HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-20 - Newport Harbor News Press) ' ' ! ·cO.nm.tt, ' •• - --~ ·~· . -· --:.~· .. " .... Senlce' ~~-~~~~~~--~~ NEWPORT BEACH, _C~J,IFoRNU:, ~NESDAY, JUNE 20, lllM PBONlll HARBOR 1816 j =:::======::j i9tb YEAR-NUMBER 48 MESA CO.UNCIL EMUSED BY SWEET PROSE Business Wball tM o.ta Mat& Oly Ooww:tl hear« • ktter 0 eonnnend9Uon Mond•7 nt&:ht tr.. Lt. Col. Joba .. Kontl. NIMl~nt of coeb. Meea •ta- Uor\ed al El Toro ~ a... ~ them ,., ""'""' ..........,.. -... ... rtort.. on behalf Pi, O. city" tblr. ••• a ...... ., of irllene. u they ... ..... th• .wfft wwdl they'"",.~~· ., ua&ee'll10bled to _- 'nle• Councilman llmllb broupt thli down with laurhler U.: ... mab a m.tlon W• ~ • Ud• lettar and fram•~" • !Yacht Amllda 1Rep0rfed. Off 'Guai1il0pes CAllPAJGif · 11U!l!lllll -Name!! campoign chairman of the 1956 Ne"l'Ort Jiarbor--0,mmUl!lty-Cheot Dr1vo tl!lo week wu Edward w. Milum (center). Named u ...i.t.ant ~aft LM Schonek and 'Ralpli K. Myero Jr. (rlght)._;J'ho driYO II rl'tb1 Oet.ober. -Staff Pboto • Protests I City Fees Chamber Forms Study Committee on Charges By LFA!NABD SAMEANT WWW ~ OF ll&AllOK -Cy Wek!h:,of· ta ..,,._ boMa 1S Ibo, 13~-ounce albaeoro ho· .. z.'ti.1 ,,_ lllo boat ey..ua c(f "° Mil• -'1'11WloJ,tbo~oacll.eateh ottbo -.-Kat Bltdlcoct Photo - TENTATIVE BUDGET · BUMPS MES1' TAXES Novla·del Mer May Port• · Allead on Trade Winds P.OLICE: P/4~ B TRIO lfT If R !Edward Milum 1 Chairman of Chest Drive The Newport Harbor Cb1.mber of Commerce, due to protest.I ot local busineulhen, a form.Joi' I. committee to investlpte ebarget1 o! "e:r.ceuively high city Ucem.. teee," th• N....,.Preu leaz:tie<i today. Btwliln 7'ibch, 344 Haul Driv-. 11Mi1 manutaclurera UIOC'l&Uon former cltJ eouncilm9.(l. and own-to meel ln h!a own home altu M ar of Kay i"lAch ttrantla. chal'I· rtcelvt<t a bill lnim tM dty ltd t.h&L mnaU manu!actu~rt In wl\icb he aald boo.led hi. ll~ue Newport B4l&ch •~ belt!.( "di .. tee IOO percanl. crtmlnated ap.J.ut ju.tt becau.. Chunber Vtu • Pi-e•dent Wil- CfU ncilman Pinkley lliere Is 'Room for Believes Cuttlii' It's Tough on Marines Who Must Land on Each Other! 1'hla t.b.\ns or on• Marina not men e.pp.ro.ched lhe car. "Hey. tf/OOPlalh( anotlier could h•H bUGdy." Gn• cal~. ")'Ou want A lleut•nant ('()lonel In thf' MM! M.riowl IQ C.La Meu M.oa· to <tuke ! .. Anolbu Ope'led tl'I• armed force•. Huber r«atved ila.1 ola'bt. police reported to. doOt' and •tarted a&Mhlq a t Ule B.A.. from UCLA In 1117, hl8 d.,., vW:Um. h• •kl The IUAJKt 'M.A. tram USC In 1HO. ·~I ftuuil w11 Troy Abram Bur· mlued eeveral Umu, cutunc tl'I• Bd.O. rrom U!!C In 11~: - ton. 19. trom 1:1 Toro Martne ·.eat. • .Palo Verde Junior College Bde. wtfer~ five ala.ti• about A bUddJ Muine ot Burton'a, ltartAd IU operaUon In lff.7 and Utt._ t~ and find from another known only ..., "BW," knocked now h•• an enroum_.t of 100 w•JX*•l•ldlnl rrrene In th• doWll Lh• .-poe.wteller. but lllvdentm. A rapld tncreue ln the -,c.arbO'f ftoller Rink parklnr lot h~ro otl'lf'r mm ap_peand to en--nroUment lll anUclpat.d h\_ U\• at 1ttl Aupe.rtor Ave., ca.ta pp th• pair. t'tnall:)' .oma-nut rtn 1"-"'· M•· taflt.C' wu .aid •llmlt •· lt1artne.. "I nrnt hav1nr .to leave my PoUoe •kl a formal COtD.plalnl --14 ,._ llOVJhl lOOay aptrwt ~t K-..lh Cllarlea .JOhn- .-, a OUnp r.ndletoa Kuine. CbM'slftrl u.ault with a G-.dlJ ...-poft. MIWYed lo bl! • c u .,._..-. ln ..... t111t1n1 otncera ..W Burton would •lrn the com· pllliht. "'H1a c:ommandtn1 nftlr_er •M tt. ~Id." th•r vcplatnl'd. •~ r.J.im•ll tine la a car In )ct Mond•Y n11ht hlP ••• lit· I.ha p&Tklq when thrH Burton $1med, trtends and collu.guu at Oranae The 1u1pec:t aUepdly •aked O>ul Ooll•1•." Huber -.id. Mbut Ula vlcUm. "You • Marine T" I am Jooklnc forward ld dflftlop- 9urton ~ yea. inl' a M>\lnd j 11nlor coilet• pro- '""nlen whst an we npttnc ctam ln Palo Verfe." t or!" uMd ~ w.rpect . »•• police Int~ Ute car ot n~ Martnea near u.. ...... loll Stal•• .cene. but were UMW. to loc.at• The uDloclleo.I •Uto'"6bll• ot Burtan wtW M waa report.ii I Cll•t lff K•lly. Bev•l1Y Jtui., ....... r"Pfflvlnr trffltm•nl •l the E'1 •.nterl'd IUr.da.J •'¥' • tatk» T&ro d~..,.,. eerly ,..ll'rd•y bml. and lhr"" rl'f'll, ••lulfd a t monW\I. Jk wu r&leaMfl to J37 "'""' atolr.n, aocordlnl Lo aetl" duly, pollr• .. 1d. l police. thay .,.. manutactureN." llam O'Bryon, acUna ln the U- Flncb ftrller hinted that h• H nc1 or Pnaldll':nt J&mn Vlln mll'\t attempt to orpnt&e • :------------- BIG ONE V~t Angler Here Lands · Arst Albie Otticialil of lhe City, the Chamber of Commerce and loc-1 manutactur1r Brackn Fineh wen lo meet ln a ape<>lal meetlnr tn City Hall at 4 :!0 p. m. today to dla. CUM \At lioanM f .. p.'Otllun, the N..,._~ hM I~. Ma)'OI'" Don. Rlll, City Mart· .... ,, Rob9n llbtlton. Oeun· cllmen hndJ M.uK&y and lt.odd&rd and rlncb an eit:h· l'dul.t to att...d. Grand Jury Calls Witnesses June 27 BUU.&'l'IN . ,_ OVERWHELMED WITH LOCAL PlA YGROUND FACILffiES Helm Dlcliey, JOI> (center) cboooea b&1I -1onuner OOUOJM. Helplnr hand& (ldt to r1cbt) .,. playmateo literally ...,...b.im her with pl'a-nd Bobby P1tcbll\, 5: Robert Sb<rnwl. 71;: Alan eqWpm~t Monday after the 38th St. P\&Y'lf'O'lnd Mendez. 11 ~2; Kent Riand.•. 9; Becky P•t.c.hin, I opened a.l one with other ci ty playiround.s for the and Jobn.ny Taylor, 7. -St.ff Photo .............. ". ... .r • I • PAGE2-PART 1-NEWPORTHARIORNEWS-PRESS 70 UlmtftD AR" EA ' STUDENTS .::::.:· .. ~·~~:.:. . ..::: .. ~~::::..: .. ~ Actlowllll••• £-, ...... o. T. --WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 195/J IJAn.-un _,,...., ,......,. "7 isa. a. -.i -10; .,.,:.,_ -a .. ._.,, * -· P,. ualMr.l'J uaufet n.w. t6 ud ~ t ; ...... ecMdJ ........ ~. 't1lil pnpwt;J ... a ... ·DEGIRRS AT Ott ... --... -............... , .... I ; .. • .... -• -.. .. --· ... G{)lNU QN A THE ,.... ou.t'·Ck\61 wwe, ~ odwa, t. --~ 14>f"rA. Alfi (0CNI}_,..... ....... ~ ffU. M. • ' '"I"=··'-~ ... ., -...... --..... I' • ·, I ~ ,-t .... ....,....... ·~ • · BALBOA BAY CLUB 40 ·rr1.i c.tci M-., JON sHaTON rAKes ~.!:i:::.'1:.$= :::-::·.~=· ,:-: ::·:.'"'!. '='",: :;:, ... .: By Dill 8""""1...,,. • • v II •.....;;..;. A .t__1:;;;,,.... !) SE PO$T ..4-u---1 ........ 11 ...,;, .... 00 • ..... ...... - -·---w. -.. e ·z;c=:t~ . "_r_ •112 I ......~WU-.! a..rr A (OICNll _ ,. ~ 1t; .,.u. n. uuon wu ru.s,. a. u. *4 •••at""°' -' ,. __., 7. . , •. . . , : • wt to~: ~ tecbnotoa . .i.ct.rontca. -. _perior court Mrt ..-i-t u..I :======;::;=:;: 1 One Y ago a man named Wayne . .,:,.•1•i.· ..._ A.rt• d~ Othllr loc:&tltJa c0ntritMtted ~Id Nt(Wport. --= ctq UU1ca. x-r:J.1 t.9ctlnoloo •ad On.as• Oouni, prowcl• ....r futened hi1 aatety belt ·and took over tbe ~rial ~ti.( to 112 •t.udlrn.11 atudenu u toUow1: tO trom in~. bM ~a •ppot.n-IMllkl'" -..uuotlGll. I ·~ p.&.m rein.a of the BBC. ft.icht OU the Club cbanot at.arted and 111211-1 m.r.tnr carutJ. eo.ta iteaa, &O from Newport ed IA&ru-of etu" rep,.. .t.Jrldliurw. T~ ret.u merchandi. at Bwlr.tit)o and u.a.c.. I wb· --,..- • travellnc at break.·neck •peed,' and IOme of ua who tried ct.ta to 11 11W"W at ,DTans• Beach, 2~ tnim DTan1•. n trom Hat&Uw on u.a oruc• tns. 4; metal trades. dertcf.t 'an.d rr..o It•"' a; ncmu .. MOITUAIY to tag along behind thJa (UY of 1de ..... tn-e.ction Cot fairly Oouli OOUtf• · CommMCftllmt Banta A.pa. lt trom Oardtn OOuatJ' a.u Detaue plan· effecUve Uvtn&, 2 eacll; encln• o.c.q.., I; _,.,_,. la&C. ... ' well winded ln the proceA Looltinf bac.k over the put D:ert.laM Friday. Grow. 11 trorn San Clement.a. ntns IM*nt. eertnr clrdU.ns, i qd"'bolrten•k· www.r. _, -.cill .DIYls, ~ ................ , ·-· __ .a lot of. ort.heM, U.. larsNt number San J uan Capl1trano and Dan& . inl" L ...,. ....... cu,,...,, ltallitt. 12 months, it 1 plain that Wayne u coveiw a tt. -. h'om u.. BliDU..~ Polllt. 10 m. .t.n&Ml.m. t ,.._, .._ lb,)'or O&ln 0111..llundf'ld Utlrt.)'·~ ii¥u-Aft c.t. OOeftttt• ground. In fact1 hia U.t of accomJ!:hmenta hen at 1221 ._. .,.., TM,. ..... lT from Lq\1a a.ell. 15 m.. ~ :,r~, 'i.! ••1 ta.• jlf'tlldeot. at.ta plaft to '° on t.o ol)iati" .... ~ ., ~ • Weat Cout H.ict-::-)" ia IO J,oag eve & mJracie.fold ~ 'JlaaU, 11 trom Ud &I Toro. T trool oUlill' .o. t . •·w·h'M••t or ad<UUonaJ colle11 9ducatlOll. OC ~A 4 If. mw. .r.t.ku~ -map couldn't th-. &IL So, we'll jat .Up him a w.-••etv, t tl'OQl .... aw. mwuu. ta 0rup ~. I.I ;9 1,.11111..!..,":11,.':,'~i: tho.. 5a p1-"° coat.lm:I•• at ec L.A..~., ,1....,_ 111 .....,..., -~ .._. · verhl grip he,. and MY ccmiratulatiaDI on a ~ weD' ... lllw& 11Me.b _, T ~ tram ouUW. Oraaa:• ~ ..t. l .... .. 1' • pty Lons BMch Bl&te. Otbu toll9st o....,. ataa-. Mtl J'~.W. ,.__ done. Ail of WI here at tbe fi'attrn.lty an plea.lecl •to ltl :'::Cl~. Dr. Pel&re. f!Oia'-wttllia ~ I trmD .... .t -:.:... ..,.-ti ~ Wltl"I: Saa Dlep ltait ac.-.1 .... ,._ llbld..l& wer. · · uaociated w'th h.im • .. ch&rtlt& tM snd'&l&Uon •t.. au 1 frOlll CMtt el • tor 11 •t.udentt; U.o.t..A.., 10; Ulldelldaill 6'out th• coll••• ot UMrtJ 14611 u I-MN 1 · • * * * .... ,..._ \ v... Bu Jw Stat&. c.1 Po!J, ~ • t.Ml1' ftatiw ... · School i. oul 'with a· y~reance. O\lr place la l&lr!J ,..thing with the proilJ!Ot ot our liladerprtlD, gro4I, junior and ten:lor hJO ec\oaJa. .El'ery DOW and u.,n Y'lll aee a 1tiff ·bacMd lad of 8, and you know be'• been attending military achool. All of them are f inding plenty to do. T}le new pla7po,11nd ia open with it. ride. and game eqtJipment and Mn. Giraud ia conductin" &!Uy· crattay clauea for tboee who don't want to ~ and Blide .U the time. Tbe junior pool 1plaabes open l:hll Fridy, 1111ci!b~ llteg!Wd .wr plaDa • .. r1eo ot "'""' mini and ciivi~: conteftl. Then theN'll be ahowa, weiner • bakea, and 0:~1 C'xtravaganzu. The tee;1-.c .-; are having their first achool'•·out dance thia Fri·· _ ·1 night in the elecant new Stateroom. ~~~\ on odd J<( ~lt~ party, to comunJ.nr ahouldn't be too · icult coMidering .the things k1dt U'll wearing on their feet these day•. When we were in our teena, a thoUland yean a10, 80Ckl were black or white and that wu tb&t. Now they're u loud u a cheerins leClion and feature build-In card trick•. La.st week we aaw a.n orange p&ir embluoned with blue aniora alli1ator1. * * * Red Nicbolll, who Mil dellcbt U1 With hia trumpet and hia Five Pennies bectnnJng Friday Jli&ht, June 29, . ii • veritable fount ot muaical·type joke1. The one we · like be1t goea like this: A man walked into a pet 1hop and noticed a canuy 1lnging In. the moat beautiful trilll and warble. be bad ever heard. Enraptured by the bird, the cultomer t01 the proprietor he'dJ'y any price to own the canary. The merchant agre . Then he aatd, ''But you'll have to take the bird'• friend." Ht pointed to a m&nfY, dJa. beveled, mlaerable-looking canary bunched up on & perch in a far comer of the case. "Why muat I ta.k:e that flea.--bitten think?" uked the customer. "Becauae," nld the proprietor finnly, "h•'• the canary'• arra.nier." * * * Anyone who n.lla or want& to learn to l&il wlU pmtlt from a new book jutt i.uued. ttUed Royce'• Sailing Illu. trated. lt'a In coovenimt pQCket·book form, t. euy to undentand and hu an 1m•1in1 amount of informatton- beoutlfully 'dla(rommed-in ltll 110' p&g... Wluded an 1ucb 1ubjecU u &ail types, be&rtnp fundamentala, rtJa.. Ing all. .ailing counea, ancbof"1 ) moorinp, dockinc, righta ot way , raclnr rules, c1•=11, buytnr a boa' rope. · weather, emergency proceduiw, tyPu of bolt.I, flap. IDd t big gloot&Jy ot iermo. The Book eu. 1114 both Lyie Hoaldn atona h&ve it. Outstanding Service Awards fresented at OCC Gr1d11tion Wlnntt• ot tbt Wllltam J. anr• Cout Oolltp atud•nt bod.J, •Turner awarda announced at UM and "fOted upon by tha ltudant Et.,:bth Comm~•ment n:erclMI Council at th1lr ftn&J mMttnc. at Orans• Cout cou-.1 .1UD9 Atmatrons ~ pnddent ot 15 were RonaJd K. Arm•troo.1 tba ..U.OCl&t41d ltu~ll ln 11-''i and J1n9 N. Patt.ueoll. '" M and waa & membtt ot C:IRM . ftevealed e&c.h year at sr&du. K. A.Jpba a.mm.a 81(Jlla, J\:tun •lkln. th• award.I au made to Teachers. Vet.ran.I, llnd Jourul, -'·cm• Tiit.n and on• woman. baaed Lan Cluba. H• lll ai.o tb• win· on ouUt&n41.nr Mrvic• to the o .... tier of a l600 Crutcher lchol&f'· -;;;;;;;;;;===;;;·;;:;=:;;, lhlp and a QOO U'ftj'f'•rudty of ,. C&litomla .cbo~p. ,. "· "' :!: . .. ,. -· . --' -·' .. -.. " .. r: -·' . .. •• ;; • I • SAYE SAFELY At Qrongo County'• Leoding Homo Londing ln1titvtlon CONTINUING ' TO PAY 1/2 cro PER ANNUM • ;..LI. ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 • M Accounh 0 ....... ·o. ..... ,...... .. 'Ille 10th of the .,...,... Elm flOlll the ht -LAGUIA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCl.t.nON ' mo-.•.- .. 11'1]' LA&UNA BEACH Kn. Pattal'90a Mrv.d th• RU• d91lt body u dlftctor ot acU...t- UN. 0. w"'-relp0Ulbl1 for all campua .ell &Ctl'riUMo In• chadlnr daDCM. aallll'I~ raJ.. u-. p&cnlcll ud Plrat• Day. Dur· Ina the ,...,. illMI ... chaltm&a ot thl l:Uttnl Confft'lllCI, N- aioblJ at1d State orpnl&atlonl for 1tudmt acUliUn. D• hu bHti. 1'9COp..lMdi lbrourtiout th• It.ate u a I~ la lb• t\eld. Al.lo wuenl&d at th4i rrad\t- &Uoa ..... dtaUon. to the two out.tand:lq eltts.u ChoMn. tnm lb<e eommun11J', aa&rla w. h- Wlnkl• ot Colla Mlle& and I\. K. Pyln. Hu.ntlllat.on s.ach. Botll ctU..... .,.,. laud"4 tot thelr .Uoru la MhtJt of oom• mualtJ' bet.t.ermaat o 't' • r UI• ...... Local S1nlceman AIMtm1I Sult °" Mm11w1n ...,. .....-. (ll'llTllC) -lloi'a' .0.. lftC'Wlom, ..... uur, ..., ., Xh. ~ a. Meeon.t. of IU & X.. °""' o-ta .......... u.. 1111-- !Mriaa uu .--. MTtft4 .. laa ~ 1\ma I for a ~, 'ltett Mt-... ,.... • a u.a. l'tnt ,,_t tN1Utc .. , .... 'nta ~ IA\'Oholl II llbSpe ' a.Ill ...... ,.... eel la ... • • .... lt.st &ad tM1t ,.... ..-~ wua utwulmu1M W:llift ... a&r ..,._ .. 'UJI p· .... ...._,_ ... .....,.y 11110 no 'a ••sc11" "'-Niii ---·--.... ,.,,. v• roea a ... 11 noaa ,.... Oh1I er... ..... 0-ft..s M.., l'teu- l'f&WPOIU IZA.Cll snc1ALS For ' 11iursday Friday Saturday • REMODELING • • le heme the Meu-We SciW• ll•HanclllllCJ Stock HAllOR DllUGS June 21 ·22·23 YOU Save the Dlfferenee °'Om• et U.. IJilo Dope'" UGl Via Llclo, N-1' -llOJ E. ~ 111. "-& ..... • I iiiiiiiiii;;::r-----:::---.:~WA~TC~H~;;:w.w TISSUE ....... ······-· . .. 4 .... 39 Odo PILLOWS s3 ... fll.16 vaJ.u.e ...................... --·- ._.... cdyt -., .. 1l &I" BATH TO~ELS --· FLASH OUTFIT .. sui46WsEs ___ 49 , (kl:H) BOOK. MATCHES .... lto Now ~ ·-.. .~ . : . ,, WHPAPER 2 - ..... GelWt s.. COLOGNE .... ~ .... ___ I • ,. - REPAIR -7so ' Any Standard watch cloanod, oiled, adj. m •in 1 pr in g, or crown, or st•ff where ~eceuary with mention of thi1 ad. All work 9111renteod I yeor. Rusty watchu oxtr• •. •• iil!Uf:U .......... s ORMONE CREAM .... __ 3 .. -mRIES .... ---, lllil-WOOPBVar ODORANT ---·-···-.,... ~,.....,.., $ RDEN HOSE .... IUI ... ·- ...... -' ' .$459 SHAMPOO ......... _ -····-! CllartJiut; ..... -y· LOTION ................. . lhtnf.ll7 o,.,. ... w.U.., -I eL S4 00 OLOGNE .... PAO .. _-········ , ·-I -·--o.·-·-$400 QGHE . -,,..__ --I . 7-lnch rollor ""' ... ~ -.--................,. 1 O!I • 15 Widi tray hoo llurdy loddor hoob. """'1 rolod odgo. A tomflc buyl • sn ·o•lY 99~ HAVER ------.. _!2t5° NAPKINS ............ _ 2 ..... 3~ ... 9c SH TRAYS -----·-·-···-··- Do'4iestic Champagne f'AY!.C SS Complete Line of Liquon & Wines I Vincents ICE CREAM Pride EARLY .. Indiana TIMIS ·-· ........ ........ t y,_, ON ....... .,...,.,. 32' 4" l1ft> sr J/o '··;': .. ·:-: 40 -· GlA>IT D01lllLll DIP CONES lOC Hand PCKhcl Pints ---·--J0c 9aa•• Ste --1/2 Gallon • • • • • • • 79c IUJf1' ft.A, vou ft moo.. ... I • 1 • . . WITH SALLIE · 1• io, i• Thm Is a page of __.. paper ••• l.ut Dlpt tt wu &eM tbaa a oathla' but a authla' ••. It bad ao ...-..L.O:C ... It bad DO ••• It ... a men blob, tly ~ eel Into a bqe roll 1tM:laed ude.r ._ lhadow of a pl'flltlnc ~ ........ -* It todaJ ••• U'a alftl It teUa .. .,,., ..... te with ~ ••• A heap 0 tlalalda1 ud • ...., 0 •olac bM goM lato w. p1119 ••• Ftntof.Ult .... to be dreamed up b7 oar 0-Ad ..... ~, .. 11,..U ••• Be aecaaea • tbe tlMme ud made the lafod • • • . Thea tt WU taned over to Saad)' BewOb>D •• • SudJ'• Job ... to .. that ... ,.... ,.,U nached the ~ ~ ~~vel"lt ,.....: - -Bj1ien, artl8fa • .. --.. 1 be ..... jllMd ................. ... torda .. JOG .. u.. today ••• The thinkera and the do- ers did theJllMlfte proud •.• They won a tint prise with tbJa ad in a state • wide weekly neai-per competi- tion at the annual Callf orni& N~wepaper Advertlamc Man-agena .A.uoclation • • • for the best retail food ...S. ... Which meana, boys and girla, of all the weekly ~ fornia Newapaperw, thete grocery ada are the m09t ! Particularly inw.tinl to me were the ad.I autmlltted •.. One wu 'on the Acapulco Race and contal.Ded a hup pktu.re of Lyman H. Far- ftll' a Sea Drift •.. Another on Bey &out week with Uncle Sam'a hand pullinl back the tlal . . . Another on ~p week tn N•· port Beach • • . All the cyp. of thinp that rtve the home- m&ker ,omethin• to ~ about bealdee the priee of coffee . . • Adi that ahowed a love of coantry, ~ love of community a,pd a love of what'• gofQI on aro~d town that mJPt lnt..-t other people ••• 'l'be Nen• PIM9 6Wt .-. ., wttaa ... ftnt ....... • • • tbeJ aobbled ap tn .... 1'H' their 0". Jbotopapbl •• 4 tWr ;::_-c::-.. ...: .. a• ... fer tbe .,.. '...i-....... .... .: --~ .. :-~·· I -.... ~._,bllfwtlal pt ...... ... tM price ., ....... ..,... ....... '-..---=· ,; ...... • • • •ef ~ .... ftnt OI' tM ............. ~ ... .... U.. fi aroad ................ ~ tolMIEtWr,... .... ~.· .. == . rm ln an award rut ••• bat then'• two more • • • Seconde th.la time • . • Sec· ond for the be9t special editlc:m, which w a • t h • 8'Jciq tse Fuh1on F.dition, on. W6at the Euler Bunny woGJd most lib to .. cm Euter Sunday, f•turma CoroM del Mar, BaJhoa, s.u. We, a.ta Ilea aDd • N~ a.ch ahope ••• SecoDd for the mc.t OriOna1 .. n. Wllac mata • • • Tim lut award to me II ~ lal'11 oOtftorth1 ••. "ro ~ to whom a mat la eomeUdDC • to w1p1 your feet OD ru put it t.bJe .,.., ••• Wllich wouJd "' be euler •.• to farDJllh a new home with tmnlture you iln.4;y haw, or 10 out and • bu)' ~ D .. to fit ••• WblD you me mat. In a -":=""" -wild ~ Hft and man It~ •.• . ,. ....... , .. .. ..., ,._ ... .... .., __ .. .. ................ -a llut of .. Ule ... • .. .. •tlucle .. u.t. :. We, Newpon lteeda. . SATURIDAY MORNING ---·····---A'~ ------.i---• 4V. --·-··········· .. ·······-·--___ ... 4~ . .. ~ _ _..._ -,.,f. ---·Ste ,.. _....Dt. ssc MSiUSAG. ___ ,;. 5~ '*'IMD~'I' .... POUND CAKI_"_ . .. 5frlnf ~L p, ok. ___ . __ 2•tor 25c; _______________ 1r ~--'knc Pnl&.IMP-Dllln... .., .APIJCOTS --1....M .. _,,. -f • ' -1-.11:31 A. M. -Saturday Morning Rave a cap of cleUcloua FOLGER'S COFFEE· ------~ 7'f All 7oa ea -••• ftllAtJar& PANQASQl l!AICllE MIX --·~-31c flmotbere4.. .wlla VDWNT JIAID PAIOAIE SYRUP _____ __. Jh&2~ hd DVU•:lili GOLD 1,AllQ, .MARGARllE C"ANNED'MIU( __ .Js. ~ ter 25c oa• ... ...,<lllM 45 SUGAR .~-. c r.~......... 61 WESSON OIL __ __.. • .-wmn c ciii M.US ___ ... __ ........ '91tl. JtC. Fiio'SnNG MIX ___ .-.. 25c __ .. SAVE YOUI RECEIPTS For Your Summer Shop Discounts cHicKEN BREAST _a.~ ........,. c:Ndr-~... 6k DRUMmCKS -~~ 17- M..,t a-.U..a.la .... 2 17C POTATOES ,,... ,_ sTiA'WiiRRIES --1...;_ 21c ., s~WiiRRIES ,. ... TIJ Something New From Our DELICATESSEN iNAc1RoLi:= 59' iM-M iAuCL 49' ..... ........-. a..,,.. ....,. .... ..... 59' Uftis I .. &I' DIDSING I -• ' .... 1Mft7 ..... awo=• k >• •• OYSIBS _..ff .... tJll ....... OlliiM9e 31' LllDEIDANZ _ ...... --"'-35' ..... ....,...... .., HAWAIAN POl,~ .. 'N i..w...... 49' LG. IOLOGNA _. ........... 51' cono SALAMI ..a. .. 3 SAl.E DAYS f Thura. e Fri. ~ s.t . . ,,.,. 21, 22. 23 -. • -. lASTllN CORN-FED PORK ROAST WHOLE or HALF - You IN not limited to end cutsl l.eClli, Meaty, Country-Style Pork SPARERIBS , . eountry..tyle cut -MUCH more hMvlly hung with me1t than the usuoll . ------------------...--~- Fa•cy Eastern Corn-Fed-Rib & Loin PORK CHOPS BEST CENTER CUTSI " · ~ - --Ali.AMDiuN-wmN'" -.-, r -A'u..NM'aiCA'N DELiixEioo% "Ptiu - I SLICED BACON I : PORK SAUSAGE I Pint duality-45c t 1 1-lb · 29C I Cf\olce Center Sllcesl I I Cello ion · . 1.U.. Heot-S.ol Pkg. . ,L.,;. - - - - - - - - - - - - -..J L - - - -~ - - - - Al-Amerl~pn's Famous Fresh, Lean 291. GROUND BEEF · - Wlmcnns' Lean Boneless Round- GORN[ l BEEF Tall Cans! li4t!Jtl£•!•;it 3For37c r - - - - - -j MINUTE MAID 19 I Town 'N Country I LEM,ONADE Jumbo C r-- - -• · I Chicken 1 12..oz. I Holiday 1 , I FRYERS I 1 Chicken,Beef,orTurkey I f 1~ .• 12~ Pkg. !'LEMOiADE 2 ~ 25c : P I E S : I 89 I I 8-0L Sizel I C 1 MINUTE MAID BLENDED I 19 · : 1 ' LEMON 'N' 2 25c 1 c '-- - -...... -.J LIME-ADE t!7; -I · ~ . ------- A1!. YA FEATURE NATIONALLY fAMOUS MEA ow :.GOLD! During the Summer UM Lots .of Delicious, Eully DigHted _ _E•.!!x ~~'!F*~~!!!_W.! ~w~L~ .!!'<.:!! _ VITAMIN D1"1tl~·20lc ~i. 41c -.. . GOLD CRES'rMIL1l :_ :_2 Qts. 45' . . ' BUTIERMltK Quirt '1 &c ~~.i. 29c HUI ( Slit ~ NOJt·fAT MltK ~·rt 11 c Ai.L.PilRPoSE-ciEAM ~-Pt. 31c • ... -• ~.. l ' •• HALF & HALF Pint 22c Quirt 40c HUj OIMM*JJE. DRiii( Quart 20C ~ lll1 'CREAM ~-Pint Corton . 34 c r·1 I Hll EDDl•WIP ·1.or. ~·.....& Di1pensor 5 2C I pt r-...... ·....,_....,. __ ,.. ____ _. :11 ' . e LABEL BANK RECOMMENDS e L... , . -' CiAC~ERS 23c s No. 1 27C ~,· ToH Con ..,. OdlTI LMOI~ OLIVES \ Farm Ir Home . Fresh Cottage CHEESE :iUTc!PP••, ;;'Nit 25c:. ~: " . ;GiiJis 21c RJU PINT CTN. .. .. S!. .... ---- , 29c ~'SUNK !TUNA i;·~N23c Li'iGHALPEAlilES 23c NGHGT Fliiiio I ~~ 21 ~ - FLAVOISI • • • . OYAL GELATINS S c · ea. pjjOiJS No. 2~ C•n 19c .. . . -------------, ,....------ '$ c: RK& 2~ NS Cans .. -~----------.J JM CAN17C ' -. 2~29c 0PPED BEEF 11.oz. cu 31c "0NADE MIX 2 ~~. 23c EET FIGS . . 2 c!:.:. 25c: Van de Kamps SPECIALS June 21, 22, 23 ...... COffH CAKl$4t. 3f ....... J6c) • laspa..ny or Lemon JiuYIOU •.• 2T"' .... ..., ONLY AT ALL-AMlllCAN AT 1HISI LOW~ i.ow I PRICISI NOWI Another month to comptete ~ fabulous MillMC Dlnn•rw•re · sett ·Here's the &e.utlfVI cllnnerw•re thet't perfect for aU meals-rugged & llfhtwelght for PICNICS, PATIO, IOA TS & TRAILEUI Won't chip -. , hot w1ter can't hurt ltl o.uirent-4 one fvll part YOURS WITH · $5. IN REGISTER RECEIPTSI FIRST QUALITY - FIRM, RIPE LOCALLY GROWN SELECTED llAUTtES! \ EXTRA·FANCY VINE-RIPENED . ARIZONA - LARGE-SIZE, EACH ••• -.. . Delicatessen • UOUORS • I GRAND TASTE AU.-MEAT FRAN.IS ·HOFFMAN -BY. THE PIECE BOLOGNA , MONTEREY RINDLESS 1-LB. PKG • JACK CHEESE HOFFMAN SMOKEY · BRAUNSCHWEIGER .. TASTY. ' BLUE CHEESE GRAND TASTE SLICED NEW ENGLAND lUICHEOI MEAT • 39C !_ ii{\¥0li .. 1 ~"cm. $120 '.: ' • A KAic.Radio Feature V1luel : . : SCHWEPPES J :.:~· s1 • , . ; 3 5 0, • All-Americ•n Dinner Wine 49 ~·~·' . I · VIN ROSE Fifth c ;:: :;; I ·i· ;I 6i-Oz. Pkg. • AU-Amertc•n . ft af a, 1 80-PR. VODKA Fifth s2 · ... , • . ~ ClliiPAGIE r.:fth • sl" ::;. 49 ... 6-Yr. Old Sar .... a 16-PIOOf Straight ' $37' .. -· . . I BOUR• I Fifth . ' 59:. i. 41ifs~hk* Fifth $49' -~ 33c : iii1r~~::::::· s12S .:' 9 SAN CLIMENTI 611 & C:AlllllMO llAL .. ... ' a:.1lt TO-' ~ I ' • . Mrs. Nielsen Hono:red by Eastern Star Temple Recepti9n ·for Deputy Grand Matron • • ' ' • Over 300 Order of Eute.rn. Star repruentativem from Southeni, Califomla attendee! the ,_.,c!Ol1 S&turda7 evenlnf, June 18, .st-Deputy Grud Matron Ell)'1l (KN. Ray) Nieloen by Harbor Siu Chapter, OEs, at a Seatu- ' Will Answer 'What?', for ,Republie·an W o~en · "fl:; *''"• a. ... u. 1111: 0-•'"-~ • 2 rt ~ ..,.._ "W'Mt,. .. will .. u.. top6c ... ... .. .. ••t. ... -! •• ~ • Kn. nu.c. ...... eel tMt .. -~ ---... ot. 1-~-.,... ... ,.,..,.. kl'flLtd '° .It.UM: tM .... u., .. pilllt epakw WO" U.. aa ..U .. U. hme:Moa ~ Jrl"'POrt Barbor R.tpubllc:U W• .. te follow. ' ....... au. ee 'nlur.da1 at lO:IO J.unchaiaa ~ta an .. m. at lh• bom.t of Kim Jean bdq m..t• by Mm-D-a :::. • Mtneltl, 115 Vla Ian Watlloo, A.rthUr L)'ft<lh. and UW NJ'& Lat-. h-. been promi- nent aa • .ouUllaed poUUcaJ llpN ar'CJ dvic leader '°" away y-.n and 11 now ~ .. WCIGl•n·• vice-cba.lrmq 1)1 ltKi Ollltonda bpubUcan o.ntral members of the JTOUP who U'f. 11ervln1 on their comm.1tl.M. HENRY'S -...-.. .. _ ............. ....., NEWPORT l!Aql lnc vuonJe Temple. Bet.uutul decciNtlona and col...ruJ F A C Members pqa.11.try marked tllie att&lr. \ · l:teol't.ed and Jive srand I A."1D Voorbftil, \a"4 • 8aani.tla- * OOOllTARA* . a..... e.,.. Ph. u ..n... w... -.... a""" ..... """", ................ """ at Conference Katron. of caurorn11., Mra. Arch deconuon.. PoUowlnc l.be recep- Edw&rdm of Fullerton ud )(rw. tion. an "ope.a ho!AM" WU Mkl Kaud Blc"elow elbley of lA9 at the NieLMn horrw, '132 Holm-. ADP* AJ9o pruent _.,. )lra. Wood Drive, for Uui p&nd d.~ MUtoa D&l9, Orud Add and ftcera, wortlay mallon. a.ad Kn. N. Jack, Onnd Jlartha.o wo~ .patrooa or 1.~4. In High Sierras Twel•• mem!M" of thtl eo.ta M1aa J'rldly Afternoon Wtme'• Club al~ded the summer eon- ference of the Onop COunty D11trlct l'Qrat«t Women'• ci:uti. hdd Ill. rwterton June 15. Held for pl"MldenUI &ad cMil'- mea. the OIMl!erence lltcluded a J'oUowins doM of ICbool at peneJ dleculdon on club atta.tra. Twenty four deputy peodl rne.trona we,.. HICOl'W u wen .. DO worthy matrou and wortb7 patron. of ltM, UU1 year ~ NtelMD wu worth>; rnat;ron of 1 ff.arbor Star ebaptet. omoen ot Ocdd.ntal CoUep lut week. MMI. Reuben Dey. 116M56 PAC IUdlard Mlrkovlch or 1'4-fto.. J>ftl'dftt. w .. a paMl member. clHt.lt.er 8L, eo.ta M-. uut·tl•• ~ h&M)leoa. aud.Wou.fft other OJ:y 1tudenU went on a club prGSran1t WWII fftMnt.ld pack trip to the Hl(h lier....,. by nrloum UUlta. Lunchton from $1.2li Dinnen from $2.35 ' SjlOCi~ Childr•'s Mett~ U.. 19th DUtrict MN .-ttd ln a .tar wit.bin a J*ltaeoo- ·-·. BO>P HOSPITAL AUXILIARY workshop at E. L. Remelin. In rear, Mm.n. ~· Jame:t Beattie, .e:~:-,~ ~ .. --:-~. b t •-B·:--n-be 223 y,· Ithaca, William Morrla and William Kell. Next workshop -• ., ... ,~ I ome o -.,;.. wi ..vu num rger, & accompan19d by hi• aon Jack TM sroup report.I tlndll\s mow Attmdln.c the confettnce trom and b tn many plu.,. Phillip FAC W•r. Mme& L. w. Cdnirt. M.lrkovlcb returned June J& Day, Paul R. Robert., A.. • R. fr"om bi9 90phomor. year at Small, 1:1111 Pontr. Lyte Vaa J'rubo ltate College. de Walker, Jay B. Wat.en, WU· :flnda membera working ori sequinned akirU, aprons for the group, one of aiz: working for the fair, TownMnd at the orpa. Worthy ~ pdpQ for the Hoag Fund Fair of Oct. 6. lu will be June Z1 at the home ot Mn. Beattie. 203 = : b= =:ta°=: ..foreground (I to r) Mme•. Lawrence LeBaron, Via Mentone. -Staff Photo wer. manh.i. tor the e100rt ~ 'i;J:ul Sawyer, _Fund Fair ch~en~oi:iberg_:r~ __ :~k. ..... ~nym!t~:ta::;~ N':i~ Calumpit Picnic lard KlaCUt, itn-t Grabtullt. Irvine T. Clark. •Nellil Bod• •.nd Albert E. JohMOC-1----------------------· l•n. who !JI Ill• tl...t ,-rand of· A poUuck picnic luncheon will ftcer from Harbor Star chapter, be held at noon J une za, at Parish Son Born !'IEWPORT HARBOR Aft.tr · than1t11\1" everyone abe Ana.helm Park by member1 of 1poke bridly ol. Mr yee.r'1 work Calumpit Auxilia ry No. 39, Camp TM Paul Parl•hel, 26! Monte- and bU' UaelZWI for Ute year, H , Sp•nilh American War Vet-\'iita. Coe-ta Me ... are p&nnt.I of "llmllN". erana. In eta.rip wtll be Kr • .ur.d • boy baby born May 23 ill Hoaa: Co-chairmen for the ~pUon, Mn.. Jame. P1enon I.lid Mr. u d Ho.pita!. _..,., __ w_1111am __ N1c_ .... __ ~_•_""-__ ..,.. __ ._a.._,..::_'_""' __ ~_. ____ lr"""""""""""""" .. """"""=:o=:o=:o=:o=:o=:o=:o=:o=:o;;;;:; League Woman's Civic SMO~ mu IN YOUR IYISI DON'T L&'T n 8UND TOU TO nm v AU1S IN MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, \'l'omen'a F.dltor PAGE 6 . PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWs.PRESs Officer Installation I WEDNESDAY,•JUNE 20, 1956 Lut m•Unr ot th• aeuon. Kn. Gordon wev1u. pr.IMl..t ot CALJFORNIA HOMES C...stnrction s.1 .. !----------------------.for the Woman'1 CIYlc JAacU• the Newport Beach i:i.mentary wu held Tu••day a t 10 Teac:hen AMod&Uon. ReUrlnJ L m. la Villa Har1n&. Incl~ prNldent. Mn. l'orr-Mt I . Allin· on the astnda wu luta1Ja.. der, 'umed .over ber p•e.I to Uon ot otn~ere. ftnal com.mJttM Mn. PhllJ.lp J. Burton. 01.hw ln- report. &nd a talk by Lyell L. comtns ottlcer. are: is PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM 15 • w. wm lkdll -r_,-1..et MR. AND MRs. HARRY s. HARLOW, 611 Klnp Road, marriod in Euton. Me., obeervecl their 40th &Qnivenary June 15. CoUDty resident.. for S6 ra,n, their children &re Harry Jr., Santa Ana, Mn. Jack Boettner, Anaheim and Janet Harlow, USC sraduate thia month as libn.rian.-Boettner Photo MRS. MACKENZIE HONORED WITH BffiTHDAY DINNER A celeb,..tlon tor th• Mth birthday an.nlveraary ot Mn. D. C. M.ackensle, f.39 B&rbard St., eo.ta Meaa, wa1 enjoyed by a sroup or frl.nda at a pol luck dinner In her yard • 8~ay afternoon. A baked ham dtnnet< with •tra"'-"7 abortcake wu ~ted tly • MauUtul btrthday cake ttW tM boDal'ee. M~ ~tu and cardl were r-.celved by Mn. ~ensle. PrNant at t>L9 aUalr WIN Mr. •nd Mf"9: Olaa Inrman. Kr. and lire . .Robert Iqmu.. Docnle and 8uan, Mr•. Maltti. Ro.Mr, &lJ ot Loa Ancel• KN. Pes'l7 Wlnnf'y ot Beverly Hilla, i,r. and Mra. Jam.M Ha.rtrn.a.n. <cl Ger• dena and MN. Jean J'Rnlr: ot AA&heim. Conchita Parlor Elects Officers Splicing the Mainbrace By w. & At the meeting of Conchita Parlor 294, N. D. G. W., which was held in the new meeting pl&ee at t he f.W.O.F. hall in Costa Mesa, officers were elected tor the 1956-57 -~~~~~~~-:"~~~~~~~~~-1 term. Power Squadron emdr. Ja.mu Edwarda uu1 f.amily Named to aerv• for t.he com· menta and decoraUon1 tor tM ' Mr lnJ yaar wer. the Mmea. Dona.Id atf:i.l r &n1: th• Mm ... Muncy leave tomorrow en route for a 111m.M.er in Europe • . . -Muncy. prelident; Jack Wiiton, anti Forstt. and Mn. Victor Grace are at Palo Alto vi.sitin.c daugh· n 1 ,, . R • .... Leavtn1 tor N.D.a.w. On.n4 r1t "ce pre1 ent; o ert -. Park»" which 11 beta( held ln Ur Beverly (Kn. Richard Cramer) and new grandchild, wu-. -ecorn! vtce prt'.tdent: Ban LUl9 Obia"po, June 11 to 21. a.ry Marsant. bOrn June T. 7 Bay Fronl, wt)) spend m uch Ai ForJ!t, third vice prelident; are Mn, MUii.CJ and Mn. Robert Jbl.. 11 ou., llCOftd child tor tbe Um• nihlnr u ' reb.n.Uon f rom Cheater Pollard, mer1hal; Har-wu.on, del .... tea, AccompanJ· Chmer.. UW!.r MUOn at .Flreclltt Lodge, old Graham, record.Ins MCttt.a.ry; tnr t.he deler•t.ea wlll be th• J'rlencll bar that Carla Mer-Palm DeH.rt •• , sue Roger., Lawe.nee Bergeron, flnanclal MC-> Mme1. Cheeter Pollard and Wal• cer win bl married ln Florida to wboee phone number !JI Har. ret&.ry ; Norman Dulwortll. trn.. t«r Nollar aa rueet.e. Oooald J. Bell and will made 50«-W, la lnt.ett.ud la that ne-w lllrer: Dan Place, llmda eentiMJ.; FoUowtns the mHtin&" refr•h· Ralph WU.On, outalde ll!lltinti: mmta "tV.r• 11ernd by )(mu. lair. bom• there · • • Th• lhrold (rOUp, I.be 8-cbcomben.. doHi'ft Heleo Colll.na and WlUl&m )(el-wllllam )(elc.ber &ad D&ryl Bird. ln.'ring next Wftk tor B. know how lo contact lbem. ch tru teee, nd Welte Nol P.w . convenuon In Florid&. tlYn M Bodi ... _ er, 1 • r • BnMckntr. A..n appropriate nar r1. Dororthy M. u-lar, orpnl1L ln.lt&UaUon ot Day them• wu u..s with Uny to "riltt triendl In Wubincton. faculty a.nd #tdf of Harbor View tbeM orncer1 will be held In •lllt n ... and Oowen trl •Ted, D.C. and Oroe Polnla, Mlch. School, bostAd a wrprtM pot Aupat, the: d•t• to ti. announo-wh1le-~ blue centar1nl' IJ\1 Mra. Edward Leiter Bmlt.h. be-luck dlnner honorlnJ M1M A.Jleen Id later. Nb-Mhrnent table. tore i.a.uia-tor Catalina. IA L.A... Martin, fonnl'r 1Chool principal Pi&M wer. d\IC"UNed tor the rat-\be weekend wheni ehe wu Gilli were preM'nttd. both by orthcom1n1 ninth blrlhdt.7 party At CJ k H boriond wtth a birthday lunch· the ,.roup and by the echool ot Conchita Parlor June St t.t ar Ome eon at L. A. Country Club, bolt-P-TA, a p. m. at which Utne charter Bummer hou .. (UHt.I •t the _,,cl ,.,. her pd.mother, Mn. It wu 101ne time a go that, memben will be apeclal pm. Irvtn1 T. Clark home, l .5J Pal· wtO&ant P. Thoml*)lt.. 11w two Betty ud BUI Bu9h boated that ot honor. Al.I charter member•. mer St .• ea.ta Me-. .,., Mn. Mare n.at&I date of Jul7 1. butret dinner fJJr lhti Olln whether •Ull e!tlll•ted with Ille Clark"t 111ter anc1 her hu1band, Dau,chter Joy~ went along, altlo Sm!IJI.. about lo ler.v1 for order or not ara welcome to Mr. ud Mn.. Elvan L. Collamer to <lUDCbeOn at Romanoff' .. Hawlll. Amon&" guc!JU were the attend In char1• or retruh-of Norfolk, V•. to~ b7 a •hopplnf •PrM at Bob Snee• of Arabia and their I i";;;;;;;i';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o§::;;;;::;;;;=:o;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'i JtoblJWon'' courte1y her cou1ln. 1mall daughter; the Don de M.,... 11 ~ HllTY RoblMOn. CH. and Ray M.anball&. Mr. and Mrl'. Harry Goel.a. 119 HUI SL, ha\•e Juat returned tTonl a month'• Caribbean erut.e, p&rtlcularly 1 n j oyed Guatamala. Owner1 of a Rlnr-- llde raocb. they will bl 1pe.nd· inc much Um• aboard lhelr ....... Tll>aCo. TM OW.n HudaoN hav• ,,,... t*1Md to t.belr home at 803 M. WAOCPA Picnic l.ni. Women'• Auxiliary lo th• aranp Co. Pharn1a~f'\1Ucal lul«r- claUon bad •• 1111 1tue1 t• th• Loni Beoch Ph•rmeCl"utlcal A.wdllar')' a t tod•y'• meeting a p1cnto-lu'ncheon to be held al the cOllU Meu P11rk. Ca'l'r Son Arrives Don to Mr. a.nd Mn. J'~ Carr. ,. !:Mt ao.ta Me-. R, c:mu. u:-. May 22, a boy ln Boq Hoepttal. Harbor Rest : M•marlal Park Qw'·· f) • ....,. _ .. _ • MEET Jack e. Quisenberry ,..11'$ .... &-o•AfHf , •• be haa mon to oler at loW'lll' rat• on cm eaq· to-pay plcm. AutMla•H• .....,..._. , •• Nafloftal ltarularcl, N...,A .... • '11 polky on• ''c..-tlnuow" S.:*" a .. ,...1 P•)'Ml'Rf Pl• .. M•• ••P4ftslv• .,... ftHI nnewaf ce•tt • , • tlte NYlrtt• ire ,.,.., entepel~ ..... e nre ....... _.. • home• and houaehold 1"4• 9" a cetttl••1 ANNUAL PATIMNI Plan te ,... dwe ,.... c.• outlay Md &1¥9 you llHMMJ• • Trvck IMww• fer lecal lln4 loftghaul .....,. ... .......... "felle.....-.N potkl" .. flt ,..-. ........... 1 ..... ,... ................... Prompt Loc.ol O•ima Service Jack I. 9111Htibeny 'DMall& .... .-a.rti.r toll .Jl---'mo.llL.A . ..,..._...~­N_.. _ / ' • ButtermOC"e Zr .. artl.at &nd ct. )(me1. Jtoba'l Marahall, vie. 11.lper, concernlns trebda in prnldent; Thomu A. WWlam&. home dealsn In. the eommunJty. MCond Tlc.-pre.tdent: A.. xa.r- wllJI .,,,,, 1mp~ allO on the trur1 Terkee ncordln1 MCN- communlty'• .-rowth an.d develop-i..ry; Robert' A.. Huber, eorrM- ment. pondin1 MCrt:t&ry: A . 8-Brown.. lnet.&UaUon of Ovle Le•ru• t.re&ll.lr'er; Laul9 J, CMnar, aud~ omcer1 wu co• d u c t • d by It.or an.d Frank Karel. hJMorlan. ON FINE e W• .AN&al la A.l'1"Ull'b!J i.-a. Relid1nti1I -Income Ji. Bulld.lq' Con1uU.an.t WW Call lt Yau PBONB Llbarty 8-7979 COSTA 'MESA • Klmba~y 3.()9()() SANTA ANA IlLill.@, JP)ll® FURNITURE • WE'RE MOVING! Yes, In enother month or 10 we're moving to new, enl1rged qu1rter' on Mein Str .. t. Nahwally, bof°"' the mon, wa'va got to reduca our stock. So hero it ~. the Maple Salo of • C.ntUry. JHIS IS ALL OUR REGULAR STOCK, NOTHING HAS BEEN pURCHASED FOR THIS SALE. Tako ad· vantage of tho amazing savings throughout th. sto..1 • • SAVING UP TO 50cro Custom Built Wing Chairs-I only- In Green-Reg. 169.95 -·-Now 119.00 I only-In Red. Reg. 124.00 Now 97.50 I only-Yellow and Brown-Wing Club Chair, Reg. 96.50 ---·-.... Now 77.50 I only-Wing Chai~ocker in Coral. Reg. 99.95 ___ .. _ .. _ Now 79.95 I only-Brown Club Chair -Regular 99.50 --· .. __ ._ Now 69.50 • I only-English Lounge Chair & Otto- man in White Naugahyde Regular 189.95 -.. -.... ·----·-........... Now 144.95 Z oaly 1.Arw• 7li toot SOF All, with Pillow Back. Winp, La""°n Arma, cu.tom Oniilb IO.-tlon, Hand Tied Bue. One ot theee lovely motu W & beautiful green. the other ia & etrtkinc tout a.od brown. Reg. 259.00 ... -..... --YOUB CHOICE Jl!t.60 1 oaly -B1BVI1 BEDROOM GROUP with II()" fl.Drawer Mr. and Kn. Lorge Vlm>r: Headbo&rd; Footbo&rd; and V..toblnc 6 Drawer CheoL Rec. 389.116 -------NOW !89.95 l Ollly 36" x «" Yellow and Brown Plaid Plutlc Top DINETIE TABLE with 12" lea! and Wagon Wheel Lep. Reg. 8U.116 __ ____NOW C8.96 l Ollly 48" Bound PLASTIC TOP TABLE with 2 12" Leav.._ Reg. 119.00 ---·--NOW - Pictur11-0dds and Ends -Lamps-Brau Plaqu11 -Trivets· Wall Shelv11. Clocks -Hooked -Ruga . Braided Rugs -Glau Ware EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE IS GREA Tl Y REDUCED . WE CANNOT UST AU. THI ITIMS • • e AU. OUR STOCK IS ON SALi COME IN AND ROWSE AROUND e "tho chorm ol y.rierday, the M<Vice of today" -1150 S. Main-I -...... -•• ----··---····~ .... ·---..... ., ....... . ----·--... ~ . ···~ ....... ~ ..... • ' , •• W~ddi,ng . Chimes First OES Meeting .. ,.. -. . in-June· in Masonic . Temple A. eapadty ~ flllocl Ille ye-· 'l"'!'till ""'" u wllm Barbor Siu ,,...pie<, OU. bolll 1111-~ Ille ..... -BiooJlllflll llonl .n.,.,.-111 -~'4 Ille ball, while an $borate ~ fiw .._._ wu - .... ~ by an out-or-te StlJ' •imller. Tiie wortbJ HarJ>or Area Coup)es Repeat Vows I~ WU an lnformal patir wtddlnlj;:th ..... pucm. rol loWID'i. .. on the MnlDt of .J......-11 at the borne o. \Ir. &llr Mra. r. Gllberl Joon..oa -or l"U\aer1Ga wt.'n Mn. Mi"~tUa -HucW. ot Conin~ dtl )(fr bef;am. tM ttrtdli o~ ~r.,J.MJ~n. ,)(u. K\.llU. WU (OW'ned I' an tmportied' Zmplre 1heath c yelIOW .lllk · orsandy over putc floW~,..d pou.hed co\ton under : tun..-1&n4y coat., yellow 1&c1 hat; imd ean1ed pe.le yello\. 1l&d101U. Iha wu 11ven In keep tnr lry ~r •n l'tcUben an, d&U&)ltl'r Tina, lM la.tu.r I pink, llJnllu \0 Mr molhe1 • en.e~ while Julie John.or . younplt d&Ulll.kr (If the bride irroom. '"'" &'t'ocado (tffft ..,.. "raw .. Mr t..ther •-Y· Reubt aJ.to curled UWi rln&a. Ka.poll& blouona. 1W11.ot.i and C&ndlM prov1ded \.be reeep Uon Mttlq, MJDN. Mary l'An· mn a.nd Lulle 9t~u, )ll.aH.- Jully lymp.on Mid. Doan& Hamllton helped _..... Acapulco, Mexico ~~ the bk of Pine• a~ • ~ ot the Wllahini SChMI ... IJlld bl.I brtk. part owMt .t. Corona del Ml.r Tn.v•I »IUMU.. '!'hey wlll ruide &1 iot.J(_._U!Jil, f'\11.-........ lVILSON·P&zO• Honeymoonilll" thll w.11: at T~mlte an Mr. and KB. CecU JC41.r w1i.on.. their tutuni bom• at 612 Center Bl., ea.ta Mua. Betty Jeane Price, dau1hter of x c. Kelleys of Napa. won bllMI chUfon and carried a cu- c&de ot pink roRe with a white orchid when Ith• Mid "I do" with Ow .on of Mr. a.nd Mra. (Acll WU110n of Cotta MeM June 17 a t mldafternoon In F1r1t OUUU-Chutth ot But& An&. J'ed Boyd and Johll EvaJM were a tttindanta, Judy Prl~ a.nd OW'lu Wll.an uahered. Ta. ncepUon wu held at the MRS. WILLIAM FREDERIC ltf; .. 1. •. ;· > Bern.le Alden Photo Lildra Queen Is Bride in Chapel Rite • 'Bon Voyage' for Edwards Family Boat Trip for Toastmistresses A boa\ trip around tao ht.rbor , MU pr.cede th1 final IMl!Uftl of Harber To..uni.tr... Club · before 1ummer recUL Memblra ' and peel.a ~\II leav• lb• dock ol HOlpltallty Hou.M, Balbo&, •l 7:15 p. m. June 23, on lh• lrlp arran1ed b)' H. r. lknny of Balboa. I Mn. Edward MlrkoTlch, new-, ly lnlltalled pr.tdent of th• club. ~ ... w conduct a. 1hort · bu11nea1 : Qle•l.Jnl' f0Uowln1 th• trip. A IOClai hour for membl~ l.lld aue•t. wlll follow u-. me1tinr. Birthday for Gwen Carver home Of Mr. and M~. Jame• !:. A fourth blrtbday party wu PurctlL Gardm GroYe, where Excha.n(ing ring1 and vows In Capilla de San A.n· en joytd &aturd&y, J1i&n1 11, ~Y Mmu. .Kate Proctor, Albert Bal-to.dio were M1u Li.Jdra Queen, (8() Ea1t 18th St., Coat& litU• Gwenjynn Clrv•r, d&u1h· don. &am JonH, Ulll• Lewi.I and Meu and William Fredrick Rowland of Madera. The ter of Mr. and Mra. C. O. Carver D. a. Purcell &Uilt.ed-Mn. Kelly Jr .• 713 C.nter Bl, co.ta Mua.. worti a nowerff abffr whUe bri~, dauebter of Mr. and Mn. Glen D . Queen, WM The ''wild west" them• wu car· Kra. WU.00 ctM>M blue nylon. pven in kMpi.ns" to the .011. of Mr, and Mra. Roser S. rlld out In pm11 followed by refruhmenta and preMn\4 ln tll• ••.•• "''l'Bll Rowland In an evenlnr ril• per· du ... tlo. --~ I w _, The br1de(Tobm ~;,:ra a ,,. ~. ~-. .,.._ .. __.., • Taylor of rormed by Mr. Ne I •rrmi -..... ._. .....,.._ ... , -,,_.,._, tn.m Madera Hllh hool, •t-Invtl.ecl-to~ attend ""r1 Jaae , _ ,._ ..... ,. Na da"•llt.er, Lona Beach Cb\ll'f:h.or _,_ ,_ .. _,, • OoU ....,. -.• -_. J'ullerton .. Wl~r ere, and Mary McCauley, lAurl• A.tin MarilJn Hen. ot llOO Clay l!ll. Uldra cboM for h• bri(lal P1pperdlne Coll .. , -d i. com-au Chott'rey Larrabee. CynUt.la In kMPltll to J• Reel 'f'.nnptl-o sown whit• nJ1on orranz.a' over .pletln1 hi• education a t th• Uni· and Butchl1 Oldman, Laura lA• ton. 11an of ltt• J . M. Temple· aaUn. V•net11.n lace outlined th• vaf'Slty ot Oklahoma.. and J immy Sloter, Peter Quarry, toM ol Wrifhlwood In Loni acoop neckline and lldOmed lM The couple will be at home at Karen Ann. Heidi and Sethi· Buch Naval CbapeL Ow r1le skirt. whic h fell to a cbapal trlln. 71th IJ'ld Vermo11t. Lot! Anrelea. Jane C&rwr. performed 'b7 Cbl.pla1A KcClel• A tto'#A of nil P'\¥t enc:Nlled 1----------------------lan. with ,..rll eonftn.ct f\.illMM of Marllyn canied wblte orchid.I her nnrertlp •ell and ahe car- ud 1~pbanoUI and wore peach ried white rOMa and 1t.phan0Ua. ~ walta )Ufth and on auna Arl'SND8 p~ tiMll. Btr ..U. « Att.lndlnf Mr alst.er u maid honor, Kn. DoMW ~ ot honor, MlM Glenda QV.Mn w0n ,.U&fw ·~ .. ~ WON kil blue cryat.allln1 ..U dld New Officers Preside Over WSCS Meeting 1.Q1' bal ·...s ea.m.d· fll.'9 pWl th• jUnlOl' 1>ridMm&ld, Vlcld1 NIW otncer• of th• Woman.'t cam.an-ad r o • • '°! Mr. FreUricll. COl.ltlA of th• 'ride. llOdf\1 ol Chr'Llllan len"lce, XrwtMrl WU ~ Both oanlod mlD1atur1 llmklllM Cbrilt Clwrcll '7 lobe le&. wan TU -U... Kn. TaylOr ln of white Ulll• w1Ul 'Wot and La ~ of t.hl openlnf meet· ps.y ... ""1\e Ud Mn. white carnaUou. Pamela ""4" tq of tb1 J'Mr hl.'4 JW'lt \I· , .,_,..._ .-pall plAk, compie-ertdc wu f10ftti std-n. .......,, puiOd W-. oon· aneot.llt tM&r eo1twnu with .. Dkk Joy wu sroomemu and duet.4 a,. tho lplrlu.at Uf• C)'ll'lbl-1 pett.1 were Mat.Id b7 .AUaa cbUnun. M* ~ XM'ltedt T«""'""' .... ptl'1 otfteor Hottman. and Jett Fa.rr.IL ta tbe JC:'&7W room.. Mn. RaJ,a. • IL Iv•; a"4 tbo llOt7 or LUlhtr'• llMU. Kyma at the ltefonu.Uoa. .. A KIP\1 J'ort- r'Mll h Our God," by Mr&. Boad J'Hltf.J, rouow.ct •1 tho nadinr ud ilin~ fJl tbo ~ Mel by ....... ft11t\cll'. TU m.tttnr waa dOMd w!lh Ua. World J'tdtnUon ot Wom-•'• ,....,,.. ' l /'C. u.a.w.-.,.. hY br1do honit1· ... :!._f/ddl.IJ._! :.n;:: :1:' X:!:: _w..-. -.. t ~-th9 -~ IQOOIMlf .. Ati.ona. wW Un bl ., _.. '7', --·1~.-----------SU. ..,......._ and ''Tho t.orcr• Pn)'er, Ml.II, ltootbleko ..,. In chars• at u.. -----------I'>' ~ lldaq Weith. "9t.r flit Rllne• ..-oa IA Goodell Ball. \.tie bridilJl'O'Oft'o KA Clara ~ Of Ult om.tr WOJts~ PATRICIA KOBINSON Ka)'Olta Pholo Sept. Da_te for Vows ra\lllt ... orpnltt. ...; a.14 •la x.,. aa.J ou.wai.s Mra. ~ WW. tor the ft~ 91 .... tor WI ,_r w... ffi,. ~ a IO'W* ol ,._ ~UI ~ lone )7 "f'Oda fW 1..M f6.& wf1' Wb.U.e &CC I 11 rt. llM whit. -Ul .,. ~t WntanM, ,... ~ ..... ft,r#lud ilat Iii* KoltlltAdt. ........ diatrict Melftl to her t""_... --.Wt Ul4 COGfll'lfte• otneer, brwfbl Witb )Ul'k tcMI uul wtltto· rapocU ot fb9 ann\&&1.-m11Unf of ,.rt... ..ch ""'' IN OA.aDEN' leftral members wtll att.lnd OU~ otter.cl t1lleltatlont al Woml.ll'I Day at th• aM\l&l Con· a chapel prdM roceptiClfl and t•rsnce or Methodi.t C!'lureh• Ln .icn.ct tM rue•l book, kept by Redlandl on rr1day. Mn. JoM Mn. IAonard Timbulak•, COUil.ii Elllqtt and MlM J:i.te N•wland, of th• bride. Jay and fffe~ lay member• of Thi naw Mt9. Rowl&Ad. & snd· the ctu1n.h, wtll M IA atteed&nc• •'9 ot Newport Batltor thdon mm June it to !4. HIP School, wora a black 1hulh Luncht!llln ,wa1 ~rved by New· en1emble and th• while reroe• port Helpt. Circle. Th• vie• from her weddln1 bOUquet on p,.....,._L, Kn. Harold Art.bur, Jff,v1nJ f~ U'I• llllOaqinooit. at pr"IMfttlld th• ptQfN.m. Il fea- tlhllnJri-la LodJe, Bir Bear. lured "Why a Pro(n.m" by Mn. Zetas Sponsor Benefit Bridge Oranp County Alumnu Cbap- tar, ZIW. Tau AJpb& .,-Ul .,on· IOr a bmat\l d-.t llri41'1 par-- MalMI ltaally; a Mtt "Our Com• munltJ and UM World'' by Mmu . Elliott. A. J, Rutter and Zola Br'lll'R! reedlnp trom Mn. M.aMJ. 8tanl17'• book ot p o e m • , '1'boustlta trom Everywhere" by Mm.a. hrsu-and W•t.on; a muatcal mldltatlOll. by Mt11. M. )Ira. lf June SS &t ua1 w. a . 1'dl&th ----------- home, 1&&01 South Tv.Un An., t.r, Jania o,.n. Patu ~·· l&nta Ana. 1 p. m. lpM!laJ Unda Martlft, tlwan Hayt.on, ~ and y9iltiftS wtth •t.er-BoMI• Wirth. Lant Mon1tot1, 'lil""r-llloblm"".J!~~--.W .b!IJladS-fro• OMtl McLNA. •~ Fuul•r a. z.t.&'1 uw.t $apter, D•lt• ud 11lMl 9-tto. 1521 i,i 1'&rllold Ave., la ID· DOUDClDs IJiO -lllt of ..... 11&11111.t.or. Patdcla Lil· Alpha at IAn1.lloMlll lt.M.e.flol·t-----------·1 ..... Dan, to John William wi.tt., Ten Years Jr. .,.,,. • ..........,. • .,. ..... °' Ten Friends Jrf.-.porl HIU'bor Union mp 11• 1 ow• ...- tfVMJfM'lil Mllltll klJOOI, wu a nMmblr Of KTN Janltt wa1 10 and tbar. """ .oct.a1 club ... Oltta A1NeUc lt ~ tn.u.A •baa a.r I;:;::;;;;;~~;;;;;:::=.;:~~::;, ......,. "" -· -°' .xr. _,, ..... ,,_ -· 11 IE SURE. INSURE ud: Mn. Job. W. Wll.tllia. •1 ll: 1• .. a birOdQ' ~ a\ jje1'imp1 SPECIALS Juno 21, 22. 23 ••••ft• -4 3f COffR CAICIS 1w ...... lid • la.........,otLtmon JIU. y llClll ... 2T .. ... ... ,., t.W)w,,.. ... OUllllCAICI ,.,,,,, --.,. .. ~.t~~ OHO".&.IG.IUA ---. . AOmDW Lo\811lf• H.A.<lll • t I • ; r I 1 ~I ' . ' i I l •• Veeetable Shortening le off Ilea! not prlc• •IW+-----. -~~ ~~ OJ.FOO "9 ,.,., honoy yeu ovor ,_.... rn lhl, rkh fhrvor-.-. ...... '2-; 29' 24;. 4 9' ~~T lb. 43' ~g~E lb. s.,.,, Ocoan Cran~ry S•IH9 wtth ,..... ChickH ADDtTIONAl MIAT SICTION VAWU SMOKED BUTIS SWIFT'S BACON Semeraec Celtl C"'• .WIUON'S lonoloa1 pork CORNED Im -. • . . S.LKEI BOLOGNA ~ 25' SLICED SALAMI '"'o ~ 29' LUNCH MEAT "''" ~ 29' loneloa1 brhket U.S.D.A. Choice ,.._45c C••'•'•'• C,.•ltf' .~""" Feefh Fliet of Cod :! 35' ell.. Pri Filet -::: 39' GROUND lllF - f,..•h·1round, loan J 9c · In cl1ar v\ekl"CI Ill. ' PEACHES . DllMONTI CUNOS 2•-,.,· 25' Sllcad o• Halv•• SWEET PW ~ FROZEN' PEAS ,~;i~~~olify 2 ·~~ 29' Ga.don•ldo ORANGE 'JUICE $CO~~.:~u.T 2~::25' ~i~h':!~.~~~ .. k2·::29' SAUERiVRAUT uHY'S uAND 27 .... •,·19' SPAGHETTI ... I ,I\, 16-oz., 2 col"!• 29c franeo-~•rlcon SCOT TISSUE ~~:.~ ~i10' r--<LICED CHEISE -·21· .... llNT'I. lwl11 or Amerlcon C:llllTSY llOIWllS WHEN You IUY PITIED OLIVES 1"~36'. BUTTERMILK 12c """23~·. Lucerne qMri .... •r .. ~~~~ .. ' ":45': WHEATIES II I 2 :;.29c 12-10· .... ANGEL FOOD 45, CAKE ••• II 0.. .. ,..,, p•ck• .. DHPFRY • c DONUTS ••• for 10 ' ~~ 2:=3S' O.potlta are ••tra on bottiM COOKIES JANIAlOIH ltllo-37• VenUkt hnllw1ch .... ~Im ~ .. ":"' 20c Htt Dealtlls '"':::' ::=· 20c . Wn .. P.,.r ""::" .... "'.::" 11' OLATE MIX hgular '8c valuo for only 5.Sc HAMM'S IHI 12 .... 2ftc . 6-can pock, 1 .20 tefl U ~ .. her In llcenMCI Sofeweys enfr . IMPERIAL VALLIY MILONS . All TOP QUALITY-NO f!ElD RUN OR VIN ...... INID 5 c' .. _: .. : CULLS. Catefully .. 1ectod by oxpem '"' lb aize and quaHty. Goklen·fleshed and iweet • I BLACK PIPPER I ouanbol ~== ':'; 2 9· CUCUMBERS Lc:.G:,e~~N -" 5' ~ --=::KRAa~:"'":'. M=u=sT:":":AR=D........_ CRISP CELERY =.~ 1&. 5' ·~ • N..,Ort Ave., Co.ta ,..._, WU her bQmO, 417 M.al'(\llltrita Aw. ... pduat.ci rrom M&tu Del H11h f'K'llftll7. MAumca ~ --~ ... .,,. l&L&ND ::::~... ~10• GREER ONIONS . l1ui:t..10'·~ --~-. kbool. • Br\nfbl&: ~te.. ,_...'1.nt' D ••• o-17 Thi v.'eltdilll" I• be.\Ar planned fil'IONt playlftf pm• and •· .J .. '.:-...::..,. . ..,.. ..... RWl'UIT a&AOll ato..tBW7. fM 8ept. 2t al Bt. Joachim C.°'"" joJtiw a w1eMr tMlit WWO tM OW-. ... J6t - OUc "CIMlfth. c.Wbranl M4 ~Kl• Jtu. .,...,..,._ ... ._ ____ _.·'-----------' Mii .......... M. W.. .. JI, II, ll. ""' ...................... _.. --- • +._JS.t•lml~!L~ Meea'e 19th ltnet. were econd by K-.yor Clalre Nei.on Monday nlpt tor their prot...u ol the • UM 0C Y9Cant prop9rt.1 a.med "' t.n. eo.ta K.-8an1tary Dlatrict u form of a latter from the real- denla. ""The cltl&ena 'hail prevllrul· ly blocked uae of ~ property for a f:lly corporaUon yard. CAST OF ORANGE COAST COLLEGE KIDDIE REVIEW From left. Nancy Haicerty, Santa An.a. Carol Tough. Newport Height., Linda Nelaon, Newport Bee.ch, Candy Schoenberger and Pinky Schoenberser. both of Anaheim, in a 1eene which will be presented at 8 p. m. tonight and tomorrow night in the OCC auditorium by the Pepito and Joanne Dancing Academy. MUSS. FUSS ATTEND TAHITI RACE START a lone dlatance race h•1 been won by a 10 minute adva.ntar• 1alnf'd rl1ht at the 1tart. A report at 10 a. m. Monday placed the boata eouthwut of San Clemente lalalld. 1WI within 1l1ht ot each oth~r. and, need· 1.., to aay, In very Ucht and ttuky alr1. a t.mporal')' ~· plan foe ..... I' ptpeL l&ld Neblon: "The protat ti! out ot order. Such UM ot vacant property bu occurred many Ume. before. "I remember I had • vacant lot next to my hou.e which waa IUled tor I.he 111me purpoM ffY· er&I tlmea, but I did not ca.re. I wu (lad to ,.et the Improve· menu. "Theee people 1hould look on the .ewer in1tallaUon u tome- thln( they need. Tb• altuaUon la only tAmporary and there!on 1 t..i the proteet i. out or order." The objection.a were tn the Kuchel Acts on 4 of 5 Contestants Hit Line TOC)efher wltlt quest by Nose Dlrecl c:onvereallon with tha r&ctnr yacht. from Lyman J'a.r. well'• 8e&drttt durtnc t.ba week- ly Tac:ht.amm'a Luncheon ~ ------------ ot catallna. Th• other four. day brounpt torlh the 1.ntonn ... MESA T.IACT tlee,Unr to l'OW1d the weal end Uon that U.. lnden. Jada, 1· With aU the m~ tu-. and h Novi& Dd JU.r, Que« and c.i.- Okay Rebuilding of th• 111.and. worked on up t • t>M, In ... at o .... er, we-. at .... _t cooftll&on UIU&lly attendant upon t to bo t Port wuaee nand ..... •~ • • LUA COU 1 u u.-~ _, time, 260 mu .. from Ban Pedro. a weektllld ..U to Catalina. ftv• before headin( aero.ti the. chan-lrlm oceian radnr yacht. 4ett 1 But thtnp Mamed to be plcJt· Loi ~ Barbor t.ut 8atur-ne • • tnr up with 120 m1lea loned In day at 1 p. m. with Papeete on Report from apec:talor craft the previoua 24-houi ~ Vink& waa the 1lland of TahlU u their whJch followed the neet aero.a then approxJmaldy 130-mJJn a,. 1 piaced Jada tirat around Wut bllld de.atin.1Uon~71 mUea away. End wlt.b Quest and Celat>ea in . rour of th• five cont•t&llt. doee purautt. In the ll(bt of It the old adare ot "aJow hit the stal't.lnr line oft the aubMquent nporll. V1veka'a de-It.art. fut ttn.lah" hold& true L. A. Yacht Club only aplit MC.-etalon wu an unfortUDat.e one the bolt. ahould be really ond.I apart and almoet before •Ince Abe (Ol ~ucllt ln the lee 1ereamln1 •hen they reac.b th• Lha echo of the 1tarm'• al.r-of 8&n Clemente Ialand and made tlnl.ah line In Tahiti. horn ti.ad faded away. Dr. How· UtUe or no headway for two &rd MUrpllTa Newport Harbor daya. MESA BUDftET Yacht Club entry, lh• Sf-foot It may aeem unreaaonabla t~ U yaWl Queat. appeaHd to noee (Ollatfllmd trem S1n1 Pa .. ) SANTA ANA, IOCNS) -The , City of eo.ta Mua wu siftll lnd.Jcaled they were 'favorable permla lon to rd ahead and "" to lb• wbdiv1J1lon " build the eecond atory ot the Tbe 112-acre tract of Loa An· county ownf'd tire &talion by r etea 11Ubdlvtdtt Dudley Smith. the board ot county auperviaon which I.a atW In tht1 county, wu yetterdav lurud down by the pl1nnln1 Don Oun1an. clly attorney. conuns-!on l&a week when the appeared tor Coela Me1& at the planners decided to hold to lh• meeUn1 and told the .uperviaort muter plan whiCh u y1 on paper that hl1 city 11 planntnr to UM that the land ia lnduatn•l not the HCOnd noor of the bulldtn1 reeidentlal. H hradquarten tor fireman un· STILL UNOFFICIAi. Mr the clty'1 new tire depart· The ma.ter pla.n, allll unoftl· ment plan. Coet.& Meu t. to 10 clal, tnclud.. sonlnc on frln,. ahead and fix up th• bull~ areu outalde the city llmlta. al lta own expen.u. '"Iblnlr. what It coeta t.be city when one or theM placea h .. one or two truck 1-da of traa a day to 4t.poee of," h• coot.lnued. -.;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;::;::iiiiiiiii:i:iiii:i .. It'• been eatlmated Jt ca.t •~ • to collect and take. tNc1t loU TUSTIN PLA YBOX ot trub to the dump... • NOW -nmm::r nncb a&ld tM ecJ:l.edUle of a tmchr romanee UceftM t.... at.o ball other tn-AD ._.. ..._ fl.II equiU• applyt,q to otMr poupe ..._.Ill MT41 which a.re dlacrlmt.n&tory and sot s.. -c:r IJt... "-* ahould be corncted. ___________ _, Serving Hot Dogs, Buns & Biked Beans -All For 5 C.nts • Oanc:ing to the Music: of IKE CARPENTER end His Trio • Must Be 21 or Over ... ~r----­* Now AppHring for Your D•nc:ing end Entertainment-A grHt Pantomime Group. 2 Shows Nightly WEC: :E.,OA Y ..• Our 1918 M~n~mplete StHk Dinner Smith'• tract ta In the proeea SUNDAY ... Our Complete Prime Rib Dinner . .. ..... . ot t>etnc a.nnueci to th• city u f p I I --CJVer tM Une banly ahead of nsht for eeconda h\ the flnt (Coattaaecl (ram Flrat r.p) Jack .,._.__.1 ... foot ketch few houn ot the world'• longeat ~'P• race When the runnlnc Ume ta coet I ll.He. The unitary dla- "Gl.aler No. 2 Annexation." ee ro es Buch Baldennan, of th• ef\11· " • n.trh\c ttrm of JIDDinca-Halder-(Co•tlnoed from' P1rat Pacel Coming Jun'e 29 -THE ROUNDERS Ce.lebel ol the It. Fra.ncta Y.C. utt~led at llOlTlewhert belWHn lrlct. which the city t1 now AA atra thrill wu prorided thNI and four weeU. Thle, how· mana,-lna. I.I up about $t0,000 the a~t.&ton on th• LA TC ever. i. the aplrlt ot yacht rac· to • hl(h ot 197,8111. molt when Queal a.nd Oeltbel Inc at.nee the daya of the due· Other principal ouUa y1: 1tl"fft came pertloualy cloee lo the out canoe and the compeUUon department, H3,33~. up about ah0&1 and each other u they 11 jult u keen whether the f28.000; bulldlnc dep&rlman\, b~ for the &&ml apot at coarM be three milea or three l'70.7N . Up about Jae.000~ ttn· th• ...UWr t'nd of the Una thou.a.nd and. incldt>nt&lly, many eral city cxpe11R1 whldl'1~lud• man who platLI to conatruct the acted and revt.ed city licen.M aubdJvisioa, and Smith qrel'd to 1 ordlo.anc.. * Serving Luc:ky Draught Beer -IOc A GLASS-WEDNESDAY ONLY th• delay ot en. week. __ .. ..:.w.:...:e:..:'r:..:e:......:p:=:lttn=:r:.._:eo&.1=k:.-td.:.:_'"_:P:,:"°'.:._:_~::=============================~=~~, N.UOn told them ht felt "1t on appoo't. tacka. But the et.art· · the lualn( of the new cltJ hall. Inf alpal 10unded all 1'aa well '68.ut. ., a-.Ut Sll,oto; fleoal. wu only fair tor the pl&nnln( comm.iMlon to be (ivm th• ama tnlormatlon that lb• council bad." The lntonna Uon was re- ceJved by the dty only thrtt and \.bey were on their way DEATH NOTICE 131,IM, up about •9000. and wttbeat mtabap. city clerk. $9972, up about Th• Ill-foot yawl Jada of 'ORN WILLI.AH WAONI:& $3~. LA YC. owned and aklppered by Soma deparlmenta r • m a In da,y1 aeo. BW sturca, cama acroae clOH J'uneral 11rvlee1 tor John \VII· about th• aama. 1uch aa: city Mb.ind the two leaden and a It.am Wapar, 80. of J77 W. Wll-councll, $3826; treuurer, SI()~; bit tieio. .them movlD( very eon SL, Coat.a Meaa, wW be held and pound 1ervlct, ~oe. ~· Jobn Scr1ppe wbo, with at a p. m. tomorrow In Parkea-Oo!ffy aald the propoula of bl9 blr •toot Kr&tch entry. Ridley Mortuary Chapel. Rev. each department tor additional th• ketch Novi.a ~I• Mar of Joaeph W. Mcshane. or Com-per10nnt.J ta baaed UJlOft an "u aan Dleeo YC, had reached munJty Methodt.t Church or needed'' ecaJ• a.nd doa not ned- which thn• project. lbould b• completed." A MparatA water dq>Utment t.\ldcel Of 126. 760 ~ WU 1ub- mltt.ed to the council by Coltey. a-.y .el the II · minute 1lcnal. Coata Mua will oU1clate. ruarUy Infer the lmmedlat.e 014 l:atabll.lbed lnlwsnc• caln• cbar~ dcrtm on port Mr. w.,ner pa.ued away hJrlnr ot additional help. AC'ency t.ull, rounded up at tha leeward Sunday a f t a r an at.ended The manarer urred the in· All llnea written. end at the line, and practically lllneu \n Veterana HOl'pllal, creued tax rate "becauae of BOW A.RD W. G!:RBl8R cout.edl acroea under b1I own Loni Beach. He wu a naUYe the many mt,jor project. with llOI Npt. BIYd., eo.ta 11..a momentum. or St. Lowa. Mo. and moved to wtlich the city la controni.d. PBONm umcaTY •uu SEACJIED TOO FAA Robert Fr a a• r' 1 73 ·foot .-c~ Vlveka Of SL Francia YC. \.ht" filth entry, had app&r· 1nUy ... yed that type or m~ n.un:r but he reached away too f&I\ came on too low, then held on -.r up to the weather mark where be came about and croa- ed all by tlimaelf, 90me five OtJAut• behind the otbua. San J'r&ncaco tn 1910. Be moved an=;;d~bec~a~uae~o~f~th~•~u~rc~en~c~y~wt~th;:;;~~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~ to Colt& Ma& lD 1961. Ba MrT• I"' ed .. a copperam.lt.b tn the Navy tn 1907 and continued In that tr&dt unW hJe retirement. Survtvon are hie "'1.fe, Hattie May. and dauchter, Mra. Naomi Peterwn, both al the home; aupeon, KJndtr W . Smith of Rlchmond, Calif.; brother, Barry of MIMo\lri. lntennent wtn be tn Harbor Re.It M1morial Park Cemetny. MA.DOil TODD Tbe Jleet of 2!i or 30 apecl.t.or bQ8ta which had con1re1at.ed .,._ low 'Ute committee boat Tlare at. tM 1..,.,ard end of th9 lln• now mowd on out wlt.ll the Mad•• Todd. M . ot 1631 Bon- retlUI, all qt whom were clOM nit Doon• Terrace. died thla J)a\&hd GD a ai.rboe.rd tack and momlnc at Hoar Hospital atter .. ~· to make the harbor a ahOrt Ulnea1. Sh• waa born In mtr'aDCI tn one tack. Ruak County, Tena a.nd bad Quell and Jada both took a lived here tor 8 yeara. Sh• 11 bit.eh abOUt half-way to the en· 1untved by a dauchter, Ma.rte t1'91Mle &Ad went out clOM be-f t.lra. Maurie I Stanley of thla Jow U.. breakwater llsht wlt.b city; a brother, Rlcbard Griffin Q\19ml a ecant 60-yarda ln lb• a.nd a ~ter, Mn. Monnie Wed1e- lre4 C4'lebel can1ed on •tm09t worth. ot Texu: and on• Jr&lld· to ~ J:aat breakwater then chlJd. I tuked up over and atood up \0-Remaln8 wlll be forwarded to ward the 111ht alm09l even with 1 Tlmpl!On. Texu tor 11rvlcu and 1 tbe two leaden. Novta Del Mar lntermrnt. Balta Mortuary. Cor· •·1 q \&••a • d" 11U«eatully and ona ttel Mar. In charce of ar· I c"""9d UM ... l entrance. it.and· rancemenu. tn• well out. befort tacJUnc for th• beet up ~ breakwater. OLO&• TOOnB&R I RA \')10~ D & WE:SOD\ I Raymond J:. W~er, 71, of 3111 Ocean 81'"1. died June ta at San Lu1a Obltpo •hen l"t- tumlns trom a vacaUon.. He wu born In Gteennill•. Ohio and had ruided here 7 yean. He wu a retired wholesale dealer ot ofttoe and 1t.AUonary auppllM. R • wu a member of the Muonlc lodr• of OrND> ville and of the Shrine of Day· ton. 0 b lo, allb wa. a put Rotarian. still "1&Uftl7 dCl9I! t.oa•t.her. tM th.Nit Jeadda were 1pllt~ t.edEI up UM bre&Jnratn trit.b Q\Mlt .upu7 'In u.. 1.-d and ()alebea and ~•da alternately 1,,,.pplns eecond and third apoll.. Tb• b~ whlclt bad bffn 8 to t kno\a at th• •tart. waa. lt uythlnf. i... u they reached Poinl Dlrmin and Ulla. wllh tb• smoot.h -. pn a dl.IUnct ad- vantap to tlMI mnaller Jada. n. llCbooner Vlveka mean· Ha I• aurvlved by ht. wife, wbU.. 1.-d appuenUy dec:icM4 to 'nna of ths hom•: and a eon. l•t tbe "bot.-abot.I" b&tUa It out M A.. Wenpr, Lo9 An.s••• ror t.M wtndwVd berth u ab• Funeral arran,.emcta are J>Od· ata)'ed on her etarboard tack ~ at Balta Mortuary Chapel ud .rl40d away ru11'4lld·by, ob-A. memorial tu.nd baa betl\ • vt~ beadlns tor ta.. aut end 1 tabllabed at Boar ROllpltal. • BALTZ MORTUARIES ' CJLU"El. at TBll BA 1520 E. Cout 8l'fd. 0mina CS.I Mar, C&Jil, PboM Barltor '1 CUSTOM HIGH FIDELITY1 SPECIAL ~4V° This 1et consists of • Gerrard reQOrd chenger mounted on e base. with GE c:1rtridge •nd stylii, H1rmon-Kardon emphfier end 1 good quality two way speaker system in enclosure. Completely wired reedy to pley. We unc:ondition1lly guer1ntH your complete s1tis· faction with this spec:i1I system. ~ P..· Try it ii) your own home without obfi~tion. We w111 deli ver and demonstrate its verutility ind quality. Simply fill in and mail the coupon stating date and time you would like us to c:all-...ny d1y or evening. Bank of Ameriu finenc:ing. MELROSE ELECTRONICS OIMdale, Clallf. 1'5 lit Brud Bhd. Phone: Cl&na 1-0HT ---------.. _____ ....... _ .......... --· .. ·~·· .. ··--· Jlklroae E~llJn 166 8. Brud 81¥4. GI_.... a. Oallf. P'-"t m.ll oe • a4 -------•'clod& a.m. -p.a .. ....... -r UND ON oua PAST. ----------- (UllM') FORD· sets 500-mile record at Indianapolis Speedway I Again proves nobody outperforms Ford I ••. dramatic demonstration of the kind of perf onnance and roadability that makes all your driving more fun in a Ford! A Ford v -8 hurtled acrolill the bride and ~t rurfacie ol touab and tstin3 lndi· anapoUs Speedway .•. whirling through the tight luml and S.111\in.g over the atnlight ltretd>es .•• to let a mark that"° stock car eYW reached Wore! PrwYblS tO F onl'o reoofd run. no otht!r t-wl'tft ...... ...Jmi.t--.....,-.-... ... ~·Judi¥- anapoba at 100 m.p.b .. bat one ol Ford'• laps wd timed at the eleddyisag .peed ol J 13.7 m.p.b.t And Ford aOftrtlgtd OW!' 10'1 m .p.h. for the full ~w hundttd .rnJa • . . clolo to the sverap Ml by tbr et· tremely COltly, apodally-built racer which WOD the Memadal Day~ Ford fully realius that the ~Jter ol claims and oounttt clauna about ·racln, victoriel" (many of tMm compMtdy ~ tradictory) muat w confusto1 and disiJlu. siooing to the public. Ford ran this race ~ time. owr tlw true •Clusic • dJs. tance and at the most famou1 t:ndc in Amt11ka. tn order to dispel thD cloud of doubt and disbelief and prove that no one outporforma Pordl Pet« d~ Paolo. te.ler ol the team of clriwst that piloted the winning Fonl. atata Ltlv: "No other md car oould haw~ thil perfonnancel. And Pete d. holo ,hou)d know, f« M WU ,..,....._ ... -..... ?' rq ._ .. THEODORE· ROBINS 'Cll IHl -(OS -...C.~ NILE) YOUNGSTER CAGE LOOP LAUNCHED Palaftrrt ~ • thi-,...,. .... to pul ~· cab9 abM4 S-0. but Pater Toedter'a tnpla and one by R.-Youns ca•• u.. Brave1 .......... • , .. · HARBOR AREA BASEBALL . OP-ENING FOR · BOYS · the f1ekl with color suard on tbe mound .. Above right. boy. runn.Ini in every direction. -8t&ff Photos .._ buk.U.U tee.rue for ttb. 7th aad Ith rt"adan will M launched a t t.be h!(h mchoOI IYm J"lllle 21, M:bord· inc to H&rl>or Boye' Club aUlkltlo dlAC!Or Rod Ka.c- MUJJ.an. He NMI It would probably be a two-round loop \1.-lttl a w.ek·lonr tour· nament at lb• end. CAREFUL SERVICE,....._.,_ With almoet 1000 boyo paradlnJ before hundmlll ot parent., the summer Midget League eeuoo wu opened lu t week. Above, t he te&1U pen.de about llOBINS IN CONFERENCE -Gett.in&' the word from c0ach Rod MacMlllian, right, a" Pitcher Gary Green. left, and . Catcber Carl Bergeron. The Newport Han>or H igh battery m&tea started willnilic pm;., !or· tbe Ha.rbor Boya' Club tn:wemipro b&D Sunday. Below, Paul Lton;ntzen .itdm in wiUl Robin run when. ball liOlmcea off baek. -SW! Phot• . · · · ' · Lin~a, Do~ ·If g · SWim Wins at San lli~co ' Mill Uzwla• J>ngt,0n. N .• w p a rt BeM:b... Ma. M',nn&ld. pt back to work Monday whn U. Dab- "The b~ will leave Har• bor Boy•' Club "ery Friday momlnr at • a.n\. ror th• boy• wbO want a ride !rom Cost.a. Mna." M.acMllllan ...... . bed .two flnll llAd 1., MCOnd ., NOTWOUILE Newport Five Wins Forfeit from Grovers swtmmlnc for the UunUncton Bn.cll Swim Club at the Town u d Country Club l.D Ban Dteso.. \ . Don Redington. Newport Har· tM>r Rt1h AU-American prep fl'eutY:ler, ..,.·am unattacMd at the aplaahlnt to t.b.ruh out a 2:06 nqit In tha 200 frtt. Rlchanf a Market qulnt.t from BILL PHITJ JPS, Sport. Editor ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART ff. PAGE I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1956 CARDS; CUBS BAUER OUT WINS ~ T ENSIGN The Braves defeated the Cardinals 16-1 and t he Cubti clobbered. t he Plrata l 3-0 in opening-pine1 of the International League pl&yed at Horace Enaign School Monday. In other Harbor a.rea summer loop outinp at Cost& Mesa Park. t he Major League Cardinal& downed tb• Bra•e• 11·2: Ult Pacl!h:1 eout Le•cae C.rd1nala putKI I IA•&tJ• C1rd1. poled two ror t~·o the Bravt• l•l. and the AnM:rl· 1 and e.:ored th.-.. rwi.1 •calruit can Aaod•tlon Bl'llve. t'dsed the ilrav"a. Gary Cl.Irk at.ruck the Cuti. ~-3. out four I.a two Lnnln&'.1 fM th<! for your c--#n# Expert 'outbOard · -motor repairs 'o. medt1t1ia ire Joluuo•· traioed in the UM of special faccory.type rool1. 11tey 111e JohMOe pe.ru froco our Wp -«Ode, lllfW"io.r you of oalr die 6om eainltUM'e and r• p.ir w«k -J08:' w tboanl motor. Lookinl: for 1 "~ Sn·Honc?' We ....... rt.n. .c ptks you1J 1ppnd1te. xm· '""'stem wu hlth potnt N.wport. Beach had no dlfflculty trophy runner-up, mlMln&' out coppin&' nrat ouUnc of the A.na· 1117 Ju.It lw• polnt.a. Shit wu nr.t helm Clu• A Bukatball Leatve In the lntematlonSt Brava- (h the-100 trw tn 1 :()1), nm. In Moncbiy nlcht. The Garden Gron Cardlo•I JO, Letty Georc• Au.tin Ula • 100 buttf'rfl)' In J :JO and and Dave LAWl1 llhared wlnnln1 acond In Ow 200 fre• tn 2:21.6. CroY•r• forfeited, .a C<*ch B~k pllchln&' twnor11. Ctwrlea M ... -----..,.---=--,.--!S.•n w'\t hl1 Newport Harllor ting" and Au1tln cot three hill I favor1tea lo cop tM aum~r klop each. ·For the Cub11. Gary Couch CMJ\\'n throu(l'I a acr\lb same puoted three for three to pace ; unonr lhemaeh·e1. I.he v\ctory. Paul Power1 twirled oni&'h1.. .... !l ..!. J!t~~·~•;c"'"= triump>i. Cardi and . Jeny Hulbert. fanned three In a trio of round.I. A •lnrl• by Jeff 011111 aoorm two PCL C&rdlnal runs after aevtn ..-alk• ln the lir1t tnnlnc .ewtd lhrM t•lllt1. •fyron Oavty ot lhe Bravu colleete<I I.he lone hit orr wlnnlnr chucku Tom Gtllma.n. SOUTH COAST C:OMl'ANY N e"·t><>rl Blvd. at 2Srd St. Barbor %800 1.chf!duled to play Hunllnrton avllli'rilmon(I or lfie MijOr Beach In Wt11ttm J11n.ior HJ.ah ------ A triple more llian Dl•-oOfiT team buided the AA Sn.Vt• a ~-3 victory OYtr I.ha Cub9 in hot· t .. t battle or the day. Oen• 1 u m, locattd We 1ldt of Bu.na 1 Pu& oft KJrhway 39. Probable 9l&rtiJ'lr lineup. 8ftD Mid, wtU '"' rorwvdl l:ddl• Pope and GelW Hubbanl. Center 'l'\Jln. .Howiton Alld O\lllf"'lh Gary Gr.n and Bob vtUqrana.. ''Thlli la probably th• \It'll rounded loop In year1." Bean ,... ported. '"Every teara enteNd llMJl1jl to '1a•• Ill b~ boy1. P'ul· lerton and Orange klok u-m.nc and .Anahrim wtll probably be touch. 1t·u take a lot of work • for N8WJK)rt to repeal their champtoruih.lp." Bean announced Ray Godwla. "a ..-1 hueth:r:' woold Mrv• u team m.&r1a(tr. Father-Son Duo i1 Hydro Duel 1lob and Johnny Haw\ty of Cost.a ~ tht father·-by- ~l&M lff,m. look third ud rOurt.b J"Tlpitetlvely while ractns tMtt "puakin aetda"• at Bak..-.. new laA weekend. .Johnay, JO, is one of the two )'OU.n&Ul drivtn In the country. 'n. other I• Wally Holdlfor-, a;.o 10. ot Altadena. Tttn·•t• Anne Ha.-liey, '"rho uwaJly race• too. M t \hi• ona out -';• a 1pectalor wtUl Kn. Rawley. nJIW ~. It ,,.. unounced bJ ~tton Director Bob Gin&· rtch. Otncr1ch -.id It would be a ·•aiow pitch. low c1 .... ·• type ot lla1l. ju.st to afford local men ~aUon. Aa EUU Lod1• ttam II ready to 10 ~ a .SL A..ndrew• tKJn la belfll" formed. Peni:na Inter· ellted In perform1n( on a Wut Newport lmpt'Oftll'Mllt AMoc:ta- Uon tea.in . .,,,.e" uked to contact H al Olua. A Llonai Ou" nine UI al8o a poMlblHty. ~ ~ IOVDI 004ft 00. llrd 6 Newport BlTd. RESIDENTIAL-IHDUSTRIA(. C<>WtRCIAL NO 109 ~~ ott muu.:. 111 -lk.,.N ..... --SSSS ~ 'HU.GE' Glff_S TURN TRICK . FOR OC CREW What -..·e~ termH "hure"' donation• from rutaun.nlftn ~ DILlt.on and Jl"ol'ffl Smith, atona-"'1th tlw Bank of America and Balboa lsland Pun~ &nd Scullinr Club, made It pomib'- ror th• Ora.n&"• Cout ColJese four-man crf'W and eo.c-h Paul BapU1te to head for SyracuM. N.Y. by air at 4 p.m. today. Th.!re the Bue crey,•. W'llh a rf!oCOnl or four win• tn five out· inp lhll -.eOJ\. Wtll pe.rUclp&le In the Olympic '1"1:1•1• June 21-ao. ~w Bulineu M&nac•r '"" Harvey, unable to n.1M lhe rnoney to pe.y his "' ... Y. aid hi .,, ... 1ppl"OKlled by D&lkin -ztJ lhia week. "What· 1 t.he ba.lanoe yota n~ for UM' crew!.. JM uk@d. Harvey told him. DaJtoo wrott out the check cov1f"lns that amount. Haney .aid. The VO!i . - BOAT OWNERS! Something new for Albacore end Marlin Fishermen. Stew•rt -Werner oc.ean temperat~re 9au9e. Limited supply -Get Yours now . For in- formation· ~ontact No rm's La ~di n9, Newport Beach 6 II 3 I st St., Harbor 28 11. NORM'S LANDING • ' Newport laach Ill l u t St. Harbor 2811 IWAGEN Display CUT ·A Vi A Y CHASSIS NOW ON DISPLAY Showing All Working Perts . :• • EXPERT SERVICE ONE WEEK ONLY e FACTORY GRADUATE SERVICE TECHNICIANS e LOTS OF GENUING FACTORY PARTS Somet~ing new in. Auto Service' is our tile-welled ser· vice eree with "ho;lpltel white" equipment end service benchu, ell eur Vollawagen service .et factory 1peci- fied repair 'price• • • lh ... 9t UH~" Newpmt_ ' . Hatw PMMZ·P~~POllT~N&WUWS W l*SQAY, JIN .. ltl6 by Mn. Walter VWR•'• Kia- .;;' :t:" .. .~ '· .. ::! ""' - Private Police • MERCHANT and :. HARBOR BOAT j ::: PATROL I ~ - -- CALL SECURITY COMM•CIAL l'AftOL 2-7027 Kl '",., ... ,, .• ILICTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e STAFFORD & SON Eloctrlall C...traeton 110 111-. ....... Liberty 8-2278 ,; .. ·--~ Celderon Bolt-All colors &' 1iH1 Lerg• t.alection-R•9~l.95 to 10.95_ Jernat Sw~aters"'."""Sllpovera & Cardigan1. Fur Bionda and Orlon ......... • Summer Cotton Dro11e1 Rog . 10.95 to 19.95 _ ............. .. Vt OFF ~OFF % OFF ................................ s3•s . Largo Soloetion of Hand Oocorotod Boakeh GRE~TER EARlllllC.S REMEMBER ... SAVINGS received by the 10th Of the month ••• WN FROM the ht. ----... ----- ,.. ....... .. Maurice Handler Swim Sulh-% OFF i:;~~~;~t: 2:~;: .. 1·: ... ~::.:.'.:.'.~ ...... · % OFF Reg. 10.95 to 19.9~ -... -............................. _ Summer Jewelry Rog. 1.00 to 6.00 .......................................... _ % OFF % OFF Scorvoa Reg. 1.98 to 2.98 • I PEI AllllUM CURRENT EARNINGS j '• lLJ~G~A1u;;:HOTIC;;:;:;,1--;;Lff~A1;-;;:NO;;;n;;:IC:;l-1 -'jjuMiialilLi:1110=rn;;ICI:;--, Mesa c of c-,___.__WBINESDAY, :JIJNE 10• ''" Nance OP Dn'U'IJOJr m m.AftZL lll092'GAa •O'l'ICS W =••••* ....,.. TO WHOM rr MAY OONOSIUf: NO'J1Cll .. 1lmlDS CllYJll": NO'TJC8 Ja llDQY '1lYJllN purw&at tit t'-pnrrilllon. ot U.t ,\lJJ!fClll'n ~ hetion S44.0 ot tbe WU O:MS. o1 UM lltate ot.· Cl.lttona&a. \UC • v .. 1111ar. ...._ ...._ • llTI lhe 2»th day of J~ lltot, LM owner of ta. h..._natt.r dmerlMd .Dm A.ff., 111 tb1 ~·et ~ flalW'• and .,q&dpmeat ot that ~ cal• 11tu.C4d and localed ftle. o..t,. el I n rs 1st.. •t "° 3l•l Blr..et, Clt7 (1f Kewport ~ .. Oi:Ml'lty Of Oni:re. l\atA ltlU.e ot QallfarNa '°"""" to et C&JU'om~ lnlalad.t to ~ & Chatlti Kena ... "poa LM Mid ..U to ..nHm L.. ftoll:Elt'l"9- sets _Budget, Revises Dues tUtu.trem and .. UIJllS1'Mt. V<mdee. ~ ...... lill IM w. JMW' lloard of t.b4I eo.ta x .. ESTHER L ROBJCRTB "' th• mortb.or ot the •kl proput7 Glea..~ la U..,Ctty ot 0-.. CllambW"' O•• ... w lMt ...... and her~ la U4 W. Olla Odea,~~. C..Womla.. dale, Cowlty el Lat AD.I ... a llUd.fet of SINO for U.. 1,.. W. M. WARD bi lbe mortPP.9 of th• .aid propertf and bl.t St.ate ot Ca.llfanla U.. followtAc 17 7.u &Oct a ,.....,..~ s l1dr .. hi W IUt lltnet., N.wport 8-ch, C&Ufornia. d.crtbed ,.NOn&l p~ptf't1. to-ch'*ll to ftftAIM)9 die ebamlMr pro- Tbe pro,,ny, ftxbmil and 911u1pnmt upon wbkb tb• laid wit; sram -wen ,iv ... awrvval. ChaUel M~· la k. be placed ccm.tltl ot u.. toUowtns: All lt.ocll ta v..s.. ttswr., Tb• budpt mill tor &l.mc:l9t l Amerlcen Sllctns lie.chine, 1 aJtmon si.. pl• cue., 2 equipn~t &ncJ pod WUl qt • twic. .. mucb mo&Q' u bM l Garland I Bums OU - --c.rtaln cat. bul&n-. ~ u bMn. expended ta t.N put. ,,..i,.. Rans• lbell', •PPf'OL Jj[fi'. VJNCE'8 CA..r&, and located al I)' few ~ .,... ot • t Char·GJo..Broller 1 £lee. KUIU Klx, 6 rron,.. uo Sl•t 8lnet. In u.. City tun time otnee ~ &nd 1 O.Urui. t Ualt Gu Griddle l Wood Counter, formfea tDp, ot Newport &...cb, ooWrty ot adcHUonal aaUCll'&ted omc. nnL l Hotpolnt 2: bullet l'Hncb open fl'onl. approll. fi%xb e>ranr•. tt&te ot c:.utonll& and 'n.. budset wu prepared by y,.y.,-!n:''!!'a~:a~~tal well that a Mlit. ltinatw and ~ Treuurer Uoyd llucuJtl, head NEWPOAT HARIOll N~ART 11 • P-AGE ! ·final Cha~e Given Actors In ~tta Thi• wHk wDl t. ,th• nn•I ClflporlUnlty for tb ... 1ll1ahtn& ~G partlclpata tn .. lkalth Padtlc ", U.. Rod,.n and Hamm•""-•tn opentta wtucti will be p~tf'd by Onu\a• Oouf Coitlte .. a put. ot !JI& Golden Ju\fiee ~e:le­ ~ ot U. City •f N•wport a.ch. It wu ann~ lOd•y. 2 • Well Toutmuten 1 4 wall ll:fl er.am met.a! men.t QI( t.M ..me Wi9. 11iel a..d., ol. the fl.z!.ance committee. • l 2 Unlt Griawald W&!fla trMUr, cue, approx. axi. and the ~ therefore Pr.ldftlt Jl. J'. lht.) Gadd .. ltlec. Unit loJ1I' .... w be p&ld at 10:00 o'daclt ~ declared the reviMd. acbedW. ol l'\el\eanall •tartH: l,lij, Wtt~ with a cut ot morw tMn 11:x1 ;v. 9Qt'O~r to Lh1 HO'WaJ\J K• y. Jamu Fltqttald andt l.iac:~n Scott, du~tor1. Howe.r. It 11 atlll pouUll.e for lho111 l,lltereatrd tn tlllns part In th• Bro.d..,,·•y fannite to do .o. Rerf.11,.tlon may be mac:le by l'lportlnc to· Rootn 3 of the -Wu•lc Bulldin.11:' on ,th• c•mpua bel'W«n 8:30 and 9 :30 p. m. • 1 8 Y.'ell &teamer (DohrooJ, 6 ~l~~e ·M~i Contain· on th• 29l.b di.¥ ol J\lM,, lfOI, at due. 1ll"OU1d l'i•• ~chamber -- •Ith warmln.s oven. ers. the wrow departDMOt qr BA.Y ln.come of appaoximatt:l.1 f l0.000 1 Dot!.rmu Wood 811 cl n S :r lee er.am looopl ESCROW co., DCC. at l8ff Har-a ,._.. or a .urptu. ot a bo\Jt Table IWood on mete.I 1 Jee Cream Spatula. bor Blvd., In tit. Ctt,y 0( Qollta fl700 over the tp~L CRONIES ADMIRE HARD-EARNED SEAL Stan(I), mel&I drawer .and 1 Blue Telecbron Elec, W~ MUL County of Orulp. 8t&ta IUGllEJI f'EES ehelt Clock. of CaU.f'omia. The rrn-d du. u.11 tor $6 l Wood Bllclna table on metal 1 Kn.ft M&Jtad milk met&! DATED Jun• 11. 1161 for Individual mambuab.1119 1•1 Stand wll.b mel&J (!rawer cont&ln.ar. VINCENT J"O.EIUITEL. bdoW Ula prevl~ year) .caled •!WI mtt&! ebelt , s Ol&M l)'l'Up contal.ner Vendor UP"ard lo f100 f• Iara• ~ Diapatcber Kn. John (Ethel) NUWD, Coot& -Police Cble! Art McKenzie a.ad Sr;t. Roger Neth admire the FBI National Academy ·-i earned, along with diploma, by McKenzie after 12.-weelt coune In Wubln(ton. D. C. The .. al repli<;a rHU atop ~lumee studied by KcK.emie during coune. -Sta.ft Pbot.o 1 Wooekn Flat• rack, 3 Shelf with rnet.&1 lope with 3 ESTH&R L. 1\08&1\Tll, n-.ueb u publlc uUllU•. Open larp metal ~ Vendee b&nU. larJ• trailer parka and Jes ELECT 1 Metal Bloomtl&d French 1 PLutte Donut Holder, yel-No. lM-N-•Prea l/IO/M comp.ru.. emplortnl' O'+'IT 60 1'rt Bllc:er low with ~t plM-ptr'IMHIL J 24. lb. Welsblns &:al• tic co•er. NOTICI: OP llft'EMDr.D llLll: Th• addiUonaJ oU\c. rent would 1 t door Utility Etec Ralrlc-i Wood Knll• &Ad fork hol(I-NOTlCZ 11 HDDT <JIVEN: be paid tor a new chamber otttce erator er•. 'l well, fx.lh:lt that CLA TTI: P. IPR.ING &Dd on Ute fl'OUnd floor, &lthouch 1 Admiral E.lec. Frees.er s Metal Knit• and tork bold· HAZEL H . llPIUNG, Ve.radon th local">D: OT data of th• mov1 1 8 x 12 Yelal Baclqround ""· tiJtlh:l8. whoee addreM 1-111 Mariil•. from the pruant upet.alh loca- wltb mel&l canopy, 3:xl2. 1 :r Syrup contalnel"S wtlh Balboa lal.nd. ln U.. Oty of Uon bu not bff• decided. 1 Metal 8UU!d tor P' r • n ct plaiUc pou"·• topo t •-··• ~ .. -t 0 A 11-potnt acU'rity pl'OJ'l'&l1l of 2 • <01 N..wpor ---..., ...._, y Of r• tM 7 lob Berkley Succee4s to · Prexy Office Fryer, approx.. x . 4 Mua•--... ,. ... _, -·•-•-··•. of ~... In th• cbamti.r for the l -0 year tabl ....,.. ....-..._._...,_ •111'"· Sl&te ......... omta, • b Iii Metal Pola for •team • plutlc. tende to ~II lo Alie. H , Kllewer, ,,... praMntad for dhcuulon ut Bo~ ~rtdey, ~ of BMS- 1 Wood 2; Shelr T1ble 1 Crockfl'J watar pile.her. _....,_ It wW not be fcmnm!Jy ado-pl.ct •••II'• M•n Blore on B&Jboa. la--3 110 Jb. Yt.llow c1.n11 with 1 v•-·r·· •··. Vtnde•, whOH ............. '-2lll unW th• chamber'• l.n.lt&ll&tlon """ ... ~ SJC La CU.ta Dr .. B&nt& An&. land, wu elected p""*lent of COYer•. 1 .,,, .. ,, ••••• luncheon July l. ... _ N-u.-, , ..... , y Calif. In the City of Banta A.Da, di ·-• ••-Id .,,... ·-..-·· ~..., ......, ' t' tube Ufhl• 1 Glue no •all decorator. G.c!du ln ca .... ...._.. wou Chamber of Commeme durin< • Sh \' wtlh r County ot 0r&lll"•. ltata ol. Call• -• ddl••----• 1 l'1x3 n. " or· 2 f.' met&l curtain~ be MV•.--..a a ........, -nwner-. dinner meetln< at N_..._. H&r- ' t ' ' "-dJ rornla. th• toDowlaa d..crlbfd _...... t lhx -··~·· • HAPPY SUSPECT LOCKS SELF IN POLICE PATROL UNIT Tbomu ~th Glzlc'er, ~. pt. back at IOC'&l polite for e.rtttotlns hl.m for be.ins dnlnk l'Kft!Uy. 'Vben UWy brousht Ginger to the etatlon they ma<k a miitake al lffvinc him In the poUce car for a few le\":onda. Gtnser loelled hlmMlf lnalde the oar and retuaed entttatle• tor orncera to "open up." A.a a con11equence, poUce hid to bl'Mk 01111 ot the ..,,;nd win&"• of Ute police Wiit in order to tt&Ch through and unkxk the cklor. hi• ad- PTod~Uoo of th• bit mUll~•l i. -cbeduled tor Friday and Sa- turday, AuJU*L 3 and ~. In the college 1udltorlum. TI\e ehow win IHi open to the public with- out ch.ll'a'• on both eYenlnga. Kramer Probatiot1 llANTA. ANA. UJctl'S1 -JP'ivf' Je&r• probaUoa WU l"f'l.Dl-.1 tn Terry K.r•mer. 22, of .)11 P11 " Ave., r-.·,v.·port Beech Jun, 12 h\' 8upertor Oourl Judea Kenneth E. Morrl!IOn art~r the l'lf'fendar\I had pleaded (Uilly on a c-ran·1 then.. auto. l"hlfTe. JCl'llmel' ••l- nl.llted eteaUn1 two cara Md " motottycle. m ca op, nie 1 ....., ng. 2: 3xf. curt•ln1 oU9 ... _,.._.. o ~ ,_... bor Y&ebt club Thunday. l • Shell pl1te rack, 1.,,x• 73 Salad plat• pef#OJ\~n>:•t~t;fl.Xt.wwl. tor. It I.I a(loptlld. P auJ Dunlap Berllley -.icceeda Jim Penney tonnlr.& top, mel&J blndln1. 33 Soup Cupe All 1 e, and J. C. Bwnpbriee will be ln. in tba ottic:&. 1'ba new preeiklent _ Redfaoed olflcera eecort.ed Glnger, .... ·ho (8.\'• drMI at 3710 Cb&Ane.J Place, Into the lockup. -----------------11uue Plant Permit 1 C02 P'lr• Ex.tln,.waher, 4 13 Saul:fl platee equlpment 11.Dd sOOd wW 0( a ~ of &J'T'&ft&&.mlDta fot th• and other omeen wl.ll be; In· lb. •IM. t Small bowl cert.a.l.n ('ltt ebop ,,. •• ....., known lunc.h.m. •tailed tn a b&llquet •l th• end 1 Wood Sllcln1 tab!• wtth 23 Soup bowl.9 u The Balbo&n, &ad 1ocatad at OPPOSE P'&JZWAY of Jul,J. metal left. 2 bin drawer, 17 L&r1a water (la.Mee 3~ A Marine, Balboa lalan4 ln The board aim paged a r_.. Other ~ otneara -1«:t.ed D&kroo Mt1. Appros.. b7 lllli 8m..U Wllter ,....._ the CHy ot Newport Beach, JuUon to oppoM th• tr••way ww:ra : Bob Robl.n.I and Wal t ·l t Shell 1Wood) Rack, .Am· ti Jule.a sl-.-. County of~. llt&te ol. C&ll· throucb th• doWatown bu81n-Spicer, vb • ~ta; BW TU'(1ny and Bernard recenth• took out 1 $80,000 Cort• ~h·~• city bulldlns permit for ererU«n of a 1tDr11e •rid lie ht mao.ufRe-- turlns bui1din1 et 860 \\'. l ilh Sl. 1rlr.an SUcln.( tabla 11 Oyster coclct&U ,~ fornJa and tb&t • ...., tnuter dlatrtct and wtU Mad tha ruo-Gnmdy, MCrel&ry; Harli.a Hoyt. 1 Wood Counter, 2 Sbell with a Crocliery t .. poll :d ~lp.rna:t ~ ~~~ lutiol'I wtth a latt•r to the ctty tre&altC"; BIU M.annln&'". .tata A two-man .ubm&ria• of the wbo •t&rt6d ma.nutacturtns the llrm. U the teat.a pan out, A n- formlca top. IM•t&l bln(I-H whit• and red eupe • ... __ __.... eoundl ott•rl.nl' t.ba cbamhn'• dlrec\01'. On the board ot dlnlC-b _1,.. c:lereon ....id. hit company 'I 1'! Midget Italian· Type Sub Gets Newport Harbor Tests ·-lh -ro-_,. be _,,. " 10"00 --, 1·-"--><•-.__ .... t llWlk two au.be LD. n r••--1.nj") approx ....... IT White &nd n!ld NUCttll •·~ •• ...... --• •upport ln the city'• JDOY• .,....inat ton are: Mllo Brandm&yv, Rob ........ .., ~..-..... Th• iub •bich wu tt:iled ln MU the aut.. Della V•llr hol I• :t heJf Wood Blora&• rack, el Lunch .ise pl1tee o'clocll L m.. on lM 2nd d&7 of Ula trffway route. H~ Roy Ward. Buck Bean.. ba.t.Ueehlp. lD Alaan4rla Harbor Newport H&rtlol' Le the •m• one the poettion of dirtc lor of 1 ~ prox l ~x.•·. Ji Dinner ai&e plat• July, 1961, a t the HCl'OW depart· Propoul to Htabliah a Bet.lat' Bill au.w. Jim ~. ff a I ln lt42 ...... betl\I' u.ted t or wllkh rec.t'led niuch pubUc;:lty •l.l'Cb and dtlwlopmrnl wilh l. •· L 3 .!!lhelf eton&'• n ck, •P-:13 8f'O'Wll CaaaeTole d.Wiea ment of Bay r.cro. Co., Inc. at BUlllneu Bureau ln eo.t. M•a McLau(tllln. Jack ~1'7 and efliclency ta Upper Bay by a r'9Ceritly by making the trtp to ori;anl.&&Uon. prox. l 'x3'. !i V'ftn Cu..role dl.ahe1 llV2 Harbor Bl'Td., in the City of waa p1opoMd •Y th& 81.nt& .Ana BW llcDowd.L Loe AnfelM concern 1'11day at-C.l&ll~ taland with Guetav• al The wgin• ln the n1lJ1i:t1 I L. C. Smith Typewriter. t tan 12" Cr«kery pl.lltera Co•ta Me .... Oount1 ol OranJ•· Cbambh' of Commwce throu(h TM JwUor Chamber mMU un.oon_ lb& helm, cna.fl 11 an Italian Calleneo •111. 1 P•JM"r roll rack (Metal on 3 tan It.rs• pl&tu 8l&t• Of C•lltoma, It& acUns ..cretary. Tile Banta th• MC:Ond and tourtb. T!l.urwday 0&1mad to be pa.rUcuJarly "Ot 23 In productl°".'' Della metal ball at end or •n •mr'" wood Bhelf) 2 tan ea..l•d platu DATED Jun1 Jt, ltN Alla croup ofhred It& eoopen.· of •adl month. ackpt for ue by aidndlYenr. un· Va.Ile reported, "18 bal'e been lenflb of b<MW. the bouy rem11n 1 Mrt&l c:orrucated 8hell.1iu l 1:1" bu')' aluminum l*J\ CLA.TTJ: P. IPR.ING, Uon tn halpln&' the cb&mbv or-.1------------derwat.eT ,.eolo(icaJ .uney• and •ld In Flor1da. MrJtleo, th• Bar-Ins on lb• 11.1rf•c:e to 1uppJy •11 •PProx. 20"x30". with handle. Ve.ndot-canJs.e th• BBB attlKIUP t.ba Orotwlt wu l&km t.o Hoas Hoe.-pbOt.Opphy, U'le Uny .ub bu b&rae and N~ Orlea.1\1 •l $2600 to th• en~ne when the •uh l Aluminum 2 handle pot, 10 t ll~x2t" Mital tray HAZEL H. IPJtlNQ, credit oryanlzaUon wW. aot be-_p!tal a cruWnc spiNd of fou.r knoU e&cb." h .. ~ unden..·att:r. Della Veil•· gal. e1paclly J!i 6" Wood Baiad Bowle Vendor coma -acU'ri~y ot tts. ~.· -T'be crallii "l.Ud'tMIY-°"""""j"WHk""~'"""aler wi&& .._.,_m1almum,_ cd' J>i~lnL the craft her• J'Mday Nld th• 1u type mouir 1110\\'~ 5 Metal Napkin hoklera l Lars• CrocUq 1oup Ladle .&.Liem N. KUCWU. Action on ~ propmal wu ,.... wtt... Drohan apparenu,. tell ... ._ knoot& n.. 11ea. c:barlot tor • .,.. Harold Oen.11la,-pti0l6(tl.pll--tc) toc1t·d~l ~l"lll'•te.c whl!• 1 Cold1pot Elac. Relrtcerator J Dohrm•Y• MtxM.aata Vendee ternd to th• uteutl.,• comm.It-lffp. hJ.a nortllbound ear drift. tW-o wu Jtrou&tlt to UiLe country .,., &Dd Dl.clc. Andenoti. dtviJl.S tba electrlo motor permit.a °' · with freuer compartment 1 a·• Alv.mtnum Jl"unnd No. l~N~Prnt 1/JO/IMI t" for act.ion. lns onr. Uwi oant.w lilWi by Uindlver G•ta.,. n.ua Valle, tachn.lcian of lb• metropolitan cupant. to 10 down 200 ~ff\.. and dra..,,·er, approx. 7 cu. 1 Metal au,...,. ecoop "na. cha.mbft' ot commerc.'• ft. tin. 1 Meta.I l'1our Beoop CEllTlFtCATI: OP B UnNUS Oranc"• County 1'1.lr quMn ~ 3 wooden. eb.1Jvn ln di.eh 1 Wood roWns ptn netld.e• Firm ~ did&ll. JHIUU• McQueen. wW be wub roorrr:-6 MllCeL 81M ~19 TH.I: UNDER81QNl:D do hll'I-st•ao. ch&mbel' support ln 1Mr l Waalekln1 PulYentor. l U IA. blu. ea.Ila plat• by cerW)' that they ..,. ccmduc• partldpatlon In th• Bunttnston 1. lfttal I Bhelt di.eh rack on 2 Bm1U ~ craten tial' a Bookkeep~ • Tu BMd.t. pan.de .IUl7 4. the board rollera, approx. 3'x1%', 2: t t " Sanl& Clau. Plate• Se-rvlce bualneu a t No. :110 4ecldtM1. 1 2 \\.'ell Metal Olah 'A'Uher 1 L&rg1 Wh.Lt• Md Cf"tt!l Knemer Bids .. W E. <Antu 8L. l------------ unlt with metal back1round bowl, 12" •lhl A.nab.elm, C&Wornia. 11Dder the and d1ah drying lhelt 2' t tt" tlgurt'd decor1Uve plat• ncUUou• firm 'nama of RaU&bl• wlda. 10 ,1 ... relU.h dtllh.. AccounUnc Be~ aad that 2 rubber mat divider on dou· t metal pl• plale1 aa.ld nrm LI compoMd of the blf" work rack, l,'d'. J 12" blue decoraUY• plalu followlDt" panooa. wboee aunu 1 Knife and fork bolder, & Sh rt mp eodrl&ll dialb• and ,.&ddr._.... an u tollcnn. met.al, 10":.:11''. 8 Perforated rubber mat. 2x3 to-wit: 1 metal pa.II with pe:rfon.t.ed 7 Mel&l Pl&tt.n, approx. lU: .....Uk E. WUMllll -200T W . 2 Youths Killed, ·~ Dash to Hospital Here Is Futile ln.ner rack, 11 ql •lU. 11" Porter An., ruJJerton, C&Jll. Tb. bod.I• of two lf..year o1d l Metal dU.h pan hlhlt 7 Porcelain llet&l tray• 12X WUll&m J . o. aoun.,. _ 211 J'\lllert.OQ youth killed 1n a bead· :I Plutic Diab. p&NI. &:.:16x24 J7'' I . Shatter St.. 0ran,._ caru. on crub on Hl(trway 101 uar- 2: Metal pans 6J:IU.l8 I Porcalaln. Mel&l traye, lb. WITNJ:BI our handa tMa C&pl.etrano early 8atu.rday were 3 :r tube mel&l llfht fl:xturu, 12 Twelfth d&7 of May, 1168. taken to a Sanl& Ana mortuary kitchen. 3 Alumlnum Tn.y1. lU:ll. /1/ W\IUam J. O. Oourwy ener • duh to Roes Memorial 1 2 Wbffl Meta\ band truck e 12 bole Metal )futtln p1na /a/ l'ralllc E. wu.on Koepll&l with on• of th• flcllma IFllOllo&i 2: 1 (al. croc.llwy bowt. BTATE OP' CAl..ll'Oft.NIA ) pnW'ed hlUM. 1 Puro Ele('. Waltr Coolv l Alumlnum Cullender. COUNTY Or 01\.A.NGI: 1... Killed lMt&nUy w•• J&mn K. 1 Wood and 11.ua-.1.,.x.t, 1 J Sal crodc."'7 jer Ob M&y J2, 19&1, btJore me. Byard Jr, He .... • pa.Mns•r 2 Shelf :r White porcd&Jn tt1ffH pot.a th4I und~. 1 Notf.ry Pub· In a car drlwo. by Erneet B. 1 CUh Resl•ter. National 1 lArs• woodtn Chopptn1 }ic m aad for Mid Oowiity an4 Koont.a. Koont& died abortly af. t b.10 V.'ood P\cturee bo'lo'I Btate. penon&Uy ippeared Frank ler belns taken Lo the bolpltal. 1 Square Thermom•t..r 1 Hrna.II WGOden choppCnf bowl c. Wlllon 6 William J . De Pol.Ice a&ld lb• KoonU cu fa.tied 1 Gre1n Gia.la pot bolder and I tdltl .Alumtmlln pane CG1,l"'9y, known to nK to be to mall:• a cvnoe ud w.t Oftl' crockery planter With pla.nl l Poretlaln bow-I tff pel'90N wtKIM nun. an the 4oubl• llna .1.n.1.o two . other I Metal wall lunpa 1 lJ"' MJalq bowt, Cl"Odrft1 N bacrlbecl to the w1tJUn lut.ru-cu&. 1 ~.plan.ta wltll I ft. 1 1t• Aluminum MUiee ,.... ment and ~ that N.wport B •a e It. mortp.p p&aat 1 tr' Almnlllum mute pan they ~ tJM 9Une. ' broDr l"raacla &. DrOhan.. 15. ol. 1 CredtMT round boat pjduN I 10"° Alumblum .. uce p&a1 wrrNDa m7 MDd ud om-Ml Dlw IAM. • eClltad maJor 1 O'ltMfe 6 M-1ilt su 1 I" Atumtnum -.uce paa cilJ ...i. lnJurt. .ul7 llatal'Py wbell ...... ... 1 Alwnln.w'n Roi.Iler With fBEAL) /•/ v. x. Mille!' ht. auto WU ln.ol•ad ln • eol· 1 JIMal PMater, Ukll ~ • Not&r)' Public ln and for Aid l!lloft wlUt. nother on Pactnc I OOdm7 ,.....'*'-ud plUI l Alwnlnum Bowl. 12" County and Slate. a.et Hlchw•J ln Dana J>olnL 1 t.d e. pklW9 kwU 1 AJIUll!num .. uce pq.. I" My oom.mlMtOil E:xplrea March 1 --------~~-- l ... ,.. --· -2 ................ ..,,. 1" '· 1"°· ' U:GAL NOTICE ...._ .,,.._, trxn'. t 8mall dlDtU No, l lfi New .. ~ JI......,, ..... wtth ~ 1 11'' lro1 akWat 8/:10, 27, 7/4, 11, 11~ it: t ~ llauq p&na. tbll •ea.led tnvelopu. m.rked "Bid• 11 11 llaNtn 1 Ket.a.I Baune .... 20zJO NO'l'ICE l:"fl 'TTOIO IUDS for publication ot les&l notice•," I . • ....._ ,.... •illd I 10" Uoft allilla\41 Bea.led propoMla or bids wUJ and addnued to the City Coun• ..,.. .,,..._ b6. 1 r Ahnnlnum atdll.U k rac•IVed by t.he City Council c.11 of the City of N"'Jl'Ort Beach. D Mftal a.tn dA ,..._. l r AJUmJnum •UC. pan af th• City of Newport. 8"ch, C..llfom.la. flluUe ...... 9M Md!:,.._ I Sa.uea pan CO\'eh (Varto\111) Calltornla, at CK' betor• t.he hour Th• forqotnf notice ahall be 1 I.An 11..... ud ...... pk 1 It. ft.1Cia a1afm cloclc of 7 :SO o'eloell: P .M. on June 2~. publiahed l.n th• Newport H&rbor -l Metal m"9t W'eltfll lt~ tor a contract c:overtns the Ne.,.-Prua. onl:fl a week tor two 1 ~Dae. Wannl11& l Wood b'\M.l wel(hl publlcaUoo. and prtntlns ot all conncuUva weekl pr1or to June I .,....... ..... 1 I'' Deep Aluminum aaut• lepJ notlc• r911U1red to be pub-23th., JMe, by order of the City l 1•UJ M.tai Botu. 1...-0...-pan ttahtd In a ntwepaper of iren•ra.I CoundJ of th• cttr ot Newport Qua 1 I..arp Cone ehlipe llin• ctrcallllon prtnted Md publi.hed 8-ch dated JUM 11th, l.tH, 1.1 11uSV ~ (tndlri· (10"1-ln the City of_ NCWJJOrt BMch, JIARGEftY BCHROUDl:I\ ~ llUll with -ta.I topal l M.t&I potato whlpJ*' tor th• flecal :rev endlnc" June CClJ Qft'k ot tM aiy ol. 11 aiua ub traJil 1 t.rs• metal sralas' JOt.h, lN7. Newport e.cb..· MataJ 1ladl. Men• 1'okkft, l M«al pot&~ ~ All blda mU11t be encloMd tn No, lU N.,_..P'nm l /U, 20, llM at't.9cbld to e.untar, I unit. 1 Kedl.u.m. ..-. .irn · I ~:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;::; 10 Lara• B&Jl and peppw 2 t" AJuaniawn pot., 10" I 1 ....... ... .. 11 Bm&ll llUa 6 Metal top 1, 10" arockar:J boWL -.It and peffV .eb&kara 1 ir• ct.., weu .llulabMun I Mital Ball U. bowl 1 Wladow Metal curtain. 111 1 10" Deep W'tlll Ahlmtnwn tt. rod CWUID and rod WL bowl 1 Wtndow Mat.al Curtaln rod 1 10 pl. Ahunlnwn cm·l&lnw and curl&ln. • tL curl&ln. wtt.1' haadi. . eurtaJ.a lOd'. 1 I pl. IJwniaum kuce pan. 1 Woo(I Hip Chair and pla.eo AP'f'O&, 1llO ..ci.. ot Uie Uo trq foUowbll': kn!..., P'orb, I cream pitcher., slNI wt.th T.. a,oona. aoup lpoona, met.al topa. Tabh lpoona. U plut.lo cnckar baaket&. Tbl,l aa&d Qiatlel Mortpp I.a to bt ~ Md tba eouldw- .UC. Ua....,... WW be pu.t JU.. •• 1lrM. at 841' DCROW 00 .. ~ un n.rtior lltrd.. o.t.a w-. eo-~ ., 0rup. 9ta.le o1 Caliroraia. •t 10:01 o'clock A...M. n.tect June 1t. 1-. --DTR'Ell L ft.OBl:ll!ti MORTOAQOI\ W. M. WAR.D MORTOAGEll Na. 111-N_...p,.... t/10{ll noc1i. J. Ronda ALL YOU CAN EAT Sl .75 Every Thur. Nife 5-10 p.m. "THE HAPPY HOUR" COCICTAJI.$ DAILY ~7 P.M. wNcHaHINRY'I DINNDS ftR 4.m'l'OC&&T 11' IPAllllUI FOOD " ~ IT&Aaa: ... oa-t1tw7' ~..... u ...... NEWS.PRESS CLASSIRED ADS GET RESULTS 'L------------- Sn,111 Stock & Filtires -Orlered Sold at 01ce! Girls 3-6x 49c Rayon P•nti u l Pain 99e D8!088EA 1 99 M .Ull---·--· • ____ sac SALE STARTS f.RID·AY 9:30 ~:M: Fri. Ir Sat. Hours 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Pre -teens & 7-1 4 Skirts to 5.95 1.99 G irls DU811"8 .. ______ _ -----tNo PHONE, MAIL or C.O.D. Ord1~ ALL SALES FINAL! .,__G.ir•1,•1•.•14-• Girls 3-6x 4.98 Swimwear to 1.H • F ... EE . Emt$1.00offto Fil'>! 100 Women Mtkln9 . Pu<ehHo of $I 0.00 <>< Mont sacl ___ ...,._.._ ________ 1 Swimwear to 1.H Pre· teens 4.9a CAl'KI PU'T8 1 99 .. ~ ......... _ . Boy• Soucie Creepers , Rog. 1.98 Now Sic "llU>V•"" TOYS 80! Waterproof Panties, Va ri ety HALF l'lllCE!to'"-'·.".· -·.--·----.·-; __ 2.75 Sleepe rs with feet, only ----·-·-·-·---·--··-1.77 1.29 Contour She eh, Sele Priced _ .. ___ 77e 3.98 Tidy Didy Bag & Pad, goos at ---1.44 PRICE Y2 G irls 7-14 1.2 5 Peddle Pushers 8tc Play Pen Pads, Reg . 2.98 , Sale Priced ~1.U .. ______ _ Boy• 3-14 1.00 T •• Shirh J hr He High Chairs, Reg . 13.95 , Now only ___ 10.R 39c Toddle rs T,..ining Penh ---------4 hr ttc 1.25 Toddlers Sun Suits ------·-··-· lie --------'I S.ersuc ~r Creepers to 1.98 , Sale -tfc --c .... -----~·;a-, Cove ral 1, alue• to 1.98, Buy Several et fte Pre-teenr Sl.iort• Reg . 1.98 He Dreue1 to 6.95 2.18 Infant. 8.95 Dacron Quilts J,ft mmaramrn J9c Toddler Dreuei to 4.98, Large Group _ 1.99 --.. ______ _ Reg. 4.95 Shoe1, Brown or Red, pair -·-1.H Boys 3-14 R.<J. 39c Sox 5 r.lrs ftc f 'tltk--n~;Jo'I • 1111 HAllOI IL VD. COSTA, MESA • C ri b Blanluoh Reg. 4.95 2.44 G•uze Diapers Reg_. l.49 Cloz. JM ? T ocldlet0, Reg. SOc Tenydoth Pant iH Jfw He ' PAGE 4< PiUT I I-NEWPORT HAQOR ~ WEDNESDAY,..JUNE 20, 1956 •z~s::;:a!!:~EM!!!•!!•!! .. ~-~!!k!! .. !!! .. !~•!..-~M!::!"!,!!!h!!Z!!P~'!:•.!-!!~~!!!.-_:lap. 1a_W....._ r;:;:=:.1!·!:~e!-!!!!!!"!!P!!Z!!P~>l!:,:=L-.!•!!:::!_.!!~!!!·!!•!!T!•!.., ___ , ~ ........ -CLBMUIO ... .. -....'.:.. WE GOT fT . • MM "Th• Want Ad uid It'd keep people off m1 rn•-aad bJ rolly, It dot•!" • S..lbo• TutU1iKJ & Summer Scho9' 1 .. M1•m-1 I IC.. "'•11tuj kBIP'acaool oabjocta. •• ,....., i...,. ... 111·-~- Jfewport lleo<IL ht, 2'od to ~ ..... -. 11111 -ILm.to·U-. ~-30. l'!laao or -JobD W. Jo"-, 820 x.rdonl. Conla& dt.I liar. Har. MM-I\ ' 6enerel Contr•ctor l-ICBMUD I& BM•!! Aldo COLD WAVE_ COMPLETE Hw Wort -BmodN1q: l . KDJl'ON KeKENZllll IOJiO to $10 llaitNw .... ,, 68tfC Balr c:llt fl. lb&IQ.,_ A Ml ll.IO !------"--:--~ CLSO-.nclrl 1111.AUTl' 8HOP PAINTING 1 .. a.urdl .. ,,... •t:nlK Jiii.it .... ...,... ....... ,._ ""' nrraw.m -SXTD.l:Oll ... *A. OllM& ..... u , .... , AL80 JU.JWn: PA.JNTINO t.t LICEN'n:D -INltnlED Glenn John.ton LADl::l:S WHO WUIH TO TA.KE 501·1.i.t BL N.wport a.di Butlor 111'1 Uttc Swedish Massage __ C_AR __ P_E_NT--R-Y--1 1a "" ...... i.... " '"'1' bom1, pleaH ca1.l !or appoint- ,._r cw itq. tol 1 Ah."•, I pr. Dm''CAI , -----.~ .... -...... _,, f-UIT • l _,.,. 1 OORDOLA DAT W0&K wuttd lf1' ..... o.JI LI ...,. ... I : .... a. ·-·-snli.-----Cd...,..,. e. aa.M1)' ...... .. ,.. IX>lll?LE'll:LT u;.BUILT Glrb MORE THAN 11()() GIIU.S •, Will •tart local TU4ipllont Compaby cuiin lh1i lffiiii;Ul. Wm You Be One of Them? ruu. PAY AS YOU L&.UlN, Fr9q\l.U.l perlodio lo.cf"&UU. -Open1rlp tor - Telephone Opuaton -Apply - 1 :10 to &:ao UJ W ut Tlltl'd ..... ..... PAC!VIC TELEPHONE ....... .al ..... tlldial S8UO UP a.me. mm~ ......w.tl ul\. &ll nn door IUk•ta. to dl1 ....,...,_ ALO<> Clolhtns A ahoea nit ~ •nUn ........ Goodwill Industries •11' W. 6Ut. IL. ... t. Ana WATCH REPAIR A NEW 8en1ce Added. W• wtll caU •t your taom• tu rRD uumat11 &ad WW pf ck up .. 4 d9UTtr • HARBOR 1403 'Iii• J•w-1 Boz 272t E. Coe1t. Corona. dtl M•r ... ment. 1-----------HINOR REPAIR WORK Harbor 479~ or Harbor 1839 WOIU.N abort orda:r cook. call CON.t'l..l:'l'll llET YOfl 12 o: ojd :tavllaud, even to butter pa.ta • dtml wM cupa. Ll 1-6750. 26c2i HO JOB TOO !MALI.. :ottc Harbor 721. 24c28 -----------1-----------i WALL. !11:0 • matln•• with Superfluous Hair GROVE eonc•lin.6 dNP9•. tram .. S10 B. 0. Alld- 101& .. BaJboa BlY~ Baltio. llanor 1411 MUc Rebui1t & Repaired it Ive Tiro d Koepln; it Sle1h1d Our Prlces On It You Come & Got it <XlKPLm'I: HOUSEHOLD FIJRNJ8BINGS CLOTHING l'OR THE ENTIRE l'Alo!ILT "'llUT WB.AT THIC 80!8 llD~ Open Mon:• Wed., J'rt., Sal VJill'ERANS INDUSTRU!:S nltt:a 'tll I i02 m. 4TB Ratte•, Wrought Iron, Patio Furnitur• Complete Mlection of Wroucht Iron Fumitura.. Barbeeue and Bruien, Lawn Swings, Garden and Beach Umbrellu. BAKBOO DRAW DRAPES and TROPICAL Floor Coverinp. BASKET$ of all kind• It Unuau~ Gitt Item&. Canvas end Aluminum Awnin g•. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. • 1626 S. Main, Santa Ana KI 2-3545 Free Delivery OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 I ~ .. ,' -· •. -. -C I a s s i f i e d Or.NER.A.L BUlU>ER Expert Remodeling Permaauu:, mno11..s ttcm tac. EMPLOYMENT 11n It Balboa Bl ...... a.tbl>a. --------------------· •rma. l•I.. £)'•brow• and h&Jr CY l---------"-'-"llO-0'--'M='--'"lla=o;.;eou=;,• ____ 13ll-_B-Ap_p;;.ll ... '-ceo=----11At llbped-Ho mor. tweu1J11. AGEN . ~ u~l.ots::.::; i!. ~~: SECRETARIES WATCH & CLOCK repairing ALERT·NEAT Attn : Properly Owne r! KELVINATOR NEWPORT HABBOB NEWS-PRESS IYWY Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays A4diton.1 6 ntw con.Mi.Jctioa J:u7 t1rm. C&ll be &n'&llJ9d Har< l60t-W tu• !i-LMt and Foo.nd Local-Pl~t aurroutu11nl9-OU ARANTEED, Top 1alary. Tittl~ W:STIMATl:B. FOR RENT LOaT-1 Jr> okS Bla me•• '• J E 7-3189 or JE 7~3180 NEWPORT JEWELERS ma!• oat (hu croolc.•d tall)-lflO -•wpo•t Blvd. H 1 ''" 8 9847 81lfut Orlv• •~ llkill 8a~ ZIMI. Drt~ Poliabera. RllWA.RD. a.r. n o . Cott& Me•• u 14Sl1 ..u ..,.,_ ol 1.....,... Wbeeibu Carden 8qua.ra Open ll•l. till 12 ...... et&. FOUND, C.D.M. Ptrllian cat ------------TWlN BJCDRM'. arr lllcludlllJ 2 O.Utal ...,,.. AM na. lit U.. \\'edDC9da7 N_..r,_ PY broWD, whit• chut and llITI'Zll, hl1h ecbool or c0Ut1• laf'C• d!'1-t11 "80 : lofa bed • 4 Ua.ee l luerdoa $1.00 add'L lines .2.5 t:L BOYD'S IIDWE:. f"t. Quit• thin, probably loet rtrL Uv• ln Thur•. Lhru f'h•lr 170; 'T'ypl'A·rtt•r 140: ' IJael J beertlollll ~ add'L U.. .J6 -. lllO W. 00481' 'B.IOBWA!' for aome um .. Harbor 2tlli·W Bun. sn1all aalary. Har. 4.424-M Photo1tat machln• fl.60. Har. Lnl9tJ' ..aa.a Nwpt. Be&. lltlc 2&o 26c27 t'6-R. lk.21 S IJa• I loMrtlosoa 2.00 Jldd'I. -.!5 EL !·-------------------·-------------------' U.. ' luerUou 2$ add1. linee .~ ._ C A R p E N T E R LOST r'td lrilb S.tt1r ln Ylcln· DESK \\' AITING lly IrYln• St.. •t Harbor 11tt .... d .. w-tec1 •• .1u l'Mlel•• ''"° d.l.Mft•L OMii .. ~ ..,, Repair Work lfi&hJ.and.I. u •-m~. JU:· YOR BRoua oR s A LUMAN lllSUIUll AD II ' UNZS Dou YOW' Homa N'Hd !\•pt.lriD1 _w_ARD __ . _______ ._k lhould p::i:~ •1·ra. DS:ADLJNZI tor plactns or cmlllll.c &di an: or ft1mot•11n1T iCOn!l4•nUalJ ror MondaJ' l"ubllcaUOo -l'ridl.y I p.m. Ca.11 ,.,.... J..DnQ ~ :4--8cbooll, la1trucUon Call BL&nch• Gt.lo•, l'OT W~ Pu'11caUou-Tutitda.)' 1 p.m. AU W•• OUUU.taed 14Ut Harbor 11171 2k21 KNITIERS MOl\ELL'B no~ty y&rN • 1traw. f01' dr•IM• or &Mr 8'f"a.M • Fl.tahtr'I yam.a for •11 purpot!f'I. Anpl"a apee:lal at 79 cent .. Jltay•r"• ltNtch t\oa1. ror J'rld&y rubtsoauc. -Tbundty 1 p.tn. Landscape & Marine DWPC>aT •••aoa l'tlBUBllINO 00. FURNITURE PAINTING tn oU and w•t1rcolor. LADY (wl'l.lt• or colo~) to car• IIT N' KNIT tor J boy1, •II'•• f, a.nd7 bala.nc1 llJ ». Balboa lilvd. Ull ....... 8lff., NMrPOrt ..... O&IU...ta. rn.tinctlvely demped fi.J'Ur• palntfh1 a.nd wat•rcolor Ar1 you n11Lccttn1 your Y1at c1 h•aler? LIMITED Ol'FER $2.:IO Cl1an, dra in &11d adju.1t your wal1r healtr . Ca ll yuur DAY 6 NIGHT A UTHUIUU:.0 DL\U:R J OE BECHTOLD Plum.bins Hai." SlltlP9MITH 112:1 Occan Bl vd., Ba.Ibo&. 2000 Jo:. H1r 60 2Sllc DOUBLE DOOR REFRIGERATORS 13 TO 16 CU. FT!! • !'.tptNt• fn111ur up to 100 lti.. • Btlf deCroatlnJ e 2 cil•J>f'r• • Roll out thelv•• • butter kt~1wr • cheete kffper • Eel k ~r~r • &111lve• Ul door an~ either tea tur11. THIS \\'J:EK ONl.T -we ¥1'111 n'a ke t h• f0Uow1n1 atJo..,,·1~cu t1Jc your old quallCled t.rade·ln 1ttclrtrw.lor : up to II yr1 old -S'?:J0'..00 up to 10 yn. old -1200.00! 10 to l:I yr1. old -11711.00! 10 to JO yr1. old -fl 00.00! ... an ,..._. .............. tor Cub lll Mtvue. of pcrt!fn*'• fte ~ will not M rt1poul.bla t.r mor. than Ol'I• inoon.ct l..uon Ill U &d,, hMl"TI ua. rtpt to cornct!y C~ U7 aad &II Ml I.ad to Nj9at aiq ad not ~ to NM and r-.W-ttor». M&dt, repNr.d or rtllp.LU.ect Ltchnlqu•. D&tly cl&Nt1 for 1\x w..n comm.•nclns JWl• 211lh. Outatandins 1ratructor1 lnclud· ins Geora• Po.t A.W.S .• Joan Irvin&'. A .WJ!., Betty W111ck· laT, J'rank Ackerman and ftn C. EVERETT SMITH '1S • nUa It.. N•wport BMch BAr. "61 day• or 1•9Alq'• 1kl4 of 1Umm1r. Llv1 In ur out. 'Har. 4112 Ll.Jtll hounwork and aln1pl•c '~o°"R.,-N'°'E'°'R,-::Cc;A-::lllN==s-r=-, =no=w=.-c;;:;,-•11· cookin1. P ri-l• room, TV, inf htllht I tL wtd1. BAR· •al&ry 9pen. U 1·7filt, attar GAIN 120. Alao 30'' acrttn • p. m. Utfc door p , H•r. ~l·W 21k25 SO-!-~Jlpll&:::•coe=---­ GUARJ.NTEED AUTOMATIC WASHERS Al LOW A.I $69 LO'A' b•nk t•rml on any t.1lanct -up to 31 montht to ~y. JAKE'S ,, ... !( .... MOTT&LL'S AND PEEK OoloDW Mortuary "°' ........_,_...., ... w-. ---.... Oluc• Oouat, luubluo. hnlnl tamW• tC all hlthai ~ ('l'oll ,_, -- Palnt:ID& 6 Pa~ Brandt, A.N.A., A..w.s .. 10t.h Beacon Personnel W do th 1o ··--' ffUOl'l at Nrwport Ha.rbor -00~ tn·• CUSTO M HOME • ,. ..!...:·-·· ~=·-. . ....., ,.,,.,,.m .• <I••. "'•• 1 ,. •m.p~•."Y·c~y rcta ~ ,--day momlnp, aiu 1·12. 407 ., u_._. • m.m.4. ' •• c • i ~ Bulldlnc &nd Rm>odeUnr 0.C..'9 .... pall&. ........... ..i-a .....,. 1tt11 i>a..t.rmca amvtcs e PLANS e lattmetkle ---•t.... Gol en.-..-, orona ~ .,.ar -No ,. .. col11ct9d from applleant •--tel Hlnor l lU ·W, .26c27 u1 .. 1-N po-•. ,,. E-'•et• rr.. oau J~ 1------------1 .. ~ ew ·~ ......... Ll S..2811 6 lJ H289 ll-alt:aaU-Waated # bperlenc..S book)l: .. per, typi.t. llU. Pa.rt Urn1. Writ1 Bos: bold• -.t!Dr · Roy's Maintenance "0 • 11o. "· co~ •~ ,'::;; Jleold"'Ual • Comnoon:!al can "' ,,.. •"'"•"• Complete Profenlonel Rcmodtlin& ~:"c!r ~0~m-Housecle•nin9 NJ:EDl:D AT ONCll J:xpertefte*I TWt (Jufellt.er. Boat BuUd1~ J. w. PUTNAM Har 6111-W ,,... -nu.r "'""" Floor wulnJ &nd bufflnr llpSI t.. JI. McXENUZ HM. 0111 ----------u no ua. Call Ba.r. 47 Window Cl.utn1 PAINTING Pelntlng, Docoretln9 Papor H&llrmc G.EO-IUAKH.AmT. Upholntory Cleu>l•s PaUo. Color waxtd Lultrouo RHtTlt.n WoT .... Apply Y•td Ottlc• SOUTH CO.UT 009'P.4.H1' Newport Blvd. at 13r4 IJt. '°"' WOMAN cook and cook'• h•lper. COJl[l'LETELY RE-BUILT B t:d dlv1n, 111 n~w m•terlel $38.00 UP TA.al.Ii TOP pa tu'" rt· p&ind ud t.aeted. to U)' CUU'· fil.!IO UP ALO<> OothlAI • ~ for lb• .aUrt t&n>ilJ· Goodwill lndu1tri11 •17 W. 4.UI It,. lkllta AN UcmNUiD Wff'J'IU(.;"l'UR LI MUI l.Aer't7 Me21 REASONABLE Phone Liberty 8-1332 :ta:p•rl•ncld 1n cooklnJ Sp&o.lab l-----------food. Htnry'1 25JO W. Cout Hwy .. N1wport Bt&Ch. Jattc tto Thor-Bla.ekllon~·ABC FriJiclaire-Apu-Duter MATTA~WHUlLPOOL ThtM a1'9 trade·IM and floor 1ample•. Tboroly r~d ltlon· ed and parutMd. O.Uvcry and lnat.all&UoB optloaal. OONd luada.1• JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. 1011 a. M&.La JQ 1-ilt.I &aola>.na U c2t 1111 UJ1U. W• ban •uJ1tn1 11137 Harbor ·-CO.ta Mt•& Opf'n till 5.SG-1:00 p. m, Jo~rLU.)' Phona U 1·11014 1•~ o ·KEEYIC " )tERJ\n"T II • our Bl1 CP all aut.on1alh:, 1r11Jdlt, 8 11 11" oven, t vcry· thln1. al.o 11&8 Oener•I >:lt!:c· tn c •utom•Uc t1lt1r tJ .,w wuh1r. Tiiey'..rt not evtn touched. All that l& due 11 1111-M. Sl.:)I per mo. On l\&nl"', 1231.111 on wa1he.r. !\Q da. pyml. 11.95 per mo. See BAUGHNS FVJ\NlTURE. J'A CTO ftY WAJllEHOUBE 101(1 E. l'tnt I t.., Banta A.DA 1·1 dally. KI 7-Nli W~ of 1111 Phllco1. ----------- 0.neral m.i.otrtc. Hotpotnt, SERVEL REB'RJOERATOR ero.1ty, Amat1•'• Uiat havr TAPPAN f]AS RANGE to M llOld to make room tor '"'In D lneomlni thlprnenl.11. No montY Noi.u I OWD dn, P•J u Low M IJ.00 ptr $8.lD WK. Weekly BM 84UOHNS rtIRNITURE. flanr• hat clock. •U.tom•Uc ove.a. Ko -";' .:.=: .::! ,_.,. i --R""'E~P·A·1""R·w,.-,,.o=R·K-· Experienced Gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Llberty 1-118i6 BABY SITI1.NO by m•tUN woman. Har. llTl·W 2tpU A1TENDANT-llalairman WUI~ ' Id. Union OU BtaUon. ltlt W . Cou t Htp-.y, Ntwport Bcb. DRAPERIES end SLIP COVERS K&dt t.o Ont• &ltlm•t.. -aa.mp1 .. P' A CT 0 l\ T WA.J\&HOUSE ll1htlnJ. 1w1n1-out brulJ1r. 101& &. J1rst I t.., Santa An• ••"'' h.. croa1•top frMaer. l ·I dUly. XI T·~ST Out of town oredlt dtartd La .. ' ; ' • . . • • BRICK TfU.18 B.AtrLJNG CLEAN-UP 2~tfc WOMAN-mld·tltly not prof .. .. ... elont.I aerv•nt, aftka po.1LUoft ----------- In qtrt•l. r.Urtd family. S•rwd !\.EAL S81'ATll •.u..zsMAN &1 cook .ubaUtute for O a\&ftt-(Man) 1:xptrtenc• ....nu&L LUCU J J!: Dl\AJ'ICIUlCll Jknelr .......... Tanu tf ,..,..._ Ollf• l day. o.Jlvtry and lll1talla· tlon opUonaL Opaia effry al1l'lt tu t p. m. PL.A.STER 6 PLUMBING :. me" on• f&ml?y. N-alou Advirtlllnc -dt-lk -tel ... ln II!• • nffdtnr to .. ,........ phon• -oMo• coopV11Uon AJte--r\illJ a1,1tomaUc waal'lcr- l&t• model Ilk• new coM!Uon, c01t. llOO new, ou.r prioe only ... lutalMd .. pa.ruteed. 110 Dz:al'' rn re CR4IRI dowa w01 baM!e· A.i.o hav• ClOllld IW'ldl.11 w ........ Haw to WY- HOIM ••• c. . . . Furniture ••• I TRY CLASSIFIED WANT ADS Coll HA. 1616 .VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY. Tllll NSW m••hlg• procw ... , ..... ,_ ......... Jlrlc• ATllnl.P 'l t.pe ruid..nll&J ..... Only $1.00 ... reptlnd Md .rtbWlt. J'He .Pick up and d.UYtl"J Work ._. ~ appotnba•t noa. Lbtrt.7 M701 or SlmMrl;J ....... Jptlc J&te aodtl .WOAO•, KA TT AO • C>nal" o.u.cJ'• 6 J1UQIDA.JJl.9 WMhtt'I •t 18 y•r1 thla ..,..._ SOie 04. tunilabed by ..t.abl.l.Uled offtce New .. Pn:.., Zic.IT In center ol Co.ta M-Wrtt.e ._ A·l NmWa-PJ\EU, Utfc IBM ELECTRONIC BOOK!Oll!lPING = = ~· prtc.. 1.u.1:·11 11\D room. • board tn Oc-.a ~ WUltff J\e_p&lt lbOp -J.117 non\ h-• In ~ ror 1~ oalce l'Unlltun W&rbor, ea.ta X... Btr.am llM )'our bookkeeptaf Jiit• be.by .ttter. 111\6 &. ... ~ _... 'l::l"IPTU tor u llttl• h IH.60 per ISO. OoMn J'f'9ftt. a.Ibo& ..n..r I •••••rvw= J'ftlOIDADlll UJ"!Ua. f.60 Har. J'or WonnaUon call Kar. 1 1n. J4dl OJ"FICB: J'URNJTUJlll CO. ~Jl J4c2f M71·W 2WI =~==-::::::::~=;;:::-;-.,. 111 L hla ~MIU BA.NSDI wat1ted. •t.d7 em• KmNJ(()Jt.11 Auto. Wuh•r 19~4 GARDl:NING and '1'""~L VISTA LU\BER H ·ND 9n • 1DED RUGS mo4o7 •110· JO....... "'"' IHOP I09 W. 181.h It.. CO.La I"\ JV'\ CLEAN -UP JOBS MuL 2<c26 rRU INITftUarJON PZiILCO l\ol'riJ· doNx• 0 doo• ORDSN T~ au.to. d1~tn1 ~th 1old JESSEE APPLIANCE <Xl . 101.J I. MA1a ID 1~4.I hnta A..1:1• SLIGHTLY DAMAGED WANTED IOMJD nu, aomt r-. ,A..U 11.,.. materiaJa; anllf.ltl~ cra1 .. top fr-MPr, al!.tlYll In H. H. HOLBROOK LIBERTY e.• 139 AppUoan" noodod, ""'" '"'" ....., r ...... '"' .. Cot...... . ...... ,... ..... u .. '"'"' Dependable Plum.binC u joba. Alao ruta.urut pd t..qwaa ~ D•' .. Tiii. ITtto Collta fett.t,, ... paid down TappN! ,._ r&q't. dth1.A• model, wtth dlvlchd top. 1-rlddle, dock controUld CP o••n. ••bis out broiler. •le. 1'111 •m•ll dent on ont 111d. WW .-:II for only Slit. No c:tah down, 1ovt u fl per mOlllh. -JAK&·a ~Pu.AN'CJ:I, JIJ7 Harber, C:O.t. w ..... a::rue domaiuc.. Many job4 tor _;:,..-:~-"":":--:-:c----to lltT.H cub; or \.IJt.4I over A. Prompt qu&llfled mu. R~t•r uow. Feet Hurt? th• payment. of 110.u mo. -----------~ a.me. Maintalned GARDENING Jun• J'arr1.r. l:myl A#C7· h No cub o.-dtd, In.1 equltJ BRAND NEW Philco r.tr .. color .Plloltt: llarWr .. ,. 402 ~ 121:1.d st., Npt. &Mell Try Kn•pp S 011 trH. ... ~ Urn• 4P1 or 1,,,t.nor. -,•c• for '8o\Uea, 2tol Ba.lboe BJYd., Ninvport 8clL PRUNING, CLEAN UP (1.cro11 trom City B&llJ ~ W. i.t It... tuta A.II& ,.,, at 4ot I . Mata lll Or•n1• ButL•f. AlM 11341 More• l• cu. pfi:p No job too 1mall. By hour. d&J I ,,-===.,-==c-.7:-:;= 1Qm.Mrl7 J.IOlT Mfor• lO Lia. l,,:,KTlc::_.:.1-.:.0l.:.1:.T~. -cc,.--,,,-::= rt. rn-.tr far hem•, bold• .----------·I or month. Ll 8+4080 or U CAPABLE bQokkH1>41r for CPA 0 ""' d 1111 ud art.er P· m. lNO -· ~L automaUc 660 JM. Retr. pd. n. to .-8...,64.4. 19pU ottlc•. PIN.Miit worklnl eoao ~-.uu.rvv T oaJ .. O& CEMENT A BUILDING dlUou..' w. D. NitWm-, 2901 wMber u-=t on.17 • weeka. T · FaT Y · ,_ mo. All &Jadl ti YJIL OLD BOY want• aumm• Lal•y•t t.. Newport JJMch. IRON o.!wre wtUI Ml tull --.he•. BM BAUQ.IDil J'URNJTVRE. FREE ESl'DLATES work on boat u deck hand. H1r. 137&. 24c2t WITH .t. LIX&--Nl:W WU'DifG-rtn.ae. • .plall dry. U 11S7· r ACTOll y W.\.R&HOUBm J _n.....-1-1108 1.l ........ 2'•11 1-----------: HOUIS. JttcenUJ' o'YUMuJed-••• OP tail• ·-th• ,.ymenl• 10111 s. l'ii'lt. It.. l&n\a Ana ___ , ---------.,--1Wa.nted boy• 10 t.o 1• YMn or .. ot. U .OT • MOllUt. N'o Cul'I t -9 di.Uy. JO l-6611' ••• -· • Id I I --.... For N-"""-f'OUte9 te .-lJ' ... ..,.,.. ...... -....... ..uJho trM. ... ..,,, _____ ;c, ____ _ -======-====::-RE....__ ..... • •r )' coup•· -• V-U Nl'W•l'niM ti ., CX>MPLETE PA.JNTING rt!:f•renc••: wlah to car1 tor be open .con. APPLY Mr. Park-tlm• d&J or nmtnr . 4ot II. O'KEEJ'm 6 )(.EIQUTJ' Ou , rN1deotiaJ proP41rt1 durtq tr, 2211 \Vqt Ba.Ibo& 8!Td...-,B_LO_ND ___ -.,-.-,,,_,---.,,,c--7-:"M Mal.11 ta Oru .. • ..U ~ R&ni"•· 'IN Dlluft l9ockL. 6 Paper Hanging Senice owner'• ahenc-. Av•ll •bl• Ul1' N1wport U' bed A W19t•rn KoU,, au .. 1111. lAmp • clock w1Ua O¥en SUO&HS 0. IAUNDD.I Um•. C&ll Mtw1cn II A: I p.a. piddl uhial I-----------tlmtr. ,A..ll-CllroCM p1ddlt La IOOli.tltn.t.N'nrporta...oh HT &-1HI. a.,. IAU:S LADY •1• 2~ to 40. ran11 wtt.1'11 tri :· t" JU ••"GE-R·--·G-•'TOR Lb• mlddl•. UNd onJ7 I rnoe. a.r.-Jf'TI U. -----------·I Mi.at bavt knowltlt OC NWilll Pl•cbint, •9C C "'•r, ""4l, a..n.i -• look• Ukt ntw. A18o Ma 8nlp 6 IUtcn, 'c.D.K. av. 11 .. ter 6 Jlollywaod Md tram-. Alcoholk:e A.Doa.JIDOUI w.u. '· 0. ... 111 Newport 8-.cJt. Cati(. PlloDe Harbol' •'1N COLORED rtrl.t ••nt HOUlll 39ia fOf •ppollllalie:Dt. 21Ut •d"'91', Utrow .,,,... IM&rt.o.I AND WASHER srW·brGUtr • that UR-\lf top. W'l)t'll by hour or 1tet.d7. Kl I-----------a.Id Iii: mlte. llM!la. V•rJ ,_ Take it for m7 contncl b&l- 0-4314. Hell WANTmD rnald for Mot.el work. aontbl'" IOI ._....,. R-.d. ance ilJl.lt. No CNh .-ded.. tltac• Jiht.tl. 30ll Oout Hwy., HQ' •... 1.1(. UcJI $5 DMm -$5 Weekly jurt mall• p6_rmtn.ta 0( fl.4t L&ndlleapti -O.rdlftlnJ mo ...... ,_, Um• 4•1 or ev.. L&W1l Md Oudee _N_--'°-"=~ .. ~·-'~"·-,---'""-·iLADIEB DLUIOND ...,...m«tt lfoao& AC'l'OJU.TK: W.UHl:ft at 40I II, ~ lD Otani• M.A.JNTJCNA.N'Cll \\'HITll WOMAN cook. apwt-11n1. r.l&ll .. umat• by ~ MAOIC OXSI' IUJfQll KS .. :.1.17. encM preftrred. Apply at Udo Jeweler S4f,8. 41-o dl&mont BOT'POUfT IUt.FlUOER.ATOR ----------- Yark ear ..... r .ntr&nCI oc .......,, ...... .,.. Soi. .,....... .. Dow'9 Dill.,.. All ,,.,.. Oll.O& tomaU MM u.ed Lido Tralle.r Park. 2•a• tlNJ •loft•. p\at. mount1ns-Out lllf Rt-t. ft'ldtt d9and 1a H au c w r, Llbf'rty f. 7t70, 2•pM .. ,,. __ _,.,,...,."""--~·1 -----"FIX-IT" ,.. •• 1!(..W. • Call Your Relex·A-Ciior OUJ'flULT Al\'T Dreo.~UOna. oo obll1aUoo ..... WU.--BTatl ....... orll1'Mt"41M - .... 1 -~·• u P'· to ..ct• -qy CN111 J moe. P4. cl.ti. Lo SUl.M. ----111 Ne dA. P7111.L U' )'OU pJ Ute EXPE:RJENCED bottl D'l.W -t.mfly llltatn. lhowa by app\. ......... n ••·-.u-t tHI I p. m. pymta, et p ,07 ptr MO. AlMI Me1e•r• ... """'1oe Ste•dJ' worll. KEN N~ at k)cal ba.1111. Wr1l• 8oJI: B·I. ....,,.... ~ i;ttd.aJt O\ll' 19M Philco 21" TV pd. dfl. ALL WORK OU~ VJl..l..A. MARINA., liat. lJOO.. )1......,.,.... !&pJT to S\M.M. Cuh 111' pay only Rubor ~cw ... NtfG ===::-c===="-:-~"""~!;l•-iiiiarii.i•:i·~·~·~,,;;_;;,-;_;;;;.,.§ ... ~'I JESSEE 12.11 p« we.JI. MO'THERIJ HJCLPl:ft ror be.by 1111. LI l-61tt. JlcJT A .PPLI.ANCE CO. I« aAUOHNff P'URNITURX. t'll~OVGH CL&AMDt'O, lre9· 1ltUn1 .. u111t "°UN-· '-l ------------1 nu J-IJU J'ACT01lT WA.JlllCHOUllD •••• • ..... -__ ,_,. U•o ,, ··-... --.,. -... lU na.c IP~ 101& a. MAID tq, eoo~.. fll', -..,, • --.. -lu.t. Ana 101~ &. J"ll1ll 11-. &&nta ..._... ~ Colond.i..o.a-or loq.,.., rnu1l nrtm. C&ll Prtlltiq call llartior ltlL ..,. M d&UJl, Kl 7~ _ ID ...-.. . lllDT CR.Mt'MW .._7271. J6d7 ' . - .:;.H;;....;•;.;c•=la.l;;;•:.;•;;;"=lo,_, r::;...:.v __ ¥:;,;•'-"M;;.;•;;; ..... ='·'-'-;.:;;;=-··--· o."-1~·u~A~·~-~,_!!..'!""~'"!...---!tll~::;!!·~·-~.!.!' ... !..!!Ho!!!le!_ __ ,Nl:WPORl HARIOR N~WS-PRESS . I . Used --. , · - _ -MiD-MONTH . SPECIALS • .::~::JUNE 20 ' .: 9 : .. w i. .:.t PART 11-PA6E I Our Successful • Nooclil-Elaa x.r.thon S. O.er HEllJt All '1111: Tl\ADJ!:..INS SO CHOICE TRADES r: V.' s and Appllanies lllM :!'!~~~b b:~r.1~:':'rin~ 1~!~;.: :.~:1~.:;E. w~"!,;1 .;;.~~.., Exeellttit 1hape. ~ t owner car ...... _ ..... $164.5 cron, c..u Har. toll. Sk27 , .. ,. ........ "'6m _. 1,1.DfW"L 1952 DODGE club cpe. Light blue, ndio, beater, 1-----------u,.... ll•Y• a 1"&CAACI. SINGERS -WHITI!>! -KENMORZS J'REE-WESTINGHOUSE It" HOll'l'KAN CONSOLE -.. --------... -.$71.IM> Tip top llbapo. Local-car ----····-· .... ~ . ." ......... $ ~~ 40-A.-1\,... 11 P""" ,.,... ...., Nf!!'.i!lm!!U•J>e. b!0'1de oak cabinet. 30 d&y 1~2 PLYMOU'nl t dr. Bed&n. Light green, new The Vogel Co. and various other makea -Nearly new traded on the new Neochi or Elna guarani.., OD pan. &Dd lll"VlCi' ,_ &eat coven. -···-·--·························--·-··············$ 625 TRNe•U•CKand Au~~ 3201 ~-~::!\,N= ltdl. 16" PHil..CO Table model ---···-··-······----····$72.60 1952 Clffi.YSLER Imperial Hard Top. Radio, NU 109 W&rln•. Baltiu. Laland ' Braad new par&nlet on any of theu machbi.M ·......-and Save -Term. to auit vour budpt Get one of tbeee 1ood machlnea Irom Compktely ,.eonditioned. 30 d.a.y. S"&r&ntee heat•~ auto tranamiMion, J>O'ttftr ateerfng ·-·S 995 Passeng er Phon• Harbor ... on p&rta and aervict. 19113 PLYllOtrrH { dr. ' '•bt crey, ""'"" over-T I R E S ™' E. oc Hy .. °"""" •ol --. Pbon• turbor 17•1 21'' CROSLEY ··-·-··-.-----···--·-···---.$89.M> hauled. ··-·--····-······-········· .. ·········--·····--············$ 795 ~ Otttce, l•l• VI• Lido YOUR PROVEN DEALER THAT HAS Servicecl O r•n9e County For 18' Y eer1 Good lhape. 30 day cuarantee on aervice Ir: put:I , &-Hour liarbor •'71 17'' PATHE ......................... ____ ..... _ ................... $99.9~ 3 .>tar * * * Spec"1al Rec apping Service rnn N-..r.;.~·~~';';''• ,._ Btauutul 1tyled mahog cabinet with doon. Complete t6 PRICES RANGE FROM $18 .66 UP 16" 30 day p&raDtee on .ervice and parts. Ji:":3 lMPERlAL Hard Top "'-. Excluaive car. Brake Service PHILCO coneole $8i 50 ~.-AND 43-Apta. Ii R..,_ for a..• -··········--·-················-·····-··-·· · All white, fully equiJ>ped .. Power steering, Front End A.lllPTlment J Wheele r Appliance New picture tube. 1'. very nice buy. II di Ind •·· power-yte, r& o, beater, elec. w ow•, ROAD SERVICE IRVINE TERRACE G. E. 8 cu. fL RefriJerator -····················· .. ·····-·····-···$99.~U elec. seat.a. power brakes, leather upholstery F'!ruton• .Budret Plan oncl Sewing Me chin e Co. 310 Eut Fifth SU.et Tel. Kl 7.(401 Santa Ana WANTED to bl.l)'-U-S ran..-• and r•frlc•ratora -hy ..,ot c........._.. for RaJ •l JA.KJ:'S APP'LlANCJ: CO. -1UT Har· bor Blvd., Co.iit& JCca&. U ...... MOUllCJ'UL or Fumltur•, con· •l.tll of 10 pj.ee llvin1 room 1rnup, I) plec• dl.nln1 Jl'OLIP· Ndroom h•• bookcut he•d· boa.rd. matlrtN 6 bo:it •prtnt;• • doub)a 4l"MMr with mirror. Pd. lln. lo lDa.21. No dn. Pay tht pyml.I. ot f2.tll per Wfflc. 8ff BAUGHNI P'Ul\NITURE. Stainless atecl •helves and veg. bin. Very plua all at.and.rd equipment ··.·····-··-···············--·$4895 Youn ror th• A•klnc &oocl condition. H 0 W AR D AUTOMATIC WASHER DELUXE ........................ ~9.50 LOU REED & ASSOC. R y A N Like new. Porcelain thru-out. 80l. 809 \V, 1st ST. Davis· Brown l~ Harbor Blvd., Co1ta Mesa LI 8-3437 21c28 ' FOR SALE 34-)lui;laa.L Radio, TV RENT • n-Bludfo plano f lO. ptr montb.. AU I.arm r-enl.al •pph~s on buy. CHRYSLER-PL v• ·o· UTH DEALER SANTA ANA JV1 Kl 3-3383 1200 W. ~ut Hi&hway LI 8-3486 - SALE 41-Auto Sen•tce Mot or Overhau l NO MONEY DOWN OF WORK CARS Fuli Price Up to 15 Montha to Pay '49 FORD V-8 Club Cpe. R&H .................................... $29~ 6 Cyla. ··-·-··--··-····--·~8.88 '4:1 CHEVY Fleelline R&H .. . .......... .. .................... $295 A.II Straight Smart, m!W mt'ldilm unfurnls.W · homi:. 3b4rm, 2 N.tbl. L&MJ wttn •lldlnc 11&u wall t.o _. c:ludtod paUo. N.&hoc bar•tfPll kllcntrn, bWlt-tn OVH .. niin. Hwd parquet floor&, fW ptt mo, 1 yr le .... 8AIX8 Orncc oppO•lle lRVIN'E C 0 .A. 8 T C..'OUN'I"RY CLUB, Cout H.,..'}' 101, Newport Harbor. Ct.II Har. •&U ""' T\VI) B.li.l>Rlal. dUJllU flO ... o. Uranu n•w -cut•. At.AX; W'. Yl>PI:, Rt'allor, tlJOI JIAi-bof lllvd., Cuat& Mc ... U ... ll•J. l'lt• LIDO ISLAND corru TABl..li and Mahor .. plate .,.._ top (f?tmcan Phyta). Maplt l•mp I.able A lamp. m!Kl. arUcl11. H•r. 1116-M.. 2•c21 FA CTO RY WARltHOUSi: 1010 &. r!rtt St., Banta An• 9-t dally. Kl 1·~87 Beaut!t\ll •ti aux KhOOJttt, 10 1nywhert. Eaecl. ror eharter 511.$00, Conaldmr lr&da. 12ZO w. Balboa Bl•d.. Ntwport H•rbor aoa'l tt Sclunu.Jt-Phill!p1, ~::o No llaln, S1nt4 Ana. '•O NASH State1-·• R•H O'•-('~) $""'-.: Eight1 ·········-··-············ 68.88 ..i ...... ex ' ...._. • uo:u .................... '111..i Furnlahed or unturnltJlmd '50 CHEVY FleeUine RltH ....... .......... . ........ $495 INl."LUDE!!I both LA.bur & Part1. B•l·h11or •nd on• or two bed- XI.IC. hCNMhold rumllur• (or ~ PC. MAPLI: ~ftM SUITE. GRAND .P1ANOS. l.1•ny to ·~ 1'""0RD Cu11t. 4-dr. reconditioned Mtr. Rlc.H ....... $495 New rlnJ•. WTl•t pin•, valv• I rvurn apartment.. g-r1nd, tttunr• or main •nd rod By aumm•r rnontbly or yu.rly •al•. H&r. IOlil7-W. 2•e21 lnntr•prlnl' mattniM Ilk• new '80 compl•l•. 1•0 S&nt.a J .. Ml. ------------choo:J• ti.·001, '-t•mon a. Hamlin. Leiter, Knabt, Cablt. D.tra 1pl<'lal. Sehl.teller .-r•nd 01\IY J1 6j. Anothtr 1pccl•I. r1n1 ah.ap• $5'6. Sllvt flOOO on Kn•bt Grind like n1w. 15 More '51a and '52s -$~~ and up be•rinr•· !::it~rt motor tun•· LIDO R~alt Aasoci&tea ' • up. 90-d.&y or t OOO mil• cu•r-Y C:C.ta Mua. L1 MTOI Jkal M-MUllcal. Radio, T v HOUllCrtJL ot Mapl .. Thi• ~1 ------------1 ..,.., , ... ~ '"'"'· eo"'"' DO IT YOURSELF ot compltl• B&dt"oom lfOUP.1,3_2-_A __ A_n_U_,g_• .. ____ _ m•lll'H• 10 yr. iuarr, Corn · HI-fl pJ•ll Dlnlnc IToup, 4 Lovely T&ll Gable Country Houae L1vln1 (1'0Up Wlt.b ltnported ANTJQUJCS BUILD YO U!l OWN HI • Fl 8c.hmidl-Piuillpe 8 11' Piano A Ort:;an Store, 1120 !'o"o. '-la.in, S•nlll An•. •lway• 100 piano•. McCARTHY'S USED CARS 1420 So. h!aln, Sant& Ana. • Kl 2-3507 an tee. OASKr'rS la OIL EXTRA REBUILT ENGINES BUILT L'l our O'o\71 factory by &killed machlnl1\.t. Oon't l"on- tend with th• ml4dl• n1an. 3tW Vla Udo Hubor , ••• A'VA.11.A.BLE NO\V ON LiiMC CORONA DEL MA.ft 310 LARKSPUR Fabrica. AU ntw pd. cln . to pnono(l"&pA, u.1111 N•wcumD 6 $494.2•. CUh or pay only ''·6• Nie• ••rl•tY authmntlo antlqu .. , H1.rmun-Kardon A.M·Ff.1 tuner., per WfflL coloNd rlua. 'Orua, copper, am pllfiu•. •p•&Xtr• 6 record iPINET piano. t11ll k•ybo•rd. -r· Buy direct. 8t•ulirul 2 bdrm. hom•. w t11 w carpt't, d11pm1, 1\111• f1Npl&9e. 1.11.n•I patio, d!•po11l.l . .-ar11e. utll. l lllO per mo. No pat.a. IUli yr1. c;ld $31il6. Mar, 3382. 2'c21 41-Auto R~n·lce 41-Aato 8e""°" SHORT BLOCK ptW\tr, lampa, tunUtun, from play•r•. Cotn• In aDd •M them. ... SAUGHNI 1111\h'TI'URE. lna,.n91" cut lt1m• \o lht \'It will ht!p you auamblt It. 7 .A.CTORY W.A.J\EHOUliE flnut A n.rc1t tor th• c»Utetor. ---·--------------------FORD {1932-U ) _ ........... f 94.00 1016 E. J'lnt ......... ..,.. IUTll!IYN A.NN JOJO'il DAVIS-BROWN 9·1il dally. KI 7·641T l •TT1 Harbor Blvd., Banta Ana lllO Harbor 8lYd. ------~,-----1 12t!c C"''' .. ,.. _ u 1.343, FURNITURE ac•lltnt condition •• B£5T BV \'i lN HARBOR. AREA Ca&h &; Ttrm1 ~ Trade ln New RCA 1'1'.>MbM Radio rea.mo11ab!c. :e.t.uutul provln· cl.al u.tu:i•lcm 41.n1n&' tabl1, ch•ln, d•k, t&bl•, roll••ay bed, l&DlP'. d'OL W. •Prlnl' A matt..-with upboi.tvff bd- boar.". nit• t tuda. H&r. 29tt. PLA. YD ,Ptail.O B.u.DWl.N com- plttt l,y rtcond!Uontd, play• n•w• nillt, run for family room. 111'11 JtlchardlO'D Yacht Anchora1e. Har. 492!. t tfe Knowlton Electronlca -N'•w RCA 24" T.V. 20c27 TV ANTENNAS (Clear a.am -HI OalnJ lnlt&llmd oompl•t• to 7our •tt. t•" )fOIOl'O!ll T .V, u .. d 14T.~ 01'1.llCO AM ·rM R.c•\\l•r O.mo $21.60. ACME T.V. t2~ 31!t IH. Phone Ji.A rbor 8304 MODERN' twta Dedll With COii· 11.ctmd 1h1U hdboard 1•0. com- pl .. t • d•y bM 130, mt.cl. mlr· ror1. limp .. aman L&ble•. - Harbor 0616. ~21 $9.95 U •• ,•• IOU< NOW Ji"OR THI: FIRIT TUUC ·~·21' OWSNI DPJ\lll8 H . ""· HP a t Bat~ Exccll~t eon· dltlon P •OO. cau aui. , ... 01:1 lSharman Oak.I). 24p27 TO CLOSli UTAT!: -\\'tU A HOtl'SzrtlL known b-.uUl\l.I Hsr1ehott built For f2S a mo. 6& n . aux, .ahoorwr. i:qulppcd 11138 CE ftetr11 .. l9M fUll alz• to "nth'" d11rce. Everyth1 n1 aulum•ctlc r•n1•. 7 pt;. U v. lmartnablt , ta tip top condl· 1 ----~---~ RADIO tablt modi! ttpalred $2.50 lna~~d~~.~~~pc~~!~ bor1 ACME TV & RADIO •:a&· Jl1t It. Htr. 0304 Rm. I P. I pc. btdrm. comp. Uon. J'or appoinlm.•11t to H•, 5 pc. lilnlnl ML call LJ. 1-:Sllt. 2•c21 1------------All It.rand ntw, ta• dn. HAMMOND or1at1• 111 model•. TECO J'UltNITURli _W_A_NT--.,-,-.-, -,-,,.-,-,-m-oo~riAf--,,.-I chord organ •ll1htly u•ed. 0Pftl Mon .. Wld. • rn, TUI lil ' 40 ft. Sloop monU. or Jw,y Good a&Ylll( on thl•, •nY ont 2~ w l•L Su.ta Ana near aalboa I•land. Jolln can play It without l11mona. JOtto CJ'l•rn.ploo. J:Xbrook •-11'8 l chmldt-Phllllp•. Oto No. M•ln, ------------collect. J:f.c24 8anta An•. C•llf., Or.net RECOND. Hoovt r l lT.&O; J\oll· aw..7 lMtT9p'&'in8 b.i:1 111.llO; OUTIUOGD Cl.HOii -l'fcw T ft. Korp m . fie: llttdwood 1all. ,....,. lilht wttl'l!t -poo, tabl• • um-.r.11• ltT.90: f'f:d· 111 Jndutri&l Way. Co.ta wood. o"t.lr M : ftrld. IC'' 1'111f• MNa. H•r. JOM-W 2tc2• nr M .IO. JWctr ~ pr. 160: 16' SNIP• clu. •lllKl&t # 3899. tablt rMUo llrombtrr • Carl· 3 •uit.a 1&ii.. Trall•r • covpr 9011 IJO: 1'1•PI• coffH tablt 11•.J County Hammond O.•lcr. 2• JN , MOTOROLA contole, Ilk• J'llW, lt5t repcu•Med. T•k• ov•r 111ym•nl• or Slt 7:S 11tr mo. No down. 21 02 :>:. lh.111. lant.a An•. 21 c27 Custom ~i·f i Anywherfl. a be•utlf1d a m•n· ual elcclror11c 1p1net orit.ll tor only $911i . 1Nol a c):lord orran ) $3~ &O dPI \'er•. Come ln (or a rre1 iu•on now •t . ilHAFERS (B!oct 1001) 4.21-t:JS N. 6yc•n1orr. S111La Ant Phon• KIMbtrly 2-0t72 Oranr• Count~··· 01 1an Hdqtr1. MOTOROLA con.aole, blond, 19~ rtpoSNued. T•k• oYer p•y· 1n,nl4! of 51:1.7J per month. No monty do11-·n. 21U3 N, M•ln, liant" Ana. 20c2T IPIN£T SPIClAl..S, TRADE IN AND J\ENTAL. Ri1I'VRN91 8111all GulbranMn 1pln•l $311:'!. UN:d Ma pl t Acro.onlc aplnet bJ Baldwin $~95. Gulb1.;.n,f!n blond• oa.k • 1nonth.& 014, N V• 1100. K.!MbaLI l•lll'n maplt ""• fl43. Oth•r fin• buy• l" m!lhor•11y. l p1c:1a1 c:n11v1ntent l•rm• at 8HAli'1iR8 !Sine• 1907) R· E-0 Di.tril,_.: or Now 24 Hou r SERVICE on Truck Repairing * ALL MAKES * Eliminate coatly Ue-upa In at 6 p.m. -Out&\ 7 a.m. Since 1983 SEE US FCR GOOD USED TRUC KS ED. THOMPSON Garage (Corner 3rd & F~nch) Phone Kl 2-2343 Santa A.na JEAN HENRI Frencl'l Breclall•t of DOG CLIPPING Work• ln your b.oma. 1049 Tu•tla A.Vt . c .M. H•rbof' 1au 12p21 GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '113 DODOll 'i T. PICKUP. ':'13 GMC 111 T. PICKUP. 'I OMC ~ T. PICKUP •. 'II~ 1'"0RD h T. PJCKUP. ':'10 CHJ;VROLET t6, T. PICl<U P -----------1':'!3 GMC ~ T. PICKUP. ilA.ME5E Krrrt:NS Hu. •t28-Yt-'. '" 2/'>c.2 7 CHEVROl.ZI' -------I 9V.IW> AVAILABLE NOW by w"lc or BUJCK -··-··--·-.. -·-··-··•120.00 month Clo.a to beach ... Jl2 PACK.ARO (I cyl.) ..... __ fl20 00 CllTn•tion. Coron• dtl M•T- Pl)'m., Dodi• • f'ord I _.$100 00 Two M•utltul 11ewly tum. tllll'tn CHR\"S. It DI!: SOTO -... $12000 bmd apt.. With bmct divan• will iTUDEBAK£R ·····--·---.$120.00 1leep t. Dt1po.al•. dl•hmut1r1. OLDS .• PONTLAC I _$120.00 1ara1t .. laundry•, turn. paUo NASH -·---·----~---··-... $120.00 wllb. B&Z'-B-Q flOO pe r wk. KAISER -·····---· .. ···--.. ·-·-ll20.00 Will cOl\lltdtr )'t•r 1 .... to HUDSON l6) 13 M•ln•I .. $1t0.00 adult.. No pata;. PLUS lNBTA.LJ..ATJON Open D&ny I to e Mond•Y 'lll T p. m. &unday 12 to 2 Block mu.mt mfft our •tuidard• Plu. tut•, 1uk1t1 •nd oil BELLES EN GINE REBUILDERS 310 & l rd IL Kl l·J21• LOAN CARS -FREE TOWING S'I' A TE BONDED AUTOhlATJC TRA.flSlllii!IONI HY'ORAJ.tATIC • DY'N>J"UJ\.\' ,,,,,. f'OWERGWD!: COMPLZTE OVl:l\H.AUL $1 19.50 lnclude:1 •II parUI • l1b0r AU. \'o'UIU< QUARAN'f.11:..:0 TERMS ARRAN GED LOAN CARS 8,t;8 AUTlJ'-lOTIVE SEA.VICI: 121111 Nt:l..llUN ST. AT A<.:AC..:lA u:: l·l~ u ------- SEE or call owntr •t J12 Ct ru•· Uon Apt. D, Har. lNI •01 \Vhltman Realty ltar. 1182 or lt•r. •t03. 23t!e SL'MMI:R R.llNTAl.-S • bdrm. .. 2 bot.th hoU1." 2 bdrm apt. A roo"' with pnvlltt •nlrt11cm. ·Har. 64ll ·W 2tcZ8 LIDO ISL.I:. Hom•• or •P•rl• mi nt•. FumlahMI or unfUmiAh- ed, Monthly or yMr!y. B1y- front with pl1111. p. a . p•lmer Jncorpor1ted har. 1600 lib ,.,ors NEWPOllT BEACH, t bedroom Nm. hoUH on Channt! by Wffk or Mt.eon. •110 lltlvtr A Y•. or phol\& .. minl't t.lMTty 1·5'T3. 21ttc Summer Rentals Bay Front 6 Oceaa Front Locationa. Earl W. Stlnley Rl:ALTOft 1111 ALL PCJ\F!:ct c:ondl· 1,-,='-''°=· ="="-· -=--,..--0 -,.,.,.,.--,.,='='c' I tJ-. ... Park Av•., I..q\mla CKAl(PION labl"t 116D, 11 rt. BMeL 21c:2t 15 h.p. lt¥t1'rud•. J\tmot• controlll • tteartn1. Runnln1 l!USIC SYSTEMS PlanMd to 7our 1ndtvlduaJ IJ1t1n· 1nl l'9CllJir•mtntt for llomt 6 421·•23 N. Syr•rnore. iltnta Ana '$9-Au\.oe Waaied '04 CHEVROLET % T. PICKUP fZ--Tra.tlen Phont Klmbttly 14'T2 __ ..c.;....=...c.=="------1 HYOftA·MATIC T1L4.NS. I'-'--_..._ _______ _ 311S N1wport Blvd. Npt Bt•eb. Harbor 1011 • l\OOM.I l"Umltur•. Hu all ru • U,-ht-. Canvaa covv. that so.a, eompl•t• Llvi&C All 111 1ooct condlUcri. 1 .. •t ~ ~ \it l•M Pbllco Hll Clttlc Driv• Bay1hor11. ~~-..:_ co~·•~ lh """"' J'IMT 6116 WlU.. T4.JUl IT __. • ..... ..._.. aw tin Uc •• ntr. WIU. Dairy Bar, swi blall fld•llt1 at our aompltlt IHI> oatt.. • 8&Wu CPI.,,==='="---,---=-"lt~o et Lil'lnc lound." a ut.iaUo, 4lod, lamp Orlddl• IHOVBUU>, (004 coadiUon. 6 OlMll .,.. doer. ,,..,.,. rood AU. LI M tll 2k21 all ..,, pwt..t. Pd. d.n. ta IT ..... I wt11i. et.ertd. No d11, MATC'tt'ED pair ltM ltl hp. p)'NI.&. Onl.7 1•-t O ptr w•k· Ori. Craft Marin• •nrtn••· ... UVOKN• "11\llrn.rt\E, 2-1 nduetlon. GM4 •hape. JT:)O ,AOTORT WAJlUOUS• tiw be\h. Kar. 1194. JkZI 1016 E. nr11t Bt... Banta 4114 U " '46 NTLoON, U&ikt, 10 1-1.P. f..t daily. Kl T--MIT Mnc. uf lot. ol flr\IU. f'tO. noo curr Or, Newport DAVSH'IORT. l'"rJ' A OOC04 Kot llLI. 21 color. MakM fl.ail alu bed. f24 1 P lnquln lot. • 10! B•pphlre, 12 rr. !NO ,~ ~" In •lU>•lltnt Dalbo& i.land. Hc'lT condlllo11, 2 I ' of Mii•. Har. 01u.WKJ T ~11 LA.ftG• 8IZll DUNCAN PHTJ"• d.tatq Mt t&Gtud• Wlfet 1160. IO JT. N. H. cl&u keel lloop. wee& Mlp tri• NI' 1 ..,. 11 llull fff!J1.WIM 1 monU! aro. W1th pad f,00. lAWIOn 1e1fa LI f-7612, lit.fl Wi• new, po 1100. LI 1-:STN KETOR ,. rt. OAL. n tt. Wl,, lfe27 n1w d..,,-oft malnar .. u. oth1r Unp&lntld 6 "'""11• tumltun. Mts• Wooclcr•ft Big Cleer•nct Sele ...U. r ood. 11..,. I la.aide 6 2 "wtd•, h-4 • p lley, II. 'JM> -Wi 6"nl. Ku. Jl 7• .tt1r O p. m. J4tte w A.NTl',;O uwd Bal~ d.lnchJ' njl. JJar ... TO, J~I• HARBOR Hl-f I 3333 Newport Bl vO. Har. 4081 PAP Radio ·TV Specials COM.PL.s'I'll AMA 'ri:UR RAM r•d!o •nd lr-.ntmltttr wttlil microphone, from 10 to 180 m•t•r coll• 1180. BEYl:l\A.L TV'S U.1t ha•• beta complt!ltlY N'W.IJ\ lnclud. n•lll' pJGt\11"9 t\IM. 17" Adn\l.ral couolt ··--$19.lil& 19" Z.nlUl OOlltolt -~-$79 ll& Hortman contol• ................ $39.lilll TV SERVI CE CALLS $2 .00 AMYWHU& J..NTT1].fC Televi 1ion Sal11 Se rvice LE ll-11211 oncl "'' IO' ~rr ti. a.u. oon.1------------ lZJ,ti INCH J\.C.A.. t•bl• model. Tl'loroul'hlY r .. cf'lndlttcnMS • ruarantoed 131.N . 2UO No, l.1-11', laala Ana. Jll"'l'J i'OR IAL.i: mllC. racordcr 6 PA. •ylttrn Pqu!prntnt. In aood aoncUUon f lOO. Har.f!Ol7. 211121 T. \£. Renta l 1250 So. Main Kl i-IU• S~t1 An• 22trc IPrNrr Pl•nOll Rental NtU1'N Ilk.• new •tc. You alw ay1 ftnd wondfff\11 ••vtn11 lft Ull• d•pt. llmall 9¢11 ... $386..0lh•• lf.S:i .. J4•6. Mlrro lypt M•plt lplnet $287.. M•ho1. lltfl. Schmldt-Ph11Ups, 620 No. M11n. S&nla An•. &11ve $120. on I ntw 1plnttao alJ•bUy d•m•ced at Fair It Hom• lihQw. $5,00 PER l'ofONTH buy1 rood pr11ctle• piano.. IJO., 1120 .. $1<17 .. $1.)0 iutd up. !chmJdt·l'hllllpt, 020 No. )f11ln. S•nta An•, bt. 111,. FrM 8A VS .t.8 JC'U'ClC Al f09' ON .OQ ?TDt& Pt1ee. r'lducflll on =•lA, Wllnl:robM 6. 11.uteh· U. Coln• M¥i>'o prtc:t 11 NbJ-t to 1tock °"' hand. dlU.. H •• Mw aqlnu. ManJ u tru. Prtced to ffll. Own1r Ha.r. «Jl or Jlv. •TU. Jfll21 Knowlton Electron.lea V&lidatrd parkln&. ~~1111 -HM'bor-BOOL.-Coe1A....NW LI l-1N15 AUOtl tnNa ·~ti K6rktl TV REPAIR H.A'-1.1'10ND Bpln•t Ora•n 14. a wHk In your horn., with our II rr. CftutlER wtth radio LESSON. LOAN PL.AN, Pr1- U.U1'1Jtttr. dli'ii\lehil nncttr. •-NINTA.tA . vat• 1 ... ona. Hurry, onb' a llllqby wt~ out~ ftlOlcw, PAIT ll!llVICli, Jl&A.IONA•L.9 r.w a•aIT•b1•:- 11 MW W'•,,.Uuta.oeo4"'°"" a.ma. ullt tlll f p.m. iclunldl-Pbi.U~p .. :120 No. Main. SELL YOUR CAR P AlD J'OR OR. NOT •«CuUIJ' t f.20 a. M•ln 196• OLDS II HoUdt.y, powar 1le1r1nr • br•ke1, R " H- Har. JT02·W •ft" I p.m. 2•pU '41 PLYMOUTli Mda.n $16. H•r. 11110-w . • 21Jc21 'M FORD ronv1rUbl• f270 for my l•rro equity • l•ke ovtr payment.I L!tltlncton 1·3232 ••k. ror VI. GUI.. 120. 2&c21 BY OWNER. '61 a tYdt>Mk•r m:irrunander va motor wit)\ n•er drtv• A J oondltJcm, rood u.Unt. T•nna. llvl Wtnahlp 110 34lh St., Newport ~ach. H•r. 4!1•t. tlp28 MO!\Rll MINOR lat• ·o•. p eel· 141ftt COflcliUon. UK, 10,000 mil-, ••tr•rnt lJ ~om1cal. Jdf"•I car tor CllJIU&l tl'Nl.lpor. tat.Ion. Ortlina.1 own•r wttl thaw Aat. • su11. bJ appoint· ment. Har. SOil-ft 2tp27 Grant W. Musick Yo ur Hucloon De•ler BUD; -SERVICE QS H, Lot ~ D ~72'71 .A.aabtlm UUC • ROOad or """'1t_... tt'• MUw .. t&11t111 "-L F"1l ,,., -===,.:.Ll::...:1-f:..:'~'"::..,=--,-J ;:;"':;;;";;•;;·a;";;'~·~· ...-;;;;;-:;;;;,..;;:::; .-tJ:r N-. 1111 Pilloe 11 It. POGO. Wll1 couhltr am.all rut L411l011 aTOCK, nfW •hd u.ed DUry .., Jtmtr. l ... w._.. outboard .. pvt l*Ymlfflt, -MOTOl'\O&A. color T.\'. tabl' piano.. 16 Wffk buy.. '1t9"t&I• '00 PLT)(OUTH BELVEDERE. ·~'l t~ORD VI, l T. DUA.LS. ·~o CHEVROLl!:'T 2 T. 14'' IT.A.Kl:, I •PllllD, II :~ Tlllll:I. 'IO ONO I T. 0011. l•' lf'l'AKC. t •PEED, 1:21 TlltEB. 'II oo:vao~ IT. l•' .ODY, 1 •l'BD. a:u TlllU. ·oo DOOOE 21,> T. DUMP. 2 SPEED. i :Q() TlllEI:" lt yo1i art ln nffd or any typa of uMd tnick equlpmtnt bm aurt w ... 01ir •t0<:k. 30 unlla to cbOOH trom. W.W. WOOD S GMC DEALER 118·19 II. •th. Bt. Tn.ick H•dquart.CN tor or-anr co. Let RIOH Help Y 011- r1raon.aU1 •elmcted NEW 6 USED CARS T AXIi ADV ANT.A.OS el h.11 JJ1•1lJ' )'••rw of a.pcrt.noeo N a top no1ch mKhanlc. RIOH HAHN'S 44)11 £. :tTH ST. Harbor 472& Newport Buch YOU WILL GET MORE FOR YOUR CAR ...... , ___ ... ~.... •.. "'od&L Talr:t evu paym•tao of -...cl •r CP wtUr. JltottllitN. ...... -.... ,.,., -or ---•· ... ...., tool ll•nt• Au Muala -Kl V·I • dT. ~top f. montM When wiiu ..U to ciompl•t• T pt.ea dlatftc' f"l'U,, 1-lftO Mr, er M'r.. Le V9me, I U .U 91r mon-. Jl,... N. 1 tT71 Old. &.orldH wttJt. fOW•r ,- 10 p19C.• llYtna room rroup. h . tkn llaJn. IUla Alt.a. llc21 .:QUl'rton f.l11ati: -LA H241 tqUlpment. LAW ~ mlltaP! Anchor Mtr Co 9"r7Wac f• MNDlll llOM• ,, JJ~" AD1'Ift.AL comb. A.M and S.. U11 ntw 9"1'•11, Hll• ter •-~ ,.1ft'etil. '* oon· • • ,.a.t .. Jf'• an MW. N . da. to 22 Llft 1UMO tlO. Ntir'Ullll n.c wttl'l f«'Ord player. llpte!M onJy '69'. Euy to pl-.y. 2k30 trac:t. Jm"'acu .. ta ln•ld• and ""'4L Ne .,.. a . tr JOU anchor wtt.ll 10' ah.atn A IOO' ITl.90 JUO N. Ma.If!, Bani. aut. J"f1vat• ,.rt7, Hu. •~• 11'6 .E. 17th LI l ·lffl ,,.,,. Oe P71"lit. Of h .•T .,... n_. lln• pa,•" pl. •tatal... Air.&. IOcJ1 AC<:'ORDJON IPtclALS! J onlJ J)tfe COMTA KESA W'Hfll. You 41.,_ tall• ov,.r .u atMlwt.ttr l&ak I f.It. Boud· ruu 120 b1N •«onllont. Extn.l,-,==,,.,.=:-::::=-:°"':::::-- or put. tac ladcMr SJO. I daJ Na•y allip WU'TZO; •O ~ planot t or •hlft, •II In p.rfttt <'on1!ltlo11. IMMZDlATS DCUVlll\1' OSI dock JH. GlrnbU WQp • 2 btJ Ht\~ dept. J:c,Jit•t CUii Trrm• 120 dowll Md n 2:1 per naw ~Ult M<lu.. 60 Olli• ... &lU'CKNI 1VllNITUJll:. UldtOr llJbl.41 120. N'"' ll'Ol.llt.141 eJJcnruc. ta tnd• tor Or1•n.. lno. a~ ptr l'allon flHS. rACTORY \\'.Al\£HOUlll l""\I 6 C6rd II· hddlM l l. lplll•t or Orud nano. SHAl'Eftl !l lntt llOT) HAUIQM • Wo\ftON 1011 S. ,,,. 8'-. 1&11ta AM 16' Via M' .. t.Ofl .. U~ ..,.__ ICMUd&o.PhilUpl&. UO No. ~ •ll·iU lf, lycamm, 8alltf. Ana 1111 Barbor eo.ta M•• l ·t daU1. kt T-ktl ""'"·•d. MpJ1 I t.. lanta AA&. Pbon1 Klmbtt!J 2-otll'I ~ Jllfll! 1960 NUR •• 4r. atalMman. &xc:an.nt condl&lo11. Pf1ce only 1220 LI l-6M1 or ntl Holly i.-.. J'ftwpor\ Mllilha Kdt ... P ORT ORANGE 'II TRAlLER SALES and SUPPLIF.S 2200 W. 1:out Hiway. N1wport Beach Ll 8-4420 PAN·A.MDUC.AN I~ to 60 ft .. J62BR. PA.RA..WU UNT CU1tom built, BO to 60 ft., l A 2 Bl\. HIJh•l't trad•·l11 11Juwane., Wt n~ cltan UHd trailcra. p AN AA!ERJCAN Paramount•J(tnU&.lll Travel...-TtrrJ' '"' FOR RENT 01\ aAUI -17 tL hOUt:• tr•lltr, tum. a nn.. • t.otlet. ff1'1 r.uonabl., UMrty WTIO. JOC2T W ANTl:O tf!' Nnt -I bedroom t10U1e, Harbor ar.._ 7..,..iy ICUll or ,.... wlt.b opUor lo b1.1y. Willi\ l'•r•I•• ftNpl,. fiMMd .7d. P•nnat!U.ll)' •mplO)'ed loc;aJlJ, C11.ctll<l'nt luc:&l r.r__,ea Writ& box Xll, lhll n•w•papcr. AUc •Y Jll:art.>Nall.llLll "9~t.t1a fanuly \l ctill4.) Yi'ant 2 bdnn. lwmt untum. or Pf.11.IJ' tum. Vlclnlt,)' WI'• -'chOOI bJ .. pl lSt. thru w111ter monui. onl)'. Up to J71 per me. 'tlon• aY. 1-lllll or wrttt C. V, Lueas, Ul' 1.Cllna V~ AL. Pua· • dma., C&l1t. ttcll CXJMJUTIVID • wua, a O&\tlhl.n dMiN I Md.rm. W\f\U'N.dled h"'llt \II tNob ...... •7 S.pt. 1't. C..i,..Unl • dr&,.. d•tr- 14. Trl7. ltut to llOO l* mo. U MUI. 1JUCI FRE Ei I Select .. -Tenant 'nl• nnd& fut.Ht. fft& MCY\et to l.lndloril• t•tJ"J'Whitn . CAU.. IEU:<..'T A.LtJ..TT "'' ..... 12Uc DELVXZ J Mdrm.. untunt.. OU• pl•• llOUUI. ot hlfbw•r . .&.vall. , .A.uc. 1. nrtplac•, r. "&.. Aq,t. tidwd. no0n, ..,.,.It paUo. A411lt1. Har. ltM-a Me2' SEE ME• TA NELSON CORONA OllL Kil rQR CHOlCI: l\&NT At.a. allA80NAL .. Y'&AJU..T. J:tol !:. Cout H.y. H&r. IMO II ON 1141 JIOA J.6LAN!)' SU: UI tvr y..,11 "'4 , MUOna1 tent.&llr. NELDA GlllSON, ReaJto!' IOI Karin~: ~bfW ~ Deluxe Duplex! FURNISHED l YE/ ft OLD, J Mdroom ..;o. dtn, l '4 INUW. f(llf'qf tJr ..C. prt•• t•. b&r1Mo\le ud patAlt. BeauUl'lll Y'tnr, ptct\l'N w&a• dOWI OV•flooklq \b• ec.a. Vtry at~ and wtll ..._ tall.ii horn•. l'flcWY f\1~11. Ad\&lta. Ont )'tu )tut. •if :.lorntns Canyon l\oad, ~a dtl Mar, B•,.. .... w. J.lcjo RENTAL SPECIALISTS CA.L.L &Dl't'A CIU.10 DORIS BRAY, Realtor ttf Jla.rtnt. .a..ttiio. Jalao4 K&r ... ., .. lerlbfima.~&a9417,._ ay da7, ..... or •"9UL BLUI!: TOP MO'l'llL f.Ga HIW'pot1 ah-& ,.....,.,. _ '"'' l.lTTt.m 111..tJlfD M7 """t .I b&drm . Mm•. B••P' 10. AY&ll&ble J un• .. JulJ. HU. HM·M. lllk LZAll en17 J Md,. ..._. do9I t.o ""°"'""' uaw, CotLa ~e ... IQ 4-tllG ¥ Bu. 1111 N• • NEWPORT "4ARBOR NEWs.ntSs-PART 11 • PAel" .......... • ITS VOGEl FOR VALUES ----"-___.~TS _j' 0 GEL lllB . VALUES VOGEL VALUES COM OFFICE ' . VOGEL. VALUES MAIN OFFICE CORONA HIGHLANDS VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND NEWPORi SCHOOL DISTRICT • • ATTENTION INVESTORS & SPECULATORS Near new 4 bdrm. modem bom.e. 3 batba. t1J'&o P'-l'A llfft, hdwd. floon, 11100 14. ft. 0wnu lnDotirrod, quick po...... $28.8C50. '8700 -· NEW, CllAltMINO, RUSTlC, VIEW HO'lllll 1 % batlw, hardwoo4 floore. w;. carpet. 4rapeo. buJIMa -....... wired 220, blrel1 cahlnell. .....U. piut.r, l"A ~. ~~ ftlll l&Ulldry room. l.VeJy11&1b. alldlng dl>or9 to ~-ST TIME--OmRSOa ·· llalance '~ 9' CORONA HIGHLANDS a bedhm. home "1th permanent ocean vi .... B4wd. floor9, llrlpiAcl. i'WJ price only $22,llOO. This t. not a mi.t&ke. UDO ISLAND . Reduced to .ell quickJy. e yr. old 2 bdrm. lr: family room. lllOO 14. tt. w /W co.rpetlnr • 4rapeo Incl ~ block to SoOd IWllmnlnr. F!J'lt time ottered at $29,800 CORONA DEL MAR P. I . Contldentl&lly ,.. have U.tod a brand n..,. 2 bdrm. ranch ·typo bOUM for only $17 ~. You'll bl pl ..... Uy 1W'pl'lold. CLIFF HAVEN G. I •. RESALE You can 1&1um1 th• '81!!0 '" loan and pay only $7' per mo. Incl tuor, In.our., lnterut le prindpal, on th1a 1padoua 8 bdrm. bomo In }o'ftlY. Clift Haven. Total price $14,950 COSTA MESA ' BDRM. 2 BATH -OCEAN VIEW -$960 DOWN -$88.M PER MO. Payment. Include m, ln1ur., lnllrllt and principal. Only mlnutel from th• beach. Better call NOW on tbia one. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Blsbway, Newport lleach !.J 1-MSl B:venlnr telephon11: t.J 8·7789, a-wo. 8·1'21 Har. 888().J, LoH 9. 71142 BEFORE YOU BUY patio. Shalt• roof. A well planned home. Only '29~ with p>d - .LIDO ISLE . . DQUCUL4TI:, 2 BEDROOlol + 1W2~ 1"4lol• lLY ROOK. 1~ bath boaw on oboloo 87"98' lot. l'U1lly roam A Uvtns room -to larp tacloeed patio. New w /W carpets. ouatom drapee, nilecl hearth fireplace with cuatom ICl'IOIL Dream ldtclien. Extra ~e. - Ezcoptlonal INT •t $28,800 "1th ''°°" flnanC1nr. The Vogel Co. 21587 IC. c.t. Hwy., Corona de! l4&r HA 17U HA 0757 VOGEL VAL.LIES COSTA MESA TRADE? 2 bdrm., hdwd. tlooro, Ir-lot completely fenced, priced to move fut at '8!50(). · GOOD INCOME <4 PLEX an attnetlvo 2~ yr. old unlL Quality bit. by owner. Uvt 1n ~· Ire. roomy 2 bdrm. apt.., let tho 3 ono bdrm. apto. pay It oft. On• bllt. . from traupe>Ntlon In excellent re1ldent.1&1 locaUon. $2e0 per month income. The Vogel Co. 1700 Nowport. Blvd., Coot& Meea U 8·MllG Evoe Harbor 1:139-M SEE VOGEL VOGEL VALUE LIDO OFFICE LIDO SHOWPLACE Kost d!lt!nctiv• BA YFRONT home on Lido! 4 hednn. 8 both.I pluo maid'• qu&rtero. Full mir- rored living room and d1nin1 room wall Lanai wlt..b. wit bar -front patio, pier It finger allp. Muter bdrm. bu every detail for Milady '• de- .U.. Kitchen cannot be ucelled. bit-In double oveno, 1tov1 • srill Price $1~.ooo • Phone tor appt. to Me. The Vogel Co. " 3418 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. {971 \' J:vea. Har. 5179 -Har. 51'2 Har. 3630-J VALUES l . Finest reoort hotel It cott&sto with Ip. nrlm• ming poola, lge. reetaurt.nt It bt.r bulineu. M acre1 to expand, net income appro:z. 14.15,000, eaa be increased wtth very little ezpenae. hU prlOI t $405,000 -tenna. 2. 2M ft. frontage on 17th St. A 11111 ft. • Santa Anll St. In heart of Co.ta Meu. ahopplnr ~µter. Full price $100,000 -euy term.a. 3. Improved. Highway &: commercial wattr front- age. ln full operation, lea.aed for 10 yean. Paya $1500 per month net. Full price $145,000-lerm.I. 4. !i.9 acrt.l!I t oned R-' In heart ot Co1ta MllL 4. blk11. from lntersectiOo of Newport Ii Harbor blvd.. Full price $47,!500 -tenno. 5. M·l lot 63x297 with buoin-bids. • 2 bdrm. house. Leased for Sl 70 per month with room to build. Full price $22,500 -generoUI lelJll· 6. 1.1·1 7~ft. corner. ·$9,~ -terma. 7. M-1 7~127 ft. with 2 br. cottare. '8260 t.anm 8. For 1ale or trade. No. M Em.en.Id Bay. 5 bdrm. 4 bath, right on the beach. Owner;will trade for 2 bdrm. home ln thi1 atta or will take TO't1 as part or all ot down payment. • The Vogel Co. (next to post ottlce) I 208 ?tia rine Ave., Balboa It1la.nd Harbor 44.4. or 101~ OVER 1000 LISTlNGS! ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE Now Furn l1h"od "Homes by Macco" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. Interiors by ·Martin & Von Homort -uutul ~ In the tlnut location Pr!-from $28,000 to $34,000 Your lnlpoctloD 11 l"llpOC!tully oollcltad EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AG ENTS On Btny 101, Nnoport Harbor, oppoolte new Irvine -· A DANDf J'AJUC, TYP.11 hom .. I Mdnn.. pt.MlM dtn, W. b&tu. buUt·lft kitch-, \I.led br1c.k tlrl'plaee, wall to wa.11 e&rpt.llna, bOW'd. tlr1., 1Udln&" rlaQ door• to '101'..-.d c1m1nt p&UO, pertm.c.er hu.Unr, 1ha.k• root. dble. 1an.p. rev 71.rd t.nced, l&ndaocaped. CNV&ITOR, BUILDER, Mn'lc1 •taUoa operator--1Mal20ltl 70 oon.w Rubor Blvd. MU1t H ll. Priced I.I lnY•tmuit. lnc. 1176 mo., bi.It ru.dy now tor tm· media.l4 deYelopmuiL a' ILOCKI TO IHOPPINO area at 17th and <>nnr•. J\.ed.cor- atld 1 bedrm. bome. NMt. CIMA &114 au7 to OWtl.. lma.IJ -... S BEDROOMS, 2 yr1. old, banjo auMt, puquet floora, FHA in· t1rwt, moden1.e, lot.I ot 11ua. -abup. lubm.lt down. 112,IOO t\611, price. Do\lbl• rua.1•. BALBOA 4: bdrm. furn. older home, larf• living room with fireplace. Unit ha.~ carbar• dhipoul. 2 car prage. Ocean viav, clo.e to th1 bay, '23.:500 torm.o. FIRST TIME OFl'EREO. Income unit 2 bdrm. tum. hoUH with luge bedroom garage apt. Excel.lent rental &reL 1 blk. to bay. $21,500 Lenna. FURNISHED DUPLEX all on on• tloor. Good oummer rellPlL 1 bloclt to boy. $H,!l00 with low down paymeot. COSTA MESA Coey 2 bdrm. and 1an&L Ranch home completely furn. 2 car ran.re. Set in heaven of flowers, treet, abrubl. J'ru.lt tr-. pl.ore. C.Ornl for .t: bone. All fenced. &e x ~. $6000 down.. t CHANNEL FRONT 6010 RIYH Ave., Comer 'i..t. OPEN HOUSE DAlLY 1to5 Pil:ft • SUP J 11a.r old Duplex 3 bdrm, up, 2 bdnn. dn. 2 tfrtp!&Ctl ~ car l"araie ruu pr1c1 N•.000 :ompl•t.i.7 rurnim.ed ,AJ..o 400& River Av•. '!>ier • SUp p.rm.lttld ii year old Duplu 2 bc.lr'rn. up, l bdrm. dn. Full pr1c• 12&,000 :ompJ.ttely turniabed ~ OCEAN FRONT Lol..11 .$7900 to flJ,600 OPEN HOUSE OOMVEJl.ClAL corner 14614 z lo;() ft. Neu Har--&30:.t h&a4ore Dnv-1·& bor Blvd. Preeeat 1.mprovemu.ta abould carry Saturday • Sunday till property dive.loped.. Belt buy Oil W.19tb St. "BDRM., l~ IMltii.. Ocean \'lew. Completely turn. )"ull prtct Cout Count:y Club. ll&rbor ™& Exclusive Little Island '6000 DOWN bun lncom• prop- .n7. I Ndrma., 2 b&tl'I llom•. D\lplu: a•. n •r ot loL '200 zno. income. Clot• Lil. loc:a.Uon. _ NllWPOAT HTI. lmmodtato ~-COAST PROPERTIES l22.000L. IDO ISLE cupuc1, I bedrra.., J HU!. -RUTH JA.YRED, Realtor BR.A.MD MSW. l'enced .ti luid· Aaocl t-., OWNER BA\'8 SELL ! I ! Only .capild. Prto.o. at OCLIJ 111, 160 Mildred Rlep and Sytvta 'DlomplOn, a l&OOO dowo on lb• be:1t buy on Cha.rm1ni home with lncom1 apartmenL View ot hly and a 1tep from quiet Bathlnr lleach. Both unlto tutefully tu'rnllbocl and priced In w1U. term.a. 301 E. B&lboa Blvd.. Bilbo& Har, ~ or t600 Udo ill• includLD1 brand n1w UJOO BUTS NEWPORT HTS. -------------------wall lo Wa.11 carp.uni. "Kid Thirtiel". R·2 ~•od 'uld<oUoJ ., in· HOME SEEKERS HOW WOULD YOU LlKll TO com. k>L ~ HA Vil A HOM.I: bUUt to your Phone tor appointment NELDA GIBSON, 30& Marini Ave.., Phone Ha.r. !S02 It Realtor Balbol J.olaad Har. fa23 CORONA DEL MAR sqUTH OF HWY. Two bedroom home, fireplace, hai'dwood noon, PLUS 1eparate bunk room with lhowu. Dbl. pr&Je, lan&i, patio, on a 45 foot lot. priced well below anythinf in the R-1 a.rta. Aak- ... prloe '2J.,ll()(). Torm.I. RAY REAL TY CO. "" I:. Coal! Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 2288 ( Aacoo from Bank ill C.D.M.) KEMBER OF MULTIPLE !.JSTING SERVICE ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES lle7 Newport Blvd., C.O.t& Mtaa LI 1•1111 J:yy LI l ·J0J RANCH HOMES I Br. A 4-IO a 116 tt. iOt, ...,,,. en i& U4 paid tor. o..cled lall4. 0.U,. 4 t.o chOOM t1'0nl. im.m.diat.. oowpuc7. CJa.. to 9CbooY Mid ma.r•ei.. lb&Jt• rout, hardwood nn.. coacnt• drt....,.,, "1.ll•tn ranr-and o.-n. dilpoll&I;, r. A. l'l•aL Pl.900-fJOOO 4a.. ()pea T U 11 a w.O I • f Oil C&br1llo betw. Tu1Un • ~ 'Ytna, 1 bDl !(lo. Of 17lb BL · 01* Banoon Co. ft.UWMI -NEWPORT BEACH U you wilh to buy a bom1 or Income property anywhere iD t.b.ia uu, w1 make a 1pecia1ty of findinl th• EXACT property to •ult your n.eedi:. Ju•t let ua know what you deaire le we will try to find iL W• are memben of multiple lilting Ir have m&Jly other u.t.1np. It your-tlm1 t. valuabJe-, let ua do your lookia.g. WANTED Many buyera waiting for Jou, Ii: quick cub aa.lea. Tell ua what you baVti for aale. Extra aalMZDAn wanted. Call UI day or nit.e. JAMES C. HOW ARD, Raltor A. MlKE GENCXl, Aalcclate VIOLA CLAPPER, Aalcclate N.B .C. REALTY CO. 32nd A Nrovport Boulonrd BALBOA ISLAND CURT DOSH, Rltr. Choice N1¥pt. Hts.'!.!-...::'."::!..""!~ H1:W J b«I }Ot&, •11.MO-'l'wlM. 1 b6aluf ~ ' On• of th• lala.nd"• !lm:lt ' 315 Mar i he Ave rm, • den, \% •lh. rrom oc.n. • bulln ... dt.ltr1c6 '• ttuated o• an -•-wi•· lot, ve~ clcoo to So n-y • Oak nn .. natural cab. J'lrepl.. Call owner Har. •tM ..rter 6 .... .., ~"'• \M:I •; • PS • Balboa Island FA •,.c .,,,. '"'· wu<rnbo •· ... °' ··-·-• "-· "'-· ~ bednno, 4 batha, oeparato dinlnC """''-della:ht· • •totq9 ·~· ifhU• root -v~ Herbor I 560 Nd•oocl .iduic •Jenee. 11aoO Wed. i 7cau tu1 patio, double pnlfe, plua off.cr.t. puJrin&, 1.IO a lJO Ooni•r. N9U Back ..,.. eo.i. N ... commerci&I down. F.P. IA.IOO. Owntr----------- Ll l ·lt1t. 611 Fulluton. Hpn I BDRM. BOMJ: 0n W's• I-Gt lot. Cull or trade for ())roq, l'lllW'-3 bdrm. houe, J cu pr- del Ku I hdtoom ud P'J' ... do-. to Mopplnr Cfllter, a..-4111•~ OW!Mr. Har. o..t& M..._ 81 owri•r. KJ Ull • ··a· tt.~10 or Ha.r. llh ti.lo . IA Nnrport He\P.14 c-., Nee •"sllllorMod. fnoed 1&l'CL CloM lo llCboola. BJ ownet Ml IUvt:l'lllde An .. U 1-11~ &tt1:r 6_:10 p, m. 11Uo Your lnapection will confirm tu value.. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at ~a.riot. Balboa lalaod Harbor 2462 . . . 1pecitk:&Uon. on a .ci rt. kit on Udo 111 .. wlt.h JU1t $10,000 down, $200 a month. Leu than r1nt. It will be our pleuure to &rr•rll'• It for you. INDUSTRIAL t TO 20 ACRES ~.wport &11.d HunUnrton Buch area.. fOIJl>ll to 110,000 p11r acr•. Seven Is lands Realty & Investment Co. ;)().1-Und 8L, N•wport Jkh., C&lif Yu, &161, &lttr 6 p.m. Ha.r. 6607 For Yr .. Round Enjoyment OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1·5 llOI Cry1t.a.I OH' CHOICll LltU. Balboa i. la.nd-Moet dlatlncUv• 3 bdrm. I ~barn .. ,A hut. W&O to wall carp.t, dl.Mlwu h•r, - EVJ:RYTlllliQ r Ma.Jc• ' point lo .. Ulll. MARINERS ISLE RLTY. llJ lh.r1ne Ave .. &Ibo& lala.nd lla.rbor 4781 Altadena Escrow tec>.t.a MM& ofllCI) llJ·A E. l&l.b SL.. U 8·atl6& ,..,, B/B IF YOU WANT A WIFE AROUND THE HOUSE BETTER PUT THE RIGHT HOUSE AROUND Tl-''.; WIFE lS YOURS THE HAPPY-GO.LUCKY GAL Who'd love a big informal lJv1ng room with a dreamy view and ju11t enough kitchen, bednna. a.nd patio for practical living! Then aee thla 2 bedrm. 1 1;~ batha "buy" at $24,000 lncl furn.iture. IS SHE AT HER BEST .in a hand&0tt1e background ol muted colon and eoft carpeting. With room for formal dinae.n ! Then 11h~ will wa.nt this 4 bednn. and den pano- nmlc view home with 14 x 17 ft. 4in1nc room and terraced patio. And the kida will love beinf right acro111 from CHINA COVE BEACH. Below reproduction at $4.o;,ooo on a :SO ft. lot. IS SHE A MODERN MA'AM With a fla..ir for wood, glau and p.rdaitnr? This 2 bcdrm, on a 4:0 ft. lot aouth ot the hich- way will fill the bill. $17,900 fwulabed . We also have 11ome choice sum.mer rental.a - going fuL . BAY & BEACH REALTY INC., Realtors Corona del Mar Office ., 3530 E. Coast liicbwa;y Harbor :i063 .. CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE Sat. 1-5 208 DAHLIA Sun. 1~ 45 rt. R-2 lot. View Harbor entranoa. 3 bedrmo .• 3 bath1, large brick patio. Fumiahed. ExuUeat term.L • YOU WON'T SEE ANYTHING LIKl!: THiii AG.llN FOR ~ $2~750 (For earlier appointment call Ed.ilb Kuooa., HYatt 4-6222 or Lou Bo)'llton, Hubor 2871 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:) Ma.rlne Ave., Balboa llilud Har. 17711 l . ' . • • , •' • P"'GEl -PAllT ll-:NEWl'ORT·HA~NEWS-l'RESSl!•!::;~W-l~r..la~~ta~---.!•!::!P4ol!!!!!..!Z~!!!to~--_;ll!::;!!R!!!-'!!_!Z1!!!1111!,!to!!_ ___ Jll!!::;:!!!._!!!.1~DR!!!to~--l '•;;....;:; .... :.;;:;..;-=:.::te~---=·;..;-;;: .. .;:;-l:.:E:*= .. ~-- WEj)NESOAY, JUNl-20, 1954 - . Fisher's . Best Income Buys! 1. -3 UNITS, PRAortCAl.L Y BAY FRONT Permanent Ba.y vn. 30' from aandy beach near Newport Ral"bQr :r aeht Club, 3-bdnn. apL ror yourwlt, plut 2 Income unit.a to help pay for it. A WONDERl"UL VALUE AT· $26,250 Only $"7!!00 down! 1. -TWO DUPLEXES, <' Unital Furfnllhed, in Balboa's best rental apot. Older, bbl completely modernized and rebuilt. Tbete u.nJtf ·&re alway• rented and wiU ctve you an ·uoellent income with little ex-. Scheduled groeo -U,400. F'.uJl price only $20,000 with $10.000 down! 3. -RETIRE ON FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR! with th.la 7-unita ill s.lboa.. 4 ainglee and 3 doubti. EzquiliteJy redecorated and rd'umiabed.. (you've nevn aeen a.nythiDg like it) near to bay " beach Ir everything. Ready to go, and many ruervationa already ma.de go with it. A 'old mine for 110me lucky buyer at $29,500. Low u $7M>O down or will trade down. WHY WAIT! THIS IS IT! 1.-BAY FRONT; PIER I< FLOAT, with apt. to rent, too. Bea.utitully modernized with sliding doors-full width of living room, with gorgeoua view of the bay. Open House Sat. & Sunday- See Ulil al 1100 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Only $4.9,500 -Term• BUY NOW I< HARVEST THE HJGH SUMMEIJ. RENTS JUST AHEAD! -·-... Fisher ·& Company 2603 Npt. Blvd .. Npt Beach. Har. "29 E>e LI 8-3217 MR . HOME SEEKER DO YOU want room for that large family? Then come see this 2000 aq ft home! 3 bedrooms -2 batba -AND a beautiful LARGE DEN "''ith built-in televiaion combination. All wool wall to wall ~l and lovely fiber glaaa drapes in· ~luded in aelling price. Compare! See for your- oel!. FIRST TIME OFFERED OUR EXCLUSIVE in Ex.cluaive Beacon Bay -!ave FUN a.JJ the time! Let ua ahow you thil delJ.ght· !ul 3 bedroom -2 'r1 bath home in a aecluded re- 1tricted area. Ideal It aa.fe !or children. Pnvate beach and small bo1.l landing. Beautiful 'encloeed patio with barbecue. All tbia and a charming l· .,,, bedroom apartment over garages completely fur· n1ahed and hu lovely bay view. Thia price ia ONLY J32,000. lA.LBOA PENINSULA. Cliarming and apacioUI 3 B.R. home. l~~ bath.I. Near Bay b&thing beach. Lovely patio and beaut. l&nd.lcaped ground.I. $26,000. Terma. -i22 BelVue Lane. lACK BAY LOTS in exclulive restricted area. ~ down. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marwe Ave., Balboa lal&nd. Ph. Hs.r. 1671 or 1672 Multiple-Listing-of-the-Month CARAVAN SPECIAL ML No. 7365--VERY UNUSUAL three &edroom home in Costa ldeu. Only two yean old -Cork Walla in Living Room and Dining Room. Lar,e Back Porcb -Part Fenced on 66x110 Lot - Price $10.500. Contact your Rea.I tor! Multiple Li1ting Service Newport Harbor· Board of Realtors ----------· -----• LIDO ISLE Nearly new, and perfect. 3 bedrm. and den, l* bat.la, cupeta, drapeo and built-in ltltcllen. Thio la utn.mely nice and a real home. TWO BEDRM. and den on one of the nicest 1treetl. All the cb&rm imaginable -al.a like new. Call for further information. MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor & Anoe. Helen Baum Ruel Condon st32 Via Oporto Har, 6U6 Eveo LI~ LI 8-1709 Har. 1017-J WHY NOT TRADE? :iome in LaiJUn• for lncome. · Puadt:na R-2 build.in« lotl for beach home or income. remple City borne for beach home or income. • We trade wb&t you have for what you want. ~fUL TIPLE LISTING REAL TOR G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 3635 E. Cout Hwy. Har. ~4.2 Corona del Mar E\•t• Har. 5680 ... ·• -· . • . _, p. a. p ~Im er in C-0 -r p 0 rate~ ---.: -v v Best Buys ·corona de! Mar developers Your Dream Home on Lido Isle? Cou?d -and wb&t a "bwllltlll 4-111! One of th• moet uc.ltlns bomee in yeara! n·. a fabu?ouoly dslped and bllllt home. with 2 bed· room. and ffn and three balhl, on a Jara• lot' with two aouth patloo ! Smartly fllnlilhed by decorator. • The mailer bedroom opena onto & private p.e.tio with a llidlns window wall that ma1<eo ii • pr· den room. Root 1a nn..t Llnco~ Interlocking lhinglo tile. It'a a spacious home, fully carpeted, completely modem -outat&udinr kitchen with blrch cab- ineta in driftwood finith and form.ice in matchin( wood tones. Double sink, built-in ranp and 11eparate oven, dilpoAL Pa.pen and pa.int are combined with •trikin.r interior ettect. Muter bedroom ha• a dreming alcove, and the home bu ~orld of cl<>Mta and atorare. Two-car caragc ha• laundry and freezer .space. The landacapins la beautlfl11. l t la a home your family will love. The price- $37 ,l!OO turnlahed. or may be purcbued unfurni•hed. Excellent terma:. An Exclu1ivo with p. a. palmer incorporated olo han1on co. management 3333 TI& lldo, harilor 1600 of Lido Isle Newport Heights Tble loyely 2 l)odrm. HI ~ hame la jUlt that -a real horot:. Sit\Yted on a well·located comer. You must eee it. Thie won't lut at $17,200. Coste Me1a The owner of th1a home bu spent a sreat amount of 't:ll::M mlling it a real home, and not ju1t another boute. The landscaping, fences, lnd everythlns .... In the yard la done to· perfection. TbrM bedrooma. ha.rd.wood floon, 60 x 125 cor- ner toL Full price only $12,lll!O, and excellent term.a. Cliff Haven Thia one U a real cute 2 tiidi"OOlir~ome. The owner' excellent tute rdlecll itaelf throughout the bouae. Blending colon and wallpapera make it unuwally attractive -and remember, it'• in Ciff Haven, where homes are in great d.em11.nd. Price $16,:K)O Bay1hore1 Stop and think! Where tan. you tlnd a b&r&'ain aucb as UU. 3 bedroom modem home that bu every!t!ing to be desired, 1uch u carpeted noora, forced air heal, p.rbage diapoul and diBh- waaher, nice tropical planted patio, jUlt a short w1y to a nice bathing beach. For $21 ,500 Terms available. p. a. palmer incorporated ole han1on co.' management 1700 w. eout highway -llborty 8-M73 Belboe Realty Co. Special• BILL'S BEST BUYS Bl B '1. ·r SHOllECLOTS. Flnt time ottered. Ranch Lyp<, lhake fOOI, 2 bedrm. .and dm bome. ~ flnlplaoea. 1 fuU t.th witb. .epante at&U aboWU' plt11 2 eepente 1h baths. Service porch, forced •Ir beat, wlred for electrk? r&nge. CarpeUnr and drapea included. Beautilully !andacaped: Home io lmmaculot. thru·out. OPEN HOUSE EVERY AFTERNOON l -6 p. m. witll IOl4. Prioed firm at $37 ,500. Should eeU qulckly. 239 Moming Canyon Road EXCLUSIVE WITH US. Courte.y to brokera. 2. r A RARITY. Se!dom can we ofter a 3 ~ home So. of Hi,chway, choice location, R-2 IOO~ garage alreaeed for apt. above. Full price $18,500. $3500 down will band.le. Owner will carry b1.lince oo reasonable terma. • Should io in A HURRY. Shown by appointment. 3. r VALUE PLUS 2 bednn. home plua ruect room plus 134 baths, hardwood floora, FA heat, clo.e to •hopping area and only 2¥:: blocks to ocean and beach. A best buy at $18,600 {, 'r BARGAlN JUST LISTED -ThJo 2 bedroom home, large living room, fireplace, dual flOor fur.. nace, {thermo controlled) plus l&rJ• double pr- age 1tnaaed for apt. above. Better act fpt on this one! ONLY $lt,750 EXCLUSIVE WITH US. 5. V CORONA HIGHLANDS. Firat time offered. VIEW • VIEW • VIEW of blue Pacific. 3 bdrm1., 2 baths, hwd. ful., forced a..ir heat. Ideal loca· lion for awimming pool. Hou. only 2 yn. old. Priced at S32.~ -euy terms. Shown by appointment, listed EXCLUSIVELY wtth ua. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 9 UNIT INCOME APMTMENT BUILD1NG * BACK BA y DREAM HOMES * liALBOA OCEAN FRONT. Year &roWld <'untele. I unit.I pha. m&111.1er 1 •pl.rtnll!nt. Nlcely furru1hed, L&u.ndry and uUllty room•. A·l cond!Uon and renL· .~ ltd now. lncom• ~00. l'uil prlu 14.5,000. Command Performance There I• no Sf'l&Ler thrlll than -me tbs flnMt p&r&de4 In front of your eye• -and .ci It II with tbM ~WO be&utlfu.J ....... 3447 E. Coaat Hwy. C.Orona. del Mar Har. 4.7 (0Uice located next door to Newport Harbor Ba.Dk, CdM 6 UNIT INCOME TALL.. \\'IDE AND tlA.NO· BOA-ll: 11 tbla beautilul, mUIJ.. ern 3 )'t'ar old pruperty. Bit· uated on 2 loll ln Bl.Ibo& And near belt b&y e wlmml q beach, 1arace.. Jockt"r room1 l.nd lar1• l&undry. S.. UU. J>e. fore buytll( lneom• property. 164.000, tenn.t. BALBOA. PEN1NSULA DUPLEX On• ot t.tMi JI.at attracUve Penift.. •ula "point" propartiff. Only • y-.n old and ~Uy ~ orale>d. Hu J bedrooaui up ud l down. .. u nloel.y i:~ duubl• 1ara1• and p • t I o, allo....i-1 (ood Ml Income, C&.1.1 today. iH.~, t.enna. 4 UNIT 1NCOME Owne-r beln&: t.ranal&(J'ed. Will •ll h.I• ' unJt bui1d.1nc, rtt.ent· ly ndecorated. ru1:1ly fU:rniab· ed. Adjacent to th• bay. fl&,000. NlCi: 2 BEDROOM H OME: and cute ba.cMJor apal"lm9lll in rear. Laree lot, •p&cioua paUo, 2 •lfl&'UI ga.ratH.. A.l1 furniahed ••• a mU1t Mt: at 117,600 With tenra. PEN1NSULA HOME 3 BEDROOM, 1~ bat.ha. Br&nd new, bullt·lr:i IUtdMn. dlab· w&l.Mr, trlrcll cabinet.a. lll,500, »000 down. Balboa Realty Co. upp<MUt. ~ ot ~eJ1ca ~ 1.#rMl•Y t.d 1M 'fr TWO 6: DEN -NE\\', 1 "4 ti.tha. H. W. flOOrl, u9t'd btlc.W. f', P .. F /A beat, bulJt•la oven • ranse. r .P. 12~.&00 a.ow dow~ 'tr FOUR BEDROOMS - FA.MIJ..Y ROOJ.t -Nl:\Y, HW f\oor1, 2 b&Lb1 F .P., F ;A he•t. buUtl.n'•. lar~ Dbl. gar&&e.. v. P. 122.~o 17.000 down. ' ,:r THRJ!:E 411: OEN -Top nd(b.borbOOd, w • 11 plann.J home. onJy l yr. old, & bonty ot • buy, owner movln( mu.t. M1L 6.P. 12t.MX> -17,&00 down. -tr THREE 6: DEN -corner lot. CN'ller buUt.. Ille. entry l1&il, ne&t U MW. TbJ& ca.n.'t la.It - Leta t.alk fin&nctr:ic ori IJul Of\9. Y.P. 121,t:IO -$«1,000 dMo·n. '(:: THREE B&OROOM -tOOd view, pt'IJ"9d H.W. UOOrlJ, il'.t'., Y /A heat. ~ted. dr&JH"• 1n· eluded, be•uUful patio 6: 11.MJ. J!',P . CUlly 127,000 -».UUO dow~ , '(:: THREE BEDRO O M 411: F AMlL Y ROOM -NEW' very u clu.dv .. rM.f J..,R., F .P .. F tA heat, buill·ln kitcilen,. lncludl~ dUbwubtr, lnter-com l)'.am., 411: many ouwr fin. fHturea, 1'.P. UT.t:IO -11,000 down. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly .ervlce" 400 E. 17th St., Costa Me.. Liberty 8-1139 700 .,_':,:';!MB~~~·llal... KINGS ROAD Pb.on• Ha.rbor 3277 t_ ---------I Property 11 Getting Scarcer .Then Hen• Teeth WATERFRONT PIER A.NO FLOAT, Ntwpon. !9tand lac1JlC" Balboa Co•ea. · s bednN. turu. i.e. p&Uo I.Ad play We&. - WOolDEP.FU l. BUY, only '6000 down, ruu prte• 1~e.00u. YURN. B.EACH COTTA.OE. h block to GC-.0 or l1')'. IJOW down, JWO( full prto.. BAY•"RONT PIER 6: FLOAT. u.quMiia.. view and wonderiw I WUWIWll, 0 b«lrm&.. 6 b9l.lw;, I CAr 1Mqe. UM.. new. UIUY '17,60U down, tu1l pr. 117,00U. I rVRNJ.8H.E.D UNrra. b.rt of SalboL S.l b&y bMch ud rctal ...-. R-..1 b&q&l.n at ${l,IMJO. Low doWn or trMM equu.1. Out ot •Late owner. Art C. Kistler Co. RltALTORa HOl N•wport Blvd., (cw. 21 A N•wpl. BIYd.) Hu. 6229 day or DJPt. l te26 But we have !ound • real buy. lt'1 brand new 3 bednu .. 2 tull bat.la, dining area and bruktut &rea, attractive double fireplace, lots of indirect lighting feature&. patJo and many other very uclusive &ppointment. Wall to '!&ll carpeting and above all thia a a view home. U you are looking for property in this ,·ery e.xcluaive uea, by all meane call UI. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine, LI 8-26M EVES Fred Buker, LI 8-8621 Stan Le Llevre L1 8-7006 W ~TED UNHAPPY RENTERS! You will never rerret buyins thi1 adorable home with an income unit. Choice location. 3 bedrma., 2 b&tha, 1 bedrm. apt. furni.ahed. Beautiful patio. Excellent tenn1. $31,500. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Har. 20 or 64 Large View Lot NEWPOA'f HTS., Ddl a i......1--------------------- hold., NdU09d tu f$a&O tor quJc• C&6b &al•. OAN A. JA.COB8.J:N, RMJ a..c.&t• Har, 11411, u a-a11, Kl 1·lll7 ...... Balboa Island I BDRM nJft~. HOME "1th l'•r•&•· ~ni r n<1rtb S.y By ownw. W.r. iaaa. ~ FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK CLASS A stol"ll and ornee building Joos.led on mc.t important con:ier tn Puadena.. ~ $700,000. Will pay 7';\ net net and will depocjt '300,000 a• leue eecurity. L&r(e depreciation factor. l:A.l!L OWNER, T. D. Rogrra. Rfan 18167 Qf Harbor 3828 ' Scone No I J'int tl.Qu! lllted -till• chl.nn· Inr llhl.ke root ru1Uc 3 ~­ room. l 'l'I b&Lb home built around a cement paUo 1n Ch!f H1.ven'• ti.it location ••• The bWlt·ln J'a.nl"e and O'll&J\, Mp&r · at• dininc room a.nd bar kit· cben &4d to UM ruat.lc chi.rm ot I.bl l&r&• u.Md brick fire· place and wood ~llil&:· BM· me le be>UeveJ.n& and w• have uie key~ ruu pric. i.. $2t.too ~,th juat $6,000 down. Scene No. 2 Thi• .cene '8 a plctlLf'tl •Ull on UM dr&Wint bo&rd ol lrWy bMuWul c~t.om built bomu to be built with YOUR 1u~r· VIiion OD a.ny 009 of •IJht "Country Eat&t.e" loll In UM prial! B&ck Bay Atta. TMM homt• an lnl1y u.qui.911..e a.nd or JU&T&llt.Hd cu.tom quality. Your choi~ of lib&kl Roof or !\lod.ern. All with a bedroum1, 2 b&Ua, e.nd a t...Uly room at a pl'ice ot JU1t 12t,600-~dy to mov• ln ori ~ lot ot your choice. Litt us 1bow you lhffl! Pian., Drawtnta, and Lou. We are .un IJul i. what you a re loolunr t or ••• ilCLU· SIVE AGENTS. Bey end Beach Riiy Inc REALTORS 187~ H&riior Bou..lev..,,i Colt.a Mt ... c..utom&a Day or nlrDt ptwn. Ll 1-7714. FIRST TIME OFFERED NEWPORT HEIGHTS Custom bulJt rustic 2 bed.rm. home. Old brick fireplace, hwd. flrl., bar kitchen, ah&ke roof. Large patio and beautiful wood fenced yud. l llJlulated a.nd weatherstripped. 1 Vs yean old, neat u a pin. Owner moving from area a.nd baa home priced right ONLY $1~,000. OCEAN FRONT HOME Lovely 2 bedrooma plus. Large living room with fireplace, l ~:.: bath.B, nioely furnished. Two oar garage. 30 ft. lot located i.n best beach area. A true va1ue SZS,750. BUSINESS BUILDING Net income 10% phu 6 tenant. t.ll on leue. But location. A-1 con· atruction. Streued for 2nd story. Eu tern owner deaiffil qWcl< aale. $115,000, Eaay tumo. JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY ''AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W. Coa1t Hwy. LI 8-7773 COST A MESA the best town on eart~ HOME I< 1NCOME : Well buil~ 2 Br. homo, Hwd. floors. floor furnace, caragea and TWO very n.ice furnished 1 Br. apt.Ii. A·l location, clOH·ln, C-1 Buaineu Zone. Full atreet, curb le sewer. $23,500 HARBOR BLVD. Buaineu (Restaurant) $-i0,000 complete buaineu, fixtures, equip. Bld&. 6 la.nd . -WiU sell without the land for $12,000. BILL'S BEST BUYS 10 ACRES -ln county -suitable for .lirht manu- facturing or trailer park alte. $Ci600 per a.c.tt. COMMERCIAL Nev.·port Blvd -132' x HO' - V&cant W .600 We•l lttn. Jut ott Harbor Blvd. -Clo. lo new Ctly Ha.ll fl' x 160' with l cood two bdrm.. Domu that ca.a .ully b9 CoirTert.d Into bum--T. P. 129,600 - " On. NEWPORT HEIGHTS RUSTIC Three Bdrm.., l Bal.ha. Early American Comblned wtlh mOO· ern bulll·lrul 1ncludlna: ov.n. r&f1&'1! and 21 " t.e~vtllon -Ha• heavy ah.Ute roof, m&Hive f Ire place, W /W C&rpelln1. drapea and p&11alin.1. Prtcff at 111.m tor Quk:.11. Sale. u lhUI 90UOdl lllterft'llnc you be'lter c&ll now, ll won't 1Ut- w e Can UT&nee te.m:a. C&U UI for an ap,.ointment W. A TOBIAS JlS.U..TOR "you'll hk• our -trlendtJ att'Y'le•" 400 &:.' 111.b It., eo.ta KeM. Wb.rty 1-lln BEYOND COMPARE ~3 le Den -J B&lluJ 1100 911· t ... t of quality 411: Bout)'. CU.tom bullt for l.ho9e wantln& • holTW much abclvt' tM 1.v•ra.i•· P'rtc.d lo Mil at $21.500. wtlb 19000. Down. "C" Ed Jonea. Re&ltor 1m Ha.rbor Blvd. • u a-aw Altadena Escrow 1C011la Meu. otll<'l l lll·A E ll!lltl St. U 1-3.~ ....... "'" LOVELY 3 Br. older home, Hwd. noon, dinl.nc room, service pon:b, 11/: baths PLUS • very nJce 1 Br. apt. Large 70' lot with fruit .I: ah.Ide trees. $16,500. Tenn.a •.• G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., • Coeta ._ LI 8-7729 LIDO ISLE Brand new 4 ~· home, be•t Lido location. $39,500 A real am.art 3 bdrm. INGRAM buUt home, 1&r1e lo~ , $35,300 full price. Near the club house 3 bdrm., 2 bath heme, oeeda fixing up. $25,760, Euy Wma. Lido Realty Associates . 3'100 Via Udo Harbor 44H POSITIVELY CLIFF HAVEN'S BEST BUY 3 bedrooms, combination break!ut and d.1n1nc area, latte 2 cu pra.g~. Propeny fmced ud landlc&ped. Tbe:re ta onJy one n:a~t tu• 5000 aimolianl down, ot.bertrille it'• a ST&A.L! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l~th & Irvine. Lt 8·2664 EVES Fred B&rku U 8.s&Zl Sla.n Le tJevre W 8-7000 '