HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-25 - Newport Harbor News Press..
• IA
NeWROrtef.s Bolt Sinks
in Flames: S6000 Loss
Three Oranp County men
were booked by Jocal poltoe
earl}' today for ~don of po.-
MA)on of martjmna and pc19-
8Hlllon of alcObot followtnc' a
hip speed chUe 1>J two patrol
Tbe driver. Norm.an a.di
Stock. 19, of 816 Ka1n St.. Bunt-
ing-ton Buch, wu alJlo charred
Pair Sweethearts 61 Years
Ago Finally M_,., SaturclGy
they •w tt lea•• a dri••tn ,.._
taurant at ~ speed. TheJ ,.._
ported theJ· found .. b<-dollen
cau of beer tn tbe ear and a
h~ dprette .,..ppecl bl
a celloph&M ~s and ._.. LD
a blnoc:W&r cue UDder tbe ..at.
'n\e otftcen claimed It loolnd
like marih\INa. ·-The men den1ed 1n7 kllOW1ildip
MeM Acts as
Holt City for
. .
RESCUED FROM 8E&-Attend&llta move i.Qjund yowi( rMMnnen from .....
plane uted in darlnC' re.cu of four, lncludiq one Newport•, ~ filbtJiS boat
exploded and bu.med off Cata.Una y9tei'day.
-There wu a~ Dote to what wu ......,
wile a fine 1"0•tl• frOP-.m at the Evem:l RA •
School June 1'. The Stu Sp&ngled Banner, oul' N ....
tlonaJ Anthem, wu not lldleduled. It waa added u
· -u aftertboupt by PrlDdpe1 J. P. Puftinbal'f'r who
aid. ~ Ud• t. l'lla Day, we will *I oae
dcn.i ol 'l'be Star lpinp.d Banner."
Tbe objeetlvt at our .ehoola 18 the educatlon of
th!a uaUon'• youth 80 that they may becoro.e rood
dt1aM. Educatloa without pod dtil.enahip. which
est&taly tDdades lmowledp and rempect tor the f1q
of the United Stat. of A.IDaica. t. ao educaUon at
all 1W in wJdl tm' Oaf LI tM NaUonal Aathem.
Tbey 10 hand In bud, repruentfng the wonder lnd
tradition.a of UU.. t.U rrea.t.t country of freedom in
the worid today. To be an Ameriean i.a to be tree -
tr.. Jn thinkinr, -a. and worship. • \ 1 -r""-
' ~ 1 ., .. And ti.nee the flaa and The Star Spangled Ba.a-
• 1aer u;e the •ymbol and poetry of thJa freedom for
;. ~ ,rbich our torefathen fou1ht. ud f6ugbt ap1n and
, w-1 apiD. ud for which we hoi-the people of today and
• • "tlamoft'Ow will cont.brue to npt, failure to swpect
• : • 6ld obMl've tlWI ll)'lllbol a.ad poetry ia to miU the
poblt of citiRD81rlp 1D th8 1aad of aura.
•r· •• ,. There are perwona wtao tell m the fl.a.g 19 cnly
11 ; .... 'l)'Jllbol. the NatJonal Anthem only a 1JOQ1; thlil
• • ~and thia aat.bem could have been anJtbinl.
• · · '111at pomlbWty rema1U -it we fall to ~ our
• , y~th the mea,nj,q o! Old Glory &Dd Tbe Star Spt.n1·
W.Bumer 80 their~ lllpiflcance are ic.t.
~ • •" W. m.Jf)rt wind up wttb a hamm~and-aickle u our
• .... • . ~; we mJpt loee our poetry and, lmtead., re-
, • ., ~ tha pro. of Karl Man u our Bill ol Rjpta.
<... ~rt ..,.. penona who tell 111 'lbe Star 8pe1·
r • Jt4 ;.imu abouJd be rep1aeed by IOme other IODf,
beca ... it la hard to liq Cll' became it ia, and tJMy
:· •f1'1a 1cathbl1ly, "a war llO~." Our National AD-
~. t. Dot hard to lbac •ben it.a ._, com• from
. • ta• Mert that ncop.tam the wcmder and prlvilep ot
. _ '*'fPwdom; ud it lta writ.er recopfwl t.bJa wander
• : : .. ~p In the atpt ol ''bom.b. ~ iD air'.
: .... ·t that UM way thil fl"eedom WU won? w.
ntr it; w1 mmit contlau. tlrhtfng for tt~ f«
doe1 tldee4 belon1 cmt, tn & "home ol tie
, to abll! wm u;y PtlMrinc ot pe,... . _ .. __ Star lpen.,_. Btu•, yua cu feel free-•
t' ,,,..~tN"na do"11 your 9P1M!
* 1 -Our c.b.ool cbDdreQ lboWd bow all there la to :1. •ftlbiut UM Oar a.ad ou.r National Anthem. It
I.•• ii t;M oatat•nAtar tn.lnhtr J>!"OlftlD in the
11 ldlao.19 .... ud tt 11 -then The Star Spana!ed Ban-
',.':;~, be tmprinted into UM heart. of .our .,._,,, .
.~ , ~ tt lhould be sun1 at commencement.a
! ._ IPfi Mn people pthu in nwn'btn. to ttxnind
~ • "f .. .aa:.a&'(IS cr-t beritqe. • '?"' ..,,... •• ,, .. , , •
• ~·· •rt"?t • • • ' .:~ ... to!$: of Play Money Not
• .• n , .. • =,~~?· .. ml orth Much to Grown·Ups
'..;...,"" -1._ «50 ,ecta. a '9)'11&1'-oJd, wbo had been re----"""'.=:-':~;v~· Jmlll'•• lld with tha TI.tue ot mmay; bo-urht
: ~Jlundnda of dollan of play money. He wu
•"• n 1Ar:f1M for 90IMtime becaue he could "buy'' Iota
•" ~r.~-it. . from b.19 pl&~ but be wu eomewhat
" later to find hit IDODe)' iD the IJ'OWll·
,,.,. #frM waa't wottlt mach.
' • " l) ...
. . . . . .
Pe.rb.apa ht woWdJl•t have felt too badly bad be
bown that In ~. IJ'OWD~upe ID iovernment had,
.__, U... pain~ --.y wtt.bwt value to pay ..,....t d*8. Dt.uar ~ UUa primary
-Of bltlaticia ahn,a tauow.s." . . .
J>c1•M c;nd1t attMloD ti now uotber ...u
ill tiNUIDs a.rt1tldal IDOD.q. 'l'hll cu be dOM a..
IO ,_. C1Dt ol ~ bQaf"n la dGDe bJ
Ia tM u. a. um lllOOMal7 meua of lDllaUcm
.-.lltl'll)llld bJ the hc1lnl B• •rr• Bank.
la tM tr. worti •tblld ~ ..... ot taniUoa
hwts a.,....,..,. .. .-. ..... n r .. Gil. ~ ..... ,_....
6 a 4 c··0 &.-akll n .. o....._r_
2 1
... ~~·
• • 1a ..,. .. , appannt .•• ind ccetJtola eovunlftr tt
are practlcaJly non-ext.tent.
n • pee1l1iar to the modrm l.DduatrlaJ naliooe o!
Eu:rope Md to the United· Stat& lt LI the t&dmc)'
for wap ntee to a.row wit.out any ddlnlte or iciriD&l
relltkmMlf to p.roctueUon.. •
TM n.Wnf of wage tatm. wiu.out relatbl to
productivity lncreuea, ha.a become common practice
where uniODI ensve in ~u.•try-wide barp1.o.lnr. It
tend.I to cau.e Prtc. to rise pnerally; and may rault
bl an endltm u.t1aUon apiral. .
When production i8 not mcreued, there are no
more gOO<b for the people of a nation to buy no mat-
ter bow high th• wage 8Cale ii eet.
Where wap ntel become aoe.live u related to
produc:ttrity, people wttb tn.suruce. ~ •vin"
accounta. r~ bond.I. .and Dtha rq.ed tncome
obUptJoaa flDd tbU the8e lnveltmmu detertoratt
ID value. Bard terned avinp at older people, one•
thoupt adequat. to 8UtaJn them clurtn1 tbetr retire-
ment, will no lonpr prcmde the n~ of Uta.
Th• remedy la to CW'tall th~ monOpou.uc power
of lnduatry-wtde WlJonl by applytb, to Wllo1ll th•
aame utl·monopol7 ..uatDt. that now apply to
bulinML ..
More Go Needed _f or Stop
TM tPMd with wb.Jcb. bureaucn.ey workl ii on•
of It.a wont f•htrel .
About t.bree m.cmt.bl 1.10 the ea.ta Kea Oty
Coundl aptaro"4 tta 8hue of th. C09t ot a .top and
So llPt t.t. the Jllt.neeUon of Newport BJvd. and
PaUude9 ao.d. or Bdltol St., depend.ID,r OA wbJch
way you are traftD.tn.s.
June 12 tM caanty 8Qpel ~ approfed .pad·
IDr th• county'• one-fourth abl.re 1D tb• «-t ot UM
llrlat. Th• ltat. .. paJinl t.be bet.nee.
Then ta now a rumor spread aroun.d that U..
){pt will be in arty In July.
lD the mea.ntm.e then ban bem •veraJ ICl1oua
acddenta on the J.DUnection ...nd enourh pN~Y
dam.a&• to ban paid tor the lamp .everal tfm•.
Problem of This Century
What la the rreat problem ot thia century' It is
"l!mttect ltate or total state, democney or tot.ali·
• t.aria.Diam, whether the it.ate should c<JDtlnue to exin
for the people, or the people for the ~."
Tba1 II t&bn from Bert.ram D. Wolfe'• recently
publ.lahect "Six Key. to the Soviet Sy9tan" -oae of
the moct aathoritaUve of all the worb on the nature
and purpoeel. of common.Lan.
Obvioualy, practically every Ammca.n would
ltand up ln defenae of ~ lilnJted atate u agam.t
totalitarlan.iam. The trouble ia that -..e can fall into
totalitarian ways without k.nowins it. Dictatonhlp-
wh.lch limply meau civing unlimited power to tboee
who rovern -doe. not neceaarlly come about
throu.1h mlence, out of war or revolutlon or con-
que.t. It can u aurely come about on a atep-by..tep
hula. We ,tn a little more authority to rovernment
here, a little more there. The hand of the omc ..
holder and bureaucrat become. m~re dominant in th•
attain of bu.lineu, arrtoultu:re, labor, the profeeslona.
Thia may teem beneficient al the ti1u -lt may be
reprded u 80Cial Procreu in tbe tntereeta of deeerv·
Ing people. But there are two aide. to thil ooln -
and when, at lut the coin ii turned over, the people
Me the face of the oppreaaor a.nd it 19 too late to
do anyt.hlnr about it.
That, indeed, la the rreat problem o! thla cen-
tury, and it i8 u rrut and fateful a problem .. any
century bu known.
Newspapers and . -
Economic Well Being
U uyon• .w1 wonders ju.st bow valuable the
the Dft11P9P9r Iii u ~ advertiat.n1 medium tor
rwt&Bmw -tn thla en. when other media an com-
p.tlas •roualy for bmlnem -be would do well
to .mdJ a auney made by the Bure&u of Bu.alnea
8-larch of K1chJpa State Univenlty.
J Tbe RneJ dealt with the effect on retail ..ie.
of lut n.o.mblr'a IM'np&per atrike lo Detroit. It
lbon that a pin In onr-all ala In the Detroit
IDltropQUtaa..,.. d~ ~strike period wu du.
to bu1bal ta UM~-Sa1ea in the downtown .,.. .,..,lJ declined by $35 million.
Bdltcll' A PubUaber uy1 editoriall)': 'The M.lchl·
pa 8tat. ..u,.a. . . . ii one of the greateet telltl·
mcwl•h for uwepaper advertiaing that bu ever
..._ wrlUen ... It ••. addJa to the IJ'OWi.Dg .olum•
of ala abowtq that whvevw a community ia de-
prtftd ol tt.e ~ all bnstneu autferL
... . . .-,...i bullr .. conditJou are cood
C\18tom.. do DOt jult naturally sravit&te to a store. ,._,.aw to be attracted by advertillng, putkularty
....,.aper MhwtWas. People react to a aJM
• 1 I 1 p bl Dft"IP&l*W· They do not rea.ct it tM
..-m 1 a p and/or tbe newspaper it ml.Ming.
New9p&pen an ...atial to the economJc ftll betn1
• of the bmda-com.munity.''
• Ilea ...................... ftt......,
: " ~ OMllllllr ....... ,-i .................. --
. o.tllN9 "' Oralls9 o.-t7 ., .. -ft9r
Tb.at 1oee tor the llll&ller papen u well u the
larJer ooea -and tor the villqea u wtll u th~
metropolJtan centerw of populatJoo.
SANTA.ANA, (OONS)-Tbeca~&M .-.
burglar &re in -.OD ud 0rup Qoulit)', With lta IOoa
•tretcb ot ocean frontap, S. eapecially vulD.inble. Tbe
bouse bruk·inll &1"e OD the rile hen, u they art In_...
1eetlon1 of t.M ltat..
On lb• Ul'Ul. .. t oomer of t.114 Aad K\Ulk:k'• bo.Y• lla\09 ...
aherlfr' 1 lt.&Uall.; 9'COlfd Door, a pn«J l.'IOd Job of IL n.
the writ.er fOQAd a au •ho bU taptl.\N of Ule .u.p••td ·~
a major ro~ Ln aeeldn1 out of a Ooeta MM& h~• and
Ulue culprit. an d brlnpc th• roundln& up of th~ ~
lbera Mtore t.llle b&r" ot JW!Uc:e. ed ~ ol u SJ lloden&
He ta ~ I*lbk. ·~· aei-.toe et&lSoa .,..._ 1'9C911U7
an of u yeara u a aMrltt'• ttaUfJ to that.
• depuly. Double or Jhatlqt.9 8TEID caooc
Beach la Mrld.nt Ln eU1p of Doo...ie c:recm• lh• Oran ..
8herttf Jlm Kmiek'1 &Ille corpl Cooaty lnTtllllptora C • u n e 11
or lnve1U1at.o~.. with pl&ytnr a major ~ in
Tbe 1aU a1lcmoon IWI 1u..m· at.emml.Q1 lb• Ude eC crtm• in
ed ID lhroup vtneU&n blinda u thia county. The unJt ooaipoeed
the chunky t>upeetacled a er· of lnwlt.lpt.on '"*" the cftt.I.
1e&11l talked about n.catolJltl and Rt1hway Pattol. rm and •
their ettect on criln• tn thla Toro CID aw.. pt toS__.
county. e-..ry two wedul to '18cwl9 au-
"We're &etUnr Lnto the per· tual problema. Double, mddent..
lod aow," h• upl&Jned. ''Whe:n any ta pNllldat '11 tile ,,..p.
hou.te bur1larlu "111 Lncreaa. ') Wbat'a tile ~ utln• T
But folk.a can help ua ellmi.n&t. Nol what ~·d Ui1ak.
a lot of them. 1f they W011ld "Moel f01U pl"OtMaWy w~
,..munbe1 a fllW lhnple t.hlnp. conaJder murder aa OW' M1s-t Bewart the Blackjack • r1rat. f'eC\llar deliftrt• should headache.'' Double c:onuntnW.
be •lopped -aucb aa milk. "It doem't wol'll Ulat way. Ju;n
----------------------ntwepaper1, man ·~· Scrttn.I tually, petlJ tMtt la ,.. ••• 1hoold be hooked.. Don't d1ac:Ca9 tou1he.t. Take murder. flDr .llt· READERS WRITE your vacaUon on a puty lint. at.a.nee. Wa pt a lot ot ~
It you muat talk about It do It anee rrom people. ni.1 caD ua. ----------------------II\ pe11on. CtlJldren al., lhould We 1•t Iota of ...._ 1'111117',ie be eauUon.S Mt to .,read the ,_d about tt ln tbe ~
J\LOe SO. ltM country. Jual quot. ~ • ftw word. Howev•, a minor .nm. onM
tit.or: ~bllc&J ~ ud lllwmu.r UST &muAL Jli~Mll&U ,,..,_ ta woua .. t te U..r auJ..
OODlf'SlUlallana. Cost& Xe8&! 'Rut ln Puce oYer dMI pave UOn u ll la, UMy ~ 09 M-
OIMll qa.la >'W ban taken lb ot our COWll.ry. &Md DO tAera "lt would alllO help ua a Jot tftlUon to It. We ..... to 4o It ~d ln proc:latm.Aas OM World for our loa Ullert1e9. wr f>ra.Ul· If people would n.t lertal num· all Uteo u .. a lot et ......,_ ~· Your -., UM Re& wubed chlldru. or ua. ult• of bera OD t.belr valuable. -TV Uauall ·we eaa ,,_. wttae..
, ma.oot pctuaUoe to do uu. _ a once honored ~public. WU• Mt., wat.cb•, ra4J01 and appU· or Y • wtao bU -• u.r
&Dd U. fact that p-a411&UoD fell your mo~I. b&nnll'I &Ad ahoul •nc•. nti. would aJd sr-Uy or ~ ln & major criiraa.
• nias Da7 th1-y-.r -put.I "One World' and )'Oar namu In reco~, tt a burrlary •I.a 'Ibat'1 not tnaa la a patl7 u.an.•
you at u.. Mad o1 u.. OIMI will 10 dOWll in h1ltoT)' aa U'I• committed. Althoup pulliUc .......,U.
WOl'l4 au.. 1 ua ...tarrlq of foUoweni of ~· p~ of n-lha ~ -cut otflctr on.m *4a t.o tae 9°' ...... e( a
courae to \.b• .oni .. On• World" Oftl(tlia Khan, A.Jmnder th• HW\I to talk about Ute C&I" crtrne. the apprdmd= Of ttta-
betJlS •CM pdl&Uoa P1'0fTU' Great, HJtleT, MU90llnJ, and 8ta· clouter, wbo tlnda a bon&nu Ula.la .Ull lbnm«9 ...,_ t.o J ...
wbJle. aa aa attar thoUpt, the Un. Ill~ compu7, d • • t &Joni county Madi•. work. d1gtas. dlgllls, ._.. _,.
B&.ar _,..,.. .llar)9.-w a 1 One Worldera! ··n·1 Mel to leave your val\1-di&PI· .
thrown "'-IA an etrort t.o fo~ J1JLlA CMra. "'-· J,) DELPHll'\O ab&u &1 bome," M aald. "Laav1 What CAA Mr • .A•~• QU..
atall crttk1.am. A.ltd t.9lirn wu HID X.. Or. nolb.ln1 ot value Ln JOI.Ir car. aa dof
a cr-t ct..l of crtuet.m n · Santa Ana, Callfomla T&k• only what you n«d. U Do\AW. COAt.cla "oMan&Uoa ..
pr-4 to ""1')'0n• ln autbortty. June JO J9M )'OU have a W'&llet, att&cll It to la the Uy.
However do not be diaturbed To the l:dltor· ' ,YO\ll' -1111 llUJt. SUJ'llara uaiU-He re...a.d lb.at • .._.. .. bad
by tb1 ta.cl th.at one ec:boot t>oard Many peopl~ nuUlt bave ..,_n ly doa't llioUMr wiUl thti tnanlL wbole ~ .. 'llo ... ,...._. "' ,..
member exci.lmed t.bet lb• eons u a.ttanJalMd .. 1 _... t.o rud "111 the matter t:lf hub capa. ceitly. Aalr a nelpbclr to -.
w&1 pure propa,abd& '1lftd-.,...lled lhat N.wport S.Cb dty tau• It would be of sreat a-1.1\.-acrlbe the tnek or P" tM
that lf UU. Ona World plllloaophy .,,.. to be hee..Uy tncnuec:I tor ance to aa lf tM car UeeM Lune Ud we pt 'M &Mtnr we
had crept lnt.o the mualc It muat •ch of Ul• nal ft•• ean to nurobet • ..,.. IMc:rlbed !Ude c:..n nlf •· Of ClOUl"M, ,.ua.c ~ In th• acbool book&. J u a t t pan4loM Y~ of the cap. The name of/the owner a Ileen• number 11 UM bast
reroe.mbv tb&t no member• ot ~'Jc ~ork: project..s by Cowl· tan't ao pod. ,,,.... ~ awt\1.1 thlDI'. T'Mn ct.cr1)t.lou Of ,_..
the acbool board bu the moral cllm&n J at.oddant _ b u.e lot flt bub tap 1i.lin1. aou and ~ ean •• • •
cow-ace to aped out torc:tbly the pubU:'uk• ll or Dllt • r One car-doutw, who lut wwk n~"
ac&Jaat &ay\binf. A• lh1a mean-nnJabed up a ttmLh in Oran.. as.&80NAL OIUllS.
bu aaJd Us1y do not want eer-Thia flve-7ear p1aa of hlabfr County Jall attn hi• &rTMt ln
l&tJS peBOna ··ano~ and,. try-taxal cam. aa • aipec:lal abock t.be o.na Potnt u.a. netted OrMc• Count.¥'• ~· ~ alAOa It appareoU7 Md '-" c:.1GMJJ C.. _...., _.,.. .U... Inc tor Ula Academy A.,• rd kept tn the .. .,.,,., cantldmUaJ" a.round UOO a day In ttla crlm-dOMd. la CM ·~ aa crlm•
wllh Use.tr taara and breaat Ille unUJ th~ Newport 8-dl lnaJ operetJon. ua pnva.l.e6t. car au ~
t>e.aUttr. 8o JOU 111•1 bt usured Ctty OowtCJI bad a eU.nct 1Ul He claimed be ma.c:te enoul'h bu~ take nw dmtar Usi
t.bal lb• 8c:bool Board wlU look "'' to a v• ~ tint r-t.o financ. the purchaae ol a ba.r ~. rau Ud wtm. !"18r
at \Mtr 9ncdal and 90ciaJ pom&. u: °' It P!: ra.t. our .!:.. In a.us.. He W"a.t r.ded t.bG'I ~ th hla.ter en-lllfdi M
uon and. u \MIUal, o. n~. 21 ~le bJper. to.,_ the bUiln .. after~ t'Olibery Ud bOnN~ •
Do not "'8 dl8t.urbed by UM fact jail rdlU&. 'ftle county Md a r&llb .t ait>-
U'la l the Superintendent repeat· OUlenvi.M 1 am sure many It'a a bl1 aoutte of Income f« d~ llaJ'l'IU'le9 ~ UIJe
ed like a mad.\ble, ·"lb., told more clthefta -rny•U Included U.. c:rtrniD.aJ. but on~ that can ,_,. ~ tAt U.. •tlr9al fll'o
me It wru a •end •"-•" "I ~Jd have pl"DtMC.ed a..~ be curbed lA> a larr• at.at ~Y to~ of Iuat.lptorw J\07 l!b'UCt
abould bave ~th WO!'da", and ST budpt wt)lq coatai~ •a.-. aa alert p9'1k. ot Orur•. DO• Kuba of ,.._;
"I am ap.lMt OM Wtn'ld". He _. Of o travapat ... acMlfTa 81'0Ro tJlli'DD C91U& au oCJaer ~ta
too w1U do nothlnr for ht will llt::· additional •wiuue for the Uke all othtr departments t.n th• burpry l'UI WU round4d
be Ultnklns of ld9 tln.and&J and taxpiytr aa OoQJlcUmla at.odo-Lbe lllllvltt'• clemta.tn, U.. detec· up. TMa ,.t a un .&o tMl -.
IOCtaJ poeltlou a.ad ot Ute CTA. dard'a attitude that be would Uft ""-u I.a ...._, under lawtuJ adhtly tw a wldle. ~-
th• OoWlty Bupctt.ntudenl ol raUler 1:19 recaUef \.ban )oea bia UIHe daya. U averar• hand· dlcatlou are, howw•. UM Mabe
kboola and t.M 1"&A.. . five-year plan of bJfber tu•. '*"' Uoat JIO major .tines a dl""86om qala .,.. plime Luo
You &1ao do not a.&•a to •or· Previoua councUa SllW'ai.b' month. • • pta tbr lM tliurskr ... ~ •
rt about Ute p~ o1 R.a have bfto auttlcl•UJ CCINdou9 DclOle &Id hill 10..man dela.11 Double e.1Uroa&.ed in~·
lcbool tor be will do just a. ot I.hair lru• poalUon to pv• the concentrate on robbery, b~lary. lor9' worlt on ..x crteM aeoud
ate a. to&d -l.n8iat Ulat Ulla ti YOlua a cha.nee to dec:tde It and bolftO".ide. sea erbll-. rrand be reduced about IO ,... cat
a a&ered llOlll Uld that ha i. boW UI~ want major C'hde to tMft and c.rtf'HI of that 11.&l.un. It temal• would quJt lea.,_,
a Clllrtall&a wbo cootrtMlt.aa tin-be l.Dnated. Jn t.bl• way th• Slcht men .... on Ur• day abJtt; ~ wtt.11 new-toUDd ~
anelaJ.ly to a daW"Cb and aJao vote. or U>e peopt.-&Dd lhe two, at nlpt .n., wort! tn &net.a.
a nteran. The tact tb&l 'be oaa collective w1edom ot Ole people paJn1 &ad .. _,,_ Doubla Sllrwd a 10 • ~
aot Mplal.n t.o ..tlom ~ ~ ta ieaerally npt ta .Amwica-Help ta on the wa7. Tbe board Rntc:h lD UM mertlf'• -..n ..
I.a ac.red I.a noWns la worry la ma.de known. For th• c0tmcU oC wptni.aora hu authorised mcnt bere, &J*ll U.e tll t"'
about. A!Ur all 1'ymna \o Apol· bu 80 moneJ lo .,_. aoqt In• &ddlUonaJ deputtea tM th• N•YT and ... UM Rmtbtp&
lo. Diana, lll• 8u11 and even the wbat ll coOae~ frora u.. ta.a· l!Junau. 1'we wt1I co on UM 9e&dl pobc:e torca bllton ~
Voodoo chant. are -.ered t.o payera, 'llDd he wh pa')'9 ~ nfatlt llbJlt. In« to M°*k'e ..,_ ,_ ,...,.
aoma Pf'OPI•. ao Ute wo-rd "Ila· piper la aUUed to ~I LI• tun • in. •t.ectne tNrau la a fol· llSO· Ba waa -.1'.Md .. a.a4 .,
CT«f" meana dlffnnt Ullnl'I to ,,._.. la ,_Uy 90C.b.lq a. tow-u~ aww. rw lnetanc9. you U.. t•.....u,aton IMt .A..._
different people. about u.. projecu wltJcll C:. npor\ a crime -a llurpr. But IM'• jaal -ot ~ catt
TbaN \a J"81t Of\a more thins d1m&a 8~ propa9t• mGlllt ..,.. ~ patrol deput.t.a Will • a mnooui • wwldac' a a th 1
YCl'I qlll baft done. Alter ol Ulem were ft&Dy dll t • tUe &lie ortpal e.all. pl tM OtMn are Sela ..........
cb&nllq "Ona World, OM Wor14, ~ ..,_.. ... won a s.t oa fac:\I. ~ Ule tnv .. Uptan fhmUttsto-~ .Julr Wldtl·
One World, At ~ f<lftftl· th coundl. lll•t ol them an mow In.. TM)' brine tha la.t.Mt ln,ton of Anahctm .., ~
more", tbe c1ua abould Mft,.. ~ u u.., .,... all la of adanWlc matboda lDto plaJ. JUm. llyTI .. ltollle, 1119)'4 RlbaJ'.
pea.t.ed tha "Law of LoyaJ'-y" UM c:m.ptet.e public bllM'IK °' f1n&'~rprlnt.., photoa and llrOe.d· ,.., OUver McCart•. laClll a.a-
ttom Uvta1 1tl Our O..ocnc7, ui. .t.lte cltJ, l&oddard'• pie.a cut.I &1J f&lJ Into Ulelr cat .. er and O\&n. Ollrtak. all eC
Unit IV, p. 5M. It la. u follon: of ~n Wt&Uoe mlsill IM Soft· ae.ata AJlllL
uu I try illnlplJ to IM k1yal ~ Uc:ua.ble, tbaL S., tt ----------------------lo 11\,Y famUy, 1 may be 4'ak>7al y°" 1111• Ulat kind ot f09W1'"
t.o my acbool. U 1 try a.imply lll9\t. F M Cabe W •tes IA t>a lo)t&I to my school, I may The cat.ell LI I.Mt two Ill U.e armer C n e
" dlaloya.J to 1117 t.owu. my ...,,_ moaay-.at.era .,.. to a •
atate. and my country. It I try anat d.,.. co109&1 ,...a ~#lat•
atmply lA> be Iota.I lA> m1 towa, ventw... obvtoualy dealpad and
my •tale, and my ct>Untry. I mq J4 Ill DC.ed tor t.tie ID09l part to
IM "alcrya.J t,o human.tty. I will ,_. a11DoM ot .....,._ •to U..
try doY9 all t.Jillnp alN to bl ~ ol a fftr ~ l"P" a.yaJ to ti\llll&nlt7; tMa I lib&II aft7 ...._., Ud CM .._. _.
airaty IM )OJ'al to my eouaf:rJ. tabt .. ..._, ~ W'Wtl fW
•7 11\at.., ud my low1l. i. •Y u..a.
....... &ad to "'' f...U,. 'n1I Tbe9e .... ,...,... .,.. -
loyattJ te INmaaJty wtD keep 1.,,.. P-tnll ...a. na. ..
~ taltlltUJ to .STWa&Uoft." f b a pedlap I 1 i I S el .,....
~ a Doctor bt tM MtJa ! l eat CM ... Ulla 11\rStta Ute
Great Heaven.1 to Betay! The Social 8ecurtty
Adm.inilflration hu ruled that t.blrt.a fOI v ()aa..
mlllLllt Party WOl'k.ll'9 (wlllo daJa Uiq're A•w1cu
~) ...... mdtJed to 8oda1 8ecmit7 dMch ..,
BaD. ot J'lre! m.t.ory reeontj 11..ect .,.... •: .
• tn.ft«, ,. lbw u tm iiliMl11t ....... ., ....-:-
pu"Md. ..... nnrdld wltJa ... ol4 Jl&rcl o-~==
. .. put ol wbJdl .. --at ., tu ...,, ... 1~!;
don't Jib.it. .:; ...
,..... lld)t,,,, :::
•" .. C&ll.._.W ... )
It i. my~ oJIOIOe. Bw' w .. D1111 . aM la-
Ofte Worlden. u.&t you an allt· ......, Ure...., au. eC ...._
ltq p,..tty, Now Y'OU kDl'W U... '-la lltt#la.. ft» ....W IMll: l) ft. sdlloOI i.o.N la ao ,...... to 1M a plil alM llr U.. ____ ..__ ____ ......, _____ ..._ _____ :_.
atra.ld ot J'IDUI' pvtU., • a aoene ~ .. ......._ aat It ..._.. -.w • ~ ate u. .,_ -~ ... ..., .....
that lbey wU aot ..,. caa.iw IM ,.W tw 11117 Ulm ... .,. u _ ... a.. .aa. .._... ... v~ bW7 ,.....
nrltt aftd Wl"Of\I: 21 Ona World 11 •t • * P.leeah stffm ,. • eca1e ,..-. ..._ti a.m IL ~
wu """-at u.. lprini' r..u-W• M•.,,.rt ..,_t.-riet .,. wtUll __.. dU.. .-w. t. -.. a..al v._ '
n.I ud UM 8vperiatendeat .,.... U. ,..,.. eC tM dtJ' al .......... ~ at u.a ....-• #tL Orliulatf .. en .. '; l>lltrtcU. « beard Ute wo...._ Q'.ILD. be I. fte V,,. .. 7 ......... a&DCln1J aaup ea.at.
d4* not bow Wl\al la be1aJ liMat -Oww.... et ,.... 111U.DC1f rl*-1
tau(hl ln Ute aebool1; I) T'ba-__. CM V,... ~ ill t1tNUJ 0...-... WM-I-. la, -
prtnatpaJ ot Jlte.a School beH .... ..-w to a rw. tDdudtar o. o..r Mn.. ...,..... ••
t.Mt Ule .. •t hla ft:a&Dcl&l Olm&J ., Orup. 'ftla • ..._ J ... lf. ta ··:
('(>ntribullOft to a church and lbll eC ,._ a.c:. tia-• .._ ,....,,.,~...,. ,.._ fte a... AM ...... A.~
fact that be la a vet~ran roak• 11..u;;t;• Ji&7 ~··...._ • 1111 Weft Ba.111ea U. W. ~ 4P et 'e .. tlli
bhn u aulhor1ty on all llUbJecta Olia& ta.w ..... eaa IM .u. "..,.rt _., Oa1Jt..-.1i a.. ,. , ~ ,_ .... ~
aad ,.ti "9 a-.... crftld-.1; .,.... r. Ul7 pm.ate tatlNFla. 04tnrr •: .. •I • _._ dltll JW, ~
4l ,._ people will riak 10UI' H.., Jwit wt17 u. elty 90UftCIJ J ~ to ecm.u-& .,.. .. ..t .. ..., ~ ,_.. !:: ~ attaclal aph:ull theta. -. deddllll te em~ • fJn ,.,... • tM atUcJ. JW ,_ JSeat. fall ....... ,_ ..
ntentora leMll all Ole chll-,..n -' •c ,...., 111&11 \&&Ill h.111 rrYa7 • ftk:ll ,_,........ ~ ..,, '""',_ .. 1M
dred la .-.at ''OM WotW" an4 lAt ,....,W. ,_.. ,_ U.. two .. * ,.,art • tM n.i-t • ~ le .. M ,_ ........
ll will 11009 be aa Wfll llaowa ldCllJ.7 ........ ... • ~ Jllut lhpe z0 ......... tids ,.. ,_,.,
aa "Rell lfttW' and tun u .-1 -.~..,..II_.... .. ~ J ...._ ..._,.,,,,,. tt ill• Qra.lebllJ' ... .., &lb,
(tml....,,ua "_.... • aot Jet • «,..,.. ...w nu to tuww. ~ • t•...,., ~ ..,. a.om a. ao r •
t.11.al tKl ~ ,.. wlle an cl.-TIM reucma for Ulla fanlullc: mak• It rtadable 11tl• letter la (Kn. Harold W&lktid••l
dkat9d la Uw ~ ., our n_,..r p&aa " b~w tu" ~ by tfl• fut U..t yeur Corr. 8"1
\ • i ~ '·• .... . .. . .. .,.,.,
•• "" 0 •!*ff.Ml ~-• t J -\ '
'I' w ... , ••• ,/ .... • •
, f ""* !M ,_ ............ '" . ~ • ,,_11, •• ~ ·-~ ...,..t.·~ .. ~ ........ _. -.,., wulil ·otl'lo
llAllDI • ' I ~ .... --... -~: r.....-.1~,f ..... l • • ~.-; .
.. _zli --· . ,_ ...... . .
' COllA
Senr"'9 Th HodMw •
12 krl• ..... ij)~•ll ... ............ w
. w~~t. !wt:: .. ?•ff'r a ........... ..
llft MA"l.. .... I II ....
C ... .., . --' ;·
" Mercury Cleaners
• W• a. 09 Gira a •,z, .,_
...... ..,,. &ft. .-·n t4l1I
·~ eilli~I . · . :. ~
'. Chamberlain 6 Son ......... ca.a ...
• "' 1'119 n. .. '1*1111 ......
-r-, • •
AUIHl!JmC DANCE -Ou of the true wees Of the Ialand.t la performed by
a arc>UP of Balboa Power Squadron womt.a memben wu th& entranc1n1 11Green
Roee, i"loww ot my Heart•• beautttully done In the tradltiop.al manner by Jeanette
Baird. VtrpaJ& ~ and Dorothy Snr~ The W-re audience at.tendin1 iii• ~
Mesa Teachers
Hold Reunion
nual luau thcnucllly enjoyed the Prosnm prt8ented u a surpriM by the ain(ing er·\,,::!. o~pr:"~~ 1:::;,
and 4&.nclY &J'OUJ& -Beckner Photo ecbooll c&lhered tor an anrn.i.l ~-----------~~~~--~--~~----~ ...... --~----~------~--------~ ----------------------------------------------------------------~ reunwn luncheon lut Tue.say On Vacation
fro~ Arabia
DINNEI\ FoURSOME -D1nJac at Bob Dalton'1
were (1 ~ r) Mr. and Mn. Shelton McHenry of Lido
lale and Beverly Hilla wtth their friends. tlle Tod
Jobuou, aJao of Beftrly 11.Wa.
noon at the Villa Matlna. ';11\0N Library Adds Supply Final Events ~:n~:.hoA.·r:..~.:c::
f P k 2 Elale Morrow and MWa Viola f S R d • or ac 18 Tummond. Former teachera were Mra. lllanky er.,,, (Mildr.cl or ummer ea Ul, g Mra. Edith Curry Hooper ol J'ul·
Caej wllllG UTtV"ed ta the harbor Coaturne1 Ud aldta dlplcUni lerton, Mte. Ruby Taylor On.y
ar• AJllU a frooi 22 montbl New boolca Mid.cl to t.be New· Art; MClhhMd, Tbe N.w Com· the "hobO" t.llem. of the tn-ot Oru,., Mr.. Kaud. Ksn.necl7
la lilA&ldl ~ 11 awaUJq I.he port ~ P\&lllie Utw&r7 'dUrtnr pleta Ho)'k; ~. Tb1 Sobby nlns 1\11b1J,tltad a meetlnr ot ot Menlo Park 1tnd Mrw. Kauc:t.
arrival ~ b•r Jiu.Aud and 110M JQy tnelud1, ill t:t.1 fiction ll•l, Jeme 8l01'7; ~ LMm to Cub Scout Pack 182 at Horace Davia.
Ro)' ~ IUchar(. 0-.... bu ta.. t~ lleavYOtT, T!\1 R4U Male; IJeel, ~wol: l:ludp khooL )(llo Lacy, <'Ub· Unable t.c>-be present w.re a..-.nJloyed ~y aa AJMfMM,. M.and&a1m; Boaaat, WlUl Solh aiot.dk1J\, lculpblre; 8pruar· Mrs. WINtred Taylor or lft&l ..
As&Waa I U ~'*'>' tor tour JCyu Op.n; C.ut., G~; mu, Pl\otost"&pb)r A.lltld; Tru• m.ut.r, WU prutnt.ed wtU\ ly,o wood, Mre. Stell& CatA of ru.l·
,_,.. ~ relum for two more CnfnJA, A. 'l'hlq of S.uty; Kay· blood, n. ~ Jludbooll; ti.Ill a.ad Don A.&kbu.a, cwb com-!•rt.on and Mn. Claire McNally.
yeara. , rant. Alw«y. a NYW; P•YD•. A. Wnpt, How lo o.nc.; &a.Iden· mlttee ch&lnn&n. a p&.lr of cutt
1'oy •4 ~ Craae rradu-BoUM ha Pek.IQs; J\o&rk, Th• bet's. TO\U' OlOd Ill an A..rtat. llnlta by the Dena of lbe Pack. and 10Jd arrow; l"l"ed Boyd, two
•laid from•A.mericaa CommunJt1 Outlawed Banav; Slote, l..au.rUI In Uterature there ere. The Den mot!wre were pnwnled cor-atlver arrowa. •
&hoot in Bien.it. l.Ab&bon, June la Vienna; It.en. Tia• Unqwet BMt American Short SlOriu, aaru by the cubmut.er. Dtn e Oen t -John Kirkpall1ck,
22. Th• ateJaool la .ome 1,000 8plrit; lleft1, J'w All We Know; lMI: Burnett, 1'hte I.I My Best won the award tor the beat ak1t. Dt~r atnpe, Howard KcMll·
au.e fnal whtt• the p&ADte Thompecm, l:1oMle an4 Wibberley, ·i111nor; cu., Mn. Md'l'binr; ~lvtftl' award8 at the mttt· l&n, uellt&nt Denner •tripe;
he. McOlllicuddy Mca8t.bam., Cuppy, Haw to Gel Prom Jan-1~ were; Oft 1 -Frank Fen-Hurh K cCullocb. Webelo badrer ~ boJll wU1 a~y tMtr New roy.ury ~ an. 01· U&r7 to I>ecn1W, London, Beat wick, Bob C&t pln; Jlmmy Hout-Jol\n VluUnr. Webelo baqe and
lather .. the at.a• ltOpptftl' ""'-Dealb Walke oo C&t FMt; '5hort l tortee; Sdllnner, Th• day, Wolf b&qe; Don Hayden. two .Unr Lion arTOWt,
......i. a t Jtoaa. 118' o\blr khetf, The C&utiou.t Ovvaboea; a.daide Book ot Hwnor; Weat. Beu Mdp &rwl Denner •lr1ptt; ~" e enjo~d a plcnJc at •
,_... a6 *9it.etwt. la N.,. ~ortt UptleJO, Tb• Kan ot Two Trlbu Love, ~ ud the LadJ• Mlk• Httrtnc. AafUl&nt D.nner co.ta. M..., Park wttb lh~r
_.,. ,_._ and WaUSb. Akh Kan. DMd Drill Team. atripe. Oen I -Rof'er Reiner, · :!9'.n.7 a.p;: :f-.• 0::: :: Kan. M.l.-clllaneoue Ml.cUOne &re, Bur~: BUJy Nott, U on and pu~nte. Cub Scouta oC Paclt.I
to ahlp 11-.k to Ar&bt& Wbln Non·flcUoe lnclUCS., ~ Alie, Tim• tor l:wryt.htq; A.t.-Webelo b&qu; Kann.lb Hefty" ~~!re:d p!:' ~~bo~:eas!:
U., -.W 1a leptamber. l\oy reference boob. A.Cl&lna, DlctJon kl.Mon, IQa'lc:. M)'Ul &nd Medi-•llver Wolf arrow; Douc HamJI, Troop 112 were ruuta of the
..._ en an&«tn1 the •rvtc. ot Amll'tcall BJ.tory (I •ol); ctn•; Beneon. Tb.e Treea and lilver Wolf &l'l'OW. !:Ike Club ot Newport HarbOr _. ......,. ww alt.end Orepn Berrb. au..m.. Law; TM Ool· lbnata. ot the louthwut1n1 n... Den • -Brent Lan~ra. Web-at a nab dinner. mark.ins the
___ Mat. eou.p at Corvallll. l•c• Blu. Booll; OolUW'e World wt.a; Botetord, Jllh and o..m1 elo ba4•: Duane P'alr, 11rvtce lut m"'-1q ot lh• M uon.
•-------------AU.. and Ouett.Mr; Collier'• Cook Book; Blinn. Prevtew tor \lla4•: Howard Ca.y, Oen cbJet
TWO MODl:LS1 two frocU. MCh abowinc the M1k
acreen printa made by Mr. and Mn. Jack 8ptDCI
and Diane S'ptDC9 for their new &hop at J848 El.t
Ooellt Blvd. The S)>enees haYe ~ me'ktq theM
materiala for 8 years in Claremont (1'>othill Bml.).
Baclc1tOUJ1d.a are hand painted with ....i dyM, de--
mp.*" done by Krem print proceu.-Staff Pboto
Girl Scouts
Visit VFW
Year Book 19N: Graalu.t, Oc· Tomorrow; Bnnrn, How to N .. cord; Kay Farr, Woll ba4• and
cupaUone and car.era. rotlalA a lucceutul Contraet; (old &Ad .Uver Wolf arrowa; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A~ b.lltory .and U.Yel vol· Campbell, The Sporte C&r; Cha· Bobby Wa\)lu, ailvu &ad pld • E;--:
umu are, aa-n.tt., Mo.cow pel, 8Jmpltt1ed PSetol all4 ft.evolv· Bear a 1TOwa. Den 5 -Donnie • WH/11~ • •
Wu My PartU; Bombard. Tha tr &hOOUac; Cbape.U1. Araartcu Foote, Wolf bad&'t and 1old :. • ,• •
Voyq• ot I.he Jlent6'ue: 9ou· Small la.Ulft& cratt; Colllna, T!le anvw; Daryl P'aJr, Wolf badp quet. Every~ w, ln New Ooldea Tean; CUt.olo, Bell.vu& p:.:;;;;; ________ • t -•
Te.tament ~; Cronln, Tb1 11 ~ Homa; Dalt. Alldio-YWua.I • D . 01 NG • Gold• Honeycomb; Dcn1a, 1-M•t.IM>dl in ~taa: Dtaneea, l'• caa pla7 tlae • • Qlrl kout Troop 50•. lnt.t--,.,... to My Lap: 1'laaber, 8w• Undtltwar14 U.8.A.; DoN.ldace, • !
WMcl Ooullltn• Awtlll&r)' l6SI 4-G. th W.Uan at.ate; Fodor, Pereoaal rla&Dcie; Dull. Kodenl tt.fttmoncl : • ~ u. latest mMUai. Italy UM; Ga,.mn. Kcaico and Pia,..; .... 1.IOttOOO DeUb-• T. M. Hambroo-. your Tei.-. Manqtt UI N"'"'1 ~ •
Plildp ot ~ to lhl CUb& OD Your Own: Horan. Kat-•wit.t; a.w.,,,.. Complete... Chord Or,w l: .
a.&i _.. 9'0UP •""1~ • ..,.. uw Brad7: Johnaon, T'ankM'• of ~· TraYe.I; Oood.111 nd.. ~· • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. ..., tis h llr'le under Uae People and Piae.; X1eln, They Paul; Oren. lbortband Kanaal b lllllcatw •
lleadcrlttJp ot AWllllary man-Took to the Sea; Lone. Seven 8111\plJfled; , If•....._. -N• l'racUcie
• Mra. Ray 1.-nlck. s-.. on a Shotetrtnc: Malone. Jen.aen, n.. ~ ot AJMrt.
Included In the Scout (l'OUP Tb• Story of th• Declaration of cu Women; s.tduam, Mal•SU..
were Mayetlla Lffnick. Hwy In .. pencteaoe; ~ Makan a.t.nd.r7: Lau. y._. ~AN
ltq:tried, Dcl1lliee Ayree, Laurie Tra~ OuNe: Ahn,.. A neweud; MeOall'a.
Maclntyl'1, Cb• r y 1 'J'r&ntar. OsrlMk. Au 1 tr ta; o,.rtuJc. TrM.lury ot N..a.cntt; Kalku..
Olona Binkhman. Sharon Conk· ep.in; ~ Th• Olrl wtlh th• nae a.a an4 n. iu..a; JCqv,
Un. D9ma WUll&m.e, llU':b ~ ~ ... t: ~ The "-Onl9 U•.A.: N"' \World· ..,.. 1_. "'1n.U i.....Aek. Mta. LiollllS ,...11111: Re.d, Ho Time r. wide ~ atamp Oi1t&Jos.
a. .. ~ .... .. • rear: ..... Abbe ...,.. ... t•: Pftlllr, Ph.ia XD; ~
...._._ tlle Rqptc.k.,.. ot IW'M'w: How to hll Tour 1V&7 to 8\I0-
111& ..._ JloYt rCfdt1Ad "9 ~ Yun. ta ..,.._~ Miii; au. ·~ Boom Only:
.. --... ~ ~ ~ ... .,, .. ~tl'• atand&rd ... t.p Stamp
.-. ,..... to 1&u.t.t •t u. ._; 'J"1trt.. 1ta1t .t ~: c.taJoru•: atmmon.. How to FREE HOME TRIAL
V..._ .. tal, Loe.r ~ ~ ~ ..,.._ Run a Club; -. W•U.. ftOM ID !-.51f0
M.,.... -jolaU7 ...... loclal Jli.tofy (I .,.I): v.mu. Book; aprou.1. The~ Boole ~ O' COss .A.wdlta.rJ RWltlnt'-A.lll«r'lca'• A.Dclant QYllfaUou ot th• '111.UMD 8octJ: IUecUt.a, to. .... AWdlW)-Tll&. and Wether.n, The AdftftlUJ"leof The 8ecced Fort)' Yean; Wood,
.1-llr put preatdent, Mr1. John Welhll'all. The Comptet. ~ DlcUon-
"-7 8Mt\, Pl'llMDt.ed dl9trtct Blopaphi• an. Broad, 'I'll• ary and het'a Cnft Book.
citatlam 11br outat&ndlllJ won ""1-.ct.PJpa and P'olll• 'ot o.ca.r Th• library a1eo bu 34 new dvrflis bar' ,..,, to th• toDow-\VUde : CouP1an, TtM Prt.U. recorda rad)' lO ctrculat1 l
I ... Wdl!ilttea Chill...._: omt ..,,,..-~ Y'&QI&..,; llome UM. ~ ~ tor ct.U Detenae. Bollud, 8oa or Olcar WU..: --------------
Mr& <:aarlu lmllh tor )'OUlh Kuwell, B&ftcSlt; Pu:IGe. Tiide v-~ Hit p·.-!-actlwtllma. Mn. . Wallace BaSau LU• l'Ye Led: (Babe Dld19alm -uaq wn'"1
tor 11 ••• Bonda and Mra. .. .,, Zalwiu): Pr.cott. K&.ry Tu· L. ff. Ad&lu. I07 Orus-AV...
Dbllla&rt IDr lectalaU"' dor; Ried. .... t.rtq Catd; &al~ told police Illa paU. ~ Nim
... .., ... , ........ ,
tt.1N110nd Organs
y..., ftaee 4oc9pt.ed
..~ .... .
Sciiiil._,.llPs Co.
UO No. 11aba. Suta Au
'f'9 W..Va nae.a .,.._
to ..... ~ Dllesatea aad allmla!Ae elee\.-weu. Tb• Pour OaaU.ent.t: ...._ .. lc'ed eom1Um1 ~. a
ed ,.. 'fl.W: National l:beM\P" bll. n1 ut. and Good ~ .t "*'ut1 Of cliab• broke and
~t at D&Du. Taae ta ..... WUU&ll\ ft.andolpb 8-nl; WU-ii0i'"ip61.ciiceiiiari-ii.i...._iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,,...a ,.... Mre. Joe Deste••• ~ YOQ.QS J'-.c. lD1J'u.bioe.'
Kr& 0.. Johneclft. Kn. ftUll ..... ar1a and apol'ta tiler• .......
P.-U •d Mi.le R••t.r TaJl,. ~. IAttetiq' Ml .. .. •• J: u N E
ma& • M1l U•; llond, Better Color Ko¥-
._ Commandtr ~ a. t.: .....,_, a.it n.r.n.t; DV· Cl EA RAN r E Moere Wilted th• rroup t, 40tft• rant, PJ..w BlMol'J' ot Am-w . pl•te ,._.tor the ll&le of &. ertc&A lport.t ti-. ~
wom • July 4. .. Tim• to U. ...__t; Ouet&'t'•
IOll; ~Tour Goat; B.._. CLOSING
0 -.. ... blo G t" aon, llllJI, B&t ud 8Wlop: BoUa •&1. ..... .-.-._.._,_ma Ue8 &Jld aarcs., Mew ODmplM.a 8ooll
U.-l'\*t ol the Al BOW'" ot Oardeee: IV-. .... Boek;
•rd ai1 hold Jut~ 'irM "9l'doa. Sl9P111au and I\l0t7;
Mr&. ·I.-. M' ..... 7 ot -~· KM&nn&n, An Amimeaa Are.bl·
A telephone helps plan for "•••n
S....'1 a plc:tuN of a ft.11lll7 .t&rtJ.q a pMuu1 ....._. ~
lion trip. And bue'1 llow thq pl.uuMd It. BM wife e&Ued t.M
sport.a 1hop to ... that tU1r tcaJit rubtt ...,.. ~ llM
pbcmed ~ ci.n.r., too, about lllat 11lftlllM ,...r..a C.-1"11.
A.Dd tbeJ &n'&Dpd. ..,. t.&tpbw. t• u.. ....,,..,. to,... u.
cat. a. called &bud for 1911'V&t.loae ud ~,. ._ au.-
tht. YI a apedal oocuioL But nan lt lt'1 evvydq, U.. tei.
phOM ii alwa19 .-dY to 4lo IO IUD)' tk~ IO qWCkly, &IMJ
wlUt ao much eoG9'tftJebee. The '"" a~ ........ of ,....... T.._
epheM work to tNke your tetephone more UMM WtfY •Y·
• • • • •
QkW' Mre. Howarf't u-tectun; lrobl. Tbe lloUda.Y Book; ' 10-yeo...,.,.Ids th anatr wen..,.., Allllert Pw-ter..iaw: , ... Banda la Natvn and
........ v llra and Kn. JD.mo "-daU .... liiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;.=;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; aut.d .,,. Mn. Aalpb Iaaca.
Cotton BlouH1 -S2.91 to'SS.tl
Leather Belts "-$2.SO .to SS.ti Note · Birthdays HeJplna I>&.,., and RGMJd ~ eek-.. .. .._r' .Jo. ear..e. .
C.1.6 K-. Paltl wu ~ )o. D&le N • w. D&rua.1 Qoodem.
eaJe flif • ~ p&r1;J tw two orer Coe. 8cGU' HowarUa. MD• JO yeu ....._ DaYi4 K«nclaD aa4 1aab. Ocan4 a.,le1. Ollall•
.,_.,d fioV.dn. Co-bo9t1 11• m Per.Ira and Marilyn Kendall.
Enrollments Being Taken
. . •
....... -i... .... _
loses 10 inches in
3b days!
Open Evenin91
By Appointment
921 W. 17th St., SANTA ANA . Kl S;.1010
3117 E. Co.at H..,., CORONA OS. MAR t.W 1741
303.n "•rtas • ..._ Sldne
$1088 to $29.98
' -
AT -
· I ,
'City "Oki....; •••• .... r J!:fil M ..-... -........ , ...... ~ ..._......__...= .. _.•_,_.,O, w-. = :. -:;-."':: -::-,~:::.. "; = 811 ~.___..,_.Lei..&..... l•
... ~ ..,. .............. ta. .. s-. ... ... , .................. ,., ~ ....... .
1-1:-.:::-::::::--l ........... -... -.. --
I MA11t llOTICI --"11
"' -\ ~ ' I ,.-.... ~ • er I 'S •••• , ,..
• wouw.. .. ' p •... .... fa ~y .. ti t/l I SI' t'Obl!f .a...,... *' 11 • ...,.; ·: -:-:1~··---c.---~--~ :..=c ~-.............. ...,. ...... ',11111 : 0• JleC • , , I LWril. Oo., ... ~~ • U....:. ~.., ~~ =-IL. _ ...................... m4 f!l DlliM ............ ....
.-. ........ ~.. • r ,..,..~~~ ._.0 ... 111w1w.,.,....-.11 .... -. 111 ~MA.W.. Co ' ;:...,. tD ~~ ..,._.,.•ow at l :JO p.-. 1a -i.. .._..,Mn. lrlllmllllM•
..,.._, __ ,.. ____ .......... Ow ••.... "'t"'u·uu. ---~'"':.""I:!.~ ..... --~~~
, ............. ~ ........... ,....~ W ~,,,., It il,IP-& -...r&.. JMt0r 01 ... ~ =-• =·,:P .,. ____ ..;,.;,;;. _______ .... ..;...,:;i;...j.-.. _ I _,,, ... _ ....... ~ ...... •0.lll'dl ol• .. --... I
_ '1....... • ...., propoeed a1kt ... . ............. J.V •; ..,._ Ylllt.. cn;t an J'OUald)' d1aca'1'*1 u -.., Nrs-i will .. ta .....,
e.,t.. w ; ~ ~ ~ Uacola Aw. 0. (be nortti.. Hoa6-Kr& Col1q dW ~ • ltellt 1111 .. 41...... .,.
.......... 0--.,. » 6-Jla)boa wt• a l'WI W'F7 to • 8L -tb9 f&ll, BIOO~fteld OD '
·"' ·-pNttnt • ...,. to ....._.: In• u.. .... and I.lie ~
,.A.pproximat.Jy 800 ·~na were iwved during the flrwt annual Pa.nc&k.e Break-
~ of the Balboa 'Baf Lion.1 Club in front of Richard'• LJdo Market· Saturday
.znomlni. Servinr u eoou, botllewuben and general helper11 were 25·memben
Of the elUb. ~bl, not counted u yet. go to Lion.a Club ch.U'ttiea.-Statf Photo
w U. ,.. .,.. -Melet(I ~ ot a fto&tfq ~ ~ ~ truka, to UN'
1Md9' lllF I 'fll U.. Ywth CllJl• I.a \M barbol-IUUllt "lo 1Wtb. '.U ·Mdmated JtPO fM'
OM .... ma 1Dr Odis r..n i... u.. auw.ma. trw no.t; ~ IOU l'Mlde WIUUn. th• tiotma,-.
-... ..-t ... M~ Mr7a •t bOat p&Nde at ~t. -S-
U 79t. A ..u.o: QtNtft eo.t.ta. COllpil't C.t.Nom.&TE& ,
Ooaualtt.M ~ ~ bJ bJ • NMPou4 dlor&I srOuP : ~ mm ere '"~ Ute
lfvrpb7 wwe Ii fODoWI: Elltw-power llOlt ""'*· '~ •pKi&I "'" C!OWM:ll .-i. up for •1tctlon. ~ rarnu. ~ rM!.lo and telulalon hookup. 0.DdktM ... an Alfred ,a; (Pat)
¥Di Raroh1 B.utck. J'r&nk ,,~ with proplnMI almu.r to "Bue-Aniok!, Walt.at )a Jt. rowood.
--. r A. K. Pbtls-, ud ~· Cell 8torT" and "'CltJ at Nl.jbt." Ttibmu A.' Baroldr Jo~ C&J'-
1\&nch. l'oocl Precul'9ment~ do&& Lea.I, M1rtln Ollltltoom,
muo llackto«I, cbal""""; ,...._ BARE HOTEL Jako Vu DYk• ood '""°" Vu , man MMdowl, Bob Moore. Boot.hi Leeuwen. ..
and llq• coiub'UCllon-rr.Jik 'The voten 1 1, "'° befnr Oloecknu, chatnna.n: V.-ne Wat--tao,.U-.. fNlll Pap I) r iven the opportunitr to vot•
.-on, Gn..nt Kowald, Buu Bng Belch hu amtued the C&mlO tor 1 name for the pl'Op099d
and Jim Ray, cove.1 aubdl~ Of. t?wi lrrine dty. At the lop of tti. u-i ot
Location -Kenn7 Brandt, Cornl*lY a1ld Kayberry eu,bdivt· Ngeeted nam,, are C)'pttm.
P';.a Protecton KUCHEL URGES FUNDS , .. , ....... "°"""'' -Duo>< .. """ ""'°"""'_ .......... Thi• Dairy City, Lo, eo,..t ... and til Stewart, clWrman, &1 Kanae. annu&Uon hU Utended the UnCQln Clty. I
8ound-Don Kirkpatrick, chair-llmlte Of Lacuna. a..cb •pprosl· ~U or the tnCOl"pOr&o'
P··otest Act1'on . . m .... Flnan"'-aa ........ ri .. m•'"' .. ........,..,. ,, • m"' ""' ol&lm "''' '"· ·-d ty "'"
i FOR Fb 0 s , &Ad E. V, ""''"'°"· Fuhl.on •utuly .,...,. Cey•tal ""'' ""' .. a "'"" '" ,.,...._ tout -Ha""" ,....., 'ot 871 E. •O D TUDIES Show -Ma')'.,..,,,,....,. doalr· .,,. N•w-"'";'h. that -m•~'" &Ad tnduotrtal :10t1 It., eo.ta 11-. preaideDl man : Waftda Tbomu, Marl'• d-.Jopmttit Will be CDCOUNJed
of UM P•t PtoteCtan ot OraftSe Brea. and Pal Burkhardt. ~ OEATH NOTICE' ' and welcom~. To keep ~
CWnt)', todaJ cau... .lot 1 pro. 1 vie. Clut.-rrtink Jordan. Plan· al a minimum, the ct~ oounell-
tl9t IMlllnC' lA ~ LqMNI Senator Thomae H. Kuchel ot faeter rate than hae been poe--nl.Rfl-L7.U ~ttumore. ~ men will 11erve wit!'lolil pay a.ad '
Hall, IS6 W:-tlUli It,, Ooet& MeM, Catjtornla hu urred U1f A.nn7 alble ln th• recent put and that -Pat Burlthudt, W~ C\lm· LEA.IA. I.ANENE WOOD the city will not URM, le.,.,. or
at ·1 p. m. ~t. Enstnee• • lo allot part of llnJ 11er:y lltUe work hu bflai don• ~nse;.,,Yl.rstnia Wataon, Publl· OraYeai~e eentce. tor ~ coUect any la• that ia not MCM-
• Abe .aid~ ...ien wu calJe<l lnere--.t approprt.liou for flood on .am• yll&J IJUrveya becaUM .,,\y-aummy l'olta:, ehalrman : Lanen• Wood, Ul!ant daUCht.er u.ry lo provide mlnlrnum ftr·
"to prote11t tit=-recent action c:ot1tivl i;tudiu to project, need· t'Unde wtre not 1vail•blf. Ban Raddk:k and ArYO Hupa, ot Mr. and. Mre. JlmmlL Wood. vicq need!'(! by the area and It
take• by tba ot .. uperrillOni lnr morr money for con1pl#t.ioa. 'nit En(U\Hr•' achedWe tor ~· Ru.ot.-.JMan:iee Ya.a 0,11 .. %12 riowtt St., ea.ta Mee&. wUJ la planned to contract u many
ln ..,.ntiftc perm.i.lon ti ·ttie ln Calltomla and for 1urvey9 1157 Calli tor •u rve)'• on ~-a.ry L. David· be held tomorrow at l p.m. 1n Mt"ric:e1 from the courit7 up»-
SOUlllft'n cauromla )(l!'dll(JJ Col· In other lhreatmed •r·e11 1n lhfl ll riwri, crMkl. llnd pee-aon. member. Beauty cont.eel-Harbor Real M~ri&I Park, •lblL I
lep to Lake IMtlplem an1mall Sti le. alble project.I In Call.fOmlL .Junior Ob&rnbflr of Commerc .. The ReY. Jobeph 1'1.'MC8hane of ASTl-TRA.OI'
trom Uta county pound te be Kuchel wroi.. Major GfntraJ WhU. the tfnt.aUv, budftt would IAnc"enbetm.. who 11 coordlnat· C:O.t. M .. Qomm11nlty Church Opponfntl. on the Gtlfer band,
U8ld b)'\lMdie&I" etlldtill In t . C. ILtchner, Chief o! En· provide autflclent fund.I to corn· ln( the G<llden Jubilee aaJd mer· will otrlclate. claim Utat the t.ncor'poraUOnllU
brVtA1° ~ta... . &inMra for CIYU Work•. rec&ll· plet. 13 nex t year. Kuchel point· chant. &!'9 Plannln&' epecla.I u.le• The be.by di.cl •l birth In Hoq-Wllnt to bloa_k turt.b1r am1U • aq,. '1lla&4 N ~ectM1 I 1nr that e~rller tAie yeer, follow• ed' out an fftlm•ted 1:17l,OOO 1vent1 durtnr Jubilee WHlc. , Holpll&J June 23, She 11 aJao t1'Cl homt bl.lildlnr to f&YOr Ute
tnlend't6 ~ tbtir ~ a~ Inc eever .. winter flood• whk:h would be rf(lulN!d lo nnl•h rtvi ot.h1r l'YeDt. planned eo fir 1urYtYed b7-two lwothe .... Jack dairy lntere.u, T'llay.&leo cbUJ'•
net -U.C ai tM 1uper'rill<>n. eaueect he11vy dama1, Jn North· Thff8: .,,. on Ult Eel River, Red~ are: G<llden Jubilee Fll,.ttt of the and James ot the home: her the.t lncorpor1tlon w\U brin1
~ ern and C••ntral California tbl WOOd CNek, Mokrlwnne R1Yer. mate"91 ITancl'*rent, M.ra. W. hll'hfr t11.Xe1 wtth $m ben:1t1U
need tw •i:crlerallnr 11t1~ey1 COrte Maden ~k and put tamu1ar wtth the fa.melt ho!>"• G. Grava ot eo.i.·Mua &nd her than now ayaJlaba. u county TOO WI• To Be and ·lnvut1J:•llone wu dilcUUtd 9t th• Sacramento River. ol ruponelbl• olflclat. In Call· patema.l l'l"&Mparent, Mre. Ullle territory.
He ai.o recalled that he urr.d ·~· project. 1 h•vt men· foruta that addlUonal' iurvrye Wood VilN of Maryvtlla. Mo. Ot lhe HVfn candlda.tu. ftve
. C la SS If te d lb~ Senate ApproprlaUon1 Com· UOned. h well 11 othfre of the can bl undertaken ln the near Parke. ftjdlt7 Mortuary In ar• dairymen. one a poultry
mrti. lll1t Mareh to lncreaae ell'bUM!n on your work 9Chedule, f'\l\1IN, and I bell.~• tb•t • char,.. ot arnn1unente. ranchfr and one a huan-.nan.. ----·---~, -----l ~U a llowed th, Enrlnecr are orily • p•rl or the vet)' number Of othar proepec:Uv• I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o
%&--Help W•ted --for 1t1J1 1ct1vlty In the Import.ant eurvey1 which ahould projeae have beUl tentatively I ::::::;:::~-'.:-:::':::':~7-7."":' I ~ flar,J Y'•r. be carrl-.:1 on \n C•llfomla •• ecbeduled for euminatlon wtlen· JI-~!:> RT!'!~ BOAT Neede 1"llla 8enatvr P<llnled .ou.L ui..~ ~ u._ pol!flblf, Ku ch.tLJ.old "'"' fUndl and manpower per-1 aomeoft~ GVlf pltlY:-t public work11 appropriaUoQ Gen. ltechner. ifilr--
LI a..uall .n-'W',... sae30 latU 'Pueed by the Sen.ata Illa , "I wtah to urr• that to the ------------11.ut '"'k p11>vlded an lncttll.H 'Durtnc recent month•, I he.n bl&:b•l de(ree poeelble at leut I Coron• II.I M•r
• S%-FnnaltuJ'e for 8aJe Of $1.100,000 OVfr the ff OUN :n;nlealed i:!ith the eo.,,. Of I port.Ion of whatever addlUon· ;:;o...;=="'"-------1 total for eJI typea ot 1nvt1tl a· nffnl 1 1 the &ruwlnJ a.I tunda .,.. vot.d by Conve-1
T PU:CZ DINING am " mlac. Uon.e and th~ Committee ~ population, ttpa.ndlng e(l1C\l]s be ~ tor lhMe prtiimln-1 • PICTURE FRAMING
t'IU'IUUln. ltll fntne An.-. ~ that 1690,000 of the Pad-::::• and l.ac.....inr darictr of ary pWtnlnf activiU• tn C.11· • ART SUPPLJE·S
lJ S.1TOI. 2ldO dlUouJ anlount be llMd on flood ">' ~~ from Oooda alonr tomla, In orOer that rtnal eon·
Best place te save,,,Bank of AlleriCll
1ay1 Sam Low10n
The Lawmone .,,.. Hrularly a t B of A. Saya Sam t.w.
aon, "We lik• the feelinl' of qfety we ret when•• bo-.r
our money'• (nth• wol'ld'• larreat bank,"
Enjo7 bi1-l:luk l&f'et.J plua al~around pereonal aerrice.
Open 7ou.r u•ih11 account at B of A eoon.
IAK W llllfCA. lfUA. •t:Mlt:I t"IOllAL Of"Dtn lfttYIMtel co.NIAnotl
c ......
c ....
~ ito1tlem1 He YOkad hope that many o ..... et.ream• In numerou. dllllorui and NCOmmendatJone • PICTURES -..-a II.a. 8uno8N I, ~ ot the W'toU*1Me of MlCUOTI• Of our Slatt,I m&J be 1-ftllable foe tlli1 Qee of .&fpff••oie ll0•1tlold
_ --• u;. lkrut.e in \nany eecUona ot · .. I kaow that both t~ Dt-,ilian Con,r.alOnal comrnlttaio_. In lb• 2754 E. Co.st Hwy .. H•rbor S42 I J'u\a -~ -&:rnce
GllT llllOP a'°"-CI:"' UDO KAUft .... ----INSDuNCI: ~ ·,
14 rr. !D BOAT, • h.ti,. ~ ~1lelunt.ey, Ule final bill Wiii i Enflneer end )'OUt office ar& tnlnimurn ttme." .~~ \ • .,,,,,...,,,,,,~-~"""""""~·,,,,· ~""""'""'""'~""'""'""'~""'""'""'~" LIDO anmuo etart•r l:\'tnrude molal', nearlf provld• Uae Enstnee.ra with mor' -· -~----IC' ftt, ...... -Ba:bw •m
.,..,, A.i.o JttJbaa 1at&nd moo,-. mone1 tar such •tudiee ta th' .. _llo .L.~ ·m,. Hu. ifrr .. w. acao 4lllmln1 '1bca1 year, --~
LIQllTNIMG a...&.M, tall boat. w Kuehef not14 tbat Bric. Oen Oood ~ ....... 11.Jkm ...... ca.td:)', head ot ~ South
-U.. tl1I Har: ,...,,. or OX-Pacltk Dlvt.s6on. \old the llCData
ford .. nG, ;. •r -i>u,._u ~ltee:'L~ w~g_ ap, , , • --, ...,..,. 11 o~.,.d lo can')' oa bl.· •ow&A\ilJOllL ..,_.uo..-~~ 1n O.ll!omia at , · -. ___ ,.._ ........... l ~~--------
..... -... -· lJ!'" :racao Today's N Y w~~.... . . I·
. .'!"' ~-..S:="~ Siock:Report ·
• NJ1W TORK .NOOMJl'OCK ~·e~A.~I t~l~l~l~OO:~lio~lo!..---1 REPORT-BJ II. J . rolay, °"an
• .1 • ..-._. -. R Ir H, nm· Witter Oo., San\& Ana. 1 •au~ Dow-.109el Averacee .
_ ... ....,tpgp fOO. LI 8-4254, SO lndualriale -·--· 487.N up ,01 !
28c!O to Ra.lie :. .......... l&e:.88 dO\lrb .IM! 1 . -------·-----1 UI UUUtiM .......... &e.D down .20
~'! __ t _
IUNNT 1-bednn. unturn. •part·
mtrlt IYaoable Jul7 let. N•r
U4o llbopplnr cenl.4!r, YtA.rlJ
....._ MO per month wtlh ,.,...
• .,._ Ad\1.1\a only, Owner attv
• :00 ,...... Ubfrty a.a&68. 28cli0
Private Police • M~RCHANT
111 .. ......, -Colt& ---
I ....... Val._ llO,Ole
Am•rie&l'I 8rneltm,-·-.......... 50'..
American Telephona _ ....... 179•,
Anaconda _ ......... -...... -.......... -71 '•
Cbrywler ............... ·--··--··-... 54 '•
DuPont. "·-·-·--··-··-·--•.. ., :1131
Gtneral Elactrk: .1.-----··-15911
General Moton ··-····-······-····· tll Olmbai Bros. ....... _____ ''"
Or•l Northem R. Pl ----tl t,
1 No. American 4vtauon ···-·-IT• ..
N. T. CentraJ ...... -·--··-·-·· 37
Ma7 Co .... ·-·-··-·-.:.__-.. •O I
MonterfJ ou ···-··-............ -..... 33 I
Safeww.y 8tore1 ....... -.......... 112"
SincJalr OU --··-·--··-··-I &% So. Cal. EdilOll ........ ·-·····-111 !i
Standard OU of Ca.lit. ··-····· 50V.
Bo. Pacific ............................ &O 1'
l'rana&merlca ..... ·-·-····--·-to 'it
Onion OU ol Calif. ----· 11 ~
LT. 8 , Sted .................. --••• :. 116
1Tpll1k .......... ,,.
LDedJ" Mftl 1111 N.,._ BtM.. o.ta .._
BE SURE • INSURE -' .......... llTAHtln ......... o.1, ,..... lluht-,.,.
-.1118 JC. o...t .....,
( .. ,.... ... ...,.
•oo..&.·~--·O....of ..,_.. ....... _..
.. Aner&m. "Na ..r11i1t111
NafM.•W•.,..•e• .. --.
cu.on auu.&.D el w ...... ..._..,._.,.
1~0....-....e1 s..,_.._.a.,..._.
... o..t .....
TMISI IXClTtNG CO~YENllNC•I . . • 2 giant Scor-Mor doon alone hold 120 lb.. of food,
3 Jb. butter keeper; chcctc and egg mmpanmcnc; d('S·
ttrt bar, rcmonblc 3 qt. bn-crtse picdtcr; 2 fruit and
~ frahcl*n, big bottle s~ngt spatt.
• 4 ke y-ayr, 5 ·colO:rfuJ CCX1niratt1 for frttlCt·etoring
·~ .
• Automatic food lt:n'C'n in Sc:or-Moc door.
• &dusiw: Polaramic dial fcx ecimti6c tclnpeiMMC
control. Auromatic dcfro«ing in ttfrigc:ntor.
• TWO Applianca in ONE that wiU 6t ripe ia row -COMI Ill TOOAFI Ill TNI
mrzn' ~ un11n.trn .
Allo-111 rou• ,.,, '''' /
--••••• ... nMnm•,.•·~•••1•111•• ·
so~/Jt4TO--JU Sf 1 COMI IN AND alOISTla I
m<ae&TZ 1TOD•••n• ---"'' )C"~ 81"'-Mar. Ill
~ ~ •f America NT 41 SA
"" W\a Md& -....,..., UP
a6 .. ICR llllC)PS ~ aa&VbfG ll'tl'O -~---torV.. · N'8'91aut.-............
llEAIJTY l'.&JILOBS unu 8£1.0S or a&.&UTT
Mll lf,._ BIT&. -Bar. taTt
1411 Via..,,.._ ...... ""
OAMER.\11 II llupplleo ''
VINtsl'l'Z UDO oaQo•
... , "'-""' -au..r.tMI
DICll. .. CllLE&
Mii Via UOe Butler Ull
O.t.rEBINO aic•••n LIDO MAR""I'
Mii vi. u.. -Rarhf' ta.I
Olotldq-Oblldna II lafaat.
Ml6 N8"f1M" alv'-
CLO'l'ilJNa..:..atea1e Retail
Mii Via Ud• -llutJer 1M1
CJoUU.c=!"~~ &etaD
LA &a:U<C ... v .......... -Hanor 6111
UDO .-utuONI
.... .lipL ..,.._ -llutlel' lt1'1
Mii Via u.. '-......... ..,,
V &UAllUND llOCU::
lnlported lportl'WMI'
NII Via U.. -llvMr HM
DBVO ll'l'OBEll
Net Vla Ud•-.........
F..lectric Coot:racton
IUt \'la Ude -Hart.or t1tl
alQl&a0'8 LIDO llA&UT
Conac-Table ~-g
NII V .. Liiie -llaftw 1U1
VINCJL~ UDO DtlUOA ... , v .. U6D -Harttor ....
fBAllD II .t.LllUJl!I
OIERHA&O'r 8'l'ODI09
Nlt Via Ulla -11arMt .....
"· 0. atTOS., INC.
.... vi. I.Ma -....... ""'
Bhncl:t hQ! WWW ......
1'1t VIit. Lide -....... All
&ICWAU>"a LIDO ••asn .
u;.t.L ESTA.TE
f'. A. f'AIMl:R INC.
Jiil "" ... -..,.,.., 10lt
NI.I Via U.ta -........, tf11'
..... A.MD •&A.CB aau..n
Via a.w. ..._. 0-.. •
Udo Bal• • 8-tai. •
l\"ICWftl&T a&.l.M).&
8&"1NOll 41 1.0.&N .USOO.
A Bavtqa lUUtutloa
Lon,-Tam Home LoaM
BmWllLl/I llO.U fOJ' MEN HJI Vis tw. -..._._
SHOES, W-am.e °' C&Ul'OmnA. "11YlaUM-..._ ...
eic.t.eult Wa ~-Prvsna Via Ude .. x..,..... ~
llArtlw tilt
DI.A VEL .t.OEN()lq
ll4&80& DAVEi. AGDCT
Ml-I Npt. 11tN. --· ...
Dl<ll. llt.(ID.a
MIO Via; LWe -ll&ftliW -
w Nf01I REl'.t.111
VDiO&llfT'll W.A.1'(9 a&PA!a
UDO oauos ...... ._
Wll'IDOW OOVEBINO .. ...., ....... u ...... tM IU.nin641e Ae. J".U, "-• -!'l'EWPO&T HA.OB. CAUi'.
DlOh MA~& TllX AllADIC &ROf'
~ ' .
ltte \'i. 1"4 -Har!Mr •su Sat t11 Poet Ofllee -&ar. ..
They beat the Buca 4:2. Below, players hudd!e
around Cot.ch Orm& Crank. center, and uaistanta
Phflip'Wad.lworth a.Dd Pete Bart.--Sta.ff Photo.
Above, you .ee the Gla.nta at bat apimt the Plratea
1 la an American AmociaUon pme at Co.ta Kesa
Park. That'• th& Giant bench bel>J.Dd the cage. They
had 1ut week played two tr.ya, ~two frays. -· .
.,... ..
. .
In a letter 1ut w•lt tO Loe
An,ielee reetauranl man J'ol'e9t
Smith, whOM realdence la ln
Newport 'BMch. Maurice Podo-
lort, p,....4-1\l of tha NaUonal
BILL P1UJ.I.IPS, Sports Editor
MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1956
JIUk•lball A.-oc~Uon. rne&led ~-------~~-~-~~~---~~~---
WATCH OUR YOUNGSTERS PLAY! Uiat no n"-' pro bUkttball tran·
ch1M• would be added· th.ii year. . ::n~;-:;=-:r.:~ , Ki~, Diamond Slate in Costa
::n~~ ::tt:-!~ ~~ · Mesa, Newport Beac~ loops
mMUDJ elt.ber nat fill or lb• HeN'I th• Harbor are& Mid· Gl&nt.a-Bra.,..; 'nlureday. DodJ-
lprillr of 1967. ,.el r...cu• bUeti.ll ecbeduJe tor en-Ptrat.ea. all PDloM •=•~ p.m.;
Accordlns to Podolotf. tha lb.la week: Major Lea&"Ue -To-Frtday. Carc»-Cuba. 6:30 p. m.;
awnera now ln the l•rue feel n.lcbt, Gl.anta·Plnt.es: Tuead&y. Brans -Plrai., 7 p. m. Am«rl·
th t It would be Im rM:Ucal and Bravea -Doct&en; W~y. can AMOClaUon -Monday, Ol-a P CUbe.-Olanta; Thur.day, C&rdl· ant.a-Braves; TUfllday, DodJu.
tar lOo expeulve trauporUnc n&la -Plrate8; Friday, QJanta-Pirates. Wedneeday, Cardin.ale-
\.belr tMma to the Wal Cout Brana. All pm• at 8:~ p.m Cubit: Thunday, I>odJ-....Olanta.
to pla)' a eertea In but one dty. at Coet& Mea Pad<. all ia.met 6:16 p. m.; Saturday,
However. 1l WH ,,.~ weU Pacltic Coul Lupe -Mon· Dod1tra . CUbe. 1:30 a.m.; 06-arree<I tbal 1'hen the matter ii day, Giant. • Piratn; Tufllday. anta-Carda. 11 a. m.; era.-.
re-actJnted. it wW Include th• Carda • Dodpnr: Wed.nuday, Plratu. 12:30 p.m. All ramm at
pnn'l.ao that ta.ma trom Port--Coela M~ Park.
land, San l'ra.ncl.lco. Loi Alise-c ta. CL--&...ut InttmaUonal Le&IU• ram• JiN ad a major Texu city wUl OS ...,_IU at Horace l:nsllJl 8chool-Mon·
ON A NIW •t•
Yov ol4 ooatbo&rd ii
wonlt •n#l I Let' 1 caUI: .. .,.... ... oa a
1puk1i•• ••• .,, Joa.a.o..Na..~ •odelt, ) 10 )0 •pf
South Coast Co. .
NewporiBITt.MllN•IMt ----John.'"" ..
tel DIPIU.A•t.lfY 11' ... .. _,,, ...
be bt'cN(l'lt lnto lb• le&fu• al Battle I t Out on day. Brave• -Dodrera, 5:115 tbe •me lime. • p. m : Cuti.Olanta, e:'~ p. Ji ..
Under thia arranrement.. eut· TY Wednesday Wedn8day, ~Plratea. a:1S; em teama would be abl-. to Olanta · BraVH, 9:45. J"rtO&y,
make one tour and ptay team• Qarmelo Costa. 21 • year -old Dodtw8 -PSratN. 6;14; Cuda-
repteeefttlnf at luat tour w•t CUN.. 8:46. cout c1u... neceMltatlnr only kJyn teat.beTwet(tlt ranked C&llfornta State Leapt. J:n.
one cro• country bo~ wbich No. 2. and Ike Cheatnu\, 26-aim ScboOI; Eutem Leacue.
would be economically feufblt, year-old Harlem boy, batUe it Monte Vltt&a ancl Western Lea·
tbe ownen feet oul Wednflllday at New C&pltol cue. Ooala Kea Park-Wedne:to-
Smitb. who le arutl91U to Ob-A.reM. W-.,hinJlon 0 c tn a day, Carda • Pirate., t :SO a.m.;
ta.la a pro buJte~U hUdtlM l~round ma.In .v.nt The bout Olanta-BJ1lna, 1(~:45 a. m. Fri·
tor Lo9 ~ .iai.t Ulat Uae will Ille wlnlMd. day, t>odcen • Pirat.9, 1:30;
cal.ay ta ptUnr wOf'k: undttWay Costa bu an out.at.a.n~tns ,... c&t'dl -Cube, 10:.S. Monday.
dft tlle JCxpo91Uoa Park Sport.a cord of 21 wtzu and four draw1 Braftl • Plrai., t :SO: Q1mt9-Pa~n left b1JD without a bot'De In a-pro bOuta. Rlt .tctorlet In-Carda. l0:4~ '
court for hill team IJIY't"&Y, ad elude wina over Joey Lopea. PloaHr IAape p.mea at
tb&t tn .tew of ~ ·11bl&Uon Bobby Bell. Lulu Peru. Bab! Newport Harbor Youlb C•ter-
&loDe, tM decU!ca wu ~ed. Vuquea and Rudy Garcia. Tueeday. Bt'aV'M -Pirat.ee. IJ:llJ
.. , tnt.eod to U.p my btd an.. cm.tnut had a t.rtlllant aina-P· m.; card.I • Olanta. t :t6 p.m.
witll Mr. 'Podoloft and be rwady uur record of t2 win• In 97 Thunda.y, Brana • Clu'd.I. 6:10;
to mon quickly wlMD tile prob-•tart.I before tumlns pn> tn Gl&nta-Piratea. l :U . Mm.a with wb1cb we are faced 1t6J. A llharp pun<:Mr wttb Jood ___________ ..;;....;...;.;:..;.,.-..;.....;....;
.,. eliminated. bec&uM l feel combtnattona, Clleatnut hu racJc.
~ that pro baaketball wtJl ed up 20 wtna and three dra
~ & majol' rportl attrac· ln 28 pro bout.a. He bu lonr-
Uon tn Southern c.utomla." awaJt'X! thll chance to · avenre
~ annou.nced. a 19M Joa to Ooeta .
...... ~ .~ ....
-' ...... ~ I I • .. , t -~ ~
-··.. . -~ .
a.oo ----······· .. ····--....
1.• a.Ml
m.lller ... -··--··-··--··········· ..... _ .. -············-·-a.oe OoAcNte IC1Ur Operator -lkJp type ................... _... ua
Kat.eri&l J..Gadlr or Coave)'Ol' ~rator ................... _... J.H
)lot.or N.ttol Operator, tncludlna any type of power lll&de
operatot .......................... _ .... -·-·····-.. .. ...................... 1.12
Pavement Bre&ku Operator ............... ........................... 2.tl
Roller Operator ··-·-···--···--·-··· .. ····· ...... --.. ·--···--2.11
RQM Carrier Driver ... -.................. ·-·· .. ··-··········-·-l .tl
lkJp Loader Operator -WMel type ...... ···········--_ Ul
lcreed OpenLlor .......... ·--·······-..... • ............. ·-··-·-J.. 75
Tow blade or Grader 051«1'&tor -····--····-.. -·-·--Ut
• Tl'Utor Hi·Lltt lhovtl Operator ......... ··-···· -··-··· ue
Tractor Operator -Bulldoser. Tunper, krapcr, or
t>rq Type S.bovel or Boom Att.achment.a ... ·--~· 2.to
ADvaDIJllfG roa ams Tractor lcr&Pft' OP ...Drac T1Pe Aonl -T&JMIGD .... a.M TrWlliq ,,....,,.. O,..tor -......... _ .. _,_ ..... _... .. .... . 1.00 •
KoUct i. henby itnn th.at TIUTOlt l>AJVD.1: • , ~
UM Jlo&rd ol ~ of the Dft'Nl"I ot <O\lmp ,..._.. et lest lb&n , vda,
Newport a.&cll lcboo1 Dtnt1ct '
et tlle City Of Newport Buch. = ;'~p.;;;;k;-=·, yd.I.-but .. ~ .. ~ UOI
btrtlnatlet' referred to .. th• "Own.,..' wUl receive up to but rat• I 1"' watn Left1 ........... -.. · ·-·v·······--l.UI
not later than 8:00 P. M. on per hour Dl1..n ol Dump Truckl -I yd.a. wt IHI Ul&a
"'· ..... lh lrd t J·" l"'.,. T\I -u ..... t.o 3 111 lJ 7da. wt.tar lievel ······-· ............. _ .. _. l .UI .a u•-Y • . o ..,7, ..,.., 1 a.,.,..-r ·--······· Drt .. ,. o1 Dump TruoM -12 yd.a. but IMI tb< -.led b19 tor th• aw&N ot LAboftr ............... -...... 2.17& •1 ... •· •-· 1 1 .. lr&Ct f 108tall&U t No lAdder may withdraw h.la '"' >'-wa .. r ••• ......... · ·· ................ ·--··-· .• ta ADVDTl.UDll&NT l'1J& ...,. CCII! or on ° &COUI-I>nwra of D'llmJI Tru.cu -18 yda. or more
NOTlCI: 18 HJ:RJ:BY QlVD UcaJ untll ln the l)'llUlUium bid tor a pertod Of thirty daye W&t.r J&v ••. -.......... -....... _ ............ -... -..... UU
---------that the 8oard ot Tnlat.MI of walla and ~lllnl' at the Horace after the date Mt for the open· Driven of Tnldla, lq&1 J>&>'k>ad e&p&clty lea
Oii avlJ!lal lb• Newport Beacb 8cllool ~ ~111 '=b. ~~'a!:;' lnl' '1t :C,14:.m, or TRU&TZ&S Ul&n • ton. . .......... ..... .. . ...... ..... ............ uoa
Ukl of the City ot Newpo11 ewport ..,.-.... 1. Drtven of Tn.tclu. loepJ p&yload e&p&clly betw•n
...,_ ._ ~ Beach. hereinafter relerr.d to Ca~°:'~ th 'uc;',1 bl~ ,;:1 be N:: l BeM:h l chool I and 10 tou ············· ·-·-.. . .. .... .. .. .............. UI&
u the "Owner" wUl receiH up nee • • 0 ce 0 OWD· c Drtvua of Truck.a. 1.eS&) p&ytoad cap&dl)L betw•n
•lllMl:tulll:'Z = to but not laltt lhan 1:00 p. m. er, 2~.~ ~~. ~ :~ 16:· N:~,.~~~rc;:_",. 10 IJld.16 ton.I ~··-··-·-·-.. -· ........ -......... UU • OID Tueed&y tbe &rd of July. port___.,, I• n'I• • Drt. .... of TNdu, Jepl payload e&p&clty bet.w .. n ~~-• ..... bu>'• UM. •a.led bide for the recoD-f~~; ~ .. ~--~ 0~~ :d lfo. Tl~::~~~;·.~:. 11 ud IO toM ............... _ ..... __ . -·-.. . .... _ UIS __ ..., uc an .. dWon1q and repe.J.nllnl' ol wtA· pub ..... y ._.. ,...,._ at ...... a ve Drtn?W of lrQcb a.pt payload eapactty of 20 Lona
~E ~ la ~ dow and door enm..t ud wiA· ADVEBTl81R1'T POil 8U>S er more ... ···-··--··-·--... · .. -·-.... ·······-·-·-··--· I.TU
-----I DI I iWWW dowa aad ~ lt the Nwrt • D_. t -~.... ___ ..__ t to nm. c:Mrter Beach lchooL located at-U~ Mo&.* I• Ml'Qy stven Ul&l t.blt Ba&rd of Tru.tt.tt• of lb• n"19 • ._.... type .,,.__. tnlclu -···--~··-··-··· 2.TU •E2PPP1ti.&.-LI et •au ldJld8 and 8&l.boa 8oWeYard Newport On..n ... Cout JunJor Collel't Dltltrtct of Oran.ct County, Mreln· Drtvera of DwDp.t.er Tnlckl ............... -........ --··-·-2.Taa
af"9tl,<ilut ~1• Jf .... a.ch. llldl Wda will be recelved atlu mernd to u tbe "Owner". w1U rectlve up to. but not later Ddnrw of TraiulU.·Mt& T'Ndul UAdu I yda. -_........... 2.W fill~ uaMI' a.. in t.be ott\ce of the own 2000 tllan 2:ao P.M., July 10, 1951 •led btde for the award of contract Dr1 .. n of Tranat·IC.a Tru.cb I 7da. or more ... ···-·-2.TN
' -flt TD CJJ.tt on ... City Of ;::_poit for coutrucUon of a parklq kll conAlt1nl' of approximat.ely IUI& Dwn,cm. ~ lw tbaA I~ yde. water M~tl --· 2.UI •--•1111-~: V·Dltl'Vm JIOAT ~ On.Di• 0oun11 C&lltor· 1111uan feet ol upl:lalt concrete eurf&clnc. a.nd a:pprcmmately &22 Dum~ Truck. I~ Jda. watn le'Yel or more ..... _ 2.TU
; AllfT .... that ma and wUl be opened' and pu~ 11nM1 t•l at concftt.e curb. Such blda ehaU be ~•eel ln the 1\099 canter Drtftl' -flll1h'a)' . ... . ....... ·-·-··-.. ·--S. TU al~ cui)M*d of the Udy l'M4 aloud at lhe a~• otnc. ol the "Owner" ln the >.dmlnletraUon BwldlJ\i. Or&DI'• Cout Wat.er 1'rvdl Drtftr -thMllr 2aOO 1aJ. -.. ···--······-2."6 foU~ ~ umee ltated Unu l.n tll• omc. of the c.ou.ce. 1'701 Falmew Avenue. eo.& Kua. C-aut. and abaU be Water Truc>l Driver -1aOO pl. or mon -·····-··-··--2."6 •
et r.sdenoe Owner 111 ea.Id buU41nc. opened and publicly read aloud al tbe abovf et.aLH Ume a.nd place. ln4u.ttJ1.al WV!'ruclt Drt•w -· ... -..... . ............ . 2.6()1
\o wit: ~ btd mu.at OOGtorm &nd ~ Md muat conform and be rupoNtn to lh1e lnvll&t.loll. Note: A.ll of the allove c.ran. 1Ubj9Ct to frtnc• beneftt.1.
.OAT CO~ be ruponsl .. to th1a lnnt.&Uoa. t.be plaaa, lplClDcl.UoM, and au the «her docurn«ft\.I comprllln1 OVl:RTDOI J\ATU roll IIX M.110 TJU.DU:
corportu.oa, lh• plan.I, IJ*lfte&Uona. and lbe pertJnent contract documeou. CoptM of the Contract Doc:u.-Ovtrtlnw aha.II be paid tor wett& performed ln ex01&1 of the
AL PLACJ: all th• otlltr docummta com· m•nt.t are now on flJt &nd open t.o pubUc 1.n.1pecuon In Ult M.ld r.,W.ar day'• or wMk'• work uc1 at the rate tor overtlmt ot th•
I& AT U2I pdl&q u.. ~t contract ottlc. ot the Owner. In 1ald County of Oranr•. St.ate ot Call· era.ft Involved.
A'f. JflJW'POllT lh-•ta. ~ ot the 000• fonJla, and at lhe otflce of ~aclc 8. Raub, 1M Rodlutlr, COil& Hollday1 u htr«!Jl re.fft'nd to ehall be aeemed to be ~"'
Oii, CALIJ'OR.NIA. tnct document. are now on cue M .... Calif .. tor Ua pavln1 and curt», ancl may be obtained at Year'• Day, OecoNUop Day,~~ 0.7, Lt.Mr Day, Ann1fo.
,..........,....,. my hand Ulla 2otb and open to public lnapecUoa th... placea by depoaltln1 110.00 for •c.b Nl. Tb1e depoelt wm UCe Day, 1'b&llJuwtortnc t>a)', and ~ U any of UM above
1..-...... • ta tbe l&ld ottlcee of Ula Owner. _,. r.tW\ded 11 Ult Mt or Ht• of ContrM:t DocummUI d•llvered h0Hda71 f&1t oa lunday, Ula ~7 toUowtnc lh&ll lie eom&dded 8UUIJebn N . lAdwood locat.d at toOo O.ltf Dr1Yt. New-are returned 1n 1ood condlUon wit.bin five day1 alt.er bid openinl. a lepl IM>ISday.
OOD BOAT COM.PANT, port Buch, Callfomla. Cont.net blda wlll be received cover1nl' uph.alt concrete 11Ur· n lb.all -. DIAAda&a'r up Oft UM Contract.or to whom a con·
a cautom.La Corpora1Jo1l Sac:b bid 1.1 to be made out facln1 and curb1. Unll P rtcu requut~ for a-r&cUnl and eub·l'rad-llrUt S. awarded, and VJN'l't aD ~ttac~ under llJm, to pay not
ST: Jc41HJ'f. lAdrweod • a form to be otitalnfd at lnl'. untreet.ed rock eurfactni. plant ftllxed •urf&elnJ, elc. Compte--1 .. thaft l&Jd 1•tn.1 ,....,.wna ratel ot par di•m .., .. to all
kNlaiy·Tr-..urtr l&Jd Ottke In which the con1.ract lion Um• ..equated lo be w t by blddert1. A depoalt of 10'"'• ot the wortrmen emploJ'd la tAe ....:alioo of Ula eontratt.
flt o.atornla, .....,,_u are on rue. tot.al IJtd by certlfled check or bid bond ll r.crulred with u ch bid; • Mo tridder may wit.Mraw bla Md for a period of IO ayt attn
.. a Each bid abaJI tit accompanied labor and matert.ai. bond and perform&n~ bond ~ulred of con· lhf date wt for the openlnf of b\da.
ck)' ol June ~ a etrtlfted or eubler'1 check tractor •Meted. Boud of Tnatee1, Oranie Cout Jr.
1 ru, Ula w:ader~ ,_,allile to UM o.im.r. or .. ~ JC&cb bid ehalJ be made out on a Torm lo be obtained at any COU•I'• D11trkt, Onn'9 COunty, Caut.
P\&MJc la &Dd f9etory bid boed in favor of tll• Of Mid offlou ln which lbe Cont.ract Document.. are on fll@. I lllfMd: B. H. PmTCRSON, a.c.-.1.ar7
... l&ata. ,.... ow.er. a.outed '1 Ule ll64der l:&c.b bid aha.II be accomp&nled by a cert.ltled or cuhler'1 check Publ.Wl: Ju.ne J8. and July !. llM 1'!!5!'J~~ JOJll( K d PrlDdp&1 ud •tlltact.ory payable to the Ow-Mr. or aaUafactory Bid Bond In t.vor of Ulll Open: Jlll7 10. ltM -2.IO P .X
.... ....._ ...... ~UJ.• II II ~-··-IWIDnJll AD 18 6 LDm1
D"Am.DfD iw .-. or ......... _.. lftl
rw ~ Pftll•U. -fttdlv • ..-.
J'w W•r"97 P®ttetw.....,...••q I ....
... ....., Publlc&tka -~ 1 •.& .
•eWfOIW a•uoa rmlUlllDIG oo. au ..._-.... • ....,... ...._ OIMia ....
A.II 011•fW .... amt be paid for eu. la......_ fll ps'I Ml
nae pQb11ebcw will not be rwpoautble tor more thaa-. la 1 rect
lDMrUOa of IJl &d. ,...,..,, tbe rlfbt to eorr.c~ ·~..,. ...
all &411 and to ~ u1 ad not oonlorm1q \o ruM8 ad 141Jetlw1
.~ ~ eqln .... a.rdtlteet o• bqefn1 men
~th• n..a fot fut ettldlat nproctuet.lalL
H&nor Blue Print Company brtnp at lut a
, ~1 equipped. expertly lt&ttld ancl oom~ •ut911 ptfcld .mce to Newport S.cb. roT your
rlprodudlY• needa, from blu. print.I to phat.o-
lt&tl • . • Call • • •
Harbor '331 28tfo
Coloa.la1 Mortu&r)'
TI01 8oMa Julrt loutW cl w-.
~ K•a1al ftlll. PAINTING
P APERHANGfN6 A.a Orul• Oluat;J ~ kfta.J.;:U. ol aD .....
....... ::!.~~ sl!'=~.~ t!~ll~r
.t a.Ill II,..._ a.. JIN • lllT' !•
008T ~ lllilA. CBil'JIL
1 Ttl hpertor J..HmM
ea.ta it-. Calif.
Phone Ubcty 1-2121
aR.A.PSL ft TD I&\
1820 .. Coat ..... ·-
Corou .. X., Cdf,
PboM 8&rtlor "
11 ltnow1l to me l; IUl'tty company U llllf'lty. In OwMr, u.cuted by lh• bidder u Pttlldp&l &Dd a au.tactory Ho. Tlt New•~
u.~ ·~ ol -·--~~D CORPORA.· r------------------------------------------------------------------------_..;.--------~-----------------------------------;.;;;..._. ~Corporation lhat ex•
wu-.~ .. Ui&n ~ te ... tM ,.._
---u.. WU.hi.a Iut.ru· ot tM Oorpon..-
named. and &e·
.. that -.:la C..
tHtll!.tia the aame. WHElllX>F. I
IMNunto Mt m1 1'&ftd and mi.••4ftcll&I ..i lh• day
,_, ta Ulla ~rtlflcat• nm
Kall Hurw\la
Notary PubUc ln and for
aa.td County and St.ate
No. nT
-N...,.Preee 1/23, T/1. I . 11, 1161
Nonce or LU.Z ro
Hou~ ta her.by 11ven tb&t
Met. will be rec:.lv.cl tor U.. -1•
to tM ~Met bidder ol one Ollly
forty~ .. foot IDM.or launch. ll&)e
"'649 wU1 .. opt'Md aad ~
.-.ct aloud at 2:00 P.K.. Jwy 10.
Jtcle. la u. ...,.. ,..... flt lbe
.>.cllln.inUtn.tloe BWkDnc ot: the
~. not raim.w 1.....,..
Colt.a 11 ..... OlUf. Launcb may
be 1111-paded Mtwec 1 ud I
P .K. Junie 2'. 21. 21. July l, I,
or T by pnor appolnllntftt by
caJ11J1s lbt. n . Klln-V 1-1111,
Bid fOl"ft'W ••alt&ble In _.._.
..... MM Ota.a. •
11149 nuUlt be acc01Dpamed
wtt.h • 10~ "'4dlrr'• .... d ..
~...utled or culaioer'a di«• made
out to the Bo&nt ot Tl'u9t ... of
Ulll <>rana-Coalt Jr. OoO.,W
!MA. llldder"• 1Ned )Wtll .. ,..
tal.Md unUI f'lllJ payment hM
~ m&dt by Ule ~
All upeneet o( .. 5Jfl'U'C't.
t.i.alfer of uu.. ~ ......
mon.l an tlM ~ fll
llMkkr. •-;...._tu wW '\..._
REMEMBER ••• SAVINGS received by the 10th
of the month ••• EARN FROM the 1st.
M-DoP! o.ta, Pea. __ _
Frmc:A ap..tau.t of
Worka ln your nome. '
lMt Tu.ltln Ave., C..M.
Bartlor 6341
R!:Gl8T. BOXER PUPS for ale.
f wkl. old. C&ll tt»-.J b> I p.m.. ----------
Alter t C&ll Har. Ilk 27tfc ~ OLDS 18 Holldq, JIOW'W llteerln& II braka, R 6 B-
Ba.r. 170'J.-W afta' I p.m. •pU J'RD to 1ood home· bal.t Lab-
rador Nb'ltver llaJt German ----------~T::;. Male. 1 7ee.r old. '°'"A-Dne a rani
New and Uled
Brah Semct
J'ront Eod Alip.ment
• 80.AD aatVlC.
l"lnil&aDe Badl9t Plan
Toma tor t.be A*IDJ
801-809 w. lit ST.
Motor Overhaul
Up to U MoatJaa to Pay
a c,1a. M88
c.u.; Sl)J'(4 CJ\A,10
bORIS BRAY, Reoltor
s a. a. tunal.lbed ,-.r11 natal
llUo ft. ..,.!1::.. ~:Bal'. 1at -~·=·=· =~'!!·~·~-~--.
Summer Rentals
~ ., mrftmrt ....
•c:betar .-... or two ...._
l'OUlll aputmmt&
., llWmMP, --WJ .. ~· upo~ •Mnd&t.
2U93 M.ape. a.ta JI-. ~
Tl ft. troQL .. Ude .....,
bomit -""a ... •PSNL St x 11 ft. UY1ar ,_ -4adl
nooai -tbemao .. IDI ...
dueled patio OYW , ... ~
&nl.lre ·pt ; ~ he aall'•
Oc.l7 1 blodt to ~ "
KbODla IUl4 t.fUa. Booa -uoUsu UILlt. . A.L80
O\aple& -'1too ... -,...
IU,700 I ....._, 2 JTL eM
dd eompletal)t fl "lbcid.. Pnee
S 10,llO tor all Di& Gib'
51IOO dowL
c.11. UI ...,U..
8-.ltar Kl MUI ,.,.
MA 1'811 'TllJa 019?
s..nta A.A& ~ -a a
PaUo -... plllJd.en 1Aq ot &xt.raa -...,..
1lu W; POpe -a.JIOr
· LI a.-uu
7 Acres
din. rRONTAGJ: • ~
-........ ~~~~----•• Qab tocettoa. .,. .. ~ T.-... .,OI Nia.er• t.onDaUGa. call •
.. C"
Osborne-forton ·
ltE4Lft CX1S
2323 w. COUit ~,. ua.-na .._eu.1tM
(&1 Pas& Or-.>
la • 1IO a...t. lCeu 8M:ll
,Bq. 0... ... CIClllll..-cW •
lat. OMla -en. tor om.. MAM&i'lllllllllts,_,,..,
... ...... o.ni.. Jl&r.
IM1 ti
• 88D8¥ ~ ...... ar..
...., W/W ~a.a It
Dre .............. , ...
blbldt .......... .,.... MUa •
Ed Jon•, Bulto:r
!!:=!!!!!'!...!'J!?l!!!L...--tttt Hatke B>Yd. LI 14m
............... 0..-
lat. ION ""NdlC1a .A ........ ~~a.da; ..
· Attradtve CJfff Haven
. J,;pln----
Balboa l•lanC.'1 led
Cliff Haven
• SM) r.6ate .
Nt&r aew • bdrm. modern home. 3 K tha, tm.
place, FA beat, hdwd. noors, 1&00 .q. ft. Owner
tranaterred, quick poueea. $23.950. $8700 down.
Bala.nee f 11'.i ~
· I bedhm. home with permanent ocean view.
Hdwd. floors, fireplace. Full price only $22,MO.
Th1. la not a mistake.
Reduced to tell quickly. e y-r. old 2 bdrm .•
family room. l!SOO 1q. tt. W /W carpeting le
drape.a incl. 1h block to good n1mming.
nr.t time offered at $26,800
• P. S. Confidentially we have liated a brand new
2 bdrm. ranch type houH for only $17,600.
You'll be pleaaa.nUy •u.rpriltd..
You can usume the $91.M 4 % loan and pay
only $7' per mo. Incl. tues, inaur., lntereat &
principal, on t.hl9 1p&eioua 3 bdrm. home in
lovely Cli.tt HJ.vm. Total price $H,g6()
f BDRM. 2 BA111 -OCEAN VIEW -$900
DOWN -$86.~ PER MO. Payment.a include
tax, inaW'., intereat &nd principal. Only minutes
from the beach. Better call NOW on thla one.
The Vogel Co.
3201 W. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach LI 8-3.Sl
Evening telephones: LI 8-7739. 8-3580, 8·14.21
Har. 3630-J , LeH 9-7i*42
NEW -Four &lrma; 2 Ballw,
euri,.d • pt.ved l trttl, eewere
• ttdtwalka, Larrt Double svar• and Corn«r lot. Priced
to Mil al tU.t~ with 12200
Liv• 1n a nut 2 Bdrm home.
wlth W /W C&.rpelln(. Rent out
tunwhed unll at $&0 mo.
l..&rJe Dbl. Garar• on Corner
Jot -70' front.art Nice Cat-
den. What more Could you 1.t
tor 113,000.
.. )'OU'U like OW' UieAdJy M rvtce"
.oo E. iTth at., eo.ta w....
400 VI.Ila Baya
On the comer of Tualln Ave.
In the 2200 Block
County of Oranr•
Thl.1 lovely nmblinf home I•
priced t>tlow coct ot reproduc-
tion. 3 '*Sroomt, 2 balh. and
family room. Over 1700 feet
of llnnf area. 3 car rua1e
t.nd Hobby Shop. Over 27110
equate feet in all. Complete
with ca.rpttillf end drape•.
Shake roor. •11nln~ room -
broktut bar and Iota of
On a comer lot 6& x HO with
lovel1 prolet·ted patio Thia 11
our very bt-lrt value at 1211,9~
THA"rl FIRM-Not one plUf-
ftd nkktl Jess. and worlh
much rsore.
Ca.II Harbor 4718 NOW!
' i I I
bat.ha, haJ'dwOod fJOOl'I, W /w carpet. d.rapee.
built..ln atove Is oven, wired 220, b1rch eabfn•
acouaUc ~luter, FA furnace, breakfut room.
tun laundry room, lovely bath1, llldinr doors to
patio. Shake roof. A well pl&tuled home.
Only $29,850 with food tttma.
ILY ROOM.• 1~ bath home on cholc9 S2'd3'
lot. Family room & living room open to larp
enclosed patio. New w/w carpet., custom
d.rapee, raised hearth fireplace with cuatom
ICreeJL Dream kitchen. Extra Ice. cloeei,.
Exception.al buy at $26.800 with 1ood financior.
The Vogel Co.
2867 E. Cat. Hwy., Corona del Ma.r HA 17U HA 0767
2 bdlJcn., hdwd. floors, Ige. lot completely fenced,
1 1 priced to move fut at $8:SOO. ••
a.n &ttractiv. 21/2 yr. old unit. Quality blt. by
owne.\ Live tn the lge. roomy 2 bdrm. apt.,
let the 3 one bdrm. apt.a. pay it ofl. One bill.
frcan tramportation in excellent relldenti&l
loce.Uon. $2fSO per month income.
The Vogel Co.
1700 Newport Blvd., Colta Maa
' Eve. !!arbor 1539·M
MOit dJstlnctin BA YFRONT home on Lido! 4
bedrm. 3 bat.ha plua m.&id'• quarten. Full mlr-
rored living room and dining room wall. L&nal
with wet bar -front patio, pier le finger aUp.
Muter bdrm. ha.a every detail for Milady'• de-
1ire.. Kit.chen ca.a.not be excolled, blt·in d ouble
oven.a, 1tove & grill. Price $125,000.
Phone for appt. to aee.
The Vogel Co.
341G Vi& Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971
Eve&. fu.r. 5179 -Har. 5142 Har. 363().J
2 Nd.dn.., paneled den, Ule TOP VALUES
178,600 0 YT· oh.I. turn. pier,
8(8 NEAR Jf nTY -l6000
down. 2 B.R Oen, I Bath,
B/B P1nlruuW-Ntw 2 B R.
• O.n W ;W Carpl., Blt.-ln
Stove. '6000 wtl l\&ndlt.
lNll!LA. 1 1~ l.4>1A -Larfe
pt.Uo. 3 8 .ft. Oen. DinlJl(
8 /8 NSWPORS' -Comer Lot
R·2. $1~0 down -$41SO.
ON nus Pier • Sup -3
B.R.. Bath 13~000 -Terna.
You wtU hate yourwlt lft lhl
momtnr lt you do not lff Wa
J BDfUl. • bunk room beach
home. ju.et a 1hort dlal&lfce
from private 1wunrnlnc beach,
move In for lb1 aummar
.. $19,500
FURNIBH.£0 a bellrooma, i.1.
llv, room wtlh firepla«, bu
many poHlbllltlu, LOW down
p.yment-ltxcellent ttrmal
Corona del Mar
~ built-In kitchen, ~ A BEAtJTIFUL HOM..9 you wm
bl1ck rtrepla.ce. wall lo wall be proud to OWY\. t Bdr A
ca.rpeUQ&', bdwd. fln., aUdl.n( o a n. Hctwd nn, 1pac1oua rt ... doon to oovved oement ~. Iota of Ule, Flr.pl lo
p&Uo, ptr1meter bMttnr . ahalle Den. Obi p r. Appr. J!K)O aq tt.
roof, dble.. ,.ara,.e, rear yard ot ch&mt. Ul.:t<>O. Wiii corwtd-
tenced, lanC:.C.ped. •r traM tor 1ma ller home ln
CNVJ:STOR, BUILDER, aervlct C. Me1& O)J'ru.tt.IA.
1t.aUon operator-l1Wlx120xl70 DUPLEX _ EAST SIDE. Quiet
comer Harbor Blvd. M1&.1~ M1l. IL W'&lxtnr dt•l to town. 2
Priced at invutment. Inc. $1711 Bdr. e,&. W1th pnp• i,.tween.
mo., but ready now for lm-Re&r yard t•nc.d • dlY!dMI
medlate d•velopment. rtmr prtvaey or Mp&l"lte
2 BLOCKS TO 8HOPPINO area l'louw• on '7& tt.. lot.. Onty· 2
at 11th and Oran&•· ftedecor· )'I'll old • $4000 dn.
al«l 1 bed.rm. bome. Neat, clun llld euy lo own. Small 3· BDR. HWD n..Ra Only 12500
down. Dn. Nr. aclloola at.ore• •
lranap. i:. 91de. lArs• IOL
:&Mut. paUo. A. r.&J buy. 3 BEDROOMS, l yra. old, banjo
1lt'fft, J>&l1lUt t noo .... FHA In·
tetHl, moderne. loll Of fl.a.u,
tbarp. 8ubmlt down 112,800
tuU price. Double f&rafe.
13t. Cloee In. Exe Dup)O or
tnplex b~ illlte.. $Sl&O ouh.
1. Ftne.t resort hotel It cott.ape wttb tp . nlm·
mJ.ni pool., let. re11taurant It bar bnat n-, SB
acre. to expand, ut income approx. $t:5,000, can
be increuecl with very UtUe expense .. l'ull price
UM.000 -terma.
2. 2tS.'S ft. frontage on 17th St. It 19'5 ft. on
Santa Ana St. in heart ot Co.ta Meea ahopplnf
center. Full price SUS0,000 -euy ter1U.
3. Improved Highway 6: commercial water front.
age. In full operation, leued for 10 years. Pays
$1l500 ptr month net. Full price $145,000-terms.
4. 5.9 acres zoned R--t in heart or Costa Mea.
• blka. from lnteraectlon ot Newport Ii Harbor
blvds. Full prlc. $47,CW>O -terma.
~. M·l lot 63x297 with buaineu bldg. Ii 2 \bdrm.
house. Leued for $176 per month with room to
build. Full price $22,500 -generou.s terma.
6. 14·1 70xl.27 ft. corner. $9,9~ -terms.
7. M·l 70x.127 ft. with 2 br. cottage. $8250 term.I
8. For u.le or trade. No. 53 Emerald Bay.
5 bdrm. 4 bath, right on the beach. Owner will
trade for 2 bdrm. home in thil area or wtll ta.ke
"'0'1 aa part or &ll of down payment.
The Vogel Co.
(next to post office)
208 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor H4 or 1015
ain't no Hon,y but conaldertnr
lhe location 1\'1 wortb tha
money. 2 ~roomt • den com-
pletely tumllhed. One hop,
1k1p and Jump to thtt chaMel.
to a ru.111 t1nc*2 Ill p!&yl'fOund
A eandy beach and alcy-blue
wal•l'I ot the Paclllc. 1t all
adda up l.o fun, tun a.nd more
tun with punut1 tor a down
• 2 btdrTG.
• wall to waU t arpet
• newly paJnled
• East aid,, Oo1ta Mtta
• Ouuhle rara1e
• Sewen
• Cloae In
• FuU price 110,600
• 17~0 down. J~ per mo
payment. FuU prlca $8600 -
12000 down. t • s 1750 QO WN ,.
up, 2 down. L&rre deck on 2nd
floor R..al flreplace. Nice bu11l-
ln1. Ov,r111ud double 1ara1•
Cloae to beach. channel and
•hopping. Rtdut·'d to 118,500.
$3 000 do~n
• 3 bedrm.
• 2 balhl
• h&rclWOod noon
• Forced &Ir heat
• Double ,.arar•
• Comer lot
• Sewera, curbe and rutten
• lmmtdtate poaeaalun
• 113.11-00 1\111 pr1<'e
Llberty l-ll39
rum. beeeh hou. $1&00 down
I b.r., ckn. 2 bath, furn. nr,
Duncan Hardesty Bey and Be.ch Rlty Inc
VERY CH>!UUNO a bedl'OOm.
ramuy room home aoUTH ot
bl1hway, 30it164 rt. lol with
room lo bWld lncome unit -
$28,750. '6000 DOWN buyt l4come prop-
er\)'. a bed.nna., 2 b&UI boma.
Duplex &' reu of lot. 1100 mo.
Income. Cloe• I.ft loc&UOn.
E. IIDJ!l LOT on Sant& Ana.
Ave. 60 x 200. Jltduc.c! to
12750 tor quick ale.
W'S HA VS IEVl:RAL out.lta.nd·
ln(IY (OOd bll.)'9 from 122.500
lo 192.600. and we rea.11,y mean
food 01\11 \Ja at leul S hOUl"ll
Lo a.how l.htrn to you You'll
be ftad )'OU c1ld-lt'1 a proml.M
• $2750 Down .
•• 'bedrma.
waur A rut.a. U&,'4>0 2802 Nf'pl mvd.. Newport Beacb
t b.r., 2 bath. pier • float '6(),000
6 b.r., den, IC>llda of 1tor-
q-e 129.000
I tu .• 2 pe.Uoa, 121,600
a b.r.. nr. Bay Club 121,600
II b.r.. •LU8 M&ut. apt. $38,600
NPI'. HTS. Beauty $41),000
li'Uft.'llUiHED. vu y attracUv1 2
bdrm. home Larr• comer lot.
Backyard fenced w1tll '9 aru
LIDO • b d _.. d sz•,7,0 OPEN FOR INSPECTION Tuu ~ .r., en. r-ucc J•, ,.:.OOO., Tbura ant1 Sat. allernoona. Outat&ndin6 a b r ' lg. ' ,0
Claire Van Horn
J\&ALTOI\ mi W. COUl Hwy U M277
can be a.rran,-.<J.
Excellent Buy
Sll.60V -461 Ent 18th 8t., eo.-
ta M...a ¥ bdrm. O 1 loan
Payment. H :l 68 mo Incl. ·~
lnUrtet and lmpnunda.
l~O W. Baa.oa Blvd.
Ba.l~. Qalit.
H&rbor 12e. -J:ve. UN
A BEAUTIFUL dlder 3 Bd. Rm.
Home -Hd Wt! Floore -
Carpeted U~ Room-Roell
Harbor Hi9hlands
1.M:MACULATW 3 bedroom. 1"
batha. one ot the nlc•t ln the
area. lae. Uv. room. fireplace.
bdwd. tloot11, lovely p&Uo, t enc·
ed. buutlMJy landacaped tor
minimum amount ot care -
NEWPORT HTa. lmmed.1at.e 00*
cupe.ncy. 3 bedrm., 2 bath -
BRAND NEW. Fenced •land· aped. PrlaH &l Ollly n a,1&0
wtlb t.erma.
R.·I 1oned retldentl&I or ln·
comt lot..
Fireplace, Full Ofnlns l\.m., l IA "C" THOMAS Batha .-F. A. Heal -8er. ORANGE COAST
Potth -Dbl. Cltu. Hu1• Mu·
ter Bd. Rm. -11.•IU1 2 If. Walk-in REALTOR PROPERTIES
Cloeeta -Mut. Attractive and ASSOCIATES 1157 Newport Btvd., Coat.a Meea
walled paUo wint batbtcue -U 8-1&31 ICvu LI 8-HOO
90' lot nktly i. ndacaped. 22• W. Cout Hlfhway U &·~27 -----------
$1 UiOO N.wport Baa.ch
BALBOA -IO' x: j~· a 11A&l at
I.ARCS ftfltrlctAd Lou tae)O.
Close-in Home
S.-1"1. ""&tU A fU &V&llabl•
by O.C. ,..w e year. P'r1cH art jum~ In t.hla attL Tht1 e
acre ptKA ,,.on't J.ut Jona at
17~ ~r &CN.
• 2 batN
• tornd air b•t
• All electric ktlcbe11 e Di.po.al CHANNEL FRONT • Jexhautt ran
J DUPLEXES-Open houu from • Double 1arq1
1 to 0, Sal • Sun. at 1008 A • Cholc. locaUon
1010 River Ave. 1 hM pier • MW1t11, C\lrbl and f\lllen
a nd llJs>--1 h., pier and 11Jp • U '1,9&0 tull prlce
Mesa-Harbor Rlty. privu""'· ' Newport-Mesa Realty
6 A880CUTE& OCEAN FRONT LOTS 1T99 Newport Blvd., CO.ta M-
O. C. Seymour -ltttllor 1'1\0M 17960 TO 112,600. Some LI 1-allOC. &v•. Ll I-TUT
509 C.nttr St. Coat.a M.tta are blr and eom• an IJttle
u 1-41111 or U t-77H but tti• 1&11ct. 1ky·blu1 waar 3-0PEN DAIL y I to 5 and horlll.on are all the u.me.
* Ocean front *
Lari'• dbl. pr. Near UI• pier.
l!!nJo1 tll• aummer ln your own
n.lce .bom. walclt.ln1 ~ bo&tAI
Is yacht.a l'O b)' whUe your
teft&lltAI pay Ult bW.
Only $7500 ~own
FROM 1 TO %0 ACRES. P'rom
ICIOO() to 110,000 per acre. Oet
In on the fT'O'l"d Ooor • make
yountlf a. lltU1 fortune quick.
A crea.t many people AM dolnr
1038 W~boa Blvd.
l. Conv.nlattt I bed.room hocn1
with work ahop. OOM to Ocean
and Bay. Ima.JI dn. pa.ymenL __ ., __ _
4-01 Klnp Place
Uld we wUl 11v1 you aU lhe OPEN FOR L~SPE<..~ION Wed
d•l•U• cm • lh.ae properti.. F'rt. aft<I Sun tJ'ternonna..
2 bedroom homt , lot a balf. can
build on. Floor~ •.ad
floore. dCK&.ble S"a.NIC•, W. lrtt•
ch~ pt.Uo. ClubhCNM A •••
nu.r ch&DD~I • Udo ahopptn1
Centu. ldt-1 for reUNd
couple. us.~. Oood nnanclna Oc.-.n Front. I BJ\.
Duplex. 2 bat.hi ...
T\'ipl&K. Ult kltrhtn1
133.4100 u:uoo
Phil Sullivan &
Ralph P. Maskey Geo. T. Everson
R&A.LTOR J~8 N-port Bl•tl., Cula Meaa NBC REAL TY CQ.
3 Br. Is den 90 x 1311 tt.. lot, NW·
ere IA and pa.Id tor. ~
1&nd. OJlly 6 to chOOM from..
lmmedlai. occupancy. ClOM to
~ a.ad mvket.. &baa•
roof, hardwood nn.. ooncnte
driveway, bu.Ut-ln ranee and
Oftft. ~ t . A." IW&L
U2.tt()-.fJOOO dii.
Open 7 daya a week 8 -•
On C&brillo betw. TIJ.9Un • lr-
\1ne. 1 bUt No. or 17tll It.
Ole Han.eon Co.
DUPLEX. 2 bedrm. It l ~
on rear of lat1fe R-• lot -
Tblll. l\m. tor 2 ftlOl"I \/Alta.
near htp ICbooL
SALESMAN or brok~T and
have ~ ~ wbere
hu bHn hJdlnl" out on 10Q.
we'll let )'OU tn on a bl~ aecr•t.
you'll tlnd hint ln our otnce.
Com• In and we'U tnlrod\Ke
him t.o you.
t . OD• of l.M now 1 ~
2 b&l.h helm.-In N .-port
Htl.&bt.I. Tbe m>UG pl&nUq
~ ....i c.laarm to th~
bom•, ~ Wld• pa,00' • 2CK OoUln• A ve..1
Balboa Ialuld
I . Id-.1 Income un.IC. oo~
of l ...nt.a..1 unJt.a. Ont Wlft tiq
• b.clroc.m•"t.M oUMr b&a one.
Ma.rilyn Tbomaa WW be JOU6.
bait n)Oft tVtfT ~
DrlYt bf &nd ll1R'Oal unn.
wtlh h.r.
I unit.a nett ~ plU.t
A.pt. ~ ... 11000 yr ln•
a.ca. down atao lradu con-
What Have Ynu 't
Balboa Bay PropertJea
U06 W. a.ll>M Rlvd., Hai 61U
mJlCI: R·I LOTS In Costa
~ Cloe. to l 1lh at ahop-
pll\s center. betwHn TuaUn
.it4 knta A,u ltneta Pa•ed
...,_land MWU'a. l'TIC• $8300
A.llo s adJ04nln1 Iott I YAll•blf'.
Mn. Ahre.na. 1111 via aan
IW!lo. Har 0111 or U t -2."IOJ
UH Newport Blvd Har. '02 Liberty 8-6781 i;vu. Ha.r. •SN Und • Hewport Slvd., Rar. ~
Large View Lot
!.a.hold. Reduced to H 3llO.
tor a quick «Ual.
DAN A . JAcossi,:N. Real Eetate
Ht.r. M91, LI 8·8317, KI 2-2187
UDO 181.t
I a.droom • 09\. Wall to Wall
c~,,,.t. Owner lea..., a pl'lc:e
la nidUC*t '°" ~wck ..,. to
$M.800 . IM>Olt O&wn. C&n bt
lffn by appt. 1.1\)'Utne.
For Yr.. Round EoJo)'ment
IOI Crfttcl
Ph. LI 1-uta
NEWPORT BEACH Only $16 ,250, terms
1 • 2 lledr-m bou.M8 6 1 alna1• MSMNCft MUIJTtPt..I: t.Urf'IMO
:~ ~~~ ~n .i!:: HOMER SHAF&R, Seven Islands Realty
from ocea.n • buatn ... ttlat.rtct 111..&ALTOI\ & lnveatment Co.
C'all oo.<ner R&r. '2M alter 0 lot ~ Pl., at 1fyt. pier GO~llnd Bl . Newport Rell. C.IJI.
Duncan Hardesty
CURT DOSH , Rltr. 1C''
ON CHblClil t.ltUe Balboa. la-
1.and-Moet dUUncttve 3 bdrm a batb horn., FA u.a. wa.Jt '°
wall carpet, d.19bwaahar, -
p. m. or &nytim• Kon.. Tua.I.. -~ ... __ 1~0 ... ,. um WICI. neao ..-..... · ....... .. -·1 .. Har. SM&, ~er I p.m. Har. INT 2'02 Newport Bl...s.., Nwpt.. 8dl.
3 15 Merine Ave •
Balboa Isla nd
Harbor 1560
Ed Jonu, Realtot'
1"9 Harbor B lvd-LI WW
~VEJlY'nllNO' Ka.>le a polnt -----------
to ... thta. I aDRN. ffOMa on lat .. lot Balboa Island
Nt:W-J bctnD. t10UM. 2 ca.r rv-MARINERS ISLE RLTY.
Ill• cklee ""' alMlppblf •nleT, U& Mariu Ave . Btlboa lal&J\d
Cost.a Meaa. ay ~. ID Barbor •781 ~10 or Ru. 1l2t tuo
I.ft Newpurt Htlfbta. cle&.n.
nlC9 n•IJhbomood. (n~ yard.
C1oet t4 ~ By own« I 81'.>IUI. F"\J1lH. HOMS wlOI
M2" RJv•i'alde An~ U 1-31111 ~e. l'iear nort.111 8ay 8 7
alter 6 IO p. m.. 12Ue •WMr. Ha.r. 1981. ~
Altadena Escrow
I ~ M-otfke)
11%-A It t&lh 8L, U 8·~
~Ull .
a, Owner •
Se.Jbo& Pn.lnllllla nft'I)' ~·
ed J Mdnn.. plut 1 btd~
f\IUl bOUN, p&Uo. I h MtM
SntaU down. Call Har. lt10-W
-rA&E 6. PART i ~RT"HAUO. N!WS-l'MSS
MON DAY, JUNE 25, 1956
B/B •
Who'd love a big informal llvinc room with •
dreamy vft and jUlt enougJi ld~n. bedrmL
and patio for prw.ctical uvtnr! Then let thil 2
bednn. ] I~ bat.hi "buy" at $24,000 incl furniture.
in a h&ndaome bacliground of muted coloni and
iwft carpeUn.J. With room for formal dinners!
Then she will want this 4 bedrm. and deQ,. pano-
ramic view home with 14 x 17 ft. dining room
and te'iraced patio. And the kids will love beJng
right acroq from CHINA COVE BEA(..."1-1 .
Below reproduction at $45,000 on a ~ ft. lot.
With a fla..ir for wood, gla.u a.nd gardening?
Thia 2 bedrm. on a 45 ft . Jot south of the high-
way will till the bill. $17,000 furnished..
\Ve alao have i:.ome choice summer rental• -
going fast.
CorQoa de! ?!tar Office
~ E . Cout Highway Harbor ~3
3 Bed.rm•. 2 8pacious µa tios, large dining room.
Completely furnished. Full price $23,000
1-4030 P. M.
2651 Waverly Drive
(For earlier appointment call Edith Maroon,
HY&tt 4-6222 or Lou Boynton, Harbor 2878
CORONA DEL t.iAR Irvin e Terrace. New home.
Pnvate owner. 3 bednns .. 2 balht, center hall
plan. Large sliding gla.sa doors to patio. Goo<}
t('rttl8 to quallf1ed buyer. $32,500 -Leuehold.
CORONA DEL MAR. New home, 2 bedrnu ..
1 bath, very st.t.ractively decorated.
South of the Hwy. $24.,500
BEACON BAY. New liltin& in this exclusive
district . Living room ope1111 to large patio alao
bar kitchen and dining apace. 3 bedrms. and
2 bathe first fl oor. A very large attractive 1
bdrm. apt. over gar. A rea.1 bargain at $38,500
22' Marine Ave., Balboa llland Har. 1775
Multiple-Listin g-of-the-Mo nth
KL No. 7365---VERY UNUSUAL three bed.room
home in Costa Meaa. Only two. years old -Cork
Wal.la in Living Room and Dining Room. Large
ha.ck Porch -Part Fenced on 66x110 Lot -
Price $10.500.
Contact your Realtor !
Multiple Listing Service
Newport Harbor Board of Realtors
SAYSHORES-Wonderful place to raiae your family.
200 ft. of private beach and very attractive
3 bed.rm., lovely patio. carpeted ................................ $21,500
3 bedrm., bay view, comer ..... . ............................. $23,!W>O
3 t.dnn. fumiahed, large lot ·& patio .................... $23,!W>O
2 he<lrm •• 2 ·hath furniahed. Cape Cod .......... -....... $28.000
4 bed.rm,. &: den Unusual ........................ $37,500
MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor & An oe.
Helen Ba~ Huel Condon
34.32 Via Oporto Har. 5446
Ev .. LI 8-6297 LI 8-1709 Har. 1017·J
Home in Laguna for income.
Pu&dMA R-2 building loll for beach home or income.
Temple Oty home for be&ch home or incoQle.
We trade what you have for what you want.
G. H. LATHROP, Reoltor
3635 E. Cooot Hwy. Corona dd lolar
Hu. 11442 Ev .. Har. i5680
Exclusive Little lslond
Charmin&' home tt.1th income apartmenL View
ot bay and a step from quiet Bathlnr Be&ch.
Boll> unilAI tutetully fumiahed and prioed In
"Mid Thirtie.".
Phone for appointment
NELDA GIBSON , i(eoftor
306 ~arine A\"'f'.,
!1hone liar. 502
Balboa lsisnd
Har. 4623
\ .
!' !!!'•--· .........
' --........... . .
p. a. palmer tncorporated ' . . \ ~ .
' .
Your Dreom
deve ~opers
Home on lido Isle?
Oould -and what a beoutltlll ~ ! OJle
or th e moat exclttns b~ ln )'tal'9! 16 . •
fahuloualy doalpied and built h..,., ~ 2 bed-"'°""' and den U¥I thne bathl, on a lu'li Jot
with two IOU th paUos ! Smartly tumJahed
• by decorator. ·
The muter bedroom opena onto a private patio
with a aUding windo• wall that makes it a gar-
den room. Roof ia finest. Lincoln interlocking
ahingle We. '
_ lt'a a spacious hotne, fully carpeted, completely
modern -QUlltanding kitchen with blrch a b-
ineta in driftwood fiDiah and form.lea in matching
wood tonea. Double 1ink, built-in range and
aepuate oven, diapoul. Papers and paint are
combined with striking interior effect. Muter
bedroom hu a dreaaing a.lcove, and the home bu
world ot cloeeta and 1torage. Two-car garage
has laundry and freezer apace. The
landecapiDg ii beautiful.
It ia a home your family will love. The price-
$37,500 furoi8hed. or may be purehued
un.turniahed. Excellent• terms.
. of Udo Isle ' '
"' • • I Newport ~eiglm i
Tbio lovely 2 bod.rm. 1% both home Is jUlt tbht -a reol homo. Situated °" a well-located ooni,t·r.
You muat eee it. Thi• won't lut .. t S17%t). '
Coste MHa ' J
The owntr ot thlia home bu 1pmt •great &moolflt
of time m&ldnJ It a real home, and not ~.111t ,
Ulother boua. Tho l.&nd.9CapllJI', fencet, •. nd
_,ythtng elle in the yard II done to pertttt)on.
Three .bedrooma. hudwood noora, 60 z w t:or-
ner loL Full prtcti only $12,W. and I
excellent tenna.
Cliff Ha ven
1'hia one is a real cute 2 bedroom home. I The
owner' excellent tuto ttfiecta itaelt throug~out
the bou.e. Blending colon and wall papers !flake
' it un•ually attractive. -and remember, itfe in
Clift Haven. where homes are in great den,and.
Price $16,500. j
Bay1hores I
a •••......._
v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar.,,
l . ( SBORECLIFFS. Fim lime otrerod. Ranch
type, ahake. roof. 2 bod.rm. and jleo home. ~
fir<pi--,.1 full bath with oepante &tall ohower
plua 2 10patoate 1<, batha. s..-vtoe porch. tott<d
alr heat, wired tor electric range. Carpetlor and
drapes included. Be&utlfully landscaped. Home
Is Immaculate t.hru-out. QPEN HOUSE EVERY
All"l'ERNOON 1 . ~ p. m. until aold. Prloed
firm at $37.500. Should sell qlllck.cy.
2311 loloming Canyon Road EXCLUSIVE WITH
US. Courteey to broken.
2. ( DUPLEX. Excellent buy-FIRST QFFEJUNG.
2 bdrma. each, 1 unit tumi.lbed and rented
year leue. Other unit untum. ~y for new
owner. Choice loeaUon. $20,500 a.nd' $6000 dn.
will hand.le. Shown by &ppointment.
3. V VALUE PLUS 2 bedrm. home plus guest room
plu1 1 % batlui, hardwood floora, FA beat, dote to
•bopping are& and oply 2\A;i blocke to ocean and
beach. A best buy at $18.500.
t. ( BARGAIN JUST. LISTED -Thia 2 bedroom
home, large living room, fireplace, dual floor fur.
na.ce, (thermo controlled) plua large double rar-
age st.reued for apt. &bove. Better act fut on
thla one! ONLY $14,750 EXCLUSIVE WITH US.
An Exclusive with
Stop a.od think! Where c&n you find a. bargain
1ucb u thla 3 bedroom modern home that hu
everythln.g to be desired. such u carpeted floors,
forced air heat, garbage di.Jpoea.1 and /diah-
wuber, nice tropical planted patio, just a !abort
way to a nice ~thin( beach. For S2l.OOO
Tenn& ava..ilable. I .;,. .5. tf CX>RONA HIGHLANDS. First time offered. ,
VIEW -VIEW . VIEW of blue Pacific. 3 bdrme.,
p. 11. polmer incorporoted
olo hanson co. management
3333 'fia lido, harbor 1600
p. 11. polmer incorporat~<3
olo hanson co. manag emen t I
1700 w. cout highway -liberty ~1'.J
Balboa Realty Co.
9 UNIT lN(,'01.!E
around cllntele.. 8 unlta plwi
mana11t• apartmenL Ntoely
~ laundry and utWly
rooma. A·l condl.tion and rent-
~ now, lnwm• $MOO. li'\il1
pric• ~.ooo.
80MJC 1a t.b.ia beauutw, mod-
ern 3 year old property. SU.•
U&l.ed on 2 lota Ln Balboa -.nO
neu bal bay • w 1 mm l QI'
bMc.b.. pra1n, lOCUr room.
• 1.11d l&r&• laundry. See UU. M-
lort bu)'lnc tncom1 property.
JM.000, tM".llU.
On. oC UW J.ut -.ttncUva Perun-
1ula "point" pruperua. Only .ii
y...n old and noenUy ~
orated. Hu a bedroom. up and
2 dQwn. all nlotly tu.mi.abed,
doub~ p.l"ql and pa t t O,
aboW1 1ood Ml lncome.. Call
today. lll.600, t.mu.
0....-ner be.Ult Lranat1rnd.. Will
~u Ml 4 W!J.t bWJdinl. r.ct:nl•
ly redecorat.cl., nic9ly fu.rna.tr,.
fll. AdJ~t to tbe bay.
"-bdrm. tum. older home, large living room with
fireplace. Unit heat. garbage diapoul. 2 ca.r
garage. Ocean view, close to the bay,
$23,500 terma.
FIRST TIME OFFERED. Income unit 2 bdrm.
turn. houae with large bedroom prage apt..
Excellent rental area. 1 blk. to bay. $21,500 terms.
FURNISHED DUPLEX all on one floor. Good
1ummer rental.a. 1 block to bay. $14,!KIO
with low down payment.
Cozy 2 bdrm. and l&n&I. Ranch home completely
fum~ 2 car garage. Set in heaven of fiowen,
tnel, 1bruba. Fruit treea galore. Corral tor
hone. All fenced. 66 x ~-$6000 down.
COMlCERCIAL comer 1451/2 x 1~ fL Near Har-
bor Blvd. Present improvement.a •hould CUTY
till property developed. Best buy on W. 19th St.
M.ildrtd Rigp and Sylvia Thompaon, Auociatea.
301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 2illl8 or 4600
Property Is Getting Sca rcer .The n Hen• Teeth , .. ~·
B/ B-,
Comme +d
Thare I.II no fl'Uler I thrill than
-uir tht !lntat paraded l.n
kont of y~ur ty•n -ud eo
ll I.( With lhM tYfO MauWul
Sce ne Na I
nr•l Lune late4 -~ cha.rm· Inc •ht.ke 1 ropf neillc 3 t>.d·
room, 1 •, bath fhoroe bw.l.l
around a crm.ent palio tn C11U
Haven'• bel.l l~Lkm , • , Tb•
bwll·ln r&lJI",. 1.nd ~ven. MJ>U·
•l• c11nlfl&' .-oom a.iid bar llit·
Chen add to Uw Mi.Uc charm
o(. the Lar1 r uMd I brick fir•·
plaoe and wbod pavunc. s-
ine 1• beUe\lirlnC a.ad we baV'I
Ult: key: Fvli prio•' a l2t.900
with Ju•t s~»:io down.
I ..S een e No. 2
Tha 1eene 1-11. picture etlll on
Lile arawUI.¥ I boGd of Lrwy
beaulifuJ cu.Item built bomta
to b9 built ·~Ua YOUR 1uper·
vl.alon on 1.1ly one of 14Cbl
''Cou.at..ry l:i!L&te" lot.A 1.n OM
prbe Baell: )Bay Aru.. The•
aomea are IS'UJJ' uqut.it.e and
ot ruarant.e e<S cu.torn qu&llty.
Your cho10t · ol. 8b&.lle Root or
M.o.:ltrn. Ail with • bedrooml,
1 be.th-t .. and ~ family toolll •l
& price of jLa t Jl6,~ruciy
to move ln oSi. lha lot ot your ChOI~ Lit ~ aJ\ow YO\I lbeM
PL&na, Dra.\ldnra. &nd. Loi...
-2 bat.ha, hw.d,' Ors., forced air bea.t. Jdea1 loca·
tion for 1Witnming pool. House only 2 yn. old.
Priced &t $32,:K>O -euy term1. Shown by
appointment, lliited EXCLUSIVELY with WI.
3447 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 4.7
(O!tico located next door to Newport Harbor B&nk, l;d.M)
4 Bedroom -Back Boy
For the discriminating buyer that bu been
unable to find the perfect home.
l, 4 lge. bed.rm.a., large closets
2. 2 bat.ha, 2 1hower1, heat lamp
3. Large paneled living room. au hwd. floors.
4. Family room with used brick fireplace.
5. Bar kitchen with diaposal & electric fan
6. Shake roof
1. Lot aiz.e 60 x 150 (Roam for nding horse)
8. "Believe it or not" only $22,500
Oceon Front Home
Lovely 2 bedroom plus .. Large living room with
fireplace. 11 ':? bath.II, nieely furnished. Two car
prage, 30 ft. lot located in best beach a rea.
' true value $25, 7~
Exceptionol V olue
$1~.500 -4 % loan -$3.MO down
lmmaculate 3 bed.rm., 2 batha -One with stall
a bower. Luge living room with fireplace, large
dining area. Up to the minute kitchen, eeparate
aeri.'ice porch. Fenced ya.rd with brick patio,
detached 2 ca.r gar. In excellent neighborhood. -'
cute b&cllelor apartment in
h!al'. Lul"e lot., lp&ci.OWI p&l.J.o,
2 WlJl• ran.cu. .A.1l lw'Dlabed
•••• • mua -at 111.m .... ,lb tenna.
But we have found a real buy. It'• bnnd n9W
3 bedrma., 2 full bath.I, dining area and bru.ldaat
&rea, attractive double tlrf:place, Iota of indirect
lighting teature1, patio and m.ny other very
exclusive appointment Wall to wall carpeting
w .... ~ •ure lt.lua la what you 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-7773
1.tt lookinc fc •r •• , JCXCLU· , ---------------------SIVE AO~. 1·
J Bt:l.JH.OVM., 1 ~ blltba. lirand
ne.,.·, bUUt-ln kllcilan. dla11-
•·••uti1r, birch eablntta. $23,000,
$.'.1000 down.
Balboo Realty Co.
Oppot.114 Be.nk of .... mute..
Rou Gree11y Ed LH
JUMptune Webb
700 .E. B&.I~ Blvd., Balboa
Phozl.1 Harbor 3277
and above all th.11 ii a view home.
If you are looking for property in t.ru. very
excllllive area, by all meana call UI.
15lll "4-vine, u 8·2664 EVES Fred Barker, LI 8-8621
Stan Le Lievre LI 8· 7056
S A'l • sur-.• .. 1 to s p.ui.
tl!i Red land• Ave ..
Newporl Helcht.
Ideal ramlly home with vitl',.
Larze llvinc rm.. 6 den. Ftrt·
place. 3 bdrme .. 2 baUa. larzt
tilt kltcllen wllh diapo.aJ.
Lovely pallo, 2-car c•rAj"t. An
exceptionally 100<1 buy_ at -
S2t,MIO 1'1tl\ exctllnit nnanc·
Ches ter F. Sal is bury
IUI Marine. Ba.ltio. l.al.and
Harbor 0171 1---------
Acreoge Exchonge
10 ACRI: OROV& With h.lchway
tronlq• nM.t Orsnce. Good Ill·
v .. tmtnl al $6&,000. Submit
ltrmt o"r trade.
DAN A. JACOBSEN, R-ea.I Ellett
Har. 6191. LJ' a-t.317, Kl 2-2187
Choice Nwpt. Hts .
NEW J b«lrm. • 4en, 1,. bath.
O&ll:. rtre., natW"&l cab. l'lttpl.,
J'A be&t. utn. la•. -wardn>be
• 9toraC" ai*C.. D&il• root
You will never regret buying thia adorable home
with an inCome unit. Choice location. 3 bednna ..
2 batha, .1 bedrm. apt. furiiilhed. Beautiful patio.
Excellent term•. $31,500.
DORIS BRAY , Reoltor
216 Alarine Ave .. Balboa !Aland Har. 20 or 64
One or the lsland'1 ttn.est
Situated on an extra wide lot. very cloae to So. Bay.
, 5 bedrmt, 4 bathe, separate dlning room, delight·
ful patiO, double garage, pllll off·atreel parking.
Your inapection will con!lnn ill value.
Park Ave. at~&rine, '&lboa Ialand Harbor 2462
Adwvod 11oin1 • fence. '7500 --------------------
dowwa. r .P. l2!.IMIO. °"11•1'-Lf IH4!TI. 611 Fullwton. tepll
A TrRAl..-rIV& dup&ia. a.ar Ude
&hope. J"\mUllblld. au..ooo.
Showe «ltCllll.at return. l.J.
1-12:11. Nttc
tt.r. 1913 -112 £. Balboa
17c n
CLASS A It.ore and office build.inc located. on
moo important oorner in Pu&dena.. Price
$700,000. WUJ pay 7 % net net and will depooit
$300,000 u loue aeeurtly. IAqe
depreciation factor.
CALL OWNER, T. D. Roger•. Ryan 18167
or Harbor 3828
Be y e nd Beech Rlty Int
I 187!1 li.&J"be.r BoW.¥""4-
Colt& Meal, C..Wornia
Day or nicht tphona Ll &.7714
NeY>·port Blvd 'r-13r x HO' -
Vaca.nt $32.000 wm 1111.A Juat
ort' Harbor 'iiivd. -Cl<*' to
new c.ity Hl4J 97' x l~' wlUI
3 bed.rooms. ct>mbination brea.kfut and dining
area, large 2 car garage. Property fenced and
lan$caped. There is only one rub-it ta.kea 5000
1im0Uana down, Otherwise it'1 a STEAL!
15th I< Irvine, LI 8-2664 EVES Fred Barker LI 8-8621
Stan Lo Lt.,.,.. LI fl. 70Cle
2' 1ood two bdrm. bome. that ----------------
can euUy '*,' Co11:qtUd. lrlto
b~ -j', P. sn.ooo -
•1 On. I
Throe adrm., 2' Batb.8, Early
American Co111blned wit.b mOG·
ern bUilt·Ln.1 1 tncJudJ.n& oven.
range Uld 2J:'' telev1-ton -Hu
he.vy &halU! roof. DlUllVI
t I r Ip lact-, 1 \V /W C&rpetln(,
drape• an4l paneliq, Priced
at ua,voo &jot" Qwca kk. u
W. IOUA~ lnlerlilllz1c" you
better ca1J AOIW. lt -won•t mt-
W• Can arnuica tenna.
Cal.I 11" to~ •PPOi!itinmt
' you U l1Jte ow; fi11Dd.ty aen'\cl"
tOO ~ 17lb BL, O:.t.t. Mea
Uber1j)' a..1ua
13 • Den -2 ·~)
llOO eq. feel ~ ot qoality A
Bnu.ty, cu..t.on1 bW.lt tor ow..
wa.nun.r a ~i» Jnllda abcrre
UI• aY~. ~ riC...S lo Mii et
S77·*· with ~8000. Down,
Ed Jons, 1ReaI~r
tttl Huber lUvcl u a..uu
Altodeno Escrow
1Cmta .MM& offkl41
l l:l·A lJ, llllh St. U l -JH4
'°'" •
LIDO -Build Your Own??
Yes, vie have a 45 ft. lot owned by a Lido builder
who ha1 agreed to build to your 1pecificatiol1.
The price dependt upon your needs. You can'l
beat tbi1 if you can afford to wait until
F'or full details consult with
Lido Realty Associates
_ ;aQQ. Via Lido Ha.rbor 44.tt
U you wish to buy a home or income pi-operty
anywhere in this area, we make a 1~a.lty of
fin.ding the EXACT property to au.it your need.a.
Ju1t let u. know what you desire ilt we will try
to find it. We are memben of multiple U.Ung
le ba\fe many other lilt.in&•· U your time ia
va.luab'e, ltt u11 do your looking.
Many bu~n waltin1 for Iota, & quick cub Alea.
Tell UI what you have for llale. Extra .. -.m•n
wanted. Call us day or nite.
JA.lo!ES C. HOW ARD, Realtor
A . MIKE GENCO, A800Clate
32nd IL N~wport Boulevard Harbor 5536
' '