HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-04 - Newport Harbor News Press•
Mlll&'S LOVl.:U.Dr -Dee Dee CWmlng'bam of·Newport Beach (cent-er) waa
melected Ulll year'a beauty queen at tbe 11th annual Costa Mesa Fiah Fry yea.-
terday. It wu in tbe nature of a comeback triumph for Dee Dee aince 1be
competed umu~y for the honor 1ut year. Second place ~er wu
Nancy Klmberlain (left) and third WI.I Diane Levaueur. -Stal! Photo
Miss Lundwall
Crowned _ • ti
Fry Qaeen
Parent.a ot "C'' Ldl'\le buebe.U boya wUl be aaked to
vote Oft ""*under which pine. wm be pt.ayep t.hJe ewn-
mu, attn a pme at Cotta M ... hrk • Wedn..S.y eYe-
nille· Tile pme will •tart at t :ao p. m .. aceo~ to Rod
MacMlllla.n.. atblUlc director ot ~ Boye Club.
Record Fish Fry
f -#
Two te&ml wW be packed ttom "C" ~ and
halt of tbe pine wtU be played under one at of rut~
and the other half under a eecond Mt. Parent. are
urcecs f>J MacMlll1a.n lo attend, &a he would 111te to have
a reprewnt&tl~pt.berinr to d~ick on t.be rule. lo be \I.led.
Ci-owd Reported
14 Candidates on Ballot for
Tinfoil 'ChaW
Fouling Up SA
Radar Car Trap
Reporta have been received by
Santa Ana police that high
11<.hool youlha bave had no Ulllr
Five Positions as Trustees IUCCe/18 in !ICTambhn& lhl' f'X·
le.naive radar apeed trap aet up . I t;y police by ualng an old Air
With 14 candidates on the QJllot tor the Orange Fort:" wartime trick of throwln.Jt llntoll •• "charr· out of their County Board of Education, to be for the first time both can.
elective and eompoaed of laymen. there will foUow a Another refrnement of thf'
brief biographical aket.cb of each. tnck, at •• reported, 11 lo wrap
A. N-port Buch and Coal& tty ahould ~main with and be long itre&men of Un foll around
M ... u. tn Atta ~. ca.ndldatu exerctMd by local acbool tnuttta. radio antenna.a and on hub capa
from tlt1ti ana wUl bad the li1t.. Public undentsndift~ and nnanc-But the more dfectlve method.
othera followtnc Ill revf'rM ordf'r .. .,.. the two prlnt'lp&J problf'ma the youtha have dlacovered, 1.1
Area II; A f~rmer member of ol our achoola. lrl throw thf' alwnlnum chaff
th• ,. _ _.a ~.. Union a ... __. from lhe C81'8 bee&WMI thf' I~ ~ '-"'"'' -...,...,... "Proteaalonal people In our "-'-•-cl .,, _ _. of !:du-.. -ot _..___._ of •peed 1howa a ••alow down" ..,..... ~ ......,... -=--a" dedicated people; a
Wbl.... ... ~----'..._t for a hi-· on the pollre radar tcrffn """ ,.,. --.,.,_....., .,.._r re1ard and reepe<:t for , -•r. Th~·· B. de Fo-A•-Tbf' apeed trap "neut.ral~er' .1-~-·-... ,.._,-thelJ' pomtlon la needed by th• .... dlda•· for O-•-"-·-tJ .. _ _. la uld lo have ~n dreamn.i·UP ""' ·--........,, ........ public. U elected, my flnt con-
of Educau~ .. -"""-, ....... eve. Id U In on" of the Santa Ana Jf"h ~ _,,.. • • •• ...,.. • era on In making a declalon 1 .. _,......... of ---••'-of ·-y Schoo eclenu laboralorlu. ·~ ..,...._. _........,. ... will be: What la beat for th•
on• dlatm:t. all atudfttta ~ die 1tudeot !" \ •
county ahould have lh4I aame op-)ln. Mary E. Hoffman real de. CO AST• WISE. •
portuJly for &n education." In N8port Bnch with her hua·
0. Foreat moved t.o Newport bend and three ch.lldren. wtao at.-
Bach ln 1965 but ll ltill acuva tend Barbor 9Chool.t. Her hu.-
tn Costa }feaa. He la pratdent band. Cue A. Hoffman la own.r
and member ot the~ of di· of a tlah tmporttnr company.
rect~ra ot th• Banor ~ Soya' llrL Hottman wu ralMd ln a
Club, Inc~ mamber ot the CO.ta famlb' ot edueatol'1J. Her snnd·
Mesa Chamber ot Commerce. pU..r. M. c. s.ttJ~r. llU\'H
put prealclent ol 11.-Ktwana u .. 1.1tant 8uP9'tftt.aincknt ot
Club, anu la ~ra.tor ot t.be Loe An1etu CttJ Scbooll a.ad
the H&rt>or RolJat Nnlr. · lie la 0 • n . her lathw. . ... --tunrer.
State Beach
Plans Raise
4 Problems a1eo men bet' •f the AIMnc&n eelWd \bot Alhambra &chool 11>'9-
~. VF'W and Nt'Wport Hu-&.a for U ,_n. 10 at wbicb Now Ulat the" bu been !>
bor Db. w.._Ja tae aap.cjty ot superin· eluded ln \.ht State ot C&.llfon\l.a
-Funds for Youth ProjeCts
Taken in H'igher than .'55
"We fed more 'people than we ever did before and
the general income waa greater, but it will be Wednesday
or Thursday before we have any accurate figures," waa
the way Bruce Martin, chairman of the Costa Mesa Lions
Club's annual fiah fry, aummed up the hectic week-t>nd.
Fort1t F. Foett'r, club at'Crf'·
t1ry, wa.a worklnf today to get
tht varaoua tunda lntu the bank
and he aleo rrportl'd a distinct
gain OVf'r lul yur'a S8000 re-
Sill. R E. Nrpt of th,. Co~t&
MeM Pohce Depa1 tm .. nl, wbo
wa.~ in charfe of th, .-rrlclmt
pohre 11uperv1alon durini lb" rtJlb
fry and part.lcularly or the pa-
r&df eallmated that about 25.0-00
peoplf' wttneeHd lh, parad" end
betWf'f'n 70 and 75 000 people
crowdl'<! the park dunn1: lhe two
day A.
A doff gueu at the number of
d1Mera aerved wu ael at 10.000
by club otfidala, but of thll
fl&Urtt they w•re not yf't cvtatn.
A aeoond try WH a cnarm for
Dee °" CUnntnpam. NHJl>Ort.
Beach, one of 12 beauty eontea-
t.a n I.I • t the Coat.a M t'9a Fiah
Fry, wben a.he wu· Mlttted
buuty quef'n duftn~ JU41gtnc
Sunday afternoon In Coata Mf'aa
Ml• Cunnlnrham, who tried
for the honor lut year but failed
lo wtn. wore• a alrikinr bltl.e and
(C'leatlalWd -Pact' 51
Primary Race
to See Heavy
Vote in County
The long-awa1trtl Jun" II p1 I·
mary "Ir c t 1 on 1 tomorrow pit
pol1llcal bopefulJI agaan11t u r h
olhf'r for a wade arn1y or po~•·
Jror Nt'Wp9C"t Hai bor vol" 1,
the race In the 74th Ant>n1blv
Dl.ltnct 11 reckoned u "hot by
pohUcal oburvera, while C1,n·
irraaman '1amea B. Utl, 1 Rt
veteran lt'gw•lor ot Santa Ana
i. ienerally rf'garded u • heavy
ravorit.e In hie raci-aptnat
Democratic challenff'r Gordon T.
Shepard, Garden Grove attorney.
Both ban C'l'OU·fllf'd.
A 80 lo 70 Pf'r rent tum out
ot votera In thf' county I• pre-
d.lcted by County Clerk L)'nn
Beekln« Ea.rt W. Stanley'• 14th
dJalricl ueembty job wlllch he
(C.ttntlf'd oa Paa'e II)
~daughter a ttenct. New· tendtnt. budCU. vut aunu of money tor
port JClftllentary Sct.ool and hi• Mra. Hottman la prHident of acquisition and denlopruenl of
wife la J fonnu hip achool tll• Har1)or CouncU of P&rent· l>eacbe1 and be&cb p&rkl. "Ca.II·
t.eac!Mr. 1'\a.cher AaeoclatlONI and ·M ac· !omiaiu .,.. faced with tour new
C\rt• mu.. Nancy Lundwall He al*> •tat.ea, ... ~Ut~ the Un member of 8L Andrew• problema", related Admiral J. P.
wu crowned Ucket Alea queen COW'lly ac1lool board lo be an 111· Pr•byteria.la Church. McKinney of ~al Beach to di~
County 1Jdelan~ Clai~
Hamper Dana Point ProjeGt
of lh• annu-1 Uona Club Fieh Anilnent ot Ml'Vl~ to tocal dta.-Donald J. 8teveru1, candk1at.e tora of the Shoreline Plannlnie
Frycei.brallon aborUy afternoon tnct.a. ni. control and llftthor· (0..tbnwd °" Pace I) Auoclatlon ln -ion at the B.t.J.. By JSE1' RU>DICK or the lid.eland~ end aubmef'l'ed
land11 borderlnc upon and under
Nt>wporl Bay In aald County of
Orange, which arr outatde ot lh•
corporate hm1u of the city of
Nf'wpo•l Beach."
8aturdaJ 111. Coet.a Me&& Park U --------------------------boa Bay Club Friday night. an .. t.lmated 70,000 penona be-Oran1e Countv'a df'lermln1tlon
to lsnore any Statf' of California
ri1hta lo th" 11hort'llne or coastal
water11 la runnlnJ II.II ertorta to
df'velop a harbor at Dana Point
onto the rock• Th111 al leaat la
the lnff'tence drawn from report
NA.NOY CSOWND> -Victor Mcl..aglen. famed
veteran actor of' Newpprt Beach who .erved u
lf&Dd marabal of tbe annual Costa Kea Uona'
Flah Fry parade Saturday, crowna 'Nancy Lund-
•all. 18, of 6M Beach St., Costa Meaa Flab Fry
queen. Nancy, W'bo came here aix moot.ha ago from
Ogden. Utah, wu 1ponaored by the Glrla' Club.
lnterated in jouma.liam, cooking and pop muaic,
MJu LundwaU works for ~k of America In Santa
Ana. -Staff Photo
ru ptherin1 tor • parade
manhaUed by movle Actor Vic·
tor McLarlen.
Mlle Lundwall repreMnted lhe
Olrla Club of Coeta Meaa. nm event on th~ two-day
c&mlval. tlah try, parade and
beauty cont•l alale wu lhf' pet
parade tn th• morning In which
bundred9 of Harbor eru chll·
dren and their pet.a appeared.
Jud(&8 aamf'd a pony and 11ur-
rey entry u ftrat-place winner.
Youn,..tt-r11 Chuck Wallen. Ga.le
and Michael Hart..-all of 2423
Sant.a Ana Ave. were th" lucky
r1dera Ill the aun-.y pulled by
\.ht pony, Strawberry.
PJ'oceeda of th• Lioru Club
celebraUon wlll 10' Into Harbor
uea yQUlh work. It wu an-
nounced by PrHldenl Dru~
SNAKES (ALIVE l n·· au ln line of duly.
ll. L. Foreh&m of 1935
PTi..cWa IAne. Harbor High-
land•. requealed th" pollrf'
department lo pick up and
dit"poee of two ~arden 1111aku.
m.po.tUon made.
GIDDY U, 8T8A WBD&Y -Flrat ·prime In the annual Lioo.a Oub Flab Fry
pet parade Saturday mo~ ln eo.t.a Mel& Park went to thia pony and aur~y.
Rklihc the surrey are, from left, Chuck Walt.en. Gale Hart and Micha~ Hart, aU
of 24.2.3 Santa Ana Ave., The pony Strawberry, ia docnr the work'.-Staf! Photo
Schools Local Pupils Will
Attend in Fall Outlined
Bchooll puplla ln Newport
BMch B:Janent.ary School m ..
trtcl w1ll attend next ~plembu
hav• been datp.at.ed by Supt.
Roy 0 . AnderMll U foOOWll ·
Newport Sdx>ol; AU or the
penlnllUl& horn 45th St. lo thf'
Point -Oradea Kinderrutm
throUp l'tf1b.. Lido Ial--Orad•
One throup P'tfth.
N.wport Bdpta School; Wut
Newport f'tOm Santa Ana river
lhrou(h 48t.b St .• Balboe ~
Newport H~hta and Clltf
Haven -Kinduprt.en througb
P'ltlh Lido la!e -Kl.nderprten.
Corona del Kar School: Cot-ona
del Mar Boulh or Btrhway 101.
B&lboe 1ala.Dd. Harbor laland.
Beacon Bay a.nd lrv1ne Te1Tace
-Grades Kinderprnn lhroUJh
Harbor View School: Corona
del Mar North oC Hirbway tQl1
Shore Cliffa. Cot·ona Hi1hlanda.
Harbor Hfrhl&ndl-Orade.e Kin·
rltrgarten lhroug11 Sixth. Bay
ShorM. Bay Sbott Camp 4 In·
cludin& BaJtio. Bay Club, Sea
Scout Ba11t. f'tc. 1 -Grade•
Klndqatt.en through F l f l h.
Corona df'I Mar South of High-
way 101, B&lboa laland. Harbor
laland. Be.aeon Bay and lTYlne
Tf'rr&t'e -GradH Fifth and
and Grad• Four throu1h Et(bl
to1 all chUdren llvtnr over one
mt1e. ttom achoo!.
Wild Tractor
Gives Woman
Broken Foot
A Venb woman received a
brokm foot ~ afternoon
wM.n a runaway tractor, started
by a lf'OUP of chlldren. anaired
• cable and whlpp9d It ln her
dlnlctlon. •
The vlctlm, Mra. Lucille C.
MurphJ. 46, waa taken to Hoac
Ha.pl<al at II p. m. for tr.atment
of the injury.
Mn. Murphy told police that
unidentified chlldrf'n (ot Into the
tractor nH.r e. marina at., Cout
HIJhwaJ and Bayahort Brldl•
and manac-t to ,.t It started.
They jumped out of lt ln frtpl
and ran away, abe uld. when the
tractor went out of control. The
lumber1~ machine wblcb had
It.a front plate In an upr1(bt
p<Mrlllon cau(bt a,.in.t a cable
tttur~ to a dredr lD the bey
Horace l'!n•llf" School: All cauatnc tha cable to l~bten and ~vent.h and Elghlh Grade atu· wbJp ~ainal her le( will'I snap-
dt>nta In "1f' Newport Bea<'h plnl' fOl"'t'f'
li:lemmtary School Dl•lrict anfl 8olh the dredgf' and the lrac-
Slllth Grade 1ludf'nu from all lor •re Ute property of Shell· area.a not ap«lftcally detl~aleJ .J f Hart>or View School maker. Inc. a dre<ll\nr ttnn or . Company ~preeentalive WIUJam Klnckrprtt'IU. The :'\ewporl 1 p Boland Jr .. 703 Ilia AYe .. wu St'hool will 11erve the arf'a from 13th St. Wf'11t throu b '43th sr .. , l•lrr ra~ to ta.Ile can of the I runawey tractor and th• anernoon Kindtr£'&rlf'n u M h h .. .. ln lb• Newport ~ Sc.boo1 •nr& urp y. w o wu ..... en
wUI _.,._ the N~ Hctpt.a to the h09plt.a1 by a ttlaU•e wu a~a over lo Irvine An. All reportf'd In rood ccndltlon.
othu Klnderrar\erul arr ,.x~t
ed to be morning aoaona.
ReglAtraUo~ All Orades. Kin·
~rprtt'n through Elrhth wall
be 1'1!gia't~ Sept. i . T.mpenturea for lhe weelt-
TTanaportatlon: BecalUlf' of the end In the Newport Hartlor artt
chan~ea In !l<'hool boundertt'a. Wf'N
m change. lJI transpon.t.Jon
.,... will be ne«uary bul, ln
1mena.l lbeM will <'Oft.form to
U\e Oi•tnct policy nf proY1dln1 I
ll anaport•tlon fnr Gradea Kl.n·
d.-rprten l hro\lllh ~d,. Tttrf'f'
tor au cltlldTf'n llv1n1 ovM" lhl't"f'-1
d11arter1 <1f a mil• Jrom IChool.
RIP .Lovr
1'J~. May 2t t4 M
W.tn.-tay. May SO 14 51
Ttlunday, May 31 .. 64 Ml
P'tiday, June l 68 4t
8Al11rday. JllM 2 ··-~ M
8\lnday. Junf' J --86 M
M.oadJly J-• ' -., 67
McKinney told the member• of
the Shoreline group that he w"'
referring to the program adopted
u alma of the Orange Count
COii.it AaaoclaUon undf'r Ila cu
rent prelllderit. David Olmated of
Nwwport Beach. McKinney aald.
"We muat. protect our lhort'llne
from eroaion and create prote<'I·
Ive worka where pver lhf' 1hol"f'-
llne la threatened by a rllon of
the Udea or olt.er natural or un·
natural cauau." The retired Navy
ocncer went on, ··Jual u danger·
oua to I.he &horeUne aa eroa1on of
the beach away la the despoila-
tlon of lhe natural l>eaulle11. un·
llgblly Oil well• and othu un·
nec:euanly ugly lnduatrlal devf'I·
Adm. McKinney aald ere.Hon
of the Monterey 011 Co. Wand
more lha.n 8000 feet offahore hu
proven that oll can be produced
from a mile and t1t1f either lldt'
(0oatbmf4 °" Pap I)
ven to dlrf'<.'lora of the Shorf'·
I e Planrunc A1110CI• tlon 1n ae.11·
1lon at the Balboa Bay Club Fri·
day night. -I
County Hai bor EnSinttr H.
Morgan Noblt> told the group
thet plane tor the dt"velopment
at Dana Potnt haw been Tt'peal·
edly delayed becaUllf' of alles-•·
uon1 by atale arenc•ea that work
could not 1tart Wllhout permit.a.
The rounty t'ounael hu contend·
ed that Orange County 1ained
llllf' to all of ala lhoreUne when
NfW)>ort ~ch WU granted Ill
lldelanda. In a t'Olncldent.al blll
thf' county waa rranted "all of
the n1hl. lit' and lnl ..... t of
the Slat• o' i.llComla held by
laid •tale tJo1 virtue of Ila eover-
elptJ 1n and to all that ,portion
ll hu bf'f'n the cont•ntlon,
apparently, of lhl' rounty that
lhf' action gavf' them the UUe
of all of lhf' lldellmda of Oran1e
County t"xcept lhOfle In front of
~port ~ach Cll,y ;>roper. Up-
on lhl11 conlenllon lhey have
undertakrn a leue lo American
Marine Exploration C'ompany of
Hou.ton. Thr rounty hu at.Ill
found oo w1y to "cul It.elf In"
on the ~xplorauon at Hunun1·
ton Bf'ach. or Bol.aa Chica Bea.ch
although Idle converaauon bu
~n heard about the county
Mfbla al Snl ne.t't1,
Dana Point Harbor pl&na ot
the County Harbor Comrniuion
call tor the expenditure of 112.•
000 for landlnf area: reiredin&'
the road ooww the face of the
bluff from a 27 dtrrH rrad• to
(<'-tf•ONI ...... I)
DOW IT LOOKS -ProgreSa on work underway m Alameda County wu depl~
ed for members of the Board of Direct.on of the Sbo~ Planninr Aaociation
when they met Friday night at Balboa Bay Club. On hand waa Robert wu.
Uama . .planning dlrector for Alameda County, who brpught t-ngineer'1 1tudies of
the $7.000.QPO .Unprovement proiram now c~~ vut acrea~et1 in and for the
City of Alameda. Shown at the diacUS&ion, atanding (1-r) ~enneth Sa.m1>90r
of &Jboa Bay Sbore1 and of Orange County Plannmg Department: Williama of
Alameda · David Olmal~ preatdent of the Orange County Cout Auociation : and
H. ~rge Hjelle, Director of R«reallon for the City of Los Angelea--Sta!l
• '
. . .
• . ,
' <
' '':J~e I• '
·Jn the s.,..,;ty l<!. •cup!~ tfiin<Awo c611nol chonqo: tho •<!11'•9• to· thon9e tho lhing1 'eJ con ood
tho wisdom lo know tho diffo~.''. {A. Anon.)
· James Utt's Re-election
Tomorrow Vital to Voters
On the eve of tomom>w'1 It.ate primary eleclkml
one. fact .t.nda-o:.it cry1tal clear t o WI concerntng
Ora.ere County'• future welfa.re in the House of Rep·
rMentatives. We refer to the caodidacy o( Congreaa-
maa J&mes 8. Utt. up for re-election.
It la Yitai that all of UI, Republican and Demo.
ant alike, (iva the inc:umbtnt 0011gre911nan the hearty
l\lpport be '° ricb.ly deH:rves. Hia record 1peak11 for
It.elf: he hUfou~ht particularly bard and effectively
for Newport Harbor .
Speclflcally, he baa fLided lo the brlnginc of eco-
nomic admini!rtrfttion of Newpor\-seach'e PCYl"ral post
offices by consolidet ion of operations of Balboe ancl
Balboa bland po1t office. u atations of Ntwpor1
Beach Post Office. Nl"fther poet office lost ite uniqu1
Identity but money and t ime wert-saved the tax
payen through thla !lep.
ln addition to that. we feel Newrort Harbor vot -
en should re-elect Conirreuman Utt for b.il very
adequate atejia in 11.iding Newport Harbor Union H i1b
School offi.c1al11 in their ardo114 unwinding of federal
red tape necessary to obtain the new hlKh school site
oo· acreage ot the old Santa Ana Army Air Bue. Thia
in illelf was a real tuk &8 &nyone can affirm wbo
hu attempted to get a eensible, nect>stiary meuure
worked out by our bureaucral.11, be they Democrat or
RepubUca111. The new hi&"h achool aitc as a re&ult of
Conl"f'e&unan Ult's constant vigilance 11.nd work. plUI
90me aid from Senator Thomu KuchPI of Anaheim,
at thil time ill nearly a certainty -ao much ao the
board of tl'Wltces feel confident in planning the edifice.
Th~ are but two items or vital work Congreu-
m&n Utt has accomplbhed for hil coniil1tucnt.a. Look
the field of congreaamen over and we darM&y you
wtll find '"' who have made two l\Jch notable atepe
forward tor their diatMcU. •
Tbe most import.ant thing ill that we re-elect
Coosreum•n Utt tomorrow Jn the primariet, there-
by savinr the taxpayen the coet of the faU election
ln hlA cue, plUI treeing a valuable public eem.nt
from campatcning to he may get on \\'ith congrn·
slona.1 duti,e1, With Utt re-elected to.morrow both par·
tle1 will be tree to fight out the Pre11id~tial cam.
pairn t.nd the other officea more remote from public
An other column mentlon1 the county school
bo:itd election, our county'• first. Most of the candi-
dates are unknown quantitiea to vot..eni outaide tht'ir
diltricta .o we c&n only hope the best qualified win
in thi1 conte1t.
We recommend a NO vote on the county flood
control bond i.eue u it.a.led here frequently, and a
YES on Propoattion W. ·
We have 11>0ken our piece before on the 1tate
aaaembly races eo there ie no need to go into detail
on the hopeful.a wanting Sacramento addresees. How-
ever, tor thoee who miued the earlier re!ert!nce to U·
eembly eandldal.el, hen!'S. .a 1ke'lch:
We will vote for John Amendt for Aasemblyman
tor the 7-lth DU!trtct, the •pot beWg vacated by Earl
W. Stanley. Amendt ia perhaps the beet qualified
candidate who bu ever n.in for office i! education
and training tor the cho.en field mean &nything.
Ameodt ii willing to dedicate himself to the task of
being the very beat Auemblyma.n po1111ible, He i.a
youni enough to serve long, dedicated to hooe1ty,
determined to aucceed. He la worthy of your vote.
First County School Board
Election Slated Tomorrow
Tomorrow clUuns of Oranse County wU1 be vot-
Jn1 on eom•t.hl.nc which a probable 99 per cent have
never before heard about-a COW'lty· lay .chool bo&rd.
A lot of them are gol.ng to want to .know what ls lt.
bow lt came about and what It wlU do.
..A.cconlin& to Linton T. Simmona, county 1uper-
intencknt of aehool~. tM machinery wu Mt in motion
by the elate lqislature on recommendation of a com-
mJtW formed of manber1 of variou. &dmin.ilt.ntive
group1.. The iroupe included School Adrntnhrtratoni,
Para>t·Tud>en, School Board. A.uocl&tlon. "'pro.
~tativn ot nriou. universities interuted in the
education program, and be belleved, the Calltornia
Fann Bunau and California Chambef' of Commerc~.
The 1tudy covered a period of two yean, The:
reeon:unendation made from it wa.s that, in view of
the fa.ct that et.Jte tund1 go to achoota, it might be ~ wtH to have oontributJons governed by a county lay
board rat.her than by an appointive one, which In the
past hu genera.Uy been made up of achoo! people.
The new .etup will apply to all counties ot the
state except tho1e: four wh ich are chartered.
Orange County 11t1J>ervi80n puaed a re1olut iou.
aett ing up areu, ,each of which will be represented
by one board mefhber, but elected by all voter'1 ot the
county. The new lay bpard will have varioua dutiea,
including approval of atudy coun1e1, approval of the
county achool budget and n.iling on various minor
mattera, will have authority over 1ervice1 reDdered by
the county superintendent of schools.
That the plan hu had slight pubUclty leaves the
general public very · much in doubt a bout' the candi-
date., moat ot whom will be unknown to the a~rage
voter. It h&.11 offered an opportunity for person• to
file who might be deairable or otherwise.
The following ia recommended :
Di»Lrict 5 -Thomu B. de Forest.
U.S. Engineers Could Solve
Flood Control Problems
Thia editorial, printed in the News·Preu April
' 25. hu never been &n1wered by the couftty board of
~ -~ Supervisors or their blnlings. We !eel illl criticism
of tomorrow's $4.2 million flood control bond i.uue
merit& rt>printing todlly. lt CoUowa verb&tlm :
June electlon.1 are raptdly approaching when,
&monr other lb.inga, volttl of Orange County wiU
be uked to make their wi1he1 known on a $-4.:!.000,000
bond issue, theoretically for ti~ control.
AlthC?urh the publiaber ot thia new1paper bu
repeatedly asked county o(tlci all, 1peci!lca11y the
1upervison ot lh.e 1econd and fifth district&, lo pnr
vide the pubUcation with information on the $4.2,000,-
000 bond i11ue, none hu been forthcoming.
Thia appears to be anolher one of thoee Orani\
County political boondoggUng bl unders where thoee
who have endeavored to perpetrate a bailment tor
-choH:n landownen or low lying propertie1 are afra.id
to have their proposall too closely scrutinized.
The theoretical tlood control me1sure, to tht
best o( our knowledge. bu met with approval no-
when!. :P._tany montha ago. wh en the meuure wu
first dl&cui!cd, the farm bureau made teVer&l ne-
ommendationa. Becau1e no one, county superviaora,
enginee:n, or othen ha\'e at any time aaid that the
recommen_datio!\s of the farm bureau were-unaou_nd,
UD.re8M>nable, or not completely proper, we muet
u1ume that they are. Still nothing bu betn done
either to accomplish the changes or inform the people
of Oni.n&"e County of the merits or demerits of any
portion of the $-42,000,000 apiced apple.
Tbi1 apµean to thi1 writer to be another of the
groH blunden of the Board of Supervisors of Orange
County. Supervisors, as monthi a.n d years ro by,
will 11.y, it and when lndu.ndation hit.a any portion ot
the cowity, "we told you so, we propoaed a remedy,
the voten turned it down." The remedy they have
proposed would probably ~ much wone than any
ailment that high water could cauee.
For lnttance:
/I'he propoal u wt undenland it and we have
nevu peen ab1e to &"et our bands on a copy of the
report tor even the most casual 1crµtiny with any
of our trul't.ed advisen, would change the n ow o!
waters from their natun.l cha'noell. The propo1al
eete forth Do p}an to deepen, widen or fortify the
river. The propou.l upon which the Supervison
bue a c.a1l for $4.2,000,000 in bonda upon the wbole
County ot Oran1e hu been dratted without the bene-
fit of the study or COW\lel of the only engineering
rroup in the United St.atea compet.ent to provide
1ucb 1tu.dy -AND PREPAID FOR 'IliE CON-
SULTATION. We rtfer. to the Corps or Englneers
l'ormer17 ~ K.wport-BeJboe N..,._~
,PJ4 tu N.-port-B&Uloa p,._
A o"•'•* a...a lMU~ tu Ch'• ,.., Yws
Dtt..S u I aa.-...W,ee MaU., &\ U.. ._, • .,....1111 Newpon ~
• Cfa1U'on:Ua UAdar th• Act of karch I. 1111. ........ ..,.,, .......,, w......, .... ......., Ill)' tM
of the United Stak1 Army.
Thia la not the tint time that the-county of
Oranie bu undertaken preaumptive action1 without
due 1tudy or canakleration. This la not the first time
that th~ COW'lly bu endeavored to circumvent cap-
able and proper channels. ----,.u W •..C. ftwtwrr V"(lll,. CAXD'. ftw lliitiw lG.t The COrp. of Enitneen of the United St.atea
Army La chUCed with flood control, conservation and
reclamation. It wa1 the Army that fi.n&lly pleceq.
together the botched up jOb ln the County ot Loa
Angeles a.nd brought· forth a plan that is and bu
bffn working tor the control and con•rvation of
wat~r in the neighboMng county. The eng1neto n do
not ma.ke their plana or atud.iel on poliUca.J coftl.ider·
ations 9r 11e-rvitude to special inte.reat&
QllrtW .. ,.... ~ N.UO. Miii Adcwde w rt .r .AD &11.ee
'o .... a,o-..ru..~ODwtetqn..,p 0... la AeUoa No. A-11,0S
....._ ~•ni.la N._paper Plil•'kt•ni ~
_.,...... NttUe9M Edl'*"-1 A I tlat ...
....... el an.s• 0-.lJ N .... .......,,.
\Vll ,J I AM A, Kou:&, Edit.or
JAMES Al JU.1'H'.£NT, AdV9rtlalnC Direct.or
CHAIU..£8 A. AIUCJJ"l1tONO, MedtaNcal llupertntet1d111t
M_,..rt H&tttor N_.,._,, Trt·'t\-11tlJ' r. 0...,. o..t:J, f&.M P'r J'f'U'I fS.M lb .... , •1.11 ~ •oe.
Ouhlldlo ~I O....r:e COWllJ 17.00 11e-r t'tU
Jt wu t'he Corps of Enginttra that flnlJJy balled
out the County o( Orange on the Prado Dam.
Hi.Btorlcally the County of Orange Board of
• •· . -I
BPBillNG OP 'llO MJlllN--
Supenrt.ors bu left the clock of 8Ye:Dla nm to the
point of dire emergency and then endeavored to
1hove down the throat of the popul.aoe an unpot&ble
panacea dubbed "emergency." The emerrency ln
Orange County for control, conaervation. •ton.g• and
flood control of water began ~ yean qo. It bu
c otten no better through the admini.uation o! &DY
man now aervinc u a Supervt.or.
Repeatedly in years put, throua:b the t.enlll of
three Con(ressmen, all &till eervinc ln. tbe NatloD'a
Capitol, ha1 the County ot O~a:e had t.bt oppOl'tUD-
lty ot aolicitlng a afudy of the U. S. Army EngiDeerl
of water bd fiood problema of the county of <>ruce.
Du.ring the k nna of Harry Shepherd, Democrat:
J ohn PbUlips, Rtpubllcan; and Jamee B. Utt. Repub--
lica.n ; on many occu.ioD.11 wu the opportunity right
for the County of Orange lo be included in a 1tudy
and planning by the Engineers. NEVER AT ANY
OUR CONGRESSMEN. Yet during the adminiBtra-
tion of the.e meri, particull\rly during the admin\1-
lration of J ohn Phillipa and Jamee Utt have accom-
pllshment. been tallied for the protection a.nd
benefit ot the cltle• and achoola upon requests of the
City Councils or echool board.B.
In the beginning ot lhiB editorial .we 111.ated tha t
we hive repeatedly a.liked for a copy of the atudy
upon which 11 hued the call for $42.000,000 worth
ot flood control bond1. That &tudy baa never been
provided ao that we could enlighten the nadeni ot
the paper. We have uked pointed que1tlona both
of SuperviMtn Heinz Kai.ier of Coata Meea and
~11111 Warner of Huntington Beach; nelthc r bu ever
answered. \Ve have attended a11 the presentatione
of the county flood control board made by Wa.mer,
to which we could po8aibly get ; we have uked the
N.me que1UOne, he haa not chosen to answer.
Now ia the time for the Board of Supervisors of
On.nge County either to an1wer legitimate questio09
or cancel the bond call. To determine whether bo nda
voted under the proposal verba.lly submitted wouJd
be Jeral and aaleable where it i1 proposed lo change
the coul'M! of now of natural run off.
Now b the time when t he Board of Supervisor.
1hould petition Congreas t o authoriz.e the Corps of
En(ineen of the United States Army to undertake &
compreben1ive 1tudy and propose a complete plan for
control, gathering and atorage of all poulble ~at.era,
and creation ot a proper plan of emergency storm
dr&ina in the entire County .ot Orange.
Vut amounta of money have been spent In the
County ot Loe Angeles and elsewhere in the United
States for 1uch study and creation of actual work•.
The taxpayers ot the County of Orange pay their
control in the United States. THEY ARE OUR
pro-rt.14. 1hare tor all 1uch atudiea and works. The
Corps ot Englneer1 ia conceded by all engineers to
be the but 90Urce of information and plans for flood
FULLEST. We call upon the board ot supervisors
to call off the proposed bond election which hu
no pouibllity of pusing and re.ubmlt the meuure
at a later da.te a.a a complete' plan tor the entire
2 ,_
-ay•1'ALft:a L •4llDllJU.
United l'fe.. Staff Conwponde -..
A candidate for public office baa to be oarthiJ what
he atn<b throu&h the mall -and bow ht send.I I~ e
A beof WU r&loed Jut -about campalp l!Wa·
ture belns mallod out by the otata Domocrallo Council
Tb• beef ... rUMI ., ...,...
Yorty, • CIAdl4at.e tor u.. u .a. oucta datick pt on.. A Miiion
IM&U, wbo tilt the llt.,..tur. -..riU.. ud 90me ... mUMon MiAc mau.it llG( only ..,_ Wp-\A cub. It will M Ute fir.-&
lftC bit oppoM1tt.ltat4 a.nator UDM IA Mltl>ry u .....,...u..-
tuc.bard IUCb&rdl but w.. IUll bG.ud a.t.adJt hu ..... ..... ol
oulrlcht "'f'ralad'° that •lol&i..d UN t._.r'a otnce. ~
crtmtn&l lawL 17 U.. •udll wu Gone pteoe•
mML A L l it"ll a.cr..t&l'J' of !It.ate
Frank M. Jordan a&TMd wit.ti TM oecaatoo tor thl order
bi1n-At IN.It eo Yott7 l&i4. But ..-.. Ole dl.edoMart tut Oeor1•
the next day Jordan ..W a cio.. W · Joftnaon, Ni ., ~
u check .tiow«I notbl.ft&' Wical. Chartl9 o . Jo~ ba4 cubed
The documat in flua&UOn wu eom• M.000 worba ot eh.ck \n
an lmJtaUOD . be.Uot ..,,,.lnl' • lb• lut 14 moathe wlU.Ut f\&l\Qe
mark attAr u.. nun.. candl· ht th NU lo CO'tft' t.Mm..
d&taa endorMd b7 lb• DNnocnt-AU Of lb• dMdU Wit<*
M: oouadL Ttt.tN tnoll.tdld IUdl· prosnpUy ~ued and mad•
ard.t. '!"'-document wu l&btJld iood. But r1rwace Dtnnor Jolin
''Otll<'l&J Democra.Uc Ballot" 1t Pl6rt'e ..W; "l dOb't )rlUrwe an
th• top and had two bli Mua lndlvldua.I wbo woWd ......., ln
atani on •11.J)er .tdc oc ~ Pll•· auch an ln•,W.r pnM:liol Mould
It wu lhe W'Ord "ort•~1.ai" bl In an omca whkb 11 rwpon· ... lllbil rt1r $~ mllllOn 1111 ~aab lh•t Tort7 o<ltJICt.ed to. H• Nld and IJ bllllon tn MCUrtea&."
lbe only ofacia.J ballot ..,.. tM
one voi..re cet. trom. tMlr ~-T'M JOWllft' JNLMoa bu r•·
t7 tlarka. and nstetnri ot vot-lien-I .tfttUni lM ttm of lh• month. H• Ma -i.m.d "e1oppy
h&ndU.ac or JMl"IDna.I 1tblr1" tor
lbe lncldenlt: and MJd "It WU
• •C.Upld Ullnt to do. Rla chte.f
rucUOra -mad (o M ..-row
I.hat he wu refi«:Unc on lh•
otn~ Mid by tii. t•tMr ttw ''
yea.n. Hlli• MCOll.d N&eUGn w ..
to m1k• 1ur• ll wu \Ul.detll&OOd
nolblnl' had Men etoko or tn'9-
appn>priated. PeU-C. ~ that
lb• roun1•r Johuon &pp&HflUJ'
doel aol owe the it.at. a dtzn._
Jt w ... two · )'Ml"I •10 that
Yorty complal.Md 1bout aome
c1mpal(n Ut.-atw-. malled out
by lncumblnt U, I . kn. Thomu
H. Kuchel (R-Ca!U). KuchtJ had
M"c:Ured the endonetnt'nt of •
1roup or Democn~ and wu
publlc1zlnl' It. Yorty did not lllr.•
ttle hudinr on th1 doc:ume.nt
•nd Aid lt lDd&clttd "ottlct&I"
DemocraUe. eupport. Yorty MY•
the NaUOrial Democratlc corn•
mltU. t&l• 1-d 'the Kuchel
doc:umml4-u Yorty put Lt -
"AD "1deM• ot &opu~Ucan lr•ud
Jn elecLPw-."
Yorty bu not alw1ye been oo
lh• dJlhaq ovt md. Duriq Ow
•lecUon two 1•n ap, Kuchel
complaiMd that Yort7 wu mi.
1.111ln1 Illa rn. mall!~ prt•111,..
to lpr.iad U.. 'fl"OT'd at hlli cam-
p&J.p. TGl'tJ' ... Ulen 1 oon-
trM11n111.n ••• had Ml'll pol'llOM
or UM cot)1"'"'10W rtc0rd to
ta.htornla vot.n. K uchel ll&ld
the material wu 1\rleUy cam-
p•lrn propagan~ tor Yorty •nd
u1Ld much of It bid bffn m1llfld
1l random lo .. oe<:up•nt" at
~uch • I.ltd -1uc:h 1ddrtu, rather
U-.an lo a known pvaon r•ldlo4
• t tluit lllddn ...
It eeeme llkel7 u Ions u
tt-udidat•a mall ca.mpal(ft ma-
tertal th• cry of lOw blow wtU ........
A.a audit ot I.bl ltat. Tre•·
wry hi.I O..n· orde.red ll«•u"
tM T'ttuur1r'1 900 c&ah.ad M
cbtckt wtthout 'tuada to tvWr
"""'· Th• audit wtU meu • tbor-
Thi 'N&t:l.Joo. of ftl'Wlll'llft COY..
•rinl' th• etory wu mlaed...
Som• felt lher. wu no PCUM
for a. 41-yu.r-old man aicboolfld
lA lhe •• ,.. ot ttn.aoM to ... t
lllvol•td 1111 • pm• ol eubinl'
ch.ckl wttbout tl,mdll and th.a
covlf'lnr them lat.If'.
Olbtrt q:nted wtth 'l'nUU,...,.
John-who .ad P.trc. had
''med• a mount.alA out ol a mol ..
hlll."' Ha ~ hUi eon waa OM
ot hi. mOlt eocn Pl'lftt .mpioy•
ffl and thlll~led uyone lo
Mow whu. hit IOn Md been
Som• new.Alen, Wbo thtm •
1elve1 h 1 v • had 1 cb«k
"bounoe" or wbo hive rtMS tbelr
chtcklnl' &CCOWlll oVVdr•WD by
lh11r wtye.. _.. 1ympatbeuc:.
CrtUc:1 •Id t.beJ OOWd WMUr·
•t.and Ulla h&pp1ntn1 "one•. but
not once 1 ••k .. the :l.O
ch.clu In l f. moat.he almolt lrl· .,.,. ...
Gov. Goodwin J . Knll'ht •rf'Md tll•,.. wu no 1.t6-nc•
of fraud. But M &4dld : "any
hTe1"11&ril7 In UI• CUltocly of
th• peopl•'• tDOM7 LI repnhm·
By HENBY 0. V..AftBu&
SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -Rumorw that the tiring
ot George W, J ohneon, deputy It.ala tnuurw &Dd cuJUer
on the demand of J ohn K . Peirce, stat. director ot finance.
from bil poet iD the state tnuurer'a ottJce, whert be bu
Mrved rar 10m• t'W91" )'Mn
i. but UI• rir1t 1lep In obtatnlnl' But ,.,.. die •ldtor and f No,
th• re111nauon of ChU1a G. ""' '"'"'IY WU lfWll a NfM-
Joh.D..on, 1t&t. U-.Urtt and tM l'lland &Ad tow. '° me lli9 lllcotM
talher of l'llt deput7, w~ r.m• ~ returu.
p&nt-11 th• Ca pitol today. So qpattnt.IJ, th• Kuo. of
Tre.uurer J ohn.:ln lli th• d.an ht.re• IU""'4 on tlMI poUUcal
of Calitornll."1 con.UtuUOUJ of· upK\.I Of Ula oroo. ntbl:t UlMI ne.n, he.vine ttm bffn .won upon lh1 obUJadaa ol Mata ero·
lrllo hit office ln JanuatJ, 111!. pk>y ... &o ~ bi.. P«ro1 *
and 1lnee that llrne, . hU """' llib lit• aeuon. w.r. poUUeal. ~ed r .... lecUcm "ft"f four but It la known Uw.t ta1 edmlnl·
yur1. Durtnc •II of hla t1m4 of 1tratlon bu tor .-a Uloti
1ervkll, no publlc f'\zn4-Ila,.. 10U1llt ·to UVOtU. U.. acU't'W•
bffn unaccount..:1, .iu.oup, bl or th• .c.ai. ~. u wu
hudle, llter1lly mllUon.1 of dol• at.own wben • bW wu ailpM
11r11 1 e11y removtna from tN ~·
Oeors• Johnaon w•• nr14. that ofric. tlM ~t t.o Gepoltt hmdl
ls. h• ta , .. 1cntn1 ,Jun• I, bl· In 1Mnk1 wllhout t.M approval
c•uM he ca~hed .ome M thec:b, nf the dlntetor of tlnanot If.Ad
9'1'hlch weni returned by hi• I.he 1tat. e()ft\t'olkr.
b&nka. ud lmmedl1t1l7 m•d• Governor JCN.cb' Mid M bll4
rood. 1tv1n ht• oUld&I ap~ t.o
Whlle no on• can condone lhlt Peirce'• 1ctlon. which lllllOIYld
type or f\nanctn1. ne¥ttth1IU1 UI• flrin1 of • mi. .nplO)'M
Petre• w•• th• nnt on. Lo •Y with tw•I" yMl"I of •tlaCLCtorY
that lh• .on of St.1t1 Trf'Ulft'& 1uvlr:., without. 1veri • rru.acb•
J oh.nJJOn h•• commltted no crtme. of • ch&nce to dtfeftd lllmHlf.
At bell, H wN pointed out. An •ttom17.,,,... l\u ,.,. ....
younr Johnaon wu l"lllty or u trd MIVl:...cl •tale -plOJ'.. ta
lrldLlcreUon. i nd for I.hi• lndi.-9CNM ~ ..... Mlid b9
creUon h• It houftdld out of lM wt..hed Uial ~ J~ WM
Job t>. hM h1ld tor tinl•• 7-.r1, Wldl:r cl.ti 9ln1el ~
without •Wn 1 ch&ne. Lo .-.c:Uf)' "I oou&d Mat tbs. -la Oft
1rror11 h• m•y ha.vi made. mlnutM," lbl auor.e, ..W. "B•
TM d•mand of Pcl-tt9 lo IWl!ll· baJ OC.. a.oUIJq WlpJ. .... at
rnarUy nr1 you.n1 JobNOn wu ui. --. ,... ._ aad61iC:iwt.
made ln dlnCt cor1lratt \o tOnM 'n. .Ute MftWlr ~ Ile ._.
ot th• quuUona~ M:UvtU• tn ploJ'tl9' 1"h0 lllllft Miii. ..........,.,
P•h'e•'• own otric._ Jror tnmnc.. u GptlOll"Wftltr te ~ that tbeJ ,------------------------ilheN waa Uta ln.taMe ln whldl caft M ~,.
Fanner McCabe Writes ..
Pm-c.'•'chteJ auditor, wbo....., ~r • ._.. •• ~tJ
up th• dlvtlioa Ulat 418ce••ed &o man •Pl*t'm-UJ' .... rws-
t.n. cbldl Ulat bo1,1nded on JGMt-alMd '1 U.. 10••""'°' and Ill.a
eon. asnetor of ~ ...... for
Thi• auditor ,.... l(tvm a "" U.. dlnctoi Of ftniuee ..,..._
prtm.Ud tor tlll!Jll &o ftll 6» ed to 1Jl1, prue that Ille wu de-
to lower -1u.tt u.com• tu. r.,.n tor ..,.. ftWldla1 "J'O'Utl' J~ N tl:f9d
Ital J'Mn. &ft 9"Cl Wbich ONld S.l U.. .._. U... Mi --.s--
~ d.tn\Mild tM Mate .Ut fll U." ~ W. HM ..... \a tM
& ........ .,. ,,awt "' ~· llat. t.r..uw. -
Some C.Onireuman ha.a lntroduced & bill
tbe •re requirementa for Social Security Penaiona ..•
50 tor men t.nd M for women, It'1 all rtgbt, but it don't
&'O low enuff. They oughter 1ower It to 30 for men and
38 for wome.n .•. then folks could enjoy their old age
benefit. afore rheumatlern Mt.a in.
Farmer McCabe
(all "'"'~ reatntd)
"No public man can be a Uttle crooked. There la
no 1uch thin1 u a 'no man'1 Utnd' between honesty
&nd r!lahonestv" -H#'rhel'i Hnov~r
Grass Roots Opinion . • •
bando and lo~ who .....i to ftnd It relal!ftly -
to duck thetr ttsp0ns.ibilllie9 by flerelD.g to uotblr
Ute no lonre.r ha" tllat opporiuntty, the llt&t.e. bav·
ing entered into mutual eg-reemai;ta for fttW'D of
auch offendtn ."
(Betty) Reynolda of JUnlor Ebell holda lilver
llUVtnr dllh awarded by Ebell Club (eenior) for
Junior clubwoman~f·the-yur. She reedved the
aame honor 1ut year. -Staff Photo
Junior Ebell
Is Honored
2nd Service Award for
Mrs. J arnes Reynolds
Confab and
Harbor Rest
Memorial Park .. _,, _ .........
o.nie..~ ...... , at G..,_
008T.A. Ja:IA CHA.Pm.
1TU hpaW AftDM ea.ta x.... c.ut.
IHO &. OOea ~
Corona del Kar, Callt.
PlloM BaitJor a
a..foot s..des • Orea Shoes
MU&. o..& ~ ~· oa . ..a ....._ 11n
Kn. W\ll&i.ia a.ear, at-Via ltJlll.ca; ... •i.a.d tor
a .ecoad t-. M ~ ot ~ leent&dM, Ine., at
!ta llDd UDUAI ooinytatloa Mid NolllU)' at U.. ~14
llln. A record att.endance err appral1rnatel7 400 members
and petlt.I tncll•dild 100 dUtptee tram a& C&.monU& kJal
.ec:ret&rt• U90Cl&t1ona.
Mrc. J~ Plato, ai.o of Udo IaJe. ... N4ppolnt·
ed ~ MCntary. Both. Kn. BecUr &nd Mn.
Plato are cMrt.w IDIDlben aad put prellldnta ol \M Lo9
AnpJea Lepl 8«ntan. 4 eeoc4aUon. Ks-Mani•
Bchroeder. Newport Beach dty dd, le a member of t.M
Oranf• ComrtJ Ltp1 lecrtt&J1ee A.MOdatlon. ·
• • •
Always Store Your Furs
• W'tth A Furrier
Lit .......... .... ,.. .... ""1111 ..... Cllta .......
.,~ .....
for the tMny rectptions and part-
ift planMd this meftth. Cal Nrfy
for an appointm.nt.
.. Jane
A.al.It.ante: KartlJ'll bedder, Ba.al Park.hum.
1112 J;, Coul Hwy. -CORONA DJ:L Kil -HA lilt
Go quickly, comfortably, inex~liv.elyl
6 Santa Fe trains daily
from Santa Ana . . .
Kl l-5354
T"11M 1• 1 ............ ,. •
to Repairs & Towing
Newport Auto Works
ltt INDUSftUL WAY UllDTT a:nat
1 1•to lody & ·Fe1der lep1in
Curly's Auto Works'''·=
o..t.a WOJ1r,--.Jleeco_... ....,_ na NEWl'OaT BLVD. u::m:an l486t
, l~;ff~~~~~ I .. , w. 1 TlB ft'. LIBEJlTY ....
C 1rb1retor-Co111lta1t
Ken Eubanlc's Mobil Service
SqMrt ~.r ........ a llotor Ta:eMrp
1"1 TUSTIN &Vil.,,()()&. lTl'B IT. LIBE&TY Ml'JT
Car Wash
. · Mesa Auto Shamooo
'l'hrooPIT a.--+-1 ....... b.nt
I 7t I!. 1 Tl1I ft. o,,..tte A.Jpb Beta UllEJlTT WTtT
e1c11g F
Chamberlain & Son
8echrMd ... a.la LIU I
111 &. l'ITll IT. r.Dll:KTI' 14111
1111r11ce · ·
Bruce ~!!_~~~Agent ·
. 1• K&WkC&I' aTIL U WIM -W. U U. . '
(PoUtlcal Advertllemmt)
Our population 11 arowlna at an
amazing rate. More people ne9d
n\ore water. Our prttent supply la
used up to the llmlL With mon
millions coming. we must ltove
more waler, or race restricted we
and threatened watar radonin1.
I . --------J---~~~:-i------------
Jndustry uses ever increasing
lmOunts of water. Jndustry brinp
livelihood to our incrMs1n1 popu-
Jat ion. To keep our )oba, and
create more jo~ for more people,
wt must havt mort watu without
• --~~------,--------l-------~---
Heavy pop1datlon arowtb bu
severely depleted our'UDderground
storage balns. W• m\lJt build them
up with mort ~iartr u protection
·against war, earthquake, aqueduct
breakdown, protracte.d severe
drouaht. or otbtr Htlptettd.
HOW WI CA• ell
The Metrop<>Utan Water District of.So\lthem Callfonlla
-in which we live -is pushin& forward a alant
Colorado River Aqueduct constr\lction program. Tbl
District needs $50 million to help bdng the aqueduct
up to its full planned delivery capacity. By approYinl
Proposition "W .. we will enable the Dlllrict to get the
job done rapidly so that we can 1et the vitally needed
water witho~t de1-y.
------~-----------~--..----~-------NO TAX INCREASE
There Wiii I• No New Tax••
Proposition "W" will enable the District to speed up our
water delivery by issuioa ahon-tenn notes for tbe needed •
$SO million. lhe notes will be retired, with inttrat.
from anneutioo fees alrendy pledged and beiDI paid
uch year by &tu! 11nnexed to tbe District during recent
years. Thus we get the water we need -WtTH NO
!Sailor Hi-Y s .
flan Program
Augu~t Vow EXchange
Set fo: St. Andrews
Mr.. Richard 8, Cutle, 20G E. Ba1 An., bu &a•
nounced the en1apment of her daughtMj Norma Jeu to
Mr. n.dertclt Jaepr Hanalnr. 'the betrothal &lid J>llDI
for a late wmmer weddln1 were nvealed at a dinner
put7 .iftft at th• bom• of t.h• " • ar1d....atcl' mother and sruct.-pltle• O& Prdenlu ~ white • t•· c&rDaUou proved to -caraaae• m.t.hw for memben of ... two and '*ltotmt.,. wttll mtm.atuN
r~·~,e n oral enprement weddina' rlnp ~ttached and lb•
_._ t ed lb boulfel table, aMouncemvit/ Tr-1 &l\d Nor• nnl een er e ma AUl\&ll 19th."
while at °'' email tables center-MIU CUU. la Ufa MUCht«
Mesa P-TA
Duo Honored
or lh• tabl IUdlald aa°" a..u.
and the ~upi.r ot Mra.
Pl.ut J:dWard Raup ot Balboa
and Mn. Olive Turntr CuUe or
1'°' ~elee. lbe la t.he (T .. t
Jftnd&Ufbter ot the lat• Mt.
All play and no work wu a.nd Mte. Daniel H. Thoma.a.
ordu ot the day as memben ot e&t11 Oranp County plonee,.
Main School P·TA uecuUv• and ot the late Major and Mrt.
board Diil at the home ot MrL JOMpb R. llauCh Of h.nta Pall•
Jack lvereon, GlO H&mUton st. la. She la a pduala of Newport
tor a pot luck luncheon tn 1'oftol' Harbor Hl1tl School and a leph·
of two departing memtiera, Mra. en1 CoUe1e.
Donald McCUnto<'k, P•TA put Mr, BAIWnJ, eon of Mr. utd
pr .. ldent and Oordoft lnllet, Kra. Frtd..-tek IDdw&l'd H&nltq
11ehool prtacJpa.l. of Nortll llolb'wOOCS. .. rved With
Mre. McCllnt0<:1<, huablnd oon the ArmJ Alt corp.. He n·
and two boy• Mark and Brue• celved hll educaUon at Chap·
an movtnc up near Sacramento man Collef'8 and at the 11ni-
abortly ., ahe wu pruented verally of Sout.}:lern CaJJContla
,.,lth a' Ullll monry tree to tM wbart he 11 • eenJor ln lb•
tranaronned tnt.o a llvlnc. flower-eollec• of denU.try.
tnc tree la Ulce yard of her new
-John Reed Photo
Brownies and Parents
Enjoy Various Outings
bome. To laler, leamc after T till t three y..,.. U ~pal. lo a... Q85 85 ers Fathera and molh~ra jolned In nie Riehle, Doug Houaton, Eugent
come pritlclp&J of Ult aew WU-the acUvlUee ot U\e pri. ol WIJ\C, Muvut Olbeon. Aubrey
900 St. ld:IOOl. .... itven a i"n Symposium Brownle TrooS> 60-A ot ~ta )ie-Mann, Rex ~lerson and Mickey
marble du ll M \. IL Seve,..l lripa ban been made Kelly.
Altend1n1 wen MJnta. Donald E . by the group rect'Dtly with more Future troop plan• lnclude a
MeCllntock, o.orre lM.tlnpell. on lections acllvlUH planned for the aum-progTesa!Ve dinner and ICavtl\ICr
KenneU'I Dutro. WUllatn BlCl&Jr. mer monlha. Mra Pat Flaher and hunt for the girts and their par-
RaJph Schorle. lohn Clark, Wal-NfWpOrt Harbor Toutmutert' Mra. llrnie Richie ncenUy took enu and a train trip to Loa An-
lac. E~ Edward Ha,_ ,....adent. Hubbard Richter, u-the troop for a tour of lbe Coeta getH for a tour or varlou1 places.
Robert JD.lnta, Geor1e Parmm· aOUDMll & halun meetlnc at Mtaa J'tns Oep&rtment. conducted w1lb luncheon at 110me apedal
ter. Jack WUaon. Mr. and Mra. 1 P. m. tomonow In Newport by J'tnt Chief R&lpb Lee, where place. A aplrtl or comraderie be-
Gordon Imlrr, Mr. and MrL Harbor Yacht Club. Appropriate Ole gtrla Ism~ many education-tween lh• gtrl1 11.nd lht'l r parenll
Willard Re«e and &ventl A. to elecUon ~ wlll be a qat• al tact.a about Cir~• and fire-hu been built up by th,;ie fam-Rea. poaium p....ated by mem_.. 1 1 d 1 1 d on "'J'he Mechanic• of a Preel-flJhl ng. lly ouUnga, the ea era tt . an
U niversalist
Cltntlal Election". On a trtp t? Knott'a Berry It la hoped 11everal other Joint or-
The meeUn1, planned by JSUI Fann the girl11 and their mothers (&tre can be held during 1um-
C&uaey, will tM prulded owr loured the grounda and had mer vacation.
Women Hear
Confab Report
by Toutmalter Jack Penne1. lunt'heon al the Chicken Houae. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:==;;;;;;;===
Amons tallu prMented In U\• Lut week a trip wu made lo
l)lmpollUl'I\ wlll be: "l'unctlOftl the San Dlel'O Zoo, members and
of lhe NaUon.&l Committee" l»y their puenll 1topplng enroute
atU a..toll; ''Tb• PutROM of for lunch al TOTrry Pin .. Park
ContlauaUon of wpport tor Ult Pruidentl&I Prtmartu'' by Atlt>ndlnc all th~ outing•
the Jol'd.U Nelpbomood lfOUM Qbulea DeowM1: .. National ODn-were troOp membera Cluy Flaher,
In SulfolJc. VL ... ttport.ecf to .entlona" by J'red Elli•; ''Thi Belly Rich!.. JU.th!Mn Olbaon,
the HatMr AMoclatloe of Ull1-K~~tre~"t b~ ~I ~.1n:J Fredda YoUJ\f'blood. Beverly Pat-
vereallat Womm at the mMl-::U 000:.. ec or = rt0n !berry Mann, Jert Roua-
tnc hticl 11111 2t at U,. ltOma ~ ~U ·~~k> ton J'ackle Archer, Pam Wint
01 Mn. A. J . Taylor, prMldtltl. ~~tu expl&ined ~ha~· much and Cathy Kelly. Mothers accom-
it3 E. 11th It., oo.ta Meu. panylnf the rroup Wer@ Mrnta. Mn. Alma Morrll. delecate to reaearch by the lndlv1dual Tout-y blood. Er-
Fonnerl.7 Onutl l:luapel
110 Brffd"aJ -Cott& Mesa
Liberty 8·S~SI lJ 8-Uli
for Parehts
&ll•lla of U1t ~Uor.t
JW11or Ht-Y c:lub of Bl. Jatnt11
p r&l Church Thunday "._I
nln1 al thdr laet m tllnl ot
th ytU. Thll bu)I haft pJ&rulcd
a ~flam Cur thelr panr\\.11
which will l11clu1te dtnntr a\ t
p. m.. tollowtd by the tn.sta.U·
•tlcm or otfk r11 Cur th,. comtni
r-ar and a 1hort bullineu meet-
Norman Wak~man or BalbOI
lllaJld wlll be the prlnclp&l
1pea.ktr of th1 evenh!J. pttuot-tnr a cuu color ntm on H&
Ute which he hu tumed ln the
Soulh.en\ caJtrornla at'eL Duke
Cua. MCU!laty ot the Orat\,e
eoul YMCA will Jlve a brief
talk on lht purpoaa and ld-1il
of U\e Hl-Y prorram and Will
project lbe plana f'1r the Sallora
Club lnlo lhr "followlllg vur u
It beeom~a a Hi-Y orpntzatlon
in the h•Kh 1chool.
Tt!rry Scott. oulgoUlg presi-
dent w 11 I open the l>Ulllne8S
meeUni; 1And tum the ~avel
over t " U1e newly eleded prt·~•
c!t'nl, Peli r Win:;er. Olhl'r ol ll· 1
ce1a lo be 1ruitalled are Jeff
Smith, vice president; Jim \\or-
then. s~r 1•ln~·; Charles l\'ort• n. I
trP&sur11r. B+-n M.adii.on, Lh. p-
lain. 11nol T•·rry Scull. reprt!·
u nlallve ut huge. Ben Maill1nn I
81 . will be ollv1,or for the
1roup tor the next ycor.
. .. . ,. ' .. . . ' .
Phone Kl 2~514U
~our complete l1ae of
Hammond Organs
Your Plano ActtStttd
la t:uhan ..
Schmidt-Phillips Co.
Duu&-l!clrn11dC E"CallO Co.
520 No. Main, Santa An.a
The \Vorld'• FlnH\ tlaoot
to tllloo..e from
Hum,. 0\\ nf>J
!Slnu• 1930
?toe\\ port lilnl.
at outh Ma.lo
Ld.-...... ...... ., DnARE
~h R~recrntath·r
. . . ... .. ' . .
415~ No rth lycomo,.
PltaH hlld '"formetlon tt:
NllME ................................ ·. · · · • · · · ·
I ADD Ill SS .•..••.••..•...•••••.. ~· ...........
•_.._.._ -. -. ----. ------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the a\.at.a aa.oe&aUon meeUn& mdtUI had cone Into thll meet• Pat P'tlht!?', F~ 0\1nl
held M.-, 11 al Puad~ made ~. and that for thil reallOft.
the ,.,ort. SM •lated tM AA-lntet91ted men are tn.ited. For
eoc&aUon ot Unlnrsallat Women addJUo~ lnfonnaUon call Blll
had "tad to conun~• ltl 1aar1 R&lney at U 8-&MI ,
Jlft ot $3000 to the Jordan
HOUM, a cllUcl day-care Cl4nter
with Ul eJq>ended pl'Of"&m for
twnacer1 and &dulll.
Lttll•UI and poatc1rd1 of the
Clara ll&rton oamp for diabetic
cbllch'en, OJ)ffatad by Unlvt'rul-
lat women tor 2~ yeare, were
dt1tr1buted to m1mben. Plana
were mad• for a card party to
be held In June. data to tM an-
nounced later.
Refre1hmenta w er t Mrvtd.
w1 th Mra. Ch&t'lu hrrin, MO-
retA?y. J>OUrlnl·
t. Elizabeth 'e
Guild Meeting
St. 1!1lzabeth'11 Guild of St.
Jamea Eplacop&J Church w 111
n1eet at 1 p. m. Wednuday It
the home ot Mra. W. W. Bame1,
114 8ho~llff ltoad to llt'W for
the July 11 M&aar. annual event
ot the Woman'• Awtlhary. Mem-
ber• an worklnc on barbecue
ltemt. u. lo brinr needl .. ,
U\read and 8Claaor1.
"~ twtU seat by
tAt windbw I TM food, .
Utt nioe ~ UIA
1ervW. S. P.
really lcnbwt how!"
THE lllT Of llD!S-fOlt fOlKS OR FR£1GHT
Au+hentlc Stock No R.prMw~tions
TREASURE HOUSE ANTIQUES n.-........ a~ II. Oo..VI M.l\,.A AN-'
U.-V ~IS
....__...._ .. wtt.11-8&~"'& D&APDY S'Tt"DIO
.••••••.•• -~. ··-···~· •..
He lerftl ALL The '"Pl•
Duriaa b1a a~ yMn m the u. s.
!entt.e, 'lbm Kuehl& bat IJIGl180~d ler-
WaUcm Jo piov!da mort ••te.r for
c.JUol'nia farms and ciu•-more jobt
for Califon:lia worken -more bu.ainess
fM Califomia indultr,--1't'\IJ'tty and
protection 1or all the people .
•9 bitla which be has 1pon10red
have been voted into public law.
He has earned our trust
United States Senator Thomas H.
Kuchel haa faithfully served California
and the nation for 20 of his 45 years.
Throughout this long career of public
service, he has established an unques-
tioned reputation for integrity and level-
headed courage-for clear thinkini and
sound judgment-for devotion to the
cause of good clean, American Govern·
ment-for enthusiastic support of human
rights, regardless-ol color, creed or eocial
Re-elect him June 5
Mrs. Hildred Ferrell -Co-Chairmen -R-. ~. ( &cb l Miie
R. 8. Bob Wurgaft, Finance Chairman
·----~--.:~ FllST COUNTY
o..a1 8lecbtl ·-IT,_ ·-'-,~· .. ,,,_
---------....... rw.1 Woton.-:::::::·=~=~"ic1H ~l lSN·.
Oftl ·•ftmt 1l.ft. ··-ITJ,1 sn. It;. C011ta M1i1L Ke la
No. A ~ ... u. _ • alq'9 Wt w u ·~ .on Am>ede uw-.i • Df au~ nw TOl'UC .HOON 8TOC'K H Y. '-''-, - -.. ~ "' UM v ... Ne.,. A nattv• of Paa.c.. N..,,ort llMcb, .... Mid SANTA AXA. COCM9) -,,.. Kay co. _ _.., M&tM; ... ff'lld\ated trom .... laturda1 att ln Plrk ... wtU oe .._.. w. o.ta .... :6'c,-87 ~ J. f'olty, Dean Motltart7 °"' -II~ ..w ~· colJqe ~ Md IUdMT Mortu&tJ Cb&pc't. wt«t.11it promJ.Mnt <>ra.q. Ciow\ty db'\
Dew:., ... A\ lat..,., Sterw _._ .. ___ .. , ....,,.t aclMlel f# nvt ,...... B• Rev. Darid De:Ukr, of W• A... randwr and lo4c«mU Wbo .....
30 D>duatrtala 4~ 111 ltncl&ir 00 • ···--U'6! a. • "bin.Ii ol World War D t\tlm lllfet.bodJ.lt dt_lltth, oU\da~ killed in a tn.tt\c aub. wu put
20 ftaJ "".... 16 up M lo. Cal. E4'90ft · ··-··-·-·--'91' and bU wottuid wtUI :JOUUI M>-~-lGbt:nlllM.t wm " la Ll.Uft• \(I> for probate tn 8\lpmor Court
11 uu~u .-·· ·-1 ~ ·;! up 11 lt&ndard OU of ca.ut. ··-T 101 "i u.tu. t.ot!I .. a eMltan &.nd HW ~ at N~lllb. Nnr. here rnctay &fterDOOD.
1 u V 1 tM oeoup · lo. Pacltk .. . .. --.. -·-" 11~ while a tt.e umJ. H1a pl ta Ml'I. IAwta cn.ed Tbundlly at Olt.trman'a aum~ wtdo\•
\Vina t'9 •• " riven $1& rr. .. r.
ch&odlM eertttlcalff Jtvl'n by
1Mrchuta and MeOnd and thlrJ
plac• rated cupe danat9d by Ule I
Alnerlc~m&m:1::-• 60'9 l'r&naamerlca .. ··-.. -····-· •O to •lrl"-for economy and l(I keep R~ Ha.ptt&l. She wu a nattn C)titt!U.& A. Ostermu peUUoned
American Ttleph!e Ut Union Oil of Callt. ···-···· .. -IT~ our ectiooi. Amutcan. Of Waterloo, Neb., &11d cam. &o ~ towt tor p~tllliq ot t.be
Anaconda TOlt Mn. Oeottn:y lJacquellne El-Newport Be&eh tn 1,.1. Survtv. will. Rea.I and peJ'llOCW property
t.lon.t club. I Mary Kay Cook. 34, Of •86 E.
lltls Bt., Co.It.a M .... tractur•·d -::;::::;;;;=::;::;::;=;;;==;;;;:;!:::;::;::;=::;::;::;::;;:::;;.
her kneecap hWrday, police re· C
DEATH NOTICI ll'n) 9tormaon, 2310 Baota Ana tnc are .ta'°"'· Earl Lt>wta. eo.. we,. lllttd at "la uceu ot
Ave., ta Wife ot a eounty plannlnr ta MCAia; H&t1ey W., Bir a...r ll0.000."
comml111on tedlnldan and h.u Lake; Harold R.. Lo• Allplee; Helra are Mn. Olterma.n and
ported, when ah• Ml 1 l'OIJ\ a I • •
truck Ihm W&• (tttint; lnlo tor
the flah ~parade. Hoa1 Hu. I
pit.al oU!claa llfld the wonia11
1 WU 1n rood condlUon COllOWl.ll£'
an 01>9r&Uon Sunday .
Ge,..ral Contractor
Private Police • MERCHANT
MARY .IOSEPllD\T. lll'CUBY • MVtn-month-old llOll. She WU Chari.. A., An&Mlm; IW.n't K.. two daushtere, Sadie Nutt..r and
Rosary will _,. recited at 7:30 educated tn San Bem&rdino Coun-Torftrl09: Leonard L.. Nebrulc&; Mulne IC. A.Adenen, both of El l"hoae Ullerty a.Ma4
P m t.o4ay tor Mn Mary Joa•· ty, M1'\"ed u a raearch aide at two mwra, KN, Mabel Bmtt.h, Toro.
· · ' "-d j]CLA IChool of rtunhsr Iowa. and Mn. Fred Rolland. ------------phlne Huckeby, 7t, ot tll 3.,.. Area •· 0t th t dld tea 091orado and 11 srandchildren.
41t t:ut 'f1o\\tr, CO TA M.t:ft
Bl. ln Our Lady ot Mount Car-• • •o CUI a • ' 1-.L-nt~-li-.L in.I C.thollc Church. Mau will Richard J . Redleln of TUlt1A la •-am•_,. nll ( PoUUe&l .-'dvmlHment 1 1 Poll llca.I AdV4t1 t laemet1t I
be held at t a. m. tomom>w at m.anted and father of tour chll· Tl DELANDS the church with the Rn. drm, ta pretenU)' wotkinl for a
ltt>phen Klley otttcl•tlnr ln-de&T" IA bu.ineu admlnlatnlllon
1.erment will-toll<>'¥ In H oly at Lone Btacb State Collere. (CoattauiM trem 111nt Pap)
Sepulchre Cemetery with S.lt& While a t Santa Ana CoUtee he
Mortuary. COeta Mua. In charge. recetved a We membenblp l!' th•
a 7 de,,.. cnde. In order to
make th• area UMabl• the coun-
ty i. p1acanr natural 1 ock found
at the tilt into ~ bulkhead of
mort.a to hold an earth fill for
automobile perkJ.n• on the beach.
Mr•. Huckeby dled In her Nat~I 'lchoia.tlc Society. He
home J"riday attn an utended operatu a Tlatln mot.el
u111.... 8h• had Uv.cl her11 •ut Jamu E. Doneran of Oran1e
ye&r1. SM ta tuTVived bv her la m•rned and father of two
hU9b&nd. Harry. and two •lll tre, children. Ht Hrved for 11 yeara
Mr9. JuJ1a Wegmann and Mt•· u tru.tee ot Onnre School Dlm-
Beul• Sutherland. both of Ntw· u-irt, hu Hl'Ved u tn.iatee or
port Bt'aeh. lh,. Orani-County School Ttua-
Sbe la a1ao aurvlved by a tte AHod•tlon, la aeuv, ln ~he
brother, Edward C. J.fcOlnnl1 or Mtthodlat church, member of the
Nevada, •Ix nephew• and H vrn public llb&rary boatd, ot Roary, P:lk• and Native Sona. Ht ll u-niecea.
soclaled With hta father-Jn-law In
------------• funeral home.
Too Late To Be
S2-Furnltme for Sale
BLOND dll\11\1' rm. ..t with e
cha1r. • bufft't $1~. LI 8-4~79
1537 Irvine. 19C21
Area 3; A. E. (Pat) Arnold.
ruld,nl ot Cyprua area. former-
ly operated chain of Mrvlce at.·
lloni,, preaently In real estate
a.nd b1 okerqe. Marrletl, tat.Iler
ut two ~na, both In coU11ly
1chool11. Member county pla1UUn1
commlulon a1x yt&r', on CypreN
achoo! board 12 yean, three
yura on Anahelm CiUu na Com-
ml llH tor the blCh .chool. Mem·
SIMMONS HIDE -A -BED H O. ber ~ltd Ch&mbera ot Com·
INCaua& l18E
Nobl• pointed out that the
work now underway will not help
boaUnJ but will 1ncrea11e the
uWlty uee of the nator91 cove.
.n order to create a full harbor
two breakwater• will need to be
bullt 1n addition to an entrance
arm of one breakwater to form
a Jetty.
Noble l&ld. "W• have not been
a ble to l'el much cooperation
Crom atate agenclea bt'cause the
county chodau to eJCercl,e Ila
t1Ut". At' one time the rounty
plan wa... laid before the U S
Army Englnttr9 but no action
wu L&ken -.111• no evidence
wu ahown of State of C8'1.tomla
approval. HAttion or perml .. Jon
to UM the land.
u s-se10 t9c21 mere•. Cypreae pe.rk board and ------------
watrr dlaJ.ricl, P-TA, Opllmimt, STATE BEACH K I w a n I •· lttk.t, a2nd decree
Muon •nd a 8hrlner '8-B-HoUKe for Bent
A baby boy wu born M•y 2'
ln Corona Naval Hoapltal to
l'(&vy BA Thomu Arthur Brock·
mWer, Corona dtl Mar. •
ltft open by reUrtnr trom poltt1c1
are the !oUowtnr :
Democrat Oland w. C&nick,
Ban Clemente, who oppoR• Re-
publlcaq John Arnendt, teacher
and Bruce Sumner, attorney, both
SanLa Ana. Albert J . Dtlphlno,
Newpori S..cb carpenter and
O.C.r ~llaon, Bant.a Ana car·
Another county race which
may run cloae tnvolvea Stale I
Senator John Murdy (R ) who
hu Mtn challenr-<t by Fred
"P'armer" MoOatN!. 0 a rd• n I
Grove, who llu carried out an I
ac:llve canipalgn for the aeaL
Two other candld6te1, P~1lon
K. ~en (0 ) and John M Fina-I
lnOl"t IR) allO an 1n the •l&te
aenate ra.c..
The vartoua otber racea lnvolv· 1
ed •nd bond INUH are carried on
pare 1 and elsewhere In today'•
Newt·Pl'Ull. F or editorial com·
ment 1ee lldJtorlal Page.
• Completing his SECOND term in Congress -
2 BEDROOM .\ den tum. home.
Coeta Mell& Ba.ck Bay. All
appllancu. $12~ month. Ll
8~1.U 19p20
H. J . 0 . (Happy) Kretaaler. la
commander S.Cond Datrlct, Vel· (Contiaued from P'tnl Pap) f ISH FRY
erana or Forel&'n War1, reaadent of the actual ahorellne and thU9
or Cypre111, ln eg1 bualne11. He guaranteu that oil production Is
I• a Put commander Cypreu not nece11ary along the bfa ch.
Poet, VFW, put prulde.nt Cy-"An equal unalghUy blight to our
preN coor4ln&Un1r councU before natural bH.utlu I• that or the
It wu abaorbed by chamber of misl!rable Pacific Electric Rall·
commerce ln which ht la ac Uve. way paraJleUnc our cout. and
has the Hniority to get things done for YOU
• Dave cu abapUf'J' your
concre~ work with a
lo&d of prtcWon-mlxed
aemeat • . . pnp&ttd to
your order at a .. vi.DJ.
Uberty 8-2283
2 BEDRM. unrum. ho11.11e with
prara • •lorar• room. ~u
Cent.er SL. C~l& MllL Adult.
only. Ll 8-G9M 19c2l
YEARLY 2 bdrm•.. compl1t1ly
rum . utll. pd 7000 W. Oct'an
Front, Newport Beach. 19llc
BALBOA ISl..AND-bldr. ~ by
40 for p rare rep&lr or -!
Har. 602 lltJc
Loula W. Dexter of Anaheim 19 highway. Even the Highway",
a native ot IlUnoll, county real· Admiral McK1nney atated, "la
dent. four yean, married, two planned ror ttdevelopment aa a
IOM and a daupter. one chtld In major frttway and w. 11 wronJ."
11c:hool, othera to at.rt ln fall u The group wu told that treeway1
an lnduatli&J etifillffr, navy vet· ahould co turt.ber lnta.nd wheN'
eran World War n. A. A. decree ever poutble and that acceH
from North Park Colle«e, Chi· roads ahoul4 be provided to tht
C&«O, B. S. from Baylor Unlver-bffch.
ally, mut.ers' ln buatne.I, trom
USC. liember and holdt orfl~•.
junior cb.ambu ot commerce and
Sara Jane • Dlckenaon. La
Habra. ta manad. bu two aona.
WANT 3 bedroom home, New-la a former .chool teacher, bu "'711 W. 17th St. port Harbor atta. Cc>Nlder ln-•rved u clerk, vtce-pruldent
"And then," Admiral McKinney
.tat~ "We mu.t ... to It that
a proper portion of tundt from
Ule lllate ctJ rewnu. LI a.Dotted
for the m&lntenance ot beachu
and beach p&rU atltt they .,..
created. A1 It II now," MclOnney
1tated, "the enUn cost ot UM
beach ma1ntenance tor all of the
people II born by 2 per cent of
tht people wbo live 1n the coutal
cltl• Any fancied bullnesa ~
flt theontlcally obtained from
tht.e casual vlltton& LI far offHl
by municipal coda."'
OOSTA llE&A com• pl"Operty. WrUe Box and prHl«ient on La Habra .c:hool
~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiXi-iitiiNiewii•iPrea.iiiiiiiili1i9ip2li boan1. prftidlml p. TA. worked In I Red Croee, la member bo&rd ot
d-.eon-. Fullerton 8&9Utt
Save! make your own
* * *
e.wttful, dunble 1erMn1 that make •nr
wfft4.w .. rtcle with MW bNutyf
INnty A L U M I N U M f"IMrMM fw full
l..,.......Nll• Pl8ERGLAS tcrMnl"I W'l't
stretch, ahrlnk. 1teln or bwml
Get Yo.1r Homeahietd ScrMn Kit NOW flt
Church. Huaband la ownu ot a
lwnbtt compeny.
Area I ; Mn. Glady• Fortney ot
Al&mlt.oe kt\ool Dlllrlcl. A.na-
haim, ac:Uve la P -T A, helped or-
pn.IM and Mrved u otrlcer AJ&..
mltoe P·TA and Ouden Grove
P·T A Council, member Frienda
Church, eervM with Red Crou.
Howard H. Moore, Qarden
Grove, taurht In city .chooil 12
,_,.., p.raanUy ln bllline.a de-
velopment. Married, lwo chlldHn,
8Cllll in Air For«, da~hter at
Oou& CoUqe. u tru.atM ~
f<r!rid'J Mixed
la aptk .t ..._ <Jement Aort.-ac• we a,. Makbtr Ewrf
P...u>le Ettort tv 8&tiaf'J' t.1M
N .... •I 0.r Oro"iq
For OeMnte -OaU Ua.
116 Otalmeldal W-J .-1.-00STA KESA U ....-n
QalM1 ·a a., 11:48 Ba~.._
McKJnney c h a 1 1 • /' r • d tht
Shorelllle Planner9 who havt
fought !or lh• acqut.iuon of
beacbel for public UM now to
help prol.ect, develop and n.nance
the beachem In order to compltte
the long range J>l"OSl'&M.
lodge and •ember of Lion.a Club.
Donald G. Hoff. WHlmlruat.er.
laboratory wpervi.or at North
American. taught In Long Beach
ICbool• three year1. married, fa·
th.er of four children, two of
.cbool age. Served with 13th Ar·
mored Dlvi.ton. r. cti.lnnan Or-
an1e Coast College Foundation
tor th1I year and a me.mber or the
Prabyt.ertan church.
Area 1; C>nly candidate D(: D
8. Styll&nou of Santa A.nai. nltr-
rted, prellidtnt of Oranre County
AaoclaUon for Retarded Ch.II
dren and member of naUona
boa.rd. eecond nee pre11ldent o.
0. c. BbeJtered Worluahop, MUil·
ber boa.rd of dlrectora, Council of
Comlftu:n.lty Agencies. member
actvtllory commlUH for Point 2
program of c9unty echoola. Hu
taught abroad and in Ul1I 1t&t1,
owned and open.led BtyUanou
School tor Except.tonal Children
In Loi AngeleL Hu de1reu from
Grinnell College. College Theolo-
gical and Unlveully of Chlcago.
la m e m b e r of Pre•b)'tena_o
trp1ao1atertor a Drape,.,.
Uberty MTll
U60 Nwpt. Blvd.. OOllta Me.a
General Contractor & Builder
... Cout .....
(l()ILONA D&J. JIU.a
the Richard Beeson Company
L•clscape Dftitn and Collstnctloa
(Continued from Btnt Pafe)
wblte balhlJ\a' ault &nd wa.a one
of the popuJer cholcu of th•
crowd. She won a me.rchandillt
order from a local woman'• ahop.
RE-ELECT Stcond place winner w a 1
Nancy Klmberlaln and third wu
Diane Levuaeur. They wer ..
rtven tn>phlea. ~ JAMES B. UTT WIMer ln the t to 12-montb-'
old baby cont.ell waa Eur1een
Dunn, daurbter of Mr. and Mra.
Zart Dunn, Newport Beach, while
aecond a.nd third placn ...,ent to
Gerald Lowell Bapell. aon of
Mr. and lira. 0 . N. Bqwtll. 1973
Rotemary Place, ea.ta M .... and
Larry Jllfcaov.m. eon ol Xr. and
Mn. r. McOovam, 1911 Barbor
81"4-, Co.ta Maea.
In the 13 to 24-monU\ c1ut.
wtnnert •ere lllftlody Lynn XU·
ler, daupttr of Kr. and Mra.
un .. c ...... Commm ...
x JAMES I. un
lepr.Mntatlve In Congreu
&llT ON AN OLD& ?
JUN is -the mont:h
-... _ -1:0 say, 11 1 do~----
---.. .. ___ _
--·-=-====:----~= ==---' I -~ J I I
Let u• •how JfOU WhJf •••
W• rnon•Jf In JfOUP pocket
to bUJf JfOUr Rocket now I
If you've ~o lonpng for 1he day wbeo you
coulod make a ~1ut1fol Old1mobde your •err
o ..... t•ke a good look at t.beee Caclll
Olds teak" c~ of your futuret Thia ~aoty
ia atyled to captur~ aclminng glucea tociay •• ,
and tomorrow. Old!mobtle · • 1tylin1 ~adf'nbip
keept you in luhioo now or yean Crom now.
Yev tiv• tM Ofden ••• a.nd the Rocket'•
qWdl to &1\lwer I You 're in <"barge o( t30 bp. •
inooeoltoday'efinett b1gh..-ompre ·oa maine..
kad '}'01111 notice that m•ke• • powwul
dUference in perlormaoce.
AINI wMt a rtdel Oldamohile'• blg~r 1.utum
pay off witb CMM' of the 1tndieu. amootheai
rid~' on the road .•. • ride that netU.. 7ou
down to-the road-adtr, morw ~. •
The Rocht'a budg .... wl••I Tbe prico 11 .~.
pri.U.,ly low. And Oldamobilo'1 oautucli ..
rnale nlue mum your Old• can coet /• i.4
to owu. Remember. too. your preeeot car
conun•oda 1 bicb trade-in nJu. ript aowl
So. make your mo•e up and over to Old4 •.•
and drin happily enr alter!
•t• ......... ~ ... s--•_...
WH•N YOU 00 ova111 TO OLM.
A1lk -to •bow you lb. l•t~t '~ -....i.
•el y~ ... dtat you pt~ ... ~
••• top ttturo wbco you uade • ttU ~
It cu ac:tua.Ur coet lf>g• to set out el t:M
ordin"T • , • a:oto a.a Old•I
rson m•eo• ill _ ................. llllii--a eu.t.un MODUCY .......... ,.. .., ... WOllLI wun lll&m -
o..t "'"'...,. .. , ... t ~-
PDO?<i"E e••*>a a101
•et,,.. •• ,. Al•·CO•DITIOMID
e .... ,,. ••• tt•••lle -
1000 W. Coast Hwy. LJ1*ty. l-2261
MOMDAY, JUNE 4. 1966 ,
MR. AND 1'1RS. C01'DtANDER -Jim ~arda
and bn wife, Bernice, are shown at BaJooa•f>ower
Squadron'• annual Hawaiian dinner dance at New-
port Harbor Yacht Club May 24. They are display-
ing the two predicted log trophies to be awarded
at the Squadron's annuaJ rende:tvoUB dinner at th«>
St. Catherine, after the race for auxiliaries and ... power boata from Newport to Avalon June 16. The
power boat trophy, known as the Robert L. Boyd
Memorial, was donated by BaJboci Squadron m mem-
ory of Paet Comm~nder Boyd. The trophy for awe·
iliariea waa donated by Past Commander Mark
Healy in memory of past Secretary George L . An-
drews, and knowo as the Ceorgt L. Andrews tro-
phy. Nearly 100 boats wilJ compete for these cups.
Record Countj Vote sliteil ~0E: .=z
CAlfllmA'l'D "......, .:..... J n.i....., ai--.aa....... n. ... .,, .. <•·Jf.wpolt
ru1: une F11 •• ~,~ lift:titMI-In ,.lb ~bly Di.trld _
--.dldatea. all ~fttii1. tor Jae Olldt ..,. &n the nee IOI
U.. roi. to b9. Mt 411*! b7 Sad ~ at ..SUC:.Uae mm. ,_.. 8eeCb doea Orda1a u follow9: 8t&a.tley ot Newport ...c.tt. w1"> &n ~ ftiui a1'd tbll'd .,.... o.. sa::TION 1 · Tbat ~ anm.xa-au" u abown upoa a map ot
11.aa ch.-Mt to nm. an Joa truaWe wW -. 1 ~ nea tSoa '° UM City ot Newport atd lat AddiUoo LO Newport
A.mendl; l!; & Of B&ata cn.tnct. ~ wiu. fUo ~Om1&, of that Cfrta.ln y._ T'racl; aid conitt beinc 1n
Ana: 01&.Dd W. C&rrick. D, la peniJ!orial ._,..,, In Meal U. uainbU&tad larntory contipoua lhe boundary l1fte of the Cll of
By .IACK 80.E'ITNZB _..... Clemente ccu.noUmu: Albert. J. rtv., Tbom&a B. t:>trw.t • AD4 to maid city, known u "Htb N-,,ort BM.ch. UMnct ~lt
Q....,noe Countiana &re expected lo cut I. rcco'rd· De.lpb.lno. R. ~&.er ot N.w-Kary E. tBeU.et BoMnu of Btne\ \Juwx" 11 hereby approv-and northerly ~D& aid bound·
·:--• . port B4"pte; 8ruoe umMr, R, Newport s-dl. Donald 1. SW.-ed. and that Ule -.me.ta benl'by ary line ot tbe City ot Ne rt lhattertnr vote wbeo they go to the polla 1D M3 prtcJ.Dctl, Santa A.DA atlof'Qe1'. &Dd w. o... flW and Mn. J~• Ellen orda1md to tie &nneMd to and 8e&c.b to the potnl ot ~
17 with double board.JI, in the June 5 primary election. C&1' Wit.eon, ft, Banta -'-cal' &~rm.on ~ ooeta x-. made a part of th• CJty ot New-SECTION 2· That ow bound:
Tb 1.,...., · trati · ty hist h ......._ Ptnter and ranchv. CE?\'TllAL OOMlOTTIZS port BffCh, C<tonua. That aid an. of · e ..... &eat regi.s on 1D coun ory Ill ~ In th• UU\ •Late 8ena1ori&1 The local centn.I commltte.. territory 11 p&rtlcut.arly deacrlbed the City et N~rt.
recorded -148.386. Dlltrlc~ -lncwnbent Jolin A. are: u Ml forth In tM dMcrtpUon Beach. CaUfomLa. be, and the
County Cle'rk Lynn Wallace PropolliUon "W" ot th" Metro-Murdy Jr.. Hunt.lJlston Be.eb. l1tlb D t 1 tr I ct b.rnocrat.lo t.bGwf marked ltxhlbit "A'' al· ~ = hereby altered to In·
Pffdlct1 1 tumout of between polltan Water Dlatrlct. A "yea" wW be oppoaed by Pl'Mton K. ~nttal Committee canclldatel t&ebed hereto and tq referenc-e ~hibtt "A~'errt~ed ~bed In
115 and 70 ~-r ceht. He Nld vote would enable the .,WD'1 Allen, D • .Anaheim bualneMman; wlt.h five openin&1: Swen A. made • part hereor nuali al reto. th•
eome ana• prpbably wlll 1Ur· board or <llnoton to talUe 1bort Jobn M. Jl'lnamore, "' Santa Ana Brockman, S.11• LoeMI', Ba.rrl· "EXHIBIT ~ A.. :d 0ni:..ra or Wblch la apprond
PHI the 70 per cent mark If term nolu to flnanoe con1lruc-C'ollqe lnalrlfctor; and P'T • d IOD P. Sanborn and P'red WU.On. BesiJUllng at a lnl In lb Md bemn, an4 tnco.-.
WaJlace ta n1ht, It would mean Uon work on the Colorado RJver "J'armer" McCabe, D. ot Garden all ot Colt.a M ... ; WUllun 8. boundary Une or~ ~ty of New~ C:'::~ C::ill~~ly of N~rt
clo.M to lCM.000 vour1 wlll viait Aqueduct and dlltrtbuUon 1ya-Orove. All. crou-nled. See o( N-port Beach; Kenneth port Be&ch. Mid point belng the
poum. bOolh.e In J.he county. tern. Thei;e a.uertedly would ~ Allllhelm 1 Incumbent lJ. 8. M. Smitb or Balboa; Henry J'. 10ulhwut comer of Lot SECTION 3: Tbal l.be proceed-
A special "lec:LTon 11 on tap no lncrea1e In t.a.xa. Srnalor Thotnu H. Kuchel, R. Van der Vt\_cle of South Lasun&i Newport Mtaa Tract ai .~1!.2• Inga and annnation Mrehl 01~
ln the 111lh Alll!t'mbly Di.t.rlcl Work would ~ financed par· wlD ~ ch&Denaed by Raymond and Thomu W. Mat.hew• of La· upon a ~P recordN' lo Boo~ ~n dalned &re bad and t.aJten UJ\Mr
H well u lhr T'l'gulllr primary. UaJJy by iuuJnc SM.OOO.OOO in R. Pritchard. R. enfinea; S&m~ run• Beach; T9vta Thomu Weat-Pare 1, or Miecellaneou.e • a.nd punrua.nt lo the provt.ioru
A lar&• flrld or richt I• rnlered notes. MWD water ll pl~ Urtd u« A. Yorly, D. attorney; Ray c•t~ ,.nd O.vtd 0 . WetUln, bOlh Records or 0 Co "~_i>&· ot an act of the Leplature ol
Ln the laltrr Oran .. r. Lo3 Anrelea. Ban ~ Gourlt'y, ProhlblUonlat. a bu.l· of Corona del war. fo-•a ,.. range unty, '-"11• thr State of California. deli1·
U " TU n u , uaence euterly &Jon, the ,_. d ( P'or the 111 t tune bll ot-caat-nardlno, Riverside a.nd San DI· nuaman: and den W. John-Republican Crntral Commllttt eoulherly hn r d Lo . na...., an tt erttd lo aa U» "An·
"" will votr on "h•>·" trusteea eeo Counties. eon, R. author. Richard Richard&, Candldal~• ln the ntt.b Suptr· d aJ t: 0 ~ t llU oexaUoe of Unlnbabtled Ten1·
lo compoH thr C"o\4nly Board Cl<>Mr to home I.I the ,42 620 • D All candidate. croee -filed vlaol'iaJ Dillrlct t five poet.a I: ~ 10~~g r :.U:i°~ ly luw of tory Act of 18St''.
of Eduratton Vnt1nic will be 000 Orange County FIOOd ·Co~--for the U. S Senator party William C. Actam. of Coit.a Tract to t':ie ..oulhe~:n!e: SECTION 4 : 1'tMt above and
done on at·lllritt bll11.,, but can· ttol bond propoalllon "A .. The nomlnaUon1. Mesa.. Robert S. Bamee or New-aid Lot 1012 lb. roregolnr ordln&nce ahall be pub-
t11dalP• mn,t hvt in their truls controversial county _ wid~. pro-INCUMBENT , port Beach, Charlea F. PerklM al lh · en~ northerly hlhed once in the Newport-B&J· lee dlelnr t REPU8Et\'TATIVE of lAgu.na Beach and Roy E. oar e e1U1terly llne of uid Lot boa Newe-~ a Mwepaper of
Only one. lount\ 11fr1ct 11 up giam naaH been mapped Wby en· Gordon of San Clementi lOl2 lo lht norlb"a•t comer general clrculaUon printed a.nd gm~l"ll aT'nson and oolley Jamn B Ull, R. Santa Ana, thareof thence eulerly a l th • ror cont"slln); Thill u the thlro and adopted by the Board or hu Gordon T Shepard, D. Gar· Democrata will vote fCff' either · ong e published and circulated In the
11uperv111nnal i.11~! Ill l thulr lo ~ 8 <len Grove. •• hi• adveraary in Eltu Kefauver or Adlai Stevl'n· weallrly prolong•tion of the City of Newport &ac.h. and the
varated by R•lph Mr Fnd<len u&:.';;;;'~~uld be U!!ed to C'On· the 28lh Conpualonal Dlatrkt. 11on for the party nomlnatlon for northerly hne or Lot 912 or 11a1d 11am" llhall be In tull force and.
Nb on" C'ho~,. tu run &J:aln1t elruct channrls. dam11. retarding hl'Pl:RVISOR RACE ?l:ovember'a ceneral elecUon Newport r._1ea• Tnu·t and along eff..cl 30 daya alter thl• paaaace.
Incumbent <" \1 1S11 ,FPl\lherly basin• dikes and ruervolri· ac-Two t'ancherll, a aalea engin· OnJy Pre111d•nt Dwight ltllen· the northerly hne or aa1d Lot 912, The above and foNigoinc ordln-
1n thtt F1r11t Supc1 v1SU"11al 011-qulrtt 'T'lgbtll-Of·way, eo.!le~rnti ttr and a bulineuman are out t-ower 11 on the COP atde of lo lhe northeul corner thereor. &nee Jru mtroduced at a re&"Jlar
trlct •Santa Ana 1. a.nd other feclllt1ei1. for the Third Superv1100rtal Oh•· the ballol. thence equtherly along the eut-meeUng of the City Council of
WATY.tl MF.A tt'RE In the non-partisan catrcury. tr1ct Job to be left vt.eant by All ballot11 alM will carry erly llnf' or 1>B.1d Lot 912 to the lhe City of Newport &a.ch held
Also on tht' lt>nitthv oonol 111 no oppo11illon 11how"d up ror rellrlnK Ralph McFadden. namea of convenuon delegaLta IOUlJ\eaalerlv <'Omer thereof: on the lHh day of May, 1966 and
-----------· rrom both partll'• lhence eutt•il\ l\long, the eouth-was finally p...aed and adoptf'd
1 Poll lit al Advertisemt>nl 1 1 PoUtlrnl Ad\t'rt 111tm,.nll 1 Pohtlcal Atlverwwr .• entl t PoUt1caL Adv"rtl1emttnl) erly line of U,t 1!12 of 11a.id New-on the 28th day of May. 19~6.
-Beckner Photo
t Pollllral Advertiaemt>nt •
20 Times In History
engineer's report tens us that .. Most of
Oron941 County's new building dnelopmenh CH• lo-
cated in areas most vulnerable to flooding." TIMs
lndudes many of the new subdivisions built here in
the lost five years. Even the moderately wet 'Winter .
1951 ·52 did much demage end previews
floods to come. In 1938, lorr9 before most of the
building took piece, many lives were lost ~ Orange
County throu9h drownin9 in flood waters. It can
' ..
happen, has hoppened end will happen again, so
soy the engineers efter a complete survey of the
Rush Appendectomy
for Fredericks
An tmerr"ncy 1ppendtctomv
was perfonnrd tut wttk on
Harry Fred"ri~k 11lea manager
at lh,. Thtodor" Roblna Ford
Agency. afttT' Frl'denck Sunday
nlrbt complained of 1tomach
Following a <:heckup May 21,
Fr~nck was ~Ullhed to Hoag
HOlpltal tor th" rmergency op-
"ral.lon. Hr .... ,n be confined In
bed for about a wt'fk.
by oerllfy that lhry are con-
ducting a rttall merchand1alnC
bua1ne111 1t 303 Main St.reel.
Balboa, California., under lM fie·
tltloua firm Mm" of TH1ll BAY
port Ml'Aa T1•cl to thr eouthelL!lt by the following vote. to-wit:
comf'r tht>rt>of. 11&1d point bein~ A YES, COUNCILMEN
1n the w,.Htt1 I\• hntt of Placentia Hart. KaclC&y, Stoddard. H lr-
Avenue •~"Aid Placentia Avenue b1e, Rldderllof, HUI
11 ahown upon ll map of ll&ld NOES. COUNCILMEN:
Newport Ml•Nf. Tract and al.ao None
1ho" n upon a map or lJle F'irst ABSENT. COUNCILMEN
Addi lion tn Ne" port Meaa TNLCt WIJder.
recorded in Book 8. PagP 61, of ATTEST:
M~llAnt'uua Mapa. Re<:ord.s of MafTery Schrouder City Clerk
1&1d Or •nii:" Cmmly Cal!Com1a. DORA 0. HILL. Mayor
and Mid point aleo belq in the No. 707
bound.an hne or the City ot C<»-Newa-Preu 6 • 68
Delivery of tb'e Newport Harbor
0New•Preu la
guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papera
before 6 p.m. on Monday, Wedneeday and Friday.
I! your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue
call Harbor 1616 a.q,d your carrier wW bring your
DEPARTMENT STORE and that ------------------------..
aald firm 11 compo11ed of the Col· -----------------------------------------lowing persons, whoee na.mu In
• tull and placH of ruldtnce are-------------------------
.. rouowa. to.wit.
45' Serra Drtve, Corona del
~ar. C1Uf.
914 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboe
Wlt.a ... our h&n4a ttu. 17th d&y
ot t.fay. 1958
OF nns 17th day or J.iay,
A. D. 19~. berore me. Robert F
WIUmu, a Notary Public In a.nd
for the eald County a.nd !late,
raid~ thertln, duJy comm1 ...
1ioned and twom, pel'IOflally a p-
peared Rorer W. Hanna.ford and
Harold W. Hannaford known to
me lo be the pereoru whoee
namea ..,.. aubecrlbed to the
w1lhJn lrultrument. and 1cknowl-
edced to me that they executed
the aame. I N W J T N E 8 8
WHEREOF. I hive hereunto ll!l
my hand &lid affixed my oUlclaJ
ae&l the day and year In Ulla
Certlllce.te flnt above written.
The A fl/ ROBERT F. WILJ..M:SS nswer-My Commlaalon &xplrte N09em·
ber 17. 19~1
No. 7C>e 1 Newa·PrHa 5/21. 21,6/4. 11, 1968 n. n.d.eet9 ~ 1ha tMtr unt'ft' II&« l•llf ~ ... eWy et Orure ~-1 ------------11w7 ~ a ,.....,_ et ---... 0.-eeatrel ... ..Wr ~U.. wllla 11111 c..-qj
...,.. et htc"nben laal -,... Wen :rw la l&.a _,.... f.,.. a. Pno,...... •A. ... TM a.91
eacJann' M11~n"• '1 w • ,._ • ..,....._ ~ et Ille ... ,...,.&, .. er....,
C.-tal Dopper Ada nm bt &be WedDeed.a.7 N.,..._p,_.
4 ~ 1 l.DllertJoD $1.00 add't llDe9 .%6 e&.
4 Llnee
4 Llnes
4 Linet
add'L llDf.e .%6 -.
add'l llDes .%5 ..
add 'L llne8 .%6 ..
81taatloa Waated Ada wtD recetn 15% dlMeaat.. Cull la ad9118C1 ..q
IONDft1ll &I> IS 4 LINE8
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
DEADLINES for plac1n&' or cancellinl w 1.1'9:
For Kond&.Y PubUcatloA -Frtdl.)' 6 pm.
Fer WedoeadaT PubllcaUou-Tu..ctay 1 p.m.
l'or Friday Publlcat.lan -Tbunday 1 p.m.
nu Balboa ai.-d.. Newport lleed, Callforal&..
AD Claulfled Ada miPt be p&ld for <lM' la adnoee of pabtlcatlea.
Tbe pubUahen will not be reepoNible for more than one lncon'9Ct
lnaeruon ot an ad. reHrV• the fi&bt to cor1'9CUY cla.uify ~ and
all w and to reject any ad not con!onntnc to ru1a an4 ~ $42-MiliiOti-alfND .. iSSUE: TION TO THE CITY OF ~----------------------------------------
BYH tlteqti tM Wal roet el tM pn,..U ii Ml aJ111e111. tM ........ UM
aU... Ute ..... , te '1e paJ4 etf onr 1 H :rear ~ he.re lJMft** ,.)tla.
.... ... f•Alre '"~ ...... will .. elf ,., ,_ w. ~ .........
N~WPOJlT BJ:AOR OP et:R-8-'-' Notlcm
lttlt STREET .uiNEX.
WHEREAS. purauant to the
y Newport HarbOr
B. P. 0. E.
' 1767
Meet.I every Tbunday I p m.
Vl& Oporto -C.Otral A Ye.
Newport Beacb
Dick Newman. Exalted Ruler
prov11lon or an act or the Legt•·
Latur. of th• State of Callfomia .
known u the "Annexation of
Uninhabited Territory Ar t of
1939", the City of Newport Beach
l.nlUluted p~ for the a.n·
nexatlon of cert.aln uninhabited '--l"wteraJ lllrectors
A.1J Kin4I
Liberty 8-6109
Fainting & fl)ecoratin9
20 yea.ra aperience
Llcenaed ·contractor COllOll
SEISE • 1 terrtlory conUguou1 lo the City
of Newport Beach and delri"1&l· MOTTELL'S
L B McKltNZJE, Har 031&
-Corona drl Mar
It'll~ ... a.
....,. yes .. u IAae U..&
wlll~--UTU ... ,..,.,tJ. EYn thee-'
na1I wtlJ ann1e be-
lwtta II ttala u4 U
en&. 1ltt flM -•
ptf' )'Hf', tM ~ b
.. 1,11it com,.r-H le •••·
.,. Ola& .uJ renlt wllea
&M HD .. elfY raiM
~"et"' .... -n
~ .......... llea-.y
... ., Ule •• a n ...
I ed u "18th Slrttl A.nnu and
"''hich la herelna.tt.er more par·
Ucularly dN<'rfbr.d. and Colonial Mortuary WHEREAS, the Ntv CounC'll
of lhe City or Newport. Bell.Ch by 1801 Bolu-Ju1t Sout.b of Weal·
Re10luUon No. o&474 Ml Monda\, I mwt.er Memor1aJ Parll.
the Ulh day of May. 19M al the A.n Or&DI• County lnaUtutlon
hour or 7 30 pm a t lhf' Cit y I Servtns fam!Ue. uf •U !a.Ith.a
Council Cha.mben. C'llv H11ll. Td"phonf' tToll ~etJ
3300 N'rwport ~ulrvard l"rw-ZEruU> 6231 I
port Bearh. California. u tht No one ever turned away becauff I
llme and place thllt "9111 C'1I ) ot lacil or tund.I.
Council would ht>ar prole,t1 10 0Ali146-E, the propclllled annexation or 1&1d '
WU tel r1tol")' to th• City of Newl)ort l:t-Bu1&d.lag &-.J'\."iee&
Ii Paper Ha.nPic Service
600 li.t Street. N"'lfrt 8Mcb
Ha.rtlor 2971 tie
U CEN81!:D -LVBUft.1:0
Glenn Johnston
501-Sltt St Newport 8eacb
UT ae.ch by any ~raon ownin« l't'AI FLOCD$. ;;;r:;;c1 wil.hln lhe ;uud t•rri-CUSTOM HOME General Contractor
WRJCR.EAS. at th" Um• ~l ror Building and Remodeling ' U.c&Nam>
hMrtn1 of t~ ~sts ... 1111t New Work -RemodellQC
forth by aald ~90lut1on. no Concrete and patio. "'" nU· J. MILTON McKENZIE
wlittftl or oral prote1u wett nlfltH. Kl ~7~ loc.30 H. arbor 6399-W' OSUc
made by Ule ~U o( OM·b.alf
of the \'a~ oC the len1tory pro-GENERAL
J>C*d to.,. annuect ... pNi11enbed Painting, Decorating
In Uw annoauon ot untni.bl~ CARPENTER REPAIR • Pap.:r ff&.Dlml
Temtory Act of lHt. and I
WHEREAS. ll &ppffl"ll lhat thl' ODD JOBS GEO. BURKHARDT
I ~~ry pl'OC'Htdlr1Jr• tf'laUnJ to N" J••b ~ email Brat uf •"frr• l.11 t:NdE1' l.'\JI' fKAt:'l oR -------------------------------------------------------------...J an-Uon hav.-bttn c-onductf'd I ~nett• LJ l ... i H k22 I LJ I M32 Uberty 1-1628
I ,
-"'-",.-,,·-o~TO-~N, -
l oM .Va.fcrdlnO, ~
el*c:h et hllnton RJ1b &.O·
iwunc• tita lt:JT var11ty .,_....
.-11 llCNdal .... ". and It
Dat.s 10me Of l.,. loupHt f>P-
pcf!eDLll 1n tM louUllaod
The IndJana, who loet out thle
put yeu tor an unheard-of·
fttth strataht Sun.Mt Lal\»
crown. &tt "l t.o tackle onf' ot
ne .Stt11d1r~ M1nJl,lped me
me 10~ on r~tf coatings
By ordertac and takini deljvery ol the roof cmtin1a
you need durinf June, Ju.ly or Ausuat, you 1et a 10%
dieoouni oo U. resu1ar price. Standa.nt AJuminwn,
Aabela.. and Alpbalt Coatinp for eveey ~of rool
are included In this~ oiler.
EsVa 1•an of life for your root. aN your1 when yoa
apply tb.e llJ9d,al, hi1h quality coatinp to prepared,
pap«, •turated felt, built-up or metal roofs. 11>ey can
al9o be uMd on brick, stucco, concrete and atructural
ateel. So tel the Standard Root Coati.np you ~ d~
inl June;. Ju.b' c.-Auiu-t .•. ave 10'1' ..
N~rt lleedl. CaW.
Bar.155 1802 W. Balboa Blvd.
Gary J ohnllOI\, left, ac~pl.8 award u ou!Jrt.&ndlnr alhlet.-•l
01 ange Coa•l Collece from Larry Cr ... fa.eld, president of
Block OC. Awa.rd w .. made at Spring Sport• Award ban·
quo•t Jut week. fAe VlolU Photo
BILL PHILLIPS, Sport.a Editor
MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1956
TAR NINE MEETS NEW COACH 'A1·1Ufit1i911 ;;;;;;;;!l=====----=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ AT ~~~ !~q~• ~~~~ .~!~!
Newport Harbor High School Sailora ba.stball
te~ ot Coach Emil Neeme will be held in Costa
Mesa Park Thunday, starting at 5 p.m. Mothers
of the Playen are putting it on.
Part.a -De&I~ -8""t1CI UDO ELECTIUC -
MM \"la Ucs. -HarbOr f'7t1
Aut-0moblle DeaJen
New a.nd uaed Can
..,_ Servkle Patt•
IU6 Newpon Blvd.-llal. 511
a.ail of America I\'T a SA
"" Vla Ude -11&.rtMw 15.U
la aa.tw.U'1 8tere f• Men
NII Vla Udo -8-rbor Ital
MU NpL BJYd. -Bar. 1511
800& CASE
Mll Vta Udo -Harbor «Of
O•llEBAS & Sup~
Mil Via LlcM -Ban.or SOOS
DlOll IUO&J!&
CORvenlent .
' Complete
U.U Via Ude -lhl1M>r 11%1
\\', 0. B UCll, INC.
UOO V1a U4o -Barbor '-'44
lot«lor Decorators
8ludlil Falkeno• A.LI>.
Mll Via Udo -ll&ttlor 6SH
IUt Vla Lido -R&r4)or OU
BONl'l'A. WD..80~
M&Jqa lmpon.1 ooo vaa 11a1a1a-Harbor ssn
810BAJID'8 UDO MAU.ET am ~'ta U0o -Bari»or UU
P. A. PAUii:& L.'°C.
ISU via lido -Urbor IMO
Ull Vla Udo -ll&ttlor U1l
Vla Uclo Bttqe Oftk.e
Ill! LaFayette -Bar. MU
Lido Sala A Rmtala
Neeme, who IWitchea to B basketball anc
football next seuon, aa.id be wuold introduce th<'
Tara' new bueball mentor, George Hunter from
Va.lencia at the fete. Hunter'• Valencia nine cap-
tured the Orange League diamond diadem.
Robins. Bue Frosh Enter
Los Angeles Muni League
1 The Harbor Boy1' Club Rob-
1Jl11. apoNIOrN by Theo Robm11.
I 1nd lhe Or1L111e Cout Colll'(e
F'rolh wtll enter learn• ln lhe
Loe A.Dl•IN Munlclp&J AhOCll·
lJon t.hl• 1ummeT. R.od MacMrl·
11&11, HBC athletic dlrt'Ctor, wilt
bud the Robin• wbll• f',d Lane
wtll dlrecl lhe OCC Froah.
Mac:MJWan .. id he hoped thr
Robin• would conalat uf the
N ewporl H11 bot H re h School
J SaJlon, 8 u n • 1 l 1-itue c-o·
I champ• lhl• 1ea11on .. The boy•
who pl1yec:t tor Coalh Emil
I Nreme al the ttirh Kh•XJI wm
form our club If lhf'y all want
to play." MacMIUlan 111d. Ht
1dded lbat II other boy1 1rt
nt't<ltd to 11ve the Robin• lht
16 playen r.qulred, otheT prtp
e<"hool borKhldtra would ~ 1 e-
Recruit po .. tbUIUee for thf'
Robtrui, MacMllllan eaJd, would
be boy• like Joe Avilla of Ana-
heim, Don Sean ot TueUn. Pl"ll"
Halt and Steve Ranny or La·
I (Un& Beach.
cauon In the eut. howevl!'t, ind
Thompson, alone w ith Mlck•y
Haskell. net i ce. and John Hen-
rotln, B baakelbaUer, Wlll be at·
tending Boy• State In Sacra·
mento a portion ot lhl• llWNTlf>r
a1 represent&Uvea h'om New-
port. Harbor High. eponaored by
Harbor area Ammcan Legion
Lane 11.ald the OCC F'ro1h
tnm wUJ feature the pltcttlnr
or ex • Sailor moundllmen Jlm
:-;ewklrk and BUI Wetul. alonl'
with Stan Herprck who 1oea
up to St&ntord next fall. Catch·
er Ted Coutl.8 will be the field
Cllptaln o! a lineup upt>cltd to
Include FI r 1 t. Bueman Gene
Raine Second Bueman Jerry
Wayt. Short.It.op Butch Coopman
or D e n n y Fitzpatrick, Third
B&.aeman Bob LoC1cero. and Out-
f1eldel"I Jim Coon. Jeddy Youn1
and Charlea Bowl&Jld
I \
OIU.NG&. COC'H8t-Qraau"-'
~-dill•~ UM Ptlloeta Ram'ient T ti • red a r tin ~~-tQn ... ~~·'¥ ~~~~~
IM w\a bl & ""'11
Fta.U WIMSe'• wwld ch&m,._.
41; Don and die UUNI Qf7 • pl Pnltoa. 'l'IO; 0..~111 Glbbofta N , '01; Kns 8 o d •a llt o •'fer, "OJ: ___ ...;;.. _____ ...:.,..;.._
TOd White. 'U ; Dou T~ll
-.nd Bob ftowartll. 'M: Jerry
Wbltakn, '66.
A total f t7 ~...;..;..... Harbor Lelt.r wlluten t.hla MUOfl ln· O ._.._. wUl be a~ NeVl'pql't dvd" 1• vv.tt.y. 20 Tai-tiebu
Hilb School ..munen ot c.oac.ti Al Inrin dui'tnJ tbe I.ft• and I 1 fleaa. Varalty letter
nual aqua banqllft In Newpot"t Barbo1' EJb Loqe, start-mm &rt''
new evatl ut thli 1151 .,...
td 6\.a~ Olympm lnldt ...
neld tryout& wut be •t.a,..S
Juue 19 ud :so In lAMI A. ..
stiea CoUlllUJ\'\. tnr at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow. The snothen or the athlete. 0.v• A.ndreww. John Antold ire pu»"'•• ......... _ ... _. DlCk C.rwr, Jerry Farquhar'. -l'cw Lh• ~ tft COmmfld.11 "t""141_.~1.c""" Henry lilU, O.IU\Y R~t91'1n. Prtntinc all KarboT lelt.
RlthJlpt of \.ti. p-ropam will 10no n1nunht~ I.bl 100 O'ee In Bob JohnllOn, Cttu~ KolYbto,
~ tb• IULDOUl\C4iftlent Of ....... ty. 1541.2 &lid, the 200 n... in 2:04 e. Enll1 Minney, bill MllU. Don MA •1NE
B and 0 MOK Ya.luablo awlm· Jury Whttaker sped the 16 yard Redlniton. Pela Schlllbel'f, TeJ ""
nient, tum e11ptal~ and mo-t lndMdual m41dley ln •U. Chip Von Hemerl., Jo1.n .IAWlti, P•ul INSURANCE
lmpl'Oftd ptrformen for • the Fttaw&Ut', Jack Buck. John Manb: and l>out Pearce For
leuotl. muot. and Barry Von Hetnert Jo arquhar. lhl• IA hif" fourth let· o..:x~ ~, 0..
All-A.raence P"1> Don Rt'dl.1\I· btOk• the 200 yard m.i.teJ re-t•r Re.tlnJ't.oo ~vu llU third. DU w. C..-Bl....,
ton wae vvatty Mab ecoru Cor lay B mark with a 2:02 tttort. and Kolvl•to. MIMey, Milla. I t.Be~ l-1MS
the 8allor 1pluh.n lh1a put whlle .. P~. Ruu J"Ot1ter. Den-Sch11lbt-r1 and Vr,n 'Hemert lhc1r ~!!!!!!~!!!~~!!!~!!!!!!~
.-aon wtlb JOI polnt.1. Barry ny 8ulh and Bob JobnaOn did t1tcond.
VOQ Remelt Of tha C'• ta1He4 lllcft1M to the ..... 200 ya.id fttt TOP TA~'i
111 Wblle Ru. l'olt.er ot Ule rtl&y In l :U .T. T ,__.,._ 8'1 Uiuched ln N . Von Reinert eet one of the er.,...., lettermen are. D,11ve a nd Allen, D•v• Brlck.ne1, ~nnv ,.,,, Tar ,vanity and the Tu-tour new s..tlea maru Buab, llllke ·~~. Terry
b'lbee br'ouJbt home Simaet took part In two otherl. Bl• r.-.11.u, J ohn E.1ut, JJ.~ Foatc, Leasu• cbamp1Clftlblp b'opbl• lndlTid\aal effort came tn lb• <'hip F11.swuer, Dave Grant,
lhla MMoD and I.bl ftnJity an1 50 Jard ll'M la !lJ.i. He jol.Ded Bob Hottman. Bob JohMon,
Sea.fleae capt\&Nd UUo trophl.. M1b O&l&Jh&n. Buck and Tom Dave Madden, Pett Petenon,
in lh• CJJ' Kldwtnt.. ...tmtMl. Pl1dmer In & ~.fJ lOO yatd med· Peyton Reed, Orr In Wdl', Jerry
A total of 16 n"' l"tCCll'dl ley relay, and Tom H&llett. Whllak w h Brtckntr and Ga .. -• .. ltl a f?.l tr, a y e Mc).tanlgte wer• Oft th.la aeaaon, It wu -~· Jl\Ck Buck, Rvoble Ore IH"r anJ
announced by Jnrtn. J'our of lho lOO yard Cree relay. Buck fluh. Bury Von H.emert. Al•er. and
•lx vanity marka ..,.. Ulrnod ed tbe 50 yard btt.Ut in 32·0· J.laddtn 1ecelv<' thttr ltltf'r' f.~
In by Redlqton Who Aleo part.I-Tb1a banq\let wllC'm&J'lt the U e n cund ume.
c1paltd In the other two. Rfd-tut wtUl Irwin u tht hllh
lngtnn. who ba1 another year to IChool coach. Ed Newland u-
ro at 8&Uorvtll•, .. t the tol· plac• lrwln next .eallOn when
1owtn1 recorda: 60 yarda free. Al wW be bead football and
24 0, 100 tree, 62.1 ; 200 frell, ewlm mentor at Orange Cout
2:01.a and 160 ya.rd Individual Collece.
medley, 1 :fO.t . ENVlABLE &ECORD
ANOTBE& PAI& ln Irwtn'• tenure at N~port
"rM quart.et of Pete Sctiw-Harbor from 1948 w 19~. ttla
btr(, Jerry Farquhar. Redill&t.on mennen won the Sun.ffl Learu•
and Chuck Kolvillo aet the JOO varsity c1-own three t1mt'I. thf'
yard medJey relay mark of 1 :5-B title AlX limn anJ the C
9.3 and Redlncton. BW Mlllil, cba.mplonah1p four llmn ln dU"ll
Henry HIU and Ted Von Hemert meet compeuUon In lhll •pan.
.et the 200 yard free relay tbt sauor v1,..tty won 37
merk of 1 ·o 4. agaJntt 11 tttbacka; the Ter·
Fruhm.an Dour Pearce u -
tabllahed two of lb• flv11 n""''
T1rb&be 1ptuh recordl this ff&·
babea 49 whtle lo11nr thre«' and
tying one, and the s.-11n«'&1 H
.,awt five louet. Thi• KIVf'll
lhe lrwlJl-coached awlm teams
a toW or 134 wrna. 19 rcvt'r .. la
1nrt 1 deadlock Th"•" lot111l1
were ttached t Vl'n lhol~Cl lht
Srl!le.._ lettermen 1rf': Toni
Brickner, Slf!ve Bol<-e, Tum
C•1rketl, Pelf' Glbaon. Mike
Gaughan, Ken He•vt?y. Tom tisl·
tell. Bob Llev, Doug .Mrlltr,
•<"n Snoke ·and John V&n lJvkc.
Hwre 1e the lone reptater. ·
1 ht followtn1, were on th•
1qu1d ind received point.a to-
"· .ird th .. n lf'lttr for nPxl yPar
W .. lly 8urgeM J Gaynor Ray
Co<lwin J ohn Owen•. R Swtt,
M kt Stuart, K How1ttr. Hill
(' rkt'll Jerry Berg, bill Lani.:·
J.11.r Roy Mal.•f'r i nd Dave
l 'tttrt
ON A NIW •s•
Your old outboard 11
wortb ,..,,,,I Let'•
talk "trade-io• on a
spuklia~ aew '56
Johnson. Nine areac
models, ~ ro 10 hpl
South Coast Co.
Newport Bh·d. at 23rd St.
Harbor 2000
Johnson .. ~,~~ ...
Coachee or c Le•JU"
ltam1 In the Jilar~ arra
11ummer bueball program
hope lo teach their young-
•t«-111 five polnlll. a cco1 d1ng
lo Baseball Comml111loner
Rod M1cMllllan. 'Mle points
Tira did not have a p<J<-1 In
1948, but practiced thrf'I' nl&hll
a week at Huntrn11lon Be11<:11
lJ1 the dual meet comv.-uuon.
l.hr Sailor 11w1mmer1 i.:•>r c I 11
total of &Hll polnta 11pln11t 2652
kr lhf! oppont'nlll. or lhl•. llrf'
TaT varsity acorert 2Hl3 11taln11t
1168, lht B'a 2687 agamal H 7.
1nd the C'11 10911 ara1n~l 499
230 SOtb St., Newport Beach llarbor 2SSS
I A ftnf'ral Idea of bue-
ball. 2 An undf'relandlnr
th1l trrore ere unlnt.enllonal.
3 Team work 4 Rea.Hu.·
tlon t.hat no umpire makes
a mlatake on purpoet>. but
' cali. 'em ti he ,..11 •em "
!'J, Determination to try
one'• bot al ail Umu, rt•
1ardJ ... of lbe llClOre,
MOllt valuable irwlmmeni h1vt
lncludn Vanity J &ck Bf'll rn
llHll and ·~. Sfymour Bttk.
'!'J1; Bruce Baird UMt 0on•Pr,.,._
ton. '!'12: Frank H11rgerman. '53;
Km Boden.hocfer '!W, and Jerry
Farquhar and Dcin Redlnc-too, ~~-==~====~===~------~~-""""""~
"We went lo leach the
proper a ttitude toW11rda •th·
leUca." MacMUUan •a I d.
'"The boye wlll 1et tbe flnf'1'
potnta ol lh• pm• u tbey
prope.. Utrouc-h the upper lee.cu ....
B: J1~ Bell. 'fQ~ Rq Bell
and BoO Bal bow, 'GO; Doa P1 t'I·
ton and Bruce Baird, '!H ; Bob
lbbollon, '&2 : Ken Bodrnh0tft'1
'63, Pele Schulbf'rc, '54, end
Ted Von Hemert. '5~
23rd A Newport Blvd. 'Mle Chapman Panllten hive
1cc.pt.ed an lJlv1laUon to p•r·
tlclpal# 111 Ult 10th annual R«i· ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~
landa R Ctub b&lkelball tourney
De<:. fJ..8.
Aeeoalda • N•w • QAlmll of .. ,. ldad ., ..,... -...,.....,..
la Anwrlc!L "N• ~
Ne t ee." Wo IMlYa8ee all C!ff1e.
We.ten Orta«• C.C.ty
fOl'lfttV Cll'MJl aan.. ef
N~rta.cA. ........... ~~
ud <JMla M-.
U. aJnnJcle AY. P.O. bOs SN
l Polllt<'&I Adv<"rtl.t1f'mrnl t f ............. , .. ___ ,,, ..... -·--·-·--................ 1.
I I i
vor1 I
Vote for
Nit Via Ud.-.llarbor UU .... \la Ucs. -~"" I TAR t..DR:lP
SbouJd the entire SaJlor cQn·
Uh1'9nt pl~ for lb• Robin•. lhe
Don Let(h. the 11tubby, bt-
•pectacled hUTltr who twtrled
lhr• wlJul out. of the tan four
playoff p.rMS for lhe •late JC
cb&mpa l.aat. month 1• headinJ ~~~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;~
norUI to work with a lumber ii
C'Ompany and play bueb&U three
day• a week on a teem ducrlbed
At Or•ng• County's
LHdin9 Home Lending
Institution ' your 111do11ed / &KllU.aD'8 LIDO MARKET 8A VINOS • LOAN
NU V1a Ude -uu.et SUI ASSOdlArJON8
Oothblg-Ohlldtta ~ lnfuta t;AVINGS .. LOAN A8SO(l.
aura or UDO
... Newport~
ClLOTBING-Mea'a Retall
A 8&vl11p lutltuUon
Lon1 Term Home Loana
Pit \ la Udo .-! llM'bQr uoo
81.DWELl.'8 HOP f'VK ME~ SHOES_ .. _,1 MU Via Ude -ll&r"9r M&I _.
CJotbJllg-Wome,a'a RetaU' SUI Via Lldo -llarMr ....
I.A a&Ltt
,. V1a ........ -Rarfllor t41t SHOES. Womea
MJI Xpt. lllYC. -RatbOr M11 Ult \'la Lldo -llarilM>r tsu
.... Vla LlcM -~ 1111 TK.EATBE8
lineup would conallt or Cakhl"r
C&.rl Ber1fll"On, • Pitcher Oar y
Green. rtr1t. Sacker Bud Thomp-
eon. Becond Bue01en Roy Dan-
leJ and Dave Tamura. Shor~top
Bob White, 'Mllrd Sacktr Bob
I All«'n and Outlltldel"I Paul Lor·
ent.un, Larry Werl111 umont and
George Mabee. Green may v1-
&'9 a Clau D rated 'hlne.
L&ne repbrted that 1l nton
player• were needed to fill out
lhe Froeb, tquad, coach -Aen•
dell Pk kl"n• of thr Piratn
would t'«'()Ommend 11rveral hlfh
IK'hool 11eniors for the 1ummer
lmported Sportswear
UDO~ B1c Pancho O<i~. wtlh aalu bad more 1'U:n than uy-
CoMUJl tb1a p.per ror procram hill ~ serve antl blJ gnn. cap-body wbU• putUnc Trabert
Via i.w. ot N....,.,.. 8ITIL 1 turld hla Hlh victory agaln•l 1way. He ad-libbed. took an Mii Vla UM -Uarbor lt04 Manor llH 2t dcfeat.e from tu• f1vonte occulonat coke bre&k. bellowed D&UO STOBES , pt,.aa.. MrlOUI Tony Trabert on t:i.a protul.8 wbfti he mt.cued
VINCE.~ LIDO Dat:o TOYS lhe Balboa Bay Club tennil anfl whenever b« pinned. l.Ml
M&l Vla LNe -Banw ... LIDO TOYLA.VD court ber• Saturday afttmoon. point wu u lood u tuck•
'-1. ~ 11·3. From here J ack .. way. Eleetrto Cootractora tut \la Lidie -llartlor SIM Kramer takf'11 hi• prOrt•lonal All that kepl Trabert 111 "'-
UDO ELECTklO r.et ~upe to Soulh A.merlca match .we~ a pair of enor1 by
NH \'la I.Mo -BartMr Ul'f T&AyzL AOENa:E8 for a mo11lh. J>an-cho while ioinl to I.be net llAJUIO• TLIVti. -A-o-o-.~cv-"""' 1n a one erl duel be'T'll'Mti Uif 111 t1Je ttrn game ot th• llf'CODd
Mii ?\pt. ....... -Bar. ~U veteran Kramer, tryb\a to pl•y 11et. Toor IUl'lld alMad •..O -..,
hlmMlt lnto 1h1pa for a toW'na· tore Pancho recover.s to tak11
mat\. promoUon of h~ July 29· two ,.,,...._ lfowner. ln I.lie
Au.g. I .... u-. ~ Ancelet 1\>n-fU)&) ll('l, It WM Oonul•' vol·
nll CJub, Wld lh• lmprobablt>-l•)'lnf whlllh dtclc*t the t..u
l..,..cl PudM> .. pra. Squr• s.sura. wtt>t hta ltnotl.11
handltd Jack bl.I ..-nth drub-pl.-oo-lOed bowtep •bkb llHllD•
blnl. •-2. lnf\y ma.Ile him wallt 011 t.h•
ltnJn•r a.med wlUI Ra oula!de ed&• of ~( .. t, aJmot"\
Ha.rt.ti apJMl Bepn and toyed w1th lho ODCe sr-t Kra.-
Tt'aW't. 11'1 a pa.lr of uhlblt.lon mer. LttUt Puello llCUTT'tod
dcNble9 wt.e to potlah oft th• rrom aide to llldo of lb" court
WINDOW OOVERINO ~· 1 wtth u.. ..,_,. ot • cra.b Mt JU a80P 1rit. Pan~ put on inM or tM ettecUffil4M ot o Wf'.U aUod
l'fmtehil&Oftkio-llu. IN the lbe>W. "1 tul"lnf ht1 blc machine wbtlt llll<'lns llU t..o-._ ______________________ ,. """ and cl..,.. lobbln1, Con· llw:t<kd aboU put Jeck.
l DoL ..,, ...
9l&e -
,, 'f ••
Ill eolOn .
·-·· ~95 srs
for tppointment
comie in
•without •ppointmeflt
Koyette Photos
llOI &. ODut. Hwy.
faao. h'ol1) Pwt Theatre\
1/a cro
AU Accounts Opened
On or Before
The I 0th of the Month
Eem From the lit
m o.:.a •""-..._,Ill' 6-11n
j 11C1All llCUIDS I 11
l'OI CON•HSS •• ,
l'Oa ITAfl SINATI •••
• IOI AJd~l&.f •••
1 olAND w. c1111c1 I x I'
...., ...... ._CU' AD TAU TO THI IOW---
' t:~JlOflO,•.D .t ~PO~llOft&P '"
left to right, Leonard Biacailuz, Rowland Hill, Don
Lei&h, John Estrada, Syd Tovatt , and Bob Diehl.
Seeond row, Bob Staats, Engene Tyler, Al Baker.
Gerald Bandlck, Al Hathaway, Gary Johnson, T om
Pletts. Back row: Dr. Basil H. Petenon., Orange
Cout College preaident, honored by Block O.C.;
George Lyo1U1, Wayne Coughtry, Tony Lombardo,
Howard Hall, Bob Norman. -Lee Viotti Photo
THE Sp 0 RT S . w A·T c H Stock Car Races Slat~ in
·• By BILL PHDJJPS · • Huntington Beach Stadium
Optimism 11 the word for Newport Harbor Hiih
Schoof• f(\Otball coaches thia apring. Head Coach Don
Burn., Line Coach John McGowan and Back field COi.Ch
Bill Bernau are all pleuantly aurpriaed at the turnout,
alMl and •peed or lht Saifor varsity proapect.... Eapedlllly in lrom tht Jlid acUvlly t l&ht off
Topped by Gardena'• Chuck
Meekln1. f111l ln Pacific Coast
and 1econd in National point
et.and1ng1, 101111 30 lopt111ht
drtvera v.111 ltt'tl action In Hunt·
ln1tt>n Beath Stadium's f1rt1t
NASCAR hn e model atock c.:ar
rtce Sun lay nl&ht. Juno 17. view of th• lou or eucb lads Ult bat.
81 Cha rile Berry, George SchuHt. 'Yau mu n lhla baseball !JI a Meekl.na wheel• lht Jim Rush·
s pon.aortd No. r>6 1zl w hlcb he
v.on Gardena mun events May
8 and May ~7. He'a chalked up
12'Je pol.n~ u Paclllc Cout
CTI>nl-runner and SJ• on lhe Na-
Uooel t.aUy
Dave Tamura J ohn Hopkins, alu y game?" eome<mt aaked.
Paul Lt>r1•ntxen. Larry Har per,
1'1i:k .Nabors. Jatk SmJlb 1nJ
Rogtr Early-the heart of t.11t
M1111>n'a eleven under l:oach Al
l rwrn.
?'\dturally with all po~ltlons
extt'pl pot1lbly qua.rlerback a nd
(Jn ... rui.rd wide open. wn11: gooJ
battles are upl"l t .. d to devel<·P
"'h .. n the I.xi}• gtl down tu
a p r I o u a bullnl'.. 1·00111 ( a I I.
•·some of tht•11t yuun.:ster 8 ha Vt'
c rown amazin&ly aantt' laRt acd·
aon wht'n lul we aaw U1f'111 In
ecllon," Bui ne rt'purla.
Seaaont<l veterans tnclude s ut-
ty ·Bud Thompeon. a 11e•t bal·k;
Gene Hubbard, a cool 111gnal
caJltr who 11leppe1I In 1111 .. 1 t1-
cienUy Int 11e11.son whrn t 1rsl
al.Tinier Schulll was mJU• t<I;
Chuck Vandnvorl, the 1llghl
but adept end. and Cu11111 Gary
Deem. a top llnem&11 fur the
lall two aeasona.
Cl:IARG r; A. '1 ERO&
T h om p 1 o n went & Ip pl n I
atratght down!teld from bi. hall-
back spot on uoe pue paltMn
and Hubbard shot the porkhhle
right Into bi• arms. 40 yarJa
away, only to 11ee Bud drop lhe
You mtu that !1rat base·
man· a mill '!" Thompaon wu
"Nope," responded Bud." Just
forgot to laltt It o~·
Sporlspume: John &wain, Bue
ltlletma n COX1'4 .un, baltetl J .000
Cor the Orange Coaet C.:ollcp
c Pf'W 1eason winning tour tor
four . . . The reason HuP&to n
Harper men toreJ the Plr ate
Olher h11;h·polnter1 who II c&·
VQrl at the beach oval Include:
t.tovd Dane, Buena Park, aecond
In Pc em.I 8th in N &UonaJ; Ed
Paean. Lynwoorl. third ln PC an
8th Nationa l; Clyde Palmer. San
J oae, ~lh and I Ith : Jim Blom·
cren, Norwalk. 8th and 13lh;
Howarrt P hillippi, Torrance, 71.h
and 4th, and Dick Celt.y. San
Fernando. lllb and 7lh.
Boyd vs. Savacie
tu ck learn tor the last llmt Bobby Boyd, Chlc&&o middle·
this seai;-0n, ac-cordlng to Fred wel&ht ranked No. •. t.akea on
Huber. OCC dean ot men, II colorful Milo Stvage of Salt
that hf' "wants to rematn 111 ll'!t Lake City al Chlcaso Stadium
l11b whPTe the odon are more In Wednf'aday'1 video 10-round
familiar" . . . Huber charred boUl.
t btl Coach Joe Kroll lhreatened A !lutly, two-flated t11bter.
to show up at lut week'• Sprm1 Boyd dt!ealed Holly K irN m
Sports Awvdl bnquet 111 hla hit laat at.art April 18. for the
Bermuda llhorLI. Poaibly K roU 39lh victory ot tu.I •7-flcbt ca-
w1ahed hl11 aqua athlelta had rttr. Prevtoualy ht KOl'9d a
done llO. "I don't know 1f I ca.n Mn.a&UonaJ wtn over Eduardo
d I a l I n cu I ah I.hem I n thell' Lau.it. Ht bu aCOTed 21 knock·
Three racea are carded atart·
Ing at 8.30 p~ m. afltt th•
qus.lltylnr runa al 7 p. m. They
Include the traditional 10 • l1&p l
trophy dub !or the nJ&hl'1 eight
top clockera, a 60-lap aeml-maln
and 150-lap feature lnvolvlni
the 2t Cutest quall!ler1.
Jim Cook. Anaheim, M!Cond to
Meekl.na, May 27 at Gardena.
again tr1ea ror l<>p •lice of the
$3,200 purse. J ohn Lanaaw, allO
Anaheim, m ay wheel to vtclory I
Bob Ross, L.Utwoo(I, who ma.dt
a bnlllult debut by t•kJns the
Gardena trophy duh !!rat time
out, could us;xt the dope bucket.
Cara are npected to hit ao
m ph 1peeds on the 1tnlghtway1
Ptt atopa are permitted. St.rtctly
atock equipment muel be uaed.
and the f1ral ti•• tlniahlnr autoe '
wtll be taken to a near • by
p rar:• tor complete motor In·
apecUons lo make certain no al·
t.eraUona have been made.
H anunglon Beach Sta dium I>
located at the lnttraectlon of
Coul Hi&htway and W.bway
39. The grand1tand 1nd parkln&
a reu a re beln1 completely ra·
fUTbI.hed for the Import.Ml
stock car race being aponaort'd
by lhe Hunllnrton Beach Amer·
lean Legion
HA UB.ICZ ft'ANLEY . a... .... o.11
....._ llartl9r UT6
UU IC. OtM& WpwaJ
Oorou Ml Har
Orup Ooaat,-1 NewitU ._.. ..._ .. I I l
with PLIACZN'l'IA. (0cNs) -JlmrJ L. Dam-WU U·
nOUDOid Jut week u the Dft' add1UoD to U,. Valincla
HIP School boya' phymic&l edueatlon deputmeilt. ~UDY WlllTHE'f • COUNTRY W A.sllBUBNE
Duerr. wi.o bu becn out of~ IUCCOld 11\&Dttr ooec"'PoS Oi. put ,_,., t. Mt three ftnltt1 lporta. Hun~
to follow <Jeorse Hu.nm. Th• "l"ftd at Valad a RIP u....,.
Jattu W.n. W. IWll1Ml' tor .a~ taou.ll. b&lketa..11 and
ltlt rw.-~tat Nswport ..... b&ll CO&Cb.
lial1tol' lllCb ldMlol. JI.Lit Jdtvd&y, 11\anter'• .....
DQwr> atteded t.he Untvenity ball t.t.m fl.ruaheel tbelr eeuon.
ot Tau tor tbrw 7-.ra, but Tb• ~ captured th• Oranp
NOelwd Ill• Mcllelot'• depe Leapt championship. •
Available tor pnnte part.lee, da.ncea and
Club ad1v1U.. J:x~llent mualc and entu-
t.&l.nment, for lht hover • Wrty" (">Up.
n:u:.PBON& .umT~ 1-UU (DAU)
BA9B()B '541 (EVES.)
at ~ Unlwnlt7 ot Colon&>.
H• al90 noetwel Ill.I mutet'a
d.,,_ at COiorado. LaShelle Given
Track Letter pt ·
Davis Ag College
Balboa lslan~ Sporting 800~1
lh oo.ched Oil the btp k!lool
level tor t£r.. ~ tn WJOffl•
1n1 and NtbrukL DUUT hU
i.e. wt of coachln1 th• put
II• bu been workln11n atom-
ic ~ tn Colorado. In col·
ltp. Duttr play.ct football and
It waa pointed out by Valencia
otnctai. that Duerr may not
DA VJS-Rodtrick L&lb1llt at
N.wport Beach. JUD!or utmtl
bulbelldry 1tudtnt ln tti'e Uni·
ftnlty of CaHfomla Coli.I'• of
A.¢cultu1'9 at Davit, wae a~
warded a track letter tut week.
Rawlings -Spalcflnt -McGNCJOr
Hooch fatno111 "PF" HIT ops
m ......_ ..... Ban.a 1a1uc1 -.,_, 11'1
Ileen: M clally -8U9da.Y'1 M pa.
·Find o.ut w~y millions prefer
• I/
Now! Try this liner top-octane motor fuel --
.yourself-•nioy that surge of EXTRA POWER--:-::~3:ii.
Here'• what they're sayin1 about the new ca.rs: "Ju·fC8t • WOILD'S FINEST ~·twrN DUTY" MOTOI OIL
powtr" ... "M Ort u1oblt hor11powcr" ... "Paclu tla1 molt
powu'' ... "Nno thriilinf powu" ... "Blazint lwlwJ)OUJD'I"
Yee, POWER is what you want, in a new car or older
model And that'• what you &et, ft/fry oww o( power your
car'• enfint can deliver, when you fill up with Ri~eld
Ethyl. lt'a the only motor fuel with full poc«r thnua
That's because Richfield Ethyl ii made from the finest
buic 1uolin1 atocb. An exclusive blelld of additivee elimi-
natea knock ... gives you jet-like ta.ke-otr in traffic ... amooth,
1lidin1 power on the open road.
Road-teat Rich.6eld Ethyl in your car. E.1perien1» the
thrill of full powa-thnut. You'll find, too, that thie auperior
motor futl cuta pa billa-you set 10 much t:dra miUa,e.
Richfield tcitnlhh )love
ptrftcfd e bteftd flt W
kind ef 111olor ell. Ira
l lchlvbe I 0°30 . the
finest oil to co111blnt all
the odvo11toott .. 011 ct#/.
weother oil ond • lleovy-
duty prOft cfiYe Oil. ClvH
you in5lont tlOrfa ... tlllrO
oclOne pOwar • • reduced
knock ... ltnt•r 111lltat•
•.. ptofectiofl ogolftat edd
weor. G t l etew "Twlfl·
Dvty" llCHlUBE l 0-30 ot
your lidlfte&d d"'tr'a.
Olhera with experience lnclude
End Bob Vlllaf?'&M. a hu&h buy
who ahould c-Jlop•onr tacklers
hke a tank whenever bt latches
onto that ptsakln, tedbeadt'd
Da1't i.tartln. a 1W11t haHback
"'ho tranaft."tred ln loo lale to
make I.ha var&ll.J lut aeuon.
St.an Schonf'a. understudy lo
:Hubbard and a fine defen11ve
pu former, Lineman C&rl Berg-
er on and detenidve Center Bob
cJOthl'11" Kroll complalned:__....::_o:ut.a::_. ----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~----
Surprlae ot lh• t prinl aeaalon
1eema to have boen Halfback
Boll Hel\der11flot. dcK"MlM-d by
Burna as "a lremendoua pro-
apecl." Hendtr1hol. Bum a 11&ld,
could be the Bailor punter next
aeuon. Cha.ncu are lht 1t.arUn.1
halves will be lhe 1peedy duo of
Thomp90n and Mar tin. But It
· look• like Bums hu JOOd depth
behind them, too, In Htndenhol
and Herb Yt'e, amon& olher11 I
Whu e the boys llkt' Dou~ ,
Bowler. poaaable fullback atarter
Hubba1d. Hendt"rahot 11nd YM 1 have those hesvy, r1lc-J1 lvlng
lee• mcntora llkt' lo ~e on
footb&ll pla ye ra Thompaon and I
MarUn have tht ~plndJv, ~·
l"lled type typ1c11I of shifty I
ball carrwni
OOOU t 'Dt:KPl~~l~<J
)laJon ly ot t he l•ll• makan1
u .elr bid for lanl' poalllona are
ln the heavy-lea:red catesory.
with Vlll•fr&nA and Deem look·
ln1 tlauncb aa a quart1t of Cll •
hydr&ntA n><1trtl Into the ground
when lhey t.1ke their atan\:e on
Ule. to&'ward v.IUI. 01.hara with
1.hoat &OOCI le11 a re Tackle Bob
Sha.tar. Center Dtnny Brown,
oua~ J im U.nto and TackJt
Dave Goodale.
~•>''"' no on. will ba tak1n1
over w~n Paul Lorenlun left
ofr a t end. but th• JlOllllon
ahould be adequ~tely filled from
a l"O\lr of rlnn lada llkt
Vandfl'\tOrt. Bill Milla and Tom
lncldent1lly. thl'I f('Ot ball mu~l
bf. a ruased .-ame. 1'urnta1 out
'tor tbe apnn1 drilh laat Wtf'k
v.hf n ba "boll 1 amn condudec.I
-Aflf lht' Ill.es oC Thompetm
V11n1tervu1 t and Bcr.fi.ron . They
_ •Larled r.lJa&i1Aa &u..l 11;h1n11
GREATER 11111111'5
REMEMBER ••• SAVINGS received by the 10th
of the montlt •• EARN FROM the 1st.
DUI ..... E*. orw., PoU&Mn.
all lJ'PM of ... t r-. WMolbel ........
ta0 W, (1.JAtrf iDOBW•T
Lnl9l17 &.-Mii Mwpe. 8ch. 2lttc
Repair Work
DOie Tom Baa. Need ltepaJ.rlDf
or Jlemodettnt f
CIA l'rulr. U....., ..._.
AD •or11 Otlarui.I 7'ttt
PaJ.ntma A Papel'b.&Dgins
We do the work ounelvea.
IO ,_,.. upei1tMe
l•O"'M .. tnaured.
noor wutna ·e.nd baffin1
Window QHnm,
Uphoa.tery O-wim1
Patioe Color wued
Luatrou.I ~Jte
Phone Llberty.8 .. 1332
~~~ s;i.=.u._ <OARDEl'llNG
LI 8-2181 A LI 8-5289 Bu.llinc -and odd jobla. CXP. WAITREU, .,. ·to to 80
• l.ltto RLUONA.BUC ~ Lemaa Cott• Shop-
-----------Libert)' ... 1aoe. 1oa' -w N --A N
_________ , -. ewport _ .. _ .,,.
port s.ch. 1~0 ----------DI~.-..&..-1 ...1~1 ed GARDENING -----------KNIT KINO, aJmo.t new. CM w"""""wve Y ~gn lllXPERDNCED bookJt..-per and •tt3. Sell f'11' •115, lncludlnl
Made, ....,eJred or retlnllb-4 PRUNING, CLEAN UP etenosrapher. a or 4 momtnp lutructiona. evea. uo Del C. EVERETT SMITH No job too anall. By hour. day •week, for 1 7'· M'arrted lady Xaf Ave.. Coeta )(cu. LI
418 _ 29th It-. Newport 8eedl or month. LI MOIO OI' Ll or nUnd mu o.11. H&r. 61114. g.ieu. · l9c2l
MM4. ltp32 1Utc ·
Har. UGI da71 or tveoln&'• ltdO ------------------------LARGE Kqio Cbef l'U itove
-------Want.d bo7I 10 to H 7an of clock con.trol, m.IJwt. minder,
GENERAL BVILDllR Gardening· a .... ror N .... PN. rout.I to clean. '8C). TO In. redwood
Ex rt R d I• be ope eom:.. APPLY Kr. Park-copper tined plantn wtlh p8 8m0 8 1n9 UWDI -Mowill• -Rencm.Uon er, ml w .. t Balboa BtTd..-plant.I ~ -son;. HellOll'Opt
Rebuilt & RepaireCf it ' .
Are ;rired Keeping it
Slashea Our Prices On it .. Yo~ Com• & Get it
~ Wti"l' TRll BOTl ltl!lll11U> ..
Open Ko.a., Wed., Fri., Sat. nlte. 'til 9 .
Rattan, Wrought Iron, Patio Furniture
Complete lldectJon ot Wrought !nm J'unlitUH.
Barbeca. and Bra.Den, Lawn Swinp, ~en
and Beach Umbre1laa.
Floor C>verinp.
BASKETS ol all klnc:ba le Unusual Glft Item.a.
F'URNITUltll tor llvtn( room. ----------
eofa bed di.an 6: m&t.cblnl
cbatr ... oe. a piece .. uona.11.
Pt.00 StaUODary dJvan 6:
chalr; foam rubber, f17t.oo. :s
pl~ curftd MCllm&l ttC .
$600.00 for 13'9.00. 3 plec•
d 1 van A cha.Ir 6 ottoman. f'11"
Jl~.00 your credit la COOCS.
can b&w deliftry wlUaln hour•
from purchue. Pay low weekly
B&ushn'1 Fw-nllur• Factory
Wumouee, 1016 JC. Firat St ..
Banta Ana, O~n Dally ~9
Sun. 11 -6 Phone Klmberly
HOUSEFUL oC Maple tumlture.
Conalata of Lovely 6 pc, Uvini
room divan 4 chair A rocker.
cotfee table, and attp end.
bedroom With b00keu6 head-
board. matlre11 • box spring
with 10 yr. (u&r. double dreuer
with comp~t• d1n1D.r gTOup.
Alt new. Pd. dn. to ftllM.
S2 ft. CABIN. head. plley,
1leepe four, Chryller Crown-
Ba.Jt tank. Ideal for pleuu"'
Sport tlaher or ch&rt«r. $3."HXi
LI g.1111 auc:
BeauUruJ TO' aux. echoontr. gv
anywhere. £xcel. tor cll&rter-
Want a:m&Uer boat or property
lftO W, Balboa Blvd., Newport
Harbor J032. Gett<
KETCH H ft. OAL, 24 tt. WI..
new d&cron maln.aaJI. o lhf'1
sa.!la So<>d· 8leept 2 lnllde •
2 outside, head .. callty
U .760-~ down. Har. 31711
~r 6 p. m. H tfr
11 FT. PLYWOOD BOAT rtlm ·
gl... bottom. 1u1tablt tor 1·11 •·
lop. Space A-~ Ebb Tldt> Tra..I·
u Park., llieO Pla«nlla, C09l•
M.ffa. 18p2" Pymta. only ~.68 wk.
JUuchA'• FUrnlt•re Factory AddJtau • new con.tnactloD LI W761 .li.wport tt C.D.X. 19c21
EuJ urma can be anan19d llc24 d I WarebcJuM. 1015 k. P'lm St~ ----------
IOlm ft.a. IOIDa ,... DRS88. ~t.a, lklrt.a, coat.a, Canvas an A uminum Awnings. Sa.nta Ana. Open 1>4lily t-9 84--MUAlcal. Radio, T v Bar. 6308-W GARDENING end A~D'!l::•d:.i::t ottla: =:._u..G: ~to s'!t T:: SANT A ANA TENT & AWNING co. ~:·.7.11 · 5 Phone Kimberly
CLEAN-UP JOBS dom..tlca. M-.sr jl*9 tot Port. radio. Chlneae artlcl• 1826 8. ll&ID. Santa Ana KI z.3M.'S rree Delivery Radio -rv ~Specials WANTED qua11tled ma. ~ now. 6: m&nd&rtD COllt. eo.tum• OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGBT8 TILL 9 SOLD MT HOME -Muat tell 1UM J'arrv. Dzu'L Acey. jcw,117. Kl.a. T27 Weelo Dr.. lat. model ltove, rtfri,.erator, LIBERTY 8-6139 • , '02~ Und llt.. N'pt. Beach Oolta ){..._ 19p21 TV aet. chrome dinetu aet.
(acrou me Qty B&11) M-llMleal. KMUo. TV ~ BadJo, TV qua.lily Uv. room A den turnt-
Qtto -----------SSK Ul:la.t. wtth 60mm Lett.a -lure. Men'1 aulll ll&e 44>-42
radio and ir.n.tmlller With
microphone, from 10 to l Cl
meter colla JtM.
AJcobollca A.aoDJDJ0118
Witte P. 0. Boll Ill
Newpol't 8eacb. C&lil.
Pbaoe Barbor '711
Jilektol' ft..6 Jen.--Letca met.el' Uk• new. Some ~e
U5nan Jetta wetal&r •J5 T V BARGAINS arUcla. Har. 2226-J. 19p2l SEVERAL TV'S that have betn tekpboto l&nM ..:.... cue and • • completely rebuUt includ. new
vtawttnder -wetal&r potralt 21" CROSLEY, Tel')' good condition. dark ma.hog-HOUSEFUL or FU.rntture. Got picture tube.
len.M...i 1711cro~-Oaahd -d any cabinet ·---··--·-----·--·----·-· .. -$89.~ transferred and can't UR lt lT" AdmJra.l conaole ...... -$59 9•, 1:>-8hal'e YOU Oar cowi,..ete with ..,,... lb& • an now. locludea lovely Unn1
fllt.u L Perteet coedlUon. Wlll 21" SYL V ANl4 with halo light. 2 yean old, · room rroup. 6 pc dtntnr rrouJ> 11" Zenith conaole -·-·· .. ·-179 th
aacKflee fl'f6. Harbor '36'-W 6: bedroom with bo<>kc ... RIDE WANTED Newport area ODD 1obai all typea. re~ It &XPJ:RIENCED typill&. wlt.h
to downtown Loa Ancel.._ H.&r. pa1.nt!Jll'. Bell of retenncea. U bookkMplnr knOWledp. Call
0781 ~r I P· m. l9p21 I-Mal. 1"•11 B&r. 74 tor appolntmmrt. 17tto
&ft.er 7 p. m. 19p21 excellent mahogany finiah Completely l'eCOD· headboard, mattreu A box Hoffman console .. _ .. -· ... $3119 .•
ditioned, only __ ...... _. ·---····.$169.SO 1prln.1. double dreuu with TV f•et Hurt 7 mirror. Don't pay WI any caah
tor dtak detk. l<.ca ND• Vllla k Ba.l&nc d "FIX-IT" SERVICE CALLS
KechanJcal 1J¥1 ICJ.ctrScal
Maintmance 8erYice
PERSONA.BLB 10UD1 woman T"(, Knaftp Shoes 17''• PATHE. Bet.utilully ttyled mahogany cabinet dn. jU1t ~Y pym ta. ot su1
~--'--"'D-r 1800 l"-'" .,.. •·t t. ........ a.... with d001"9. Completelv. recondJtiooed, only .... ~.95 Pft' w . ~ uTbe on con· ...,. ....... .na • • ,...... ...,., • ... , .,..._ ---.1 tract only $298.16. ty have AN\'V.'liER.E
IOmberb' 24017 bdon 10 Lm. 20,, PHlLCO TeJeviai Full d mah 40.000 aq. tt. au turn.ilUtt 6:
w AmJ:D-Summer beJp. ao,. and atte:r 1 P. m. tttto on.. oor ogany appUa.nt*I. lee whve being
17 or older. can Har. 721. coneole. Excellent cond.ltlon ·--· .. -··----.S119.!SO llC>ld. Ju.t uk tor Jack
19c20 SHOP SMITH 6 aome equlpmtllt ' XarUu nunlture. Je.60 to $'10 -~-· .\.NTED---:-Ottl_c_e_umtaa ___ t_tor-•uo. Portable twt.n C>'L cam-21" WFsrlNGBOUSE TV. Dark flniati mabop.ny ,. B&upn'1 F\lmlture hctory --.e..m Wutecl ear, Mee Md throat _ ... ,t.t.. .,,._,, JU.A a.nd pot fl.23. couole -'th doon. Co-.... 1..+-.1y reconcUtion..... Wanbou-. 1014 i:. nnt SL.
Bair cut fl. Shampoo A: •t Sl.60 ...... --3..a..-------call LI a.suo ;:_;;--tor Bud ...., 6 lland M3. 805 a:. n-""...::!... .......... _,_...... ...,. 129 n11. Santa Ana. <>pen Dally t-9
CLEO l'IU'I BEAtJTT SHOP apppotntmeat or Har. t atter ~. Apt. 6• Ba1bo&, afta 6 ~ ... I'"'-" \UV.::. ·----· ·-···' ,..., Bun. 11 ·5 Phone Kimberly
lN6 Church St. J'hwt au.t J:ut •• Hp21 p.m. 17e22 APPLIANCES __ 1-54_11_. ------ot Newport Bl•d. between 11th GIRLS
Barbor *" or am Ut:te
Television Sales and
LE Ml26
PLAYER piano BA.LOWIN com·
pletely recond!Uoned. play•
new. rolla. Fun tor tamuy
room. $3T~ Rkhar<hlon Yacbl
Ancborace. R&r. tHa. ttk and 20th. Calta Mw. LI 1-1168 AOCJ!ll'1'1NO APPLICATIONS JJCTIQUIJ Cupboard M6. Bed • CUbic Foot Croaley Deep Freae ___ .. ________ $69.SO 81:RVl:l. rtfrtprat.or 'with ruar·
tf GOOD NEWS.I NOW tor RacepUonJ.t-Cubier, $20, OotfH table-Ft-. ~ro.. ant.e, oventutfed daftllport A ---------
---------\IPIDC crpmence ~. custom 111, 2 arm cha1n -DAVIS-BROWN chair. end tab.tea 6: 2 ocu. Knowlton Electn>nJca Supertluous Hair WW traln for cord.I ... t.ellpbolM dow1l S15 a piece, Aalor'Wd Red etonal cbalrl -Mapk bunk TV REPAIR Pwmapwtq awiiiOWd fr'OID face QOOD JOJIS-.OOOD SALARY nttchbo&rd. M\llt be YOUAI· wood. Ptcturu, Cbllda desk -. '*11 wltb 1prlnp A rn&tlttM.
uma, a.ca. JCJ.tlnn Uld b&&r with tnqueat. Sncnuu In a .uncttfe, abet ptnonable. To cb&lr so. Bar. 168'7. lTplt LI 1-7802. 19dl
... IU,ped-No more tw...ana. compe.ny that -.ctually t~ .wt wortr July 6. Appq tn per-1885 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa LI 8-3437
llLUIN I. lllftYA.NT IL &. acea ad~ent. 8Cl!ll to Kr. Theo Robinl, 1100 DESKS-FD..ES-CRAIBS
Udda au. ell &llut:J Bar. 2571 f'ULL PAY M JW are trained. W. Cout. Hwy .. Newport Bch. Oraqe County'•
tr. 17clt Lars-t SelecUon
':'(our Relax-A-Cizor
DcJloutraUana, no obUptlon
lloonl• wu.on -Htatt ._...
or BYatt ~
-OpeofzlP for ------------Leopold l:xecuUv1 Furniture
Telephone Operators
-AppJJ -
1 :80 to-t :ao p.m.
U2 W. ~St.
SU.ta .A.Ila
W ANftD houaekeeper for 3
adulu. U•e out-tel. LI 1-n10
d&)'I Har. I afttr • p. m..
Low Fees
a.e.ia. drabl and adj1lllt JOUt
'lftter M&t41r.
O.U J'OUf D.t.. 'f 6 NlOBT
A.tJTROIUliED Dll4Lll:I\ _
-Bar. WO.
Steel ottlce lrurnJt.u.re ANABEDI
UI 8. Palm
Btm.D YOUR OWN m -rJ
pbaDornpb. uatq K.-ecaalb 6
~ .ill·nil ~
ampWlaa. speabn 6 record
pm,.,.., Oome tn and • them.
We wW belp 700 ~ tt..
· 'Authorizect Dtatributor
Now 24 Hour
SERVlCI!: on
Truck Reoairing
* All MAKES *
Ell!nlnAte costly tle·upt
Jn at 6 p. m. -Out at 7 a. m..
Slnce 1933
(ComM 3rd 6 FreDcb)
Phone KI 2-234.3 Santa Ana
Im 8UlCK~ IU....,._
'.=.':'~~~,_..~OITllBB ....... =:=~.._...-.,.._=='°""
~ lfte. Apt.-Oatw.nu UtWtleil put.
Dlf11, weekly, mootJal7, ,..,tr.
liMMW .............. UJL
W. W, U.... ... t Wt., MA ~W .... '8 lldt
::.~. blue ~ f!Wi'rp~ Rental• Wanted
We aeed apU. a.od bo\IM9 tn all
~ -..us wtDts and ~· ....., runt. or Ul\fW'a. U )'OU ba'fa a n.e&DC:J•
phone todQ
The Vogel Co.
UOl W. Ost. 1l'fl"J .. N..,,ort Sch. ..._~w.11
l or I bd~ltJ>C.. .. laundry rm.
8)' d&t, •Nii 'br mont.b.
fOI Newport Bl'Vd.
Newport 8'aQ 17lto
WATER i'RON'l', uprtalrw tuJn.
a pt., cUlpoMJ. ~. l&rl'e
fenced )'&rd II pelb. AduJ1..t,
wtU 1-.... Har. tTSl.J. llc19
I reom a30 -I rm . lliO
4 rooms fiO -Pal"kina.
Hubor DtGe. 1ruc
NW OORNER. 17th .. oru,-.
Co:sta Mea. Office or 1hop
fl)&ce of 1!00 q. ft .. ari" 15000
eq. !t.. o! pirkll\f aru. ijult·
1tble fur "tall bustnl!a•. or
ll&bt man\l!ac:turtnr. P'l\ANK
JAMES. Har. 2042. Ftic
PRlV AX1!l ottJ~• wtt.b phone an·
"'"rtnar service. ~ret&ry A
notary t.\rallabte. around J'loor
New Trident Bldg., 2200 New•
port BJvd., Newport Beach
(Adjacent Soqth Coast C'o I
Harbor ~028. · 19c32
17th St. -Coata Mesa
Conar lot -Oj'~30· Alona Co.
t.a Me '• n\P dJy d veloptn&
COO\mt•u:tlll dl•lrl«!L $37.~.
• • • •
2 Acrea
* Ocean Front *
lJtM"CV ~ ~ ~hl'll:"T'
F A htai. Cir pt;~. lu1• dbl ..
I ra1eo Ndr nt: • &Mut.l-
tul vi~w plUI Yf)uaht.. "4' nt
lot. ~2 ~-<>nh· 110.SUO
Will c:ontld r dllai)I'\
Alia ot Ol'WllC• u.:• as 1>4'tC..
w111 IMlll dupl wr-rat.f'I\ r
11500 llown. Call for •l'f'l \o
ue or c-all your bro)(er. YuJ.
ttpt• L11ttn1 Nil. 7203. · * Home & Income
M·l potrnt1111 llelwecn two new · •
propos"li mk.nu!&clurlJ\i plant.. 12 Bc()rm.-4' l bcdmi. Pnlnt.d
Level. !Sf>~•·rs vot~d In. l'l:? It 1~ecoralod. llke new. t.ce.
tronL Ccct by 630 deep at oniy doublw 1•&1lAt with 1alllldl'3' •
$1GO ~r tronl t t. 1oum could kw mac1e Into b&cb·
· ••• ~ clo1 l\Pl Nro.1 oc:ean, bay A
Udo 1hop11 Only l1'1CIOO
Live In one a.ml 14!L your l& ..
anta pay ror the propert7. 100' l Location
lluatne1111 1:ornotr m 1:-enU;r or <.:U1Sta I
Mea tffdy fur developm~nl
full pr1n1 $3:1.000 \\,UI xlmt
THIS WEEK ONLY Peuenger 20I Maita" ~boa Lil.and PboM Barber ... FURN1.8KIID bachtlor apt. ul'.1.L
paid. $83 mo. Pen:nalteDl
tenant. ~ Jum.1ne, Corona
dtl Mar. Har. WO. 19pSl
M-Batln Opportuoltlt"tt ----Bay & Beach Rlty. Inc.
Local 5 & I Oc Store tu:AJ..TORS
DtJPL.E.X lot U.300. Near Ud"
L>l:PLEX corner l•lt $1~ dn..
lt'l"IJ\I. We muat .ell our over supply of BRAND NEW
AMBASSADOR V·8 220 b. p. cars.
Full factory wurantee
~ law u $2995 with ultramatic and beattt-
1238 S. Maln St.
S. Lee,
Santa An•
Two 8 tube radios ················-······-···-·-··· $62.21
One 6 tube . ···-·····-··········-·-·-··-···· ~.59
(lncludea antenna and tnatallation)
Hwy. 39 at Pacific Cout Hwy. -LEX 6-"605
225 E. 5th St., Huntington Beach -LEX 6-~ 19c21
Recapping Servfc•
Drab Sentce
Front End Alipment
r treat.on• Budfet Plan
Yours for U\e Aekbl1
801-809 W. lit ST.
Kl ......
U-Aato 8'l'ftce
Motor Overhaul
Up to ~ )(ontha to Pay
2'41 m. Olt. a, .. OOrona del Kar
PboM llu'bor lTU
Udo OfOu, Mll Via Udo
1102 N.-wPortBl'Vd., Coeta M..a
CLOT HA VEN, 2 bdrm. WlfUm.
duplex, 1ar. 1AAM. LI MU'7.
18c.20 UMrt:)' M6t1
u ---------------~-------------------~ f. BllD800K ,.... Oil Udo for
JuJ1 6 AUptt. Rell&ble. Write
Dr. Bleec:Jt M2 So. BroadWQ,
IM Anr!• 1'. RYu l·i183.
' k21
L\.IT BIDJD Coat& Kea&. 2 bed·
room untUrn. hOu.te. LI 1·'1Cl32
------------WATERJ'RONT, u.ndy ~ch
'3-Apta.' Houes tor Beat
Bachelor and one or two bed·
room ap&rtmentA.
87 eummer, uiObthJy or yearly.
LIDO a.alty AMoclatea
MOO Vla Udo Barbor 4"4
llOI s. Oout a.y. Sar. D6eo
brand new 3 lJ.R ., 2 Bath,
lovely home. Wall t.o wall e&r-
pettn1. bu1lt·ln kltchen. Nlce
p&Uo. Unturn. yearty, re11trtc~
ed area-12!!0 lno. Call Bar-
bor ln4, Evu. Harbor 1M6. uuc
UNl'UkN. 2 bdrm. hc-u.r. Cd.Mar.
tlnplace, cp~ noon. 1 year
leaa at Jl~.oo per mo. Gar·
dener. ru • water •upplled.
1 child O.K. The Vorel Co. 3~1
W. Cout Hwy., Newport Bch.
LI 8-3'81. 17cllil
Some nJee 2 bedrm. bomea rrom
$200 to $400 mo.
Good le&.ae. R.ruonable terma.
1822 Newport Blvd., Costa
Meaa. 16c29
2 nice 1poll. Pel ahop-J..aundnr
mal, all top locatlona. Open
for declls.
l~ W. Balboa Blvd. Har. -6Ul8
M-Moaey to Loan
2nd & I st T.D. LOANS
8er¥Ulf all Oranr• Cowu.y
We Buy Trust Deed•
Ii Make Collateral Loans
Royal Mortgage Co.
2402 Newport Blvd .. Nprt. Bch.
Harbor 1549
2• hr. phone H l'VjC•
Conatructlon -Reflnan~8alt1
!lo;;. -6 ~« . eo;..
IM. Fund.I -BJdc. It Loan -
Private Mon4!y
1111:> Harbor Boulevard
C·~lAt. J.ti.a, OUltornla
k It'. Geddu
~ & cor. $~9~. cnot l_...
H. W. Ooo •n I hold I
LUUl'lfl Wanted
-----------1 M~iBi:R MULTIPLE LISTING
Day or rug ht phone LI. 8· 771 1
put. levtl, aifhL of sea.• Owner REAL TOR
LI 8-32111 J3Uc
62--R<'.al t:~tate
Balboa Island 's
An lnvt stml·nt w1tll 11 b<.onu•'
T iu< e •111&.1 t :ipartmenu. onl y
a blv• k to lhot bt'&eh complelt'ly
funu~l.l·li. Built-In T.V. J&.c:k:;,
el••duc kltcbena, four .. tall
~dt&Kl'8, bathers' shower e.nd
drusrn.s: rvom•. laundry room
l:.XTHA ll""d lot! Sch .. duled
Inc ~o" from awnml!r al<>n•';
$36711 -a lrtady half rl'k:rveu.
Nl:.1 RETURN: 9rc on offr11'<1
pnce• PLUS hl.li'l' gue1l room
and be.lb tor Ule ov.-ner 1 use.
u:, l. Y Ml.000. . . . .
106 McFadd4!n Pl, al Npt.. pier
Phono Har. 110 any time.
Ave.. 3 bdrm. 1 It& balh•. dble.
gar.. ftr4!pl. HW flr1. With
only $3,000 rtn . hu a 110,000
OJ loan. 4 ', Tht1 la ucep-
tional al SU 200
$1000 DOWN 3 bdrm home. 2
yn. old. Pr1ce reduced to Q 300
for qutc;k nl,, Lge Jot, bl(
rm1., neoar 1hopp1ng, 4 11 ~ In.
ON MONTE VISTA. nr. lrat\llp.
& achct<Jls. 3 bdr . hv. d. fl,..,
hrepl. lkauu ru1 patio. Only
$2!>00 4n
CLIFF H.A \ E:-1 3 bJr hwd rlra.
M-Muslcal. Rad.lo, T V
choose Crom, Muon A Hamlin,
Leeler. Knabe, Cabie. Extra
1pec1al. Schleicher rrand only
S•4~. .Another ~Ill, tine
1bape $~5. Save $1000 on
Knabe Grand Jlke new.
M-Muslcal, Bad.lo, TV a Cyta. -... 58.88 RENT Al
BUY al WllO!ea&l•. No ruala All Stni1ht SPECIALISTS
0 . H. LATHROP. Realtor,
3136 E. Coul Hwy., Corona
del Ma..r. Har. MU Evea Har.
6t80 1Tc19
Tru3t Deeds Bought & Sold A.ND ON LITTLE ISLAND:
Call !<'or Free 1.;ommltment ,
Obi. car. Nt" ly decorated ln·
•Ide • u11 l A 1:harmlng home
ln an eic1u11ve nl'l(hborhood. $~000 i'm handle.
Schmtdl·PtllWpa Bii Plano •
Orian St.ore. llitO No. Main,
Santa Ana. alwaya 100 pl&noa.
number or card n~tMUJ but Eight.a M.81
will be a.ccept.able ror U\ua !NCLUDEI both lAbor II Part.IL CALL llDlU. CKAJO
pncee. 11~ TeJemlon.a. ft•Y New rt.np. wrld ptu. ..n. DORIS BRAY, Realtor
are brand new. 17", 21", H ". 'Srln4. tltU.nfl ot aala &ad ro4 llt ll&rlne, BaUbo& l&l&nd
We wW Jive cred!t clearance bearlnp. lla1*t motlM' tun.. Bar. IO or M
eo that you may take TV wlth up. ~ oc tOOO milt ~
you. No CUh dn. neceuary ant ...
jllllt pay by the week or OASKllTB II OtL DTR.A.
month. Ai.o 1ee our Nmlturt REBtJll,T ENOINES
A appll&ncea.
Delwre 2 bednn. J bat.b Bayfront
.Apt.. with aew tumiturt. !wn·
mer --...n. 1700 ~r mo. Boat
•lip &Yailable.
CORONA DEL MAR beautiful
new corner home unfurn.
Avail SepL 10, -3 bdrm.a.
2 bathl. ww carpf)ls Is drapes.
JClect. 1tove It re!rl&'. Water
6: prdener paltL 1 blk. from
bee.ch. ~ per mo. on leue.
Owner Har. 8328-M. 17c23
DON l HUDDLESTON A knock-out of a )'e&r round hume~ • 3 bedroom•, 3 balhll,
LI l·MU Cost.a Men family room, huge livtng room.
173 1:. 17th St. all l:arpeud and tlrapod. 1''orccd
. . . .
air heating, diapogal. dishwuh· LOANS for Homes "· formica, u1e. Beamed ce1l· lngs. paneled wall.I! Call now
tor an appolntmenl! 5S't -20 yr. Lo&na
Construction Loans
VACANT LOT 01\ Santa Ana
A Vl'. 110 x 200 Ask1nr '2960
CORNER LOT. Clo.e In R-4 sone
80 x 136 Only $3960
Mesa-Harbor Rlty.
• A8i!OCIATl£S
RADIO Bau&hn's Furniture J'aetory
Waretiouae. lOlG JC. nrat SL.
Banta A.a&. Open Daily l ·t
Sun. 11 -15 Phone JOmberly
sun. T JN our own taetoey b)'
a1dlled machta&.eta. Doa'& ~
tend with t.be middle man.
Buy ~
UnfumiaMd I badrm. J balh. CORON A DEL MAR. 1pactou1
2 bdftn. rancb type home.
BeauUtully fut"n., cover~ lana.I
with b&r·lrQ, aeparate patio.
ttrepl&ce. J une 15 to Sept. 1:1
Corona del Mar Barbor 3381
Metro wt• Ina. B'wl<a Kl 3·51~
Onlv 3 vearw young~ Ukd brick, G C Se) mour -Ru.ltor-Ownu c~ahni; lO fioor gl&b.I, patio, ~II <..tntf'r St. Oo1ta Mt.,.
Any table model repaired
$2.50 7-M87. SBOftT 8LOCE
l'ORD (1"2-U) -·-1 tUO
Lido Anni ..\pta.. Near •very·
t.blq. 123() per mo. by the
year. View of lhe Bay and
ap&ct tor ,our bOat.
M-Dof;9. Ola, Peia BU1CK IULOO AvailP&. now 00 Udo. J:xc,llent __ -..,;:;; .......... _ _... ____ PACKA.IU> (t cy!.) -Slll.00
Bar. 4073..J. 17cl9 ------------LOANS TO BUILD. IMPROVE..
wondt'1ful kitchen with built-In I LJ 11-6911 or LI 8-771SI
BBQ, PLUS ball·lntere•l .n ,------
pier and float. BEST LOCA· NEWPORT BEACH
TION ON BALBOA 151..A~l>'! Aaklnlr $4i.:>OO. l A 2 be•lt ou.11 hou•u It 1 amgle
Includu part.I and l&bor
26 yra. Experience
4~ • 3lal Bt. Kar. ~04 DALMATIAN pupe. AKC O:aam· Ptym., DOqt 6 .l'ord t -'l00.00 I bednn., 2 bath home. Tear
pton blood nn.. puppy lbotl. 12 CHRYS •• D• IOTO _,uo.oo ...... 12&0 ptr mo.
• apt Doubt.. ~rar, un tv.o
MARINERS ISLE RLTY I Joo.. $ltl ~OCl-Tt1 m1>. 1 blo I( • frum oc Mtn • bu11neu dl11lncl.
turn. 2 ~ br. redecorated home R£FlNA111CE
near center of Coat.a Meaa. -We Buy 'l'ruat Deed.I JiillMONO oriarui all modtla. wk&. T06 So. PlaoeDU.. AAA· BTUDD4m • • .-UO.OI p. &.. palmer Incorporated
cllord orpn .U,bUy wiad. heLm.. XEyatooe 3--JCM7. licll OU>&• PONTU.C.L.y!U0.00 019 hall.loft co. muapmenl
Le•· yard, 1ance. H&t. 616&. NEWPOR'r BAl.BOA BA VlNGS 3111 Manni.' AH~ H.1.'txijl aland Call CJWnt'r Har. 4288 altl'r '5
Oood l&Vln( OD th~ any one ------------NA.ID .lllr.00 am YI& Udo bar. -no<> UUc • LOAN A880CIA TION
3364 Via U4o Ph. Har. 4200
can play It wtlhout leHOrt.1. AKC KAl8D ---fJM,.00 Schmldl·Phllllpe, !120 No. Main. llUD80N <•> ca M'.atnll) ... uo.ool _TOO ___ •_. _cou ___ t_h_wy_. __ u_b_l-66 __ 1_3
Banta Ana. Calif., Oran,• Regiattred Dachlhunda PU18 INft'A.LLATION
SUMMJ:R RENTAL avail. June
17. Furn. modem atudlo bouae
County Hammond Dealer. PUPPDCS 8'l'UD 8.llftvtCll Open Dally I to I
Ph. LI 1-1111 ~ 'til T p. bl.
RENTALS FURN. A yard. $60 month. 310~ La
LIDO I Ii ll.-Nlce, .euon 11300 Perl• Lane, Costa Mesa. l.I
Knowlton Electronics
H72 Mo.nrovta Aft, Colt& Ill.-8undt7 1J to I
tpl2h Block mu.t meet our lt&Ddarda
Plua tu<. paketl and oll
BAT ftON'l'-4 B. R. July -8-7"8 beCore 2 pm. 19c21
All~. . ...... --.............. $1~ mo.
B. F . APT. -2 B. R. -Nloe L&ASE only ll bedrm hou~ cloae
.ru11 se&O ........... >.usu.at S100 to lhopplnr center, Coal& Mu&.
BELLES ENGINE a.r . Apt.New 2Br.aeuon11320 __ JCI_~_1_o_o_r_H_•_r._1_a_20 __ tt_tc
J'r9ftcll lpectaJlat of 1
56-Money Wanted -~---
TWO VERY P'INE 9't Clr1t tru.t
dee<h -112,000 It $18,&00. -
Several smal' 7~ 2nd TD'11. -
Wiil discount 2G~t . L.l 8-4316.
(Cleu Sam -m 0.ln)
lnatalled eomplelA to your •et.
REBUI LDERS BOMlll -a a. a.. I B., !oH y, NB:WPORT BmACH 2 bed.rm. DOG CLIPPING MUOI\ ••.... r: ....................... lltoO turn. houee. 304·:\Jrtd StretL 57-Real Estate Wanted 110 s. lrd It. Kl a-am II.AL SHOR~ a. Jll, • B.-.. Woru In your home. LOAN CAR.I -11\CJC TOWINO Ha.>a ........................... ~ U&OO _8_•_r_. _1_2_2_4. _______ 1_sP_•_I> ------39llc 1649 TuaUn Ave., c.K. ITATE BONDED BAYSBORJ:a a B. R. Corn.er -UDO ISLE &vall. June, July &
MOTORl>LA color T.V. table Harbor 6341 ,. MUOD ............ ···--··"·· ... 11800 Sept. CUte 2 bdrm. home 1,1
model, Take over payment.a ot 12P20 tJ-.'l'nlln SA YrRONT APT.-Udo I B. R. blk. Crom club. Mildred Rta"P
122.a2 per month. 2102 N. --------------pt)'. --·-········-·-······-1121 mo. w1t.h
Main, Sant.a Aa&. 1tc21 S'J-U\'Mtodl ft PORT ORANGE,\ COAST PROPERTiltS Har. 4600
-& " -• & I woa M09t Of t.b... bOl11fl can be 101 ll, 81.lbO& Bl'Yd., Balboa
IPINrI' Planoa R 4!nlal return.a 4 YEAR OLD 80RRZI., TOO lb. .uwu.a.-n gr ~ • broke dowia ln moat.hi)' rent· 18c20
like new etc. You aJway1 f\nd cow horse. J'rom lhe Sand ud SUPPLDCS a.la for IND111ltr.
wonderf\.tl 11avln11 ln l.b.l.1 dept.. HUI.II ot Nel>ruk&'a la.rsut 2200 W. Col.at Bhra.J. NEWPORT HBIOHTS-2 bdrm.
Small 1plntt sw. ouu:ra 1•3~.. Mraa~~ s.. lllb. ~ N.w1Mrt Beach U ""'20 MYRTLE DA VY,. Realtor hOUH, 90U'lt dnpu It carpet·
$4&:1. Mlrn> t,ypt Maple Splnet -~ ..... "' MU Via Opo114 B&r. Offl lQf. Har. 837'. 18c20 m 1 .. ~ .tl.96. P.ur..uoi:RICA.N aa to ao rt.. 1.lc20 achmldl·Philll"" DIC No. Maln. 1 6 I JIJt... .... _... ..... _., ___ ..;... ___ ,coaoNA D£L lU.R., close to
..-S9-A11toe Wulecl pAJU.KOUNT OMtom IMallt,, Choice Winter Rent:ala on beach. BHuUtuJ 2 bdrm. rancb
Santa JJl&. S.ve ano. on I ao to IO ~. 1 • I Bl\. n-n.-.-~ ... Lido Y-1-boWl8 .nd cabana.. Lovt11 en· new iplnell 1U(htly dam•('ed u.&uua • ~ t lnt t wt h BBQ at Fair It Hom• Show. SELL Blpesl lrad .. ln ~ .... ,__ ..... _, .-::;: ni pa 10 l · Wt Med cle&ll u.d trailer&. lmall • OOC1 or -•• • ~ .. Wte __,., mo .. tor J uly. Auruat It
1968 ZENITH, braJ\d new T.V. P"~ •~T~&,., $7& to UGO month Bept. WlU conalder years 1,aae.
choice or two. 1168.9!1. 2102 ~=';;;," VOGEL CQ • Call F ord Verrtnder, Har, 1~20.
N. Ma.In. Banta Afla. l lilc21 YOUR CAR TMftl....,..,., °"
T. V.
Antenna• 13.t5 a.nd up
Inatalled -compltte 17 90 up
Brt.nc your Ht lo our enop. Wt
Wlll fix and Mve you I S
~·31•t St.
McCarthy Paya More
t uo a. M.&1n Kl i-&60'1
Let RlOH Help You.
14 J.N. MO'l'OROI..A oon.ole. Pttwona1l1 Mltiet.d
Wt• new. J9H repoaaelHd
Zol Ma.ttftt An., Balboa llland
llU Ph. Ha.rbOt' '" or Hubor 1011 '9-Booma for Beat
2-.,-rr-.--K .. O'-D-MM ___ tnllW __ .-n .. -Ra& Bar. SID-ft 01' Bar. lJn.R ------------
awlnf, patio, tanctc1. 8&Grttlce. HUc * * * * Udo Trailv Park. Su. G20I. Vllttonl VacaUonllt.ll !
atttc 9N BALBOA ISLAND Er\Joy Uvt.nc on lh• Ocu.n Front. ..____________ SD tr& few yearlJ and Completely turn.I.abed kitchen·
·u MODJCL 80 n. daluxe E.Ut· aeuonai "ntala. ette apt.a. and room1 wtlh prl·
era "11Jt with apeclal 11\&.WU. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor vat• bath.... MaJ d aervice. t ree , ... hltdl. paoo or trade tor! TV 2,.,.. Weet "'---Front U a..1112. Utro aot llt.rtM An. Barbor 002 ' """ v....,..,. • BALBOA ISLA.ND Hu. 8161.
**** 'ft.kt over payment• ot 114.75 NEW" USED CMS •1-Wuc.t to a.i
ger mo. No down. 2102 N TAkll A.DVANTAOll ot bJa m&n.y NEW 2 bednll. duplaa (unturnl ROOM wilh private bath-and
lftln. Santa Ana. ltc21 ywal'9 .ot csperlenct u • top l!XJ:C\1TIVll • wU-. I da\ll'hter9 TbC'IDador tlect.ric atow It mt~~. car port. One bllt.
00 P-u oNTH b ___.. nolcla mtebanlc. 6 4oc heiN I b4rm.. Wlfum. onn. prkat dllp. water pa.id from ocdl\, Wtel Newport-1.8. """' "' \l) .. &"""' bum.a IA beatb .,_ by ..,t. It yard mahatalned. 217 E. P!tlC~ p1anoe. an . 111&.. RIOH HAHN•s IA. earpeu.nr • dra,.. d..u--uua.. eoeta x..... uc1t _Har_._oU1.J __ . _____ 1_4c2_1
$.l8T.. $160 and up. • ..... lldainldl·Ph.IUl.pe. G20 No. Main. 40'1 E. DTB IT. ed. Yrl.7 . ..._to_.,., per mo. TWO Bl:DRll. duple $IO mo. sa-ston. a <>tDeQ9 Dftta Ana. 1:11. lt14. Free Harbor tTI& Newport Beach _L_I_MU __ .. _______ 11tt __ • 8r&ftd MW -cut.. M.A.X. W • ..,;;.....,.....,;.-.;_...._,......,;.;.;..o....., __ _
Listings Wanted
For quick u.Je
of Costa Meaa Properties
(Member of Multiple
Listing Service)
1999 Harbor Blvd. L.l. 8-3333
Twin Duplex
NltAR BliJACK. Good rmlaJ dll·
U1ct. Jncom.e $2880. Can be ln·
creu4!d. Fully rented at pre·
aent. Only $3000 down. Pay off
b&lane1:1 out of lncome. '23.500
full price.
Earl W. Stanley
!113 New-porl Blvd . Nwpt. lkh
Harbor 1013
btldaUd parktnr. --------FREEi I ron, Ault.or, lt08 Harbor FOR RENT
1,... v ·· .--u.ot.rr 4--door Bnd., CO.ta M.ea. LI 1-lHJ. 60A Comrne-lal l ndmtrlaJ ......, ... '"~""' New ofn ce Ux.t•. Lldo lhopplng --~ •
I ONLY 120 BASS Accordlon. at..aUon wapn. overdrive, RAH Belect-&•Ttnallt HltC! Dlce MW Tour cllol~ 11~. power .,.ck. power bl'9ku.-1'tle nn•t tut.It trtt ~ -------------•ar•. '7G IDO. on yra. Jeue. FOR RENT -'ftrml, HO down• 11 per mo. N9W Sept. 50 _ 1'7H <>o.,n to laJl4lordl tftl')'Wbtn. PllN!NSULA. -NlC!" AJlllA-BAY A Bll:ACB REALTY INC. NW CORNKR , J7th A OranJf'.
aB.A.FP.1 (Since \907) Blvd. tta.r. 197C>-W. lldO CALI.. llllAlCT l\LUJrT I .B..R... Ul'.\f\U"n. ---·--1110 REALTORS Oo3La Me~a. SHOP •pl i;l' of
-411-Ua N. Syc.amore. Sallta An& XI t-saot 1 8A Unfl&m. -·-·---.. ·-SlOO 3112 Lal&¥•tt. 1200 11q. fl. plla 15000 Ml· rt
Pbone Klrnbe.tly a.4'11 a3 CBEVJ\OL!:l' !kl Alt con· lJtto Call Har. 12k. hu. UM Hu . MO. Ha.r. mt Evta. _parking uu. vtrttb!e. f'ld. WSW, ol'll11\al Httc 'Jlllt t.o tbe rllht of Lido Brlcf19~ FRANK JAMES, Harbor 20~2
KOTOROl.A con10le. blond. lOM owner, ~ m11.ar-1 radio, auto. \V ..\NTED to ·rct _ 1 bedroom Uc 17t tc
... ~ed. T••a Oftt ,.,. • ~ Har. MU. Htlo .... ll&rW ... Jtal'l1 ... Deluxe Duplex m.nt.a el Sl2 71 J>er month. . or 1 .... wtUI optlor to b\l7
NO'lnOIH)' ctown. Uot ti. MA.HI, '11N ~ t ft.. a..aJ. 1'1J\l Jlftl' 1lftllL. flec.d .,4.
1aAta ~. 10ct1 :· =~~_:~ Pvmwiau, empl01td loe&U). FURNISHED
UAJQIOND lplntl Orran ... a .qulty UGO. Kar. '1U. ·Jtctt Dcellent &ocaJ "'~ WTlte 1 T&AJ\ OU>, I btdroom and
.,..a In J"OW' home. Will\ our Ma Xll. \hie ...,.,...,. lltt• del\o 1 • ll&UW. rorc.1 air -.at.
LSSBON ·LOAN PL.AN. Prt· t~l CADI.Ll..A.C f ~ yat. ldlOl\a t(\uTy, Oft1)' • Umou.llla. H .000 actual mil-. Tl:NA.NTS WAITINO print., ~ and patio
,.., ava.U.bl•. Air COIM11Uonln1. Call llt.r. BIUUNJ ""'"· plct.Uf't Wiil·
n-•-1dt•Phllll,,._ &20 No M.tln. 1334 d_,.. LI WI01 S.... W1l7 hani a nMl!leJ'. wbeb Oowa onrlooklnc Ole oceall
• Ground Floor
For Ltue in -
Harbor lnveetmtnt Co. Bldg .
80th a Newport Blvd. •
Har. 1800
omca ron RE.'"T
For Sale or Leese
ll bJrm. h<1me, 1110 fl. fn)Ol&K•·
All fenc .. t. Z01'\\>d M·l '" C'f'n·
trl' l~• ~,..,.,
DAN A JACON8,..N. n..1 !atate
H.ar. Mill, LI S-Glt7, KI 2·21~7
_... ,~ '-l we ti&'" tnanta walllftt fw Vwy attnc:U .. and 1"11 d9-
Eatab. 1914. • 1•r 1 1Mf11 • 1&1ft'Ull• rentalaT ta!led Mme. Nleel)' Ntnlall-'. bJrtcbar BullOlfl&, Mu · Crut -To ttnt a houa• or bur a bou~.
Cort>. 2.'\1!1 E Cott.at lh~·y Utt .implt'•l ~•Y to und a pl&u
Carana dtl Mar. Har. lNt w lh•e. i. U\rou.ch U\e ~ant atlL
16c21 I
A.9C A trrOMATIC. Utre MW
"9 $0 2102 N. Jlttlln Banta
Ana. ltc.21
1t4T MERCURY coowrt.lbl• NO. o~ ltftJtl Nt)'. Adult.a. °"' y.u ltue ....
Fair 001\dluon. H.ar. ltoi W. Oall Mra. Pa,Jtoo. Kar. IMS ~ni ~on R.o&d. Corona
llp2C) ttc.21 del Mar, Harbor ftMW. lk!O
Harbor •i&l p. m. or anytime Mon .. Tuea.
1 ~. lic30 LIDO ISL~ 1
A gem. Luxuriou1 dream hom,..
ex~ptlonal ma11ter bedrm. with
bath. A sight to aee. F. P.
U7.IWO. Ownrr transferred.
neceal\alH tmmedlate aalt' or
TRADE. Subm it Beverly Hlll1
Income Prop~ ty
:-.l!atly new allract1ve Coat.a
Me<1a duplrx. lncome 1leady.
Sl~.riOO tuJI price. »600 doWn.
E W Hill. Her ~13·M.
11 Uc
1505 w. Balboa Blvd. Har. :i1ss 1 J2·A Eaat 18Lh St .. Coll& ldeu.
311 .MARJOOU>. CdM
2 bedrm. houae • gu4!1t nouae.
Carpeted. 40 tt. lot. Sun deck
Fenced Tard. OPEN l·l P.M.
.ALL WEEK. Or call
1908 Harbor Blvd. Colt& Mea
L.lbfrty S.-1142. !:Vu. L.l MlM
Llber ty 8-3060 13c21
ATTRA(.;flVi'l dupJu, near Udo
&hopa. .Fum1~. 124..000.
Showa excellent reluru. LI
8-12~7. Htto
turniabed 2 bedroom plUI 1 W.
iuut bouae, p&Uo, 1 t.; batlul.
Small doWn. Ca.11 Har. lt10-W.
BACK BAY VIEW CORNER --------------
LOT. 'fOxHO. S. E. <"Omer T\111-
Un • Sleorra Vt.ate. 17960 «!Uh
L1 M621. 19c24
ln new 1 caL.rlctcd subdlv. 60 ft.
fronl.aie· Acron from Co1la
Mca Park. 18lh • Anaheim.
Only a Ccw left. 13300. Term•
avail. L.I 8-1781 or LI 8-6621.
315 Signal Road
UNDER $18,000
1260 1q. ft. Ju.at redecorated
JtlL No. 711.1 Bbown dally 'Ult
901d. L1 l·Hle tm
~21 Poln.ettla at 3rd.
l '1 Iota R·2 aone. RecYJ on
LEMON' HEIOHT! DtSTRICT rMr facing 3rd Ave. -Excel·
Laat anllable lot, lOOxlM on «!Ul lent bid •. lite on front -a.-
dl' aac •treet surrounded by duced to Jl3,960 I'. P. To ID·
C"ltclu1lve cu.tom built homr1. •peel, CAil Har. lMO.
AIJ lmproverntntll plua 20 largl'j ANDRESICN CO.
avocado tfeP• COILl!t Hwy. at Manpld 17e11
LI 8·71bll Kl l ·l64l -lE1l CASHING OUT
CURT OSH Rlt C2 lot on 19th IJt. nnr a1te of D I r. nffo' c. ){, Cit)' Hall. .Uldnc
only $.~ LI l-2!M2 17pll 315 Marine Ave.
Balboa Island
Harbor I 560
I Grt . dble. Pfll&'<'. 3 yeua
old Jt' I' $11 ,000. 2~"8 Wlllow w.11•. <.:u C• 111 •1r tradfl for
trt1•t 11r-eJ or, ~Lor or tum
l'<JlllpmeJlt, OWtlf'r l..l a-268!.
120.000. 2 I'd nn home. 2 rtntala.
Room tor 111<11 e unlla. Co dtr
tn.Jlar or •tn•ll home In u-ade.
0W1\f'r l.t a.1832 l'lplt
2 bdrui. 4 tl.!n Cully furn.
L.lkt naw 21 RCA TV, \va&hC',
rMJtC t".a~ll, ~Cl"lthiJW "oe9.
A nu~ 111n cJean bit~
11 O. lil:iO. I ~ ctn.. Balance 1:2 r .
N.Jil\V-3 bJrm. hOU\t, 2 car 1ar-(Ct1TZI 1 lx.lnn. OOTIAQIU..all
a.re dost1 to enopplUi unt.for, LOT. l;&.n build altd~ u.n!t. Gl1
Co-ta lte.sa By O"ncr. "'1 II hi.JI . I>.
c;..6."110 or Har. lll211 9Uc l;.•Lttr 1"1 Into <-n lb.la Oftl..
WIOO Jl'\,11 prlc •
BY OWNKR. nf'w ~11.-ll hvme, 3
bedrm , 1 ~ b&tb, tSble. faraarc.
built In o' en. at.ove. tl!ahw.ah·
tr, llfftl tni rk ftstplaleo, rup
6 dra1<1 5'tl.~ 4\11 F. l6lh
J'l•('C', l:OAIA :\{\1>11 l.I &-i t}.)I),
L. H1UHA<.)N[), LL ~ 1'clt
t-Ol;"R \mfrjj NS WP ORT
Hl»JUUTS ~cdlf!nt ~l uD
:.& a • Ud m Will lalle pert
l 1 • Je ifJ r $13.~00 tt1Wl¥· liar·
t>t,r ~;iu MU•,
. ........ , •... ...-
FlllST TIME OFJ'EREI>. • lneome unit 2 bdrm.
film. bouM With tarp hodroom _. apt.
Euellent rental ara..1 blk. to hay. Sll,(500 tcmL
FlJRNl8HE[) DUPLEX aU on one !loot'. Good
aummtt rentala. 1 bloclt to boy. 114,llOO
with low dow1I payme11l
co'srA MESA
Col)' 2 bdrm. and laDal. Ranch home completoly
fura. 2 car ca.rap. ' Set in heaven of tlowen,
treel, 1fuubl. Fruit trea galore. · Col'T&l for
hone. All fenced. 66 x 305. $64)00 down. •
COMMERClA.L corner 1 t!i 'h x 150 ft. Neu Har·
bor Blvd. Pre.eht improV'tmenta abould carry
till property developed. Beat buy on W. 19th St.
Mildred Rigp and Sylvia Tbompeon. Auociata.
301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 2658 or 4.800
FIRST TDdE OFFERED. 4302 Seu.bore Dr1ve
OPEN DAILY. Completely rebuil~ furnished
and beautifully decorated. Living room 16 x 23
with fireplace, 2 bed.rma. PLUS, bath and b&if.
Roomy kitchen &nd aervice porch, patio and
BBQ, 2 car garage. Located on 35 ft. lot, best
a ••'lllldl
---(Oii uw.-......
I~ A dl9. .... l ...
baUYr, -~ .,.,,...
IUMpt u ~w,. v.,
caw to 'llovtil ..,,. j,•rr
phen .... a.a -*t.L
Beu.ltlt'l.lll7 tum1lbed LacllMI·
IQ T.Y .. clllDa. etc. fa n:·
.U.t oc-.d"W. ... 000 --.
' • • ww ..... .( .
.1'1.NO i. fll,600.
'· .. ••• orilal
' '
ta&&p Mftl.I ra.. A d4lll bOme.
.. --1Got -JuR; 1
,..., Old. Ku ~·
•Jt•IOM1'1" prim1 at tAl.000.
OPEN· HOUSE-Coron• del M•r
238 Poppy St
OPEN HOUSE-Oc•en Front-5302 Seeshore
Drift, Nnport llMdl -t bodr<>Ollll, 2 hatha,
"°"'pletoly f'llm. $22,l!OO. Submit oUer.
-thtUinf .tew of Uttlo Corona Boach A Arch
Hoek. $26,llOO -Terml -'-Opan 1 to 6 daily.
Seven Islands Re.alty .
-. '
Open 1 to 6 daily.
I nves tmen·t Co.
i503. !2nd St., Newport lle&ch -Harbor ~ -&flu 6:00 p. m. Harbor M87
·r: THOMAS 'C' THOMAS ' B/B Corona del Mar
$13.000 Open . House
Rat. • Bun. l ·Ii
122 Jhrbor 1alud Driv•
• '
, ,2 Bedroom -2 bath home on Seuhore Drive
ertra large garage -Front patio.. Servi~ yard
Completely furnished. 5 yean old. Only iz:;,000 ' .
Owner moving inland -2 bedroom. F&.rmboUle
atyle home -Attractive fireplaoe, 1&r1e patio.
Better See Thb, But Fa.st!
Jll&l U.t.ed thl9 t....i "2 bdrm..
llWd.. floor hozrle. Chol.Ce loca .
uon on M.arij'1>ld clOM. to •hop.
Ptnc' A: t.ranllportaUon. Jt'1 on 1
btauUtully l&ndKl.ped levtl 11-2
lot-too, that ba9 room enoull'h
tnr an addl Income. GOOD
TERMS. (A n.tW exch.Wve U~t
• MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1954
A lov'1y rambling Call!omia Bunplow with 4
bedroo ... Llld 3 bath<, 4th bedroom Ou.Ible.
Large hacienda type · paUo. The glau • sliding
doore to patio attot'd a great openlng for enter·
tailtlng, Indoor a.nd out. 2 outdoor showef'I &nd
dressing rooms. Carpet• and draperies $39.~
3 bedrooma, den, 2 100ry, beautiful carpet. a.nd
drapt"ries. Large patio with new landacaping
ALSO single apartment' over garage. COM·
A beautiful large lot with plane ··--~zt~·.000
4 bedrooms, 1700 sq. ft.
hurry on this.
Good financing, better
A.king $40,000
Sl:?.000 Gress per year?
A bea1iutul home tor Use rnoat
dl.crlntlm.Unc buyer -buUt
around •flood Hl'btad Uoptcal
planted patio, 1 Ip. btdroOm.,
den-bedroom, I b&th8, charm~
tnl" ltvtnr room. d.Ui.&nr lanai.
complete eleclriti bullt•lll kit·
chen, a1'undancti ot cupbo&rd.t
and doMU.. deq> pl.I• w to w
carpetinS". top qualit.J"' con·
•trucUon. ~I' Q'llam-
~t u .now JOU Ul1I one al , .. 2.aoo.
Pier and alip. ~.000 -Terms
This fm c income unit will pay the above figure .
Open For Inspection It consists of 10 beautifully furnished unite. Sat. &r: Sun afternoons BALBOA INCOME 321 RAMONA PL., fort Santa , W ell located. Excellent condition. Minlmum
Alli. Av•., Ju.t north or 15th upkeep. ~ear too . ...-;, on leaset. 30 ~fi dn. beach area. A.aking $25, 750.
4 Units Balboa Peni!isula Bayshores
Neu achool, tr&n1portatlon, good bathing beach.
Owner'• 2 bedroom & den apartment-Bay View,
2 fireplaces plua 6 attractive 1 bedroom rent.a.I.
•Ll '''· 01• '"'"""·· "· b«h. BAY AN BEAC TY I "•'" o•=••·•· •tc .. "oo ... D H REAL , INC. R trs. tt. pav•d .treet. gar. dl!lp., An.
One 2 bedrm., three 1 bedrm., plllli atra aleepinr
room with bath. Beat l<>e&tion and ln A·l COtl·
dition. Scheduled income ~ yr. Aaking
$311,000, tenna. .
Channel Front, Pier and Float
G2 ft. bulkhead -One of the nicut 2 bedroom
home. &nd only 1 block to Udo ahopp1DJ.
A 1teal &t $2(,500
3320 °!'· Cout Hwy.
LI 8-7773
home with Individuality, stone fireplace ln bu1e
livinc room, each bedroom bu bl.th a.ad la co-
lil<oly aeparau, house t.. fully earpeted,
Full Price $31,500 Term.a.
' SIX UNIT income, five fu.rnlabed, •ix ga.ragts,
laundry· room with Bend.ix, worq)Jop, sprlnltltr
1ytt.em, priced below replacement;· xlnt. rental
record.. Terms to qualified buyer.
M« E. Cout Hwy. Corona de1' Mu Hu. ~288
(acrou from Bank .in C. D. M.)
• 20th el Irvin e
Biuoll ~uilt
Lovely new 3 bedroom 2 bath with l0&da of tile.
Sb&ke root, built. in kitchen, electric garage
door, touch plate Ugbta, and beat of all in &
ae\ting of beaut1f'U.Voraoie treu.
-uniUI, nice patioll. Showa excellent ret\l[Jl. exoepUon.JJy GOOD BUY •t 3112 Lafayette, Har. 3643 2999 E\•a
Increue in owner-'1 family reuon for nle. f12,9&0. Low 4n. pint. & ISJ "J ust t o the r1ght of Lido Bridge"
2601 Vllit& Drift
FURNISHED S blldr'oom, 1 'iti
b9th bom•, Jc'•. Uvlnr rOOm.
tlrep-.Ce, patio, LOW clown
payment., qcelle:nt tsm,1.
VIJiW or BA. T front ""· U-rin1
room 6 mut•r bedroom. 3
Very attraettve 2 bedroom home, cloae to North
Bayfront with extra room and bath oU patio,
al.lo Dice -putmeot over 1arage. Th1I la top
quality property. OWner moved to ~r home,
anxiolll to .ell
bedr(l(llU, 1% b&Uw. dtlltni' ~ 2 Well located C·l lotl on Newport Blvd.
room pli.w ~Mt arta, nk•
JMir month. (llULTIPLE 1.lST
NO. tlll).
BA YSHORES lot located on Ideal
corner, J79Ml. ALSO a 3 bdrn1
borlle tor 121.~oo. c.au no\v. '
Harbo• 2042
Ill Marine Ave., Balboa l1land
ycL JMl.Uo. txetllent locaUon, 124.' frontage. $18,:K)O. Term.a.
~'.:'~~':,.:'::';:.-'BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC., Realtors NEWPORT HTS. l~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Har. 1264 SPECIAL "C" THOMAS Eve1 Har. 1856 ''0 HOUr(WOOD DRIVE
22f. w. Coul Blj:bway LJ a..a.527
N-port Bee.ch
Why Pey Ren~
Wba:i, )'Ol,I C&l1 mova ln \hi.
M•IY dtlcoratM 2 bdrm. b1Mn•
ln t:n, \oc9Uoa t~ leu than
you would ~Y rt.nl Well kept
lot. with lar1• double prt.S"e.
S.-Wen lA A paid for -
F. P. 11,860 U.ttw hurry
Artistic Modern•
80~19« Prlscil~a IA.ne
SOLI>--1919 Prlocilla Lano
SOLI>--194/i Prlacilla Lane
SOLD---.'i37 Diana Lane
BOLI>--1946 Sylvia Lano
SOLD--595 Temi:ita La.ne
SOLI>--lllt2 Vivian Lane
:546 Beryl Lane 3 Br., 2 bath.s
561 Teresita Lane .f Br. 2Y2 batht.
HURRY! b•foro they loo ere 9on1
~.,..~;: !:~;,.,::, !\:::"t':.: DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor
noffl tNatznent comMned wtUa 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beacb Harbor 4718
th• tu.ncttonal char.ct•r o/t.b1' --------------------
ACRE e&sl aide Cost& Meaa $8,000 182 by 300.
PERFECT for 12 unitl.
3 bedrm., 2 bath borne, eut i.tde Costa Meta.
Dbl. gar., luge ~pua -game room ffith
fireplace, BBQue, alnk, , dillpoul.
Many other fe&turu $19,600
FURNISHED. very attracU''' 2
bdrm. hom•. Larre comer lot.
Backyard tenced with '• •ree.
TburL and Bat. llt•moon1.
can ~ a.rrafil"N.
Excellent Buy
111,000. ~ Ea.It 11th at., eo..
ta Mt.u. I bdnn. G.l. loa.n.
P•ymt.nUi "2.61 mo. lnct ·~~
lnterut and lmpoundl.
J'r1. and l!lun. anernoorui.
Ralph P. Maskey
Seu Newport Blvd. Har . .,02
THINK OP' IT: 2-Unll• on Bal-
boa laland. c~ to South
Bay, Nlcal.y rurn. One with
l·Mdnna. •to.t. •Ut1lctl11e It
prlc:M lo ..U al 121.000 wlt.h
Xlnt. term•.
Balboa Peninsula
Thi., perfect 4 bdrm. one year old home haa
everything, carpet., drapes, large patio. built-in
kitchen, etc. It's lovely $t5,000.
NEW LISTING very attractive well built yea.r
round home. 2 bdnns., 2 baths completely fur·
nished on Vista. Nice large patio -S28,000.
3 bdrm., 1 bath completely furn . on Circle. On
one of the largeet lnaide Iota. Very lovely patio,
room for swimming pool, only $23,500.
New Lido Plaza Bldg., 3•132 Via Oporto
{Opposite Lido Shops Parking Area)
Har. 5446--Evenings LI 8...::>297
Exclueive Lilting
Extra wide tot near So. Bay. F ive bedrooms, 4.
baths. large living room and stparate dinin~
room, delightful patio and playroom.
$42,500 Excellent Terms.
Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa llla.nd Harbor 2462
CLASS A store and ofCice building located oo
most important corner ln Pa.u.dena. Price
$700,000. Will pay 7 ~0 net net and will depotlt
$300,000 as lease BCCUrity. Large
depreeiatio~ f&ctor.
CALL OWNER, T. D. Rogera, Ryan ·1&187
1038 W. Balboa Blvd.
2 bedroom1 In the moat convenient
to Bay and Beach.
thrt• bedroom and !1.mily room
bolne. Cbo&ce H. W . flOOl"I.
corner F . P., F/A !le•t. he•t
lam~ In bath. covtd Unol-
•wn~ built tn O"KM!e and
Men1.tt rail&'• and oven and
J'rl('llb.lre-dlahwaaher. The
olher teatutt!# an too num•r--
oua, ao why not CALL ua tor
an appointment. Nothlnr. will
compu-• to thl• ~ at
117.Mt. DUPIZXES, curb. Sewtta, paving in It paid for.
2 bdrma., garage each unit. $160 mo. income.
OUTIZ-Plll f'\lm. ho~ on t.ick
of cbolc, ft..3 lot. \'."•ry cloM.
to Bay and Ocean. A. 8Ti:.A..L.
IUi,600 -Tft"rM.
llult. Ll9t. T40I or Harbor S828·---1
2602 Nawport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. i718
·~'U Uk• oUr rrtendlJ •rric•''
f.00 II. lTUI IL, COit& M ....
Llbffty l·lllt
MAX W. POPE, Realtor
Willifl B. Jones, Auocl&te
1908 Harbor Blvd. Coat& Meea
·eco •. ~ =:;,r:;,n,... • Balboa Coves · ~y 8·1H2 Evoa. Liberty 8-41!56
e:NJOYWEEKENDSNOW, --.L.---------------1
1 tw rum. rood ren\&L...llf!..000 • J Sedrm. plwi den -e Fetre*d air hut
Va.cant kll ·-·· .. ··············-···'11•750 e Ftrepl•c• &.uh dpulex, 2 br. ta. .... 111.to.O • DinJnr r00m
D\lplo, turn. beauty n•r • Appraaimately I) yni old
ma.rk•ta --··---······-····-··•H.ll60 • t..rr• Baytnint lot
BACK BAY • Prtvat• pier rl1J1tA
• J>rtvat• bf:•dl toa1S5 lot. bMt Jocallon... .. HOOO • llT .000 tull pr1c•
'i1i • •Cr. -··-·········--··· $IA~ e £2cellertt terTM
I b. r.. "91it7 --···-···IJt.tet
.. CORONA O&L MA.ft I br.,
•bath ... -..... _ .............. ., .... , • Best Beach Buy
aHORJX:tJ.JTI a it.. r., dtn. • 2 lkdrm. Pi ~ den
I MU\ ___ .. .J'UllT R&OUC&D : :.~~.
"nU.011 1'9 acre eMat., S b. r., • Do1ibl• pr...-.
~NT LATER! I bdrm.
coti.aa.. Neu 9hOJ* A trane-
portat.lon. R-2 lot. wae1c .. nd Special $9750
SR -606 L&Tktp1ir. w, have
UI• key,
Fisher & Company
2t03 ').;rlf'port Blvd., z.1,wport
Harbor 4Ut. llc20
Corona del Mar
PARTLY tuml1hed, ' bednn .•
ft"p&ac. 90ftl• VI"", 60 ft. lot.
$495 Down ' New 3 and 4 B1dro·om-Hom11 , 2 Baths .
Re&dy for OccupanCy about July l•l. 114 &ere
Country F.atata located on Caoyoo Drive, just
north of Victoria (County). Full price 3 bed·
rooma, $10,295 and $10,495. 'bedroo ... $11,m
Just ONE 4 bdrm. le!L
··c·· ED JONES
l\rwll liarbor, Cost.a Meu. I baUI, beauty -FOR water--• On 2 loa
tl'ont, aJ1 Ol' part --~000 e to CL trom B'1
Cl • Ill.TOO tuU price ao. ol HWJ. HWT7 °" UU. ant! --------------------·I
aire Van Horn • ..... -.
tTll w. eo.. H..,.. u Mrr1 • $l 500 Down
ONE OF THE LAST vt.-; e &ut ewtt eoeta M:eea
Iota in Oiff Haven. Ptr--• J Bedroo-q
ma.neat vie'tr6f"lbrborlf • ~l ~
$ _. me. t...eed yard Ocean. 98 X 110. 1,950 • F .ff.A. IOlln
Harbor 5071 14c23 • Pl mo. tntl. .-vel')'Ultnr
I U .160.
it.llALTY CO'S
U#I w. Coul ... WJ'. •
(al Part. Oruf'tl.
LI t-TNJ Hat. 31M l'ft., '
5 Ac. on Baker ----------1• lftl.IMll~ ~on .-NH.r Udo Shop• • Stl.000 ~ll prl~ .,. •• n 0000 I bdnn. and dtn
f\lm. s b9drm. 1 Mta 9'.\lcco. boma. now !Mine ruoned tor "'°'" tG, Udo Shopptnr c.nttr. Newport-Meso Reolty tnd\lltr7. ni\ doWrl.
bH.chet • bay • ...We. •t lM N_,oli Alvd .. Chat.a M•a DAN A.. JACOBSEN, Real C.t.a.te
111,.&00. Only IYIOO doWn. U 1..J\008, Ews. t..1 1·7101 A Ha.r ... 1, U a.All, KI 24111
E. W, HW Har. 0011-K. LI I-TUT. lk:20
Corner R·2 lo~ 4 bedrooma A 2 hath.s. Firepla.
A patio. Can be converted into 2 bedroom houae
lo 1 btdroom apl Hl(b FHA Loan balance.
Total price $19,600. Thll iii a good one!
One blk. from Oeean Blvd. -2 Jir. tredroom•, 2
batha. Under con.atructiom. Ovenlse prace
• with a ~ bath. C.U for an app't oia Ulla.
Full price $24,900
2667 E. Cal Hwy .. Corona dd Mar. HA. 17il HA : 07~7
JOI Ml.l'UI• A.Vt.
8&.lboa llWld.. Pboa1 Hat. 802
BEACH CO'M'.A.DE. I Iott R-%
zon9. Com•r S4lh It L&k•.
Handy location to 1ood be.lch
A Meppl.n.s. 11 0,700 FULL PR.
CoMlder Mlllnr hou.e or vac-
ant loll •epar•taly. Owner on
prop.rty wttkendl. H•r. 406a.
unit.I turn. R.educPd to 135.000.
terma. Real Money Jilaker.
11® W. Balboa Blvd. Har. OlU
68 x 168 to alley.
Noar 19th It Harbor "600
Har. 3361 16t!c
$2700 down
W Raul onve. Corona dti Mar
vtE1lr COM' AGE 3 Ndrma.. 2
bftlllroom1 •II '*leocoraled t 1"•. oW. 12700 down -112<".I
mo. Low l .. ~" and )'OU ran
mov• In lmm9dlalal)', Owner
HarbOI" uu.. llcli
40 I Lido Soud
Sale or Leue
for Summer
1 bedrooms, 3 batha
Sparkling new on
77' of beat Bayfront
Smartly rurnia.bed with cuat.om made moderne.
260"..? Ne"'port Blvd.. Ntwport Bea.ch
Barbor 4718
Near beach. gOOd rental district. Income $2880.
Carr be increased. Fully rentf'd at praent. Only
~ down. P!ly off balance out of income.
123,000 full prlee
3113 Newport Blvd.. Newpon Beach Har. 101.S
On Newport Blvd., cloae in. Only 1'°' of tOfat
are& l mprol•o:l--with.....pod buildtnp_ Jacome
$400 11. month on It~. A Cine invutment and
1peculatlon Cor $62,500. $~,000 cub down.
Balance "UY term$.
RUSS FORD, Realtor
' 1600 \V. Coaat Hwy., N"'JJOrl Beach LI ~l<l
e 3 B. R.-Dbl pr. Pl---arcle Drive!
• ~Of.lpOa.1-Storap room etc.!
• ROom fw poot-Tenn.l&-Badminton !
• Nlce loc.-Priced ript!
$14,950 I e EXCLUSIVES!
• 3 B. R.-B&rker Broe. decorated!
• Owner want& to move to northwest!
e F. B. A. financlng-$1500 d<nm !
• By George, lt'1 niee!
• 3 B. R.-Patb-Lovely BBQ-Rdwd. fence!
• Carpeted living room-lge. Jot.
• Sun deck would give nice ocean view!
• Owner bu to move-will take $2000 dn !
e EXCLUSIVES! e Corona' del Mer!
Price Reduction!
• Wu $29,7:>0 Now $28,500!
• 3 B. R. plua large den!
• Cut.om built wet bar!.
• 2 ultn modern full tile bat.ha!
• 1005'0 wool carpet-fireplace-patio!
• Dbl gar.-H. W. floora!
e HUGE muter B. R. With view!
• By George, thia 1a a home!
• Fineet neighborhood in city!
• 3 B. R. 2 bath-H. W. tloon !
• Firepla.ce--dbl. gar._.hake roof!
• 2 yrs. old-!11 fenced and landscaped!
1696 Newport Boulevard
Coat& Mesa, California
We hive 4. BAYFRONT LOO'S with pier prlvil·
epa on LIDO ISLE. There ia:D't a ft.n~r Pifce to
build your pwn home. Aleo, we have over 25
\ croa ~ UDO lot&. Why accept lleCO!ld best
for your family! For tun Information
Call Earl Harvey.
Bayfront Home on 2 Lots
One of LIDO'S tme.t homes. 2 garaga, Central
patio, maid'• room and bath, playrm. with fire-
place, livingrm. with ·fireplace, eeparate d.lning-
. room, every possible feature in kitchen. 2 powder
rm.a .. :S bednnl., • batba, moat room.a have out-
standing BAYVIEW. For more in.formation,
phone Blanche ~arvey.
We eold over one million dollara worth of prop-
erty ln April Tb1t meana we need good list.i.np,
and can eell them for you.
p. a. pafmer inco'rporafed
ole hc-nson co. menegament
3333 ri.a Udo, harbor 1500
• LIDO ISLE cutle -2 bedrma. -bullt b)' Bob
lnpm. Total prlqe $21.'mO. Brinl In your
check for $tM>OO down to Da.W.On O*bam-
but 11.u.n'y !
Newport Heights
Lovely 2 bedrm. 2 bath on well Jocated corner.
Many outstanding teaturea make tbia an out.tand-
ios buy at $17,2tSO. Call Bill Farnaworth to 1ee.
Lovely Udo Home
Exquiaite tute in interior colon and decoratlona
will tell you that thia bu alway• been a HOKE
to the owner11. Patio planted to perfectio11 will
be youn to enjoy on comforta1-l& IUDUller eve-
nmga. An unusually large 2 bedrm. home. It it
ftta, c&ll Jack Crisfield.
p. a. palmer incorporated
ole hanaon co. management
1700 w. cout highway -liberty ~73
Good Values •
Look These Over!
. v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 8/ B
RENTA.I.. ' bdnna. trpL. 1. y SHORECLIFFS. Ne11r modern 3 bedrm. and den
o. s. abower, paUo. 180 ft. home. built-m ato•e and oven, garb. dilpoaal, car-
to bay nrtmm1nr Sleepa up peta and di-.N>ll included. Large nicely landscaped to 10 people. $18,500 Xlnt ,.-.-. urm1. Jot. <>wner leaving thia area, priced to eeU at
~ou couldn't dart a n
argument with
your wife
$34,500. -In 'DUB boUM, enn lf you wlr.
..... 81t9 -!~ ... ,.._. ....
-~ ..0 06 lfu. It. .. . ~
<>MN DAU.Y· t A.X. TO e P.M.
. --.
Jl&A \Jr llBilZ Boon. b&rdWOOd Goo.... "' doubl•
....,...... torced..U a..t. bllllt-bl °"" u4 """'
d.lapoe&lll, ....... ~ pee doon. \-4 brtelr
Tl:RlUJ"IC LOOKING BOKl!S wtt.b ~t tSoor
pl&U on ca.ta x-·a moet ~ s.at ma •
a-bedroom: an.llO-pOOO ...._
a-bedroOm anti cs.t: as.NO-OOOO clow'n
. All ~ ban 2 lllt.tba
Tract PboM: LlbertY a-JSa
BAYFRONTS ..... _.: ........... -...... _·$SQ,OOO to SH0,000
3 BR. 2 ba., ._.ft. lot ................. -.... _ .............. .$31,600
4 BR. 2~.? batha. eo ft. lot -~--·-·-... -.-$t2.MO
2 BEDROOM re&l amall ............... _ .. ___ ............ $2'-MO
t BEDROOM corner with a
1 bedroom income unit ........................... : $4~.000
=t~ita ~ne~= BA YSHORES
and 80tt ~. lb• luxury 2 BEDROOM bargain ............................. . .$20,950
FER!!D. Wiii Mil hill t -unJt 2 B RGAIN 2 f . bed t ed build.I~. recently redeco-· Y A · bed.rm. um11 cottage ocat
rated, nlcely cumtahed. A.d· close fo stores and only 3 blocks to ocean front.
Jaeent to the Bay. ua.ooo. priced to .ell at $$11,500. Only $3700 down. at...,. «D~ -• n&1
Temia. ' Liberty 8-1161 Evea Liberty 8·3010 dintnc room 1°'" formal dlnntn, CI "ff H N rt H ' ht a big dell and lalTac*1 patto 1 even -ewpo e19 s
tor buttet.. a .unny bre&ld.ut NEW 3 BEDROOM . . .. .............. . ................. $21.600
nook for "twoeosn.9" -prorid'e · $ 7 llU\I\
------------------113, PENINSULA DUPLEX and 3. y VALUE PLUS 2 bednn. home plua g\ltat room
a da.nd1• a bdrma. up and i plua l * batha, hardwood floo1', FA heat, oloee to ' PULL UP A CHAIR
••.. and li sten to this!
The 300 Membera of the NEWPORT HARBOR
over a Million Dolla.rl worth of real estate lut
month, and expect to aell more" than a $1,000,000
this month!
Cooperation among it& members and concerted
effort made It poaible.
With your Favorite REALTOR
Newport Harbor Board of Realtors
10 unit.a. comple~y turn. even to stoves Ir ref rig.
Only ·i yra. old and uer')'thiu immac cond.
1.oned 'for 8 more unit.a. Located on Main hwy.,
Into Costa Mea near City center. Always
, rented, Hi Income record. Full detaila.
2 B. R., beaut. Uving room and kttc\ien, fireplace,
HW floons. lovely patio and garden area. Tb.I.a
ia NICE. Price $18,900
1700 Newport Blvd., ~ Meaa. LI 8~96
Eves. Harbor 1539-M
dwn. A.ttnct.ln.ly tumiabed. shopping area and only 21~ blocu to ocean and
na.ooo. Gd. terma. beach. A beat buy at $18,~.
t f ) Nl<;m 2 BJ:DROOK HOKE and cute bachelor apt. Larr• 4.. -V BEST LOT BUY, 1.oned R-3, •Ox118 and only 1
lot. spaeloua paUo, 2 ect block to ocean front on Marguerite St. LAST
~::.~.s. 11Ure AVAILABLE LOT -Only $~,760.
tG) oaA.N J"RONT. t B4rm.1 5. y BARGAIN JUST LISTED -Thia 2 ~m
Idilal tor Iara'• t&mlly IU.600 home, large living room, ftreplace, dual floor fur-•
Rouae with extra NU lot lled b lncluded at ui.ooo. nace. (thermo contro ) plu. large dou le gar-
-age ltreaed for apt. above. Better act fut on
II) ~==-~~ ::: this one! ONLY $14,750 EXCLUSIVE WITH US.
over 2. car pzqe. hr· MEMBER OF MULTIPLE USTINGS
aJahed. ACSJacent lo ba1 It
oc.an. Only Sl&.000. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO .
3"7 E . Cout Hwy. Corona dd Mar Har. •7
.Ud only 150 tt. lo bay
nrUn.m1q tool st .. 119 up
to lf people. l'lreplace.a.
WS-• paUo. A naJ du.I at (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank. Cd.Ml uuoo. .
(I) $15,000 DOWN -Buy1 eJt.ber '
~""~4t:!:~ = BEACON BAY
6 den 6 2 batha, at $21.M>O.
t.he other with I bdrm.a. It
I bath.I at UUOO.
Balboa Realty Co.
OppmU.e Bank of America
Roa Qneltf l:d IM
Joeephln• Webb
TOO ll. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
Phone Barbor 3277
2~ AORJl:S-t.O t>ecome M·l -
Levti-Owner Medi cub to
will l&Crifice Ulla ldtal prop-
erty tor on\7 &1',llOO.
Ph~ Sullivan &
Geo. T. Everson
A NEW LISTING in tlua exclusive diltrict with
1uch fine waterfront prtvilqm. Living room-
dining room opeoa to large P.tio, 3 bed.rm.a., 2
baths and a very large attractive 1 'bednn.
apartment over gar. A real low price of $38,500.
With va.ca.nt lot.a eelling at over $11,000 (when
we can get one) th1a fine 2 bedrm. home well
located with 1tove, refrigerator, carpet& and
draperies, fenced brick patio ia a real find at
Call HARBOR 177~ •
225 Marine Ave., Balboa l.aland.
------------------1166 Newport Blvd.. Cott.a Meaa Llben1 M711 Ev• Ba.r. t3&4 FOR EXCHANGE * 15th & Tustin *
CORNER PLUS a truly beautiful ranch home
with extra large studio living room. 3 bedrma ..
1 t t>.tha, a kitchen that will capture your heart
on aJght.
AND ONLY $18,960 ! !
3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach
Harbor 2552
• , Evenlnp call L1 8-3186, LI 8-6405, Bar. 3921-W
$8875 to $1~.500
5 Cudom Built Models
Select a home to .Wt your Deeds. Built OD your
or ou.r lot. FHA te.rma.
1~7 Newpo-rt m.d. eo.ta Meaa
LI 8-1882 / Eves LI 8-HOO t.f
10 Ac. M-1 & C-1
ON WUT 11th St. near Harbor
Btvd., Banta An&. n .. now
ba1q i>ulJed. B\41 pa.rt or all
wlth N&eul claUM.
DAN A. JACOBSEl'f, ~!:stale
Har. Ntl, LI 1-1317, Kl 2·2117
$5000 DOWN
OCEAN FRONT, 3 bdrma, 11.t
bath.a. r A tl•l. ctoub&e prq9,
UctiJ. tocat.lon DCllT B&y.
lllOCI w. B&Jbo& BJYd. Har. 1181
I BDR.M. BOKJC on 1U19 k>l
ln Nnport liel(hU. clMn.
nJce nqhbe>rtiood. fenced yard.
ClOM to ~ 8Y cnmer
Gi.2 IUYVllide Ave .. LI 1-1109
after 6:IO p. m. c
c:abtn • 2 lot. near 1toH. w-
clUded $UDO rum. Har. .a80 ~ 11Uc
"JOSHUA-TR.Er -lit aupa.
new ca.bin SJ200 Ml prict 38
JT\I from Palm Bprtnp. 1011
S&ata Ana. Ooeta M-. llp20
BUILDER will exchange for vacant M-1 or C.1
'property, four new, FHA approved 3 and • bed:
room homes remaining. in fine Santa Ana aub-
divialon. Total value $51,000. pinanclng SM.000
Park Ave. at M&rlne, Balboa laland Harbor 24e2
308 Poppy, Corona del Mar
3 bedrma., 2 batha and dm. Excellent view of
ocean md ~cJi.
DELUXE Home, 3 bedrOoma 2 batba. Drive by
401 Klnga Place, then c&lJ Barbor 4118
2602 Newport Blvd. Newport .Beech
u. ~ tor a truly -.ppy 3 BEDROOM -will trade ................................ l ,oNU
family. Of c:oww tu rot bed·
room.at • bl• ooee -2 wtlb U» · COST A MESA
=~~ :u.0~2 ~ 3 BEDROOM coi:ner facing golf coune ........ $15.950
Uvtnc room! eau tor appotnt· Almo1t an acre wtth 2 Br. bouae ........................ $13.500
mmt to .. Wb&t WI !Dn.11 by ·'
''Cb&nn &nd Value'', ~.ooo -unna. CORONA DEL .MAR
3 BEDROO~ 6 den, view of Oceu 6 Beach $33.500
2811 OCEA.M BL VD.
C s.tw.on Fvnle&l and Dah11a)
• • • •
2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Bat. •118
In Corona del Ka.r _:. eoulb ol ------------------
BlrhW&J'. Buney. com,put two
bedroom bom•. truit. u.. and
f'low•n pJoN ln UM •nclOMd
. prdm m:id patio. U!l:INO UI
BELIEVING! 11&,"°,
Bey & Beach Realty Inc
Corona del Mar Office
WO E. Oout Hwy., H&rtlor 55tJ
Bae\ Bay Location
Located ott Del Kar An. &l"DOq ua,ooo llom• 1a thLt 1 bdnn.
hom• only 1\6 ,._,..old. Oom·
plet.el.J fenced, I L Auc-une
l&W!i ft'oftt a: N&r, OWner leu" tnr. MUST BELL. ruu price
OPEN HOUSES 1-6 p. m. Sunday
(Can ahow anytime by appointment)
61& Marguerite, Corona de.I Mar
3 bednn., oak noon. FA heat, fireplace, prb.
d.Urposa.l ........ ·-· .. ·-·--···-·-...... ----$18,tiOO
t53 Seaward Road. Coro ... Highlanda.
3 bedrm. 2 bath, FA beat Include. WW ca.rpe,t
Ir drapes ............. _. ________ ... ·----'28.500
~14. Bola. Newport Hts. - 2 ~-den, fulJ
din. room. Lot 75 x 1Zf _.:....... JIT,500
G. H. LATHROP, Realtor
3636 E. Cout HW-y. Corona de1 Kar &11,9GO wtth '2000 down.
R d Ex d? Har. Mi2 Evea Har. M80
ea y to pan ----------------can yw u.ee a tour bedrm. bOm•
wllh iJ».cloua fa.mil,)" room and
l&r(e livtn&' room ? Top srade e. w. noon. 1% batha. taun·
dry room. Wied brick r.P .. r /A
t18l. built ln kitchen and rt._
all~ doon to paUo. Cood
Baclt Ba.y locaUC111. Out bat
buy at Jn.ooo.
Lido Isle
Two bedroom beauty. T~ ~ ckt&J1.
No ''t.oucbJns up" ry here.
"you'1J 11.ke our tl"kbdl1 eeMce'" -
•OO E. 1 Tlb St.. Ooeta M-
L.Ibert1 a-un
Full price $26,500. Good terma.
Lido Realty Associates
BALBOA ISLAND 3400 VI.a Lido Harbor««
A "ITRACTIVID 2 BR. HOIO, su-t rm... a..t.b. A.Mo l lldra ------------------
~ •:.::"' .ukins Ut,aoo. VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE
a• •.an• B.A. Y PBOPl:BTIU
1500 w. Balboa m.d. Bar. &111
8o. l:a.ll Santa Ana trom • to •$
ac.-or more.' fJtillU... M
tra:Q-wtt:b hetap Git ...--
\Milt lltr'eet.a. ru::o Cll08Dft u a-nao ID ... 110 1ld0
B•y end 0cean View
Newport Hei9hh
3 BdnDI., 2 bath.a, FA he&t, wool W /W qQ.
drspm • -curtains, ~ blt. .., &Uftd..
modern home witb Jae. view wtndowa. rtrwt t!me
ottered. An excdleDt value at. S2l, 110
Call f OI' appt to Mii
Altadena Eecrt>w
ll!·A FA.Ill 1Stb Bl , Oleta w... THE VOGEL CO.
Uti.rty a-soa lldt 3201 W. Cout. Hia:bway, Newpon a.ch LI 8-3481