HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-14 - Newport Harbor News Press' • ~ llOHDAT, KAY U, 111611 PHONE HAJµ!OR 1819 Red Cros · ·1100 r ,,, ..: .. ·.:......-..... -...... ...i.m· -· Ban, -_k· ........ ~,.,. ta ~ 0.. .,,. '-1n1M ..... -Ulit aoru. • ...... 0121 ~ nt.. u... ~ ~ .. w.t. Vi.t. tr1« ---r ~t T:JO p. -.. It., .wtb • au.ta Ma to .... Kay tt, ,ileeontl•• to DYtricl ta. r..b.1, .-i on auta 1-llel au~ :.:. !'..o a:u bl nv. :! =~ ~ ~ ci:: ::.= · ~ oid 0a or Mlon o.. 1 wtlJ attend Monte Vi.ta 8cbooL ------------, 'Sho do r s , ' with WUI be t14ibfe for 'TqtMraUori. H&t)Mt'. 8cbool: ~ bl w wn ess1on ' Both PA"""-K -blo. "' l<lnd"fa\-t,., 1 ... and ..U.UD • urpd to at.lMld ':'9rift.n.U. •••ue. 'nMI ~.uni ~ .. IUJbt. TMeJten .WlJl rt•• .., a· ll Nrwport Jlt-,ct. ,JJ'he DOrthena Medi I s • t Th di# ~ OP ---Th ... AN the N.,...-.._, "(irlo" who won top hOllDhl pWUIUon ot tho Klnd~pNo '!<>W'da'7 .. both ..... ot eoOta ca oc1e y urs . . at lfationN AMDditbt of PrW Women ..... contelt Friday tn Phoenix. PfOllWll. Me• IU..L TM ... tr.Ta bowl-...__ )-' .... _ Parent. aboukl brtJt.r • w1tll duJ' • ll lni1M: • .,... aoulbem 111,1.u11& ~t. _,..., Nell Murbarger, former editor, now freelance writer: Mn. them I.be yowipter', blrth.cet'" boundary .. ""''-HM of .lfth ' • Wlnltttd Barbre, 'romeo'• editor &Del )(fill PbyUil J . JacUon. former lftaffer, uncate or ~e proot of blrtll· Ill. lo TulUa Aw.. 'north oe -ru. American Red Croas volunteen are bold.inr a ~ now on Loi Anct:Je. '?lmea. _ Staff Photo dale, =econ!. of l,mmunlzaUon. Un to lflh •net eu\-to l,.;,m•. down meetin(-' with Orange County Medical ~ty • ' ... .i ; ~ and name. llddreu and telephone chiefa thim welk to "determir:ie the facta" recardinr a NEWS·PRESS WOMEN GfT,_HAD_T-... -.... --~-:--w-.. -~-A-~-™-.•-.-.-.' :fE;~~'.,:?J.~#;:§ Irvine Named ~~~~:;~~~~';;.~~ ~~~ .. :i": Top NATIO AL AWARDS cd ...... Nowport -.... ~ ... ,, ......... in ... -Di ..... tor of '"' had .... '*"" by .otu•-1 •pok .. m••. WM """"" to .. N · School Ki.nderprten-ltlh and ~ .,.. lffr•, not paid otncia.la .of lht-ldt-nlLfled, told OCNS. •'\\'• •er• Newport Bh'd. Pupil• Who tin Red er-, for lhi9 Thur.day., lhink we h•vt Ult mtdic9.l to· ' . Ille' !Aw weiit of Nnrpc>rl Blvd. 11rill r·· State c· of c It will bot btid •t the ROlllimore I f"Je\y 11\opped t.ffecUvely In Or-~ T\le8day. May I ·---15 IO lilt at )(a1n School. When Wt). Cate Jn &ula Ana at 12 :1~ p. n1. I 11nr~ County, and we reel they Wini• _... .. L. Dl.vlfls J Wtdneeday, Kay 1-It N 90ll kbool •l WllAon ind Pk· A 1pokecnaa tor the volunteert th0<i.ld be •lopped U\11)Ucbout tht riWDre, 1 ''J' • 'IbundaJ', May 10.._ ft 56 otnlla Ave. opeu It will ~ Myford lntne ot 'l'\.t.l.n, pr-eat• .aid lhe prua will be admittt'd lo •l•le."" "' ~&1111: U...:.11 ... Jl .. ....L.-fl.---FridaJ, May 11 .. --··· f2 aa ::'': ~~~to ch~:en ,..!: denl of the ln1ne Compa.ny, .. the meettnc but will "not par-Howel-'er, lhe .poke•man polnl· .,_,.~ "911 lftllltCSfilF ...... BatUnllJ, Kay lJ ..':.. 12 OO ona of ala pt1;1mln t Calif t GE&ALD a.1.nn.&•nanlf tlcipat. ln I.be diN:uaelon..'· ~J ouL Ule meeunc wu to '"cet ~ , Sunda1. Kay 11 _ ... It IO Kb@.l.• except that Hak!crMt ~ om • ''"~ •••• --. 8 M d& Ma 14 1 children and thOH on Baker ud bU•lneu '-der. tittled to lhe . ' , CR1LaG& .. ..,a LOOO the 11Lnli1h1 tKt•" recardlns • Th .... A.arbor ...... memMrsol ){1"9, ~won ntal ,a.e. In on y. 1 --· I 611 av ... "' •• ~. will rectA•r at Mont• .-••• " •• ·.~-' •• 'rec~m· .. ·'. '"'., caComur-_ Mar'1n'-ers' Bank Th• mo-n toUowed by 1 ... -0 thf' p~poaal "90 w• won't c o OllUonUa Aaocl&Uon ot Prw th• cautaraJa Aaeo-1•''-ol ... """" --• week• an ucl\Mllv• OCNS Tl'\.'~· off half-cocked.'' women racel•ed awarde when Prell! w__.. eonw.t for tMt OFFICER HURT Mont• VIAta 8chooJ and Back mrrce.. lallon ot UM medical .oclety pro-C•Utd to the mNllnc ha•·t wtanen were unouncad at the women'• PISft, bl .... eekll ... wtaue Bty School: Recllter ta th• The election wa~ held today. M DI pc>MI, which would do a1"y with been medical .oc:lety chltftaln•. ftM1 bt.laquet of UM Nau.nal Mia J~ took &.:ftnt •t ' Monte VIQ School Klnderpr-Some SO Incumbent dlrector1 of anager' es the Red Cro. b&ood t1en-lct>1 ln•Frederlck Hwtt. LUlla.n Rowu r.._u. ol Pr .. Womt0, Jnc., n-. photo wtth the .,._... ptc· Na' b 5 You ten -MOntr Vl9la and Tuetln th• •latewide orcanWtlon were . the count7, In favor of • mffil· and public ™-tton1 director la ....,. May t to U a& UM! tun and Vb. Murt:i&:rs* wu Ave. Area 1• boondetl on the i&l.o returned to otflc1. cal 90Clety blood bank. Tht ' Everett B&nni.ter. s.tal W•tward Ho, Phoenla. nr1t In ber djrilloa tn Jut llarc:ll , ~~ llJ" bot.JI, fldell of Mont.a Irvine .., .. born in San r.-an· • 8 't I n10\.'f, accordlnC to report, ONLY VOLUNTEERS Arbon&. CA.PW ...... oontNl& I •• t ~ to ..... AAa A•e., MUt.h ~. H• attended tlunentary ID ospt a '"would allow th• medical eociety I Red ·c l"CMl9 wlU be ~ep1·r1tn1ed Jin. Wln1l'Nd Barbre. N.... C&lltonWt. memben ·~ n I .,. a.lata Ana to B&nla X.Ml. and hlch Khoot. In 8&nla Ana to ctt..rc• • fee ror blood delll-'er-by voluni.er1 only the ~poke•· pn. -.roman'• 9tCUoft edit«, the con...UO. wer• Mr...Dwf'-.,.. on B&ela .1-MI t• 1'&.ua. and w .. ,-nduatad rrom Stan· Gerald Rkl'lard9on. f>3 . of 1720 ed to J)9Uenta" -A practtce !me.n -.Id, wtUi 1'14 ea«plk>n or t.ooll tblN plMI: tor bNt. .,.... .. lw ~**. fltUMer·,_c. ,..... ,,,_ ._..., ~ tt ?(..,. ford Unlve.-.lty. He •~ wit.a K,J.np W UiM:UUve Yic•ir.-1· herelofOf'I handled Wt tho \It M~. t..ynna "!It.an. a P9id Rl'"d ,.,., "~-At lut t..i'• dent et tM NaUona1 ~: Rende pert amt. ..n4..~ JMltaD.. t.bll l~ne Oo. In Ban P'r&nc l900 dent and stmer.I manacer of ch1r1e lo the Invalid. Docton, CroM official who Will rf"prr- C!Olrf!MU. .... NCefttd ftN\ fO/t 11* Wlta.lf'nCl.amlt..b. ol r........ D'AI• daJo7 la th ~ Hmita on IJld ~m&inf'<t In the htladqUU'· 1.M MU'Uler1 B&nk,1ctlad Suaday ~·ever, have been d'lustnl" f• 11tnt the YOlunt.wn of the f\il· MUI WMlmel ud ...... tt1 . ,.._. ,.......,; W-u ..... v_. ~ Roell.. llalecr9t .,... t .. otnca in San r':-wllloo un· at Hoq-HNptWJ Rk~ "MN"k:el" l.n dtU'Nl'ins the b&oO<L lert.GD are& on a volunteer ba•11. Mlft ftlrl:IS. I . ,......._ ftntO ~ .... __. tnl Pol• .__ I ddllrn and Q-. • ..... ancf lW It nao.-ed to Tu.Un la. l.Nt. wu ~ to b..i Ute al.aft oC Tb4 new coet I until N5)UC19Wlti n.. rnMt.iq will compn11e vbl· _.,. _._ ttle tr• ..... ...,_ Ii ft 7 Pt -.. 1..:;:;,;... ~ ~ ..,...., .. llldlMllll.M' dd9. a..&dell ~ t.bl 'IUl the NU, ~· op4ntid la AprU would be reportedtJ',PI per' plnl unt6"' ft.ad Cf'W '!iorller1 trom .....S ~ 1111& ·~ ... .._. ... Jti.. a.en... _... ~• ~ .., ~ nnc.b Mldtnp tlf Uwi lr'riM Co. 4.. l.... • ol Wood dtll•ttied. plua". llJM 11v.---.... ('ha.pt.-. tn Ora .... _.... ~ fJf u.. ._ ..,._ , • ,,. ..,._,,..., lW't-JnmUa. totiaMit.r l.indti.tp aci.oo1: Re;t.Gr .rn.-__. pil1Mis1t ot •a. ~•J) 1ervea-u :"'" .. ,,...,,.. •. " aboolllft.11).::'1"• ........ ot iatS~P« '6rl. Olitfloor_,O.,._rtw...._Jt&ll.. tbe Kla~·tlrd' IL. and .the Jam .. lrnae l',undado.. Yic~ent: &( the Qtqe ... •'w°e·re pret~,-hot,_ •bout ttW 10o1tt. ... -.... f l C:O.t& ~ .... {o,,.., kal lrdl* ,..._ ti( tM' ~da wu room et 1. a. ~ 7..wrday. on..., A"" 'Ille ....rurt7 bOun. He I.a ai.o a ~ pl'eaident or HatJoeal Be.nil ., JU•enide Md ud ..,,. uow. w "'t1-rtMna' "K....... Our Tlwt.: ~ p-Oarpd w1th cll.lturblac lbe daq la N~ Bl't'd.. . ..uth to the Boc::lety or C&lltomla Pion· ~ secutJn vtca-,....kient ot r.ports of lh• loiltJrWMt". took pl•'• !Uc'it to IC.Mw''. lpaktq peace wen Rueben 1..-Ba.n· ud lnclud.lnc both ltdea of Wal· "r•. Irrin1'• ctTlc intttttt. l.Q. lb• Deaert Bank end 119 two nrat rot pbot. t•tute picture Lb trans U.. S"emmaat Tt.wpolftt uelol. n. and Armando M.,.. elude acu ... pr\JclpoUon In the bn.nchff tn the P&lm S,,...-tn maaufna, 'ft-ut w-., ot A.u.tlSa. wu ~"PJ2e, Cleput)' Ullat· .._ c.noi.. II, both Banta chamber ol commerce. Boy lncho area. P T1xu and ..cond tor t.ature ant to PrMldent EtHnhawer, Ana> JitrJ A. Klnee, 22, aad •.t.r -Asked SOOut•. Girl Scouta •nd Boy• slof7, fMP.lln•, ln o.ttt, Map· former p9"Mfr ot A.t19ofla. war ftoonty C. HOUMMr. 22. boOl ....,,... Club1 and hoepltalu In 196:1 SerTtcoe '-"" M1'for 2 p. m. -·-~--• 10 .. o .... 0 A.rte.la Uld UM 17 J year old • lhe NaUonal Boy Seoul Jam-Wedne..:l.ay at St. And,_'• .ane, ,....,., .__...... .. > ' • f I • • Pr b ... .-rao Church with the juwnllt. or n11r1es boree w .. Mid on U1e ln1ne u 3._" H. 'FU ~ Ge PoUca Ofttcer -Curtl• &1Nel ; r•nch he.... Rev; JamN Stewart oftkl•Ull1. : ' . ture .11'1i11w~ t -• atruc.ll on th• jaw and kick· Hi• atfUlaUon. Include rnem• Balta Mortuary. Corona del Ma-, UI SI~ od In the itomich and hi• hat SANTA A.NA IOC'NB~A fall berlhip In th<' Boheml•n Club, I• handlinc arranscment.a. knocked ott and io.t durtns ef· on • Corona del Mar apartment Newpart Ha.rbor Yachl Club, Rlchard8on ca.me to Newport Chap' fer, ·lndfvfdual Honors tort. to bait the npt. a1.e1 •tairWaY .Tune 11• lMO, ...... lh• eanta Ma emintry ctub, 1rvtne Bee.ch ftnit 1n September. 11:K r -.Id ell'bt peno119 wart tnY01•ed bi.ale of a ,46,000 per90nal In· Coe.et Oount:-y Club, Rotary to aid ln the •tablllhment of In tho tray but only the nn 1W'7 d&map 9\l.lt on me In Jiu· Club or •anti Ana end ~ Martn.en Bank which h•• crown weN' booked. perior Court her. today by Shrtne. • col\IUt.enUy alnce t{ opened. Newport Barbor C:Uptu of rum and they WC"I placed in Oladya K. Rathke. Th" other fl\.'e d.lrectora. n-· "Ger.7'• ~lnc ... a rut th• P'Uture ~-of A.nlttea compotWon W'lth prt&jec:t.a ralMd Qulotu. wee.rtn,-llUllH. wu Bhe n&med MyrUe M. Huyck• ly elected 10 Ule •tale board, ahock to u. all.~ t:dpr R. Hill received Uta ...._,. Cba ....... by bo7• n ...... cm t&rm.. cut on th• lowC' lid •hon Ute ......... -~ .. -L ,,., pt-"lt-,11,,. 8 v Ch" 1 ,.._. ..... --_, .. ., -_._......., ..,, " W"rt · · •••lel"90CI ot Salin· p1e.aldent of the Mnk, a.a.Id to-IW&f'd iut w.ell Rrill< the .,, ........ w .. ,.._..ed acainat h.. -, h 0 r r-· • Tbe b1o b-.rd t&1Ju by Dan taot and he ,.... tree.led In Ma put up Y t • • end•nt u . JltJTlee A. GuthrM of B•ll>oa daJ. "We thoucht be,. .. malt· aual •warda bulquel ot lh• Dwlb&m, natklnal pratdent ot Boas Hospt&l. and four .John Doea. •dvet11.a1ns and San Bem1rmno, T. S. Peter· Ing a normal recovery from hla ltate rutuft J'arTIMft ~ con· u.. rrA. and, Lyu LooUll, u.-"Police e&ld Ole ar..,,.,....,, "'&p&rtment tor nnt" eellMCI her aen of San J't'&nct.oo, R.lcha:-d heart attack In December. Ht 'ffllUOn at-.Callfom&a Pob' Saa UOnal •lc.---"-t Apprmd ·-··~ to uccnd ea.Ira •l f20 Avocado 8. Rheem ot RJchmoM and Mil· ..,nt two monlha in Hoac H-Lulo 0-r---v-· Aartod ~ Fri rrtende of tbe Ave matel7 400 d~ attended., An.ta In ton M. Teque ot .Sant.a Paula. pttal e.nd alter convaleKlnc he nu·q Newpcr:t. Harbor bo71 re~Uq o.tt lJ.000 J'UtuN en. 'Ibe plalnUtt UMrt.9 the •t..alr· .tartt11 .11p.-nlnc J)9rl of eoch attended. Don KC'odlUI. c:a.tadJ· Fannt'!"I. 1-------------lway wun't up to tbe N•wpor\ D , b&nkin< d•y here in the om«. data for ltate J'armer,. WU OM n-~ .. '-··"-~ I oal t ent1st u-... --•• 91-e..--Tl---......, .,.,,... or e y. QUW'I" H ... wa• a wonde':'ful member or ot lbe f\Nl '1o1a ta the· .tale New et.ate ~ alectad * wwn 1.,. Ibo clalrna It Lacked • protective Sult b p le our board e.nd Mrved rn09t ef· llvlaJ ill a '*YU7 populatM .... -~t CMl'89 PW.., 0. L. CICTtnston. Hf Udo haJld ~-y af nf flecttiUy u a.n officer "ut UM .,. to NCt2ft U. dtcne· Aleo V~~t Plitll NyWJ, Heird. told Nirwport Beach po-ACCOl'dinC to the plainutr, •h• BANTA ANA (0CNllJ-Oo9la benk. we will mlN him creatJy.'' •ttlmdlas u dolqat. .were l&ental7 C2ll&td PM&lq, Ti. Meo tM 9Jl&l"8 Un from Illa car '11pped Oft a lla.lr•1tep, fell and JOlln Rau M Jim BatlL ....-J"l'Uk 8lmm .... ~ w M-. 'tu-while It wu llUfttt'ld ·eerloui lnJUrJ. l!lh• M._ Dftltllt Harold BenUer to--fUcha~ la Ml.rvived by hlA Toiwas Merodlth had to nlM a..rs-lcb.mitt &ad , hlltlHI parlled In Ula drlnway ot hl9 bl&IDal the fall oa alltpd ~ day wu under •ult for '16,561 wile, Marpe:r\te, of the home ,a. bill pt'Ojoct. oo tM 9C11oo1 8W SUtor. ,._. aar17 Balurds,y momlnc. .nee on the part or lhe defendant. b7 a patient, Who cl&irne lbe d .. addreN; hla ton. Douctu. Palm FLAG SALUTE OPENS NEWPoRT ISLAND PARK fendant WU tl .. lla.nt. (Oollttaued -hp I) lnvesticators Rule r,1esa fire Victim's Death Accidental Death of an elderly eo.ta Men woman In Apartment t , Vlata Court at UMZ Newport Bl"fd. Jl'rk\1y afternoon, lppa':"· ..nt11 .. reirult of lhe robe llhe ,.... weartn1 catching on tire. wa1 •dJUdCed' · •ccldental by 1Uiertfr1 tnvuUptor1 and coat.a Mua police. PMdlllJ" furl.bu ID· Uon by Dep. Coroner O«wc• Ulll• and •ulop11y eur- ,.on Ray 8:--andL Mn.• t'rance. Stead. i!I. WU 10\Lnd dee.d on a bluinJ couch " Vwta Court babdJ man Roy 0-0..r •t ap~atety 1 :15 P• m. P"nday. Conover eald lie •w •molle comlq troni1 U..- ~abln, opened the door• anf ~ dow• and •aw t he body orl the -·· He phooed t.bt Bania .Ana tirtl ckparlment and th. call ...,.,. i-. laJed to Cool& Kua. ...I'll• ~ nnuon orncc:-RalPh LM Mid Irle. ir.celved the c•.11 •t I :38 p."m. --, Lo.ii trom flN In the ca_,n f"" .el .at apprOKlm•tt'l.1 •t ., ..... thenrr. or t 1 c, crtmlnaHA lack c.csman ..w. tn ~ ltNcUD.< ww apparutb' ho,.. ,_ed. that the woman wu •t- UIW in tM llttcbm ot tM .mall oaMa •h«n Uaa -wool robe -. .... ..,..... caupt nre. poMi· WJ "'°"' • dpratte. Inc her1 in 1964. Mr1. Stead w•• aller«lly ml11tns trom work !or three day• pr1r. to her deeth. Owner of the Stead •pe.rtmenl. E. K. Stickney •Id Conovt:r rfport+d 1eeln1 Mra. Stead •bout t :tl) •· m. Frta1y before the tire lr.okt. n111 The V\ct.lm llffd alone. Anderson Seeking Berth With Harbor High T "'5tees lly UN lll!:DDIC.: There 11 a lot ot mellown- lnjectld into the race fr. at lea•t one poaltlon on th• board of t.rwilae• or tht. Newport lfar.. bor . Unloo Hlrh Sc.hooL. Cam· J)9lpln1 acU\.'ely for • R&l 'Oft the q~tel of tl"Ultete I• IA-- Roy AnderlOn. allomey of Coat& Me•. A"'nderaon IHlt'k.9 lo re- place a fellow attorney. Don Dunpn on the boerd. l.t:KO\' AN"DF.JlSO~ It wu Lr:Roy Andr..on. mora Lhan any olher one per90n. wtlo, more than a quarter ·century •co tou.-ht for \he creation of the tfewport Harbor Union wp Schol!! Dltlrict In • KJ)9nl.tion movement from the Santa Ana HICh School Dt.IJC'iCl. ll WU And•~ "·ho .pent ~ week• ln llocranuenlo '"k>bbr\nc'" I.be bill throuP the ieplature th.al made It ix-Ible for · lhe New· enure community. I'd Uke tc port Beech and eo.1.a Me9 help ln the procrarn now to l:JementarJ Scftool Dl9trtcta to cree.te anolber 90UG(f lnirt.ltuti~ eepare.t. lhem11tl.-u rroin the for the benettt of the mUra larcer dlitrtet ahd rorm the!:' dl•lrtct. '11\e plana for anothr.' own JllCh .,chool. HIJh Sohool to be built on U111 Andenon aerved on the fir1t ·10 acr"' •.llocated trom thf board of tru11lee11. •• ii• firlll t9"'"'0i!r Am1y Air Bale caii bf p1·et1ldenl. u~ roucht •id• b)' more euUy ~@cuted with UM •Ide with [)on11.ld J . Dodge. only aid of lhOM who heve llll:p.tr1ent!f prewnUy remaJnlng memMr on In the rormer campalcn." the bo•~d who wu In tht. nnt AllhousPI A.ndenon hu ·ff.r\.'K ncht. to no.1 • boon'1 ia11ue to on many clube. committee• ant butkl the 11;hool on Its prrM-nl public O':"(Ulutlon• In lhe •~ Clllllpu•. ht no lonpr U on any publlc Anderwd ,.Id today. •\Ve group. thu• ~"" to <It.Yo~ hll foucht h•rd to cre1te • 110Und entire etfoi1 to Lhe h!Jb Khoo: lnetltuUon tor lhf' benefit ot lhe dlrtrlct. Boy Scouto ID fo~und lod'mhlto to·Old· Olory wbldt ..,.. ..toed Saturdoy at N_,t bland Parlt u part of day'11 dedication urtmoniel which aaw • )!.,..-Dora Hill aad clty-ottlcialo attend. • Jam• • Edwvdo. Proaident of Newport laland. Inc., alno lidtd ln f..Uvititt attending opminr of new park. -Staff Photo C.clman N.ld the vkllm at-- t@Clpled to put It out al lM kitchen •Ink fall9d. then r ·1ed to cover herwelf wtlh a blanllel J ~:r:h~onr~~h .:~ ::• ""~·=~" A wnrll•r 1t 11th 81 :\"1r"1rn l ......... r.... ... _ ---~- BODY &QIOVED -Mortuary attendants take body of lln. Franca S~ead, 65, troin her apartment. tn Co.ta Me9• whe~ she •u found de&d Fridav after ftn! •i1iFiifOi'6iiihl amoli-e eaten to .cen~. "She apparently · had ~ ;m~ng cican:tte prior to blue. -St.ate Photo • • • ' ·I ' • J I I :§ llll:W !?ATE PRESIDENT -A.t the recent conveatlnn of the Calltonda ~ ':: · 11111 of Wometo'a Clubo, julDor membc"1>ip, Mra. No,_.. Walooll, Udo Ille, WU ~ eloct.d PftSidorrt. Kra. Wataon wlll repttacnt California at the ~ -- :i: : ~held ill Kana& City, Mo: Above, left to rifbt &ft; Kma Fot'llt ·-· ;: fr!Jt•e•t ekct of the Ncwp>tt Junior EbrU, Norman Wateoa., ltat. pnmidct u4 :: : "-W . Plol!tr, oortgolnf preoldeot and hmorlu-and ,._ -few tllo ; : _Oranp District Federation. -· ~MRS. WATSON NEW ~WOMEN'S CLUB HEAD -. -• ---- • NEW' on'lCDS narr.u.r,ED .:.._ A.I tho .-1· um' tmbl\ttloa ot ottk:en ud luncheon meetln1 f1l Jotfo PnPt<ro Kuthen' c)ub, at Villa Karina, )lay'&, Mn. Paul· Cooper WU -led U tho new pnoldmt. OUtgoinJ ,..--~ Mn. Harold Beebe wu preot,,1«1 a rift al chlna cupa and aaucen u " . _, . . Jo bi es~ Inst.all Off ice rs, Fete Outgoing President ot the manth wer• , dl..cuued. The tutUNl meettnr place ot tllie lf'OUP will be annouo.ced lat.er. Mn. Mu Owen, Worthy .Ma• troll . ot Harbor &Lar, dMiptal' Job'I Daugbtetw Mothen' club II19talled offlcen at ou .... w.ICOIMd u • s\Ml9t at lhe m•Uas· , Mrs. Paul Cooper, New Jobie President Elect a Juncbeoo meetmr at Vllla Ma.rtna. May 8. Officers Attendtnc were: Km• eoop.. insta.Jled were: km es Paul Cooper, president; Charl.H u . Ary, Hobel, Cbltt'Cb. ~. X.: Ary Jr., vice--praidtnt; F.dwa.rd Hobel, aecretary and Owu. Speth, Cyrw TuO.•. o.e. While Jr., C. B. Ru., RoWe Emelt Church. treuurer. Hood. Lawrtace Qtpb.I. A.. w. Mrs. Harold Beebe. rat\rtnr The J.taaonlc Temple IOUOC-Guan, li:meat er.Jn, R. B..,Herr, p1uidtnl, w•• pruenled wtlh a u a n-metUn1 P~ fff t.be John GllL C. Jt. • Ch&bl~ stft ot ch, lna oup1 and .. ucer• l"°"'P and ch&npng of th• m~ Ha.rrt., Glenn PJ"utt. and D • Ins 0.7 to tl\e tourlh MorwM,y C&rT. ca behalf· ot U.. club. Tbe t&ttM. weH Cllnl~ WILh Contando Chorus to Give Final Concert DRY CLEANER:>S _,a.. .... AUNDERERS TURNER-DRUG ™2 W. C-t Hwy Ub«ty 1-1153 1100 w .. t ~ Jll&Ji!n7 Acrou from tb• Balboa Ba~ub -.. • • • ' FREE HOME-TRIAL Pho .. IUµl40 • .,. ear _,,,_. .... er HainmolMI .,01 , ... rlMU' PtaM .a...,w • .. ._. .· SchmidM'Wllps Co. ·-Dcuu·!clamUt ~ Co. &2o No. Mabo, llllllta ha TheWerW·•~PiMM .. ..._.._ OPES" P'IUDA.'r NIGHT eu ~UR STORA~ AlwlYS StOrt Y()Uf Furs With A 'furrier . ut_. ..... __ .,.."" n~ RESM!O NoW AT -PllQSI OLIVE M. DULING FURS 218 p(. lrooclway Santa Ana Kl 2·1223 BIMlclle ""'k•r-. ll.D. 1111 Via UM -......... llklllllA- NH Vla US. -llulMtr WI 90NIT.& WJUOJr -lm--... Via •·hp llarMr la1 11.4.RKE'l'S lllCBAm LIDO •••m MUl'la~-.,._tlll P. A. P4t.MX;• IMC. • .,... ... Hde--........ Jiii VOOELOOM'.PUY UJI V.. I.Me -...... 4IT& BAY A....W •1tt(lll ~ ,,. Ude .,.,.,. om. 1111·~-......... LIDO mLft' .. ...,,...,., Udo...-6.RaW. _..,.,... __ "" UDO.ms•,.. ............. _ ... _ .......... -x..._ ..... ...... Dlt nlllN!l'UllE 010& lllACKD WlNDow OOVDllllG TIU IJIADI: lllOf' Kat'9P•<HGeit-..... IN Mii v .. U.S. -.B&rMr 6UI • -· ' .. --- I_ I • • • • I ' • Girl For Glamiea • ~ Kq\J la ..,. lbp&tal to "If!• ... Kn. WlWam Glue, 1 lfi ~ Lane, ODlta K--. ... ~,lliNJ 4-uebtet'. . INSTALL ESPAY Favors oe.ve A Jean Robbins lnYll• you to the openln1 of UNI ...,..-idloe 1tore excJ\ialnly for chtldrtn ln lht ,.._..,... ' • ~'IJO'U're so right. We always . • gos. P." lbWT 9 ..... I GM' 0 7 > -·-so ..riJi' THE IEST OF RIOES- FOR FOLKS OR FREIGHT • • • / • , byCh·a;rle~ ·n Hit Master Furrier & D ...... show• Roberte, Sent• Ane> fur Co/, feshio,; CO-ordinetor a part of th~ • • tremendou• display of beauHful ' t.:link pelt. end Fur Pieces he created and dHigned Hpecieliy lor South· ern California Women • - • ONCE AGAIN SANTA ANA FUil CO. SCOOPs THE MINK MAim, E.~y. t .. m~ purchoHs of the r .... t in mini: pelts .... · ... bled eta,./-6 to dnign •nd ....ta-the n1od lobulous--·of-beeuffful rninl: stole•, c.11pes. clutchos •nd ioclm ent'-off.rod the .women of .so.them C.Ulomie •.• o..;9-1 and crNtod ospocloly for Olir comforloblo mode of living. The fin"t Mink pelts in · the w...W .,. repNHntod, including EMBA ond UMPA skins. Toke •d••nf•9• of the .. low, ,,....... "'" pri<ft NOW. Pric" will be much higher this foD. ' • ALL PRICES QUOTED ·ARE FOR FULLY LETOUT MINKS-ANO GUARANTEED ABsot:UTELY NATURAL REG. SALE PRICE $595 llonell Mink Stole ---·-··-$348 $645 llallCll Mlllil Pocket Stole __ • -$388 . . REG. SALE PRICE $1795 lrlc·Mhik Stole ··---s1495 $1995 H-.b!• Ml.Iii Pocket Stole -$1595 $725 SllYer .._ MWi ~ $. • $2495 Diadem Ml..J Side · $1795 • · I ' 6Mi' · s1995 $195 A•l•R• ttm fAjll ~Sh*..: .. SUK WlllN Jasmine Ml•'Stole - • s1195 s.. ... ..;. ...... __ ·SJll .. $119, ·H_,..L Mink sio1e _ s2295 . ALL ~ATTERNS AVAILABLE IN OUR..COMPLET~ LINE OF SQUIRREL ANO MUSK RA TS AT SALE PRIGES . = ~ _ TERMS-OF. COURSE - Membert ol Masler Furriers Guild o ' ~---.. , ··~ ·Sa ,_ 308 NORTH ROADWAY ' . • • SANTA ANA • ' • ( • llA1llDI' CIA8llllED Cl: TO j SELECTED S . LISTS COSTA MIS~~ • Ser.,~ng The Harbor Area • FOK YOU& ()O!f'VS1t1ENG KEEP THIS UST HANDY llomatic ,Vasben , . Henderson's ' ..... l:trviel l'uU ' tMI NEWPOST Bl.VD. • /, ~ UB£8TY .._,_ -· • OOMti&EMCS C9»HOM-~.IM li!Uter'll c.to-~ for th• fourth .-you, the Olup Clout · Collep PINta ao Into the • •• • . PERFECT . SEASON~VES tlRA TES TtfSTRAIGHf DllMONBi>IADEM"" ' . . ' . ' Plck's ro•us Now L11m'ril JC ..i-:! ~~ ... ,... '" ..,.,,. CrOWll D•hlllile lft..:.SWIW211~ :"...:: ... ~. ";:.~.:.~ I alPt •1lta. " · N 'd • 'Kt. IAC pt P1 .. lb• flr" ot..onl1. did Co&cb. W~dell Pickeoa' 1ma-nc Qn.nCe etama with two out tor au tllielr Oout Collep Pirate aloe· romp thro~ tJ.>e JS.cam.e ta.J.l:tlDI'. A m-mu« 1iarw Butenl OonfJmlCO buellall -undefodecl: boat tl>o1 ... tn>ubl, -C•!M<l-b _ _,,__ ....__ •r Ouanaan life at rlf'lll. OcMlsh captured the kque dlamoad ~ for\ u:wi fourth b7 'Walked C:.tcber Q..umb!ilb&~ ~t ~tlm. ~ ~ lllroU8' tn. UM! apt ,.... .., RIPlfi•llkr W•vw to Mt- .... the BUC9 . 1*be6 .Jft. tu two ~ GUt. ~ .t,tppad Urat. Ula •ka. &ataGlo ... J on the rl\'al ftillkl. up to t>I• p}Jt. ... ~ • BOBBLES BA.J..L N-Pick'• pokara btfln ~ Mm• nm dOWll tM rla11ittkld Then Ftrat Sacker J•tt1 'f4DM or their Southara ~ JIM u4 out .t \Ml PM'k Ul tbs .in,1ed G~an acrou and ;;::. JiJa jW'llOr collq:a crowa. ftNl \o deMIOck .. ti.s. ftlnlham alao bred wban th• ..,._..., mo• n d aot' w.Y.. ·&VO-t.t..lll101f \ -.it wu bobbl~ tn lh• outlield Cou.sb\1'1' waa Wild lllJt etttct!n . 1'hlnp eolltflued Uk• that WI.· Tba rlvala w a r • complete1T apiMt th• MHDU• 'u. .... tU &op ot U.. efPU.. when • poee-.ggad from t.Mn on Ulatr &laio dam&llnc· TIM MUI& •W pt.lr of· rt val mJM:usll. & sacrWo& blftMl threat comlni ' whu PY• up l'lc1lt walka Oft tbe 009 and • squeeaa bit. .ciond G&nll °"-=-l'htry "" up three .... 1u bll.O.d, but llm.lted t.ba oppollllicm Ra.loe. And slDcfi it .,..... ft&kl&S In tha fourth lnnin1 w1thout M-- \o tow --blOw• aad whlttad IM.lt tt ~,.. Second~ Jer-La( hurt.. r 1 Southern call!..i&~ Oolleg• playaffo -y ~o..li>toa Juulor ebl· to Acoe·aor·let legO. rront row-i:.o. -... Bob LoQoaM. 11o11Qooisn,1o1m r.trac1a, non -----~IJh, Jim IWt!'ldtlt, Jliil C-. Secon4 -Coach "W-11 Pie-..... Ted C...tta. Bill West Auto Supply y.'etul, Jed Y011111, Wayne CQ!>ghtry, Stan Herpick, Denny Fitzpatrick. Third _ fiY&. A.ad after ~ ~ 'Y 'W~ .sammad & ..... 1WJ1,~ Plck'1 rre\lf ro-bac.k I till l'ped .asa4 M °" -:--... ins tbNe ~ ...... • tlti& aia\11 MtUe in the l.lnh. Bob ~ct~ ffOUndld to 1Hort. Jaddy ToUJlS C'°'-'led a doubla Into center fteld. Ted Coutu new out to ttater. Bui, wtth two down Courhtry parked th• pelota o.,.; the barricade. Darwin Hartahorn, manaaer; 'Rowland HUI, Bob hykowaki, Gene Raine, Gerald n11AR110:~~~TYM4ll,ll~:;*~·yt,~~T~o:ny;:;;Lo;;;m&rdo:::-'·_K_"'1-"":·:w:ooc1;::":::Eupn:::::·=Ty=le::r:P:h:o:to:::::::::::::::::::f ~to Repain & Towing · 'RE NGTON Ne'!f~:!T!,::!e.E~,?.rks ·IN ,· D.llf·,· . IJI INDUS'l'al.U. WAY UU:RTY ... nn ~ ~i o Body &-Fe•~er -Repai . If flRSL Curly's Auto Works iv. 0~ Pearce Adels New o..tem WMll. •••••• N. ~ 1111 NEwPOaT llLVD. LIBERT\' Wiii freestyle Marti HARIOP. --_.,Q r , --· · BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Edito r PAGt'\· PAAl ]'-,-N~WPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ' The Ue wu broken In tha elJhth. Rain• waa aata on Ill error. Wayt r ot llf• from. a mufr, Johnny Eltrada ucrltlc.d them •long and LoCtcero com- pleted rival demorallUtlon lty l&ylnr one down, beatl n1 It nut and aqut"etlnr Ra.In• h0!1\9. TOO 81lJMFY , Thal 3-2 lead wu too aklmpy for the C"rown con.ctoU. Buca. 8o th .. y dltl .omethln( 1-bou\ It m lhe ninth. Cour htry triad to do It "nitle-l'landed, but d*O'f'• ered he needed help. In fatt. that'~ whi t the boy •Id w1'&ll the Mounuea caupt him la a botbox 9etween hom• and third: with I Second • 1'to Seat Coven & Tops ~:.~=:..P'.~~ ~HERE'S COACH WHO PUTS .INTO --I ·MONOA,Y • .MAY 14, 1956 ., I "HELP'" Couchtry 1in1 led and Rowland H ill w.,. &&ft on a bwit. Bob Ooopman laid down another aat• bu.Ill and Couptry alt.-nptad lb 1fOre. He 1ot bun1 up. run down «nd laJ(ed out by th• Mounty man In the muk. But Raln• dt.W II. vee tJcket to f lral to loe.d the cuahlon.. Wayt'• tripl• unloaded them. Taylor's Tr.im Shop ·--~--..... -.... , .,...,... Newport Ha,rbor mch.PRACTICE WHAT HE PREACHES un L~'l18T&UI. W.&'.1' ' umn a..TUI School swimmer t.o ICOre a double ·in the err lwim CM ch Glenn ~uctt ot the Newp<1rt Ha: b:ir H l b . & Al s I . nnai. at Beverl HU.la: Hj h School l"llni! team continued laal wef'k lo P"'-Ctll.'e wbe.l hi!' " • School Friday nllht.. poll<IM of lh• TO:h ••=•I "°"'h•m C•llfofo" <hompl••· "n 1n•s Im pec1"a ties y ' preacnu. Bau etl nlOVed Into rourth round In a1ngle11 ccm- H~!:i;s, A!.!_~,.~;:;'.!!.!~2.S lb~~Y ~~:~-:.,•i:,ta~w:: ;:!~~at the Loft An1ele1 Tenni• Club befor• 1uff1!'1 tnr de- .. W 1TB IT -. champloaahlpa lii1 ~b Al lr-Al that, fifth .uded Noel Bl'O'#n, a former pro, Md to ., . l . • UBEaT'I' ..... . ..... , ...... , • -· ·-·· -------------..----.-----11 .. , ...._., --.rue -.-ac-. nghl orr n1atch pol11t a1aln.t hlrfl Thunday before aqul!'Bk• Ken Eubank' s Mobil . Servic.e Cas:b1retor Co1nltant 1CQiM1~,..,..,.611.ter ,._,_., 1?11 TIJ8TIN AV.. 00&: .,... ft, UBE&TY win but •0•tlon&I lrul'Unu Doq \nr past Bt..uett 6-7, 1-3, t-1. It took a perfe ct ff.rvlce re. Pearce added ..other ir-.tyle IChool rtc0rd to ~ C!OUecUon turn a t BJ.nett'• re'et when Glenn charr ed the nl!'t to give with a •cond pl&ce' ln tM B BtQWn the victory. JOO yanP tree. How.,..r, BuMl t may have oo3t Brown °hi• 1emltlnal ft9dln1ton cat~ the IOO ma tch l"rlday, F or Brown Ured badly In the l.hlrd Hl tO ya rd nr-''1' .~• ~ t :Oi.T. IOH. to tourlh-..eded Myron rnt.nk.I, and the Loup battle JU9t abort J Ml lldloOI record with Bu.ell ma1 bav1 takm too much out of him. recorded tn u.. CU' ,reum" '----..-------------------1 Car Was~ ., ..... But " .... "" -I" · =:,,i:..':," ....::::'':: LOSER BREAKS RECORD M:;..A:to, ~~:''!'f..~0 : ~.!'::.::~.:::: Lewis Sets Mark in HBC rood. Mt to flaa1l7 crack the Mercury Cleaners mulL . · With juat ft•• mLnutaia rut, For, the thlN time thil .e&llOn, Brian LeW brok't CLOS!: P1BArE PLAY -Gene Raio. (14), On.nn c.-t College first "baaepWl. ftC<lltly at- tempted this put~ut on • piclr.--0.tf try a.p.inat Cha!· fey. The Piratea had their nuroweat squeek of the BeUOn when they barely noeed ou.t ChJ.{fey 10-9. ' . They ended the Eutern Conference race with a perfect lZ.Ot ~rd -Riley Gaynor Photo SANTA ANA SAINTS UPSET W• 0. Ou 0...-0 'C Redln1toa retumad to take nnt the Harbor Boyt;' 0.ub alxth grade high jump record •• .... ..,,. BLVD. umn a-u11 ck Bo :1::::.:;::::.0:00..'"~.:::."Jr.'; ~:;~d;; .n:~er•i.::;"::u::~:; thi:-~~-8'4r:: FULLERTON NINE F.ftlDAY Paaree for'*1 t.JI,• wlMt'I' In height. taking aecond place to third In lhe hi&h jump. Harpflr the B 200 'fl'ff to ti• ua err 'l\lrner of IAruna who t'le•red i dd9d lhrda In the 180 and MoU L L ER TON <OCNS l -h11 ve now won 13 and lost five F . reooN! tn tJM1 eMnt. ftoun.aaffll• •rt. 10 1,~ln. bro.d Jump · Perrin a aec:ond lD Kenny Moaoi, coach of the 811.n· gamu. • or a Berundo .Ubed th• IPlUb The i...runa Beach thlnolad.11 the century' and HoU8lon • aec-ta Ana Hl1h School b&Mball ll~Uerton Coach J ohn Valen- ta t :Ol.T. Pearce'• Tar mark· toppl~ Athletic Dtrector Rod ond In Ole 190 team, pulled out all the 1top1 lino at.a.rt td hi• ace, M.lk~ J~- crf,dc:er ._ t:CN.a. Dour nm.ti· MacMilllan'• char1e1, J7·H . 0 · N at Amerl1• Park Friday, and ett on lha mound. He 1Uffer~ ed eixUl in tbe B 100' f'l'ff. LOllri"'I: n&!T A dro II.OP :ATO m h gol hla Bainla IO keyed up l.hat hla lhlrd H t back of lha year, Jn U.. Olli, other Bailor l&diwt· DeMI• Pen1n nabbed lone \ \h plpodl \on 1 •Y ,b .. l hi• ch&:r~ uput the home-ac-aJn.at alx vktoriea. «Ml • oca yowiga er• a I n:I · dual performl.M:9. Jerry J'lrqu-tlr11t place for lhe Harbor area triumph In th• rel&y. M It WU. pa · FLYING START e.-c1ng · Chamberlain · cS Son .......... a.a.Ullc UI &. 1Tl9: ft. UllE&T'I' Plrat• lineup with al bat.a, "i"Una I nd hlt1: K iii ct 3-1·2 : Ooopman N 1!1·1-J ; Raine lb t ·2·1: Wayt 2b 3--0-1; Eetr&da 2b •-b-1 : LoClcero if J..0-t ; Youn1 rt •-1-2: eoutta c t-o-o; eouP· try p -1·1·2. ~ 80llTJI OOABT 00. Urd 6 N SWJll}rt Bl't'd. liar waa ntll'I In the vt ratty 100 l•d• with a 1.T Ml yard dUh. IApna. won th• event In ~t.I. Facing the defendln1 learue The BalnLI rot ott to a fl y· yard ltreulalroke. Jed Hou l.Oll of HBC wu MC• Harper Patrick Hou.atOll an4 chanlplona. th• Salnta collected Inc at.art. wMn tn the nrat with Bul rela)" perfonnance tot ood. lloWC"Jtt, Tva«'1 r\nll la Perrin 'ra.n tor irBc only a6X hlla. but Marted out th• buea. load-1.. Charb• M.arUn th• iocab cam• from th• C tour Ute 71 yard and llO yard duh• COmpleta iuult.a: · with auch a flollrtah lb&t theJ amaskect· a aln&le, clear1n1 th• ON A NIW •t• JOHN ION SlA."HOllll v ...... , ......... wor* ~/Leri ns1rance Bruce Ma~tin Local Agent , FanMn ._.ms1s 0...., lTll NEWPO&T BLVD. U ~ -&EL U ....... Ooatboir~ Motor Specialists Car.,er-Craf( .•• Boats • .-:viar..o. -8a)ea -84irvlce -h.n. 11i1 iu• ... at.YD. UU:aTY I-ton R~ferigeration Servile . Jack Wilson b7 aJat ,..,,,.,.. LIBESTl' 1-lCft S•oe lep1iri11g · Mab_erry's OM °"'1' Sa~ 1111 llAaao& at.VD. 8&11 O&EEN aT.&Mra r elevisio1 Service · DaYis-Brown Co. &s,.r1 ~ &¥'1 , •• ..,.. 1111 HAa.80& &VD. . Ull&STI I~ ·yailori1c for Me•. I · Wome1 . · , Artistic Tailors · ~<.-st hpUat ...... :UI: 17111- UM NrtVP0n 81.l'D. Ull"ft ..UST man ttlaJ CDJftpoeed ot MiU plua I.he hllh Jump pro't'ed too 60 1 P er-rtn (HBC) 2 Hou.a-juat weren't to bf, deled-Banta but&. · G&\llhan, :red • llalJett.. 8arTJ mucb ·to ove:reomie. , ton '(Hae) I . A.ndel'Mfl. (LB), Ana beat Fl.lllft1Da HIP '• In• r or lha 'rict.on. Pete Step.U Von Bua-:t and '!bm B~~· • Turner oopped th• Tl Ii& t.I 1.7. T6. 1. T\lmer (LB) 2. Woo& dla.na In ex.tnm•lJ e&aJ f&lblon. 1ta.rt.ed oa tM mound. He work· A.ft.w ~·tM ~ ""*'1 a.II ,U. lM Ill 117 ... -..J. ltwy (LB) I H&rper (HBC) 7·S. ed the fldt two and two--Ul.lrdl ta the pnllnu wt.UL . •TJ., tu atne ll&rl*' of HBU ......... 100, 1 . .An.s.rs:in (LB) 2: ALWAYS ONCE lnninCL Ha p n up thfff Z'UUI, quartet bad a Udrd pl&eol ftaai. third la tbe 15. Mlka hblcJl Perrin iBBcl I -l"aUck (BBC) fa.ntled one 11.0.d -lked threa .• fl&iab. third la lbl 100 and Jlta OldU l!.I. llO. l . Turner (LB) t_ Their wln marked th• tlll"1 Lury Villcf'nt came to hll HOUiton {HBC) I Harper CH· tilraithl yMr that t..My bava raM:Ua.. Vtnt.nt. the top hurlet BC I. 22.T. Relay, ·1. Lacuna 2. been able to beat the Indiana for the Sa.int.a, didn't gi.v• up KBC a. HBC, 58.1. Hl(h jump, a t least once In b&AM.11. The ~~>' ru~ , wu nicked for tin I. Turner tLBl 2. IAW\1 (HBC) dereat wu Fullerton'• lhlrd In ·~ h '-t dldnt 3. CUrtla tHBC), t -t CY.. Broad eru. t e v,., ora .. ··:•···-. ·~kU··-··· J"' •• .,,.. ~ .............. S""1 c ... Ce. Newj!G<t llht. a*·-A --· J,,,,,, .. ,,,, jwnp, l . *U. tLBI 2. AnderaoD leagu• compttltlon, 1U1d dropped rn•ke any error1, the detendlnl Flnal tc0re: L&iuna 37 ; KBC them down lnto third 1po\. loop chamJ19 cou1bed up three. ••• DIPIMlt&llalt• H . For t he aeaaon, the Indian•"" -~"';.;;•,.;;;_;;oo;;m;;;l;;;•"'•-';;;"_;:°';;;'='';;;';;;°'"-"==-------·-, . EASY PUT OUT AT RRST IA:SE ·"' Colonists Clouten Maintain ' ' Sunset loop Fint Place Spot ANAllWIM, (OCN SJ -T h• eoulhp•w• Bob Schol~ and John Anaheim Colonials n1,.de on• 8.1.ker . mort1 11.ep in Uie direction of The Ol~"l'a wf!'te completely capUlrtq th• 8un.fft Le•JU' dominated. bJ Weaver who ha4 eh.amplonahlp n1day wbf;n thQ' been dolnl a major ahar~ ol Ult defeated Huntlft(ton Beach b&-Anaheim cat.chlnl dutlc• befoR hind th• twO -hit pltchlnr of belnc moved lnto the pltchln1 'f1P~ler V.ra We•vtr. Umell&h t. Jt wlJI UMI ftrlt Ume a r11"-t.: Thi Colonial.a p1-y the1r all· handf!I' hu wo• a IPM• for tM Unportant pme tomorrow when Oo~ "9t)l ~'t'ioull pufot"-they meet the Newport Harbor' hW\c9I M-rinr -...n won · '!' Ta" at Coata ..M .. a r ark. RESIDENTIAL ·INDUSTRIAL · COMt-JcRCJAL NO JOB ·TOO LARGE OR SMALL :131> llOtlJ 111., Newpon llleod> Harbor i53S I l''" .-',H j\~l•,'l'I 1'1 ~ - SAFETYl'WS SRVlCI Doponcl on 111 for prompt; ec:cur1te IOr:Yico Oii yout ,,... scriptionS. Y Hrs of experlence a1M.1re you top reliolNlity l'HONI HAllOl I 1111 Euf. Ooes.a Fr-t. ..., x....,..... ...... s_.....n~-..,..~........._. ...... Try The Classified -Phone Har. 1616 And th.t'I U...., 8aUW ptft9:f ~ .... ftem.-i ltopet all Ultl pat outa wU1 be wMn Ow Tan taac'e W1th nm pa.. A.A&ll•lm at o..a M'Ha Par'll temo11 w .n..r.., MM hi a. &uaset t.pe a-Kial H_.port a:..-. Jlift!.'1 Ilia• la OM .... ~ Of tM toop ...,.,.., lA aecond pl.ace. -ataa~. --· ---· I ' ..-0--aLoNDE CATCllEB .:_No your .,_ don't -you -th&t'1 a pr! behind the lllte. JQie'e Marso Beck, who bu won bac:Utop '-tll,tlll the St. Jam .. Day School ~ nine. DOK L~fBHART CAGE ' COACH AT ANAHEIM Looi! Out 'Gacp: 'This Guy Is ·O.. for fihilcll Sunset Title! • .Mr.S , MlJI I'• •VICI . ..,.. ••l'flen -.. • • _..,. .. Here ahe11 ready to e&tch the pitch in i'riday game apinat SL Joachim. BeJow, Jobn· Murpby of win- ning St. Joachim rai:-a bl.le knock. -Staff Pbotoe • • -,. • "ILORS BA TIU ANAH~IM HERE a*~-] l . WIN SU~SET.T CRUCIAL . 1t;. .:~;.:· -. , 11• lhilln, ht Loop C•111h: -.....~ :::.:·;.~!".!; '' • ....... •ptul'C 1.i.o-' an ....,... Mid OrMI. beat O.. .... -•1o ...... ..., Grae• of TW"Sr a..llJ. Sdlo& -....... a._ •1uw u.- 71 J' C &l!MJI, '°"'Uon. ta the -... , , l'7 Wui&urwr.t n.w ~t to -· ~ _ ...,__ Mn. Brim. ....... .If _,,._·;_-~ • _. 11*'4. Wt OrMG ... ,_..._ -"'"' °""" .._ • TbO "'° -...,._. la lilt 1 1 ~ will 1 ... to ,.._. a-p -·,,. -can:, --W Old> otiilr at a.ta.,_ p..._ illlliCllC I& I p.m. tomor-...,, ... to ,... ... "''" ljitlt -.. ~~.=:~ -row, wbrlq Oolch lllld1 Nelaie•a Ne•~ Jlatbar Hip ~= -:.:.nbbled .!:t .. :; '!: 1·...,.:;;;.=:.:::.:=.==~·~· .. !l!obool llofoiw ll&tda I\ oat for tile loop lloleboD clwnpioo--.. ~a,_ to-. •TOl•OY!' ' " ''!b!P '!'D""' A~m. PAllL l'On OHS ,...... ... Die ,..._ wt.a · OAllS 011 R.u -JOul L!nlltw. .... ,... " &rl Wins , . Place on .. Boys' Nine 87 111.U. PBILl..l.P8 · ~ tr.tu ooWd lie ~ kit. te.n o.ta &o drtft i..,.. ~ u aeaiPt u.. a....-~ dub ot iM o..ry Kf'llM. That wu Ure ball ...... --, fl&llllC WON the ..,,-. Sbould AMhelna Win. It ....... ,Cr'j ~"' .... ..-tht ....... WOUid wt.p •• u. Wntlftf ,.. Or.-bad lo c.hck Mt ,.all ~ Bip ldloo\ 4'anioDd W ti)\ OoiO"w.. 9Ut aa UJ*l by dwins U.. b&Mle. He 9\Ndt ... 111 &. l"OUDll ,..,., '.w. M that tM--..Uor .au....n would mon etpt Ol'uipm• W1'111• anowtnc ceot. ce1m idd oa 0 • tOp Neem.'• ~ · lato • nr"9t IKrt a alfll'I .troll. f"1 rMll. ,,.... dlMUoek With both UHi ft41 Ntl'WpOrt .uc~ ...,. rl1ht handed hurler ln. the dr! 1'9.ni and Colonllll •hO'ol'!ng 9·2 connecUnr hard. ytt produC*Ci cult. reCorda. only "" hit. thamW..._ BJ h clnr him tor the Colonl1ll AnU.elm ii 'curi-"eou:r atop lhe playin&' d.ep. the PanUMr In.- will be Bob Bctlola, th• 90Ulh-1tandlnp with a l·l mark, fol-flelden kept comtnr up w1tll th• paw 11.Udout ltl lhe hracue. krw..S ~ th4I Tan. 1-J. P'ullfll'-peiot.u, mOll ot the blows p Bchoi,s wt:nt' the dl~ Th'1n-ton• lu fallea Snto third pJece, I.tis •t.rall'bt to Ui• rift! pv~- All r11bt, )"OU Kiditl Let.sue day ln an t:UJ lJ-1 trlampll 7-3. men. blUpla,..n ot th• Eiarbor are&-wblle Green toned ,u•der lourtier G('Mft not Ollly ahut ou'i'ttr-Add to Uiat the Uirtlt pme1 .tand _ulde wtllTf: Marro Beck, ctrcumltancf# ll"r1d-,y-at Ort.np 1np rrtd&J afternoon. ht acored the Sa!lor1 alw1y1 Taee whell blonde • tre'ttd at: J-.rne1 De.y Wilm. b• toued a tqpr-httter tor the wtnnlq nan In the tourlb. they tl"&ftl to th1 Oranp dtl• 1Scbool ftfth rrada tomboy t.akea a .l~ vlclorJ over tli.1 ·PantMN. rrame. mond and you undentaftd th• ,oyw oci the dl'amorid. tenaa a tU&Uon Ula kx111 lanvp- · '::!E!~F lf?:?h= KID TRA~l::l!fEE, J CLAS~IC "::.;,.;rn~:.;_-:: on ti.. 111. J1me11 Day 8choo1'1 ram• tn ltl• nm tnn111r. 'nlrd ~~. ~:~.':· ::: :: SC~EDULED HERE SA lURDAY ~?:tri~J: -: :£ oppoMUon make. comment Oft Club Pr.tdent Dick Krull hu t:nt poe111t'on ot the awatd, bub. Oran.p Caatartl.adu X.. her eu: Iha j\a.t 1le.m. thit tnto iuued lnvitaUOM to Boy .. Club• BurnelcM aanoutte.s. . rtno turae>d hlA Mek OD t.a• lll· m lt to make that pouch dttptr Wllb aoma 400 0ru,. Cou11ty neld IAd aprlftt.d mad.11 toward .n. ... .._ .. ___ ln I"uUtrton, La ... ,... Be a ch. ,,_ ,.. '"'r ·~~out. ·--younpen, rrom l!tt ·fourth dl.all.Dt put.a. •om•k••· •• l-------"""----------------1 STltUTS 8TUP'JI' • Fountain Valley School and Utrouctl ... klh p-ada. .swe.rm1nc etuck up llla ,.so.,. Juat la U...1 QUESTION Is-CAN PIRATES Marro •truttea her etutf Frf-Spartan Boya' Club u 'Well •• onto Utt M~ ILUtKr'.-HJ(b tor tha b&U. to •tUe 1A u.. . 1 doy '""~" ot Co•to ""' "'"'°' Boyo' Club ,.. tho ,~, &hool olhldlo nold "''""'''· • pook•L SHAKE THIS WINNING H-ABIT7 Pork .. ,.., • '""'"'-,,_ m· ,,."°" doporlmmto of "'""· &ood ,_,lo......., to """d aotlo• lluup (U.. -• ""'" lhuttutlc audience of •Wdenta too, Banta Ana, Huntlnfton lha first anaual Invitational eclltdule>d to face Anabatm to- &Dd pannta •hl!n llt. Ja.chtm'1 &ach and But:na Pa:-k. Ira.ck aiwl fteld clamic btrt. morrow) with at bat.a. ruu &ad Conclutivaly PfVfla& there"• no re•t for tbe w:nnlnr, r1 .. ,. st J --lnvl'·"--·• k 1 d , d ht'· Bob .. -··· , • • •--• "' · llme•. '"1 Bt. Joa-Me4al• wUI be awarded tor '"1 ......, ... ..,. c n er ...,; "'111 ... • ._....; -• Coach Wendell Plclcena' Oranre Cout Colle&• Eute.rn chlm IOl:th fnd_.. delaat.d the ~e•aiOn 11 qoMOrad by th• New· Thompaon lb 6-4--1 ; Or"Mll p 6· Contettnca bueball• champlOM !or the fourth •Ucceaalv1 Newport team · 11-1 ln the IO!t-•II tlrit placaa, Krull 9&1d, and porl Harbor 20-SO Club In <:Oil· 1-0: Warlawnont cf 1-0-1: M; ... !or all membl!ra of e&eh win· .:....oa .-o rtrbt to work tomorrow d'ffendtnl" their Bout.Mm blO came. but that ~an't de-juncUon wtlh Harbor Boy•' Club, bee rt 1-0.0; Lonntun lf l-G-2; nln& relay ll!am. Rlbbon11 w1\J c.Jlfoml& jllnlot eoU.,. bueba.11 crown. tract from Mari"o'• ptirlorma.n~ It \la' Men announc:«I by Dee C.rl S.rpron c 1-0-1; Dl't'I Ta.- one whit, · · So to aecond. third. ttl\irth and BU':nl.lde. 20-30 Club firs~ vlca 111ura 2b · 1-0--0; Bob All• lb , Th.a Plratu tan,u -1th' Comptoil in a fll"ll round Th nm place rlnllhen . A revolv· • • daurht.tt ol Mr. a'"' Mn. preald9Rt ud mHt dir4'!:tor. 1..0.0. JC playott l"&me Oft the Me11. campua d iamond. •t•rUnc' at Harold Back or Lamon ff"'d,i.ta, inc trophy w1ll bl •Warded lhtf :=:::-:-:-:~-:--::::--=--:=:-:====:-::-:=-:=-:=-:~== !:16 p.rn. Margo ll t&~bed u .. one oii tba 1'am (l(llbplUiii the D09l Point.a ALIOA ISLAND SPORTING GOOD Al !or wfu.n~. It vU, wall may bf the' BuQ are 1.1.D• bf:il" by It. M. Bou, director durtnc Ole meat. abll to Maka tbe habit which h" poueM9d t.l'lern t.hrouch of St. Jarnea Bchoot Ml" Marl· TM ft:'ll county ymith Or(Ul· U-atnJcbt Mau• 'ftetoriff without de!•t thil ..-oa. lyn Penn. Ua1 physical education l&l\kln to capture the teem tro-1 _ _,______________________ lnttruc;:tor, roe• alOft&" with th1a phy lhrM time. p.(n1 perman- t:nlhwlaam for the athleUcall)o lnellned JUI. Aall.ITY n.u,.a M.arao made the cra4-detplta ' EVEN UP FOR S.EASON Randall Rappers · Romp ... . ... w .... 8ecll. wtto atttndtd Fri· tM handicap of balac a Slfl! IA. d&T1 pma, nported llarp bU ftiday'• d'ffeat by SL Joadllm I.II "-• t-'°1' trod. 'tba word occurnd m a "" lrmtns came. .. SU:-Jlntnt '1illin Pl&Jinl ball St. J1111u' t.aa.in anoouoced. ii· ror ---u ,....._ delplta her -o1 a dWlanst to taU teadtr ~ ........., once came oa Ula Ooeta M-riyals tn a homl In tun when Jter boy "tunt UIL thll ume in N..pcr:t 5th Sunset Loop-Victory t..mrn1tea quutkln41d 1 r1rl Beacll. GOING "-.. FORMAL? Rent • Tux from • Major's Shop IUX <.:omplete lteate.1 &en•icl" ftOlle IUIQert,. 1-1Til \Ol11: E. f.~ St., SUta A- ••• miu for ptnnia •day ,.. .......................... ..,.. ....................... , .... ........................... _, .......................... -~ ........... ,._,,,., -~ Nt>111 '°" ..,, - • JU..ILp.' ...,,,.. .. ttA '""'°"'""• llrl .. . ,_ !!!! .... "'" .. , ........ _.._ i..;llrlee!l """ ..UA onfU..., -,_loll/ BASEBALL GLOVES ' HOOD "Pf" CA,SUALS encl Sun-St.po Sfto..- In hr-,. .. !Wldf ... .....,,,., -Ao!·~~~O~li;;;:' ;· :""::·-.._ ---•11! pch1I._.. ,.,. _ _,, OllJl -HA& OI' .. VICE nt' '11111 OOMMr.xrn- ~:'i CALL Klmb1rly S.1111 lllO w. C -:o ! lllgl1110y, Newport llOodt (II....,.. _, LD• IIIO llCI. llAIN llT. SANTA ANA -------CAN YOU Ill. 11'Ua. l!_Of IAlll.n •.• CHICS YOUI ~=°tlelt AG1X14Mn1------- ' • ' , , ... • • • . . . ' ' • ' PA&E 6 -PART 1-N~T HAOOR NEWS-PllESS MONDAY. MAY 14, 1916 ... -• . - .. ...,,, ... •n-112 "'1-w. do tbe won a a';a JI ~ ,1!7 • C COLD W/l\,VE ....,.,...,...,..,= .,..,. a•• a• COMPLm Lot i t Md •z• I 11ft 6 8Q1U;J1NO "' ....... ._ 0.. Olm Q ?1 _.,..,..,..,. .... _ ... -Lll-B'IALla.a.. 18~1o11G '1D 0( .............. aC ~ eo.... Ml-... •..... n.a awe lf&lreut11. Shim,.. A:..t.St.80 -• ,.., NOOtclld ~.... f 2 tQ...... CLllO rlJCE'1 aa.vrr. lllOP .... ,.,... 17 ot ................ • ... .. PAINTING ...... tta CbU!'Cb ltt. .... *""" .... Mt.pit. ~ Of oa.p ot Newport m;,.. WW .. 1ltb -... ·--·--· • 0 1'••"""4= .... ~ • MERCHANT PATROL and H'ARBOR BOAT • PATROL C:ALL ·51c:uarry COM ... CIAL PATIO.L Kl 2.7027 """'"'· ~ . CARPENTER ..... ...._"-_"'.._ -" ..,.,. ........... ,_ -Re~•-wor11 . -P.:APERl-tANGING I~~~·~~~~;;;~~~~~ :."~" .. :\ -;:.,:: !': ..... ~ ... i::::.,.--S N II Ir • ::!IEOOND '!1!8T NADONALLY -Thi1 photo of Roz Reeba' ahootil)( here lut th• ott1co ot lfllclMU end HJ.. or ftom"d """' ympSOft & 0 .ar ··year brought Phyllis J. Jackaon, former News-Preu ltafter, natlonal aocl&im bert. 'attotne)'ll tor laid. u:ec»-C.U Fr&Dll. IJ~ .,.... a.t ~--wc::wtadll ·· ·DYer weekend at National Federation ot Presa Women, ·Inc., award eontert. ~II: 0;,. = =~ ~ i:: A.U Worfl: ou.raatMct Tttn Bar. nM Or UJT . ·Picture ahowl police and a~ll working on Rechl I.a other officen lead ckllnred to Mid executru: per-• CARPENTRY -beanlod, uaaila.nt from acene ~ Ocean Front Ho~ *'Mlly, at ·aay titn• an.r tlm. a GENERAL CARPENTER REPAl.R :===========-r-::-__:--:---:::.-:--'--1-::::::::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;lpubllc_t.UOD of UU. noUee and bdore maltlnc M1d aal•. Colllfnunlst China • ilald Al• will bt mack upon TOday's N . ·Y. Stock Report Too ...... To Be th•'•''°""'•""'"' Sllbl•ct of Debate CUh. lawtuJ money ot Ill• CLAlllFl.D Unltod StalN. O~E. IOCNS ' -"Sbould ,DATED' April· 1<. 1ooe. ~ Cblna be ~·~dm11'1"*'., Emma T. QuUuidp lo th• United 1"'1tlon.1 · .,... 19--!felp W .. td Eiucut.rlJt*1r th• Eltat. o1 • .,...,,...,. A•eracn llM Wbjtct of a deb9te by lh• Ralph A. GuUlriafe, De- , . 001 '6 .31 NaUOnal Jnter-CoUegU.te 1wa.rd-KA.INTSN~Cll lU.N -l\n1 ,-·--• JO Jndu.t.rlat. ... -.. . up ~ --.&. IO Rall• ·······-·· 111 n down .70 wlnntac cat 'tech debating t~ 1UX1ll&ry ll&ilboat. Um• KITCHEL.I.. AND HIBBERT K t1tWU. ·····-·.. . ee ... 1 up .03 to be held at th• Chapman • yu.r round job tor rtrbt man.. By Jam.et H. Mitchell l pa. v.a-l,,IO,Mt 1er1 UtUe Ttluter al I P· m. Write Box R·al care of UllJI Attomey11 tor l!ucut.rix AJner1Can ametunr . -·-······ 0(% Wtdn..s.y: p&pet". l0cl2 MITCBl:l.L and HIBBERT A.alwicaa Telephone .......... 111 727 We.t. 8n"enUl BtrMt ~=~::::::::=::::. ·····--·=--~~ PRESS AWA, R~ :::::~ WJUtak• ~~:ea tT. Cautornla !)eneral J:Mctrlc: -··· .• 804 eo.tlaoed fn:im •19 yaTd work. turnltur1 or c:Mh. G/I, 11 , 1,, 11, 11. :it. 22 1'61 Oeftlt'&J Mot.or-. ... . ... ..... U'A oonvpondttit and r1dlo exlCU· Re&.IOflable. LI 1-6'02 1v• J-----------Glmbel BroL ........ -...... _ ..... 3( UYe; f1'om Ute people'• .,,,11. lOclJ · OrMt "Northern R.R. ·············· 4a Helen Cudworth. editor of Yor-Claaalflecl lllNOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB T0o ma1,1 8.0.~ tOlt ll..:.BIJba9 8h'd... 8&1..,_ Butor 1'60 Utte ODD JOBa No job t.oo mma1L But ot _n:t1r- enc-. U M17( WI ' G I c t t OlCNl:RAL llUILDll:ll onora on rac or , "-'· . R . d 1• uClllCllm gpert emo e ing New Work -~ode11ng Addlt.ona ,, MW CONtrueUon J. MILTON JlcKENZIE . ICuy tlftnll c:u "" anusM Harbor 4399.w 58tfc Bu. li60l-W • SPARKLETTS Sprinc Freeh Water H.:lf GIJloll for Intant U•. Maie. Delicious Coffee Drink I rt....M a day an.d enjoy ~he belt of health. LL.8-SJ> 12 ''" l ~ l"arn r •• Alcoliollco ,,_,_ Wrtt. P. 0. ltG9 Ill HllWllOl't 8eacb, Cl.* PboD1 8artkJr •TN ... l'fo . .Amerkan Aviation ········ 91" ran County Herald, Colo. . 40--A.vt:o. fo r Sale 2cl( N. Y. Central .............. -....... 0 A.r1.ana apeaker1 Included Paul ------'----------------·IA NJlW 8ERIE8 OJ' LECTUR&a W.., Co, .. _ ......................... •t ~ Jon• ot tbe Navajo tribal Coun· lHt PLYMOUTH, rood 2nd c:ar Special NoUeee OOMPLETE PAINTING wUJ IN rt•en lll" LIJ'E STUDENTS Mont•rey OU ....... _ ............. _ 36'4 cU, Karl JohnNn of th• Hopi 13()(). Prlvale P1rt1. LI 1·7869.1-'"-----------OR. LOWl:LL PA.UL WA.DU: Bateway StorM .... -............. OT'it Trib&.IOoun.cll, Carl Sauer, prHI· 10c12 y Newpmt Harbor le Paper H&ngtnr Servtce l1I Ui• et. Francia Challtl • Sbic:l&l:r 011 ............. · ........... 18\4 dent Amlr1can 1.NUtut• for For-llUGlll'fll O, UUMDlll\8 .SO Park, ~ Beacb. Bo. caJ. l:diaon -··· ........... _ ••% I.Ip Trade. ... A Apt.. for B.flllt B., P . 0 . E. 600 11.lt. ltniat. NllWJ!Ort Bl&cll f'riA .... , Kay •.-1:00 p.m. -.. -...... .... OU ot l"'aLlf, ·---· lOI% ... ··-··---.... ~ ...... ---1787 ~ e-u ,_. ....,. .... _ Harl»of; JtTI . tll Time, A19 and Immort.alil)'. ao;'Paetftc ···-············ ........... _ M% en WIN Velma Price, of Neb...., NICI: l bldroom apt., with rar-11..U nvy Thunday I p.ra. Kay 11 _ 1:00 p.m.. ~mertca ........... -............... •t ka, NaUona.I Federation pr'llll· q•. $M mo. Good loc:a4PJ1. Via Oporto -Omtn.I Aft. PAINTING Brulh. Vllallty a :ute Usdoft OU of Calif.-·-··· .. ······ OtWi_ dent, cm "Tired &nd True Preaa near ahopplnf, Colt.a M.... Newport a.cb 1N'l'J:RlOR _ .xTJ:RIOR DonatJou ~t.fld. Women" &nd Kay Metr. of qit· U S-7110. 10cl2 Dick Nnnnu., ICX&lt.•d Rulu ALBO lliJUNll P4INTINCJ 4p17 •. DEATH NOTICE ::;:. on "Women ar• Her'9" to LOOKING J'OR AN APT.! . • l.J.Cll'.NIED -lN8UJUCD DR.. Pim'ftO JllOTOMDl, D.C. . ., 'nae. -""uoa procram In• au C08TA JO:SA.'8 mwm S--Sped&I A.anouoemeut Glenn Johnston aeute, dmlntc, and protlrlul • ... -Build · Your · Own • Boat Wo Hawe SEVEN Dlffenlet ,.. .. FREE For Tiie . Alklllt • WARD I HARRINGTON LUMllR CO. 3300 W. C:NSt Hltol .. •w""•"'J ... .JNN1enw .. po11D1trt lleacll "'T-turn. 1tudlo ·~·· 11th llt. at -*1 ... -..._ • ZDWAAD wza~-.:• . . ~ed ~ tripe. dln'""9 .... ...1. -toe llANAOlllfZNT ot tbe N..,..:art 1t91...., .... _ ......,_t a.ch CUii. Nat\U'U - , ~ &l'I pendmc" """8&!ta at ft~·rtm« ,,~d Md Soutti f!-_. ll&rfior Buft'aJo ftaDdt i. DOW ----~~~11~·~·--~-~·~-Ll~~""'~''°~----!.'_'.'tp~J:'..J'.!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~-,,,,,;,,,,,.!;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,·;;,· ,,,,;,,,,,;,;,,,,,! ~. ConJna d.i Mar Chap-W..0US,taift Park, wtUl OYemlp\ under Ull dirlClJoa. ol Ro)' B. eL, .,tor J:dward Wern•, 19, 'U tril* to Grand Cu71Ja and ........... for Beat 0.UW 4 .John 7 . T°"k All 'llnrty ... 34 fl , ~AV•. Wlrftlr. 8\IDllQ" Jlosa>ee ....... ~-" a.In" 'BA.Vb". I wnn. tu.ft. purc\w or obHfa.uoW .... to ta~~ M~morlal Hoepltal. born• month ot June, pomtbl)' be authoriaed by tbl abctTe BILTfY i.oaa • .n<1:' llAGEM RICHARDSON 1on,.., l!JO. '""""' ~11 -mmllonod r..u.ma.. llcll Mra. Betty Lon-aiDe 1111~ 1-~u~.-,~~~...,,._~~~~=l~OC~JJ~l~§§§§§§"""""""""~I ~2. 3H &. 21 BL C.0.ta Mna (Coad.I.-tr.. rtnrt J'ace) dl.td •udcnly flt her home earl1 6'7 Be&l EIC;Ue Wanted Thuraday mornln1. A naUve of sprtnp: hia mether, Nellie A. Okat&homa Mr-. Hat'W!. llYed In Rlchanieon. Anaheim. Colt. )(Ha two yM.ra and 30 A naU•e of Cen~ Lake. ytC• tn C&IUornla. BM la; aur-Mlc:h., he came to C&Ulonata lo vlved by . her hWib&nd, Sdwin 1932 to becom• c:aahler at the Har•Q oc Ul• bom.. Duert Bank, Palm Bprlnp. It &erYlce wen held Batur.i.y at later wu taken onr by CUJMD'I • 11 a. m. at Balta Colt& M_.. Nation&! Bank of Riven.id .. Oi.:P.1. Th• R.,... P . o. NllWna.n.n While employed With the Ot the Coat.a 11 ... l'lm Baptlat Otiurui' National ln JU.,...nlde. w ANTJ:D -OWNER ot COii· ~ LOT to bWld for Uinant, .,.. ha•• th• pLau. J:atabliahed loc:al bualneea Delek to apand. Write Box Q-11 Ulie paJllr. lOCU LEGAL NOTICE c:hurc:h oftlclated. h.11 qu.alltk.atlon• wer. reoom-1 -----------· JI Intenncnl will bl lD H&rbor mf'nd..:I to U..· Marlnan. Bank Jf .. A 11111 ~e11t M.,norl&l Park. boL'"d Wbieb otter.d him the NOTICl'J: or a AJ.s or &UL •.•. P<*l hi toM. PSOPDTI' A'I PJUVAft Mk&. CLAIU8M. 00&.NELL B&nklllr ea.Ml NtUhl.ly lo ML& Fwienl Mrvtc:11 tor Kn. Clar-RJc:hardMJn. bY tatb«r haYin1 llA. Oornellua Cornell, Tl, ot ....... In the. be.a kt as bulzlw IN Diii IUPQIO• OOt!n 2IOI Broad Bt. wUI be blld at an hia lite tn OlartnolX. Mich. o• no: ft.Aft or OAU· 11 a.m. tomorTOW ln Put.-Rlc:bardflOn wu 11 71&1"1 • bank POl&HU. Df .A..'O) ~ TB:8 tudliy Mortuary Chapel. o.ta QUllaer wtUi th• "hffrel De-oomnT or oaANas NtllL Tbe &•. ltol1o ll. Bou. :=t, lnlW'aDCe eorp. before In U.. ]fatter ot th• r.tata at ~1al• ~ "~g___'~ ~to -Clllton.la._ R.AI.PH ..._ 0~Hd. l:piec:opal Churcb, wtD otnciM• He WU • •"emll« ot it Aa· Nc>Uee .. bnb • ..tttn tba.l Mn.. OOrMll died 1&117 llunda7 lt:'eW'a ~ C IL u re ll. 1 •· •l • a C.pilltranno an.ltartum Newport HUtlor Rotary Club, th• lmdlnlped, u ex.cutirls ~ lih• bad been a patJent f: a.Jboa Bay Club and In1n1 ~i::... z.t.ao!:'w.:.. ~ :n nlJll dqa. She wu a -ttYa Oout Counb'y Club. t rt · te tale to u.. ht-c.mpb611. N. T. and e&me to UWI R1c:hardflce etart.d thl banlc· a P n d.'1" ...,...,-mo.tu qo rrom l•r bueine• wtlh hie father In and MM. btdder, vlon U.. tenn.e Olpnpla, WuL. .na... 1b1 had a amall c:haln or bCJui aromtC and eondlUOM JMNlnattfllf' 81 .... 11,.ed tor tQ ,....... m.. wu • ~ From u.1• ha .... t UOMd. aad .ubJC to coa.ftl'o ttlth'-4 doctor"8 Ulllbat and blto· J't)lO wortl. ~ w1ddl he lll&Uoa by &Md lu,..tor Court. m.,tcral trhnkip ud • member 11nnt to Ufit Dw1 auk: on 'l'll1lrtdq, ~ M, 1151, at ~. ~ Pnl~ eburdl 1n rrteiada 1Nblll.S "to 'm..ortai-10!00 o'doell A. It., 0( a&d 4Q Rr:;idy Mixr r/ Cr1nrrrdr: WELCH'S IWY MXQ _ •. _c:~HC!l;?a, ooett-Ll .... _ . ..,.JM --"-Mlll Ol)'D'pia. lie Rlchal'db! ma.7 ..wt con- . l\irmon t.n ber daqtlter, trtbullom to the llt. AndNW"• M"$.'.' HQCtl Oodwbt. of tl.11 home Prubytet1U Church bulld.1111 JAMES D. ·RAY aO<lnu; • pudaoll ud ~ f'und da"'1l•r. Laat lit• and biter-Hiii eakt tb•t Ka.rtn• ... Bank 1'ieint wth be In Otym'pla. ' "ould be cloffd WildnMdfJ atter ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11 p.m to allow the bank-eta.tr to CONCRETE • Satisfaction POUi IT TH~ IEASY • WAY AND SAVEe • • .. ' ~ • Raft -~ 7"'" __ ......... wt• • .... .. ............ .. -t ... ...,.,... .. ,..... ............. . ~ ... UIJ . BAY llOX IXO. 711 W. 17111 St. C08TA mA attend fln&J rtt ... RED CIOSS · ,~...._ ............. The .. .dic:aJ eoc:•ty mOYI WM dllcloMd when QCNll loaamed of a mHUnr between eowtly ottl· cl&la. Red Cl'OM otftclala trom Loe AnplN and 0nnfl Oouftty ni.edk».I flOdlty chtc.tUan.a. It wa. urtdlf'fllood the m«ltc:al _. c:tety, In moriq to abOUlb th4I R~ C,,,.. .. me.a. would .U tM coun\y for 11000 a maaUI i. MIJIPl1" blbod to <>ranp Cowl\.y ffoepttal. • Gonorel Contractor & Builder PHONE .U..808. '10 ROBER -T roll-ES l1Uder PHO~"& B A9 aog 1111 the Richard le.,.01 Company Landscape Design alld c-11 Ktloti OOllON.& DEL llAA PBQNS B••eoa UI ••• • Here's-JiWtem the New Ide{L} Come From .. , o-.J y ...,...• _. T~ 0-.- -.-el ite kW. ..... ...w -·· ,. '-000 ,....tnn-. ..._.....,nil_,.....,..,_ .,... iUO!d--bine witlli ~ .... ultn..odln. .... $ ... r.dtid9 to .... ,_ ~·11 .,,.._ •atomoMll ..iu.- Ppmiae. • o-..1 Mot.:n M t 1' 1 . ........................ " .......... . _.,... ---·-..... c...r. and Hem's J1iltere tliey GO I -. · "'CAN TOU Stl. Jtal.. Sf'?" INtt.Y• •• , OCJl l'OUI CAol-Ofla ACCIOfHYI."' Ub1rly ' 1-3466 ! .. • SCIENCE 'FAIR WINNERS INSPECT SH~ Wlnnera In the rim AJ>nual Orange County Science ,Fair troni Barbor HJch ~ the biology collection wblch won lit pi... tor Ala~• ComJ>IOn c.....i mm rich!), Other winners (left to right) are, Richard Griffin, a oopllolllore WtiON bi<>IOD' modf'J, compariton of vertebrae brain., took firlt plaQI fa Mllior IJ•liilii\i tor all bioloSJI entri .. ; Fr&nk Sch\llta, 1st, applied modela, Tb&leo and Ufo.'~t ~d; 'Terry Dallu, lit, <hemlolrr, the inert gUM; and Slllrley filuil, 2od ~· bloloCY th"io paper.--Statt Photo · ' lAGUN"A ··QUICK 24 Hou-SllVICI L.,W LOW 'l!IDUQN5" IMllftii aATES , .. , IASY MON!HlY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPA™fTIC SI-VICI FlllEE CUSTOMMS' PAUIN5 ESCROW •ftcl; r Y OIUATID • LAGUNA IEACH m ~ "'""· l'HONI HY. 4-t 111 SAN CLEMENTE ... N.. ~ .... PHOl'il ~ 2-tlK w HY 2.11t• l (l l1(tll .' ·-MISA UPHOUTERY ,,,.,, ... rta,r • l>r9,er)• ........... ,,, sl.N Nwft. ..,.._, O.tt. lleu IAllC~IDLIY ~AIY . u ...... . ' ... • • ' ' > • . . . • NEWl'OllT HAlllOR NEWS-PttE~ART Ii· ,A6~ I _MONDAY, MAY 14, 1956 ' -,....._ -~ -"Touch of Fancy" wu the onw.t'pl&y entered ' by Newpqrt ll&rl>ot Union l!Ji:b School In tile l!eeond Aiinual One Act Play 1'>ur· nament at Orange Cout Collep recenUy, Newport 1tudento .,.., from left, 1t&ndlnf, Evelyn. T&yi..", Tom l<ijquette, Doon Waldron, Joanne SU<11. Seated, Carol ~ and J~ ~l!llth. -Photo by Riley Gaynor, ,, \9'1 •• ,, ... • " .... ELECTRICALLY· e LET US HELP YOU e STAFFORD 6. SON F.lectrical Coalractdn 110 Blvenlde Ave. Liberty 8-U44 • Wednesday, May 16th ' . at all plants coast to coast ·GEN,E-RAL MOTOR s • • is holding . . Open ·House • ' to celebrate the dedication of • GM Techn1tal Center T HIS cominr Wcdnetday we invite you to join w ~ in celcbntinr one Of the most important Cvcnts in General Moton' history. Jt is the dedication of our vaat new 3~0-acrc TcchniClil) Center in Detroit-ind ,,.c arc holding open house in General Motors plant1 to ahow our friends l1ow they contribute to industrial ptogrea their communities. ' and prospC'riry in For the General Mcton Technical Center ia Do ordinary m1l!ufacturer•1 laboratory. It i.a: the largest iDltitution in t~c \\'Orld de•o~ed ~fl fir4ah~ rcaearch in t.he induatnal l.rtl and 1e1cncc~ cmploytng more than four th ousand engioccn;, scientists and stylists. So plan to come and 1ec wha~ this great technological instiruri<?n-a-buiJdin( since the end of the \var.-. has .already contribu'ted. to industrial progrCN in our··JocaJ operations. We think you \vi ii be am azed at IO~c of the nc\V •atcrial11 nc\v skills and new techniques "''C arc usine: rirht here-as a result of new technical discovcriC11. Come early 1pd spend plenty of time -sec ho\\' GI\] 8Cientist1, engineers and 1tyrt! are making tomorro\v come true-today! • We are joining General Motors plants 'f~om coast ro coast 1n the nati0nwide Open House Delco Battery De~Remy Dlvlalop Geaera.I Moton Corporation Anaheim, California • OPEN HOUSE -10:00 A.l\l. to 9 P .M • I • ,· ' General :Moton Trallllng Cent.er ll05 Riverside Drive .Burbank, California OPEN HOUSE -1: P.M. to 9:00 P.l\l. ' • . ' , , \ • • I ~ ~ I • .. .. ' PA5E 2 ·PART II -• ' NEWPORT • •• ' .. ---'="·=~""'=c=.-~--• 'Goel CJf9llt us th. serenity to ~t the things w. uonol d1111,.: if!e "'*'" .. to cl,.. tM ... -.-.. ... 1-. · . the wisdom to know the ~· • IA. Anool.J ' - OF STATE 0. ...... .. -; \ ~ EDITORIALS ' !- Harbor Day Yacht Parade . i.-;Can Be Held as Planned -:. : ._,. lt'1 a Md eommentary on oW' local &een• tbU with a 1larbor contalninr ,.,.,,. llOOO yachta and bo&bi 91' all dMCript.IC'INI we are unable to mwrltt' /IVfA lljl craft for the propooed Harbor Day yacht pon.cle orlrfnally 1lated May 28. The parade of befdtuul 'boata woUld have heralded Newport llu- bor'1 prc9t0t-day facilltlea, Compared to yean b&ck when there were more catta.Ut than commodoree and c:rulaen. Harbor Day wu tCt up to salute the twentieth ,.IJU11venary ot Newport Harbor, u the tremen~ua ro!Ag concern it la, affo~ plueure and pri>flt for thoee who Ule it for play or work. We find it lrw:omprehentlble that city council .. and civic leaders to date have beut unable to .et up a thoroucb-aolng obeetvance ot Harbor Day, wb.IC:h W a ktynot.e of our city'• Golden Anniversary, dUe in September. Where would Newport Beach be without !ta Harbor? ~en though HarbOr Day 11 due May 26, we th.ln1c: it quite pouible forw&rdrlooldng, local boosters will be able to put their ahoulden to the wheel llld ... qWckly plan a yacht or boat parade which would lend aignificance to commemorJ.tion of the Harbor'• birthday. • From the boat ownen o• our acquaintance we know most of them welcome a chance to get their era.ft. revved up.and working down the bay or off ah ore. N ow is the time for local boat ownen to come forward and ahow our Harbor Day committee they· reckoned without their love o( Newport Harbor when the cofumittee ca.ncelled the yacht parade last week for "lack of boat owriCYr intereat." "Freedom" For Ivan Ivan lvanicb, the typical Soviet worker. hi now free to quit hi1 job it he wishes. That's the word from Moscow. Heretofore, he has bad to get the State's penniaeion, and we ima.gine it.. wu a ca.ae of juet "lry t"d get It." What'• the significance of t.hlA lateat "freedom" · for the ltWllian people? Tboae most famili&r with the goinga--0n back of the iron curtain aaye it'1 the result of the public preuure on the Kremlin. Said one eXpert: ''The foreign policy of the K~mlin today la only a by-product of the change1 the Russian leaders have been forced to make in domeatic affair& by the attitude• of their people." Where violence wouldn't stand a~a.n-::e of suc- ceeding 11 may be tl\at the quiet bul irresistible preuure of an awakening people in the Soviet Union will eventua.py make freedom a fact lnltead ot. eom&- thing which now exiata there in ii&Me only •• , Our Mendicant Psychiatrists (a.prbtN ,,_ tJte Tftrlple Ctt1 TimN. MaJ lt} Ment&l Health Week i1 over, and no one appears much oner for it. Perhaps it'1 becauae nobody unde.tJl.ood wh~t it wu all about. The ,P9Ychiatric branch of the medical field wrote some handout.I on it. m,ttng vague references to mental illneu and wanting money to atudy it. Tbat't' one thing you can bank on with the medic.. They're forever aaking dough to 1tudy oomethln1. · It'• a neat and enduring deal, tor every time ·a remedy la dllcoyered tor one ailment, anotber IPrinl'I up to replace it. Thereby they can tap u1 ''Into eternity for reHarcb money. ~ U tbt olt 'cOmpany wanta to survey a new field, It n ppUea ita own financing. An aircraft plant aulr .t<Us.. it.a own rt.earch. .But when the medie1 meet IOIDe new criala, out comca, the b&i(d for money. Now Jt'a mental be&lth, and everyone falla ln wtth the pied ptpera who are toutinc lt -rovemon, -mayor1, congreumen. Be.fore you can be for or • HARBOR •··· ......... ...u "' n.;d -wW It .. No .nor( Ji. .... -to piOri&I • ... .... Art lboJ __ ,.di .. ., ....... ,., abenatloaa ol. tM. ml.:IT le ii&) & I mzt1: ... -'ttlllaluU..,.tblaltT Dot!M)'.,_ ... p the outloolt el ••• ,.. wbo .... JC '6 ltl'sm and talla Ubor-jotal ~ Or do .., t , ...... to conUnue !Mr ~ la 1'anlllls oat tl!e 1nla cel1I of ~wdc:i aa4 m•n•ac-dep' t '•• ~ brutal ... __ .. , ;, AJoiis -a Jlrldq Kurpby; and the 11"7· ci&b't.ta about "'taln't IO!" becau.e they haft DO notion of how to inveotlpte the pbenou>fAOO and won't liaUn tO an.yooe who doel know. They •ttacl! the pbenomena. bein1 totaDy ll"o- ra.nt of the DOUllM!DI • Mental health certainly la eometl!lng that needl to be •upported, but pouring money tntO & profeuloli which 11 un~ceountable to itnyone but it.I own mfllll• ben II quite another matter: · Wbe11 poycblatry bu fa1Jecl 10 mlaerably and con1pl.euoully on IOmet.hiq u common u alcoholllm. it LI tbeer pr.umptlon to u k more money to 1Upport 1ucb a flouncJerina: pro!euion. -Ent At tfie Tum of the Century Like many other newspapers, the Globe-Free Presa of Grand Junction, Iowa, periodically reprint.a noatAlgic •little news item.1 from put timee. One of theae. taken from an U..ue of ro yean ago, tella of a local 1tore whkh wu offering "aeven poundl of good coffee for $1., pninea, 5 cen~ per pound, three onespound cana of u.lmon for 25 cenu, 20 pound.a of beet augu, $1." The .cont.rut between the prices of then and now would be equally atartling in the cue of moat other ware• -clotbea, boU1ehold item1, whatever. Without arguinc the merit.a and demerit. of the good old daya, it'• obvioua that wages and tuee and other co.t. bome by bU1lneU have risen eoormot11ly, and com· modity prica have .inevitably followed 1u1t. However:, thqe ill one thing that hun't rlaen- tbat, inatead, bu gone 'down, way dOM>-. It ii the profit earned by the typical merchint on each dollar of b1a ulea. H&lf 1 century ago the idea of ID&M dlatrt- buUon at a low ~ profit wu virtually unk:Down. It wu pioneered by the cbaiu, and other kinds of ..retail· en 1ucceuf~y adopted it. Today the profit remaining to food chama after the billa are paid ill commonly _!a the neichborbood of a llingle cent on each uJee dollar. In the cue of retailers in other field.I lt ii oaly three or four cent.I. It ii 10 little, in other words, that if there wert.i no profit at all the diffennce ln the prfcu we pay would hardly be noticeable. No one can compute bow much low-cottt iDUI diatribution ha• aaved a nd la aa~lng the American Cona:umer. Blllt one thing la •ute -the aum i1 •ta&, 1eringiy larre. · . Ten-to-One Ten yeara ago two economlet.a, F , G. Cl&rk and ~.' S. Rimanoczy, wanted to find out what happened to the income of corporaUom after payment of taxee and out.Ide COili. It wu a bis job, tor the atau.tle1 of the lime wen 1kelchy. Their e!Jtlmate waa that 80 per cent went to people in the form of w•gea and uJ- arle1 a.nd. other bene!lta; 10 per tft.t wu absorbed by depreciaUOn and'oblolescence;-and that the rematn- ing 10 per cent wu kept by the ownen in one way or another -profit.a, dividenda, retained corporate earn- inp; ~ - Now the Fedenl ReterVe Boa.rd baa produc~. tor the fint time, a atudy providlnc accura.te fiprel u to the flow of corporate fund.a coverinc the 19'8, ~ Rfrlod. It ahowa that 82 per cent went to the work- er., 7 per cent wu u.ed for the depreciation !actor, while 11 per cent went to the· ownen for the UH of the facilities their aavtnp made poalble. And not all of that .. by any m~na, wu paid out ill dividend& . A •ubetantial part wu uMd to apa.nd and improve the bulin91ea. lo other word.a, the worker, who Ulel the tool.a get.I about ten times u much M the inYMtor who ~ vides the tooll. It would certainly .em, u Meur&. Oark and Rimanociy recently ll&id, that "the ttward for aupplylng the too la ia a mod.eat pae." P_RESS Built-in Morale The Jic:a'd to a new1 atory carried by the Wall Street Journal on April 16th, lut day for filing fed. eral Income tax return&. carrle1 a built·ln mora.l : 11Smack in the midlit of the natiou'a biggut bu.lneu boom, many Americana alill muat borrow money to mfft today'• f~eral '1come tu deadline." ~"hrmtr.lJ' th• KM"rt-Balboa Kew•·Tlm• &nd th• N.wPort·Bt.lbol. Pre9I . • D1f •** 1.-.1 i..utuUoll ror Oftr FortJ y..,.. ' l • JatcNd u ~ Matter at lhe Po.tortic• In Newport Beach. • ciUfotnl& \&lld• th• Act ot March S. 1m. • -·~== .. ~~'---....... ~ ... OB. .wa ................ . •11 , ......... -lApl NeU.--.I A•vetUes t et.M .... 97.,.._.,._llflrtec"OMrt•f ~ 0..-.... Aed.-lf .. A..Sl7t:I ._.. ~ N..-.peper ~ .@ttt' I 71ee V.W ~~ UU.orW ..,_ •• ,._ •a·w eit on.ce 0.-17 H ... ~ 811.N REDDICK. PUBtJ8flER WU a !&N A. MOSES. Editor JA.ltlES M. MA.TKU'Y, AdntU&l.n( l)lrertot CHJJU,&8 A-A.ftllBt'RONG, Medlank&l Supertnludeftt fall en Barrier It WU Just two years aro tn May that Ropr Ballnlliter of England became the ftnt man ever to b!9l: throurh the ''barrier'' or the four·miDuU mile. Apparently that barrier wu more mental than l!.byol· cal for aiDCe the trlclr. WM turned • halt dosen other runners have followed 1uit, and the tlme figul'8 to get increuin.cty futer. .In Lo. A.npl.et ittutuy when John lA.ndy wu beaten by hia h!Ifow country, man Ron Balley it WU the fl~ t ime tha\ two mrn t1nlshed under 3 :59. •8AOW(SNIO, (CRl)-A hlutair ., ..... !11!.- portance tp tho ,..i. ot ~ atate ot ~ 911 bo ooDduct.etl la Qie Wrtl t11trlct oourt ot .,,.._ ti&!' 13, who Sl1porior .T""'9 l>onal4 Geolf • ,_..,. QOUDty la rer,ialncl lo -e& __ tll!J IW~-..,... ,.,.. l'fiPoi tll:• ..... ~ ..... • f.t'Clm. the murdtl tr-1 ot: .. f:UOI t. n •WA¢ rM _,, to """""'" ,.-. . •· -,. fl 'IOO ~ ..a l>etpite tM ,. &Mt t.M trW ~dlld. -~.. -U. '*--" oom~ u.e~ .....,,... U U.. ,... fl ...-tNS ....Uon llrisUI: out. fl/I. t,Mt-pu-ta other .,. •UI• NO CO_MMENT tle\llar cue 1'iJiltMr m. ~ judld&I o«tlar9. t:M J!IWt!' oC the ot t.be 1iu.. ........ 'la ta. palt-.tat. w1U N fl PQf«C .. It. Uc, or W...U.. W.utn1 ot ti. enda¥On '-..,.., &M ,.,buc CICl'.ll't zna7 "9 coed\let9cl • ..,. or U.. net. • J .... '*-ad- cni.-.uu ttliW.M ~ rnuu.....Uoa et jowlltlee !Ind Uie JAteroted ,.,ti•~ aU _., p«>pla ot lb• llttJ,e wUI be de- Uorli ot the •tat. IMive fl).teTed prtved ot t.belr rt&'bt to knoW t.be cue u (;rkn<M ot UMo ~ how or ln Wh&l mann.er JU.Uc• pie. Sevenl n1w,p1,p4rs . ru.cs la admlnL«erM . aa ""11 nol bl a.cllon1 on their awn behl.1t. and lnfonned or edn-.1 ~mln.C th• caru m1& N~ Pab-the action lad con4\.lct of lt. lilheri A.!....wiao a.u.o:r. .,. public oftlccra.." the peUUon taking • hud In tb• ~ ••Id. BROWN OUTLINS to 1'e:Cr«y. La.tut UJIOIJl'l!)6MUt of Inter-Brown oulllned that Uwi pm~ vention cam• Crom Alto?"IWIY enc• of a 1mall number of n_ .. Goineral Ed m u n d o. Brown. papennm •t th• trial ot a trim• lbrough h I a deputy cia.r.nce Ina! action caanol 1"119Uit In an unn. who wUI aeek to ~t unfai r trt•I to • defendant. H• turther .ec:ret crtmh\al t:i1ai. In Kid the court can control tM Celltornt a. Brown tiled a peU-actlvlth!I ot new1men end •peo- tlon with lh• thlrd dl.lb'\Ct court. talOI'• alike, ahort ot -cl\JMon. ot 1 ... L-•1 t all th to relieve a defenda.nt or an Ull· •ppea. i on .....,.... 0 e t•lr trial • peop!• or U1I atat.e ol Calltomla. "Thi o~erly &dmlnl1lr1llori ot "REAL PABTlD" ju1tlce demand.a that tht• mat-- "The people ot lbe et.ti or ttr1 be rYOlved by auOorit&- Cahfomla are the real pa.rUa live judlel a.I 1.cUon fOt UM (Uld• In tn teru t In th11 cue," Mid a.nee of thoae lAYOlftd ln the 1 ------------------------IBrown'i peUUon. admlni1tntion ot JuM.lce." th• "Becau .. of lhl a.et.Jon of the pell tlon •Id... · WASHINGTON -New Deal attacks on buaineumen Hon. Donald o.a.ry, wpefior Thw. th• peo1p11 themaah'u ln government _ and on private eni.rpri.e itaelf _ Judge, prMiding at th• U1al u· are lnetltultn( acUon lo ruar- B.r IAJIES W. DOtJTILU cludlng from the court room of antee th•t In the tutuns, they brought a prompt and forceful counter.attack from Sec· Nld court durtns th• t:rtaJ all will 11i1ve the rtrtit to elt.eQll retary of Commerce Weeks. Denouncinl radka1 att.ac:lu new1 reporten.. the peopl• ol court IU:lllona, and at leut be 00 bualneu, he nminded bnllioeumen of their own the •l•lt have been deprlnd of Informed In 1.111 eYent Ju.Ue41 a pubHc trill of aald actton 1.nd mt11carrte .. n1ponaibllll.J lot pruervins pr1• -th bil nJlY bu been T la I ya,te aatarprtM and our form or ma.rtly for pGllllca.I pur~ e pu c ,.ne be u1, o c:oune, ll Mt rovernment, dec:larlng ; Income tax ce:U1ns-P':utdenl deprived ot tntannauon of the the Sonoma county murder tliAl. '"Th• mor• 1 atudy modern lllll!lhower _ oommenUnc on public o!flcert1 ensa.ed la the but the ov1n.IJ rt(ht of the pub- cond!Uon• the ~ 1 am con· movei to put a. ConaUtuUOn&l 1.dm!nl1traU011 ol j\Ultlce. lie lo 'f'{lnUI th• di8perWn1 ot ttmttaUon on th• federal tax ''The public have • rtpt to ju~uce ln the courta lhe public vlneed thel the way to pruerve nnwer---ld the --on MDM know how and ln what manner ma.Utt.a.In for that purpoa.. prlv&t• 1nterprlM ll to preaerv• r-....,,, .... 90UDd 1ovunmenL 1 doubt that of America OUChl lo t\nd IOml -----------------------• we can keep covemment 1aund proper Umlta.Uon on Luu; th•l unlUI th• cbamplon.1 of private federal authority to take the enterpr1M •Jllnd juat u much bulk of 1.vallabl• tu: money Um• tlshttnr for IOUnd pollclea Cl1\ dutroy the &.blllty of ioC&I In iovemmmt u they do I• aovemmenta to perfonn th•lr WASHINGTON REPORT BJ l'our ~ IAllES B. tJTr ma.kine and Hllin&' a p:-oduct.'' tuncuona. Gov.mm1111l c:ompeUUon-Poll· OVERHAUL TAX RA.Tm ue11 produca llJ'Ull'• propoN.la. On Capitol Hiii, Jtt,p. Reed or The United Stat.ea ii loaing her eold aupply 1 The HOUM .Appropriation. Com· New York. i:anklnc . Rtpublk&n mttt•-prawnabl)' • -watch· on t.be Wafl ud MMILI Oom· "What ditfennce doe1. thia make! We <fon't UH gold do( of the Treuury" -bu pro. mJtt-ee--uiled for • oomplete coins ln the United Sta tee anymore.'' the uninlormed per- p--4 a "rids'' on the detenae overb:&Ul or federal Income tu: IOn might ll"l'\le. appropri&Uoa bill which would 1'9te ~~ w.-wi~n ob-Tru., lD 1933 OW' national 1ov· !ft9kl lt M«'I d1.tticu.lt lo pt Mrf'l:q call Mr. llffd I llall· """ ......... meat'" oa.--ct the moet tOt"!li'&l'Os ernment recalled &ll of the pld er foreip JLAl.loOS iipon the Unit- ed 8tatM 1tnce Work! W&z U . almoet one-half of our (old f'I- ..,.... could be dl'lil* aW&J If u... natloN pnM!lted theb cl&lml fDr J111n1.t.1ate J1111Daftl. Such 1. dn.ln i. no( llklll.J to oc· cur u Joo.('"111 pr.iaent oondJUoru of "rood Um•" ~ But wh&I lf an emersanc.7-ocfUnJ Md .,. (Oftmrneni ......,.a.Ml colnl In cln:ulaUon in Ule t;nlted lh•t compete •Ith pr:lv&l• tn· k>Oklnc tax document& 1n dee· St.el• end we wenl off the "act· d t ..... us ry. . Ila!" pd llUdard. At th• aame Cln' a.r:ooMHENDED Ha propo.u 1. reduction In the time wa went off the "actual" The "rider" 'IV'OUld force th• top breekel ' rat• to at leut T~ rold 11.alldard w• wenl °"•"th• Department Of IMflnM-lo •ub-ptr c.nt---<ont'Mmtns reduction• oretlcel" &old 1tandard. Th• "tbe- mlt propcMed eltmtnatlon or In &ll other r-.te•--•llml~uon orellc-1" JOld 1tandard n1.:n.., bualneu-t,ype a.cUvtUea to th• CIC mMy apecJal ucepUonL that thoua:h 10Jd 11.)e_JJ 11 not commlllH for approval or veto. Hll prop-am, be M)'I. would U8ed u a. mca.na of u ch•nce. The Hoover Commlulon re-luun lh• deman&i tor apecl•l notee ot Cl'Mll (currency ) 1.11ued pr.ted that the Depertment ot treatment -9'mpllty the t.u. by r ov1rnmant tn1tltuUona b•acd Todey our ald r-rve &mount.I Deren .. operated 2,000 commer-tew ....... re<luce evallon and evtHd· upon iold eerve u the medium lo 12LTt blillOD, IJ.5 bthk:JI\ leu ell.I and 1n•ualrlal·l71'1 f1cllltte1 anc~a• compliance V:-Oblem1 wbtct. faellltatea the .. ,rht ngt than w. had thNt ~ aJ'O -It recommended wbolua.11 -and •trenJth•n pubUc confi· or our cooda llnd aervtca. (and we n°" ha" _.. cur- 1llmlnatlon -a.od alren~enlnS dmce In the tacome tax. Moel money (•llhlJ l iv& ,,.t reney tn circulation than ln ltM), J'rlV&t. lndualr)I. NICIU.£ U:IORT.t.01! cent) u.«1 In tl'I• United sti:l.d Acalnlt uu. .upply of pLd tor· Thf DtifenM Department bu Control.J..pro and co~bort· ia-c:unency lllued by th• Feder&! elsa ttml• and SoYemmtnta h••• n1ade much ~but It ran ..,.-.. ot nickel and prime ec:rep a-rve Banka. 'th• "Fed" dOll clalna tota11ln&' JiS.I billion. a.Ioul of a few member• of Con.-ar1 N!Y\'rin.I' rumor• th•t IJOYttn· not own Sold to back up lhlll cur-whic:b Ul•Y1 'rDA7 o:eh&n(• tor (J'fl•-lh•Y aot luckl from • merit con~ may be a~y ruicy. Fede.ral Ratrv• Banke sold 1.t any ti.me. 'Fhll lea'fH J& taw ~enl •mp Io ye e •· to apr'Md 1.vallabl• suppliea. own "Sold cert.lllel.t&I." wbtch billion 1n (Old u • ,.......... tor Hence, ~ "r1df:r" ... devtMd. A. 7el, lhr.'• hu bMft no r9preMnl owneralllp of gold tn our money 1Uppt)' • .Aeootdlnl to Chairman Carl Vin.on (0-0&.) noUoea.bl• prea1ure from Cepltol Fort Kno1 and otMr feden.I de· 1'}.W; U.8. Ol.lrHllCJ' '6 e&.rwlaUon of the HouN A.nned ServtcM HiU on the Eisenhower 1.dnlll'lla· pc»ttoriu. '1\d memMr ' busk ~lta CommlttL-W ,.,ell·known ed-tntlon tor Ushtenlnl ••port "So wfi.at! We don·t actuall1 (totalllnr 149.I WUloftl muat be TOCale of national defrn.e -controa o'(lr prtm• lttap a.n,d DM4 lbl old a . What 111 becked bf • foid NRn"• of wanta to ellmtnata the "rider." alloc&tk>n r-rulalklni on nkJtel 1 UM? r!. co=-~I the d .. tweftt7 ·"." ,_ C*A"' Wiits~ with H• knowa ll lnterferu with Compla.lnta 'to Con.In• have c~ am'ount of pld wlllch ovr pr191911t wJP17..t' cwr.c7 la proper ope7Uon of the depart· come majnly from am.all UH':'I UI• UDited Stat• bu depo•Hed o•er SU bOui;-bl f"l-mtnl. ~ who M\erae that larpr lDd1111-tor rnern purpoeM ! Everyon• '1""49'«e. t/. ~ •r-·--wn POLITICAL AGENCY trlft &« lakln( the bulk or in tll& United 8tatea and au of would 1nunadl&tal7 ---UWilt Small buatn ... -Th• chc1e 1.vaJlabl• 1uppllu not needed fot the wurl4 accepta th• OOlla.r 1.t c&aimi af&1ntl • ,,. ~ be that UI• Hou.Ml Small Bwllneu delenM purpoaea. tace ... a1~·· om k ){iJSOa ~ _ttl Mftrw Committee hu been converted AdmlnillRllon oppodenta of TnM at lh• Hnt time, doJ· t.M ~ft..,.. oml 1ePJ n- J tnto a. poUUc&I asency -a controla •f'IUI lhat IUCh • Iara ~,.. acc~ed ln tr.de ...,. \o IMICll: F Cllr'fWICT· chat'(• ~lch ha.a been br.wtnr c:oune or aeUon would not pro-thf'OU&hout ·the world, and be-Wll'f .. ln Coner--tor mon\.hl -bu Yide mor. meW. ceuae or thll Ut• unll.ed stat• tllb 1 now come tnlo th• open. The :'Ml tear I• , th,t.t 90m1 enj trad dvantage over Why ~ II~ deV1lop· Rep. William Hill (R·Colo.) New and h-lr Daal con,-r.eamen ll:Kll~ot• th• 0~1: nallona of the ed 7 W~ ttial our lndut· declared that the O.mocraUc may tlnd It politically 111pedlent world Who do not poalUll doll•n trla.I P •porl of J>ro- major1ly hU k't!pt the mtnorllY lo u•e the pleN ot t0m1 1r~ or iold and c:onNQUantly m1.11t ~ict,I have been •l an •II time In 1rnorance of tnvNUptloM-menta ot lll'lall buallleu td pree-ruort to 1' lorm of barter ln ;:.h .. ~urlns the ~t t~ yeara. lhlit tt i.. conducting "1mall wr• the &dmlftl.rtntion Into CN'der to Mil their good• 1 Y tn Ulol olalnient I• ou- buatnua" lnvutlptlon1 p r I· mol"'I riJtd eOS1ll'OiL . · oontlnued Pr"OJT9ft' of tor•llJI _.\.CCICPTABILITY -nomk aid . .acb )"9a1' a sre:a.t • • Grass Roots OpinioD:t ... OOUPEVILLE. WN., COURIER: "One of our primary edttoria.l policie1 will be to create an Interest in loal government. Thia purpose ia founded on the fundamental belief that a trUe and working demo- cnllc federal governmeot i.1 baatd on atrong 1mall unill of democratic self-government such u Pl found tn amall cities and town•. We believe that 1tron1 democr&cle1 at the very core of our llfe will protect u1 from dictatori&l tendencies of government on high· er Ievel.e." ELDORADO. KAN .. TIMES: "No loncu will 1 government employes be di•mialed becaueetof4~ told behind their backs by anonymoua ~onnm. Wbo annot be faced and crou..examined. The. ~ Court of_ Appeal.a for the Ninth or Padfle Oout df.. cult recently ruled that without 1ucb CODlrontatJon oo on• could hav.e a fair chanoe to defend btmwlf. ne Ju.ttce dt:partrQent baa decided not to appeal t.biit declaloo to the Supreme c!urt. It t.hercfore ataada. The court 1truck a aolid blow for freedom." -rhe excetWve bw'den la.id on the Chief Executive i. the harvest of the inordinate powen which have become Ct'.ntettd in the fedt'ta1 government ... Samuel J . Kornhauser, in The F.reeman The prim• conalderatlon of an)' portion ol our prodUcUon bu mon.,, whethe.r It ba the puo. left our ahol'-. not a. rood• fer the ruble, th• pound. or the dol· aale e..brn.d, but u pa.rt of t~ lat, i. acceptabUll7. The accept· (oretsn econorntci -.td "'(lv•way'' ~llllyof mOMJ ii det1nntned by prosnm-Th'-~ of export It& l!:OWlidnMa a.nd the conMqUerll lnft dOM Dot d9cNMt I.ha fl.Ith In tt which enauN. Tb• ctal1n1 ot torelptt11 on our (Old aoutldndl i. detll'fl'\lned by UM aupply, but, oonvtn111, •me- llllent to whtch lh• unit of rnon•Y time.a Wn4a nJ&UYa.11 to lacreue '9 backtd bJ conunodlUN of lo-their ell.lml _.tiwt • ., atvlns trtMlc value !pkt. lilver, tlC.) ~em l'OOda that U.., ll'lfctlt havt and th• reput.UOn ot th• fOt"'!rn· purcl'laa.d, melt to r'ldffm 111• note In lhlll Not &11 I .... na.UoN hav• commodity upon dllna.nd .• The bendltled ~J' rrom our tor. United StatM 11i., m&lnta.Jned • aip aid ~. Som• cf the JOOd reputation. Thia reputaUdn n1tlon1, not.ably 8rlta1n and. ~!)" ha• made the dollar M.>eept.ble. tnark, h•V• bffft 101inf their 1old Ill tact. juat u 1.CCf!plable ':' J01d f"lllM!rv9111 too. On UM otl'11r hand, In all parU or the world. ,110me al Lb• a.ai.a ot tbl world Although our .upply uf money now hOh! Jars• cle1me aratn at fa.irnru:y rn t:trcutaUont---hU IA· our cold ~. w .. ten1 Ger. c........t smiUJ durlnr the put Y hu • endlt~IUOn,- ooup1• 0( ytar.a. Lhe relative 11up. Tra.nce ·~-Canada mo~ th&n & p!J ftl. ro1' ba(:_kitW up tbt.. cur-111lonn1on llM!h, .Ja.pU\ n•l1Y 1 bu. rtncy hu ~. In •hort. the I ILn(I 8'1.1t.aertand and lt.i1 United 8tatM pltJon In gold lll mPnll than lhrM.fCNl'tJMI 0( a. bll• blcomtnr .ulnerable. whlch could Uon. m19n much t?OUblt 1t • war l'.>r 8\nc1 World Wu n ever $60 ftaaocla.I crtat• llhOU\d occur. Bil· btlllon In roocs. havt MM lve lklM al"d blJllOM ot dollan In to aat1on11 1n a.11 pan. 0 f ttirt ci.1m1 11.r• ,iu~r up IQ forelp world. Th• trf.fect of .ft.I• .. 1., 1 '-'D. Aa Ions 1111 Ute t•lt.11 of 1.w•y''''-.,,.tolMIJ atfectl 1 0 "" OUIU peoplH of lhei wor1' 11'1 our SOid r......,, ... At the ••M:-l1 u.r ctollar 11 malnt&laed. .,. an ool Ame.rbn PfOd•umt. oe ~ In 111rkn~ dltnet1n1. uow...-. If Deft onJ7 179 tnllhOn :::: 1u lhey l09t t.ttl'I In our wut ot 90ld to UM Unli.t Ital• ,:;:-1 1• I.,_., Md wtll not e.«'Pt our ta:i per ounc., n. btdu«rlai l &t ~ •t taca ....-.. ID lrldl. •t r-Mlmpllon f>f tok1 l) In 1:ot1· lout truu111, ·t-ot-Al'M1"k'• ftu,rtit °"'' ai oo nnn~ ,.,.' 1 du•lry I• I • ea r. 11111c ~ t'.JICCllr •• be9'l'l •n •ddlUona.I 11 l:M\:.au.t of th• lM:rUMJ claim.a <.u1 col.J ruei~ea. ""1 • or • . ' .. .. • -• ~ . ~ -• --·-~ I'---.. --_.._ . ! ... .., W· , I -.---..:. I.On *-AC,"' ·c:..T. •ul.. • • , -'!lci~i!'!!i!'l'!"!'"!!.:---.'..' .;•!!:::!W~r :~' "'ll1•r~, ·~·~· --::==~a!:~!!!!E!!'~l,,!!' a • 11 • ; • ..... -" . --.-· •· . ,. · -I _ • ~ NEW!OIT HAWloi.NEWs.PRf!• ;1.ill.11 • P.A&E.l WE ""'T IT · , ... _ ~ ... ..., · 8NllliL -· ===::=;;;!'~~~~~14~· ~·""~-="""=" ...t VV ~~,.;;i ~-.._._ ......... ......._ • R.OU.1t & Repaired ' it · ,.._~':"" ·~ --. =.• .:-..::: .;'~-= • as1 7 -·~. w ... -I!.!!'" ~-~ ''~ , ~ ~ -' .. ~ ;.'!':.,":°' &t ~ ,.. -# l\Cj.l Ar• Tired Ke9ping it ir nw aa..ue =••ed,....... w~.~~t;Mt\i., ~Ana (. I/LR , -..rd W I......._ ...... _,.. .., • .,.._,. '" Sfaahecl 0.:r Priee1 On it ~ or 1 f "(-11e10 .... ~:i."'.:~~ ~ With· the v~i.";.,_ 0e·a1er . .. ~-=-.. ' -'• ' . u -"'-' GIRLS ' c. • . ' . !! ,!* 'If , 51• ,•p · GOOD NEWS! LEARN SPANISH ap.•• om•••• ''" l.illllllt ia QOOQ ~ &.U,.AftT • )'OOI' bome or om.., ., 1,_ wl~ ~l ~ hi a pobli-t.. I R1h -J oompln1 ""' ~ ~ ~-,,.,... ,,_, <,..: .... ~t. ..,.,..... ' rut+ .PAJ' .. )"Oii ..,. tl'&lned. -Opet.ftp tw - Telepbone Opei;atorw . Mo ,~ pc :11•pll or ....... ....,.. .,, ..... .. ............ ooetact '· .. MQl..4.- · You Come & Get It · ' •tt.11UDtO ... ~-·"~ ...... ,... , UUllC . ~-.. --· ................ -. ' COMPLl:'n:\ HOUBl:llOLD J'tJIU'WllllNGS • l•.._P:;'IJOIS. ·~ .-~ IPINET <qU '"I , FULL PRICE CLOTHING J'OR THE l!:NT1RI: i'AJ41LY ,,,._.,-.· "t,lj ""1iZ"'..::i = =:..'':i, '55 PLYMOUTH Bel~edere,S.den ..... : ... $1495 ~ WXAT Tflll .ova R1:811U.O" , , It' AAL ~ ~ ou.tbo!U..a IO a,. ~ Rmtal return. . Beautiful red & white fully factory equipped m>lf an........ .... .....,., . Open lloa., Wt4,.' l'rl.., Sat ntt.e. 'tll g ... ,-boat.. fl" 1*m. ..,.,..,.kl, ea.. 1100. Oon'nl!Climt t.vma at • ' ., VETERAN8 l!lllU8ftmi 402 Ji, *TH ,=:::-~ -""'\.~ w.:..~."3..:=:.:..~ ..... '5.5 CHEVROLET 210 4~r. •.ed. ____ : ____ $1495 --------=~--..-....;:.:.::,.:::..::.;.::.:•'-1;;--;;;;--;-;:=-=-:==,..-:::=°I ~·--· ... ,, Silver cnY aad IWl be!c•· Radio. beatu, ,...,, .. , ........... not w. '! ... ~ .. r;.. ........ ~ ~1 ' . . ;, • , t :IO to t :10 p.m. -APl'IJ - , -lt ft. Lnu.B .. -. ....,. --..c~ ..... J .. -.... ..._,__ -''=t f·-•y car ~llO'!:~·!!-~!!!!!!·~·~INl~----laz-..ll'1inltme fer -·~ lildtt, 1'11111111 • ....,. ~·,..--i--"f"l"l-.:::: ·~·-. . •. -aw» . -B01J111D'Ut; ., ....,..,.,. w, !!t":'·,::'°,,.:'1.".a: c,\linoWANTE!tliii !:tdonlco '55 OLDS. H~lidey Cpe. --··~---·· .. ·· $2396 SEWING MACHINES .... -... tt. a-..,.. 7:/r.,f-eomplotelj TV L li.1 • ,. ,Be&l\.tlfU1·2 too. ,,_. Oae ·owner cu ' Rent A Machine "'-..,..., .. ...,,. "''" ._ -..... ,.. ...,. · l'fru\;) I ''I ~.• 1 ," $3.50 PER MO. _ "''""'" _,.. .. -••· """" .,.. ..... ..ur ..... <....,. -'-a."""'' '55 FORD C4inver1ible ........... dn. PYm!· $ 299 ... I 1'1 M •. "L ! I · . lU w. Int 8L . 'J: 9L .... ... :, Roy's M~tn+,,.~nc•i -P-ACIJ'l_c_~ __ o_NE_ ~ ~mplffe Profe11lonel &OME J'Rl:lC. llCllDe tee. ;: , Houaecleenlng AppLLcaDU n-W. 1hNl1 office Jo;N. A.llo nAwrant and domMUc.. lil&t!y Jobi for q u.aWlad men. ReJiatar now, Jwi.e .rarnr. J:n\y1. A.ICY· tn1 toom. dJnlns J!"OUP· A.JI llaftDr" ....._W. 16c1& W\&U.S ~plet. to 70ur •et. 1 Coatintnt.&1 ~t. l'uO -7' --utra &dded. Mo n"" WIUo ......,_ ....... -.a 95 ~--• ··-, RSE .............. ,............ TRADE ••• Be&utlful-newhlte. floqt-w'ulnr aM liuttlng • Window Oeentnc Oj>bolllts<J a..m.1 Patioo Color WU*! Lustrowi Rewlta ' s~i..c.:::er ~<E.:?i:.~ ~T~ ;;·~ ~.::: ....... ., • ..,. "':~:1 THE. ABOVE~ NEw FORD REAL ESTATE B&luman wll.b Santa Ana WhH.., 101& &. l•t. •t. 'au.ta Wa.at &mall• boat or ~'1°· J'lC A All Hammond Kar· • • 1oca1 n:perlence, work lnde· Ana. <>pea d&Uy .... au'n. lt-1. 1t20 w. a..Iboa 81'14.. Newport. wood tuner. lt•t. ALSO llANY TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 402 \§i 32Ad St.. NpL Buch ! ICl"ON from Qt)' Half I , . REASONABLE pendent. \\'e iipeCla!iu In -::-::-::-:-::--::-:-:::-.---U=i~Pho;;:,,.;:"';.;'..,..:'.:'.'.':..· ----,~--Bartlor 3051. Mtlc 1102 No. Main, Banta Ana PRICED FROM I e.creaie. Top o0mmJD1on. -r_ ' SLIP tot,. ... __ ..... .lo•,·a• It. Kl 1-1100 ' lOcl:Z W'l'ite bolt No. p.3f thll paper. PERS l AN' SOICBARA. BE-Frill: ROOM.I of sood tumlture -._ ....,GI $59 up llcll LOUCH. C.niU.R&lr, .H.A.M..&• con.i.tttnc of; O'KHfe A or larpt". Prtn.te Ooc:k. BAI'" ~-PICR MONTH pod p&"acllce Pi..;;,; Liberty a, 1112 ·, ttci ..... i.DIES Do ~·or ttet acbaf Z. IJF,AJfNtl:OK aMdedf ....,..Alt~tor ---~-------:_ DAN, SAR UK, KER.MAN Merritt ranae. 1arre RfriJ•?a· bOr UIO. e ttc plaao. let U.. ldddiu learn. acatter rup. Mwl lf.1J tr~ tor, dbllng room .-t, 10-pc. All term Hilt allowed on buy tlonorl(i.nal•alue." ORIENTAL llvlq room anaembl-. 2 bed· WANT TO BUY Good practiee planoe 1186, EXPERIENCED marine tn&ine mecka.nlca --yacht palntera- bQat buUtlera A yacht ca.rpen- ter1. Apply at ya.rd ottlce. SOUTH COAST COMPANY N1wport Blvd. at l!rd SL • fk l l ----------R&AL !:STATE l!A.LEBXA.N - wanted for esta.bllahed ottlcl!'. Muat have IOC&l a.perience. Call BOB-JONZ& Barbor 2313 kll l"'llg• uperttf repalNd. z.. room 1111ca., ,tulll ~· A.LBA'l1l081 or Mercury eloop '1415, 1171. $Ul:S. SCHMIDT· tlmate1 frff, Puabman'a 1755 B&Janc. due $179. Pey $5.~ u7 eondlUon. Bar. 189&-W • PHIUJPB Big Piano aod Or· f.:. Cout Hlibway Oof'OD& dd a week. I 10cl1 pn Store, 520 No. Main, M1tt. kll HUB FURNITURE Banta Ana. Eaay tarma. I I -llf•loel, _ .. TV 500 W, Cent.er SL, .Anaheim Knowlton Electronlca DESKS-FILF.S--CHAIRS I ----''---KEy--''"_ .. __ ... _02_• __ _ Radio -TV Specials TV REPAIR OOKPLllTE bu.Tmlll\ RUl Ont11C-Count)"'a Larpst llel«UOB Leopold i:x,euu.-. ........... 8 lM1 C>mo. ""'1Utur. .-.dlo and uu.mil* wW1 4 RENTA.UI • ROOKS of ttne qua.lily turN· aJaropbont,, from lO to 180 r.AaT .VJCID. a&l.80MABLE DUNCAN PHTl'I: l)'ra table A t lyra b&ck daalra. 17:5. Har. 4704 . llcll tura. Haa juat bHn releuad met.-coli. '11&. 8erTtca ca1l8 Ull I p.m.. ANAffEDI · · LI M:IOI MARK DOW~ING FORD, INC. . . WHERE THE CUSTOMER IS THE MOST IMPORT ANT TlllNG IN 1'HE AGENCY TWO BIG LOCATIONS HWY.39 at PACIFIC COAST HWY. LEX~ 225 E. ~tb St: LEX 11-21566 IJUNTINGI'ON BEACH R-E·O Swecrish Massage . ,, ,._.--.. ..... Mii Riu'tlor'tTll for public ....._ InckldM bed· lllVl:ft.AL TV'I that haYI beeD 1 --------~--· 1 OFFICE FURNITURE OJ, _room rrou.p. 7-plaoe d1.n.. lf"OUP· comp&atdJ' rebuilt tnclud. new t1" TaA.VELER t...t. modi!'! h . 113 a. Palm lCEyatou a..n =~ 41.:~ A mat.chins plcluN tube. completa wtth tabl• 11411.ll:i Aut ortzed Distri butor • lrutlor TO. MU OOLLDIA, ,8N6ad. 11. i.w JUjOr. W,.W like em~l EXPERIENCED woman not over K~1 ....,.. w..Usda 4 a • 11ie 1e to all aportawur 6: 10t11itJ11i: a ........ Depaadabla. aew In new local. ahop. Write ...-a&. SJ'caaon ~ dur-Jiving quallnc&tk>rw to Spence las ~ 6 Har. 1211-J w-.111:· Hand Print-', 817 Nothlu Bl .. _.. llttc Claremont. kll EXPl:IU&NcmD LADY dalr9m NEED Coo k a. Waltrt.&11•11 ~Hplftc poelUon'" 4 11nar&.1 di1hwuher1. Man 20 • ~ eir~ WMk; h'nral )'ffh In-l'l'l lh mech11nic1! back~unil. ·~ w:p. Har. Ml1·W, lplO 8 A Y VI Bl W EJ.fPLOYMENT AGENCY 2827 W, 0out Hwy. !'twport Beach. U l--6002. 8'10 -----------1 r. mp ..... wtU. tabl• A . run price. SO-S-Anollaace. lampa. 1961 w..d«.woocl tha lf .. .Admtrs) con.ile --tit.to llOI No. Ma.In, Banta An• U:. bll CP all aut.omaUc with Ro-KI .. TlOO I U-rle. Brand· -· -"--. 11" ZUUtb conaot. _ 179.116 Ocl:Z USED Wed1ewood Rania. Tba ......... .., I blr tO" mod.al will!. •¥eryth1nr. 10~ ni. n . Retrtc. You won't HOf!'maD muola ·····-·-···· '*·•::s GRAND Planm m&n.J UM new, rd, dn. to ,148,, •. from or1r. have to pay aa1 down pymt. )lqon1 A 1 l;l&mlin, ~lent I $38-4.00. Al8o O.ner.J Electric Ju.at pay the pymU. of U .82 TV SERVICE CALLS oon41Uon. Story A Clark. Rt.Cris. Bir ll·ft. •utomaUc. per wttk. Balance dlll 11 Knabe, Edmund Oram, one r d. ttn. to 1111::s.88. A.I.lo Gener-1878.H . Ste lhlfr hu,. t0,000 $2 .00 only $4M . A.noth•r ••1115. Ma.ny al Electric automaUc waaher, aq. ft. wMe. Bee Ba.uchn'• other wondmul buya ln pla11oa. the tilter tlow. Pd. dn. to i'um. Factory Wh81!., 101:5 IC. ANYWHERE A.l'fT'nKE Come! Look! SCHlO.DT·PHlL- 1187,92. No dn. pymL on any lat St .. Santa Ana. Open dally T I . . S I d UPS Bis Plano Store. Sanu 11-11, sun. 11-0. Ph. Kl T·M87. e ev 111on a II on Ana. ::s20 No. Maln -st~ 100 or these. You c:a.n buy one or all or t.11em. See Ba..u.rhn'• -.,.. Servi"c e Pianoa: Horfl.e or th• Ham· •u HOUSEFUL of tu.mitu", lt'1 d O Fac:torv WhM .• 1016 m. lot Bt.. • • ... ,,. l \fO mon rpn. • . ., re&lly nice. lncludea 10 p1ec:e1 ...... GARDEN)NG end CLEAN-\Jfi JOBS WAl:>ITED UBERTY 8-6139 0-~K WA-G 8&n\A Ana. Open da.ily 9·1, of Uvtnr room, I pl..,, ot dJn. ,.....,. ... ''"~ S 11-8 Ph Kl , ... , 21" Mva.vROLA mtW conaole. FOR BROKER OR SA.I Jr•M-...~ --~~---·--· ~--'-·~-tn.r room, bedroom lnclud1n1 1906 deano mod.el $lff,lli. Permanent 11.'WI CEii ..L l:\OOkCNe ~nl, m&tl.ttaa 2102 No. Main. Santa Ana •OVER 100 YE.A.RS OLD. VIOLIN Should know k>c&I .,..._ 1 A.PPLIAN ' Bolh lppli-6 m irror. Wt ba¥e t0,000 9e1. KI S·TlOO l 0cl2 Ra.r. 2321 daya. 8c:JO Now 24 Hour SERVICE on . -T rutk Repairing * ALL MAKES * Eliminate coaUy tie-up1 In at S p.m. -Out at 7 a.m. Since 1933 SEE US FOR GOOD USED TRUCKS ED. THOMPSON Garage 61tto ance• had ona owner. 111111 fL of tumltw-. here. 'nlbi con--~~:.:::_:._ _____ .==1 ----------- tOonfldt:nUaJ) Phlloo Refrtc". Tbe d911')' Dar trac ..,..,. dJl. I PUB'l'll A o,and, .....U B;IOR. eaii Call Blanche Gata, model pd. dn. to U3t..OI, pay t r--to SJll.lt. 1'97 B 1 14" Tabla Model -·····-·-' 21.'&o (Corner 3rd It French) ~ Dr bn JIPC. nune. •t Harbor 19'71 lclO on!y .._., par mo. Wblrlpoel ol\J¥ JS,4.7 per wML Alk tor cue dama19 ln , ahlpplnc. 14'" BJl-..ata, eon.;a. 1111 ll:i 1-6161 · A paUent refL U I ____ __: ____ __::= automatic wub.-, UMd 1 moa. Robart.9 1'Um.. See Baushn'• h'elrbt co.• factory pq. )"OU 17"'01.)'mpkl O:iuol• .::1 6'.00 Phone KI 2-23'3 Santa An& . ,.,. MACH .. INISTS """'-.,..,...,. Wboo.. ,.,. z. ....... m..,.,. -ICJOllDT· ,.,. p ........ ,..,, ... ------------------. ii:'i.~ C:.n:· i::·J: ,!; ltt St., Banta Ana. <>pm 4&11J PBILLIH PO N. M&tn. a.A. pk:tun tube --····--• ll.OO IF YOU DON'T KNOW USE C WASHING & """'"' "" uoond apmon~ ... IT p<r mo . .u1< ,0, "''" .... Bua.. u.a. Ph. Kl T..wr. ILUOlOND "'--. A Big Trade-Ina Oil new • D ARS 8tf'ady wurk. Sornf' avertltna. --. ... 1 IR ONIN°G Aak 10• "'-Bu.Ol<k " ~'"'" 8" _ ... , """'-A HOUSEFUL ,.... Of~·-~· °"' ,.....,. RCA Victor TV"a KNOW YOUR DEALER , Fa~tory WM., 1015 m, lat. St.. J'ol' 121 a mo. CHORD ORGAN, one BV ~w~~S~g;.~~~ Santa Ana.. b pen dally 11·1, 171156 CE Jtetrtr. lllOI tu.ll alM Bomt Mod.el both WCa n.ew. TARTER 'J,'ELEVISION SELECT -BONDED CARS • BY plecti or by bou.r. w .. t waah or N:IU,tl dr'7. llf • ll IOU!, Coat& Meaa. C&ll u t.-15211 • lttc 7 c20 JSwi. 11-6. Ph. Kl 7~8f.' eutomact.lc ran11, 7 pc. Lt"t". Don't wait If )'OU wlah to uo. JCut Cnaat Hlatiway Rm. Do I pc. bednn. comp. in&ltl• a sood •a• l •I cm Corona 011 Mar· ftEi'RJGER.A.TOR. •% c. t. rd. 6 pc. dt.D~I aeL the ~·· fl•••l Orpna. HU. lloUl AT LOWEST PRICES - YOUR NASH DEALER 16Uo ~· DRAPERIES end SLIP COVERS llad9 to Order llltlmatei -kmplee LUCUJ.E DRAPERJES Harbor MM or 6693 • EXPEIUENCED man •would llkt l&Uc • wor\ ....wis at lllncbeorui • ----------- wtirklnl cond!Uon. $2&. 605 A.JI brand DN", 134. dn. 8CBMID'I' • PHILUPI Home TV . La.rUpv.r, CdM, call Harbor TICtJO l'URNm1Rll ot O\.I Hammond Orpll. 120 -----------1 1128-R dr Har. 8333. llpll Open Mon .. Wad. ·at J'rl. nu 9 No. )bin It., &ult& A.aa.·Oood. 11'1 KotoROLA' 8londii lil-1'1 2309 W ltL Banta Ana Twau.. II mo. oonaok. WU a demo. a rtaJ rftEEZERB. lllCI Admiral Holdll t40 II». Pd. dn. to 11811.IM.. Pa)' ~.,,--,--.,.-,----,.,.-----='::°'=':c I PL.A Yl:R piano BALDWIN com· buy for 12'.t.n tull prlca. only $9.16 per mo. N.w Gen· FoR BA.LI: Cheap -Kitchen l)l•tely racon41\10M4. pla79 2102 No. Ma.In. Santa Ana era.I l:lectrlc 11 % cu. ft, Bal. calllneta. rtlhlnr t&c!kla. Roda ....... roU.. J'\lft tM tiually Kl l ·TJOO 10Cl2 1231.U , pymt..a. only $1 1.10 per and Raf!l1. Bed Davenport A roqm. faT6 •JUcbl.IUOll Tac.ht 2 &LllCTRON1¢ OrC&IUI 'Uki mo. Norr• 14 cu. tt. Pd. dn. chair. l Grfffl onntuffed A.nchon.p.. H;ar. 4113. Jtfc new. our prlc. onl1 1675 up WARP S. LEE, INC. 1236 S. Main St. Saata Ana 9cll toPft.oe. P"Y only 111.8.1' pl!'!' <:hair -:ZBt.rrel chalra. oc· 21 .. PACKARD BELL T.V. _ SCHMIDT-PHlJ...LIPS Bil Or- mo. Ha.va hundre<Y or oilier ca.atonal chair•. 4 dlntn1 room ft.Miao.record p1ay11r comltina· llln • P lano Stor•. 6JO No. &" Aul05 for .,,, dfM• ;..ru ... Local rtf. t yrt .,. ta~ Kew-port l'acht Club. Har. ~·· . 10pl2 H~ND BRAIDED RUGS appUal\CU lo look at. 8e't c:hal.-. with , rreen R)a•Uc lion. ltMI modcl-IM .t6 f\'lll Main, Santa A.nL Ona SolovOJr --------~-----~Auto& for Sale • l'JU:lr,1 JNSTR.VCTIUN &u1hn'1 Furn. FactOry Wl\ae., eeai..i. 2 twin al&e roll arvu.nd price. 1160. ' ORDJ:R.I T4KEN . tol5 a:. lat sL. senta A.na. bed• wtth mattru.e1. 1 twin 2102 No. .Main &ant.a Ana -----------NEARLY NEW. Mteaerechmldt 55 Mercury ••ontcle1"r ~ UC'llNISD bJ U.L Ooiut..Ouard .All nft' materlal• avallabl i . Open tl.eU_y 9·11. Sun. 11-:i. Ph. al.Ze eoll 1prla1"' A lnl'ler aprln1 Kl 1-TlOO ' llkl2 ~p., OMa, Peta I wheel motor acoottt. 2 palls m • :tt; ~ a114 m..-tpte power llbr7 l'tJudA. 1115 B. CaL 81 ,..,._ KI 7-6487. rnattt'MI -1 walnut JIUlftJ' enrer. 90 mUa ptr pllon. RadJo, beater, white ...U., • IMpt.t.•M n..._ blra, will r .. -..... Bcl&.HY Lind. bed A dn:NIP:r. Unotewn IPDflDTPIANOL.A.Dwondm1'W .&.KC $795 M~mattc,-1teer-• ..,,_~orftablllsboata. --a.tt 4-78118. t7ttc WH.rJ'I\. klt.cben r&zll'e, claan, -1 s pc. bed. w,. 11\&ftJ all&"bUJ UMd. rftl:l-,... 1 , S&f r-~-'. .. ~!"'':"· Tpll 1'1.1.T TQP ..,.....t utility • ..._ liM •-· '60. Lll-TNO. llclO rn.Uth Bt.. '"•L !kb.' ., Rt..,.._ ,,_ _...,. a.giaterad.o.dlehanchi '200 ......, -'"' .,..._ Ing. ety balta. A -- -a.acaun.i ~ Wood. pl'O'f'. I r:r. OOU>Vol' nfrtr. ... lop""U Maple. 1'1on4 J:bQay. l.4ht pµrPIU BTtJ:i> D:l\VlCIC beald:lf:Ul nd &Dd. wblte. · '.'' '~S =. ~ ':! ::;::"' .... ::': -:".;,.."':" ..... ~ N'T.1 1·n..-&-.U _____ ------'-!:;"~ 1:1;, 'i:ro '° 1:::._ 1.,~ .... ~ ... u .. !."~ _ COTION 60FF-$2195 ·FUµ. PRICE . · zra-".!!!t'!. • u. ...w . ..,. ,._. ·-. . = -,,.. .._.., """" ..,.. . -r-' ' tpt2b Th V I'--D I ~'"'--rm. cbalr. L&rse maroh. d,.... MA.NG~. IRONl:lt -A rood Tall Gable Country HOUK Kbnlle.ll. Aeroeanic Bptaeta. e o uwagen •• er New '56 Ford ~tt .. .._ t. .. P. tn. ll'IS table A mirror, coffee buJ at $41. U 1-44~. 10cl1 ... ''"""Q·•1'1:'C!I trom f'CG. Many oUle:I' fft&l _,. •aL 1-...,_....:.,. Newport B!"t"d. at ttnd 11" •";T. ... COit.a KW •-t.t-.. -·-"'bl H .l!U, A.&: UaD llUJI. 100' PMao9 (o c,tioo. --., _ _, H&rtlol' t. ,,.._ ...,.. .. ~·-a. ar. 3361 Nk rl 8'10 · . • . -"'~ kll 81\A.ND n...-. Norp automatic • ·va e\y aull!.anUc aritlqu•, Cl'Ola a.wand uad, 80fD(J!7f. ==-==,...-~---..::.= wuflar. Thia la thelt mOlt ex-eolored sta-, \Jn.Ill, tontr. PHI.LLlPI Plano A Or(U ...L:!. ~l"\Ct-,Jft..IG Hdr POINT n!fl'IJ. 6 cut tron penalve model. Hu lllumtnat· pewter, llmpa, tutnttun, from Btou alnce 1914. 112·0 No. SEU YOUR CAR Let RIOH !ielp Yoo. f!li'~,l.l, atnk. lOl&·Z. BaJbo& BIYd .. -'ed coatrol dial. Bir 12-ll~. tub. tnexperudva &flt tteru to tbt Ma1n, Banta~ ~ ODD~~~ UP.. B&lti.. 10 Th• aJllator, A.tety pta' lld A flndt A ruMt for lbt..t.~t.or. --------------- .... ' DAT OR wmmi: Feet Hurt? ''""· Be.I. on thla 11 •t21.11 lt171 Harbor Blvd., Banta Ana Panon.a.lly ael«t9d , VS 'A ton pkkup MUST SELL AT ONCE McCARTHY'S 1420 • SANTA 8o •. M'airi ANA . ~-~ ~= haa that e11tra clt:at1 , overflow KATHRYN ANN lutll'll BIG.SAVJNGS ·oN·NEW .. ' . :r mnnunm KIMBALL SPINET WoWd coat you re:plarly 12lfc PAID l'OR OR NOT McOl.rt'1 P&.J"• Morti NEW I< USED CARS TAKE A.DVANTAGll ot ila m&nJ yearl of · e11pertenee at a top nofth met".hanlc. -----------·· ..-r.z ....-•LI M:Mt Try Knapp Shoes pn.oo. No ceah, Jwit pay PIANOS! -~· . lpll • IOO W 111.10 ~r mo. &e BMllM'• SS-Boo.bt. Sapph °"' blr "ON-IN -u • ....DY DtOKUt'O ta ...,. holba. • ltt St.. Santa AU rum. h ctory Wh.M.., 1010 I:, '-'--''-"'=~"-==---.... .... c-~-110IEDIA,.. DELIVERY oJ ~ tHo -ii c,... Barbot 1111. Kilnberl1 J..)017 bttora 10 a.m. ltt BL, Banta Ana. Optn dall.f TURT'' tacto17 movins Wm· RICH HAHN-'S new Renl.Wt 9ldUl. 60 mlir • • tel& bit attar t P· m. 119Uc: M Bunda 11-a Ph KI -6411 BOAT BUYS ball pLano ...i. "°" Paa on t~Avtol for a.t... 40" & 29'TB 81'. ptr pllon $1UI. · ,-----------1-------'------I ' y . . T , (for a Urn1'4d "--onlfl· A ~ ,. St ' Wlnalaw eux. ech60n1r. 1lpa. -Harbor f.721 Nawport 8M('h KAUllK&N • WAT80N LUO 8. Main Kl 2-3807 ~""· ....... ~o .. •ny Attn: Property Owner•. 11-Waated to... 8, wry room7. 13 b.p. Uni· world tamoua ~ball cu be 'M OU>ft ....... ROl:IDAY -.1N2 Barbot-oa.ta .lf&w lv.ll"W '"' u 1 )'OUts at lnme.adoUI •vlllp. RltR -New W.8.W. -er PLYllOtn'H 'ti t door. C\ean: tuc vecrsa , Col aystem _ ... $to00 • ..._, 1-~ ~.., ~-1---------.::..:: .Aad'~ ...rtL 11)' htMr· Ah yo11 ~ 1our water on.... prtca ...... ,.. fOlt --.. ~ -GOii-.-~ bNkee .... ateeri111 -VERY a:ood tlrt:11 It radio 117$. Har • ... -t....., ~,...... ~ ~? ·-,, ..--a · Aux.. ..llloop, alpL ~ pUe1. tantta at. ' et.mA.N..:..aano.. JOM..W e"9. 1613·1(, an.er f:.30 p. m. lclO •&-Dra a Parta ~ .. 941. lel• J UN K n.-. ...u. -~· .. ··-·-.... -.. 12.000 &ILU'l:R8 unnoe llOT) 10pJ2 ~::.::......:..:...-c:-:....:'---c-:c-=--1 ~~=!;!!~~E.~~---. LD0TED OFFER $2.50 l2l-OJ l'f. l!lf<!UDON. But.a Ana -----------'::: ·w l'ORD 'MIDOR -Full bot - !!!ptf:!!l)"I • ==·"" ·•~ ,....., '""' '°""'' ......_ ........... u · ;.=~!::'.'':' =-..,";: .-..imn-MITI w~...,!~..:::;.~·,;:: ::'.:°,.,"'~.:':"'= NewandUMd TRUCK ~ ete. An quantity. lmmd•la -.CCll•l tor daJ -.If.. !t " MOToaoLA. U.bk modl!'I. t'r who Will mall:• J"OUr pe.y-MeCl9 aorn• worll:. Ph. HAI'. BtfacoD PerlOllllel ~ )'WI' DAY. A NJQBT ptclc up. Call u a.1101 • hi&' ~-·-·····-······· ... -.... ..11.W llit niooel noo.. Gemo. metib ·tn '"achaf'I,. ft1r )'VUt !Hf.M affftlllp. IPll ·-,. _...._ retained • AUTBORJZED DEALER .. ca $211.IO. ,, ..,-rioa'!' c..11 u ......,. be-.... -..-•-JOE BECH1'0LD 21' Sport erulaer, la&ll declla. 2102 No. Ma.In. Bult& Ana l..,..n 1-9 p.m. ticll • &l9DC!J' • U1m A cabln, bead. •Is-. 2 :c:t 1-1100 lOcll *· ,._ ___.. b'OID appUcanl Plumbing ~lhtN for Sale O#b ¢h•lr and la.nk.. . ------~---= 11~ o.A.D ewp.. ,,. VUl&. hll roRC'ED TO 9'ELL ., a .. 'M I P'ord Victoria, tutl7 tq\dpped. Bael'lflca mJ 11000 911uft7 tor ma e&lh or trade. DMperata. Call !ttlla t.Edl!&\OG WU2 artar 1 p. m. tdal9er) lcll :,~~-:=.1 --...,,..-.,, ... =-,..0l\.,,·= .... ..,TRAO=·=.,=--_-""~::;:.~ ...... ~""""".!:: -=:,:;;:;;-~~~ ....... 'DO IT HYOI ~ u, RSElf E~ ·~ ~=t=?i:= ~ ,t-Hf.O attar a p. m. ftailt&u.rul ilWml eijWpmenL ...... rttrator wtth ao.-, Anehoh&• · -r after a p. m.. l ttc ~·c -,, , 1 , ~ u.caxncm. Kake dfftr ST0'1 ~o!pc~re;:;.· ~m' ~:'.!: Ha..por 311, ~ road to 8~. __ _.. m • Fl ~·.th. LI l"U3I after I '47 OLDS 4 dr .. hfdt'L llAR. ~ S. QovC. lfW1., Corona de! Corona de!. Mar ~ ~ -»·-JD··.....-~~ .___ri-.. Call OWMl'· Pr1ftt.a ~-..;i lt-w-i-t )Wl'll o1· Mar~WWW. ...,10 bedcnom compt._te_wit.b...JIQ& 'Olflaif' lfw'.ooooll A • --""'1!"""' Wff• --wa;--~ ~ ,.... JC ... "'-nut. to a L " "" 1prln1a A lnn•raprlns ma.t---~-i&cllh -~~-.:a:n ... t"allD ca.pt. 'IJ .nitne , .u.. --, .. p. m. .-.... -. APPLI Mt....... Sit N' l(j t t~ Juat 14t& wtth ]Of II.AD off•. n R. t1Ullt1 .. ,un.n. .,_u.,.. • NOOrd 11'"*'7 Jlon,. Llnaoln col\IOU: U:ttpl weekend.. tell -. .... Wtll) ........ .,...,.,_ -n \•et.kl to pay. lau6cb. cbrjlll.ler tnliOt· n-p~ OOmto ta ud ... tMm. t.ran""'llelon. ?few .. ttay MO 61 CA.On.LAC oon ........ I~ cm.. • ...,.,.., t 1 tt !TABT Qift•V.kifte nmr tw • RUB ~ .-mbln L\1m&n 1*atditr, fine We wm balp ,-ou a;:queNe tt Ll......ol -...._ lfllO, .All power. OoN'W-. PMiL ¥o0*'• ~htbft'· 1>1¥-... w ~-' --.. ,,,, ll'IJU. ......... """"**•• --o'°""'"""_.....,. . ~ntu •t.. ........ .,...,._ ...... ,_w. '°" DAVlr •Ro· WN G --. "" ,_ ._, ............. L ct..pl }(..,,Jama. straws and Dyat.oae &-&Oii Rlftl' A...-a. (wa~t)lclO ~ raJTI' w. Musick tllb QBZVILOLSI' deioe ..... .-.. -. "'"" --. su s. ..., .... ......._ 1)81.a xo .... • ..._._ ---------1• ...,_ •""-Your Hudson . O.eler -'lWI. ,...._ ,,,.,.._ w-. tlel.t ..-LT tai M>X N'-.14, Balboa. Bar. ·tn1. Ultc matU-. headboard 4 trama. eo.ta X--U MtlT t106 caab. Bar. MM. 101 ,._ ..,, -·•~ --_ _....._ ""~ "'' ,t MUST BE SOLD s•t.ES allll lllCllVlCIC ...., ....... "'*-"" ..... -.,_,._... m uam Pluo9 wut.4. a..., .,. N. 1..o1 A.ApL.-o t-Tm IUe _.,.._ ....,_,, I I l>oban So s rr. DELICA'f'DS~ pw ~~Ab Mii' wtt11r ped. l_t 12 ft; CABDf". tlNdo ... ..,...,., JCW .U.t ow ,_... .,. a ..,_.,.... auc --...,---,-o--,=-"',.-'-1 ..,... ~ ~ larp cell'IUMl'C. nlt1C • M. Red ~ V9"7 .-,. foar, ~ ~ . .., sat c.ont Ors-flllll--.t..usrnf BE4LY"\JM. l:111L--~ ......... l ec••n ; 1 GONDOLA pd C!'Clft4SUon .• ., &. lMJI Ba!t La.Dk. Ideal tor ........ -·--~ eaooDT ·u l"Ollp t-41:. -..a .... " N ........... tc7.ftl.e-.. ir. ~--:a.~ ,.,.r -JeJ1 U t-ITll .it. 3:JO p. Ill\. Plue-vl.f lntna.. o.&a M-. Sport n.blr' or dLMt•· SIMO ·PRILl.IPS UO Ko. WaiJL r.d connrtJblit. Jl'9t 1et1 lo dltkm. Prttat.a Jl&rtr. Banor w wlakr1• ' ltfc lOplJ U •Ttia aue aa.ata A.I!.*. appttdate. LI a-u&T tpll lltT. klO • . ' . . P'e1H119er TfRES .. . 8-Hour . . . R•teppl!lg 'Servlc• Clciii>.~. - Brallt l!enlce AlU> l'ront -.A.lip- ROAD llaVJCm ,,l"lllltoM ..... ,.,.. I YOUl'I tor ta. _..,.. HOWARD RYAN ~ -80D W. lal ST. a.ufTA AKA iaa.aa • • • ' • ' -' !! - • a PtcJ ..... PMOE4-P~~~i~NEWS-PUSS~...._ ,-; r1!'!1f5 • •111 . • a--,., • -. . • . I ' ~ .. ..:.."!'!.: '".:. ":.__;:::. ':i.. 6 l •4!!" •t.:e I ~ ~ -.. ___ -:--, ,; SHOPPER'S GUI :.!! ... .. -. ... • • . ,,. ..''l• .. u ~ ..... v .... .... . .. _ --• ? . _;.i: ~ 111 _2 , ...-.u,... _.-,..~ ..._ 11111 ·~ c:.p ,11t, Mr.~ , ~"~A·,...'2lid;;-;!,~~·~~ ·~B~IC.l~~ca:l·CO'~~T~1~.t.C~.~~IC~ · - --· VOGEL VALUES UDO ISLE OFFICE • Cabanas. Mamas < loll . ---........ .._1--··-~··s.11::_..... 2 llilnll."1"!'.-Jlrepl1 .. ~.-1" .... tlo,_...-~ • • .,1• !". •y: :: :.; "' •• c:unnvP.a..mmr••· to~~-eo\11,)nft.'ot~ W/BBQ, and ~'r nnUo8em. run .. -~ ==·=·· ..... ..... tr'Clftt ..,.... \ •• ' Prioa $24:.,50Cr * 1\' * * 8 I B au&. .,. ~ ... u-ff.A.TE&rftQ.'ft trt,.. -..... -km! ""''t1V 1.t.11 1 • IUM4 It. i...,, nrtpL.· .... J · ~y ~t PW ud C»JW ' ~ ..._,,. u.. 0.. ~ ' pr •C,V,.....,f.-t.&and• Ill.Ip mooe DeffcMful lh1a,J. Apt..-Ca.llilua. Utwtiel paid. , 0141 I ... t. '1 l tllrtn _,.. :raid. MOr •••bold. Ai nw I JJSDftX., t fMTB--~ !t ~ ~ .:;:" r! Commerci11l:J ncluatrlal "'""...,. .._ ..... CT.' "'·'"" ~ ' .._ WttTmn.•n.µ>r fadJI& 1M VIA_,..,= BUT IJdo Penllilula, Eut 31lt St., Npt. Bch. ' BEAU'EUVL BAYSHOU:S -4Dariii. s .... e&rpN • dnlpOL -bdna., lltt!ns rm. hu tlftploee 6 be&at. tioY •low. Groclouo u.tnr •t a' mlD. price of $48.000. . 1'-lor appt. to -· \'edit .Up --4,_ ~.-o... ""t~ ...,, uepar:+ment ..., 0 ,. -., ,.. ..,. ..., BllY --ss1.100 IDolly, w..-i,, -w,. r-11· . * 11-* * eoo1a .. s:!~a..=s..:. 20r :,...~ ~ ....... ....,. ..,_ LOVEL y THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE """11'111-or ,_...11on, CID B'u. 2902. Utt• .. • ..... OT • 900'. " .. J .Ii. .. -........... U>.CB -~co-~A=. HIGH,,~~ . sue VI& LI~ Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Hu. 41172 ,,... -... ft. •• ,.... l'.lfVmTIDllNT., ....... --• ... • '19 -Ill. !!:=:!!!!!.!~!!!'!---·-1·· •• i auou-tor,.... e . t:!...-un· d Ro~ -· ,,. .. -' ...... ,. ..... • ••L ...... °"" • •i. ....... ______ ,.._ Evoo Hu. 51 Hu, u -l •l-Awle .... -r;,u. :i:;,:;: 'iiiill1V ~ "°'*' _ l'tMo. f" .... ,J. w .... pa.·iual a a'8 BERYL l.A.N&. S Mdroorn. ~ e OrnCICS OR ll'l'ORICS --..._.. .u 11· ...... ..._ ' ""'" .................... -... 111.llOO ' . RENTAL . W""'*' • wt.t.t "8tell. fte.. Uf OIANA.. LA.NE, I IM&'OOm, ·J'ar .i-In -es..,._ ._ ,...... ,.... ....,. ... • beth .. ________ m .... . Motor Overhaul • • BAYSHORES • • SP~CIALISTS Bul>or•lll.-Co.Bld1 .• _..,to eoo1&»•-i-.L .... .,. 1 .,... ....,,,..._ -, .. ,,PRISCILLA um:. 11a~ Q.&.LL JCDttA CIUJO , 30th 6 Newport BlYd. uuuu .. avall&Wt. •11:•U•t fll,Ot"O WW bMdlt.. liboWll. by pm .. ,".L ... -........ _. __ lll,000 3 DORIS BRAY, Reeltor H.u.1100 '°' ..... ..., ... __ "'..,. -. . . CLIFF HAVEN 2 NO MONEY DOWN Up lo 11$ Kontha lo Pay BEDROOM, 2 bath -.,....-............. __ $24,MO BEDROOM'., fllrnllhod -......... _(Sold) --$10,i!OO 111 "= ,:+::,"":, 1""nd ro11 R&NT. NZW ·-,.. ·~ s.mc. s1at1oo · Mesa~orbor Rlty. NPT. HTS. 2 LIOo ..... , & ..... -A AJUIOCl.A.TU 733 S'T. JAMES PLACE, New 3 e Cyta. ....M.88 All Stnipt BEDROOM, 2 bath, ·C&rpeted and .<lr&ped. Comer lot -·-.... -.... $27,!500 Elgbta --· 68.88 INCLUDZB both ~bor • Part.. ~T -l bdrm. ~ du~~ p:b. dlapoMl. TV out.- kl. w•l« pd. A vailab .. Jtme a ••" pt!' Good corMr Joeatlon en . ~ MO mo. om 71'&. -.... Bay A a.r.c.a __ 8 tot Cmter at., ea.ta X.. ~room ···-···------121, ft.Ml~, 1111 L&f&79lt& ilu''1or -IYd.'wtlll 1~ trontap. µ 1.-11 or t.I l-T7h t64. SANTA ANA AVE. Wll.J.. IMI. 14Uc '66.000. EYe. ~; TRADE ···-······-··---·-·· 117,500 Nnr rinp.. wrlet plna, 1"&1ft srtnd, Ottlnp of m&iJl Uld rod 1. Sii. Bar. f l5T·R. Npt. Bea. kl -al:YMOUR -Ha. 12M-W f.63 HOLLY LANE, t bedroom, 2 Bay & Beach Re•lty Inc PETITl"ll -LI wu1 bo.tti, 1ow down ......... 110.ve.o ~np.. Ex,.n. motor tun~ up) 91k!&J or tOOO mue auar· ...... ON BALBOA ISLAND ·-----111:1: U8 tor yeuly and Nlcm KODJ:IUC ftor'9 t'OOm H REALTORS =.ui "'~~ CORONA DEL MAR OASDTB 6 on. DTllA. MUON.I "ntUI. attic. at 1111 PlaOlftU&. 1nqu1r9 11711 Hartlor .powevard NELDA GIBSON, Realtor. at property attar 1 p. 111, w.n co.ta Meea. c;autorru. REBUILT ENGINES f61 ll&rln• Av•. Harbor IOI daf• or an1 tl!ll• kl. • aua. ft. r . ~du BUJLT llf our ~ fact°")' by • 8.U.BOA 181..AND 'w call LI l-6TM att..r l :IU or ' I\. W. ao-a fkllled madllnl•ll. Doa't con-------------1 w.Uenda. I'll.I Dl.1 or ntrttt pboai U 1-1714 tend wtth the ralddi. mu. Cboice Winter Rental.I Oil 1------------ Buy dlr.c:L ' Balboa hland Ii Lido lale 8HORT BLOCK. FORD (1132-tll -··-·-··· tf..&O CHEVRC>Lrl' --·-----' tt.&O Small 6 cosy or 1ar1e • d.i~• ITI to $SOO month BUICK ·-··-··-···-···················IZll.00 , PACKARD (I cyl.) ----1125.00 Ptym.. Docise A Ford I --1106.00 VOGEL CO. I08 K&rtn1 Ave., Balboa lal&bd Pb.. Bubor •44 or Harbor 1011 Ra Har. UH-R or Har. 1221-.R CHRYS. A DE SOTO ____ $120.00 STUDEBAKER ··········----1120.00 OLDS. A PONTIAC ti ...... llto.00 NASH ·-·-···-·········-·-···-···$120.00 KAIBER ---···--.......... _$120.00 HUDSON t l l (3 Malr\ll _Jl•0.00 PLUS INSTALLATION Open Dally 8 le I Monday 'ti! 7 p. m. Sund•y 12 to 2 Block muat m"t our 1tandard. P\1.1.1 taxe1, rukell and oil BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 110 E . 3rd Sl. Kl 1-12&4. LOAN CARS -FR.EE TOWING STATE BONDED l<Uo SEE ME· TA NELSON CORONA DEL llAR FOR CHOICE RENTALS. lt:..t.SONAL 6 YEARLY. not &. Cout Hwy. Har. &HO If U-&-Apta. for Rent I or 1 Wrm. apt•.. laundry rm. By day, Wffk or month. BLUE TOP MOTEL toa Newport Blvd. Newport &a.ch Tl:ARLY l..J!:ASE 17ttc J'OR LEASE: nnaU llOH blq., bualneu •hop or offlOI, "rt&'hl bl town With pltntj of park· tnr. fl>G. o. N. WJ:lLL8, Real· tor. 1110 Newport BJvd., Clolt- tt. ....... Liberty 1-1721 M Pm'·-~lieo DRESS SHOP P.,uNT STORE . SH01"' ORDl!!R CAFE . roR L&ABID or ..i. UOO "'· IL lndv.ltrlal bUUdl.ll(. Ottlc• A ampil_ puklns. Neu Heltpot'• MW plant. Owner U l ·&T31 or Ll"l·ll>ff • ~ tell 11-Reol biolO E ........ Tl\ADS ·CIO s MO ft. aGt 111 Vu Nuy1, value ftooo on }OcaJ acru&• or dw1lllaf. C&ll Mr. Batty. lJ'bert7 a.mt Ill• A Othen C-Beai F..tate . OM:ek w\UI w befor. you d.cl<k =~=::..::::::=..:..----I on the purchue ot a • locaJ bu•n-Jt ooWd mu.n a ••- lap to YiN now 6 later. LEE CASEY, Office 2721 E. Cout HIShWIJ, Qlron• del Kar, Har. Ol'-t tell Bay View Estates • [.A.RGI: Blit1TIFUL HOME· SITU now belaf offered to lba.e who lll_Joy pc:IOUI liv- ln1 ln I.ft ucJUCve and hlfhly' roR RJ:NT N.W. cor, ITU!. and Uranre. eo.ta Me.a. OUUt.&nd· Inf corner opposlt. Alpha S.ta mkt. nU,f new Poat Of· fie•. Bult.Ible tor UNCI C11r lot, BBQ rutaw-llht, lhoe outlet, Corona del Mar , 1pplianc1 outl1t, tumllut'I, etc. Newly, JkauUfully .tumilf'led. 1 Call Frank J&m-, Har. !Oo. rNtrlcted area of Upper New- Opportunity M-1 Acreage 2\1 IC:fel lUd-30 -What • Buy •l only Jlt .600. $3000 • Worth of LandaapU!g .lt no ext"r. ~ to ~r ~ lhl.t beauUful two bedroom hom•. Hardwood floors -pr- Ip -ttackyard fu'Cfld - bee.utJfUl paUo -8ewf'f'9 - lmJ'rcnred 8tr.t -r .H.A. Tdma. Ku.st Ml UU. property to apprect4te. Want. lo IM'll 308 POPPY, 3 b6droom and Den and v1.,_. ........ ··-··········· J33,&00 BAYSHORES U32 CRESTVIEW DRIVE, com- pare •t ........................... $20,H-0 COSTA MES>, t.52 E. 20th -NEW OflEAM HUME . . ............... -..... $28,000 \\'Ill bulld to 1ult a.djacent lot.I. 241 1'1ESA DRIVE -3 bedroom, 2 balh ·····················-··· $1&,91K> HA)UL.TON STREET. 1 acre .I: bOUH ..................... ·-·-$1 3,MJO We Co-operate wllh all Realtor• 'Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 260'.! ~twport Blvd. Hwbor ~Tll lmm411dlately. Terrtfic Buy atl------------ ""'' Jl0,600 SW1"'MING POOL B/ B $22 ,500. • Shake roof -panel celllnf b1r! • Built-In kitchen · HW noor1! • 3 BR .. l tile b&tha. dbl ru! 3 ~EDROOM, 2 bath _ .. _ .. -....... (Sold).... J22~ 2 BEDROOM, 2 baths completely !urnlabed ·--$24,:!00 ' HARBOR JNVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 B/B • Give Your Kids A CHANCE to romp. (rear patio m clo11ed 1 when tMy'N not at the nearby •ch. 3 chee-rJ , bdnn1. roolfl)' kJtcf'len 6 din· Ing are• 1pellli llOlid • trulll ''horn~··. A1ktn1 121,000 and 1~000 down. 1 . Cute as a Buttorf AND CU.:AN AS /L PIN. 2 bdrm. and en tnclo.ed yard that tn· v1te1 lfl1x•tlon. Only $1&,t&O. Ir ·:: B~y & Beach Realty Inc REALTORS Cun•na del Mar Office ' ~30 E. C•l. HWy., H&rbor 6M3 Ev .. u 1·11388 Here • it ia · B«:&1111 OW1lff ii 1 .. vtas the .,.. •• can otf•r a ru1 bus"ain. Exclusive LIDO ISLE Fln1 t1mlly home 1:1' cornu kit 4 bedrft\I., 2~ bl.I.hi a car 1u11e U nflqualied Va!U• lt2,000-tum1 II' PORT ORANGE .,ti TRAILER SALES b.c1room Bayvt.w •PL Adult. tte onl1 •uo month-Call ADA 1------------ port B•Y· 160 Villa Baya Charmlnt HOUH n»r Che Hl1h School. Brud N--3 b6d· room• -1 '°' bat.hi. Two Clre- pll.eu -Forced Alr Heat - Wall to Wall C.rpet -Drum Kitchen -Loll ot Cedar Pan· t.lllnf -Two c•r 1ar11e - Landaeaped -Valu1 Galore •nd Ule Home you'd love to own. Will conalder lot In a- chanp. Fu.JI price • Huge muter BR. • Ml. v1ew patio! • Cloee In· Park• 1hopplna:!I ------------ it is and SUPPLIES f11.~ (Bf:tWHft 22nd alld :Uni 00 CltOW. wtth Ben J. Whitman • \-treplace • DllJ)OM! -Touch ' C d I M p1a"' orona e ar Here 2200 W. Cout HiW&J. Newport Beacb U l-«20 PAN-AMUJCAN ~ lo ~ n., 162BR. P ARAM.OUNT CU.torn bWtt. 30 to !10 fl, 1 6 2 Bft. HlfhUl trade~ ellow&n~ W1 11eed clean bRd tnllert.. PAN AllERICAN Paramount·K-*lll Travel_..TstT HOME LOANS ,.., .. ' MU E. CoMt Hlllt'ay Bu1lor 1112 -Harbor «6J '"' lcll ------------CoruitrucUOa -ltetl•a....._a.w BT OWNER, 2 bdrm. " den ' ROOM APT. wtlb 1plendld 0<;9 • 1 %V. . I~ 1'ome, bails 6 JA . paUO, exoepUonally ake, di> lna. hndl _ Bklc. • Lo&n _ patio, W to W ~ A poa.I. laundry, ,.,...._ ~. Pri••te Kone7 dr1pu. L.and.uped, tttl«d Jd. ..._uut\&lly i...s.c.ped. wen Tnat: Dtedt Bou.cbt 6 Sold A dbl ,.,.,,.. Call ne or .upem.ed. a.. mrr. Clan Bua. Ill Plum1r, LI 1-IO'TI. Wade. 1101 aa ... P\&ce 1 blk Call l'or """ Oca.mJt:JD•l · • 1c10 -. N ewpcrt mp lkboot. DON l liUDDLBSTON 1 --~· ------- 5ttc LI l-0&41 ONta W.. fllOO DOWN A JllO't't JA.• I bdrm. -----------171 S. lTtll I L ~ ~ i~.~ 81UDIO apt. wtth kltctwn, tile ------------I be.UI, v-, a.kt!Jy tum. lnchld. -.LOCATION, •Wet , et,...t, Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson Terms! $26 ,500. • Executive type home • 2 yr1. old? 1 .. Newpoi\ Blvd., Coet.a Me .. LlblfV M711 Ev• Hu. 431& • Flntlt Eut..lde ·1ocat1on! ------~·-----l e SbU.• root · J BR. -2 batha! $17!!0 Dowo • HW. nooni .,. dbl. prq• . nt;tpllct! • Beautiful patio .I: land9C1p- ln1! • 1500 ~-n.. -quaUty -clean! Term1! So. of the Highway THJS WHI1'll FRAME coc.t11e furnlaUd and Oft. & 40 ft. lot with mu y p'lantlhr s Lt priced to SELL NOW. $11,75(L Osborne-.forton REALTY CO.'S 2323 W. Cout Hwy. tat Port Orange) LJ e.1af52 H&r. 3198 .. vea. K.iUion Real FAt.ate Lefty MW'dock ~ 1 Newport Blvd . Harbor~ * * • " ...... M00"""' ........ .,... TV, ........ ,,..,.,_ PT!,.., LOANS for Homes •u ..... -11" ...,..., 81•• .. • w lo<. pallo, tenc.d. Saulflc.. LI l-1 .. 1 ~--" l ·llSI •allo 6 p-• .. Bee to apprt· ' ... · ...... · Udo Tr&iltr ParL · H&r. 320&. ·-l plO d aua. Jto lllO. uUI. included. I " -10 yr. l.o&Da ~ Ulfe I Bldrooma, be&uuf'lil ten«d Jard. 1AJ-rti TO x lOG toot kll. Excellent nnanc1.a1 wit). pay- ment.. only JU p1r month ln- cludta1 taxM. Gatafl, HWerl and all llnprovemenll pald. CIOM to 1rad• a.nd Junior hip 1ehooi.. C•ll Jor appt. to ... any-Um•. - Bay & Beach Realty Inc Look what we found REALTORS Qcean view. s•ooo down. sin LOVELY LA.RGI: okler home on B•lboa l1Wtd. Nicely tum~b· ed, well kept, I ~ma. Mid den, electrtc: .i.ov.. f'91rtpnt.or, ruba.f'e d11pou.I &net dlab· m"'Llr. 121,000. f600o down. J:l•T &. OOUt Rlrbway. Cor· ona Ml K&r. Ha.r. 112. klO L Hmw-a bdrm. boult, J car pr-Construction oans ... .-to ....... , ....... Renlala Wanted ID llOll .aA'l"nolllt CO.ta M-. By Ownu-. Kl NEW .I: CHOJCJ: 2 bdrm. •pl.I. ....10 ---112t ltf< 2&11 llA.8T 00.lST BLVD. ____ ._,_~_. _____ _ with p.n.su. CIOM to mkt1. $80 6 sta per mo. LI 1-11•2. Corona 411 Ka.r Harbor 1111 W• need •pt.I. &nd hoUMll 1n lill tell Rap. POIIU&R MORTGAGll CO. MllUOU tor both wl.Dt.r AM 1------------1 Mtlro W • lAa. Fund.I ID 1-6113 JMr'• lt.ue. J'\lm. or WlfW'L KILLION DOLLAR VU:W ..Slfc 2nd & I st T.D. LOANS U JOU bava & ncmM:7t Bay and Ooeaa pbon.t todQ' Col"OM de1 Kar The Vo9el Co. NEW • Bit. -••L B" EXCELLENT BUY $11,500 Only $49~ Down 1891 Newport Blvd. Co1ta .Mu•. California Br-Md nN .a bdrm., 2 bath LI 8-1161 Evu. LI 8·3010 homo on \'-acr• of rround. ------------Ruen1 now uc\ Mlecl you own tnl•rtor co~. 4 bdrnu., ~15 dawn. occupancy about Ju.17 lit. Bn}.111 depo-'t wUI bold wiW you move ln. WATERFRONT Xlnt. converUble duplex. furn. SPECU..L PRICE. .... -.. f 2t,500 Dllpla:, 2 bdrm. u., tum. pier ' Bdnna-Newpoi't Heights and n°"t ··-···----···•27.500 C1talina. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 3 be<1rm1, 1 "-bat.hi, h•rd· wood floor•. 1600 1q. tt. 3 year1 olcl. Lovely p1t10 and doobl• s&r•I•· Owner luYin( area. $22,500 full price. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. * * SHOUCLJ.Frs DCLUIIVa Clutom built 2 Mdrro ud du, a bath, lhake root. built m H l-11 a.nd •l.ctno rup.. C&r- pe:tll &lld ctn.,... caa.. ........ Bbown b]' appoln~ ._q. kllch. \Bu.IU. In ooppll' n.Jll"• l201 W. C.l HWJ' .. N6'WJ)Ol1 Bch. oven .lad ...,.,. llldlaa riu. Pbcme UMrt-1 M&ll door lo Mill did.. La.-P2I IOI Marlne. Balboa l.wr4 ftlcme Barior-f&& mo. Har .... W. IUc a.ma. .u ~e Cowlt7 w. Bu7 Truot Doedo • JUk• Collatenl Louo _,_m; Oft. KJ .. eom.·drll MM . none Kuti« 1m """'~ ~t-Royat Mort9e9e Co. LUT lit.ti IT., COIT A MU.A. I W .. G.J. Joie.a. Pl.7!0mte HJ.II mo.. tncl •~ tllt.rwt ud im· ....... Ralph_P. Maske.y llLU.TOlt l'-11 Newport BlYd. u.r-11 dbl ...,.,.. fenced. cloM to ICboola. 2 b&t.U, toroed .tr b.at.. flr91>iaee', di.po.at. J\lll JU1C1 111$0. Shown by appt.. ontJ (&Q)'Ume.) llSM N~rt Blvd .. Coit.a Kua LI WT92 OPEN DAILY -1-:S p.m. Won• dsrful "'-.home -t bdrm ... ll'.AIULYN F. LICID\' ~ W-A Kart.oa An.,. ~ 1.aie . Bu. Jter ·lell I bdnn., I bath, pltt 6 fl01.t, l&rre room• -·--···-'65,000 LIDO -I bdrm., J Nth. QPflft plan, .nM Jot ----'41,000 J. 2 bath, bu eVU')'t.h1ns to _ m1Ji:1 llf1 more enjoya.bl1. ---------~-- Udo omce. "11 Via t.ldo Batbol' •1'11 Bar.'°' by 41.7 GI' WIM. u.J p&ace to 2to2 Newport BIYd., .Nprt. Bda.1------------1 ma.. • ...,.•-WAoN&n Herbor 1549 Ed ··c·· Jones, Realtor 1'1'02 Nnrportll1"-.0.ta MUI LlbartJ'....., POINT ....... 111•.,. ""' " "'· ..... .....,.. 10 acres C-i & M-f lf• CORONA D&L MAJ\ t bdrm. -~-~~==-=="="~e On w. lTlh I t.. Off.I' Ra:rbol' lM HarbOr BIYd., Ca.ti Mell ;~;;;;;;;;;-;;;--;;;;;;-:::-;-;;;;;;;; P"'P apt, WlfW'n. dn,_ up. LO.A.NI TO .•UILD. IMPROV&, Blvd., la l&nta Ana. Wlll •ll ____ L11>o __ 1<_1_1-us __ , __ _ BACK BAT -Out.tandlnr ranchy bomu-loU au-r• LEMON HEIGHTS -% acf'I, ranchy, new, 2 bdrm.. den, BEAUTY -·-··-··-·-··-···-'32.llOO TR.A.DIC -2 bdrm., 2 bath 1100 Kins• M . C!Ut H•wn. ORANGE C9AST PROPERTIES 1807 N.wport Blvd., Colt.I Ke• LI a-1132 Ev ... L1 1-1400 Corner lot N&WPOftT BSUJHn, ... Priced far jmmeMaC• ..... "AN'ft:l) to r.t I ~m Adulll, 11.0 jieta 115 per mo. BUT, MOI>aNDll, OR "1th nit. ... clau1& bOUM. H&tbor 6"' ,..._,.,I.... Tn.r IMM. Bar. Jiil. lc.11 AarIN.A.KCll ,..., 1eut wtu. opt.1oe to buJ'. ----------w. Bu7 nmt DM4I Dill A. JACO.au:M; Real kate Belboa Oceen Front VU:W homa on la.ere.a -for ------------ ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES Wut ,.,.... ftnpl .. fenced yd. UB-ao-for a.Wt NZWPOl\T BALBOA &A VINaa Karttor 15611 t BDRlil. f\un. older home, l•rie PamwMDUY •mPIOJtcl.! locally. I ------------I 6 LOAN A.a1QCtt.11"0N LI 1411T Kl 2·211T HT 4-6191 llrinl m1. with ttreplace. Unlt J:xeellent local refeHnCM. Write Ll:ASlll only I bldtm bOUM ~ U.11 Via Udo Pb. B&r. UOO heat, prbq• dla!JOMI. 2 car box Xll, tbll newspaper. 16Uc to thopplnf Cft.ltr, CO.ta MHL tfl 1300 DOWN r•ra&'•· Ocean Vl•W, CIOle to ' lllCDROOK boU8e oti Udo tor July A Auru-t. l\.U.bt.. Writ• Dr. JUMe;k Mt So. Bf'06d~y. Loi AllfelU 14. l\Yu 1-tltl. lcll KI 0-4610 or Har. lD tttc Complet1ly turn. Ol\e bdrm, home lbe bay, US.&00. t•rm1. W DJ Ofle SL, Coif. Meaa. FlR8T TllOI OITERED. In· COMPl..STELY flam. OM bdrm. 58--11.wz u.t.ed Q,000 r. P. Open 10 L m.. to oom• Unit 2 bdrm. f'llnL hoUM bome. llO. mo. Adult. ClftlJ". & p. m, llllfftedlate ~on. w:llb .... bdna. ra.rac• apt. 212 Osle at.. Coat& JI..._ Im· WANTl:D flti,000 *• Uirm ~ 1--ITd. •· lclO Eii:cell.-.t nnl&I aru. One blk. mlldi•te ,.,..._on. i.-tlltoe -. at '"' -omnmw'dal t beJ Pl l<IO lertn1 W7U. klO laldl. ftlue NO,OOO la Au.• CURT DOSH Rltr 0 . , , . ~"'°':::.!:.°";!.. """;':; ATl'1U"1'IVll 1 ........ , ~~ ~!"~.!~ ,:,•,•; ' · Coast Properties Hlplanda. Ocw.py mid J'Unl. balb. boua, \atW, 1 bedroom 0c10 315 Merin'• Av'e. 11.uth J1)'1'td. R•altor • Lorll lldch coll•t H&mlock ott paUo. Nur SOOd i..cb. =-cc==-..,-.,-=-=~ Balboa Island Mll4rH JUr"rl • t-MTI tp11 a.a.on 11200. Al8o mGathlJ l&A80NJ:D lad. T.D. lllOO-al7'f1.a Tbosn(:90ft, Aa.ociatM ,.i.e.. 28U ~ Dr.. • .. ,., ........ ~ ..... ~!: ... ~! Herbor 1560 r IOl I:. B&lboa Blvd., Balboa W~ fbr 10 Po-~ OwMron pnpert7 .-. p ........ .-...--....,-------------IP1ton. Har. H6I or Bl.r. 4800 -con,.. rtrt 1tudent. __ , ., --~ .. -6 peym1111t r.coN. Cal.I Hu. "' tA or --1 -..... •t&aM1 . ._.__, 44•. 10cu LIDO LOT Aq. I to lkpt. L ht. hOlnM H&r. lrn. klO l----------I pntlf"T'td. eu..-t two rtrts1-----------RCLE THIS ,. , ...... w11tt w. L """""'· 1 ...,_ ..,_, I'!__.., -Wulod oo n. • LmO oouo Cl Peququ.l Pornon. ea11~. n,...,1., hardwood noodr. Adlllta.. ALIO • lW »t. 1a eo.ta M-&00 Claftmont. C&llf. tell tatut 0\ SU mo. Mt a WANT from .,,.. I un.tta. 1 • .,. al:liopphc ffftler. lly °"11• rud wba ~ attrad.Jv. home Mcdlu. Newport Ht.I. U wtU.. 2 br'1. :9&lbo& Ialaad. n-. Hu. Oltl W Kar. Ilk on beilutltul 1,4 acre bu to 13-Aata.aa-.. hr a-t ... dtt klO at.ala lowlillt ·~ _.. let' otter -AU feMed. 8paciou. g.;: pritll. Wl'lt. X. Pm.UWOK-1------------1 6 lmmaeul&tti I B. R. plUI LIDO ISLAND II.UT IIDll Cool& ~-I .... tU< Cno&Mw .,..... P. o. BY OWNER hmll:r dln"'S ,. dan . ..,,_, food Harbor atta. Claire Van Horn REA.LTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI l-4277 B~LBOA ISLAND A SURPRISE A WAITS YOU! Oul.1tandln1 colonla.t 15 • bdnn. •·bath home with never .. nd· tn« charm. Near Bay and Vil· l1ge ! $43,000 with ~nl. term•. OWNER ANXIOUS. Exclus ive Bay1hore1 euuL 2·bd.rm. 2 ti.th home. Let. !Iv. rm. Oor1.ou• paUo- dlnln1 l•nal. A 8 TI: AL! '24,760. NELDA GIBSON REALTOR sot M•rln1 A.,.. Belboa Jlland. Phon• Hu. &02 5 Acre Ranch rul'ftllhed..,. WlfUr811hed room unt\lnt. bOUe. U •: aox '1111. Loe A.,.-.• Callf • .A.Tn\Acnv. d.,._. aea.ri.&M ldtt!hen. Thermo controlled : ll&cblfktr .net OM or two bid-I~;;;;-;;;:;::;::;:;;::;;;;;::;;;!-:;;;;;:~;;;~-;;;;:;-:;;;;;;;"";-:-' I .a.op.. ~. IU.000. hML HWd. Dra. A lovely COY• On Baker BL with nice 2 bdrm. niom. apa-rtmmta. "LIDO mu:;: • Ml_... t'J6 -WANTED ro-BUr' eow._ -11111.l Ntura... U eNd ,.uo wµa. JIBQ. AU _ _____.___den-hQme_ Now beln& re- IJ -. mo&OIJ' or ,...,,,, MtA ~ • ....a ....._ •1J6T, title located ht thta fut l"rowln&" a.onfld to M-1. Prlcl'd tor quick LIDO D--•tv ... ---·-·-ROKm ON ~A 1*11111 for a...a. ZOl!o411d l ot .. pcl\)' or • .ale. nea&...,-~~ IHp for fO ft. ltoat. U. .r 11 llarlao 4444 tt. YW.a.r ~t,... ._t, U. 1Aw cloWa ~t pl\11 , CUJ7 II.A.~ chlc>t. Jmmaeutat.41 thru-._out. DAN A.JACOBa&N,R.Ml !:It.alt Met VI;& Udo r \ear pr .. M&utlfdJ.......... ..-wiu..t ••u..:r ,.,.._ta ftl.fOO. I....,._,, I~ 4r&p-11111 C..,..,.U. A ama.rt 11"1nr Harbor Mil HliJl Mada, ... lltlftll .W.. UD· ... ~ f7t0 ,.. -UL t. ,.. '"Witt. .. Orta .... ... w/W ee.tpl't. v.., deu. J room drapes. AU. 00 I I LJ 1-4317 Kl 2·2117 HY •-MDI fUtll. 2 bdnn. •pt. Yeari7. ~ &t u aaDtoa ow. J No, m JiWiM. .A.Jba.mbn., }Ta. old. Immediate ~-~·~s::AJ;~TO~Ita.'.":..Xl~..'....,~~·~'.:...._'.k~I0'.1 ----------- mMi tard at.. N-poft ~ Kl'Wplflt\" iiftn Oatlt. "N• brok ......... ;,ll IU Ilap PL, Ll '6'107. Mtt• UTaHOU LO'!', LI.It OM FOR SALll BY OWNER.' bed· ------------1 UDO tat.a Qua. }'GUii I lrdnu. aV'&Ull ble, Yel'J' tow 7....n, room borne, 1 "-b&tbl, l&.od· AV Alt.. Jta7 IO. new 2 br .• Un-2-\ti batha. ~ lll&M1 ,.u., -8\lbKriba to Lili• ~. A.d· -'-tM fl.-t tll OommtreS&J I..-Bu:tld to JOUI' oWn .,.Cl· .ca.peel A ~~ rH.A loan.Call Nm. duplex. prb. dllip., pr. dl.lllwaaMr •• ..,. d\I~ ..... \IWUM la t1M1 .aT, Ot.11 a.... Pril!Unr call BanGr-Jill. Jot> r&eaUOftl. Fret'dom ,....,,.. .,..._ 113--IOl,. It.. CO.ta w-. 110 or rnofttlllJ Har. .U.W. ._, 1'1&. OIJJ ownei-LI. l--ltT2 LlblrtJ a.au mornlnp Of' mo. LI t-flMI. JOC12 .toelt PrtnllnC o.partmlat.. IPlO aft.er 6 p. m. ltll• Ocean Front Property to Trade for Delert Hot Springs, or Sell. 1167 Nrwport. BIYd., ca.ta X- U &-1112 • .:,_, U WteO I Bdrm. Jiom• ···-····· .......... SllOO DUPUCX. One. One bedroom, 2 bdrm. home -..flOOO ,..... ttnplace, Ult link and tub and ' bdrm. h~e -UOOI down lhower. P a t I o overlook.In( [)Qplo. new ·-·--·-·-··-'l,,llO oct1an on comer. We.11 fur· nllb~. Elect refrlf., etc. Ori• MAX W. POPE, R.eaJtor 2 bedroom .nd 1ara1e. Well WllU. B. Jot1 .. Aall)I.. -"--h.or fumlahed -adjolnlnf". Rtn\I 1808 IJarbo"r BIYd... OOltt& ll(M& for I UKI per wttk bel"lnnlnr L1 ~11'2 s.-. L[ t-UM now tor summer. Write P. 0-1 -------'---~·--­ BOX 71&, Daeart Hot. Bprtnc'9 • or phoo. 4 11 11 OHS tell Acreage Trades s~ acru pote.nU&I buslneu On 'l\laUn A v1. near Orange. tllO ft. Trttway front.ace. Submit l~d• or t1rm1. DAN A. J AOOBSEN, Roi J:ltat1 Harbor ~tl U 1-t.SlT Kl 2-nt7 BT t-61M $15,l>OO ' BDRM .• 1 bAth bom• W\lb t ear prsp; Flt~. PA ~t., r•rkfl dltpo..:I. kitchen. tan. All feric.d. on• y 1 a r old. N_,. ffiCb kllOoL A hOme tor pod unn,. ror •ppt. Llbtrl7 8-62fl. -klT TRADE FOR TRAILER 2 bedrra. nu·a. boUI .. ocllll v1•w. WW -.c:cepl hou.ae t.raUer 11 pvl paymuil. Price $10.tOO H.a.r. J4»0 tell $1500 DOWN ~ •. wrm. la-. la OM& ..... -" us. Joc&uoa. .... hu lldwd &ora. lot. of st.or-- .,.. P&llmu "u, »&dad wtUt w.. 1A..1'l'I ldt.ct.n • ftl ran,.. Pa~i.. only • per mo. on b&lanc9. J"u.U pdoe lll,TCIO Newport·Mea• Realty 17" Newport 81"9d., Co1ta ... U 1-IJ&OI ~ Iii IJIJIT -ettFF-· H;o\'fEN-:-- . 311$ lllc1!&I ll4'!d . UNDER ,1',000 1liO. ... n. juat ~ ML No, Tlll IRtowa dal17 'lill 90&d. LI I-UM ten YOUR UMtT& N ICWP 01\T KEIGBTa.' Slu»lleat ioc.u11n 2 A I Bdna. WlD t&ke part ln.dl for •11.aoo •ty. ffa.r. •bor Wl. ftt1c • ' • fi' 0 v v Best D .. ys corona del Mar r<>R wOMEN C!lNL"' 1ALIOA 1SIAND coRONA oa MAR 1T wilt: PA v.. • -• , !!!0 -...,..-!!!•::·!!•!!.'.!!••!!!• !!." _ _..::..·· . Ull ... ..,, ................. °""'' ,.. .,sc1 •• --OPll:H BOU81C . 0 r<>R ITSELF . . ....... -.................. __ :;_....... --. BUY NOW 1 &. ·.1 ABDI' M1Y Only Po00 down..,. tbll tftllt w. .... a ... -...., ~ ftktl .,._ aw. l_. • % --~-plus unftftiihed --~ _ ... ----... ,_,..,_I ...... L.. 1 .. I ..... -.. _ ..... -... ~-~..:: . • • &t---·--..... Wiil ....... .. ..... u.. ............ mo..._,. . t.t --...... ~ ' ' .-. Hanlwood !loon, prliolp dhlpoeoi -·---·-aJ><. ....,.., _...,,,.~ --kl,. ...., « ....,,. -~=---,... BAYJ'RONT pier· and lloo.t on tip ot Balboa Fu· tufta.1-1:, feaoed yard. hll price $lUOO-.,-. • ~ . '!:::' 1at:';:1 ;t~ ~ · ;:.-_i:::c:-: ~ .,..= r !:: ,.. ... Ho-_.=,~· c':!: iDIUla. G hldroorn plu makl'a room, S car pr- l .1 n•o~·-1 ~-h. --.J-. · ui..-IS.LE .,,,.. _ • . ""°"' ,.. .,.. • -•• -....,. ...,... .., ".. ace. $e7.llOO. Coook!er trade for 1arp -.~.-~ ~ ------~·-~ ~~-M~-FJ.. belt, prb. ~ fenced yard, clhl. OCEAN FRONT. I ..... ... ... ........ • • prop'. Cloloe locatloa. Better b""'7 on : =:. ':'.:::!°::: = uos -. D<ift BACK BAY ~ ....,. ,.. °' ..,.., •"' BAYFRONT pt.r and llllp, beautifUI El &yo oectloo, thlal OMLY Sll,600. Edy tenu. IBAAdea-IMtha-.. .IGO DPEH ROUSE Tw....i._.,_ :1l1r• PY. ::.~';;:~ U.::O;~~ 'bedroom, plua maid'• room. Completely f\&r· a. " 5. .,, DUPLEX. 2 anlt.. 1 bdrm. Md!.. 1 complel6- . ly ""1>-and on leue for f75 """· Front unit nwit. ready for you to"'°" ID. Only uooo dwa., fU1I price $11.750. SHORECLm'B. 3 bdrm. and den home,. 2 full hotha. Only 1 yr. old, bullt·ln atove and ...... oarpoted wall to nil, -clrapeo thniout, -"-patio. <inly one at thia price. Truly a good buy, ooly $34,!IOO. DWACULATE. 2 bedroom 2 bath home. 1 block. to . ocean and beach. Located at 239 Heliotrope. Dbl. 11.raJO. hwd. fiool'I, fenced yard. beautiful patio & lan~ping. A horgoln at $21,:500 OPEN HOUSE 1 -5 p. m. Daily unW aold MEMBER OJ' MULTIPLE LISTINGS • CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor , S«T E. Cout Hwy. Corona del M.ar Har. 47 (Office located nut door to Newport Harbor Bank, Cd.M) 111.yfroa& _..,...,.t-a.rtnint 1 l.o I 8aL II au. • q -... ftl\19 J,a t.bU men.ti ,_ than' l'mt. Low uilbed. I ca.r &&race, MDd.J beacll. J"ull price 5 B.JL -116 Mu. -.... 000 6 ~ I WM. I JTL old, =..' h "t:·~ ~ .. !*: dowa ~ Owa .. ~• $58,300. $12.50() down. Balance~ per month. NEWPoRT BEACH . fOOI .... 1a Dri" OPEN HOOSE 0 • 1 to •• lat. A: lua. w111 •leep nv. oomtort&b&T· and ti•• motw w.ooenfort.lllJ. Oom- pl1t.r7 tund.lbed, Allout TIS ft. to UM ...... P1t.s at • u. ... ~1 ,_ •. ..., UnW--. ..... _ ....., ..a-to .U. • '""4 ~· -!:~ :::.-:: :,~ , WArli:RntoNT, pl<r and fioat. 2 bedroom plus den' COSTA MESA ••1'n"•...--l!lo d\>WO ''"'' BA YSHORES comp1ewty turnlahecl. 0n comer lot near Lido I -..... .. • ......... BALBO EN NSULA SbjPplar Ceiiter. Only '28.llOO -$li(lOO will lot tO • lTG. ,u ocepUanall)' A P I J Bedrm' .. 1 ~ bath.I. lt.rr• liv· handle. ttae ~ wtU a.rru1&'d u4 00.Z. hwt w-a-1 61f • lOI tnr room, t1aptoiM ft~place, • • n.wty decorated. On!J' I yn. Prietd at fll,500--'r.nu. rw ~w(t(ld ~ doubl• pr., ALSO 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED on NEWPORT old. Prtced at t1-.1ao. A home dbierlmtuUq ·follal wt1o w.. comer lot, M7 YMw. Priced 1.l .. O'I' 'II> f.111 ... Co ~ rffUy worth Mein(. T1lJ.9 U. Nh 0 'ac ~ ol. tM Pl,IOO. Twma CU k arranr-.am..v;u ---& Vtl. $28,000 -)01ra0WD;' mteti.t k u.. born• you ba----. ... tll ~ ed .to lll&ke tt conv~t tor 2 BEDROOK BEACH.HOUSE. Vacant. Very clean. '*'' looktnt tor.. moode. • JOU. ' Stqne'• throw to ooean. $99CW). $29(5() down . Seven . Realty & Investment Co. -.. $60 mollth. I s I a n-d s EIGHT 1 BEDROOM fumiahed urut., on 3 lot.. Best Balboa Blvd. rental area. 1Ai blk to beach or bay. $47,000. $14,l!OO down or lriJJ trod• equJty tor mall b.ome or duplex In &re&. Sch~­ uled yearly """' $10.000 ll03. 32nd St.. Newport . Beach-Harbor 111188-attu 5:00 p. m. Harbor Me7 . Only OPEN DAILY 1-5 ART C. K1STLER, . CO. · 8/ B OPEN HOUSE l6t Vla V enUi& Bat. A: lu.. 1:00 to 1:00 -------------------' Cbarminl h4rOoma, 1 titOI')', 2-Yrs. Old Bay Front Special four Bedrooms REALTORS BAYFRONT SPECIALISTS 2901 Newport. Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 5226 DAY OR NlTE. "C" THOKAS "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "It's. A Beauty" Open House Set. & Sun. ·12 to 5 122 H•rbor l1lend Roed W1 take pride In oUerlng thia truly beoutifUI Provincial typo home, built oround a lt.rse flood· llcbmi;iij~u doon from llv. room It y view trom all eleciric built-In ltftchen, din. room. charmlnc den· Oii 50' aot. J.A..rp .nut.er. twill ~·e Mdroolaa •cb with optlWlp to hUo. ,lrd b. d !' 001ll hU ftaJb~ \LM. I b&tba. U..m,. room open.I to 1arp patio. J aut.idt lhowen aad dn•lq rooma. Carpet.I and draperie1. Aekinr 13~.~· CUTE BUNGALOW 2 Bedroom• an4 buak room 1 ~ bl.the. l&rS• paUo. L..oTely flrepla.C• 1:n.eoo Beeutiful W oterfront Income J un1t.--<iu J MdrOom. J be.th, 1.i.o 1 bedroom epart.ment. Beauutull7 f\lmlabed. Loftly baWq M+cw-.., .... '....,,.. ... Don BuUt-tn OVID ll'!Npl&<o · L&rp fenced p&Uo Lot I& x. 16 f28,000 tour HOil 1:111. J:n•tt UIOI OcMn Blvd. B&lboo NEWPORT Out..t.andinr view ' ............ '"'"" o.n --Piii' A: f'lo&t 137,&00 Tour HOit 8all7 Newlla 111 Bo, B&y Froa.t B&lbol. laland HARBOR Newlin runu1 Soma Lars• PaUo 11 x 29 lil'lnr room -C&rptl • drape. Near Jett," in.MIO Tour H!Mt Jerry Benn1tt Jlll Oceaa Blvd. ....... . REALTY BAYSHORES pm.EE BEDROOM furnlabed. Hu.ce new paUo, bt1 lot with room for 1wimmtn1 pooL 1 block to private beach, A dell1btful rmtricted area of nice h.omes. Only '23,:KIO. LIDO ISLE · PRICE· WrsE THIS HOME TOPS ALL ! Utterly charming Provinclal otyle. 4 bedrooma and den. Approximately 2700 1q, tt. Extra larJe living room. w&ll to wan carpeting . Under Market at $89,9M> MYRTLE DA VY, Reeltor New Lido Plua-Bldg., M32 .Via Oporto (Opposite Udo Shope Parking Aru) Har. 544.6-Eveninp Ll 8--0297 bedroom, 2 hedrooma, 2 full tile batho with cold plated flxtureo, plWI powder r<><>m, touch· plate switche., acouatic celllnp, many hidden featurea, an abundance of wardrobe cloMill, deep pile w /W 0 carpeting -A BEAUTIJ'UL HOME FOR THE MOST D~!MINATING BUYER -Price "'1uced to $42~. '-•b" .................... 515 Jim end Selly E-. B1lbo1 Blvd., B1lbo1 Phone H1rbor 1607 Balboa Island and no.t. J,,,aqe p&Uo ov•r- "C" THOMAS, Realtor Jooldns UM bq. r...r,. comer ------------------~.---------- AND ASSOCIATES 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach LI 8-5527 "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C"' THOMAS nreplace ui. U'riJlS room. a SLAN ...... _ , .. l>L au"'·"' BALBOA I D o..-. and Nnr. DlahW'Uber, 1 .,.,_.,. -oon'"'"'4 ONE FOR THE MONEY ··-····-.&nd fomlly fun. r•rare door. ..auutull7 land-• One of "LlTI'LE" Balbot. t.land'• moat dililinc· -ped. ..UklAs f7!1,000 live &nd charming 3 B. R.~ bath·homes .... $36,500 Bey & Beech Reelty Inc BAY FRONT -Prvvinclal DOLL HOUSE, 3 1111 lAfa~roaa Bu. 1663 years younc, with PIER It FLOAT and gt..... • Ru. 2ltt ICVN. walled to view -···--··.$4:7,eiOO le l f 'Juat to thl ~·. ot Udo Brid,.' A grand BEA.CH HOME tor a LARGE FAllILY, Multip -isting-o -the -Month • t'!O batho. i. block"to beach ----~-----·---'21 .~ CARA VAN SPECIAL ML# !5901-Two houoea on 55&180 ft lot In COSTA MESA. • Oue--3--bedroom hoUH and one l·bed· room boUM In rear -2'f.i yean old- ,._ -Prloed SU,llOO Contect your Realtor ~ thia one! MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 0 Newport Harbor Board of Realtors •01 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Coron1 del Mer ONLY ONE YEAR NEW • OCEAN VIEW TWO FOR THE SHOW-u INCOME to Uncle Sam! Spoclou. two B. R. apartment "UP,': and • cute one B. ·R. apartment "DOWN,", both completely lurnlahed. $26.500 Woll.derful 3 B. R. home on LlTI'LE Balboa 11- !a.nd with attn.cttve two B. R. apt., a 1ldp to the beach. $37,!IOO Anxioua own.er A¥• "SELL!" 3 B. R. home, and PrlCe '81,!IOO, wart.b tlll,IOO ---I __ lnCO.J!!'I ~P.t. clooe \o J!lu.IJ!l1t 6JJeach $31,000 H11R1: 11 WHY • THREE n• • ~y Beautil'\IJ. new TO GET ~ -lo collect 9% net! a bdrm. A: J&rre den IS S YTlH ..,... .. ,..., The LAND' om&rtelt triplex on •••• ,.· LI.Ip lam07 room 1ized Jot, completely furn1ahed. with week-end HardWVOd nbore iumt room Ii: bath for tbe new owner. $6,000 ~i:-~ ~=d~;;mr.1. groea ··-·---···--·-··--······: ..........• $46,000 Dll TBD at IOI 'PopPJ AND FOUR TO GO! ! -TO c.aJl UI tor appotntmeat MARIN~RS ISLE REALTY 3UI Morine Ave. HA. 4781 BILL'S BEST BUYS HALF AC. VACANT LOT Beclc: Bay A.tu. lt'1 1. dandy, On17 U9'60. UOlEDIA TE OCCUP ANcY New 6 bdnna., 2 baUu, car· pet.Id LR A: h&lla, ctJ.apoeal • ohawit tan. La.rp doubla pn,., IO' lot with 11ew 8t., curbe. atdewl.lk.1 and 1ew1n, llJ,IHM>-i1aoo dn-1100 m.o COUNTRY CLUB -ENVIRONMENT 300 Coral Avenue HERE IS THE moet desirable ' bedroom corntt home' that we have .een for aome time. Everyth.Jnr about the place ii spJck a.nd 1pan, ready to moVe lnto. In addition to having a fine home, there ii a amall income uD.it over the gafage that..will pay all ez:penaet of the home. REALISTICALLY PRICED AT $4l5,000 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEE! We Cooperate with all Realton The anawer \o your ru•t ~..:'!":iu. ';:'::r ...!.,, ~ DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor over RI.Deb 1tyle (&r&IL 2602 Newport Blvd., NewPort Beach Bar. 4.711 No\hlnl' wu ov•rlooked b;i the I ------------------~ pre.ent own1r ln decoret1n1 ' ' and i..oo.c..pln.(. :tO-yr. w /W carpet. over BW. Ooora. fir .. place, wOOd panelln(, k>l• ot ~&!!2!per. 1\9!!!.. gm.Uu. 1Pllt rail tanoe, lerp paUo A eobd "'°"1ood ll'ftClnc' ln n.&I'. l.A>c&ttd nut to Sant. Ana l(Olt fltllr9e. J'Ull prlOI 111,$00 W1th tenu, W. A TOBIAS, IUW.TOR "70U'll liluo our trt.dly 1erv\ee" 600 JC. 17th SL. co.ta. MIO Ubut.1 a.1111 LIDO ISLAND BEAUTY Single-otory l-b.-rr:Z-bath liome. A yn..ald on l!O'. Jot 1treet to .trade. -Ellerbroe.lr: dealcDed for - deluxe Uvtng to include Offl' 2000 IQ. ft. Uvinc arU. Many deluxe featuru include forced air beat time clock coatroUed; bl'l.D4 new wall-to-. wall carpotlns: Indoor plo.oten; cl-and cupboanlll plore: all alectrlc kltdlen; bar and IOda fountain. Shown by appointment only $2000 DOWN 1 BALBOA BAY · PROPERTIE£ 1505 W. Bolboa Bmt. Har. 5188 1-----------1HOME&INCOME --------'·----VOGEL VALUES COSTA MESA Du H d ty . nc1n 1r es HA VE YOU SElllN TIDS ! U.U.TOR • I bdrm. l,_ ba., HW floon,.i'A heat. dbl. cor· ace. cloee to llChoola and transportation. Only S2!500 down. : NJ:WPORT HEIGHTS RANCH STYLE t yr. old I bdrm. beauty. · Le•· LR with Muolvt UMd brick fireplace, dln1nc room. lovely kit with • blkla .,.. and ranp. ~aat uw. 1,. ba., W /W cpta. thruout. tee. j>atio, lanc!K&ped C011Jplete?y fenced. Truly a beautiful bome. THE VOGEL cp .. 1100 Newport Blvd. Cotta ),(,.. Llhorty ~ • Ennlnp Har. 11539-M ll&rlor iTll * . OCEAN FRONT HOME & INCOME OUPUIX lne.ludt"'I 'f'&Cllllt lot. ~ ffr'7 n6cMt la a hom• A: bteome. ....Utlf'UJ Wr#, bell ... tioL -ly llo.IOO doWa.- Kl(bt conald• d\lpla or trl· plea Ori&na1 01' TUlt.bl UM &a ,..._ U.Uap Wut.41 * Did You 5ay,-VlfW? *. ~~ei"';~. U.U.TOll OKI Wt haft ft. TIMI -vfow In tlM llaJtlo< A.NL Wh""'T Kfnp Raad Ol -pla 2000 aq. ft. of luxury "-at tho unu.ual price of $$•,!!M caah. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC. 3112 Newport Blvd. ' Newport S..ch -~ Ennlnp can LI fi.3181. LI 1-MOCI, Har. 3921-W or KEl!oa 114886 t• llchcl&in ~ at'Kpt. pier ....... Ru-. 160 .. ,. Ut9.f. KAJUM)ft BJ..... COl"Mf'. , tArft 1151-ft. Oii H1.f'bor. Thle cor- •ff e&11H1 uftdn 1. ""mumt •II .OW." Cle&r, HlMr wW ealT)' balance &n.r P'IWl doWn p1.7· m .. c ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES lMT Ke'WJIM1, RlY'd .. Colt& Mt.,. U 1-IU2 E..._ U 1-l•OO • Udo Bayfront Open House Dally 1 to 8 p. m. ' 4-01 Via Lido Soud bedrooma oo 77 toot frontqe. buy under .$100,000 and - 3 bedroom 2 bath on ff tt. lot. AD. excellent value at S3UOO WE CO-OPERATE W1'I1I ~ R&ALTORS DUNCAN HARDES'N,' Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newporl. Beoch ll&r. UiB • • CORONA HIGHl.ANDS SERENE yxEW !tom tho larp wladowa foclnc tbe eea. H•rwleonMl)t appollrt.ed 2 bed.rm.. Ir: · den. ranch otyle homo. H•"l' Ihm roof. 107 IL' front.,• nlcoly lanc!K&ped lot. Naturol finl>h klb:hen with built in ,,,..,, A range. Forced air h•t.. hdwd. n...._ AUinl $29,81)i) A worth ll ·-11«nt tlnanclnr. OSBORNE-FORTON Re;,lty Co's. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Pon Orange) ' U 8-7M2 Eve1 Har.,5154: • • HERE WE GO Two Bdrm. and •ma.ll den, :a balN, redwood bl.t exterior, paneled, expolJld be-.m. la-' ... -. tenor. l'lnpia.c., thermo con-BE'l"IER HURRY ON THIS On.co! trolled, hMt, .tJJ• 111 kJtchna Sacrifice -owner leavinr atate. 3 bedrm. • bath AND Sar&f'I apt. home completely furDtabed inc•udinl rup rhh tlriplact!, tuml91141d. Ren-• ' tAI Income fTG per mo.. xu.. drape•, radio, f'Urnlture,. TV, deep freeze, ranp, rue•t room be.low •pt. With etc. ee.utlfully lud.9caped ya.rd. Cemeat bath rou,bld ln. 1 clothes yard. Tool room.. .Work lbop. MaQ)' W. E FISHER other feat1ll'fll. $4,900 dowL Bal. M6 per mo. ' , lncl. taxeo A lnaurance 4\i %. WOUid coot at & Assoc11tes 1eut s111.ooo to ,.pw. SP"'crA1. THJa IOM Ee.at Cout Hlpw_, WEEK. $11,840.()'1 Come and .. lt. Corona dd Mar # • u.,. .... , "'"· 8 "· tuo-w MAX W. POPE. Re1ltor ORANGE COAST · PROPERTIES ll&T NtwpOl1. .8!'1d... Cotta ~ u wm s... u .. 1t00 NEW 3 BR., 1\ii hotho Mo. po.yment. ooly $7~ lnquire, owner 2:S2 E. Palmer Coota M,.. LI 8-2651 Wlllill B. J ..... A.lloclate UOILBarl1ar..Bhd._ • . Colli -. Llborty 3-1,1'2 Ev• Lll>orty ~ VOGEL V ALU~ CORONA DEL MAR co ....... 1Gt:s-1r. bdrm&., 11uat. 11aptone tutpa'.: : eacloMI patio, oa Kaia-te. -to bullci -U In-anlt. l'liot reduced to SUl.500. liuy·- U~der oo..iructloD-&. of l(wy. -1 bllt from ocean, 2 If. bedrooma, 2 batho. ?C·IJ. dbl. far- ~··· Pleue can "" for an app"t. Prleed at $24,950 .THE . VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout H"J' .• HA. lTU CORONA DEL MA R HA: 07~7 ' 'l'll1I ~I new home with ahake roof. ' -,ummy" bUilt-bua. electric pn.p door. etc.! K•J be purehued for only $28.000. Tbe ba.Uder, Ml'. Bime1J bu not qYerlooked one detail to make thJa home tM. outttandinr -.iue • ln the area. • Perb.ape you would rather have Mr. Bisaell build a home to your own pl&na, lt 10 we have about 10 remaini.q homemt.ea ln thil lovely oranp crove. OUR ENTIRE STAFF IS AT YOUR SERVICE .Jack' llu.llan. Jack Stockdill, Dunc Jr., EI.le Ebelinc. Ruth Davia, Jean Smith, Marilyn 'nlom.u Sandy Goodman # · DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Je02 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 Typical of Udo we·. ultra-awt modern bome9 .. th1a miklnl ' blclrm.. 2 bath boaM of ~­eom))let delisL Tb. llvtDpm. f ~turte a hand· IOIM ltotle ~; bea8""' eelliQi alld llJdlnl , ,_ doon to the ,.,.•nt ~tlo. The ldtichen la a woman'1 dreaiD With buIJt.in oven aad ranp, hvd'food cabmets ,With liatchlnr Ionia.le& 1lln.k top9. The boDat Pim a4ded dwm from the wall· to-wall carpetlq, hu.se wlD4on, and ~ colorw a.ad wan paper. Tbe full price Ji $37,500. . . 2:5 .elect bUOdb11 lita on LIDO' ISLE A few on the BA Yl'RONT and the balance on quiet croa ltreett c10M to Udo'• pri~te beacba. Come in and tel( a. your deairea, -we will try to · help, When all the adverttaing smoke clean, then probably in't a better place to live in America than Lido Isle. INVESTIGATE by coming to HEADQUARTERS! p. a. palmer incorporated ole hen1on co. man~gement 3333 via lido, harbor 1000 OLD BALBOA BAYFRONT Open House 1 to. 5 P.M. Charmine 1 ato1')' Ranch Style home, t bednn.I. S batha. dinininn. One bloclt to Little Corolaa beach. 239 Poppy ,Aven\le, Corona clel Kar. Price $31,&>0. Drive by or call Davi<Uon O.burn tor detafla. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanaon co. management 1700 w. cout htghway -liberty 8-M73 OCEANFRONT NPT. CORNER BALBOA 2 untta !urnlahed. J'tne 2 bdrm., 1 bath ~ ~td.. OPl:N DA.U.1' t 4.11. TO t 'P.K. ID.A VY &Ii.AX& ftOO~ ~ Ooon. bt&' do\lbM pl'.,., forcM W blat, MDMJt VY• ud rup. ~poe&la. ......... alidlJIS SS.. doon. ued lllirtlll ' Tl:R&D'IC LOQCJlfO BOMD Wit.II ucdmt 8Dor , plana on ea.ta 11-·• most demlrable J:aalt l1<h. 3--bed.room: UJ..IOO-Pl>OO down 3·bedroom and den: Sll.te0-•2000 down All helm• bne I b&tha OLE ttANSON CO. . , .. ------------=-------1 DD 2 ,._1....... older bl4J. would lend ltHlt Loweat priced '>CC&n troot prop-i.,... JVd a.cram tM ttnet ™~ bL. ....... ,.._ aln&"l• to modemJJ:atioo A. lncreued trly on Balbe>a Penlntui. at to cbaaMl llW'tmr41q, bQs. to ------------------ B/ B pre.re, Oil food fOWld&Uon-lncome. Lowe9t priced bey· '24.,750. I bdrm., I bath bome ~ A. )»eat 8UJ"I NIL&n •. N.S. eom• pe.tnt. mnod. root. front now at Pl.600 A: only wttll lnclOMd p&Uo. dbl rara.r•. 110.600 1'. P. •UOO dL S&O VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND s.. atra lot-fl\&.U otter. Jl0,000 down On a lars• corner lot. per manth on t.N a..i.nce. · Eileen Rapp Phyllla Kerwin nu Rapp CHARM HOME -2 STORY 3 br. with kfai aise livinf rm. W /W carpet.I; CLOSE TO NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB Little Income Unit. -Owner Says Sell! Submit All Offen. Altinr $13,500. BALBOA PENINSULA Bay .view Properties Harbor 4814 Cplua dining rm.) One killc me br. plua terrific patio. Put zest in yo\lf living here. Unfurn. $16,000. Cub to loe.n. 1. 3 B. R.-Two Story Home. Jut decorated, New carpeta. Lee pati~,000. Ttrm1. 2. 2 B. R.-Den. 2 bath modern, completely furn. $21,750 -$~.000 down. 3. Pink Doll Houae oo ~· corner lot. 2 B. R., 1% batha, n.Mlely l&Ddlcaped patiot -$22,500. 4. 2 B. R., 2 bath, J&rc• room.a, fireplact. Neat u a pin -$18,000. LOTS Lee. Oce&n!ront lot on P.enlnlllla -·---·--$12.500 Lge. corner lot near Jetty ------·-· 11,500 2 3 0 7 NEWPORT HEIGHTS HOME! BeauWul 2 bedroom pl":'&.,~ bath home. Spacloua. tu1l dllUDil rm. dinette, W l.O YI carpeUnf, •· I car pr&J't. Wonderful home at U0.000. '8.000 down. BAY FRONT DUPLEX! B&AUTJJ"UL ' year old Pt'OJ>- erty With ~· room11, mod· em tac\UU• and the upper ll MaVUl\lll)' f\ar'Diabtfl. PJ1Yale Mach. plcr ri&'.htl. uUUt,y rma. a.ad I ear PJ'l'SL Couldn t be d91>Ueated tor Ow ..utn• price BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC •• Realtors 0' •·000• with tcnna. .utJ\ W Ba"--• Bl 1~ BALBOA UACB HOMES; 1 '!WV .iuu. vd., Balboa Harbor ~ 1 t) ' bedroom. 2 bath bom• • Even.lnp -Harbor 1S5e c1oon tl'om '*t bQ beach. aana-. utlllt7 nu. Swell fOI' a&rs• f&m.117. $1UOO. THE VERY BEST BUYS NEWPORT HTS. 2 B. R. A den, Extra Jae. lot Sl7,MO BARBOR HTS., Very charm. 3 B.R. It 2 bl.th.I S18.600 CORONA DEL MAR 3 BR., FA. heat. Cbolee 18,000 CORONA HILANDS, View home 3 BR., 2 ba.. $28,600 • cOJtoNA DEL MAR., 2 B. R., choice lot ·--~ TRADE MOOG down. t 2) a bedroom home. 11!11. batha •.• nea.r bay. Extn lot sou wtlh It. dandy tor peU.o or prden. Older property but well worth lhe _. lT ,000 they uk. I INEXPENBJVE BALBOA RlllllT.AL PROPERTY- Beuon ju.st ~· 11) J'Utbt on EMt Bay Avenue. c:Joee lO \OWD. ' unit.I - W. Balboa B l v d .. Newport Channel Front, Pier and Float OPEN DAILY 11-• ~ Clubhouae 62 ft. bulkhead -One of the n.lceat 2 bedroom homes and only 1 block to ~o ahopping. A 8teal at $24,~ Cliff Haven Triplex NEW -TWO BEDRM EACH Unlt. 1 with tirepla.ce. Income~ per mo. A terrific value. $19,9~ -only ~ down. 4 Units Balboa Peninsula One 2 ~.three 1 bednn., plua extra aleeplnc t'()\)m with bath. Belt locatlon and in A-1 condition. Potentlal income $M65 yr. Aakinr $35.000 tenna. • View Home Only . $14, 750 BEST v ALln Newport Heipt.I. a· bedrm., 2 bath, col\venient location. We have the keya. ' JACK BRENNAN, REALTY ''AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 . Sf.IS Gabriel 2 B.R. home for San Diego 8MJ30A Ocean l'ront for Downey, San Kanno, -· or Whittier. a a&q1-and .. bachelor. ------------------All r-.cc>rated. turniab«I . . . .. ..... G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 36M E. Cout H'?·• Corona •dd Kar Harbor 3"2 Ev.a Ba.r. 6680 FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK CJ.AS$ A store and off1c:e bWJdlni located on ma.t important corner · in ,Puadena Prict fl00,000. Will pey 1% net net and will d.ePQlit $8()0,000 u leue 1eeurity. Large • depreciation factor. CALL OWNER. T. D. Rofera, Ryan 18167 or Harbor 3828 and ln Dice oondlUon. Ul,000, term.a. ( 4) Here ll anot.bcr one -aam• location wllh a 2 bedrm. l\o\l.M ln front and a cut• blc.llclcn· ln NU. Nice lit· Ue home With aome ln· comL l lJ, '700 and Urml that ri1 ..u lt. (6) A.U to ... th1a 2 bed· room tum.1llMld home With a DMJ't7 MW baehelor In rear. paUo, and 2 finlle prqu. On .. l&rse lol too. 'b.100'. Onl.1117,!500, ' tenna. t e) 2 bedtoOm home wlth a 1 bedroom apartment over a 2 car ....,..., Oloee_. ~ town ln Balboa. A SVoO renter 1u.mmer or wtn(er. 116.000, term1. -------------Balboa Realty Co. OppoetA ea.i\'Jt of America R~ Greeley l:d Lee Joeephlne Webb 700 11:. Balbe>a Blvd.1 BaJboe Phone Hatbor S277 EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY Comfortable year round home. 3 bednnl. Ii 2' :! bat.ha. Large ya.rd, double ~&rap plua attractive rueat apartment. $38,:500 rood term.a. * * * UTILE ISLAND (EXCLUSIVE LISTING) Extra wide lot near South Bay. 5 bed.room.a, 4 bathe, larg-e living room and eeparate dining room. Dellgbtlul patio and play room. • TRULY the ideal family home. $42,500 Excellent terma. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Beach Shake Roof, Rustic 8" t.bll near1' MW I bdrm. 1 ~ balh J\ultlc Ranch bom• locat..s LD tbe Mlect spot of the Back Bay .,.. and then FOR SALE OR TRADE-No. 53 Emerald Bay Deluxe 5 bdrm. • bl.th home. Extra la'e. lirin& rm. & dining area -3 car prage. OUtatandlq view. right on the beach. Retired owner will tab Truat Deed u down payment. Full prioe ~7,DOO EveninJ call Har. 3629 M-1 LOTS -$7:500 to $9500. C01ta Meaa THE VOGEL CO. Realtprs 208 Marine Ave., Har. *" or 1015 (Next door to POltoffiot) { the.. extJu and you'lJ ------------------airc. with UI that ll eddl u.p to mon tbaa fll ,IOO. pl Kut« bdra. 11' a JO' pl W&.lk·ll cedllu'·ltned cloMll ,, Bullt,.tn barbeque pl BaauW\&l ll'M-Un*1 p&Uo pl OYWsl.Md pna.se With I&"•· worbbop r' Oo'pper plu.mbl.q • cuatom built t.hroupout. Another Back Bav Beauty PRICED TO 'mt.LI ID thiA bea?Y ab&ka root, I bdrm., C\19tom·bUllt home wtlh an all electric built-in ldtcben. and Lido Island We have ju.st liated what we believe J..a Lido'• beat buy -three bedroom.a, two bath.a, best location. Built 1~1. Street to ltreet lot. $27,500 -$7:500 down. Excluelve with · Lido Realty Associates MOO Via Lido all th-. utn.. tncludinl' ---"'--------------- dilbwuber, lnclinct u~uv. touch plat. wt.rtq. ALL THI8 ANO KOU for - a20.t00. • Balboa Island • Pier and floe t • 811.ue roof • R.dwOOd and \18«1-.brick ext.nor • Cbanntns paUo • BullMn Bar-8-Q fa kite.be • 2 b«lroama pi.. ta.mUy rm. e I yean old • e UT.600 VOGEL VALUE IN HARBOR HIGHLANDS Like new two year old home with three Md.room.a, l 'l3 bl.thl, 1350 aq. tt., iuu unni room. dbl. pap,~ EBA loan. a.e.ellent. tmn.li car· peta A drapa incl. in the below rep~t price of $17,875. THE VOGEL CO. Bay & Beach Realty Inc _320_1_w_._eout __ 8_1_&h_•_1.Y_,_N_ewpon __ Be&cll ___ u_1-N1 __ • R.&ALTOR8 11115 B.utloT Bouleftl'd eo.ta x•. C&Utornla u a.m• m.... u &-a161 NEWPORT HTS. I BEST BUT 2 bdrm. • den or I l~ dlntnl' rm. ln perfect I .condiUon. 2 bet.b.a. 1a.rp !Md· rma. be&uWuJ kllchu. All thll w1tll two. two cu ~" Only PQ,000 -EXCZLLENT TERMS. YOUR LAST CHANCE ••• To build your -dfeam houae on excl..-lv• "Little 111&.Dd... By building on th1t choioe tot, ,ou will ret a brand new home to your euct 1pedtl· cation1 and the total cost wUl be about what you'd expect to pay for an old boule tn the same fine location. • ~·or flirtbe.r information about thla exclualve U.tiq', teltphone Stan Hadtleld, at Bar. zm. WM. w. STANLEY SANFORD ' Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa 1aland Ba.rbor 24e2 • C. ED JONES , Realtor IM Harbor Btvd., C. M LI 8-3333 •