HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-13 - Newport Harbor News Press• • • • REAL COOL~O MORE SCHOOl!· . •• •. • _J9__ 56 !""""'-' ~ Au , •• A--' ..... 7;,,....,,.. ' 1'2WPOllT . 'Co•unity M:&W:S . . Service' COUNCIL CONSIDERING . BAY • A YE. ABANDONMENT Ohl.FRONT Mora property U9e for land owners whOlili 'lot9 flt• B.ly Ave. belwttn A and L St& WU .ua'6ted )(oaday nt1ht by Councilman Sandy MacKay 6nd dly COWICll approved a moUon to tlire an appralal on pM'C"19 baftllftd. MacKay'a idea 11 for the dty to yaoat• 8111 Aw., Jl'I09U:f under ,..tU, bt~n A Md L ~Ila. t.o tM .....,, • "''hC*e k>u touch tt, the laadhoklers to pay a ratr cUrs• IOI' the addlUOMJ. troqtltp .,......, 'nM!ll ta)' .-ell ··••ould take lhe tunda oMa.lJMCI t.na U. -.-d &0119IN lo awbnmlng be&eill la ~ _.,-...... frontap th9 city h&1 ,,._. ~ tll ...a ........ UJ• Balboa ha.Zone wrio" uw"."'9 ......... .... _..ff Indicated Uley would MU lot • tUr fldoe. WHAT NEXT IN YIEW7 • •> • I • • -. ... ,_.,.. . -- .. •..:-... .. -- ; TJION Balboli.. lal&Jid COU&ln .. Palty R iley, kft Pd -Dian• .. Riiey, 'bum tip the lut o{ thdr N_.port Harbor Union H1fh School atudy notta, hoptnc today'• {~port cards will do wtll by them. Glrla, antlclptitlnc fun-filled llummrr vacaUon d1ty1, already> hava J1>0d 1tarl on beach tan. -Slilf Photo Mesa 19tfi Sir en SANTA ANA, JUNE 13. IOCNS) -ror tllCtlNt • time ta the melXlory ot courthouae otficlala &n &Nt.. :~ .!:-::!.NTb)' ,.{,..,_. o:.•::t:Uutactur-County Grand Jury plan.I to bold open and pu~ . Now Face · Pi)le Jar• ._'t~re1t' Uie o-e& .._ Pllanbll Clom· ..._. ..aut:hre ,_.,.. aa an •· alou, OCNS ltamed •clu.ively today. .: • ruiMfoa. .,_da, ta a contro••"J (C-b w41 H ...,. 1e) fte 1 r 'ou o1 UM jury •Ni ed the -.wtMniiai.t -~~- No .ooner did a dei.ptlon of .ewer eonstruct.ln ftrni. to «on lnel.,......-TSl·bom• •bdl~ •peet.ed to Mstn. wtWn Uui mum ..:urtty honor ftctP tt1' Co•la :Meaa'1 ltth 8treet !'Ml· plpec .. Mllth of Otakr Aft. Uld w..t occ A T • n•t ,.. weekli.and •re d•lp· (0..U._. • ....,..) daill ,gt'l rid of & tJlruten11l( .Aithoufh It wu potn.ted OU.l Of ...,..,.. Bhd., wtdeb a L09 ... rew ,,, ed to •ir pubHe complalnt1 ~ LOCAL SCHOOLS HOLD GRADUATE . EXERCISES city corporation ya.rd acroM lhe the .iluaUon wu only tempor-AftP• .ubdiTktlr pl'OpollN '° · ..-..iut "90m• of our public Gr nd J ,....... l lTPet trom thelr home• when •rj llnoe th• pCpes weni betaS' ..taMWt. • ja • '9'•*'' ~ AL --•• 9lr't'allla... a . F'O¥?..iarmr ...._· .ehooh att Mu.le t&r the propam wiu be they 1e1med ot. a Dl'W""'menae•• ._..,.., ta Git)' ltftlta. p&aMS'I urr 'At 'rtW s.,._ ....0. Vlllll• IS8 Tb• tntorm~ --. leamed ho~ tMlr ~U.C def'-bJ lh• .chool otthellrL to Lhelr tranqu!Ulty, .,,..eed. It _...., ..Jns: '4101a~ U.. .... 'M' .. ,lellcllWln.I • ' by the a.-.. W'vke ln an actus - cl1eeJlil• w-11tOr1111 a•nta. bran ... CO....t Colll!S• sractu· A prot.Nt Wll ~ed bJ the P1analn1 Corm:e'-io9 npte-' ... .... • ,,.., oom•'•tol· II F1...t;; 81"ve1 .... tntervt-wtth ltM Gnmd Unhappy .ma._ At Oil bLll' 8Cboot W .C.udent. atet ~ M.udl'nt., ~ 19 pl11nntni commlMkln. M o nday ..._taun 8lU Duaa WU tft.. llN..,.. C UI F .... tM uatl Mid m fu., ronmaa J6bn R. IJ1ck) 911111 were st._ dlplOmU today, & 'l'OC&Uonal n\l!'9M, &l • P. ra. nl· night that lh• eo.ta Mesa San.I-strvcl«l to tn....u,pte \lit OCD---. at ....._, • \-pot'V7 rico ~ .,_ 6Mof9 bave all Su's*lt. Ho""°" Dl.9'p Be~ m , ._.. d&¥ la Ole coUes• &Ddltonum, t1ry Ol1trlct, owner ot t he Jlr'O-plalnL Dunn. bu ,.olle. J>O"'W9 tor)', .._ kt ..,.."'911 that the Ol"M\I'• TH prob. will "9 held •t th• s ' • to reeetve dtp1cm.u t.omo"'°"" Th• So!Jthem caHfClr'llJa Bible perty, had rented tt out to a to ~ .onlftS ~ Tkit pre IM.t~ta. W •1 O..C. OM1119 ,._>tMJt cnw Orup County c:ourtMu.M. and uperv1 and at the E'Ter.tt R-.cbool Colle~ June 2 Jl'du&led a cl.au O--'n' I .....,. ............ wtll be aa mt:rj ta the Olympk &. ~ to purwe crttlclam In Coet& M ... 319 pupli. will of SO 11dth BA de(T'M8 and two 21 fo(' OM ol bae ta1Mr1J ot UM .WI -TriU at an.dac'& Lake 1Jt alnad7 Mwled by 1931 rrand "?" be gniduated tron1 tAa •l&hlh bacht"IOr1 vf th~lo17 and II Tax Boost of . uupproftd cll1'• iouttt plaD. B)'NC'\YIL N. Y. Jua-tl-30. Th• Jvym.n at u.. Oru.r• County SANTA ANA, JU~ll. IT•d" tomon"Ow. On.n«e Coe.al praently into MUIUIMr .ci-i.I, • MO'red to tum down lbe 1pplle&-a.pptaU:n.ately 11000 required tc Board 0( 8upel"Y\8on. IOCNSl-Alt..r e mom .. , Collere 11"aduate1 Friday. UOn ot Dud~ 81Dllh and won Mnd t.M -sue ._.I mder CMeh The 1169 fW'Y lbt1l today In I cloeed door HMlon, 1Nt Nrwpot'l Harbor Union KIP l I w "man H port l Tap . 1pllt rieta17 .... 2. Oft Lb• hu& 9apdlte 1-ck eul y ...... the eou~ with member• of County Gr1nd Jury 8C"hool 1fudent• Wl'T"e ~U&ttd oca ~ 0 ew a &r0Und1 the lniCt woukl 'Oe e.-day 'wq nducM by Ml~. '11\e \be 1906 body which WU head-J1clt 8arrent Mid hill ~d .\hi• afternoon a.t &n ln:ipreutve • ~b.U.llhed In tha heart of •D CAW · yuterdlly recelqd ac· 4MI by Brorni., w. RID ot 8oull'I lbe J91Wi rrand jury wer~y prQgr&.m Mkl In lM hlrh IChOOI Hurt 1'n Wreck ,....,_..:;..;.,.. _______ 1lde1I lnduatrial dlltrlct and ceplUHl9 ot tbelr entry ft'om i...suna Bwb. Tod•J"• meeUnr un"-ppy" with the •D•~...i."'ta's athletic ndQ, There were JM A property tu lncrUH of 21 -, would c~le a tax problem. Ule Olympic Rowtnc CommltW. .,.. eall4d to tabulate 1'1llllt lhe nortnr of jury repoN .., ... ,th• .-.f~ cents wu'lndlc..ted,by city coun· BABY, 17 MONTHS, . 'SOBIA.S &PEAllS by 11P1CJa1 dell-.r7 letter fPOa1 .,,_taoni ...,. accompllaheid board or wpervWon," -~Co. Jn th• IS Truck "1p• ell ~londay nipt u Ule neJtt Lndlni lh• two-m-oppoel· 9............. • w.raro. reeommend&tiCll\9 mede The jolnt jurl• oon .. *'-lrlfn th~i~~~~.~=~:;:: ±• N_.port Baacb-ttaeal bud1•t re· SWALLOWS POWOE~ uon to t.urntni do\1rn th• tract "'io;ppll:r.i' the tonaUorui ,,,... • by tut 7.,.r. jury, aarrut 10 a,m, untU 11 :20 Lm. TWj,all'Y ~-r--· ceived more etudy &11d .om• .. ,.~ ... : •• __ ~ -WU WM p\uud."I" QWrman Qeorp check tor'l600 pr...aWd to o(:o ftarpd IJie board bad almOlll under S.r...,nt contbtued'~"alas valedl~ PY• tbe ~~me A l'Cf'A'J'Ol't ~~ crHicillm. .... ,._ T°"M, who malntalned lhe Grew au.me. ...__.__ • .,. ft-.d compl ... 91y ll'll(lnd the ~-cuuton• untU lt:rio a.m. 9!o1Jerat speech P4 the Re•, ~ Rich-trrtotU!ly Injured .,....,. ,.. Continued Hehpot Annex hur-N.thtd lo e-. H..,,tt&I bomM woukl attn.ct lndu.alr)' H•-tn u.. v~ BU'ltGr mtiadaUou rri&de ti• tha 1H6 M.id the rrand jury wtD m.it •l a.rd.I maa. the prtndpal MldrHe. ..,._, __...__n a cement .. trucll: d I r l -· t .. _ -•• ., _..,_...,.. " 2 eo (J -.... _ ·-· WQI'; lnr an t me 0 pro .... 0 ""' TuudiQ' momln1 whm th• bfoc&UM ot th• potential labor Chamber of Commerce b• ,,__ bod", ne recornrnendatiorMI ms p.m. In th& Or&nJ• WI T .......-•• topic beinr "Aim for ....., -··--'-and lill.f..•..tta akte th J 1 -I ' ' • I ·-·•-• .....---..... ~ filed lo e uy .. ., R11on; tot"• molhar •11~v•rN h• -1rnt. Planner H•rT)' Ald~ dftit Gtot'p H-and ._,.-•laded p•opo•al e concemtnr tanton Homa t« more .---... •• To .. -" ,,.. twr converUbk, --a•-tt-d 1 rod 1 r ......,., '"' Q ,... .,._.... App r o ,. nt uct on o b.-d rrabMd • C.611 of D&Oy esreed wit.JI hlm .,.hen lb• .ouni tary Hay ~ or UM ~ et \be oranre Cowlty t.&llta tod1y. , The farewell 1peech •• _... ....... II: ordtnwa 787 dealln&' w ith lhe took pl&C41. , Southwe.t ~· A.-o.t-. h...Ve Hall ud the On.a&• He alao dlacloMd lb.&\ U.. pre- tty Marjorie 8to..U. ........... ; 'lalten -to Hote HOapl WU 17th It. Allnu. and pUMd It to powder Md 9W&llowell .. t ·•-.a c..u. -N) ·•d tho ,1.,. wu ~-t 1s1q ... th OuTol1 Wlmilr', ..,, flt 41e h • ~-q····UtJoC' ,.._. . But ...-.acque found plenty o lepon.on ot,llll• um.-l't'" Oouft~oepl.t&l. It al90 propH-( _, .. "-·r - -· ..--RU 1econd rMdl r toUowtnr a •r---a~ ...._. P'r.on9 '9 lllack him up 1n i.i. llprlnt Olu\pl...,.. ta UOo : _ . Supt. Bktney Davldlem w1.Ul W•tauuter A:. llbre WM optt-I.DC wbi&b MW DO protut.· The ... ~ ..._ ~ ........ ~; .:::-::: ~ ';!" u.cs i!i" ~ooda. llfbl b:i ~ ot~~~ r:!:r:: =Dea: ;~.7:l: .... >T •• : ~~·==~·c. c:: ~ QP .. It~ S1~&~ttt· ,,~aa. l!n.ln.•tes .-n•l..• lhe dip&ontu. MU.Se :'J: tol ..-ww uqet to ad\•wtJM the .._ A• -·t th 1 • t 'SI.,. ~ ~ ~ .. _, ' ~ -•··-,•-... --.....1 Jf-*1&a_ W-S. Vie Cham--_. e opp.' I r I , -, tumtah'4 by t.M It...,.,. ceinc ptta1 ot~" • t the euul1" n.c.1 7ea..r A •---.. .__._., , _ _.. t:omm... Sh'fllc f'ronl Ullo ........... ~ ,. l ~ • f. ,.. lltt¥• 9f the ttment truek wu :. of 4s!' 1-pPoved \be m.f.1oa alter emersency t.reiit.mtnt. ,...,:~··a ~~~te/19Qedd-. oerned came when mem::...t:; to "<f" &. MSAA 01lAOUA...ls lhfrin Heary Hori.¥:. 28. M tc rn-nt the 11um '"'llh COund l· aanounced It \we.a op}llOM4' t.o the lHn·•I'' N.wport H~ . , , Dtptoa1U will be pruenled at lOOll M.cMJe:haei DriX•, Garden men Q\ai·I .. llart. San4¥ Mac-bacil1 W!llch ·he llO\lfht to ~rtna th• t~·· tocaUon 4but not Ualon Hi~ khOOI ~ °'1b 4 1' 4 tomOir"7IP atternoon io Clofte OroYl!!....B• 'WU not bu.rt, pollm Ka.1 and J . 8· Sludd•rd voting hl1 home ln ltna '<11lh uwi. eut Ute tttct ltMllY. And laxpayet'll practically emptl«l U. OffMI-rverett A. Jta ltholt-WIU bn9t John Raymoiild 9'ltonl. Karl· 'X e• elt'llll r;n1de cnidua\9 Ill MJd. f no. ot It; Author Tutlla. council eandidat• u.Uon'a ~ Into the helld1 p111reo'\. and ~ fli Ill pads lyn llay .....,.,.; ~ Ja:X~s &vu.U----Jla SchoQl by B_ndffy The'l~lacul1rwreck occurred Council refPrred to Actlne earlier Ulla yet;r, and Jeffel"80n ot Coa.ch Baptl1te e t the a-ualff t.om~A:l]~&t ._ _rer~l!M J,eilll Schwan.. pre•lcknt of ll'le board JOO---teoet vorth ot 'ftl@' Arches Cly Manarer Bc_.rt Webb the Rerernd to Clty Atl)I, -karl Bcovlli• ot Jetter.on PropertlM, Scout Bue. • • o'clock. Ttl9 es·~ wW Lol. £lalat ~ and lbe Rav. !\Obert O"'nltmd O¥e.,_.. on Coal\ Rl1hway 11.nd su11e1Uon of Andrew W. Sn1lth Lynn Devl1 a letter h'Om.HatTy prote.ted thit It would (Ollt Prei1dent J~t NacffellJedi't tncl!Jlh pr l ~I t.MAC*_ .ttuden.t Bowlat.Oli&rie9'l'!lln"lll _ 'Wtll deliver the: Invocation. MU!Jk trattlc waa tied up lor blocka on tor the clly to e1labll.1h • flat Aahton, counsel rar Oreltenber(• '600-IOO,OOO to build a 0 .., ·io-hanlled Ba.pUato a 120 ~ aeroaa awardl u -wtllJ .. dlJlomu for buJ's, ,D&rkne ~ , wtll be fumtahed by tha .chool botb O:iat Wgbwa,y and News rt.le plui IQ p!'I' cent of the boal excuraion conc...iosa Ill the clwrooni .chool to •"• the the hull of a four-i;i•• Mell, the )'Otlftl'l'(;en. lCe.rtk "9VHM ~ ..,s'lEitns th de port Blvd. by curtou.1 onlooker•. Yt!•r'• averawe <:onneellon on ,,.,.s / oubdl·'·lon. -''Thal letive1 bi SS In th' 8-1 •-to• wbo"m Mt2' carol ......_ J!llllifl11&· "Mn orchMlr&. the KVen rra l------------·lter connecuon.1or11 nat rate for i'llnZone. prot.t~ lh• &lle1'9d .... t ry " obMrvllld Tff.UW'tt ._ B _,. ,_ ...... t:..o ehoru• and IJ1rlt of lhe en.du-"""--dlffo-nl ,, •••. "• will ••turn dl.lcrlmtnatory or ctt 11 an, a ,.. "11lli would have to be paid reuu ' U.....lldaool wu _.....;.,, wUI .,..... .,,...._ --" Stop u-a.. VMly•d '" .,...., h Tom Btakely, .....,...-... WW Byron ~ ~ .. : .. ~·=·~·:--~·=-~M~ &Ung cl&a. ,.,.., a ~ommendatlon 1t the June 1trict1ng the bo.t opeNt~'• \198 tor otll of th.a pockita ot t " "\\'• cannot Mitn to upr9&111 .mt U.. CS. of 1'61: Tblty Burba.11.k. Jr1arQra a.d. The Curtis Co. award Wiii be at Bristof .. NeWDort 25counc\laeulon ot a loud ipea\er. De.vii and~ .. daclared Tuttle. our rr&Utude f01' GI•~ NCf!lve ............. :".nun Patr1clr~ ....... prerHl1ted by Joey Namlta, 1lu-0ranp Count)"''• Jtare tn• ei-J'J'I otfler action the rowicll: ''TheN 11 a defttlt In thi. ye1r'1 contribUtlOll ·• Harrey ..w_ acts Bradley Jl..lcllwu'a. .......-om\ ol rndrta •••M 0..,,-....,. .... t council •wa...t by • ._ ..... -.. a .. op.••d r• ll«ht at I>mfed the ple11 or J . R, Aabt.on are '° .._..., out" the tchool buqet now." l k··-·· to• ,.. CN'W Ula diMriCt...,.. 0( t.nastw. .... _,.. --__ _. · · Tutu. added that he taoe.U...ed nr a.a •po ........ -. ..... · ......... ~...t-__._._ will' bt cutwe1l. J.-llaft7 o.t.litld 1'ohlnaoa, outatUMltq athletic coat& M••'• "crackup oorner", Thompaon tor• ''•riance on 1et.-conflict ~nu;~ llmllon. ln A prlvata clllwl ot B&Jboa ----,--• Jr .JUCBUI ~ ~·c.... award '7 ,oaie.qoa.._au.na111p Newport Blvd. and BNlol BL. Aulhoriud ll'I• m&J'Of' ud "tnd~ .,.. not tnteratad t.i&nd. wbo claoM to re.,a.ln ~....w.d ""* '11 cl.Pt.b 1 ·• ~ ....... eu&J a.._. by Prta. J . P. Puts wu ·~ ,..c.bday by the 1------------clerk to 1l1n arr ~t be-~'-"I In to r.oatend with hll'.h anoaynMIUI. dofta.ted SlOO.-wtl.lla ............. UW. llfftaUI Grscte ~'MU.I~ ftnbu~ U4 AJMdcua LacklD cowal7 beard of 11.!pentlcnw on HARBOR WEATHER tween tba city ud Otmmunlty taae. Ud eubdJNJon.. Wt don\ afli occ atlldent f1oom tll• art flll!" ;l1df=ai lr)' Uw: Marj .&tllm' Oedllee Award lly La..,.. PwlumUl.. fteelm.,.,.tlon ot A. a. Koch. Youll'I Center ot Newport BNcb depal'tment p•• J!I, to the ca.UM. _.... ~..::.·~ ~ PllilUl' cu-l. a.,. 1M ftOL\C!S ENMON road 1uperriaor, Titmperaturet1 tor the week-tor the f'eCl'Nlloa depu1.SMftt to 0 d 1i\a coll•i• ltftlf •un.d tl>e bl ..... .,. U.. • -W W Marwa,._ Louiml Ow • sh' The u,.ocaUon al th1 Horace Tbere have bffn 22 attldenll end .tn tbe Newport Harbor .,. .. U.. the b~: , r ers ball roWne ...tll'll UM 1W4«1t ~ di ~' Vktct, i.om.·a.ot &' •• e w -~ tltbool tomorrow will be end ooe fal.allty alnce the ea.ta were p a a 1 e d to aecond readtai' eowacll pwed • SlliOO &pPl'O-pria-... '7 * l\n". ,..... ~ J .. ~ ......... 4i ,ivtt1. l>y U.. Rev. John J><.rka, ».-city Upilll wee extended • _ Hieb i.w Ordln&11ce 718, addin& Harbor r1· ~ • l . tJo9. to be tw1Md °""to the-.. ' ' QlidDu. ~ ... Cllti. ,_ SUpt. Ro.JA Andenen will pn--to~~ pola~ LJ'ttr: ~ s ftiWayr 'lune -a .~ ... 66--61-HJchl&Pda AnaaxaUOd' to -DU; •-'-ent ~1 aew lf _the,,,_Nf'llth~lntl" ~UT.II ftitll ,f!_t:'•' ~ ~: ..._ ci.i..~~-' teftt ~ t.._ to Harvey 0 . TheCOW1ty i.topa.yonc-tourth Setul-'d&y,June9 __ .~ at trlct .f.; \. ~-\, ~ U ~"I~"'•'=., ,:._:~-_.y ~ rll -v-.~t·-~~·~.·. -~~.-:llllt. Pel.le. pt..scsnt ot Ula board, ·or I.ha C09t. Coeta MeM Cty • aun-.. J\lne JO ,. .. • d 1 d -• u <•N. ,,.,.. ~ ..,.... --· • ·--. .,.....,....,, and hut.,.. PM. wtlllanl.JL CllluAal ae;rond t.h&t cl\)''1 .)A.ond-:;, J une ii =-~ 18 -.JI 0i ~in a ~:n f eu· 't for occr Y..terda.7'• dmatlona laft tb• ~S..-.... ~ .-,__--· =: -1M JUtWt w1U -t dip~• to ...,._ In the coK of Ute ll(ht au oriz g or · needed amount •l f902,14. "'We ADie.. __. ••' waq • .,,...._ .1..,s...: ' ,..-TDMd.&y, June l2 -1 10 U Cba.J'lnel Park ot Lota 1 and J. &NI. certatn or ptnj aow," c-.Mlcin.r--~ 91na AJllert& ~--• _ ... __ •~"-__ ..,_ .... __ •_•_m ________ ,._.,. __ """'-~·U!a __ .. .:..o. __ ~----W~odn==""="'~·~June 13 jQ 61 Bloek'\J.-41, C&nal ia.cu.on. I nounced ere... C•pt&ln 'hm A~ . .ruasU.. .A.An Atms J'obn TbomM CUtUa, I !Qd!,...._ ---n. pt'el mlnary budl'll:t tcr Plett.I · l.tOftl" wWw. oea..n Armatrons Mell.IN. Dalton, Judlll'I Ad J:liW, ' llM-OT' u a pproved by Oranr-~aln J ohnny B ... ln •( the ~~ Sue Avant, Jaco6 Bee&'. Sytvta R•lb 0.N, Artb .. WU·_ . c:out. Colter• Tru1tee11 at lhelr Buea, undef .. t.ed Ud.ir )'ta1' Jn Da•ld Gre10r p.Jr Michel• Mane Ham Oa)'1'1Ard, Lllllu ft.uUQnt.y·- rnMtb\s June 11. call• tor • r. the four r&CM .. be C&llllld aaked B&l Ronald Guf Bare ~Id nard. Mer Rklhard ~. ductiGn la thlll dlatrlct• tax l"lllli donOl"I to ien·d ch~• ftir Uri• ~II Barrick Horace' Jtona.ld Joye. Lynn Onlek._ ~n of appl'Olllmalely 271\oto cent.I per enw au-'° lb• Or&Ar• COut Ba.tea, Doft&ld AUen Beecher, Orucltrey. Darlene~· 1100 of UMMed valuation rounU.Uon ror Crew at Ui• 'M&J'IU*r1lll AJMU& Btjune. (Collde..e • ~ .-,.. ' ...... Th• .,.clal tax ot -H CM1t. tor • INUdJDi purpo9e• ran out OU. ,_r. Hqwe••r. a ehanl• In tlWI ._. reprdlns , ... ee •• ... 1 .tor teacMra ,,...._ u .... illUoiftar tu tit 1 ~ onta Co ...,._ w ollltptlon.I of lhe 4llCdcC. tw tllia purpoeie. ... Tb& t6ta1 budiet •Pfi••al ~ Ole ll'Ull... Included 9' •• tul'l'll ot 11.184,903. ot thi. .... 1611.llO will ba carried forward u a l)a1*ace tram UN-OI. XOet of Ulllll tlel.uc4: la M-nM.tlt .. tor tM eempletJon at W!Ntq projeeU MW tft prom-. "OrM... ea.. .eon.p •ii conu.u. to 1row artd to han bullclblC Mida. ": .U.te4 Or, BN1l B . Pa~. cGlep pf'MICJ.nL "H°"'"" .. .,.._ -uc1,.w -Ulll eltuatkln end h&vt been buUdtn1 to accosrunodiai.. l300 at~ whlcll w~ beU.~ will ~ tor nruler ._,. dliMN W1lhln the nl"lCt tiv .. ,...,... ,. "Oranp Cout COiiege doelll not ~ to •* UM vot~1.. to appron addition•I tu. monq ror balktlq purpoeu." M'4 ht>- e.-.nra. "We ...W continue lo re- place old -.oclM 1M.&lldlnp u •• ..,.. ..W. to .... oul-<if~ trlet "°11 .... UM tJllUOn Nada, We wtll ~ the captdt.J' I READY FOR n.AG DA1"-Boy .Scout Troop 81 ahown abov..,,under dlrection'or Scoutmuter Matt Waidelich will part ~lp.ate in Newport Harbor Elk• Lodp'• obwrvance or ,,.. Day·to be held -in the m., building, Th....-,-at 8 p. m. Tho public: le-- invited lo obltr-.. th1-lmpreuive ceremony. Jiac day wu first inatiluted in 1901 by the Gra.nt! Lodfe of our f&clUU.. by l@cthm"""''.;;;./-.CIU:W.Jlll011'1'...TOJ11"Jrlillllli _ b-WSent r---u-.. , .--left... of Sou~ O'I-. ••y "M -._"-uon. w.. _.._.., ....._._. orr .. , <"111 .... conunuo<.Kly "frtim Rowinc A.uoeia.tea, prwrits $:500 cbeclr to Oran1e Coul Collqe Crew~Bnama~•-•mo.----1 • •. m . te 10 p, "'' aech day Manarer Fred Ha.nty to .end OCC'1 fOUr-man crew lo Olympic Tri&ll. Loo~· ot the order ef B. P. 0. J4, -Staff Photo ind alao °" aalul'CM.) .. d nf'C- OD r. Hay Lanpob•,.,, .member ot the Olympic Rowtns Committ.et. -Stall Photo \ • I • • • • • fJi WALLETS --·· ······-----·~ ........ -......... 4 FLASHLIGHT ---·-········· tml.H1fssu~s~.-· 4 .... 3 PiiPREfoiDf-_ 2 ; .. iOxeo .. stit1iiER'v _____ 67 KLENZO ---·-.................. 2 ... 3 • SH AVING NEEDS ... V ......... % • ._lM 0.-t.--aec. .. 23 ENVELOPES ---···················-·-·········-~ -... ~ .-:-SNOR:-... -K-El-P-EN-_.-..... _-____ ... -.... _. __ -___ !8---1~o~w~LADEs iilRM CLOCKS ___ ·---~-51 --s4 BATH SCALES ________ _ .. e~-,., tl.iJ ·FAMILY A.,..s'tot. • Msi:•1 ...... n1•4 ... , ....... ,n..--4 ...... --"'· ...... -""' ,,,,_.,.. ., ......... ... ...,.Trr•-. .... .._. ... __ .,... ... ,..DMw" ....... ~ .._,_)• r;,.... GIVE FATHER a Hamilton or Gruen Watch YINCINT'S w..u 1.,.1r ...... or.-. ...... .... tH ........ Ta ................ FOR THURS • .fRl.·SAT. JUNt 14, 15; 16 -v-FILM ...... RolTan Clgcn , ............ .., dt1111 --·~·J I l•liz":"', 1Cl!l•1' ... 1Nr._*"r ............... .......... ~ ............ 1n ·ot1LY · YlncentS ICE CR£AM -. . OolMmc- Champagne Complete Line of Liquon & Winel PAYLFSS =.. ~~ -.;-~NU '.--1t H11d Poclltd . . ..... __ JOc 0.•h _-5fc --1/z Gallon •••• • • • 7'c -T 'f,/o ' '•/l .. , ... ' ... , ,,,,,,,..... ••• q .,._ . . SHADY '.ABC a ~a '-12 .. . CANS , 891 • ' • '. Wini SA14 1E • • • • &We Docl • booott Put him .., ' -·tap ·of ............. Fothot'• D.y witlt ~ .it.cl to his porlic~lor-. C- ch1M1 him.,. our W 11i111rful ca•ction of DecMpPW+W. u.loit Docl d.y ..,,.mon.1 ' •• I • ..... : ' IMPORTANT DIRECT MAIL NOllCE. If you .,. -on Richord's Moili09 List rwhlm !lie P..- peicl POlt-cord quemc;,,.;,. you w1N rec:eiYe in ti. cnoil to remoio octhle·on <>Ur list. If you ere f ftOt on our moiling list • • .. caH, write or iMve · your neme eod address ot !"'' ched<stonds ond -wil piece you on ii. • Hin 14> on ... : '· fl:adier " -:hag ... a ~nf's "DAO.SIZE rnellJ ·-. • • ' . . I • • .. • • ... ,..... ..... ,.-. GUESTC '1&.1.a. ._. C11·· a 2 WHl'n llCE-----e.: .. ...,..__, . 55c 1JA IAG.$ · · ,; ..;.., · · , . !\ __ .. _ .... f&tir ~SUE :_ __ 2 ,.:·1fC . ·f.:: . .. -. ' • . " ., ) ' ' • .. • ••••Y -l"IUDAY <ll•r '•k ~ 2 ' II' .COOKllS _ -, . M'l'U&DAY y..,...,... P Ir I/Ir CllSl'llS ---·-·-. 0 .......... 'w LA Yll-c:AU __._w • ' .. . ' . s~.:A s,,.~ ~~ &ufr ;])~... · .• 1~1,·1£ .. ...:.:.:.......~.::..- . _CUlili-1 EIS :_ .. ___,,_, - .'iiiOli ~=-~==::::::-:;;::::::::-~ • • • • .... tu ms! 1111,. ta=w ..... • • . • • • • .. . - I -· -· •• -• • • I . I .+~. • ' • - • • r. • • ..... > • I • •• .. • 1 .1 .Beat Speciq/ Edition . ' ' .. -. .. • ' . • • \ ) ._ ---.. • ' ; ,.,.>. ' ' ... • Best Food :Serie.s ' .. ' . ' . " .. ~ ' ' - ' • . '. " ' .. • • " ~ 3 FIRSTS ' '• ' -. .. ~ .... '~ 1 SECONDS / • I ' ' ·:&.)YARDED TO • • NEWP.bRT. 'HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' ,, -' ' • in ' ' STATE-WIDE COMPEtltJON ~ --~~ ~........._-""; ' ' j 1t " • 3.1 st Annual Convention of • I. ~: ' . Califqmia Ne~aper • • • •• Advertising . ~ ·-·-' • '.' , . ' ociation . ' - ' <'\. • . ' } • ,. ' ... '.' , o\ • -· -- , • • • ' . ..... ~· •• . . .. • • • • Be•t -Use ol Mat SerYice . , ' • ' . .,. ; r .,. • • -{ • -..~ . ·- • . .. -~ :;;; :'">' • . .. ...-, ,. • • •. ' ' .., ,, " •• • 1 · .. . ,. I • Top 10w from Porter. Kuen Tracy, 'W~ Saln -Gary 1-e, Carol Towle, JIOiborlE'\ • \ Robert _ Ormerod, DeniM A.de••, ,.JI ow a i-4 ~ey. Third row -Klc&olo Bolr, \fiJ'slal& Ciataro, A,,nno Warner, P...ei,. V-..0, Barry Bolton, ~illlam Ye.,.er. Pennf_..,, J&mM Butlor. Fourth row -llr. 'Muer, .._.. ••1• ~~ Gauley, Ronald KlrchUi. Ronald ~ .1aAaa Wat.on, Ben· Huge~ Georgia Thoma&. • Schocil. Plans P~Told P..,.,._ • ~ tow U.. MW hl .. h ...... to '" Wit .. tM north 9ftd. ot ()Dilta K-., WU reported to the "N...,,ort Jla"1or Union Hl1h ldaool boe.rd Mon· d11.y by Geori9 Und. Bom• ot th• bl.a.lllf.lnir pla.n.1 h•v. bHn ap· provied. _l>y dwputm•nt h•&d• ot UI• pt"98nl hl(h .-abool ltatf and ot.Hn·wUI M pftMnted to th• 9l.n' if tM n•& r-daJa. Ktmben et th• •talf &t the boa.rd m..un, u:pre.-t _,... Dtff lo bl &v&U&lll. lurtnC ft• ca tion to •-'P la ant .,,.7 \My could to "1M. work 09 Utei )Ilana. Und aald h• would. )l&yt tom• detail )lana n&d.y tor the boe.rd'• •ppro<nl lft Ju))> and -rd Sff!lbeni ail they ""W9Uld M rt&d to hold lped&l ~' ln ~ to approve them. It ...... ltU1 hoped i.. plua ,..Wd be f'Mdy for COftlllnacU. to haft Ul• buLld1np ""dY fbt' op- enln1 of Khool In hpt-.n"9r, 1967, but boardtlftember• admtt• , ted that th• mat'(bl. I• analL ., Mn. Bauer. Hurt Mra. F. J. e.uer. 2020 Mon· rovla St., eon. M••. 1utt•l"9d mtnor ln jurlM r.cently whan r1dh1'f with her bu.band &11d Uielr car wu ill a eoUladqn. wJUI Oil• driven by 8,-t. Mann A~t,.. , ner Jr., of Lons Beach., ..aof.4. lnr to ll&t. hil"hway pat{ef ,..... porta. na. aeddent OCCl.llftd .. Tu1tla A•e., DOrth of S&ll&a Clar# An:. kn. Bauer wu al• lendtld llly a pr1vata phyalclan. ' O.u1tgeloll COffD tcAKi. , • 25' "".... ~"· • • .011111.t1•1:-.1 I·• ,....~25'-. "'NI • PrwhH1u1h IOUS ••••••• 6• 17' ....... "'1 ocmow•na. ..... •01Mt llwJ . .&.0080'9 LA.&mrf.&. BMC.W ......... ...., BAL90A. l8LAND 'IM .......... NIWPOar ••m •o..t9'r7 . • .... .. ....~ . .. . • • . &RUNJON"'RUN BUT PEO~LE BAR WAY Tbue ._.... .o m.aiiy rrwi· ... • Utit. loc1I ~ M • ai&ht. the ~ .... j' jad l'Oeln lQ. a« ..-.. u. ~Uhin, Morton Plea4s ltilty· Oii 1\1 · ~ Check Co11t Gets Se1te1 l.ANTA: AK "(OCNS) -to prt.ca •tor a l·t.-lf. ~ ~:• "'8ll&Dcl Carl M 1-t. New· tenn. !! pcpt', ~ Ma,t U p1-M. Su~rior Court Judi"• Kflll\eUi --~ f/lf ••r-0111 ~ to two )opa &. ~lontson paaHd Mnt•nu. ~· ,.,m-._ IM ,.... ~td The defenda.n\, a carpenter h@fore llV.Ptriot ., C.nun ._,_,.. admitted 1-..:ins • a10, baJ Kenneth a. MorrlM>n. P,eck Mardi. 11 &.nd anath~ Morton. who •Id 'Ma po1ce Apl1.J. I for f20. Be aleo admit· led eentnr • pri.IOn term on • offlCtU faU:ier .., .. kllled tn llnli prior bad eheek 6QnvtcUon. l(Gl'- ot duty, .Mond&J' w•• tientenced ton 11 tn cu.to4i. ralher«l WoN"' •i4Nrt.t d~ Ute hlli1"bl of th• ......._ but catch•• were re- ported Uc,bf. Moel ot the ltllbten made-It 8" OCCIAlon tor •~llilM:b_ party and po.. lk• It.Mt bre&K1'1g,one or Uie p rillr• White. <irat• a e l 1 ll.~or1 ccmp1alMd at ~loftM...._ • who 19 cbOill!D'•clll ~ar at ...... Uie 11land on lbe rlut botloln 1' ' Da'al 10 -~ __ .. D Id 1 = .... '--YIN.... "'SH '"'!:.,: . ... •••• will -..... ..,tnta ol l"L .._ l";I .we ~ UM trip lnterut. WU ~ ... ,. t.f naftk V.1----,------- F. . . ,... erana. n.t" prutd•t. wtth a Ada • • I 1een -.. .. ,., ooumy. _.,un.. 1111 Haft Girt tu.i to baw thelr NprMet\t.11.Uve Karine I /lat. ud Mn. Walter H f la s t ror Ul• qu4'l!ll caotut choeen by Arthur Adama, O.t& M-. .,.. •pe 1..-e tb&l date. u.. parmta °' • rtrt be.by •• m '.J .. • ... , f!Ommun.IUU have tMlr June 6 ln Corona NaYal Ho.p4tal. for Sil Trl'p ..,_u ..... _""'·~IF=====;; •t.W M•• nQt armoimced ' tbe MESA . ~ n&m• ol.. UWta, Cram -14.: ,.Neulr • aouN ot Or.nge Al cat&JJM, th•. queen eoa-UPHOLSTERY l"pll.ol•terbl' a Drape17 Liberty 1-4111 CowlC.l"• .._ be9utlful fir!• will l•tanll wlll dlne •l the It. b-.d tor ... June 111 tor an •ll· Cal.tlerine Hotel and wUI M la· day lrtp to C.taUna ~•l•nd •• tent-tld Ud &1V-. prtua. They aa.....arl~ tor pLttlclpt.l·1 ;o.1~ .. ~-~~bo~t=·--~~-~·~-;~"· ZS&O :\'"'PL Blvd., ()oata .... Inc'" la UM ~ cont.Mt tor the Oranr• OOlaft.t7 Fair. Jea.nn. Mc· Qu~ r eprdlll\tlnl" lhe Oiun.Mr ol. Commer~. will enter tor Coat.a Meu. Th• ,.irl.t will leave from New- port BM.ch abOa.rd" l.al&nd Lady I aid Will "M ~ at CataUna .., .. ..,_ J1)'1.nf P'lah of 111MI"' Newport Ya~ YOU1l I ... t•.no&il W11.Qlv10..t,._.,. Ooeu ..._._ H ... Piei 1'"EWPO&r•·• MEL I •WI• PW'. ...... __,., ....... ,:#kn: ... Oa ..... f a ........... ..... 0 1t ..... •kot ........ . ... ,..... . ' . .,,,, ...................... . ..... ,..,. ......................... ..... .... ,,, 1a•1 A --· •µ ... , .. 39'. ~·]' ~43'• •. 39' ":::39' --· . • ' .,.....,ltted Freadt .~ .U·-----~ ft!-..;;... -" ~.,_... ......... l 'II Wl"=:l 1-:"')k SPE<W..W:• = 6'!:'7'"=• ............. , __ ,....,,_ . ...,. .... ~ ............ ~. ~ ""'!!-- Lr•• Ii• 1•Qlilt•":':59' ,,,11 c111 ~ ,, :::: •s• ~. F1l11r'1 I ·q 1 c.Hee ~Sl' • W.Ct1h11al afJ11e ··;;;- ~··*' I 1U.1l11 >-; "° Allllt It•<• t•••::.i:=. l1c •1t &llUS ....,., -!etc.a_ l :::J7c ~'Stc Sh .. """" u• '"":..., 26c tm1'rlll1111s · .11 ~ ~ --:::_:OlllllO$. ' -o.o•-c....i . -... BANANAS ITAlllN SQUASH · !:15c 11::-21c .. 15' '------..JI " .. 5( ~-A-scAMPEI -~ ........ o. .. ,., ... ""'4 ,... 1ftc 1!: 33c n.: 59C PEAOIS r ff'M ?Wt• . ... ·~--__ .. _,... ....... "'""' ................. 11 ..... ':."'t ................. .... -.7~~ .. ~\ I l 4 I ! I l . . • . ' .. .. •• , r .. ~ '"' Cleanest. . Plciiflts & Washes . llQE. ~ .. liiio1 c.n ---- ' - I . , Huggins-Young Al Grfndi ·COFFEE •· 1-Lb. - Can l'ftllCT Plol!Nllt'~ •~21·· ..... c . No. 300 C.n . -I • I. - - - - - --U.S. GUDI iotolQr IRP :8 W-iii1s1 I 29'.. I .', . -· -- L - - - - - -.... ~ICAN"'5TQUIAUJF · · :'ibif~1.Uco1 '5&·· -I .,.: . ' I 711SH · ... -, 711'.'.il ;:~ [ L - - - -....: - -J ·SOLE . . . .., :.:~. · ~· .. F1LL-ETS ~=-~w. , ' ... J'llBI(_ PACIFIC --LARGE ·,~·OYSTERS AB-American . Recd~ . ICE CREA 3 Fl•VOll '"-I' ~I . • . -' "i' i;.1• ;::?: ' ' . . . r .. I . I Cil I . Jc I I <i. I ,, '" • • I -' • ' • I . Al-Amenc-. ' Gr1ll1 AA ...... a.cir .. • ·EGGS . I • • • AH-American ·colored & Quar.ter9cl ·0L·10 . 2 - lest Feods IMJill~ • Recommends! ··-. 'l ( ILY-SIZE aonLE ·2a.o-1 25c ~With......, 25c ~N..aooc.n ...... ·--················· 29c· ' \Wl•IGni*' SPECIALS ' ......... 11 .... ' o.a.,w . COH• CAICI... 25' ............. • Olil1121ll, ihertl.11• & i.oi-COC«w25',.. • -..... tloJ • ..... "' ... . IOI.LI •• · ........ 11· ......... / ,, ;-4 \ ,_ .... "SlllI ......... .., CA.Kl. t ....... Yin , I ~·~~~ ....... , ............... -y ........... ~ .. -, ..... -...... I ... TME FINEST, SWEET,· LUSciOUS · LARGE~S~E ARIZONA . ' . . VINE-RIPENED EITRA·FAMCY MEDl!JM·LARGE GOLD DUST Ripe, Juicy & Full of Flavor! ' • f)e/icatessen UOUORS . . .. l.U.. Pk9. Another Carload Just In! All-American Eastern .GRAND TASTE SUCED AU-IEEP BOLOGNA,~~ • OSCAl MAYa SKINl:ISS SAUSAGE I • • • CASE OF 24 s3a9 I 2.0Z. CANS' . You .. ;;. $1.6 I owr .,._,_iuM h1tom Bffn & $1.31 I-thon WMtem loorol • Cl 59 SMOKIES -':~~ All-American • 86-Proof Blended Fifth $ WISCONSIN RINDLISS CHUSE LONGHORN Wollman'• -l'WI l'lntl ILUE CHEESE DRESSING II A PAIT.OWNH Of SOUTHHN CALIFOINIA'S MOST ~ YOUNG lll@J(IT CHAINI •WHISKEY I , • Wl'YI rstCD tT AT SI .ti LIU ?MAN OTHll COMPAIAIU ..... c· lb. • All-AmeriCClll s • • c • •PR. GIN Fifth 55 • . ' • wrn NK:H IT AT ... LIU THAM ~ ..... OOf ...... , 49 LET ·YOUR SAYINGS EARN YOU ·, 60 / Per ' In~ .. , In All-American / O year • l'llEFEllED STOCKI ' lnterost Pold Quorterlyl FOi COMl'l.ITE DETAILS, ctfKX. wmt YOUll .. Au..AMEIUCAN MAIKfT MANAoat • NORWALK ... EWPORT ... CH COi .. NlllO• a PICllBI Ult COAST lllllWAT AT ,..,. -DAILY _ "TL MIDlml -t• A.Ill. n1 -P.111. MILT ' ....... .,. T& '1 ..... lllllA'f'I f AM. M 1 NL "~~~;:~~,~~, ~~~J~~~~;t! .• ! ... "c=NTI ..-. .. , AM. ro •• '"' 111nan • u.. '°,. •.111 •A.M.ntt•M .. ........,.t4.N ,.., ..... . -' , • -. • • . -. •• • ---. - •• ,. l ~ . -. . . . . . ,. .. . • . ! , . ' • . . . . > ... . . '. . • -· ·-·· I ) , ........ - niilfuRE GREEN FLAG -View of otock field with dri:ver• ready to go to wofk. Btock car racing begixi1 in Huntington 1 La~. Model St~~ Car .Racing Slated unday at Huntington • • Americana ~ quite partial to m&llde;tory that the nrst five their (Jl'f4Uy , which 11 .Or* autol H I.I.ken to a gal'J,&e Im· of many rea~ that puaencer inedlate'3-' after the finish for a 1u1to racing lN become one oC compJe&.e lnapectlon, o t t rc J a I 1 the napon'1 Je c 1pol'l• atth.e• $i9(nt dUt. Uona. •,• ·:_ . PM-race favorite !1 Chuck Newe;.t' trac 1o otter thl• t)'pt, KeeJdn.t, Gar<kna, first la .P,aetnc of campeUU~ ,i. J(unUnctoit Co&4 potnt atandlltg1 Ud aeeond Beach !itadJum, which preaen!-f nationally. He pilot.a a UH a-uui, ;i, 210-Iap Jl rogr1m of late mbd4il' Troy R uttman ta«! U\.e aame cu ~tock" . ...,..drr racing on Sundliy t.o Wln USAr. m1ln event.I r.t G•r- nlght. Time trial• begin at l, dena ind Vallejo. belore he de- firat race at 8:30 p.m. Th.,.. .• a puUCa for the lndia-potia 600- 10-l&f i:f'dPhy da1h, IHI-lap 11eml· miler. malno11i11"iJ1•tui,1Ung ~0-lap ma1n ~uent. Park'• Lloyd DAne guru event! otC\.he quarter·mlle oval the 196j bucgy that'• ca.r.r:led him It 11 ;locatcd a t the juncU011 ot to 11teoftt1 behlnti Meekina In Hlgh9"o\'S '101 and 39. Coa1t point.I and eighth naUon· The world'• leading atock car ..Uy, 11upetv1-inc group -NAICA.lt--Driwr1 •111 be battlln( 't out 11 aai\cUonlng the meet. Tb.Mi u-tor a '3,2QO pune In adCDUOft to 11ure1~ that 1trlcPJ 8&0c:k po'ot.a that detemtln1 \.be champ· equlpm~nt •• 11pectfied (a Gie rWe iiNlll!lp. Three Pha.nl&, Artz. book• will be on the cars. It i. ddver1 are expectfli to turnl1h "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"" · Californlan1 a hot tl(llt -Bill Moor•, Jack Rlcl\.l.rdaon and Bob ' Lou M.itchl'll, m&ru1.ge.r ot op· .,.Uou tor the aponaurtnr Hunt· Mo*f rn.ac.y. · l~cton BMch Am•nea11 Legion, EYE BALL, MA -That seems to be ad'1ce ~ung , · repocU U&&t a general returbl1h· Richard Douglau gives Mr!. John C. DOttglall Jr. Lal ~N.'" inc has ben riven the io.ooo-on new 18-holB'San Clenlente Municipal Golf courae. ~ ~ :::'...:. .. :; :~.:,::•·""'· '"' Links , Fans Get free Golf R0cket ! Blast Exhibition at Christening Rips County Legion ·Nines FEDERAL SA VIN&S l LOAN ASSOCIATION rwo 0 FI' IC II To Servo Yoo LA GUN C: ANO UN CLIM QUICK 24 HOUR SERYlCI LOW • E MONTHLY PAYMtNTs FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICI FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKIN& _S_C_RQW SERVI Cl £fflCIENTL Y OPERATED -LAGUJ\IA IEl\011" 222 0cMft AW. PHONE HY. 4.1177 SAN CLEMENTE . 601 N. El c-1..-RMI PHONE HYadnth 2-1195 or HYacinth 2·1196 • ~· ,Set ....... F9tivities Jn --- HA An~c11 Honon ~ lo~ Grady Nei l • t:Os ANGELE!t:--crady Neal. RESIDENTIAi: 1 STRIAL -COM!i.4tR:~,dl NO JOB TOO LARGE O)l WI SOth SL, N•...port Beach , ~) llU llubor %5SS ., , ,, .. , ........ YOUNO saoor CHAMP -Devi<! Kim .. , 15, t18 Sour Harbor, 11 not only 19M Southern Califomia Junior Smallbore Rifle champion, but Friday nigbt be e.t&blllhed a new open ~ge record at the South ____ ,.,_ Cout Gun Club. Hill 8COre wU '60x40x9 in the 'ecope lllsht nlatch 1hot on a M-metre reduced ~et at :iO ya1'IL · Kirnes Could . . Hit Naflonal Shoot Mark a.tung a MW open ruse nc- ord i.t U.. wMkly NIU. ApPJ'O"d lmall-~ Rifle Toumam.1nt kid l'rld&y msht at the South Cout Gun Club on M.acA.rthur Blvd., louted belwean Banla Ana a.nd corona. dal Mar, wu D&Tid Klmea, a1e l~. ot f lS Bnu1 Har- bo<. In I.he 40·ahot pro~ "any" 1111hl match. 60-melre nduced t.arpt al &O yard1, u.tni Ule n- ttelun~n f O-X Rine wtlh tel1- 9e0plc atgbU and Wutem Mark m ammunltlon. David ahot a perfttl acore of f OO:ittO and con- tlnued. until "dropptnc an X", to lhoot II more X'1. Whet.Mr or not Da.vtd'• l>COrt! Ill~ Ow naUon.al record la not known at Ul!• Uma; however, club otflcl&1-fttl that IJ... the new rlft&'e record wtll be of !iJ COUGHTRY REPEATS AS DIAMOND'S BEST . '°"!!~"'::; ,,.. ......... or Ill On.nee c.ounty, anyway, topt in bueball ia Oranre Cout College'• whip-Match No. i. 11tme type match armed thtn man, Wayne Coughtry, left. The nifty Bue twirler1 on the bul• of hill e:ii;cipt Wlth' "m•talltc" atrttu. maldJ\1 htm "Hll'h Man" of lbe undefeated Eutern Conference pitching record for the at&te JC champm, became evimnc With • total .c:ore or ',the flnt athlete to win two coiweeut.ive Oran.Se ,County Bueb&.11 Player ot. the 7t2x69x9. Since the tncqUon ot Year atr'&f'd8. Grady Neal , ttibt, received trophy from KWIZ 8})0rtl-director, Gu. lbne matchu, leu ow. • year ap, David hu taken a tot&l of Grebe u Tra.ckmaii of the Year. --OCNS Photo 11 medlJa. ~------------------------~-----------1 ff• learned to ohoot at lbe RULE · CHANGES, DRAFT SET ·UP, . - NEXT TRYOUT 'SET IN KID BALL Still Boys ' -Time for l'lc:at.or Area Sip Up for . Season to South Cout ~ jlMf. .. yHr qo and, In IHI than t monthll prior to r"MCbins' h1a J.&th blrtll- day, eanwd the Junior m.tin- ruJ.abed RJ.neman award from tbe HaUCN.I Rlrlt A.odation ot A.bM.riCL ftequtramen.U fOiT tNa award are very risk! -11 pbuH ot quallftcaUon fh1q in' prone. llWq, lmNllft&' and lt&ndlq JIOLlitUona. Da\14 19 ... the llN lloutb.'!rn c.a.u.tornta JWlfor lmall· MN Rine Cb&mploa. H• ill U.. .,.. "oC' llr. and Mn. WUl1am r . - \ .., ...... -... -,,.,, -·--· • Or~ ...u;,, ·few aa MWt acru.J1 ,...,_.. ls tdl*-ltd tor f p.m. tomon'Olr la COW'd1 da&nl~ra at N.wport .._. G1\7 a.n. Aecn&UOMI Dlnetor Boll CHJtpi~ ..id noUce1 hit.YI! btm aent to dYle tlWlll. Cburcb.._ 1Admll'7 and that all other Ill~ P"OUPI Mould oontaet U.. ltaare&U<>11 n.. pe.t"\.m"t ot \ht dt, ball for f\lr\Mr JAlonnaUon. ' "1t'• important tb&t rephM:Otatt... 9f al! proopecuv11 t.u'la atUD4 tM ftrot ortantau._ -U.. tomarrow ," • OlnlricJ:l ..W., ..... ··- Com.mencemcnt~Shoi I Shocked by Giants. 10.7 • .. -· .. "'._"'I • . . BbGrt of pla)"ml Mc&UH 0( tour ~ti, two NM pd • ._ • commcn~t. U.. 0-tt MM& ODL • • P1rat .. dro,,..t a 10-T eoa'-l TIMo P$nt• .,,.... ... C . · . .... lttqi. --"'9ted u.= w th• toWttf'l.l1 Watt. Ga.ntl ....,,.. ~ t.o add g • on di• rtvt.1 ll•Jd IWldq. troubl• -· 1--------------..,.--------1 Gf:M RalH 1**S U.. local -•'-'"". ·cAGElS HADY 'l'O 'GO ..... P"W"· -i.; °""' "" 11\-••• ,.ri.....t f .:: I flv•. 01W1 A doubl .. and b&tUq .,.__.._ t ..... • .. · Qu " ...... """' """'· Shoot .. Trlumpf ~~ Harbor's Summer ' •int shartn1 P'tchtas duu .. were Jim Nowld, .. ltoa B ..... cl< .,4 •~1 -ol IM • • · Bill Webll, Newtirll tWirled yard, ~Dli.rci llcllt ..self» Gives '57 Tar Prev' ie·w '~· ,...., ....... •• ......... "" ...... "'"" -~ alx TUn. &nd a baltodo&u Wal.kl r&A~ off Xae..\.l'UMlr' ............ wblle atrlkiftc Ol.lt lln'eG. Earl B. D&llut.u. ot 11 .. ~­ Herplck worlted two lDllinp, Yi"' Rot.d, aout.111 l.q'\all& ...-:. Nlne aenlon and one jUnior . from nut 1euoo'il Newport Harbor Hilih School S&llor bultetb&ll te&m, defendinc Sumet. ~arue champs, will • perform on Ricb&rd'• Market quintet in the Anaheim aummer cage league UDdtt ~h Buck Bean. &Uowin1 two hJt.s. • palT ot In lti• 200 • rarf. &aJ' -, tallie• and thrM •trolla. Wetael match. Lan IW ot llt "W:: tolled two rounda, permitUnc sold w11 Ole ~ctor. ··-· · The114 Informal evenu, IM'!:·- the Hcond 8'fJ'daY of MA! monlh. are Ult &maUboni • ..-.= Bir Bore nn. maLcbu wWcili-- are open to 1nyon•. .:; • The Mnkml •ho Wt.11 warm up Green •nd HM.rotln 11 ti;u1 rW.. thla -.unmer for OoM:tli JWN Alrt•dy lhe H1rbonl .. 11 are At St11dent Wins Prize kw Theme • LISTEN 0..1•'1 PNP Tan naxt win.tu favo~ lo cop lh• A L"Mll:lff' Porl<'r Taylor, acrlcuilu" ·atu- ar. Ton\ KouKon, John Henro-Cf11Wn 1c1ln1t entiie• rro111 An•· dent 11.t Otange Coa1t College, tin, Gary ONen., · llddl1 Pope. helm, f' u 11 er ton, Hunl1ni;ton won tlrit place in the annu..J Gene HubM.rd, Joha 1.A'Wla, Bud &1.ch. G1rden Crov .. 1111i1 Or-b h thrn1e C!i nl(•s t 11poraored y l e Thomp110n, Bob A.Ueo. Ud J erry 1nge. G1une11 wUl h" 1d .• 1t'd C1.llfom!a F ertLllzer A-.aoclatlon. Kemper. Mond1y 1nd WedneadM ) •t~•l1ng Taylor i't'celved a cne<:k for $2~ lo the Shearaon, Jlammlll · '. "Private Wit•'' . -. And ti you don't think cagy a t 7 p. m. In ooa of lht• Ana· .. hi• firllt place 1.ward. Topic of O•ae l1 ''-dtn1 kneedeep ln belm area um1. the thenll' v.a11 "The Ui'll ot Fer- cauti., talent, there ara Mflln' ------------· l t1 U~era on Calltomla Puturea KABC-6:30 P.M: ~ other 1enlor1 eha.mplnc at the I· _ Daily Mon. thru Fri,. ~ • ......... bit for t~T&r yanlty tiulntet PIRATES OPEN and Nath•e Rang-ea". neat wtnt.er who arin"t Oft th• The lh<'me writing "''II a pro- -~ LEAGUE SUNDA Y ~t of .. 11 n1crnben of lhe Soll• n..:nard'• club. Clut taught by R. R. Barrett at II AND ONl!I IUNIOlt Co .. ...... P1 I I o ••••• c --.1 eo11.· ... ,,,.. • rari p"'y ·- Market Quotaliom · · ·· Financial Newa . , Bu1ir)eu Commenl.U')' Interview1 Junk>r Bob Vlllacn-n• w I 11 p~1111ntld by •lllO perlonn for Bean'• boy• l.helr firl\ R io H ondo Lo.>~i.;1Jt1 lht.. aummer. The problem l•eed by Bean Of how to play all.oil1 rMltr dur1 nc the 1Ummer c•C'• ""'"°"' w•1 eaHd by 8t&Jl Bchm!M worktnc I.JM n.h lhl• llUtnll'ler and RLdt. Palaferr1 &.olltn1 for &'•me In Ule Loa Ano;,'lct MWUclp&I Bueb&ll A ISVlLll.• ~ .-p[',m·s=; SHEARSON. HAMMILL '-CO. '11~•1111•u11 Uon on the rival flt ld Mun- day, It WU announi:-rd by Manaj'er Ed Lane. ::l:llJlHllDAL•C¥Mllt!ilC ~ ~J!EJ7V ,,, .. .,,, ,,.1 .. l.S.•' ,.,.1.,,.,...,., ... .. ,.,..,,,,. s .... 1 .,., c-"'-'"' , ...... ,.. 3331 Via Udo Hu. i660 hla dad. Opposition f or I he Uuc nine wtn be fumh1hed bv the Newport Beach ltTAllTIN°0 LISEUP _ Oian.ce1 ara th.I •tartk.1 Rich· arlf'• lineup, when Newport Har- bor opt.OS delen11 ol Ila Claat A Anahalm cbainpkmlblp Mon- day night. will be: Loft&' Tom Hou1ton at center, Eddie Pope Loo Angelo. Couter1 al ~velt Park, 7600 t;ra· h&m Ave., Lo11 An,11;elta. Ca.me ume la acheduled tor 2 p.m. Sunday. CONCRETE BLOCKS tu z.01s4 l P UllJ..Bl.OCK OOllPANV -!~2:1 8 . ~lala ~1.. f'\•nt.. and John Lewta at forward, and 1------------P UMICI: -CINDt::R. A.!llU t.:U/'\U.tt:I •. t.l.L t::~l'i REIN't--URCING 8Tt::l:L &ad Mlll'l'l.1£." , Be our guest at an open-house celehratio11 Thursday, Friday, Saturday ' • June 14, 15, 16 THI SAVINGS CO-'Nll OF OllANGE COUNTY • 17TH AT MAIN, SANTA _A.HA Formal Opening of fhe new quarters of MISS.ON SAVINGS etHI l.oe1t Auociotio!' 17th at Main • Santa Ana rw..-ln.tted to vt.it u. durtni the openh11 or our -ota-. W•'N proud of our new home and ..,. wut >"" '° -.~t. We'll ba ilvtna ~ tha .._ ILIO ......,.. ot ~ and elt.ld.nt •rv\ol m ' MW &ts Jlwn ot «JDVMlieftCll', Now out of the downtown tn.fftc, with loilds ol euil7 aco.ail>U pu1dnc .... and all tha J.ltMt In mode"' ottid eqtdpmnt, JOQIU rind MlUlon Savtnp will be )"OW' ~...-. ~ Savtnp A.cclounta. Homa ~ ....,_. ~ C111ritUM.a Cub Barinp. llOlt&l9 fl'M .. ..,..,._Man. and Tnftkft Q,ecka_ • OFFICEll.S OF MISSION SAVINGS OM HAND TO Gll.llT YOU W . .l. OlflaHta Pr•fM' - ....... w..c -- OPIN HOUSI CILllllA TION HOUU Thursday, June l 4th... .. -.. -..••. 9 to' P .M. Fndoy1 Juno l 5th ..••.• _. __ 9 1<1 I P.M. Soru.day, June 16'11 .. --'---·-' 1<1' P.M. ' Fii.ii Glm FOii. ALL WHO ATTEND OUll. OPINIHe, SO Ill.ING YOUl FAMILY. SPECIAL Glm FOi THOSE WHO OPlM MIW ACCOUNTS and Loan Association 17th et Mel• • s. ........ Ph-KIMNrly 7.51n .. n ....., of y ... , ... ; .... ._ ...... $10,000 .., ... ·-I ......... 1-o .... _ c..,.. ..... • • i " .... 1 --· ··-... ·- -.. . ' ·' ~ .. ·--· -- ·-·-· ... ·-· ·-~ ·-~ ~ -·-·· ·-· -. ·"" . . ~ ·:-.. .-: .·· ..... ' .. ~ ... . • ' • •• • .. - ' ' FLAG DAY .WINDOW ON MESA . Mrs; Roberi. L. Keppen (left), flag chairman of the Daughters or the American Republic, Col. William Cabbell Chapter, la handling Flag Day obaervance . in Coeta Meaa._ aasi.sted by Mrs . .&. R. Harbeson, chairman DAR American 111- diana committee. The Flag Day display in the window of Pinkley's Costa Men _.Ph&rm&ey, 1820 Newport Blvd., has been the subject of numeroua comment.a 'from passersby. -Staff Photo • SUPERVISORS of that Jury wll• Fred Auf.Jtn· Dodn k1mp. ':lie Re-elected Hi. ah10 revealed the Jiii')' •-~ dl1ru~•·ng forn111tlon of a lll!I. Board Chairman n1anent cor11n1lttee of ex-grand I (0ontlnued from 11rel F•1e1 . sept grand jurof'I Will meet agllln 1(19n with the 1961'.1 group unUer e z'..omley w. Hiil • of Laguna Beach. juryn1en to adv1&e and con!Ull Judg1 Donald J . Dodge wu wit h !utur .. gi encl juries. He 1131•1 reeleclt'd chalrm11n and Mn. the 19~~ gr1n1 Jury had the fePl· RonaJd B1rlow aecraU.ry or the Ing Lta efforts hl \'e pro\'ed futile boaht of Newport Harbor Union becaUlle they H.!llll~rtedly hl!Vrn'l High School •t tJ'i1 rerular been followed up by the board of meeUnr Mond1y. 1upenl\10r1. I Otncer1 were reelected follow· The Jury today recommended 1 ing certlflcaUon of the reelec- lht4!tt additional judgea be a p-, t!on or Hadd. Ring and Don Dun· pointed to Superior Court htrf'. I gan •• me.mbe~1 ot the boe.rd. ln reao1ution Conn. the re· ------------- • PAGE-10. PART l-ol'GWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS , • WE1>Ni:5PAY, JUNE 131 I~ • l ~~J!!! ... ' CAk Approves • MlildtmM&Qr otfttldfi'll "1lo p .... MDtlr tl'OWd the alr-.d)' 0¥er- tued taellltiH Of lM 0...nge Ouuilty Jail 8'.r(M.l c:bar1ed that Olrtaln pubUe otnc_ialll are' tiect.d to ottkt. ... nd then prroqpUy to..- pt I.heir ~bUlti• to ~ 1-X:JMl,)'t'l'9... The jury ...toreman. did not' klenUty an1 o( • ti\• ..,l.ll)lic._ ottjc~ .. bbt ·~l«l "t.h• rb of th • c,rand ' j,ary ,J• to ~ the count1 from iOme Gt .Jt. -public MrVant.I.'' Susent aid NOOm.daUon1 mede by rn.nd juri• "'er the put. tu )e6111 ba•• Men larsely lpored by the 1\1~ M Al.,,.n· Fund for. RunwaJ$ TM p..u· A~nau.ua COm· m1111ot1. b9.• 'e.pptoved • kt.JM allot111ent dl!rln.a ~ lH.7 ntcaJ year tO llieltncl l'W'IW•Y• •l the Ortlll;I• Cowlty Alrport, acootd· l11f to word received by ~ New ... Pr_. from Coarrueman James B. U\t.. • ntUit. Sar-pot -~ today'p Th\, money ~PreMIJll th• meetln,.-I• tlie to~ruoaw t1' rovemmut'a porttoo of 110;.000 lhnll&r meeUnp the bOdJ ho~ rieedtd to flnlt.h purcbue Ot to bold wlt.h membeni ot p-and land at th,. eut end and part Juries who 11erved on th• ·venlre ot tM ~ ti\d' ol . the airport ~ lMI. "I i.blnk It mlsht runway• tcw "dear aonu" (q.. M MM to tona· llOme tort of c•nl land al did of hinw&)'llJ. orpniuUon Of U·J'l'lll\d Jury Thi• L. th• second allotm~,l memben," S.rgut decl.and, "• lhe airport. bu ~ved trom that w• mlrht b...,. clOM ll&t9on the rovtmmenl. Th• ftrat which , with put Jury membet:t. knOW tou.led SN.000 I• beinc lo\Md to what they recommended and Mil! pul"Cha.H M ... acru at the eut t that action ii carried qut," Saar end of lh•. runway, aceordiiic to rel .. Id auch or1antutk>n1 haw William H. Nlchol.s, airport been e•tabli•hed .ln IOme coun-inanqer.- WHEEi SCHOOL'S Oll't TOlllOBROW-Jumping the gun a liWe but~ ~ the spirit ot the occaaion, 9eCOnd graders or NeWJ)Ort School grab· bathlne wlbo and ball playiJI&' oqulpment and tou books away ma.rking tbe beglnnluc of IUm.D'ler vac'.ation toinorrbw. The iida don~ have to go to school Friday. LDcQ youngsten (I. tor.) are Klk.e Roeacb, T; Christine Buccola, 8; Billy Nunan, 1, &\ld Jo-Anne Klrlrpatriclt\ 7. -Staff .Photo . . tlu. "and h'iVi proved lo ~ A l.J\lrd allotn1ent, 1tlll pend· very aucceuful." ~-.1-t:NLA.RGING GROUP Ing, d .. ~ .... on aprova.J ot the "that tu.~ here an not 101na denna.n: who lo build \he home• Th, p•o"°"d or-ntu.Uon, •hlfUnr ot MacArthur eivd., to get any \eu. A properly plan· for Dudley Smlth, objected to e-Nlchola aald. od 1 d t" Id Sargent Nid, would M , a per-, n n WI , ,al prouam wou th• reUOl'llng the tn.ct 1bould manent, c1;1natantly entarrtnr l!:•tabll•hment 1;1f "clear JOnM" provide a more equitable tu be turned down bec1u1e ot In· ll'QUp, which would hav• no of· were recommmded by th• Doo-bUe." .:reaaed t.xe1 for achoolll. "U n I I •· •. b t ould d·-'-· Utlle Cornmlalion, Kid Nlcbola, ..... -ue dd·" •• ot yol! dlupp•ov• thl• -·bdlvl"on ca ..... n ing. u ~ • .. ..., ln 11n ertort to cut down .. ~... 1 ""' a "0 "" •Y jurymen ln otrlee on what had on warntnr. "Ir Ut\1 le deveklped ~uae of bringing In more crllthet In retldenUal are11, _ .. \Id tran1plred during their tenure. a1 a ,realde11Ual lll1trlct, lndU1lr)I' ""' rtn. you mu11t dlupprove S1rgent 111id hi hu talked thl' wW 10 to 8.anta An&." Ke ell· other 11ubdivl1lon1 for the 1a.me propo1ed organization over With Richards Girt lorn plained Ulat becau• lb• llob Nuon." 1 prNent and p .. t rr'-nd jurymen acrn we1t or HaJ1¥>r Blvd. !llESA LA.'liU 1nd the propo•l ha• met with The Gray Rlcharda, '203 Prest-north and llOUth ot Giller Bt. !mlth. .. td h11 600 acre• wu I favorable reaction. dent P lace, Colt.a Me-. are i>U· had been zoned M·l on th• ma.-meK Lilnd 11nd lhat induat.ry "lt a rrvd jury'• recommend· ent1 or a Jirl bota May 2$ ln ler plan. the Se1eral(Om B'ro9 .. 1hould ~ eirtablllhed on land at10111 aren't acted upon," Sar· HOii HOlpital.. major prop1rty qwner In Lhe fa.rt.her norU\ wbue poor drain· sent 1tated, "then wbat'• the Afff had blcome lnUrested ln •I• make• It unsuitable for dlvillon .amewhel'fl el.le to tow!\ but not at lhi• loc&Uon.'' Smith and Kaldeno.an. WW take th• battle to th• city coun- cil tor flnlil a~Uon next wHk. Fireplace Fix- and Leecraft Barbecues yo9 C9ft...,, ;fNlfllljl ~ M B•rgent 1a1d gr11.nd Jury re· pOrtl tdr U1e Jut lf'n yellra have blen genii over and "10me very Important recommendatlona to th• boe.rd of •Upervlmr1 have not been e&rrled out." H• added t.b.a.t hi• unit 11 going' to check th• leg1llty of rettlnl" 1 court releaBe of a grand jury report made a decade aro. Chalrn1a.n commendation ""'I.I made to thr 1tate legiela(ure. the jUdir1sl -------------1 council, the govem1;1r, and the UH of having ua in offlc• in MESA ZON hold.In( It for lnd\Qtly. home•. "Doe• eoata Mesa pro- the nnt place?" ING Letting aoo a~ of th• ..t-p<>lll to limit It.a &TQWtb? lf Contract Additions The jury bead acored inaction uon become ralde:nUaJ are& naay ycu'r• 101ng to deYelop Ulll on the pe.rt of the •w}MrVl.t0rla1 (Conti•__, freat.. Flnil: h(el cau1e negoUaUOrw to break mucb lnduatrial acneare. where , Approved for Scltool boanJ u the principal to c a I •mple: •na tot.a' lbcome from down o" l.M balance, be potnled are the ' people rolng-to Uve ?" A ·'llt l point oI pno~nt pl1na. HO"''e,vtt-,1taxe1 of tM J'reedom Home1 ouL Jndu.Uy m••h'"IN.fo-ed to toe 11ked. "t 1;1n1 to th" ('Ontn.ct for ,. •--..... "" ... r rectlun or • new t•liuroom he .. Id, Cfe comblnf'<t "cltlt.en'1 i.nct only jUlt pay1 for the mov1 elltewhere, ' l Comm111loner Wilson before 22~ So. Santa Ana Mein St. Kl S.2789 • county board of 1upervi110111 Today ' S N Y After 1n extrn1lve 11tully .. r . • ' the cru"Lled 11 1;1.J calendi.1. tlle Stock Report jury contended the "nec11111ty 101 three addltional Superior Court -------------ldepartment1 by late ' 19~7 Is buildLnr wrt·e approved by. the l~vt1tlgaUn1 committee" would pollce protection \n the •~a." HuJh Haldenn:i of the .,f.. he mov~l lu deny, at.a.led he N t H ~ U 1 H 1 h a"° look Into the aeUon1 of all Sco\·1lle told Ole c:Omml...ttm stn~rtng firm of Jennlnp-H•I· "would ](J~t! to hllve thi• sub·, rwpor •rvvr nun f eltttlve 1nd pppo.lntiv1 1;1fflcer~1 ----,·· -------------·L,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ S~hool board ,.lond11y to Include of the county. "Some of theie _._ _ _ • - obvlou•." terr11u:o noor1 it I! ('Oil or J3220. terrlt.ZO lltlll ll to coet polltlcl1n11 niak11 Iota of proml1,.1 $~17 11nrl venetl11n bl1nd11 lo ('Oil and tell what they'll do for I.he -ll304. Purch1uu• of l<)l'k"r• 11t a county." he 11elll. ",.nfl \\'hen D<>\\'..lttnH A\'f'l"a,(1"11 lhl"y R"t . Into office they do NE(\' YORK STOCK REPORT --:..SY SHEARSON -HA.MJ.ULL. NE\VPORT BEACH. Knepfler Birth ... 78 1 29 A baby girl WHI born June 6 ro11t of $!'i:i00 \\'a• held In abey· )""' ai •h.,. pl••··.·· 30 l ndu1trial1 ___ ., . up . "" ...._ 20 fta1l11 .. 166.~3 up 1.40 In (,'oron11 I\'l!,.,d Hol!lpital t" ance. CIPE1'' 8'ESSJOS8 10 Ullhtle• . 86.19 up .28 1'1arlne Sgt. 11n I ~I r~. Jo~··rh The rontr'u~t wu lf't rr('ently s 11rgent At.Id Uie o pen lt'lllllonll % p.m. \'olum"' 1,1%0.000 Charle• Kn ep fle r, Ne\\'l>Olt ltn Secre11t Ir f'ttlh of \\'h1ttler ,,.,•ould be held to let the publt c Americ11.n Smelting . -··· . 02 Beach for •282·~L know Whit h~ irolng on anll ac- A merican Telephone .. -~-180'-~--------------quaint them wlth charge1 which ~naconda ....... ·• 73% REA GRADS l rl11on. 1'l1ry Sylvla At orrl1on Gary have been multeN>d about, but Chry1\er ·-··" -·-·····. 61'.1"'-Dean Myrick, Stephen Gustav ha\·e not brought official action. DuPont ... -..••. 208'4 Nelwn. Stephen Jowph Nemetz: It I~ rxpktt'd that 1uben11 will General Electric .... . 1'.18~ (Continued from Fil"lt r•fel I JI. Frank Allf'n New.on. Chary\e ti.. l!!I Ued and prominent county General Motor•. 43~ ba.r. SUll.J\ Jane Dunlap, David Ann l'O•igent, Richan.IC. O'Brien. political fl111res wtll bf! called Gimbel Bto1 .. -·-...... 2t"-Arnokl Dunn. Oa\•td Meltoa Eb Marian Let Oliver. Penelope Le& before the OPftl Jury, af!Mloft&: -Oreat NorthtTn R'. R. ..... •J WendeU-Ray-Eehol•. S~ L.y · Open.Uiaw. Geora-e Douglu o... C'lMllthouee ·offlelal•. queried No . .Amencan Aviation ···-... 89\' EdlUna, &f.m.\lf.L_\VJlty E t ro1kl, l.tt Raymond OUa. a.a lo the tan 6prn 11e1.ioo o r.ft N . Y. Centr11J -· . JS"ii Mary Allyi..:rig.T;."' la,ry Gerald!ne Louilll! Ott. He.-Mrt-Dra•p County Grand Juq coW4. /Monterey Oil . .. J.:1 111 Evaftl. Pamr.la Cynthia E•Mlll· Rlley 0\'eT"!l<.'n. Carolyn Fly Page. Ml remember IUCh I hearing SlncLair OU 6&" Myrna Elo\11e Feathninr;ill. Pet•r Arden \\infield Paff. Andrea ovrr the past 18 yeani. ·so. Cal. Ed1110n 1'.11 Ronakl 1''et1.thcrston. Virginia Jean Papineau. George Richard Here I• a IL•t or notable Standard 011 of Calif ... 100 '• Charlott'! 1''egley, Thon1a11 Emory Paquet, f~l)'n11;1nd Eugene Park11, recommendaUon1 Of the 1961'.1 So. Pacific ... -~l '• Feeler, David Leonard Fiedoro-Gordon Bruce P1r10n1 Melvin county grind Jury: Tranaamerica ... .. ............ 'OV. wtc1. ~ DMD Flatt. Ralph Robert 1-'l tle'-on Jen~lfer Ann oll'RV Rt:C'OM.\IESOATIOSS Union Oil of Calif. .. &Cl CtaytOn -1'"1eener: Wiiliam Ralph Paynt', sur.anne Pe.al'90n. Mit.cia Control of •ch.ool -------------I Fleming. Catherine Elenor Fo-Bllnuelo11 Peralta, Edward Eac.a-•hould bl taken from local DEATH N'"'TICE rarty. Charle• Edwant Fowler. mlll11. Pf'n«t. Joe David P•tt:ir:, 11ehool board~ 1n1t J:"iven to the • Roermary Fuller, Loulae Gar· Mario Jo11qi1ln Pere:J Sharon county clerk• office. ________ ._ ____ lc111.. Nancy C..rolyn Garrl10n, Pat• Lynn PP.rkln& Terry~ P•rklna Need .een for m1;1re lighting &.""TONIO llJOUERA 'Holy Roaary w1• recited y..- \.1!.rd&y at 8 p. m. ln Park.- Ridley M.ortu1ry Ch&p1l for An· tonlo RudolphO Hlpera. Tri. of 1511 Monrov• A.,.,. o.ta M ... x... wa• c.lebnted Uli. mor.- bll' at 9 o'clGck In It J01chim C&Uiollc CIMM"Ch, th• ~. Thom· u J . Ne"'*' ~unr. rlcla Ann Ga'y, Paul Wallace Get-William Scoti. Perklw.. Kathry~ dlstrlcta and more actio n on chell. K&lhlf~ Lout• 'GetUer, Mai Phegley, Marsaret Lucille eewer development. Janet M&rlf' Ghiaelin. Allen Le-Plcil:ena, Judith Karen Pixley, Replacement ot lhe Harbor roy Glblon, Gregory Stephen Gld· Jacquellne Dorothy Prather Dor-Blvd. bridge o~r th!' 811.nta . • Ana R1ver becaUllll! It t• 11 botUe-ney. Thomu Donald Gilbert. ll Ann Prlce. Janice Bue Pric•, neck and traffl h rd Cbriltlne LyM GUI. l'red Aron J•rry Lee Queener, Jimmy Lie Nl!fld for mo~ ':'od~rn IC· OIU.U. Gary Gerard Glet. Dom Q\llck. Anna Mae Ra.iruJ. RJchan1 counttnr methods In the ottlce1 Kallu'p!. GOodwtn. Rlcha.rd Oraat. Danni• Ripp, Lynn Fftdericlr. of .. t'Or llJt collector and Rulb Ellen Grluer. Vlckl IM ·Raef1nyder .• Richard Clevel*i.d alldltor. ' )(T. KtplC'a dlld at hl8 homl aundly. Ill wu • MCODO. 1.ner- a"Dorl ca.Jttondu. taont. In El Monte. a.nd hid lived In Costa M-., for 27 yean. He wu • ,..Ut'ld tanner. Grow, Ronald Jerry Hachez. War• R~. Clvde \Yayne Rice. Wlnl· ren 1-Haddock, Barbara Joan fred Sue Rice, Timolhy Rlch&rda, fladle:y, Lavonne Kather)l')l Bahn. Janet Elaine Rlder.•8t.en'Lee Ronald EdWard Hakel, ~udllb R1•man, RamGf.& Marie 1U,-1ra, EU. Hand, Chad Chriatian Kan· Beatrice N. Roa. Unda Lou Robe· 11en. liUwrron Lee Kan.on. Jack 10n. Lou Ellen RobinlOn. Stephen Neal HarJ?'OVe. Sydll"J Lff Hart. \V, Robln10n, Barry B. Rockwell, Robert Delmer Kua. Paul Robert Martha. Toby .Rogoff. ~ra.Jdlne H..Ue.-Vktor Halchrr, MlcbaJ Martel Rcn111ro, J owanna Sue JMn H.a~n, Unda Ann Hayl, Roill, Frollne Ruiz. Saphen Dale Jfrald A.IJ4!n Hehn, Shella Elaine SamJMOn, parbara Ellen S11.nch1z. Hendl?reon, Ramona Kay Hetrick. Bobb! .. Gene S.n~r1, Thomae Donald Scott Hewe1, William Lee Sandoval, Carmelita Sara(tMI&. Hlcka, Wil\la.m R.ldlard Hoffman. Suunn" B. Schnelder. jon 09.vtd Diane Virginia Borland. Law· Schorle . Roy Kenneth BchrDt!der, renc• J olln Holm1, Jilla.lne Louin Rlch•nl IA't Scrugg11, John Tho· Hood, Carolyn Joy Howard. Tho-ma• Sl'ller11. Linda Ann Seymour, mu Kiorl Huber. Benldlct Qf:orge WL1!lan1 Harold Sh1w, Earline H-uql. Eliubelh Hurley. Judy Erm11 Sheeley, JoAnn Shrader. Roll Hutter. &mnle Lee Jack10n, Jame• Ray Sinon. John Adam COunty ll'euurer. Mr. Gl!rd· ner, out 0( bla office too much Without le&'Vfns any place lo call hbn. Better public relation1 needed Ir. Ole building department. Jail ll.Ild juvenile hall lhould be under aupervllion of the be1IU1 depe.rtmenL Facil\Ue!! for handllns-ju"'!!nlll! dt!llnq,uency found tn be vefy lnadequal ... HOflpltal c.o nditton1 found crowded. many buildings_ old. and In nttd or replacement. cllnlc, medlclll •nd p1ychopathlc werd• bldly overloaded, ~t •hortage of ho•plt1l ~d!I with only .8 of a bed per 1000 popula· tton av•Ll•ble. H• I• eurvlved by hi• ¥o·l!e. au.a. of lbe home; four aon1. AJeunder T ., ~bl.rt ind Ip•· ~do, ot · Coata M,e... Al1;1nao. of AJ\l,hl!lm: MVen daa(bten. Mr1. aaudlna CuWlo of Pl•cenua. Mn. Dettteda OUWlo of Ana· Mlm. MrL nsna. Morale:ir: of B&Jdwln P1rk, Kn. 8.ally Rou.a of Celt.a Mu&, )(l'I.. Beatrice Jk)'es of La KaWa. Mrs. Lucy Anplo of I"uent.e, and Mlee Toni ~ ot eo.ta Mea; al80 31 lfUdchlldren &ftd OM lfl·ea.l· ""'dehlld. Chu* Jack.on, David Edwtn Slnlde, Ruth Marte Slater. Sh.&r· A I Jacquea, Pal.rlcl• Ann JohMon. on Lf't! Sla}1.on, Stanley Walker ng en Meet Friday llltunumt wu ~Cemetery. In Holy Sl'pUI· Phytu..RuUl Johnlon, Carol Mar-Sml!h. Garold Syr1l &irtor, Un· garet. Jonu. RO("er John Juhl, da M11.ry Spencer, O. Oil.BERT S!llALLF.V M.s.ryklou Kabll. Roy 6enn1., Ann Carolyn Stanley-,-Llnd11. • Kent. Lee Sletlcr, banlel Robert St.ver· J\m•tal 11rvlc1 for G. Giibert Georl" RJ.cba.rd King. Barban. 10n, Jame• \Ylln1 Stewart. Patr1· H&p l BmalW, 11, of 540 Avo-A.no KirJtpatrlc:J!;, Betl,y GaJl Kl· eta Ann Stewart. Robert Charle• !'db SL, Colla MeM I~ 8C.'h9d· 11er, Donna Lee Kroop. Ronald Stipp. Je11n Arthur Stone. Tho- W-4 at 2 p. m. tomorrow In Pt!n"Y Kye1. Doyne ?>targattt mu 'dl.M.n.: T1tiara. Ll.eLonnle hrku·R1dlef Mortuary chapel. Ladwlf. Gary Emmelt Lamar. Edith Taylor. Marlin Robert Tay- 1ll• J\1:¥, E.lrl Beitler of Lake-O.nnla Edward Langley. Ja.ne El· lor, Janlt'I! Ileen Tegland. Anita 'ffOOd, pulbrjot -t•• Reorganl:ir:ed \en Laurie. Cha.riff LawaM, Betty Tho~aaine Thomp.c>n. Edward ChOtth ol If.alter Day Saint.I, Marie Lawver, Stephen Philip Ger11ld Thompaon. Roger Bruce wlJI. offtclate, aMt.trd by H~r-i-,, Geof"l'll! Raymond Lee. Sha· Thunaton. Douglu Lynn Trapp, ~r H•nnonf Lodse IOOF Ni;r. ron YYOnM L<rt.chner, Edwa.rd Ron11ld Charlee Ttenla, Judith It ot Coll• MHI. lntemment Robert Leon. Barb&ra Ann Lewtl. Delph\' Turnl'r. Robert Wllllam wtll be In Wetlmln•ter Memorial Stephco R~rt Lew\t ChHll!r Twf'ddell. J uanita EspP.rllnr.a Vil· .Park Cf'metery. Thon1u Loomls., Robert Eurene enaUl!la. Donn11 Le-e Van Zyll, Mr . Small1y died whil• •l•it• Lo\lvl.er Brian DouJIU Luca• Phylh1 Bobby Van Trr••· Sandra t~_ln corona del Mar a/l•r · • ~ ln ill hl!alul t or M'n!r'al Pa&nela Marjorie Ludlam. Pa-Loul11e Varvil, Carolyn 1.-Ver-_.-tha. A native of Bprtn,netd. trltla ~nny Lynch. Mk:hal!I WU-rnlly1, Robert Denni• Vlrgo. Ttp -Mo .. M earn• to -California ln Ham Mt'Olel1an. Nancy Jo Mc· Unda Walker. St..lnley Eugene ifl2. II'• h4!N tor u..-----.m oiena.n. J-.net Ellen Mc:Cturr. Da.· Waltl!n, Na.ncy Pearl ward, II • rid Lei Mc.Farland. Patricia Shara Ann W•rd, Dixie Lee War- A_ , J>J tr..-lit'. Broal-Mary MeMill&n, M1rsbl. Sharon ren. Sbaron Lee Wataon. xary )iy .,...--Ycit--Uiit BniddJ' Baro· ltlCPbunA. Ruth Ell•belh Mc· Ann Wat.ta, Bllrbara Jean Weblr. ber &bop tor 11 ,...,.._ He wu Shane, Unda Lei Macklnlolh, Luth4"r Jerry Welch. Richard • m.,_,\.e.r ot th• OddfeJk>ws Ru .. 11 Lee Ma.lllowt, Eugene Wf'll•, Pertleda ca.rrell The Frldey Anglerl! Luncheon club will hold a aoclaJ mfftlng Ft1!la,v noon at the Newport Har- bor Y1oht Club. Jnformauon ••In l>e rtven on fl1hln1 charter• and trophies i nd the summer ptOITlflll will be announced. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL ' Lodfll and Lbl ).Ire.I t:ncamp-Je1.nlW" Clrolyn :Martin. Mary Wb~le. Unda Sue \Vhllman, \\'II· menl u rif al u.41 Canton of Thereaa Marllnu. Angelina JOH-llam Rob<•1'\ \\'ldolf. P11tricla \hat order. IH .,.. a.i.o a mem· phinl' JrlaniO\e, Janice N.W. Marie Wllhlte, Albert C. \VIUcut. ~r of the ..... P-1.N Goepel Malb41Wa. Loia JO&lllll Ml-ll'M!ll, Alma Je1n MUiford. MerilM Otutth ot ~ Me•. Nancy CorW,M Maxwell, Fe~-Gf'ne WLHWn•. J oyt'I! Ann Wiii.Oft. CALL SECURITY COMMBCIAL PATIOL 2-7021 Kl 8u-rvl\00rl lnt'lucle h\1 wldoW. do MllftOI Mrndrea. Miry Ann Pl.trl.8'.1 Anne Wileman. Alan uwan H .. of the bora• adtlte .. ; MendeL Clarl!ft« Otto J.liller, FT'f'(l~k \\'oodric/I. CYnlhla EU· three won1, William H., Sant• Ol.niel Lake MJlll!r. Glen Ed""·ard •beth \\orman. M1,.;h1 ROMll& I Ana. Melvin l.., Mhtw1y City Miller, Jewel Ann M.1\11, Jo-L)'lfh Wyer1 Carolyn Florenr r Y•rd. I a nd ValjMn of Boonevillt, {"1llf-: 1'Uner. \Vllbam J.tartln Mitehell, Louise Ferr> Yrl11ley, C1 ml Jee.n a• brotlll!r. Jame11 nf lndtn, 1.11d MUJll&ll Haul Morita, Gtiry Touna and Thomll Stephen tl,l)ll r raadchlldren. \\'a1ne MOl ri .. Gary Lei Mor· Zodda i:..--=-------.IJI ' 4 ---------. -• · .. • ...U:ll< r 1•-W • .J~ ..,..,, _,d Electn>nlc .Machines· • operatlne· fw. your lnspectiqn. The famou1 Nichols collection of rare .coin• will be on dlsplay. • Models of prize-winning homes designed by Orange Coost College architecture students wlll be shown. • I There will be o gift f0< every Refr .. hmentl of let creom and wlll be -.-..i Cllll thii Sundeck visitor. coke ' l • • I• ' .. • MORE HORACE ENSIGN Miu Gene Dulin'e Claaa 8 • 8, Horace Ensign School, will join othere tomorrow for graduation rites. Top row, from left, James Watson, Sherry FJorin, James Martin, Nancy Gardner, Whitney Roy, Unda Harria, William McCa[_thy, ~ary J&n e Hambrook, William Keppen ; second row, from· left, Davia Pope, J eff Winslow, Carolyn Rapp, Ja.mea GRADE Ml T. I. FARRIS Top row from left, Judy Havena, EleAnor Godines, Pamela Giles, Arin Lelgh Pearce, Betty Jean Swapp, Patty Clark, Mike Tandy, Phyllis Ackennan, Tom StevenJ. Sec- ond row -Collen Rupp, Dick Smith, Sharon John- 90h, Norman Hackerford, Priscilla Jarvis, J im • 1" • • ORA.DE 8-11, mBN G1WNAl'll -Finl ,_ rrom left, Richard A.adenon, Cathy Coldoff, Bill Champion. N ... ,Cyr, Don Drake, Bettijean Guon· ther, Roy Carter. Jan Hobel, Tom Markham. Second row-Pam ,Wagner. chirle. Hou.e, Diane RJgs, · Sleve Humphrey, Sunn Gould, Tony Uer, N&Dem • • • GRADUATES READY Martin, Tina Bruning, David Bair, Joann Ha.Uber(, Barkley Basa.be, Sandy Godwin ; third row, Vivian Brown, Ben Lientz, Penny .$mitb, Mike Fitzwater, Ha.rriett Hammond, Steve Seiersen, Carol M.orge.n- son, Mark Conaty, Irene Ciet&ro; fourth row, M.iN Dulin, Linda Caudell. Jody Frot:t, Carol Crum, Jeanette Ritter, Robert Warmington. D'Errico, Valerie Lowen, Brian Bruderlln. Gain Taugh. Third row-Judy Hem.treet, Du.te OlrlCb, Barbara Lace, .Bill Karges, Margy Kel.eo, Buddy Yo4ng, Sue Purcell, Jack Stoneback:.· Fourth row -Mr. Farris, Donald Swanson, Darlene McManipl, Tad TobitL Fox, Bill hrry, Kathy Soper. 'l'hlnl row-iw- Baboon, Min ~po. Unda Spratt. Bill Lee, Jackie Stanp, Steve IA(erlor, Sherry Sc:bmldt. ~nnia Kreutel. Fourth row-Mn. Gronalh., Mike Marshall. TeTry Reeder. Joel M.i~r. lllke Phoenill:, Jim Warmington, Charlotte Marx and Bob YO\LDI . ' -.· NEWPORT HAltlOlt NEW~AAT 11 ·PAGE I oo~ frosh • • Wl:pNESQAt ~NE ll, 1'56 ._ 1.;~~~~~~"!"~~...,~...:1 ..... , .. ~~~··--=:":'~·:i-~~:":'~1 I SCRAP MATERIALS~ • Schol~tpi,~ ,, f9R RECREATION ~~p~IOOA ' _ 1b9 N""°" B..cb ft.c~ pepartm•t). f'l!\Ul'I • out a ~ tor ~p-In. ~ ~ ,pd .cnp mat.eriil.I MOl8Mry for tbe eODc1UcUn1 or lMtr lfWNMI' I I ·'···-Crat\ procram. Item. wtiiall .,. __ ,,, fM' tll' many -6&ried eratt ~jeet.I are •• fOHOwll: tuaa fleb can-.. · buUona of all tlae. .nd l/pN. old felt hata, piecu ot cotton ~ i*ln and print.cl, ctaar MlaM with J~ llftd wooct.n~ol&\l lti... , i.,.. ~ i lnte~ elU..n1 who may hava any of the above- -• j ~,-'"llited ll~I. or know where lbe\Y cao be all4JMd. u a • contrfbuhon to the proSTam, ara uk-1 to C..U ~r l!iOI!. • . . • • Jleft'la cu a.Lio dropped otf at tha Park. Beach and ltecnatton He64QUuten Bulldlas at JTJ.t.I W._~ Blff., Mid U.. Community Yout.b Cent.4'1'.bf 0orom. d*1 )la.r, N.EW HIGH SCHOOL SURVEY ORDERED Rurwy O( · tM ""' hl1h itchool ~ndli wa1 •uthorta- ed X.y ~ by Newport Harbor UnJon Hlltl lkbool b(ard Oil repretientaUClll • Of Supt. Sidney Da'1d9Clll that the eowmment retaulN!d e'Vt!r:rthlnc-on or · tn the Cf'OWIU to be ldenttfted. Thia lianlaaLkm lncludu wch thine• .. pl~ In the r-ound •nd MM(neipta, Dav- ldeon a&ld. O.ridlon hu alre&Cty open- ed •n ncrow for t.h1 traa .. , ... at Ult! property be told. the bM.-d which YOted to taka out inMlranc• · 4a t.M title. Appnl.MJ or tll• ll'l"OUftd.s coet u,. ~ POO. but ttw JO'ff"""l:nl W'lll tell haw much t>'Ht lf'OUJ'd wu •ppn.IMd tor WMn It pt.I l'Mdy, DeY'ld-. a.Id. • • • . . -. "God 9rant UI "'-.MreAity to acc.opf t!M thlncp ... e.1nnol ~I !ti. CO<lr•9• to che099 !ti. lhl1191 ... -end · t'1e witdom to lnow the diffa19ne.1." (A. Anon.I . · OCC . Trustees Give 27¥21 'fax Relief to District With th• over-tner.Alng tnad tow.ord hJsh<r '•n*lon ••• have teplclally rood new• today witla -·at that Oruc• Cout Oollop ....... J(Ollday nlJbt ·-ed a prellminary lladfet wlllch calla for a dilttrict tax reduction ot 271,1 ceatai per •100 ••teaed v1l111tion. i:n-ucb u Newport Bea<:h City Council hu indicated there will bo a 21-<:ent tu -In thia munlclf*llty, •• know 111 taxpayen wl.D welcome the OCC reducUon. Tbe eollta:e 1pecia1 tu ot 29 eentl for buildinc purpo111 ran out thil! year but an ldd.Jtlonal tax ot 1~ ctnta wu requ.1.red. by law to CO"f'f!r lt&eber retirement psy. 'Tho tnui1-apptVVed • tot&! bqet whlcb bu -ndituna of fl,894,903, of wbicb $lllll,350 will be carried forward .I.a a balance from th• nat.a1 year endiD.c Ju..oe 30. Moet of the bah.nee it et..rmat&ed tor completion ot bqllding project. under w1y. . -. . Ifft on.n. ~-tho antNI or o......i 1Mhn'1. -1. thu bcalplnr to .... Ille di;y, "Tba Star 19pearled Ba•-lint l1'IMil "*"" ~ u • -• r...,.,... "'u.. llPt-.C Ille .n., proudly t1ylDr over hit McR.1 ~ I tollowlll Ille Brit1M .,__t of ~ U.H. llH, ....... -t J[q pol! Illa patrlolle tlJouClila Into • _., -entitled "'Ille Dot.-of l'ort lie> Hou,..· wlllch,,.. ~ "" --el tho -. -Amerlcu and ~ tlu'oqlooat Ille ell)' •. Tbe .popolo<e -d11Cowro4 tllat """ lmp11"'1aad • .._could bo •unr to .. old ra-. ·-• lfoann." and the -wu p1blkhecl ID -....tc r-Wider the title oi "The lltar 8p11nrled Jltanor"' iY CarT'1 Muaic Store. But It wam't ... w Kan:l! S, 1931, that Preoldent Herbert H ... er aimed an act otrlctally mlllntr "The. Star s-1oc1 Jkn..... our national anthem. Captain John Paul JoD09 firul'4 --1 ID three "tlnta" in conn<ctlon with lalotory ot tho J'laf: , r .. ·ut.i ~ .. :la~·~~ ·:;1u, P«fJ.'' J "' I ~ \ ' •llM•·~ •• NO COMMENT Dr. Bui! H. Petenon, college preaide:t1t, point. out lD 1 ·news .tory juet. releued that OCC wt1J. con- tinue to ('rOW a.nd have buildin1 need. but that the t---sitlleir<~ bujld<nc .Jo • ..conWn _;JOO pupil• • which within five yeua are Upected to en.roll 1n day ct.u... He added additionally t!le colles• did not plui to uk votere for more fundi u old wooden 1tructurea will bl repl&ced t.hroucb thrltty UM of fund. available. A.loo the college will inereuo facll· tty capadty by ntending the day of operation. 'nit n1c wu first flown from an Amerieu aaft! ·-1 wb•n Captain Jo ... ~It·-Ille u.s.a. Rancer. arcbored In Portamauth, N . H., lhortly after th& adoption of tb• Stan and Strfpoa by the ConUn- ental Coo(Y'Uoll OD June lt, 1777. The Flag t1own from the aWf of the Ranger, under comm.ind of Jone., received t h e tint aalute fl'Ollll a toreirn powe.r (the French fleet) in Quebt.ron Bay near Breat on J'eb. 14, 1778. THE CAPITAL WEEK to eon· -and 1eek to ,. •• T'Ut aort ot lhinklnl' we believe OCC di.ltrict tupayen will find to their liking. That aort of plan· ninr dwn• commendation. Noth.in& like beartn1 that pJ1nnln1 for th• fut..u.re hu been thourht of in the put and will, Ucord.J.Dciy, IM th• college operation conduct.d In j}il. mwn-Uke manner. W1 doll our hot to the eonece t.nLltea a.nd t.helr admin.latn.ti•• aidll. TbeJ )ave lllt other public pverntnr bodJe. a fine uample. Flag Day Commemoration ~Urie 14 A Patriotic Duty . Aa Newport Harbor folk tom.orTOW join tht hation 1n ot.ervtnr F1ag Day, a few tbouahlll Oil Old Clory are in orckr. ldemorWWnr of Flac Day Ui On April 2•, 1178 the Britiah man-of-war, H. B. M. 8. o'ra.ke, became tht first torelgn wa.rahJp to 8'tr't.ke ber colon to th• A.mutcan Flag. C.ptaJ.n Jone1 wu oa. the bridge of the victoriout Ranger. n. im.med..i.Jte pred.ecMIOr of the Stan and Strtpm, accQrcilnr to hiltoriau, wu the Grand Union n., whlc:h cloeeiy AHD>biod the Britlab ..Wp.,De- alcnecl by a Contin<Dt&i Co-Commltt.e COID- pooed or Benjamin P'ranlrlln, Benjamin Harrlaon and 'lbomu Lynch In 177~. thio Ftac bad 13 altmiata nd and wb.ite etripe. and the Crou of 8t. Georce and St. All.drew on a blue fte1d... The Continental Congreu didn't ~e up lh1 bull· neu ot a~thorl&tng a P\ai for ~ 18 colon.iea \lDtU neeriy a year alttt th<f bad decluad their lncleptn- clence from the BrftWI Crown_ On Jun1 B , 1777 tho Cont.i.ne:ntal Conireu reeolved that the you.nc Repub- lic'• banner ahould have "13 •tan. whJta on a blue , field, npr"Mtmtinl & new conate.llaUon. '' Old G!ory WU born. Proud to be an American cltµ.en ! Let everybody know it tomorrow, Flar Dey, 179th birthday of th• Stan and Stripea -SHOW YOUR CX>LORS ! 111 WALTER L llARKDUIL United Preu Staff Col'l'Qpondent SACRillENTO, (UPJ -Gov. GoodWln J. KniJht appearw to bt a man dedicated to a new deal for boxinl &nd wnollllla: ID Clliforn!L Kore tJtM a ,._.. -co. wMn in Lot Allf•I• ht -1lo would knl(bt tint ~ lM bad nibmlt ht. re.i.pat!On. .. t up a ~ltu. to in....,.u. Jl'hllllP11 and Rouatoa wer. •P- 1•l4 the .,-t la CIJifomii. potnted to the commtuM>n by thth wu .om• tmpolll• .nick-former Gov. marl W&nWL. 1rlllr UllOal the poliUcOll l.n tM Th• oth9" UtrM mm on th• C&ptt.oL comml .. lon we,.. appointed by Th• f•Uftl' OJ>AilMd by .amt KnJ1hL ~ WU th&t U)' lJ:IYHU• R&ADY TO QUD' fation Of bca.tq and WTMWnl would M a ..._,., beau.. Of The roVffftor aald M under- t.M r•l•''='blp \.Mt ..w1.ed ... lltood al.I ILYI commiakln•rl lwMft KalPt ud memb9n of wue na.dJ' to qu.ll. And. b• hi. f..U,, XAIPt'• .on·lli·law •des.cl, h• {KnlrbtJ had put no Yi l\oNrt S.toa. lM AAr.U. pn.1urt1 on thtm to ret ouL all0f'M1', wbo S. U.. .on o( cal KnlsJ!t al.a •trHMd lh•l .. &at,on, promlaent LN .A.np}M ta.r u h1 knew lh•r• had b4ICD bcminr &ad .,...Ulnr promo~. no accuMUona of m~duet Knll'bl c:boM tor bU chlet ln· aplnet the com.mt.Ion.,.• "but VNU1at.or a tonn•r lta.ntord to 1•t thln1• on • better bUl•, Unll tnl.ty t&ekl9 named Jam• ft Hem1 advlAbl• to 1tart with &. Caz. Tbe P"~r tln&nced !undaJnent.ala." Ul• probe wtUa a '60.000 •J>-J'Wld•ment.aJe In th• rover· IMAL.LU 8V&PLUI l"urthermore, dNplla an ever· lf'O'W1..nl acoeomy, tha jOlnl aim• mJttM el.at( pNClict. a allfhU)' ana.ller •urplua tor the; !ilU.I y-.r M1Uu1.1111 JulJ' l -only Sl.J btllioft -ap1n due to In· ue&Md 1pendl.n1. Proponent. of Lu: reduction alao mU1t face lh• fa.ct that lb• HOUM, In acttnl' on tm. a ppropri- •Uon blU. tor tt.lal yaar 1857, made ••t nduction.1 ot only about ltOO mllllon. or 1.2 per c.nt from a total of »O.~ bU- llon requeatld. ~ on Ila 1'9COrd, t.h.e 8•n· 1te le not u,.etad to cut below thl• amount. u UU. bOdy La nor- mally mor• r en.erou.a tb&n t.h.1 Houaa. "38,4,..ILI BILL 811\1.lor 8tylu Brldl',. (R· N.H.J -uaallln1 lh1 bW - •Id that nevtr before bu Con- IT•,. been aaked to ••thort&• rov•rnment d •••l o pm•at of . purely an el.ctrk: pent.' .. project. . Alwey1 before. ha aa.id,. ot.hrr' d1m.ent1 were lnYOlv.cl.. And h• •ddld : ''Enactment of lhle bill would r•pr.mt th• 1TMt•t victory Y•l •ccompllahf:d not only by U\OM who. phlloeophy requtru the unlimited u:panalon of pub- lk po_,., but by t.hOH who would natlon•llae all our baa!c tndu..trt ... " Daplta lhHe W11.mln1a, the !ena t.e puaecS the lAhman t D· N.T.) bW by a vot.a or U to l~ (wtth at.pt not voUnt). t o f the main project.I of the B . P. 0. E.. whkb. hu uabld tu legal obeuvance Cn.oe 180'1. , Who deoi(fted the fim Amerteua fief! 1-d it thet Bet.y ROI. doolped the on,tnel Stan 1.dd Stripe.. Tb• fact is, however, that h.Wtorlallll b..ve never been able to establl& ju.et who dJd dela1p &Jle first Fla1. Accordinc to tho buJfetln ioaued 111 }he U. S. Qu.artermut.er General'e OtftCt oa. May 38. 1892, "the deslper (or the u. 8. J'laf) iii not knowD, • ).Dd that'• the way it 1u.ndl today. Editorial Circuit Rider proprtaUOQ ft'om hi. own ape~al nor'• book, It -m•, me&J1.• Ul&t tunda and iaw ra1-d th1 ante th• pre..nt comm!Nton ahould by anotM.r 1ao.ooo. ret Ot.lt. I·------------------------ Th• 1n ... upUon tu.med out Th• 1ovttnor laid out hla it be a t\lr•lined, 1old-pll.l.*t peUclH on bollln1 and WTut.llilf ------------------------·l•DNtioa. Tut.lmony at h~ uai. way: AFFAIRS OF STATE 111 HENBY 0. lleeAJttJfUB With hi1h·level ca.mpa.irning to thick 1D the a1r you can tut< it, Calllomle editors continued piu1rtn1 thalr thwnba into th• political pie to prl>cluce rood for tboulbL eowett. t1pten bad "taken • "W•'d lik1 to have boxln(' and div•", that tt1ht ma.M.1ert1 alao wre1Uln1 on a better bu!• In N"ed ._. promota'"' that un· C.llfoml•. Thl1 lr-elipauon ofl·-----------------------· 2 Through the ye&n, 1ince the btrth of the Re-e-bllc, two other theories on the ort,ba. of the St.an d Stripea lutv• been advanced: that J'ruclo llop- eon, a lligner ot the .O,Cl.ua.Uoa ot Independm.-., :lleoicned tti. first Flag; tlutt tho Oo&t of Anaui of 5vuhlnaton'1 family in Sulpa•o 11.aaor, ll:n,land, ppired the <IMicn. J.. in the cue or Belay a-- »efther or theae baa been documented.. ! lo the early d&ya of our Republic a .uipe u Will !--• 1tar wd added to the nae u each new 8tate fOlned the Union. U It weren't tor a reeolut.iou :pa.ed by Consreu on April H , 1818, today you'd a,eed a pretty 1t0Ut at&ff to diaplay the, Stan ud Jtrlpe1. The re110lutlon provided that: there lboukl h 13 .trlpe11, a 1tar for each of 'the ·20 .tu. tba ~ th• Unlon, and that on the J'ourth of J\tly follow• :)as UM entry ol every new State another .U, tie ~dee!. · ; Hiltori&na credit Samuel Chuter Reid, an Amert. Fan naval ofticer, with 1ug1estln1 that tht ,,.,,. dctnal 13 1trlpea be retained and a lt&r added for new State enterinr the Un.ion. Old Glory bad toualy taken on another it.ripe u ...U u a. Aar · ;rtth t.ba addlUon of a State. Reid 11.o wotL a pla.ot Lt b.l.ltory fo r a nav&l victory ln tht War Ot 1112. , A.I Commander of the privateer, General Armatron1, 1wl r.pu11ec1 .an attack by a Britilb oqlledml In th• ""° ~r ot h.yal, Azoret lalanM, on Sept. 28, 1814. ~e ;rictory prevented the British ahipa from reaching Sallnu Californian: "Steve.neon mu.at be con1Jdertd the auu.ortud cutti of-...,.· purM.1 th• commt.-ion) la on• of th• Wl:rtl Laken &nd that· .-i1mbere 1t.epe that will aid In tmprovln1 of lll• nv1·man Stat• Athl1ttc the 1t.atU1. I bel1-v• we can fronl NIUler, whll1 Kefauver 11· A, II 1 tlon s. 1UU with 1•-.--. ol· Commlqlon w1r1 not entirely conduct boxln1 and wr11t n1 n Ilka a borM on Ula out1lda try· ... -.. ....... 111 1 b bl th1r la on fttm l"f'O"IDd. Tblf'I ~vt~ to th• ro•n1e-on. ca om a on a ¥try onO'I"• • 1111 to com1 up. l lnca hi.I early .. of be •I•, d•fMll •I Ke!au ....... hand•. th• •r• • JIWYI r 'dutl ho,.... TO CLSAS HOL'llE fonn1r Jlllnot. 1ov1rnor hu ho\le:rlq ln tha b&ck·l'f'C'Wld ud i...t J'Tlday, at • new• t'On· don• nothlnr etart1tn1 at th• pr•Um.&blJ1 raUytnr 1• IUppor'l fer1nca In &a.cramwto. Kntrht "'l"hl• wtU lncreue th• cop· polla. But neither hu he been tor UiemN "• toward the Oltt• med• It dear he lnll!:nd.e to !ldence of the tan• and wUI be d•m•jed •lr•b.. M be h ... ISW'· r:-1o ithowdown • · · Preeldmt cleut. hOUN. •""" more prospen)U• to lb• V1nd •ucc-..lve WH k1 WU.bout Eleenhowe.r'i po.Ilion Wiii be Me ta.Id th•l If the member• promoter• end partlctpanl•. '"' new Injury, 'hi• latent talent hi.I difficult to challenae. how~er, ere So'"< to ellmlnat1 111 the.H MORE OONFWt:..~CE Th -plo "· lid of the pr-e.mt commhMlon wl•h come lo the 11UrfMl9 In .ome • r ·-.... ve con enc1 In abuHe It we can -end we'll him m .. ,. -'h h to --'v• Ula 1ov1rnor a frH band •t&W whlcft c.hOOM del•J•t•• In · v _,, L an any ot er •· ,. , •• ,. 0... by ,,,1., If w• oan·t Id t 1 by turnlnr I.A lftetr t"eelrnat10n•. .. • "' .. cOftvtnUone or JIOfl·prMldenUa.I prr• •n n recent memory." 1•t tha "·•t 110·•-m•nlal) N R I t I .. I thlnk lt would be edvtaable uc • '" prt.rnli.r1ee.'' •pa es • er: .. t 11 oft.Ml etruclure." cont nded that lh rl 1nd I would acce-pt them." 1At11 Beach Pn.u·T•l•1ram: e 1 P me.ry wt· 1<11L1ht u ld he hMI l""'O pr1· • H'-A II • I op la weal& ... -..... In That wu U.ken by mo•l r~ • .. C 'l"l!T9 1tarr11n-I) n.C• • ~ many mery 1to.l1 tn mind: ll'ltty hu Included • Hr1ea or ca1ee reeult. or the pniterenUal porter• to mean that the c:.over-I. To bl aure lh• 'participant. •pMC:hM hl1hly crtUc:al of th• vol• arn'l blndln1 on de.lt11t,.. nor wu openly ln'lttln1 !ht com-1•t every dollar I.hey a re •n· • ltlMfthowtt admlnl.lt,..tton. It The !act ta that ln 12 ot the 11 ml•lon. to •tep dO"lrn, tJUld to ftld aet adequate pro- hae \rw:luded. lllan, ht. occuk>na.l l•talff that hold pl"lrnar'I .. ) Uta PreHDt munben of lha com· tecUon medically. ttm.lndtt to •udlencee ' U\at hi• vote le bln41n1. lt Juat happena mLNlon a.re Norma.n 0 . Kou.ton 2. To ckn.lop an etmoeph•rti Mm• wtll be put 1n nomination that tmpartul lllinota al'ld Pm.· ot IM A.J11ai.. • chairman: In the •port "° thal th• pneral al the Democratic National con~ n1ylvanta a r• •in o n I' tboee Joeepb L. PbUlJpa of Ian Fran· public feelt. ev•ry mi.t.ch la on WfttlOI\ ·e1 a candidate and not where It ii not ... Tha blr cl1eo: Dr . .D&n 0 . Kilroy of the aqua.re. Ju.t u • fe\l"OC'lte eon' .. , A• point '-that it can be and often Sacramento: Edw1.Td I. Bick of The ro•emor A id Ul•l when lh• 1peeulat1on roe•. wllen Ke-11 moNi than 1uftlclent to rt•• LOii An&1lea and !. Tllomu hf took oflce he had bffn told rauver and Steven.on collld• at the l1adln1 national polKldanl 8uccla.relll of Arlln1ton. that "you can't have boidnr and Chlc•io ~H•rry) Tr11m1n and th• cuff they need at nominal· Aa o! 1.ut Friday, PhllllPll wre•Ulnr In calltomla on a com· Tammeny Bou Cerrnln1 de Sa· Int lltne." already h&d Hiit ln a letttr of> pletely honut ind bl&h 1rad1 p~ wtll bl 1tandlnf by to pulh P&OPL& BltWU..0ERUf Nlt,naUon, OGPCedln1 that .the plane." Hamman In aa lh• ~rk hone." O&kl&nd Tr11Nne; "One ot UM commlM&on ~ '1o.\ the -ti· "U Lh1t 11' true, r ovemment 8 ltYr:RAL DL"flALA leadlnl' Dtmocrat. of N•btuJta.. d11nc1 or Ute publk:" u • ~It hu a bdlcated," Kn.J1ht .. Id.. "I The OT!tarto • Upland• D&lly the um~ manarer tor a.. of lh• KnlPt lavut.traUon. don't believe lhal-&nd l em Report: ". . ,thf!'I'• have bftn l:1tu Kefauver, couldn't undar-And Hou1ton told newamen pint to Pf'OV• they are wron1." ~v•ra.1 dml•L• tha t PTea!.dent 1ttind why 1111 tarman didn't ·-----------------------· ElffMower mlrht chan1e bl.II tum out lJI drov11 to vota tor Grass Roots Opinion . • • SACRA.ldENTO, (CNS) -Somtth!nr of tho futility or recuJ,ation by r ovemment 'la aeen ln the recent rMit· nation.. of the .Ute athJetJo commiuion,4 whlch were riven to Governor Goodwin J. K.n.lcht 09teDa.lbly to Jive him a "tree hand" in re-orp.nilinr the 1ueervtaton ot boxln1 a1ld wt'UWnJ ln Cal.l!or- nlL Ju•t why the 11&tt or Cell· foma. •hould hav• \Ui !lnfenl In t.he replaUon ot thl• type ot 1portln1 event 11 a ('OOd qui• Uon, for the 1ventti of Ut• p&et HVeral monlha tndlcata that nu mett•r how much replaUon I.I •tl1mpted. the bua!.n-will con· Un!M about •• It pl~ any- how. Wreatllnr tor )'e&n baa Mt:n a ST••l bil jokt. Even the rnv· emor'e office d01P1 not rttornlM w"1Wn1 a• 1n ethl1ttc oont .. t. R.aUler, It Is •n exhibition, whlcb many people like lo watch. u It bouy1 up their .adl•Uc ten- denclt•. MATCH.I:~ "nXED"! Tt1Umony before l1Jl1latlv• commtttee1 Ma lndJcatad tM .ultch• are "fixed", and Uia In other tl'orda, tl'hy lhollld thiPr• be replat.IQn of ballln& and wrtatJ.tn1, Whll• mo'llllf plc-pt.all•llc can expect ~ mor• t\µ'U. 1utomolllla rac1n1, ~ than a ll'Ullt Md fT'Ol.ll &bow • baU. ud a doun or more ol.hll' th• O'Uteoma ot Wltleb o.sld be 1porU and amuaamenta proc+ed dattnn.lned ..-1,. ,.W to I.ha to ..,i.rta.1a u.e ,public w1t.boul mateb Ii.tit It ,lhf pu.1allc had th• nec..tty ot b&vtar a .. t mtr. to IOl'l\I lW'!v&l4 c.ottvef"' ot •lata rqulatl°"' a corp• ot aaUona with tM promoteat. lnapecton, r1!eN11t Ud lnvutl· Eaatly, tha ~......,_-mad41 ptore paid by Iha it.ate. and In lhe boX.lnc' ... Wl'9IWllC In· an ope door to fraud and chi-ve•UpU~ by Ult ~r'• cenery maaklt\1 It.Mil und•r U-office, and by lect*U.,. com· c.nM ol t.h• -.ta f mitt.IN, could 1'MUlt a. U.. •1· .-Uon to the 118f """"tUnll TO a..&A.H VP that t.ha .tala a~ .-ml,_ Or1Jinally, tM •tale athletle '"-'bl abollah9d ..unfs, ila•· rommluloa wu fonned to wipe lnl' an opea 'tletd for UM tJpe out a'buala la ttM bum.a.,. of ot alhl•Uo or .,._.. • •lMIUc box1n1 an d wrulllfta' •howL a!Uttltlon. . • . mind at the lut ml.nut.a and not hl1 man. To him It 1.nllcatea ~a run. Alt t.hta 1tmply reprH«'lta 'llOl't ot fnl•tn.Uon a nd bewlld· the •Qd reault ol • r•Nt'ully ttptnl on U.. ,.rt or the pao- cultlv,ttd e•mpalp 1h11t O"mo-pit.' He I.I no doubt corrtt.t. Any er-enc etrat•rl•ta hav• 1ta.rted farnt1r of Ula -Uon ha1 th• to keep the que.tlOI\ or Preld.· rtrh• to be fru9lrated and M· de.tit l:i.tnhow1r'1 h-1tll •• Lt-wlldlrM tty !he att.empta of °'' How1vtr, u eompeUUoft tnueu-rw lh•N ap,..a. to 111ia no l'd. eo d:ld U\1 abuHe until tb• more rbyiM or ,.... to ~ um1 ha• arrived Utat nm th• laUon ot boXl.ns an• .....wr.. ------------------------I adrnlnlatralora can't atomach \h• t.hart to hard·top raea.s. .. aa operation, ao they 11" up ln eumpl•. n. ~ tak• dl.,-ust and c»t.uellly, t•U th• thalJ' cha.nee• w• u.., •le.r 1overnor to take lha wJl.ol• «1r• a rtna. or .tep ta to orttr. ar ry mus and do What be can automoblJtl on a nc:. .. OOU""- wllh It. Yat In the OM ........ a ataff i . • ( JmWPORT BARBOR Xews · 'PRESS : ~ hrmtirty Urie Hawport..BaJbol H....-l'lnl• ' -. • eue MCCICI lh• \IOUif"I. R1publl· Democrau1 , Pa11.1 to I'll tnt.o can• would llkt to think th&t the NCOrd wtU. 'V'Ot1-pulHn1 111· U.. Prutdenl'• haaJUl t1 no lone· l•l•Uon U..C. had It not been 1r Ill! '-'.le at aU. but I.he fact for Pl"Mldent SIMl1howwr'1 veto. r•m•lna lMI. an tonr •• U'I• t1•ou.ld ha,.._ 1att the farm•" D<tmocrata work a t It. they can n10N con~ th.an 1Y1r be!o,..." keep the qu•etton allv1." hllar1oa Nm Trtbuae: "ln M•rc.s lu.n-atar: ·Th.la Ylc· Jndtana, we NIM. tha ~l .& D .. tFtat'• ...._. 1-tj'-"-t• 0.... r.n, I'..,.. tory t at1ve~·, tn the Or-.1on IK'Of'M an ...,. Ylctorr o"" San.. prlma..ry), 1•lfttlid hancW)' In a EllM KdauYer. WM{'e WT'Otll ~ • a.ooed-Ouf Matt• at tlMI f"OltomOI bl tf!_WPllf"t 1'el.ell. 1tat.e that often prov• a H\ler1 w\U. thla La tut Mr. El-howtr .~·1·;;;;;;;;;;"";;-11;'""';;;'"• .. ;d;";;;tho:,-;i"";;;"';;~IWdt:-;;;.-i";;;;'"';;;-;";;-;;;--1 lf•UAa rround, may be taJrly ,._ . ....,,., rwut1n1 a1atNtt l•n. K .. • • •• ,,, .....,. ......,, .... , a 7 ... l'rYIQ 117 -•Id to rTmOV• • Jood dMJ of 1 ...... ,, Hor.,.. lbl a..t0r NII· : ~ MA8<MI al19UROHO OOlll'.url' the •Uni lniUct.td 'by h.La -.rly nlq .q'llMti-lM ~L TM all ........... NSWPWd' UA.C:.. (J.U.D", ............ lat de.f•t In Minn-at.a.. It La a.c+ M>:n&tbr la a eudSda.14 tor t.11• tually lbe nnt time lhll ...aOh o.mocrallo ftOflllaaUO. for p,.... Qr SW .. ,,...... Lepl N.U.. ... .A.fnfi' ms• er A.II...._ I.hit lleveuon baa ahown .om• ldmt. 1n U.O.. lltalel n .... h• ~.,~D~a~ll~•;;"~ ... ~·;~;·~a~rW!~""'~~"~ .. ;;un; ... ~~n~;ca.~;~~~;;~N~~;;•~-1~1'N1~1 meaa11re of'lhe vote-.. ttlna tal· haa Men oppoMCI ttr &JM)that --_.. ent be uhlblled ln tl:i.2 •re1n1t ce•dldat• for U.1 _... qot t.h• M ' ~ N•• I rr ,...,.,,. A.12 It"-IUCh dlttlcult odda. Th9 outcome YOla may Mft IOml comparlaon ~ N...._, U..... •or•._ ta llou.ad to ~v• 1tti peycholoJI· on.tu• -a.ll.1*1P not~ M•>• M .,..,.. o.atr H .... ........,. cal lmpa.ct on YOC.ars and poO· tor th• connntlotl whlclt will aaM AmD1CK., PV»J.-m Ucll.na I• ... Call!omla." chooH the O.mocrellc nomln11. WD.1,J•M .... Moe&a. £dlc. Hanford S.nll&Mt: "W• ~ad. Haw m•ny YOtM Mr. Et .. fthow· ' 1.#JllU M. MA1Wl:ln, ~ Otrwt.w ltl •\Ori• cov•rlftf l\&Uonal poll· er 1tta 111 the Rtpubllcan prl• CHAALD ~ ~ M••aklAI 8upst.a~t Uce, Ui.l K1tau\l'lr La maklnl n11rlee hU nolhtnr to do w1!h 1atna t.hrouaboul I.ha naUOn. par-now meny ..otes &m.ator Ka- lvaaca&rrlOH l&A.'l'U1 Ucularly with UI• 'little ,.ople' t•uwr or A<'llel SteYeftlOft. or ~...,.n ...,..._ .. ...........,. r.t·W-".17 to whom ha •d<lr9tiM& hlmKlf. 4 .. re:11 H¥"1man or a11yona •1" 111 ""$....,. O..tJ, ..... ,. ,....., ..... .a. .. , 11 ... ..,.. -. ..,, alao rud lMt Ute pow•r of m•Y ret ln a Oemocraue J'M• 0....., al ~ 0.-tJ .1.M ,... ,_,. the Dunocra.Uo party orpnlaa· mary." r • WILCOX, ARIZ., RANGE NEWS: 'The American people ca.a. be proud ot themaelv61. Throqh their unUrins eftorta they have broucbt about the coinlnc ot a brand ne• word. Tbil word LI 'Utterbuc,' and it II to be included ln the new ediUon of J'\lnd and W&pal.1'1 dictionary. It la too much to .ucptst tb&t each of u.1 teee bow aoon th• ward can become obtolete !'" "It Lt a eoclali.t. idea th•t miking profita le a vice. "I cooalder the re:ai vice II making loue1." •.• wtnaton Cburcbill Padlic eoa.t Conference coller• charact.tt -and fewe.r characten. need more "You can't eecape the reepona(blllty of tom<>r· row by evadins it today." ...:... Abrab&m Lt.hcoln.. ' ANoTuER nR8T Moeoow ttporll that the oldest ipan 111 the world livu in Ruuia. He'• 143.:...... 11&)'1 .U:oecow. Well, tbe Sovieta have ••tnvent.ed" jUllt about aver:ft.binl ala in the world. .- runda rrom the .a-dlitd at.h-Of ptate-"pald ~ ..... b& iak ahlblUoM W•N to be •J>-on hanll, aJonc wit.a Ck1ct1on. to porUOMd to the Yltan.na' bomae. ... ta.at all lh• NIM ar. oom and Ulla. o( collrlll ~ ..._ plied With. But IA U.. -ut don•. But tha H"Y111ua baa not •~tomobll• raclq tlMr'9 f11 ri• bMft fl'Ml. and lt th• atat.e baa mt.ala ch.U: to ... '~ tM ...._:. "" oi.Hplkln to the vet.rua · . ,,. hom.., thla aw11auoo. e.tloWcl ba "' la up '° •utf, u4 ~ p&J4 out ot ~ 1...-1 f\&nd twtrl lll.ll car oil \M OOWM_~...: 11ke othar llft"'l1oe& hl:to l.M ~ 1 --------------------..;.-,._~,.1 Farmer McCabe Writes • • R-. ·loud!J ...,..,._ that abo iii d"M•r all of her concentration cam,. but l don't figpr that ebe .... ta. Cauae l!fe.n 1he waa to clOH all of her CODCRn· tratlon ca.mpt why the Bulo and Kruaky lwina and their rubber it.amp conlfonn wouJd aoon be working f~r a uv;ng ... and work I• one nuty word ln their vocabulary. Farmer .la.U f La reaarv«U McCabe NEW PllO\l1llOlULI -:r1!oe N;ptlnplo Qiap- !Alr, ~ &lpllal ~~.welcomed to !ta nnkl the -·-at • land>eoa meetmc In Inlne Ccut aab. Seatoa are Kra. LeRoy C....... and lln. N.lghtingales W elcoine New • • Provisionals ~'l'lON --JMk ~'11 OoD ... -Olhm .S-.. °°"""'" air1lU' -,Jolla G. --"' a.ta -I'll tacolller loplla-rstwilio~laWput~ to .. Mid at tJae c.,.trw JIMCbcomber'a <JU \ ,_ a. .... nny Borio -• Otlall. Jc's ~ •Mllng (I to rJ, -11toa1o7 G. !lrfabb>, a.'11111 IL Forsey, l'aul R. Holmes, Robert caw. ud Bilrclett R. Harrioon. -Staff • Photo . • NEWPORT HARBOR , He.Mr Rest · M.moriel Perk ,.., ... 1 ca.a c ol'J . --.· ........ • ' Dual SQ!Priae for Denise ::.4'I Wll:ARINO ~ -Mn:,_ AIH•.._., new p...ident of Junior l!lbelHlub, udllor b+zm ..-tbe 11\w Pllll-..t tlie EbelJ Cotton Ball held recentl.y. at C&plltruo Boo.......,,.... Clllb. JM. llbllor LI immedlalAI put ~t of the loda1 club and -chairman fOlt 0ranP DIRrict ~feratlon, Junior membersblp. -TftT)' BoQa -\ ' • • JUNIOR EBEr:i:-BOARD P1<ANS CONFAB,·.GIITS • ' . . M.'-him gl.d he's Y°"' D•dl Thril 'I ftlm on fither's 'Doy with sonwthing -11-.J...""'tr -i. · o royal · gift for a -I -111 BroadWQ' -Coe&a ' u~-t prince of • follow ' • porfj!CI •present chosen, from obr ••st soloctiOn of mu-w...tod gifts. .... ' ... • few. suggostlons of popufor presents fO< plffiing Pop. M.iiy more ·~ on di .. ploy .. -sfote. PRINCE ALBERT TOBACCO e.. _-a3c : BOOK MATCHES ~-·--~" ·~: SEAFORTH SHAVE LOTION e 2 ... ~= MENS LUNCH .KIT .~.:ba · ~"- P.INT~ACUUM BOTTLE s:;=-~W·~ BAIT .CASTING ROD c:s. ~ ~ NORELCO ELECTR.IC RAZOR 5; 19"~ • --"""1LArm ICI CllaT . ' llMVoL ' ' B.69 J • tone bftN and II')'; 1- plloo ..... ..... -•POO\. o• -· ..... v .... • 189_ --· . KOM~1Aftlf0 . aicTllc: FAN ....... "' • 195 , ............. l49 "' •• ' ' 50% '~-lAf'I•· MkictiOl ot pec:llet tnOllllk. x.b roor eillcUon wb.li. it.ock ..-. ' =..... .. 2.75· :":.~---·197 .. ............. ................... ,.._,,,__ ....... --rn.-. .............. --·--.. - --.................................. , ..... --~ ......... -. ................ ~11. J ... ... I I [ I ' ' ' . . .. •. • • 'lUIO: GROOK -A pl& bachelor dlmler....., hold at IM N.,.,:..&rloor 1acbt ··au~ ._, Clark a-. locally pl'QIDineat ractnr 1a11ar -s --'t!'bo .-M1oo Patric!& B.1Trow,.. June l. Toutmr Clark 1111 .wtollJar Jdm' l!IPP, , ,.. ...,.. (L. to R. -led;) Byron H. Barn.., father of tho bride; Clark Sweet, '.,lAwtio Wllltlley aad' Al Hunt. Standinr: Georp Welt. Fred Seit~ llld Crider aad • Qmlt ,Camp. -Beckner Photo _ ~ , , . PAJUL P0a OOUllciL-........... •""Ill.at ---DaJ••,•'P" ....... JlUt ot ill*,....._ tea U.. final h ._,, ot IM -'* ~ Qlliol ...... b7 their -··· Jin. J'ruk St. James Studerit ·Panel ~~i?:-.r.:E: • , -. ta tH tall \VIII lt Ifs .,,.alee! ....... ,ti 'rtfi CMillT1AH ICllMCI -ml& ·• 1"" 1 -Tells ·School Advantages ·~ fiib~~] paNfttA d~ to Obtain 6'$di• P-tirentSCouncil Holds :'!:'.:''::;::" .. ~.~::.,...,.:.;.or::::.-):.~ f Y earoUnti· Mete&Jr caiMllUcSld Ult otttc.. a.t~ Slit.._ · -.rr_ Hiovwwf¥el. ltl•linl~ • 'eoe-" " ttv4lntl .. 9'I!'!' I th4> world •eod ond 9"~ .tr' Final Session 0 ear .,......... by ........... th• Pollowlng lb• .~ ... in T .. aafety, patrol which. I• !JI.ad• up Roaer' rwttrin1 ch&lrman, lum· of repretentatlvu trorn .each ed lh• meeUns ~wr ~ Don 1rade. JU tunctkm W to protect Fercuaon, who will pralde dur- U'I• children by ltl;chln& them Ing the following year. Randall th• fundamental1 of p!ety u Gedd~ relieved Robert lnrold well u coratderatloo for .otben u vice chalnnan aM Mn. Ray- and each member co~den It mond Dq.ta ummed tbe. dull:::s an honor lo HTV4 °" lh• patrol. of •ecretary f'rom Mra. WWi&m 11'Ttmoto-I M•tlll~lr, pwl>.. 1 lllhed doily '" ...... ,~·~ lomou\ fot' ~~ ..;.....:· l . "°''"' and~~~, .. 'lptcool l90tum . ., ~~· DIBECl'OR'IPZAKS t M':~·the conclualon of. the bUlll· The Rev. Rollo Boa-. dluctor neM ~Alon re~reshment. ~ of lM 11ehool, reported °"-lhe 1erved by lira. G. ll. Rtttl. achieVemenll of atud.all durlng ----------- fomoly. . I ~~,:::-Sc-;~}I-- tll9 ,...t year and projeeted pla.tu for the eornln1 ,...... Be Ne\Yly~Weds H.ome from Honeymoon OIYIOAIDllS Ahoy.! ...., ..,_. ........ """ .. ..... ...... .... .... .. .,.., ..... Jc. I I lililtcw)o ......... ,....._.,,._ ................. "a • ... a.. ... a.. ..... ,_._ ... -~ ... Ill •111µ• " whlte du.ler and Mr1. Y0\1ng , who WIUI eowned 1n • IT&Y s!.Jk prlnt. Lmdln&" recepUon aid 'V"l'~ Mmu. Alan._ Oneley, Donald WUd, Chi.rid lmith and George ...... Bbth Youna People w•re a-rad· uat.ed from Newport Ha.rtK>r UnlOft Hiib lcbooL Overseas I Service Unit + These Are tor' Father's Day June 17 °"" N-M. "'-" s-.i. ~---... .... """' ctwc~ lf>CIOIOIG t.ood ..., o.t1l ., ,_.,.., .. -. Masonic Units Share Potluck '••oo i 16Q ,_....MO J ........... t• 0 --?tferinaid1 (wlw1 of M.atonsl . .lot a11un1 and 0 , E.. S. mern be1 1 alttnde•I a pot luck dlaner Junf 5 •l the new ~ Temple A fte1w1rd tb• mu held Uielr ''"' = lf'ii• ' Ukt Fathar-lib ~; :::CKED OUT IN Ju:n&or 1ocb ........ ( ... la -Odllonlie..,... --• llod .... 'llloJ'N ~ ..... .,, ... .,....... ____ ........ ..... •• • -"" ... jldool i."" poclolO. --....... -. A.lW_tw...,._la ,.... ___ _ ___ ....,.. ' • • ~-.. r·· ... '..; .: ~ .. , -~c ,' '--.... --.--... J. -OCIAN F•ONT-1t•••rl ......... . ""..r.=n-~~ ... i 0.. ...... ,._ Jfc•p.rt .... ·-~ WB (ll\IJI: 11111 ClllJIZN ftAlllll e Ol'K2f •OYDAn ll:tl A.JI. TO 1• , ... e • • . ' • Plenoft o..gJitit -.. aar.. to Mr • .,.. Mn. niomu .Pkfuo' Jtl • 11'Llt.. Colt.a .......... pt ..,. Ka) 11 ia U.0..1' HottJIW. LIGAL NOTICI ... ~iALoNOiminct;t;;--i-a.uu•uAL~NOMirnii;IC;=jlllNEWPORT HAMC>lt NEWS-l'RESS-l'ART 11-PA&E' '1 WEDtiESDAY, JUNe 13, 1956 ~ • •onaa .---1»0•11 ..... lM ._.,,...... tr1,s1r t...,. K.....-t . ...._. 017 ""Ra.ft, at Honea ll ~ cnvm:N : ~ ~ -..t,... '"°' Wldci. UMe Nd ,i.. M"1 and &ll U.t IAH Cl f'CMH1• lf'OftT 1111"' ~-.. fo]Mn: ,.,... l•w-ud 1Nl7 •Pl*'" LEGAL NO J'J.8HINO, IMC.. Vlllll49r, .,_. 01(,..9~--()J(LT "'K"' -.ad k U&N Uwraoa. 1----~-----:°-•t·-----..,.-":".,.. • U5A1. NOllCI LOOK, I HAVE NEW !-INCH HAIRCUT! Th11t'• what Pvt. Rodolfo L. Arau.1, Santa AM, a n- "l>tlOt " in li'alnt,,.-al Marine Corpe Retrult Depot, San Dt .. ,o, el(Ult.1 .. he l.ooka ovar k>ni-ha.Lr trim. Under new dlucUve Mutne "tloot." ..,. no lonser ahorn to 11lrull Ilka on1on1, but. Mve ~ rupectabla ~~-Inch rnop Of hair. Thi• 1ttm1 right out of top headqu.arter1 of the USMC, la par- tial re!f!t of overall nht "boot" trllntng ordered by corp• con1mandant tolJowt.r rectnt reorraNu.Von of lr&lntnr plan ~raua, 1~ oUtu "boot." wlU Wf'&f" hi.a ¥Jnc, 'it·lnch ton.ure until h9 ftnltlhn 10-wuk training. USMC Photo DEDICATION JULY 19 ·uGAL NO~E NOTICE OP r'wrufnu JIOltTGA.OID NOTICE II REREBY QIVSN: That RIOH HARN, Mortpj11r1 wbMa a.ddrtM .. 40t • 2tth 8\nal, In lh• ctt·1 Of Kawport Beaeh, County ot Oranee, It.a~ ot catlforn1a, lnlei\dt 19 MOrt• irqs to PACITIC ,,NANCJC 'LOA.NI, Mortpree. w"-e ad- drul la 1788 Newport flvd., In lbo City uf COit& MIM, Cpunly ot. Orane•, Stat• ot C&Utornla. Alt ttzturu a.ad equlPIMC't. ot a ctrlaln pt.aft ~11111_.. known u "IUOH KA.JIN OAIU.Q&" and loe.lir<I at .. oe ~· 2"tb 8lrfft, 1n the City of Ntwporf Btach, County of Orange, State of Call· fornla, and that an executed mortpee ot the Nma wtll be deliY•red and lb• co111lderaUon tharsfor P•ld al 10:00 o'ck>ck A. M. on the 2l•l·d•y of June, 1164, •l the loan departmr.nt of th• Pacific Finance Loa.nt at 1789 Newport Jllvd .. l; tll• City ot ea.ti Meu, CounlJ' of Or· anp, Stata of Callfom.1.a. Dated June 7, 1151. RIOH HAHN GARAOl!l, Mortgacor PACIFIC nNAMCE LOA.NS. Mortearr.e I By !:. Sl'.·aneon PACJl'IO FINANCE LOA.NS I l,H Nt ••port. Btvc. COiia ~I,..&, Calltornl• No. 183-Nrwl·Preu 8/13/&e a04rM1 .. o/o Doll&W 1), Bar Purautal \o •uda a.t4llltiolt,, UMI "1\Y T. (.'QPSLIN, ~~t.t.ry ~(IOl'Ml'0t'fNd"'4 l-wood.. 1115 s. eo...l Blvd.. <»-u~ptd la •pplJi• \o U--• ·N,.,,,..-t a.A ar, .. _._. .._ a _, ....,_ J'OM de.I Mar. la ~ Cltt 0( p&~ ot Akobotlc ...._rap ~ ""••'..... ~la~ 61, J'al': ll. M.wport Ba-.ch, Countt ol 9r-Control tor t.,u&net•OI' • alto-No. 1"'t If..,....,._ 1/11111 ot ..,..na'*'u 11.aP« Mer 11111•. Bt&t& o1 Calltorftla. ln\.oftdl holk: Mvttq'i Uic.tlMJot thMe ---.,,-,-,_-,..,,..--,-----of'dl of wJ4 OrMp co.tr, to Mil to NCLBOM COOKS, premLwt..iU follows: i . Vott.siio l -.rt.s 11&14 mOll ~ conMl' ... Vr.ntllo, whoH addnMr f. 20I Ml7 Cut 8-y AYteue, Nawport• NOTICID OP ~O UAR.ISO lrlf1n tM c.nttr Unit ot Ir~ C.brllJo a.. Cle.mr.11C.. ll'I lhl B&lllo.. 0.llt. N.UC. 1-,..,._bf stv.n lh•I thir wi.rwi Avtmt., Nofth n• 41~ • • , ' • ~ Comm.'-kln of t.ha Ctty cuy o< &.a a."*'~ ~t7 °' A.ft>'OM 4-lrlac 1o pe"OtM ""' "' kewpon. a.ch wu1 ho111 IO" out. to.oo ?J'E "" Or&llC' .. It&~ Of OaUlomi.a, IM IPUAllOI Cl. IUcb --may • . ... WH\erly ,.,. .-Mt. roUowtnr ct.ci1bod pbmu.t pro-!U• a V«Qtlod ~ with lb.I ~~ °';.,°:;P~~~:~~ Lot 1&1, Block U. ~· pert)'. to.-")tl I Depo.rtlnMtt fl6. .-.lcohoUc ~ .... IT&VJ:iHB Jl:NBEN for • V1f1 . Bubdlvlalon~ t.M:nco ooulb so· All •lock In tn.dir .. ~\UHi, • , , Qpa.hoa. ;&t ........ lA>. ui»-.flOO to petmlt• An 11' IO'" t.a.t:. ak>fW u... equtpintnt ..._,OOd wlJI Pd cor-Callfornla,.ot.atlpt' IJ'Ound.I tor croathna.nt Ol l&' tnto ·, req ue;;~ toUtllwutftly UM or tald pon.ta atoclt ot a c.rt&ln •port Mnlal U provided ~ law. 'Kl JO' front Tard Mt.back. On Tract N .. 17'3, JM.OD. ftet; flab.1.1\1' bwll....-knOWn .... SAN Walttr :£. 1>11117 Loll 1 6: I Block l Tract 27 3101 Uwnce aoc:th 11• ti' IO"' CLDIENTC SPORT J"l.BHING No. 151 -N_.a ~ t /11,IM ~1, l(rMt. ~ &u.t, •'°"I' the .outheuttt- fNC., and SOoattd M. kn Cl•· lrfouc:e It b•rtbY ,turther (l\·en ly li•e of Mid tn.ct. 110.0U mtnte, Pir.r ln lh9 Cit)' of S&n Van..e. I ........,, that oald hbllc He&rinr will bt fwt; thence aouth ao• 11' Clemr.nte, County of Oranrir. SOTIC& or PVBUCllO.AmJNO ht\d Oft tM 2l•t da,J of Junt 30"' E&•t, alOJ\I' Uw IK>Ulh• State or Callfoml•, and lh•t • .NOTlCIG lB R&aDT. G.IVl:N 1t6l, at the hour ot t :OO P.M: -•tirrly lint ot a.ld tract, Ilk, tr~er and .. 1pmnit q_f th•t lhe pl&cm111e commlulon ln the Oout1tU ChamlHmi or thir J:i2.00 fffl .to the bl(ln· the .. me will be made, and th• 01 th• dty of N9Wp0tt IP-.ch Newport &ae.h City Hall, •! Piii.i" ot a ~· tberftn. yanaldr.rallon therefore will bir "''111 hold • publle hMrins Oft th• which Um• and pit.ea any •nd •JI conca\'v llOUlh-•terly, hav· paid at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Ol1 •ppllcatton or Wlll\am TV111.u peraon• tn.tal"Mled may appear In.I' a r1d1U1 ot 10~.00 feet : the Flr•t day of Jul,)', lla-6. at for • variance -No. 2f' to 1.nd be heard lheNOn, thence .outheuterly along the r..crow department or Bly permit: RA y Y, COPICLIN: Secret•ry ••Id <:urve. throurh an an· Eacrow Co., Inc., Main Oltic., Th• con.tlruclion ot a I ' fence Newport S.cla City ele l3" SO ' 20·. a 41.t.anee 2:115 E. Cout BIYd., at Corona on the front propa:rty llnL On PlanJlin.I' Conunlallon of t32.81 fttt to th• in.oat de! Mar, ln the Chy of Newport lot 4 1 block A tract OOM 1•0 N'o. l&I Naw ... Pr ... l /13/M 10Uth4!rly corner of •Id \.fact Beach. County of Or-ant•. Stat• Haa.r.I Drive. no. 1763, Aid aouUMrly cor· of Callfomia. Notice 11 he,.by further riven Oil.DINA.NCI: NO. 111 Mr be1n1 the weaterly cor- Oated June '7, 19M. th•t Mid public lwarlnJ wilt be AN Oll-DlNA.."'lrl'C:i:: CRA.sorso ner 0( Tract N o. 1806, a1 SAN CLEMllNTll held on the 2l•t day or Juae TIO: ZONINO or CF.ftTAIS 1hown on a map thereof, ~· BPOJlT FIIKING INC. Ital, al th~ hour of 8 :00 ·p. m. ll-t:AL P&OPQJ'Y IS TH~: cord9'd In Book 81, P•c-• 40, Vendor in the council chamben of the CITY or NEWPORT Br::AC'H . of M.lacell&neoou1 Maps, rec· OOllOTHT L. CALLIS. Nirwport Beach City Hall, at The Q\1' ~ ot' tba City orda ot M id <>n.nse Cqµnty; Vendor which Unit 11.1\d pl&c• a•y and of Newport Baa.ch dot• ord•ln t.M:nce coli).lnulng alons a.Jd NELSON COOKE, •11 penoM lftltNltod may u folio..; cu"''· belnt the eoulbwffl.t~ Vendea •ppirar &11d be heard lher«>n. · j!ecTIOH 1: Tb&t Sect ion ly line ot 1ald Trut No. 1806. STAT'll or CA.LirOJlNlA l RAY YSec~~· tftn.J of A.rttcle lX of th1 Munl· throuch :t.n anale of lt• t3' Full-time Use of Hew Masonic Temple Launched COVNTY OF OR.A.NCI: ) ••· Newport Beach City clpal Code ot Ult: C!.ly of Nr_,,.,·. JO•, a dl1tance of 383..10 feet .SOTICI: Of' BID On June t , llM betor• me. Plaanl11.a Com.mila&oo trt &a.ch Ill hereby amtlldtd u to UI• moat .ouU.rly cor· NOTICE IS HERE.BT GIV"'N tho undert1l"'od, a N,,.. ...... Public N 103 ' 1-e: nar of aa.ld tract No. 180.5 : • •·· --.1 · 0-That a porUon of Lot 1 In t.Mnce north 83' 02 ' 00" that the Board of Tru.t-. ot Jn and tor Mid County and State. Ntw1·P~u 1111-"··-, -------'-------'SectJon > ol Townahlp 7 8outn, t:a.l, alol'.W the .outheuterly the Orange ......... t Jr. · Collere peraonally appeand DOROTHY , -W \. O.DIN 0 ~ 10 .. daacribt:d .. Un• Of u.ld Tract No. 1805, Dl1L of Orange county, C•llf. L. CA.U.IS:, known to ma to be ANOE N • 11& ~ follow•: 8.5.28 ffft to lhr. be ...... 1 .... of . ' wtll receive bid.I up to 2:00!..m" the Pruldr.nt and known to me AS OBDL"'lrl'ANC& OP' ,1.nc. OITY ....... ..._ June 22, 19MI. a l the off\ e of to be th• Becratary of the Cor· or NSWPOAT BEA.CH commeincl•r at a point In • eun• thettin, concave ' th• IOUJ..hWMtti'ly pni.lon1•· norlh11.•r.1Le"'y. hi"'"• a nd· \\'Ith lhelr tint otnctal mMl· •lated, and no official mMllnga tne tn the n'w M&aoftlC Temple could br. h'ld until •pproval of at l~th st. and •st. Andrew• th1 temple by the Grind Loctce. ••Id .chool dltt. JoutM at 2701 poraUon that execut..S Ula wtlh· CHA . "OIXO THE NAJIE or . · ... t -~ lion of ll llne ""' e.i. eoulh· 1u1 ot SM,00 feel ·. °""'J F•trvlew Avenur., CO•ta MM•. In Jn.ttrumenl, kriown to m• to A CEll.TAJN BTBEET. C I hi ' I N..lttrly rrom tile moat north· nor>..Aea1terly a Ion• K i will be opened for; stationery within Jnatrument on btha.lt of of Newport ~ dou hareby erly comer ot Lot • Block curve, l.hrourh •n anal• of • If., at w ch t ma N d bid• 1 ~ the ptl'90nl who a1.1cuttd th• The City .Council or the City 1 which w•• g-lven abou~ two Road 1111 \\'ednelday nlcht,. Ma-....-eek• igo. II ti t t I 22 Of th• Ca1talda Addition 8' 31 ', a di1t1nce of 98.38 1upp e11, j;lllO ne, owe H't"v ce. tht Corporation therein named, orda.ln u foUOWI : 1nd m1g11;lnu, Specification• and •cknowledcf!d to me lh•t SECTION 1: The name of an to tba Balboll Tract aa pirr feet to a line tangent; thence .on1 ot lhe 1'kwport Hattlol' At U\e \.\'irdneM11 y night meet· are• \n1ugur11ted t\lll·tlma. UM lne. a potluck dlnnrr V.'U held of the builOlnc which hu been prior to thr. 'lodge mr.•llnr. undttr cunitrucUon. tor aimoet Wive• of n1irmbtr1 provided the I •-b d 1 1 1 m1p racordld In Book '· north 78" 11' oo~ Eul, a long or e uuvt ml)' e .ecure n iuch Corporation e1t1eu ted the ex •l nr dedlc•lld •lreet belwaen ),{ the office or lhe APt. Supt. In within ltttlnunmt pur.uant to Tu.•Un Avenut anll lnln• Ave-P•1• 20 of l.IC'allaneoui ••Ld line t.ancent and along ~ r e 1 Th .-...._ M•p.. fteocord1 or Or1ng-e thir a.outh11o1terly Jlne of u !d '-""(· o Ut nir111. • vwuer lt• by·law1 or a reaolutlon or IU nut In Traci No. 1110 I.I hereby ruerve11 Ute prtv!left of reject· bolrd of dlrectora. cll•nred from La Perl1 Place lo County and para.Ile! to th• Tract No. 180.5, 323.12 ffft to two yeara. potluck dl1hea 11 nd irnjoyed a 10Cla1 mtt!illng in the d!ntn1 room whUa thirlr hu•band1 u - 1eroblecl In t he lodge room for Ulalr bUlineu ..eulon. I d tt bid I I northw••terly line or .. ,d the 110ulhea1terly corner of ng any 1111 • • or o w1 ve WITNl:SS my hand and ottlclal Mariaret Drive, and 11\d 1traet , t '. lu I I .. Lot t , which point of br.(ln· uld tra''· _,d ·-·lh•••••,ty O. E. •·ttugh" \\'hlte, Jr., Wor- ah\pful :'>latter of Se•ta.rtnr J..od&• No. 708, Free and Accept- ed M•ton•, announced I.bat dedl· cation of the new ll!mple by ~ or:_and Ledge or CAllfornta would be J uly 19. with J.foat Worahlp- any 1regu r ir• or n or· 11'&1. I• htrtby dealsnated and nam ....... ......, maliUr.1 !n any bid or ln lhe \SE.AL) "Mare•ret Oriv•"· nine ii 100 feet lll'tuth.-..t· comtr Mlnr tlle .0110\erly blddln1. • ED JORDAN SECTlfJN 2 : Thl1 Ordinance erly from l.hir nort.hUJiterl)' comer of Trac\ No. 1808, u S d " K P -ERSON 11.na Of .. Id "Lot I. thirnc1 t:hawn on a map '"'"°'• ~ Monthly potluck dinnera 1ra plan11ed ror lhe bal•nce of lhl year, acc(l.rding t~ White. Th• nut 1uch dlnnir r will btl on July igne : · ~· Not•ry Public In and for tald •hall be publl.ahed once In the Boo t" IO' 1 ·~ 8e1·t y. Board of Tru1tee. County and State. Newport Harbor New•·PreM,' 1 th 1 .~t •On&' lha corded In Book 72, Parr. 32, Adv. June 8 and 13, 19~ new•pe.Pf!r of etneraJ efttnlatlon, ironu.ld 11t1u .... -..-Mt•IY pro-of .Mlace llaneou. Mapa. Rec· open: June 22. 111~ 2 :00 p,m. .STATE or CALJP'ORNIA ) printed and pubU.hed in lha City Ion.cation, 101.42 feet; thence orda of .. td Oranp County, tu.I, Edward B. Stewart. Jr., 11 u tlte "gul11 r me,tlng a.leht Grarid M•lter ot Ma10n.1 of CUii-1ehedulad tor Julv t l<>'ill not bl No. 1&0 NtWl·PTf!N COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ... ot Newport Bea.di, and th• .. mt .outh ... bl ' ... t lSa fMt thence contlnulni nortlli 71' On June 7, ltM, befOf'a mt. lh•ll k In tull force and atfect to a point 111 the IOUlhw .. t· 31 ' 00· tut. •IOas tM eoulh4 tomla. ln ch•r11. ot the cars·' h•kl beC'•u•e of i.he holiday. :'\'OTICE OF l:\'T!::\'l>t:D 8AL£ 1nonle1. Tiii f lral rrgul•r n1 r.eUn g or AXD XOTICE OF 1:-0~"'I). Th• nt'w temple wlll •erv• •• the Harbor Star Chllpl'r \o f the ED TRAXSFJ:R OF 1.1cr.:\·sr: tha meeti ng pl•c• for Sr.af•rlnl" O. !:. 8 . wa1 Tul'adl,Y n !~h t. YOR TllE SAJ.E OF .4.LC()- Ma,onlc: Lodi"•· Ole H1rbor Stal' A.nothr.r !:uttrn Star function JfOJ.I(' REVERAOP:S Qapler, Ordl!t ot I.bl Eulel'a 11 .-ched\llf!d fnr June 18. when NoUcir l• hereby l'lven purauant 81.tf, Colt& Mua Btlbel of Job'• Mn. E\ly1t N I t It'll n Deputy to lha pro\11lci111 of S.C:Uon 3440 0..•Jhlr.ra and tba Ora.na• Cout Gran.d M•tron, will be hdno1 ed of lhe ClvH Code: and Bff:Uon 7.2 Chapter of Da Molay. wtth a reception by 111 the r.a.~t· ot the .\lcohoUe Beverage Control Ma.Onie meetlnca In the ttn.. ~ Star Chlpter11 In her di•· Act ot the State of Call!oml•, pte'wtll be held every 'ftedne•· trkL that Sam C. Colacq.11, Jennie W. ~1lf'lt at 7:30 o'cloek.r&:!Nt• Xii.a Jot.'a Dau(ltten &Mhel Colachl• •nd JaMe' W . Colachl1, eri(lt-.r .meetln11 on thli 1econd uMd ll'le t 'mple Mon1l•y. Intend to 1tll to Nirlaon·M<"lntyre an(. folrth Tueadaya ot e•cb. Corporation th.at t:ert•ln On·Salt mqrath. at 8 o'clock. J ob'• D•uah· DEATH NOTICE I Girnaral llcen.1t Numbo>r P·8233·C te~on the aecond Monday Iv. bt":ongtnr to uld Sam C. Cola· •1'7t ·_mom.h at 7:30 and ll\t l ---------"""---•lchl.1, Jennie \V. Coh1ch11, and fourth 8at'Ul"d1y mornlne •I 10 01.L"ffrf H U'J"(,'ffl80N J1mr.• W. Collc:hl1 and h.:1c•ted at ••1••-k. De ~tol•Y mttUng1 a re 1•• S --,, Blvd Cit) r • • ':f,""f.., t'·•< .-t hl-• M·-•oy Glenn Vtrnon Hul.chlaon, ~4 . · ......,. ·· ' o .._. .. , ._. ....... "" vnu guna. Be1ch, Cou.nly ot Or11nge, kl.ch month at 7:30. or 2138 \\'••t Cot.It Blvd., dlod State of Callfom1.-, and th11.t th• Wrtoua other aoc\11 cl4)>1 unelCJ>tttedly at ht. home on purchaae pnce thertof "''lll be ~ the tour main croup• us-Juna 10. He waa a natlvt of paid on t.tonday, thr. M'<'Ond day tnl~ .. ~e temple have khf'duled California and had lived here ot July, 19:16, at M•ln Qfrl(r-, Bay ii111Jn11 Jn the tamplt accord· fi ve yeara. HI 11 1urv!ved by Etcrow Co .. Inc., 2.51."I Jo:. Co•it i:lo Ralph P. Mukey, prul· hi• wife, Corine and one •l•t,r, Blvd .. Coron• dirl Mtr Clly of ot the Seal•rtne MalOnlc J.fr•. Hazel Singh.Am of E l Ne-o.·port Beich County or Or-angir ~~"'-~lipn, wbtch t. ln Monte. StaU of Calitomia. 11 10 oo a 9f. ichedullne tha uae of StJ"YlceR were hel(j T'ui!9llay, o'ciock a .m. the amount of the In· utldlic. 10:30 a.m. In Roae HHll Me-tended. pur<:hue price for the II· rAL/l&bdlon1 a.lr1&dy 'h•d mortal Park". \VhitUer. with Bruce ctllh la 118,000.00. That the held Ill the tempi• prior Hlckl, Chrl1llan Science r,-dr.r, p,.. .. nl malll•g addreu of ... id Wadotad&y •ltbt'a m•Une ofnciatinr . Balli Mortuary of Ytndor and licenMe I• 11 \Veit 'a.ahrine Lodr•. but lbeM Co•ta M..... WM m c:barae Of Wuhlngton. Saratora Hot•!, City wft ol a pudll.c: n•lura. Whit• arran1emant.a. of Phol!nl•, Sletr. of Arizona. IU\d :· 'ttiOR~ FISHING TOURNEY STARTING HERE · SATURDAY '91 LEONARD IJARQEA.NT d•Y &nd 1ubmlt all flab causht 'P.! 10th annual Junior Fllh· up to that Umt. ll'ou~m•nt q( the Ba!Loa IOI L'M"BIES I!'\ ·~ ns Club It.art.a n~t lhtur· Jonas •id that 300 !()('al ·.and Harbor {rea chlldren younpten or lhOn 1taylng hen! llO;stl.-®t of 11ehool tom<lrrow !or the 1ummer partJclpaltd In :l-i>e H1K-klrMrry '1nnlnr tl the tournament lut year. Junior "\ti• nµ\ l'WQ month.I. champion lh1t )'Kt w11 John )'waplth -both' boy1 and Lantow. Lonr BHch , Y.•ho had _ under ti yHri ot •re 2• kiTid• of rial\ 1n4 hl1h 1irl • 'utA;r. 1Cnlry blanlc.1 ind wu Jean Oat!, Sierra Ml~n. ~)' be obtAln~ from any w\UI ie n.r1eUN. Elrht otrier tackle 1lOR'. boy• had 17 01· more 1pecle9 w n1hennan ' who (Ill thl Champlona of Olhet' )'Mtl variety of Mlbl1 ft.h wir.re: Robert Rager, 19!'>4; AnCly a 1l1t of 31 will be 1w1rd• Oooch.·tn, lf~. and Pete Me1ton, Ula JW'l.lor ('h1mploruhip and lf32. STMd prit11, an outboaM mo-To keep up lnterut. runh!ne • A M:Or• ot othu prtl:it• wlll ll•lt of th<11n1 In the lead •NI aw•J"ded, poeted In eac.h tackle 1hop, uld hlee will 1l10 be awardf!d Jon1o1. Jon11 11.ld he believed the 1al"f'"l fllh amonc 13 the tournament II the 81.Jboa ot trophy flth. Anrllne C1ub'1 mMl worthwhli. 01.1tL'a 'l'llOPHT ' anterprlM. Entlrtly ftnlUlc.d by ,tpeei&l t.n>P.b.f will ai.o be 1flember11, It 11 c:'t!dltf'd with iad to lbe blrh rtrl provld· ~ally reduc1n1 Ju-nll1 deHn· W I• not allio -.lt<Clfld junior q,uency. pion. hllowtnc complttton ot the :rae loU.n\f.Rltnt will cont.ln'" toum1y. an awarda ~J·ty wUI bfl tD mld11!thL Alli'· 11. Attar held Au.a. 20., probably at Ule are ma~ lhf.y 'taut \& American t.eiwm Han. • t tato an omci.i Wllfb· r;uorauc J'l8B atauon. 'T1t""9 11 no wttaht J'\ah dlJtbl• for trophte1 a~ l 1 Mil 9'M 1-ftrCU.l&led bJ' a.lb&cOnt. barTl.CUd' but ('all 4 U!!I• a..-~ J\ln~ &nf• varietlea, one <Wit>', Jesal mini· mu.t u-. rod and ""I ~l mum 1*11rth JO~ tndlea), bon· ~~~,. no ~~ TNlricUOn .. Ito. atpOlfln croaker, yellowfln 1ns may be ilorw tNlft uoabr, corblna. halibut, mack· pl.er, '*Y or "°9.t &lthousfl en.I (Pacttkl, mactl:arel. tuna. 11 .. t.o.t• IJ\Ult CltlrtftlU from whit. ... ~ •ml yirU~·la..11. .,.,ort .Harbor. Ttla northtm Th ... art alao •llt'lbl• for I-he ,.... to tK tl.t19d t• noam. l"'olnt junk)r champtonWilp. A.lao ..ii.t· tn to \1111' WMt iend ot Cata-We tor the ctwnptou.blp INt not Jataiul a.nd .,ou.thM'lll bOW\d· for trophl" an: boftlto dark. • la fl9M the Barn (..,..r c•blson. Una ~. rock cod. t·l)fl'I d•' 'to lrteludfl Clltaltna. cod, China i:.n».ker, ~d•r, tn'lt:nte Wand It .XCIUdad. herrln,-. pen::tl tall \'tlrltUe•. ont rdthr to IM Jonu of tbo Ml)'), u.Imcm, ll&nd d.ab. 91;ulpln. :;,;;. .. ;;, dub. JVU.ftl8ltr0 can -'tMp head. aklpJacjc,, autt. tur- ;18 up to .&hmJ' lltk birUl-\ot. a.ad. wbJ\etl.M. the addre1a ot 111.ld v'ndee and tr11.111feree \1 21 01 E•tt Co1.3t Blvd .. Corona dtl M•r, City ot Newport Beach, County of Or· &Ill•· St&tc or C&.lllornlL Dated: Junt 8. 19~8 Sam C. Collchla Vendor and Licen1tt Jennie W. Colachl• Vendor and Llcen- Jame1 \V. Colachl1 Vendor and U cenHe Nr.laon·Mclntyre Corporation By: Andy ~fclntyre Vendce and Tran1feree, State of Callfomla, I County ot Or1nge. 11. On June 8, 11)0 bl!fo" me. th• Wlder.Cgned. a Notary Public In and ftlr laid County and State. pu1Gnally eppeat'N Andy Mc- Intyre knO\\"n to me to be thf' Pre1ldenl. and known to mir to bl! the Secreta.11· of the Corporation that tJt~uted the within I111tru- mant, known to mr. to be thir pr-r· ao111 who ell~Utl!d the y,•\thln lnatrument on behalt of the Cor- JKU"f'UOtl therein named, and •ck· nowled1•d lo me that 1ueh Cor· poratlon executed I.hr. wlthJn In. 1trum1nt purwant to It.a by·l•w• or a '"'°'uUon of It.I board of dlrKtOni. WJTNESB my ha.nd and otnclal ,.,,, (Seall ED JORDAN N'otary Public In and for Mid County llnd Stai.. Stat• or Callfornfa, County of Oranc•. u . On June 8. ltM befo~ me. UM unde.ndfMd. & Notary Public In and for Mid ~1nty and ~t•te, periaonally apprillf'H &am c. Col.a· cha, JC'flnl• W. O<>lachla, Jam"' W. Colachl• known lU nu! lo be t.M'J>ttsanl Wt\oet nam111 •~ eub• ecrtti.d to lh• within l111tn1m.nt acknowled&'td tb1t lh•y ••· ecw.ted Uw aame. wtTN~ my band and otnttal M•l tS-11 ED JORDAN Noury J'\1bltc In and for a..ld Oouty -.net .... ta. No. JM -NIW• P1-l/IJ/M t ht uru1.,..1ped, a Notaty Public Ml daya after thil puH.I'•· er710y lprolonl'•llhlon ott •I line iraatirrly line of •UI traet No. ln a nd tor •'1d County and Staff, The t<>Hcolnt Ordlnance wu 1 Ht, eou auter Y rom 1809, 408 74 feet to tM htttn· per110nally appeared DOROTHY 1 the mo.I northerly corner ot nlnr of a curve thr.f'tln oon--lntrOOu cf'd al • rep •r mMtlnJ ••kl lot line and para11tl • ., CALLIS and NELSON COOKE. ot th• City eouneU ot th• City ot with the northweiterly llna c.av• 10Utheuterly, havln,-a -known to m' to be tb• peraon• Newport Beach, held on th• 28th ot ••Id Lot t : thr.nca north J"&d!u1 of l ll:i.00 fttt: thence whoM flame1 are eubecrtbed to day or May,•ltel. and wu tin· 11• 60, ea•l alone the \ul north.,uterly along , a Id the wtUUn ln.trument and M:k· a.Uy J*IHd and adopted on Ula • mentioned fOUlhwuterly pro. cuJ"Ya, through an angle ot nowlecl&"ed that they a.ucut.ed th• 11th da)' of June, JIM, by tha lonaallon l02.M t•t to ., a• 31 ' •2". a dl.atance ot 78.:10 An'lt. rouo....-tn.1 vole, to-wit: point 100 feet 1nulllweiterly teat lo • line taneent: thence WITN'l:SS my Mnd ud offictal A c un 11-·n· north ... 22 ' •2" "--. yea, o c .. _ · of th• northeaeterly Una of .......... Mal. H"A.RT, WILDER. MACKAT, ••Id 14 •• thtneir nettb 10· , •lonr 1&ld lltf.' tana:irnt, and (SEAL) BTOODARD, HlGBlE, 10. weatalonealln• parallel alon( the aoutheuterly lint l:D J OROA.N RlODERHOP', HILL wlth lh• northtulll'I)' line of or a1!1 Tract No. 1806. 112.20 N'otary Public In and tor •aid Noe1, Couricllmn: Nfilne ••Id Ult I . JS:! feel lo tha feel to the mOl!lt taat•rly t'Or- County a nd State. Ab9"11 Coundlmm: N'one point of l>e(tnnlnJ , Mr lhirf'l'<lf: thenc1 contlnu· No, 101-Newi-Prtu 1/1!, 'Iii ATTEST:' and .. •hown on Lha Dlitrict Ing north 80" 22' 42H Ea&t. l.1ARGERY SCHROUOER Map attached to C>mln&nca No. lf.5 18 feet: Uwnc:ir ltOUlh 13" \'artu"e I hN.,.nr City Clerk 130 and referred to In Section 211 ' oo· Eaat, 282.82 leirt. to NOTICE or P111U.10 Hl:ARP.li"O no•. 0 HILL lh ._ I nl I ''""-· 1102.1 ot 11Jd Municipal Code, e ""' n ng o a ~urve con· NOTICE IS HEREBY OlVltN M1 lb I yor end made a ~t thertof be, and cave eou Wl!tlter y, h1v1n,-• th•l lhe pl•nnlng emrnnllillon of N• t•t N-o-P..,.. 1/13/" _,. ... ot 10081< r < •• l "'" "'~ Lt l1 hereby, re-zoned from an •-,_ · ee : ..,.tnce he city of Newport Bea.ch will I-------------hold a publlc: hearine on the SOTICE or REA.JUNO R·3 Ol•lrlcl lo an. R·l Dlatrlet aou:n~ •Ion I Mid llppllcallon ot RUBEN A MERK· NO'TJCE JS Hl!REBY' OIVl:N' atld lh•t ••Id lot. which b .. boSa ,'",'."'!~~en anrl,• ·,,' .'," dJ vlded Into three Ind ividual Iola, ...,-•, •·~ o · HANIAN for a variance-No. th•t tha he&.rinl' berstofors 11t hive a front yard Mtb&ck of llVI feK; tbanct90Ulll 1'S" 23' ~H '98 to permit : · for lb• 11th day of June. 1864, tr-et. ' wnt, •loir a IDO .radial lo AW encroac:.hmant ot 1.5' 1.nlo tn connection wltil Re.olutlon No. SECTION 2 ! That the Ot,y En· •Id Cl'6rtt, 80.00 fttt.: lhenca e NqUlrad 20' front Jlrd aet· 4•83. l>ti'll' I rMOltrt.Jon. of lnl,n· orth fte I •"'-• back. On lot H • 30 block JI uon to· annex and e!Ylftl" notice r tneer o! the City ot Newpor1 n we r 1 --a ..-:un·ir ''.'l NB 107 • , .. ''"' 8,_1_ Beac h i. hareby l!Uilructtd al'lrd. concave eouthwn1.trl7, hav· • .......... th•"'°'· reeardtne "HeUpot An· di f -dJrected to' chance tho abo"'• ~ne • ra ua o ••Llt feet, Notice ll hertby further (Ivan ne1t," ha& 1>9f!n contlnlad lo and ol th•t aa.ld public hoartnr will be will be he.a.rd on Jun. 26, llH, Dl1tnct M.ap . .o u to Mow tht throu(h an anita 1• Oll ' h'ld .' lh. 21., .. y of J ... , aontnr oh~rea dMC.rlbod ln &oc. 1:1•, a dllt&nc4 ot IJ.01 fett ... , 1.t th• hour ot 7:30 o'clotk P.K., • tlon 1 hereof, and u Mid Dll· lo a line tane•nl: u.not 11M. al th1 hour of 1 :00 p. m. In the Council Chamben of the trict Map •hall ha~bom eo MrtJI 13" 2"' 00'" west". a.loas ln th• council ch•mbers M the Ctl:t Hall or lb• Oty ot Newport ?\'ewport Beach City Hall, •t Beach, 3SOO Wut N 1 w p 0 r I amended, the p m•· l'el'Mln. ... 1d line la.nJ"ent i.01 tht: In tuU force iiM tffect,and ba a thencet -.lb 80" ~2 ' u~ which tlma and pltce any and Boulevard, Newport BMch, and part of Ordinance No. W' of the wMt, 156.01 feet.; t.bance •.,u,, .. ,':°,n!_ 1r1,t0•,',•,•t~.,~. ap· lhe time for tlllnl protuta 11 City of N' .. port 8-ehtarid' lac· aouth 71• 31 ' oo· writ, 1~.2e " ._ .. , -... cnntlnued to aid data anjl hour. ft.kit RA y Y. COPJ:IJN, MARGERY 8CHROUOER, tlc>n 11102.2 of the Mu "' COde fett to a point In .a curve Sacratary City Oerlll, City of , of the City of NPrJ>Or1. Buch. concave wutt!rly ha.** a Ntwpol't Beaell Cfty Ntwport B41ach, C&llfornla Bl:CTfON I : Tt!ll OrdlnllJ\ce J"M1,11ui of 21a;oo felt, u.. F'Lannlnc Cunim1 .. 1un No. lN Newa·Prul l /lS/M •hall be publMhed at 1 ... t once rUlal lln• or utd eu"• br.an No. 1:12 In the Newport Harbor New1· IO\llh 87' 18' 22" w19' from t»irwa·Preaa l/l!t~ !llO'l'IC& JN\'ITING mo• PTea1, a nirw1paptr of 1tnrral .. id point; til'nct .. ulhM.lt· Bt•lf'd pl"(J'poelJ.a or bldl wUI clrcul1t1on, prlntld and publl1h· a r 1 y a I on g Mid CW'V•, Ct:RTtnOA.TE OP BUllNEU be received by the City Council ad and clrculatff In th• City ot t.t1rouah an anele of o• 21' J1c:UUou P1na x... ot th• City of Nc:wport Beach, Newport Bu.ch. aod the .. m• oa•, a dl.atance of lt.2• feet; TKE UNDE.R8IGNED dOl9 Callfornll., p.l or befon lh• hour •hall ba In tulf force at1d aft.et thence eoulh 17' 11' 30• hereoy ceruty that Iha 11 QOfl· ot 1;10 o'cloclil P.M. on Jun• 2$, IO daJ'• afttr this paaqt. ' w11t a.Ior:1 a line ra.dial to ductln.e a m&oufaclurlJ\I' bu..t-tlM. tor • contract ,0verine tha Th• above ll.lld fort'&'olne ordln· N ld euJ"Yt, 180.00 feet to .. neu al Costa Me.ra, cautornla publ1iiiU'on and prtnlln.J of a.II at1ce wu lntroduc9d at • replar point In th• eulerty line ot under tll• tlc11Uou1 firm name ind l bo b-meeUfll' ot tM City Council of Parc•I No. l ot Ult Oran.a• leea.1 nouc,. l'fllU 0 pu. th• a•• of N......,rt BMch hold · of Mlty·Uta Mt1. Co. and tll•t Ill.hid In a newwpaper of etftlral N' --..--Cowl\¥ l'1oodl Control Chan· 11ld firm i. compoeed ot Iha fol· t'lrtulatlon prlnt td •nd. publlahed on Ult llUa '1l:r ot May, 1"'· "l. u conveyed tA> !ho lowtnc ptiraoo Whota name lA In tM Cl!)' of Hc:wport Beach, and .... AMllJ' ...-.<l llld adopt• County ot Or&QCe. bt djNd full at1d plue of r1Rdenca 1a u ror ,the fiscal yMr irndlne June ..i '* U.. 11~ M1 ot Jun., lt61, recorded .A.pd.I 7, lNt. ta r0Uow1, lo-wit: by U..== 'f'Ote, la wtt: Book 1706, .h. .. 1'39, of of4 30th, 11~7. • A •--MlLDRED J . BA.ILEY, All bid• mu1t be 1ncl0Hd ln YM. u ..... ~ new.I Racor&i ot .. 1d•0rante 3122 Broad 8trfft. Mlltd aqvelope1, marked "Bid• H4AT, WU.O&J\, MACKAY, County; thence northweetr.r- Newport Beach, Callt. tor publlcaUon of le(a.l nollcr.1," ITODD.AftD, HJOBII;, ly alone U.. euterlf llna ot WITNESS m1 twld thU! tfnd and addre..ad lo tba Ctty Co\An· RIDDER.HOF, HILL -.td Pa.reel No. J , MJd aut• day ot May, 1161 ell of the City of N•wpcirt Bucb., Noea, Counr.llmen: None •rly 11.ne bel"I' 09 • curv• M.ILDRED J . BA.ILl:T C.lltomlL ~ !~~~ncllmen : Noni concave '"'111.erly alld blrYillC STATE.OF CALIJl"ORNLA. ) Th• toresolnc notlca 1h11l be 'M.AROERT llCHROtlDER • ra.dlWI of 2821.00 feet, COUNTY OF ORA.NOii: )M, publl1hed In lh• Newport Harbor throul(h •n ancle ot 0" 42' ON TKIS 22nd daJ' ot M.ay, Newa·Preu. once a w•k for two Cl~r~. HILL JI~. • dlatance ot U .71 fMt 19&41, bd'o,. me.• l'iotary PubUc conlf!<'Utlve wiroeka pnor to June to a llna t.anpnt: t.Mnce In and for •a.Id county and etata, Hlh. 1908, 1t7 order of Ult Ctt)' Mayor north a• GI ' u-witlt, aJons reeldln&' lberaln, duly eommi.-Cout1cll of the .. City of Newport No. J&ljiewa·Prw IYt.S/M Mid llM t.anstft\ Ud aJoas aionM and .wom. panonallJ' •P-Beach d•tf!d Jwte 11th. JIM. oaDtN-'N0£ NO:'" lM ff.llerly line of hreel pHr..S MD..DRl:O J, BA.JliT MAJtOll:RT 8CHROUOJ::R A..."'f oaDJNANOE ORANGl'NO No. J of -.Id chl.nnrl, tt.a2 kn.own to me to be lha P8"0" City Cle'rk of th• Clt7 of THE ZO!CIXO 01" CEJlTAlN' feet: lAll'ICe north 24• 28' &I" who.A name '-aubacrlbtd to th• Hew,ort BMd\, REAL raoni::art rN TIO: wHt. alonr Mfd tuterly llN ...tthln Wtrutntfll. ud aclrno-Ho. tUlf..-•·Prua 1/1.S, 20, ttM CITY or ?\'ZWPORT B.EA.QB ot P•rcal No.Jot MJd chaft,. led,-.d to me that lh• eJCK\ltad ....._ __ ..... ot -ot • 118 IO,,.. ••-lh• U.Mfl. \·an..e. l H.... 'nlt C!lly ....., ...... J IM ..,,~y .... ' ; ......._north· WITNESI my bend pd Gift· NOTICE or PUllUO JD.AJllNO Krwport lka.r.b doee Of'IWa .. W'Mtnt7 a'°"S u.. ...U...t· 1o1Sowl: \ •rly b!'M' of Plltffl No. I ot clal .ea.I. Mot.lea'-her.by tt,.en ttiat tht SJ)C'J'JON' I : Thlt hc:Uon u.Jd ' n-.. -County 1'1004 KEN W. P'C'¥'1..Eft Planftln« Oommu.ton ot Uta CUJ -·-.... Not&ry Publlc In and tw of Mawport Beach, will bold a ttOIJ.2 of Artlc)re IX of tM Mun&• cocrtrot O!.urwl, iiitJd north- .. ,. -·nty ..,. --ta. P\ blk: H lktillon clpal Oodc' of the Ot)' of H..-port eui.rly line of chlnnsl brinr .. '-"""' ....... 1 f!l.tlnr on tha •PP 8".ch I• 1tereby aineooact u fol· Qn a atrve oon.caw MU.0.· My Commiaalon Sxpirw ot T. It. LORD for a Vari~ <ktA>ber 21, 1t:it fJOl to ptnnlt : A.n ancroach• low-a: w..Wrly hlVl"I a Rdlu. at N'o. 111 Nrw.-Prme m•l vt two fMt Into a '°"ulred 'l'Ut a pot1.Mft et LoU 1&I end I01.00 t .. t, • ••1• of " 13 10 I/I 11 111111 tllf9e foot •lbadl 1D .U. yard lf&, BkJo'k N , lrvlSllt'• lu.bdl¥1· '7fl.H feft to a MM t&Qpat: --·--·--·--·-----·Ito permit ClOft.etruellalll wt an.... .._ u ..._..•a all.I'~ tMDoa oortk IO• 11' ... SOTIClli or Dn'ZNTIOS m plae.. On Lot II Block "' 'T'r'Kt reoord\(I I• Book 1. Pl.a"• •• .,.,,, ...... atoq-.... II• ~ ESOAGF. IX Tim ILi.Li: or COM 411 ~rod A.,., flrulctUaMOUI Rtco1"d Jllllpe. -,_. ud llloAs the WU m*"1y -'IA..'OHOUO B&v&RA.o:D Noll« I• hirl"'f'bf t\lrtllet' rt•-0 ol 0tu1• Coutltyetrot-, 11 ... lor Pll.lttl Ko. ' 0( '6ld ..iu• ltth,. llH lh•L .. w..,Ptiblk H ... rtna wt _,.... pertlc~kt'ly ONCalbea c.tll.ftlh'I and alone-Ulo tlOl'\b--- TO WHOM 1T MAY COKCSl\N: htld -tha tlll daJ cf )fte!, u followa: w•l~rly proktllp.Uon IJlit1'e. l'fOUrco .. biltt4ry . ,,,.... t ... ttM. at tha hour of 1:00 P.M. P....-;& MO. » of, >ot.OU tMt lo U. Omtw ~ ...,. an. U. .-.... at.tr. 111 Ula c.ouneu a.a ... ., ta. • J ·' • .a IM•r rt a• llM • ln'8lt A...._. U..O. 1 aortb Jt• ...... ................... "l.IO teet to lha pd.nt at rtlVWIC. Oon.l&iA1J!rC u. ...... . PA.RCBL NO. I I - ttly corner ol n'Ml( No: •lbowW:oaamap "'_ - Bostnoior "tho-~ r.oot'dtd UI Book T2 ~ ot ~Uaneou w.,.. orda ot laid Ora.op Coual¥:: G the-nortbwatl!dy alonC: ;. lh• norlheuler)y llna o( aa.C f Tract No. llOI, _.d ~ F-irqterJ,y llnir. balftl oo a 3 conuve SDUthwe•terly .' ha\1nic a radlu or 2 !Ht, throueh an anti• ot nC: •3' -!2#, a dlaUUtoe of a..1.tS:: lttt to the Mctnnlng ot .-;: !· curve con.caw mouthw11tartY: hal'lll( • ra.d.11111 ot 110.oa:: fttl; thence northWNterl.r:: along 11.ld curve and aionr the :torlhe1.1terly lint of u.ld T ract No. 1808. through an anglt or 11• 60 ' JOH a dla- tance of 221.011 feet to a llne tancenl; thence ?';orth so· 11 30" l'.'e1t. a1~11J' 11.ld tine tangirnt. :OU.60 feel to Ult: mo1t northerly corner of M.ld Tr•cl No. 1806, 1&id mo1t •• northtrly corner betng-th\,._ - mo1t e1.1t1rly co~ ol Tracfi: No. li0.5, u •b-n o. •ma~ thef«)f, recorded In Book •le: P•l!t 40 of MlaceU&~ ~t•p&. r~rd1 of Nld orani.:=: County: thence canunuln;::: nortn ~o· 11 • 30~ well., a~ the nortbeuterly lln• of aaiC Tract No. 1800, 282.00 leK C ltie mo•l nort.h•rli eon.c Uiereof, 1a.Jd ntoat norttvrl.C corn~r being th.a moat ..a.- erly corner of TrM:l No. l_1e.C ._. 1hown on a map Uw>Not:::: l'ir<:orded In Book :12, pg, LC; of Ml1eell-.neoua M&pa, ~ ord1 of aald Ora.nee County= thtnce continuing Nort.h 60~ 1 l ' .W' 11.·r.1t. alone then~ ra•ltrly line of Kid tra~ • 270.00 fttl; thence nortb 31 ...._ •8' 10~ l"Ut. along the .OUUI· :: ea9terly llne of M.ld tract,;-; 11000 fttt: thencr-north lM)• • 11 ' 30~ we1t. along the • nor!.ht'•9terl)' llne o! M.id trar-t. 190.00 lttt to tile ma11t northerly corner thereof, a.ld mo11t nort.hr.rly comer beln( ~ v~~~t' ~~~~~e11~:~f 3!~~ .:: :io• e&llt, along the cent•r : llnir of Jn·1n1 Avenue, 200.00 feet : tilence 10Ulh .50• 11 ' 30· f!allt, llKl.00 feet; thence eouth 31" 48 · 30 .. west, 30.80 feet: thence t0uth :io• 11 ' 30"" etl.t, .J.53.60 feet lo the be(in· nlfti" of a curve, concave •. IOuthwt'ltt:rly. havirle a rad· '\ . 1 llUI ot 990.00 teet, lhencei aoutheuterly a Io n r -.Id 18.88 curve. throu(b. an an1J1 ot 17" oo· 30", a dUttancs ot 18.M 808.28 fr-et to the btstnnlnl' !'art.a. or• cu.rve, concave IOUth· val"• wHter1y. hav1nr a. ra.dlu1 ot d rod 2•1:1.00 fnol: thence aouth--tull•· eallirr\y alonr M.id curve, lhroueh an •n&"I• ot 11• .52' -I'll"" ()()•,a (U11Anc:• of 716.22 fMt "' U to a 1!ne tani-ent; thence'..' aouth J3" 19' 00" eut. I.Iona-.. -C8 uld lln• UUteent, 43'.ll feet _,. r7 ~ lo the bastnninl' ot a eurv., ..... -conca" llOUUlWMttf)'. h&v·, ~· ..._ lfll" a radhMI <CC UU.14 fMt; ·--thenc1 IOU~ &lone':·· 1ald curve, \IU'oq'h &II a.q-i. -· of J . &2' aa· •• 411ta.c. ot ..... 37.eo tatt; ~ muU1 11··· 23 ' 3:1• ...... ~ .. line' .. radial to Jut -bOAtd: •" • curve, l•O.OO t•; Uirsnc•'"'' nort.heW-..rtJ' ...... a eurve ·•·' concave IOU~, b&v· .. ... 111.1 a radlua at UllLJ• t.._ .... . Utroup aa up·o11• 61' -· ~~. a dW•Me ., aa.oi toet ~ · · lo a ltM t&lll'Wrt-; theooa •• • north 11° •·' 00-WHt, atonc -· Mid lln• lanpDt. 28J.12 '"t, ...... lba!CI .ab IO• .22 ' t2"'•" .. ..... ..... ..... :.: ...... .... ..... ..... uut ·-K Wffl, 14Dr.lT flet to the poiftl' ... M* 0 t ~-Oontalllll.... .a 12.841 &t'Na. .... and u ahov.tll on t.ti. Dllb1ct M.-,. E ' attM:ht'd to Ordinance Ho. ea.-. and tt:tttnd. to In a.cuoa 1111.J'. OC Mid Mun1clp&I ON.S.. anC madf': a po1rt Ulereof M, udl,u.e, .._- hereby, re·zoaed trom a U Dl"' trict lo •• R·l·B Dtltnc:L ,. ... BIDC'TION 2: That the Cit)'" llftaineer ot lhit Qty ol Nnrpoftt Beach 11 Mrebf llaAnlctad adll~; directed to c..t.an.p ta. abcnl9 Dialrki Map ., u t.o W..... Ulla. .. ~ ~bani'• dH&dM .... Becuon l htn!Ot, and .. -.MS DllJ.,,.i t.nct M•p •ball haw baren -~ amended, the M.lftl ah&J.l rem&iat'" IO In full force and <tffac:t aoct M~- pa.rt of Ot'dlnlACI No. 126 flt·- Qty ol ft--i>art Bte.c.b &Dd. ---IVSCl8 uon 9102.J ot the Mun.lc:IJfal-~. iA(IU ot tilt City of NeWpllrt Jlauh. • .,;; &ECl'JUN J:: Thi• CW'dlnanorf.;. II lbt.11 bet publlah9d &l .... ... - la the N_.poc:t. H&rtMw K ...... , f'l'Ha, a MWepapar ot ,.....,..:. - dftulaUOn, printed and ~: ~ dn:ui.i.c1 la Utrl OlJ M Kril.•; pOrt Bnd\, and u.. ..... ~" . bra In full foree and ettl'd: IO da_,.., att.r thl• PMMa•. IT': ...... , Tbs abo\71 and fONCOCni onl( ~; ,... ~ Jl&nctl WU lDtrodlJOltd et a~ MMLlfll" ot UM at1 Oow.cil ~ U"9 city of Newport Berach wt;; on UM 18\h day o( M.ay, 1161. all!f. : WU nri.a.lly ~ and adopted: -~· lM llth daJ ot .J\&M, 1151. 1tJ CM·t· folloWll\( YOU, t• Wit : ..,:,;. A.YU , COUNCD..Ml:K; Kut,.. Wlldff, Mac.Kay. •lodd&rd. m.,.-.:.. bM, Rldderbot, Hill • NO&I. COUM'CILM:l.!N: N-'".., 488 &XT OOUlfCil.MJr:>f'r." Jltoe. --:-'"f' A.liiCfiJ . ~lk-Clty Oerlt •• Dora O. HID , llla)'IOI' \" He. llO-'H..,. ..._I~ ·. :A&l 6' • PAAT I 141EWPORT HAUOl NEWS.HESf U ·! ?&I .. rln1 ' WS>NESO,A y ,.JUNE I l, I '56 • _ .CEMENT a llUILDllilG ... ,._ ~ ICS1'QU.'l'ES Llbort7 MlOU H. H. HOLBROOK ~.::. ~ ... , • .Ml ...... -W a 'CSJ ......... Depa~ •Phun.bJnr .; f ~ 1 l~rtka fJM ...in. -.U-. -~ ...... -' ..i-. % J7 II rtk• U0 acld1. ... .26 -. PboDa: llu1lor' 61U • =.• U.. I •ns?-ttn• ·--•--••-. -_., ..-. 210l ~ lll'f'f.. N.wport Ilda. ; ' U.-• I I '#CM SJ50 add'\. .... ~ ea. •p&p -"Ill ............ -...... ••1" .... -.... OMCltli.....,._., _________ ....:..::1 -IGlnlll:rM .a IS ' UMU NEWPORT .BARBOR NEWS.~ '"" ..... ...,, w .... 1My • Friday COASTAL SBOPPEB -Wedn!l1141ayA DUDLIMU b pl&elns or cancmlina adl art: J'or llioMaJ ~ --J'l1dq • p.m. For Wedneld9.y PubllcaUGn.-Tu.da)' 1 p..m.. hr niday PUblk:atlon -Tbunday 1 p.m.. NSWPOllT ll&&BOA PUllLISBINO ()0, 1111 ~--....... N-pon .._., c.nterU&. 'lp1ds' Notat. -f'or th• nncst rn Commcn:ial GENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR ODD J'OBS No job toa am&ll. But ot rd~ enou. U MT1't tc:n Paintln9 Ir Dicoreting INTEJUOIUI 6 DTSR.IORll J:Oyun -~ I..4C4onM coat.net.or L. B. Kc:IC&NZI&, Bar. OU6 Corou del Kar • !! a f!:1 leiA1n _ II I.. ,,,._ 19 !!If Wu.W 1 11 • "A's". LOG' _.. ~ ....,. •t ~ ~ ""* .... •« . _. ~ . -• --........ ,_ .... ._._ --• - -OIJllPLErl:LY'--Q.llOILI: V~IAN ILIND ::":"..~':."'.c:::."" ~\:;:,:.,,.,,.: =--=-· "* =~ . .W }:\mt•, rtlf' LAUNDRY -11c1t ' .. -. ~ .--. iiiil .. ..> --:~ --· • lliMo. -_, TRID MSW m.,..,.. ~ -'"" •Yi >"'· _.. ...,....._ w--.-.nCSD wa.ltn-. T--. WWW +w 904!' -.... .a ... .._. • p , 111 .. ••tiled. ••-•W. prk ... ma&ta-IPvlnt"•meM,~ ......_t-.pao,..t.a-.. _..,. ................. ..,... .. ~ A...,. I ta,. ....,..ual t.U. ... .um. U a..1101 ot 1 L ._ to I p. a. 6 ....,.. U ...... .n. I .. a ..... •I~,_ : bllnd. • Har. "*"II &ft.tr' 6. bcM ott. ZDW AJUMi t• N...,.rt ~ ~ o::.r...:$1.00 -. ""°"' "-.,,.. ,&IW>UATU °f';: • ---,•. -II 8Hwtl1rr Wu.W. SINOIPl 1ftnta -... ---"""-• BU.Adil and NIN.Ut. .--... _.___.......-IUM:IQll. "OC£erw • . ~t ._,:, ...., """ •• ... "'""'l ""-•ROEN ING end OOllPANlST. "' ...... ..._ BtcJJ1 """°"'" 6ooilwlll liMi-m• Wot1l 4'JDe "1 appombMnt VI'\ Ofttorio-~ pr. llr., ' hn. .....,. ....... , NTOl 'CL"·N UP JOBS 1 _..,. ... w .... -AN .... -..... ,._, .......... ,., - - ol' KJmfMl'IJ' ..... pptfc ~ "' Bar. 1121. llCSI Wt an! 'l'ltr6t .. 'W1a7 .. ue WANTED WOl(AN ""'"" ,, .......... ,.. ..,_ -,... """' -Attn: ,.,..,.,..; Owlier Generel Contrector LlCOll<UD LIBERTY 8-6139 ~~=cm~:; Cereer Opporlvnity· altf'o toa Beath. .11c11 ~~~~~~~~~ WASHING Ir IRONING COSTOM HOME By ....,. °' •1 ...... Wal wub or r01U.P cby. Ut • & 20\tl. New Work -RemodeJ1ng J. MILTON llcKENZIE Horbor-W Mtfc BulldJnc Olld ll<mocloling ea.ta ,.__ Coll LI 1-1611 CoGent.e Md paUo. rr. Mt.I-----------'-"' a».teL Kl 14570 1 TC.SO FOREIGN HELP n •a to wr ... ..__ V Wf/ eaahlft_,,_wm..-• C&l'MI' wtU. .. .,. ., ...... lleM. w. u..r.tor9 ~ WANTED ,....,, ... MALE AND FEKALE ~~ J"-open tor Tnlck Drl't'en. poe!fWHU.. ICMetrical ltnpeert. 9Ur"1.,.. I-day, '° hr. wMlt. on. t..borwn, Ol-1 ~ .,.... ,.. ll;tllt 121111,.. ... -· ... LDllTllD olfta _. ....,_..,._ .. ...... ~. " ~ Oiall ,_. DAT-• Md I AO'IW(W._..Mt'• DRAITINO l~VICE "FIX-IT" Jrfteft•n'"I and £1.ct.rlcal Kalntal&DOe a.me. Clvte&I Wort.era, Bt«llOITa-Int.n'i-HW tor lmftled&ate plMr9, St.amtitten, ronmeo optEllnp for .tuMDtai ID~· 1----------- ud m&Jl y olber Job ci.-wca-ed tn Jun• op1°!np Klllt&r7 • PLANS • ALL WORK OUAR..Un"EJCD. tkc.L ~e• ITOO.OO to lt.&t\19 not comldend. Y Newport Harbor Prttitins call Harbor 1e1e. OOMPLETE PAIN'nNG B. P. 0 . E. A Poper Honcfnc Service 1787 1.%-BuUdlD§ 8en'klee EUOJ:NJ:: o. u.tnmm Reaidential • Ccmmerclal ,._u .v.-, Tbund.9.J' I p.m. I ~:....==="-'=="----600 li.t ltrMt. N.wport ~ Rtmoden-- Bartl« MM or Mn f~.oo per ml)Qtb. J'oN:ip Apply l :IO a..m. thnl • 1.m.. emp&oyment profldM J1l&E \030 &. 1a BtrMt ........... UM, """"'~· ..... SANT A. ANA DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS ,.. .. .,_ l:.ltllnat. -......,.. , V• 0pawto -CU.tnl An. ·au.r ttiC ' tfG ~ _ N•..,,.... ...,, REPAIR WORK 1---------1 J. w . PUTNAll Har 819·W GARDENING PRUNING, CLEAN UP No Jott too lm&ll. B7 bour. day or month. L1 MOIO or L1 MMt. 1Pp32 lq, m.&cal can, annl-1 nea- u,... """ ,_,,_ ""-"°" SOUTH~n"' LUCIIJJ!l DRAPIDtID Ca.JI tor fi'H •tlm•t... and ware. ar1 ta.K trM. l;J'J"ll Write to INTERNATIONAL COUNTIES Dtck N""1D&D, ...it.-d Ruter CEMENT BRICK Redecorating ltp3S -INTmlIOR 6 1DXTEJUOM TRASH HAULING CLEAN-Uif l:lq>wienc9d color expert. Com~ PLASTER & PLUMBING pl•t. decor.tln1 ..me.. MOTTEL~'S AND PEEK Colouial Mortuary Libert)' 8-4.181. ~3c311 L. B. McKl:NZill: Har. N 24 l!ehoola, Iutnietlon flOl &ouia Jwit llouUa '16 WMt· m1UfAr liltnlOl'WJ Park. Balboa Tutoring & Summer School 1958 au.m..mer aeaaion. Elementary &. High School 1ubj<cto. Lnerican Lqion Hall, 2~ • ll!th St .• Newport Bea.ch. July 2nd to Aurust 10th, 1958 Hours 8 a. m. to 12 noon . Rqiatration June 30. Phone or Me, John W. John9oo, 820 Na.re.lull.I, Corona del Mar. Har. 363-t-R "&a ON.al• Oou.aty luUNtb a.mna tam.J.Uea o1 a11 taithl -Tw.le-pbone (Toll n.t) ZDIJlh 6211 tfo co. •vv tu.nuld .,...,. ti.ca.UM . ol lacai at ru.nda. -ror a depends.bl• uMd car, • JOUr loc&l dulv Wbo wtU bt l-. TOKORJlOW to back urf )t1i.at ft• ..n. TOD.A T l Ch.ck t.b• 'JMd e&n ifs th• claMlfl9d MC• tton tod&7. • • ."l,. • • ••• ,,,. • • • ... • :,,. • •• :1 • •• i • " .• :: w •• f!'r ••• . •• • .. "" ..... ) . ~ "" t~ "' 'f ' E • .f • • • • • ,,. • • ~ ,. \.alY£/ 11r4 •· • •• What do YOU suggest as e fitting event I or 1erie1 of events) to be • • IJI. ·* .. :~. .. • • • • •• it * staged in Newport Beech 7 e Athletic Toumomont.7 • Aq .. tic Pf'09'•mt 7 e Bo.ting Ol1pl.Y' 7 e C.mivol7 e Oonc•s7 Write or c•D your ·Golden Anniverury Celebration Su99ostionl •t once to: Nowpori Horbor Chombor of Commerce; Your District Coune11,.,.n in the Newport IMc:h City CouncU; .lreWPORT x:ews BARBOR PR:e'SS * ·················~~ I PAINTING PAPERHANGING Svmpson & Nollar S..t bp.rt.noet1 w~ Bar. *6 OI' U1T GARDENING HaUllnS -and ()(Id joba. It.II.ASOKA.BL.Ill LibertJ .. 1161. •oct• Room 302, U24 K St .. N. W. GAS WHhlngton 5, D. c, CO , 2lcS2 -------'---- ~~~~~~~~- COOK. watt"'ue' and dah· SO--~ -..hen. Other jot. now com-:;:;::::~:::::;::;:;:::=:c ____ I ~. ~:;'; =='. WATCH REPAIR G d • tnf, Newport Bch. LI &-6002 A NllW Service Added. W a. Palm ~•MU2 ar enin9 ,.,,. w ..... ..., .. ,..., ..... C•ARPENTRY L&WM -Mowtnc -ltenon.Uon WOMAN cook and coolr'• b•IJ*'. for num ..um.aim and LI 1-,T&t !Xpei1•"'*1 tn COOld..nl' lpumb will pl.ck up aad ~•er. 1lINOR REPAIR WORK llc24 hlod. Henry'• 2610 w , Clout HARBOR 1'°3 HAND BRAIDED RUGS n\E.I: lNll'I'IWC'J.ON ORDlllUJ TA.piN Hwy., Newport Beach. 1SU'c The J .. el Bo& NO JOB TOO •v•r.r. 27ll II!. ,,__,__ ...... _n& del Mar MAlllNE 6: nietdm~ i-fn~. ......-.. ....... ... .IL Q. .udm J'rM ..tlma.t.. LI 1-801•. RJ:AL ESTATIC 8ALEllM.A.N p6:p All n.,.. matt.rt&ls ••aUabl•. Mary 1'ann.J.D. 1116 1. Cat. Bl•d. ~ Bell. HT~71tl. 17lte 101• &. BaJ.bM ams.. Balltoa l&P2li (Man) E:itperlenc• -uaJ..1 ----------'- llarbor 1'80 llltc -----------Adnrt.l.ttnc -si•k -tel .. SKA.LL ~7•' bkJ'de, Youn,p- oJ:Kl:IUl. llUILDD Expert Remodeling Add!tou Ii M"fll' coutrueUon J:u7 i.mw can bt UT&n1'94 Bar. 660t-W tu• Peintin9, Decorating Paper BonP.1 GEO. BURKHARDT LJl."CNal:D OON"TRA<..'TOR u M&U LDlwty 1-1821 phon• -omc• coopvattoa town kitdMft aUlk • cablMtl. Feet Hurt? turn.tahtd by utablitMd otnc• wtndo'W9. doon, 11CNtJ1.1.. P&nti W1ndon, noon machbw cl~-ed 1.n c.nter or Collta M .... Writ. ft.ty h-.t.ra. Hu. n11-1\ or Try Knepp Shoes and ....u.td. Can KI &-2141, BOil A·l NJ:WS-PIUC88. 21Uo Har. •ttl•W. llpU 100 W. l•t 8L, auta .t.na HOUSlllCLEANING att.w I p. m . IOp2lli -W-ANTED~=~-----m~ ... ~--~-.1 ,-,-rr=._,p,-.w=o°'LDO==AJU>==--:,..:::: IO.mbtrlJ' 2-IOlT beton 10 a.m. kMper !M Udo l"uhloU'DrMI 11.U. 186-R.. tlpJI ___ ... __ an.. __ ._._•-----· WANTJ::D: child can durlns July and .AllfUA. Jlu'1ltnt ret'•r.nc.. .. to characttr and eblllty. l'or tnrormatlon. call •lther PO 1-60JT cw LZ 1-TtlT. Shop l•'ll N•wport Blv4., N--BABY CAA um 11. ~ ST, Sit N' Knit . port Beach. 22c2• ~._ ...... _.., ~--P'" w11b po4 • JlcD Beacon Personnel 100% employer reta1Ded agency R.ELLUILll COUPL& WIUI I No r .. collected from appUcant ,_.,...,.,...., r-IT.utT Olft·MakJnc aow few 11a. Al.o _.., Md. ~ Mot.ber'1 0.7-J'atbra ~ 6 matU.. 110 tlldL. Jdtchm Bri4M -Qn.duaU.a -~ .CO.• MW IJ,Ot, NP Ii f-4 dt.711 M .. JUB#. ........ 110. Pun ta e&otb• line $111 cont.. JU I t J!1aJ1M1a ~ ICM De.hHa ~. Rar. JOlJ.,_. lklboa. Rar. ttU. lltte -~ 16 6: I Jn., Will car. '11-li.t N.wport BMcb toir yuur ehUdrtt tn JOtll' 1-----------IRON ~ born• wtill• JO\I •ac&· GOLD L&.AJ' CAAVE> V Al,,o · FOR R.ENT tloa. It., r, r, n c • '· oxtord SOMJ: FR.Em. 90m• ,... ANCSB. l&rp amcHOSLA.· WlTH A LDm-Nm'W' •w••-•-D<-o- SkW a& ... IDtc. Drml.~ t-6014. 2lcJI .lppllcantl nMdtd. many ottln VAIO.Alf c:aTft.t.L-LOUD lloua&.ftecmtJ7 .... uW-- ..U Q1leil .r 1e-:0~ Wb..u.ar l------------1 job& A1IO r.t.a.urant and XV Cll.ANf)m.zlR. LOtna an1J Ills lKlcka ta .wa tit._ dom..Uca. Kany }OH for XV ITl:INWAT OB.A.MD V-0 K..,..P,,.. tt """" • EXPDDCNCl:D Youn.. L&d1 qualltled run. Rq'Uila' now. Pl.Al'fO. Har. lffT~W. npn ' BOYD'S HDWE . d..U. bOUNWOrk or bab1 Junt J'uT&r. EmyL .A,.cJ. -'~--------''-BAlfD KJCJT 1>11•aN ._ U llltttas bJ d&y or hour. Retw· 4.0I% l2nd BL. Npt. lkiacb. KAJC11 Ol'l"Eft t.e lt. .....,. l'W'09'w.-LI lllO W . 00"6? HICllrWAY UNrtr 1-16.11 Hwpt. Bdt.. nth .CM• t'U.m. LI M7i4. npso (Mll'OW tnq City ~II I rr. DELICA'IWIZlf ..... a.GTI. II.di ~~~~~~~~~-1,~:::::~_:;::::.,.::::,::::::...._,.. ONE lup .......... ...... CARPENTER Repair Work OC-Tour Home N..S It~ _. p_,.w1n1T OOLLl:GJ: st.rt want.I baby 111.ttlns 11: Us!it bouM work. lln lft. BM.ch ar-. from Jun<i 16 to IA.boil' Day. HTatt •-6801 • .,... 6 •Mk •nda. 21pU C&ll rnnk. l..lMrt7 a..116& All Wedi: Ou&ruteed T•tt• ct.mANINQ, oookins lronfnS by Ua• hr, bp. oolortd lady own FURNITURE ~ydeolcned .rad•, ~ OT nfbWIMd C. EVERETT SMITH •lJ • J9UI It.. N.wport BM.ch Ku. "51 de,,. 01' ~ llclO Pallltillg A Popel1Wllllnc We do the work ounel.,... .. ,..,. .......... J 4orNd .. lnNnd. .. ttthdk-par.at.Md.. Sattmat. rr-. OaD Johuk. LI 8-2687 A LI 8-62811 ..... l'-- Alooholleo AllOll,..._ Writ. P. 0. 8Gs Kl N.wport 8-.ch,, C&8f. ......~ .• tr&Mport.aUon. KI 2-4.0M. Jlpll Roy's Maintenance Comple•e Profeuional Housecleaning Floor ...,.me end buffln1 Window Q•nlng Upholrtery Cle•ntng P•tio9 Color wued Luolro'lO Reoulta REASONABLE Phone Liberty 6-1332 ... OAT WORK. 'l'boroq'ta el.aninf and lawldl"J'. Local rd'•""10M. OW. tnuportaUon. Oolond. Kl J..fOll, Harntl. 22C24 FlRBT CLASS b~ coolt. 1 SCA.L&a, 1 GONDOLA Early momln( thitt.. ApplJ call LI MT&I after B:IO p. a. IL m. lo 11 a. m.-22li W. or w.-.idl. tUc eout IDJ!nn'J, Npt. Bch. 2Sc2' SA.LES LADY ap :J5 to to. Mu.t ha•• lmowl•p ot Mwin1 . Snip .. ltttch, C-D.K Har. S913 ror appottltment. 2Sttc BABY NUR8E. tor t.M .uznnwr tn Balboa. Uv• In. Call cOU'Clt BradQaw 2M•9. 2Jc26 EXPERliihcro ...Utl't' .. want.. ed. GnndOlfo'a Re.t.aurant, 511 J:Mt Balboa &ml. Inquirt e lo 10 p. lb. 13cJB Nil.AT LADT tor NIWJIOrt Hotel, cleanin1. Bat • Bun mornlnr . Har. 61111. 2tlc .l.QU'A U7KO II.&. fl. Ol. tum malt wtUl ...,..., Oool .... l IJ6i llr. dlTblc tlJM. R»-r ,.. . .,..... ...... ~ ....... u 1-1600. l1dl ---------"' -Belz Wuted »-Mloco1Jonooua, ___ _;:IO-'==-:::=::::::::::::U:_ ___ llft..UfD IQW, 1'61 WMlpYiood NAP CP automaUo wtUt lamp. cloclk. pidd1t tn. ~. bll °"" .. 11.lcli elr.l'OllM broiler. Nnw u-4. Pd. dL t8 PM.• K• 4bl. PfllUl\.o Jl&7 _.,. ..... rao. .U.O MaatlM ~ n.np wU.b ,...,u.aq M It COLD WAVE COMPLETE GIRLS GOOD NEWS! $8.50 to $10 GOOD JOU-0000 LU.ART R&1r C\lt 11. Shlmpoo A Ht 11.&0 w1Ua trequ.mt l.Dcr..._ 1111 a CLEO J'IKl:'I BEAUTY IROP compuLJ lbat ectua.Uy fllCOW"' 1116 Cburdl Bt. nr9t ~ r...t ac--.d.ucenumt. ol. N...-port Bl't'd. bttWWb lttll J'UU. PAY u JOU sn lnt.lntd. and >tth. 0:.ta YIM&. LI c..aaat U' -Opci.tnp f-- ~~~~~~~~- Call Your Relex·A·Cizor OONIULTA.NT DuDoutnUaea. ao 000puon BoM.I• WlllOD -11T1tt '°"" w KYatt 64184 ...,, LADU:S WHO wt1H TO TAKE Swedish Massage In Ua• eon~ ot Ua.tr Mm•. p1-can ,. appolnt· monC Harbol' 4.1H w HU'lMlr 70 IOU• Te I e p b ooe Operator. -Apply - l :IO to •:ao p.m.. 1.22 W. lrd St. ......... PACIJ'IC 'l'ELEPHONE NllED&D A~ ONCE <> mxp.r:l•nc.d Yacht Catpelll•n Boat BuU.n w ...... Apply Tud <Xnc• ?Otrnl CO.A.IT COMP.A.NT · Newport BlTd. a.t 2Std Bt. ___________ , '°"' Superfluows Hair f"'vro.aDalU, r.m.D't'ed rrom ta.c• snna. ~p. E.ft...,,.,. &Od ball LUI• U&&~No nor. t•.-n1 ~ L. BRTA.HT A. &. ucto·• &&Joa ol BHut7 H&r. DTI ... R.&A.L &STATS IAL&81'AN- h•V• oJ*liftl for .. peri•nc~ .. ,..,,,"' In II•• offic~ Ooort lloor 11'-1· Plf'ftty ot •dli end top ~I...,,., IH J A C )( J BJU:NN'AN'. l.120 Y,'. CA)e.fl Hwy., u 1 -n11. 11c.n I WE GOT . IT Rebuilt & Re~aired it Are Tired Keepi~g it Slashed Our Prices On it You Come Ir Get it COMPLETE HOUSEHOW FURNISHINGS CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE I' AllIL Y .. BUT Wll.AT THI: 90Ta l\Dun.D" . toir oelJ ttu.n p:rnmta, O*ly · Jt.J• Noda. ... &AUGllNI WAJllmOUla 1016 Ii. nnt I t.. 8enta Am ... d&ll7. Jtl 1-MIT. w ...... .... ~ h•n •.. t.o,ooe ... n. 0 . &. AUTOIUTJC WJ.mlllR. Db, t&lter 0.. "1MIW t>l&t tleldli 11 1-. ~ OfU&w r1 ..... .,._ ..... "dlf, N. Open Mon., Wed., J'rl., S.t. nlleti 'Ul 9 dn. t.o tt•.D Ko k ..,. ~ VETERANS INDUSTRIES '02 E. •TH "·" mo. · · · .. .-"' n. -------------------~---I hrllriltanl A: AlSl.P81tL ...M.UOBJflW~ Retta"· Wrought Iron, Patio Furniture Complete .election ot Wrought Iron l'w'nlture. Barbecue &nd Braden, IA.wo Swinp, Gudeo and lletlch Umbffilu. BAllBOO DRAW DRAPES end TROPICAL Floor c.ovump . BASKETS of ell kinda A Un...W Gift lt•ma. Canvas end Aluminum Awnings. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 1626 S. Ma.in. Santa Ana Jl..I 2-JM!) Free Delivery OPEN MONDAY AND 'frunAY NIGHTS TILL 8 T JOlO &. nNt a.. Ruta ...,_ , M..U,. alf~ nm!ISD\. -.. b1Anr1"n11 aan.t.-bOrkl. ....., .. t-. ........... Jf.,.., ..... ... Ml ................. ... ..,.1.f.J, ry,...t& ..,,. fll.M m9. We ._.,.., pt. WI .._. "' dlo09e ,,.. "* ..-1'7 .... M7L 0 .... "~ Pldb' .. .A..mM.&·1. Hotpoblt&. C.... Qll la .. ........ 40.000 ... n. turn.itvN 6 appllanoN. U :rou e&r>.'l nJ\d It ".,._ I don't kn .. wb~ tou'd 10 . . , l.N BAUORHB WAJtEHOlJI~ 1016 &. J't.rlll at., •u• ..._.,. H dally. IQ 1;Mtl l '" -I • u ... .. ... • .. • ' , , • • • . .: . . . .. •• • • •• -. . • .. ·-·-~--c-: ·--· .. ~= c; ... r -· • E~ .. ···-·-• .. •• !•!;!•!;:::.!f!ll!•!~:·~---11!"! .!ft\ !'? 11111~ 1161 ............................. ............. ..,,....... o.L "-..... auea • .... ,,...'-.., ..,. ....... Ola. Wllbtpto& at., ...., OA!J' ... tl7 ......... u tiff.If. Ke_. ...... V JOU ,.., ,,..t& 111f 11.J.f .. . SH JU.UQB)fl 1'...-ovam 1016 I:. rlnt It, ... t.f ._ ••• d.ally. la '1-6&11'. w. ... ... ·-~ btta , , • 6t.OOO ... ft. GtT~·' .AUTOll.lftC ........... .. .._ .. $69 Thor·Black"-AllC ~AP'!"•tlaUr ..... tt,.,._widJtuooL 'n.. an t.nde--tu a.ad fioor ----'ftceool7 NOOM6~­Relrfcerator Plw1 • ed ... cuerut.Md. o.uvt,,, t..te mod9t ntOITAJall., ...... ... luUlla\1<19 opUollal. duor, doU'19 ual\ I' tmathe CklMd I~· WIUI JOO lb, tn.. -' tbe bottom. COllt MOO...,, Teun tor 1111 -twJr ,_...t.Md. T-. ft M Ill pw ...-th. JESSEE APPLIANCE 00. JAKZ'I APPU..l..NCll 00. -1013 I . M.ltn Kl 1--34.I 1937 Harbor B!Yd.., eo.ta 1141•. lant& Ana 22<'.24. Open WI I p. m.. Fri4aJ' Norge Washer Like new -tull •atonlati<i with time-Una CClftltoll. O»t fUt ntw. our pc1oa lllt tut.lled and tW1y ruaruteact. i.ow t~ U ~ JAJCS'I A.PPLIAJl(Cll CO.-ttal B&r- 't'r Rift.. OMta M-. , -~~~~~~~~ Bmft.V,EL 'I cu. f'l.. -··--· "60. 8mt'4EL t cu. n. ··--··--ST&. w&DOllWOOD SU ilto'f'a ·-J2:0, 10H W. Balboa. HU'bor 3'22 21p23 KJICL. tlOUIJMl4 twi:lltun for Mia. Bar. aat1'-W. 21pU Unpalnt.d • jUTanlla turnttura.. Me1a Woodcra~ Bi9 Clearance Sele IA VI: A.a KUCH A.a 60% ON BOMlll lTmKll . .Prtc. raduced on ch..ta, ~ • bUtcb· ... Corna early, pttc:a ll .ubJact to .tock • baad. Inc1uci.a ,.na aDd '9b0r la yn. bplrtanea .ACKE TV 6 RADIO 4.25 • lllt It. Har. ~ ACOO&DJON .. l.CU.1.81 J on.l7 htb lJO --~ •t.ra .autt., iall In perf'act condition • Term. f10 down 1111d SO.U par mo. at 81LU"ER8 t81n<i• ltOT) A.RE YOU 'nfINKING ! 4.tl·filS N . IJt&mOI"' Banta Ana Ot a •aw orpD or piano T Trad• Phone JCimberl7 J-otT2 )'OW' oMI pt&AO In DOW tor I ------------I bis ..........iua anowanoe. Wa 21" CROBU:Y. Good Uapa. 30 ;q,Hd 2.5 uprt.pt plaaoa, R.IGHT 4-7 p&N 6 Mn"ic. par&nt ... A.WAT tor CijlJ' IUINQer rent. '89.60. ' •la. Betora JOU ky, s•t OW" 1113 Harber Blvd., Coat.a M ... bl.1 t.rada appralal •l U 1-lfi.ST. 20c22 Radio • TV Specials ~ ISpeclaJi.t or DOG CLIPPING Work.I ln your home. llMI T\Wtln Avt., C M . ........... 12p24 POODLE AKC l'a(ilt,.r~ choeo- lata male. n •hot.a. 7CM M.&rpcrlle, Coruna dal M•r. 20'21 SI-Auto. Waat.ed SELL YOUR CAR PAID rQR OR ?-;QT McCarthy P1y1 )lore 1•20 a. Main Kl 2·3607 ~ANGl!).REFIUGEIU TOR 2111 Harbor Bl.Yd., C:O.ta )I ... Bll..\JEKI l &I.e. 19071 HloUI N .. 8yoa.rnora, 81.nt& Aaa Pb<lna KlmlMrty JOl72 On.n .. OOW'lly'a 0:'P" Hdqtra. COkP1..&'TID Mi(..ATJ:UI\ HAM 40-Au.til& for Sale LI 1-114.1 JUNll OKG.Alf IPl:Cl.ALSI Lo•ely aiqla man"'°' elactronlc orsa.a. 11.ka. •-· Ba•• »00. n.dlo and c.r-n.mltter with ------- $299.50! ACl'Oel tram. lt.Ur9 >U.rkat Tall Gt.Ille Country HOGH ANTIQUES Nie. ¥1.rlaty auU..mtlc anUqu• C'Olorld ...... -.... coppl'I'. ,,.mar. lampa. tumltun. trom ~ ittt it-. to tbe naa.t A ran11t tor tM oouaotor. IU.TllRTM A.NM JOllNI i•m Barbor m.c..., a.nta .Ana '""' PL.A TJ:ft pl&M BALDWIN ~ pleU.IJ' r.ccnsiUODed, play-I MW• roO.. S'\IO t• fam.ilY ~ 1171 ~ Yadlt AAcb.oN.p. Bar. dH. ltfe BaauUtul tull 2 JDMu&l 11actronic orp.n wttb 'la pada1 board. .... fl!$. Haounond 1ptnet orpn In tin• onnctUkin kva 1100. · 0oo¥anl•nt term• at SIU.FER.I tllDQo 1907 f Ul-01 N, 87camora, But.a A.na Pb.on. XllD.)a!V 2.()172 Oranr• County'1 orran Hdqtn. MOVINOi MUST U:U.. 21 In. PbUco t•blao modal TV, com· plate wtlh tabla, ud !'"lbblt .,... Good OOacliUOb, Mcrlftoa price 176. Ollll at 1fl2 Wut Ocaan Troftt attar I :IO p.m. '""' Q ~~J!lAN-,~D,..-7P~IAN""70~8~.-7M~ ... -,-~ .. -I cbooM rrom. Muon • Haffilln, microphone, f'rom 10 to I IO mater cati. 1116. Bl:Vm.AJ.. TV'S thal bava bean complaWy rebuilt Inch.id. new plctura n,t.e. l T" Admiral COMOla -·-Ut.9~ tt" Ze.nith C$1Dla --·-··· '"'·'~ Hnttm1.11 COMOI• ··-· $39.9~ TV SERVICE $2..00 CALLS ANTWJm\J) T elovi1ion Sel11 Service Lil l-t129 end OU< Knowlton Electronlca TV REPAIR • ·oo-a • ··--21 n A Le.Ur, Knabe, e&ble. bt.n A UNTALB 7 PID::'ll li'rinr J'OOln-ml.tddl'll 8-U"I' ~ ..... ,......._ • ~ 8ch.llicber ,n.tid Clftl1 FAST SERVICE. R.llA80NABLI!: cb&1r A dl'f'aA. 2 end LUI-. Haut}' MOO. Ru. Jtol-W ... 16. Another ap.dal, t1.M a.w:-ca1Y WI I p,m.. mtt.. table A luDpilL Jltaad Qd6 ahape '416, Ban 11000 OD lJ M206 11-..'..._ tn ~. Bal. ctue l CJllD--_,.--1·---.-.. -n.-,·,-,.-... -KnaM OnA4 un n-. , l·----------- IJOl.60.Pa7-1y mWl moa~-Pram. _,.., locb-eomp.i.. .ldmddt·hWiP9 B1I' PlaAO • )y pA)'!MnU. ... al •ot I . ao.t. MW 1100. .. U !JM, Har. Orru aior., 110 No. Mal..Q, JtANGJ:-REnUGlCRATOlt 1o".:""ru·ii°""Ui:;(,..;l"ICllriiUliiiii'.1n7 Ji· iii "';u;1;1-~w~.=-::,-""'"°-::'::k16:= Saa\& A.na. ..iway1 100 p1&no1. HOU•UUL or l"Ul\H?nlU UQllTNINO a... aau Boat-ILUOIOND Or'JU18 &U inodel&. T. V. Rental 12!!0 So. M'aln AND WASHER ,_ -.,~tu1o1 '"""'· Good ........ .,.. .,... ...... .,... ... , ... , .- cU!r. • eCtOft'•a, I rM<Nni -1'9 tfft 400I O&iul..t Pl Good .... • \WI;, _, •• ~ [)own -$0 Weekly luaJ*, 1 H•nlht ft911 ~ Kar. JllT-W _. OJUord .. TJtJ caa JM)' ll wttllout ~na. Kl T..a.4St knta ~ t&blM, 1 matehlo&' eocdltaU JipM. kb 'tt•PhlUIJ>9. 11.2"0 No. Mab'!. NORQ"IAUTOlili'nOWAmoat tul•. 7 po. llltra--~ dlii·l -~~-~~---=~--=~c-9&nt& ...._ C&W'., e>raqa 1 s"P·IN-J:T--Pl&n--~--R<n--W--"-'-u-mo- M.4.0JC CHU JU.lfO~ atle Mt, Mdroom coa•• at I rr. liLBOA -.Ufn.s Din1'h7. Cow:it)' Hunmond Dealer. Ilk• 01,.. M.c.. Yvu. •l••y• ttnd HO'l'POJNT ftmr"IUODU.TOlt. !loll' doubM ct..... With ....,,). ~l oondlHon.. Oomplata ==,..----=c-,c-..,--°"c: wOftdart'ul .. vt:nr1 tn thl1 dept. ~ Down 0.U.,.,.. All 'l'hl'M ~ mirror, IHM>kou. llMOO&rd Har. HH-M.. lld5 RENT a a-ltudlo piano JlO. Small 9S1lnat $3". Othf'rl StM .• Out el lt&t. Cftldit a.&nC a. It tr.ma, J nttt t&llf4ll. --1------------Jiff maalh. AU t..rm. rental ., " ,.. •-• .... 11 .... $.485, Mino lYIM Maple Spinet 9Q9 ~ L ~MICtad .1111.&ltNM • ~ "Ot.AallPAft , 11 ft.j l -· a,.,_.M 00 .... y. ---. T• caa INJ all W. ._ model. "'1114 .W.W. top. khmldt•Phllllpt, &JO No M&ln, 1217~ M&ho(. 119~. ~. --·'rhl UD I 1 m. ·~-· -... Schm\d~PbUll~ 520 No. Ma.lzl.. ""Y" ~·-, .., . 'fVt• .. 110 *-......,L and p&J nnlOt4' ~ motor ta A.a&. (:loeed 1•-A·-"" r,-l-"-•-• ------------Banta Ana. Rave '120. on 2 -• only 0 ".16 p&r w..a. Full bal· cont.J'Gbt. TM MM .--....-. -. .,. Libtrt ~ 21 u t•'" BOrJ'JiU,..N OOMOla. 111.IO. naw spinet. all1hUy damared JESSEE APPLliNCI!: 00. 1013 .. >laJft SJ l ·NU Bula Ana ""'' DEllP J1lm:Z&. 10 cu, tt. u~ t"IDL ·1Md 917 a '"' mootha. eo.t .iino.t l600 -kcrtf'lee tlll. Buhr '911.. Jl.dl !ll!lRVJ:L REnUGJ:Ri. TOR TA.PP.lN Gil RANGE Not.hills Don '3.lt . - Woekly llaJlla hU dot.k. a•tomatla ..... ·-~· ~ 'llirollw, ._... bu ....,.top t,....r, uca due '-ealy Ptl.09 I ----'~-------'-N.w ptctun tuk Blood O&k at Fair A Rome SboW . I• SA.UORlfl W.utl:llOUU BOAT WAN'Q:D-Motor or l&IL <1a blnet. 10 day suua.ntff - 1011 •. nr1t It .. e&ftt& Am luitule for &lb-.core n..hinf. part. A Mn°iCa. .... 4a.t11. ICJ T~l'J. We haft Optn.te on ..,.. tiut. wtth l~ HarbGr JJJ't'd., Coit.aw ... ,!i.00 PER MONTH buya 1ood prac:Uc. pla.noa. IMI., 112& .. 1117 .. llt.O a.nd up . .... aryt.hlq' here •· • .0,000 "l· ft. option lo louy. WW paJ" aD U 144.31. IOeH Scllmldt·PhWlp.1. 520 No. Malo. A BOU&&rVL opar&Uc9 O.~ Wrtte Bo.. J'w •M a mo, IAI tbSll paper. UpJ• lHI de 1tm11 .. JIM tuU .i.. 11 rr. MA.HOO. plywood l:l<Mt autornacUc nna .. T pc. u.... Mweory 9Uptir 10 with trailer Aat. IP-t pc." lkdrm. comp. IUI. Har. i"ll-M. 12c2' I pc. dlnial Mt. All bnlnd ""'· U4 d.n. So rr. BUNT EXP!lDI. llatt TIKX> ruJlNITUlll: tank. can Hell!.. 11 pea- Op.:i Jloo.. Wtd. A n1. Till t MnleN. HT •·1200 alter D 2:60t W lit. IUU. u.: p. m.. JJcJ4. '"'' BROD MOOIUNQ fr¥r •le. Bal· rtn\NJTURm for compl•t• ' -..0.. l.&&n4. 1000 bklek, lloUUl room.a.. Ooftlt.ata of' 10 pc. llv· Bay. IQT Cort.I "'"''· Har. 1n1 room, 1 po dW.ns-room, 1111-1 l:lp2• compMta bedroom pvup, bll 1114 eu.. n.. Pb1Jco nitrtpr&\01' LIU. VING, mU9t ..U my liOO wttlr. .,,_ t.op tr...-. dairy 17 ft.. JC"' l'OLD BOAT. Wat a.u doof', ttM waq.woo4 thftl um... otter ma 11111 ,....... u.a er moOA wtt.h Ai.o rood ma.naa t.oU..t na WANT&D: to lllld piano-tor sanu. An., ll#l. 1914. J!'"'e bir retal. dept. Hisb••t Chh Validated p&rllln1. allow&ACa Ill tnda tor ~.1------------Splnet or Onnd Piano. AP. -.bout our 1pael1I 1wnmer khmldt-Pbllllpe, 6)() No. Main HOMJ: TR.Ll L Orran •nd LA.- St., Banta Ana, 9(m, plan 1 SH.All'l:RS (81noa 1907 ) 11" PHILCO tabl1 modtl. Com-42 1 .... 21 N. Sycamon", 8&nt• All• pl1taly racondltlonad. 10 day Pbona K!JntMirly 2--0t72 1uarant.. put.a Ii HrVlca. Orana'• eou..ty'1 Ors"an H.dqtr'9. $72.60. 1885 H1rbor Bl vd., Co11-MeM HAMMOND Bpi.net Or1an 14 . • LI I-JOT. 20c22 ••lk In your home, with our lf'' PHILCO con.ola modtl. New plctllf't tuba. A vary nlc• buy. IU.&<1. 1116 Harbor BJ¥d., Coit.a MaM u l-Ul7, 20c22 LEB80N • LOA.N PLA..~. Pr1· ••ti le110n1. Hurry, only • f.w •nU•ble. Sclamldl-PtlWlp.1, 520 So. l-111.n. c.tab. 1114. 4 Good Buys 194.9 -n..oto -11 ~. 1949 ·-Huct.on -l~~O. F~ -Ford -Cab over - Ilka ,._._ 1A1a than 4000 m1le1 011 en(iM. $650. '68 Ford F&lrlanl', r.ompltt~ly factory equip~ 12395. Mark Downing Ford Hwy 31' •l Pa.cine Cout HW')' Lex ._.SO. GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ••T CHl:VROl.ZT 4 T. PANEL. '"$ CHEVR.OIEr SUBURBAN'. '01 CllEVROLE't' ·~ T. PICKUP '!IS OODOE !.\, T. PICKUP. '03 OMC "'-T . PICKUP. 'O~ OMC 'I. T . PICKUP. '64 FORD ·~T. PICKUP. ':'IQ CHEVROLET ~ T. PICKUf'. '63 GMC % T. PICKUJ>. '114 CHEVROLET ~ T. PICKUP HYDRA-KATIC TRANS . '62 FORD VI, l T. DUALS. '60 CHEVROLET Z· T. 14' STA~. l ·aPECff. A :~ TIRES • '!WI GMC 2 T. COE. 14' ijTAKE . 2 SPEED. 8:211 TIRES. '52 CHEVROLET 2 T. 1•· BODY . 2 SPEED, S :~ TIRES. 'Ml OOOCE 21,i T, OUJ.rP, 2 SPEED, t :OO TIRICS. If you ar1 In nffd of any ty}* of uled truck equipment be •ure to •H our 1tock. 30 unlY to chG01• from. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 615-19 E. 4lh. St. Bani., A:i.I Truck H"•dquarten fJ r • Oran1• Co. 1930 FORD cpa. Motltl A. En· 11na completely overh1uled. H&r. 27To-J. 2.3c2• ' . . ... GRADUATION SPECIALS ... ... . .. -. 19M FORD CPJ!:. U,bt lfl"IY -Low mil°""' , , El<cdleftt rubber-In TIP TOP ohape ... _Jtll .. im DODGE CLUB CPE. -Light blue. Ra.dlo, b..W, excellent U.... uceptlooally deu. °'111· ... 1952 PL YMOl.J!l'H-4 door oedan. Ua"bt ,-. New Mat conn. In, excellent cooditibn ·-·--'-$121 •• 1950 FORD CONV. CPE. -Radio, b .. ter. Low • arilo.,.; -.V•ry clta.n .... _................... ...... ts" • 3 Star * * *Specif 1006 NEW YORKER, 4 dr. aedan, two-tone 111.ftd : on tan, power •teering, power bra.Ice._ Radio, . . healtr, WSW tirea. AU other e.xtru. Only $3500 LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout Highway LI 8·3"11 · THIS WEEK ONLY We mwit sell o ur over •upply ot BRAND NEW AMBASS.AOOR V-8 220 h. p. .. ... Full factory warra.ntee A• low ae $2995 with ultramattc a.nd beater ....... Ward S. Lee, NASH Inc. 1236 S. MAin St. YOU WILL GET MORE FOR YOUR CAR Wben you Kll to Anchor Mtr. Co. 17 • E. lTth t.I 1-1.219 COSTA MESA 21ttc 'M PLYMOUTH BELVEOlllU:, V·I ' dr. hard·top 6 monllu old. Loaded wltll p ow 1 r tqUlpment. Low k>ca1 mile&&•, low down payment. ,.,... coo. tract. Immaculate fnllde 11nd out.. Prh•ata party, H&r. 4Mt 221!< l'iS CHEVROIEI' Bal Air con- vert.Ible, rad. WSW, erf.a'lna.I owner, low mllaq .. radio, auto. tr&n1miul.on. Har. MU. t•tJe Let RIOH Help You. Per.ona111 te.l9etlld NEW 6 USED CARS TAKlll A..OVA.NTAGIC ot nll manJ JM.l'I of axpwtenca .. a top ao1ch mecllanJc. RIOH HAHN'S '°' m. nTK !tT. Karbar •TU Newport Bia.ch JMK&Ol.ATll Dl:LlVERY oo new R.nault ..OU.. 6Q.. mll• per 1alloe SJlff, BAUBKZN • WATSON l1a2 Karbo, Cost.a w- '"' '32 HILUU.K eon¥. w1tll OM"ad.. nantal kit. new ~A palllt. 3 ·-u,.., sood top. ~ Jutt o•arhaul41d f4fD. lbt. ISJI &tlH' ':30 .,.... 8.ELL OJt. TftAD&-'11 lhreur'J' oonv. B1aclr. wtUI WSW, ,_... heater. NOMd and ''dlocbd. Oood coodlUoa tTOO. .~ LI •743&. • lkU ~-Aato- Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN Up to 1ll Montht ~Pay 8 Cyla. ---.. -·M .81 AU Stn!a"ht . E!Jbto -··-----''-68.83 INCLUDES llotJs LUar A hrta. Naw r1Dp, wrV\ pW. ¥t.l¥• (rtDd. 11.tUnp ot JM1A \Md rod blarlnp. l:IKplrt ... tuM- up. 90-daJ or .ooo mll• par· ...... OA.IXZTI 6 on. llk'!'ILA. REBUU.T llNGlNlll!I eun..T IN' wr owa ~ ~ •killed mMllt.bllRL Dart -.. teftd wtO u.. mWGa .... a.,...-. -""""" J'ORD ( 1Ui4) • tut CBSVltOUIT • •M BUJCK _. ., .. PACKAJU> (I efl.> •••: ptym., Dodf9 • hnl • -11.M.. CHllT& A Dll 80'l'O --llAM 8TlJDEB.A.m ....... O._ • POMTU.C I ~llOM N'A.*8 __.. ... KAlQft .... °"' ., ..... ..Cl allU'ad ia l dQ. o.u.....,. .... l.Nt&ll&-- diell .,uo..1-a.-• ..,..,. ..... w ..... "--· clock, lamp, Jrid41a ill mlddla. Trop&c Ull ID. Putt. a.J.1- Mc oYain • rot.IMerta. All a..-1 ~~·~-='~"c--cc--c-~-""'==' • panatead. All tblt pd. dA. 1.IDIMAN NJUn1 dlni111 #l11 te 1711.IT. hy •'1' SI.Tl ea.. 6 d&OIVft IUl&. 141W), MOTOROLA. +color T .V. t.ablt modtl. Take ovw paymtnt. of 11'2.~2 par month. 110'2 N. M&UI, llanta A.a&. 2k2• Custom Hi-Fi Grant W. Musick ro-A-nr.. .i:...,,. BUD80lf (t i (I lilatal> -ttMM PWI INWTALl.ATl'l"f 0,.. DUIJ I ta I K~'Wf .. -. auna.,, 11 to I' JESSEE wMlt. O..plata. U WTtl. J2d4. ... BA.UORNI WAllllBOUla 1--~~~=~---~ 1ou .&. nm it .. a.nta Am 2r l.D'm JUNO tto. Nort11n1 M dally. KT T-6417, W• haft aAdlOT wttlr. IO' dl&19 4 100' lftf"11hlq btre • , , 4'0,000 lflll• tl. """ DIM 116. fl% pl atatnl- 17'' PATHm. baauUtt.ill7 1t7led nWIOI. cabinet. wtth cloon. JO d'7 parta iii MrTica suarantea. KUBIC ITITJJMB PlaMild to YOW' lnd.lridu&I U1t~n· lDI niqultWn1111-fOI' 11om1 A bl.Wn-. Your Hud1on Dealer SALES and SER VICE W N. Loi An1tiu Km 0--7171 , A.PPLliNCZ CO. Slll & Kalli ID ........ _ .... ..... I CARPET "WALL TO WALL" "Tackle11 Strippin9" "Expert ln.+allation" ALL PRICEll QUOTED ataeJ water tank IT .IO. ~­ ln1 ~ tlO. I d•J Na't'J' lh!p clock 1~. Olrnbal Jamp A ' UICJlor Da'hta UO. N-t.rouW. .... '-" """ ... ~ 12. lot Vl.& MlntoM. Udo w._ •aall ... d. Hp2• FOR SALE IN.Ni. lllti H•rbor Blvd~ Coit.a M•M u •·S-431. 2Qcl2 121,9" ADMIRAL comb . .AM and TM WIUI record pl&J•r. 8pacia.I l7t.ta 2120 N', J&Jn, bnla A.Ila. na• 121/i," ADMIRAL oonM>la. Thor- ou.l'hly ra-'COnCUUoal4. onlr 13P.911 2121) N. M•ln, kilt.a Ana. 22c2• a.uW'\al ... 111& .._..., .. -----,-.,.-,------.................... TV llT-'conol .. , -1220 • • W, .iboa. ai ... 11.. Newport. Antennu P .M and up A..naDllm ~ UtfC BEAi\ 6 COMPAU a utb111Uc hlch fldallty •t OUT complat•l,~,-.-.~V~O~LKB~~w=.7a~E~N~.7.~1&c-ck·.· • .,.-c .. 8 turlio of U'f'in1 &our>d." oondltlon. New Un~• 11.oo.- HARBOR HI-Fl J!SI Newport BJ-rd. H1r. ·4681 .... C1ll alttr 'l :30 p m, Harbor IOIS·W. 21c2! 1941 CHRYSLER club Cptc., 1ood condition. 12~. Har. 2770-J . ~A.atoll for &le C. McCARTHY'S 8ut.w IOU ti In.at.an.d -compMt.. .T.t~ up Brln1 your •t to our llhop. W• WORK CARS MOTOft-.BOAT. 11 n.. Inboard Will tta and .. ,., JOU I I l>owii P•ym~nt Croal•y air cool., iHtfin•. A~~ V $200 SllO. ~utck -.Mt,-~ 1 Umt• ......_. T '52 BUICK SUPER RTV., 4-dr. Dyn., R&H ............... . U..L .AI.ao aupl.ly uM(d '26 · 31•t Bl. H•r. "a. '52 BUICK CLB. CP. Radio, h eater ................ ._ .......... $200 ........ IPllmT"', T ft. n"""'l,:c:,-,17Nc-.-c,.ccOTO==,.c:o"w.--.,.---c:--e, '52 FORD OONV. RltH Automatic -·--·-············-·--·--··-·$200 :~~~~~Bal~ lllt• 'new. 19M rqOlll-d. '52 CHEVY Power· Glide, R.l..H -·········-··-······-·······-.. ···SlM N-and Uoed TRUCK AND Pe11en9er TIRES 8-Hour Recapping Service Complete BnJte Service AND Front End A.Upment ftQA..D a&:RVICS J'IJ'lilltoM Budlt( l'la.n YOUr'9 tor th• A.9Jtln1 HOWARD RY AN 801 -809 W. lat ST. SANTA ANA KJM3Q &Jock rti.Ult mMt tlW'.......,.. pt,. &--. P*&I ... IQ BELLES EN61NE ~ REBUILOEllS SIO £. lrd It. ltl a..uH LOJ..N CA.Rf -~ 'roWIMO 8'TA.Tll BOXDlp AUTOMA.TtC 'l'IUJCIMIUtc>M8 HTDJUll.lTIC • DYK.t.ft.OW POWllllOUDll CO~O..UU.UL $119.59 lncludM all parta A ......., ALL WOJUl GU........., fERMS ARRAN~ID , LO.AN CAM BAB AU'l;OllOTl'f'9 ~ 1::11} KEUM>'Jlf IT. AT AeA.ClA La ...... • It T•k• ovw payment. of 11•.Ta $""" 81\'d., Npl. ••· -R•rtM>r per mo. No dowa. 2101 N. '52 MERC. HARD TOP, RlcH ···· ···············-·-··--··-·-·· """" •t-Auto Serv\ee •t-Aato lervlee • IOU. Jlcll Main. aa.nta "Ari•. ~ '51 NASH RAMBLER, Ob. Cp .. O'Dr. -······--·-.. -... $150 ~--=-'-=c.:-"''----...:.;;_=.;;;..=;,;.;;;;.._:,._ __ ARI: OOMPLEl'l:L Y L.t.ID IN YOUR HOMJ: illm!STllll --------------·-.... ~'5 yd. .knoN VI8008 )J llollllury --··-............... -....... $7.911 1001\ WOOL RI-LOW, Importld -Jlela!WIL---19.911 $1.00 ICXTR.l J'OR 82 OZ. RUllBICR PAD NOTHING DOWN ' LOWlll'I' INT. -1 TICAJUI TO PAY WRIGHTS FURNITURE I 04.10 Garden SARDEN GROVE Grove Blvd. -LE 9-5091 JO rr. N. H. c1u9 llMl lloop. Knowlton IClectronit:a '51 CHEVY Ob .. Cp., R4tH -··········-·················---·-~··---·SlOO R E 0 ~"1-:-" 1 ...... ,:;'; TV NTENN S '51 PLYM., Conv., Radio. heat<r ................................. $100 • • TO CLOD lCftATll -Woll A A 051 PLYM., Hard top, R&H ........................................ $lOO Authoriied n.... ._uWula.r.boalMIU\ tci.u a.in -BJ o.in1 '50 OLDS ROCKET 88, 2 dr. -·-·-··-··--------·-···-·-·····$160 ti n. UJL •"'-"*'· s.w.,..s l:llltaJl«I 8*rpk'9 to J'OUr .. t. '00 FORD FAIRLANE. new motor .... ····---··----.. --·-···$100 '" .,.. .... -..._.... rl.95 ·50 MERC. Clb. Cp .. R&.H ...................... -----..... $100 ' ~~~ :=: ~"',....'~·'-"'°...,.·,....,...,..,,.,..,.,-=='-'u:o'-i'OO CHEVY, Radio, he1.ter ..................................... _ .... $100 ,.. LI WU.. 211121 DO IT YOURSELF ·50 NAl!H STATESMAN. 2 dr., R&.H _____ ....... .$50 roa LU.II _ 11 n. ....,.. 'llO FORD ct.B. cP., R&H .................. -.... -.......... $100 ...,. .... ...._ -lt LJ. HI.fl 'ill FORD CUST ... d r .. R&.H ....................... -............. $60 M'ltOUrJ' lnOtot -•xciellant 8VILD TOUR OWN H1 • Fl ''9 LINCOLN, •-<1.r, R4H, O'Dr. -·-··············-·-·······--·--·'50 =.sa~·::.8;"-~ ~ 1lltna" N.....nb" '49 OIEVY, 2-dr., R&H . --······-··--···················----·-···$50 Now Hour SERVICE on 24 Truck Repairing * ALL MAKES * Ellmlnat.e ...Uy tlo-lQ» lo at G p. m. -Ovt at 1 a. m. Sine. 1133 uptl &rmoa-Ka.rdoa AM...,. ~ '47 FORD Ct.B. COUPE . .. ........... ··· .............. S50 unpHtl.n, 1peakitn • NiCON cK~n<:=,.~,.~-n.-o·A·L.-,.--n.-,.-L pla)'trt.. eom. '" •nd ... Ultm. Bank Terms nlW aa.croe ra&JMall. •UN!r Wa wUl belp you l.lhmbi. ll. McCARTHY :'"'':.=: ·::i: '• "'::..: DA,v_1s"~OBl~N j SEE US FCR GOOD USED TRUCICS ED. THOMPSON Garage·· (Com~r 3rd lit French) IS.TM -'• .,._.., H•r. llTI ... ...,.. ~ atUr I I• a . t•lf'c OData. M•• -U 1-1-&ST 14.20 So. Ma.In, Santa Aoa KT 2-3.Wi Phone Kt 2-2843 &nta Ana • ' I ' -,... ' ' ' ,>.GE·~ PART 11-NE}llPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS U..l-A;,._ r ..... t · '3--for Beol __,,...., to Leu 12 _, r.tate . ! WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13, 1956 woo...,.·......_• ........... coaoN ... DCL-......."""" • LOANSf~ Homes 1'A.FTER·o'NLY' 6 .,0• s. -., ,..,.._.. dLl..-.L au'-o w&Mtr, 'Wna. VldVnt.. boUMo I __.. M 4%-Tt.u.n • 'I-A£!':: A: llouel I• lteat (&Hll"' Mk. 'n-o. "-ch. trom w y_,.i,,-a'ia '*" '" -'° rr. Loau w ..... ..__...U11m~1e11 beuWNI MW I Mdra. and On. (or 4th bllmsl 1 l\ ti.U. ho-.. lft ~ &nlnr BJ~. Expen1tv1 pe,Uo toe) ~ °"tcklot-li'fin1. u.nen room. bNpe, or cic..t t,,..oe, hall9 c..,,.tt<I, othtir tlt9. hwd., Bfft:h Cllbinlt.1. 1&111. dilp., venUlaHftc ran In kit· JIOD,EJU{ "--· .. ft. . y-............ J>aOlla ............ x.-. -_L c truct• L , bed.rrn.J blolh. 11 ., A~ 1.vAJ:l.AJtl.S Now ON L&AU: Pia.al. Ku. ao1,..,.. Ud$ co.... Hin;:J. u ....... llfO. aat:SI ons aon oans ... oc-... , 1'~ IP r.= """""" Ol:L ...... CORONA D " R ...,_ -BOif .... 'l'rLICR "'""·· eoo~ . --.... ••o • ••v••ua EL MA au><MCR RCNTtJ. -...... 1011 EAft' COAIT 81.l!X>. ' _....., -__... NO\Y L&AllN0---"9dy tor oc. bland HOUM • llldmt.-J c.tel KU' Harbor Siii Bee.uw\i.J ~ bdtm.. hom•· w lo w . c-upa.ncJ J1&n• 160!. NEW. trn--ahower:a. L&n&J ,.ua. a..B.Q. lltp. N)IR.t&ft MOftTOAQI: OU. RENT Vacation Trailtt ~E\V i~ ft, aul..n. n1ht and bunk Md. B) t.IMI W..._ LI 8-2336: 2Jp215 It' PORT ORANGE i TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hlway. carpet. drapu, hUJI tlnplac•, tum. °"' a.ad \Wo Ndrooin lleeps ll pod puld.D&, Wk. Metro Wt lu. l'unu X1 l-41U J.Aaai paUo, dtlipoMI. pn1e. apart.mmta -Ore~ Tlew on• from. beuh. Hu. JMT·~j.u • "th: uUI. JllO pt:r mo. No ,.w. black tnma 0!.111& co .... , birch kitchen• -tullt -tn Hotpolnl OCEAN YJEW -SlO lMklpUr, oven• and Rl\I"•, built-10 49-Rooms for Rf.nt tt.rs• it«Ond noor 1 bdrm. brt11kfdl llJllan, tnill'lopny patt• •PL di9pou.l, 1•r•1•. laundry elllnf w9JJ. to •.U carpeunc It 1100 per mo. No pe.U.. draperlea. Oen~~ clOMU a **** Vllltora! Va.catlonllll!! Enjoy ttvinc on 011 Octan l'roQt. 2nd & 1.t T.D. LOANS Royal Mortg~g• Co. 2003 Nt1~·port 8J9d .• Nprt. Bch. · CMI\. A.hon all thl~ ho1T11 M• .ROOK -~ 1000 .q. fL ot It! Prleed at tn.9~. Buyer may ••1Uft~ • owntr'a 4\ll'WI IO&fl, 111 ,._real.ta Lane. Ph.. u ... 3Mt 21c31 BY OWN.ER -' • = • c~ow~ OF THE SEA t • • Thia Khle Siie lla:rpln Is priced below nplsce- m•nt coo\ In bef,utuul Corona dtl Mat. With lsrg• roo~·""" excellent view of the ocun, thia home ba1 2 bedroom&, sleepinc den Mld 1arp family room: Dining area, bullt-ln kitchen 6 . ' . . a doubl• firepl&oe. .OPEN EVERY DUNCAN AETERNOON at 308 Poppy • HARDESTY , 2602 Newport Bl~d., Newport Beach Realtor Har. 471& Newport BMeb• LI M.UO P AX·.uJERlCAN 3~ to M> tt.., l C 2 B.f'.. .\ VAlLA.BLE. NOW by wffk or month c h,.e to beaehee. 312 Carnation. Cwona del Mar. Two beautiful newly furn, twin tMNJ •pta. With bed 41v&JU Wiii •feot!P 4. Dlepoaa.11, dlabmaalera, tva1e1, laundry•. C\Lnll. patio wk.ti B•r-8-Q $100 I*' wk. Will con•ider yu.r Jeue to adulU. No pf!U. •tore.gt. 8e119rate r1.ra1• and Laundry tacUltlH. Autonw.Uc wuht• It dry•r. One bedroom SlM per mo11th on yearly leU.. 1\olo Mdroom 1171. 30G Ftrn· !eat. Har. 37f.3 20p.2a Completely twTliehed kllcll1n· ette apt.a. and room1 wllb prl· vat• bath. Miid aervice. frM TV. 1308 W•t Oc:ea..., Froat. llu. 6167. Harbor 1549 A TrRACI'IVlll duplt.x, near Udo ' PA RA?f~R"t Olt1tnm l__bullt. 30 t(f No It 2-at\, H1ih -.m allowance. \\'e need d"n w.aed trallera. PAN U!ERICAN Parlll'DOllJ1t.Ktnaklll Travetu.Tcrry ll:ilf 27 FT. MODERN tr1Jler, o.aw aw1n1. patio, fenctd. Sacrifice. Lido Trailer Pa:r)l.. Hou. ~20li 19tfc •:iJ-215 • 1-r. 'Tra;eleze -Twin bed•. toLltl A shmt.'tr 11700. 1:i3:i SU.perter Ave., C.M. 2lp2J 47-\\'anlf'd to Rent Single m•n. no J>llU. want.I 1 B, R.. b11.th 4: kitchenette by n1onth ur eeason. E:11~lltnt care su~ranteed. BarUett. lli \Veat "D" O.ntar!o. 23p24 \VA.NTED ,to rent -3 bfdroom nowe, Harbor are•. yurJ:y le&M or ltue vdU\ opt!or to buy. \Vant 1 aragt, fll·epl., fenced yd. rermanmut employed locally. Excellent 1oca.J re.tarencu. \.\'rile boJI xiJ, Lb .. new•paper. S!itfc SEE o'r all owner at 312 Cam•· Uo11 Apt. D. H•r. 1aea· or WJlllman Realty Har. lM3 or Har. 4t!i3. 2Jtfc LIDO FURNISHED -FOR LEASE Nr~·ly decorated and charmlns two 2 bed~ I bl.th • two I bedroom apta.. wilt\ view. uu11Ue1 paJd. Qarbace dia- PoMl~. laUndry room and g-a1111:ea,. Two bednna. $1 ~ mo. -1 bedrm. 112~ mo. CO AST PROPERTIES. 301 E. B1lbo11. Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 2&:>8 or Harbor f.800. tf • 3 bnn. 2 bf.. Udo Hoo.e $2!'.0 1-'L'RN. APT8., cloee to bay, llO mo. ~·k . .I: uUI. pd. 309 E . Bsy, • Bay tront 1pt. l'urnlthtd, with Balboa. 23t!c pin. __ p.a.. p&lmer incorporated SUJ.fJ.flCR RENTAL _ Furn. I 1tud10 apt. at 811y F ront home. Olr Hanson Co. Management ll'IO wtek. 4006 R1vP:r Avr: .. 33JJ ,.,,Lido, Har, 1500 .Sc•w110rt. Har. 1008-W 2Jc25 23t fc --________ ....:.::.: Vocati on Rental s IRY INE TERRACE Choit'e I a 3 bf!drrn. 1pte. on .S. near Dtacl>er ~y week, rnonlh. or Sf'lllKln. l'50 wttk It up. BE'M"ER RESERVE NO\V. C rl'tnltaf Sevtrta Rlty. J.l rl, Payton, H•r. 2t>:i2 22c24. **** ROOM Wllh prlv1te b•th and entrance, car port. One blk. from ocean, \\'eat Ne~·port­ Har. 04.iS-J. lk.27 FOR REN T If. hr. pbon• 1arv;c• '"" HOME LOANS Con1t.n.1ctlon -Retinance--8alea 15?. • 6%'Ai • 0'1oi Ina, Fund.II -Bids-• Lou - Prtvate Koney Truat Deed> Bought I< Sold Call 1-'ot Free Commitment DON L HUDDLESTON Ll 8-3M l Coata Meaa New otf1~e I2x24. Udo llhopplnc 173 E. l7th Bt. 1rta. $75 mG.. on )'ra. leaae. ------------- BAY 4: BEACH REALTY INC. LOANS TO BUILD. IMPROVE, REALTORS BUT, MODERNIZE, OR 3113 Lafayette R.EJ'QIAJllCE • H!l-r. 36<13. tlar 2999 EVtl. W• Buy ~t ~ 'Ju.at to the Mght ot Lido Brid~:; NEWPORT BALBOA eA V"mGS It LOAN ASSOCIATION •• Ground Floor 1366 Via. Udo Ph. Hu. 4100 It• • OFFICES OR STORES •• I ;:.~:;_~M;.o:;:•;:;•;,T_:W;:;an=.:l::ed=----For Lea.ie in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th &. Newport Blvd. WANT IS,000 rOT" 8 yea.r1. 6% Paymf'.l\t.. 1Lmplt aec.urlty. W 8·2711 23c24 Har. 1&00 lmart, rw~· modtt·n unturni•htd I home. 3bdrm, 2 bath.a. Lanai with ahdlng glaaa wa ll to IH!· clucle<I paUo. }.Lii.hog b&r:--type kitchen. built-in oven It ranst - Hwd parquet floor1, 12~ pt; APTS.' ON BAY FRONT 1 mo, 1 yr ltaw-. SAL.ES OFFICE I 57 Beal &tate W ted oppo.ltt IRVINE co A 8 T Sioglf', double • 2 bed rm. Bal· I ~;;;:;;:;;:;--;;:::-;:;;;:::::-::-::;:::t~=~~~l_!!~~!&ll~!!!~-1 COU~'TRY CLUB. hoa artll, Seuona~ by week GROU:-l'D floor olflct1 or 1torea. "r n1onth. Courtuy to broker•. 11.lao l \.Or•g• 1p.ace for rtnl or BY R'!!:SPO~SIBLI!: Puadenl Coe.at H~ 101. Ne1o1·port Harbor. Cati Har. 4tt8 H11.r. 33otl 21c33 ltalH!. BALBOA BAY PROrERTlES DA\', \\'K. or mootb. rurnh1heJ l:')O!i \V. Balboa Blvd. Har, ~l.88 2 room •Wtt1 wltb kitchen• WANT CORONA DICL MAR 2 bedroom for bu11ineu lot In Co1La Me ... Pay ba.lance In cuh, "Har. 3361 !amlly ( 1 child.I Wut 2 bdnn. 23Uc ho.me un/JJ.rn. or parll.y turn.1-~~~~~~~~~~~_:.: Vlclnlt)' l11Sh School by Btpt. lat. t.hru wlnt\'r montha only. Up to i 15 per mo. Phone SY. 8-271i or writ• C. V. Lueu, 22lf. Lon1a Vlata St., Pau- <lma, Calif. 2lcJ3 LARGE 1 bdrm. n!Ctly turnlahe<I Sit t-pa 2 to 8. Ullllll• po.I. 150 apt, 1300 a month thru Sept. rt to be•rh • •hopping. F ree OFF'!CES FOR RENT H), thrn drop• lo $!00. H•vt piuking . $83 ~·Ir. up. BALBJA I B!rtcher Bulldtnc. Mar -Crut m•ny olheni. !I bdrm1. home on I SLA~D APTS., 324 !>1arine. Corp., 215115 E. Coa•t Hwy, Ocean Front .. ELSEWHERE. H11 r. !IOM. 2lc23 Corona dtl J.1ar. Har. 19114. 3 4: 3 bdrm. apla. moat any ---:-0-::-....,-.,.--,,------24e28 ~·her• you 1o1•1nt It on aummer OCEAN FRONT TEN4N'f5 W AlTING "'ntal1. !107 E. Balboa Blvd. 5S-A-BU81ness Rental11 YEARLY 2 bdrm• .. eompltttly rum utll. pd, 7000 \V. Ocea11 Front, Newport Bt•ch. 191fc \\'hy !)ave a vacancy, when H11.r, !1110&. 23p23 w• ha•• tenanta wait1n1 for I =:--::::c-c~=~----.,...:..:_:L yarly A 1ummer rental•? CUFF HAVEN, un!urn. 3 bdrm. NEWPORT office. Oood loca· t lon for insurance, account!ns. AUG. It SEPT. doctor1, Puklnc. Q.,.,·ntr 1412 L1.r1:• Bay front ipt., Newport N . Fluwer, Santa Ana. K.I 2·0962. 2lc23 llilAnd --1Hp. els ht, 2 b1th1' ------------- Greenleaf Seve11.1 Rlty. duplu. plenty ot clo•tt 1paee, Call M rt, Payton, Har. 21563 1arqe It fenced )'&td. TM.rly 13c24 ."lnM. U 8-t.197. 22c24 " ~I-Real Eotata ElrchanJ• SAN BllRNARDlNO mount&ln c11bln A a Iota 'adJotnlllr no1a.r atore, secluded, will trade for local. Har. •.MO evt:nin11. llllc RESORT LOCA TJON with mod• em lor hou11 on Sacramento rlvar. Wtll tr•d• for Income or beach property. Ph. U l-!228. 2lc%3 EXEOUT.IVE .. wtt.. 3 d.au1bter1 A doc dM{N I bdrm. untum. hum• in beach area by Sept. lat. Carpeting • drape• detlr· ed. Yrly. leue to· 1200 P9T mo. Ll 8-15111. 12tte SEE ME·TA NEJ..'lON CORONA DEL MAR FOR CUOJCE RENTALS. 8&A.80N AL 6 YEARLY. 2iOI .E. Cout Hwy. Har. 6660 It $100 per week-.Call lla.rbor l" 2681 Thursd1y through Sunday BAUJOA ISLAND etor• 209 J.ll'rine Ave. Xltnt 2Ip23 bldg. SANTA ANA INCOME prop-loca· erty It ca.ah to uch•n&• for PENINSULA. NICE AREA lion a1;rou itrett from po1t 3 br. Coron1 del Mar or Soutb office. • • t:nfumlihed •pt.a. with &•rage VOGEL co. (next to poat otfl~,.1 Laruna on ocean aid• of lOl 1 B R.-$90 • 2 B.R.-1110 I Har. 44t. 21c23 Highway Ca.ll owner Kl Ph. Har. 12114 -E ve1. Har. 11511 -------------j _~3~·~2'~7~3~·~·~1~1~"~4'._l"P~m~.~-~2~1~'2'.:' tf 1944 Newport Blvd., Co•ta ahop11. f\lml.lhect. IZ•.000.1------------------------IShoW1 .xcellent return. U ~12~7 . 98Uc OCEA. ..... -rRO!'.'T LOT Zoned R-2 ... _ ... ,._ $10.~00 term1. Ecell. See-lhore Dr. Lo<"•llon BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l!M'.115 W. BalbOa. BIYCI. Har. !1111 OCEAN P'RO~'T REDUCED -$3!\.000 Full price tor 8 unit rtnal completely turnillhed. Ba 1 t loc1tlon on the Pen1nsul1 rn- coma over 111244 r••t yt1r. Step In now for I Ul)'1mer 1111&· llOn which. 1ho11ld b1 in&: over 14{100 alone. Total operatlna upenee inc. ta••• &. Ina. leaa than 1700 yrly. Don't 1nl11 thl1 ttn-inc buy, Hurry to BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1!'>0:') W. Balboa Blvd, Har. 15188 2 BD1'J.t. HOME on la.re• lot In Newpw-t Haighta, cluu. nice neighborhood, fenced yard. CloM to 1ehoola. By o~·ner M.2 fUvenlde Ave., Ll 8-31u9 &ti.ft 5 :30 p. m. l:l:Uo LITI'.I...E GEK. Almo.t new flnl- ly conatructed 2 bdrm. horn .. excc.llent location IOULb of the h l&:kway in Corona de! M.ar. J ~~t • block or 10 from' tbt ocean.. Ample 11?.e room•. lar1e bath with equar• tub. kllchen BALBOA 4 bdrm. furn. oldel" ...bpme, large livi.ng room with fireplace. Unit heat, gubage disposal, 2 car garage. Ocean view, close to the bt-y, $23,500 terms. FIRST TIME OEFERED. Income unit 2 bdnn. furn. house with large bedroom garage apt . Excellent rental are&.1 blk. to bay. $21,500 terma. FURNISHED DUPLEX a.ll on one floor. Good summer renW.. 1 block lo bay. Sl-l,500 wilh low down payment. COSTA MESA Cozy 2 bdrm. a.nd lanai. Ranch home completely furn. 2 car garage. Set in be&ven ot flowen, trees. ehrubs. }\ruit trees galore. Corral for horse. All fenced. 66 x 300. $6000 down. COMMERCIAL corner 1451rJ x 150 ft. Near Har· bor Bl\'d. Present improvements ahould carry till property developed. Beat buy on W. 19th St. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JAYRED, Realtor ).iildred Rigga and Sylvia Tbomp11on. Auociates. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har, 2658 or 4600 In ChinaM A.1h, It'• ju1t loaded with cloael.s, 1l1dlng Kl•~• door• .REDECOR.ATED 1 ~drm. bomt. to a beautiful fenced garden neat. bl'l ght, cheerful, 2 blk11. EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN full of floWtl'I. AblOLUlA per· to Thrtfty and Alph.a 1ktL fectlon on a. 46 ft. Jot. 127,500 17m full price with t11mu to ~·ith a mple ftnanctnc By ap-1u!t. polntment only -Cell Ford 1138 \V. VICTORIA, In1pect new Vtrrinder, Har. 4263. 2lc23 · niodtm 3 bedroom 2 bath. 1936 CLOSE IN R-1 LOTS In n1w re1tricttd 1ubdlv. 80 rt. fronta.1e. A croaa from co~t• loft&& Park. 18th It Anahtlni. Ooly a. few Jett. $3300. Ttrll)• a va.Jl, LI 8-1781 or Ll 8·6621. lk32 CURT DOSH , Rltr. 315 Ma rine Ave. ftatu,... m•k• convenient and pleLMnt plac• to own. Ca.ab, term•. or trade. Immediala occupancy. PLAC&NTIA BT. PARCEL. lh&t will maU your m onty crow-:- 3 acre•. Hu low area and n•edl •om• nn. Pr1ced &c· cordlngly. HOME Of\ DUPLEX LOT, cor- ntr, Back Bay and Country Club ire.a. A $4'000 b&rpln. BesuUtul 3 bf!drm. 2 bath homa on nlce corn~r loL Fireplace. for ctd a ir he1t. wall to wall carprt, dlnJn g room, 1Jl•CIOU1 pstlo wlth room for pool mak.t thl11 11n out1tand!ng buy at 1111.960. 15000 down. Ne wpo rt.Mesa Realty 1799 Newport LI 8-:>M8, Blvd., Coal& Mt .... )!';ve'I LI 1-7237 Close-in Home l'\EEDln> 3 bdrm. • den or 3 bdrm. furn. or unturn. Year1:r ltalH!, owntrehtp ca.re. Harbor a.rta, referenc ... Har. a3-47. 3lc23 ON BALBOA ISLAND BU us ror yur17 and ae..onal rent...i.. NELDA GIBSON, R .. ltor 3oe Karin• Ave. Harbor 0-02 NEWPORT - CHANNEL FRONT )1t11. A ttn.ctlv• unf\Jmlahed o(flCtl. 1 room 130 -2 rm•. 140 TWO DUPLEXES B11lbo& Isl and BUSINESS CORNER. Harbor Blvd. Jnvtltmtnt opportunity. ProptrlY n1111t M aold. i173 mo. Income on portion of prem\IH!I or rtady for lmmedl· ate de\·tlopment 151 ft. on Harbor. 2 bedroom horra, lol 4 h•lf. C1n butld on. F100ll' tumM:e. wood floorit, double ruace. tile kit · <"hen, paU.o c..iubhouae An. near <"hllnnrl It Lido atioppln& Ctnltr. ldPal for ret!re.d couple. $1 :J.~. Good. rtnanctnc R.o'•ls. W •nted BALBOA ISLAND 2 B. R. turnLJhrd yearly renlal 4 room1 $7!1 H11.1bor ~lM. -Parking:. 17trc Sear Hien School, lncome $3 MO. Hl b I 5LO Tota.I price S32.1500. \\'Lii tak• 1 ____ a_r_o_r __ Q __ _ u u 11150 Inc. uUIUr.s. •"'•ti.Md apte. aad nou ... In all TWO BEDRM. auplu sao mo. Ph. Har. 12114 -l!:\'U . Har. 18~ 1.ct10~ both ~·Inter and Brana new -cute. MAX.· W . lf year'• i'um. or \Ulturn. POPS:, Realtor, 1903 Harbor 1------------- Jt you havt a. V!M:ancy, Blvd., Coeta Meaa.. U 8-1142. 1 or 3 bdrm. a pu .. laundry rm. By day, .,..etk ur month. pbont today • l 4Uc BLUE TOP MOTEL The Vogel Co. 121>1 W. C.t. Hwy., Newport Bch- Phona Uberty l -3d1 l.08 Marina, Balboa 1-Ja.nd Pbon• Ra.rbor 14f. Deluxe Duplex FURN ISHED •03 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 87Uc SUMMER HENTAL -B1Lboa t$81 Ill. <lit. Hy .. Coron& dtl Mar 1 Pbon• Ha.rbor 17'1 YEAR OLD, I bed.room and den, l "-balhll. tore~ air heat. prtvate, barbecue end p•tlo. Beautiful v1ew, picture wtn· I1land, l bdrm. apt. bath. 11hower, tllnlng •rta. Slttp• 4 Good parklnir;. blk. to beach Har. 3~97-\\. 21p23 lA6o OOlce. 34'16 V1a. Udo •I Harber 4871 \TOI Newport ems., C.0.ta Me1i Ube.rt)' 1-6517 WA.NT I BEDROOM unfum, bOIDt t or I adW.U. Prefer near ocean. To 1100. er opUon to ~uy. PbmuitnL -C&il OX- a'ol'Cl 47M7 {Le«iom) or WT1te Box Y·•~· New1-Prff.&. 20p'..!4 EXCUTIVE. l.&CMr A. 8 yr. old "°" wsnl 3 bdrm. unfurn. ~om•}.•~ On u .. POINT rrom '":?Wy lit. t\1ference1. CpJI a.tttr -t-Har. Ill,. """ do'" -rlookln& th• ocean. 43-B--H I Very attractive and well de-I OU!!!_ .?~nt~ ta.Jltd homt. Nicaly fuml.lhed. CORONA DEL MA.R 3-.,,-,m-.-. Adulta. One )'.f'Ar !tut. 148 nicely tum hou•e. blk to Blvd. Mornln1 Canyon Road, Corona Adult. lt111'1• $110 mo. 425 de! Mar. Harbor "8t \V. l&cao Ma.rlgold. 22p23 Cholct Winter Rent.a:la on Balboa IsJand 6 Lldo Ia.le Small • coq or l•rr• • delwi:e $7~ tu 1300 month VOGEL co. 21l8 J.lartne Ava,, Balboa .llland Ph. Harbor f.44 or Harbor 101!1 Rt1. H1r. 3629-R or Har. 122i-R LIDO Bayrront 2 b"drn11.. dtn, 11' balh1, pier. and allp . Av•ll· able Aus. 1 to Sept. 10. Har- bor 0221 20c25 UNFURN, corner houae. 2 bdrm•. Near -<:hool ol bt1u::h J90 per mo. Chllth Pn OK. 4415 Begonlll. Corona drl ~l"r. 23p24 N\V CORNER. l 7lb ... Orance. Costa ~t t31. Office or flhop 1p11.c• r.it 1200 .q, tL, aAd ~ 1q. ft, of parklng a rea. Sull- able tor rellU bu1lne1a, or llght manu!11cturin1. FRANK JA~IES. Har. 2042. 17Uc PRIVATE offlCl'I w!lh phone an· tWl!'r!ng 11ervlce. Secretary • notary available. Ground Floor. pa.rt trade. Har. Miil 20cJO 60A-Cor:nmerclal, lnda!trlal FOR Ri;NT - !\'\\' COR:-.ER, 17th .. Orangt. Costa J.te111. SHOP epace or 1200 •q. ft. ;>LUI 10000 1q. ft parklnc are•. FH.ANK JAMES, H.arbor 2042 17tf.: Nt\V Tr!dPnt Bldg .. 2200 New· ------------- port Blvd., Nt"'port Beach. ( Adjflctnt South Cout Co.) Harbor 3028. 10cJ2 BALBOA ISLAND-bid(. 25 by 40 tor gara1e repair or -! Har. 1502 l9Uc M-Baslness Opportunities CAFE IN CORONA. DEL MAR -A ntltthbf)rhood bullnt111 - est•hll•hf'{! ovll'r 7 yn . Prlc«l r111lit & t"nn" •l e ottert<I. Rr('ords ol partlcu\ar1 at our offlct . 11.00() dn. 14EE CASEY OFFICE 2721 E. Co•at Hwy .. Corona dl'I ;\lar Ha.r, 0146 2 Acres Beau t 1\.11.1 NEXT TO 1100.000 NEW BAB- COCK ELECTRONICS MJ'G. Level, SM view. AU uUlttlee. Muat 1ell tmmt'dt11.tely. 1:ro,ooo. FP. Ownfr. LI 8-33115, 209'6 Federal, CM 13Uc B/ B Commerci al In d ustrial Dep art ment P otential Subdjviaion ------. u nrurn. -----------'-'-'-'-' i 64lfc -------------I NEW I b-h·m. 2 bath 6:1 Acre• -Level -ContlguoUI to Cor.l• Mt1&. $::1.7MI per acrt. FREEi I Select-a-Tenant hOUlll' ye11r )('llSt. $915 8-3333, mo. 1...1 2;1c25 Local 5 & I Oc Store COMMERCIAL Tb• an.at tut.eat trM Mrvlc• to landlordlo eYU')"Whtrt. CALL BEl..SCI' R.EA.LTY RENTAL SPECIALISTS CALL EDl'fA CRAJG / ' BY WEEK OR MO!\'TH , J uly. Aue. It !'l'pt 2 Mnn. z bath turn. hou~ ... & g11r1}:e or rnom Goo•l lfcl\-''· R•a1on11l)le 1822 Nt1,1·port Blvd .. J.fe""'· C·l Lot. Nfwport Blvd., In New- port Beach 12'6' x 100' - $18,600 ... Kl 7-J60t j . 12lfc ~Apts. 'a Houw for Rent iAIXJ ISLAND ru.mlahf/d °" unturnllhed Badl&IOI' t.rM1 ont or two bed· l'OOln apartmata.. lty .ummer, monlhly or year!). I.ill)() Realty Associates .... 00 Via Udo •rarbor 44'4'6 -Sor a ckPf!ndable u.ed ca.r, itee your JOCal cteal.-r v.'ho W111 be neN TOMORRO\V to block 11p whal ht Mell• TODAY : Cht!ck the uloed c.r• ln the e~fied -ecuon to-d-'11 I. ·, .J:. • DORIS BRAY, Realtor Ill 1'111.rlne. Baltboa. llland Har. 20 or 6' CORONA DEL MAR. l bedrm. tum .. y early, 1ara.re. See t07's f'ernleaf. Adult.I, no pet. 180. Jlarbor 629. 211'23 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. Dellgbt!ul Il\'Jnr. OFFERS ApL-Cabanu. Utilftl .. paid. ... u. Yacht •lip •ccomodaUona. At bslh ~''""fl• up to 7. \Vt110t Bay A•·" h11 y v1 .. ,.,,, $8."I wf'ek. 132!\ prr lnu J-lar, 2804-J . 2:1p2!\ LITI'LE l!ol l,AXD HM y-Front 3 bed rm. homt Slf'l'J>ll 10 Ava.lla.ble J11rie. A: July. Har. 3634·1.1 23tfc WATERFRO~-r . .s11nd)' bca('h- l;>rand n•1,1• 3 BR .• 2 Bath, lovely hn111r \\'1111 to .,.-au car· paUn&. bu!lt-1n kltchtn. Nice C AFE·.Sl OOQ ""K. GR. o rr blWI parkln,;. mod,rn eq11lp- 1n,nt. good ""' up fnr a rouplr Hint" fol'rl'• •lllP Orftr11 "'1lltrtsined, Sl'A 111 tor o\h'r bu11tnt1.s<>a. BALBOA BAY l'ROPERTIES l .'>O~ \\", Balb.~11 BL•·(l H1r. 5188 CAFES 2 nl~• •poll . f'tt 1hop----Laundro- m"l. All top Jocatlon•. Optf' ror d""'l•. BALBOA BA\• PROf'ERTlltS M·l '!'O LEASE \Ve h11.vl' rlll':ntl that are ln tfr• tilted In t>ullding nral cLa•• pl11.nl• and leaalns-out to 1ub- 1tantllll flrm1. If yo11r C'Ompany Ill lntrre1ttd In the t..ll ad\•an· l•r;e of le11..in1. "'t .,.,,..u!it like lo dt~·11 11 th• propoeltion .,..\th }OU. Say & Be ach Rea lty Inc REALTORS 11173 Harl:Jor Bqultv.t.rd Co•lll Meu, Callfom la fl. F. Gflk'le• R. \\'. Goo111tn pa.tlo. 1111rurn )'l'll rl)". rt'fllr1C!· 1ri.o:i \\', Balboa Blvd. }Jar. ~188 t'd •r•• 1~60 n1u C•ll Har· o .. y or 11L1ht phlllle LI. 8-1714 bor 126i, Evtll. !!arbor 1360 . !'trc 60A--Commf'rclal, lodmtria.l 60·A-Com'clal, lndustrlal CORONA. DEi. ~tAR bfo1uUful new rnrnt'r hrnne unfurn. Ava.II. Sfpt. 10. - -3 bdrrnll. 2 tt.thl. ~-r•1 J!f'I• A dr•rM Eleet. •lo\'f I. rl'(rlit. \\'a \tr A ,.mrn"r J>10l•I 1 l)lk. tr nn1 bellch. $1\U l"'r n1u un l"lllH" Own•r 11 .. r l~:!J; ~t lit·:t,, \'EARLY, 11nf11rn Cute 2 1,.t.111 hoU111, l\\Rl lllu on y-r lrUI' ~r~1i'tJ_. ___ 21~2:1 1 SANTA ANA INDUSTRIAL CENTER NOW LF.A~INC ~fod t'rn cuncrtte tilt-up b ulldinc11 Tailon!'d lo tenant.a nf'edt ~f·l or "1 -2 zoning. ONE OF' 'I1iE LAST view lo~ in Cli!C Haven. Per· ma.nent view o! Harbor & Qcean,. 65 x 110. $7,9~ Harbor 5971 14c27h \V-3 bdrm. hou1e, 2 car &:•r- . ~e clo.se to 1hopping center, L"oete. Me11a. By ownar. Kl ~-6!110 or Har. 1129 9t!c Altaden a Escrow 113-A E11t 18th St., Co.ta Meta L.lbtrty 8·~. 13c211 BY o'wN!:R. n-rench home. I btdrm .. 1 ~ ba lh. dbl1. c•r•c•. buUl ln oven, 1lO\'t , dt1hwu.h· er, U1td brick flrepla<"e, rug1 A dr11.pe1. $%1>,MO. 491 E . 18th Pl~•. Co11ti. MtA&. LI 1-2050. 115tfc BA.I.BOA ISLAND Owner an:11 lou1 on th\1 roomr older home wllh «arase apt ... \Vant an offer ~ Alkins $29,- 500 ... Good ttrn1•. BALBOA BAY PROPEn·r1ES 1!'>06 \V. Balbo11 Blvd, Har. 6181 NEWPO RT BEACH I • 2 bedroom hou.1•• A l 1lftgl~ 11pt.. Doubl11 prare on two loll. $16,300--Ttrn11. l block from octan • bulll\ell\di.slrtct. Call owner Kar, 4288 a!ttr ~ p. rn. or a nytime !lton. TUM., \Ved. 17c30 $M>OO 00\\.' N OCF.A,,,~ • J'RONT 11 urry tor Uli• 3 bdrm. home 10.-iU\ 11, bath~. Forc...-1 alr heat, p&llo, double c•r age . Roorn tor Income unit.fin rear. ,--:ear be.st O.lhlnr •r"•· \Von"t Lut hinr. Brtnl!'. your check· book "' BALBOA. BAY l'ROPltRTIE! I~ W. Sillboa Blvd Har. M88 TRA.DERS WHAT HAVE U! Tri1~t 1lt4tdl, vac•nt lot•. houlf'e. re..eldenUal income, rc;>n11nerc1al rte. Ste ua for r eeulU. BAL.BOA BAY l'ROPERTIE8 1506 l\'. Balboa blvd. liar. ~188 By 0~·11er Halbo• f'<'1 11u•11!11 n .. wly furnl•h- e.J 1 \Hr1lru1 µ1UJI I Jxo,\1vuUl l"ueet hvU•I', 1••1\u, J 10 With• 111n111ll lluwn. C111l liar tltiO-\\' 2:'1C"28 cusTOJ.t BUlL T HOJ.fES ON YOUR !..OT. $s87~ to $1'6.500. Selt1:Uon now. 3 RENTALS, 1 btdrm. duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. tncomt 1200 a monlh. SIHIOO down. J.~11 price 11 7.~00. ORA NGE COAST PRO PERTIES 1&!17 Newport LI 1·1633 . Blvd .. C09ta lfeaa ~t1 LI 1-1.00 TO P O' TH E CROP NBC REALTY CO. 32nd A Newport Blvd., Ha.r. &"t IMAGINE THIS! $7M do-.vn tor I bf!droom. 3 yr. old FHA built home.. Bteull· lul w11!1 to wall carpet end nlctly dtcorated. Only SM.ISO per l"lloO. 1ncludln1t taxe11, lnl\lr· ance, principle and 4 1ti ~ In• ttre.aL run price Jt7~ Ne wport-Mesa Realty 1719 N!W'}JOrt Blvd., °'9ta M~ LI 8-MOa, ~ .. LI a.T3117 DUPLE!\. -EAST SIDE. Qulf'I. SL walkln( dill. to t own. 2 Bdr. ta. .,.ith 1t•r1ir;t"• between. Kear yard fenced .It d1v1ded. 1Lvtn1 pL1}·e cy ot .eparate 2 huuH• on j~ tt. !tit. Only 2 yra <>ILi Ir. 14000 dn. OPEN HOUSE Sll MARlOOLD, CdM btdrm, hotiae • cu..i hou••· <Arpettt1. 41) ft. Jot. auo deck. F tnc..:t Yard. OPEN 1-f. p.)f. ALL \VEll:K. Or call A BEAUTIFUL HO~tE you "-Ill be µrood lo o.,.·n. 2 Bdr. 4: Den. ""'J flr•. •p&CiOUI roon\9, lot:I of Ul'!. F'irepl In Den. Obi far. Appr. 1~0 IQ. ft, of ch11rm. MAX POPE, Rltr. 1908 Harbor Blvd. Coit.a. Mela Llbtrty 8·1143. Eve•. LI 1-41~ $21.~l)(l. \\'ill conaldcr t rade !or arn"tler hon1e In C. ?.fe.sa or ------------'-"-" T l11li n. !>f· 1 At..::HEAGE Sev.·crs. ~·ate.r "° jl:ll• 1lY"ll11.blt by OE'C. this ye11.r. P ricte •~ jumpl111t In th't• •'"""· Thl.11 & sere plttt ~·on't leRt long !ill J 7500 pet' ecre. CO~l 11o1 EKCIAL HALF ACRE. Onh' 2 lol.8 \\1• or Harbor 8 1"1. Ha; 1n1•!1 houM renting al ~!\. mo. E11.ctlltnl lnl't.t. IOnl)" $10.1100 .,.,.Ith 11 Dn. C(1R:-Oli'.R \'ACA:-OT LOT &0 x \JlS Clollf! In. E1tc Dupltx or tnpltll.l:lkta .tla. I~ c. .. h. •: SIDE L.OT on Santa Anll A\'"· M> x 200. R~,.~ to $21~0 tor quick N Jf!. Mesa -Harbor Rlty. A: AKKOClATU 1;. C.:. Srymour -Realtor :,09 Clflnl l'r St <:Mta loteti• LI 8-6911 or ~ g..171t l,Af:l"NA Bt;Af'H DUPLEX - 1t. .. 11n f1>r 4 tnofe unlt1, trlnt r.-r.l•l a r.-11. n"1 r VI• tut J-1>11.:i \\ 1U ~un•l<h·r t.1a.le rur l""'KI I · lj !>I or f'Mla Me.Ill In• c,.111• Own .. r-ll\'1tt 4-3:1t1 • * Ocean front * LOVELY .rrucco DUPL.EX - I.a1"ge dbl. sar, Ntar the pier. &nJO)' the 1ununer In your o~·n nlre home W1tchln« the boe.t• • yacht.a ao by whlle your trllllftta pl)' the blll. Onl y $7·500 Down * Newport Beach HO:+.lF: and INCOME. 3 btdrrn. 4: 1 ~rm ffps,n\I unit.I. IA•'C" dbl c•r. and laundry rm. Near bl.y1 buch 4 Udo 'hops. O nly $14,500, terms NEWPORT HEIGHTS OUPJ,E~ J bedrrn. It I btdrm. od ,_,. ol. latSe R-4 lot - 7~x\68 Rri1. fOT' 2 more unit.II, nee r h ilt'h llChool. Only $I 6,25 0, terms tr.(J;:UUER llUJ.TIPLl!l LI8TINO -... $1MIO DN mn••• In 6 m01nth1 HOM ER SHAFER Dally, weekly, monthly, yell.rly. For appt.. or reeervaUoa, Ca.11 li&r. :lW2. :!<Uc HOUf>F.. clo!le to brK• h for July 11.nd Au t 2 1,..,11oon1 fu1·n. - al~f'R e t!tl•8 Stuhore D•i'•· H1rbor Kl:li-flK. 2tp2J WM. w. SAN FORD & Puk A\·e at A.t1.ruie, &Ibo& !Aland Associ ates I Har. 2462 old 3bdr1n .. 1•, ~h• 3<"r ;;"{()\\'\'~It :tho.Inn ho1·H •1 ' ,::arRit. rMtl<t Fenrttl t1ark I I ~\l•J ~-t•r l••v ... OC'e1tn 4 1r• RE41~T'OI\ ya m C!n ... ~r11 16bt ~lar· 1•lJ ,,:02 ·•.>id ML 11 3,u(\{I J(l(j ~I• t'a(k;111'Tl P~'t a t Npt. pier bDr Bh·d. U 1-lt&I l3pl:I Har 1184·\Y , 21d3 Phoni Har. Jll.J any Un:i.e. -~ -·----------~ -... ---. -~ • • ) l -• . ' • \ az Bee• -1ta~•!·~•!..1-!!!1.!!!!!"l-----1:a~~B~•~' ~lll~la~le======· =·~·~·=·~-~~·===:l~-~·~·~·~-~-~~=-INEWPO~T HAUOR NEWs.HUS-IART I I-PAM 9-. · ' I" · ~AY, JUNE IJ, 1"6 -~i"• ·ttEAL VALUES 1----.:.__ ______ ,..,.., I ' You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE New Furn i1hed "Hom•• by Mecco" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 :00 P .lL Interiors by Maitin .& Von Hemerl Beauutul bome1 lD lhe finest locaUoo Prl-from 128.000 t-0 ISt.000 Your wpec:Uoo lo J'QPOOUully oollclt<d EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS on Hiway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite new lrvlne Cout Country Club. Harbor 4448. COZY & CONVENIENT Thie one hu & friendly warm interior with knolly pine living room and used brick patio, close to tranaportatlon and within a. block of bay or ocean. 2 bedrooma, garage and work:ahop, excellent condition a.nd completely furni9hed. Oyen &ft.~oono at 1038 W. Balboa Blvd. Owner will Mll with arna.11 down payment. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport ~ach Ha.r. 4718 Are You Looking For The Finest IN PLEASUREABLE LIV ABILITY, THEN SEE thil truly out.standing home OPEN DAILY 3729 OCEAN BLVD. Word.I cannot paint the picture of this distinc- tive home built on 2 le\·ela on the bluff overlook- ing the ocean and bay. Hu large living room, dininr area, 2 bedrooma a.nd bed-Bitting room, ma.id's room, 11<>lariurn and terraces. Delightfully arn.nged to take advantage of breathtaking views from every room, ot rocky coastline, jetties &nd broad beaches. All plus separate gue11t bouae with magnificent view. Priced below replacement cost. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 Cout Highway, Corona del A-tar. Har. 5032 Eve11 Harbor 24.20· W VOGEL VALUES- CORONA DEL MAR MOST ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOMS, l~, BATHS South oI Hwy. ?i.Jodcrn in design. Sliding gl.a.u doors to cemented patio. FA heat, beam ceilings, full red brick wall.around fireplace. Arrangement ot living rm., dining rm. and kitchen afford• maximum "lndoor·outdoor Living". Priced under J20,000. -$MOO. dowu. 2 BEDROOM HOME -$14.950. -$4050. DOWN - BA.LANCE LIKE RENT. Complet:ely turniahed -ocran aidr ot Hwy. Ex· cellent cond.Jtton. Dbl. garage. Ftnced yard. Flag· •tone patio. A "Real" Buy. THE VOGEL CO. B1/ B I Story Book Home Wilb a temfte .,,.. ti. u... Bh.11 Pacltk. ........... ~ &nd eooftl'UMe-., CMrm1na n.ndt .,... .._. wtt.b luap picture Wlltdowl. .._vy .n&lu root, op.a -.. eeiJbll". \MIW br1ell ftJ'tPIMlt ...,. IOCa of charm. ·11a1 1~ W.CS blt.h.L A sardlft ot ,........ ...... •ur-- rotlftd u.. ....... patio. :u..- bl IOld. th.I• --IL $12,800, '- Now ls .the-Time To rnov• lnt.o UU oompi.t•b' turn. 2 •tory horn. wtwr1 tbl •ver c~ oeM.n ¥1.IW wtU d•ll1ht you and you.r trt1nd&. 2 bf!dnna. 1~ b&tM, Wit.I\ extra out.aid. room m.nd • ho w • r. $24,000 TltTl\L SPECTACULAR HARB<IR VIEW 4 bf!drm1 6. den, tull dinl.nc r oom, p&UO W/f'(IOln for pool f,:'l' loL carp1ta A dn.pq included. '"a.ooo. Boy & Beach Rea lty Inc RtALTOM Corona de! Mar Offtc• 3:'130 E. C•L Hwy., Harbor M63 In Shorecliffs 2 bdrm• and din. OM ot the tlner home• ln Ud• MCUon. Very altracUv•. It you Ilk• a beautiful locaUon on th• water, W• h&'t IL Your own bulllbead la front and Ule m01t dlU,-blluJ vt-lm&(in· 1ble. 2 bdrmf!, 2 bllha. 80 acre• In th• County. Zoned M · 1 and ASTtcult\.LnJ. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. ~altor. BualnMS Brok1r - 1115 I;. Cout HJ1bway Cororll. dll Mar Harbor 2132 B/ B . Gracious Living with privacy •nd quiet" 1' &NUf· 1d In lhl• Jwr.urloua 3 bdrm. 6. dtn I ba.th LI.do horn• of !lawlta conrtrucUon on T'A'O tull lot. (1.1'1.d a comer t,01 with room for pool Bari.in •l $•8.~. • • • • Sweeping View of Be.y and Oeun trom thl• mod- 1rn horn. of many w1.ndO'A'I - ' lar1e bed.room. -2 bat.ht -1arre dlnlng room -b&r- completely carpeted and dr•p· ed. AND Ills on one of very f1w t .... lot., with Incomparable view. RMJ hom1 for larr• 1ucceaatu l family. 147,600 • • • • Boy & Beach Rlty. Inc. REALTORS 1873 Harbor Boulevard Co1la Meaa, California U 8·77lt E v11. LI 8·31:'18 186 E. Wilson PLJCAlll': DRIVE BY thl• charm- ln1 ho1n• and call to •••· 2867 E. Cit. Hwy., Corona del Mar HA. 1741 HA 07~7 3 BS:Dl\OOMS. l '~ b&th1, forced air ht&l. lov11y l1rs1 paUo. par' u • t tloor1, lot fenced MAIM. A charmtns horn• that can bt purch .. ed RIGHT. Jl f,,800 -t1rm.1. EXCL USlVE OPPORTUNITY NO. 1 Two H OURI on two Mp&rate lot1. J;uUldti of town. V1ry clOM lo majOr olhopptq c.nt.ar. Now Nftt.ed. Owrw-r nMdl to RU. OM bouM ha.t 2 bedl'"OOm• - hardwood noort -.-ar1.11 - I )IM1W old. Th• olh•r I• a on• bed.room home. Th• pr1c. 11 only 1a.ooo. • NO. 2 -OPPORTUNITY With two •lrfft tronlal"· 'JOA too. Good locaUon. H•,...·1 an opportun1l.J to mak1 a tew lhoul&n4 b\ICll.. Pom:lblUty of re--~n&'-In Uy evtnt UU. l• •Ull a (ood ln"'tm1mL Op. port.unit}' p?1C41 la only 17,000 Balboa Island Inc ome Nurly new -turnl•h~d attrac· Uv~ly. Beautlful two bt!-droom cottage with •p&ctou• two Mdroom •partmenL ThJ1 property ha• 1:.V Ill Ry. Osborne-Forton REALTY co·e. 2.123 W . Coa•t Hl1hway I at Port Oran1• 1 LI t·T&e:I H1rbor ~291 THlNO and ah.o"·• a tremen-I ----------- dou1 tncom~. LET Ull SHOW IT TO YOU. NELDA GIBSON REALTOR 308 Mu1.n1 Av•. Bal.bol. 41..nd Phone Har. 602 -Hat. '323 Wattrfront -Pier· It Float 2 b.r •. 2 baUl Duplex. 1·2 Pr1ced right m .ooo 127.600 ll0.000 DupW:x. 2 b.r. -•tucUo ' b.r .. :S b&UI 2 br .• den, ii"· roon\I ™·"°" NEWPORT BEACH Ll•• pracUcally rant tre1 ln a brand new duplex. A t•nant 11 th• landlord'• belt fHlnd. Vpptr and low• 1r unll-9 both hav• twa bed· room1. l\e&I flr1place In lower unit. ~pa.clou. deck on upPlr UlllL 'v.ry ck>M to Bay and ~uh. ~ ac• c-. tor )"OUr boat. OV.,.. ..... 2 i:ar ,........ Get th• dltaJla. ${.000 handlN lL Seven l1land1 Realty & lnvtatment Co. BILL'S BEST . BUYS -~ BACK BACK HOMES ~ -f:r TWO 6. OEH -NSW, 1" IM.t.h.t,. H. \V. Doon, u9ld brick r . P .. F/A hat. bullL--1.n .... 6. ,...-., T.P. 1.26,IOO 1,000 -.. '(:r J'OUR BEDJ\OOMa - J'AJULT ROOM-NJJW. BW lloon. 2 bath• f'.P., F/4 bMt. b u110n·e. 1arr• Dbl. ...,.... 1'. P. S22.600 S'J ,000 dowa. -ft TBRn " DEN -Top nei1bborJ\ood, W 111 plana .. bom1. only l yr. old, a boDI:)' of • buy, O\\"n•r n\~ 1"\Wl •ll. F .P. $26,300 -•T,600 ...... fl THREE ii: DEN -eom•r kit. owner built. nice 11Dtly ha.ti. neat u new. TIWI can't lut - [At. l.llk fua.nclnc oa wa otia. J'.P. $21,9~ -M.600 dowL -tr THREE BEDROOM -sood. view, peJged H.W. tloor1, F.P,. F /A hnt, cerpeted, dn.pn ln• cludlld. bflauurul patio A: lanal, F .P . only S27.:M>O -13,000 dO\\"n. -(t THREE BEDROOM 6 FAM.lLY ROOM -NEW very eaclualve. rear I...R., ,.P., 1'/A heat, bullt-ln kitchen. lnch1dins diahwuher, latu~ •1.Uin. 6. many oth•r nrw te&lurM, J'.P. S21,t~ -$1,000 down. W. A. TOBIAS, Re.altor "you'll like our friendly .. rvlce" t OO E. 17th St., Coata Me.. Liberty 8-1189 . Your LUCKY NUMBER May Be Liberty 8-1142 \\re have these c~ice properties and many more. 1 acre -E. 1ide C. M. $8,000 -R-fi -take 12 unlta. 1 B. R. house -VERY nice-~. C.M. 4 B. R. hou.e 1% bath• -low down. C.M. BEAUTIFUL RANCH HOUSE -2 B.R. I< Oen do•- ens o! !eaturea. 3 B.R. Home -F1agstone planten -fenced yard - bea.ulitul yard -paUo -bllnda -ma.tU' other rxtn. !eaturl!ll -$13.000. 3 B.R. & Rumpus room near new·achool. Ideal f&.mlly home. 3 B.R. Clift Haven -$15,000. 2 B.R. w/large lot -2 car garage -view -perfect for right party. 3 B.R. 1 yr. old -1:i 1 bathe -beat neighborhood - $19,600. Submit down. . MAX W. POPE, Realtor & Auociate1 1908 Harbor Blvd. LI 8-11'-2 Coal& Meu. Open Houu Sunday 1-5 p.m. 2692 Redlands brive (run• ott Mela Dr., Ju•t w•K of Tu.Un .A.VI ,) NEW MULTIPLE LISTING Be eure and 8ee thia top quality Back Bay ue.a home of 3 ni ce bedroo~. hardwood noon. fire· place, copper plumbing, shingle roof (parklike) all fen ced rl!Ar yard & priced to •ell for $12.~. 4 ~;., loan, moderate down payment &: $71 per mo. Fbr pre.1howinr. call now. Open Houu Sundey 1-5 p.m. 327 Ramona Place, Costa Mesa (off Santa Ana Ave., ju.t No . ol 15th St.) Ideal family hwik 1 yr. old, 4 bed.rma., 1% bath1, copper plumbing, garb. dispoaal, 1600 .q. ft. An rxcepti<\naUy good buy at $12,960. low down paymrnt and $83 per mo. (ML No. &633) FRANK JAMES, Realtor 271 E. 17th SL, Coat& M .. a LI S-22~ (Juat Ea1t of Thrifty Drug) CORONA DEL MAR ClLOA D< -................. C-Beel -....... , _ .. " . • --• CU' pn.p. °"' k>t -1'6 wtUa trult """9. Prlcff to .... . OWND MUST BA'1Rlr1C.E, I ....,__ ~ floon U\1, Lot eo.toa ,._.,, can on lh1• ba,. pta-. BALBOA ISLAND N•u No. 11&7, bo&llUIUI modem tum. I btdr& 2 bath h<lme, Luse patlo, douhlo prqe, - room. Completely tun>Johod by -P!QO . -- LOTS -S Jllt I L &OxJlO Ibo OM on H~ 'Jh.J$2 few UIOO or tnde' tor 1quuy 1n 2 Hdnn cio. in bome. 2 bednn. apt. $49,000. -· . HOME AND INalME ON WATERJ'RONT. i loftl1 . : ~ room apt.. 1 with· f1nplaee, dllllll( -. _., em kltehm, I large bedroom.I, tile lto.U.. -• . :, porch overloob wa.ter. Ezotllmt retal ltCW.· ·"· -B. A. NERESON ule. Gobel t.nna. ~I prioo $42.l!OO. • · • ' QAL'IOR IM Newpor\ 91'¥4, COit.a. J.tMa Uberty l-ltT1. ~ U l ·Mll BAYSHORES 3 bedroom attn1ctlve home on po4 . : · •I.reel $23$0 LIMrty a.3119 $495 Down CORONA DEL MAR, Irvine Terrace. 3 hd.rm.. 2 bath. new home available !or yni. 1 .... at UrlO aa. I Call HARBOR 177~ NIW' :I Bedioom, I Bath Homu • ~ Acre LoU Localld on Cuyon Drlv1 j~ North ot vt~ (County! Jutt S Ava.ti· able. :UoYf! In about July llt. J'Ull Pric. Sl0,290 v.·ith ~y· 1n1nt.a Of $71. per month. EARL · W. STANLEY, Re1ltor 223 M&rine Ave., Balboa laland $1750 Down ' DON'T:.CRY TOMORROW BUY, TO-DA~ COSTA MESA SPJIJC!ALll S BdnN only 2 year1 old. Lov· ely )'&I'd complellly tenced. G&~. Jotonthly payment• <>t Mt tnolude Tue•. and ln1ur· an«. All lmprov1menl11 in and paid tor. Full prlc• $10.BQO. 1 B. R. Fi,rn-$MOO Can bo divided int-0 two IOOO eq. ft. parce!Ji. .. $2250 .Down 1 B. R. furn. $6800 neer market a.nd po9t otn.c.. -· · 2 B. R. -Reduced to $7000. $~ do.,.. nu. IOv•ly 3 Bed.rm l\~11.rly new born• bu all the fine quallllt11 tound In home• priced l('\'eral thouand dollani hlghrr. Chttk th• followlnl t eaturl'1. 4 B. R. & family rm.-Reduced to $11,7i!O-$ll!OO down. Lota -from $2200 up. HardWood floorll Forc*<I .A.Ir Heall111t 2 Ba.th• Co.mplelllly fenced Br .. ktut 81.r Db.I Oar1.g1 Ceramic Ttla L&tb and Pluttr \\'1llt Full prlc:e l1.3,2Ml. with pay· m•ntl ot $88. ptr mo11th. ''C'' ED JONES. Rltr. M.mber of Multiple L!atlnk l IH Harbor Blvd. LI 8-3333 NEWPORT HTS. . SPECIAL '40 HOL.M\VOOD DRIVE FURNIBKED. VlrJ attract!~ 2 bdrm. home. Lare• corner laL Backyard fenced with 'ti arta paved, OPEN J"OR IN'8PECTIOS T ue.. Tbu:r .. and Sat. &ftemoon.1 . PRICED TO &ELL -TEfiltS can bl arTaflff!d. Excellent Buy $11.600. -41)8 E .. t 18th SL, Co•· ta Jotua. 3 bdrm. G.l loan. Paym1nll $82.M n10. Incl. •%. lnterut 1.nd lmpoundl. OPEN FOR INSPECTION \\'ed. r'rt. and Sun. att1rnoon1. Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR 3411 N1wport Blvd._ H1.r. 402 • OFFERED FOR SALE TO BUYER APPROVED BY SELLER LOVEL.Y 2 1tory Redwood p•n· 1ltd re•lden01. with private pt1r, 1ltua.tld on 60 It. of cor· ner baytron1&&1 plw " loll adjoining on Ule South, . with tennl• court 111d tOR 1arde11. Sandy b9acb. Locatl'<l ·on Bal· , boa P.nU-la Eut 81.y Front cloM to Harbor entranc• wtt•,... quality owner1hlp hu emtab-- llf!hld ·~ Gold Cout"". PM- -1on on ao day ucrow. - SHOWN av APPOINTMENT ONLY. TEL. H•rbor 80. LOUIS w. BRJOOS, R t 1.ltor 'Jl4 I:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 2lc::23 181 ACRES l\ollln1 tooU\W ranch Jn Bouquet Canyon. 3 nn. adobe hom•. tum. L&r1• llor11 .bam. 2 bunk rml. 2 car pr. ' runnln1 .-in1• t3 acrn f1ncld. approx 80 acna could bl pul In perm. puture or •lfalfa I CHALLENGE! CHALLENGE! CHALLENGE! 70' x 140' Newport Blvd.-C aone. I bldp-2 -. repairs to code. Key lot. Oril(lnol price UT,IO(I ' Will now conalder all ottera under $'°,000. , Owner unable to m&ke npa.irw. A loo 110' x 125' on Broadway, incl. 2 B. R. f1'me and,pr. Alley. Ideal corner tor multiple or profe.ak>Gal bldg. NEWPORT BEACH Duplex on NeWport laland -I B. R. and· 2 B. k One unit tum. Acrou the it.net from ,PUk aa4 b&y 1wim.ming. Good view. Owner IUlDoum t-0 .. 11. $23,750 Commercial office .bldg. with lovely 2 B. R. home an second floor, oft hichway tn rood locatloa aeu new post office. · 1056 IQ. ft. in of~. 980 l.n apt. 2760 sq. ft. in 5 gar·warehouM unit.I. AJ.o 1ot for o!t-1treet pa.rk:inr . Must be Nen to NCOI· nize adv&lltagea. BUSINESS OPPORTUNlTJES Long e1tabliahed jewelry 1tore. $4.500 plus invctory. Exel. location. FRANClS J. HORVATH, Reeltor 3t20 W. Balboa Blvd. 2218 Newport lllft. Har. H28 Ev .. Harbor 1Mll LI 1"101 COST A MESA the best town on earth 5 ACRE ranch located in the beauUful 8&n Jt&U Capistrano hilla overlooklnc the valley A ff'Mo way. A 1pacious home (approx. 8000 911. ft.) 3 bedrooms &.den. la.rge rumpt111 roam, 2 "batha, 3 fireplace1, double earage, bM.utiM whrubl 6 treeo. $45.000 with 1ood t.nno. MORIC acN&l'I a.vailable il needed. Newport. Heighta -ON nIE CLIFF'. Une:scel· led view. 3 Br. bomr. 1% bat.hi, tarp ward· robea, double garage, eerviee porch AND inrim· ming pool with extra ~ rm., t-Ollot IU,000 On CAT.ALINA Dr. -N. P. Ht&. 2 Br. b-. 11 ;.! batha, fireplace, Obie. prap. a barp.ln at $13,500 le ru.eonable tenu.. G. N. WELLS, lie1ltor .~BJO Newport Blvd.. Coot& M-LI 1-77211 --'--~-------------'-· GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE 3 bdrm 211: ba home on full acre. Com.pi.t.elJ: fenced I< lande<aped for privacy. 35' IMlal. :IO X 40 deluxe pool. Call for appt. to IN. '.&tduOld. te 11ell at $46,roc>. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFflCE 3416 vi. Lido, Newport lloaeh Har. W!l _ • Ev.._ Har. ~179-Har. GlU Har. 11»-J $~2,SOO '-ii down or trad• for 1----------------------- Harbor area pro~rty. Harbor 5971. 20c25 Income f'rope:t7 Nearly nlW altraet.1¥• Cott• M'ffa duplex. Ineam• •1-•dy. Sl&,MO tull price. $~ down. E. W. HHL H1r. 0011-M. Utlc Attractive Cliff Haven Triplex • NO. S -OPPORTUNITY N·l Acreage 'l'tu'" 1c rn ot le••r prope.rt.y. · BAYSHORES W -Und !t .. N-porl Bch. ca.JU. ' b.r., den. load.I of 1tor1.&1J29.:WO Har. MN. aft1r'll p.m. Har. &M7 :I b.r .. 2 bath, J&"e. llv. rm. $21.600 Firat time offered. Three bedroom home with 111!.parate bunk room and bath, ju.t • tew fett from Ocea.zi Blvd. on mouth aide, Dbl 1anie, carpeted, drapes •nd.a lo.vely patio. All modem conveniencea and ln immaculate condition. ONLY ~ ___ W_A_T_E~R~FR~O~NT=--Three 4 room apta., p.n.p A atorap roo11.: Now IOM<I M-J. Owner DIUlt ..+1 to n'lftl other obUpUooa. Oppartu.nJJ.Y pnw t. onl7 12•.000 • Phil Sunivan & Geo. T. Everson JIM N..-port Blvd., Coat.a M• .. Llbtrl)' a.1711 EYff. Rlr. •W UDO 1111.11: ._...t •Dd.. for JM' round llV1nr A fUY can. 2 bldnn. t 1, b&U\a, lriafTI den. flrl~ MW W to W carp«, d."Pfl.-I. c~l.I ~ IOUt.h patio. 121.IOO OwMr. Har. ll.ll·ft 2k:I' Altadene E1crow 112·.A Eait lllh ''-COit.a .Nf!P Ublrt.J I-IMO 1k2'1 nune -•1>-«n "'""~" Lots -Small House toothtU ~.-bnatitm bum•. - for w•t.rtn>nt. 120 -Ut.h IL Claire Van Horn - Jtlc.u.TOR 1731 \lo". Cout Rwy Lt 11-4217 LIDO ISLE l'OR IAL.B BT 0¥.'NER. 2 BICDRMB,. 1, bit.ha. E:lcr-fll- lent locaUon. J'or tull Worma· Two ot thaw bard to r et, c:lo- il'I ft.t lot•. "Plu• cosy llttl• hom• a t N&r of t:tlll.lr lot. Reltd.Y locaUon. WW dJVld.e JWOPlr"ty. 11'\all pr1M-116.'JOO. Ownlr on P"l'P'r\1 -k 1ndl or ne:alncs, phon• .Har, f,Oll. llc23 tkln call Har. 1417-R. 23c26 [ --~-~-~--~-LOT8 I J't.I kit. la co.ta w..._ NMr Udo fllhOJ>I' e.t.WMll T\uUn 6 ... ta A.a&. f'Um. I bldnn.. J b&UI at\tCCIO, 1 bllr. fJ'Oftl U m.llllon ahopplll( clOM to Udo Shopp1n1 Cll!.l•r. ett1t1r. Paftd 111.t'M\I A~. tt.du·• It bloJ. SattlnNi at 0wn .. r. $20.000. Wiii wll ~rt l lt.000. Only l'JOOO down. cw au. Mn. AbrtNI. 113 Via & W. HiU Har. 06ll·M. ~ Remo. Har. 0111 or U 11 Ut: 1·25()2 22ei:l • $2:i,500 Wut f'fewport. pier. noat and RAY REALTY' CO. 3444 E. Gout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 1,288 ( Ac!'OM from Bank In C. D. M.) MEMBER OF VULTIPLE LISTING Sll:RVICE RETIRE IN THIS Roomy 2 bedrm. wkh hwd. flooro I< ~lace. Beautiful patio and lanct..capln1, Iarse 80...ft. lot with AOmt view o! the blue Pa.clfk:. Take ove.r $8400 4% GI loan. Full priu $19,000. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE. Auoclata 3622 E . Gout Hwy, Corono del Mu. Hu: 17H b'.1.lkhMd. 2 bdnn., I bAth home. ,IS,500 -110,llOO d.n. hf! OW?fEft ID Mo 0.m.i, ~ Ltland. Ul)'Um• rW oall LEfilCb t ·2115 MOQ. t.hni Fri. '"" li\llustrial Zoned FOR SAL.JC OR LEAB£ with option to b~. (9od 2 bedrm. homt-. 11\ f •no• c1. Jdeal Cot 1mall muufututtr. 100 fl tronl.&4• In ·ct'nl•r Cootla MN& DAN A. JACOB81:N, Rff1 l!:alal1 Har. Mil. U l"3l'J Kl 2·1187 LOTI. on lM Bay M ' lo lf,0 tnintac'f.. $400 •nd up pe1 fl"'flftl f ool to qualln.d buy.r1 PkN ,,.rmnt«1. Oea. Nt:NI mart.., Collin• J11and. Harbt.o ..... >Oc2. Pati09 -ahak• root. S...UUfull.7 11...,.ptd ALL LEASED ON YEARLY BA8lll. ro. tole . by owner. .To w -it-la-to-buy -it. zx...wi..t. Income, priced t-0 ~ qulck. Ru.oontblo -, .. Clint-On EaatmtJI llOC! St. .AncUoww llaed LI. MT8T · FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK . CLASS A ...... tJld otnce bl1lldlnc locat.i .. ma.rt im:portant corue:r Ill P••rt·• PrSee. f'll)(),000. WW pay 7~ -mt Ul4 wW d'I! '"'* $300,000 .. ._ -.nty. t.o,.. deprodatlon factor. ' CALL OWNER. T. D. Ropn. l\J&I! 18187 .. -- • 8/ B B•lbo, Peninsula Exclusive Ju.st llsUd. Approx.. 1700 eq. ft. o!, fine COD· Cna.cUon. 20 s 20 llvtn1 nn., 2 lge. bednna .. tull d.tnlng room. MUST BE SEEN to be appreciated. . NEWPORT CORNER LOT R-2 $4,7!50 Full Price Sl.500 Down PENINSULA-MOVE IN NOW 2 B. R. Den-1,,_. Bat.ha-Fireplace. Completely Furniabed -Nice Patio $21,750 -$5,000 Down PENINSULA-LARGE CORNER LOT 2 Bedroom -13• B&lhl Beautifully Decorated - Nice Patio $22,500 -Terms -5 1:.: r; BEACH COTT AGE On Rear of R-2 Bayview Lot Completely Furn $10,000 -$2,000 On. Summer Rentala -Yearly Rentals B&yfront, Oceanfront & In-between , BAY & BEACH REAL TY Inc., Realtors H!50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbar 1264 Eve.. Har. 1856 PULL UP A CHAIR ...• and listen to this! The 300 Members ot the NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD'~ 'lrfULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE sold over a Million Dollan worth of real estate last month, and expect to sell more lha.n a $1,000.000 t.b.ia month! Cooperation among ita members and concerted . ettort. made It possible. LIST YOUR PROPERT Y TODAY With your Favorite REALTOR P. • a. p a I m e. r; i n c o r p o r~a t e d • developers of Udo Isle Lido Beach House Pel'fect tor vacaUona! • 2 beid..room, l bath pl11.1 11eeping room and • ~ bath. Nice patJo, 2 car garage. Move ln tod&) ! An t'.Xedlent value at $22~. 2 Bedrm. 2 Bath on Udo It you only need 2 bdnna., but want a really nice home, thJa la it. So nice It'• hard to deecrlbe. Wall· t~wall ~rpeUnJ, Tbenn. oven le range, beauti- fully d«orat.ed and FURNISHED at only $29,500. Corner of Lorca & Soud One of Lldo'1Deat comel"8, improved with a nice, newly painted 3 bedrm. 2 ~th home. Open beam ceiUng, wood paneling, lota of tile. COMP ARE at $32,000. Owner a.nxiou.. We Thought This One Was Sold! · But the buyer wu tranaferred. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, vtry 1mart, sliding glua to patio, carpeted, near North Lido Beach. ·M-1, 5 Acres On Briatol next to Penn Optical Co. The perfect focation for a plant or business. p. a. palmer incorporated ole han5on co. management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 Comfortable Lido Home Th.la home ii built oo an e.pecially nice Strada corner lot. Unuaually tarre lor & two bdrm. home. Jt otte ... full and complete com!qrt tor a couple of dilcriminating·tute. For a large?' famUy, there is ample room to build another ~room a.nd bath. Priced a.t $31,500. Small Lido Home We 1uggest this one as either a summer home, or it you prefer, u a small comfortable year around ~dence. It's small, but with a little paint and wall-paper, it would be a real dream ho\18t". Priced at $21,750. The Right One • I! you have been looking on Lido for just the right house! and haven't been able to find it, call us and we will be glad to show you how easy it i.8 to !ind the right lot and build. Really, you will be 1vea.sanUy surprised. It might be the answer to your problem. p. a. palmer incorporated ole henson co. management 1700 w. toast highway -liberty 8-5573 OUR SPECIALS! CORONA DEL MAR-61 I Po insettia St. BIB Balboa Reelty Co. 111 SWELL BEACH HOME OR RENTAL PROPERTY. 4 bdrma . 2 bath•. fireplace, patio. 180 f L to bay swlm- mtnc Slupe up to 10 J*>- ple. $18,500 Xln't terma. 12 ) OWNER BEING TRANS- i FERRED Wiil Mil h1a 4 unit bulldlnr;, r«ently 1 e- df'1•ora~l1. nl<ely rurn111he<l. AdjQcent lo the b11y. $18.000 Terma. t31 PENINSUL.A U UPL.EX and a dandy. 3 bdrm1 up and 2 \lown. Allrac Uvely !urn iah· i-<t C&r•gH and laundry $28.~00 and t4'm1e OPEN FOR INSPECTION -Friday, Saturday & Sunday MR. HOME SEEKER want room for that large fam- ily! Then come eee thJ.B 2000 sq ft home. 3 bed- rooms -2 baths -AND a beautiful LARGE DEN wM built-in televiaion combination. All wool wall to wall carpet and lovely fiber glass drapes included in eelling price. Compare ~ See for yourself. FIRST TIME OFFERED OUR EXCLUSIVE in Exclusive Beacon Bay LIDO ISLE $19,500 Bayfront Near Lido ~.-w P nva t' Pl'r anrl FJ111ll Sma ll pro\•tnr1al home n<>11t a• a pln P lenty of room tu 1ull1 a.nd .-x pa nd AdJu1n1ni: lt•l a1.1allable at $16 :?~10. \\'e have the Kc). H l.:l:l:Y Wtll conatructN1. well planned I~ this lo' rly 4 bedroom hum .. The llvln« rocim look11 onll'l be&lltlfully planted Ju K•' Jllllw witti bulll-tn BBQ Ll;t l"qU!il lo 80' trontagl' Located at th•· Pllr end of Lido Lilt'. AMl(mg • • . FOR DISCRIMINATING BUYERS WE ~ HA VE SELECTED Exclusive ·Homes in All Price Ranges on lovely LIDO ISLE:- LuxuriouJ Bayfront Home Ftn.-st location ~ bedrooma, • bath• Latir• pier It bo&t allp "jl;}ea .. n t" .(w ill take 11malltt home In tnit1e) Redl Value -oS' Corner Wondertul family lantne 4 bedrooma, 2 ·~ batltt Uirge rumpu.. roo111 2 Pauoa ! car gan1ge $42,600 -excellent lerm1 (Lot alone la for th $'.!3.MIO 1 Owners' Pla ns Chenged Near-nt'w cuatom hnme 3 bcdrooitla. 2 b11th11 Fine c&rpellng Ir da apr1 .. i.'xquU!lte" Litlo bargain --$34.~llO Good Waterfront Buy 3 bedrooms, 21\ hnth~ P ier A flo11t A11k lng $i~.llfll'I ALSO , high on the bluff Over looking hA•l°>"r 11 t !•rt"" Lovely \'1t'A lion ~ 2 bedrooms, each with ti. h Large d en with f11rplMe F'bg~tone ratio Room for pool Bt&utltullv lant1qt·11r"1 Ov nl'r ntO\'•·d to Cnlflfl< I" (lffrr:ia har,::;ian Ill $39/•'-'" KILLION, real estate Lefty Murdo< k. A'iSnl'1al1' 3311 N Pwport Blvd. H tt rlXlr 550:S ' OCEAN FRONT EXCLUSIVES Duplex. both units nicely t 111 nii;heJ on corner lot 12 blocks west of Newport Pit r. Fine location wtll show approximately $3000 yearly gross. F ull price only $:?3.JOO with terms . ALSO -. I l '*NlCE 2 BEDROOM HO.ME and cute bachelor a partment In rear. Laree lot. apacloua paUo. 2 alncle pragu. All tumlahed . ba .ure to - Ulla one. Sl7,500, lenna. Have FUN all the ti.me ! Let us show you this J ehght- fu1 3 bedroom -21 :! bath home in a se-cluded re- stricted area. Ideal & safe for children. Pr1vate beach J\nd small boat IBnding. Beautiful enclosed patio "YJlh barbecue. All this and a charming 1- bedroom apartment over garages completely fu r- nished and ha.a lovely bay view. This price 18 ONLY $32.~. 136.~00. ' T wo bt'ilroom home at 3i01 Sca:-hore Orin•. right on the beach. Complell'ly furnished. cnmer lot. many extr&B incluchng non-glart• German crystal Newport Harbor Board of Realtors (~, OCEAN FRONT Dl:PLEX on t~ Pentnaul& . . . a.nd o nJy 150 fL to t>.y IWim· mill&' too• Sleepe up to 14 BALBOA PENNINSULA. Charming and spacious 3 B.R. hatne. Pi bath1. Near Bay bathing beach. Lovely patio and beaut. landacaped groundil. S26.000. Tertn.l!I. 422 BelVue L&ne. It you don l buy ll, It "111 h:l\ r ~n nrce to ~ thta OLIJEH BA YFRO:-."T Cactn' 8altru1& Ialand It hu 4 bedn>0m11. liOll !IQ rt Good Fmant:mg. A k1ni,: l•O 000. . . . . VOGEL VALUE-MAIN OFFICE l\'EWPORT HEIGHTS Thia immaculate 3 bdrm 11 ~ bath home is 2 1 ~ yrs. old. HW flool"8, cpt.., brick fireplace. lot.a of tile, dbl garage, beaut. landscaped, fenced. only $19,900 including carpeting and drapes. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach LI S.3481 "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS CORONA DEL MAR CHOICE LOCATION SOUTH OF HIGHWAY and IOIM VIEW too! Really nice 3 bdrm. &. family room, 2 batha. fireplace, hdwd. floors, beautiful patio, diabwa&her, drapes. Lge. lot SO x lM with room to add income unit, EXTRA GOOO VALUE at $26,7!>0. HARBOR HIGHLANDS ONE OF THE NICEST IN THE AREA-In A-1 ' ooOOition, 3 ~rooms. 1 • • baths, lge. Hv. rm. · with fireplace, hdwd. floors, lcwely patio and :. landscaped yard, fenced, FULL PRICE $19,000. "C" THOMAS, Realtor . a.nd ASSOCIA TF.S 22• W, Cout Highway, Newport Beach LI 8~27 WC' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS LIDO ISLE TO SEE -IS TO WANT tbia exquisite 4 yr old \BR. home. Juat like new in condition but with • many add'l extra.t by owner. Carpeta and drapes .a.re lovely. Dt.bynabu. dlsposaJ and built -ift • kitchen plu1 weathe1"8trfpping. A home to delight ~ : the moet dlecriminating. $45,000. ,. BAYSHORES Ideal and we for children in this secluded 't• reRrtcted area -with private beach. We haw • a bedrm. tu.rnlebed home with luge patio t or Iota of entert&lnlng outafde. ONLY $23,500. ':A.NI> A DELIGBTFUL 2 bdrm. 2 b&th home. Al8o f\lrnished on V1-ta for $28.000. Both are fine )'T. round homes or incomes. Sum- mer rentala ~y KOO<t. DO SEE THEM. MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor & Assoc. Hmn Baum ' Hu~'l Condon 3432 \'ia Ororto Har. M-46 LI ~297, LI ~-1 700, Har.1017·J ~pit. Finplacu , Saree wall('(! p&Uo. A ttal value at. $22,600. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor 161 ANOTHER GOOD INCOME MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING 2 ~room home and 1 ~d-• room apartmen t over 2 car 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Ph. Har. 1671 o r 16i2 garace F'Umiahed. N'ar --------------ooy and ocean. Rent.a well Summer A Winter. $1~.000 term• v v Best Buys Corona def Mar 17) BELIEVE IT OR NOT •.• Pf'mMula Bay front home with 4 • ~drooma, 2 baths, 1. 11 SHORECLIFFS. New modrrn 3 beJrm. and drn home. built·m etO\'e and oven, garb. disposal. car- pets and drapes included. Large •nicely landscaped lot. Owner leaving this area, priced lo Hell at ~riva~ ~ach and pier rrght.3 a.JI for $40,000 w ith amaU down payment. Oldtr prop- el'\y, but WHAT A VALUE. 181 S~ 000 DOWN . . . buy1 either of 2 lovC'ly Penl.naula Point homu. both nrw. One with 2 ~room11 and df'n al S~6.500. the otht'r with ·• bf.drooma and 2 bath• a t nuoo. Balboa Realty Co. Qppoalt. Bank or Aml'rica ROM Grwley Ed Lee Joaephlne Webb 700 !'!. B&lboa Blvd .. Balboa Phone Harbor 3277 Ocean View Home LARGE quality home on 2 atreet levels. Ow n 1 r moving eaat. Drive by tH Cabrillo Terrace, Corona HJchland1'. Then call ua tor datalla. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY l~ DAN A. JACOBSEN, Jl~al E.ttale Kar. M91, U 8-Ql T Kl 2-2187 FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM SM.ALL HOME on Meaa DT1v1 a.croee from Coun- t ry Club. Tht.. I• real value at SJU60 Call Realtor, Ha. t 718. 21d3 $34 .500. 2 . .,1 A RARITY. Seldom can we offer a 3 be-drm. home So. of Highway, choice location. R-2 %One, garage 1treued for apt. above. Full price $16,500. $3500 down will handle. Owner will ·ca.try balance on reasonable terms. Should go in A HURRY. Shown by appointment. 3. ti VALUE PLUS 2 bcdrm. home plua gue~t room plus l :t, baths, hardwood Cloors, FA heat. close to shopping area and only 21:: blocks to ocean and beach. A beat b4Y at $18,500. 4. J/ BEST LOT BUY, Zoned R·3, 40x118 and only 1 block to ocean f ront on Marguerite St. LAST AVAILABLE LOT -Only $15,750. 5. ti BARGAIN J UST LISTED -This 2 {,ooroom home, large living room, fireplace, dual floor fur· nace, (thermo controlled) plus large double gar- age streaed for apt. above. Better act fast on this one! ONLY $14,750 EXCLUSIVE WITH US. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE USTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. Z Bea11l1flll l1Jl.s on Lido, or.f' t irregular largt>, aakJng $~1 01•1 I w1tn plan.1o. The other uni-.~ nPRr Nord •~· f rontag••, A~ktn.., $14 62~1 Hl'RRY I Ba y & Bea ch Realty Inc I REALTORS .. ll.! LafaHltt'. Har 3G I .. 21199 F:\'PI!. Jus~~~ght of Lido Hrnl11•· I BILL'S BEST BUYS 1 HE RE'S A GOOD ONr: - fl1•low replau•mf'nl C t. J2;')() -'I I fl, 3 Bt1rma, Fireplace, IK-parnt,.. H1-Y1-:-e poi l h a nd a pal.lo ar<>a I thal 11 lhe greatest C'hulcf' """' Mdf' location .l1111t $Ll rOO \I.1th excelltnl lt•m11 \\°E HA \'E IT Thal 3 Bdnn. i •. baUl home \\1th H w. noors. dining a rf'a. Lari:•· duubll' ga ragt' It In t he \'f'ry bf.>st Condlllon -Ju"lt one yf'Br I old. CIOlle t.o iw:hool Ir 11hopplng Thl11 homf' 111 b(>1ng ofCerf'd a l $12,7riO a nd ll'• \l.Oll h nHlll' ... a1·t nO\\ W. A. TOBIAS RE ALTOR · .~ ou II hk' our tt1enaly 1t•rnc e 400 E. ~th St .. Coeta MeM Llberty 8·1139 RANCH HOMES J Br. It den e<> ll lM ft. lot, ''"' • en m and paid for, Dff.ded l&ad Only • to chOOJMO from Immedia te Of'Cupanl'V Cln1r lo PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor IK'hool1 a nd """rktt• Shakr BACK BAY VIEW CORNER roof. hardwood Cira . cnncrrl" LOT 70x140. s. !:. comrr ~ 3447 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 4i drm'Wll) bu1lt·ui ran,e anu tin It Sltrra Vlat• 17P50 cuh. o\·tm. d1~po11al, !" A hr11l LI s-&&21. 19c24 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, CdM I n2 950-n ooo 11n RETIRE HERE Not a tract born•. 71 ft. R-4 l ot.. chumln1 2 bdml. hon'•· Luce llvtnf mom, beauttt\11 p&Uo. flower• It ahruti.. You c-11n fnJoy qulf'l. comfort It reel ~uty. O.n add untta tor lnrom~. $11.000 on lfrma. Har 2900 • 22r. UPPER BAY RANCH STYLE, 3 BEDROOM, 11.. bath&. tJMd btlt'k flre- plac-•. lol. W CArpelinf. ~UU• ful land11Cap1n1. lArp ooftnd p&Ue>-~ down WUJ t.radf< for Corona df'I Mu, N.wport Hel•hra. or •m•Jlf<r l 'pp.r S.y hOtnf' Ca ll R,,.ltM, Jla 471~ %lr23 1 Ofl"n 7 d11 y~ a w~k V II ----------------------On Cabr11lo bfotw T'll~t111 It Ir- -GARDEN OF PARADISE Retreahingly cosy 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, nes- tled among exotic tropical planting. Located in pictu.reaque CliU Haven. Thi.I borne offera fine coruitrucUon, &long with large living room and fireplace, dlnlng room, kitchen with aervice bar and large 2 car g&nft'. The price 111 very reasooeble for th.i.8 location. OPEN MOST AFTERNOONS. See thU! at 401 Kings Plact- DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 ?\twport Blvd , Nf'wrort &ac:h Har. -l i 18 vine. l blk No. of 17th St. Ole Hanson Co. Ph. LI 8-23&3 GOOD NEWS Tho~ who Chf'\•ltf'd on mv 1800\1 I blo-drm. ('(ltlti~. ctw-C'k •l•ln. I hll\'f g OOd newa for you 2 ~rm bun~alc>w R·2 7.«1nl' tNl'w pott H t11 I H .. lut1h apl rour;hed·1n Lot wlU titk r :1rd prob&blf' unlt r r!te $13.500 $6()1)() dn A Joo.1 dPA I ~ 3 booltrm t '• bath11, H·2 7ollf' UMlO. S 1 !'tOO d,,,,. n L. HAMMOND I ·, F' I ~ti ~· . glass in front wmdows. Tu·o paved pati0!5 Full pn re only S23 500 with tt•rms. OPr:N DAILY 12 Noc•n to 5 11 m. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W Balboa Blvd. l Near the Nf'Wl">rt Pier Har. 4091 VOGEL VALUES -COST A MESA EVE!\' THE POWER MOWEH Complet. furn. 2 bd nn rustic type home. S hake roof. massive raised ht-a rth f1rC'plarf', and step saving kitthrn. 3 blks to school nnd shopping ccn- trr. A real bargam at S:?OOO <lo\\ n. BE REALISTIC Buy w ha t you want Rl a price you can afford. 3 bdrm. FA hrat. H\\' f1001"R. cf bl garage. complct. frncrd, chrrry atmnsphrn'. lnw do\.':n. $13,125. THE VOGEL CO. 1 iOO :-.:l:wport Blvd. Costa Me1o;a E\'~S. Harbar 1539-)1 LI 8-5596 FIRST TIME OFFERED NEWPORT HEIGHTS Custom built rustic 2 bed rm. home. OIJ brick fireplace. hwd. flrs , ba r kitchen, shake roof. Large pat io and beautiful wood fenced yard. l mmla ted a nd weathershipped . 11 .! yre. old, nrat ns a pm. Owner moving from art>a and hu home priced right ONLY $1 5,000. OCEAN FRONT ·HOME Lovely 2 bedrooms plus Large living room with f1r•place, 11 .! baths, nicely furnisheJ. Two car gar~ge. 30 f t. lot located in ~t beach aru. A true value $2.'5,750. Channel Front, Pier and FJoat OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY .f~ CLUBHOUSE 6:.? ft. bulkhead -One o( the nicest 2 bedroom homes and onl \' l block to LkJo ahopping A ~tral at ~21,500 JACK BRENNAN, REALTY "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-7773 EXCHANGES OUR SPECIALTY • &-autJ.ful hom~ in T<'mpJe City, 3 yni. old. Hu 3 ~rm .... 2 baths, coverro patio, wall to wall c&rf)<'t & rl rnJ)\>S. Wa ll ed in gTounda, 80 x 200. OutAidl' hobby room. Lath and hot houJJt. Room for swimming pool. Nothing men . only $29,600. Owner wantR lt<>nch incom~ 11roperty. TRAnE WHAT YOt HA\'F. ron WHAT YOU WANT G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 363!'1 E C'out H\\} • ('or .. n:-. ch-I Mar HAr. 5 112 :E\cs, Har. 56811 . • ...