HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-16 - Newport Harbor News PressVIC?ORY 1108 SCENE -Newport Barbor Union Fngh School Sailor J.ea.m- matea converse on Gary Green after Tt.n .defeat An&.heim at ea.ta Meaa Park, 2--0, yesterday afternoon. The victory Jaft Sailors halt-fame lead over Anaheim In SUD.Mt League and pracllcally cinched a CIF playoff berth. -Statt Photo. PHONE HAJlBOR 1818 -(uuncil .Cha~ge$ .. Eunlone licenses Polli1g Places for SchoOl1 Ordinance Would Tax Each "- Entertainment Machine · Election Shown TRU& UINDIDATES M::""tn~~ ~,th•••~~ A "'" amen~:Ct 8:7he M~=ipal code, providing • • board of ~t.eea ln the con· tor Individual licensing o! variou.a conceuiona and lndi· PRep~RE FOR VOTING eolldated Hatbor Area eltctlon vidual coin-operated entertainment machines in Balboa With elec:Uou eomlnJ up Frl- daJ' of ~ ... tor !MD\Nn &Dd o~ of 9Cboel -.rdl tn tllJa .,..., ca"""'9t• an mall- Orange ~1it, H1rbor Hi1~ fli1es ia Wi11 • J'riday are localed at four acl\oola. Ever•tt Ru. Main, Har-Fun.zone wu preaented !or first readinr Monday nlpt per and Undba'(b. a.t. city coundJ-an amendment 1 UcenMd at $60 ~r machln• Ill&' lhelr Jut.-m.tnut. appe&Ja to Newport Buch Elementary wtuch may hav• tar· rtachln,f which lnvo!vea only ont player, vot.tta. Boudl wtlh va.cancl• are School Dt.lrkt votu. wlll cut effect on tMmneM In the dlalrlct I wklle $100 Pf'r madllne la chari- Orance Oout OoUese. 'Newport lhelr ballot. at thJ'M echoola, I It lnvolftll. ISH EdlJ.ori&l Pqe eel for more than one player. Harbor JJmon Hllh 8choo1. Cost.a Cot-ona del Mar, Horace Enalp for comment) 8tmllarly, a $100 fee 11 to be Mta ZlmiuitA7 IChool and and Newport Elem .. tary. Otf9"d quleUy u OrdJnanct chal"Jtd to bcenM terrta wbeei.. N~Tt 8eac.ll I: lem en t • r y Polla will be open f rom 7 711, amendlnr Section 8tH.C of a.nd like "l n pe " School di.ltrtcta. a. m. lo T p. m. the code. reprdl.q lhe penny Jn Lim. put th• eum of UOO ror lhe collqe boerd lnc:um-T here are two Incumbent. and I arc&de. P'unZone operation. the llcenaed lhe entire Fun.Zone oper- beml.I Han-y L. LeBard and Walt-one newcomer Y)'tnr for the aha.keup of busineu llcenHa In atlon, Councll!niln J . B. SlOddard .,. II. Lonsmoor ate up tor .._.. two vacated MW In each of that area almoet pueed un-adviaed thf' New1-Ptt.al. e1.ectlon am1 WUU&m J . 8Wford the foQr local achoo! dlltrlca . noll~ But Orvllle Schlu.ter. b*8 &wed tU race.. lAB&rd LI Balbo& buatneum&n uked lhe a --cb oil dlalribu-Precinct No. l . All ar-. em-council what Uu amendment HUntt .... ton .... Co.ta Mesa poUtnr plac•: • HIGH 'COST OIWidl W..-0 ...._. ar,.. tar, Lcacmoor Uvta at Corona bnc.d ln Oranr• County Toline 1De&llt. Then newamen took up I I Cout ~ ~ Olarennce del Kar and ta pr.tdent et West-the qutmnr. STUDENTS' NEAR RIOT u.auo1 w• ... , THa b&Mball cbamrt-Plrat. Y•.,. Qann.,. Co. AU lhne me r:c:· ~v=w~0Po~ln~ City ofnciala replied they aome OF BUILDING ~ 5" t.rda7 eluged tallJ' way !Jlto,. have been acllve ln ch'tc work place: Everett Rea School, tol monlha -C1> hlr. Id the firm of J . t~ Of Ulietr ...,_,, Olilfo• m their communltlea. Btattord HamHlon St L. Jacobeon to atudy exllllnr SEES ARRESTS OF 3 Temperatures tor t.be w..X-~::.,·o.!;:'4 .... ~ :79~ ~ =._:;-:! :: No. 2. Colla x ... No. 1. 12, ~::• uandtoret~ SLOWS BOARD end ln the Newport Harbor ar.. tcd&T an.noo., U . near• bill community, U , 1~, 18, lt and lb&l portion cbaa.,.._ needed In the city. were eo.Q JDmU I'__.• H~ Leaard bu bee on Ule coP•r• of Or"'1.tlle that llu 1n the •-• I . Hip Lew Barbor UO. 111111 a.clilool aaU1r .._.. 1b1a Jt wu orpnDec1 nln• MIA ecboo1 dllb1ot. Pollinr Ol&nainl the f'unZone a Penny T'burllday, May 10._ 11 06 nlne u,..t tbe ..._.. ..... ._ ,..... qo and Lona"moor about place: Main School. 1901 NrN· Ar~de, for one lMt.an«. wu N H• .I. ScL--f J"l1da u.-..-. All&beilm Oohalst .. lot, ~ "-'-_. aa1 a ba1t y•ra. port Blvd. part ot the recommendation, il eW lyn 11UU y, .._ 11 ·--C2 O.J w .. Putt ~ .a.;;;; DUll8 liCE No. a. Coeta Mesa No. a. '· wu broupt out. Al.o, It, ap-Cl--U • laturd&y, Kl,7 12 -U : to move lnto a balf ... -1-d.. ~ e6eol ltoaPd tncwnbdt I. t. 10, 11 , lT. 21, 22. Pollins peered, the new ordinance would llllUlf'OOlll ftlf =· ~ ~ --:: 11 u. 8an8l1 = 'ra. vtet4W 1'lac \I a ....i •tat• place: Karper School. 11th It. eilimtnat. au pln ball oper&OQl\I Now Under Stu...., ~ i.I ,~-11 aPf&l...ay d. Tan a UWtl ta N~Buch . .m TuM.ll'I An. h.,,., a cond.tUon moet t.boqbt ""J -.... •...;. ~ • w • J l t ft IT .,.,t la tW CD' m1•.U ,..,.. Ma• ~ beard .about No. f . Cotta Mt:I& No. I, 14, WU ~ by the prnlou.a ...... ta ..... ~ Scbool'a anpual 5eaiOr Dttc.b Day .!"'~• Ma7 1 IO .U.. ~ •W.U.£~1~,p-and.__.. "9 UlrM ll. :0. U. u. Ba)'VUw No. 1, eounc11 o~• which limited ~ cOllt of 1chool COllllnlc-~Y dMi a I IML ended a w riot cm ~ cW ~ .._ -.. •~~Wit 1. -. ..,.........,. ...,. wan. ~ He. t ad that port.1oa tM plla MD .,.,.at1o11 to an ~ no. cauee11 ~ Newport ttarbor u.ee ,.,.. Uiiiflation Par -a.. ~ :Y:• al:Oi Don..w Dunp.D la or Paularl.M No. 1 &ad No. 1 ene root plaA Sa Ule ru.zana. Union BJrb ldlool Mc1' to '-•--' ,_ ..ar.-.. .. ..,; .. ., oa ~r.1 mark•4 u..tr Jtdl • at1ol'IMlf'· lie ,..,•..-..UY ta t.la ea.tax.. ecbool CU.y Attorney K&rl 1J1111 poatpon action on a CCftlract chU'gU of .&1WM.1C&tavn, w.Lw ..:0.. the ~ f&Wic , to lllltndPt,..... ta. a.uo;,. ca~ ..,.WSW to u.e tx.H ind .._ t.. J)aYla, at COUDdJ uid pn11a ,._ for a oew 14 -room cla.M '*IJl't dilpene, and tnUrferiq with arntti. f:AiloUMr JOU1h f School ed .....,. ..._u. •tnJlhlt .. tMii ._. nued one ~Ye tArm. ..,..c.. Ned detao. et the OlodS-buildtDr KODda7 •UI • ..,.cl•I wu takftl i.o the bo.pltal tM a I the enun -•bt7 s. °"""4 0 s doWn1q ••"flhrL Re u.,.. ta Colt& K.-wtw.. u ,..__d' p-....zl ~. It. NpeaJa tM lulpa• meetlnr to be h•l.d J"ttday. dlalocat.«I lhouJder rect1Yed from to dl.9pe1w imm-1latety either .,.._,. pot.-t ..-... ..-. la cit)' a~ &nil t&k• an ae-• .... ,,._.. _... Uon of MPIN\1 A.J't94ett and Rt.I Only one bid wu ottnwS on aurl1n(. back on the beach and IPr'Md , Leas lle&cb Qty eou.,.. wt.«> Uve part tn aa&ft7 dvtc acUvttlu.. ~ Meaa police Saturda1 up lndlYid~ tees. A cenenl cooatrucUon of the hew bulld- PoUct at Umu were 1urround· I out or ~t to your can aad Here Shelved •.. .,.. .... 9llnt& ..,..,. J0.1 IARo1 P. A.a4enon, who le mcr.ntnr warned away MVen.l contractor fee 11 $60. a aubcon· In& and that WU ll'prox.lm&UJy ed by 200 lo 300 howllnJ. cun-'"" tbe bMcb enllrety. Other'-,-..,, lft a ba9t t... o~ of ..tdna a ~ on lb• board. 1malt ch!Jdrtn playinr under a tract.or'• $60 with llcenae. not '4~000 blrhft' than lti. a rchl· tnr youtha, and thlnp rot out wa.. yoL are all In vlotaU011 of tm. ,._. ..-lllU weekend. wu oae of t.be "tnember1 or the avid-to\ eKllon of . Puente at. u.lpablt wtlh 12 feh c.h&r(ed tect'• ,.st1m1t•• The bid of S.. of hand IO badly that Officer the penal code 1tetlon covmns Un.l!lcallon of lbe three echool The ttnt ,... '1111111 "9 •t l •p.m. f~ II.IP Kbool board which The area baa been blocked otf for chanp1 ol location. • 'crut • Fi•h of Whlttlu wu Donald Munaon had to lhTuten rout." diarlctl lnclUded ln the N.wport J'r\day at °'8llC9 Oo&-*. U. eec:-orpnilled and 1tari.ed con11truc-by the atreet depertment pend· Amount of machine pme feee $212,1161 and the Hllmeted cott tllem wtth th• uae of the riot Vic.Um of the wrttnr aec:ldmt ._ ... __ .. ,.. __ ,.. ond at noon a.tuNa7 at Lons U. Oft the ,.._.nt plut. He t1 lnr rel*lra. rune hlrh. aklll ramea Mlnl UM.000 aq\l&d. WU Dave Whalen, Bellfiower. _.... .,.,.. ......, ... _ ... areu WU Be&cb City Colt .... Wltb tbe tlllrd -" atl«neJ and llvu In C:O.ta The board WH IVfnl,y dlvldH ~ tor lntoxlca.tlon wu Otrloera •ere tn the procu. of put otr, poujbly lndett.nltely, at pme,• lt n~. tmmedlately .,..._ GOOD NEJI!.. O on lttUnr lh• co«1trat:L to tie Ralph Sidney llltcheU. 11. or t&klnr Wb&.lnl to Boar ao.pttal a ~' of the unlflcatlon com-folklilrtnS. Dt th• t'fte for ptaca on UI• wHI RS lone blddeT. Judr• D. J. Dodt• I03 N . Low~o St., 8anta Ana. for treatment wben the baacb mitt. held TuMd&y eventnr. Mound .,. Wayne ~· Colt.a Kua Un.Ion School Dia· movlnr to let U11 c~ntrw.ct and WbJl• otflcer1 we,.. putUnr him dJlturbance br'Oke OUL I>\» to oppcMlltion apparent lut pttchlnS and 0.tdlft' TedOoutt.' tr1et board .,.. tllcumbeat Brad-4 Men Who Saved Home From J L 8tefftl\Mn 1econdtnr tt. ID the poll.Ce car, they l&ld. mipty ~ -... nm wtth ~ 8cbwan, who bu been on Dod&• opined th.at If lbe board 1.,.,., Wallace rellowi, 20, of s B e"'11hc It wu decided by the one aboanl ta U. .....,th tM1DI lhe board 111.nc• Aprll. 1966, ud F• Co d d F A 1. · waiW the 009t would prob&~ 11092 Norwood Park, TUatln, at-ult to e onua!U.. to tum th• qua.Uon wen t.b• h1PHSMI., ,.......,... blftnllMnt 11..-rt Jenka, on the I re mme1 e or c 101 probebly ro up, at leut be did tainp~ to ope the door and of uniftcatlon back to the lndJYl· JC Wt ca U. ..._ .-mpua~ di.a-1*nl 1lnoe No91mber of lut , · not believe It would 10 dawn nleue M.Juh.ell. Ke wu ctwy-• dUa1 dUtrtct llCbool boardl for moncl y•r. 8cbWva, u attorney. baa Fire PrevtnUon Ottlctr l\alpll Tbey ruahed to flrllt the nre. and It .... apparent.. he •td. ed w1th lnterferlnr with ar-Flied Toda tud7 rdln t" Coun llchoo OouJ'!llr)'. tn tftldllll d elpt· Cour. c:hJldra ln t.be C:O.ta Kea Let of Colt& Meaa today luued Hibbard lhowed up with • lb'e that the achool hid to lla91 t.111• ...U.. J ' ' acco r ' ty I h.lttc. faJla1"I' ID .ad 'W&lldna tcboOla Utd bope1 to belp eoiYe a atatement of commendation to exttnrulaher and tvltb that and buJldlnr. Tb• third YoUth. Leonard _ lu.,..tnttndent l.. T. Bmunona, tin, won 1111111 llU. 'ftctol'y ot ~· tAt dilltrtet'a financial problema a prden boM, the men put out Jn the atNttl\Ce of Hadd lllnl, 1oeeph a.nu.. 22. of 111 Oran,. Who t. HCretary of the county 9'UOll ln 1) out.Dew t. S'Y• UM Jrnb i9 bead ot a flberl1Ua four men who believe In helpln1 t.he bla.u. Devey wu apparenUy I board member_ It wu deelded IL. Santa Ana. WH arreet.ed. SuJt &p.tn1t the City of New· commJttM on achool di.tr1ct ~ Buce a record ot l1 wtna. fin maau.f~ plant. ua. th1'M thdr nel&bbor1 drtvtnr put when be pitched In to waJt befaf'W apendlnr t.ft• t.bey -1d. when ht u~ vile port Beecll \.o halt the 17Ut 8L orpn!MUon. la... In ~ U.e ICut.sn Cll.114ren. end II blt.llN9t.ct tll put-Tbey Aw tlamt1 In the home to belp. 1 monty and. let h.lm bave a pt.rt aan,uap In front of chHdren AnnaaUon proceedinaa WU to ... : tbe ori(in&J meetJn(, called Cont.-.nct crGW1l for the foaa111 Uf\C' bl.I a.pertmce on Ul1 boerd of D. W. Burioln• al 4" M&J· B~oln• told LH he bad Ml"· ln lhe decl.ton. tor Which he wu chll1'Jed wtth be t1led today wtt.b lhe cl4rk "1 t11e councy dt.trict orcanla-lltnUPt -..... lll• Ptrai. ...,.. lo work tor betterment of the noll& St.. eo.ta Mua. Saturday lier dropped a clprelte on the d.latu.rblnr the peace and for be-o1 Superior Court by aty At• don coaunlttee, It dneloped that undefeated ta D ~" ltchoola. nipt. nMlbed lnto lbe amok• divan and thourhl he bad put It Principal Joe Hamblet aid It .... one of the rtn_..eade,. In toniey Don Du.npn. the dl7 of-ta.. N......_. Baell ICbOol Mard p.mM. 8TO&llr PETREL CUJed ~ pulled a burnJnr d1· out before be l•tt the h-. woul!I M poutbl• by ua1AJ .,,. -&• fl laJ ed _ _.erda ----· Ida 1.-. .. Id tbe divan WU rol\IUD\-IT')' avallabJe room every echoo1 a dUtW'Mnc• Cr'Mted by about c announc i-· y. . _.... ~ to unl1kaUon at ~ at.ra bue *"'-wti T)'.le otlMr ~at.e for the Y&n onto the lawn aad put out ...... att•r th• tire h.ad amoulctered hOUT. to ret &Jona' throup Ule IOO )'OUtha on th• beech. • Du.np..n added the cue will th.II Ume and lh• ~'1' c:Om-oontrtbuted to ~ Oout.'1 Neaa board. Barrt.on F. San-a tire which cauaed u 11Umat--.., ~ 1'86-67 9Chool eat but. thet th Ottl~r Ch•ter CUrry l&ld he proM!>ly come ~ ln court en m.lttM declared It wu th. com-trtumpb ,_....,. a.piut Com>-bom.. bU beeQ a ltoraly petrtl 1n ed 1150 ln damqe. Burrot.ne ln It for approxtmately three 1 ' • wa.a eac:orttn1 • Mruor atudenl l'rlda7, June 1. u near u he rnJliM'• open..t~ tut IChool ton .._. ~ ~ Ill-. acbool polltia tor a number wu nol a l home al th• lime, houra. 'tbe fire alao bumed holH toUowlnr tau would ba the dted- trom the beach and wu mauled can deurmine. Tbll wtll allow Doerda npreeenl the thlnktns o1 'lnn•1 triple, J'tnt tlt.drilP Q.a. ot J'Ul'1I wtlh ~ 1'9\l!t that he Lee u1d. ln tbe carpet. Lee 1&ld. ~i:; :;. ac~m°;e"Uon wtt.hout ~1 Benta and other youUte tn approxtm_atet1 10 da71 fo-r a rul-the •oe.n and that ll would be R&ln•'• double &Dd • pair ol t_... ...i,n.t tTom hil poelUoA u - tM pl"OeeM. He aald Bent.a threw In& to be made and aonounc:ed a wute of tt1111 and mon11 to bacren by Second ...._..,, achoo! bminffl man.,..r tut ab'i:' u ria:.ed._ 1~;,~1;•::;: Aft..... llown DoWll .. ~ h• ~· ~ ~:,.w~ and at him and tried to pull betor. Newport Beac.h'1' protut call a.n elec:Uon Jn the face of Jerry Wayt. In &IJ, the lluCI luly. ' nolla. Ralph Hibbard. 417 M -lfhe tire de rtment moved a f bo 120 000 Lbe aenlor, Jim Deallln. JW&Y htaiuir on the 17th St. Anna-tuch ap~rent oppolltlon. b&abed 11 hit.a. 1'crr two IChool yura. prior noUa, w . E. Cato, 1124 wan:! tt leYlalon anf!na from ttu :'t!. ~ar!ierutbuUdtnc !:.,': from him. ~nt.a wa1 •rr•led aUon June 11. At tll&l f1r1t meeunr t.b• com· • to bl.a re9lsn&tlqn. Banbom wu BL, and Daniel Davey, 1514 W . itreet In ~ont of 201 Coll1m the board plan1 to c.heclr other by Otncen Mun.on and Rich· Tbe su~rlor Court 1ult wUI mJttM which met 1 .. t even.tnc ASl .... mllla OI ln90IV'ld 1n ~tronrsy ·which ttb St.. Santa• Ana. / Ave •rly Tuaday whlcll bllh elmllar bulldlnp now under eon• atd Heinecke. determ1.ne and . eet&bu.b which wu named and after HYeral .,.. q 9ftntually raurt.ed In decl.llon Lee r~rted Cato wu at ~I-wtnd• bad blOW'll from l.be roof 1trucUon to comp.re llll.9 c09t Kun.on. In breaktnr up the annuallon proc..tJn~ baa prior-•re•M Of, 1tudy lhl1 commJttee c11·1t Haven of the Meaa .:hoot truneee not 17'• hOUH when th• two Of Ul•m of the butldlnr. Pollce •Id th• with' what otheT dUltrtct. are ~d !°1n' mob of 300 7outha. tty. Nl'WJ)Orl Beach 1 o~ta dedded that the belt lhll\( to do .. (0...a-f • Pap J) aaw the na.ma acroea the llrMt. anteMa wa1 a trattlc h.a&&.rd. peytn.1. _. ... told them: ''TlleM police W..'1 AAnutaUon No. . Th• tJU to tum the whole unWea- ettlcel'll an cn...,.ed. ln the pur-latte cona.u of about acree Uon quMtlon back to the three Se u L , .. •tt of their lawful ~Uea and of whkb II are ln dt.pul•. ICbool bo&tdl for further 1tud7. wen p.e • • UWD& LOCATION -Bertha Stabler, richt above. tella Councn:nen C. A. , atplie, left and J. B. Stoddard bow eDginNn and '.ewer workers put her Oiff Haven .ewn in what •h• think• ia wroni &ocation. oeceaitatinc anrles in &e. -stall Pboto ' -..._ ~ tor t.be Clltt RaWft u.. were uaured Moad&.Y 1111tat atter dty councll cJoeed a pubUO btarlnr on the ~t die· U1C:l ~ u. tadllt7 IUld ovun&ltd all prole9tl .. ...... lneuJl\clent.. A motJoa wu adopt- 111 ~ an appeaJa wtaU• a .coDd snotloD C9Dl1nMd ......, net& --. Meire t.ba.ft a hall ._..... ...- t.t.I wen row WI~ th CO\lod. obJtcllnC chleny to t.be roet.bocl ot ...... Inc particular peot.e of ta,nd lnYOIYed. Th... titre d• plained to llll• coucll ~ i. ... rence Thompeon. ....-.mnit • pnMI' and Bert Webb. act1q Git)' m&nafer. Tbcy ckfendld ~ _--.m..i\& eucc...,u.111 dNptte COlllltderable criUclcn t"°"' U.O. dtect.t. la anothar h•rl¢ council bad no prot-.t.a on the "'°,_. lldl It. Allnoatton W'bJch lln'Olft9 l"a,pmaUc °"""' ,.,.... ........ ....U.plec. ~t. ~di .. ~ Ute ...... u. ordtnuol .... ..alYld &M tile Onutaaitee ,....S t. -.iond ...a.41 .... 'nae Bel4¥M Aaaa&U• hear- iq .,.... ccllttnued lo lb• nut ~owicll eea1on at wtlkll t111M o~ llCW'I ...,... ~- TDDDIOOI' 800 4t01N TllOOP :... Six acw ScOuta of Balboa la1ud Troop 81 become Tenderfoot Scout.a after a 3 -month candidate coune and u lmpreuin c&ndleli(bt cenmooy lfttrin( the Troop C.Ourt ot Honor ., ......... v .. 1 ... '-• in Ha.rbor VI"' Scllool Lett to rizbt, a.re TerT7 Lundy, Hank Klepp1nfer, Rick Macnab, DicJI Wehrt. Ken Bonner and Keith Sou". Cahdida.te • not in picture ia John Shaw. -SW! Photo • ' -. GOINGS ON AT·· THE 8ALBOA BAY CLUB . . By DAN BAYLESS Viva The •eason ls upon us, sure enough -Pacific Anglen haft ju.at Ht tMir &tlllual All Fiflh, All Tack~ Tourna- met Cor May 26. All members or the fi~hing grouP. and their relation -wives, huabands, children, grandchildren a:nd kiaaing cousins are eligible to compete. says Ray Dykt, tourney chainn&.n. Practic&lly all fish are eligible, t:Qo, except Octopi, Shark.I, Skates. Stingray and El.umobn.ncbli. Starting time i.1 8 &. m. and lines come out of tbe water at 3 :30 p. m. unl.eu there's a hook-up. Tb• rendezvous in the beU-buoy•at the f'nlrance to New· port Harbor, and Ray says only one roJ per angler will be allowed. See that you remember that . CANDIDATES DEAT!:t NOTICE f"-lif1 ...... fl"Ct9' Firs& r.rl t:D"'AftD \\.'!:ltN'ER WI irrut t.enur• lo ~re Edward W. Y.'emer, 79. 4i2 Nett. ,rtacl~I of t:veretl Rd Oahlla Av~ .• died May 13 In ~I. '°" a lltfed llbcr•I i n· Hoar HG!lpi lal. He w11 born In ~ havol¥1nr lh1 Fellov.·-lll1nol. and had resided bffe for tlllip of lleeonclhllon. two ye11rs, \O."U a rf'tlred coMUl· 0Dm1n1" an emotion· charred t11nt tnr lhl" J . H. Pomr.-oy ~ mMtlnf In HarP'lr icti.ool Con~tructlon Co, r.ot ~1r, when the Meq 1chool Ht le iiurv\ved by h \1 wife . ....... rttu.ed Neff tenure. 81n-V1t·g1nla 1if.; (lne 11on. Mark I!:. ""' roe. to announce hi!!° or 0 11k lH nd: t"'O <h1ughter1, lo-Ir' ....ap•Uon. Liter, ha rtQUl'llttd !0!11 HO\Vllln•I e>f S>\l\na1 lln!I WUh4r•wal or the 1ubmltted r-t· ~Ir!. Hill•• A. suv11y11. of l...ong tfaftaUOn, but the tru1tel'11 up· Be11ch lllJd It and hired Merton Canuu'-lkrYlc• were held today at • u blwine ... m&1111er l!l ll. m. In Ball!. Mortuary, Co- ~ tndlcalld at that Un1e r"n ~ dtl M..a': Chapt-l, ""Ith th1 Ul&l •• mlsht run for a ~hool Rt>v. Htram Cro11bv of Ula Lake• ~ pott In tha n1;xt l'le<:Uon. "''OO<I Ep111Copal Churrh offlclat· :;-,... &anbom. hav1 three chtl· lnJI. r rivate lntennf'nt v.•"9 in t nft and hi. civic a cth1UM In-\Veiitmlfll'lttr M emorial Park. 119d. Olb Scout v.·ork. church [ -----------htrt rnembtrahlp and 11 officer 111&~\bt Harbor Democr•Uc rlub. :Oo1*Ml B. Findlay. vet~•n of ~.:r-n of -rvtce Oh the New- ~ !kach Elementary School• IJaerd. la ca.ndld1t1t for r•·1tl11te- U., J'btdlay l. a cofttractor. TM ....... m•mber of the ~rd up ,...lacUoft la Melwood A. , who wu appoln~ about • ~ •JO when J . B. lltoddard Ai:lsn9d lo tak• hla pMltlon on Q• city council Berry le a mem- .... fll &n lnv•t ment firm. • ftuftnbas tor one of lhe•<1 poeta .. -Milo 0 . t.ey, m1n11.1•r of llklt&M'• Udo _Market. Today's N. Y. Stock Report LEGAL NOTICE :\"OTICI:. Of' PC"BUC HZA.BINO Notil'f! la h•reby JtLv rn that the City Couocll or the CHY of New- port e,ach ,.:Ill hold & public hurin&" on Ordlrur..nca No. T7t a m•ndlnf and adding certaln MC- Uol'UI to ArUcle X. Chapter J or the Municipal Code o( the <...'tty of N ewpcu-t Beach. S&ld publlc hearini" will be held on the 28th t\ay or .. ay, 19:'io6, 11.t the hour of 1:lKI o'clock P.M. In U\1 Council Chambt:n of lha Clly Hall of the CUy of NawPort Baai:'h at which t1n1e and pJac• any a nd all per• .on.a lnteruted may appaar a.nd bl heard th1rl'On. MARGERY BCHROUDltR City Clerk or tb1t City of Newport Baa("h. Ca llfornla No. J311 New1-Preu :'.i/16/66 \ J1WW &It MOON ITOCK NOTtOE OF REAIUNO a•p'OJ\T JIJ\OVIOWD BT NoUot la hereby (tvan that the ••••.IOM·KAMMU'· co. _ b•riril" b1,..tofor1 Ml for th• Dew>4'Asl A.v.,..-• 1ttll day of May , Jt&t, In oon- ••• • MCUon witb Raolutlon No. '113, -~-f , dawn ,, .. at.la. ___ lTfi.Cll down .QI betq a "90lutlon Of l.ntantlon to ll UUUU• ........ II.II dOWl'l .OT annu and· iffThtl notk1 th•NOI, rarard1n1 "H•llpot .A..nn•1t," bu ' 1 ,_. .VelllllM l,lt~ bNft cootJnuad to and •UI be ........ , •• AmalllftS .......... _ 11'6 haar4 on M&7 21. JIN, at Ult ~ Ttl•pbone -·· llO" • ,~a·±:«• ------.. ·---11._, Mur of T!30 P,M., ln lh1 OOuncll --w. J...._-·---·····--· 12 ~ Chtmbtre of UNI Ctt.y Hall ot ~'"-., UNI Ctly oJ lCtwpOirt Ba&cJI, UOO .,.._t -·-·-·-··-···-··-211 "' w .. t Newport B<MJlnard. N-· -.i alaatrio -··-·--··--·-''" .. h ••• th ti t ti port ac , -• m• or I· _.a Moton .-.. ·········--· 41 "4 ,..... -•···•· .. ti od 14 - ...,,.. -·-·-····· .. ·-·-··· 14ij, "• ••v.-.... con nu to .. data &nd hour. Gr9M J(Dl'tMm fl. J\. -,,4 MARGERY ICHROUOEft Ma .......... AYlatlon --111' Clly Cltrk ---·'I'. C-tnl ___ ,__,, __ 414 C14' ot lfnrport Beach ... Ot.---.. ----·-······---41'4 No.160 NeWll•PnM 6/1l;M --Oil -··-·········-··-.... '-;;;======== -Oii --···-·---·-··-... ,. ... Ola!._.._ ······-·····-····-.. II • f·d OU ot ca.lit. ---· lOl1' . ...ut4 ---······-.. ---·-·"• .. ~ es rreerie& · ... ·---------···-U4 ·~OU .t C&Jlt. ···-··---•T1' :~&.It ... •¥--·~-···········---M 1io !'tarns Hfte loy PAIKll-llDLIY MOITUAIY Ill Bro&dwaJ -Cot1ta Mrvi .... .,.. 1.J 9.1.ast Mr. UMI Mta. Samu•I Barnet, llO Ruby Bl .• Laa"Wl& Hf'at'h arf" aatK191nClftl" Ut.• •1rth of 1 bol hy ~, bo"' e t U'I• Hoa11 H{'lf!lll•I Ma7 11. 1111 baby welfhed t ...... _.)A ... ------- • • • . -. HARIOR'DRUGS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY May 17, 18, 1 "O., or .._ u~ s....,.... Mil Via Lido. Newport - DRUGS VOGUE DETERGf_NT _ -3V· =~~ -~ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ---9c: COFRE MUGS --· .. -M •• _,,._ · w oooif .. t.tiiRoR-$349 HYDROCHLORIDE ·--···-··-7u ........ ··- ASCORBIC Ac1D ______ 59c: iAt& ·s'E1 ... :.,··· '"~ ... ate: "·006 Onlt• -ioro 8ftC VMSP'"alOl\NG" _,ES .... ...._hold 2 36C: VITAMIN A ___ _ 7u ·· ------, .. ~ENVELOPE~~-~-~-C 23c: FLASH BULBS _________ 10~ PAPER ....... 37c: fl.1Sti[IGHT ...... _____ 59~ .. ENVELOPES -"' __ ,_ 2 '" 1 ~ ~ ST~Tf~~R .. YrA~7~ ..... -. ... 8~ ,, .• ,,,.a lchoot • otnc. DICTIONARY 10 l.btl. Charcoal Briquettes 18'' CHARCOAL BRAZIER WJJ'Q) OtJA.aD ADlllaTill.& dan.L I ro.mONI METAL TV TRAYS A.i'ISORTr:D ~LOR8 AND PATmllNl!I. Jll:A. VY Tl'PI'! II.UR.BER TIPPED l.!:08 Sl'ECIAL PRICE ~.49 COSMETICS rm .__ COLOGNE STICK ·----'~ COLD -CREAM ········-··--6~ ro1iSii'iffMOVER __ 27c: SPECIAL AT . ____ '5" iOiiYPtNS --~-2 ... 13c: • ' ------------ • • Ne~d toiletrieo 7' .Fir.t Aid Supplie17 · • We re a must for all your summer needs, · all those thin91 _ you 've li1ted for 1unnin9 and funning . Come, 1tock up today et our thrifty prices. "•u•• ... ... , __ . '~-?:~_.,._ I . SHAMPOO -· $159 ~--·~----·-·-··············--' None ma Skin Cremn , let-I for t reattnr 2 89 · ~~ .~:~-··-···-for , C KLEENEX TOOTH BRUSHES :::.~~~ ....................... 2 •or 89C TOILET TISSUE 4 • ROLLS FOR RIN SO l.AaGE llZE Yi GAU.0N"-IN8ULATED PICNIC JUG $119 SARAN WRAP " B rr. ' aou.. __ .___ , WATCH REPAIR s7,so 'PAYLESS Peter VINCINTS ICE CREAM . ~-' -. ·-tJ ... . UJ ltastrrf .......... "'· orw. ..... i-t ,,.._er ' ti..-.,.,..,, ......... .,,. wtt• ~U• ., r.-... A.II "·itrk lfuanultft'd I 7M8: awaty .. ,,.._ utra. ....... Pride. Silver Ym · of Ripple ·-Indiana Gin ..... ,, . ..,ON ·-l&nlPl"~ .'356 . ...,.,, 334 """ 316 ~ rfc'tl .. ••www-on• .. ,.0-.. 'UWM II'...,... 'lu.ee ... ._,.. applicabk. Dawson ........ 5c Scotch Cone .,.,.,... 10C Cone BottW 115. ........ Hmct Packed "' .. M .11--s .. Pints ~: """ 549 .9ual1 ...... ,.,. '-If':' 1/2 Gallon • • • • • • • 79c b,-tlwi -llAKY FLA VOU TO CllOOSE BOii • r, • -ii I • I I J ............ ... ,,, ......... . ~ .. II ... •ea ...... """ .... . •.•... · ...... ... ... _..._ .. .. .................. ... .. -·-··· .. ..... ~ ...... ft _ . ..., lllt tM ~ ................ ..... ~rr...­.............. ............ ., ... ..... • • • llr. 091 .................. ~ .......... ** ... .... r. COii...., bat .. hmMM GnJ·Poapoa ...._..._·wad•..Sto sr--UM tablea of .,_ W'M dr =I tM Val eon· UM11tal ._... .a-& wWa tWr ... -eaf'll9d bell, flW ....... Grey·Poupqn mu 1 t a rd from DIJOl!l lau .. ...,. been aftil&bJa O'IW i... but it hu been tmDOrted and the price • • • : h.baloal, to '° ?< &Joni with UM .mUtant •.• 8o wbat do tM Heublein people do, bat bay up ~ Whole factory ID Dijon, dia- mantle it board by board and brtnr It cna" hen to America • • • f1VfJr1 pot. apoon &Dd 1pe.tchl&la too ... And (>f coune all the chefa, "°they cu reprocluot th1a ,amous muatud of mu.st&rda clown the lllllt twllt of the wrilt tor ttr. ~ mmtard •ter-olMn;cl~tbml all •.. The HambGtpr, hot dog, eorned '-f aad ca~e. dank, !iip. a.o4 lhrimp kid. of Amllrica • • • llt a _ po_pu-• lar pm. to ftt ft'er'YbOc!Y'• pocbt book •••• cmta ..• • y ......... tlMtjlr ••• • dear P.. "-"iW with mid .... ..-. ••. y ou'I ... ..., • ._ with the._. a.~ ... Oreea lloetua m09tud aeed. white wllle, ytllepr and ...,_. •llnlul • ..ay llr. 0...,. ... llr ..... eoa1A .. lt ••• Not too ~:-.tpta, ~-= .... "::!.ft .... Ftnall.f _ we can dine a la Bob DaltOn'a without mak· lnl a trip to La Clenega res- taurant row . . . And ri(ht bere In 0\11' Udo Sbopi . . . Thureday of DtOt week' Bob Dalton.'• tine Nlltaun.nt will be Opell to th• public .•. Dinnen and eocktalll from & p. Ill. to 2 L m. • . . 8un-4Qll and holidaya open at U:IO with bnmch ••. Bob Daltoa.'• bu wm the Boll· =~=~°=-~ ,_,. • • . the utiOn BolN&y ..... eboa •• l50 r.ta1111mta to win thJia awvd. tour from our own La9 Anple. • • . • other three cbOMll along aJanc WttJi Bob n.tt.on'• ba•• been. Seudla Peftno•a • • and Chuen • • • • UnJque teamr. of the new N.t:ad- nnt are iue.t ~ and clock apact lor ~craft • • . 8o you can boat up the .. ,. de up t.o Bob Dalton'• tDd .... the tu.D U.tmmt frca -... tQ nut. aened ~ ... ...... , 111.rdMJ• \ • • , 11 2 ''Jc OIANGE JUICE ....... ~ :;w ...,._,.. OID<llEN or 2 •4Ge IEEF PIE -. .. . ... ···-... I 1~-; ;&lcHES ...... .. ........ 1 .. ._ 2f ... Jfc mr61e7• DD . • 2 . 55c RASPIERRIES . .. . .. _.1ha, ·,., . .... ,. . 2 l:k MIXED FRUIT ... -·-·-·······u.... , ... ~- UllY'S H&N PEAS -GOLD CORN -SUCCOTASH 2 . VEGETABLES .. -... ------·-··-·· .. _ 35 -SWANSON'J ' CHICKEN -TUUIY -·-. I PREPARED blllERS ________ ~_65· .. FIAD.., ' SWISS STIAK -VIAL CUTI.IT -HAM STIAK & RIED SHRIMP 011 .IERS . · 69· • --··-······--··---.. -·.l.J..411. ~s lunER IEANS GARDEN YIGETAIW !~:N.:.=-~~---····· 2 /29 l'lUl:D CIDCKl%N W1TB NOl'BINQ TO J'RTI htft"• ,..._ .... ..,..... .... Jl9'b1ed. ~ tao•aed -4 MIS l1•l>' &wn "for ,.a ... 1Mt fC9 ta .... ~t' ...... &ATI ........ -· ... ~ 1s• FftlED . CHICKEN 1 ,._ 11 ... .... nett'• Oda•N 7ae DRUMSnCKS -........................ 7- CHiCKEN THIGHS ... _ .• 7tc ... lftJCIAIA IOa 11.&Y l'J, 11 ... lt, 1151 . l'OOD llAn OI' nm UDO laonr .. ~--~~-=---~~~----~--~...__. H~UOR DAY_. MAY 26 · l ,~Otta ANNIYEISAIY DEDICATION- Honor Newport Harbor at NHYC Luncheon Plan to attend -Tickets at Richard's & Jr. C.C. l __ _ Me_mbers. :__ ·--- c.amJ*eU'• Ram and 19' -SnMkt-7 ·-~Baa 49' PEA SOUP .... JOl,·or.. SANDWICH .... 1-pk. QlapMll'• Oft.a 01 19' SaMlle1 ol• ~ a.et 49' POTATO ........ 10•,-or.. SANDWICH -....... 1.,.'. ~· ONMll of 29' owtud lf SHRIMP ............... tka. GARLIC BREAD,y, .. OvSTB STEW .. 10-0 .. 29' DEV~C~I .... ks. 2/55' Sta Pak P.D.Q. 79' • S~RIMP ................. 8-oL RSHSiicKs ....... 2/65' SCALLOPS ,.K. 49' ~Jl"lllw.... 53' ·SEAFOOD ASST ·8-o-.. • I w....... 63' CRAIMIAT -·-~ IWd lllot 1 lc STEAKS ................. .s~-. ;;a. PllS 47' . ··--···1-oL ......... e.dcu 49' DINNIRS ···-·-···11-oL • Binbe). 2/ 43' OKRA . ·-· ....... 10-oL ......_,. 1Uacke7ed 2/43' PEAS 10-0... CAUUFL'ER lkL 2/43' • M7 LadJ' a.e.. -Blael»vry - a.n, 4r IUNmS -··-·--··...__ 117~ 33' CORNFRl1TEIS k&. ... K7 JM7 Potato 33' PANCAKES _ ......... .&-ft. ~~ Surpr~e Special . . . , Enjoy regulor weekend values in every deportment ···"'-s .-· . ... tu All11t¥ .. .. ..... lt4•1 • - ---- ~ •• ' ' ' . -• • FIEE l.OLL YIWS, :;1,n. . ' ' • '· _ __......, .---ti 11===-=~==t=~ Thu~, Fri., s,-,, ! . -Moy 17, 11, It • • l'o..-U.S. "Choice" 7:1one & Chuck '"-"'""""" Genuine Northern ' ~ .. ~ ~ . ... • ,~ ••· 5.•I Value . · Slltlier ' with Sauce -Then a.a.QI .. 1-Lb. ' Pkg. . UOUORS ' c .. c · c lb. c ... STRAW·~ BERRY I ' PEA· NUT ST All-KIST CHUNK-STYLE TUNA No. t Flat Can c Holly Pure ' Granulated -5-Lb. lag Betty·· Crocker's Lge. Pkg. Kern's Pure- 2.0-0z. Jar Pillsbury's Best! 5-Pound Bag Laura Scudder'• 'It-Oz.Jar SEGO EVAPORATED MILK , ............ ............ ......... , ........... 4 , .... , Tai Cans • .... ...... -· .. fVALITT I L d Bl 4 ROSES .. _........ $499 aun ry each I MANN'S •U.•M ...... _ ...... -: ......... ,-................. : PURE-X: APPLEsAua 2 ~=.23c w HI s KE y ---·"'" ............ s3st I I ---, I QUART BOTTU:S I HEART'S DELIGHT SOUD PA'oc YINROSi::::'-Q9< i 2 ... 35• i !:?!~,;.c..:• 19~ s1r•ish1 Ky. Bourbon 1-vr. 01c1 s11. aoun.on I , I TOMATO JUIQ 1 Oc ~ -ec.-.o ~-INGS CHARTER 1 .~-GAL JUG 1 · . ::... OLD STAGG o· AK I I NAllHOSC0-1..U. PKG. 33c _:::::_ u ..... ""' ~· . I 'I NEY GRAHAMS t. • HAND WOHN e PINllT TUTUll • s.v~ 60c ••• 1 $529 . c-, .~ $2154 I I ...... Full Qu•rt Fifths! I I ~AUWNAl(IAHN D•l'.cious H•w•li.n . 9 Sc -.....__ __ __;:,___ ------' I I II" Frvrt Quencher -QT. . • .. 2 w 12 ... -IACll .. - \ -. : . . ~; . ' ' ~ hakfast Club -1-Lb. , Can ' STOKELY'S FINEST FllUIT COCKTAIL STOl(EL Y'S FINEST TOMA TO 303 JUICE 46-0z. C.n STOKEL Y'S FINEST IARTLETT PEARS . r. 303 C.n •........... IJIP'( 1-Lb. CRACKJRS 1.U. .......... . IAl:ll• Nuns 1W ..... IAUCll t.QI. flUT BARB·A-'SNACKS . CHOC. 1111.A.fOID -,.. .. Ofl Ill Elav!"R S~ws ., -• • • . ··-.. : ' . . FRESH~· RIPE.. SWEET HAWAIIAN .· G1~intud -toJe at th Peak~ . D1l,ll1is Pei'fectfoftl 'Slmply lc:e, Sip-Serve tlftcl Let Yourself • Go· N'attve ' ' •M., .. : . . . l .. -· •• • ... •• r,------·----~_-'r--.1...-, .r--------------, '1 NEW CIOP.-CRISP, TENDER 1 I. U.S. NO. 1 -LARGE SIZE WHITE ROSI I I I I I I I LARGE STALKS I I I I I I I I I I I I LBS. • L---------------~ L~--------------~ . Swift Premium . All·'"' ' DUBUQUE De/1c8te.rsen BOLOGNA FRANKS ls~ Lbs. s 6.0Z. PKG. KOLD-ICIST c Armour Star-.No Waste! 4i·Lbs.! 49, CANNED PICNICS 61Am:PAK Me•ll 59t& Grond T11te . LIVERWURST Wisconsin Rlndle11 Chee .. .ioNGHORN " 35~ 49~ -r - -,-- - -: - -I 1 RATH'S SLICED I I PARTY SNAa<S :1. I . . I I e SU.MMER SAUSAGE I. 1 e New E119lond Mincecl'Sev109e I '; I •Pepperoni • P•"J s.l.ml .;: . , I:·: I Your . (' I Choice c I . I 4-0Z. ea. J : I PKG. . . t,., L---------~J.~ ... FROZEN FOODS YOUR . SAVINGS . ·: BEEF STEAKS 10:. EARN f"" - -BIRDSEYE CIRCUS SALE! --1 1 • PEAS Ir CARROTS • PEAS I • Invest In 1 "' All-Amerl .. n ,. ' : e CUT C_OR.~ • FRENCH FRIES : 1 • CHOP •. IROCCOLI •. MIX. VEG. I p,.ferred Stoclcf :·. -· ..At $2~ .... Shd ... · I . • YOUR · •1 . I "'I 1 CHOl~E I I Pkg~ I In Any I eomb1n.i1on1 I I . L. - - - - - --' - - - - - - - -_J llUPJllT-I-la. PKG. HOUT · FlllElS e . NA PAIT.OW.. • .. IO. Caa.oanA"I un.um TOU• MAUIT CHAI• • Interest Plld O.ur1trlrl • 1-.UIU WITH lfOU MAllA•D THE IEST INVESTMENT EVER - NEVER IEFORE OPEN TO THE PUllCI • • NMlt lll'ORE oifN TO THE PUllUCi e DOWNEY ·.. e NOIViALK ·--:·-e NIWPOIT IEACH coua -•ot• & l«All COil--•0111 & PIClllRZ -C:OASf 11ta1iWAY AT MIM _.,.,.,...__Ml ... '11---DAILY "Ill._.. -t• A.Ill. TO t:tll P:M. ~·-• • ...,." t ~ TO 1 P.M. • • su••An "rM. 11 ,..._ Al ... An , A..M. ro 1 ,,... • • GARDEN GROVE • CORONA DEL MAR e SAN CLEMIN'ri' tu.I 9a,_ ..... ...._ , ..... Silt-I JMf' COAST' .... MWAY AT JASMl.MI ' _..._, • · DAILY t:tl A.Ill. TO ""' P.M. DAILY tM A.Ill. TO H:tl P.M. 6U IL CAMll!O -IVllllA1'1 --.-...e.-TO 11 P~ --!IUDJ.1'1~-,. P.M. ~ t a:N:--1'0'1'"1'~C .... _,...., ~~ !!·"· --- I I , I • • • • • . I I <;.t.. .. • .. • • • . ~ ' -.~_. ...... _...__.., __ .. -... ·-·· .:.A.• ' • ' . I !'I .~4 llitdti9f ~ "d ...... ~·; ~--totmt oc ff.Uf.M .... me e.1t hnd..,,.., •.,.. t1f'CllUd notalq ., • • r I a I • "'tflaak JOU" ~ _ .. ~ .... °"' ... """"" -,._. .:iaUO. tOll' ltlt YONa\tw .. rt rll!MI eMJrmtL ~ oo-chatrnten Mn. ~ Ta.tt· ,Jl.'fW&ky f.nd ~Wf~ ~I 1( Udo 1M _._.. NnOQS Ul• Ille bu.nd~ con1ralttl«l\l'll ~onored •l \hfl' AoahelD1 lllndl• OOIL Th• lu~ wu paid tor bf' tour MOSl)'MCIUll ...._ to Ou n...n hhd. t .... , • The Hal-boa: .,. nivn: 1>9rt ~ thti 1,1,111.79 cioUMltMI tn lite tr.. llll ooua1.7 pol.J'IU. In• •fudn ft,IOl.\I ooUtele4 lt7 vol• Jiit.er wort.. bin on B ar& ':luada7 and otMr can~ .tom Dln .. 1ud llldu.lrJ' 19 ;..b1I ana, t'rolR dldll AQ4' 11r· ~Uona. memorW ~ llllli· '.&..,. c:GlltriW\&OM. mall nOu'U •nd prweedm fro• llJ«!&al 'WDta.. It wu rwported "7 Venw 1Vtllc1MOn of l"llBtl'ton. 1 llf Ieart rund 1eMnJ dlall'IMP• Alao attendlnf U.. I~ • • l I:: l • • • : • • • • . ' • . • SURi'SIDEllll -·Planning the ·~ dlnce, to be held M.&y 18, .,. th ... mem- bettot the sul1alder' club !t>r young nunied . couples. Left . to right, Mn . lllchael Myen1' l~ Vivian Lane, dance chairman and hoste11 to the lnritation . commit~ group; Mn. Robert Boyd a:id Mn. William Stabler, wife of the board president.. -Staff Photo 1 ' were tbe Rev. Ralpll. B. r.-. publldtJ chalnnu; K 11 • x. Tedltrom. Pre:tl4-t of tM Qr.. ·~ &al'• County He&!'\ .Awa.tlOft; and r . O. M.ckq, aut 79U"• auoclallon pruldent. .tMI P " the a'tdlence a ~ Ill ~ A-..oct&tlon plan. f~ the ~ . ·~ . .• NEWPORT HA RBOR Mrs. V eDel Is Seated By Disttict Ebell Club MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women's Editor PAGE 6 • PART 1 ·-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1956 CHAPMAN PRESENTING ART SHOW FROM MEXICO Federation Installation Held, Chairmen N amed Mrs. Duane VeDel of Brea was installed as president ot the Orange Diatrict Federation of Women's c1Ubs, junior melnbenh.lp at the recent Federation meeting held in the Ga.Dien Grove Women's club house. Mrs. VeDel auccee<I• MN. Lloyd M•I· Jory or Fullerton. Mra. Russell Helmick, welfare Other new . ofrlceri lnali.Jled chairman. gave her annual re. _J>ELTA GAMMA Alumnae homes tour on Frida'y, 1:30 to :S p. m., will feature ~:~among others the G. T. Pfleger home, 26 Harbor Illa.nd. Proceeds go (o the School for Visually Handicapped Children, Loe Anireles. On the stairway la ;Mr.. Edward J . Jarvis, below are Mmes. James Coberly &Dd John Glau, botteaee1. ·-St.a.ff Photo The Chapman Oolle«e are department wW ahow worka at th!• time we.e: 'Mm••· Lyl• ,port. She ~d plan. wt>re goln1 of faculty ~lftlberll ol th• Wtltuto Allende, Kulco'a lnter· SchermlUler of La. Habra, nret forward on Ulfl phy•lo·therapy natiOnal lehool M· arU and cran., May 11-Jun• l. The vic,.preaLdent, Donald Taylor of .pool for crippled patient. or Or· vcblblt W\fl a.1ao include phototr•pllic .erlea .iiowtq pro. Bueni Park. ·~ond fl9-pre9i· ange County. nu. project 11 celfel Ot ltthofnplly and WH.v!ng which are arnonc the deii.t, Rober'. , ot l'ullerton. primary pbllanthroplc enda&90I' manr cour.ea llf'. lh• acbool'a dl\·r ~d cun1culum, third vk:e-p· , Walter Dab- Featund WW be work• 'by "" Plnto, paintlnp; M7 of Hu:. I Beach. ~ John Baldwin, 1ll>l01"9phJ; Shoo. a. IC\lJpture; Anton cwdlng mecre John-W. Hol· HrinaN!.ex, .. ,,. .... ; loee Uama~. n and copper craft; i:: ... co l t Pomona Alums Meet at CdM Pomona CJll1ge. Sh•rlng hoates. dull• were ~ J . A. Beek, Mra. J . Leal.le Steffen.en and trom Banta Ana. Mr.. Ralph Fourth District P.!fA Meeting .--man or ......,. e.nen e, re..urer, and Fred Hillman, photo1raph1. Rlcbud Beveridge or Anaheim, Pinto flu aahltllttd In the Mfl'tn>polltan Muaeum. and audit.or, J ... Pickett of Garden beld &how11n Lom A.ftt'elM and Mu.Jco City. Baldwin, bu Groft, parllunentartan, ' rr.e.. axhlblted Wkle(y tn Mnfco and In hit naUve CaJlrorni&. man n.tier or N.wport Beach. Tb9 unlblt will open to tb.. lRJbllc P'rlda7 at I p.m., htatort-and prna and Haro~ Watsr.n. . •trw. Raymon,1 K Harv•J. :na •·-th D \ t I t -01r · thf!n daUy h'om 2:30 to •:30 p.m. (or a two--wttk period. y t r e ·-M•• Mriz Rubert H•im rt\'iev.·ed * r •,u• • r " • ..... orn1a a es o rea, COrT~r-·-f'•,nJ.:'rl'~• of Parent• anfl Teach·l------------------------i 11M:retary, M r11. C. M. Daaklnll of f>Oppy Ave .. Wfla h"lll t'N ~IW\ 12 11• a benrrlt 1,.a 11pon SOT'rc1 br nnt> 111ct corned:--. Ofnct>r elt>t·1ron. • r• v.·tll ('t)nduct lt.s fln11I mttt· ' Nrwport Beach waa namM co- the Or .. n,w:e <..:nunty CounLll ur1!\'h1ch V.'11 " &eh<'\lult'd. W!l.I pn~t· ~ \Vomen'a C1un pu11 , Club of pone<! until tht> next meetlnJ: in~ for th1R Reason a• a v.•ork· N t s h ols ordinator. ~h<fl, to br helJ thl.1 Thurll()ay ewpor c 0 £BELL A\l'ARD8 " ""''''w Mom"'"' Cb"reh, ' In•talUn< ort<o" wu ><ro. . ·- • • • . • i .:, ... . • • • .. . ' 1, .. •• • . .. • • • • • • l .. 2031 S 01\,·e St .. Santa Ana, rec· ~fa rlon Spencer, new praldmt 1•trRt1u11 11t 9 11. n1. will be cal!· M o F • 1 ()f llle Orange Dl11lrlct Senlctr .. d to order 111 9 ·31) by r USlC estiva hl•mb«'whlp. • '"•<. ""· "'""' """''·· ' Th• P"u and P"bllc ,.l&tf..,. • nrcn the ll :JO a. 111 . •· award• 'Were pre11tnled b7 Mr&. lira. Lynn Crawford, 1upe1 Lyle Vllott, 01'Vll• DI•\ r I c \ dent or 8•nta Ana Bchool.t IA H onor Award Orchestra pre .. chairman. M.ra. Tom Rm:· to extend the weleotne. 11 of Garden Groya Junlon Won May h th9 Ideal month to get your hO\IM Mt for tumm•rtime li¥ing . So, don't put off r•niod•llng ' now for summer when il'1 IO IOI)' to t:all Ian'• Rtmodellng Depart· meftt for !flat ol\e 9'op Mt'Vi~. • l"A TIO • LANAI • KITCHEN • SNACK IAI • l"LA Y IOOM • oum HOUSE • LATH HOUS F • lllEIEWAY ~ To Summeri1• . . • 1<irr'1 Rtrnod•~"Q Deportment will fil'l<lnct ft.. job, 111 .... )'O\I plCW11 ond a1timates, then coma into your home with tldlled workmtn who will da th1 com· plett job from 1klit to fini.tl. And they can oho to't9 you moMY· 'tememb.f, Sovtham Colifornio 11 an Ideal ploca to liva dUTif\9 1umlT'lll' monlh1 wMn YOYr home is SUMMEllZED . HAVE IT INSTALLED 00 IT YOURSElf COMPLETE INSTALLATION By .... FINANCING AVAJLAILI THIOUOH On• Reliable Company lh1r1'1 ludg at Plan • NO DOWN PAYMENT 102• I.AST POUITH snm-SANTA ANA flnit place, Kni. Tboma1 &. Will Share in Program woo<1wu• "' Nowpcrt JunJM !!:bell won MeOnd Place and KrL h d ced 0 hes.t Coney B. Kume of Lapna The Horace Ensign Sc ool A van re ra, Beach Juniors v.•on third pt.ce. one of two in Orange County, which received superior Honoreble mention went to MrL nting at district and regional Orchestra FeaUvat. held Troy Robert.ton of Ban Cleme11i. Junlora. Tbe award wtnnen recently, will p"-ent a small pdrtion of Jll June 4 were given an on.lion bJ UM graduation concert tomoriow · when it puticipata in member• m recopJUOn ot UM u.. &:iplh Aftnual Mulk: J"•U· oullt&nding job they had dolM •al ot 'Newport Beach Elerneft• In &ddlUon to UHi ad~ or• throughout th• y.r u.ry Bcbooll. T:IO p. ni. 1n Sar· dleatra. chairmen for their ---~..,,.= Hlth SchooJ &Udltonum. t::Th:;:•:•~'"~"""';: .. ··~""':::."'":::'""::"'~t~ut~jdu~bo.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!~iii~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii[iliiiiiliiiiiiiiii somrlOO litUdena wur·partr- d,.W. lD<:~ three combined de.tined to demcmatnte th• YOUR CHOICE ttnh ..... ....._ U.... nrlh oomploto muolo ,....... ID,._. SRd• Orebeltt'U, & idXth • MY• port BMch l:Jemeet&l'y ~ ~ I enUI ,n.da .. bQd and on:heatra. It ta coordinated bJ Krl. I.A..7 PHILCO G E and two Hftbtb sraM. choruae., BuUer, teacher at Borac9 En-1 OR 8 • · 1tp and prffflftted by the mu.tie department. Ml11 Clan Ellan + , , Final Session for Harbor Faculty W ives Spelman, chairman and prtmuy ,ndea mrilc teacher'; Of.YI• Ol· 90ft, YOCal muatc ln1lnaclor at Ronca ICnalp and lAW1Ai a . Kidder, ln1trnmental mualc In· atn,actor, ST&dea flYI throurta eight. It la open to the public. 2.boof lefrigerotor-Free&ar Combination • 111• May mteUnc, Miilon, fin- al event oC lha IChool yKt for the Newpdrt Harbor HI sh School P'aculty Wlwt Club, wu held at the Lll«Unll Hotel. At Ole dl!l.ner INllon welcome wa• rtvtt1. a ,_onntt member, Krs. vernon Allen. Harbor Rut Memoria l Per"" llAlllO&e1mt-la._t _._..... lltAHD HEW 2-DOOR PHILCO with Full S-Year Wonoftfy ...._. .. .._ Gran¢ Opening MONDAY MAY 21 ST JA)'lE FllZGERALD open• • modom 89suty Selon to serve the H•~ Are1 ' JANll: FITZGERALD J Fonn.rl)' wttb KARILTfil BNl:DEKEll \TOMllT WIIAOM'8 HAUL P .utKBR80N BEAUTY SALON l1U E . Cout HWy. -CORONA DEL MAJl -.HA lm 01 DELUXE 12 cu. ft. G.E • 1,. n c.tleftt co1ulitlo", ...,. , ....... _ .... ,..., ...... ..._ n• ..rll"f fer $100.00 MMe. • Quontitin LlmltN ... So PIMM Coone Eorly l , ... 0 MONEY DOWN •WHEN YOU TRADE AT DORM'S llAHD HIW TV SPICIAL NOW /IJ DOlN'S 21 " TV •1 '!IOll YOUR • ADMllAI.. .JO.,.... CHOICI '~ o( the Ort.ftp Co1ml7 Jun.Jor Women'• club&. Th• pool will bf located at Orance Coul ODUep. ASKS OOOPEllA'ftON Kn, Helmack uked tor th• cooJJIF*UOft ol other orpnba• Uona nptdlq th• projct -• recommended the pool M ma.dt • two year projtet ln Oran,. Dl1trict. Mn. Norman ·Wat.all ot. Ne"WpOrt. Beach, 8tat. Praail· dt-nt or JunlO!' Women'• Clubl, pre.ent.d Mr1. ffelmkll: wttll • chKk repre11entlng monl• do- nated b7 various Junlol' clubll ol On.np Count)'.. HOME 1 LOANS LAGUN·A FID£11AL SAVINeS l LC>.\N ASSOCIAT10H OPPICIS To S.rw "°' LACiUNA 114CH N¥I • IAN CIAllNTI QUICK · 24 HOU• SlltYICI Low --- LOW "UOUCINS" IHTfUST IATIS EASY Motmjl.V PA'IMINT1 ' . FRIENDLY S'IMPATHITIC SBVICI FREE CUSTOMEllS' PAWN6 ESCROW • J.A$UNA llACl:t mo.-,_,' ':tQll HY. 4-11,,..._ SAN CUMlt!ftl,.. 601 N. I<:.-..., ltlONl"liJ-...... ... •HY-a.11'6 ) ' • • -·--- ANNIVERSARY -Honoring her parenU , Mr. and Mrs. Hany K Barna.rd of Lomita, Mr&. Bernard R. Gates. 211 Via Orvieto, was hoete&e Sunday at a family dinner. In foreground are emall grandchildren. Larry, Gaye a.nd Kurt Speaker ; rear, (I to r) Ronald Othmer, J4rs. Grant ~p<-aker, Mr. and Mn. Bar- n&rd, Mn. Glatt.a and son, Ricky Othmer. Also present were huabandl and/ or wiv8a and Mrs. Nell Hass of Lomita. -Maggie Price Photo -.HURRY : ''T.V." SHOPPERS! •• .., A .en,,'. , .......... ::. WIN.,... CHIVIOLIJ . !·! FIEE !J • • ,... ~..,. ·-"',.. ..._ ........... , ... 1111~! AllSOLUl'l:LY nE& I I N .. _.a.1•81'9! ._... .. ..._m ?~ • ws ._ IJKD '""" Mr.:;!$~ A> • ..u -k• .a aw•iij c all nae··= t .... 'oU!!.UI · ·~?. a':~1~~:t.U!~!:u1ey, Rowes H11ve Girt :i.111· ·(ne T Sgt. Ralph J RO\\'' and Mrt. Rnwe ar• parcnl1 <if tt girl bab}' at tha U : Ji. Nll'"I Ho11pital at Corona. The Lc111e1 n1ake tbelr home at Coa111 ,.!,.~11 Tuprnan Soll lorn M:-. and J.t r11. Thomu Tupman, 1:16 Serville SL Balboa art the nt·w parent• of a baby boy, bo ~!~y 10 at th11 Hoag Mf'fn of1a.l Q:BVICll!i 00.~ ltn NO. JIADf ft",! 8ANrA. A.!rf.A : GIRLS LEAGUE members of homemaking claue• st Newport Harbor High School will model their own creationa at the annual Mother .. Daug-ht.er Fashion Show Tu. tomorrow, 2 p. m. in the 11e'bool &uditorlum. Above &re (I to r) the commentaton , Shelby Tunnell and Ottily Bayer, the former In white uilcloth Bermuda abort.a and cotton print ahirt with ba.teau nec.kline, the latter in a Jl'&Y wool jumper &nd white nylon blOu.e with ' lace lneetl ; K&yla Hunit ln a full skirted print &nd Sharon Davia in .... aUn and tulle evening gown. - Staff Photo --------------------•lchlt.KtUN from Mulco and Fin· will become Camp Fir• Girlal Splicing the Mainbrace by WINIFRED BARBRE land 0J>41ned Tueeday at Munlcl· Saturday a l a ceremony In St. ~ Art Ga llery, Barnada.11 Park, A.ndrew'a Pre•byterlan Church. L. A., w ill continua for aome PianlM Dorothy Ellen Ford. u.rn.. tenor Carl KorY'or and accom· Mn~ C. ,M.. Deaklna dlapla~ panl•t Eliu.beth Walber1 Wlll be har wat.eroolon at a recent faa.t ured In a concert Sa turday, meeUnr ot -1'114&7 Attel"l'IOQD 8 p .. m. at Laguna Beach Art --------------''-------club, tncludlla& tha t.pna Beach Gallery. }i.trs. Edith Co pe of Corona del Mar pai'nted the place «en• which took • blue rtbbon Tb• Ml•e• Barbara and Ra· at SOUCham I>Ytrtct COl'lWlnUoo. cbelle Goold, 1T&nddau,hten1 of cards fo r Retired :reacbera Auociation inatalJati~n lunch-Th• .am• .,...on f•tured a xr • ...and Mn. A. B. McColl um, ton held reoe.ntly at Laguna Beub. New officers are mUlln..,. 1ty1.a show wtth MmM. •r. pa rtlctpaUnr in -"ioua waya be•ded by JrliN In.a'Gerrttt ot Fullerton. PhyUle <.:::upeT and 1:. L Kqor• thia comln1 saturday •l th• harin moat 'beil.utltul hata, sprtn1 ct.rnl•LI ol Olrll ColleP· Gall Col~ ~ or Mr. flc•.r• at Knott'• lkny Farm. I WUlard Ki. er ud Km· at..khool ,at Oaremont. lnd Mr L ~' ~,... lfl4 Mra.. Nell Nal,hborw o( FUiler· ~-St-art m ! It modiab, x.m ... Msrpnt Wrtrht. H•T· Wei t OcMa . rr.t).. I u..nwtnd ton la ~ pre.11deaL n L. W Co ert and f'ftn-rt. t... CotUa &IMS' Harold \V1lD ~e ol the Kaypola 1'\bbOn• Ba· llldllH Kl.cti School J'acullty Kmet. 'th " art_. __ , wva iw.t.e.-u at the lastNt turd1y •l Rockford Cvllq-e auh hu eMict.4 Roy Jui.on &1 c• Kclnt.M • moet , ...... ml'elinr of th•-Kam\Ald1. !!Ql.J ""'hen trahmn antutal.a ~ ~an Kn. Francll Rlley WU In Mn. Lewi.II Aodl"'llW"a wall In· ~ta at tbler Kay...Ql.IMll riot ,-. t: chars• or naetTaUona tor the at.all officar. Of• Frida y After· qlfhL-.. .• _ _ ......._~ oa runUJ NIPl dinner \.m:IJ&'bl at nOOI\ Club at th• Friday luncb· ~.,.,.. SM(.. or ~rt · ' ' er. ' rd Balboa J.aland Metbodlll~ Cbutth. eon M!Uion. Mra. Florene• l!:lgb· Barbor Girl S~out Couni:il will ~paon LI "tirUC' ~t. Mra. Harold 15w&ll90n 1 dance mey mual have reservallon1 tl>' ~etbac 1btpi for \he amiual On Ula board are Ntn McOOwan. atudenll provida th• progT&m. nl(hl u permanent one• •I'll! pm. ~a •Hk.en4 a t Han-KmtvY Wbit.eoecJc. Job Ecb· Fou.rtll Grad• Blue Blrdl of e11ncelled. Clinton llawln wih ttr.&m. t..rnach and Robert Parrin. Lb• Wuwna, Toahkota ud Hu.-preMtlt Harbor Hl1h mualc •tu· v tn.u'rance Women !nslalltd of· l:xhlbl ~ of cont tu1pM&ry ar-pantchna and Cholena Ir o u P • den~ In a pl'(ll"ram. • ' VOTE FOR LEROY ANDERSON FOR TRUSTEE ComMdr. Albert E.. !t°"kto. announce• J u n e meeUnr for Military order of the World Wani wi.11 ba t..adlea' Nlrht. ~,.... eral meettn1 tonight at El Toro Officer• Club. Woodmen of tha \Vorld break· rut Sunday, 7:30 a. m. at lhe Buffalo ft&nch, all 4ay en ter- tainment and aqu..-e danc1nr. according to Lt. Comi'lr. Bill O'Brien. Clyda J oh n • o n, O.mucWI White Shrine watchman of ahep- her~ and hta party (iven a homecomtnr party on r11tum NEWPORT HARBOR ;;;:-.i::.";,,;._"'"" Sh""' &t African violet ahow calendar· eel Saturd&J, l to lO p. m. at .UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT--w=: c;~.;.. ""' ..• Ca· UROY ANDERSON seeka once e9ein to serve tho commun- ity end the Hi9h School District which he served ••first Pro•· J••nt of the Board. He is . EXP'!IUINCED in the multitude of problems that will loco the board in the creetion of the new school campus on tho 70 aero sifo which is bein9 acquired from t~e United States Government. He i1 ljlUAUFIED from post yeers of service to tho school district end the community to CAP'AILY represont ell se9mento of tho volt Newport Har- bor Union Hi9h School District in both cities, end tho county ..area which comprise it. He is OIUliATID TO NO ONE, nor to either city-except to pro- vide the best administretion possible for the overall best school operation, LDOY ANDERSON is e procticing Attorney who hes served his community in mony cepacities. He hos hoeded service club1 •nd community projo~h. He was one of tho first cam· pel9n•rs for th• croolion of the Newport Horbor Union High School District •nd the or••• ••ceulon from the Santo An• Di1trict. He headed.the first High School Boord of Trustee• thet built the pre1ent 1chool. He now i1 free from all other civic commitlmenh end able to devote his limo as needed to the Hi9h School District. YOUI confidence will be reworded with folthful Service - . Vote For LEROY ANDERSON. Trustee, NEWP'OllT HAllOll UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTllCT Van de Kamp's SPECIALS May 11.11.19 1 2-&arw Mill 0. I 1 Ii ta I CA!<• ••••••• 1V .. , ........ .1 .,...., ~~.~~.~~~ . ooaos& PEL au .. OliMI: .9w7· A.ootD'1t LACJ11NA BSACll !IS ar-cr ..... y JlAUK)A. ISLAND !00 llari9a Av.. ?l.'EVt'l'OllT BUCH 720 Cl!nler St., Co•l• Mesa, a re JM.relit.. or a b4t.by boy, born at lhll! Hoa g HoRplt.al. May 12. The baby weighed 8 Jbt .. -4 oi..,. PURE CANE SUGAR CANDt-c:ANI MAND · CHUNK STYLE .TUNA STAR KIST MAND 6'{!;L 23' kl l ·Tllt I 1U .. ... 0,.. ....... -... . h<)llpltal. The baby wetr hed T lbl . ._ ________ _. YOU ·SAVE MORE- ~, 1 wllen '''IJ It.• 1•• 1H11 >~ 1 Is priced low ;....:• •:-=.• __ _...j looli~ ,_ .... ..,. ........ _,., l.lU•tl """"" _, ,...-....., ,,/ lfM ..... ,.., ....... ,.. .. Aood .. ,_ Sof•-yt .............. IUBWA'I' .LARGE 'AA' EGGS c:::.: 49' PINEAPPLE 30-~!an 33' 3~n 31' 5LtCID. Svn-rlpanN Howallan (2QY..i-cn. tan 29c) (20Y.l-oz... cc.ft 27c) SEA TRADER ....... • •• 19' TOMATO SAUCE T'!'::'~ ': St rRENCH DRESSING =a1 ~19' MAYDAY SALAD Oil :: 49' SPAGHETTI ~ 2 IS!«. 2t RINSO BLUE Spo<~:pa<k 5!: 49' SCOT TISSUE ~= "' 10' MELROSI SNAPS 2~49' " Cut from shoulder fully trimmed ILADI CUT lb.33'. s.... ... Cut lb. 39' Round lone Cut DEVIL'S FOOD BAR Cho o .... lced C"'1tY' boked ••• t ,n..n. -33' C1111Clkes _,,_....,..::....--:r, ~Oc Slpr Wllers MAIUCO ';'!'." .... 2tc HJ"1c...iet-,_....: 2Sc CABBAGE 111* lrtM ~ w:: .... Zic c.<.,., ..-. '°'"' Mrs. Wrilld'slrelll _ .... 21c TURNIPS Fruh Whlle or wheat . Std. Joat, lk Clip top,,,_.. ----hl. Ill. Ill! II. II. It --__________________ _, UI o-t 8"7• __ ,.. • llMo!o II M - • - -----0 are ........ a • • , ----,·~ ------·----···· ....... ___ ... . - • ji_.GE I · PAAT 1-NEWPORT HAMOll NEWs.1R ESS ~=------,--"""'";::;;;t;::~ ~-=;:;.;;;,;;;:::.;~;:::~ •• WEDNESOAY, MAY "· "" LIGAL NO'llCI l.leAL-NOJICI I 11 I I ....... .Ila ' . . -· c..-w 1<ar.,. ... -... .. ... .,. , 1 , .., "' ,1 ,_ ., G •. 8 • cl P.;;;ttn9, ~-tl."f , Ill a•pe11• -cit. .ttt+e --O' .. .... Ill .... -8 ----"' ~-. ltot• ~ ~•-•• -·~· -I 'ATr • ._.,.._.. UM lt L--.' .,_ --~ -----... "'., ,,...,. 1a -" -°""" GEO. ~ :'u..U..t aa UllCVttd ~ 1atiM. • ~ A.. ~ at tM ••t i _..,_ ..... ' 'f lfew.vt"siu:a , .. _,, OON't'll.A ~WW M dtlWand.... "'"--1DJ' ....... ellk:tisl UIM lit W9 ............ M --4 ...... 1 ltJI# .... -... ,. &.1 -K --l U.. CllMl~Uon fhentorpaldal ..t / " -. .. A --• -.. -.. ·• -·· -Lt..., ~ ._ JO:OO o'clock a.m, on UM •Ua ( ... I) ~ ~ r....-v • 4i UlllM -I I s t $'11& • J.11 ...... -.IS flL ---,-..... ::~,:::·.,":,; ~· "" -Rn v . ........:..U... .... ~ _ .. u ,...,. ' a.-ab 1 II•• ue """'._ .16 ,.;-C A RP E NTER _ .... r#PG11. 11.t.P ~ PublJe .. Md rcr •' Pl t.Ml _... J1f'091117 • & a.-._. 4 •x·rtto• • • --~ -•• -. "·""•'" Wo..._ .....-at OOl'ofla del Mu, la sakl COuntJ' and ,,.... ted ta u.. ,...,.. ot M-'woolii1-... ""' ---· -""'..-U J'a u.., Ot7 ot N.wport BW;ll. M'1COllMIJMcml:)l;plr.-·:.C Cc11.mtr";i'0raap,-a;:_;1• ••'WMlHA.a .. ._...WJi••• , Qlllll.la...._._, 1:JiMsrouRwN_..._.,... °"'"..,. \)' or <>ran,... lftata of Call2 JuJy t. 1161'-• ot c.Jitond&. and mor-a ~ • KllnlfVJI &A • t UHa °' P MllJll' la, Ko. 136 H.w ... frW I " .~... -CaU hull. U'WO ...... DI. ua 1-· u : • • ..... ,..,. Ou•--,, .. tM May le, ·1161 0/11. ts. JO, 11t,1901. t.ot 1t ud U.. sou~•t.. ' - MAMA'S A BOARD CANDJDATE! BJ N~~': vH:~bo~;:~~ • • • -· :rf ,~.~ti!~.:_ mo: NEWf'.OB't llABBOB NEWS-PRESS . ,._.,.. "'°''"" or "'"""""" o.u.z I Mo. •1 H. i.. Hrrftlc K , NanCll w .._,. CDVSN' ~ ... ~" ,:,;;:,.':",."'::: _,, clay, WMll11~ 941 Fri"-Morttacet 'niat c: ,..~ ¥"'". v...-... -r C.Ut Holola Inc. ~ ~'.,'l"o('!!,'!5'"..,'~•,_ :.O::," .:..:'. ".':."= EJOASTAL SHOPPER ..-:'W$esdaya x.tc'll.PJ' 7 --Mar, ; 01WitJ'. ca>Uonila. , 117 ~ou...um J. OOLLJNB, Pres. OountT ot c:>rutp, •tat. et C.U.. Bldll oi' Offl!!a an lll'rittd tO¥ D&ADt.INU ros placiftC or caaee111 ... .,.. ar•: . Kort.capt' fomta. lnt.mds to ..U to wa.. a.Id .---1 u4 m\llt M i.. r Monda -BJ L. M. Blakaaa.,, Bec:'y. LBY a. JOCK. ._,,~•Iii••• ""u~~" .w ba "9bt:btd ;t or Y PubUcWon -f'ridaJ • ,..., Jilattppr -addrW ill .utYi ..... In , '-U. UMi offte. ot Mttcblll ud Bib-l'or WMnosday ftWll!.Mtlon-~J 1 p.m. No. UI !i._...~ 1/11/H CH.r of~~-""*-al _, -ror Frida,)' PubUeatka -'ntunds,J 1 p.:m. ---~---'------1 ~ Stat. <1' ~ IMrt. ·~ .tor -.ld. Gat»-2'"'ZWPOaT RA•IP& PVBUllDNG ()(). <Za'ftncAn: or &IJBl?\'E88 tolto;..tnr de9c:ftbld · u..4 l.rlJI;, °"may M tUad wtth th• -----"-'-'-"":.:::..,=.:•:•~t.:_N:..,...:='.:::.:":•:'":'.:.'~.,.,.,_..,~~~:,_ __ _ I oo"°"''· ~ 01rk or .aid II~ Ceurt or P'lilitJU... .nmt NUM P«IPj""'· t ..... t: , ckllvered to •Id u.tctttrla per-TID UNDER8JGNED do bere-A1 alocit ln ,tnde,, lbrt~. aonally, at, any tim4I atter ttrwt S--Spedal Aaa ouncemea t "1 cutK1 th.el they .arti conduct· aq~menl ud Sood .ww suo-pu,bllcaUon r:A thla notice a.ad lnl a Rntaurant bu9ir!H9 et line. T.B.A, • aqujpll'Mnt, or a tielor• maklns aid Kie. 2110 Weill Ocean Jl'ront. N•W· certaln. retail Juolln• tllUnr •ta-S&ld ~ •ill be' made upon port 8"ch. Callfomle, under tbe lion buainffl, known u Bud'• the followinJ terna: rlclltlou" firm name of SURF Shell Servlc•, and locaW at 227 C..ll. J&wt'UI money of the FISH FRY and that Mid flrm Ill J.larine Ave., In lb• City of Bal· United ltat•. comJ)Oled of the followinr per-boa laland. County of Oranre. DATED: April lt 1161 aona. whoM namea In full and State of Calttornla. and lb.at a Emma T: auu•:ridJ• KA,NA.OICM.ENT Of th• Newport Hubor Butf&lo Ranch ii now under th• direction of Roy e . Gatliff A John f'. Towl•. All purchun or obll11t1on1 er• lo bl authorised by thtl above mentioned 1enlleman. kll place• of re1ldence are •• fol• ••I~ tranat•r and aaalsnment of Ellecutrix of th• ic.tate ot low-1, tQ-wll: tht aame wllt be ~e. end the Ral b Ar Gutbrld' • De· !!l._.lal Notlbes t.A WRENCE SC."OTT, con11de.-.l19~ Ulere(or w\11 be paid c:.Md. 1 ' r- 1417 W. B11lbua. Boulevard. at 10:00 o clock J:..M .. on the MITCHELL. AND HIBBERT AUDREY ·NORRIA. SCOTT. eecrow department" of Thomu-B p Q ltl7 \\'.Balboa. Boulevard, Elll11on Escrow Co., et 1711 At· ~tomeymLLtor-~~:l:RT • • • E. · MOTIELL'S °"ND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 BoJu-Juat south or Weat· muater Memorlal Park, An ora.a1• C'.oun4' lnatltutJoa semn1 tam111u or all rallht T•leph.one (Toll Fret ) ZB:nllh 0231 No one ever turned away beceute ot,...iack of fundl. Btllbo&. C1111r. :ltth .day or May, lMI. at lhe By Jeml'a H. Mitchell y Newport Harbor Balboa. Calif. l1nt1c Ave .. in the Cny or t.onr T:lT~t 8 -lh 1 1767 WITNESS our hantlt thia 8th ~a('h, County of Loa AnJelea • e-1en trut 11..u OYery nwWy I p.m. All Ktnd• CEMENT I< BUILDING SPARKLETIS SprinC l!'relb Waler lftlt OaUon 1* ~r ,.._ Malreo Del\alOUI. CollM Drtnk t 1luaM a da1 u4 tllJO> tbe Wt ot tt.allh. .LL B-5012 .. ,. PAINTING lN'TICRIOR -mcTmlOA AUIO MAIUNC PADft'IKO UCZNBED -INLU1lllD Glenn Johnston Mll·IUt St. Newport ~ Harbor 1171 ..,. Pointing " Pa~' We do the work "ouraithM. so,. ............. Ueeoeed 6 l.6IW'9d.. .. ~ .............. E•Um&tu tJ'M-Call Jotmal .. LI g, 2687 I< U s.li289 More Classlfled 111 )f.r1, Gf!Ofh·ry P. Storm.on . 2310 Santa Ana Ave .. Co111 l it••· 1bove with IP:o·nwnth-old aon, Eric Paul. ha• lill'd 11 a i·1&nd1d1le tor the newly creeted county board of fflu· c1t1on. She .t nd h•r hiaband1 •re U~LA 1radu1te1 "'hrre 1he n11.t0rrd In polltk·al tclenc• and bu.llnt•11 i!'(f.U('IUon. Hf'r hu1band II planntnr technlcian frw county planning commiu1on. bar pt.rl'nt1, the John Poura, live In OQna Point. -swr Phofo dey of May. 19~ St1te. of Cel!fornla. ' l.tMI Anrelae 17· Calltornla. Vta Oporto -Centni Ave. FREE ESTIMATES LA \\'REN CE SCOTT Dtled M1y 9 19M No. l2t N._-Pnu ' N1wport. BMcJ1 AUDREY NORMA SCOTT C. E Mir.Ll!:R, Vendor :I 9• 11 • 14• ll, 11, 21. 2! 116' Dick N""m•n. Exalted Ruler Liberty S-6109 Section II STATE OF CALIJ.'ORNIA I Thorn111-Ellho<111. E!M"rvw Co. iiuiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiil COUNTY OF ORANG!!: 1111. 1111 Atl&atkl A,·,.. ~ OF THIS 8th day of May. AD. Lon.J Bf-M'h 1956, IM>fore 1ne. !he unt1er1lgned, r. ..... ro"' !"o. 1181 a Notary Publl(' 1n and for the No. 13t Newa·Pttu :1/11/:18 n id County and State. re1ldlnf Mesa Council Considers ,'Yield' Signs at Crossings :rP• Coela Meea City Council )fay 7 recommended th.al •ludY ~ made ot a n•w ordinance creaUnr "yield .. 1lrrw et lnter- H1:Uon1 ntit 1uff\d ently hai.ard- ou1 to r equlr• etop 1l1n•. aame time It doe• not 1low down traffic unnecu 111rily when auto· mobUe• -•re not epproachlnJ . Anaheim and (ullerto1*have botti conaldered auch 01'dln•nceN. therein, duly commla~1oned and 1worn. per11 on ally appearrd LAWRENCE SCOTT and AUD· REY ?IORMA SCOTT. known to me to IH the per.on• whoet n1m•a art 1ubacrlbed to the with- in ln1trummt. and l ('knowll<l&ed to me that they executed the CZRTJYIOATI: OF BU8J1\Y.8S F\dltl-Jl1nit S-.e THE UNDERSIGNED dou hereby certify that 1he Ill con- ducting a Sch9ol ot Danctnr bUaln~ et S«O Via ()port. Newport. Beech, C&Jlfomla, unde; the flctlUoua firm nam• ot Lido School• of Danctnr and that aald firm 19 compoHd of the follow· Inc penona. whoee n•mea ln full and placu ot reeldenc• •r• •• follow1, to-wit: The Irl e• waa tlr11t propoeed by Cltv M11 nager Geor11 Coffey &I • me&n• of cutlln& down on n1lnor atddent• at bllo.d Inter· 1ectlt1n1. The "ylek1" 1t1 n1 u• petlemed after 1\mllar in1talle- llon1 put Mt recently by the Loe Al\l'ele• tratne d•parlment. Cara approachlns 1uch ··y11.1cr· 11rn• would h1•e to rtv• way when care approac:h fro(ll crou at reet., Coftey explained. Al the . Vending Machine Found In County A •endlnJ ma chine lair.en trom a hunbur&:•r it.and at ~ W, 1eth a,t., Collta Me .. , Api'tI 27 ,wa• NC<neretl P'tldly f rom a dirty road we1t or the Banta Ana Rifer end ncwth of Vk\Qrta A.ve. ~here lt had been dumped. "'l'h4 Loni Beech Ctprett1 ServlQt:, Loni BMch. owner of lht1 macldne, Informed police tt 'had oon~ 200 packq• ot cJpnittea or equtvalent money, abo1,1t J60, Clarence Whorton. own• of the hamburcer •tand. aa.ld be t.ho\11hl tbe machln• had been picked up by the company whGI be found It m1 .. tn1. He h.ad not roported Ile diMppe&I"' anea to police. 1l'J'aNc u.,..amaau. 111•1 E. Bola& Aw .• found the machine nlM' lll1 home and reported It to 0...n(ti COWlty 8herlff'I Of· flee. ' Mesa Youth Puts B · on Molly Bee But Gets s ... nCJ u me. lN WITNESS Y.'HEREO F. I hav• hereunto .et !{l'Y hand and affixed my official aeal the day end year In tht. Certifl('a te flr1t above written. . KATHY KELLEY IUGS ATIACK ROBERT R. H URWITZ 421 Via Lido Soud Newport Beach, Cal.It. My Commlfltlon El(plre11 Mccorm• k May 31, 1909 IC S No. 138 Nowo-P"u Sue · Company 1 '-1'-'-·A-:-·-:-;,.,-·-~-··-~-::-0-.-- Wltneu my hand lhlll 11th day ot April, 1906 KA THY KELU:Y ST ATE OF <::ALIB'ORNU. COUNTY OF OR.ANGE 1u. f D OERTlnCATJ: Of' B USl.SE88 or amages TH~~~J~Ni;::here- Of IJllA 11 day of A.prtl, A.O. 19M, betore me, nm.. BAB· TUN, • Notary :Rubllc bi and tor the Kid County and 8tate, resldtnr !her.In, duly commie· alonl<I and 1wom, ptl'80llally •P· J>8red KA THY KEI.1..l:Y known to me to be the person wliOM name t. aubacrlbed to th• w:tthln lnllrument, ancl acknowledred to me that th• executed th• 'Y'e. IANTA0 A.NA t OCNSJ -[)o.n, eld MeCormk:k and l»ther Mc- cormick of Coeta Meea F rt d a y ulr.sd mort Ulan $13,000 dam· ar• In th• -ke of a P'ft-c:on- lrol operation at th•lr rMftlence, 1901 l'ullerton Ave, They named \\'llliem T, Bhe.r- man. R. V.'. Hunt Sr. en4 R, W. Hunt Jr., doing bu.lnu.t u the Weetem Peet Control Co. u de, fendant1, Tb• plamUff1 claim the dt - fenden ta told them It would w.- t hrM day11 lo fumtcate their place .,-a1nat termitt1 and other putt. Actually, accordlllJ' to lhe M<:- Cormlcka, It took ail'. day1, The plalntlff• ~er• their bou.ehold rurnU.hln11 were ruin· ed In the tumlratlO'n proce11. They alao claim odon and rue. caused Injury to them. even tl\ouch they vecated th1 premllff whila the 1praytn1 wu 1n dfecL HiCJCJS Booked on Grand Theft, Car by certUy that they bave ceued conducilnr a rmt&urant bwlneM a1 2110 WMl Oc:nn FronL New· port Bea.ch, Calltomia, under tbe fl('litloue firm. name of "8lf1\P FISH FRY" and tbat aald flrm wu compoMd of th• followl.nr pe~na. who.. namee In tull and pl1ce1 of reeldmc• are 11 fol· ]OY.'I, to-w1t : HERBERT LLOYD, 1733 Fulluton, Co•t• MeM. California JOSEPK!NE LLOYD, 1733 FUllf'rton. Coit• Mr111. California \VITNESS our handl th\1 8tb d.ly of May. 196&. HERBERT LLOYD JOSEPHINE LLOYD STAT!: OF C ALIFORNlA >a . In wltnl'u whereof, I hav• hereunto 1et my hand and atrtxed my official 1eal the day end yeer 1n thil Ce.rtlflcele fir.rt • b o v e wlitten, PHIL BASTIAN My Comml11!on El(plre1 3-3-&9 No. 127 Ne1'.'t·P reu t /2&, 5/2, 9. 18, l9M CERTIFICAT• OF ftl.'SINJ:S8 •""IRM N Al\lE The under•lped dota hereby c,r1.Uy that he 11 coriducunr a COL'NTY OF ORANGE ptraonallatd rubbl~h rollectlon Ori lhl1 8th day ot Mey, J9:wl , 1ervlce under the tollo"'·1ns firm before mf', the under1iped. a name and 11tylt': Notary Public In and for the DEWEY'S PERSONAUZl!:D Mid County and State, r~1\dln1 RUBBJSH SERVICE ther,in, duly commY.loned and The •ld flnn \1 compoeed of l'A'Om, p e r I on a I I y • 1ppeared the !oUowlnr peraon. to-wit: tlERBERT U.OYD and JOSEPH· [nwey Souder, of 210~'-i Senta INE U.OYD, known to me to be Ana Avt .. Co1t11. Meaa. Cali· Jamu Mena Hier., '21, of 131 8 the ~r.Mln1 whoee name• e re tornil. W. Balboa Blvd .. w•~ Thurllday 1ubecribed to the within \n1tn1-oited April 30. 19:i,e. arreated h"r• for tu1p\clon of mtnt, and acknowled&'ed to me Dewey Souder (T&lld theft, euto and turned lhl t they ~xecuted the aame. STATE OF CAUFORN'IA 'OVIT lo Sant• Ana pollc«. Thr IN \VITNESS WHEREOF, I COUNTY OF ORANQE ·~· 1u.pect alle1edly atole the ve· hAVI! hflll"eunto IH!l my hand and On April 30. 19~. before the hlcle In the erea of 1800 block, 1ff11<ed my offl('lal •eel the day underelpe-d Notery Public per· Loulae St., 81nta Ana. and )'tar In thla Certlflcate nnit aonally appeared Dewey Soudtir Santa An• police br0edcut the •bo•'e written. known to m. to be lhe per.on Io cu-tod.Y todaJ ln Oren1e 1tolen auto at 3:40 •· m . Thur• HF.LEN I. TlPPli."T'T whose name 11 hereunto aub- Ooaal,y Ju•enll• HaU 11 a 12· day, At 1:40 a, m. a Newpart Not•r)' Public In ind for actibe-d and acknawled(ed to m• ye~ youth aeaUNd of a Buch police unit apoUed the car 111ld Couaty and State that hr rxecuted t he n.me. •rilf of bW'llariee and theft. In tbe 1300 block or Balboa Blvd. ~iy Comml11lon Explrr11 TOM \V , HENDERSON ln 0o.ta , Me11o and Newport They ataked out unUI 1):40 a, m. July 4, 1909 Notary Publl<: In and for u l!1 S.-lncludlnf th• taJllnc of when the euapect entered the ve· No T37 New1·Pre-11 5/18/M County and State, a ~ Mid to blllonr to Molly hlcl• and drove •~Y· No. ISO -New1-PTe111J Bffrri• q1evt .. on We11tern 1ln1er, Polle• ma.de tbe arreat at 20th P-424'1 0;2. 9, 18, 23, 19:'HI M:-police tumed the boy at. &nd Balboa Blvd. Ct:RTlt,ICATE OF BU81St:ss I C----c:,--,,.,~~---eVd.~to juvenlle •uthorlUH if· J.'lrtltlo111 Firm !'l'llRM' So. A 1111911 t j~ Id 111 red ... The undrr11ignffl do hereby ctr· SOT1CE . OF S A.LE OF R£AL er ...... 1 • flY recove ~·· Dan Clay M-L-r 111 th PRo•••TY AT PRl\'ATr. pu .. M.d otlle"r objeeU ••Id to _..,,uw Y •l we are conduct1n1 1n ,.. 1'•~ .,_... atolett by tM yooth of Kemft91' 'land e!t!'trlr111 • Manufacturing bu81.· SALE &adr h{o ll:)'MC"'Old eo.ta Meaa r-· "~"• •t 274:1 W, Coe11t Hlghw1y, 1!11" THE SVPr::RIOR OOl 'RT bO,,.,_ Dan Cloy, Mll'I of P.1r.a F. F ;o.;""·po11 Be•ch, Callroml1, undtr 01" 'THE STATE OF C'ALl· 8't· J, J . Bloom of Newport P•(t. 1023 E. Balboa Bh·tl . 1~ th~ firl~\101111 firm n1me of H1r-FORSIA IS A!liD FOR TllE paHae Mid tte checked the Hd.ly-1• member of lhf' mar('hifl l? bsn•l lnla th F.!!'<'trir • Mfg. Co. and L'OL.'...'"T1' OF OftA!liOt: ,.'00(( 'Mme·or Ml•• SH an!1 t he at Kemprr Mihllry School I !hit 1111111 th tn 111 rompo&ed of In the J.11.tter of the Dlate of iid&ir'• mother •dmltted hrr Boonvllll', J.io.. whL('h wu 1 the followlnit perll0n9. wh~t R ALPH A. GUTHRIDGE, 4a~ter IOlllt a pur .. recently featured ettrattlon •t the J\.111 n1sne11 and •ddrelffl are •11 fol-Decee~. qn Ute Corona Ml Mar Main annuel ROTC Circu11 n"Ctntly in lo'A·-. ll)-Y.'lt · l\"otlcl' 11 hereby (1ven that ... ch: Kanau City. Mo. ('HARLES H liOLM the underaigned, At vi:ecutlrtx ~ poll« ••Id .-om• or the TM. t 5-.piece KemPf'r bton•l l?OJ Sr1.11hor•. of lht Ertat• of Ralph A, o~ta "'•r• 1torld tn ~ trunk under the. direction or Lt. A D ~rowport 8e•('h. C•llfornla Guthridge. Dec...ed. wtll tell e f a car' btloncln& to a l 7·year· Morrta. performf'd eifore 1n ROBERT \\'. BAKER. , •l private ult to th• hlg'tlut old JOUth who did not partlcl• eudlenc::e of aoml' 1000. ~~:l Rh'f'r•lde. and b~t bldmr. upon the term• .. t• ln tll• theft.a. ,N ,wporl Be11('h, Ciallfomla ind condltiona herein&tler min· \\ ltne1111 our hind thlt l 1Jt day tlontd, Ind subject to ~nflr: ot !>11y, 19:16 m11tl.on by aald Superior ~rt. LIGAL NOTICE --------------1 ROBERT '''-RAKICR on Th11rlll:tey. M•y 24, 1958. 1t CHARLES H. HOt..M 10:00 o"ck>ck A . M .• or U .ld d1y. NOl'ICE OF L"n'L.~DED MORTGAGE _, A • pWW. bl'.IOftl'lnf to Rolle NOTJCJC 18 HEREBY GIVEN. 'Can(ilbell. !019 N. Bl'M!1-y. Thet Oout. Hoteil Inc .• dbe Banta Ana. repo.Ud mluing Jamaica Inn Hotel, MottJll.J'Or. March 21 WN ~wred Sltur· whoee addrua \I 2101 l:ut Cout d&,7 • from a cuJYl'ct where I\ Htirb~. Corou, del Mar, in the hMI bftn toued by the thief. Oty of Newport Beaclt, County The purM al'ld eont1.nt1 worth of Onnre. State of Callfomla. $88 wu taken from the •lctlm lr!tl.ftdl to mortsa&e to l"ewport w hile Me wu 91Hpln&" on the Hubor &nk. Morts•ree. w hOM bddl •l 110. 9l, and Bay Att a dd.-. Ui 3t l:I 11:. Cout Hl&h~ DlJe Srott. 46t 8err• Or i nd way . Corona df'\ Mir, in !he OtJ KonaaA · rttq:irnld. t&I Sen-e ot l"e"'port Beach. County ot Or· D"· Nmtd owr Uie F" to aftl'e, !lt•t • of Clllforni• All pGllM .tUr lh"Y N W 1t undrr f11mlahln1• of a ('"rtaln holel U:t ;e.uJ..-..rt nn Qo,an Hl1hw.., 1 t11'9\~ l<nO'A'n 11 J1m11('a Inn nru: Mondl'll Cllll"On Al'I. and M>ca tt.d •l 2101 Ealt Ooa•I I STATE OF {:At.JFORNIA or tht.rttlttr within th• tlrn• al- COU1'TY OF ORANGE 1111, lcwed by law. at ass RooMnlt On the l•t day of May. 19M. BulldlnJ, '127 Welt Seventb l>rfore m•. the 11nder1tgned. a Street, Loa Angele& 17, CaiitOI"' Not1ry Publl(' In and tor 1ald nta. all rlghL title. lnt_..t and County 1nd Stal•. per.anally ap-61ll•t• of uld Ralph A. Outh: Pf'•rf'd <.•HARLli:S H. HOLM. and rid&•· deceued. al the tlmt of ROBERT \V. BAKER known lo hit dee.tll. and all M(ht. Uil• ar.d lnlerut ttwt •kl tllllte BALTZ MORTUARIES C'OSTA J.lES A CHAPEL 1;t1 8u pt'r\Of' A'V~n ut Col1a Me111. l"•hf Phone WDerty 8-2121 CHAPEL BY THE ~F..\ ~20 E eo.1t Bh'd C.:or ona df'f )Jar. Cahr Phon• H1 rbor 42 RCA l 'CTOR TELEVISION Market-Shattering Days o~ Terrific Bargain Buys! r--------, r--------, : I MAY I NOW' I I : 17, 18, 19 : $ ;S: : L_Q.N!~_J : : WE WIL[ NOT BE 'UNDERSOLD!-1 : ~~~.!!·~~~ COME A-RUNNIN! \'U'{ . * : 4-" VHP cho ... HI Wlmt«. 2 .-oken. -11""' I .... _., ...... ........ ...... -· ~, I er-1...d fi,.,hh, utro. 21 [)645 •• I $ 7 0 RCA VICTOR "All Cleor" 1 I Silver•M• pi ct u rt tube. ·I New "Hidden Panel" tun· I in9 lets you di•I st•niling J I ' o. F F ! ~~~n~~w B•l•ncod fide~ty 1 I I I LOW LOW PRICES! • • • HIGH HIGH TRADE INI! I Yows for : ~ REMii4GTO~ SHAVER ~ l'' : I ELECTRiC°COFFEE POT -~526 I • ReplMQ,ta ----------------------TARIER'S MUSIC STORES l'IANOS -RADIOS -TELIVISION 114 ilrooadW'AJ not E. Cea11t &1.-t. LAGUNA 8&\CH. o.nt. CORONA DU lllAR, o.nt. Tf'lf'plMMM HY 4-&li 11 Teh•ll•M HA .Wtl • -... _, __ I / PIRATE CREW SINKS TR FROSH ROWER TARS NAB CIF.lERTR ~ OVER . COLlHsts .,...,..,,..._ .... ... ~ crew .,. ... die Uftl.. Wblin two torrid buricn ciub wtder ••• -a .... ftNlt)' of 90U\hrM'a 0.1i· • "" ,..,. .. trtdam•n «1pt • •r eomethbal'• iot to Jive. and yeltetday wbelti U..,t MJb -........ , ~ .. peOfd Ill Coota "'-Puk It -·1 cool Ou7 Onoli r =._~.-..o _:~:· ,!; of C.oach Emil Nenne' Newport Harbor lli&h SUOOl ODacb PaUJ &aptiM'• row-Tan, .$ _.. ....,. U8C. IAit. l Im.• IMhtnd Gret!-1\'1 l""'O*lan twtr1• ,_lf.d ·ott at · oppot'UIM ~ wu .. Udo ChallMI ltY 11 Ina 111:bkll &ol quklW" •• t.M i.y tM Tan. In lM tb'M. IUtih\a • ..,uaa. . , ,....,,. wort ~ ll WU th hlah WiUli Meody ha... ..... -aodtlnJ for lh• 2000 rldlaa C»Lonilt c:budtler. aouu.. W&Jk. Orffa\ 1ra~ .ti Al mitt.' p&ddlt •plub ..... 7:· paw 8ofl le.bola. WM ra~c.. b etir)''I tt~pu.il tM.anl Ullf , .... 11.T, Ba~ r•port:ed th• JUM. o... lluww. lt'11 t.rut, but .cl NOOClY out al ftht. Apia lit Sotq wu akrw dW to "veey that wu all Utt tu\U')' Ba.Uon the nfth. UplW drew a ...-rf ~" 11!'1\tn. ' Aetdad &1 lMy '1&abed MTOel llrOIJ. \\'Ith one Otll.. Ql'llM loM 1------------1• p&lr of ~--and 11Jn~ a bloody buh y\ on•~ oft •wt<et revtfta• on' tha cocky lft. ~hols' Mt. ntppM tt '° Wltifa vadera, t~. at MteOnd. ' \\ nu.e'• ~lb ... TAR GRIDIRON SEASON UNDERWAY WITH PENTATHLON Head Football Coach Don. Suma, in dark T-shirt, left, look• on u Bob Bowen toue. pipkin at tire target on Sa.ilor athletic fiekl. Puaing for aecu- racy la one ot pentathlon event8. A. total ·ot 230 prep.:ten ha ve enteted the pentathlo0,thia •Prine. Staff Photo ~llOI' Relay Mark Iden it San Diego Tar Tlllnclads qualify 11 of 18 I• Pnllms 8chola' -. cam• with 1tart· nap,.. throw to ,,l)l ..... Hn1 ~ In th• tourth Bud Ttlom)MOn WU J.at ht tiJn1 lnnlns. Or~ h>id off wtlb a lite to nip th• lumltfrrinc ~hOl&. • at tlr9l ..... .on en eM'Of' by When Of'Hn a)~ no NU. llhortaep Joe A'1Ua. Cleanup but two bit.. aaa a • dOUbl e, hltl@r Lany War1aumont .. crt-•truck out .ix: .-,lked Uu't+o-Cbd Oc@d Gvy 11.loq1. fll\ll~I Ln two <klubla • death-. ' PAUL POPS ONE Schohr: had lo be al11tlt'd with , The11 Paul Lorentu.n •Upped :.:m~ft°'Je::o~~:::: :ii~~~~ Uf> and cracked a aU\1le into ' 11 111 Tk d . h G I v" wh 1, wa 1n1 two ao :~~'O~ t~ha"~~. :ra!al::~ \\·1trhlng hll lf'amatea pull OM followed wiU! I dect.ive double double pl1y. to ript-ttnler 1nd Paul aplked GBEL,. MOBBED Ole plattar. The only belUns Graen cam• Wllh the Bailor V&Ta.lty relay Only one man ~acl1eci lhlrd cloee to t.aktn1 wu when be ~eun at Ions laat breaklna U'I• b&&e tar Anaheim whlle two .,., ... mobbed by ht. owr-ualoWI ~hool 1·ecord and Rod \Yilaon died on aeoond in the rice ot teamm1tt.e after the l'lllal out tyln1 the tchooL mark In the B the 1tulin1 pltchtnr of the calm of the tM.ll pme. • - 110 yard low hurdle&. Coach Don Grtt11 and the terrific tltldl111 I For the Sailor-.. It waa Urreb' Burn.' Newport Harbor H l &h lof tht torrid Tan. Avitia madl' a'venth 1trat1ht victory qa1nlt 8"hool thlnclad1 turned In • fine I 1l to lh• bot corner 111 the aec· t1<•0 def'J'UI· Thi• Me pract.Jca.I• 1hawtnl' In th1 CIT preUmlnl T· ond 11\J\lnr an.er reach.inc ftnt ly cinched • l\1 for th1 ~w\.e\ 1._, at BllDOa Btadlum, 81n Dl-011 1n ,nor, beinl' aa.crlnced to Lu.rut ch11.mplon1hip wftb tht e10. Sa\urday. econd and movins to third on Colonlat•. 1nd a definite plae• Oul ot 11 track alhlete. llk· a fltlder'1 choice. Third Baae-In th1 CIF playotfa llnce th• en to lb• prellm.t, J:tum1 and man Bob .A.lle:n on that one hid two lop IN.ml 10 thla --..on. QrCo&ch 'lllll Straw 1t'llc hed l 1 thl cbolcl of &IOYlng I big hllf The Neen1e knocker. wtnd UP of thelr ladl quality' for th• of Catcher Vern Wea'lrer'• ipllt loop. compeUUOn at Colt& MU& 1emln.-h at Cbatfay 11.ext .!•· bat e>r handlln&" th• ball. Hi Park come 3 p. m. tomorrow turda7. made u.. ri,.tit cbole1 a.ncl tou-asalnat Hunllnrton Beach. 1 ·-------------------------·I Mo« utoundlnr pertormance Id WeaYer out at first baae for lif;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; H A R I 0 R c1m1 wtlen Newporl'1 Cbarlie MCOnd out of th•, 1i.nz.a. TWO Pnl.t.n 900&1:8 -Variety in ecorine.,. method.I hu marked action of· C.Oach Wendell Picken.' four-atraight·timea EUtern Conference . cham.pionab.Jp - Orange coek CoUece fl.ine. Above, Gene ~ ·'l'&lllbles hpme on a .qa.ee&e. Below, Jeddy '>HMI oplkoci~&;,i••tter ;ttu: -~~ Ji'l;)'llt-~·­ amacks homer. -OCC PhotOll BILL PHILLIPS, Sport.I Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEW>PRESS-l'ART 11-PAGE 1 WE9NESDA Y, MAY 16, 1956 JUNIOR N~ERS JAR ORANGE BUT SAILOR VARSITY BEATEN- Co&ch Olar.a Ba&Mtt'• N_.port Harbor Hl&h School t.nnl# t.a&msfwOllii J~kn' var#lty but Iott Yar1lty competl- tioll •t ~· Fl1day in 8unfft 1-sue outlnra. The Sail- or IV --, • wbUt t.ba T .. r vtnl.t7 toppled M beCOt f lh• . )"'atUCll. . --. Jun.lor vanity winners fW' tbt local netLera were Chip WtU1y, Wayne Whltnq. Oki Bri4(111l&n And Stan LyoM 1n the a&n&le1 and the double• duoa ot Tim Manr and Oliv• Crary a."Mt Bf,a H1duna.n •nd John HukeJI. 8&Uor n.nlly winn•n Wirt Don Dolbee and Scott TbomptOn, a1.n¥le1, and th• doubl11 team of Lee Ct·IHll and Mike Mana 65 r1GSKIN PROSPECTS Bums Launches Sailor Spring Gridiron Drills Bt!1'ry det•tld Fullerton'• 8un· t 8TRJX.E or'TS Private Police • MERCHANT •'l t.earue ch11.mp Sonny Owen• Ai I• hi• wont when1ver r1cf!d In the 180 1o'W hurdl1 heat In , 10o'1lh th~al ot a rtvaJ counter. 20..2. 11:,ye.wUnt&w.I r1port Owe111 I Green ··bar .. down 111d whipped wa1 thrown off 1trid" due lo the tht pelota r.pldly p11t J'rry f!rlJt hurdles belnf Ht on • turn , Uphln for tha thin! out on a and waa unable to attain hit 1W1ft11n1 atrike.. In fact. 111 .ix I usual rhythm. j of Green'• atrfluo outa w're of . Wllaon •ped ht. heat In the lh• i.wlnrtng variety. PA TRQL B low burlcadea In 13.t . I Ma-collecttd the fir•t bin-I The v1r1lty re I a y ,.ecord· gle of the bill 11111 .. "'·lth hl1 •and breakinl perlonnancc c1me a!-1 •ln(Le In the S1ilor half of the I' ter It app4!1red to 811Jor quar-~ond canto, but rot no further HARBOR BOAT let of runner• had failed In their P'lr•t blow for An•helm ca me I .w1aon-lon1 effort to en.ck lht \Oo'hf'n Avitia fouled o ff 1lx PATROL ma rk barrter. Dlopp<Knted "dth i pitch•• In the fourth fram1· i nd I their ahoWlnJ In the 8un1et Le•-1 nn&lly belted • a round rule rue Meoet which apparently ell-double down th' tefl field line . m1n1led Lhern rrom furth'r oorn-1 Avitl1 cot no furlhe1· ptt!tlon, the loca l l•d• took full 11'1' only other W,11.t k.nock oft ldvaotase of lhelr CJP' reptievt G1ry'1 1iu.lln( toue1 came oft \ \Oo'hich came when Garden Grove• the bit of Second Backer Irvin 1el1.\· •quad withdrew from \he Knowle1, a two-Ume 1trlke-out prtllm. and allowed lht T1r1 to vtctlm of Oreert'&. \n Ure alxlh repr,•nl lhe loop 11\ltead. atan&&. K.nowls \t>d off lhe 8elT)'. o..11 'Ml.rtln, Tom NI-tram• and wu Uirown out at quette and Dodd Pu.raon, carry· aecono, Cava Tamura to II o ~ tnr th' baton In that order, rac· Whl'tl, on Al MoodJ'• crounder. l"<t the dl•tance Saturday tn PEl:L8 OFF DP"8 CALL SECURITY COMMEICIAL P'ATlOL __J(I 2·7027 ' 1.32 3. Th• old record which had 1 ,,.;•:.:P"~';'"o~l~l~w1;;:;•_;k~U~lln;p~~w~•~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '"° Ion&' eluded them wa1 1 :33..5. Randy Peeler and Oti1 Elohn1 fl n11hed 1ttond 1nd third In Lheh' !!80 heat to qua llfy for the v1r- ~1ty Sailora. 89id4!• \Y l1»0n. liahtweisht T1r qu1llf!era \Oo'ere BUI Buck- tantJ and Tony Roelch ln the , entury, J ohn Henrotl11 In the 11hot put i nd I.Ao Lope& In the hilh jump. Buckland 11.nd Rottch finlahed llt'cond In their he.a.ti. Buckland 1n 10.6 and Ror.ch In 10.d Hen· re.Un to.Mid the hunk of Iron 48ft. 31n. and Lope. qu1Jlfled •l fL l ln. "'"' 811'.'•• 11,ECTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e. STAFSORD ·& ION Electi lctJ Coetracton 11,0 Biven.Ide Ave. Liberty Ma« Co&ch Doa Bum.I P'fflld 16 Plsfkil! proapecta on the Newport , Harbor Hilb 8<!'bobl pid1rOa 11--.y &tternoon u tprlu1 foolb&U pncUca rot un- Oem)' for th• 8&11ora. Hubblrd: t.>enny Swanty. ru1rd : Da.,. P1lUl, ruard; Deem : Walt J r-"T"P;ol;l;U;";l'-"A"d"v;""U;M:;;;;m;•;•;l~T --_:l~Po..;::ll;t;loa;::_l ~A;d~•~•;';'"""::;;;;'";'~l_; __ _:T~P~o;ll~U;oa:::,l ~A;d:v;•:""'"'*"~=::::~t-• HOWi.id. tack._: Bob Tulner, GAGE PREDICTS SAILOR QUINTET It ..... a STftft Oob of SUY• Burr11 and hi• co.chirlf 11.aff atarted putUns Lhtouch their fMICM, only tbret ot thoH r.- portlns boullns . var•ly uper1· enc. of th1 28 poeJbl1 A '1 who 1i.ned up. They an Qvy Deem. ---·-· ' -:SET FOR 1 ST IN SUNSET LEAGUE OranCJ8 Second, Anaheim Third According to Jules' FOrecast . ' aao~eT bi&" man. He'll hive plen· flrat atrtns Tar (Ulrd tor two ly of materi•l to do hla Hlect· ieuoM; Bob Vlll•&"Rn•. t\rat lnf from amona 10 membar• of •trtng end 111t Maaon: •nd 111t ye1r'1 Junior varalty a.ad 11 Qua.rterbac.k Gene K'Llbbard .-1th lada up from lht Tarblltea. two MUOn• ot varlity axperi· POSJTIOS BAnL& enc,. By 80...L PH1.l.LIP8 Boy, llke junior varatty ll!l· Othir Sailor &"rid hope:tu.11 1.r1 I •--k •• 11 Co h J I G · ho terma.n !t.a.n Schonb and fiUhy •UIT ••-'•od ,_ ba.Mb&ll. track Sai or U1U> etut1. ac u ea age 11 • m.&n w T11·babe John H'nroun wtll "'" '" and Peanut l..A&cu• 90n.ball play· believea in giving fair warning. f\sht It out for that other cu&Td off .. You will recall that, prior to atart ef the practice llJ)Ot while high 1tC1:1rer1 like Jer-Amoni UM>ee tum1111 out Mon· G . ht l t h. ryin ry Kemper •nd Don Babbfl, JV day \Oo·eni numbered I& mol .. .eaaon lut year, age come ng ou • ore 1• c I lettermen. •nrJ Rich p111ferrt. 8klnner1 and t:t C'1. A11ailt1n1 towel ln Ttbborui and ... 1,1. "S!!W· d 1bt of hill va rll&ty hop.dull for up from the B'a will battle for Bumi, Bill 8':{Jl&U i od John Mc- port Ha.rbor H l~h School'!. var-11ext -.9011 at.a rt play for Rich-I pc»ltl'l>ri oowu. the vanity and j11nlor ally quintet will be on lop of 1rd'1 Market 111 the OT111~ Olhtrr r"turntng junior .... ~t)' 1'l tally ataff, were Chet Wulff tile suiiaet Le•&"ue or rloae to lt Ok>unty 11Ummer bl1"etblll le•· lettiermen. who vdll •lrugsle t ot" and Mike Pl!lalnrer of the Tar· far thl next thl'tt llf'A!!Oru<." f\le, JulH J•r• loo!l4' w ith lhla varsity reco&l'li!ton nl!Xl lt'AIO'\ Now when a basketblll mell· 1t1ten1f!flt : lncludl' Bob VUlqrana. Bob Al-ba~~aHy prOlpt!Cll Include VU· tor 1h'reds hi1 cry1n1 towel, th!• "Newport will flnl•h a top the lfon. G'ne Hubbfird and J ohn 1.,..,._..; Rod ZwJebe.I, end o( ill cloa1. to trea.eon. Oth"r case Suru1et lA•SU' 1t1ndln11 nut Lewis, There .,.,.ill 1lao be. Jim fullback: Buck Shaler. tackle; c:oachet were ready to whl1Ue yeu." Bento. Roit;el' P"tf'rllOo and J,tr Ron Thorn•. tackle ; Nobll! w ar- Ga.se out of th• fraternity. But Ju.1t Ilka th1t. Smith, JV •quad m'mbar1 tu t nim. end; Tom Alklnaon. end; Ulen the Tari went Into a db· Fll'iA.L l!iTAXDL'\GS ""aon. Denny Daltbout. ,.ua.rd; Bull.a mal practice Ha.on durlnr Furtheni:iorie, O•r• C011tlnued Movtns up from the Tarbabd Pa uley, rullbaclt; Dous BowMr. l'U'rd; IBa.m Jarvi•, gu•rd ; Don Smith. fullba.clt or ,uard : Pat Hllnabaw, halfback : Dave Good- ale. t..M:kle ; Tom Hoop: end; 1 Will Fran1. ru•rd: Fred 8mlth. q\11.rterback ; Dick Cox, Jullba.ck : Oa1' Mart.Ill. ha1tback ; M I k • Smith. halfback ; J lm "'uL tackle, and BUI M:llla. end. U&:htwef\"bta •IJned up ar' Bob. 'Buniett. Tom Kuhry. Jim Hostttler. Tad Cooper. Herb Ytt. Bob H ottman, MJckey Wlllf!flSI. Anpl VaJ.nsud, Alden Dt>Hburs. NDl"m HOWi.rd. Stu Belt, J Im and Jan Nlenilec. Bob Rice. 1nd J1rry Berk. C'1 Include Dick Lundy, 01,nn om.On. Ray PiMJma.n. CraJs Cadwalader, Bob Dl"IW. Terry ZW1ebel. Oree Gilbert, Bill Bl"r. Gene 1.Aeper. Chuck Remley, Bill A1"9Y, Wayne W1taon. Steve HU&"hea. La.rry Chun&". Bob BchlLchenmayer, Dick Ralnew. I Howard GUatrap, Bob U..b, Tim I Jone.. Bill Putnam, We•lty Stu- •rl 111d 0..\'ld Mcl'fut t. Newj,ort Variety YOUa 6 Md It Wl'ORf; \\'e Give en. .. Si-pe 0.-. ...... , Neuner !lo'al'J"bKT BEACH which Um• aome pretty weak \\•IOI hi• nnal le.rue atandl.np wnl ba J im Schone.a, D6ck Tar-fullback: Denn)' Brown. center; d uba clobbe.rtd the local lad.a. ~rtdlction by plac1n1 Oranse In nnwakt, Bob Henderlhot. Budl~~~~~~~~~~=:;;=~=~===~=====~i l '"'!'Mt will i,am him!'' t.ht aecond plact. Anaheim th I rd, T'hompMln. Jen-y Hulbfll'l. JC\l· I 1 ether co.che1 chuckled. and \Mn· HULttnston Bea.ch fourth. P'ul· can• Bryant. O.n Pia~. l!lle.,. .d back to watch the Ballon lerton ntth. Santa .A.11& •ixtll. Soude:r and Tony Gamier. •Ink tnto th• Suruot Le•i\le eel-Garden Grove HYenth and nflOo·· Qu@&Uon 111 why ia Qap r.- lar . corner Lit Habra ti&"hth. tnr lo all rh11 trouble of pick· LAST LAl.GH At Jeaat. the olhu loop coach· tns • lq\lld ~ He alrea.dy kn<nn J'or a whtle It appeu-ed ..kaow w.b.an UM7 at&nd whm llow 1t·1 •II JOl.nl,._ lO and .cotten would bawo the la.ucb Ot.C&1 t. around. IF YOU WANT •TRUE AMERICAN LIVING STANDARDS •CONTINUING PROSPERITY WITH PEACE •PROTECTION OF YOUR INTERESTS • . .. THEN RETAIN YOUR u. S, ·-·· - CONGRESSMAN JAMES B. UTT JAMES I . UTI • Nciti~• of the 28th District - hat the background to oct in YOUR INTERESTS • Completing his SECOND tenn in CongrHt - ho• the ~niority to get things done for YOU • Hos o DHP ond ABIDING faith in the SUPREME IEING - ond the courage to fonak• politico! expediency for principlot • I I' en JWa. A11d ~ the-eaQ But-.-na.lt ~er-tbe OM'• toracut MIU ~ oae bl • cionftd<f,nL Kl bu HE HAS SBYED YOU WB1 -YOU-CAN DO-NO llmEL'll IWUO-J. __ f true. By tWlc. Ucklnl &I')' Ortea. • toOL a«iOmpUahld toe'• PQ'Nff'\11 lftdlana lO maker back at c'VAr'd, u d pla.}', Gap'• C'O'I t I Jl'Qpe. lb1 !IJ&b 9COr1ftl: captured UM drcult U'OWft • e. a.ion., wtU.. tall Tom tbOUCh .catl8uc.D.7 kn• H. ID t1.odsto9 et ,C'IOL All t»M with lhe Tribe atop 0.... etaftd.. abould be lmpf'Oftd OnT tut Inf•· ffU()ft, Afll!t that 1plneUnrllns com.. Le tact, orttn ahould r111 a.a thnw.Sh In Ula clutcb to Ctlrt'1' m'Nt valuable partorm'r la t.M A1@ncy eut hla p!"'9dkUon. It -Id .....a drcuJt a t aeuoa'a md •rtd" Pope All Unu wrttt.n.. ~p would be Mtilned..to ,_ UM top point P{odUCer. HOWARD W , G!JUUSR •" hLal la;Yfl!I .. But not the up Chance• are. Gae• know• wJut tlOI Npt. Blvd , Coat& MM& ..., Ma olher startuw wtll M. w . '901'"'8 uaan •uU J:ut•d. ,.,._ Mfor• .om& but M lnauta ••·1 aUU .utac" • L...:-----------, RESIDENTIAL -·INOijSTRIAL -COMt.4tRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SllALL, UO SOtlo SL, Ne....,..n ~ Horbor 2"" 1r-EUCT . JAMES TO CONGRESS - •L ' ~ --·•••••'"------·-r-- s.--un JUNES 21th DISTRICT • . -· • --·---___ .., --··-... • ' • BIBULQUS ·oom BULLIES PASS!-GE .INJO GRO$ SHOP -w-dow Seib sm,81.G NE\V INDtJSTR\' SITE -Aerial photo abon 30-&cre aile (in foreground) on Dyer Road be- tween Harbor Road and Newport Ave., On · which new modem 1-Jarvill Corporatio n µ\ant will be com- ~ ~ ·--yar. Aimcnmeem.nt of Bar. Vill•a m°"f',W.U ma.de ~Tuelday here 'l:t a lunch sponsored ~Y Jndutrial l>e'ftlopment Dlviaion of the l:;,.nta Aaa Cbamber pl Commerce. . . T eenag~· ·Car Overturns in Speedy Police Chase NEW PROPRIETORS CiF THE TRADEWINDS C. H. (Scotty) Will iamson and Eddie ~t adden have taken over the Tradewinds U-Drive Boal1, 2037 \V. Coast Highway, on the '-larinera Mile. Their 1ix 28-ft. St.eelcraft.a each carry ei ght persona lOmfortably. Electric· operated live· bait tank• add to efficiency o f the craft. -Staff Photo T.n police can f rom eo.ta Meaa. Sant.a Ana and th• Sher· It!'• ~partment w1r. brou(ht Into play at 2 11. m. Sunday be- fore two juvenlltl, 1. bay 1n4 a ir!rl, or Santa Ana and Garden Grove, driving ll car In uc~ o! 80 milt• pc"r hour could M haltf'd. The cha.e ended when the auto overtumed lllld craahed Into • t ree tn Santa Ana. Costa Meu offlcan Jotln Mel'r .nd Glenn Walker, Wbo 1tarted t.he chue after the younpe111 allegedly ran a boulavard 1top at Baker Sl.. and ratrTtew Road. e1llmated the juv1nU•, th• boy 11e l:'.l and tn. (id 17, would have In ucr .. of SO vlolatlOM chlrced. apfn.11l them lncludinc Jti;kl'" drivin(. They weh' a~ ch.&rfed .,.·uh l a.ck of pa«!nt•l control. Th• 01'flcer1 •Id n11ther had an operator'• lice~ and the car had Men taken withou t the boy'1 p11rent1' conHnL The young1ter1 were cOUllna. CHAS& TO 8A Meler •nd Walker M.kl Harbor High Journalists to Attend Workshop in . SA St11rf memM1.. o( N-port H11rbor H111:h ~hool'1 new1pape.r, Tne He11cun and the yeaTbook. Tn,. Galleon. tomorrow will a t- t,.nd the Thlrcl Annual Journa· ll•n\ \\'ork1hop1 a l Santa. Ana Cllllr11: ... !..-.cal dl'lt"Jl:lllt"a 1n1ong the 300 j•lll!'nallat.11 who will 1ttend 111r !:il111ron Cro"-'1. Beacon edi- tor. R<><.t C11!dt-rhead, <ialteoon e1Hln1. 11nd ll"W11p11per lllllffer1. A K~1.•t .. nt t-:d1!ur C11 rol Crain. Fe11tu1e l::d \tor Judy Fergu1'0!\, Jo Anne JMrk11on. Oennia Har· .,.·uo<I. Rnbforl Partin. Sue Coop· f'r, HPIVY F"'1"ty 11nd Diant Tro- u!~n :\11.s11 Dorothea H l!l11rd a.n d ).t r~ T"n1 Ad1n1~. 1nurn1 l 1~m ad· v1.•,.1 s, .,.·111 e1eurt the local dele· 1 cauon I l it~ \\ lSS EN~ l..<t•T :•~•r lloe llt""'"l'"Ptr pr.1.•·11 !tor bt"~l ap<>rll pa11:e b".•l rr.lumnill \, "according )l!•s Hdhanl. wnn ood ,. The reneral llffl!llon at 5 p .m. In Cook Gymnuium i:.at Wine will featura "Pictorial Journal· lam."" with • diacu...lon by Hu· Mrl McCla.l n and Max.Jn• Reamt Lo& Angele• T imea 1t1.ff phot.o- craphers. SWEEPSTAK.U AWARD \Valter Burrougha, p!'Mldet of Or1.11ge Coun ty Pub\l.ahe~ A1IKK'iat1on. will M 1ward1 l»n· quet llpt_&ktr on "Opportunltlea In Journa.lll:n'l." Burrough1 wUI a.11-0 prellent tha • .,..ttpAtaku nl!w1p1per 11.ward on Mhalr ol the pubh1her1 (TO\JP· 1'ht be1t all·•round Joumallat 1.w11rd Ill ona of alx troph1ea 1.warded by th111 Orange County Pre11 Club. Th• work1hop1 cover th• 0 aub- j..cla qf newapape.r edltora. re&· ture1-10ClaJ, adverUainf • bull· neaa, 1port.a. ~porting, photo- grapby. 1dY1aers a.nd yearboolla. cha.Md tha youn11ter'1 car lnto SI.lit& .Ana wh•r9 lhty were joln,cl by unit.a of Sa.nla An• pollbe and the aherlff'a office. The otncera r.ld they pulled alonplda tha c r and tried to re1aon With the youn1llter1 but their pleu went unheeded. Then th.-y attempted to pull In front of the ape.edlng-c•r In an at\empt tu block it to a halL The ca.r merely crove on th• ahoulder of the bl1bway and around them. Ule dnpera.i.. off!· cerll reported. The juvtnllea went over 1ev1ra.l dlpa ln the knta A..na atreeLI and atmoat Iott control. police aald. Th1 oftlcera Mid th• ch•se •tarUld out with the gi rl driv- ing but halfway through the pa ir exchan1ed place1. At MtmOf'y LA.ne a nd Bristol St. In Santa Ana, the boy •t· l.l!mpted to na.ke a left turn, of· flcera aald, •nd the car turned over and al!d on Ill aide Into en oranca lrff. Unhurt, the p&lr wu del&tned In Juvenile Hail. <OCNI) -~~Wies tort1 ii,;_.., u..n.p U.. wall C Uir-'1nt ._ car, UT a. .._ k., ._..,., •ppa,..ttJ' W..t • a ldPt.J:I or dry ~ .. t.em~ miand '-"' tM ..... for Acci•e•t nae drl.,..., ..-. Mid M ..,. not Pac to 'e u.blMd tor dmtft.s • blbWOWI ~ .... adamant. J.,-llrun- mer, propti«(w ot I.be cal' -.kl: UNTA ~A (0CNI, -Tao widow ot a .... ,...,..... ,_._. •bo --lnJUNid Sllt.&ll)' la • ·Nawport 8-cb tnftk: -... Apa rt1 11 uk.ct 1102.uo.•a ~ la a 15Uper1or Qou.rt ooraplalat Died Monday. ,.b DlJ' Opinion Ulla app.n.lUI 19 &D aJooho1ic wttb a OM b'Kt.or ll'liAcl. It ~ M ._t to Applnt.Ull AnOll)'· ........ ff• thin ukld poUC. to -..bllab Ul Offmilbt fUUd at lM care .., no rn<>N bu.Ddoaw'9 wou.kl trio to tore. UJt!'Y . Locistnl °'' •c&n ... )It&. AlemedJa· 1. HC"f90ft. H'N' ......, 'A'llllam H1.rvteo;n dl.d .April 11 of lftju.rltl 111 r.qtl¥4111 In .. &e• cldeat at ~ Drln &Ad CoM:l H1hway. thtOUlh Ut.1 hole ln the wall. • LOST ICllTEN Millers Ask Help for lost 'Cacao' Tfteni Ill little happln- lhe Lt. W. I:. Miller hotn• 210'Ai Apolana for "Cl.cu" mlllinl -"Cacao .. II: a 10-montb· old klUen of Sla.me.e extractk>n •nd i.he beloved pet of lltUa Jannell Miller. A reslllttred Burme .. hu been mt111n1 from OWi Miller home aince la1t Wedn ... dey. Althu&h marked 1lmilar lo 1. Slam1M c•t. Lt. Miller 1ay1 ··cacao" 11 dark brown ln wlor with .oft yellow eye1. The kLtt.e.n 11 alao am•ll In 1lui 1.nd a him· 1.le. Velerina.rlan1, tr I end 1 a nd nel1 hbor1 have bel!n nul1l1ed of ··c acao'•" pl!fhl but 11till the Miiier hoUH.hoLd !& wllhout Jll peL It 1.11yona hu "-nY 1nformll· tion C(lncern!ng ·Cacao" the Mille-:-& •nd t11peclally thl!ir l1tlle b!onde daughter. would be de· ligbted with a call. The Miller telephon• number \1 HA. 2439-R. I OIN9 STA.FF -Mn. M..-. Ion r. Tiiton, •28'11 Via Lldo Nord, haa joined the 11.&J't of F1w1J and Co., invMlrntnt l lnn with new off1ce1 In thA Named Wudaa\8 .. N tM KDudMn CrMm1r7 Oo. and drlY.. er. Uo)'d ft.. au ... A mllll:~wry truck dri'ffft tQr' Glib and aa.-n.or.·1 auto 'collided. au .. ll aoc:u.Ad ot n .. • U19t drtvtnr. Ryl111 locll Hits F•1rton Mn. Soe Four junnltie. ln a cat ._... reported throwlfl1 T'Odl:a at ,..... ln1 aut.oniobll.. Sunday atler'- ooon. ln.jurin1 a ruU.rton man and bl1 3-year-old aOft. acc::onlhtl to police, Robart Clark, 1•87 W . BakV St.. •Ud tha rock 1truck him h~ the l orlhead ·and 1\anced. ott and hit hl1 amall aon. LISTEN to the Shearaon, Hammill "Private Wire'' Unl\ed Stale• ti•llona1 Bank KABC L )Q p M Bu•hilo< lo C~<& Muo, I< ---.,: • • wu announced by D'~ey T . Daily Mon. lbru Fri. Tackaberry, maneger of the Market Quot.&tiona company"• B1y 1 r£a ott1ct . Financial Newa Mr1. Tilton la active In club Buaineu Commentary worll her• a.nd 11 a 11Jpport· Interview1 •r ot th• Orl.llf'tl County Edison Application Symphony. Sha wu a.aclat· 'Prucnted by Okayed by Council "'w•lh • ..... ..,,..,. 10-SHEARSON, HAMMILL i-CO CD.'· M-OHy Council rt· vestment tlrm Mtor1 movln1 IO••Dto•• ,,,, 1.& lo Newport Bea.ch. cenlly appr:oved an appllcaUon of 1--------------1 ill••..,.•"••,.,, s,.,., (.,,...,....,.,"',._ Southem Caltfomla ltdi8on D::i. f'rum,.JS1 ... iWC••-'l17(1r ... r• to park . blMI conta1nln,.an •lee· Boy Charged ""'' '"""' '" r'oot of '"' Edlaon Co. tmutch otfi~. 109 I:. w· h 18th Sl., on June •. 1t Dope Th• dillpia.Y w111 bl open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and wW p • contain ruturUtlo elactrtcal 1•d-ossess1on 1eta. Th• dl1play a Kbf/duled tor June t tn N1wport lk•ch . Pouii!aalon ot mariju•na wu ch&rftld lo a 17·ynr-old Lyn· wood youth Batu.rQ.y nl(bt fol· lo'Wtn(' a rouUn• check ot • r.atroom 1t tha Rendervous Ball roo~ by 11 Nwwpc:r:-t. Beach pa - trol officer, The juvenile wa1 booked af~r Ottlctr Philip S. Hall went lnlo the mm'a room a t 10 p. m. a nd 1lle1edly 1a.w Ula youth •t.ulf •t manhuana c1g •rettea lruilde hi• 1hirL Hall 1a1d he checked the room. trequtnUy for Uquw ytolal.O':ll. Hall que1tloned the juvenile 1.nd repor~ that the boy told him that he had obta.lned the clfl.l'ttl•• from an older ma.n. "Tbe man told ma to rtull lham I.lid play It ~I ... lh• juvenile allecedly told Hall. The youth wu lntArrof•ted by Det. Sat-A . L. Johnson a.nd d.,.. tectlv11 from Or1.n11 County Sheriff'a office 1.fter he wu booked. 3331 Via Lido Newport Hu.~ Beach ON A H IW 'S• JOHNSON SEA·HOISll YCMU' old o.aboard i1 •on .. •••91 Ut"1 talk "tnd•ia .. oa • 1p1rltll•1 ••• ''' J ohalOG. NJ.a• ~ modela, J to 'O lip I South Coast Co. N-rt Blvi at %Sn1 81. llubor2600 Jo'111so11 ... :·:." . 'roe DIPINDat~ltY· OPENING FRIDAY, MAY 18TH AT The •W•ep1take• 1vrard for >•~rbook11 111 pre11f'ntl'd by lht. p11n11n1: Hnu11e {"r•!INnfn o f Or· 11n11:1 t:ounty. Th• G1.llaon .,.·on la11l ~""' ADAIR WINS CONTEST BOND BALBOA I li\\••'f"lllke11 H\\"llrli11 for ne .... ·1· • ~ -NANCI CAMPBELL WINS AWARD I p11iwerA wa, y,·on by S11nlll Anl {;l'nl'rattK la.a\ yea r I.lid the Or· ~n)o(e H.-rlcrtur 1n !9~4 - Swimmer Here Breaks Neck After Dive IUchlrd K . ..Dtck" Miller. general mana1er of Mlllf'r Chevrolat ,Co . rl.(ht, pre.enll ~ L.'. S, Savin11 Bond to Lee Adair, 11lt .11man, u reward tor submltUnr w lnnin.c 1lo11n In ~cent conteet conducttd by Chevrolet Dlvl11on ot Gtneral Jttotor1 Corp. Adair aubmL\ttd thret truck alogana u reault or •ales effort.a durinl" Februt1ry campalfn ln which Chevrolet oaleamtn were alloted one alogan tor each 15 truck a&le1 c1.Ha made !n tnat period. -Staff Photo THE RA YDOLLS .-Jif..a ~U. Newport Hubor tltgh acnlor and pre111dent -ti Tau· Sta P* Tri·HJ·T Club. acc.-p11 the Robert Oland•r ..:..'f'rt.o.81..1' Old of th• Y•r Award from lt.11 donor. Ol&ndar. , ~d• wu made 1t Third Annual Orange Coaat l'MOA,itall.Y• -Don Buah Pho\o ·"ell(ln Car-nt~ or 11 ye1trbook rnver concern. will 1h1>w a film nn rovrr produrtton 11nd give a 1~c1ur•' on ve.11.rbook t"chn\queA Al pllrt of "1h11 ye.11 1·book pantl. NEWPORT WOMAN WINS $50 AT RICHARD'S Mra. Hubert Koehler, 714 St. JamCfl Road, is another recent winner In Richard's Macie Kard Promotion ('nded m •cntly at the nutrkct. C!a(('ncc IJodd. Grocery Department ~tana~er. 1s shvwn prcst•ntu1 ~ ~lrs. Koehler y,•1th S5ll w1nnin~s. Doctors et Ho.1 Ha.pita.I treated • 14·year-old Rlff":'1!d1 bo)' tor a broken neck 81.turdt,y -------------11 I-'-fou d artt'I' h• dived eirht teet tr-om TH NOTICE r wno.ase n 11. rock into 1halJO'W water be· DEA P nl1ce reported ' brown lf'l.lh- tween tht Corona del Mar Ma.In ------------• ler jrlefc1111r round Sunday on Btaoh and China Cova. GEftA.l.O R ICHAllDSON the Corona del Mar m.11.l n beach The youth, Benny Duana \Vtoel. Ger•ld \\'alter Rlch11rd80n. :'.13, conta.lned paper1 of John Klure, .,. .• , able to tfll 11(flc-er1 how of l 720 Kine• Road. !lied M•Y 1 ,';;'~'~'~";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 11 the accident h1ppeneO before he l.11.ps!d lnlo uncQnacioU1nt••· Ht l :S at Hot( lioapilfl!. He wa1 added that he did JM>t feel any bom In Canl:-a l t..ke. Mich. an peln aftr. he hit h\1 head had lived here for I year and a a1alnlt the bottom but • half· h1ilf, Hi .,. .• , executive vi~· hour later he bec•n lo 1uffer preildent of the Merintrl Ba.nk. MVtre neck and back pe.ln1 HO! It 8 urvtved hy hl.11 Wlfe, Mar- IOHN STONE'S Mfla Auto Wreckers l'N'll Auto Part1 aod A~riff 2075 Placentia Ave. Liberty A·101J Cotta Meoaa Doct0'.:'1 ,t Hoaf Sunday .. 1d r te. of the heme; one aon. Ger· West 11.urr,red 1 1ever1 hrl'ak aid Oou1l11 or P1lm 8prin1t• l ~;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;;;:1 1 in • vertebr1 In the •plnal col-and hill mother. Mr11 Nellle A . Ii umn and U\lt hia ~ndltlon v.·a.11 R!ch1:-d10n or Anahttm. only fair. Servlcfa were held today at Ule1U1nil alded in &et llns: 2 p. m. in St. Andre""•'a Pre~by­ .emer('~CY aid fD': Ult youth be· terlan Chu~h .,.,ilh the Rev. tort hll w11 taken to the h~· Jamu 8 . Stevi·a r t offlclatlng. pita! lft a · car Mloftl'llll' to Ill.II Entombment wu In Ana-efa:m uacl., Burt.cm W.t.. tO. who wit· AbMy Mauaole'\&tn, Compton. •_"_',. __ '"_'_..,.. __ .,. __ c _____ 1Bllta Mort\llr)', Corona del Mar Chapel, In cMl'I• ot &r.Uilt--- D-Hit Here m•t.o. An i nJured dffr on JlacArlhur!i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~~----,1 Blvd. n•r Uui Buffalo' Ruch Mt\llNI , w•• ...,Ort.t to pouoe 8uada,y INIU• &NCI .~ ......... """"' 1>oc1<••. Hunt-.... ln.(toft BellCh, tm.ploJM .of u.. ... ........ Olli ........... a.ltJ' be. DepaMwlnl of ,,.., and <Jame. -.ft........o. ~ -· m1Je4 to attmd to th• la· ... -· -,.. . ,Ju.red wUd &nlrul. BE SURE • INSURE HINRY'S MAnt1CIC""":rA.'O.ET ft..._,....._. bi s,..Wi 1 ........ a.a, ........ n.. •t--- ..... -· "" NEWPOilT IEACH 1116 g, 0...t 111111• .. 1 * COCKTAILS * Coroaa Ml lll&r L..----------'lu.M ~ ........... u ~ MESA UPHOLSTDY t•p11otetert11r A Drapt"ry Llhrty J.•T81 1S50 S""·pt. BIYd., OOllta If..,_ --·--. Three Dolt, end a Guy ... ¥•ry Versatile Group • TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY • t "raturln£:,on \\'edneaday nlcht1 our 1118 Mt•u-- A Complete STEAK DINNER DRAUGHT BEER -I Qc, a Glatt • AIHI.,. SuaU,- PR"iME RIB DINNER ___ s.mso • ALSO, ON l'RlDAY. A FA8HlON SHOW WITH RUTH WALKER. M . C. OF THE Brnt A~N TV SHO\-Y-CHAN:-n:L 13-FROM 1:3('1 t o ~:30 P. M. . . . - l ''<:71 · ·/? J~ ~Ol/ernmenl WEONESDAY, MAY 16, 1956 NEWPORT HARBOR NEW$.PUSS 'God 9rant-us tho Hrwnity to accept tho thin9s wo c<>nnol chanqo: tho "9"'"99 to chor\90 tho things we can and tho wisdom to know the differwnco." (A. Anon.) · . EDITORIALS How We Vie~ Friday School ' Board Elections in Harbor Rel.idtnt. of the area aurTOu.ndior Newport Harbor haYe more than ordinary interat in the election ot trulttts for the .cbool diatrict.t which terYe the area ln the balloting which wW be con· ducted Friday. A candidaU. will be named from the Fillh Supervloorlal DUotrtct, of which the Nowjx>rt Harl>or are& ia part for the newly crated CoWJty Board ot ltdueatJon. Two' truattttl will be e1ected from each of the other 1e:hool d1-trict.a-Newport Beach Elemen· . tary, Coot.a x ... Union, NOWJ>!>rt Harbor Union High School, Orange Cout College. In each of the unita three candidatel are vieing for the two &eat.a. The one di8trict that face1 the most contro- versial electioii 19 the eo.t..a Mea. Union School Dia. trict where a former buaineu office manager i• •· eampatgninc for a .eat on the board of tnuateee. Election of Harn.on Sanborn to a 8N.l on the board of tna'1teet of the Colta Mesa Union School DUltrict would be u near a diluter u any vengeful act we could anUcipate any di1gruntled ex-emplo~ee perpe· u-au..1. Ctt.bena of the community ahoo.ld remember that Sanborn rHigned hi.a po1ition when Ted Neff wu dtcmi.....t Sanborn endeavored. to withdraw tu. J"Mip&tion a.ft.er it bad been accepted. When the echool board reftl9ed to back tnck and humor the entwhlle bumineea manager be tnc:;cated that he would nm for the boud of t.nuteea. Thll 1pite deal bM 1.ppueoUy beta given form. U IO, Mr. Sa.nborn bu done a.n about face on the principles of pauiye r..ilt&nce and conmclentious objectiona which bll orpnlutlonal bacliground dictatea. Suborn wu lln.ked with orpniation. of quelllionable aim &long with hl.o auoclateo, Ted Neff and Stuart llment. We recommend to the cltizenl of Cotta Meu that they cut their votee tor Bradley Schwarz and for Herbert J4nU, both tncu.mbenta. la. the Newport Beach Elementary School Dia· trict theft ii & poeaibility of pining th~ M~ of a.n outft.andin1 civk:. youth and Cbritltian worker for the actK>ol bo&rd.. We refer to Milo t.cy who ia the good right band of O. W. ''Dick" Richard and.head of the merchant'• diviaion of the Newport Harbor Cb&mber of Commerce u well u being active in the Y. M. C. A~ Along with Lacy we would recom· mend the contJ.ntted. llel"rice of. Gordon Findlay, lncum~ ~t, who bu aerYed the achool board for many yean. Seekinr election to the Newport Harbot Un.Ion filch School Dlotrict Board la Le Roy Andenon, the ardent worker who wu the ehairm&n of the tint board of trust.eee that organir.ed the diatrict. 'Over the yun .A...ndenon bu eeaed hia community , ln pn.UcaJly eYe?')' cro. eeetion of it. lite. He ii offer· Inc hlo -In tho grotultoua job becauoe of his dMiN to -. the propoaed new high echool to be bullt In Coot.a M,.a off to a S-otart. Hadd rung i. a.n bicumbent to the High School Board who aeekl re-election. A vote for Ring &nd Andenon will pre· Nt"Vtl ~ biltoric b&l&nce on the high acbool district board. In order to preeerTe the balance of vote in the Oranp Cout. Collere Di1trict we recommend the el-of tile two incumbeota, Wolu.r Loogmoor of Newport· Beach and Harry R. Leilani, of"l_luntJnft<Jo Beach. Both b& .. reodered Ione and faithful oervlce to tbe m.t.ttution wbkh eenreli tho entire coutline of 0-p County. Here'• bow we will m&rk our tchool election ballot: CANDIDATES FOR SCHOOL ELECTION FRIDAY, llA Y 18, lllM NEWPORT BEACH ELEXENTARY SCHOOL DISTIUCT Vote for 2 llelwood BerTY. Incumbent -····-------·········-· Gordon B. F\ndlay, incumbent ···--····--·········--········-.X M.llo Lacy, buaineeama.n ··-··········-·--··--·-···················jc BARBOR PRESS ,__..,. UM NllW)IOrt~B&JbM N_ .. ,,..._ and th-Newport...8albo& iar... A o., bth 1.-.1 i-ct .... I# 0..... Fwt7 1'_,. Snttf'ld u a.coed-0.-Mauer at Ute ~ bl Newport Beacll. ' Cra.llfomla Vllder th Act ot Mueb I. Jnt. PwtM ' I """7 M_..J, W1A111 I °' ~ ~ '7 ... , Nl:Wrblt.T H.AMIMlM; PU8U811Uf8 oo.pANJ' llll ..._ mh'&. NEWruaT 8CA.dl. o.u.u' • .._.. ...,._, 1111 ~ .. ~LlplN ...... _..Wowt' ........... .. DIE •et&M• I ?Wa..tel~ 0.. .. Adlit9 N• .6.-allM M ' a.•--. H .. !lf•J•r pge· ' · • a..1 ••• ._ " tar JC.._. Y..W t tf1tt11 II b IT .t 0.-.,. o..r H.-. ....,.._ DH JtmDlClt. rt19t.J«m WU.I.JAM A.. KOia. .._, 14.Ma JI. llATllSN1'r ~ Dlnctor c:::IUIUA:& A. ~CJ. Mldw•lnA lupertatmdlllt 111..aaD'l'IQ."f Uta1 N....,.. ....._ N' ......... -. trt-l\'-*17 .. o.uce c:a.-.,, .... ,. J"'M; ........ -.: ........ -. ~----~---- • OOSTA KESA El'.EVENTAJIT SCUOOL DIST. Vote tor 2 Bra.u., Schwan, tneUmbect --· . .x Herbert Jenb, incumbent .... _:_. _____ . ___ __.x Harrllon Sanborn ---·········-·---·-··-··-- NEWPORT HARBOR UNION !UGH SCHOOL D!STRICT Vote for 2 Donald Dunga.n.. incumbent -··-------·-··----·------,,_ Hadd R. RiJ>c, Incumbent ····-·----··--·--·--.X LeRoy Andel"IOn, l&wyer ·············-·-·-----···-------···-..X ORANGE COAST COLLEGE D!STRICT Vote for 2 Hany R. LeBard, incumbent ··········-·······-·--_.x Walter M'. Longmoor, Incumbent -·------------..X Wllliam J. Statfonl, tool die ma.ker ----------- SE SqRE TO VOTE ! ! ! Council 'Glossing' Vital City Business Should End Over the put rew moot.he We have built up quite &n antipathy for the manner in wb.lch Newport ~ch public &tta.in get bandlinr by our city council in regular, open RNion. Thia mituation ca.me into lharp, tocu. Monday night when, had a busineeama.n not publicly demand- ed clear-cut expla.nationa. an amendment to the municipal code. on llcena:ing alma.t · wu adopted without any one ln the council chunbera hav- ing a clear cut idea what it meant. The 'a.mend- ment de)et.ed the .. penny arcade" upect o( the ordi- nance, the council wu informed.. Lau.r apl&naUonll l>roo«ht o•t that Ina'-! of a $200 liceme tor Balboa FunZone, covering aJI the pe.nny arcade operationa, the city now will have buaineu licen.ee individu&Jly on the various one. player pmee u well u the multi-player S&me9 and other o~tiona. 'l"hbi will"mean thou .. ndl ot dollan more will be added to our municipal reYen... It will al8o be ot prime internt. to local b\'"'ne1mnen having been covered by the o~ FunZont Uceme lp Ba.Ibo&. Now they wi.U be a.tfetted minutely wbe.a. the oew &en. "l"""dment lo adopttd by tho ~ We think it U. decidedly not In the public benefit when much of wbal publle bn•lneu truapiree in council chamben ls carried on "'in brier• to the point the &udience JmO'ffll nothing of what'• happening and neW1D1en coverins the lelBion know about half. The latttt must (P.!'ftt annren trom retpansible off'iei&ll aft.er the mtttiDg beca11811 bulutf'Kient !&eta •ere praented in th'Public -.ion. Now, obviously thia.p a.re pretty IOrT)', munici- pally apeaking, if oewamen covering 1. council meet- ing are impeded in their normaJ reporting o( civic &!fain. To ~gin with, Newport Beach council chambers rank low in aeou•ticaJ ratinp. No matter how much money cit)' councll9 put and pruent have 1pent on audio equipment, the mu.It La the aame -"it'• still ditticult to bear and undent&nd convenationaJ tonea and mumbles of the city (alben. Add to this biconvenient 1ituation the fact that all too much or t.be city bulme. ia gl(IMed q,ver &nd under by aJl-incluaive, lnnocuou. UUee wl:\icb mean nothing to any John Taxpayer preeent and ~ a condition approaching the lncompn:~ible. Public buaineee ln Newport Beach it big bwlineu, a aituation involving u 1. rule""'thoua&Dds ot dollan ot ezpendituret everY time a bid M accepted. · 'J'ben, when your •council ehanse. a bulll!:Nt Jl"""ae ordi· nance to bring in vutly more revenue from th• Fan· Zone than hitherto, the importance to bu.lineumeD involved 1.nd the t.axpayen u a whole become. ob- vious. It' becomes obvioua, we 1&y, only when ~ paper folk are able lo extricate, and we u.e the word 1.d,;AedJy, the ra.cta rrom the council We don't aay that .thlt council, u aome in the • put here did, wilb to hide anything. We do uy we think they are guilty of "SIONing" in the inter.U of getting through their lous agenda.a more quickly. Thi11, admittedly, ii a dMired objective. But it could be: accompli•hed mo" quickly it councilman.ic windjammers, who make 1peeche. juat u thouih they were running for otfM:e, would .Ull their claJ'pera. to paraphrue Sbakeapeare. Rambling t&lk for the lfl.Dd· 1tand'11 benefit resulta in late boun without aceom· pliahm~t of civie duties. One rnaon. we beUeve, the council Ui "guilty of glouing" is thi.t it meeta M6rly all day preeedinr the night'a eeuion to study and dikuu matten on the agenda. Thi.a b14 the beneficial effect of lettin( council m.emben know what they are talkinc about • that nigbL But it baa 1.nother upect-by thetr ~ ""1tinc intlmaU! with mattero broqght •P they spo&k of them u though the pu.blic had their pricn" bowl- edp. • nu.. of COW"M, • not uve. The tolb who ro to council meet.lnp do ao to beoome llllJs;b.Wled on civic alfain or to pleod ca,_ whlch alfel:t tbalr Into....._ They "'""' ro •-Y fmn· tho ....u...a tallrlnc to themoolv,. halt th• time. wouderinc what all th• gobbl«leeool< wu obout that tll.,. heard. ADd they haftD't a.nythin1 on ua.. Many tim8 we --· '/1Ta1 !Ji ':lakru ~5-~in :J/ie P'!op'6 ~ ------------ . - BRUSH COUNTR'1 JOURNAL :uog - When 1 drove into the Hemet l"IJ.rrrounda. ~ 7:30 a. m. the morning of March 17, iny e)"fll buft!.O like .. country kid in a toy •hop. IJ • rabid jeeper a with 298. jeepe about me in all ahapes and fotaMI, 1 wO In a jeeper'• heaven. No jecper worth bia Mlt, leamt tua )Mp In it. ortrtnal ta--m. ' 11 hu to be "cu~" to hi• Utne11 wa. trtf'<I wu on tbe t&ii Lndlvidual t.aatM. Body coloi· t• over Thomu Moun\aiA. when • m011t lroport&Dt. our jeep la e few jffp )Oada of cont*""'! hr~(llle rfl1. u you like yel· bM'r drtn>t•r• h•d to 1top ""'= time to lime to lo-d end unklM low paint it a bri&hl )'&llow. thr1-,c•rtot11 or the .mber fWIC ~~·I'~ c::i::!~:'°:• d~b~~;:~~~~ v.•hlle we wilted 1n1.-ue.Uy'W h1niJ. Jttp1ne is new. U\e rulri nc.ua colao-. Thim you ft.ave Ule few. but Ol\e ot the f\r9l 1-nel' ··ott top. wlncUhield t.lown." •d-er block a wash. trail or ro•t diets. rompetlne with. the M>tt-t.ops 611.d cebll. The "jeep v.•ater with your jl"l!p -t.br" fe.llowt wl"rt e-0mmUUng a clear Lntrac· c&na and ea.aollne cans ere s lion of Ule 'l"U\r . 01u11l, bUt whrre tht)' are placed OROA.~IZU TRIP 111 or on tht jeep 1• up to your Har-vey Glbbl"l and hi• cOtJ;t 1neenulty, and you mUll paint m1lttt for thl" Hen11t C'hambe• them a eood luud color 11.nd cne or Commerce did a tine job k d•ring and utral'ac1nt soul had oriranidni Ulla molly crew. JU! 1 ---------''----.;;;~ __ ...;;;;;;;;;. ____ lhii chrome-pilled. Imagine 298 jeeploada which ~ Ed. . 1 c· , . R'd Loacilne th• jeep i• another eluded 112 peopl• from over l" ltona lrcult I er Im portant 1lep. onr pl!rllOn In I e-0mmunltl•• ln C.llfa:nla. m« )""P look11 •• ou' of p11ce &ll • in" a lOO-mlle Jeep tnp _ a.ft{ 11ncle perllOTI st•11dlng 1n the lly UNtrW PBE88 middle of the Mem1.1r11I Col!· bey did we have tun! Up lht m1!n etr•l of Hen111 wf" feel'f"d in 11lnel• file. whl\t th~· arnihnr people of Hem~ WIVf"d lil • ch•IY !•re-" alone the w1y. ft muat ha\l.I bffn quHe an unu1ual eight, anl lht onlooken )Olned In the ft:1• llvil lea. On op v.•e went towa~c JdyUwtla, and Uitn turnlf'd Int' !he f'ore1t Station end atarte< up lht hill. Ol'tr tJ1e truck tral 111·.. climbed. I.he dust rtalnr It btllowa. but to a jeepr, jeeplni wlth1.1ut du.t is hke .wtmmln& wthout water. and we bad pla,.. ty of It chumfld I.Ip I.fl the c.leti momlne alr. La •pot.I th• alU: meter ho.rred around the 0000. IL level 11.nd north of ua th• panor.ma ot Southern CallfomjA lay e t our feel. RJl'c.ide, i...k• MaUlewa, Penu. tha Wlfte'.he•l .. Valley. and ev~n our Orans:• County iandm•rk. "Old Saddl,. b&ck." loomed up clearly. P'u1 lhl!T on we caua:ht 11&ht .,, drouth-lov.· water11 of Lake Hr111 ~,.um. ~t 1U the klda 1nlo II.. 1-------------------------'the family dog, mom of C"OVl"!lt' Many C.lilontl& editon &imed their editoriaJ. 11alvoa an11 any nei1hbon or 111-L.w.wa you I can lnvelcle Into mak!nc th,. la.at week on the world 8ituation in genera and the tnp. With •II \hl• human C"arsc Ruuian and American rtlationahip apecifically. ycu nttd Iota of food and cainp· n.. Ian rr..m.co Kewa : "All 1n1 equipment, thl1 1a it.owed 1n, u.. wines-dn191n& th&t can. pOM in thil •tren1a aft11r. It or around, er on top of the j.etop. ti. dn'!Md won't hid• tlUi tractc la Appa.rvit that tha Ruulan11 Now u you are hanginc onto tact that tM Notth At.JanUc ktt \1.1\d<er coercion and t.h•I. for tht jeep 1n e n1oat Informal ~J OrrantaUO. (KATO) ~lfied period of t!mt. rnanner you a~ prop<"rlY loaded. i. daMI .. a 1111Utary &lU-0.. I.My b.ld beaD \11 cuatody ot HO\.\' TO DRESS It waa klll41d by th• n.-&ovi•t lloYMl NCret pollca operaUve11. Jeeplnl dress Is mOll impor- 111\a ot IWMtneM and upt. Th• who weTe kn free to engage tant. It too muat be loud ct moment u.. Uinat ol IJnlnlnmt ln their •etlvlU• on United war in mu~ bepn to d.lap-It.ate.a .all." color. or In any event blaarrt. The vrife tor !JUI.Ince wear• a pair of fiMCe·llned leathrr pant.I. purcbued In a wa.r 1urplua store. Hat.a can vary frnm crffh-hel- meta.. lo plurnfod ba•1o1Uea. and the moat eel"'Vicea.ble l've found ,_,.,NA.TU bepn tlllllnr apart. Ba)(•r•fleld Callfomi1.n : Our h&lf·baarted alli• on th• ''T!l.e.ra la no nMOn to believe conUnftl.t ,.,....,.S at.•Tlll'J 11raw which would ... m to nu..,. tham of tha nac...-JtJ of acrl-nou ~uar' to bulld NA.TO'• ann·ad. tor-e. Wa •C01.1RCed tbia by our own atUtudit." ..• that R.uAla haa alter-ad her purpoM or that by -&k•nlne OUT OWft dmfflWH and tho&e Cf our alll•. W• can upact • con· !• a plain aallor'1 sto ck I nc t1n ... t1011 ot the conciliatory po· '"wat.ch cap ·· Tb• / Na.pa Real.It.er: '"Tb• Kremlin la putunr a lot of em- ph.aala on fOttip lrada ln II.I n-policy ot 'ptl&C.tul cotnpt:U· '5ve co-axt.at.eru:e' with th• tree world. Khru•hcbn and ... Bui· p.Al.n offertd Prim• Mlnl•IM' Anthony Edm •2.1 billion ln pur- ch&ae• durtna their \'\al\ lo lir1· ta.In lea.t month. A RllNian d•I•· r•UOD h" opena<t trada ner o- tl&UoNI wtth J)erunarll. & t•llO'lt' m~ ..• In NATO. Now Lt ill «p0rt.d tbat . , P.u•I•'• 1twnbmr 1 torelp trade upart wftl It.art a tour of Latin Am· ericaA eountrl• IOOfl." llce. becUue the Kremlin 11 Thu. a.n! lots ot g&deeta tor conclll&tory only when It cannot the jeep. We for 111ata.nc1, have conq1o11r. Thla la what Mr. Eiaen-a ""roll-bar,'" powt brak6', aaf"'- hower b•• In mind whtn he ty belt•. a corn ..... altimeter. el. and th"'n on lhf" clene11 nl r ail• upon Con1.--to ccmmlt-11pec••L hand hold1 end 1tttnnc Hee Lake the cavalcade ,1r .·111 mer.ta of eco11omlc aaal11tance to g•d(eLI. Fur Ule n1~han1cally-up fer. tl'le nOQn day lun•·tt. under ~ developed countrle11. be< n11nt.ltd It \an·t unuaual to put • On thir artrrnoon 11tsrl .,.., cau.a the1t will Hrv• to counter hopped-up motor ln 1t. Ont f"'I-drove into lh• Anu Val!t~ th• ~~ m.Jvemenla now be-kw had a Plymouth VI motor throuah I.he RamoD.1 lJldlan l:r> In( at led by the Ruut1na," In ht. Jeep. wblch wu a run-l!'rvaUon and on toward Col'!!!_• A?\'T l"S\'r?ATION nine m1rvel. Othtrs had loud ca d th Tu k T,.;oI< A &helm Bull Un " 'Bui • d n)'Ofl an e r ey • n • 8 : I a.n apeaker11, weird h<rna. 11r tanka, There were f-breakdowns. G 1 Krulh have let It be known refrirerator1. traile~ built in It I.here v.•aa one earl": Ml'JUI that theTd Ilk• to ~f! to t l\e prnpane atovea, and tnnumerable h..andt and a bt' kit '°o( ~ UnH.ed 8lAte1 lf wad tnTite other odd• and m&i dffr LO U.. put th• little ca~ tnto • ,,,...._. the'!l· Prealdent P:lHnhower ~ hea..'"1. of tha Jffpmr. condition apin. Th• ~ let It btJ known that he cant nnally you mun ti.Te 1 t part of tha trip wu. ab.Md. M. •ea what \Jatful purpo" auch a mendooa lltl\M of humor a Ion llke all cood jeept,n w. tooLii: via1t would achlel'e. lf UI• chub-cf mut, twp rldt~ ptt--f(wwe.rd t.o it__...ed - DANG&AOU8 GA.JN by boul".1 from Moecow •re tit.nee. Tba only tp0f'" !Tiy pl· (To bt contln~.J rull•rton O.Uy New1 TrtbUM: anaJoua to lmprova reI.UONI " ... Ulere la a more danaeruua with the United 8la.J.e1 tbey Sovi•t rain on Ute quHtton of do!l't hav• to travel tour OI" live tn.d.e. lts d&n&fl" lies on I.he mt. thouaand mlle. to do IL "The llbl•t It can cauaa to B'l1U.tl· Prealdent pve tb•rn • !aw hint.I AP'Lerlca.n relaUona. even thoueh on thia 1ubJect In h\1 recent tor- 1'• Sovltt ptq,mlaH of moNI elin policy 1peec:h. La -nee tnde With Brltaln turn OIJt to lt"1 this: Start a cUnl" civilised." be empty. The SOTiell will M Oakland Trtbune: "American wllllnr tc tncreaae tredt Juat 1peclallats. lncludlr11 A.li tn Dul· enoueh to ketp Brltl111l-Amtrle11n lea. drl!C"tor ot the Cantral ln· relation& on this \11aue at feTn telHrenca Agency. h•Vt' infonn• p\tcl\_" • ed U8 ct th.e SOvLtl motives In 011tat·10-Upl1nU D•lly Rf"P(lt1 : , ffilre~:Hnr tile courite of th1 eo· ""F1ve Ruital1n same.11 who e:11l1trnce campalcn. The Sovtat 110Ueht A.mer1cen a.a)"lorn alter U11lon seeks 1 ptnod cf friendly lht tanker on v.•hlch U\ey Hrved lolara.nc-e In order to atren(Ull"ft wu capture<! by the Chineae Q•-the ref'lme It home and to di· tlonalUts orr Formo ... 1n 19M mlnllh n!lli1t.anc• abroad. Re- recently w.-r• 1han(haltd back e•rdleu of t.ert1por1ry a lteraUone to Ruuia. The eov-ernment mad• \.., 1.&cUc1. tba bulc objectln• tha mOllt ltebl• •ffort to int.eir· Hrna.Jn th• a&me.'" READERS WRITE May 10, l9M MT. Ben ReddJcll N•WJ><M"l-Huber New1 Preu Newport B+Mlh. ~. DM2" Jkn; Mn. Col•l""O)"f!. p,..1M!\t ot our HOllpit.al A.uxlllary, baa uk· me! me to wri\a you 111 behalf ot our Boa.rd. to lh&nk you tor thtl two ftn• -aclltortala rflCenUy writtl!SI by you In nprd to I.he Blood Bank and th• Bulldlne rund ot' lb• hoa.pLlAI. Tbay ehoU\d bt of immeiuie value In lntereaUn1 paople In the hMpllal &lncettly J)oroUly Ten1· Con.-pondlng Secnt•ry May t , 1961 PuMlaMr ot. the N-a-P,.... nt1 • w. B&l~ Blvd.. Newport S.acll, Oelltomia Dur Bit: Thi Ebcll C1ub of Nnrport BMch w\Mes to thank.~..., Pr.. tor II.I ftn• lk>ft durifll' Util put .y..... lb• •acebent mwra.-tb&t h~ '"'1 rt•en tht nmu held b)' thS. Club. Blneerely )'tNl"9. AJY& ll. Twtchell Oon-pantU111 a.c·, K&J 14. 1"8 . Otar Bir: A• 11 known by my fth!1:idJI. I retired •from Ula K l(h Bc.hool Bo&rd at the end of my n nt term of office du• to prffa of other bwlne•• and tri,cauu ot my wal'" lnjurlea from the first Warld Wer. HO'lftftr. I ha. .... l1way1 had a k~n lntereat ln t he Kl1h Bc.hool. t wu asked t.od&y wMt my it.and la Oii th• candl· dacy of Harn.on 8anbom 11.a TnMtee tor th• co«a Mea.a Un· IOI! Elementary School Boa.rd. I ptncflally 11 k ti Mr'. 8anborn. How,ver. I am now, and I 11· wa y1 h•ve been oppoat!d lo hl.f polltlc.al vlew1 and I fo ut ba- JJev~ tt\at a per.an with hill poll- Ucal vlnr1 ahoukl be on a SChool Boa.rd: LEROY P. A.NDEMO)"l .. f ;.l!j IEEPS APPROACH The Turkey Tn.t:k, aa l route of Coyote Canyon la called. t. one ot early -~ . . set.away into Colon.do De:&ert. -~ Parker .: Pboto11 8nar'&I ...,..~ •SQ I WU •P'" ~ by a ComrntU... o( .._ -la ec.t& M-to run tor Ula K.....,.ort H.&111io1' Uniclll lliP k1-I Jtoa..N. 'l"be7 thoustrt M I WU OM ol. tM ~ ol t.ba l*tnc\. ... th• P'\nt PrulGent ot lb• loard of Trulli.ea. and Wtlftt tbroUCh Ola tf1tl" ori(tnl.I bull(bnl" PfO" iram. tMt 1 WM .-ttftmd to .. -lM ...,. "' Wa. UIM. 'l'L\IL or DIJBT--CloOO. of dual in clJotaoee mark rouu. of nearly 300 jeepo aa they wi.Dd t.bdr WI.Joi over the tor..t truck tnila In San Jacinto )(ountalna. ' ' . ----~ -._ .. __ .... __ •: ... ---.... -... .. • , II-~ !51!!! -'6-.6•••--I PADDLEBOAROS )J n.. flt.DO 110-B~ A• .. ~. Ba. ~Mtn. Custom H~Fi xuarc aTITSKS kU Planftecl to )'Ot1r lnc11ridU&J u.t•• -H-t\..-na&DfO------'--~-.---m.. ~ti for bOale la "'°' ... or PltuW"e. MW'\y ncondiUon· &aAl\ Ir OOMPAU aut.baUC SMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ... DODGll ~ • tAJfEl.; .. .... . ~ . . ---=~:!A,!Wtlll~_,!!!_..!Ti!!,l!mb!!.....-~··~l~--~!!_.!!;::·91Tl!;!'~~!;....;:IM-.;._..;;.b;.;;.*---..._..1-~•.-..h;;;.;;;;:;.....__ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PAltl 11 • PAQ f • -.ANNUAL SRBtNG . · NEW CAR CLEARANCE MORE FOR YOUR CAR-LESS FOR OURS ••o l'OlU> TU'DOR -hll Rae. WEONESDA Y. MAY 16, 1956 cqina. Mada, DW\lfOlda. P'S*. __________________ ;......_ ::.den.-. ._.n ':'::: ~!f~::::!:A~,..~·~·~B~,,._~:!:;..__;;;;;...~tS.,.,..~~A~-~:;.!a~R~1~~-_;~ HU·ll ~ t Pn ~--~-..,..--~--~....._ 'tT OLDI ' 41'., b7dl'L Rlt.H. Cabanas Marinas . - ed. ahJp to lhor., be.St t.aNc.. h1cb tidellty a\ our complete '1.0&0. Har. _. tell .. Studio of L1Ytn1 Sound." ti CHSYl\OL.1:1' WJroft.BAN 'Dl CHJWROLl:T ~ T. 1956 WINDSOR, ' Door 1edaD Cl.ant Oal1 .....-. Private party L1 f.ml a1ttt & p. m a.cept wMkenda. kll Lido Peninsula.,.Ea.st 31st St., Npt. Bell. OJTERS • PICKUP u.~keL~ "';:=:u~ H' ARBOR Hf Fl ::: ~~:~.~=\IP Ll.ke MW. Complete wtUt uw • '04 J'ON) ~ 'l'. PIClitUP cover la running lirtll• fS60. J'Q,RDOllA'l'tC AS.0 Snipe #•OOI Completely WI Newport Blvd. Har. tell ·•t STUDEBA.Uft 1' T., r.cot1dJU0Ded .qu!pl*f wtlh PAP WA.LotaN PA.NllL Cloud white, automatic trma. u..t.r, power brµes, bumper pards. power p&cJr. .,..sded duh, windableld waahen, back ap Usbta, ca. pets, power .teerinc, directional aipala. air form seat.a, pWS all 1td f actoey lutaUed eq'11p. merit. .............................. ············-·······-Only $3225 Delightful living. A.pt...C.banu.. C llrtJee paid. with Yacht .Up atcomodatiooa. Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. Watll aJ.b 6 M.Dd dol17 '360. -----------'&O CHEVROLll'l' 1' T. PlCHUP Harbor JtM-W. 10010 PIANO BARGAINS -Bunplow "&t CHllVROLaT " T . PICKUP piano au.a, payment• 48 per HYDR.A.K.ATIC mo. CoftlOI• plano, $211&. Pay-00 CREVROLllT 2 T l 6 rr 1956 NEW YORKER NEWPORT, TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES For appt. or reattv&tioo, Call Har. 2992. m~Ui $10.33 per mo. PIANOS STAJCl1, 2 8Pmml> t'J' TmS i'OR ~. Rental applied ·aa OMC l\i T ., DUMP, 2 aptn.t pu1d1.... SPJ:ltD, I~ TIJlta8 OPEN J:vmNINGS TlLL t p.m. Repc>M-.ion bis 419count. J:STERN CO., 334' J:. Pacltlc '&O 00001: 2~ T. DUMP Coe.at Hwy., Lonr Beach -2 SPD., 1:00 TlRU ' Autom. trans, power brakea, 1earch finder J"&dio and rear ape.a.leer, power ateerinr, Power electric 1eat, electric window•, WSW, lovely 2 tone color, eolex glul a.nd sun cap viaor, outalde view mirror. --· . . .... .. . . -····-·······-ONLY $4210 488-Bomea for Real LEASE only I bedm1 hOUM CS0M to .t1oppin&' center. Coit.a ~ea&. KJ ~10 or Har. 1129 ...,. Knowlton Electron.lea 19!56 IMPERIAL 4 Door Sedan. HZ 4-7'67. Ucl2 '&0 OMC 2 T. CO&, H ' BODY. 2 SPD., 1:115 TIR.1:8 8-Hour Recapping Service Complete Brake Service AND WANTED to rent -3 bedroom hou.M, Ka.rbor area, yearly leue or ~ ... wltll opUor to buy. Wa.nt fA.ral'e, r\repl.. tenced yd. PtrruanenUy employed locally. i-:xcelltnt local re!trenc•. Write bull X.18, UU. newapaper. ~tic EAST SIDE Coit.a Me&&. 2 ,... room unfum. ho~-Ll 1-Hd °Jue '51 GMC MODEL t04, 10 WHEELICR, DUMP, B/L TRANS. ·~2 OMC MODl:L tTO TRACTOR AND SEMI-DUMP, 10:00 'I'IRU Radio, heater, WSW, electric windows, electric aeat. pow~r 1teering, power brakes. aolex rla.a•, air foam aeata PLUS all factory atd. equipment. SAVE $800 -------- Fronl End Alignment ~Ap~& HOWie$ for Rent 11" Zenith oon.ol• -·-·--$79..915 1956 PLYMOUTH SAVOY, • Dr. Sedan. ROAD SERVICE Flrutone Budget Plan Youl"ll for lb• Aaklng RENTAL SPECIALISTS I CALL ED~A CRAIG "LIDO ISLE, 3 bedroom.a. 2~ bath hom,, on &nllUal ~1'­ Sllp for 40 ft. boat. u ... of 11 f l. V1kln& 1 unabout power bOat. 2 car ,ar . t>uuUtully f\u'1Llab· w shrub•. $700 per month. Jnqu1re at U Balboa ea.-. Newport." MUo TV CALLS Overdrive, beater, 10lex glau, &ir form teat. Grp. 411, PLUS all std. factory int1talled equlpmt. ONLY $2218.74 (Plu.1 tax It license) . HOWARD RYAN 801 -809 W. l~t ST. DORIS BRAY, Reakor I 218 Ma1 1ne, Bahboa Isla.nd H1u . 20 or 114 LIDO ISLE furn. boUH 6 bdrdlie. SERVICE $2.00 lNYWHID\Jt Television !'ales end Service ~ 9-&12& lltfc LJ:T the K I D D l E 8 leam accordion while th~y luL Uke new 12 ba .. aecordlon1. Your choice $26. Tenne u low u '5 per mo. SHArERS (Since )9071 U l~2S N. lycamon. Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2-Ge72 GRAND Plano• many like new. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 811Ht B:. •lh St., Santa Ann Truck Htadquarte11 tor Orange Co. 1956 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP CONY. CPE. V·8 Powerflite, eolex glasa, dual exhaust&, a ir form seats, WSW. 2 tone paint, directional aignala, wheel covers, back up ht.ea, windabield waahera, PLUS all std. factory equipment. SANTA ANA Kl 3-113113 ON BALBOA ISLAND Sl!:,b; US for yearly a.nd 41-Aoto ~ , 11!".Uon&.I rf'n\ttlli ---------~--NELDA GIBSON, Realtor Motor Overhaul 308 Ma~:~~~~ isLA"r-a~oor 602 21, l>ktha. large wnny patio, d1shv. asher. near club. seuon or monthly Har. 4428-W. 10cl2 CUFI-. HAVEN. 3 bdrm. turn. home month of June, poalbly longer. $160. Aduli. only - I.I 8-11032 evenmg1 10cl2 11" MOTOROt..A met.al eonaole. 19541 demo model lltt t:I. 2102 Ne>. Main. lanl& Ana Kl 3·7100 10c12 I SPINrI'S 411 1 C1\"and, 1mall I Muon • Hamlln, u cellent condition. Story It Cla rk. Knab4!. Edmund Gram, one only $UIS. Another $496 . .MAny other wondedul buya In planoa. Com~! Look! SCHM.lDT-PHlL- LlPS Bir Pia.no Store. Santa Ana. 620 No. Main St . 100 Pianoe~ Home ot the Ham- mond Orp.n. • cue d&mace ln 1hlpplnc. trelfbt co. • 1•ctory pay. you aave blJ money. SCHMIDT· PHILLIPS 620 N. Kain, 8.A. MAY ORGAN IPEClALS' Bit.A UTlJ'UL OulbranMn Spinet Hammond 8plntt orra.n In per· t-taJ rel.um, like new. Save feet cond. Save $300. "a1o0. Liberal trade. Connnlezi~ Lovely Electronic Spinet orcan 55 Mercury Montclair Radio, heater, white walls, Merc-o-matic, powei: steer- ing. Safety b e l ta. A beautiful ~ and white. $2195 FULL PRICE New '56 Ford VS 1:.: ton pickup MUST SELL AT ONCE u~:ks tslnce 1907) se~:t~ru~ew&,::;: 5o~· ru11 2 McCARTHY'S U l -421 N. Sycamore. lanl& An• ma11ual M.lnahall Of'Jan with I Phone Klmberly 2--0671 26 pedalboard. Save $22:>. Uberal tradu, convenient ter m1 1420 ILUOCOKD Orp.u uled. A SHAJl'ERS ( Slnee 1907 I rare opportunity. One ta.moull Ul-423 N. Sycamore, Sant.a Ana CHORD ORGAN, one BV H ome Model both like new. Phone Kimberly 2-Ge72 So. Main SANTA ANA t ell ONLY $2449 (plu1 tax It Ucense.) LOU REED & ASSOC.~ CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout Highway LI 8-3486 ; DEAL with the Volume Dealer FULL PRICE 'SS PLYMOUTH Belvedere Sedan .. .. $1495 Beautiful red & white, fully factory equipped NO MONEY DOWN Up to 15 Month•. to Pay 6 Cyls. .. . .. ········-· 5S.hi\ AU Straight Eight& .. . 68.R INCLUDES both Labor A: Pai t11 New rinr-•. "rl1t plna, \"lh t grind, tltUnga ot main ancJ 10<1 W..rmga Ex~rt motor t1111t · up. 90-day or •OOO mile guar- a.n lee. GASKETS cit OlL EXTRA REBUILT ENGINES Choice Wtnter Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido lsle BAYSHORES YRLY. LEASE i1111lll .t cozy or large A dtluxe $7(> to $~00 month 1 2 REI lRM , 2 b&.th, complttel1 VOGEL Co 111m1"heJ Lln«'nl, bla.nket1 - • d11h111, 11lverware, TV, Ht Fl. :?t 8 ~111.nne A ve . &lbu11. bland wuhing marh1n~. aewtns ma• Ph. Hiu bor 4« or Harbor IU15 rl1111«' «'t('. in('l\tded Quallt1ed Res Har 3629·R or Ha.r 12:?\f-R fsn11ly only S216 per mo 1p- 6U k t I 1d1ng gardener. Call for ap· ---------""'--..-pnlntm«"nt SEE ME-TA NELSON CORONA DEL MAR I 1o·oR cHut<..:E RENTALS HARBUR l:":\ ESTMENT CO. H11r 1600, F:vu. LI 8-&3811 llell :;t::XsU~AL &; \"EARLY. WOO ISL.I!: fo r leue. tine home BUILT IN our own fa('tory h} 21108 l.: Cout Hwy. Har. ~60 1 unfurn. 3 bdrm•, 2 beth11, 1k1Ued machlnl1Ui Don t ron-1 tr wide lot.. lar•· pallo, perfeoct tend with the midi.lie man ------------condition. I y r . leue. Buy direct. LIDO RENTALS I OSBORNE FORTON RE.ALTY Don't wait tf you wlah lo Oran ... County'• Organ Hdqtr• make a good I a Y l ft J OD the world'• fl a e • t Orpn1. 1'" Table Model ...... •·-···• 22.~ 11151 PONTI.AC convertible. hydramaUc all vctrM, row mileage. lmma.culate. 169:1 Temll. Ll 1·1311 alter 8 p.m. SHORT BLOCK I ,(;o ... 23:?3 w. cout hwy .. Jl'ORD (1932-~) .. ... S !li ~1H :>:1-:w 3 be<1rm ' 2 hi\ apt. ylly tat port Orkngt ) Ll 1·7&82. ·~s CHEVROLET 210 4-dr. sed ............ s 1495 CHEVROLET ............... s !19 ~... :l hf'clrm 2 bajh !111nlal11•<11'11"1· Evu Har. 3298. llcl3 Silver grey and sun beige. Radio, heater, BUJCK . s1 2~ on ma. Several othe1,. monu1ly &. - 11cl3 txcellent family car Plym .. Dodge It fo'ord 8 . 110:; 00 SM pr. month. Harbor 6891. SCHMIDT· PBlLLIP8 Home 24" Sylvania Conaole _ .. $219.9:1 ot the Hammond Orp.n. 620 17" Olympic Con.eole ..... I 59.00 No. Main Bt., B&ata. Ana. Good 17" Paclta.td·Bell, new Tenn.a, 3t mo. picture tube ........ ~ .. I Ill 00 Let RIOH Help You. . PACKARD (8 cyl ) .. $12~ IHl I yl'al ly l rwo BEDRM. unfum. houae CHR OE SOTO • 20 p. a. palmer incorporated F.H, LI 8~317 llell •55 OLDS H 1·d c YS. .. .. • 1 on • 0 I ay pe. . . .......... $2395 STUDJtBAKER . . .. $1'.WOO 333J VI& hdo & liOO w rna i;t hwy Beautiful 2 tone green. One owne-r car \OLDS. • PONTlAC g ... 1120 oo hor. 1~w1 At llh 8-M7J. nc1J ~97.50 Costa Mea Peraonally telected NASH ...•. ...... . $1:.!CI OU Pl.A YER piano BALDWIN com· pletely reeond!tloaed, pl&y1 newe roll•. Fun tar t&mllY room. $3715 Rlch&rd.90• Yacht AJlchor•c•· Rar. 4923. 2ttc Big Trade-in• on new RCA Victor TV'a TARTER TELEVISION 29o. ltul Cout Hlpway Corona del Mar NEW It USED CARS TAKE ADVANTAGE of hla many yun of experience u a top nolch mechanic. '55 FO~D Con_vertible ... dh. pymt. $ 299 ~;~N cei·-,3 Main.-;· !11;~:;:; Continental klt. Full power, every exlra added. PLCS L'llSTALLATIO:'\ LIDO ISLAI\'D }i'umu1ht'd or unfurn1l<hrd 811.chelor and one ••r two bed· t;~l"VRN 2 &: df'n. G1rb. '1IJ1• po~al 1•r 11< f'<I yard. LEASE. Phone Har. ~1i9 llcll Har. Mtl Tr RIOH HAHN'S ll" PACKARD BUJ.. T.V. - Radio-record player comb\J\a· Uon. 19541 model-125P.t 6 tull pric-w. IMPORT ANT NOTICE-Repo11· 401 E. 29TH ST. ...-eel lplnet piano. Pay bal· Harbc>r '7" Ne"' purl Such 2102 J'lo. M&1A. 1&11 ta An a KI a..1.100 , lOcU .a.nee $3111. Monthly paymenll ·~ OLDS. "II" HOLlDA Y ~ llUS. OPEN EVENINGS TILL I p.m. ~H -New W S.W. power EBTICRN CO., U« JC. Pac!tlc braku It aleerlng -VERY Cout Hwy., Lonf Beach -C:LJ!:AN Harbor 2066-W eve. IPlNl:T PIANOS. All trooderfW bu.y1 m.a.ny lllatlti1 UMd, rent· al ?}tW'DI. new cuuant. K&ple, Blond. Ebony. Ufbt Walnut. aan 1100 lo 1280 . Im •·7~7. llcl2 , 10pl2 all Uke uw. M.lno Splnet 21" MOTOROt..A Blonde Hl·F1 ol11y an~ Maple ftnilb $295. conaole. Wu a demo. a real f(J.mb&ll, AClr'OllCm.lo lplneta. buy for 1249.t:S tull price. ftocn $'"-Kuy oUltr anat 2102 No. Main. Banta. Ana lliu1a. 100 Plano• to cbooM KI 3-7100 10c12 from new &Ad u.d. BCIDUDT-_________ ...._ __ PHILLD'I Plano 6 Orp.n ~. PER MONTH rood practice Sl.oH alnc• 1914. &20 No. piano, let the klddlu lee.m. MMn. Santa Ana. All term rent allowed on buy WOULD YOU Uke to buy a new ear from a dlrecl factory deal· er who will make your pay- mentl In uch&n&t for your MtVlce ! Call L1 8-6US t>e~ twMn 1·9 p.m. tell 111:16 CAD Cou pe de V1llt F ull power undtr 7,000 mllu, clean Price $4086 Private party. 428 Beautiful sandstone while. I Open Dally 8 to II Monda y "l ll T p m. THE ABO\'E CARS ARE NEW FORD Sunday 12 to 2 TRADE • INS Block mu.t meet our atandart\1 ALSO MANY TRANSPORTATlON PRICED FROM ~9 up SPECIALS Pita lUe•. cuketa and 011 BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 310 E . 3rd St. Kl 3·11284 room 1par1.nwnt". 19--K-OomA tor Relrt By 11um111f'r, monthly <>r yr1u1y , LIDO Realty Associates j \'l,llo;;! ,Z·a~t~nliU! 1 3<\00 V & L11tu H&rlY>r H H E "J"Y hvlnl' on Ule Ocean i'root. - -' l"o111pletely furnlahed kitcd.tb• NEAR bf'llth, be1&uuru1 view. L'n l!t\e apt~ and rooma w ith J)D- furn :l Wrm apt Yearly. v11te bath. Ma.Id Hrvice, frr* 123'1 •3rd SL. Ne'lt'port Bch. TV 230e Oc•n l'roftt.. l(p. 7tlc :1!~7. ---- MARK DOWNINt FORD, INC. LOAN CARS -FREI!: TO\\ lNG AVAIL. •t 20 2 b STATlll BONDEI> "av ~ nf'w r • un· -~ WHERE THE CUSTOMER IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE AGENCY TWO BIG LOCATIONS HWY. 39 at PACIFIC COAST HWY. LEX 6-i605 225 E. 5th St . LEX 6·2566 HUNTINGTON BEACH fllrn 1fUplf'X , garb. dlsp, gar 38."1-20th St . Co.st& Mesa $80 ~t-Ol"N A 0tne. t2-Trallera nk• LI 8-6159 10cl? ------- ~ PORT ORANGE .. ~A-Apb. tor Rent ---- TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Coast Hi way. MJt.LlON DOL.LAR VIEW Bay and Ocean Co1 ona del Mar • Ground •OFFICES OR Floor STOruDs For Leue in - Harbor Investment Co. Btili. 30th Ii Newport Blvd; Har. 1600 - l'" MOTOROLA. table snodel. Good pracUce planoa 1133. U•5. 1171. 119:>. SClDIII>T• PHILLIPS Bii' Plano ud Or- ran St.on, 520 No. Main. But& Ana. !:&11 tennL Santa Ana Ave. LI 8-3838 ------------------------ Newport Beach LI 8-«20 PAN·AMERlCAN a:; to !50 n . l It 2 BR. NE\V 2 Bit 11pauou1 a pl. Bar kltch. Built Ill cop~r range ov~n anti t e!tr. Sl1dini (IUB t1oor 11> aun <1eck. IA•ae $200 mo. Har. 1310 or Har 28-W. 1''0R RENT, NEW otOae U ~16- Lldo Shopplnc a.re&. 116 p mo. on yra.. 1 ...... Bay fl ~ Realty~ 1112 L&tayett.a. H..S- 8843 • .. 1 t 6 I model noor d9mo. •nt.96. !tot No. M&1ft.. la.nla Al\& ID 1-1100 10cl2 DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl 'REDUCING TO CU:AJl! Many PlanOI. At.o Orp.rui. 8olovox, Orpno. Banta Ana M\&llc, KI 3· 1771 f'Ullerton MUllC, LA &--0261. 1 lcl2 lun.t> TOUR OWN HI • n ~ wtnr Nnroomb • s.nn--Kardoa AM·l'M ~ .~ Oda, Peta --~ .,..an • nootd , .... ,..,.. ~ la and ... th111n. AKC aft.er D p. m. 8t!c Ana An. Ll 1-3838 alter :I p. m. •8lfc Grant W. Musick Your Hud1on Dealer SALES and SERVICE 263 N. Loe An~ee Kl: ~7278 Anaheim • ltl c ·• 1 FORD 4·~. ledan aJ.t0 •u Ford conveR\ble Mtat tte to Authorized R · E -0 Distributor Now 24 Hour SERVICE on PARAMOUXT Custom built 30 lo 60 fl • 1 It 2 BR Hlghtal tradt·ln allowan('e W e need clean u.eed lraUtr1. PAN AldERJCAN Par"&mounl·Kenalllll Travelu.-Tvry 8tto NEWPORT ISLAND FURN APTS on Waterfront-_ by day or W.Jtk. Ideal place to 53-A-BQ91.Deu Beatala :_:. relu, vuy quiet. WAGNER ----------~e­ POINT. Har. 1217-J tet!c NICE MODERN lllor• roollC'lW Mtt CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrm. ottlce at l&U PlaM!>UL In .. ..-a"' •-" garare apt. unturn. dnipea up. at property &ttAr 6 p. ra. W,.-27 rr. MOD~· ...... er. new day or any um 6&L • ....._ awlnl'. patio, fenced. S&crittee. 1Adultl. no pe~ $86 per mo. • • -;;-Ytar 1eue. Har. 3021. t ell OI' call LI 1-ITM alter 1:.-.r Udo Trailer Park. Har. 620&. w .. kel>d&. JOI.I •ppreclate. LI 8-t267 tpll • Wo w1J1 M1p J"0'1 .....mbl• tt. Registered Dachlbunds DAVIS-BROWN PUPPIJ:S Pb. LI ~i:El\VICJt Truck Repairing 8tltc NICE l br apt. unfurn. w1th &'ar-------------=;.... .- 541 --P-AN--Am-e_r1_ean __ 4_&_t_L_l •ae. $M mo Good location. POf\ le&M wlt-h opUon to Miy _.. 3 .... Uk near 1hopplnr , Coat.a M..... 2 br. home on 100 Get 1116 Barbot JilTd. H 72 Monrovia Aw. Coat.a M ... o.i. ~ -LI I-MIT 9p22b 'I t.TID> Planoe wa&teid. ltwap UGIB'I'llllE> Dt.lm9lla.n pups JOW' .U.t old p&ao Oft & O\amplon blOOd ltne 7Ge South Ramrnred CJ,ord Orpft Hlf'-' P1acentla. 4.na.belm. llcl2 •l c-ah altowanca. SCIDODT ------------• PHILLIPI 620 No. Main. l&at.a Ana. llABT aftAND PIANO. Oompl ~ and 1'eCOlld:lUoned- rut~ ~teed. ..... I yn. OP~'!7.::vbrmoa TJLL t p.m. D'l1 ff. co:-. U« I:. Pac1f1c SELL YOUR CAR P JJD J"OR 01\ Nert Mce.ttb.y P~ More lUO L Kaln Kl 14607 &G-&utoe for 8Ue Co\ c Rwy., Lollr 1leach --'-T6'T. UolJ II CADn..LAC oon•vtlble, clean. ~ All power. Ccutd• 1m. trade. BJ•n )(otorola m&hoJ. hU. lAlfll t~lllT. tcU rJ' 6 JJl Rtmmoed Ku- lHJ CHJCV'ROLET deluxe • dr. -Rlt.H, auto. trana.. WaW- HOO caah. Kar. M81. 707 Goldenrod., Corona del Mar. sue WORK CARS '50 MERC cuat UH .... $395 't9 PONTIAC 8 ,Jtlr.H $150 '50 AUSTIN 4 dr, ~ ... $275 '52 STUDE CHAMP ... ~75 t DR. IUtH. A \JTO DJUVll McCARTHY'S 1'20 80 MAIN SANTA ANA JAGUAR 64-120 lloe.daUr low mlle&Je. Bte.uUl'UJ oond1Uon. ... to believe. He. 17&1·R after & p. m. ucl2 ,,_ w-r. ai••· ttos No.. Main. aanta. Ana Kl •TUO lOc:ll Knowttm Dletronlm TV REPAIR IF YOU D9N'T KNOW USED CARS KNOW YOUR DEALER SELECT -BONDED CARS a IUCMT.u& r >JIT a:llVIaa. ftS.A.80NA.BLI: ..,......oaua • ..-.. LI MIGi 11 ·• TIU. VELD tMk .-de.I com,i.u wt~ table IHt 16 fU1l prteL 110I Mo. Waln. aa.nia AM ID a.noo toct1 AT LOWEST PRICES - YOUR NASH DEALER WARD S. LEE, INC. 1233 S. M&in St. Santa Ana 9cll * ALL MAKES * bdrm. u"""'"' mon...... ~ ., new. Will aacrltlce tor quick LI 8-7916. lOclJ lndUllrlal soned ~ Eliminate coatly Ue-upt1 aale. Har. 2'27-J. llcl3 LOOKING FOR AN APT. 1 center ~~ =~ • :: In at 5 p. m. -Out .i 7 a. m. SEE COSTA MESA'S NE\.\-'EST L1 H317 KI S-2117 KY '.61M tum. 1tudlo apt.I., 19th St. at ~ Since 1933 z.taple lOcll SEE US FOR GOOD USED TRUCKS ED. THOMPSON Garage Rentals Wanted We oeecl apt&. and houaea In all aecuona for both winter a.nd year'• leue. Furn. or unt\lrn. 1 or 2 bdrm. aptl , laundry rm. M--Bo.U.eaa ~~ By day, week or month. . -BLUE TOP MOTEL Drl~ In Hamburser 8t.and uf.ot CAF'I: with BMr Ab (Corner 3rd • French) Phone Kl 2-2343 Santa Ana U you have a Yae&ncy, 40S Newport Bid phone today Newport &a.ch 117ttc "ART" AOAJR, Rfti. The Vogel Co. • ROOM APT. with aplendld tess N~wport Blvd. Cotta Amazing $5.00 Buys Anyone Per Week 3201 W. c.t. Hwy .. N.wport Bcb. patio, uc•pUonally nice. dl9-Ll 8-37112 LI .... Phone Ubert.y 1--34111 poMI. 1awtdry. prage. Qwet.. lOI M&rlne. Balboa Wand BeauUfulty IAndaeaped. We.ll COMPLETE Market. m•t fftt. Phone Ha.rbor U• wpervtaed. $82..60. See mrr. lea.ed at l'ood nntal. ~ a Car! 2"7 J:. Cat.. Hy., Corona del liLa.r Clara W-4•. 1601 Haven Place round bu.tneu. 01"091 '100.-00 Pbooe Ha.rbor l TU 1 bl.It. ao. Newport H llfll Scbool Sell $26,000 Term.a or ~ SANTA ANA. CALIJ".-DAN· IJ!;L RICHMAN'S at 1SJ6 So Main St., Sant.a An.. hu juat announced a n.aw m«.bOd of adl· tnc high quaUt1 et.ta lo th• motorln( pubUc. 'nley 1tale that an10ft• employed can drive off ln & elN paranteed car tor u little u ~-00 pu w .. k. 'rMY turtb•r at.ate that UltJ wm "" t.MM c&rw witb no ea.ah do'lnl. IJO(EDtATW OEUV'lCftY oe nrll ftenault Md&ll to m U.. per l'allon 113N. HA USON • WA TBOr-f 1932 Ba.rtlOt-Ca.ta M"8 ttlc 1n addiUon UltY wtll Include ln· Udo Office. Hll Via Udo ~tic utter--~h town. WTlu ~ H arbor 4971 -----------R-39 lh_I• paper. 11_,t IUTU\Ce a.nd lnlarMt cha.tSM 1n r.• th ta off "'4 ... t 1T02 ~wport Bl•d., Coat& w .... N!!W Is CHOICJ: 2 Mrm. apt.a. DRESS SHOP ... p&ymen , e. u.. or the LlbcrtJ 11-6697 with ,~.._ Cle>M to mkta. ftrtt time a complete ''Paell .. • u ISO A SM ,,.r mo. LI l ·lHl. PA.INT STORE Plan." D&nt.a ~··ta Jo..----------tell SHOJlT ORDER CAFE cated at 1111 ... Mala SL, Sant.a ' BmDROOM llOUM on Udo tor ------------• o· .. --July 411 J.u(Uat. R•ll&ble. Wrltt CORONA DEL MAR -untum. .,,.,.,. An&. Nqbone Klmberl7 S-Mal. Dr. B1Mck M.J So. Broadway. 2 bdrm. apt .. cloee to it.ore• ChM:k wllJ\ u ~lore )'OU decide You can l'Bt \1'41 car ot your Loe Anr•J• u . RYan. l-DttJ. fl trauportat\on. fTO. lfa.r. on UI• pun:h._ ot a Jocal dJotte wtt.blo a 1.-millut.. lc2l 6649. • ell ~In.ea. It could m..,, a••· Ume. ---------------Ina• to you now • tatar. J'Ol\CED TO S&LL m7 MW 'M Ford Viet.en&. l'Ully equlpped. !lacrttt~ m1 aiooo equtt1 tor 127:1 auh ot t.rade. Duptnta. ean atana L&xtnrtt1• wm a.ti..-r 1 p. Ill (deelerJ tell .. ..... • UNFURN. l ti.dnn. dUpl.x, .,..n,. LEE CASEY Off• I.SAS• U'Vlmd .1.,.,_. bedroom. le&H H6 -203--lMlh St.. N"'· 1 IC. ual\at11. fenced J'&rd, N ear port BMc.h. Jiu. U.67•R. 5tt 2721 ll. Ooe.t HI,,_.}', OOrotla Rap&a.n4a. OccuP7 mid Jww. dd Mar. Har. Giff tell Loas a..dl t'Oll~t R.Smloctl Huntington Beach t-641' l'pl1 Cloee In Nit\\' t Mc!rm unfum. P'OR RENT H.W. car. 11~ w.n4 duplex. Dlapomt, •le. Adult.I Orao,-e, <"~ M..._ Outltand-- WANTEl>-boualas tor 10 Po-LuJnfton S·i373 lie In& comer oppmit. Alpn mcma Ool.... rtrl llutknt.a twl& m'-t near new Poll ()t. Aul. II to 8,.pt I . l'Yt bome1 Fl'RN Kinsle apt Prlvat,. •n· flee. Bult.able for U9ec1 car lot, pr-.f~ ltUQelt two a:lrla tranc e • h•th. $.ti\ mo Yt'ITIY BBQ fH\,aura.nt.. at1o. ouU.t. to a room. Wr1t.e W E. t;UhUu µatd. ~r. 10~9.J, appU&nce OUU.t.. f\u'NU&ra,; .u. ~Utl"l\&l. l'omon& Colltse. 301 P' lb7 Aff Balboa C.all rrank Jamea, Har, IOU. O anmonl. ~f 9""Jl llc l3 &D .. SmaH Jewelry Store ESTA.BUSHED 8 yr11. 1''iul of- tertnr. A "cutlt" In a QUAlnt bualnua •clUn& that wlll Je- ltsht you. Clean, 11tluble atock Wat.ch repalrtnr. Annua.I a-roaa 520.000. See t.hia and you wlll want It LOVE.LY LARGE older horn• on Balbo& l.aland. Nlcdy rurnU1h· ed, well kept, 8 l>cdrm. and den, t'lectrlc atove, refr'gwr11tor, rubare dtapoll&l (Ulu dtsh- muter. ne.ooo. $5000 Jvwn * * $11,000 OUTSTANDING! • J1.11t about the nnHll • 3 B.R.-lovely tle-1 SHORECUFFS EXCLUSIVK. e Barker Bl"Oll. decorated! Cu1tom bullt 2 bedrm and lid', e You'll buy thla one! Outstanding Home $2,000 Do'{b North Bav Front • ALSO BA Yt1HORll DR.!Wl 'bom.e Wllh VIEW of~ -S bedroom, 2 bath, nJce paUo and fene-2 yd. $23,600 -Terrna. a - ------...... _ --y ••• r.&ate a . ... ~ .. View Lots Beauutul Jot, -new of Harbor. Select n~ hood. Title fee. $13.DOO. 110 Jl' 150 uno~ted view ot Bay. Tltle c-. at!l Drive, $18,000. Not many left! COSTA MESA HOMES B.eaal.e ol nearly .,..W homu aa Uttle u l&OO down. Better than p.ying rent. Let \I.I ftDd one to suit you. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bedroom home priced low. EZ term.a. Drtve by 614 Sa.n Bernardino St., then call \I.I to '"· We have the key. N.B.C. REALTY CO. 32nd and Newport Blvd. MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS Marine Hardware EQUIPMENT and auppty ttO<'k J'lJttwrea and equipment lnclud- tng' aome machln .. ry Larre lol with oft atuet parking area. Reuon.able leue rental Owner reUrln1r and wanta quick ac- Uon. 3 bath. ahake root. built In $1!500 Dn. HJ-Ft and electric range Cllr-$1l.500 Full Price pet.a and drapes. Oce.in v1•-W A REAL OPPORTtfNrry TO PURCBABE UU. ~ a bed· room home plut tah.Uy room H&l'dwood fl~. forced air heat. Bunt In rat111 and oven Beauutul cabinet.. Horne with prtde or ownen1hlp -cuat.om bulJL A wh&Je ot a buy at- UUOO. CHA.RMINO PRO\TINCIAL Doll HoUM wtt.b pier and tloe.t tor your boaL On17 S yeara J0\1111. sl.a.P-wau.d to view, tropically planted patio, lhalle root, \!Md bnok fireplace, BBQ tn kit- chen, paneled den. Underpr1ced al 'today'• market at $•7,600. BEAUTY CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES EXCLUSIVE WITH Osborne·Forton REALTY CO'S 2323 W. Cout Hwy r al Port Or&nre > LI J-T662 Evl'll. Har. (1794 1 lclJ ~Money to Loa.n HOME LOANS Cout.rw:Uon -Retin&nc&--Saltt !Ve • C>'2 '; -8'~ 1.na. runda -Bide. • Loan - Private Monty Trust Deeds Bought & Sold Call For Fr~ Commitment DON L HUDDLESTON Shown by aplJOlntment only. I u Bay & Beach Rea ty Inc MARILYN F. LEID• I REALTORS REALTOR I 1e~ Newport Blvd 322.rA Marine .#\ ve.. Balbnil Isle <.:oat.a Mf'U.. catt!oml& Har 1968 lk'll Lt 8-1181 JCvu. LI 8-3010 BALBOA ISLAND I BILL'S BEST BUYS A StTRPRl~E A\\'AlT~ YC•lJ! 0ut.11tand1ng cohm1111 s -t.. 11 111. Half Ac. Ranchette 4-bath home wltll rw v• • •ml· WITH r.OOD 2 BDRM. & DEN Ing rharm. Near Bav uni\ VII· HO?.tE HarJwood noora, flre- lagt> ! $-46,000 with xlnt tl""ll\11. ;>lace, double re.rare and large OWNER A NXtOllS. rovert>d patio. Jutt the place Exclusive Bayshores etaut. 2-bdnn 2 b11th ho111e, Lge. llv. rm. Gorgeous p1.t 10 - dlntnr lanai. A s T 1-; A L' $24.750. NELDA GIBSON REALTOR 308 Marine Ave tor the l<ld1 and their horae. $1000 down, ae low aa $80 mo. SMALL HOME, Top location rwo BDRM!., completely re- rtKorated tn .It out. 50'x150' lot. large double re.race. Hook • up to 11twer. Immediate ~ 11on Full price $9960 -with terms • Balboa laland, Phone Har 502 BLUE RIBBON SPECIAL I Phil Sullivan & Palm. Springe Trailer Park WE'VE AN EXCELL.ENT lnveet- ment ahowini 18')( return. In tull operation. Phone for de- talla now. Geo. T. Everson r8M Newport B1vr1 .• Costa Mesa Mariners Isle Realty t..Iberty 8·8781 l!:vea Har. 4368 318 Marine Ave., Bal.boa Ialand BAYSHORES 2tll6 Crestview Drive xr ,NT beach or year round home 2 br., PLUS gar. apL Pr1ced RIGHT. WATERFRONT DUPLEX, 2 br. e•. furn. Pier Ir !loat ............... ······-······· S27,600 CONVERTIBLE duplex -tum SPECIAL PRICE .....• S29.600 LIDO -3 br .• 2 bath, out.at.and- ing . ·········· ··········· . .. . $41,600 Harbor •781 B/ B LIDO ISLE 1 Story on 51)' lot 4 LARO!: bedrooma, 3 bathe, lge. pat~. wol\dertul. tor family &nd entertaining, Srd bedroom nex- lble. A.aklng '39.600. BACK BA y _ Ra11eby homee-BEA UTJFUL Irregular large lot lot. _ ac~ge. with plana $21,000. ON EXCLUSIVE HARBOR IS- L.AND DRIVE -New Provtn- clal home wtth all th• ext.ru, 2 bedrooma It den, 2 bathe plua powder room. all electr1c butll- ln kitchen-A LUXURY HOME FOR U 2.600. "C" THOMAS, REALTOR &nd ASSOCIA TICB 22' W. Cout Hlg-hway U 8-6627 Newport Beach 'C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Corona del Mar ONLY ONE YEAR NEW . OCEAN VIEW Ll 8-0M 1 Coata Mua 173 E. 17th St. DRIVE BY 1138 W. VICTOR1A or call to aee anytime Ntw 3 bedrm. ~ome. 2 tile bath" ,.,. posed l>um reillngs "' ·flog glas" door"! to pittlo. lnt1·1 rnm 1y:1tt>m. Alt dbll' garaJ!" \\ 111•• I n<l'l<'I\ Jll••l )o! COSTA MESA"S beat rtllldenU&l locaUon Three bdrm., larre 16'x26' rumpua room with pic- ture wlntlow" and tnJoor planl- lnJ:'. TIA n r1rt>phu·,.11, lnaldt> bar- li·q. t>nt 10<1••11 pflllo. fencf'd yd., du111Jlt K"' 1ge on paved allty A m11•l tu >WI' PriCl'il to lll'll II l $17 11M \\Ith f'XCt'llent lt'rm.t ALSO l'RADE -2 br., 2 bath vttw OTHER WELL LOCATED LOTS Juat above our but llWtm.m.lnr home LEMON HEIGHTS on 2 LOANS for Hom es ei;t -20 yr. Loans Construction Loans SEE BOB SATTLER 2(116 EAST COAST BLVD Ccirona del Mar Harbor ~888 Rep. F"'()JRJER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Life lna. FUnde. Kl 3-6186 48t!C • ORANGE GOAST PROPERTIES 1867 Newport Blvd., Co1ta Mesa LI 8-1632 Evee. LI 8~1400 NO JUNK W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR "'yo11'1l like our friendly 1ervtce" t OO E. 17th St., eo.ta Meaa Llbuty 8-039 2nd & I st T.D. LOANS 2 hOUl\!'11 on 1 1 .. t. Best locatJon BALBOA ISLAND hcellenl condition. Ut 1 acrea' tor good Harbor home ranrtnr from $11~200 -$18,600. ALSO 2 br. •let). new, heavy 11hakp LEMOI'\ HEIGHTS 'BEAUTY on 1 acre -FOR RA LE . . -.. . . -l :l'.UOO BA YSHORES 2 b1·, 2 bath 1um- mer rental. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 3731 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-4277 Costa Mesa Newport Beach BF.AUTIFUf..LY furnlahed 10· unit. Well planned and focated. Minimum upkeep. Large tun· deck Nicely landacaped, e.xcel- lenl condJtlon, nearly 100% on year around 1 ... u . 80% down. Call tor appointment. '12.000 per year. Bay & Beach Realty Inc REALTOR.8 1112 L&.tayette. Har 34H3 beach. Price '33,1100, worth $3f>,600 HERE 18 WHY Beautiful view 3 bdrm. .t. large den hland kitchen Larie family room Har:twood noor1 Separate laundry room Ovu 2300 feet llvtnr a.rea SEE THIS at 308 Poppy Call ua for appointment Servin' all Oran1e Counl)' We Buy Trust Deeds & Ma1ce Collateral Loans hotu1e p1t.y fllr both. Low ea I IDLE MONEY GA THER8 NO -i Bedrooms Har. 2999 Evea. "JUAt to the rlg'bl of Udo Bridge"' We co-opera.le with au Realtora '2000 down. f'UU prire $1~800 fNCOME' Thla prime WATER· i See Uua -BUY ll! FRONT duplex lnvttea your ln- ll)'leCtlon 2 bdrm• ea. nkely "ART" ADAIR Rltr fum .. garbage Jup u1ed brick I • frpl $111,000 will handle. Royal Mortgage Co. BATHS, CLOSE IN. Just 8 montha old Obie. garare F ull price '12.750 With P•YJ)'\eftt. or 179 pcr,monlh. 1666 'l"wporl Blvd .. Costa MH& u f -3792 LI 8-5688 Corona del Mar 2 ~02 Newport Bh<l. 'llprt lkh. Harbor 15449 Nearly New S BEDRM. Ownera plana ch&n(· ed Occupied Juat one month Newly frnced. waU to wall car- pet Jo'ull pr;re $10 ~o. $7250 FllA 1111111 pnynhl41 SIH 00 ptr 11io11th lnrlutlin .. lu.1•1. Submit '24 hr phone aervjC• • 9itrc LOAl'S TO Bl'll,l> l!'t11'H0VE, BtJ'Y, MUIJEK:'\ lZE, OR tu.FINA NCI-, We Buy Tni.~t Ill'• da ~EWPOKT BA LOO~ 8A VINOS A U)AN ASSOClATlON 8363 Via Wdo Ph. H•r. '200 t.tc 66--Moaey Wa.atf!d E~,CELLENT BUY , $11,500 EA~T J8th ST .. C08TA MESA. :1 t11 • <; l 101111 P11yi11l'nl" $62 Ml rnu .. >nrl 4'• lnlttr'lt lln<I Im· p1111n1l'I Ralph P. Mas~ey REALTOR 3411 Newport Blvd. HAT. (02 INCOME WHILE VALUE IN- C'RF.ASJI:~ I Own • pl•ce or thl'\ fa'll growing community• 8 llnll ~; 2 IJhlg~ rtll ln.W1.I Onf\• 3 yn old Xln't lontton m•ar ti,.ac h Can IMO aohl llt'f>- 1111ttrl\· llut·of.tnwn ownPr llU\'t' SF.Ll,' llF:RF. JS YOPR 1110 C'llANC'1'; f.'l'LL PRICE $112 ~00" Xlnt tnm11. NELDA GIBSON REALTOR down p.1ym,.nt $495 Down NEW 3 11nd 4 b<h m. hv&nt'I\ with 2 bnUUI. Reatly for <•l"<'11p11nrv about July lat. !'riced at $10,49~ and $11 ,29~. For Rent 306 Marine Ave. S BDRMS., like new. Yeara leue UA.SONED 2nd. T.D. $2300- payable $811 per mo. lncludlf!g t % interf'llL' Spl,ndld &eCUrilY I CIRCLE THIS A payment. record. Cnll Har $14! ~00-low down ""'Vm••nt .ft flalboa hland. Phone Har. 602 190 per month. _ 3 BDRMS .• available" 8 months alerting June lat. $911 ptr mo. ·-10<'12 . r-. 4"•"· 1 tad what th11 attractive homt-e IMAGINE THIS! C. Ed. Jones, Rltr. 41-Beal &tale Wa.ntecl w .AN:[: . trom owner 2 unit., 1 I wtt.li I br'L Balboa l.lland. atat. Jow..t. a cceptable ca.ah ..v.f1~ Wr\l• M . PICA~ON- 1512' cren.ahaw Blvd , f>. 0. Box U3ll l. Loe Angelet. Calif. 99t1c UWANTED TO BUY'' &OKI: ON BALBOA llland. tor ua. Low down payment plut 11Ub9t&nlL&l monthly payment• to JICIU. "Write" Orin Bera• s No. Et Molino, Alhambra. C&)U. "No broke111 pleue " 9p11 un beautiful 1., ~er, ha.a to offPt -All fpnce<I Spacious e 2 B.,.lnrui UEMBER MULTIPLE LlSTlNO Ir 1mmscul8~ 2 B. R. plue • Han1w()()(t flCMit ~ 1999 Harbor Blvd., CM LI 8-3333 family dlnln&' or den. Largt I• Y. all tn wall C'lrpt-t kitchen Th er mo controlled • Large 11v1n1 room h<'at. Hwd. fll'll. A lovely cov-• Patio el?d patio with BBQ. All • Bar~Uf' localed In thla rut growing • Large garare ana. Zoned for a pony or • • F:ncfd It Landecaped chick. Immaculate thru-ouL : L~ Down Pa t Fine carpet• A: 11mart Uvinl ymen room d rapu. ALL GO ! ! R&ALTORS, KI 6-3112 llcl3 TRADE FOR TRAILER 2 tx-dnn. tum. houae. OCt'an view. Will accept hoUM' trailer aa put payment. Prlc4! $10.900 Har. 3090 9cl 1 • 3 bf'droom1 • 2 bat.ha • Shake roof • Hardwood noora • Bu11t-ln r&nffe A oven • Double ia.rage • $18.600 • $2600 down Newport.Mesa Realty REAL VALUES MOVE RIGHT IN TJllB CH.ARKING two br. home, eittra 1&.rge lot 83xl38 room for a nice rental unit In rear. Juat bfoen redecoratecl thro~g'hout. Back yard fenced with cement wall. Thi• I.I a real value tor only $9960 EZ tenn1. 1 Bdr. Plus Guest Howie APPROX. FOUR Yli:ARS OLD, back yard fenced with II' red- wood fencing, nicely JandJ>C'U· :-:EAT 01 RESALE. P'~t11lde. 3 bdrm.. 1 •. batha. t1 repl. dblP gar. OnJy '3.000 dn. 4 •, 'i-I~ incl. taxes Ir ln11 See thla Bargain! ?'ear Irvin• Ave. FULL PRJCE $11,700 Far tbla Cine 3 bdm1 flr,.pl. beaut. p11llu. HW f1111 . Only $2500 down on JtfHkl rut~1de 1lr1·f'l CLIFF HA VEN. Ch11rmlni.: 2 br homt'. 1111m11.culate 1ni111lt' 11m.I oul w w carpeting on lrf'e lln1-d St t..ovt'IV rlrPpl.. dblP. gar. on completely fenled. land11eaped yard. NOT leue- bold-S 16.000 wllh term1. LAST LOT ON MES.A.. DRIVE overlooklnit Golt Club. It• a beauty. $8500, tf/mls. CLIFF HAVEN 3 bdrm. holll,. Hwd. tlr1. 1300 !IQ. rt on large lot Ftnctd. lov,.ly pallo B B.Q. On "f'Wf'r. 119000 Exe term11. A lovely home. Shown by a ppt Mesa-Harbor Rlty. It ASSOCIATES 609 Center St.. Colla Me.aa U 8-8911 or LI 8-7784 * Home & Income ~ Bednn.-lt 1 bedrm. Painted A f'9decorated, like new. Lge double prqe w\th laundry A room could be made lnto bacil- ,1or apt. Nce..r OCt'&n, bay It Lfdo ebopa. Only 114.600 Live In one and let your ten- a.nta pay tor the property. W .urrmD -OWNER oC COM· MJ!R<;I.AL LOT to build for tenanl we i.ve the pl&na. ~bllahed local bu.tnea need• to capand. Write Box Q-37 Ude paper. 10cl2 FOR SAU: BY OWN ER, 4 bed· room home. l 'it'. bat.ha. land- ecaped .t. ten~. FHA loan i'reedom home area. Call 17911 Newport Blvd, Costa Meu Ll 8-11608 l!:vea LI 8-7237 ed, eloae In and priced to atll NICE OCEAN FRONT dupl~x at S92IO. EZ lerma. plus ve.luable va.cant loL Bl'llt Ll~rty 8-8223 mornlnp or WANTED ft. 2 or R -1 lot .N~; Balboa or Newport ------------· Betitit.e. Private parly. Her. ll04..J or Har. 1)()61 lltl:l after 6 p. m. letlc M·l ACREAGE Ot>llr TU•t1n. e-0 pll.l.9 A<"rea. Can have railroad 11pur lk-nutltul Valencia grov,. wlUr la.Tf:e older home II aerc-11 .. ":., I DeU•hUul 11pot. .. ., ··Twin Dup ex J FITZMORRIS REALTY co. tQ:AR B&ACH. Good rcatal dis-Multiple LlaUng. Realtor o&Jkt. 'Income U880. Can be ln-Bi11inNt Brriker ' Ned Fully "nled al pre-313~ E. Coe.at Hlgbway ~t. ~ as&OO oown Pay ot1 Corona del liar in Newport Sch ~out ot ince>m• '23.600 HArbor 2162 tun price SAN BERNARDINO 1'90Untaln Earl W. Stanley R~A(TOJ< 1113 t"ftrPflrl )ilvu . N~ 1lt l.kh Harlwr 11113 •BUSftf &.<JJI A l.NCOMt; property. • l9t.J'I .t. rJeuntla. Hy uwm•r LI 8·6VM alter O p m or wef'k end.a. 'lOUc cabin 3 bdm\. rum $24!10 Kar. 4680 C'VC'I. tt Ur !\'l•tlr Lt.t.:i Shop11 f'"urn. 3 bf'Jrm. 2 1>111 h 111 IH'<•n •lo"~ to I .1<111 Sh•Jpptn~ «l!nler lw'-'C'hra & bn y S11c• 1 ltirt 11 t Sl6.llOO. Onl\• Si!IOO tlown K W Hall llnr. 0~113-M lllf• B. A. NERESON IOC'a.tion. Only J42,600 tor both Bay View Estates REALTOR DUPLEX lot $4300 Nea.r Lld1 1982 Newport Blvd., Coela M~a 11hop11. Liberty 8-1872 Eve9 LI 11-020 Liberty 8-S.'\13 Liberty 8·3727 DUPLll:X cornn lot l4j<>O l~nn11 LARGI': BEAUTIFUL HOME- SITF.S now belnr otrered lo MOVE IN those who enJOY gnclou1 liv-$2100 DOWN, $34 a mo. Im mf'dl11te poPeMlon. ca~t!'< Int In an exclualve and hli'tlly w w tru-out 3 bednn11. h•I It llv. room. Uved 1n Jeaa th111 restricted a.re. ot Upper N,.w. 1 yr. StreelJ!. curbe, nwe,.._ 111 1t1ht. ln and paid. Taxea, u1 port Bay "° Vl1ta Bay• terut, lna11ranct1 lnrludf'd 11 t Bttwt-en 22ncl rLnc:t 23rd on 10.-t;: $15,600 I L HURM., 2 bfllh nom• w1lh 2 monthly pe.ymPnl. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18117 N!!Wpott Hlvtl. ~t" Mt•11. l,( 8· HS~llz F,vr~. LI 8 HOH August Rental IN BALBOA, h•lt block frwl' ouan and h.alt block from b11' Hou..e whJch •lttp,t 7 ~nc>n• NEWPORT HEIGHTS $:.2:'JO 1 lot leaeehold 1 Int Uallnp Wanted \ff::MB(l;R MULTIPLE WSTTN1 HOMER SHAFER REALTOR lot McFadden Pl., at Npt. pl~ Phone Har. 140 any Umt S9950 NEW 3 BR., 1 1 ~ b3ths # Mo. pllymenUI only $75 nqulre, owner 252 E . Pa.lme1 ·oeta ldeaa LI 8-2651 Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 2802 ~wpL Blvd., Newport lkh Harbor •na Here it . " Becauae owner IAI 1eav1ng lhe a.re& we can ofter a rare bargain "Exclusive .LIDO ISLE Fln• family home 86' comer lot ' bedrma., 2'~ bat.Ju 3 car ,..race Unequalled vaiue $-4.2,600-terma it • IS Here Killion Real Estate Lefty Murdock 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 Ocean Front Prot;>ertY' to Trade for Desert Hot Springe, or Sell. 1UPLEX. One. One bedroom hreplac'" Ille afnJc ud tub all!! shower. P a t I o ovulookln ocean. on comer. WeU fur . nllhed. Elect refri&' .. etc. On• 2 bedroom &Jld iaraif'. Well rurni.lhed -.... 1Jolnln~ Rent· .for 11!'>0 per w.-.11 b4'flnnlnr 111w ror aurnma. Writ" r o BOX 7b8, Vr t'l l Hut Spring .. r phone 4 31 t.1 1'HS tell Industrial I A<.;lll<:S on ~l'f St V.llh a1>0• h1.1me p1 lted tor quick n11 wtlb. '4 down. 'AN A. JAp>BSEN, Real Ell&l• Harbor Met Income Pro!k:ty -·~ IDdmtrlal t-iMrl.y new a ttractive eo.u WW-. M-dupJex. ln('()me et .. .ciy car irar•r•'· ft'tr•plare, FA hf'al. prbt\1(8 dllpa.ta.I, klt<'hen tan AU 1,.n~ OM ye. f old Nur Htp SChOol, A bome t(l1 1ooct Uytq. l"or appt. ~l.' a.-a.2tl. kl i 100 Flt.ET of C-2 trontqe on Newport Blvd , St2,600, 'W'll1' ·-----------.l 8·&817 KI a-2187 KT 4-M9t ~. 'l"Olt L&AP or e&Je 4900 tq, n. '1&.600 tun Pf'IC't' SM-00 down. ~aJ bu~-Ort~ 6 IC. W HJll Har. 0013-M &11\PM parklnf· N•r H•llpot'I ___________ 1_1_ttr DeW plant. C>wntr CJ a.-&131 - or t..r &-lOP tell -FOT th.-flMll!t In CommeTClal -8Ut.c1'1be lo Uw LMIJ•r, Adv~-1 Pnnlln• rail Harbor l8l8 Job Ill th• D.EST, Call HAIT°bl'r UM I P11nttn1 INpart.mmt. ltlt.. CURT DOSH, Rltr. Fih;~rrl; Rlty. Co. 315 Marine Ave. REALTOR Balboa l1land Buat11Ha. Broker )futupte LIR1n1 3133 £. Cout H1Y C D M Harbor 1560 1n Nn-port ~uh Harbor 2162 • I Bdrm. bome ···-··· 3 bdnn-home .. -.. ··· 11000 dawn t bdnn home .. $2000 down ."">upl.x. nf'W SU .W MAX W. POPE, Rea1tor \.\ 11111 B Jone• AUOC Re&llor 1908 KArbor Bh••1 Co1ta Mt'N l,J 8-1142 Evet W a-.1:>8 LIDO LOT :'JO tt. on LIDO SOU O ALSO 6 R-3 Iota In Coeta Mtu neoer abopplf\I t•f'ntf'r Bv own er. Har. 0191 or Har 3108 l c H MO Seaward Rei. Corona Highland. Open House Sat. & Sun. 10 L m. to 5 p. m. Re&! family home. Rustic 3 br., 13~ baths, ZT rumpus rm. brk. firepls. Full dining rm. w /aliding door t o pch. View of ocean A hil.la. New drapes, antique shutters. Blt.-in HiFi. Le. gar. & storage. RWD fenced. Rm. for pool Owner moving, only $35,000. Good terma. Commercial lot -25' of highway front.age on Coast Highway in excel. location. ~t 11.zJe 25' x 110' -access to alley, plenty of rm. for parking. Priced at $9,750 THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy. HA : 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HA: 0757 Corona del Mar Quality home. Shore Cliffs. Exceptionally fine view. 2 large bed.nrul. and 2 apac1oua bat.h8. All modern conveniences, beautifully landacaped grounds $52,500 A rare bargain. 30xll8 ft. R-2 lot South of Blvd. $6,950 Back Bay Corner. 72x101 ft. lncludes approved plans $6,000 RAY REALTY co. 3444 E. Coll.flt Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 2288 (across from Bank in C. D. M.' MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVlCS HOME BUYERS If you want good value for your money, SD 3 bdrm. in Corona de! Mar, or 2 bdrm. & den in Newport Heights. But hurry! TRADE Beautiful home in Temple City. 3 bedrooms, ll\~ bath£, includes \V 1W carpeting 1lnd drapes. Large landscaped grounds. hobby room. lath house. $29,500, clear. For home or income ln area of Newport Beach. • G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 3635 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 5442 Eves Har. '5680 Lido Bayfront Open House Daily 1 to 5 p. m. 401 Via Lido Soud New 4 bedrooms on 77 foot frontage. BMt buy under $100,000 and 3 bedroom 2 bath on 44 ft. Jot. An excellent value at $31,500 WE CO-OPERA TE WITH ALL REALTORS DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Har. •718 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach * Did You Say, VIEW? * OK! We have it. The finl'St view in the Harbor Area. Where? Kings Road of coune, plUI 2000 sq. rn of luxury home, at the UDWIU&J price of $33,500 ca.sh. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY. INC. 3112 Newport Blvd. N~rt Beach Harbor 2552 Evenings call LI 8-3186, LI 8-~, Kar. 3921-W or KEllogg 8--5885 VIEW >PF.N 1-6 p.m daUy, Vfry ahJU'p, 1tll1act•~e 2 be-dr111. 2 be.th hl•lnf, Quick ()ccupanc)'. Vl•w uf Ha.rbur, ocean, C.l1JlM lal,. rrom dln111~ Ill t'll, living rn'I. & front ~drm. fl"l~pt&c '· r a h•at, p.:apereJ, pa.nele ... , jlltllO 1-!ee 1600 Kln&a Road. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES Mrl N.-port BIYd.., Coata Mna U 8-1832 bu. Ll 8-1400 1A TIHOR• LOT, l~•l on• aVtlllable. T~ low V"'lltly ,,... Build to )'t'Ur (I-.. n 'J'"<'I f1c1t11ma C•ll owner LI 8· 1972 I It.I:: .. Corona del Mar So. of the Highway TH18 WHlTE FR..Ufll; eou.a,.. twnWu1d and on a .0 fl. lot w1lh rna.ny plantiq'a La pr1c.d t-0 SE.LL NOW. JU,TIO. Osborne-Forton , REALTY oo.•s 2323 w. Cout &1J7. <at Port ()naq•) u !-7582 Har. 3.2M ....... :-llt" 3 bctrm. houee. 2 car p.r-a,,. rlo~!' lo ahoppt.nr ('f'ftlAr, <"-OfiM M 8y own•T. ICl ~~10 or Hu 1821 tlfo I I I l ( t • ' • •• !'MMe c .......... a. '· 6. ~ Best Buys Cor~ del-Mar 1. '( NICE CLEAN 2 bedrm. home. Double garage. On level comer: lot. COM. Room :or one more unit. $H,000 full price. Will coulder low down payment. y' BARGAIN. 8 bdrm. home, hardwood floore, FA heat, garb. disposal, fenced yard, dbl. garage. Choice location. Better hurry on thi11 ! ONLY $16,500. Easy te~. DUPLEX. 2 unlU, 1 bdrm. each. 1 complete- ly furn. and on leaae for $7~ mo. Front uni"tvacant. ready for you to move i.n. Only $4000 dwn., full price $16.750. y .£HORECLIFFS. 3 bdrm. and den home, 2 full bat.ha. Only 1 yr. old. built-in stove and oven, carpeted wall to wall, custom dra~s thruout, enclosed patio. Only one at thi. price. Truly a good buy, only $34.500. y IMMACULATE. 2 bedroom 2 bath home. 1 block to ocean and beach. Located at 239 Heliotro~. Db> gange, hwd. flo~rs, fenced yard, beautiful patio & landscaping. A bargain at $21.500 OPEN HOUSE 1 -5 p. ~· Daily until sol<l MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS D 8•1 .... • ..... Dlillatll • LIDO ISLE 3 Bednna. -Hi ll-ttaa _ •n.ooo OCEAN FRONT 3 Be<1rm1. -I b&th.t -IM.&00 6'02 SeUboN Drift 2 B.R. • cs.a -a ta.lb.a -uuoo ·· OPEN HOUSE 8ayfront -Bayfrant-8-yfront 1 to 6 Sat. • SuJl, $ B.R. -3'9 balha -'95.000 • Bedrooma. 2 ti.tba. t yrt. old, e completely turnlahed. Under· NEWPORT BEACH pr\c-4 at nuoo COSTA MESA BACK BAY You won't need ro11e-colortd rLue- •• to •ee rood valu• in lhlll on.-3 bedrm'a. aod S'UCSl home. l\ bu a fireplace, 2 bat.hi, at.eel fence and' \; a or• of pound. Prtc.-d at $14000. SubmJt r.uonable doWn p)'TI\t. .... ,... J;. brand now d\lp!ex. Surprlalr:ity dQM to the ch&Dn•I and l>Mch Wall( In eJU\tT dJ~llon and you have tlab1n&. ""1nun.Ln(. ltoal- ln&'. l"Cl&xAtJon at\d a c~an. eud7 bUCh. Abo hu fire· place and d.-ck. 2 bdrm.I. up, 2 down and th• lar1ut 'J car JU&&• you or u yone tlst ever 1aw. Br&f\d new. A. terrific buy. Priced at $111.000. P ay- ml!l\lll teu th&n ~nt. Low down payment. Owne1 • lrt very a,nxloua to 1111. BAYSHORES 7003 Se.uhoT• DriYe OPEN HOUSE J to IS Sat.. • Sua. 3 Bedroom borne on a fenced-tn BALBOA PENINSULA • ~h .. Pm'a, 1-. bath•. lan1~ llv lot eo x no. An exeeptJonally • ~ \\ 111 11leep five comfortably and t1Ye more unc:omforUbly. Com· pltltlY fumtahed. AlloUt Tli f t. to th• be1ch. Priced at '12.~ flne home well arransed and Ocean trant lot.-R-1 •II x 102 In& TOOm, !laJ•l'IOnt fltepl11 P newly deconted. Only 3 yra. Pr1cf'd at U2.600-Tenna. vor bardwooo floor•, doublt ger old. Priced a t $13,7M. A home dlacrimlnalln1 folk• who lov• corner lot. bay vtew Pl IC't<1 al really worth. Mainf. Thi• the refreshln1 lAnl' of lh• '23,llOO. Terms can b4I arrani.:- mlrht be U\e h ome you have ocean and t~ •v•rcb&nlinl' ed to malt• 1t convenient fur been Jookt.nr tor. moodl. you. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. ~3-32nd St .• Newport Bea~h -Harbor 5868-after 5:00 p. m. Harbor 5567 NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-nlSS P.UT 11 ·PA~ WEDNESDAY. MAY 16, 1956 a !n!,..... ... ... -' CORONA DEL MAR WANTED -A Rlal VU11UONA1RE ·· ... We have a hou.e on the blutt that mat.. Buck-.. " ingham Palace look like a ~a.rap. 'l'ernced ' •· prdena pr&cUcally hansmr over the ~ A view unexcelled on th1a cout. Se~ pest ·-~ house. Over $5000 worth of drapea io' with the · house. AU thU. on 160 feet ocean fTOntap. Owner muat move. OPEN HOUSE FROM 1~ each de;. 8927 Ocean Blvd. • t .,.. 50 FEET OF EXCELLENT JUGHW AY fron'9 ' age a croaa from new Vincent'• Dna1 ltoN bt CdM. Garage 'net.I owner $10,000 a year. Pul'-. . , . chaser could leue garage for $200 per mo ... ; ·. • tools are included in sale.. Excell.nt for speeu·" tation or Income. Price $2S,OOO. Owner wil! carry part, trade or what haft you? f Corona Highlands · UNUSUAL 3 bdrm. 2 bath home ln Corona Highlands. Shake root, 1 yr. old. Many ltuDt In features and lovely landlca~i9C. Special! Special!! Special!!! SHOPPER'S GUIDE OPEN DAILY FROM 1 to~ 428 Cabrlfto Terrace SEE US FOR SUMMER RENTALS. 222 Coral Ave., B/ B CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY co. Catalintt on a Rocker? PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor LIDO ISLE .Wl Ll.110 SOl'IJ, ntw • 1,.11111. :1 bath mot.lein. 77 rt. oC '-'><l• 1 fronl •. SH~.~11111 W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mu HAR. 6032 Evea HAR. 2•20-w WATERFRONT triplex $1\:,,111111 3«7 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, CdM) YOU CAN, from the front porch or thrn the plclure window• 11r th11 lovely 4 bedroom •and <l"n hnmP. I.Ar,.. enou1h for romforl "but not too btr for rnnvPmtn<'e. H xl 7 din In( rm 11pC'l11detl. brlck!'d patio wllh hot t'I alie cr11l 1 Sensibly priced al $4$,000. $6654. down. Unu11ually allr. 3 B. R. home. In fact , you'll love it and want it! $154.60 per month (or more if you have ill until paid in full. Al.so a amall apartment. This is a CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. OPEN FOR INSPECTION FRI- DAY, SATURDAY & SUND~Y. But don't wait. Come in our office TO-DAY! 2 STORY wal,rtronl P l,.r 1\11 I --------------------- Multiple -Listing -of -the -Month CARAVAN SPECIAL ML # 6901-Two houaea on 55x.180 ft lot in COSTA MESA. One-3-bedroom house and one · 1-bed- room house in r ear -2~2 years old- Fenced -Priced $14,:500 Contact your Realtor rega.rdlng tbia one! MULTIP~E LISTING SERVICE Newport Harbor Board of Re~ltors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach :OST A MESA the best -town on earth LARGE 3 Br .. ~ome, dining room, iaervice porch. fireplace. double garage. fenced yard 98 x 300, plenty of room to build. $16.500 with t enru;. 4 Br., -2 bath older borne plUA amall rental. good Ea.at aide location. Double garage. Fire- place 6 dining room. $11,500 2 Br. home near Blvd .. &. markets. service porch, guage, lot 60 x 125 $7500. with 4 ~(. loan. 3 Br. home, bwd. noons, large kitchen, patio, double garage, chaln link fence. 3 yra. old. 4% loan $11,750. EZ tenna. MI IndUltrlal lot 63x300 • • . $6500 V(ith $2000 DOWN Multiple &tt reaideotiaJ lot ca.o build • unit.I . . . $3950 G. N. WELLS, Realtor isio Newport Blvd., COSTA MF.SA LI 8-7729 UTILE GEM SMALL BUSINESS -LARGE VOLUME And comp).etely charming 2 bedroom home adjoining. Located on Balboa Wand's ma.in St., "MAR1NE A VE.'' Approximately 2 dozeq excluaive line• of little girls and boys clothe.. Carefully eelecte,d mer· chandi.se and wide following bu made the turn over phenomenal. Exclu11ive Llating Please phone tor 1.ppoillt.ment to see WK. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADF1ELD • P ark An . All Marin~. BalOO. Island Harbor i.62 CLIFF HA VEN VIEW HOME Unaurpt.lffd vtew of Bay A Oce&n. 3 lge. bdrms . tge. Uv. rm., apacious beaut. kit .• bit-in range It oven, dlahwuber, W /W cpu. thniout. 2 ba., Intercom ayatem, radio controlled garage doors. Shown by appt. EXCELLENT EAST OOSTA MESA LOCATION H mo. old 3 bdm ~1, ba. home. HW tloora. FA beat, flrep~. \.tn lttt.. lge. prage. comp. land.caped &nd !enc. . Bar-~. Beaut. ranck irtyl• and ready to 111, 1ve in. St 7 ,:K>O full price $2:500 down. THE VOGEL CO. 1100 Newport Blvd. Liberty 8-M97 C08ta Me.a Evenlnp Har. 1539·M 2816 0c .. n Blvd. l bt tween FPmleat • DAh lla J CORONA DEL :t.tAR OPEN l ·ll Saturde y A Sunday You Should See This 2 STORY romp turn. home wtlh a l!erene view ot the aea 2 b~rml!. on flrat levf'l acid'!. room Ir shower oul.Jllde $24.000 with only $6000 cuh wnp• lhl1 one up. BALBOA PENINSULA OPEN SUNDAY 1·6 p m. 2017 E. Ocean Blvd. SOUNDS UKE wishful thinking but It 1 true -a 3 bedroom. 2 bath home on a ~2 rt. Jl)t Ill a price you can aftord. $27 $00. term.a. ti * tr * ft Bey & Beach Rea lty Inc REALTORS Corona cSal Mar Office 3&30 E Cat. Hwy . Harbor ~3 BALBOA ISLAND WE BELIEVE Our Island and ila way ot lite i11 God'• gift to man. * * li PUT YOUR FAMILY in lhla wonderful hoiae tor lhe aum· mer-THEN Jel ua rent It tor you durlnr lht w1nler- IT HAS EVER rl'HlNO. Buill·ln el,ctrlc Thf'nnador barbequt. electric d111nwuhf'r. 4 bednn• , 3 b&Ul.a. Charmine llvll\I rm. * * * TO SEE THIS Property COSTA MESA OPEN FOR INSPECTION 366 WALNUT ST. (off Tustin Ave.) • $2000 down. WHY PAY RENT? ? ! NEW & SPACIOUS 3 bed-room 11 :.! bath home. Hard-• wood floora. Beaut. used bnck fire.place. Forced air heat. Sliding gl&BI patio doors. Built 10 24" oven and range. Disposal. Wired for elec. dryer. A real beauty. SEE IT NOW! FULL price ONLY $16,000. BALBOA PENINSULA. 422 BelVue Lane Open for inspection on Sunday. A honey! 3 bedroom, 2 batb home. Dining room. Beaut. patio. Large lot. Block from bay bath- ing beach. Priced right. Xlnt. terms. Shown anytime, BUT call for appomtmenL BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LlSTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand. Pb. Har 1671or1672 B/B VIEW -DUPLEX -VIEW Bay Avenue. opposite nice beach wilb unob- 11tructed permanent View ot Harbor. 2 bed- room•, 2 batha each unit. $12,000 will handle. BAY A VENUE -VIEW Nearly new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Oppo11ite best beach in Balboa. Wall t o wall carpeting. extra nice kitchen, 2 patios. BALBOA PENINSULA alJp . . $7:i r1u 1 A FEW 3 BEDlUI . 2 llATI! from . $:!'• "'•11 l lt VIA M.E.:\'T01"£ -Bl::S'I I BUY . . s:::1 ~.1111 LOVELY HARBOR HIGHLANDS $111 TERESITA, t BEDROOM 2,; b&lh $2• !'1011 I $4e BERYL I...ANE, 3 be<lroom, 2 b&U\ $21 ~11(1 I ~37 DIANA LANE 3 ~drou11 2 balh $1"' :irm 190 PRISCLLLA LA!'E. HB1· CLIFF HAVEN NPT. HTS. 735 ST . J..OtES PLAC!o;, Nt>w 3 bedroom .. • $:!1 ~1llll 46~ S ANTA ANA AVE. \\ILL TRADE 1 17 !'llltl 463 HOLLY LANE, 4 bedrom11 :.l bn th, Juw 11own $I :I ~1!'10 CORONA DEL MAR 30~ POPPY, 3 bf'clru,,m a nl ]ll'fl and Vlf'w 133.~uo BAYSHORES 2632 CRESTVLEW DR!VE, rom- .,_,.. al ··--. -·--. '20 II~ COSTA MESA •82 E 200\ -NE\\. DREAM H UME $18,000 Will build to •Ult adJacenl lot.a 241 MESA DRIVE -3 ~rtroom, 2 bath $16.9'0 HA.~ULTON STREET, I arre & houae . . $13,600 We Co-operate w1U\ all R tallort1 Duncan Hardesty REALTOR :zgo'.! Newport Blvd. Hllrbor '718 BILL'S BEST BUYS READ THIS--$1000 DOWN WHY T-BecauM thla home hu th• bellt fln&ncln« ava lla blt $1000 down &nd we C&.11 IN CORONA DEL MAR Master crafted -artiatically landaca:ped. In cul· lured community. 2 Lge. B. R. (16' x 1Z3- 12'9 x 10'3, W t W carpeted). ExqW.lt. bl.th! Liv-room 24' x 18', firepla.ce + din.annex. (1.24& 8'6). Attractive kit., with tubula.r ll(htlq. ventilator & d.i.llpoaal. Payne F. A. heat to all rooms. Sliding gla.u doors to beautttul ru..r patio. dbl. gar. $27,500. About $12,500 req.d. New! IN LAGUNA BEACH New! Three-way, unobsll"Ucted viewa of Emen.ld Bay, ocean + ahoreline. Lge Uv-room. !treplae• - 2 lge B. R., e.aeh with bath, plu. lie. convertible den, with F. Pl. Drape. and W /W ~ throughout. Stunning built-in mahopny + cop- per kil., with view din-area. dbl pr. (auto- electric door) Copper plumb in I tbro\llhout. $39,500. $10,000 req'd. NO STEPS TO CLIKB L. HAMMOND 13.5 E. 17th St., C. M.. LI 8-Ml3 llcl+ Balboa Island 300 Coral A venu• HERE IS TIIE m09t deeirable' bedroom corner home that we have Men for 80m. time. Everything about the pl.ace la 1plck and apan, ready to roove into. In addition to havin( a fine home, there ia a am..U illcom• unit over. the garage that will pay ..U expenaee ot th• bome. : : : REALISTICALLY PRICED AT "'6,000 CALL FOR APPOINnO!:NT TO REI We Cooperate with all Realtorw . . - DUNCAN HARDESTY. ReeltM. ~-_-. 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach 11&.r. •711 IS to BUY CHARMING wr• llvin( room. Coniptetel)I furniabed 2 bedroom, convertible den, 2 bath modern bOllle, fireplace, patio, on quiet at. $21,750 -$5,000 will handle. a.rranre your monthly .,_y. --------------------- I bedroom•. lovely patio PLt.'S l BltDRM. fumlahed apartm~nt CION to the Villar• Shoppln.1 Center $31,1)00 110,000 down, owner will carry BAY AND BEACH REALTY, Inc., Rltrs. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 126-i Evenings -Harbor 1856 balance. ----------------------. DORIS BRAY, Rltr. HERE WE GO 218 Marine, Balboe b land Har. 20 or H BETfER HURRY ON THIS ONE ! Balboa Ocean Front • BDRM. furn. oldeT home, lllr(~ llvlnr rm. with tlreplace. Unll heat, rarbare dl•JJOl&l. , C&T rar~e. Ocean vtew, cloat lo the bay, 123.~00. tttma FIRST T~ OJITERED. ln· oome unit 2 bdrm. tum. hou.e with 111. bdnn. rarar• apt IC'itcellent n ntal area. One blk to bay $21.:iOO, l•rm•. Coast Properties Rolh Jay~. R..itor Mlldttd Rini 6 Slyvta Thompeon, A.UOclalH SOl It Balboa Blvd , Balboa Sacrifice - owner leaving at.ate. 3 bedrm. home complt"tely furnished including rup, drapes, radio, furniture, TV, deep freeze, ran~. etc. Beautifully land.caped ya.rd. Cement clolhee yard. Tool room. Work shop. Many other features. $4,eo<> down. Bal. $66 per mo. Incl. taxee Ii insurance f 1,'J %. Would cost at lea.st 0$15.UOO to replace. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. $11,840.07 Come and see It. MAX W. POPE, Realtor Willia B. Jooea, A86ociate 1908 Harbor Blvd. Cost.a M es& Llberty 8-1H2 Evni Llberty 8·4156 Phone Har. J&N or H&r. •900 --------------------- tic A Luxury Home 1 WITH OVER 10 ACRES or or· ~-near bua7 IJ\~tlon 111 la.nta .Alla. no b&ttw tn..t· ment. OA.N A. JACOBSEN, n.1 ~te Ha rbc>Y' ~•J U ~lf KJ 2·J11T BY ...eaoe BY OWNER A. 'M'R.A<..'TIV'm dupk~. MU Udo llM'pa. J'Umlahed. 124.000 Sbo•• 4PEC-11tnt return. U 1-U&7. OSttc rotm tJNITa N • W P 0 RT H.EJ.OKTB. Ssullent locellon J 6 I Bdrm Will t.lt• .,_r1 lJ'IMs. for 113.~ equit,y. Har bot 1681. t&lll BAYSHORES rnREE BEDROOM furnished. Huge Dl'W patio, big lot with room for swimming pool. l block to private beach. A dellghUul rutricted area of nice homee. Only $23.~. LIDO ISLE . PRICE • WISE THIS HOM-E TOPS ALL ! Utterly charming Provincial style. ._ bedroom.a and den. A pproximauly 2700 tq. ft. Extra large ij\•inJ room.. wall to w..U carpdinJ. Un<kT Market at $39,9.'50 MYRTLE DA VY, ,Realtor New Lido Pl.au Bid~ .. 3432 Via Oporto <Opp<mte Udo Shope Parking Arn) Har 5«6--Eveninp LI ~m • menl.I. WHAT T A top condll Ion 3 bdrm home w1lh H W noora. double garace. beautiful lawn• 'fenced &nd hobby •hop. (Can be plft'ch.U~ t'\lrnl1hed for an a.ddlUonal $10001. WHERE! One block from Coil• M en'1 l7lh St. 1Mppln1 center. WHO Ill.YI 10 T W1 do. and It• our bualntu tu know. Thl1 I.I t.he beat. HOW! Ju~t Call u1. WHEN! Now -Btt'aun thla la too• r ood to I 111t. W. A. TOBIAS REAi.TOR "you'll 11kt our fn~ndly aervlct " 400 E. 1 '7lh St . COJJt& Mt Ltbf'rtv 8-1139 RENT ONE 3 2 TWO NEW quelily homu bolh 2 tumlahf'd. gl&aa encl l1le b& Flreplac"ll. ra111ea, new •trul All lmpro\'tmer11A paid. PT-op 3 erty rlt11r Submit down A 2 paymenla ~ blO<'k to 1ur!. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1M7 N,.wport Rlvd. O u•ta Mt.a LI 8·1 832 Evu . U 8·H OO 10 Acre Exchange SUBKtr your trade ror thil 10 •ere rrove with hJrhway front• age nMt.r Oran1tt DAN A. JACOBSEN. Real ltat&tf' Harbnr Min U 8-6317 KI 2·21117 HT 4-MH CLIFF HAVEN 315 S1gna.I Rnad UNDER U S.000 12&0 SQ fl ju.al ~C'Oteltd Ml. No 7183 Shawn daily ti ' aold U 8-24M &rJ2 LIDO ISLAND BEAUTY . .. Single atory 3 b. r. 2 bath home, • yn. 014 oa. 80' · lot atreet to st.rad.a -Ellerbroek ~ tor · · deluxe UVing to include o.er 2000 mq. tt. tt.m1 area. Many deluxe featuJ'tm lndude forced all' ·· heat time clock controlled; brand uw wall-to-· • wall carpet.1.ng ; indoor pla.a.ten; cio.ta and cupboard. p.lore i all ._trle kitchen; bar and 80da fcnmt&ln. . . Shown by appointment OD.IT BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W .. Balboa Blvd.. Har. 15188 • • BA1'SHORES • • . ... . BEDROOM, 2 bath UU500 BEDROOM, f""11ahed __ (8old) $19,~ BEDROOM, 2 bl.th. Carpeted ud draped. Comer lot ________ ..,.J71,i500 BEDROOM. 2 bath (So)d) S22JIOO BEDROOM. 2 batla completelJ turu1lbed PU00 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. ·· ·: Harbor 1600 Ev• LI a-488e .... TWIN DUPLEX Near beach, cood rental cli9trict. lnaom. S28IO. • :~ Can be tnc.reued. FUlly rented at pn91Dt. Only ·· · ~ down. Pay off ht.lance out of lDcoaw.. • $23,SOO Ml priel EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 - ,AG& I-PART It-NEWPORT HAit80A NEWS-PRESS a aeaa a Pee!,...._ , a ••• r.aa. WEDNESDAY. MAY 16, 1956 OPEN DAILY 1 · 5 20th St. iust off Irvine Thia 1triking new home with ahake roof, ••yummy" built-int. electric iaraie door. etc.• May be purchaaed for only $28,000. The builder, Mr. Bi.saell hu not overlooked on~ detaU to ~ke thi1 home the out.atanding value in the area. Perhaps you would rather have Mr. B~ll build a home to your own plan11, if so we have about 10 remaining homecit.ea in this lovely orange grove. OUR ENTIRE STAFF IS AT YOUR SERVICE Jack MuJJari., Jack Stockdill. Dunc Jr .. ElJlte Ebeling, Ruth Davis, Jean Smith, Marilyn Tbomu Sandy Goodman DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor !&o2 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 471~ FURNISHED VIEW HOME Ownen are planning to travel for several yearu. Rather than lease their very apacioia and modem view home, they have decided t o sell 1t along with their very lovely & expemive furniah- inp. Thill home ha.s three bedroom.8, two baths huge living room. dining room. ultra modem kitchen and of course there iJI forced air heating. a fireplace, choice oaJc flooring and a double garage along with a lovely patio. ' The view of the bay and ocean i1 unobstructed from the living room, dining room and kitchen. The proeerty ii on deeded land and high above the Arches. The price it $32,!SOO which include11 the fumish- lnp. The property fa free and clear a.nd the ownen trill aell to a RESPONSIBLE party on a modeat down payment &nd fina.nce the balance. Bonifide inquiries a.re invited. W. · STUART FOOTE, Realtor 2117 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 24, Evea LI 8-5490 JUST REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Choice Corona Highlands View Lot on The Desirable ''HJgh" Side of Seaward Dr. With a PERMANENT . VIEW of the wide Pacific Multiple u.ting No. 7210 Pbont &rbor 24:62 for det:a..i.J11 WM. \JI' STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD :Partr An. at Marine, Balboa hland Harbor 2462 .... Luxurious Shorecliffs --. :..! lt II our pltUUre to off er to you one of the ; : finest bome9 ln exclualve Shorecli!fa. The home : : CODa:iata of a la.rp liv. rm. with n.iaed hearth : : ~L, a 1p&Cioua family room with !ta own :·"'.11repL, & lovely dream kitchen with loada of ·:: ~ a prb dJap., diahwuher 6 dual blt. _ JD oven A range.. There are 3 large bedrooms .A 2 bathl PLUS a cue:at rm. &: % bath over the d.bl. gar. The home le gueet rm. a.re entirely q.rpeted wall to wall. 1? . addition a heat~. fOtered ''Imperial" POOL fenced for protection. •. Priced at $4.9,600 ••• Tenm il desired. ~ p. a. pa I m·e r inc or po rated developers of Udo lste Lido OPEN BOUSE 10 to 5 SA 'IVRDAY A SUNDAY 124 Via Genoa (Lldo'1 wideat atreet). -3 bedroom.a, 3 batlus, fum.i.shed. $34,500 Typical of Lido Iale'1 ultra4mart modern bomea is this striking 4 bedrm. 2 bath house of unique compact deaign. The Uving rm. features a hand- IOJDO ltone firepla.ce, beamed oeillng and aUding rlua doorw to the pleuant patio. The kitchen ta a woman'• dream with bullt-in oven and range. hardwood cabinet. with matching formica aink tops. The home gains added charm from the wall-to-wall carpeting, huge windows, and strik- iug colora & wall paper. The tuU price 1a $37~ Strikingly Decorated TWO SOUTH PATIOS, 2 bedrms. & den, 2~:: baths. Fully carpeted, completely modern, in- cluding kitchen with beautiful birch · cabineta. formica counters in matching tooea. built-in oven & range. diapoeal. Worlds of closet & storage space. Master bednn. with dressing alcovr opC'ns unto it1 own beautifully landscaped patio. $37 .500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 3333 via lido, harbor 1000 VIEW HOME BAYFRONT large Shorecliff Home 'l'h1I bcfme bu ..everytblng a family could ever want -4 bed.nu., • bath.I, f orma.J Uving rm., lull d-tm.. 13 x 15, brukf ut room, diah- wuher In tbe kitchen, buUer'a pantry. forced air b8t. hanbrood f'loon. BeauUtully planted yard and of course, located in one of Cali1orni&'1 out.at&ndlnr 1ubd.tvtalona-SHORECLIFF. Price $44,000. CaU Joe Kincaid or Davitwn Oaburn for details. Rural View Estate Callf ornia Ranch Home on nearly 3 acrea of beautiful level land. A view of rolling hill.a. mountains and the waur. 3 bedrm., 2 bath home with radJant beat, and real country living. With- in 15 minutes of ocean. Call BW Farnsworth to aee this one. Lido Isle 2 bed.rm leilure home on 60 Ct. street-to-street lot. $32,000. Terma available. Call Jack Cris(ield for further inf onnation. 100 Feet -Bay View Without a doubt, tht moat desirable in11idt! lot on Lido. Room for a large home with pool. Full price $32,500 with terms available. Lou Breer will be happy to show thi.a. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hen1on co. management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 OCEANFRONT NPT. CORNER 3 &druuni 2 bl\lha car~led, dra~d. int11rt'n lighting, bue· menl gnn it)' turnac,.. du;h- wuher gla1 e·pruof plateglua, fireplace of fJ,itMone, ., yr" old, douhl, i,arugl' "11 h 1 uom tor l•Wldt y S211.~ ~rrna. BALBOA 2 unlt. fumlahf'd. FIM Lowut prtcf'd ocean front prop- older bldg. would lend It.self nty on Balboa Penln.aulr.l at to modemlsatlon • tnc-rtu«l income. Lowest priced bay· $24 i~. 8 bdrm .. 3 bath hOm• 2 bdrm., 1 b&th home turn.labt'd Larse yerd acrou lhe street lo channel swimming, blk LO o«an A: but aurt f1t1h1n1 $10.600 F. P . U 600 dn. $~ per month on the balance. f1ont now at $31.MO A: only with lnclci.ed pall<>. dbl. 1ara1e. '10.000 down On a large comer lot. E1lco:n Rllpp' Phyllia Kerwin hll Rapp Bayview Properties Harbor 4814 2 3 0 7 Peninsu la Properties IBR.ANO ?"EW PEN 1 NS ULA HOME. 2 bedrooma and den. 2 bath.I and forced-air heat. Built-ln kitchen, fireplace and eve-rythlng ... faclJl« the park tA>o ••• $H ,600, $6000 down. PENL'li8ULA HOME with room to breathe Built on lot and one-half t ~2 ~·I larce and t>uuuful patio. 2 bath.I, guut room with bath. A "homey" home at $27 .600, Lerma. w. I Balboa B lvd .,' Newport Channel Front. Pier and Float OPEN DAILY 11 -• .W5 Clubhouse 62 ft. bulkhead -One of the nicest 2 bedroom homea and only 1 block to Lldo abopping. A ~ at $24,500 Cliff Haven Trip lex NEW -TWO BEDRM EACH Unit, 1 with fireplace. Income $252 per mo. A terrific value. $19,950 -only. $4950 down. 4 Units Balboa Peninsula Be a c b B/ B OPEN HOUSE Daily 1 :00 -5:00 p. m. 407 Pirate Rd. Clift Haven Oeat.rable locaUon. 3 bedroom• Shlng-le roof. Hardwood floor&. Kitchen wired ror 220V •5"• 01 lotin $15.000 Price Reduced! 1''1om $29,000 lo 12~.llOO with jual $0,000 down on thl• exqul1it1 Ba.cit Bay modern- lovely pall~pper plumblnc HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES ~todel 8et.Wffn ln •in• a nd 1\~Un Awa on CabrUlo norlb ot 1 Tlh St. OP E..'ll DAlLY 9 A.M. TO t P.M HEAVY SR.AKE ROOFS, h.ardwood tloora. btr doublt gara1•. rorced·&Jr he&t. buUt-ln oven a.nd ranc-e. dt.apoula, aewera, alktlnf flau doora, wt«l brt~ Clrepla.cea. TERRIFlC LOOKL""G HOMES with txcellent noor plane on Coata MM& 1 moet dealrabl1 l!a.i 8c19. 3-bedroom: $21,9~$%000 down 3-~rooin and den : $22.960--12000 down All be.m9-have 2 bat.ha OLE HANSON CO. Trart I'hone: Liberty l ·HSI or Otilcu : LI 1·3673, H.arbor 1600 "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" ~ Drive ln today and see ror younelt the many ou~ 1tat1ding features or Ulla remarkable community. More and more Harbor area families are Wpectinc these exquisite homes -notinr their comfort., con· venience and central location.. More and more families who prefer a home ln a re- stricted quality community are mo~g into their Irvine Terrace homes. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished • by Martin & Von Hemert lrvlne Terrace ia located on Coaat Highway OJ.1poa1te the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EA~L W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phontt Harbor ~ For .Further In.formation * For Recommendation. we ref er you to anyone who.Jtolda a Leasehold &tat.e ln Irvine Terrace, Be&con Bay. Bay Sborea and CllU Haven .. H:f;ftrS A DANDY PENINSULA HOME with 3 ~drooma a nd 31 balha. TerrHlc tor lar1e fam- ily Large lol and pallo. 3 car serage Full dining room, and ocean view from up1talr bed· room1. $29,600 la all U\ey uk. Term8 One 2 bedrm., three 1 bedrm., plus extra sleeping room with bath. Best location and in A -1 condition. Potential income ~ yr. thruout-radlant heat--& tru1y ----------------------- PENINSULA DUPLEX and a pip. Only 8 ytars old Wll.h 3 btdroom1 up and 2 down . all nicely turnlahf'd PaUo I double garactt and laW\dry. A mu1t aee al $2~.~. term•. P!:NINSt:LA OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX. Sleepa 12 people and a swell rental property ... we have the NK'Ord.t ln (ood condition, walled rear yard, garqea 11.nd laundry, $22.000. terms OCEAN FRO?\'T HOME with 4 Asking $35,000 tenrui. View Home Only $14, 750 BEST VALUE Newport Heights. 3 bedrm., 2 bath, convenient location. We have the keys. JACK ~RENNAN, REALTY· ''AT THE AR~'' 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-7773 Mdroom1. l '11 baths, enclolf'd BALBOA ISLAND eletplnc porch. gluaed deck. L..a_rie roomy horn• tor l.&rt• family . . . $15,000. CUNNING 2 BR. house, price Includes atove, ref rig. carpets & drapes. ~~ blk. to beach. ~ dn. $19,000 beauU!ul home or 3 bedroom.a. 2 bat.ha ..... AND IT'S VOGEL v ALUES !'\OW 8 IC L 0 W RltPL.ACfl:· BALBOA ISLAND MENT COST' OWNER •SAYS SELL - Panoramic View! I Holdjng Opep H OUie at 116 Amethyst Ave. &t- ot Back Bay A"u from the urday & Sunday 1-5 p. m. Hen la a bargain plctun wtndowa ot thl1 nearly 3 BR. home. AJway1 a good •\llllmer rental. new 3 bedroom 1 '• bath Priced to sell furnished at $22 500. Ruatic Rane.ho located In the ' aeiect apot or the Ba.ck Bay MOST COLORFUL 2 BR. - Area ... The lea.at ex~nalvt . • h ,;...,.l houae m a block of m&Nlfon.e, Lovable redwood bvmg areu -uge ..... "'¥ cuaranlffl your lnveetment ... Excellent interior decoration and turniah1np. w~ll .. your comtorL And Near Sot.1th Bay beach and iuanntffd to charm It I CUit.om built UU'OUfltOUl • W1th all electric built. ln you. Full pnce $2.f,500. kJtc.hen -dtahwuber. llldh'eet llChtinl', touch plate wlnnr. SHOP LEASE - ttc.-F\Jll Price 1211.&oo. Quick poueeaion. On 200 blk. M.&ri.n• Ave., IF YOU WANT SOME INCOME LOOK THESE OVICR . . . • Two ~i1room home with bache-2 BR., attractive. Near No. Bay -----·-···$22,!SOO Bay & Bi::~~~f!:alty Inc $160 month. VOGEL VALUES !or best buys. lor In rear, on ltaat Bay Ave-SO. BAY Front, 5 BR., 4 ba., Furnlthed --·---$100,000 nue . , . rear rented. $13,700, termi. LITTLE ISLAND. A ru.stic and uaable 3 BR., 3 TWO BEDROOM H OUSIC with bath, in a select diltrict .................................. _ .. $36,:500 one ~room apartmtnl over a 1876 Harbor Boulevard Colt.a .Mesa. Calltomla LI 8-77H Evu. LJ 8-31~8 SELECT THE VOGEL CO., Realtors 208 Marine Ave. 1 Har.-«• or 1010 (Next door to po4lt office.' R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor ~;:ica;n~a:~:;y· ~th!:; BAY FRONT. LIOO ISLE. Beauutul h ome, pier & float ·-·· ................. --.. . .. _ .......... ·-. . .. $135,000 314 CATALINA DR., Newport Ht.. New 3 bedrm .. modem, 2 --~-------------------­ b•tha. aunlcen Uvtns rm. ll'lth R. B. HODGE, Auociate "'!liter and 1ummer ... alway• r'nted $1 l'>.600. terma. MQ E . Cout Hwy .. Corona deJ Mar. Har. 2774 No telephone information pleue. We have buyera !or rood 0 liatinga. br1ck tlrepla.ce, natural WOOd ca binet.a Side drive to double I prare. Land.acaped loL ()ptn Sat. A: Sun. 11·5 p.m, Only $18.711<> ---------------------3 t:NITS. 2 ~room home \\Ith W~ CHALLENGE All Comparison :·:~ 23 Units Must Sell bv June- . AND A REAL BUY FOR SOMEONE. Con.aiata or U modem apta., with kitchens, 8 excellent plng roodll PLUS DELUXE owner'1 unit with eeperat. office. All apt.a. beautifully fur· niah~ Beet location on Balboa Peninaula. Elt&blJabtd clientele. Expected groq $1&,000. Part trade considered. Call eveninp tor appointm~nL Har. OS.4 two 1 b~room apartment.I in rear. Tbe two In back are rent· ed and th,. rront hoW1e la wall· Ina tor you . $18.GOO Free e1timate1, excellent 1ervice. Har. 1775 -Eve. Edith Maroon ' ' John Macnab '' Lou Boynton HYatt 4-6222 Harbor 5359 Harbor 2878 Balboa Realty Co. ~~:::i,:ank ot Am;dc:_ EARL w. STANL~Y. Realtor ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1867 Newport BIYd., C:O.ta Mesa LI 8-1632 l:va.. LI I -H OO Joaephine Webb iOO E . Balboa Blvd . Balboa 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand 8 A LB 0 A UILAND. Yummy Phone Ha.tboT 3277 CUmtahed S bdrm. born• plua ----------------------------1 lllSO mo. lnrom• apt . dbl!' BUSINESS FRONT AGE VOGEL VALUE -LIDO .-arace. $44.200 Har. 4342. pp16 Lido Island We have JUSl listed what we believe la Lido's beet buy -three bedroom.a, two bat.ti., beat location. Built 1951. Street to at!'fft lot. $27,500 -$7500 down. Excluaive with Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lido HARBOR BLVD._comer, loca· tlon for Service Station, •tor· -.. medical <!eater. 161 tt. on Harbor. Some income now. If lnterutfd In 1~ulatlnf. thl1 la lilt .cl~" Propttty clear - Small dtiwn 6 no finance cn,-a.. HOUSE OF POSSlBil.JTIES Extremely charming 2 bdrm., 2 ba home. Re. designed by owner arch.it.ect for gracloua living. Muter bdrm. approJt. 20 x 24 with Shoji IC~ on aUdlnr cloeet doorw -firep1ace ll Franklin 1812 copy. PaUo ia lge. enoucb tor pool and new o\'eniud dbl. garage 1~ ltre.ed for 2 more ~.le bath. ~ $37.500. Shown by appt. NEWPORTB&ACH-cL08gTO ---------------------~------­ ::F.OR SALE AND LEASE BACK • CLASS A store and oUlce bulldJnr located on lDa.t important comu in Puadena. Price fl00.000. WW pay 7$0 net net and will de.posit $300,000 u leue 8eCUrity. Large depreciation factor CAIL OWNER. T. D Rogen. Rya.n 18167 or Harbor 3828 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES tMT Nf'wport Bl~. Co111a Mu• Ll 1·1832 t:Vea LI 8-1400 Cl..ll'F' HA VEN n 1 ~ 3 t>.drma . 2 bath dnr- ... w w <'lr~t Vf'r\' clH n 2 yn nld lmmMIAlfl M<'Upanry 22• Kln.tr1 Pl, I~ 1·1807. 9tllc ~--------------------------~ KlClH 8CBOOL -Modem ! bdnn. • d•n hom•. llvtnr nn. With dJn1n& aru, a.pt.one O.rept.~ Ir picture wtn6ow OYerlookJn, ~UO. Cet-amJe U1- ln b&th, klt.chen Ir ttrvke rm. 0 . E. dLahwuhtt, att.&cbld 2 car pr. It car port. I....azw• ff1\0ed yard. LI l-1491. l cU THE VOGEL CO. I LIDO OFFICE Low Down Paymen t 3416 \"la Lido, Npt &h Har. 4.971 or Har '4972 Evn Har. 51 i9 -Har. 5H2 , ~'ORO,'i A DEL \f AR, 3 b<>drm ' 2 bath Flrf'plart EJ1c!'lltnl \ '~"" ln1n1f'lt1•l• ()('fUJI• n< ,. I Har 428'.I • 9..• I I BALBOA APT. BLDG. INOOME $8,820 -PRICE $62,MO Pru. lncome from yr)y renW.. Could be ln- ctt~ lt operated on •ummer-wtnter achedule. Bide. not new but tn excel~t cond. All unta exceptionally apacioua. Thia ill! a good one, 54-e 1l today! THE 'VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Ne-wport Beach LI B·3l81 'I l