t;ype ot aehoOI .p6r1L J'Ol n ve 11.tirM• and a ll1ple otr Gr~e of San t• A-. l'uJ1nu y«!Ow-thirl# "'"°' rid pimeL ttmll«l. one-mu dynamo. °" I.hi acc:ordinr to ~. but la • lhe warclub of Larry Warlau-wu disiqu&IJtled for c:row·hop-In Ule put, no speci~lc uniform ....,r ot u.. Jb.rOOf1 and Oray wbol~a variety. K1I fonn\llll monL cleanup ckliUler. Jllnc attar maltlnc ii l•p or wae delllsnatfld foi• lldellne. of· dMin1n.i' .etic:m, la Randall W. tor .chool spirit '8 ITOP. LOOK. Al 11 h1a wont In recent lUL 5la. Otf\d&l \n cllu'p was ~ An..ra. AHO U:8'TL"". wberenr you frey" ~hlte didn't wute any Bill J'nAta of Orange Who me•----------- AM tnJ' O..U.,-• Coe.at Colle,.. ,,.. on tb• ea«npua. "You'd' ftnd Ume. H e led ott with a atncle 1\1.-.d l\lj&nO'• i.ppar«\U, .-in· atUdnt Ilia Idea of th& ,....._t..t lh• kid• ru.Uy parUclpat1n1." M &lid toured the llueock• on In -nine Jee.p. tbitn Ud hi• at\.ention Colonist Nine ,..u Mt.der at all Uma. You •Id. ·11tuc1enU wtJl &'fl. more n,ld ou t.a and 10 Arro error. called to the crow-bop by Banta 'W'Oft't ha~ an -.rl'Ument. Th• aatlstacUoe. If tlMy 11!1\joJ' IMlr A pair of mutfa, two alnrl~a, Ana on•IOQkers at the pit Meet Stays on Top .....,era wtll all bti I.ht' ume. llCbool uperlencft while they a pilfered pad and a aacrlnce ttleru Rey o uyf!r upbal4 l'rllnt.' The ~ and ,.,. Wiii all cut ·~lllnth ae.h~':':~ 0~":1~: ;;.:n !be Tc::te;t 1;ac1tf'~ r~~ In hla dt*lua.llflC•tlon dKUlon ASAHl:lM. 10('!\•S I CO<lcl) tMlr ~ ror the ex-Newport un e)' · '" r Had n.Jlno'& leap boen..-n1lr1I John Wallln'a Anflhf'irn Colonl~t H..,.,k-v.-. •Ahool colle-'u on Khool u aonwtblnr enjoy· 11lammed 1 atnfle rortowed by 1 _,,~~--1 _...,.. ......_,. -" •• bl " b bell w. I t' bl I lo k ••al ..... ~-· ~·vu d llaYll pic k· 1 bttff:blll t'am c;ontinued to hold w1lo u,,.. at 181;<1 Oran&e Ave .. 1 e. • evu. raumon 1 n,-e IP'' ed up lll!IYen polnl.JI. •utnclent to tU 0"''11 In t/1e crucial Sun&tt C-~ x .... Raad)' '-looklnC' forward to the ra.Jl1 and ti>Oth 1acU acored. dl.lee.t Banta Ana who eapt.urf!<'.I l.A'!l.(U~ battlf' Tuf!ll<.lay when h1a an • ._.. blSSU ,.., nett year. . ... Take a Mtti~&OUI l"'Ol'P II• wtll M returninr to 0CC::. llMI .,.,.aty meet w1tb e&i,, char1e~ defelllt'd the Saints of collqe tto)'1 &11d l'trla. Beat-and h• wouJd like lo work wttJt. ff'S P-·••el ~nta to l'\lllf!rton·, s&\ti or Santa An11. 7•2, 1t La P11ln1a Ur tbem tllroustwut a 1rand-.,..... ,. 1f t b.• Ulre11Rned prote~t r 1rk. 1tud. Procluc• a coupla of Ith· ::)' lnmo:_:• !':::~ ·= AN.\.HDX. focKaJ -The UKiuld be ..._de by F lllkrton. 1 The g•mt 'A'I• won by lh\ aetk l-• -u y ,,arf•ty. Al· U. ii ~ ot Na .. Raad ..W.. Aftahettn lemlj• t...-n ullder nliMtltl( ot• &dm1niat,.tbrl of ~terllng pttr hlng 'rtort rir Soulh kaow' a llender. Mrloua ' faced r,99.nd It pl'O'ridea .:.O ~unity C:-Cll BUI Cook JiUllHI UM nMI' 1..-C. lAqve achoola woukl be I paw John Sllk'r who no~· h&J eonq1aa wtth roller M&rtn.r• , lmpom!Me 'l'peadey wtt.n th., called to J'llle upon It. a 3-G mark In lr1a:ue P••) Hf ""'-" tUll joints ahould be to tor .tudll.U who cant n.:ce.I 1~ 1topJ*i Banta AM, M, hi th. ~vr AKGl.Mi.1"T 1 al80 ah.Ir...-! hit hnn.,r• In , -.mt.&. in fnNlt of the ,.mup. oU..r a,... to Ond •Uaf•ctiOll. moet Important lf!nnl9 . mat.di A ....,._ •h!rh !tlarted 111 btg f'"' run thud Inning ~·hlch 11tell naa tor UM atorm cellit.r Bow do you wtn -a uctieneot'!' In aeftr&I --of a unaet 11 L m. Wednf!9day bftw""n t<"M th" ron1,•t f'lr iti,. Co1"'1 ' Remember on MOTHER'S DAY • SUNDAY, MAY 13TH ' She WiD Love A. Delicious lox of H-Mode Chocolates from • • .. )Ml IJ'GCelda to knll Uw a:tu-R&ady ..W :;,• lnlUltl Uttm. etn· .....-U• pl&J'. "nle B&lnUI 'fr8"1 FU.Uetton u d Santa A.at. xhool lllUI d•ll tnlo a scree.mini. about· burueeai en. pie-di wtlh l JV(nl' after their 13\.b atral(ht ctnd•la and eo&eh"~ .-eftt-1nto 1::_~;;;.. __________ !:;-;;~:-:;-:::;:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;: ::;;:;::;::;::;::::;:;::;::;:~i •-· tamplftl' mob wild _ eyed lhern. 11'1• bl& llllnc. · M l"'ld. ~ before M ini' halted. Ttie lM contnw~ prior to thf r • ~· ~·-• II lo fq~ younelt ·u·ni IWl.ll m&ka A.nabdm Ul'Hkl!J'Utod. -~·-~ 'ot..a.UlleUc di--a nd I Tlala WU llMI pettem ftand,y \11 the .,... lt)le • ~ONlt•r. M be ~,. '" OMt k>op ftl!H. ad~lof'll. ruu..-~ •-.. .,._,, In front ... a ITIMIP •• ·em -~...,....._. I roUoiwM all lut ya&r ... Um• •kl "'butt Ilka •em. .. Pd apf1a. M irUmul&ted Ooaat H I• bMby. Jtandr aid. la an- root .. to IMl.Pta or enthuatum lf'rtalnlnr. Ha toe* dramaUc. ....... Mton adaleff<L HOW' dkt a t N~rt H&rboT and la now .. do It'!' Saparienc• helpa. ae-11tudytn1 w-llh Luke Scott •t ()r. eordtnc lo Jtan«J. H• t1,..t be-an,.. ea.at Collf.'ftl. Ha ~ am• tat....ted In clleer-lfflftnr llku 'ha drwna, ~asraPh7. ~ a tnltunan at Ninrport ff..,._ cooklnc and ~tterttus. The tat• R tcfl. K• WU tau,.tlt by l•r I• • U1.'llibowl .. Weill .. -8otl O.Ul'&ft, kotbe"r of the a hobby, Ru1d7 t..ctte. b&llrooa lorsi•r UCLA Tell Ktnr. And danct"I' ro" a w-ell-lmown eo.w f\lrtq ft.ut47'• j\tnkw I.lid MnkW Meea studio and b1 wtU ..... t ,...,. at RartMw, bl }ad Ui.. ,.i1a the T't&'IJl&r coll'I• tub'Uclol' fM" the 8aUora' In 10Clat danclnr t laMa neat But uper1*11N Lm't all, 1\and;J' fMr w1lb iMttucuon rn MMl-.0, .. tb• ftnl' to adiml. '"l'Wt be Cha -chi-cha and th• w...., won.II U.)'Ullnr." • Jell ~ UndJ. SUMMER LEAGUES --ftNOW FORMIN~G---OPEN ALLEYS POR iJ'EN PLA y-AT AU TIMES NOW .•• 20 AUTOMATIC ALLEYS .FOR "WE'W: TllBOWN TUil IU:Y AWAY" \'Wt~'ftt.t TREASUll CHEST .... """"'"" • rat At OW Ne• Seta cM c.t. mumt be ti.WW a pod' ume," What would Randy Ul:• i. m .. ..,~ -r..o. ,.. ·-... ~··"'"".JIU ...... --REStbENTIAL -INDUSTRl 6L-C0' .. 'a:RCIAL .. B 0 w LING r..outty &Ad adlntnl.C.ratora • nit •-ould be ....uy .......,"'na ~ mr.- hlnd r-•. and 1V'I mu-t win the lte ..w. But Wbatrnr hllppena. NO JQB TOO LARGE OR SMALL ~la O'f'tt" lte ii ton•inttd t.Mit avit ~·r i' I I Khool •plrtt Ip M ttf'r a t will be rn:a ter than tkill •t U0 ~ 8t.. Newporl Bnc• B arbo t5SS 1703 8upt-rlor, Cotta llf11A ' BILI~ Kl..o'l7., Ma:r. 1.l hfrty 3-3!?9'? VAN'S Oranir' Co.~t Cnlle1• ttttln a t C>c:'r. .._------------------~---J •-----------------------------'-----....1 • .. • ·.Roy Carve Our S•les D•pt ju•f c•mpleted a survey. • • • I 05 loc•I peopJ we'r• interviewed on comparative car co1t1 .•.. t hey were wrong! I 00"/• we re • mistalc en about ' P.ontiac prices . in com.peris on wi th Ford- Chevrolet & Plymouth. They oil thought • -e rroneously- thot the '51> Po ntiac cost $300 to m or e then t hose th ree cers . .. ' ~. HERl ARE THE FACTS : \ YO!! CCIII buy o new '56 Pontloc ~LISS ·lhn43 / . inoclel1 of .... ao-cahcl "Low Price 3" c-In today, , .. for yolllWlf Pontloc Is the car, Roy Carver Is the deoler. Roy • Carver • PONTIAC Newport Beech 1400 W. Coe st Hw) liberty 8-341>1> • I I I I ' • -: PR!!;JlJI PliosniOra-Among Sailor t!W>clado C-h Doll -· ~-to CIF track &nd field J prelimlnarlel • tu . San DMtgo tomoM"Ow an the .: above iru-1..., In w!nDing form. Lett Ill Randy -= Peelu, vanity i80 -Middle ia George Hood, ::; B MO entry. Right Ill Otil Boling, alao 880 """· -:. -~f Photo. . HBC ·CAPTURES ·SIXTH GRADE TRACK CROWN UMP ADMITS HE CAN1 SEE Jutt when lhe 1euon •PPMl"td all over for lhem, Garden Gn'.lv1, th• ~ place 1..-U• quartet., WIUldrtW' from ua.· CD' ...ion. Bo JhaW;' ""'". ~ ol """""' """-, Tom ........... °'* ~ qd 0.)1 MUt!a. wUI .. ~ tlM1 eunc. Lia Balboa St&dlUln tomioi1ow. AS TAR JUNIORS LOSE 4-3 ~~ ,..=..,=: In U.. a 2'.iP hu.rdi... I m I th At' 1eut Col.ch Chuck Randall'• Newport Harbor ~ tdl UCLA. entry UIJllln6. Hll'h School junior vanity Sailor uJ.ne found &n umpire U.. toa1ot1 .. , .a amull, loop'• . . fourth Mt mu over lb• .UCU. wbo conl..-:1 to Inability to Nil lt Garden Grove Tun-1J10¥M up to nu thl breaeb.. day. And that ln&bil1ty of the arbiter cost the Randall Jldl: lmWl 1a tM vut1t7 tlO ,.. __ a •.a BWllOl Leque det .. t, their fifth of lhe ... k'7 ID "'° """' ..,. rr--""' hurd191 ai.o rnact. U.. prellm "Court'' Say, - A amaU bl90k i. a lll'I wtD get ..... ••d larpr. A-cU!IDI prevent Udl. • COUITNIY • • LISl&- 1.111 N......,...._ oon•-,..._u•ut7 Local Lach Set Trio of New Meet Marb oil Oller Clnclen ~ ...,tatl four wina. Tbe Tu JV pt a 1t&rt on rract. u J'9u1t of oUM1' lun.Nt Up unW· tht fatal bottom of thelr dOOIJ'ild kad 1n lht: flr•t I ''-;;:~~~~~l~ch~•~·i;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.~;::::;;::::;~ \.bl .......,Ul. Ule local 164' •p-canto. llhort..ltop It.vi llmon-\ I Brian Lewis ' .Ut. ~in. high j\llllp victory Saturday ~ '-M tn flrf9 poNeMlon IOn 1troned and cam• Mme on at Huntington Beach Mt a new meet mark and sparked OC • H Ttctory oo aln11e t&ll.I .. 81\arp'• IMt lnto left n.w. O&me th• Harbor Boys' Oub .ixth ftade track and field con· ln the tint. fourth and ae veplh. 1111 to\Lrth lnnlftl' and Jtlft HaJul tin ... ent to tee.in triumph in the annual lnvit&tlonal Oiler Tbtn Pltdltt OU lbal'p loet con· led off wlth • am11-only lD ,.._ trol .,.e1 pve up thne .-ailu get J>elled out &l leOOOd bue. outing. But 0.Ye K&mmond wt.lbd. Athlellc Olrect.or Roel Mae-plete rHUlti tor HBC: NCI • -.crlftce f'!J', 1t.ol1 MCOnd ud Koot.d acrou I MW\&11'• Harbor area you.the Kith 8clMlol -190 yud daAh. 'Ib .. btouibt Roy x:ton huit-on J•rTY Hulbert.'• do6bi.. pUed up 3.) point.I In t.be al:l:th Tom GrU&m lrd, •W KermedJ llnl to lM l'MC\Mo t &A tn-C&t.cber TmTy lla.(wlll drew Fad' win. Tai.bf.rt trailed with 4th. MO, Tom GUbtrt lit. 8ftaa fteld S10f, & fla\dllr'a choice a paa. to 1uC1 of the •venUi 1 11 counter1 followed by i.,una Luc&a 2ftd. Tom Sandoval lrd, and a call by lM one llmp, J!Mr· ud .cot'ld on ll'ln(l• bJ' 8tmon· a.ch with J7, Butna Park and 1:47.t . Shot, lAlcN lrd, l&nda..a Lac aU Ule WaJ from bom• to 80n and lh•rp. All to no avail Hunllnr ion a .. ch, 18 each. and 41.b. Broad Jump, Gilbert 2nd. tll1nl. which w~:.~p.l.nat Nl'W· Untup with 1t be.LI. rune and -lt&nton, z. G.nb~ tth, Kennedy ~th. Htrta port kept th• WPM•I" rolnl" un-hit.I: l n the h!gh achoo! diY,ililon. jtlRlp, Kmnedy kd. R1Lq. HK W four .A.r1:1hn&U bad ~mpld .tth HBC enter1n1 1!(hUI CT•d-2nd tLueu. Bando\'&l, Gllbwt. ~ tM · ... alto. tile H•rber Bofi' Club On.hlllll). lllplatnltd' the v..mplr• anent I N S U R A .N C I 9e1\l.l.d flnlah -=ond to HunUns· l l•th l"nwh -IO, AonnM Wu-hi. third baM eall when It a~ tOP Be&ofl. HunUarton eornpt)ed ... t lrd. t•. Je4 Bou.1t.oe Ind. ,.red • rift! nmner bad .... anll I 0 N D s 01 patnll to sa for tb• loca.I Denn.la Pen1ll Srd, M.lk1 PatrlU cle&niJ tas".-ed out at the hot 1&119. • &th. 100. KOWLlon 0tA. lbot. .Jim eorMr on -.n &u..npt.d 11.uJ. "Johft leehy WDER NEW OWNERSHIP WISLIY G. MICK • Shollul>rlution SpecieUd .. ff«y Ciie'9" TI re & Tube, Ro pair &oocly••r Tire1 & a.tt9rin Horne CINn Rast Roomt Shall Gasoline with TCP l'lcl: up encl Delivery Fut, Friendly S.rVica 14.11. TO 1 P.ll.-1' P.M AFTEa WNW: UTB ISLAND SHELL SERVICE:·. .AJU\OUfb MAC recorded oa!y eurt.1.1 srd. 8roa4 Jump,· Nucftlt "I eouk1n't -th• tar." '° un NpL atv•. llM. lMt ttx pointl In t.h• Pith tnd• 2nd. h tJ1ek 4tk . .Hl,tl Junlp.lt>~.,.=-~,...~~.,.~~· -----~!.!,,,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,!'.:,..,;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,;,•,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,=I _,.iitlon. o.n. ~errl •tar-r...wi. lA (new m..c. auk. +-0). ... t IT HOU*Wn tted for Srd. Jlteh7, ,.. wMn M t.-d tNI HBC 1.i fN'upnt. r.mn. Houe- R. for & new m .. t record. HBC to Patrick ) aT.&. ftnl&)led third In fourth rrade n. au::Oan aROT compeUUon and eec:ond In the Fll'UI Bbot. Pa1&ttn1 11t Ultrd &Tad!. , (lllW mJ inark, J'ltt.). ar.d 8J:N'8ATIONA.L l'oT jump. Larr1 XtNell&, •UI. JIDWewr, per~• the moet Fourth -16, Bri&n n.My Ind, .anaatlonal HBC 1Jlow!n1 came IMc• Nu1ent IN. JlnUnJ Ar- trom Randy Helton. • ~'Ond more •lh. John Taylor &th. Tl. 1rader, who set a new meet Dalt)' Znd. Nurent •lh. Sro&d record In th• third fT•d• 50 jump, 0.117 Int. Y•.!9. da•ft, r!pp\n1 off the di.I· Tl'llrd -16, l\&n4J Haltalt. t.anc4° lP '.L 2nd. MUte llU!ord lrd. RJohar4 oftl«ll po In t tot.ala found Muct.bo 4Ul. 60, Heltotl Sft Hununslon Bt.ach copping tM tnew ntatl 1"&rk. TAJ, Ml k ~ meet with lH't point.a with La· BU!o~ Znd. M&noebo 4th. HIP run• Beach aecond, 182 11;&. and juJfip, Htlton, Buford tied foe JlaC third. 117 ... Talbert and tire~ at l·l ~. Relay, HBC lit Buena Park lied with 103 poVit.1 (Helton, Mancebo. Buford • .Tobe each •hll• Stanton h&d 22. Com· BMtM!I, 38.t . • • lift aY EYELASH -When •peed .Jo needod, Oull!Older Rowlanct Hill bu iL 8-llo'o oafe a\ firll -on a alide in reoent Pirate .. eutf•Y tA)'. CoacJi Wenaell Pk.ken.' poken, DOW ~ra o! 11 otnlgb !luieni Omhn:nce wina without . de-. feat, needed Hill'• h\11\lo 1.n thlll -The Buct • baraq won l!Mj, ~ Rilt)i Gaynor Photo . . If. Diamond Didoes Unusual Blame 'Em on Bashing ·8'1cs ~ a te&111 only ..,t. n"' IOclJ pie.ta ... Ui WOii plld ta IUll and yet capturn th• con• OU.. order: Guest Baj .To1r1ament Victors Listu in Local Links Outing t11t 10·:1, l'IO doubt about It bl'• OUtneldtr ~. KID lei Int another vtctory for thoM off the l'lnt h'U!Mi wWt • ~ •mWnr Crance COUt Coll•p .. and hooted Ute ~ on PtratH of CO.ch \lllendell ~k· a wUd pltcb, pilfer OI Ullrd "'' en1. That 10-2 Bue ecore occur• a l"f'OUn4 CM.It. Thlrd kek• red Tue.M y 11aln•t t he s•nt.a Johnny Eltrt.da walkord IA lM Queal day 1t Irvln111 Cout Oounlry Club for th• feminine rtaU•r1 tound Miu Mary K. ,....._ lk'GWn• ol. 1.rvine I.akin& Cl .. A. low I""* with 14 and Mra. Karold Okktr ot .. nll. An& rlnt low Mt wlUl 77. Rerollnder of C1ua. 4 wlnnert "''" Mnll& Peul Hall, S1nta t..na. Ra..,. 5'oote, lrvlnt. Ro- Mrt r.niMil. eant.a An•. end ff•rold Small, Irvine. They all Ana Don• 81 the potent Pirate• MCOnd. wu -.cnnced to ..e· tied for 11econd low nrt with 79. pl11cked off their 11th 1tralght ond and .aooted t.CfON °" lolr1. DeWitt Chenty. Santa 1uccf'1! of the' Eatitern Confer-Coutt.I' Oo\lbll . .t..na. and Mra. Tom Hendt.rson. t.ne eeuon. Hiii et.rolled I~ the third . .tole 1tyme. deadlocked tor c111~s B Acldtns mlle&s• to lhoee flv• ncond and Jot company on lb• ~ fTOlll &t 11. Frill lo.,.,· ntt Bue bkrN• were a .ffOOnd Inn-~di when lhor\Jltop '14b Coo .. In thl• dl"1&1on went to ~1 r1. ins; d(Mlbl• 'lly Catcher Ted man walked. A J1'W"d out &4· Walter Ree._ wtth 1•. l t<:oncl C"outt.s ud • fourth h'"11lt trt-van~ Ol1 runntrl and wtlen '11181 Mra. Wayoe Kall, Tl. 11nd pie by ,,rat B"k•r Gelle Re.tne Sec:ond Sac•er JeJTY Wayt Qt• third went lo M'r1. Ttn WLntt r· ed, th• pitcher Ofl.IY Md time ltUrn. 79. TCMaP aAlTl.SR to ta.a out HllL Cooprn&n WU Mr•. Roland Vallf'ly or Ir· tou!ns • Uu'tt·hll ba:tfler at IO clOlll betllnd him that Bute.ta ···-DI ot o· vine c•ptuNd Clue. c low l'roell th• Done ....... Don l.Alsh. Tb• ICO~-......a Y • ICJ .tth a H . Miu "111 Mull'1 Tl hG 11T'M'll (Vt Jeddy TOW\C W, to S.co.......I totk low nil. followed by the Lou MuMC>n. the Hlghl1J1dttf &nd Coult.I on b6M lft U.. lourU. -----lllU film... Ja)' L1111ley •nd Bart put up & 1Utf MtU., bl.It tffn• •nd HW walll:H to ~ ~ In ,. u-L~ Go McKU1h of Irvine In a t>Jl·o-.... ·ay tu1\ly Wcl\t doWn to Ute bidlana. ... ,. wtUI ..... (:llieJiaan'• •o-~ .._. ue wlUI ao. :'1-t. MunlOll wu 1ubblq for rtnc1 OJ -Nd TOUA8· ltalne'• The o..nr~ Cout Colltge Non•AllOOl&ted wlPntr• wrrt. I Jf'hn Cra'#lf\, .,.·ho wu home Ill. triple tallied Coutta ud ~ rolf ta&m "ound up eecond la )tn. PhUUp Ho!k of kn Jo'r•n· Mun80n etarted l.Aan l"ot'Ur A walk. .... ,.,. ... two ' th• ltM l:Utem Oon/et'9r!CI clKO. 93, IOW ll"'\MI: ,.,... V•n on th• mound H•~lvt up ui• anothtt° waik. Wayt'• .inrl• and Uake o~Jllp 1Mon~ at POl'n•rcy. a&nta Ant.. Tl. 10 .... · r1v1 run1 and . •I• hit.a. Tht t..a il wild pl\eb wlWMI up the Pl· It.at& Ana Oou.alt'y Clutl •10. net: Mr.. Merle Boyle, II. and H•bra llOphomoN ta.natd tour ff.le pokl111 la tll• ehit.h. Coach Rq 'Rouo capturell. UR fl(r&. Mary J&f. u . •nd walked eill. Fin of lhOlll mentor•' Soop erown. f'ullertOll -frte ,,...._ to ltrft came ln the ~ · leds fir 1t9"t iunlor eou.1• 101ter1 took thl Lallitii Na flrat two IMlllP, ..,.._., ._.... ....... llO t-UUe. a a fl .· 1ne Coach John Val1ntino 11.1.rttd &OU.-A·WAT 'ITf'SI Din ... llf ru11.rton WU hi• .... Mika Jt-\t Of!. Ut• a.a UbNty'a..MM o.........U madall8t with l!l tor a· I •. hUI. J ...... l. '" ,werktna UM ................... SI botu. Dick F'oote of Santa 1ves a llftS lb~ buUftl"a. saY1 up two hlta. IU °"""' OIM9 .._ Ana wu nmnerup w1Lh l~ f•rinell ti.., •ut walated tow. J~;;;;;;;;~;;;;:::;;~~~I R••-• •· .._ .,. ""Tough Contest . Larry......, .......... ·-· COl.chN' eonteat wu Glenn Gil• t .. -o ~ th WU llle-M • kNOll etf ruverek1a. P'ULL1'!ftTOf'f. f()CN'~\ 1t on• "'t. wbUa l lriklnJ out t.bl'N BE SURE • INSURE Pirate plfe11 !1nt11ht.d Ilk•\ look U.. rtl(tlt -.rm• or Ul r .. •n4 ~ --. t'•m Hery wtea th\1: Ea: Vin Horn. 9447, lit: f'ull...toe Jtllb pile ... " 1, ~ &I.a-... the flftal two lnnlnp.. 11.&.Ul&IOll ft~ Bob Dletll, IO-U . tU : Sid. To. dUI' U.1 peUq .. H1 bra Hlrh· Tom~ •tt.,,..on.. t.h• bl• ..:.:. ~ ~,. Yalt . eo-u, 172, Vlnce Sl,Ullooo,lltnOan al Amer1se 1'li11: MOll· d11na rl'MUT't'-acUon in U.. 9WI· UU a. C..-llldtlrV dera. 19-14, 17'.\· u. 8ue&11. A-day antmobn. ""' Le&IVI lla11tbl1 <>n.q1 tuah o.,_ ... ·i&t - U , J~. Undt.r t.he dir«tlon of U..<.h l•nd Jo'rlday, S&nt.a AM. 11.----------.J' • { Jtrftct bomt ll~btlopmtnt ). ... , ... _ ... -. ..... ..... -w 1 el ' -_. .. ---·uatm . _.,_ ... w---- I I ... 4-ACBE -••IOMI ucu1no1 ---..... rau roa IQIC9 111111ns NO DOWH --=· _ ..... ---JAii •. ,,. -·--......... ---....... , .... ,.,.,. ,_...., ,_,, ... ....... ..,..., -..- E•tates 1M tlAUTlfU~ CQSI ... MUA. Hatlloet ....... .,. • ........ _ &.oleo ......... -Wei .... W.-1.i ........ ti....,, w.-n .. I \ -·- ' ' . ...,, D01fN DI'*' .ft31.FJlf -Combln1HQn "'!-.otor-cop and cowboy", Mikey McMute:n. 3~, i...i... local -the riot Oct u be dloplo,. :Jiii opodol "Lu Bepo'' method of eontrolllnr ;lnflle. A. -Ylollm ~ the !amo .. dtJ, _Xlctq --pul6d by hlll grondparenta. Kr • .... Kn. Jlo7 a :Dene. ll2f Romona. Wldle ~ •tu ll<pa", Mickey acquind the sharp :W.bo1 -lie lo weorlng. Completa with 4"''• .,... wl ollwr opun MiclceJ' cut quito • .trcma u lie cWcttW \lie many '"""'"' experl. t • • • • t DOWN TD Wiii SANTA ANA 2. M•N ·• ' • ·VETS NO DOWN IXCQt costs and r impounds I-'*' S6519mo. incl. p'r. E int VILLAGE For your family, Crossroads Vlllege homes offer JO muChJ Ther•'s beauty to live with, In 1uthentk: C.lffornl1 Conltmporary styling by famous Oil! Olsten. There's <Xlmfott, tool Tho wonderful Mary . Olsten Kil<hen fiat built~n Pionoer range tops, well oven, gerbego di.po.el, and 1 host of oth"' t1m1-11Ving .i.;1c:es. Enjoy !ht 5().. ~Hon w1ter he1ter, the 75,000 BTU forced air heet with thermost1tic cpntrol. And lu•ury1 A m.Nive Teus wnd- stont flreplace d imbs high end wide, the unique family room gathera •"""'Y<'M 10< 11lk ef1d ploy. All !ht f- cen't ~ listed here, IO driw to Ctouroads Villoge and SM for yourself. 3 end 4 Heir-, den, 2 bethe, 2- ....... AND aOSE TO EVERYTHING! • '- ~ .,. deer end f•t to CtoPtotch Vlll9. From a TORO. t11t.t ,~.nd Nighwey 111 north to Newport, then left to ~bi Md right·• moc»ls. From IEACH OTIES dtlw Cotst Hlghw.ay 101 '° ~ptlff INch. ovt Newport to Mtln St,_.1 thon left on Dethl. ·7 -----------------E ---.. ---• ,. • ---:: - . . •• : ---.. -. .. .. • • ( • • ! .. • 'Mj)m Sunday. Sermon • LlJtherans to ~other's. l)ay NEWI WSCS OFFICERS -Offlcerw of the New. port wip! were ln.ttalled at a 1 :15 p. m. meetlnJ o1 ~ •t Ch:t4 Cllureh by the Sea. i'ueoda:r. Ahove,"ll>e lnromfns pr,.icient. Kn&. Ralph Wataoo; roceiVM' ll>o 'ofllcl&I pvel Slandlog left to rlshl are; Kn. John IC. Elilott. promotion 10Cretar:y, Mrw. Leoa, H. FerculOD. tnuurer, Mrw. Ralph Wat.on, 'new ~t, Kim, Clan. Kohlstedt, out- roinc preolcleirt, Kn&. Earl llt<>poback, ...,,.iary and Jin. Harold D. Arthur. vio<f preo1c1 ... 1. - Staff Photo • Church newo !!/.. Council · of Churches Presid~rits Give Reports x.t:1:' := 1:_~~ ru1J Announc•m•11/6 I Urge Churches to Seek Unifi~ation of the World •.600.ooo 111.u.r. a u. un1i.-l-------.---------------1 '" "'""° ... '" "" .,.._ta PAa!: 4. PART I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ~~~ 1':°:' =::.:: ~-= FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1956 The aeven preeldentl of the World Council of "'adhermt" an IAL!nated aUend· 1----------------------Cbun:hea, in & PentecOlt meuage to all cburchea-and uit at .. me. wM L8 not ol· ~ben of the Council declare "tbia pre-eminenUy la nd&ll7 • memtt.r. 'nl• ~ r-' ' he aUon hu aboOt i)Jlod du1rc~1 'the hour when the churcbea, Wlth the lp of the Holy In the United l!ltat• ot Amerlc&. ; ¢~hoat, should ape&lc to the nations." President. adcfed : ,.rved by 2:1,000 minllt.erw: •nd 'A MOT.HER TO REMEMBER' METHODIST SERMON ; "Flrtt of all, we believe the there ere 1,600 mlnlonarlu , churchell, acknowledi:ln&: t he caust1 or J11 venl1e de.Bnquency, Mrv1nt o'l'et~ Since the UJI· ,need of Chi !Jltlan11 Lhemselvt..1 •ccordlng .te a lltudy rnMSe bf tftcatlon of the "northern" and : ta. ttpt!nl. 1<ha\l ld eay to I.he the Unltt d Church Women ot "eouthern" branche1 of Melho- ."Qot.Uona 'H.e~ent'. Your conflict• SL Loult1, MIMO url, ehalnd by dlun ln 1989, Lhe total Church rni.ast be rc110lved by reuon, not Mre. J. \\', So'hnenday: lack of ha• r1n1d l ,722,000 member• .• by violence violence hu now pl1ces ~here yuuth C•n mMt The Council ' report.I ml•lonary reecfted ~ch • pitch I.hat wht'll •nd conduct ptq1ram1 Of Ulelr &nd Hnevol1ne1 fi•!nt hae In· :once unlooffd It IJI twyund hl4· own choodnr; need ot educ.,Uon creue<t 1teadlty. Total 11vtn1 , ~ control and unleAll wan csn .o that tnere wUl 1:19 better at-ot ell purpoaee by th• ch¥rch111 bl m• to ceMe &ll naUonii Utudu toward Lheae who !lave 1962-e wu J11ttd at moni than . wlll perlab.'' ~ had paychlatric treall"Qenta; Med 11.2:!0.0oo.ooo. Th• dee,._ in Th• i pokeanitn urced church of coun .. unr w rvlcea and MC.-c.bllctren atttnd!na, chureh echool. 'ln ca.mpalp for t he reallsatl ter Imo~ ledce of what alru.dy ud the youth alt1.ndlni church HA. Molher to Remt111ber" le the aumon topic ..i9Ct9d by the Rev. Done.Id 0 . Sapp of lhe Balboa Uland COtnmuajty Melbodlet Church for Uw 1:30 and 11 a. m . 111.r'l'tc• en Mother'• Day. Bpeckl reco(!lltlon will be given to two mOU\ere •l t&eh of t.Jr.e Mrvlcee. There will •lllO bl Ul• ''"lc1 or Chrlltlan bapt.Wn . Tboea lo be bapUMd ue; Mye. Dffn Goi;ton and ber lhrff «Jna, Tbmmy, Jen')', and Mike; Mn. Cht1t1r Newcomb and her eoa, Rod()' Lee ..nd J oyce, Debra. and William Anthony Qs'le. At the 11 •'clock MMC• lbe adUlt uodtr I.ht dlrtctlon of Ulli• Van Oyk .. choir wlll atni ~that It la neither by won!il r:I. exlllll In th• c0111munity; ""'.' orranUuon. notable In the 40'•. , ancu. nor by lnat.tence oti Lor f\lnti. to provide pro(~-wu aim report.cl now none- I tfi:fT.U.. that wor ld aetllementa al tet'Vil u In the churcheL .xlatwt . '------------------------·!! 'it'u1 be achieved. • The theme of ttie nu:t con· ; , 'nrtrdly, the PrtCdenla uked vent!on vf the Work! Ooundl of .~u.rcbea to remind tbe nallona. Chrl1tllln Educauon ud Sunday DEA TH TQ LIFE •w.t,th a p•"-aion ir•ltr than Sdlool •·~&ilea to M hUd •ewr brefo~. that the .whoia In Japan In 1954 will be. "Chriat E~:::-..::~:.'~fi:ii ~~;lS.;'"'i:·~, ~~ Christian Sci en tis ts to :~\llhop Henry Knox 8herrlll. or SA w!ll bold It• rt('Ular quad· •the f'rot.tant !:p1acopal Ctlurch, rennlal meeunr for tw o d•y• :.,,.0n, U.. United Stat.el. in tW'll,, wtll be preceded by an :,, th• CO<m<ll ··""''"' "•"· ·"·· .. ""' ...... "'"M d " He·ar _Mortal1.ty : New oeut.ruc::Uon by c::hurche• lnatilat. Cft ~ Educ•Uon Lesson :tn the United Stale• America tor a ~· group ol , :totalled f00,000,000 In J'ebruary, 160 peopM ta Clf' nur Tokyo. I.n Uie MMoa-..nnoa on "Mor-waahed their robea, and mad• draW?l by perfect Mind &nd ,... ~111:ie. 1eltblf a n~ record for The Youth Dapartment of the t1l1 ind Immortala" ctwa Sun· them white In the blood or the necuni thoM hl1her conceptlomr :thf ma.th. It wu 1a,ooo.OOO Workl CouncU ot Cllurche1 hu d•y In all · Chr11Uan Science Lamb." of lov1llnea1 wh.lch tranacend ~ l.llM the February, lllM. •n aaked to Ma.re ruporu!· church111, It will be lllu1trated acn:NCP:: A.SD BJ:ALTH all matertal MnH." lPP-287. :tlrure. 1n the tirat two 01ont ha bUity for thll IMUtute. Jl I• how mortality ca.a \e di8e&rd9d Oorrtle.Unr lhil pa.uq•, MU)' 247 ). Thi Gulden Tn.t !1 rrom tor 19MI oburcb con1tructlon a ailO boP«I Ul.9t national mttl· for lmmortaUty by toUowbls dl.e Banr Eddy •Y• In "actenee l\omuw (1:11, '"Tbey which are !'l'•ln of tlva per cent over lut lnp can ti. .. t up In wveral o.iunpl• and Wot1b of ChtUit and Be&llh Mlh Key to \M th• chUdre• of UMi fi•h. th .. ~ear ._,.., noted. countri• ill ..U.. hr Ea1t, to JPUi. Sc::rlpturea," '"Ill• robet of lplrtt are nol Ule chUdNn of God." ' The. toUowint are m•Jor lha.l outm.nd1t11 deleptu on The Apoelle John recordll tn are 'While and 1111~1.' 1111:• l------------11.helr way to and f rom the eon· Revelatlon t7:13,l•J that one of the l"l..lment or Ctu1.t." Ataln ' . Mother's Day fMesa Baptist ventlon may ("I ve Jead!rahip In the eldere uked, •'Wbit ire 1he aaya, "Immortality, ex.mpt 1ucl'I naUocal meeting. Of lFWll:• th ... which are arrayed ln white f rom a11 or dK1y, hU a rlorJ' abop1, wllicb w1U lnd ud• a .... robee?M L&lt!T h• an.rwwed, of It. own. -tha ndl&nc• of Serv1'ce C11'max nUft!bn' at ~ Wbo caimot "Tb"'¥" t.bey wbWI _. 111i1t l!loUl. Immortal mf!D and women ' 'Mother's Day Servi~ Slated T1'i't P'tl'lt"' "BapUrt cilFCh ot Coeta M-wlU bold a. .,..W Mother'• ~ e11.r"t'kll ludaJ at 11 a. m. Tbl JunJor aad ~ ::Jtotra wUl provldil l•b.ln ._. elc. aundl,J' echOOl C!,luel• oon• vene at t :to a. m, wlt.ta Dtu'-.rf facUIUea ayatlab.. ~ Ult m.o mlnf -.rmon. • ., ....... ....,. -- 01 .,.., "'""""::' -....... -. "_ .... -to Family Week FELLO~J-C~~!-J'.p_i.JlltP4'.:\f:~ _.1.~,u\i\-1\-ll~ -~::::.,=-:; N-<..,....or.:tdt-:;: ___________ _,,..------------ -w ... ., """"' """"" , AIT C. KISTLER CO., llMlton HIGHLIGHTED .BY SKIT :..:.:.;:.:-;..~ THI IAY DEl'T. STORE Pa1tor'• Wtnictioa o I &I au ind th• a&pth1t TrUnlnJ uaiOD will meet at 8 :30 p. rn .. Bunda)' tn their dtalpated room1. A Son& Rrivce 1• echeduled In the chufth at 7:i o p. m. 1Upplemente0 by a film anUtled "'The Powv ol DlcY\on," The Rev. Alfred Herald. \ttrector ot pu'Dllc rli'la\Jorul, wtU 1pe&k on I.bf' church'• re1poruilblllly In temperance ac uon. 'They Incite Say' Into "God Ill tM a...-t.t t :IO Md 11 .. •· TM luctu&rJ Chotr, opWon. Zach ......,. ,,....el 4tl'Mt.S .,. Kn. A. l . Rutter, wu (:lven a Hlf ch9cll abeet, will pnn\de ~ MUllo. tor her awn •If-~' Kr1. .R\lttM racently partld.· WOB8HIP l!l&RVICE pated In Ute l'ullval ot' kcn1f Th• worahlp MrriCI wu in m,\MJ!c wbJch wu .ponllOred by "Who Form.a Your Opinlona" waa the theme of May charre ot Mf11. Ch•ter J'tlher Chol'al O>nductora OWUI of CaJl- u b , Da ... llted by Mmt:•. Calv1n l!ltll• fornl&. Loa AnrelN dla,pW, and Drama Gives Prejudice Fe owa 1p "I program held 1.t Harbor Lutheran Church well ud r\orence H&rrWon· Mn. th• Calltomla Federl.UOft of 11\J<. recently. "They Say," & provoeatiw aklt l.bowin1 & Mel'l'in &rtcluon p,...dad at. lll• 1l.i Clubl. Th• tutlril ..,.. ti.&lf typical woman'• group illu•trated how moat oplnlona arpn and Mre. J ohn Neff. tolo-at Ole ,,nt MellMMtiat ohurU ' Lit, au.a' .'"'!be Loll Olord," " ln i... Aqelu. ~ are formed. · The 1kit wa• presented by Mn. Herbert Sir Arthur s . l!lulllffll. Acti"1U•a tdr tM .....ir Ja. Johrulon who "ltatma to h•r Mra. Wllllam Trulty, tnl,pr-elude a pa.nnl'• .W.r 11ot1p nelxhbor1." MrL Mary l.l>u Tur-Mra. Vernon Smith, who llltened u , P•• lh• lllltory or the day, n1HUn1. &Dd • l'UnU7 NJow.. Conference Preview ntr, who u.tenM "to ti~ hu•· lo Mr "M'nomlnallon:· Mn. the pt0jeet.a of United Churcb ahlp dlMer. Th• PANDr• srwp band," Mra. Bud. Pro.tor, who J•ck Kaylor, l11tener of the Women Ufd Pfllahlld the t-. ol le a MW .tudy atwl dl.....,ao Th• M&T meetlnr of Or&nJ'e 1 ed .. bit d -. "pre•." and Mre. o. c . Wede· County Metllo<ll•l 1 rnkln will be 1 1ten to r .Ua .. t•r ln cal· Ult .ifterillr. She announced one Jf'OUP delltp.d prim&rllt for r le-ge," Kn. H. D. AAdeMK>n who kine who llatened to "e11:pet" half .......... to at.le and naU~ pa~ta ot 7oun-cblld,._ Mn. he.Id at Ortat Ct\UJ'('h by lhe 1 .. ·~ •-Sn. May •1 •. Dinner will be llatened, "to b.er paator," Mra. tn~. work, ud one halt to Ule C\W'" Clahia, tuJ:...u. dllwc:tor, W1b Th 1 A. J . Ritter, llltener of the The cha irman of the day, Mn. rant JTOUP proJMt. ~lll10M pl'lllWt at UU. bttu.J IM9\lliJ, MrY'1 at l :OO P· m. ' nu "p .. L" Mre. WeMter Jonel, ll• Jeck K1y\or, dMCrtbtd the role lldi.tcallon. y,. .. a. ,....dtlll'JUlwa protTam or the • & _ Q;t!!Nll OOnlerftl<'• and of th• lener of the "modern Lrtnd," of propapnda tnnuenclft&' public Xra.· P. J'. Baift111 p..-w.1------------ ltiM Clara itohi.Mt. '"dl~ So Southern C&llfornla . Artaona ~ n:ir 1906'' and told a( Garret ts Have n conr .... nc• WUI be previewed. p thf" d c D t Th4 Ch ..... ot . th•. Nooth a In er amp a es ... actl.ttlao ln ... Hor... A .......... Aprll • ID aw•ftl w\U be made at lhl• Council. of ch\lrch1 and he!' tlome llOAS llolf'tll.t to Mr, and Kn. meeUnt' wltb a ap«i11.l prMent..· cburdl. Arcllta Gil'Ntt, laat 8\ql«ior lloo of .. uplaMl••Y .,,. ... Announced ,by D1"rector "" .......... ·-tollow· A .... "-.. _ vl•ual repOirt ot th• honor church Id the meeUnr. Kn. Loyd N ·l;;;;;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,[I Pruktdt. Laird l:'l'irryoae u. IOlb IZlf. Mra.. Jot. Neff ae.....S Ya....L _ R CHINESE CASINO .Ru.I cu.tone. J'ood to Take out . .,,... IOft(y - 111 lllala 81. --·- U.UHDROMAT Jiuft D~ Berrlce •rlniahed i..undr)'-Dry OMIWIC 1811 Villa Way -U07 NEWPORT FUINITURI c·o. PHYWS' CLIANEIS Alt.ratton.--L&undrf-We °"'&NII Deltv• ll04li JC. -Blvd. -1611 !':.ttfll to lM P~tTam which Charle1 D. MarUI\. YouUI Di· JKV camp, 11e11 10 to 11, Jiiiy .tilb...._.ta rrom a table deO>-,,.mor eat -.. r.cl.W f 0 r tha SOUt.Mutera 10 i. ,. 8oy1 Tw ....... q..mp ...... WIUl .............. _ta ot M·emorlel Pe..J. . L SHAffll will •tarl at •::JO 11, m. In tht1 t ·· -~-... rs< HOM• ' Callltirnla Ooftte. eooe o S.... ..-1J to l~. July 11 to .AlW· I ~ now... x..... P. r. --~'~r-,.,."~·=·=·~,,..,=·~1====-enlM-d&y AdYentifla, Arl1nrton, Ad'f'tbtuNl'f Qo.ed .... •• ...... ......... wuu..m . ':{'nlat1o ftg&Jt. ... I 1&11:hm ' Flllft (llR1aCSt: or mllU9T anftCJUMed rteentb' th• de1e1 tor (\lft I to U DArlll JKV JUllP. Alm aa4 Cl#We•• 8Dddt ., ... , • C , ) . • l.r.a ..,:-.. .. ..._ ~ D--a....r 1t0 ~ lb• Pat.J\tlrtder cam.pa to be held •(111 11 tci JL, Aul\Mfl 1• to ._. uban, ~'Wu )Ifft. ...._ .. OW. 1 -.-.i:.11-r-_...., Ba7 l'rollt 8padallata Z901 Newport 111..i. Nawpori -Barbor6Z26 D!CK MACKEi Draparlea -carp.ta -Up~lery COmpleta rr. Decor1Unr a.nrlce auo vi. Udo · Badior '8%3 Newport Ught Plant Service aman 'i:nctn• a.P..1r-comp11te Puai.p 11en1ea a. lJ'!D& and Jobn BtrlctlJ bota4I eookinf • hUins 811 E. Balboa lllh'd. Barbor 6MI STAFFORD • SON l'.lectrlcal Contracton UO lllvenlde Ave. Ne?fPD't Beaclii Uborty a.me .., ~u.I., ....,-1 kHtl In ldJ'Uwild U'll• JUmrnPr. l3 Glr-i, 'I"nllnap caanp. ..... 1-.. ~·~L~-~-~-~ ... ~':;::;::;::;::;:~======~==;;;m (U .. "") " ... _.. ef .--.ww ·ci-c11. ~ """ • •-a..u~ 911 "•••'*''· J• ......., A church owned e.n operat~ 12 to JI. A~t It lo 11 ------------------11------------------M~ • camp, lut ,.-ar o...r llO junl<n' lor Tou\11 camp ace1 ti to 11. :::::: =-_-_--.re::-::"""""'""""'""., ...... "" .......... ,. .. " -BALTZ "ORTU .. RIES ·V111c1llf'• ln•·r>rwg 5torea ........ , ...-.. W--. -,,. P.... church camp la ~UwUd. Planl Gulde Uld Pathfinder i....dtN m " .!.~~ "'-E-" = \:::; an ..,. balos laid ilY Morua Tnlnl•r '""'P· awu 11DA CBAPSL C11APSL llT nm aa.i. 1'n> ,_,..., "' .... y,. •: ... t. . WI .,._ Md Ilia ._. • .,. H&lTJ Ger-ror lntnnnaUon nprdiaa 11''1 9af9kw Aftm.. .. &. c.a& ..._ ' a:::· , ...... - , "" '· ""' foe: Ulla ..... M&IOD. u.. ...,., wr1te ........ c.&a or..m. a.w .. Mu: cam. ... liar n.. .-.-~......,. te,::;:: Clunp ~ .en ~ CUtpe.. P. 0. ._ 114. A.rllnc-~ ~ W1J1 ~ ,._ .......; d · UM W. a 0.-=...,o.-dl ..,.. • ,... ~ foUo .. : JuJ7 l to I Boy1 toa. cant.,U.... S. I. lllGGS Eleelrk&I Cont..r.ctor • VOOd •trtnr --.·t coet ..• tt l'aJ'a" Ul • lhl A -r 1216 -- \ • '. HARBOR SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS GATHER Rites Slafed wu!iiu.i• ...... '•-n. _. fl. UM ._,. ol U1e ,_. aamctton. lnctw11.ry &Del a 1-.iJar lD 80Ulhent CtJifonda'1 ._,.._ we ror ftlON u.a 5'I ,_,.., 41..s of • hart •ttKIJ, ...... y lOdaJ at bl• home, IOI W ... , An. ~ .,.. .et t.oiuorrow. ba.d llY'fd h«N UK put alJc y.,. bUt otflc:ed IA Ran Pedro. John.Ion wu chaJrmu of UM bo&rd ol Ammcaa Pipe • oon-· 1t.rucUon Cu., Atnlrco&~ Oolp. ud Plpt. 1.J.nlnr.. Inc., ell ot South Gate. A .-n1Uvt: of Ord, l'Oeb., h• wu <>n lJ 2 When ht# f&rnll)' moved lo Loa Ancel•• ln 1187. Lal.tr the)' n1oveJ to San Jaclnlo. 1n lll#.5 they moved to RJv11'9\de after hla father -"''' el~ted Bberirt or Riveraid1 County. 8TAR'ftl CAREER JohMOn wlll!l a craduate of JUwr .tde H l(h School In 1toa and beg'an hi. ~reer In eon- 1trucUon work that aame year. Later hi -bec•m• prul<lent of th• contractin( firm or John-. Shea Co.. R.lvf"rlidt 111d Mrved rornla Makrlai. Cu. and <.:lt!- Ul\ll National T'nl•l • Savtnw• Bink of IUYenld1. In lUM h1 wu named flr1t pruident ol \he Botavera, a new orianiu.t1un of thf' Weat'1 ltad\111 co.nlfrvc- tlc.n men. H, a1tlo waa • trn1lee of Pomona CoUece. warTE8 BOOK Hla book, '7hrou1h the yrara," 1.n album of Lne John.on f111.mlly. ~·111 s;ubllahed In 1~. Hla wife, Irene La Rue Jotui- Hurts 0.. p.,._1--;.....-..- ~ O..,..... ... ..,...&tf :4it WiiJtW .,--..'~ P. a. A.,..tl If ,._ a car friw-. ..,. ot ¥&rdt.. • ' • .. ., ..... _ ,....._ .,.... ,.., t. '· ~t ::: --.................... IT4T& or.~.J;:: »llkkd an 0-'lt HIP...,. 000 COUlCTY OP OftAl'f01I ' Mt- t.t ftOrthw .... fJll lUJ'fM A.._ Oii t.'11 IOUa dQ oC ~ Taken t. lfoll.I' HMJl'tal. with ttM, WON """ 1iaUctc:JI 9 fl'llAor lajWU. WU l:UabeUI IU.TZll,. a Nota17 Pu~ 11(,.,, l•n Pb~ 30, ol &36 Tu.Ua for tile aid Ootaat7 &ltd 8tak. A.•1.. Newport Boeh. Bhe WU ~ lhtnln. dUt1 ._~sylr a ~ 111. a Cat' drl"" b7 t6oned and 9trom. ·~ .,_ SJL WllU&m H. Blu.. II, ol 6CMo s-red I. J, BUUH, kncrir'9 to Ill· Modena. kx:a.I POiie:• depart-M9' to b9 Ute pe_NOn ..... ~ ment dt.ic .,.,~t • .uMcribed to u.. wlUlllp •· Driver of tlMI otlMr vllb.lcl1 tt.rum«tt a.ad admow~ io WU Sant.a Ana w,tl Scbool sl·U· me that be --.sud t.M; ..... rS.at C&r)J"le s., Wu.on. 11, ot JN WITNDa WIDIUDOP., ··1 120 r: st. Oertrud. Ptac:'e, S&nta tiave hn"t\lllto Mt m1 ~ ..id Ana. ltnxed my otftdal Mal ~ LM:!_ -----------· llnd yeu In thl.8 CerUtJcat~ LEGAL NOTICE lboVe writtf.n. tSEA.LJ /1/ BERNICE C. MNYlDR Notary Public ln ud I# aald" Qounty and 8t.t.t No. lt~ Ne••·Pl'UI .t •120. 27, ~/4, 11, 1"6 NfYflUS rNVl'TfNO UD8" ~•l~ll bltJa wlll be reeetved by th" School Tn1itee1 or the New11<111 Be1ch IC I em en l • r Y School 1Ji1trlct tor euetod1a1 •u P-1 ;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;, pu,.. Bids will be received up to :?:00 p M, M.ay 31 . 19~. at th• Bualnt~ll Ofnce. 2000 Chff Drive, N•v,.port Beach. Callromla. Hidden Springs 91 Twenty.two winnen ot prif.e8 at the recent Science hlr held ln Bania Ana College lnapect one of the 1:'M>d'1-· 'Tbalel and ·the Gttat Pyramid. which won a ~ place .tor "l"rank Schullz. Science Depart- meat Head K. E. Whiten.eek ii on left bottom row and Robert Holl.le, biography inltructor w h o handled local entriea ia at bottom right. -Staff P hoto 11 pretJident of the NaUonal aon, died: Nov. JO, 19~. He Ba.nk of Rlvtrilde from 1918 lo-leave• tv.·o daucht1r1, Mr1. W!n- lt2:Z 1ton R. P"Llller, San Ma.rlno and • )(ra, Earl a. Corkett. Balboa , Lel.vtn1 the blnk to re-enter 1 stster, Mra. Laura Hinkle, lh• <Onstnictlon !lold ho bo••m• ._. Monrovia: five rrand chlldtl!ll. pre1ldenl of HaH-Johl\llOn Co .. Nancy, \Yllllam and Thom11 River•ldf lad Alhambr1&. no¥." Corkill. WlaatOri R. Jl'ullet Jr. J•;hn~n. Inc. Later he bccan1e and Marilyn R. Fuller. The Hoard of SchoOI Trustee& "' th~ Newport Bearh School D1$tnct r;eHfYl!'I th• d1ht to re- Je<'l any or all bid.a or wa ive any !nfn• .. ,,.lily In I bid. Helene caenar. _<...1erk Soard of Tnlatee• Newport Beach School Diatrlcl RANCH !000 PALMS, CALU'. ·-- • JUNIOR WINNERS ll'J SCIENCE FAIR $even ot the eight ltudente from Horace E nsign School who won award.I in the Ftn:t Annual Science Fair, Santa Ana, ttcently rroup around teleacope which won !int place a.mong Lil ph)'11ica1 fJCie.nce entries in junior high .chool division. Left to right, are David Lourie, two fourth placea for Magnetic Linea of J'orce and Studies In Botany: Pa.m Lerner, 2rid, rock collection; Micke y Bramble, 3.n\, metal detector ; Jim Erwin, 3rd, electric motor: Don Ca.rawell, 1st '1Jd & $2:5 ·bond tor tele.cope; Bruce Muon, 3rd, 1e& light, and Sue Sibley, 2nd manufac. tl,l.re ot perfume. T. J. Furia wu their inatructor. -Staff Photo YMCA Awards Given Harbor High Students at Rally Oran.11 eo..t teen.a~ eh1b1. 1-11-Y and T'ri·Hl-T, bdd their third annual nlly recnUy at Ot"lllll! Cout Colle1e. where they played same.a, rece.lved award• a nd '*"ttended ve•r aer- vlct. Kathy Ha7"'1, Claudia Gentoli and Dorothy tlobbt r .. " th• ceneral a.ernl>l.)'. The Dick Rlcha'.:rd proa-r•m award) 1nd a T '• Men'1 fl...t place CQh award -ll'W JlrNtnt~ 9d to the Jma Oub, Pat John· 1<1n pre1ldenL Y'• Me:n '1 aecond plact award was s1vf!ft 'Illea "club, Kathy Hayne-. pnaldenL Third place went to Rho Omer• Beta club, Patty Wbl!Mfleld. pr,.1ldent. Mr. a nd Mra. Orlin e>v.rman anll Mr•. Mt:! ¥elater JUdJf'd lhe ~rapbooks. Nanci Campbell. Nt'9'port Hubor Unlon Hlrh lk:Mol Jlerllor, recalved th1 Rob- ert Olander Tri·H t-Y Girl of-I.ht! Ye1r award llnd Miry Keith ac- ctptl!'d the club award tor the member1. Boy of the Ye1r award "'f'nl to C111rlf"1 M<'Cun·y Jr .• a Har- bor htsh· .tenlor and pruldt'nl Qf Lu Marqula club. Mr1. Kenneth Jfelseeon. Paul Nia110n and Ver- fKm Peck mad9 u.. T'rl-Hi-Y r lrl and boy of the )"Mr Mlttl- UML Nra. Alic• M. Fox. director of sjrJa• woril at the c'Ollere YWCA. 111cl Mm. l'lllncy MldcUe-- ton. Cu.<ta Meaa tf!acher. 1cled &1 adw.lt rMOW"cea pereon1 In (l'(IUP dlarl1Uio111. DaUns WU dlacuaeed In tM Ouya and DC>lll .,.sak>n with Nanci campbell a.. chalt"!lln h cMlnrtUI •nd -ploym•nt wu COIUdd•rlllt with 1-n.llv a• cha irman arid Guy Tnl1r u .pea_ker. lhnokinr and drlnklnl came up al the Teena11 T'l'lmdll ,.. ... lion with B&rNra Shira u dlairm.u. ll WU ~ !hat t-enqers Mould not drink and cnoltera AhQWLblY~ntal approval. The &TWP eoncluded -------t---- Whidd9n Ghi Ion! It '" • 1trl lor th' fton1ldl Whidden., ot 2190 Ortinf• A\'11 , CU.ta Meaa. Th• ._., a.rrtv.d M *-I' Hoa;pltal *'1 I. that mnolluic b7 teenarera ._ ... a alp of tmm1lurlly. CynU'ila Beltr1n ind Karen \\'11ner conducted the ve&J)f't aervk:e llJld Mra. Foa. read the MnedlcUon. Rarick Elected Ray Rarick. Or1nr1 Coa1t Collt1e •sr1cuJtur1 11udl!lll. wu fleeted 1ecretary of th1 State Younr Farmer• orc•nlu.Uon 1t the Rec:tonal mutlnr h•ld lut week In Chino. Rarick ta a f1Hhman from Coat& Meaa. Oth- er1 a tten<lln1 the Chino m~et­ ln1 were Porter Teylor. Bob \\'ooll. Martin McGralh and El· rtn Hall, advisor. N~wii.·n Harbor Nf"~·1-Preu ~o. 1460-M•Y lt,18. 19:)6 Private funeral Mrvlee11 ·-111U 1~ , ~. --- be conducted Baturday at ~ C'l'~RTll'ICATE Of BlSJ:\"l:!olS Fossil Bones Given OCC's Science Class prc1ld,.nl or Weirtern Concrete P!pf" Co., n'ow known u Ameri- can Pipe It pm.1tn1cllon Co. He was elected ch11rrnan of thit lat- ter firm'• board tn 19:12. - ctiapel. RMe ltifta Memorial t"lrtlllou" f1rm :\"•me _ _._ -Park with th1 Rev. Jamee F. t THE UNDERSIGNED doe& I Stewart, putor of 81. Andrt w '1 htrtby c"rtlfy th1l he IS c-on- He alao waa prc•ldent uf Preebyterian Church. Nt"Wport duct1nr a dry cle•nlnc •nd laun-r-----------=--" SoutMm P'lnance Service and Beach. oNlcialinc . Entombm"nt dry bualnu.1 •l 1687 Ora n1" Parlnc Conatructon:. Jnc., bull\!-will follow ln the JohMOn ram-"""nue. Costa Mesa, Ca llfoml• er1 o! Shaata Dam. He waa • II)" room, ~ Hilla Mau90ltom. und"r the flctl.ttoua firn1 name ll'uatff and vice -prealdent of The family ha• eucceeted to ;,t BAY CL E AN£ RS AND ft,•e, Hill• Mf'motLal Paik of friend• If they wl•h to memor-LAU:\"LlRY, llnd thal aald firm \\'hitU.r. !ah1.e John.on th1t they make is o"'·ne<i .alely by L.. J . BUS- FOR m08E WHO WANT Several hundred pound• of fo1- 1U bone1 from an unidentified mammal hl\'11 been ,rlVf"fl to the Science <1epa.rtm1nt of Or1.nre Cout Collece. It waa di.1eloaed today by J1me1 PHton. geolo(Y in1troctor. In. addition, he aerve-d aa a d011allona to charlt!e1 of their SEY. "''hOlle place of re1ldence I• dlrfl'CtOr of Sun Gold. Jnc., C1U-own choice. )21 K!ngs Road, Ntwport Be11ch. ·A HOLIDAY HOME F'--==•-~""'.;;,,;;:~~~~~~~~======~-----=--=====--~-l JI Xo"' you taa U\·e lllle frvt.1 The bone1 werl taken trom I ti y ... r 1Nae6tolcl pla:l oa di.I 81lt 66, an uca.,atlon tlO label-~t:'\' ~-----,,. ~ d~M'rt and ..nail week etld or td by lh1 Loi An1elu County ~' I k Hollday Home. B11 lot•, 1,,_, Mlaf'Um. I CTON f rom the aalt • oc worka In tht Upper B1y area. I "•ler, elf'ct. pb••t 'iS 1: 116 They d&tf' from the plet1toc~P 1ntly JM • ff"•r cn11111d rent. era, which would make them ~1Jr•"4 for U1e lAalUltenbfe abo\lt on, mllllon ye1r1 old. Thl1 pPctple "·ho "·-t o.ly 1 -.ti 1 w11 the la at Ice A re. 1.n<1 w11 I ln\nlmPnl to '-•'"" dMl!rt IU· i' thl a&me period that found 11- bN tooth t11er•, h1lry mam-1 •lllne aad IH•allh, Jdttl fer ,... moth1 and 1 t1nt 1round •lolh• llrl'"d roupiet, es ana7 &Ml j tripped In the mire of th• La J4 ,...,., offi~l'I. be&clh ~If I Brea Tar P it.. ~ "·h11 "·ant """9pe fl'flftl f111. Opinions dltt~r rerar<llnr the 1 ~ I 1denllflc1llon ot the bone•. One '!!/ff/.)' · theory I• that they mtrht be . BIGG&-or BE E-\"ou inay l>ulkl to J••r -· lh• 1kull, rib i nd vertebrae of ·• · 1. . ~ I I ~ pluu. approved Aly m, ..,u I a whale. One bone, when plecad tra.iter l• it .. m •r ... -..., lOJether, !1 approJtlmat,\y ~ven feel lonJ . An lnvltaUon hu I 'l'lith ki&Mr &ppro\·&1 '-keep bffn Hill to tha Loi An1ele1 51 p • 55 F d 54 Ch I + t.M ~r. We ei&a WW County Mu.a.um. raquMtlnr & ont1ac or evro e _.t blodl: llctnlel '80 ... ft. paleontolort•l to Identity the 1 2 Or.-Hydr. t Dr.-Tuton1 210-:Z Or. Uvlq ,._ finpla.o9 ltd\dlout fo1.11l1. lt P,11 bffn revf'aled. $39 $1395 $1095 Meanwhile. th1 bonea hav1 been 5 Ntll eat"POri oomplet• a»it. plated In a 11au c••• In t.M 'wttll -11e4,_ added JM11 """"" B•11•10•· 49 Chevro let 54 Ford 47 Ch rys ler .......... '" ,., .......... Thi bolle1 wer1 ,riven to the 1 oal.)' ff J'e&r "'-bold .. f.ke I Ca 1 ~ t. _,tke. V~Ranch W11. OD. l'-:Z·Dr. ro le11 by Bob r.i, former $"°5 $l """ $225 -...rt. W•rmaU011 fl'M H member of on1 of Pillon"• reo-L 7 ~ lo()' cluae.1. Al-a on dlipla y In v»lt O'lllr ase•t ac Wit... lh• Sd~oo BulldloJ uo whol• 52 Ford 54 Ford 53 Ford bone& tak,.n from the aame lo- r1tron by Bruce Handy. re.ldent ~ t. Ex.pr_, Country Sedan-OD. 4-Dr -FOK -R or Bolboo lolud. "''" ""' ltLA5 $1645 $1045 'Dffn loe.ned to th• oollec• by ~ Hudy '" ""'''' "!""'"'' T H E 0 D 0 R E R 0 B I N S B"'91e Duplex Set YOUR FORD DEALER Kenneth I. Bol1le Ja at w"k took out a llt.718 Co•la Mesa rlly bulldlnr iarmlt tor ron-1 lltUCtiOn of a dUpltA With SI· r11e at 277 Co.ta Meaa St. Our 35th Ye•r of Service iri This Community 3100 W. COAST HIGHWAY GREATER EAINlll'5 REMEMBElt .. SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ,,. EARN FROM the lit. '. LI 8-3471 Soulh <lout Aptlll I "C" THO.MAS I U:Al,TOB ..... AMOCIADJll' "'w.c..n.....,_ """'"" 8-dl. Oallf. ~MM'f Pll ANNUM CURRENT WNINGS • " '_ ~ N01ICI . JP.AGE 6 · w• • • --............ !!:::::!!!!!!r.-9' !'~f~;;~ ·~·~-~-~~-··~~·~·~==="'?.·~~·~~-~~·!::::::":'"~! i1 :·~--:i~~-~--~~ : · ,wvkMA!,,.!•~ ·-wAw · -i, WE~ .. rt r-: Aft Gr ; -1 4 ..... QUI ~~~:.::.CI a ...... f ···.-.-~ .. :. ~:"" ..... RUult & R • ., . • ue • ' ~'==---l==~l.~ .u~--.· ,, ............. . ~-_ .... • . ··~ . ,_ " . ' tluetln&" a ntaJJ Pd ~ • c:s,aa ..i'OTI"' pllJP ' mi • • _... .....-....._ "' Ju " ,. """""'11t. """ - -!! •1': ........ . Aft Thd K ...... It -*'™' AYe.,,B&la.o. J.tlt.M~ o..a.i • ••• r ...... ~ ... 9 °. Ifs• • = ol M~ ..... w ... 1tUa rornla,"""" tho lie'"-~"" •,Utttoa 11 _..._ .... 1111'1. -.. ~ -to.i. O.ta .._ U -• '" ---Sleehetf Oolt P .... On JI' nBD Ot.UI ...... ..a.-........ ~ ----ln1ler ........ ---~-"----_ _u ---nun. ot l(lN or c.ut:OC1* Ud ' , ~ 1; .. ,. __ -.U It tnat. •14 Arm " oompow1 ot ..-tfl, • LW -.. •1 -GIRLS , ·•ti. to1low1.q .-noaa. whQM. • ....._ ,....,._ • w ...,__.a-.1 ~ Yow Come 1·eet it . , •rt..naB.Df'0~1•• •rd&I ~n:-.!' !.ull,:!!.!~:...io-' u.. _ • •s•?"•• w ...,. -_., ~ n .... w1 ..... Goc;>D NEW~1 .<X>XPLm m:KJa1Bau> ~ :.•::;·;: = ':,.. •.::: OUNNArt &. WATION u.u.w .. ,......_ .. ....._,K• ' a..a.,,. .. , -.,..._ LOST. DA.OLK. Wadi: wtth CLC1l'HJ1(0 f'OB TD UDAii PAM!f ·T "1.,_ Har • ...,. tcU '1012 Dolphin T~rra.i. Millmll•~•·UHD t ~ whlWn.ct,collar,cMAAteet. OOOD Jam GOG> ····n . "'""'~, ..... .,.,.111181J11.D" ... \ -' lt,AU..PDDOLlta ..... fld 1rv1ne Tenau,' · ~~_~ .... WM" ",. -,.-wttla tac; 11• bl!Qitlllll' .. .• 1 •t. fl" ..._ Wll'#•t" Corooa dol Mu, Colli. NE nm ·~ --.., • --... , w' Ir -1 ()poll llfDD.,, lt;od.. l'rL. llat. -'t11 9 wm.,:u "'' nan• '"'' ''" _ WPQ..,._ llABBOB NEWS.PBE88 r n•w.uu>. 1,t -1· '" ----,.-• ~s -·---402 IC. 4TB :=l."' .._ -. ~ ._r. 11.y ot w.)'. 1m E . -·~·-.....,...,_ OUNNAR &.WATSON "" ..... ...,. w ...... ...,rw ....... , LOST ..,,.... ... y ..... -MAO "'"· 11 ........ ., STAT9-0P..eA.LIPORNIA J CO . . .:... o,, .... '* -!""--!:::.!""'!!~'!!•~'!!s!!R!!F!:l•!'!.-_;,· __ I ... ! ;!IP! :sq laUQCb. dLr)Wr ~ n· co0'rn,~~ .. o:~~~.1.";; A.STAL SR«?PfEB-Wecblelllays ~~R,!;~.;R~... Tele~ ~t-. , ~ ........, .-. "orzos ••'-"' :!':., ~ =~· -.'::: 19M, before me. ROBERT A. SEWING MACHINES ....... Thill t. UMlr. 111oet •· Jlllnr Av._ t~l) EASTMAN, • Not.&ry Public In I All a.-1.fW Adli __. .. pUI for Vaall lll IKlv-•I~ "'1lb lluHnw m.t'dl ol Mc. penalve ...... Ht.a tni1m.tn1.t. .. \ SclO nnd ror · th• Mid t.'ounty and Th• -publlahen w1u not 1111i ~bl• for more than one tncornct • Dorttl4 Bt"Oa, Natt Jone&. Coli· -A1Pb' -Rent A °'M•chlne ell CIOllltOl &.&. a•• u=ina. b.lb. ------------. ......u ot "' wno P'P'" • -·1-Call s $3 50 PER "0 ' • TRAOC Si..te. n!llldlng thereln, duly com· on an • r...,.. UM rltht to oorrec:Uy clUli!y uy ud L.Jl;tll(b M807 • cl•lm ""'9rd. l!JO \.o •:JO p.-. • m • Tbt'-clta.t«, -'*l1 JM.ti Ud 6 ~ minion~ and 1wom. perwonally all adl and lp rt~ MY ad not contormlns' to rule• a.nd re(llltUona. .... lit: W . .lrd I t. bA9 tM.t ..-tr& d-.a, oYtrlklw •,p~red GU.,NNAR E. WATSON ..... , l&a1& _..... 1 MORSE rt..... Bt.1. on WI ill tul.Ft ~ '0:..~"!'-,-., ........ -·~ \ •• th DEA.DI.IND for pi.cin. or cancaUtq MM al"I : ·--c -....,ONE -1-..a _,,.., __ ----nown Lo to """ e peraon F M .. ·-LOST ~BLA.GK CAT. BatU.-p~~ ..,_..... WOl.lld oo.t ~ "•-•1 w .. t -·"-bo&t ....... -_... ,_ ...... or on 1 Publication -.Friday II p.m. S I (; t ~ --•v ... ,.o.e nam11 ,. 11ullllert--.. to the -.carnd ~. An.wmnc to •W nt, en er .PJl.00. Mo flMlt PQ' ,_,.. w •·•boo•-N- I ... , ,__ For ~Vednf:#d&y PubUcatlon.-Tuaeday 1 p.m. 1----,..,--------~u ....... ..,....._ .... .,.... w .......... Lrumt>nl, and tell.DOW· Jinm11. LI l-7'94M kll .. 'ICI\ Mt.kt 111.fO per S. ~·1 Barbor ·..,._ llUt' ledlltd to m• that h•. n.euted I For 1-~rldty PubUcaUOn -Thut'9day t p.m. -BeacoD. pa.el\nnel --., • rum. r.etorr Wble.. 1111 I:. - lhP .111anie. Ni;\VPOBT llUBOR P VBUSHL"'lfi 00, L08T dark blue parakMt. Bud ~-Santa Ana lit St., aut. ..._ 0,.. '-iJJ IN \VrrNKSS WHEREOF', I -----'-'-'-' _ ... _ ... __ 111_ ..... __ ._·-_, .. _ .. _-_ _:·_c_ ... _u_0_-____ Oft las. UWA.Jll.O. Ll 1·31N ' 100"' _...,,_ nt•!Md . u 94, 8un4-1 ll-6. rb. 10 T.a41'1' have he1'9\1Dlo .. t ,J:tJ!¥ hand and I or Hu. 1U9 · 9P. , _ ~ • ~ 1------------'"""' mi""'"'"'...,'"' • ., Classlf"1ed ,_ .. _x 1.2-___ !l_•_lldlng S.rvlcoo No roo coDoetod .... •P.,......, Feet Hurt? and year ln Ulla C.Wlc•le fil'lll llUW -----~ 1 ~i~t=8~.c:~b~oo~la.!::..,!lutruetlo~~~!!'!D __ I 'l3·S11t Newport BMcb """"' w.tttm. FURNITURE Try Knopp Shoes ROBERT A. EASTMAN I care of Tb&Ak.• LEARN SPANISH CHJLD care, live ln, l&l&rJ. \\'l:STINOBOUU Porto Vac., 1 .. tut raodfll With attach- mt:nt•. New. nevar ~ l&Q. Har. 281t-R. k9 My Cornmi.Ulon E~plre• a 8pt'Clal Aanou.Memeat DU.Unctlvely designed LIMrty l-:W.40 altar ll P· m. IO!S w. 11t at., 8aata An• '"'' 29, 19~ 4 Flaaeral Dtrecton hod Spanith converu.Uon taught In litre Klmberly WOlf befoN JO a.m. Madt, repai~ or ~flnl• your home or otOce. By ap-------------\ St-Wanted to •-~o. 1~9 Newa·Pru• to Bin.I Guida and an.er I P• m. ttttc _,, -C. EVERETT SMITH polnµrtent, lndlv1dually or Wan.tad boye 10 to 14 year1 ot ----'-----'----I 5/11. 18. 2a. II/I. lliM 11 Bulldlnr Matert&D II M " ·-ro-N-·---....... to Top pricel ... IA tor (12 • 29th St.. Newport Beach •mt Jl'OUp&. any yea ••· • .,_ ~.-_..... 12 Bull41as Service• Har. t861 d•Y• or eventng1. 91clll experience. be open ooon . .APPLY Mr. Park-\\'ESTERN SADDLE $M J u N K • ~o. A·111tll9 l"IOTICY. TO OK1!:DITOR8 ~STATE OF KATE WHEAT· CROFT, aka. P.CRS J .E. "\\'Hl!:AT· CROM', DECEASED 14 Pe,_ ... 111 ___ No atudl••, pronoirraph or er, 2211 We.it Balbo& Blvd.,-CALL L1 8·8:;\!23. 93trc l5 Sh.,. \'our <.:ar FO"' RENT EnJlith. Reltrencea. For In· Newport U ------------ .1.\. '!ormat.loA cont.act .J. s. MIRA· ti Trauportttloa Bklll Saw1, Elac. DrilLt, Poll&hera, MON atternoon.1 or evenlnp. m CHA.It.Gii BOOKKl!l!PD t1 Koofiac tJi t,ypu of lland•r•. \VbeaJba.r WUU&m Penn Hot.IL 2308 w. tor mfr. CODC•m. Perm&11ent. JI BeautJ A.Id• rowa. ate. at.ti Rt. Loa Alll•I• 57 Bell Costa Mt1L at.ate q,utlifi.._ BOYD'S HOWE. ___ :_' --'=-----uo-JU:PLT to BOX N•H. 118 Be&lth A1dm N-•·Pr.. SclO nMl w. COAST HJGHWAY 28--8itaatlou Wanted I' Lost a.IWt t"ouact Movie Projectors l'OK R1INT 8·M.M ll·MM l!i·K,M H9BST and MODEL A.IRPLA.NE SUPPLIES t.ron. ooppar, brats. alwntnum, et.e. An quanUty. Inim.&tt.a pick up. Call U 1--1701 ,..,. n n '. DOUJILi: llMDm\. cabin cruieer Good motor, pod bull ... at Q JOI, Udo r.IUUI• Anc~. ILUCS Orn:R ... 0 . Stun.daft. &00 • 11-.. Newport. Har. 2t71 Mel ILlP tor l"tnt. Can handle 35 tt. or lar1t>r. Privat.a dock. Har· bor 2~:.0. ttc 16 ft. outbotr<I mot.or boat. I~ yni. old. Exct>ll condlUon. '300 . LI 8·4143. 1c9 Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent A.maricu IA11on 11&-l&tll llt. Mt<eting 2nd-ttb Wed. 9 p.m. Pitt ------ XOTICF. JS HEREBY GIVEN to \he crt:dltors of and all pt>r·. .>10n1 havlnc cJ.a!1na ar lllntt the M•tol •ltreJ"nt or tald e.ttte to f1\f' lht'm with the o ecee&tr)' vourht'rt tn lht' ofrtce of the Clerk or the St1perl0T Court of tht' St•lt' of CalUornl•. In end !or the Count)' or Ol"tl\1e. or to p1·etcnl lht' Mlllt', with the nece ... ••ry vouCht>r•. to !ht' unUer11l(ll· ed at hit or h"r place of bual· ·1t'llll, to·wll : Liberty 8·305 Nwpt. Bch. 28tfc , .. Seboula. IA&trw:UCHI SOME l"Rl:IC. aom• fee. u 81 \\' ... COLLIXJJ: Student. 21. Law Hded UI !I a!~~~,:ted •n maJOr. Would Uk• emplo)'me.t A~~~~ r~i.:~t 0 ~~ Meara Camera Shop ao llllM'eJlaaeou• SPARKLETIS Newport area wttkendt A I domMUc1. Many jobll for 1782 N_.port Blvd., Co•ta M ... P.A !-1\\"tpt montlui ln aummer. Depmd1ble. qU&llfltd man. itepter now. Phoni Liberty 1-7042. pr U M-B Appi.WIC>Cll Spring Freah Water congenial, STcamore a.sat ctuf'. Jun• rarrar. EmJI. Arey. HOUBEl'UL of turntture. Wt have f.0,000 IC!· ft. HW1dredt S4 ot pl.acae eorninr In dtJly. 'nlla tncludl!9 complete bedroom. U•· Radio -TV Specials B1.nk of An1t'rLCll 8')J North !>hun Strfft Sanll Ana. CAll!omta- A ttn. Thon11U1 L. Channell Aul. Tn111t Ofrlctr "''lth~n 11\w munth11 tfler t he flr•t publlc1.llon or th1• notice. D•ted May 2, 19~ Bank or Ainerlct Nation.al T ruat and 811vlnp Aalt>C'lt Unn By : Tnom111 L... ChtMtll. ~t. Tru•t o rncer II W•ated to iw1 Half Gallon for Infant Uiw. tnr wMk • Har. 32111.J W'Mk· •02\~ Jlnd 8t., NpL &1ch p ER SI AN BOKR.ARA. BE- il l'urnlt111'9 for SNt Makea Delicioua Coffee •ndl. ltUc (a croaa rrom aty Rall ! LOUCH. eam.ia-Halr. H.U(A.· !:·!_·~,i:ttq8-0pp1•-· Drink I 11uAc1 a day and enjoy EXPERIENCED LADY deaire1 'R~SL-.-.,.-.,.-T~A~Tl>--B-'1~,~-u--wl-th-DAN. I AR UK, J(J:JU(A.N -.....-... ..,. the bett of hNlth. .._.. ~--IU • ral tcttltr rur•. M utt MU frac.. •• ,. ... 1.s,, os••o, T v """ .. ,...... F09 on rane local expartance. work in.de· NT" ..... ,.,. ..., _, LI 8 50 I 2 -11 k •-t I Uon or1-'"•1 value. Ollllll ......, .. Do , -•· r "' ce wor . .,.....,,,.. YMrl n· .,..dent. Wt -w1.. In ... - ,., ........ cilt ~· • ..-....... aw u. ,.,, w •••• -.--"''' oxportly repaired. El· .. -It 2•1, • _, .... '""'P· c ... r. · · acr.a,.. To.. commlnion, ,..,u ry " ,. umal•• trff. Puthmtn'I 2TM 31 Uve11(Q('k write box No. P-31 thla paper. E . Cout Htrhwiy Corona dtJ " '•'"' wu•·• COMPLETE PAINTING Roy's Maintenance -v;;;;;;;r;;;;;;;:n-;;;:;;;;::-;::;ec;;;1;1 I I __:M::•::"-------="=u .tO Aotu• for Sale r to-A Tlrea A: Parta &: Paper Ha.nitng Service 1:.XPl:RIENCED marin11 mrtne t t Auto 8enb ' • mtJaSNll 0. IAUNDllRB Complete Prof111ional mach.anlca -yacht pt.lnt•ra- 0 Tralltrw 500 li.t ltnet. 'N.wport Beach boat bulldare A yacht carpen· u All"p.... llartMlf Jt7t tic Housecleaning ten. Apply at yard ottlc•. t 1 "'anW ta RMll SOUTH COAST COMPANY U Apt-. & Ho-for lte•t PAINTING Floor waxiug' and bulling N-porl Blvd. at 33rd 81tc11 ti-A Apt .. for a.t mTllRIOJt -EXT.a:ttlOR Attn: Property Owner! Ar• you nerlecUq your wattr heater? LIMITED OFFER $2.50 Clean. drain and adjuat your 1ns 1'9(lm, cUnlnr if1"0Up. All ""' w\UI factory cuarant..._ Pd. ~. lo 13•8.0I. Pay ua only lf..M per wetk. 8" their hup f\ln!Jtvr. factor)' warehouae. a.., Bf.Ul'hn'• F\lrn. Factory WhM., 10111 J:. 191 !L, Santa AllL opan da!lJ '"'· eu11. 11-1. Phone JU 'f-6417. FIVll ROOM.e ot lood tumltUl"I oona1aUAJ of: O'Kfft• • M•n1U ruce. l&rr• J9trlctn· tcir. dln1ll,I" room .. t, 10-pc. 11.tr\a room tnMl'nbl.. 2 tt.d· room Mta. jl1ll repot119Mtd. Bala.act due 1171. PtJ 13.&0 a week. COMPLETE AMATl:UJll HAM radio t nd trtnam!tt41r wltll mlcrophnnt, trom 10 to llO mttar coll.a $166. SEVERAL.. TV'S that have. bean complet411y rebuUl lnclud. new picl\lr1 tube. 17" Admlra.l cOMOI• .•.... 119.1!'1 111" Zen.Jth cOSWOlt •........... 171.I~ Hofrman conaolt ..... ~ ........ •31.9ri TV SERVICE $2.00 CALLS Ewecutor nf the Nlate or aald df'C"'lent KUBWITl. & H t:k""ITl. \ttoruey" at Law '3-B B<.>1198 fOJ" a-t .U.SO KARINE PAINTING Vfindow Clei&P.in.I Rl:A.L ESTATE 8A.LE8MA.N - ti.() Traner SpM>t LICENSED -INSURED UpholBtery Cleaning want.er for e1tabliahed otftc.. •• ILooma IOI a.at 'Glenn Johnston PatiOI Color waxed Muat have local expertenca. Ctll your DAY • NIGHT wet.tr betttr. HUB FURNITURE MIO W. <Anter IL. An&helm ANYWHnll !11 1 l S et4'JIOrt 81,·d, X-pd\'t )Jea(-h. C.llfornla -\ttomPJ• tot r.t...cutor 'kl. 14611 N-~Pr>eM ·,Jf,. II, li, 26. l• U-A Hett a-L··--·-"D---1•-Cal1 BOB JONES. H•rtior-2:313 AUTHOftlZZD Dm.u&R tl·B aoom & Board 501-llat Bt. l\'evfpOTt BHch Wll\.I.,.,.. n.e:9W\a kll ~'OUR RC>QJ.UI of new turnlture 61 &eia ., Kiiie. Harbor 3176 49t!c JOE BECHTOLD coo.i•tlnr of: tull*llM ranp, 5S SltN!ll a Ofdcet REASONABLE U C•N'BED r-.i. ealat• ...ieaman Plumbing 1&rre ftfrlter•lor w1UI er-· Ii-A-limb m ... w. P.ainting Ii f'aperb.l.Dgtng ror tun time aalea worlc wttll Har. ~so. Wp !rMM"r, 11Wn1 rm. ..t. """""" ,_ M &oatrtm Opportvaltte. We dot.he work ourtelves. Phone Liberty 8-1332 i..,une. Beach nnn. Wrlt• Bmt 10...pc. uvm1 room enaembl•. x .. A t8911 56 M&Dey to Lou JO ,..,.. apftMnct Uc No. o-u. Nnte-Pret11 for •P-SA.LI: OR TR.ADE bedroom complete With bo:ii; ...-<mt·t: OP SALt; ot• RC.AL H Mone1 W..W ~ A lnaured. po&nlm.nt. k11 Rota11lt11t Jdlchen equlpmt'nt. 1prtn1• .t_ tnnersprlnr mat-PROP~TY AT PttlVATI! :.7 Real Z.ca&o9 W-tfli Bati.tactJon ruartnteed. 8.A.CJUFICI:.. Make ofter 3707 trtM. Juat 14915 wttb lCN M .U:: 51 RMI S.ta&e ....,.le. E«lm•lt• o--, c.u Jo.lmnl' GARDENING EXPl:Rll!NCEO woa.n not over E. Cout Hwy., Corona dtl wealu to pay. L'i' Tiii!: 8l1PEKIOR OOl"RT M llMICD9 PNputJ LI 8-2687 A: LI 8-5289 tlst 11 to ae.11 aportn.>eu It Mar. LI 8-6635 :!p lO HUB PURNITURE .)., ......... STAT" o• c su. M-A Coauneric:9I. t.duetrla.I 8111, Raullnr -and odd jobt MW In new local tbop. Wrlte " .o.>IL L • .... ~ W. Center St., An1htlm roRS-lA IN A:'(D l"OR nu: II Re.I Eata\t Exdl&tr• REABONABLI: rtTtnl' quallncatkll'I# to Spence Ia:y1tone 6-6028 . Sit N ' Kint T tlevizion SolH and Service U:: M 12~ VENUS 17 Ln TV T>1b1 .. rnoo lt PO. Har. •1Ti 9 MOTOROt..A 21 In 170. Har. 4177 TV con .... 1 ' 3 BPfNETS A 1 Gr·and, 1!n1el cue dtm&lt' Ln 1hlppLn1;: fr.trbt co. • fartory pa)'. yu1 ttve b l( money. OClfM:IDT PHJLLIPB 1130 N. Main. s A OOUNT1' OP fJHANOE ti a.I r..ta&e PAINTING Uberty 1-11641. 915pi Hand Pr1nta.. 117 J"oolJIUI 81., START Oift·Mtklnr now tor tn th• Matltr ol the E&tatt' of ~pecla.I Notkle9 LA.DIES Clanlmont. kll Motlier'• Day-Father'• Day-HOUSEP"UL of • lurr.1tun1, It'• RALPH A. GUTHRIDGE. Bride._ Gra.dutllon -Birth· rt!tlly nict, lnclude1 10 plecea HAMMOND Org•n11 ueed. J nzz<•Md. Do lhoulderw or fMlt acba1 N ll ED Coo k a. Wtltt'tUe9. or "•In< --. f pl-•• ot din-• ~ y N rt u. bo daya! N*'1" yama. tlr•w• and .. """"'' ... rare ORPOrtunuy. One lamuu• l't'otlca la haHtly ('lv•n lh1.t ewp9 oar r PAPERHANGING 111 R.ELA.X.ATJON nttdtd? dl.thwa.tbert. Man 35 -" corot:. 313 E. BtlDOa Blvd.. tq room, bedrv&m lncludinr CHO!lD ORGAN. en• B\ 'the underelped. •• ,.x9cullrlx 8. P. 0 . E . MAKE A.N APPOINTMENT for ;1: y ~;c:~':~=* Balboa. Har. f.833. 33ttc bookcua beadbotrd, mlttrua Hom• Modil both llke new >f the btat'• ot R»lph A. 1767 Sympson &' Nollar Swed'1sh M (. mirror. W• have •0.000 IQ. Don't wait If you wl&h t• .Althrldri. O.C..'11. W\11 "11 MHt.1 every 'lbvraiay I p.a. assage AGENCY ~T W . Cout Hwy, MAK!'; OFFER rt. Of rurrutnra hare. Thia con-1n&kt a (ood 1avln1 01 •t prlvata .U• to tbt bl(ht•t Vt.a Opurto _central A"' Belt ICJl"pertanc«i Workman In your home. Newpot-t Beach. Ll •-sc:3io a f"T. Di:WCAT1:815ltN cu-e tract paid dn. to 1291.11. 1"9.y th• wol1d'1 t lne1t Or«IJV •nd Mil tMdder. upon th• lt>rmt • Newport BMch U.r. 2'0t or a3tf Pleue rt ll Harl:IOr •7'6 o~ Jarce commerc. rerrtc on ly 13.47 ~r week. JJk tor sClDCID1'. PHlLLIP8 Hom• 1hd tcmdltlona httf'lnefter men· Dick Newman. !Culled Ruler l-------''-----"-i o='~H-"'_'°_'_1_0. ______ a._11_1 DESK WAITING 1 SCA.LES. l GONDO~ Robert.a P'u.m. S"' Baurhn'1 ot tbt Hammond orpn, 1121 Uo nt>d, and ~bjl!(;t tu conrtl" P"OR BROKER OR S>.LESMAN Call Ll 1-:)79«1 titer ~:30 P· m. JF\lrn. Fact.Dry WhM.. 1015 E. No. MtJn Bt~ Santa Ant. 000' mallon by .. 1d Supt>rklr Ct>urt. ~ Dlreclon GENERAL GARDENING and Penn.anent or weakend&. 9tfc lat St., Sant.a Ana. Open daily T•rma. II mo. '" Th"""'>· """ '" 1''6, •'t ---"'""-------CARPENTER REPAIR CLEAN.UP' JOBS Should kn<>W '°"' "~ O-O, •=·· ll-6. Ph. Kl T-6U 7 • 10 :00 o'clock A.~. or &11ld dtJ. l~OTTELL'S ODD JOBS (c.onndentltll DESKS-FILES-.:...cH.AIRS PLAYER piano BALDWIN oom No •~ti too --•1. Best or reftt· Call Blanche Gatu.. 4 1-, .. -ck thaln . 1715. R•r. new• roll•. Fun for famll) ' ' !'. -, .::. • • Jr therelltter Wltllln th• Um• al· M 1 WANTED 0 ,..,. Cowoly • DUNCAN PHTn lyr, table • pleteJ1 reoondltiorled. plt)'1 fOWed bv law. at 333 Roosevelt +I.Ir"\ PEEK I" .. ,... Y ·-t Belec:Uon J • ""' .,.. "'!'""nr. ''' -wMI: t'nC~. u J-e774 k33 l JBERTY A.6139 Harbor 1111 Sc10 i:;;,":'d Executive •704 kll room. ma JllchardMm Ttchl ~t.1'1!41.. i.o. Anplea i 1. c al.U'or· Colonial Mortuary I oENERA.L euiLDER· ' a2uc M CHINIS·r·s -F"r111u.1r• --M W -J_·~ ·=t~Anchon:m;.:rc'fi'a"o· ~e5"'.=· i'ii'",..-iiiiiii"iiii"'------~ 'lla, Ill r1Jht. Ulle. lnttre11t and 7801 Boln-JtQll South ol \\'tt t· 1 A S!eel omce P'urnJture' esa~ . 00-a~T~!' SPINET p ~ ~tate of tald Ra.lph A7 Guth· min.ta Memortti P•rll. Expert Remodeling PAINTING G.neral .u &r"OWld upertence. ANAHEIM -WE HAVE J UST RECE1V1tD buJll manj .UC-htly UMd. r.nt· rklr .. decealled. at lhe Ume of An OrWll:• Count1 l.JUIUtuUon 8 "' ._ Some v rtJ e an<.oU'l•r tblpment of NCllon· al nturna. new ruuanW hit death. and all rtrht. UU• Servtnr t~ ot all ftJtht Addltona • new conatn.tcUon By Hour amtU or J.arr• job& oL te 1 •M 0 e m · Ol'FlCE FURNITURE CO. alt. Conser dttkt. book caaea Maple. Blond,, l:boaJ. · Ucht ·and, \nterett that ttld eetau Telephcm. ('NI l'tot) Euy tern» can be UTUl'td-~nabla rate&. A.lik tor Kt. 8IAnUck at W ~,.._ KEystone &·8832 lopfn .. .adlt:lr door), 3 drawer Walnut. M•• 1100 to U9(I Ma acqulffl!. by oPer•UOft of ZllD!tb Ul1 Har. MOl-W .J Llbart7 1·2722. GILL J::LllCT. KJ'O, CORP. chalt 11. ff, IO. U lncL Ctn-all tlke "Mw,1 Mino Spinet law or otht'rwi.., other ttiaa No one ever.tlll'M4 .. .._,. btcl.UM lltl wnt4t l30 W, lftb Bt.. CC*& M--. W plded dr&~ri at VtrJ' 1oW onl7 1215 M&pl• tinJah Pfli or In •ddlllon l-tlatt or -.Id f!ll ... af,..... r;;~~:::;::::-:=:--::::::--::::1-----------'~'~2~0, IC)..a...-.A------pric9.. Kimball, Acro.onlc 8plnett Ralph A. GuthrlOip at Uri ------------1 t~hnoa* HIGH callbrt pra.c. nuf'ff. bett NEED experienced younr womte UISD WldpM!Od &anl'I. 'nl JO !NCH bar .toolt ·· ... ·· · 12.7&, from Mj6. ~1 otbar 1'1'#1 Umt of hit death, \n a.nd to ~----------.:_ local Dr. A patient l"'!ft. Ll lo• s-st"-• 'ln!'men•.111 We4U' "'-W -al W!Ul avl:l')'WD.I. 2121 Harbor BJvd., COlltt Mst ...... a 100 Pluos to s•-s• L • l'l .. , ..... llol-• -• _,. -Ll I lf'6 ·~ ~ tm rul property dNCrt-•• :;: =;::::;-AJcobollca A.nooymoua &-r>815a. lplO ahop tor all.around work. Rer-Pd. dn. to f1•1.Tf tram ortr.1 _______ ·______ from nawand uMld. BCHlllDT· tol\ow1: _ p , o' t Wri O Boo .... arencu· required. Wrlte Box 1384.00. A.J.iO O.neNl Electric ' ROOIU Of •-s quality '""''· PHILLlPS Pltt10 • Or ... • -"••••••-· _ ..... tn•-a1nt1'ng coret1'ng ta r. · -1 u ··~ ..u• "' """ u ....,,-1 N osss • -i• WASHING & .M.al, Oda paper. Tcl Rt>frtr. '81( _ ll·Cl. automa c. ( rel Rtora ttaoe 1114. ~30 No. ett In thait ~rt.aln· p"'f19rty lo-' ewpor~ ~ ...... •· Pd, dn. Lo $111'>.88. Alao ~er· tllre. Bu jut bet':n eated )(all\, Banta .\n&. catett in the Ctt7 of N-port P.aper iluctnl Pbone Barbor 4f96 R G for public NI•. Include9 bed------------- GEO •URKHARDT th I ONIN el\ Mlecellaneou. al Electr1c automatic waatier, room poup. 7·J»eoe dln. rroup, BeAch. County ot 0r-.DI'*. State • " .x-the rnter flow. Pd. dn. 10 of C•lltomla, ud mo("t parllc· WCCNa&u WMTM.At....•l'tJR LIFE STUDENTS By piece or by hour. Wt>t w11.11h 1111.12. N'o d.n. pymL on llnJ M&uW\ll divan • matchln( ula rly deacrlbed ta betng: LI 1-&an Llbert;f 1"'421 or rough dry. 114. Jt 20Ui, DRAPERIES ot th"". yoU can buJ one or chalr. Complf'te with ~ea A Lot 14 and the tOUlhwfft· A. NEW SERIES OF LECTURES .CO.ta Meu.. Cali U a..J.~21 id SLIP COVERS all of them. 8tt S.U.hn'• rurn lam.pe.. l&M WedJewood. the erly h•lf of Lot 11 In Block ,......,...~ '111t: _..f'IT .... ING wUI bt g1vtn by IUc: btc eP all automatic with Ro. 1.,;c..1111.c • .r.:".1. • uuu..u ,_..._ ,.. ractorJ" Whff .. .1015 J:..19t 8t.. u.etri•. Brand new. Philco, 139 of "Re-11ubdlN1on of .All Slldl OR. LOWELL PAUL WADLE Mad• to v•-Baal.a Alla. Open dally 9.it. oorona dt'l Mar," J8 ahOWft FREii D'l'D(ATES II\ Ole St. Francl• Chapel ''FIX-IT'' il9Uma* -.. mp!• lvn. u.a. Ph. Kl 7-M81. l0'9 cu. ft. ft.9!rlr . Too won't on a M•p record..:I In Book tlO Park. Lt("t•M 8f'ach. LUCJTJ.1!: DBAP.ElUES ha'l'C lo p&J U¥ doWn pymt. 4, pt~ 17 of )(l ..... laMOl.Y ~ $-4109 f'ridly. May t -8:00 p.m. lLec.haDk::a1 and J:leetrica.I Barbor MN or NII lMI A.PPLIANCU. Both appll· Jut 1*1 1bt P'J'ftitl. ol' 17.13 MIPt. Reconta of Orup JIU' nm •. A1• and ImmorttUlJ'. ... ~tmiu.co ~ IMll ancea bad one OWJter. 11&1 par weels. 8al.IDco du~ It O:>untY. Cal1tom11. 1.tay 11 -1;00 p.m. ALL WORK ouAJUM'l'SED. ·Phllco Refrll'· n.e dalry mr 11'7t.M. a. UMlt b\ll'I 40.000 BIM or offer• tre Invited for C A R ·p E N T E R llrulh. \'ltallty 6' U tl: Hart:lor IMt or 5111 m.odll pd. dn. to llSl.OI. J)ll1 -.. tl. "'*-&M lteu(hn'1 Jlllid property •n•I mual be In . DonaUon1 acct.pit'<!. • Pitt• HANO BRAIDED RUGS on)J 11.•I per mo. Whh'lpool rum. hctor'7 Whk. tOl5 II:. wrttJnr •nd wlll be ncel•td •t R.enalr Work , •pl7 . ' nuz 11'f81'1lUC"l'ION , automaUc wuhfll'· ultlld a mo.. i.t It .. Sant.a An•· OPt" dally U'lf! offlc1! nr Ml tcllell Ind Hlb· Dou Tdttrc:a;;. K ... ftt,.i.rtnr --,_ ----LICENSt::D b7 u.a. COUl Ql.l&t'4 'oRDl:IUS TA.ltl!N The deluxe on.Ill. pd. dn. to M , Buft. 11-6. Ptl. KJ 7·M17. ~rt, attorne)'I tor ~ct ...CU· Q •o•-T t>fl PIETRO ROTON DJ. D, C. to oparata and nariplt poww · .. _ J\lllt poJ -• llil 1 • ·4 a.out,. chronic. and nrobfem ... ., to., It. _hi ... ,, _IJI new·111&t«'l&ll a"1ill&bl•. , $149.M. N'o c~h ..... lrlx. or may bt ru.a wttb l.bt Call ma&, ~ ...... ,. Ph ' •vr re. .... Ma'7 ftml.ln. 1111 18. C.t. Bm1 18.17 per mo. A.-k tor Myen sz.-&-Aana,!!! Clerk of ••Id 811~'rior court or 1 -~AU~W~ .... ~~dM~-~-~_.~,-~ tlt~lfa~I_!,.~-~-~N~•~'"="'-=--m~•~th=od=•~~· tklpJltr JM:ht. or fWll..,. bo&C.. ~ Bdl. HYalt ._fUI. 17U contract. See , Bau;tin'• l'Um. ~ dellwrtttt to .. 1d uecutrlx; pet'-U 1-t490 9P11 Ll:hlp 1-7tt7. Tpll c l'actol'J' Whtie., 10111 JD. lit 8t.. Tall Gable Country Houae 1e>naUy, at any UMt attar flret CARPENTRY S 2 oooD llUQ8, U bJ" 11 A I bJ" But.a Ana. Opt>n dlllJ7 M , ANTIQUES publlcatloii nf tbl• notice and 18 8fl&Ot)' &Ida EAMSTRl!SS 12, ,....,.J.a.y 'prtct4. 1015 W . !wi 11.a. Ph. Kl 7-MIT. Uleft ... _ u .. betor. makln' .Ud aal1. ... .._ • .a.. Balboa 81\'d. 7c9 • NW. W&Nty au ..., u ....,Ud. BIG SAVINGS ON NEW KIMBALL SPINET PIANOS! Our btf; .. ONCE lN ,\ Cil:N· TURY" ractory mo•lni KJm- ball piano ..i. no.: tolnr on ~tOT a Uinltod tlma oaiyJ. A. worid tamoua Klmllt.ll can be )"CNn at tremautoua •Ylna-. Uben.I I rad@! -convenk:1t ttrme at &HAFER& 1 ll1nct L901 J f.21-423 Ji. 8yca.mon, IJanla A~ Phon• KlmlMlrl7 2-0l7~ ---- DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl • Bald aal• wlll be malk upon MINOR ~Rli:Pa..i.n1VORK $ rf1 ---Ualt &a-IM•lnNc;J A ~ATOR.·~ c. t... 14. oaAal'eid ,W... brW. cioppor, BUJ..U> YOU1t OWN Ht . Fl th• tolJoWtnJ tanns; N'O JOB TCXJ aM.ALL . upe uoua n. A.LTl:ft.A.nOM• Fresh H arinoo--Aid -._.,q eont21.U on. , ... to5 ~. tamps. turniture. from ~. Ulllns K.wcomb It caah. JawfUI rnone)' (If lhe R. 0 . ~ . PwmantbUJ' ruicrNi ftim fioe -uOllJ't I A. Ill. to t p. m; -e D Ltrkapur, CdM, tall Harbor tMijtioirwiilft l\ft. ttema to tbt .H.umoe-KardcMa .A.l&-n.t tu1:1en;--~!'.::n:·~ lt.' JtM.-J016 &.=-.:.Yd.. Bal:=_ ~ ... ,:-=:;-si::. 1-: ... Xoni.t"~ a.:::u We a...;.'":.....,. HJl-R •Har. 3JS3. lpll ~~~~=tor. =~':!,ci,~=d ~ = - • ' -T • ......,..,. ...,_'I. ay..,.. "-& GARDENl~G -Gundenlon Drug Co. -.... ....,.,..._ e.w um -~ ..... ""' Wo •tU ,hotp ,... -mbl, •• - ..... -.. ..._ I Co Udo'I -...-""'~.., • .,. ......, 111. -"',.. N.-. '°fl•·°" Pa7 12t.1c -,_ au.-,.. ""' ~•n•rll n+rector ~ --. .., ODD ioa • ~ ""· ,,_.., ........ -..~ -..... _,... -N-llin·l---------1 DAVIS-BROWN • --" LlltW> '_, . NO II» TOO SMAIL #II l:ilatfk ll\6 ell. tt. Bal. ._.. ..... 8a ........ w.11C1DLL A.ND BTBllCJtT N"" Work -R•OC.Wmr CaU · "' BY aoua. DAT Oil w.aa: ft.AT TOP ..int_.,--. m1•. p,,.u..., 11Llt Jlllf\~:::::::::;~:::iu~-~==--c.!:U~_u~~.:... By 1..-H. Kitchen J MILTON )(cKltNZDD ><01f'l'Bl.T &s'l'DlATD -...wu1 p'MtT7 .... """'· nao, NDf1"• 14 do n. pt. A --• ""..._.to•.,_. • .,,. ' Your R•laxsAsCiior Ll M.o ..-l.l,..... dtniq ...,,. ..,,. -""" '"''"·'"' """" 11 "'-"" Y MUST BE SOLO NJT'QldU.. tad KIBBDT Hatbor e;390.. W Mtft IPll .:...-n. Op.a fl1'tl -. n.lt· nio. 116..,. hundl'ldlll flt ethtr ; T5 UISD Plann. """"'~· awaf 127 w.-...... "'SI.reef'" OOHll]'l;.T.A."Ktr _. na ..... ,.,... .. Ill ... ..,..,,,. Lo..__JoN 6t. ... u tt.' C.A.BIM. MM. Salley, I ,... •Wnt old 1'l&no on • Loi •·-lf.9 17 • ~lrom• -'bnmt a..,..•"-1•homil. DemoaelntloU. no oWlpUoo -1'.., A......uatA& .. OOU&n ro ra.tkir',J..arp ............ ....-·.ru.n.r.et«J~ .. lilttpa rour. OtiryUu Cro.m-Kemmoftd Oord 0t-1an Hlch· --· ac.Q1e 'ffUMa -llY.U. .. etft ~. • ,..._ Mii _., ..,._ tas ...._ A ...W, -.. 1N '& tit 8t., ... && Ant. Bait tank. Jddl fOr Jkqure. , Vil euh allo'#&Aet. ICHM,...- No 1JI • tM •mp"=' 'ft1" S. 111111 • ~ I ....... moo ~· N........... le ~ .. ··-tM .... t ... .. llTW...aH ,. ~ .. ~ ,... -~ "-·-~· llfil Op.a -.u, ......... 11.&. Ptl Wport ntM.r or • • PH1LLIP8 6tO No. Main --· ?Stte P1M:nt ~ 1115. 9c11 kl f..uT. • U .. Tlll IUc Aul& AnL ..... l,A, lit 14. 1•. 11. 21. 21 llM p • . . - . - . --- . '-.. • • • • l ·- , :;: , 1 FRIDAY, MA'Y 1 l , ,1 951> • - ' • ' r-~~~~~~~·~~~ti~~·::-=· ::..::for:!..::lt::h=---l •"';:~-~t!!.:-.!!_,!!..'!T!'.!:· !!•!!•!......r-J.•!!•::;:!~!!!!~·!'.:!t'l:?!-~~·l:· ~~~~~~~==~IEVl'91tl'+Md0a NiWSl'aesS P~ II : PAG .... --· ... --1u1e •l"\l.iv.-'-l..--------'-~-f ___ _..t,,t1:~~~~5!jj5J~~~==~~~[!:!!i~~==t--;;.-;!DRE;SS SHOP -... _ ... -· y-Pyoa.-l'lo, Rldlo, -· TRIPLE CHUEC""D ,... & B-~ -'+ -----.1 -- -,. ,. -. El<et. -.. ll:l«lric • iu: SHORT OIU>ER ~- 1' .::.;-.:: ;!.';..":"'.. -t.t. --.. with the , volume Dealer USED TRUCKS Cabanar Man" n~t . ...:. :" ......... -~ t.tlAll •• ., .._, .... .... ftll ... local e61'. ,) ' .,.,.) °" .... JN~ °' • ·*-..... it , '1 ...... A. GOOD BUY AT ,. CH.SYROJ.Z'll IUBURB.\l( --~ It coWd ..-11. a•• . • RJLL PRICE "' C1DV110UT " T. Lido Peninsula. East 31st St., Npt. Bch. , • ., to ,.. ,;.,. " ""'· · MAT mlOAJf ..-SAIA · • '"' PICKUP, BPORTllAN'!I .,. t Offi -.."""""' ""' ""' -$109'.i • '55 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Sedan ___ ..... $1495 roP _ , • OFFERS • LEE CASEY, ice 111K••''· ...... .-.. • ,.... ttw red • h"-r _. Tm -" ·a,, DODO& ~ T. P1CKuP vu &. c..t. HJ.c .. wv. CorGN die...,.., .. ve ... Beaut W •..-:, tully aeto.,, tiq1Yr'W . 'It mfC \9 T. PICKUP OcUgbt:IUI Hvlng , ApL-Cabanas. UWIU• paid tW Mar. Har. OIY -.ct.I ~°"" _::_n .. ;:.•;:...'" ..... ..,_ TERRY'S '55 CHEVROLET 210 4·dr. sed, ·--'-·'·-·· $1495 ... :i:.iic ~JCKUP Yacht alip '::modatlou. FOR n&..,. N.w. -· 1Tta .. , LOVllL1' .&din 'e ......_ ~ • Silver cftY &nd alln beige. Racp6, heater, 'OI llTUJ)Jl:BADR 'l T., Orup., eo.ta M..a. OuUUNl-IO ..,. .W. "-'-I ~ aeollat ft.mily cu wALKIN PANEL Dally, weekly, monthJy, yearly. inc com.,. oppoa1t. Alpha Bev, f.\OI. Olft•--.t t«IU at BUICK "' '.llO CHJIVROLET \l 1'. PICKUP Bet. mk\., MN a.,.. Pml Of· ~ (llaet llOT) . . OLDS H I'd C $2395 'M OMO " T . P ICKUP for appl. or .reaervattoo, Call H&r. 2W2. 34tfc tiff. BWtab.I• tor u..a u.r lot. tn..uaJfl • .,.,..... ... ta..... '55 . 0' ay P•· -··········..-·-·············· . KYDRA·MA.TlC TRANS. BBQ rut.urant., ahoe outH't. PboM XllllbfttT J.4tn· Beaut lfuJ 2 tone Jreetl. -one owner cat ·rio DODQI: 1"1 T. DUMP I • appliance oullet. t\imlture, •tl:- Oranc"• Count.1"• <>rpn Hdqtra. 5th at Walnut "' .!J.: , 1 gpo .. o:oo TtR.ES t'1-Waaated to ._,, '1.HA---A.pta tor ft.Ml c:..u Frank Jam ... Har. 1CW2. • HUNTINGTON BEACH '06 FORD Convernbre ....... , .... dn. p"mt. $ 299 .... oMc • T. coE. '" sooY. u. -~ 1 sP o • '-' Tt Rentals Wanted MILLION D!>LLAR vmw HOME LOAN's Contlnent1I kiL Full power, every extra &dded. .51 ~MC Mo~EL ~-10 11 Bay ald Oce&n TV ANTENNAS . d u ... Uful ___ ,_ hi'"-We offd apU. and houaH In •a Co-• .., M•• • 1111 CHJ:VROLET delWte 4 r. ocaµ . ..uun .. one W ~. \\'REELER. DU MP . B/L ..cllonl for bolJI wtnter and '"""" ... -MJI, auto. trani .. W1W-·, I TRANS. yu r'• leue. Furn. or unturn. NE:\\" 2 BR. ap.clou1 •PL Bar 10.U a.am -K\ <la!JI} MOO caab. Rar. M88. 101 I THE ABOVE CARS ARE NEW FORO 1 ':12 GMC MODl!!L t10 TRA CTOR u you '-ave a vac1ncy, k!l ~h. BuUt In copper rang e Inat&tled CIO!npk\4 to :you.r ..t.. Ooldenrod. Cv~ dt1 Mar . 1 TRADE . INS I A.ND 81:Ml-OUMP, lO :OO ....,..,e today o\'"1 and rder. Sliding l'i...,. $9 95 8tf(' 1 TJREI ~-· aoor lo aun deck. i..eaae I n& Con1truc:tion -R~tnanceo-8ale11 • ALSO ~tANY TRANSPOR,.ATION SP ECJAf.S The Vo.9el Co. 1 -rno. Har. 11-W. 8tfl." fl'# • 0 %~ • 8"-"' u ~. l ttte NEARLY NEW Meuerschm ldt See the lar1e~t volume tru4:k !20t w, C.t. Hwy .• Newport Dch Ina. P"UndJ -mete. A Loan - I wheel motor acooter, 2 pu..1.1-, PRIC ED FROA-f daJer In Oran11• County tor Phune UbutJ 8-St 81 NEWPOR'l' ISLAND Private Money "· pJ:I( MONTH pod prac~ ptano, kt UM k~i.. ....r.. All tenn. r•l a1Jow"1 OD buy Good pracUc• planoe 1115, •au. $171. I lto, llCBll1DT. ~r. ~ .. u .. per r a llnn. $59 up the Dul 1'tlecUon ot lltted '.?08 )la rlne, BJ'tboa taland F"l'RN AM'S. on \'Va terfrorll-Tnult Deeda Bought &r. Sold truck• ALI 1rpce •nd t1~e1. P hone Harbor 44 4 hy l111y or ~·eek. I~al place to Call For Free Commltmerlt $795 1200 und<"r new car price. PBILLIP8 21• ........ "'· COTION GOFF Pft lloN, PO No. Kain. ------~· __ .,.., __ ......... ___ ,.Tho Volk1wagon Dealer Knowlton ~ Nll!lwport Blvd.. a t 22nd TV REPAIR ""''°' ' "" .. RENTALI F' Al't ll:RVI<:m. D.UONABLJl 9'"tCI e&u. UD I p.m. Ll WJOI VIOLIN Let RIOH Help You. Penonally l't!iect41d NEW & USED CARS TAK.I: AD\'ANTAOE of hi.I many Y"" ol tJ:1)41rlen<'e t i a top notch mtthanlc. ~ARI< DOWNING . FORD( INC. WHERE THE CUSTO!.l.ER IS 1'HE MOST IMPORTAN1' THING IN THE AGENCY TW6 BIG tOCATIONS HWY. 39 at PACIFIC COAST HWY. LEX tl-4~5 225 E. 5th St. LEX e -2586 condition. HUNTINGTON BE:ACH MAY SPECIAlS E xcellent ... Onily $1 39;} $1145 1 S!H51 W .W . WOODS GMC DEALER 616-l lJ to:. •th St. SllJI~ I.nit Tn1ck H~•dquartere fur Or .. nge Co. ~-- New and Used TR:UCI\ AND Pass e nger TIRES 8-Hour Reca pping Service Complete Brake Ser\'ICC A ND F ronL End Alignn1rnt 2&61 E. C.L Hy~ Corona M:I J.lar 1:111.x. very quiet. WA G NER DON I. HUDOLESOON Phone Harbor ll t l I 0 1:-.-T. Har. 1217·J. 98tfc LI 8-Mf.l C.O.U. Meu r,:do ()(flee. 3~18 Via Udo I L'OltO~A DEL MAR 2. bdrm 173 E . 17th St. u.,,,r 4011 . • ·, ____________ , ,..... ,1;1r.1i.:e apt. unturn. dnpea up. l";°lfl N.-wport BJ\'d .•• C011ta !o!t~• Ad11!\Jt, no pets $8:1 per mo. \> Llberty s-o:.97 Yt11r 1rue. Har, 362 1. k 11 LOANS for Homes II WA NTELI to rent -3 bedroon1 4XB---HoOM9 for Reai hou.M, ~la..rbot area. yearly lea.Ml or leaH ,,.·tth opUor to buy. LEA!';~: only 3 bedrm houae C((.>llot \\'ant garage, fl~fll., fl"nC'ed yd lo 11huv11lng: cen~r. Co~l• Mep. Per nin.nenlly ~mployecl locally. Kl ~·-e!>IO or HAr. 1829 9trc Exccl!ent local rrf.-rence11. WrHa -~---- box Xl8, thla new1p11~1 M tfc C<)~fl'LETELY" turn. one bdrm. _ _ __ _ I hufli~ '80. mo. Adult. only. ~ BEfJROOM ht1UJ1e un Lhlu fur 2:12 Ogle St .. Co&la Mela. Im· July & >-Ul,'1.lftt. Hl'llttble. \\'ri\t I 111,.tt.i111e ~..slon. Leitlngton Ur. J~le,...'!• 81:! Su Broallwa\',, 6-'.li4J 8c l0 Los A111trl~,; ll RYan l-!119:J -- -8i ".!I ATTHAL"TIVE 2 betlroon1. 2 LF:ASE 11ro1•nd S 1on :t hed10<:•111 Oo;to -20 yr. Loan1 Construction Loans SEE BOB BA TrLmR 2!H O EAST COAST BLVD . Corona drJ Mar Harbor Siii Rl'p, POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. }.1rtro U re I ns. J'und1 Kl S--3180 d lfc 2nd & I 1t T.D. LOANS Ser\'lnl!' i ll Orang:• Counly We Buy Trust Deeda & Make Collat.ersl Loana 1 untur11 t~nC'l"ll :"·•rd "''"·" H1ghlll1H\s 0 < 1 upy n1i•I Ju11e I .on):' Re.'I• h cf>ll~< t II End•" k 9.:,;72 t'pl t bu1h hvuae. l1.n1I. t 1>et1r00m .. rr pRt10. NPar koo..l bl'11ch. s .. 8 .... Jn $1200. Als<J 111nnlhly 1.1\t·· 2~1 2 CreKtview Dr . l!·1\··h"rr Owner vn proJ>1•rty I "I • 1<11 E . \\·. s:1nll'y. K1!11lt(lr, Ro yal Mortgage Co. ll•r 171~. klO 2802 Newport Blvd. Nprt. &b. l:!'.'~~ul'.~. 2 bc..lroorn hou11... Harbor 1549 f1r,.pl hanlwood nooTI. Adult~. r 14 hr phone llrYj<'r lnf11nt ok SS!'> mo. ~·1 6 El I ~.:"'_1~.t:~~!~!-'_0!_~~·~1 lt8ltc ~f1MIPn1< N""''P"rt Ht.~ Ll OVER 100 HAM OLD. Har. 2321 day.. k l O 1953 CHRYSLF.:ft \V INDSOR CLUB cpe. ROAIJ St-:RVICE f"!realone Bu.Igel Pl1111 Youn' for the A~k!J'll: YEARLY I bdrm unf,1rn •lup'Plt, i:~rb. d l•.,o~al . TV nut· l<"l. wat"r p•1 Ava1h1blc June· 1 i6:'i ll:\t', 41:'i'i-R, :-.:pt . Bell. ~lf 8· 1216 1'1< 10 LOANS TO BUILD, IMl'R OV.li:. Bl'Y, MODERN IZE, OR REFINANC1'.: l, .. Table lilodel -······-···· 22.~ 2•" l ylvaAl.a Couok __ ,219.96 1 T" Olympic Couole ...... 1 M .00 17" Pacllrd·lkll. MW picture tuM -·-·--' U .00 Big Trade-in• on new RCA Victor TV's • TARTER 'l:ELEVISION no. JCut. Oou\ H lp way Corona d•I Mar Har. 1)411 $945 TERRY'S BUICK TT --------15th et Walnut ID Ua t WE"LL DLU.! S PRING PIA.N O SAt.S S tudlll ptano, Lite W llnwt w .. Solff -Now-1396 Fne Dtmonatra.Uon of HUNTINGTON BEACH ·4ol'OJW ~ M R~)· cnrtzie. hud•, manlfold.11. pipe~. beadcrl. •p.re part& Body nM<i• 10rne work. Ph~ H•r llf.44 -M ev•nlnC'· 9Pll Radio, heater and power steering MAY SPEC!ALS Now 195b Chrysler Windsor -4 Door Sed a ~• Including al standard factory equipment Low a1 $2995 Plus ta.• and license LOU REED & A~S'OC. ' CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 \V . Cout Highway Lt 8-3 lM R·E-0 HOWARD RY AN ~O l · 809 W. 1st S'f. S A NTA A!\.A KI 3·8363 li!IU:.I & 1702 Ha,•en Place T"'·u 1)11111111 .. garb dlsp , nr. JllC'h{)(ll" YRL\'. LEASE '.'l'l::"'P0flf Hl':IGI ITS BAYSHORES L'n(111·n1•h1."d . Lr~t or by nio 2 lll'..l1H!ol . 2 b11th, l'Un1pl1•tely C Shtrm Allen. Ll S·MJfi. 4pli h111\1Kh.,r!. Unen1, bla nkrts \Ve Buy Trull! Dt-rtl.11 NE\\"l•ORT BALBOA ~AVI NGS .. LUAN ASSUCl ATIUN J!l&e Via LIClt"\ r n. Hfir. 4:tVIJ '" I .11~h.,~. 1ilverv.·a.re.. TV. Hi ~·1. RENTAL ""Mhlng mRch 1nr, 1<ew1n1t ma-f . . . - 1 . , h1nP. •·tc. includr.J. Ql.11ohll•·l1 'm--JSunt',\' \\;ant~1ll 4\-A.uto Servw:r. SPECIALISTS r~ulll1· •i:lly $21:1 ~r rnu. In·,--~----------~-___ :_____ CALL Ei..i:>:A t..'R.r.h; 1·h1tlln_i.: 1utlener. (;e ll fnr Rp· \\'ANTED <oJ;,,000 1 .. n).! I ·11·1 I I \ t lo•n 1l 6 '• on c111.1 ,.,J Motor Overhaul DORIS BRAY , Rea tor i tt1~;~n~;~n INVESTlti-:~T co bldjo: v111u~ S60UOV U• .• n .• 21ti J.1)nnr B~L1bva 1111011\I llnr 1&~! t:vc.a. LI 8·f,286 1'1'11 hrlr.1 11~1 \\'<'• l.1nr 1• .. ;, NO '-!ONE Y DO\VN j l·h1r 20 r.r fH --I l'h• Ill' l 111mrl! KY.~··· ' ~ -1-:AST SIDE f"'o~t11 ~"""'· 'Z h,..J. • • Up to 15 ~ton t..h.8 to Pay I ON .BALBOA IS LAND I room unf\.lm. hnuae. J.I 3-16:!2 6 C I 5.~.&~ !;f,~J-~ ('S l<1r ~·<':ir!y ,...,.1 3.f( 51 -l ~al t:..1-1.· \,. : ti Y 9. ~""'"n"I rrn alll -1 All S traight NELDA GIBSON. H.t·allor I 4K-8--llou&4:" f..:>r Reol \VANT fron1 •·\v.,rr "l • Eights 68.88 306 !.l11r1nr A1'r H•r~i1>r l'>02 --~---~ ----with 2 b,·,. l:t.'h a .~ JN("LUOES both Ut,nr & l'a!'tll HA.LBl>A JSLANf1 1 F OR RF.NT '.? 1>rd1 om home St;ote lowc")l ~cc .·p bl" Nrw r!ng•. 111•rl1t pln~. \'alv1• -N""" p<)rl .II r l g h \ "· mO•l<'rn pric-e \\'rilr ,\! rC: '\, ,. . 1Tind. rttt!ng• Qf 1n111n anll r().1 I .100 ISl .. AND 4:0mplrt,.ly 111rnL.11h .. ,I T,. It· :)124 Crc-n:·•u11·; B!1•.I 1 W urUt&cr Ot.-n \JI Your Hom.i Sav• money Oii Orpn ft.mtal Rcluma; blonde. w 1. I n u t , rn.8plt. l&llta Ana MUllc, Kl J-1TTI . J'ull~rton Mule LA 6--0261 let ltM VOLKS"'' AGEN -Jofa11y r:ottrd. Bea \ belta. WSW. RltH Abarth mutn.tr. Oontlnf.nt•! tire. Uke new. Phone S•n Juan Capl•tra.no 9J k Authorized bc•ring:.11 Jo;xprrt n1otor tunr• Fuml,.hr<I or 11nfurn111h ... L ph,.nr: In F11rnt('e, rtrepl•('e,1 U<lx •~351 . Lt"' An;:-·"·~. ! •I. up. 90-<l~y or 4t/O•l n1f\e guar-Ba• hl'l<!r 1111<\ on .. or two b·•\I· 1 tloublc 1"11r:1gr Av•'ldble rrom :Jll,f4: a nttt. roo.1111 1p1tttm.-11t~ J1111r 12th untjl ~ .. pt 10th 1 - Distributor 1 J J:LECmONlC Orp..n.l lU1a new . our prtc. only s,&T5 up &CHXJ DT·PllILLIPB Blc Or· p.n It Plano Store. 1520 No. Kain. santa. A.a.. Ona aoao.-oa 11811. JEAN HENRI t'rucb •Jfedall& ot DOG CUPPING Wortui la JOU!" bome. ~.1:: Aft., eo1t1 -:-pl AKC Regi.tured [)acbahunda PUPPIE& 81'l1D u:RVJCJ: Ph. u 14f1J 1412 Monrovta Aw. ca.ta M_. ..... ~.,.,.w....,. SELL . YOUR CAR ~ PAID l'Oll 01\ Nat' """"""' Paya ..... 1UO a. Kata Kl t -SI0'7 to-A_, .. _ Itel llED 6 .BLACK PONTIAC lt.u Chief connrllbl., pcrwu ....... ~~MUM .... mtl. LI l.Qft. t'JUc WAlfT NOi ouh or lndt for .. Ill\¥ lft ltlWI Clln. I-door .ed 1'11• OYf r pA)'metlta. ifarbo'r ........ '"' WOULD YOU Uke l.O "'Y a n.w car n.m a dlrec.t ta.ct.or)' d•I- -wllo wW lllU:• f0\11' 1*7· ment.8 ta ~ nw :rour _...., O.U LI .... H ... tw.-e~t p.m. l<H 1111 CAD Coupe da Villa. J"ull FORCJ:D 'PO SE LL my 11e"1•1 'M r ord Victoria. fully equipped Sacrifltt m y $1000 rqulty for· •21~ Cdh or trade. Dc1?PrR te. Call 8 t•lla. LE:otlncton 8-3232 atter I p.m . !dt:alc.rl 9t"1 1 '5-4 BUICK CENTURY Rivien. Cpe. Radio, Hn.ter. Dyna-fl o. Be&utiful red It white paint. $1995 TERRY'S BUICK 5th at Wolnul HUNTING TON BEACH .. •47 OLDS 4 dr .. hydra. RAH. Cl"""! Call O'Wnrr. Private party Ll l -3911 arter :'! p. m. axc.epl weekend9, llcll --.. -- ooa:DIA Tl: DE LIVERY .. n ... Renault llf!dan. &O mllM per ,..uOn 11!86. HAU8K&N • WATSO N 1132 Harbor CO.ta MrN 111 1< --. M<!IUUa K I.NOR LATll .... P'lnu t cond\llon 1ms11:ln•ble. RlalL 10.000 m U•. Ext remfl1 ........... , 14-1 C""l.r tor ce.s· ual 1.r9aa. Oo• ownr" "'" aboW Bat. A Sun . ., . ... lllO nnn pf'I«. C.11 Kar. 30ll·R ., 55 Morcury Montclair Radio, beater, white wan.. Merc"'°""matie, power llt.ff:r- tng. Safety b e I t a. A biMuUtul rf!d ud white. $2195 FULL PRICE poww und•r 1,000 mllel. clau.. Prim stON _. •• aanta Now '56 Ford Aaa Aft. LI ~ arter 0 V8 ~ -pickup p. ftl. I lk .. MUST SELL AT ONCE .,. """' """ ... ... ........ M~ '°""· Llneoln cONmn McCARTHY'S tniMmt ... on. l'fllW batt•ry uo LI M4ei "'" ----Al18TtN KSA.LT 1166. 11111.-H20 so. M1in !'( ... lJrM 6 b&tt"'7, f'IM lllOft- dltk!tft. Pr1,, .. ,. J&l'l7· Harbol" SANTA ANA ••tT. llclO ""11 Now 24 Hour ~ERV I CL -on Truck Repairing * All MAKES * Eliminate costly ti~ups In at 5 p. m. -Out at 1 &. m. S ince 1933 O ASKETS .l 0 11. ~;XTRA 81· ~u1u1n .. r, rnonthly or Y"·"•Y •Lun11r r >I 11.-cr:•~1ry> •t60 \\'ILL PAY 1·•11h for 3 l>Unn LIDO Reall}-' AS60"i:'ltCs ptor lllnnth I.lberty 8-t1 lS'l. j homr Cliff H11ven or· CU""• . J 100 Vl& Lido HarOOr 4 144 ip9 d1·l ~litr W r1tt-P. O. Bo"' .• 03 BlHL T IN our nv. 11 fRt!Clf)' by Balbu11 l;il.lnO S4:9 REBUILT ENGINES aklll~ n1ach1n1~t.• lJ(•n"t roll-NEAR hl'·~~·h, hl'nut lf11l vJ'""" Un·. F'!Vli: rn1 11nfur11. tiou~". 2 1><1· tend wtth 1h(' in!rldlO" n1&n ofurn ".? !).!rm. Ql)I . YP11 rly.I m111. dbl 11:11r•g:111 p•llo. Adult11 Buy dlrecl l'.!3•, •lrd ~t N ~""'J'll>rt Bch only. no p<et~. $8.I nio. yr1rly. SHORT BLOCK j\fr 711 lrl•, Corun.t <1el 1-l •r. Own- J'ORO !1937·411 1 S 114M "r ATI•11lir 1111983 or H•r CHEVROl..ET . 1 M .w Choice \Vtn tl'"r H.entals on 1884M for appl. 11."ll :~~~KARO t 8 1."Yl f ::;;_-:;: Balboa Isla nd & l ... ido Is~ I ·~1 00 ISLF.. 3 ti.drooma, 21; :in1lll .t. C"OSY or l•rge " drhixl! ba'h ho"''· .... ..oua! bl:...ta. Plym .. Doo.lf r " ll••11t 8 Slf>GOO ~ '"' $75 to SJOO n1onlh 811p ror 40 ft. boat. UM of 18 CQ rt . Viking: runabout powf'r boat. lhlboa l:fbnd 1 ('a r r •r., bl!'aUClfLIUy tumlsh· CHRYS: It: O E SUTO s 12000 1 VOGEL STUDEBAKER 512000 OLDS. 6 PONTIAV 8 2'•8 Maril'le Avr . "WANT ED TO BUY" HO~tE ON BALBOA l•l1n1I for u1. L(no,• down payn1ent plull ~ubat..nllal n1onthly J)ll ymfln t• to you "\VYlle" Ortn Bet1• :t Nn. E l Molino All\an1br'll ..No hrnktl"ll pl-•• 9pl l 66-lnoome Prope:tJ SEE US FOR GOOD USED TRUCKS SIZOIWl ! I NASl-1 S1 2Q 00 KA18E R $120.00 Ph Ji 1U bor 444 R"~ lia r :?fi?11=-R or Harbor 101:) or llar1 ll29·R 84U(' ~I llhrubs. ·1100 per month. inquire 1l 41 Balboa Cove.. Newport."' 36LlC BUSINESS .. INCOME proper1J', liJUI Ir t'l•CltntlL By OWDU'- . LI 8·0788 a.ner O p.m, or wedc- end& 70tle ED. THOMPSON Garage I HUDSON 18 1 13 !>l•ha• $1400fl l PLUS INSTALLATION • ICornt>r 3rd & French ) Phont> 1G 2-2343 Santa Ana --. --' - IF YOU DON'T KNOW USED CARS KNOW YOUR DEALER I Open i)aily 8 to 6 I Mond•Y "t1J 1 p. n1. Sunday 12 lo 'Z Block mult rnf'e. our •t1.nd11rl.11 P in• taJ:e11. kll-·ke11 and oil BELLES ENGINE I SEE ME · T A NELSON CO RONA FUR CHOICE R SEAS(lS /,L 2908 E. Coaal H PEL ~IAR TRAILERS up to 45 tt.. •two end EJl."TALS. .pate• J,vall, Lo~ of priV'lloy. 6 YEARLY . ctilk1ren welcomt . Clo.e to wy. Har. M&O Blvd., llore1 6 .chool. LI 8-1896 . .. . REBUILDERS .. SELECT -CARS I 310 E. 31·d SL Kl 3-8:.!fi4 I 4~A-AptA. lo BONDED -LOAN CARS l'"RF.E T O\\'ING STATE BONDED 1 or 2 bdrm. apt -----Ll !--lc.10 r ~n' j'o&9-Koom• jur Ren"t ' 1 I !!:;c;::::::::::..=~=--1·commercial-lndustr i el •. laundry nn '(: ~ * *' D 6r m onth vl~1tort! vae1.t1on1.1111 ~1 ep•rd'ment AT LOWEST PRICES - YOUR NASH DEALER WARD S. LEE, INC. 1236 S. M&ln St. S&nta Ana Amazing $5.00 Per Week Buys Anyone a Car! SANTA ANA. CAUf'.-DAN-IT\ l d(tltlon thfr Wiii Include In· 1320 So. 1 •uranct and b1tel"l!llt c.ha\.,.ea In lEL RICIDlANB •I Main &l" Sulla Ana, hu jual th-paymllltli, otfertnr for Ole unounctd 1. new method ot N:ll· rtnit lime a. compltla "Packag• lng hll'h quality u.-. to the Plan:· Daniel Rkhmu l'• la 10- molofl•I pub.lie. Th.,-•t•t• thet eatl!d at 1116 9o. ""ln St., Sa.nta l.nJ'One ampk>y..S r.n drlvt off Ana.. Telephone Klmber!y 2·0861. lft a cll!aD rtial'ant.,ed car ror •• You can r et u\a r:a r of your UlU. .. p ,00 par week. They ...... wllhln • ,_ rnln\ll41t fur1har 1tala that they w W -ell l.1111•. lh ... Cll.l'W ...rUi M c.Mh -·· ..r;u -- &O--Autoe· tor 8Ufl 40-Aatos for Sale -- 'ti roRO 4-dr -· aleo 't l Grant w. Musick F'ord ("l)R'ffrtlbl•. Muat ""'* to "PP~latL L1 ... 2)7 tjlll Your Hudson Doalor - PLTMOtrni 4· ojo()r wdari SALES and SERVICE 'II Good condition SUO Har. 4JT7 ~ M. Loi AnJekot KC ~7ZT~ " Aaahetlft '""' • . By d•y , w~k - l't-Tr&ih:"' I BLUE TOP 10:1 Newpo l:.11Joy llvlng on the Ocean Jo'ront. 1..-omplettlv fumlMIMI kltch~n· Stcre Build.leg • r'tlr 1pl8. ond room• with prl· COit.. Meaa ttbt Spot! 1'..ot 1or MOTEL Ir PORT ORANGE _,,,1_ Nc.wport rt Blvd. Se•ch 8i t te I vit le l'.l•th. Maid •ervlct-. free x 300'. 4400 -a ft. In bldJ. TV 2306 C>rl!l n Front. H•r Plua 5000 •q. rL or pa.-M TRAILER SALES a.nd SUPPLIES 2200 W. Coast Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-4420 ·u 211· Viklnl' J:ll'nt. $21 46 ':0.3 21· •Ian.on t:1i.lom ·~ •W t :'i ~I 19• Vlk1n1 bM\llJ $16?~ 1)2: 30' P•c•n1aker .~ ... 81 30" Kit ct11l om Slll9!1 PAN Aloi ER I CAN Paramuunl -Ken.II Lil T,..v•l-TIRTJ" 8511 17 PT. MOOl!:RN tJ11er . -n ew aWlilc. patio. fenced. Sac:rltle!- Lido Trailer P•rk. ff(lr. ~208 .. ~, R.ANOJCR ce.mp trailer. UMCI one ~. C.0.l lttMI new. Will i\ACRlJ"JC.: lllr quick plc I.I 1-3117. '"" &7-Wullld to Jtt.nt ---. WANTED h<1uslnJt: fnr JO Po- ""'"' C<>'leJ I' .,,, ~llldf'RI> AUi· I LO a.-pL I. P.L hOtOP.11 pnfttrf'd Ku11n1 l wo 1&irl1 .. ro<>m \\'1-ll• w F, • Pl'q\H'lr"I L PnMOl'I• Colll'J;" Cla~mont, Ca lif kll \'~:ARLY Coron11. .I N("''ly, Ht"tlullfull lw>tiroonl u .. vv1 unl y $130 mo CRQ\\'. "''•lh Ben J . \Vl1ltn11n '"' F.. c li ,.rbnr 1-'1112 ,...,.,.l Hlw•y arbor -44r•l tY" H ---- ' ROOM APT p.Uo. l"ltCepllO '"" with ~plrridhl nail:( n1cr dill· g"Rraac \,lulr\. ' • Ground Floor o OFFICF..S OR STORES For Leue in - Harbor Invntment Co. Bldg. 30th 6 Newport Blvd . Har. 1600 j)OMl. l•undr~·. Ue11.utllully I antJ.cape<I. W"ll ------------- 11upervltted. 8 ee n1ar Cl•r• .,.,..n Pl•"' t blk Han s chool \Vade. JMll Ii• ~. Ntwpurt I · 6ttc ------STUDfO Apt. -.,.1 hllt h. v•T')' nice lh kltchrn, t Ue ty turn, lnt·lud~ .-pnlll i. f"tlVltf: . 8rc to •J!rr•· uni. lnrludf!d TV, gnrba.fe di patln .tr Jt:an1ge f'latf', t sm mo. 16-47 E. C»A~t Qna del Mar. R Hlgll••Y· Cur· 1r. 882, 8cl0 -~---- S!o'IAU.. rum. •P ta. Bec.bl'lor (II ro11r1 .. t ·111 pd Oy'lpo•llf' """" e 419 N N-.,. . .,._.rt flrh &<' H"hfM.11 Inquh pYrl Bh•d. NI" .. s1:-ic;1..E n1rri • M11 Id"'\ fut nlltnlh HU! 11•1 rit Coro•t• '1,. ""'" ptr~un 3' 11 1"" I I 11-llMMI F OR RJtNT: NEW of'nce 12 Jt 24. Lido Shopping Jar\Oa IT:\ per mo, on yrs. lc1.11r. Bay • lkacl: RMll.1. 31 t2 lAlteyette. Hartlor 3~3. !Mlle • ·.:s-A-Butil .... ~~ NlCI: M:oOZRN llor• room o; ofnce at 188'1 P11cent1a. Inquire al property atlr:r 0 p. m• w•'".11 dll.Yll or any Ume sat. • Bun OT Clll LI 1·01Q 1/ter 0:3!1 nt we.-kendll. 1 .)1U JR l.EA&E· !nl•ll 1tlOr& "4d t.•ll'lf'"-"~ lll'ltr p ol' orr1e, n :• •I lu"''" ~1u1 pl,.,lly o( r~ .111: :,:. c s \\°l:W-:~. ·~ "·• \flt• 1~ c:.t~· .. I..· : Ir~ I I 1°1'"11 V II . ' ~---~-----~ JH1.rkln1". Plu1 ol!ler 2 bdm\. hou ... -••2.300. M AcrH Acfj11C'flll 1<1 0>.ta M•~a. lAvPI. !J U!H lf'!I 11vallable.. P.:xec.lle11t fQ'f' .ub'!lvh1t0f\, 16000 P"1' ae:ra -Serviu: S~Uon G<iQiJ r QC"ner locatlnri cin llar- bor 81\0d. w11ll I SO' t1V11 t• rt- $06,000. Bav & Beech Realty Inc REALTORS 1$1& Kaf"bor lloule.•ard Coilt• MHa., 0a.U(O""•• R. r . Oedcle• ft. w .• OOOflMft 01y or nlJt:ht phone LI 8-7114 ti'OR UIA8 1D M a11• 4800 tq. fL !ndulllr lal Uulldlnf Ott1ee • 11mpk-p&1 kfn1. f(•r Jf,.ltp.Jt 't r\fw p!11n1 °'"""r I.I "&~.:tt or Ull·I ~ ,, ~ . •·:: 11111 llub .. · l':\Ci_.fd"'> • • I ,_j L i.1\ 1~ ' I ' , ., ' .. • • • IZ 8tt' ..... • ' • • • -• ' ......... . ........ • ••I·- B·/ B ~~==.=~1Uv11 rm, -c~~A MESA SHOPeER:s_GUtDE ~l>O-.•~~g~~~;-i ,.,,~-'-'II a bdr& 1%, ...... HW -r.t..-. 4111. pr-UDO ISLE ' Seo tblo t..sa1! $19,000 fill! prioo. • • .,., -to ..-ud ~-. ..:.~"'.!2";;'. ~ ~ JlOKE . 4ND. INCOVE: On Con! ar. No. Jlo1. ODl)' pjlOO-. _, _..,_ ' Lon1J•&IL;d!Alngmi..2bathtuni,lohedhome. a"'=:!!h!!!l!..!-!!!!!!•L· _....:_I Give ·your J(ids -A CR.ANCC to 'romp, l'tU' ,.Uo mc-..... nen th•('rt aot at U.. ~nurby • "aebJ I ~ bdrnw. roomy kllcMD 6 din· in&' art.a spell. NUd •built "hom.r•. A1kln1 Pl,000 and aaooo down. CLD"I' tli YEH, ~ I 1W; bane, ~le ~ Ud OUL w/w t:arpttJas .. tne Untd .. Lo"-l7 ttNPL. dM&. Pr on comp1.tel7 fwftetd, a.o4- Kaped 1ard. Har .,....,lf-i 111,000 "1Ut.,l•rm&. NEWPORT HBiGJrrB IWICB' llTYLI: :"~:.Pt!,"·:: r. A. hat. Attr, and UAble .-Uo. Pluo dWWI· 2 yr old s._ i..u11 tee. LR with~· •lip -·------tto.ooo Inc •p&tjowo on• bedroom apartment. Extra ...,j brick tlreplieo, ~room. love\J llt with A,:::'~-~~~"'.'... bath In prap. T6ia II OUR EXCJ,USIVE ~ Sl~ DOWN cs..wr... I Wr-. boM1 la eo.ta x-. .... JocaUcm. 'Ht#M :::. ~~:in~·~~ w.. ....,.. kltchea • dbl. ..,..... "->'11M111t. .Olll7 au ,.. mo. ea lmkne•. rv.u prietl 111,TOO Ne.;port-M••• Realty l ttl N~rt'81vd., eo.t& MeM U l-650I EvN l.J l-TU7 Beach Cottage eo., 1' be4rm.. fwm hou•. Ju.at • 9hor\ cHlitance from U\e OU*lll, and one block trwn •till water MU.tnr. &1 l'i b•U~• 6 a tmced patio. A.Akinr only 110,MM) wtth rood tenm. PAUL JONES , Re alty H20 N~port Blvd. Npt. Ek'h . Hu. 2111 k I ' Cute as a Button AND CUCA.N A8 A PIH, 1 bdrm. and ln endo.ecl yanl Uiat ln- vtlu 'telaMUon. Only $16,t60. 8£.A,t:Tll'UL IO rr. LOT ra.cmc Golf aub. on• or th• lul IN on Me&I. Drive. MIOQ, l•rma. HURRY ON TKJS. NEWPORT BEACH -JNCOM& INVICSTlllENT. ChoU!• IQCt.tion on Blvd. t •pt. bide. Only 6 yr• old. 1 bl'. ea. ph.111•1&nai • •un deck. All Ir,, rnis. E«c. •un1me1· • wlnttt rentalli. Re- tllrn• better than 4&000 a.n· n11•lly. 3 apt.". ruuy tum. - $ l&.000 wlll hllpdle. ShOWn by '(,~ '!.." ·.'f 1f ~ arpl. 3 · Mes a-Harbor Rlhj. 2 Ba y & Beach Realty·lnc • .ssoclATEs 2 REA.LTORI :!()fl C"nler SL. Cost.. MeK Corona df'l Mar Office LJ Mil I or W II· 7Tlt ~311 E .• c•t. H.,.·y .. Harbor qM3 Eve. Phone•· Sl!:Y~IOUR ~ Ha. :'1:1'8·W PETl1"TE -U 8-6487 *-* LYTLE LI l·~t2 GOC•DA.LE --l..l 1-35~ ----LOVELY LA.ROE oldt!r bmne on Opportunity 3 2 blL-ia 'oven and n:n,p, bieakrulo U-, 1 % bl.., 124 VI.A. Jdln'ONS -ltl:aT a ral. buy at $35.000. Xlnt term.a. -+ W/W cpl.I. thruolit. LI"· l*til!· landlc&ped BUY ----· .. ,_ . CXlSTA MESA comple\Oly fenced. Truly a bM1WtUI bome. LOVELY $2000 down. W1JY PAY JU?iT! N-a»d 1.,..:10Ua TLJE VO'GEl CO HARBOR HIGHLANDS 3 B. R. din. rm. bome. 2 bathL H. W. lloorL I,--l, . • Mt TllR.Eal'TA, t Bl:DROQK, Ulied. tf.dck fr. pl.ace. with Therm. oven A ra.np, 1700 Newport Blvd. Colt.a Mesa J~i Mth...A. .. -~ ... --~--SU.MIO dilhwuber, dlapopl, lot. of tile. BeauU!ul Eut Uberty a.MllT Evenlnp Har. "39-M '" BERYL IJ.N•, 1 .,.....,, llde location. Full price $18,000. J beUi ...... , .. , ............ -··· 111.,IOO ' ' • • BAYSHORES • • BEDROOM, 2 bath ........ ········--·--·······-····-····-··$24,500 BEDROOM, furailhed .............. (Sold) ······-·-·o_$19,500 BEDROO!.!, 2 bath, Cupeted 1nd draped. Comer lot ·······-'·······-···· .. ··-··-·· ....... : .. _$27 ,:iiOQ BEDROOM, 2 bath ............... (Sol~) ............... : .. $22,500 B~ROOM, 2 bath• completely furni.ehed ........ $24.500 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 Eves U 8·5386 337 ·DIANA t.A.NS. 1 Mdrootn, A REAL MONEY MAKER FOR SOMEONE. 11!t bl.~--LAN.:~1 ': Conailb of eight ~pa.rate homes, 2 bedrooma 1aln .. -......... -·--.. ~ 111.000 each, beamed ceiling, garages, patiol. Nnr CLIFF ·HAVEN NPT. HTS. i36 ST. JAXE8 PLACE. Ntw S bedroom .... ·-......... -$:11 ,MIO t8t BA1"'TA ANA AV!:. WILL TRA.11£ ...... -.... -........... 517..&00 463 HOU..Y LANI:. 4 bedroom, 2 'Datil. low doW'll .......... $16,taO CORONA DEL MAR 308 POPPY. s bedroom &hd o.n and View _ . $33,500 BAYSHORES 2:132 CRESTVO:W ORIVIC, com- and cbamtlng. All occupied. Grou $7600 yr. BACK BAY AREA. FuU p•ice $64,000 TERMS. BALBOA PJ!;NJNSULA : Unusually attr. S B. R ., 2 bath borne. Beaut. patio. Block from bay bath- ing bea4;h. Large lot. Priced right, and Xlnt. terma it ~ed. 422 Belvue Lane, Btrr CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. Harbor 1871 BLANCHE A. GATES , Realtor MEllB"ERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 3U Marine Ave., 81.lboa l11land. Ph. Har. 1671or1672 Balboa. l•land Nlocly furnllh· f'd, well ktpt, J Dedrm. and dt!n, clt!ctrlc (\OVf' rtfrltt!rii tor, 111rba1e d!~po11al «nd dl1h- muter. $'21!1.:$oo. J:>OOO down. M-1 VOGEL VALUES LIDO ISLE OFFICE pa.r1 at ...................... _ $20.NO -FLOWER SHOW Acreage Trades I * I~ ac re• pOlenUal bwlnc .. on I * Acreag e :!'i llCl('I l6~xtl:;O - 811y •t only $1 •.r>OO Wh•t a BALBOA BEACH CO'lTAGE guest hou.&e. Fireplace, patio. NEWLY FURNISHED. Full Price $24,500 COSTA MESA 482 I:. 20th -NE\V DREAM HOME .. . . 121,000 WUJ b1.1lld to •Ult adjaunt Iota. 241 MES.A DRIVE -3 bedroom. N ot quite but this beautifully la.ndlcaped ya.rd i.a a riot or color. The Berry plant.a are loaded too. You'll agree thi11 ia one of the nJce1t 3 bed· room homes you've seen. GE dispoaal, f&n and many other extru. Located in one of ea.ta. Meaa.'1 beat reaidential areas. Sewers, wide paved 1trttt .. 1treet light. aU in and paid. 4 ~~ t;'o FHA loan. Full price only $11 ,000 with $2000 down & paymenta of $M. including taxes and inaurance. Tualln Ave. n•r Oranrc. 160 S HORf!t:UFFS EXCLUSIVE. 2 Bdrm. W BBQ, plus and f\. Freeway fronta1e. Submit Cwitom !Nill 2 bcdrm and dtn. lrada or tenna. 3 bath. 1h1k,. 1oof. bullt ln $3000 i bath ... -..• t1~.too BEAUTIFUL BAYSHORES HA.lflLTON STREET. 1 acre A hoUH ... 113,600 D6-N A. JACOBSEN. Reil i=atatc Hi·l"i and elt!l'trll' ranae. Car· \-Vorth of Lands:!aping Harbor ~ill pel.JI and dr1pt!ll Oc.t-Jn v\l'W, A! 11,, \_;.toa , 1-, :iuyti· 111 tJ 1·1317 Kl 2-2117 HY t ·6'91 Sl\own br 1ppo1nlmtnt only. 1 n~· h•aull .•ctlrooin 4 bdrm. 3 ba., c&rpeta & drapea. Muter bdrm., 11itting rm. has fireplace & bea.ut. bsy view. Gi·~cio'J.11 1iv1nr at a min, pric~ of S•S.000. J"OUR UNITS N'EWP ORT HICJ.GHTS. Escelltnl local1on ' 2 • 3 Bdrm. Will takf. part lr-ade for $13 . .)00 equity. H•r· bor Mil. IHltc CLIFF HAVEN 315 Signal Road UNDER $18,000 12IO .-q. fl. Jll •l r·edecorated ML No. 7113 Shown daily ·uu aold. Ll 8·2•88 9c:l2 BY 0\.\-'NER. 2 bdrm. &: tlen ho1ne. bath .l 1o. lnclo!ed patio. V.' to \V <.'ll'Pflll • rlr1pe11. l..11rHlM:aperl, ftnc•d y<l. .It dbl. 111r11:1. Call eve 01 Sun. f\9 Ph1n1er. Ll 8-30711. '"' ----~--~-11 '\O(l DO\VN A lllO\'f' In. 3 bdrm. 'nc>u..e. 1111(1, yard feneed- Sf'\V"r• GOOD E A. 6 T 8 J 0 !: LOCA.TI O !>I, quiet •trtet, $11 000 -l 81 4 Harbor Blvd .. Ll l ·lMll, Eveii. LI 1-2!31. lplO TRADE FOR TRAILER i ~d1·m turn. hou.te. ocean v'•w. \Vilt accept houae t1-aUtr a• part p.1yn1ent. Prlcl' 1 10,g(K) Har. 3WO t e ll ,: -. ----~-------·NP:\V-3 bdrm. hou.e. 2 car 1ar- •it! clo!lf' P.o •hoppln1 Cl'l'lltt, Coal& Mua. By owner. Kl !1·6.'.110 or Har. lilt t tfc MARILYN F. LEIDY REALTOR 322·A 1ilar1 n~ A\'". Balbo• 1.!1lr Phone for appl. to aee. I Duncan Hardesty REALTOR hun1!!. Han!wuod four• -c·J r- JO . "'"'' . 11.. ~.•Cl! I oc.;u ..... 1 p..:, .. , :..tlVPl!i - 1111111 vve.I s ·, ,c ~ 1-.tt.A.1 Har. lf~ lk:JI Corona del Ma r I So. of the Hig hway 'lt<•ll" 'lu.t i-,c,· thi.• p1 opcr41 I ' 11pp .. 1:lale. \\'irt1ls to sell rc:1 E u u.or 13\cly. Tc1.1t1c C•·y >ti I VOGE L CO. LIDO OFFICE "0' Nowpo.i Bl ... Hubo' "" 0111_· ;} t 16 Via Lii.lo. Npt. Sch. Har. 4971 or l:!:vt1 Har. 5179 -Har. ~142 Har. 4972 $1('.'•00 S\VJ~.l~llNI_; POOL THJ~ \VHITE ~'RA~ll!: cotte;e furn!~hed and on a f.0 ft. lot C .0M 1 •• u1i; ..... e Ile.ii the llii;h with inan}' plou1tl n~! \~ pdcc-d ~<· "''" ...... nu ;;, " 3 betl- \o Sf:LL NO\\' $11,7:10 l•"•··'~ I '. b.1 ••3. T"" 11rl!- Osborn e-For: on REALTY CO.'S 2323 \V. Coa~l H1·1y. ~At Port O:·ang111 LI t-7:162 H•r. 32911 rvr:!<. Corona del Ma• p!.1r to l'V•"-''! AIL' II al 1.~111v \'.'cl!L·.p t u.~ ... 1n h •l~ •. '!IL Lo .. !"' Cei.l'.' .':.lll• t fll111;; "1\\0 ~.,r b"•:'l:,e l.11nuJ&t:~jJ•J \'11lue U11lo1e >11111 tht 1.01ur y ~u cl love to 11w11. \\ ,\1 '"'n~1«t-1· lot in ex- , ~.1~1~,··· ,. u.I I>',, e Sl6 ·,oo OPEN HOUSE COSTA UESA'S FABULOUS BACK BAY Early Amcrit:an Colonial ~13 Sierra. Vista. toff TuJtin Ave. bet\veen 2~nd &. 23rd) Open Sunday, May 13th l -:> p. m. Over 1600 sq. ft .. well planned home, three bcd roc.n1~. 2 bath11, L. R., dining rm. &: large den. • ~26.500 &c'!llcnt fin .. nc·ng. ' B/ R $22,5 00 . • l:!hal:,. ,oof . p~nl'l bar~ e Bullt·lll )fjt chcn • H\\' f\oor~· 1 e 3 BR. • 2 Ule b•th•. (!bl .i::ar! e Hu;" n1111ltr BR. • Mt. vlrw pittlO' • Cloae 111 • P11 • k l-11hv11111n.t · I • nrcpl•rc • ot~po~•l • Touch )'l"t .. • Terms! 07 Karc!L~Uf I Phil Sulliv an & ' W. A. TOB IAS . Realto r 1 $2 6 500 I Geo. T. C:ver~o n "you'll like our friendly itervicc" ~ &i.ecutlvt t;pe ii ;ne · 2 }r• Thi~ is Nice T\\'O 1,,,, •-·'·m•. 1~ Ntt\\,•Jrl Blvd. Cosla 1'lc~ 400 E. 17th St., Co1ta Mesa 1Ub::rty 8-1139 ·old ! ....... eacn witn Llbr1 ly ti-G711 .E;ve,,.H•r. 43611 ----------------------F\Jlelt ~lM<lf loc1t1011' ~to~~c::::: tli~~~n'r~~ --1VOG EL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR : ~k·fl:r. -.l d~~ ~.~ .• ~.th~! are 1eparaltd by •~l•nd ·b•r 1 $1750 Down , n i·•plac,: alnk. C.n .teal I to 10 11el'pk 3 Ect.ho_,1ua Ue.1u:11ul r,nccd 1 • e .. au!lfu\ patio "= l1ndacap-Hwd. noor• lh1u·out. FA y.1 1J. r....1,r 70 x IOJ foot lot. Corner Jot, 3 lg. bdrms., beaut. flag.atone firtpt.i., lnll'~ heat. All eltclrlc hou.v in · Lxco·l.ent 1u1:1.nc1ni: w,th p.<y-enclOH<'d _patio, on ~1'".rguerite. Room to build • 1000 oaq. ft • qu1hty -cltan ~ clu~• ran1e and 1·efr1r;. St~k~ t 1 ·s1 p tn""'.' 1 T • me.i " on Y " er u ' n· small income unit. Prlce reduced to $18.500. rrm• · roof, prs1e. wo1k sh(•I' and ~luUln;: ta:.eJ. G.11 11,;r. ae .. '\"L'I 4~. l"uU price onlr $18.!;00 and 1 11 1niprovcmcnL• paid Easy term.a. Owner. Kar. 6308-W. p1tf Clo.'it t o ;;rallt' .. nJ jun1or hl11;h iichool• Call for appt. Ba y & Beach Re alty Inc '' REALTORS OPiN HOUSE SUNDAY 10 to 5 LINDEN PLACE:, COST A (call anytime to aee) MESA c. ED JON ES, Realtor 1999"'Harbor Blvd., C. M. u 8-3333 Balboa Island 300 Co ral A venue HERE JS THE most desirable 4 Wroom cornrr home that we have seen for aofne ti?m. Everything about the place ia splck and span, ready to move into. ln addit,ion to having a fine home, there ia a sm&..11 income unit over the garag.e that will pay all expenan o! the home. REALISTICALLY PRICED AT $45,000 C.\LL FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEE! We Cooperate with all Rcaltor11 DUNCAN HARDESTY , 2602 Ntwport Blvd., Newport: Beach Realtor Har. 4.718 to •ct anyUmc. EXCELLENT BUY Look what we fou nd 1 Only $495 Down Under ~eoatruCtion-SO. o! Hwy. -1 bUc from ocean, 2 lg. bedrooms, 2 batb11. X-lg. dbl. gu- age. Please calt ua for an app't. Prked at $2-l,950 ,. .. Coal• LI l-1111 Newpor·t Blvd. 1'll!lla. C1ll!ornla ~e•. Ll 1·3010 CORONA DEL MAR $11 ,500 l:A.ST 11th 8T .• COBTA HUA, 3 br .. G.I. loan. Paymen'ta 1&2.&I mo., Incl. t,. lntere.t and 1m- pou11da. Ralph P. Maskey R.EA.LTOR ffll Newport Blvd. HaJ". "OI Ocean view, ttOOO do...,•n. ~l:'I Cat.a Una .... OPEN SA Tt..:RDA \' AND SVNDAY. 3 bedrm•. l ~ batha. h><I d· wood floor•. 1100 .. q ft :t year• old. Lovelr p111" 11nd double 1ar11e. Olll·nl'r Jl'a1-.ni; area. IJ2.f>OO full 11n1,,. "ART" ADAIR , Rltr. ------------l ltM Newport Blvd .. Co1t1 M:eaa 10 acres c .1 & M.1 On W. ITU\ !l., nl!ar Harbof Blvd., In Bania Ana. Will 11tll will\ relt&M clauH. u "1-3712 NEWPORT HTS . , Brand ne""' 3 bdrn1.. 2 bath home• on '• •crc or i;round. Rt!ffrVe now and 1d,cl you o...,•n 1ntl!t10r colora. t bdrn1a., t:>t~ 1\l)wn. Occup<1ncy,. •bout J uly l•l Small depu11it .,.·111 - told until you move In. ol Bdrms-Newport ffii;;hts LAr;;• dbl. ~•r1e. 1.•n1;cd, l'IOM to aochoul•. ~ ti.tha. forct!d 1 •1t heat. l"'ull pric• appl. only r11·t!ph1.1:e. d1ftpo11aL $111.&IO. Shov.•n by tanytlmt!.J THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Gout Hwy .. H/.. 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HA ' 0757 WA TERF'RONT Xlnl. convertible duplex. f11rn. -~-------------------1 8PICCIA.L PRICE sn.:'.IOO • TRADE Duplu, 2 bdrm. e• . fu.-n. pier Here ... '""'t ····· '""""' it II J bdrm., 1 b9th. pltr A floa.t, lara-e room. ... $1!j,000 UDO -a bdrm , :I b9lh, open plan, wid• lot ............. J4l,.)()(I BACK BAY -Oultlandlnt ranchy tiome1·1oll acrMfe Charmizig" adobe home with 2 b. T. and larse dining room. 60 foot lot, secluded patio, land· acaped. big Living room with fimplac~. F. A. beat, dbl. garage, 1460 eq. ft. Xlnt i'Frms ~will trade • for S&nta A.na area. $25,4.50. Ocean View home, foul! b. r. and iarp tamlly room. new modern atyle, 1800 sq. ft., carpeted, room for pool, hooded atone fireplace, an kleal home to ra.ille your family. ~% in.rurance loa.n..., FuU ppc• $39,500. Jones, DAN A. JACOBSEN, Real Eatatt iar=.-e din.Inf rm. 1n perfct<t fl Harbor &etJ copd!Uon.. 2 bath•. l~rse bell-1'199 Real tor, CAJo~E in Be•utlrul SUverado Canyon. Sf'.•t. :i,:i •l 0111 •It· Unf. a,11, beer by draft or bottle. Thi.I •• completely fur· nlahed l-equipped and a REAL MONEY )(AXEi\. WUI trade for :l BR llom1 In 1'1{• bdr arta. Thl&I' .I• 'a real ln· ve~lfn,rll and u. You are oll mlnOffi. • new well la belnt drilled about ~ mile from lhia property. Submit yO\lt tndM. 1ferm11. ~aUM owner IA leavlnc th• area we can offer LEMON HEIGHTS -" "" RA y REA L TY co. rancliy, nr.w, J bdrm .. den. 344.4 E. Cout Hwy_. Corona del )far Har. 2288 BEAt.rrY ................... 132·~ (acrou from 8&.nlr in C. D. M.) U 14317 Kl 2·2117 HY t·:)f.H ri&. bf:auutul kitchen A.II H•rbor Blvd., C'•la Alua l,tt>ert y 1·3333 a rar. barraln. TRADE -J bdrm., J bath MEMBER OF MULTIPLE USTING SERVICE VIEW homa on 2ac re1 -for l------------------------rOOd Harbor area. C-2 PROPERTY 1 8E8T BUT 2 .. ~. • dm " Ej th .. /Wlth lwo, two c11r i:•r•itf'• ------------- On Nl"lfPOrt Blvd. -300 ft. k>l. Only S20.000 -E."'CCP:l.LENT C·J aona 112.l!OO. TERMS. Bal boa O cea n Fr ont Exclusive lkauUtul home In Shortclirf., . It BURM. turn. older 1101ne . Jar1e Corona chi Mar. J bed.rm• and Newport-Me sa( Re alty uvflc 'tm. With r1rep1acc. Unit •u. Lovaly •ppo,lnlm~lt. 17'9 Newport Blvd., ~ta Me•• ht!al, 1arbl.1e dl•poat.I, 2 car Fitunonis Realty Company LI 1-6608 l:vt!a u 8-1463 1•raa:t. Ocean vie""" CIOM to ft.tt.llor ll'le lnoy. 123.600. ternu. N.1.1lUpl1 u.unr . SU.tne .. Broker FIRST TIME OFFEREO. ln· JlJ3 ~ Cout Hl.cbW.)' OPEN DAILY -l ·:'i Pm. Won· I come unit 2 'bdrm. tum. hOUM Corona dtl Kar Ha.rbor 21~2 derf\ll view home -2 bdrn1a..1 w!Ui lge. bdrm. l'arare apt. -I 2 bath.• ha• everythinJ lo I Ex~llent rental area, Ont blk. makf' Hta 1nore tnjOyablt!. to b•)I. $2t,606, tl'rmi.. IMIO DOWN 1&00 K1n1a Rd .. CUtr H•v,.n. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES Co1r1plate.Jy tum. one bdrln. home U.2 O(t1 St.. C:O.I& Mel&. 11.SOO. r . P. Opm 10 a. rn. to I p. m. lnul:Mdlal• poMHtion. l..Ssinrtoa W7t3. lc.10 1167 N• .... 1>0rt BIV11 .. Co~IA ,.,,K LI J.113:1 E'orea. W l ·ltOO CURT DOSH , Rltr .1-----0cea.n Front Property to · 31 5 M•rine Av e. Tnde fo• 0...11 Hot Balboa Isla nd Sprlnga. or Sell. Harbor 1560 Co ast Prop erties R uth Jayr.d, Reallor MUdN!d Rt1p A 8.lyvla ThompltOl1, ~alts 301 Z:. &.Ibo« Blvd., Bl.IDOi. Phou• Hat. 2651 or Har. ..eoo Uo CIRCLE THIS $1!,MO Approx. '• acre or C·2 properly. Ha• 3. Ol)e BR r1ntals plu• Sood 2 BR home. HardWood. ttle A floor turnace. Jdu.I for motel or tt•ilh' court. or •ny klnll of bU•lnt!M. 0 0 N . T MlSS THIS ONE. l!lee It today. B. A. NER~SON -REALTOR 11182 Newport Blvd .. Coat& Meaa Liberty l·ll!IU Ev•• U &.4120 Ubtrty 1·8013 Ubtrty 1-3727 Corn er Lot NEWPORT kl:IGHTB t :'i,t:\G Pr\~ for lm1ntd1i.te l•I• ORANG E COAST PROPERTIES ~DO LOT DUPLEX. On•. Onr bco.lroo1n . fireplt,c:t, .tl)I ~nk •nil tub And •hower. Pat Io o•·crlook!n1 oee..n. on comer. ""''LI fur- rt.llhed. l:lccl rerr11 . •le. One J bedroom and l'.•P•Jf'. \Yell f\lrftlal\ed -adjtllnlnc Rent. tor ll.60 P1r .wt1ek 0t11itn•ni now (Ol' summer. \Vrtt" l> O. BOX Tll, Dutrt Hot Sprln1a. Of' phOM 4 :ft 11 OHS k l1 rtad whet Ulla •llra.('UVe Mn1e ot1 M.•utlrul 1t acre hu to offer -AK fenced. 8J19.cloua 1&67 Ncwpofl Bl't'd., eo.t.a M~ A IMmaculata J B. R. p!UI'' U ... 1131 c ..... U l ·_l.00 • _ &Q. n. c:m LlDO aouo A.LBO t Jl-l lot.a In Cott.a Mu. ...,. -.oppt.nc ctnw. By own·' *"· Har. 01ft .,rl-eu. llot. lclt BY OWN ER ATl'JlA..,'TPil: d~. II.Mt U&to $15,1>00 ahOpao. i'w'nlahed.. 124,0k lboWa Vl«11tl'll rt:t\U'n. u • BORK.. I balft hQmfo W111'1 2 •12!17. llttc car 1arq,-. FlttPlllC't. F>. ht1t. -ll>'•Jlllod1 r .. da ana hffda M....,..Pn#o wa.J1t am.. Ttlal'• _ Jl}q 'UIQ' r.c. well quick tttouJU. • prN1a dl1p:»al, kll-htn 1a11 All f•ctod. on• y t a 1 (\l<I N'.._,. HJ,-h khool. A hom1 '°" &OOd llvte1 . For •PPL 1..lbl'rly l-IHL 4cl7 l Bdrm. nom• ... ~ ............... $&GOO 3 bdrm. hom~e .......... 1I000 oown t lklrm. hom-. ·-··· .llOOO doWn O...plo. ~ ................... ll•.960 fan".lly dtnlnJ or den. lArf'e kil~hiin. "The r M ti ce1ntrolled •J'lfrJ.. Hwd. tlr1. A l.ovely COV• '"" ..rUO With BBQ. A.II !qr.at 111 lhls fa.It l'rowlnc area. zon9d tor • pot1y or a chkk. 1mihac:\1tat1 thru -out. MAX W. POPE, Realtot Ptn• ea;p.u • •ma1·t 1111n1 wuu. B. Jonu AMOC. r\Mllol' room drwipt•. ALL 00 J : ttot Harbor Blvd .. C:O.t.a M.-. REALTORS. Kl _6·3112. k~ W: 1-114:1 I:~ f:I MlM BATllHORS LOT. i...t one a valll-lt, v.ry low yurly lt&H-Buli<I to your own •pf'CI· ncall°"f' C&ll own1t Ll l-1111 ' IPlO LIDO . ISLE Jl"1n• tamti,x ham• 16' corn1r lot 4 bedrma .• 2 \i baUa a car ,._..are Unt:qu•lltd v•lu• 14J.000 terma it . IS Here ' Killion Real Eltate ~fty Murdock 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbo• llOCXI Claire Van H~rn REALTOR 2731 \V. Gout Hwy. LI 1-t277 BALBOA ISLAND A BURPRlSJ: A.WA.ITS YOU! o.Jutandtn1 colonial 8-b<trm. t -bath horn• with n•ver-end- lnr charm. Sear Bat and VU· la1t: lt6.000 wtth x.lnl. term•. OWNER AX'XJOU8. Exclusive Bey1 horH Bta1.1L J-tldtm. 2 NU! i-ne. ~· Uv. rm. Gora-IOI.la patJo- dtn1111 lanai. A 8 T Ii A LI 12t. Tl)(I. NELDA GIBSON REALTOR aoe Ma.Mn• Awe. Ba.100. J1land, Phon• Hu. &02 ' 5 Acre Ranch -on Baker st. with nlc\I 2 bdnn. One of l ido l1le nd'1 ., den home. Nnw tte1n1 re-aoned to M-1. PTirtd for ,ukk Quality plu. hOoll'IU. Modam altf'ADCt -~ Uwl111s. lk&uUt\&I pt.UO W!Ul troplca.I pluUnf'. A boM• an)'oM wtti be proud t• OW11. I Mdrrna. A 2 Ni... l"l.500. BMwfl by appolnta1t11t OlllJ. • DORIS BRAY, Rltr. 211 W..rinll, Balboa hla.ad lbr. 20 or 6' • -··· DAH A. J:ACOB9EH. 1\ .. 1 btat.e Barbor 5191 LI a.-a1T KI J.Jlll HT t~ l'Oft BAL& &T OWNS.It 4 -.cti- l'VOlll hc>N•. I 'i. 1>&\JMI. Ju.d- ..caf)td • lcncld-nu kl&.n. ~ ltOnM at"CL Olli Ubulf 1-UU IOOl'1Url&• or attar 6 p."" JIUo . ' HER E WE GO ' BE'ITER HURRY ON TlillI ONE ! Sacrifice -owner leaving 1tate. 3 bed.rm.. home completely !urniahed lncluding ru,p, drapea, radi0, fumlture, TV, deep freeze, n.np, etc Beautifully landscaped yard. Cement clolhe• yard. Tool room. Work ahop. llani other features. $4.600 down. Bal. $68 per mo. Incl. t.axea It inlJUl'8.nce 4 ~12 ~. Would co.t at leut $15.000 to replace. SPEClAL THIS WEEK. $11.IH-O.O'T Come and -It. MAX W. POPE, Realtor -· ..-wwi. a. JOOH, A9soclate 1908 Hubo• Blvd. Colt& M-' Ub<rty 8-1142 Eveo Ub<r"ty Mlll4I YOUR LAST CHANCE ••• To build your d.rMa2 hous. on ~lutive ''Lltt.le bland.'' By buildinc on tbll cholc4 lot, you. will get a b~ new home to your cuet 1pec:lfl· cationl and tho IA>tal coot will be about what you'd expect to pay ~or an old home In the ....,. a.. location. • _, ' For turther tnfonnatioo about th._ oclualva ll1ti•&" telepbont Stan Hadfield, 11 Har. 2.ie2. -Wll. Yl. STANLEY HAD FIELD Harbor 2'42 SANFORD Realtors Porlt Aw. at IUrioe, llolbo& llland • • • • ··~ • • • '• • 7 7 iiwPoar' H.: NfWSNSS-PAAT I I.I~ t , • • AY, ~y II, 1916 We Know lrmne Pnipaty!-;.· ~W . -• ~-· COIONADIL:w.1-ILWILL~Y < ........ • ·s• .... . ...--•-• a..r;,. ·-~BOO ===~ ........ 11111. " .. -,... ... ----;·-· --·--. FOR.ITSELF B.UY NOW'. flw tit-..-~DI• .. -,.._ ,_,..._, &'II•... •'"'WQ' ~ .... --.a 1 _ ... _..___.., '1 .......... -.... -.. . ..._,Ml •• ,_.... SMS-.._6..._ A.Wud .......... ~ .. ,,. • ... , -llpw ......., ..._ wta ....,..._~ -........ ,.. ..... _,. ,., ~a.U..__,..Ulld~ ' ··• .~ t 1°'ae ol u aat1tenct1n1 Yalbe tw .,.,.. .................. ._.,. ., ....... ftlt• a111Jr: • • ..._ ., uwe waUis.. ....... ancuo:-MllJOU 8.A.YFRONT ,aer Ud lloM: • u, J. a.Ibo&~ , ..... • I ....... I 3 2 1 .. .. .. c.w ..... Ala ~ ........... -·C ---"\--..... I( ' ·wm .. tt. ...,,.,,, .... ,.... .. ,...., uc1 • ..... uu..........-'9dN-. ,._ ....... ,... a~ ..,.. -A .... tlle oelit,endt11--,.. an now of· f~ ... Ille followlas " ' 1. a.tlDlla, .... -. Gl'Ollio JO~ su:ooo. '8IJOO clown ' . ( • I • 2. 2-'lllllb, Balboa, $H.l500. Only S2.l500 down. A Ttrrilli.Jlu71 . 3. 1·Unlta, ~ Jld>ed. j,_ 1ne. UT'°, Only .., $85.000. Excellent condltlon-Beot Jocatloo. i. TWO DUPLEXES -Coota Meu. Income 12160 AJJD. Pnc. fl>r th• 4 un!U '17.l500. Only $3000 ~. G. Two bOUleO on :!Joto, 5 Bmi: .r. 2 Brm. $20,000. . Try U,000 Dn. Room for 3 more unlta. Build .. eotr.te 1'11htthle ... J e. &-Onita, D>-1-BOri.o. penillaula. $82~. Excellent lnCOIDf' and pride ot ownerabip, BUY N<l)V AND HARVEST THE IIlGH SUMMER RENTS JUST AHEAD! Fish~r & Company UDO ISLI = :.:• --...-,_ -• -at .... -. -'"° bu ""' • ago, $eTJIOQ. ~ tn"* tor. Jarp ~ • ---x •... , ...,. -.~ ~ Md deCL"' ':;:.t. 9-bom& °" Point> OI' Lido Iele. , · , ___ ,,. ___ .OCEAN FRONT IACKIAY I............... ..: . , ~ . . ., 1......._ _ JMlllll _ -.. I a.ire lllM .-'"' CiN' ~ 1°" or-~• BAYFRONT pier an4 1t.11n. bea Bl Be.yo fllCtloa. n_, --r.. ......... . .. _ .... _,.,..._..A.t.tn«lc .. 1-1--r .__, , .... ,. ... ~•-----· Vf'_,, ~--._.,., .. ,,,, _,,,.hMd at JttMO.·~ -s ~ ..... ~ plu meld'• roam. Complete1Y."_.. .,_, __ ,_...,,,_. • 1 to I ,lot. A -'' w '--..c -la -~ -lhan '""' LOW . , nlohed: S cu-· ~ .llMeh. J'ull pn;itt· ...... -........ --...... I • I................ .::;: ....... ·~· ~ .... -" .... .,...,,, ... $58,500, 112,llOll dowL ""'"-.., per-tli.· , r" 11•·~-l.7 ftiJ' I I .. U~ i.tu, _... taet ud '6 ~ .,.ry Uxiodt to ~ • NEWPORT .. EACH · -":' -. "' -..,... at ,,....., WATERFRONT, Pier and lloaL 2 bedniom pluo MP-1 "'"' -"""' • COSTA MESA -, ...... -.-. • . .llAYSHPRES , comp~y lllrDiahed. °" ...._ 1ot -Lid& . 'oPEN BOUlll I-.... --a_. .. s•LBOA PENINSU'. ' . Shopplnc °""""' Only ~.500 -eGOOO wtll ' ,; .... -.. • X 1ft. 'I.a IF 1,&NU7 I"'\ 1..1'\ 'I Jk4rnl.'" '" •tM. J.arl-li•· handJe. • ~ 1 to I kt. . ..,_ floe ~-..a &nupd uct ~ troM lot-ft.l ti a 102 ll\J room. n.,ttoM t'lnpladi, WW .a.., n,.. ~ ... _.,. ""'9t4d..' ~ I ,,.._ ftiM4 at 111.~"l"tmt&.· hr hardwood. ftaorw. double pr., ALSO 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED on NEV(POitT'" ".; ~etetirum~~~-=· ~ ~ ~ '11.~A-:: :::""':.::.:ro:s~ 1:: ~~ ~:'b.Prl.::n:~. ISLE facing' Covta. $28,000 -low down. ·--:: to llMI bddl. Prtc*9 tt t . ....t .. u. ,._.. .J'W ba.W. _..· AM itl ~ M. \o ttiu. It OOJt'IWt:nt tor 2 BEDROOM BEA.CH HOUSE, Vacaut,. ·Very c:llu. m.aoo,. • ..,. ...... '''" , • -, . , ,.... · Slone'• tJuow to ..... $1111C!O. S29CIO -. ' • .. .. Balalice $80 month. ' Seven . ·islands Rea .lty & Investment Co. EIGHT 1 BEDROOM furalahed unita, on s -· 503 • 32nd, St., Newport. Beaeh -Barbor 6868 -after 5 :00 p. m. Harbor 5587 Beet Balboa Blvd. rental area. % blk to beach o• bay. 141,000. $H,acl0 d0Wl1 ot will tn40 equity for lm&lJ home or duplex ID. anL 8ched· uled yurty' groea $10,000 B/ B OPEN DAILY. 1-5 ART C. KISTLER, CO. . -·- OPEN HOUSE 14t Via Venal& • a&L 6 IWL 1:00 \,9 l:tO On~ REALTORS BA YFRONT SPECIALISTS • 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 5228 DAY OR NITE. ' -' 2603 N-rt Blvd., Npt. Bch.-Hbr. 4429. Eve. LI 83217. 2 Y~: Oki Bay Front · Special Four Bedrooms . "C" THOlo!A.S f ' "C" THOlo!A.S "C'' ~OMA.8 -· v r. ~st Buys Corona del Mar ' Cb&nn1n&' t.d.rooms. 1 at.ory, OD 60' lot. l...arp • JaUter, twta chlJdrd~·· b9drOOIM MCb "frith openlnl"• to ._UO. lr4 IJed.room U, flutb&e' lMI. I JM.th&. L!vinl' l'OObl Opmll to l&rse paUo. I ~ .,....,. a.n.d drMl&q' nom.. Carpel.I and dtaperle&. ~ 411,aoo. . ·-,,.. ~t,..lo OY•n ........... Outlf:•ndlnl "'"' ·-·-J'Unlly Home Lars• Patio 11 f n 11v11\1' room Bat "It's A Beauty" · .. • 1. YI .A B!:ST BUY! Only $3000 down buy1 thllo 2 bedroom home plua unfinished rumpua room. Banlwood floon, prbap dlo-1. furn. b .. t, !,.c;e<i yud. Full Pi;iu ~13,l!j)O. 2. if, 3. 'ii BARGAD1'. ~ bdrm. home, hardwood floorw, FA heat, prb: dl.opooal, f~ncecl yard, dbl garage.,piolce k>catlon. Belter hurry on thhl! 0.NLY ~18.l500. Euf tuma. CUTE BUNGALOW .a Jledroolba and bunk room 1 '4 MU... 1&r&'a paUo. J.ov.9' tinplate f22,600 Beautiful Waterfront Income 2 ual~e I Ndroom. t bath, ai.e 1 bedroom a,.nm.nt. BMuWUlJy tumiabed. 1.on:l7 ......,_ ... . tarp taDced patio S.Jaxl6 1e,ooo .... """ ..... ,.,.... 160& Ocean Blycl. Bal..,. . NEWPORT Din... """" Pier Ii doat ........ ; Tour Hoet Ball7 Newlin 111 So. Bay Front Balboo loland HARBOR C&rpet Ii drapet Near Jetty 129,500 Your HOit. Jerry Bennett 2111 Oce.p Blvd. Balboa REALTY Open House Sot. & Sun. 12 to · 5 122 . H.arbor ls.lend Road , . We take pride in otferinr; thia truly beautiful Provi.nclal type home, built around a ·La.fie flood. Ligh led patio, lliding glau doon from llv. room DUPLEX. 2 Wljta, 1 bdrm. -h. 1 complete- ly furn.. and on lei.le for S?ti mo, Front unit vacant • ready for you to move in. Only $4000 dwn., full, price $18,750 . . .... .... Jim end Sally-Newlin & muter bedroom, bay view from all electric ... built-in kitchen, lanai din. room, ~ den""' bedroom, 2 bedrooms, 2 full tile baths with·· gold pla\ed tlxturee, pluo powder room, touch• plate swi.tche1, acoustic ceilinp. many hidden features, an abundance of wardrobe cloeets, de<p pllo w /w carpeUng -A BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR THE MOST DESCRI¥INATING • 4. v SHOR!1CLIFFS. 3 bdrm and deb home, 2 --""'•tr -..... -.... 515 yd aoat. L&rp p&Uo ..-ra E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1007 full hatha, Only 1 yr. old, bullt.-ln atove and oven, c.upeted wall to wall, cuatom drapea thruou~ .. c1oaoc1 l'"tlo· Only o .. at lhla price. Tnllr a rood buy,' ouly $34~. JooJdna U.. bt.7· I.er .. COmftl-------------.,.--------------~-BUYER -Price eedue<d . \0 $42,500. 5. if D.OLl.CULA'J'!l. 2 hodruo'!! ~ bath home. • 1 block to ocean &nd beach. Located at 239 Heliotrope. Dbl. prap, hwd. 11001"1, r ... ce<1 yard, beautiful patlo o\ landacaplng . .A bar-pin at' $21.l500 OPEN HOUSE 1 • 8 p. m. Dally unW oold :;=. ... ':..~ ":it.~ , '.BALBOA . ISLAND onn and ranre. DilhWUller, . 1 • ._.. -"'' ......,.. ONE FOR THE MONEY _._ ... -&ad family fun . p.rq. door. Buullf'lllll laDd-One o~ "LITI'LE"' Balboa i.J.&nd.'1 most dil:tinc- .,.,... ........ ''"·000 Uvo aod charmlnc 3 JI. R.-3 bath ho ...... ..$36.500 lley & .B••ch Realty Inc BA'l"J'RONT -ProT!nclal nm.r HOUSE, 3 ' ll&ALTOM · __....,..... , ai1:1 lahJ'lltt•,.' 11ar. 11t3 yara )'O\llll+ with PIER A FLO~T a.ad gla.u- ""'· -"""' "1led to v!n ----.. -·-----·-U7,500 'Ju.t to the rll'b! of Ufa Brtd1e' 14EMBER OP MULTIPLE LISTING~ ·' A rrai>d BEACH HOME fo'r a LARGE FAMILY, two batha, Iii blocl< to beacll -----.. -$21,500 .~ . . TWO FOR THE SHOW'-u INOOME to Uocle Sam! CORONA DEL MAS REALTY CO. Corona ·del , Mar PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor • ONLY ONE YEAR NEW ,8"7 E. 'Clout Hwy .. Coroua del Mar Har. tT OCEAN VIEW • (Office 1-led nut door to N-rt Jiarbor Bank, CdMJ ' . . -------------------JuM •bov• our Nit •wimmirls bud>. Multiple ~.Listing-of -the -Month CARAVAN SPECIAL ML # 8001..:'rwo ho-on lllil<180 ft lot In COSTA MEI!.\. ~bodroom llo111e and oo• l·bad· room ho111e la rev -21!. yoan 014- Fenced -Pr1eed '1t.l500 Pr1c. ?'•600, worth $30,600 HERl:taWl<T S.uutol \'IW s bdrm. • )Up d4ll laJand kttdltn ....... ....,_. HaNwoOol a-. Bepan.t• laundl')' NOm ~er 1SOO tfft U•lns &rH tu THll at SOI Popp7 c.ll • tor ~tment SpacioUI twO B. R. aparQnent "UP," and a .... cute one B. R. apartment "DOWN," both completely furullhed. $211,500 Wooclolrtul S B. !( home on LITI'LE Balbot LI· lalld. with attnctlve two B. R. apt., a 1kJp to the beach. $37;600 Anxioua owner aay1 "SELL!" 3 B. R. home, and ioCome _aPL clmo to tho villop & beach '3.1,000 -· THREE .,TO GET READY -to collect 9% net! Tb• i&LAND•s iu!artnt triplex on XTIU.· llzOd fo~ com~ turnilbed,-witla-week-end CUest ro0m, 6 t.t.b for tht DeW" OWDH'. $6,000 rrou ·'--.... -... -........ -... --........ --.-.. ue,ooo AND ~UR TQ GO ! ! ~TO • • MARINERS 'ISLE . REAL TY ' BILL'S BEST BUYS HALF AC. VAG.\NT LOT Beck Bay Area. It'a a dandy. Only lt950. I)IYEJ)lATE OOCUPANQY New t bdrma., 2: bathe. · car· · ~ ' ' 1 , ' "C" THOMAS, Realtor AND ASSOCIATES 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport B<ach. LI ~f "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS ' "C'' THOM,'.:$ peted LR A: balla, di..po.&1 A . • ;';:~:~ ,:.~-.. ~:r .... -:~ COST A MESA the best town on eerth curba. loldew&l.IU end MWtn. · Ut.9~$1600 11n-s100 m.o 3 Br. -2 bath, forud·&ir heatinc, hwd. floora, COUNTRY CLUB double garage, aeparate work 1bop. Full atreet. · · ENVIRONMENT curb lz sewer. $13,950 ~th $tuOO down le baJ._: n., &JUWfr to your iUe&t $76 pet" month. •.:: problem. Lonly 2 bedroom home.with rve•t room It bath over R.Uch atyle l'•l'afe.. NothfD&' WU ovtirkloked by tha prMtnt owner ln decoraUnl' and Jan4ecaptn1. 20-yr. W /W ca.rpeta o.-... HW, floor•, kire- plt.ce, wood panellnJ, Iota of waLlpape.r. Rolfl&, • taml!cliU, apllt rail tence, ..i..r1e paUo Ii tolld redwood fencif\I" In rear. Located nu:t to BantA Ana pit cour.e.. Full price Jll,WO With tt:nu. W. A. TOBIAS, R&A.LTOR ",OU.'IJ UJte OIU' friendly eervke" '00 S. 17th St., . Coate x .. l.Uiert)' 1-lUI 2 Br. older home, large kitchen f& eervice porch, large comer lot SOxlM, dou,ble car garage le work shop. $9250. Term.a •-' 4 Br., 1 'h halho, fireplace, 2 car' pnge & otudlo. apt. ($35 moolh) A real buy al $11,500 but will need $5000 d-.i paymenL . • :: C-2 Buab\ese Zone lot 68 x 300 with good 3 Br. home & rarare. '12.aoc> !flth tuma. :·: M·l INDUSTRIAL lot 'h acre "-.-·---·-.. '65()0 i . ~-N. WELLS, Realtor ... 1810 Newport 'Blvd., COSTA MEliA. LI S.'1729 ' . "'" Contact ·rour Realtor nprdiAs tltla oua! MULTIPLE. LISTING SERVICE We ae-operala 'ffiU. ..U lle&lton $2000 .DOWN Dunc.n . H1rdesty 1------------HOME & INCOME Udo B1yfr~nt . . ~ 318 Karine Ave. HA. 4781 Balbot loland BA,YSHORES . OPEN SA. TURDAY AN!>.-SUNDAY l • D '166.2 CIRCLE THREE BEDROOM furnlobOcl. Huge ....... patlO,', big lot with l'llom for nrUnmlng pool 1 bloeli to private beo<h. 'A dellsbtful -.tctod -·; ~ Newport Harbor Board of Realtors .... Nwp~ •• ~.7' le>. • '°1 N. Newport B!vd. Newport Beach BALBOA ISLAND CUNNING 2 BR. bo-price Jnclu~ oto .. , rofrif. cazpeta A drapeo. Iii blk. to llaach. $5000 dn. $19,000 a BR., attnellvt. Nev No. .., .$22,aclO 80. BAY r-t. I!, Bil., 4 "-., ~eel '100,000 * OCEAN FRONT HOME &, INCOMli DUPLEX mcludl• 'fllUJl.t tot. '?!le ..._,. ~ la a Mme • lncotn.. hutft'ul • ...... bMt ___ ., ..... -.._ 11iJM ~ dupta or tr1- pia: ~ or. Tnmtla •re. ... ....... Ll'1"1'LE ISLAND. A ru1llc and u..bla S BR., S """-Wu ... bath, la a aeloct dlitrh:L .__fll8,600 .... ~ lhlUl'lt ~ BAY J'RONT, LIDO ISLE. B•nut.i home, pi.r " HOMER 'SHAFER, fioat . $136,000 lOI Wei" ~t Jll)it. pkr No telephone lnformauon pteue. l'booe-..,,,1• .,,:,'Um .. 'llft llavt llllYol'I for p&l1*1aP -----~----1 • '"" Mllmatee, ....neat --"~::." ."":..:.-.;.. ~ Har. 17'111-.... -Ma.-• f Cfoha Vecm1b • t I Lou BoJ'At:oD BYattU2:12 ~­........ Siii ..,. ............. ... ....... c:a..r .......... ....,,. EARL W. STANLEY, Ree~or llllllarlooA ..... Balbaa~ •• • ...... .,......ia ... ,.,.. ••L . ORAN&E COASl PROPERTIES UITX~ ...... ·~M .. u •lib ..... u •ttOI • Open House Doily 1 to G p. m. 401 Via Wo Soud • New t bodrooma .oo 71 loot frontap. Beot buy uuder 1100,000 and 3 bedroom 2 bi:th on « ft. lot. An excellent nl0t at '31.DOOI W1i CO.OPERATlil W1'l'H ALL Rl!:ALTORS DUNCAN HARDESTY, . Realtor 2602 Newport B!Vd., N-rt Beocb Har. '718 ' CORONA HIGHLANDS SJllRllNlll VIEW -the lorp wlndowo· factnr th• -. Hau,dlomel7 appointed 2 b,odrm. .r. c1en, raac11 a~ ....... }fl&vy-. root. 101 ft. trout&(• nicely jandoc&pad loL Natural flDiab lltchaa with bunt ID omi A ft!IP· , Forced air heat, lldwd. floon. ~ S29.8llO 6 '"'1'th IL JCa:ollant financing . OSBORNE-FORTON Reolty Co's. 2323 Vi. Coiat Hwy. (at Port Orusel LI a.71112 , EvM Har. 616' Two lktnn. p d llZUU. den. 2 batM, redwood bat U{:ertor, paneled. np61ed beama in- terior. J'tffp1.act, the:rm.o con· tntiled~hut. Ule ,In kll.cilen A bath AND avare "•pt. With !lrepJ&ce, t\t.nllabed.. Ren· t&I Income 17~ ptr mo. Xlra rue.at 1'QCm\ beklw apt With .... ........., ... W. E. FISHER & Associates I02' J:ut CoaA lflshwq Q)rona dti Ka.r Har. ooat Ev.._ Har. MJO-W ot Dioo homeo. Only $23,GOO. • . . LIDO ISLE . PRICE • WISE THIS HOME TOPs . A!.L ! Utterly cbannlng Provinctal atJte. , 4 bedQ>om• and den. .lpp...,.JmatclJ' 2700 oq. ft. ll:xln · 1arge uv1nr -~ ~ to wa11 carpettoc. • Under ... Tl at 138,llGO . MYRTLE DAVY,' ft•eltor . New Lido P1ua 111c1s ... am Via Oport,o ·-: (Oppooltt Udo Shope ~ .U.l Har. ~-. u 8'0297 &sltttcl~ lOt In rood netrti·,--..,...----------------Jlorhood. Lara"eai. le•al. amon1 1 -iood bam• on Holmwood Dr. HOto .onlJ', ORANGE COAST PROP&RTIES llf1 Newpori. 11!\'d,. eo.ta MCM 't.I l-1W g..._ LI t-1400 NEWS BR., 1\!, balho . Mo. paymcta on1y ire .. [Dqllin, owner 252 Ill. Painler Coat& M-LI S.2ei57 LIDO ISLAND BEAUTY Single '"""7 8 b. r. 2 bath .._, ',.,.. old' on llO' lot atreet. to atrada --~-d~ ror del-l!"l'lllf to incl.. 0.., llOOO ... ft. 11.111.! ~ area. ~J' deluxe featurce lndlldo f....S -if; heat trme ·c1oct -1ro11ec1: -,._ wa11.io. wall carpotlns; Indoor ,Plaaten: • -and · cupbOt.rdo pl.,.; ·a11 -Jclldien: ... 'buudlOdafoataln. • . . ' Bl>'"'!' by appolatmont oaly BAL.ilOA. BA y PROP.ERTIES . -' ~ w. )!oilloo Jl!vd. Har. 5188" ' , ' • . .... . ' ' tA&I ICM'ART II Nf\WC>aT MAllOl NEWUllSSj~f!!::!!!!'f!l!.!!S!F~IL,1 _; __ ..!•!::le~!l- FMIAY, MAY 11. I... ~ • • = . OPEN DAlY 1-5· ' ' . · 20th St. just off Irvine Tllll lltllrlaf new homo ._ ii.au root, . ..,,.....,.. ~t·lno. eleetrle .. _ -· ate.! M'1 ... purcl>ued fqr oo1, $28.000. • The bulldtt, :llr. -11 bu not overloobd - deWJ to IDllle thlo l)ome tho outltlndlnjr vallae bl_~ . . hrbape you would ratber ha•• Mr. 8'19111 ba1Jd a home t<I your °"" plana, If IC we Mff about 10 rcmalnlnr hoin,..itoo In thla lov~y· orange rrove. OUR ll:NTIRE STil'I' is AT YOUR SERVICE • • J~. Mollan. Jade Stockdill, l;)unc Jr., · EIOie Ebelinr. Ruth Davil, Jeui 'Smith,, :llull)'ll Tbomai Sandy Goodman ·~ DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor -•. . 2902 N-rt Blvd., Newport Belch Har. i718 • Bl B . . . CLOSE TO NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB /· l:.Jtt.Je locome Untta -Owner Saya Sell! Submit All Offers. Alldng $13,500 . • • BALBOA PENINSULA 1. S B. R.-Two Story Home. JUI! decorated. New carpetl. Lge patio-425,000. ' Terma. 2. 2 B. R.-Den, 2 bath modern, completely furn. $21, 7ll() -$11,000 .dowu. I · 4.. Pink Doll Houee on lure corner lot. 2 B. R., 1 * batbo, oJcely landocaped patiOI -$22.lMllJ. t. 2 B. R., 2 both. .larre roozm. fireplace. N11t u I pin -118,000. .~ LOT~ . Lge. Oceanfront lot. on Penln.lula ...... -.. i12,:!00 Lge. c6mer lot near Jetty .. -.. --·---U,500 • • -. • T)pbl ot'Udo ,.., ·~-n ...... ~­ lo 11111 --. •• ---'2 balh ~ ., wdqUs -ct ........ Tbe llWlpm. fl&'-I lw!d- --tblfl-. --~ .... olldl'oC rlw ~ to ~ plaallDt patio. Tbe ldldieo· ii I CdlmW ............. '*117.-=· dllll loilil1oal. ...... 0( rollilqj .. ........... 1i::-.. -. ....... idl • ., Wllllla. a I •• o1-.a.•~1o---. . I •• o,;.n, House· i.n Biiystior.s : -. I .......,.•, -with lNllt-111 OYSO and .....,., ~ ..-"1th 1111to•tnr fonnlCa .int topa. The ""-plna added clw;m f.-1/"' ..,u. .. 4, ...... 2~ ~Ill bentlfw llAtlll!b"• •' ,..,,_. -awlmmingbouh. w~ !<>-Will caipetJnc, h\IJ'O ..-.. llld ltrikil\( colorw 11111 wall paper. Tiie· full P'b .. w $0. . . . 211 ... lect bulldlnC ~too Oil -LIDO ISLE A lt:W on ~ 11A.URONT ud U.. bf.Janee -on quiet .,,_ -....... to Lido'• pri't&IA! beacheo. Come In anCl .tdl U. ypur c1,..i ..... -we will try to help. When all the advertioing ""°kl ~loan. there probObly lon't a bctlA!r plaee to Uva In AmerlCI thin Lido :we, • INVESTIGATE by coming to HEADQUARTERS! p. 4. palmer incorporated · ola han1on C:o. mansgenfant 3333 via Udo, harbor l:IOO • • Bayview Pro .perties earpodllJ 4' drapes. Come tn ...a -t111o at ma Bo~,Drift bot't!een 1 and,5 p.a. 116zdi.y, llay U. ~ <\61.ou -r for appolnim.t al,_- coi>-'tnoe. Open House •1 tp ·5 P.M. ~ 1 ltory llanch Stylo home, t ~ 8 batba. dlnlnJrP!: I One block to U111o <loroDa beacll, 239 Poppy'Av.nue, Corona del Mar: Price . $31,CiO(). Iltlv• by or C&ll O..vidaoo oOl!urn for detalla. - P• a .. palmer incorpoi'ahtd ola hsn1on co. msna92rilsnt 1700'w. cout highway -llbOrty 8-15673 .. • Harbor .48l4 2307 W. Ba.Jb-.0a Blvd ., Newport Be"'l.eh ' • NEWPORT HEIGHTS HOME! . ChaMel Front, Pi,r and Roat Beaut.J.tut 2 bNroom p111a, 2 bat.b. OPEN DAILY 11 -,.. -.. ;,. Cl.""-·-home, llp&Ctow. tull dtftla1 rm. .. ..vu ~ dlJleue. w to w cupetm.a. ,_ 62 ft. bulkhead -One of the nlcett 2 bedroom car ......,.. Wondolrf'U.I bdm• at llome.-and only 1 block to Lido 1hoppini. $20,000, ta.ooo ctv.irn. A steal at f24',MO BAY FRONT DUPLEX! ~=.!.:..::!.; Cliff Haven Triplex em taclllu. anc1 the vppu .. · NEW -TWO BF.DRM JlAQf Unit. 1 with btau.utulb' ~ Pmat. b4&cb. pkr rfPta. vtilitJ rme. fireplace. Income $2"l per mo. A t.errt.nc value. ud a _,. ,.,..... OouJda:-t bl $19,900 -only fUIM daWn. 8/'8 • Shake Roof; Rustic ... um a-.i1y .... I bdrm. l'k MUii ltu.liO ftancJI, hom• ioc.t.a .. tbt ..a.ct .. of tlr4i BM:ilf8aJ' .,. I.ad .UHm. { the.. extru Ud )"Ou'll acr-with u. tut It ..s4a up to IDClft Ult.a Uf,IOO. ( Muter bdrm. 11' :ii: 20' duplicated for ui. Mlllq" price ' BAY & BEACH REAL TY, INC., Realtors °' ........ "'u......,,., 4 Units Balboa Peninsula { Walk-I& ~,.,;tlDld cio..tA { BuUi.-.m b&r'*aoe { :e.a.uurui. ~ttrM-lln., paUo ,, o ....... ..,..... wltll ~ 1'50 W. Balbo& Blvd., Balboa Harbor 12M ~A~CH2 ~~., One 2'.bedrm_:\tbre81 bedrm.,<t>lu .ma ai'eeplng Evenlnp -llar1>or lllM doon ,,_..,.Ml'....._ rocm with both:. Beot loci-and In A-1 worbbop ' ' THE VERY BESF BUYS ' Ganc't. UUlky nu. s..u condition. Potential income '68M yr. for . Jus9; Wn.U1. 111,000, ( 0o,,_. plUIUl.q -cuatom tKllJt U&roupout. ..... -.. Alkins ~ooo """"· · '" • .......,. 00 -· "' 'Another · ,. ... · · · ·-..,. ....... View tiome . Only $14,750 .... ~.~ .. "'"!.~ ~:"'. _!~ .8fv B.' e::,ty···--•---. BEST VALUE N-rt Heigllt.L S bedno., ,_ ~U.... -property but weU worth the ~ flT,000 Uat7 uk. 2 bath, eonvenlent location. We have keyt. h•"1• roof, I ' Wnn.. • ....... WW1"ilM..O~.A ..... r - I - • ~DAILY I A.IL. TO f P.M. ' 'I D4VY .. ..0, &OOn, bardwGod tbw.. Ms .. ... ....... twwfflr beat. bullt.·ln "• ... .......... # I Ir 19, .. ...,., ~ sW. docn. 1ltltd ~ .. . . Tl:IUl1'JC LOOJaNO BOKU wttb ...u.t no.- plana m ~ llat&'t moat dMhble ZUt 'lldt. ~bed.roon\.: Ul,MO-Qooo town J.btdroom an4 dn : PJ.too-Pooo 4own AD home. have J balht OLE HANSON CO. . . . or outcu: t.l 1-1613, Harbor 1IOO ' "Were Moving · to .Irvine Terrace" om. "' todaJ 1114 -ror yourself the many D<lt. . ltaldlns roaiw-ol ~ remarkable community. . - Moro and mor. Haibor area famillea are tnipactln, theoe exqulOIW •--noting their comfort, coo- v.Oi.nce aad ceotnl location. Kore and more famllie9 who ~prefer a bome ln a ,.. ltricted quanty1• community are movin1 into their Irvine Ternce ho- lnspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished bY Martin & Von Hemert . . -·l.rv1.a:lJ Terrace ia located on Ca,ut Hfi!lway ()flpoette ; the new Irvine Cout eountry Cub. .. EARL W. STANLEY,.,,Realtor . . FllXCLUBIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor "'8 JW l'llrther loferm1-* 9* ftecomme:ndaUoii, we refer )'OU ,to anyone wbo holdl a Leo.-bokl Eltlt. Ill Inlno r.rr- -&Y. Bay Sboreo aad Cllff Ha-. • • NEWPORT HTS. 2 8. R. A den, Eztra "9· lot ,17,500 BAJIBOR H'l'S., Very charm. 3 B.R. A 2 batbl $18,:!00 COl\ONA DEL MAR 3 BR. FA. heat. Choice 16,llOO o;>l\ONA HILANDS, View home 3 BR., ~ ba. $28,500 COl\ONA DEL MAR, 2 B. R., choice lot --.'97ll0 · ~llWIL balm wt.U. tn all •l«tni kllt--in ldtebm, and INID<PENlllVJ) s.wio.< JACK BRENNAN, REALTY. "°:.tit-"'""' 1no1ue11n,, --------------'-RSNTAL PllOPDLTt-di.eh ....... ladlnet "-t1 .... ,1-1 . . . TAADE !lfll Gal>ntl ; B.R. home for Sin Diegc BAI.BOA oteao Front for DcWncy, Sin Marino, or 'Whittler. -luot --•AT THE ARClll!lS" --~ "' ............. ...,,........ .. = ~ .... .;;;;"f.;, ~VOGEL VALUES j BALBOA ISLAND doM to towa. 6 unit.I _ 3320 W. CO...t nwy. U 8!7773 Jll5 toO. I_... ... • --·1-----------...,..-------' -' t CHAR)( 'HO -2 STORY :.:!, ~::" !::::"'...:' B 'lb I l.tnd 3 br. with klnf llie Uvtas rm. W/W carpolAI; 111,000. -... EXCLUSIVE BEACON 'BAY a oa s <pluo dlnlllJ'rm.> o.. ~ u.. 11r.phlo- c•1 u ... t. anot.ber on•· Mm• • Pier _. tlo&t • paUo. Put sest in ,)"Our livin& here. Uof'Um. G. H .. LATHROP, Re•ltor ........ WIU> • ' ....... Comfortobla year round home, •3 bedrma..A 21; • •=::.,:::: ;..::.." ... Md $111,000. Cub to Joan. u ~ la front &Od a elite batha. r ... -' yard, double ---pltll 3&3:i E. Cout Hwy'., Corona del Kar i.cbdor tn NU, Nice n~ ..__... e--•· • Cllanalnl' palkt FOR SALE OR TKADJ!'r-No. 43 Emerald &y Barbor :1442 Ev"' Har. -on u. home wilh IOUI• la· attractive cue1t apartment. • BWJWD B&r-9-Q l• l&Jt.c.Mn ' ~ ~t--=.~F.::;-o:',-.... '-""""t------1138.&Kl4'>0ll..t.tcmt...,..__ • • --•"" hml1y nn. Deluxe 6 bdrm. 4 bath home. Extra Ip. UYlnl ...... _, .. • OUQ+•nctiq ... --.. __,--... &0 wU1 _ .. ,. ' • ---r.~r.::'-'"'-----+-~-!>.~~~~~~~~~.g~=~,.----~ ... (I ) AU to -tbU I bed· * * • • itT.600 View, rilbt OD the beach. Retir.d owner FOR SALE AND· LEASE BACK • ~::."'..::::':! -Trultl>e<dudown,.ymenL NJprica$5'1,500 -· ......... • ....,. UTILE ISLAND" Bay & Beech Realty Inc Evenln&' call 11ar. -Q .•ss A atore apd office building localed on 'lll_Olt lmportlot comer Jn Puadeoa. Price f!00,000. Will pay '1 % net net. and will dopoolt $300,000 u leue ......Cty. Larre 4epreclaUo0 factor. CALL OWNER, T. D. R0gen, Ry&1> 11167 or Harbor 3828 ...,..__ Oft • '-re• Jot u.u.TO~ .... <ll<lOO'. OnlT 111.000, (EXCLUSIVE LISTING) 111• ...,..., _,..,.,. :11·1 LOTS -$7Ci00 to .$11C!OO. Oolta .,_ tei'lna. Oolta 'K-. c:alifornia "' ~..=,.';':!',.,~ ! Extra wido lot near Scuth Bay. 5 bedroom., i "' a."14 .,.,., LI Wlll f'H& ·VOGEL CO. Realtors , "'-bat.Ill. ,..... uving rocm and 1eparate dlnlnt In Coro· h• del· • '•r ••• ~ tn ~ A ~ room. Dellgbtful pltio iand.'pla.y room. · u m.... 208 M&rine Aye., . Har. Hf: or 1~ rmt.er •Uttl.IMr or wtn'9r. TRULV the ideal family home. 0.. Woc,k tr.-U.. oce.a, ~ (Next door to-Poltolftce} ' 111.000. i......... .. ly J Mml. hotM Pd l bdrm. $i2.ll00 E>rcellent """"'· -· -.. .... .. ------------------'~ wltll -.UW\al ..... . ------------~1 Balboa Real+y Co. WM. I\'. STANLEY Lone tAlnD pwnd .... Oft .. Lido Island ONE OF A KIND Oppollt. Bank of ArMrlct. R.<91 or.ley &d LM JOM-pblne Webb TOO E. Balboa Ju\Od., &lboa Phone Harbor 12TT SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa llland Harbor 2462 JI: JN Jot -Ru1lor BlTd.. eo.t.& x..... C..J .... . ~ Ute · b&rkr. Beau· w~ have just lilted what we beUcve Iii UdO"I-ONLY . R·t lot 10Uth of Seavlew for Ille In Corcma de1 Kar, tO :r: 118 and level -You can 1 ban thl8 tor cub at only $10, 750. • 1111 W. VICTORIA.. J Mrm .. 2 ------------~-----""" -... .. ,......... -buy -th~ bedrooml, ~o .bathl. -1---------1 ~ ... --· . 4--~ -lot. OCf AN VIEW LOT fit:"i!,~~~o. 1 ... tioo. ~,:00 :_i. f!;oo' tto!. Down Payment Trouble ::::: ;;':; ;:::..".'·...::'."..:; -Try YOUBS OD thi. ~ bdrm. coruer home-Near patio """ 1111di.lll" ,.._ doora. lllw-com.. Q'ltldl. tQ..fl. wllh ....,. .. ..., a -to ocean. Ove< 1100 IQ. fl "°"'°4' .... ,...._ ....... )love ia. tonlJht'. Price $1'5,0-00 prap. aw.u t.o II" tn and ...,. to ~. Vllllt &Jl1Um• R •. ·LR. ~~sc;~~ealtor ~;;.~&~ '";OAST • 236 x 35-Room for two lovely VIEW HOKES. One of the Jut R-2 view lotl aftllable . ,...~ CallNOW. ,. CL YOE MEYER, Rttaltor Pacific Drive anll' Beioni&. Corona del Mar. ...,.,,, ltfollw Ex.chaaiTe wttll II.II, Milt. Clout Bl&'hwa.t , , °'"'J& ., Kar -Har. nu Lid R I A . t PL.WI<>.-.... ........ __ • o ea ty ssocia es .. K-1. ..,. 11Plll ~ ..u __ .....__ ........ '1' .... -........... StOO Vla Udo . ~·I .... -.,.._ ......... ---------------'---------1122 ll co.ot HWJ, Corona de! Mar. ~· 277i PROP_fRTIES -----------='--=----IUIT ,...,...._......_O&:alta ~ _ ~ l....!u:'..!•~·= ... ~~....,~~u:'..!a.~1~ ... ~!--------------~--- Har. 29llO. 9at..a.-.a-~ . VOGEL V Ali.UE DES16N FOR UVIN6 (wtth dllJ4NI;) • ' , ' NEWPORT . HEIGHTS • . Are JOU lntereott>d In a Ylew homo In an excel· lent reolden'Ual arM! U ,OU an, c:oll t11 ID rephl to 415 Redlaodl. A 0nmplotel7 iomodeied hol6e wtth a .drw ot U.. 8&y ateL . Tenno to -- Realtor Evco: LI S.70l5e ORAH•E COAST - PltOPERTIES 1117 N...,.rt ..... CM&&,._ u•1m1 ..._u•1• MWW ... , -·ew-aoa 'l'O lllG8 •mi., -......._ I ......... ,...._ ... wtUt. ..... .,., ----· ~ •• plct:Un .... ""••: '*:!:::--CtrudC We i la )&di. -• ....SO. rm. Q. ·~· al16cMd' car .pr. A ear port. Gutt ) tmetld yard. u •1u&. le.14 IN • HARBOR . HIGHLANDS · • Like --yoar old h-with tru. ~ 1~ """"' UliO ... fL. i-. u.,..... __ ei. ....... ·~!' l'llA ..... --..... ... patl .. tlnP., tncL In tlle .beioW .......... t priee of $17.875. . " THE VOGEL CO. ~I W. CoUt Hlchway, Newport -Lla.!Ul . ..