HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-30 - Newport Harbor News PressPHONE BARBOR 1818
lor· .City OrdeFei
lotal S~.34 Levy Would
furnish Capital Outlljs
FLAG MJSINO ()!!BDIONY -With &Ii EzplorW. Stilp No. 210, N•port
Beach, .erving u color guard, the ftac pn.MDted to Postmuter R ~,Payne
Thayer by John E. Painter, regJon&1 tramportation director of the U. S. POllt.
otfice l>epartweot, 11 railed at noon dedication of the new Newport Beach Poet
Office Bu041n• today. -Statt Photo • •
A tax increue of 22 centa wu voted Monday ~bt
by city council to ra1.e funda for varloua Newport Bet.ch
Th• accident -pron• Int..~ capital improvement.. Thia me&Il8 $2.20 more on eacb
HCUon al BrUtol .AYe. end New· r.. port Beach BlTd. y•ta'day wtt• $1000 the taxpayer 111 taxed -or $1 more on ~
neaeed lta 20th lraftlc colllaion and $55 OD $25,000. 000 for sale of Balboa lal&nd lOt
•ince Qollta M-dly limits Tbe n-l&Jt rat. tncretaa of vd1Un1 fire 1taUon. ~
wwe ateDded to that pG(nt ap-the old pner&J fund t&Jt trom An : $370.082, eaUmated ecter-
ptaldlbately a ~ .... 71 to tT cents. which. with the al fund revenue In ••ce.. of HARBOR HONORS 'DEAD _Mesa____,_. ,~,ac-t A three-C&r mia&hup, lnYOIY-.OS ....,.,. tax mekn an even $200,000 whk h Ill avall&bl• by tns two Mdan9 and a llt.aUoe Sl i..,,. With the other fund lncreued ~ rate maJun1 .97
..,on. occurred al 7:f7 a.. m. l&x• the t.otal tax bill would pneral tu . Thf' fund• kltal
iain BallMMt. r.z.. S ._._. •t.. widn MCUon etoa-1 Tb .. WW. 'DO major lnjun ea. be 11.S4 per uoo valuation. $~~.429. IN MfMORIAl RITES May Riddle .
Master Plan
ma)' haft Mia r-. ._.., of a.&. 712. ~ eald one d.rlnr comi1a1n· Other f'wldll propolled are puk M ca n be 'f'en no prov11ion
1111ht when city ~ adopted W-WbUe the city wW loM 91 ol • .,,.. i.n knee and an· fund •. OI; library tu.Ni •. 08 ; ad-la made In thf' bud&tt tor th•
ordlnancea ~ uc--. ot at .-u.i.tect l'T91G pft' yeac bf other c>f a IOr9 head ud ldt nrU.lnJ fund. nll. MWer fund. propoeed llOO·•cre toot water
\be .....,_.enl .,..., ~--tM -...ward NCNc:Uoa of H· knee and were adYiMd to con· .01; ..-Ureme4l fund. .11 : cener&J •torase 81~ projected on lrrin•
Newport a.ch ud Cloaa Me-
ea ciY1c '-dtn and .-etcran.a
ulutad Memorial and tbe naUon'•
dead °"Y today wlth AD obee"·
ance at B&nor Rat Memort.&I
Park ,.. • ded.le&U.. a f1al'po1e
and dad1cat.lnc a c:annon and wltb
tbe dadlcaUon Of llot.b Newport
and Kea .,amt ott!oea.
Vet.ran.a orpNa&Uona parU.ct•
paUQf 111 the rttea at th.I ~
orl&l Paitc honorfJW the oldlel
vetuan orpniaUOn, tbr U•tlld
~ Wa.r Vc•ant IDCh"""'-
er of Calumptt C&mp No. 2t
Unfted Bp&nlah Wu Vet.erana:
and Burt L&Uwn. put command-
er of UBWV Catumplt Camp.
wen &mo~ the honond l'\JMt.I.
Latham rav• u.. ~l,.,.,.,
Addru9 ud r •! I:: ~ • the dedication of uw-utt pre-
wnt.ed a n_, 'fmmer'ly
flew oYirr UM -.,ttol tD
tbe lp&DI& Wat &Del
tau. WU ra1Md Ual ...
dild'caUoe of the
P~anners Tum DOwn City
Yard After Mesans · Protest
TOm. 1'!MJ count WU t..S, wttb ..._ OD •~ plwnbul, fO ptu-tact their family docton Wbm bond tuad, .o1. R&ncb land. nor la any provl.lo
CouncD:mm, lM Wftdtr, Cbal1el &.cftl'I, ..... t ...,er ~ th•J Sol home. f"Vident tor complete rtmonJ of
H&ct and at.ua.i.1 P'Otn-.t \llOt-. pl~ contract.on and M'f'9I Drtv_.. of the• auto. lnvol•ed Capital outlay proJecll whOM Pacl!lc &lectrac Railway Co.
Ing no on Ordlnuloe 'fa wtJiell pe'rills OllDtNCton. ell .i w11om we~ l:rwtn Harvey lk&nb&oeo-tunda w~ approved by the laclliUf'• from l'\ewpo1 l S.ach.
wtlJ cl&mp Mftr'9 nic-, ... an J:>elnc downindect licenM--62 of lHT N~ 81"-, council Include a $111.000 ba.1-Councilma n Stanley Rtdderhof
on 11'\&nZOne opr:nUOU Oct. l. wiM from 1100 each now to •~· Pe~ ~ Enrtque&. 11. of all a.n.ce d1M J\lly l Oii the ba1&oce propoeed u~menl dletrlct• ~nml>ftd 1167. ~ W. contract.are who N. Lemon St.. ~. UWI RoP of tn.Uer park lmproftmenta; could nJae tund1 to move th•
• propoa-Th• l~mont.b "~tieft" (or DOW .,.., t60 each wil1 pay UIS. IMrt. ll&ley. IO, 21.0G )(qnolla aooo eq. ft. ealarsemenl ol poUce P.E. faciUtiH out •Id• lh• dOWtl·
eouth ot three Ptnn¥ Ar~ opcraUoU llmUatly. laundry and dry St.. Banta A.Me wbo '8 ..,,.,.. .. •laUon. '40,000; fin 11UIMt.etlon town erea. ,
t ot l'a.lr-'A'1U aee them P*1 ~ llOO \0 cleaner \ruck.a. now cha.reed l&O of a bardwar. •ton.. 1571 w. at Bayeid• Drtve. l:i0.000 for Ben Reddick, New•P• el8 pub·
near Ha.tbor the dty for tbf ....... 1'*' ~ """"'4 drop to Ht eacl\. Coast lfil'hway. bullc11n1 and site: llaller. pointed out that ,a wb-
the plannlrl& matt.era 1el cm""'ac oa w1ao 1A Um' put they were cbazs'ed ~ Hd&.n.1, drlvt'n ,.,.t Oft Fire alum •Y•tem In corpon· •tanUaJ rund for the P .JC pro·
J>41Y• what. Rowntt, Max Ru,. "',._tor l&undry lrucka pelt· Pallladle ~ by a.uw...om Uoa yard, UOOO ; acquisition of j~t had bffn a ccumulated -
wtt:a. counal ~ ~ oa tn1 up clMl'l.lnc and nee ...-. ud ldUUl oa N..,,ort IU'td. by tW\J lota fOt' Cha.nnel Parlt. and dllltributed lnto other fund•
beb< of the FunZont. _..,. No JDOT'9 µnder Ord. 711. ~ ba4 lo be takea to POOO; adcUUonal tund8 needed -by VUIOUJI council• to lhe JI"~
Ordtnance T• wWda __.. Ol'ftE'JTINO P'E,U ~ JIMIT~ AM.Mn w~ t• lt.oc.llc1 Poll\t ~C4Uiaition. llO.· .. t. H• contena.cs ~ ~ty'e
*4opUd ript an. ON; ..,_ WOWITlt. t1Mh are o ,.... drmm a.,.Y, otfl,cen aid. 000; aequlstUon of perk site., remon.l wu a cllJ·~ ~
...._. UM ~ _.,..,_, "1ch make mm-• ~ 8\. and 1"llle A...._, Uf •• ject. to bftleDt .at.llhat a Sit.;
from nrw fee ~~ ant.11 .,,_ tw "'9 dtJ Ulro\tP ~ , toO; capital outlay coatiq'm mlWoa &IMIMd yaluedon would
Oct. l, 19:11 bec&uM S.CUoD I.Der-....~ alJ Ila , ... ha• 1111 ... on Put fund. '2f'A2t· ~ tMal "62S• to LU ,..,.. llitre wt.n ~ b1'Wbed ulde Commialon· 8147-c dou not beCOme 9tftcti"ft Men b1bd lo JU _.... 'tb1I • &• •19. Aritlabla f'lmdl tor U.. _.~ ._ land wa. mil*l!Yided.
w aam.y nancqu.·1 q~ wttit theft. ~ leedlin iDdudte *-DMll Oil Uu'" t4 1. • peftditurM lncluda SM.231 ~ Thci came dlsicu..aiaD on tb•
"'Are JOU aware W. props°t;1 la 1-..1. ol Ord. Ta. pw;ibc ttYe wtU eput.ment bou--.. to ite 01 a.nee ot PadAo ~ aau,,.. pomlbfllty of ~tal!M t._ tor
dated m 11-1 manuf'M:tu~ un· pm• ol altil1. be c:oatenda; wU1 M .. ea.ch pha IS tor .. cb • outlay fund: .... MO. SU ta coQecUon el bf••• ... ud donlu·
def' tM propoMd muter pl&.D!" not be •tt-=u" .ui .,._ _.. addttiouJ unit; row • ~te, ML lall y,·11 moni. tor capital outlay: 125.· c ~No dedston wu made.
"We're b.... 1•Uenwn, the date. TbJa MCUon ch&rp '30 canoes. .UboatA, trom u.r .. to lllL •
~ le not.." eald Halder-for each llk1l1 ~ which on!)' nn per operator. will be chars·
man. uetnce we art hen first. I one penon can ,&a7 wbUi1 .. mta .. 116 It..._ phlil•l6 for •cb The 8'8ilulk ~ eUIDID·
f¥) we dacrv• th• first con• far mor. ~ OM ww1d J>417 add.I~ bo&te,. Qarter bo&te, at.eel lbe .Newport Harbor lTnU.
.ifderaUon." 1100 tea eKfa. lal"'-1o UCC\Md a t 113 wtU riM Blp 8chool 8&Uon rrom lM 300 Phones Out of . Order
As Pile Dnter \Cuts Cable B&ldC'm&ll bad a point. Jl'ra.nc-a.ma ~ tt• \Q ntS each. Barber •hope bMl p.l&Joft.e t-a a.t
qu., OM of Ult "fat.hen" of the Bow1¥11', Giii w9Uld .UU caut1 beallt,y pe.rlol'9 wlill tnc,,_.. from . ..,. )'Utens.y aturn.ooL
(Oolltl&DeO on Pa .. I) melT)'. JO• rowim. fen1e "b..U. <o.uau .......... I) rr.e errata ccntl'IMlt.ed lo dowll· fa.11 of the Sun.Ml IA&su• co-
Island PmklftCJ .
Enforcement Won
B&Jbo& ~ bualnaamen and
men:hanta who petitioned d ly
council tor enforcement of 1 hour
time limits for puldn.s on Mar·
IM. Park and Ba.lboft. A.Yee. Mon-
da7 zUJbt Wll"'I JT&nted put of
t.Mlr plea. A pet.Won ahowad '75
ot 71 merchants faYOred 1-hour
8\GOUDiltd by~ and
anapsbot.t of Ill.I wtte. AJltta. and
two younc daupi.n. muJU-mn-
Uon&lN Dona.Id ~ Meta. 37. of
Ul -M St., wu tOUDcl 4-cJ al
l :JO pJn. yeiatftda7 la .. v--.
pbe Mete. ~ flytnc here from
New Tmc Clty.
MM.a ~ 4'9,,,.....
llll• week, ca\&.lliq Ill.I att.onq,
AJ1'.JIUr ~to nq~ •••t;J
Bille poUoe and Dl9lriCt. At:tor-
S#I a. Emallt Roll to &id ID
...-ci. of lbe rich mDdlr" after
i..rmnc ot a cbaZIDe remark. ''l
..,. a ~ wtu. -.uay." macla
by MIU lo a eacnt&ry la o.aet'•
.,... llonda7.
~ .... Brte. ....... ., tbe
moc.l. fowlid Meta dead ~
day afternOoL TM coroner MW
~ta &Ddioat .. ID Ide ~di note
\Mt he Md .... la w MaWI.
Bua-auociatu aud Met.I bad
'-' '1 ~ bl 1~ montU.
W'.6..UWl:u. NOTE .
.Pol'tiolD8 ot the aot.e wriU. by
Kele al\d nteUed by Paytcm
~: ..... Th1e i. • Mllctek. Th1e
It ltt6otly a pef'80MJ matW •••
~ fol'Jln me for any lncon-
wn1•nce I may taaft eau.d ... "
8ora ln >r... T-'l Qty, Meta
.t.arted hi• ca,.... la a ~-
champk>n T&rl. Approxlmately IOO tdepl'lonu
Delpit• outhllUnr lh• rtvala In' the Corona del Mar ~rtct
Wit.Ill tlve blowa to fOW' for the of th• city were out of order
BalldOp. the Balton ot OoM:ll trom 11 •· m. lo l :t :I p. m. yea.-
Emil Neem• were unable to terd&y wh"n a marine cable re-
o•ercome Hftn runa ecored portedly wu cut by a pile drl•·
~ them tn Ule ftnt two ID· Ins opentlon. th• telephone com·
million chance " 'Mie ptle drl•tr
o~toMI knew the cabt. wu
clOM, they said. but bellewd It
wu located on a ntu"tly ctt1
n.Lnp ot play. p&ny reported. 1·1
Gary Green •t.art.d bot WU The cable cut WH In th• re-'Scope I le ,
replaced by a-.lldlr ht.e Hetk• &ion of BcylLde Drlve at the
IA t.be llllCODd. Jl'rom the thJrd toot of Cam&Uon Aw.. accctrd-H Id s f ~ on, l:lelka pve up on!)' lns t.o the Harbor IHpertment. 0 up 11pec
two runa. kmc• waa reetored lut nlC'bl _
'l'M Ten MIOred .JI lMIP NJW by .U 'cable crewa but i..t~eafs ft11•1ty -ta the third lnnlnJ. crew• are conttnu1Jrl" w -W'OT'k U " today to npelr U\• atMI armour
around the "bi.. A. welder haa Guilty wu the pl• of acclmed HAno• we.aTHa bee called fn>m Loe A.Al'elet I mb~r Bobby Ma.x KeUy, is,~
" ""' to a sa.t lo t.b• •ratJon.. OT E. Bay A•e when he wu
A spokeamaa tor Pa.cWe Tel. bl"OIAJbl before 8upertor COW"t .
Tentperatur'M tor ~ week-and Tel wd u' can. wen No-Judp K~t.b .E. KonilQA )'Mo
end tn lb• N....-part ~ ar• ~v.ci from IUMCrlbem report-wnS&yla S&nt&.A.o&.
W!H llllll ....,.
'nlunde.)', W.,y H -U d!J
P'ride.J, Ma)' U ---.. . II
8alW'da7. May at -N II
lllnd&y, May 21 .-IS 61
llo6day. May II -... .. &•
1'1eaday. May 29 . . •• IW
W~. May 10 tJ
tn1 t.btJr tdepMnea .--~ out Judp Morri80D al&t.ed pnii)iiL.
of order M&nJ more telepbonea tlon he&rlns and propounoena.ct 1
were effected. t.boq'h. h• .aid. o( judre~nt tot ~ def~l
Workmen of O-Ofl • NevlU•. on Jun• 19. K.uy 4Mlrnlt**l J>or4-
lnc., pUe drt\'lnr concern. _,.. lnc up Karant'I cate b&fUndf'l'
ln•t.allln1 a pUIJls for • dock Vlrf'll D. P&rt1 hare oo *1::•·
In trol\l of lU B&y1lde Piece Police captured hJ.m wtth the
when th• pOlnc acdd~tally hit IOOpe qht rt(k M all~ .,..
the •·Inch cable. rted ln the rob~ry.
'l'it11ph0ne J"IP&lnnen ducJ1b-..,_ d«endant" h'M oa -
ed the acctd~l u a ••on ... ln·•·
opentiori. ~pair
Co1rt1ey & Lester Install New
Tire Molds 11d Heati11 Plait
~ . ftlw1te Polite . • JwiacAANT
... ct '
; .PATROL • -~"fig '·
, •c-.n -co•aa:cw. '1IOL .
D ....... ... __ ... _ ... _ _....,..,,,,.., .. .,_
&o Kr ..... ao., Wl)'M IMNo f4.I a..t .. .......,, a.ti M
•••n•••-... ,. ....... c....
.... a.-. .. -........ -.-..._we __ ... __ _,,, ........... .. ......,. ... w •
....... Wu.t ..,.__ 0.. .................
0...-Oren n t'41M
~--....,::::r-------------.... ~------
LIDO ••s "OMefG.U..Mope"'
Mill .Via Lido, N•"'°"1' -
... z, oO.o.& .,. eor.. .......
l ' . . I •
iiJx'fON WALLETS ____ s5
UrrMtr wtUa ....... ..... •
,,..,. ~.. ''" S4 3 2311-.. """' ....
LMla PORTABLE RADIO -·---~ 1 sii.tSVaht
IAYWOODIE PIPE ______ ... , .. $875 _, .
OLT_,.__ · . s
. SNORKEL PEN ________ __ o ,.
Two ,111ew1
pocbd ,,. dew, , ..... ~,. ,.,,. ----.... A ... ....... . ....... .
ALARM CLOCK -----······-·-N-"."'" ... -·~ $250 . . . . . . SAUCE~PIN7 _ --·-·---s4 GERMAINE /~N~~~~:. A ' 1R"Co"LATOR ----~2995
Ab metal. lltatfJ .......... ' ~ ... ..._,._, .... -
""" .. -............. -$449 UTILITY TABLE -· u _
_, ..... · s1n TV Tray1 __ _
lak1~u1 .......
. ,
..... ,. .. ,, .......
Your !'•port to Health
Ya. ~· ,_,_ " ,_ ,_ ................. ...... .._. ~"-rs''•• . ... ...,. .. "" _,, ... ._ ...... ,.......
... ..... 'k • .__ .. _ ....
-$279 OSE ... ,..., ~-.,,..,.. 2 'lfte
" n. • ,_ ,_....._ ~elopes ,,..u-
J1.W VaJue
ENVELOPES 'h;:o1ates I# f9c
FArH:;S DAY ~:t:':3 .J1
...,, ............ twtp;ocl,
IO!r x 15 Inell tnry hoo lfunlr ....., lloob. M1fo1y
..W ...... A lontRc buyl
'• 11.·, .".! (QUR .~ t ~-
Hamilton '
.or ,Gruen
to fho
-. ..... .. _ ... -~4"
.. •••••
Vericlnme Rill
Sc1tcll ..... ..
lu1tt 0 • -~-s•
. ....,
. ,
-' '
Hand Paint.cl Oils
S.,. E. -M. Weles,
OisaWed War Veteran
$4.00 &ch •
preventa erro.., .
1avea time ·
Balboa Bay Clubr-
Oay or Nite
Spetial Student Prices
e ,.
• •
• • •
Seve Your
• • •
. ,_ .
• • • •
• •
on our Mettenine 0
r<iJuu.J' ~~ $rrUuJ·ProJau
'CitiiiOOP:f-__ 2 ... 1~ . . .
..,.., ~ uwa 'l'Jje 2 1ac c ELERY----·---·---·-.. ·----·.:... for F7
U.S. N• 1. All ........... .._ 4 ,,C POTATOES ···-···-··-·-............... -lk
• ,,_ ,_ ...... a.-s..on.. QrtlJ 2 ,,c . CUCUMBERS --···--··-••
...... ,
• • • •
• • .;.. ............ 6/2r CUP. CAKES 0 . ............. 2r • O~TMEAL ~D ..1oa1
CUST~RD PIE ....... e9dl 54'
• ..... .... 6/14' ...... ~ .. POTATO -lOLLS •
• __ ,, __ ,...,.. .. ~ -
• • • ••• • • • ..
"· '19~
...;;;;;.......;;;;;;;;;;;;.....=;;..,;;;;;..;;;.;;;;;;;;;...,.;......;..;._;;;~ ..... ~--------------------....... ---:--
·· 99 c
Dartcol.d 59'
IUTI'ER -·······---·-..... · .. .,.. 79' OJfEE .. ···--:.. ....... o•• bre 8apr 0.. ' SUGAI 45' ····-·-···-··· .........
JIU1lboJ'1 "' PANCAKE MIX . .1-1la. ~
.... Oillla 21' SYIUP -····· .,1-eL
Bal'e Y.._ Clttq • fr
PIACHIS __ .. N .. J
. coO.m .:= .. 'r
B !! ..,.. 17' COOllEI _ _u...
llenl'• ....,.~ .,
• ;1. -sc,o; ... _ 2135'
ow .. ,........ ,• 21'
IEEFARONI _._ ...... ·-
Wi FO'Oos eae 3/25'
8wtft'• 8trahled 19' IAIY MEATS ...... cu
.. _
~Ferell 35' RLLETS -·-·--·_.i-1111.
........... ftlf• ... OldelAa 71' DIUMSTICIS ___ ....
r.11 ..., -~ 4/11' 0R.7j~·~-~ -··= 1M ........... .,
lllFSTIAKS -•l~ ...
a r •'• .... ··-·" 59' DUSSIN«i ___ '-'rL
a...a..•. 8Ml7 ....... ..,
DUSSIN& .... w t cH&mu.1115 .. sr
p~~ ....... ~ ....... . g ,
PAS11AMI ___ ...._ ~
llllell As*! ... ..,
FLAnllAD -·-·iw.. w -
. -. .
' • .
.. .. -
--:;:: -----
-:. -
. .. .
~cle-A OvH·Ready, Fancy Ten• You.g c..., ... tte -' ' -
J lo S.lb. Averege -.
. Geftll\ne
cl 1roncl -
. ll\"ertwrtteC'IV\.oftCI \s\Clftcl
-' ll-~can's Famous Fresh, Lean
: ·EfF
4 to S·Lb. .
Ave r•g•
p.s. .... 'Cllolce' lfff-loneless, Rolled Roast-
• •
.. 'IYS! ' . ,.. . ..., ....... .,
·•14!1\'~ .
Mqll-Juille 1, 2. -
' .
· '· '~M 'COLORED·
' '
• • •
COFFEE s.o.. s123
SALAD Oil ci:~~ 49c
iCtiEAM. lie!~'· 59°
BiiWJus MIX ~ 29c
POiicNo& BEAIS 2 For 29° . . .
c r Mlit-uNT-1 LESUE'S 1'1.AIN OR IOOIDD
BLE SALT. 2 26-0L
_ Roundt
• ~S.A L M·Q I· 39 C I Giant 49c I . I Siu . I ----------No. J.i Flot ·
Con . .
Roll 25° :HUIPi001sLE°1
23 c : No. 21-i f gc I
No. I Toll
. I Con L..-------•
ctiii:I CONllACARNE --4t=: Wi'ZA"ii> ,DEODORIZER ... 6CJC _FRY.EIS l-lb ..
.(b. Pock ...
--. ·5ac ' _....... 35 -. ;ouo.IUvlJli'ECheSn.,. ,...,h, 01.0·~':". rrys1 ... · . • INSJANT COFFEE ............. 7· 1 ANGElofOOl>-MIX 11~...... .--1L-• ,,, ..... ____ ...., rlc r -. . 6&
Y·AR-DEE RAVIOLI .... ,. ~ I OVEN CLEANER •.oz. ... · · · ..,-MINUTE MAID
LEMOllD.E Jumbo SI ..
12.0Z. Conl
1 -9~ .
~ '
. --FriOR WAX ... IT CAN .......... 65!..: iANl.'Fiu~ ... oz. CAN ............ 2~
.,, .... _ AGc J ---· --s1•
OlllDA-l'l(Gs, Of.. I , '~ Pk91-25c POJAT8 PAI llES ----4. . -
CllAM of 'PEA SOUP ...... ~7 1 KOOL CIGARETTES .,........ ,.
YiCiiGfowCIGARETifS .... $1'5 : iifi WAFERS , ........ : ....... ]] . ' •
..... , ,
1~. PKG •. . . ,, .
\ ' ..
1111 ..... TIA -
' Finn & i:ipe-fin~ slicing! \ :~.
Delicatessen .
· PIOllBS $249 .f ~ ~~ :.;;~~.;;,-i
No W11tel
~ ll'ICI CAICI • • .If'. -·-............ .,......,.
LOAI •·····~· ... ..... ~ '
~ . ......... 411rl7' ....... , ...
BOLOGNA. 14-0z.
AIJ,.AMEllCAN aohooF
Full Qu1rt
Bottle VO.DK A
39c I 1-POUND ••acAe11 " l
. I ' 3Sr.. I , ' I
of 2
lrweat In
Prefemicl. Stoek
. f ~fc: H iTT Z i
, I 6oCtn. '1.19 I
'-..... -.:. .... --J
: "":at:.l"11 $114 I
At $25 per Shar9' • • A.PAIT.owW8 HI SO. CAUllOIMIA"I
UWIUllT T09• WAlllT ... •
90-PROOF GIN · Fifth s359 Interest Paid
Clurterly! • Ill"-Wrnt ITOt.I llUM•a• 'f
THE BF.2\T DE VERES had "feathen" all over the
place at the chriatening of their new boat "Fea-
then". Mn. De Verea bad feathen in her dirt and
all those attending the chriatening party at the Paul
Rogers brought gilt.I making u.ee of feathers. -Ter-
ry Boril Photo
AGNES BLOMQUIST, aa the Indian maid Minne-
tonka Smallflower (her frlenda call her Minnie)
ahowa Nancy Hall and Olan Dunlap, playing in
"Lo And Behold !" where she lived before ahe
at.arUd haunting manaiona. In production by Lido
ale J>l&yera Thunday, Friday and Saturday at the
Lido la1e ClubhoUlle. For reeuvationa call MN.
R. T. Dinwiddie or Mn.. Donald Hart.-Don Buah
\4in de Kam;s
M9Y a1, JuM 1, 2
2~ 9Cal'I
UICI CAICI ••• 19'-.
""..., 4'c ..
... Nut
LQAI •••••••• 43' .. ...... .., .... ........... 4 ... 1T
........ nd
De Molay Club
Plans Potluck
Tbe Ddiolay Molhera' Club
held lt. May wenfnc mtttln1 at
Howard'• Restaurant, Co a et
Rllbway, with nine memben at.-
ltndl.nr. A •pecial guest, Mn.
W. Palmerwu welcomed by J4n.
Earl OustkPy president of Ole
Mrs. Ou• \ 'Y reminded mem·
ben of thc> annual family pot·
luck eupptr to IM held tn Jul)'
•nd Ulal plan• tor aamet would
be made at the June meeuna.
Sbe lnnle\I the rrouP to her
home on J une 27, at 7:30 p. m ..
the adch'"""· 1801 Bonnie I >ooM ,
A report on t he 11ewtng meet·
Ing held at the home of Mrs. Ed·
w \rd F!Joh Coeta Mt~ u rl)'
In Mny WU • given by Mra..
G\l!lt Jen· R"Jltlfrhtc and ('C)A<U.
t1on1n1 1 obfo" of the chapter
mtm.,."' wu the purp<>ft or
lhl" mtttlnJ but It w.. decided
tc. tum them over lo a taJlortna
shop tor alterln(.
New printed et.aUonery for
club UM wu paued for lnspec-
Uon and membership carda di>
cuued and decided upon.
Preent at tba rn.eUn1 wen
regta~; Wllllam Tritt., reUrflir resent; Ml"I.
Alvin Plokl , regent; Kn. Jame.a B. Taylor, Ylce
,,.. rqent; MraJ Hup Hoover, librarian and Kn. B.
M . .Addan. correeponc:Ung .ecretary. -Staff Photo
D1\R Officers
Inducted at
May Luncheon
Cooduding a year of many activitlea and growth.
the Col. William Cabell Chapter, Daughten of the ~
can Revolution, met May 23 at the Villa Marina for tta
monthly luncheon and officer induction. A procnm of
American muaic wu pre9ellted by vocalist M.l"I.. ·A. W.
Lo..,.s4p. .... waa aooom~
nled ~Kr&. .. X. Adrala. WU ~~n; tr&MJ>Ort.&Uon, J6t"-
alao PTe .......a ptano •109. Chapter cha1rmen oC C.
Mra. .1W1&.n C. Broob, pMt lt&bdlna commltt.M are K--.
'Lido ~omen
Will Install The A.ulatance IAque of N.wport ~ wUl ba" U..
annual Coffee Bundle to replen.lab tbe Tbrtft ~ Jlme t
trom 10 a.m. Willi noon.
• et.I.le tnuuiw aad • NCIClt &. W. Crumley, rtrt homeme.a.
tn.n.der to th• Newport B.al'bOr and Robert Keppen, clYil def--. Mra. Martin Lockney WU eleetec! president ot the
chapter, otttctat.ed u the lntS&l-!,':::;! c~,.:terh=~~ ,::_ Udo laJe Woman'a Club at the May meeting held recently
tatlon. • Robert Otpe; patlamut&Jian, at the Lido Cl ouee. Other Qftieen who wtll IM!!l"Ye Oil
~acu-membera, u ho1te.uem. will sboW U. l"*t.t
t.hrourh the Thrl!l Shop and expl&ba bow tb1a project aJda
in the aupport of Children'• Dent.al ~c. Tb• committee
for the BWldle Coffff Includes Xma. Clarence Cooper,
Oeor1~ Yardley, Everett GardiMr, WU1lam Kirby, D&J•
RanMy, Edward Brooka, Art.bur a..t arid Cbarleil BulUna.
.. ,... wuuam B. Trilt. retlltnc Mn. c. K. ~ Jl'WI W.OOk. the executive boucl are lira. Plinlp Stambaugh, tint
repnt. placed tba repat•a pm Mn. Fnnk P9nw &Dd nelpro-vice-preaident; )be, L. R. MoCulll;f, eecond Ttc.pre:lddeat
and pvel lnto the keepinr ot dty, Mra. Jamee 'hJloi'. Mn. Jt.dttddT. DUnrllldlt, tr
Mra. Alvin L. Pklkky, and wu It wu voted to emd a turtber anr; Mf9. C. I:. Vtindtrvo ~ will df'dde wblda ~\Al..,.
tn tum preaented wtth a put contribution to Cl'C9D01"t, a OAR NCIOl"dtnc NCralarJ; •rs. V•mOQ tiMI moet be&OW.1. the ._ ~(t'nt't plA frent Uae cllapt.er, Kbool which I• In Med of help. LAW.John, CIOIT•poadh\r eecre-. Ott and tb.w-•09t hUJ:IMlll'OO&.
u well a.a a l1ft plant. Ordlld A cttt to Mer Andrew,-. a cl}anr• t.&rJ and Mn. T'bomu Lett.ft ~ will ~ awarded b)" Kra.
corwice• wen (inn to Mn. ltUdent who leant aoon tor parll&men!.&IU.n. ..... HIU
Green-Barnett Vows
Dated for Mid-June
Pinkley and Mn.. Bl'OCIU. EuroPf\ wu approncl. Tbe (TOllp wW be l.ula.lled at --------------~
Other ..i.ctlve oU\olra tn.t.alled FOR HOMEJIAK!tll Ule JW1e meatlaj' &114 will tab
wer'f Mm•. Jamn Ta1lor, ~-A report on t.ba Qlrl &me-office Aue. 1.
rt ('tnl, John L.. Beach. chaplaln; maker'• award for B&rtlor Blfb Mra. Keith Co"*-7 unounoed
Earl 0. Corll•U. reco~ 11eere-1tudenl, Olaa.n& Sander., dalrfbt.r t.ba"" t.ba June 1l r atas
t.ary, B. )(, Adraln, conupond· of the Sidney 8&Ad4ra ot Shore-be the unual "BaU tn Bloom" In~ lltC'etary; Helro.r Dickey, cliffs, w-. made bJ Mn. Ta~. handlem. Do~ ()'B&ra (M,...
treuu.rer; l'oWlt L. I.Awe. r,.~u.-M•• Joan J ordan of the Jo-en Hank Lunnty) wf1l ahow ber new
trar: Robert Keppen, lu~torHlD Shop U.'llllt.ed In lhe project b1 fall fuhJon line whkh ,..,u be
He rbor Rest · •
Memorial Parle
J unt> 18 hu bffn cho9l'n by
Miu h~nda E llen Barnett u
date or her wfddlng. the placr
BL .James f:plkopal Ch 1r<'h.
TM brttt..,.lect. daughter of
Mr. and Mn Woodrow \\. Bam-
'tt, 204 /\bit.lone Av,.. !lr•l an.-
nounced ht'r eng&&tment to Cary
Fra.nklln Green. 110n of Mr. and
Mr1. Gordon OrMn, 1981 AllAIO
Ave., Coet.a MHa to ber M .H.A.
110rortly elattrs al N~ Har-
bor Union Hl(h School.
The future bened.I~ wu iradu·
ated from H arbor Slch School
and aUendt'd Orange Cout Col-
~. la pr9PnUy with the U. 8.
Navy at 8&n l'n.ncl11eo and '-'ill
~ ftieued troDl arvlrt In tight
moatb& He bu cho~·n Hob.•rt
Cantu u beat mu.
M1aa Palrtc:i& l{n.app, who will
t>. maid ot bonor, wu bolluu
May 18 at ftbl ot .everal •how·
er .vent.a tor Mlu Bam etL F or
lbJa occuion pNta brx>Ught kit·
cblD ~ pdset.a and llnt na.
Mm week Mra. Green will In·
vtte fl'tenda ot U. famlllu and
)'OQQ&' ~ to a linen abower. .an. luaane ~ will be h041t-
... at a ~iir\e tlllower and the
~duo!~ Ud Vlrlft El-
iott et A•hclm W1tl f'ntert&ln
at a snJeotDeneoua aho~·er.
emt Huth Hoova , llbranan. JU<Sc'lng tor lt,i.t of the prt• modeltd b7 women or Udo.
ON C'OllOOTl'EL'l winning 11\lll Workmanahlp WU RulP9 for the "Hats in Blooi["
Chaptu c1*1nntn of naUon•l juctr 'd by Mr•. John Stolv. ront,.11t are 111tct. No profi
atan<lln1 ronunltteu are u fol· Mna. A. E. 8tockton'1 com -alorral work WW be a.lloW*I;
Iowa: American Ind.la.la, Mr1. rnlttee report •hawed that ta each conlu[&At muat ma-.eh•
Anae Buben.on; A m er I c an American Hlat.ory aw&rda were own hat. no..... or other .. ~.
mu.le, Mrs. Robert Roper; made to flttb pad.a lltudcnt. ot 111("' lt~un1 1..-c! tn m~
American Red Croaa. Mrs. Robut Newport achoola.. bonnt'l• mutt come from laland
Keppen, Amer1canl1m, M r •. Memberahlp chalnnan, Mrs. prdena
Challm Landen: a ppr o v t d Lowe, an.aounced th.at U new PrlMa &A open to club mtm·
echoola, ~1 .. Mary Ann Bowle1; m.mbe-11 bad l>ffn recetnd tnto ben and Uletr rueell. Five
children of the American ReYo-t he chapter alnce lut OctoMr ------------
lullon. Mre. D. P. H•rt and Mn. and lnlrodvced U\e two moat r-..
Memlcl' Bowlta; oonMrvetlon cent ~•. Mrs. Pernr and Mlaa
and htelorkal 1pott or California. I Ooroth1 Uneon Special (Ue.le
MrL c I:. 8ton.ll wrl"9 Mmea. Emil)' Dam and
Corrt'Ct UM of the fla( and Mont.&ell Dornl
ln•lfn._, Mn. Robert Keppeo: Acth1tl• ot the chapter wUI
OAR mapdne aA4 mapJdne u-be reMUned MSt <>etober.
ttrtlalnJ, Mn. D\ckey; DAR
mamaa.1 few ct~p. Mn. Ohl.haver Child
Le.ild4n; DAR Muaeum and Call-Oantw ot attetioa ta t2'e WU-Price Upped " ,..., Ma 81' -; ,... Ha.m o. ou.'ftl' ......., ua ~ ~ J9C0rda, Mn. Bqti DOU. Aft., Oo9ta )(-,la U. t
On ~on of Tan ~ Bai••: lilGDor toll. Kn. Jullan D>. a os. 80ll born May 11 Ila It. vr Uli t ........ .ADMrtcan cltlMna, .1oeapll ~ -
county .upernaora today upped Mrw. ~· Bucco ...
the charre for vlaU.~ NUnM Membtrablp and junior mem-
Crom $3 per caJI t.o J3.50. A Jet· 1Mr9blp. MJ't. Fount L Lowe;
tbe cha.rre for Yi.l&Unc IDU'..a inOUoll plctue. ndlo and TV,
AuoclaUon atat.ed that Uut Cle1lt Mn. 'fll. JI). BJllua; Prc.u ttlaUoDt,
COil the uaociation $3 98. A Mrs. Llwta W. a..l; PfOl1'&Jll.
cb&n1e in tbe coltnty'a contra.cl Mn. Jamt• Taylor; rt901UUou.
wlb the uaoclaUon' wu author· Mrs. C. M. Boardman, .tudent
sed. Joan and .cholarsbJp, M1aa Doro-
HlllllY'I ·~ ........... ................
NEWPORT llACH * OOO&TAIUI * SIM <-.a llWJ. ft. U ......
Mmes. W. H. Nlchol1, C. V. •
Turner, Bobble Hil bert. Grace
Wrlcht. Charin H. lM, Ouatkt.
Palmer, J.'rank B. Clendenen and
Charle• R. Gammoa.
FormertJ Grauel Chapel
Fireplace Fixtwes
110 BroadwaJ -Coeta Mesa
Now Buildin9
College Park
On Herbor BW. South of 0r.,. Coest Cole9• CCllftllUJ •
1TU 8upenor A..aua
Coeta M-. Callt.
Pbcme Liberty 1-lllt
l6JO I:. Oout Bhod..
Corona ckl Kar, Calif.
Pboo• Rarbor u ...
I '
' Fiaher, put premdesit. Stanc!lng, Mmes. George
Gurr Jr., treasurer; Donald Clark, recording .ec-
retary; Robert Wallace, correspandinr NCret&ey;
Tom Woodward, auditor and FAward Kelly, .econd
vice president. -Staff Photo
Razee Baby Born'
Kr. and Kn. Ru.ell Rull,
UM Rural Place, Cost& II-. an .,.,..u ot a boy blt.7 .... Xa7
21 1D H-c Balptt&1.
TACKING UP POSTER announciq Jane 2 protealonal tama matebee at Bal-
boa Bay Club courta between Pancho Gomalee and Tony Tnbelt are, from
Jett, Mn. F.arl Stanley, co-chairman ~ta Club eervtce committee; Kn. Jam•
Ray, committee member ; and Kn. Albert Stockton,,.ervtce chair'ln&n. -St&tt
Photo •
Johnson Child Kitts Da~ter , Boy for Chards ·Perkins Arrival
Jun ior Ebell
Install a ti on,
New Chairmen
... to Mr. pd Kn. c:butl9 Tbe Donald 101 Uth St., The M.Uet Cb&rdl, 1100 Clay . Born to Mr. ud Mn. V.. ~ --------------------J--., .. 1' o.m.ta,,.,.Kq are puent.I ot a IU'l tl&by born IL, are p&Nnta ot a llio)' bona ltiM, tM Mth a.. W.,. M, a stfl"""• l1 la S-. Bt ... tal. a &UL Kay 21 ln Hoa&' Hoqlltal May 23 In Hoar HOIJ)ttal baby ta H-c 8-tal. Splicing th e
Mainbrace lt7 w ...
Arrtrinr W. momm,, letter trom ~ Paddock (Mre. .
P'rederic) Hope, t.Mn on board tbe 8. 8. SlJeemt+-·oomlnc tJom
Sp&ia to New York. "Have had• wondcrtUl trtp. I dldD't know
what I wu Solnr to do tor a ftu1 JIUDdl dlmu lo my 'book u
When officers of J unior Ebell Club wen m.talled most tripe IM>rt ot ni.n raned at u.. -4 -and thl1a. ta the
May 24 at a 12 :30 luncheon in the Balbo& Bay Club, tut ,.,. dayi In Palma I •teP-not ,-t become eo mteJ»ctual-
• . peel ,...ht lnlo a real life drama 1Md .. to ~r u.. at.an 60 members and guesu were preeent for the rite at &.lld loet my hea.rt compi.teiy. and abipe9 "outmodedH to UM
which Mra. Norman Wataon, preaident of the c.autornla Now th. climax ~ 1.erythlnf. potnt wb.en be pnit.. tM
FederaUon ot Women'• Club~. Ian· John Hoyt build a belw l on.17 hope I have lhe ablllt.)' United NaUOU balmtr.
Junior Mtmberahip, ottlcl&ted. co~unily; rucbard Hod,.. wel-t.o do it j\llUce. ftem9111ber t.boM duee ~
The new uecuUve omcer1 in-tan: Don Hayton, moral a.nd h "JU~t ~ •1• ,'!._• ~~~!.pa ~ ......... ~ "1~ aw~ ,,..,t '"-""lrtlual valu•· 1&v ... y ~ ...... w .. e ......... • .. ~ ........ _ oq elude: Mmes. Forrett Awndtr, ., • It i. ll.ke an OYtl'lliMd ,adlt tbe1f I~ Probl h.W at
pruldent; Dean Oorton. vice-llI9'I01llAN and lher• are no peopS. quite J:lka Clis-and bc*Ad "1 dine·
prulden.t; JldwU'd Kelly, HCOnd John Colby, biStonan; Rkhard Ilk• the people trom bom•. l t.ol"I Md UMl.r wt•et-K• bad
V1ce-prealdent; Don Clark. re-Holder, J>eMY art.a; Jama Oard-felt very •trans• a.nd torelrn for t.o Ilsa up tor~ IDWllo WU
ner and K. L. II~ r•er· a while but now I am back in b7 the 1Cu.1taee Roj.U band.
cordlnJ atctet.ary; Oeo~e Gurr, vaUoiu; llu.uell Hamptaft, youth Ula nrinJ of American ~ 8terlll11 Parle &IUll09DCed tbat
tnuurer and budset; Robert cooper al Ion and educaUon; and triudahlp. Not.hins lilt• it rncaberw wU1 iao.t fUtUN danoea,
Wa1J1ce, corr..,ondlnl' aecrelatJ O.OZ-c• Grupe, oourtesy; Harlan the 1r0rld ovu. )lave ti.u abow-that lhe VtrDe ~ would
and Tom Woedward, auditor. Hoyt, lnlernaUonal rtl&U<>M; IJlf rny patntlnp a.od everyone enteTt&in at the board 11t•Uns. uoxoa GUEITS Robert White, ctUMft.lblp and Mem• to enjoJ them. s. J', McDow.u. 7JO W. Bal-
Honored su11t.. at the wt.a.I· le(tllatlon; and Jam.. (S.tty) "Now am 1D N-Yark with boa Blvd., u..tena t.o Ilia radk>-
lal1on were Mme.a Baroid Pet..ra. RtJn0ld1, con.an-aUon of nalur· Barbar& and Wlllard Mor,an. Ult other montnr heard h1a name
advt.or, <>rans• Oounty-J'Mera-al raourcu. Barb 1 ,..,. kDOW llDCe we ... mentioned, cont.acted KBJO •lU-
Uon of Women'• Clubl, Junior Gi.tt. wfl'e prlMDled to Mn. in \he fourth ~. &be la now dlo In Hollywood. corTeCUy an·
Mernblrllllp. L 1 o yd Mallory, Wat.eon. ~ ottlcer; ~ lb• fainoua BN'Mra Morra.n wtio 1Wered queeUon-of-tbM&y and
pre.Iden& Oruc• count1 ,.,__ ~ J'l.aher, ootlOIJll' ~l. d14 ~ pbo'°lnpJUc record tor wu awarded a rttt t.ox of L&A-
auon of Women'• Clube, Junior ~M~~ ~fte~ 8:; Booll: ot the D&.Dce, alao a won-'f1a "M>' 8111" ~ and Mem~n.hlp; Ros• ltranls•. r ,._ diertul boOk. Summer'• Chlldn11.. oolope.
louthem Ot.at.rict ooordlnator the club nMl!lbcn to do m09C aom. of th ... pho~ba have Junior l:IMU'a Oott.oa Ball
and Norma.n Wat.Ion, prtilldenl. for the club 1.1\d community ""' bed \I.Md ln lteichen'a book OA Friday at Capl.Rn.no Beadl·
California Federation of wom.-vtce. Ma.a. comben -P'rtday An.rnoori
en'a Ctub9, Junior Membitnhlp. IN MlAUDA.LI: , JunJora Saturday evelnr at
Mn. Allinder uuiounced her B" Di } 'Tbalr twtme la ln lcand&l• Elk• Clul>-Nlptlnple l\l:ncbeon
pew chairmen u f0Uow1 : Mm11 tg Sp ay am-. lovely wood«S hllla with -June 4, Irvine Cout) Ctub.
Philip Mauru, membership; Ed-• old atoa• wan. laldnr over the
•ln ,,n.tn. federauon •t•n· of Fuchsias terrtJD, b&l1 CQYVed w1lh v1n ... In Musi·c Room lion; Jame. Zink, editor of Tat-Lllaea, dopood, tullpa and
U.r; Robe-rt Diemer, pnea; CW--t F• h F lW• of the valley are ln bloom. R S h } U. Berberu, curt.tor of aec:Uona; ft lS ry TM &Jr t.a crlap and cool W. at ea C 00
~an Ftaher, parll&mentar-mol'lllq att..r y•t.ard&Y"• •prlnr 0 hou t th .....
Dance Funds
for YSA Work
Th• Cost.a Meaa-Bay CtU• -L----.... .._ ptD • a • MW m.-e _..... ..... ro ... na w..., were room at Rea School. CoA& Keaa. ~ ot tht Calltomla Nat.Ion-y..terda.y loudly chlrptnr up Ui. wu held lul Wedneed&y from 1
al J'uch.lla Society will diqlay ~ ::-= today, evWenU7 3;80 to 5 p.m. Ho.ta for the at-
.00 YU'leUea of tucbaiu at the ~ known falr were Jamu IC.lDdnd. muaic: I
HUbor Uona Club nab rrt wM ~ pbo: tulructor at Re& 8c:boo1; WU-
June t and s Bradley L. Buche9. bll ~ 11am A.llu. 1ut.rwnc&&I tuc:btr
1 lknral ..,... orpniz.aUona have pruldent announced today. .. ~~ -~t.M J: tor the eo.t& M.a 8cbooll, JKll
1Ddlcat.c1 lntel'fft ln bttplnc form Mn. Olady1 L. Vernon. '21 a8d tM IM ..... t of W. ~ P\&MAb&rpr, ft.a lk:bool prlncl·
• 911uare dance fl'O'lP 1D t.hi.e vt· Wu.on SL, Coela Mea ... aboW ....... fQ1l ., ,.._ aZMI p&l &Dd Mn. L. o . Kidder, WI*"
Clln1ty, kata9 OeDI Mca&.ndiab of chairman and advt.Ma that Mr ~.-ne, U.O Mft UMtr -n.or Of m\1110 tor U. Mea&
Oe Youth Bemct A.llodauon ~tttet It mutnr pnpara• owa 1111a1••tn1 -P'A7· achoola.
IJ"CKIP. wboee bWJd1"C at Pali-~:!i, f: ; ~= of "'GM liq ..-t week wW do Ou.ta were frc:m mualo d ..
---.... ~ .. ~ • ••• 8" wQl.M---• ~ ·=-· Wida • S.. .JileA and N.,.-port · lhe _____. cl&J booth on the park lfOUDd.a. -.. a.ch 8Ch la. 1IMd for 1"vr--~ Tb• nut meeUnc of t.h .,. aeUl ..... crl BllM& 1l1&Dd. 00
lftM TaA orp.niatka .sD ~ clety "'1U be held on June I, (motMr ol Morpa Korpn) B&cklJ'OUftd mU8ic wu proytd-
_. tM eerla. ~June t T:SO p. m. In Ule Conun\l.Dity "'Jfo ,i..e Ullt .Am.tea ud ed by a at.rlng en.emlM OOntpo9-
at I p.m., wlUa J~ Hurta u M.ihodlll Cburch, dO W ltUa &lO p.o,te " IM ~ ed of lludent.. Davtd J>wi.a. o.ty
anar. . St .. eo.ta MN&. Loren Pa~ ptOfla. tiift. Ttlelllia•. Morri.o1't K&t.b7 Dalton, 1'.-rr
Wlth .veral "llq\W'We" a1fted.7 Of l.,iewood. NaUonal .,.._... y~ ~· n41o ,... Hllllhan. Batb&ra J'lbpatrick, ~ UM public la lnvtled to dmt, wW be suut apealler. B• ~ wu ~ tor 1 iouns Barb&r& Brown. V1c:~ llidckr and
,.,.Udpate with Ul1 protlte so-will ""' ~ tllultn.Ud 81lde mu 'tl'1I will lllle .aAn.tlq bia Mary Ann JileJ:IML TR tabM ap-tas to U. Youth ~e. butld· ltctun on propaptlon and can ut&I ~ Jun. U. tMJl patntlneftte '"" curiecl out U\ lal and Ja.m_... t\IDda. Tbe c:IMI ot l'\lcll.... JWl"Mblllata *111 7., II.la ~ -. bu been ~ same put.el lhMWa of l'l'ffll
-., .et up f06 btstnmra. tbe lpOn-be aerTed and the pubUc 11 w.i-~ _ i., t.M ~ of bl.a eoQ-and yellow \lied ln the tntfftoc
.,.. .u.te. , com• to attend. tr'T· tflot to know tbat M baa deco?Ulon ot the room.
Fri., June ltt.-12-1 p.m.
. ,.., •• ,, .• r•• IDEAL '~, 11i••''"' ,., , •• ,.
' •
P11Hted aADfANT
CONT&OL s l• ..... •
eelf•ra toUC W ... daet ....... ,,_°',...... ,,. .......... ~ .....
~ WAin' TO ;
: . DOMIE THI : . • . . • i • i • •
111an ..... .. n .., .. ........
•1c1 ..... ....
1 ~Br'O l
: ............. ~ ...... IRS d I
• MINT-APPi.i • Pt.UM
. . .
POJIK & BEANS v~ 11 ~~19
JACK CHEESE Pre~ ._43c
ORANG! JUICE=:.~~ ·2 : 25c
MEAT PIES ~~':i::, 5 :,: $1·00 -. -~UNCHEON MIA:-1 .
,..-~~h '1:29:J
BEEF LIVER -~:."!: .. 29
"'-'Yi..I -•33c O..,Wa Peotf._ ...
VA."-umA 0.... A ,....g ,,,...,....,_,
lllASTS t.a.anc AIWW..IMClt -., 7 ,
THIGHS t.a.6nc
PtuMp .... ....., .... 7
WINGS ~25' ISconoMlcal, ...., ...
twtfr• PremJ\iffttiOW'n 'N' a.rw.
PORK UYER .. 23' ",..,.,_...,
FiWJy.,-ow, ~ lft dMr ~ ...
COD RllET ::35' Captalft'a ~. fr.h..f,,..,., '°" reocty •
HADDOCK Film :: '3' Coptoln't a.e..fwa• ,,_, .. r. ""'4y.
GRADE "AA~' EGGS Mm11M::39c LA1GE :47c SIZI 4-111 SIZI ..._
p .. :'CJ 111 local allll ...-lie\ a ... ""* ---... fte &.uceme. <o-t .,~ a 'AVJ
-ITC IU _, 20·1 lW9ffte. ~A .-. f
l.atllB .. •A19I
l'*"'P .... 'I' c = ... 2:2t-
,...._,,.~--N UK•
=".:...~ 2::i9f i
~AJAXOl•tlSll~\ -~= ":10: ·'~
DU TY OUT "l BUQJ -Pirate Third Sacker JabnDy Estrada taP Otit.
Coalinga rand prepares tor throw to first bJe In a tenae altuatlon LUt
weekend. Orange Cout'• rune won two extra-Inning games to cop at.ate JC
championship. -OCC Photo
""'"'E C£•m
Ooa•lee bu CCICM a klAa W*J
lla4.'e 1941, wlMD be WU ~ clp~ In Ule doJMltic U.1-bl
Ole ror.t w. Na~ Ile
ataru.ect • u.. t.-ra ·WWW ~
rrabbta• ~ tJU. aft.tor ~
Die awr&w ., ICNU. Alrlea
hi tM tlnal. ••••••••• •••
-Everybody 1cada and heeda
Newa-Pr t~• want ada. Thal'•
why Uwy 1et 1uch quick rnulta. TIGERS PLACE . 4 ON
HOME ORA~~N~ L~~!. ~.~.~~ .. ~··"
I ~~~~~......,~ Bucs Dominate
Critiu j>Oln~ out t.hie WU
only du• to the fact that Ted
8c:hroeder WU ablent ~m UM
tourney. Bul epotty perform·
anc• fail~ to kttp 0onu.1 ..
from a place on th• 1P4t Dana
Cup equad.
Pated by four ata.ndoulA from be&ulttuJ cei llf1calu by aport..-
l a~N.~ tht champion Valencia Hll'h writer. of OCN8 LeaJUe pl&J
ttam. Ulc annual Oran~e Leape enda rriday alt.cmoOI\ tor all
coaches' bueb911 I.Mm bu been Oran&'• loop teana.
To lirY• You
•---1-~·~ .... E
EffldlNTl Y OPERA Tm
212 OoMn Ave.
~HY. 4-lln •
.01 N. e c.mino R .. 1
0 PHONE 'HY~ 2-119'
• 2 -HYecilltt. 2-11 96
Coach Oeors• Hunter'• Tipn KID plac«i rouc •tt.r• on th• tint
team, and two on the mecond
=~~;:ta£;;:~: PRACTICE
cl& ~ltdl1 r: Bob Tolbert. Val·
:~~~~::?~::: SCHEDULE
tn the lunMl IMcu• bU4ba1l
race next ..a.on.
Valencia 8 MCOnd H Cktr, Al·
bcrt euttllo, a.i.o made the
tint wait. TI,.en on lb• leCOftd
tum ._. out.fielderm Ruben
MarUna. and Jo, Rodrtquu.
Games hCJln at
Youth Centw,
Costa Mesa Park
~ the loop'• tint 10 Summer Midget LeaJU• baM-
PJn•, Stg-ov1& had won etrht ti.11 ln Ule Harbor area ~·ta ~amu on the mound. He had underwa7 at the Newport Har·
t&mled 9' and walked Ju•t n . bCI' Youth Center and C:O.ta DEXTEROUS DAVE -Tearing around impeding
m. ERA wu a taatutie .173. Mu.a Park at e P m. Monday tires during Newport Harbor Hilb Tar backfield
Raya waa ~ bf th• wbcn a M11u or pracUc• pmn apring traininc eeuion ia Da Vt Yeialey. -Staff
majortt,y of ~ C06ChM u be&1A.
lb• top rece&..r. Ht bad made ~ AiitMcl&Uon. Pacl!1c Ph9to CG17 two erron ln U.. Ont Ooui ~ tltld M.aJoc' IM.p• .._ _____ _..;,. _______ ..__ _____ __._...__
.._Ill ....,., and --•tted Ju:M. nlne1 open tbdr ppetrult ~ .. ~•·t1-,.._ end. Boore. of lb• coot•ta wen
1..0 Batu~ and 7..0 8&mday. -·~· ...-·~ 100a at CoM& "-Parlr A.maicaa ~---.--vu"· ua.-Mola baMI t¥1 U. ... Ule Ultcm&UoaAl Leap•~ CUbe and ~ -n. Pint.;
ptuon. whet •P pttchltlr ann. and bat· 7:30 p.m .• Pacltlc Oout Lupe
Roundlq out U\e tint unit, Un~ "1U on U.. Youth Cent.r Bra.,. v.. Cull&.
Th• Uonetta were deteatad
In bOtJl encount.era by M&rgte
L&W' wtlo !n:lrted U. wllltcowuh
wtna. u aleci.ct by the cqecta-. and diamond In Coron.a del Mar. na.d&y. e p.m., Arurlcan A.Ir
rtle&Md by OCN8. an the tdl· An exhlbtUon ala·lnnlnc Clua aoclat.ioll Ql.allla '" Cardlula:
low1nc. Norm Pincock, Tuathl C pine la ldteduMd for w~-7:30 p.m., Major LeaJUt Brana ------------
pltdler; Harold Dman. ~a nelday n1J)lt at Cost& M..., n. Cabe'. L I Co b
tblTd bater'W'.' Don ...,., • Park to enable ~ha to cM-ON \\'EDSl:SDA y oca IC es
t.11' lbOrtltop, and outtleld... Ide whether the yoWlrtt bo-Wed.n.-daJ, t:!O p.m .. exhlbl·
J•rrv J'aclnelli Of Lacuna; Bob • ,-··-~---c ,..,._ . I IO Att d c1· . --,, here ahouldecmllrwe playlnf res-.._ ... _ ......... . p. m.. en 1n1c
IUvu of TUtJa and bia l-.m· ul&Uoo buebaU or ihltt to a Hatbor Boya' Club Robina VL
mat.e, Jlm Bopty. ~ latter ~-" -· la Santa Ana American Lefton la aao a repeater from laat ~ type ....., .... uch p eea
• t emphalla upon hltUnr a.nd qeld· Junlor1.
1ear • earn. tnc lnatead or on pltchln•. Thuraday, e Pm., Pacific
OOU81N AC'l' Three lnnlnp of the eonte.t Cout Learue Dod(V'a v1. Ptr-
L& Habra'• inn.Ider, A.dalph wlU be pl&yed under ... ,w.auon ai.a. 7:SO p.m. MaJot lA&S"U•
(Jlttent) Nan.rro, w-. ac:cordad ruJu and thrw 1M1np under th• ~ " Plrat.u.
a spot OD the flnt ..... U MW rul•, aft.er wbkh co.di.. J'rtd&J, & p.m., Pactlk CoUl
a utility player. Hi. oouatn. wW rtUr• n, Harbor 801*' Qub Ldl'M CUd1na1I VI Olanta. 7 30
Ernie NavUTO, made UM MCOnd and male• their dtcle.lon. , p.m.. Major Le&cu• C&rdtn&la
\Mm, aa an outfielder. l&OBINI Pt.A I" va. O~t&. Th• coachee cen...UJ a(l'Md -----------
that "tlli.I y.-r wu one for The u.me nl&'lt. th• n...rt)' Soflba" 11 T lght ilandout lntieldera." la order lo arca.ntUd Harbor Boyl' Club Oft .. r .. _ __,_ la Robina. the Theo RoblAI' spon· ma .. e room or _.. ....... p y· llOred nine tor oldtr bof• In t.M ORANGE. COCNSJ -The Or·
ere. the coach• made switchel Rart>or area., t..akea on Banta ~· Uoneltn lake a one win. = .Ule playen' rl.sulat ~-Ana'1 American Le(1on Jwilor ftve )OM record Into Oran~ City
They mond Capo'• Dick Tum· i.m. PaTk tonl&'lt when they face
i r. t. JhortlJ.Qp.. to 9DOD4 llut. Here'• tht Youlb Cater ached-Pbocn1s la a two pme cet here
on lb• MCODd untt. '"'-IWltdl ult nm wffk• Jlfonday. • 1>-~.
wu "'f'5• to make room tor InternaUonal Leal'J• Cube n . t.aa"llft& 1 Pete Hall at ahort on Bra,... Tuuda7, • p.m., lnte~
tM ~ unit. Uon&J LA&ive Dodcera v1. Plr·
Tllia i.o cloceat baW• were at.M; Thured&y, f p.m .. lntem•·
tor ahortat.vp and• tint. et.Te Uonal lAll.IUe Olanta VI. CILrd·
R.&IM9J, who made the ftrwt lna1a. team laat year, couldn't bud,e BcheduJe at coat.a w.. Park
UoneHes Suffer
Pair of~
ORANG.It, IOCNS I -lhut·
out both Saturda.Y and Sunday.
the Oraqe • Lti'11utll• dropped
IM>Ul enda of a two ram• Ml lo
the Phoenix Queena I.hi. Wfflt· Tolbert. nu:t week: Modd&y, • p.m.,
AJ..lr0l)TS<Jll.A.P8 ;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
Hall and 8-.n had an all·
out balUe fOC" the top apot at
abort.. It wu a1ao cJo.c ID the
vollnf betw ... IA Habra'• Ja.n
JonH a.od L&suna'• St•H Dye
for lf'COlld team catcher.
,~• ••rr 1 .. " . . E•ICTRICALLY
Local football ~he. attend·
ed the annual cw.chem' clinic at
UCL.A Saturday, •t.&r'tlq at 8:30
a. m. Featur11\1' th• propm
we~ tnatructora Red Sanden of
the Bruina and Jordan Olivar
of Yale'a Bulldop.
On th• a,.nd& were atudlea In
pualnr offcnae, pe..8linc deten..
otfenalvc atratery. detensl•• lln•
play, practice atunla and drilbl
and defenalve end play.
Al Irwin. who ta.Ilea over u
hud football mentor at orance
Cout CoUece next fall. and hie
atacr. J im Stanr-el&nd and Bill
Poore, attended the clinic ~
with Unc 0-ch J ohn McGowsa or Newport Harbor Hl&'h 8chooL
to the Sbet.l'IOO, Hammill
"Priv4te Wire "
KABC-6:30 P.M.
Daily Mon. thru Fri.
Muket Quotation.
Financial News
Buaineu Commentary
preMnted b7
ST AFFORD -& SON 11·~ .... ~"'';;;:.:·~~:., .... ~
SOU'rll OOA.8T 00.
Urd .. Newport Bhd.
E1eetr1eaJ eoatncton ~ I ,.,, •• s-• • c--'il'I ~
110 Rh'f'raidt An. Liberty 8-2276 3331 Vla Lido I Newport
Eastern loop
Will\ pltchln&' act Wayne
Coucht.ry nam~ "player of th•
year", Orange Coul Collec•'•
perennial E a 1 l • r n Oont-..ncc
ch&mplona placed e~ht perform·
erw on the all-loop &U-at.ar uam
eelecled by the eo&chea tut
Co~try, the whip-armed thin
man of the Buca, wu jolned b7
te&mmate Rowiand Hill, center-
t\elder. u the only two nm
t-.m repealen from lul aeaaon.
8clleduJed to pt hi. come-up·
pane• ln th• '"' National• with Schroeder ente~. Qonalea
dropped the tint t•o aeta, only
to 1tace a aen.aaUonal comeback
For a tr .. con of _,. .. ,..
folder about 9MQal ~
ment -.pani•: ...U. 1"'tt.e °" mail UM ooupoa.
to win the match 1e-1a. 2-41, -------------------• &-1. t-2. e-4. Pancho WU the
1econd )'OW\l'e•t player t'ffT to
win Ule UUe, beinr only 20 In
FEWEL a 00.
t:. ~. "SaUoul Baek lllq.
Coeta Hna. Oallfonala Atler the '49 :'\a UooaLI, Pan-
cho turned pro to challenre
Kramer. He locl In ltliO, bul bu UIM>rt1 1·141!
com• a Ion,-wey Al.nc• then
At the peak of h la tabuJoua ~ •"" -. • 1"-• 1•tiee, ?-
career now, Gorual• baa won , i.wa. 'A,,.,.,., ... v .. •.
~';:. :~~d S~~~ N-..................................... .
w .. recently won the National I ~ ...... · · · ··· · · · · ··· · · · ·· ······ ···· ··
ProteamonaJ Hardcourt doublea o,, ....................... "'-······ .. .
Three players were unanlmoUI
-COuchtry. Hill a.nd P1rate Ftnt
Sacker Cent Raine Other Bue.
named on the nl"lt tum wen
Catcher Ted Coutla, Second Bue--
man. Jerry Wayt and 8horlatop
Bob Coopman. On lb• MCond atr1nc were tabbed Bue.• Johnlly ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..~;;;-;.-;;-;;;-;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ji
Eltrada. third bale, a.nd Bob t.o-n I ~ R. Ja Cicero, outfielder. h
Honorable mention tor the P1r· OC II (J On
alff went to Pitcher Jlrn New-Every Thursday Hite, 5 to 10 P. M.
Roundlnc out the l!:C flnt ALL YOU CAN EAT -1.75 at.rtnc were Pitcher J im O'Mlela.
Mt .. San Antonio; Bob Tebelakla,
third ba.M, RIHnlde; IARoJ
Weaver. oulltelder, Mt. &AC, and
Carl Bare, oultte)cier, Cb.alley.
Fem Golf Rftults,
cit lrvlne Friday -... .
Shrimp Coc~tail • Soup . Salad
Tostada • Taco • Enchilada • Spanish Rice
Fried Bean. with Cheeee • Tortillu
Colle or Milk
Sen.or Louie Yoreno and m. Fucinating Piaao
Start.a at 9;00 PJL. -Tollite and EVERY NITE!
P911)' Time ~ -ll :00· P .ll. JiWER T THURSDAJ ! •
•tamo1» feJ' coddallla"
UM W. Coul B"7· °'Oii lil.<Ml"1 IOJe'"
Th• t~·to-it-n uttll tourna-
ment. e.npced I.a Friday by Ir-
vin• Oout Country au" fem
dlvot-dina-11 found Mrs. Wayne
Hall ooppDJ.' Claaa A compeU·
Uon w1th a 40 net. Tra!Unr her
were Mr1 Oeors• Carroll. 41, ~;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;:~:;;:;;~;;;;;;;;~g and Miaa Mary K. Browne. 43. r
Clasa B ttrll place wu a
deadlock between th• M.mea.
Alex D.,'eo and John Greene.
both with H . Runner-up WU
Mn. Howard Flemlnr, 46. Dead·
locklnc In Cla11 C were the
Mm.._ William Mlrama and D. V.
Hayea. 40 each. Runner-up wu
M:ra. Earl Guatby, U .
Announcing • •
A New Service For
.'JUNE l~ 2NO & 31Ul
Fri. & S•t. -I 0 •.m. to 5 p.m. -Sun. 12 to 4 p.m.
We offer smart, modem, small offices for
the sales or manufacturers representative,
the semi-retired man, etc., complete with
telephone service. Stenographic service
available . Limited desk space is a lso
availoble. •
!Ht ~eow-,_rt Bl,~ •. -A~ 8eat.ll C•_. c ..
.... ~ ..,. r-~ Tf'd Coutu Jim Ntw1l1rll. JCf'J
•~&M-: Left .__ __ _.._... ' I .Jone. <mana1•'· ~;
• Wa) t. Bo b coopcnan. DcNa Gt AftRHl:il Sp.ilMI Sports Fefe . f'ltspatuck, eoo IAC1c•ro. Jfd. "':'':I 4~· Youq. ,;-. ftajnu, De!!f1a
• • HatLlhorn tmana1er1. baM-~. Gary Jobn.9oo, OR1i1e Cout. ~ .op.hotn.ott. re-\VllHam Harruoo. at.aai.r
oelwied the OutJlttriAlnc Athlete award for 1968 made lut Hoplllnl. Bl-ur• Knipp. T • o '¥ ... _ .;....n-.... 89...&w. Llvtn1•ton. l.Arry LMn11t.o11. Dlltit at """~.. _.... .... , Sport. Awatd Banquet. Henry Rod.rtru"-Jarry Bh.ltftr,
A twc>-year: lel~rman in track, and a.n outatanding L.ff Taytor. Jeny Worthy, Bob
~and award winner In footb&ll, the Ora.nae mgh School SIM99. .t.n0 P'r..cl van1.a. t.rMk;
,nduat. ptW &n •.s&iu. . Duane Bowen, Emil Dop,....._
noot'4 at ~.... c..t. The I bar. A ·~ award of an alb-Gery LAona.rd. Ron 'BabO. :al> ·
a.older of th lauet Lea.rue I' l•Uc lett.er waa p.....,.\.ed to Schuttpel&. J o h n Swain. ;JJln
lllot put ,.:rd. JobNIOll ._., Ranlly Albena. Oraq .. Ooun 'nbba. and Jim Worrl.on, cftW.
Coa.cb Wendell Pickens beama his pride while• accepting the trophy emblematic
of the Orance Cout College Pirate'• state bueball championabip from Bue
Preeident BuU Peteraon, left. Player. looking on are Wa)'lle Coughtry, eecond
from le!t, and Ted Couta. right, co-captain.a for th~ champs.-Gene Tyler Photo
CIF vtcroaY MILL-Flockmg around Pitcher Gary Green alter Newport Hu-
bor High Sailora' 3-2 victory over Point Loma at Huntington Beach High Friday
were, from left, Gil Sharp, Pete Heikes, Ten-y Hall, Bob Allen (12). Green,
Catcher Carl Bergeron and civilian Chuck Koivilto. -Stair Photo
HUBBTIN' aumBAW -Cirelln& the tin dur-
ing backfield b&U carryinf drill !or the Newport
Harbor Hilb Sailor pigakinn.era i1 ha1fbldl hopeful
Pat Haiiabaw. -Statf Photo
BJLL PHILLIPS, Sport.-F.dltor
lal&tl ,.a.at maa In tracl& for the !reneUc hf.ad yell leader lor the
Ptra.le. um year and capt&ln or I put )' .. ,. ~track t.am. a. competed ln Two yac Jackel award.I wenl
· abol and lb• diKwi. and tft both I l() the toUowt.a1 alhletee: Bob
ltlt and HM wen UM r.u~m Slaat.I. 1.AQnard BiecaUua ad
Oraf libol put U\k H• I Gene 'l'.Yler, lez&la, Gary John-~ In Lhe loutbtrn eon an4 Bob Norman, track;
Clll&fCJl"ll.t. meet. qualltJl.q' tor Syd Tonu and Bo~ Diehl. roll;
tbe at.ate ftn&l.I IJl the north. Tony Lomb&rdo, \\ ayne Couab-
ll y Don ~l&h. John E:.tra4a
Previous out.at.andtnr alhlele •Jld Rowl&rul H 111. bueb&JJ;
aelecUon. at Oranp C-Out have I C..ora• .L.yon.. aw\JomU\g. and
besn Culton M•rw In 1930: Ken Al Baker, Ge-raid Band.1ck. How-
Moat.a, lllCll : Howard Miller ant Hall 1manarer1, Al Hatha·
l.IM; Wayne Brap, lt~. Don v.-.y and Tom Plett.a. crew.
Carter, 1154; and Bud Bel.the ONE YEAR AWARDS
ltM. One year awarda were pre·
•ented lo Jerry Holden. Mer·
The 11lverw1.t• denotlnr l!:aal· I rill Jamu. and Alan Moo1e.
em Conterence champlon.1hlp In lenni., Ylnce Sa.nder1, 1:J:1a Van
bbeball WU pH•nted by Co· Hom, Bob Sueu. Bob uu. Jim I
Capt.aiM Wayne Couptry and Starn. and Bob Blalldell. roll; I
Ted Coult.II to Ron Armmtronc Alll.ll Hod,-ea, Paul Brtltbaupt.
1tudent body preatde.nt. lndlYI-Grant Sta1eber1, Ooua D'Arn1ll.
dU&l aold trophiu wen J)reffnl· Rwi1 Murphy. Bob Staal.I M.u
ed to each beaeball t.m mtm-Bowman, Jack Shltlda, and Tom
SwtmmJnr clU9H tor ch.lldren
and adUllll will start at Oranre
tu• n11h their own •ulla and 1ow-
NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESs-PART 11 ·PAGE I Cout Coller• the week of June
W6DNESOA Y, MAY 10, 1956 I 25 Three 11t11ea ot cJUMa, e11 h
The 1ehedule ot .Monday, \\ f'd·
nuday and Friday cla»e1 fol-
io"' 1 t-lO. 1 ~lion lnlerme-
dlatea~ t·t SO. 2 Sttuon. begtn-
nf'rt, t 30-10, l Se• tlon &rm
nt11 -l Non·Sw1mmer1, J(}.10.
30, 3 Se<:Uona Non-Swlmm~r•.
10 30-11, 1 ~on Non-Swim·
men -1 8ec:Uon &fUUlera 11·
11 30. 2 SKUcma Non-8Wlmmtra
A rune sune tootbeU tcbedu.&e not fall nnda On.nc•
Coaat CollrJ• playt.Df pve pme1 ln luab .Bue Bowl on the
Meaa ~~ e&mJUL Th• schedule, &.wed by Coach Al
I rwtn. lncfudee one pme on Saturday atternooA. n. reat
w111 ~ pla.)'ed at nJfbt on Vrtday1 and 8aturday1.
Th• MUOll OpetUI SepL 21 aplnat Glenda.I• here and
la followed w1t.b Ul• annual Uona Club p.me wben tbe
Pirate. boat. AllMrt.cy River Sept. 2&, Jtem&Jnder ot lhe
OCC &late: Oct. I, at Banta A.Ila, Oct. 1~ al E&al ConlT&
Costa, Oct. 20, rullert.on M1'9; Ott. 31, Mt. 8&n Antol\10
here. Nov. 2. at San JMrnardino; Nov. 10, 2 pm, Ri\'er-
sldt' bett: Nov. 18, el Cba.ttey.
three wttka In lel\(tb. v.111 ~
held durtn&" the MUC>n. Re(lslra-
Uon tor ciu.a wh.lch meet Mon-
day•. Wednettdaya and P'Md.ayl,
wlll be held Monday, June 25,
11.arunr at t a.m. al the Collere.
IW(latraUon tor Tueeday and
Tbunday cl .... • will be htld on
Tuuday, June 2e. 1tartlnJ at
I A charr of U Pfr penon wlll
be made tor each U\ret-\lotek tn·
1trucuonal per1od to help dt'fray
the 1.olt of pool malnltnan<'e.
1 ThoH t'nrollln&' a re requl~ lo
Lions Clubben
1 SecUon Be11nne.-.. 11 30-12.
2 Secllona Non·Swlmmen l I
l$tl'llun S.s-1nnen1; 1-2, Adult &-
irmntn, 1-2, ~nlor Lite Sa' lng,
2 5. Rec1 ••l1onal
Tuuday and Thurlld&v c la.uea
are 9-10. Swtmmer Life S.v-
tnl, 10-11. Swlmmf'r Lift Sa,·-
1nr. 11· 12. 2 Sect.Iona Intermt-
dlalu 1 SecUon &(innen, l·
'l, Adult t lnlermtdlatew 1: 2-5. Rf..
., ~I T b M rsh E.d OC for Grid Game
Recr.auona.J .-.vtmmlnf "'Ill be
available dally trom 2 to 5 pm..
and au day Saturday. Tht ftt tor
l'f'(;rMUon&J awtmminr dunng the
.u.mmer wtU be $1 for ctuld~n,
U for adult.I tor aaat0n Ucket.a
8lf1CI• uet ot tbt pool tor~
Uoul ..,.UlulllDr ta 20 centa for
children atid IO oenlll tor adulta
8 ad a ~mA. ahsl ~ r::~~f::i:o~:7n~:~
I • utstan Ing ~·· t eJe ~: .. =u:i:st·m:r: 7.::
"Court" Says-= . -AaUclpate slope. Doa _
jun oa your braktie
WllHI It'• aa eme~
ent'l· _
This pra.ctb cu ~
duoe brake lln.bac A
tire llff' by onr 50%.
UH ~•wport Blvd.
Phoae I.I 1-llt'f
for your
Our m«h1nici ire Johnt0n·
crainN in tht u~ of speci•I
faCllDcy·lJpe tool~. They u~
Johnaon partt from our 1.trst
atock, 1nurin1 you of only
tht 6nnt m11n1tn1~ ind rf'-
pair worli: on your ou1ho1rd
mocor. Lookin1 for a '""'
Sn·Horw> Wt have lhtm ll
prices )'ou'U apprec111e.
~twport Bhd. '1 2Snl
Harbor 2600
, •1·CMIWl9 r .,.-oa
G Hubb d Ni Bento I .& yarder w1liM l'tobln 8wintord ene ~--ps ft Ill booltd th4t MD t5 y&rda. The aMual Women'1 .AU\JeUc Tualln, Garden Grove. IAauna I l\ewpott Harben , Balboa Bay,
RanL ... , Glenn Morrison Tops c TM ~ta.no. p&MlilJ crown .U.OClaUoo b&nquet W'&I "eld Bee.ch, and c.,i.tra.no hlrh eo.t& Meaa.. Huntlnflon Buch. MEMORIAL DAY
U went. to ~tbadl ltaa ln the OranC"e eo..t Coll ... Khool.a. Garden Orove, Weatm1n•l•r and
Sch009 wttb hit ~ ... of 67 8Ndent Center Monday nenlnJ. Winner Of Ute &want ~ Lhe Seal ieuh In Villa }.farina Mon-Halfback Herb Yee, who won the C football pentatb· )&rda ta ftl'lfty l'anU.. 8*bJnd Member• of awlmmlnr. teanta. outatandinr WA.A araduat.e. aa day nisht.
lon acoring title Jut le&IOn, moved up to the B'I this aea-hJm w.,.. Bc\to a.nd Hubbard volleyball, bukt'tball, and llOft· well a1 the award lo the out· A Zone C Lion• proJttl under
t t · rd · tha 1 __ 11i_ wtth 00 J'S.J'd \.-. Beu •rain bell teama were honored. Aleo atandi,,. athlete, ,.,.. Marab•
90ll O le & new &eonng reco 1D t c~-tion at led ta. 11'1 WlUl & 62 yard ef· atlepdtnf were 1tudenl a.nd a'd· B:ldtm, HunllnJton Buch. WAA E<Jward Milar oC the Baltxi. Say
Newport Harbor Hieb School. Yee tallied'" point.I during fort. .Jobn Alb&tt&b &ad Yee n.or rtpre1entat1vea from Hunl· pre.tie~ • • I Llona Club. thia tall'• (lid cl.uo
the two-week pidiron test. run by Co&cb Al Irwin to frac· ltallf'd wt\h 60 Jard throw.. lnpn Buch. Newport Karbor, Of.bu 1pedal award• were •io will tlnd th• Ptn\M of new
tu" lhe old B mark of 42 '' Uon we ban ner had ln lh• Bob C••'"•• &od 8chllchCmaJW • maOe to Joy N.......,.. &n4 Don-Head coach Al ll'Wta tao1Un1
point.I and beat out Btu Bet.a'• annual tootball pent&thlon," lr· deadlocked a.IJIOClf tia. C'• at " Santa A Nine oa Fl~. .ozie,.n: J<T'/ • lWlb Bue
•1 and John &.Uot'a 40 win announc~. ya.rda. ftG N9Wbl•n-and 8&111iar& Johuon. Amerlc&l1 IUnra IA
Alt.tr a nip-and-tuck cont .. l CRAMP XOW •TB Mom.on. C. W lft pusta,1 UAaah R--L.-&. 11ukelb&U;. aad Cb&rl .. WU..011 Bowl &tpL 21.
all lhe way, Qua.rter1>9ck <l«ne Irwin pointed out tbal Nor-tor •CC1U'aC7 by (U&)plas MYa p-•• ~WQ and Sarah Scott. 8ClftWL '!be M:EET \Ul'l'OBI
H .. ..___d __... __... t o d Jlm H B ot 10 a tt.mpt. tJuOup a hanr· • l.ecj• Fray ... 1 •Ur --1.... t ...... ._ .. u....... ~1-ou uar rcan award. wbo wen the lnf tin at 10 f&l'da. D&n Art-lft IOft • ..... __ .......... Kanber• or th• Uon1 wtU
:S.nto 415-44 to nab the var1lly tllle lut 1euon. 8COred more hoefw •ae 0 n&Nl_...up wlLh 8 woa ~ louu..nt 0.Utonla
meet the mlllnf leam when It
(11d pentathlon crown rtplaclnf point.I lh1-MUOn, bbl wound up BJt.lJ.#6 tor ·~ (~Ult point FULLJCRTOJI: _ tOCNa) _ JunJar OoUep dramp p. n-arri-... In lh• H&rlllor area and
l"\alilMlck ChU'Ue lkrry. laat ff&· fourth wtlb 3t digit. behlnd at lot MU lllriklnc tbe uN) 8&nt.& Ana' Junior Amft'1Ua «IYed m..saa. Tbo• ne.&'1D( a banquet w\11 be beld In Ultlr
.-·a Yictor. tee. Bet.a and Dot. .:::~.-.aa4 -. baa:balleri jUDtped on awarde wve: Dari .. Notthts-...,_.the nl&ttl ~tore Lhe p.ma.
OleN\ Mom.on •'-<> narrowly Two marka w-en U~ wben D&.-r.tat ud IW1 8W"ll U. l'\allerton •tarter Don Bell for !auD. Oil~ Au.au..~ "lJf'~-pnlt. \be~
copped tM C pent.&thJon dladtm Hubba.rd and Bob Bowen ln the Dlck 1'1.1• a.nd 9ob 8tepMee two ruru In the lhlrd lnnlRI ,. .... CJnWa ltrot.ber. Lyna 1>9-wm turnlah Ul• plaJen "on boUI
with 35 polnU. be\Un1 out A compellllon and Pete Lom· had t ~ ~ A•• alotl• wttlll l\mday. and b<lf'd their ~ Lotta, DeJorW Oil Ooma. 8a'-d•oren.t will\ aandwicb•. milk
Nell 8cbllcllenmayer and Rua banto and Dennla Guenin ln th• B'• Jlna LoudeD and Alllt&riaA; • to a aurpri.inr yf/t euy 4•1 JacU.., i:nd K&l'J OnutJcr. Uld applu. Saturday mornlnl
Beach. with-M each, T1m Jon• C'• all booted 10 out ot 10 COil· To~·• the eoa..-.lan ewnt: 'rietory. wlall .. al the 1\6 _.. aeur tb• pme, a breaJ1tut wtlJ
with U and J'n.nk Rivera and venion attempt.. A -HubM.rd aa4 aow.,, 10 Played at Amenr-Patk. Uie WJJ. ~ent for JIGI, Jo :Ann .,. held for !M>UI 11quada and the
PbU M&Woux, with 31 N rh Dodd Pearson A. won I.he (Uld r~ord), DtD.r\7 Dal boUt, vialtora allowed U\e hoet .Rock· a.,., k~y City, will be A.mer1can R.lver pl&Jcn will
"Thia waa th4t belt competJ-punt1n1 event with a kick or Denny Brown, Bento and Ten-y •lll to acore J&at once, that nib prNl*t; M lob h ~ bt taken on a 2~ hOUT tour
(PollUC&l AdverUeement I 68 yard8. Elld Bob V>Ua.,-ana RAl&an. t aech. B Jerry Sha· ccmlnf ln the Wrd' lllnlDJ. Tiie 8ant.a A.;na, reootdia1 ~; of Ule b&rbOr.
waad vara~ty ;u~er-~p ::nlh ~ fer, Bob Hendenahot, Yf"e and Y1ctor11 allowed hllmon 1tJat lh&r'On Waketleld. a.! ~ .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ma
r;-r peel~ 0
8. :n~ P u 7U"d Ill.lot, t eacb. C -Lombardo n~ hit.I, and kept thml K&~ eo~nr aec:t'9tU7; Kaudt
Pt ~ad• b ~ Good Mt4 ooentn. 10 Ctled 1'9COl'd), tered •ouah to Uawv\ &117 hl• ~ CJ&rfm °""' ~: ~U:.·11 pd y ... ! 60. ~ •~ o.J~. t . lerton Id tdl' mora NN. ~he.!!: ~ 11unanpie
may• ltd the C'e wtth a ff Dad Toli\ AtJllUol\ copp~ lb Th.a I09I wu Just th• fO\.lft.b ntllalJ •·
-------·'------TU'llt~ rootba1.I ~le race bi ln hlstof'J tA) th• 8ut.& AU
Co1ghtry, Gary
Green Top Liit
14.J.. traJled by Half'becll De.I able by Fullerton Tb• Rocket#' Annie's ........ I -an.
Mutin, 2u. Yee topped Ure won·loat record apln1t Santa l"'l'lln: ~J ~~~~~~~~!~~~ B'a ln 16J ahe..d ot Beta'a IG.1. Au ta now l!H. 01\ANO ~ cOCN"I -Or· ;i
8dLUchenm.ayer took th• O'a tll 8&.nt.& Ana collect"' a1x hit.a, •nc•'• .Oftie.D Tbuadlnlrd d.. BE SURE • INSURE 16.1 wt~ T1m JoM9 runnrz·up wtalle Jlmltlq' F\&Uerton to • aptt. tCif-.d a no-b!t.-
111 JU. m fln ~ Ni.rte. Sot t4lt '1 CNf. .__ PUts , ,... • . A d I vwa,rua WU th• Jtldl.otf three a1n,1el ta U\• third bua• ~ burler def ... tM ~-IU cum ft.AJlf1,SY ID •• , I ice mp at H yar4lt ha 4 eoat• ins. ,wtaJch prod~• ICOH. ala 1-1 ~ t bl~ ••• Flt o.11
peUUoa alleed of l'tOcl i Mel &atu.rda7, the n1M City p • ll tbe ~ ,..... ....., MT&
SANTA A.NA. -IOCNI) -al GO 1'F Hend ot uit Tom wilt optn play the O~ time th.la M&eon Ula RoJal hurl-1115 E. Oeasl ~.,. =• Col~,.btry ot 0Nn.I• Ten.Eyck tied amona th~ B'• at County Lu,ue. y ho1lln1 Hunt· i•riiloetiiiaiinoi.iibJit i .Uiioirt.iliiiiliiiiiiO.-iiiii ... ~iiji~il ace and Oa.ry Grwn 4t yarda with S.ll aallln1 lhe ln(tOn Beach. For lbe yaar, Ula
of New])Orl Harbor Hip 8cbo0l twlnaU 4& yardl. PtlU Man.. Rodcet.9 R'D a 1•1 ""°""'
an ~ efrbt blab Uttd 1oux w u.. C'a at 46 Jud& opaRS, U., o..r-
tuntor «>ii.,. buebalJ ~ Arthoeter tra.lltd at 0 ya.rd&. -Onne, T..0
ON.lap CcMmty yYtns '"" u.. ~ Ilda! Pl&¥u of tbe yn.F-a~ ,_.;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;:=;;,;=====---
n awtn will be
.Jun. a.
OOU&blf'J uptured th• awv4
tut --an... burunc OM
Sum ft.-.llfl d '1ral.eit t.a u....aw~•"' nel' ~18 et JO~ a lrit"Jl whl 1M
Wed tile Buca In belttrlns tllM
For AsseniblYJIMBI :;-'ror W:a::'d1:;;!.8:J o..
...,._ a--r, 1''•~ Wu o pro,_bl.J U>e '-l burler In ti.
_. g.n. ........._ mi• • I 8uuet LM,ue. twirled Ooacll
.._ ..,._ ... ~ • .....,_ DlllU N •'• prep 8&Uon In~
• .._. ~ MA ....,._ tha Qr dJamond pJayott.
1'7 la ... tor peat fif ._.. Otber candidate. for U. ,....
.a.11 lbw,,._O,.,.~ ~~-~!__.,..1 pit~·~ .,.... ,. ( ....... •) Dllttltft.' __ ., -~ UT <;.DWr, -
F• tbe ~ ~ 9Cbola. Anabe&m Htp <'buclter;
..... ~ nabtl. O\IUlt~l' -J>lldl,.
~ w, l'UJJ-1oa lllrti: HerTf"y MM--
Ma fMU. eno. ~ Htp outt\•ldtr, and
11mrttw..._•··01-rec:i..i1t1:7,.... lUdlud Mc<::arta-. plw.tr -nut·
,.,.. Ule Cbapmaa Coll•
ST ..
SPECIAL -MAY 30 • JUNE 2 & 3
Sponsored by Zont• Club
Saturday -June 2nd
I :30 p. m. n:rm, vs
(W...,. Amat.a .....
Cl pl•> c ....
Rex Hortwit YI PaKlto
lH a -~C' ..
. ~
Harbor Youth. Center
' R.AlmoR PR:ess
-"°rm•rlJ I.he Newport.-a&lbo& New...nm•
-· ud tb9 Ntwp0rt•Balboa Pr.-
REMEMBER ... SAVINGS rtc•ivtcl by tht 10th
of the month ... EARN FROM tht ht.
NotJoe i.. br,.bJ atTU Ul&t OW
Qty OouMU at tbt ~ al Ntw-
pgrt. • ee.:Q.. wl.11 Mid • JNblk
be&rtnr on Ordinance No. TM. r..
prdinC Pknlliq ~n
~hrt.lon of lntt:nuon No. to3,
changitlr t.be oam• ol • ctrt&ln
at'fft from La hl'le Place to
M.arpret Drlw, Newport Beach.
NoUc. Ml f\lrtlM.r p,... Ulat tM
MUI pubUt: heariftl Will bti held
oa U.. 11&.h da7 0( olrat. l~
at Ute bout oC 7:14) O'clock P.K.
~ Ulil Council Ch&m.Mrm of UM
City Hall ot t.be Oty of Ntwpol'.\
JkM:b at wkicb Ua» and pJue
any ud all plt'a» interwtfill
m&J' appeu and be.~ th.,.. . ..
OtJ CJttll of tbl
City ot Newport a..dl,
Ko. lt7 Ntw•-hMI a1111ae.
XOTIC& or PVauo
Hg4 Ul(Q
NOUca U1 1Mre"1 l'YU tMt U.
City Council ol. tM O\J: ol If..,..
port 8-cb wW bold -a JU)Jtc
he&rlnc on OrdlMnce KCJ. fll, ,.
prdiq" • Plannutc" CommiMloft
ArMndment l'fo. 11 to &...adl
llOILlns from g..1 to a..i. .. to
lM ~ ca.criW ....i pro-
perty: A portklft Of a.etlan I fll
TO'l't'Mhlp T 8outb, . Kup 10
Wut, Newport -.ct&.
NoUee ta f'W'tlMrf st,.. tM1 ti»
aatd pubHo beutnJ wW be blld
Oil t1't 11tll C1a7 Of lUMi 1111. at u.. hl:W. ot T:M 9'olook P.X. &a
t~ OOundl.,.. t .... tM Qt)'
H&ll w the Qty ., .. ........
I .a.eb at w1dcb U... ... ,... &117 and au ,.,.... , , ... !=1 •PPtU and ............
IUJtO&JtT ICIDtOUDCR. ac, a.tll ot u..
Qty ot Newport ...a.
Mo. 161
H-.. ..... lflOIM.
• .
&llAL 11D11C1
UtC4I .... tatnduc:iMI ud ~ u & ...,... ....uns '11. Ute Qty
Cpund1 0t tbe Ot;T ot Newport
llMoclt. btkl cm I.be Jlth daJ ot
-· .......... touoWtno ..... &o-wtt :
• ..
&MAL INOllCI '_. 1 &&Al.. Pl I iii
. -
:y N11fPOrt Barllor
: B.·P. 0. J:.
: 171'1
: 11..c.11 ....,. •nnnfQ I p.m.
: ,... o,.g -o.tr&I ·-·--
Colonlal llortuary
fen a0
'• Ju.t 1ouu. ot w..i----...... Ol"Urp Oaaat:r i..utu.tm a.was feel"" al all ~ NII= t'hill rr.e> ~ 11111 .
• • ' •
• •
• •
m&UCI wuhsn JU1l tnded 1n.
WI aA loo bUQ" to Np<
ltSlZilLll them. lold Al 18 tw puU
u 11 !•i .. ,.,_ Depend ... •'!:!.:umbing ,.,. REASONABLE ,...IRLS 114 •bll4 "':' •=::;. Goodwill lnclustriH ...... NORGJO-Pl.OO, Km<· _ _ ... -.-.. V •·I·-,. ,. Ma -~• MORm JS0.00, ABC f.¥0,UO,
ftepalr ~ MalDtal tld -# .,... -1. 11-'1T w. •U& IL. lluta .u.a THOR Jll .00, BJ:Nl.l.LX iso.oo
OME ,.,,_, """°' .,,: l1'•==•~·~·~·~0~1o~----Phone Liberty 8-1132 GOOD NEWSI LUil •""'I ,. .. ..._ -lft4 '"''"· ,,..,,,. w,,,.,,,.
N• caa .._ turMd &WQ' MOl.ua ...... ., ......
BulldlnC and Rtmod•11ft., JIOl BalbH BlVd., Newport Bch_. ~ ... ,. T'lll'll' STUD~l'T>a uo eomm'....,. paid. All ,._1----------JAKJC'B APPUANCZ ·co, -........ ........_.QI -... ..... ., wotldl'lit ecul~t f\u9WllM. JIAXILTON l>raNllr ~1-. IM 193T Manor BlYd., Colt.a M-°"""''° 114 ,.u.. .._ ..u-________ .:...:. A NllW IERIE8 or LECTUllEa WASHIN'"' & OOOD 1_.,ooo LU.ilT >WOO'll lllUJtT HT • ..., ., 11 ..... ---...,., ""' -ta Kl lol6fl lTOIO ''A's'' will. be stftll bJ '-;;!II' wlU. frtitVID' .,...... 111 a a oout llWJ .. C.D.X. au. ~W. i.o.1'. ITI. 1.1-1----------
DR. LOWSLL PAUL ,....,..., IRONING _,... .... --..... ' ..... -_..... ... .. -JUNE
CllillllNT 6 ISUILDING VENETIAN BLIND '" ,.. ... """"'" """'°' --·~ 1.CCSPrtNa uPUC.\TJOl<I -,_, '' ,.. -u-
nui:z ""..:.":i·-LAUNDRY. ...::. ~ '1r-: . .!"t ... "1..'~ "!,~;,.~~ = FULL PAT .. ,.... ""' ........ NOW ... ._, ..... "41!".... .. .... , .... ""'" ..... ::.':; CLEARANCE
.... AG TD NmW machln.t procw 1'1..,. of 8Utll. Oolta M-. 'Q,U' LI .. ,.. -o,.atap,. -tnlnl ~ MC: •• .-,. ,
LIJMrtJMl.09 method. fttuO"thl• prtcu. M&7 16---1:00 p. m. Mt• WUltralaforoord1-~ '6T Jo:llCU'J\Y, pod nmn.lAI K&NMOl'l&auto.wMblr,o c•I "'""'' ' ,.,. _.,.llal ,...._ °' .,...,., I ---GAR--0-E_N_l_N_G__ Telopho .. Oporatan ,.....,,_.. """ .. -. _..tloo, ,... ""'· 1 ''· --_ ........................... .. bUnd.. nan. u .......a aitncUft,, u4 "'1111Nti Te ll&t.ttf'7 • .U.. t»i• top to p.1. L\.11' .,U.-drtu. Ntc. .... ..,t.00
GENERAL: Only $l.OO ''" -•m-,...,. .... ""31.An!lta,... _._...,,"......,. .... H1tVllL1PL •"'"""'"·"'"° Baullq' -ao4 odd joN. 80e. te Jir. 'l'Me,, ~ U. llTI C>r&ait A'H.o CO.ta M ... C:OLDl.POT retrir. l&U mode.I
CARPENTER REPAIR Bllndo -... """"L Alcobollrw ~ Llba't ~...... • ......... -w. ~ • ..,.JI-.... llpU ' d. ··-··--·-··--···-·· ... '"°
ODD JOU rr .. Pkk up u4 ditiltftry WIUe •• o. -IG 1 1161. lOcJi 111 W. IN It. ' lft.11 IBOP Ull'l'R a. IEftVJ:L ntrts. t cf, ncy
Jf Job Work dolMi by appomtm.nt N...,.t ..... Ol.IM. -'l'o nnt a...._ or '"11 11 bout, ... ta AM ===_,-..,....----....., -iulpnwnf: dean ---·-----A71.IO ~ ~-::;, .. --ot n.!_~ J'boae Liberty MTOl ..._. ..,._ ,,_ U.. lltmJ!iMt..,,.., to tln4 a plMit PA.CD'lC Tn.J:PBONB 1VAJC'l'SD ..... ,..,... for I ,11& PwtaMe twta cyL corn-O'Xlllll'll ud Merritt ranrt ----------! 4qe Har. t an. t p.-. aut •• 6 Aaad f4I. I05 a rJUQJD>JJUI •lilct. ""'P f===~~~==,;-;;;,..•~•:.;;"'~m~bft~"'~'~· '~'~''~· =~'~"'~'~======-===..;"'~to~U~n,~~~lh~'""~P~lho~wan;;:;~•~-:;I &4ult&. 1'" 11Ut.--tAlt Lt a.mt rr-r, pa Nd pot tua. 4r top ..,., .. -.. .14.1.&0 \ aoJD hp. 101De t• 1Tpll .. ,, Aft. I. Jk1bo&, &ft.er I late modi! mxTlt..A HICS
... 111 •••• ,
= :::r ::: •• --
We -It: 0.. cleulflecl •• -flll Of won.,_
flil ••t1lel i. fl"llllMi•lllillklllwr -" -• • • D1el1rs
-11DM ............. __ ..,. ... lltl11 -tlle fllllck ...... . IAL IY OUR~
Ctl Hwillar -,,,,
' ---...... Let a Wp yoe HI r--1
A.p,UcuLI atlde4.o ......, oftlet l(.A.TUJ\m w-. ..... i..,. ,... lT~ .... ··········-·-·-··-·'TIJ
joba. .A.a. r11tawut u4 Willi ~ _. .....ias _. BCX>VJlJt ftCUWll al.,_. lat. ~tt~ Ku:r Jo•. t• ...-.xr..n1 ·11 .. m-~OU,._,.. .... BH model -·-···-·-··-·--:.IN.DO ,__... ma. JIWlllW now. t•, ~• ia.w-rr. P'°"· N&a:r more ...w.. Ml ~
J1.1Dt1 n.nv. &mlL A.p,J. en.a""' xu. . ,1r1 eU1tom t1' 1 a.rm ebaln -~ryWnr iruar-t.t.d -'hl"IM.
tOlli6 &lad It.. N)L a." wurr ~ ,,__ w ,,.... ..a.. fll a,..._ .u.orted bd.
(M:l'G99 tr'Oll& Ot:r B&D> uttt .. pt, 11 ~ ,_..... ...... JlkturM. CMldl de* -ITROO'l'9 KAJU>WA.U
t1oM 6 .... ...._ M\lll M cMlr ti. JIU'. lMT, lTpll lloU.MW&nilro
Beacon Pel'IODDel ............. - - -• .., "-~ =-~ 11
-100~ eJ1101W _.... w -.... 11....-. lT• t'l!l9KI' rp ,rs CPU!lll
.--a&AL&a'l'A.-..,..... -Onlrp Col.mt)"• VHIVWR.IAL ITOYll ITO .Kar. __ , ·~• ----i..rs-ltlMdoit NJl.J lT.U
H• ._ ..UW .. tNia ..,UOUl _.. (-• .-.) Liq !...,.ad ...,_U-0,
'1WJil JC..,,...a.cll ••Mptilf aala•& .mtl. rmaltun NIM' Koni\.or pal"tall&e ........
DeU, ....,., .. ·u4 .... _.. It.NI om.. hnd.tUJ"f WW wuh I lb&. of doUMe
W'uttit "11 lt W H ,._,. . ., •1• "" _.._ ll'ft', Mr. .a.JUJ1l:DI in t.u.'aU.n.utet. Compl•LI '1irub
........ J11n ,,_ ,.,,. .. ' pump. ... wrbl,pnl _.,
' •
' .
~:· •• -' ' -.. ··;o ..... --
~ -·
----. . • • • • • • . .
--.. ·----
.'J " -
" ·-
a -----
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!!o!r" .... ~ ••¥! ,_ -.. ~-=-~-ar--i::·' =-· .-.• ":!· .. DO_-!~!::':.~~e ~~~:st::~·-PARTll-l"AG~s .. --.-... --••"'-SAl.EsMAN -'" -· ·~ " ·~ · Gr•' nt W •~ullC•'L REAL cr"fAll:' •'I .,,.. 1 r: a -, . . • m 11 ....,, ~~~~=~~~i1-~·!·~·~·~· ... 5"~"\l'·-....,-:.:":1---~ JIR ...... ta ...... , .. -Your Hudson O.alir Wll,f ~ .... a ~ • a ~~· off# JOll a 6 :~0:-i e:: k""!: ., -• llUIU> --ill ; n • --BAI.ZS ud 0 D.VU:Z-
,_... ........ 1 & .... JP• _ -::•'0I..::'',;::.: !:: w.=-.=-_.,':: c::: #L 1 'flf:r.!I.: __ 1-IMt D ... ~-:(~)· . .J,.,-~': ~ P~ •••:tdltot!A•s _.JjN_tir'Jd&•n.. . .-...SllilW' ..... ._-..ir .. ~ • I ---..... ~ L-\ru nccu -~GI)
-All ... I I~ ... ,_. # -flt ... --,..,_ -• ----111111 OOOGZ V-8 t d Bodon. DOOl>lATS DICLIVSln ..
al! •I ... ··•·'!-,.. ... ~ .. -.· .• rl.\•,,, :.. ,.. ft. ...... -.... we.-.W"f, ..... s ' .... " ....... ~ 3 ¥'. tt. ... r. llft Renault Mdu. 90 .u. -· -~ -., ... _ .....,...,._,.....,_ 10 ..,_ --• _,.,,, DAVls..ldlOWN ileoio._,,•.......,radlo,h.atu.au"1mallc ,.., • ..,..,., •.
tM.Dt ud.....,. Clll to•l@y .. ,.,..,nJ..,nUy, ..... .,. ft. • ., 'ta• • .... ,_ tnnFleelon. Excellent conditioa. thru..out -$890 tu.UIUH 4 WATllO.tf __ .. 'f_ .--_"I tor app1•-. .. -.. ... J.M~.._..,,, _..._..... ltDHarbor o.aw-
lftldo!olly P4 ~-~-· ---'""'· ,.. .... -----· ---a.a --u...... uao WlNIJ8(Jll • Door 8'd&n Mia )UWleiU. 48 ~tatwt..W& IN lltlWl1 OllDflale· 1:-.·•ilttssa • .,..;! ~=:::.~= ....... a c1•ta1 2 tooe btoe and cream, power lteerinc, radio, CHEVROLET u Bel A.tr-..
da1. ~ if JWI. Sftftr. • • ....,. MU & .,_.. a.. 1 II.JI u. ...... wn 1 '.,, IPIMllT ..W ....,.. ..... ...at.er, low miltu• -· ·---·· .. -·----·--·-------$2'9C5 -....tUM. Nil. w.w, oi11uw
-..I D-~-In c auta ...... 0,.......,..., ~4 ... SUI .......... ......,. • •••«•-I OWMI', low mileq•. uoNlent even s -· -,.. eJ+Jnent o. -• ll·I -Vp> "" ... CHIU& """ ---· ..,, ... -· ... --IJl6I PLDIOV'l'll • door oedan. --.................
003 •a It., .-i.. Oollt. ,_,, . """!!.J.A•IOAT SAW ~_:;;,.;J .... ,-::;:' Ltgbt *"y-a.dlo ond beater _ ......... ONLY $8~ m1aa1on. "'' OOJ<WUod. "t:J.
·Har.ilell , aftorlp.a.'llar.tlllff IALIOi ~--_., ---v··•u. 1Telt BUY ALL ., .. ..,,., .. E IG0,11!!;"'-•"-"~r ..,,,. "-,_ ..., .. ua . .,.~RDciu•~ '~n ' "'"1!:"11 "I'" ft. .__ ..._ l"bonla 1n; • ~ Spec
new .eat coven. f"tCl!ftl'1 ,.... -------'-~--------------·IPrlh&, nt,p. ~ ...... ' pjd,y • * * * "1a, built "ftllM, Kl•tlf\ cam. 12()0
IO IG a • 77.. • • ··•·· ·· NCl hom ~. GA tur Tft .-..:r: . D..ANO cub OT termL Prt.at.e p<T. priu Wore 71111 "7J, Alet......U • I~ , ~ . ' LI S-.293S. 1Tp1t . ... .....,r ..... 1121 •t .... UUM "" •h ...... ro AJIJ talllt ... ...,alrff • NEW CARl WE GOT IT ....... ..,. •" "• -. ..,...... -,.. --$2 , paytnent on i....-, .,. _... ll Want aman. .._, fll ,..,,.'1'· 50 . 19M PLYMOUTH CLUB SEDAN, all white.
R'epa'll'e!.I it 70U pretu. Fl"M nU-t.e. 1UO w. 8&lMa 81..S.. K..-,ort. ~ ,_c. ..a..._ 8olex eta-, air foam eea.t. Grp. 417. Esterior Rebuilt & Q d!....nlly ........ u ....,.,., --.... ... • rn.·s........ '-z-d tin u 1-llM, KI wau ttuc .ACM.m TV A RADIO '"'"""• un ercoa g, w1w.
Are Tired Keepin9 it ,. ll4>llUl'UL ~.:,: °,!!:,.!,_"" ..!!; ..... ,,., IL war. .... OhlL Y $1995
hr UI a mo. ..U. po4. ..... I ...... A U~" ac& Tue• ....i ...... •
Slashed Our PricH On it ,,.. oc -. ''" ""' -1 -_. • -· ""'"'1taad. ,,._.._ 1111 "· LOU REED & ASSOC aut.oaMaeUc r._.. T pc. U•. 11,,11-Mi dowa. llU'. 11ftl KtJll. aan.i. AM. 11c11 , · •
Y Co • "-f 'f ftm, SP· 1 pe. '*'""· eomp. attw I p. -. 1"'11 o-==.....,.-------OU me « va I t Pl"'-&"1"L. , 10 UHD .,._ -. awap
S .t.l&.lli'Qd .... IU M.· ...._a r• ,..... ....._ .W .._. .,. • CHRYSLER,PL YMOUTH DEALER
1200 W. Cout Highway LI 8-3486 OOIC'LETE ROVllDIOLD J'UlU'llSllING TECO ""1Ull:1'Uftm !4----',!..-i,'=• , e •• ....,. """'~
CLOTHING J'Oll THE El'lllRE FAK!LY .,,_ -· w.._ + 1'1. 1111 t • -....,._, ~ -
....,., wv.T,... .oor• -'=" ""' w "'" ..... ,~ Radio -TV Specials ~ "° No. ><a1n. R· E-0 ()pa Jfon., Wed., rri., e&t. Dita 'Ill 9 CClMl'l.J:J'll .UUTWI\ BAX ·-· HT -·~ -~ 'TH J'OUI\ N>OM8 or~-:l.r\lniba'e ,..._ ... ~u.r-wtaa ... ...-~o ... ~oa ...... i1s. -h d Distributor VETERANS JNOU91IUl:B 4.02 E. ~ ........... •f: ~ ... tr ""-It Lo lit T~ ........... ,.. month. Au: oriz•
----------------------W"J"• r~ ~ ...... .,_....... OPEN ~o• TILL. p.m.. Now 24 Hour Retta", Wrou9ht lron,.Patio Furniture
Complete eelecttOll ol Wroupi Iron Furniture.
Barboeuo and llnllen. La'lnl Sw!Dp. Gorden
and Beach. Umbftlll ..
l'loor Cov•rillp.
llA8KE'l'8 of all ldndo • Unuoual Gift It...•.
Canvas and .Aluminum Awnings .
1828 S. lf&Jn. Santa Ana Kl 2-~ Free Delivery
It !!'In!. ~ a, r V _.aoleal, Badloi, TV_
top trH&er. eai.c aa. ..t. ..-. U1'DN CO,. '~ E. Padtki
JO-pc. 11vinr J'OODl -mw-, •SVl:RAL TV'a u.t N•• Mte Oeut a..,.., lAftC' 11..elt -
bedroom compltU WU.. ..._ ~17 nllafll. tKlDd. •"' D f·1''1T. lkll
•Prilll"• A ~ N"' ptctnn tabl.
lrt... J\Ut "'° •ilk 16' week• to pe.y. , 17" Admlral CONOS. -.. I.to
17 ur. a .m. Tilt.Ii O¥JdlJ T.V.
pod pletm'e. Bar. un. ltctl
HUB FURNl-'l'URll 11"' ZUI~ .... -119.H .. IK. KOTOaOL.\ T.V. ODMOlt
Ml. a&r. tin. Jkll MIO w~;::_ ~oeM• Hattau c-..olt Pl.tli-----------
Truck Repairing * ALL MAKES * Eliminate co•tly tie-uPa
In at .5 p.m. -Out at 7 a.m.
Since 1933 BEDDINQ, ... ....,.. ........... •• TV SERVICE CAUS --· ........... "' ,,.,,
.:""::,. ~1 = ~~ $2.00 ...:::, -:!..:: :'!;. ..... SEE US FOR GOOD USED TRUCKS
full .... ,..,,_ • -.. NTWllEl\S AMTTDlll w.. ..... .... ..... ED. THOMPSON Garage
1pr1nl' Mt. Our OWD --~ S.UUAIJ SI09dl Mk tu1J 2 8tialy, J:i111&ndu, ma111othln. T ele¥ition s.1 •• and manual MlnaMU Orp.D with (Corner 3rd " French) c.om. ln et.ay aw!dh. we haT• 26 pedal~ kn $tr.I. Phone KI 2-2343 Santa An& •0;000 ~· tt.. tuu ot........ Service UMn.l tndu.. Orm•u&Mt t•rma 1 _________________ _
BaulJbn'• rvattut. FKtorT LS MUI Ide I~ (llMI lto7)
Wa'rthoUM, 1011 z. Fl:rat IL, • W-ill H! •1c:aman. luta Ana
Sant.a Ana. <>pm n.u,. t-1 IJl'lNE'l' PIANOS. All •oadllfUI Pho.be Jam~r17 I-Gitt
Sun. 11 -a PhOlle Xlmberl7 bu.Jr• .-.,. .up.tlJ ~ nD~ On.AJ1i 0Dunt;f• Orpa Hdqtra.
7-6417 al ntu:rna. u. panntee . ' KapM. ...... ~. upt .A. JU.JU: BARDA.IN! Baby Orud
• Amazing .$5.00 Per Week
Buys Anyone a Car!
21" CROSLEY, •orr rood c:ondltlon, clarlr mahog· S%-Ar-As'!'J'!IO I.A.NT.A. ANA, CAUF.-DAN-In addlUon U!ty wlll lnC'lude ln· W&J.nut. ••• fl.00 to lllO ptuo. ""'-n-.. ckltt'WJ and
all Uk• MW, Mirra IP'Jl•t -.cJL PaJrDMt. ~ flA mo. MIJ SUI MqM .flDWl PM, OPJ:N nzNJlfGI TILL t p.m. ISL N.ClDL\N'S at 1.llll Bo. 1uranc1 &nd lntere11t charJtl ln
1Dmbe.U. .A.cr11•'c llptMta. &8Tl:ftX CO .. UU S. Pacllic Mala I L, Buta An&. bu Jwit thw paymenUi, 0U1rln1 fertha
from. "'86. Ibey •U.. (H&t Cout BW7-. to., '8eM:ll -unounc:ed a new melhod of lei!· flm Um• a complet1 "Pukace
bufl-Ito Piano. to eboo• HS t-7U7. lkl7 1n1 hi.sh qui.tlty c1n to the Plan." Daniel Rtch1nan'1 I• lo·
&Dy eablnst -·-········-·····$8U.:IO Tall Gable Coaatry HouN
ff'om .... and uwl. IQIDUD"r-PHILl.IPa rta.. 6 Orru BUY at wbokM.11. No r1uM motorin&" public. They 1tAt1 that cated at lS:Z.O So. Main !t., Banta
21" SYLVANIA wllh UJo llcht, 2 yean old. ANTIQUES
aceJleat mah-•y finlah Completely recon-Nie• •arlit7 au!JleaUc Mllquu, -•-colored &IMI,, tlrUlo oon-r.
dltloned, only --·--· -U69.:IO ..,...,., tampa, """'....., .._
"'7 sti.JDEBAKEl'l Cbe.rnp ton
conv•J1.lblt. R A K. ovVortve,
new motor. 119~. Hu. 4241 ·¥
alter 6 p..rn. 170
l&:i.-. BUICK-Cei;atury R.iv\ec"&-
U"ke new. Power bnkN. UH.
\V. w. Ur... Sul belt.a. etc.
\\'hJLe, bl~ lnn1. '2a5(). LL 8·
324.7. 17plJ
New and Uaed
Recapping Service
Brake Service
Front End Aligwnent
F1rutone Bude« Plan
Youn tor 1.1'11 AA:lnS
801·809 W. lat ST.
17"' PATHE. lleouUflllly otyled mab.pny .. blnst lnespGMll'h stft ltnu to thli
fl.aMt • ,...,.. (Qr ~ QQUec•. at.ore tlaM 1114. &20 Ho. iiumkr or c:&rd MCeiN&ry ttll anyone employed can drive off Ana. Tele-phone Klmt>trl7 2-Mll.
wata. lanta An&. • wUI be •eoept••i. tor UltH In • ele&n suarantHd <'It (or a1 You can 1et the car of )"OUr
""'",.....· llM T•ln1.lr•IOM.n• "",,! Utt.le u ia.oo per wMk. They choice within • f.w minutia with doors. Complt:i.ly ncond.!Uoned, only .... $99.95
20" PHILCO 'llolovlalon. i'ull door mahopny
coMOle. Eaeellent condition ······-·-·--·······-$119.50
UTBJlT1' AJCK lomtl
ii111 Bu1Jor BIYd., koLa .A.Aa ,..,. PL.A.ID ~ a.u.DWJN OOID-an n-, l • · · plltlly nccndJ.Uoned. pla71 Wt wU1 ,tn CNCll.l cln..Nnc• f\utllu •tall that 0!17 wUI tell um ..
Mw• ron.. 1 "* f« faml1J .. that JOU m.•1 take TV wU.h u..e can wtm M uah down.
UUU..OOK .A.atMm-. wt , ..... room. p11 ~ Tadat yO'll. N'o· euh dn. n.cueary
21" WESTINGBOUU: TV. Derk flD!ob mahoJ .. Y
con10le with -doors. Completely reconditioned,
Cir.Lr-.. I.om. moder1L Old
....... cha1n. Har. IM6. lfell
Allchora,1. Bar. 4H2. ttrc jUlt pay '1' U&e ••ll or --
new picture tube. ----·----·····-···$129.~
4 Cubit Foot Crooley Deop "'-··-------I09.:IO
11' aa.T wttb tnntr, JohUoa
n h.p. outboard. llemot. eon-
trot., bait t.aak. other acc--
..,.i.,. , ,. lt71 or tnde tort
LI .. llll. 14.tfc
Knowlton l:loctron1<e
inonUI... Abo -OW' tumltun
A: appllilncea.
B.1.ulfla'• J'umllur• h <'lOf}'
WU'tlhous, 10115 m. J'lnt It.,
ktlla Ana. °'" Dally ,_,
IUB. 11·15 PMl!e Klftlbffly
F.A.ITIEl\VlCJ:,, ltll.ilOK4BLll'l-----------..-nc. ..U. Uit'-t .... ' 1 -0HLT 1JO a.A..U A~
• LI 1-11Cll Uk• new. Tour choice 1125.
Tvm&. PO ..... 6: .. ptr .mo. 16 FT. OLA.UP.A.ll BOAT. Ply-B.AJO[()l'm Orpu u9ld. £. IJLU'l:lll (llnc. lto'I) 11885 Harbor Blvd., Coda Me1a U 9,3437 _,., • ..._ ...... ,...,_,_ ,.,. ..,.....",. o.. ,__,. •11 .. ,. "· ._... ..... An•
----------------------1 OOfttNb 6 ~ tlOO. t.ITD\11 CKOllD OllOAN, _. •V PboDe IQmtt.rl'y 2.ol72
.. _ _ hi at ffl lu ~-HOIM 1'od-' tlotlt. UJw MW· ----=--:-:-----!!:!:=!lrJ!!!!'!!!.---~~fWal&ve I•.... c,-11 LI 1-:1116. lkl7 ~!'.' ...r. ~~ ~ca: •• -•• : T. V.
1IN O'ICIU'm Ir KERRl'IT wnL IRUlS 1JJtG8 BLlP -....,. ....... 1'&D.p • CP all aw.om&Uc.. un l'IVI: ltOOk.a of rood tumltur1 the world'• f I••• t Orpna. Anlllltlu N .N a.nd up
We must aell our over •upply of BRAND NE\V
A.KBASSADOR V·8 220 h. p. ca.n..
Full factory wa.rb.ntee
kt Law u $2996 with ultramatic and heater-
1238 8. Y&ln St.
S. Lee,
Sant& Ana
I :M-;:;..._,Dv~e"'-C"'•;:lo;::•..;Po.;•;,;;lo;..... __ I ~Autoo for 8ale
Mlf,....., "'1rMn. blC Oftll ~ of~ <ne.fe 6 Ll 1-1100, lkl7 ICRMIDT·PBIU.11'1 Hom• lMl&Ded -compl•UI 17.tri up
• -....... ... ... to Mvrtlt ,..,.., la&""rt rtb11....... 14 rr. MOTH Clul .U9oat. " th• Bammand Ort'uo' uo .... )'OW" -... our ... W•
SlDLU a. .._ nmt. lt you tor, dial.as ..,.. Mt. lG-pe. ncenUy owthau&ed. ,,bersl&M No. KU It.. luta AM. Good WIU flx &Ml ••• 1w • I
pQ oab' tTA7 per mo. 1161 ,UYlq room. PMtll.blt. 1 Md-lolLora. OllltMbMrd A: out-1'-lnn9. M mo. ' A.CME TV
,.,. .............. Ul1 bl&° c;, roam .. lA Jwlt r9p01s1111d. boar6 nuao.r wl.table for UI-llll It. KM UH .. -...... ...... :-=. .... ""· .. , ...... .... ... ,. ""· "LI ....... Custom tt·1-f'1 .. ~ la mWIDll. MJ °""' llcU QMltD Pl&aiM IDUl1' e HW.
Rerbtered Docbabunda
Ph. u 1-6111
1472 llOnroTll. An, eo.ta M:eae. .....
t1tii ..... 1-...... 9rud HUB J'l1RNlTU'U MuDa • HamliD. t&Clllmt ----------·1·47 CUYrollt %T. Pa.ML
W" ... *' .. tlf&.11 M .._ IOI W. c.atai IL. •nthelm • rr. N. H. clul keel l1oop. KUllC 8Tl'l'm -U.. It.or, 6 Cl&tlt. JEAN HENRI '•t Cbevro5et luburbu.
.,_l ti' ,.. ·J111" UMI ,,.i. ~ ..al llNll ~ 1 -tll .... ~to your 1*'.iridual JiLlta. KMk ....... Gram, ODI! J'radl lplld&llit of 'Ill GMC %T. Pickup.
Motor Overhaul
Up to 1!i Month.a toJ'ay
6 Cyll. ···-···-·-········:18.88
All Stral&bt
Eighta ················-·····88.88
INCLUDES both L&bOr • Psrta.
New rillP, wrilt .jlna. val••
JTlnd.. .Qttinp of ID&1n udl rod
Mutnp. ~ motor tuo.-
up. 90-dmy or &GOO mU1 ruar-
antee. ..
BUJL'I' IN Out own l&ct.ory ~
---~tend wllh u;4• ~ mu.
Buy dJrect.
FORD (ltS2·U ) --1 tf..DO
BUICK ---IJ.l6.40 PACXAl\D {I CJ1,) ----11J6..00
Plym., Dod(1 Is Ford I -llOl.OO
STUDl:B:A.KD ---SUO.tl
.. •• .. -Ll .. ,..._ llltc l.s( ---t0< -• 6 ..,,. ..... ...,.._ ..... llaaJ DOG CLIPPING "' CO-rolet llT. PldNp.
··---......., --~--.. ~ . -~-~~ ------"""'........., ... ,.1np1 ..... --•u ..... ~••vn.ao tor ....... na room. 11 rr. IAIL BOAT compl.U --O:o•I tMil +span; -·es 000,.. \lT. Ple.•n1p.
Ww ! 1'111 ltll & Plnt It., •fa bed di"" A: mat.chlns e:.:cept rtr rtartas. Make otter. ~ .. ~allOOMP.&All autbem-Uc un ..acs ftt,ao 8tort,. 8anta l:~r~~~e~o~~ '!13 OMC lj.T. P1C'kup.
...... AM. 0,., DaQ7 M cMl.r Al.ot. I,._.~ MOO u • ...,, .. H•_. a.cJt. _ .. ~ t7 at OUI' .,.. ...._ QO If _,,_ at.. 100 '!14 Ford ~I T. Pk:Ju.1p. aa. u .. 1 Pbao• KimMrl7 ...... -·u--41~6 ---r• ~..---.. 1 ....... _., ......... ~· o. -Hartor uu
OLDS. 6 PONTIAC t --Ille.to
filBH--=.·=---~I0.00 --1 KAIS.M. ------------SUO."llo
7~ ·-_, Own.er on ptwniM• M&Y JO, ·--·-....._; B01D9 o( u.. Ham· up. 21 '411 8luclebalter ~ T. W&lltla.
. 'l.llC ... ~IU.TlC. Uk9 MW =: ':...N'::U:::.' re:. JUD• 2 A: I . llpll HARBOR HI-Fl . ~-~-~·;-~~=;:-:=-..,=,,,1=--:-:---:::--:-=-:-::---~-1 :~ ~~::! ~~: ~:~:
<>pan n.itt t to I
M:enel.l.y 'tU f p. ..
--a• K-11&111 hat.a llOQ.oo tor ..... 00. I pMc9 &NAU JUnr Boat. lJ n. f'Drfll WUlfOAU>W piano. beau-S9-Aatoe Wuted Hy4ra-MaUc Trana.
AM. lk'll dlftn 6: eha.lt 6 ot&omaa, for _f4111. bl&m, J la.aMd. 8 .. wotth7 Uftl1 &.I*.~ oU bll.l.IAc9 ol '!10 GMC 2T. Col!. 14' St.alt•.
Sunda1 U to I
Block mun m.t our~
P!UI tax-. p.skeLI and ~' flH.00 your credit s. pod. Uke MW. 1116. A.leo Glik.1 Ull M'....,.-t ...., 'Bu. 411! CIODlraCt, fML Pym.ta. JlO.U SELL 2 S Tl
.. t all I ,...._ P6P pHd, I:~ ru. can .,. de.Unry wlUila houn r er, I .eps 4. ~ C&rl'J' . • ,.,. IDOlllJL 'Ml Chevrolet 2T. 14' 8t.ak1 . ,,_ ,......_.., __ ....,, -L ..... Bn4abaw 1-lDI. al OPEN EVEJ<lNGa T1LL I p.m. BELLES ENGINE '
pymta. 11p11 10" PHILCO TaW. rnoct,. Sl"l'lllUi" co.. au' 1:. P.cllk AR 2 .-peed.&:• TirH. •
........ "''"'"~ _...,. .......... SIMO. .... . .cout ................ -YOUR c .,. ,,..... ... T. Oum~ REBUILOERS . w,.. ...... •••• r. n,., •t.. y' MUST BE SOLD ............ ...._ ,,.,. IDI .. , .. ,,. ,..,, '.-.., .. Tl.... '10 E . .,. aL Kl•-
IUta AM. n..-r...n-H PA.ID roR OR NO?' LOAN CAM -l'Rll9 TOWJKO -r--v 12 ft. CA.lllN, bead.. plle.J, I IP!Km'I Ir 1 Qran4. mall Kaowltca m.ctroD1cl We have lhe l1.rce1t and clew1t BT.A.Tl! BOMDl!D .... ,..IU-_ 11 ·I Pbaft1 KimlM.rlJ .... tbur, CbD'Ui.r Crown-UIM ~ t. lllfpJlbte. ~ Pay•· Mon eloek ot Wied truck.I IA Ora.rap!---~-------
__.,. Batt ti.Ilk,. tdu.I for ~ tr.I.Pt co. A: taclor7 ,..,, ""' TV ANTENNAS 1'?0 ... ~ Kl 2·a50'7 Co. Before buytn,( any u..cl. lnK:k
BOURJ'UL ot ruraltuNt eftry-lport tlQw or dlarte.r. f1MO ...... Ids D\CIDV· ac:BlGDT· -----------be .eur1 to ere what we have to l~"'e--'-"rn.ro=="------.-
t.hlnl, eompklt bedroom sroup, LI l-'1111 ltf• PlllU..D'I IM M', ll&DI. I.A.. (Cliu e.m -Ill Qe.ln) otter. ~ PORT OR. ANGE :.. U'f"IQ IMWJilel COllqlllete lo JWr 11t. CO-Auto. for s.le Ill( Jiii ... ..,. =--··-· ' . ..!~ .. 11 n. UlAON KR.UT, n .... ' .m.llCT&Ol<JO-"'--.. ,s... -95· W.W. WOODS -•n= SAL-•• -... .--slaa S\'lanldir 7~ tip. plue new, ..., f111Ce •P •'• .a.~·AQ
roh". 6 llH O'X.;r. 6 "'""· U1" ,__ Wwld Uk• _,.,..... ........... , ... °" U ......_ ...,. ORANGE COUNTY'S GMC DEALER and SUPPLIES
llftfl.U. J\aaa'• the CP ..._ LEHM.AH 11 Wit be Ill Pi&ao ltore. 1J6 MO.I---~-------116-lt L.'tb I t.. Aant. Ana All .... pd.. «n. to.,,..,,. H • Jn. 1n Sood .... aaata AM. 0.. ·~ ... Pmt"KON1'B.... UCJI L•NJ••t Truck Hodquarten 2200 w. Cout BlwaJ •
... ,,..L ...... -.. , _ ....... ,......... l7pll ...... .... SPORTS CAR CENTER N-rt D--·· ~ • ,,_. .. ii'AirrTii~Ui;-,:L>iiii<u: I . ..!'~'~'°~·--------:::= ,,..... tst u.. klcldl9 1eaJ1L for ora.np eount7 ~ ...... _....., ... p<t.I' ... 11.. WA.NT TO •UT. ALBA.Tlt088. AU i.rm. rwt allowed .. """" PAN·AM.EIUC.l?r &$ to eo ft..
k\112ln'• l"un.ltl.We l'acloC")' Clall LI .-,UU. lTelJ 11&.A.UTIJ'UL IPIH&'I' 8TrL& (JOSld praetk9. ptaao. f.116, '4t M. 0 . T. C., cbrom• w1re -----------1 l A: t BR.
Wanhou.e. 1018 &. P"lnt It., p&aao ntlll"Md trom f9ftlaL-Q61. mt. 11'6. ICllMD>T-wh .. ll. chrome ellf\ne newly Let, R!QH Help You. PARAXOWT CU.ta1a bunt,
lanla An&. 0.-Dall7 t-t L&.\ VING -MUIT lurttloe at UTI. h7m•'-IU-IO -~ P1UU.1P1 Bl& Piano and Or-,...bullt. On. ownlT car. lhow 30 Lo 60 ft., 1 6 t BR. ~
• ""ll •'--
lv.n. 11-1 Phou IDmberly 11300, 11 It. Dllwi: Runabout. OPSN mvJ:NJHGa ~ t p.m. SU 1toN, U0 Jtfo. Kaba, NL llttll Per-.on.ally Mlected Hllbul tra.tt.-tn .uowue&l ~ ..... i.. ...... port. T .... lf. Com.pl. equ.lppM incl. Jobsoft &aTSRH co.. 1144 .. PMUW .. \a ..... ..., ~ room co -·---·-·· w. need CIMA u.s tn.Ueri.
_ 111q1;.,,... cnAtm l~waton J1...U. ~hp. rnlr. Ooet 11n1 Coa8t. 'ffwT .. Loni" 8WJl -'N JAGU.4.R XK ltO MC road-NEW & USED CARS p .... , .t.uwonYl"l.t.11.1 ~
.,. ... flOO. 11.utor dT'-A llOVID'UL .ot Map&. turntbn"e. HmW', UMd,... tllu. hlNra. RS t-Ttlf. lle17 anzcm_ aT'fl.11 1'l.UfOI -stir. B;auUNl Nd at•rlor. TA.UA.DVANTAOl:afhll.111u1 4' .. ~"""'"""' •
• Bu • .J.411 _ lfclt ~ ot ~ I pe. U\'l.ftl Har. IOM. l Tfll .._. ,.._ II p;r mo. hit ttnn nn· K;w ear eoad.. Ouarantee -ye.are of opwteac. u a top Pan.mo<m~ltsll*W ,_ GtU -dWt • rock«", ~ 1•· Ta.a. ~ -tal.,,.... ~,.......pr. Only ___ ...,.., llOlc:h tnec.hl.q.Jc. 'ITaftle..-..,..,,.
lldl'li -Ml,p w901 q: A IOU• ~ and It-, m.4, RA.CIKO 8tv •t. Bit. by lbut.b M " ~ ~ -P1UI Ol'Sl( •VSNIN<M fU.L t p..m. ,... -.u ••••••11, .. a1aw -..,_ wet.a. .... ,. ..... 11wi-~ Ko. 117'-Tnilllu" wta· 1r ~· CloulJe --t •.ot Ml'llU( 00 .. Ut4 m; Pulfkl •oa vouuw•oa . ..a. root. RIOH HAHN'S
......_ ~ 4 ......._ ..._ "°""' llOMb••·• spnn, w . o.Jlll&r.UU. 11cJ.1 1r ~...u,..., 0out....,. Liiie" ..... _ """llirak-.Ooedensm••ute CASH CAaH CASKt = ~~ .. a= ::: i:::·=•= 11' LTKA.N lnbtlal«, runabout. ~ irr:.l:na ~..,,. BS ~7"1... lkJl 'II JACJU.u\ XX 1JO OOUPI 121'5 HarbOt" fr9eE. ~-!!:t. BMeh W1 need tra1Mr1 HOW to ..
,..__ u t-ftl&. 0
lTclt all ..... H. ... to Mll.M. ht d99I .....uu.. 21 b.p. -. -'M KO..,UI MiNoR ata.Uon I.A.OU "• D&vk! Mlvtn .. Jf.ar1r v our lot.. Aq kiad. ... "'*' .,.a -i, ft.Al •II. KetmaUi •P..nmntas ttsti~ RCA Vtc:tOlr ,...,., !!:-n....,._ OMllt.... _..., tt.r ,....,, _ 1_
MeM Woodcra~
Get ~ tw ...-.u.. u....
' 0-tm ,.. .,,,.,, fW"P091• ~ WI: • kttdM9
~) ................ O'a-
....... ....., i. ..... •t ... .... ,.,_
1111 llartllW ....... OOSta .,_
u ••tu
....... l"tlraR:alr; "f'ktory •qto b&Btr, Wilek mod oaty. ~ W8JOO -·---·-·-·-·--······Jil<Mtll • Cir. h.lon WW, H<Pft«t. suft. l.4MTA. ANA TJlAlLSllt &AJ..S8
W•'"'-"" ._ .,,.. .._ "". ""' "'-a..-,_M . TARTEll Tl:LEVISION .,.,. .... PllD1U1tDD -HAUSKEN-WATSON ..,., ~•. ••n. ""·~ -•L u ... -w....._ A.a./ ..... ...._ -~u. I-st Jfcll no& Si1..t 00...t llfCtlw*7 pups, Wttll ,.,.,._ '315. Meb. 11,.,,,, n... •, • .. "ii ,.__ O..rd«ri Oron. L& t-&IU ·
a.i,a. 1l a l"tlolte ki:" Corori.a d.t KN 1Mlf Oeiut lllVC., .. Ibo&. -11S1 Blt'bor Co.la M"• -· ..... ,a. ~ ....,.,. ' n...-( \i mll• WMt ot ~J
7-Ml'f • bu'J SXlCQ-t M+. iceom111odallorui Bu. wtl • ll&r. ot•M. llcli l Tc R. 4.09'-K. 16pJT lactl
' ttw' bl AlJl*l. WUI tNde TFI~~-==---~~------------1-----c-:-c-:----------------
UOJll'l' Ml.Hf, t~ 4Wnc t.W..
ud f painted dbaln -AO.
1111 lllr'MW'. aan.... lfpll
wtnt.er ... tw lll)rtftl ,... ot DALKATUJIC ,.... A.KC~-JAQUA.ft M-UO ftadilt._. • MUIT llCLL. CHa:V. «ll!'FertJbl• IT rT. MODEIU'f tn.J,.r, _,.
,..., Mat. H. Po«hnwdl ·-ff" TA..ltl.m MMet If&'" 1111. pMlt Mood .... P'IPP7 lbOt& 12 nt.llt19p. .. uUt\ll cond\Uon... tfOO-..pod eond\Uorl. n-·-••lnr. patto, f111ced. 1acr1nce..
IUp M S.)'9Mn1 .A.nt:llorq'• Ukt D-. 1102 N. Mala. wb. TO& Ao. ~ua. AJ\a· ... to bell1n. Kar. 1761-R Urea. 1~ Bn:>9d'l"IJ. c. )(.-Udo Trl.Jler Park. Har. ~20L
er cau u 1-1Mt. tTptt &ant.a A.AL Jktl 'Mlm.. ICEJ9loM 1-IOIT. 1Te11 ~Ip.in. 1ac11 ..ner a p.m. 1ac11 tttt•
• ~-~,, ... ,, ___ ... ·-·--· ... ~ ........ . ... -""' . . ' -.-.. ~-,
Lido PeninBula. East S1st St., Npt.-Bch.
DllJptful thios. Apt.,.cabanu. Utilldes pa.Id.
Y-.cht lllp accomOdatJona.
• Da.ily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
wm•u .... , tr< ..........
---.. Jb •• .., • ..-.. ta. .. zclitllr Mii' ls I ..... T.Y. ,.._ ....... .. , .... ....
C: :=..nr..:;-.=
DftA ............ ...
--,... • 1 .-.: LIDOISLB ... O-allWl1MlrJ_,,
~ ft&nWllilC J Wna. ,a. ....-IUftVIQC: 91' .......
"--eonMr born. Of\ U40 Nd. ..-r n,.ua ..... ._ :ra. lib a.pt. 16 .... ... ........ u. ...... ...
ART 0. IOWl1..Jla oo .• RMlton -.... -OJU,1' ....... • ----........ I --
llOl M----Bar. ·--•vn • • • • ·----· --·-r-~ -·~ -doab1t ....... WW. tllllldr7 ,.
... ~-
41q of' mt.a. 11cu 1• BarMI' ~ Lt: ...... lND OM UTTLm IBLA.ND~ • """' OOQJd lit .... Jat. _,... --.-. ______ ..__. ___ '8-Alte.a Hoa.tee fol' S.t £ k*ldl-oul G( • ~ ~ eJor apt. ,..., w, -.y a
DAVY J WW t.rau.r, CQadt7 Choice Wint.et' Renta.11 OD t9-8-,. a.t JMJmtU • Nell---. • MtlMt, ~fa~ UMI~ re:'=
1 t. 2 t.aD. MW ti~ ITI. J(K Balboa i.land ll Lido (ale * * * * 80 .. t&mUy l'OClllll. .... llftlll' 1'0CllB, Utll pq tw tbe ~
.ApolGI&. Ba1bo& Ulud. Bar. 9mall • ml&1 or Jars• a dd,)4• • Vllttorwt VacatiODlatlll r • all carptt.e4 ad...,.._ ~ ·
.::::.· ::.uu = 116 to saoo moaUI ~= ·,;::kJ= . Twin .. DUplex ' : = ~·:..=: NEWPORT BmACll
em b\&LI\ wlUi Qee~ lllabW.. VOGEL CO. •tte apta. and room• wiUI prt· KUR BIJACB. al.. ,..tal di.-11111t ~ walllll Oa11 DOW DtJPLD lot ..aoo. N..,. Udo
lnC bUdl. 0300 or ~ forT 11.a Marin• Ave., Balboa bland vat. bath. K&!d ..-net, h'ee trtot. D:loomt ~ Om be IA-foe' &n &ppotlltmnil llbopa.
LI a.nn. 'ltUc Ph. Barbor'" or Harbor lOta TV. UOI w-. Ocean honi, ~ Nty 19ted at ~ • • • ~ DtJ'Pt.SX
Rentals W•nted
W• oeld apta. and '*-ID all
.-Ucu for both wtntar and
1..,-. --. runa.. or maturu.
• JOU h&Y9 a qcaoq,
fbOG9 today
The Vogel Co.
R-. Ba.r. aAH-R or Har. 12:21-R Bar. 1107. Milt. Ola!1 SllOO down.~ ott BAY FRONT DOLL BOUSE tcm& COl'Mr lot tlW 4ln.
Utto * * * * baw.c. ._.. °' LDcome. '2l.IOO ODlY a,_.,.. JOUlllll UM4 ~ ----------f\&U prtct. .uaq fb 1Joor ,--. ..U0. NliWPORT BJ:UJBTa 1oU -~A-Apt.a. for Beat ROOK with privat. bath and E I W S I WODdertUl ltitcbea wWl bullt.rlD S0800 A cor. S-. (not ....._
l or 2 bdrm. apta., l&Undry rm. ~ .:::-N~~ a~ • ·~ft ey BBQ. PLUa Mlf.tet •lilt bl bold.) LLIUnp Wanted
By day, week or month Har ...... ~ r lk2T • ltaALTOR ,._ uad na.t. BElft" LOCAi-vrMR-~.., -· • • "...-rwo • ~· lllJ Newport Bl'Yd., NW'pt. Bell TlON Olf BALJIOA. J.aLANDll ~ _..,w~...--_..& .... • EXCLUSIVE LISTING
BLUE TOP MOTEL a BDRK8. wtth kitchen~-Bl.rbol' lOlJ • .A.aldnc "T,&00. HO" ~ER SHAFER t 03 Newport Blvd. •· womai p~errecl. -1214 9"" M , 2 W~ located Cl Iota on Newport Blvd.
Newport e.&cb 17tto Bread SL Har. %Mt. lllclT 80A~ lll41Dltdll MAR1Nr:t($ ISLE RLTY. UA.LTOR 12'' frontqe. $18,500. Terma.
1201 W. c.t. Rwy., N.wport Bell..
Phone Llbut.y S-3411
208 Karine, Balboa laJand
Pbon• B&rbor ...
1001 OCEAN A VE., Sul Beach 111 M&rtDe .L" .. Balboa JaJan4 lot Mc:hddta Pl., at Npt. pie
Dfluxe 1 br. Brand new unt. SI ..... om.. ..... 4fll Phone Bar. uo &D.1 Um.. BA y & BEACH REAL TY, INC., Realtors
apt. Picture wtn4ow vtew ot B I B
1811 II. c.t. 'BJ .. Oonma del Mar
PboM Barbor 1111
ocun. Lota of tile, dt.hwuber. FOR RENT MONEY v UES 1tM w. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har UM
dlepoaal Opeo 2-e-Har. 615&. New omce lb.24.. Udo abopplDJ TOP AL! • Balboa Coves Evee Har l..8M • 16tt J'INll-mAWlWIDll Near Im.. ' area. $73 mo. on yra. leue. Ave., 1 bdrm. l 1' bet.M, cnM. • I s.drm. plue dm Lido Ott109i UH V1a Udo
R.a.rbor 41'71
\102 N.wport Blvd., Cotti KeM
PENINSULA BAYFRONT BAT It B~~~~TT INC. Commercial-Industrial pr .. ttnpl., KW tln. Wit.la • rorced air beat
Private beaC'b. Lovely. l2~ week. au2 Latayett. Department onl7 ia.ooo dn.. hu a SJ0,000 • J'treplace
ART C. KISTLER CO .. Hulton, Bar-. Mf.S. Har. 29" Eva. 01 Joan. 4-t.. ft1a S. ex~p-e DlnlDc room
U 2901 Newport Blvd. Ba.r. 5UI 'J'U.lt to tht rtpl of Udo Brldp' 17th St, -a.ta )(eu, Uonal at 110.200. : t.':s~tl :· old
-----------day or nlte. lllclT Uc Conwr lot -, 83'dl0' A1oGC 0.-,1000 DOWN. I bdrm. hom.. I e Private pltr f'lltltll
Llbtrty t-66tT
Jll'Cl'!CUTIVl' A wUe, I daupl.,.. ta Mma' ... .,.
• c10C demlre 1 bd.rm. unrurn. S:'!r ~~~~ 1Urnyea.ri1.a~ e Ground Floor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!":~ ~t.~ : ~~ ~ iwme la beac.b area by SepL ,.... _... -.
i.t. CarpeUnc 6 dnp. delir-8-4033. 15cl8 e OFFICES OR STORES • • • • nm.. uar abopplna', "°"' In. • Excellent tenm
ed. YrlJ. 1 ... to l200 ptr mo. LIDO ISLE For Leaae tn -2 Acne ON KONTll YlaTA, er. trsDlp.
LI MUI. l2ttc BEAUnYULLY tumlthed 2 bid-Harbor Inve.tment Co. Bldg. K·l poteotial. B«wMn two .. • ecboola, • WI'., lnrd. t'lra.. • Best Be•ch Buy t'lrepl Be&uWUl )MaUo. Only u FREE! ! room apt. Jun~ 1 to s~pl. 15, 30th " Newport Blvd. propo9ed muutactwtnc pluta. 1noo dJt,. • I Bedrm. plu. de ssaoo. 600 1Avel. s.w.n 'feted tn ••• m .._1 ..... Bar 1 . • ........... Select·&·Ten&nt "C'' THOMAS Realtor • front t.t by UO "-1' at OD!)' CLDT BAVllN 1 bdr. bwd. nra. • Randa .,,_
The fln•t tulMt tr.. ternc• 224. w. Cou\ Hwy.: LI 8-M21 ornCES J'OR RENT 1130 per troot foot. Dbl JV. Nftl)' ~ lD-• Dou.bl.I --· , _ __,,__._ -. . . . ·--to ~....unMI •..-,,-.. ...._ 1Tc Blrtcbcr Bulldlnl, Mar • Cr•t lide A out. A~ bome e On I Iota
CALL l~R&ALTY BALBOA. PeolDaula yearly.._ Corp., 241& m. Cout B 100% Location In an ~· ~mood. e to ft. t.rom Ila)'
UUc unturn. a&rq-e. d1lpoa&1. la~ Ooraa.a cs.i Ku. Har. l':'edt ~ comer lD center at c;:o.ta ~ wtD un&. e SlUDO tuJl pnc.
$495 Down
N•w 3 and 4 Bedroom Homes, 2 Baths.
Ready for Occupancy about July l.IL ~ acre
Country Estat.ea locatec! OD Canyon Drtve, ju.t
north ot Victoria (County). Full pric.e S bed·
rooma, $10,296 and '10,•9C5. • bedrooma $U~
Juat ONE •bdrm. left.
LI 3-3333
---...,.--------dry. 2 bdrm. $80, avall. July 15. Mella rw.~ tor dnU>pmat.-VACANT LOT on l&nta An.a •·P600 c1awn __ _
' .BEDR6oM lltoll9e fill Udo f~ 1 bdnn. $815, avl.ll. nOllf. KE-full pdce '36,000 with xlat .A•e. GOa200. AaklnJ PHO
JUl1 • AUJU.1t. Rellable. wni. 1t.one a-7727• 11c1• 51-.&-8•-a.tall term&. ooRNER LOT. cioee tn a.t mona .a $1500 Down VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE
Dr. Bleeck IU 8o. 1holldwa:J, •
Loe Anpl• u . RYan 1-ttta. NllWPORT Otftce. Good locaUon Bey & Beach Rlty. Inc. eox 1J&. Oftl7 fltGO • J:ut 8Jde COlta x... '
• lc21 f~ t.uul'anM, accoun~ doc.· • I Bedroomll
WANTED to not -I bedroom NEWPORT Kl!IGHT8 Unturn. tora. P&rklq. Owner 1 12 N. 1871 =~ Mesa-Harbor Rlty. • Quiet m.t rloww, Santa Ana. Ptl. Kl S-,,...___ ~-•-u•-•-a. .... ,,__ .. _ e Nlc. feced 1U'd hoUM. Barbor ar-. 7-.rly ~ 1 bednn. Adult. MO. Avall. -i. 17""11 ......... -~---~·-or 1.... w1UI opUor to bQ:y. June. Bee owner, UO Au.a _., " R. r. Geddie G. C. 8qmour -Jlealtor-Own•r • J' .BA. lo&D
Want ,.,..,. .. t\repl.. fenced Jd. An. LI MIU. Hell 1144. Newport Blvd., Ooet& R. W aoo.ta ~ Cent.el" 8\. eo.ta M ... e Sii mo. lDd. en17thm. ::=:.i-==-~ SEASON'S B~ DEAL ::..Attn.cUY• untumiahld Dey or aipt.pbone LL a.mt LI Mill or LI &-T7M : ~:~11,:_ ta
bo• x1a. t.bta n.-.paper. Utfc PenJNIUI& Potnt. J bed.rm. tum-1 room "o -I rrna. l60 TWO ACRES .L BOJal YOU WD.4. llNJOY. N rt u R lty
-, t.bed bome AGO mo.. 4 rooma no -PuklnJ. IDEAL roa K -1 me, a-.r lla1J. 2 bdrm. la do t\IJl;J tuni. ewpo ·m•se ea
ART C. KISTLER CO .. Realton Barbor 515e. 17tfc __. •-·• _,.-\.t of ..._ ~-e 1....... .., ... ~.. lTtt N.wport Blt'd., ec.t.a It.a 43--Apta.l:Bouaee for Bmt ..,..., .. .,._!NII" ...,,.._ ...... ..,.. ~ n......, TV. waaber. ,.,. .__,..,... ...___ LI t-TIOl •
_ _ 2901 Newport Blvd., Har. 6%21 Lt l-!2U. lJtlc ,..,...., carpeta,, evW)'tt!Snc .,,.._ '"'"' -·"'-LIDO ISLAND d1y or n.J~ 16c17 NW CORNER. 11th A onn,... A rare pin cleu barp1n, LI t-7211. eo.t.a Meu.. Office or abop
FuniUhed or unturnlahed BALBOA ISLAND 3 bdnn. rum. apace ot 1200 tq. ft., and 16000 81-Beal r..&ate Exelaaa.n '10.t60, ~ do. Bal&nce EZY.
Bechelor and one or two ~d-home trom July l at lo Aue. 11q. tt. ot p&rltln1 area. Sult· 2..;. (C't.JTE) 1 bdrm. CO'M'AOZ LOE MOVE RIGHT IN
room apa:lmmts. lit LI IHO~. lkl8 able tor retail bu11J1ea11. or EXCIL\NOIC l<>J bouae cm ac:n
By wmmer, monthly or yearly. . • llcht manutacturlnc. FRANK of rtvtt front.a,.. lJl rnort LOT. can buUd ad4ed unit, oll
LIDO Realty AMOCiatea &AST BIDZ Costa Me-. 2 bed· J ,.,,,.D H ...... 2 lTtl area of DwwnuJr, Callt. Wlll rlJl\U JO. room unturn. bouae. LI t-TIS32 A • .._, ar. •"' · c trade on property ln th1.a .,..., Bett.9' (.t lnto on thla one.
ltOO Vla Udo Ba.rbor HH • ...--. .• , ... Sltc FOR LEASE, ltoreroom 12x'7. LI 8-3228. ~plT ....,,,., •uu Pn•·
SEE ME·TA NELSON ----------Plenty of "ln ttont" park.lni. L. HAKMOND, LL l-"33.. 17c18 WATERFRONT, aandy be&Ch-OORONA DEL MAR bran new 1 B.R.. 1 Bath. 78' Wlllt lltb. COit& Kua.-a-ae.i l'.Ma&e
loTel home. wan to Wall C&I'-u t-S4t3. llk:lT NEWPORT BEACH.
, buUt-ln kitchen. Nie. omCE &Del dop -ce .... 11L 1 la • ~roocn h,.,,_ a.l _..._., •..-""' IDZAL J'.&JGLT BOKI! on Wal· • _.. -..,.--. -·
S bedrooal Fumlabld., Rdwood
noon. w.. ...,,,.,,,. ..... at Lot
80x140 OD Co.ta Kea& IL Tradt
f01" ~· Modern Hou.at Tr&Uer.
aA:>am IM
I Mdrocln. at.ra l&rp I cu PJ'-
..... COi'. lot tosl60 wtUI Mit
in.. P'ffoed to •lL DASONAL 6 YmA.R.LT.
11CJ1 IC. Cout Bfry. Ba.r. aoeG
paUo Untum. yearly, realr1c~ 2221 Cout Hwy .. Corona del , apL DoobM pnp oa two
ed 260 mo. Call 8&l'-Mar, and 124. TU.un An., NpL nut PSace, Oollta It--. I Wrma Iota. UI.~ 1· b&ock BUlltNUAT
bor 1214., J:vea. Harbor 185&. Hta .• call l'RAN~ 3. HOR-1" bet.ha pJUI Mn Wtth alidtq trom ocean la bwdn .. district. C-2 Lot U"lllOO WlOI t '-!roam
Hlfc VATH, R .. ltor. B&r. 1'28 or rtue dool"I to )MaUo. Oarbq'I Oa.11 OWMl' Bar. UM aft.er & oldu' ~ ... Ud.I tANll.7. SPECIALISTS ruRN--.-2-bdrm.--h-o-u..-. -PR&'--._ 1586. 10p1T dlspoeal A uh W'OOd =ta. J>. m. or anytlm• Mon., TUea..
CALL lmlU. CRAIO 1 bUt. from buch. June i.t to =be ~°"'~c•~~,600. Of Wed. l Tc:IO B. A. NERESON
Bay end Ocean View
Newfort Heiqhts •
3 Bdnm., 2 batha. VA beat, wool W /W cpta,
drapee ll curta.lnl, ea.tom blt. very attract.
modern home with Ip. 'f'iew WdOWI. First time
ottered. An actllent value at $28, 750
Call f OJ' appt to 1ee
3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Bach Ll 8-3481
Nl&l" beach, good rental d.t.tr1et. Income '2880.
Can be tncreued. ~ rellt.d ~ pnant. Only
$MOO down. Pay oil be•N'O' out of lncome.
S23.l500 tun price
3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bach Har. 1013
DORIS 'BRAY, Realtor Oct. ht. Iaqun os-ltlh st.. M-Baatne. OpportaaltiN ----R&ALTOR Newport bland. 10cl7 lftcom• • • .._.. .. y lNt Newport Bl94., Co.ta Mee&
sit Matt-. aauoo. lldand coaoN• DEL KAR. '™ '° to ~c,al 5 ~ I Oc b~totr• ~ =-~ ~ ~~ :.-;a.a=:· ·= Liberty a.1cn. s.... u. wau LOOK Corona del Mer
Bar. '° °' N StpL t. mo.Jy tunL ·s bdrm. ...... euooa • erma.. Only t~,...,. .ad. located tta. •~.GOO tWJ pt'loe. $6600 OowD. ~ ..,... or tt..i... Attnd:ln a bclrdt.. •11,<>00
boUlll It mtudlo. Only $600 tor lW Nft'pOl"t Blvd,. ea.ta d1ltrtet between Bore.oe Eb-Z. W. BllL Bar. OCSll-K. b<lllM ~ ..,..., batdwOod ~ '
D9lme I bedrm. I b9Ul B&ytroat IMUClll. Call Ford Vwrl.Dder. K..._ lk2t 8tlD 8chool la NMrpOrt UD.Soa Utfc OCEAN l'RO.N'l' ~ la1"111. llhndlil It com-Betta S.. TbJa, But ~!
Apt.. wi~ new turnitun.. 8'1JD. Har. ~ 15c1T .Jmt .. -~ ,..__, --.. ITOO .. 8o6t 55-lf Lo9a mp kboal. All aDlta .,.. C... dpta I w. '"'1 fllra ... IOO pl•t.lT f enced. Oood 11C1PbOr-...._ Ulle -I Wra,.
; a...uabk. per m CORONA DEL KAR. eJoet t.o 0-Z tlD , ,.ted. 8hoWw SoOd IDcOIDe. Altaden• Ea.efOW • 111r .. tuD. sood rwa.• •ooo boocl ..... su.ooo. ..._ no.. ...._ C11iaeoe ~
.... be&· .. be& ....... J ~-2 d & I TD LOANS only '4000 doWa. Pl.000 tall V._. W '21.TIO Uoa • K&rtpld ... to...,_ ~ I bedr'm.. I bath. ;;;cb ~ • ';.'"~ i:;~; n st • • price. Own... wanta aD oa .. US.A ~ 11th •t.. Omta = 8-c.111 ........ I ......... ll,llO H.,, I bdrm. bolM. Cloee tn.. ,... • ~ n·· --•
I.Me A.au Apt• .tltALO'tlY· patio, t500 llQO, Jw,., ~ 411 ileo1u. .&ll..Onzlp, CmmtJ .. bn>1tted 8M tJtl• ~ Llbct7 I-IMO. -hln.-w•rtr -=--'nll Id~ a b&ti., tbarmO MauutullY ,,...,_ ... ..._.LI
Udq. PM per m9. S>y tb1 Sept. Call Fwd Verrtnder, Har. We Buy Tru.lt Deeda ON TIDD BAY W to HO' ttoet· mal'bte D.-,0 IM&t.. ,..n-~pr-lot t-. U..t Mero.a -..p
,_,.. vs.. of the Bey and uts. 15c1T 6 Mlle Collateral Loana J. K. VJJJ& 00. .,_ flOO and ap per ft'OGt ft. BACK BAY .,_..,. fOOO dD. fbr aa llddl. I-. OOOD
..,... tm JOQr boCt.. toU W. Balboa mYCS. to qualltlld bQ1•r. PSen I*' Beuw.Df • 1 .. rfec•ped a Wrm. TCRMa. (.t. ..., aclmll'N 11111..
UNFURN. 1 bdrm.. houae, CdM.ar. Royal Mortgage Co. NmWP<>RT BmAas mJtted. o.o. McNamara, 0o1. 10Jr1.tS lot. .,.. looatton.....MOOO home lD P'd Mish~ bl&'·>
A•ailable now on Udo. J:Jtcdlent fireplace, cpted. noon. 1 year 2802 Newport Blvd . Nprt. Bell.. (near th• Newport pier) ISM II.land. Bar, ftU. UdT ~ • acre ·--··· ... '815 CbaCOe ebnallll, now.a • -pat10.
I 1*tl'ln.. I bath home. Yev -.. at 1~.00 per mo. oar-Harbor 1549 Bar.-ffll llclT I b. r .. be&ut7 Ul.IGO 0ompa.tetr fenced tor piftCJ,
...... PGO per mo. dentt, ,... • water .upplled. BALBOA ISLAND LOT A home JOU wW tnJOJ' '"°" Open For Inspection
p. a. palm.er lnCOT(>C>Mlted ~~~~~~~~~ ~ 2
' hr. plion• MJ'Tj~ Nttc $6244 INCOME ON IOUTB BA.T. Owner, lot ~R~A. DliL Kil
1 ':iuflO ~:= l'RA ~ Pr1o94 S.t. 'Suu afternoon.
o1ie ban100 co. m.ana,.meot LI &-M8L lTclt BJ:ST OClllAN J'RONT LOC. 8 llOuth Bay. llc!lT 8BOJlllX:!LD78 J .._ r., den. • • HT RAMON.A PL., (oft knta nu ... Udo bar. 1000 HOME LOANS unlta tum. F.P. oa.1.1 I M,500, I bath ... _ .. ..Jt78T · RSDUCSD Two Wm.. ol&tr bome, doM to .Ana Aw •• jut ~ of ~
1100 w. cout bwy. Ub l-60'73 BALBOA ISLAND unturn. 2 terma. .tor-. Prtc. $7950. 8ubmlt on It.) 1yr,oi4tbeclQ'JL.,1" 1lalb,,
bdrm. bowie. yearly. 116 ~r1. eon.tructJon -Retlnan~• BALBOA BkY PROPDTma BY OWNER TRAD• I~ acre .... te. I II. r.. down. copper ptumbtnl. «.c., 1IOO -a,
QA&A<Ja for ator&ce $7.60
moaUL 115 NarclMua. O>rona
del Mar. Bar. IOa..J. lkll
Can Har. 0897·R or 8Tcamor. T---~!-di· 5 ~Bl~-• .._'?~-}GOG w. BALBOA Bnd. S..1111 ATrft.ACTIVm dUpla. aearLldo I ~ ~-roR watft'-d Rltr ft. S-ved lltrMt, pr. &.p .. .AA
T-1°'6. 1Tcl8 ....... nu --· -~ -ahopa. J'urn1abed. SM.000.. ttont. an or put -·---.f&0,000 Te Hauser . ~ OOOD BUY at
SUMMER RENTALS ~t o:a:i.Bo~h~ 'Sold CURT DOSH, Rltr. =· txcellent ntmn. .. ~ Claire Van Hom Henry c. V~ughn, ~~~~,;;t.,·J:,; • iOi\ili: I bath borne. Cloae to
.ocMD. lM the dowuta1nl bn.
Wp s-:J' th• rel Bar. IMTIW
Some nice 2 bednn. home1 from Call l'or · P'1'et Commitment ] I S .. J • A NO. Mal) •
$200 to StOO mo. DON L HUDD~N martne ve. THREE M-1 LOTS 2111 w. eo::u-: LI Mm Insur.
0 . B . LATHROP. Re&ll01". LI S-6641 Cost.a)(.. Balboa Island ADJOINJNO -.cb other. JOxta 11.LTSBORaW located oe "5M1 ~ IC. Coul Hwy., Corona 178 & lTUJ St. H b 6 aoth 8t. ~ LI MTll oon.r, '71IO. AL90 •• lldrm.. OCEAN FRONT del Mar. Ba.r. MU Ev .. Ba.r er or 15 0 :~ ~ md Bay. CLIFF HA VEN toll Jl&ftor ~ ea.ta K.. bolM t« Ul.IOO, oan ..,.,,
1"&Al\LY J bdrm&.. eompletlly 618() l7clt LOANS lor Homes BACK BAT ARB.A., uooo ctn.. BALBOA BAY PlltOPCRIJD
tura. utU. pd. TOOO w. Ocean NEWLY REDECORATED l bed-I G?lt _ SO yr. Loe.na a BR.. dble. ,_,.... a ~ 1006 w. BALBOA Btrd. Ba. 1118 31& 8lpal Roed •
UNDER $18,000 '"9t. N.-port 8-ctt.. tlk:lT rm. duple:a. Untum., dt.J>09&1. c t ti l old. F :P. 111,000. BM WlDow ~afU\ TOT AL DOWN
«c. A18o 2 ~nn. comtr OnS rue On OaftS L&n .. ea.ta It .. or tnde fer ~
ON BALBOA ISLAND houee unrurn .• d raJ>f't1, carpeta., BEE BOB SATrLER truat deed or. tractor or farm Cotta Mtaa near ;•:Ullllld ~ W:.~0.1·1~ J\J~~;~tlU
IEE UI tot ,_,.1y and di~. C"low In HTO. 2~16 EAST COAST BLVD. equJp~nL Owntr LI 1-2631. bor, t btd~-G •Uul old aold. LI t-24N ten
... Dal rftlt&.la. BEACR. I.Ax. M3iJ' 17p Corona dtl J.far Harbor U88 HtfC' P~· 1 mo~ _, · ----------
--ICarlne A.... Harbot' 602 new com t r home unfurn. Mtl ro ur. hu1. Fund• KI 3·!U86 FOUR UNfn NJ: w p 0 RT AR';. c KISTLER co R•ltora 621 Poln.wtUa al lrd. _. HEt<JBTB. Excellent location · " 1 'i Iota R·2 SOM Rf'nl&l on BALBOA ISLAND AnU. Stpl. 10. -3 bdmui. '8lfc t A a Bdrm. Will tab~ ml Newport Blvd. H&r. 6221 ' _ _. ~A . ..__
I beU. ft&J' ·---.nc ~ ve. -----·-.. ..-~ bedrm. dUpto (unturn) • WW ctirpela • drtpe& l.OANa TO ButLI>, IMPROV&, \rade for 411,aoo eqWQ'. da.7 01' n1te. lent bide. alt. OD tront -Jt.-
n•n Elec:L atove A ~frif. Waler BUT MODmN""-P OR bor 6391. tttl<: W.._ dUOld lb -•..,. r p To
Corona del Mar
P~Y ~ ' badl'm .. ~l&ol aom• n ..... 40 tt. ~
8o. of HW')'. Rot1'y Cft th1a on• I
$ll,7IO .
aa w. Cout 1rw7.
(at~ °'"1'91
U 1-TMJ Bar. l1M ....... ~ electrlc ltO•• A A pnknu paid. 1 bllt. trom • -BY 0 n-.n .,......,., • • ta.. ~ ....... 019J1. water paid bacb. pso per mo. on -... RJ:F'DIAJl<;m BALBOA PllJQN1IULA ~ llPtCl. call Bu. IMO. ----------
6 _ _. maqatalned. 227 &. Owner Har. aaz8.M. 1Tc2I We Bup Truat Deeda ONE OF THE LAST vln rumtahed 2 bedroom pru. l br. A.ft'DlU:8Df 00. $5000 DOWN ~-c'io.ia it-. lTclt JQWPORT BALBOA &AVING8 Jota tn OJ.ff Hana Per-l'*t boUN, petjc>, 1~ betha. Cout Rwy. at llarlpld 1Tclt
OORONA DEL KAR. 9p&clou9 la WAil U80CI.A.1'10M manent v1iew of Barbor. eman down.. Call Bar. ltTO-W. C>C'&AM l'ftO»'I', • ~ ·~
Harbor 2G42
112 Martnt A•t., Balba& Ialuld
58 Jt 153 to allq.
Neu-19th le B&rbor ~
Bar. 1181 1aUo l'WO Bl:DIDI. ctapta SIO mo. 2 bdrm. rancll t,,,. home. UN vaa Udo Ph. a.... dOO "---ac ... 110. $7,Nltl\ UctO CASHl.._1~ OUT =-~ 4::9 -~ actl1.
......., ---cue.. KA.X. w. S..utltUily tun., ~1&n&i • tf• ~ vu... """ •~ -· ----------Jl'QIP'& &MJtor. lJOI ' eu.r wtlb ba,...b1. aeparate patto. Barbor Ml 14c23 $I S,600 cs lot • 19Ul ft. ~ate et •UMA UY~
8t'fd.. a.. It-. LI a-nu. ftreplace. .Jun• 11 to a.pt. 16 80A--Oommerclal, bdQltrW ----------.... c. K. a..., Sall. AalDs llOI w. •AIAO~ BIYd. Ba. JUI
Httc Bar. 4.0'71-J. lTclt Near Lido 8bope ' BDRM.. I ~ borne wtth 2 cmlJ l3&00. LI a-uu 1'f•1t ----------
NW CORNER., 1 TUi • ~ rum. • bed.rm. 2 baUI ltUC:Co. ca-r ,......,... J'tNp&a.c.. ,. A be&t. ----------• BDIU(. BOKS -.... lot
P&NJNWt1LA -NICF AR&A.-ID&A.L roll CBILDUN. Un-O.t.a M-. SHOP 8p&C'e of c1oM to Udo lbopplftS c•Ulr. p.rbeC9 4lspm91. Jdtche tan. INOOl!m PllOPllltTT ta N~ B.q:hta. cl.aA. Cbolcit htply ""'1iei.t la a.. t a.a. Unhm. 1110 tum. 1'-' br. redecorated home 1200 eq. ft. plua 16000 "'l· ft. beachM .tr ~. Beert.noe at All f~ one 1 •a r old. $20.000. J Wra. lilolne. J nnta1& ate. MApborMdd. tenold J'Sd. dwit .. 8atlc k7 .,.._ 2 -
1 aA Ulld\U'L 1100 n-.r eettt of Co.ta M-. -~ .,.., lll,400. Only STIOO doWft. ~ Kiib kbool. A. boln. t« a... for eo,.. anlta. Oeen'tw 00. to adto0ll. BJ OWDtr MIOO -. 1 at "100. l50
Call a.. llM. s.... llM Let. J'U'd, ,.,...... Har. 518'. J"RA.N1( JAKJ:S, Karbot' IOU. I:. w. BW Sar. OCSU-M. Sood IMIC· .... appt. Ubert7 tran. --u............... ..., IU ........... u Ml• Vi.ta .. ,.,. (W.W. a • Jard
Utfc 16ttc nttc 1ltte MJtl. '«:lT 0-.. LI 6-llU. l~ ia1tar l:IO ..... t.atc • 'n.tlD Aft.) 1"'11
. . ' t.-• UNITS, PR.6.Cl'IC4LLT• BAT l'RONT
P..........,t Bay View', 30' f.-,.My-......,.
Newport -Yadlt Olib. II-bdrm." apt. fCI'
,.,..-, plu 2 ........ 1llllta to bolp ]1&1 for IL
OD11 sa.ooo """"' (Our ""1Ullve, but COUJUoy to Hui>or A ... Broktn)
2. -TWO DUPLEXES, ( l Ualto) i'lmUlhed, ill
BalllH'• -rental IPOL Older; but oomplete11
modem!A4 and robvllt 'l'hMt Wlltl ~11
rented and wlll l!ve you u -t Ill-with
'little ----"'"°°· ll'llll priu only 1211:VOO with $10,000 down!
A TEAR! With th1I 7.WJlll In llallloL l olqleo
and a cloublol. ll:x4ulalt.1>' redeoorat.d and
.refurpiahed.. (you've never aeen anythlnr like it)
near to boy • beach • everythinc. Rud7 to eo.
and many ..... rv&11o .. ilready made go With it.
A eold mine for 10me lucky boyer at U9.!IOQ.
Low u $7500 dOwn or will tradle down.
l.-BAY FRONT; PIER I< FLOAT, with apt. to
rent, too. Beautifully modem.l.r.ed. With allding
,door...-tull width of lirins room, with sorgeoua
View of the boy. Open IIouJe Sat A 8uoday-
W thla at 1100 E. Ba1hoa Blvd., Balboa.
fisher & Company
2903 Npt Blvd., Npl Beach. Hu. «211 :CV.·LI 8-3217
4' bdrm. furn. older home, large living room wllh
fireplace. Unit hn~ gorbag• diapoaal, 2 car
-Ooean view, d-to thl boy,
$28,600 tenna.
FIRST TIYE OllTERED. Income unit 2 bdrm.
furn, houee wtt.h tarr• bedroom cuace apt.
E&c6llent rental area. 1 bli. to b&y. $21,roC>,terma.
FUllNISBl:D DUPLEX all od one floor. Good
oummer reotala. 1 block to hay. llUiOO
with low down payment.
eo.y 2 bdna. and lanai, Ranch homo completely
furn. 2 car &'&rap. Set in hea•en of tlowera,
u-, ahruba. Frult trees 1alore. Corral for
horae. All fenced. M x 305. $8000 down.
COMM:µ!CIAL conier 1'5\i x 1liO fL Near Hu·
bor Blvd. Praent lmprovemebt. tbould e&rry
UJJ property developed. S..t buy on W. lllth St.
RUTH JA YRED, n.altor
• • M.lldred ru.p and Sylvia Thomi-n, AalOdat.a.
301 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 2ilM or llOO
308 Poppy
Corona dol Mer
Thil be&uutul near new home bu built tn
·ldtcl>m, brtallfllt a-. dJlllnl .,.._ Huge living
room with double fireplace, larce den, two bed·
rooma each With oeparate both, plm a larga
famliy room. All for $33,llOO. Nothing in the
are• can• compare.
P'or lnform.aUoti ctve Ut & call
2e02 Nnrpbrt Blvd. Harbor 4718
bomt wtt.h individuality, ltone fireplace in buce u-nn; "'°"'• each bedroom lw hath and Lt en-
tir.11 oeparate, ho ... la fully carpet<d.
M Price $31.500 Terms.
SIX UNIT Income, five furnlahed. ob: pracea.
laundry, roam with BedUI,, worklbop, tpri,nkier
ll)'Ote. piCld below ,...._..,~ lWIL reoW
rocoM. T.,.... to,qualltied buyor.
54« E. Coaat Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 2288
(acrou from Bank In C. D. M.)
Conitt R·2 I~ 4 -• 2 batha. Flrepla.
• paUo. Con be coo..rted into 2 be4n>om ho,,..
• 1 badroom apt. HJch rHA. Loan i.ia-.
Total price $18,llOO. nlil lo o ~ oael
One blk. from Ocean Blvd. -2 Jtr. bodroocna, 2
hatha. Under oomttudlon. Ovtralae prap
with a Ii hath. Call for an app 't on tbla.
NI p1ce '24,950
:lee? E. Cot. Hwy., Corona doJ Kar. HA, 17'1 HA : 0757
• -----
L.-·---19!::111!!!1!1.ll.li •. l!ll!!!L. __ , tN~~t! HKll OlHEWS-NIS5-l'.uT 11·'Ala1
WBN!SDAY, MAY JO. tta ..
l!!JM •• t ....... ' ..... .....................
.... '• -~1
... .... ... ... .,,,, .. , la· __ .. __
.... •• .,., """' at -.-
Realty & Investment . Co.
50S·l2nd Bt., NftlJJO't Btacll-Harbor t!SM-llllr 5:00 p.m. Harbor llll4T
'C THOMAS 'C THOKAS BALB04 IllL.t.ND. l B. JI. S boUl tnn. -.
0. H . DtJ>ins room. 8plclom and d>armJna, Patio.
'(.. n.ft ouse · PIUA &ll unumal17 attr. 1 -tnn. q>t. , I"''' near No. Bay clOlle to vll.lap eenlar. Oar e&• Bat. A: Bun. l • 6
122 Harbor 111aa4 Drt•• cluaive. SEE TODAY. Priced right 6 Xlnt terwaa.
A. beautU\IJ botne tor the mo.t ti B. R. ' bath home -tarp lot. One ol our mo.t
di.ertmlJlaUac bll)"tr -built attractive bland bomea. Na.r So. Bay and .ti~
at'OW'ld tJood Uj'bliM tfOIM.tal ·-· r planted ,.uo, 1 ia-. IMdrooma. lace center. Very spactoun; and !Uftl.ly. or a
den-bedroom, I batbl. charm· REAL home, let ua ahow you th1a. Only $«:,9'0
mr uvt.q room. dlninc lanai, Terms
compl•l-9 dec:U'kl ..Ut.-ln Wit· •
ch-. ••nd•n• ot euptaoara. LOT -fWl sia--$11,500 ONE 01' '11IE LA.BT!
and cloMU, d .. p pile • to w ,,.,,..u.r. ... .... 11 -· BALBOA PENINSULA. Cboics locatlml. It la ~~~~~ worth your while to~ thla cbanninc I B. ll su-home. 1 % botba, on tare• lot, naar UM! lla7 1pat11.
Baytront '°l Saud --St2..500
PMr• lilp .ur_ 8oud -11is.ooo
f1er. 6. tltp tl4~ Nard 171.000
Is. VI& ~Mml. I br, _ U l.bOO
lll vi. On-i.to, I br ... •21,600
BALBOA ISLAND aoo Coral. ' bdntL. _ "5,ooo
SQUAD roor.t.aa PWll
A kml,Jo ,.. ..... ()ell' ... P I "--t
bednMw u4 I MlM. I~ ,, ...... lrlt!;
La.,. h-tno pailo. n.. ...... ......
doorw t0 Patio afto...i a P9t Of I ... fw -
tr.Ainr, ioo-and oat. I Oltldoor .-u4
ru-tnc -Qerpeta and tlro.porill Ill.BOO
A i-uUlul larp lot with plua --
4 bedroom., 1 TOO oq. ft. Good tlnanetns, -
hurry OD thl.t. Aaklnf lf0,000
$12,000 G rou per yeor !
Thill fine income unJt wlU pay the &bov1 ftcuN.
It coQO!ata of 10 beauutully fllrn!ahed unit&·
Well located. Ez:cellent condition. Klnlmua
upkeep. Near 100" on leull. 80"' da.
lllr bea<b. Beaut W.dacaped .,..... and palio.
Shown anytime. 422 Belvuo Lane. BAYSHORES BAY AND BEACH REAL TY, INC. Rltrs~
NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Nr. ocboolo-cburcbe.-
tramportation. 2 attr. bomea - 2 bldl-.
t.&Ch.-.djtdning lot.. One Df!W-ODI ~ tt' s IL
Doubla -with eaeh b..--Oldar -
rented for $90.00. New home vacut for lmJne.
dlate pc:JUPrion. Thl8 ta a REAL deal tor
DU C~. J bl', -•to.HO 3112 Lafayette, Har. 3M8 2911 Ev-.
OPEN' ~T l•D
" HOl Vilt& I>rl•• ruJlN1&Bll.D s 1*lroom, 1 ~
bath home, ~. lll'lq room. n~; ~Uo. LOW down
paymet. uc4lie.t. t.l:nm,
YmW or BAT f'l'orn la'•. MYlng
room • muter Mdroom. a
b9drooma,, 1 "-batbl., dlnlnf
roem ptua ~ aru. nice
, $21,000. TE8M8,
311 llat!Jie Ave., Balboa laland. Ph. Bar. 1m or 1872
ud. p&Uo. e.act1llent llM:alJon.1-------------------"7 paillt.d ...i.rior-BUT
v J.LU& 1Zl Bqllbotu today.
and A880CIA TF.8
Jlfi W. 0oMt. B'lltlway· LI '"""27 ,._,...,,_,,
Why P•y Ront
WbM yvu aA movt In \hi.
MW17 4temat.ld I bdrm. bom.1
1n tine ioc&UoD for leu ~
you would pay rent. Well kept
lol. with larI• double p.nae.
..._. Ui. A pt.1.d tor -
I'. P. St.HO a.tt•r hUJ1')'
Artistic Modorne
4 Units Balboa Peninsula '
One 2 bednn.. ~ 1 bedrm., ptna atra ~inr
room With b&tb. Boot location and In A-1 COO·
d.IUon. :Potential tncom.e SMM 'Jr. ••klni
$3:1,000, -
Channel Front, Pier •nd Float
OPEN BOUllE 11·6 -Ou-
02 ft. bulkhead -One of the llie9t 2 bedroom
homes and only l block to Lido aboppin.c".
A at.eol al $2l,llOO
a bodrma, 2 -J.mma,cu1&'4!1 bpt and.
priced at oaly JU, 750. Euy terma.
ALMOST Ocean Fronf
BEA.CH LOVERS-Here 11 a dandy l>aadl bome
a.ly a few ot<pa to ocean. Xlnt rental uu. bu
3 bednna., _...i. tl1Dlnr room and .-pa 10.
• Compl«dy tlmiilllool IDelnd"" TV. '""'"'
11µ00 -ten.a.
IOI PoppJ, • br. A: dCI -'31.&00
Ill ,...ta, • bt. -uuoo
Id k1t t., I br. t'llrn. 121.500
ltH PnadU& 1A, I br. llS,000
fl5 8t. lam.. IM'W' I bl'. 121,aoo
tM 8. Ana AYe.. trade ltT.IWKI
H1 II.-Dr., I tir. cOr. 116,NIO
NJ BuaDU. elmolt ... tll,.000
w. ~ wttb au RM.Jt.oni
Duncan Hat'desty
MO! Ntwport BIYd., Nwpt. Bch,
Bar. tTll
rtTR.MDUll:D, ""7 attnct.lve I
bdra. llimm.. t.rp CClnMlr k>t..
a.drJanl ''°*' wtUli '6 area ......
"JW1t to the ltrht of"Udo Brtdio"
"We' re Moving
to Irvine Terrace"
Drive In today &114 -for )'OUrMlf thl IUJl1 """
llanding r ...... or th1I romarbhlo comm~.
lion and mon Barbor an& ftm!Jlel an lalplle:U:na
~ a:qulalte ~ -•otini their comfort, COil·
venlmce and central locatlml.
"'-and man famlli,. who pre{sr a -1n a,..
otrict..r quality community are movlaJ into their
Irvine Terrace home&.
ln.8pect the model homes,
built by Yacco Corp.
exqulllltely fUnliahed
by Martin & Von Hemert
rmD. Terrace ii located on Cout 1DPwa1 oppoolte
the new lrYlne Cout Country Cub.
Pbcme Barbor Ul8 ht i'iutlaar Inform•tm * For lle»•1mmd•tl<c, n ntar ,.,.. to -
who bolda a taeebold. r.tate in 1"lDI Terraol,
Beacon llay, Ba,y Bllorw and Clift Bne
' (Jr. ru1U. Lhal la dlft1nnL
Tw'U lie dtilpttd with th•
nonl u.tmlnt. oombined wltb
lM funct.lorW charact.lr of OU.
Ulree bldroom &JKJ ~ room
ti.amt, QloM:e ff. , W, ftOOl'I,
corner r. P .. F/A heat. heat
lampl la bath. COftd linol·
Ml.m., bu.IJt In O'Ked'e &nd
Mlft1tt .ranp and oYn and
~dair'9 lllWl.wubllr. The
JACK BRENNAN, REALTY OPEN FOR DlaFECT'JOH 1'a... /------------------Tllura. a.ad a.t. an.moon..
,. il TBS ARCBJ!S'"
3320 W. Cout HW)'. LI 8-7778 PIUCZD TO RU. -TZRllB
::_•.:-:,~.,.~ •;:.-::; ------------------.~::'=! !uleo.
-.... .. "'" ...,. •• EXCLUSM-IEAeoN-B-.AY
UT,IOO. Real ehana la a 2 a.Ina. ud 2 bu.ll bome. den ~ ::,.::,.. Jncl. .,..
W. A. TOBIAS with !ireplocor, r.,..,.,, .a baat. rill and d:raperiea oPm< ""R ,,.,....._"""" w..i.
RS.U.TOR lnclutletl ID tlle ..... priot ol Stll,000. l.-rn. ... 1wL ...,._
"JOU.'D Wt• nr r111nd17 •rric9" term. to 1191MfW! ..,... t.Bd. -.. aa.tJ ' •oo a. iTu. it.. ea.ta M... ...-n -I h p M k ,,,....... 1-11!9 S121 ""'you. Illy .. -""'thloT NI p R&Ai.TOR as ey .
BALBOA OC""'N ~RONT I BA YFRONT .... )(--..... Har . ..,. -BALBOA ISLAND
t1IIN1[ or IT! i.Unlt.. CID Bal-
.. lll&Ad.. cao. to lou.Ul .. ,. lnceb' nam. On. wt.th
Thia perfect ' bdrm. one year old homo hu
ewrythlng. carpeto, drapea, larp patio, llullt.-1&
kitchen, etc. lt'1 lovelJ ~.000.
-NEW . "ff -~ --
round home. 2 bdrma., 2 bothl eomlJINl1 ,.,..
nlabod on ViltL Nice Jarp pltio -$21,000.
and .'
3 bdrm., 1 llath completaly turn. on llr<le. On • •
ona of th• luplt 1Doide tote. Very "'"11 .,.ito,
room for nlmmlnf poo~ 111111 l'D;llOO.
N.., Udo Plua ~. H32 Vlo Oporto
(Oppoaite Lido llllopa -.. Anal
Har. 6'-J:vaninp LI 1-6287
ttun. apta. On• ha. 2 bdmlL
• I b&tha, Ona b&I Gile bdrm.
6 •th • on. b&C:lleior apt. A
bath. Th-. apt&. &re all tum.
Locat~ c:wtJ;r l liii bib.. from
Bilbo& P'Yr -I btu trom
"1n Zorie. fSIMO i. tuU prob.
~b&I tttrn.s can be .,..
0. euterly part of Udo 8oud. A beautlful famliy
bo1Mollbodrmau42-up.1 boU.-..,
• -attnctiff !anal and ~ ~
tleo, larga patio and garden. ft>e pier and float.
For pritt A detaJlo or appointment to lnapoct. call
HABBOR lm t~ MOit atU&dl•• A --------~--------pr"*I to .u •t 1211.000 with ...._
BALBOA. a .. ~ eo..., •EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor
bdrma. plUI «di room. 1 ~
b&Uu, ft.Ice lndaMd paUO, nr...
place at courw, dl)I. pm.,.. ------------------
Localed onl7 ·~ btkt trom the
popul&r Ith I L bnc.b cm I.JI•
.. ,. ... w. •-..... ,. re>STA MESA the best town on earth Full pr1o. Oft.!¥ Qt,000. Re ....
on.aha. tenn. can be arranpd.. 3 Br. home, dble. pr., Bwd. fin., w •Mi pon:b.
J. Joi. 1WJ,ER <Xl. tenoed yard. A-1 locatlou on Broadway 512.000
IOll w. ll&lboa .....
JOIWPOlt.1' 8&\CB
(WI' u.. Newport ,...,
Jiu, '°91 tklT
Only 12000 cln. FP $10,000
BMda HGUtoe Oil Baltlo& Blvd. 1
doot to .... ~ .i.JWt .... ..,..
UT C. s::mTLa 00., a.nor.
901 H....,.rt. ..... Bar. ll2t
d"7 or nlt..
zrow-a wr... aw-. J tu" ,.,...
.,. cloM to Mopplll1 ~t.ar.
a.ta M-.. .,. OWMI'. ICJ
1-4$10 or Har, lUI kfo
Newport Be!pta (QetaJ!u A.._l 1 Br. 6 Jarp
deo (or 2 llr-fll,i llitli, ~ -gor.
JJS,500 -lllllOO -
Two 2 Br. older h-.. larp iot l8l!OO --C.2 Zooo lot 6' x 300 -..,..i I Br. --
Hwd. ftn. p.np, f'2,l500 ~ 11s 1 -~ t.rw.
-Oil -
C.2 Zone lot 100 x HO -----.+51.,.2.000
G. N. WELLS, Realtor
1&10 Newi-t Blvd., c..ta w.. LI s.;:rne
0 ... • • •
aln.L terma.
Balboa Peninsula
C'U1:J&.pm f\an, ....... Mell
ot dldee IW Jot. Vft7 clme
t. BaJ ad 0.., A a1'CA1.
IU.000 -~
Jhlt.. u... ''°'
-lbrlDe ...... ...... l*nd. PbOIMI Bar. I02
Eirclualve L!atlDr
Eirtn -lot DUr So. Bay. "'" ...._ ' :
botba,. tarp IMni room and _...te dfalar
room, dtlf&btful patio aad ptoyroOm.
$42,ISOO "'-lint Tm
. A-ll&AL BUT I -~Parlt:::..:A:ve.::..:a~t ~KarlM,=::.~Bo=lboo==l=•:'·:""=~Kt='11otr=~:HIJ~~·-:..i 1'W'O IW Iota ..... .. and I. --... -·-............. allldld......., ---AAT 0.. IDaLDt oo .. ...._.
...... ,., ..... ll&r .....
...., GI'. .. t.e. •
toaa a.u.a ca n.t.Da • ~
• .._., ,..,_. &AT ftOll'I'.
~ ftUM «-.I k . ........... • ,..... ell.~..-.
te llaJ', I ltilk. ti tleadl. Nom tor addltlon&I mtt. ~ o.m.. on r ._ •. .,......_-...
&In! 8L., K...,..,. a.etL llclT
Cl.ASS A -and -............ '*I 00
mmt lmportaat caner ill P.•!1111 Prtoe
'700,000. Wiii piy 1,. ... Mt~ trill dtpooft
'300,000 .. -•••"'1· 1-dopiwl-r.etor.
CALL OWNER. T. D. ltopn. 1t7u 131'7
. .
• •
• • ----------......... a Pr' !*'f .. ,, ...... .. I I
• 2 I . . ···---
in.cor orated •
8/ B . -~ -developers .of Uc!.c-hie~
. What's It Wonh?f • ' . Open House
• We lhovChl It -a sood boy at '29,ilOO. The In Socluded BA YSROR!S. --1 to ii. ......,. !\>Wend 111o price to $2'1.~ Oil fllan<ky. s~. JYDO 3 -2716 Baylh.,.. nm.. ' lied· e ExdLUSIVES! MocW 8.twte1 1"""' &rid 'T'U9Ua A'feL
EAS'l'lllD!I ACllE!
e 3 B.'R.--Jl!>I. pr. Plua--Clrcle Ori••!
• · ~ · Dllpolal-Stonge room ett. !
•' Rodm foe pool.'._Tmn._BadmintoJ!.! .
• Nloe loc,.:..Prloed r!rhtl
• e ~~~S! •
,11,llOO ..
• 3 B. R.-Ba'rker Broe. decorated!
• Owner w,.uta. 't.o move to northwest!
• F. H. A. tlnanclnl'---$l!IOO down!
I By Geo.rge, it'a nice!
$11,000 _ _,
I 3 B. R.-Pa~Lovely B~Rdwd. fence!
• C-arwted living room-lee. lot
• Sun ,deck would five Wee ocean view!
• bwner hu to move-will take $2000 dn !
e EXCLUSIVES! e Corona de l Ma rl
Price Reduction!
• Wai $29,750 Now $28,500!
e 3 B. R. plUI large den!
• Cua tom built wet bar!
• 2 ultra. moderu ~ull tile bath.I!
• 100~ wool carpet-flrepla.ce--patio !
• DbL p.r.-H. W. !loon!
• HUGE muter B. R. with view!
• By George, thla ii a home!
• Finest neighborhood in clty !
e 3 B. R. 2 bath-H. W. floors!
• Fireplac&--db1. gar.-ahake root!
• 2 yre. old-all fenced and landscaped !
BAY & BEACH REAL TY, INC., Real tors
1696 Newport Boulevard
Costa Men, California
Llb<rty 11-1161 . E.,.a Liberty 11-3010
• • . • and liston to this!
The 300 Members ot the NEWPORT HARBOR
over a Million Dollara worth of real Cit.ate lut
month, a.nd expect to &ell more than a $1,000,000
th.ii month!
Cooperation am.one ita memben and concerted
effort made It poaaible. 1
With your Favorite REALTOR
Newport Harbor Board of Realtors
10 unita complel.ely fum. even to ltovet It Tefrir .
Ooly • >"'· old and """rythlng lmmac. cond.
Zoned for 8 more unilt. Located on Main bwy.,
Into Coat& 11-near aty center. Alway•
rented. Hi income record. Full detaila.
. . . • . • . . . . . .
2 B. R., beaut. living room and titchen, fireplace,
HW Ooon, lovely patio and garden area.. This
la NICE. !'rice $18,900
1700 N""'l'Ort Blvd., Colts M-. LI 8-&196
Eves. Hubor 1M9·M * Do Y du Have S1500? *
OK -th• you can move into lhia nice turn-
labed S bednn. .tucco home with oeeaq view.
Not a tonnlnta trap tither -ooly 2 yn. old.
Built under FllA tnapectlon wllb FHA loan.
Total price SJ.0,850 and you'll ro a lonr way
to beat tbia one!
· GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REA LTY, INC. . • iiJJ.i Nowport Blvd. Newport Belch
.. . Barbor 2562 ..
Evin11111 call LI ll-31ll6, LI 8-6406, Har. 3921-W
$8875 to S14,500
5 Custom · Built Models
Select a home to ault your neada. Built on your
or oar )oL FHA terms.
1857 Newport Blvd. Colts 11 ...
LT &-1682 Evea LI 11-UOO U
· u lie 'IU'ta it .,Id. 'l'!llo·lo ,,; ,,.,.., llae LIDO , "'''fllll:: 3 11at11o.' a r.., feet Crom -...tllllDlDc .
-3 boolnn. b .... wllb 2 bathe. l'orced air h~ beach. Wall-"t<>-Wan carpetbo.~ &Ad drapeo illdqd-
•"!f cupe\lllc, ~.ldlchen and .dlnins, ,..., ed. Prioo~~-Come lo &lld -~ ~ cltl
l!n!plaee, dbl -· onclooed "J*tlo. See It Lou Brok ror appol!>tmeol at you. ~·
· • today bJ callinr JM Schone1t. • Shorecftff Family Hqme .
Comer of Lorca and Soud 4 bodrma. 'I.alba with formal UVlognn. and tun
Prine)' &Ad charm &rO to be f~und lo lbil 3 ~' plUI brullfut toom. Beautlflllly
boolnn. 2 betba UDO homo • .,~ palnled landKaped patio and yanl. . It ia hard to. belleYO
and vacan.l. )[aey Clwmllir •tee-lnclud· lbat we can deliver thla value-pocked ho ... tor
lnr a terrlflc patJo. Price comer Iota a. lben ... the low price or ~.000. ,Call Joe Klnc&ld
why w• t.hlnlt.thla.1.t 1uch a cood-buy at $32,500. for more complete information.
Vin Healy will be happy to show you thil one.
We h1.ve 4. BAYi'RONT LOTS with pier privU-
ects on1 UDO 1SLB.. · 'nlere ian't a rmer place to
build your own home. Aleo, we have over 25
c"'"' ltreet LIDO Iota. Why accept ~ belt
for your family! For full information
Call Earl•Harvcy.
Bavfront Home on 2 Lots
One of LIDo·s finat homes. 2 garage., Central
patio, maid'• room and bath, playrm. with fire-
pl1.ce, Uvingrm. with fireplace, separate dining·
room, every poaible feature in kitchen, 2 powder
rma., 5 bedrma., 4: bath.a, mOt1t ·l"OOrntl have out-
standing BAYVIEW. P'or more information,
phone Blanche Harvey.
We 10ld over one million doll.an worth .of prop-.
erty in April Thia meana we need good lilting•,
and can Hll them for you.
p. 11. palmer incorporated
ole han1on co. m•negement
33113 via lido, harbor 1600
Unbelievable ·
LIDO ISLE cutJe -2 bednna. -built Jjy Bob
Ingram. Tol&l price $21,750. Bring In· ypur
check tor ~ down to Davidaon Qlbum--
but Hurry!
Newport Heights ·
Lovely 2 bedrm. 2 bath on well located corner.
Many oulttandlng fea.ture1 make lhia an out.t&Dd·
ing buy at $17,200. Call Bill Farnsworth to eee.
Lovely Lido Home
F.xqulaite \Ute in interior colon and decorationa
will tell you that thia bu alway. been a HOME
to the owners. Patio planted to perfection will
be you.r. to enjoy on comfortable •ummer evt:·
ninp. An un"'ua!IY large 2 bedrm. home. If It
fit&, call Jack Criafield...
p. 11. palmer incorporated
ole han son eo. mena9em1nt
1700 w. coaat highway -liberty s.M73
Good Val ues
Loo k The se Over! v v Best Buys Corona del Mar B/ B
ltmNTAL. ' ' bdrm&.u -~tpl..n. 1· 11 o. a. ahow•r, pa o. i ....
to b&J .wtmmln(. Bleei-u.p
to 10 people. 111,600 Xbit
SHORECL!FFS. Lovely 2 beclrm. bome. 2
baths, plua &eparate dining room, lee. kitchen
with breakfaat area. Hwd. floors, eovered
pat.io, double garage. $30,000 full price -
-57000 down will handle.
You couldn 't sta rt an
argument with
vour wlfe
• OD C&brfAD Mrtb ot lfUI IL
BEA YT SH.Ad ROOS'I, Mrctwoo4 Goon, b'c' ~
prec-. t9f0td..Sr bat. built•ln ovm U4 ......_
dt.,_it. ""'"' audiq' Jlul Ooort. UMd llriCll
plan. on Oolta X..'• mo1l dtairabl• E&ll atde.
S-bedroom: 121 ,950-UOOO ~
a-bedroom and den: IH.M0-12000 dltWD
~/Jl bolllet bav. J be.lhl
Tract Phone! Uberty 1·2361
or Ottlcu: L1 l-6&TJ, Harbor 1600
105 Via Ravenna
lido Island
• Cloee to tbe Oub House.
I Juat in time for a wonderful aummer
• Three bedrooma, 2 batha:.
• $25, 750 Full price -Euy term.a.
Lido Realty Associates
34 00 Via. Lido Harbor 4444 (21 OWNEI\ Bl:lNG TRANS·
l'D.ED. WUl eall hlll •·unit
blilldlns. recently rede<:O-2. 11
r&tad, nlcely ~-.Ad·
BARGAIN. 2 bedrm. furnished rotlage
located cloae to 1tore1 and ·only 3 blocks to
ocean front. Priced to aell at $11,500. Only
$3700 down.
l.n THIS boUM. even lf you were
reaUy lr)'lllS! Tti. handM>me
eerenity ot It. pe.ne1ed we.Ii..
~'eon. c:&rpe'tl.ac, \.be luxury.,,l -------------------
ot Ha'}' ~ot.ert.a.lal.tll" -a rMJ
jKenl lo th• Bay. 111,000.
a d&Di!y. I bdnna. up and 2 3
dw1L. .Attn.c:Uvely tumlabed. '
ID,300. Gd. ~
''! ,.'lCll 1 Bm>ROOK HOME
ud cute Mcbeklr apt.. Lars•
tot, •JMdoUI ,..u.o, 1 •rt ~
,.,.,... l'\ln'l.'91'1-1. 841 .. ,,. ., •
to .. thia! $17 ,:IOO.
15) OCE.lN FRONT. ' fldmu.
Ideal tOI' J.ars• tiunlly 115,500
Hou• wJth extra ,_,. lot
lnchlded al 121,000.
11 SPECIAL! 3 bedrm. home, bwd. floors, FA
~eat. garl>age dlopoa&I, fenced yard, double
garage. Choice location and only $18.500 .
Euy tenna.
1/ CORONA lUGHLA.NDS. Refinement t.t it.a
beat. Located high on the hill, magnificent
view e! oce-.n and entire Hubor Aru. Over
3000 .q. ft. in thia 3 bdrm., 2 ba.th home plu.
unflniabed nunpua room. Carpeted wall to
wall, custom dnpe1, beautifully decorated.
(I ) ANOTHER GOOD INCOME. For thoae wbo wa.nt and can afford the
2: bdrm. honte 6 1 bdrm. apL 0,,~ 2-car ranc•. Fur· FINEST -Thia ia it! ML No. 7176.
niahed. A.dj&eant to bay • Reduced from $591500 to $M,5()(). Shown by
ocun. OalJ' 110,000. appointment.
(7) OCEAN mc>MT DUPl-EX-TING -.ADd onl.J 100 tt. lQ t.y MEMBER OF MULTIPLE US S
~"'~ .. .';:' :::::;..:.CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. 1.,..., pauo. A real dKl at PRICE T '"cCUlSTION Realtor
121.:ioo. • -•
(I I $0,000 DOWN -Buya ell.lier
ot 2 JoHI)' Putneula Point
3447 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. H
(Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank. CdM)
bomea. Oa..e with 2 bdrm&. -----'----------·-----
BUY TO-DAY """""""'"''"'°~1 -•~. DON'T CRY TO-MORROW a blc dell and terraced patio
tor buttet.. a irunn1 brakfut DUPLEX -NEWPORT ISLA.ND
nook for •·twoecmwe" -provide 3 &: 2 bedrma., comer. · A.crou Park Ir. Bay
~~ r!:,..: !::~ha= l unit tum.. Ideal home " income. Will trade
rooaui ! ' bl( or-. ...,. 2 wtth the for Balboa laland. am• p&AOTUnic .W. of Ule
Hart>or you pt tram the h tt.
Uvln( room! can for a.ppolnt.-
men.t to _. what we nwtAfl by
''Olann ud Va.Ne". 1•1),000 -
2811 ()CZ.AN BLVD.
!Between J"emleat and D&hllal
• • • •
In Corona del Mar·-MM.Ith ot
Htrhway. BWUQ', compact two
bedroom home, fruit ll'"9 &nd
nowen plOre ln llMI .nck>Md
14& Cecil Place comer. 0>111ienee to IOme one
bandy with tool& Price . $3000 cub.
70 x 121 C zone Newport Blvd. Needo repairs
to code. Price $26,:500 now reduced to $20,500.
Terma. Small down.
ERS. aee t.b1a 110' on Broa.dway by 125' on
Fullerton to alley, then make an offer!
Owner will .ubordlnate.
Harbor 1'128
H&rbor 115615
p.rden and p&Uo. lll:l:INO 18 -----------------BELIEVING! 11a,t60. .
Bay & Beach Realty Inc
Corona did Kar ornce
M30 JC. Coul H.,,-.. Barbor MU
OPEN HOUSES 1~ p. m. Sunday
(Can &bow anytime by appolotment)
• ~ • J bathe. a.t 121,600. ---------616 Marcuerite, Corona del1 Mar , the oth"' wtth a bdrma. •
2 b&t.hl at JJl.IW)Q, ..
Balboa .Ra11lt¥ Co.
Oppmlte Bank ot. America
fto. OrMl.,. · U LM
Jmepbin• W•bb
TOO 11. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
~ Harbor 1277
First Time Offered
On tile Bay tn Corona del M&r.
1 bdrm. aftd 1 bat.ba. Be&UU· . ......
Lido Isle BILL'S BEST BUYS 3 bedrm oak floors, FA beat, fireplace, prb.
. diapoaal ' .. -............ -·-········-···-·-····--·--'18$0
--i-J1"11:u;c;r;k ... Bui11~ Location (53"SUWitd RU4; corou-mrtimi•mi:---------1
Localed off De Mar A•p. amonr 3 ~·-2 ~ .. FA bet.t tncludm ww _ _.. l~.000 bom-. 111 Ulla I bdrm. -....., t,-...u, ...-r"'" 40 I Via Lido Soud
Sparkllnc new on 77 feet ot Lido'• l1est Bay
front. i bedroomo, 3 bltba Funlllbed at $92,500
or will leue for aummer at $1!Ml0 per month.
.....,. -111 ,... old. Com· I< dn.pea ... _ ........ -.-· .. ·······--.... -... -,-·-·~
pletely fene.d, Bt. Aurueun•
l&lrll. h'ont •nu. Owner 1-v· 6li Bola, Newport Hta. -2 bedrm. den, full
In(. Ml!BT l!lm.L. NI price din room. Lot 75 X 127 ··--········----_$11.6()0
111.ttlO W1Ul I JOOO down. •
WE ALSO SP~ IN EXCHANGES Ready to Expand? c..,.... ""· '''" ...,.,.._ ••m• G. H. LATHROP. -Realtor wltll •paclou.1 tam.Ry room and DUNCAN HARDESTY , Realtor '"" 11-n>0mt "°" .,.., 36311 E. Cout Hwy. Corona cW Kar H. w. noore. 1'14 M.tha. laun· Har. MU E¥ee Bar. MIO
Would J'OU exchanp your New-2602 Newport B~vd. Harbor 4.718 dry room, uNd brick J'.P., J'/A , -------------------
port BMcb. propl'rtJ tor ! I-------------------I beet. built. tn kitchen and 6lUe 1 bdrm. and dtn bom• In Bil' alldlnr door11 to pa.tlo. Good
,,..,, .,..,. w. ""'· FOR EX.CHANGE Bae• u., , ... u.... Qut ..,,
• • I • buy al $21,GOO.
Two C·i lote In Corona *I Ma.r.
Fitzmorris Rlty. Co .
8ultMU Broker MulUp .. lbtinc
JU5 &. Cout Hwy .. C.D.K.
In 'Newport Ba9e1' Harbor JU2
:I\;; ACRE8-to 1*iorM M·l -
BUILDER will eu:h&n1e for vae&llt M-1 or C-1
property, four nf!# FHA approved 3 and 4: bed-
room homes nmajning, 1n fine Santa Ana .ub-
divilion. Total value $51,000. Ftnancln1 $3ll.OOO
WK. W .
Pa.rk Ave. at Marine, Balbot. Ial&Dd. Harbor U&2
"you"U Ulle our frtendlT een1ce" •oo E. 11th BL. eo.t.& M ....
LDMrty 1-1 lit
A ltone'• ThrOw lo
2 bedrm. beacJI ""°"'-WW t&Jte
1"60 f'Ull price. Ihle 17000
mo~• pe.)"1!>1" at HO mo.
12960 doWn or mlsfll c&rTY 2nd
Lut or the Mohlcana 40 rt. lot.
really IS your lalt chance to 1et A
!Jdo ~lot.
Har. ~ 307 llarine Ave., B&lbol 1'J&nd
Lev~--OwMr nffdil tub~'-------------------Will Mer1f~ U\la ld-.I prop-I " Tru.t DH4 wttb llD&ilV doWll ----------------~--
•IV tor OftlT 11t .aoo.
Phil Sulnvan &
Geo. T. Everson
llot N.wport BlYd.. Colt& 111: ..
Llbt.rtJ" M711 ~ Har. UM
BUT or T1111 WDlt
OUT or TOW!f OWMZR wante
-otff!I' on tbs. t b94rm.. J~
batll f\.lmlMed home •l 110
Dlamand ...... Be.lboe, bland.
.Uli:tn1 ut,600. term•. y.·.,
he,q UM ktJ'.
!lit.BOA. BAY Pl'tOP£RTil:8
lao6 W. BALBOA Bl.,, Ha.. 1111
• •
Of coune not. But we io have an exceptional
value in Corona del Jlar. Flnt·ln importance ia
the 4:5 ft. lot. Can't b&rd.ly pt them no mo~
(In C.D.M.) Secon~ nice 2 bednn-home
wllb gumt houao a. bllb -dbl pr. CaD UI Cor
detalla. you will be pleuOd.
MAX W. POPE. Realtor
Willia e .' Jonta, Auoci&te
1908 Hubor Blvd. Cotta Men
Liberty 8-1142 Evea. Liberty 8-41:56
AllT· C. KJ.8'tt.CR CO., b<on
2901 Newport 81¥d. Har. OJ21
dl.1 or Mk.
BY OWNEI\, new l"aM.b boma, I
bedna.. l." b&Ut.. dbl .........
built ln OTC. •t.on. ~
.... UMd brick flffpl&ee. n&lll • dnl*i. SIQ,IOQ. '91 .. ltul
Placti, OoCa M-. LI .. IOIO.
Altadena Escrow • I 12·A fd.f,t lllh St.. C<Mt a MHa.
LJberty 1·156." Jkff
3 bedrma. 1 \.! b&t.b.I, forced air heat. ~uet
tloOn, • .._ <cheD, d~ tu. _,. pallo.
Lot 811 K 185 Red-r..-. --. St..,_ --OSBORNE-FORTON
2323 W. Cout Hwy. lat Port Oru&el
LI 11-7562 Ewa Har. 515'
. . . . . . . .... --