HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-01 - Newport Harbor News Press\ Thai-. .,. only about 20 mem workiog on tbe found&Uoa. .._ tbH1 nUJl'lbtr wUl 1DClftUt rapJd17 OOINO uP -Tbe fOWtcl&Uon of what ia to be tbe $2% mlllion Relipot plant la ~OWD ~ Qp ln U.. ptctu.r, aboft. W. W. <4JIW" Lueettu, construction npeHntmdlllt for tbe eoatraetor, ii ehown eetthlr ltake. for excavation of the beeement whicb mu be undtt' part o1 Lbe plant l..uletter la bu•y With bi11 job. :,;~ buay to try and ed1 aupportinr membentup. in the Boy Scout.. - -'->dation. MESA llSH FRY DUE TO ATTRACT 70,000 Cra.nd Marshal Victor HcLac· len.. veteran aclo, of .lace and 8Cl'ttJ\. wtll Ind off the parade at the eo.t.a Meaa Llona ,,,b l'ry at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. ThJ1 .a.nd th• beauty cootut at 1 p.m.. Sund&y, will be amonc the top ettnts of the 11th annual RepreaentaUVe8 of lh• Stale Land.I DtT'lalon are .c:heduled to attend a luncheon ll'lffUn( al Vllla ')(arina !Uataurant Wed• needay to dlar.ua plan• and pl'ObJt.np relaUd to lh• prepara· Uon of \.'O\U\ty-wlck email craft b&rbor p&aG8. SpoftJIOf'iAc lbe mMllnc \I the Calltom.ta KariNI Pat"lca and Hatbor Auocl&Uon. Inc The buU~t luncheon w11l be btld at 11:15 p.m. and th• meetlnf w111 follow. Otherw ex~1 le11ced Jn amall CY&lt h1trbor plannlnc wlll bl on band to aa.wer (lUMUona. Complet. county m&lleT ptana ot am.au crw.tt barborw lbOuld be r.ady Cor submlalon to tile State Landt Dt.ulion In July, HARIOR WEATHB . 'hmpetabn-19 for tbe week· 411\d tn t.be l'fewport RarbM atta n..-Lew Saturday. May H _ 14 58 S\.11\day. May tt -· -~ 6t Mond&y May 21 -M ~ TUeeday. Kay 2Y • '4 ~ Wfdne8day. May 30 14 ~ Tburtlda)'. May al-It ~ P'rtd&y. June 1 .. --·-A ao Tb• proenm .,,.. oJllDlld \ •7 U.. Everett Re& 9cbool M.nd pi.ytnl" two numben, the MOOD4 -.. "A111frtca. Tbe Beauttt\ll. .. &1nr w1lh It preHntaUon ot Ute colora by the cOlor ,uald "°"' Coutllne Po9t, v.r .w., Ralph E. Moor.. poet command- er, ludtnr In lhe pledc• of al· J4jaflre. Invocation b,y the Rev. Themu J. Ntv1ll followed after whkh Mayor Cl&tn NW.On welcomed tM •J>«t.at.ora and dl1tinruJ.abed .-.u. John IC. Painter, reaional tnnaportaUon man.acer of t.ti. poet office department, coa· rretul&led tbe eo.t.& K..ana on tbtlr new bu.lldl.nc and tokl of the effort.a or Conrruaman James B. Utl and 8e&tor Thomu B. KQChel In 1upport.tnc the J><* otftce departmmt and hti~ the rapjdly-~ cJU of CaDfomia c•t bulldlnp commen- rurat• wtth their .ta Bolll State e en at or John Murdy. Who rpokt ft«Xl. lllDd Coo· lftllllm&n Utt. ,who ·toOn'M. briefed °"61' ..,....._.Utt aN h• had dllftClitjd ..... , ,_ omcer.a.c. 1M Wt w~ lhal ....... ,,. .. ., Olia* prom1-l 11111. C8 .. ....-- kt OM ~ -~Jltl tum ... a. cajlUIL lie .._ toW lb• .-....... tat tn all of Mi ttme In W~ be JIU ,bad • ..,_ ... .-ia, Oft tbl Nn't tn. U.. (JDita ... ~ Mrs; Olll tMNied Ull &Del '1ild llODlethbW ., -~ It a.it Men a. U. ~·omc. ... 1nent ....... aDd ~tMb UM Ollf Whk b ......... " ....... to Mn OUl by Rotlert l'.U, wie\.ut ft11GnaJ opentk>na ~t'T'. WU ralffd lo ''To Tb• ooao" trum p- •l*' by I.Aller C.rrlf'r Kmnf'th T•w The ~. M c Cronic, putor ot th• Fh•I A,_mbly oC God church r .ad the bt.iledlc:UOA. PRIDE OF ·tHE FORCE , County Btfach, Pt.ri Plans Discussion D1e· • Secret Meeting Series Ending in County Pact By BEN REDDICK • Culminating a long aeries of aecret meelinp b6o tween representatives of the City of Newport Beach and the County of Orange and the legal sWfa of both and the County Harbor Commission \a an agreement, ready for adoption by the two governing bodies. The agree. ment will call for a llrasUc cilvt.-l anct probabJy al Seal Beach SoJl et authority over lhe o~ The City of Newport Stach U0tt of Newport Harbor Mtw~n bu contended ll ahouJd be 1bie tM city and the county. to name el lf'&Jol two memben Prev10Ully ~ County Harbor to lh,. Oranre County Harbor Commtulon haa cla1mf'd 1t bed Comnu1S1on Thia the county 90le and exclualvt jun1d1ct1on 10 den1u undl'I' the l>tw which crt· and upon tbt Harbor and to •ltd lhf' t ntlt.y. Howtvtr. the e verythlnr pert&lnlng to It. For county hu apparently conced.cl 11eve.-.I year8 the r1ty has paid the city should be 1blt to na me hall the COlll of .. 1ar1es of lhe an ex-otrlclo mt11lbtr lht aam• Harbor Muter and of •l lea.at H lhf county 1upuvi.lor1 do. four ot the "patrolmen" employ· I The county member tor thta di~· td ln the depaflmtnl. Tbt county l trlcl 11 Su~rvllOr Hf'tns Ka.111er. baa employed el(hl additional Aleo dl8CU.Ued under lhe pr<>- patrolmen. th• county harbor en· poala, the New•Prs. leam..d (inter and rapidly expendt"d 111.&ft today ls the malltr of owner.hip, under him. (Contbtued en Pac• •> Aocordlnl" to caaual inform&· t.lon obtained by the New1-Pru. tile new plalla will call Cor the City of Newport Beach la.klnl" over tht enUre operation of the B&roor MuterDepartmmt Mth the patrol and fire bo&ta e.nd all Ute patrolmen. ION MOOJUNGS· Plailners Okay Huge Babcock Plant f!lans The city wtll --1P m6orlllp In areu du~ ll(J \M 0-S· ty BartM>r DUtrk:l. 'Jlte O\J 6J-J'fana WIIJ T, I~ rrmt moor• IW ~ fJI a tunl 11\1'1 and ln othu wqa extrclM elect.rollM equ.lpm.,t ma.nuf&ctur· the '"police poweT"' ln &11cl apon ~ plG!t eo1.tthwe.i or Colt.a the ha.rbor Thia LI wh&t the JUM ••• approved yutvda,y city hu a,jwaya contendf'd la lta afternoon by the <>ranee Caunty power. Planntnc CommlNlon. The County will continue to The Babcock Radio En_sin•r- maln\&ln 1t1 H«rbor Enc1neet inc Co. Inc .... ic. to et'ICl a on .. and e91dl'ntly rontemplate-1 the atory. 100 by 200-tt. roncrcjA lllrlnc of an "Ora.nee county atructun on the eaat lick or Moo- HaJ'bor 011tr1cl Manacu." 'nte rovia St. approxJma.t.ely .ao IHt enitneere and other otftct 1'11\-north ot 18th St. plo~ would be under him and A apok .. ma.n tor Ule appUe&nt bta dullea will be to plan and Kid th• plan\ would employ a dev•Jop and admlnl.ater new hat· mulmum of 110 worken. Oon· tM>N. It la now planned for b&r· It.ruction ll alated to bel1Jt lbort· bon •l San Cltmnite ln addlUon ly after ftn&I cleannce la lfTen to Dana Polnt, &t Bola Chica on the "'' Y&rlaAce. Tbe plant wUI manut&ct.ure Mesa luil4ing Over Million equJpmemt for radlo-cioatioD.cl plan• UMd for millt.&r7 tarf•l practice. No o•Jeeuoaa ~ bMJ'd by the' commlNlon In aplte ot the fa.ct Ute area "°"' 19 .,,.eel for auburban ~tat . 'nle propoeed project 11• tn an area under diapule by Ooet& Mesa and Newport e.ach. ~ll clatma anneaat._!Ql rj&b1A. ,,. lnd1cated tbey wt.ll ciu. ua. a,_ aa tn~. A letter from Coeta K .. tn• dlcaled then were oo object.lon.e to tile Babcock eptT&lloa. 'nte county pl~ at&lf Md recommended dllappt"OV'al ot lll• vartance requ.n. How.vtr, Uff• er Ray Reed aid they wen UO• aware of the ciU• pl&ne to put the .U.hic\ tn tndultrta" c!Uetnc- atlon. Ott-etreet ~rklnc for et C&N bu been provided on t.fie plot pl&na. With added apac. fOf' U• p&nlllon. The propcty la 191 f-.t wtd• and MO feet deq. MESA r :o. &ITl'.8--C.oQ~ J&.IMI B. Utt; at jpe&.kera l'09t..n.lril, Wedll..Cla wu one of ICJftl'Dlnent otneia1I pt.rticlpetiq in dedication of DCJt' Co.ta ~ea Post Office. Seated ~ind blm is Mn. Hazel GW. Post.muter, u are oth~r llna of:fJciai. and dersY.-StaU Photo PANCHO.· TONY MATCH . . ACES HERE . TOMORROW BUNCH OF BUCS WHOOPING IT UP 5'cJura. Hm'IWiCJ Also Appear In lalboa lay CIUb Net Duel J erry Wayt (~) romps plateward with Orange Cout Collep run in recen\... ltate champJomhip playoff game qalnat Coalinp. 'l'be Plrat. woa ~crown. ---OCC Photo Althourh pl&ytnr l8C<lDd ftddle to the great Pancho Gonsal• ace turning profeaional. Tony Trabert belongs near the top of the ll8t ot current tenn1I pertormen in the world. Trabert will turniah the oppomUon for Gonzate. Top Pistol 'Honors for local Pair Bue LINKSTERS USE WEAPONS In tomorrow'• feature match at 'l'r&but won t.b• U. a. NaUonal Balboa Bay Club. 11nitea UUe at Jl'oreat Rilll u "NG EN l!pomored by the Newport an amateur without the lou of YO,.., M FANCY IN SP-RING Harbor Zonta ~for '--flt of a •t. ~of Httb J'lam, / , the Y out.ll c.ntar, th• pro matdl· Lew Jl.-d and Kea RoNw&U. Coach Ray ROMO, Solt mentor at OreQl'I OOMt Col-e1 are llclteduled to lt&rt at t :30 ,,,. *>ubletl evmt may well be Jes•. TUe.cSay nlfht mealed U9a et a "Hertt • ..,... '7 p,m. On ~· prosnm will be a th• m<Mlt exdtinf mat.ch on the the Bue ioUer1 In th• J:utem Oonte,.ce llDka cftampto. 1tnglu match betwec Pancho prasram tomorrow. Trabert a1'4 ablp a t Santa Ana Country Club thia MUOll. Se111ra and Rt4 H&rtwf&' and a H~ have been tabbed by "We picked out the lovellul Ill''-OD the C&lll""9 lo doublet cl&ah JMtween the t wo upen., "the perfect doublet Newport Beach retldenll nab-Pancho• and Trabert and Hart· combin&Uon." Each ....,._, cat-'-t ... h 1erve a. 1corera," ROl90 told ~ ooc .-....... _...... r-L?t0 two oul o t.ut• top oriou •r•-. ---.-wis. Ilk• reflexu, IO lmport&nt _to a In the Sunday p11rtol m1 tchn a t audtenre ln the l!ocl&l Hall ,.,,_. atrta datract-s lM A ahot maker, Trabert bu a rapid exch•ft-e. C o-11lon." ,-·-South Cout Oun lub on Mac· ,...,.,.. btf eerve, wonderful backhand Hartwtf wu conaidtred the Arthur Blvd, s i t. Bill Blue ot ''Ot coune," ROMo added, "Ui. IOOl'U9 had no etfect and a variety of pautnc &hot.a. world'• t1nMl doublet m&n u an I em Interest ln • Mercury ------ JOHNSON & SON Jil&WIO&"l' B&Am ... "· OIMl ..,. 604 El Modena BL. mem,,.-ot on the Bue JOlten. They are u...s to M&uWul strl&-" H• hU a knack of &d.JUtlln&' hit amatM.tr btc&u.e of h1a brilliant ~cl~poU~de~rtm~t.co~----------------------~toany~M~~~~ ~ylnlbe~t~~~P~-~-------------------~--------~--~ ~ the •h•rpahoottr cl3u with In llea, be wu ab)« to wtn the N u4 the fact that u po-. 279 out ot a poalble aoo SUMMER 8 & ~1111!99 .&LL 51T National t1U.. on wood, clay, nery major doublea tiU• 1D Iii· Aahby Powell. 319 PolnutUa ~I•~ IT'U9 and eoncnt.. mon-pure t.nnJ.L Ave . captured the eJCPf'rl clUI ----------~~~~---~:~• s:;·~~t.~·~~i~~ Newport Haiti Fiv-'te INDIANS 'CLEAN' .IN GRID 15ant& .Ana, won the KOr-" of :.~=~~: .. ~::;;::~:;.-;~ to Def end Championship HASSLE. GRADS TOLD Hf Rf w. WlllOn Bl., Co-ta Meaa, acor-ANAHEIM (OCNSJ -Com-role, due limply to lht tact that lt.anford fl"&duatM la the Har· Indicated. -.. ed hl&ht1t ln matchu 1 and 2 ptUUon ln lhe annual An&IMlm they have a real lltandout ln u with a total ot 183 out of a RecruUon Department'• •um· J'otw$rd Eddie Pope. Duriuf the bor are& Mard Athletic Director a1 ... OftJ'· ... loUt aJWIUl1 an poatble 200. Allen M. Cox ot mer Byll:etball Lt•JU• opcn1 put !un&et Le&su• campaJg'n, Al Ma.ten and Coach Chuck ~~~~~~ter1 aaid, Stan- 9-43 N. Citron It .. Anahelm. ecor-Jun.a 11. he had a 13 point &verqe, Taylor •peak du.rlns a b&rbec:u ed hl1he11t In match 3 with 9• The loop'• dJrector, Don Lift-Brea \till be a 1tron1 contend· on the Buffalo Ranch Wedneed&y. QuaiWrb&ck Jack Taylor ap- out of 100. hart, announced today that lJ er, wllat wlth Don MAIOoa.nell Taylor made ~net remark• before peared the atandout performer MaU:h 1 WU center nre. i low te&m.1 are all att for actlon. and A4rtan LedbcUM. MeOcm· ahowin movtH ot the lndl&JU' for the Tribe, accordinl' lo the 10 1hota, rapld·tlre target at 25 He al*> i 'l&led that Nnrporl a.U w a a.i a 1 *'P ~ ...S.. I' U plctu.ru ahown by Taylor, with yardll; ma&cb 2 ,22 caJ.,• alow.. Harbor bu been ln•l&lled.. M U.. ~ ... -_~,!r:c :.:,: about tU Paul Came~ .t&rrt.nf at tuUback. 10 &hot.a. 60-yard r.suc.cs t&rf•t pre-loop !Avortte lo anw. • -.... t h:.c o .. iirt...,. ... ae. P-.S from a 1pre&d. T 'form&- at 24 yard' &Dd match a cct•r bonon ln un.e ~ while llr• • c•llwffny . • Ucm. wtth the emphula on pua- flre, rapid. 10 aholl, rapld-ftre la hlp.ly·f•VOl'ed t.o a.nna top Arch9ry Growth dea.lt Wuhl":on ~ ~~ in.. tbe lt.anford •l•nn of nut ta.rret at 25 yardl. banon 1D lM other dlYlaion. laid the Huald , trou.Mee • tea.IOll looked blf. M.uten Mid NEXT llATCR ~ lJ:i put yean, th• do.a ShOwn at Co mt anecl (rQDl ouua: tnfluenoN, ~t tlwy .~ the aplrtt to 1'0 "all tU 4th Annual Bowling Marathon LADIES I& Gamtt 8ua. lune I 10 a.m,-HDCP ~~·180 !:?\'TRY FEE ... 00 MENS tO G&m19, l!lu. l ae 10 J 0 a.m..-BOOP ~HIM> E!\&RY FEE tl6.00 OPEN PLAY AT ALL TIMES FOR ''WE'VE THRO~ THE UY AWAY" Open H ~ Evet7 Da,._..cludlns ~ A BoUdql NOW ••• 20 AUTOMATIC AWYS VAN'S . 1 '703 Superior, Costa MMa BILL JU.an. Mgr. Viii•,... TIEASUll CHllT Fw Ooclda&le • Eat At OW' New bl.arsed Oaf• • Th• hat pl.stol mat.ch It "'8.m9 a.re apUt Into two dJYl· u.M. -6 the l!lrutDI Ll.otftd the way. acb~uled tw Jta.M :U. 40mpete tzL ~ c•sJllft&' lll&tl 1taelf. -------(-P-oll_U_c&l __ A_Chvtl.eem ___ en_t_) _______________ <PoU--ti-c&l-~----.-t------- al 9 a. m. at the 8outb kJiwlq , an uthern C&llfot'D.la I.I y 1'ii.tUre Mid all POC Kboola Gun ran1e. N ~· , f t;m:,.. .19 iatlnlt ot ~ W. ne4'ftd a waminf from the ln the appro¥ed South ~ HUil= Beech, Oe.rdr:= Hoocl art at CJhftse ~ ~ .....,,Mfoqer'1 oft\ce 1Jl lMa "to Open 8mallbor~ tournammt l'rt -&a.. d..a up~ own IAtuauon, day, Ea,, B. Dalhau.1 of llW and Oranc--Oran&• '-_ .-ot F atrvtew ftoad South L& .. ,.... th1a dtYllloo. atepptnr up tro• _. u--tailed to do lhla. ht ' .---. .... _ B t It pu1 l!prtnc 9 .... .t. Aw&J'd. b&O• -----------wu overall wlnnu ot match 2. .... c rcu · ~-- OwraJJ winner In mateh 1 waa Chanlinc pl&C.89 with Oranse quet • Leland Auer ot Bre&. la lh• Santa An& Ill\">'· They Keat M1d top turoout tor tht But Downey, Junior membtr are now to compete ln lb• B aport ln 1!~ wu Jt, lnc~ of the Br• Club from Whittler, Jeacu•. Other tu.ma ln t.hll loop lo '9 .tn 61 and 1J tAlie ~· w on both matchu ln lh• ah~ an: La Habra. TUaUn, Bra.. Na~ ~-.;i=~~ ahooler claa, Markaman clUI Laaima S-Ch and a UJtll1rl2tlll tMa ~-• wlnnen were Jo. P. Nutut. Anaheim team. 8uca a..lt the ..,.. cam.; Otani'•· and Norman Beu. Tu. i...,,ue pmea are all played omla ~.-y Meet here, Un, ln the Anaheim UnJon Hl&'h Kut adYkat.ed, archery u a -----------School fY11l· Three p.mH are r •co f n l • • d IPOrt at Oran,e 1JTH Rl(iAnA Outboards in Jane 11 Long Beach Clash , played aacll n I I h t. Monday Oout in tlle near future, throU(h Thunday, F==ijii:i:i;::;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;===••iiiiiiiOiiiiiiiii.-------IJ•bbart hu arranpd IM all A 1-.U• taam.t to pl&J o• MM- d&y and Wtdnuday nllblt. 8 team• are to play Tuud&y and Thunday nlrht.. Oarne Ume for Ult flrlt co•· tut eacll lllpt S. lehed\&Sed for 7 p. m. TM lfCOIDd pme ll •t to it.art at I wWl lbe atpt· Once a I a I n motorboaUnl'• cap &lated tor t p. in. famed "lanky ~oon" -Mar!M DOt1'aL.m &OUl'fD lt&d.Jum at Lon1 Beach -wtll h90W\d to the roar at fut. A. doubl~ of ,.,_.. ll aleek racins boata aunuy, June pl&n.ned. At tbe •d ot tbe 91o-10. and round, a toumameDt, lAYolY· K«e ~ 110 o< the wut' tnr-U. ~ ~ fr'ol'lt oulltandln• outboard raefns P'lo leque, wUl be btld. ' ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ota. lncll.l41n1 both naUonal and Laet year, N9Wp0t't won lhe I dl'rialonal champlona, wUI do bat.-A. l•rue t!Ue, wllh B~ an· tl• In the 18th annual Jy111 Re-nolnf the a loop crown. 1D Ult ia~ C0Uow1D1 toum•y, BNa f.U to n. bif boat fl.lltu re ww em· run.ton 1D UI• 9tm1 ftaa.la. and braoe an array or 1t racu nm NftJICll'l wen top bonon w11en off ln • fut-paoed tovr:boar they 4-t•ted ruu.rton ln Ule Pf'OIT&Dl oonducled ~ the we1t'1 fl.nall, 4HH6. olde.t boat raclns orpnlaatlon, lnterut b hl&'h IA the l•au•, the Loa An1ele1 Spe~dboat A .. Top team• In th11 l•-.U• l'ezt- llOCia Uon. It will llart •t 1 p,m. ~i.lly 10 on to take hl1h honon Tbe JUnl 10 CIUh Wilr prOYlde Jn thl fOllOWLftl hJ&h .Choo) th• flnl ..-1 l•t. leadtn1 to· baalu1tbell ff&llOn. ward lh• 111~ National outboard TAA9 FAVO&J;D champk>nabJpa In 15•ptember Newport rat.es th• fHOrtte'• • OPEN SUNDAYS • Friday Hites 'ti/ Nine Shamel I White HARDWARI • NURSIRY 410 East 11th St. • LI t.1042 C.t• ..... ·-----------. VAGABUND<>S IOYI C.AMP· A DAT.C.UO Wl'l11' llVSSI lmM» JOll 80D t-l& taAAI. . DfOUIDDfO IPOAft. ~ ~ f'llJllNO, IOXINO, MA'l'UU ITUl>Y AM1) Ol90llTUlU'rr '°"~·~· llODa.t.Tll 008T TR.ANaf'091'Anollf PSO\'IDD nl.---· UL~ 8-86-42 Wrfte v ........... r ll00'9• .,., '1 Ill .,...,.... tAae. Cetta .._. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY . OWN AND MANAGI A LOOil HAAS CHOCOLATES (8tace im> RETAIL CANDY STOR! Thia 11 an opptrtun1t7 to be UllOCL&tld wtth a 7' )'tar old company who hu been famoUI for qua.1Jt7 ca.nd111 line• 11&2. No pr-.vlOUI ~t1ence LI neeetaaJ7 u ,UI• ~mpany WW com- pletely t1tabtJ&1' th• bualneu and proYide Company auper· vl1lon. LIFETDlE OPPORTUNITY Appllcanll mwtt b&" aoellent ch&ract« and etedlt Mtr- •nc .. and a atncee dell1n to own their own bualnua. . APPBOXIM.U'ELY '8000.00 WIU.. BANDLE Ia~ part.lei writ. or wire 11A.U VBOOOIAra. 4090 BOLDEN IT., · O.&UANI>, CALIF. ~O UTH LOHST co nsTR UCTIDn CD . RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL. COM~tRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR IP'AU. ISO SOth St.. Newport Beae11 ~ 1511 COUNTY . LEADERS URGE SENATOR MURDY RE-ELECTJQ.N JOHN A. MUIDY, JI. SUPPORTERS ENDORSE BRILLIANT RECORD Clttaw .. of Orange County wt. ....... John Murdy to rvn for the State S4irde fow ,...... 090 are now "'°'9 flrM th.,t ..,., ht their dellre to haw him .. "' left Hulse, preelcl1nt Pf9 '"' of ~ Callfomla Senate, ha d thh 19 _, before 400 ,...on. ........... ....... Ing In Anaheim: "'I know of no man In SacrafftlRto who has q m°'9 brilliant~ than ._... Jehn 11u11r.• NEWPORT llACH -IAUOA -\AUOA ISLAND CORONA DIL MAI COMMttlld fOlt SINATOI MUIDY · I t CaMpalg• Diladilr, PNM v. c:.w~eus., C•n• 1l1n TN•Ufl(, "• • •• s County nWPOaT B&AOll- BA.LBOA-BALB04 ltLAND-OOaoNA DSL llA&-<lllADUllD ................. ..,._IL llanb1l • •. ...... rw-ta. am ' r loaT.~lr. Kr. a Kn. A.IJ9K.. e-o .... ....... w . .,..,. L.&. ..... ......, ........ Walter ........,_. ~·~ ...._ L oa.er. Ir • 1.0. ~ ..... ...... &.a.di ......... ~ "-1 Y. o.,.lla w ... o.wu .. Ollll llr~ ...... Oelll'I & CIJy ...... .,... ~Da ...... OUt ..,.. ...... n.... ........... Ltel8e l>n ~-.. 8 ...... a. ...... ~ Ellet"9Mll ~B . ....,... ..... .,... ll ............. , o.lk7 ... ... ="'.,_. A. GMIWI a.w • ......-..... 1-a.Ch"e .. 0... 0. o..IW tr .. "&• ........ ........... _ =.:·;:.::.. = =-nw s. ..,,.._ o. w. • r a r..v. = c -&IL.._ ...... • ... 0.: Iii •••• ;a 1m71111a= -. t s a ...... . ....... :._ .. . ..... ,a-~ .,..... ........ •• ..... ~a. .....a.tr a ............... ..... ...... . ..,...... ...... .. .... 0. S 'I 11• I . A.' ----........ ......, T.L...... ........ f Aq T. W..t.a ,.., I..: T. VM 1>"'9 a,. 1---a....la l"lllliM8t .. v .... ,, ..... 1f. ,, ..... KO. 0 . lAq ' L T. W~ Mr. a ..... lat• ~ 1 •.. W.Mt Oordee .,.._., ' , .... P. WU.. .,_. 'I. ........ • ..... .._ w.._. , fe&r durtn• u.. uoual lport. A.w&r41 ~ Bue cuupu. ..._t 'Tunda,J n!&'.bL "Newkirk la a bSI, atronc B&Mman Ken Wood, who Mrved plus ot our ~:" ~ SUY·" Pick dwribed him. "Bia aa ftnt M.-coacb; Outnelder Buamu JUTJ WaJt, ... sood ball la alive. A.11 b• bM to do Chari.a Bowland, and catcher pro ~t:" &J\CI IU.lbftleldtl' t. work oo pol.le. W~ could t>ony Lombardo. Plckeoa. aid Jeddt TOUJW, "a danproua, be the llUl'J>riM Of' the mound Lombardo, who w.-a ftnl paws bftts." . ' 1ta[f nut ..aeon.•• Plckena llUd, '"lb• pnmder of an JOOd Ul1np ble been putJ· eolarly &ood to me th.la year. I'm .,_rtic:ularl7 proud ct lhll tam. It didn't com• all UM way In all rapec:tl th1-eeuon alnce Jn09t of the pJ.a1tn an truh- T.HE SPORTS WiTCH By BILL PHD.IAPS me~ But that sh'• wi 80m• ---------------------------------------------thlnl' to 10 tor next eeuon." You might expect that Coach Jute. a.p can't hardly Thia aeuon n •u Wayne wait for next baaketball lle&IOn, what with another champ- Oou«f\try and Don lA1cb who • • 1n Bu teamed up 00 the mound to ionahip Sun.et League qwntet ahap I up. t the tJoy ii pit.ch th• Plratea to the Eutern exercising admirable restraint. He'• wiWnr to 11t through Conference crown. the Southern the 1Ummer bukelball ..allOn, Calltomla JC UU. and the atate which wUI tlnd hi.a Sailor charges A couple of weeka aao, Duma J C champlonahlp. Both Couahtry playing with the bounce-ball at \'l~lted the lllvenitt J\ea School in and Le11h are eophomorH. leul three day• per week.. C'osta Meaa and Horace Enalp wh.Jch leav .. It up to Newkirk Soon the Anaheim .wmmer School he,.., He delivered a lltUe and WeU:el In Pick'• lone ran&'• care learue wUl be underway talk about 1port. at the hi.lb plan. for nut )'...,.. with nine of JUI•' suya per-K'hool, lt&rtiq olf wit.A all the BUT BA.LANCE formlnr tor Richard'• Market. real and endl~ up wttb hi.a ta-•·u tJUa Ute beat warn Oran1• Even though pl&yma.ku Guy vonte, football A.JI tu u reac- Cout bu had f" Pickens l&ld he Green I.I nol q:pect.ed to f,; on Uon from the jUl\lor hip YOUDC· had been uked. Be pointed out band. aucb 1&41 u hi~ 1ttr1 wu ~l'Md. Don 911. that d~ t.be etsht yeara of l:ddie Pope ..,.. expected to band ploy~ I.he correct paychok>CY, bueball at t.be W.. ~ 1' JUcb&rd'• tireboUM 4 . .,. tu tpop that of •vlns the M.t till 1ut. pl&ytn haft acme into pro '-ll crown. It the boya come tbrou&'h. Th' klda could bardly wa.lt 'till ··sut I "'6ne Ulla team bad It wUl be a repat of la.at .um-Buma rot onto the srtd aubjec:t. better ~ thaa _, Of tile mer'• performance. EXTl:ND8 INVrl'S olben. We bad ...,.. depth. par-Since Buck Bean of Rlch&rd'1. Don tJ.n1ah«1 ott ~ lnriUn1 t.bt ticUl&rly in pttcbiJtC'. 'nte boya Newport Harbor l'f&duate around boy• wbo tboupt they mtsbt be a.lw1'78 Mme UlrOUCb tD the the '41 mark. will h&n4le the tumtnc out for hllh achoo! toot- clut.cll. W• won the cbe onu, ~cbln .. dutin in tJUa U. tOUrth ... II to 1h~ up at ........ a•••~.•-a.nd that la the mark ot true ....,. -' ... v-.. _ uUWU<; champion& N ~ ot the Harbor area entry neld and workout am~ them· P1clleu pft ~ CHdlt to In lb• wmmer ~e ~. Mlvem. The ""Y rwn afternoon Ule team iu•ba:r9 w'ho we,._ cagy Oqe aay1 he'll ju.t be re-a Junior hl1h eleven from Everett •jua alM>ut on· a par ri!l lb• laxln&' up 1n the atand. u a Rn wu on band. runnlnc feJJowa pl&Jlns ""'1&"1'' but apectator. Natch. he'll be dotac through buic T·fonnatioa pl&ya 9J*ll mo.t of tbe --.eon 00 tbe a bit of apecul&Unc al.lo, alnc. •which 8uJ'N had stven them. En· bench. ''Tiier all made a major the Bun.tel League rlvala ot nut lip lada ahowed up en maue oonb1butlon to the t.-.i and MUOJ1 wt1l be well npr-.nt.ed. later. may ha" bMn u rood u th• a.AILOR V AUU'Y "Some ot them look mil'hty recul&r• If tbq bad pla,.a ,.,. The boy• named to teh Rlcb· 1ood and ahould be •t.a.rrinc for ul&rly " Pick ..sd. "But J Md &rd'• quint.et wUl be couldend u. about two yean tr-om now " to m;._ a dedltolt and tb-. Oaa'e'• ftl'lllty W1tb the Jun!ow Bum• au, hi.a ey. &&'!e&m. ' were the bQ7a Who bad to -'1 Y&nily bo,ys &laD ~d.lns actfoD Sporupume: Bob Uta. Oranl'e on the bench " ln the Barbor Boya CIU.b auzn. · mer baaket.b&ll loop. Gap fll'W't• Cout CoUe11 letter Winner-in ''Court'' $ays - time the ech~W.. .,.. underway, JOit. picked up, the p.me faaL He -.ch ot-hi.I 8&Uor P~ for took be(tnnen plf tl'orn Co&ch t.bt rqu1ar cuaba --..on nut Ray Roaeo th1a yur, and then echool yur wt1l ban aftl"q9d broucht hi.a pme down tl'om UM two •r pLaJtnc and one d&.1 hip ioo. to u.. low IOI. Ao.a pracUce Uaroupout * .-.mer. uked him Tuefday nJc'b~~ Uw • COUITNIY Ir LESTER UN Newport llh'd. ()()ftA "1IESA Plloee LI 1-lltT U you'l'.'9 wcnied dlout Oree, rta •wvda ba.nqueit lf bl"d ., 1.1 a.,._ ore._ :yo.a .. 1nq care l4 t.eU thoee PNMDt. aboat travel back eut 90!'tMIW~ th1a 1111 flNt .core. "I'd rat.her not.1' aummer. "You'd better keep an eya on the boy,'' w&J'Md Coach Al Ir- win. "Be 1'9tl bull UMre, ~ ml&'ht DGt Muna. .. 'TU ~ h1m back by UM halr," threatened Julea. Bead urr football Coach Don Bumi not only I.I 1etUn1 an ey• ful Of next MUOn 'I grtd prot- P"tl at Newport Harbor durtna' .pttns Jrld clrUla. but al.lo ot Tar plpkln pnnpectl ~er&I )'l&t1I benc.. Ula demurred. ''WlUcb abowa you bow bad It wu," ~ obaerved Get Amerlolis :fiworite Rmiily Cat on the new :OORD ~Plan. Cami in and tet how you am actually haw tM Forcl Station WllifOn of"'"' choicl ttUlored IO 10U1' family• own budfdl . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : ................ : • i I t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,. .... T .... i!2' • • ..,..., ..... • • ..... JI ..... • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THEODORE -ROBINS 3100 W. Co.st Hwy. Uberty 8-3471 Newport Be.eh, C.fif. .. Charity Benefit for Harbor Youth Center AU SEA.TS RESERVED Ticket• •t EARL W. ST A.NJ.ET Ofnee, Balboa i.tutt 8TOOKTON VETEIUNARY, Coroaa del Mar TllBONSoN'8 APPUA..~CI!:. ooeca Meea Alao 8tadellt Tlcllet1 Available In Orange Oounw, a$Si410000he1pIDg49:nd · It takea ready cash to build a ICbool ••• mMlY cash uaually in ~ •1orm of bcbl ._ Since 19S> ~ lmik m.1ent a belpini hand in'bt•ildhw more ICboola by ocpniiing undet w1iting poupe pur. chNint JIMft tbaia $37 ,410,000 of Oranre County echool and JDUDi .. -cipd bcDIL The tact-that this money ia m.de ~e yeu alter year nwm more ciwrooma for our younpters ••• new boepit.als. new hDrariea, expanded water and eewer ayatema. Thia money, apeet for todqa needa. mcaJ1s better living tomorrow. I . .. • LEADING AGAIN -La.st yl·ar Power Squadron member-Ray Bridg('s won the famous solid gold J amea Craig Perpetual Trophy (which he hol<h) for the annual two-leg prcd1cled log race to San Diego and return. This year -again.st a record field of Z2 entries -he placl'<l first in the "down" leg last Saturday. He will be at helm of his trim little cruiser Merry B next Saturday when fleet will run return leg to fimsb off the Balboa Pier at 2 :30 p.m. ~Y'• two other 1955 lrophiea shown here ~re (left) Bathke .eaaon hi-point trophy for novice class, and Lester Lowe perpetual !or a'lr.t:al NHYC opening race. -Beckner Photo MARINE NEWS Cout.NeUon ln JftwpOrt Bea.ch eoaUnu. l&fltnc Mlllnd Jut ,..,. oe the bull of Jermit valu- aUou ln Ute elt7 buiJdlnl' .S. putment Ulroup Kay. Tile eon- 1tructloa t.otaJ to date la p ,. TH.HI compered \o M,HT,tll In ltee. wt moath'• tol41 .... •102.- 073 while th• total for KIJ', 1906 ..... •Ht,22&. Brea~ for 1ut monua: · IJ.ql• Wlit.a, ta, NOaMO; two family uetu of tJuo-. '610,250; r'palr1 to dwelllnp uMer a1000, 48, 115,191; cabanu, 14, fll,000; repair \o dwtlllnp ... r 11000, 34, l13a,U5; private ,_,...., 1, 11000; 1wlmmlnr poel1. 2, IHN: new commercial, a, 11'8.380; re~ pair on commerclalt, 5, $35211, and 1lpa, t , 14413. Huffine Girt H.,. The Jlm H\&ftln• 671~ t.oria St., Coit.a Meaa, are par- •ta ol a (b'I baby born May l T tn Boar Hoapltal. AIRPORT (Coatllloed from P1rat Pafe) port !or exp&lalon, two Iota coaUnr m .ooo belng preaenllv in u crow. Of tlll1, the fed,ral .. .. PBtZE WINNEB8 -Priue for outstanding garb were awarded during the Balboa Puwer Squadron's luau at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club May 24. Prize winners for costumes were r~a ve Young and the lovely Mrs. John 'Kingsley \\ hile Phil Smith collected an award for his really. outatandmg , chapeau. -Beckner Photo N.,. York Noon 8tod(l\ltp0tt -DJ KonJcd Ltithotd., 8MU'! rou~Hammtll DOW~N aJan• W.... -rwa•1 ao lndu1tTlaJa t 71.341 up .ll a ta.lie &at 2:0 R.aU.1 ............ lM.M down~ I ~ ~ I'_. "1~ J5 tJUlltlrs .. . _ 85.4& up ..ll .. ._. ,......_ ....,.. Ud VoJolbe 110.....,. 8"urit.l' fw Ute. 1 p.a. -Han.a W&t.. .. n ..... 0.. I A.mertcan Smelllll& -----~ h •80, m i o.~ a,,,.. ID\-.L 1 A.merki&n Telep one ---··• ~ Oal*tl O'°"" 19 'Y-OH 1Aruiconda .............. _ ...... Tt 1i !~~~~~~~=~~~ oh.ryaler ................... _-....... 601ir Du.Pont .. ·-......... ____ . .2081ir Oenara.J l!lJectrtc ...... ~ ........... 5 T % O.ntral Motor1 ..................... 42 '\ Qlmbtl Broe. . .. ...... . ......... -... 24 Orut Norlh-.r R. ~. ... ....... 41 No. Amencan AvlaUon ...... 8611 N. Y. Ctnlral ........................ sa ·~ May eo. . . ... ··---.............. .to Monterey OU ..... ---...... 321\ ltnclair Oil . . ................... -.M'ir So. Calif. Ed.leon ............... 014 Sl.andatd OU oC ,C&ht. -. .100'\ So. Pacific .. ..... . ................. Cil -. Trlll\Mmertca ................. 40~ lJnJon Oil oC Caltf. ···-·---· :SS" U . S. Stet-I . ............... M 11 Ends Siaoal Course I FORT OORDO~ l.:A. -Pvt. Robf'rt E. 8nycln. son or Arthur F. Snyder. C'l3la Mesi , rec,nt- ly compl~le<I th., lelephone 11wltchboard oprrntwn cou1 se at the Army 1 S1Julhe1t<ile1 n Sl(mtl School, l-"ur t Gordon. Ga. The f't.1;ht-\'. l'! k ~outee gave Snyct.·r da•srrn1n1 11nd practical tr11lnJng in lhe operation and j eervke of <:f'nti a I ort1ce tele- phone 11\\'tl< hbuards. Snyder ente1 t<.1 th~ .A rmy in Nn\'\tnbH 19:;~, and comph~l~d ba11to training 'It Fort Chaff'!•' Ark w. Oscar WILSON PAGE '4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS • FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1956 KeanwJUJ•, BuntJ n(lon Beacll loda.J NCOrded t.b• t>lgeat bulld- lq ,.,.Ut la It.I bil\ory-a U .· 'fl0,000 8outMnl callfomJa Edi· 10D ~ pneRU~ plAnt pro- ject laJud from Coul H11hwa7 at KeWJ.and and Atlanta. Permit t .. : 1241'. r overnmeot contributed $48,088. LONGEST RUN IN Throurh the tl11e&l year 1959 th' report adv111ea the expendllutt of WORLD New Almquist Trial-! F t'LLERTUN !OCNSJ-Argu- m1·r1 fo1 a new trial will bt hed!!l June 8 toe a J\'ewpo1t. Brn h man found (\lilly by a j•Jt v Turlday afternoon ot drunk dr t\ 1n, In Buena Park lul Dec. 1. for ASSEMBLY TIDE Date Time Ht1h .1o·r1day I ~5 a 111 J une 1 3 ;,; V Ill &llurday 3:1 j a. r11. June 2 I ;2 p. Ill. t:;un<lay .. 13 6 Ill Jun!' 3 :. 11 .. pm. . Mund1y ~ ., , a m. Jun" 4 ~) t l JI Ill. Tue~y 8 :.J am. TAILE Ht. 3~ I 1 32 .. 5 32 .. !I 33 5.4 Time Low '3:40 a. m, l 1.16 p m 9:34 a. m. 11:16 p. m l•J.20 a . m. ... o.• 2.2 1.2 1.5 1.• In a.a effort \o plnpolnt t.be act- U&I "rbllt'• and ~nt pendlq belw"o the county and '376.000 tor property conuruo11• 1 to the airport which wtll be p~­ ed tor a.1rport developm,nt. Ot thla th• federal ronmment la upect.ed to pay 1203,75•. clly the writer called Deputy without the concurrence of our County Coun.eel Wm. Cbrt.lt.enan client.I.." wbo ha.I beea ~with offt. It la known, hown,r, that the d&la. ChrltltDlln would Deft.her a t )eaat one 1upervieor, H'ina at\rm nor deny uy port.lon of Kaaer, one comm1111toner, Waltt>r the propoMd &(l'MIMlll. Qty At-Spicer, the two allomey1 a nd tomey Karl Dam told t.be wrtter other have met. Local Yawl ·auest Enters Los Angeles· Tahiti Race k'lch, J ohn r SC'ripps, San Ot- er o. San !J1tgo Yaf'hl Club. The motion tor a ne.w t rial MARINE INSURANCE 74ffl DISTRICT VOTE FO R WILSON ST ATE ASS EM BLY Jun•· 6 Weclnl'iHlay J une 6 6.18 p Ill. 7.•11 a .m. 8.57 p Ill. J. l !'Ill 3.8 6a 3.7 8.7 12:03 a m 11:06 a. m. :2:48 a. m. J l :"8 a. m. 1:28 a m. 12:32 p.m. 2:11 a. m. 1:17 p. m. oa 1.5 01 le -o.t u tbat apparaaUy eoDM ot Ole ..._ The Harbor Commlulon Is due formation wu mo.t .uwa lut to mMt 1n u ecuUve 11eulon un t.b&t fll"Unp ~ bim u4 x.ta1, ~ fO« a di.lcua- CluUtaMa W beta "la etteat a• el UM fC'Opwd &iTMm•nt t.boee ., t1" taterMtacl dU.. &M llatUq., lta jQrtadieUon. The lon&l'•t ocnn 'l"ece In world, Lo.!1 Anrele, Hai bor to Tahiti, wlll alert 2 p m. June 111 off Loi Angele• Yacht Club, according to Eugen1 Ove,.-ton, commodnr" or the Tran11pac1fic Yach~ Club that 11pon11or11 Ute famed Lo11 Angell'.!! lo Hawaii race every two yens. The y111•htll will be h11ndlr11p- ped under lhe CruUling Club o! Am1111ta 111le tu d"ll'1·m111e th, winner. It ., expN•tttl that the l boal.t will m.1ke lhe trip 111 from ~~~~~~~~~~~~t:;;::::;:;::;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 20·30 day1, ernvlng al f'1p~ete, r Tahiti, fur U11· colorlut Fall of I the Bastille trlt:b1 a lion, July I I News o( the !Itel will be ra<.lw- ed via ultnl bli;h -frPquenry thl"OUf:h X~U. San Franclacu, from the Yawl, Quest . 8mootll Sailln&' O~boroe-Fortoa Realty Co. uu w. Coe.at mrhwa1 Lftlf,?ty ._,llM Thurlday II 30 a 111 J une 7 7.38 p m. ··--·-~ 4'·-·· ~ ftUT rt.ILL QUAtrr'Elt MUON Jun• 16 J une 22 HARBOR PLAN LA.ft QUAKTE& June 1 • -1.1 l.T counly offered thLI prope.rt7 tor teue or aale. CITY OWNEMIDP They !ailed to note that prae- lh.ally all the w.ller fniat .,... belon&ed to the City of Newport Buch. At the Ume t.N county atatPd fund• derived from the Too La~• To Classify torr cMi:a. wetJa b¥ It ~ WI.TD l'BONT, upa.t.a.ln furn. Mak •~ • _. It. -a,c.. ~-rara.re. large Bu. 1-.,,. lit feced 1aM • patio. Adulta. 1UI--. Bar. 3781-J. lk19 ~ Dllft. Cloo4'•" '8-8 .... for Rent UO.e...~--'-0080lfA ml. ¥AA. cloH to CaD Bar. .U.K Arla T • '-di, ~ 2 bdm1. ranch '.JD. 1ldO ..._ ... -.Ilana. Lovely en- (Cc>ntlnuf'd from F11"1'l P•1eo) ctevelopmtnl and uae of the llO· callfd ''Orang,. Ooc-k &I'\'&" loca~ f<1 just l'&ll or th' Archn owr- pau bayw1rd of thr C'ol\.!lt High- way. Mu.ny monlh1 ago the 11ale or IPMe would be med for SO.~ ! th• development of tile Uppu !!:!~~flP!!?!?!!!!!!!~---­ Bay water park. Thie the city KA YT.AO WAIBJdt. fOOd eon- ~ patio with BBQ $IGO :mo., for JuJy, A U(Ull ti: ..... wm eM.tt4er year1 lun. Call l'ot4 Vann"'· Her. 4263. dPm11nd!!d In ruotutlon of the dJUoa, ............ Har. 1211-W. board In e.xcllange tor a ~....... lldO of ltt till,. Thi• the cowity -18r20 SOUTH COA T CO. 23rd A Newporl Blvd. !PolJttcal Atlverllaeml'nt) would nol ,x,.cut,. Under the propoMd plan the county will develop the 1&nd with bulkh,adtng and fill and leue the property. The city will ab&re In lhe lea~ ln the proportion the revenue bears to the area owned by the cl ly dou to the wboi.. It'" la apparTDtly the purpoM ot lhl• plan to create tor the dty fund.I lo JHlY the add.IUonal em· ploye.a who wrn be placid on the 2 PC. XODllllM IJDCTIOMAL.- Butlt ln "ookc• .. cm ea. end. 10 fl. JOftl' Bar. IHI. l ldO lNI ITU&••.._., ctr., K.,.i delux. O-ees11r, aut.omaUc all1ft. ..,_ OMditJoa. hll ·~ ..... Bar. '*-llclt a ••1..a. "JOIHUA·'l'll.D"· -S1, acrt1, new caWa anoo full prtce. sa ml. Jrom Pal.na lprt.nr1. U19 l&nt.a Aaa, e.ta Mua. 18p20 $~700 down OPl:N SU'MDAY 1-a pm. payroll Lt the propoeed plan be------------- Ul Ba.le1 Dn-.., Corona del Mar VD1W CO'l'TAOJ: 3 bedmu, 2 ~· .0 redtcoraled. 9 Jn.' ok1. SS'fOt c2PW'll -SW .., t... i.xe.1 and you can .... In lmmedlately. Owner 1la1'lor '*· lk lt Bruce Sumner Sumner Quali'1i~d For Assemblyman Bnt<'fl Sumn .. r. \\ orhJ \\ a.r II and Ko"'a \f'trran, out .. t.1uwllal' ch k leadn and attump~. p~r;­ f"S b~~t lf'adt'F"lhlp and lntrrr- 1t7 In th" hid ror pu~ of :olt•te AMt'mbl) mlln '"'m Ontni,. ( 'oun- tJ'• lttb ( Soulb"na) Ol1lrtcl. f'ormuly lo the Onanjfl' Oount)' l'\tblk> Dfoff'tldfor'1 Office, om· • .,. ha• drmo1talratl.!d bJ.a abWt7 In war and Pff<'tt and Ill" taml- ltal'ft7 wttb Onuar• County prob-..._ cornea afttcuv,. It I.I wackrltood that It w1U ~ulre approxtm&tely $80,000 per y,u to unckrwrtte I.he aatariea and coal• ot a H&r- bof'llMLSter del&I{ tor t he dty 1n addition to the current propoMd buqeL Accordln&' to eome ClOl'I· v'rsallon alonr the waterfront. I the city \\1\11 p e able to recover fl good portion of th11 <'Ollt by ' th<' rhargi>!I tor pier, mooring 11nd other boat 11Mge permit.II. I n addltron. If lht Harbor de- pa1 lment m<'n art clly employe-e11. In effect pohremen. revenue from any rlnl'S f'ullected ~a~ of the violation of orJinllncH wilt rP- vert to t~ I'll~. It 11 further undenitood that boln lhe city IUld ~ county -.,,11 agrf'e that neither will adopt any ordlnan<'e• relative to the optra- 1.lDn or p<lllcinr c.t the bay \\1lh· out the concurrence ot the olhtr. HURRYI o..a11 ... IOAT OWNERS ATTENTION · doav.-rt your ~I.OW I H•lt •lartlnr; to modf'n 1t volt la It mtaute.. Ji'uJly autnm•tl<'. \\ork• off your owa 1tartf'r 1wtt& Oempl4'tf' kit htC'hM.llnc all "1,... end ~le tor normal hutalla- Uoa-. •H~r "" IMtall •I flat JS-00 '""' at 7our 1llp er _rln,. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE GEORGE & SONS 500 W. fta.lboa Rl"'I., ftalhoa Hart.or llTI \ !!-:9!!=• ...... '°" .. Deluxe Duplex FURNISHED n AR OLD, f> bedroom and den, 1,. bat.bl, forced air beat. private, b&rbeeu. and paUo. BeauUlut 'riew, picture win- dow• overlookina' the ocean. v,ry attractive and well dt- lalled home. Nicely fumlahed. Adult1 One yur leue. Ut Mornlnf Canyon Road. Corona d~I Mar, Harbor 4t64W. 18c30 For Resulh UH Claasified Ads in the News-Pren OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 308 Poppy. Corona del Mar 3 bednna., 2 batba and den. Excellent ocH.n and beach. view of CLIFF HAVEN DELUXE Home, 3 bedroom.1 2 baths. Drive by 401 KLnp Place, then call Ha.rbor 4 718 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 2112 ACRES BUSINESS PROPERTY On Newport Blvd., clo1e tn. Only \.i of ~tat area l mproved with cood buildinp. Income $400 a month on leue. A fine inveatmeot and •peculation for $62,500. $25.000 ca.sh down. Balance euy ~rTM. RUSS FORD, Realtor 1600 W. Cout Hwy., Ntwport Beacb UMlU The Tahltl race h111 lll!!come a cla.Mlc. The fm1t race was sn 1t2S fr om San .1o·1anc1sco; the n cond from Hawau to Tahiti ln J9:')J. Thia will be the !i11t n ee from Lo11 AnJ;eles Harbor d1r,ct. 3~71 . nauttlal miles to Papeete, Tahlll. 8 1.x Bluewater Yachta have been enter,d: Jada, M·H. yawl, 81U Sturg111. San M1 nnn Li ~~~"'"~ Yee.ht Club; D1ablo, 60-ct. 1chooner, Frank ~ "., .«!, •• 1 "M·• Al11n11- to11 Hay Ya1 ht Club. (,lu1·11l, 6~­ fl. yawl, How11d F. Mu. ph_v, Beverly Hiiis, Newporl H1u b<>r Yi.cht Club Cell'bU, 69-ft. kttl'h, J ohn H. Htd!l,n, S11n Fran cl11c•o, St. Ji'ranC'le Ya<'hl Club, V1veka. 73· fl. ~t·hoontr, Robt1t D. Frosf'r, Bl!'tkeley, San Fr1nc111c-o Yarht Club, a nd Novla Del Mar, 89-it. Guest Beds for Rent Slarte or Double t"oldln( ROLL-A-\\' A Y T YPf;8 CaU Libert.~· 8-3456 8ea1'1 Sur1ICA.1 l'Juppll\'s 6S6 ~oter St., Custa Meaa BOAT OOVEBS llALBOA CAXV AB 8BOP Heti... lf7 224 Jiit St. NIW~lT llACH MA"'-'£ UPBOLSTERU.-0 Herold I. Johnson PropalJ&r Repaint ~ CohmtbJan and Federal Af'""Y Phone Harbor 820 Sill Vllta Way, Npt. Buch CAREFUL SERVICE for your 5ea.#,ue Our med11nics are Johnson- tr'lined in the use of special factory-type tools. Thty use J ohnson pans from our lar1te 'Jtod:, assuring you of only the linest m1ioten1nc•e-od..r.- pair work on your outboud mocor. Lookias for a '""' Sa-H~~ We ban them at p ricw rou'U appreci1ta. ' SOUTH COAST COMPANY N C\\ ..,ort Bl\ d . at Z3rd St. Harbor 2600 • MARINE CARBURETORS Bepaln -Salea -Parb zENITH & STRO~IBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM t.439 W. Cout HJghway Liberty 8-18-13 Marine & General Welding Authorlud ~aln and Manufacturer Surfsiae Trailers · Customf'r Trailers BuUt to \'our Ordrr Tralltr Remodf'ling 6l Repair lurfslcle General Welcllng teol W. <Jout Hwy., Newport Beach liberty 8-U'72 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES llu1t"4'hold .a. Mart.. FIRE E9UIPMENT SMet .t In ST'flCtJOll BATIERIES ELECTRIC CO. RMJo a '"rac• . • BOAT WIRING· ONLY • J508 W. <l...t Hwy. Announcing A New Service For NEWPORT BEACH TRrDENT BUILDING OFFICES \\ITH TELf'.PHO:'lir.: .urn 81!':CRETAftY 81!':RVJCI!': • WE INVITE YOU TO A TIEND OUR OPEN HOUSE JUNE I ST, 2NO & 3RD f ri. & Sat. -10 a.m. to S p.m. -Sun. 12 to "4 p.m. Refreshments We offer smart, modem, small offices for the soles er monu f octu1 ers represent o ti ve, the semi-reti r~d mot\. etc .. compote with telephone service. Stenographic secvice ovo iloble. Limited desk space is olso ovoiloble . • TRIDENT BUil-DiN&-- :\'E\\ PORT BEACH-HARBOR SO'lll :~oo s"" port Bh·d -.\djttrf'nt South c·oaat C'o. ~ YES· we know what we are doing! We are offering you A-1 Used Cars FOR LESS WHY? To further prove that your local FORD DEAL is the IEST DEAL! '55 HILLMAN HUSKY ••• $1195 'Sl ·CHEY. Bel Air Conv •• $1195 ••• $980 '54 CHEY. "210" 2 dr. '54 FORD Victoria • • • • $1610 '49 KAISER · 4 cir. secl. • • $180 '54 PL YMQUTH Clb. ~. $~095 '47 FORD ForcJor • • • • •· $245 '48 BUICK -4 Door Sedan •• $245 '42 DODGE Pick-Up • • • • $195 '50 STUDE. Piclc-up • • • • $545 THEODORI ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER ~ S..nlnl' Thi• C'omrnunlh fnr lll \ f'll,.. SIOO \\. ro .. t ll"Y· On M itrln1•r'• 'flt,. 1.Jbtrtt 1--14'71 PROMINENT PASSENGERS aboard S.S. Lurline a t an earlier sailing were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spicer o! Harbor I.aland. -Mat.Ion Photo FRIENDS OF PHILHARMONIC manned~ cake and coffee booth at latest Lido Shop. tub.ion lhow at Richard'1 Market. T&kin1 time out at Wt are Mn. Karen Marcreta' Brun.IDf', eucutive director NEWPORT fjARBOR MRS. WINIF'RED BARBRE, Women•a Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART I· PAGE 5 FRIDAY, JUNE I, J 956 - • of tU Pbflbannonic Sqdety; Miu J're!da Belln- f ante, orche8tra cooductor and Mn. Carl Bonell. -Statt Photo ,, • Mn. A.r\hut (ll\IUt Peddodl) Olbk ltd Broad I t., S. -~ ta1ftJa& pannta ot Mr 10'LDI violtaSlta at I p. IL toda7 l.n honor Of & •t.¥dml. Robert Fore, 11. wbo la leavinc wttb ~ pu- anta. Major and Mn. Robert IL Fore. 02 Fullerton Ave.. for a home In Arlaona. There wtll be violin IOlo.. duet.I and ll'OUP nwnben by Leagu~ Junior Group Scores with Follies at\.ld.nt.a ran~ 1n ai• from 0 -----------.. lo 11 who Include, ln addition to Robert, 8u•I• HUteheeon, Pamela, Douclu and Bobbi• Stockwell, Robert and Jimmie SohwnaM. P•renla Include the Darwin Stockwella ot An&heun, the I< 'harlea H u t c h ••on a, Robe.rt Srhuma nns, MaJor and Mr• Quick Service roa ·Roller Shades Sl.alld11rJ Shade Clot.ha and Cuatorn SptclalUea • Drapery Hudware • Vft'leUan Blind.I CALL HA.IUIOA IN Tht FoWu of ·~ preeented 1.ut week by the New-Fore. I port Beach A.uilt&nce Lea(ue, Junior Auxiliary, wu an I BILL QU'EAl.E. S&c.t.o publ!-THE SHADE SHOP entertainment rucceu, report. Mn. Rol&nd N. Lagerlof, r1sl-"A hypocrite 11 &. man Who '3% Und !St., Newport llddl F Wet cha1rmaD ''The financial ruc.ceu of thil under-\,\ rltH a book e~pnu111ng athttam ~ldfl the Poat o~ 0 · 11nd then praya thal It will aell ·· 1-----------.. ------------~---------lak1QI LI atlliltut.ed to Uw har4 From th• hllla ca.me a L'll Ab· Der and Da1ay M&e equan di.nee aequence, preceded ~Y aoloe aung by Ma. Sandra Phifer and Mn. Edward Boyd. DISTRICT P -TA pr~ident Mrs. Harold Boyvey (cent.er) officiated at inatallation of Harbor View P-T A oUicen. At Jett. Mrs. Robert Olander, retir· ing president and at right. holdmg iravel, Mn. Paul R. Holmes, president. · JOAN KIMES TAPPED FOR HONOR SOCIETY Joan KlmM, d&uabter of Kr. and Mn. WUliam F. Klmea, •11 8Ji~ BartM>r Road, Newport Beach. WU tapped a memMr or Koriar Board. women'• naUonal honor 90el1ty. Sb• wu ~ ll'poMOr tor next ,._r. Min KllMa. a junior, la majortnc In art at the c0Ue1e. wh"'9 ah• hu Mrved u pruident or her dormitory and member ot varlou. commltleu. Sh• wu 1raduated from Ha.rbor High School ln 19~3. MONDAY MORNING Harbor Council P-TA Workshop IJl(. &L whlch the Cound l will be ruuta ot the Pacltlc Telephone Co. 111 thetr new office• with M.t.n· ai-er Ted Hambrook u boat. work ot all OW' memben and Uw 111PJ10rt ot our mu,y trienda,!' aid N.n. Lacerlof. TM abow WU ~bt«i by IUCh acla U "Ma.Dana", 8Ul\I' by Mra. WllUa.m Luter u a charm· lnr Ut.Ut aianortta wttb >tr four amlroe. J"11\e1 and Jack Penney, Paul LoUJbbrid&• ud J:ari P .. tereon. "Mak• Mine Dtamonda, Ple .... • -wu a rum cbewin( 1roup of fi t la In lu1pt red N lin rowna. fiuhlnr thetr ll))lrklera. and 1lnrtn1' "Diamond.I ..,.. a Girl'• B11t mend". "Pajl.ma Ttmt " broufl\l lo UM apotUrht Mn. Jaclt Broennr and Kra. Ja.ma9 Oray ln m and wht,te atrlped pajama topa, slna· lJl( "Steam Heal", accompanied OD tbt radiator hy Mn. i'ONlll Nut. J udie and Mn. Robert Gard· n tr'I 'Jc)rtflYed t.D a "b'Oniiy bl"MktMl tee&e, "Wby a. Lawyer Beeomu a Jud1•'., with a puncb endtn( whlcb brouibt down lb• bOUM. DA NO EM The Rockattu wen eeen In ma ny ' d&ACe rouUnu, lnclud1n( La Can • Can and a Jungle dance. Drawtnc I appl&uM tor Uwtr •lipping were Kmn. Forrut Neal, Broertnr. Lffter. Roy Lyman, Jack Rich· ard80n, Robert Oardner. Sheldon Craddoc~. Larerlo!, Charlea Spar- lruhl, Robert He.rt.Jey, Paul Lou1hbr1d1e, Walt• r 8 pl c • r, Jamee PeMey, Hugh H ut.Ion. Morpn Noble, Earl Peteraon. C...y Juvil and Jarnu Lawa. The romea production la t he btsseat project of the year for the Junior >.wdUary u a fund raaer tor lLI m&ny pbJlanUuoplea. Tbe other benet.U. each ye.a.r la Ut. Candy Cane Ball which 11 f'Y!_!' ~!_C~ber, _ Harbor View P-T A .Officers Are Inducted Rtleued Time ~· tn Rell· giou.1 l:ducatloo. 1pouor9d by lhe Harbot' Cowld1 ot Churches, are IM>ldtnC cio.tnc ..x•rdaea lhi• wtek al Corona del M&r Con&re· c auohal Church. Coat.& Hua M~ Cburch. and Cbrllt Church by \he Su. Mra. Cbdt.er nablr be&dl \he tee.chJnr .Wt and oon.slden the work done the put year bu bffn m~ rraUfy· The meeUnc 4>f May 22 wu ------------ Philharmonic Annual Meet held ln the p&rtah hoUM of St. Jamea Ept.copal Church, follow· l.JlC luncheon Mtved by women ot th• a uxll.1.ary. • I.Dr from every atandpolnL In abaenee ot the prettdent. the Rev. Jamu ltewart.. who wu attendlnr uambly of lh• Pre•• bytertan Cburch. the v1ce preal· dent. the Rev. Robert. Oronlund, prutded over U.. m .. unc. Conference Delegate Reports, Gives Skit lnatallatlon of o!ficen climaxed the May 16 meetln1 of the Harbor View P-TA. lnlt&lliug o!ficer wu Mn. Harold O. Boyvey, preaident of Fourth Di.atrlct. New officera for the achool year a.re : Mmes. Paul R. Holm.Ill, preaident; Jobn St.allman, tint vice-pre.ident th• aud1cnc• and lnclllded Km• Wunn Clemence, Uncoba Or1D- dle, WUli&m.I. Robert 8lnJUtt, Riedel and Kr. and Mn. Kllo 0 . Lacy. Mmu. Olander 111d lta.llmaD ualated on atory and acrtpt. Th• ~·. Roy A . Carlaon, chalnnal\ ot tbe CommJulon on l:ducaUon brou1ht the report to Harbor Council of Cb\ll'CMa and ltlted that preeent plana are for u:pa.nlion of the work by addlni """ cluM1 al the openinl ot the ecboota tbJa fall. Plant for 1ummer and th• fall were d.Jacuued and commil\.nl wtll rtport at. the June Jt meet· Eastern Star Mem9rial Rite Baby Arrives on Anniversary )(&nted In Puaden& OD Mem· ort.al Day, tint &.nnlvel'Mry pre· eent tor M.r. and Mra. Dollald R. Dicb)', 202"11 ~. SanlA Ana Hqht.a, ta a d&llPtArr. Lyn· doa Lou. born Kay IO a t 1 16 t..m. lll Corona Naval Holpttal: SM wetp.d t lbe., ' • Kemort.aJ earvlcu a.nd tar• Tbe b&by'a father la & nauve well n1(ht lo the m"Un1 pt.c• ot the city, bom IA B&n.o& H~ wh.,.. Harbor Star 01:8 haa held pltal. PanntaJ ~r ll au rqular m .. unp 1111\c• ll'• )\rs. M&rtlla R. DlckeJ, 1T03 w. IMtituUon ln lt411. were obeet"Ved Bal~ Blvd. and maternal rrand- at \he meeu n1 ot lut Wffk. Kem· hltber ta A. W. MlUtT of orl&l H rvlcu tor Mn . Molli• Paadena. Newport P-TA Program by Fifth Grade PlonMt day1 came to llfe on the 1ta1• of Newport Beach Elementary 8cho0l wban color· Cully coatumld t\tth ' crad•n pruenlA'd a medley or J.merlcan folk eon11 for I.belt parent.I and teacher• al lh• tln&I P-T A meet· In( tor thla year, May 21. Under the direction of Miii Clara l:lle.n Spelmu. boya and Th• annual meeunr of meni· · bera of the Ora.n1• County PbU· harmonic 8oc11ly will convene concurrently with the m1tlt.n• or Liie board ot dlrecl$ni June 4 at I p. m. In mualc room 3 at Otani• Coaat Coll•&•· Primary b u • I n • 1 a, beaidH readln1 ot the annual 111port, wW be to elect otflcua. The nomlnaUnr committee hu pre· Mn led, the followt~1 •lat~: For preaiden l, Moreland Ltllhold; vice prealdent. Mrt. Fred O. Ferrey: lreuurer, Edward Mlt- u,man and aecretary, H . Wall.it Steiner. NomlnaUona from the n oor wlU be accepted. (lrla preMnted & Mrltl Of ------------ 1k1tcllea In eoq. danc• a.nd Foura Son Born etory be.Md on th• country'• ,, hlatory and htrita&• wh.ldl lhey It wu a • lb. 10 oa. 80ll. bom uw 8tudtld tbl.I put y•r. 'nit )lay U ln 8L Joeepb Ho.pU.aJ to p,,,..,..m t .. tund aquare du· Mr. and Kn. Ca.ti Coura, 2U6 ctns. cboral l'pll.ldnr. and akitt 8. Oranre Ave .• Costa Meea. In l.nttrpret.auon ot old tavor)t.u. ------------ J. l tit• ODnClulllen awvda wen mad• to wiaMre ta -Y con-Girl for Frys te1t.a 1ponaored by lhe D·AR 'the JO#ph Fry• ot Coron.a dtl and by the Arnerlca.n Leeton Mar. are pattnLI of a daurllur. J.wtlllary. "-n May ~ In knta An.a Com· Mra Pe.ul Ro1en. newi.,-lty Hoapltal. Granclolf o's c formerly of Hemet 1 complete menu for the family PlZZA • SPAGHETfl • L-'SAti~A HOM!: • MAOE RA \'TOU • 8Tl':AKS e 8 EA FOOD ,OOD TO 00 511 lalboa llvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 On:N DAILY Ji NOON·ll HD>NlOBT, CLOSED lfONDA1' You Can now enjoy •tety: beauty and durabJllly of the 8Ar-T tub e.nclowre wtU: Ftberclaa door panela at a coa of only 107.&o complete tno1Ud1nf 1n1tallatlon ln your Mme. Jteau· Uful colored P'th.tJ'IU malntalna privacy whlla pemtltunr aott di!tuffd llfbl. The tub enoloal.lh tra.me, con· 1tructed or hlf hly polished tntcr-loek- tng, rust-proof metal rtvu you per· ma.nent. trouble • fr" lnat&llaUon. U1ht In wel(hl, th• doore rall on ftT• Ion roller• from etthe-r end and ~ be ffally moYeet for dee&llnf ., tb• • tub. l"l'*'llM hat.i Oolort A v.uable tn ~ l'lm. ~--. Lime and Yellow, Metal FIUen Extra. and proJl"&ID; J .... lklnea, MC• Ol'S Yioe-p?Sdent and member- ablp; x.,.JJ Buttermore. record- tns ..arwtary; Oecu Taylor. co ... rvpondlnr MCretary; H • n r 1 JUed1l, t.r.uurer; lAOn WU· llamt, h11torian; W. o. New· man. parllamcnttTt•n and Mr. PbJUp Maurer. auditor. Kra. Robe'\ H. Olander. rellr· tn1 pruldtnt, wo pl'u,nltd a put prealdtnl'• pin by lhe P- TA merobe.ra. The meeUn& WU followed by a eoc:lal hour and retr11hmenll aerved by tbe teUr lnr u teutlve bo11.rd membus as hoeteuu . Cuatdy and Mra. llylvl& Place ---------- wf'rt conducltd by the worthy matron !Ind worthy patron. Mr. Peterson Son eleoled prealdent, C<lnducted ~. -:::::::::::::::::::::;;:-_·------------------------. brld bu11ne11 mHlln1 ,d\ft'taf snd Mrs Msx Ow•n and the Mr. and Mn. Cliff Petenion. wl\loh a put preeldenl'• pin W'U prtaented to Mra. Jack M. Bradbury, w llrlnJ pl"laldent~ tn&menta wer terved by tb• At Camp Fire Jamboree Harbor Star atatr. 88• We.et 19th SL, Co.ta Meaa. MOTH.I:& PRESEN T A l.lo praent al the {ntetln1 to .ee her da~hter. lnatalled u p.-..tdenl wu Mr.. J. 1'. Sim· mona of Loni Buch. Mrs. Sim· k!Mvprt• mothln. The aeu 1on wu the lut lo are pattnla o! a boy ·~by bom be htld a t th\' IOO F Hall aboYe May 11 ln H~ Hoqttal. the old Co1t1 Mrsa Bank build-_.:._ ___ _::_ ________________ ===::'.'.:: lnJ, wl\trt me1lln111 have been jiliil~l!!I••••·~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~· held for ffVt•n yura Th• next mona ta a cl\arter member and Har bor area Camp Fire and put pre1ld•nl ot the Sayl~ Blue Bird Lee.dera held a Jam· Orade lchool P·T A or Dta borM May 25 In the Tar Pit "1th Motnea, Iowa. tlnt-rradt rtr i. or the Newport one, on Jun .. 12, w lll b4t held at lhf nrw Ma.sonic T tmpl,.. 16th S L and St AndT~a Place. 1c1"094 from h a r b o r Hl1h School Mn. William•, retiring lef ll· a.nd Costa Meaa achoola and thclr 1.µon chairman. reported lo lhe mot.Mra u rueata. members on t he reeulta or an Thne J1ri.. ell(tble lo be Blue opinion que1Uon.n.atr1 nprdln& Blrdl ln lkpt.mber. we" told U>e kJlal&Uve plallenn of the about Blue Bird mt>eUngs. out· 1tale P-TA orrantzaUon fita, duu and pruent 1roupe. The rttr .. •hmtnl rommlllel ~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~!!!!~~~~~~I!!!!!!~~~~ for the nenln1 Included Mmea. !!! O.R. Mlthorr Frank Clenden- '"· Evelyn Rrurhner and Marc· artt \\'alk!"t J oe Henley ,.... the cortee-m11ker. Mra. Holm• ctltlqall to the They N W cratta ma~ by IM"Cond Ca.llfom la Co~l"UI Of Parent• and lhird «rad• Blue Blrda and and Teachen' convtnUon. report· learned rames. • Sisneros Daughter eel brlefiy on htn' fX~tlenoe. al In cb&r-of the Jamboree w•-~t • 8 Bacramento. and •• reUrtnr hi•· .. ~ "''"' • r. a nd "''' Walter lsneroe. ton.n p~t«i a nazrat.ed pill· Mrs. 1:nMSt Ohurcb of Cott.a 1161 Whmm SL, eo.t.a ){eaa, tomtn• akll hlrhllrhUnr Harbor MM& ud Mn. Elliott Korrla of an parent.a ot a Jirl bonl Jday Vlew .P·TA •cll"Ytllu for the ;Balbo&;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I.llud.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;26;;;;;;;1n;:;:S;;~~-Ji;;09pf;;;;;;;;;t&l.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;::;iiiiiii;;;, put yea. rao• AtJDIENOE A•t•Unr on prop• and acen- wy -re Mm... WUllama a.nd J, Rebert Bl"ownell, Ml• Jae. US Guldin Ud Nanua a.- •...: ""' cut .... dl"e.fted from . Rug & Carpet Cleaning .... Upholstery Cleaned ' la ov Plaat •la You llome SHALITA'I Ptnlea 1111 C ... lllag Worb IN DICK llACKEB'8 e SPRING CLEANING SPiCIALS e Llllerty &-7918 SUO Via Udo afar Dancing Every Night Kaaae -.1 &11e aorAL lAN1UU DINNER SERVED O p. m. 'til mldni1ht COCKTAILS_ -• ,. m. 'til 2 L .. 12 NOOD 8atUrdt.)' A 'Sunday Speciel Sund•y Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. C.pistreno By the S.• offers the finest of in-patient services at reuoneblt r1t11. Sanilarium UcenMcl by the St.+e of C.t.f ornia C.piJtrano By the S.. Sanitarium af*J.'au. in the trHtfNftt of Ml'YOVi, \motional end mental ·disorders and alcoholism. 0 Jr new H•rbor ArN offkt louted et 3424 Vi• OpPrto. N..port IHcL Phorut: Hert.or 2J 2t ' .. Yoo Are Conllally i.vited to Vl"lt c.,,;~/,.ano B, /~, S.a Sanilal'iUM 0.-P.W,~ ror tntormaUoa caU )'OQr nurt "t otrlce ot 0.,U\rano By UM a.a knltar111m IM.NA POINT, OYpq t-17"• 1.1111 d~ Obllpo 8t. SANTA ANA, Klmberl.1 2-tUO H lS M. Broadway .. NEWPORT 8Ji:ACH. Harbor W2 H 24 VI.a Oporto • • ' amp OftA.·dift~ W'9 lldl l'."*P Ill c.ta ..... W UM col· .....,. tw ~ BJ• SltG or ,.... ~ ,... tonow.d ~ ....... ... c.a Mola .... u. .............. -Qunp "" 11ewport ~ Mn. lllWl ..._.,; lih. lllll':t,e ~ U. ~ ~~ :-...:::c ~si::tac::,gC: ••"oa, ~ the ~ ,.. Uld U.. w nan.;...., ._.. . .,..1 llltlill la the pe.U. et ._....IL ftocW.. a.ckn c~ lt:!l.idnn ~yterte.n Church. .......... u. ruuta. ,,.. Odd_,...,. Camp ,,.,. ,,.. f9W' l"OUPI. w._. O.Olim. To&hkot& and ~ ...._ ...,.. pru.nted ~ Active Month °' 11M....uon by Mn. llortll .. bad u.ar C'atnp J'!re eca.n. tltC G. ls -~ tbelr laden.. for 1r of 11n. w~ne HOWllton, leader°' U.. Odekcmyeati., group, w~ Troop 19 eel UM .x-Blue Bird.I to Ce.mp l"tre and ~ the s;lrla iJl rtvllW • 1 ... • Ol1' loout neap l t made May U. Ounp Jl'tre alp and ~ dq .....,_tor <'hUdren ta th• t.be "lAw of the Camp Flre". . bolpUaL A ..mi. froDl OM mwJ ~nt..t were eernct fol- ctr:l at U.. ba9pltal wu reward-~ -:;::::lhe:::Co:lo:r=O=uard==~===:;========== "" wbla tM" flO\ll·erw .,... de-r Kftftld. SURPRISE for Donna Darlene Dortl wu birthday danee hosted by her parents, the Willi&m Dorl\I. recently at the Elks Club. Some 75 fellow ttu- dents at Mater {)ej High School helped I.>onna celebrate. She graduates this year. will then go to St. Vlncent's Hospital in Los Angele3 to 1tucJy nursing. CIVIC LEAGUE OFFIQlRS -The alate ot new offlcera for tbe Woman'• Civic League wu announced at the "Keet the Pn•0 panel di8c'uaion beld at Villa Marina recently. Above at.anding left to right; Mmes. A. S. Brown, treuurer; Louia Caenar, auditor ; Frank Kargl, hiltorian; A. M. Yerkea, record- ing eecretary. Seated, left to right; Mm.a Robert Marah&ll, first vice preel- dent: Philip Burton, president and Robert Huber, corresponding eecretary. - SW! Photo Secretaries Will Install Weekend over-night camptnc bu been beld at Pet.rs Canyon and the Newport Harl>or tt•r- vtor. An eftlllng cookout wu at Jaok Flaber Park In Ba.nt& .An&. A pot-luck dinner and court of awarda wu enjoyed by the rtri. Ud their parent.a May 26. M,._ Samuel Bill wu given a token of appreciaUon from the troop for being tbelr leader during 196~-M. Awarda tamed anrt rtven dur- ln& their 9th grade year were adventurer, dancer, backyard adventunr, dancer, b a c k ya rd camper, and rroup m~lclan. Ell· tra badges, each earned by one Harborites Read More, Says City . Librarian_ gtrl wu anlmal ra!Mr, horM- Oranr• l:mplre Chapter, Na-woman and awimmer. lncluded ln a report to Jira. A new branch at Newport Uona! S.Cretariea Aaeod&Uon M.embera are Helen Hill, Sbu- C M. Deak.lna. cha1nnan of tht BdJbt. located ln lb• Horace llnt.em&Uon&l), will m.tall of· on J"ra.nce, Cyndy hm.1Worth, library bc>Vd. Mrt. Un Sheely. J:nslfll School la open trom 6-9 flcera tor tbe comlnr year at Jo-Anne Remley, Martna Dorcy, librarian. announc.t tb&t thl.a p. m. :Monday lhroup Tbunday lb• monthly dlnner meeUnr. Diedre Com, Florence StotUe- b&I been anothc 11 montbl tor lht convenience of tbe chll· 1446 South Weet Drive, An.a· ~. Rennie Canwell, Linda perlod of readlnc fTOWtb. 8o far, dren and mother• e.peclally. helm June 7 at 7 :SO 1'· m. Mn. Rypl, Kary Elol• Thomu. PtU- ll'f.t27 't'Olumea ban ._ bol'-Bownv, coptu at lht but Frucee A. Smith, put call.for-cWa Bttw Pal.rte.la M.ac.Don&!d. rowed. ACCCll"dlna to the popul&-Milera are &190 uallabk. nl& DtYl&ton prwaldent, will be Donn& B;yan. Dorothy Buah. -----------------------Uon approximately wnn boolu Coroa.a del Mar branch con-WWllnr officer. Nlkld Merrt&m, Patricla Ald- DINNER 5:00 P.M. -9 P.M. Open Sundays 12 Noon -9 p.m. 2588 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA (laat 1 bloS ..... ., ..... Aaa ~ Q-') Pho•: Uberiy 8-UOS ..._Ill L llala It.. Oruc• S E A L,A R K IN G per per.on b&vt been c1rcul&ted. t1.nuee to 11erv. th• public a t Mn. Smttb bu eened 13 r1dce, Jean Brubaker, and sua- Tbe Atz\erie&n Library A.Nocl&· Second Ave.. and Dahlia on Tuu-yean wttb the Dourlaa Air· ann. Muten. lion Mt.a a ttandard of •b boob day lhrouch Saturday from 1-9 craft Corporation, S&Ata MoiUc& =~===-------..:.:::~:=~=~===~~==~=====~ By GINNY (MRS. EDWA.RD LESTER) 8MlTB per penon fc:1r a year .. an p. m. branch and i.. preaenUy lleCl"e- averare to bt attained. Non-t.ary to lht usiatant clllet en- n ctlon la crowtnr ln popularity Balbo B ·d cmeer. Bh• 11 preadent ot lb• ABOARD TYPEE. ea.cb year; stat.. Kra. Sheely. a rl ge Santa Monica chapter. Climbed aboard the Typee for a cruise about the bay nnt cbc>k:• '-btorraPhY't thtn Group Ele~ts ··otvllton -Past. PreMnt &11d . th• ''bow to do lt" books come , P'utun," a talk on dlvlllon baclt-and u uaua.l news wu flymg thick and fut. MCOl1d wtth travel bookJI nm-Kmiben at lht Balboa Brtdct cround, will bt ctven by MiM MILDRED AND B~ Mead'1 Lido Nord waterfront nlnr a c1oee third. c!u.b held t.bdr annual elecUon Dorine a.orce who ls eervtnr : wu our tint deetination u we atopped to meet their Th• lJbrary has lawed 2,uo wttb the tollowt.nc eMc:ted to her second term u Oa.Ufornia : bouaeputa, Col. and Mra. Louis new or renewed c:arda that put ..rve on the commJttee: Mn. Dlvlllon second vie• prealdent - •Buttner I pronounced Bittner)... n..ASH: Artist MIUard Sheet.a 11 months, which LI a record .Arch McAlll.st.er, Mra. Georre pubUo HlaUona. 1(1• Qeorop baa ; and what an lnt.ert11tlnr couple la ln Hoar Hosplta! recovering rrowth. Every day an avef'al'I Carroll, M,._ Henry Fcprt. Jira. a!llO acted ln the capaclt7 u : \.bey are ... Wl\h their two an emeriency apendect.omy of ">O peopi. borrow books A. O. DoeabuJ'S, Mn. Sally 1tat• education cb&lnnan 'tor : children Suan ADd r-..r they laa1 ~Y · · • t.b• lnternaUon--from tbe c1l"culatlnr coDectloa Brown, W. A. St.embers, Sidney two year•. ·are 900n to tak• ca tot .Japa.n any !amooa artiat became W at the main library. A tota! of Cort, Andy Mabley and J oe WU-Q9unty iteentartem are we!· : Where tbs OoloDel wUl be Illa· while on Harbor i.te worldnr 2.m riew uu .. ha.I been lldded cox. The new committH lhtn come lo eU.end and re11ervationa . UOMd at ~ U.8. A.(my'a Rl'C· on deelJN tar the Ahrnan.eon to tht book collection with many elected Jira. Carroll to MrTe u may be made with ~ o1*t Depot located bafr way be-abode • · • 1s 1•tUn1 alol'IC nne 1non1 to So before June IO. ln ehairm&l1 for the oomifts )'ftr. Mra. H. A. Beyer, LAmbtrt tW'MD TolQro ud Yokohama ... with Ilia wire Mary at Illa llld• addition 2.usa rderenc. qu.-... 6-6624 and Ml.a ptt Pulta, m. otnclll title; Dtrector of down from tbetr Cl&n:mo~ tiona b&" been an.rwtred by At p ta] Conf b LAmbert 6-1884. rv l:utsa Admln.Lltrattn Cen-home • • • ~·· 08 & ter-r~ Buttner, famOUI ,.;:._r.. ~Cll Leasue l'olll• A coDectJon of mu.Ge rec«d.e Kn. Paul a. Caaldy of the Shellenbarger Girl ln her own rtpt.. bad ber 0Wt1 VJ'"'WD( Nlgbt &a duhlnr u bae been atarted th1e year wblcb ca.ta M.a Poet ottlce .Wt radio •how 1lt J'L 1.Auenworlh. any Hollywood premiere with mean• anybody with a library attended the Poatal Clerk C(on· The Waiter 8.beJJen~ra, :i9CI ·Kan . whe,.. btr tmb&Dd hu •pot1J1bt on llar pertonnl'r• card may borrow two record.I .. nuon In FTemo :a.fay 25 to 27. Dtl Mar, eo.ta Kaa, an pannta 'been 1lalloneO frir ffie paat !WO Shlrll',Y t.J.lra. Cba.rlea) Spukuhl, at one tlmt tor a wl'ek without She wu a delegate of Poet.&I of a &1rl baby born May 29 ln · THE FINBT • • • YET LOWDT PRICED Early A.merleu MAPLE FURNITURE • • . an'I wler• ~,.. Moftclays mtfl 9 Ye&r1 at the U 8 Army'• Com· Jean c ~fra. Bill) Ritter, rlamcrr· co1t. Thia ta iatnlnr tut popu-Clerk Union No. 4348, repruent-Hoa&' Ho.pita!. )'l&nd and Oentral Staff Collese. oua Claludchei& IMn. R,.!1!!1> HHut· 11rlty with the yoanc people. Inc the local croup. ____ _.....__ _____________ __.....-__________ ..._ _____________ :-- ., 00'8 d I.I.led eon. Ban (Mra. -.-.) U · r ~ i"!'*' . AT L1 eut en • pa vey among othen ... ln the toy----------- 14 wav" to lhe 'Fo~1t Smithe er; Elta Jone. with Bobbit' Newa-PrtH ad man, maklnc a Ion, tellii of a heavenly three ~d cute Ult.le Pam, who lnct-(Mra. WU1!9) Hunt .•• Marie duh for the Balboa Bay Club'• weeks ln that parad!M, and on .dentally la quite a tl!O\enroman Nte Wl:mlle and Elwood new Stateroom ... paus!Jlr lont lo Slnppor. . • • ).8 ntdenced by the large .all· M.rt10: L;man J'arweD. George enourh to tell about th• terttftc DICK RICBARD off to Chl- Jtah wbJcb 11.be•t'aught In Mm: lloa&'. <looklnc wry otncl&l ... trip he will take tn June crew· caro tor tba week where bt wW ~ waten aboard tht Smttlw out for . lntermiu1on, Burton Ing aboard Jada ln the TahlU attend a ''wOrk fl'llt" .. miner !foluca ... and "'"htch now dee· Romberpr, J\erb Riley, An n Yacht Race. of Supermarket operaton at the cn•te.., tht flreplacl' wall of her Butcher, Marlt and Dean Bank• KEN K.llNDALL8 write that JCda'ewftlel' Beacb Hot.el ... With tether 1 El Pettador Rfflau· (ju.at home from Mexico'• Rou-they an runnlnf Into 10 many oniy a 2-hour break dunnr th• )'ant · · · rtta Beach • , • and betnc lured Newport trtendli durlJIJ their enU.re week for "f\ln," there will : AT VILLA Martna called on up on the Ital• from th4I audl-world cruln ... met t.M Carl bt no time far pley IO hla Jen- panet and Art Brearley aboArd ence, Tody (Mra. Tod) OY1att, B&ktre In Honr Kong and on a nle will 1tay at home thl.a Umt, tbeb' Watwlnd ID · · · gathered an~ Shaddock (who look-Vienna lllrfft ran Into tht Dick arlUJ'ly tncued tn thtfr lovely ~ nt'tV• that lb,.y wW cru.ile to IO handeome ln that brl&11t Crutchera and the Dick Emt.ona new Irvin• View ChlneM mod· lo CbUT')' Cove. Catallna June acket!) ... Small world! ... and a card em . . . J 5-JUJY 16 for a monU1'1 nea--ALTON"• tOnn&I Tlmre-trom BelUe and Gordon Carra! DON'T MJBS th• Udo Jale 'tion durtnr Which Ume racno day n1 ~ dNW Cf'O'tlrds and Aire. Roemer of Udo Ialt l'layen lh1a wttk-end •• OVER *'111 ban to do wlL!o\out one of trom Beverly BW. and Holl)'-and s.vvly BULi. '\hm ln Cey-ANI1 Otrr ~ollpood'1 top aound mm . . . wooJ •.. amons them J .. and Pe BN&rleyl' pride and Jey. Tod Job.Ion wbo were IM>uae- tem ~e David, M!&lly "doa a cu-tmc wtth Bernice and Mac ~b" witb hi.t ~Jhborbood n4!'<ft-KcHeary at their Udo Isl• ~ ~per ... Htft cartooo.a to II· t.erftont . , • E te lt ... called Hillidde CATA.LINA ISLAND Qlrls' ... writ.. about bl.a P~ Camp wtu bt ttie sum.mer ad- .... bbon •.. why not & ctn. Of muy N...-port SSJ1a ... Daftd. about Wemrtnd amonc tllem Linda KcO>ok. ...._._. at Vlll& KartnL 'nna ud KaftD Brun1nc ..• a~ .. n. wt I a• 4a1 •tUnr UM new TMll 11..son • ILla ~ eo • .,,. w1ll bt Gert Buc:her\ L&mtnr nn,_ (did 70U know Blll Rowan and Patty Jon• amonr tMt JOU an eoon to ban a pal othen. ~ !f.-port'• eecond ln the DALI: BUDLONG, · tor m • r • dU8 wblch Haya MclAllan has-----------Jut purchaMd T ••• &190 about: Jlarbor lale'1 Art W l 11 I a m 1 aboard the launcb Kar Oooo •. Mtch1pn Ued up et Bob D&ltona ~-dock • . . John Kllroy Jaddn& up tM bay aboard bts JO ....... TftWl KJaJoa , , , and a few ""1 cl..-yacht mollllten ~ ~~\, Uh tbe crulatt ,.._.. .. ,..._. •• Bvel" .•. Kamal HUUYI ~ ••• .._ DqllnM n ... ead .. .,.,...... 8t.ar Boarder. DELUXE LUNCH ............... u ........ -........ CHINDI -4 AMIRICAN DISHIS ·-.... -· ...... FOOD TO TAKE HOME De S... Prtaea UM Year Mood CHINESE CASINO Ul .... ~..._ ~nos Continental Lunch Dinner • FREE CUSTOMER PARKING , Upbolst~ry Dra~ries The ,,.. Cratt.manahlp • Plua l'ibrlea at Cloee-Out Pricea Enablee U1 to Give Your Old l'umiture That NEW LOOX at Aatoundlng Price. ~ the "off 8eUOD" CALL US DAY OR NIGHT UbertJ NW r°" ..um&tee or one ftll es decofaton wtu call wtU. --at J9W' ~ get in the swim ... liveinthesun at • Hakcrest CAMPUS ESTATES! Residents tot.sllhfed tnoulh to llve at H1lecrnt C.mput EltetH wllt IM tM full life. Theiy'lt bt proud "~" of their very own prtv9tt 4·ecn recnetlon .,.., complete with kln1 alzed swtmmln1 poof, 1peelou1 dubhouM, UtUe LMru• ltateb.11 Dl•rnond. J>'cnlc pounds, H welt 11 tennis 1nd h•nd- b.11 courts. lt'1 community llvln1 •t ltt very best-bat for ll"OWln1 younptera ind ''younphrl" wtM> MWf' IJ"OW otd. Why Mtt1e fot,... tMn H11ecrest C.mpus Esatetf ,._,your flYOrltt bMchel. , . just I Freewey skip to aft lndust;rW .,.._ Come llw ttt. tun llft et H11ectest Campue [tat.. wMr'9 liYln1 la ... y ... wMre llvin1 II fun ....... bNutlful Costa Mesa . Yttmas: As ... 11 Sim IOWI (Plus costs Ind ..... , NON-VETERANS: Just $999 Down tptus costs) L--------------- • hilt• Wat....., ....... o. • lullt-it ........... Olstlwahc • W..,-Orytt • Cecllr .... """ toclloofa . ,, .. ,..._ ... ZMN ................. ~ • C.0.."-U~ ·~,_ .... • Pllwq ........... 1.ui..,.ft.--. • l.Mllr ... ,..... ...... w. .. -. .... • -..... .. c.ctr ~ Strtets .. "'IC1 • Aaollltr Mlle c..., o.ltr Des • 1, 11 t • ··-· ~··""" ··~ ,.....,.._ ~ ... \; ----~ ..... • • • "& -. I . . f:o§ta_ Mesa ~·....;·:..1 F!rSf'Bapli"'str-'--- t-'•11Dr• lMVii<'UOft c1a• win 11t hold Al"'° p. ........... -=. tup&e bt Kr. N-.i» .. Ui wlM*' At tbe nf1t S&pU.tl ctl.un1a Ot Colta ~I--U,. R,Y. -'f':" o.~ ~Pu....."'~· ,I I J\:eO,JD&llQ....,.~µ\-.....A l)""""I nte.age et tbi 11 o· rMr1lo m, worabJp .-..ic.. ,.._ Ont~ D~ of Rol,J Com•~ trU! ,,. obllerwd.w M -tit. llfllt,t hUW ut fellow~, ' n..,.. mtmWa. t · Su.nd1y kllOOI ... W!CI.. •t 1:•5 a. m. Al l :IO p. in. BapU•t Tralnint Ufl1-wUl m.Mt and aJ..Q at I.he Ma• brn.1r t M.- . ~ ~ . , .. _...,.__; YOUTH BENJCP'IT BREAKFAST -Jeanine ArDt8trong and Patty Ry&'.n lel.I to Rugh O'Brtan (Wyatt Earp of TV) fir1t ticket.I to the brea.kfut, to be b~l4 8 to 11 a.m. June 9 On the parltinr lot' at 3«7 Co ut Highway, Coront del Mal'. Proceedil wilt aend 30 young people of Corona del Mar Community Chun:h to IWllm.er camp. -Photo by De liirj.ian, Beverly Hilton. CQ!3TA KESA EPISCOPAL-Muter pu for-the ll*'on Church of St John the Di\rine hu been prepued by rrtderiCk IJodgdon, A. I. A., tor a t l/:i acre site on the weot olde ot Onnp Ave. betWeen 20th and 21.st BIL BlllJdblp will be of frame ccn- strurtlon with brick and red.wood: trim and We ahlngleTOOfa. The church will seat 400. Pa.r!sh hall will be built flnt. Dr. E. 0. Forde Preaching at First Baptist Or. Eme.t O. Forde. for 20 yMrl puh,r O{ Sunny1id.a 9&p-- 3-Day Drive for St. John's tl1t Church of Lo• An11lu and 1------------------------now director of tVIU\(tliam tor Bertnnln& Sunday aod contlnulnr tbroUCh Tueaday evenln&, ea.ta Meu Epiacopallano. In team. of two, will cover ~e city 1eeurinr three-yeu pledct!' to cover a 14,000 building fund coll for th• Walon of St. ,John the Divine, to be located on Oran.st. Ave. near 20th St. the Am1rlcan Baptl•l Home Ml.t. 11on SO<:lely of the Pacific Cout. will preach at both the 11 1. m. and 7:30 p. m. "rvlcu of the Flnit Bapu.tt Churcl'I, lltth and W. Balboa Blvd. Hi. .termon NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-,ART I· PAGE 7 FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1956 P1au tw th• daurdl ltu!Jdlnr• roof& A l&rr• croea WW doml- wue ncenl.IJ praMllUd th1 Dlo· 11&l• th• taaad• ot th• chW'C.h. ------------------------le ... ot Loll .A.ft&'9'-and announ· Th• _,nt1cti1 trill ba built pro- WILL HONOR ACOLYTES tople for lhe mornlnl' 1ervlc1 wtll a..intn.t ot thti f\lnd drlv• wu (1'Na!YelJ', th• tint tncnmmt in• made at UM Loyalty Dlnn1r, b.9ld dUdlnc" th• puiab. ba.IJ, ,wid Jilondq" IUJht lD It. Jam• partah ball. JLltcllm, c.bureh otnc. a.ad ball. lllir~ or fO\l? lundq khool be ''The Lordahlp ot ChrUL" For AT CdM CHURCH RITE tho '"Oln( M"'1" ll wlll .. Cbandl" C, Sao .... n, "'""" , ........... '"Th• Go.~! ot God"• Grae~... DurlnC' U.. urlJ worahlp hou.r, t :ta L m... at COrona llM&tanaa\. comm&nckr,U.I. NaYy, Al • P. m, S•ndoy Dr. Forde ,.,__ -Ill be -•·• I wW M ord&1ntd at IL P9ul'1 JobJI Dou9UJ' W MD.lor • .,.... cs.n. Mamti.ni ., tbe ~ oommlttff an WWWll ~ cb&lrman; John KinJ, ftoMrt P•lt)', John Tlqi• and Alu M•lon. de\ J.tar .._.._....Wllt1 ..... urch, th1r1 w • .. ,,__ aco yt4 will conourt a ~•Ion for tr1Jn. Cathedral Jun• 21 and will bt nco1n!Uoa ....,,. AU '°Y' who ha•• .. rnc1 U1.rou1b. ._. _. ___ _. .... _ -•--•--H tnr workrf'I on home Yialt1Uon. , .... .,_ -.. ,. ,.._...,. • ,.... Monday e'f•alnJ II.I wW le~ t..br the yrar wtU ltie f~t.ed WIUI. &n award ptA. J\to111Uon tirfld rrom Ml"'llC.. ln lHT and church peoplf ln a bOIM Nita· ot n1w mt,..,. WUI 1la ~ d~rtnr I.bl l1 t'doc:ll .,.,ic.. )u lllnce been at~ tor th• t ion ~ WMnnday at ln tM nmiq tM Ju.nJor .,id a.JOI' fill""" ~· minillrJ'. 111• CC1n1"'9PUon m .. u &vvlq" tha Lo,alty Dtnner' WUI Mm:--loho ~ pu 7 :10 p.llJI. Dr • .-orde wUl 1how .tiLp sn>MI* will m.,t wtU. Ul.elr '*"9ta --~ 4Uf... ,. 1Mt)7 at U.. .,,.. Gula trilh rolONd 91.!dil ptcturu of lhe ner, wttlt. Mr. 'aq JJra. Mlftdith ................. GI = ~.ltobln.; ~ M act· J~- Holy ~d. the Baptl1t World arranrimaata. n. tbvrdl wW ... t t.pprood- Atlian<'• and Billy Graham Cru·:---------'---------------•l ... tel.1400 WtUi a 'MU toww, a Methodists to Hear · ' Mde In London. BANQUET PLANS TOLD """" -... ,.,, • ....,.. ... , IO _, no wllll pialt-,. Communion .................. ,..... ..... · Lutheran Society =..:.":"°.:' ==-..:: Missionary at St. James ........... .......,.""'°"'-.... .,.,.. ........... .. rw at. J•mu' 1:p11eopa1 ReVjeWS .Activitie. S · .,. -n:=~==.i-::;::; i:'::":i'7.~ .~:%: Cll\lreh. S20t Vla, Udo, I •· m.. wonhlp, provldlnl an opq 11tac. Cllurch b7 ti• ... on l\mday, lhel'tl wtll ti. Holy Communion. Th• exrcuUft board ol. Lbe • dt'Wptt to u.. 14u. Int.ma-tor peopi. to ptbw and Wit Jw:i• I at 1:10 &l'td 11 a..rn. The 1 :11 and 11 a. m., Holy Com-\Yomen of \.be" Cbun:h. Sanor UOl1al m.a.aJ&l Oon..nTJoa. Wf>. bdon ad aft... ~ Th• Pf'Oll"ll. '9 1pouorwl bJ UWi rnunion and !!lund&y School. LutMran. met at 10 O'dodt eat~ tnen"• viw .... .,. r.daUloa ot COW'dl td\lc&UOD&l faclUU. u. Wol'tWl"1 lodlty ol Chr1IU&a ..&.t J?'.30 p. m. th•,.. will bl tw ln th! home Of Kn. Don&ld UI• J.mertcaa Ll.IUlen.a Qmrch. planD9'd arouad a laf'l9 ope 11 lw'ric-. ' IWy Baplilm tor L)'nn W1ll1ce Wt'deklng, 1111 Cburdrt ltll o.t. 'lltldeb 111 to M Mid lll ..r~ patJe wbere OUJOoor ~ ~ ~ \f~• a SJM\l&l.t .. Jlbtl Hauk and at :S p. m. ti.pU.m for M!IL LtNo. ~ No. t-1. •.&ken dtnMrs and ,....,Uou cu tall• lfnlT...tt.J' of loutJNm C&lltont'- cus:ii.. A.nil Huodle)'. Buitnnm HQ!i'9• ""*' CJ( Will l.Ma&*.IW dlJ. .t°libub. ,&ke. • · IA lt21. •.at that ,.,. u a Joe 6, 9:30 •· m. Ui Alt1r ,.._,{.;.~-.._~t.,u.. TM llltt.Ma ud l'\lfid MU an m ..... met:J from UWi '1nt ~- Ol.PJ4 O•r••tat_. OemmwUon. Ui•.RUt•~ .,C:UriU-. 1 -arr.--iotl aJM located on tho paUo. All odhlt Churda •f lant.a AA&. \ J\llll: I , T:SO p. m ., Bmtor Choir tM'1ft7 ~ ....... _.. .,.,.. of MaXi ~ Dr. 1 ..&.l· UAlta aN ooanocttd by oa"Nnd IN-1pent two and •halt ,..n nne.r.1 and a p. m .. Ad ult Lilt hoUR, com.ttdti.e Nporta la-• eo 1• lftUla which provldti a tnlcal In a J\IJ\ll• atatlOQ tn <;•ntral Inquire.-.· cJ.uL J une 7 1vent.. tludtd that Dorri Kr.. M.orril ,,.. M:Xt-eucvu,.. board m~ opua.. &oulhlll'1l Callfornia cbar-1n4ia and ln ,.mq:._ ot ........ al'I t :ll L m .. Prayl'I" Guild; Laurie., Jndl& Mlalionl tllainn&B, blis wW M M&d Jl&M JI la U.. actu-, Pal'IWll" fk 160 can 11 ln• For D\OJ'I thllJ'I IO JMD mbe 11&1 lO:JO a. m., Holy Conu11un!011 who told ot th9 KotltM' and .....,. ti Kra. Jtobat: Oroal~ eIIMltd lD the Mt• plu ba a eot1• Mia Ill Cak\ltta la aoda ..,_.. and healinf Ml'Tlce; 4 JI? -'·• Dau1h~r banl(uet )M.14 Mt,J 1, at. ...,.. 1.Mft ..... ,.._"1 ~ ........ t louUOD for aocOM to all r&111Uc ud tducatloeal worlc Cll•rvll Ololr .... hearal _anti a· Uw thurcb.. .. : V111i14 il91V7 tnteJ<v ...... WU.ta 0( th• l"l"OUP. amoftl" fflll.dWI~ •.• p • & ll j a I p. "'-Junior H1·T Parenti' Nl1ht Approaim&t•lJ llO l\lilllU u,.: polldll t; lltl.Yl• ~ _. 'fte hUdlap an to 11'11 mD9tl7 ~ lii:e pi&N to ntu,a '° dlnn•. tended thi• wual dlwr-d ftta17: R.aMt lt>dbr4* f, ~ ti mm. ooaM.Ncmon wtth brtcll: c.kutta abOut I.he ftnt -De .... ·tucb. th• Mm'• auat. headtd '1 w; Lawit, CarMtt Ud a-. W NdWoud tttm. e.nd Ule> lblftC1• oominl" ,....... Fiesta Day at Pala Mission n. Carpi Ch.NU rluta will brt Ollebrated 1n Pala on Bunday. It Ml bmD bekl UJIU&llJ' at Pala lipct t.M toundl.nc ot I.he M.Juion IA 111&. lt ll o• of tbe South· .._.-, oldttlt and mo« colorful e.atbn.Uona and It pt'utn'ft one 01 U.. ~ cautomia trad1· .-. William Carnett. Ml'Y~ the tOOd mlller. Kre. Clyde Louclu WU and provided OW deuert. A I~ a peat ....... will orrertnr wu mad• wtt.b. UM /------------/ procwd.I Mnl lo further the church work of lndl,. JiCNl.on... New cornrrlllttt heai:r. appoint· ~ lo office by Mra. John V. Netr. prearick"t; lnclt.1de-d : Mmu. GtGICO Heinm!Uer, klte»ft &ad WWlam Oilon, nUrMtJ• OD-eb&lnNi& 9( the kltctw" oom.mlltft ta Kr.; William Lampert. TRINITY BAPTIST VARIANCE OK Harbor Church Council Hears Report of Classes A ~p ..-08 fQr,Har~r 00\aMli P•TA. wW ~ U. c"-4: of tu Pr'Ullll 9eUQD. Jt wu announord a t a board m•U.S ll1ld at the horn• ot th• Pffill.dent. MN. CW. MotfDW\, On Moftda)'" . 1'h9 workallop 'frlll M btl• hne 4, t ::JO a.m. la tM tducaUOllAI .U of the llf'll Bapllat Clio~ Bu· M.-.. aw-.u ~; P'll!Jld.C.,. &a AM ud M&pOU. AYM., eo.. and reoord booki, Mn. Wlllla:lll ta MMa.. G. Paint; mtt1.t&fbl9!\b. Mn. l• The ft:IJlowt~ dl8eullon or Mph O. WtJker. Patu.on, Joaph Carver, J . H fU&"p and ltuart Lons. 8ervln1 wu by•strJ#iOf' IL lobn"• Youn1 hople'a f'.iiawaJJp, X..U• Fill- ~ IUl&n ChUdl, DMna Tor- rcc .. D1l.Do Woll•. Judy Unk- l&tv, Kathy Raub, Oretchen ~cbt.er, ·Yvonn• Bou and K111'· U.ataL .... c..., l:Vll'ftial 'W 8 P.H. CoairatlllAtlona to all JOUllC people who an rradaatlnr thif year! Receivlnc a di- ploma meana you have fulfilled the aca· deinlc raquiremel\tl and met the atandards of conduct of your acboo!a. They, in tum, haft sinn J'Oll • aecare world for four yean. • Wit;ll,,.ork &Qd.rbl.11 lll conduct mapped out I~ JOIL . "Now all tlµa la clwlred In a day. The an· chor baa auddenly pulled up. and the world ahead look1 inaecure and uncertain. You now have to plan yO\lr own work, and act your own 1tandard1 of behavior. At thi1 po'i.nt, a chUrc.b connection is a strong anchor to spiritual security. Let your Commeacement mean 1 commencement of nrular church attendance in the church you choose. Face t!lt new world ahead armed . wftb·lta·llnn hope am! laith. ·ee. ........ THE WORLD AHEAD • .. .---.,;~ TIM pirocraM .urti wtlb .ol· emn Jnsh II--. celebrated out- 4ioor'I 111 t.M RJ.sht Rn. Masr. ~ Browen. In rront ot the MU tower. Tiie W.... l• llWll' by U.. llSM:fld Owlr &,... under tM dlnetklll of Bob lllteM:U. Mra. John H'"unpton 11 cli&lr- m&.ll ot lh• ... ~ ~ to be stven •r wom ... ot. tM Church June 11 at 1:1a p.m. Ttt •rv• with Mt 11 M-4Mltal ... Mr.. CJrl WUC.r. At a oofl• me-eunr JUM ' lll tht borM ot Mn. Nett, ftMI ~I.a wtll be. mate tor uw •rvtnc of UM banqu.t dinn•r •l tM llil1WldL · No protHta develo111:d MiMWky llltht When tM eo.- &a MH& Pl&n.11.lf'I' ODmm..lf.o .i.on Mid k publle Manne Mad a pproved a variance ap- pJ,ication ot Harbor Trinlt1 apa& O.uru. to eollWll\ld • ~l.lttb ozi nortbwell c11mer of 9U:w AT•. and f'al"°ltw ~ llaNlcrfft 1ubd:IN1oa. la U R.-1 9Qne. TM totl'\lnla.lon approved I.hi variance provided lM pu1t1q a~a be pavwd llJ'ld a muc... pl&n 0( UM eAUN dff•lopmenl M 11Ubm.lt~ wtt.hla OM year. WOr-.bop fn>Upe krt1 to be belt!: PruldWWi llQd .,.rl1.uDutt..ar- lana, M.ra. CUt HQtbnalli and MrL Dtmu. HoqtM(: ftOOf'(llng •nd corn1pondlnc eeuet.ariea. M:n. . Oeot-1• Orttt111 and Mra. Cb.arlu Bt.anley; treuuNra and audil6r1, Mra. Malcolm Jkld and BE ~URE -INSUR~ , 11111 Clltnll ha1or. Spons-d lly these Local Business Firms Plana an beln1 made to .IMnd -. IUOJUCll ~· lw1n11 o.IJ' • ft-' ......., lht . . J.IU .£. OoMl Bll'lllWQ' °',_ ... ...,. - ' NIWPOllT .UllNITUll! CO. ' . ,, Complel• Hom• J\arniab.inr• POP'S Famous Steak House 81• Irma and John Strictly home cooklnr • baktnc • l '. The proc-.too tollowa. •lope at au.. Mconttd aJtar1, where th• lleedk:UoD. 0( Ule B~ B&c:n.· -t '-stftn. The pl'QOlmlon ' 811 E. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5M8 -to ILi climax in ,the old Kilillon Chapel, wlaU• the Mlalon ..O. annoa&nea lhl joy ot the daJ wttb • fHtlv• rbyt.bm. Is Sole Cause, Says Sermon ----------/kn.. Pon.tr BincliW': tii.t.onana.I~========= !620 W. Cml1 Rwy Uberty S-llll' Nra. H. ff, aum.tt: mtmbenhip, '1-,-----------------li f------------------New Members Are Received _Mh.. lla"ey ha"; Pni«rurt and 11 ProrilllON ba v• bMrl Dl9de to _,... UY ~U9 &nd Bpe.Jriah l"oOdl' to 1Mn than 1000 peopi.,. 'l'ben will be mu,y Mot.bl and ..... .u al\.enlOon. \l.!Mkr 'trw9 .i the plaa. Amons U.. erlter- ta•.....C. wtU M Indian danc. at , p.m. .... • )m)ll'Ul ly the Jlltchlll Cbotr .Bof-at '~.P~m. Ku7 door p~ wt~ 9" llhn aWQ durilt& UM day. ' · ' ,..~IT THJC 8U .. &. Cout BlYd. Owona dtl .lh.r, CaUt .. i!'Ml•L.H&rbot U foundtr'1 day, Mn. WUl&aM O"· .Btien; • Cbanct.r educaUon, Mni. Jatk Bh.dbur)'; clUeeMhl.p, M.ra. Jo- "Ph Cau.11; courtety and hOll· pltallty, Mta. Kenneth Leather.; juv1nlle prot~Uon, )fr•. P. F . BaJne1 : 1@('11\auon. M.ra. Bue Ka.r- un : map.stri• And· emb~ Mra. Robert Olander; New•lte, ~1 i1· '-~,. ,. Tp.i[ ·1· (j\'flL, ' , .. , : ., I . 'l \1 PA NY . . . PHYWS' CWN!llS . • i..11.vaUGn~llDdry-Wt Call U4 Dtliv~) liM\i E. Balboa Blvd. Barbor 55ll HOMER E. SHAFER R!:ALTOR J.atlld'lddeD,_ . ' .(at'~ l'lu)-• ' .,._ r l Ylnc_.1 hiiml'1»nl9 S..... Twn loca.Uou to hrv1 You Udo lolo & ~ del Mar THE IAY D9'1'. StOllE --+~ • CHINES! CASINO A.a Olllu..t l'Mll to Tab Out Open l:v11')'" Day ' W llala St., Jlolboa Harbor %20S . LAUNDllOMA T STAFFORD Ir SON Elec.trtcal Cont.ractor1 . JUvenkle Ave. Newport Beacb Liberty 11-%276 ' Newport Harllor NewH'ress S. E. lllilGGS J:Stctncal Caot..ractor "Ooo4 wlriDa doem't coet ... It Pa71" •u. aw at. Harl>or ms ART'C. IUSTUI CO., ltealhln DIClt MACKER Newpert Ught Plant Senlu • , • . . .. PA6E I · PART 1-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS . FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1956 .... We . • -. That's beach • 1n Wiien you l\ave our lovely sanC:I stranC:I •nC:I pler, witli 10 much parking 10 ea1Uy adjacent to the ocean front and th• Newport merchantt-well,·ffiend, that's living! lf'You dpn't get the picture-think of yourself driving to the city, fi9ht- ing the traffic, smog and the clock just bec-euse you have some shopping to do. Silly, isn't it? When all you really have to do it swing orte way or. the other aroun~ beautiful New- port Bay 'to any up-to-date merchant's easilY-reached busi- ness. One• inside you· know you'll get frienclly,/rompt atten- tion from the people who are here today en tomorrow to serve you, their neighbor. " There's nothing like doing busineu where your voice or account mNnl something besides a ledger number. You just don't get that personal touch that means so much to ,you and merchant alike if you're wandering around the concrete .G· I . ' jungles of a metropolis where one face is f ust like the next, where the idea is to get you sold, packaged and out of the way for the next buyer. ' Make your purchase dollar count both for you and the merchant who, like you, is a taxpayer in Newport Beach. He's just as interested as you are in the forward growth of this city. He's here because he knows there's no place in all the world like Newport Beach. . That's why we think "We Never Had It So Goo'dl" That's why we know you'll be glad you shopped in New- port and saved YOJlr money, time, nerves and car expense. The kids will like it too: they know there's nothing like our Newport Beach ocean front end pier. We agree with them and we know you will too. THE FINEST -MOST COMPUTE STORE TO • FOUND ANYWHERI Hardware • • • Paints ••• Wallpaper ••• Appliantes ••• TV ••• Radio ~ . • I ' A . Goocl Frienclly Pla.~e. .to Shop OPEN SUNDAYS & iloilDAYI . 2105 W. Balboa Blvcl~ Hal!bo•· 116 I • • • • J\ ·took a lood ~ to "9t lM rabbit, wr It too • ~ ~to O&llnUl tnf· tie o::i l'-'7 t• Cid· Coaat 111Pwa1 at. Rinndde at. Kon1 Moblo, ttoNt, ,.... t'lindnC "P N~ When be a w ~ turtle meuderta1 up the 1lr'teL It wu abol&t H U)Cba ln diallletu ahd it. 11tood out u 10m.Wn1 to ml• with • cw. Korrt took lbt turtle home, thlnklns tt miftlt be tome llo)"a .,.t and he II kMptnl It tn hb praft. "Ptie turUt bu ~ mark.I which M will a pect a c:laJmant to know about. .. VAUX CAPER larglars ·Try lo De-bar Local Cafe Th• ,.ulllzer .. rtze , ~, ..• ON THE .. NOW IN 2ND WFXK --·-.............. ~Ht3Cilt1C3 -Kl•Nov• e.nv ~·~ Snur.sae• C\AS.fl Rtm•• .... ----Aosau•• lluss•u. --·--SCREEN LASTI Two women and an undtt.er· - Dl1ned 1u1.mbtr of ma attmipted I AT ANOTHER GROUP READY FOR GRADUATION Graduate. from Grade 8-E of Horace Eqlign School Hulbert. Third row -Larry Schwarts. Merridy 1bown above (left to right) are: Top row-Unda aoe.eh, Don Olnwell. Lorraine MOlllJlolder, Purcell. Mickey Bramble, Kum Vlynn, Jame1 Charles Norton. Lynn Thomplon. Peter Newman. F.dwi.D, Nancy Shooter, A11a.n Molho, Bradlyn SUl&n Cole and Joeeph M'inney. Fourth row-T. Stepwm, Robert Aruienon and S&lly Swain. H . .Johnson, lnst.ructor; Ll.urie La Touebe, )amee Second row -Robert Ingold, Batbara Weeterdahl. Shelden, Diane Meyer. Jenalyn Black and John Wayne Gourion, Susan Kilrow, Deb.nJa Gault. Diane Knapp, to bW'flartM Utt Vaux Rtlrtau· rant. 110 ll. Balboa Blvd., at 1 :~ L m. Wedn~ wtui. UM Mt&b- ltahment W&• .UO crowded wt~ patrona, &QCOrdinc to • wtlneu. O. 8. Hunter, SlS 1.t I:. Bay Avt.. whoee boUM 11 near the alley back of lht Vaux, l&ld ht ot 11UM1 and u,. nolee ot th• aomeont dra.gpr a heavy pr- ~ (all down th• alley. TbtJl, ht l&1d, _.. could heU volca9 of two women &Dd a number o! men and a ripplDJ IOUDd u ftvt l·lft. st.tel ba~ wen pc1td ott th• back window of tht Vaux ft-. t.aorant. Tbey ~ th• prbe,. c&ll lo stand OD to re&eh tht wtftdow. BWlt.er u.lcl Ult aupecta a p- Greene, Ronald Merickel. Ann Bnml"'D and John • ,.,._uy ~re ua1.nf tht UnJ<lt , . of .-.. and UW Dot.e ot t.h.t don Rtcbmond a nd WUllarn C. Ende"rle. both rural lut. Ana; 1 Cwty "-MI'S e&ft crowd to ~ the IOUDd.I Sanc•ter, all of 0ran1e: and Roeemary El.lsabetb Oretory. made wllile removinC the ban. J.mn A. Pracott, Sant.a Ana. Glenn H. Stivers. both or T\19-Duy Mesa Kennel accordinc to th• report tiled w1lh Democratic -t lm diltrtct. Un: firth diatrict, four pollillon.e. poll~. five post.a. Thomu J. Bro'llVll, Swen A. Broc:kmlll; Btlle LoeHT SANTA ANA IOCNBl -Tb• However. after rtppinc off the Curtis s. Burrow, RM&bell Cora, ot Cotta Mua; Thomu W. Mal· County PI a n n I a c Cgmmiulon b&n. the culJ>rlta apparently d~ Chester F. Flnber1. H B. GU· bew1 or LAcuna Beach; Ram· on a.at w • d n •ad a 1 denied ctded apln1t eolnc t.bl'OUlh wtUI With re...11t.raUon at an all· dlatncta -the ..&od. tZmit &J\d more. Patricia C. Kenoc. Rosa· 9011 P . San-. ol <;io.ta ~ Walt.ffr W. 8hellenbar1trr'1 ,... UM operaUon for Otey deput.ed. •• G. SmJUI, · O~ W. .Upton Hel\J'y F. V~ Tlldit ot -tll A. wire .crMn and a window Wtrt time hip, the Orance County filth. . "Sr Leiter Van Tate.nhow all lA&ltn& Beach; Tn\a T. W~ qudl tor permluloa to elt.abliah left unbroken ALL· TIME REGISTRATION · HIGH OF 148.386 VOTERS . Democratic candld&U. more " ' and o. kl G w u tb erctal f · -..., ., QMIO. TMlllOGI --~--..-. .., ........... I __ .. "" ___ Wl.UMIC •... _.. ... _._..,._..,,1' -• .. -.. Tlf.ATll( CUl.D. lilt ... OS111A lOGM ..._"' ~ LDGM . -wllfJI IOt.W AIM> Dale Robertson in "DAY OF FUR\"' reclatrar of votc-1 office today th f 11 lh aiU l.n of Santa Ana: Mcorid datr1ct. pt. • • .t In. bo a comm kennel north o Hunter ~ported the lncldtnl MlUed down to etuttlnc b&llolA th:n fl:e <M~l~a. ~ open five poets.· WUh.un J . Stafford of Newport Bach and Fred Coela l.1ua. to owner Sam Miller the nut ----------------- t or the June 5 primary. and Jame• T. Adams, both of Wllaon of eo.ta Meaa. Th• anpllcant aou1ht lhe kt11· mornlnJ Thurllday. He ll&Jd he 'Oii~ WA\ ::\t: In the :i1ec .. nd dl1lrlct, U\ert I . J L. · ., · Mn. UWan AnJll, chief rec· tl It' and tw Westm naltr, tan A.lien. nel for the 10Ulhweaterly aide wu unable to 10 to poUce at tatr&t1on cleT"k, dlacloled 148,SM :~~ l .rnln~e·~ bl1t1Ulo : 1'trber Llcl<er, Robert A. Rua--Everytody rMld8 &Dd bttd.I of Old Pallaadea ftd. adjotni.nl I Uie Ume becauae hla only me&na penon•'have rept.ered for lbt Tb a ea R -"t' ~ ot ftll, &nd ~thur B. Waper. all N....-rr.. ~ eda. Tbat'I the weetnly aide ot Dtlhl Dh.bt-ot axil from hi.a bou9a wu 14- "THE SEARCHERS"" Also Eft 41den in "OUR MISS BROOKS" prlmary election. Th&t'1 an 18.-,...~ :'"'crove · .. __,, D. of Gardat Grove; •NI O.Wr• ft7 tJM1 pt llUdl t# "9ldta. •1• Cban.Ml. j9e.ot to the butC\&l'Y act:n.e. 475 lncreue over the 129.911 uouut _....., L Wood.a of 8eaJ Bead\. --..------------------------ .. who alped up for the 19M sen· My-:1e of Hun~ a.idl. Tblrd I>Utriet. elpt posillona. •al election GOP, t.hlrd wllitlict. 8"a po-Zachary HolVltt tAd ht M.. I alUool, Lola S Baker &M Jeua 1 ~ bolh t FulJ ton· -.._ Mra. Ans t &lao vrplalned It Ii: l:l'Ck. both of F\alltnoa; WU---·1· o er • ... .... wtJJ be nec• .. l'Y for write-In.I • . 1'1111• C. GrMDWood and J . WIJ,. Announcing another big Plymouth contest ..• • to determine Republlcan centra.l ~ ~'::. 8i'.'.:i~r-~ li&m Banbury, bot.I\ of Buena commJUff memben from thrtt U. Tbom&a. ~ . ~ -~~ •-"""uo"·"c:ni.• UOJ>, tilth ~ Q ; nari&e\ P. 01191U 'S W1t11am C. A~ ea.ta ; cl PlacehU&: Carl J. Sandere ol. R.ny E. Gord<>l\ a.n Clemente; ~: a.na Ot!orce c. SchmoU- Cbarl'.' noyd Pbldna, Latuna tq of IA Habra. Baell. Robert£. BamU. New· l"ourlh dlllrlct, two p09ta. ~n Beach. n-... .. "'·L G• l}' flrat cilicTJt. ,flyt ~ .--. u .. ., .. Ion and ..B&rrtet O. tton.. Donn s:-· ·WIUlilr ... §A~:b:.~j ·~ .. ~·-,~a;i!i·.-;~-~--!& ... I ...... uona. Rou A. McCbntock, o or-~OW' SHOWING Clalta ,Mee& -------- nm '~ES VAUGHAt4 TRIO" . wtth llJDY wan.NEY a OOUNTBY WASllBUBNE .A....oui. for print. part.lea. d&nca &lid Club acth1U.. J:acelltnt mualc and enter- ••"'mnt. for Uie "over • W117"' poup. TZUCPllOR a.m&n'T ..... ,, CDAHJ BA•ao& &161 (SVU.) YEA Tl. 'RE TIHE 1:00 P.M. ~:::=:::::::::::::::::=::::=::::::============::::::=======!:__ ____ ,:_so __ P_~_•· ______ _ LIDO :: .. ~. ... E\ r;. HOW NOW SHOWING ~TARTS 1 :46 ... Solld Gold License ,., ••• -Jackpot I 1st PRIZE: $50,000 IN CASH I 2nd prize: Sl0,000 i• cash : ' 3rd prize: S5.000 i1 casll ! 4th prize: S1,lllO ii casb : 442 OTHER BIG PRIZES 2 prius .f $500 100 ,Wine ef $100 40 ,nu. .f $200 -,,u.. ef $50 •. • You can enter if you own ANY car • Nothing to buy • Easy to enter! • Visit any Plymouth dealer • Register your license number e Complete the simple entry form ·.Enter today-you can win $50 ,000 ! •YOU OWN ANY CAI-ANY MAD. N4Y MODfl.. ANY YIAI -yov c:ar'1 6cmte p1Ut may be wOl1la (ia catAi) ita weight-or "'°'-m aolid gold if yoe are one of the laappy winaen in Plymouth '1 fabulom Sl00,000 Solid ~let Licm8e Pldt Jackpot! YOU CAN DtTER 1 F YOU OWN ANY CAR I YOU CAN WIN SS4,MI IN CAIH I YOU CAN SHARE SlM, ... IN 'RIZES I J llllt tab yotir rqi1ttatioo certi.&cata w oeher legal Jlf'OOI of o'"-ne...Oip lo your Plymouth ~ltt'1. Recl*r you licenle ntlllllber on tho fnie entry blank. complrte the fonn and dro, it U. the bo~ Yoa're•Uolie• Jackpot winntt-to ab.an ia 1100,000 ill cuhl Don't delay; •ter today t I.Mfr...., .... ~ .......... ..... ... OfftCIAL JACKPOT •ULU 1.~ ........ ..,,.._a.u.1. .............. -. _.., ......... .,.,..,,......,_,...._... ... ... _.__....,. e':_..,....,, ,.,...._., ............. c.. ....................... "' 0.,-.. c...-• .......... ~ .. ._._ ....... _. ..................... "' ............... ..,. , • .,_ ·••Aec .,..... . .., ................... --......,,__ .. .., ........................ ..., .............. .._ .......... .,,,_ ................... .,... .... -.......... ~., .. ~ ......... A .... LOU REED I Associates P~YMOUTH .............. .._., ................ ,...,...: .... "'-......... -· "'W"' ............ "\• .. '-· .,... ... o.... ............ .._. ""'-...... 110' ., ..... flllMett( for ,... .................. " ...._ .. ,..,,..._ ............................. .. ...., ............ ,......., ................ ........ ..,.~ ...... ..-..-.... ,......,., .. ..... _....., .... ...................... ., .............. ~ ... ._._. -...n •"' .................................. ....,.. ...... ~ ............... ..... 6. /IM .............. ,......, ., ,.,_... .,...... ., OwytlJr c..,.. ......... -................. ,.,.... -4 ........................ -.... -···. "" ..... .., .......... ~..._.. 7. CeM• .,.. ............. ...Wt ....... ..,, ...., u. '"" blfW _, .. ..._. .. .-,;--....-.... _, .....,, ....,_-,,HIP,._!"" ' L W--. ;! ........ "r ... ., ,..,,.._ 14, 1"6. ~ ·-.,......, ...... ~ .. ,,,_... ,.,.... ...... ~ .. °"""· ......... t.C.... ................................ , •••• 1_ 1200 w: Coast · HWJ. ' , • • . ... -.. • ~ _,.._.,,~ -1,..J,..; ......... . ~.......-. ..... ,,.,.,, u n.,. A,.,., .... ,.. ,..,., ..... , ,.,,...,, ........ BRUS~ COUNTR~ JOURNAL .~~ ••• TIM •'l:lfta ror.t" •b.ldl oma,,.._ _. Is ,.._. Calfarma ..._ -trr II at la oaiorN. ,...,, --. The 1trt1t p.t. wm ... .-11D1A ,. i _, tlaa the1 Wiil '9 11-4 tor tbe werw ftN 1 tr l Mft u..ct tor ON' ID ,_,.. ba tM bra111a • ''I• _. I .. llOl ...... .... tM l *1ft ... ... --..., tftld. Ooww'I ... • ,...,_ ...,.. ., * .. ,_ CR*. ----------Ud brt.Waat. l --...., ..... fall ............ ~·~-.,..,.tW·-----· ,, ... la U.. a. ot tM ClrNl•M a .... U.. -t.11 .. ,., READERS WRITE NaUon&l ,._.. eou~ ot t.h °"" .._ tep Bl....., to hlDll'Oolt .. WU. • d '" Olar ...... wben we found tM9 -~ ..., ._ waur • 11 a ...... display. I .. -......... ., .. - -----------The OIUp ~ Wb.1o1a ,_ ...... ., f11W11S lllle ... Kay H , ltM pueee t.hroqtl U-. -.:lllA ht'-..._ MJ W7 -. ,. ~ Kr. WWI.am A. MOMe ut'' from Elatnon to lu Jue ..._. * tact U11M ......... ltd.It.or, Newport Hubor N.,.._ C&pi.t.rano la to mt tM "OamlJlo t. ~ la lerldw:a Qlldlr'- Prtl9 d• loe Amlp.'' or Uae "ht~ nta • aJaoet ail. A8it ... ..,.. nu Balboa Boul•vard !'t"tJ)Ort Buch, Oallfom1a Dur ){r. Moae1; I am In r-lpt of )'Our nry IUnd letter of Ille ninth ln whkb you u:prnaect the appreclaUon of Ben Reddick and yOWMlf tor tJle quick, lhorOU&'h COVW&&• af· Corded you by Major M.Utr and h1a et.aft rtlaUve to tM ncent D:y..-.y cruh. I know that your Jetter ta (/l rr-t •a ti a f a c ti on to Ma· jor Kttktr. ... well u to my- eelf. I uaure you that It bu always bttn, and will conUlt\M to be. my practice to "hol• haar~ly &Ml.al the new• media to k~ the public informed quickly. and factually 1n all ma~ teTI conalatent with the dlrec- uv .. and poUclu of bJ1he!" com- mand. Aptn, with apprec.l&Uon for your klnd lilt.er, and wllh beet rer&rda to Ben. I em. Of tht trltnda,'' bloaUM It WU 1J' t ,000,000 .... lie • tll9 ....... buUl t.hrou&h the cooper.Un .t• ~ eounUM. reen1tt J _.... fort.a of River.Ide _,,d oru,. alonr th• cout. In tll• hill. and CowlUH. To Ult coul dvftllu mount.ai.Ja art at a premium. 1l la the sat.way lO the back But here on public lazuli ln th• OOUJ\lry, and to Ult LaRn4 dwell· Cleveland NaUonaJ J'Orwt la a r It la th• pt•way to th• llOluUon. cout. And to bolh a ki.uteJy drive onr it ott.,. a wcmclerN! Tbe l&a&k Waltona baft ta.ktD vtsw of the 1nla.nd ..U.ya and the flnt step -low l't.OM dam& mount&Jni u wtll u Mtlns th• Wby not p on• better UMl MlUd bruah country at lta f\ICl'ld. • ..,._ ol dam.I, btc dama. In lan&'led but.. U. a&tt'OW nachel ol UM Baa J\la.a er-k aJd lm pound UI• ......... ._. w_ ...... ., AlW&.)'I aJ.nctnly, Clayton C. Jero~ Major Gtneral Now la Uae time for a pJcnSc Wint.er flood •alera T Not. oaJy alons th• Ortep. There art wouJd you bt pruUatns wat.tr lhrtt pJcnlc &Dd camptTOUntb con.HrvaUon, but here a I 1 o alonf th• .,., ettertn& a ahady would M one of th• ma.t ac- ha v•n un1hr bp ..X. fOC' • C*Cbl9 year 'rotlad r .. ..a.o Sunday or twtlitit ouUAs, J'rom anu m JIU~ &Dd <>rtap Ul• ~Ainore .._Ute ftJ'lt camp-oounU... all on paNi. .... (Tound la ca.Deil Can.o than fol-wbJch belons to you and DM- lowa U.e U,,.. l&D Juan ud B•• would be bo&U-., Mlltl the lut ~plf'OUnd towarda U.. &Dd IWimmlnr tor ~ ol cout la ~ u th• ~ thouaanda of Southland ..-....U. San Juan. ~ these are trM Wlth lht. atrlnr of l&Jt• ap1ut cam~ on public I and• the baekrround ot UM hi&' II.WI within the cont1n .. of th• O•v.• of the e1tln f~ we wvui• land National J'orut. ban on• ot tht tnaq .-M 'I'ht. year my fa•orit.e ta the drtvee to bt found UJ'WMN ta Lower Ian Juan. which t. neanr th• world. ---.. ..-................ .. ---.,,,,,,, ................ United Stat.19 Mann• Corpe the cout. Durtnr the put wtn· t•r the laak Walt.one coutr\IC· If JIUver1lde and Orl.ns• OOun- Engineer's Report Summary on Flood Control Plans ..._ tll• much n..CSed protectloA. .._, .rro~ to cktt. ha•• rt1ult-C4 eel a. u.1 COl\llruc:Uon. by ta. ~ of Enrtaeen. u.a. Amy, ot C4 th .. Prado dam and reMrvolr, U.. nau.ton CNtk~ and r.tT'YOfr D-1 and the Brea Creek dam and ,... "'1r, plua t.M rela Uvely 1mall D-2 amouat of chanAtl and ln .. protectloa worlu that the Oran&• 0-a County Flood Control Olatrict bu been &bit to a<:compll.ah w1UI 0.. I.he "17 Umlted fWMS1t av&Oa!Ne to CMm tor CONIUQCtlon and .,_m,. S,1 Many weeks a10 the publiaher ~ tMKewport ~ t-.... worll. and • f-projilctl e.atru~ bJ ~ W.P.A. t.M &-J N ewe-Presa in "aff ddfdi\'1 on ! ~~~=;~·W.A. cturtnr t.bt ltlO'a. :#1~ t.be u~ke Ill* ~ M &:.: • lA.4 A. •t t be cbannala ~t .C-tt-e ..i-unc · t....-0.-..,. / allent1on o( the votlrw Ule 1m y Inadequate. or both. ' U is.sue for "flood control work" within the county. We at Recorda ot previou.a fiood.t tn 0rana• County pt11MDt a lt«Y :_~a the time repeated in priht a ~uest to ha•• a copy of ot appalllnr lom ot W• and tremendoua damalt to p~7; end 1:-?b the engrneenng 11tudy made available to U8. they lndlc•lt thal lb• macrutude of th ... lo.uea and d&m.a&'ea hu 1:-1 continually lncrt.ued u the County bu CTOWD and developed.. &-t We never yet ha.ve been able to obtain the full The phenom-.i ~ et 4~eloFcnt In C>nuac• county 1.n F report, however, re~uced here ia a report that the recent yean ha.I airavaled th• nood menace td m~ny oornmualttu r -t Bo ~ots _. of .n-.. -r.~-·t h t· .n,, made to lhe e:n.t that .... ~ v.-, modtR.t• atorm Wblch oeeurftd F·2 a apen_,,.. .,, • .,,.. .. '-AIWI' Y u m-v ln the aeuon 1tCU·lH2 caUMd d.&mqtn1 noodl ln l&rS• porUona J'.a avai le to the public. It la a very evilce:rated, con-ae the Cowltf. Thia .-ace will becom. more and more acute u 1'·5 ~en•ed. incomplete Ab9Ublte whicb •• herewith print tnelmlr)' mov• ta Ud farm Jandl G\ Goa'fst.td to bomealWI end F-t · without alteration and wlth the map from UM report. . lndultrtal a,.., ' ~~ 1 'l1le Mri .. of nlallvelf v-ry '1'7 ,.an tba' a. .. ,...,u, been ,... ~ note plant ot the county lbow cha.nnela ~ dllpallinceO 1~ ~rn Cal'*>ma. hM cre&Md a r .. un1 of t.i. r -10 the 1fPel" reachea of tha 1dll8, oortbeut and ea.at GI. 1M1\U1t7 tn tbt ,..identA et the Oouat1 and ..acJs at tit• recent r -11 Santa .bl., Tuatin uad ln'tm dumplnc into the Uppk :-=o::fm•nt U. btell ln DOH.,... moet Wlnerabl• ~=~ Bay. Thia will re-create lie hazarda to \181 of t.M bay • ,.~, that aiated wben the SUia An& RiVe.r at one U. n. flood -..cit ta•~ ~t &Dllll Lt m=U&J Uiat J-t a dillprebmat'ft Pd Ofdlrt1 Pl'OCIUll ar co~ Of GDod con-L-l nvept along the Cout RJchway and into the bay. trot tadlltl• be IUrtld u eoon u ,_ll>I• In order to ~t tht x,1 It •· our coo•-tlon .. -.. belief that cb.annela for ll•• and tnvut.ment.a of Orui• ~ r~t. and t4 provide r..-a -K.u -for orderl7 tutaln ~nl~ w1bt.ia Ule Couel7· 0-l dnJnace of theee u.a 'COal4 better be cr.ted nmll.bl& . ,,,_ plaD edopt.td _,. \M Board of &upen18ora and preH11led 0-1 llCro91 the lowlandl IDlaDd of a.ta Me.a UMi into the to t.bt vot.n far approval otftr1 1ucb a compMhenatve &lld orderly CJ.Sa Santa Ana River. CtttaJnJy It would· bf. better to ~ute conatrucUcm pf'OIJ"IJIL It embracu th• .un 11ood Cont.rot DLatr1ct H·l the Delhi Drainage Ditch In • d11"ect rout. to the river and -..abH•bel. f71t.eP\ of dralnaC• channela. bulna and re11rvolr1 H-2 Into aae or more ot whkb au arua ln the County wUI bt able lo H-a \ntUad of me&ndainl it into Upper Newport BaJ. dtapoee ot eurplua 1torm waler. Wherenr poulble and economtcally H·4 t .. tblt. etonn water will bt routed to apreadJng rrounda OT bu lna H-6 Not. al.lo U..t the plaDa of the county ill thia NZ· for cciit111CrnUoa. Surplua 1torm water which e&nnot be economic· Hot 000,000 bond .... ~ er-.U.. a channel ..arty a1l7 baadJed l1l lhla manne.r will of necealty be routed to dlapoeal ~~T of th• prwnt Sant& A.De R!va' c1'•nnel and parallel With lD ~ ooeen. ' J.S It. C"frta1DJY 1f thSe la to bt don' the hW flood channel TM propoeed plan conlemplatee the location of lh•• cha.M .... J·l tiutn. &nd reeervotra 1av&U7 In tbe poelUona l.ndicattd Oil Ptak 1 J·2 could empty lnio the channel to be created nen if a attechtd benlo. n pro~ t.h~ ons.t~ acquJalUOn ot rtpi.«-we,J J.a 1 ret.ainina buin W«l'9 neceMltated IOmewbtre tn1aD4 of for all of aid cb&nnel1. bulN and r...,-votra at the tarllHl P<*fblt J-4 the Cout JlllbW&J In ~ Jo.olaD4a. time aad Ute accompU1brnent of lht propoeed conab'ucUon wvtk ln K·l l\ICla _... ot Jl"Cltdf'llce u 1-J ~ rwqulr.o i. &tford UI• .,..k•t i,a We o.nnot lD cOod ooll.ICieh~ recommend tbiJI bond reJW to th• ,,_tut numt>tr ot s>e0P1• tn th• 1u.1t Pot•lbl• tim• v• tNue. 'To .. tt lfflDI tbs. would be inviUns diauter 001'.MUtent wtt.b root enc\Devhic p~Uce. ::! and ~ people of the Newport Barbor area would pay 'nle r1pC..-of-w.,-wtdlM propoaed for all unit.a are bued on x.a UM uJUmat. requlnthtnu for t'UU cepacltJ, permanent \.1PI> con· on tb• boDda ln the proportion that their $80,000,000 lltruetlon. but conatnictlon of all unlll on w 1 bull al the prtllll\t M-4 aae..ed valuaUon bean to the total county valuation Um• 1.1 not ec:onomJcany Juatlflabte. It 11 renerally propoMCS &hat M-11 of seM,000,000. We would saiD oo· control of flood dam•. brtq .. and und•'Tround condult.11. wta .. requJred. be built llNt Oa!'dfD O~Wblterab\Ur Channel Ocan V&ew Channel • HunUn,ion Beach Olanntl Talbert Cbulntl OrtenvUJe-Bannlnr Cb&nnel FaJrvl.W Channel 8&.nta Ana River C&rboo Canyon Creek Dlven1lon ChanRtl ~ ClaJ\)'oo Dua. Atwood Channel - RJchfteld Ch&J1nel Jefferwon-Walnut Channel Olive-Oran&• Cb&nntl, Palmyra Dtveralon Ollve-On:nse Channel, CoWn. Dtvtnlou 8&nUago CrMk Channel Villa Par1c Dam Retard!nr Buw Aru Banta Ana·Delhl Channel Sant.a Ana Oerdml Cbeno.1 Paulutno Chann•I Ban Dt•o Ctetk Channel Ptltre Canyon Channel ~ Modcna·ll'vtn• Channel Lane Road Channel Bun.nca Jtoad Ch&nnel knta ~lent.a Fe Ch&Mel Bouthw•t Tu.lb\ Channel North TuatiD Channel Red Hill Channel Irnn .. f-.tera Channel l.q1JD& Can.Jon Channel 8an Juan Crtek Chaiu,.l Trabuco Cr.k Channel Oeo Creek C21annel Eut N.-port HetpC.. Chan.Del Eul CG9ta :w ... Channel Eut Cotta Keaa-17th Street ChanneJ Del Mar Dam Buck Gulley Beach Outlet Lot Tranc:o11 Beach OuUet Moro)C&nyca Beach 0\4Uel Loa 7ranc09 Canyon Dam Muddy CaftJQn D&m Moro canyon D&m Laruna Canyon Buch 0\4Uet Bluebird Canyon Channel AJl.o Canyon Beach OuU.t AJIM ~ Lower R~ Bu1n AJIM C&nJ0a Dem A lleo Canyon Channel a.it Creek Beacb OuUet Tralluco C.,on Dam kn Juan C&n70D Dam Prima Dabecba Canada Beach OUUtt S.Cunda Delbteha C&nada Outanel Marqult.a ~ 0\4.Utt Lo9 Loboll s.ach Outlet Secunda Dahecha C&n&da Dam • ttd a numt.. of tOCk dama ln tlu could cooperai. t4 ""1Jd the J .2!4.000 u.. w of tM .. hln CrMk. Ortera Hlrbway, It w&ld not 1111.~ Wllb CllllJ' lale ,..... • .._ Juan IHm to bt out of th• r-1rn 1.,214.000 ei-Jr ta dowinl' nlcaly and ot po11lbUIUt1 that la~ 2'7',tOO \here are two ~ wtth dear l"OUP• In ht two counU• could 1,TU,IOO watua a~t '° the Lowu put over auch 1cn \mdertakt.nr. tl,000 S&tl Ju&n Camp(T'OWlda. T 11 • U you hav• nev•r b.-onr the t,&6T,OOO cnell baa Mei Aocked wtUI OrUp you ere mJ.Mbl& °"' ol ll0,000 ~and u.. fla!tennc are hav· th• ~nlc trip• ln louthem CU Int._ Mil. 9o • ~•u•_gr camp llomla and It i. at Ill Mil dW"- Ht,000 et ta. l.owW ~ DOt only tnr the nnt fffW wee kl. 3H.OOO ottua -oppartunJty for Ute ~ you reach the narrow can· Ht,MO IUde to .a.cs. ta UM pool a.dJa· yon ln tlie upper ~of th• JU.000 cet te t.be camp, but dad and San Juan which nma Uma for lM.000 Mc ~r can ta.kt lhetr ch&nc· mUea, try to ptctun ID your tS0.000 • tor 80me n.hln& iaw.r doW1l mind'• q• what & .-pt Ul1I Ull,000 • U.. creek. On & quJet mid· would be wttll a tbtae,ef fNlb- 2.•00.000 w.,a a, we .no aw a lively water 1alcaa ~ .,.Ur. UT .100 bat ~ w.a ~ around oontrolUJla 1I004a Ud ofrirti,s Ml,000 • U.. tiotiom ot uw pool near recnaUon In Ult b-.ltaftd out· UT,000 ~ d&m. door• for lbt mlllleM fll -.at.Ii· Al,000 JW OTW 10 1..,.. I ban been land re•ldata. run M4 ftllllna 441,000 dlh1n• O'NI' the Ortep Higtl• could bt •Jo19d OD tM lu Ta:J.000 W&7 \llllD 1 know ..,.,. curve Juan L&ltM of l'Uftl'ltde and 0• 111.TIO ... llump .. the roe6 And u anp counU•. •• IOO aol,IOO ,;:_.: JOUOO •.JOO IM.JIO 111,000 m .ooo 234,310 u;poo 2!J,OOO 5.000 20.000 ~.000 u .ooo 10.0IO IO,GIO --J0,000 •0.000 eo,ooo I0,000 ao.ooo eo.ooo I0,000 J0,000 100,oot 100,000 ao,ooo 160.00CJ ia.ooo 11,000 ' SYLV Alf POOL -'11d8 wat. of au J-o.k. aJona Ortep mp-.y bu been Im~ tllr.P effort. ol Oranp O>unt7 llult WaltcmL ao.ooo --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~----~-- to uJUmat.. cap&dty and ot pcrm-.ntftl type ~ In &na.a watel'll, lllMftl1 by turning into I recetvi.DJ buln for dead wblch h&n already rMcJled Ulelr tun deatrn ckY91opment, It I.I Orand Total IU.GO,OOO creatures. dtc!&)'inl 'ftlelatlort. and and and OU a.nd ~tt&Uy propoeed lo C:OMtruet tbe open chaJlnela on tbs. u ma The l'tn..-al location of each of \.he Wl.llA lilted above la lbOW11 filth from the inland areas brought into the bay. t>Ui. ,.or all other channtl work It la propolled lh&t eonilructlon on Platt l and may bt readily ldenUfted b7 t.ht project n.umbtr. coat. bt kept to a.n abeolut• mtnnnuro by proYidl.nJ .. rt.b ch&nnea 9Uilh u A.-1. a.a, et.c. n... raera1 fl'Oje(!t locaUona ......_ ..._ '11l• "report'' foDon: ot a at. &.lid cepaclly conatstat With th• dnelopmet of UM.,... adopted b7 the Board or Super'1.lol"I aOd .,,. the loe&Uon. .,,.. thty If"• and ~qulpJ)fli with prot.edn• ~ ta YUlMrebl• •pot.I which Ult CC»\ •Umatea ar• precllcattd. The Oralla'• Col.&llt., J'Sood By RuoluUon dated November t , 1164, tht Honorable Board to mlnlmlu dAma1• from trot1lon. Control .A.ct proridu that mocH.flcatlone to UI ... PIMnl JocaUona of Supervleore of Orw.qe Ooun~ 1'lood Cantrel Dlatrlat, Cal.ltGnaia The CClfl to Implement th• propoeed compreMnltve -plan tor may be mack '11)' UI• Board of 8upervia0ra. b7 a fo~nftbe ftt.e. lt auUloriMd lh• prepuaUoo of a.n ltAlin..,..• Report, complete for the t"ontrol of flood wattra ln Oranr• County u outlined her•ln ha• th• n•~•t1 tar i uch modiflcaUona btc:•mea •ppvwnt ctwiQI' the bond purpotte. on • c~va. plan for dr&tnqe and a..d bffn utJmated at 142.120.000. Wb.lcb i um lnclQd• th• coat of dfftlopnl4ftt ot. ~led plana and ~ control faclllU• for t.b• ~ ~ J'lood QoQtrol Dt.tr1ct, the rt&hta-of,w~ the coet of conetruetton and an allOW'&nce for th• ICn~ I nil Cll-M&tlllr•Olit Pr 1'111Dee 18 • ... ~ boundatlu et wak.IJ U'e .w.ntkal ... Ul• ~ of oiru,. colt of_:..,_._, aunarlntendtnce. lna--"'n. Jepl. c1111ca..l and ll t. not eont.emplaled that all lteme el the conatnactloa work • ~--e199 .&.-el ...... • • ..A Co........ ---•a llltJ\lde all ol -u~ t-•ur. Ml f~"" __ , .. , · r-It""'-lnwl__,., In tbe comprt .. _"•lv• .. --....: con-• --~d .._ '-'U· _, -.. --· ·-'•r-• -;:..~.,;;--~ admlnllt.ralt\'e •rvlce .. Thia lotal ..umated co« ,.preeenu th• H" .... ~ ........ u-r·-.--.. -.... lJl Ule 0....,. 0.-~ mood Oaatt.ol ~ £A1&. u am-"• wam vt ~ht ..uatat"'1 co.ta Of tht Mv•nt.7 umc.. lnclUded IJl th• atAd l.mmedt&talJ or coocurrent.l,y, or that all U. wvuJd be ... , Q 1 I ..., .....,,.w S .., _, ..._ "'1' .. 1'71• repOft. t11•-authort.nd wu p-"td a.nil aubmlUed to uie total projeet "111ch 1.re Jiited below: lloM at °"1 Oma. The ordtr In WliTQ~ projectJI would bt acci)mpliahed NlllWICaT .,..,....,........ OOMP.all"f -··r-would bt .,,vemed by the time reqlllnd to prepare con1lructlon 1111 a.a-...... •&WI~ ••~ ClA.1.9'.,.... ....._ 1111 Board ot 8uptmeora In March, lN6 •nd ottlclallY adopted by l&.ld &sTIMATED 008T8 OF P&OPOSF.D PRO.JECTS p&an1 &n4 eptClflcaUona and by the urpnq of UM need for pc-otec· -----=• 1 == Board on l'e~ I. 19". A.a Otup Coun1t _,ood Con~ D&. •IPOOTU"a'l'll:I> Uoa. 8cD4.t W0'-'11 be eold on()-u n.d9.,. required. ... ... e.W 1 6 • ~ .. -=......-:::: • .. M trtct orcU.naoor dalM Mu-cA T, 1811. t• J\&ne I , tt&e u t.M -·'00.r .,.,...., ... , t .. ..._. .-. .. ,..._ k.&ill date "'*' whleb M clileUOft will be ..... ,_ the ,ur,.,... ot .. Uns JIR01Wr J'(A)m Aaluminf that th• ea.I• of th• bondl and tM accompll.Mlllfat • tr 'lllf . .: a p st 2 0 I 2 • on a t.ood propou.1 ~ th• UIOW\t ol f'l,U0,000 to ftnanoe Ule A·t Ooyot. Creek Cbanner • 1.JOl.000 ot the propoMd conatructlon ta lpAJl4 ~ .a ell1st to CAie Jf1U " • • ±2 '• • , , • • c:onetMlllltlon propoeed In lh1e re}lOlt. 44 apa c""°" Cb&nMl ut,IOO pariOd at a. eetb:naled by the County •udltlr Oiat tU ,..,..... .-•~us • ; A•• ·• • TM d.ttafled f1irport 111lnnltted la too vohunlnoua to pcrmtt ,,.,., 1\lllu1.oa er.-CllaDel t ..... ooo S'U.G0.000 OOoc1 eo11tn>l prornm would ,..... • ma.xtrmm Lu • ...... ~ .._ ....._. of K...-at• d.lftrlbuUon for lb• w.e Mil lntormaUcm of th• \'Ot~ ~ = ==-IMI , = l"7 .. .._,lnS to.JI per $100 00 of "' • ftlueUaa. In ap t¥ -* flt U-. pc. F 1 .utnmtted for UMfr ap-:_, Cuban CanyOf\ Cr'Mll O\anncl 1,115,2&0 n WW ta11a MAQ ,..an and as&ny mlJllw ct Oollal'I t.e prowte pn>val. ot tM.,.. i..turea of the rtpOrt ,... ____ 1 .... ..,.. ,___ft...-............. -...._. .__, ........ 0 ad • .._ ....... 1• P &be ..-.. t It ,,_ ~ a more com,t.i. B·I Moo47 0.-k .....--~ --• -·~ -.... -.-ton..-·-es equate to n .......... ~ --BI W-. ~elm ~ 0..ain-P..,...ltl 6'1,000 Ulreat el ......_ wNch a:ccompanl9 .ad ot Utt periMICl .... -----"-------------------and c.MNtd Mer Of ~ Involved 1n the C.1 Lot AJ&mltoe Ch&Nlti TTl.750 ol h1Jh ralnlaU lnlaulty to wbtcb thie ..,....,. le tubjeet. Tbt _,.. at1W1Ul"llQlr MlfDt • nooct ~_.UM m.w pTOpOlllld for raolvtns them. c4 a.laa OUca Cba.zmtl tto.000 lt.NcUca el u.. tacUtt&ee pl'l'JPCIMd bereia s. C0111tdcred i. "9 u. llf_,.. ...._ ~,..., ~--- ,,.. t.r' .. ~ CIWf.nl In Onuaae eodtJ' e.a A.NMbft • .....,. CJlt;J O\&nntl i • ..-,toa M.lnlmtm1 ......... ~t to pro(.ld .i.tiq _....,.-.. 11 a....~ ..... ,.. IW'f ..-....,....,, •• .._ - hu 1-S bem r~qff and muv tUOt'la ha" bffn made to JI">' C_. \\ eetmlnat• CUantl dO,IOO Uld le ,.,,.ncte a p.tt .. hlr more ordttl7 c!t vtlopm«nt In Ult Mura. o.tllllM ., 0.,..... c..aJ 11M ,., ~ ( I ' • ' ~- leu · -·~ Ok1y . l0c1tion of Sc•ool . Dislrict . Offices 'Appnmil. WU (i"• '1 PMi tile IN'Operty wilh an;,. Ind Coat.a ..-.... Pt&Qll.inc" ~ rutt.... 11nd put pavtnr. curb• Ilion MOhday nlrht fa." tha ,.,. and ,utteni alonr Pl~a A\•e. tabliallment ot llMdquarUra tor aide or the property. · Ula Co.ta Xna Union School In addition to admtni.1.r11 1ve Di.ltkt tn a aoaa ot tnftuence be&dqu&rtera, lb• lkcre tract In tht county on the waet a&da would lnclude a W. prare. ot Placenua A .. a. about •60 r .. t1------------- 90ulb ot 11th St. ~ ~.= ':"".::= u:: khool to . Buy dedicate and pav• half ot a ISO-c 31 T bl IL modway on ll>< oo•lh •id• ol ar, a es Mlll~f Order Topic "Comntunllm" Newport Harbor Uftlon Hlrh 9choo1 board memberl aathorl.a· ed purchaM ol a new Pontiac ear tor admtn.t.u.Uve UM at Da~ Mtlalt from r..tonla Ur.e mlMtJDI" May 1,, STUDENT AMERICANISM ESSAY WINNERS wW en.cu.a "How )[)' Country A190 pll!'Chued JO art tablea Becune Communi..uc,. batore at ltS.50 MCh. end bked Walter memti.ra of th.I On.n11 County R. Alben u buU.dlnr tupector. Chapter or th• Mllltary Order Raellftltkln.a ot Otena e.a-tt ot U.. World Wu. at T :•5 p.m. Ind Delta Kartlna wen accept· W«iM9day 111 Newport Ha:rbor ed and member11 of th• ataft Yacht Club. tiaet.ed, tnclodinr UMi rollowlnr Pini and cub 1.warda were preeented at the May 28 toclal meeting of Unit ~l American Legioq to winners of the Amertcanlml Esaay Contest. apon· IOttd by the American Le(ion and open to all fifth and efl'bth grade studentl of Newport Beach achoot.. Fifth rrade lllldent.I wrote on "Care and Uae of Our Country'• Flag" and .eighth grad.en on 1Tbe Liberty Bell" WinneJ"8, left to right around New School Plant PrOC)l'Clm Received A 1thedula which will make ll poulble tor Newport Harbor Union Rich 8cbool to u... tht new plant In lh• northweat MC· lion of Co.ta M .... In 8tptem· ber, 19:17 wu pNMnt.84 'to the achool bo&rd May 1' by arcbl· t..cUI duJi&ni" Ula n"" pla.nl Georr• Und. Aid llt. nrm s. havtnr troubl• r•tUnr appron.1 ot th• reneral plan from the 1tate. but tl'l•t ha bell••ed It probably th&( an -..reemenl would be rea.ched at a meetln1 thia we•k. Att• aucb. an •rree.- mtnt he 11ld It would be poul· bit for hl1 · rlr:n to pre&ent a 1ptciHeatlon and ••tlm&la Idled· ule to the board tor a pProYll w llhln JO day.. followlnr Which the archlt.ecll would proceed with delJt.ll plan•. Board mem· bera lnllmated they would hold lhemHlvu in readineu to mMt to con•det lbe eaUmatn and 1ehedUla at any tlm• 1n ord1T to lpeed opel'.'-Uon1. Two Manllfactwlng Plaii11 Approvecl , . Two naw Hibl manutacturlnr pluiUI ware announced ll&J' 1 T when ~ 'l'tllnllnt: Mfr. Co .. and lAe llblpley ukld for UM per- mlta tor •11 attd •20 Jlat BL 8bip1ay male .. lntllftt.a' and Cbil· dreu' ,....,. and Tbtnllna bouae- bold ...... TIM oaly qu .. uon over th• UM permit nV'Olved around parkl.zlc' and lt wu .,retd lbat th• por· Uon..,r the ioUI bet.ween the build· lnp ¥td Ute 1treet lhcMd bt ~ for otf-t1lrfft park· ...... , " \ • appropriately decorated cake, are Carolyn Reed, 2nd place, fifth grade, Corona ~el Mar; Chriatina Huuey,. 2nd place, eighth grade, Horace Enalgn; Patty Porth, ~ fifth grade, Harbor Vlew; Holly Ingram, itt. eighth grade, Horace EnAlgn, and Charlotte Marx, 3rd pla~. eighth grade, Horace Ensign. Award.I were pre.ented by Mn. Kenneth Johnaon. -Photo by Colleen McCloekey lft.tted ru-t wUI be Genenl ...,.. tM.CMn who wer• (1ven '.V ,Jla:rd 1n1ne. I•th J\erioNt.I tenun: Com mander ot UMi KWlar)t Or-Antolllette A.dam•, Cutler Dtp- dtT'. Tba meet1n1 will ba Ladt• paU. Mutb& Hawttlna, Wiiiiam N!pt Md will be Ute tlMI .. XCl..&Ulhlln. Wllllam Middleton. lion unw l!leptamW, Cbu1u Ran4all and Cbaster ·GREATER EA•lllC.S REMEMBER ... SAVINGS -.ivecl by the 10th of Iha month .•• EARN FROM the 1st. NEWPORT HARBOR N~ESS PART 11 ·i'AGE l FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1'156 E---Sc-out-Rank---51ated for 2 at Court of Honor Harbor Dla:t.r1Ct Boy ScouUI &Ad 1::1.pk..ren will ~ve Ad- ~nt ReoocalUou at the Court of l:lQno~ be held at the 1;....,..u A.. R!. School audl- tortum, Ql&la. x .... on Monday at 1:30 p. m. acco1'1iln1 to H e•b \Ya.rd, Harbor dl.lu ict ad\'&nec· tll«il chalrma.n. He Uum Aid, 'Two Explarera "''Ill r e c e I v e Scot.tUnr'a hlcbe.t aw~. that of Ei11le Seoul Rank." Thue two ~plorera, Allen Borla. 174 Co. l.t. Meu. Stq Co.ta Meu.. anoJ 011.ryle S.Uey of 1112 Redl11n<Ui :Av"·· Ne'A'port Beach are mtm· bera of Eii:pkn·er Poeta 13 a nd 182 reapecUvely. In addition to lheee two Earle Scout Awarda other Scouta and ExpJorf!l·a will receive the Llft an.J Star Ra.nk.a. Seoul.II cumplfl· 111g f.'tn1t Claae and 8'-cond Cla&l'I rMn k "''Ill be 11o1.milarly rttO(Tli&· td for lheir achlev .. nenU. Ji~I" li:ll.plorera •n4, their lt&04U', Lew Cfl<'k ot N.wport BM.ch will re- C•lve Uu1 :w> M.llu A ward fO'r out11tand1nr hiktnc and cunpln1 IOillty. Ward announced the court of honor will conai•t ot the follow· Ing otf1clala of tht Htrbor Dfe- tnct : Kar1 L. Dt.'11 ot Newport Beach, Harbor dl.11trict chair- man : Tum Doan, Col't& Mua. organization &nd extenalon chair· man: Bud WU.On. Co.ta Mea. the 1pecl.&J n enUI t'hah'm.&.n : Country Waahburnt, Ne wport Beach, tln&nc. eh1lnn111: Cap- taln Harry U ce, Newport Po- llet, l•derahlri tra.lrunr chair• man: William Ltwta. HunUnrton Relt'h, C.mp!J" O.lm11n:· Ar· lhur ReMle)'. ~t!'W'pOrt Betir"I, di.ftrk't com.mt.ah~w. and oU\.t r bc.oy :icc:M..lt Luck-... of the Or· 11.n1• ltr11ptre Counctl. \\'11\J a.lao aa.ld, "Pa1·ent.1 11.n..: famUle1 or thew Scoua and i.JOI . plor1!ra are in111ted to attftMI I.h r Court of Honor 11 th• Re• Behooi Auditorium." DoclCf Convicted of 'Theft Here ' 8A1''TA A~A !OCNS > Ot/1· beratln& approxlntately one houi Tvellday a ttemoon a Supeno• Court df'pt. l jury convlctNl Leon Nel110n Dodd, of Bell Gardena, or re<'elvinr atolen 11ro~rl y fn the •ame \'rr<llCI the JUr.1 f<'und Do<l<l 1nnoc-tnt on 1 1:r•n1! tliefl <'h•rJte. DoU.J r,.q11e1l«1 1 proba\\oa hearlnc Judge Franklln G. \\'tat •lat~ he,rin&" and pronouncen11:nt 01 Judpent fOt" June 1&. Dodd WU ICC\1.Md of p&rtlci· paltnr ln the then of lumber from ttle Peck Con•l"'1ctlon Co .. Coata Me11. Dodd 11 In cu•tod)' awalUnr aenterlclo1. Tatum Cuts Hand When he ftll down in an outboa.r12 motorboat r-nuy, Pe- ~r Tatum, 21, ·of 1!79 8ha.n.non Le.ne, ea.ta i.1 ..... autftred a cut ll!ft hand, pollc. repo~. 'nit victim ~·u t.&k•n to Lido hi• for trauport.a.Uon to a prlvatt physician'• orhoe. ' - PER ANNUM CUllENf EARNINGS ' • \ • I '""~.PART I I-NEWPORT HARJOA NEWUUSS' F~DAY. JUNE I. 1916 ----.. .......... --.. ..... ...__ E • L 1 A • 1 u.a:.;. -~~~" 1-.11. omenu 1 ... ~o. OAAJl8 -~-.. · . . or ,..,. 11Ut _, ., x.v. · Remo~ele~· for Office l1ite ~iJ<~°': ~ao:u': 1't\e former B&nJc of Amttka tt 1'a.a be«n oecvpled nr'f llttM ID ud ,_ U.. .,.. co.ntJ ..ct b\llJdj .-,. Stal.I, .......... ~ 4'al7-.. DC at .. ..,,, Newport 1'\Vd. llDCI t.hM. m...aoa.d ... 8WOl'ft, _ .. tho !!::!!!!!!!!! "!!!!! . inteMnce rofe111onal Hou1ecle1nlng . GRADUATES · JVmOk QOU..l:Xla • RJOB ICllOO LI UA<kteolns • MW leaM on lite ---- Vacant for tlM put th.rff yan, •P~ 'l'ROJIAI M. MUN-'--------~----------..-.-.--~ tllie buUcStnc h.u bftn ~pa.wly LEGAL NOTICI ftAM lmowa to • to be UM .~...:.....~-~------------~~ Jloor wutni aod butttn1 Window Cl•ntns Upholatery Cleaning Patio. Colot wued Luatroua Re.ult.I u ·a to ow .. • tt ... SE.WING MACf;llNES ca.n htre n:t• no ww mne a Rent A M•~hln• , l*Wtl W--. aam. t. wbecrlW • .;..;;;;;;;;;~.;;;;;;;;;..,.;..,.;. ___ .-, __ ._ ___ ~~--- renovatees Ud 1ubdivtded Into to UM wtthtn t.nat.nonaat, ad ' cereer wtUl CNl' ll1namtc buat· llffa. We tM1'1fore ottu: $3.50 PER MO. an&1l otncn. ~OTrOE or INTl!NTION acbowle4pit to .. Llaat a.. Now l&nown u lhe Trtdenl 'fO SELL eueuc.d UM Miile. Bulldtn~. lhe 1lr'ucture ln It.a p.... NOTICl!l 18 HERJCBY OrvmN IN WJTMW WJ:mRa>P. I REASONABLE . Staady Jobe MORSE On·tbe·Job tratnlnc Hnt lltate 11 another 1t.ap ln the pureuant to the provilloiu ot lee-ban llitre\loto Ml an1 ~ ~ Improvement of the or1g1nal tlon1 3440 and 34t0.l ot tb1Cl.U atftxed my oftteial ...au..-., ---------~-----~-_.'!"""...,~----Newport area. Code ot the Stat.a of Calltonda, and year tn tllJa o.tsa.eeLt tint " Phone Liberty 8-1332 tt11 Real adftncement Sew ini Center poatbU~l11. 11-44'.)', fO hr. week. 12ro o. Main The ln~rlor partlllau a~ 0.-that .MAURICE r . JOYCll Ven-above wrttten.. 0..1111 .. ,,_ Aaa nl8 a. &M Wiii stq lf .......... llpN to provide a n.w type of dor. of 2318 Newport Bouleva.rd, /•I llOllllRT r. wxu Ml!I 4 LlilM9 1 lalleJt:lea SJ.to aWL .... .15 -. WASH ING & IRONING Interview now tor Immediate Santa Ana opton:lftp tar 1tudenll 1DterMt· Kl 'T-&(SI U 9ervt~ t.allo~d tor the indlvidual Coeta Meaa, Callfornla. lnt.lnCS. ~ Oomm'-loa mxpiNa who nMda an ottlce but doe• aot lO It'll to ROSS C. HART Vend... N~"'9J" 11, 1J6t ' U.. S laleriloM UIO wllh to lncur ~ manactment of 2084 Monrovia Street, OClllt.a No. HIJ N..,..Prt. ! 00 'adl1. ... .u .. .. cM. llMI .u .. IMld'L n.. .S6 .. By plec• or by hour, Wet waah or'\ rourb dt)' 11' • i: 200\, Cc»ta Xua. Call Ll S-1029 It.lo ed tn June O~lt\f·· MUlt.ary ----------- ttatua aot COfllld~ed. 0 R I E N T A L rua1 t:sp.-tly lllld alary ot a recepUonlit Mua. Camornla, all that certatn 1111. u, 111. a. 11161 ' U.. .. la.ertlou • The arranrt'mt'nt proridu ot-personal proJ>t'rtY con.elattnr ren-' Lmtle ' l...uou SM Apply II 30 am. tbJ'U 6 p.m. repatrt!<.I Ch&l"IH v.ry r.uon· 1030 J!:. lit ltrfft able. ~:lmatea Crff. New n ce1, ~ceptlon room and ul ... t't11lly ot all 1tock In trade, fix. NOl'lQS OP JNT&Nt)&.D IA.LS phone answerlnc aervlce when the turea. equlpmtnt and good Will NOTJCll ta BDDT OIVSN· .._..... Waat.il A* wU1 ..-,.11" ••-L <lMlt .. ...._~ tena.nt ts away from h1I offl~ ot a certain Televls1on St"lc. That RotSERT a. BR.ANDON 111N1111t111 AD .. • LDf1l:I GARDENING SANTA ANA CO'l'.lllpment ot Persian 1e&ttu rup at traction or onftnal SOUTHERN nluea -IU -UI A up. UUhU~• are Included 1n the renL bu1inea1 known u JOYCE T. V. and X. D. NOW'm.L. Veodore, Siu o! accomodallone ranie trom SERVICE located at 2318 New-wboM 1..,..._ aN IOa-alt!I deak ·~ce to a aulte of otflcee. port BouJevard, In the City of SU..t a.n4 Udo Pam il"MpeCU-NEWPORT llABBOB NEWS-PRESS Ivery Moa*-Y, W•dnesMy wl Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Ba.ullnf -an<1 odd JobL REASON ABt.m Liberty 8-1808 lOc.U Gardening IAW'ftl -Mowlnf -ftenonUon PUSHMAN'S 2115 E. Ooaat COUNTIES Hl1hway CD )f, Har. Ult. GAS 1tc21 Co HA.MILTON prattOit table. M • by H wtui plan drawer Ux!a, Unllke the uaual dHk or office COJ1la Meaa, Calltomla, and that vely), In th. Ctl7 ot Newport 1pace arranrercenl, however, the the purchue prlc~ thereof will 8-dl, OcNnt7 of ~ lt&te bualneu man doe1 not loM bi.I IA· be paid at io·oo 0 clock a.m. °" ot CaJILonata, lat.nda to MU to dJvlduallly u ~ would IC . he tht' 12th day of JutlP. lt&e, at EDOAI\ R. HILi.. V.CS.., wboee r1mt.e space from .tOme other bu.ti· Altadena E •crow Corporalloft Mid,,_ Ill 111 •la Udo lkNd. la '*''· 8~01nptuc "rv1ce la !~crow No 10221 112·A l:ul U.1 Cil)' ot N.wport ._ch.Cowl· ------------------------ avall&ble 1n the buUdinc. tl!th Str,et. In the City ot Coet.a ty ot Oranp , State ot OalltonUa. Dll.ADLl:KU t Ot plac~ or oa.noellln1 w a.re! l'Ot' K on4a1 l'ubUcatlon -Friday II p.m. ror Wednee4&7 Publlc&Uon-TU•day 1 p.m.. ror J'rtd.a7 PubUcatlon -Thur9day 1 p.m. NBWPOST BA&BOR PUBU811Dr0 CO. Ll 8·37~1 CLERK·TYPIBT It recepUoniat. UcJ( Apply Cadillac Gara Co.. M4 -----------Termln&l Way, Coit& Meaa. lk adJuetabJe board 1711. Alao eome ..cllc .. 11 book ~ ,1... tront. I:) pe.r eecuon. 20111 Bayirt($e Drive. Bar. '1•11. Ownen arc Ro1er W. Hard· Meaa .. c ounty of Oranre. State tbe followlnl' dl9Cribed pcr80ll&I acre l't'lt'r li. H•ll and Louil E of C"alltomia. proput)' to-wtl: ' · Dated May 31 . 1968 ' -Ubbey, all o! Newport Buch. MAURICI! F. JOYCl!l, Vlftdor All etock ln lrtd .. eqlllpme.nt The b1.1lldJng WU ort(1oaUy ROSS c HART VendM &I.Id ~ wtJI of a oertatn bual- opcned ln Oct .. 1981 as the Nf'W· No. l~M Newi-PT."89 ft/l /M n,19, llaown u 8 0 8 AND port branch of Bank ot America. MIKl:I ' BOAT Y AJU>, a.nd lo-H U ~ BlYCL, Newport a.ell, Oalllol'nl&. COLORED ri1an will do janitor work nli:ht~ from 1 p. m. to l a '' ('all ~·30 to 10:30 p. m. Kl 3·1481 l8pl8 17clll WOMAN lhOft order cook and waltff.. mxptr1enc•d prt-fer-'4 7 :t.l!:RCL'R Y, guod runntnr red Har. 128. lie cundillun. 11111.l uru, 3 yr. bltll'r)' Aleo tab!!' top 40 &al. llAJR stylltt wanted. Hlfht'8l wet.tr l\c'ater-o yr. ,uarentee. commlulon paid. All your 2370 Ortin1e Ave .. Uo1ta Meaa. The bank moved out In May Cll:RTIJl'JOATE OF BU!llNllSS ta.led at eot--Jln 8U..l la Ult 1902 and the building wu 101(1'. Flctltloua flrm .Same Olly of Newport a...cb, COWll7 ----------------------- THE UNDICl\SlONED do her. of Oran&•. Sta.IA of CaJ.ltomia AD CllMalflet .&4a lllllbl M paid tor Cult la adnaee of publlcatton. GAR DENING end CLEAN -UP JOBS WANTED LIB ERTY 8-b 139 worklnr •qulpmel\1 turrulthe<l. l 7plll MARIO 8 SMART SET. 3407 -----------E Coast Hwy., C.D M. Har SHUl'S.MlTH 3 bla<,_1, tumlnr 01 04, litfc dun l•. et• $JJU 2!.lOO E.Oce11..n Sam Cooper Serves on Norton Sound by rertlty that lht'y ere oon• and t.hal a -.le. tni.n.t... a.n4 ducllnc a twlmmlng pool blllld· aMlpment ot Ul• ._ ww M Th• pub!Uh .. wW not be ruponalbl• tor more t.h&n one Incorrect ins bualneu at 47' • 18th Place, m a d e, a.nd Ul• corund_..UOft &uerUon ol t.D ad, ..-.ne the rtrht to conectly cw.tty any and 52llc Coeta Men. Callfomla. under t.111 t.ber.tw. WW M paid a t 10:00 all ada and to n jeot any a4 not oontormlnr to rule.a t.nd ,...ul&UOna. ----------- ACC'EPTING APPUCATIONS NOW for Rt'c epllonl1l-C.alller. typ1nr l'X~rience neceaMry \.\'Ill train for c•>rdleu tclephon. aw1l< hbvii.al. Mui.t bt' ~ oun,_, allt&<.Uve, and per!!Onable Tu Blvd Balboa HIH 80 18o PACIFlC FLEJD'T U'HTNC)- Servtng aboard the Puttlc Fleet i-ulded mlaa1le 1bip USS Norton Sound 111 Sam D C"oo~r. IM!'8· man, USN, 80n ot Mr end ~n Herold E C•,<>f14'r or 32311 Broad St .. ~ewport Hi-acah tlctlllou.e tinn name of TRA.Dll· o'olook a.m .. on Ute HUI day ot -----------------------WIND POOL8 and that a td June, ttM, at Ule ..cp deput· ~Dta.~c.:Eu day care tor convale~r,.nt lnv.\lic! or dl1t>et.IC Good u ouk A\Hlldblt' Mon thru Fi 1 "' n ll an,,pur,11t1on Bar. li..?7-J. li\ 111 :)!Ol'X lnd 1n IX'aded puree1, Li a dt'. •. In lta. 111 o' 1. a a I n 1, ~." .1,u bhu Kt'l11, \ •r10u1 ulJler •tern• ¥.hllluale. as• JC. 11th. C"Mt& Mt'"ll lSdO firm ts compoud ot tht' rollowlnr menl of THJC MA1UNb8 BANK 8pedal NoUcea to-wit· at 2712 w .. t Coul 'RJ.fhway, ln ----------- CORSON A: Mt::\'TEAN th• City ot Newport 8-ch, CONSTRUCTION CO. County ot On.q .. It.ate ot Oall- lZ-BuildJn! Senlcee CEMENT & BUILDING AU lt.lo4I Before t'nterlng the Hrvice ln J.iarch. 11108. he vaduated tram 01ange Cout Collt(I'. Cotta MeJia and wu empl07ed by the Vincent'• Udo OnJA Newport Bt'ach. 434 Coat.a X.. Stnet tom!&. Coeta W-. Calltornia n.ted May II. 1• \\'I~ rtq hand l.bi9 1ltb K. I>. NOWl:LL. V•der day ot ~. lite ftOID:RT B. BRANDON. Vendor COll80H • MUNTEAN llDOAR R. HILL. VandM CONSTIU10T'ION co; l'fe. 1468 New.PAM 1/1/61 Y NIWport BarDor 8. P.O. E. 1787 .... ..., ftund.&1 • , .... Via Oporto -Central >. ... Nnrport 8eacla Dick NrtnDu , l:nlted Rultr nut& JCSTIMATES Llbtrt1 Ml08 CA RP E NT ER Repair Work ODD Job! au typea, "p&.l.rtnf 6 J)a1ntlna lk1t or rett~. LI 8-213"-l7plt TOUNO MAN, 30. 0..lrd ottsoe po!itlon. 1pealu CHnn&n, IJnl· II.sh an•I S.panl~h. L&.t pc>GUon as man.t~• r 111 Travel Ot'pt .. Amt'rll an Stl'amsh11> Co, Bre· men. C.:1•rrn1tnv. Cell Har. :11~7 at.art work July 5. Applv 1n po•r· SHOP SMITH A t0me .quJpment eon to Mr. Theo .Robm~. 3100 Sllll Purt.11J c t\\ln t·yl. com- W. Cout Hwy., Ne"' port ~h I pre11 .. or g in and pot $126. l it-19 Band :oav. • 1tAnd uo. aoo E. ---~---------WA NTED hO\l.llfl<M!per for 3 Bay, Apt 6• &Iba., aft.er G adul!A. Uve out-tel LI 8-2110 p.ni. lToU c1ay1 Har. t altt>r 6 p m. l7pl9 Al\"I'IQ!'I--: "' rooard S45. Bed 120. rnrr"" ta blt>-Jo'r. prov. c1111t11m Sl.'1 2 arm rh&lr• - down Sl:'.> Ii pl1"1 e. Aleorted ~4 \\W<l, i'ILI •It•, Ctuldl d .. k - chair$.-,, ll111. 1687. 17p1V ~ ~ ,,._ ,,._ 'I-• ·-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • . '• • • • • • .. . '. • * r \.a1Y£/ - MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary TI01 aol•-J'u.t louth of WMt· a1Mter Memonal hrL A.A ()liaqe CouatJ 1uUtllt.klla ..... ,..,,, .. °'all t.sui. ~('hb ...... , ....w. 1111 K• ...... tuned • ..., MoaUM ....... ~ cusro~MOME Ooa Tota Rome Nttd Repairlnc °' l\emodeHna 1 Call J'°t&nk. W~rty Hllll• All Work Guaranteed 74Uc Painting & Papertia.Dlfnf We do the work ourselvee.. 10 y1ar1 U perf IDOi U c:.nled It 1l1"'1'9IL lat1dlcUoa fl.l&l'&llteed. s.ttmat.N "-Cell JObftrlJe, Ll S.2887 6 LI &-6289 l lUo FURNITURE Dilt1Dctively deeigned Made. repal~d or ttf1n11bed C. EVERETT SMITH li'pl8 "FIX-IT" Mechanical and llleotrtcal Malntenance Service ALL WORK OUARANTZJ:p. Ha.rbor 086' or MIS Sllttc: PAINTING 8)' Hour amall or 1arre joba .Ok Low Fees A Good Job For You Trend1Personnel Agency Rm. 311-ltt Wt'11tern Bk Bldg lot W. (th, Banta Ana Kl 3·1081 WOMAN. Uptrltnced 111 apart· m.nt dt'&ninl" Part Ume. T op ~1· Har. 6Ut. llltfc DESKS-FILES-CHAIRS Uun1;1 Coa.nty'1 Laq;eat ~tlKl1on l.Av11ulll Executive ~·urnlture i te"l Uttlle .111'u1111ture ANAHEIM OFFICE FURNITURE CO. Neat Lady tor Newport Hotel Cl•ntn1. sat .• lun. m.omtnga. May lud to twJ time 113 S. Pal• 1 1~Ey1tone 0-8822 Harbor Ill~ t 7tf ----------Reuunabl• ratu. u~rt1 a-a1n HAND BRAIDED RUGS wtM-b LADlU ready to wear aalt~- woma.n. Part time, A(e 2:>~0 FflElll 1~1JT1\UCTWN u a. tti.. It... ?'(.-port Budl B OUSI!! WORK .. CHILD CARE lr~..U. td ORDERS TAKJilN _. __ •••• .... .. .. 1 ..... _.,. ~r-·~nc onl)'. BA.Ll..ARDS, -· --Y• or ev-1 ~ by wltlle h«AM keeper. Lil• lut Newport Blvd., Costa All ne .... mattrl&•t available l)uU.cUnl and Bemodellnf Ol:MllLU. :JD 6-lftl lip MML · l 7t-l.IJ Mary Fannin, 1193 8 . Cit Blvd. -----------Lafuna Bch. HYatt 4-7898 87ttc ~ Klud: ~1;:; Expert Remo eling 29-Rel!' Waated DlSHW.UJWl wanted -young --------- Addttom 6 new COMtnacUon ~ • IOhOOlbOy preter~d. Hl:NRY'S. 3U-8--AJ> llaoca GENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR • ..... t.enne can ..... 1 ...... 1 .... 2&80 W. Cout Hwy., 1-"ewporl ____ ... f _______ _ _ , ..... _, "'" Beacoh Personnel a.ch. 11c19 At'TOMAT1c wa•h•r-3-11155 Har. MO!·W 10010 em~yer retained RJ;UfJILE wotnan, ~UHkeept'r R•,tpolnt fully automaUc. Rt'&. 9Ut qenoy and dilld cere. hrmanent. •300 00 tor only Sl~.00 eL ODD JOiia l6 .. · 8a.la.ry open. u 1·111111. 17ctll 19:>«1 Whirlpool Deluxe only ...U. No '" ~ tl'On\ applicant SHiii oo -19~8 Jl'tlter flow l'f• JM too ..U. ltMt of ,.,.._ -----------6U4'llt ' Newport BMcb Oeneral ~lectrlc (ftePo) Bal. ...... LI 1.,.114 tcD Alooholloa ADonJIDOUI SO,....MJ.aellaaeous due 1188.42-19113 Thor auto- Painting A Decorating nn'll9U01'.I 6 .SXTSl\.IOftS IO ,..,.. _,.n.aoe U oauecl Oletf'Mtol' L. .. )I~. B&.r. ow OOYoa Ml Ku 'fr ... •-.. 0 n-111 Wanted boyw 10 to H yeara ol matlc Re•. 1~19.110 -•y 1111. ...... r. • -.,e. For New.Pre.I routee to .. uru N~rt Buch. 0&1JI. be open IOOl'I.. APPLY Mr. Pt.rk-Attn: Property Owner! -11111~ Bendix Inlwte pd. dn. l'tlon• ll&rbor ffM ..... er, 2211 W•t 8-.lboa Blvd .. -to only 1113.00. Norp Wne- -N.-pon u Are )'OU nectecunr your W'&ter Jin• wa.&?ren ' to chooae t:rom -----------M&terf 113300 $113 00 U28.00-41M . !! !•!!f Alda • ~ 'ACHINISTS No. dn. pymt on any ot thue IYI LIMITED OFFER $2.50 Bauthn'1 P\lrnlture J"actory Superfluoua Hair QaeraJ all around _.rtenoe. Clean. dra.ln and 14Suat )'OUr WarehouM. 1013 E. J't,.t It., COMPIJC"l'B PAJNTINQ Petmu•U, nmoved fl'OID ta.oe Steady work. Some overtJme wai.r beater. Santa Ana, ()pt'n D•Uy t-t ..at. A.lk f ... , B rdl Bun. 11 -5 Plloae Klmberl7 6 Paper Ransinl Sernoe a.rm.. iep. IDJ•brow. and _, or -r. u ck el Call your DAY • NIGHT '7-~17. , r IRJQllD 0. IA\JJCDDa ~L. JC~~-::·· :S~w~.~~~ AtJTJlOJUDD DJW.D JOE BECHTOLD Plumbtq o.u ~oa. llrU4 .... Jutt ba4 10C> a.... IW'Tttta. w~~•aat.­u... cam. • IA.• 'l-. are l~Uoa ~ pur· ctiued from ~I' ..... out Is G·I e,e''•t· ••• ,,,,,. 7hg -~,, What do YOU suggest •• • fitting event (or 1eri11 of events) to be at aged in Newport Be•ch 7 e Atht.tic Toum1ments7 e AquttJc Pr09r1m17 e 1Ntfn9 OiJPl.y11 e C.rnival? • O.nc.es7 Write or c.N you; Golden AnnW.s•ry c.r.br11f0ft Su99es+ion1 •t once to: Newport H1rbor Ch.mber of Commetce; Your District Councilman in +he Newpon leach City Council; • IOO U. IU.t., NtwJOrt .... U do'a 11a1ae et B..v~ B&r. •Tt 1c20 ~ ltTI di tll -EXP--. _W_AITI\E ___ IS, a1e 20 to 16 PAINTIN6 INTalOR -dTl:IUOR yean. 1Am&e1 Cott.. Sho~ 2605 w. NtWport 81Yd . New- port Beach. l~O A.LIO MA..lUNll P.t.Dn'INO EXPERlENc&D Llalllf'DD _ w --.. OONSt!LTA.NT bookkeeper aAd ._ • .,,nAIA.I .. £ _..._ 11_ .. _ 1tenofnpher. 3 or ' Jnomtnp Stenn Johnston bn~: .... ,;;.~i:~ 0ih°.~t9~ • week, Cot 1 yr. Marrit'd wty IOl-111\ I t. N...,.rt s...ia or HYatt t..att or ... ured man o.k. Har. 15151. ~ l~ ..-bor 1111 llU• Mtfo ----------- CARPENTRY MINO& lU!lPAI& WOP NO Joa TOO Dur.a. 11.0. ..... _ •• a ..,._ .,._ lal1* RAIW 1610 Uttt ~----~----~ COLD WAVE COMPLETE '8.00 to uo &IRLS GOOD NEWSI ll&1r O'Ut u. I Jwnpoo .. Mt suo QOOD JOBS-OOOD s.u.Aftr cumc> J'JP'I BA.trl'T I KOP With frequt!llt 1.ncreuu ln a 19il OIW'Cllll I t. F\n\ •tnel mut oompany lhal 1ctuall7 encour- Bar ssav, ' IRON WITH A LJb.NlJW ~ lfOUSllt ~ent17 overh.auled- onl7 alJt °blJcks to own to Ba. V-•2 N..,.._Ptta tf A UTOil'l"l'll electric car. Oood con41Uon With MW b&ttart.. 17•0 W. Coat Ht~ay. LlbeJ-. ty 8..f4(){. 1Telt Fresh Hearing Aid BA'lTl:IUICI "• 01 ..... Qf'MD lt.&mp9 Gunderson Drug Co. Harbor 01~. Pr Maln IL al Jl&lbo&.91Y4.. lalboa PAINTING of l'tewpol't &Yd. betw.-n 11th .... advanctment. ----------- ...S IOt!a. Ooet.a w .... LI We68 nn..t. •A. y u you _,.. tnJ..Ded. u Movie Proiector1 FOR REJl."T •of h.dn .... CU bQ1 foti JitUe .. m.oo 01' n.oo ~ mo. •tn.oo or ..... mo., •ue.oo or SU1 1no., '11f.00 • 110.115 mo. ltnqlpll Tau cu ~u.y a 1'00.00 l'Ult fOf Jllf.00. SH hure M1ect.lon -1 Baufbn'• F\u"AtlUft l'act..ry Watebou... 1011 & J'l1't St., lanta ~· Ope J>tJa, 11-9 llun. 11•11 Pbau lmllberl)' 1-M81. DLVINA'n>ft 11 w. ft. ftfrlc· eratorl..~_NI m~ 2 mo. New S\l&J'&llt ... 1'0\l MYe one third. Baluoe oe1J U00.00 - cub or. ltrtlllt low u P .83 a moath. J.ua:'I APPLIANCE 00.. ltU H&rtlof &'"-, Coet& MU&. J7c19 PAPERHANGING Svmj)aon & Noll•r -Openizic1 tor - Telephone Operator1 8-MM lll·MM ~-Ml.t REYRIGER.,\TORS, 1~1141 Pllllco BODY and MODEL At&. lll&C' tot MWtt.. 11\&tter, lf-t i.pa1 • • •• Wol'llilne Bar."°'. Alf t.OeT ~ ams. .ur10an peach faced, ,,.... body A: pea.ch color1.at bl tall. Name. Elma • Old Ill.rd. A "1ll bite. '6 Reward. JIN. 1tlll. 18'11 .uULANa IUP'PLIJ:I "I> • meat kMper, eolor 1Ai.1ar. PC. dn. lo ~ no 4D. P:tmt. pity GftJy .... ~r e o. as. 1* 0-al ltleolrte a.tr. hoe. U>p rte.er tb .. t ~1.,. an 4'o«, eokw lni.tnor ... ~. H. dn. to •1•.11 no dA. pyint It )'CJ\I 1f.7 tht PJlDt• of tt.<N pw mo. BauP'• l'U.rlliture l'aetof)' Wanhou .. , 1011 •• l'lrtL ll .. a&Dta Au, Open 0..111 M hn. 11 • • nc.. IC.Dlarly &eneral Cont1actor U("IDQl!D -A.ppl1 - a:ao to •:ao p m. U~ W. lrd SL Meart Camera Sh op 1182 NtwpC>rl Blvd., Colt& Mea Phone Liberty 8-10U. pr tf N~ w·-a. a -ode L08T L&dlee ml.all Cmit.aUcm ww vca -~ hni ~ kid lt&tMr purwe with MAKJD OEl'D J ~"""N u.www a FT. Di:UCATESI EN ca .. Santa ~a PACii'lC TELEPHONE • -.u.tav -\OD..IW"~ ..-JI told Oft!' top A: allv•l' -----------u-...a.-r -. -ira••-amap button. REW ARO. SOM& FRllE, 11<>lne '"' ONE large cotnmerc. "fr1i-~ .......... uo~v a i· -•-1 SCAr.£8. 1 GONDOLA Ll:lL~ ~btl • l.8p APP iee. • ._ neede-r1. many otflet ~ Jot>.. Allo ru t.aUrant and Call L1 8~766 altt'r l :IO p rn. P • t• D ~· -·~ u or WHkf'nda. lllfe •tn 1ng, ecor.,1ng "' 8 cli1111ll. ·~ dom ... W\llO. -any Jobi tor ----------·l A>&-y 1 .. .,.. qualleled men. ~ now. S't N' K •t .. ~ -June l'urar. bi)'L ~· a nt &EO. BURKHARDT LEARN SPANISH fOI~ l2Dd It .. Npt. Beach ITAftT Oll't·~ now tor LUmf.llD) WlfT'ft.A'11'Ua 1 -.. •w. ~ ... auoa ta·-• IA (&Cl'OM trofn Clt.T Ball) Idol.bet'• nay-1'.i.btr'I Da.)'- U ..... •-..... -· --=:::-:-:-=:=-:-=:~-----B..._ -Gr&du&UID -Btrtb.o -v rour bonM or ottloe. BJ ep-REAL l:ITA'l'll Jh\OKJCR, aa1... da7•1 New yarn1, ..,.., aJM1 """"'· ~nt. llldl~ or mu (IMA er wom.a.nl LcllQf cord&. SU a:.. Bal'-Bl'ftl., ~on l'OR Rlm1T GUl1 l'f'O\lPe. ~ ,...,.. .... btt@ed a a I Ill 0 a oitlot. B&lbOi. Jl&.r. 4ID. tftto .nlG1'1F RARBOD llldD ....... Drme.~ .,....... . DI*. ~......... I ,. ]( ew.s aD en-er ....... ~ No etiM!J... pHllMifNpb « opvaUoa. Harb. r am. )fr. • Fe.+ Hurt 7 * p R ~s s ....._ .... JCqU.llb. Ret..-.oel. ror ln• Or.ii ~ . BOYD'S HOWE. conuuo. eoas-.ci '· a. MI.RA· •Y· -Lac.20 Try kn•PP Sho•a * MON alt~ # l'ftlllnS-. EXJ'ERillMCEl> typt.l w 1 lb ICI& W~ i.t ~ Sanl.A AD.a ..._ ,,.,_ ..._ ·1•»»•;-w~.-.--w;:-.~~·;:•;"~"~· Nco • .u;sr~m::m1::•~•t:"rJ w011am ._. Bow. not w. boolll'Ul"ptq Jmowiecs,._ Call K1mbel17 ...oiT 1Ntcn 10 &..i& .,..... ~ .,..... Jt Jfo • Jt. Jt. )6. J6. JI. JI. JI. J6. .. » » » Jt Jt _. • •at...1.-Ana.._ It ldl Jll&1'. n ftW apl)OlntmcL true aM aft.tr t ii,m. lltte ------~--------------.....,..--------------_:__-...,......._~ ) ( • • .-!'!I! ·~ ' . $-lhlpW~ ........ ---11-!::!"!SS . ~ !!: P >!l ·llfw!ti a TY If • 1P!tp.~TV NEWPORT HA RBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART 11-PA6E l HOUUFUL "' .............. ,.;,......,.,.. ~ ... _ R ·.Jt·.. TVs . Is JlllT ··----~ ..... FRIDAY, JUNE '· "56 . REAL · E~TE-SALESMAN ,_ .,......, ,,.._ COtno--· • ......._ ""' •wo·· ....,,.. • ........... ..,. _.,. '"" 1G.. . ·~--~ ~ J7tll , r--· wtU bl! ~bt.. tor the" fO-Aat. JGC' la1e 40--A.Motl fp ~ ..,. ooar. :aw w.......,_. ~ ~-....AftlOll---SAJil -~ ~ni.1 - .. Why lllt llta a ti..; on a log! We otter you a oool, spodoua ottlce. a brand new ueeuUvee deek, no Hllricl«I ~ or lnmtanl noor time. ~ ..... blJ <:PA' d. MW.tic r -.... ~ ... ~r #th &nll lftDd MW', lT', llN, It". wtai r()l'-ti-. 7 pt. ..n.1 II 811ta. !!tt! ! -wklo;OC s, fl9l 11 to tto Wa will "" credit c.~ee lt'WUP 10 pc. Uriq room . ... CIOGs' fl• IO ~l JOU ma)' bllte TV .iu. .,.,,.· wau. a.t.t "*•"" 1r BOAT ~ tnl)ft-, JOilmGD ~-No cub · u. ft.e.w..,. Lou Reed Specials · ..lll protpeet Qn. are equally divided between all ..i-. Kew )'OU bave CNedom at mov• ment and flYOry OJ>POrtunlty to work plou&DtJy, efflcienUy and piotlti.bly. Come to and tee fo r youne:Jl. All tntervlew• t.r. ltrictly con!iden- tlal. EffninJ It you prefer. turtc. " ewi17W.1 far 1*1-ll b.P. OUtalrd. JltMate oon+ 8nslt.f..lfTY"I tlu.l ....._ •n J1J.i. J*Y...-bf' !lie -Wtt:k or ,....._ lia ~ .w-. .... r tnJJa. bl.It lank. otbtr e.ee~ compk~ "*'81: tacl»4. _. rnohU1. Aleo ... our Nmltun 1953 DODGE V-8 ( dr. Sedan. llMll. Pd. ._ '° NTtM. l'fo IOl1ae r:P. U1& • tnd• tw. pktuN tuk A anl';IDCta 2 tone, brown Ii cream, radio, heater. auLOn:1atic ~ n•tdtd J• OOl'ltbW• LI a.1111. • tttfo 11" A4mtn1 _,le _ ..... aauattn • t'umlti:-Jl'actory tran1miasion. Excellent condition tbru-out •.. .$* ,,mu. ot on.11 M.13 ,_.. wk. boaL Wart'-Ltif, 1011 -F'tnt Bt , See wb.n ...,., 1Lorld It. l t rr. MOTH clua -1.1 lt" s.NU. __... __:___ 111.t& Barita Ana. Open Dally •·• l"'"'• •• .n..""'""R 4 Door •-•an Mc.t:nUy overhaulfd. rttt.t'11Ut Ph K ~ ff •AU<>V ~ Bau1hn'1 J'urn1tur1 rt.c.t.oey t Sun. 11 ·fl On• lu11>f>rly WllffhauM. 1011 &. nnt •t-bott.orn, c.ntuboard A ou. ll~ ClllMOl• tu.16 7-6417. -board ruocwr aultl.bl• rcw ~ ==~:-::"-::""7::-::-:..,-,c:-=c 2 tone blue 11.nd cream, pou•er 11tet:ring, rad.lo, heater, low mileage ............... ---·----·--····$2(9' Seven Islands Realty & Investm ent Co. 503-32nd SL, Newport Beach, Calif. =~t• 1t.":' .?.,~. ~~bu~ ~•-SlTI . U Miii. TV SERVICE CALLS 17 IN. GL. TAlil.I: mod•I T.V. 7-11487, 1k11 $2.00 Joocl plctun. Har. tt77. 19cll 19~ PL\'lfOt.ITH 4 door Sl'dln, ..__._;::-.. ' -IO IN. w6TOROLA. T.V. eontol• Light gray-Radio &od ht11.ter ............ ONLY $843 Hu. !1888 otter 5 p. m. Har. 11567 IT WE GOT & Rebuilt Repaired it Are Tired Ke epin g it Slash ed Our Prices On it 17cl9 You Co mo & Get it COMPLl!n'E HOUSEHOLD FURIDSHINGS CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY "BUT WHA. T TKll BOY• l\EBUILD" Open Mon., Wed., Fri., VEmi:RANS INDUSTRIF8 Sat. nttet 'lll 9 402 E. •TH Re tta ,,, W roug ht Iron, Patio Furniture Complete .election ot Wrought J.ron Furniture. Bubecue and Bn.del"ll, Lawn Swings, Garden and Beach Umbrell.u. BAllBOO ORA W DRAPES and TROPICAL Floor Coverings. BASKETS of all kind1 & Unusual Glft Items. Canvas end A lum inum Awnings. SANTA ANA TENT & AWN ING CO. 1028 S. Main, Santa Ana KI 2·M<5 Free Dellwry OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 54-Muakal, Rad», a T V 54-Mo•lcal. Radio, l' V T.V. BARGAINS 21" CROSLEY, very &ood coodJtion, dark mahog- ~y cabinet ·········--·---·-···········-·················· ... $89.50 21\~.YLVANIA w1lh halo Light, 2 years old, \~~:~::~ 0~~yh~~.~.~--~~~~~---~:1~.1-~-~~-~~. r~~-~.$169.50 17" PATHE. Beautl!uUy 1tyled ma.hoeany cabinet 20" 21'' with doors. Completely rtconditioned, only ... $99.95 PHILCO Television, Full door mahocany conaolt. Excellent cocd.ltJon ·-------------..$119.50 WESTINGHOUSE TV. Duk flni1b IIIJ.hogl.lly con1ole with doora. Completely reconditioned, n,w 'l>lctun tube. .................... -... -.... --.. ~129 .911 APPLI ANCES t Cubic Foot Croaley Deep Freeze ............................ $69.00 DAVIS·BROWN 1886 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mes a LI 9.3437 ~IO-~!;-:&g~~2~1!!~!"!"2,'!!. ___ , 53-1!.-AP.fllOll ... 11)1 O"Km&n 6 Ml!IUUTI' JUNE Rance CP all eulom•Uc, 1Ut CLEARANCE top, •ln1m1r burner•. blJ O'l'ltft • v111 brtltler. Pd. d.n. to SI01.t1 no dn. pymt.. If you KENMORE auto. wuhtr, tx.cel P•Y only •7 .47 per mo. lOGt ooadl.Uoa -·-·8 -.............. .l&t.oo \\·ec11twood Rue• th• btr CP &A.11" -1b'411er. Nie• ... Mt.Ml all automat\<! c:lock, tamp, 8.llRVEL apL ....rrlr.., ~ cf, tof.60 fTlclc!l1 In mlddl•. bt1 ovtn. OOU>IPOl' rtMf. lat. mOd•I the rot1Mft1e model. Brand T et ---------MIM ntw pd. 411. to 1118 71 no dn. 1nva. rtfl1i . 1 er. •tt"J pymt It you pay L/1• pymu 20 rr. N. H. cla.N ~ Sloop. IX!!"' flOM '-1.rit wool rue • hull rettnilhtd 1 month •10. pad, txt2 rner91b&e, drop\eat u 11•7w . 1euc kJtchen table, f c.h&.ln. eotfff 1--------:,....--o.- t.ablet, dreaat"' tabl• • lamp 11 rr. BAIL BOAT com.pi'et• t.l.bleL lllt P!~tl•, eo.ta ue•pt to• ttrstac'-Mak• ottu-. Mua. LJ 8-Tllll. tfc.tt 1400 Mal'CUI, Newport Bff.th. <>wner on premlaee Ma>' lO, FUR.NJ1'Ukll " tor livlna room. Jwi• J • a. llpll aofa bed dlvu • matchlna chair' Ull.00. ! plec• ~Uonal1, BNAKll !UY•t Boet. 1t ft. J\Jt.00 ttt1t1on1ry divan • Min be&m, ,tUHd. BMwortby. chair; toa.m nibber, JlTt.00. I Uke new. $1118. Al.to OUke pltte curved 1.c::llonal r.1. t.n.11Pr. ~eepa 4, C&n c1rr)' SM>0.00 for $349.00. 3 plec• boat. $!85. Bracl9haw 2-1212. dtvan • chair • ottoma.n, tClt llpll •1at.oo yaU.r cr.c11t i. aood.1-----------'~I "" •• ,. •"""• w"••• ....... v MUST BE SOLD rrom purdtue. Pay low wrekly pymta. • Ha.u1hn'1 Furnltw-1 Far.).ory War•hOU .. , 1016 I:. J'irlt Bt .. Santa Ana, Optn Dally 0-t Sun. ll • 5 PhoM Klmberly SJ ft. CA.BlH, hta4. raJl•J. 1IHp1 tour, Cbry•l•r Crown- Belt tank. Ideel tor pl•uure. Sport f!lhtr or chart.tr. '3600 Ll 8-7111 !!Uc 1-~81 . 1-----------------------112 tt. K:l:UON KR.Arr. nNr- HOUSEi"'U L ot J\a'nllure tv•ry· thing, complelt bedroom croup, JIVlfll room poup, 5 plec• lllnLHJ" 1roup, ba.n4 new PhUcg n1tr .Ii: ltGe O'Keett 6 ).lerr!lt Rana• Ila CP one. All new pd. dn. to $&71J.711 no ,,..._ i:Vlnr\KW 7'JI hJI, plUI trailer. Like n9W. Would llitP LEHMAN 10. mual bl: In rood cond. HU. l<Mi·M.. 17pll WANT TO BUT, ALBATROSS. Call LI 8·3St2. 11cl9 .Jn. pyrnt. needed j\.11t peyl -------~·---­ S5 67 per """k. Baughn'• F'Urnlture Factory \\'atthoUM, 1016 E . l"lrlt It .. Santa Ana, Open Dally 11-11 s un. 11 ·' Phon• JUn1blrly . 7-=>-417. LEA V[NG -MUST lacrtnct at 11~. 11 n. Oelux Runabout. Compl equipped In.al Jo~ JavelJn 30 hp. mtr. Coit $1713 NEW, UMd MIU th&n 6 huur•. Ka.r. JOtt. 17pll HOUS~F'lJL ol M•pl• rumttlll"t. ft.ACING Bta.r boat. BIL by kutll Conalllll ot Lovaly II pc. llvtnr eoa.t. No. 117 ... Tropby wlll- room divan • c.halr I! rockt r, oe.r. C&ll JU,r. 9365. 17clt cul (tt table, ancl •tep encl, 1------------ ladroom wltb bookcut heed· 11' LYMAN tnbo&r4. run•bovt. bcl•rd, mattree1 6 box IJ)r1n1 l i t cl&aa oondl.Uoa, 211 h.p. a.n~n~ A.lfTTl)(SI "6-Har. t177. 11e 111 Television Se I es Service U:MltO end "" 12 ~ '• RCA. 'h.0141 inockl. mllhoS. GuarantHd. $2t.t5, 2102 r-;, Main, S1.11ta..Ana. lklll HA.lOlOND O..pn. lllltd. A ~Doi?\ CaA, •eta rare oppoltwtltJ. Oft• tamou1 DALMATIAN J>UpA. AKC Chim· 080JU> OMAN, on• av pion blood nne, puppy ahotJi. 12 H@e' Model Dolll Uk.e lltW. wk.I. 705 Bo. Placentia, An1-~'t wall U )'OU wlah to twm. KEyllloM l -2CM7. l Tcill make a pod ••!'I a:.r on th• world'• t I n • • t Qrsat1a. ~ ~ Pmt.1.JP8 Rom• ot lh• Ramtnon.4 Orran., azo No. Maln It., l&nt.a Ana, Good Terma, N mo. 8Pmrt' PLlN08. All WQndertul AKC I Re1iatered Dacbahunda I PU7PIE8 STUD Sl.:ftVICl: f"h. LI ..... 12 I 1-172 MonrGYla AW. Colla lifea• 9p22h buys m&aJ .ZIPU>' UMIS. ~t-----~~===---' aJ rttunil new ru•rantee JEAN HENRI Maple, Blon« Ebon1. Uftlt i'rtneb Speclalllt of :.'i ... .:'i.~ ':.'.!. s::.. .. ,:=, DOG CLIPPIN G ollly W5 Maple nnwi tto~. klmb..U. Acroeonlc 891Dl'la. from Mt&. Many olher ireet Work.. In your tiome. 1648 't'wltltl Avt .. C.M. Harbor ~3t8 bu)'L 100 Pl&&ot to cbOGM 12p26 t'rom lift' Uld u9'd. ICHXIDT-1------------ PHlLLlPB P lano .. Orpn ltor. llnc• ttlt.. "° No. S'l-1.J\·estock Jr.U.lA. &ant.a A.n&. 9:;.;.n:-"AR""'~o~LD=~.~0-RRE--L.-,-,.-.,-, [ l t" Tat~ MO<kl ····---1 12.60 ~ hol'M. From the !and "'r' 11'•&11.!a 00a,.90i. -•t it.to ll1u. of N1bruka'1 l•r1e~1 lf' Oi)'Jnpio oonaoi. --.I oe.oo ranch-~' E. lllth, Cruta 17" P.t.Oard·BaU. new w:..... 11c20 plct\&A tullt --·--.. • Sl.00 Big Trl.dHmi on new RCA Victor TV"i • TARTER TErutVll!ION »Of. bl\ Ocldt lllllrnY C«ona d•I Ma.t H.&r. Nil SELL YOUR CAR v.·1tll JO yr. par.6oublt drH.Hr Kirrnath tnfina.NMIJll'lill bta, Tr With compltt• dlnlnr irnup, auto balle r. w .. k ind only. I ---~--------PAID rol\ OR NOT l.fcCarthy Pay1 )lore 11! new. ,,a. dn. to 141t.~9. 602. SllD It., H&rbar 221t·M 2., .. TA8i.&: Model, Mapl• $1H. P}mts. onlY,H:U wk. lltll Ukt t1tw. 2102 N. 1"&1Q,, 1"20 a. M&1n Kl 24601 1J11u1hn"1 rurn.1tur11 Facto.ry 1~·~·:"~·~>.na.:'.::._~·~--~l~k~l~·f---"'-7'.7""--:-----\\"artbou••· 1015 J:. J'lrJt St., SKil:RS-1 have accummodaUont Santa Ana, Optn Dally g.g for ' ln A1~iv. Will trlldt DQ IT YOURSELF '°-'utM 'for We 81.in. 11-o PhOl\e IUmMrly wtnltr u111 for 9PrlDI UM Gt 7·:>487. your boat. H . Potchl'\'laft -HI.fl Sli p 14 Bt.7lhoru AAchor•rt GMC TRIPLE -Cf'fl:C KED USED TRUCKS LJOHT lilahOf:. top dlnlq" tabl•, and t painted .eha.lr• -SSO. l.'.113 Miramar, Balboa. liptll HOUSEFUL of F\l.rnltur .. Got tra.n.te!Tld ..rid oan't u.e It now. 1neludt1 1ov1ly 11'11nl room J"l"O\l.p, 5 J1C1 d1Atn1 rroup • tJedroom W'ltri bookcu1 llu.dbo&rd. mattr .. 1 I! boa 1prln1. OOUbl• drw.Mtr .ith min-or. Don t pay ua any cuh dn. Juat pay pymt.. 1'1! tl~T p1r wK. Balanct du1 Qn con- trt.ct only •:lff.11. Thty hav• 10.000 aq. f1 all rurnltUA I! appUancu . »" whtrt belna -old. JI.I.I t ••k ror J•ck Martina turnltur•. &u1hn'a J'UrnL(ur• Fac\.Ory War1bou". 101~ I:. FLMlt I t . !a.ota Ana., Open O&lly t-11 aun. 11 • ~ Phono Kimberly 7-M17. BUY All FURNITURE or call Ll l-1641. 1Tp111 8Ull.I> TOUR. OWN w -Fl Slip & Rowboat Spec:• for Rent Am•MC&D t..(ton J16-111UI It. lfeetinr ;lnd ... th Wed. S p.Dt. .... ~~~N-aamb 6 Kvmon-~ .+l'·l'M D.m•n. l.Dlp.l.Uiart. ,,.Uv. • HOOTd ......, ..... Come lA ud ,.. Uiam. We ...W bll> JOU ....-Wt It. ''7 Clwvroltt •,T. Pantl DAVIS..SROWN ... "'"~'" .......... "51 OMC %'f'. Pickup. 1116 ~r BlTd. '&1 CM't'TOIWI'. P ickup. lf' McDONNllLL 111! mw.kt41d COit& ll.Ma -LI I-NIT ·~· .... ckUJ1 fllMl'JIUI boat. M•ttW7 Mark ' tr lii>iiia:f ii'liClAii'l '5~C Pm!~ Ul:·Uv. mot.or, cn.t-1er, c.on-IPINJ:T rental retunui. Bomt '54 f'oro · pt_.p_ lrola, wlndalllel4. 0.IUX. lldW•. mapl•. l'llahopnJ • blond•.-'t i Studebaker "T. \\'•Ur:ln. A BUY •t PH. All !Ute n-. Bia Mti.np. _ 'Ml Chevroltt ... T. Pickup. 12' Pai'N TANN can.op bOat. aplnetl rrom S•3fl. Llb«ral 'fl4 °'"ro~t % T. Pkkup. Flbtr (11.&ffG ·-·~···"·~···-·· $170 tra.d ... oonv.i.tnt term. at Hydre·MaUc 'fr&IU. i1~:tc~~~~~.~ ou~~~ til·~~:•,!:!J Ana '50 ~~~ .. ~~k•. 10• o.b. BOAT, tlberblaat~. trlr., PboM KlmMrly 2-0673 ·~ CMvrol1t 2t:t°1;8tak•. 10 h.11. J.f1 re1,1.ry Hurrka.n• 1----,,..-.....,,,...,-----I 2 speed. 8 :15 Tira moto' ... -......... _. ............... RADIO '00 Do<Jo• •~T. Dump. lt " CHA.MPlON dtlwte outboard J Speed, 11:00 Tit.. boat. l t .. I trati.r, aov•r &Ito An-; tab\• mod•.l Hpalrtd 12' SNOWBIRD on trwer ~ PtO $2.50 Wt hav• tn. Jarreet. and clMM•t lJ' OJ:LTA 11•• aloop --·--·· U2a 1tock ot u.Md \.Nell• ill Oraqt .s R..P, 1065 s .. bM outboard mt.r. IAcludt1 p&tt.1 tu14I labor c.o. Betor• b1,1.ytiw-in.Y M..ad t.rvclc Llk1 new ·~-··---.... -·-$110 16 yn. E:ltper1enc-M eure t1'1 ... w lliat we bav• to 2o··CHR1s KIT lnboard crul.eer. ACME TV 11 RADIO offtr. Sl«P• 2, on trllllflr $1700 'r.1-Jll t St. Har. 6304 BALBOA BOAT SALES 1-------1 a.ddln1. ru11. e&rpet"1, •tc. dl- rtoet rrom ftctory. 04lt our prtc• ti.fore you buy. Al.to ILll brand.I major appllancu at M.Al' OR.GAJf IPteli.U!I! e.Jmoet wbolea.le. N o dowa 300 W. COut -Newport BMG.b payment on t.ennl, or cub It Ph. l.Jbeny 1-1612, 16c11 Hamrn-4 lplll•t •rsen In per· W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER )'OU p111ter. hn e1Ulnate• . I.ct 00114. ltft U.00. cbnrfully riven. u l-121t. TRADE Lc••l1 Elettrollkl tplnet orpn 115·11 &. tUI •t. &aala A4a Truc.k Ke&d.t~ Q: Mlflt, Kl 1...f,Nt l t tto a...v.tltu.J 70' aux. ~. ro ~~--= '::' l\&ll 2 '11ywbera. heal. tor cu.rt.-lft&AU&l Klnlball orp" WI~ 1 ------~,:------ for Oran1• c:ainty aLU:. WOOL 11.UG 4 p&d lhll l50. Xatehln1 n11 hll •11&. NMd elNDlllf. U l-H80 ert.r a or •N k •nd•. lk20 W~l """'" ... , " ......... .. ,....,....., .... sm . ORANGE COUNTY 'S mo W. Ba.I-. •IM.. M..,..-t. U Nr&l tnM1o1. OoA.,.,.._t lAl'ml lhtbot 30U. Cttte I HAl'Ella (lltlc• ito7J Lar9e1t ====-=..,..-.,.-,----:::::-lt11"411 N. Ire-more. l&nta Ana SPORTS CAR CENTER KE'l .:H 21 tt. 0.U. 26 fL WL ..... Kim...,, MOTt el-. ---·········~····-·-·--'Tt.IO ot If.ff ptt mo. O'&m'll w M•rrltt ,.fll'I Bs.u1hn'1 Fur111tur• FaotOIYl------------ WarthQuN, 1015 111. J'tMil 14 M W d ft t i" tiJP co.,.,. __ ....... '4t.60 ... , • 0 e 1e o o e ra nuomAIRJ: 1krt. ranp • ,..na. ~ D•llY •-• lat. mockl SXTl\A NICE Sun. 11 · 5 Phon• Xlmblrly 7-l)t87. Unpalnted A jtn·enll• tv.rnltur• SPECIALS W -··--····-··--·~---······---·····•11 1----------·I KOOVlll\ -.ouum ciffnef', Jat• ABC Atrro:MA1"IC. Uk• a•w SOlld m11pl• drop loaf tabl• open1 rnockl --~· --··~·······•lt.MI JeO_l)O_ 2102 N. Mtln SUila to 54 ln. 121.60 Early Amer1· ntw daciron rn&lnAll, ou..t 0ru,. Oouat,..a Orpn R4qtra. 11•11-fOOd. l letps 2 lnald• • 1 =c:o-"'."=,...,,....----,,....--2 out.Itel•, head A c•lley. GRAND P\&DM 111uy Ille• n-. 12.760-~ doWJI, ttar. l17f JU.Ion • Ba.ralin, -.oelltht alt•r • p. m. lttlc COIMIUJaa. l\.Or)' • Ot.rk. Kaak, Edmund. Oram, Cllll.t ''t M. 0 , .T. c .. chrom• wlrt wheel., chrome en.sin• ntwly r•-buill. Ow own.er cat". lhow room cond. ,, ............ ~ .... $lt03 ·~ JAGUAJt. XX 140 MC ?'Md· * * * Special • NEW CAR! 1956 PLYMOU1"H CI..,UB SEDAN, all white. Solex glas11. 11.ir foan1 t1t11.t, Grp. 417. Exttrior trim, undcrto&ting. \vsw. ONLY $'1995 LOU REED & ASSOC. CHR YSL ER -Pl YMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coa1t Highway LI 8·3488 PUBLIC NOTICE! If you h aven't been able to buy a. ca.r &nywhett else because yvu a.re short of cai,;h or beuuat your car was too old to znake the down payment. Kwg Kelly can help you. We have a atock of thoroughly reconditioned cars that are ready to be delivered today, all you have t o do ia take up where the .other party left off. payment.8 11.11. low as $16 per month. Call KI 2-0047 and ask for - KING KELLY OR DR!VJ> TO 710 E. 1st. ST. SANTA ANA OPEN ALL DAY TODAY . , R-E-0 Authorized Diatrib ·,: r Ho ur SER VICE on Now 24 Truck Repairing * All MAKES * Eliminate costly tie-ups In at r. p. m. -Out at 7 a.. m. Since 1933 SEE US FCR GOOD USED TRUCKS ED. THOMPSON G1r1t9e Amazing (Corotr 3rd It ll'ttnchJ Pbooe KI 2-23•3 Santa Ao& $5.00 Pe r Week Buys Anyone Ca r! BAN'T.4 ANA, CALD'.-DAN-ln add.ltloll t.bl)' Will lndl.tdo in- Il:L R.JCHM.AN'S •t 1325 So. •ur&n.ee azi.d: tnttr.t t:bar(ts la Mal.n Bt .• Banta An., ha• ju.t thU. pt)'tnmll, ofttr'tAI tortbe anh(lunced a ne,w method ot H ll-nret llm• a comi>ltte "~ lnl h1th qu•llt7 car• to th• Plan." Ouk! Rlcl&mAa'• la i.- motoritlf p1iblle. Tiley •la&e that cattd &t 1124 SO. Mala I L, 1-eM& anyon• •mployed caa Orin ott Ana. Te~ lalaller 7 ...-i,. lb a cle•n ruarantffd ea.r for •• You can J'ft tll• ear et ,_,. UUl1 ... 16.00 ,..._ 1"Ck-TJM7 cbolce wlOtln· a fwt maut• t\aUlor 11.Stt th•t 1.1:117 wW ..U llm., tha11 ea.n "''lUI no cub down. Wf/tl FOR l.Al..ll -M.oortn1 oft 16lh on1,. k16. ~ $4tfl. Man)' Bl., Ntwp0rt lot N.Jlboll' "' to oU..U-~ ltv)'I ill pl&Aoa. K&n7 ~ 't"&lUH not !lated. Ana. lklS cu. H"tch. !arr• dnw1r•2t.M SV.ryUdrl.s iuaranlleil -Tnma. Hardwood bar 1tool1 -,tlbtr tter. e .. ullflll ~ exter1or.1 ------------------------ Ntw c.,. oond. Ouarantee - llTJtOOTI HARDWANll . --1IOI Newport alYG, COtta MtM U W t 2t Nll'W Monitor PO'l'labl1 wt.lhtr. -ta St .IS 2121 Ha.rbor Bh·d., Cotta MtN LI 1-1141 Will wuh fl Iba. of <'lolh .. tn tm minutes, Complete With pump. and fil'r1n1er1 only flot.00. A HOUsE.rtft. UNJVq.SA.L BTOV.ll t To Har. DA VIS-BROWN For Sal a mo. IUl..J • lTcll tW Harbot-LJ •:t•l1 ltal Oil ~111 .. 115t tull 1!11 CcMita MtM aut.omac:Uc ran1•. 7 pc. Liv. at 11. 1100 u """•°' ll sdO Comtl Look! 8CHKIDT-PHIL- 11 FT. PLYWOOD BOAT, ftber· Cl••• bottom. 1\lltabl• tor cer IOJ!. l!lpact A-6 Ebb T\dit Trail· er Park, 1580 Pl•c•nUa. Cotta Me•. 1tp10 UPI 811 Pl&rlO 8'oft. l ant& AM.. 52() No. Main IL. 100 Pianoli: Hom• of th• .Hun- rnond Orpri. 10" P H I LCO TaWo modtl J\l.U'&nlted. l 11.t5. 2102 N, Mata, Mnta. AU.. llclf / , MR. FIXITI Holt Rm. JP· I >'· bodrm. oomp. I.A VJ: ON 'MD:8.I: uMd auto· I -:,...----------o5 pc. dlninl Mt. PL.A TD\ piano SALDW1N eom-Knowiton ElectnmtCI • m.U• wUbtn jU.t tn.ded In. JISI WHIRLPOOL auwmauc AU br•nia,. n-. •3t da. plttely recondlUoa.d, pla)'• TV ANTENNAS We ~ lflO bUIY to ffpa.ir washer, u"ed only 9 weekt. TEOO Jl'\JRNITURll newi roll._ run ror ta.mlly Only ···-;········· ............... S2119!:1 W VO.LltaWAOEM.' lun raof . H.W.w&k.._ flood "nfln• 1129) ... '.JAdtJ.it XX 120 coupe 1211& •M MORR.JI MTN"Oft 8tatlon w...-i M o• .. O-•--•·•-• ••••••-•••SlOll HAUSKEN-WATSON ltU llarbor \.bera. llold A8 18 tor pen. 0.hJ•• WUb bLI tub. \Va1hu, Opfll lrloa.., Wtd, • rrt. TIU 9 room. •1111 l\loba.rd.-Yacht nJu.. KOftOE-JJl.00, KEN· rua... • •Plif' dry. BILI. u11 .• 2'08 w 1•L .htlta Ana A11ehon.p. Har. •nl. ttte ..... t&J1a,,. ... -,.::-,• °""l L '55 BUICK SUPER MOAS Po.00, A8C $14.00. 10 or tak• Q.,..r ,.ym.tnU of lOlto -.... comp ... o )'OUr N " DR. RI\rlEij.A THOR 11&.QO, UNDAX. hQ,nn $8.ot mo. No cia.eb nMded, my Knowltoa . iiiMtl'OGb .0 95 ·~ t ''Y r-S h tl d 811Dt>1NG, •• navt tr.unctr.dt of • .,~ PQ~ s~~G ~ui,..._ ~n wllloom.. qu ...... •• • Y me. •Y TV REPAIR Ll l-6JOt. "~ "~'"' I APPJ..lANCll CO, _ or eve. 409 a, M•ln. Oru.J"t. mattr-1 to ch°'°" from. lllUo POWER BRAKEs -· W&17 Pric• et.art at. $11.00 tor a tl!f ,Jl&rllar a1't'tl .. Colta M..a 1-------· ------tuU m. matLnM " bOa l6. PD MONTH .JOOd practl~ POWER WINDOWS __ • _________ •_r.u_ 1WEDO.ZWOOD !\ANOE. a )'MMI ~rtnc ML Our own matU'MIJM. A JlliMT/.U P~ let t"4 ldOdl• !Mm. POWER !JEA TS THIS WEEK ONLY We mu!t etll our over 1upply ot BRAND ~W AMBASSADOR V-8 220 b. p. CUL FuU factory Warr&DtH A• Law u $2995 with ultramt.tlc and heat.er-- Ward 1233 S. Main St. S. Lee , NASH Inc:. Santa Ana •o-.Autoe for lea. IA< IUOH &Ip You. hr90nal1J Nl.C.ted Grant W. Musick J1tli:a&I\ brud ...... O.otn.I old, • onm. srtddl .. clock lhal:y, 1:11111nd•r. mo.nfotllere. FASTID\VlCll. R&dQNA..BLS All tt111f ~t \Hawed 1111 bu)' Many other extru. Thill sa.otn• blr 111'. cu. tt. pd. Ol)nCf'OJ 0"41ft. •l~. •JSO. -LI OOm1 ln atay awhile. W• tr.av• len~ ca&'-Ull I ,..... Good praetiee pWlos $115, NEW II .USED CARS dL to $3$1.tl no d-. pymt. 1.fNO ..nu I Oii' wetk ende. t0.000 itq. ft. tull ot mdff. LI l-620e 11,5, Slfl, $115,. ICKMIDT· ear '-j\llt nlctly TA.Kl: ADVANTAGll othtemany Your Hudson Dealer liAl.il8 &Ad u:avu::s IN N. 1.-~ U .. ttrl IM-llrotft U\4 ~ p4. ..._1 _,.=="'"--'====='-'~k~IO~ j ...aqt\ft'a Fu.mltW'ii hC\.Ory PIULLIPI a. Plano and Or-broken 111. ,_,.. of a:pc:rtenc.• .. • top ......... ..... • io IUUI no dn.. pymt. WU'•bOUM. lOUI E. nm-8\~ I aPINml a 1 Grand. llMll p.n &ton.. UO No. MWL E S1400 not.ch m~c. IliDmDU.D Dm..rvMT " llalllftb"• f'Umltur. hctory PH I LC 0 nrn,..rakir, delwct Banta A.ft•, Open J)&lly t-1 ea.. datn.ep Ln eN.ppina, Senta Aft&. S...7 t•rma. SAV . new R~ult MdM. IO ftlute Wll'lMVM. 1015 'I!. nnit IL, U%ft..doubS.door.Automeuc lun. ll-6 Piion• Ktmbtr1y f'Nl(btoo.:1~1 ------------. RICH HAHN'S per rauon Wk ~ •• • auta AM. 0pu naoy t-t d•rro.Una. t0 1lrr. eroe.-t.op T-Mrr ... "'' OMJ. Ma.IL I.A. T. V. "°' E.. 2nu ST. HAUllOIM • ""TIOM -, •• -.11 ·0 Pboft• Klmbu\1 ::~= .:i.:-~s: ---·--------· PHILLIPS hO N. Ma.IL .A.. AJltftaU Q .11 aad Ill> TERRY.'S H&rbor t125 Newport Beach 1932 Jl&rttor CMt.a M:. w• .,_ PUii cMtna &e S.lt4-4t CMh S!-A-A.adqDel • 70 UU::O Plaw wuted. .... '••' .. _ c.om.,a.i. .T.'6 "'' tra:man ~ MDRJTT ,.. or J1&1tn•Ot. fl no.Ta mo. Tall 0.bll r.....--. HOUM ~ eildl old JtlW 08 a Brtq JWr •to our ahop. W• 1966 v-1 CHEVROt.rr ... 000r ·•erofU>cn~oou,.V.a.a ••· rup. l ...... Dlu.bcl Modtl No tMh n...oect. &qdt)' in.. .,_._,.,.,, 1Jammoe4 Cbonl orpn JUsti· Witt n.. u d • .,.. J'O'I S S BUICK •talkln ~ ff.....uiva, RAH fWfW '"' eo't'9"" t'ICllM..l1 .... CP all &\ltomalk, HlU'pfl" ... .n~e • I. lW.n. ANTIQU£8 ':'~•:;,• N?: ACME 'r...V~ JIO'ftr ,..ck. powtt brake•.-bWll «Q&lnt, 8J•Uft C&llL. JW lltmllll..-bum•. IAntP • ctodr Oruli"e ~7. Nlc. nn.t.J 'a~U. a.a~ ...,.li AM. dl•llM a. ....._ Jl&r. U06 1-_ Kew a.~ 16 -lTH OC:.n c.uh or ttrma. Prtvate~ wttlll Oftll. um.r. di.tom• frlll. colcnd ,i.., bnm. eopper, 5th et W•lnu t a 1't'd. Ku.--if!'o..w . 11t1U ua:Jai. 17•1-•,. '"1.ler A blJ 0,..,. kl. owfod ~ for .... ,...i.,-, 1-.n~ tum1tun, from I ~ Orpna like; I ONLT 1JCI BAU Aceordtari. u I OBl1 SIM.7t or tak• ovtr th• illu.peatil•• .ctft lt.ma to the n1w, our ptko onl.J' '871 up Uh MW-Tour c.bolc.. l lJI. HUNTINGTON IEACH u CkSVl\01.Ar M Air eoo-ltll BUltlt-Clntu,,. ftlriln- ,..,....U ot SJ0.21 mo. No BotU .. l'f'e'M Wl••teen davenport. ftllOlt Ir rar11t tor tha ooUactor. ICIDIIDt·Pllll.LlPI Blc Or-'rt,..... .. dawn A M :: MO. ....,rtlbl•. rird. WI\\'. tit~ainal U,,_ "*"'· Pewit bra.kt .. MIL :.* ~Ml C::,1:_ tr:; :~ 4;:,. ct11~&bta:!~ t•~1:!:;7 :J::. =:=• .u. ~ • ~:'4' .;.!&e~ ~ •U~~ ~c.. .!nu. 1.ua 1~~~ti!. cc;:~u~:,~~: -, .=:J:.::'uH1~ \: ;,uc I ln:i »ii' t.W'o~~ ~ ;1~11'--IT-·-----==--"'=''~'.H.•.'.· .'.'"------'-''-'-·:...----------"~";,;,:':_~S~llO:.::;_. ----------'--.. ~-;,;,:•_:.X?m""1;,;,:_..:.,_•_-00 __ 1T_o_...:, __________ t~IP~'°---'--'---~ ar. . 1-J:l'f 11~ ' -Alit•fei .. _, __ _ 'M IUICIC CENTURY • lt1¥iitft ~ Dyna-no · -:-ueaur. Beau ui -~a.• ......... red A white palnt. S1995 TERRY'S BUICK 5th at W afrnut HUNTING TON BEACH N~ and Uaed TRUCK AND Peueng•r TIRES Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. Earl W . .Stanley • On'ERS SS 8Dc• a 0111111 Rl:ALTQft Delightful llv1Dg, Apt.-Caba.o.u. UWJUel paid. wt th FOR RENT 1113 Newport Bl~ NWpt. 8cb Harbor lOtJ NW oMN lJJdt. Udo lllMIPPfni' ----------- area. S'15 mo. ca yra. )..., toA 11....--Yacht elip acco~odatJona. B.A. f a UACR ft¥J"Y INC. ~l"elal. la4Cl8tril.a Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. Rli-41..'roft.8 For appt. or reservation. Call Bar. 2992. Mttc a112 L&tay-.tte Ba2'. 36'8. Har. 2991 zvu, 'Ju.t to the 11fht ot LldQ Brid .. ' tfc 8/ B f'J-Wuted to Bent -·~~--~~~~~--~ Rentals Wanted We need apta. and bou.ea tn all 11KU0111 tor both winter aqfi 1ear' 1 leue. Jl\lrn.. or WlfUl'U. U you bave a YaC&Dcy, phone tod~ The Vogel Co. 3201 W. O.t. Hwy., Newport Bc.h. Phone Llbt'rty 8-3481 208 Marine. Balboa 1.lland Pbont Barbor fO 2MT It. c.t. By .. Col'On& del Mar Pboo• Barbor l'TU ~A-Apta. for Bell& I;; ~~~ = rm. • Ground Roor Commercial-Industrial BLUE TOP MOTEL • OFFICES OR STOR!S Department ~ N..-port 8ITd. For LeaN in -N .-port Bea.ch ITtto ---------Harbor Investment Co. Bld1. B.ALBOA Pent.n.aula 1"J'l1 1faM 30th le N-W..-. Blvd. untum. O&rq\'. dllpclAJ. laun· ...... t""' .. dry. 2 ~ S90. avaO. July 115. Bar. 1600 17th St. -O.t& Meaa Corner )ot -16'x.2a0' Alone ea.- ta Kea'1 rapidly ""dtvelopl.Ac coDUMrclal dl.ttnct. 131.600. • • • • 1 bdrm.*· avail now. KE-__ O_F_n_C_J:S __ J'O_R_llr.NT __ _ llone 5-1121. 11c1t Birtcher Bulldl.nr. Kar • Crelt 2 Acrea tJlillOR RENTAL t\u11, apt. Corp., IMO IC. Oout Swy. Jl·l J>OCaU&L Between lwo new •t Bay tront bome f60 -..k Corona del Mar. Har. ltlt. P"OPC*d ID&D\l!a.eturtnc pl&nta. YWrT llMdeft. r• ...-.. na~•.,., ..,......._ ..,.,.. J(-.r llnr. ~· M ...WW ptm -11.la1111e ftCP\ 1bt.. ~1 fl.OMO Cla. • dfar ~ llu1a Aaa or ~· .,_ .. pa.rt. WU! ..U dQpla llflp&rai.!J for l71IOO down. C&ll fo., appt to ... or caU your broil• "MUl· Uple Uatlnf No. i t9S. * Home & Income 2 Bednn.-11 1 bedrm. PalnUC! '1c redecorated. Ilk• rww. LI•· double l'&J'&S8 With laundry Ii room could bt ma.de lnto b&ch· elor apL Near OCMD, bay Ii Udo lhOpe. 0u11 au.ISOO Uve In ODt aad let your ten· ant. pay tor the property. 'NEWPORT BEACH DtJl>LIDC lot •ooo. N..r Udo .~ope. DUPLEX corner lot 11.250 dn. tt'rm&. NmWPORT HEIGHTS Iota - $6600 .t: cw. ~960. (not i ..... hol4,) .. 8/8 2~~~c;?~~sS~~~. extra large pn.ge -Front patJo. Semce ya.rd Complrlely turnl:sbed. 5 ye&l"I old. Only 525,000 BALBOA COVES Owner mo\•ing inland -2 bedroom. FannhoUJIG atyle home -Attractive fireplace, large patio. Pier and slip. $35,000 -Term.a BALBOA INCOME Near echool, tr&n.Sportation, good bathlng beach. Owner's 2 bedroom 6 den apartment-Bay View. 2 fireplacea plwi 8 attnetive 1 bed.room rental unit.a, ruce patloe. Showa excellent return. Increaae in owner'• family reuon for we. BALBOA ISLAND INCOME V~ry attractive 2 bedroom home, close to North Bayfront with extra room and bath o!f patio, also nice apartment over garage. Thia ia top quality property. Owner moved to larger home, anxious to eell 8-Hour Recapping Service Compl,ete Brake Service AND LJdo Otttce. we v1a LJdo Harbor .cm or l600 MUOll. llMpe • or • ltdl IAWL ~ YOted in ••• lU foot RJ .. r An., .Newport -----------trcnt feet by QO deep al only Beach. 11c U-t---8!!! Z!!. ,_. ' •1~ per ~!t .1~ Ult.lnp Wanted ~ MULTIPLE LUTING EXCLUSIVE LISTING HOMER SHAFER, 2 Well located C-1 lot.a on Newport Blvd. l 102 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mea Front End Alignment Llberty 8-5&97 lf· CLIFF HA VEN. 2 bdrm. unturn. duplex, pr. I.Aue.. LI MltT. NE'WPO.RT ot1k*. OOod locat.1on • tor l.n.lurUCe. &CC)OUDti.QC, 41><> ton. Puldn&'. OWner 1f12 N. l'lower, Banta Ana. Ph. Kl 2· Ot1J2. lTplt 100% Locati()tl REALTOR 124' frontage. $18,500. Tenn.. ROAD IERVlCIC J'truton• Bud1et Plan Youn fol' the .A.ak1n1 t Bltl>ROOK bou" on Lido tor _________ 1_1c20_ July .t: AUIU.lt. Reliable. Wrll• BUlineae corner in cent.er of Coeta Wea ready for dnelopment- tull pr1C9 '3!1,000 with xlent t.eru\I. 108 M.cJ'adden PL, at NpL pier Phan• B&r. uo any Um.. BAY & BEACH REALTY INC R It • ., ea ors Dr. Bleeck 842 So. Broadw•Y· 488-BoUMe for 8-t H.50 W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Har 1 'MIA TOP MONEY VALUES Eves Har. 1856 . ~ Lo1 Ancelu H. RYan 1-9198. HOWARD RYAN 8c21 NEWPORT Bl!IOBT8 Untum. ----------1 bednn. Adult. $aO. Avail.. 19" NtWpOrt Blvd., Oo9t& Me1&.AttnctJv• ~ Bay & Beach Rlty. Inc. rINE-JDASTBmm Near 1"1D• ------------------- otttcee. REALTORS An., 3 bdrm. 1 %. bat.M, dblt. • • BAYSHO • 801 -809 W. 1st ST. ~Apt&&Boun for Rent LIDO ISLAND June. BM owner, tao Al1llo Ave. LI 1-4912. ltcll 1 room '30 -I rma. i60 187G Harbor Boulevard pr .. tlrepl., HW tlra. W1Ul RES • I.A.NT A. AN A KI a.-aa t rooma s 10 -Patk!ns. COllUI M-. C&lltomia only ia.ooo dn., haa a uo.ooo CHOICE LOCATIONS BALBOA !BLAND a bdrm. turn. Harbor 61M. lTtto R. F. Oeddel 01 loan. t %. Tb1-la excep- Fu.mtahed or untumllhed Bachelor and one or two bed· room apartment&. homt from July i.t to Au1. It. w. Goo.en tlonal at $16,200. 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath ----··············--·-·--...... -.. -.... $19,500 lat. LI MOU. llcll NW OORNllR. 1 Tth It On.nee· D& R•-t 2 BEDROOM 2 Oona K-. Ottle9 or lbop 1 ,ot ._ .. pbone LL 1-171' $1000 DOWN. a bdrm. home. 2 , bath, e&rpeted & draped ___ $U,500 ~ of 1200 94. tt.. &Dd 1MOO TWO ACRES Jl"ll. old. Price ~ced to •taoo 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath -------·-··-··-···· ···········----$24,500 Ml· n.. ot pe.rklq UM. SUit· for quick aale. 14•. lot, bt1 2 BEDROOM f··-'-h ab'-for retail 1'Uabl-. or IDEAL J'OR M·l UM. neu HeU-rn;i.a .. near ahopplna, '~" t.n.. ' w~ ed -----...... _ .. (SoldL.----$19,500 11.w -··ut.ac.......... J'RANK pot. lrnl. &!pt °' ..._ Owner 2 BEDROOM 2 bath r •........ ted and By 1W1U11er, monthly or yearl7. &A.ST smm Colla Kua. I Md• LIDO Realty Aaaociatea room untum. houM. u ~TUI S•OO Via Lldo RarbOr tu• Jtto ·Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN SEE ME-TA NELSON CORONA DEL MAR FOR CBOlCl!l RlCNT A.LS. WATERFRONT, andy ~ brand new I BA., J Bath. ... -. ...... ........... LI "'...... ON KONTE VJST.t. nr. •---. ' • vcut"" JA)ID, B&r. sou. 17ttc -.~. latte .... ..__,.. • llCboow, a bd:r., bwd. nra.. draped. Corner lot -------------........... --$27 .500 =·dn.BuuUtul pauo. 0n11 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath ________ (Sold). ____ $22,500 Up to l:S Montha to Pay 6 eyi.. .58.88 lovely home. Wall to Wall car-· ' f S I l pettni. built-in kitchc. Nice 5' '!"hw 0p~ or a e or ease All Straight B!!ASO~ .t: YE.ARLY. !908 E. Cout BW)'. Bar. l53GO =~~7::."C:U..niS:: Locel 5 & IOc Store w;r8~~~~ ~~n= CLIJ'T HA VEN I bdr. bwd. tlre. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath ________ (Sold)_., .. ---~.7~ Eight. ----68.88 tNCLUDl!:S both Labor Is Part.a. Nnr rinp. ..n.t pa,.. ftlv• RENTAL ,-rtnd, nttlnC'I of m&ln &Dd rod btsrlnp. lblpert. motor tu... SPECIALISTS up. 90-<t.ay or fOOO mile ruar-CALL JID?'(A CR.A.IO tf ~~~ 11 'on. 11XTRA DORIS BRAY, Realtor REBUILT ENGINES BUILT IN our own factory by 218 M&rtne, Ba.llboa Wand Hu. H Ol' et bor 124', i:v-. Batbot la&e. Good 1...... Rt'UOl'l&bJe ttrma. All·fmeed. Zoned M·l In Cell· 1'ttc 1122 Newport Bl...S,. Cotta ttl' Costa M--. -----------MUL lle29 DAN A.. J~COBSll.N, Real Eat&te UNrURN. 2 bdrm. bouM, Cdllar, -----------Har! M91, LI S-.SlT, KI 2·2181 ftnp1.aoe, cpt.ed. tloora. 1 1Mr C .,FES l8e20 le&M at SW.00 p.l' mo. a.,... ~ 2 nice lpotl. Pet ebop-Lawulro-dut'r, ru It W'&ls wppU.CS. 1 child O.K. The Voetil Co. !201 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport Bch. LI 8-3'81. 11clt mat, all top loe&Uona. o;.n I! BMI Eltat.e for de&la. BALBOA BAT PROPZRTll:S B lb I I d' DbL pr. Newly decorated in· ldde .t: ouL A ch.anntna bomt • tn an uclualve ntlJhborboOd. $6000 wtll !W>dla. VACA.NT LOT on Banta Ana Av.. l50 x 200. Alklq S2"0 CORNER LOT. Cloe& in R-6 SOM 80 x 138. Only '3960 i~ w. Balbo& Blvd. Bar. 11111 a oa s an s Mesa-Harbor Rlty. ~ rINJC8T TRIPLEX!! .t: A.!SOCIATJ:S 5&;-110.n to LMa An lnvelt:IMDt wtth a bonUI ! alcJlled macblniat.. Don't con----------- teed w1th the middle man Deluxe 2 bedrnt. 2 bath Bayfront BALBOA IBLAND unfUnL I BUJ dtrec:L Apt .. wtU! new tumJturt. sum bdrm. bou.ee, yeatly. 116 Pearl SHORT BLOCK me?' ....,n, $100 per rno. Boal C&U H&.r. OltT·R or IYcamon FORD (1932-68) -·-' HM illp available. 1·1°'6. lTcU CREVROLl!l:T -·---S 99.00 BU lCK -· .......... -----1126.00 Unt\lnll.abed a bedrm. 2 b&th, PACKARD (8 cyl.) .. ···-1126.00 Lido Arma Apt&. Near tvtry Plym., Dodge .t: l'OT'd e -·•1~ 00 thine. $2~ per mo. by tbe CHHYS It DE SOTO -· 1120.00 yur View of the Bay and ST\ lJEHAKXR •... --Sl.20 00 apsce for yoor boat. SUMMER RENTALS Some nlct' 2 bt'drm. boRlt'I from 1200 to 18-00 mo. ~ nu-e. mi&rt apartment., only 0. C. Seymour -Realtor-Owner 2nd Ir' ht T.D. LOANS a block to U. beach. coaxpletdy 609 Ccl1l.er Bt. Costa x ... ,..___ ~ Built-in T.V. jac1u. LI ~11 Ol' LI 1-7784 a.maa an--· Oowst7 •Jec:trtc k:itdwM, four Mil ----------- We Buy Tniat Deedt ,...,....., batlwn' lbower and ·1i: Make Collateral Loana dteul~ rooma. laundry room. R I .. ~ C EXTRA llRd lot! Scheduled OYO MOrtga9• 0. Income from 1ummer aloM: NEWPORT BEACH 1 .t: 2 bt'droom houlU .t: 1 1lngle •PL Doublr prace on two Jots. 118.000-Term•. 1 block HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1&00 Evet u 8-5386 40 I Lido Soud LIDO ISLE Sale or Leaae tor Summer • bedrooma, 3 bathti Sparkling new on 77' of bM Bayfront . 111urtJy turniabed with cwitom made modeme. DUNCAN HARDESTY, 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Realtor Harbor 4718 OLDS. Ii PONTIAC 8 --'120.00 NABH ...... ···---·---·--$120.00 KAISER ···--.. -.• $UO.OO HUDSON (8) ca ).{&Jna) ...IH0.00 Available now on l.Jdo. Exc•ll•n 8 bednn., 2 bath home. Ytar lea.at'. 1250 per mo. 0 . H LA 'nfROP, Rtaltor, 363~ I!. Coul Hw-l·· Corona del Mar. Har. 64'.2 ltvu Har. 6'80 17c19 2&02 Newport Bhd., Nprt. Bch. m10 -alrea.dy halt reMl"\red. Harbor 1549 NET RETURN: 9 ~ on Otft'ttd fl"Om ocean It bu.llnt'll dlst.rlcl. ---------------------- PLUS INSTALLATION Open Dally I to I :Monday 'Ul 1 p. m. Sunday 12 to 2 Block mUlt meet our ~ Plua taxee. auk.eta and oU BELLES ENGINE REBUfLDERS 110 IC. lrd It. Kl 1-82114 LOA..N CAB.a -FRD TOWJNO IT .A TE BOND.a> u hr. phoo• Hl"Vjct price! PLUS hu1e gi.it'lt room CORONA DEL MAJ\ bauUtul Nttc and bath tor lht owner'• UM. new co mu home unturn. ONLY lt8.000. Avail. lkJ>L 10. -a bdrma. HOME lOANS • • • • 2 bat.hi, WW carpet. .t: dnp•. ,.. Elect. It.Ow .t: rttrl1. Water eon.tructlon -ldlnuoe llU. AND ON LI'ITLE ISLAND: It prdenfl' paid. 1 blk. horn 6~ • 15~ ,r. • e"' A knock-out of a year 'round RENTALS FURN. M&ch. ~ p,r mo. on leu.. In& l'Wldl -Bldl. It Loan _ lfornt!I a bedroom.e, S b&tba. LIDO 2 8. ft-Nice, eeuon •noo Owntl' Har. 1621-lll. 11 3 Print.e Mon.y family room. hlJl'9 Uvins room. BAY FRONT-4 B.R. July -CORONA DEL MAR, 1p&cloua Trust Deeda Bought It Sold :==~= p. a. palmer incorpora~d ol• hllJ\80ll co. manarement "33 via lido bar. 1600 1100 w. cout hwy. lib 8-6873 Call owner Har. 4288 atur O p. m. or anytime Mon .. Tu.... • Balboa Coves Wed. 1 Tc30 • s Bedrm. plua den Income Proptr:ty • Forced a.tr heat • J'treplace Nearly new alt.ractlve Colt& • Dtn1nc room Mua dupleit. Income 1t.eady. • Approx.tmatdy 15 )'1"1. old $15,tiOO tull prlce. fM-00 down. • Larae Ba.rtront lot JC. W. Bill. Kar. 06l3-M. • Private pier J1&'ht.t lltte • Private beach -----------• UT ,.600 tun price • !lxcellent ttrma Altadene Escrow Au1. -······ .. ··-········-·· 11600 mo. 2 bdrm. ranch typ. bomt. Call Fol' ,.._ OommStment er, tormica, Ule. ~ed ~u- B. 1'. ,APT. -2 B. R. -Nlc• e--u•·•1 .. _ DON L HUDDY le'C!f!V\N J •••" 1700 a..u ,.., 1 ........ cover-s lanai ~~v l~•· paneled waU1. Call now uly evvv ...... Augual wtlh ba \... -LI • ... lll·A East. 18th St., Cott.a Me.ti 8 . I' Apt. New I Br. Ma90D 11320 r-.,..., nparate pallo, _...,..1 Costa M... tor an 1ppolntmenl! Llbtrt 8 3666 ttreplace. June 1& to SepL 16 173 JC. 1 Tth SL • • • • Y • · Ude • B t 8 h B BOMJ: -3 B. R .. 2 9 .. lovtly, Har. f013-J. 1Tc19 ----------eS eaC UY f!.-%n8tn •n110n . .. ...... . ........ ,1900 LOANS for Homes BAY FRONT DOLL HOUSE BY OWNER • 2 Bedrm. p11.t1 dt'l\ BAL SHOR.J:8-.( B. R.. f B.-IDEAL J'OR CBILDREN. Un· e Fireplace .&... PORT ORANGE ..... lt'UGn . . ............... 12600 tum. JlL tlT'. "3ecorated home , ... -so .... Loe..tul Only a Yt'&rl youni! Uted br1ck, A'ITRAC'TIVIC duplex, n.ar Udo • Ranch 1ty•- "'lll( 1' e •ysuo•-a 8 R Co .,. .,. ,.. __.""• to floor •la81, naUo, .. TRAILER SAI.Jr.8 ....... n ~ · • rner near caat.r ot Cott.a Kw. -C s+ructi L ........... • ..-ahope. l'um.labed. 12'-000. •Double .. ,.... M&llOD $1300 Lfe. 1&fd ~ Har 0151 On On OanS wofldtrtu.I k:itc:MD wtth bullt-ln &bowl t'X.Ctllent retmn.. LI • Oil J Iota and SUPPLIES BA Yn\ONT -...PT:::::.ud;··2 B. R • . l&tt~ ID BOB li.n'Lll:I\ BBQ. Pl.US b&lf~tnterat ln 1-12&7. NtLc • 90 ft. trom 8&.Y 2200"W. Cout Bhra.J. 11''7· --·-;· .. ·--···-.. S22a mo. 1616 &A.IT ooAld BLVD J>ltr and floaL Bl:S'l' LOCA· BY o~ • Ul.760 tuU price LI 8-4"20 LE.ill: cmJ.7 I Mctrm bOQM cio.. Corona del Mar Batbor Uaa TION ON BALBOA l.SLA.ND!! nnaon e '3000 down N.wport Beach Ko« of t.bae homu cu be to lbopptq emta,oa.t&K-. Rep. POJJUl:R MORTOAOll OO. ~ f'T,000. BALBOA Pl::NINSULA D1Wl1 PAN...uo:RICl.N ~ to eo ~ bl'Ok•n dowa in moaithly ""1t tumllbed 2 bedroom plua l br. --- 1 It 2 BK. ala tor .um.mer. KI ~lO or Bar. 1121 tttc Metro W• Ina. 1'm4I Kl ~c MARINERS ISLE RLTY. SUMl boUM, p.Uo, 1~ bat.hi. • $1500 O PAJUKOUNT Cu.It.om built. r CORONA Dml:,, KAR-1\&raJ.abed w 111 M&ttM Ave~, Balboa lal&nd Small down. Call Ra.r, 1970-W. Own 10 to '° n.. 1 6 I BR. MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor You wtll krf• a llWlUlltt ln wa LO.A.NI TO BUILD, IMPROVll. Harbor 4111 10c20 e ll&st Sld• eo.ta M.Ma .,..,._ trade-IA ~ NU Via Oporto Bar. Mtl charm1q UtU. coma-home BUT KOi>_.,..._, ----------------------• a s.droo1n1 We need cJ.an u.s tn.uen. 11c20 wtth 2 bdrm.1. J'trepl., pnntt • a,mnNA:;;(i"' OI\ QWe PAN AMERICAN Cboloe •Winter Rent&IJI OD paUo, prb. dt1p., pr. A.nil we Bu)' Trult DMdl LIDO ISLE CLIFF HAVEN : Nie.et t!i1:' 7ard PanmCJUnt..Ken.*W June JD. SlOOO tor a moot.ha. NIJWPORT BALBOA BA VINOI A pm. Lwcunoua d.rtam home, • r .B.A ao.D Traftl .... T11n7 Balboa llland Is Lido bile 8&.Y .t: Beach R.ealty, Inc. It LOAN A880CJA.TION excepUonal muter btdrm. wtth 315 Signal Road • 183 mo. incl. neryt.htJlf l6tt Small It cosy or larfe It deluxe Bar. 60IS 1:v ... Har. f3()U( IHI V1a Udo Ph. B&r. uoo bath. A 1lpt to '"· r . P. UNDER $18,000 • Immediate pouaalon -------:-----.--:-".".":"""-STD to iaoo month lOclT tfo PT.GOO. Owner tnnafernd. • 111.000 tuU pnce CASH CASH CA.SB I VOGEL CO n.....itata Immediate ea1e or l:MO 1q. ft. Ju1t redecorated we need traUe:1 NOW to llOCk • LIDO I.8LE TRADll. 8ubmlt Beverly HW.. ML No. 7LI183 8 ... Shown dally ·un Newport-Mesa Raalty ou.r lot. Alty klnd, Iii.•, make 208 Mann• AYe., Balboa 111.and Lovely tumlthed 2 bedrm. plua 5'-1'5 Wanted area. 90Jd. --ae 9c22 lTIKI Newport Blvd., ~~ M.M& or ....,, Ph. Harbor '"or Harbor 1016 den, com.r home on Udo Nord. .-.. • BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES COM COR.Nl!R SPl!lCIAL. t.I I-~. Evu. LI 1·1201 A •-June lto Sept. 16 inoo TWO viu.n.Y J'INll t~ tint t.rUlt IA.NT.A AN.A. TIU.IUCR SA.LU Ru. H&r. 1829-R or Har. 1.Jn.R C CO. Jt.i dffda _ IU,OOO .t: llt.&-00. _ 1506 W, Balboa Blvd. Har. 0188 521 Polnxtlla at 3rd. LI 1-1231. 1Uet -WMlollnlt•r A.... 11.fttc ART · Kl8TLl:R • ton Several ltll&l1 '7~ 2nd TD'• 11., lot.I R·2 &One. Rent.al on Oankn Orow. Lm t--Mll 290l Newport Blvd., Har. Gnt WW di.count 2tl9' LI 1_.a1-; LEMON HEIGHTS DISTRICT rt'&r facin.&' 3rd An. -Excel· ( ~ mile W.-t of Karborl ON BALBOA ISLAND day or nit.. l~T · llcJe Lut available lot. lOOx.116 cm cul lent. bl~. &Ile on tront -Re- Hcll SEE US for yearly and NmWJ>ORT B.&A.CH 2 badrm. de llac it.reel IUrTOunded by duced to US.950 F. P. !f'o ln· J-,-rr-.-,.-OD-l:RM--\nJ.1--.-.-n.--... l'm&l m:it.&11. tum. bouH. IOC·l2nd air.et. 57 Bee! FAtat.e Wutecl tllCIUllH cuat.om built home& ipeel. call Har. 1640. MOVE RIGHT IN 3 bedroOm hnalabed, Hdwood floors. Wt', HWly paved SL Lot fOxl to on Costa K t'• St. Trade LOOK' 01 Reu.le. AU .. racUq S bdrm, home, double p.rac., hardwood floor-. lawn.1, thrubt .t: com- pi.uly fenced. Good net1llb0r· hood. Priced 112.600. N"' 2 bdrm. home. CloM In. Tile Id tCblll .t: bath. UMrmo heat, larp back Jani for ~ denJn6. $500 dn. S.autltuUy • l&n~ I lldrm. horn• In rood netJttborbood Choice •hrube, flowtr1 .t: patio, Completely tniced tor prtvacy. A borne you will .,.107. 1'°"' m.nUtly rB.A terma. Priced $10,750. Two bdnD. oldeJ' bame, cl0119 to ltorM. Prioe •TNO. 8ubmlt OA down.. Ted Hauser, Rltr. Henry C. Vaughn, Insur. LI M1'1 . 2029 RU'bor B1Yd.., eo.ta )(- OCEAN FRONT Conv. dplz a In. w•U tun '29.000 I bl'., tum. Jood Nnt&l. .. .f25.000 Vacant lot ............ ·-··--·--'lJ.160 Bt'ach dpulex, I br. ea._.$19,No I>uplu. tum. beauty llMT market. .......................... .$21,NO ,BACK BAY ' f0x125 lot. bait locaUon. .•. aeooo "' -&ere ·-.. ··-··----.. .$MJ6 I b. r .. beAt)' .... _.Pl.NO .-..... · pat.lo. tenced. 8acrUlce. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor Rar. nu. 11p20 All lmpTOVetMDt. plUI 20 wr• ANDRl:8EN oo. .... _ avocado trffi9. Cout Hwy. at Mar1~14 17c19 UdO n.uer Park. Bat. 620I. IOI Ma.rln• Aw. B&rbor 602 LIDO I8LIC avail June, July .t: nuco CROSIJ:R for aG' Mc>cHm Hou. Trailer. OORONA. DEL MA.a 2 br., •ttc BALBO.A JBLA.ND •-pL eu·-2 bd~ h-. lL I !sti w t d .,.. ... · ·~ ..... ... u ngs an 8 LI 1-11to KI a.-11u 1ac20 _'IS_Mi_OD_E.._ ... IO __ n.._d_el_wr_e--=l:a.t-t· NEW 2 bedrm. duplex (unJ'unll blk. trom club. Mlldl'9d IUff'I WD bUllt wttb ~ llabW. Tht'T'mAdOr electrtc 1tove It with .... _.. ·-•-A· t r COAST P!\OPJ:RTDC8 Rar. ff()() lllS .., t.._ _. ot ~ or oven. pr-.,. cn.p. water paid \ii a-aJ2. Utfo It yard malntaiud.. m &. 101 ll. Balboa Bmt., Balbo& ltU!., Colt.a,..... 17clt __________ lk_JO .,_" ..... Co .... NEWPORT HltJGHTS-1 bdrm. TWO Bl:DIUI.. dU.pla SIO mo boUM, aome dniipee • carpet· llXWO'i198 a .Ue. I d&Ultlt•n Brand n--cute. XAX. W lnl· Kar. N1•. lldO For quick aa.le CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Marin• Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 1560 ot Costa Mesa Propertiea (Member of XuJtiple U.U:ng-Service) A .. cs.tre I Wrm. untum. POPE. RM.ltor • .Jtol Harbor lilOIDe ta Mach ana by S.pL BlYd., Colt& Mel&. LI 1-lld. CORONA DEL MAR, I btdroom, BACK B.A Y A.RmA. ,1000 dn. CASHING OUT 2 bedroom.~~ 2 car aar-o lot on 18th SL nKr 11t.e of .,... cor. Jot eoxao .-tt.h trult new C. M. Ctly 11&11. Alkln( ~ Priced i ll only '615-00. LI 8-2M2 lTplt o ee BUSINE88f JNCOIO PROfl:RTY C-2 Lot 82~"300 wtlh 2 1Mdl'OOm $20.000. 2 bdnn. bome. 2 rutala. oldu home. s.. U\ll today. Room tor more unJta. C.nsldtr trailer or amall home In tradf 8. A. NERESON Owner LI 1-1132 l1pl9 R.E.AI.roR 2 b&t.h --·-···-·· ... ,. tit.900 SRORJ)C'L.[J'ft 2 b. r., den. .2 bath --.. ..run IU:l>Uc&D ID I~ acn -.ate. I b. r .. a bath. bftuty -WOR .. t,er. front., all 01' put .. ---S&0.000 Claire Van HQ.rn R&ALroR 17at W. Cout H"7. LI t-4211 l.IL Carpettna' It ~dealt-HU~ nJcely tumlehed ~-. cloeeto "C" 3 BR., dble. pnge. 3 )'Nnl • ..s, Yf'b'. a... to noo per mo. 1torea. Middle aced couple -old. F.P. lll,000. 26N Willow A ROME YOU Wll.L ENJOY. --.......:;;:;_J.nll'. nuc PENINSULA -NIC!' AREA-Yeatly i..... f.24 Manp14. lip Lan .. Coeta Me.ea or trade for 2 bdrm. A <kn f\JUy turn. -----------2 8.R. Un1um. -·-$110 ED JONES t.naal deed or, tre.ctor or farm Llk• n•w 21' RCA TV. wuher. 1982 NeWlJbrt Blvd .. eo.t.a Mna Liberty 8-1t'72. Ew-a. LL WHI ~rty 8-3961 $5000 DOWN- OCEAN FRONT. I bdrm1.. J 'i bat.ll1, r A b•t. 4oubltt ..,._... fREEf f l BA Untum. SlOO D~ BunUnplll.Beacb equipment. OWntr LI l-2532 raJ\1'9• carpet., everythl~ I°"· OalJ Har-. UM, .:... 11119 rental. rum. or unt\.lm. On-Der ' Ut.lc A ra~ pin clt"An barpln. Select-&·Tenanl HttC' 11th .t: Kqnolia. I bedt"OOm JU:ALTOll l10,tl50. ~ dn. Balance J:ZY. ,... ftMll wtAll trw ..mo. -----------bouat. ~ ~ and ......... ntqW'ben. draJH'~ Miio 1 bdrm. un/Um. ltlt Rartlor Blvd. LL a..ma gW~ bdnn. howlt. 2 car JV-(~) 1 Mnn. OO'M'AOIC LOE C&U.....,... ftA&.LTY 43&. Afk W a.t duplu, W..W pct..~. l ap doet to~ cent.el', IDT. CU t>W.ld addild u.alt, ct1 ICl T-lllOI 1001 ocmAJlf A vm,. a.J a.ac.ti bDt. to .t.ar. • du11'dl. Walll· o.-MML 8)' ownar. Kl rtJM.t p. UUc ~ 1 br. a--.,._ ant. lt\s di • t • • • • 41••11 t o • n. -.a l'\.g ,. .... -~· ""°10 °" Har. 1a2I tttc BltW pt lnto 4>D UlLI ooe. ,_,.. Laa. 1-6111. lie .VA~-'-!=:? _ _.._ apt. Pktu.re W1ndoW v1.w Of ..._____ JeGOO Full price. oeean. Lota of tile, dttbwa.aber. J'OA ltllNT -8Y OWK'D. n"' l'&llC2l borne., a t. ILUOIOND. LL I-HU. 1'7c19 d1spoeaJ. OJ*' ,.._Kar, tlM " •o-for ... NW CORNER. 11th • 0ranr. bednn .. J .... bath, dble. p.rq-e. ----------- Utf Cott.a KIM. SHOP spaC!I of b\IJ1t ln OYm. ~. dlahwaah· FOUR UN!Tat N £ W "-.0 RT ROOM WfUI print• MtA a.od llOO 8'-n. J>}UI JIOOO 1q. t\ tr. UMd brtck ~c•. nip Hl!DGBT8 D celleot ioe.t efttr&nce. car pon.. Ofte blJL parkln1 ene. Ii drspu. 1.20,600 f.tl IC ltlh J 4ti a Bdrm. Will take pall h'om ONaJ\. W~ Zf~-nu.Hit J.ua::a. RarbOr J(M2 Pia<'e. co.ta M...._ LI 1-2.000 t.J'&de for JtUOO tquity. Ka Har. 0.9'-J. 1fc2'1 J Tt.tc llltfc bor WJ ••Uc , WAJftWD to rct -I bedroom ~ ....... .,.. ~1 ...... or .... wtUI opUor to ""'· Waat pnp. GJ'@L.. f.cied yd. ~ •plo,...S locaUJ, BALBOA 18LA.''D. t\lm. apt ........ , JoeaJ rdenDC9. Wrtte Bummer r.lilal. OT ,.....,.. LJ _.)QI.~._..,..., ~ MOM. llcll ,, ONE OF 11JE UST view a.cell. k>caUan near 8&.J. • BALBOA. BAY PROPalTIJ:I lote ln Cliff Haven. Per-t60I w. Balboa Blwd. Bar.1111 manent vliew of Barbor A 1 BDIW. 11010 on mp lot Ocean. 88 z UO. f7,9C5() t. NtwpOl'l 8t1Pte. .... Harbor fW'll ,ltc:23 ~ ~~ NM:ledJSl'd. c-. to 9dloo'8. .,. .... N..,. Lido Jlbopl M2 JUVU'Sklt A.ft,. LI 1-a.l• "'1m I bednn. 2 baUI lt.ucco allff 5:JO P• m. 11Uc cloee to Lido lbopptq ceat.er 1 l>Mrhu • billy 81mnc. al iAN BERNA.ft.DINO mowrta.ln uoo. OnJy '7600 esown l ra-tn It t JcN nee.r 1toft. _... . w. Htll Har. ocua.-M eluded ntt0 fl.Ira; Hu. llttc n~1 llttc ' ' • - V'\ ! !et ... '·· U Mwt ~·- • .. .. A _, 1 ' bdrm. tum. older -. larp ll-.llls ,_ with ' 1t1111n.. * Illa\ ....... dlopooijl. 2 ... 1~ . • ...,.,....,..,. o.,""1, - I $2l,500tenna., rDIBT TlK!l 01'J'llRED. In-Ul1lt 2 - turn.. h-with J&rs• bldrocm ,..... apL E:u:ellmt .-.J "-1 b!L ID bay. $21,IOO urmo. nJRNlSllED DUPL!IX all"on one !loor. Good IUDUller rurta1o. 1 block "' bay. Ut.1100 with low -peymet. _ COSTA MESA Coly J bdrm. and lan&L Ruch ._ compllttly llin1; 2 --w 111 --ot -· U-, llhrubo. \ Frult tr<M p1o,,.. Corral for bone. All fenced. M x 306. S800d dowil. coMYEltci.u. comar 1'51> x 1DO It. NMl' Har- bor lll'ld. hooeat Improvement& abould carry tlll property developed. Be.t buy on W. 19th St. COAST PROPERTIES • Rtrl'H JAYRED, Raltor Mildred Rlgp and Sylvia Thompoon, Aoloclateo. 301 E, Balboa Blvd., Balboa He.r. 2658 or 4.600 OP.EN HOUSE-Coron. ..iel Mer 218 Popp7 8L BtuthtaldJll vltw of LIW. Coton& llM<I\ 6 Arch Rock. '31,llOO -TOnm -apoe 1 to e daily. Seven • Islands Realty OPEN HOUSE 0 0ceen Front.5302 Seashore 1Dlhe, Newport _._' -· :t baths, oomplolely fun!. $21.l!OO. Submit o!rer. Opu 1 to • daily. & lnvestmen't Co. &03·32nd St., Newport Beach-Harbor MM-ottor 5 :00 p.m. -.Buber ro.1' 'C' TllO!oLAS 'C' TllOKA8 BALBoA ISLAND. 4 B. R. a bath turn. hom•. Open H Dlnlnr room. 8pacioue 1lDd charmlnf. Patio. lf ouse Pl"' an al111.111ally attr. 1 bedr<>o"I !Urn. apt. 122 ~t!r :s~ -~rt.,, cluaive. SEE TODAY. Priced right I: Xlnt tarma. A. tieautttul homa tor o.. 111oet G B. R. 4 ba°"th home -large lot. One ot our moet Corona def Mar $13,000 a a.1.1 ...... , B/B LIDO ISLE SQUARE FOOTAGE PLUS A lovely rambling California Bungalow with 4 bedrooma and 3 batba, 4th bedroonl !!Qlble. Large hacienda. type .patio. The ,iu;. ~ 'llldiD.& door. to patio &!ford a great openin&' tor enter-. taining, indoor &n d out. 2 outdoor 1howera and dresaing rooma. Carpet. and draperiea $39,500 ON 4!I FOOT LOT 3 bedroom.a, dll!!n, 2 ltory, beautiful carpet.a &nd draperies. Large patJo •ith new l&nJSlcapln&' Al.SQ atn1ie apartment over pn... COM- PLETELY WELL FURNISHED. AU!nc $42,000 A beautiful large lot with plant ··---·----·$21,000 • COR. HOUSE ON BAYFRONT FACING LIDO 4 bedroomii, 1700 IQ. ft. Good fin&nclng, better hurry on this. Aaklnr St0,000 l near No. Bay clQlle to villap cater. Our a.-. -------------------diacrlm1D&Ull& tuyer -bu.Ut attractive Ialand home1. Near So. Bay and vii· OCEAN ' FRONT HOME . I ;::=, ;.::, :f~""..z:'~ · tare cenur. Very spaclo"' and. lovely. For a Better See Thia, But Fast! Ju.t, llat.td th1I !du.I 2 bdrm., llwd. noor home. Choice loca- Uon on Marteold cloee to •hop. piJlJ' A tran8portaUon. lt'• on a bMuWU.Uy W.a..caped levr.l R-2 lot too, that ha.I room ~nough for &n &dell. Income. GOOD Tll:fUl&. (A MW •JU~luah·e il•I· FIRST TIME OF1'ERED. 4302 Seubore Drive d•·blt4roMn. 1 lliatM. di.um-REAL home, let Ul 1how you thia. Only $4.-4,950 OPEN DAILY. Completely rebuilt, turniahed ins ums room. dlnlns la.n&I, Tenrus. compltte .tKUto b\lllWn kit.- and. beautifully decorated. Uving room lS x 23 enen. &bt!lMS&Me ot cup~ LOT -tun 1lze-$11,500 ONE OF THE LAST! with tlnplace, 2 bedrml. PLUS, bath and h&lf. and ok!Ma, 6Mp pll• • to • R.oonly Jtitchen &nd aervice porch, patio and carpaUna. top quality con-BALBOA PENINSULA. Choice location. It LI BBQ, 2 car garage. Located on M ft. lot, belt ~c!on.;...:r1n;!"~.,,:.in; worth your while to inspect thit ch&rming 3 8.:- beach area. Aaking $2:S, 7!SO. 10,IOO. home, 1 %. bat.hi, on large lot, neu the Bay ba • lnf 'beach. S..ut. landecaptd grouodo and petlo. 4 Units Balbo• Peninsul• Bayshores ShOWD anytime. 422 BtlYUI r..n.. . 0.. 2 twh:ft, tlln>e 1 bedrm., plus utr. lleepblf NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Nr. ochool»-cliurch- room with bath. Beat location and bl A-1 con-$19 ,500 tranoportatlon. 2 attr. hom't -2 badrooma dlUon. Scheduled. income $M5(5 yr. A1kinr OPmN O.tJLT 1. s each-adjolntng lot.I. One new-one ?'e9modeled.. $S:5,000, ter""Da. 2to1 VlA& Ort•• · Double prage with each bouae -Older home rt.TRNUHm a bedroom. 1"' rented for $9:5o.OO. New home vacant for lmm.._ Chennel Front, Pier and Ffo•t ~i~;"..:'·p.~· ~ ::::'.; dlate poueulon. Thi.a i.a a REAL du! tor OPEN HOUSE 10 . 5 Sat. A: Sunday 405 Oubbou.M payment, QCtlll'Dt term•. f.21.000. TERMS. 82 ft. bulkhead -One ot the nicest 2 bedroom b&me. and only 1 block to Lido ahopping. A attal It $2'Jl()O JACK BRENNAN, REALTY ''AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 CORONA DEL MAR P ANOR.UlIC OCEAN VIEW. CU.Wm Built home with llldlvldulllty, atone !lttpia« In huce living room, each bedroom bu bath and ii tn· Urely eeparat.e, hou.e ii fully carpeted, Full Price $31,MO Terma. SIX UNIT Income, 11 .. !.&..!abed, •bt ,.,.._, laundry room with &ndm, work.lhop, 1prtnkler 1y1tem, priced below repl&ce:ment. xlnt. rental record. Terms "' quall1lad huyar. 170,000 RAY REALTY CO, U4-4 E. Cout Hwy. Coronr. clel llar Har. 2288 (aawo from BanJc in C. D. ll.) !llC!l!!li:R Of :KULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR Corner R-2 lot, 4 bedrooms 6 2 batha. J'i,.pll . • petlo. CU be con..rtecl lllto 2 bedroom ho- 6 1 bedroom apt. Hl&b FHA Lo&n b&llJ1co. Total price $19,llOO. Thi.a lo • rood one! 0.. blk. from 0.... Blvd. -2 ti: bt<lroom1, 2 bathe. Under conatNct.ion. OveniM pr&fe with & ~ bath. Call for an app't on thll. Full prlco $24,e=IO THE VOGEL CO . 2M7 E. Cat. Hwy, Corol>a de! llar. HA. 1741 HA : 0767 OPEN 20th et Irvine Bi11ell Built Lovely new 3 bedrdOm 2 bath with loada or tile. Shake roof, bW1t -lD ktt.chen. electric garage door, touch plate Ughta, .-nd belt of all in 1. ·MWDc ol booutlful OAJll'I troea. Uill iJms B ' !) BUY! OPEl'.i 1038. W. B&lboa Blvd. $23,500 VIEW or UY fr.ooi II"•· Uvlnc room A _.ur bed.room. I ~ 114, bl.thl. dtnlnr room phui llr.akfaat &TH, niC. BLANCHE A. GATES, ,Realtor MEMBBR OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311-Marine Ave., S.lboa bland. Pb. J!ar. 1671or1872 encl paUa, ...utnt locatlon, , ~-.:;'.~~'..!';'.'T COSTA MESA the best town on earth "C" THOMAS REA,LTOR aiid ASSOCIATES 22t W. Cout Hi.Jbyay U 1-&~2'1 N .. port a...cb 'C' TllOYA!! 'C' TllOYAS BILL'S BEST BUYS wjiy Pey Rent 3 Br. home, dble. gar., Hwd. firs., 1ervice porch, fenced yard, A-1 location on Broadw&y $12.500 Newport Height& (Catalina Ave.) 1 Br. • larp den (or 2 Br.) 11h bath, fireplace, Jouble gar. $13,ij()() wi th $3900 down. Two 2 Br. o~r bomet on large lot $8000 with termo. C-2 Zone lot 66 x 300 with good 3 Bf. older home, Hwd. !In, proge, $1.2.!IOO with reuonablo term1. -OR- C-2 Zone lot 100 x HO -··--·-··--·$1.2,000 G. N. WELLS, Re•ltor 1110 Newport Blvd.. Colt& M-LI g.7729 Whm )'OU can mo•• In lhia uwlt ffcor&W I bdrm •• born• la rui. 1oc:aUon for 1... th&A JOU WOUl4 J1A1 rtnt. W•ll lc•pt lot, wltb lul• double r•r&JL S.W.rt lllo A pa.Jd tor --------------------1 r. P, a .MO s.t.t.r hWTY Artistic· Modern• -A. 1"*ie that ... d11t.rent. Tau'U N del~tad wtth th• no..a U.tmtttt oomblaad'trltb lM t\lnatlou.1 cha.n.cter at U'ti.I Uu·•• badl"OOD:I Md f1.1n117 room bom9. Oto!.ca H. W. tlOOf9. eo""" F. P., r ;A. Mat, l:Mil.t lamps ln b9l!I. coved Jlnol· «un,. built ln O'KMf• •nd Menitt l"l.ft&'I and oven and Fl1Jldalr1 dlllhW&aJ'lt r. TM other te&lUl't'a &rtl too1numer• ou1, ao why not CALL u.e tor _,. appolnltMDt. NMNn1 W1U comp&n to thl1 hom• at 127.1~. -W. A. TOBIAS RC4LTOR ..,._.a tuc .. our trtlindlT •n1c•" .fOO a. 17tb It.. OOilta w .... l.Beri7 1-lUt , CORONA DEL MAR ENJOY wi:EKENDs NOW, fWTIJt&IONT LATllRt I bdnn. eotgp. N-.r Mope .tr: tn.111• '°rt&Uon.. ft4 lot. WMk-ond Spoclel . $97$> !Tl!ltXI) ID -tol Lerqpur. W1 ha•• tha k•1· HARBOR HIGHLANDS SOL[)..:-~ Pri.acilla 1- SOLD.>---1919 Priadlla Lone 80~1946 Prlac:illa L&oe SOLD--&17 Dian& IAlle SOLD---1948 Sylvi& L&oe SO~llll Teresita IAlle SOl.J>-.1942 Vivian Lane ·suT WE DO HAVE . 1146 Beryl Lane 3 Br., 2 batha and , 511 T""""lta Lane 4 Br. 2 1> baths, HURRYI befor. they too are gone DUNCAN HARDESTY, Rnltor 1 2802 Newport Blvd., Newpo!\.Beacli Harbor 4718 ACRE out 1141 Colla Meaa $8,000 132 by 300. PERFECT tor 12 unfta. 3 bedrm., 2 b&t.b bome, eut aide Coat.a Mesa. Dbl. gar., J.arse rumpWI -same room wilb !lr.plaoe, ~. allllt, dllpoN!. W.uy otbu featW"ell $19,eoo . DUPLEXE8, curb. Se,..,., pavtnf 111 I< pa.id for. 2 bdnnt., rarare e&cb unit. $190 mo. income. SH.960 NEWPORT """' WOULD YOU LIKE TO EARN $12,000 Groq per yea.r! Open For Inspection Thi11 fine income unlt wi ll pay the above flgurt:. Sat. ji; Sun afternoons It corusil;;ts of 10 be•uti!ully furniahed unit.. UT RA.MONA PL.. toff Santa \Ve!J located. Excellent condiUon. Minimum Ana Ave., just north. of l~lh upkeep. Near 100')t. on leuea. 30)o d.n. IL) l )'!'. Old f bednn.. 1" bath, , ..,._ •"··-· .... 1000"' BAY AND BEACH REAL TY, INC. Rltrs. ft. pt.Ved .uttt, pr, di•p., An eiteepUonany GOOD BUY al 3112 Wayette, Har. 3843 2999 Ev11 . $12,150. Low dn. pmL • 183 "Just to the ri&ht of Lldo Brtdfe" per mcdh. (MULTIPLE LIST NO. MU). ------------------- BA TBHORl:l Iot loe&~ on ldul Cctr»r, mM. ALSO a 3 bdrm. home tor m.~. ca.II no"'" Harbor 20-42 FRANK JAMES, Realtor lll Ka.rtne Ave.., BAlboa. l.llMd NEWPORT HTS. SPECIAL '40 HOLKWOOO OR.NE FUJUJL&HED • ....,.,. allr'a.rtl¥a 2 bdrm. ham1. ~ oorMf' lot. Backyard fence:! w1th % arr.a i-.v9d. OPEN r OR IN8P!:C'TION Tuea. Thura. and Bat . .rt.1moom. PIUCl:D TO l!IELL -TERMS can 'bt arTa.n1ed. "'·~~'~ "~ux. <»>· la M.... S bdrm. O.L loan. Pq~i. $fJ2M mo. lnd. t '7o lnt.trM,t a.a~ lcnpMmda. OP.EN FOR tNBPl:CTION Wed. l'ri. a.nd lun. att1moona.. Ralph P. Maskey UAL TOR Ull N~M 81\0d. Har. 402 BALBOA ISLAND "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" Drive in today \.ad 1ell!! tot younelf the mlJlY out- 1tandlng rea:tures ot tbl1 remarkable community. !tiore and more Hllbor atta !&Inille. are llulpect.Ui1 - theM n qlliaite homes -noting their comfort. COD• venience a.nd central location. llore and more families who prefer a home in a re- 1trlct~ quality community are moving into their 1rvtne TerTace home1. • Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert lrvitle Terrace ii located on C.out Wcbwa,y o~po.site the dew Irvine Cout Country aub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Pbone Harbor "48 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we re/er you to aayoae ! "''ho ~olda 11 Leasehold Dtate tn lrvtne Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shorea and Clilf Haven THINK or IT ~ I-Uni~ on Ba.I-• ~ boa l11&nd. Clo. to Boulh !-------------------'-= Bay, Nicely tum. One w1U!. J~ma. M091: attract!~ • pt1c.d to ..U •t IH.000 v.'ith alAL term•. Balboa Peninsu la CUTIE-PIE turn. hou11e on !>tick or cha~ R4 kit. VUJ dOM UI S.,. and Ocean. A l!ITEAL 11 .. 000 -T'aM'IUI. Mult. U.t. 1409 " NELDA GIBSON REALTOR IOC Mulne A". 81.ltio.. Ialuld. Pb~ Har. aos Charming B&ACH COT!'AOE, 3 Iota R·2 9ML Com u U.tb A Lek•. Kulcl7 )OcaUon lo f ood beach LIDO ISLE This perfect 4 bdrm. one year old home h.u e\·erythin1. carpet.a, drape., J&rge paUo, bu.I.It.lo. kitchen, etc. It'11 lovely S.S,000. BAYSHORES · NEW LISTING very attractJve well built year round home. 2 bdrma., 2 bat.ha completely fur. niahed on VWta. Nice large patJo -$28,000. and 3 bdrm., 1 bath completely !urn. 0t1 Clrele. On one of the large1t lnalde loU. ·Very lovely patio, room tGr swimming pool, only $23,:SOO. MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor New Lido Plau Bldi., 3432 Via Oporto (Oppoolto Lido Sbopo Parido( Area) Har. 5448-Evtnln&• LI 8-li297 . '· '' • t.hoppln1. 118,TDO Fl.JLL PR. -------------------- Comldt.r •lllnS bo~ or ''•c- ant Iota eeparaldJ'. Ownt.r on Pf'OP9r11 WMk9ndll, Har. '081. ,...., t.ITILE ISLAND ExclUAlvo Li.atblg 2 bedrooma 1D. flie~ mo.t convenJ~t location to ll&y and' lleaoh. Fisher & Companv 2tol K.....,.tt B!Td .. 'tl~r( Harbor Ult. llc.20 MAX W. POPE, Re•ltor .J.6~~~ , C d I M WillW B. Jon•, Auociate unltl 1\1.m. 'Jt.ec1uC.t to us.ooo. E&tra wide lot nea.r So. Bay. .Five bedrocnn~ & batha, large livin& room and ..-nte d1aJ.n& room, delightful patio and playroom. TRULY THE WEAL FAlllLY HOMIC $42,ij()() Ex .. li.nt TemLI, DUNCAM HARDESTY, Reiltcr >802 Nrwport Bt.d., N""P"rl S..cb Har. 4718 O.P!n _.Sit. & Sun. -1 to 5 • 222 boi.ENA, BAUIOA ISLE. or by aPP'o 8000 aq. fl of -" Nlueil !Iring In 3 bclrm., I 'ba.. bome. 1&124 muter bdnn. pluo front 6 ..... ........... 1)ill dinlllc ....... Colllplotoly orona e •r ,.,.,,,._ Rs1 "'"'"' "''""· •• ·-y •. ..... • ... 1908 Harbor Blvd. Colt.a Meta& BALIKlA BAT P'ft6PERTIEs t:;:p}.,,. ::~ mw. .o ft. r:·:. Liberty 8-114.2 Evea. Liberty 8-tUS tSOI W. 9&!1-Bl?tl, Kar. fJt U ao. ot Hwy. H\1"7onuu.Oner1-------------------1 SU,TIO. " OsbornHOrtcln •REAL'l'Y" CO'S Jhl w. OOMt. ff"1· (at Port Oruic'tl ...1 ... TIU "llu. '™ nes. 1495 Down New l and -4 Bedroom HomH, 2 B•th1. Ready for Occupancy aPout July lat. \4. acre Country Eol&teo located C"1 C...,... Drive, jult north or Victoria (County). J'ull price 3 bad· n>OIDI, $10,2911 and"$10,495. 4 bodrooml $11 ,295 COMMERCIAL LOT 158 " Ulll to alley. j'IM1' 19th • Harbor ~ Bu. S!41 l6tfc \Vl4. w. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa lllaDd Harbor U42 ' FOR SALE· AND LEASE BACK ------..m..,...,l<lcl in and oo&.-A muol -1 5 Ac . on Belter ml 0000 I -....,_~ and *dt.n ...,,,, llOW ~ r....S fOI ·~rJ.:11'9'~ lust ONE ' bdrm. loft. CLASS A "'°"' md--bWldlos located ... ma.t importnt C01'1ler ln Pua6eta.a. Price $700,000. Wlli p&y 1\\ net .. t llld wIJ1 ckpoolt On1Y 110,000 dow11. THE VOGEl CO. LIDO OFFIC ' M.18 Via Udo. Nnpol\ Beacb Har . .m £vea. Bar. 51111 -Kar. 510 ll&r. 3630.J , .. AN A. U COBIJQf, R.-! S,.tat• 1•r. Mil, U 1-al f, Kl f•2ll", ..... I ------ ' ''C't LI 8-3333 Homesites· Ctlotc. hl.11'11 rnlricted in ... dullf" la.cit llt.1 .,..._ I - M80U ta. l •t 11100. IMI '9l9t& .. ,.. tw.. n • Jard Oii 'IWU11 .\.,..,) 11111 ~.000 ... i.u._ oeccritt. Larp depredation ta.clor. CALL OWNER, T. D. Rofen, R;ran 18117 or Beri>or am • I • !!!;;:~~!!!~===~~;!!!;.!~!!:=-~;;; -----:i.o.:.-P . . ,. ~--.--------~ . l • " .. 8/ B e EXCLUSIVES! '£ASTSIDE ACRE! • 3 B. R.-Dbl. gar. Plua-Circle Drive! -• Sewen-Dt•poeal-Storage room etc.! • Room tor pool-Tmnl&-Bl:dminton ! • Nice loc.-Pri~ right! $H.9M e EXCLUSIVES! OCEAN VIEW! Sll,!500 • 3 B...R..-Barker Broe. decorated! • Owner want. to move to north weal! • • V. H. A. financlog-$1500 down! • By Georire, it'• nice! e EXCLUSIVES! $11,000 • 3 B. R.-PaUo-Lovely BBQ-Rdwd. fence ! • Carpeted living room-lge. lot. • Sun deck would give nice ocean view! • Owner haa to move-will take $2000 dn ! e EXCLUSIVES! • C orona del Mar! Price Reduction ! • Waa $29,7!W> Now $28,500! • OUTSTANDING! e 3 B. R. plua large den! • Cu.atom built wet bar! • 2 ultra modern full tile bat.hi! • 100% wool carpet-fireplace-patio! e Dbl pr.-~. W. tloort! • HUGE muter B. R. witb view! • By George, thia ia a home! EXCLUSIVE! $28,:500 e EXCLUSIVES! • COSTA MESA FINEST! • rme.t ne!thborbood in city! e 3 B. R. 2 bath-H. W. nool"I! • Fireplace-dbl. car.-ehake roof! • 2 yrs. old_.11 !enced and lanct.caped ! $26,500 8AY & BEACH REALTY, INC., Realtors 1G9e Newport Boulev&rd eo.ta Mea, Calltomia L!Mrty S-1181 Eves Liberty 8·3010 PULL UP A CHAIR ...• •nd listen to this! The 300 Membre of the NEWPORT BARBOR BOARD'S )(tJLTIPLE LISTING SERVICE aold over a Kllllon Dollan worth of real estate lut month, and ezJ*t to Mil more than a $1,000,000 th1.t month ! • t Cooperation amoni lta membel"I and concerted effort made it pouible. LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY With your Favorit• REALTOR Newport Harbor Board of Realtors VOGEL VALUES -COST A MESA EXCELLENT MOTEL 10 unit.a completely furn. even to stove. le retric. Only • yra. old and everyth.lnc imma.c. cond. ~ned for 8 more unit.. Located on Main hwy .. Into eo.ta Meu near Qty center. Alwayw rented. Hi locome record. Full det&lla. NEWPORT HEIGHTS' BEST 2 B. R., beaut. living room &nd kitchen. fireplace, HW floon, lovely patio and garden area. This I.a NICE. Price $18,900 THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport Blvd., Cotta Meea. LI 8-M96 Evee. harbor 1539-M * Do You Have Sl500? * OK -then .fOU can move Into this nice furn- tahed ! bedrm. •tucco hotM with ocean view. Not t. ta'minte trap either -only 2 yn. old. BuJlt under l'RA inapection with FHA loan. Total price $10,850 and you'll co a long way to beat thl• one! GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC. 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach llatt>or ~ ~ EftD1np et.ll LI 8--318e, LI s..MOCS, Har. 3921 • W $8875 to $14,500 INSPECTION INVITED 5 Custom h ilt Mo dels Select a home to IU1t your needt.. BuUt on your or our lot. FHA tenna. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Ntwport Blvd Costa Meaa LI S-1~ Ev• U 8-HOO tf 'What's. It Worth? We thou~t tt ,,.. t. rood buy at $29,000. Thll OWDtt 1owvect th• price to $27 ,91W> on SUnday. u he wet.a it 10ld Th1a ii a very fine LIDO 3 bedrm. home with 2 bath.I. Forced &tr heat, new carpetlnJ. · ~vel)' kitcbeA and cilnlng are.. tlrepl&oe, dbl. rarase. -eztcloetd patio. See tt today by caWna 1Ae Schonek. Corner of Lorca and Soud PriYaey and chum are to be tound in thl• 8 bedrm. 2 batha LIDO home. Fnehly painted and V8C8rJlt. Many charm.inc teatUre., includ- Jnr &-terriAc patio. Price corner lot. le then "9 JVhy we th.ink th1a ia wch a good buy at $32,MO. Vlo Healy will be happy to 1bow you tb1-one. We have• BAYFKONT LOTs with pier privil- ege. on LIDO ISLE. There isn't a finer place to build your own home. Also, we han over 25 croe. 1treet LIDO Iota. Why accept aecond be.t tor your family! For full jnformation Call Earl Harvey. Bayfront Home on 2 Lots On,. of LIDO'S finetit homes. 2 garages, Cer\tral patio, maid'll room and bath. playrm. with fire- place, livingrm. with fireplace, separale clining- room, every pouible feature in kitchen, 2 powder Mn• .. 5 bednn•., • bathe, most rooms have out- .J~ding BAYVIEW. For more information, pbotte Blanche Harvey. We aold over one million dollara worth of proir erty in April. Thia meua we need good liatinp, and ~ 1ell them fot\you. p. a. palmer incorporated. ole han1on co. mana9ement 3333 Yi& Udo, harbor 1600 , Open House ' In Secluded BA YSltORES, o~ &om 1 to 6. Sunday, J une 3 -2715 Baysbore Olive. 4 bed· rma., a batb.I, a few feet troin best n'immin.s beaeb. W:l.IJ.to-waU ~ ud dnpes inclt.d- ed. Price $17.500. Come tn ana .. thia or call Lou Breer for appointment at your convenience. Shorecliff Family Home 4 bed.nm.• bathe with formal Uvtnirm. and ~ dhllol'm., plµ• brea.k!Nt room. BeautitUlly 1and8ctped patio ud ya.rd. It ia hard to believe that we can dellfft tbl8 value-packed house !o'r lbe low price of $~.000. Call Joe Kincaid !or more complete information. ... UnbeHevable LIDO ISLE cutJe -2 bedrma. -built by Bob lniram. Total price $21,'P.50. Bring in your check for $5000 down to David.eon Osburn-• but Hurry! .. Newport Heights Lovely 2 bedrm. 2 bath on well located corner. Many outstanding features make ttU. an outet&nd· Ing buy at $17,200. Call Bill Farnsworth to 11ee. Lovely Lido Home Exquiaite tute in interior colora and decorationa will t.ell you that thia bu always been a HOME to the owners. Patio planted to perfection will be yoUN to enjoy on comfortable IWllDler eve- ninp. An ununally la.rg• 2 bedrm. home. It it tita, call Jack Criafleld. p. a. palmer incorporated ole henson eo. management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-6513 Good Values Look These O ver! · v Best Buys Corona del Mar ' . Bl B HARBOR MESLRANCH HOMES Modd Bttweu 1"tile ...o ~ •Y• 01\ Ca&rll-. ~ ot 1Nt It.. OP.EN D.uLY t A.X. TO t P..M. R&A VY 8KA.KJC ft<>On, b&rdwood no.... btc dollbl• 1ara,.. forced.tr heat. bullt-UI O\"tll abd ,....... dilipoeala, 11eww.. elldinJ au-doora. u..s IM1c* nreplacu. Tl:RJUFJC J,.OOKJNO HOMES wtt..b aceu.nt ~ pla111 on eo.t.a X...'1 ll\OIJt dellnble &ut 114-. J..bed.room: Ul.IOO-UOOO down l·bedroom and den: SU~ d•wn All homu have J b&U!.t OLE HANSON CO. Tract Phone: Llberty 1·2SU or ottlou: U 1-6673, Ha.rbor UOO SHOPPER'S GUIDE LIDO ISLE BA YFRONTS .... -...... -... -............... $60,000 to $HO,OOO 3 BR. 2 t.., •• tt. lot ----···-··---····-.. ··-········$31,600 4 BR. 21~ t.tht, eo tt. loL -·····-····-·······--... -J'2,GOO 2 BEDROOM real small -........ -............. -..... -.. $24,600 ' ' q .. (1) SWELL BJtACH HOME OR RJCNTAI-4 bdma. frpJ., 0 . 8. ehow,r, paUo. 180 f t. to bey ,wlmmln.. 8leep1 up 1. v SHOREct.IFFS. Lovely 2 bedrm. home, 2 Yo u couldn 't start an BALBOA ISLAND • BEDROOM c:Orner with a to 10 peopl•. $18.~ Xlnt terma. batha, ptua separate dining room, lge. ldtchen with br&.k!ut area. Hwd. floon, covered patio, double garage. $30,000 full ptiee - $7000 down l\'ill handle. (2) OWNEJ\ BEING TRANS· rJ:RED. Will tell h11 •·unit bulldinf . r•cently r•deco-2. rat4d, nicely tuml1Md. Ad- J&ceot to the Bay. 118,000. TenN. v' BARGAIN. 2 bedrm. !urnilhed cottage !31 PENINSULA DUPLEX and a dandy. 3 bdrmt. up and 2 3 . I dwn. Attra.cUvely turniahed. · r ua,600. Od. terma. located cl<>H to 1toru and only 3 bloclu to ocean front. Priced to lelJ at $11,'5()(). Only $370ft down. SPECIAL! 3 bedrm. home, bwd. floon, FA heat, garba1e diapou.l, feQced y&rd, double garage. Choice .location and only $16,500. Euy terms. ( 4 I NICE 2 BEDROOM HOME and cut.a t>t.cMJor apt.. L&rr• lot. ape.clows i-uo, 2 •rl. car-a•a. 1'1.mllahed. Be aure 4. e/ OORONA HIGHLANDS. Refinement aL ill! to •• thtat 117.600 beat. Located high on the hill, magnificent ,~, OCEAN FRONT. • Bdrma. view of ocean and entire Harbor Area. Over Idnl tor tarre family su~.~ 3000 aq. ft. 1n thia 3 bdrm., 2 bath home plua Hou• with extra rear lot unftniahed rumpua rooIQ. ,._~-wall to Included at Ul.000. ......,. ..,.. ..... wall. cu.atom drape9, beautifully decorated. m ANOTHER. GOOD JNCOMI:. F h 2 bdrm. home • 1 bdrm. apL or t ose who want &nd can af!ord the over 2 -car prace. J'\lr· ~ -Thi• i9 It! ML No. 7176. ' niehed. A.dJ~•nt to bay .tr Reduced from $59,600 to $M,OOO. Shown by ocea.n. Only S16,000. appointment. (71 OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX--And only lM tt. to bay MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS awlmmtn1 tool 8 leepi up to H people. Flr.placu. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. ~-:.zs;,ruo. A ruJ de&t "t PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. •7 (Ofiice located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, Cd.M ) argume nt wit+t your wife 1 bedroom Income unlt ··-·····-~ ............ : ... ~,()()() J In THIS boUM, enn 11 you were BA YSHORES :~!t~~t.Th~::~= 2 BEDROOM bargain .................................... m.~ Cliff Heven -Newport H.i~hH and ,llOft e&rpetinc, tbe luxury 0( euy IDUrta1n1.nc -a ,..J din1nc room for tonnal d.l.nMn, a ~, den ud t.rraced pauo NEW 3 BEDROOM --.. ·-·---·---· .. ···· ... _ . ..$21,SOO tor buttet.a, a awmy bra.Itta.It 3 BEDROOM -lfill trade -............... -..... _ ...... $17,500 nook tor ''two90m•'' -pnmde the eettJnc tor a t.nlly 11.appy tamfl3. Of coww ita p bed- room.! 4 bl• ont1 -2 wttb UY aame panoramic 'fMw of Uw Harbor you cet from the U ft. UvtJle room! c..i.i tor appol.ot· mftlt to -what we mf'IUI by "Ch.um and V&Ju.". HS.000 - turn&. 2ue OC&AN BLVD. ( 1klW9en hnalea.t and Dahlia t OPEN 1·6 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY • • • • TAKE LIFE EASY In Coro.o& ~ Mar -llOUlh o1 H!chway. Swucy, compact two hedrooln home, trult t.rwe and nowft'I salon ln tba encloaed prden and p&Uo. 81:.11INO JS BELIEVIN'O ! $16.Mo. Ba y & Beach Realty Inc REALTORS I COSTA MESA 3 BEDROOM comer !acin, golf COW'M ........ f15.900 Al.moat an acre with 2 Br. boUM ..................... $13~ CORONA DEL MAR 3 BEDROOMS & den, view of OcUD la Bet.ch $33,:500 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4713 HOME BUYERS OPEN HOUSES 1~ p. m. Swtday <Can •how anytim. by a,ppolntment) 616 Marguerite, Corona del Mar 3 bedrm., oak floon, FA heat, fireplace. p.11). d.iapo.al .............................. ····-·· .. ····---.. -$18,600 II ) "·000 DOWN -Buy1 either or 2 Jowly ~nJnwla Point homu One with 2 bdnn1 . .tr den A 2 beth.I. at S21.MO. --------------------Corona del Mar otnce t53 Seaward Road, Corona Hi(hl&Qd.t. tile other with I bdrm&. A BEACON ..SA y 36ao I:. Cout H-,. • H&rbOr ~3 3 bed.rm. 2 t.th, FA heat locJude. ww c.arptt 2 beth.I at »S$0. A NEW LISTING in thi1 excluaive diltrict with Ii drapa .............. ·-·······-·-·----·· .. ---·····--'2S.SOO Balboa Realty Co . such fine ft'alerfront privilegee. Livinr room- Oppoell& BaM of America I Rou'Oreeley l:d Ll'e Joe.phine Webb • TOO E. Balboa Blvd., Bal~ Phone Harbor 3277 First Time Offered On lh• Bay In Corona de-I Mar. 2 bdrm. and 2 batha. Beaull· fully situated. . . . . Would you exch.an(• your New- clining room opena to large patio, 3 bednna., 2 baths and a very large attractive 1 bednn. apartment over gar. A real low price of $38.~. BALBO~ ISLAND ' With vacant loll .elllng at over $11,000 (when we C4D get one) tht. fine 2 bednn. home well located with stove, refrigerator, carpet. and draperies, fenced brick patio ii a real find at $19,000. Call HARBOR 17'1~ port Buch property for 3 -:!.":! ~!n ~nk ~:':: tn Bt1 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Two C-1 Iota In Corona dtl Mar Fitzmorris Rlty. Co., REALTOR Bu•lnNa Brolrtr MulUple U..Unc 3136 E. Coul Hwy .. C D.M ln Ntwport Be&ch K&.rt>or 21~2 OPPORTUNITY 2~; ACR.lt8-to beeom• M·l - Ltvti--Ow'Mr ~ mah 110 wilt .. crttlce lbla ldMl prop- .ny tor onl7 114,500. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson tlM Nft'PC>r1. Blvd.. 00.ta MIN Liberty M'ftl s. .. Bar. UM 10 Ac. M-1 & C-1 ON W'£8T 17th St nt&r Harbor Bl•d . Santa Ana. Trffl now I beln1 pulltcl. Buv pert or all wilh r.-1~ ... ClallM DAN A J ACOBSE '\' R.el E-l•I~ Har Mtl W 1-..SJT, Kl 2·21Ki IAf-20 • 2~ Marine Ave .. Balboa Ialand. • FOR EXCHANGE BUILDER will exchange for vacant .M·l or C-1 property, four new FHA approved 3 and .( bed- room homes remaining, in fine Santa Ana •ub- diviaion. Tot.a.l value $51,000. Financinr $35.000 INSPECTION WILL CONFIRM VALUE WM. W, STANLEY ~FORD Reaftors HADFIELD Put A~t. at Marine, Balboa llt&nd Harbor 2i62" TW IN DUPLEX Near beach, Sood rental d.imict. lDcome $2880. Can be incttaaed. Fully rented at preeenl · Only S3:SOO down. Pay off balance out of income. $23.!500 full pnct EAR L W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd , N~wport Bach Har. 1013 BILL'S BEST BUYS Back Bay Location SU Bolaa, Newport Ht.. -2 ~ c:kn, tull din. room. Lot 75 x 127 ··········---·--$11,600 WE ALSO SPECIALIZI: IN EXCHANGES G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 36M E. Cout Hwy. Corona d.al Kar Har. 5"2 Evea Bar. s&aO Located otf Del Kar Aw. amon• &23.000 hom.., la thl• a bdrm. bome OAl71l~ ~..,..old. Qom. pleuty fenced. SL AucutJn• lawn tront It l"Mr. Owner leav. In.. MUST BELL. Full price 111.-.,0 with nooo down, ------------------- Ready to Expand? I C&n you uae a tour 1*1nn. home w ith •p&dou. t&mily room and !&re• UTtq room ! Top p d• H. W. tloora, 1 ~ bathe. Jau.n· dry rootn.. UMd brtdt J'.P., r 1A hMt, INUt ln kltch•n and rtue alld~ do0ra lo patio. Qood Back Bay locallon Out ~1t buy at UUOO. W. A. TOBIAS UALTOft I "}-ou'U Uke our tritndly aemce" •OO E . 17Ui St .. Co.ta M ... Ubtrty S.llst BALBOA ISLAND ATl'RACflVI: 2 BR. HOME. OPEN HOUSE 111 Via ftJNnc. LIDO ISLE Sunday 1 • 5 p. m. Four 1 bedrooui unita and one 2 bedroom unit all completely !urniabed. l:scellently tbianced.. Owntt will conaider pert trade. Full prtce $75.000 Urut.a are alao ava.11.able for swnmu and )Ul'ly rental.a. lido Realty Associates MOO Via Lido ~ nn. A bath AJllO l bdrm. -------------,..-------~ •ott~ ~ldns .. ,IOO. VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE BALBOA. BAY PROPERTIES 1606 W. Balboa Blvd. Bar. 518' INDtnrna.u. ACll&AOE ao. J:ut hnta Ana trom 4 lo •II ac"" or more. UtilJtl-. M tnc:b wtth tl'Ontaa'• on prom· ~ ltreelL JlUl:D CRO&mft Ll l-7ll0 Kl 1·1'41 Jk20 Alta cf•n• Escrow I U ·A ,..0 1 1ath lilt (.'n.ea )tua L.l~rH _. ·JH.5 13c2e Bay and Ocean View Newport Hef 9ht1 a Bdrm.a., 2 batha. r A ~ woo1 Wfff .._ dra.pes • cwt4i.na. 0.-tom bit. ..., aUnct. modern hom• with Ip. view wiDdowa. nnt UIDe offered Alt acellmt value at S21.1~ ' Call for appt to eet THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W Cout ffiibway. N"rport Beach LI a..3Ul •