HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-27 - Newport Harbor News Press• • + 56 ~ Sei'Ylce' ' Clty&Yes lielpot6th Cmtr..ance a1h•.Hofl• .. ....... .. ......... ,....., ,. · . · EXCAVA'IE .Fql HEUPOT 0.. ol the -jola ...... It.--B'ellpot _,. ~ vatlon. 'Ibe -waDo wUI bl Uoolt ZI feet W. 1', Cllill ~ r..r. -for IL ,J. Brodi 6 S-, -lla•e the COlltnd, ... a ,,¥ oa UM job tll&r.~-,...·--~ . . . I • •• I • -• . ' ' ..... • 7 • •' T I I I C&418 • ·Mesa Claims 11th . . Annex ·Premature . ' . -Dungan Says· Superior . Court Must SHU . Rule . • ' • • w .,. ' Fourth ot July ct'lebranta are a pretty fru.atrated lot 1hi1 year aeeing u how the holiday fall.a in the mldd!e Qf the week next Wedneaday. Should one start hie •a.cation on °th<· wrckend preceding tht 4th and t.a.ke Mond11y Tue!d&v 11.nd Wedtlesday? Or ahould he .tut on Wtdnesd11.y and play through the neat weekend? The problem can M !Wived nicely by ta.king the whole week ~ 1t you have the time. You notice we eson•t even 1\l(gtlllt treating the 4th aa a one day o~tlnr: wwre af:1 too Uat4 to the beefed-up vacation t o consider tuch a thmJ. Well, whatever your choice. 1wim l&f ely &nd tan alowly. Over here at 1221 we're throwtn1 a party Tor-UM kids on the 4th. Right after lunch thm \lrill be gamee and races with pri~ tor the winners. Nat, a dtYiDJ contest ln the Junior Pool, then 1wtmmtng racea in th• larfe tank. Alter that, Mr1. Giraud will throw a wetner · bake for the youn&atert at the new playgro.und. Movtew wm wind the thing 4p and, we truat, wind the k.idl down, . ~ter thl.e bis day ot activity. · . * * .;( " --The rocket's red ctare will be 1et11 prior to the 4th at the BBC. Red Nkhol1 and ht. hlfb flytnr Ftve will · ltruJc acrou t~ mualc&l flrm&ment th1.t Friday night. · • .And If you5flt golns t.o be ln the opening night crowd. -.ouldn't it be a socid kie& to do 10methlnc about 1'8er- -tlo~ rls ht W. minute? Sure it would! ::, SHOP ADDITION ON MESA CAMPUS : : • A new Hardlnge Chuckktr, Juat loatalled 1A lhe Or~ • ' Oout CoUtlt rnachlne 1hop, II thown htrt betl\I lnapect.d • lay WUUam Ackerman, colle~ lnat.ructor. The new ~ .. ~· ot equipment hu bffn added to autlt in tralnl.ns "' • machlr\l.t.a for lht' rapidly l'l'Owll\I electronlca lnduatry, u • W9IJ .. in other type• of lndualry. -O.ry os.nn Photo ·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 1t-ice Weekly B11i1 for . Real ~ate Class in Harbor Area ..ul7. ~ JuJ1 C&Ulot'aia wbtre bt a1lo pt ~ :• ud 11 at 7:tl p. m. at UM :.:" .:U-' ~ .m!r": :: .. OlltrUD1'7 Clw.teh, 111 Hello-~~ ~ He • -'"-a . ..-1 --~ clu9 DOW a ltroker Pd lud ...... ~ M MJd, T"4t eoww wW Rte tMchlnf approaclt .. OM • ..,._ pre,a.raUoa tor Ule n"' o1 b.IP tthk1 t.nd IOWMt ....... ~_, more dl~clllt --.ma tor n-. pr&cUce. Ht rt ... t.MM -1.-mtn and Woken. lt eoW'99 aa a pan.um. ~. ..... DOW n~ to tab Ul R• bol.el ~ Callfomla A.IUli .,...., eum 10WJl ciM )'Mr r4'ac&Ulft cndeuaJ and 11u 1,rtfhr UM dnt a.am l:ft order 11._ w. -lloUl prt..W, ..... ,.(a permucnt D..ua. Md la * ,..... ....._ tw , • Aleo 1tnM9d wm bt aa __.. -..i 7•n. ... -. of a oomplata ,.... ... -__ __. ..... ______ , "" te tJult,cllon lro11f tltlf.J\ft.laf • t..-i~ta1°!' ==:.'':!: &OT TO SPEND ;~~ at ~ torum m..Unp. IT TO GET ITI ;,~U7 held all~ lM ttate. -IAWrA AJtfA..· (OCMl)-... t Ul• C!Oftlplel• tn.nacUoa • ii1J bt -, 1mpor"Wlt ~11 of COUbt11Upantaora lut ,.... .• t6it ,..., cnma.. -*' to tpmd tto,000 to swt ..,.. 1 f beelt H1,JIO. ... Tt\lt eo\Jl'H la • 80 or pro-Tht •lmmkk ta t.bat lMJ puty own•r• • hO wtint to havt .,. ~ land for UM eoun· ,f. bett.r undft"lta.ndtnr ot U,. ty airport a.nc1 Ule ClYtl eompUea'*I ,_i tltate l•wt and A•ronautlrt Aulhor1l7 pa71 pracUc. of C&llto'1\t• . ..-. J M per cent of the total 'I'll• Epb r.Jdman. lh• ~l lOr Ol\b' lroUlll• It Uiat Utq h&n .,.. tbt nut lo l'WC'lh't a )(uttr to pay !tnt and ~ t.belr at Sdtn~ dt~l'tt tn rul f'll•t• ahan all.erfo•ant. t:rom lb• UnJ"l"'llty ot Soulhern ---------- ll f ARTER SET . SALVATION APPEAL fOR For Thunday Friday Saturday June 28·29·30 During Our R .. Moclellng COSMETICS tn Cl'l9e • $ 59 HAMPOO .... '"°-··--·--1 Dorota,r GraJ Bos ~ -I n. OLOGNE ...... AO OLOGtl ......... __ fiCIAL TISSUE _:..2 ... 39.-----------$2-4 . ARDEN HOSE .... IUI--CREiMi>ioDORANr _scr · lilh:i ........... ...,. '1465 . . ~ll~~!t~~~ -ifcOiD!~'.~.'.:2 ~.89c ~ ltO Vtrtebl'ClftM 2f..e5c I • fl.M-UO r.veloi* and 68C . !.~~~11 o STATIONERY ........... ··-, .......... ~ 7 .. ,. tl.11. sn ONLY 99c <•• ., BOOK MATCHES GIANT • DOtTllLS DIP Vincents ICE CREAM 1 ftc t ------.J CONES u-• 9uarts __ 59c Hanel Packed ... ..ul.I .. lie Plnts __ 3~ SH TRAYS -·-·_ ·-.. ... ·. .":. , ~-...... DENTAL CREME 2 mbe9 43 '12 Gallon • • • • • • • 79c Pink Watch ~ ·'PAYLESS .. Complete Line of Liquon & Wines Champa~ Colored !2"' AAJS....,..watch :e.:::~ ., .tan • .,.. .ecee. 1117 ~ medcMI ol um ... All work paruteflcl 1 1 e a r . a-t;y watcbee ... w.. A•"•l'f y,..._ · Watdlmaller Drobny Vodka M Preof Hudson Bay Scofct • $6.19 ntUll • SHADY GROVE "° noor ... .. - EARLY nMIS 4" --T' BEACH ?, /o UMllElLAI ' •./ st•• . .. , ... ... ,. ~ •' // . - WITH SALLIE-~ . . '111118 %1, IBM ' Newport a.cb UJ ~ yoa ICl'eUDt we all llCft&ID tor le& 019.1Dl" ••• Would a tbree pDcMa bucket for ~ st.op 1fV ~ wem- IMf Wblch brokh doW1l qaart-waya aoald eoet you 4lc . • . wblcb when c:om· pared to the replar prlee of 16o per q..,t for Todd'• Ice cream la a acreunln~ baJ ... 8o ~to Richard'• Town &Qd ftll up yom floee:Ur • • • 'l'llla la the wne u:oeDeat qualtJ 1ce cnam yoa'w ~ paytn1 10 cea ta a aone for · .. la OU trout lobby • • • A.ad · what eJCOtlc flavonl Ba- naaa Nut, Boekf Boed. Ptstacho Nat, B utter 8 e o t c b Rlpple, Datela A pple, Peppermbrt 8Uck and Egg Nog .• ,, Surge9tion: U JO'l don't have room for a dine pllon container in yol\J'fn•• ••• Get In on the acoup wtth a friend or two ... Quart ~ t&inera will brea' that three gallon beauty down to an even dozen ..• Candled applee are b!P- ly recommended to keep the unall try oecupled for a 1pell ••. Proclaoe 4e- partment l!t the plMl8 •••. Delldoos red bot flavored candy-covered plpplna • • • Don-'t make the klda watt until next Halloween. let 'em have eome t.o eajoJ • 01l the Fourth. Ouciled apples al8o makel a en- ntng ce11t.erplece, all with the eads of their •tick. la a icrapefrult or cant.eloop ... nry ootdooriah yt"t gay for a junior ptto- gt thtr ... Chriatmaa and Tbanklgiv- fng in July ..• IC you t.re planning a trip to Honolulu next Holiday time ... 'Now is the time to make your ru-~rvations for the apa.ce ot your choice . . . U do Sho1>9 Harbor Travel Ag ency right acroM t he atr eet la the place . . . Harbor 552-i. The tlat80D LlDe offen t w o of theee Holiday crulMe • .,.,, with .... extra very special atop at Hilo •.• 'true Yo1etldt1 atmoepbue w lH tnfold you CGdng and JUID~ ... \' ou lmpw aboard a boat. ~one bl 098 big happy fam111 . • • U you are amoac thoee wbo are fam-u,. free at OllNtmu time. thJa RoUc!ay end8e la jmt the tbhag to wtpe ... ., u.o.e I · alll9t-got.DObody- ~ ... Light.Ill the load ••• bet· t.er your camping • • • Ber- nard'• new line of Kamp.. Pack me&ll are the llghtest- pia.t bome-cooklngest-tut-IDI me&la you've ever bet over a bontire • . . Compare thll . . . weight of enough Kamp.Pack Chili and Beane for tour . . . 11 ouncet . • • wf!lght of two number 2~ cam Chill and Bean1 ' pounda, 7 ouncea .•. All you do Ja add water ..• And the nriety ! Chicken Pot Pie with BllCUlta, Macaroni & Cheeee, Scrambled Egg 1, meat loa.f .•• plus, plus, plua . . • I ~ve not tried them all, wt UMi Mullietawny stew · wu the beet 1 ve ever tasted • . . Dellclowily eea.eoned with a true bome-eooked tla· vor .•• An theme Kamp-Pact ' me a la are packapd in waterproof. foil lined enve-1 lopee that are desiged to be \lied for eating out of and Jnbd.ng . . . Then there are com~te 4-man pacb, with everything for breakf.ut. lunch and dtnner for four hungry men. even-.lncJudlng a str&wberry milk ab.Ake ••• Kamp-Pack ar6 a1readY mak- ~ the rounda at the Galley arcJes . . . And I look for them to be at home on nerybody'a n.Dl,!1·-~. ~'1 the rvuu llart of tbe IJao Shope wllbee na1bcMly ~ Merry Obtatmu and • Happy VwUoa •.. eatn.Dce to Lido hie. Newport BelMlla. • Gtoa1o·us Bri~ in yourireceiptsl CLOllD THI FOUllTlll • • • Last wffkend for Summer Meuanine Di~ count •••• 11s , P' t 1f'I; ...._ •• . MA YONNAISE ___ =c..-:. 4f= . .. .•. l lt1J'G'....... I RR ·OLIVES -·-·---·~~ l :.. 31 c IWlillllM Dos-........ ..-... 2~ c PICKLE RELISH ___ ... 11-9 fARiECuE SAUCE _,_ 59c ~GUI• .~!;~AL~ IAlllCUID . SWAIS• flt• Cllml I !AltS ..... ., ................... ...... .. . .. _.....,... - , Bakery --'Dll1UDAY 81•1~w1 8/MI MUFFINS -·-H n.IDAY Miin.GUE PIE .... 54' Potat. Dbmu 6/15' ROLLS --·--··-·-- Chick. Breast 97' Drumsticks 75' Thighs ....................... __ 75' . BATUJU>AY ... BnMfMt &/22' OLLS __ ··-········- frozen Foods PiNWPLE ~ .. u~ .. lfc . IM7'• 2 35c OR. JUICE ..-. ,., LiMONADE!2.., 21 c Ullbf'• Oii JS' t I -~ 2 'IGe SPINACH i..... ,., 1;1-· . LaW'9 f.a 11 I 2 'IGe BROCCOLI!. .. 1.1- P.TiFFS ···~ 21.~ "' maa.-a....... 19' NOSDLIS No. •K .. t:AGH'rmNI .. _ ....... _ . .11 ... 2/35' HORsEMEA T -................... 11-ol. 2/ 43' DOG FOOD --11-oa. 2/'ll/ • ...,...... 0.0. W1'af .... 49' PLAm __ _... .. ......... ftMele ........ 15· FOIKS __ ·-·---···1e-p. cou, cun _. ~ 31' u l ... HOLIDAY BARGAIN IN ICE . CREAM ROCKY ROAD -PISTACHIO NUT-IANAN~ NUT -una SCOTCH RIPPLI -DUTCH Wlncp ,_ ll' W:YDcAKE ~ 89' ~l"ln& q-.llt)' 59' IUTTIR ······-· ..... _.....lb, CWc.l&m el Bea J.ipt -.& 25' CHUNK TUNA -.. y, ~··--o-. ~ 21' ...... -~na&....Jr •• ~· 'BLA_. ... 7 "' ' IEAN D H~-"" ftde ... ....._ 2111' ftU._IUH'LOS ...., 0, h -'• Gd.,. ,,._,.. ., Onillp 25' M.AAMALADl _u..._ 0..-VbP* W W tr.' -PIANUTS --'%--. H Jlat'a ._. T-*e 17' CATSUP -·-·-·····1wc. IJwtft'a 8tr&laed 2/39' IAIY MEATSay,-.. APPU _,.,ERMINT STI_CK -ECN NOG rn ~ ~~-.95 . per COlltal.. , While It Lcntl • DaPont Bat QuaU*7 29' SPONGES -.. ·--··-··-.. -·"° ..... Se7Dold'1 25' ALUMINUM FOIL u-n. ---·--·· .. AD Pal'pOee llleM!la 17' CLOROX y. s.no. -·--111 .. _ .. ,...,. Ul(Uld D@tur-t 35' GLIM --·-··-··-··--........ _____ 11 .... r.;;;!l lUNCNION ltlAt _ _,_ ~ COnO IALAMI I . • LIVll CMIHI 29.~ Pa P LOAf IOLOeNA CC>cTCOLA ._ 45' oan-., a...re..a 1 n 1119UEI lb _1...._ .........~---··-·-... 8"1.tf\ ·~ ........... llldlM"J ··~··· C'HA1cOAL_... Ir 1.... 1M 8PIXlLUB FOB 1UNE 18, 19 ud SO, 1951 rooo ua °" nm UDO aonr • .. , a.DIGNI POST -Louta Conrady, long-time Or- anie eo..t College truatee, hu aubmitted bia l'Mlpatlon. Louis Conrady Submits His Probation Given Local Gunman R~!~!~ ~~~m '!: ~!~ C,c"!_m AJ~'= - ot tru.c.e.. Oranc• Oout COi~ Bo.rd ot Truat.-efftcUYe u Mnicemen wtfend ecratehH l•p eubmJt}ed Ida r .. lpaUoa oi July l , llM. aftd bndaa• "* l :IO J.lll. Monda.7 a t Ult June 23 11'1"~ of tM "lt i. with mind fttllnfl Ulat wt-a their molOft)'ole Mlll&d eoll•1• board. Hi. letter of .... I lender m7 rulpallon aa a wtbt a car oa Ba.Ibo& atvd. an4 •puon contalned LM follow-echool ina.lee. I value the many tth IL Tht motorbt wu Robert tnr 1tat1ment: friendl and ex~rlence1 tbal I Lff Jaynd. ta, of 1211 E. Bal- "XindJy coNidtr my r~ b&vt acqulred In my •pproxt· boa BIYd., aeoordillr ta a poUoe matily 1t yean .. a boud report. Girt Tells of · Intimate Act member. However, I.ha ti~ bM ------------ arrived when I fMI that I ao BUDGET lonrer ban Ult time to devote to th11 worthwhile cauee." (Olatlaed ftem P.,. 1) Conrady hu been a tru.etee of Oranre Cout Colltr• •Ince January 27, 11M7 when lh• flr1t 8atlta .Ana. (0CNI) S."h boa.rd waa appointed by Oran1e Lo&& A!ldrua. 18-year-014 Ore.qt County I up• r 1 at• ll d • n t of Col,.9t Coll,~ aludent. tuUfted 8ehoola. In May ot 1H7 be waa here Tuuday, hu father, ex-· alec:ted by the people and hu eou.,. profueor ~rre Andrua. lfn~ been elected tl\tte llmta N . n,ared In lnUmate aeu to the colles• boud. Conrady wttllla ber on a P'ebruary rurhL hU Mt'Hd the eollqe for ap-n. p~tly brunette wtm.t pnrxtmately nt.ne )'Ml'I uct pr• aaic1 u. alk~td oflena. occun-viou.aJy waa a memlMr of lb• ed la u. bedroom of the A.Ddrua Weetml.Mter t l-•tary ldiool tana bouae In Buena Park. bo&rd tor eome enen yara. ' TM DaJtt mornln' Mt.a A.ad· For the put yu.r Oonrady baa NC. ~ Uvn ln HwiUqtoa Mrved u preilldut ot t.M board. a.ch. ll&ld ber fat.her told her: Be Uvee wlt.b hla Wife ud tam- -We bave to do W. apln. lly al 1112 Sa.et ltt.h. •tr.et. .,._UnM," WMtmiutu. Hi. two 90DA. .1.ndnia, head of the Int.er· Jamu and Raymond, an bot.b naUonal Chnatl&n Rtvlval Amm. rraduat. ot °""I• Oout. an4 Mn. Mildred io'lorenc. are Tb• colle11 board accepted Clll lrtll after a moral• Indict-Conrady'• r..apauoo wllh deep -t retunwd by lhe Oran1e n1"9t and unantmoully pralaed Oounty Grand Jury. him tor h i• lonr and talthrul l:utter, ahe tnttned Mr.. Mrvlc•. rl01'9Dee told hu ahe •hould ao It will be I.be r.aponalblllty ot to b.cl wtlh her fallwr to bettar Oran1• County 8uper1nt.endent -.VIP her to face life'• problem1. of 8ehool1, Linton 81mmon1, to "-t.Hlltled Mrs. Florence appoint a replacement lo HrV• t.ol4 her that "&ny (1rl who the ramaJnlnf two yeara of Oon-.,.a aboul her father wouldn't ra.dy'1 term of office. baft talleft h1m lo court no mat· '-' what he'd dont." HELIPOT (Olaf ........ tr-P.,. I) It wtn be af*lt.'' Kramer aaht. "or It ahould be returned to u.. ·· Kramer eur,..ted th• eapf ta.I outlay ~·1 be ~ la a tn&.tt n.tn4 wlildt ...._.. draw lni.n.t and ~t •~ ~ U9d m anyl)ll111' ueept wtla t It wu tabbed for. When the eouncU flnlAhed htar- lnr th• comment. from tbe audl- enc., Ooundlm&a I . 'V. 8t.oddard uklld Shelton 1f llie unchrwtood th• 1ludt'et. Th• cll.1 manaaw _thanked tll• public for hla enllplenment on UM wbjec:l. "I h6pe nut ye&r we wtU M ln evea llelter com· munlcaUcm,'' lh.itoa aid . DurtnJ Ule m•tlal', Shelton ftnpbulaed ht. wtlltapue to communlcaw wlUl UM public. tn reraro let a letter NCelV9d from the Woman'• Cl~• lAalUe of Newport Manor, at.aUnc their major project wlD IN a eompre- h,.n11ve at.udy ot Use clt,y'1 bud· ret, 8htlton com~ed the or· 11nlutlon fol' lta latAhal .. Th,.y and other meml>t" or lhe public Will be lnvtled lo lllt lll on the council' lMTa budfet mMUnr.'' Shelton .W. "It ll my fMOUJ\I' the puWS. llboUJd balp °" tM bud .. L '' DEATH NOncl Illa AndnMI auerttd ahe t.bouflal An4nJa WU ''lbe rr-t· lllt latMr In the world." ~ ....... eou.ldD't a"'" wtt.b h1I SJnlns ordinanet " 1n rupe<:l lo ------------• ~ TM def ...... 1.11 cont.tnd MJt l.Mtnlf:Uon LI a tacet of their Nlldou beW to better equip ~on IMl'ftbtn to face Uf• ~ d&07 u y ot.Mr Intent. Met. Plc1dc Held to Ul• property can be adopted. OALVIN aooeSVSLT Ta.Jlor polllted out Jam• and Prine.a tuna~l .moa tor ""~ Cap•y h-4 •erwd --~ L. aoo..nu. ... ., lice on the clly and. Oil Bellpot 1'110~ Cll&nnel Plact, ,...... rtprdlnJ UM 15'-acrw ~ held t.od&y at 10 a. m. la Pafte9- trom Cacti•Y· ttiat Ule cl"7 Rldl97 Mortuary Oh&pel, eo.ta would be held reqonable ud N-with the Rev. Robert A. Uae firm held Hable for all lo. OneMer, ...Ut&nt vlc:ar of St. and d&m&f• reii•ultlnr to perney Johll the .DMne MlMlon. Coata •A. family plcnk, the flrat ao· p~rty by th• propc>Md H · Meaa. olftdaUJIS. Kr. ft,ooeewett cia.I fqcllon of lhe newly-or-nexalion. died )(G9d&y t. R~ Hoepttal ......., Coata .... City J:m· SOT 8l'1''l'ICIZNT &n..r aa extendied U!Ma He wt. slo)'M' A.uoclallon. WH lltld "Withdrawal of lh• prGi.iit.. by a nattn ot Ooahen, Ind., and l u • d a Y afternoon near Ul• 1 William Carney la not 1tlftlcl1>nt rame lo thl1 commW\ity II\ 1961. ••I.er reaet-volr on th• lmnt terally to clur u1 of lhe threat... He wu a reUred clrysooda mer- ftaaell. Apprpx1mately 100 city 1 Ta,ylor cl11lmffl "ll tlot11 not ch&aL 9n1p1oy... and t..helr f""11M9 I coetaln an u .. nt to the annu11· lunYort art Ida wt.ft. Oraee at'-ded. City Mana1er Oeot,. Uoo." 8. ot the Mime; two .an.a. Fred· OJltty and city rounrllmtn Wfl" ..... •• tro-•--... In t r1ck C. or Newport. BMcb and laWa.I .et.a ... e -ec: •""'9 .. m1, now aa fU · I process of e~cttnr a $2 niilllon MJlte a. of Twltla; a cS&usht.•r. Today's N . Y. Stock Report plMt on the 1~ o"rlook· ""° O. J"ndtorlcll KuUea of i., Newport Bl..S., 11UbmJtW a Pall.I Olurch, VL. aad 8'a l'f'&Dd· l'9q\lt•t tor a W&Wr connecUoa aona. • llf1t.b t.he Newport Beach water lntenn4'nt wu In P'L Ro•· 11\&lft. Oly Knglnttr Bt>rt Webll j cra.na ~meury. San Dl4'.,c>. told rouncll the coan.ect10n would AOa.DT ' Ml:U. bt needed within the next twti t Roly roeary v.111 bt a-.clteel -~T YO~Y =~::.ndsi:?K~ months. ln view of Ole policy , .. t 7 o'clock toni~ht In Park•-_..VP not lo let city waler "bt Qlld IU4M7 0..pel for Rob4!rt J. ot4. 811i9&r110n-Ham1nlll Co outaidt U. city llmlla, tlM cou11-~ ll, IM f t••• 8 h.... di u-w-.a-An~ ell tabled t.he mat~r l.lfttll lM -• · 0 "°° an ....... rnai no N J.lldU'r1ala c.n.tJ uo 2 81 annexaUon 11 w.olvf'tl Place. Coal& Meaa. and mue •-"-tlf.IO ., ii will b4! releorated al 9 a. m. • ._... • · -· u., William C.,.ney'a I •Itri ,._ tomorrow In SL Joachim Cath~ 11 UUllll• . .tt;l li up .40, volf'<I an ln'ormal m<-ellnr wlt..h lie Churrh 11.•lth Ult R.ev. Thomu I p.a. V•hl-1,l\ttott . . jShl'lton. Btrl Webb and Walttor J N I ffld.aUJis AllM~ ~melUnJ . . :II Iii Lonamoor. rhlllrman nf the plan· · M ev,.'1.11° died .w.da lll H I >.mertc:an Teltph<>ne -··· lTI'• nlng <'Ommlaalon. Sunilay to U.• Jl_!;tal It« h ~ Ill 08f .AJaaealftda 73 platn llll io..a on "t "'' praetkal ..._.. • a " o Mt11. = A•~·-··------~ &IWI ....t. •--11tttt' -.lan for H• wu a nl\tlv-ot Joplin. Mo. 1 ..-.... ""' ...-and <'&me lo lhJI at.alt In t~&. ... .. --·-····-···-··na ~ Ule lype of Jtono claa..'1fle&Uon o.en.t l:JtcU14 _ .... -·· 60\,\ which ahould be edoiit.: tor my He had llvtd In Co1ta Mua for o-eral Motora 41i'!t prop<"rtv JI wu lhfl l·on11enw1 lO veano. " .. a C'arpenttr by OllMMI arc». ,.,. Of all .('()ncernl'd that my pro-tmdf Aurvlvora are hl.1 \\'Ht. I O~t Jforl.tlem R. R. .. U 1t ~td plan w1111 11ound ind en-Bfftr1n, ot lM, a.otne . thrff )f A.merican A \!talion 8t> Urtl) harmon1ou1 11.1th rood llOl\I, llo.,.rt and Harry ot 8L llf. Y. Cenlr&I JT•• C-M pla.nnlna .ad l ""u .....,.ed lAuLI, Mo. &M WUlul ol lM MA1 Co. . . ...... -.. -.. .,,_ that tt m; proptttr w*re t• M home; a d&~ • ...,_. 11t Uw UW.7 OU ···--········-·-·--·.SS IMa.ed to tbe c.lly uw ._,.. ...._.: twe llntlliln. WUMaa llf 81.DeWr OU . .. . ._ .... __ t3' .,,..red to tie ,., rcuoa W1lJ &f lbama Ot,y, Mo. .... ...._. 8' 0&1. lldleon 61 ~ entlm~· aall"11<'taTy tcinln1 or· flt LMIM; lb,_ .._.,.. Mra. 8lf"dard OU of eaur :11 \,. dlnAnl l' rouln nnt bt adopt~. Arnold IOtU. &J\d Mra. Mar· llot f'ildt~ .. -.t.-• ..M~ to ~ f'lld thftt thf' P• opnty In rar'f't Hoelllna of Iowa and Mn Tranam•ric& • :lll \.4 qur1t mn , o.1u1.1 ,hr.11 be uev,.lupt-d Ma1 lha \ o,tl of lit. Loula. a lao lllQgn OU of Callt 82 to Ila ~11 11dv11nt,a~• 11nt1 lo Ole four 1raJ\dcht~n. u. •I 8t"I M utrllmltt rn"'tlt of ,.._ ctt..y.~ Inlermnt wiU i,. prtvat• room &A..~A. .AlfA. COCNI) -~ ot a Lolir a.ac. ..... WbD .... fat.all)'. ~ .. a f.quM Cl!llrvD tnmc .... IUt &ak.. 11N.Ul.M ~-tbda· .... _. Don IC. 9e4Jey ., .,... u.: l'\lD& ~ \ Plalnutta ln tbe acUon we.re Wt Scott Ny. and J:va ft. Nye. ni.y cl&ltn Bradley, d.rtnr ot a •porta car wu JUilty ot ''wlltul conducl" Tbt Nft9' daqhter, at.eph&al-. &ad a s.,u. ..... tn&n "" ad.Ued 1a t.bl 'tn4' Oil Laauna ~oa ILoa4 ...., ~ ~ K&rch ·~ ....... ., .. ,94.,,. .U.Vt IM fN'tut11e&. TM defendant wu b-s.d ln sant.a Ana-Orance MWllclpal Court 'and convicted ot m.aci.. manor manalauJhter. H• wu (1vtn a abort jail 9'1\ltnce and placed on probaUon. 1be compla.l.Dt wu tllld ID luplHor O.Urt he,.._ and ordered Savto to "drop It." Savio did, like a hot potato, and while one officer coverNS him, lb• other took lh,. plat.ol and empUed out five live car· U'idpa fl'om Ult clip, reporta all.... t Since the lllerca lion bappenld In Savlo'a home. the oftlce -.Jd they did not arreat him at the Um• bul merely confl11C&ted the bullet.. Thty dlCIA'l eon.ft> cate the run until UIJ• mort1lftt. ' fGI BM I .., ....... ..................... ~ ............ u..~ .. ~ ....... .,._ ......... .... prb ~ ,.,. ......... .,at.- ,...,.., ~ .. , .... tM pve.l\da ....,, A. ~ et" lbe plot plaa u.r.lkatad u. ..... .., a( •lldiV- ... lotl .... .... hducld ,..._ Tll a. tl1 ~ aDow ~r .... u.u ''""" I.aid ~ let 1181 m. toOO tDlalawn \0 flOO abWftlhii, MOUM te ~ U,. tract ....... _,~ .. ~ - _______ ..., __ ry Aldrich •'iub,Ject t6 approv .. of aJl city d•p&i't.mantll Md eutr ~t c. a aau.etact.oO &ll'"Dumt ~ ta• ICbeol .utricl and Ult tuWl'ftdu ' r o 't I d • • th• naaUoo \..-....,,t..-'M.r 260-a..,._.,l .. -.. Ule approval .......--...... of Olt elty cQUftdlJ° 17th 11111 Mrt aMaaUOtl..,...,. the 16-Kot.t ... bl¥ ablent from UJe acre area Newport BMcll U. mMlln&' flU Conun.i.toner Bir· juat annexed. ftlJ ~cqu9. Rprded U th4 '"fatJ\ f 1 of tM muter pla.a. He The Newport Beach tract la b&I fa~ u lnNt.rt&l deval• Wllnt.blted tnduatrlat land whU. .,...at oa tJle acnap. the Mua'1 lncludea M>me bom• a.a well u the Lnduatr1&l acN19.1t. Mt&llwhUo, Newpwt City Mu· a,.r J\ob&n lh•ltoa In tbe tor• letter hu 1tat,d: •·tor practl· c&l purpoeto lhe M u.... la nn a part of t.he city." He added lhel protective MM'• Ice• ot lite pollct and f1re dt- partmrnl1 would be ext.9a41ed lo th• area Immediately. lhelton dectared, .. Jt I• oW' (tM city'•) oblltaU'fll to be ready to ffrve the n.., p~rty ownera If needed." ' H t aa1d hla otflc• had r,.celvecl no l\otlce of an1 kind from Coal& Meaa. , ,..,... S11J 11t Leth Att. T• A po.aible heplq Torn WU balled into N..,p6rl poUee Illa· uon Monday ni&'ht alter L. B. Fern&n.dea. Santa An&. ootnpl&ln· ed Ute llU.Sl*l l\ad Mell *>kin&' tnt.o a WOlft& 'a l"Ht roam near Newport ~r at J'a11W1ck•' wife. J'o.i-nalld4S ref"'* \o lip a eomp161nt eipU\I\ -~. N-rear- old luta An.a auap«:t ahd h• wu reltued attw •pol.lee npn. mand. ' • • c~ BIG-thin~ be ~ected of oPange CouniyS hgh school ~ts? ... • We think~· And we of Bank of America hope to ~'"*"OIC our county's h1g~ ~hool .ltuden~ by rewardina high scholastic stand· arda, good c1_tizefl;ShiP. and individual adiievement through our Southern Califorrua Achievement Awarda Proglam. Thia year, for example, 107 Orange County young~people were amonr the out. at.anding students who received. al ef m 100 in cub awant., 1,744 c:erti9cata; and 572 engraved ~hiei from our bank. En· couraging 1ts future leedera in thia way aa another example of bow Bank of Ame 1 rica eervea Orange County. We're statewide, aure .•• but local, too. t Wf•t l• ff ~C•tt ll"Ct •t ••t\ff•'-t l COfJOI Utt• - ~·--- I NEWPORT HARIOl NEW~ -PART l. PAGE • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 195' . . ' ~CRAFT WORKER'S. WAilET EMPTY AFTER GIRL EYES It )Iii ltgtt.a, Vi.& ~rall wo;.. . ..,.. ... i. ~ ~ lliit • cmapl4t9d to bt_ _.. canM who he 11t.e llUl Um-ING • ._. "~ r.ae. la ··eou~ ttm. he ..,.._ 17ot In ti.la wali.t, t.bat Padftl.• ~-Pd ~ He latonDld po1ic. Ulal'1 "'°" •\a.ch ... loet .. r1, litilii1 ~ Jllt 11uiacal, ul Baturda.y ~I wtui. he "NU 11\tini ln a b&r at IOI ~.,. Uftdtl"W1IJ', .~ Palm at. atotc. 1&1d • wom&A ai.out. 11 >'..,.. oJd wu - .. to IAlJc.t lcott. OnQP oout Ma1.e4 nat to blm at the llma. 1111.e dl•p,.,..S about •ORANOll. COCNI) -Hetu of Ult AW"IU\i llChocll ~ ' ~ drama dittclor. ta. -.me UJM • did h1I wallet, ht l&id. 'hie~ wu ~. Oou.nty B4M1>1t.al ....,.. ~ t\ally •ualJllec(" tit ,.. Jo1oe ..W,., H u n t I a Ito o later fOWld empt7 ., a police officer on patrol at"the end MntaUvt • tht *"' of All*" !\ea.Ila "-...,.. pamUOU la t -..Cb 'II.Ip lcbOOl pdU&t.e. ot Bah»oa Ptu. ' No1'8, lMl W~ ~ t. beaJ~ ~-- wt.I 8f tM Mary Mt.lt1A ~ ICOl"Chlq lett.t tJ'011n Dr. lkl• Hoeplt&I Dlrec*' ...... °' ~ N.W. J'Otb\alh, OH<>-D•.&~ l._._D AN U ward Let RUIMU, CIOWlt.7 he&IO eowtt1,~re tbat •t. Mt, u l:nlU• 1>d*4oe. ""'" • • _.. U ~IYDSE ornc.r, d&lmlnf JlOtpltal J:>b'9o. •v• • lot ot money by ... rr.ea. plant. .. 'wtu be, arut H l tOP "°1'l&ld D . ...,.11 tailed to the nuNlns 1ehool to Jkrt.olet Of aa'nta An•. The rote , ... ite 01ey-llond Named riv• anyQthoui-bt lo lbe advan· Junior Colle .... ' ot Bloody Mary wtU bt portray• VI "*'• Cir dlaauva.ntar• ot eb.lft· ln lbt a.ttar-Ru ... u ed by Betty 8tronqul1t, Ana-1•.. o-.. I Co 1 "s d lJ\f th~ IM>llpltal llC!aoOl ot Jl\il'lt. didn't U.W no pro~ ~~:-~~ 1!:'!.'*Zl' ,:;:pi: ... • • ce II y II ay an, to J'\11.luton Junior OOllec• ~rn..Std u.. 9h1tt • Which wu announced recenu,. •chool to ruQwtoa ---~·~' Cable. A ptUte boMy-blGM ~ La· l\ofer M.arqukU, Lo1 An,..~• Dr. Ru.aw1J'1 letter reported arudoua lh&t tulur~ QU... Mlect.<t few prlnclpaJ I'll\& Beach today l. ,,)(1.89 Or-attomey. and Stanley Allen of tbal lh• health ..,.,.tment•• crult1n1 be made eMi# •VI l'Olee are Mary ,.,... Homu.a u ans• County tor ~ Ki. Ulll-lA Beach conewn 11. 1hould th• a\a'&lnc than 411ftc:ult. _ Npaa; llal'J&Nt 1laMOll u verM cont.tat tor 1"9. CUil& · 1Cb00l -1\ltl be made t.1'111tttoo a:",!! _ -Jerom•; 1'1ke B.t.Don.p u aw--Th• quten i. ,,..u1 Marie 'nit pronam wu •t.aaecs and J\urtot Ootl•&• Ulet't WaiuJd be -....... pet; DfeJt ao..c.e u LG aatterl•, &1' art COl01\7 l'ffident comm•tated by Wallah Ckrk llO SocU prof ............ et OCNI ..._ _,..., " BWM; J, c. llnlrdl.ck u the who ... cboMI\ rront a field or or Lapna Be&ch. who h1Aci9 Ulie aunhll trom wtdch pet..Ual 1UpenUoire .. .,. ,_.,.. •:JPr P,......._: Dae IWl u capt. 14 beauutul Oranp ODuaty ,.trla tornmitt.. In cb&.rp or lh9 Or-,publle haJth nurw eaa -,.. of a letter h'tGI Ill'. A. KEY KAN em KllY8 --0 . P. Veach (right), OWDel' of~ Key Co., Colt& a.rs. .-acuu; DWI• Aldet-In eouncy ttoai. at Anahetm U1'9 0.U.t1 Ki.-Unlve,... .. cruJted. Rosen. dine~ •t "'-~ -'l · deli k de J llOll U Oaldr. WUll&al BarbWon; Bunda)'. lec:Uon. IMPORT l\"tlUa a.~ ot the ...... taJ wrtt.tia t Kea, recelvea keys to-hi9 new Thamea Van, am... iue very true m& n oi.u. 01'9ft• .. T..-..n JI.er-TllNt otber coWitr rtN wtll Other eonte.u.nta In th• ftnal• Mon "lm.porta", nune ~ta Dr. Sidney J, • .,..., tioqJtat*1· Engiand, from Jack Hauaken. prealdeut of. Hauaken-Wauon, Mesa eprota car wt Qua&.: NMD& B&a.noa u aJao enter the llQ4l8 UolYVM mctudtd Jadll• Cbllda of Ana.-bom outtlde tU eouaty, would ot 1tatr, .._..tor a uw 4ec dealer. &le.m19 J'nd Sbitlcla (center) loob on. -Staff Photo Lt. O."ltt• M&nlll&ll: aaactra pa,.at tn Loos --.ca. 11&J111. baJm, AIUl HO'tnrd or L&pn& t.D4 to lower qi. ltaad&fda of Into ~~at Ute i..,& _______ _:_ ______ ....... __ ..:,._ ______ ..;,,___.a.,_ _____ MUl'd!ell u ~ Dtn&ll Mur-n... !Dclll(k O&rol ROdpe ol Buel\, Jouu Aldla!U ot 0..-.. th• Khool ~ Jett. ..SCS. X. U.. Wte.r, ~ ...... phy; J:d a~ t.t U . Bu. HunUq\on .8et.c1'. Joea l lemona den (),.,..., Alyeoe Whitacre of Jt\.l.altll wu llOt ealltd at any that & terrible eon4lltiM Permit lay to · Blacktop lot NURSE CAPPING AT ORANGE COAST Mra. QueUle Anderaon. vocaUonaJ nUl'Sll\I in1lrn<'~Or at Oranre Cout Coller•. adjuata cap un Mia Maxine Waldroh dur1nl the ~nt capplnr ce"mony al t'Ollere. Ora.np Coa~t now hH 2:1 nurw1 ln ttw.lnlnr at Santa Ana Communit y a.nd St JC>Mpb'1 H09pltall. ~ next due for 'ocallonal nunH al the coller• wUI atart tn Sel>t.ember, with tt&1atra- Uon poeatble durin( A.~ Globetrotter Departs · for African Tour Girl Hurts Back After Scuff le A. playtul .cutne on lb• bffch dunnr a (nlDion party raulttd ln pa.lnf\al bacl& lnJuri.. I« lb.lrley Colburn. 18, ot 12501 Walnut St.. G&rde.n Grow. and lhe wu trea~ at HO&f Ho.- pit.al early Tuellday. DT. Olle1 T. Brown. chairman The ftrl aaJd 1be had jumped of lb1 IOCtal sci.ace DIY'Wlon. onto ~ back of eu.r Be!t.neT, Oranc• Coaat ODUep. l•lt to-11. Santa Ana. but CMeel' Jlay- d.ly from New Yorlc Clt.y on a fully nipped her over b1a bead. tour that will carry )llm ll0.000 Tbe sirl landed on btt back and Dlll•• t.hrou&"h Afl"lc& and return. ll wu fea~ at t\fJt lt l!Qpt aentn1 u a tour leader for be Rok~ Hoepttat t.1,1thoritlta e a m unit "Semtn&r ln Africa." rele&Rd her, bowerv._ ei'1IP &a ~. Brown •D4 bl.a wile Will enmlnaUon.. amve al Bru8Mla on June 21. -~------....,;,­ tben f1Y lo Cairo. From I.here, tbt part)' will ro to J:lblopla. Nau·obl, Zanalbar. Tanpnytk&, Johann•burs, Capet.own, Eaat Loodon. lbt Trulkel territory, Pclldoland. Natal. Durbltl. Pre- toria. Kru1er National Park. Rhod•lri•. Vlctorta Jl'alla. Ellaa- bet.hvllle, Albert Ntttlonal Park. and tb• Conro country. • \ PEJtSONAL TALKS Dr. Brown hu arranced ~r-. • .onal IJlterv\IWI w1t.h the rov-~mor of u\e Btlrtan Con10. Prim• Mlnl1ter Nauer ol E&YPt. Emperor Halle lkl&Ml1 oC Ethi- opia.. and Prim• Mlna.t.tr 8try· dom of So\llb Atrtca. There a,.. twenty-elpt tn the party ~lnr led by lbe collejp .. vant. Th• tour wtll lnc:lu~ a trip throufh diamond minea and rold mtnn. .. w.u .. lreJtl lh"""lb animal countl'J. Ou•l .,,.uere w1U .~tour mqa· lie,. a l vartoua point. Oii ftlt M'au M.au. pl'Oblem anft on ml• -'ON.17 work M~ conducted by Americ:aN. ro FA.LL OLA.SS Aa' ~tlK*t tn"'ler and aptekti', Dr. llrow'A toured,._ Eur· opt ln 1t4t Ml 1"2. ma& an aNWld t.M wort' trip In ltM. a nd Wdtff Wonll Alrtca In ll M "fbfl'• be lnt.ntew.ct Na,Wb an4 Wrwyed a.ndltlon1 IA ~lpria. T\mt!i'A-Ubya, and ~ ·.-__,,._.,.. ~~~.-or mak .. a~l .,,.. ot ~ mater• "'1a ln ble *'-to coll .... eia .... uc1 oowamaU..Y ITOUP'- awtias ta u.. tall o1 1N1. 0r. ~ wtll ...-.t lectul'ff °" •.Uril'a. Aa -.m1 Olaat" ~ WtU be ... U1 the pubJlc u u adult .._don l4Pt\n'e ........ ............ COOIOD •••••• UC,.. ... Jtt""' • .... a.. COffB CADS 2 lar 2$' •I A"-: Ul4 MarUta Tbom.u .a ot N...,... ~&ad Charlene Colta M..., Lady Coopn ot Ume t.o. dJecuaa U. 9chool 8httt at US• hospital. UnnaJy, MilW' Uat. • I>dA.cit1 ·t.aSW--...eh. Newpo4 ~. lu• Counter of witb a.p{tal Dlrec10r POWeU. eni. drunken ~UentAI: ~ n. aUlcal ..__, la \fllll TM ~ ,...i ,,.. chair· lAruna Seacll, Sandra Wllaon of The ltttu to IC&JMt r.,iorta &klnr ot iroundl; and tuMliiiMi ,,_t.ed ln eio,.,.Uc. wtta m..,. ..,_, M.t19r Courtney ~ Btt.eh, a.tty Lavonne ~ preMllt plaa to put • P"'°" ,.uent.a comlni-ud .-...:=r CM o.ldln JubU.. CllltnUom ot Ol&lidW, of a&nta AAa. ..._ted Carr et l~ta Ana, Kuy ADD !...Soul currlculWJl I.a a 'f'OCa.-they pl.... la eoup •C 1 N..,ort Beach. Admle!loe will 1llJ kl'WI Stu llOelta 0"11.ulL McBllU'J ot Lq'una S.ch and Uona1 llChool la uAIOUDd an4 brtnr lhit matter to the alft• Jamee D. Ray rot permlulon be dpe to the publle. ft• p&M1 WU roua~ out by Dtant J'oelter ot l&nta Ana.. would mean that tu pad.uate• lion ot the bot.rd ot 11UptrYUlor trom tht Newport S..ch Cit)' - Plannlnr Commlllllon Tllurad&J lo blacktop bla lot at •n Nu- ct.aaua A Vt., 'but ht had lo prom· IN lO bUUd a fmce around It. &Dd plant Ivy alonr the to-o1tt IO fMt lo do It. The lot le Pl"tMnUy btlq uMd by all and 1undry ror pvk.tnc. even wben)t ralna and la eQddy, but the ldu of Ray bladrtopptn1 lbt lot and UllJ\( It u a r.ru1ar pt.rklnr place 1llrnd l\la neift'- bor, Matthew Conley, to prot..t that ht did not wan\ WUd partMI ~Inf there at ntpt, or truck.I 11' th• daytime. Ht ct&Smtd ftay la t. poor 1•rdcitr and ..,.. 1t •• planted the front 20 (Mt of the lot nothlnr would rrow for lllm. Ray ottered lo 1.t OoaJ.7 ))IAAt lt and ure tor lt. but Om· ley dtmurtd. LAGUNA flDIUL ~VINeS I LOAN ASsoaAT10N rwo. o•P1c11 Te S.rw Y• LA&UNA llACH . ~ SAN CLIMINTI LOW LClW "RIDUON•" INTlllST UTIS EASY f MONTHl Y 'A YMINTS ·fRIENDLY SYM,ATHmc sava FREE CUSTOMERS' 'AlJctNe ESCROW Sllvta. ~INTLY OPllATS LAGUNA BEACH m Oc.an A.,., 'HONI HY. 4-11 n • ~,.. ................. _ ....... .......... ·---&~ • II .,._ ., -- flOZIJI I EMOllADE ...... ,......... 3 .... 25' CH I ,.~ -- • , COOKIES ........ OWht' ,......,, ~v-.. 2~ 49' ~­...cit-...... .... .. ... CUT ·UP & PAl-REDI ......... ~. 45~ Whole . ' Ratll11 Kornlamcl-1-UI. P-age ................. , ... . 2-Lb. Cloth laCJ Al-American Eastern BEER RUSSmES HASHED BROWN "9•1'w•. SPECIALS .... ,.. ... ,,.... cocos ...... 33',.. ...... ...., • .. cs.. caa a CAICll 2.., UC ... .., .. ~ ~-c.a.,. 'rm H C CCHXNn CAD ... • .... ., ... .. ~~~~~ ......... ----. . ........... c.... ..... --- c Fni'ii1a catering 9ualtr ICE CREAM DIAMOND WAX PAPER Dozen In Carton t-GaL Ctn. Speclel Red, White & Blue HOUDAY PACK -plus other flavonl --Swift's Pure Shortenillg-:J-1" Can SWIFT'NINtr APPLESAUCE =· SKIPPY RANQfO TOMATO . DOG FOOD S 0 U P 8 i:!~ 49c .3 i:! 25c. ·1~ APRICOTS WMM. ~~No. 2\i TOILET TISSUE t~~ · POTATOES Spvdettes Shoestring - Larve Can 39· POTATOES r Pkg. c . TOMATOES 5~ 21 c SUNKIST JU ICE Orange c 4 FISHERMEN-· Jumbo 14-0L Pkg. FISHSTICIS . -ORE-IDA POTATO I ----I PATIIES I Lueliy Lager I ~ea..:' s120 2Pk~29c I Rfth I • " ' CHIP IOT·Al·OD c PIZZA PIE MIX 47c PuNQi ""'·UMo• ~-Gat 35 c I / iii'YiiifS 5 F01t 99c~ - . ·C ' ,,,, . . ,,,,_,. iEA l"'9s19c 4,...,49c~ -·~'1 -ll-01. ..... RICE KRISPIES Rupert Rlleta of Oce•n PERCH 14 39c Pkg. -- ... • • :~: lrafost Ch+ ,;·~-Al Guts:•! =~ 1.Pounci c. -· ~& tfted ·-·-. ·-. I OHIO IOOi< 9c c I MATCHES I I CAITON OF 501 I • I ~---l' I • • c I I I I - I c .• I DmRGENT ·s·u11 F . . I . ' S.__, ·•·· .......... • 9 -........ Gian+4 C "'· 1&9. ... .. ,. .. -~------------. iriNc>L.o's AIMOUl'S \UNCH MEAT NABISCO OREO lt FOIL 'TREET' COOKIES ~ .. ~-25c 3 1~-:-9·90 . 11~~ 37c ~ ...... ,fc 19° :-iliUIT "MIX ~ Pkg. 29c 19° : iCfitEm . 2 ::! 19' 19· ! iiiE""Siif"'° .'. 2~ 19' · : : I llCHAIDSON'S 2 29c . : : I TOPPll& ,., .. ..,,,, -~ Cons ... i.11 ....... . ~ . . ....... .. : ' j WHAT'S A PtCl"C WITHOUT 6 4·9c ·-·I •• ·PEPPEJ ~: . II, • wu11 """" ·-.. 34c HI: HO'S •-U. ........ ; .. • ' , ·--' , ...... ....... , ........ • . - For the finest Qu1lity on the Matice!, LOOK ••• ' -3 ·!ALE DAYSI •. .,,,_ . .... . ..._,.., ~··29·• • ' " : . •' :: •• • • I I . . BARBOR BOARD 01' REAL~ iield a Cotton Picldn' Box sodaJ Jun• 22 In .Coe:ta Me111. at the American Lecion ~all t6 ra.ile money for their pledge of $1,000 for the HDBg #'tpita.l ca~ Art Adair was auctioneer of the boxe1 and Mn. Earl !Blanche) Harvey ·waa ebainn&D.. Bere are Mn. Loia Vorel, Mrs .. ENGAGE11ENT PARTY DijUng at Balboa Bay Club, this group celebrated the engagement ot Mias Connie Berkeley of ljollywood and Gordon R. En- algn of Brentwood (seated). Standing .-re the George Mrachums and Robert En- aigna , the Jailer parents of the future benedlct. A summer wedding is pla.nned. Snyder and Harqld. Snyder with the prize box which brought $43. Pro.fessiohal Art Di~sion lncluded\for County Fair ' .. - HOEDOWN •PARTY -Re.pon11ble for planning the J une 21 party at Balboa Bay Oub waa thi1 foursome, 1t1ns. Ja.mes Halliday and Mns. H e nry Schaefer (standing), Mrt. John Earl and Mra. E. Naegeli (seated.I . ~Terry Boril Photo • A. COUNCILWOMAN -Swede n '• delegate to Zonta Terry Bo ria Photo NEWPORT HARBOR AffiS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor I PAG E 8 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I WEDNES DAY; JUN~ 27, 1956 . ELIOT O'HARA FILMS SATURDAY AT LAGUNA In i.a.-una Beach Art Galltry 1• ~ one-~an exhibition of rfcent w1ll!rcolor1 by S:Jliot O'Hara. mott re!ullinr f ron1 a trip to the Canadian Rockie1. O'Han. will present hla n1ovif'a ttu1 Saturday at 8 p.m. Thert wlll be five fll111~ 11-0n1e or which he made for the Encyclopedia Brit· U ni. R. Two are Min( pretienled for th• flrtt time. The 1•1ltry will be claffd Frid1y In order to tUa do"" the print &how and ha.nr .•"new exhlbtUon In the enl1<'•ol. The opeN.nr tei f<n-l.h1li exhibition, th• a rtl1ta o f U1e \\'a ll Dl1ney Slud.101, 'Nill be hf"ld on Sunday, apon· aor!'•L by "'omen ot lhe ZonU. Club. Splicing the Mainbrace 87 W, IL 1 Packmg all kinda of dehydrated meal.a for each day Vld complete equipmen t, Mike :ti,Ucbaud and Sam J arvi• left Thuraday fo r t he H igh Sierras.and the Sierra Trail, will climb Mt. Whitney. Betty (Mn. Lare) Ba.ratad down fro m Fresno fo r ft\·e daya, looking not a day older than "''hen •he tau1ht school Jam,.11 r>farron, •l tha home of here 10 yean ago. Repot\1 &On tha latter, a t Stanford. hav1na: won a JI.Chol· USC degree1 "°'ent to H1r- a r1hip, a nd daughter ready for bontu a a follo10.•t _ B.A . Jr!• collect. lnvlled by tt.-r ho"trs!, Ann Will-On: B. of tine ar\1, Mr•. Howard Peter1on, to d? Jacqui Cona:don; B.S. In com· "ju1t what ah• wanted to do · ml!rce. Ray Al1weet; M S. In Ifie want 1hopptn1 at R1ch11r<.la petroleum en(tnHr1na: .• JG61!ph for U\0111 1peelal thine• •he doea· Stherer; B.S. ln comn11rce, 0 1, n'l find at hom1. ora:1 Burka ancl. Chari• Heylar. 9,.1t l'"ather'a Day pre1ent fnr r.-t. In bulinN~ 1dverl11lna:. Wll· IA"' JI, Balt:r; ...... to come hon1I! li11m Kinder a nd D1!1n \Y11lk~r: !ron1 Hoa&" Hoapltal whera h• B S. In aducaUon. Jeannt Con1· haa Deen a patltnt ror ..Oml! don, E.l~abeth Macl.eod, Miidred lune ... Friend• or the A. Bro .... ·n. Mtrgaret H•atin11:•. 1,. really • 1_,ad!I -Al• Jr .• 11ludent at use Sortlnr out the children'• out· rrown clothes• Give them to the Phllham1onlc fo1' their rummage aale. open tnday throuch Satur~ ,!1y. 10 •· m lo 4 p m, Newport Btvd. and Ea1t 18th SL.' Colt• Me1a. Money from tha aale will htlp provldl! tymphonv pro1r1m1 this fall &nd wlntPr. j(JlJ\er rum- rr.1ge needed too 1 Thi Rod BurnhMma aummer, Inc 1n Lapna .Beach--daughtl!'T' Begay looktrir !l"llte rrown up ... Marilyn Hill, da ughter or t"'°' Samue.1 Hilla or w .. t Bay DOOE LEE THADEN Ave. and Haroor Hi.th 1rad. o(f Monday "'Ith a grnup of flrl• from U. C. tor a sumrner !It&· soon 1t the Unlver11l ty of """''a ll 8h1 will enter UC. at Santa B•rba.ra th!• f11t. F lr1t Ll l<'r11nlt Hamilton and hla wU1 Betty, home from fo't. Stewart. Ca. and p!annln1 to build on Sea•hore Dnve . , . Travel in Europe w111 be lhe 1ummer occupa tion of Ml., Pa. •/ J I 22 ·o' adi' s .... ..,,. anJ .... ,., thoaa u y e tne et ' Mleeled by lhc public . f , HOllt anil hot1leu comm1ttff or Competing Entries ,., .... ,. .. , .• °'"'"' " ... ....,;..: A greatly enlarged a.rt. department is anticipated t hi..B year by o fficials of the Orange County Fair . coinci, dent with expansion to include the w ork of professional artiell who reeide in the county, according .to Mns. Robert P . H afer, 1upervisor of the department. S1ni't It .,. .• , flr1l Or(ll'li&ed 0Thil yl!ar the dtp&rtmtrtl ba,I fh·a _)~Ir• ago the art il cpa,rt· o:panded to afford opporiu.il.y ment h•a included only the work tor I.he profeulonaL ~ oJ 11naLtiur arti1U1. aha •Id. A JUl"f of Keeptaac9 wW 1111 Bttauae. the proteuional arU•t selec:ted priot" to the ~ ~ad 10 m•ny more OpPortuntt1e1 cJucntJll for entrance rn.to-\llfl ror f"Xhlblt in the Southland. U!e yet.r'• compaUUol'I. Jury Bel-.c- f1tr 1oOught to pi;ovtdr a med1u1n tlon wlU be m1ci. Au~ a. /t.' in which thl! 1n1a trur cuuld part· in put yeara, 1.Jle..,u.bUic wlU ba lclp~tr polled ai.o on the' WOtit on ._., A~IATlt:l'R8 hlbltlon.. Tttla pollln1 ln the T.t111 ha• bffn 11ccompUahed amatelt' divt1i.On I.I cond1.1Cted r.o ... •ht 111,id. ind the a mateur throurhout the 10 dU1 of lb• dlv1111on I~ well 11tab\11hed. LAil f1ir, Aur. 10-111 and I.I b&Nd ytat rnore thi n 100 ptecl!I of prln11rlly on per90ftal J1rtfe:n.t1ce •rt "'"r"" on dl11µlay from Or· of e1~·h penon polled. 1'1"17hlH anga County am11 teur1. 11rp awarded ,for JUr"Y. M:lected Sh a:de Plant Show at Long Beach Auditorium • ed by th• Orance County Ad.• A MOCuatlon ot "''h1ch Mrs. ......ale: f'i•kti 111 pruldcaL f Al1.iat1, botl!i prol...._.I aa4 : amateur, ma)' NQdn •4111\loafd ~ ln~•U. • alkt Mley bl~ .......... """ "' --cha0l"'"8 o( coenmette OT ti&: Ot.nce Oounif h.lr. • • • Sall Tan .:Lotion pj•' I' •lntroil~ Saving! Buy Rog. 4-<>:t. Bottle, Got 1.-o:t. sin FREE! $ l,SO .. 1u. $1 00 only • MONEY BACK If Not Satisfied • N"on ·otly wLl l not alailf ..., clothinc ... non-creaay-und i.n<1 dirt won't rllnc to the t kln . The annual Mldaummer Shade I Socif'lJ la makinc ••try effort Plant Show, 1ponaol'ld by the to pr{fl.IM:I for U\e public the California Nt tlonal Jl\lchala So· ta rgf'•t. and mo•t l ttracllvt 1 clely, wlll be hl!ld In the b h1b1t I Hall of the Lone B8ch Mun1r1· flow,.r 11'1ow of lt1 kind in th• f)9J Audllortum. Lona: e ir l ch, \\' .. L Fucha111.1 • n d ratat.d F nda y. Saturday and SW1day. l l lhadt pla nt.. wa.ll ba dllplly.d will bl open to the public trom In ludac•JH'd 1arden1 and pa.t, 6 t o 11 p. m. Friday. noon to IOI. u wall 11 tn natural aet· 11 p. m. Saturday. arid noon to Una:-• and amuling 11lU1tl0111. • Protl!<.'ll aool hu a nd hUll 1111n·parchHI and wind·bunied 1lun. • ContelnM 11l1t"o11• to hold thP atUl'e 1untan nln« aient to the akln-prel'erill ... ·aat11n1 of( by paraptrauon or a ll&:hl dip In t.ne pool. ~ not contain any. alcohol. 6 p 111 Sunday. Adm 11~lon ":Ill ClaNtfle11 llona for ind1v1du&J be mln1mun1 enlrlea, which are open lo the Through thf' tomb1n'"tl l!rforta a:enaral public u we.U a11 to Ml- of lta 1nany hranche~. loc&tl!d aa cl•ty mem bers, lnelude dlspta yw f11r riorth a8 S1tn t.1.111 Oblapo or fuch1ia blOMOm1 and f!JChlt.a 1n<I 111 f•r 11uulh aa Co1ta ~1eJO.a. plant1. 1a well ., poll~ tie1on· the C11t1fornl11 National F'ur hala l•a. fern1. African vtolet_., clox, Star brights Plan Events ln!1.a. \Jld brvmellack. Harbor Health Foods S.'iJ SO. SE"'PORT llL\'O. t:Z Bloc:lu f'lo or An:ha on old Hlgh.,.·ay I Uber17 1-M.!4 trlcla It. Payne. En.thllh tnatruc· Forty one member• of the tor 1t Or1nir1 Coa•l College. Starbright Club we~ pre11nl tl who le&Vf"I 1-'nday by plane for thl' June :ZO nlffUnf. nrat held E na:l and. Sha plant to v111t many in the ?.fuonlc Temple. The ' p!lrt1 or the BrHl11h Jslea. the lunchf!On comm1tltt In c lu ~ Nelherlandt. Belgium. Ult Rhinl!. Mme1. L. A. 8mtlh. Clarance PORT DRY CLEANERS I b.73A Newpo rt Ave. • Costa Mesa lntema&cal eoJ-e~ce Mn. Nill Kihlbom, preai· dent of 'tw 'li.ahno club and councilwoman from 'lh•t'clJ); lcllol.orl lo rreet<d by Mayor Dora Hill at a lune .0,, ,u; Bolboa &y Clllb ... At left. Mn. M. C. Sheely, praident of the lcpl club and con· ·rhe Leon Fl!rlUIOn• A w 90n not -.een picture• o f them a t Rir hani vaduate from San J OH and F'ranre 'Major pOrtlo~ of Lytle. Artll ur C11bbare. AJfred the coatume ball on U!l!Jr Carib· Sl•le Coilea:e. Son Robert h•• he'r t1m1 w1ij bl! "l'f'nt In !,.on· F'IKher. T . R. Elma.n. M•n cruise ahould not. fora: .. t t!'l 1 ma!ler'i from U. of Denvtr don t.nd P1n1. ah .. 1111d, whl!rt Mra. Ed Hobel prttldf'd at the aak abou~ it \\'e can't tell. Thty l .. Joe Guerin. Herb KPnney 11\e ... ·Ul c1rry on orlg1na1 re· bu11n.en interim when • c•rd Ale11and!'r Han1iltora v•ho have •-Opening Speci.,I c1l1brated lhP1r 34Ul wed.din• and ••Cap'" Rou ofr Jut week •earth party waa planned for July 24 FREE -1 Pair Puta anniveratory wt11lt on the t"rUllll! for Klw•nl• Ln t. ronfllb at S•n •t I p.m. In th• temple. On July C.Ued altered or Frmeb eaffM ""'.ftntion delegate. ~ Staff .Pboto Carlton anti F ran.;e1 1Mr. 11n!l f)anci sc:o _ Htrl>f'rt Thomu MR8. EDITH PEET SHEP· 6 membe ... will v1ait • potato ti-~ S4.80 ..... Mn.I Mear•. home frvn1 \'1 •· ""! the one who iparkl!d h:I· HERD. p1rent·e<iue11 llon 11peci•I· chip fac\ory, meeUng at tha •-...,...-------·,.-•Tel'J" S da h ·. D 1 (int. where they attendrrl lht l .,.ani11 to help the OCC •hell l•t. L.A. city achoola-"Pa~nt-temple at 9 30 a.m. and brine· ot' Dry Qea•l•IJ '1'11111 Week O.ty i we lS , e egate 'SO cl••• reunion •t V1rgu1111 tfl'"'' on way to Olympic trial• hood llhould be lifted to the Ing-,-ck Junchtl. R.-servallona ~ Millta ry In1tltule. Of ' the '.J7 at ~}T11cu1<e. Fred ti&r'?)' really italUf of• profe.<111iooo~n.:,;"~'•;;,•,>~~n,·~'fi'ii":;i';'"OJdJr.b<ii.i"m:;•;<"'i;nbi;y"'Jc'if''·;,'y'=,,"•'l•thr-J1-A-U'DA'DON8 ud REPAIRING OF ·A.IL KINDS men raturnLna:. aom• h1J no "''' k"U to gl!t m•)nl'\1 for th• born good parent! -1ve 10 rl. o Pm I'll may H d b Z h11r, Bud !lad tha whltut. but L<•,1·1 -Bob D11!t on, Uick Rich· l ~''~'~"';·~";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~'~h~l~ld~n:;;n~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; !'~;;:;;;:;;:: Onore Y;~IV Qilta .uu had lhe 11g hte•t •t'"p on '""· n11ny n101·e contr1bute.J Jl _ the dance floor. according to \\.hen 90meone yelled "Hello, hi• wlta. In Rlch1nond they \\'ere Bing" Monday momlnJ at Nl!W- ~ Nill (E\\f) ~.,~ent a( the Malmo, IUl'ala of l'ht.Amate S. L LU<111 port Blvd. a nd E. !Ith St., Coit• tlhH.t4• Zo Cl b ani;l ,ffiCl.al 'deJ.et t to th Inter-. and hi• wife, then n ew to A11h-;\1tsa. 'twa1 an old rr1end of Uu1 ... ":~en, hla u OY-1. ega. e e 'rill•. N. c. to RI Mra. J.te111r11' f"n11ly from back In Tumwater n•tAonal Zonta Conferenc., ~'Bun.; Valley, Idaho, WU mother, 1l1tera. brother• and _ "aero•• lhl! tracka" In Ol)'m· 'Sotft or ho nor at a h.tde;~, ~ Balboa Bay Club other relaUvu. Ftrat i•ac1t.Jon p1a, \."a1h. . . It might bl that ........ by the New--1....· ZOnta Club, June 21. for th• couple In five year1. handaome lad that iervtcea your ..... __. 1-"'f" Judith Allen ind Stl!phen Sail· car In a Corona de! Mar 1tation Oth•r honored (Utlla w • r • 10 Jw!r ~nt of thtae woman par· ort .... 111 walk the center alale 1------------- •J.(&yOr Do~ Hill lnd M.mea. Uclpate ln munlclp.l all'llra. Her of St. Jame1 Church July 6 - Boettcher. Ahmond and Be.ll D"-'D council group I.I compoeed Judy w11 on• of th• chotr •in1- trom San Bemerdlno. er1 ba;fora colleg• daya . . . )In. Klhl.bom -i><ike brltlt)' ot at 64 memtwn.. Dlxl• lA1 Thadan. Caul Co.I· bel' dutlei aa counc\lwomu ot. Membera of the Ntwport 1•1• ll'rad. hla her 1llver wing• )I• own dt:J in &-.den and Zont& Club gavt thetr cl ... lflc&-aa •irllne 1lewan1aa, W'\U IM lllat-6 that Ua• ml,jorl.t7 of tm• UoN ror U.. guute' informatlon b•ffd al BllC'falo. N. T. with p!o,.S Worn.ell Ill her country are and• brlat outline or prior tr•fn, American Alrllna • . Cora ln ttt. prof.atonal rat.her than illl" rtq\llred for bu1inea8'• and Peter1 1111d Susan B,U, both u... bullneu neld and that •bolll profNetoM represented. Unlve ... lty of ArUbN. "t tht '-,------------------------~I TTI Otlt cOn•enUon In Corn1111do i, · la"t week Harbor Symphony,Board Th• "'1111•m Muw•11• "' '" 'A"•"-h1111ton. D. C where th,y 1"! Off' G wll\ a ttenrt thl! wedd1r1a: of her ~~cts 1c.er""' , ~o_up ~e::r ~··t :l1r: 1:;~~:'" Parrish ~ new board of dlf"9Ctoire or eha.J.rnl&Q; Mn. Gtorct V1u1hn ho1te&1ed· by her 11unt the 'Nl!Wport Harbor S7J'l'fpltol\l' cot1c1rt c-baLnnan and Mr• CJ11r· S Pridha m and cou~ or'OMIU. b44 It.I flnt mMUn& ence Muon. community coordl, J ;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.....;;;;;;; J ot ... ,,.,..::wtth-tM.f•U~"•-MlOf~ BE SURE INSURE memMr• pAMnl: Mra. C. R. The: or1aniPUon la pknnlh • Ca.rl)te. prUichnt: Miu •Notma a tonet.rt In Oc::tobtr. wti. Pefklna, vtce prtlddent and con, Miii Perkin1 haa rec-elved lier HA UIUOE 8TA.l'ILE1' ductor; Mra. Chari .. !! BM<-htt. muter or a ru decree at Lon.-•-,._,.,0.17 a .. _ ...,..., ,,,. .ecitti..r,.-: Ml'll D ){ Olllttl BHc-h Stal• College, 1.nd I• MW 1111 s. o.ui 1111'•,.·•1 trM&Urtt; Gt<>rp Toblu. pub·. oa a royalty bul11 -1th mmlc o. ........ •u llctty. 1-1.ird Orav.1, eaftet.rt p~o~b~l~l"~"~•~ln~N:·-'.::_Y~"~'~----.!.!"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"""""'"'"''1 .. MONTH END SPECIALS Nylon Briefs • $1.00 Nylon Panties-Trunk Style $1.75 White. Sius 7,s.1 l'I Nylon W .,ltz Length Gowns $4.00 and Baby Doll PJ'a CJottea Dusters & Brunch Co.,ts . $4.00 _, "Uttla or No-Iron Fabric" trllpless Br.,s-Specilll! $2. ·h ·33--A·8 -C Cup• Krcl•.t1·t/J1 l"i"' 'Ling1ri.......conetry • Phone H•rbor l .)08 2737 E. Coast1Hwy .• Corona dol Mar ' CLOTHES - De1ignod by P•m Foster _ Eiclusively in ·t+te Hetbor ere• •• • '· v G.•ptein'~ -.Jackets s~.clo F'edel Puoh•rs .. ,------------$2.91. to $-4.00 '""'~lim 'J.Wi'• _:_.-:.. _ _..,,... .. $J:SO end $4.50 Shorts ,, ______ ........... ----·-$i.so end -fJ.00 \ . ,., .• 00 Middy Blouses _______ ,,_ .s. Sites 7-lf ....! S..b T-; ,.., , '. . . Bo'f' T 09'· Si1" I to II • Phone Harbor 4518 • )405 Newport lllvd.-Nwpptl llooch --- .-....---.. ' NEWPORT HAklO~ NEW>PltESS -PART I • PAeE • · WEDNE.SbAY. JUNE 21; t95' ............ ,... ..... a.et ·~wi1'--~---Md ....................... _ ... ...,... ....... .., ............................ .. ..... ., .......... AT .... llUJI Lilil6iC ·.:• 1 i..-. wtU. ,. ..,u. .......... M-. c:a.t· ter ore.a. WWl&a .,.... • .-ct INwta ,......_ auatt el u.e ~ Kn. , ... A.rMld ... "' ..... of ,Utt ... lln- ..-rt ..,.,., °' \be pllt IJIOOk . ..... .,...ti ....... Mr. -.. ,., ..... a..,_ ... tu.. dilldna ot w--.., Jf. D. ,,.. 1.unr OIUpa.. ~ .,..S· •* ., Jf..,,ort a...-""" l kbool a,. at -.e al SM 1IUt IL • Spiritual Healinl Is Lecture Theme : ~ ldeoe: Beabl 1-y • tW .... fll God .. wU1 .. tM llU'DJ«' el a lecture to M ...... cut Oft!' ataUoDI ltAU (IUO kc) ud DUC (1110 k ) lltt· •trdl.7 ~ June M, 9l 2 o'r~ fl..-Victory Drtffoln n...tn~ 1IOl'7 Vk:tot')' ltoWt- varcl, NOl'Ul Hollywood. U8dlr ,he auaplct19 • of Forty-.econd .:hUNb of Chr\lt. Ss;lenUat. Loi \n,,elea. 11w lecturer. Ralph CuUe. C.1., ot lklve4kre. Call· IorrU&. LI a member of The CluiaUa.n Science Board ot Lee· tureahJp. Riders MR. AND MRS. RONALD DAWSON TH.ARP Don Buah Photo A bruktut at Ult MJ'becue pit at the Buffalo ft&JM:h wtll bt held &aturday mornl.c. July T, by Riden ot the San JoaquJn. .. MRS. ROGER MacGREGOR Pat Willaon Portrait MacGREGOR-SMITH VOWS :REPEATED.·IN PASDENA Carolyn Callis Baptist Rites for Mesa Duo \ Ronald Tharp ; Honeymoon in and Las Bride Vegas ~ It wu a Laa Ve&u honeymoon tor Mr. and M.ra. Ronald Dawaon ·Tharp, followtn1 their late afternoon marriage in J'lnt Baptlat Church, Coat& Mesa. The Rn. P. G. Ntu.llWUl performed the lln1le rln.g_ rite which Th R united Dald Louise Derrough, daughter o£Mn. Lucille Is ·Married-ill Home Ceremony Harbor Red Memori•I Park lln111t1 ..._ • aue C•• 11 T ~,at Ota* PA..UIS .. UY • MORTUARY ........... a.ape& 111 .......,. -Ootta lh9 Harbor to Live Man and Bride in Los Angeles C&rte.r, Al KalmAIOn and Gary e 0 bert Daniels Jr. O.rrouP, Ul 1ntJM A.Vt. and Whan peet.I weH ncel•ecl. Kin.nett ,,.._... ~ of Bucna Wor UM oceuioa Mra. Der- r or her doiU(hUr'• nupllal.I Stay at Lake Resort Patk. and ai. M>n of ........ ,..;.~..;~~~~~~~~;;;;;==~~~~~~ ltrw. SmJth v. u 1owntd In blue Tbomu M-.na ot CClllt& x ... lilJt w1lh while acuuorttt wbUe and John D. Tharp oC Loa A.a· It-WU al Occldental Collete that Roger MacGregor Mn. MacOre.«or chote pale pink It ..... fn a beaut.Udy detalled home Weddin( OD the ,.._ lace ltlth whJt. acceaoil•. JIOtb evenlhs of Juo• 19 t.b ~ Ann C&1l1a and Robert TIM .,... wu pa IA keep- roet lovely Mary Lou Smith and the romance wu ell.mu-mother• wor, corsage. ot pale Hen""' Dan.ltl Jr. exchanged ring• and vowa. The Rev t.q "1 her t.uau. wan a Cahill- . ed by their wedding in Weatmmsler Presbyterian Church, ptnk orch di. • J -• IOW'll ol toe blu. nylon tulle ovtr :Puadena. Dr. Max Moniaon 88.ld the marria~ unes AT SAS t .RcU.C:IBCO Edwin C. Gom.ke, pastor of C.Orona de1 Mar Commuolty nit• Mt1n. La~ td,.cl th• . which united the daughter of M.r. and Mrt. Ford Smit!i ~ iitw Mr. and M111. ~tac· Church., performed the ceremooy which uQit.ed the wide J'O(tR!t nedillne and the •of l&Jl Ftrnando and lbt .on .,r Grerflf honeynwoiwd •t UM Sl. daughter of Mn. Robert L. C&l· and abe c:Uried a crutent ol bouttut ak.Crt ,waa floor J.n,U.. '.Mr. and Mr9. Ronald D. :Mac• Rheta WaWn1. mat1u4 ot honor Francia Hule~ 8a.n 1-·ro.ncitc:o. ha,, ;:06 Huel Drtvt end the late white rona and itephanoU.. A. Med,pu.rt Uua htld her :a,.....,r, 218 Via RavtnM. and brld .. mald.I. 'J.lillca Vonni• The tatter will be 1raduated Mr. caw.a. and tbe 11011 of Xr. KAID Df YELLOW aboul4er ~ v.u and a!le car· IAwC. at1d a.rte OlOvcr. Tb• trom Ocddental ln J'tbrUary at and ~. fto'bert H. Daniel, dt • lied a ftltt ... on wbJch wu : Mary Lou wore U'athllonal 0oll9ge eiu-next ~ear. Har huaband wu Broadway, Coe\& Mtta. :wi.ot ~Ullah a.ltn.a .,... an &rftl'tl•"*'' ol JW.. of the 'wbtt. .. un, noor lenslh aa she trio, all Occident.HI Jr&duated thlt 1pr1n1. 111 pre.-Cal'olyn was ir;1v1n 1n keep-:•euow, .;u, Sm~:~ '°::'a!'! valley Witt. a W'bJt. orchid, the ;w.. ucol't.ld to the &II.al' and debt• a• wert Ule u1h1r1. wore 0 u1 WSlh t.ht lnv•tinmt denaft. lq by her brother Robert 41 t __ _. ___ I _,. latter a oorar• to be worn wtth ·~wn ln ke,.....ln by hu fat.her ... f bl ,.-· ' a.a eorone · auu ...,.. ued YsuOW "' ....... t f ••' ·,. I · ldtnUc&l troc ... o powder "' me.nt of a Ill• 1rururance com· Otorge Calll1. She was eharmtnl l'OIMI. lmiaedlat.elY rececftn the .. er • ......_ away CC. umt. 0 •n •Her V.U wu of tulle and ah• thlUon. bouffant and 1n baller-pany. Betorr• (l'lodu.tlon ht re· tn her brtdal iown of while lace -A-h ~ P 11 aqua .tlealh wU.h bolero trimmed :carn.d wht\a orchida •-· , ___ .. ...... ' u• ,..., wu er )'OW\I • •tu tn black • . .... _..... cetved tbe Wall Street Journal ..... fitted bodice W&I •leevel••· chrtaune .. flower pl dr....s . • WITll BIUDS Wayne Samu Mn'ed N belt aeh1tvemt.nt award and wu w1lb oCC·ahoulder neckline and ln yellow net and ~ a Mi• Norma Rdtn•~. ma Jd ot : Wh~e orchid• Wtrt' alto Cllr· ~ and JUell• were ushered by tlecltd to Phi S.la K11ppa. He dropped h1plint. the very full baektl or yf'llO)ll ~OMOma \.o honor, WU rowned In pink tone ~ by her a ttendant.a, Mrs. W1Uiam ·..DtlQao Stnltb, Landon w1111 a member ot Alph11 Tllu 11klrt "'ea lD b&lJtrlna ltn(th. mat~ those In hw hair.• O'Ytl' taffeta. •lrapleu and wtth -------------------------Orne&" !rate mlty •Qd nr n 0 -Lone While r lova an~ a lhort Paul Lorenl.zt:l WU beat man lftMching bolero Hrr pleated T.C .. twlnf romml elonrd .n a<!C· veU held by a ~arl coronet anti gueat• wue u att'd by R:>Jer cap -vlth 1hort vell wu pblk, u ond llauunant June 11 I eompltl«l the co.twne. Her onl7 l.l•k wtre her tlowt ra Sl1len of tb• The rourlc wlll bf Ill tll'mt al ornament WU a &Olden heart Tall candelabra tntwln.c! W1UI bnde, Miu Dorolhte D«rTOU;'b 1120 Almaden Dr1ve, Loe AJl. ,· locktl.. &lfl of her brldc1room tlowera and tvy, t.opt.bet wi\.b and Mra. Jamu McKee, were ,,1u bUktt.t of whJt. thryaanthe-bndamalda. They ~ tloor BS I S • l'llWDI Ind gladiolaa, pr'O'tld.cl lel\JUl l'OWJ\I ot White laoa. one Omnib11~ Natal Fete orortty 11tun1 tor UM rtt.. Tradltkllla.I ov~r '91Jow Wftta. the othtr weddtq 110np and mardla ..,.,.. over P9le sretn. detalled with off E·stabl1' shes played by Mrs. Cutlcnan Smith. abouJder bOdlcet and wtde cum· • For lht evemon1 and Fep-berbunda with •lrea.mae. f'low· Uon Mrl. C&lllt wore blue •Ilk· en matcb'd colors ot fOW'l'a and and-cotton lace, a •lraw N.t and on their head• wen• Mid pearl C01'9&1• Of ~MdJumL Xra. U&Na With 1hort nlla. New Chapter The new Exemplar Chapter of Bela s1xn1a Phi In Newport Haibor •~ hat Ju.et received It& offlcl&l name from lht ~ orily·s lnt.ernaUonal office lA KAMR.s City. M.o.. and will be known as X1 EptUon Pel. o..nlel WWt a lh .. UI of nower-RlchU'd LWlk lent '91t man td •Uk with black hat and aid and ruata were uah•Nd by cymbldluma. Jamea McKee and Robert Th.aJ1>, aac&Pl'l01' AID brother or th• brldtrroom. Mr9. W. J . CaWI pJ"Mlded al the cotte. Mf'V1ce and M IN Ann Ba.aQta of whit• tiadfola.r, Sutherland poured punch. Miu E&lrter Wits and atock &domed Laurie Hendrick• wu 1.n ch&r1"9 the church. w1th white tlonn of th• cu•t book. and aaUn 'boWll at ~w tnda. Summer Sale • To Mike Room for F•ll MerchendiM . Summer . Dresses One Group 4.95 ' 5.95 Wen IM le 1"'6 lO°lo SJmmer off on all · Merchandise TABAK-IV AN FREDRICK-LORDLEl&H . t Bette Notbfl of Caut •• ' s Hocluulum Fabric J'ormerty U .H It lU!I now895 Catalina ·Sweaters 11.M.......,.,. to 7.91 UM ...tu4'lll C11hmere Ir hlgimere to 19.tS Sins: S's to I S't--8'1 to 20'1 ' 121/J'a to 2~1fl'.-loh of 11'1 l 2011 All the Newest Stylea IAY-,UUYS LORENE'S FRONTlER VILLAGE 711 Weat t9th-Cost1 Me.......U f-6129 Colla M""' P11rl; wu the 90elle of " m111t1plo• b1rthdav celebration IR11t Runday "hrn 24 adult.a and ch1ld1cn honored the June blrthd11 \'I ot Mt11 Hae Kehn, her twin dllUl(httrs Mr!!. Frank Lov!!ll 11nrl Mra. John Hullon. M1 11. Ml'rlc Kehn and 110n Tommy: Other. prt'lent Wert' Mr. and M1•. R11111ll Kt'lul, Merel Kthn. Kranlc. Lovell, Mr. and Mra. Gtor1:e Oa\'IS ot Wt1l C?nna. John Rutton. Mint'• Loi• and Carof Kehn and aeveral children. • Al a meeting Jut wMk al the home of Mra. John H. 8tol11, 324 Slinal Road, officers for the coming year were elected : For lhfl weddlnJ trip to Hunt· While and pink (ladlol.u wert lngton Lake and a1onr the :uMd=~ln:_:lh::.:•:_:th=urc:,::b_:aoc=lal:_~h&ll=..'.!:======================~ cout t.be new Mra. DanJel 'wore BRIDE-ELECT -Mr. and Mrs. George Osgood Morgan. M Beacon Bay, announce the eng~gement of their daught.a. Ann Hutthp Morgan. to Donald ~red Knipp, .eon of Mr. and Mn. Harold Knipp of 0Qut Mesa. Miu Morp.n wu educated in San lluino ecboola and Coast College. Her fia.nce wu pduated from Newport Harbor Hlih Scllool and Cout Collece. ia completing hla .c!ucatlon at 14\g ~ at.at.~ .tter ~ two yan wila tJM Armed Force& Nuptiila are planned for Se-pt. Fohowlng the birthday eel• braUon1 lht party r'tumed to Ow John Hutton home. 190 Oak 8t., Coel& Mua. lo attend a bab)' lbO\\tt fl>r Mrs. Ruasell Kehn. Seven Attend Birthday Fete M t.. Mart.ha Oehlerkln1. preAI· dent: Mrs. Stotz. vice pruidl!nt; Mr1. Jamt1 B. Taylor, .ecret.ary and Mn. C. E. Hardin. t.....urer. Other member. of lht new chapter Include Mme1. Ruth LcwU. J ohn B. Merrtll, Marold HJpet and Mn. Jack B. Qbhe~ berry. Any Exempltr mtrnbtn of Beta Sigma Phi from other chapltn who are now UvlnJ In lhl• arta may cont.act Mr9. Stol:r. or any of the oCncen It l.hey are lnlere1tfd In jolr\lnr: lbe c.h.& pler. The chapter'• lint acUvlty ReJina Tt-ll!rr, dau1htcr of wlU be a Fuhd Party planned Kr. and Mre. Eupne TeiUa at for lbe ev•Nllr oC AuJ. t t ln tll ArbOr 8t.. Coft& Mna. en· the Stolz patio. All Beta Blem• "-rta1nned a 1roup ot .pl.I Fri· Phis In this s1e11. have been In· day -"4mooll tn "labra11on. of. ¥1ltd t.o bnn& a ~cat t;O\lple her Mvtnlh bll lhclay Yellow &nd enjoy a b&rbec-ufd etealc a navy and white plnl'trtJ>4! 1healh with white acceaeortu. She will continue htr 11mJor atod*t at Newport Hubor Hip SclloOI where lhe waa ncently elected t.N&tOm of th etudent body. Hlr huabuld wu out- at.andln1 In at.hi.tlot clurlA& hill tour year• at Harbor HJ&h. pl&Jlnc &ootW.11, --~ and bUeball. Th• couple hae ntabU.hed a honla at 421 Mart,old An. IMwpmt Y.tety Youa 1.., H nou: We Gift a... ...... 0... ...... N_, f'ler DWPOUB&AOB pndominated ln the dt\:ol't.Uona dln.ner and daft<'inJ. Mra. lier· 014 Q~u..Md IU\att.nce and favor9 11nd Regina wore a rill wa11 a ppointed ch&.lrman ot ~ecT new ~llow dresa. • lhil atfalr. All 1bae9 tnttt.. GamH were playrrl wtlh pl'illtll9 The next mttllnJ w111 be BOW AJr.D W. QER.81811 KOlf\C to F.llen M.acR.ae and JIJI)' ~ at 8 p m. ln the home llOI Npc. ~&&a... Mary Janf' Call. A blr1hdllv cak• of ~ra. Jilpe~. HS Via Udo PllON'& .. J..IU de<'Orat.4'd In )11low, c-rn><"ol11tt' kt f4<> -~u~d====;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:===~~=;5;5;;;$;;;~55~ <'ream and pun<'h ""l"f' leT'\'ed :.. • follow\~ lh4l pmu.. P~Mnl to !\tip ct1rbratt tht OC<'Ulon wtre l.•n•la Mot.echtn· baclttr, CaLh)' Hamn. Unda Crum., Hai ntl Crant1eltl. Ell.en IXlldta.~""'K&?T-Jae o.11 aM Lmore Chnur. BALTZ MORTUARIES CB.Aft:L BY TIOI UA -Ir-Ooaal 91\14. Conu de& MM, o..t&i. .......... 4 postage -free• Bank-By-M safe. • • .... ~ • • • • convenient. •both wayal AT COSTA ~ESA Newport Ave. at Harbor Blvd. ·•••a•• , ••••• , •• , •• ,, ........ .. • , IAP~ JQ .,_l'~l'.1-NEWPOl!T HARIOI NlW~ESS : WB>NESOAY, JUNE 27, 1956 • . ALL STOOKS l!IUBIEOT TO Fllt8T COXE, POST 8EBVE $89.50 SIUDIO COUCH THIS LAW IS IMPOSSIBLE! GOING AT • ---- • • • DINffiE · SETS , 'Good S.-llU'· Reports loCirFlre - HURRY, SAVI NOW ALL 8TOOU 8UlllEO'I' TO " n1t8T 00111:, P'lll8T SDVZ LIVING ROOM 2.PllCE SETS SEC'tlONALS CHESTERFIELDS SOFAS • DIVANS • PUIUC NOTICE • CHROME -·SATIN ·aLACKS - HARDWOODS -ASH -MAPLES . .119.50 ,0..o.,.Aire 312 Coi1 Foom Rubbor " {Topper) IATIRESS $1.95 ·• 9 I 12 .LINOLEUM RUGS $~· • To $9.95 Value ·rABLE LAMPS sr 89~ Olvaiis, New $58 · $50 ••. FURNITURE $69.50 S.pc. ohromo or blool Dinette extension ~.f ··-··--·--·-m1•eowers ..... . ~1..! :.tc.. ~ • • sa8 149.50 Mod. Styled $ft8 2.Pc. Diwan s.t . . . 77 ~~~~~39 21.,.$0. 2·Pc. r $4 37 Lawson Suite . . . I 269.50 Lge. 3.Pc. '°-S..98' ·D1gt1• 'SllP*r . Sect •. I • Stocks Include: • Incoming l1test styles ind qu1lity- Pr1viously committed-fin• qu1lity on hind of: l ivin9 Room Sets, Bed· room top quality, Mattresses, fa.m rubber: a.droom Sets ... in fact, ev1rythin9 to meke your hou'• • home. Buy and Save Now '. ' BE-OROOM SUITES • Modem Double 0....-.... 6 °'·-----------·-····· ·--·· . $99.50 Double o..a... Mim>r Hollywood IEDS 1oo1 ·c... i-iooc11>oor<1s ----·-·-----·-··-· $119..50 DouWo Dr-.-.Mi""' ' -0..W-in Heoclboot<I -------- $149.50 4-pc. H.rdwood-2 N'.to Stond1 - o,ublo 0...... -.... ·------' . • IMeu .. lq lbtt-. • ' $89.50 5.pc. chrome. topor leg $99.50.S.pc. largo modern toblo 36148160 'orle~dod --··········-. $119 .50 5-pc. modoin osh Nevo-$-97 mer top. Padded seeh -·-.. ··-···-·-/· $1l9.50 S.pc. cn•pl• 42" rd. $88. t1b!., 2 c1pt1in1, 2 m1tes chn:. 00 $159.50 7-pc. H. lgi. rnodom $ft8 36148172 orl. 2-12" IHvos. -7 ,,7 l•••••••l!ll•ljiilllll•••• Twin or BEDROOM SUIJES ~ ~ $219 .50 Mod om 4-pc. Mr. & Mr" Choice of Finishes -----------··-··--------· • $269 .50 MOll•r Bedroom Sot --·-·--····--··------- • ,- ---______.. -. CRUISER UOE °tnNND ....:_ A predlcted Jot • cnUer race over a 30-mlle coune up the Oruc• County c.out and return wu held reoently by memben of the U. S. Cout ·Guard Auzillary, i'lotiDa 22. Winner of the event with an error of ' only 0.19 per cent wu Worthincton Lee (center) ~in hJ8 cnaiMr liarworth. Be la ~own here accep. ~the ffnt ~ trophy fro.,. (left) Capt. John ROWltree, Commander ot the Uth Cout Guard DllltJict, and Lt. Cdr. Ken BDderbaU, "Dlrector of tlae C.·G. Auxiliary. All conte.tanta, their wtYe., and frienda were entertained with cocktail.a and a buffet supper at the bayalde home of Mr. alUi Kn. Worthington Lee on Saturday evening follow· hlg the ra.ce. -Beckner Photo TiOfttr WINNftl8 -Newport llubor BiP 8i'..hoo1'1' Sailing Club stared lta annual '1>ig boat" race for Sir Lomu Tipton trophy on June 2, Salling either family or borrowed yachta, ~e younpten Mil a triaDgular ocean coune and competition ia hot-and-heavy: l A 1Upper i-rtY in patio of Walter Fram' home for all contestant.a followed the race and p?ovid~ an opportunity for Howard Lanon (rifbt) one of club'• 9POD80l'S to praent awa.rda. From left: Walter Frans Jr., who aailed hia father'• eant.-82' Andale to a third place; Linda Cleary, who accepted 1eeond p~ award for Gloria Chapman, •kipper of Peter Grant'• Na.Ju : and 11riuer .lkrfin,.. Cc>u:l2, 11dpperA of the Rhodff .. aq,_ TemptreM. - Beckner Photo • HELIPOT HONORS. &.YEAR MEMBERS A luncheon wu held in the Balboa Bay Oub 1ut week honorinc four employ· ee8 of the IWipot Corp. who wen ~ted with 5-year pina. Although the luncheon.a are a regular procedure for BeUpot. thtl la the tint such affair held since Helipot opened a Newport Harbor diTilioD. Seated (clockwime) are Georse Tag:Uapietra, Jack Bart. Helen Schelhom (6 yeu pin), Leolw:lia Ko- zak (5 year), Mary Mone. Emma l6tua (5 year), and Raye Block (5 year). Standinc (left to right) are Klau Van Inpn.. Cbarlea Doaald"Oll, Don Duncan and Gene SurprenuL -Staff Photo . I ~.the.pet dor belouiinr to Kra. Claude Caln. formerly of Newport Beach but ll01t' a relident of a farm at De Witt. m, Jolt her own puppile but; nOWDJ daaeted, eh• adopted m lfttle pip wbo · had Jolt their mother and nuned them. Mn. <Ain le the mt.er of Mn. L&wreac. Grobl of 112 22nd St.. no received the pictur9 above b)' mall. Al'fNJft:aU.aY ·CAD -Newwrt Balboa 8&Yinp ud Lam A..>ciatJon dlftC· tora Cllt tM 20th-A.aniftra&ry ate at Ulelr all-day 0pm HOWie ce1ebr&tibn. Left to' rtpt above '" Prelident Paul A. Palms; Dtnctota RaJph P. Kutey and S. A. Kqer; Mn. Mukey; and Km Agnee Blomqulat, aecutiv• Yice president. Di.recton and staff memberi were more who touNd the build.Illa aa pa.rt ol the obeenance of the AmoclaUoe'a tft:Dtleth anninn- ary aild c:omp&ttion of the eecond year in thetT ultn.·incdem headquartera build- .....___,,,...., ..... iDr-on-th. ba7front --Beckner Photo • --- • ·_ . I .. • I .. , ' ' ' ' • -· -• • I A&l 2 ;pARf-1 ~Ill HAlllOa NEW~.:__ WEDNESOA ¥; JUNE 27, ltll' • • , PACKED IN utB ~ -'Dlat'a"how It la with kUI hollplaJaw clm:iDr the Hll'bor are& •=r--. 'Upper ztpt, ~ room ocene b<fo? -Below, that, ~looJri'S • • rrMa,y --.. .. llMiW _,. 1!.111 I IPJ D .. !: ......... :Jiit pl;-. -~--.... -...... t-. o... ,.i;,·w -. .-. OM· ....:a.om,---"' ... _..... -µ,-... ' , llllitl..l"J• .. , •• ~ .... ............... Ill • .... . , ............. ...u:u.. ..... JfcCI' ..... ~ ... w-. _ _ ... ..,, __ ......... ---..... ... -.. es.•t.Wa °"* a.ad .................. ~ .,n...,. • ..._.lll• lliW ' . Let1MS1cW :FEM=TS II j • ......... -~ ., " ... ·-"' ... to .• .....,.. EV ~t'\tmN.6 Am . .rlc.1t1 J..eston Win baft • ·~ta JM:OM tripled lft th• rlfUI. '-1 """"' ~ ..... .......,.1-.:====:;;::=;;I • 'ON" A NlW" •• IOHN.lqN SIA•HOISll YowoWtiata••la wordl~/IM°f ie@t :.ith ~e "!pea ia Bueball CommiAioner Rod M1~)'1Jll•n chec.kJ.n& playe.ra• DumberL They1ve got blL-SWf PholA>o . . • ...., ~ v_....,. . 1r • .,..1f;JW A.'~ IA w1Ua Vlllt 111 Mn'bis d._.,., ~. e FlxlM• 1""..-,.• Utiir, ~t MtOf'dbl.s to DOQ M.uuoa, po..t et:. ~ :::::~"""-UT &d,l\ltu.t. snwt•lpm~t w l 11 OU!~ -41...,... 1W1. at T:IO p. 111. LAds. Wt r .....-.-. the front ..... &n4 ' IA'llt.14 aQ4 HletTl.Uonl aY..t,_~ . .....,..._onU..ke&lldl. . ...... ~1.JmuludW-1· mWe -1 Har. tN. .. W ~ Ued. • wl\b tT . .>. Wlll1t Harold·lmall h&d ~. Duit.rd · Keriit)' bom•red for th• Cl&a B wlnn•r1 w.,.: Gt&nt& Mm• Alu Dtreo If.~, JOU In the lnt.emat.lon&l Joop, U.. Price 11~ and Paul o.ru.1 Dod&'e.n rot. bJ' the Bn.ftl ..,.1 IT, C'lUI C: 11mM. Law• and U.. CuH knodt..S ovw th• N&ce Srb ,.~. Jerome WIM Gi&llt9 1-1. Stwe Harper allow· II uw1 L. H. Perry II~. ed. only two hit. ln. rour lonlnp end LHcraft l1rblciei _ ......... . ~· .. . __ .,.,, ~·' 2 2204 So. M1in Sf. lallt .......... . •p•rkJJq • .., •s•, , .... _J< ........ ....... J • ,,...,. · S1lllli Cwt co; ?{ewpon ~ II& -11$. --Joll11so11 ' Amateur Golf 1----..--------trix the Dod,.n, Bruct KeClain N•a• NO-HIT " "'Dodpu "'""'' wlth two to• S.nt1 Ano Slit.ft. two. Qaey Couch smuh«I a ,fOI 91•1NOAll•ttl Crown Goes Sharp Almost =-~lf....::y::o::.u..:' r=e=s:..a.::v~in"".g""f""o""r "".;""ou""r""i""n""de~p-e::.::n:..d.:.:en:.:.:ce:::,.:::, ~~=.:.::.:..:- Kl 5-2789 to Geiberger Makes Grade in 5-3 Win . By JACK BOETTN'.r:.R Ol'Mf'I Couat1 Ne••• 8en1ce Mlatf Wri~r It look ed l!ke Gii 8M.rp had The n•Lion'• olde.t amateur I ncrhllter f OinB' for four frazn•1 salt loumey tiai Ill younr;eil in the COit.a Mt11. Park Major title holder today. Learua Monday when he tlruck oul 11 of the t1r1l 13 ballt ... he Al Geibers-er. 18 • year • old faced. But thrt• runa in the fifth 1lrtn&:be1n who play1 out ol the frame enable Sharp to to.,. the M.qntec:1to Country Oub, S111ta .,,. 5 a t th Barbara, whl~ Dick 1'"oota ~· .rp.t.e• to a • w n over • ,.; .. ...... -':¥-• ""' .. t.l ...... _to. . , ' hhd&T• M-boW tlaall « \h• la tM PadtJo Cout i.u.,u. Dfth lo11Utttn. C&ltf°"'1& A.ma• ,_.~x.nd&J, tM Olaalt beat ~ Goll OWiipl011...Upf The tM ~ 1-1. Ai. .,.,,, ID th• match wu played ... ,. t.111 Iha· lb.~ ~ allowM S4 ""4· t& Ana c:ouaby c:lu• OWrH. d.U. to'_,. aftM Usllni" to Jn dn.ib·.;Lq tbe .-c.1ui. star, lt~ tbt otuta a a.-1 l¥d. 8r1u th• a a n ta· •M:ra emcpthla t..W5' .,en..S wtu. a dOubJ• •. M lted ·PM" brto 9U'1~ H• .oot'*1 oo D lek Bytt41~'• 5)09t4d .. .Nco~Mrt.1 at lllfftl'h &Dd. Su.U.rwol'th um• over th1 moml"S .\I. l)oJ.., At acroti' on an error In tht l1r9t ftOOll l,ll'MJt:. ~ WU a1x up OD fram. IOf' tM wtnMh. t4' It.ft& .Aaa.poll'f\11' l&4. SOllP ._WAY . -----~~----! · um_. Wit.ft TIM° Amatcan AMOcteuon Summer IPeason ....... • ""'" -· "" "'' ................... "'' aw.u ,1) ~ and lhort oo •APl"O&dl• 11•1. Mlle t.&nc'.,. Denn1 Kerr !ouJdq't cklM l1'(IUDd cm Ult and lUch&rd LockWood elammld Opens in HBC '~L.";~ -·· pll•'1 of epproxlmata1y 4.00 traJJed th• Casaba Loops two younptera, Who wer. m.et- "• fM th• thlN tlm~ Gelbo'T" Harbor Boyl' Club 1ummer er had be&tl.tl Foot.I at QritttUI bultetball Jea(U\9 1et under w1y Pirk. The Sant& Ana youW!. p1n lod1y, at.&z"tlng at 1:30 p.m. when reven1• In the national USGA the Bed(era meet Ole Hornell. Junior Tourney at Purdue Uni· Remainder of the Clua A ached· ver11lly. ule tonight in the HBC am1 The Santa Ana courae had find11 the Be11.r1·Tlger1 11n1rllng bt!tn eJL'.le'h<kd to 139:) J&l'dl and !t out at 7 :30 pm. a.nd the Pan· toughened for the tourney, but thrr• a.nd PythOll.11 cl1.eh1nr at it waa e&.lly pl('klnr1 tor the 8:30 p.m. durable Gelber1er. Hl1 drtv11 C\111 A conte1ta .,,,111 take were Ions •nd 1tral1ht. Hla ap· place W tdnelld11y1 an<1 T'ue19(1.eyi. proache1 hit the flr•t l 1 1reen1. OA..'IF..S TO~OIUlOW Hl.ll puttf'r had the me(ic tOU('h Tomorrow night In HBC' r ym, Clan B compeUllon !1 Munchtd. The Conljuerera take on \ht Pol· ters at 1:30, the Sky.9C'r•per~ co1tide with the J eater• at 7 ·Jo 1nd the Clowhi and Nuj{g,la of a relued veteran. HOT P1"1'Tl:R An tndkaUon of th111 kind or (Olf the CA.llfllng blond WU µl1ying n1•y be found In the •hootinir Ben Hog•n rf'<:orded over the Sant• Ana Country match dlg1 tii •t 8:30. All Cl Ull Club liyoul. B caw• out ing11 will be Thur~ay. \\'hen B@n wia ataUOMd l l Double·,A b•ll st•rt• Fnday lb• But& Aaa .A.nay a... d\ll'· When th• L&ll:f.n and Pistons qy Wortd W1r ii. M ,,.. a make wtlb UM bUclletl at l :IO frequent ""* to »-ZSaU p.m,, tollawed bJ tM W&rrion Hi• -.c, u.w _.....,. • " alld Celt.la st T:IO p..m. · foot.. f'.bo ,_. ~114 otf • ,CLASS A. B08U:S two 'blj' ta~~'lri UM tmey. ~ 0( U.. Cll4I ~ quln· obM"~: "!?' .... fta lato teti ..-. Jobn ~uua, B&q.n; a aoow•torm.."' f" Jmy HuJai.trt:, ~ eomeu; . JI.ti o~ no.,..., 1 ·• er. a-n: Bob White. Py· Each "6 ·~ With • : Jtoser P•let"lloa. Panlhera; ailver lea~ "L Oetberf· •• l'Ueh Tamonk•, 111fln . t:r, wi.o•u 4M· lt ta'·a.ptai.~ . ... C&w B head men: Wayne r ot po··rrsloa cl!' lb• slant per- Ooo.M.U. Oonquwer:-: 0.a.i P taM, petuaJ ~ tor aa. J'!PI'· 1 PoUers: Ron KeeJ,er, Clown1: Foote pl&nl ~ enroll at WUl•r 'l1m Jonu. J..ttirm; Rich lkhllctl• UCLA or Staatord. o.t.,.,Y.r emnay1r, Sk)'Krapen, and J ohn reportedly ta-.ora I.lie latter. ~Uue, Nu11tU. GeJberpr d1t1&tad o .. erse thrM mucceMI•• horn•n t or lh• Bravu to •park a btr MCOnd .wtu.. Phil Wadsworth rot th• onJy GI.ant blow ott Tino Ton.r .nci Pete Toedtlr, Lop91dtd .oort:• teaturtd th• Weatlm lAqu•. Thi Doqen Mat the Bra•• 2t--ll w hlk Utl Giana clubbed th• CU.bl. 13·1. Both the Glanll a nd CUbl were P"•k>ualy undef•t.ed. DODGER~ DUMPED lta1tern circuit KOrn found Jtl• Brav1& dU~plq" tM Do.:1.Jar. :tl-13 and lbe Qia.nll 1111a.ldnf put lh• CUbe 19·10. Bobby Becll· er tripled and had thrM hit. tor four attempt.I tor the DodJ•r8. Foote •limlnalf'd vetera n An•· heim r otter Barry Giffen. I and I), tn th• H mlM nale. The Southern CaUfomle Gott A~latlon IOUmey WI.I held In Santa Ana be<:au11t1 Ila prr1ldent Brig. GPn. tRet.) Sllnlry E. Ridderhof of Newport 3e•ch !1 a membfor of the &ante. Ana CC. T he tourney (Gell lo th• home club of lha preat•ent. •• .where you save does make a differettce !.,...,. 1dv•n1a1e counts wbeQ Jl*'rt 11ria1 for J'O'lf "ladepeed§)j cnce Day:• Th1t'1 why it pa)'I to put JClur 11vinp ia u iallU'ld S.'fiql end Loan AD«ialioa. You baMlt by maay flrtf'O'fMI . lli"tWllU.ltl. E.1cell cn1 retlnl from )'OW'~moaey ii ODI a.dna-W 1 .. 1111 1 taae. Efficie nt .ervice from dtlll wtlo bow bow to mab ,.-. ;jf ,.. dollars work harder for you b 1rio0t=r.Alld. of c:ovna,, money is nfe b«auM: in illlured Allodatbil J'OW' .. .-,. an protected by aound m1u,mM11t and wbstantiat raena. ~1 1r1 iniured up to SI0,000 by the FSLIC-in •&entY of the U.S. Government. ThtJr pr1 lht ,,._"" w.liy AMtricau err fH'll/na '"orr o/ tllrir 111~i"11 0«'011111 '""*' Into itUtutd S.Vlllfl •NI Loan A.uocia11a111 than ruiywllr,., r/J t! Whether )'0\1°rc wvin1 fm an "ledepet.dence Day• ... or a Mi1ln7 day• .•• rislt your nc1rby iniurcd A»OCi1tion tomorrow. 1"" ................. ., n. ,..,... w 1-11 J'ol.,14-.doa, lac., • utioe•ilk oraaalza• of ilwurld S.viflp and Loa... l uil4int aM Lou-' Ham•••••~· Uoaa wt.idl ....,._... title -.. ia Ute, 1be !k1urd17 ~ ... 111&1 Pon •114 U. I. Naww and WorW llfOl1. RESOURCES NOW IN -EXCESS OF $25,000.000.00 a"d Loa" A 11o c1atio" P.A. Palmer, Preoident 3366 VI• Lido• .. IWPORT 81ACM, CALlfORNIA • H•rlter4200 COIO NA OH. MAt OfllCl • 1 .. 1 IAIT COAST MIONWAT Do ris end Mel Ma swell Inv ite You To Enroll Now CLASSES AIOM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Doubl•·A boaiu: Bruce Knipp, McCalliater I 0( ·tie . ~ LUan; o.n"1 rttzpatrick. Pl .. Country CN!Jr. I Uid: J; and 1 tona.: Don Mlneop. Warrtora, a nd Bill Wet.Ml, C.IUu . Instructional Type Pool ·-s 12.00 to $25.00 Profeulonal T .. c••n .._ VI.> nuft:a -~ Jlin Vll'lllll1& la t11o ~ti i..runner In uila Amerl<U AllOdt,tloD ...... On flr8t bue W Fred Rich of tht Gtanta. ,' It .M-wt,., anta or lawn moth1 JUdt coUected "three for three,~dudinl' doUble. to • &n nWttn.s your 11-rdenln1 Ufr 1. Your Siu Um~ Enro•w•t L OVTSTANDING IN PUBLIC · llCHOOUI ' s·--oto ~ ., ... w., r•t after thoM pt!lla . _ _:P":.._°"_Gfan __ t_wlo. __ .. _2~·--------------·IWUh a d\ist or epray. Chlordane • ~ 'NOl¥nmtd94. ... RES1biiNT1AL -INDUSTRIAL . COM"'4tRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE QR SMALL 280 llOt.lo rt B~oe=ch~---~-=• ISM 2. Wann Wai.r 3. No D"fl Wat•r ~fl pool I~ 1 .... tbt )'O• ca. )laiid~ It .. Mf; H t&r1e tut " trtpt.a J'OU. IW. la,1ttq. 'l)e '!I: ter., -a., 11 1 f9" la tlM ah&lro-t part. Y" _. P'MllJ lean.! • )lfe11m9 ...... 0.- Beci••n0....,....1 .. 11..._.. ' NfW CLASSES ' . STARTING DAILY A Complete Swim Scllool • Fram leglnHn to C._mplolll All Strokn Ta119ht A• Clasws Offwff fw Arry A-99 I. OVTSTANDINO 8WDl!IER8 S.EXPlllUENCED 8wPOIJNG INSTllCCl'OU ,. ......... ~ '""" ......... .__ ........... ~n-o-.--­................... -. llue Buoy Swim Sch0ol, 2202 So. Flower l'ttone Kl 5-4932 Santa Ana ' ' Roy Daniel. Standlnr, Gary Green, Dennbi Fib. patrlck, Bill Wets<~ Pete Hall, Steve l\amBOy. Be- low, Gary Green ~'t arm.le. at the plate. He hit the ball.-Staff Photos , . ' NEWPORT HAOOR N~ES~,4.RT 11 ·PAGE ; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1951> I, Pl.A YGROUND AcnVmES Yqunisters at HI SchOol · Enthusiastic at . Events IWUMI' i~ -.cUvtti• irprinU and dlatanca u weU a1 at the llJ&b .chool Sot off lo other eve.nu will tM arrancw U enth\1.l&utlc llt&rt. wtth mor. · than IO ~ p~nt dur-IOOD. 1'bo9tt boy1 and cb'b ln- iq tbt tlpt *1· Both attend· t1rt11hd In thi1 competltJon and a.nee and p.rt.ldpatlon In~ rood f\UI abollld &rrup to tM dUrlnf the tlrlt week with car-at the bl&'h ..:hoot u-.ck thW roma, ehldlerw. llbutfieboard and w.e1t. Monday, WtdnudaJ and p&ddle teri1l11 eatctUns th• most rrtday &ttAlrnoonti · t b • h.l(b lrltenlll ADo po9U.lar werti W... llCbool 1JYID will M open fur bu- ketba.11; honeaboe.. 600 and telb-ketblall er a!L AMilnr ln or1Mbl111 and Tennl. lnllltructi1;1n cot WM.ler- ln i..-· ~Uon. w.r. 90m• w.1 with nearly M> younpter1 retumlftr '18Ummer -prorn.m-rertatered durtnr the tint . two mera": Allel\ Pd Alvln Gorqon, da71. in.trucUon I• t~ and rac- Joey 01.llant. NonnlJa l'laftly, qu.U a.nd ball are provided for Joh,n 8tGl&rek &nd many olhara. thOlle who do not have thelr own FREE INSTALLATION BOBIN8 OOllE llOBBING -Here lr< certain b""" bingen of summer, the Theo Robinl -1poneored Harbor Boyo' Club nine. Kneellng, from left, Bob Allen, Cari Bergeron, Vern Weaver, Bud TbomJ*>D, Paul Loren.tam, Bob White, Lee Filber, Joe Avitia, Robin Nine in 11-2 Victory at Mesa Park New thla y•r will tM a track equipDllllL LeMonA uaually Lut and field compeUUon held oa from one-halt hour t.o thr~­ tha foot-11 field. lnt.ere#l dur-fourth.I of an hour In length and lng thb Ol)'mpic! oam.. ,.ar chUdrm may oonUn\M i.o pl•Y ·-----------·I •bould IN k..d ln U.... en.nl&. .. ~ durln( th• day >a they TbeM acUTiU. will be held on wtah; r~Uni occulonal addition· RESUME OF LAST WEE~'S MIDGET LEAGUE· ,GAMES IN HARBOR AREA Jim Butler, Wayne Steck, Don Homeman, Bobby letker Star Saturday gune1 in the P&clfic Cout League at eo.ta. Mesa Park found the Dodgen edging the Braves 6-5, the Cubs doing likewl1e to the Gianta 2-1 and the Card1D.&ls clubbing the Pirates 11-3. Rellttf Pitcher Jlrn But1*r, a.111· ed b1 lbe bis b&t of Korman c.r1llol. ~ed fof • Dod- ... wtn. Jim Qa1ia ud Olen µmN to t11i1 ...,__ B•mmtn Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL . ' CALL SECURIJY COMMDCIAL PATROL 2-7027 CONCRETI 11.0CKS ·KIU754 PlrMl•.a.oc& ODlll'A!B.-... & ................ Kl PUllJOS -CJINDl:a ~ CIOBW RIWWA a:Dri"W'08ICING l'l'U:L _, IUl'l'l.ml • NOW THEY'RE REDBREASTS! • IR>R7'-ll1t ' Monday, Wedn-.d&y and rrtday al help. ntan are no •I" re· momtnp. Rwmtn1 n.ntti ln the qulNIMlltl. a 1 l hour b m011t SAC Possible Olympic Host Next October Ch.en9• Tires Nowofor Safe Holiday ' Drivln9l Tty Goodyear 3T Me1ess JOUftPCUI an over etglt.t y.n of qa. ni..,. are only two req· ut.lt.ea: ID~•l and fair coor· d:IMUon. Wllb M.ldget Leagve -...-.u &nd 8Wltnm.ing lakiag • vat deal of the time Uid in· I.Ir-Mt of zno.t of Ua boyL the tennl• tutn!cUon ie perUcul•rly popul&r wtlb the (trll. There an, bow•""· nearly 20 boy1 a.I· re&Oy nptued. ~Rlnt Television! For .... 5-mer l1nt M .. UI ... ftnt Tw• Moa&.lta ltM& OU .. "',.... -tat. . ..,.... If U7 T.V,•lh*.., Jlajar A-• W•·lla•• New & Used . T.V. ·Sets ax-. ...... a G _ .. ....., ""' ............... 7 .... • o,..1_..,.a:...,..w1:11 RefL ca -•A;;" ralentiNO.. 11• llk. .... lula AM '11fJ a.-tlM ..... ., llZI -... ..... .... .... 11 UfJS ..... UtrlS ,., .. ·1.a peluxa.s..,, ... eushion ..: ·-J • • 7.111 IS , •.. ,, IUS ... YOU CANl BUY GOOD/iEAR Quality far lass! Btandncw GOOD/iEAR Nmotls MARATHON ~,;; 95 ~ :;.., . :v .. 11 Iii .... """" ea the•• famoa1 Goodyear ]'ircl • # • and dollar• •h••Cl at tli••• lo•, Jcr.c pr1c&7ay•lllk• fl.25. _,. ---·--._ ..... ! .... - .... llZl ·-...... ut1U SM.II .,..,, Ill! 7.ltad IUI , ... 11 4US • ... ,.1s-_.,41--.w~s W$ 101•··~ •ll" ... ... Ut1IS .... Courtn~Y -&i Lester 1596 Newpon llYd. . Cwta .._. u ·-1197 I . L • ' .l ••• -·· .. . .. ...,__... • ' • .~'C1J I) /} • ~h.. f.Jovemm_enl • no ·'ffLn _,, £apt: Uliat ~~at(/~ • ' 0 ~AGE 4 -PAIT.ti NEWPoaT HAlllOlt mwsJuss WEDHESl>AY. JUNE 17, 1916 ED IT 0 R.I.A t S We Have A City Manager So Let Him Manage City ftoer, the dty attoney or Ill(/ tM;y , 1 z de • nw • ha'flaa nad tt ! . -i..ia-t. JYllt ~--,....... _,... ~-· ...-by-otdio_ta_tllaa the fiaance officer, newly • 11 , ... wllo 'pd. to- pthor tbe ,..,.,._ ~-~ ....,.. U a .lrins Of aperta on the t>oynill. .........,, •pe......dkally or lntarnrlttentJy ca.n briltg about • ..-ul odmlalolnbon. thtn the bty 0.Wlcll Of Newport Beacb ~ .eoe a aucce..iul tttm. Wt cazmot .ban the belief taat tae mere _.... ployment ct experta cu bring about llftything or Jt- .u. wim-the reoenUy d.iu.atrou• lioenaing ol'\li- "'ll&Dtt. It wu propo9lld by a theoretical expert. An -a:pert wbole reputation WU apparently 90 good the City Couacil of Newport Beach •oted the onlJnanco Into ettoct without .... otudYiDc the propooal Now the ordlD&nce wW no doubt bt: repealed or completely revt.ed u an emerieney meuure. At CM council meetinr Kand&y, the city council ot Newport Beach entered lnW an agreement for the emplO)'IJLmt of a new auditing firm. The fact that the firm employed propomd lo charce at lea.at twice u much u the prevloua audit.on, the fa.ct that the con~ w01 be an "open md a.Uair 'With a multitude . .of eecape clau.ee" for the auditor, meant nothin1 to the city council They determlned in their wtAdom that 33 yan wu too long a time for the u.me audit- ing firm to examine the city. They did not tike into comider&Uom. the fact that they have already em- ployed an expert, the clty finance officer, wbc.e job it ab.ould be, u aoon u be can pt hi.a feet on the rround, to make the propoula !or ch&nre-that a modernised l)'ltem of book1 1bould provide tor a compet.enUy run city. The dty council of Newport Beach ia already, be It ever to mildly, aet ond gue .. ing their finance of- fiof:r, ltltldnS report. from theoretical expert.a ttla· tJve to duties and job1 before the actual txpe~ they -have hired have hardly 1tuted on the. job. 'I'ht. folly of erron belns conducted a'.croem the boarda of the council cMmben with the council and their hired help u acton and the cltisenl of Newport Be&cb u a diapated audience ttminda t11 of th• early days ot the New De&l. It wu Roooevelt and hU. hired "exputa' who brought into Wuhington and _our Government of the. Unlted St&ta all of the phony apec:iall.lll, moat of whom have aipce tak~n their. own llvee, lllv<ral are "rttlred to jail.I" aDd eome have "ucaped to foreip' climea." Aa we aee It, the trouble with expert.I Ill -mOlt of them have apent thek time atudyinc the theory o! "phllooopby ot tllO problem" rather than dolnc th• job or earnmc a living. <:ertalnly the City of Newport Beach ii compoe- .ed ot aiU'lena 110und ~ougb to conllder rood bu1lneu aethodl. Ontainly th1a city la,compolled of dti.&eu 1Dtolllpnl •ou1b, IUcceuful lllOUJh ·1n their bwll- llfM ftlltllrl&, patriot.kl enou1b, to devote aome time to city ml.ttaw IO u to avoid in the ftlturt the c:atutropbJc reruhl of the W conceived, Yiroa1ly en- acted., d.iahon0rabla llcenae ordinance !or which the council pUI ~ to an "expert." It ii Ume that we 1tudy a document Jona aco propuod by a pup of rugf<d indlvidualistio experta wbo eomplled the Conltitution of the United States. It t. t1nw that we ob.erve the principal that ta.xe., property, penoa, and lncomt a.re the mf&.111 ot lettinc eadl pull the lb.an of the burd.1111. u becbmem hJI _,ih. Oortatnq lt U. time that we u the CIQ-ot Nowport Boaoh tato co.,.,. ln hand and MY ''Tblo tee $u.OO LI ,for a ll~11.1e to conduct a busiDHI in Newport Be&cb." The licentt fee ahou,Jd be the ame t9r all bumn.--. not a punitive meaJQrt agatn.t ''th• ohoeen few who have pined WCoell," not a puniUve meuure apin1t muiufut\tren be¢&111e .. our dty U. -ot ncreatlone.l taclllUeo and 1¥>m•" In all r.-. lt ohould be pointed out that neither the pt'W' olty J:Ull&ler, nor any other city employee bad to do with the lieeue ordlnabce pro~ oJ. dratted, p,...nted and ~ Without the city r, the llcenM oollect.or, the flR&noe et .. lfAR80ll It ii time that we u cH' , faet tM factl ud dm•n' aa eod to the w1tH~ ... tll1&aW tam. hue adalterated our munldJl&i --• Ii It U-that the OOIMI -W...; to tMlr new ctty ma.nartr -"You Ol9I tt _._.. r-.. -ed. Of p>d repu.tatlcn, oi --•oo.; tab W'hat we have. mold a team, llek &ill .... ~ .tao ... twulah 'upert -· "" do .... .,;. y .. ""' the buoln-ui-tho poUey .... llt ---Ila ""' city manarer." And .then, city councilmia -So 0Mln1! Milk, Cream, Butte~ Price Ratio Confusing Don't try to fipn ou.t a ratio between what you pay tor millt, cream or butter; not i.! you expect to keep your mind on an even keel. For tnat.anee : Butter !al in butter la worth about S7 01D.t.a a powtd. At the a&JQt time butter fat in milk you buy to drink 11 rated at the creuae.riM al $L41 a pound. Or, take wtupplnr c:ru.m. whJcb coat. yoU ap-. ' proKimately eo centa a pint. Tbat pint carrlu .36 of a pound of 'butterfat, or that butterfat would be worth a.bout $1.M a pop,d. U you are •Ull wtth 'u , compare that with the pound of butter you boucht oo u.Je for 50 cent.I. The pound ot butter ii only M per cent butterfat. The • rest ot Jt ii water and l&lt. U you think tt 11 pure butterfat, just melt tome and Me what ')'Ou set. At · ~n.t.e butterfat woWd be worth 69 centl, whJch nly two centa up on the whole.ale market, which ii tm ma.rstn. But, remember, that wu a ea.le price. U you take thCM fact.a up with a creamery oper· ator he will talk aboiu.t "m..Uk lheda," by which he meu.a 1tetiOD1 of tbe country where m!lk lli p~ duced. u you set into the price of flu.kt milk be will menilon the Lo._ An.1-1• milk 1bed which coven all of that county and IOllMI of Orange Co unty and north lnto the Sa.n Joaquin Valley. When you ,et into butter, he beffnt to talk about the wide open apact1 where Lb.ere ia Iota of cheap la.nd and you can ru.lly nm cow1. Of COW'le the tact that there are modern 1b,lpment method.I by which millt lo ohlppod hWldrtd> ot mllfl In tank ...,., or trucU doeln't tnttr lbt af'l'Ull*lt from bil •t&nd- polnt. lltntioo W Alm tha.t aome local lee crea.m le madt from crttm that wu produced in t.be J.liuil. elppi Valley and he call• that 1.notbtt kiad ot cream. So, you. can't wln, but tt lt aomethtnc to think •bout if you like W wonder what lt LI that bu puah- ed the price of the qua.rt of milk you u~ to pay 1. nick.le for up to when It 11. Takes Time, And Flit Gun, For Alaska Trip °""'" Coutty drlnro, uaed t"' ll'ttways. Will haft their padooco tried It thty t&k, otr for ll'alr- banb. Ale•ka, u4 follow ad'tloe ot the AuW Club on ctmtoi lplOda. About llOOO mJleo ot tb• rood u. sravtl a.nd ncommandtd •peed.a art M to 40 mllea t.n hour. · Drlvtn broq'ht up on pa.vement have lit.tit Idea how much dt.netr dittt in a amooth-looktnr grawl road. Not onlr doee tht rravel tail to hold •hen a driver triu to put on hla brakM, Jt IMme to act llke a roller beuin1 to help the car 1ki4Juter. The Al· uka Hlahway ii built over l"U.l(9d cowttry and CNrVM a.round ellttl are ho place to 1kld a car. PRess Coet.1 for food m .Alulta. at present are not what they '"" iD. daye of t.bt KloodyJit Nab, but they are lllll lllsh•r than her<, It J>OMlble. In DaWIOD, durtnc U.. Sold Nib, •IP wen a. dollar ea.ch : now an aut<r J.t cu pt ham and •IP for from 11.76 to 12.M. Guoline on the Alaaka Ml1hway avera,.. about. G7 CIDta a plloe.. BeGd .. pod tiru, probably the moet tmpotta.nt thins U.t V&•eller wUI tAt en the Aluka t.rtp will be obitmeat to npell DiOlquit.ot and tueL A'••ka moequtt.ot carry e~ectrie drtlla and they hi." fllea up then that are K id to blta pit'Cea out ot chrcxD.ium trim. HOWi"" that may be, if ycu ro north, take ._tt1l ........ &As-lN...._ ............. , a n•.c.u ..... ........... -1rWo..ltif ...... 0.. .. A.-.. •• ~- "st ' Ob Ma •a J fl? Nt' I A7'•1M• " H !tnU I •• •ttliil •ass ' "11 r a .,~a...,,,_...,._ JlltH ftlDPlCIC., .PUBUAID:R "111.J • M A.. Mou::t. Ml&.w 14Jml M. MA.19ENT, ......... .., .Dtnotor CllAJUM A. AltMftlklNO. ~ lul*1at.eo.t au.--nw-i &&m• . ...,.. ..... ., ........ ~ • 0...... o.-lir ........ ,_., ...... -.. a.Iii ..... --~ ...... ~., ... ,.. • ' your tlm• ud flJt cun. . Ever Since Runnymede Thi U..Onr °"""'"""9a boa ncomm&Dded •· llnolft U&npo in the t-..i ~mment'o 1lud- fOUllC &114 -°"' tlmotlona. ~ It 0ot • · • .rtpl&\ nd\ ... juat I lt&tlltltol problom. R.n.t Boo-hlmeolt baa oe.ld : "With- in & -lff9ollv'I ~ &Dd IC<OUDtlnf IYl· tta .. the Nltiafttioa ol th. run.-ODDtn>l of tht nau-1 -lo' 1111 oa.ir-. wllld> hu in .-1 ~ -loll. - -llunnymecle, tho -· t1'll Of tba -1liJ 1111 ltcitlativo body ~II boon a foundltiOll -la~ • ,: ....... • BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL lt wu -~ ~ oloar, wondlo6d ~ ... ~on U.. -whla,.. pullod out ot U.."1lornl< VOllloy. '11ie oxc-tor thlt trip wu .'to .-.noltar • rout& Into llarptr'o lnal-tho .-i oldo of tho Ph\yoo v .... t&Ju In tho Ans& Stato Pvt, Wt bew ll wu prol!Ul7 tN'°' lllftd no chiP' ft'Oca anew -....w. !:Mil jUll web a triY• MM m&ldftl T Hani wt.a .,........ ...-, i. ta.. acuee tor jeeplna enU, a laqe plbtdaf ct ,_... .... o.paori ... OW' f'Oll.t. ... &Ad ,.t ~ Mdroc.k morierw ~~ ~ :l ~t~:::; == WIN t ... AM "9 '' a f"' bund.tM yar&1 •-ow 01JTL1N• -tbtut OI the HarTOW&. At .n;1ot tM 1e8t dwtt.n Tht ~td lato ~ d... ot Ultaa tlftl.. Wt IOWMI u 1rt oft U11 roulh jeap tracll arrow ~Ulotd lit -..u rodu b1cli tolJow1 th• tlectric ~.. about two tMt loq. 1'11• lf'OW'CI tor lnaptcUoa worll Ud t. k.nOw Md bdn e...,... tor It._ n. ' ~ .. the "pol• road... "tall" ... ~tn ~t Uwi pofat ltfttfbt .. • ~· It r.n tn & .,.. rouad Ud ltluaL It polai.cl tOUtheult!rt1 dlneUOft &C"* t.n du• tut l>y tM com~ towt.nt &UuV\al tu fOrmltd by \Aa 1ntlt• aarn,1 lprlq &ad the dun• "'' fln70ft MOW!ita~ and "9h eurrowtdtnr 9Mtelft'• DI')' IAk• Crull Ranp to th• wut. ni. at OcoUJJo. City Policy ·Statement OMt~ ,.radl.H 19 ltnowrl ... "th• On• of U.. Jo19 of JMptaa caclu patch." wtth th• )IUI• 1nd aplortnr ii tM reoou~ b&rral".eacU, Ole bM....UU, tht UOQ In )'O'lr Dilnd ol eJUtv lll· j\llnplnr choU&. munuarta, and di.aft babltatiou, or etber aawi- otl'l1r1. ttVtnr Ur a hippy coM• al phtOnMenon. rt 1harpt:no YoUt MUQ,ll)' varytn1 In 11&1. a11. and powen ot obaervaUon a.nd chal· dlfreN or hH.lth and de.•th. ltnrea you to make lor1c•I dt· Th• •latal)I· CK'ollllo l.nd. iron-ducUon1. You may be. wron1. wood Lr"' wllh the ev1rpre1eJ1l but when corref!t 80lutlon 11 cat.aclaw 1•Ye deptb to thl• torUlcomlnr It mt1na more to 1p/n)I ton1t. you. a11.d your rueN may ht\ u TbLI •l.&tement ot explanation and policy wu publicly cilatributed at the Newport Beach City Coun- cil meet.in& Monda)(. M a matter of public lntere1t, the News-Press pubU..hea the 1l&tcment in ill entii-. ety. Here it ie: The folloW'lnc 11L1 temeat I• mad• to darl(y \tie poll.lion ol tht City Countll and to encour· agt public underttand:nc or City policy In relaUOfl to Uw lo- ca tion ot bualneu and industr)' In the City ot N1wport &1.ch, 1.nd lbe related matttn; ot ILJI• ntxaUon and bualntM Uctrae taxation. 'th.• City Couno·il 19 \'llally concerned With th• nN-d tor 10und phytelal p!anrllng for thl! Clty'1 lnr-tltabl1=. rro-..·th. t nd WIUI the ""ulllnl nl'fll for dt- Y•lopmant of a 111•tll·ba!ancrd f'COnomy and Ll.x b.fl.9e fapable ot tupport1n1 I. prnper }l!Yl!I of City •rvlc.• lo an exi>-ndlng c:ommunJty. The C'..011ncll d"9lrt'll to tac• ~, .. n"•d11 ual11t1cally. 1nd wlthoul aacrttlc1n;;-1 1n~•· .ona.bJy lht C~lr11hP.\J Cl\Art.Cter- llt.IC• of our City. A«.ordlncly, Ul• Cou ncil. wlUI th• concurrence and 11upport ot tht City Pltnnln1 Comnil.ulon. hu takt n th.t PG*ltion lh.•l Ult CHy 1hould plan tor an encO\lr· •r-the d1velopmr•1 "'nd locallon of apprcprlate commtrcla.I and lndu1tn.1 rnterp.U.1 wlthln lh• CHy. It 11 our bell1f that "ap- propriate" 1nt1r,rtM1 lncludt tl'lt t,ype of llrht, clu.n, high· 1kUl m1J1ttfacturln1 a.nd cum. m•rcial ttta.bllthmenll now lo- c1.t~ within the Chy. 1.1 well ... tl'IOM, I UCh a1 Ill• Htllpot Cot• poral\on, plannJn1 1nnexaUon to lh.1 CH.r. St•pa AN' baln1 taktn. In co- op.r1.lMlft wl\b th" owntr1 ol un· estv•loptd land 1n the unlnoor-· par.tad area northwe11Arl1 Of tht pr1•1nt City. lo •lfect 11'1· n•ullon ot euch l•nd and, lo prt-plan lta uw to w rve mutual· ly lh.t 1n;cre1t1 or th• dwner1, fulure drv•lopcrti. ind th• City. The Planolnf Co~IMIOl'I hM undertake.n •tudy ot aGnJn& clualtlc1t1on1 &ad conlrol1 whlch log1cally can a pply IJter anMX· auon ot Ult territory. J>ultllo hf'1rlng1 on the aultj«t h&vt bttn htld and other11 llN! a nti• cipattd. Th• 011)"1 6ltJaetJve 19 to a.111U"e u..,t lhi• ar..., wtua tu nne pollntl1.I for controlled d .. velopment of commt11ca.I a.nil llfbt nwiutactu~ 1aterprtM, btoomH & part O( ll\e City. 'l"h.t City needJI the 1ru. to b~lp We kept w1tchln1 to lh.e wut fOOd " I.he nu.t ruY• or even ar:l'ileve 1Mlnn1 phy~1at plsnnlnJ tor a falltlniblt waAh to aJICflnd th~ "r'ICperll.~ and to help lllpPOrt lo(ICll t.nd to th• root ot rock)' hlll1 tn th• Hire t• how I reooulruct th• lnevttabl• r rowlh: th• d•velopare d~tanc-. Th• pol• road n.n 11Ctn•. n. ... ara the rock ctrcltt ot th• area n~. tht Ct\)' u tM throuth or o"r •v•ry otllttacl•. of th• t•mponry bnl&h IUM• aource or municipal Mrvklu-Al w1 approu:btd a horb&ck or lht "rtl1htmad paopla." Ei• th•Y re.qui~. ILlld ... an environ· wh•r"t It w•nt 1ttaply up and thtr th• local tndllae Wllf'I dr1Y• menl Into whlcb re1pon1lltl• pr1· ovt:r, Karl remarltad, ''Tlltre en from th• Bornro V&lla)I vat.a 1nttrprila Uk11 to m~. al'louLd ba .om• ot UIOM Indian by lnY1der1, or lMJ ,...,.. 1 A.I ptannlq for J1'0wtl\ ot Ult ClrcJ .. Gn lh.ll hOfba~~·"' mllflllnf paopJ• baflt Oii ln't ... Clt)''• buld.n... communlt hu n... .., • callad myet&110U1 •Ion, Ttl1M klah Aaltan ..,.,.. pl"Ofl"IHI!, alt.anUon hu)' bMtl rock elrcltL" dot m1ny ol Ult t1mporary tor wom• Ud cWI· g1vtn at.o to th• much nMdld hill# and hoettaeka on th• north· dr•n. Non• w.re tarr• et10Ufll N!rialon or f.M charr.ci to v1.r-111t 1lopt• of lll1 nan Cr-Mk for owr one pareon or two e.t KJua bu.tln"4, lhroqb °'' mltd urn and Pln)'On Mountalna. Local rel• U.1 rn0tt. of tha City'& bul1nea• Uc•nae ta.x ldent1 h1v1 lon1 thou1bt lht)' WATCH SH&MY TM Council Dlaed ' reprtMnt 80mt typa of rallfiOuo .on Ult Lop of Ult hlllt and tonner '" :=ure w'::t 0: certmon!. ln lndtan lore. w1'11n horbacka I.ht)' eould watcb tM m~~ 1.nd poaalbly lnaqult&blt you cul •x:ploln IOfl'ltlhtn1. you appro.ch ot aa eritm1. No nree . ll• p 11 u A _.., 1ttach etramon.L&I 1tr111nauc1 ..,.r• lit to stn • ...,. lMlr in a p ca on. c:co1-.u1'11'I)', to It. pr•Nnct. Tht)' '"" lnvt:llll'll -..·Jth Chl.mblr of Commerce .up-a ITONE RINOI Uiht for no lmplame.ll wert port, th• Counetl un<Wrtook • rti· At wt lOPJM'd lht ho1back, found. Vaodalt UYe du1 ta tomt vt•lon of till 1ti:uctun and am-ttiera Waf't three Ol lh.i rlnl• of I.ht clrr. ... ltut hl.vt """• ploy'fd Ult weUrknown !!On.ult· ot •ton• tn .,ht J111t a trw up lh• Mlrch, tor onl7 blcrr Int nrm of I . 1.. Jacobi a.nd tMt from th• jeap. AU tboUJhtll •nd Ill tbart, Tb. WMU.1.t w• Company to •xamlaa. lht tUbJkt ot Ht.rpff'a J'l&ta l•ft my mlad. tlUl•r bot or eold &ad . UH1 and 1Ubmlt ~ommtndt.Uona. I wentad to upJore m~ hot· nMded lb.. n1""7 aMlttn 'th• J&e0bl report WO• recalvtd ch and IOolt tor rock r1AtS-a1all\lt tM alamenta., \a l• Ja May. ud, aft.tr 1tucl1 111d Up th• n•net wuti •• W9ht Tit.• tton• ll'T'OW pve me en· mod.lfteaUon l>y lhot Oouactl. lowt.nl lb• )Ow bllll and llof· otbll' clut. A.tttr 1. tw da)ll rormad Uw Mata tor rn\Md backa ataftl' u.. llloWdtr ttnwn th'7 MOWd eutwt.rd. lome of llceue t ... .u.ct.lve JUiy lit. llopfle Ol tu MOWlt&iAI. W'btft tlll ptirt1 WU mlNl.111 &ad whtn TM olljec~ve of tM Counell our Prosr-& wu hl.ltad, t cUmi.o IMy r.iumed to tb' d!Hl'ted hu been to t.ocornpllab • com-ad th• a...,..l hill. lur• 1noul1'. kllh aliet tbe a rro• would dlrl<ll PM"h.en.tn, Up-lo-date, lqul\,abl• thtn nra 1 doun .rocJr . rtn1111 th•m In th• dll'lctJo. U!i• paopl• but ine•• 11oenaia ta.It lltNCturt. In &11bt. UI• finest Fd Men; dtpal'ted. It wo1 Mad• dur\111 Thtre haA Mta no lat•nUon to aom1 ftH fffl or mora la dll• or 1.tttr dtpal'tur1, athenn.t If dltcriminat• •(aln..t Hrment.a.of l'lltter. 0Ul1ra amalltr and atlll would haYt bten kicked a round. the bulll'M'• eommunlty, to oth•rl oblonf &Ad Cl\lfle t&rft. loeatact 11 tt w.. 'mldat lh• creatt ntw llltquJU•, or to 1Ji . Tll1 otftlan W•N p&cktd wtth rocil Clrt;ltd Jdlh tit ... T!ft pao· \'oke unr-..on&bk reatrtctlorw cia blOW' Nnd tndlcatl~ th.at lhty plJ ntwr retumad or tht &rrOYt lht dtvelopmut of new bUJIMll mu1t havt bffn llltc&Y'&llonl. Would ha vt Mtn dutroyad. In the City. To m• lhty 1ppurN u kl•h Somewhere and tom•Umt I Tht pN!u ur• ot Um• av&1t1.bl1 t lte1, lh• partially wbt.rrane&n tblnk. ei lh.ar a moN r«ant cir· lo &ccompll•h rtvl1lon af Ucen1f dwelllnr ot tht deMrt Indlan1. elf wUI bt found wtth bni1h ta.x ltl11latlon bttor. tht 11.1rt 8m•li Gn• tor lht cblldNn and debrll tn It. or 10m• Jndlan wlll of tbe nacal y1ar aece.ulta.tad larr•r O..ta for Ult edulta. llUt llll bow Ille pao,1, one. con· prompt aoUon by th• City coun· 'Why w•n lhty on top ot lht 1tructtd temporary ahtlt1r8 of ell. Prell,.lnary l"t'l ultt of th• ho1back• and hllll u.poeed to bn1.1h will'! a rtn1 of roe.kl to COunc\l'1 acuon tndlcat• ftntr.I tht wtnd and 11t menta t Wlly hold Ule brn1h In platt. acceptanr:t by bu11inetamen or w•rert'l lh• lal'J'• cavtt In Ula It m1.1t .. a fOOd yara and lhe new ftt 1tructun . lf any n ... rby ltouldlt'e uu1i.ec11 Wll7 1t.arta on1 Lo Ullnlllot:. Who 1pacial or unlotMen probltm.t wa1 lh•r• no vUJar1 d•bria. lutow1, m&yba U.. A.ftM p&rl)' Cl•vtlop lll Ill t ppllcaUon, Ole Charcoal, bro,lct• rna.not, potl,'ry fr1rflt4ntd them. City Oounoli and It. ata.ff, lrt ,..dy and w1illlll' to couhkr any luch probltnu on lh.elr m•r1tL • Tiit CH)' neatt. bualneu. and bualnffa nMdli UI• City. BllllrlNll MMfllJi when tM public lnlt!r.l I.ti Wtll-Hf'"r'ld. It le U.. C1t7 CouocU'1 dHlr. to ooopH'&\.t wtlh Ole b\uta .. eomntWllt7·11 bulkUnl lntallt,.nUy for Uw future. AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY 0 , MaoAllT8Ull SACR.A}.JENTO, (CNS) -Recent dec:illoD.1 of tht 1t1te supreme court on the matter ol aearcb and eaisuN not only have local law enforcement orncen wondertnr .ju1t hoW fir they ca.n ro. but also. the Calltornl1. HJ&bwa)' Patrol, It wu lea.tbea here. 8ernard ll. Caldwell. hl1hwa.1 aro.e OY9" lbt lildlcatlon bi pab'ol commt..Wn•r hM dl.clu>lt .om• ,.ri. of lh• atat• thlt wlUI lh• attorn•y ,.n .. ral._ of• toad..tilOC!b W11r1 to ba t.hnWI flct, 1nfornuilly. a t llMt, accord· I.Ip UWi week to .-re.ft out 1111\os• Inf to otflclale 1n the blfh••1 lcatacl lndlrid,._lll OV9' Ult M.mo- palrol ottlct, lo dftarmine IOmit rial [)&y holida.y. of thl lechnicll le1•l1tl .. ro•-"nle Patrol Mia I.UM no ernt11.1 ll'l1 h1ltln1 of 1utomo-•tat.-wld.e ordtn for INeh ro&do nlle•. bloc.U. •ff1Cflre .. 14, but &u 1a- P1ttol otncere .. Id lh1y ar• •tl'\li~te<I captain.I ln vati°"' ....... t'llrly ~t&1n th• motor vthlcl• Uont ot Ule et.at• to u.amtM ---_ .. & .... c:odt stvea lh1m aulhorll)' to car.1 If thay Mil...-• It ia aac~ llYll'rDIOUI llOOK "~"by the Ml"ly atop •ny motoi11t, a.nd r1qua:1t Pr)'. . deeert Indian, they dot t.ht hilla and hQlbuka In ,l,o aff hla driver'• l\CMH, partl-Howtv111r. loc:a.I aulhot1U.• plan muy pt.rt. ol ao~ .... Deeet-:t . -Hota.ce l>ark~r cull.fly whe:n tht:Y liave nuon· rotd·block1 In eom• ftlmml,LllJ• ··--~·\". able 1round1 \0 bf.Hav• lbttt ll U11 In an tffort Lo cwt 1tcwrn, __ P_h_ot.o ______ .~----·-· ----------.-• tom•lh•nr wron1 wtlh tSth« Ult ~k drlYinf, and Uri• •UMU. I' ..,t.omobUe or the driver. Th• •roM •• to wh•Ul1r .ucb. "*4 1:1111.r mlfht b4t 1 1tol1n nhtcle, or block• are 11(&1. • lb• drlY•r ml1ht lit dnuilt. UnquMllonably, tht WI 1 •I\ Farmer McCabe Writes • • Th• vehicle code ~Wl'e1 a.II lhin1 for I clUMn \o WhUI fla,- dr1..,.. 10 c11Ty li99UM, &Ad to ~ down by ara offloar, le UI dt1play U.• 111.m, Of' lht """tit. ~P. fw Utt olftoNt llu U.. pa, ot a h11hway petrol otn•r, • &tld .. r10u. °'?""41U.O. OOWd u.1 011Mr ornctr tnlortlfts t.ht ,..utt ta lhe ..,..t a mot.on.tt -.OUN' T&bl•I• tode. lkf:lded to auert h.11 r11ba lift· How ... r, the ~ M Ult dtr Ult 1Upresn• ~ Mllktia, iWtomoMi. followtl'lf MJU11 ot u ftl! bu any, and. pr'DCel!d upon the ca'!' and ••arnl&allon 0(. the '" .,.._,.. Jk:4M9. te tiflOCAer •uelt.'611,, and OOttaT ft8'r otf'ICltr1 adJftlt Ulet bl U.. 11c'lt J'Of' until au an1i. of UM o1 tti• ttzprlfn• eouo 6-:llklna 4••uoa an •llfl J.a ""'re. u.a tMy &N Oii IOll'ltwhat t.hl.n •w wUI v.ndout"9dl,7 ....._ It voundt lA _.... U\nqll a cu. bl lh.• rtaht \0 Diii' .,... e. ~P.: tiOAi>-BLOCllS §telrlM. &NI, et te·• n•mlu ~• l!tlr'!.l•tml """ tht mtttlf Jilt dft•eT'• ltoen• . • lloalt fanoll ~In .,_ry ahoppfn& -that llore too loac Vn. ao-..tto ca.n Jiit 11t In btt car &Ad pull> ...,._ tor tho l\Utt oho nnll u thly'ro tlaallod oo a bis TV .......,_ Wbea that umo - lly Dopta, I'll probablJ sit In tbe habit ot llldn1 -ot t.b9l fllll -Dinner Pillo followed by a opecllJ o..trt PIU followed by a handful ot C.C.C.'1 , •• what la t.bt dnU do you. '•poee we're haded fer &D,1bow. . ..Farmet-M...Cabe (all rtrflt.. MtMrnd I ., l • I . • .. OUDDATU-Jack W. Al·· lanMh. .on ot Mr. and Mr•. """· Allanacll wi...· & lt~l It~ ColJta MrM, WU In 'r.f pduaUnc clau at C1are- lll0nl Men'• Col.1•1•. June 8. H • Neti¥ed a M chelor'• de- ~" In lnt1malionaJ 1ffa1 .... M a mamMr ot lha ROTC, h• ai.o -. (l.ven 1111 com• mt.anon u a MCOnd lltouten- ant ln the U . 8 . A MII)' ArtU· let)'. Atanach ..., .. a l"l 1radua~ or New~t Harbor Hllh SLhool. ... U.. tfflt.r' Un. of ORA--. A l u..c. rt J I)' alof\I' -.Mt ~ ._ ol> •8tata HJSbway Oft.A-Mo.A ... &Jons thrt tt11Wr Ila& tk1 ltai. fllc1lway ORA.eo. B to -Lnt.a.ct.io11 With UM -..theamr11 proJonpUon or 'Che -diine-uiie b • t w ••a ltaUou 11---S and IT. M del· mw •• 0w MUrt decttt e•tab- w.ci. by luperior Court Cut Ho. -'ICM.u or thrt l upt'l'tor Court ill ~ tor thrt County of Oranl'•· 8\.at.t or c.Jl!ornla; then c e northwutnly akmt ·.-aid toutb- u.t..rly prolonraUon to a point al lntt:necUoa wllh tht north•r- ly line or 11.ld St.ate lll1hway ORA·OO·B •kl paint belftC' ln the boundary llnf of the City ot N,eWport. Beach; UW:nce conUn~ l"I' l'•aerally nort.hnlterly alon1 Mid City Boundary line thf'OUl'll it.a vaHoua oour1t11 to • potnt of lnlt:r•ect1on wltb the nortbwnl 1rly llne of Block 66 u •hpwn upon a map or lrvlnt '• 8Ub- dlv1alon recort:led in M.1-«llan- eoua Rftoni Mapa, Book I. P•(11 II, Ricord& of or\nge CoUJ1ty, Ca1llontl&; tbence contlnuln1 nortMuterly a.Ions said City Bound1.Ty lint to an anrlf' potnt In aald bouadary line. said 1nrlt point beln1 the mo1t u.alerly corner ot the South one-qua rter -------~-----1 I"' I of Block 61 ot Nld lrv1ne'a Early Leaders of Jr. Ancling 'Tourney Listed Leader• of the Juntor Touma.. m•nt of the Balbom An,un1 Ctub 1.1 of June 2:S, weM! u • foi- Jo••"•· )f<Mit \'&Tletl,.a, lf., Dennie Car- ~ntrr : aeeond h11h. 11, J im N<tl· 90n: high 1111. 10, Jun Van Danit 1..a q~e1l .. ·hlW St-a Bau. 1 lb., U ou .. Brook• Blair. Jack Mackert!, 3 llH., lJ ou., Jean Van Dame. Yellow Fin Croaker, l t OL, Danny Chrlttot!er.en. Bpot ll'tn Croabr, l:S 01., Douri.1 Horw. H1lllbul, " Iba., " o•.. Van Dame. Paclnc Macke,..1, I IM. f. oL, Waller Pattroff. Bata, :S IN.., l J Oil., Drmna Cariwnter. An)' an1l1r1 11 )'tan of a11 or under may tnltr lhl1 tounwy a nd can rert1ter a t any tackk 1lort or the Bal'r>Oa An1lln1 club. Zar, AfC)han , Tops In All·ll'ffd Sh9w An apr1eot -color.d Afth&n hound, awned by Kay S n11ch or Corona del Mal', trlumphe4 over 2000 canine competltora to take bonon 8u11d&,7 u B•t Dof lA Show al the 21at a nn11&1 tl•r· bor C1tJ11 Kennel Club •ll·breed do1 1haw 111 Lof!J Beach.• The black-ma.tked wUu\tr WN Cro'Wll Creat Zanionll who 111 April won 1lmllar honon at a dol' 1how In Freano. PT•antatlon ot th• •liver ('Up ... mad11 to the doir'1 owner by P'orm1r am- buaador to Lultfmbours, Mr1. Pirie MMt.a.. Subdlvl•lon: thence cont!nulnr 11nen.lly northweeterly along aald City Boundary line through Ii.. v&rlou. cO\lrte• to an &nJl'I• point In said boundary hne, aa1d !UICI• pol11t being th• point of Lnte1'99Ction of tM l0ulh~e1terly liAe of Mf'aa Dri1•e and the aouthe .. terl)" Une or Tu1Un A....._. nu•; thencl! gt11trally 110ulhwe1l· erly along aald Clly boundary 11.ot to an e.1111• polnl In aald 0.ty Boundary tin.-... id ankl• P<J'nt brlnt illf' !nt.,r•«llon of ~ eoutht-11lerly Hn.-or lrv!nt A vtnu.: ant.I tl'I• wuthwe.1te rly ll ne or Sl1tt~nth Strtt"I; tbtnre n.orthwe•ltrly alone th.t 1&ld IO\llhwellerly b.nt of Stxteenlh Street and 11on1 1&id City Boun- dary line to • point -0! lnte.-.tC· lion w1lh the eouthea1terly Une ol Tuatln Avenue. lh.-nce .outh• we1terly a lonr aatd AOutheuter- 1)' Une and aloni 1&1d Cily Boun- dary Un• to a point ot !nterlt'C:- llon with thl! center line of Jl'lf- tffnth Street; thence north·,1:e1l· trly alon1 1&ld center li ne ot nrttenlh Street i nt.I a lonr 11ld City Boundary line to an lnter- Mc:lion with th• aoutheatttrly 11111 of Suptrlor Avenu1 the.nee .outhwe•terly alon1 •aid .011th- u.aterly lint of Superior Avenu11 to the moet WMlerly corner of t.ir.:t certain parrel of lend rt-•nted to t he Cit)' ut NeWporll ~ach L\• •l.-f'd d•t"<i J1.nuary 122, 1919' •n•I r.-ccordeJ In Book !!O, P•~e 22. ot Dttd1. Record• (If ,..Id 011nit County. thence cont1nu1111: g.~ri­ er1lly AOUtherl)" alonr ~11ld (~llY Bound11y Uiie lhrough it• \'Ir\· ou1 cou11e• to an 1n1l11 point In l&ld City Bowidary UM. "'Id an1i. potnl bt1ftl' the point or lntcrllf"CUon of tM north\lo·e1lerly Un.-or State Hich .... ·11 ORA-43·A 1nd th11 n'ortherlr li ne of State Hl1h ... ·1y ORA·IO·A, thenc e u.aterly along the ., .. 1i.r1y pro- lonl'allon of 1&1d northtrly line to • point of lntl'rkCli-On "·It h UM center line ot aaul, Stalf' Kl1hway ORA·43-A; thence aoulhtrly 1.lon1 aald center line to U\fl potnt of bertnn~I· • Zar, .. U\e dol Ui r!Ulad in- formally, qualllltd for compeU- tlon ln the bfft·doS·ln-Mow Judr- inf by wlnntnr Hit In lhe hound .,..,, S.ltCTION 2: Thi1 ordinance lh&H be publ!ahed at le••l once ln lhe Ntwporl Harbor New•· -------------IP""', a ftfW•paP"r or l'eneral clrculaUorl, prtnted and publi•h· eel and circulated ln the City of -------------I N11wport 8"1.ch. and t.M N .me DEA TH NOTICE AODElllOK lCMJ K.ENZIS l\oderick MacKtnd•, to. ol ll)4t a&nta An& A ... ., CU.~ M... ttted Sunday a t Ora1111 Oow\t,y O.eral HOlplt&I at\et" a brW._ ~ lie •u & na.U•1 ot ~ Md "'iia ll'nd In Co.\& x-t.-1 J MN. In Loi AJlt'tit111 ao ~ it• we.I & 111.m• ol a Muortloc lod .. aAd,, Nf• M •\U'TIW>n. lhn1oM ...... held l"•Y at BaJ\I co.ta• Me• cK'a,.U wtlh tha "'"· ,... .. -.. 11--n. paa- \M f( IL Aad.....,.1 ~n1an Ch....a.. ottlclathi1. Jnwament wUI M In Ha~ fl.'-M-.nofta.I hit. . . IUl'Lac!e rootH rMdotlmdren1, auku and camelllu Ilk• mulch of Ollk lt&t mold to prolMll Ulem ~ hot .ummer day1. t.1iAL 'NOTICI o&9L'l(AN(ll: NO. 1U WKPS•I. lM Oty '~r el uw O ty or Newport BeM:h pt'O'ridn tllat when any tttri- lOl'1' i. anair:ud to UM Cl)' of N.wport BMctl. the City Council llW1. by ~~. add UMt terrttory.lo ~ a41J&ttnt dl.strtct or dl.lt.rtcu: and WKEl\EAS, a e.rtain terri- tory referred to u "Hartlor H.icblandl A.nan'' bu bn.n a.t1 - 1Mmd to lh• Qty of N'~ BMcb: al\d WHEREAS. tbt l11n1lory re· t._l"Nd to u .. Hartlor Hlf"land1 Anau" Ui actjannt to the l'ourt.h DlM.rict: N'OW TRER...ol\I:, U.. Oly Cll>uncll o< lht Cl)' of N.-port 8eacb doe. ontaln u tollow1: SECT'lON l : That the terrt- tory retftftd to aa "Harltor Rtahlandl Ann••" bl added lD tb• P'o\Wt.11 °'ttrld, N4 tbal,,\M r 0 u r t h Dl.ltr1et o.i.rna~ In &.c:UCNI IOOI ot u. CMrter of the Ot7 ot N-.oft ~ .a.6.u Include an u.at )IOC"UOm ot U.. City included within the fol- ktw'1111 tlt"9<'t1bt-d bountblr)" !In.-, to wit lk1a.nn1n.r at lht lnl~rMeUon tll tlM MfttV 1lDI el Oft.A...a-A • •hall be ln full torc1 a nd &!feet 30 da)'ll at'Ur thl• p&aMJf. The &bovf' and to_rel'Of:J\I' 01d- 1na.nce ... introduced at a rt· l(Uiar tanUnl' or the Qty Coun· di of lhe O.lJ' of Newport Beach hekt on tht 11 day ot June. 196' •nd w.. l'lna.lly ~ a.t1d MloptH • tM a 4-1 oi Ju11to JIM. -u.. ~ vo\41, Mi wll: 4Tl:I. COUJtfCU MEN: Ba.rt.' WILder, M&clUY. ltocldi&H. w,w, JUddiJrbOI, HW NOD, COUNCD..XEN: Mont A 8 I C'M 'r c.'0\11'1C'tuo:N N..,. ;. TI'E8T: M&rJ"ery fk.hntudtr No. 111 City Cln'k • Dora O. BW Mayor New~ Preu I \T N O&DINAJllOS NO, 181 A.N O•DINl.NO& OF THE VITI' OP l"i'SWPOBT BEACH APPXOY.INO THE AN.SEX• ATION m 'lllZ CITY or XE"'POAT a&ACll OJI' CE~ TAIN Ull'l1•fKAIUT&LI TE&- Rrl'Oltf ()O.N'l10VO•'!!i TO THE oarr o•· .NE\\'t'OKT t11CA.f.1t AlfD KSU\\'S All 111'11 8 TRE.l:'I' A.~!li'E..'(. WKJ!RE~. pur•uant to tbt provU!ion of a..n aet ot the Ltrt• latur1 ol. th• State at Cali/orrua. kllOWll aa the "Annexation or Untnhabl\.ed Territory Act of 1919'', the Clly or Newport ~h lnfiltuttd proceedln(I for the anneutlon of certain unin- habited territory CQflt!poue to the City ot Newport Bach and de.ip;nated a1 .. 11th Strttt An· nrl'l", a.nd which I• hertU1&fl er n1ore • particularly de1erlbed; 1nd, WHEREAS, Ole City Council of the City or Newport Beach by relOIUUon No. ''16 •t Mon· day. tht Jlth day ot June, 1961, at lht hour -or T:30 p.m. at the Ctty' Council Clll.mber1, Ctty Hall.· 3300 N1wport Boulevard, Ne ... •port Beach, Callfomla, 1 u the time and pl•~ thlt 1&ld City Counrll would hear prott•t• to the propoRd annrxatlon "'' 111.!d le-rrttory to lhe Ctty of Nt ... •port Beach by 1ny penon o .... ·n1n1 r.-al property within lhf' aald terrilory; and, WHIE REAS, at th• Ume •tt for the htar1n1 or the protest• •• 1et forth by aald re.olullon. no written or oral protfftl we.-. made by the owntr• of one-hill at tht value of the terr1tory pro- poaed to bt: a nnexed .. prtl<'rib- l!d In tht annexation of Uninhab- ited Territory Act or 1919; and. , \VHEREAS, ll 1ppee.r1 that lht Ml'll'-ry proeftdln&'I Alll• lnr to annexation havt been con- d ucted 1tt1ctly In 1ccordanc1 wlth the Jaw. NO\V, T HEREFORE, the City Council of U.e C\ly or Newport Bot1ch dotl ordain .. follow1: 81tCTION l : Th1t Ua annex- ation to the City or Newport Bff•h. California. or that ttr- tal11 unlnhabl\.ed territory con- u cuoua to Mid city, knowa u "11th StrHt AnneK" 11 hereby approT9d, i nd that the aame I• tlereby ordalMd to bt: anrur:xed to a.nd made a part of tti• Oty of Newport Beach. Ca.Ulomia.. Thal a id tf'rritory 11 partJcular- )f ducribed 11. Ht /ortJI IQ the de.::rlptlon thereof. marked 1!11- hlbit "A", att.ctt.d hr"'to and by nltrencl! made a part hertot. "ll'TH 8TK£ET ASSEX" votlBJ'JI "A" Bot1lnn1nr at 1 pol,nt ln the boundary llnt or lh• City of Newport Be1ch, II.Id p()lnt being 'the northWt•l comer at Lot 101:1. u llhown upon • Map o! the Flr•t Ad· d lUon to· Newport Me1a re- e or d • d In M.i11Cellanf'0111 Map, Book I , Page I I. Re- eordl of Oranae County, California ; thence north to the touthweet carrier ot Lot 1012 a1 •hOWll upon a Map of Newport MtM Tract A"· e D 'r de d In Ml101Uan10U1 Map Book 5, Pa1e 1. rt· conU of aald O ranr e County; lhtnce north a lo"I the "''e•t line of Loll 1012, IOJ l, 1010. a nd 1009 to the northwtlt eomer of aald Lot ... . ' , LIGAL· NOTICI NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-l'RESs-l'ART 11 • PA6Et WEDNESDAY, JUNE J7, 1'56 • ,IOOI; U..C. ~ to tM ~ ........ ., Lf" tOOI u ...._ _,,_ sakl d6_..... waa IAt:reduoM a t • ""*9' ...uq el U.. Oty Ooudl Ol U.. CllJ Ol Ktwp0rt llHm-blld OD \bit llUI daJ ot AIM. 1 ...... ,.,.. fl.u."7 ,.... ec1 and ~ os. u.. :11 day or ~UN. 1161, by 1Jw fOUowil\I' VO\e, t.o-wtt: ~ llhall ., Cllllftl'llM4 w&Ua&A\,::::::::::: .... ::.;o;:::::::::.::;:::::::::::;::::::; ~,... ... ~ .... " .. ..._ """' r:.~~·=, ud J001 tC' .W Map al N~--...---... TrKt \e U. aOru.w.t C:ot'Mr of Mkt Lot JeoT; U...' ... &klnC lbe norUl UM ot al4 Lot 1001 A TU. OOUNCIUCEN: Hart, Wll6tr, ~Kay, Stoddard, Hir- bk, Rleld«rhot, HW "EXc:sr:n.Olt; Vpoo applic.- U. \o Ulit Ot.t OMtadl. u-Q\y Cowt.dt mq wttt.l• ltl dlac~ Uon put y iilU!eptton _to tu a!of'M&ld p;olllllrW-. prorided ttat lht ~ addre-. 1111.em or lllmUar 1 m«buUcal ,oontrl• vanct1 or apparalwi aa hereto- tn.-. l'GMlllocW4 ll oonftned to a rtuct Nta.bllllMd place ot bual rie .. within th9 City ot Newport DELIVERY • GUARANlEjD · Ddlvety of the Newport --~ Ir suarantoed. Carrier boya ..W"ddlftl' their P"i><"' .. bofono 8 p-l!l. on Mondar, WednNday ud l'!idaY· U your paper la not d.Uvttod by that bollr pi- .call Harbor 1618 and your cartier will ~ your paper. to UM DOrtMut comer Ulitnof'; ~ .ut. to UWt aottll--. ...,,.. ot Lot 907 at --d >i'&J of Newport M.., Tnlet; uwaee Mal to U.. Mf'tMut tio.-.U of Aid Lot to1; lbeftCe north alonl' the •• llrw of Lqr.I 80I ..... 1G6 0, l&ld Nawport . )If,. Tr9ct to \.he northw••t CorftC1' 0( Mid Lot I06 tbeDCI Mn!t to tJll 91111th· w..t. COl'nlr ot Lot 804 or aa.ld K'ewport w.. Trat'I : th11noe eut aJov th• aoutb Unt ol Mid Loft.SO. lo !he 90Ulhd.lt corner uwreor, Nld polat bdftl In the boUndaty II.DI or thl Clt)' 'NOES, OOUNMI.MJ!H: None AB8Drr OOUNCILKEN: Nont ATT'alT: Kara*"Y lchroudlr Ctty Oerk Dora O. HW ...,.., Beach, or tM 'appltcaUon UI I':========================:: rnade by a PDf(protlt ehar1lable j • or eo.ta Mtea: lhenc9 aouth ••ans l&ld boun4ary line or tM Oty or Co.ta w... to lht northaut COrM..t. or Lot tot or Kld' Newport Me•• Tract: 'thtnce wn t a.Ions the DOrt.11 l1De ot Lott IOI and tot of •Id N•wport. Mtaa Tract to tbe aortll.wert cor- ner of Kid Lot. tot: theace eouth alone the weet tin• ot Lote; 909, 910 of ea.Id Newport ,Ma& Tract to the northwwt comer or Lot. 91 1 or &aid N.wport Mt:M Tract : thence ... l alona lhe north lint ot aald Lot 91I to Ill• notheut corner tber.-ot: tlW>nce aoulh alol\I' t~ 11ut li111: of Mid Lot 811 to the IOUthe&lt comer thtreof: th.-nce w~t aloni the 110uth Un• of 11.ld Lot 91I to the IQUthWe•t com.el' theA"ol tll<!!n« .auth to tJll llOUtl'I· we•l coraer ot Lot 112 of .. Id Newport M ... Tract; lhence aouth lo the norlh· wut comer of Lot tll of 11ld Ftnt Addltloa lo New- port Meaa Tl'l.ct : th11nce "''"l to the northeoa1t comer ot the atoremenUoned Lot 1011 of a&ld nr1t Addition lo N"lwport M-Tract : thtnt"f': ••lfl UOn1 lhe north lint or Mid Lot 1011 a dl•- t&11~ 'of JtO I-to an lnter· Mellon wltti lht boundary - 11n'• or thl! CHy of Newport Beach; th t n c • eontlnuln1 we1t a lon1 Kid not\h lint or Lot lOIJ a.t1d alon1 .. id bowldary line or Ule City or Newport Beach: thence con- Unuln1 wnt. 1.lon1 aa..\d north ltn• of Lot 1013 and •Ion& mJd bou.nda.ry UM or the Cily o( Newport Beach to the point of bt:Jin.•11\1'. SECTION 2: Tb&t lht boun- datlf'• or Lbe Oly of N_.port Boch. C.lll'onUa. be, and the a&m• &r• hertby a ltered to In- clude the territory dt:ecribed In l:ahlblt "A" att&ehtd Mreto. the anne:qUon oC wblcb 11 approved and ordained hereLll., a nd lncot· pont.tfd. tn the Oty oC Newport Beach. Ca lifornia, SECTION 3: That lhe procMd· lnr• &11d e.nneutlon hereln or- dained are h.a d and taken undtr and punuant to the provlalona ot r.11 acl of t he Lertli•lurt of the State ot Callfomla, dNll'fll.ted and rtfernd lo u the "Annea- allon of Unlnhabtled Territory Act ot 1931". 15£CTION 4· The above ind rore1oin1 ordlna.llOI ah&JI be publ\ahed once In the Newport· K•rbor N ew1 PreN, a new1- paptr or rtneral clrcuJ.aUon, printed and Publlabed and ctr· ""'lalflt tn the O ty of Newport Bt•c", and the aame allall be 111 full force and effect JO day• &ft.er lhll r--re. The above and forerot"I or- No. 110 N.wa PnM 1,127.IM orruy.Uon. lJI which event tl'le dtttrmlnaUOll of , whether the 1ppJ1cant 1a a non·p~t cha rit- able orsaaiaUon .tia.11 be Jett eolely la tM Jud&llineht of lhe ---~-----,-----[aty ~L Such exception. tr NOTICE OP' HEilING rr•11lt4 by Ole C!ly C.OuQC'\I, KO'J'ICll Ia . HEREBY-GIVEN •1'1111 be for a f\ud ptriod or that the heartnl' heretofore .el time." •' for I.he 2:11\h day ol. June, 19~. 8£CTJON J : Tbat thl• ordln- ln CODntttlon with ReaoluU011 anee ll hertby declared by the No. ''13, beln1 a r..olutlon of City Co\µldl to be n~t:-ry a1 Lnt.anUon to 1.nnt11: and J1vln1 an t:m•J'fttlC)' m ... ure tar the noUCI thereof, rtprdinc' "HtU-PrHervaUon ol the pubUc Jl"C•, pot Amr.ex," h .. bffA conUl!ued hta.lth °" aa.tety for Ule follow- ta and will be hMrd on Ju1y Ith, tn1 ......,na: Ttlat certain ••· 1951, at the hour or T:SO o'c:loek t.blllh.ct bµalnuet• within the P.M .. In the Council ChamNr1 of City or Newport Beaeb, which lM City Hall of lht Clty of operate on a -.anal Mel• and Newport Bee.ch, 3300 Wt•l N--the operation ot which 11 of port Boul11vant, Newport Beacn, beMnt to the c:ltuna of New· and the Ume for ftll"I' prott•t• port Beach. W1U be 1u balant1- 11. continued to aald daU and I ll)' injured unlna tht1 ordLn· hour. ance t•kt:• effect lmmed!.ately. Mar1ery l cbrouder SECTION 3: That th11 ord1n- C:lly Clerk, Ctty of anct •hall takt effect lmmtdlate- Ntwport Beach, C&ll.fornia ly upon the puA&e lhtreot and No. 119 .• 11he.ll be pubU1hed one• In the Nl'WI Pru1 l/27;M N9\1:port Harbor Ntwa-Pre .... ntw1paper or 1'•11eral clrculallon C:Ell'I'U'IOA.1'1: OF BUllNDS printed and publl1Md and cir· J'\cUtlou.a 11rm Name culate<I In lhe City of Newport THlt UNDl:RSIGNl:.D dllf:I ~-~h. her11by CertJf'y ll!:at h, 11 con-1'ht above and tor1,1o1n1 ord- ducllnl' a marine maaulact'Jrln1 l11ant'1P w a 1 lntrodu~'td and bu11nu1 at JOl3 Pl1.«nUa, Coeta •i1 uplf'd al a ~irular mttllnK 1'1tM , California, un.dtr the tic-of the City Councll or tne City Utlou1 firm nam• or BEAU· ot N.-wport Beaeh he ld un tht' MONTI MARINE M.ANUP'AC-2~ day of J une, I9!13, by the TURING and th.at N ld firm I• follwolnr vote, to wit: compoMd ot lh• rollowlnf per· A YES. COUNCILMEN: Hart, eone, whoM name& In full and \Vl\der. Mac:Kay, Hl&ble, placu or re.tdtnce i re u fol-Ridderhof. Hill low1, to·w1t: NOES, COUNC!L)(EN: Slodd· C. E. BEAUMONT 1rd 2~1~ Tu1tln I A e S I: NT COUNCILMEN. Cotta Mel&. Call!. ~on• W1TNE8S my hand thll 2~th A'n'EST: Marrf'r)' 8chrou<kr dl y ot June, 19M City Clt>r)( l •I C. £, BEAUMONT Dora 0 . HUI ITAT'lll Or CALIP'ORNIA ) Mayor COUNTY OP' ORANGE ) a1. No, 172 OP' THIS 2~th day or June. i-: ..... , Pre1e I 27 &I A. D. 19~, befor• me, ROBERT fi". Wn..LMES .• Notary Publ1c CEKTll"ICAT'E ()f' lllll!ol NF.JJS In and for th• aatd County and t'lfUtlnu• nnn !'ia,me State, retldln1 theri!ln, duly oom-THIC UNOER810Nl:D do here- ml•lioned and ewom. pe.-.onall)" by certify tha t they I r• conduc- appt1.red c . E. BEAUMONT, Unr • Bookkeeptn1 • Tax known lo m• to be the pt:l"On Service bu1ln... at J\'o. 21 0 Wh°'"' nami la aub«Tibed to tht Kraemtr Bide., 222 IC. Ce nter St .. wllhln 1n1tn.1ment, and 1.e:knowl· Anaheim, Callfornla, und'r the ed&•d lo me that he p;..cuted the •me. IN WJTNUS WH.ERE· OF , l hav1 herwato &et my hand i nd alfl11:ed my offlt!al eeal the d1y a nd yelr In thll CerUclcate t1r1t 1bove wrilttn. /1/ ROBERT r . WILLM'ES My commllalon .. xplru NOYem~r J7, l96tl tlcl!lloua l'tnn n1m1 of ReU•ble AcrounUni ServlcM i nd that Mid tlrm I• compoHd of the fotlowlnr pereotte. whoee namt• end addr•-• art u follow•, to-•11:\l: Yi-a.nk IC. \\'lllon -2007 W P orter Ave., i'UUe rton, C•ILf \Vtlllam J . 0. CourffY -211 S Sha fter St., Oran1e. Calif. No 111 New1·PrU1 l /17, 1/t , 11, II, Vo'\TNESS our band• lhil •51 Twelflh day of 'May, lffe. ORDllll' A..!li"CI: NO. T• The City Council or ttt. City or Newport Beaeh dot• ordain .. tollnw1: .,, SECTION 1: S.CU0:11 dOt en- Utlt:d "P ub lie Addft!'M , Syet.erna" be and Ille aame I• heA"by amended to "'8.d 11 follow1: "S.Ctlon t200. Publle Adareu S)'lleMI. No peNOn 1haU UM .or ptrmlt to be ultd. auy publlc addrt!M 1y1t•Jn1 or almJlar meeh- anlcal contrtvance1 or appan.tu• for the purpoet or broe.dcuUnr no\11t1 or mutlc. or al.her aoundt, In or on the public •lret\.I, nr ln or on public or lll!ft'li-publlc plM:te In tbl city, unlcliil eucll public addrffl 1y•l•1M or alr.illar mec:h&n.lc&I c:ontrtv&.ncff or ap- pant.tu• •• hentofon menUOQ9d,, and Ule tounda enUt t.ld U.."'- /•/ Wllll•m J. De Coureey /1/ Trank I:, Wlleon STATE Of' CALJl'ORNIA I COUNTY OF ORA NGE )II. On M•y 12. ltM. before me. the under•l1ned, a Nota ry Pub· Jlc In and for Mid County and State, per.onally a ppe.a f9d Jrra.ttk .It, Wilton A William J. De C.Our.1ey. known to me to be lhe pereon• wh~ name• art .eubacrlbe'd to the within ln1tru- ment and ackncnv1edred that U'ley n:ecuted the u.me. WITNUS my band and ofti· clal Ma!. (SEAL) /I/ V, M. Mlll•r Notal')' Public In a.nd fir Mid County and State. My Commlulon Explrt• Marcb 5. JMO. No. lk N-1-~ 1/20. 2T, T/t , 11. It~ GREATER, ElllllllGS REMEMBER ... SAVINGS rectlvecl by the 10tt of the mondt ... WN FROM the lit. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Ivery Monday, W,ednesclay llftd Friday COASTAL ~BOPPER -Wednesdays o..a~ hollpl*f' ~ raa ta "e w.u-sq N..-n.-r1w 6 U... 1 lmlertloa $UIO add'L U--15 -. 2 luertlou 3 Insertioaa 4 luertJoa1 L:IO Z.00 z~ 1Mld1. u. .. .%5 ... add'L --15 ... add1. lioet .S6 ... 5'""6du• ,, ... uu Adi wlll ftlC)elve I 5% dllocu.aL CUit. la ........ e&ly ML,,MDM AD l!!I 6 LINU DEADLINES for plactn1 or eat1cdlin1' ada are: For Monday Publleat1on -'J'l'lday I p.m. J'or Wedntlld&y Publlcatlo-1\teldl.y 1 p.m. r or i'rida)" PubUcauon -Thunday 1 p.m. -!'iE\\'PORT"u.AJraoR PUBLlSllINO 00. !!1 l Ba.I~ Blvd., Xe"•port Bea.di, Calltanat., All Olaulifled Ad• m'"t be ji&ld for Oaall I• uv .. c:e of pubUcatl-. The pubUaher• ..-•111 not be rupon.11b!1 for more Ulan one lnoornct ln11rtlon ot an ad. r-rv• ttie rlchl to correcUy clu1lf)' a ny and all adl and to reject I.A)' ad not conformlllr to rulr1 and rqul&Uarw. Classified Index J Card ol Tlta.Dka a 8ped&I AaaOUMlmltlll ' ~~re.I Dlncton 10 B111lmee. Ouid• J l llu1WIDI Material• 1 s Bulldtar !Mn ·lcea l & Pe.MK1u.I• l 5 8ba.re l' our Cw 11 Tra••pertatloa 17 Jtoonar 18 kauty Al41 Ill llealtb A.Jell JS Lo.t aad t'ou•d t• Schoolll, J.n1lrueUo• ti Kltu.tloM Waated !f Help \\'Mtod SO NJacellaneoua IO·A 8waps SG-11 Appllaaciel 11 \\'aated ID Buy 11 hnllture for 8"" l !*A AalM1ut11 IJ lkll.ta. 8uppUH I' Mmlcal. Kaitlo, TV lo\ Dap.. O&ts. .Pell .. J'6Ultl'J' 17 UnatMir It A"t-WMWoil IO Auto. for 8ale '9--A Tlt'M A l'an. 6 I Auto 81!n1C9 41 Tn.lllf'I &S Alrp...._ ,, "'anted i. .... 'I Aft._ A a-for Rt Dl •t.A. Apt._ for Kut \ .,_B He..-for Be.' &l--0 TnUer 8pe.ce " .._. ,_ Rfl•t •t-A. llellt BGIDM &t-Blt.om • ~ 60 Ke•-. Mhc. II Stoll'M • Ot.tlcel 61•A 11'*-a.tall H Buataeal OppertlUlltl• M K-y t• 1-- M 110 .. y \\'-ted f,T ft-1 Eatate ~· .. 1ird 51 Ree.I !"AW• 81'1'\'fee to~ PntJl@rt:J fO.-A 0--r\eal., Wmtttal 11 a-J &.late Jl:Idiaap u ... t:&tai9 Newport Harbor B. P.O. & 1767 MHU •VUJ 'lbUl'ld17 I p.JD. Vt.a Oporto -Ctntral o\YL N1~ Beacb Dick Newman, Eult9d Rular ... MOTI ELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 Boll• Juel loutl:I of Wiil· m1Ut•r Memorla.I Park. 4n Oran1e Cowi.t7 luUWUoa &enina f&mlliM or &D taithe 'I'Wphone (Toll' rr.1 ZJ:nJdl 6Ul No one eYu tunied awq becauee ol 1acli: ol tund8, VENETI A N BLIN D LAUNDRY 1'1:111 1'.'JllW mulWM ptOClUll m • t ti o d.. R.41uona~• priN•. Averap J tape r uldanU&J blin4. Only $1.00 Bltndt repalretl and l"'lbullt. l'r'M Pick up -d daliftl'J' Work don• by appolntmfllll Pl!:one I.Jkrty M101 or Klmbvly l-IUt, ppUc -For a dill'Slf'ble UM4 cu, MC your local d...itt who wlD be .... TOMORROW to 'b&ck up Wt.at bf Mill TODA T ! Chick lhe ueci ca.n ln lhl cl&atin.d MOUm. to-.. ,. = •• - PEI AlllUM CURRENT WNINGS • ' ' -· " ' • -J.-- • . -• :!= -~!!!!~::::=~111!!!:!:!!!!!• r; uez DRAPERIES SE&VJ:L tD'BlGl:llATOa u c , s 1 • JI r r a*' TAn.ut"Gil R.AKGll M1 .. w ........ P.t.6£6-PAATll-NEWPOATHAltlOaNEW>PRESS _~11~~-~l~llo~m~W~aa~lol~=o:J-~ll~~m~1~2·~~'-:,,,.,,,.,,,=,;;• !! ;s•!J:,"1!'"---· 1--• Kf;-;IUtlN1;"1m--Roy's MointeMnee We GOT IT ... ~n~;!!!r!z;i_~,,_,!!;.~1!1~=-~!"~!!!!•!!i:1w'"'~'; .... ~=-Complete Profeulon•I .. Rebuilt & R--a:-.1 ·.it Ii I J I I I 11 t ,I I: I ' REPltODUCTION... n!:=:::::a.. . ...,.. .... Ar. Tired Keepin9 It Slelhed Our Prfcu On it -TSE l!IXXlND GIU!IATl:ll'I' BIJKAN NEED! Xlid ...., ~-or--tiiiiinfiiiiiiin -. th• need tar tut ott!clent roproductlon. lfaJtlor Bluo Print C<>mpony brlnp at Jut a porftrUy oqulpped. aperti, ltaflecl aa4 compu- athoo17 priood ....... to Ne'wport e.aclt.-your reproduotl,. n-from blue priD.. to photo- otata ... ()all ••• HARBOR BLUE PRINT COMPANY • WIDdoW Qeenlnr Upbolotary CP•n'"1 Patloo Color wuad i.u.trouall<sUlta ' REASONABLE Phone Liberty 8-1332 ' ... You Com• & Set It OOMPLETIC BOUS£BOLD l'URNllllllNGS CLOTBING FOR TBE JCNTIRJ: F.uaLY ... UT WBA.T Tim llO'll JmMJD.O" Open Koo., Wed., JJ'ri., ~t. llileo 'ttl D VETERANS INDUSTRIES C-02 "E. ~TB enil SLIP COVERS Nolhllla Down ~ ~: s.le .:.=:. ~ <::,,. Sl.19 • .. ..:-nr.:.. ~ LUCILLlll Dll.U'J:lUEI WMl<l1 • -ma& 4 e -a.n. 11M ---....... --M9 ...U. Mf•·"" ..-. .-_ F ...... _,.. ,.... • ....,._ Utto t!PU... ~ ........ W ...-• ...._ 1---'--'-"""'"""''---==:1 ..... bu .._....,.::r:· IUl .............. a... x. HAND BRAIDED RUGS ~::. ':~ ,,,, • .,! -.,! ..:0 -~.:14 Uoft opttoa.l. Os-• ...,. ....... ' 900111 ............. .. w ' p. .m. .... -... I t llE ~ ...... AU DW mat.ia.11 a..uui.. = -- -u..,. ........ u. &. a.c. Btwd. ~ Jlck. Jll'att 6-7111. true OWd •Wldt.7• tillObte ::r u:..-~ JESSEE ---C-1'. - Hal'bor f331 28t!c GARDENING end CL~N-UP JOBS WANTED LIBERTY 8-b 139 -----~---------1 APPLIANCE CO. ~~--:.:-: 1011 I. lb,la IQ WMI ....... No ~ dOWa " ,_ !& llla11'11.1Ml&w.._ Z& 8CIMIMl.1-trudloa Balbo~orin9 & Summer School 1151 wmmer r·rlon Elementary a: High ScboOI nbjocta. AmericaJI Lec!on Hall, 215 • l~th St., Newport lleoch. July 2nd to Augu<t 10th, ll!M Roura 8 L m. to 12 noon. Regt.tration June 30. Phone or eee, John W. Johnlon, 820 NatcinWI, Corona de! Mar. Har. MM-R 22c35 ..... GARDENING PRUNING, CLEAN UP No job too am&ll. BJ hour. d&J' or moo.th. Ll 1·4080. llpU COLOR.ED WOMAN want.I dt7 work • U•• Jn job1. Kl S.3173. 27p29 "FIX-IT" M«byJcaJ and EloctricaJ. • ll&!nteD&DCI ·Be"1_c9 .ALL WOR.K OU A.R.ANTU:D. llM'bor HM or Miia Rattan, Wrought Iron, Petio Furniture Comple!At oe1eet1on or Wf01llllt Iron J'umituze. Barbec1ul and Brulen, La"" l!w!Dp, Ganen and Beach Umbrallu. BAKllOO DIU. W DRAPES and TROPICAi< l'loor CovwtDp. , llASKEl'S or all k!Ddo 6 Unusual Gitt ltema. Canvas end Aluminum Awnin91. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 1626 S. Main, Santa A.II& KI~ Fr.e Delivery OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 • GUARANTEE:D •• AUTOKA1l!C WASHERS• .U LOW 41 • $69 ThoraBl&c.Utone-ABC Frigtdalre-Apa-De>tter KA.TrA.0-WBlJU.POOL ThMrl u.. tradMlw and ftoor amplM. 'l'bolol.1 noondltion· tld &!Id J1W'Ultffd. Oel1""7 U4 lmtaJJ&Uon. option&l. .._.......,. JESSEE kola .ua u.M. ~ ani, ............ ---------'~=~ 9M B.t.tJQHHI ftJIUfft'UU KZLVllCA.TOI\ 11 eu. n.. ntrls· FACTORY Wll*IKKJU erator, 11151 ~ J mo.. 1016 &. J'INt a. 8Uta ~ N"' ,suarutM. Tou a'N OM 1-t 411U7. 1Q f~ tblnL B&1anct onl7 P00.00 - euh or, t•nM loW u Jl.U a month. J.ucrs AJ>f'l.Lt.NCS ea., 1m ~r B!Td.. ca.ta .. _ I PC. l'OA.K J\OW ...,. ~ ... l.,..._n. ... 4' pftct llOO. IOJ Korabtc ~ M...., eutte. Bar. NIL Jfdf ROUSErUL ol tundtur.., lft. clude• 10 pl~ UY1AC iooa l"NP• II pl«e ~ roon ITOUp, &rn.plei. bedroom. pou.1 Ollly been •tored. Bal Due GILi) IJll,OI.. Cuti. or pay UM ,.,.. ment. of u .01 .,.r WMlL 1!-Bulldlng Services CUSTOM HOME latte Z9-lhlp Wanted. FOR RENT YOUNO MAN will water l&.-n• APPUANCE CO. 1011 .. K&lll Kl 1·'"8 ......... O'KZEP'IC • HEIUlnT Ou l\&llp. 'M o.luae m~. Lamp " dock With onn. Um•r. An-Chrome rrtd& ln the middle. U.Rd. only S mo. • loob like new, Aleo hU (rlll·broller II: that Utt-up top. Take It tor my contnct bal· ance J111.91. No cub. needed. Ju.t make payment.a of $8.t e mo. h• any Um• d•J or .,., Se. B.A.UOHNI rmt..N1TUJll r A.C T ORT W.A.UJl'Otnl 10115 1:. Flr1t St., Santa ~ M d&lly, Kl T-&t.11' WU Saw., l!la J>rtlls, P o!Llhertr,• or rarden th11 1ummer. Har, all l)'Jlell o.t 8aad.•"' WhMIW i 1e2~w tlc211 "'"' •tc. REAL ES'ATE BROKER WAJU:ROUll!l NOW OPJ:N TO .21k21 at .. 09 S . Main 1n Or&111e. KE ------------ PUB.I.JC DUE TO CON• ---------'--1·6117. S!--BTRUCTION IN OUR W.utz. WASHER le DRYER ·1----------__ A_-An __ t1_9,_ ... ____ _ R 0 U 8 m. MXRCKA.NDIBI! SI W ted to Ba Bulldln1 and llomodelin&' CoacNi. _. pUto. 1'f'M u U· .. i.. Kl l-4076 17cl0 Dft..U'TJMO ll:RVICE , BOYD'S HDWE. MIO W. OOA.ST HIOHWA T l...INrt)' i..IW Nwpt. Bch. 21tlc Beacon Pel'llonnel 100 !1> emp?oyer ...talnecl •""1'1 and BUILDING "CONTRAC?OR, No Fee colltet..S from applicant matw. and e11:pe rlenced dealtw W-lllt Newport. a.ell HAI CROWED UP • Wll NORGll ,.. dr}'•t', UMd only 6 -&ll l Tall Gable Country HA VII BEmN FORCED TO moatha and like MW NORGE WANTl!:D • -Baby crib com· ANTIQUES HOUM e PLANS • Reaidentlal • Commercial Remodelinc J. W. PUTNAM: Har 619-W '1pll PAINl~NG PAPERHANGING slZ1C!! ~!!!!r Bar. 2ll06 or 6817 RedecoratJD1 oau t:or tnt MUm.ate• D"fTlllU.01\ 6 l!XTl:RIOM ~ color ~ Conl· pkt.e deDoraUna ....... L. 8. MeKZNSili · Bal. OSl6 U ao UL C&ll Har. f.7 F'alntlDI .. Pa~ We do tho wwk oarae1- • ,..,. aplli•O" ~. lamnd. .. 'WMtk-puut.Md. r•1m·i. o-. cau .rotiDDte. LI 8-28816 U ~ lltlc CARPENTER Repair Work 100&1 CO(IMCtlOll. Re«nUJ moved t.hlJI attL ContldenUa.I.. H&Tbor 1731-R or wrtte &ii; E-5 NEWS-PU SS 27p2t Dou Your Hom. NMCS ftepalrb:ia w ft.,..ooet1n1 T Boy 17 WANTS WORK Oil boat. C&1I l'ra&ll. ~ ,_.. Lff•e me ... ie at LI l -3212 All Work CJDuutMd 1f.tte __________ 27_P_21 Experienced Gardener LANDSCAPING LADY would like t mployment wtth Rt.•l r..tele broker In Be&cb areu. S1L and Sun. only. N..,, lJct"nte. Phone Klmbtrly T-!7llO 1fler t p. rn. nr 'llll'ril• F'. Woodwerd 414 W . aod CLEAN UPS Liberty 8·11M6 25L!e \'lalnut St .• S•nta Ana. -----------Hp30 CEMENT A SUILDING All l<IDdo FREE ESTil4ATFS Llberty M109 "COMPLETI!: PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGl:NJI: 0 . SAUNDERS IKlO ai.t 8tl'Mt. Newpon BMch Harbor mt Uc AJcobollca Anonymoua wni.. P. o. a. 111 N..._ ..... Cant PboDe; &ncr 4790 ... 1 -~~~~~~~-=- EXPERIENCED B U S B 0 T wante work KI 3--0871 or KI 3-3817. 29p!O UDY dc11rff poalUon u ¥. C. bookk .. ~r or cuhi•r checktt or both. Ext~vt n-ataurant • nlte club upertence. Llberty 11·7287. 2'c31 29-Belp Want.cl Advertising & Sales promot ion aut, WE'R.I: EXP ANDINO. REPAIR WORK 1018~8-~e&~nty~Alds~---I '.;DOllNT BRICK - OUR .ADVERl'181NO AND SALES PROMOTION DEPT. NEEDS A KAN ABOUT 28 \YHO HA.8 IM.A.OINATJON AND DRIVE COU PLED WITH AT LEAST THREE YEARS TECHNICAL COPY WR l T 1 N Q EXPERIENCE OR AD AOENCY BACK· OROUNO. TllilB B.A.ULINa COLD WAVE ct&Uf-UP PUSTER • PLUKBING COMPLETE ,......, ...... ..... $6.llO to $10 Batr Cut 11. SIWnpoo A: ••t 11.ao Gener1I Contractor CLEO rna:·s BllA.trrY SHOP UCllNUID 113fl Churcb BL l'lnt 1treet Eut. THE DUTIES WILL I!'· CLUDE COPY WRITING FOR SA.LES BROCHURES, TECKNICAL BULLETINS, ADV,E.RTISINO COPY AND HOUSE ORGAN. INCLUD· ED Wll..L BE FOLLOW THRV ON PROMOTION' TE C HNIQU1:8, TRADE SHOWS, lUJLINO LISTS A ND MANY NON ROU· TlNE PROJECTS. Nt'W' Work -Jl_.,,,deJ1n1 ot N...-port BJ•d. between 19th J, KILTON McKICNZIE wt JOth. eo.ta ~ tiiz1>or -W 68tfc ~ PAINTING ~-DTIDUOR :AL80 JrUaINll p.&nn'JNQ UCliKlllD -Dfatrl\m) 61enn Johnston 4l.41li. It. N.-port BMCh Call Your Relax-A-Cizor CONSULTANT Demoutf'&Uona, DO obliption Boan.I• WU.OU. -HTatt t-048' or BYatt .,-MM ..... Jlat1M>t' U7C .. ttfc ---~-------TH& PERSON WE SEEK L.ADIJ:8 WHO W18H TO TAD HUST KAVE A CAPACITY CARPENTRY S d• h .... FORCREATIVElD!:AS we IS tviassage AN o THE ·~u.rrY To lllNOR o~ • ~ WORK tn lh• conYeT.lt.nc• of their C A R'"R Y P RO J E C T S ~~ • THROUGH TO COMPLB: HO IOB TOO IM.Al.L .bmla, pie .... call. for appolnt-TION. m~l & 0. ~ • Hubor t.7ta or H&rilor lilt MU• & B&lboa lbd,. Ba.tboa 20Clc POSITION wn.t. INVOLVE ---UU. -----------1 ·<X>MlCUTINO TO SOUTH Supertluo\1,11 Hair P.UAD<N• roR , oR , FURNITURE - Dlotlnctlvaly dMlpecl .... ,..,.._..... • ,.,..,.-.! C. EVERElT SMITH 1'lJ • 2ltll It.. N..,ort a.ch !-· filll dQ9 or ....... ltcJO __ ,.._,,._1 ........ 0...fUI MON THS, THEN PER· ·--MA..NE'NTLY IN T HE HAR· ~~ ~.::: =.:-: B0R AREA. .....-"&; • ., ..... JL .. • ., .. ., _.,-,.au.,.,, Helipot U• 1865 Newport Blvd. eo.ta Mua Liberty 8·7747 WOMAN cooll ana cook'• helper, TUTORING l:Qerle:nced In cooklni Spanl1b H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumlllns .. ...._ .. , SP"Cial, etfedt'N ~ btlJI ftod. Henry'• 2~0 W. Cout w\Ue phimb iii otbtt .ulljK\& lhr}'., Ne'NJ)Ort Beach. 23l!c ........ la'"oe MeW•leef n-.: Badlor .... ai ---Bhod., N..,,ort Bch. -... t!irlntln9, Deeor•ling : Pai-r HanPJI ~· BURKHARDT ~,,..~ QllZQltA.L sun.on. !xpert Remodeling ~ A ... oout.Netloa ,.., ........ be &nUll'ed --w - .Al8o "'1ltun.I ~ • lliUll;J ~ f'W a....,. or 11U-Girls per1or r-*n OD llaturd-.ye el 17M ,..._ Del Mon.. Balboa. 1.fORE THAN I 500 GIRLS Call Kw. JM-J' or.. A.'flitllUc 4·1181 (~ •1m'I) tit "" Mont#tf httc. JlelO wtD etart IO<"al Ttleptlone Olllnpany carter• lhla tnoolh. REAL ESTATE Will You Be One ot Them? CL.A.SB rt>r pfOPUt7 own.en and thc.e •lUdJtnr tor NIW •tat• "11..L PAT A.S TOU I.ZARN. ......... • At OOXMUNITY CHURCH, fill H.Uot:rope:, CDM. .I nltN ...U, ITilTINO .71&17 11 ,It 11. T:-61 p. m. JtplO Frequent pertodia .Jntni&.I& -Openlnp tor -:- T•?ephona OpultoN -•nJT -l:IO c.o 4:IO = GENERAL • • ;ARP91TER REPAIR Fore19n lan9ua9es 121 W•Tblrd ..... .._ PACIFIC 'PELEPHONE MOVll TO MAKm ROOM. t \l l I y autoin&Uc Um. line plete ""lh ma.tlrul. LI 8-854.3. A.La<> OUR DOCKll A.RE wubet -BOTH FOR ONL y 28e2i Nie. variety aut.bentiG a.n.Uquu, LADY (whii. or colONd) to c&l'I LOADED WITH· FURN., A JZM.OQ ! Tenm 10w u ,15_00 oolof9d r \&u, b.-.-. eoPf'e", tor 2 bQJ1, ..... t ud7 ba1UOI .APPL. w.i A.Riil CU'M'INO down, S12.00 morit.h. JAKE'S pewter, l&mpa.. turnltun., from ol eummar. Uve ln or OUL OUJlt PRICES DR.AM'!CLT APPLIANCES, 1137 Harbor st---Fumitun for Sale lnupenalve (1n· tt_. to lM ., 1"'4.t lloul9Wol'tl: and almpl• B d. &ut A l'V'Nt tor Lb• OllUectcn'. .._.. TO FASTER MOVE OL'R Iv ca.ta M'.ua. I HOUSEFUL OF 1'URNITURE. K.ATBRTN A.NN JOHNI cooklllr -Pri-"-room. TV, GOODS --------.'-..--? Owner movtnr Eut.. Muat Mil 77 a&l&ry open. LI &-7Ul0 after SH B.AiroHNs "1R.N1TURJ: BR.A.ND n9W Wttt~wood r&n&t II I f. l Barbor BlTIL, 8anta A..o. • p.m. QIUC FACTORY w·---ous-th bl C.P ·---" lhll wttk. love, Frtgidl..lr., T2tfo _.........,, .,. • r • au ..... ,_t Y&nl.lh· Auto. Wubtr, NOfl't dtter, 101& &. l"lret !It., Santa AM 1nl' lhell, -e.-rythtn1 J>&!d blond• T.v .. dlntni .et, It cof· SECRETARY bookkMptt for private otnc. ln Newport eru.. Mu.t be e&l*bl• ot baadllnr boollkeepift&' duU• UlN pr•· pa.ration of tlnandal etat•· menL iteno typta1 aperllllC• n.ceuuy. HoWI I to I p.m., I day week. Bend pompl.t.a In· ,:, d&i.ly. KI T-6411' down. to 1111.00. No down fet: table, Ttl. Table, end payment. Pay only 12.M per tab~• A: l&mpa, Green plutlc PL.A YER piano BA.LOWIN oom• pletely recondluoned, play• newe N>li.. FtAJl far f&mllJ room. 137& Rlcll&rdloa Tac.IU Anchoraie. U&.r . .i.t21. ttte APRICOTS TrM·rlptened Royal a pricota. 26 lb. lur • I lb. buktt&. Brlnr cont&lnere. ~":".:";;, .. ':": =~ Hillside Orchord CPA. SSO South PLl.nt.er Ave., brttWMD 22nd and 23rd on Tu.a- WhllUer. 27clt t1n Ave.,. COllta. Meu. aoucrroR UPJUORT piano A: bench, JM, Ok..te A Men1tt JU JVICt, 166. Har. 111.,11. 2'c31 K&tund woma.n. m.mMr or Jo. cal ehlll'Cb. Io r oanetary. MomlnP only. 11.00 hr. lnt.ar· 1----------- '"ttns, perm&Mnt work. .All bftMtlta lDdu.d:lD1 lit• IMW'· ~-call ICl 6-1161 or appJ.y a l Harbor Rtirt Kemofi&I Park 11802 Olalft', Cornu tJI. Hanior Blvd. Jlc30 Wu.tad bo19 10 to l' )'Mn or ·~ r'or N~ rout. to be open eooa. APPLY Mr. Park- er, 2111 W11t S..Zboa Bl~­ N'ewport U &XPEIU.ENCED waltr•• pod pay. Will Ila•• bu boy u uet1tant. LI 11-7811:!. :JklO SALESMAN To aell IJ.neoln • Merc\U')'- excellenl c0mm1Mion plan witJI. ruar11J1te.. Nevi-automobUe fumlsM<l, a.Ions with JUOUn• muat b4i wtlllni to work. Po. albUltln o:-celluit for rif!it man, Jtxperlmc. not nec•ury but prefe?Ted. Se• Olck John.an, toO W. Cout Hwy., r.·ewpart Beach. 211c31 Leo's Sho-! !epairin9 JUBT OPENED In Arcad9 1110 N"'JIC!rt Blvd., C. M. SP.llC'l4L tT'M laps with every pair or heel• ,..p&lr.ct "''" Feet Hurt? Try Knapp Shoea I06 W. lat It., Bu.la Ana llmt*iy 2·S01T betor. 10 un. and &tter 1 p. in. nuc MATERNITY CLOTHU, lille ""'· BlM 14 U 1.-6!74' 11c2t Attn: Property Owner! An J'OU nea1octtnc your ••la' ....... , LIXITED OFFER $2~ a.a, dra1a ud a.dju#t wur watar butv. Call your DA.T It m i;;_-,: AUTBORJIZD DL\.l..SJ\ !.ADY w&nte hou..kwper w!UI knowler• ot -ui1. upt JO)!: BECHTOLD hou•kMPlnr tn bt.&uutuI wa-Plumbinr tertront bom.. u.. ln.. ear. 207~ 29ca1 ____ ..., __ • _ ... _,_· --- REAL ESTA.Tl: •-.man exper- lt.ncM t.1'11• a.re&. CLADUC VAN HORN, Rltr. LI l..f.277 2731 W. Caul Hwy. WATCH REPAIR A NEW Servl<:e Added. We will ealJ at ,OW. -w.ne for mmm ..um.at. and wW plcli: trp and O.Unr. ILUIBOR HOS Th• """' Box 211t a ODut. Ocnn& dt.1 Mar •••k ortitn&l prtce wu 1380. MC:Oonal. ,. Oeculonal chair•. alao our lll&e Wblrlpool A utomaUc wuher Bir Deluxe ,. Hollywood bedli, 2 cbHU ol drawtr., 2 dttuers, red din· J>&!d down to l lf.f..11.f. No &Wo ette eet, 2 round mirrors, lawn payment needed Ir you J>9.Y th• ~mmta or 11.t f. pu 11\0'Wer, r•rdt.n tools, ladder. week. IMO taJ<e1 everythtnc. Har See BA UQRN8 P'URNITURJ: 2~1. 29e31 P ADDLEBOARDS 12 tt. tons '311.60 110 Huntlllfton 4ve., Hunlliicton lka.cb LEX M.112 ..... FACTORY WAREHOUSE 101& ll. rtrwt 8t., Santa Ana 11·1 dally. KI 7-MllT COA.fPLETELY R&.BUU.T :-:--~::--:::==~---____ ...:_______ l f. FT. BIRCHCR.Arr wtth Rt.nie and Refrigerator ONLY $219 .00! Brand new TAPPAN tuU 1lu p.11 l'&D.p -..IU. Sl"lddlt.. dlvld· t'd top, ~ out broiler, etc. AND a ffry lat• modtl FRIG- WAIRI: t cu. fl refrigerator -like n.ew -both t or only Ult.oo, 110.00 down, el.m011t new KORGI: O.lu.u. Urn. line automatic wuber for only 11111.00 or "5.00 mo~n pey- menta. JAKE'S .APPLl.ANCES -11!1' Hal't><w. Co.ta M-. J'RZJCZJCR 11MI General E1Pctr1c Tbe BlJ' l tlaii cu. ft. Hold• owr f.40 !be. Paid down to 1221 ... 8. No cuh dOWTI. Pay only 111.24 per month •.heo our 19!141 Philco . R•ter. Big cl"Mll top frea.er eh•t model P&ld down to 1120.f.8. No CUh nMdeod It you poy only U. 71. Per month. SM BAUOHNS J"URNITURE B~ divan, a11 n~ matulal traller. Marth1 7~ b.p. oul· 7 50 Up ~ r.cutUy ~ $4 • 111'5. Own.,-112 kpplatn. TABLE TOP , ... ranre• 1'41• pelred &lid luted. 90 dey iuar. $32.50 UP ALSO Clolhinr • ehou tor th• entlrt Balboa 1al&ad.. ltcll 11' BURCRCR.An' catita ~ er. 1151 Jotm.oa • JLP, Mot.or -r\&ll)' eiqUlpped. l l"'Pll 1 bldlt in bM4. ..... n ee 1960.00 lN-iau. 8L A.pt. 1 H .-port Bitacll. lldl fa.in tty. Vl:R Y RL\.BONA»-U:. I:-:-=::-:====---- 12 r{~~~~ We employ the hudlcapped. $4tc. noo aJ.tt on.,.,, K-· port BliehtL :atp Goodwill lndu1triH .i.11 w , t th st .. Santa Ana Boeh for Sale -~,.,.--,.,..,------~ ITeak ~ •Iaop built tn Kone MA.HOO. dlninc rm. ..t with Kon&', Ill h. p K•rma.th tJlboud e hand mad• Peut pomt ellf'I"' eott.on -0.. ~ eti...i..,. apt .t1u M&Jic; Chef ...... _.... __ di ' ..................... ~. ranje, 2 hand ma • taJ a..n caned Wier, all t.ui: ean- l•c• lab!• clot.ha. one Carl 11t.n1cllon, ""P • -·• -II by 12 •h•r rug, 2 framed ., 1 '"' --p lctu.r .. ao by ao. Ce.11 an.er cover .............................. -P .IOO ~:30 p. m. or week enda. Har. 18' AUX. 1loop, -1Hpe J, nk • 4073-J. 211cl1 ~. 2 .Wt.II -1!9. "ry r A. c T 0 R T W AREHOUSE I PIECE Uri.ng room aiet. d-.a ----·-----$2,JOO . 101& &.. rtrft. 8t., Santa Ana Buutltu.1 divan mak• into t-t ..Uy. Kl 1·6417 dbl.. bed. eh&ir ln I pc*Uone 11111 WKUlLPOOL automaUi: W'&lhtt Wied on.lJ S WMb.. Deluxe with btc tub, wuhu. r1.i:!.MJ It spin. dry. Ba.I. $1 J7.• ti, or tak9 over. U\e payment.I #Jr. wllh ottoman.. Bn.nd n- been po.kl doWll to 1111.H while •tared. or Jl&J' the ~1· menta ot 110..60 mo. 8" at 4ot 8. Main ln Orange dQ' or ev.. KE 1-6111. of Q .07 a moo.th. No c.-hl-----~~---­ ....s.d. M1ully trM.. he &n)' IN EXCEi.. OOND. 2 pc. bel,e time daJ' or nenlllc . ..OU s. 11etUonal W . lfodem blrdl MLl.n tn Oranr• or eall U bookcue -bMdboard ' Mr. 11-6117. aNI Mn.. Chat. SM. Natur&l JriahOc. ooa.. table •o 1n. WTS'J'Sl\N ROI.LT 1U ranp round MO. a.tiers A .. tu.r H bl. wldte enamel .-Dent ehrmrw lop .....,.. with f11ddle coedit1on "' Her 2809.T. Ucao 1t11. as ~. 116. M&i1c 2S' HDl'UICHOn" .toop, built l HI, .iwpe 4., -Unl'f"Ol'M.i ... 25. nk19 pll.,. ·-----"'4,600 Se•llr&J .... , lau.nch• from '660 to 11,500 a.ll in pod oondl.Uon wtth inboard motone. RICHAl\DSON8 TA..CHT ANCRORAOE 17Sll Be.Pde Dr. Ha.r. JOlll Har • .,,U ltU'e Star Sailboat HOUSEKl:llPER. experiiUIOld - WbJt&. J &dult.s peml&llllDt ru- ldeni. aur Ra•en. ll a.m. to I p.m. a d&J• w"'klT to Ul· elude altem&Uq 8undaya. Own tr&Mport&Uon. 1175 mo. \VMt • Box F-e, c/o New .. Prue. 29p31 .. , BUILT-IN RANGE DFOITI! en: ;!1;,,,..c;i:AIRS $135. OFF Chef Raq't "6. 3 x ., M.lrror 17.l!O. Kl9!I. tterna. Har Wt. 28<10 Ex~U-t c:oMIUoft-ndai ttn- llh.· lll60 ftnn. Iacl\16-\rlU1er. Blip 11 . NHTI.. -brclter or owaer B. Hutton. lUI BeJbom. SEWING macll.l.M operator, u- ptMtnced on power machine . Apply 302% Marine Ave. Bal· boa illa.nd. 28c30 ~ BeleoUon TAPPAN p..1 oven. broll~r 4i J.Aopold Ex~uUv• burner top 6: cablnei. -re· J'unlltun turned from bullder'• d11p1ay. StHI omc. J'urntture Cub or tenM loW u 110.00 • ANAHJl!DI ll"IOllth. J.Ad'I APPLIANCllS CE ~~~~ ()() 1117 Barbor. ao.ta Meu. SOME i"RICE, M>m• f-. OFFI 6'V&W. ..... .&.V~ ·1----------- A.ppUoan.i. needed.. m..., GtftO* ill L Palm ~ .an Joba. A.Jao ~Wir&nt iaad RANGE • REFRIGERATOR -....... "°"' -'" KNlmRs .............. .._ ........ CLOllINO """ UUI -AND WASHER JWla hnv. D:D71. AFJ. .. ~. -..0114 UD4 8t.. NpL ~ dl.aoOWlt Oil a111Wq' 9\l(r .r1;, "'--~ W kl (&cr'Oall trom Qty ll&ll) pit•. au.w b&C• &nd lCaJMr ,,., -..wu -ee y ~ bcWe. SJT A KNJT, NOROJi AtJTOJUT!o WAIKEJ\ SAU:llJUJ( fOr MW ud uMd 1--··-·-Al.--llal--__ m_ ... ____ . I KA.OIC CBEJ' ft.ANOE cars. N• ~· hC•••l'J'· TI:RRT'I BU'ICK, It.Ii A WU. nut..a~---.rrcn OIL PADf'l'INOS, OT!.gtnal a.. ...... Oood trunea. 2& x II. • s M. It s II 0...-alL H0.00 ud fTl.00. ... to appndat.,. lit 61rd It. Newport 8-ch. - SOTPOINT RD'JUOl:RA TOR .. Dcrwn o.u..... A.JI Three Out of lta"-cndlt dMnd In ... ... 0pen ..,...., n1stat un • ,. m. Ql»ed Bunde;J• \VANTl:J> t• I or I hM&n oe EVOY l"lidaJ aA old ,.,.._. ed. tho~ cJ..ut.s ....... 11.11 hour. can Bal1tor JOOt. CRArrsXAN Mnch ..... ~ JESSEE prHS-jottetar. can Hyatt ,,.HJ.. CLINIQJlllMU D!ll cl_ ......_ 2lclO A!'PLL(NCE ()() • beeDm t aaJ.t.r7, Bu • ..,.._,.,_1-----------· 1 io11 a Main KI a-aau :::SPO=Rr~r-.. -...,-N-0-80-,.-T-H.::"-=.,.~I WATCH & CLOCK ......... ...._... to ~ ..... ,.u.,.. repairing Ll -....aaJ aft.-I .--. llelO au.uwn:ai>- ._Mhtwi'h11•• na l:B'l'DrU.Tlll. - f. ROOMS FUmlture. l™ PhUco Blvd. ltpll lO'rii at. ft. R.eter. paid down to $111MI. 111'>11 Wed~ 17' CATA.MOR.AN iii Mad cWb°• ~ Ortddle, Oock. Paid F1-~ tor .uduMr down to $1811.54. Bedroom Xlnt «111dltk:ill Mft. BeT l'f'OUP· pMd down to JlOll.18. 1Q0R. JtplO U'llAJ room Ba.I due 11s2.111. 20'T. CRuta:ft. MW't7 ,__. 1 Pho& Dl.nl.ng (T'O'Up paid dltloud I to a, _.., tub. dl1WD to IMl.M. pay Oil)}' se.u l"'PJ marsne -at-11-.. &u P4I" week for 4i rooms. 6lk _.. ... BAUGKN.8 l"UR..N1Tt11lS 1---·---~~---­F A CT Ol\ T WA.ltSHOUSI: 1• rr. OLAMP.41\, tnUlr, .... 101111 1:. rint. a.. aanta A.1'111 tor. oomp.a.wy 91fld,,... t.a. Ml dallJ'. BJ T-MIT 11_. oond. eo.t; 11506. ..... ~ ftoe ltoO. Mn. J. ,....., 1711 Van 8uNft,. ~ o.ar., OVER.L.4.ND .. llM. ... -Cllmi Joa , • ....,.. .. ..... ... o(_ ..,.,.. SUldeinl f"'*1; ~ tptDn RUG. Am.._ Or1ent&J Im· NEWPORT JBWILll2t8 1nt H.wport BtN. llM WB>OllWOOD Ranp, a', clock, la.mp. Paw. dowa '° 1111.0f. Ho dowa p6,_\. PaJ qnl1 S1Aq p9T moeUL AMro oar ltM Qfteral actrlG Ret•. Bia mllN toP rr.... Cllll&t. ...... ta Ooor, paSd doW8 to l ltLlt.. No Dowa PaJU*lt. tt ,.,. 11'&1 tM ,...,. m.at. ot a&.M Per Month. ...... u M71t bUll OOilla. x.. u Mill German & French --• _ ... ,.... '°'· .. ::::.,::=,-:::-.u*':'. _ .. ..............,,...._,... __ ..,,...,., . "' IRON aa.d&UOn 1Jnp101w1wt. U be1'll TOMOJU\OW to be.ck up --,-------~-'C.:.I ffltNd. coe~11n"7 •t "°"" Whal a. ..n. TODA-T l Cbilci th• Rumme9• Sale wn11 A~ WDTmo- ..,. llOm.a. a.d _,.. bi the '''WnMI w-W.cl. tT Uu'll Set 10 10 All to llOua& P tl]r ~ Cal'l Xlmbuly ~-40l:I b«tnre Uon tode.y. 4 PW.. 1767 N-port. Bl•d. onJJ lb budi9: to°'"' to Bolt JO a. m. lltp Coe\& M:--. 19c10 V.U M~ U .. _ ... BAUOHNI "1IU'QT\11tZ FACTO ft. T WA.JUCHOUU lOl!I I:.. f'\nlt Bl .• 8anl& AM ... daU1. Kl 7-6'11 I j I ' I I I I I ' I 'i 'I J , .--~-_, ..... __ ,.,,_ __ .,:.:._~ _ ......... • • • _!ful!~~·~'~r~'~!!!lr.~~T~V~~~1~1~11~1~11111.~·~r-;':•~T~Y~-p-~~A=-~=-~Tl~_..,.~==-==•=ot=•= ... ==T=•-~!.--1-t0-411 __ ... _f•_ .. _1o ____ l·'"'1--..;;":.:':'*:':;lto=W:•::l'----INEWl'ORTHARIORNEWS-l'lES5--PART l l-'A&Er: ANNIVERSMY SPECIALS -MONTH -END . SPECIALS "':"~~-=---"""---~-: ... "1 · w~_g~-.. i~-.!!!:~~·=e.~~.!..!!~~~ES0:1\==~....!, ~~~:::~.~.~::.=·_::~ USED , TELEVfSl0NS'& APPtJANCES . 1902 DODO& dub CJIO· Ligbt bluo, rodlo batu. __ .,. _,,. ...._,_ u ,.. ..... -. Ca'banas Marinas • Tip top abope, Loco! car ---.~ ll95 --• -- %1 " SYLVANIA, comole model, 2 yn. old, excel. 1902 PLYKOt.rrll I dr. Sedaa. Ught green, 0 .., $1595 The V099I Co. ~ Hu guvaatee. _ __.,__~-····--=5189.915 , ... t COWft. ····'·-··--__ $_ 3201 W. o.t. 81f1,. M.wport Itch. 21" WESTINGHOUSE, lhhopay coooolo with • lllOI CHRYSLER Imperial Hard Top. Radio, ~~ ~-:i!~n!'! IOI~°!-"" Lido PeniJlsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch, orn:sa doora. llie new. ---·······-···-··-····---·-···------199.60 beater, auto traDJmiuion, power rteering .... $ 9915 tlHIL Rad. &Ad bi.ck *tber *1 &. Olt.11.7 .. 0.-.. del Mar tntet10r. 8-uutul oonditloo Pbooe Harbor lTU Dellghltul llWIJ. Apt..O.••u Utllltleo pUI. 17" PACKARD BELL tull door comoll!, All/Fil lMS PLYMOUTH 4 dr Light grey motor over-t.hftlu.Cbout. one owner. Tonto-Udo~ N11 V\a..Lldo racllo, 3 9-' phonasnpb. Very lood cood. J129.l\O hauled. _ .......... ~ .................. ..: ....... : ............... $ 795 matic, "~ ~ 95 1101 ,.~.,.:'°'",. ,._ Yod>t olip oooomoclo- with 15" PHILCO comol• model with now plctmo tul>e. u....,. ....., !>oily, wak!J, mootley, ,..ny. 1 yr . .,...,.,.1.oe. very at .. ············ -··-······$8{.!IO 3 Star * * * Speci~ls conoN GOFF · W•NTZD -..... "" .. ..: ---.,....•ppt_._•r_,_,_,_.-._Ca11_11ar_. 29111 ____ _ ·BLACKSTONll:' AUTOllA'nC wuhor, 3 yn,· old. ~ The Volkswagen Ctealor , .. , ot ..... w1<h """'""' '8-Aelia. a Roow lor llot ·~·-, ....... Not a ~tch oa. iL C-ompletely_automatie 1956 WINDSOR CONV. CPE. - 2 Tone red. Newport Bl.-4. •t 22nd .~\rflttl. ~~~ :a:-'!n~t~~ 0~~ ON BAI.A()A ISLAND , • aod (U&f'&Dteed -······-----........................... $139.95 white top-Radio, heater, power windows, Harbor I 27elt uine, ¥iibt u..11 JOOc1. dbl , .. r-au:: UI fOI' Jarl,J' IUSd * * * * WESTINGHOUSE T ct. Retri--tor, .,... top power aeat, power brakes, power BUering, , •a• H&t 25=. 28cio ..uona.1 Nnt&la. ltn Vl.Gton! VwUOA!JU!f ·--k 250 b ) P dded d.Wr. Let RIOH Help Yo\L NELDA GIBSON, Realtor '°1 U'rilla on th• oa.. rt.t. freuer. Very nice, only 3 yn. old .................... $1M. • .power pac age. ( p. a ' car-WA.NTCD to rent -a bedroom Co111p1<1td7 f'u.nlWMd ~ peta. All atandard equipment ............ ---.. ·-·· --$~ Penonally Ml9Cted bouae, Harbor .,._, 1-.rt1 1 ..... IOI~~~ ~ I02 •tt9 apt&. &Dd room.8 wtth ,,.... • DAVIS· BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd., Coota 11 ... Ll 8·3437 29<:31 111-lluolcal, 1W11o, TV -1' rr. 8Xl BO.AT, 28 b..p, 911Ct. •t.a.r'te!' Zvtnrud• motor. durl7 n .,ir • ..4190 Baltio. ItJ..id JDOOr.. lftr. Har. 2t2'1-W. 1loJO DO IT YOURSELF HI.fl UORTMINO CL.AU, AU boat. Good ooodiUon A Sood D7lon Alli, 1'76. Har. WT or OX- tord ._7242. neu I NOWBIRD. hcM. oondlUon - cbrom• tltt..Ln.J .. j\Jft repaillt.i!. ff&r. ~ OT Har. 16TI. J.leJO 8Ull.D YOUR OWN RI - Fl ~ u.tn.c: N•wcomb • Humon-Kardon AJot.J'M tunan. unpUft-, t'J>H,ken • record piqU& ConM ID and ffl I.hem.. W1 Will belp you UHDlbl• It. DAVIS-iROWN , 1116 Barbor Blvd. Colt.a w--u &-Ul7 W A.NTJ!:D for prlv•te chartc', '8 ft. pow1r cru!Mr. Slwpt I , tor l or 2 moatll1. Har .• ~Jit. l ------------ '8dt FOR SALE 9-uutuJ •r •wr echOonv, p uywh•ra. tiu:el tor cUitw 117.600. COGltdH tnd& 1JJO Knowlton Electron1ca TV ANTENNAS 1a..-s..m -BJ oa.tn) Wt.all.cl c:ompl•t. to your •et. $9.95 W. 81.Jboa Bh'd.. Nnrport. LI 1-6200. l fltlc HaJ1IOr J()lJ u ----------- 14 P'T. ~AT IA w•ter, re&dy to ,.o. Flfinl' b ridj'1. Cbryslu 1not.or, ball lank, u:tru, cheap. Kl:llot"f 1-4208. 27c:J9 f/I" BRONZE propeU1r ab&tt. f tt. IOl!.I". T ... rtld A threaded. 110. H01 Rift'!' Aw., N-- port BeactL ,., lo rr. ROW boat, tr.blJ ..aded A paint.cl: tnalb • out. "5. H•r. "41-JL ltcl1 BAMMOl\'D Splntl Org•n M . • week In your h<rml!, with our LESSON· LOAN PLA.."-:. Prl· nt1 il!'uon1. Hurry. only • r.,. 1.vaU•ble. khmidt-Phlllipa, .)20 !'\o. Ma.in. Eatab. 1914. WANTED: 40 ~ p iano. for blr rerita.I di!pt. H1&beat ea..1:1 allowano. in lrad• for e>rian. 8pln•t or Gni.nd Plano. k.bmlat.Pb1Wp& .)20 No. )lain I L, Banta Ana. NEW &: USED CARS or a.... wttb optlor to buy. nte b&t.b.. .Ila.Id ""1t.t. itle 195e NEWYORKER .( DR. SEDAN, 2 Tone. TAD ADV.ANT.A.GI: o1 hi. m&ny Want,.,...., ttnpL., tt11ced 1d.. TV. 1IOI W• OoMa l"nmt.. brown,. Radio, heater, power brakes, w /S/W y...-. ot VJ>erienc. .... top Pan:n&nellt.17 uop1o7.cl loe.Uy, Deluxe Duplex Bar. 91.:iT. notch IMCh&Dlc.. 't..clllent Jooa.I Nt~ Writ• * * * * powe r steering, tinted glasa -All standard bu:r. xi.a. w. eewip-.pa. &otfc ------------ factory equipment · ·············· ····• \3195 RIOH HAHN'S BY RESPUN:JJBLE .,,.,~ FURNISHED ROOM J'OR RZNT"""' ..,,....., 1956 IMPERIAL Hard Top C 1:ie. Exclusive ca r. t09 £. 21ITH ST. f-.mlly ll chlld.J Want 2bdrm. 1 YE!R OU>, 2: bedroom and entrance, prlTat. bath, ,..0 mo. All white, fully equipped. Power steering, Rarbor 472& N•wport Buch horn• unf'\lnl.. or p&rtly furn. dBi, 1 '4 bl.Ila, forced a.Ir be•t, l4~ Co.ta M-St., Oolte COR VET?'E, 14lti 54 tow mla. Vlctruty H11h School by Sept. private, b&rbecu• and paUO. Meu., LI .1-UTt. 17plt power-nyte, radio, heater, elec. windows , •II otru totmellu ..r. belt.. l•t. thrU wtnter mcmlhl only. a.auUNI .aw, ptctur1 wtn· OCEAN FRONT tuna. ..-n.. elec. seeta, power brake~1 leather upholatery i 1960. a.r. 2t78 wMkUlWI. Up to J76 per mo. P hone SY. dow• overlookinc th• ocan. Private bath A •ntn.noa. IT2t I all d rd . • 4:' ·~j5 P A 1280li 17p29 S-27811 or writ• C. V. Lucu, V•rJ attncl.lv1 and w•ll d•-~ Blvd. Har 4117, •ux-p WI it.an a eqwpme nl ... ---... --··. . . 2214 Loma Vlrta St., Pua-i...il9d borne. Nlct.17 tumlah9d. liCZR. RENTAL. 2lcJO LOU REED & ASSOC. ' CH RYSL ER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout Highway ,LI 8·3486 •1-Aoto 8uvlee 41-Aoto Service R· E-0 Aulh ori:ecl Dist rib utor No.w Hou r SERV1 CE on Truck Repairing * ALL MA KES * Eliminate costly tie-upa In at 5 p. m. -Out at 7 a. m. Since 1933 SEE US FC R GOOD USED TRUC KS ED. THOMPSON Garage (Corner 3rd & French) Phone KI 2-2343 Santa Ana dt111a, C&UL 21c33 AcNltA. On.1 ynr leue. 448 ------------40-A-'Dml " Pana New and Uaed TRUCK AND Pa11en9er . • -! EXl'X::UTJVIC • ..-u, 1 daU&'hlen I du1r1 I bedrm. unturni.lhed h.Jme tn blacll UM by Sept. t•t. C..rpetlnr • dr1pe1 du lr- :.iorninJ Canyon R.Olld, Coron• di} Kar. Barbor '864W. l lcaO I.A.RO& vac.tloo room .,..hb prtv•~ bl.th .l •lra.11.c.. 2 atnr le beda, naar lhoppln.r A bM('h. S21 week -121 1'1• C.D.M. 1tp TIRES 8-Hour Recapping Serv ice Comp le le Brake Service AND Front End Altgom•nl RO.AD SERVICE n ruton• BudC11t Pian Youn for th• Alkins: HOWARD RYAN 801 • 809 W. 1st ST. SANTA ANA Kl 3-UM 41-Aato Se"'°8 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN Up to 1.5 Months to Pay Choice Winter RentalJ on Balboo lolaod & Lido bl• td. Yrly. IUM to i 200 per mo. U 1-6116. 12tfc imall • CIOQ or WT• • deJui1 I ------------ 43-Apta. &: HOU1e9 tor Bent IRVINE TERRACE I Tt Ut J300 month VOGEL CO . tol thrUl.1 A•e., Balboa lll&nd Ph. Rarbof' "4 or Harbor 1010 RM. Har. KJt..R or Bar. WI-ft ..... Smut. new modem untum llhld bome. Jbdnn. 2 b9tha. lA.NJ wtu:r. all.~ J1au w&ll to .... cludld patio. JiWws b&r-tYP9 NEWPORT - lrJte.nen, bulltA.n oven Is n.n,1. CHANNEL FRONT I Hwd puquet Ooor-. $~ ptr ~ mo. l yr -.... 8.u.ES OFFICE 2 8 . R. turnbh«l )'MrlJ Nn '160 lAc. uWUta. oppo.ti. D\VINI: C 0 A. 8 T Pb. Bar. 12'4 -EY ... Har. ~LIM l."OUNTRY CLVB. u COUt Hwy 101, N•wport Ha.tbor. I------------Ca.11 Kar .• , ... 1sttc 1 _43-:::.,:A:;:-...,;;A:ifc:la:;.·..;f;.:;o;:.r .;;lleti;;;,:;.t;._ __ _S_u_m_m_e_r _R_e_n-ta_l_s APTS. ON BAY FRONT Blq1' d0ubl9 • :J M4rm. aa.I· Bay Front It Ocean Front bo& ania. s.uona1. b7 wMk Location.a. · o. m~<>. Coun.oy to ""'"-· .H&r. POI 21c33 Earl W. Stanley REALTOR 3113 N~rt Blvd. Npt &ach, I Harbor-1011 Vacation Renta ls BU T loulla:l for bay, bMch. lltOttot. O.y, w..a. mont.h. U-&Draa•- FOR RENT :-:-OU1CI 1.h2t. Udo lboppJftS area. fTI IDO. on Jta. leue. BAY' A B&A.CB kLU.T1 L'IC. illil:TORJI UlJ 1..ata,.tt• HaT. S&ll, Har. nH Evea. 'Juat to tb9 rip.tot Ude artd1•' "' ·• Ground Flo or e omCES OR STORES For Leue lo - Harbor In--.t Co. Blrl:· 30th 6 N""'PC>rt Blvd. Har. 1500 BTORE or ot.ne._ ..i.o 1to11: ~ tor r.nt. BaDoa kJ ProplrU.. 1606 W. &.!boll Bml, Har. 6111-10 FT. ROW BOAT wtlb O&l"I, trau.r, tarp A 2 bp ~. 180. H&r. %326.J. 2lctJ - l\EN1' • n.w Studlo piano $10. per month. All term r.nt.a.1 •ppUn oo buy. M-Muleal. Radio, TV ldunldt-Phllllp-. 620 Ko Ma.in, 1--------'----40-Aulos fOI" Sale 6 Cylo. ~ 88 SEE ME • TA m;u;QN CORONA DEL KAR i'OR CBOJ.Cll R&NTA.La. 81a80NAL .. YEAR.LT. Harbor Ap h & Motel Rooms J'OR LEA.IE IBOPI It: OFF I- CES C4C Bldr Arcade, llO I KutM Av.., BaJbo& Ia1.1 n•1 lnqulr• 30l lf&r'lM A.,.. or ... your brok•r. 27 ,, :;ooo 22 tL lt.ar i.o.t, 1 n. -Pram IU It: tu ft. -.rorll bench But.9 An•. LA.ROE 8TOCK, new Ind u.eed $11!1. Har. '217-W 17dt !------------ Custom Hi-f i . piano.. $6 week buy•. Rentals too! 8-nla An• Mu.le -Kl • ·13 n . ALA.BJU.M built 1port.- .... • fl1ber, tlJtna bftdC•. d\l.IJ. CGn- , • trola. pilot. tatbom•t.er, •I• A --~ dt.. f/W•ter cookd cro-.rn. et&l.nJIM 1t..t CM ~ 800 m ile rans-$1,500. 81.JbOa Marin• 101 ltut Pactnc Ooa9l : : Hl(hwa7, .N~rt.. BU. 0171 .... 27c29 >OUGLAI BUU..T INOW8Ia0 No. 251 c.brom1 f1tUnr' jWt ntl.nlabecl oomplllt..17, • • r 1 rood Mil, doll7 IMO IJC&MON i'""'1 npn : · t•· rr. WJZARD wttb 26 hp E\1arudl plu tralln'. Com- --~ 1876. Wlll Mil 8ep&n.t1ly. ....... T~ hp Outboard J4,0. Can OVll'&a.bd t-1622 cou.ct. UplO :ta rr. IJl'ORT J'lUIZR cbartc- ~ ..... boat. "lubll" ... ...port :": tAftdinl QmWkr .. tnda IM · ...: : tool.I proptrtJ or mount&lll \ :: .-bbl. ~ LI ...,.11. llcJO ~;;...I rr. DINGHY 'lll"tU. 1% hp. :""' Motor. O&n. &:seeL ooad. New ..: -p&la.t, t TI. WW Mii ...... ~l)'. :::': TOI b1i11. ODIL Bar. Nl~- 21<29 90 rt. N. ll. da. luoll B'°'>Po :.._ llull Nflnlllb9d 1 DMIDlla &p. -:-LI • 1112. ltttt ~ II ft. O..U.. • n. WL -..... .-cn:a m•lnMll, otbs :=--..U. pod.. 81M1* 2 llMlld• 6 I ._..... bead 6 pllq. P. 780 -\9 doW1L H&I'. ll Tl .a-a p. m. ' l t ttc: 10 IT, Otrl'BO.UlD pl7WOOd boat WU. f'ltllfOl'Old bottom CO'l'Ved wttll UM ..,., .wtmminC pool ; • ptJDt. Looks IOOd-PT .60. Bat. ;-_;. lU'T-W. tTat 3 1 Mwrkel, a.4io. T V ::::-a.ubiOND orru. .u inodel& cbor4 orpa a!Jc'U7 U-S. -(J09d a Tlq -tilts. aQJ' OM ;= .... .,..,. tt without ~ ~IN' QO Ne. Ma.1ft. ::= laata AA&. C&llt.. Orur9 :-Ooual;f H•'!mo.d Dlo&hr. :.::,..oo PD KONTB llUJ'• food --pr'M-t* plUIOL ..... 1126 .. ~: SUT .. f1IO Pd QPo. : :ktimldt•l'lt.tWpe. PO No. ll&1D. .,. -Auala 4aa. JDl.t. U14. INI .. ._ Yiatld&l.ld parltllla. ¥AowltaD - TV REPAIR .. .....,.,... r1.1r UllVJC:S, UA801'AJIL8 ~ Cllli. tlll • ,... ......... . . ---- M:US1C SYSTDIS Planced t.o )'OW' 1ndl't')duaJ U.ttn- tn c nqUlrem.111.i.. for bom• • bUAll.nMe. HEAR A COMPARE autb~Uc hlSh fldallty •t our complete "ltud1o of Unn1 Sound.'" HARBOR Hl-f I IW Ntwport Blvd. Har. t'81 P IU' S-1773 -' Fullerton M u1Lc -LA 6·021!11 8M th• new orran. aell1 tnr onl7 ~rte. £uy to plly. l&c30 GRAND P1AN08. Many to (:hooH t'rom. Muon A Hamlin. Luter. Kn•bl. Cable. Extra 1p«iaJ, Sc:hlelcher gnnd only $4~. Another apecial. fine lbape ~. Sav• i 1000. on Knabl Gre.nd llk• rww. Sdua.lctt.·P'JlilUPI etc "J>tano • Orran Store. 620 No. l.taln, Sant.a An&. alw•)'• 100 piano._ ACCORDION 8PEC1ALSI 3 only 35---__ 'Dogs. O&ta, P e ts full t ao NM ·~nHona. Elltra 9hift. all ln ptrfect c:ondltlon. Terma IJO down and $:1.26 per mo. at BJLU'ERS !Sine. lto'TJ 'n-GJ N. 8ycN!1 0r1, Sant. Ana Phan. Klmbcrly 2-4>f12 T. V. Rental l~ So. Main 101..ut Banta Ana 22U< IU'INrl' ~ Rent.a.I l'ltW'DI Wr.1 H'ft' ltc. Tou alwa71 find woaduful .. ..in11 ln U!.I• dept. Bmall ¢el PM. Otb_.. l4S)~ '4&0. M1ITo \)'119 Kapl1 lpln1t t211., .M.a..hor . s1a:i. 8cllmldl-Phlllips. 620 No. Ma.In, JEAN HENRI Frt.ncn SpecU.U..t <.ii DOG CLIPPING Workl ln TOI.Ir nome. l6U Tu.Un A •• .• C.M. Harbor &3U ,,.,, KITTENS. pr1tt y, fluffy, know 1.bout aand box, w-.nt good bomm. Mama ~lgreed b I u e Pel"lllan. P.apa nice but pure- br«I alley. Call Har. 2789-J . "'"· REGl8T. BOXER PUPS tor aale. 4 w ka. old. Call 1928-J to & p.m. Alter 8 Call H•r. 38.'lt. 27tfc J'OX TERRIER. el&Jldard. male, CK. mpnllul old. Li.Itel chUdn!n. Kl 2-Af8:1. 29c31 8aDt& .All.a. I•"• 1120. on 21------------new 1Pln•ta •llfbUy damacld. at ,air ll Bwu Bbow. lT' RCA T.A.BLZ model "'llh 45 rpm record chl.n(•r rutl prte.. 116-u 1·7162. 29c.31 BEST BUT8 Il( HARBOR ARIU C&.M • Term1 or Trae. In N.w ltCA Porta»e Radio H .. J\Qll 2t " T.V. lt~ Motorola. T.V. UMO lA7.60 Granco AM-FM &ecet'l'tt Demo J2t.60. ACllll T.V. '16 311t 8t. Pbofl• H.Vtlor U04 HOW roJ\ T1D J'tR8T TDCli ..AaJ'Wben, a bMuut'W I ID&ft- ual •l.ct:rooic •plnft orsu for Ofl.17 i"6. (Not • dtont OC"PAI 164.IO ~1 ... ..._ Com. la for a fl--. 1.-ori II.OW •t IH.Al'ERS tltnc. ito7) W...u:ll H. 8)'C&IDON. ... ta Au non. lamMrly s.otT1 Oranp Oounty'• Orpa Hdqtn. IPINST BPllCLU.8, TIU..D8 IN 4ND Rlll'fTAL Rm'URNll ._,.~--· u.d Ila.pl• ~ ~ t.7BMdw!A .... ~ b ... oU 4 ...ontl» old, ... f.100. Klmb&ll hl.m iMpM aft 1241. OU11r tiDI bu)'8 tft mabop&J, lpec.1•.J eoa..ment term& al 8JU.FSR.S t81nc. 1807) Ul-t.U N. ILe&mO'!i. AIJ\ll. A.n• non. IC11"ul7 J..Ot7 2 19-Aatos \Vuted SELL YOUR CAR PAID FOR OR NC7T Mc:Carlhy P•Y• More tt20 8. Maln. Kl 2--3601 40-Aa&os for Sale YOU WILL GET MORE FOR YOUR CAR Wben you llell to Anchor Mtr. Co. 1T6 S. 171..b LI 1-120 008TA KUA Jllt< 54 JAOUA.ll. 120 roa.daW, peul p 7. r.d l•thtr upholltery. t:r.fflltnt condition $1960, ,ner 6 p.m. Jlar. 3781 -R. 1Tcl9 Grant W. Musick Your Huclson Dealer SALES and SERVIC."E m N. Lot A.n1~n 1\£ &-1211 .......... ...,., GMC TRIPLE CHEC KED USED TRUCKS ·~2 Gl.fC "1 T pickup ·~ CHE V '-. T. pit kup ·:,4 GMC 11 T. pickup ':0.4 FORD ·~ T plr kup 'M CHEV. a_. T ph·kup ·~ Gt.IC a,. T pu·kup ':'K CHEV "• T p1rkup. Pll:k Up, hy.tre. ·~· ':12 FORD V·8 I T clU•I ·~ GMC 2 T roE 14' ~tAkt, 2 11p.-J t1·2r1 t<rr~ ':12 CHEV .:.! T 1.i· body, 2 1pee<l II 2."I Urt• ':10 DODGE 2 '2 T /lump, 2 1pd. 9:00 tirf'.e 8t' •Ure to ltl!t I~ 11.rgnl •ol- ume Lruck dMltr In Oranie COi.inly fur th~ be.at buy• 111 used tru('k!I. All tn-and 1lloea to ~lecl from. W.W. WOOD S GMC DEALE R 81:1-111 E. 4th St. Santa ADI Truck Headquartt.ra fen- Oranr e c.o lt~ MERCURY Monler?y StA.- llon wa11:on. 8 J!IU!atnrer. full povo·er. Eventnga artn f ·30 A week enda Har 1429R. 29c31 ·~ FORD, 8 Pl'~~r 8 cyl.. Sta tion \\'a gon 'T'u·ton•. RAH. undereo1.t. $21 00. ALSO. 2 whe-11 bolt trailer &x4 with •pt.re tire and t•rpaulln $100. u 8-7~2.. 29c31 llH9 PLYMOtrnf 1t1.Uon ...-1~- 0>mplete motor 0..-l"f" haul. it•~ld U"'.11. 717 W~to Dr1vt (lff Pomona Avt. C. M. ""'' 1)3 OLDS Super 88 i-lolld.ly, lofwt Mil i 13~. t..Exln(ton 8-4127- 1.fter I p m. 27c2t ~2 F ORD Vlctort.a, RAH. J'ordo- matl('. Ei1:cellent condition - $875. Al-a :le or Ot VolkfWq"e:n Mv•t •ell one. Har. 'tt24-J. 27p29 rlCM.EDL\ Tm DEUVl:RT on new fU:na ult ~. 60 mUM per ,-allon $l 396, RAUSKJ:N -WATSON l t 32 Harbor eo.-t. Mu.a ..,, AU. Stroigh~ Eight. --·-·-·----68.88 INCLUDES both Labor It: Par\9- N1w rtnp.. wrtlt plnl, 't'alVI (Tlnd. fitting• ol m&ln and r11d bel.rtnp. Captlk motor tun• up. 90-daJ or .000 ntll• CUl.f• ~·~ GASKETS A OIL l:XTIU. REBUILT ENGINES DOI E. Oaut HWJ. Har. &MO u CORON A 012.. MAR Furn. 1 bdrm., Jars• unna: rm. $50 ptr week or i 11& mo .. J uly • Auru-t. Kar. t t D . ,..,, BUlLT IN <.iur own ra.ctury by akllled m•chlnl•l.I. Don't con· 3 bdrm., 2 beth Udo hou.M - tend with Ult mJddl• man. ll:IO month. Buy dlrtct. • S.yt ront apt.,, tumlahed. with SHORT BLOCK pier. F'ORD -1Vll2-'8) -1 94.60 p. a. palmer lnc:orporaled, CHEVROLl:T --·-I tlt.&O Ole Han.t0n C.O. BUJCK --·-· J l2!1.00 l333 Via Udo -Harbor 1000 PACKARD ti C)'I.) --'W-00 SUMMER RENTALS. oce•n fiym., Dodi• It: it'ord 6 --'1~-00 front. 2 br.. 1100 wk. 101 CllRYS. 6 OE SOTO _$120.00 STUDEBAKER -·-----$120.00 H t g h I 1 n d. W. N•wport.. OLDS. .. PONTl,AC t -.11:0.00 CLAlRE VAN H ORN, Rltr. LI .H 8-'m. 1731 w. Cout Hwy. NA --------.11:0.00 --~~=-,--o==-,,=ccl KAl.ffER 11:0.00 ENINSULA NlCE AREA HUOSON l&l 13 Matna1 _$140.00 p - PL US INBTALL.ATJON Untum.Wted apt&. .-!th ,.,..., Opttl O.Uy I to I l B. R. -J90 A 2 8. R. -J110· Monday •w 7 p. m. Ph. Har. 1214 -Evu. Har. l &e 8Wlday 12 to 2 u UM Ii:. a.y, BalbOa. Har, U 4t ,..,. IUlOO:I\ RENT .U.. Corona del Mar, Bachelor •pt, 1 block to China B&7, eecluded blllloide - TV. H•r Mil. 21cl0 OCEAN FRONT, 2 bdrm turn apt., ~ Mr, p.rare. J7n Ocean ·e n-d. au •117 l lJKXZR ltl:HTA.L 2k30 BUNMT 1-b«lrn1. unturn. 1.p-.rt- m911t a vall&b1-July 11.t. Near Udo ahopplftC center. Yearly i.. .... HO J>eT month with pr- •11. Adult. only, Owner after I :00 p.m. Ubert7 l --M61. 28c30 PENINSULA. F\lrn. apt., Ult kitchen • bath. 1 bdrm., ~ llvlnc rm.. dia:poul. thenno- 1t.al heal. Cl."(L i1~ W.U. S Wtlf.ka or mor1 i M. H1.r. 4780. 29c.S1 BUIOtER RENTAL BA LBOA. JSLAND J uly 7 to a.pt. 1. 2 ti.drm. 2 b-.th. Laree paUO. i 10 -k. U 1-7124. SS-A B &,v S..tall PRIV A 'I'll otrlo.1 Willa pbont 11 --·rtnc ..-..ice. l«ntary ,,, nota.r)' an~ Ground P'k» 1 N-'J'rtdaM BJds,. 2200 N•"' port BJM.., Newpof\ Beai·• \Adjaomt South Cout I '1 Bai-bar IQJI. 19'.·: • BALBOA (8LA1f[j::bld1. 2ti I• 40 tor ,....... npair or ~ Ba.r. to2 JIU· BUSJNUS bulldinl" ori NWWfOl'l Bl't'd. near Ho&( BoqlL&L For n:nl $11:1 pu mo. w wtlh optloll to bu.J. tmm.al•t• -®· llLTON B A.llNrrr. ~. 4N N. Newport B!'"1 LI ... 2772. DcHB Block MUil. mffl our atandardl LEASE only I bid.rm bo\Jto9 ciON P!ua c.a.-. ruk•~ and oil to lhopptnr cent.r, Co.ta Mua. I----------'\--SI 64. Bmh-<>n:•••ttss Local 5 & I Oc Store Oood lela. ~ wma. 1122 Nft'port Bl'ld., o-ta x.... lklf BEL LES ENGIN E REBUILDERS 3l0 E . lrd tit. Kl S-128t LOAN CA.RB -FREE TOWING STATE BONDED AUTOMATIC TRA.N&MlS810N8 HYUR.AMATlC -DTN.u'LOW POWERGLCDC COXPLEI'J: OVEllHAUL $1 19.5 0 lodu!Ju 1111 partl • l•bor AL.l. WuRK OU.AJU.NTl&:k:O TE RMS ARRANGED LOAN CARS &6.B AUTUMuTlVI: SERVICE 12.1111 NELSON ST. AT ACACIA U: f.~HO u Kl &-elO or Bar. 1129 tt!c RENTAL SPEC IALISTS CALL £Dl'fA CRA-10 DORIS BRAY, Realtor 218 Martne. Balboa Ial1nd H1r. 20 or &I Monlh or July-2 bdrm. t\lm. duplu. .Bay front. Ca rnation Cov• ~. B •r. 1U 8 27c29 PUR.NISKED -l'OR LEA.Sil Nn.>ly decorated and cbarmln( two 2 bldroom 2 bath It: two 1 t.droom •pta. with 'riew. UlW!Jff paid. Oubac• dt.- po..i.. laundry room 1.11d ,-..,.,-u. Two b«lrml. 1150 mo. -1 bedrm. 112:1 m o. CO AST PROPERTIES, SOI E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Har bor 2SM or Harbor t &OO. t f LIDO ISLAND Ir PORT OR ANGE 1' ea:.'.:19".: 0;1M~":;:-ib16- TRA.Ji.ER 8ALES ruum a P9rlro•sila. and SUPPLIES By .umm•r. monthly or y1arl7. 2200 W. eo..t Hiway. UOO Realty Aaaociate1 Newport Beach l.J 8-«20 i"-"°_.,. __ u_'°-=,....,=,. ... :-::.,-"=" PAN·AM.ERICA.N 36 to tiO ft~ AV AILABLE NOW ON U:All 1 .. 2 BR. CORONA. DEL MAR PENINSULA PO F\lrn Matt tor July I ia,... bdmw plut (aieepll I ), I bat.be, •ftfk»ed patio, la.rp dbl. ,.,.. ..,.. • workahop. Nnr beach. Har 2$2!. :aacso UNFURN. 2 bedrm. home, Jarr • t1nc9d y-.rd. Cent•r COila MeN. 1m1n.cn.t.1 po•_...., DAN A. JA.COB&&N. R-1 l:at&tt Hu. 6691 , LI Hl17, XI 1·2117 UDO ISLE. o.Jll:r.• 2 bdrm. un- ACTJVll BEA.UTY PARLOll. 1 optn.tO'r dop. DoM rw1 ...... 8111 CUh or tanaL OR.ANGii 001.ft Pl\OPD'l1&I ll:IT Newport !UTd., eo-i& Ill.- LI 1-1"2. £-r-. LI •1400 LA.UNDROXAT 12.600 down p&JDWCL Localed lft Corona del Mar. ldla.I rear round bu.II.._ tor coupM. PKk .ununer moatM Jut UlMd.. ()wna' on ~ 3611 E. Cout ~...,. Jiu 1907. ttcSl furn. boUM on l&rl• )Qt. Yrl,J'. ~MOM! te Lou1 Jeaff w1lh option to btly on 1 .0.-----·•~-------- alt~I= t;..r;--Propertie• LOANS for Homes 1&0G w. Be.ltx:. Bl•d., H1.r. 0111 ... -IQ yr. Lo&M su>O<ER Rlt:l<TAL8, Niwport Construction Loans 8Ndl on C&na1. 2 cbt.nniq -.ell llOB lrA T'J'l.a, turn. hou-.. on .,.,,er nur 2016 CA.81' OOAIT .. VD. l,4do SboJ», each 1IHP1 4. Ut I . ODroo• m,1 Mar ............ Wuher A dryer. P rtv1te no1.L ft.tip. _POUUER MO&TQ4Ga OU. UoJ Flnle7 A••-Hu. N03.-M.u.. Uf• IM. f'\mdt ID ...._ JTdt - J ALBOA -BA T l'"RONT Pier A no.t. lllldl.nc rtaM wall to lanai 1.11d -.ndy ti.ch. 4 bclrma. JIOOO for J uly. Harbor 4421. licll 2ncl & ht T.O. LOANS .. mnc an Orup ONat;J We Buy Truot ~ PAJU..MOUNT cu.tom loullt. llO LAJU(JIPUR ------------1 30 to 80 ~ 1 A 2 BR. Bee.t1Uful I bdnn. home. w to w Hlc hNt trade-ln allvwanc.. earp-.t. d,..I" .. ttup ru.piu.. PENINSULA. f\1m. I bdnn.. 2 bath houM, b.wd. noor1, nre- place. uftit Molt, dUlpcMl. pr- 1.(9. I L2S WMIL 1100 a wiick. I ween or -.; Bar. 4716. " lluo Collatonl Lo&oo Roya l Mortgeg• Co. 216('2 N.wport 911'd., Nprt. lka. 1900 NASR. 4 dr. Btattame.n. hcell.nt coodluon_ Pr1c4I onl7 1225 W 1-6281 or 1210 Houy L.an1, N-·port Het&htA. 24('29 'M PLYMOUTH BELVEDER£. V-1 t llr. hs rd·top 4 monlhl old. Loaded w1 th p 0 ,.. • t .qulpmtnt, Lent bl.i n1Ueact. 1ow-d<nr.'ft payment. 61' 000• Ira.cl. llTlm•cul•t.J 1.nsld• IUld OUL l'Tl•ate party, Har. 4641 Htft- 41 STt:DEBAKER, R .6: H, nm- ntn1 <'Ofldll Ion IMI. LI 1-W 4 ,...., .. W1 ftMd d.u ..... 1raUu--. l..anal paUO, 41.-l. ~ PAN A..MEIUCAN uUL 1190 pa' mo. No ~- Pan.mount•KeoMtll Av A.ILA.BLI: NOW "" WKk or Tr-....iaa.-T.n-, month doM lo t>-aellu. 112 IMI" QamaUOO.. Corona dtl Mu. ---------Two Maullf~ ne.,17 f'wi:I, t...tn '""' M"EWPORT BEACH. 6 bdrm furn hOUR. Pl.er A Float b7 .,,_tr or .. *"1-A.·nHable noW. P'hOM H•r 47H. Mttc FREE! I btd apt». Wllb btd di't'IUll will a1 .. p ~ ~ ~t.M'a, prq..., iaundr>'L f\lnll. paUO CX>RONA Ol:L MAR -1th eu-e-Q i100 rit;r wll. tvRNlSHl:D 2 '*1nll.. honM' Select-a-Tenant ! Wiii 001t•lder year leaM tol south ot tM H1,-11w•y, $100 i I e tll\#t tutat tl'ff -.rvklti ad~la. No p9'tl. monlb. on 7r. 1-. (0 l&.l'ld)ord.I .... rywbtte. BEZ or cllll owntr •t 112 Caru· OSBORNE FORTON RJ:A.Ln <..:.A1.1. 8.El.ICT R&.ALTT tioft APL D Kar. l MS or Oo'1 :r:ti:I W. C.C.. Hwy. Ntw- Kl 7-16()1 Wllltm•n flealty Har. lle2 orj port 8-ch, LJ 1-1~2 E•ollfl uua Hu. 4~ 2auc Har. an1. 21kl1 • Harbor 1549 u hr. -.... MnjCe -LOA.NI TO BUtLD. DIPftOV&. BUT, MODmJll~ Oil ....,,.AJ!Cli w. eu, Tr\l9t" ~ N'CWPURT I~ &AVIM'Cl8 6 LOA.If •MOQATIUJI JIM Via Udo PL llU'. aU9 "' -To ret & lw!JM or buy a aou-., tlJ• •Im.pl-. -.ra1 to nn• a pia. tO liVt. ii thr"OUJb t hto W&llf aG9. • , PAGE 8-PART I I-NEWPORT HARIOR NEW~RESS n-&Nl r.tate WEDNfSOA'I', JUNE 27, 1956 COSTA MESA M-1 INDUSTRIAL M-1 ' Long Term Leese Sl per front foot WM. W. SANFORD, & Associates Park Ave, at Mui.ne-, Balboa 1aland Har. 2462 HOME LOANS THE GREAT Con.1tructJ.oa -·a..nn&nc-..8a1M ,,. • •%c. · ,.. I ORANGE COAST Ina.. f'wadl -B&dJ. A: Loan -I PtlW'&lt itoney H1a lo 1M tohl-n1ake offer, ~ Truet De.eds Bought ilr: Sold 1cru oa PlacenU. M·l a.on•. Call ror JT.. Com.mltm•nt Submit down •nd. 1erm1. DON I. HUDDLESTON ChOic1 homt Kln1• Road. view U a.!>Ml ColtA Mesa I lh•l'1 un...irpt.&Md -SH 173 !:. 17U1 SL Harbor ll(UYIUn -ocean - !•It"•. Buy thl1 uciHn1 Uva blt, 60-ID.come Pl'oDfl!'h I loveable, 2 bl!drm. 2 bllth ~ 1po1l111.1 pl1rf!. }1DYf! yf>ur TWO DUPLEXU Q•1f!t-n here. Near Hl(h School tncome UJ:IO. 1 On1re.ble neif hbl.>thood for your Tot&.! pri(e $3:Z.e.oe>. WIU ~· horn• or unit.I. t()(iay1 prtc• p•rt tr&dl. Har. ~91 20<:30 S'OOO n1akt• thll comer lr.ot LAGUNA SPECIAL! .f. lovely unit.a. weU tum. on 00' lot. be.It loca. Pnced righL R•ady tor bir aummer r•nta.lt. ()all )llu Kohl.ttedt, Har. 4!>20 ' 27p29 GNJTS. E:i1ee!lent r11ntal <llstrlcl,. Near beach. Sc.hf"dul.ed Income 53000. ONLY~ DOWN t'ay otf bal~cf" out of Income. EARL W. STANLEY R.r:ALTOR 31 JJ :\'ewpo11. 81Yd. ;\'pl. Bch. H•rbor 1013 60 . .\·-Comme-rclal, lnduattial . B/ B • buy that'• h•rd to repl•ce. Sh;a ke tonf·UM<l brick flreplact- ra.JH d hearth • buUt ·In •love • ov@n • Ult t>.t.h.I. pertm1t•r heat, hardwood noora. covere<1- pt.l10 • paneled den, i bednn•. llvinr room and hall1 wall to \O'llll carpeting, fencf"<:I rear y ard. double a\t11rhed gara.w;e SJ 7.QOO fllll prt.-e ttnns. k ·2 zone lot N,•,.·po1t Hei~hts. but lot buy, Ju.!rt S~•JOO lots!. Horne or ln(Omf! unit •ltt Laree commercial corner lot Harbor Blvd. l''ine 1nvf"1ln1 tnl with Income now to can be held. or r ndy for d"vtlnp. ment. Priced to Hll a1 tn- wutmenL i21 30 down mOYf"I }'OU Lil to a1moet new 3 bl!drm I 't balh• hume. $73 010. payment... All tmprvvl!tflenta in llnd peid. ORANGE COAST 'C' TBOKAll 'C' THOMAS * BA YSHORES * $17,500 .. 2 bdrm. bud toom, cumpletely tumUbed, ahort dilt&llc• to private 1wtmmln1 -.Cb - TERMS! $19,500 A LOW DOWN PA YKl:NT Wiii buy Ult• J bdrm. t'UmUll\e<I borne -Le•. llv. room wlUI fireplace. paUo. An Q.c•ltent BVY with many p<:>qlbtUUu 1nd BUYER'S TERMS. Harbor Highlands $19,000,. Charmln1 3 bt'llroo1n. J ~ bath honie. bd.,..·d. floor•. fireplace, lovely patio, bf!11uti!ully ~d· ~•ped for mlnln1um 1.mount of care. ln1m1ru)a te condJtJon, l\'ey,•porl ..:hool d!.•lrlcL ''C'' THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOClA TES ' 224 Y.'. Co••t Hlgt1way L1 8-!>:i27 J'l:twport Beach 'C' THOMAS 'C" THOMAS B/ B ~ Next to Go on Lido 2 F1rt'placea, ::.o· U.t, Rambling on" stOrv, 2 Hedrooma. 2 Bath#. To>frtf,,· l'onv. Den, 2000 Sq. Ft. Pl11s. 7'l u1l &II. To St11rt "''!lh th11 home hu. 4 bedroom• 2 ti.lllhll. bes!dea Larre Uvlng-Room O\'trlook· tn1 be•uUruL l11r1te paUo v.1th bu!tt !n BBQ f;qua\ to 00' Front•g• . .Atikln.w; 134,600. sz11.r100 Commercial-I ndustrial Department 1:->"\'ESTORS • DEVELOPERS A TI'El-l'TION '. 8 Y••r old well con1trurted 3 bedroom• 2 Dalhl, carpeted. di•l'llO"ll•hl"r and dispo•al South Patio \\'alltd. !l's nell'.t to aeLL PROPERTIES , 15.)7 1'·ewport Blvd., Cb•t• 1tfl"M 1 CHA NNEL WATERFRONT Cotf\er Lot zon.ed tGr lJualmu d . .'-21 on F.ut: JTth Btl'ftt. C1.11ta MN& -C.citUitnt t"1 ontage on both .t.r•l&. Only S3:?.~00 P'ull Prl~t ~UBDIVl.SlOM ACREAGE Mt A < TH ~ti .and on -'l!Tll. s.i ooO per Acre. W1 U consder rx1·ha.nj;e for commen::lal In- • 1·01ne. C·2 CORJl/ER (){)' x 1~ n•.r nl!"IO' d l y hall In COii'-& ){,... $33,000. Bey & Beach Rlty . Inc. REALTORS 1 ~;:, ~l•.rbor Boulnllrd Coil.a >.¥,..., California R. t . Cedd8 H. \V. GooMen Day or n.i1tht phon• Ll 8·711t. 62-Real Eotata LO-TS on the Bay M' TO 140' f'RO?\'TAGE. S•OO •nd up per rront root to qua.Ii· fled buyers. Plel""ll penn.ltt•d - Oto. Moc.N•n1an, Collini Jtland Harb • 2911?. 27c!>3 1 A.CR.I: plua 1n county uro... •ll'Mt from ea.ta Meaa c:.1ty prope:rty. Rlpe t or bulldlnc unltt, motel or! Sit.MM> I bdrm. hom•. "''1!11 built In &ood dilltrtc:.t. Hwd. floorl , re~ yd A dbl prqe. Sl2.900. I bdrm.. la.9t11fully rum. SI0.9:'>0. .A 1;1tal horn• It " b11.rga1n ror Mml!bod}'. L. Hammo nd 135 E. 17th 8t.-L.I S·t.633 "'" Herbor H;ghlands BT OWNER. orrtr I munlh• old. lMM"P:DlA.TE OCClJPA.NCl'. I bdnn. 1 '-blltJ\a, fireplace. f ll bMl. dbl. 1_.(e. fea<>f'd Jaf'CI. laMIJIC&pecl. SA.CRJnCE for 111..1.SO. \\'Ill flntnc:.•. ~ Be:ry\ Lan•. N f'WJ'Ort S..ach """ ONE OF THE LAST view Iota in Cliff Havm. Per· ma.nent view of Harbor &. Ocoan. ~ • llO. $7.ll50 Harbor ~911. 28lfc CONTEMPORARY Cl;ff Heven '3G.00-l •LI 1-1012 Ev1.1 LI l ·t tOO IN NEWPORT REAL VALUES 12MO DN. J bdr. Hwd. fl N., tlr•pl. :Se•r .-chool1. 1tore1 A lnrn•p. L(. lot. Lovely (0v~red patio. J:, aide. R-4, Dl'PW.:X -1:. SIDE. walk ln& 11t1t. to town 2 bdr. ta. \\'Ide lot. DtYided 1•r•1•• • l•wn1. I yna. old. Only 14000 <in CHOlCE CORNER LOT 10xl36 0att In.. Thia 11 • &OOd)" al IJ9~ cam Lol-1:. 2'1de, !>OX200. R~ S27!>0 Orab tbla ona. MANUFACTURERS A'ITEl\"TION! N--J ACRICAGH:. Wattt In, Sew•• 4 lh avall· I able by Dec, lhla yr. O atr• dlolce l"tl,' &ood dralnaie W ldt 8L 17~ ptr acr1. ~ dn I BACK BAY, 2 bdr. A den. H••d I nra., fi~pl.. all l•.rilo rm11 htlo. Appr. l:iotl tq. fl~ S2 \ .• 9.)0. MUl't eel! dUf! to Hlne11a. WW trade for t ma.ller. Subi"ll dn, paym. Mesa-Harbor Rlty. .. ASSOC1AT!:S G. C. ,S.ymour -Rt.allot Slll!iOO. :-;'t"w Private Pier •nd Floa.t Pr1;1v1nci11l type. Room to ell'.panll. Spaclou1 rront are• N•at u t pin, 7't0VE RIGHT IN .. , Ba y & Bee eh Realty Inc H.EALTORS :1112 Laf•}'•!I• . Har. 3&43 2"9 p;yt1. ·J u1t to the Mcht or Udo Brld1•' CIRCLE THIS 110,1100 • 3 bdrma. 1'1 b•th1. V•ry •harp. Provin cia l interior. Vt-ry new. Big lot for privacy or rll.!111 your OIO'n corn and rrult tree1. Cotta 7'fesa loc:atlon Ne ar tchool1 a n <l .. 1hop pln1. Sll9 monthly pl'lyment•. $2)()(1 down 0 R LESS Be •ure an•! call ma on lh.1• one ' l l'• • honey: )Qt Cent•r St., 0>1ta 1"1eu • ALSO SI0.8!>0. V•ry lu.te- !u\ly turn. 3 bdrm. Qc:n.n Ylt'IO', f.A\•e- ly In e very dal&ll. Only S l ~O dwn tor W t TOP BUY. U "Hllll or U a.7784 3 Mult. Unit Lots l:A8T SIDI: COSTA )f.ESA. All UlUIU.. In. ClOSa to tcboolll A ahopplirJ . WUJ a na.nce build· Inc •ntl nna.nc\n(. DAN A. JACOBSEN. Rul Etl.ll te Har. 5eil, l..l 1-6317. Kl 2·2187 2538 FAIRWAY DRIVE COST A }.fESA tiacr• -$39~0 - Back Ba.y a.tta. REAi. TOR. KT ~-3112 lt no ll.nlWer call LI 8-2237 29c30 COSTA MESA NF.:\V 4 Be<lroom $12.9MI 2 811\ha, COlrnu Lot, Dbl, Gar· 11ice. 1-;x.rellcnt Eut.tlld"' I..oc:1- \Lon. l mm•<lllll• Occupa.ncy. l bdrm. hou... L,e. lot, dbl. pr., new dl•trtct n<"ar 10Jr OO>UJ"M. IA.rtte il'l'l.ng ru....m. LlJ•. kitchen A dinett• c'"nb. Altic tnaulatlon. hdwd, rloor1. niar 3 yard t1nced. Lilt')'• do"""· Ov. 11. tr, E. O. Saunder•. \\'rile .JU0- !1.tt or call Har. 29711 27c42 HO\V ABOUT THIS~ Fledroom•. 2 Uath11, tld.,..·rt F loor. Fon-fit Air H •a I Brl"akfa.!rl Blit, C'l"r"n1lc Tiit Ohle G11.r111:t, C'ln!lf' lri. 11.nd onlr S2:WO Do1>·n "'Ith full r n(f' of 113.2:.0 J1111t one ~·t111 old. lt,!1 complet•l.r ftnr('d tn.o Bl. 0 \VNER, new ranch horn•, J bedrm., I 'Iii. bl.th, Ohle. 1arage. built In oven. alove, dl•h1>·••h· •r. 1...-d brtck tlreplact. rur1 "-dTllpe1, SlO.e.oC>. 491 E . 18th F'la.c.t, COit.a Me1&. LI 1-2~0 l:ltfc:. DON'T MISS THIS ~•ly J b<trnl.. I._ blllh• 11V1th hardwood floora, &fl(xl c10•• In IOl".&Uun Only $13.000 Terrul ot eour .... 'ART' ADAIR, Rltr. ISM !olewport blvd., Cotta Mt-N LI S-3792 LI S·.'1886 I Challenge ALL COMf'AKJSOX ru r pr!l'e. termt. locaUon. condition and 1n«1111 e. 23 l'NIT$ JN" BALBOA. Part NE\\'PORT HElGHTS D1P11m Hau~e, Comfy cor:y r11.~tlr 111 n•·h hn1uw . 2 nlc• 5lu-d bed· rrw>n19. f!~plare and l"rll"P h\lRJ: room. S..1111Ufu! lan'1 · "'111>{'•1 11 n'1 frnr•l1. P1iced to ... 11 at only 1 14 i~. c ED JONES, Rltr. llW9 H11 rb"r Blvd LI 8-i33J --------l BEnRM HOME , hdv.·d. firs' 111w \\' 1\V carpetin&" thruout, DNpg and curtain•, \'eneUan bUnd• tnc lud..J. Tiled baUl " •ho""'r. 2 r•r 1ar•.w;1 1<>1. 1004 11unt!ngton Hu11tt11ston 81!11.ch. {.'orneor A1·e ,- 25c3!1 Pb LI 212 hln•• Plal'e ·-i1tt: 2itfc trade cun1l•l1!11'\1. Cail for 1p· Tho Right lnve1tment -------------pntnlm•nt, ltar :)344. 21k311 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 1- Looking for a Money Maker?? 3 emart furnished ap&rlmoltto PLUS ' Huge extra gueat room and bath. And jUJt in time to cub in on BALBOA ISLAND'S lucra. tive •ummer rental aeuon ! TV JACKS LAUNDRY ROOM Bathers Showers 8: dressing nna. 4 Ga.rages Extra Siz.ed Lot Electric Kitchen.a Phone us NOW to see thia $46,000 full prict . NAME YOUR TER•IS! Exclusive wilh MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave .. Balboa Iala.nd Har. 4781 ' • SUGAR AND SPICE LIDO ISLE Leue (unfurnished) with option l o purchase or immediate aale, Out of town ownera are offering their charming rustic J!:arly America.n type home. 3 twin-sized bdrm, 2 1pa.rkling bat.ha. lge. livi.,g room with beamed ceiling and real ha.nd pegged oak flooni. Fabulous patio. Thill homt is ru(ged· ly built and will suit tht mo11l ta.atidiou11. Located on choice 4.5 ft 11treet to strada lot, near Club. lt 11 vacant -v;e have the key. Drup by or call Ull lo ltt". PS: \Ve y,·iU be happy to ah ow evenings if more convenient. OSBORNE FQRTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Highway (at Port Orange) LI 8--7662, Eve11 Har 5154 OPEN HOUSE 505 Irvine Ave. 1-5 P.~t . Daily · Allractivt 3 bedroom homt, 2 Batha, fireplace, covered patio, dbl garage plua workshop. Very beat location in Ntwport Ht.I - only 1 Block to gra.de arfd high .school. Priced fQr quick aale at S13.950. Terma. BALBOA BA Y PROPERTIES 1505 \V. Balboa Blvd . Har 5188 · BALBOA ISLAND FOR INCOME -Attractive 1 bedroom apt. plettly furnishtd. AND -A moot delightful 3 bedrm. home, out.aland· ing pat io, double garage, choice localio•1 near the Bay. An excellent value. $31,500 lenns. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 POSITIVELY CLIFF HAVEN'S BEST BUY 3 bedroom., combination breakful and dinlng area, large 2 car garage, Properly fenced and landacaped. There I.a only one rub-it takee 5000 aimollan1 down, othtrwiae It'• a STEAL! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine, LI 8-266-i EVES Fred Barker L1 8-8621 Stan Le Lle\.·re LI 8· 7cio6 REAL VALUES . BILL'S BEST BL:YS .-.£\\.POPJ JJ!-V_D_!RONTAGE" 102 hv 211deep1>·ith Rei Apt. & •Ill. trl.Ller 1pact-11. Poltnt1at !ncomf! 5300 per month. Suit- 11 blt1 for Service Station. Oriv•- 1n vr any kind or Bu•i&ie.,, Prlcrd nght 2 "Bath 1'101n•'ll Obi G11ra1te 11nd UJ'I to th• rninute In every 1·e11pert. ~\1bmlt Do1>·n P•yment. B. A. NERESON R~;ALTOR 191\2 N•"' ~rt Blvd , Cotta }.l pM. Liberty 8-1672 E1·1a. LI. 8·8:113 Ubl!rty 8-39811 BEACH HOUSE? 7 :,, 1'11,,.e· to th" bl>•ch, you 1·11n ~""" th• ~ll. 2 bdrm.io 111 h11 ('nn1ri!ttcty furn. •nd only SIO ~10 PAUL JONES, Realty 2001 \V, Balboa Blvd. H1r. 231! ""''' -NEWPORT HE lGHTS RUSTIC Thrtt Bdrm. 2 Bat.hi. Early .A mt-rtc•n Comb1nt<I with mod- llfTn bulll·ln• lnrlud1ng oven, t ll njl"e •nd 21 '' lt'..,\'1 11on-Hu he•\")' •hlll!.t roof. maql\·• r I r• pl;o.<·•. \'I \\' Ca rpetlnir. dr•I""'~ 11nd p11n .. !1ng. Prlcffl al S23.11:10 for Quirk Sal•. 1r thl1 !Mll!n!!J lntere1ttnc you bl!tlft call no"'· It 1>·on·l J111t- \Ve ~ 11 r1 •ng,. l•tm•. Call 1,for an appointment HOME Pl.US IN COME Sl3.000 "·Bl bu~· lhl• 2 Bdrm home \\'llh f11rniihP<1 1""Pnl11I bnnrPn.r $&0 ni'l. LarJ[• Dbl . I• r ll I•. Cl">rnf'r lot. nlr• r rounlls. Ii:'" rden 11 nd fen<'~(t rP11r ~·llrdll. On!1· S4 i0U !Jn "ill handle \hi~ d•·~I. W. A. TOBIAS ltl-:Al.TOH · yo11"1l hk• our t rll'ndly .. r.·lcr t OO E. 171h ~c. C<>~t.a. ,\ft11. 1.tbc'rty .lt-1 1 :19 ' CURl DOSH, Rlt r. - LOTS 315 Madne Ave. Balboa l1lend Harbor 1560 Large View Lot * :"\t·W}><ll t :"\r·.• ptlTl ~~1··port * I ' ,I.JO llo·1iht ... ~·1x 1 z1 lll(hl•' l"U! l\t"t ~ .1<:.o 1 1·.oi1 !In. I ' "-••'Zdate OWNER SAYS SELL! BRAND NJ;W DVPl..&X, 2 brnw. \Ip, S down.. J..arr• deck 00 Ind .floor. R.fal fi~place. Klee built· lflll. Onnl.Md double prace. ao. to bee.ell, cbtnnei and mopptn&-. Rtdueed to $11,500, $3.000 dOWn. ON LIDO ISLE WE HAVE SEVERAL. OUl•l&nd- lnCIY Sood buy• rrom $22.llOO to 192.600, and we really ml!&fl irood .. Glv• ua a t lt••l 3 houn to •how them to you. You'll be S l&d )'OU dld-J!"ll a promise CHANNEL FRONT 2 DUPL!;XES-Open hout• rrom 1 to 6, Sat A Sun. Ill 1008 A 1010 River AV•. I ha1 pier and •lip--! h., pier and •llp prtvlle1u. , .OCEAN FRONT LOTS f'Rqlf f79Ml TO St2,MIO. 8ome are bis and 10m• are UtUe but U!.e .and, Uy-blu• water and horizon are all the u.me. IN DUSTRIAL FROJ.t l TO 20 ACRJ-;S. From SOOOO to Sl0,000 per acT•. Get In on th• &"toUnd floor A mak• you1'3elt • little fortune qutc:.k. A fl'l!llt /l)any people are dotn& IL IF TOU ARE A REAL ESTATE SALESMAN or broker and h.a\•e been wonderinc-where OLD :0.IAN OPPORTUNITY h.., bl!ffl biding out on you, we'll let you In on a bl& •eCt•t, you'll tlnd h1m In our ortice. Come In •nd v.·1·11 Introduce blm to you. Seven Islands Realty & lnve1tment Co. :Hl3·32nd SI , N t ""Jl(lrl Bch, Callt. Ha.r. Mltl, &flu 0 p.m. Har. Me7 BIB OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AFTERNOON lOR BY APPOI1''TM.EZ..'Tt 223 VI, Ravt-nn• -Udo l•I• S'tut yo\11" S unday by -ill( lhl• luxurious 3 "l»drm • den, 3 bath Lido hOllll!: ot flawll!M c:.omtrucuon on two rull J.ot.. ! And a Com•r too! with room and plumbl.nr for pool. Bar· gllln at SUl.!>00. Get A Lot Wh;le You're Young Ex<'lu•h·; Bat k Bay 8ubdJV11Jon '"Eatat• Lall" -H ighly Rl!- •trtcted -All uqhUc• In. Your chott• only SO '7:>0. Balboa Isl and Pier It Yl()llt -The mo1t th1rmln1t 2 bl!drm hom• on the North Blly ""Ith • thak• rnof a nd J'l!dwood and uaed brick tll'.tel'!.or Hug-• kltch•n 1>•lth built-In Bar~u• adjl'Jlne the famlly room. S.1uUfully land1'C'apl!'d. A rt•I •lttper at S47.~. Bey & Beach Rlty. Inc. Doy REA.LTORS 1S7:i Harbor Blvd. Colla Meaa, CallfomJa or night phone LI. 8-7714 WHY RENT Nt-w 3 Bdrm 2 bath• only 149!'i Dm•rn and S71. per month.. Ava ilable ror IMMEDIATF: OCCUPANC \'. '• acrt cotmtry 11~ lot•. &tllullrul coved Yor- mlr• 11nk •nd counter l'lfl'· Gart>..ire dlapoaala. 1xh..a11•l f•n•. double j!"lll'l.le. Fi1ll pnce l 10.t 9:i. JUST 3 AVAILABLI': c ED JONES, Rltr. 19911 Harbor 8h·d L I 8·3333 Co rona del Mar Lot R·2 Int J.outh or H 1j:hw•\", .,. •• , tlh•nt IOC"11Uon f6&,")() Tenn~ Osbor ne -Forton Rfo'.Al.TY COS ;:;1~:1 \\' C'11Ull Hwy. 111t r n1t Or11njl"e l LI S-i!t62 f;\'C• H11t 3298 "'" TIIREE li-2 LOTS In C<>11ll )1r~• '--1.,,.. tu lilh St llhop- P n1 crntl~·r. Wtwttn Tu.ltin and ~11111• /I·'• 11 rcrll f'1 v~ .-,,.,,. a nd a<'Ylf'I• l'Tlc·f' S2.· 7;~ r .. , ~•·h i(Jl g h••• ,,,n. able M•• Aht .. n•. 1 1 ~. Vie !S•n P.. .. rno ll~t 0191 or L.I 1-2."J.02 • .......... a._,....., Lers-··-:rs -• • ll'llo lut ol that -.... -~ when ~ an • ".l.:-""'!..-....... had It. .A)f-Qiraoa ""' ¥ar ... ' --... $8,91!11 Level. -tb .ot hwy. ... lldJoUope, ~-2, Wond.ttful undy 90U. • $7.l!llO Bioclt &Del a half l'rom UM Ocoea, R-2 wltl> h ... -.. 35 x 11& • $9,600 Provideo a pe<fect view ovulooldnc tb• city, 37 rra..1a,. by eo In rear, the perfect -unit lot.. $12,000 Lewi, well located Com.merdal Jot on hwy • '° foot fn>ntqo with 100 foot ...... ,. dtpth, only $300 a.Jront foot betit buy in town. $10,000 A 40 x 80 Cbmmercia.I lot acrou from HUr-- ley Bell, new bldr. roinr up nnt to tbia. Don't miu the boat, OU. la the tut aailing, we ha vt these ucJU&ive and can give you tut aervice. RAY REALTY CO. · 344-i E. Coa11t Hwy. Corona dt:I Mar Har. 2288 IACT08a from Bank in C.D.ll.) MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CORONA DEL MAR FURNISHED t BR. •lucco hou.e plus am.all gue&t houae and M!p. •gle. gar, So. of Hwy . Good furn. FF-heat: cptd; covered patio: fenced; all tor only $10.950. Terma. 3 FURNISHED HOUSES on 2 Iota plus 1 Yac&nt R-2 lot, 90 fl. tront.age-. So. or Hwy. Neu school. Can· add 3 more unit.a.. Thia i• reuon. ably prlcf'd al $25.000. Term1. 2 BR_ home plua 15 x ~work «hop, dbl. gar., 40 ft. lot close to Big beach. Hw. f1r11.: FP.; din. rm.; now holding "OPEN HOUSE" at 219 Ju. mine Ave. $21 .500, low down payment. JOHN E. SADLEIR , Realtor IVAN W. ERHARIYI', Aaaociate 3333 E. Cout Hwy., COM Har. 2il2 29<31 BALBOA CHANNEL Road lot, unoblrtructed view of Bay. $17,500 term.a. DUPLEX 2 bed.rm. &: 1 bed,nn., near bay. Good renter $21 ,!SOO • COSTA MESA 2 BEDROOMS plua lanai on tree cover?d 66 x ~. R-4 zone. $18,000. Tepu. lot, COMMERCIAL corner 1.f.51;) s 150 fl. Near Har· bor Blvd, PreH.11t improvements •bould carry till property developed. Best buy on W. l9t.h St. COAST PROPERTIES RUT!! JAYRED. IW.ltor Mildred Ric~ and Sylvia Tbompeoo, Auoclatet. 301 E. BalbOa Blvd., Balboa Har. 26M or ~ TEXAS OIL MN-17 Not t:xactly in Texu. but in Huntington Beac.b we have fivt lot. improved with four reDall and THREE OIL \YELLS. • FULL PRICE $37 ,500 Excellent temtA av&ilable, This I• a legitimate deal and owners ba•e boni· fide reuom for Riling. PI~EASE do n~l phone regarding th.ii liaUng. However, do come in u thia may be your , chance of a lifetime. W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor 2117 W. Balboa Blvd, Nowport llffch, Calli. Extra Special FIRST TIME OFFERED 2 bedrm. view home, beautiful ..,grounds, in Corona Highl1ndl. Full price under $20,000. Owner leaving thi• atta and wiAhe-. to 1eU immediately. LOOK NOW INSTEAD Oi' BEINC SORRY LATER MULl.!rIPLE LISTING BROKElt G. H. LATHROP, Realtor . 363S E. Gout Hwy. Har. 5«2 EASTSIDE ACRE 132 x 300 llOOO . _ . &ff U• for plot pll.ll for t-h•e unit.a. »a~ loan commllm"'L• Balboa Island Corona del Mar E\'ell Har. 5580 Business Opportunities ncl~ J BDIUI. nJR.~. HOd •Ith ,,----,:-; --------Jrllr-9.lf' NNt nort.b Bl)" By J:lt1 li 1 111 f'n1nrr r\"rior Bllt:k ,,vonef ll•r 1"811 2:k'3! liY O\\"NEH. ~1,,rkltng Pl•l'n, z ,. l4guna B"a ch Beauty .,..._trm run••C• 11 .. •t lhlw !J 1:,•K~I~ "'-"'ll'•· ... .i •11" flool""ll ('f'o\ar runt, all1•• \l\e l<Ul •IC!t.I\, •H1L l{"r<1):,. rl'l<el••I 7ard " pa.10, µ!un ,,, .. , ... ,~nl 1 .. ·1n1 ruon1. 11rerl••• J.mmtd· COM.\l!CftC..:lAL LOT tl:ix1:r:-on I bu~,· Pl•r.,.n1I " n••r l!l!h ~t. l'Gatk ~I .. ~• ltlral fr.1 ""·"" k .11._.1 •. •t<.1n 1111rbf'r .1, ... , •• l'tr :'\1''.\\t·••ttT u1-:1~Hn :-: .. , • uo~AER 11,.L.l~I' & 11.11.i~ b111ld•111:• "" lc1l l•.o•~h"l•! Rc,,luct'<I lo J .,.,,, I 1 I S',-'AF"'R, I H•) 1 •· ' \I~ .. , • ""'"t••i•I _ I C: lr·t l'•~l1 ur 11'1.•ll! l1;1r Cun•n• SF.\\:::f bdrm l'lnu~•. l CllT t•r Altadena ~scrow \\"JU t•k• c•b•n on la lte ur fur • quu·k 1tfal 11~.A l~Tut-1. atrtam u pe.rt L.l 11-a iOll atttr I PA x A J A(...'QRBEN, RuJ Eatal• I toe 1"1cl''•d~n Pl.. at ?\rt pier I I or •"k-•nda lf tf•r. Mlt1, U 1-6117, KI 2·2117 Phan• H•r. 140 ll n)' Um• auu t room A bath. 113.DM. lit• occupanc1. W EJ ).loden&. Ll a-1Ja. 21pli 0 \\'1'."ER HT•lt •·12'0. 27eJ2 •• ,1,1 '-lilt J Df'tlrw1n •nd pay I •1• (!~ lo •hQppltl& ~<tiit•1,I <:u.h dLfferenc•. OWMr, ttu. Colt. M-. BJ ow-... Kl 13'1 U 1--tOlO Dr flu-, JJ:lt IU'e !Coet.a Mtaa. etfice) 112·.A &. Jtth IL. U 1-1661 - • I I • • YOU'VE SEEN THE REST LIDO OFFICE VOGEL VALUE.S fr View 1ite on Holm'f"ood Drive 'ill Newport • Height. aurrounded by lovely homea. • ~· frontage with alley in rear. Udo Bayfront home tor •sale with only 29 per cent down payment or owner will exchange for Palm Spring1 property. 2 firephu:es, 5 bdrma ., 3 bathJ, pier & Cloa.t. See lhi• I.Oday. Builder going into new rutXlivislon, wants offer on 3 bdrm., 2 bath Lido home. Large comer lot. 1Jermanfini bay vi ew, Hurry on thie one. • For the a.bove properties - PHONE HARBOR 4971 ' VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3418 Via Lidb Evee.: Har. 3630-J, Har. 5179. Har. 5142 Balboa Island Office -Vogel llalues ;, ;, * JUST ~000 DOWN - Mighty new.t 2 bdrm. borne with garage. Only four doors to good bathing beach. Sout h Bay. It's a buy. Unturn., price $19.000. REAL SUPER VALUE - 2 bdrm. plua flllnlly room and king aize living rm. with lge. fireplace. Charming pat io. TC look· lng for a amart beach home near South JJayfront, see this one. Furnished, $24,500 and good lerrns. BAY FRONT SPECIAL - Only 4 bdrm., 2 b&tb bayfroot home available at thit pri~e and terms. There is a complete l bdrm. apt. ov er the dbl. gar9ge ror income. Full price $53,500. OCEANFRONT EMERALD BAY - 6 ·bdrm., 4 bath wit h 3-car 1garage right on the beach. 0v."ner will take small home or T. D'. aa down payment or low caeh payment. , Full price $57 ,500. BIG HOME . BIG VALUE - 5 bdrm., 3 bat h on lovely I:'lia.nd corner, ~tra lge. living nn. and dining area. Patio with BBQ, carpet• and drape1 all in top condition. ' $10,000 down. P'or the above prppertiea -· PHONE HARBOR 1014 VOGEL CO. -Balboa Island Office 208 ~larine Evea: Hu'. 3629, Har. 1229-R • I . . ---~ a a.i r.i.1o • -'NOW SEE THE· BBT .-- MA l.N OFFICE VOGEL VALUES ATTENTION CIRCLE THIS ONE Near new rustice home In Newport Heigh ts . .ahak9 lhingle roof, hudwoOd floora. W to 'lh' carpets, brick fireplace, living room open.. onto large patio, nicely land.leaped and fencl"rl gMuuds, double car garage, thi.a beautiful 2 bdrm. home ii underprioed at $14,750 financed at 41h% lntereat. Call us now. ·IDEAL FOR CHILDREN The 1nost fo r your money In Newport Bea ch. -4: bdrma.., 21,1 batb11 hardwood floora, F. A. heal, cor ner fireplace, built-in kitche n, W to W carpet.I, drape9, curtain•, cOvered patio, fencCd yard, nicely landacaped. Among other lovely home., all !or $23,MO and you assume t ba $15.200-4'>-'J<"o Joan. Call now. • For the above properties - PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 • VO .GEL CO. MAIN OFFICE 3201 West Coa.st Highway Ev'8: LI 8-713~. LI 8·3080, LEh 9-79(2, LI 8-H21 and Har'. 3630-J. VOGEL COMPANY OPEN HOUSES * * * 'Ir -Ir- OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 . ~ Starting Sat. J UNE 30th • 636 ST. JAMES ROAD 3 bdrm., 1 ba tll . large covered vatio. Bet1l buy in CLIFF HA VEN at $14,9~. Unuaually good terms. ,, .. New Reduced Price & Low Down Payment 22:1 APOLENA, BALBOA 1SLAND OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY, 1-~ Large 3 bedroo1n, 3 balb home. lncludel!I private boat mooring. lmmed. poaaeaaioa. r·or the above propertie.a - fHONE HARBOR 4971 VOGEL CO. -LIDO ISLE OFFICE • 3U6 VIA LIDO• EVJ=:S: Har 3630-J, Har. 5179, Ht.r. 514.2 --. VOGEL • .... . ·-·sa -• V AlU ES Corona del Mar Office-Vogel Values I SOUTH OF THE lilGHWAY - Br1.nd neY( 3 bdrm.., 1% bath home. F. A. b .. t. alldlng glua door-. to patio. Pleue call for an a ppointment to eee. Only $19,750. EXTRA LARGE DUPLEX - Close to ahop1, etc. Uve in one and rent thtt other, Over 900 aq. ft. o( livinr area in each unil Priced below replacement co.t at $23.500. For Lea.ae with Option to Buy-Corona Higbla.qdl 2100 tq. rt. ruttic home. 3 bdrml .• 27' dill, 1% bath, F. A. heat, Hwd . floors, tile in kitchen. and baths, antique shutters, room for pool. WDJ teue for 1 year with ~a.rt ot rent to apply on purcbue price. FOr the above propertie1 - PHONE HARBOR 0757 • VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2167 E. Coaat Hiahway Ev .. : Hu. 17116-W, tW.M, LI 8-MllT, Har. 2892, 4288 Costa Mesa Office-VOGEL VALUES DUP LEX ONLY $1000 DOWN , Sure it needs 1ome fix.in', but preHDt incomtt b $135 per month. Can be increued. CIDH to •torwl ,chool1 and transportation. Full price, $10,700. EASTSIDE 2 bdrm., hardwood noors, nice lot 60ie.x 135. P"'-e $8,000. WANT LOCATION! l year ol d 3 bdrm.., nicely 1a.nc1Kaped front and rear. Concrete wall fence, 1 block from 1:tlr 1bop- ping center_ Sewen, curb1, 11.reet.a all in. a.nd pa.id !or. Fun price $11,795. For the above propertiea - PHONE LIBERTY 8-5596 VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 Newport Blvd. . Eves: Har, 1~9-M, Key 3-il92 PROPERTY OWNERS -W H 0 WANT TO SELL LIST WITH THE V 0 GEL c 0. You Will Like -IRVINE TERRA.CE Now Furnished "Homes by Macco" OPEN EVENINGS Interiors by Martin & Von Hemert Beautiful home.a in the fincat location Prices from $28,000 to $34 ,000 Your inspection ii reapectfuUy solicited EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS On Hiway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite new l n ·inc Cout Country Club. Harbor 4.'48. COST A MESA. The Best Town on Earth Large 3 Br. home, dining room, service porch, i 1,, bathll, Hard"wood floors, 2 car garage, "AND" a very nice 1 Br. apartment, both vacan t A ready for immediate occupancy. Sl 6,500. "·1th reuonable tUma. C-1 Bueineu Zone: 2 Br. ho ntc & ~very good ·!urniahed apta. on 00 x 150 Jot "PLUS" ~1 ad- ditional 58 x 150 lot !or further expansion. •2:1.000: with $10,0QO. down. N. P. lit.I. -Kinp Road. One of the be•t for Ocean & bay vie" .. -Large 3 Rr. home, J :J~ bat.ha, •wimming pool &c extra dttMmg room (with Bath) ~fany othc; extras S46.:')()(). A-1 locaUoo on Bro&d \li'ly: 3 Br. hom<'. li\\'d. noors. Dbl p.ragt, $1 2.~00. with $6000. dO'A"ll IE balance on G.I. 4'" loan -$67. )!('r n1on lh In- cluding tax & ina. G. N. WELLS , Realtor 1810 Newport Bl\·d . Co1ta ~caa L1 S-7729 BIB~ THESE ARE SLEEPERS! Not To Be Snoozed at. EXCLVSJ\"l;: • Jt.~T LIRTF:IJ! Nur Jrtt~· -Oc<ian •·1rw. • bdrrn1 . 3 b.:i.lh~. 2 \11•1n1t rm11., 2 rtrrpla\.'t'll, IJT\1111 d111!ng rm 1.nd furni~h<'d too, $21\ ;.;u. Ex- ch11h·r ll•tlnj!" 0 <-ca n F1 out -BA!boll. r~n1niu1la. J bdrn1 l '¥ bt1.\h• ,u,1 ll:•ri•i.:" N<'('Wi (1:0.1n' • s11.:1uo full prier. E:o;c!uaive Ul\lna:. WHY PA y HENT? $:'!4Jtl(l tlo .... ·n move11 yo11 inln 11 flu•n!ah..U. ntl'll"l)' new mode1 n '! bdrm • dtn homl' 'lose to jelly. lo'ull prll't $21 .75(1 .s 1 ·:-.1:.1~:n A~I.> YEAr.LY nE:"- TALS. HRvfronl -O<:t lln!roht anl.i 1n lX't"'ren. Bay and Beach Riiy Inc nEALTO RS J •~o \V Balboa ~h·d. Salb.oa, C11hf H1<rWr 1~6• -~ ..... ~ l:S~l!5 COME-IN and W• wU I (lVfl you all !1111 drWl1 on theMI propt-rl!'' CkMn ~-ron1. 3 DH. 121 ,000 Duplex. 2 balht ta ........ 123,l')OO Trlplvi:, tile k ltchrna ...• 123.lll'>O • unlt1 nf tl ».-liOO rha ... 1311 000 .\pt. Ho•IH $9000 yr. tnc. 182.000 EZl:ll. Juwii al.u tr1,let 1;:,1n- 11hlrrl"l ' V.'ha.t Havti You~ Balboa Bay J>roperti" l3il~ 'v. Bal&• Rlvd. Har l'>t8~ 1 ~~·~rnR!ou!;~~~rl•l •pl, Doub!t g.11jte ••n twti l lnl.L l 11.~Ttrn11. I bl()ck rmn1 oce1.n Ir bu11nH11 d~tl'lc l C•ll uwnr.r Har ~::u 1.rt('r .:. p n1 •1r a n) un1e :>Ion., 1\Jl'Jo., \\'e..J. 1 lclU PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 2 1ulte15 Qf doctorS officH, 1 leued, 1 available for lease. IArge parking area, plenty of land, can build three apartments aeparate and apart from existing building. Fine location. Full price S35.000. Arrange term.a. BAY AVENUE HOME Close lo the pop ular 9th Street Bay Beach. Has :l h~lrnts. And eun room that could be a third bdr111 ., 1 1 ~ baths, nice dining room and living room "'1th fu-C'place. EnclOscd patio. Owner ma y LOns1dc r as li ttle as $8000 down. Full price ia only $24.,000. HOTEL Fine lucauun. 17 r ooffii; plu1 2 apartment1, a.It furnished. $24.000 will handle, J. M. MILLER CO. 20:!5 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor "'°91 Plenty of fN'e pA rking. Near the Newport Pier. e $750 Down • J b9dnn. • -11 lo wall carpet • n•wly palntl!d • Eut -.Jdr, Co1ta .W:ua • Doubl• 1ar q-1 • S.Wen e Clo.e In e F u.II prll'I 110,600 • 1700 down, I~ per mQ. e Si750 DOWN .. 3 '"d:rtl. • 2 b&Uul • hardwood tloo" • Yoreed a ir h•at • Doublfl rarare • Corntr Jot • l.w.n, curbl and p lt1r1 • Jmrnedla.t.e poa1.eulo11 • 113,&00 tu.JI prtc. e $2750 Down • 3 bedrm1. • t balhl • fon:td air brat -------·-------------1• All eleetr1c kltchtn $1000 DOWN 3 Bedroom home, only 2 yr1. old, n~w di1trict. Owner leaving here, will take $82 month pay. n1cnta. BEATS RENTING. Drive by 924 Arbor SL then call ua for detaila. NEWPORT HEIGHTS IJr1ve by 51 4 San Bernardino St., 2 BEDROOM • & den home, then ~fl ll.I for run information . !'rice ia low~ terme are hu:y, owner WANTS an offer. N.B.C. REAL TY CO. 02nd &. Newport Bouleva rd Harbor 5S36 or 14.05 INCOME PROPERTY 4 tJnltii. Excell~nt rC'ntal di1tri.ct Ne1.r beach. &heduleJ int·ome $3000 ONLY $3000 DOWN Pay off ba.h1ncf' out or i~come-. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Nev.purl Ulvd., Ne wport Bt>ach • H11.r. 1013 ._, • Ellhalllll tan • Double 11-nl"• • Cbo1c1 location • Nwer1, curbl and fUller1 • J17,960 full prtc• Newport-Mesa Realty 17ff N_,-,ort Blll"d., Co.ta Mu a LI 8-G608, EYN. l.J 1-7237 Balboa Trip lex 2 bdrm.1. tlth unit. all lar1e rm1. Top rtntal loc:atlo11.. n r1t cl&N eon1trurUon, elMn prop- e rty ntar be.t N y .-..-tmminf. Call 11& to -Ul1a. Jt'I & .-. .. .. PAUL JONES , Roaltv 2001 W. Ba.I~ B lvd.. Har. 1/13 '"'" BY ewNER 4.T"rR.A<..""11.Vlll d\lpl.p, n•ar LldO abopL Y\lf1llahad. J24..000, 8how1 u aollent relurn.. U 8·12~7. lllttc BA 'f FRONT I II U!'01T8 • PIBR R.lGHTS - 1 Har. 2913 -lll2 E. Ha.Joo.. l7clll Non-Vets . S395 Ca1h Movea You In 3 Bedrooms-2 Boths-2 Car Gara90 Costa Mesa SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES ""\ MONTHLY (µYMENTS LESS nIAN RENT WILSON .. PLACENTIA/ Furnished Model Open Daily -5 Minute s from tho Ocoan Neer Schools & Work COST A MESA SUNSlilNE BEACH HOMES ,OFFER ... Front or rear living room.a • Plenty of ~ Dining apace in kitchen.a • 40 pl water heatera. Natural blrcb cabinet.I • Confetti Ule in kitcb- ena • Maticork fl oors • Wood a.lldin( win,. dowa • 6,000 IQ. fL lot. • l\ock roofl. Aluminum acrew.a. ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKER, ALEX 8TEPT DEVELOPllEN'l' YOU CAN'T GO WRONG \Vith the belt buy in COM. 2 btdrooma, UMd brick fi rtpl., hwd. flooni, noor tum.ace thermo 1·ontr0Jled. Gtlrb, di1p., 1hin&le roof. dble. pr. All on Jewl lot n~r 1bopt1. theater and atorea. Tht price la RIGHT It term1 libttal. ~·, de&I ! R. L STRICKLER, Realtor . R. B. HdDGE, AHoclau 36n t.:. Caul Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har_ t774 ' I I -GOOD V ALtJr.S ~ ._ • ~t401 Vla Vdo Soud • Br. S Ba. New $92.::w>G 5'Jml1hecl on 77 feet of Udo Waterfront 0 0 ~/:300 Coral B. I. 4 Br. home and Cncome ~.000 Lovely Comer Income untt ovtt prace 0 0 ·'·218 Via Mentone Lido 4 Bdrm. 3 Ba. $-U,500 Old~.-roomy home cm a eo ft. lot. 0 0 ·' 204 Collim, B. I., ( Br., ~ Ba. It Den $M.500 Oldtt but immaculate -good inoome. 0 I 0 ... 124 Via Mentone 3 Br. 2 Ba. on Lido $33,500 Sunuy South Patio -good 1ize lot. 0 ' 0 • · 308 Poppy, Corona del Mar 3 Br. & den $33.500 \,ovely Ocean view A Best swimming beach. 0 0 .... .'. 400. Vial.a Baya 3 Br. It fimlly room $29.950 3 car garage-Rambling 2700 ft. Ranch house 1n the 2200 block 011 Tultin tn the County. 0 0 ·';482 Eut 20th St. New 2 Br. It Derl $28,000 Bi.I.ell built in new restricted aubdtviaion. 0 0 ·' 3109 Clay, 2 Br. &. big den $26.500 Lovely yard, big lot -close to town .;,561 Di&n& Lane, 4 Br. 6 21 :! Ba. G. I. $23.~ Good vt.lue in Harbor Highlanda. 0 0 ·.' 401 Kings Place, 3 Br. 134 Ba. $23,500 A garden 1pot ln CliU Haven. 0 0 · · 7~ St. James, 3 Br., 2 ba. $21,500 New. Small down payment. 0 0 ·:.. i07 Goldenrod, C. D. 11. Duplex $20,000 2 Bedroom• each unit -Reuonably priced. 0 0 ~:1038 West Balboa Bl•cl., 2 Br. $19,500 Try an otter on th1e ont. 0 0 ~500 St. .A.od.rewa 3 Br., 2 ba. $19,200 Bil yard -cood corner, fee aimple. 0 0 *262!5 w~ ! Br., 1~ ba. $17,900. Rut good vt.lue -shake roof ranchy atyle 0 0 ,·:333 Sipial Ro&d. 2 Br .. 1 ba. $16,500 Sweet little home for a couple. 0 0 .-;.'·241 Meaa Drive, 3 Br., 2 b&. ~.950 Nice corner -facmr Country Club 0 0 ~Hamilton -Block Houte, 1 acre $13.500 (' DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realfor1 2602 Newport Blvcj., Newport Be&ch Bar. ~718 BAYSHORES 3 Bedrma, 2 apacloua patloe. larJe dbiinr room. Completely furnlabed. Full price $23,000 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS 1 ·4:30 P. M . ..2651 Wavuly Drive (For earlier appointment call Edith Maroon, HY att 6-8222 or Lou Boynton. Harbor 2878 CORONA DEL MAR Irvine~. New home. Private owner. S bedrma., 2 b&tha. center hall plan. Luge ~ ctua doon to patio. Good term.a to qualified buyer. $32.500 -Lea.ebold. CX>RONA. DEL KAR. Nd home, 2 bedrma., 1 bath, very attrutlvely decorated. __ .... _ South of the Hwy. $.U,500 BEACX>N BAY. ·N;,; ll.tin,-iz:fithi.. excllaive diltrict. Lt.ms room ope.na t.o large patio al8o bar kitchen and dmJ.ni spaoe. 3 bednnt. and 2 betha first flOOT. A •ery la!Te attractlve 1 bdrm. apl oveT pf. A real barpin at $38.500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2Z ¥.arln.e Ave., Balboa la.Wld Har. 1775 Multiple-Li•ting-of-the-Month CARA VAN SPECIAL KL No. 7~VERY UNUSUAL three bedroom home tn ea.ta Kea. 'Only two ,.n o)d -Q)rt Wall.a m LNinl Room and Dmins Room. Larp Baell Porch -Part Fenced on Mzl 10 Lot - Prioo $10~ Cont.act your Realtor! Multiple Li1t;n9 Service ' a • .., llllat. a r v. Best Buys Corona del Mar Bay~ores~~ - L { SBoua.tn'S. F1rlt time ~ RallCh tne. Make roof, 2 bedrm.. aa4 elm bCDL 2 ~ 1 fUll bath wtt.h 1eparatt lta11 .,.. plm 2 llpU'&te ~ batha. ,Stnlot ~ fOl'Cld air b~t. wired for eleetrte ruse. c..rpetJDI aild dnpea included. Beaut.itUDy laodleaped. HOl:OI ii lmmaeulat.e thnJ-out. OPEN HOUSE EVERY AF'l'ERNOON 1 • ~ p. ~ until 10ld. Priced firm at $37 ,~. Should tell qulcldy. i • Oo.e to Udo'• bMt ~ 2 bedrm. 1 bath in houe. Sleeplns rm; and * bath MljoJ.n1nc car. lmmedi&te po111111lon. $22,'5()(). Terma. ~k Dick Ruma to lee thlt. Comer of Lorca and Soud Prlv~y and charm are to be foUAd ln tbla 3 bedrm. 2 bath LIDO home. Freahly painted and vacant. Many ch&rmlnr features, lncludtn1 a t.eni.fic patio. Price corner lota and then aee wby we think tha la such a good buy at '32.~. Vin Healy will be happy to abow you th1I one. What's It Worth? We thought it w .. a good buy at $29,000. The owner lowered the price to $26,&00, u he want.a it aold. This ii a very fine LIDO 3 bedrm. home with 2 baths. Forced air heat, new carpeting, lovely kitchen and dining area, fireplace, dbl. garage, encloeed patio. See it today by callinr Blanche Harvey 4 Bayfront Lots • with pier pr1V1legea, 25 inside Jots (8 are corner&). See lot expert Earl Harvey. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. ma nagement 3333 via lido, harbor 1000 Stop and think! Whei. c&n 'YPG ftnd a ba.rp.ln IUch a& t.b.it 3 bed.rooal modern home that bu everyttim, to be deaJ.ftd. web u ~ !1oon1, forced a1r heat. prbA.p dlapoeal and diahwuher; nice b'oplcal planted patio, just a 1bort way to a nice bathing beach. fl'Ol' $21,tsOO Terma available. Costa Mesa The owner ot thte home hu 1pent a creat amount of time making it a real home, and not juat another houae. The landlcaplng, fen*' and everything elM in the yard la done to perfection. Three bedrooms, hardwood floors, eo x 12:5 comer lol Full price only $12,950 and excellent t.e'rml. Cliff Haven . Thia one ia a real cute 2 ~m home. The owner'• 'excellent taate reflecta it:aelf through· ou\ the bouae. Blending colors and wallpapera make it unuaut.lly attractive -and remember. it's in'Cllfr lhven, where homes are in great demand. Price $16,~ Newport Heights Th ta lovely 2 bednn. 1 % bath home ii just that, -& real home. Situated on a well-located cor- ner. You must see it .. Th.it won't lut at $17,ZW -p. a. palmer incorporated ole henson co. management ' 1700 w. cout highway -liberty S-M73 SELECTED VALUES! BALBOA ISLAND B/ B BALBOA REALTY CO. WHY FAY RENT! Let ua ahow you thit lovely (1) BALBOA PENINSULA. DU· FOR ONLY PE.A.NUTS Pt.EX t 2 239 Mornmr Canyon Road EXCLUSIVE WITH US. Courtesy to broken. y DUPLEX. Excelleut buy-FIRST OFFERING. 2 bdnna. each, 1 unit turnlabed and rented year leue. Other unit untum. ~ for new owner. Choice location. $20,500 and $eooc> dn. will handle. Shown by appointment. BE'rl'ER HURRY! · , 3. v VALUE PLUS 2 bedrm. home plus pe.t room plua 1 ~~ batha, hardwood floon, FA .heat, eloee to abopping~area and only 2Y.i blocka to ocean and beach. A best buy at Sl8,500 . 4. y BARGAIN JU&r LISTED -Thia 2 bedroom home, larce livinc room, fireplace, dual floor tur· nace, (thermo controlled) plus large double pr- age stressed for apt. above. Better act fut on thit one! ONLY $H, 750 EXCLUSIVE WITH US . ~. y CORONA HIGHLANDS. First time offered. VIEW • VIEW -VIEW of blue Pacific. 3 bdnnl., 2 batha, hwd. firs., forced air beat. Ideal loca· lion for awimming pool. Ho\181 only 2 yra. old. Priced at $32,500 -eaay tenna. Showu by appointment, lieted EXCLUSIVELY with ua. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS .CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. KcCUISTION, Realtor M47 E. Cout Hwy. Corona deJ Mar Har. 41 (Office located nm door to Newport Harbor Bank, Cd.M) Be&uWUJ and attracUve a year old 1tucco property All nicely 3 bedrm, 2 bath home, beautiful patio, plua l . bed.rm apt. FWniabed. Near Village Center. $31,500. Excel. tenna. You can teed e&epb&nt.1 -bu tor only $6000 down you C&JI 4 B d B k 8 move rt1ht ln t.o lh1a ntc•l e room -ac ay y turnllhed. 3 bedroom.a up and MR. HOME SEEKER -CORON A DEL MAR. DO 2 down. Laundry. double pt· YOU we.nt room for that large family! Then are· and paUo. S • • t b l • 1 apa.ctOll• duplu ti.tore buytni. come aee t.hJ.I 2000 11Q ft home . 3 bedrooms - 2 puoo With wnna. batM -AND a beautiful LARGE DEN with (21 JUST LISTllD ..• on Weet built-in televtalon combination. All wool wall to .. Y Avtnue. Lovely 2 ti.d· wall carpet and lqvely flber glua drapet in- room homt. well tum!Jbed. W1lh attractJn rueet room eluded in eelllng price. Compare! See for your- wtth full ti.th att&cMd. A aelf. vtry rood value at 118.000 with rood ternu. (31 4 UNlT INCOM.E BUJLD.. IMO on Eut Bay A.venue. Owner belDJ t.ranltnred . . . wtU •ll thla n.ewly decoT&t.ed and nicely tumiahed ' property tor na.ooo. I.emu. ( t 1 NICI: T W 0 BEDROOM HOM:!: and cult bachelor aputment ln rff.I'. L&rre lot. apaclou. ,,._Llo. 2 liJl.ll• ru- a,cu. All turn1abed . . . bt aure and -tlu1 on• al $17.~. t.erma. (11 l OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX on lht Penln.ul& and only l:'IO ft lo ba.y awtm~. 8lttp1 up to J 4 people. J'h~place1, l&rgt walled paUo. A re&l value at S2UOO. ( 8 ) ANOTHER 0000 INCOME .•• rtnted Summer and Wln- ter. 2 bedroom homt a.nd l bedroom apa.rtment over a 2 cu pra,.e. Furnlabed. Neu b a y a. n d ocean. $U,OOO, l.tnn&. FIRST TIME OFFERED OUR EXCLUSIVE in Excluaive ~con Bay Kave FUN all the time! Let ua abow you t.hia delight- fuI 3 bedroom -2% bath home ln a lecluded re- stricted area. Ideal cl ate for childttn. Private beach and small boat landinr. Beautiful encloaed patio with barQecue. All W. and a ch.arming 1· bedroom apartment over garagea completely tur- niahed and bu lovely bay view. ~ price is ONLY $32.~. BALBOA PENINSULA.. Cbannin&' and spacious 3 B.R. hoJ!l.\'. 1 % batb.a. Near Bay bathing beach. Lovely patio and beaut. landecaped grounds Priced right. Terms. 422 BelVue Lane. BACK BAY LOTS in exclusive reatricted area. $500 down. BROKER OR SALESMAN WANTED. Permanent. abould know local area. (Confidential) BLANCHE A~ GA TES, Realtor MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LlsTING tumiabed 2 bed.rm home with For the dilcriminating buyer that Has ~n :.e~ ~w .:~1~ c-;:~ unab'e to find the perfect home . . SOME PEOPLE EXPECT 1. 4 lge. bed.rala., larce closet.I The moon -and wtth dv "JU 2. 2 bat.ha, 2 abowen, heat lamp - Ja.rtty tt dancn over tht Ba 3. Lar&e paneled living room, all hwd. floors . and into the picture window 1 • of thl• Redwood a.nd atucco 4. Family room with u.ed brick fireplace. a bdrm 2 bath a.11 electric horn 5. Bar kitchen with disposal &. electric fan with a 12 x 11 family room. 6. Shake roof • forced a.Ir heal. hwd nn, pine 7. Lot 1ize 60 x 150 (Room !or riding horse) klt.chen. ao x 40 land.caped te:nced paUo. UU!IO. Top n 8. "&lieve it or not" only $22.~ . ~- AN oLD SMOOTHIE Ocean Front Home ChanninCIY r9modeled o 1 d t Lovely 2 bedroom plua. Large living room with r home wtth rrery modem coo fireplace, 1 ' :.! batbtl, nicely furniahed. Two car ven1tnce and Strato-L 1 n t garage.. 3.1 ft. lot located iO beat beach area. . d d Rubor View, 3 bednna a.n den. tenaced patio. 14MOO. A true vt.lue ~.750 WATERFONT SPECIAL 2 btdrm with pier and float to oaly "3.!IOO tumiahed. N phone lntonnaUon on lh r 0 11 ont! Bay & Bea ch Realty In REALTORS ~ Corona del Mar OtTlc• 3S30 E. Cout Hlpway B&r 6683 BAYSHORES SPECIALS 0 4 bT_, den, wtU arrsn,.ci. patl It play ya.rd, nr. beach $29,~ 3 br., attr. ti.ch bOUM, kn. plne int., 2 pattoa. Ul.1500 Exceptional Value , $15,500 -•~loan -$3500 do~ . .l.mnl&culate 3 bed.rm.., 2 batha -one Wlth at&ll •bower. Large living room with fireplace, large dining area. Up to the minute kitchen, .eparate .aervice porch. Fenced yard with brick patio, detached 2 car gar. In excellent ne.irhborhood. JACK BRENNAN, REALTY ''AT THE ARCHE.5'' 3320 W. Coa.it Hwy. LI 8-7773 ~~~-~~---~ (I ) S6000 down ••• buy• a lov· ely, new, hnlDsu1a polnl home 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand. Ph. Har. 1671 or 167Z r. KINGS ROAD with I bedrooDUI and 2 balha, --------------------3 br .• 2 bath. 11•. Uv. nn., n flnplac•. 1lldinc 1-..odoorw to Ba.y Club Ul.600 ,,..uo a.nc1 double 1arart BILL'S BEST BUYS CLIFF RAVEN _ 2 br, den Property Is Gettin g Scarcer Then Hens Teeth' $21.&00 la Lhe price. w /w carpet A·l condition. on alley, Jp. ya.rd 11uoo But we have found a real buy. It'• brand new Balboa Realty Co. SUBDIVIDABLE PARCELS Oppostt.e B&U ot A.m.er1ca 198' X 150' (4 lot.a) on .ewers ··-·····-·-... ··-· ........ $12.950 Roa Greeley • Ed ltM . Joeeph1n. Webb ' 300' X 160' CS loll) on eewen .... ··-····· -·-·········~ $19,950 100 I:. Ba.Ibo& BIYd.. Ba.Jboa. 2i2' X 137' (4-60' tote) Choice Eutaide . ··-·-·· $15,000 Pbone Harbor 3777 NEWPORT HTS. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2 lot.a ( 45' x 150') each. Good location $8950. 98' x 150' on W. 19th St. -Cloee in -with two 2 Bdrm. homee euily adaptable for bu.eineu. Full ._.o HOLMWOOD ·DRIVE Price $29,500 with half down . . . &"URNlBHED. •VJ attnctJve 2 660' On N Bl d. . C ta M bdrm. bome. i...r,. conier lot. 132' x pt. v Ul oe eu -JUJ1t the BacJryU'd fenced wtth "..,.. answer for a trailer court or mot.el. Priced to sell paved. at $32.500 with $10,QOO Down. OPEN J'OR INaPllC'rlON Tuea. Thun. and Sat. a.tt.unoona. Excellent Buy fU,&00. --.aa Eut 11th St., Coe· ta KAiii&. I bdrm. 0 .1. loe..n. Paymcn&. MJ.61 mo. tncl. ·~ ln~ and lm.pounda. OPEN l'Oft l.NaPSC'l'l.ON Wed.. l'r1. and au.a. anenomia. Ralph P. Maskey UA.l.4'0R W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor ··you'll like our friendly service" 400 E. 17th Sl, Cost.a Meea Liberty 8-1139 STORE BUILDING HEART OF COST A MESA Brand new concrete and at.eel truu commercial. Two tolld leuea, one more to ro. Large lot. plenty of parking. Will net better than 1orr. $63,500. Tenna. LEMON HEIGHTS -2 acn •• wtll trade $30,000 ALSO 1 acn. new 2 br , den 132.500 Claire Van Hom REALTOR 2711 W. Cout Hwy LI a..427 7 OPEN HOUSE 8A T. • IUN., 1 to 6 p.m. 6.25 Recllandt A1"1., Newport Helpt.1 • . Idea.I tamJJy borne wtth view I.Ar(• 11.tnr rm. le den. l'lre- place. a bdnrw., 2 ti.th•, luy Ule kitchen With d1apolaL Lovely paUo, 2-ca.r ('&1"11&"1. An vcceptlonally rood buy at - $24.GOO wtUI vtcellent n.na11c lnl· ChHter F. Salis bury 316 Martne.. Balboa laland Harbot' d7l ' RANCH HOMES . 0 a !h". • de:n eo a ua n.. lot • ...., en ta and p&ld f«'. ~ land. Onl.1 • to ctlooee trGm. lmm.diat.e OCCUp&DCJ. Cloe. t acboOll and muuta. ab&a 3 bed.rma., 2 full bath.a, dining area and brealdut area. attrac~e dol1ble fireplace, lot.I of indirect lighting features, patio and many other very excluaive appointment. Wall to w..U carpetinr and above all this ii a view home. I! you are looking tor property lD th1I very exclusive area, by all means call ua. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th It Irvine, U 8-26M EVES Fred .B&rbr, LI &-M21 Stan Le LteYre LI 8-7°'58 LIDO-Build Your Own?? Yes, we have a f5 ft. lot owned by a Lido bullder who bu agreed to build to your apectficatlona. The price dependa upon your needa. You can't beat th.ii if you can afford to wa.lt unW completed.. For full details "conau.lt with Lido Realty Associates ""MOO Via t.Jdo t. :::,·.:;t~~C:: SECLUDED-RESTRJCT~D-QELJ6HTeJL PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON 0..., ~· r .A. b• BAYSBO~Wonderful place to ra1M JQUrfamilj. l&M Newport Blvd., eo.ta Me.a UJ.NO-fJOOO -200 ft. o1 prtvate beach and ftrJ at:tradtft H11 .N.wpor't mYd. Bu. •OJ Choice Nwpt. Hts. Phoae LI s-e1&1 -Evea. Hu. iaee 0pa 1 ...,_ • ....-• • • homeL ~----~---~-~--~~~-~ On Cabrlllo IM\W, 'naaUll • J~ ~ ·~ ~ ~~ FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK ~ b: ~1~ mt. 3 1*trm., 1o..e1y pt.Uo. carpeted --121,DOO r A. h-.t,, -~ ip. WVdrob9 n. u Miii · 3 bedrm., b&y 'fllw, corner '23.DOO ~~=:-;. = 1'::,o CJ.ASS A at.ore and ottl~ build.lilt located on · 3 btdnn. tanUabed. la.rp lot la patio S21,Cli00 dlrwn, F.?. m.-. Owner-most lmport&Dt corner in PHaAena Price Acreage Exchanne 2 bednn.. 2 beth turnlabod, Cape Cod as.ooo u ...-rt. IU hlWtoD.. Mpll $700,000. W1D pay 7,, net net and will depe>Gt ., 4 bed.rm ... de Unu.aal SS'T~ $300,008 u leue MC'QJ'tty. Laree 10 ACRE oROvs .ilh bie'lwaJ MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor & Auoc. . Newport Harbor Board of Realtors Altadena Escrow I OOSta M-otftce I lU·A E !IOI at. U ·~ Mdt depreciation fattor. -w-.ooo··· °::~n Htlen Bawn ' Haut Condon It • 7 CALL OWNER, T. 0 . Banrs, Rya.n 18167 t~rm• 0 tr9d• 34.32 Via Oporto Har. :>448 ,,.,,.. or u.rbor 3828 OAS A. J COBSJ:N. Re&I Ill Eves LI S-5297 Ll 8-1709 Har. 1017-J na Hu. Mii U 1-4117, Kl 211 .. ...