HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-28 - Newport Harbor News PressJIG DAY -llementoe of Ute occuion wer. at every plate for tha.e who at· 't.IW the dty'• Harbor Day hmicheoai'Bi.Liraay at Newport HVbor Yachtlnt Qub: 8bwn dll'Cta•'ni plane for tutun uad proudi, ho&dini msnv• repll· cu~ UM Oold«l y.,. Mal an .ome of tke speciel puticlpu~ ln procnm. · ,,.. Wt-Con....-man Jamem B. ~ a. L. Pl.tteno~ engineer who created tint Barttor plana. Col A. B. Frye Jr •. USA. Corpe of £nctneen; Jim Wet.t.er, ' p¥naai&J yacbt ottldal: M&,or Dora.Hill. Oty HCMltell of the occuion; J. A. ~ ~ of pkm~r develOpen: Let Stdftn..en. Muttt of Cemnoniea; and On.ore Q)unty.n&ttv• eon W. H. Sp\&!'ftOD W. -Stall Photo . . . Sdiool District Office DefwrH . TempeNtur. tw the ...-. tDd m the N'...,,,.t ....._ ..... ~""' Tu-4ay. Ma;)' S2 -. M 61 W aicbMectaJr, May U 13 M Tlnanda7. May 1' _ U II Fnday. MA7 21 . ·-14 68 Saturday, May H .. 14 M Sunday, )Uy f7 . U If Noaday, Ka7 JI -.. ,. Ufellllp Stol•• OW ·1c~e,1les laccal11re1te lites J11e 19 Nlnet..1 lite pneerYCn wortll ,., .. '114 .... ,.,.,n.t tall.- 2-y~ar ~Moratorium Slated ·:. -........ on SP'(ial erivileges . . . .. By BEN REDDICK Newport Beach City Council conaenaua i.a that it will pue a notice of intention to adopt the con~vercial ordinance revision ol'dinane;e with a two-year moratorium I • • NEW DAG -"Thia la a t1&g that. bu flown Oft.I' our nation'• capitol and we have brou&ht it for uae in the new poet oftfce," •YI Conrre-man Jlmee B. Utt abown with Mra. Utt and one of th nap they brought baclc from Wuhinfton, D. C. lut week . The Congreaman will make three local appearapcea on Wedne8day, Memorial Day, at the' Barbclr Rat c.em.etery, the dedication of both Newport Beach and <Mt& Maa Posi-Otfidit. - . StaU Phot;o Mrl7 ·~ monJnc fr'ODl lM .o-n. ~ Met• l:rUM moored at W..tft Cannen doc.k. accord- 1~ tO poUct. Owtw w. .. Kol~ land. ....,. ~ ......... - A1L ~ CP -Ttilll iit the tdchl ~ polltal workera ud t-trona of NdpOl't Bea.ch Post omc. which la now tn Pf'Oll'W ot dilmanUirif jan before j iicr1bed llM pruerven u etand· a,,. Navy \7'f, ( • ~latter will be dedicated at MrmoQIJ Day rita. -St.a!f Pboto , • • the .-If~.,-." IA. ~ 1 E D I l' 0 .R I AL S ... ·~·i,. 1· I :~. Day of.Remem~rance )-• .. . . . •. U It llOW ~ IMl,..,. .... <lceral J91ll1 4. ~ 0.-""l\llr-... W ~ Grande~ U1• .. ~ ...... I ... *710tii t day for war dead and ilecoralb!r lherrl gta\I... • · 1 Th1I obeervance wu originally intended for tbo9. who had died In the oeN14!i qj U!e'Union Army dui< lllr the Civil,Wr.r, But ~~·U,. :Mro It h~ «1111• '9 .·~l!IAA ljl,... qo ~~·..,me sacrtllet \W llll• N'tl"" 'Jlf&lit U.... • ' . . Dlll1Uf· 'tlle put ts yeua the ranu of tlli f'Ul" silent army ba{.e increued vutly. New fields ot white C1'06Mll have ipruog up on the bet.chea ot Normandy, at Anlio and Q•-lcanl .lff Okinawa.. In North Africa and, more recentJy, la Xena . • It ian't eall)' to reu.mbtr tboae w~ have gone on without teellnr the pant• of srltf, lNt grlol ollould not be allowed trroMcure the ,,..:t pw'D09e for which they died. They laid down their lives that we might walk in freedom. Our duty LI not alon• to honor tMb 1nem.ory but to -.on ft>r tbe pr~jpalo of llbOrty and d-nc:ir whl<ltni~!-""111~ dey bo le\lolded lo a11·-. We mull llv• for fhe r!ght as OOW'll'fOUlly a.a tMy dted f01 it: "T.he Uses of Diffjculty" ·-... . ·•. ·. ( R~pftnted from The Tuln Trlbtule) 1 ~ 1tiiey WOil th&t an ovU old mao died and Im· tnediatoly ... ~ hiruelf In a •~did ~ion 1ur- • T9U~-li: ~h rarden1 and •pl•1htn1 founta.iu.. ThlliC~'blm . He ha<I no Wllliona lbout hla put life. Ila bad r.ilfy qpeeted to spend olorllity in a flam· tnr-ptt aurrounded by howlin( demon1. . Ur~ iii the be&~ rnaiwi00 1urpuitd all dreama. He bad but to think· of a Scotch hi1hb1.H and It appea~ in hl1 ht.nd. A. wlah for a pheasant dinner wu all that wu oeceuary to put lt on the tablt b&- (.PI'! ):lim. If he thought be _would lUce a rainy day rt.in" catn'e. U he wanted. 9'1U 'there ..,... IWl. Tbe •tire world aurrounding him wu obedtut to tu."'will. ~till there WAS 10methlng laaldng, though at flNt .. he couldn't i.11\atin• what it wu. 0.Dt ewnlq ln hil liixurioua 1tudy ho lhoucht ba woQJd like to play IOli. talre. He atretched out Jul band and in it apprl&l'td a · deck of golden card.I. He ahu!fled and dealt. It wu pfaln almoot before ho beJ111 turninr tho carda over that he had won. He ahuUJed and c;lealt and woo apJn. All ntrht lonr wtlh.rrowtnc tury he dealt oolitairo handa--&.11 winnut. The next aftemoon he nimembered he uHd to play croquet. He willed a g~t croquet COW'H on a • tiu.utlful l'->•Ward and eallad up 1 1pirit to play •""tb)lim. lJut !)O llOO•er dl4 ba llrike blo hall Uw1 It ~~ &n4 -holln~ throilgh' all the outbound wick- .Alo, otruck the oppoollo llako, houncad back tbroUCb all the other wteketa and cam• to re1t at home lt&ke. . Ho tried rolf, It wu ~ 4!'oUY auc-100 of holoo- , 111.ono. H• ,..., flohlnr. But every time h• dlppod hla hook a ~· floh obedlenuY owallowad It. He boclll W&Dde~~~y· abOJt hla eltate" 1 llltlealy 1mcik2 lnl $1 cliii't. Ho 1olt wetrht. Hlo eyea developad a wild~~!" fbok. 1111 ~l!lbqan to lihako. 0ut,}11Qfnlnr at l~nr lut In • ~ of th•ncjer 111d a cloud of brun.tono llllOU a 11audio ... man ap- po&Nl(H• hid . i r.d -~ ... a 1;ac1t board. and -::::st~~~·;a• ~~ 1:';·~, ttp of ~~~Jr-· ~c>ttlil'i.l,!lllf:;m. llWUIU"WU "i01iie llld ~.. • . > , , . ''I", 'llald Iha flrun, "am your JaJ>illord. LI tli"' anytb.lna you lack f" ... . ..;, "Y_.., tho ol~ man allouted. "flack tn>ulllo o"4 dlappolntment. } lack -tlon and looa. I lack dr.ma that are not fultilled a.Dd •anti that &r1 never ...... u.t ...... "~'', KM•med the Old man. "Give me diffi- ~ ftltY. ~. thia all away. I can't it.and it any lorlcer!" 'lllt flcuro In the tiixado ba.,.i hie poln!Ald tooth, olUlllS horribly. And be &hook hla bead- • ·, MIJ'b.at", he l&ld, "ia the Heil of it." ·- * * * nto la .. ~ for.our time•. Too much m .~rit yean we have 1pucht b.appi- as a ............... .N.U.. ....... ,, 7 ell All~ ~--......... o..e .. a....-er..• ........ &.a• • 0 Otts+ M• I fir • p· 9 ... ' ot1r " ef 11r .N..._. TISI W '•dstt11 " 0 7 ., OrMc't Oalll1llr ........... ,. .... ~· • a a _.. Jlall>Otcm. ~ WU3.t • W. A. Mou:&, &di.tor 1411.Do M. IU.THDT I A.d'nrtiaiDC Dlnetor ~ ..... A1Ul81'ftOKC\ ....... kal •llP'lrllltact.t ~ IOUC&1Pl'IOlf &U:Dt Netr,..-t. llAliMw N......,,, ... Trt•"'......, ta•O..... o..tiJ', ..... ,.,-,-.,: 1L11 U --.1 JIM tJ.rM -- 0.WM el Gnas-• O..tr 11.• -- Busine5s lnterd~pendent A.t ..._ w!IO undent&odf producUon pr<>ceUM Im°"" )l'9 only pt low, low pri* *"""" ol larp, l&lp qaanuu.a. ID&»Jlrocfucad. But u anyone •bcii ha.a· bouJbt automobile.a, TV ~ Nfripraton, -lnr macbln .. lmowa, th- thlop -to be m.talled and oemced or they .,. u.Jw Thia. ud & hod of other tbtnp, takee --In th• com•nc electJon11 we'll bear certain poU- tlclano atU:cli blr --with otock •i-J>... In 6lher of lhtir .toc:ll: 1peechu they'll att&ck-bi&'h prlcel UMl'tedly charred by little bulin• for aer- vlcem nttded to keep mua-produced product.a workln&. II'he truth ia, &U U. S. buaineae, big or little, le interdependent. One won't run wit.bout the other. "" .. l incerely. wtnttred ls. Bacon A dmlnllltrat.or • • • Very •lncerely your•. J.mea R. A.Al.ell '"''""!" ............ . , - 1¥ WU..-Li···~ U.W "-Ii.ft 01n 21$ 11 '21& PLAINFIELD. IND .. lll:.SSENGER: "l(omor]! lo often ahort-Uved, Mpeclally if priioeot coodltlona - a liWe unf&vorable. But a frimcl of UM M111aupr bM checked the tte0rdo and remincla ....... _ .. llY farmen, that ... the top price for hop -O•A WU $111.46 ... W)th hoc pricoo 'l.t $18 tboy &ft otJ!I M cent. per cwt. over t.be New Deal llm.lt price of Slll.46. Puhtpo It la well for all of .. to rafN&h Ollr memorv." • ' . l 'iirrJ n: ~1: .. ,~ i ·r lf1; 1 ;i 1 r I tf If • '~·--°'9 ~;t~z .• ,-. . • < :1· • . ;O"".: . •-a~ ·_.....:-[ Q 3 ... "8 .. -< :i. I. V\S~g ~ f ~.3 r , ~ ,..-. :r ~..., t. ;;. . ~·:r~~ I .• -... • • • "" ~ -< .. l;i -. i ~-~.§? r_·: .... . i. -· ... . -. ::>, ~ -, . ;:,·-a . 1• < liC ~ ~ I • j I d' 3~ :: ~ r. 8.. c. • I l1 o:i.. _, ... ~· ... • ~<>· ~ 0 ... &. -·::::I ~. ~--V\A i" -~ .... l <• <· -(.')• •!, . ·'" ~ !r 'if -§ iO c -1· • '° ·~ -... ::I •. -0 :r - g i li a ~ ... S' ~ 2 - ~ ~ ~ ,;; .. ' ' -I l I ' aw1i1cs & Alim. Specialties Hostino 's •Aluminum Awnings ...... ...r~-llaa~ 1'7 W. l 'rTll ST. UlllC&T!' ~1 C 1r~1retor Con11lt11t Ken Eubank's Mobil Service ~-..,.ana...._Tw., 1111 A vz.. "°a. 1Tm n . uaan win Cleaner .. Mercury Cl.oner• . .... W• De Ow On <Jllla .... .. ..... U.VD. UJl&&tT .. llU F .. 1e11g Chamberlain & Son ........... a.a.uu au &. lft"ll IT. IJ81•TT ~ Floor Contj1p Coosllin~ fl~~ Coverings • '8 M I ... i...,. ••«rrs Ml CliliU:W n . 1DlftT ...... ' 1 •.. ,.... . B1uc:e ~orl!!, ~~~ Agenf a• Jil&W!'Oll7 &YD. U MilN -SD. U .... • ... ...... , ... aALltOA lat.AND I bdrm. f\lrB. ...... from .Jul.7 lit to Aq. lat. Ll M OS4. Hell JAMES D. RAY . General Contrector I Builder -IWOICll•• ... ,_ c. SHEIM ALLIN •••NI Coat1•1er "'" .... ..--~ Gt EM&·,,.,._, OOGA ~ OOITA JdlA ~ 1fU .... A9- 0olila --. CIJlf. ?'!kil• LJbst7 •m1 HURRY ''T.V." SHOPPERS! , ..., • .. . ••• THI EASY ·: WAY AND SAYie • .. - ' • IONUl'ES ! ·NO SPWAL TOOLS NEEDED I -·. ' . -~ ' .- * . . • • ft ..... ., ...... ICfeenl ....... ..., ... , ... ~ ......... MMltyl _.., ALUMINUM MM.-fw lull ,,... .... , I , Ca 1pl1h: wfl'h eft NclwaNf . - Ill\'" tw •• PtallM.U _,...... .-'t -.-........... lovntl • ..,. __ .... ..._ ... 1 . . ' P~G -~O RUSTING! 11ot y-llM-.i.W ho-Kit NOW ot ' ' , ' I · Msll & -· • IUILDIMG MA.TUIAU l'Alllfl' • HARDWARE • MASON'S SUl'l'LIU • ·- • HERE ARE THE CllAllPION8 -Coach Wendell Pickena' Orange Coojf College bueball Pinteo poe- ltSa a !our year record which ill the envy of the National PaJtime. Finl row, from left, Lee Fiaber, Jim Coon. Rowland Hill, Don Leigh, Bob LoCicero, John FAtrada, Ch&rlet Rowland. Second row, Coach Pickena, Denny Fitzpatrick, Ted Coutta, l!2b Isy- kow'lki, Tony Lombardo, Gene Raine, Darwin Hart- shorne (manager). Third row : Jim Newklrli. vi~ Cougbtry, BW Wetzel, Jeddy Young, Stan Herpick, Bob Coopman, Jerry w.ayt. ;-Eugene Tyler Pb1oto ENSIGNS OPEN SPRING DRILLS Horace I: 1:1 1 I I' n School l.aunc"--1prtns pn.ctice In football &nd b a • k e t b a I I, •tatt.inr JWl• a, 11 hu been announced by Coach Norm llWIWolL FINAL PAIR Of BAffiES FOR ENSIGN belm ln a let.cu• conte1t TuM- day. May Sl the Bea.bet• travel to Alamltol In Garden 0~• &nd play their nna1 cam• ol th• ..-Jun• 4 at Weetmbl.te/. Swim Windup Apl.ut IA(UAI.. all J:nl.lp'1 run werti w&lked acrou by rt~al pttcl'leni althou(h th• JocaJ ~ bit tour a1n11ee. OOllectinJ the Next MondaJ winds up llM ol. bit. _.,.. s.cond 8&Mman Gu)' the N...-port Hart.ior Hl(h lkhoot C\lrtia. ft.l&:httlelder Hi.It.on Bell, pool lO< ........ In< bv m.Gllben catcher BUI TWUl and Pttcller ' N-ell 8Uckler. ot Harbor no,.• Club. For Utre. LOCAL LINEUPll Monday afternoon -1m .u.iON Private Police , • MERCHANT PATROL and lriARBOR BO~T PATROL CALI. SICUllTY COMMBCIAL PATROL Kl 2-7077 ""TM pracUce aewibnt will be Mid &o IUmU1-le inter• ut tn the 1poru for nut tau," auuwan nplalned. Wbees Sllffwr S.lllack Senion In Recellt G- lt looked like the Horece J:n· 1lp bonehldere wer• on their way to vtctory at Anab•lm w"tlen u.ey unltMhtd a anen·Nn nnt lnnlna dNptte collectblr 1tut two brl~lm OW'lnf lM bafTlC9 af tall!•. RlfhUielder Hilt.on Bell and Second Backer Jack Stoneb&ck .tnsled tor the Sn- Uneup with at bl.ts and hit.I prior to today. AthleUc Dir.ctor tor lh• l..&(una pme; a a r y Rod MacM.lllian reported boys CUrt.1.1 2b 4·t : Hilton. BtJJ rr 11umbered 111, tao ud 111. '-1: BUI Twllt c 4•1: Bob UJ.. I ~-""""'""'"""".:.----~~~~~~~~~~:= jUW&ll lf 4-0: John HUfhM •lj M: Tom MMliehhL Ut 4-0: lf•- ell 8Uckler p 4-1; Bill '1'ruehl- lnl' Sb ..O; Jbil-Jluts.r d 0-0. Th• frW-ln llMI (rid and up ..SOrt. WW oonUnue f~ °" f1oal nro w.eu ot. ....... -TEA.a LOOSE 'Bu.t UM pow•rl'ul opponent. Jl"Gr the All&hetm r.!'t. tM H ora« Emlp'• Weab9: nln tori Jooee t.ber..ttn t.o dom· llneup conat.ted 0( • BeU 'rf; hM two mor\. pmu leh. Ofl ltfl ll!U.. U.. blltUe. wtl1oh quldlly Stoneback 2b: 'l'Wl.a er; Uija- 09nl'e OQUnty ~.mtarY C>M-e.lded. a.lid P\t.ch· wall tr; Husbu •; karldt.am 8cbool U..p• diamCUld Khedule l"I' .Jn. Mayfl•ld buhed out lb; Rich Wat.on c ; rm.ht.Ina art« dropplnl' a pracUol pm• 'th oalJ otb.•r Enillp ~It In the 3b; Stickler p; Maytteld p. and loop l'O ln recent cn1Un.p. ouUnc. TM k>c&l la4-dl'Ol'ped a 1-S It wu termlnated arter "" tray at Laruna B...:h lut w-li: lnnlrlp on M:CCM.1J1t ot th• KOn and wen dnabbed u...e at Ana-wu ,.ttblr too )opeded.. ~Lose Go ORANGE, IOCNS I -oranr··· Uonettm droppeO their ~ "'941 •• ,, •• ILICTRICALLY ..-. -·----. LIT US HEL.Pr Y.QU.;e ITlBORD 6. ION • . Eloctrlco1 CoatnetA>n • 110 -.·.... LlbortJ MM& LAST FAST Ana•eim Gets CIF ·Axe from Helix Sq1ad MEMORIAL DAY SPEEDBOAT REGA TT A AT LONG BEACH ltn.lsht Pacilio Cout .Womc'•ll,======================~ Bottb&ll Lei'&'u• Pl:M WedJJ_ 1 · 8A.N omoo. (0CN8) -TM Anaheim COlont.u, eo • champ-. ot the Suneet bueball leape. ~nd up the.tr ':Ml .euon TuN- day n.lsbt u UM Bvene. Park LYM lhutout UMI world Cham· pLona. s.o. P1tc11.1nr tcx-o..u.r. WU Vu-,tnla R&nMlmb, "bo wu nipped for two nine In th• opmlnl' tram•. dey aner belns defeated, 1-1. LONG BEACH, -Wbe.t ~ lt lhe bo&d.I tof'et.ber, dope- by a powerfut Jielbl Hlsh t-.m a.a lh• rousnnt .-peedboat Npt• bucketeert favor U'9 "Suicide ta yet wttn•aed on tJw narrow, bo9.l" MiKmMt•r. wllich Howard ~ In openlnr round ot ' the CII' Uda1 wl..lets of w..rtne Bt&dhlm. JobanMn of i.o. Anpkl, ii •· pla yott'L wtli brtns a record al'f'9.y of · In· pecttd to enter In th• daM. ..a; ~ Coach Hohn Wa.llln reprded board n.ceni to 1cUon betart! an with O«irs• M#tuccl of Oakland tftlr: • th• bis Hell.Jt dub u one of the expected 111.000 fan1 he.re, Wed· at the wheel . moet-powa'ful tom1 ever lo nelKl&y afternoon. · There ue a t leuti O\.lr irtrons SOUTH OOA91' 00. reprewnt the baa-minded Met-A field or H pilot. Md t.odey ~ai.. ...,inn Mi..mut.er; Bob ; Urd 6 Newport Bl\l'd, ropolitl.n Leacue. Htllx WI.I the ldptd to C'Ompete In the Jlth WlllU' 11-ftoul'hneck ll and l ~~:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;~j winner or their leapt. All • wNtern Memorial De.y Ted Evu'• eui~LeN. both of Ii Th• Colonl.N round moat or 8weeplllakff. It wu announced their trvubl• aplnat He.llx ca.ma by Chalrm.1.n Don Tho111Pf'D'l or Long Beach; Harold Coelho'• wttl!. one or two away, The hard· lh• 1ponaorlnc Bt.lmont Shore ·national hiSh point champion, hltUnl' .,ct.or1 ti.ad two bis lM• Llon1 Club. CherokM, or M~ and Kenny lnrf, racklns up thT'ee run• In Th• ennad• of roo.ter -tau Gilbert'• The Wltcb. Alba.mbra.. BE SUR~ -INSURE -H.&VU<ll: 9rANLn • ......,,,. o.ly .............. ,. llU IC.Oout -0.,_ 611 KU . Ille third and three In the ell(hth mentac• enllat!I WYm defen.dlns lnntns. UW.la.. The total field, Thomp- Anabelm tcored one run ln aoo a&ld. wtU 1nctucse lS 411Ytn th• ttr•t in.Dins. another In th• who hold tl'!"r D~UonaJ cham- fourth and a flna1 tun ln the plonah.l~ or world compelltklb t1lnth. and atftlPt&way 1J1i9ec1 record& In oir.t cl&M, 'the d)-n&mlc ~ louthpaw Bob Schols WU oa cubic !n(b hydroplane neet. cont· tM mound for Anaheim. , ------------!petition wtll be wide Op& unong nine probe.bl• eatriee. ' IElllkJ• Wortlt Here En.Ip .Richard Carleto n Worth, Ul!NR, eOll of Mr. and MrL Clan!!nCe Worth, 701 Potn- MlU& A't't., hu bftn vtalllnl' bJla parmt. Uoce bl.t arrival aboard ~ ,U88 Hllllbo""""" County MQ 17 <at Lons a.ca Harbor. Whilit h'8 ahlp reftta tor en Arctic cruiM due \r' tilirt'e weela h• la Mtin.S ~ fr1-nda here and 1f•th• LOii Anl(ela N'U. • ...._, -,. A )(Ml' qo lh-laG-ntll•·per- ltour atrut riders were ~ by Ktatry SL Oess•r 1.1:1 Ruthi..._ On J.tarch 4. how•ftr, the La Creactnla ace. wq Hrlou1ly hurt In a wrecl, whll• trying fM th• unllmlted mile mark with Henry J. Kai.tr'a Hawall Kai, In Hon· olulu. SL e>erstt. on cnftche., WlD watcf\ tile e.a-rootiir breth"n 10 atlet 'lh• liwlermded .. CTOWn/W~J. ;,. • T: Action will it.rt Wllil 4 :4.& p .... m.. at noon, laat A 11-TAIUT l'OI ARTHRITIS .-lltlrtg c. .... _ .. _,, ... ..., ALFALFA po•~lhd ••tr.et of t~ -·-~ •lt.mhl and -.al ~ ALPALP'A p1aat pl• r .... -~ paia Nlinimc apnt. ... d.cti ...... 6-7 relW ~-\he -epnidq pe.lm cl iathritill, rt.am.ti9a, --tU.. aai ' -.raJcia. ALPHA TABLB'T8 .,.. 90ld on a mor.y ti.elf panntee. ,.,. ..... '1 ... --~ti.ff -.. , ......... " :~·~-DRU& ~2 ' w. Coott ' Hwy Ul.erty '-I 151 ' cotlVINllNT -- II~ , S•nt. AMI, c.lf.. I . I NAMl .......................................... . ADORISS ············~·········'"°'"'···········I -----·-------........ J ' ' t . . • Cool Chudd11CJ, Fine · ·Flelcllnt Carry Sailors to 3-2 Victory lagal1llos 1o~ji., Slltii for l011I Yoithl Dis li•Mer Announcdlet ot tile openlnl DltectG!N of the ~ ~ Of tM Va~ Bo,. Camp w~ Mon and IU~ ner- ' ln Ute laata A.aa--ru.tJ.n-New·. lot. llon. a sradU&te of 1180 pert S.Cb an& tor bo)'a trom aftd formerly wtt.b lb• ~· a man on e«ond and but on• a to H yw. of ac• wu Ind Ha..y Aca4tm)' ta C&rl.tbed. &way In lop ·Of the atnth, Ta· tJm wetk. • ,,tirt teMton opene 0&111., ta C'lllftnU7 a pb,.. inura latcb9d onto a .ltM drive June 18. ~ JI.ID• 2t wtlb actucaUoa lnltNctor at IAthrop and .iut tnto MeOad bue a.bead me ot!ICT" ... 1ona dwin&' lbe J""°lor Rllb ln auta Ana. Tber- ~ th• bue runner to cornpl•~ IWIDDft', • lot ta a ~ of Ocd4ental 1 , a pm• endtnr ~bl• pl•f· Bupervi.Md a n d direct.cl bJ OoD•re. ,,... torm.rt1 wtt!l au Cot.ch EIDU Neeme'1 Newport Harbor High School Lineup ~llb at Mt..' f'llNI and tnln .. eoufl-. boy1 wW 1 .. m Marl.no Clt7 echoelt and ,..._.. l\lte f~r t.lie Tan: ltob Whit• ., tu rid., IWlm and play bUdo-U. dieparttnen\, and le *-ell· S&llora, champe of the SUDMt. ~e, tangle with the 4-0-0: BU4 'I'bolb\*>D lb 441: ball. teahl9, · badmbltoe. vo!Je)'-r.ctor ot pat)'9lc&I ed\lcatile at FEATURING lawll11t1-Spaldhtg -McGNCJor -....i~ H ... ·famous "PF" HITops H1...,._Aft.,...._1.taM-.,._H'1 ..... :Mat11-...,_M,... SOUTH COAST COMPANY N ewpon Blvd. at !Std St. BarbOI' 2600 Burbank Bulldop tomorrow in qu&rterftnali-of the CIF ClrWl p t-1·2: Warlaumollt ct i.u, 1111.1' n Md foatllell tatlnp. • . bueball playoff•. 4·1J; Lo~•• t • • n u ._1.1; ---------------------~------:--;_...;;__;._~:;::::;:;::::::::::=======..:~--------- Gutt7 chit.ch Pla.7 by th• Tan to t.b1rd bue la tba fltlb cut o.or.,. X.-. W a.+1; Cari pve tb«n a com~-behind oU wt.at oau1d baYe been t.be ..,...._ • ._.,: Tam1.1ra a 3--2 trhm.\pb Oftr Pol.nl Loma at tytn1 run for the J>olnt.en. With ~; Bob Allft Sb a-o-o. HunUqtoft Beach Hllh SchOOI • - d iamond l'rtd'1 wb'Ue the root· ---------------------~~~:pa~:· :,::!1oc~~ DON iEDllGTON ZND IN IAU ~ch Jordan lo wln 4.3 • "~°:'ut°:?'j!r.::r~~ :~~~ SWIM MEET AT EL SEGUNDO the chiP8 wen down aplntt the Polntef'9 J"rld&y. ~JClnf 1em1 by c.t\~tlder Larry Warlau· monl and Second S&cktr One Tamura auurtd th• Sailor t.rl· umpb. • Pol.nl Loma nabbed a 2·0 ltad with lfn•le~ ID the MCOnd an<l Udrd. n. Tan cam• back to tie It up ID the fOUrt.b and win It ln the tlt'Ut. Warlaumont led oft lh• foUTlb wtUa a tiaflt, rol- luwed by lAftft~lder Paul Lor· enta:en'I bale lmocll. Both ICOT· ed WJth Oil• down tn th• fifth. Gf'Mlft ~ m01'ed to thll'41 :>n Wulawnont'1 atn1l1 and All-American prep Don ~sion recently enteNCI hM first AAU swim meet and placed leC· ond ln the 220 yard freeatyle. The Newport Harbor liigb School 1plUh ace took part in the El Squodo Senior Men'1 SPA.A.AU swimmbag champt~ May 18. , Wmner of the event wu Bruce Hutchinaon of the U. S. Army who eta~ in aqua event.I at MJchip.n' University. Mn. Johnnie Belabe, coach of the BunUng· to11 Beach Swim Oub, expre:ued hope Redln(ton would nrfm with the club th1a summer. ecored on a 1lelda'1 ~. _____ ,... _____________ _ WarlauriMIDl'• eentaUon&l tou NEW SHILL EOlt IUCS $hidelit Cucll Votes A new bowln captund Ult Approlrj• . atlOn for" ere-w weekly .A.~trall&n Stnstee tourn. unenl at the Mu.nldp&l !Awn ' I • Bowlins IJ'Mfta TUuday. ftJdin&' • ' " 1111 ti.stnn•r'a l\ldt, N. J:. ~ylor ay nED 11.&&WT tbeU., but lb.. ah.U. ..... nabbed firtt place In a pl& Tb• student Council of ~ ~ from tJCLA. aad ,..... after &ild1ocldnr with Col1JI anae OoUt Oollep lut ,... not of U.. be.t quality. In fut. Brown. Both rollen ortrtnall1 ~1 vot.s .a.a appt"Opri&-Utey • ., pnftty .crowia bad 16 potnta. tlon of ~ towal'de the pu,... The cnw l-.m 1talf ~rked Third pl.ce '""t to John (A. chaM of an •lfht maa ahell for O'Vf!r lbe aMlJa and broUCht them mu WIUa 14 potnlt. Sci llq,..t th• cuw team ot OOC •• U p,.... up lo tM CMdJUOn In which ttn1ahed tOl.lrth wllb 1J polnt9. et. the crew t.am bu It.I own they .,.. now, wt tb• ortamaJ.1 Orup Coaty't N..._ llmbl SeuaUOa I t t I TBS .,'WES YAU•HAN TRIO''-- wen 8C> old u4 dlla~ tut llO amo\lllt ol worts cou14 lllill.s Ulem up to pl'Of.-o.al• lltaa- d&rda. .Al lbe ,.._t um .. C)r- anp Ooa.et la ·Olia ml7 Junior collep llllOWll to baye crew u one of It'• ...-oen•Nd tipQl't ac· U'ritlea. A ftll&bi. for prtvate .,.,U.. dMcee and Club a.cuvtu-. ll:aceneot &ullc and •'*- Wua .. i. for lb• ••Offl' • Uatrt:T• fl"O'ip. The NCOrd of lh• team i. out· •t&Dcttiw. ~ u..· ...u &mouot ot llUpport tt .... .... tttfed ma u.. ~ ..... . WatklL 1'llllit ..... ... to t10-' • 'Ul&PBOlft uu•n .,.,, <DAH> llA&llOa MM (Sn:&.) ·-------~ ---- LA by 4/1 ... of a ~ TM t.-m ~ ~7 biiUfte tll*y could .... walked &W'a7 • wtlb tNl ,.... ti tM)' ba4 .... In their own eb.U. bn4 not a LATEST HAIR STYLING borrowed one. · Tb• hl•h ecllool la now atart· lnl a crew team and that meana lba.t ooc wtll b& retunr eome- wbat ...-Id m-. and tbal _.. belt. t-.ma. and poe.- 81~ • It.at. ~ponahtp In tM. tutun. .(t ,.....t., th• Rotary Q\ab ol Laiuna Beach la tJ)OUOl'1q a drt .. for tunda for UM 000 cnw tam. Thia al!ow11 t.b&t tbe "~Jc hu ..,trlt and 11 behind ...,. teun. Aft.er all. ...... tll• ··~~;;;;:;;;;;~~;;;;~;;;~~~a;!;;;;~~~~CI ~ to '-1a l"-epowpc. t.IM ; • community would be~ I u weD u the coll• .. Qalte & wtrUe .... Kay Lan.-. alMtm llt.ated tNt th• c.b&mbu ol ~ would Jmd .om• aupport tf Ule acb9ol a.dalD.a.tra· Uoa were to abow 90Cn• ....i ot ~ f• the lam. ,... ~ Uoll now ariMa: Tbe ltucknl -.ctJ bU •tarted the '911 roU· 1111: Ju.It 11iow tar wtn tM soOd cttheiu et the • .._ k.-p lt roUtna? Semon ' • Clyde I ~lck Johnson say: , '' I 1 2 3 • • , We're out to mafce this ' th• best sales period • in our history. Fill In this ticket. Iring .it to our. showrooip. We'll ~ .,., backw~d. ... c ' • ~ to 91ve you the C:licil _you want.· • . . • • I would lace to pay $ per month I would like $ for my pres.nt. car 'tW .. ;Mi MOO& I am int.rested in a MERCURY_.,.,.....,..~~--~~-­......._,~..,. c.;;;;: ........ • . ' .. .. .... • -· I NEWPORT llABBOB NEWS-P•ll8S UCiAli NOnGI 1,.;, M•lllr• W1•11clay a11~ ,,.., llDe .. pe4-Mo _.. t• 1•• G.UCN I. • ., A.NT a. .. u.o·· ... et Beauty Bar. ,..,. . - Call Your Relax-A-Clzor 14r. <114 l4rl. ~v• l\obbi1111 -....,.. ia t11o1r .-eoro.. 4a1 11ar ._ tU "",.:""'6.,n:.:.:':':,::'. , ~~ ~O~?Q -w...aap JuniQr Sboe ffouae, Mil 1' Coqt Blvd,, the Harbor tret'• ~l~ive chUdrea'J b7 ~rtit)' th4t UMY .,. ~ ~LQllU (Qt .. 1 ... 1q or can.mar ...... ·- NEW .. CMILDREN'S SHOE 'STORE OPENS ----• = ctU~ a l'ft.tl -~ r---·· · 1boe 1tore. The modern •hop Q~ for bt&lineaa 'heldq Pd al?e&4y h" ..... ' \Ultn_, at '°' MJla I~ rw .._.., ~"'11 • -J'ltdly 1 p.rn. weU reoeiw4. Jlted Piper It.on are featured. The Robbinl live at 308 Fern-BM~ ~ttorm., ~tr Utt rt•-l'N •edMM&.Y .. tiu~iw-Tueeday 1 p.m. COLD WAYI " ' COMPLETE leaf /t.Ve. TM1 formerly 1'111 the Junlor Shoe Houae tn Anaheim. -Staff Photo U"M firm namt of '"9 '4t J'ef......., tutlUC.UOll-. 11l""4&>' 1 p.m. • ......... --------------------~--------omrMTMJMr mu flld "'-' l!fQrG&'! llA-.oa n•u•m~o co. BOYD'S HD'~"". • 1110 tti. &I c:omP91tC$ cit Utt IOI· llU ..... ._ --x-...._..._ n G' ta .M to $10 M Pl . s t T I ht At \ht •am• Um• the coa• low"'f ~· w~ MP\tl la -....... -..-· -canr • ...._ 2'30 w. OOABT RJGBW4Y .., • esl Inners e On a ml.Ulon .-ad a 1119Uon to .,_ f\lll and pia.c .. of ...a•~ "" Libert.)' ...... ...,t. 9ch. 2Stl~ Half MU Dam • 6 • it ~ \M '•Mn""°1"•nt of tw u followl. \t-wl\i AJJ Ola"'W AM-''-,.W t.f &Ila Ill~~ et~.._ c~ nK:ra ~~-: . .: B i B lklibg Pl . . !1~ pro\'tded Ult lartance ... ROOD w. llAJQf.\J'OIU) "' ~ .. yU) QOt be respo!Ull~le for ~ lkl\ QM incmrto. t c A R l' E N T ~ R naa Church It. P'1nt ·~ .... on lpt St U el •llu. ca alAlo M tLnally apprw. 4M ~ Pftft. C-. ... ~ Of .. Id. ,......., ~ 1112\\ \0 CMTtCU, clUllt7 qd • -GI el N.....,. 81¥4. ~.ID -;,.. ,_ , "'° ._.. ... Mir. OIKf. • • -a.-~ • P4'9~&"J14 PO'~' to Nte. w ~ Rep&U' Work '" aoUs. c.ta Ji--. 1-1 ..... • .. ..._ ., ttto ,,~ .,. JLUOLD w. ILU'fN6rVNI DoN rew ~ ,._, ~• " .l. ,u-Ue tieartn1 wu '" W lil\ OlaUNlt t• MUt.ruet a aew Mtu t.o utabllah the cJw.rch ~ 11' a .Jlali.a mM., JlelMe.. or ft.emodeilaCT th• Coet& Mua PlannJnr Com· church Wslld1J\r cm the north· an R-1 1lnrle family ruidentlal Calif. Spedal Notleea 11-B~C le!?!e Call l'tu.k. Ubert7 1-aM i2-"°'$ aod ~ mllllion May H for I p. m. west comu of .B&ker Ave and llC>ne. Wltnt.11 our ban<S. thi.l .17tb da)' All W•ll QauulteM Htf4 ---------~)" on a variance applica· Falrvtew Roed n-.r ~ ~.. The lite wu or1'1nally •trick· of Kay, 19:11 y Newport Harbor C!1MZN'r A BtnLt>INQ t.O•T w,_llt J"lr'N 1" lt~\J tf _u=GD:::Of=tll=t==Ha=rt>oT==Trtn.l:;;;:ty=Ba=~=cr=a=t=B=om=;;etm;:IU=~==o=n.=:::; en ~ the Halecrut subdM-~~~~LDWW ~~ B. P.O. E. All ~ P&inttDJ 6 Par=l1Df U4o Jalt C1ub2'9\IM. QWAl\D • lion'• p'tft plan ~uae It would • 11•7 l'ftD l!:!TD(A'l'ES We do n ... wor o··-·'---lbJ'. OlT. l~H hfw held up aproval ot t.be STATZ or CALIJ'OJ\NU ) v 1 .n....-.. ~lQI .....,. i,u..:11Yy-l'\dtdlvta:lon. COUNTY OF ORA.Nam )a MMt.I..,.., Tllunday. p.a. __ .. ,...... M = ~ 'nt-new1 came at eomewhat OF THIS 17t.b day of Kay, Via Oporto -OUtral An. 'Ut • Uuund. H l«"laHla. luk&-U. SOUTH LOHST C 0 n 5 T R U CT I D 11 C 0. REllDEl'JTIAL -INDUSTRfAL. COMtJ~ltCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OJt Sll4IJ. !SO IOth St.. Ne.,.~ ...... BMo.r tw .. . . ot • l\lfPrUI lo church otflcl&ll A. D. leM, ~tve me. Ro~ r . ~nrpqr1 e.cb 11!!.ENEB A I .... '!~ ~r... . LE···RN. 5° p" • 4 N° ·,·s· u Tl who ba'cl purchue<J ~ •te tor W~ a »fNn' f1QUt &I tnd ~tell J'4~ ~led Ruler 'IP IV'~ _ _... ...... _... , ,... ,.._ f"I a church and 1>111ev'4 ii wu '" "'• _. Qwnty ._, -.w. CARPENTErf Jt!PAIR U S-268T 6 LI 8-!5 •~ ~v,,....u°" '--.P' • 1tnt earmarked u 1Ucll. reeidln&' thett1n. duly conunil-&-trmlenl ~ ODD JOBI -\ llt!c your hOmt or otnc.. '1 .,. The two alley• run back of atoned e.nd ewom, per80n&lly ap-• No job too ll'TlaU. ._.\ at refer-= • -poll\tnitnt', ln41~ Of the propoeed church 1lt1. Al· peared ROl'r W. Hannaford and MOTTELL'S enc--. LI &.077• fc22 FURNITURE JmaP ~pa. Maay 1'M'I Uiourh the COtpmlu lon tent.a-Harold W. Hannaford know to eapertQce. tWely approved their aband<>a• Mt \e M tile pu~ •• ANO PEEK COMJILlil'l'E • AlN'l"ING Pi.ttlaotlve!y dcaiped No ltudle1, pronorr-pll" • Mfl't. roucher aleddLn1 ln prom· ~.. ut wmcrtWd i. tM CQlonial Mortuary J .. d,, r .. red or ref\4lt0ed ~"'-l\tttrti'CQ. l'tr ._ .. .... In city coun,11 who recent-wl ... n ~.t. Md, ac...... le Pa~r Hanfing Service c cveRcTT SMITH form.\'°1' con\&Ct J .•. ~ lJ 1'1• looked with askance on edftd to ~ t1'll t.MY atlllt4' T., JSalle JU1t South ot Wut-JUUGENE o. UUNDJ:RS • • Ii MOM atternGODf er 1~ "'1 •"1'eet abandonmente. U.t ~ I !f W l T J1f I a I ll1Wtr Memorial Park. 600 II.I\ ltreet. Hewwt llt&llb U3 • Zit.ta a~ .. ~ewpert Beach Wlll\am rtnn qo\.el. ip tr, -W1CZRllOr. I 111ve ti~te _. ~e County lut.ltutJon Barbo, 397t "' Har. uaa 4-r• or •v~ tact~ lt.ll I t., Lot AnrelN IT ld1 ThlJ T k M mJ band tnd ~ •Y Clftlciai fam111el ot all f&ltha , w ...,. a es otor ..., lb• l&Y uct -,.r l\ uu. boa.e <ToU n.e> o.mrn.u. 1UILZ>n A '" ~11 motor WU t&k• o.tJ,ncat.e tin' atiwe wr1tt11J. l'ZnJth 6211 Generel Contr1c;tor -....al ........... trom • 1"fk beqch In th• \.ID• /I/ ROBERT r. wn.uoca lfo one ner turned away t>.c&UH u~•a> , g~ert Remodeling ' locked ........ of Btll Bouck. My Commtaton l:xplreti Novem-of lack of tunda. N w o-...A~h... 9 oy • M1lnttn1nc• 1029 ~n lllvd., ahortly after ber 17, 1961 ew ork -·~ A 41\orl.I 6 ntw ~~Uon ~ • I• P· m. k NrPY. accordlnr to No. 708 tou ret ruult.1 quicker, cheaper J, MILTON M~Zll!i Euy terma can be UT&Jl(ed a police ,.,.,\. N~ 1/21. llAI'-u. .... ~ ,, ..... Preee waat adl. Harbor 6399-W ~tfc Bar. ..... "" Complete ftrofeutonel Hoij1tGl•enin9 -·; Wi WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW I I GREATER ·11111111'5 • RfMEMllR ... SA YINGI ,...iwd tty the 10th of the "'onth.,. EA1N ·fROM tht 1st. " • ;11 ANNUM CURRENT URNINGS - • Floor wuinc and buftlar WtDdow Qet11uJ Upholatery Cle&Dln1 ratJQI Color wuect Luttroul~ R6ASON~8LI · ,.hone Liberty 1 .. I 132 * GARDENING '( Raultq -ud ... ,.. l\C.\IOKA&I LIMl'tJ e.lUI. ~ • &ARDl!NING and CL~N.UP JOBS WANTED LIBDTY l.611t: Utt• IBLDDLY a... .. .., .-nt.e complete cut ., elU.l.dlr& a._ ~ .,.., 41\U11\1 awame• rnQ9tttlf, IOmbtrty 1-.. u . Hoit WASHIN9 "1 ~ IRONIN<7 . I . . By piece Of Q llftr, ""' ... ~~ ~· ·~\A·=. "~ •ttt . -SVUJbod1 ...... a.ad ...... Newa·Pr-•"lt ada. iiaat'• wby they ,. • ._ ~ele fllll!&ltL • • .. Tl RES ., • • • -___ * ...... !!!:::!! ··;11 J. K . MILLER 00. IOll W. Ba.Ibo& Blvd.. NEWPORT BUCH (DUI' tb9 N...-port pier} Hat. •otl llclT SllMX) Down • I ' • • • J.-==!::!!!C!!!T!!!'!!!'!!...---.!"!:'C!!!!.'!li:!!l!!!"!!.., __ :._I !!•!::::!!!!. ., t 'A' ·'!:;-:..,.,_,..:,_!.~'!!!!llLJC!!!J"!!'~·-:-_:·=~!:::!!!!. ~~--IN!WPOi'f~t-~AATft,PAef.E- ' g..,, I , MONDAY, MAY tt, 1"6 :: : . .. Drtwie "7 Iii ...... ..at • ,... ..... WP ... I ••• · a ._ 1 r-uutS.L.--,-~CO~RONA~~-D;EL~M~>;Jl=·-..~U~DO~ISl~EIMi~··-;:CO:-::S1'.~A:M:q~$4~.:__~IAl.IO~,=.,.~A~l;;SLAN~~Dd•!::!•!!!!..!' •!!l!!!to~· __:_ . -:; _...,,,...... ~ ....... ta. i' • ...__.. ....... , ... L-1 Ol!llT8. l'll4-.TwT llAY'J'lmT ...._,,,,.__ ..... ,_ IM 1 .... ..... --· -t.Jle.7 Vlelr, 30' f,_ ou4J-. _, .... • .. -,.. -IT a lJ -..... oa -0 Ill -11 -· v..., DOCTOR. LA WY~. , . · N-Hartior Yocht Qvb. I-bdrm. ,..; tar -.ro11•i•at.r ,_ t -"" '' '..,. .-,... ... _ -I -" --· .. _ .. ,...., , ,..... -~= ""..=a• ....-..,·,, -r... ._'-°"""°"' .., lll10I tt. w. =---iii -_.._ 7CMUM1t; plaa 2 ._ Wllto to llolp po.y f0< IL " ..... ----~ ..--. J.. ..,,,,.._._n y ·at .9TWI .a.1111 e:MIU'W\ ,,, •• 1111 -..,... ......... ,W/W ....., ...... _ ....... , .......... ~-·--~.,--.........,.."-'W #¥1l.1• A6' ... _,,._ .. • .,..,. ................ ~ )fc.. ...... IRS .... ~ - 0a4' 58,000 don! ==-·--.• ~ ~ -_ .. ,_ -.~ •I tum -oatr ,_ , · MERCHANTS, CHIEFS THJll IS IUl;p HOT! . (Our aclualve, bvt ""'rtay to Hartior AIM Brokera) ;;:; lint-.,;.~ -...,. "' 1• ''11 OC&AN FRONT. 2.-TWO DUPt.JGXml!. (4Ullltal ~ID ::::.:::."::-':. NEWl'ORTl!!"CH --........ l!ft .. Balboa'• boot rental opot. Older, btlt completol7 """'"'" • ,C. Tt,~ u.. ,__ --1a ~;' 1111-= u you ....... l""'P"'t1 '1IDoa ,..... -'t ~lo ~ -. tlJJI S lodnn., I llolh tlt>O lit.Ii homo. ~, W1"ted ... prload •• •t ealJ $21.000. Runy "" w.. v.-a1. c.u for •ppt. to -today. mldmllMll IDd rebuilt. n.. lllllw '" ~ :=""..;'., ~a.a;..; • "'!!"' .... ..,,... • NEWPoRT HEIGHTS • 1o • ... • ..... ""u ~ """wl!l Jt~ yvq .,, actllmt tiiooi:. with M ...... •<• IAl1 , ,.. -• ,. ... .....,..... :J'":""',.k ...... ,...!:: ttlt "'!'"""'· a<heduled V--ff.~ old. -ol ---lllw:C..llnK ... low· a...,_ --I <I'' ...... 0\ -· ._.n --• -A&A • I lMlrl4 er uau.a bot.II. ._ .. tW. __... ·~ pr1ee =:r •-·-wtth 10.000 dOft · ,_ 11oa1 -1a ,,... tM-GMlllO .. ,. ..vo INDUSTRIAL RUSTIC RAl"CH· 8. -RETIRE ON FIVE THOUSJ..Nt) DOLLARS · -· '°"~ ........ !lo<• ,_ •-"" -~ IW e -llOI Mol N,OOo A YEAR! with thla 7-untto in Balbo&. '""""" OCEAN FRONT LOTS .. ·-u•i' v~ ...... -· ·-· -,... ... -f-IO .... -,., Oo!lltr i..u.a lltlt.. r ..... tG ..U ti .... Co11to 1(-'i moot excluat .. aeeU.. A A0.000 nolfhborhood. Wol"lo can't d ... rillt Ulla 19vtlY 3 l>clni>. % both homo. cau fOf oppt. on tlllo ..... --. • to -., _. ......_ ac-"-' ..,_ -1-1 tcrt111 -~-o o,nd s t1oub1... ic.qw.!tely ...... 1ec1 ... .,_ .. ,.._eoo. -,. -...._ """"'· ..._ .. "'"" _ -... _, ... au ... ~ (w~uiw never wn ...... bl•• 1ikl tt) ... I • ....,. o.ti...U.. Al a .. fWPOA • Buntiq:-,---v• -. &u:y ""1N. d•t&Ua. M.000 iiandl• It. Ttnn1. toa BeKb &NL near to ·bay Ir beach le everything. Ready to ao, ond DW>7 ,...,.,,.Uou alnH7 IPldl 110 with It. A &<>Id 1111Jie r ... ••>nit luck)' i..,er ot f29,llOO, Low u f1MO down. or will trade down. WHY WAIT! THI! 18 Ill'! S-eve·n Islands Realty & Investment Co. IOl ·Und st., N_.t llMdo-Harbor 11181-otter 1:00 p.m. lhnor\MT Priced low at pi,ooo TOP of the BACK BAY . n1.eao a bdnu. 11"'1~ Alla Ho!Pto l!dwd. floot1, dl>I•. lll'U•·' !Mo ~ a YJO, old. W/W -~ l0vtly po.!Jo. 'np top oonditloll ., uoellent fJn1nctq, C. -BAY FRONT: PIER" FLOAT, with opt. to rlnt, too. Beautifully modernised. with .udlbr dooro-tuU wtclth of u.uor ....,.., wltll "'""°"" view of tho ,,.Y. O...., lfollN Sot. • Sunday-s.. thll ot 1100 E , Balboa l!lvd., Balboa. SEE THiSi v ~L\J~s p ad' -f f' Ex I . ".,. -· • --• ar e o rne c usrve Homes' 7n. .... Pt1et ...... tt "'°' . . HOME BUYERS GUIDE ··c·· ED JONES ll!:ALTOlt 1999 Harbor, Cost.a Meu I BUY NOW " HARVEST THJi HIGH SUMMER J\l!lNT& JUST . AllJ!:Al) ! ·fisher & Company 2eOa Npt Blvd., Npt Beoeh. Hu. «29 Eve LJ 8-3217 BALBOA ' bdrm. turn. ·oldor b-. larp Jlvlnc room with flrepllce. Unit htll. cublp dllpo.al, 2 ear prap. Ocean view, e'-IQ the boy, $21,llOO tanna. FIRST TlllE O~. 1!1<;<11110 llDll Z b<lrm. tum. hollM with l&l'Je bedroom 1..-.1 apt. Excellent rental area.. 1 blk. to bay. $21,:w>O termll. J'URNl8HED DUPLEX all on one floor. Good ""IDlllll' ,...w.. 1 blook to l>oy. 1u.~ wltll low d,,.q f11111"'1. COSTA MESA Cozy 2 Mrm.. and lanai. Ranch helh eompletaly tun. I tlf ronge. !ltt la h•-ot flowtn. .....,., 111Nbo. Fruit t?'ON galore. Corral tor bo~. All fenced. H • 305. feooo •own. OOloPQlllC!J..I.. "°"'"' llll\ii • U10 ft. Nur ~ bor Blvd. Pretent llqprovesntat.a abould carry till property devalopod. 8Qt bu7 "" W. 19tb SL COAST PROPERTIES ltU'l'H JAYRZD, Jlooltor MUdNll IUIP olld lyMa Tllo-. ~MOCia'­ I01 z. Balboa Blvd .. lklboa Roi. -•• 4800 $760 On. -Coate Me11 -S760 On. NilW I BDl\M. 3 i>.TH Gubfct <\iap., fOll """ ol9YI· JloloooO Ill!• "'1L TWIN DUPLEX * Do You Have $1500? ·* OK -then you ca.n move tnt'o th1I rue. f'won. lobed a llt<lrm• 1\VCCO ~-'f{tb -view. Not • ~It ttop •ltlior -only I pw. ol<L Built uMor nu. lnapo.otlcno with Il'llJ.. 1.,... Total price •10,~ an4 you'll (O ' lone way to botl 11111 one! QRllNliAli:SliVIRTS RIALTV, INC. Sl.U Newport Bl-..l Newport Beoeb IJarilQc 256% Evenlnp call l.J 8-318', LI ~. Hu. 3821-W ,.. '""" -ic.. 19' ... ' ........ -· --. • .,,,. IL LOVEL y LIDO ISLE~ ON MONT111 VllT4, 1r. tr&N•· A .-..,1&, I Wr .. Jt.._ fin,, ttrepL S.utihal f*Uo. Only 12500 dno CLlFJ' HA.~ I Wr. lnrd. nn. Dbl. pr. >ftwll ..... Mil Ill· .td• • -.......... ""'' II "" achllin ~ IOOOOWW....,._ 0000 O'>M)QlaMAi. LOT. C-1 1U9t oa ..,._ SM. 1b2341. 110,000 wttll 'Ai ... &xc•t tn•. for court. or lnllitn.M. NOW. OORN9l liOl' l'04l DtTPLEX « TIUPUIX. Clo.-tn. IOxJ.Jt.- ONJ' JaNO. IHOQMS -llnUTMSll'I' IN lQIWJIOftT UACK. 4 Mut. l Mna. t\ita, ••ter. • al•d- ......... "<IW lllu --I YNi 01._ 1'11• '"" .nu '",_ -1"" U4 fll.000 Will --~ Me1e.Herbor Rlty. • ilaoGU'!'M 0 . C. Beymour-Brolru-Owner 509 Center IL Co.ta Mua u l.4ftl ... Li ... ,74t BIB Sh•kt Roof. Ru1tic -Tllll ""'" ••w I ,,._ 1" kOl av.tJ. ll&Mlt IMIM .... t.. la u.. Ml•t •JM ., lM ....... ,. 4..., aa4I Ulen t' IA-. •Uu and ,.....·u ~ w&Ui ta that It UU 1,1p le IHN t-.a llf ,JOO. t' Muter bedroom ll'xJO' t' ,Walk·~ ttO&r'-ltfttil CIOMU ( 81'U~I• MAtft\'9 f Boo•llM Int U•od .. uo VIEWI Deluxe Beyfront J'tnut. .ut lbd Jocat1119 u.rre p&u anc1 .up • MdroO~ • b&ta. Ji.. CUltofs home J'or th• .. ,.. ltuy.r "'"' ... 11110!4 Ill< -IUt.IOO . (iaJ&11t ~· ...u .. ~· ln tnd•) A Reil F.1mily Htmt. ~\IM OWMr &I l•Yinl ..... _,, .... ....,... ... _ ... ' b ....... , '"' i.aua-HU&• rvmput, room :J ,..u°' . a • .,,....,. tiett..r M t.h1a sq.aoo -Good i.nu. • KILLION , real estete Wty Murdoe-, Aoaocllte VIEWI 33H Newport Blv<l Harbor ~ t' o. ... ...., prqt with &arr• ---'---------~------'""""""• " °'',., Jhllflillilll -......... bu1H. .... \AIN~t. W, A TOBIAS FREE? FREE? FREE? LIDO ISLli. BALllOA ISLAND ~ tol ~ -·--1112.500 A SCARCE ITEM -Choice • bedrm. • M.tlt home Pier A lllip ut Boud ...... 11:1.000 dj lnl l tuU · • ~•el.Ip 11t Udo Nord 11~.ooo a o ng lllud lot, beaut1f'W1y laadlca ... 1M Via ll•tont. • br ... 131 ,IKlO and dHiped. to• outdoor Uvtnr-. .. 111 Via Or..i$, I 11.r. -l:lt.600 IALl()I. ISL.ANO IOO Coral, • *"'° -M&,000 Please call for appointment to !lee • , TW\) , UNITS - 2 bedroom houae ond 1 bedroom · 1partm.1nt. m.c.u.nt location. juit a 1tep from So. Bay. ML No. 7'-0L Prioo 1211.~ -. 14YSHORES • • • 1111 ONO-. ' ••. --'"·"" FOR EXCHANGE -Builder will uehonc• tor vacant M-1 or C-1 property 4 new FHA approved CORONA DEL MAR IOI Peppy, I br. 6 fin .. 111.IOO HARBOR Hl&HLANDS HI Te.resit&, C br. _ ........ llC,800 a &Qd i be<lrooon bomeo rollllininJ, In tine Santo Ana 11ubd.iviaio.o.. Tot.al v&lut s:!il,000. Financing $315,000. ID.Jpection will confirm value. WY."".· SANFORD Realtors STANLEY HADFIELD Par~ Avo, at Morine, 1161boa aland Jl"1bor 2'62 Id J.erfl,Ul, J tr, Nrl'-Jll,&oo 1141 -. IA. I Or. 111.000 ~----~~---~------- 2 HOUSES OPEN FOR INSPECTION • CUFF HAVeN S&lurdoy and SUDdaY Atlm>OOlll NIWPORT MllQf.ITS -Be Sure and See These Before You Buy Tllli It. J'.,....., ne• J ltr. Ul,IOO ..... ~ .... ,., ... -'"" J lfci(>O l27 RaulOnt Pl., (Off Sant.a 4Jlf, lHO Arnold Ave., (Jia\ w ... A-., ju.It .-Plh ., tlU. Bt.J or Keye• Jiil, ~•· ......,: •. 1 )'1', 1114, • ~. ,. ""'· ctl\I *-1· •• l•n41o9Pt4 ga~per plumbUll, ~ I bed""' ~ Wi !tat.II ~ l:w>O 1q. f t, ~ f'Tfd Bta., Comer IOCJUon. labd1elliPt( and -·~ fa. Jfeal .... t •W. ewtr., ,.... Ila., and ""'" loc&tlon. Full prl<;• only llZ.i~ In. Owntr reduC*d price tc Pl mo. ..U °'11 .,.k. • HEl\l!; I~ AN El(CEP'l'IQllAL OPPOl\'!VN!'l'Y •. to llu7 i<IC0111• property: Wt have j\11\ Uate4 thll Ideal 4\lPl<• unit with '1!0 QIO, looOlllt (pnp be\-•) plua lddlt.lon.i lot oultable tor 2 mvro unJt. or own en hogi.e. LoCJ.ted on Elden Ave., Cost& 1.1.... F'llll prlco sie.~ hondlea. NEWPoRT HTS. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK ft.EALTOM "# SPECIAL 312 MariJle Avt. JlrJloQf 11'4nd · flar. 3Qta • "6 lfOUCWOOD p~ rtnlNIBHJ:D. MJY •''tuU¥9 J --------------~-- Mnn. homt, """' ~tr lOft. =""' ,_ -11 .... OCEAN VIEW JOI 'ol'l'V Cor11n1 del Mar etle<;I I hoJllt \o f\111 fOllr nteda. lllill\ .. 1'1'11' or Ollr lot. . JUA ttrmo: ~'l~i\~5T P~~ ~ -----------~----~-1 ·.,..'11Q1.1_ftl .... ,, ... 1 ... On~ Sl:JSM) ON11 ~D~=--... &~ ~ -·--R-· 111-• no'"''"'· • ,... ._ 111111 .. """"'"" -.... ,,_. llVT or TD wP• CALL OWNER, T. D. ·-.-~ ,_ •• M 1 Z d LJ .. 11u -LI llnt400 tf Mat. dol.IW. ....... Oil CCll'IM:t' ..,... pore-. -1bU .. '"" .. Wt ............ '" WlTB NJ.Cl. • ""-~ Ill ... ' ' . . ' ,. ... ......... -·-· '""" =. _ .. ·-OUT or 'IQWlf q-..... or -1128 • one ' -Tra'rler Park kit .. -~ lCtlJ IP& ,nff fntr' Hlae. '-• ~ -....... •t-litl------------------'*W" Oolta M-. tlO feet ~ _ --, =.=--....! Mlll14TI o-R-'NITY =-~Ila!~~ •1000 """WN = .. ~-.:-:::--l!Oa-· onoof lbon-ta ... -~-~ .... ;:,- N . .. .; LI.. ,.. """" l.U ..... ~ ,.,, • .,..., ........... .,.... •• , __ .. ~ .--"1.:rt....... "tllfJ ·~ ..... t;;;!: -IM -••~A llAT PltOnlllTjq ' Wiii !NY Wt lllu4 """ 1 lllr.. 1~ llo. ...... LI MIJf, -..... NIOT in Ha-.,... • Jloola le 9"pGd "• : :}" ..... .wpottm;:;.. ~ .. ~ · ~~ ~--..;1 ..... __ ,._._ .. _,_.,_A ____ .... _ .. _ .. _1 on• 7tsx~ lot tn oae of the ma.t ~ • l\JlAI,. WT te lOo ..-. Clleiee JllJl.t7 BT OWNZR. •-- -I "'1 ... '"'1, .l<.IOO. Olll)' f2000 da, rJI tlQ,000 loeo\lou II. Qlieta J(-~ II '9lq -'l'llo 114 lo(f c 111• ... ~d-with ... ta arM. 1_ --~wub· •.,-, "' Ql ....,. M ....... 1crw ,....,.... IWNll M4 rm. kt """4 IMUM:f ' ......... '" '""'~•"" ..,.. Phll rull"iv"n t. -•-'" -...._ ·• ter...i and II analouae to aell. ao call today. ......111... .lee'""""'· OSBORNe.fORTON "'"""" ..... """ eo • TUE V""'-'-E'-ee -.. ··-REALTY co:s ............. _ ... ""' • • rso_n UT c. .......... CO., --I ri VQ ... -fllw;nlli1~J11"'1. ~~c1--2323-W. Gout-II.,,. ln-Poft..0rl'll&'O;--"--I Piao.. ec.ta JI-. U ... 10IO. llM Newport Bl"·· c..ta M .. 1111 tf"'"" ...... Mu. UM 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beull LI I-Mil Ml Newport _.., *'" IPI LI S..7M2 Ev• Har. 67M . Jilt• LllMrtJ Mftl .. .._ llU. 4IM di.I .., a!W. ..,, • ai\a. • ' , -----;-; . -I .~ eest Buy~tm ·del ·Ms • ' • '!. • • 1: ii SHORECLfns. lre!Y ~ bedna, boljoe. 2 i.t111, plua Mp&rale dlaleg room, lp. ~ "11.h b...utut .-. llri. n..... -- patio. double (IJ'&g<. I Sll:0,000 full. price - $7000 down will handle. i . ii BA!tG~. 2 bedrm. lllnlil~ed cottege located Cloee to etoreo andonlyS blocb to oeean ftoonL Prieed to ..U at $11,liOo'. Only $3100 down. • , SPECIAL! 3 bed.rm. home, hwd. noon, FA hH~ prba1e diapoot.1. f....<.d yard, double garaJe. Choice location and only , $16,000. Euy tenna. • ii CORONA IUGHLANDS. Refinemeot at i!A beftt. Located ·high on th• hill. magniflcont view of ocean a.bd entire Harbor Area. Over 3000 eq. ft. In thia 3 bdrm., 2 bath home plue unfinilbed rwnpus room. Carpeted wall to wall. custom drapet, btautituUy decorated. For tha.e who want and can afford the FINESr -'Thil it it! ML No. 7176. • . . • Reduced from ~~ to $64,:IOO. Shown by appointment. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS OORONA D~L MAR REALTY CO. : : PRJCE T. llcCUISTION, Realto• · • ~ · "47 E. C.Out. Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Offt~ located ~ext door to NtWpOrt Barbor Bank, Cd.M ) PULL UP A CHAIR • • end listen to t~i s ! • • • The 300 Memben ot the NEWPORT HARBOR ! BOARD'S MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE aoid over a )!HHon Dollal'll worth of real estate laat : inonth. and expect to aell· more than a Sl,000.000 .. t.hia month~ · Cooperation am.one tu mernbera and effort made It pouible. concerted , LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY With your Favorite REALTOR· Newport . Harbor Board of Realtors VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL M~ . • .. .. .. .. . , " . . .. Be rga in , Corner, ocean view lot in Corona ffiahlandl •• Liated at $9,900 will .. u fo• $8.liOO cuh if aold by June ~Ill. $700 aot ol piano doaignod fo, lot lllcluded In •lea price. Check OU.! • Must . Sall t his Week 3 bedrooma, 1 % batha on (()' lot that gooa from mtreet to eereet. Ocean view. HW t1oon. llreplaoe, ""' carpeting • drop.a Included In price ol $23,!500. FHA loan balance ot Sll,800. :·· . Submit raaooable otfe.a. Owne• loavlnc country June ht. : . . . :-THE VOGEL CO. jiMT E. Ort. Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: 17U HA: 07~7 " .. "'CLUSIVE BEACON BAY --;; Ra!-charm iii &2 btdl'm.-.:nd-i-t.th-home, den with fittplaoe, fon.oed &lr beat, nap and drapertn , Included In the uklng prl.. ol $46,000. Low term. to qu&lified buyer. Land l~ue onJy 1121 ptr yur. May we show you thia ! BAYF.RONT Oe -1 part of Lido Soud. A boauUful family ; ...-. of 3 -and 2 bat.ha up, 1 batll down, '. a ·-attnctln lanai and onwtalninc ladll· • -Juco patio alld cudm. Fine piOI' and float. • For price • detallo o• appointment to lnapec~ e&U •• HARBOR 17711 • .. Wl W. STANLEY, Realtor .;, ·:ms Marino Ave., Balboa laland ., .,. ., --. -BACK BAY VIEW ··: , • ·• CHAR.KING cllltom built home in rettricted de- : : valopmont., SUperb ' vleW of , hllla and bay. '. ; Spadoua fonnal Uv. rm. wltb fittpl, 2 iJo. BR'•, • • 2 b&tlla ·ud ...,,,. blaclc walnut paneled family :? ,_ ..wa muotve aton, tlrepl Laa tban Y'· '--"-··· .o14..-~t return Eut for bua1DeN ...-... U! .800 with $8000 doW11. • :· R. L STRICKLER, Realtor .· • - New, Udo, J , Bedr.oom 2 Wed bat.ha. allcllnc ,1_ "°"'" ·cram UV!ag rm.· • muter bednn. I<> .. CIOtled plaottd patio. Built. In ldtchon, ~ ·poutblo b111 •t only $l13,000. Blauche iHarvey will be h&ppy1.to 1bow you, th.ii at your convenience. Modern ' ~rt9 Cl]arming 1 .. • ·1_ ·' ' 3 bedrma., 2 batha, wall-lo..wau carpeting, slid- ing sl&M door to p_atio, nur t>e.t Lido swimming beach, doalgn>d by Hal IA.cy. Full price $26,!!00. Call Lee SChOllelr: tor appointment. •• . . ' 4 uni(J on 00 It. BAYFRON'fAGfl:. 0..lgned - by Ellerbroelr:, AJA. Two 2 bednn. and two 1 bed.rm. apt.a. A hard-to-find pargaln at $80,000! 1 in.eluding furniture, with only $20,000 down. Set Earl Harvey for lull detaila . .p. a. palmer inco rporated ole ' han1on co . ma nagement 3333 via Udo, hubo' 1llOO • • Shorecrtff Open House · · Buuti!UI large Willy homo, 4 bedrm, 4 bath, wltb lonnal Uvbg rm. and full dining nn. Nicely Jaodac&ped. Call '°" Kin"" 1<ir C!Ot:ails, o• C!n\.e by 221 llorning Canyon Rd. Sunday Lf~oon betweeu l A:: !5 p. m. It will be opeD. · Lido Special Thia la a cute lnlta'!'l~t Z bodrm. bome. Only $21,750 with reasonable terma. Call Jack Crisfield f.or further information. Beautikil San Cl~mente OD gorgeoua ..site overlooking golf coune' and ocean beyond ii a lovely ING~A.M: built home with 2 bdrma. & de:n & 2 bath1. Bouquet Canyon trton• fiTepia<e , ca<petod, alidlng clue 'f'll"· outatanding view and outstanding value at $22.500. Ask Bill Meueuger abo\J.t ihia one. • p. a. palmer incorporated ole hen5on co. management 1700 "· cout highway -llherty 8-111173 Choic e . Balboa Properties ! 4 Units . ~alboa Penin$ula I UNIT INCOME~ U4.000 m•y Mund like a lot ot mont)' but look wh•t )'OU 1tt In the modeni beauUt'UJ build· Ln1, J . bedrooM1 In ee.ch unit. 1tucco pl.ulered concrete blo;?Ck coratructlon. locker room.a . bullt on 2 lot1. J apartmtnt1 11.n11 t'\n'nlAhed . , , a prare tor each ttn&nt, loo. Ttrme, One 2 bedrm., three 1 bedrm., p1us extra aleeping room with batb. Beat location and in A-1 con· dition. Potential income $5655 yr. Asking $85,000; te~1. Channel Front, Pie r •nd Float OPEN HOUSE 11 ~ 4 405 Clubhouse 62 ft. bulkhead -One of the nice1t 2 bedroom homes and on\J' 1 block to Lido ahopping. LIDO ISLE \Vtll de•lsntd .. Ellerbrook" 4 bedroom Callf<l'l'nla Rambler I with the rpecloUIDtN ot • Hacienda. Hure patio &N&l trw ent41rt&tntnc 1.1 l&rre door• open to Uvh1r room. 4tll bed· room nu.Ible. 2 outdoor ehow· era Ii: dreulnr rooma. W·W Carpetlnc-1.nd cuer.enl..'. One dM1111 not need tmactraation to see lhe pouibWUeL Call for P&NINSUW\. BAY F'R01"'T~ A 1teal at $24,500 BELl~E IT OR NOT Mo&IJ M'wMI! Irth..e and 'hit.ID A..._ pa C.brUlo nortb o1 lTUI It. OPEN DAILY • A.M.. TO• PX. HEAVY SHA.Kl: ftOOFI, hlrdWOOCI noon,. W, -.»e ' r •rsr•• to«~·alr ~a:. bu.Ut-ln oven ud nnra, , dt..poale, RWel 1, aildlnJ ~ doora, UMd llricJl tlr1pl9en. Tl:RltU'lO LOOltlNG HOIOCS with a.a.llmt floor plau OD Coete. X-'1 moM dNtrUI• 1:1.-t afda. l·bedroGm: $21,~ down S·bedroo1n and den: 122.M0-12000 down All bom• nav• I bl.the OLE HANSON CO. Tri.ct Pbone: LJbclrty 1·1313 Harbor 1600 105 Via Ravenna Lido Island • C1oae to the Oub Haute. • Juat in time for a wonderful 1ummer • Three bedrooms~ 2 bath.I. • $25, 750 Full price -Euy terma. EXCLUSIVE WITH Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 444t \ Htre'1 an ol.der bay frent homt ~th private bl!&ch, pltr r1rnta. 4 bedroom., ud 2 bathe. All t or 140,000 anti ll!l,000 down. Th• k>t. alone would .. 11 !or 130,000 , .. If vacant. OCEAN VIEW HOME NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 3 bedrms, 2 baths. lmmacula~ly Ji:ept and priced at only $14., 750. Euy terma. a_ppolntmtnl... ----------• PENINSULA DUJU.EX! Dupluu are nol M> pknlltul that you can ~ by th.I• e year old property Wilh J btdr00m1 up and two down . . . nicely turns.bed &Ad In ...,...u con· dJUon.. Oh, ye.! tlll been rt · p&lnted lnaida and ool. Ill.too an41 teraui. BCAtmruL NEWPORT HEIGHTS HOME! We'U ch.aliens• you to find • loYeiler home ln th.a "Height•" than thle 2 Hdroom property W1th. 2 1p&clou• b9lhl. new wall· to wall ca~Uft&', Nil ALMOST Ocean Front BEACH LOVERS-Here la a dandy beach home only a few stepa to ocean. Xlnt rental area, bu 3 bedrms., separate dining room and sleeps 10. Completely turniehed-inclwdlng TV. A.aking: $12,500 euy tenns. JACK BRENNAN , REAL TY "AT THE 3320 W. Coul Hwy. ARCHES" LI 8-7773 &1uUtul lrrtrular lot, Uktnr 121 .000 AUIO Many nice lot aLU• -tnaide A .,.,-v.terlront from :ui· to 70' attractive prlce .. NEWPORT BEACH Beautiful Fu.rniahed lo Unfi. \Vell planMd It loc&i.i -mini· mum upkeep -le.fie .undeclt, ntttly land«aped. o:cellent condition -Ne.arty 100 ...... on yur 'round ltua -30o/. dn. $12,000 ptr year. dlnln1 room pt"" t111 ~ FOR RENT d!Aette. Two 2 car l'\raiea.1-----------------~---I Be11.utl!ully tumlahed 2 bedroom C&ll tod.•Y to -u. 120.000 LI DO ISLE 2 bath ·~t. JU8t on and on1,. 1aooo down. e.Y. aeaaon 111so. This perfect 4 bdrm. one: year old home has PICK ONI: or na&J: • · · tor ... _ l t · b ill · e other 1111, p~portlu ra.n.-ins lncom. or a be&cb home. ~ everything, carpets, w:ape:e:. arge pa IO, u ·In l'rom Ill.MIO to f2J3.000 •·. b«l.roonw and J bal.M, f'Urniah· kitchen, etc. It'a lovely $45,000. DON 'T CRY TO.MORROW BU Y'TO-DA't' DUPLEX -NEWPORT ISLAND 3 le. 2 bednna., comer. Aero.a Park &. Bay 1· unit furn. Ideal home &: income. Will trade !or Balboa Island. COSTA MESA ' 146 Cecil F1ace comer. CbaUeon_ Jo 10me one handy with toot.. Price $3000 cub. 1Q x 121 C zone Newport Blvd. Needs repa{rt to code. Price: $26.SOO DOW reduced to $20.~ . Tenna. Small down . SPECULATORS INVESTORS, HARD BUY· ERS, aee this 110' -on Broadway by 125' oo Fullerton to ..Uey, then make an offe:r! Owner will aubordinate. FRANC IS J. HO RVATH, Realtor ed. Wtthln 160 ft. of the l>ay. and the ......uzun1n& bmcb 11 ,.-onduful • , . 8leepe. aboUt 10 J*liile. 111,IOO aQd ktw tenna. BAYSHORES Harbor l t28 Harbor lM'S Bey & Beech Realty Inc ---------------Rt:.ALTORB - ' eln(le unit. Oft Eut kJ A.,._ nue, ntc-27 f\mli&hed and ln Up-top col>dlticm for 111,000 ••• an Xlnt buy! .\ Spll'lller'e deliifll , •• 1r we tver aaw one. 2 bedroom home on 8&7 Avenue with a ti.chelor In the rtv .•• ntally! tur· ni.hed. All for 113,700 and term.. . Balboa Realty Co. Oppoette Bank of Amfrlca NEW LlSTING very attract.Ive weU built yt.ar round home. 2 bd.rma., 2 baths compietely fur· niahed on Vista. Nice large paU9 -$28,000. and 3 bdrm.. l bath c~ly furn. on Olde. On one of the 1.argeat in.aide IOU. Very lovelY Patio, room !or awimming pool,_ only $23,500. MYRTLE DAVY, Realto r New Lido Plua Bldg., 3432 Vi& Oporto · (Oppooite Lido Shopo Puklnc Ania) Har, 5446-Evenlnp LI S-0297 ~ Ol'MleJ Ed LM i ---------------~~----Joeeplltn• Webb ~ • 700 E ........ Blvd .. Balboa VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND Phone Harbor 1271 B/B e BAYFRONT Exclusiv& • Pler and 'no.t e 6 TMn Old • N\calJ Fumlahed e f. Bedroome. I Bat.ha • J Jireplt.cem • Dlabwuhar-OU.JIC*.( • Nk:lt PaUQ-B&Tbeque t I"' CU 0.,,... I -... ~,UouJ l"Wklnc Spue • .\ll tor sn.aoo---- REALLY . SUPER 2 bdrm. plua;· Sleeping tor &-8. King size living room with lge. fireplace. Perfect inte:rior &: tumiabinga. Charm. patio. Ne:ar South Bay Beach. Avail. for summer. Furniabed, ~.500 GOING , GOING -SOON Holding Open Houae at 116 Amethyat. Sat. & Sun. 1-5. ~cellent aummer rental. A real bar· gajn 3 bedrm. home to 1ell Cumiahed for $22.500 THE VOGEL CO ., R~altors . 208 Marine An., Har. 44-4 01' 1015 (Next door to post office.) 3112 L&tayelt41, Har. 3843, 2999 Evta. 'Juat to the ri.(ht ot Udo Bt1dr•' BILL'S BEST BUYS NEWPORT HEIGHTS We.JJ ,loc:&tl!d two bedroo~ h.ornt on comer lot 81' • 146' Zontn1 will allow buU4tn1 of additional unlL ao.. to panunat'. IDttr- medlate • hlfh ..cboola. Priced to all at li,7~ wlUI ll~ dn. Bal&.n~e 113 mo. WANT A DEAL! owner leavlns 1tate. Wlll " NCrilkJI. .. 00 of h1ll equity Oii Ulla ns&rlf • ..., four bdrm., J be.th double ruare homt. 11860 ctn. and 171. mo. i:ncrtte )'OM in lhe front door u the own"" mov• out UM bf.cir,, BICTTER HURRY I W. A. TOBIAS ·•you 'll llM our friendly ~Yice" 400 E. 11th BL. Coeta MIM Uberty l ·ll3t BAYSHORES 2 b.r .• PLU& 1"&.r. apt. ·-~.600 3 b.r .. 2 bl.lb. . -··········-··· w.aoo SHOIU1CLD'n -2 br., Oen 8-UlJ' --·-JUST ftmUCSD LEMON .HIWlHTS -J b.r. f8I on acre, bnulJ ---·-PUOO TRADll: ~M H&IQlfl"I 2· HOME BUYERS OPEN HOUSES 1-5 p. m. Sunday (Can ahow anytime by appointment) 616 Marguerite. Corona d~I Ma,r 3 tiedrm., oak lkoore. FA h~ fueplao.e, pi'b. diapoaal ......... _ ................................................. -.$16.500 453 Sea9'ard Road, Corona Highlandl. 3 bed.rm. 2 bath. FA beat includea ww e&ri>et & drape• ............................................................ $28,000 5H Bolea, Newport" Hlfl. -2 bednu. den, lull din. room. Lot 7~ x 127 ............................. :$17~ WE ALSO SPECIALIZE .IN EXCHANtlES G. H. LATHROP, Realtor ~ E. Co .. t Hwy . Corona del Mar E> .. Har. M80 Har. MU LIDO NORD CORNER - La.at of the Mob.ic.lia 40 ft. lot. $16,700 Thia rea.Dy IS your lut chance to set a Udo corner lot. Call CLYDE MEY-ER, Rultor 307 Karine Ave .. Balboa _!alan4 Bar. 29lllO f I\. B. HODGE. ~Iola B•y & Beech Ra•lty Inc JUW.TORB 1'80 W. B&lboa Blvd~ B&Jboa Harllo1"l2N -S... Hu. 1a&e Lido Isle acr• VJllW I b.r., J be. ll0,000 ,, VIEW •crms-e -1Amo11 HU...1--------.::.._--------~-­ ; •..,:l·I:. Oout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 217t .. • , . .\ etona's Tbrow to t; SElt • OCEAN FRONT ~Arthur 0. Johnson, Branch Manager • =:" ~;..':'."" U::'",\:!: ,, • nMlltpp ~ at. tee> mo. ~ -_ DEGL!JY REALTY CX>. ~ dO'n. or ~t Cl.l'1'}' b4 :: ·, m -A... BalbOOI Ia!and rur. llllM 'rtiiit,,...~ "'"' -.,,.,, ..,..._c. :· f r 1 t te AJltT c. KlSTLER co .. RMttort ·=· or ea es a . ·~ 1lill u . 2t01 Newport Blvd. Har. 8228 "° d&Y CM' ft.Ile. JE""ER?lltWl'ORT-HARBOR-llO~OF REALTORS I ========--=-t • Altedena Es crow ~ FREE PARKING tl2·A Eaat 1aui •t .. Cotta M ... .. I lfCl& LJ"berty t•lll& J.k_ff ~ ------------------'---------- ' 40 I Vi e Li do Soud ' Spark.ling new OD 77 feet of Udo'• best Bay Iron~ 4 bodrooma. 3 bat.ha. FUmlahed at $G2,li00 or wtD leue for eummer at $1MO per montb. WE COOPERATE WU!! REALTORS DUNCA N HARDESTY , -Realtor 2&02 N~rt Blvd. Harbor 4718 ' lAl"Ufl&•Badt .. ,. GOOD M·l ~S-Jt-4. Claire Van Hom RL<LTOlt 2111 w. Cout e.,.. Picturesque ocHnview MOOERNE 3 bednna. l !,> batha, foreed air h .. ~ parquat noon. ounny tltcl>on, dllpoaaJ, tu, lovely paUo. Lot 85z185 -feaee<l, -aide. SH ... W-. Eirdw .. with . ""= ;::,:.::,"::,. .. ,~ OSBORNE.fORTON , 1plu1 t ear pr•l"e e.l'Hll ~. I &&AL TY CO.S ~ --u-...a...u.-,~~~·~.,.Ollal1,_.,•~•b"j--Oi,,_lll-,.0~"1~~ mil lr•d~ 232:': \V, ~l Rwy. (i( l"Or't Orl::ftJl",---1 DAN A. J ACOBAE. .... l'tUl a:.u1.. LT 8-7~2 Evea liar. $1M t U •8•1 7, Jl•r i&tl. KI 2·21IT