HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-22 - Newport Harbor News Press•• ~•\IJ Jill. Rap .. fir Mesi Contractor ' McW.Klit .Traps .• Y ..... ;HW. ·r c:..-. la Trwcll SANTA AKA. (OCM&)-co.ta w-Gen.ml Oontraetor D&rid J, Vern'\UJ'&. n . or 171 RocltaM.er at.. yeat.erday attemoon ..... Mntenced tq M daya 1n ownly jall &!hr ti.Lt convlcUon on .ix bullcUns code TiOlaUona. .. ~.,' -' .. '-.t . . ·""!:. • • • . ••• 8anta Ana-Oran..., Municipal Court Jude• Ronald CJ<ook•bank puaed 1entence. He· 1taytd ae- culion ot' lll• -tanoa unU1 lloft· day. Four othei code--brealttq all•p UOna wenr d1-nlaMd. At> cu.aUons were ldentleal to lboM carried in olll•r count., th• Ju.de• Wife of Former Jlew,.,I M,yor lie• Yesterday Mr•. Clyao (Marpnt) Hall died lUt ..,9'\!J\I at her hom•. tn. Kantiobe, oabu, T.H., accord· tn.r to word neet•ed tn. N41WPOrt 8MCb today. liln. Hall WU the Wife of a fonntt mayor ot' N..,. port Bffch. u.. couple memos to th• Hawaiian :blao<h tn lHI. By BEN REDDICK HER TYPE ALWAYS ·~S FIREWORKS Jeannie McQl.lffn ot o:.tA Kha dabu ab•'• jun: ptUnr In llhapt1 fOT" lh• FOQfUl ot IWy KiM Fl~r compe· Utlon In Hunttnrtoa Beach. a.t, u any root ean plalnJy aee. th•r•'• no nHd for J~ t1' worry. -Staff Photo by Leonard &arreant There'll be a cha.nee for a lot of policy determinat.lOa Monday when the Newport Beach City Council IDlilt& ln repl&r aeuion. Scheduled for an early cont~ the council ch&m~ during the mornin g 1t udy I 1 Fi• ii the Civil Service commi•ion. CITY F;EES .'tfASTY'? CHAMBER REPORT . DUE ..... ON TllD& WAY t-Kem.berw of the On.a-Oout While tn. Newport Bee.ch tM Pri T eo.ta Meaa Buildln( Otflclal •-Halbi operated U\e lturdyto,_ son enn A. J. Vol• brousht lh• charte• CoUere "donation.'\ four-man crew take tt euy plan and ~ members or th• aralnat vermu,... He allej'ed th• while wtngtnr their Way to the Olympic Trtai. at Bil* Yacht cluo and Newport contractor ca u' • d foundatlOl'l S N Y left Batbor Tadit Club and tn lb• GI L I trenche• on two dupln:u at SU yracu.e. " '"t.l'blm to ri&ht. Tom Plett.a, t.l&ndil bdolll'ed te lll• OUtrtrr•r ven oca and JM E. 20th at. eo.ta Meaa. Bob Schuttpe~ Al Hathaway &nd Couwatn. Johnny dub and Adftnture ch•b. -~ to be nIIed wtth and alt.ff they Swain. _ OCC Photo J'unenl .niCM h•.,.• not been had ~ ebe<'ked lo med. buuct-1 ----------------~--------larranpd, bul wW ba held IA th• D ...... Lkeeper . Inf 1pecltk:atiou. t.landl;. ~ l' Newport a..cJl Chaml>t'r of cb&mM:r mtm~p. checked and found to be llbl: lnch· Donald Haft'n Kall. 401 l&th Ill . BANTA A.NA, IOCNllJ-A Voll Mid a eoncret• tJa.b wu STILL Bun-Ivor• Include two IONI, Commerce wW mab a 8W'V'J' ......... _ 231 -A d 'Dae pe.qa.tly da1a tor .iioc. pay· el 1-UMi.t&" U.. m.ildm.ILllll 'flldt.b Uld ,__,,., " .. .,py v• .. an alandrr Newport Be&cb bobk.· OI l.M city'• MW lk:cnM law Ins littmn Lt aet lft tbllll ordln-called tor la the Code Md Cfi,l nn l'J'&ftdchlld""-kMp.r-..c~tuy today .... •n- and report U• ~· by July anca for AIJI'. 1~ and It wu tneh• 1-tllaa ....._ ..._ priaM.. HIGH LA' NDS Mrs, Hall,,,.. bom In 0.W'C1l'. t.enced to pri90n for a l·tG-10 16., lll• Chanlber'• 't'l.o. preaid•nt., tbe fMI~ al tno.. at tha meet· Furt.hennore, h• eontended 80 . DI. In 11'6 end wu a (l"aduate ,_,. term after 1h• admJtltil Wlltt.am ·O'Bryon, totd • •"''"'"P t lh Unl -•t ~ n11~-··--tns th,t.l any tnequttif!• la th• foundations niAed ln th• Interior o • .,.., .. Y '"' nu-. •mbaDlln( •717.90 trom a CDM ot d ty alt\C:i&la ·and Br&ckD ordiMne» could be tioned out wall&. trandi•• had been com· 1 ------------1 real "tat• lnve•tm•nt Urm. rtnch Wednuday afternoon lol-"' ... ,_..,. a c.Ceftnot bl the ot-'V ~ Ume. (0-ua.ed .. Pap I) R"',_ I &TUT Buperior Court_ Jud(t Robert. 1 ~-"'T----... ----------------· I T"N'o more tract.. tncl~ UI &nd lll• new map wu laid out to Cl•• ~ O&r'dnotr puMd atntence on flee of tM Cit)' .m&napr, J\o.-1· loll In Harbor Hll'hla.n41. w'" takit. cuw of nan-o[f watara. It Xra. l\ulll Reynolda. fl. 9f &II .. ;:.,,:::':::;...1oc, ....... ,.... .ICE FOR 2000 SEEN AT :,;., .... ;;:.:.~·a::.-: ... "':t': ~"'::",.:::::,;~ Mother Talks w .......... v. ••rm"''°'.,.. M.altere ot' many klndl ul nature will be p~Hllt.ed tC. tN council for their det.•nn1"6140D and conlkleratlo11. by new ¢tty Manqer Robert 8helton. IP'· clflc&Uy he will uk the oouBdl ror a "deda..ratton ot policy" on mitten ... taunr to tll• cit)' llceriH ordlnan~ wh.ictl bu created a turor mince nl!W 11et.nM blllt ban bffn dlllpatched. Ful"U'ltt h• ll upected lo aak the councl.I for IU declaration relallve to UR of llnda and .,..., tor lndU11lry and plans tor t\ltun expumon ot' the City ot N"'· port BM.ch. Alao to come before th• coun· rll 11 a f\lrther proJec:Uon u I• the elllimated compleUon dal• for th• Ntwport Marina Park. elaborately rebuilt munlclpal trailer parll:. Schtduled to be piaced W on (0.tlaueill ea ..... ti :-=~~~= I • s BREAKFAST TOMORROW ~:~~: Au.tJa llWU•ant ud -::: ::i:t!'r ~· t;~ ·~: lo R111i1a1 =u= ~i~~~::ed :~ it:--Thl9 maJt .. a tot.al o(' 20t lo\11 lot.a. LoU u. &Jrff41 beln.c' re-T d 1ny otller •he mat h.a.,. out• Ptuntw.'= oi:! .•..• v.· \ Pv.bUdty a..lmWl nx. -"°""'tu announcR t9'1ay 11, u.. aturtu:Mt ~ tnct oL.'f-Mn'ed la the 9Ubdt'rimton and "· 01 Son 0 ay .......,,._ T . C l .......... ...,. 2000 .. _. ..... _.-,.....,_ ,,._ H-o.ddl'!"'t lo A. Toblu and C. Thomu h&,I. 0.. O<C D , ltM. lhe dotond-rautwe11 ase j 'l!' .:!°1.=::.;: ,,:.~ I.II tront• cl aw...H'• LWo Market ror Ole ft,. unual Newport Beach. The atwi..-.nt befti namte1 ... .,t. to h&tlcU4I ruu.ERTON, roc;ta1-M.ra. &l\t wu amtenced to ·.ix monllLI bf.-ua~._·to•aoo.. ..... Uon• OUb .... ~ ~ Jl!lic9 trwa 7:30 to trsctlte9eMtfl!'r.JrTIM-A.t.N4 .alH."..._ ~ Ida. ... UcbnOtll. t:lb&U7 rt In ja.11 ..... put Oft thift yeara on ... ay·, Pa1"r on. tletn1191 tot .tllch tM ,,__~. •n ~ h .. lfet&bl.M u botcaW, Ol"'&dlnS on t'tl.e lturtevut nl•P9. tM eomm'-k>ft COWl-t. llerHn todsy. but what~ ty &Mt\. with & prior petty thef\ !wui thrwih.~ ,_.,.,. ,. l~ 'In.: ~. --• f f ~ .t a...1Ti.a at. • ~ " In ...... ~ ·u.ue ..uacHYWOI t. l.alk with tM lt\llMlatte 1n Sul pRlbaUoa after a4mllll'lls a •· g Y i-td sa111 &n4 ..id tl •t· .a'iqe, cott .. ancs oranse Jil.-.wtn;"11m11 on U!f! tract.. ~-doM _,.. Rtk7 • -4 lhat then t.IKI~ • 1••ra1 a t the meeunc 111 not. yet Down. oi;iartctioa. lel.J ft-11"1\y ~---....,, ~" bo -~~~ ,~•-.• plat tletnr all of the .ubd.IYt.mlou Al •• -"-ti u • ---·• -·-._., pOlice lnt•l"D-• 9 tbe mat1....._,. ... ,.,. la t.b9 ~... n.t Udcd. -.. , ot IO cenu por -will ""'" .,....~ ... ~.. ....e ..,,., m•, ~~ · ,......____.. .. _ of tlle bn_,,t . r-.--·--Bturtwut told lM __.,,_.__ ~elllar to coordinate llle arter-of lh• OCNS e:11.clu.ive Monda;r eel Ul• prol:latJon. de~t -" IA-><-t-. u . and Pete• _.,...._ ...-allow all you lcu .. t . ......__..._ !al atreeu Th• commJulo w J·--.. ••-t --•-•Ida .. _.. ·-1 ........ oe; tbe heUUt. and weltara ol eN ... l aiPt. andl M ~ to · n .. •tory on tbe holl.elll lead ln tM -..-~ _,.., ·-1 ·-..... A. Pendmie. u.. both or Banta ztWJOrt ~~ .. -)ll'tmar· P'r9tlll p to ~ Ctub Charitlu. amonr which •.re 1t&rt buUdlns t~tely. not ln~aled In local •trael&, former P'Ullerton motheT"• 11· 't'l.ol&ted term. or htt Pf'ObetJon. Ana. pl..s.d pUty to charsU Uf _ reaidlnU&l and ~ a Sl.Jhl CoMerQUo;n Pr'Ofrsm. for @lldru. malntalnin. At ti.. -.mt: m..un,-ot t1'1 ,:1~~';:4 c:;: 1!':J:.abl;: year qu..t. for her rnlMl.nJ aJr-Under qunUonJ.nc •he admitted of rai.uas u oMcer and b..l· aid .x.t , r''ulKturtq. com· tM llartto!-Glr1 Scout HoUM •afld blllldihr and mal~lnlnJ comm_"""", , ~~~--~~. ·ahoWd be conUnuou.. WI•" ... ., man son, pttMure wu IM1nl' eteatln&' lllOM)' f rom her d-t•T)' In Jw:fce D. J . Dode•'• court JllUnlty." · the You.UL Center tn Corona deJ Mar. en.rt .... ..--.... _., ~ "' broufht to bur In Waahtnrton pk!yer. r . E. Birtcher. hnd or ~t•rd•Y aed Motter wu tined ~ ..... ~-• ....... •-,. In mind th• tommla'Jllon \•o•-A lo Th ti -· l"-... , ~-eo,,, .. ,, ~ f~ Jl4J4 up to def'WlOli lh• -... p ._.. ..... .._ tor action. at ac on wu ,... '"" -..c-• ·· -•· S and Pandaria SlOO. Both pa!d •~ 1n hi. Ucenw fet or PROILEM map of the e.dd.ltlon to Harbor rll(f\l':t lhe lrvtn. Co. 10 pre-!'Udy underway In Orance Ooun-Coaat Hlsh.....,.. cad. - and that of a atore which PROVES PUZZLE Hishlandt whleft will be betwitna pare r•nare.l Jnap ithowlnl' pro-ty aa •n lnveatlsator talked She WT'Ole -d c ... Md etleclu John C. Trautwaln, 11. J7tl aald dW J.6 Umet the Jl'OQ . , I:. IOUa and ~ ft9'.-IU., e:..t poHd deT•k>pment tor lhe wholfl privately wllh Henry KlMl:er at tota1Hng-•TtT.,a on the nnn. Sant.a .Ana. Ave., Coat. x .... ~;';; ::r !o:-~ yel P41f9 • ·zoning Sol1tiii Stabborli; ~~~n:p. A~nt:-~ o~~~ H•rbot' Hi(h'-i•·•rea. b\ay::::::ci~~.~a:',~z::.:•Jamea i:oe:.1;•ru1~;..U;e S~:onl•.~. :.:. :~I l;.vo!=;ed u.:a.:; WUditr ud Kr•. Hill we~ ot • qo, wu 1h ... llfn betora ""1-n~ Pasf Refurns fo s . Utt save full credit to OCNS SllM>.40. All were depo.ttied In on c harsm oC battery •nd i...- t> ~-•-L ".I L f Co It t In< ... •-to.,..,.. .... ctNilf. for havtn( publlclsed Kirker'• her ba.nk aocount. SM wrote 1i..unr arr•t, Be la •t liberty .O:ievr:r-~t =:-..!the= I ••• II ap 0 . Riii an .... poulbilitlM or the cHetrkt H-·nt •lOf'Y th.at lie had llftd In prt.on cancel~ on lbe check It.Ube on s:aao ~ball --__ ..,. ud ..... Ex-Harbor camp with lb. aoa.. est. Law-&ccorot.nc to tlle probation de--Tiie ar"9tll sr-w cMn o1 an aJ· oo -, .,... M f Coll c+ partrnent. WU t&1aQ' llOl I.ton tba 6unW Zonlq ot Ute 1>Jock boundedlbDSMll OD lllem. Howtver, th•re e1f • or ...w:a Edward ~It&. a Y•r ll:l'ed attempt b)' <>mean • ot ,,.. -·..... ~ --Ud •--A ... --"' are m\llUple-unlt homff In lb• HARIOR WIATHll after aulbor1U• M.id be wu 'l1M! defendant •ll'J>lained the llam Baun.den and DoUC"iu J . _ ... ~ • .. , ·-...,. .. _ ...... ~Sure. aM ll'a lha pan hu kUled In ac:tlon over R.unwn1a. checli. apree: "C wu brok• a nd Olen lo arTMl Motter for litter-_.... to atudy tba -ordln-E. l&lh and &. lllll Sta. wu da-an.a and 11.190 • doctor'• office. needed money:· •nee and di9cuaa tt . wilh the 8e9'de. all that there are loll TemperatuNe tor tJit ........ co&ae t..Ak Ut h&wlt me!" mut-senator Thomu H. Kuchel lnr Newport. 11..ch atrHll b)' laytd another month Jut nlchl In th• •~ that are 3111 feet ---~____,/ tued Blll Donaln.MI, Neafttly ~ aleo i-eport.-d , that beeauae of The probaUon oCCic:er l&ld NV· th~ papa-h'om a car.•la a . . ' • at lll• m.ettna or lb• Newport dHp and baYe no accU1 to the end In th• N~ Jlart:»oro'.-tlnd from Mf'rtoa fw tba City the exclu•lv• 1tory, he hu ... ked ttal other bos'u• cM<:lu' .... ,re fltht whk:h followed &auadaP Beach Clrl7 P1ann.lJ'll' ~ back -* arid MOM lot. hav, wer• of Newport Be&ch. the State Department to TTM.k• puaed by the ddendant in the h•d two flftl'. .. bad17 blltd. ud When commlNionen wen uaaWe d-.d re11t11Ctson.. On top ot lhat Rip 1.ew Bill, tor many yean chief col· diplomatic repruentallon• to M-port. BMch aN!fl. neelved nu~ btulMtl. t.o arrive at -an.7 90lutlon of U. \h«N 11 U a&Hment. 10 feet Sat.urday, June tt_ •• ti IT IKC.w or loot trom local park1nr RUM&& for relKN or Rell&. Th• problem. . w16a, l'WU\lnl' part way acN:IU-Sund&.)'. J une 17 n .. II _ t1 • met•n, at~ ln Santa. Ana State Department ii•• lnfortnf!d Tht9 wu thl .atode be&r1llC U. Wock. Monday. Jurie 11 .... 17 to 7 .. terday lb tnnaa.ct busln-him ll fl.-.t want• to r•t a ,.... on the raontn.& pee 1 I lo lb• ~ cammlulOn took the pua-Tueaday. JWM! lf .. ~ ti a wb.Ue on W. -1 to vl•lt N--port rron;i the embaamy ln A~ 1aat month llM , .. , 'a' n M9 ma UDMr .ubrnlmllon and l&Jd It Wtdneed&J', Jun• IO t1 t& port BWJl-ft'MDda. t.J"la on N9Ullll ol lh.e tn._.U .... datsmlned that M ,.,_ 9'.llM tn thre JtP ot tbe p~ con-Tllur'9da7, June 21 _ ti W... DlrM!nl• l"l:turned to hla uon whkh n... •tart.a 'apla Iota Ill tba an& ha .. lllnp unit llUltabt. Fr1da7. Jun• J2 ··---. oat, It Md .... ta.n'ed COT Pf.rle· u.ere alto. ' COASTLINE AFFAIR AT ·INSTALLATION I' ,... ~ .., &tl&lr of tile Coo-wbm memlien of tile A.-ocl&l<d ' ot Commeroe met t.t Lecun& 8-:h TulOd&y nlfbt to lnat&ll, (loft to ~," Job.I> ~ McKbu!ey, !R. A6n. USN Ret.I of 8ool llooch u ,,..._ dat, with !nol•lllq officer Judp Rolllrt Gudner of N~ Beoell, pnoldinf. wbb titted tll• ~ from Lee Wlntaton. retirinc p,-.t of saD Oemente. Win-bi holdlq tho "Certlficate ~ llem•• whlcb ,... -l<d to blm Oii· btia1f of the Auodated Cham.ber1 of <lHnmerce by Willia Wal'ller of H~n~ -. cbairm&ll or tll• Or&nro Oowlty Board or Supervioors. -St&ff Pboto tq'. II.-be torpt to pul Meanwhile. a fed--.1 ln....0- _..,. In UN meter, b'SQrra! 10oau...c • r.p I } Commerce Departmeat Director - l11pecb .. l•••stry in Harbor a..,. WpUf anoter ot neld ot the Pf&blft' OocJlotatkm. made _.... tor U.. U. a. Dtpart-• dedll66n ill JIH &o tnlllif• ..t .i 0 ll'Oa • WMibJ..Dr tbelr ~ frOm Jft. v ... .... D. C. .... a pw I 11 Tid non. N. T. to 0... M-. la Ol"- to tbra 0.-Mr lfalltlporta..dl ctw to be.....,. tM &lraatt·ud ~ ........ t.be mlaU. .......... ftldl Uw7 6wdDJW ttt i.•atrt baN. .uppl)> with ,...... ,..... _. .. to ......... llil!dMttW ~ wori.. ,__,.i&I ot Ud9 -..tal wtlrlrft W)"M:t _,. I .......... r.l ., Oranp O.U-1¥· the fut powu. fll ...n .... t'1T Ila ,,.. U.. su-t. of V. !I'. In lll• --. Mil 1 w~ tW 'llilomplon,, -llttYe ~ rr-J· h• Ctilll It '-• ...a., Ma&Ma .._ t.M ....,.i _...... ol for I~ dwu#sJ e•. ,,, • .,...,,... °""°1'· .. ~ b' trj' " ..... U., luptroUns dN ,tadUti• ol lnC' &... b , JC I • '""°"' _, a .. PfNhr ,..,.. prM to tour-....-,. __. _ .. , M ..ielll Ill' UM ..,.._ '°W• MW1 Gr or• .t w W)aU .,_.a ...... ...,.. ol uaan . ,.._.. el. ...... 7"n • =~j wodl~:-...~=.~~ U1oa thdtM ..._ 'h,.... la.rs•IY ........ ~ ..... a .. • rwtt "' "t>.,.,.....,t of and Malta¥ .... .. • • , RULES ON GREETl~G 'GRUNION WHEN RUN HITS SAND TONIGHT 0. JOii!' ftltlllrc Uceu. at the ready· and a qW.t llPSA. • lM '-dllt Bolll an n~. ~ -.y, tr ,... -..ct '-.... bar'ntt ot dulll .... pualoD tb.19 ...... ..... T1ae tvl'l'mt. l"tlll ls ~ t. •w.rt at 1:46 p. m. nimon-'• ~ ........ ot U.. s11 .. .,. mu. critier. t. ~ tor lt:-IO p. M.: Bunday•a lO :t& p. m, aad Koftdlly"• ll:IO p. m. Ne !alr 4lsJ1As bolira or u1lns neu. l!'llhn. Banda .,.. ,._,. Oftly ,.,__,__ aftil may the beaot fin• win ! lllOJn.&!mil TKAcr -ileftlopnont or !fut.or HJ"11&l>da la .00... ·-1rltb tile __ , llU-lllartlq &t It. 17th 8t. -ti.a -Puaden& lADd 'Co.'1 lldldmmon (ett ... •dwd) at the north end bet•-E. 20tb and E. 21"t SU. Auotln Stvtevant bi jmt ftn1&hiq cndJDS of blo 209 lot pl&t and the "-dona contpany -rod approval of their 1trttt. layout from th• pl&nnin1 commlaalon lut nlcbt. .. HE WAS tHROWN FROM CAl . · u.,.ry Hall, '8, ahown belnr placed ln an ambulanc~. :: received major lnjurlea when he wae thrown from hla car · · at the Hoag Hoapltal comer of Newport BJvd. and Beacon :• BL TUeaday atterooon. Hail, ot 131 Broad•aJ, eo.tA M~-. :: bad a aatety belt tn ?I.LI car bul had fa.Uld to u.. IL on : . Ula occaalon . The other drtver wu Lorr&ine Meyer, 33, • : . of 116 l,t 22nd St., Newport Beach. f:00 Late le .. JAIL . R~P •• (~ ,,._ l1rW PaJe) : : C I a as If 1 e ti pletdy au.cs prtor t4 -pounn1 th• cement alab, accordlnc to Volz. LQST -yelJow-oranre canary, ;tn&Je. Hu black fMtb•n on :iop ot head. Pll\k band #IO 9n leg. Harbor 2908. 27c ~ltuatlon1 Wuted COLORJ!!O WOMAN wants day 'ivork .t: live In joba. Kl 3-3973. 27p29 The llab wu an averar• 2!,i lnchea !Mt.-.f "' the 3 1i -1Jlcb minimum, Vols .-id. l..~'JQUJ!: METllOD Cott.a Ill.a PoUce CllJef Art McKensie tlllflo7ed a unique method to trap VermJlya. He aet up Officer J&Jhd P'. Sloter In a panel truck, wiUI two rear v1ew wtndow. acm1a from the Ver- mUya project. At 8:SO a.m. Feb. 27, the de- fendallt'a workmen beran "back filllnf," accordJ111 to the pro- bation ~port. Sloter'• camera • beaan 1rtndtn1 too. Sand wu W.ANTJ!!D tar a or e houra on llUed In the trenchea and ctment ~Help Waated :EVERT Friday an old tuhion-poured In on top, 1t wu dticlo•- ltd. thorough cleanln~ woman ed by police. ~1.28 hour. Call Harbor 2009. VermJlya admitted the tounda- CLINIC NURSES out ot town. lion• cfldn't meet code require- J::xcellent aalary, Har. &978-W. mmta. Be aald that "l belleve 27c21 the alab and Coundatlona eould hue Mfely aupported the buJld- 10 FT OUTBOARD plywood boat with reinforc.d bottom covered With the NM' .wlmmtnr pool pink. Loou &'OOd SM. Harbor 1417-W. 27c ~Dop, Oats, Ptta RJ!:GI.ST. BOXER PUP8 tor ult. 4 w>ta. old. Call 1926-J to e p m. After e Call Har. 3M<l. 27lfc J'ftlll: to rood home hair Lab- Ndor retriever halt German a.pheoi. Male. 1 y .. r old. u M223. ~Be>ue9 for Rent lnr" The defend.ant explained It coet bun $7600 to move the duplex• and rebuild after a etop work order waa luued by Collta x-. n. protMUon department &190 reported Vermllya hu been "black 11ated'' by the J'HA, whtcll UMrt-4Jy bu ret'UMd to under· wrtt• any of bla jobl. The c:ontraetor wu brollj'bt In· to Newport JuatJce Court on March 1' to t.ace the alleraUona. He obtained a cb&nl• of vmue to the Santa AAa court. Jud1• CrookahaAJc commended Detenae .Altorney Robtrt M. 8cnwamb ot !fewport Bucb tor h~ hMdUqoClhte&H. ao.e& M11& City Attorney Donald Dun- J&n pr~ut.ed. (0.U..... ''"' ,,,., hp) Uw city CGUDCU Mooday la tba flnal hearinr oa lb• propoeed .,11\b ltJ'Mi. Aan.xaUon" 1DoClf'oo porattni tnto U. Ctty of Hew• po¢ Bea.ch approx.l~t.ely ti acr• 411 Ja~ Jl"opel'tJ M- tween Placentia and llonrovt• BtA. ud 1111ttwtea 1au. aod 11u. St.a. la Ill• 80l'Ut wt.tert7 por- Uoa of Newport HelpU. AN!IEX P&OPOIAL Aleo. to com• before the coun- cU w U-. eon~ propoeal for ua. anna.atJoe of the H.Upot Cor- poration property where that coaeera i. UDdeiway the coo- atrucllon of lta $2,000,00 ftnt lnatl'UIDalt factory. TM &nna- auoa bu been beld up bec&U.. ot the eoatllcdas tnteneta of t.ha C..., tamil.1 and t.he HeUpot Col'por&Uoo aa to uae ot laAda. CqM7 .. de9il'OU. ot brl.nitq In a lar1e porUon of hl1 p~ ertl• to the Cil,J ol N.-port 8-cb it eaUllfactory l&DCMratand- ln&'• can be reached tor IOD.Lnl a.nd Ule. 8ome conflict ot lntereet baa ti.en felt btcaU.at of the prox- imity of the ffo&I Memortal Ha. pl ta1 and a18o ot otbe r property acbedw.d tor factory UM. Ca&'· ney 141 appa.rut17 wUll.DC to r .. atrtct certain portion• tor C-1, ( bueine11 u .. ) bul dealH• to keep other property 1n a breed M-1 (induatry uae> peridlns ulti- mate de .. lopment. R.ecentJy a permit bu been &'lven to one doctor fOT develop- ment ol a porUon of property adjacent to Ca111ey land• u a bYdical center. The perTIUt wu obt.aintd from the county of Or- an1• u I.be doctor'• land i. ln untncorporaled temlory. B&OAJ>&aT 11·1 UlllC Other property ownera have In- dicated that lhey d..U. to t.v1 lhelr property soned tor the broacte.t M-1 UM. 8ome have Indicated. to the Clly of Newport Buch that they would like to have an u clualvely lndu.try uae- 1.1• on11n.ance that would forbid the turther bulldlnJ ot homu ln the &AL It 1a underatood that a n unof- ficial meeUn1 la ~ al&ted tor dillcuulon betwMn city otrlcl&la, cltlzena and Capey In an effort to atratsntm out any dttttrencH kfore th• councU mHtlnJ Mon- day eo that. Hellpot'• requeated an..ouat1011 can be e.xptdJ tad. TWp: UDRM. UNP't.JRN. col- t.ale. Bolt.able for couple or ..-.one with Bmall child. No ditnkera. am Clay SL 27c SEW FOR THAT 4th OF JULY HOUDAY MOMTH OF J ULY. CloM t.o Jl&8'l' beach, Corona del Mar. l.ovllt bome rucely rumlabed. lenitkl peUo, 2 car ,.,.., •. saoo mo. Har. tJe!. 27c28 U 801m for a.t ROOK 1'0A 11.DT turn. Prl•ate ..,._., pftYAt. bath. $40 mo. Ml ea.ta Kt1t. It., ea.ta x-. u ... 71. :l'1p2t a ••'Diate BAY FRONT • maTa -l'JD JUQHTa.- JIU'. lt1J -tlJ II. B&lbA 2'Tdl IE SURE • INSURE ... ll.l 17111m l'IAJf'LmT I t mu~ ........ "'' 1111 ID. o..a ~ o.m ... .,-.. ~ ---··-MQICC •PLANS• 4 & '1 1 1 1 ' •-U • ' ' ' I 41 ' ' AD ...... Vt.rietll9 PTCllSIA ef COST A llUA 115 BriR\ftJ' U I.aft .. Tor Beach 8uita. Bathiq Suite • Bporln'ear. ltrlpH, Prtnu • Plalna 1D 8ail CloUl, Popllna anJ NoveJU-. Ito to No For other we&r; 81lka. N)'loaa. Acciona, Orlon&, R.ayona and P1ma or !:fYPtl&n Cottom. Vat Dyed Plain Terry Ck>lb and PrtnU. IARnNl'S CALICO SHOP u1 ... J.M ... c.ea ....... ftl. u 1-1111 Km a. tM S..... o..-hrldllc la .. ,_,. TbJa adY worth 1°" Oil u:t purchu. Jun. 19 to 23 inc. Win-I THI ~ MA&IC "WAI-WASH" S1.75 (No l>mfterrt) W.W. &tr• et Newport S~ell Senice PICK UP •nd DELIVERY PHONE HARBOR 5206 30th I Newport Blvd. Newport BMch ,. . IEITZ UTDT . tlW MESA FIREMEN 60 ON 2~HOUR DUTY COME JUll Cotta M .. '• MW ftN ,.,.rt- m&a~ so. on U-boW' duty with lbr99 m.ia oa •cb lhlR a& I L lft. luly 1, It w.. &UOUDCed today by J'lre C'b!ef R&lpb IM. Two en,.in .. n and tour hoe. men have been hJred. 1Ae ....-&1- ed. lftUoft "*"' iiqulpm.at wbkb wtU be~ b)' tM new tin dep&rtmtnt, LM deecrtbtd u a lTGO pllona per ml.nut. ...,.,av-. t. hJfll prea. au,. tNC)I. a OMC rwc:u. truck and • 1000 1&11ou ,., mi.nut. ni.y include H~ Richard T. JCnJcht, :n, lD:lT On.n1e 8t.; Archie T . Locke, 32. loot W, Wit.on St., and Robert R. Van Brtmlcn, U, UI J:atber St.. all ot Coet.a Me.a. TheenliDffraareR.ayH.Oal· ~:;;:;;;;;;=:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:::~ J.a.rber, "· from El Toro Ftr• Department and Leon A. TNmb- lay, M, from Brea J"tre 0.p&rt· mmt. Alao hired wu Roaeman Martin B. Kooken. 3~. from the Kem County P'1re Department tn Bakersfield. All not ruidenu ot 00.ta Mea I are movln&' lnt.o th• dty limit._ Lff u.Jd. "I want to remind the people ot Coat.a Meaa that th• number lo call tor flrea, at&rtJ~ July 2. la Liberty 8-6160," Lee report- ed. The J'lre Chld ae.ld the men would 10 on an exten.lve two- wMk tratnln1 coune under hla dlrecUon. "They will WOl'k every day on drtll procedure, tire alarm rffJIODMa, • t r e e t locauona, ernerrency flrat aid, ladder drllla ud other akllla," he renaled. Work hu already •tarted on remodelinl of the tire atat1on on Roel-eater St., Lee aald. and ahould be complete early nut week. Tta upat.ain .,... of I.be 1tatlon i. bein&' partJUoned oft Into a dormitory, office and nc• SPRAY SCRAP Oontlaued from P .. e Oae •pray the place with a dlalntec- ta.nL They refUMd to 10, he al- l•&"ed. Raf!ln approached and an arrummt en.aued. Mn. Ratcin charrea Gray aprayed her eon Bill and henelt ln lhe f&ce With the lnH<:t killer alter they d• clllled to leave the hot.el lobby. llCAUSI WI SEU SO MANY OF THISI WE CAN GIVE YOU A IETTEll DIAL ON THESE '52 Caci. Fltw. 4-clr. fully eqp. 1945 '55 FORD Fordor Sedan • • 1445 '54 CHEV. 210 2-clr. Sedan •• 1195 '54 PL YM. lelveclere hardtop 1495 '53 FORD Cu. Forclor Seel. o.cl. 895 1950 Chev. StlyeUne Dix. 4-dr. 445 '53 Olds conv. full pwr hy. r-h 1645 '55 Chev Del Ray cl. pwr. str. 1995 a..B-W8W THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER Our UUI l'-.r er 8enkll La title Oomault7 • ... w. OoMt • .,.. 0. Mart .. ,.. II.Ile LIMrtJ t-N11 NON-VETS ' . ' . ' ' ' 47' 11TI PLACL CHU IHI • UIHn 1·1111 tUSTOM HIGH RDELltY SPECIAL 514950 This set consists of • Gerrerd record CMftfet mounted on • bue with GE cerlriclge end stym, Hermon-Kerclon •mpr.fier and e 9~ quelity two way 1pe1ker system tn enclosure. Cotnpletety wirecj rMdy to pl•y. We uneonditioneAy g~rentH your complete wtis· fection with th11 speclel syatem. Try it in your own home without obr.91tlon. We wil deliver end demondrete its versetllity encl qu•llty. Simply fill in encl meil the coupon st1tin9 ciete •ncf timft you would like us to cen-.ny dey or even ing. f of Ameriu fin1ncincJ. MELROSE ELECTRONICS 1&1 I. BJ"l.M .... ......... Sleeth•lk• l&I ........... 01....a. .. Olllt. ftoMI Cltnl l..., P1eMe ea11 oa m at •• ..._ a.& -,... ANT &.lllfD O:Pf OVll PilT. -----------<--> (9611'1111) wh moves you In ~ ............. .. .............. Ooefa ... Monthly payments-less then rent! .......... You'll set a bonua of tun when you buy a eoundly~llltnlcted, year- 'round. eo.ta M._ San.btne Be-ach Home where you'll enjoy one of Southern Calltol"llla'• flllelt btache. ud other i.ort u. eporta. ! .. • .. .,. IT. ----i:.-,;;.......;;.;.;._....;.~v Another S. V. Hup,eker-Alex Stept Development r IU"~ . . \ , • ... . PEO CHAPrER PB OllGANIZICll -}llembono of the -PEO chapter, and otate ofllcen. pie. twee! at p.-Qiun:h by the Sea. In front ,_ (I to r) are Mm.ea. J. A. Winalow, 0 . C. Bruegse- man, W. D. Bahley, S. -C.-Stooerr ~-_),{_ Bliven I preoldenWlect), H. A. Upton, .tale orpniler; L. C. McRae, rtate preoldeot; O. R; GarviD, otate tint vice pruldmt; L. J.I. &ed aiia.G. O. Fuller. Second MRS. BLIVEN TO HEAD . . SECOND ·PEO CHAP'TER -~ . • · . row, -A. N. vaiiee, T. E. cro11er, J. A....,.. ani-, 0. T. Hfnckley, N. S. Viool, R. E. 8-, Jiii. word Boyd. C. C. Brown. Top row, Kmeo. c: W. Kirkpatrick, Everwt Fnmchere. H. A. Selby, J. G. lluoh, Raehal..WU.1';-lloT. Berry. L. H. Katthlu, • Maude Davis and Chari.Otte ThomP90n.-Cene Rou Photo NEWPORT 'HARBOR State Officers Atfend Stat•• and Canad&. 'Iberti la now 11v1r $800,000 In U.. educ.9Uonal Organization Meeting ::" ,:; ':.':"::' :.:.11~ hlrh "' u Mll8. WINIFRED ~ :Women'• F.dit<>r The 414th unit of California P. E. O .• Cba.pt.r PB. o~r °.:ton.. .tatA pl'Mldmta 1---------------------- wu organized June 16 at Christ Church by the Sea, in a 11pe&klnr -nnou. projectai oetting ot white and yeliow sfadk>U. by the otate organ-••N .....,. w-ot ..... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 1-PAGE 3 IRr, J.lro. K A. U"'-o! Loo Altoo, Mnl. Walter Bliven ...,... """ 1• a. B&11o1 ... ..,., FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1956 .,_. 8tontr. The Transforming Power of Truth ~Ian 8e*1ee: The Trani · ~ Power ot Tnlth" Will be the eubjlct ot • lecture to he rad&oeut O"¥"W 8taUon KRKD ttl&O kl;J, l.oilllpt at I o'cloc.11;. b-oln Tlllrty.......ut Cbul"Ch of CbNt. 8c'-Uet. Loi A..Dfal1t. n.. Jectunr, Ku)' w elllqton au.. c .11.11., ot 1u rr.na- lli a rn-w ot ne Chrlat~ Bci8nce Board ot Leetureehtp . ,,a. elected pre11idenl n. BLtt•rhood. WbJcb wu J----------------------- A momln .. bualn911 m..uri& ot Qlmda11, th« TIC• pratdent: rounded In 1111 •t Mt. Ple&e&nt, s E A L A R K More Patrols .tate oftlct r• and membeN pre--Kn. T. W. Bullock Of Redondo Iowa. now bu ebaptan la •T I N G C9ded the orranlsaUon Mrvlce BMch, M.ra. PauJ. Cr9bM of 1tat•. In t pnn'ineM In CUWda. . Th• nec41Mit)o of fonnU.. four whlcb wu wtt:nwed by 10m1 Vallejo and Kn. W. R . W1lricll Ollltr1rt tA Oclwnbk. .A.1Ulta and BJ OINlfY. (llB8. EDWA.JU> LailZB) 8IO'lll patrol.I ~ ol. IA• rapid l~ tr11nda of the mamben of 8&n Martno, WllClel motlltir Hawllil, numb4Ttnc ~ thu ~ of Bot llcoot Ttoop 107 trom C&lifomJa chapten from orpnised the nnt P. S. O, 127,000 lllmlMn la MOO cHap-ABOARD TYPEE·. WU UN rMIOD for a connrUttH which lh•y were &mitt.eel. Tl\• chapter 11:1 Calltom1&. The motMr t•n. m..t.Jnc of pannt. held June lJ, only lnlt.lllte wu Mn. c . A. wu donor ot the tint urUt ot' CottQ" CoUas-tor WlllD-. N._ CHERRY OOVE, CATALINA: Summer ii upon ua at RI& ldlool by Bcoutmut.er Brown. dauchl&r ot Mn. Maud• UM p, &. 0. home In .A.lhambra, vada, Mo., ii the ca'll7 collep bl In full away here at plctn__,.ue litUe Cb~ Cove at Ra. Crampton, Tl\• m..uns Dam. PrulcHnta ot "v•n Or· whlch now repr.enta a 'f'&iue ot lb.e Unit.II Stat. cnmed &nd op--~--·,, ..., .. oriented by Scout Com.in• ans• County chapter. pv• th• ST00,000 and houe1 M memben •rated )ft • woman'• orpnia-Cata..Una'a lath.mu. . , , lhe 1parklin1 blue cove framed etoner HuJll Bolton. A JWJ beautU'W Wtlt.tory Mrvic•. wbo are ttndlns h.apptneu In ... Uon. 'I"epropertle. 1'9pr.-Dt ap. by rolling green hillt ia dotted each week-end by llhln· mMtinS wlU be h'1d at th• hom1 A hllltory ot th• mdlMn wu eocttl'°' With Gt.hem tn thW ,._ pn>xlmal.IJ.7 P ,000,000. · htte ru19e ot Lio ft.orln. tote l'lldenJ A...._ pr.Mnted "1 Krs. a. c. Stoner, c1llllJas ~ ur lOW UNIT ing w c n and uiling yacht. . . . with a few eo.t.a M-. put 1 tat.e prMltkftt. who Mlect• Put tt&te prfllld6ata. Ill'& A. Memben ot Chapl:lr PB an: brl~t bued hulll ac«nUn1 th• two or their children were --------.--- ed the charter Ual. -I:. J'a of 'ft.J'ff Al'cb. Bay who Mmea. R. T. BlrTy, )(, W. 8Uven, deadwbJU • • • &180 lut week su•ta ab09rd K1Uoit. anil 'lt'tt.b W•twind m !eompi.ta with A ~ ye&r pin ... pruented be.Id t.h• dlart• for~ NQ, Edward Bofd. J . O. BUib, R. L. lh4I Barney Bill'• black 11.Wled lhrff or lb• Kilroy•' ft•• chJJ. tel~) .t&rUnc • mOl'ltb'• to Mn. Charlott. Thompeoa ant. chapter In Newport Bl&dl.. O..Til, m..rat J"rucMN, O. O. ll.tcb. AquW. t.eeenled th• hori· dr1n a.lo"&' made up qu.lle a fol· Y&Ca.Uoll. trom hrr former cbaptlr. and XrL J:dmund Gard.now ol Fu.Iler, L. IL Matthlu, R.acW um • • • wltb three tourtti. of 1 crew LmO 181.11 T ACRT CLUB STA.TE Pm.tDE.HT Ventura, wbo q&nlMd NQ. told W iiey, ft. E. R.uet. 8. C. Stoner, th Y · wW tonnalls '"Ope" witb a a.n· 8t&ta prM!.dr.nt, Kra. t.. c. Mc· ot lnteruUft.s oplftlaoee worll· CharloU.. TbomJl90IL, T. E. Cro-' boate from Newport waten. Kl.ALOA la qu.ltt .a yacht , , • aual ~·1 Ball Saturday lta.e, of Ourt.rn. P" lb• wel· lDC wttlt. th&t elaaptn. al•, J... <JI. a..d. C. C. Bruen· "AHOY TrPJ:E" r&nl' ow.t lb• perffCt comblftaUoa ot a W1th tM Lion w ..... and Jim comlnl' •ddre• oa "Prnnan•nl Chaptar NQ wu~ fOf' man, D. r. lllaeJtley, J, W. ~ Um• Jut: &uaU1 morn-tut uflor and ap&dou.I q\IU't.erl BolBda)"I ln ~ • , • Oom- BW.ldan." th• day, Mni"I' a ttyxhlOft, tor WllWoW, w. D. Rain..,., N'. 8. Ins .. trtenda fl'ODI N'_,ort below &rid "What cute IDOdoe'I and Mn.. K•MtA 10"&'· Ot.Mr lltate ofOCen wt.a 9JIC)ll• t.be mor.sq ..&on and p'"'6-VS.I. J . A. 8hepardeoa. C. C. CMll to call Wilk .-n et laOll!.e .,.p ~~ ~ fc~ pro-aley Will reeetn , . , dlJIAv on all pb.uH of p, E. o . acUyi.. inc ov-er a -.UUM tea i.-. l.w BrMrn. II'. A. Selby, C. w. Kirk-••• Donna MarMllua rowed O¥er pelllll ln th• mail! cabtn wtt.b. dutcl wtD follow a Pr-edict.Id u.. _.,. Mn. o. R. QuTta al membln and p.-. later. pebtdl: and A. N'. Vantt. fnlDl that .tesut new ketch It'• 9t.aUU.. •t"' pll• Utt Lc:ms Rael tor ~ . , . OMcen •llOUd wen: pnm.-8oaale Dooa. Wblcb. ... aad .,. • ataJnle• y, BTER.H NRWB: The R. w. MAC fl MAC ' ·~ ,,.. htt "' ,.,,,., r..,,..1r 3rcl & Sycamore Santa Ana WOU 01' I'S() 0-t. Jin. UTm: ttnt Yko8 ~ Dk:k b.&¥9 J.t bouabl and what ao! 6'mblea •tffJ tbeltowi ~ .J:ndlcottA. n-~ ot tkt Km. Gardner tcMd ., tht lb--~ Ko. ...... ; .~MC• .. clrMm ot a yad:lt wtlh blr boUM nas '8 cj...;~ ..... tab ., artiltic C111U. OD Via Zur1dl nettc.aJ P11e1 lldlol&nblpm ~. Kn, W ...... ; oDrft.-JrWfU.l U...., Jade tonnk:a pl• oft on ''Kill"DJ .,.. b~" ; • • • Newport • Balboa h.U..p amoundnc to 099" MOOO wbk:b -,-dial MCl'lt&Jy, Kn. hDer; MJ, llpt aall. lnt..rlor, nay Tot Grae. and Jtm ba,..· lbld th ' 'lt"IU. Paul Palm• reoelftnc, eel.- Ulilt 51 s1rlll trcn forelp tniuurer, KrL ftlaiM7: chaplain, .ton ud -.J.Q" curt.atn. with Lido 1,1, home and ._.: braUn1 lta 20U!. anal.,.,...,. ... couatrl .. to obt&ln thllr adtJea.. Kn. Bru•1rwnana Ind (U&td. DWU.ature klMtw dea.lp ..• ny. lh remodlUn thalr rn ...;_ Irrine Country CJub ~ tloa .In collel.. of the UnJlld Kn. Reed. ina &Iott, lbe boua. 0ac a Bat· boa PwWwula I ho new tblll' popUlar twt-lite Soll . • . Jehovah's Witnesses Will Attend Convention U..u (Dclnna'e Kortber'e Der1' m• · • · plaa Aad7 Ktrk lit0m1 trwn Mmdoo pl'Ulllll) to '•" July 1 tor • -ncauce Wltli" "'"Dof'OU!1 m...uq. b.tm on MI8TRAL CREW trip with their chUdrm. the lut liap •board Klm and otl Clean.amt Coo I for' cool, cool beauty • ._...•OL•zn $3.25 VALUE $195 BOTH ONLY ';!': Complexion Cleonser Spo;elol r....e..n.c ..,._ .... moilture in lUD4ried akin , •• deana out pore openings ao U...., crean cu ....b ... -Milo ndiedy tmll. Complexion lotion Spl..i. .. -.. ,...., 'nspbmy ice' lotion for • quick. cool piek·up. 11c1i-... Ii.po ... deon ...., ft.cell oll, too for 1 perfect 1ummer mob.up. ·- L1J10 DRUGS -S«l Via Ullo, Hwwpott 111w11 BARBOR DRUGS -Sl!Ol E. 0eut lhrJ. 0 • 11 u., ealled Didi ~r: ~) BLOOP P.A.18.A.N, anoth• ....... C.t&lina l&llt .... -end •bO&rd ory) Koon° ·,.;.Ith her ~In; comer to ChllT)' Covi With ,... t.A.1.r i.&aad Cllpper J'roUc ••. sue-t Mary (Mre. John) Meck.,. ~':, ';:-&ad Una Wlllllma and tllll I• the llld: Did you ... the Mackeyi •-to lea•• 1 •board · · · Fran know U!.et wom.en eptnd about the oat day (June ll· for •0telr tryin1 out her patnUns ab!.Uty S200 million oa b&.thtns Nita --N rt ... _..... ,.. __ • __ .. •.• • lD the cockpit wiU!. an a.rt11Uc ___ .. o ·-·~OUT ~-ewpo -• '-'U9\.a """'ea ... ed tor J\11\1 t'J·24 e t U!.• Altura&. cattle ranch for the rendition of eceme· •-~'..:'~'"'~:..· :..· :..· '.'.:·=~..J:--~·-"._'.'..'.'._'.:·J!,,,,==""""=""""""========~===~ MIM Con.&"nPtion of JthovU'• aUa Dlqo fJDUMoum. ~er lll'lth their thne eona: others at BaJ: -wa:!e~ - ·SWIM SUIT SALE 2" . ' f .N .. ,, ... ~.,._ ----... Po8tt. ~ 0.0.-1000 .. .,._ ........ ........ Aael1 19• ............ • -...... MAC fl MAC Wltn .... 18 maJdn.I' prellmbt&ry aiul.. Bruce &M Dick , •. allo allou'd J.la,....y J)IUdrecl and BW plt.lla to attllld a t.m-. • da7 T o d • pm,. ..... UI• Moore'• *"" K.ad and ~-KeJJ.nda eca._UO.. at I.an Diep, tt wu 0 r atn Gtottrq. and Larry 8otnen 1tbo aboard their ICU Lllld)' a..naat uaowtcld 1ut a1Pt. pi&1llled to spend part of Utl Lady with Katheryn ~ J\M9 Kr. Y.-n Jrr... .A.Mlott. ·--· Mesa v1· car ::-::.. ~ ruachlnl' It dMtend)'.:k, Mildr'ed aad H---"'1"' · · · ard Moon on hlrplay Rdln •101-. or Ull &'"'UP ~ "J-.. future '1cu et BL John OIU.C.: AlfD JIM XIUt0T Uld Buck ~ .. ~lftl' U.S. • ...,..mmment .W., lbe ~ U.. DtTtaa ~ K1MI011., trom Udo Iale 1"1'11 the nUt on board Loiilld8 wt lb a "come .,..uon. polllted to lbe IMI· Ooeta. K-., Cbandkr c. Jeck-Tn-call_.. • • • U..7 ..... .. JOU ,,. ...,.n JOU. J1K um ..... to Cbn.tian ...... _. 'II. will be orda1nld at BL at QMny •bot.rd UIV kMCf •...tt&Uon" eadt&ll puty wtddt Qdlttan thlnkia1 1n tM PIWl't oau..tnii, ·i.o. Aftrela new !Mt toet ,.awi KJ.aJoa Wllkll tUl'Dld out • ~I •• ..un. Wt of d6llftqumcy and d18trf9I. at lO:IO p.rn.., June I&. AU ~ Jlm I• l"'OOftl.lflC" tor lb• ...t 1""-wtlh Baniet and 0-S- '"Tbt Mjlet ot CM Pf'OINID." elon. memben an hqUl&ted It Ronol.Wt1 Ttaa.Padftc l\ace ••• Pll.-, and the Art Bl"ff.rley xr. Abbott Mid. "ii to equtp loha DoUeU;y to aU..Dd In ! V1eQ and. Cb.uek Bdtn witk t11Bil7 abowd th 1 I r cnalMr ....,. member at Ur.1 preachtq bOdJ at thla lmprw.t" Mf'tte. aoes.ty of lebofth'• WttnCIMll It at .u pollllb&e. A ear pool ~ In th• pncUCaJ. u.. ol the Bible betns arranpd, and tMw brtef'o u • bllp I.II fortllyl.ns th• splrl-.tld •ould eontaet Dollneu7 tu&I. morUI of lhl peopl• ot our "nloJ" wardaa. at LI &-all. ' oom..11nlldt.t " --· .. " u.1 ... _.... ..... °" J~ .. i. • r.mu,_ plcn1c a.t _...... ....... 'Nft-the OoM& 111.... P&rk.. lmmedl- wtU 1M the nnt 9bowta( ot tM •t.11 hilC .. Ure _,.Uldea ... ftlm.: '11&-pplaMt ., thl ""'~ 19 betns pWinld. to ..... New World Society,'" Mr. Abo eome u,. MW 'ffet.J" Jlr .Jacll.r- lloll -.ML *"P ....... 1 Chat lf .oa 'al!ll Jda Am.Qr~~ i!'8! a reU(lon 18 worth Wlntnc". It pr--.t mhl•t11. ... a... _.,. ill worth pu~1 lllt.o pncUce Kn. AoN1. ar.-r. Kach ..._. and -uoJiq. 'l7 wil. pe'O'ridt tl8 picnic ~ 'l'ba eoanrmtion ,,..... s. -a r ~ ·•11 W. Owl BW7. (..,_ -) Nowpon-.. -- ' RIWARD YOURSELF a • • IOOM ADOITIONS • llAVI rr,..-+ 3-8231 c.""."' • DO IJYO!Mal -AY••••t 1"10U911 -· ....... -• '!O DOWN •AT..r . ... • 4' •• . . ·· .. :. !(.,.. -------' r - ' . , ,MJ~. PAAJ 1-NIWK>IT HA'IC:ll NEWSftlSS I !:!!RA,Y, .IUNE..::;22,.....,••-----• !fery l ~esman ~_8.aged to :John ,:Cooper 911c11 S.nlce ""' loller S~a•es ltudlrd .... a.tht Ud cv.torn. lpadaKIM • Dnpel'J' BardWaN • vamu_ l!IHada THE SHADE SHOP Divinity School Conferrs Degrees FOR 'BEST' nf of Zontiiuls Archery Expert Shows Act to Cub Scout Pack ,._,_ -· ~ a ··=-:. .... =..,., 5 ...... fJ ··=· ...... .,... -... e • .. , ........ ~-.- . ~ --.o.,.- . Beach and Patio SPECIALS .........,...,. ~ 2495 PLASTIC UMBRELLA _ _ . _,,.,._ -y-319 4so IEACH CHAIRS --·-··· ... ~ DIRECTORS CHAIR • BEACH IACK RESTS _ D"ELVD BEACH 4ts 192 . ' CUT RATE SerYice Amon1 11 ... chtJor ot di•lnll)' Players Win Rascos at Awards Banquet SAND CHAIR . ' ·. Beauty ..... ,.. .... _ ..... • llaMcli,.. .. ., .. .......... &&.-~ .... •ZJft1""°"' .,_...,.,.. t• ~ }f<*o .I. u '°°"" ,....,._,... B. 'U6ta BEAUTY CORRAL '7H WMt lttll at.Niil COSTA KESA e UBZRT1' 8-1111 • dernu cGftftirred JW1e 1' al lbe At lhelr ftl'9t auua.l aw a rd ctt.ureh Dl'f'lalty School of thl M114\IM Mid Jun• JI at th• Pacll\c _..N thoM lO Robert 0 . VW.. Kar,.. N"'Jl(lr1 Karhr Gardiner Pd Robert L. Cor"D9U.. OommuallJ' Pia,.,. pr.Mll:l9d -. both ot ~ city. Both wtU lMlr top &etJq rdll t Orren M ordained lune " at SL P1.u.r1 llrookl tor i.» ~~ C:, Lacll- Catbtdnl. U wtll Cb&11dler C. M la ""nl• Rut7 H..rt" and lo J~n, .-0 wtll M flnt vic&r Mn. Jerrokl Randall tor her por- of Jolla tb• Divine S:plmcc>pal tn.yal ot C&tllertne Ill ''Tb• Halr-MlNlon. CO.ta Mesa. Gardln• ., wtU ba ricar of th• mluton at .. · Buena PvlL • .O.lped: and dona.lad by ltan- Tb llAl'f VertMm Barria. ree-W7 8kal, the bl.acll and wbll41 tor :r llL' xary'a Church. I..-.. "'l\.uooe'' W•N al8o rt•11n to M.rL pu. Baacll, wu one ot Oir" IA. WUd9r hr her parformane. srul9d i.o.oruy doctor ot In tb• ~ ralt ttt Llt.YIAla d.l.taltJ ~ la "'l'ha Betreu" ud to Oea• A.rchM')' aklll, dlilpl.l.7..S by Kn. Grant Brown wba eoo~ Benedict tor hla pertOrmance a• Bob KNt of tb• Oran&• OoMl aled publicity conl"l.I'• ot pack Llndqutet 1n. '1'h• Tencl•r Trap." Coll•I• r1cu1ty, wu • future acllYltiH durtn1 Ula 1.,.. n. tlfUa award tor oornitdJ ot lntarut. to Cc»l& 11... Cl.lb It w ed. _ CUb- clJ&ract.ertaaUoa wu award.9<1 aoout Pack lN at ~ u &nnOUnc .. ,, Jack Nai.oa who appured u lchOOI. Dl&lt.er natc.bu that Paek lN ~ ln "Teu Can't Tl.kt Keet. ~•l•rJ of tba NaUO.· ., .. Tasportaiib&a for UM .i. el It With You·•. al T1.r1•t .A.rcb•ry AuociaUon or 1111 wortb of Bo7 Scout c:mNm rttth R.uco went to Mra. El· America. lncludecl with hla ticlleta, of which &1nount tb• t&n. Bamett, pruldent or th • dernonetraUon. • diacuulon of Pack nt&lna balf. amall prlMe Pla79:!J-.!..or th• pPt MUOn, .. 1.h• hl•tory Of arclt.•ry a.nJ th• tha -mo.t •&luabl• Pl&y•r or tb• e"tOlutlon of th• modern bow u went to m-ben 0( 0.. f year", wtil ... tact. coac•mln1 th• credit.41d wtth • tot.al of au. 8-play award .._. (1 van to typ. of t.uswt and urow cur-IUP .. t of all 4-.a ill tbtt pack. kut A.odtaw .. dlnclor or "You rently ln UM. ntlal mcetln1 ol tha ,-r Can't Tak• It With You." and Followln( lhe at'dlcry dun.on· wUJ ba Mld ln tha eo.ta N.- top prise for ticket H llln1 wu 1ltatlon parlod th• N•lon WU City Park at 8:JO p. ·m. Jun• 11. won by Join. Clar& All.later. opan.ed bJ Dea I. Awa.rd8 p~t.41d w•N u 8olDe 100 P1&7•n and thail' C\lbtnut..r JI.Ck netch., u:• folknn: Charle1 lt"4 Ul4 kGtt DID YOU KNOW Art Gallery Print Show · ,uuta' watchad th• fuUvtUu , preaead (T•tltuda of th• pa.ck to Howorth, wolf Mcie•: Tommy pre11lded over by Mawtca Roland Boyce ud Ronn.la BhotweU, pld u mut« or cert1monlu. A 1ur· c wolf &!TOW'; Btll7 MW. and priH ru•t WU Vamplra IMNI. amp Fire Barry Hayt, •ll••r wolf l.ITOW; Airlines Has e•cenent connections eat & north from Or1n9e County Airport -Cal us for inforn'\41tion Harbor 12'46 Corona del Mar Travel Service C«nar Orchid ancl Coast Hiqhway Rorer Hope) who dropp.cl tn to D•v1d COrlOn. (Old aad .U••r Lacuna S.•ch Art Gallery, 11 land • b.uld or cut • apcll In wolf 1.n-ow1; Bill lkuddar, Bob pllinl' """"em•nt.I tor print.I Mllln1 membenhlp Uckell for Act1' v1' t1' es 8cuddar and Ronald P•ratra. ai.. MW. • u.are ls lllll • larp ae•l )'Mr. •• Mar a~: aarry H.U.. .artety la th• caIUomla Print ----·-------I denn1r 1trlpa; Da'fid P...,., U • Ma.lean EUllHUoa. F1Wlritn ar• tn• -all etdttn.p by w..r-. From· Texas pnt o.&.11. A.rt.bur B&ll. IOftl• oldtilll• trawi... ~1 &. atei-Hou•cu••l tor the l••l two Cn.Wford, Lu.1(1 Ludoa.l. <Jene Wfflu •l the Ind E. YOWIC· J0oim. aa4I Ed J'amaton. blood home, 1913 rederal Ave .• Tb• Prial lbow wW end JIUMI eo.ta )( ..... hu been Mn. GUI :a&. Nut oa UM .,..nd.t. .,.. th• eroater or saa Antonio Tuu. Loc&I camp nt• and Blu• Bird .-roupa er• calebraun1 lh1 tndln1 of achool wllb qecial partlu and field lript, a..nd pr. paraUon ror tlM cointnr Camp ,,,.. Day Camp la Jul7. Art.let.I of U.. Wah DUn..,. ltu-' -:::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;~1 di•. Thi.I ulUbUJon 'llll'tll run Th• rllllor bu l>acn enterll1ncd iiii u.roup Jul7. b7 Hnr&l tr1end1 durtnr har Alao lllowtft( 'llil'tU ba ICNl19 20 stay and hat .mjoyed aL1ht· Eliot O'Han watarcolon "" -lnr toun or tM Hollywood c•Uy patnt.41d 18 U.. Canlldi&a .tudloe ud other .loulbland at· TU W&luM& C&rnp n,.. Olrll or B&Jboa, wtlb thalr leader llAd eo-1.ader. Mre. Paul H. Rod•l and Mn. Arthur Da'fb, enjoyed • rrtd&y ••m.l•r •••Unr party wbkh wu followed by a ti.HI" wiUI party tor Barbara And•NOD who LI IM'finl' tba ....... Sun Dance by Rodll-. tne.UOna. Barbu& wu pnMnt..S with • '!;=======;;;;;;;=============;;IC.amp l\Hi autopw.ph bound I I trom Meb11 De.'t'll, GI.ya RoU7 , FOOT-P1anl Llaet CANY AS UMBRELLA ALL IASIETS REDUCED Wlo OR MORE See our Iarse auortment of buket chain, peel, cane &nd rattan furniture -CbaiH &nd chair pada ln duck or pJutlc and recoven for patio furniture. IOU 11'. Ooaol BWJ. (llarlJler'a llllo) N""JIOn - Day, 0•11 Hutdllnp, Mary Ham- ilton, )anal Relmar, Terry J\od•t and Cit.thy ~&n. Mr1. Elliot Mon.i., leader of lh• Happy Bue1 Blue Blrd• of Balboa l•land and ber co.leader, Mn. M illard Moon, tock their strll on a ncld tr1p to Ot.n•J· land.. Thoaa 1olns wara Diana Norrla, ·~· NcKl'ra. Pam Hi!'ri. auu BpatUas. NarpNt Plti-., Bu.la I l • 'f c • 1 on -cl Dl&na .. ~~ Capi•ITano ly the S.. oflon the finest of in~petient services at re•IOn•ble rates. Llconsed by tha State of California C.pi1tr•no By the See Sanitarium 1pecieli1e1 in the treatment of n•rvoU1, emotional and mental diaorden and alcoholism. • Fulerset print stripe, I piece puck•r•tt• Md:, rvffla flair skirt. Sb.. lZ· n in .pin comb. and ydow comb. sl295 • LARGE SELECTION of SwiMw-1or-. woman&clu'ldren . • CiJ-4C Print IHch r-.i. J.95 to 5.95 OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO 5 -OCIAll FaOllT- D•P••t I ••• • ... ...... _._._ .. i NIWPOIT HACH 0.. ........ ,.._ " ....... ""' ~ WE 01\11: NII GREEN 8T&llP8 exquisite. etched glass ' 225 E. 17th ST. • • SUNGLO~ .IN Ht9H O• MIOIUM "Bl $1195 COSTA MESA OPEN FRIDAY EVE. 'TIL 9 P. M. Tha Newport H9'1ht.1 Toall- kot& Camp rtr• rroaP mat Wllcl- 11..tay afternoon for a party ~ by, IUMa Jo Le.win.. wtio wu ~I eome at . i.... Camp n... bobof"I lt7 11...ia. • par\7, p"9parinc and Ml'N& th ret,.UO•t. of punch and .up ...... Attt.ndln1 wen Unda Bar• (Tl.•&, WlM.le 11.arrteon, MartU o.ddatoi GladJ• O.venport. Jauwlt. Daddato. Catol 8'1'- wood. OuUUM Pboal&, L)"NI Land.... Karp.Nit 0..Wltllll Ud Ultlr IMllM", Kn. Ern•l A.. Lau- rin. OM ,uut wu pr ... nt. Jo- anna ChUrcll ol. 0-ta llCA. TOWN TOPICS from Bank of America ......_lranch H.M.tteabr, - WHlal IN THI woaLD ... 01' new H~rbor Ar•• office ~ted at 1424 Via Oporto, Nawpori leach. Phona: Harbor 2122 NEWPORT BIUCH, Harbor llU "2• Via Oporto I !- - CO CLUBBEB ClllXlll.!D our -Newport Beach Police Officer Don llumon takea u.fety check on car bejoQgin~ to Don Ritter ot the KooU. of Balboa Car Club prior to a 1-hr. timed run Sunday afternoon. Paul Phectey won the evenl -Sta!.f Photo H1rbor ·Area Car Safety Clubs Hol~ Police-Spo11sore~ Meet • OPEN SUNDAYS • --Friday Niles 'ti/ Nine Shamel & _White HARDWARE • NURSERY '4 10 Eut 17th St. LI e !042 ···n.~· open, m!'rf/ dayfr<rm 11:00 AM 00 ~:00 AM I I <',-z ... ~ .aJ__ B•r. toD--ts" ... ~ "O'Jec:l" Y .. ..., LIA 7 , 'If..................... .,., """I •• ll1e ~ -.,.. ,_ y} } I • l'\ I ,t\1\1' ll • I , , l I , '' \I'' I a{ .._1•1rFa•n 1 ,_...._.. Rwka wt 401 E••t 17th Street, Coat• ••- DINNER ~:00 P.M. -9 P.¥. Open Sundays 12 Noon -9 p.m: (cloeed Mondays) Congratulation~ • • • from One Winner to Another We are proud to be one of the Nr.vport Har .. 9r NEWS. PRESS coruident advertisers-telling the Harbor area car ~uyera ebout the win ning sales combination of the 1956 Ford end you r local Ford dealer's best deal1 ••• W~ aalute the NEWS-PRESS on the happy occasion of their winning 3 FIRST AWARDS •nd TWO SECOND AW ARDS in a California state-wide edverti1in9 com- petition . . • • • • May we 1u99eat that you keep in cloae contact with the ever-changing automobile field by reading our w•ekly ads. We too are celebrating-OUR 35th YEAR IN BUSINESS IN NEWPORT BEACH! J THEODORE ROllNS YOUR FORD -DEALER on Mariner'• Mile . • -: . . ' 1 • • ·~.J ·-r . I . .. .... • . . • • • la ''The .. -'Ille .... ., I Tt ; I t Vlicavw. -~- Jolla Apr ... _ la n. ..... 'I' P luln : ..,.._•"nu kt. 1:10 : . . e..r,. Jloatpme17 -. . -a-Belt" : o.n.... -..... a..47 • I STILL WITH 3.571 MltES TO GO Lone moot.ha of~ ended for five ocean racinr yacht.a Satllrday at 1 p. m. when~~ l\Ul 80UDded'trom the committee boat off Loe An&elM Yacht Cub to lend them on thefr way to Tahiti. Shown u they cromed tbe line are, &om left: J~ Scripps' Nova Del Kar ot tbe San DleCo YC; Jadt Bed· den'1 c.eJebea ot the St. i'rand8 YC; Boward Kurphy'1 Queat of the Newport Harbor YC; and Bill Syurgta Jada of Loa Angelee YC. The t1tth entry, Robert l'ruer'1 Viveka of St. Francla YC, wa1 a few minutel lat. at th• 1t&rt but joined the fleet u they pumed San Pedro Urht -Beckner Photo ONLY HUMANE THING TO DO Day Camp Planned July 11 for Crippled Cbildren, Adalts Kn. J. C. Berrta. 710 Jiilarsuerlt.e Ave., bad a prob- lem Wedn..S.y. She burrted- ly called Humane Ottlccr GICJll'I Xyil'l"lb tip& t ltteN -J.JJllLiml!.tlllL wu a dead akunk under her hOUM.. }(yen atudied the litua- tJon. then nporled the anl7 way to cet It out would be to hi.re a carpen tcr &Dd tear out the aide of the bouae. IN SAIL Dana Morris in 3rd Lipton Sail Victory A Newport Harbor youth, • 1tudent ln Pomona Collese. .... a member ot t.M Pacltlc Oout Intercollqtat• SaWnc Aaaocla· Approved wu tentaUve tract UoQ tM.m w1\ich won th• third map of K. W. Koll, 2828 New-Tbomu Lipton Cha.Uence Race port Blvd., Newport Beach. to TUeeday lD Detroit. word wu d.IYide property oa Wlllloo St. r-.c~nd here today. Into 20 Iota. ni. local 118.1.U.Dc enthualut Hunny ln'f•tment Oo .• Tempi II Dana MorrlAI, a creduat.e of Qty, wu s1nn permit to erect N.wport B&rbor Union B 11 b two temporary l1S1ll adverUatnc School a.nd reeldent of Lido lale. l&l• ot llomm. The qn.. WW Morri.I, widely known here, al.o be placed on the northwe1t cor-attended 1 o c a l elem•ntar)' ne. of Wllaon St. and Placentia .choou. Ave. In R-1 zone. The variance Tile Paclnc Cout <'Ollectana II for Ilia. monlha wllh opportun· won lbe race In Detrolt by cap- lty for renewal. turln« tile bt>•l of 9nen aalllnC Public bearing LI aet for 8 evenll, 4·2. from the New Enc: p.m. June ~ for rezonlnc pro-land Aa.>claUon. T h e Cout ceedlnc• of Harbor Rut Mem-tum lt>tl tor the eut Jut Bun- orlal Park from pruent A·l •1· day. n cultural to the new D ceme-The National Int«rcoUegiate t.ery llOJllnc. Rae• atart.ed Wedneltday but pre- liminary resulll have not been receldecl, 90 t.r. They conclude Mcmtfas Have Son tomorrow. The Paclll~ Cout College Driver Places in Rodeo antJctpated elnatJona Of tutun lutall&Uou. <•aw'1ota...) comPete menu for tfM family l'ID& e llPAGBETD _e L.t..SAGMA ROIR -llADm &A VIOU e l'l'EAll.S e UA POOO 'f>OD 2'0 og 111 wboa 11wc1. IALIOA tt.w w1 Ol'D DAIL~ u 11001'1(~ lllDNIGBr. moem lmKD.&~ Continental Lunch Dinner FREE CUSTOMER PARKJNG -------~----------------------------~ MllA SUPER SERVICE STATION White G•~eros.n.-Out-bo.rd Motor Oil Ph. LI 8-1 348 1550 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA JACK O'ILENESS, Dealer @ UNION OIL PRODUCTS lxclllslnly . 24 Hos Senice We Newer Close • SOFT DRINKs:-clGAREITES-fREE ICE WATER CLEAN REST ROOMS A batty boy wu born Jane 1 team ln th• Lipton ~ wa to Kr. and Mn. Howard Mar· compoeed ot 1tudenll f rom t.lJa. JU~ Onnd Canal. ln Boq Pomona_ UCl..A and Occident.al. ~==~~~~~:!!!~~·: ... :::&al.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Book loy, 17, on Drunk lap TWO.MAN 8UB-Dlck Andenon, lett, and Harold Dennill surface in Upper Bay after teating tiny Ital- ian Navy-type sub hen lut week. Tabbed excellent for akin diven and underwater explorers, the 1ub Ja lib _one which tank battleehipe In Alexandria Harbor In Wor Wa.r lI.-Staff Photo - To make 11\lre that badl'ridUal ....... -di.po..J llyetem.I wtU work durln1 wet ..uona. V>. la rwterwttn1 Ill utablllhed pro- Ollduna th&L all pemolatkla t.ll JM>t made ~ • Wit -- TIRES -TUBES -BA TI'ERIES GASOLINE -OIL - ' -' "" - CCllDe In and resiater for the Bir Drawtnp - ,J'ree Trip to anywben • C<>ntett. N~ to bu)-. ----------------------lhou1d be npeated mUI 0. ~ t!!;=r-: N=~~ Y t Admi I tlon LI motatur-. oondJUaaa ., tlMI ..0 ~~!!!!!~~~~~!!!~!!!~!!!!! :::: !i°'i.r ~ ~~ =-~ e s n stra sts ~~~.::ed clwfq USE YOUR UNION OIL CREDIT C.lllD po:::~.=· i:~~th ... .,:: Sewer Sys~em Requirements •a~=-= c:P'::= = =.flll~t ~-.i::::-: ·~ . =..a=•and.u~=-~ t&lr.e h.la tlnprprlnw and be U4 Vet.ran. A~ today whlcb are requ1red for proper MUOG blp wale!' tabi. to tb• t.o be ratralned b'J five otncera. oaWned lta requSremenll for tb• Ille dn910pm•t. are unrelJable uUctpated .anauoe of UM ID- Polic• uld the boy apparently acceptance of lndt'fidual ..w..,. and will not be accepted, Cbp-lltallatlon. wu a claunropbobla vtcllm and dlqoM1 ll)'Stema for bomee to man •Id. atapaian aid tt 19 th• ,. could not be confined In a Jail be financed with the aJd of 01 ft8T 8UllSOU.. 8POMfbUlty of v A ot1Jcdal9 to ffll, either. Joana. , ~ themMl?M that a-. 1U• Ht waa held ln a police car L. C. Chapman, manaitt of I.a tn&nJ' anu r.qulf1nC lftd• condltlona will pannty .u.tao- untU be .... tran.sferred t.o Or-the i..o. Ancelea v A Re,.tonaJ lnc. tbt accept.able top poroua tory operaUon ot Lodt'lktuaJ ..,.... ADI• County Hoepit.&1 by &m• Offtce, Aid the VA la t mphalt> JOU I• l'enlO'fed after th• lelta ~ 971t.ma. bulance for poqlbl• treatment. las cerl&ln prot.-cUft me&IUNI and hM'fJ tmpemoua wb9olla Althoup UM appr'Oftl ol k>ea1 Police wd lM wu arreeted ln order to red\M:e tha number not .ulted tor aepUo tanlt opera-ot' lltate bealtb aatboftU. 11 after M wu ~ drl'ftn1 on o1 compl&tnll and t&lluru at.m· tJon 11 broqht to the wrtace. required. Chapmaa -.Id tbs. dOM the a1dewalk at ITtb Bl. and ~ from impl"Operly conducted VA requ1re11 •u.t&otory m· not nn..,.. VA ott'lclata at ,,._ Ocean rroat. They .t4 he at-penolatlon teai. ud teat bOr--denca that all lull are conduct· i!pC>Ulblllty tor r.Jectlnl the tempted to Pl •W&7 bJ ram-IDp. td ln a manner -.,Ucb wUl u-lite If tMrt l• any lndlcatloa mtnc the poUoe 11Dlt ~t emoen ~ made ln t.op m•u.n. 1Ure that tha llltorma.Uon wt>-of Ur• poalllbUJty ot UMAU8f&o- •'f'O&de4 ~ colllDon bJ ......,. aou ltrat.a without rep.rd to th• milled deplcll llM aoU properU• tor:r operation of th• 4Llpo9al an,. anUclpaled JfMU.DI &nd flBla& and aubeoU characterlaUC9 at the l}'Stftna. afar LONI A.Ne IUTAUIAMT mC>Wft.AUll CW TBa OOAn Dancing Every Night ..... -a. llOT.U. l..Ulft&al DINNER SERVED a p. m. 'til m.ldllilht a>cKTAIL9 -' R-m. 'til 2 a. m. 12 Noon Satunla.Y A Sunda.J' Special Sunday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~\\\\\IND CllllD tJllNC • • • ~~ ~ Sunday Brunch "'-# SnwJ DM/7 fr••' r.M. IHITAU fll• • P.11, ,......, .................. .......... , ...... Piil 11111 HAT G-n~-'D•• SERVED fROM 11 AM •ob 1Jalton' s WATERFBOMT BfSrAUB.AMT o. 111. a., • IJJ. u.,,.., c-.r 3450 VIA OPOITO • • • • • • • NIWPOll IEAOt ....... NU,,,._ IWW ,,,, Dr. Hudson to Preach at B. I. Church Mrs. F. L. Lowe Is Delegate at Conf ere nee fttpr..e 1 the Balboa Ia--' t lud C o"ti u n I t y Melhodl1t C:.Urdt at lht Soulhtm Calif· or1Ua·Ar1aan& Kttbodl.lt Confv· l'IU'1' aroaoa cw OllJUft •OWt .... ·••tte• ... , ........ . AIHNNe MAClllMI • --~ . get in· the swim ... livein.thesitn at .Halecrest ""~ foresflhttd tnoulh to live tt Hatecrut C.mpus • Bllllt-111 WtttenMlollJ E:tt.t• wlU live the full life. They'U r. pn>Ud "proprietora" of " llftlt 1M 0- thelr "'Y own private 4-eue recreetton ,, .. , compl«t with t •11t-111 Wtstlltti nu kln1 t!nd 1wtmmln1 POOf, ..-clout clubhouse, Llttlt Ltetu• ~ _. W...,-OrJw • CAMPus - ESTATES! •1tbtll Diamond. picnic lfOUndt. •.,.. •tennis tRCI hand· • C:.W a.• MltwJ bell eoum.. tt'• community Mnc et Its WfY t.t-best tot la 11..ra IJ'OWiftl Yo"l\lltera •ftd '')loUftllt,WI'' wtlo M¥tt .,..,. old. • J -4 ...._ .. w,.-.1or ....... ...-.-~,...,,.., 2... . .................. ,,...., ....... ,~ ............... 1 ....... c.. Ihle tM Ml .... Ha ...... Cl•• .. ~..... " ;la1• ..-.... tety ............. w ... w. llelutffut Olllli ....._ • Clllilt ,_ u.,...... 4~,_,,. Yetlnla: la llw 11 • ... (Plus costs Ind ~) DVDWNS1 Mt$119 0... .... celb) • ,,.., .... Lib 7"1l•ft.--..... •-'* .......... ............ ............ ...,, ...,ltNlb ..... -L--------------- .. . . · ... 2100 w. 11ao• llwtL.--iNM-. .. ........... • •J :r . "\ ~ Kenny welcomes the tummet re1lcf•nta :-:~ ,:,nd hopes th~ir stay will~·•. •'••••ftt ~ one. To make your 1tay more ple&l&Dt, See ua for your automoUve needa. Let ua lubricate and c--your ear before troubal 11evelope. Our penonnel art experienced and traiMd to tpOt trouble before It cau.ea JOU inoonvu.iencl and poalbl• apenaive repaln. For Trouble-Free Driving See t<enny end have a Cheek-up Today. .......... nauaa JM•na= .. _ ••11, • ... J'oodl ..... &et.MM 111&8.n• .......... w, \ HOMD L SHAFll Aa4LTOA lOI ......._ PIMe Barbor llo {atlael'llr)' a.I a.tot ,._. t. T• OI& 0.-...,Day 111 11a1a at.., ..._ llaftor nos NIWPOIT fUINllUll CO. YOUS CA.a DICK MACla ;.. .. . . . • . . . · . . . • . • • ,.. .. . . . . . . "'~'· . I ' ~ . . . _A. Bigger anJ /Jet1er 'flewporl J.laJ,or . . . ' '~ ,.\ • ' -- FIRST AWARD Best Local Retail Serie$ Preaente·d to the NEWS.PRESS in recog· nition of the Forgit Hardware ad series iud9ed "Best Local Retail Series" in statewide competition with publications from all parts of Cal~ornia-. A THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHERE Hardware • • • Paints •• ~ Wall~aper ••• jppllmKes • : .• TY • • • Radio . A l11ienclly RI to Shop OPIN •llDAYS & HOLIDAYS ... . " . , Hlnflo• 1'6--Newpo_.t Beach . 2205 W. Balboa Blwcl . --.. t .. , .. .. ...... .., .. .,..,...._, CARVER CRAFT '"' RA&BO• llL. OOS'rA.M&U ELECT.RIC CO. . T8J&D f"llO--Jtm Ferrell. left, ~ Georre L. Andnwa Memorial Trophy from Commander Jim Edwarda. i'errell'1 home-built auxillary aloop Stol- eumwood wu finJt in Balboa Squadron'• predicted log race t.o Avalon Saturday. Trophy ia Ferrell'• tor third time in four yea.ra..-Bectner Pboto I ... L C. ...... ol ,. .. per (tilt.. &Ip~ uui. J>VW ..... ~ U • .. ~t-' tor tbe Robert L. ~ ~ ,_,., .._ at A_. Boyd Kanontl Trophy ~ ts; -~ ... 1Uada.7. chief Com. ..-a. wu ~ ~ cllaC* at W1Dne1' tn lh• •UiWary raae u.. It. ~ for' m mtm· wa.a JllD J'errell wtth hla bom. wa and iu-tll Wllo Md ~ Wilt n· awdllluy aloop atoi. Ute cnu-" emt..r boata. eumwood with an tl'l'Or ot o. 7SI • m per cenl. Aa M accepted th• C •mm a ad• r 'Jim J:d~ o.orp L. ~ Memorla.l • .,..,... ~ at ~ 8a-trophy, U. WU UAOanced that tvrda.7 ntpt d.lnner, to wllulue ~bu woo thia trophy now ot tbe predlcu.d loe ,.,.. f~ uar-ot th• rour yeara ll baa cndMn and aUS111art.. from .,._ the prtM tor lh1I particular M.-port to Anlon. Be aleo an-predicted loJ n.ce. hcoad wu 90UIM*I U..t ti.. out J)ilotiq J"kldlq ,....,_ Jr. with anoth· ..._ ,..._ bJ tM lqua.d!on. er hom• built bo&t. hil 13' awr- to aD ma ud wom.. bli..t.d llll&ry yawl CUrt..-. 1'11lrd wu Sa boaUlic wU! Mein Sept. 10 ~ L&mb'• forty •tnt auz-at N.-port B&r1lm' Yacbt Club lUiat)' ~ 9Cbooaer, and at T;IO p. m. fourth ... D6dl Lemtr'I IT' ,,_. eolll'M la rr.., contbl-llMtch J\obena, Udppered by PhD uee w.ekb' for 10 ...iui. eon-SmJth. cl~ with an pamlnatJon, ---------- th• p&M1Ar ot Whlcb mttu.. men to be •lllibl• tor member- llhip and bOth mm and wom,n memllen 1fl\o paM th• aam, Herold I. J ohnson -~~-~~------------~-~~~~-wfll be•UUed to take adnne· D• s I addrua on hi.I appUcauoa for ad ~ IDdwa.rct. fWther an- Pn••lla.r ~pa.I" ~ .... ....... .A.i-ey ...... .._. 1111 VW. WQ, Np&. a.c1a IN 'l'Hl8'1'.L£8 1vers •PP y credi\, a.ccordlq to po1lcie. oouneed th.at u. 1Pf1Dr ... Uwr In nu.uu ll ~ lit ·"-Neal The Marine World Prodtacta COUJ'M, lnatructed by lAobard Allen. BTC. 2n~&' oa~ 1 k n s I and Wat.erwear Corp. epokeem&n HOllWUtr and tbe IPrinl Mm&n• ;;;;;;=::;:;;:;;::;:;::::;~ wa!lder Jr .• LIYC, Srd -Ofclt un 0 I e said tbe 1wrpect. a man abOut mbtp CO\lne tnltructed by Lt. Wittwer; ~n. l4t -ftutb ~-eara-old, urchued me M.IP-0oll)lll&adft' .AJ R)'lett ud Bob M.AllNE Ruteti NBYe; .Uti.tro•. lit-A complaint h&a 1*n flied by pit?, March :. WednNday their Bcofteld bad botb been paaed INSUl.ANCE Keith LumpktJl. vo,..er'a, 2nd a 1kln dlverw .upply •lore at bUJ for the merclland.IM wa r• 100 per cent by ·t.M mm &t:ld . -LRDb.Vt. BopP.-LIYC. 6toe W. OO&ll Hlfbway that tu med, police w.,.. t.old. Tb• womtn taldn1 °" examtnatlona. Ollll 1 r:tM-::Y'J Co. lnteniaUooal a·., l•t-Peter '237 39 worth of dMnr eqwp-divlnr equipment ~ ot Wlbn~r ot the ftenderroua pn-1111 w .. o..aJI 810...,. a.Ju, BYC. ln~. C. ,Jtano\la. meat. wu eold to a Pboenlx. dlvalr t&nka, ewtm ttm. p\Ullc dtct.ed Jor race ror c:n.dftn wu ~~~~~~-~·-~~~~ BYC. lrd -J'Ndmck Ho•1. 11norkel. eea-alr ~. • Wlllrbt ISltmber ft&ymond Qom aboard NBTC; U&btn!Jlp. l•l -a. Ari&. man who pw a t lct1Uou• bell, dtY1111 pant.I. aldDdtver'• b.111 Jt• . boat A.IJetT'O, Hl.11 error Ql;'&nt. •Ye. ~-o. Nall. knife. underwater c&IDotlnl. ~ .,.. o.aa per cct and· u... CBTC. lrd-W. llart.er, CBYC; pole, BYC, Ind -Dlc:k Bl&tter-IUD 1oAdera and •ther ...-wa. ,... ·a »oppy ._ wldell. 11\&ft &D.lJ*, lit -Daws J'~ mu. BYC, lrd -F. 8m&1re. i.r euppu... . " Qil t*r on a pndlcted u.e r.ttC. · BTC; Lehman 12. let -Tom p*9 ~ leoond WU C&rroll x.cur,-• .Lil --Qiat ~. Dahill. NBYC,. 2n4 -ller7 B~a caprt wlUl UT per ftC.1114 -L ........ BTC. Kackd NBYC; Lehman 10. Ut Police look Drffer ~ .nw. ftml wu M.auno1 116-'-& amttll. Jftne; .,..... -Fred MUHr, NBYC, lnd -Newport s.ch pelJc9 ~ llpp'a U' be& 'r. LU& V {Ute tlJ, i.t -Al ~....cBYC, Ch&rlet Vand.nort, LIYC. lrd-Henry D. x.r...y Jr .. st, of D&rlle made up the tint letten 2nd -W. DeMltl. CBYC. lrd Claude Soott., LlTC. 3061 Warren Lane, Coat& W.... of tbe namee of b.t. (?Ulckhil· -r . ~l. CBYC. Snowb&.rda, lat -Ronny Mer-at 2 a. m. TUeed&y ud chU'f"d drm), w1th &D '"'°" Of lM ,,_. K~. lit -11&.rry ~ lckel, NHYC, 2nd -Jlm War· him wtt.b dnlllk dri.... alter c•L J'oQrth ~ ~ IMDlber -----------. jone. NHYC. 3rd -Oeorp Van-itopplnr Ken.ey'a car en Ooul Wayne 8mttb • 1,t outtioud d•rvort. UYC. 4th-Burke law· Hlrhway near L&rkepW' Aft. cf\&18er Unwan wtUI an enor UYC. ELEC1a1C SUPPUU ..... ···-- Fill ltUlrimrr ... & IMpeed• IATTlllES Oar medluia are Jobmoa.' uaieed •• tilt me of epecial fac:loq-cype took. 11ae, Ill .. Jon-puu mm our laqw llOCk. UN.ria• '" of eoJy ..._ U.C -1ocemoca and,.. flak W'Ofk OD J'OUI OOtboard mocm. looAiea ,_ • •- s-.tlotw7 Ye ..._ diem • ,,..,.. .. ~ Newpon Bml. at Urd 8t. ll&l"or MOO • IOAT WlllN8 ONLY • .,.,,,_ "lJ.JI;•==-1181 W. OoMt BWJ. lAlrt1 US3S UDO YACHT S()D'E.-Stippen toll at their truer. lut ftebnd.-Staff Pboto BOAT OWNERS ATTENTION SECOND YIAll IN IOW , " . • ftllit'a • IOOd ................. ,.. tb• ................ ..._. ~ i. .. .,.noe OHlapt.ny etrtvw to ,._.. ._ ~ drtftn. CareNI clrhwa haft fft191' a.oddmat.a: Y• ~)' tM ...._ CIOIJt onb'-Ulat .. u.. Ir.ind of lnlu.ruet ....... " tuiliDU9 tor. 8o It eoatl St.at. hrm lea to clo " I ... ....._ lltat.e J'ann la a mutu&J compant. the ,.uc,.111111 • pt U.. • ..._... Jf JOU dOn·t ban Uu1 low co.t deli••.a. CIU' ~ call LI 1-1111 and ltt your t!tt&l• hra .,_, ..., 1W bow JOU OU set ()OUlplete protecti~t &Ow Ci09t. LE. CAIRNS W. I. 11llLL0 LANDIS Ill E. 17t~. Cost• Mae U 1-1011 ' . . • ·,. . ·. . ' : ' I 0.,, 0 p 'l i I ... ' ~· • ... • ' • . "' ' 1 / 103 -Mil!i()n, anyone? -tut•• flllt.t 16..,..,,,i•t l•hl(lry co,.trib1111J te C./lfnw;.' • .....,. .1 '4ut ,,.,. The btewm and ~llm of beer and ale paid ~er $16,200,000 in Califonµ. tans last•car-sixtetr'I mil- .lion rhat would have to be made up somewhere dse if the BRWing Industry hadn't uken ovu a big dwc of the ~· ln addition, Californians who depend on the br~·­ ing ~ for their livdihood-sptnt more than m -. .. IPt li"'°I ~· ~'cm boci ~mu and due rnakn St ot million plm-in dte ferm of Jower ti\~ and h1•ihcr protlt~ for neryo~ in oar swc. · Bew &U>nts to California Pro1perity U. I . BJlETr'l!IU FOUNDATION I t o...t 7f1U U.OW e nit ....... te ..... U Tait Ill IO .......... I'd)' ...... *"· ...... .n,.. ... ......., ........ 0 ,, •• ldt .......... win ... eeMa ,_ ~ ~ ......... 0r ........... n.a ............ ,..,...,., .. --. MOlfEY BACK OUA&&N'DZ GEORGE & SONS lalbOa Yacht Cl1b _to Hod Sean, Mallory Cap ,y eds Th• B&lboa Yach\ Club bU loutbem OIJlfornSa ellmlD•· 1 UClla for U.. ..,,. cap wU1 be b..n Mlected by the !CT A tor aaDed la lloat. Of UM Tb.IA)e the 88C09d conMCUUve )'Mr txi Oua. coun.eay ot tM nc M bo9t club for ellmln.atlOD ~ :n.et.. GLAMOROUS, SURE-....................... ...... un rac.e ln aouu.rn C&Uton:Ua to nui. tor th• Kallory Cup chooee rq:tonal candl4ata t• will be -1J.e4 IA WUbiJ\a'UID ~;~;;;;~~=~~~;;:$;;;;;;5=~=~ tbe two m&Jor Nortb ~ericaa watan wtUl the OorintbUID .; -.1llnc cu~ Ban and tbe Ya~ Qub ot f Seattle u blWt Mallory. dub.~ champioa wW '-I EUrnlnaUcma for the a.are COJ BW B>icba11, Ir .. Who WGD t.ba I wtU be held tomorrow and Mallory tut ~--by d .. 8u.D4ay. Th• lktpJIW8 ud crew t•tmr a.. Wallet. of ~I m~t be 11 ,..,.. or JOUD,.... tan.a. two-Um• wtnncr, tn lh• n. wtzuUns lld])l>U and crew ....U oft wtdcb wu Mid •ft 1 wtU Ulen a&U-ott ln the 8!Dll o...-e Polalle. MJchlpn. I tJnala ap.lnlt otber coat.ellt.&ata Southef'll cautomi& mu.m.tn&· • J\Jly &-7 at Vlctorta.. Brltlab don.a wtll bot held under th• Ootumbl&. The W• Cout win· aueplcu of the Balbo& Yacht D• Of that eUmln&Uon will theft Club 00 J~ ... ,..... ln • kHl p to tbe ttn&la to be held at boat ,..t to M ..iec:t.d. U. l\oyal St. IAW1'ence Yacht The SC1'A wlnnw wQ1 pro- OJub. Montreal. Cana.de on Au· rre.• to Wuhlnrtoo by way of suet 27. a eaJJ-ott bl 8&n J"randlco. E~ CookiMff ~ .J-Japtx1 8,ok'Q· · · b.e cau•• 11'• •••YI HappyU._._k•wbole kitct.-..u«l«tric ranee. It makll meal prepuatioo a miracl• of eue. •PMCI aad convenitnc. ... and it (iv• perfect r.ulta .,.., time. wi.o wouldn•t be happy with • combinatioll lib that? Eapecially ... it COlta '° little-Metric rut'I rata biah in tc0nomy, too. Molt peoplit Uill m that their favorite f•tu.re ii the ,.. of t&lctric cookini •.. the fact that an .a.ctric ranp it ainlplidtlJ itlelf in opsadon. You prepare the foods, put tbmt on. and lft compMcely automatic controll do tbe wort ad t.ba ntchiq. ........ .,..., • •t. riPt .ow. n·. "'>' ...... ,., ..... Uw&tter~ , • SOtrrHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY .... . ,.~ • f \ but a tomboy ctt heart/ Tum Clanrl out on tM road to clilcovn-ill rial claarm I For thiB ii tM beout11 tut rtcmtl11 raud !,488 mtlu in !4 Mtlr• tout a new com· pdilion traek record I Chavnalet . ... .. _._ Co. RUNNER LEADS OFF-Runner for the Ameri- can Association Giant.a ia Wayne Haddock. Pirate third aa.c.ker is Bill Brockman. Shortatop in back· ground la Barry ldom.-Sta!f Photo Lynx Fems Win MEET Jack B. Quisenberry F.•111 -..ce &.,.A,_, ••• lae hal mor. to offer at .......... - -Ml'J• to-pay plcm. AutotMWa-IMurMKe • •• N ........ lt .... rd, Nett-AIMHI ... ,.uq .... , .......... H ...... . AntMuil •• .,....,. ............ .., ...... .... nual ,......, cem ••• the~.,.,..­ .,. te polkytteWara.. ........... ,... ... , ............ -.......... .... ett 1 cOftftttvlnt ANNUAL PAY-.? "-.. ,._ , 4'.ce your cash ...._, ~ ewe YM ~· • TNdr lftMrwe fof lecal -4 111 .. Mll ........ .... • ,........... ,~, •• , ...,.,, ,.acs .... flt ,.. ...... . • Ufe ............ An,... ...... lllltaa ... , .. . Prompt Loe.I O•lmt Service Jack B. Quisenberry Tr1deni Bld6 .-Barbor IOU %%00 \\'. Newpen Blvd. Ne" port. a.ca. THANKS '"'~-i •• ,, •• ILICT•ICALLY e LIT US HILP YOU e . STAFFORD & SON To 111 who h1vt so 9enerously contributed to the O.C.C. Olympie Tri1l1 Fund . The crew will do its best for you ind the community. EledrtCial eo.tnction 110 Riverside Ave. Ubertf &-n78 l'B£D BA RV!:Y ....... ~, ENROLlMENT HOURS I P.M. TO 6 P.M. DAILY & SUNOA Y 1. Your Siu 2. Wann Water J. No~ w ... Cl.ASSES FROM 9 A..M. TO 9 P.M. -8-lleraa- llqttmen 0.-fNm I k I Sb:ldeata NEW CLASSES STARTING DAILY AC .... te SwhScMol .... ....... ,. .. c•u2+1iJ• Al Strokes ,.._, Al Classes Offwtecl ,_ A., Age . 1. gf l:J:ING 8CROOl.S !. OUTSTANDING 8WDOIE88 I. EXPEBIENOED 8WDllDNG IN8TBUCIOR8 Y• lea .. la a fl'if9cdJ ...... ?.II ........ Yoa presr••• t~r wt~~ ........ u.. IW lllOy Swim SCiaal; 22D2 So. Flow• Phone Kl 5-49J2 Sm1ta Ana .. . .............. .....,. _ •• 0.... ... _. 0,..1 ...... u,.-. ....... ... • At The Willowick Golf Shop ••• n. i..rs-..... 'Pescaderby' Contest Set wJa momt.ns• and at l\uby It. and Chin& Cove. N.w STOUP' wUl at&rt at the hlrb .c!lool pool Sip up I.I betnr !leld todq at the !11&'l acbooL Small Craft& cl.a... lD cano.- 0 I h1e 8teell el Golf Equipmtnt & Apparel .. ()nap 0.-Q" • Now We Have Both Single I Double . ' ELECTRIC CARTS Doubh ..... for U Bel• I'•,._ Moll fer 11 Roi. • -GOLF RATES - "Court" Says - 8at'1., 8a.a'a. a BoUda.Je Week n.,. UO prtce claaqe ' ,..._ LH LH pt'lee daup ' ..... 1.11 • Uaena weaw la the reu .. caaaed ~ • ,.... ...... hi&' MC· I& eaa ... aU.W .. ltniced. Phone Klmberly 3-83 11 for ReHrvation1 • -GOLF LESSONS - • * A FEW OPl!NIN&S LIFT FOR INDIVIDUAL LEA~UI IOWUNG. CONT ACT GAIY PULLll • Startf"I .._. 30, FrM htstnletlon for T... Aten BEGINNING 10 A. II. UOB IATVBDAY OPEN PLAY AT ALL TIMES JJOB ~ TBBOWN THE KEY AWAr' o,.. us....~ DQ~Ddlar ..... ,.. • ..... ,... NOW ••• 20 AUTOMATI~ AWYS VAN'S l '703 Superior, Cotta ._ 3 EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Vllll-TRLUUU CHDT I'•" SS 'k • Eat .u 0. !f9W' &alllrpt ~ mde rite SERVEL GAS RIFRIGIRATOR .tfltrttJt from ti "6tnl , ..... ..., .... ,. .... -Mdmcft-ID t.bt .. !ll'N GM le. Sewr Refriaaat.or: IMa...-m (,.... er. Alatomatk ddroetiQI. Color·b&I· anud int~rior atyllq. 0..-Mafiic .. ,.., ............. W.CUWl•A~Urs IUPPl.YerNMI ................... ..... _....,....._ ..... , _!~ ........ CMl'fU W CmMY Only GAS 9 gives you such modem ai.ttomatic appliances! .. I . ·. • _, • • 800VT PIONED -George Teaney. still active, loob back over almoet halt a century of work with boys.-Start Photo County Group Presses for Wider Roads R• on PartdllC) !'.ram novr on I.he park1, br1che.1 UM!. r«ru.tlon comml1- .wn wUI handle the parkl•r &round lhe llbrary. Thi• w•• announced Tueaday by Super- vbor Bob Cl.n(rlch at the lb.Mt· lnl" of th• boe.rd. Thl1 parkinJ J11u bffn done by th• Ubruy board, wuaUy by a private con- Blf'hway recommendatlONi of tract, but now w. c. a<.cDon&Jd the Auocl.ated Oi.amber1 of will take Ole job under hi• Commerce or Oran11 County were approved by the boa.rd of _w_1n_,_·----------- 1uP41niaoA May 22 to include th.-foUowtnr recommend&Uorui: City Announces Fireman hams l'tnlatl the s.nta Ana Freeway trorn Nlruel Ro.d to the Ban Dtero County Una. Thl1 road now earn.a 19,000 e&n a daJ Examlnatton for n ..... J'bembera and 1.1 only two lane. of tM Fini Dlp&rt..ment hU betn 11.rutOWlced by the City of New· The Garden Grov• 1'r9nf&J'. port Buch civil Hrvlcti boanf. IMillr •till )'N.r• away, .o.t• Oeadllne ror fUlnJ 1a ·June 23. thJ.nc 1hould tMi done to relieve Written exam• will ti. riven In COlllution u tbe road Ii now city council chambeni J1tjty :s. canytnr more than ll,000 can Ellam.lnaUorw lo IM lf"Hn at • dl.7, a later date are: mtdioal, .t.ua!. Ltncoln Ave., ha1 been nru.h· pertonneace. ntn.eu and Ol"&I ed •• a ' four-lane highway ln int.em-. Thoee recel~ ~ Lo1 Angele.I County, but mntl Ing sradt• will be pi.c:.f; Oil an a two-lane hl&'hway In Orang• •IJ.&ible lt..L Th• po.iU... pay• County ..,hkh la hopei.aly In· a aa1ary of Ql&-$382 pet mooUL. adequ.ta to cany th• pl"eftftt 1------------- t.ramc. Thi.I road aboWd IM ,.... built lnt.o a tour-lau llJgtlway u eoon u _pMSibl1. mna. "1th 200 m1lel ot u.. n.-- u,.. In future Lmprovemenl and 70 m.Ull!I within dty limit& Bupervt.or Hetn.S K&.laer moved tor adopt.Ion ot the Yul road (rtll Oruget..bcl\"fe An. abould be lmpr"O'ffd to a four·lan• highway tf'om tbe S&ftta Ana Freeway to CypPUI .£.•a. It " carrylnr rnora t.tian ~.000 can a day MajGr hl1hway1: Eut and and a_ MP J*'C"mtaO ot w.. Wnt. -Or'lll"ttborpe, Llncoln, 11 tnidt tn.mc. katella, Bolala. W~uq Clout H !Jbway ehou1d • W1d-A•n.. a.nd C&.Tden Groff Bt"t"cL .nld to eix Ian• iand .moved North and Sou~ -Loe Alamitos out.aide th9 cout.al d.U• It ta and Harbor Blvda., K&Uer SL, • Bol.N. Chjca llL. R\mttngton now carrying S&.000 carw a day Bnc.h BJ•4, vrrtaht e~ Brook- &1'1 th• number_ t. ~~I ~ lit., •81-ri'\o I;.. and at4f,dl{y, . ..., •• PlacenUa Aff. ne report urg• the u;ten-Major and primary roam wtll alon ot Garden Grove l"rffway ba•e rMlr1ct.ed acce• trom abut· to Tustin A. n... .umtm.Uon of Ung properuea.· LlrnJted vehicular Ma.ln SL la Santa Ana from acoe• ....tn be provtded tor alM.it- UM 1tat.e blgbway 1y1t.un aad tin&' propert.let onto the .cond-nrouUn& ot Mac.A.rthur Rish· art.en. W1l7 to make room tor the a · ary George tcudon. ot UMi count:r airport ----------------------run,...y. Thi "'POf'l &J..o NCODlll'letHk completion ot t'tMW&JI In the eount7 1D u.. toUowtnr order: au. Diego. \ Brea Canyon ind Tul"Un-Newport "--JL loard Approves Co1nty Highway -Mastef Plan The count)' ~ ., IUpl'l'- .tlon x.,. 11. adopUd -.,,...,. OouatJ .............. ~=-*"" ·' . Ko oto~..re YOfced at a __ ... ., .......... ~. ttM county plumlq" cornm'eMe ~two pui.& ~ Oil!)' qu..Uou ral9ld U... weN Oft the maU. of Ute ~ rou.unp. QIW obj9eltl"t"e ol tbt plaa LI to llllt&bll* a sul"-tor u. .,,,,... ~ ot rtp.t«·-.ray for Ill· tun tmd d!WtlcpmenL Tbt tltate fNewar syNm 1-'t etnd•8" • put ot u.. p1&n. n .... hdi, ... ~ to lthcnrr 00- ... ...,... Mlcordlnc to ••Kant ~ Dtnct,or Ka. 811.m.,.on. Tbl ftnal. bic"bW&)'I map WU a ,.., and OM bait la thil pl&zm1aa". It wu a mitJor Jl"'OJKl of tb1 '-'-""'• and dnt!Jopmimt eom-mt.u. of u. .A.Modatad Cham.· -"' Commaco. 'l'llUIO rrn:ll au. and COWllJ' emdall co- ardtaaLed llMir tftottl la tbe plaa prepu&UOL lt1 ~t.N readl In UU-ot.~. pl"t• llW'J', and aeoobduy. Jlajor r.dA wtD be mlx·lane. 190 tMt wide .... tll ~ .-- aoept Ill. oomm..-daJ ..,.., ~ the wlcrih wtD be cut to UO ~ ~ wW Mn 1JO rMt cl rtc'bt~ and .. u.. --_..,...,.....__ tour ..,_. oa M to-ft. npt..t· ....,. M9JOr "*'-wW eM9' .. milllL a.-n ol. It to ... ,_..... IA ~l'tnf ...,... rtpi«~. the ~ tor uteMton and -· , ftiwe'll .. MO mu.. ol pd- _,,. ro&da. ~ to tM ,.. port. ftl9 lN:ludM U.6 m111m " DtW ftPt9-et•way. I& mll8I et .._.._ roa&i and II mUN Wit.bill d- U:CO:'lfDilT ~ b1&tlWV9 CJOINI" ITt " HIT-RUN PEACOCK IS BIRD ANAHEIM COPS WANNA JAIL ANA.HJ:IK, (OCNI) -Polk!.I would like to flt lb.tr handa on a hlt..nd-run peacock today tollow\nr the incl· dent lh1I .... 11. ~ Patrol Car No. JU wu b•ded north on Euclid and 1uddeoly wound up wtth a llhattued right wtndahleld and broken en11rgency red llJht, A.ccordlnl to Officer Francia Wl.n'en 0. Man, 'pea· cock ... ttJnr &)onptde ltl1 1treet "look oft like • Jet .. and 1muhed lnlo th1 11f111dlbield, lhen Jen th• .Ctftl of th• •ccident. Th• peiacoc:.lt'1 owner, Blanch• Laridolt Bocbert, could 1hed utU1 llJht 011 ~h•n t.be bird might h•v• gOtle att.r the enab1q .bMd-on colltn.n and tha onb" t&D.lillle evl• denca left tn th• bandl ot· pollt• ..... a Ions tall fMtller. • - lenton Son lorn M r. and M ra. Charla. B!nton. 2171 Bay Shore Dr1•e. Newport Buch. are the pa«ntl of a boy bUJ bona Jwie 10 Lo. Boa.a-Ha. pltal. . GREATER lARlllllGS REMEMBER ... SAVINGS .._ivecl by thll lOlh ~ of the month ... EARN FlOM the ht. ' - " Geo. A.. Park~r Pruldent BJ C. W. Baxt.er Secretary RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL · COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE ZIO IOI.It 81., Ne'!pon llwla OR wu.r.r · '. irl"* WI " • . ,. . ·- .. . . ... .. l ~" ... P.ar ~~:: ~ 1.!l.-:Jore !iCU.O! ~ r a::t. n A •=,.:.... _,11 .1e:r!!l4!!'!!!!!!!!!.!!'!"!!!....-~::...!•t::. r1a1 !!!!!!' . , 911Mtil . TVfiiii9: & ~ School @ r ti WE GOT IT , llON ..,... &52 ... IWG-. . ' -•..• , ~••snr '• lisr t11'7A ... Moal' I ljoot& As -t,..in. Ball, 111 • lltll It., ~wpolt But• Jl!IJ lllld to ....... ~ 196& a-. ..... 'to u -....,...._ J'W ao. ~ or -Job w, Joh-, ao M..-.., RHplt & ____ •••• •11 :1, ............. ~ , tzz• u ., .... -· :Ara Tired KHplng it Sla1hed Our Price• On It ... • • • • • ,, ~ del Kar. Bar. lllK-R • You' Come & Get It 00¥PLETll: BOUDllotD ~Gii •• II b ....... ff. I . SI , .... , I ..... ' CLOrllDlq J'OR Tiii: J:NTiall 1'4KILY DOUIL& DOOR "SllT WllAT '1'1111 .., •• .....,...,.. asntJGllllATORS . ·-. ~ .. . .. . . ..... 8 ... .. ,~(/(_-·~ ...... "" ' ' • ........... -. ... "Llk• our Waat Ad aaid -It'• a Jow-co.t, non· •~lllaakal c•lttvatorl.. , , DELIYIRY GUARANTEED IO ,-.:t _,..I•• ., .. ~ __ ,_ ""'••C. fr-. Cl.JI JolllaM, LI &-2e87 6 LI 1-62811 llUo • Experienced Gardener LAND8CAl'ING and CLEAN UPS Llbert1 B-6M8 '""' CEIDllNT 6 llUILD!NQ ... ._ "FIX.fl" . 11 ... b.lnle&I &Dd m.ctdeal K&lotuaact 8en1ce ALL WORK QUiJlA.H'l'EED. Jl&a1)or MM or •a YOUNG MAN will wat.r lawu qpoa ..... Wed .. J'ri., Sat. lllteo 'tD • 13 TO 16 cu. FTI I JESSEE ' Vl!1l'lllllANS !NDUlJ'l'IUlCS '°2 I:. •TH -• APP ------------------~!· =-..... -•ote 100,.., LaNCE 00. e ....., • I ....... 1011 L Mata Kl 1-1M1 Ratten, Wrought Iron, Petio Fumitura • • '"' -• ,..,_ ......... ....................... ' ... Clompleta ..-ot Wroupt lroll """®Ire. =::' ~ ta ~ ... =BRAN==o::-::QW.="',.."'.-,...---.,--=.,.=,. B&rbecu• and Braden, L&wa. SwiDp. Gude lntenor, ~ -tor .. W.. and Beach Umbrellu. naa wwmt ONLY -w. wW euu.r. Aleo lMt Nors• i• cu.. BAllBOO. DRAW DRAPES and Ftoor Coverinp. TROPICAL BA.8KETS of 1..11 kind• 6 Unu~al Gift It.tma. Canvas and Aluminum Awnings . SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 1628 S. llain, Sant& An& Kl 2-3M~ Fru Delivery OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL ~ ..... U.. fouowtq allowuao. tt. Y'Nuer tor b~ holct. lw 70V old ~ UU.·ln tl60 lb&. ft.Ur. pd. da.. to JUI. .. nf'rtl'eralor: TJ. Pay 011lJ M .OD pe:r mo. Up to 6 JH oJd -1260!.00 up to 10 :yn.. old _ $.200.00! See 8AUOHN8 rtJf\NtTUR& 10 to 11 )Tl. oJd -1171.00! FA C TO R Y W.A.R.EHOUS.I: 11 to :so yra. old -SlMl.00! 10 15 E. nr.t SL. Sa.nt.& An• 9-11 daily. KI 7·MI T Low bank term• on any ba1-.nce :::::===--.:.__.:__:,::.:, __ -up lo I I mo!!llMF lo P•Y. O"KEEF!: .. ~ a.. RAri&•· 'II Deh1xe mod&L JAKE'S or Sardaa UU. .wnmer, Har. -----------------------1937 Harbor = Co.la Meaa Open till 1:3()....-4:00 p. m. 1''rlday Phone LI 1·~84 I..amp • clock Willi oven llme.r. .A.ll..ouoni. arid&. in lhe middle. UM<! only :S m°'- A: look.I like new. A.190 bu ~rlll-broUar • that llfl·up top. ra ke It for my contract Ml· 170.W ndt REAL ESTATE BROKER Zt--Belp Wa11t.c1 ____ oSO---.;.;M;;;-=l;;:laa=ooa=•--- Girl• MAXJD UJ'J'llft I rr. DELICATa8£N C&M ONE Jars• comm•rc. r•rr11 I 8CALE8, l GONDOLA 1159 Rl:Jl'R!!. W1 have . Bul&ln& War9.bouA of 19M Ptlllcoa. ~neral J!:Je..,ltlc, Holpolnt, • ~nee $137.611. No c:a.b need.cl, )u•t m•k• J)9yment. ot U .41 mo. !lee any lime day or ave. •l 40\I B. M.&ln ln <>r&n1• KE 1-:1117. Delivery of the Newport Hubor New.Preu ls ,..,...toed. C&rrler boyo will deliver their popero • .betcinl 9 p.m. on Monday, Wednead&y and Friday. U your paper 1a not delivered by that hour pleue call Barbor 151& and your carrier will brinr your . p&pa"- J'RD ICS'l'llUTDI LilsortJ MlOll OOllPLIDTE PAINTING and BUILDING CONTRACTOR, mature and expertenc9d dulHlll }oc&I contiectlon. Re<!enU7 movM W. uu. ConfldeAtl&I. llubor )7:Sl ·R or Writ. Bo• J:.5 Nl:WS-PR£88 17p2t MORE THAN llOO GIRU! Call LJ l -671e aner li:IO p. m or wHJl.uida. IUc Cro.l1y, Amana'1 that have I ~ru;;;-;;;-::=:::-:-:=-7'-~ to be told i.o ni•ke room for NORGE •utom•tlc• wuber, UHcl lncomln1 ahlpmenl.I. :-;0 monf'y on!)' 2 moa. Pd. dn. Lo 1128.61. -c ·1 a s s i f i e d 'NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 1..,, .... ..,. w .... c1ay •d Fr1c1ay ' .... COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdayw o...ie.I. lk;;• A.ti r-. i. ta W .. •••1•1' M ........... ' ia.· 1 ....-ei.oo &dcl'L -u -. .6 lam I -~ lldd'L -.Z5-. ' u.. 1 t.1rrt'rss z.oe ..td'l. ..._ .%5-. ·~ ,_ :uo -'L-.Z5-. "ill .. W....._.,. wtD neel:n 11~ ...._L Otillt. &a .. ,. .... ..., 111ND11111 4D 18 ' UNU Dll4Dx..nn:& fW plad..nS or cane.Wn1 &Cb an: ftr lloDdq PnbllcaUoo. -n1da1' I p.m. l'or w~ Pv.bUea~~ 1 p.m.. hit l'dde;J PGbUeaU. -T!nsndq 1 p.m. JC&WW0$1 8 •••a PtraUAlllNO 00. nu ..... .,..._ s_,.n ...._ a..au • ..-. .. GtP"'h' Ati1 ••• .. ,.Wt ... o..111 .. .__ .t ..... ._ ne 1 11 II -m wW not be ftllPOUl.bM tor mon u.a ca• IDOonect ~-J" ¥' 114. ~· tM rtcht to coc:ncu,-clulllfJ .., ud a.D ....... ~.., .. °"'.,.,,..., •• to nai. ... ~ It Paper llan&1DI 8enice Boy 17 WANTS WORK on boaL suomc. O. &A.UMDaa Leave muaap al LI 1-t212 100 Ii. 8t....c, .N.w,art: ..._ ---------'-'.:.•21_ ....... .,. u. - II h •• Alcobcsllca ....... •JllSOQO Wrtte p,/O.. a.. Ill ' ,._ -"'"'" ............... "' • COLD WAVE COMPLETE '4.60 to flO ... llalr eut JL llJWnpoo A Mt JI .IO Cl.mo l'IKS'a .Bii.A.UTT lllOP 1111 Cll.urda at. ,,,. lltnet ... "' lf...,..i .,.,.._ ..... ttui ul. 10UL. oa.ta II-. LI ...... u LAJ>mF WBO WUB TO TAD Swedish M1s1e9e ID th• coanrJenc9 of t.beilt boma, .... ClloU. t• .ppoloi.. manl Harbor • 7111 Qr llu1lor llat """' Superfluoua Hair ....... u:, 12• ... lr'lm fMll ~!!!'J> Wanted Advertising & S.le1 promotion eut. -, '"1\11 l:XPA.NDINO. Otta ADVE!lTI8ING A.ND 9ALllil9 .Paoll.OTlON Dl:PT. hW A IUJf A.BOUT II WBO -.U DU.OINA.TlON 4HD I>RJVS COUPLl:D Wl'ftl 4T ~IT 1'BftD ~ Tt:CHNICALCOPT 1" & I T I N Cl llXPSIUJ:NCll Oil AD AO&li'CI" BA.CK· -..~·. ... DU'l'Ua WILL Iif. cf.uoa: OOPY WRlTUfO ... 'i.t.La JIROCBlJUI, _,.,,...~. .A.DVWltTD.DfCfOOPT ..um HOU8 OftOAN. INCUJD- &D WILL U J'OU.OW THftU OH PN>llOTION T&CBNlQU•I, 'l'RADJ: mctwa. ll.A.ILDfa. L18T8 A.ND KANT NON ROU· mis PROlECTll. wU1 al&rt local Tlllaphone Company ca.r""' thla mnr1llL Will You Be One of Them ! FULL PA I" .A.9 YOU LE>..RN. l'nquent periodlc Incre&H&. -Openlnp tor - Telephone Opentor1 -Apply - l :IO to •:30 U2 Wut Thlrd l&nf.r.. Ana PACIFIC TELEPllCNE BECflrr .A.RT book.ke•per tor pr1v•t• office In Newporl area. Mu.t M capable of h&ndllnf bookkMplnr dullt1 lhru pre- paration of nnancl&I 1t1t.e- m1nt. lteno typlnc experlenc. n~. Houra I t.o :S p,m., I day wMk. 8e.nd oomplet• la· formation r11udln1 capablll- U• to Pyle, 1Anc1 ,a, 8chlln11r CO.MPl...JlTll BE1' f'Oft. 12 or old :1a~d. a.-en to butte~ p•U • demi taaH cupa. lJ M7~. 2k2T dn. Pay u Low u $2.00 per ~o dn. pymL If )'O\I pay lh• WK . pyml.I. ot 11.07 per mo. A.1-o our 19~ Philco 2:1" TV pd. dn. ~e BAUOHNS nJRNJTURE. to $181.H. Caah or pay only F A CTORY WARE.HOUSE $2.111 ~r W"ee.k.. 1015 E.. Flnt St .. Sa.nl.& Ana S~ BAUGHN!! FURNITURE. OOMPLE:rELY RE-BUILT ___ •·_•_••_11_1_._10 __ T·_><_1_1 __ FA C TORY W.A.R.EHOU!!E 101~ J!:. J'tnt St .• Sant& A.na Bed divan, all new malerlal $38.:i<l UP TABU: TOP pa ranse• Tl· p&lred and teated. tlO day ,-uar . $t2.:i0 UP .A.BC-Fully •utomaUc wuher-11-11 datl7. KI 7:64.IT I.a te model. JIM new con(llt.1on, ;;;-;-;;:=::-cc-":--:.,---- COllt $300 n•w, our price only \VANTJ:D to bu7-Uaed rur• 191 lA•t&Ued 6 pa.ranteed. l lU •nd r1fri1"efUor. -Pay .pot down will blMMtie. Alao have cuh-a1k tor Ray e t JAKE'!! lat. snodel NORGE, MA YT AU A.PPUA.NC.E CO.= 1937 Har- A rRJGID.A.IRI: wuher1 at bor Blvd., Co.la )fua, U 1-~Dt c:omparabk prlcu. JAKE ti AL.ll O Waaher llepalr !!hop -lllJI ----------- CloU\tns • •hoe• tor th• anllr• _H_u_bo_•_. _eo_••_•_"_-_· ___ 1 s~Z-::.-.:.F.:.•::m;:,::1"1n::::;::.:;lo::;r~S&le::::..__ tamUy. ' -PKlLCO Re.ins. C:&IW<I 2 Joor HOUSE:P'UL of M•pl•. Thia la •ulo. <1etr0#1.lns wllh t old What you can aNord. Con1laU CJ"Ota-top trHU:r, 1helvt:1 Ln or COlllplete Bedroom &"f'O'IP• door, chl!tle A butter kttpt:I mattrfea 10 yr. f u&rr. Com· Colla s:in.115. Been paid down plele Dlnln1 sroup, A Lov9ly to $117.e• cul:I or ti.kt ovti Uvlnr rroup wllh lmport.d tha paymenU. ot 110.19 mo. Fabric•. All new p4. dD. to No caah nMd9d, my equity Stk.24 . Caah or pay only ...... We 11nploy the handlcapPfii. Goodwill Industries t l7 \V, •lh It., Sant& .A.Jaa CPA.ti JaO South P&lnler Ave., ----------- hH. See llllJ Um.e day or per wwk. •" at •OI 8. )(&1n In Oranae See BAUGHN.II r1.1RNITURZ, "Kil 1:&117. YA CTORY WA.Rl!HOU811 Whitllar. 27e21 DRAPERIES and SUP COVERS ....... °""' EIUmatM = lua.pl9I LUCU J JC DBAPICIUE8 I.A.LU KlNDSD t..LDY, :&a to 40 or mu to call on docton • bu.ltn.amo la On.Ill"• COWllJ. 8&1 .. ap.rlencti not r11qulnd, ~.... • CAI' le 11.ec.l&t')'. ro.tUOn .,..,. (U&Bftlffd. aal· ary il car allowanc• plWI oom-Barbor NM • *' m!Mk:lll. Interutiq work u · Ternu lf d9eind. l6tte GUUANTEED AIJTOllATIC WASBEllS AS LOW il $69 101~ E. nrn SL. Santa Ana 1-t d•lly. Kl 7·&417 L&lye Wardrobe lv61")' -116 Ivory ChU'toat1r -·-·----·--"' }VOfJ' Kltchwi ().ipbOllrd -M Some lussqe. 276 Flower Bt .. C:O.t& Mee. J1p2.I ~red tutw-•. Th• work Lt tell· I ----------'~ ins UI• .ervlc• ot ..u.bllabed DESKS-J'D ·" CR• IRS Thor·Blackatone-A.BC collect.ion qe.nc7. No collee· Orup OotmtJ'• -----";,,,.,-----------------1....._ ...._ llJ•••• .., am l1a. ..,........ .... tw11rtn1 TH& ... PERION WI: &DK VUIT BA.VS A C.A.P~rrT l'OR C R I: A T 1 V I: IDl:.A.I .A.ND THI: ABILITY TO C ARRY PROJJ:C TB THROUGH TO COM.PL!: tlon work 11 lnvol".-ed. loot 1.&rc91C ltl..UOO ~Apa:·Dmrt.er MODERN tW"ln Deda W1lh con· n«ted ahelf hdbo&td 1-W, com· pl•t• daJ' bed 120, miK.l, mir- ror-a, l&mp,1, am&ll, tabl•. - Harbor OU'-. 2k27 H ... rtwell Bids .• 11 P\n• A••., 1Aopel4 a...uu.. Jl41T~WBDU.POOL Lonr Buch, HEmlOck 14311. ~ TMM .,.. tr&de-lm and Ooor A ROUSmrt/L 17c BlMI otn• rvnltun ampMJL 'l'bor"Ol7 NOOafJUoa• J'or 131 1 mo. ~·moN WJL' -o· ·-ANAHl!:IM .. ud auarani..s. o.uverJ tHe Oii •..--.. itM fU1J ..., .r......., ., .... ~.... .......... M.A..N 1:so+1 bookke•plnr and uu1 ln.lt&UaU ptktft&1 • .._. .. OONMUTING TO SOUTH ren1n.J 0 t f 1 c 1 expert.enc.. OFFICE FURNm.JllE (X), Oil o autamacUe rans•. 1 pe. U•. Call PA.SA.DEN.A. FOR I OR I Knowl9d11 ot factor;-A atfl• lll 8 . h.lm. ~ 1-taJ1 ClOMd IW1.day1 km. p. I pc. 1*,nn. comp. m.L.lllt L. Bl\"l'A.MT IL &. L&do'• 8akm .t.' .. atJ Bar, isTt . ... ''!·~l·~·~·~·~~----lu -· ' ... --Generel Contrector V it.:w,.n -.......... B.,P, 0. I:. · New Work --odelill& 171'1 J. llil.ll'ON KclDCNZIJ: TION, Y M. 0 NTH 8 , THmN PER· nMrtnr procedure dulr.ble. 6 pc. dl.lllnr Mt. our Rele,.,.A°Ci1or MANJlNTLY IN nu: H.u<-s1art1nr pay s•oo Kim .. ••r HAND BRAIDED RU'"'S JESSEE 411 ,,.., •-· '" ''" OJNIULTANT BOR .A.Jl&A. 6-111& t1c2t V TECO ruR.NlTURll PAINTING ' Demoutratsou, -obUpUOn q l'RD .nf81'1\UC1'10K APPLIANCE 00. ()pm Mon.. Wtd. 6 l'rt. Till t ....... ~ ,,, • .... Barbof .... w Utfc ... °""'" -........ ... ... ,.,_ ................ INTDJOR _ D'tDtOft BoluU• WU--Jn"att ...,... H 1· Wllftted boy. 10 to lt y...,.. ot ORDSl\I T.A.XICN 1011 a. Main Kl 14341 Z&ot W lit. lanta Au AL80 ~ pAJJtftNQ or Hiatt 4-41H 8 1p0t .,._ For Nnv1·PreM rout.a to All &ew IDatcrtaltl a...U.ltla. a&Dl& Ao.a lOUo U:CllHSICI) --notJ'Jt.SD • Htto l MI Nl'Wport Blvd. M CIJM'llo 900'1. .A.PPL! Mr. Park• lluy ,ann1D, llN L Qit. 81.-d.: ~---~-----·-k._2t • ltOOM8 J'\lni..lture, Hu all 61 J h f 0-l& M.NI Liberty 1-7747 er, 2211 W•t B&lM& JalYCL,-i...c-una .9ca.. HY&tt .... TllL 17tte -that JOU, oompl•t. lJY'lnC enn 0 n• on I& 8claooll, IMtndlM --oliii<iv.:iiTii«J--1 ~N:: ..... ~'.'."~~-----_:<tt I F H 1161 WBIJlLPOOL autom•Uc room ,-roup, bis l tM ftUoo ' MOTTELL'S IOI-Ii. ~rN:r -::: DDIC WAITING I .A.LEI LADT .,.. Jtl to •O. •et urt? = .;:: :{ub' = door rd'r. wtlh DIJry Bar, :.. • f&. ... •D PEEK Lancfsc•p• & Marine f'OI\ BROm OR a.A.LUKAN w.ut ba.-• lmOWkp ot ..-.rtn1 Try Knapp Sho11 n-.. • 9111.u dry. BaJ 1111-lt:it Gatten • 1&ttJ•r er r ,,., CARPENTRY P Permanent lnJp 6 aut-.. c.D.K. Har. .,,... W. ~-., •--•-, __ It, or tak• ...,,r lh• pa-t.t a\&t.omatk, ekM:k, lamp QrtdOt ! .uimHQ la,ajl-.-. a•-"• -•-• ---· ·~ --,__ 6 Olaa -•--· ---.t-t -~ area. 1171 for appolatmellL btfc IClmb.-'• a..ao1T MfOn 10 a.m. fll. II.OT a montll. No Cull .,,,._, -.-. • ,_, n • ~ el llortm.rJ fla\lnl pal8Ulli' &Dill wu.noior (ConndtnU&I) Y all MW J*"feol. Pd. da. 10 ...._ -.....,,.e louB o1 WMt~ MINO& Rl:P.u& WOU tit 1.-. DUIJ' ..... tw• Ao.n Bl&nchl cate., ~ bota1 maid -7 ==-==-=--=',..;,"=-.::.,--.:.::_ MMl.S. 4'qUl.t7 rr-. ... PY 1711.tt wb.LM ator-M. No da. ; ••• M-1&1 ParL lfO IOB 'IOO IJIAll. ...... ciommttdllC JUM Sith. ilitbor 1171 21c21 8t•d7 work.. UN Nll..E8 iu.TDNITT CLOTBU, Ilk• Um• d•.J or rnni:ns. 4°' •. pymt&. Only .... o Pft" ....-.. ~ B. 0.. .. _.._ ~ iMtrUCton~·•------------1 VILLA. M...A.RIN'" • ...,. Maia ln Orus• or call DBM BA.UOHNI .,.,.l'IT1"PI,.~ ~ CaaatJ l..utaU. --... "--•wa 1 .... Har.!::::,· new.llmeltLl1-61Tt 11c21 t-u1T. rA.CTOltT w·:~-.i;.",.~~ -101t & .8&lll-. ~ ..,.... -rr--.. ' '• JO&a leA.DT (wblt. or~) ta ear-. .-. __._.-u- ,...,_ ~ ol all fallh. Barllor Mii· tide Irvtnc • .A...W.&. M*>° ~ tor I_,... .... 4 arw!T MJMM ===,.,..===----u.Dml D'*MO"D..... ••t 1015 E. ,, .. I t.. le.n~ AM ' ftl11-•=s ('Nll'nt) ~ i..,J'rull.A. ........... a. .r--....m.r. Uvt in or aut. W:O'l'llJ:IW am.pa tor baby daa. rtt.11 wt 't llllJ' .._. kAHGS-REl'IUGERATOR l ·I da117, Kl 7~ ua •1 amni:n..U. ~ ~ 4 .K.A.. 4.W.a., flQ .. ,_. •W.1 • lll'tt ..._.wk ln ,....... •• A.ailt ......,N•moad .-· =-====------ ••-..,..tUl'lled a-.. b«:a-. bcpert Remodeling ..... at lf..;ort ..... ,... --·--·om and .tmp&e Balboli.·u .... ia for WU -DAVENPORT. I.Ory • cocoa V -.. , -_ .. .,.....__, -•·--··-eooldnl'·· PriM-te room, TV, I t ,..,, 1 ~ "°°-..._ lleau--ANQ WASHER cok>r. Mak• ti.Ill 11M bod .... • .. "* ~,..... .. ~-• .._, .. __.. ...ia.ty OP9n.. lJ 1·7411, atter or onpr, mwi ...nm. ._,\ UM .ta-. ,...... ...U.,-• .. A.d41~ • -;;: 0111 -lnOl'lllnp, ..... 1·11. '607 • p. m. 21uc CR.ut"f!.•W" •·7271. mc27 w 1 ....... ~ .,. to •u. •ll Down -•• Weekly lnqUIN IOl or IOI kpphln. .,,. ..... lerY'°'9 _. h -~ Corona dal Kar _ ,,.-::--,=-==--.,.,=~---t&mily attUra. ...... • QllL .., ""' Balboa lal&nd. lld1' .... •• .., ........ ,W.Sartlorllll-W,.. l!illlT D~o~~~fN~!0 c!0 ~d~ atlocalb&nk.Wrtti .. ..,.JtQBQ841J'l'QllU.1'tCWAaa&l\LAAGl:llZllDUNCANPllTft b'USTOM HO~E . :=---10 '-. •u-wuw ~~0!.~=~-~~~:=.~=: .,:;..::_,..,. .. ,...:: -=:i..:,:~ :::t::_."':::;r:•:.,":i • ..,M'nl aDd a .... h''nr 6&CERl\L R , M •nt aceney • w•k wpplJlns ClomwMn JUI. LI ...... lkH P ooe."":" 1~, "!:'eu.dni:: :~ ~ ir: .~~ w9: 10 7 fllo-·-,,,__ CARPENTER REPAIR oy s 11 enence No"" ......... """' ..... .,.., ::.::~,; .=, ~~ ••oVl·e -~ _.., Md7 I _.... Kl Ml1I ttoao om .lam · Complete Profe11ion•I '1.Wi.t N.wport a..e1a Rawi.11h ·, tTOf s. "°' at.. M ••~·Ori ..... _. _ _. • ·~·-__ _ .m. 0,. ,,.., alallt Ul1 f P• m. UP_._ I""-·-... ~ ...... : l&A.ftlKO ._Ylal N:!.':...too ::-:-..ni:,-.,"":; Hou1ecle•nin9 .->.,AT oNcm L. &.. ~ pr40 I-JOI 1 .. ::n u-1111 a.red 91.mdQ• M11• Woode.re~ . a PLANS • Jloor-. &ad buftlur -·"' T ... , ,,.,.,,...... aoDT -i -, , FOR RJllN'l' -®w a-tnc -;""'....::""°" • "h--a~ ...-....:"'..=:. JESSEE .,!~ _.<;l~~n~ J:I~,. :I 1 'l•tial • OJ z r dl.l aw..__.....,............ ~.._., Qnntn1 •Jlllb' TU. ome. WALL am ·• .. tt•-wtua Mean 'C.mere Shop .APPLUNCID oo. ao1m rrmra. Prto.e ,....._ -: , R.,,.W'• .ii t1Jlll lfl ~ -,~ Patioa Color WUld ll011'IB ODAaT CX>lllPANY ~a,....._ •11 tfll 11'..,,elt ...._ c-. ._ 10ll .. Mala a Miki oa cMRa. wvdrolMa. • ..aw.. J• W. Pl1'J'fUl( HU' 81.~W . "°"' --.. _ ..... _._ n~·'""-. K..,.t 8l1'd. U Jlnl It. 1 ....._ ~ ..._ tn.rt;;r .. ,..., fl' tr llUU.,AN 9dl -. eom. -..11, '"'°' i. ..aJ9c1. vrue ~ ~... IOU9 _,... t• 1toc1e • UWlll. i -..... eo .. ..,., HDWJC. REASONABLE • Fresh Hearinr Aid •w ............ -. -,.. -·-___ ...... WOMAN---·-· WATCH & CLOCK , .. _ •• ........,.,,. ... , u ..... ··;.'.' PAINTIMG .......,._. __ .., PlloneUbertyB-1332 __ .. _,,,..,.. "'°'"~=-~.;:.,~-.::,,_";::;: ...,_.._,...,._ l a .,. ...._ """1'* -.w. °'""' repelring Gunde1'80D n.. •• Co. --, .. 'I-"' -' ltOOM9 or Pllnltan, It'• · CARPJ:NTll aAn mtuao., _.... ....,..,,~-11""ou~ -w. .,._ rr ""'..,_ ... mw -_.._, ....... u.._ i. ... nERHANGltNG Repair Wort ..,..... aa..1011-w -1t&A.L -.. ~ .. ,..,.,,. ...-amum. _.., .. _.,..._ --.....,.,. --,,..,.,. Bar...,,,, .. w.,... r l"'U'"" '! Do19 Tout _.._. 9 I 'hr c-..l __..... -UAL NEWPORT JJ:WG .Gl8 •'CW .A..U U...t • ... "'ill wood. Bts CP wltia R.otU.U.. ~-& N II • • 7 ° .... ' ·--.ARDENIN~~'"'· -..... 111· • ----,,,. ,...,... ........ .,_ .... ,... -Oo ......... ' ................. ,.~ie,.. .... °...!r ~ :::o::.,,::..~.... CLEAN-UP"ON 57 -r:::.;.. .,-::;==:: .,.... ,._ _ "'Mill Attn: PropertyOwl'lerl ~·,::::-· N• :...:;:.. "'!::.:::..': F--_., -- -111 .. , • L~... 1-1 ,i .. _ .. °"'* -...... TW1I< .......... -• .... ,... -,_ -... MUciiola ...,.,.,...,_ ...... "'" .. -. ...... .._ .. FURNITURC '"""''""","' ..... -..... -.. ,.. ..... .. ,..,., -... • -l . PADT08'T WAll&ROUI• -"' -.._ " -~ R-•'"'WO""' ~. .. UICRTY ... ,_ ...... "'' ...._.. ...... , ·~ OI -..... ,.,. .. -..;-.... -............ ,.,., ... · · srNll:-""' ....,. UttlJ l•ISI' I · ,.. ..,.~,~ __..._.... w ,_ natMtat m ,, .. •11t. ..,., ...... aw • ..,.... M..., a,...., ..-. •-CM talC9 ~all ........... ........ lfllllllit. itJl ... e ... 'Otf' .< t•, Aiill ti D ....... WJ .. ....... ... -a... ........ .,_ • or plllt. ~---·_..,;;;:-...... ;,__-i..,.. • .,... SMITH • &••,___ -=ii'-··•·=~ °!! KNl...-RS • --~ ... iuUQIDfa ruM1TU1U1. -v-·•· ....... .._... ,._ --ITC --,_DAT. -SueHTLY DAMA6ED rACTORT ,WAUBOUU • F q&Ut .. w w • ._-.ff...,.. .... · . ftt1JCUfG u••N UP -. ....--.... ama&L .. ......,. ,...,. • .~ ••·-'-"-... ....,...,...-a. 11i.a .. .,,. at.. l&at& AM PLAnm 6 PLUKBING .,.. --• "' •p-.. ,_ ,_.:.., "1 -· .., ,,;;;-.::;-.. -~ ....,.. ._ -• -JOI: 1111 mvU> - -.... --P-1 ....,. "' ,...., •'--a-..... p.;-''ng, De·or•ting :..:~4'" u: -. ..._u <--.::" lklll -• -·.-... • ,,,. GP --... ~ _...-v -nTI ... ~ .i1 ,...,, •• , ....,... .,.... at Ptm.blnc ....., •,....-an ..a.• """RNJ:R. CABINET ~.41MIOI0"1_. PalirllU(tJ 1WDMVCm6at#rilO:~IA'MMurk-e ....... ft~..,_.. •. .,...~ ......... ~~•==--...-.!~fi.~wtUiCdl.::.~ ~ ...,. llmlDSNftAL &iO. IURKHARDT J .... 1 p-•• ~ Owa ................ ,, .,.. I.IT Jr aaar ~ WWWWWWN Pll -· a • ,... -~ -IA&•'• &nd ope.n ....... at tap . .A. -·~.I 1N Qb-.;:,-aaalt"' n ......... _ ~ .. =----he J 7 ._ OllTil'.'ll&L -1111!1 '\ t.ilaft 9UJCIC.~lta. ft W.... UI & ...._ ....._ 1 OW .............. a... • ~. slfr """'°'"· BA.RG.A.JH Pl-Colt. m~ *9Jt ~ 111 -~·mr --.r .-.;: .. ~....._ •• -..._MD _ a. ea.. it... ntelft. Mar. NM-w. ncia - • I " .. • BOUS&r11L or hnk--. -.UU OC 10 ~ Uvtq room """"" a p&ec.e ......, ~ Wreom M8 MM~~ boa"1. \Ln&I ............ cSouble ~r wtttl ,...,.... Pd. da. t.o ~ Na -Pa1 I.he pymti. o« IUf fd wnlt. . - ~ l(" ~ BAUGHN• FUIUf'tTU'lla HOFFMAN CONSOLE _._........,_ New plct1ln tube. bloode oak cabt:nt'l. puante:. cm parta and eervice VA CT 0 R Y W A.REBOUI& 1015 E. nl'9t at .. auta Ana .... ully. IQ T-&Ul 16'' pHJICO Table modd ··--··--··-··-··-·· ·-·--fl2 ~ Completely recondltJoDed. 80 day panntee G PC. MAPLll Bm>RM IUlft, lnnenprlns matt,... Uke ..., feo compl•t.e. 1•0 Santa i-JM1, Coeta Meu. U l~OI nett 21" on part.a and eervice. CROSLEY --·---·· · · · ··· ·--····-·---.sso.ew> COTION GOFF Good shape. 30 day guarantee on •~ce 6 parti Tht Volktw•9tn Dealer PATRE --·-···-------···--.·-·-·-····-·--'99 9:5 Newport Blvd. al Uod IU-t. HAW AllAN Monkey Pod Wood CortH Tables. BtautJt\lUy fin• lahed In dear lacquor. 9"n at 915 Weet 11th St., om.a lllUa !'7c I PC. FOA.11 RUBBER curved MCUOnal, ll~l pelD. l.1b n .. 'i'a price POO. Upllo&ru!Nd bed- room chair •111. Ma.bol· drop leaf table u~. Karpen .ora ex- c.Jlenl condiUon roM calOr ~~ I02 Momlq C&eyoo M., 8Jior• Clltf a, Har. 5311. 2T c:2t FURNITURE axcellml CODdiUOn nuonabl•. &eauWUl pt'OYin· cla1 e.xt.cnaion dlJWls tabi.. chain, dMk. iu1-. roll .. way Md, lampe, dbl. bed. sprln( A maur ... with uphoJat.end bd- t oard, nJte atanda, Jlar. 299'. 25c27 17" Beautilul atyled . ,maho1 cabinet wtth doors. H&J1Ku' a 21dt 30 day pa.rantee ou eervice and pa.rtL -· - PRU.CO como1e ---0 ·--· ........... _______ $8f.:50 52 CHEVY 16'' New picture tube. A nry nice buy. G. E. 8 cu. fL Retrlgerator -········---·-·----'99.50 St&inlea at.eel ahelvea and veg. bin. Very SoOd condition. AUTOMATIC WASHER DELUXE -· Like new. Porcelain thru-out. Davis-Brown l8M Harbor Blvd., eo.ta Mesa ... m.~o 6 DR. Md. Good lraMJ>. ms mana .,.elal. $395 l"\a.Ll prioe. Work· MARK DOWNING FORD Rwy. H at P adflc Cout Hwy. 2~ W. 5th St .. Huntlnaton Jk&ch (Where the cuatomer i. Ule moat lmportant lh1nl In tbe •ICY.) 1 Tall Gable Country Houae 00 IT YOURSELF ANTIQUES ltlit OLDS II ffolluy, power ~AbrakN,RAH­ RENT a new Studio piano S10. Hu. 1102-W alt.u I p.m. Hpll per montb. All tenn nntal 'ti PLYMOUTH aedan $66. Har. appJJea on bu7. Hl-R Schmidt-Pb.Wipe, 020 No Main, WO.WI 2k21 BUll..D YOUR OWN Hl • Fl Santa AnL '6e P'ORD convtttlbl• '27& f« pboooarapQ. ualnl Newcomb A my 1&rce ~ulty A take over tUGi DODGE !loYal d ub epe. U.000 actual mL Pow~f'ljt.i, rad.k>. bater, powv 1taertng . Exctlleot ........ ~ 1 owner car _ .......... $1~ 1M2 DODGE clllb cpe. Iqbt bhJe, n.dlo. heater. Tip top abape. Loc:a1 car -·--·-----.... .$ ~~ 1~ PLYMOUTH• dr. Seda.a.. u,ht ;rem, new ..i COftlW,. --·----·-· -·· ..• ..$ m 1952 alRYSLER Imperial Rud Top. Radio. ~r. auto tnntmialon, po.-er 1teerin1 . S ~ 1W3 PLYMOUTH • dr. IJpt py, motor over- hallled. ----·-----··-·--·-·--' 7~ 3 Star * * * Special 1!'~3 WPERIAL Bard Top Cpe. Eulwalve car. All wb.ite, fullJ equipped. Power lteering, power • tlyte, rad.Jo, beater, elec. window•. elec. eeata. power brakel, leather URbotatery Pau en9er TIRES 8-Hour Rec•p&:CJ Serv ice plet. Brake Serrice AND Front End Aligmoeot ftO.AJ> 8.mRYlCll nr.tone Budp\ Ptan Youn for tbe ~I HOWARD RYAN 801 • 609 W. lit ST. li.NTA ANA Kl l ·Ula plut all at.and.I.rd equipment -·--··-·-··· -~ 189~ 4l-Aato &I..- LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER Motor Overhaul • NO MONEY DOWN Up to 1~ ){ontha to Pay 1200 w. Cout Bicbway LI 8-3486 . 6 Cyla. --58.88 SALE OF WORK CARS Full Price '49 Jo'ORD V ~ Oub Cpe. R&H -····-··--···-··· .............. $295 '49 CHEVY Fleet.line Rldl ··········-···········-·······----$295 ·~ NASH Statesman R&H, O'dr, (bed) -················· $295 '50 CHEVY ~e RlcH ·--········-···---········-····$4.95 '50 FORD Cuat. '-<tr. reconditioned Mtr. R1cH _ .... $495 All Stra.igbt Etrhta -· ____ 68.88 INCLUDES both Labor 6 Part& N•w rtnp, wrilt p&a-. nJn srtnd. tltUnp or m&l.n and rod bMrln&'•· B:xpet molA>r t.WM· up. IKMiay or ~ mil• f\&U'· Ullee. OASKJ!TS A OIL EX'TRA REBUILT ENGINES Cot.at ff"''Y 101, Newport a..n.c, Call Har. "" •• ,. TWO BEDRM. csuplta SIG .._ Brano ntw -cute. WAX. w. POPE, Realtor, 1908 S....- BJvd., Cuata Kta u •Uti. 1W•' Nie. vartely aulbatJo antJqu1a, oolor..t fl&u, br&M. c:iopper, pewter, lampa, f\lrnJtun, rrom lntxJ*lGVe ,Ut lt&m.t \.o th• flneet It rarest tor tbe collect.or. liarmul)oK&rdOD ~l'K tun...-. QRAND PlANOI. Kany to pQll\Ct& LIC&inl'lOQ t-1112 ampWlen, •pea.ken 6 record c:llOOM from. Ma-on tr Ball~trt-aak tor VI. OUL 120. 2ac21 15 Mon '5t. ud '52.a -$~ and up BUILT IN our own factory by akllled machlnllta. Don't con- tend with the m1ddl• mu. B\l1 dtrect. LlDO ISLAND I SHORT BLOCJt Furn.tab4•or ~ K.ATB.RYN ANH JOBNI HTTl Barbor BlYd., Sant& An.a T2ttc p~tta eum. bl ud ... them. Luter, Knabe, Cable. IXLra W• wtU help yw &aMmble It. 1pec1&1, Schleicher (1'&1\4 only BY OWNER, '?12 St~bU«r MCCARTHY'S FORD (1932-41) $ H .50 Bacl*ar and ODe or t.w• ._.. PL.A YER piano BALDWIN com- plelely re<:ondltSontd, pl.aJ• n-• roll&. l'\lD tor family room. U 76 IUcbardaoa Yaclat A.Dchorq-. Bar. ,na., 2U4 DAVIS BROWN J•&:I. Another apeclal, ftn• commander VI motor with _ ahapa $665. S1v1 JlOOO on over drive Al condlUon, sood Knabe Ortnd Wm !MW. ualnt. Terma. Earl WinahlP !khmldt-Phllllpa Btr Piano .. 315 3Hh SL, Newport. Beach 0r,.an Store, 520 No. Hain. Har. ~ 28p28 1115 Barbor 8m1. C:O.t& w .. -Ll 1-1431 Santa Ana. aJway1 100 planoL MORRlB MINOR I.ala '&4. excel· Knowlton EleetronJca TV ANTENNAS BEST BUTS D( BARBOR CHEVROLIC'I' $ 99.60 roum apart.met&. BUICJC 1126.00 By .wnmu, moethlJ ot ~. USED CARS PACILUtD (8 cyl.) -$12:6.00 LIDO Realty A.llod~ P!ym., Dodi• A Ford I _.$106.00 HOO Via Udo ~ "'• 1..l'M\ So u-•-C!--ta & --Kl 2-3507 OBl\Ya •• Dll SOTO --Sl20.00 --~---·-~---~--.a.u.a-----------ITUDJ:BAKl:R '120.00 AVAILABLJC NOW ON LE.US OLDS. A PONTI.AC 6 _$UO.OO CORONA DEL Y.AJ\ 41-&ato s.m. .. ·-·-· U-:.&.u1o l!Mnlee NA.BS suo.oo 110 LA.llK8Pua __ ;._ _______________ KA1lllR $120.00 (Clear lka.rn -Bl 0&111) .A.RJ:A tnatalled compt.ta to J"OUl' Mt. CUil A TtnU or Trade Ia NC'W RCA Portable Rad.lo FOR SALE \ttlt CUM11Uon.. RAH, 10,000 mil.., ex~~ economical. Ideal car for cuual tr&Mpor- t&Uon. Or1&inaJ owner wtll ahow Sat. A &&n. by appol.lll· ment. Har. IOIT·R 28p2'7 ' BUDSON (8) (3 M&tnal ..$UO.OO PLUS INBTA.LLATION Open Daily I to I BnuUtul 2 bdrm. home. w to w ~t. drapu. ti.uc• fircpla ... L&nal paUo, dUpou1. piq .. uUl. UIO ~r mo. No peta. j9.95 N.w RCA 2•" T.V. s.auutul It' aux ecbooD.er, p LI Mic>L Httc 11'' Kotorola T.V. UMd a•T.5a anywben. EJ:ceL for chart.a -----------.Cranco A.M·rM ~lv~r Demo •11M>O. OGAfidlJ' u.u. 1.220 RADIO ,29 60. 55 OLDS w. Balboa Blvd~ Nft'P<>rt. ACME T.V. Harbor aoH u AAy table mod•l rqa.I* HOLIDAY CPE. BeauUf\11 two lone rreen. WllW, power brak· •· radio, heater. New J'ord tract. In. 24 FT. 30AT In wat.er, ready to 1 0 Fl)'inl bnd1e. Cbrytier motor, ball tank, extru, cheap. K.ElloSI ~. 27c29 $2.50 I!lcladu put.I &Ad '1.abol' S5yn.~ ACME TV A RADIO 33 n . ALA.SK.AN built 1po~ m __ -_•_1.a_t_s_t.. ______ Jl&l'_._aa_o. ti.ahPr, ny1ne bn•. dual con- trol•. plk>L t&lb.omeler, 1 1 A di. t/Walar ~ crown. at&Jnlua It.eel ru tanb. IOO mile ran,. "'"°· Baltlo& MartM 201 l:.aat Pacific Cout H 1rhway, N9Wl>0rt. Har. 0111 27 29 c DOUCLA8 llUlLT SNOWBIRD No. 261 cbrom• tltUnp. Ju.al Knowlton Electronka ~ REPAIR • RJCNT.U.. f Air o:R V 1Cll, RLUON>.Bt.ll 8cl'v1CI calla lW t p.m. UMJOO U5 Utt SL Phone HA.rtlor M04 NOW r<>R THS nUT TIXS Anywhere, a beauW'U1 2 man- ual elect.ron1o -s>tnel orp.n for only ...._ (Not a chord orp.n) $2395 Full prk-. ~.IO ckllnn. Come t.n for a l JARK tree •-now &t IVI sBAFERS < slnc. non NG t21-4JI N. llyc&mor? Santa Ana DO WNI Phone KlmMrly 2..o672 FORD Oran .. Cowal)"f °'Tan Hdqlra. H"1· 39 al Paclfle Cout BWJ. MOTOROLA couoM. blond. 19" m W. &th SL. Hu.raUnitoo Beach repoPea.c!. Take ove.r pay· (When the mosl tmportant thins ment. of •U.TI per monlh. ln the qcy. i. th• cut.omw.) No money down. %102 N. ){&in, AuthorizeCI Oiat ributor ,. ,. , . ., Now 24 Hour u:RVICE on Truck Repairing e. * ~LL: MAKES * JCUm tn ate costly ~upe In at G p.m. -Out at 7 a.m. 8lnce l9U SEE US FOR GOOD USED TRUCKS ED. THOMPSON Garage ( C.onaer 3rd 6 J'rench) Phone Kl 2-23'3 Santa An.a Santa Ana. 26<:27 M L ND OrpM all model& Grant w. usic~ or-" all1bUy uMd. SPINET aPl:CI.AL8, T'ft.A.011: IN .. a a -"-f _._ .... .-n:.-00 w.. any OM A.ND .RJl!NTA.L • R.J:TURNS! Yo ur Hudson Dealer. ._-nu-Ulr - B..UUIO reflnlabed compMtely, •• r 1 cbord ,~ ail, doll7 ~ lycamon -- lay It wit.bout la.oM. Small 04lllWM"11 tptnet ""· SALES and SERVICE PbilUpe. 620 No. M.al.n, tJMd ~ A.croeonlc aplDet m a AU. Calit., C>r&n•• b1 8&14wln 169&. OUlbruMD 2&S N. t.o. Aqe.l.. Jal .. '2tt ty Hanun.ond Deal«r. blonde o&lt 4 montha old, aav1 Aneh9'm • ~ .. y M d •100. Klmb&ll 8.aJem maple , ,.....,._. AD~ comb. A an ave flU . Qt.lier tlne buy• tn &t PLYMOUTH Bl!L.-.... ..._ th record player. Spedaj __ .. A a V4 • dr. bard-top • anoa~ 212. 0 N. Main, Santa ......... ran)'. peci&l convenient • __ ...... ... r t.111T1U1 at old. ....--wt.... p ow • 2k2"r SHAJ'EJ\S (8lnce 1907) ~uJpmmt. Law local mU.,., AJC'l'tCI>-: -.-0-aed--p-lanoe--f-or dl·•U N. Sycamore, Santa Ana loW down payment. a-,r, oms• Ph K tract. Immaculate 11'.lide &Ad nnt&l ·-B!1but c-" one lmbuly 2~72 --OUL Private party, Har. (Mt owanc. in trade for Or1a.n. t2ltc or Grand Piano. 15-Dof;9, a.a., Peta PhllUpl. HO No. M&1A IM.KEDIA TS DELIVD t' OD s.nta Ana. JEAN HENRI new R4n&ult MC1aL oo mu. O~ __.. per pJ.lon UIN. 1:R X •ua.. buya ........ J'l"mch 8,.c1&llat ot HAUSKEN • WATSON c:iar= v.:.-·· •iA~ DOG CLIPPING 1931 Harbor eo.t& ~= ~ OJO No. M&lA. Wor1u ID 7our home. AM. &ill. ltl'-n-1549 Tu.tin Ave, C.X. ~ ,_.ldaC· Harbor u.a MKOND lptnet Orpn .._ a 27pU Oood 2-44.11 21p29 cu p PADDI..DOA.Rl>B U ft.. lonJ 8d1mldt· PD.60 uo HUntJf\11.0n •••·· Santa Ku.nUnstA>a a.ach LEX i'192 CoWI 21dt lll~" 0 000 22 ft. Star bo&t, I ft. newt Pn.m na A ta fl.I w•k btfteh $Tt.H '15. Hu. t.JIT·W 1'7c2t Ana. 'M-21' OWENS J:XPRUS " w HP a t 1l&lML l:xeell•t ~ biS d1Uon '3t00. Call •tata '°"~7~ all (llhum&D Oalra). Up2'7 Sp1Alt Schmldtr CKAKPlON &&ke Ulil, 1J ft. I t.. 15 b.p. l:.tnNde. Remote ~00 p cont.role • 1t.rin1. l\wmlnl sear • up1.a. canvu conr. practl AD la pod C!ODditSon. ... at UJ'T~ uu Cltclt Drtff BayMona. kb•ldt- J'lJt.IT •T24 WILL TAXS JT. IMta tec2I v..u.. cond1Uon. BA YOU WILL GET GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '5S DOOOZ ~ T. PICKUP. ·aa GMC ~ T. PICKUP. '5 OMC ~ T. PICKUP. 'H FORD ~T. PICKUP. '50 CBmVIWu:l' ~ T. PICKUP. '&I OMC • T. PICKUP. 'M CHl:VROLST " T. PICKUP BTDRA.·MATIC TRANS. '52 J'OllD VI. 1 T. DUA.LS. ·50 CBEVJtOLET I T. H ' BTAJCE. J SPEED, 8:~ TIRU. 'II() axe J T. CO.I:, H ' ISTAK&. J llPIZI), IS T"'EI 'H ce::svaor..rr 2 T. H ' BOOT, 2 SPICJCD, 1:25 TIRES. JOE NICKERTZ 10th Annivenary Sale! STUDEBAKER The leader in Styling - Economy Crattama.n.ahlp { Alk th• man who _,,. one) How lllU• UI• coat. or o~rauon.­ Eue ot Ha.ndllnr - Prid• ot Own•rehlp, etc. Com• In a.n4 let me prove to you that you can tra~ ror }Ma and set. m01' value for your money ht.re t.haA any· when. .AllowanC*9 on aom• t....u. u llUldl aa dou.b1a Blua Book value. J'abUloua dJICOWlll tor ca.eh aale. I' Monday 'Ul T p. m. Sunday 12 to t Bte>a muat. m..i our lt.&n.da~ P1U8 tuu, p.ak•ta and oU BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 110 JC. lrd SL Kl 3-1284 LOAN CARS -FRO TOWING 8TATll BONDD> AV All.AJILl!l NOW by •t\1E or monUI cloee t.o beach-. a l:l 0&1"4&Uon. Corona del \tar Two bfautit\ll newt1 tuJ'L !twin ~ apta. Wltb ~ dlna-', will •l•p •. DWpmal.8. dla!Dna'tpw. prapa. 1aUD4~ t\u'n. patiu wt th Ba.r-8-Q '100 ptt wk. Wlll conalder y•r lea.. to adUlt.a. No pat.a. • AUTOMATIC 'I"IUNSllI88ION8 sa or call OWDU' al 112 Carn&· STDRAMATlC • DYNAJ'LUW ,....._ D POW&ROLIDE ....,.. Apl. , Har, llA or OOMPt.rrm OVJ:RRAUL Whltmaa R-.tty Bar. 1182 or $1 19.50 lllcludea all put.a a: labor AU.. WORK G UARA..NT»Js:D TERMS ARRANGED LOAN CARS BAB A UTCJMO'l'lVE SERVICE 12111 NELSON BT. AT ACA<-'lA Lm .. 1HCI u ~ PORT ORANGE ~ TRAILER SALES and SUPPUES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. • NeWJ>Qrt Beach LI 8-442( PAN -AM.DUCAN 35 to 50 tt~ lA:iBR. p AAAJIOUN'P cu.t.om built. aotooott..1 •2BR. Hlfb.-l trad .. ln allowaDc&. We need dean ued tra11er8. PAN A.ME.RICAN Par&m0Wll·Renak1ll 'ba.-...Terq Hu. •Ul. JIU• L.lDO ISL&. Homea or ape.rt• menl.a. Furn!abed or untlM"IUall· ed. Moul.hi)' or yearl.)' •• ~· tron t wlt.11 plera. p. a. palmer incorporated' har. 1500 Ub l-667J NEWPORT BEACH, • bedroOm tum. hOU11• on Cbannd by w.ek or lil&IOD. '110 ft.Cflr Av .. or pboM ~ LAert1 8·MT3. 14lfc Summer Rent s Bay Front Is Ocean ptor• Location•. Ol:LUXll 2 Wdrm,. unf\lm. 0.- plex aoutll ot blpwa7. AytSI. Alli· 1. J'lreplac: .. r. A. ~ hdwd. OOora, .. pare.t4 ,aU... AdUlta. Bar. llM-Jl ~ "' SEE D • 'l'A NJ:L80N· : OORONA DBL Mil tii 7'0UI' ~e, with our SIAM.ESE KJT'I'ENS $~ -90?' • LOAN PLAN. Pn· Mmcm& llurry, onJ7 a liar. bu-W. 2Sc2T SNOWBIJ\D, pod .... k pod ..u. LI MUI Mdl LU MORE '50 DOOOll: I~ T. Dt1JilP, J BPIZD, f :00 TJR&8. FOR RENT OR SALE -27 tt. Juat. take the Urn• to tlnd out houa• traner, t\J.rn. 3 rma. It how little It. w1U COolt you to toilet. very ru.aon&l>le. I...Iti.rt.y FOR CH•~c:a IQ:lft~ • • UA8(JN~ • r..,u.i. . ; not ID. OeM\ 11., . ..,, -' MATCHED ,_1r ltM HI h.p. Crl.e CrUt. Martne enrtnea. 1·1 reducuon. Qood abapa. UllO for ~ Hu. UN. 2tc2I 1J rl', SNOWBUU> ln C'Xcellent condluon, • .. ta Of aalla . Har. Olli.WK Hc21 IO rr. N. a. cia. be& •loop. bull l'tlf\nJUad 1 lllODth &p. LI 1-fm. -Httc D:'J'Cll t.e ft. o~ 15 ft. WL .... damlD mal.nMD. Otlltr ..U. pod. ._,. 2 audde A I . ...,., IMilld • pJley P,TOO-~ dowa. ll&r. UTI aft.er a .. m. ut.tc II"' LIJ'1I JUMO J1t. N...W.U ..... trttb • dMlla • 1• .,... UM 116. ·~pl. ntn•- ...i wata taDJl .,. a-fd.. Ual ....... f/l&:f lf&Ty ebtp d9dl Pl. 01mbe.I amp 6 I aDdae .... ta UO. New tnui. u,tat. • cont "' ~ ... l OI Vla ~ U4e W.- WMk-cid. t:spJT Slip & Rowboat Space. for Rent A.aertlU lAISOO JU.llUt It. M..t1ni 2n~ Wecl. 8 p.m. "'" ., ................ ~• .. J.N. MOTOIWU _.., lib ..,, llM ~·' 1 ,,... Onl' p&.)"IDmla of fH. fl ,. mo. No clbWL SlOS N. Ka.la. kilt& Aaa.. lld1 KO'l'OROl.4 eokle T.V. taWe IMCW. TU. OYer pqm&lltl of PUJ pv meet-. llOt Jf, Kala. &ut.a AN. lklT va\e nUdile. Krr'I'ICN8, pre\.ty, tlufty, knaw .ftilliP' HO No. Ma1a. about nnd box, want good FOR YOUR CAR ltll. hom•. Kama J*llsreect bl u • STOCK. 11_. and uaed Penlan. Papa nlc:. bul pure-When you tell to ..=. ·.:: ':~c ~~ _:~_ed_al_J_ey_. _Cal_l_"_a_r_. _2 .. _"1_9--J. Anchor Mtr. Co. t .. • lchmtdt; &ata.b. t.AROll pl.UMa tool U you •"'"ta need of1 any type of u ec t ruck ~ulpment be aw «' , o ... ou.r llloCk. ao unll• t.o CllOOM from. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 1-l'fTI Fullcrt.OD Kua.to -LA t-0%61 19--Aotoe Wuted 174 z. lTth LI 1-1.Mt IU·lt I!. 4th. •t.. 8&ata An& ... only the MW wsaa. Ml1' {OT '691. Saay to play. 25c30 ACOO full RDION SPSClALS 1 a only 120 ... ~ Jtxt.ra all in perfect oondJtion. ab1R. Tuma Jto CloW'll and $5 20 ~r mo. a t SJlil"D,8 (line. 190'7) SELL YOUR CAR PAJJ> f'OR OR Nctr WcCartl\1 hye M oni lUO I. Kahl Kl 2·3&0T '21-4.U Ph N. l)'Cl&IDClft. 8&Dta Ao& on. .lt1m.ber'\J J..Ol'f2 to-A.-for &lie -----12_,. IN OB R.C.A. table mock.I. 53 BUICK Tltoroustal1 r.-c:oDdlUoned ll l"W'Uteed Al.le. 2l20 No. RIVISR.A Mdu.. l'\L1J powu- Main. Santa Au. 26c27 wv. wbttla. '1''1 • maroon. J'OI\ P.A. &ALI: mi.:. recorder A ayal~ ~ulpmet1t. lit CGDd1Uon •100. llar.IOl7. IOOd Nest W/W. 1 owner. New Ford trade l.n. $I I 95 "'" price. COST A ta:SA Truck Hl&dquart.tn for lltlc 1950 Nilll. 6 dr. 8t&u.m.aa. Jl:l;c&Dent cond1Uon. P'rb 4'1'17 '225 LI 1-6281 or 2210 Hotly Lane, N .. port B911'bta. ~ 53 BUICK Super Rivie.Ta Cpe. Dynaflo., R Is H PO'ftl' bnke9 Many other ext.ru A beautiful cu $1395 Or&nl• c.o. 51 FORD VICTORIA KA.RD TOP. BeauUtul blue and 1r.Y n.nLlh. •'drin, radio, btr. Youns people'• •pedal. $795 Full prl~ MARK DOWNING FORD H"1. at et Padflo Ooaat Jiwy. Ut W. &lh St.., HunUnJtoD Buch (The nw»t. lm.portant Ul1lW drt..-. out. th• bNt. l -&T60. 26C27 JOE NICKERTZ Your Studebaker Dealer 388' Newport Blvd. Har. 010 53 BUICK Conv. Super Dyn&flo., Radio, Heater White wtth black top $1395 TERRY'S BUICK Mh at WALNUT HUNTINGTON BEACH 55 CHEVY LAllGE BELl!XrrION New -1\d Used Tralltl'll in 1Jse rrom 15·ft. to •a-rt. All Priced to Bell Bank Tenn• -eo montha 1 Vacation Traller Rentala WEST COAST TRAll.1:1\ SA1.JC8 13°'1 o.Nen Crc>Y9 Blvd. Garden Grove JS 7-!'rO'r Burt A LeRoy, owner W AlftED to nnt -I bedroom boUM. Ha.l'bor area, yeart7 L- or 1.... wtlh opUor to bu,7. Wt.At ..,... .. Clnpl.. fellcad ~ PermanciU, empk>y..t locaJ.17. EaceU&Dl local rderence&. wru.e boa Xll, Lilia newapa_pu. tauc T. V. DO~~G TERRY'S ln t.he ~-la Lb• ct.1.tt.omer.) '91>1\. ..san. JL6H. 8Un Mll• 6 IDT Rental 1250 So. KalD BUICK I.At RJOB Help You. FORD ••• 1 •"' ..aect.d ewy, • at P11CUk1 eout. KW7 NEW A USED CARS aPll'I Uk• aani: ,~ m w. IUa at.. HunUQft.08 Beach 5tb at .w ALNUT TAlta ADV AHT~O&., bs. ID&Q)' -;;;::::=--;:::::::tf ~ ~~. ~~ '::°'::= HUNTINGTON BEACH ,_,. °' apstenc:e u • top itt PiaD09 ftentaf , -·1 DOlcb m,eeel4. ,... 41le. rou ~> tlnd u owa Super 18 ~-MIMl H J>.OUAJ\, no 1"Mdetar. peut RIOH HAHN'S won lmall f'G. '28'1~ 8dlmJd laDta Dtw at ~ •.tac» Ila W. cs.pt. Mii U•. ~ Mftf-IT*T• 'red l•lh•r UJ*o111a7· iplA.t am. 0th .. tm~ anu • ....,_ rrc21 Eudlaat condition 11to0. &flat 609 a. J9'l'8 ft'. Kirro UP9 Maple 8p1Mt I p..m. llar. ITll·R. l'Tdt Barbor '121 H.-port Bca.cb ~. f19'. )2 FORD Tkl.U.. MK. P'ordo- t.-Pbllllpa. 120 No. Xa.tn. maUc. Jtxoebtnt c:ondUJon - Ana. laft tllO. oa J UTI. A*> .. or M VolMwqen splaeta allfbUJ diUna&'9d Jfu& ..U on Har. 162+.J Fair • Born• now. TrpD J'atllom 11'91· 'nde t• a.n ..,. celhnl family car. N•w Ford trade In. $1 595 J'U1J pr1ce. MARK DOWNING FORD FREE I ~Tcan.t Tbe ftDl9t , ...... tr. ...... to ~ • ...,.h«rt. CAU. a&l.•.:r R&AJ..Tt' Kl T.soot uuo • .J • ON BAJ.BOA UllcAllD i au ua tur 1tad1 .-• t _..,..,. ta1*-• ; NELDA GlBSO~ 19'1W; aot Kartlle A"-~ •• 8Al.IK>A J.a1.A.KD .. I NOW LEABlNG . Mockru cooettt. ~ap bu.Od1np Tailored t.o tauu needa 14·1 or M-2 sonm1. · .. WM. W. SANFORD & Auociates Park Ave at ~. Balboa Ialand Bar. 2412 3Ulc J'URJ(taHllD _ ~ LmAa& w.T1Cft6RONT. Mn4Y beach-LOANS for Homes 1M..,11 cSecorat.aid Uld ~ taiwt ...-a BA. i Salb, "' -to ,.,. t.oane two I bedroOe t "9G 6 two k>velJ bome. Wall to wau car· C• .&.... • t• L 8/ B 8U¥ of JAE WEEK ........ ..,. Olll u.. ...... ., 4hllt.la ....... la ta. UDO a.di ooaa~ fl/I e>rua-. On • 90r'Mf' lot ... uo -'~ ~ prot.ect.M patio. 'l'bl8 u ow wry beA n1Da at Pt.NO TSA'ra J'tlUl-l'fot ooe ptus- pd nickel Ml. and wortb mocb !DON. l bedroom ~ wt• . ~. bull~"' ldtchen. Nice "'nsrruc eon oans UUllU. ,.&d. OU-.." .... p&Uo. Un.turn. ,....,.17, ralrict· BB 808 llATrl..ER • polU. laa4'7 . ,... ud ed area-•2&0 mo. Call ~ 1&16 &AIT 00A81' BLVD. Best Buys on Udo Call BatbOI' '111 NOWf pr&& ... Two bednM. .fl.II bor 1»!, SY•. Barbor 1864. Oorona Ciel Mar a...... D H d sty mo. -1 Mdnn. St.a. IDO. Htlc Rep. P018JJ:R MORTU.t.0& QO, e I s.4rm1. l b&lb --Pl.TOO UnCan ar e CQ.UT PIWPmR~ 101 & .t.T'l'IUC'l"IVI: 3 bednn unt\Lr-Metro We 1u. J'U.Ddl ID MllO e I BdnDa.. 1~ batJ1.1 ·--'21.IOO .REALTOR "C'' THOMAS TOP VALUES • mAOf'll\4-BDMll ,_ wm ........ teWtLl8*. • Dea. .... nn, •d .. ta ft. .-. .... ., .. ~ ""'"-I* pr. ~. l.lle .. .,....._~wm__... • tradt .... -a. ~ ... c. ..._ • '1'mlda. s DVl'LWX -U,ft ID>& QiM a WiDdlls ct11t.. to town. a.tr. --wtUl p.rq.a •twoa. ....... ,.,.. ,...... .. ...... ~ ~ ol ......- --oe Tl ft. 1oL Onq I ,.... oad • "°°° dn. • a OI' IC. &IDE LOT on 8&nta A.a& A.ft. 00 x 200. RHuoed PT&o for~....._ to e $1750 DOWN e I bedra. • , b&U.. •~&on • J'orad a.Ir be9l • Deuble P""9 • Ooniiar lot • ....... curt. and plten • Jmmed!at.e P<I • ... • u.a.aoo t\all price • $2750 Down • s bednn.L l.. • t b&Uw mANUFACT\JRERS • forced a1r tMat Balboa Bl.._, 8IJ,bOL Banor n.lltl.ed home Clitt Ba~ $HO 6IUe e 1 B4nn&. I bat.bl. den 1102 Nept Bl'fd.. Newport n.dl *' Ol' B&J1)ur ffOQ. • t1 per mo. 00 leue. 2nd & ht TD LOANS 2000 eq. tt. Pha•.--'32.T!IO --------- Cho WlD Rentala .A.LIO tor IUJIUMr moa~ beau• • • • ' Bdrma. 2 b&Ul -·---'45.000 lee ter OD ' ~ ll br. 2 bath ocean view S.Vtna all Otua• Count.J • 4 8dnu. a b&tha ... p&nte rum. beach boulle ."1800 down REALTOR and ASSOCIATES ATl'l:NTlONl K -1 A.Cll&A.GI: e All ei.ctrio kitchen ~ water A: pa aftllab • DUpoal .. b7 Dec. thla ~. Prioe1 an • JC:ahau.t fan Balboa Ia1&Dd • Udo lM bome acroea from beach on We Buy Tru9t Deeda dinJJlC room, 91' trantqe 2 b.r., den. 2 b&U:a. tun. nr, Oc:.&n Blvd., Corona del Mar. & Make Collateral Loana OOl'Mr --···-·-·· .. _.UOO water 6 mktL '18.GOO 126 W. Cout Btpway LI 1-6817 Newport Beach jumpiq in thla are&. Thia • Double ...,..,.. • a.en pece woa't Jut Joas • Cholee locaUon MARINmR8 ISLE RE.ALTY 6 b.r~ 2 bath, pUr 6 t10&t M0.000 Bar. u11 318 Marine Ave .. Royal Mortgage Co. Bay & Beach Realty Inc BAYSHORES ·c THOMAS ·c THOKA.8 ST500 per a.er.. •......., cwt» and rutten • Sl7.980 tull prtce •t Balboa Llla.nd. 2k28 2602 Newport Blvd , NprL lich. REALTORS • b.r., den, ~ ot -1or- YmARLY. newly de..-orated 2 Harbor 1549 s112 Lafayette age 129.~ bed.rm. houee. Close to New· H br. phone tervjc• llir. 3M3 2999 Eves. 3 b.r., 2 p&Uo1, 121.~ NEWPORT HTS. .A BEAUTIFUL older 8 Bd. Rm. • Mesa-Harbor Rlty It A880CIATJ:8 G. C. lkymour -Realtor 908 ~ A"" B&lllM &.eland ft. ll&tbor U. or 8'rbar 101& Re.. Bar. a&2Ml or Bar. U29-A NU• port .chool 1100 per mo. on 98tlc 'Juat to the right ot Udo Brtdge' 3 b.r., nr. Bay Club $21.000 Home -Hd. Wd. Floore - Carpeted .. Ll Ying Room~Roclt J'\replace, J'ull Dlninc Rm~ 1._ Bat!w -JI'. A. Heat -Ber. Porch -Dbl. Oar. Hup Mu- ter Bd. Rm. with 2 Jc. WaUl-IA C'Joeeta -Moel A.tt.nw:Uve walled patio with barbecue - 90' lot niotly l&ndacaped. 509 Cent.er Bt. eo.ta )(e .. lu.ee. A vall. July lit. Har. PENINSULN • NICE AREA •on.J 2ec28 56-Moaey Wanted u~ apta. wttb ,..,..... 1 B. R. -PO la I & 8. -t110 ,,... B.a.r. 1J66 -Sv-. Sa.t. llM ti NEWPORT - CIUNNEL FRONT ~forBeat MONEY WANTED Want ".JOO for flnl ll'Ull deed. Hyatt 6-M.S Ha& By Owner Balboa Penlnlul& newly fumlab· ed 2 bedrm. p1u.. 1 bedroOm peat houae. paUo, 1 ~ b&tba. Small dowu. Call ear. 1970-W. Dc28 ------~--~----------CORNER bualne.m lot on h11b- •&7 Wea Newport.. Ca.ah or urm.1. LI l...eoM ztc28 BEACON BAY 3 b.r., PLUS be&UL apt. $38,600 NPT. HTS. Beauty fU,000 LIDO 2 b.r .. den, r9duoed $28,150 Ouc..t.&ndin& I b.r., Jc. IL $(1.000 Claire Van Hom $1UOO OCEAN FRONT LOT I B. ft.. nallbbld ~7 rental '1IO lac.~ * * * * FUTURE SECURITY $10.100 R.!l.A.LTOR 2131 fl. Cout Bwy Ll I-ml B.ALBOA. -ao· a to' a 1tea.1 at , ft. B&r. 1JIM -CT• Ba.r. UM ti Vlalton! Va.caUonlat.a!! INCOME $7200 nuonable tema -------------------rrm. L&A.111 cmt1 I bednn bOU8e d09e to~ .... eo.ta .... IQ ~o or Ba.r. tm tua Enjoy U'ring on the Ocean FronL Compi.t.ely tw'1l1ahed kltcbeD-PRICE $52,500 ette apt.L and ro<mi.a wtt.b pn· ONL y $12 000 DOWN ~t.e bath. M&1d eemc... tree ' TV. 23C)I WISt <>c.n Front, 8 Mp&rate bunplowl on a 100 x Bu. 151~7. 268 ft. k>t.. All llp&dOUI J &I-A~ ,_ ... * bec1rm unit.I DOW rented at rro * * * mo each. A aound IAveat.ment APTS. ON BA y FRONT ---------bet~r than an y annunity Dtf1e. doUble 6 J bedim. BU-50-Bat, MhceDaneoaa policy and a suard againat tn· -. a.ru. SeuonaJ, by WMk nauon. • Bdrm.. w w Carpeta • c!raperl-. l&ndle&ped It fellced many extru. 1K3 ~public Ave. near 19th 8L Ootrl& Kea. Ownel' on property. JtpU 3 Mult. Unit Lots EAST SIDE COSTA MESA. All uWlU. 1ll. Cloee to echoola A ahopptng. WW anan•• build· Ing and flnanclnr. Bay Front Doll House ON BALBOA JaLA.ND ONLY S YRS. YOU?~O ! UMd brick., ae1llDI to Ooor (1aa. PaUo. WOND&RJ'UL ldteh.eo w1Ul built-In BBQ PLUS b.a11 lnter .. t In pl« and floaL 8-t JocaUon on Balboa Ialand. Of· fered at '47.~. BACK BAY LOTS LA.RGI: Remict.ed Lota '600- Down. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson laM Newport Blvd., Cut& X... l..Ibercy M781 Evea. Bar. UM or month.. OowUl7 t.o broltt4 Bu. aaoe 11dl NEW DOUBU: OAR.A.OE FOR RmNT, near Vlncent'a Drue 'ltore.. 022 ClubboUM, Newport Beach. 27c29 THE VOGEL CO. DAN A. JACOBSEN. Real Eat.ate Har. 6691, LI 1-6317, KI J..1187 MARINERS ISLE RLTY. ------- Real Values FOR RENT 3201 W. Cout Highway Newport Deacb LI 8·3481. Evea Har 3830 J or Leh11b 9-7H2 3 It • BDRlil. 2 bath home1, lC•· dbl. ~ Choicest loe&Uon In C.K. IArSe lot.a, f.a.. beat, 318. Marl.De Ave .. Balboa Ialaod Harbor 6711 all imp In It paid for. Only -.-81:--D-R.M..----H-O-ME--,--hd_w_d. __ tlra_., TWO DUPLICXU 511. 760 to S12. 760, t.erma. Call new w /W ca.rpeUDI' t.b.ruoUt. Near H1th Sdloot'. mcom. p,eo. Oei.e. wUh Dike It Colersove. Drapee a.ad eurt.aJna, nneU&n Nnr otftc. UX2._ Udo ab.opptn1 Tot&l price $12,600. WW take Ll 1-2002 or Ll 1-116'. l7c29 blinda lncluded. TUed bath It area. 571J mo. Oil yre. 1..... put lrMM. Bar. •1 IOc1I -N-EW-.--PO-R_T_H_E_IG_H_T_S_ llbcnrer, I cu,..,...._ Come.r auliOO:R RmNT.U... soo .-BAY ... -·CB n••T'TY INC. •-t. t"""' a .... --... ,,.... • -a--.... LAGUNA SPECIAL! "" ~ u:A--., .. ,-fl'OO' J_,, '1-"1m. lt.UO apt. R&A.LTOR8 BY OWNER. Spuklln.s clean. 2 HwiUqt.oa s-cA. 26c31 &t -., l"roat home. llJMpe a. ua ~etta 6 lovely u.nJt.a, well tum. on 00' Mdrm.. ~ beat.. hdw. .-.jlOll-W • 400l 1Unr A•• .. au. Mil. Bar. 1"t ic... lot. t>e.t loca. Pric«1 r1abt.. floor-. cedar root, attractln 11IRD Jt.2 LOT1 1D Ooeta N~ 2tcJI 'JUlll t.o the r1pt of Lido Brldp' Ready for bic IWD.Dler n.nt.al&. yard It pat.lo, plua pn.ce with w.... CloM i. 11th 8t.. abop-ttc 0a11 wi. Koblltectt, B&r. t:120 ,,,..t room • bat.b. ua.aoo. PIDC ccw, betwec TU.IUD MOoatN W1lUnl. I bednn. apt. 27p2t 639 El MocknL LI &-738' 27p.11 ud knta AA& .U..t.a. Paved IA Cote& c1el Mar tor &du.Ila. --------------------------------------1l~t and a.wen. Price $8300 OWNJllR MUST n:LL at a aac· dtJc., 3 bedr. Hdwd. Ulia, Lot IOxlOO tcnotd. N-.r Country Club. See thla today. CLOU: JN, J BedR. bdwd. Bts I car ,.,....., Oor lot to x 1.0 with trult ow.. taoed. Pri'*1 to Mir ONE BJ:DR plua pMt houM, CLOSE IN, 'yn o&d. _...,. In It paid. Lot 60 1t 117 ~ to alley. Ideal for ...und couple and worth the money. B. A. NERESON nr.place, paUo • view. Nr. • Ground Floor GOA-CommerclaJ. lndatrtaJ LOTS on the Bai Alao a adjoining loll avai.lable. beach. 1110 mo. Har. Ml-M Mn. Ah~ia. 11~ Via San 2kM e OFFICES OR STORES M' TO 160' FRONTAOE. 14 Remo, Har. 0191 or LI 1-2502 REALTOR -----------------B I B and up per front tool lo quall• _a.,. 1,.82 N Bl For Lease in -(led buyera. Pier• permitted -....,..., • ewport vd .. Colta M•a \Qlcation Ren.tels B.a.rbor Investment Co. Bldg. Geo. McNama~ Collw taJand --C-IR_C_L_E_T_H-IS--LJ~rty =Y~~939LL W6a a.wf kle&Uoc for ba.y, beach. 30th Ii Newport Blvd. Harb' 2962' 21 cl53 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY ...-. --0.,, ....... snoll.lh. Har. 1800 Commercial Industrial BALBOA PENINSULA, by own· io93 Maple, Coeta Meaa 111.000 Harbor Aph & er a.w a bdrm.. 3 bath home. T8 ft. tront. s .. Ulia lov-'7 Department t1rep1a~. bUllt IA ra.op, di.ah· home -qwet and t>eauutul. Motel Rooms ~ncu f'OR R.J:NT 86' x 300' Commerd&l soned lot wubet' 4 patso. Ocean \'few 26 .. tt tt. Uvtq N>Om -cork '°' a ..,. Jklboa, Ba.r ~ ~-Bulldiq-, Kar. er.t ln th• middle of Coeta MH&'• trom dlnlnr rm. A: bdrm.I. JO noo?W -thermo ruma.ce. a.-• · ....__ --r.. %616 .E. Cout Hwy 2--0938. Hc28 eluded -.uo-ovendaed ........ -Coroq del Mar. Har. 18M. fu~al rc>wln& bualneu de-r---24c28 velopment on Eul t Tth Sl. Enllre prvperl1 lmm&CUl&la. OWNER SA Ys SELL and I Challenge On17 1 block to market.a. OW I Mch'1D apt. near c:&n&I UDfta;a,. f1nplace. prq. '85 STQRJC or oftlcea, alao 1t.orap mo.; ..,., IUW llcJI ipace ft)r nnt. Balboa Bay Propcrtlea WJ1.L llllARJ: attnd.IH UI08 W. Balboa BIYd., Har. 6188 •It-..,. oomD 1630 M.lr..n&r -------------------Drtft. .... Apt. • 11c21 J'OR Lm.u& SHOPS 6: OJTI· CU CltC Bide Arcade, 107 M.uiDe .An., Ba.Ibo& laland. 1nqWre IOI Marini An.. or 11W )'OW' brOker. ncau we've pric«i It rlpll EltclU• ALL CO.MPA.RISON for prlct, .cho01-and t.raM. Room for alv• with ua! terma, locaUon. conclJUon and another unJl. 270' x 400' Com~rclal "Swtftl"' Co r n e r at lnureectlon of major hlgh-y and lhroufb boulevU'd in Coet& M e • L Ample room t or Major OU Company !UM &Del c!rtn...&11 ~urant. Prtced at._ than 1160. per tront foot on hl&'b• -1 ... .An Exdualve -bul p\eue no requut for telepboM lnformaUon. :OUSTRIAL LEASES •.• Have owner-develo~r of ex· rellent lnduatrlal t r a c l 1n t:oeta Xeaa who will build to 1u1t tenant on Iona or abort lenn 1 ..... and from .000 11q. f t. up. Come in and dlacua lhll fuf'tMr with UI. tncome. ALSO %3 UNITS IN aALBOA. Part Oupl~x -11000 down -price trade conaldel"ed. Call for ap-$10,700 a Mdrma, J yn. old polllUnent.. Har. 63K iecat and completely t'U.m1.lbed.. Pt1N I 10,860 tar all thiL ODl7 WHY RENT? N9W I bdnn.. J b&tha. .. 9C5 down .A~ tor occupancy aboUt July 18L 14 ~ country Ill.led lot. ~ ran Oftl stove. DoUble G&rap. IAUDdr)· In prage. Full pr1~ $1G.4116 PayftWlla 578.00 ~r month Only :S of the• avallabi.. Ed Jones, Realtor 1999 Harbor BIVd. LI 8-S83S OR TBl8 ONE T 11~ dawn. Call ua anyilm• ~tor Kl Wl12 17c29 COME-IN and •• wtU st•• JOU all the detaila on Ulue properties. .)Qe&r\ Front, a BR. .... -121,000 Duplex, 2 batha ea. _ US..600 rrtple.x. tll• klldlena -123,9&0 ! unit.I net.I SMOO plUI _ lllJ,000 Apt. Bo11• sto00 YT· 1Ac. su.aoo Bay and Beach Rlty Inc cutt Haven -s BR -Dbl pr EZICll down alao u.de9 510.000 Lo&n commitment. alder.cl. con- REALTORS t8TO Ba.rbor Boweya.rd Colla lleM. C&lltornla R. F. Oeddetl Max W. Pope -R8\lor LI 8-11'2 Wbal Have You T Balboa Bay Propertiea 1G06 W. Balboa Blvd.~ Har. 6188 BILL'S BEST BUYS IVMEDIATE POSSF.SSION NEW -rour Bdrma, s Batba, CW'bed • paftd atreet, .wen 11: atct.walu. Larp Double p.ra.ge &nd Oomer aot. Prtced to M il at $12,900 with $2JOO Down. ANOTHER DON'T l4LSS'ER W. A TOBIAS RJ:.U.TOll "you'll lib our trtendly Mnice" 600 I:. 1 Ttb at., eo.t.a X... LDlert)' 1-UJI MA. YBll: THlll ONE T Santa Ana Helfbta -I BR PaUO -Stone plant.en Lot.I of Jl:lrtraa -Sharp. Max W. Pope -Rea.It.or LI ... lHJ AFTER ONLY 6 MOS. LI 8~911 or Ll ... nu 8/ B BjB BAT .A Vil. BA 'U'RONT 179.~ 0 YT· old. tunt. pier . noat. BIB NJ:.AJ\ JrrT'f -16000 down. 2 B.R., Dea. J Bath, Furn. B/B Penln.aulia-N .. J B. ll. in • Du w /W C&rpt.. Blt.· St.on. $6000 wtU .budJe. BIB J'AMIL T BOM&-PEN . INBULA. 1 ~ Lota -Lal'J9 patso. I BA. D-. Dm:1ns room. BIB NEWPORT -ODrDa Lot -R·2. U.600 doWll -_.160. . BIB NO n:u:PBON& DO'O ON 'nU8 Pier 6 1111 - B.R., Bath Pl.000 -Telma. You wtU bate 7ounelf tn the mornl.Jll lf JOU do not ae thla I oo.e. Bay and Beach Rlty In REALTORS c uao w. Balboa m.cs. B&.lbo&, caut.. HMWr 1JN -l:'ve. 1IM * Ocean front * LOVELi nuti'.x> DUPL&X - 1Ar1e dbl. pr. NtU tJae p6eir &DJ07 t..b9 Wl'IUlMI' 1D Jour OWD ak9 borM W'&lC!l.lq the boata It yacht.a So b)' while 1f1llr tenanta pa.y lb• bllL Only $ 7 500 Down NEWPORT HEIGHTS DUPLEX. I bednn. 6 1 bed.rm. on ,_,. ol luT• R--4 k>t - 71xll&. Rm. tar I more Wllta. De&J' b.Jcb .:boo&. Only $16,250, term1 HOMER SHAFER ' UALTOR tot Mcl'addtn Pt., at NpL pl• Phan, Ba.r. 140 &D7 t1me. NBC REAL TY CO • J LIOO ISLE 2 ~ • Dan. Wall to wan carpet. Owrwr lea'1nS • pJice la reduced for fluklk ..i. t.o IJUOO., $6000 Down.. can be Men by appt. aaytlme. "C" Ed Jone., Realtor 19" Jlu1MJr m..d. Ll a-nu Balboa Island's Beat Large View Lot W•"Ve b..a mO\'ed and mu.t ..u R. w. Oooeeen O.y or n.tcht phon9 LI. 8-7714 • n...&.uu ..... • ~--• • ....__ ..___ .. ~ n ... •UTT p ••• ,.,.n 1 ,.......,...,... be&Uutul new I llednn.. &Ad ......_ ~ • ......... ..,. __ ..,., .. ,._ °""""' An&AI°' le CHAR.MINO 8 bedtm .• I balb ,, ...... ..-vRT HEIOHTS. Not a den l •th .....,._) JlL ......... ... _ ....__ -1.-.... Yrt7. --cor abop. Dots real well. 2 Acres eut M-1 1-~-·d D..A or ....... .,,, ....... ·--._ ... -•-""" -..--home, knotty plne IAtenor wtt.b _..... · ..._,ueied to fl360, home. tn ~ Barbor J'or Yr. Round Enjoyment OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-4 803 cr,.t.a1 Newport-Mesa Realty 7t9 Nnrport Blvd., Coeta M ... 1 LI 8•6!!08, ET• LI I· 1237 3-0PEN DAILY I to 5 1038 W. Balboa Blvd. 1 . Convenient 2 bedroom bome with work ahop. C\oee to Ocean and Bay. Small dn. payment. • .01 Kinp Plaoe z . On• or th• ti.Mr s bednn., 2 bath bom• ln Newport Betrtit.e. Tb• aotlo plantlna adda ru.l charm to th!. home, priced under SJ~.000 204 Collina Ave., Balboa Ialand l. Ideal tncome unit COMlatinc of J rent&l unlta. One w1l t bu • bedrowU t.M other bu one. Mal'Uyn Tbomu wUl be your bo9t-rnc»t rrrt7 att.emoon. Dm• by and d.a.cUM terma wtth her. Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 2I02 Newport Blvd., Nwpt. Sch. Barbor •711 NEWPORT HTS. SPECIAL ffO llOUIWOOD DIUVll rtJRNiaJDD. "'1 auneun 2 bdrm. bome. 1Az'p oonMr lot. Badl;Jvd ftaced with % .,.. pa.....S. 0 PEN J'OR JN8PlllCTION TUelL TbunL and Bat. at\.en100l'IL PRICED TO &ELL -ftRK8 can be ananpd. I Excellent Buy u..ooo. ---llMt 1.ltll at.. eo.-ta M-. I bdrm. O..L lioe&. P~ta 142..&I mo. tncl. '" IA*-\ and lmpOUDdL 0 PmN J'OR JNBPIDCTION W..S. J'ri. and 8UA. aftG1loaD&. Ralph P. Maney IUCA..LTOll ill Nnrport BmL . B.a.r. tOI a I Fihmonis Rlty. Co. JUl.AL'roR Bua-Brobr MulUple u.t1.1iS 1115 .. Oout~ Corona del Kar Ba.rtllor 11.U ttractive Cliff Haven A Triplex ...,. ~Ul opta. to boy oa kU euh or tennL NEXT TO $100,000 Nl:W BAB-1 bedrm. apt. onr double,...... tor • qu1ck dee.I.. Bifblanda. Elqlenalft patiO attnctm W-. 01\ANQI: COAST PROPJCRTID COCK l:UlC'Tft0NlC8 KJ"O. a&"e. Very t\n..t loc&Uon, ~ DAN A. J.AOO.B&EN, R-.1.:.t.&le tor ~ out.door 11.tils. au. BQ Pro,..U.. 1167 .Newport smt. Coeta MllllL Letti. 8e& \'few. All uWW•. block rrom beacb. nu. la a.n Har. M81, LI ~17, JO 2-2181 Unen room, beape Of dmet llOO w . ..._ Bml., Bar. 11a Ll t-1m. i:v.... u I-HOO Muat M1l 1mmedlat.11. 120.000. UNUSUAL VA.LUE at iauoo. l B h B ap&ee. balta c:a.rpet.d. ot.ba' IUPIT.A1A. HW'll " rP. Owner. LI 1-1210, 20H aquna eac eauty t1r1. Jswd... B1nlll cab!Mta. ~ 9IM:la •·au.I. 1 dlU1!:; ~lilwl to Lou reden&. CM · uuc MARINERS ISLE RLTY. 2 euRMI. ~ vtew. diap.. ..iUlaUq tan lD IESt• ON CBOIC:S UtU. Balboa X.- land-Ma8t ds.t!ncttft I bdzm. a t>aua botM. r A heat. wan to wall ca,,et. ~. - SVDrrBINOI Make a potnt THRJ:I: ' room apta., ...,..... 6 llto ..... room. PaUO. -&Mk• roaf. ~ &&Dd8aped. ALL L&A •a> ON 'f'&t.llLY BA&m .......... by ....... 'h .. lt .. t.o MQ' It. ICa:cliOct ~ priced to .. q\dclL ......... b.. t.sma. c 1111 t •• JCutmtp. .... .AndNW9 ltd. LIMTIT. t1eta t.o ... thS&. f\lrtt.. -.... 00 wat• uu aun deck. dbl sarace. paneled cbeD. A.bo'fe an thla bom8 u.. Udo......,..-.-pa' tot. HOME I QANS 81-Real Estate Ezcbu~e 318 Marl.De AH .. Balboa Ialand UTtDf room, fl.replace. lmmed· ROOK -ov• 1100 911-ft. ol .., ...... dl'JS • .Prfftt• ao&t.. r .2;..-Harbor 6181. lat• occupanq. Ill Prtced at tJl,t:IO. ~ MARINERS ISLE RLTY. --.111 --'-A.ft. B&r. U03.-Cool~ -katlnan~8a.IP BAN BERNAJU>INO moonta.ln --------------------OWNER HYatt 4-2280. JTc!2 may -..wne oWMt"a 4\6,. -·-_ .. 111.. 6 lL... er: ------------------1oen. •71 .., _ __,._ • -A-. -. 111 Marin• A••~ BaJboe Jllland Tllll rrt . .,CJt .,.,. · n "' · ,. cabin It G lot.a adjoln1o1 MU' BY OWN&ft. ne1J ranela horfte. I 2533 FAIRWAY DRIVE " .... __ _... ru. Hartlor •TU -------------Ina. l'aDdll -Blda. 6 Loan -8t.or9. MCtuded, will trade fOl' ~ a bat.b. dbl&. prae.. Ll 1-3* 1S4t Two 8.R 6 Dell 17900 -~ _,,_.-..... 1 tMtna. quallQ' home.. .Prtvate Money local. Har. &680 ntttlnf& built tn oven. 1tove, dlahwuh· COSTA MESA ---------------------------Dll tu mo. CloM la --... dbl prep. ienc.o yd. >.ctuu.a TrUat Deed& Bouibt .t Sold i1t.tc er, l1"d bT1cJt r1i-ep1.aee. ,,.. s bdrm. hOUM. i..c-. iot. dbL 7 Acres Balboa I land pO yr • ..._ Ill )lqnolla. Ca1J J"or J'ree oommitm..it .. drapea, ~0,600. '91 £. lttb PJ'~ DC!W dlatr1et ne&r SOil s Ma& W. Po.,e -RaJ1.o1o OCltl" x.-,; LI &aM. Mp» DON L HUDDLESTO~ 6!-Beal Elt&te Place. Coata liOll&. Ll 1-2060. coone. l.A.rl• UVl.nf room. IC•· .,..... .. LI 1-Uil ,~., 16tfc kitchen 6 dlMU• comb. AtUc 6tS • •· l'nONTAQS Oii H\l'llwaJ 1 ..... Udt lwNM. .._.. Ll MlW.1 eo.t.a MM& ONE OF THE LAST view ----------------tMUJ.allon.. lld1rd. noon. rear 19. chol.ce kX!&taan. MOOO per I llDR.ll. "'1tl'f. llOJIJD Wltll ,ado. ~ 21~ TV, 111 II. 17th SL yard teincM. IArle dOwJL Owa• act"&. Twma. ror fWUMr 111--,..,..,.. H ..... nora. Jla7, BJ T he Right Investment lOdltC1AL LOT lb:lJT oo buq ~ MU 1MJt at.. Colita M-. 14-1 ,_ ~ Po ,.. .-. A.va.11. J~ ta lota 1D Oift Haven. Per-For Results er. i;. o. eaundtn. wrtw aoo-tormau.on. can owner. Ba.r. J.m, Deal '°I.IA. au...... llcJT LO.url TO 8UILD. OIPROV& ma.nent new of Harbor. U1e 11.at OJr call Bu . .,.. l'l'd.I Osbome-forton REALTY 00'8 CONTEMPORARY Cliff Haven 111.000 SUY.MUDmzo:a. Oft p()JMT • bedJ'IL. unNANCS Ocean. 8'5 • uo. fl~ Clauified .1t.TrRACTIVE RA.NCH 8'1'YL1: 1 lleQ twn. ...._ Llldo-d We _, "l"nl*l Deeda Harbor 5971 1 tc27b Ad• DUPLl:X. eo.. ot P'J'., c.D.K. pa ... p.u.. ..,..8-Qu.. ...... Nill'POJn' ••••JA uvtNoa • i beCtrmL eKh. tllM9t CJOMt.rUCo .,., ~-dS.poe1 and Gib-• w.u. &uocunuH -s--ot tJie ftDe9t m ~ in the tlOG. eu• root.~ t.a. 2m W. CoaA Hlltnr&J, LI a-TIU S..-.. Bar IUM tal Port~· SU Ktnp Place u 1-1101 J'Tttc co llbop. .un. ....,.,... .a.op. Ile. Rouae 6 llO"'e bWJdbip oe 1ot. wm take cabl.A • lake or trMm u part. U MT•ati.r • I or ...a-41Dda. u wa&ii. -u 10 b91 6 oeemi IMt V1a Udo ft. llaz. '900 -..-..,,,.. -•• .,,_......_ t .. I. b•t. IV· p&UO.. Har. llM-Jl. A..U. ht,. 11ar. n .. w. lk2' ct• "" ... _ ...... DAI-... New1-Preu Mell ---------------~-------~-------~---=~----~:-::-:-=====~------------------------------------------ . ' • ' VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE NEWPORT 'SCHOOL DISTRICT N.-_,, • bdrm. modem home. I bat.ha. fire- Placl. rA ht.at. hdwd. floors, 1800 aq. ft. Ownet' tnnat~ quick pc 2 $28.815(). $8700 down. BeJpnce •l;i"' CORONA HIGHLANDS I bedbm home with permanent ocean view. Bdwd. tloon, fireplace. J'ul1 price only $22.500. Th1I ii not a mi.take. UDO ISLAND Reduced to MU quJckly. e yr. old 2 bdrm. Ii family room. 1'500 Ml· tt. w /W carpetmr Ii dnpa incl ~ block to good awtmmJD1. l'int time ottered at $28,800 CORONA DEL MAR P. 8. Confidentially we have llatecl a brand new 2 bdrm. ranch type hoU11e for Ollly $17 ~. You'll be pltH&ntly surpriMd. CLIFF HAVEN G. I. RESALE V06El VALUES -. CORONA Hl6HLANDS MSW, au.JtJONG. aumc. vmw BOD 1"° baU., Jl&ntwood tJoon. W/W ~ ....... ·~.\ ,_ -=-z:.~ ::=.::: VOGEL VALUES full laundry room. lovely batha. .udlDa c1oon tO patio. Shake roof. A nil plMNd ....._ Only f.29,stM) with pod ..... LIDO ISLE DOUCULATE. 2 BEDROOM + lld2~ I'~· ILY ROOM. 1 ~ bath bosu on eholce l2'dl' lot. Funlly room A: llTinl ~ Oplll to Jlllp encloHd patio. New w/W cupet., cmtom. drapes. raf8ed hearth fireplace wtth eulltom KNiil. Dl9m kitchen. Ed:ra Ip. ~ ICzc,tp*kmnJ buy at $26,800 wlth rood ftn••fna,. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cat. Hwy., Corona del Mar BA. 17'1 HA a1'57 COSTA MESA VOGEL VALUE LIDO OFFICE Ao." ' -.· - VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND ATTENTION INVESTORS I SPECULATO~ I ST TIME OFFERED: 1. J'tnest l"MOrt hotel Ii CGttapl with ........ mtnr poota. lee-nmurut a: bar lMir--, • acrn to expand. net tncome appra. M&.000. .. _ • :. :;-· b;e lncreued with very lltUe ~ priot ... • ~ MQG,000 -t..aui M ~.•. . ...... 2. 2M ft. bontap Oil 17th 8t. • 185 ft. • : ... Santa Ana St. tn heart of ea.ta KIM~ ~.:~: .. center. Full price '1$),000 -euy t.... 3. Improved Highway 6 eommercial water fn)nt. • •• . "' .... In tun openUou, JM8ld for 10 ,.n. -..,. -•:•. :": $1~ per month net. Full pm. $1'6.000-term&. · ~ ~• •. 5.9 acre1 zoned RA bl heart of a.ta K-. • blka. from intenection of Newport Ii Harbor '"".: :"~~ • blvda. Full price $(7,'500 -terma. 5. M·l lot &3x297 with bumnea blcti. 6 a bdrm. houee. Leued for $17'5 per month with room to build. Full pnc. S22,C500 -pnel"OWI t.rma. .• _ '• , e. K-1 TOJ(c27 ft. corner. '9,050 -tenu. . ~ • You can &MW11e th• Ull50 .,. loan and pay only $7' per mo. lncl tax~ fnaur.. lnterut Ii princii-1, OD thla apacloua a bdrm. home In le?ely CUtt BaTeD. Total price SH,950 JRADE7. UDO SHOWPLACE 1. M-170xl27ft.wttll2 br. cottace. '8250 wm . .: ~ COSTA M~SA ' BDRM. 2 BATH -OCEAN VIEW -$9M OOWN -$88.!50 PER MO. Payment. include tu, luur., lntenat and prtnclp&l. Only minut. from th• beach. Better call NOW on th1a one. 2 bdrm., hdwd. floora, Jae, lot completely fenced. priced to move fut at '8:500. GOOD INCOME • PLEX an attractive 2',1 yr. old Unit. Quality bit. by owner. Llve bl the lie. roomy 2 bdn:a.. apt., let the 3 one bdrm. apta. pay it off. One blk.. Ka.t dJ8tlnctl•• BAD"&ONT Mine on Lldof ~ bedrm. a bathl pl\LS JD&idf• quartm'9. run mtr· rored Uvln1 room and d1Dl.q room wall. Lanai with wet bar -front patio, pier 6 ftDier allp. Kuter bdrm. baa every diltaJl for Kiladt• ct. slrte. Kitchen c:&D.Dot be a.ceu.d, blt-bl double 8. For aale or trade. No. 53 Emerald Bay. l5 bdrm.. • bath. rtpt on th• beacll. OWnc will trade for 2 bdrm. home ID thia area or w11l t&U TD'a u part or all of down payment. ft;.~ _ .. : :: ... ... ..... The Vogel Co. from t.nmportatlon ln excellent r-.idential locatsan.. $280 per month income. ovena, ltov• 6 pill. Price $125,000. The Vogel Co. Phoue tor appt. to ML .... -' ... 8201 W. Cout mpway, Newport BMcb LI 8-3481 Eveninr telepbonee: LI S-7780, 8-3:580, 8-l t.21 Jl&r. 3830-J, LeB 9-79'2 . • The Vogel Co. The Vogel Co. (nut to post at~) . ,. . J ,) . . . 208 MArinc Ave.,~ laland Harbor«-' or lOU' •·· ,.I I o " ' 1700 Newport Bml., Co.ta Meu LI 8-~ Ml.8 Via Lido. Newport Beach Har. W71 Bne Barbor 1!5S9-M Ev-. Har. 15179 -Bar. 6H2 Har. 388()..J BEFORE YOU BUY --SEE VOGEL VALUES You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE New Furnished "Homes by Mecco" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 :00 P .K. Interiors by Martin & Von H1m1rt Beautiful hOIDl8 in the fl.aeet locatiOD Prlcee from $26,000 to $M,000 You.r lupectJoD ill r.pect.ful1J IO)idW EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OB Blway 101. Newport Harbor, oppo.tta uw Irvine Cout Country Club. Harbor "'8. A DANDY I' AJU1 TTn llome. 2 bedim., pamled dee, We batU, built-la Idle.heft. UMd k\ell ft.Nplace, wall to Wall c:upet.lq. bdWd. nn.. alldlq 1'.1M9 doon to COYe:red UJ:UDl peUo, ,...._ he&Unc. abalu root, dbla. ,..,....., ,_,. Jani feDMCI, l&DC*:&ped. fNVUTOI\. BUJU>at. MrYkt etaUGQ o,_.tor-111&12011 Tl comer Harbor BJ..S. Muet Mii. Pric:ed u Lav..immt. lnc. fl7ti mo., but ~ now tor lm· D*SJ&t.e 4ey.aop°*lt.. 2 BLOCKS TO 8HOPPINO area at 17th and Or~e. R.secor- 1 &led 1 Mdrm. home. Neat. c:Ju.n u d ~ \0 own. S mall down. I J UDl\OOKI, J )Tl. old. banjo •u.t. ,.,..a.t noon. nu tn· i..t.. mod4lnte, lot. ~ (lua eb&rp. lubmtt down. 02,80\.. tv.U price. Dou.w. ,..,...... JIOOO DOwN t.UTa 1.ncome pn>p- erty. ' bedrma.. J lath bom.. °"'*"a•.,_, ot lot. UOO mo. 'La.eome. Cloe. lJl locaUon. ExcJusive Little Island _ NllWPOllT HTS. i.r.m.IJ&te oc- ~.a bednn., J bat.b - MAND NmW. rtDeect It land· eeaped. Prtoed Al oa.ly •11, TOO Cbl.nn.lq home with Income apartmenL View of bay and a atep from quiet B&t.hmr Beach.. Both unit. tutetully furulahed and priced tn •')(Id 'lblrtJee". Phone for appointment · NELDA GIBSON, Realtor I08 M.a.rtne Aw.., BaJboe Ialand PbGM Bar. G02 Har. '623 CORONA DEL MAR SOJJTH 01' HWY. ho bedroom home, fireplace.. laa.ftlwood fJoan. PLUS .eparate ~ room wWl mbowv. Dbl. ..,..,., lanaJ. a-tto, cm a 44 toot lot, priced well below 1.11ythlna tn the &-1 area. AU· ADJ ~ GIJ500. r.,.., ... RAY REALTY CO.· l'4f E. Cout Hwy. Coran& daJ Mar Har. 2288 (..,._ from Bank ID C.D.ll.) --MDlllll\ -Or MUL'DPLE USftNG SBVICE wsu. c.ma. I '6300 BUYS NJCWPOR1' HTS. • R-2 901Md reiUdeti&l or &D· come lot. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES lUT Newport Blvd., Co.ta W... LI a..11u &vu LI ... ltOO RANCH HOMES I Br. 6 ._ IO a lJI ft. Jot, 8tW· .,. la &Dd peSd for. Deeded l&D4. Oltl7 • to cMoM from. t•n1dl1to CIOCOpil..DCJ'. ao.. to ecboo1ll u4 mar1teta. &b&ll• noC, ~ on.. caec:nt~ clrl"*-.1. llladwa ra.q. and 0... dSI' I ... A.. beaL us...._... ... ()pea'.,. ...... ·-· On oa.wo '*"· 'l\l9UA • tr-vt-. 1 lllUl ICo. at lTt.la IL Ole BaMM Co. ~LI a..JIU NEWPORT IEACH CURT ~ Rltr Ch . ti.L.. t Hts 1 A I MclrOCD .__ • 1....,. , • oace • ..,..,p • • • ~ ,...... • iw. J 11 M A OW 1 ......._ A .._ 1~ batb. Iota. '1~ l Wocll a , Ye. ou an,.. -.tural .._ nnpt. n-D ..._ 6 ._.._ ~ I IL --I I d J'.A. be&&. atra 1p. ~ Call ......... '* an.a I • DOa I •n 6 9lONp apu.. ~ root P. m. er ..,um. ..-.. ,-._ H• rbor 1560 .... ooc1 lllidillfl a tmce.. mo0 "... 11c11 dowa, F.P. SD.IOO. OwMr--------- ... Jl 1JO Ooner. N-.r Baell ~. O..Mma~ LI .... 71. l l t hUlrtAla. llpll J 11DB11. JIOJQI • ...... let ..._ ea. or ~ tvr 0.-. nw-a ~ .-... J ., ,.,.. Ml IUr I Mdtoom met ..,, ..,. doee le abopplna eeat.er, _. di.If---. OIPDU, ll6l'. o.ta M-.. Jay ..... ID IMl U &-MJO or Ha.r. t• Its. la H.-pcin ..... ct.a. alee Mlst'M11 •at. i... ,.,..S. aa. u ..... ., _..., IU IUft.l'lllde .A.n.. LI .... 11 .. after l:at p.a. UU• BAUOA 4 bdrm. furn. o)der home, larje UviDc room wilb fireplace. Unit heat, prbq• d1.tpo.al. 2 car p.race. Ooeu n., dme to the bay, '23.600 tmDa. FIRST TIME OJTmmD. Income unit 2 bdrm. . furn. hou.M with large bedroom prqe apt. Excellent rental area. 1 blk. 'to bay. $21.~ tmna. \. . FUR.NISHED DUPLEX all 011 one tloor. Good summer nntala. 1 block to bay. $H,'500 wtth low dow1l peymmt. COSTA MESA Co&y 2 bdrm. and lanai Ranch home completely furn. 2 cu pnp. ~ID llava of tlowen, tree9. ahntbe. Fruit tree. plote. Con-al for hOJ'le. All fenced. ee x 806. $8000 down. CX>KKERCIAL corner l~~ z ~ ft. Neu Har· bor Blvd. Preaalt improv.DQta abouhi carry till property dneloped. Bat buy OD W. 1.9t.h St. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH ~A. YRED, Realtor MiJdnd BJaa and 8y!N. Thomp!IOll, Amodata ao1 E. Balboa Blvd.. Salboa Bar. 2'151 or 6800 HOME SEEKERS U you wiah to b~ a home or income property anywtier. ill t.hla area. we ma&. & apecl&Jty of findinl the EXAC'l' property to suit your needa. Jwst Jet ua bow wbat yoia deeire Is we will try to ftnd it. W• an memben of multiple u.tm1 Ii have ma.ny otber UatiDp. If your time ._ nluable, let ua do your Jookiq. WANTED Mall)' bayen w&itiq for lob. ls quick cub ..-. Tell ua what you have for aale. Extra •te.m•n wunM. C.U ua day or llite. JAJO':S C. BOW ARD, R-.ltor A. MID GENCO, A-data VIOLA CL.APPEit, A ?Melate N.B.C. REALTY CO. 32.ad I& NtQOrt ~ Harbor Mae BALBOA ISlAND 0.. el t.be blland'1 a- Situatecl OD &ll atn. wide )ot, ftrJ doee to lo. Bay. 5 bedrma, ' bathl. .perale 4IDln& roca. .w~ tul patio; doublil pnp, plua ott..a.t ,.nu.,. Tour lmpecUoG wDJ tdlllrm lb! ftltae.. WK. W. STA.NLEY SANFORD Realton HADFIELD Park Aft. &t ll&rille. Ba1bOi Ja1a.Dd 11.atbOr JIG •• :~· :: ... . .. OVER 1000 .LIST ING s·1:~. I NEWPORT BEACH IT .uN"I JifO C'l.1'l'm &Gd It &ill'\ no 11ouJ but eormdertq the *-Uoa lt'e wol'UI the money. J IMdrOoml 6 ct.a com· B/B ~~ ~ tb~~ IF YOU WANT A WIFE AROUND THE HOUSE .. :-_::: = 9:n:Ja!:;:: BETIER PUT THE RIGHT HOUSE .... W,Un ol lb• Paclf1c. It all AROUND n-·; WIFE &dde up \0 tu.a. f\la &Del mor. ta wttb J1e&Dvte 1111' a ctown IS paymellt. "111 prtc. ~ -pooo down. YoURS THE HAPPY-GO-LUCKY GAL Who'd Jove a bi1 informal llviq room with a dreamy view and ju.It enoup kJtehm. bedrma. , OWNER SAYS SElL I and pat.lo for practical living! Then PM th1a 2 BJU.ND NEW DUJ;LllX. J bnna. bed.rm. 11,l bat.ha "buy" at $24,000 incl funllturt. • ·· • up, t ....._ ~ d.ek oa 2nd .... noor. a..i fireJlML N ... ktllt-I8 SBB AT HER BEST --- 1na. ovw tMd dGUI* ,..,..... ill a had.some "dl"-ound of muted' coJo-l.lld ·' · -·:4 <J-. to ~ dMLllMi 11.0d -...• ... • ' '•-I 8bopplnc. ...,,....., to 111.iOO. eoft carpetln~ With room for formal dJmaeN f ' nooo down. Then ahe will want th.la • bedrm. and clan puo---~ - ' rt.m1o view home with H x 17 tt. d.lnDls roea . ~.: • ON LIDO ISLE and terraced patio. And the kitta wm Jove betJll :-:;-;i wm..;:~tiw!"= rirht acrou from CHINA OOVE BUaL ..... to tn.IOO. ud .. ....u, m-.n Below reproductJoo at ~000 on & IO ft. lot. • • · .. " rood-oc.. ~ at 1 ... t a bburw SU"llt A -ODERN _ .. , .. _ to abow Uwn to JOU. T ou'U IS .QQI --~ be 11&c11ou did-lt'• • promt.e With a flaJr for wood. 1lul and ~f •. ~::.:· CHANNEL FRONT 2D~..._11'om 1 u .. kt. • lua. &t toot • 1010 RI•• Ave. 1 1'U p ier and •D>-1 Me pter aad •Up Tht. 2 bedrm. on a ~ tt. lot south ot the ....... .... ..... way will till the bill. '11.80(). f\mlJilbied. :: ~=~ I. ' We at.o have some choice ~ ~tall ---I\ .. , •• -11 iotnr fut. ......• fl'h'Uel' .. OCEAN FRONT LOTS BA y & BEACH REAL TY INC •• Re1~n~'; J"'AOll ..,_ TO 111,MO. lome are 1141 and _... &N little but tbe and, aky·btue water ~ _._ .,.. &U ~ ..,.. INDUSTRJAL n.<>11 1 TO • AC'• l'rora llOOO to 110.000 ,,.. acre. Oet 111 OD ta.. ~ 0...-6 make ~ • lltu. toftAme 4'1ick. A f"tM....,.,..,.. an~ It. fF YOU AIUI .A. UAL SaT A Tl: ••ta>«•• w ~ and ....... ~ .,...,. OLD MAM OPPORTVNJTT Ult .......... eut -,.u. ..'U ,. ,.. la -• ..., Merft. ,.,U11 flnd lllftl la OU1' otftce. a... .. ud we'll tabod~ llia fAt ,..... Se••n l1f •nd1 Reelty I Investment Co. IU-l"llld ll., Jif..,.rt ~. CIJtf. ... -. *"-' ..... Mar. 811 Altedene Escrow (Oolea MM& .COCI} llJ.A & llO a., LI .... ... C»rona del liar OUlce 3530 E. Cout Bii~ . ~ ... ~.:: .--...... BAYSHORES •• tk. .. :,, 3 Bedrm.n, 2 ~ua ~Up., l&rp ~ room. . . .. Completely turniabed. ruu pne. ..-..... ~ .. t OPEN BOUSE liTURDA.YI AND llDllM.TI' ... ...,.:~ 1-6:IO P. M. I • •t Waftdy Ddft ~ (For Mrller appof.Dtmeat call UIUI MANCiii. .~ .. -:z .. - HYatt Mm or Lou Boyn~ BuW Sfl .·; • :-i ! CORONA. DJ'.L KA.Jl I.nmt Te:rftce. •• lliiilllle. , ,.,.. I PrlY&ta owmr. 3 a...t--2 ._.,,_ ..i. W •·•• ~ UllDUJ .u.&a.t ........., • • ...... pla.n. IA.rs• llJdiq 1l1M doon to pat.le. Goad tnma to qualtfted buyer. $U,800 -Leu••• .. ·.·.·.; -. OORON.l DICL JUJt. New i.ome. 2 ......... •• .... 1 bath, ftl'1 ~ dlurat.ecl._ .... ~.:~ louth ol UM BWJ. '2'-80f I~-~ BEACON BAT. New 1i1Wa1 ID Wt .-i-.. ..... ,. 4tatrlct. U.tq room opme to larp pdlo a111 ~' '., bar kitchen and c11n1Dr ~ I INdaw. wt --· · - 2 bath.a tint floor. A 'ff!r/ Jarp attrad.ift 1 ~_;;·; bdrm. apt. °"" pr. • ,.. bupla at saa.eoo .... w .. . l. •t EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ·;~ ~ 2Z Marine An.. :san.. Ia1&Dd Bar. 17'15 --_. 1 • BALBOA PEN1N8tJU. CbarmiDc and apacioua 3 B.R. home. 1~ bath&. Neu Bay bathtnc beach. Loftly p&t.ID lmd ....... llnct.clped grounds. $28.000. T--. m BeJVue Lane. BACK B.l Y LOTB In adwdve nwtricted area. $500 don. BLANCHE A GATES, Realtor Vl!XBD 01' lftn.TIPLE USTING 311 Marine A"--; 8-lboa bland. Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 I 0-4 Via Ithaca OPEN SUNDAY 1 • 6 .. One of the most cbanninc bomea on the mark~t. AblOJutely like new although 1 yr, old. 30 t't. liviQc room, wall to wall carpet9 and lovely clrapea. Bull~ln kitchen. dwnruher, diapoaal IAlrp p&tlo with mul.er bed.rm. opeahic to 1ame. Hap amount ol cJaeet ai-ce. A home to enjoy every minute. "'5,000 SECLUDED -~CTED -DELIGHTFUL BAYSBORES-Wonderful place to raile your family. 200 tt. ot private beach and very attractive bomes. 3 bed.rm., lovely patio, carpeted -···· ·············-··-····· $21,500 3 bedrm.., bay view, corner -··· ·········-···-···-·----····$23~ 3 bedraL furniahed, lalp lot 6 patio -··-·--·$23,500 2 bedrm., 2 bath ~ Cape Cod ·-·-·-·····-$28,000 4 bedrm., Ir den Un\LIU&l ---·-··-··············--·-······$37,600 MYRTLE DA VY, lleal+or & Auoc. Hele Baum Buel Condon 8'32 Vla Oporto Bar. M46 Eve1 LI s.:5297 LI S.1709 Bar. 1017-J Multiple-Uating·of-the-Month CARA VAN SPECIAL KL No. 73&6-VERY UNUSUAL three bedroca home ln Col't& Jle.a.. On.J, two yean old -Cork wan. 1n uvmr Room and DtnJn1 Room. Luse Ba.ct Porch -Part F~ 011 etxllO Lot - Prlot $10.MO. Coat.act your Realtor! . Multiple Listing Service ........ develo~ of lido Isle . I Your Drit•m Home on ... LidO lile? . ", Newpor_f: HeiglffS . . . . ' ftll kiftl;y I Wftn. 1 '1 bath h.-. ia juat that O>ald .,.__ and what a ~1 • One -·• r..a ~ ~ oo a weQ ... )oeated comer. ~ th8 moat actttn;s IMiililil • a . ! It'• a ~ _..__. • It. Thia • , _ _. 1""" ~ demiped and balJt home. with 2 bed· OU ..._ 8M want ._" at $1 ~ rootn1 and den and three batha. on a~ lot • Costa Me1a With two .oath pat.IOI r Smartly ~ 'nle owner of thll home hla apait a gl"el.t amount by decorator. · · ol time m•"lna It a real home, and not just The mut.el' bed.room opena onto a Prfnte p.tlo &DOtber bowie. The land8captnc, fenca. and with a aUcUq WU.SOW wall that man. tt a -"-e.,...,.wnc .. pi the yard ia do111e to perf ect.lon. ·-Three ~-hardwood fJooni, eo J[ m cor-den room. !toot Sa f'lDeet UDcoln lDtaiocl:ioc Der lot. run price only $12,9C50, and ahbcle tilt. • ace1lent t.enna. It'•• •pe.doua bqcu. tuUy carpeted. ~ely Cfiff Haven modeni -om.tand1zai Jdtcha with lafth ea-.. meta in driftwood fJnlah and tormica in matchinc Thia one la a tt&l cute 2 bedroom home. The wood tone1. Double sink. built.in raqe a.nd owner' excellent tute reflect. itBelt throustiout eepuate oven, clilpoM1. Papen ud p&iat a.re the bou.ee. Blmd•nr colon and wallpapen make 1G1Dblned wtth etriking Interior effect. liCuter It unuau&Dy attractive -and remember, it'1 in bedroom bu a dreulng alco'N, and the home bu C.1tt Haven, where homes are in great demand. wortd of cloeeta and storage. Two-cu sara~ Price $1&.500. hu laundry .and freezer. space. The land8cap1nc ia beaulitul .It la a home your family will Jove. The prioe- $37,500 fumiabed, or may be purcllued unfurniahed. Excellent terms. An Exclusive with p. a. palmer incorporated ole han1on co. mena~ent 3333 yia lido, harbor • . · Bay1hore1 Stop and think! Where can you find a bargain .IUt.h u th.fa 3 bedroom modern home that bu everythlnc to be deaired. such u carpeted floors., forced air heat. prbqe diapou.l and di.lb· washer, nice tropical planted patio, jU11t a abort way to a nice bathing beach. For $21,500 Term.a available. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M73 Balboa Realty Co. Speciel1 BILL'S BEST BUYS .,,.. • 8/ B * BACK BAY DREAM HOMES * n TWO • DEN -Nmw, l~ b&Ul.I. H. w. noora. u.aecS bnca F. P_ '1A blat, bWJt..&.n a... • rana~. l'.P. UUOO I.OW clown. Commend Performance l'bere LI no ~r thrill than aelAa' I.he 11.DMt paraded 111 troat of your •Yft -and M> It ta wtlb tJ\M t.-o be&uUful homea. a-.:s "Ea a ~ v Best 8UYs eom1 L tf SBou:ct.ar& nnt .a..4: ..... type, --root.. 2 bidrlD.; aDd a. ~ 2 fl.replace.. 1 fuD bath wtth ...,.ta tltal a a ptua 2 eeparate ~ batba. Sa +loe .,....., f-- alr beat, wired for electric rup. Oa.lplt:lllc a.I drapes included. 8ea1Jtttnll)' lancteceped. llGllll9 ii immaculate thru..out. OPEN BOOBB SVDY An'ERNOON 1-5 p. m. aitD ..._ Piiill firm at $37,!Soo. Should aell ~·' • 23tl Morning CanfOU Road EXCLUSIVZ WITH US. Covt.ety to broken. 2. v DUPLEX. Excellent buy-FIRBT OPIDING. 2 bdnna. each, 1 unit ~ 8114 ,_... year leue. Other unit untuni.. NMly fm MW owner. Choice location.. $IOJ500 ADd.,., dD.. will handle. Shown by appcDtmmt. BE'rl'ER HURRY! 3 . .,1 VALUE PLUS 2 bednn. tome plm plllt roam p1ua 1 ~~ bath a, hardwood floon. FA heat. dam to &hopping area and only 2~ blocb to ocaa ud beach. A. beat buy at $18,SOO. 1. ~/ BARGAIN JUST LISTED -Thia 2 becl.rci.a home, large living l"OOlll. fireplace, dual ftoGl-,_... nace, (thermo controlled) plu. la.rp daDble ~ age streaed for apt. a.bove. Betts act fat ca this one! ONLY $14.,7:50 EXCLUSIVE WlTR US. 5. l; CORONA HIGHLANDS. First time oCfered. VIEW • Vl E W • VIEW of blue hci.ftoc. I bdrm&.. 2 t.tba, hwd. firs., forced air beat. lde&I *-· t.10n for IWimming pool Houa cm1J 2 JTL old. Priced at $32,500 -euy tenna. SbowD by appointment, 11.tted EXCLUSIVELY with aa. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTl.NGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO • PRICE T. McCUISTION, Bealtar' 34H E. Coaat Hwy. Cot'OD& del Mar Bar. •1 (Office located next door to Newport~ Buak. QDI) 4 Bedroom -Back Bay For the discriminating buyer that baa bea unable to find the perfect home. 9 UNIT JNOOME APARTMENT BUILDING dAL.BOA. OCEAN JfRONT. Year around cJuu.de. & u.n.tt. plua lll&Upl"I ~oent. NledJ tuml.abed, la Wll1ry and utW ty rooma. A· 1 oondluon and rent- ed DOW. Income ~. l'ulJ prtce ua.ooo. 6 uNIT INCOME Scene No I 1. 4 lge. bednna., large clotet. r ALL. w li>h: Al'UJ WAND- llO.ME la UU.. bu.UWUJ, Nod· ern a year old prupeny. Bit..- uated UD ~ lolA lJl lS&ibu& &~ n.ar bellt bay 1 w l m m t QI beach. sarare11. locker room. and 1a.rs• i&undry. ~ Ulla ti.- ton b~ iftcome property. Mt.000, Lerma. BALBOA PENINSULA DUPLEX OM oC the Jul attr&cUve Pe.nln· aul& "potnt'' ptOpertleL On.ly t yMn old and recently reaec:· onted. Ku 3 bedroom.t up &lld 2 down. all n.lc.17 tumaabed. ~'-,.....,.. &Ad patio, iibowa Suod Mt &noome. C&JI t.ocSay. •a.&-00. terma. • UNrr INCOME Ow~r belJl.s \.ruWcmid. Will Mil ha • wilt bW!d.l.rlJ, rtcd~ ly recleeorat.ed, IUCIJy tutn1.lh- ed.. A.cijacent to I.he b9y. •11.000. NICJC 2 BICDROO)( HOKE and cute b&cba.lor apartment ui rear. Larse k>t, •paclou.a p..tto, 2 atnste ~aracu. All turD.l.lhe<l ••• a mu.at ... at f17.~ with t.crma. fr FOUR B Ill D R 0 0 )18 - ¥AMlLY ROOlil -NEW, HW floors, 2 batAI r.P., l'/A beat, b uilun'a, 1arte Obl ~·· F. P. '22,600 fT,000 dowL '(r THREE ll DEN -Top ~ wetl plaued bome, only 1 yr. oJ.d. a bolMry ot a buy, ownu ~ must Ml.I. 6' .P. 12UOO -S7..W> doWn. f:t THJUa: Ir DEN -corner lot. ownc built, nice entry haJi, neat u new. Tb.i.t c:aa't 1ut - Let.a talk ft naM n~ OD Ulla OM. i'.P. •21.860 -11.600 down. fr THRU B&DR0ok -food view, pea9d H. W. noon.. r .!' .. i' /A. hlat, c:&rpeted. clrapee la• eluded. be&uWuJ patio Ir ww. f'.P. ODJy UT~ -15.000 down. lo'lnt. lime Ual.ed -U\.11 charm· 2. ms aballe root ruauc a bed· 3. room, 1 11 balb bome bUill 4 around a oanent patio 1n Clift · H&veA'• beat loci&t.loo ••• The 5. bwlt--&n l'ILQS• an.o oven, •par· 6. &IA cllnlAc room and b&r lUt-7 cben add t~ the ru.Uc cha.rm · ot the ta..rs• uNd brick fin· 8. plt.ce &Dd wood p&.nelift&. 8-- ~ ta bellevemc and w• have t.be key ! l'uJJ price i. •u.vw WI Lb Ju.It '6,000 down. Scene No. 2 nu. accoe LI a picture aUll on I.be drawiJIC M.rd ol U'Wy be&uutuJ eUll&om lh&.Ut bom• lo be built wtUl YOU& super~ Yl.lloo oo any one of qtu. ''Country iAtat.e'' .lou 1n \be PfUe !M.c.k 8-¥ Ana. ~M .oomn an t.rvJ,y a.qwac.e an<1 of l'\.IU'a.n&.-d CIU\am Q u&iil y. Your c:Jlolce ot 8baU Roof ur KOdern. AU Wlt.b ¥ bedrooou, ~ baui._ and a C&m.Uy room at a price ot Jllllt Ul~dy to mOYe in OD U\e lot of your cboM:e. I.At Ull abcnr you ~ .. Plau, Drawtnp. and Lot.a. We are llUh UUa LI what you are lOC>ll.lq for • , • llXCLU· SIVE AGENTS. 2 baths, 2 abowera, heat lamp Large paneled living room, all hwd.. Ooon.. Fa.mily room with Wied brick fireplace. Bar ki\cben with disposal & electric fan Shake roof Lot stze 60 x 150 (Room for rid.in( hor.) "Believe it or not'' only $22~ Ocean Front Home Lovely 2 bedroom plus. i..rc-e ltYblc roam witll fireplace, 11 ~ batb1, nJcdy f umiabed. ,.._ car garage. 30 ft. lot located in best beada ara. A true value $2:5, 750 Exceptional Value $15,500 -f 'c: loan -$350() down Immaculate 3 bed.rm., 2 bath.I -one witll etaJJ shower. Large J.hrmg room with ftnp111ca, larp dining &re&. Up to the minute lrttcbet, ~t.e service porch. Fenced yard wtth brick patio. detached 2 car gar. In ucdlmt ndPbortlood.. JACK BRENNAN. REALTY "AT THE AR~·· 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI &-7773 f:t THR.1CJC BEDROOM 6 FAM.IL Y ROOJil -NICW nry excluatn, nu LA, ,.P., F /A beat. bUllt-1.A ld.t.cheD. lnc1uc11nz dlabwuber, lntar-c:cm ay.i.m, •many other t\ne teatut... P' .P. HT,tOO -U.000 CloW1lo. Bay •nd Beach Rlty Inc COST A MESA the best town on eri REALTORS HOME & INCOME: Well built, 2 Br. home. Bwd. Balboa Realty Co. Uppcmt.e s.zik Of A.llleflC& • • IAYSHORES • • W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor ..you'll like our friendly service" (()() E. 17th St, Co.ta Jdeea Liberty 8-1139 187~ Harbor BoWevard floors, floor furnace, pngea and TWO "'7 na Cost.& Kem. Calltonua furnished 1 Br. apt.a. A-1 location, cJo9e.m., Cl Day or ni.cht pbone Ll 1-77H Busineu Zone. Full 1treet, curb 6 8eW'V. $21,400 CHOICE LOCATIONS a..u,.My ""41-~~~--------------------------------BILL'S BEST BUYS HARBOR BLVD. Businea (Reataurant) ~000 complete bt1.1ioeu, fixtures, equip. Bide. A l&Dd. 2 BED.BOOM, l baill ----------$14419,50(} JOMpblne Webb 2 Bl:DBOOM, 2 bath, carpeted le dn.ped fU,&00 TOO ~!:'~i~t>oa a QI>aoo:u, 2 bath ~~ -------- 2 BEDJWOM. tumiahect <Sold> i.t9.600 Harbor Highlands 2 ~ 2 bath, Carpeted and draped. COrner lQt ______ $27.500 OPEN HOUSE 8 BEDROOM, 2 bath (Sold). $22,500 SUNDAY 'i~ 3 BEDROOJl. 2 bath (Sold) . ..$2:5,7~ 571 TERESITA LANE I ~ 1 bath, ear. lot ' BltDRKI., 2~ batha. Quick ' (Jky.ho"9 cm.t home) --------·.$24.,500 pclllMeaionl HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. llaftor 1800 Evea LI 8-6388 WHY NOT TRADE? Heme IA lqUD& tor IDoome. h•deM &.abllldlnc lota for beach heme or inoolM. "r-"9 Qt;y home for beach home or income. We trade wbat JOU b&Te for what you want. KULTIPLS LISTING REALTOR G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 11115 E. Oout Hwy. Corona del Mar \ Bar. MU EftS Bar. Del() Open for Inspection S.t.-Sun I ·5 413 Sierra Vista (lack lay Area ) Ft'CID the blWn c)iiemheft ru.p 6 O'Hll to the Beet..o-t&tar ftnplw. yoa eaa t.a tlM quality. 1Ata of wood penellns, I 'ftll a.nupd bdna&. 1 ~ baU.. tUD.lly roam CJP1D8 .to eecluded patio. Prbd at -.ooo THE VOGEL CO. 1100 Newport amt. o.ta Mesa _ E"9. Barbor ~M LI ~ .. ONLY PUIO. J:XCl!LLl:NT TERM.8 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 ·5 1984 Irrine Ave. I BDRM., 2 BA TH OUT!TAIIDtNO HO)CJ: Stt,oOo--.Tl:J\l,fS "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIATES l 2' W. Cout mpway LI l-0827 1'..,.-t it.eh 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS Acreaae Exchange 10 •Call dltoVll Wft.h ~-., tronive ..... ~ Oood 1n· ...... t .. -.000. lullmit terma•tnde. DA.1' A. .JAOOBAJf. A-.1 r..tate Bar. Mel. LI 1-GJT, KI l-2UT BY OWNER A TI'llA\..'TIVC d\&pla, DHf Lido lhor-IW'n!Med. '24.00U. Sbowa ~actiJellt return. LI .. ~T. ttlfc COMMERCIAL KINGS ROAD Newport Blvd -132' x MO' - Property Is Gettin9 Scarcer Then Hens Teeth Vacant SU.600 w .. t 1~ Just oU Hano.-Blvd. -Cloee to But we have found a ru.l bu:y. It'• brand new new Clt.y Hall 17' " 160' wtlb 2 l'OOd two bdrm. homu lbal 3 bedrm.t .. 2 full bath.a, dJ.n1nc area and breakfut c:aa eutJy be Converted tnto area, attractive double fireplace, loll of indirect bu.W>aaff -I'. P. llV.600 -~. Dn. lighting feature., patio and many other very excluaive appointment. Wall to wall carpeting and above all thl• i9 a view home. U you are looking tor property in thi9 very exclusive area, by all mean.a call ua. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 15tb ll Irvine, U 8-2664 EVES Fred Barker, LI 8-8621 Stan Le Lievre LI 8-7056 WANTED UNHAPPY RENTERS! 'f OU Will never recret buy in' th.i8 adorable UOme with an income unit. Ololce location. 3 bedrma., 2 bath.I, 1 bedrm. apt. furniahed. Beautiful patio. Excellent tenm.. $3~. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 218 Marine Ave., Balboa llland Bar. 20 or M FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK C"·ASS £. lltore and oftlce buildhlc located OD mmt Important cornu tn Pl•dm• Price $'100,000. WW i-Y 7,. net net and wtll ~t NEWPORT HElGHTS RUSTIC Three Bdrm.. 2 B&Uv, J:&rly A.mertcan Co.mbtned W1Lb moo· ern bullt--1.u l.DcJudSJll oven. l"&Al'e and 21" televwon -Hu btavy ~ root, ma.u.tve t 1 rep lace, W /W Carp&Ullc. drapa and paneli.J:ls. Priced at Ui.860 tor QuJc.ll 8all. u UU. IOUDdl tn1.e1Wl!n& 1ou beUcr c:&il now. Jt won•t !Mt.- We Can anup tanna. Call us ror an appoU:tt.m«nt W. A TOBIAS REALTOK ''}'OU'U like~ tl1edly -~·· .00 &. 17Ul It., a.ta Me.a LDlertJ .. 11" BEYOND COMPARE ti .. Den -2 B&lha) 1800 llQ. fttt ot qu&ll\y A S...ui.y. eu.t.ora ~ t~ tbaee ~ a bOme DWCb &&love the AYerqw. Priced to MU at nT.600. wtQ flOOQ. Down. "e' Ed Joam. Realtor 1"t Hartlar m.ct. LI t..am -Will eeJl without tbe land for S12.000. 10 ACRES -in county -1uitable for upt .... facturing or trailer park lite. l5:M)O I*' ac:n. LOVELY 3 Br. older home. Hwd. floora, dlailic roiam., service porch., 1 ~ :! bath.a PLUS a w!ry Dice 1 Br. apt. Large 10' lot with frujt Ir mbadl tn& $16~. Tenm ... G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Kea U 1-Tnl POSITIVELY CLIFF HA YEN'S BEST BUY 3 bedrooma, combination bretkfut ... ..._, area. large 2 car prace. Propeaty fwld _. lanmcaped. There ia cnly one rub-Ct tallll- .tmolian. down. otberwi8I it'a a SISAL! Yee, we have a t6 n.. lot owned bJ al.Mo heMer wbo bu agreed to build to JOU!' IP"'nod I Tb• price depends upon your needa. 1'• Cllll"t .... bat UU. it you can afford to wait tmtl compkted.. For full dm.!1a comult With $300,000 u ..... MCU?fty. Luse depreclatfon factor. Altadena Escrow l.d R If Assoc. I Colt• ~t~ .. utnv I I 0 ea y . 1ates 112·A E l~th 8t. Ll &-3Mll 3100 \'1a I .ado Harbor "ct l CALL OWNER, T. D. Roren. RJ~ 18167 or Ra.ibor 3828 ted 9t ___________________ _