HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-04 - Newport Harbor News PressThe dool dlalrtcl'I lltW pftll· •t. Herb JtiULI, and otkt llOIUct mmi.M.r• h> attadance (OoeGDtlecl .. r.p I ) Y.Oul4, ccwrt hhn U0.000 if • • I Mii t · PAAT I -NEWl'OIT HAAIOll NEWS.PRESS \ _... '!!EC :~Q/\':', JULY 4, l916 le•1tz ~; ;.; P !. ~ _...,lMS _.. tllef ._ ..,. a.. lllll~ • . & ....... ,. "' Clise4 .._ l\lrtr .. _. .., ' INf ... • • • .... ..._.,.. • •,.... ,.. 1r. ....... 00... ...... -...... ~ ....... fK..Clw ... '*"'I: Ira~ -...... ., ... ........ ...111P ,..1:-"-."'!i .. MC '7 \.f ... JW' .... fW JW9 ol lb ber Wti. ...... W-.. MU. ..... 1"* ... -.... • ,,... M( ' .......... ..,., ...... , ......... "'th4I -.... .., --.... ..., ' ""'-' Mdand ~ -. It t.1p -ftftCI --. = .. a ..,.... .... ..._ .. -_.. IW ll a4°W' WI 8*t trew ~ n. 0-... ...... u.v. .... of ..._..Damp ,_.. ... I-..__. ... u. w •en.a....., lD p ......... ,. ~ ..-. utwi .aa t• . .u.-. .-.. 111,.... ., .. ...,.. 11 ,,,1 C .. I ... ,.... .. JNlt ... w.t1n.d. ,..... • . .....,. ..... ..a .. fa t"9 ... ud ~ m..a.d 1 ... .a-\7 ., bdp tot 1P ...... • ....... ... • -!'"'-"' ...... · ......... ff, ..... '""" ...... """ ............ 6oal ...... Ol ......... l """ -···?" .............. -lz ..... ' -· -..... --· .... • ',..... • ..... .., ...... '".., -.. • "' -...._ ,._. ..._ Ullr lllJlr st at.a-TM ~~ ~ • Mrw. --. Mt ,.. wa. wol'._ "God bf.I bWI with r.a~ G« >INGS ON ~ THE >A BA CLUB ~IWl·V~ ~ · ltc nm '*'"' ~rs lit lt~t 'D.· ._ .. -......,. o1 Luc· 1ftc-lltitn. ~· w bl~Ol'fM.-or M coukl M\. i.aw .-.. ~ -.... lo lM•fll July ii In & ~.(®'ill -A -lot -lo, ....... ,.... • '. ·---~ .... ,.UH, tlOa oho-.. , ....,....; c ...... lhlf"'r."lho ..... ~ .... ...an~ 1'b.f.re'1 noth1as quite like the all.day picnic d_llt.ern\ID .. moGWs u • yur mor. tb.aq • 1~ &!Ur hll r. T«1a1 Mn. 8tlchnOU. a,lded 1'41; "He ""'*"ben Ill,)' -·-dllN ... lMI throurti u.. bet• ~ or ,.,k ,,..,. hlld oa Uae colithoue IQ.,._ with hamburpn and hot ~ c;w Mr ....._-.ow .on pon.ca deatb:. • • tWO raort ~-ot rorrner prfl.. well u .. priilimer UiMri •hll• Amitriaaa oo~rnment. la~ .. tM UWttMt u.t a '""' dog ..._ )ehlnd wooditn .t.lnda dra~ ill red. whit.e \oplt on a ...... tt ~ todl,y In a leU. to th• FWJertOD .on (&1'4J' Ulraatn QC> abe Mid Azpitrlit&.t .,_..... a-w. ad 'Th• mbw-1 wa-e lr&MpOrled fhuk )'OIJ nr1 mvch for W Wiit bQGt•nr and ••MW by Lecioain&it.-or -J&d1e1 W!t!\ nnvt qi&t tM man, -'Tflllt· l'.fr'• Tr11mn,·t1>C1Q~ MtLr ~ ~ ld•UI>' Mr ..., . . ~ iiM ~ Ill it. Cap. to ~ t.ter to ~ yo~.r Mlp thft'4' In Onlnp Coun· .itftlle.6urda N ... .__•-"""'•.,..-\,-..th croWd t.a._._Dtwant.Mta.IM.)''iM ~ wH.. t:Mt' t,;,.wrena.•"il '~,,.. ''l>r.1il, 'l"'•k• tam ~I• ... .,.._. bra ·--ci:l~~letiel'I Q-., • __ _.._ f with' ' ' o...__ 11 ,:_---.. ~y-.ket. ebulgin IU of ~ hutC iftt9Ctlen. IU ln bla tunP ... which ............. .._. .. *""8M M a ..,.... oalW: $Cll!ll-'"1' lill.Clk .. fr'_.,it".YorlblW 'from Q:~ ... ____ ..¢... of poQplo wt~ your"""~~'· poc . ,... Al ........ u ... ~ .... not• ""' ........... -"' hll'"'1 -... --... "" M . -'~ ........... iin'o\t ta ~ .... No..,, wtth -~lr:UI and niclc:ela ln ~~ ot ..... tttt&red ,ch cw with whleb ta ,at atak•_· .• a .erv• .... ~ » r•• ... • ...-~ i. . l\ ,....,. Mll\, clUN ... ~t• &ACR.A.JBN'1'0 , tciCNi ) _ m~,eod&. pop ~. cold from a """"!"' __. from lb• lioT• mou..r. JI, JUt t,C• haa pillad· bia -~ ~ · • acra.. ~ . • aa ., llllmmtt ot ,Jlroe... Th• MCNtary or statAa'• amo. tub eracnd lee . ., .or or ~ tll.,.t Q~ Mni; W. Ma• &ttoJtnolJl. f9n'A• ~ .,._,. • -:-." 8:' ......... ar APIQIC.t . ~ · ...,._ ltln.. Stkhnolh eoft'Yt)'ed her annotanc«! \uUW• u! a notary plode tlarowa acaJ• a Jaot,ltoat wll OI' ,atdiwal~ Nlitl'tall real eN.te ,.,...-i. ldW. _ •.;!;;•1 1 ............ ~ ,..,,. •t• · • , 11 th~U to th• Fulle119f'. New• public co1nmluion to )farton r.t. N,...__ UL-.. ,_ __.. ......... l'-. iM.t two more'°"""' p.tW ....... IM WUN ~ .. ~~ Jn • ft'tlll • .,..., Pl At .. Tr1bwt• tor stvlnl her lnConna· Crowley 2U Via l"lttnu. ... ~·· · .....-.. ... 'the .... b. Mhool bauu, a.-i~ al ~~P tnmatH .. 1 ·tb81 recall 11n. lticUoth, attll ln s.UA. ..._.. U». eu:Q!.11.(. o.il ._ ""9U&4 u -lion •bot.It Becuy Klner. Oudeo eort ·~. " the court hou.-1tepo, playlnc an out.of.tune prelude to · ~ · the 1pealter of the day, the local judge. Who rerrun~ you, witliollt f>enetit of,. public addmla 1yotem, that thlS lo a &":.iJ'''""'° day, Y .. lilt.en to the familiar wot'dl. the lar ~ lib Wuhlnpn, Jefftqon and Lin· co~-~ t.f.-11i111 to.the,_.., bllllMlf. 0J:f! 111 r ·1'-Jlll :ttDri in ~; iad your ~ •Ya II( W ~ ffr him, • · It'1 important to be up front, near the 1pea ker'1 1tand. For when .the Judie Jiniabet, performqn from a tmall tnl"ffllq tent Mo._.,. cob\l·tt>.eatertaJ.d. There'• .• :iua* --.a ne .~ an acrobat who will climb a WfuOie and hanr from"the top 'by hhl teeth. Th• juilao l'lllAlly flniohe1. The crowd p......, fo..,.u<l. The :ll!allr jllicleo,'Ud ~a mloWte. You catch the ihiboli that bo.,.,_.,ar tht illatfOrm and lt'1 1ood for a free pus to next week'• 1how. You wonder if he miued delibentely, but you don't much c&re under the h•e)>Y clr<um>tances. , ''nle acrobat climbs hil pole 1lowly, fl'uhlng stronc teeth ~to the crowd u be ucenda. They had bftter be 9troaJ, you think, when Mi reachel the platform and ~ tbt'bit in hi.a mouth and jum]>I off, 1plnnlng diully ~~t the crowd, which C••PI in unlaon, at hia darriag-do. Too quickly it ts &U over, the day you wtJted and · taftd uid plannM for. Tbe carnlval people take down their ri&s;tu.a. You. help. even thouih you have a free ,..._ The crowd.I acatter -farmers to their wa1ona and Model 'ra, Daercha.nta to their etoru. The Judge takes dOwn the American flag ever w cartfully, fold.1 it over h1a arm, and walkl slowly through the crowd ah&king handl u he goes. You reach in your pocket aearchlng for a firecracker, tomethinr to prolong the uclt~ent and the cre&tnflll ot the day. Your pocket.a are empty. : --D -llnl. It. A. Gn.7, 8308 Via Lido, ""° llyoi In Tnu when ~ weather hi not loo ' W4 Newport Bot.ch th& NI of tho ttmo, con't - '111 -wbJ' N-rt Beach llld Coot& - , do DOI tri'1 tho hateh~t, ii any, and join to ·mob •. -Ille city. It 1hoald -1 leu to nm ont toWn; • opln .. -8taff Photo .-' a" BW\r room ope_l'UJI& onto every day and I p.m. auMe)'ll ~ no.red petloll, U&bonte and JulJ' 4. W&Ute r A LM C.. llUtff bedrOom 1W.~U1 a 8" .uumen for lbe bom-. . ' "Oii• of lll• LkJt ... ,.. IW81 Vlo Udo. Newpo" Beach -BEACH UMBRELlAS 7 Ft. UMBRELLA V(atch Repair ;li.A1 Slaltdard walcb den•, ollea, adJ. whtprtaa, or tJrOWa, ........ a.ere~ _.,wHb --of ....... .u -~-11••~· ,,.._.,--~ T Reg. $12_,95 -·- • Reg. 12c ea. Drobny Vodka 284 ....... Hudson Bay Scotch for • • • '~ Fflllmy ' I , . Remodeling is About Over! Sorry We've Been Delayed Drop ·in to ... 'ur new chanle to SELF-SERVICE and SAVE on these SPECIALS! CO SMETICS * DON'T M~SS THESE SUMME-R· COSMETIC SPECIALS * HAU r1t1cr u1mo n1r ~allJr,nrt ---·----IMULllPllD DRY· Siii QIMlllNO CHAM 110. -:.1: --••M-C!''MMI T-Cb ........ ..,. .. ~ .......... _ ...... ........ ., .......... ..... lldlit, -" ..... ~ .... .. .,... ....... .,... -- 7 ............. ..,........ .,.,,.~ ...... l.atp:wl, IO!l • 15""" tNJ '-"'"1 WM hoob.-.., ..W .... A ...... l!uyl • "c: USID ~ l=IXTURll .. ' ---·· -- •• • 11le C\lfllpa.ll)'. Hl"Vtl moN Ul&ll a ore 000. •. ene f'I ···-···-·--··· <lG 'i J30,000 cu1ton11r1 -r...US-t.iaJ Gimbel Broe. ····-··············-2e" The nilct. came •• a' iu.rprt• •• welJ u tndu1trl•l-IJI <>n.n11 • ' Grell Northern R. R, . ·-·-•z 'i to ~"· J1w enforcement •&'WI· C...unty. ~-ltelidat. Of Ulla Uff. .will "\\'e are happy to anaounc. loom Conti11es· No. AJn~r:lcan AvlaUon ..•. •• cle'W, alt.houSh It ....... known lb• or the total amor.int ..urht. ~t4 ltl total •'rinr• o1 U\11 1 .. 11>Mtanl economic evel!J." N. Y. Centra.l -·-···---·-:ST~i caurornta Attomey GeDerii'f norly ~·A.. or 12.687 ,000, would t.heuand .. amonr tunlllt>• ln. tU Karl cummented. "8avtnp ef. Con.et CcNla M May Co. ······--······--···~ f.0 office bal rec~tl)' 9hown a:n ln &C.. toward federal and -..1.1 fa.. M IA 1 th. fected by our cult.omen la \ht t ruction In f 1:: Monterey OH ···-·---.. ····-··· 33% tere1t In (!Otlnty plnbell opera~ ~· taxu, and tranclliN pa;r· wq "' atal&e dur nr eouru of thl1 Mle will,,..,. ~ flrlll :..:::~;:. Mt 8lncl•lr 011 ···············-··-··--ee tlou. n. offtce of Atiot"MY meni.. to locot•I roV~~•nll. ~!~ .. "Moe• •K'I hvt=!-~18•" .,._ .Nn'"'',:,'."·,•,:!,',",,•,'or,."',• ~~ 1111:.~ta! ... announced:-, the Bo.•Cal. l:dlton ........ ···----111 ~ General r.dmund G. (Pat) Brown Rea•n-I the ,_....,,. a.re a....__ 1 arY• --tar•, • ... -,._..... 8t&tld•rd 0\,1 ot Calu ........ at n recently PNvlded all COW1.ty taw tlve·lotd. lhe epplie..Ubn indict"' Ltd., lw ti.I "vet'&I hundred out-•:hen \'11cat1on upeMU are•apt llfft city buUdlq deplltmt:nt. So. Paclflc 49 ~ enforeemat, lncludlnr \.ha di.-. .ct: 111 11...-e upetldlturw ~ ......: •larUnr \od&y. to m•k~ eatn. demanda." He de-....i....c. ye&r'• tot.al la pennlt 'l'tanaameriU···:=-~·::=:::-"······ Si~ trict 1ttome)"1 oMce, wUJ1 • arve new c!.19tom•ni wftlt:h \II'• clared th1t footwear for all "9.lua.Uon 'kt UU. Unll .... Uaton 00 of CaJtt ····• &I~ leartliy li.t ot plr\ball machln• company a:peci. to add at a The aMOuncement Of the rn-.J-n1embe r• of the ran1Uy wW be ~,.111.0M, At the encl.l.~ ta.i u, •· Btffl __ ...... : ... :::: ···· 117% which bad been HMnMd undfr better than lllli,OOO·ii•yMr ,..ta or m..-chandlalnr event, dMCrlb-"Hnhtlonally 1la1hed." lllOOUl. UMI' total for ~ year. ···· the S2M pmbUnr tu. .ump. In ••ch ot the ntxt. two reare; 14· .. "°'! 1>'.Jrut Ale of Qie K II.ltd that ch ltood at' tl,tl"l,12&. GAME RA A dl1trict att!)t'glltf'• .om" ·(JI incre&Md c:oet.a of tu: (J) yeu,"•wu made yeltlerd•Y °b}' •rl It eu 8peclal .Jun. found 12t pennlta taken IDS ipokearnan •Id "acty117, Ute • major 11,000,000 expenditure B.urJ Kati, PHl1dent ot th• earinc• "''Ill, or courM, be ldd-out at a v&luatlon of '821.I~. . Jew m&kH a ttnow •..uee for tn.n.emlNlon facUIUe1 to .,,... the lar1e1t tamlly-QWMd ed to those repl~ly act.rutnr l..&.lt June the tolal 'flU •tOl,lH. (OcilldaDef from P&C"e I) that he t. Wllnl' tM machine to kine adc¥if amounll ot \iatunl aNI operattd eoncem of It.a k1nd lo ll1bpp~r• et Kerl 1 Shoe Btoril Breakdown Jul rnoilith: 41 \l&ll machln• conlllcaled. ,... to al"uthlaad couumeni; (4) In the nellon, and M1rk WO).. :here a ~=pol~ of l'e&r· stnrl• Willi at S4:iJ.fll; 11 mW.. i:ecten.J a&e.nt. placed the ~:'~p-:1thll~~!m.~';fa"'!:. an I V." tncN&M In ware• 1• fryd, menacer Of the local 1tore r mere 1 etolaOmlc lip'9 unila at Sllt,U•; I COGI• valb.• of the 11 Orange CountY tiowewr, h.. been l\fPOrted ! "IM i.~t two. yean; and tD) •t 1712 Newport Bl~d. Co.ta ~· •n,~ pl~ ... ~r .~~P~• oa mez..lla1 unlll et NO,Olt; fOrlo-m1chlnea oontlacated llO far at takt.n uncter Joell ordtna.nffe .,~::' ,._ •-ra .. er ..,,... ,..,.. ,..,,,Uf'M, 4 .. ~rlal !••-•• · I · _..,. proputy l&x•. · hu en•bltd lhe lll•)'MrwOld ttrm .-. UK1 miace --unl\A $10,400. E even machine• wer• epJMl the operaton WhO ba" Tbe comp&ny lndle&ted lt.8 to •eather enry kind ot econo-at l lti,IOll. • • t COllfl.eall<t in five Sa.n Clementi °!,.• pmbllnr 1larnp1. tnveetment per cu1tomw Ma Lo I I t• mlc wtalht.r. wtlUe ~ pee Up nNrty 61 ~ •Ince 1140: ca ea u 1es It.a oull~t1 at the current nte • t Nm lllO lo an expected 1211 _. ot 20 a )'ear. • •t yee.r•nd ltn7. DI TV Sh 1n that •me Ume tpan, the e 01 OW Ht.adqutrtert of UMi ttrm U ..avenp 'rate pe.ld by lh• COil-la Lo• AfWtle., wber. th. Kart aun•r for 1.000 cubic ffft ot A bevy ol local bHutiea. all· family launched operauciin. 11ritb a.at.uni ru will have rone up T)'tn1 for the UUe nf Pirate one tlny cobbler'• lbop tn lto&. .• 11". HISller bl.111 tielnr .. ,.... Q\Mn at tM On.nee County 1-----~---'----I Smced..,. due to ireiter UM,. r.tr, .A.ur. 10.ll, wtll appear on or 0te·tu1l: moJ"e •ppllencM and telm.ton ThW'eday, fa!r of- lllrsw 1'oullu. a compuy epokM-tldall announctd. todey. aan"'-.kl. Amoq the younr Jad1ea wllJ ~pol.nted out renen.J c:oete tie kndn. Mcintyre ot Newport ot Hl'lnr dur1nr lhe .. me lHO. Ber.cla. J~e McQuPen 'of 1968 . period heve climbed 92"', eo.ta Me... Marlene Hickman. •Coordlnr to the Bureeu ot La· ot a.nta Ana Helr;ht• and Coral llOr 8tt.U.Uc1. Hod&'ff of Hunrtlnglon Bo.ch. Spa•ish Fiesta .... . pq,,-..d by 'S. Clemente .&AN CU:MJ:NT.E. Calli., -A dramaUc r1-ena.ctment ot a eolortu.I et.rment of ~rly cau. foml& hllrtory wlll be -. et the lltrhJlrht• t1l the &an Ckm«11te two-day Old llpuleh 0&1• ~ .... Ju.lJ 21·•· Dep&Ctlnf UM tlm ~ bapUlnl la Calif"'""-.-~ au. "°'1c&I.. paatut ''IA cmtlU&nlta" •Wll be. ,......ia tor .n.. •pie· tators fOP U... tlllrd' ...... b.t year by u..J tla.n Ot.me11te Com· munlty Tht&t.er. Thi8 lovd,y qua rt.t.t 11 ILfllOI!.( 10 OR.lllre County mil1e1 -.k.. t.nr the Pirate diadem tor 1158. The rfr1-wtU appeer on film ov•r <:be"MI ~ 6.:.U p..11L...r.o... morrow. MESA TRACT (0..U..u.N lro1n l'ar• 11 11UJriat9d It would co11l eboul ~.000 for a nfw IChool etructu,.. the el&e ol 1n. Back S.y ICbooL whkb I.I aimllar lo Ole lYP.J OC Kbool Uul would be built. ti the new &Utldh.Ulan . The 1et_.ch lra~ ht eUll In ta~ wkfch ,,....~,--7200· .q .. fL r.tnunwn lol ett.e. Wher. &e by eamtnr Into the clty and •ccepunc the c:lt,..• condllion1 lJll lhe tc:hool 11te. the 1ubdlvki· eni would be eble to cooetruct on only &000·11q.·ft . .tze lot11. Writtt.n by Mr.. JtnniebeUe BarUett, noted auu.or and Cali· fonlla tu.torian. lhe P91"eant le a.ft aulh•ntlcaletl account or the M ptiam .t ,an Jadtaa lntaat In lTM, ta Utit .,U. ......mookinr _..__ ... 0 '' '"' DRAINAGE Uindel<amp's PICNIC SPECIALS July S, 6, 7 ~ ..... ~ SPIQ CAKI , .. , 89' .. -~ 4't W Plaln_,5- DOUOHNUll· ...... ........ STEEL STRIKE• (._D Un ell from Pap 1) PNnch -......... ,,. H• .... Al'PU "' •••••• S3' .. (0. ...... ,.... .... 1) Lba .... ot. th• •yatem •boUld be ca..., etrike J.uU MYftal •Mkl, pro-~--.f U.. amount of acreare 1 1 __ d Komp. , ~ "' .... ,_ ot ~ ~ ~ ~1 1a -.inaner wn e 5 ,._ lhOllt wW t.b.U b.li ~ Hom11 eub- faee no lll'IMedtate ebortq:e. dJ'rilloa. M ••stt:••CWflf....,. T. V. amlUt. al ~N Oo., ~ , , OOHO.SA Ul:L It.&& •uena Par•, wtakb1 )l.Ud* ,.. Dw\po la Npl7 to Murn.y'• lntorcl.n.r atMI fff ciol\tlrl1cltlon. aceu..tkMI. t.hat dty oftlclata, HI OOMl llwJ. ••'d ··11•, "''""•-"' " .. t now potn"•t -• ~-.. Du ACORD'& LAGUNA. BEA.CB -• -• •. , .._ Y ..... e~~wr "' n1an W .,_,.,.,,. '-awie wa doil't haYI ....,. etoc.k-and Southworth, were favorinr BALBOA. UL.AND pllad. OUr ordoen ~ b1fac turn-Ule oth.,-side, •id lh• "r.eorm 211 11.ut.e ... ,.... Id 6owa JMW. We ••t know ehow Ole council acc.pt.8d the NZWl'O&T B&&CB W1!1M .,. w1D be UM to ... t ......,.•nt.. fw aU to benallt and ..._ .... B ltML I wre hope tha' ttrt}te ~:t:_:an~y~pu:..:':'~:::la~'~'"~bd=IYl=d•~·~:~· .'..:::==="='=~=='=""=·==~ daaen't 1ut ..., ... ~ sun una 0.1111 I R 0o., ...... UM1 l l4>11 u lta prindflll N.t_.,.w bl.It H. '· Hap, ~t. af.cl ''We won't. fHl It. l..,.Sia.tel7 ·Wt will .. &ft.el*! mwa In' Ule tourt.h N dsll•1d ...... e1el ....................... .,., ............... ,, .,. I l11o ... ••••pelf_...- ...... a: 101, .. -...., ................. ~ ...... ..,..w .................. ....., ..... ... .............. • • ~ IAYl-AofM't lllod '" t 11'.ll .... .,..,.. ......... , .......... , ...................... ....._"' ••• 111• • ._ • .._, .. .,.... ........ -............ ... ...... • • USDA CHOICE am ~.-~&9' lllJ•W .... Har. 1511 t-.rt.er.'" • 8qn .. td U.. flrm hu anourh 11\iltlri&I In .. .,..._., tor pro- ducUon lblil ~ tor .i .. 1 tublq, el.-1 IOl'flll.p, U41 at.Ml ..un,. but "• •tnaclvnl -'"I "' Wiii , ... u.. Af'OI;• lm111edl- •tel7. w. haV. been nottneci th• l'lllll ani not takl,.. otden." .--llAFI' DllU --. ~ ............. a.-U --• 5nc R MP ROAST : .,,. ':' .. 7 Aeccirdlnr to Haran. tbt com- pany can eonunue to operate bt- to Ula fourth quarter bUt. b.a fMll all lndwitry wtll be aft'tieted ~ lat• ~·.ne. ... that periot_ lf U.. llrlkt lu~ f~ &a7 tbM. D~ltt NOTICI , • At.IQ& TA~"ftNO • Holy ftOMr)' WW M recited aDnlf1'1it (Wedb ... &J') al I p. m. l9 Park••~ ~I')' ::h•pet tw Alloa Xlrie Taran-*°· 2a, of 1.IU Anio&d AYe .. :>DM& ,....., Tiii• ""· nom .. J . NeYln of It. .Joadlbl'l Ctlun:h .W ulOcl&i._,. • Ml.111 Taruuao _... JM'Ol'lounc- '4 cM&d oa •nt.-.1 a.t H04C Hoe· pita.I 8ab&nlq .. ..-tt of &ft U&tomollil9 ,Mdllmlt. .. WM a u.Un ot 0••1'rei&. Oldo a.Ml llllD•-t.o~ ..... -r.-lMI 11riU. :Mr' pumte, JCI'. aft4 X....JOMpll hKntlao. At U.... llC' ._ 6-U. 1b'7 WM em,..,.., .. llllltnt&I")' 17 LM ~ ~· lk--164-W pata\.I 9he 19 IUt'YIYed w a k'OtMf ~ ~r~ ot lM ...... ~ Wbo W'll siUcall7 ~ In t.M -.me ...... : Mr ,.......,_ .... ... 11tra. A.11thon1 ,..,...t.btio •a.,,... lilM add her maternal 11"9Dd· ltllher, Albert Otl.111• ot Safi' UtonlO. To••· TM "'°'11 wW be no.a T\l .... .., .. ..-... -................ t. Nol ""' i11!11f -ilollm .. ... wirt1iw . "' • "' lo "" flltklft'• !'whltt spot" -tM ftst- llt ..... CCM'lb' In Amtricl! ....... rf r.llltl IN'lt iQIO IM •wput ts•as hlrW 11t1 """ inoMtl -Ctlltinl AR un- prec:Mttltld ..._ '" Mmes -11'1111 ,._. money is needed to lltuilcl thsM homtl. Wouldn't you liU 11 least p.wt inttr1st Iii thest ...... ill ttlil ""ICt diNtl -·-" ......... ..,_..,.. reundtill .., "°"""' rtlOlb •nd ptOtptjinr busintss«t 1 Whit m. wntmlnt ooutcr be uftf ! Gtl l"l iaZJ ..., out " hid· illl-,,.;u1 ...., .,..._,. -s.itowt ' l ... - ftion. Join ttlovsandl of. llTllft tlYtr1 from 111 ov1r tM wor1d who, for 20 y11r1, hm lnv1sl9d their s1Yi1111 httt tncl bttl'I richly rsw11c1td, yur tfttr ,..... Mail lf'ff tmount -mail it to ll(in blfort July toth so It win 1n inttr1st CWT1nt1Y •t .f % I* tnnl.il'll from tht Isl Thin c'mon down sometime tncl w1tdl 'ffNt fl'IOlllY woRi• hltd f« JOii. Wt'lt bl,_"-"'""" It ...U. •••• ~21p10• - e1 .. , .... .,,,.,... FREE wtlen )'Ou opan wittl, or idd to .., ICt*#lt •I Jdtt $250. °'111 ont "Zippe" tt t cvttomer. •••• llWPOIT llLIOl SAVlllS l=.noo 1'· A. ,_,_,, ,,.-.,,.,, fMl1' .,...... ~ 1 inonths . , . . . 4'%~. for 20 Y'l4ft ill . ~··· VtA LIDO • ILl ,MONI MAllOI 4200 C•t••• 4•1 Ma t Olli•• 2'07 ••••Ca••' HJ1h••1 2 :-·25c )W'IOSIF A& UIS ......... ~,.. = :: 33• • ·Cllll'SY cm Sl'ltlAl .0.-.oc&'-....... '•"' -49' ...... _ ...... .... ~ .................. .... ............. ......., .... _,.... ... ....... ,...._ ....... _ ............................ ~-_ ........ _ .. • DUBUQUE BACON "::.A :43' • T IATH'S GIOUND,lllf ........ .,...... ..... CHOPITTIS ~ 11n uva ..... , ...... '7 '11 ..... .......... "'!"' ._. ;}::4t FIWTC)f-~ ~cw......_ ... OCEAN PERCH .......... . """" ... s.wv-.. ::, hlryDrWi = s..,=.z::• h .. as..p 3'1 ~cw.. ........... ~ 20• • 20• ... .:,.11' 1 21 ' 2::• ••::• ' .. ]9' ... ]Sf ;:35• .:39' .... I' a .. ... _ ....... -. .... ...... ·---- CRISP-CARROTS YBlOW OlllOIS N1C1t &Uatltvl JULY J, 6. 7, 1916 t' l!JIWWAYI .. nel MIA Mt ......... u.. .... --. .... -.. _- ' .. • _ ... _._, ·" ..,._ ..... _ I • I --. . . ' e YAHILl.' . e CHOC. e ll'IAW. • MIAIOL i-GaL SPECIALS FOR THUIS., FRI., SAT. JULY 5, 6, 7 l.AuRA . sCuDDIR'S FARM-FRESH -FULL Ci)UART • -------,· Meadow .Gold AA • BUTTER I ·1..u,. Ctn, • I I '--'_ ........ _.......___....... I lest Foods Pure 11· SALAD OIL • Pint Jer 29 : 9 LIVES TUNA 2 n,3C ". Full c I CAT FOOD ~·Ki f"• ·==, Ou=·~ .. ==== I c PiEsEiiES· 2!· 49c : jif CEEAPPLE ~ C.n . .. . 19c -------I Chunk Chicken of the 5'G TUNA· 1.tb. Pkg. 19c : iPRiCOjS 303 C•n 17c .._N_!ty_· ::_c._" ___ ___. . WIENER WOWS! ALL..AMERICAN ALL-MEAT -l·LB. PKG. Hoffm•n • ~~~t s119 . • . Picnic Box c Luer's 45c .. Alf.Meat 1-Lb. Pkg . ---------·------~ -------- &..rg• Eye Plain and Sugar DOUGHNUTS 6.., 19' Cllt. 6 t. He.) f nndt APPLI Pll •••••• Sf .. (Sfc , .. , .--:~~_.._.._.._-1-=~~.e.~~~ ~ .................. ............ c--...... ''. VAN CAMP'S-No. 2Y.a Can PORK & BEANS UTE CUT-No. 303 C.n GREEN BEANS I ) CRUM YOUR ,COFF& WITH PREAM . 44L Jar 1-tb. Pkg. WESTON CHOCOLATE FUDGE e1111~ 12-0L c~ pf i:· - r Iowa, bu Amerian SNOOlUP All beef i U.S. 'Chor is REAUY' u.s.Gra•· ROI U.S. Gracie 'Cltoi U.S. Ol...UI 'CHO~ STEIK ROAST ALLAMEllCAN'S F·--. GROU . . .,,, Mi11t Buyers .,. ml9hty frie'riclly fel- ' ~·it comes to buying beef for All- t they',. not content With anything but the "grade of beef wall.W.: U.S. 'Choice'! ~lilly ..a.ct.ct by our buyers from top '~ eastem 1t1l'7fed HEAVY beef. Every cut 'i11tsfl•H of exceu fat ind waste. Stock-up · liter at these 11le pricesl ~ s .STEAK -mous Fresh, Lean ' Tender· Eastern Beef )NELESS SIRLOIN or :tour Choice! 1-1.8. CEUO ROU USDA CHOICE e .. e .. 29c I I I I • I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I " I .......... Fines~ Quality-Ripe, Fine=Ravorecl , QU~\.\11 1-- \ll\S -f\llSf £l I if ,s .CQf _ \~· can Al : teed~, l Tea I 'fim.9 , I I I • L ___ Minute Maid ,Refreshing HEAf BEATERS! \ . r--------, I MINUTE MAID I Your Cholcel e Pink Lemona• : LfMQIADE : MINUTE MAID 9 Lemon 'N Umeacle I ·JumbO 12~ c.nsl 1 9 Lemonade I I , -c I 2 ~ 21c1 For : [ -·-- - - - -_J KOLD-KIST BEEF LIQUORS Charter Oak 86-proof STRAIGHT BOURBON WHl.SKY . 7 YEARS OLD lcly o Co,. ol 6 Filtla1 SAYE •8.40 A/I Ot. t.e. S4. "' C:--' '· •.. $29.9' SllQM,-tk ... TllM-Olllr ••••. 21 ~ ' YOU SA vi"'i.'40 . -CAvALii1-YOoii 1 Ivy a Co•• of 6 filflt1 I SIYI ~= •4.35 I 4/1 Qt ....... .).~ c-.,, ' . . . . . . su.. ft S'ECIAL -llfftlte4 1'lit. -o.ty ••••• 21.11 ·= ' .. . ; ~.­.. • :~: ..• •. ... :·: . . ~ ••• ... r • -.:: . • l ' .. ' I t ' ' I • I t ' STEAKS YOU SAVI ,_... ef • nftt. 4 .. H . ' ·10~ ~---------~..J ,: . i '9 DOWNEY coma• MlnOMI & DOI AN ..,,.,., ...... -.. ................ ... Aft t A.Ill. 10 7 P.111. "" 9 NORWALK com• 111111JO• a Mt•• Oflll OA&Y .,._ 111111111 .-Aft "nL ,. , . 9 NEW.ol'.-.~T llACH 1611 COAST llellWAY AT NllM Of9I NI A.Mo TO , .. P.IL M&T --.Aft ' A.M: '° ' ...... _9 GARDEN_GRO_IE CORONA.Q MAR 9 SAN Cl EMIMTE tlll ._ ...... ...._ Ck: ... S..J _, COAST lllUWAT ., JAW ~ & C...-0 __ ... DAJLT t:OO A..M. TO 11:11 P.M. IA&Y '111.A.lll. fO 1 ... P.M. ._ - . IUNOAn t A.Ill. fC H P.111. • -'" t AM. lO 1 Ml. f A.Ill. lO • P.111,. ,._Ant A.Ill,; to f P.1111. ~ .. - . : . 1 l I . . . . . . • t _ _. __ .,.. __ ·' NEWfORT HARBO :-. ·jj c i. e··t 'I · • Officers nitiate ln an lmpnul't'e °'~al. ., .. CUT ~ ' I • RAT! 8eauty Service ........... _ ..... .......... fl.II ... ...,_,.... .... .... ,..if -..,.,.,.,.. .. ...... Pt&. .tll '""" ,..,. ... ... IJ. Vuta BEA.UTY CORRAL Tll WMt 11Ua l u.t COSTA MESA •~l·lUl e • LATEST HAIR STYLING . FOR ·HOME ' , 'l'ID:" P lLTER ll. IIlLLS of Bay Shor-.. en JOY; & clay of fun at the ""'fly organ· lled, Me..Sowlark Ranch Club w'bere everyone puticipated in a steak barbecue,. I JiAneback fidLnc, swimming and just plain old relaxing. Peter Jr., Na.ncy and ~ pictured with their parent.. -Terry Boria Photo. 'MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Spclety ·Editor ut1 ttrat tor thl1 eorp. ot of· tkera. 12 undld&lff wire lrUtlat• PAGE 8 . PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS "' into o.muau w•1t• •""•• .. ... In Sant. Ana MUOQlC Tullpl• PERMANENTS l).AN'S IAltlEI SHOP • r-, • • • , DON'T HOLD THOSE HORSES! -The crew o! . entry No. 30 in th• forthcominr All Women'• : Tranecontinental A1r Race, etarting from San · llat<O July 7. bu their plane well In rein. Shown left la ~Pilot Lauretta Foy of V&n Nuy1 and right ii Pilot Joyce Failing of Apple Valley. Joyce ia a former reaident of thia area and the niece of . Mr. and Mrs. Archie Failinr of Lido. Dance Fans Dine At Dalton's ~n. Mabel Ro.., Mldley O'Brien, OIM171 8t.ambau1h and Juliette MUUktn. Mr. and Mrt. Fred LynM; Charle• McNeil!, Wade O'Harra. Earl Kunkel, Chet Farrar and Bill ftJppatoe. Altp att!ndl.nc were KiN Marjorie Childreu Gt H6111'food, &iob D.:ltoe'• Re •l •urant .Edwln L. MWl.IM!)' and TbornM pr9nd le be "DMllnaUon Un• Nle.hol.-on of COii\& Mua, MLM knOwn", dlllner dulpallon fbr Kt.lhlffn Ely, Rlm Coru-ad and a :recent 11\Y•lery Jun.Ir.et ol M1-Ref1na Wllllam1 ot IA- danca enlhueiut&. runa Sta.ch, Thomae a . Lordan Attendtac the poeer party o' .Garden GroYe, Mr. and Kn. were N'-9 1 .. n C.roll, Mar-Ted Ram.al!y of Gate Miils, Ohio rurtt.e ' ~ and JW Smith; 9.Jld Taneaki Napi ot O...ka, Mmu. Alice Drake, Blt.ty Wal· Japan. ~= .. . . .... .... .. ·: ~ DELUXE LlfNCH .. ·:i: Evft7da1 at.-~:CHINESE •d AMDtCAN DISHES ~; ...... _ ....... f:: FOOD TO TAKE HOME i· rno..-ttio-Y-- .;! CHINESE CASINO lllmiL,m.lboa -·- ' • .. , W~DNESDA Y, JULY 4, 1956 • with >fro. O"y Ch"'ll&n, worthy " ' • hl1h prieateu and Oyde John· IW.llOA Birthday Fete at Mesa Park HARBOR DEMO WOMEN PLAN LUNCHEON EVENT • • ._ Mn. Ruuell Brown, wa19 and mtan.1 chair- Thi ..vu• ~ of zutn man, 'announced at the Harbor Democratic C1ub Mael\.M, daUJht.r ot Mr. and meeting June 27 th&t her committee bu planned MrL w~ MacRu ot .2100 a luncheon and game• tor Democr&tic. women in Na~! Ave., ~ta .Xeu. wu Orange County for July 11 at 11 :30 a.m. in mi.tinted by a rroup ol trlenda Colt& llua Grange Clubhoua4!:, 3:50 W. Victoria at Coeal Me• Park ~May Ave. between Harbor and Newport. Blvde. afternoon. Jv.ne 21. Q am• a, birthday cake, Ice cream and All Democratic women are invited 'to make candy were the main attracUon.1 reeenationa early i,ec.auae of limited apace, eon, watchmaa of llhepberda,. presldtnc. a.&.LllOA 'QIS.A.TU:i BLl>G. 0,. ~ Q;n1 .. .....,. Mr .. JUiie Brypt, D.ewlT I p. -~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ polnted dlarlct deputy and Wal- ter Scoble, watchman of ebep- herd• of ru.Jle.rton Whttti Bhrine, were Introduced &ad 11· put of!lcer1 receivfd uoort. honora. Elective; o fl tc er1 nl1ht ill acheduled for the nut mffUn1 on July 13. July 27 there will bll a 1 :30 potluck dinner for membera and cue.a to.lJowed ·by a Proanm. 'nle an nu a I White 8tu1ne bno1kf1at will bt terved, Aur. 5 in the Ma.onlo Temple. Clyde lohneon will bti chairman ot Ull.1 ~vent. eu ~u~ 'STO~AG~ IT'STIME TO STORE YOUR :J.uf6 ;th~u 8:~: .. ~~~~·nn~: atatea the ticket chairman, Mn . Clari. Axtater 111.q the ram•• priaee. and her committee, Mn. Fred Ollon, and Mr1. B. , S k Sh PriHnt at the falhertnc wen Loeser, who are taking reeervaUon1. tOf QWCr Ltt Uj>trU •ID<• .,d '""' """ fun Ba.rbf.ra MacR&e, Sherrie and [----------------------H 8andr& Mann, Pal 8 ow 1 er, lut week. QllQr =~~~lu~.~:::=:~ Third Son The But -CGltl "'llor• Guest Kathy Halnn. l.Anor. Cht•ter. R.l!f1~ Pflfttr, Vietorla Muhon· en. M&ry Jane Paul, Maxipe O>uncllman and . lM honorff, Is Born to O'Bryo.ns Ellyn Mac~. CHILDREN'S SHOES. by PIED PIPER TOTS TO TEENS Complete Corrective Line Prescri ptions · Filled Harbor Areu Only Chimren.a Bhoe 8lon11 JR. SHOE "HOUSE HU I:. C...t Bw7 CORONA DEJ KA& Rug & Carpet Cleaning Upholstery Cleaned la °"' Pl.uil ot la Y-Bom& • IHALITA'S Peniall 11119 ,Cleaning Wortis IN DIOX HACKER'S : Uberty 8-7118 JUG Vie ~ Barbor 43%8 • ' • • THUltS • Nm SPECIAL •' . , 0 • • COCKTAILS • FINE FOOD • THUltS. NITE SPECIAL -VAN'S BOWLING -I'll. Uberty 1-3292 WALT AH SAY • NO NEED TO SEE HIM HE COME SEE YOU HE OPEN tt.....YewM ltESTYlfD NOW "' ·-PllCISI J)llVE.M. .DULING FURS BRAND NEW GRASS SHACK ON BALBOA .ISLAND \ Everything From D' Islands' (IL&.WAIUN tn£N'DI. D.&.T U) WALTAH SAY IF HE AIN'T GOT IT YOU DON 'T NEED IT WALT AH CLARKE'S HAWAIIAN SHOP 209 MARINE BALBOA ISi.ANO LA.Ot;NA U Aat -P.u.M .. ant'GI -DllJlOTL.UfD I • I MRS. WAR.REN BRADLEY STURTEVANT ENGAGED -Mr. and Mn. Walter Woodrow Nol- lar. '°8 38th St., are announcing the engagement of their daurh.ter, .Patricla Ellen, to Earl Wayne Stilwell, eon of Kr. and Mn. Jim Stilwell,ot Ana- heim. She wu rraduated from Newport Harbor Union HJch School where ahe wu a member o! KTN IOCial club and her Cl.anc. wu (I'&duated from Anaheim Hip School No weddin1 date hu been Mt. MRS. LARRY ALFRED MILLER Gibeon-Naill Photo Nee Miu Marlene Andenon Sturtevant-J an Dulworth, Larry Miller Vow Exchange Anderson Rite ' at St. Andrews OWL OGLES HOUSEWI FE FROM HOME· FIREPLACE Tiny yellow rotes amoui apra)'I ot whJte dabiea in the bridal bouquet wu .choecr by the yellow frock of the maid ot honor when Janannt Lynn Dulworth and Larry Alf red Miller repeat.eel double rtnr vow1 in St. Andrew1 Prubyterit.n Church at • p. m. June 80. Honeymoon in Colqrado Mr9. Don McCa.llwn, '10 San Bmw.tdlno Aw.. rot qulte a •ta.rt lund&y momlq wllu me looked ~rourtt t.be wil't mlQ Of btt ttnpl&ee IC1'Mft and aw &ll owl llartns at her. During Month of July • Tb• ltAv. Jam• I . ltnrarl Mla8 Dvu• wore 1.UOW and the r1&d th• Mn'IC• IA W'll.leb tbt euUda turquolM. Halo crowru1 d&urbtar of Mra. kuid•ltt mat.cbed t.bclr d~ and they Dulwon.b, IOl Poia.9tU& AYe.t c.anitd bUlcttaJW.S wt\b yellow While flow1r1 adorned IL Andrew'• PNtbylarian Cburcb tor lb• t lfhl o'clock c:eremon7 OI\ June 30 wllich W\lted M1al Marlene Dale A.Adenon. daufh· ter of lb• Claude D. A.ndel'IOD.I ot Co•ta Mua &.nd Warren BttdJey SturtevWtt. IOn ot Mr. and )fra Awitllt" r> eturttv'Ult. 192' Bayalde Drive. The Rev. Jamu S. Stewart pertorm.d tJ'9 rite tn wblcb Ku- kna w.. ellCOrtad to Ula altar and Ii•• In btpl• "1 har talbs. D• waa SoWMi a no17 •IDI utfq1M 11\a.Dluns. dellp.ed and madt by her molbtr. Th• bodice. wu Jonr '1.ev.d wtlb wide V neckline ud dropped ~Uht. The v-7 fall fiared aJur{ awepl t.o a a.pcl train. cover~ by lh• lOnr 'veU which wu he.Id by a cap ot lvoey ro... Iha ealltd th• Newport a..cl\ pollca hwnan. offlew to C&leJl la. bUd. art W.U. ~ t• b.1nl to aniH lht (Ot rather •lt.acb9CI to lbt DOClunlaJ lnlruqfr &Ad deckkd to adopt It. Tb• humane officer obUred.. He placed It ln a c&1'9 for her and now Mn. McCallum haa a new ptL • and wJltta 4&ial-. Wb fl'Hft ln 119'plq '-1 . IMr J-..... tiJowed W a llencl· J11lndfat.ti.r, Mr. "41 O.WU.Op. u•-to the all&.r a ch.rm'"• to Ula .on of Mr. &M Mn. A.L ... ' -.. Miller of Sant& l.{CIDJc&. ktte ln her IOW'ft Of lace a."'1 ut. det&llad wtlb lonr aleeved MAID FOua80D molded bodlce and noor lm(th The blrdail p.rocUllon tncl\KM tkirt -inat'l with lace b&nda A Mi-CaroJ Doanr, m&Jd of 1»9Dor, pearl encru•ted huddre... h,111 and blidumaJda Ma.r1lyn. W!IJl-. fold• of her ahqulder len(lh veil. Lola Ekman and Jane Pattenon. Robert Hawk1na wu iroom.a-~-=~=-=-=;;:. ::tebo~~t~--~~cu-'How to Please Husband' MAC & MAC M1M0~~~:0'::!!.vant. . W ebelo Rank Achieved ft::: ~::;;0 :~~ o;fho~:r. ~:.~r:doc:·.~: Hints for June Brides b p k l S6 C b S .. orranza over pale blue l&Ueta. y ac u couts 3 d & S lba aklrt full and flar.cl. The Calllnc all new bride• -or and aprlnkla wtt.h r~ h1o-r ycamore aah and buttertl1 bow were &i.o brldea lo-be -to heed a few (T9dlenta. BaJ<e ln & at&•J'.,.,.. A Webeloe ceremony and Ult to each ot the 26 boy1 Wllo llOld Santa An.a ot blue t.&Utt&. Brldeamalda worda of culinary advice. lt'1 tor about 20 mlftutM. cut tn pl'9Mnlat.1on of activity aW&rda one book (J6 worth) of Uck1ta u iowna were almllar but In pale about meat cookery. wadr• to Ml"V•. and apaclal prl.ua were llllb· to the Boy So-ut Clrcu1. Re- paen and white and the tour· Th• realm of oookery In which Eur E.-lnl a--. Jla'}lta of ttle ttnal meettnr Clf celvlnf thue award1 were: J im· SWIM SUIT SALE tome included Mme1. Donald the new bride 1hould excel la Co.la Md• Cub Scout Pack 111 my Wldolt. David Coraon, John· Kelm, Jay NCJY&k. John SaJJOrl ln the praparaUon of m•ta. No lurpr1M J"OUI' •._Ins cu-ta at Co•t& M11& Park racenUy. ny NMb, Tommy 8tephenl'On. and Ml1a Donna Price. AU a t-rroom wW be M u.fled tor Iona wtlb lheae rood tuUq, open-RecreaUonal taclllUea ot th• Dr-Neeb, DUiy 11etcher. Jack lmdanta carried noeepya of with poorl7 C90ked meat.I. face a&Ddwlch .. of liver .. uaa.ca park were mjoyad by the cube netcher, K • "n •th McCa.rdle. while nowera. PreMriq m •ta properly 11 and ell..... TMJ'r. ttne for • for bait &A bour before th• Jlmmy .A.nt.l.lt&, ftol'lr Brown. &n.a. John P. ~811betm wu •Imply a mate-ot followtnr a tam.Uy TV suppa. aadl. too. mfft.lnr wu ottlcl&lly ope.nad by L&rT)' lnokuehl, Gierut Wllaon. but man and u.aheo _,. J'e»-t f'W bulo ruJ11. One of t.bUI ~ e..eb On 1. Barry Hoyt, Lal'T)' Sanford, Oary ler Garn, J ohn Sailor-. Robut I.a U\&t chope ot ftl1oua kind.I ~ pound llYV auap • CUbmutar Jack Fletcher, u-Ortevr. Ronnie Pe~lra, Gary Yardley and Donald Kelm. mu.al be ,,.pared In ditterent ~ cup final)-chopped alG7 lilted II)' I>eftmuter or ant Powera. B1lly Schull.a, Harold PATIO &ECE.PTION waya. Lam• c}lopa. tor tMta.nc... 2 talaJ~ chJl1 •uce arown. lad t.ba Webeloa ure-Hottman. Muto Wtenenp. Bob Tbe recepUon wu held at may be lln&W, while pork and ~ cup pat.s ch.sd&r cbMR ft\GD)' wblNb)' Stephen Thatcll· Robert.a, Bob Scudder, Jlmmy the home ot the bride"a parent.a, vew chepe alMK&ld be c=pokad b1 I •Ucu Vi&nna or rye u.d, .,., ~ Reed. Stnen r1atcb· Hatter. Billy Ha.11. Jeff Rlcb- &H Beryl Lane, Coat.a M-. br&lalq. ~ ma&n.1 nm louted er, John NMll and Jett Rlcharda &rd.I 1.nd to Den OUef J&Clt I wbue Hawaiian torch .. lllumln-to brown the meat In a lltU• Maab UYtr ~ and CCND· eac.b received hla We~lo1 badce. '1etcher. · I ad the oriental decorallot1.1 ot hot tat in a beaq lklllet; than btn. wtlb c.lvy Ud c.bllt MUC4. the "open Ma&m•" to the realm FOR CIBCC'8 SAI.1:8 the beautifully land«:&pad paUo. te aeaeoa. add a sn.all &mount 8pl'tlld on tout and place on 0( Boy acouta. To K.nneth Mc<:.rdle went a W9lcom1n1 ruut. were Kr&. An· of llquld, OOftl' t.bt pan and t!a· ~I ah"t. lpl'lnkl. wtU. ADV ANC&.ao:l'w"TS Cub Scout r1nc aa an additional denon. cowned In a lW'quola lab ~ uaW &.edu. chMM and broll unW ch .... a. .A.cUvtty &wardl were pruent· award for ba'rinr aold two bOoJu ldtealh of •Ilk linen wtth ~tr• New ~· ar. fod of ltpQ)-broWMllL I Ml'\'b\p. ad ~Y bmut.r J'letcfler to tbe ot ~:·the m"Unr th• cub-: ICOeMC>liu and co,.11 of Uoy tend r, ~ etaka, lllut not tJ__._• • "--toll I b07•• Ro-r Brown I --... ~ ' •-• muter lad an f.l\lbual"'•"A .... ,.i.r P nk roeu and Mra. Sturten..nt. all eta&ka are .Wtablt for tlroU· Tbe nput&UO.. of Uvw, OM .Uwr Nit arrow; Ronnie Jenlta, yowl tor .. ch of the 7o'&~r· In a pale blue chttton ahMt.b lnr. 1\0Ua4 •i.k. for example, of the cno.t h-.ltht\ll of foodl, O&Yld Col'90ft, ililver woll arrow: Grant JJ?oown. den mot.Mr9. ~~ wllh tlowtnr paneJ1 at the back. 11 a bed cut wllldl ta not ten· now hu bean well .. tabUahad. KeMtlh McC&.rdle, wolt bad~•· dad1, ottlcl&ll who made the bt- whlte acceaaoriu and white roM d•r e~ t.o M We>tlad. TblJI M&111 homem&ktn. ""• Ulelr aw l ehult.a. pld wolf arrow; .-nmtJon poaatble den chi''' cor1a1e. popular wt. _... br&IMd la famWte Wt lrpe &nd a vttamlft IUch&rd White, MJchael laa&.cl. a"' all Ula moth~ &Dd ~t.ban Th~ weddlnr cake wu in all tomato j\11• • *1Uoa, mak11 rle!a m•t once a WMk. wolf badl'I ud ~ol.d arnnr; •nn&J .rtort wu a l'OUlin blr' white and rueeta touted lht lhe t....,_& ol m eat cllah... Il'e a Sood t.s.a to ottv lbw 0.17 Powtn. 1"ar badre, rotd yowl for Cubmuter J'leteb! ln· bridal couple with pink cham· Plua lpeclal In a Y&rlety ot W&)'l--llYer !oat, and 1t1Yer &rTow1: Eupnt ~ 1plred "lly Ool. Hanry ~.,.,,;.. Pll(llt, aerved by Mr. Andel'90ft. Tb'ra'1 tot.I of lntaNill tn Uvtr petiteia. br&lMd 11"r with worth, Marlo ~ltne~ BUJy At~ce check pl.ll ~n 8 They had prevloualy •lJ11td the Jt&ll&A coolltrJ ~ • ..,.al•U7 ver et.altol-. la ad41Uon to tJ'9 Kalr. bear M419, Tom Stephen-in the lead With Id memban bride"• book. Ln charp ot Mn. In the tut7 pll&&. H.,-.'1 a var· uaual p&n·fHtd Uvw. eon. rold, two Ill.er wolt at· pr91ftl. A rtneraJ altend&no-ol J ohn Lanrmhe1111. laUon of th• p1llaa theme ln Ll.v raw.a row• and °"" Neeb, °"' year llO ,.... noted. TO 001.0llADO which lbf llllln&' la baked la a • pln. Tbe lllnltq of "A.Wei Lan .A. white Unen aba&th wtth meat cnut. 1 powld beet or pork Uwr 111• pack leader ai.o pr.MDted -··· tennJnat..... • .. _ u.! 1 madtum onion .. r.. -.... m"-matcl\lns mandarin co.t UMI Ptua Pia 10 cracb 2 prt.M to a.11 t.bOH who are In alter whJcb lea cream and home yellow a.cceNOrtee wttla UM 1 e n ( lly 2 lnchu) perfect att.mdance at au month· mad• caltta wve Rn.cl i., d4in wtUte ol'dlld wtUcb ctlit.,. hv 1 pound rround beef 1 ta~ II\ ly pack and w.ekly den meet· mothrw and tbllr ustlt&nu. Rt· GOING AWA\' A yellow ahulh dreq with black catua.n coat, blat:)( ha~ apd aecueortu. yellow &Iowa and 1~1low !'04& coraa,.. wu WOl"ft by the new Mra. Mlllrr when &ht lett wtlb her bu.band for a Sant.a Barbara honeymoon. She we. rradualed trom N~port Harbor Union 'Hlth Sch~I and from Orange Coe.at CoU.,. la June ot lhl1 yur. Hrr hu•band wu.,,f"aduated from Santa Mani· ca n igh &hoot, S11nta Monica City eon,,. anrl rttPIVtd ht• devae from UCLA uu.. year. Th• couple W1U Uve In Corona dt'I Mar Jtnlt lor •Man'• -Comfort with the ezchaal•• pate!\ied horisontal n, Riders Breakfut . JUdan ot the a.. J ~ld a.. mmat.b.11 1N-~-~ 11tefllns o( the cl• al u.. • ...- .... pit Of Ula Buffq m.-... July T at I , a. m. ni... ....... tut.a wtll k helcl UMt ftl'9& ... day momtnr of the month frila now on. • HINllY~ n..uw....a .......... ........ "-.... NIWPOltT YACH . * oooru.n.a * 1611 o...& BW7. ft.. U ..... .. v' Muns~ear f I THE 11t1EF orwecu .... BERMUDA SHORTS In Sias 28 to 44 '1 OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO I • I , 11!-0CIAll ••ONT- Dep•Hnaent ltere. · 0.UMO-r..t•DMI&. i NEWPORT llACH 0.. a.rt ... ,,_ x..,... ... -- wtdcltas bouquet wu wora "1 ~ ~= ;!'p.r 1 ~..it Wt Lnr1. Tboaa nc.innr Cub Scout snainlnc c&k .. were llOld to a.et Ula new Mn. 8turttnnt WlllJ2 • flaahUrtiu ware; Hank R.rr~ m IO't lba .,.ell ~. ~~with~~~~ 1 cup~l ·~~.c~~~ ~~.~~~~~-~--~~=~~=~~~~~~=========~===~~==~=~~ 1 le1AM.1n11 trip to Colorado. o. tordatoea Covtr liver wtlh bolllnr watu er Brown, Larry l nokuchl, Larry .299 S SI to T.H V&li.41 Colorful Colton Printa-and Pol.k& Dou, Over 1000 to Choo• From. l11n1ucla ·Shorts 1•• MAC 6. MAC their ~ lbsy wtll re.Ade at '4 cup lhr'eddad aharp chHM and let •land 10 mlnutu. Re-Sanford, 0.v1d Basley, O ar y ~Tl DebOMlll LaM, Coa\a )(-I l&bl&l}>OOltl chopped p&r•'6Y and put throuch meat rrlnder Po-rw, Tom Smith, GnicorY Tbe bride wu rnd\l&t.ed hom "' teupoon drtad bull (t\ne &find) with onion and Stodd. Dutd Poay, K&rto Wll'ft· Newport Harbor HlJb ~ J l&blupoona ttntly choppd cruker1. Add lll&'bUy beaten mp. J!rtl Haller, Oat")' Gott and altmdad UCL.A tor two •Ion. •rP. milk and all. Drop by auq rlatd\tr, It-.-l'l•t.eber. fe&rl, WU rnduattd from M1Jl pound beef with l&lt and apoeft.lla IAto a '"' t&blt9p0Qfta Joa cu.au.. 0&..td J[end&IJ. "'rt(ht Mac Mah 0 n bu.Ila ... pe-pper. Pat out In a t-tnch pie bot lard; t1&tttn wtlb a 9patul& ftonnla Peretra. Oann:f Qoodm&n llchool. She 1a afflllatad wtth pan. lpread tomatoe. onr m•& and f'r7 •Ch .Sdt unw wowa ancS Mlle• Iaaaca. Dell& O&mma aororlty. Her hUlo-and criep. ' ...-.lnp. .A. Oub lcout U. clup w.nt band WU a1J1o (J'&dU&tad from Old JCet&bliab.ed lhlunao. Ha~ W,b, WU a o.Jt.a Tav ~7 Delt.a at Un1"nlt7 ot Cokindo All llnM wnu.-. at BouJdu. wae (Tduat.d,..... BOW.&BD W. OD ... Oranr• CO...t OoUep and w1n bt' (1'1d\lalad ln ll'ebru.&J7 from JIOI Npc.. lll..S., eo.t& ~ Loar Beaeh State aou..... PllOHll umn 1-im. .. OP&N DAILY -l'SD P&IUEl:lnl • • • PICTURE FRAMIN6 ART SUPPLIES PICTURES 2754 E. Co.at Hwy. H.rbor 5421 : THE FINEST • • • YET LOWUT PRICID ....... , A.merb.11 M A·P·L E FURNITURE • • • anfW~IN 0,... Mot.clays llfttl 9 . • .. . A eeaaa.a commun.tty ot .nner hom• f eaturtnr )'ea!' 'round Uvtnc lD a lecladell atmollphere •.. only a f.,, minute. from beach play· pounds for boating, flahtnr and bathia( -Jet, Mt in a metropoli- tan are& that la enhanced by De&r .. by modem «hoola, Chufcbee and 1hoppln1 centers. • -..---. _... - ' f ,. " • IWlteb. G. E. tbermoetat ooatrola. AD llYbtg rooms designed for outdoor IMa1 with ~ ahu61aum llld· lq 'stut dooft ...... to .,_. eeeerete ~ V•tla..., fw la bath-,.... Al ............... paid for 1Mhdlw1 1 e w e r 1, waWeadpa. WEDNESDAY, JULY~ 'DAILY, SATURDAYS & , SUNDAYS . . College Perk Homes are' 1ocete'"d ln Coate Mesa on the table land of Southern C.lifornia's Coad -wh'ere Westerly winds direct trom tfie Pacific Ocean~ freshen the ~ir every 'day of the year! · . . . J • GL KITCHENS ALL -ELEGTRIC Tru1y one of the mOlt desirable f eatura of tbeae wonderful homee are the new G. E . ALL ELECTRIC Kl'l'CBENS ... that make ordinary bouaebold chorea IO much fun for every member of the family . A kitchen u lovely ~ thla aoon becomes the JD09t popular room 1n the home. Look what'• included: Electric bullt·ln ranp: Sul*" a1se oven. Electric dl.tiwuher, (in 110me modell) and dl1J;>oul ; Eleetric washer and dryer combination; All tile aink • tope; IA.rge cabinet 1Pf.Ce1; , Greueproo.t Arm· ' atrong vinyl Ti\e Floor; Copper •nnodbed alum.i· ~-~---- num exhaust ventilating hood; AND the magic ol the i.11 electric kitchen completely b~ln deco- rator colors, mutercrafted for l&ltinl valuea ! • # • -SAL-ES AGENTS PHONE Kl 5-4341 f ) ' 1 tNt bows t.'-OrM9• County-mod e of living! ... • ACTION ON THE MIDGET LEAGU! FRO~ Above, GU Sharp didn't quite make it home. Right. an euy 1eore for the ~ta. Below, FranciecO R1oe ecora in a hurry. Further below, Rio1 .cone with all the tlllle ln the world. -Dick Koehler Photos BILL PHILLIPS, Sporta Editor . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 -PAGE I WEDNESDAY, JULY -4, 1956 lOCAL LADS CLASH; FIREWORKS ASSURED! Mesa Peri Scene of Go . • llESULT OF AMERICAN FRAY TRIO PoW!at pftditnl' lly Pete Rab- bitt h&Qded the Major i.e.cue aa.nta a a-2 YictQry o..-the ~ Bra ... 1.ut Week al Oo9t& x ... Parle. fta4b!U'a two- bJttlr bet!Ared • four -hitter to.ad Up by cart Bera'won. A ~. by Ra.bbJtt. followtn,- • wallc to Pat Belmhols, ac- counted tor the tie -breaJd~ coaater. Wayne Whitney, Rab- bitt. Bebnhola and Jack Stone- bec:k colJ~lwd the Olant hit& Larry Shrader bluted out • ' Rison, Hol'MlnClll Wl.leon collected the pair ot lecorcl Pair of po!:, touUi,-a two-h1t~r -.... Z•Hlt Victories Doll Borneman of t.be Cuda. A lrto of Amer1can Leque Illa vtcUnu were ~ Glanta. cont.tat. al Colt.a Mea Pa.rk J:>oblr au lhe dama,-e for the Saturday found the Cubit eut-Carda WH AJa.:n Ba•~. who tine-out. tbe Dod&'en t-0. th• eland the •cka w1th a rrand-C&~ aUpplnl' the OJanta an alanllntr •nd a ams-le In two S-1 mlCkey (not Mantle)., a.n4 trfpe. the Brane bcltertnl' ~ Pint. q.Wn,-the two hlta tor tbt M oppocttion wer. Bob Lee and ~ iu.o.. ot the Cube Fr.ct ftlch. htid t.h~ I>odi... io cqmplele A \Ir five-run fourth pro~ dftlClr tw.ILIU. wtdt.ewuh. the dJlter.nce tor lhf' Bra ... cm~ --OYU the P1rala .. both I.um.I llfeatlnie. bit t_ai. were ,.ot tour hJt.a. R U Y t :: .. .. ... .. • ... ... ..... .. ... = • JOHNSOWS NIW •• HOLIDAY llOMll ., SIA·HOISIS The1're •••~II ntf t'-••I Tbt '*' '56 S.. Hones ltJW ia lfollclaJ Brome *a4 SJftJWMlt. eo .. ia aod ... tbem. Ni.De pat uw modcll _,to 30 bpi South Coast Co. Ntwpon Blvd. at 23rd St. II.arbor %600 John .. "ion ~I ' •H111,1 . .-,. :: . -.. "" wha~ out nia• ......, wae ou:ns. Gene PaJattm wu the bis RJchard LocJrwood and Allen .. R ~·OQt two-Gott led t.be Bravea' hil~ra. :: · July 4th for Robins. Pirates I 11 I• f ' I lt'lf be the undefeated Rio HOl\do ~ational League =· ,:, .~J .!.ona. 1-~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~."­local lads from Barbor Boy1' Oub ag&J.nat the thrice-then puDed au ·~· -.l atope beaten Rio Hondo American Leape Co.ta Mesa Pirates wtth • ~-dal&m al». . 4 J11ion U1~er Ace of · 19 11 Wins 11 Smallbore Tournament • . Aidlnt .,,.. Cub cauae M.b.ln4 at .Mesa Park thia Fourth of JUiy afternoon. But due Palatem waa aary ~ to the fact the tray will tend brother aga.lut brother, the w1th two tor tlu'ee. hr the tlNwork.a are expeoctff. to b9 bot bale bloQJ'1 1n five trip• to the Buma, Terry McWethy and Rod and Mavy, whatenr the recorCSI. pi.t.e. all of 'em ltnfle•. ·---~~ Sunday at Me.a Parle, Cot.ca Cool Gary GrHn and B11 BJU I 'ISTEN J!d Lane'• Ftrat" dl'opJ*S No-. Wetzel &hared mound dulln u L J of t.bt aemtpro nnlllMl' ....-a uauat fol' the Robina. Orttn toll-to the Sheanon, Hammill to &he powertuJ Wa«a otanta, ed the tlrat llx for the win, ..,v. 11 • W " ...a.. Keaaume m lout.b o.t., '°" up •ill btnrtn. tann1ns atx Prtvate !re Oill&ch ...Bod ~11\U'• ~ •• -...Jldns .. wwmt etauctecr -v-.8-C . .:c. .. r were rompln&' Ullo & tlnt,,. )*feet b&D tJ\t n.&l three """ ---v: .IVJ. Lie with a 10-'3 trtumpta. rra.me.. f&nnlft&' four and waUt-'"-1' llon. thru. Frf C H The Pt.rat.a juat did have a lnl' none. uw.u.y • age onors team tD ts.id, niM men abowt11,f The win put the JJBC Tl*> Market Quot&tiona up. VacaUona and work bue ftobliw-aponaored Rdkna •• Financial Newa pl"9Uy mucb ripped ~1e Plratn, first pl.ace uw with the w Buainw Commentary The Pat.on• pelted the Laker1 ongtn.ally Coacb Wendell Plclc· Cardl.mJ.a. u.. t.ttm whfal n>o ; Interview1 15-4& wblle the Wa.rriorw wear-en.a' Slate Junk>r Co 11 t I'• vadel Ke .. Park next Sunday tn ,,_.nted by led the C..SUc• tT-70 In Harbor champa, ap&rt. L&M la Ind~ a Ut&nJc Ult. Boys' Qub ewnmer baakdball trloual7 'ecouunc for more "'· Dennia Ftt ...... tn :it. thtt SHEARSON HAMMILL li-CO Double -A oom]>Wtltlon Friday --c ano~1 1 • 111 b cru1ta. lately pickJ!\I' up you!\&' OCC act', followed Fbber'a lead r H "•n 111 ,.., ~1\ Strickland pmced the BJ~ IAmb. by am&cklnl' thrtt tor alx, lo-Vt•k<1f1,.1,,,u-•i..~-i.11 .. c • ru have a t.e&m. to and clucUnc a double In the fourth. h __,5 l-4C~ l...dwyn 8COrln&' ln tbe Lallu-PlatDn wt-a,-aJMt. MacMll!t.an'a J.1.Pltarta Bob Wh1t.e ~ two r ,.,,... 1ec ' to;-but f>cmT l'Uspstrlck of ttw J uly 4," Lane promtad. In ab lbe Robina coUec~ J~ 3331 Via Lido Har. ~ wtnntnr Pl9tou bucketed 28 to M&cMlll1a.n'• upet.aJ1.t, a tnJx-bue blowa. Ne rt Beach keep Dick within comfortable lure of prep and Jwttor coOq -:::;;:====-=-========wpo===-==;;;i ra.ch. Oary Green'• 20 polnta pertormera. ~re paced to vtr.~ for lhe Plltona ev~ned thine• tory Sunday by Larruplft&' Leoe Ride Showboat to Laauna up li!"c• lb• lAkera n'xt biJh Ft.atttr. Re •lammed out ttv '-'::r man. Denny Harwood. popped ~ • OD the lleultlful Pac1fle thl'oufh lt dllfta. Twtoe J>t,Uy -11.SO .. m. ud '7:00 p. m. HJrh .core producer tor the Wallace Kepnat1 Adu.lta Sl.50 -ChDdl9 65 aeats nenlnc waa Armand NetUu o! I r-•• the Warrton. Nwtu.. rtppect lbw Caphft Games aonta w1Ul n m&ltlen. followed by uammat. Daft P«veon who With laie llows hJt tor lit. Bill Wetatl'• 22 top~ CeJUc effort.a. Tom Oillman and JOba C&rault Olbtt acorers tor t.be Plstona. teamf'd a toe. a ont-h!t l-2 Georse Daec.b 10. Bob Dl.tll 4 trlumph ovtr tlle CUbe In Pad· and Jim Kl.&lckr 16. L&bn: nc Co.at ~ compeUUM Bruce Ko.lpp 2, BW Kelter 10. Friday. Mike McCarty colketed Jtrry Kemper t , R. liOkan S. that lone ..._ buh. Wamora. Gery Da'rict.on 12, Ken Wallace won the rame Bob White T. Gee. Jl\lbbard 2. for lbe C&J"da wt th a double lb Bob Allen '2. Celtic•: Jtoser lop of the '1xtll. ecortn,. Nell Ourtch 12, John HIN:Olln U . Bud KcMUlan from third but. Wal· Thomp10n 10. mu Lamb 2. o. 1acw wu the leadlns hlttu, set. Reed. 10 Un1 two for three. · I BW Kepperi 11.an'ed for the Bra... aa they lqUfUed put At the ••'1>' Sm.&llbo ... USMC. W1th a ecore of atOx18. West, lent l...et& the Plnte. 1-1(.'Kep~n·a doub-w .. tem and JCutern Leapt bJe In bottom ot lhe third IUtlw Toumammt held at tbe In the u9e0pe alJ'ht" match, kid ball ttaul~ l'rtday. Welt.em: knocked acro11 the wlnnlnl' rune &uua Cout Oun Club June 22, 40 ahota at 60 yard& prone, Plratu 20, J:>odl'erw lT; card.I for lbe Bt-&v;e•· RoMJe Pat.aferrl l(q) tour ebot'ten were au Junior Klmea took the Gold Meda.I, 18, CUIMI 7. Eutem: Plr&~ collected two tor two for the under the qe of 19. Taktq nnt 1COrlnr 400:lt35. Sliver Medal 2e. Dod,-ere 10; Cardtnala 115; Pirates. one a double.. place wu Chuck J.cmr. B~ wtnner, Expert Ct.aaa acortns C!:ube 10. Ea.item atan Included Junlqr. with a total ICON of 400"46 alao WU Loq. Sharp-Jim Crawford Of th• PINt. Tlh8t second pAce with T'Mx· ' with two homena. one a rrand· 61 ~ Judy Recan. Soulb Cout mooter Btont.e MedaJ "'¥ ap.ln II.am, ind Jehnny Connora with ud B,_ Junior. ot 541 m. Jllt talten by Cramer with a .core four t or tour tor t.M C&lda. st.. ~ x-. Third place 0( 400xl3. ud Karkaman Paul Seley alao bJt tour tor wtlb TMx 07 ,,.. DaYld KlJOM. Bt'Oftllf Medal "1lnnn' • ..wu A.Mn four for Ule ~ba. Soulb Ooul 11U11or. of 411 8D\AC Marak, acor1q 3Mxl5. Harbor Road. N~rt Be&dl. TonlS"bl'a rnatche9 will bo1h ~ Fourth pt.act w1lh Ttuu waa be at 60 yarda, one wtlh ~I ~ ADii Jlfnmy H . Cramer. di. JunJol'. "lron" and the ol.hl' wtlb the 1vr~ 71 • In u.e "U'Orl .q.hl" match. 40 ·•.cope" all'bt.a. Kalchea an abota at 60 metre• prone. ~ btld eft'7 may nllht. a.rt-80\J'l'B OOAST 00. f took lb• Oold Ji&dal ecort.as '-at T;IO. and-a.re . opea to 1lrd .. Newport Bmt attlta~ whicb.u the~ re-~an.rone~~-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=-=-;;;.~;:;~~:;:;;:;;;~;;:;~:;:;~~~ co{d for th1-J>Uf.Jcul&r type of ;; rnatch. Silwr Medal winner, Expert Ct.aaa wtlb a ecore of SMx.2e ...... M.IM Rqan. ~ llboot.er Bnm• Medal; 3N&J.L WU t&Jten by ' CtuMt' ul Martam&G BrOna li&dal taktn ~ Jot P. Naf\UC •UACl'S U9U0IS RES}OENTIAL-INOUSTRIAL-COtA't:RCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SV4JJ. UO ~ St.. Newport 8-da ·Barbot' !m MARINE INSURANCE o...==.. ~ 0.. llD w. OoM& ...... '"'7 . .... -.. , .. HOLIDAY LIQUOR SPECIALS July 3, 4 and 5 Only &Y. eot:a IU8.B BOCUM>N $')99 w ALTON SPRINGS =· ............... ·-··-·-.. -·-"· N~W ~ ftrre ·JIO'ITLED IN llO~'l> • s411 J. w. DANT :........... .. . . ............. :._ .......... _ . :a.uo~ A'r .,,...; JAc9UEs aoNn CHAMPAGNE _ ...... NOJ1~ ~~ AND O&l8P 95 ST. LOUIS iEER 11'.:.."c.... -···-····-······ . -ONLY c .&JIOW ITZll8 Pl..t: TAX • SPORTSMEN'S LIQUOR 21JZ Newport llYd. Pl(. Harbor 1700 Newport ._. ' .. EYerythinc yau n eed, to mue the most ot your Patio, Lawn, Den, Play-, , mom and POL'Ch... Oaoa1...._--,.~~­ from the neweat deap1. Visit our It.ore and 1ee; the It.rge.t eelection Orange County. llelect. ea.r. ...,. wWe. weataler -~--a ........ 8et ., .... "947 .. ...... Olatier ....... ~4.88' .. _ .. I ' The Fourth of July • It'• d1ttlcWt tor ua to realize that July 4-177&, wu not • hollday. It wun't an occaaion tor plcnJca and paraic1M. Nor d.ld it provob laughter Dd danc· tn1 in the 1tneta. . • _ It wu a ptin day. And it wu made famowi by a sroup of p1m men determined to be free. But whether they would gain freedom wu enol'IDOUSIY uncertain. They and their fellow citizena faced the wrath of the most powerful nation on earth. That they eventually overcame the Brltllh forcett • -I : Milt to cruah the revolution la no,,.. hiatory. But it • : .U11't h.lltory then. It wu the be(i.nning of RVen ' yean of ~hip and beroiam. In oblervin~ our Independence Day we would do review tn our mlnda what it wu that the people ot well to review tn our minda what it wu that the .. people of the 1"8Volutionary period and aubaequent .,... dld to make this Nation great. Only a rela.- tJvely few ol them ever fou.aht on the b&ttle!ield. 'nle Jea 1pectacular upecta of our nation&! prog- reu came throurh exploration, invention and ima(i· native enterprile. Such aimple thlnp .. bard work &Dd thrift provided both the manpower and the money power to build and expand our industry, agriculture and commerc.. Men with courare and viaion tnveated • their enerifee and their dollare in new ventu.ru - · ·and many of them tailed. But many 1ucceeded and :theU' suoe419 laid the foundation for other llUCC*le•. • E'Vtn thoee 1Bo falled. often contributed much to the : . Nation'1 advancement. . But national greatneea ia not mere economic ! ltre~ It la more that patrioUo fvvor. It 1oea : beyond cultural excellence. It ii not born ot military I' 1upertority. To be aure, all of these are important. Yet, the M9ence of Amerfoa'1 rreatne.e liea in : th• heutl of th• American people -ln their love ot t tl"MCIOm and fa!t play and their tnherent feellnr o! 1 ~ood wtll toward all men. Al lonr u th ... remain 1 th• .Amaio& wt low wW remain .to lead th• way to l a better world. 2 i .Council Members Have, ~ ~And Cause, Problems I \ (Continued from Monday) • l I I : He muat be equ.alb' concerned wtth and critical of thinp not yet ailUnc but propoaed. Mindful that he II an elect.d watch-dor of the people'• inter· t : •t, their suardJ.an apinst all ill-planned future, ht t mttat try to consider all of the nmificatiom of cur- ' rent actions propoled and bold firm apinat any which would in hia opll11on create lutin1 problema or • 1fWcal unbalance In yeara to come. It ia not enoUlh ; -tor him to 1upport that which ia good for the com· l tnunity; he mutt vlcOrdUlly oppoee that which 11 : NOT 1ood. It II not enoush for a 1ardener to love : tJowen; ht muat &!lo h•te weed.I. : Thia brtnp UI to a third requirement: a coun- cilman mutt be creative. He mutt, luiatently, relate : today'1 deciaiona to tombrrow'a needa, clinging atub- born.Ly, it neceaary, to the Jong-range view. Thia he i mu.at do delpite the aomeUmea noiay oproaltion of that etsment ot every city'• population which 11 l unfe1Hnsl1 able to prove beyond all doubt that noth· l .tn1 can be done about anythinr. 'l . On !"el')' 11de we tee the !ru.lta of lack of fore-~ ..... t la tbe put-tbe proot that adequacy in copinf : with & cfty'a da.Y·to-day attain la not e.nou1h. For · : a city la not ju.at a market place, or a ayatem of ' ltreeta or mun.fcfpal eervtcea. It is not even jUlt a t ~to live, but a WA.Y of living. And to the ex-f teat that it meeta botb the phy•ical and epiritual 0-. of &11 lta inbabltanta, to that exent only can Jt bec:oOle a lutinr city. As Councilinen it ta your J )>rtvilere and duty to help t.he citizena of your com- 1 "'DwDJty plan their futuM. The exerclte of wtadom j ud perception In thia tuk II a sacred t.ru.t. The judplent ·and viaion of city oUicials todfy .BARBOR ~R:ess f'wm8l'U' ~ Newport-~bua NN.....ru... a.bCS tbe Newport•a.Jboa Pr... : • • D .. 11Cstde ....... l..u..U.. tor°"' 'wtt r..,.. lat ... • 119GDd-clur Mau. •t ua. Post.utttce &n Newport 1SMCb, t • oamornaa WMler tt11 Act ot M&rcb a, 1111. • r •M t t •"'1 ..... T, \\....._, .... l"rtclQ-., \119 t .. • lfSWflUl&T u... n.au.au.Nu wtl.Pucr •n _....,.,. nwrvn a.&.a.oa, OAUr. ....._ ...,.._, 111• ............................................ All .... ...,__, .... *'110. ~-....... 0.. &a ...... No. A·ll"' M ..... Oailt .... H....-,., ........ ,.. A900leUo• .. _ _. N..._, ll:dtw ..... AMOClaUOll Mm•• er·.,...._ 0Mat7 Newe Seniee l BllN R&l>l>ICX. PU8U8a&a : • wu,.q..,,.. A. 11.uaa, .._ • · IA.8' M. MATllSNV. Ad..u..n, Dt..-or : • C11AJUa A. AIUlln'tWNO. Mldl&tUeal tlu~ruit~t t • IU l.PTtUN UTD: . , • next pneratlona." We a.re ukin1 quite a lot of councilnlen. it seems, but there ii more. For it is not enou1h that a coun- cilman be honest and aincere and impartial; that b• be lPqulliUve about t.he workings of his city and other cltiea; ti.lat he be both critical and creative in all hia .-ork-HE HAS ALSO THE DUTY OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP. It is vital that every councilman underwt&nd what thia entails. Fil"lt, it ia not our responsibility u public ofti- cl&i. limply to carry out the wisbea of the majority of the people. We have a higher duty -to fiDd out FOR the people what la needed and what, within rtaa0n, can be done, and then to Si•e them the f acta, ao that every voting citisen ii IO well-informed on the 1ubject lhat the majority will support what\ is rtiht and beaL "The eaence• of democruy is that the people decide; the peril ii that they decide in' ignon.nce.0 Second. it IS our ~ponsibility to m&intain the continuinf dJgnity and integrity ot our Am~rican concept of iovernment. Thi.a iJI a most aerioua matter. Any pilblic official, elected or appointed, is in an extremely vulnerable position and seems, to 1mall-m.1nded men, a ju.etiflable tar1et for their own truatratlo111 and inadequacies. Yet deapit. the recur· ring provocation of unin!ormed abuae, or perhapa becauae of It. the council'• principal duty la to 1ee that the r ovemment of iU city ia ad.mi.n.iatered re- aponalbly, honeatly, and with food 1ra.ce. It t. the re.pon.albility o~ a council to work torether harmonloualy, eveu thou1h the viewe ot ita membert many not alwaya coincide, and to preserve a aoUd intevlty. A desire of any council to be all thlnp to all men will make of that council a 1pecial target. vulnerable to the snipin&' of tho. 1Vho would capitalize on ditunity. In citiea wh@re thla happena, the whole bu.ineu of rovernment losea 1tature and becomea a aorry 1pectacle. We, the membere of our council, muat serve u a bulwark agaln1t th~ who f(}r their own t'urpotee wiah to divide and conquer and who thrive on con- fusion and cbao .. It it a very euy, very cheap pleasure for men ot 1mall minda to .inear othere who merely diaagree with them. Unfortunately, for IODle this ha.a become a national pa•tlme. In it lie the seed• ot dutruction of our way ot government. In our local commun.itiea, where democracy hu lta root.a and where ii.I atrenfth and vttAUty an tated, we have a compellinc, over- ridJq duty lo Ht that thia aituation doee not artae. Althoqh 1n the throea of electJona thle kind of amear campaip eometlmee pt.I lta at.art, we muh IN that lt t. not allowed to continue. The moat effective tool we have a1ain.at it la a 1tead!ut inaiatence that every lalue be brouibt out into the open where it can be diacuM«S and when it there are any charces to be made they can be auwered. It would not be pouible tor & council to be always In arreement. Each individual councilman haa a dilf erent background, and that is rood. Com- plet. unanimity of opinion 11 not our goal. But we MUST be unanitru~ua in our deeire to aeek out the factl. We muat pledce ourtelvu to -keep our minds. open until we have all the fact. and then to make, in the beat lntereet.a of the people, the decl1ion1 they hau entrutted to our judsment. Thl1 tnat was beautifully defined by F.dmond Burke, in 177,, in a lpeech to th.-ZlectOl'I ol BrUtot. England, and hi• at&tement cap be a fuide to UI today: • "c.rta.inly, Oentl mm, it ought to ~ the happineu and glory of a represe.ntallve to live in the ttricteat union, the cloeeat corre.pondence, a.nd the most unreserved communication with hil con1t1tuents ... But hJ.a unbiased opinion, his mature jul!gment, hill enlightened conaclence, he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man. or to any set of men living ... Your reprHentative owes ynu not his industry only, but his Judg- ment; and be ~trays, irultead of servea you. it he ucrlflces It t o your opinion." Thia basically la our job. We must not on1y cond&ct the day-tO-<iay affaire. of th.e city, but we must bold our city In trust for our children and our children'a chlldN'n. To do this honestly will take courage a.nd patience and wt.tom. In our mtode always will be the knowledge that long years after we are cont, others must hve with the ~suit.I of the deci1lon1 that we make. But each. ot u.a, too, must live with those decision• today. May God grant ua always the st.renft.h to be true to ounelvea. ''N~l thlng, we auppoee~h@rmen will be uklnr the &'Overruneot for a (UUIJll.ecd annual catc.h. ", .. London, Ohio, Prea. 8AC114MJCN'IO. (UP) -'na.e -... ~ U. 11-4 ....... tt dwpe by .. ~ CllUllll a. Jo._.. u.:at Gov. Goodwta J. ~t ~ w- t&ln bub tMJ would set hue• depollta of stat. .-Y ~ retutD tor campalp con~ · n. ~ban a11o aa1-1 to ct.poatta tot&Uq --. -. .-• recaUllll _, K.n.lpt Ulat tile milUoL Of Ude total; Ml ...... ~ tachaa. lh• .ilU... Ill ~ la .. 11DM ... ,_..c.. "•dUllS ol Mi. l\lnda bJ UM 1i!a "9lut• la "'1WI -..U. tnuianr, n... ~.po.ti. ............ J~ a tl}low "1)Ubllcan J1llc:a1 9q)Vt.t . apl&la ~ -..... of u.. Ital•'• ellCU•• lnt.r.t ttM 6spcllllta ~ em~ al4 1'• '4Hlcom•d UM cb•l'flrt that woU1d ~ '9 to-...upttoo. m~• b7 Ul• benD U. oanuetSoD TQ tft~tion wu ordu· wtti c&dalnl of tt&t. wa.nuta. ..s "1 ten. Ben HW.. lR·El ni. ctuatloG s. m.iUar to u. Centro), ~enl pro tempore lttuaucm ~ m&QJ lie.DU ..- ot lha -.t.t, and AIMmbly quire Ulat pr1nt. depellltonl Speaker Luther H. Uncoln tR· keep a mlnilnum bala.nc• ln thm O.kJand). cbtckinr 1coounll or be cbareed Uncoln, after a conference tot tllelr check.I. with BulM. announced lh• d.. Prevloualy, Johnaon kept lars· cll14G to lnvuUcat. the political· er aume t.n tll... lnt..-..rt tru ly uploaive c:h&c1H "promplly accounU. after July 4.'' Tb1 lnveatlgaUon Knlrht and P•I™ tl&U1 d.- wlll be conducted by lhe JOlnl oled John.ton'• ch&J'I ... bud ... t commtttff beaded by 11.NlOllT D&NIAL Hull.. "l have n1vv, at aay Um• Troubl• ba• been brewlnr b• or 1n any place. .. rovemor or tween Knl1bt, hla ttnance dire<:· aa l11ut.cnant ,ownor, ditol.l9Md e/e.r. •1t.....I-.:... tor John M. Petree and Johneon. Ule ~poltt ot atat.e mouJ wtUl '"""'----------------------..-.-' But It Wf" ln an u cluaiv1 Unit.· any~., or any01'1 nprttent· Sacramento Sidelight td Prete lnt.trvtew that Johnaon lnl' b&nka," Knipt Mid. blnr the ltd ott. He wbaequent· "l\atb1rmor1'', alcS Xalpt. "1 ly r.ptaltd the char~• to ot.bv haw nevv dLtc\&IMI th• ~poelt· rtporte9. tn~ ot st.au twldl wtth the ltat• Wb• a reportar uked John· tteuUtV. u~. dtNctor of ftD&Ace. eon lf ua.. bad b..r any pru-01' With t.n)'OD9 eltt." SACR.illENTO (CNS) "-"• _,_ fftclai. •ur• b10upt to bee.r on him to Petree b&cbd up Kn!Pt and • -~OnMa O weN eb.U't atat.e mone1 trom one bank addtd \hat bl bad n.,... Wll•t· beartened lut week by the puu.11 in Consr-of the to a.notMr, Johuoft 1'9pUld: Id that th• B&nk ot America be federal hilhw&y bW, which, acco...tt-... to State Dtrtctor '"lb.al'• ti.en tlle v•r·pruent U11 It.at.'• IOI• tltoe.l a,.at. •-e Idea of Ult JOTttnor ot C&llf· Kn.tPt -14 tbl lefial•~ bad of Public Work.I Frank B. Durkee, wW pn CtJltornla onl1&." aJ.-dJ "•videru:ed It.a dfatru-t approximate"-• n•'1 IUV'I,()()() ov•.. .,.._ __ •'-~ ~,. otnot11 awrran l)f * ananac-must of ta.a lt&t• •3 ....., tVV'J -w.w uv.a" ~ ,_ JohMGD aid It wu obvtoue ir.nry'' llY ci.at.iq U\e pooled period. Joint coaunsti.e OI\ ... ier probe the ~r promlMd h• would mont1 tnYMtment ~ "' 1166° TM m ... ure, bownu. I! ·1t 11 lema. TM auoommlu.t't itrwt try to S9t .tat.I dePQStt.a switch· TbJt bo&nt on wtuc.b Pllna. •lined by tile preaidtnt. wtll not burinc, pftllded onr by tlaf Id In rew.m for "camp&lp ex· John.toa, Nld at t. t • ccmtroU1r be .ii potatoes and tftvy tor poup'i dlaln:n&n, ~~ J9ndl-.,11 ftobert 0. JOrkWOOd ..,.. M· Ct.ll!o~ u tt will mean an Patrtcll D. ~ ot Vaa JfQ19. ··~ U.S Jut ct..mpatrn." el(U1.el t.h1 m__,. for tn,_{. lncre&M In tedera.I (&'Oline lndlcr.t.ld that tilt MIU old apt lohnlea •It. f d. "Hnr&l lar... rotnt or bank aeoaunta. nl• WM tau1, not only In WI, but ln between OOUllU. ot ors.tn ut Mille& ~ wtt.ll Oovunor F'v1o~ doll• 111 UI• ~r alt otb•r It.at.ea of lb• unton. areu ot dlUdaey wW arSM q hlfb\ we. 1ol4 by hlm b1 alone. . · Howevu. th• lniUaJ 1ttect of the fl'O\U> Jn a 191119 of publlo would ta(frt h1t tnnueac• tn ob-K.nllht ttJd t.Mt th• T•~••r- tht mea1ure ln CalilornJa would hl&rlnp. trstt iq ccma "P wt\b ttJnlnc .Ut. Olpoeltl tor tllmt." old Jol\Mon bu Mu •'qwt. Ul" bl felt In the procu1 of acqulr· 1"9COmmend&ttonl for the Jqtal&o-John.son &lto oh•rltd that for monlha. Tll• p•mor -.Id 1n1 rll'htJI of way tor new hifh· t.urt next Janttary. Ttw i ub-Ptlrce IUl&'Hled that tll1 Bank aJao that JohnlOa wa1 dlttl'HMd waye, which would 1peed up ac-commlltH'• next me.tins will be ot Ammca bt th• only ft.cal ~\I.ff ltnlSht An.atlted that tu.al coutructlon on the 1tate'1 held aam.uJn• In &ept.e.m~. o..,..ru.&UOa ot the 1t.&t.e, but Johnloll't Miii., CJeiorrl, bt 4Jt- hl1hway plan, whtab now Jar ln )tarr. Ac~ It.id h1 tumid ~ UU. pro. m1IM4 u 4tpUt7 ltat.e tnuu.Nt' many 1pot.. dHptte l.he hure Tht public worn bo&rd no-poea1. ' for "wrtu.n, aa bad ch.alll on UDOwlla t4 DlOM)' p6\lrl4 lJlto 1eaM4 $l,6U.000 f« acqu.WUQD Johll-MJd a.lit t. .ui. di-the It.at. t.reuu17.•~ n-frffway1 and hiJbway1 of two 11'\0A redwood g"l'O\'tl u d Po91t oC ti.I .cnlllloil WU ma& J'tltt• 1\14 dltcloetd th. ~­ every year. a new park a roLtom dam to Ill lbt Mak of V. B. ~U wrlUq 1pi.oct. a.ad demu4-t Durk" aald that with th• pro-bt lncorporatAed into th• it.ate Of Lot Allltl.. whom M <»-that the J'Ol&Bl"I' JobAtoD .,. potlld ted«al a.Id, C&Utornla park l)'•um. From t.ppropna.. 1Cr1btd u KnlJllt'• "ft.nuc• ftnd. tut.ad, he wu aJloWed • t.hroup u.M ot both state and uone ~ ~ lhe Jec1alature, c:JWmtan." to rdip. >. fl'Ud JWT ii '9 r.a.r.1 tunda, hopn to com-th• boaJ'cl appnwed $1,000,000 to-'ni. •~te Jlu Oft ht.ad b&llk r.vtew th• cue. pl•t• the enUr. 2.172 m1ie. ol we.rd purchl.M oC Ul1 11\JtaDo t.h1 tnter«ate hll'b-y •Y•l•IJ'l redwood forest in Ban Mat.to wlWn W1 1tat1 t.o frttway county, 15~.ooo for acqu1r1nc stand&rda. Hudy Crove 1n Mendocino Undar lh• m.uuN, fed.rat county, and $2.093.000 to buy allocaUon to Callforn.1& would 4,238 t.crH on tile P'oUlom·Nlm· amount to "3,700,000 In ~ bu1 dam 1lt..1 on tile American 1961-67 flecal ,-.ar: f118 million f\lver. IAulnr or an add!Uonal tn 1'167~ l"4 tiff '1n1Won 1.n i.1100 aeres rrom the t•G•'-1 19M-IS9. rovemmtnt ~1U make the new Onnw ~port J'oaom perk on• ot lh1 Jarrett A preview of Attonwy 0.~ral of tile 1tate'1 p&rka . Edmund O. Bl'OWll'• 1ortbcom· Acun1 on th• t1r1t ·of 128 ap- ln&' report on crime In Calltor· pllcallona tor flood rellet under Ilia tor l90& 1how•4_ that tll• lt~ lt,Ult.Uon. Uie public worlu crtm1 rat. tor that yMr followed boa rd allotted a total of a downward lrt'nd utabllabed 1n $2.493.l3~ tor repair ot dama ... ltM. But, 11plfloanU7, erlmln&l done to roaCS., brtdl'H and other 1taU1t1c. fof' the latter half of pubUe> work.I by tut Wint.er'• the yell ahO'tnd A "lavetlq Off' noodl. Alloe&UOlll Wtl"I made Otl that, Brown aaJd, lncUcal• "an tbt bull of t.n attorney rene· upewi.q may ti. ~ Ill ra.1·1 oplnlon tllat daimced 19H." roada ud brtdfu lbould bt re- The attorney cenaral Mid tile atored to c:ontorm wtth pruent upawtnr canceled o pt 1 m I s m day mlnlmum tnf'!Mel'ln& 1tand- whJcb wu l'entrat.td by a 10 per ard&. cent drop In the nwnber of • '"ct"'ll Worker• wrlou• cr1mea du~ the ytu, C.Utoralt. factory worker1 In Vi• b&y area. AlamM& couat,y urned u avnqe ~ourly wq1 lhowed a five per °'nt lncrMM ot f2.21 cSurlq May, ftlt.blllh· 1n cnm1, a.nd aan Jl'randlco a lnJ · an all-am. hl1h. lht 1tai.. 11.• per cent n.r. Other counu .. dep&rt.qJeJlt ot lndu.trVJ rel&· o1 the b•y arn 1Utt~ • a.~ tfon1 announc41d. TM dip&rlment per ctnl incrl'.... l&ld newlfP&per workel"I Jtd the Boutllem CaU!omJa. on tb1 cteld '41lh .bourly 1a.rnJna av1r- ot.h1r hand, 1howed deel'UMa, artnir $3.02. ll wa.1 tht flret Crime In Loi Ana'eles county time a C.Ufomla lnd\atry hu wu down tlv1 per cent, and the topped thi U mark. nine other eoulhem counUn MffU~ tor the tut Um1 In •how.a • 3.3 per c.nt. decline. Ill 23 year hlatory. tti. Callfor- Amonr 1peclflo 0Mme1, auto nia wat11r project authority rt· thPft• wcr-. up ten per cent. d... commended that bay barrier 1plLt the fact that adult felony etudi11 which ll 1>11an at dlrec· arrut... many oC whlch usually Uon of lbl l•(l•lature bt con· are accounted for by car theft., UJlued whtn the new fl&te d•· <k<'r•&M'd 11 per cent. partment of water rNOW'C11 Brown l&ld Ut1a occurred ~ t.al<H over water admlnl1traUon cau111 many ot the auto lbetlAI July 6. l.t'ere c<>mmltt.td by Ju'ftnil•a. Tht authorlty wu crtat.ed by Th• 1tat.e'1 chief law •n(orce-lh• lt~1latun In 1933 to admtn- ment otnc.l' ulled juv.nll• .to-i.ter tht' ~ntrt.I Valley Pro~ 14.nce one of Uw moet di.irea:t71& After the federal J'OVt'rnment u~ta ot crime In C&Ulornl&. took ovl'r coN1trucllon and op.r- WGl.,. Rlgltt• ation of the C\'P, the a11lhor1ty The lroubletome problem of became the slate 1 \•01ce In CVP d•termJnrtnr and det1nlJ'lg waw mallel"I. and aleo. 1n 191Sl. w .. n1tht1 for counllu ot on'1n wu authorta.d by the ll'galature to 1 agtun ta. kled by the lt>~ll&ture atudy and bu.lid I.he hu,.1 through a subc:ommlllH oC tbl Feather River Pro,.cl AFFAIRS OF ST ATE ~-(GNS) --8ome lnte~ fact8 - and tlsuNI wtll be releued to the publJ4 withln a lhort tfmt tn the &DAual report. of Attormy Gcnenl mlm.ud G. Bro~ wbOH "Crfmt 1n Qalltornla-19M" ~ allow that there WU. downward trend in crim• CID an 0--.U S. that y .. r. •s then wu mln111 II~ of tba ledfW, Lois In 19", 11\at th• l&ll1r UJf ot ~ .. ~unly Mlnf dlWa "" UM ~ l.Ddlcai.d • "levtllnl percet. Md AIM ocw •t:Mta op.'' fll'1od. 0.lltotnla COWIUta, U ,....t.,. "J1 •"*"9 ·~ ~*•" Auto t.Wts-~ .....S 111.14 tM •11Cnt1 ~).~t. Will ,....t ........ tM ,... .... ~ • ...., )9{~ .. lD por't w111 ..,, al~ ..... ltM." • -# clln• tft othu ..... W'l tM llrOwa aid the state had ltat.e wl~ Ill Cllll ...... ... .U,.1 ~ per .100,000 pop. c:rtUt.. ~ ... up "" .,.... uJau.ia. ill ltU onr ital, and C9)\. lNt all o\Mf -~ ...... In 1"6 °*' 1NS. Tb• d.. ow..s decUD-. ~WJ ...... c...,. oot4ld tn lnl o\'11' ltM .. '11ven ptree1 Ud Cll'dbiU7 ...ne4 hopet\tl, lt• declared. u11· UMn .,... clown ti" pel'Omlt. UI the latter mon~ of 19M 'Tbrr•'• a .,...l d11c.Npa.Dcy, • ahowed lh• up.....,tnc . Mid Brown, "bltwwn lb• bl· "Our report." 1 a l d Brown. crMH ln •ut.omoblle tMtt1 ~ ".tatu that Ut• on• 1.cceptable tea pero-nt and ~ nwuae thlt· conel111lon 11 that serious crime. teen pt'tCt'nl r9Corded In ad'Ult u ~fleeted 1n lh1 proaec:utlon telony arrutl. O( criminal defend.anti. W a I llJ~1.LJI fUnW about l~ percent lua ln 19M "Thl1 11 due lo the fact that than ln 1964, and wu alao lower a 1Tnl many of th• •UtomObll• th&n 1.h1 lndlcu wouJd lndlcate thttla were comm1lttd b7 JU""• In 191}3. lie• who are not ll.Alt.ed in Ulo "Thi• wo1Jld be cheel'Cnl' new• 1dult proaecuUona. It It w1r11n'l tor th• Indication• ''Thl11 brlnp lnlo t.op CIOll'ld• In t~ later month1 of 19~ that eratton lh• (1"0Wt.ll of Ju...,11• a leveling off waa ln prooeu." violence, which lit• att.orn.1 IWl• Howtvtr, he ll&ld. the rate oC 1ral's dllz1n.1' advt10ry ~t.. lnclden<'e In the Mven major LN on crlm1 1a .iuct,tq. cnm .. '1t1ow@d 1n overt.JI reduc· "'Ille younptere bav• ....,. lion of one ~rcenl o•u that of a tnnd to blaUq up pllllrtlJ' 11~64. Th.I l"l'porl lbow1 U\1 for no reuon at aJJ. Or. th17 •li1hteal <l~r.... lo be nln• MV• roo• ln tor WAALGGIJ ~ lenth fM"r cent In th• mounl.&in· Pini' up US?bo1Aer'7 ucS ~ oua countlea, '4'll.h tile san Joa-I~ appUanc.. In automollilt&, q""n Valley 1howtnc a ~ucUon which Ull)"ilan •t.olen.. ot 7 :I percent. 'Th1rt'1 tom•~ YW7 ams. COC-XTT TNCJlEASE8 amo~ lhl' Ju•enUI trtnp Ill· ''Thu• w•re lnCf'e&.Mt ot ti~ vol\1d ln thue tac:UCI. W• mmt pt"rcerit la Al&m.cla CO\Ulty, and tied out the cau.e, Ud taia U.. 28.2 percflll In the Bay Area cuN"" counUu, out.aid!" of Alameda and Undoubtedly, mo,. .adlllul &t• .. 11 rrancleco rounu... tenuon lo Jew entoreem•t la "San Fra.nclaco county lhoww onr ot th• ~ tot a af.wn• 11'4 Jtrolal l.,c,.... &.nd ten dt>erttH. fClf' It II ~ ..... ------------------------.ICCll.a -.CM!ll9bto 'ttl· c.clt>d now·a-41111 't "•t U.. Farmer McCabe ·writes I've been trim.med a food many t1mea In ~ llf e. but none of ui was u nice u t.M t.rlm.aunc I rot from the Barber the other day for only a dollar an' aeventy-!ive cent.I. He not only made me look pOd but he gave me a run down on all t.be lat.Ht gollip in town .•• A Sl.i5 for a hal.rcut may .eem hlth. but when you consider all the "extru'' he throw• in, why It'& a bargam. Farmer McCabe taJJ rtsbta ~' • Mt •~ • ,..-. Ult ~anc•• or -ca~ ~ .. ~f'IT •!) · 1 ate mueh lW tMA ... ._.. .t"louU!ft+Qllto .. "' Us• 1n th• pa.rt -l TELL C'JTY, .IND.. NEWS: '1t ~ that warm !210Dlh• ofter zdny new mean1 for, UM fut buck SUP to o~le. The field of operation may Include everything from take root and ptter cJean. era to pb.ony ttlepbone qulr.zes ... Actually theie 11 no need for thia to happen. There la a cure. Let the fclloww who a.re m huaineaa in lual coo.cerna do your work." ·' ~BARBECUE " .. I ~~GRILLS i'.All TYPO •• ··l .. :: To lullcl . ' ::-. Your Own : for JAMtLY ROOM I •. PATIO • , ... • c-.i.nr CoinpWe siiapp~ .Ceinr • . . Nowpert V....,,, Toual ... llftOU ........ .,,.,.._ ___ ..... · aaww ••ca • , • EL&(tT&IO CIAaa . 1 US CHIAPU IN LOftQ aa.<cH ALL IUJtu • q;, a UKD • Atrl'OEl"n: &\II.II . ' ... .._ Ill .,_,._, -o.ta .,.,.. • PEN SUNDAYS 1 Friday Hites 'ti/ Hine Shamel I White HARDWARE· NURSEIY .410 East 17th St. . U 1-1042 Cjosta M- GREATER· EAllllllGS • REMQeBER ... SAVINGS ~ by thlt 10th of the month ... EAltN RtOM the ,t " ' > • • • . BALTZ MORTUARIES ' CllA'& n ma a&A . """'• -au.-. 11'1 .... ,.., ..... a.ta ..... Cailt., .._... Mlll .... &Cou& .... ...... ... -· Ooltl. --.. ENlllCH YOUR SUMMER! Home •• ~ .. d. .. •,• J;nffure ••• TRY CLASSlflED WANT ADS • • . Call HA. 1616 , ..••• ,. CUllENT Wfllli&S • I l .. ... .. • • : Wtiai :lJoe~ -. tA~:. nWj-St~nJ S~g? , • i . . -Three Afternoons , Every Week ... , On Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons - the Newport Harbor News-Press is placed in 73 News-stands throughout the Harbor Area. IJl many cases these stands are emptied within a few hours,· often readers are waiting for delivery to the stands, because every edition carries stories of interest about people and happenings in this com~unity . . Ye&, our News-stand sales are increasing each a~d every week. • · Pro.of of the f .;-;:u!arity of Tllis Nett"$p~;:?r! • . t ... . ..... ,., ~· ... _ ... I I FOR COMPLETE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE HARBOR AREA . . . , FOR INTERESTING AND· ADfOUATE NEWS. Of ORANGE COUNTY . . . FOR THE ADVERTISING MESSAGE Of YOUR LOCAt MER~HANT . • • • Read the LARGEST - .NEWPORT .. • HARBOR • ·ReW_S PRESS· ' PUIUSHED MONDAY -WEDNESDAY -FRIDAY • • At the News-stands ·~ or Delivered to Your Home . ,• -, - ' -u A R B 0 R 1 6 1 6 . ' ~ • . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . ... ' . . . • I I . I ! I . . ~ . . ' . . . • l I • • DRAPERIES c.n... .. .... c:aut .. at Wbkh UiM ..Sd • • 11• • S..dl LEGAL NOTICE :S-wtuba_r~ --...... --.~-!-_.....;..~----~;;..--.;;....;. • end SUP COVERS 8lt'tlliC .-.. &laQ \be W119t Ub.lmtoaton. Bpecttsc:aUau tor ... b.c ,..... btlMwd ,... County of o....,,. a.boY9 ma1 be MCUnd tn t.b• .... to °"'-Cw" ___ .._ • ......... ._, tor U,. ca .. in State of Catttomia otae. of ~ AM\. Supt. In • ~ • 2T..ft. lefth of ad9wa.l>c My Conunllslon Expl,... ~ ot b\wln .... ne ()wnar LUCU I JD DRAPERIES a.r-.r *' -.-i 'hnne tt dalhd. .: 11 ir-i ot ~ bom• ot Mrs. Oct. 22. 1UM. r.-crne lll• Jift~r• ot reJ«l· .. )(pproet PH•'1'· ltol w. ()oM.n No. 113 tnr .,i1 ud au bida or to -----~--::;:_~.:.;:-.-~--~..::....-_:.__::__ UU. I : : ,._t ....., attemoon. New11 Pre. 7 /t, 11, 18, 2:<i '"1-U1 trrec\llUIUe. or In· .. 'n. ftieel ~-l Ml up tt>l"DlaJIU. ID an)' bld or IA the HAND BRAIDED RUGS :~ and lant.t'l"l'l• pendfns CE&nPICA'l'E OF BtJSlNESS bJdtUq. ~Uon Of Nmedl&l actJon. f'ledttHt ftrm 1'tu:M 11,.,,.0: 18.D mnBUCTlOK ON>a\8 'U.D:H ADMW~&~ ll&rJ J'umla, uto & Olt. Bl'td. lAfun.a Bcb. BY&tt ._., .... aT'Ue ·.. '"flM ..cUOn ot stdcwftlk W"'9 TH!! O'NDl!RS'IGNED do ~ B H mERsON . :\ --• • f91!l Wide. th• report by cerUfy lb.at t.bey are ronduc· S~ty.. Boa.rd ot Tru1leee a lwrtliDM Z• ..... ... .15 ... 1tl ~ • Ung a 8ookJteeptns & Tax Ad•.: JuJy ' and 11. 1966 4 L1Dt9 'fwrtliDM l.50 llM'L ipm .II & -~u_1-_"!,!5!_!!~!-!l~-'-*-----1~W•fled Service blWnea at No 210 Opa· Jµly 19 lO!MS 3·00 p m 81 ......... _ · EXP!mlllNCZD Kraemer Bldg .• 222 JC. Center St.. No. 1'1• ' , · · · -w .. wu.,,w,......~ •11•L Olli*la.,,, -'7 COLD WAVE · baby lltta, 111ND11111 AD 18 mJddle a,.cl. ncellart ~~ AnaMim. Ca.llfornJa. uncll!r the New•Pl'Mll & ..... • co1u1PLETE ftllClt& Bar. taeQ..I\. ......... WATCH & CLOCK flcllUou.9 tJrm name ot Rellable --------------=:~-=-::: ...... ---:--'.:--____ _;______ m ..._. -www~ .. h t Dl1ADUND tor ,...... • •aoe11ma .a. en: --... _,Aft OP BU INJ!SS ncQOUnUng !krv1cea and l a ~CAD 0 .. BU81'.NE88 V Publl bOD M.40 to" $10 ICXPJCIUl:NClm, ettldcnt eecr. repairing l'teUtioea Plnll Name &&Id tltm la compoeed of the JricUUoua l'irm Name or Mcaday• -J'ric1iq 1 p.m. .. t&ry, ._. 84 yn. DelllN ~ TD t1ND.ER8IONED doee following pereona. wh<>ef' n~ea THE UNDERSIONJ::O don l'or W..,.,eeda~ ~ 1 p..m. Bair CU\ SL llballlpoo 6 NC Sl.60 tlmt cnp1oyment. Ll 1-4111. QVA&.Un"lll:D. ._..by cerUl'1 that he la con· and adur~a are u fvllows, hereby certify that he la con-=T~ n:=~ ~ ~ l'DDll'8 BILUJTT •= UpM ' l'BD 1:8'1111ATES. ateUnr a al• and d.lslribuUon to·wlt: ducUns a marine m1uuatac:turtnr Cbanllt a. ,,._ _.... =~:'""'"'--------RWPORT JEWELERS r ftl '""-bul1MU at 411 NO(th Frank E. Wllilon -:!(1()7 W. bualneu at 2011 Placentia, Colta ISll ....... JllT4,, lf ............. OIMenlL Of Mewpart IJltd. bltw .. 1ltla SXPmUmfCllD practJcal .._... 1no Newport Bhd. N9Wport eow.n.rd, Potlt omce Porter Ave .. F\tllert.on. C~llf Me• cauto-•• dhd ~le-AD. 0. rt~ ..... wt lie_... r.a... laalllll'I-• and 20UL. Colilla .,__ U.... flJlt Dftr Infant&. l"aa4 ot Oollta Kea LI 1-4111 9ox OU, Newport Bekh, Ca.II-William J De Gour&e) -291 ' .. ._ er Tbe --...,_...efpnHn.._ tt ~Har. 5aH4. UcM tCll"nla. 1111de th ncuu s Shaffer st. Orance n.ltf uuou. nrm n&.JM ot B U-publlahen will not be ,..PGOll.ble for more Ulan -.. mconec:t ---....----------------- r e oua firm • • MON'r8 iu.BJN11 MANUJ'>.C-IDNl"UaD Of u Id. ,...... the lfC!lt to CICllftOU1 dunlttJ Ul1' IAd r-11 IRON n&mt ot Atrro.KATIC VA.LVJ: W1TNJ:8S our ban.ts tllW TURDfO .. that aid Ora 11 &Jhdl-4to~1.11y ad notocmtormlnc-to ndM Uld -.1a1Pt--'-'ti !! pm ,Vaated &ALU CO., w1lfda may be g.. Twtitth day ot li(a.,y, l!IM. ot ...n-. ·--Ci ::::::Z. • WD'JI A LIKJ'rHIJW twntat«t lo read .. "AVIJOO". l •I William J. o. Coun.ey .._ u. "~f;n i::; Your Relex-A-1zor aouam.Recenuy~ and th.at ea.Id ftrm la ~ I•! hank E. wu-oa '°°' r ~ A!!~='HM'n~~Sl8el!~'~ke9~--J.U~~Ba0dlm~~!!l~8&~·~'™~--OONat111l'AN'r Girls _._ ala ...,,_.,_ lo -·-.. _ ot the toUowln• named ptl'80Q, ftATf! OF CALIJ'ORNIA piae. °' ~-are • fol--= ' -Demoutra.tiou, no obliptlon -..v uucaa --.. .., - whoae name tn tun and place ot COUNTY OJ' OR.ANOE 1111 IOW9. co-wtt. Bctnmle Wu.on -BY&tt '"448' MORE TH.AN V-0 New.Prem tt ..-dcnce ta u followa, to wit: On May 12. ltM, before me. ;10•;:,:-ovo.NT R E P R 0 0 U CT I Q N • • • or BYatt Matt 50() GIRLS CHILDS tr1c)'de excellent oon· D. ID. o~ tM undendped. a Notar'f Pul>-f'lft::l"nt ~ND anv.&,.....""" DTn.1.t.1"7 ~1 tottc dlUon. LI 8-12117 alt.er &. 4200 ~ Drt.-llo Jn and to,. aid Countv and ODna X... Calif. &Q.1:1 Ql1IVV ~.1..a.;,.a. .uu.uu .. n.~. will at.art loc:&l Telepbone Newport~ CalltOmJa ·t.a~ally a~ 'Frank WJTNDI lll1 b&n4 tla1e ~t.b And nery engineer, ~tect or bumn,-man LADIEI WHO WIBB TO TAKll Coll!J>&D1 careen t.hia month. ---------IOpa-=--J 4a,y ~~.~~band we 21ttl ~~ ~ ~e Jlo ~ d&,Y of ~ ~-=. 11&.U>'MONT knowa the need for fut efflclent reproductbi. Swedish Massage Will You Be Attn: Property Owner! D. IC. OIUaWOr..D th• ~ wh.OM naml'S ar• STAT'll OJ' CA.LD'Olt..NU) K&rbor Blue Print Company brlnp at last a ln th• COD~ ol their STATE ov c ALI'°RNU > .ubcribed to th• "1thln 1natru-COUNTY or OBAN<m ) ... perfectty equipped, e1tpertly staffed and compar-bame. pi-call tor •PJ>Olnt· One of Them? Ah you .nectec~ J'CIUI' WI.la htatarT OOUNTY OJI' ORA.NOil )& ment and acknOWledgeif that OF TRl8 Utb la7 °' June, ati-'· ......c.-..t rvi to N rt n---'-F ment. FULL PAY AS YOU U!!ARN. On th1a 28th d&7 otJune 19~ t.bty ~acute<! tile aame A. D. 1tM, WOft mt, llOBllRT ·~1.,..--.. se ce ewpo . ~ or your Barbor •790 or Ht.rbor 1839 • before me. 8 mJ\N1 c ic c ' WJTNESS my band ~n•1 of!I· F. WDJ.MBI, a Notary PUbUc reproductive need.I, from blu. print. to photo-26tt.. F~uent periodic Incl'UI~ LD4ITED OFFER $2.!>0 Clean. dra.l.a and adJuat your water beatu. KA YER. a Nota.iy Public In ci&l ...i. In and tor tJI. 9S4 County a.nd stat.a ••• Call • , . S rfl Hair -Opentnp for - and for the a&ld County and (DIAL) /1/ v. M. Miller Stat., read!bs t1leN1lt, duly com-upe uous Telephone Operators State. ~•ldmr th~ duly ~otar,. Pbbllc In and tor wd ~ and ..-ora. perll0ll&D7 BARBOR BLUE PRINT COMP ANY , ~tl7 NIUftd fl'mD t&ot _ AppJ.1 _ cominluloned and tnrOrll. per--County and St.ate. appeand C. a. BSAUKONT, -H bo 4331 28t! a.nna, aep. ~ ud b&1l l :SO lo •:30 Ca.ll )'OW' DAY A: NIQBT AUTBORIZm> 8lil.JtR aoNllly ap.,.ared D. z. ORJS· MY Coaun1aa1on Jtsptn• March lmOWD to m. tq ba t.be penon ar r c 1iDe llbaped-Mo man t1nmhls. w West Third WOLD kn<>W'ft to me lo ~ the ~. l.HO. wiw. naim S. w-..CW to t.be ---------------------DL11M L. BftYAN'T R. ll.. Sant.a All& JOE BttBTOLD Plumbing penon whole na.me &a aubecribed No. l" Naw•Preu wtth.ln tMtnama~ u4. &dmOWl-_._t Lido'• 8&1oD ti Beauty Bar. ~Te to t.ti. wlt.hln tut.rument. and e120, n . Tit. u, 19l!O ed.-S to .u u.a.t be eaeuUicS tM 9' &&1 .... 1.% 8nfldtn1 ~ ti. PACIFIC TELEPHONE Har .:• Kknowlldl'ed to me-that he ex· . am.. IM WlTM'llll wm&. ....... .....;...__... _____ _ KUted "'• aarne.. NOTIOZ OF BID or. I b&" benD.to •elm, bad w Nawnnrt Harbor !%----Lo9t ud Food AUTO 8AL£S)IA.N !'!:::!:::::...:=~~~~--Opportunity to earn up lo $1000 DESKS-FILES-CHAIRS. IN wtnfE8S WHJ:RJ!X)P', I NOTlCJ: lS HEREBY CI VEN and afthed IQ7 omd&l eeaJ ti.. .... r- bave hereunto •t my band and lb.at the Board ot T ri11teea day and ,.._. la Udl o.rucscate B. P. 0. E. VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY. LOST &AIL ln J1'MD ...u ai., • mcmt.h wll11ls Ford can. ~ Comity• atrbred my offlda.1 -.! the day of the Or&Jll'e COUC Jr. Cull~• nnt abcwe writt.D. 1767 Ujl year tn thla Owtlftcat.e nnt Olat. ot On.Ai• County c all!. /1/ l\OBEKT r. w1u va ..._.. "87 ~ a p..m. wtt.b b&ttea made by 'J'red trucu a.ndThunderbtrda. Theo-L&rs'9l SelecUon Lorm.a of eo.t.a X.... 110-dort !tc>blna ottere the follow-Leopold £x.cuUve Ro~ wntun will recet._ bfda up to 3 •~ p. m K)' COPm"""oo aptn9 Tia o,art9 -Olcual •-. BERNlCll C. KA.YER JUly lt. ltoe at the of! ,. ot N~ 11, 11M \ ...,., Beach TD NEW machine Jl"OCl4i9I 29th Sl., Newport Beac.b lnr adft.nt.apl: 1nteIr1 t y ; Furniture method. R•90"eble prteea. REWARD. aOCS2 paid vacaUon; balth tn.lur· Steel Ottlce i"Urntture • • .. • • • ••• . :. • --• "' •• • 3- ~~ • .-: . •• • • • • • • • * • ¥ • . -,,. I -- NOTARY PUBUC aid 1ehool dlatrkt loca r•I al !loo lA Dtdr" N....._ J:aalted Ruler In a.nd for t.ha %701 J'&lntew Avenue 1'Qsta Ncw.PreM •/l'T. T/f. 11, 11, 'N ---------- A~• 2 tape resldentl&l ----------a.nee; hundred.a $$$ more for ANAHEIM bllnd. LOST -Mulcan yeUoWhead trade·lna; bank fln&nC41 r.t.u; OFFICE FURNITURE CO - What do YOU suggest as a fitting event (or series of evenh) to be 1ta9ed in Newport Beach 1 e Athletic Toum•ments? e Aquatic Pro<Jr•ms 1 e B<Mting Displays 1 e C.mivel? e D•nees7 Write or e.n your Golden AnniverHry Celebretion Su99esffons et once to: Newport Herbor Chamber of Commerce; Your District Councilman in the ' Newport Blach City Council; • ltEWPOlll' HARB OD RCW.S PRCSS H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbin1 A Prompt Rept.J.r ~rv1ce Ma!Dt.a.l.ned Phone: H&J"bor f42• 2801 Balboa Bl'fd... N.wport Sch. pAp 0 I $ 0 parrot named 'Pancho' Flew tarre n.w car inftntqn; aU • 1n1y ~ 1.0 trom 112 Xanthe. Udo Iale 1aJ,.a aida; demo plan and lb• W 8• him K:Eywtone II~ BU.ode rep.:lred and NbUi.lt. Contact lAe Adair 1.t ){Ulen flneal commlulon plan. Apply 'l'l"M Ptc.ll up and deli'f'ery C)J"1'0IM. LI 8-1281 or Kim In pcreoa. Theodore Robtn. KNIITERS Work done by appohrtment ~ evcnlnp. ~lc33 Ford UOO w . C~ Hwy., CL081NO OUT SALE _ 20'' Pbone Liberty M101 Liberty 8-3471. 30c!2 di.count Cid all lmlttl.nc I UJ>' or Klmba'ly ,_.., pptfc LOST one _,. r1nr JADE pllea. stnw bap and 1C&JSU STON"m CENTER SUR· MAN over 20 yn. old tor Sun· irtntch ho9e. SIT • KNIT, REPAIR WORK ROUNDllD by I;>lAM'ONDS day a.ttArnoon work at Boat au m. Balboa lllYd. BRICK platinum dip. Lo.st. Corona del ramp. Har. 1100-W. 30cU ______ ].__ ___ _ TRA&B RAULINO CLm.f.N·UP PLASTER 11 PLUMBING Libllt7 ~-. General Contractor Ku area. Part of an bt>lrloom " APRICOTS aeL RZW A.RD call coUect Her-!:XPERIENCED NIMt prdantr ' moa Beacb. FronUer 2·0438 will rare for your yard month-Tree 1'1~ Royal aprtcota, ta or l'roaUtt 2-6060. 3lc33 ly ratea. KI H7~8 atler I p.m. lb. l\IC la I Ila. bellbta. 30p36 ·9rtns cc.ta.ta.I ~----------------wurn: or .rapt.MM woman Hillside Orchard # cook for pr1.at.e home fia.rUJlC ktwee 22Dd la isrd OD T..ca UCZl'flllCD REAL ESTATE JuJy ~ Rtterencea. 11&1'. llU. An., Oolta x..a N .. Work -Rnno«Wmc IOcl2 --;;;;;:1;;;~;;;;;;;:;:;;;;--- J. KILroN )(cKP:NZIE LICENSED ,..J .-.... ..-m&D CBAJU.U art&llU -..... t d DJCIC, clMn ..... .,. ...... Barbor 8399-W Ci8ti ... .._.... OI' property ownen an or broker W&Dt.ed.. lde&1 Jocar fnc. ftllll ~A.a-_. C t.hoel .wdtfnl' for n-at&lt lJon and conditiana. 8-R. C. -·-# ----------n.... JTlt lhr7 ......... caama. Greer at &112 Lafayette, N..--...... I ----- (JJ:NllBAL llUILDD At COlOIUNJTT CHURCH. 111 port Beach. IOt.cd ,..... snl". U 9191 • .,. -Expert Remoder.ng Heliotrope. CDK. 2 rut• · ......... -.aui. a,u weekly BTA.JlTINO July 11 6 RIOH SCHOOL or OOLLIXJ.Z L1!r1' OVllR.8 J'ROK agyoo.. .Addlt.ona • MW ~ 12. '7~45 p. m. 29p35 OIRL lo help pnpare cStnMr, IC1Dl'Q IOB >.T au CAIUU •. • r.uy t.enu can be ans.npd · waab dlah• A: do lltht cl-.n· TIOlf, CO.BONA D&L KA&- Bu. moa-w tns I or • boure I>«' day. t 117 1J pteoe ~ a.r,.a. "' ttt. 21 81tutlc ... Wuted Har. 1111. IOclJ Kepi C1Mif pa pap. .. , ----------H 0 u 9., c L !: A N I N a EXPER.DCNCED beauty operator ID&pM deU 'ftAlt7, SU; ~ ur.1ndow Problems? wmdoWa -noor• machine w 1-2w. a0cn saui.c table. s 10: 1 tarm1ca MINOR REP AlR WORK yy I cleaned and waxed. Cell Kl top drop Je&t tah1ea, f1.10 •1 Rqa!N, replacement. remodd. 5-nft amr IJ p.m. ncae SOMJI nm. eom. tea. tormJc& top chroma tabla.. CARPENTRY NO JOB TOO ayu1 a. o..AJMim 101• 11. B&lbo& Bl'fd.. Be.lboa Harbor HGO latte Redecorating Call for tree eat1malea INTERIOR A: J:XTERIOR.I No hardware -No nut ----------.Appl.lcuta needed. m&ll7 omce •1.00; bOllt sprtnp A mattn.. Free .um.tee PJ!lR.KANENT dally baby ail-Jobe. A*> ~t a.n4 '1.60: m~ c:abl:IMt, ...., Barbor 6:!08-W tiQI' job wanted by 18-)'T.-old dom..Uca. K.any. jobll tor minor, ST.GO; I built--tn 110a. U con.,-e strt Ol.lly Ot' evea. LI quallt'ed ma. ~ now. ti,.~ '6 •: lalnp .-..0• ----------8-Jtel. 3lpS3 June FarTv. SmyL ~· 11 flMh. K18c • ...n:ma& ot '02~ UDd St.. Npt. 8eadl wt.ndow9, doon • ~ue GENERAL CARPENTER twtEPAIR SEAMSTRESS (acroea trom Qty Rall) ciue. •tnit• pt.Ml-ray ... h•t.r, Ull: lafttor7, ST.IO; Experienced color apert. Com· ODD JOBS DR.ES8'MAKINO and ~NS Houri t a.m. to I p.m. l~ Konnrrta. CO.ta M.- Llbert:r 8-41211 BmA.UTY operator, part or fU.11 dbl. tub laundry 111..nJt, 110. Uma. will coaaldcr new pad-COXJC .um CJrr THEM. 1&&U. WW tra1.n tor atJtbC, Ilda eaJ&ry " commlall6<lll. l.lbert7 ----------MJ03. lloll W,+MllWU MIOW OPEN TO pl•t.e decorallrag ~. No Job too am&ll. Beet Of nil· C. B. Mc.KENZIE Kar. OSl6 •l'CMM. LI M1l• %Ttfc If no ana. Call Bar. tT LICENSED 3lp41 ----------PUBLIC DUil TO CON· Painting II Paperll.Ull1nc Gener•I Contr•ctor .. FIX-IT" PDSONABLE aleeladJ tor a -ITRUCTION JN OUR W.AJU:.. We do the work ou.ndn& u u cluaive womana ~ty llbop, Hou s 1:, lO:RCB.A.NDIBm 80 Je&n apG1ADCe Rnnode~ -AdditlON M•benkal ud a.cutca1 ~~ ~~y ~ Kil CROWE> UP A '"' I""'"'"--' .... ,___.,, -... .,._. ~ ,_._ .__._ -....,..-,,._ ,,....., HAVIS BEl:N '°R.OED TO -•-_,. w ._..._. • ·-_.,met• -• -nee -·-Sb&ddock'a J.412 Via Udo KOVll TO K.AJCS ROOK. ~ puut.ed. TG'DMI can be ..,........, A1L WORK <JtJ>.RAN'l'l!l:D. Newport Beach. Ucl4 AL80 OUR DOOK8 AJlll i:.ttmata me. Oall JolmAle. F. N. JOHN SON BarllOr *' or ._ LO>.DJCD wrm l't1RN.. • LI 8-2687 6 LI 8-6289 LJCdnston '"4Tt.I IOtto MEDIC.AL -..Lttant • NCeptlon· .APPL WI: AU evrtil'IO llti. '°P'2 ----------I.It, Newport 8-ch Ana. oua PRICU DJU.ll'nCLY -------------------GARDENING Pl ... at.al• apertmc.. quali-TO .. .A81:ER MOVS OtTR PAINTING FOR RENT PRUNING, Cl.EAN UP ~~ ~~=-~n': ooooe . INTERIOR ---"O• DS1l l&W'I, m.o. ~ _....__ .No Job too mnall. By bow'. da.y Box I-3 can t.hia pe.lJel' 3:rttc ,_ B.AU<JllNB J"lJllN1T'01\a .... uanA ~ ·-~ or moatJa. LI MOIO. 1tpU ' ' FACTORY WAR.llBOUBll .ALBO llARINJI PAJNTINO &11 ...,,_ ol ~ ~ BOU81lKEEPER lJn out. pv-1016 II. ~ St.. hnta Ana LICENSED -JNBURJCD ~ ek CHILD can b7 capable aper-manmt.. muat like cb1ldren. M dally. la T·Ml1 Glenn Johnston BOYD'S HDWE. tmc:9d Girl. l&. °" or..... BU'. •80T. 12cl4 ---------601 IUD w OQUT BlOBWAY w. l&.t.Ds c.rtJtk&t.a. -WATCH REPAIR -si.t 8Ht. N.,irport ~ ta..;,.:...... N-Bcb. .a. Doc'oth.J', 11.U'. a.ow. IOp!2 61LXPP&R tor aportattahtnr boat. arbor 1171 _.,,, -..-Hubba.rd Dav~y'• Loe.Iler .A NEW Service .Adde4. DRArI'INO a:RVICll e PLANS e CARPENTER Reoair Work ODD IOU. NpeJr!..nS. pe.bd.Jna. Jl&l'bOa' 0..0. upai We wU1 e&ll at )"OW' bCllM No Jiot. too amall. A.11 W'Ol'k tor nEJD ..u.mat. ud OU.uu.N'TIZD. Phone Joe.. l:XPl:RJENCED tountaln man. Will pcJl up and delhw • LI I-MU. JOp12 21 or over for nlt.e worlt. WW BARBOR 1'°3 W~bta, l'Tlh ,la • 0out lflP· 11M J ...... Roy's Maintenance .a)'. Newport "'IMcb. llcll me m. OoMt, Oorona Ml Mu 00.. Twr"'Bom. Need~ Residential • Commerdll • ........., • ., T Remodeling oa&I rn-. ~ MIN J. W. PUTNAX Bar 519-W _u __ w_Cllll_,.. ___ , _,_, __ ,..__ C I f , WANT htp .c.bool or ooUep . .... omp ete Pro eu1onel a111 to UT• 1n. tor aurn:mer. ---------- UpSI PAINTING PAPERHANGING Svmen & Noller e'.t ~ WOl1UIMD a.. lilOt or 611~ FURNITURE OiWDctively dalped Made, ..-palnd OJ' Nflldabed C. EVERETT SMITH UI • ntlt 8t.. Newpol't a.c9 Experienced Gerd•ner LANDSCAPING • and CLEAN UPS Llberty ~ l&tfc •Hou1ecleenin9 ~;,. 2.,.st;:-_ ':f .!: ~ Leo's Shoe Repairing F10or wu1DI ud bU.ffinr vale room A: Mlh. Har. IOIO. IV8T OPSNZI> in Arc8M Window OeanJnc 11as iaio N"'JIOl\ lltfd.t c. 11. Upholstery aeanm1 WANTED ~ '::..ta~ .,.,.., iratio. Color waxed Ma.n to drt"A our truck oa ~ ~ CEldCNr A BOD.J)INQ Lmtroua Rellu)ta •11"'7 at oanter and _.. m:DWOOD Pa.UoA~tl"lllll" .. •• ..__._ ~· REASONABLE d-*'9 ~and"-'"'* .._ • trvnt tep. KAD --.-iUi c:.u'J'ten. ~ w~ o,..._ B&r. l1A. aw. rm SSTDIATES Phone. Uberty 8-13 32 n .... ,.. aad l'rtdQil u .... __ .:;;..._ ___ -..:..... __ Liberty Ml.09 uo to 1 p. m. Kr. P.&Rm. _ .-..-........_. --------------------NllW•PRJ:SI, 2111 Balboa --~-!! OOMPLSTB PAIN'l'ING -Pap. Aanpg Senice CUQlllOI 0. U.UNDZlta IOO ls.t 8tn1t. Jfwport ..... ...,.971 .. GAADENING and Blvd. N.-port Bead!.. aottc . WASHER 11 DRYER. CLEAN-UP JOBS Beacon Personnel MORO• ... .,,.. --s GDl1 • WANTED 100a. _.....__ nafned moat.he and lib w MOllOll ,. --..-i-tu I l 7 A&rtamaUc u.. ... LIBERTY 8·6139 apDCJ ...... -8()1'11 9'()ft OXLT 112tto No .... ooll9d.t fl'am a,ppUcut saG.001 Tenne low u 111.00 --------~--t.1W1.at N.wport ~ down. •U.OO moa.UL JA..Jl'lrS Har. '8&8 ~ or ncntnp 11!!$ ---------- Painting, Decorating Paper liuPa.a GEO. BURKHARDT Uc&NaEl:J WH'TR.A'-91'Uft LI ...a Llbst7 t-1121 ... -----------ror a ~ uect ..,., .. .APPU.Urat.1. 1m n.u.r Alcobollca ~ your 6oc:al dliaMr wbo wtU be ben Wuted tloJ'9 1.0 ~ H J'W9 ol Bt.d.. 0... Kaoa. ""'"-r . 0. .. m l'O)(OJUt()W to bllck Ul' what bl .... For N .... ~ ~ to -=~---:---~---Newpol't ...... Oa11L ..0. TODAY! a.ck Ille 1.-d ba ope 80C111. AWL'f Mr ....... -Torm.ta lila on tiu7 • ...,._, ..._. _..,.... ,,. .,. ta u. ctawftecl ~ • ... 1111 w• ....a .....,_ CM -••• ...., te CllDd a ,.._ t111i1 *'7· N.wport ti C. 119' ta ~ lAii wa.nt ada.. 14 haw M "T ' -,]. ,., _-, '· -'. -/1. -'" ~ ·· "' -It 11•1• ltik Mm M leliaall; flliltt•,.,._ • _'h'J ft\ ~ -, • ...... 7 c.1... -.,..,, .. --..,. I a •• 111 • d :, r~-,~~~-l -, -·~ .--;· i DRAPERJEs • •• • Sa• LEGAL NOTICE =-:.:r-...=io:; '. . . ' , .,..· --uou TlltOrincJ & •Summer School -. and SUP COVElS ~-=. ~.:: ':: CcwJty o! Oartie =-= be~t;fopt! :. ~n BARBOB NE\'f8.;P&E88 UBI ..... -isrr"On. .,..,eata17 It H1cb Scboo1 .• J hie ~ t'W ~ canb1 Stat. Of Ca11fonlia ot&. ot tM AMt. Bupt. tn herr ~-W ' .a.;. • .. ~ ._......_ aubJedf. Amerlc&u Liston HaJl. 2l,& • J Mb St., ..._ __ .. .,... LUQJ rj; DRAPERIES ....... ....... ~ 11 delln4. • .~ • J''ML i.,tb of ~ My eommt•lon r;xplrel G!W'fe ot BulfMU. The OWner • 1 &£1 •r -• rnw:zr Newport Beach. July 2:nd to Aug\&9t 10th. 1915e , • 0.. ot ~ hoJM of N .... Oct. u . 19:)8. ........ the pi'rikf• ot nij9Cl· OOAS'l'A.L OPPER-Wectne.days u--8 ·&.. m. to 12 noon. o_.__ ... _ J,,_.. 30. lilarpret PlU.,, 190I w. OceaA No. 1T3 tar llDJ a.ad all bhlt 01 to ,. J .~ ... ' • ~ r ~-·_,q - . ; ftat :;:f att.emoon. Ne-in Prue 7.1"4. u . is. 2!l n.tw U1 1,.....w&rtt.JQ or tn· c..e.. a., .. -..._ .-r1a • ••• i'ls .,........ PlliOee or w; John. W. Jobmoza, e20 NU'Cdaua, ~ ucs~r:t attdJ up CDTD'IOATZ OP at7SINE88 :S~~U. In any bid or ta th• ' U.. 1 «H tlo9 '1-0t ...,_ ... .IS & Corona cJd Mar. HQ. 36Sf.R HAND BRAIDED RUSS 14iit.rMtw.Att-Ptt1 ns _ _...,__ -· ~ •a-..:_ I ... ,. 11a ~· ._ •• -. ---u-.rws __....._..,.,...Of rem9d1&1act.loA. •-.. .__ W\rm ~ Sipe(!:. ,. ..._ -•tllm ~ ..-.-. -22cM .,_ M"O•&.n vu,.....,. · .. 'ft. 81CU0a of lltCS.WaJk W&I THE U'Hl)9Ml10NZD do tw.... B. R. Prn:RBON ' L1ae9 ---------....:.·__.-----;----...~..:·_____ oaDllt8 T.A.ICDf , • .,... I f .. t wtd41, th• ,..port by ~rUt'y~t they arc condw:-secty .. Board ot TN•Lee9 S l.MerdG9e Z.OO add'l. llllia .15-. H !?_.,, aa.a.. ZS-&e=aM:: ..,_,,_.... 4.D...., mala11&1• &\'&Qable. *-tees. . llnr a BooJtkeeptnr • Tu Ad+.: July ' and u . 1960 ' U... 'lwrtiOa I.GO IMld'l ~ .15-.. _.:!""'_.;;_-..;.;.;..;;:;t..o;;r...;-;;;..;.--.----.---·--------";..;...;.;"""'~--K&l7 hmd:a. UJO a. Olt. 8t"1. • Service bu•tnw at No 210 Opel: .lllly lt, 1931 3:00 p. m. 8JtaaloaWaW4'!1wtDnoelftU._...._L OMllla..,.,-1·-a.. COLD WAVE IDCPmu:mNCl!O baby litter, Lacuna Bcb. BY&U 4'-'71M. ITU• UG A 1 NOTICE Kraemer Bldf., 222 l!1 Center Bt-. No. l Tt ,. -~dlit aced. ~t i:eter- ..._ Anaheim, cautomJa, undrr the N.w.Praa IUNDWJI AD q' LDrD • COMPLETE Bar ,-----------ncuuoua tltm name of R~llabl• DZAl>LINlla tor pladDr or cuoemq _. ~ . enc-.. ' l3e0-R. aocu Cltit'Hft().A.ft OF BlJlHNE88 Ae«>UnUnr fkrvlet'9 &lid I.hat CEllTD'IOATl.l 01' BUSINESS Far Monday .Publleatba _ l'rtdl.J I p.m. $4.60 to $10 li:XPJCRIENCD>, tttlclent Mer. repef ring WATCH & CLOCK " PleUu.. ftrm Nw aald firm la compoaed of the lrtcUUoua nrm Nam• l'or WedM9d&1 Pu~ 1 p.m. .. Ba1r cut U. Dampoo 6 ,.t 'l.60 tary, ..,.. 14 yn. ~ ~ THWJ UNDERSIGNED doea following penorus. wboet-nam~ TH.JD UNDl!R.8IGN'l!D dOH l'or l"rlday PubUCildoa -TtaundaJ l J.ID. CLEO l'IKll'I e&ACJTY IBOP llm• employmenL LL I-Wt GV~ IMnby c4l"Uty t.b&t he ill con· and addru 1ea are u toJlowa. hereby certU7 that he la con· NEWW'O&T a••llOS l'11BUlllDfG 00. 19a6 Olurdt & 1'111& .ci..-ll&llt ~ ' raJCll ES'IDU.!SL *tUnr a al• and cn.tnbuUon to·w1t: ducUnr a m.artne manutacturin1 nu ...... BmL. N...,........, <Wlf....... ot M~ Bl'td,; ...... 1lt.b l:XP&IUZMCm> practle&l ~ ~RT JEWlCLJCR8 f!l ftlv.1 bultn ... at 481 Notth Frank E. WUaon -~007 w. buaineu at 2011 Placenta. Coat.a and 20th. ca.ta V... U .._. tor n-infant.a l'oD.d ol ino lf..-pcllt Ba9d. Newport Boulevard. Post Ortic~ Portu Aw . Fullerton, C•hf. Meaa Calltomta, dbder th\. tac· All0szrt'WAAl9-*be,.W•O.Ula....._efprt'e."-U ~dnn. B&r. ~-J 32el4 ec.ta K.-U 1-4111 901' ~11, Newport Be&c.b, Call· WWl&m J De qc>urN) 291 uu~ rtrm namo Of BUU· n. publiah .. w1l1 not be ftl9POUlble tor more t.ban ~ lDcorrect . tfm)&, Wldltr the nctJUOO. flrm 8 Sb&fier St., O~ge, c'ahf. MONTS KAa.1MJI KA.NUi'AC-~ Qf &A &d, r.erY• the rtpt to oanectq dullt)' &D.1 &ad name ot AUT'QKATIC VALVE WJTNE8S O\D' tuan.1• lhl.I Tt1RDfG ... t1Jet aid Dna 11 aD eds ad to "'9ct any ad not OClllform1q to ruJee aDd ..... 1aH ..... Cell IRON aA.Ll:8 oo •• wldda m&J .,. u-Twellth day of N.a1. l!IM. ,._. Cl toDowtq ~- lllrmat.i lo r..o .. "AVSOO". /1/ Wllll&m J. De CouN'Y = .... =-la fQlJ i::; ;•..; Your Relex-A-Cizor cbNlt114' A.NT Demoutrationa, no obltpdon BannJe Wu.on -BY&U u.n Girls W1'l'B A UJm..lmW WU'IDQ.. HOUD. ReocU7 ~ antr a bucb to own i. ._ V4N~ U &nd that Mid t\ftll ill C01Dpoe9({ /I/ Pfttlk !l W09GD laC9 4lt ~dM t I-1!..,.>:::-::??!=~~!li.,!!8el~.~t~ice9~--!.1%!::~,Bul~IJd~l~D§fJ.8e~!rvl~11~£!M~-- ot th• fo1Jow1ns named penon., ITA.1'!2 OP" CA.LI:f'ORNIA l p 01 .... .. 0 - whoee name In t\111 Mell p1aee ot COUNTY o.r OR.ANOE 11111. Iowa, t...-lt: , ....tdcllce ia u toUowe, t6 wit: On lfA7 12, ltM, b«fore me. ~1;'-=VKONT R E P R 0 0 U C T I 0 N • • • -01' BTatt •~tt MORE THAN 500 Gm.LS Cl:IILD8 trtqde aoeU.t .-. cllUoc. LI l-12li7 aftAr I. D. It O~old u.. ~ned, & Notary Pub-~~ND en~&~ 'D'Tft.•&1'7 NEED' t200 Stuhore Drt" Uc tn and tor aaid Cowity and OciM K-, eant. Au..r.i ~ ~..,_.,.., uu.uu.. • Mttc IOpU wUl ala.rt loe&J Tele])bma Company careere th.Lt month. ----------LADIES WHO Wl8B TO TAKE Newport B..cb,. Oallfom.la ltate. penonall7 ap~ Frank WJ'l'NJ:Q ~ ... llUd W. 26th And ~ engineer, ai;utect or b~ WITN'llss my lland .......... a wu.on • WUU.m J . De da1' of J--. lw. ..__ ... , _ _,.,1 for fut _ _...l--t re rod _.l day of June, 19Gt. r -_..,, Ol>unlJ, knoWn to me lo be /a/ C .•• BIDA'D'KONT --..w• Wli ~ is:.LU\OMW p W:" on. D I:. Gl\19WOU> the J*'9008 whoee nanm are ST.ATll 0.J' ~) ~ Blue Print Company brinp at 1ut a Swedish Massage In tbe CODYenicnoe of tbe1r home, pleue call tor •PJ>Olnl· m&nt. Will You Be One ot ThemT Attn: Property Owner! ST A Tl!l ov cAID'ORHL4 ) aubec:rlbed to tb• ~thin 1natru· COUNTT or ORANalt ) • perfeetJy equipped, expertly 1taffed and compar- OOUNTY OF OR.A.NOE >• ment and acknoWledged Ul&t OJ' THU i&lh da1 ot .Tune, • aHu.t.. ....._,. eervice to N rt 0 ---"' "" On W• 28th day of June. 1eise: they u~ted the a&rne. .A. D. ltoe, befon ..., ROBllRT -·~ .,.__. ewpo ~ ~or your Harbor •790 or Harbor 1!3~ FULL PAY A8 YOtT Ll!!.l.RN. before mP, BllRNICll c. WJTNE,SS my band and oUI· F. WUJMa. • KotarJ P.u.bllc reproductive needl, frotll blu• prlnta to photo. NA YJ:R. a Not.&.ry Public In cial aeal. ln and tor ~ aid County ~d • etat.a ••• Call ... t 20ttc Superfluous Hair Frequent periodic Incr.ue.. -Opentnr• tor - Telephone Operators -Apply - LIMITED OFFER $2.:SO a.an. dnJD and adjuat your water heater. end for the aa1d County and (811.U.) /a/ V. ¥. Mlller State, ruldbla' t.beNta, ctul7 com.-Ital~. rnldlnf Lb.-dn. duly Nola17 PbbJlc In a.rul for aaJd m•Mloaed alMt ..on. penonall1 ,HARBOR BLUE PRINT COMPANY , -Harbor •sa1 28t!c Penu..-.~ NmOTed tram face uma, lep. E)'•br'oWa Dd h&lz lln9 111.&~o more twMlllns. l :SO to •:30 U2 W-.t Third C&U yvu.r D A. Y A NlQBT A UTBORIZm> lt&.t.Ll:R comin1ulonecS and norn. per· Oountf and Stat&. •ppaand 0. & BtitJKONT, monaJJy appured D. E.. QRJS.. JrlJ Oommlulon l:ll:plrell March knoWD to me to be U.. penoD wow 1cnotn1 t.o m• to be the a. aeo. whoee na.me a. aaMcrtbe4 to tbe ~~------------------- peraon whoM name i. aubecr1Md No. 16' New•PIW wtthlh lUtiWDiilt,, 811111. ~ 111...LmN I.. BRYANT R. I:. Udo'• lalon Of S.uty Bar. 2378 Ue Sallta A.na JOE BJOC:BTOLD Plumblnr to the wlt.bta IAltrwnmt., and 1{20. 27, T/t. U, 19M ed,.d to JIM UiM be eaeuted the 9'_1 m.J ~~ K)mowl~ed to tne~t he CX• • w IM w11wm WBJ:llm.. c~' PACIFIC TELEPHONE Kac ~. ecuted t!I• ame. NOTICE or BID or, I h&'H blnllBto •t IQ.J bud y N--t Harbor fN WITNll88 WBJCJUX)P', I NOTICE IS KEREBY GIVEN and a.ttlud •1 Gft'IG'-1 --.1 tbt .... .,_ .. have hereunto ..t mr band and ttt.t the Board of Tn1ateea ctay and ,-r lft Lbi1 Cert1dc&ta ...._. 8. P. 0 . E. atttxed m.J otnd.al ...i the d&y of th• Oranre Cout Jr. Coll~ ttnl Ibo•• w7ttt.a. • 1787 "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY. !2-Lod and Foand Atrro SALl:SMAN ----------Opportunity to earn up to $1000 D~i'D....ES-CHAIR LOST 84lL Ill ireen Ail bat a mont.b wJllAs i'ord can. ~ County'• w'ltb b&ttea made by Frtd truck.a and Tbundft'tlll'U. Theo. I..arr.i s.lectlon Lorens of C.O.ta Mua. 11~ Jore Robina ottere the follow-Leopold l:ucuUve &Dd year In lh1a OWUftc:ate Ant Dill. ot Onul&'e Coa.nty Calli. /a/ JtOmT P. WJJ.J.ICJCI fl'IW1 'Dilund'1 I p.m. abon written. wt1l recetTe bfd8 up to 3 ·()(1 p. m. N)' ~ aptrel / fta 0,... -Olat.nl .... THIS NEW machine procw 29th St., Newport Be&cb. 1n, actnnt.aiu: I n t e' t l l y. Furniture "'• ... • • • • • • • • • ¥ --- BERNICE C. KA.YER July lt, 1961 at the ofl1 e of N~ lT, UClt \ If~ Beach NOT ARY PUBUC aid echool c11.mtr1ct locat~d al ?llo. 168 l>lea" In and tor U.. 2101 l'a1rftftr Avenue. f"ofl.A New.Pr-. 1,121, 'II •. 11, 11. •51 ~ l:Dlted RWa m • tho d. Reuon&ble prtcea. R.l:W AJU). 30c32 paid vacaUon; health lnaur· Steel Ottlce ~"Unl.lture A•erar• 2 tape ruldenUa.J ----------&nee: hundnda SU more fOf' ANABEIM What do YOU 1u99ed as a -fitting event (or aerie~ of evenh) to be staged in Newport Beach 1 e Athletic T oum•ments 7 e Aquatic Progr•ms 7 e Bo•tin9 Oispl•ys 7 e C.mival1 e Dances? • Write or caft your Golden AnniverHry C1lebr1tion Su99.,tionJ It o"c• to: Newport Harbor Ch1mber of Commerce; Your District Councilman in th. I Newport B~ach c;ty Council; --or--- ' J112WPOllT HAR BOil ltE-W_S PRESS .. r -t ·- !! B.!!M'~ 8fJnba H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbln1 • A. Prompt Rep&lr Berri~ K.aint&lned Phone: B&r'bor 482• 2801 Balboa Bl't'd., Newport Sch. pltp CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORX NO JOB 'JOO puu. a.o..~ 101' &. B&Jbo& Bhd.. Balboa Barbor uoo aaue Redecorating Call for tree •Umatea INTERIOR 6: J:XTJ:RIORI Experienced color expert.. Com· pl•te decoraUn, aentoe. L. B. McKENZIE Har. 0315 It no an.. Call Har. 4 T Painting A Paperll&Dli.D& We do the work olll"8dveL IO Je&n upcUll~ uo.n.cs • l.IMluNd. 8&Uaf&cUcm parut-4. blind. LOST -Mexican yellowhead trade-Ina; bank !Inane. ratea; OFFICE FURNITURE CO 0 I $ parrot named 'PanchO' Flew 1ar,e new car lnftlDbf'J; a.ll • n1y ~ 1.00 trom 112 X&nlht, Lido IaJt. llalf'a alda; demo plan and Lb• ua 8• Palm Dyltoa• l-482J Bllnda r.~ and rebuilt. Contact Lee Adair at MJUen flrieel comml•ion plan. Apply Yr.. Pick up and delivery Chevrolet. LI 1·2281 or Klm In per.oa.. Theodore Robin> KNITTERS Work done by appotntmcit 6-eoeo evenlnra. ~lc33 F11rd 3100 W, Cout Hwy., CLOBINO OUT BALE -20'"4 Pbone Liberty 1-6701 Llbuty 8-3f71. 30c32 dUlcount Oil all lmittln~ aui>- or Xlmberly a.-ee&9. ppt!c LOST one ur rlnr JAOE pU-. Stnw be.s'I and Jtayau STONJJ CJ: NT ER SUR· MA~ onr 20 yrL old tor Sun· atretch hOA. arr 6: KNIT, REPAIR WORK ROUNDED by QIAMONDS day afternoon work at ~t 111 E. Balboa BtYd.. BRICK pla&wn cllp. Loat Corona del ra11 r. Har. 1100-W. IOCU ______ ] ___ _ Mu are&. Part of an heirloom " APRICOTS TR.ASH HAULING aet. REWARD ca.U collect Her• EXPERIENCED NI.Mt prdCMr ' C'Llll.AN·UP moaa Bff.dl. FronUer 2·04311 will «att for your ya.rd month· Tr.e rtpened Royal aprtcata, IO PLASTER Is PLUMBING or Frontier 2·5060. 3lc33 ly ralu. KI MTH attu I p.m. Jb. l\C 6111'. t.a••&. • Liberty ~It. UcM 30plD .a1ftc OODtalasa . H Schoell. lutncUon WHrrE or J&pan•M woman Hillside Orchard General Contractor • cook for prtvate home st&rtlnC 'betw.n 22Dd • Ul'd Oil T..- ucmram> REAL ESTATE July 16. R4f•rmcea. Bar. llU. .An., o.ta x.. New Work -Remodelmg IOcl2 CIU.1tl.m .lllbl&JNa J. MILTON )(cKENZIE UCENUD real eat&1e aJeCIWl ~. deH'as 6 8boe ........ Barbor Q99.W CS8tfc ~ f8ortudP:'nr:"f'or°:':na~t: or broker wanted. Ideal ~ tac. Pick 81 6 dalt"97 _.. 7 , • -. Uon and condlUona. a. R. C. Tt.. IT9 Oout Jfw7 • ....,_ QJ:NllRAL BUU..DD aama. Gl"Mr al IW LA!a,.U., M~ pert ....., .-r -ibe ._..... Ex rt R d 1· At OONXUNITY CHURCH. Ill port Beach. IOtAlf .......... u ..mi. llpU pe emo • 1n9 :::i:.~A.R~ Ju~y ~i-: HIGH ICBOOL 01' COLLllGI: im <>VIN J'ROK n:voo- Adclltoaa It new ~ 12. 7:45 p. m. 29p35 GIRL to help prepan d.imMr, mLINO JOB AT llJ CA.SB.A• &a.I)' tenna can be Uftlll'ed • wub di.tb• A do 11,t\t cleans TIO.K, OORONA DmL K.Aa.- Bar. ~W Inf J or t bour1 pc daJ. t b7 u piece ot ..,.,.... flt ttta 28-8Huattaa. Wanted Har. au. • .... ..., -· _ Cb.t ,.. .,..... flls ___ ...;.___,.______ H O U 8 ll c L l!l A N I N a l:XP&R.IENCJ:D bea.Uty operator ma~ d4U ftD.lt;r, UI; _,.. Window Problems? WlndoWa -floor• machine LI S-2•12. SOc32 pt.lee ~. •10; 2 fandca clean.ct &nd waxed. Call KI top drop leel t&blaa, •'TJIO •I ftep&lrs, replaeem~t.. remodel &stHI after 11 p.m. 31c3e 80Mlll l'REJ!l. aom• tee. formica top ~ table-. No hardware -No~ ----------Appllcanta needed. many oUl~ 'T.50; box .prtnp A mattr.., Free ..um.tea PICRMA.NENT dally baby all· job&. .Al8o rwtaurut and 17.50: m.cllctne c:ablnet, MW Batbor IS308-W tins Job wanted by 18·yr.-o1d dom..Uca. .Many. Jobe tor minor, •T.60; I builWn Iron• tt GENERAL CARPENTER IREPAIR ODD JOBS No Job too ian&ll. BMt ot "1· eNnou. LI MT'U 27Uc . LICENSED General Contractor collere strL o.tly or evee. LI qualllled men. R-stater now. Ins~''•: l&m,p .....,_ 1-2181. 3lp33 Jutae rvrar. BmyL ~y. 11 each. M1ec. ~ of SEAMSTRESS DR.1:88lU.KINO and A.l.iTl:RAT10N8 Hoon t un. lo I p.111. 1m Mollrovta. Coat& Mea • Liberty Mail t02~ !2nd St.. Npt. Baacb windows, doon • OJNl4'M ( acrou trom City Ball) stua. 8lnlk panel·r&1' ru' BmAUTY operator, part or full llm&. will comtder new p-ad- b•W', ,11; l&ntor)', rr.ao: dbl tub Jau.ndry .wt, •10. c::oKm AND arr TllllK.. uate. WW tnJn tor at;JtiDC, .., Ml&ry • conun1.akln. 1oDmt7 ------~------ llCU Ml 03. llell W.AW>OU 1'0W OPl!N TO 3tp41 PUBLIC DUS TO CON· ----------PERSONABLI: -1..i.47 for a · ITRUCl'lON IN OUR W.AJ\S.. "f 1)(-fT" clualve womana llped&lty lbop, Bo tT a 111, MERCB.A.Nl)DC not ovv a1se 11. li~ day week. RA.I CftOWED t1P 6 W& ~m~ -.AddlUou K«Mnte&I &Dd £1.c:trlcal Experienced preferred. .Apply JI.A q B&:mN J'ORCIED TO FfM m.t!JD&tea KA1Al.-.nce ~ Shaddock'• MU Vt& Udo KOVIS TO KA.D BOON. Tmu can be ~ A1.L WORK OVARAN'l'lll!D. Newport Be&ch. UcM ALSO OUR ooata AJll.m F. N. JOHNSON Barbor MM or MIS auo M!lDICAL ...S.tant • recepUon· LOADED wrre J'UNf"9 6 lZJdnston MTU ----------lat, Newport 8-c.b A,._ A.PPL W1C AB.II CUTl'DfO ________ 11_u_0 ---------IOp(2-GARDENING PleaM •tat• exper1eaa.. qu&ll· ~ r~ :~ FOR RENT PRUNING, CLEAN UP ncauon.a ,. any pertJnmt tn· ooooa llltimatae tr-. OaD JobnD1' LI 8-2687 & LI s.G289 PAINTING B bo A. formation In tint l•ttcr. Wrtt. ... BAUO'llNI wne--.. INTERIOR -JIXTl:RJOR IJr:D1 ..... D.c. Dt1l1' ~ N~Jo!o.iic:. ~all. ... ~. UJ'ie;i~ Box I-8, "" thla paper • S2ttc ., A c T 0 Ry w ~om A.L80 M.AR.DQ PAlN'l'ING all t;Jpaa ot 8&Ddae. ~ HOU81CK.DPl:R ltn out.. ~ 1015 .. nJWt at.. 8&nta Ana LICENSED -1N8UJUCD IGWI. •to. CBn..D care by capllble aper· manent, muat lllte children. M d&07. KI T-6&1'7 Glenn Johnston BOYD'S HOWE. 1•* mrt. 11· Day or ...... H&r. •901. a2d4 ------------•·•i.t Bt. lf Beach IUO w. oo.uT BIOBWAY Ute ea.ui, ~rUftcatA. -WATCH REPAIR Harbor :r.i dtfo LDMIC:1 W'86 Nwpt. Bch. •tto Dorotb.7, Har. MOW. IOpH BKlPPJ:R tor sportaflAhinC boat. A NEW 8enU:e Added.. ---------------------ODO 1088, ,.,,.utnr. patntms. BUbb&rd. Davey'• Lock• . I>RUTINO SllllVICll C A R P E N T E R No job too miaJL All work Barbor °"0· SlpU ~!r ~ .:~ ~ PLANS • Renair work GU.AR.A.NT11:ED. Phone Joe. l!XPICJUl:NCIID fountain man. WU1 pick up Dd ~ I' LI 1-IUS. SOpa2 21 or over for nlte work. WW HARBOR 1'°3 · Residential • CommeJ"Cl&l Doell Yoa.r llom9 Need Rq&1rtq Wnpta. 17lb • Oout ~ Remodeling Ca.II .:.u. ~ ~ Roy's Maintenance way, Newport Beach. flcll mt I!. ~~ 611 MR • J W PUTN ... -~---ft_w All Wartt ~ ftttl c I . I • ANT bJa'b acboo1 or colMc'e . ... · · -~ ~ ----------omp ete Profeu1ona str• to "'*• tn, for .anuner. -----------:.. 21p:sa Experienced Gardener .Housecleaning :t"~ 2t1eit;~ i::•..!z: ~ Leo's 51.oe Repairing LANDSCAPING F10or w&Jd.Qs and butttnc vate room • belh. Har. IOIO. run OPSNJ:D tn Arcalh PAINTING PAPERHANGING Svmcn & Noller B.t enoed WOl'JaD9 Bat. •o. or Nlf . FURNITURE Distinctively dealsnod C. EVERETT SMITH UI -ltth Bt... N.wport ~ Har. 4168 da.J'8 or e'ftnlnp 11Uc Painting, Decorating Paper ti&DPQ& GEO. BURKHARDT U~a:D CX>NTR.Al."l'UR u.-n ~a.eaa ' and CLEAN UPS Window OeaJlfnc llcll 1'10 N...-port BMI.. c. K. Liberty 8-6M6 1!fboi.tery Cleaning WANTED ~ ':a. ta!':,: ""'7 mtto ratioe Color waxed Man to drtn ow tnaclc oa ci. , ~ CEMJCNTa-BUD.J)TNQ Luatrou. a.uJta ·UYW7 of OUTler Dd .... REDWOOD Patio.Aviaijll,. ... At &.tDM r· REASONABLE d-*'8 lio4lee al.MS to wott ~ • tront a.p. XAD With Cllft14fw.. Monda,., W* orrat. flu tua. &1d6 FREll ETDIATJCS Phone Liberty 8-1332 n..-,,. a.nd J'rtdaye u _. -. = _ • Libtrty 8-4109 uo to ., P· m. xr. PAB&lilt. -R..:.Annn. --------------------Nmwe-.PNCU. J:tU Balboa -~:!!! •• OOMPLETE PAINTING GARDENING and BIYd. N.,on 8-dl. aotte - A Paper R•Dlfnl Senice CLEAN-Un JOBS ~ WA8BER It DRYER waaMW o. ut.JNDmaa ,.. Beacon Personnel l'f01tOa,.... dr79r • ._. llbl7 a IOO lltt ~ Newport~ WANTED lOOS' ~ retained mont.ba IUld UM MW KOltOll .,.. ..,. di ' u 117 _aut.-.tlo_ t1IM .... LIBERTY 8-6139 ~ ...-. -aom roa Ol!ll.T . l4 Puun• AJcobollca .LaODJIDOU9 Wr1te •· 0. 8cm ID Ntwpell't ....... O&Uf. .............. ,.,. Utfo Nor .. coa.ttail from applicant 1265.CJOr'hnu low u 11.IM ----------t.\Wl.C Newport Beac.b down. Pl.GO moatll. .JAD's -SW a dllp9aa&ble U81'CS ca.r, -A.PPLIA.N(SI, ltlf ftartoT J04U IOCaJ cle&kT' who wUI be ben Wanted boJ9 10 S.O H ,_,.. ot Bmt. eo.ta ~ l'OKOIU\OW lo be.ck up what be ap. rar N..,...~ • __ - ..U. TODA.YI Owck tM uNd be opa eooa. APPLY Ml'. hB--To l"IDt a'°'-•~ a~ .,.. la tba duGftld ~ • •, DU W• ..._ .,,.,__. CM tlafiil!lllt "V l.o Glad a ,.._ • ...,, H~ tl to lh..: le lMNP the wut .a 1 • .. ~ ': -... r ... it You Come I 6et it .. 001lP,LET'E HOUBEBOLD nJRNtSHJNGS CLOnlINO n>R Te:m .mNTIR.E FAMILY "JJCT'I w~ TBJI aota lUllBt1IJ.D" Opell Kon., Wed., J'ri., Sal nitea W 9 VETERA..NS IND~ t-02 E. •TH Rattan . Wrought Iron, Patio Furniture ' Com~ eelection of Wrought Iron Furniture. Barbecue ,i.nd ~ Lawn Swings, Garden and Beach UmbreJtu.. BAMBOO DRAW DRAPES a.nd TROPICAL Fioor Covertnp. BASKETS of. all kinda 6 Unuaual Gift ltema. Canvas and Afumfoum Awnings. 17'' PACKARD BELL tull door conaole, ill/i'M SELL YOUR CAR radlO, 3 tpMd phonograph. Very good eood. $129.~ PA.II> J'Qft Oil MOT COMPLETELY RE.BUILT ~ ~ Men Bfod dlv&n, &1J uw maultal REFRIG -8 cu. tt. LUO a. ACa1D ID W107 $-i1.CM> UP ~nice. Guaranteed .... .1 .•• ·-·-·······-···-······-··-"9.:SO --~-------- TABU'l TOP pa ~ r. pa1~d and teet.cS. to uy ruu. $37.:50 ALSO c1ou11nr le aho. for the enun tanuly. VERY Rll.A80NA.BLE. \.\,. f'mploy the ~dJaapped, Goodwill Industries H 7 W t lh St., Santa An.a BLACKSTONE AtnOMATIC wuher, 2 yrs. old. ~·-fer ... ___ _ Not' a 1Cr&tcb on it Completely automatic and cuannteed -···········------······-·····-·....$139.9~ WES11NGHOUSE 7 cf. Refrlgerator, croaa top freezer. Very nice, only 3 yrs. old ..... ·····-····$135. DAVIS · BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd., Coata Me&& LI 8-M.37 29c31 M-Mmle&I. Radio, TV GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '4 7 CHEVROLET \I T pJck\lp •u l'l"U'DIBAKJ:f •• T pltkup '62 J'ORD, ~ T pickup ·02 axe ~ T pickup '6.\ DODGE ~ T. plckup '53 J'OJU> V-9 % T . pickup 'M FORD ~ T. ptckup, Jl'ordo. m&tJc t.rana. 'llO CJll:'V. % T . pickup NEWPORT HA•aott ~S-llART f I· PA&E 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1956 ...... '!'--------...·~ • Pauenger Tl RES 8-Hour Re cep&!:g Service plete llrUo Service AND Front &nd Allp.ment ~VlCJD l'liiit.on1 Budc"•t Plan 'foun ter tbe All.in&" HOWARD RYAN 801-809 W. lst ST. SANTA ANA Kl 3-1343 Tubeless Tire and Reeape~2rvt!dqtrs. Free Pfck up A: delJvery Courtnev & Lester FREEi ! Select+Ten&nt TM a..t fallkft fll'ee ~ to IUdlot'da ·~ CA.LL 8£1..IX."f ~TY Ml T-aaol Rentals Wanted· We o..S apta and boUMt IA &11 eecuou tor bOtb win~-and ,_,, ...... f\sm. °" anf\Aro. U you bav1 a YM&D<l'y, pbone toes~ .• The Vogel Ce>. HOl W Cat. R"')'., Ndpott lkh. ~UMrtJl-Mll IOI Marine, Balboa lailaod Phone~ Ht *1 E. Cit. ltf .. Ou:Nna cMI MAI Pbon• Harbor 17'1 l.J<So Otnce, HU VI.a LlOo Ha.rbor U71 l702 Newport 8Jvd., Coeta M_. LlW\)' l-6Wr w .v.::r.D to rent, iun.al1 ato~ apace In aLudio or otftce for art 1uppUta Private pa.rty Box G-7, New1-P?taa. 30cS2 SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 1626 S. Main, Santa Ana Kl 2-SMlS Free Delivery OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 HARV ROCK MA.PL.I! -I pc. Uvinir room, 2 lovely bl'U• table lam119, • 15 pc. dinett., 15 pc. rock maple bdrm. Ht. box aprlnga A-lnnenpt"inJ mat- tre1111. K e I v I n a t o r ~tr1r , Wedgewood r&n&"e With JriddJe. $890. ON SALE 3 w.U. only Samp-SCHMIDT -PHILLIP8 PIANO IOD tnclOMd electric anchor or-cJMAN SHOPPERS drtve 'M GMC " T. pickup, hY~ l&M Newport Blvd .. Cotta Meaa 48-Apta. A RC>CIM8 for Beat winches 12·24·32 volt. ReilJl&.r to &t.b It Buah Street. Sant& matio trana. PHONE LIBERTY 8·1198 PltP 'M CJUJ'V % T. hydra.ma t.le ------------ KELVIN A TOR 11 cu. ft. refr:lg· erator, 19~ model-uaed 2 mo. N.w (UULDlff. You •ve on. third. B&l&nce only U00.00 - cuh l)r, terma low aa $9.83 a month. JAJCE'S APPLIANCl!l Co., 1937 H&Tbor Blvd., eo.t& x ... . I ft. COLDSPOT Reh-if. a.I.lo ru ranr-wtlb brolln It ,.nJJ aOod condJUon Ch•p for qwcll .U.. 109 Park Ave., Balboa Laland. 32c ELmCTRIC ra..n1•. retnr. le 12 cu. ft. dttp freeu 307 Pirate Road, N9WJ)Ort Beach. 32d3 . TABLE top , .. ~· ln rood abape and very <'lean. $23. &aoe River A ve., Newport Bch. 30c32 J"RJGIDAI.RJ!:, e cu. ft. nearly new refrigerator -amalt and compact-only $118. al JAKE"8, 11137 Harbor. Co.ta M HL KmNMORE. deLuxe. fully aut.o- maUc waaher. Perfect con• dltion. looka Ilk• new-only Sllt. at JAKE'S, 1937 Harbor. O»t. Meu. FREEZER UM .o.n.raJ &leet.nc 'The BIC 11 ', cu. tL ffojda over U O lbl. PaJd down t.o UU..,. No cub down Pay only 112.2.4 per month a.i.o our lllM Pblloo ~er. ~ crvea top fnaft' cbelt m~~ Paid doW11 to aw 41. No CUil nffded lf you pay only SI. TS. Per mOftth. SO-B-AppUaneee WESTINGHOUSE, mall 4 cu. ft. Retr1J'erawr only 2.4" wide, tT in. Hlgh-,Uaed but t'WUt Uke new--0nly 5~9 at JAKB!'S. 11137 Harbor, Coat.a MU&. O"KEEFJC A-Ml!!RRJTT Ou Ranft 'M Deluxe model. Lamp 6: clock with oven timer. .AJJ-airbme C"rlddle ln ~ tntd· dJe. Ueed only 3 mo. It look.a llke new. Aleo hu grtll-brollu It t.hat Ult-up top. Take lt for RUB. ~00 W Center, Anaheim G ROOMS beautiful new modem t u r n I t u r • with Kelvtnator re/rig . Wed,-ewood ranr1 wtlb g'"rtdctll' ~ pc. WTOUl'ht lron dlnet te ut, 8 pc. livl.nr room l'TOUp, 2 modM!I bdrm. Mt. • All fOT $&9G. Sm&JJ dOwn pay. ment 104 w.U. to pay. HUB. 600 W. CetiteT, .Anaheim price '100, aale pl'ice $74.D~. Ana. for l!~EE VALIDATED ~ h.p. Delco moton 110 AC-p ARK.ING. 60 cycle aale pr1c1 J&.JIS each. Samp.90n Machine Worka 1604 00 USED piano, wanted, hlfh•l Newport Blvd. Ll ~2701. . allowaqce In trade tor ORGAN, 30c32 SPINET PIANO or GRAND. WANTED allp or p1~r for new ELECTRONIC Organ hke new 42 It. crulaer tor .eaaon or 51~. Save ~10. permanent. C a 11 Cre11tv11w 1-8074 Collect. 30p32 tr&N. '62 J'ORD V·S 1-T. dual '60 GMC 2 T. com H' •taka 2 speed. I :26 Ure•. '60 Dod&"• 2-T dump, 2apeed 9:00 tlrea '53 GMC 10 Wheel dump 9:00 tb'u ... U you an in need of any type of UMd truck equipment.. be llUl'I to llM what WI ha VI to otter. All typu and ai&e8. W .W . WOODS GMC DEALER 32 iT. CABIN cru.aler, BaJboa moorln1, dJD.l'by. Exel. cond . uc~pt motor block. Fully equipped. U!iOO. Write Ray Jonea, 18311 Nuevo St., Fon· my contract balance 1137.88. ------------ 3 PIECE llvlnf room eeL BeauU· tan.a. 30p32 KNABE Grand )USl Hke new. npoau.lffd; pay uut balance $9~. •me u rent. $4715. ~ 1Weet toned Grand, many olherw like Fachu, WurUtur. Muon It amJln, etc. All won· derful barg&1n1. U5·19 E. 4tb St. No cub needed ju.at make payment. ot 18.'46 mo. S.e any time day or eve at 409 8 Main In Orange. 4 Bike. 8. of Ch.apman. KE s.6817. ful t11van ma.kn Into clbl. ~ chair In 3 poalUona • wit}\ CHAMPION Lehman dlnfhy No ottoman. Bra.nd new, been p&J4 • 2 aulta aalla, trailer, new down to 11311 64 while atorett. covtt. lnlJnM:ulall condlUon or pav the payment.a of 110.60 _Llbll' __ rl_Y_ .. _1_2_•_4_ev_u_. __ 3_i_c3_e ~-A MONTH rent. SoOd prac· Truck Bl&dquarten for lice piano: apply tenn rent on Oranse Oo. purcha~ Good UHd pianol ------------1811 , 1126., St17 . Struiway $211~ Eulnt tenn1 In any pli&no. 1954 Custom Ford tt~ WEDGEWOOD Range, CP, clock, lamp. Paid down to '134.08. No down payment. Pay only $7.60 pu month. A.lao our 19~ Gent!ral Electric Refer. Blc cron top Freuer Chnt. ahelvu In door. paid dOWll to $161 84. No Down Payment, 11 you pay the pay- mo. See at 409 B. MaJn ln PADDLEBOARDS _ 12-ft. Jonr R&ncb waron. RAH, J'ol'doma· Orange. 4 Bike. 8. of Chap-$39.60. 110 Huntln(ton .Ave., W~~ER El~lronlc pl.aACMI Uc. Stlow·room clean, beaull· man 1tay or e ve. or caU KE H untington Bear.h. Lex 6-4792 m 19· See IL at Dtmey· tul paint, plu Uc Interior and 6-6817 3Ic33 land or ht>rt. W • W. 3 PC FOAM rubber curved WANT slip or aide tie for 18' etttlonaJ, llcht rreen. UKE keel aa.llboat. Phone Ontario, NEW. 'i price 1300. Harbor YUkon &3·1121 collect. 31p33 15881. 29tlc menta or $8.68 Per Month. ------------115 FT. WIZARD with 23 h p Evtnru~ plua trailer. Com· plete 167G. Wiii Mil aeparately Al.a 71., bp Outboard U O. Call overland &·1822 collect 31lfc See BAUOHNS FURNITURE 32 • F A CTO R Y WAREHOUSE ·A-An~ee 101~ E. F1111l St .• Saal& Ana 11·11 daily. KI T·M87 Tall Gable Country Houat BUILT-IN RANGE ANTIQUES Nice nnety autbftluc antiqu•, colored clue. brue, copper, 9-F'T. PLYWOOD 1ltlff with oara, e.xcellent eond1t1on i 10 Call Har. 305-0 31p33 $135. OFF TAPP AN ,-u oven. broiler 4 burner top • cab1Deta -r .. turned trom builder'• ctt.play. Cull or WnN low ,_ 510.0Q a month. JA.KE"S APPLIANCES 1937 H&rbor. Costa Mesa. pnrt.er, lampa. tumltun, tram ------------ lnupanalve c1lt ltem.e to th• rlnailt " r&rut tOT the ooUectOT. KATHRYN ANN .JOIJNS icm Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana 72ttc S4-~lu.s5e&l, Radio, TV DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl H A MM 0 N D 0 R 0 A N 8 all modeJa, wontlll'rluJ chance to $1695 buy • good . ueed Hammond 1955 Volkswagen Orran; alao, one only, a Hammond Chot d Orpn, huny !ISJUN ROOF, ae4an. Black, bftl)o and ee. theao al ont'e, bl( llfol red plutjc tnler1or. Aftil· aavtnr. able fCTr tmmedlat1 dellvery.- SPINET Put.no btautllul cue and Lone. 11av1 over 51~0. on lhla AnOthf'r bar~ Knabe lllrro-r..yp. Spinet. ftt6. MJmy olh~r groat buya RENT Hammond Spinet Orran 116 a month, with lrtt ltsllOn.L SCIUUDT · PHILLIPS BIO PIANO Ii ORGAN STOR& ~20 N Mein St.. Sant. An&, EaL 111u. Open Friday ntchta Ouarantffd, , $1595 1953 Ford Sunliner OO~TIBL&. Red~.,... Uree. l\ed and b1adlt )eat.Mr Interior. lkautttuJ condition throQabo\lt. one own.er. Ford~ mauc. R Ir H $1195 U-Auto Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN Up to 15 Month.a to Pay 8 eyi.. -· __ .!)8.88 All Straight El&'bta ·····-·~ .68.88 IN<..."LUDES both lAbor 6: Part.a. Now nap. wriat ptna. valve (1'hld. fttttn.p Of maJ.n and rod bN.rilll"L Expert motor tune- up. ICHS&y or 4000 mil• ~ ant11. OA.8K171'8 Ir OIL EXTRA REBUILT ENGINES BUll..T IN our own factory b7 UWed machlniata. Don't con- tald with the middle man. av c1lnct. SHORT BLOCK l"Oft.D (1932 .. 8) --5 ,t.llO CBBVROIZT . I M.&O BU1CK -·-····----Sll&.00 PACXA.RD (ti cyt) ---'125.00 P)J'm..., Doq'I 6 Ford f --'106.00 CBRYS. A D!l SOTO _Jll0.00 IRVINE TERRACE Smart, new modem unfUn1l.ablCI bome. 3bdrm, 2 be.lb.a. La.oat wtt.h •lid.in&' ,.1... wall to ... eluded patio. M.ahoa bar-type kitchen built-In o\ren It nuia-. Hwd parquet noon, 12!50 per mo, 1 yr 1-. SA.L.1:8 Ol'J'lCll opposite IRVINE C 0 A 8 T COUNTRY CLUB. Cout Hwy 101. Newport Harbor. C&U Har. UU ,23llo Summer Rentals Bay Front & Ocean Front Locations. Ear.I W. Stanley REALTOR 3U3 Newpcrt Blvd. Npt Beach, HArboT l OU NEWPORT BEACH, 2 or 3 bdrm. fU.rn. apt. or room wtlh prlMta ,.ntrance. By wuk or monqa. Harbor 6i7~W. r 32c34 STUDEB• &:xn ---1120.00 SEE ME. TA NELSON OLDS.• PONTIAC' --SlJ0.00 CORONA DEL MAR NASS 1120.00 KA.JSER 110.00 l"OR CBOJCJD Rl:NT A.LB. HUDSON (6l 11 M.&tnal -11'0.00 SEASONAL It YllAR.LY. PLUS lNBTALLATJON 2908 £. Ooul Bwy. Bu. 6MO Open D&ily • to • t.t Monday 'tiJ 7 p. .... Sunday ll to 2 BlocJt mmt meet our 8taftd&rdl Plua Lall-. ,....,ta aild oU BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 110 .E. ani St. Kl WJiN LOAN CAM -FR.Ell TOWJNG BT A Tl: BONDED PENINSULA ·NICE AREA Uaturubdltd spa. wttb iar11e 1 B. R. -Ito • 2 8 R. -5110 Pb. B.ar. 12M -Ens. HO. I t lf ON B.A.LBOA ISL.A.ND SD u a fur ye&rty a.oe1 ..uonal rent.all.. See BAUGHN& rtlRNITURll .., .,.__, f c- F A c T 0 Ry w ARJ:BOUSE o> .-.. u.l'U ture or ..,.le JOI~ E. Flrat St., Santa Ana 9-9 dally. KI 7-G487 4 ROOMS l'umlture. 19~ Philco 10~ .. cu. tt. J«.ttt. paW down to flDS.48. 195& Wedgewood Range, Criddle, Clock, Patel down to ll t19.M . ~room vcup, paid down lo $109.88. Uvtnr room Bal due 1132.111. 7 Piece Dinln' irroup paid down to 1.59..88. Pa.y only H .&S per week for 4 rooma. U-Boats. Suppl~ Boats for Sale BUILD YOUR OWN HI • Fl p!lono(T&ph. uatnr Newcomb • Harmoo·Kardon AM-FM tunera, ampll!iera, 1pealten It record players. Come ln and "' them. We wUl beip you ueemble It. SPECIALS FOR JULY! $490 for new planoe. New elec organ, only $599. J'-9~ a wk. pula a Wurlltur Organ In your homo. 1''REE LES~ONS Included. Santa Ana 1.lualc, 314 W. 171.h, Fu!Jerton Mualc, COTION GOFF AUTOMATIC 'I'RAl'fSMJSSIONB The Vol kswagen Dealer Hroa.uu..TJc • DYNil"LOW POWICROLIDJt Newport Blvd. a t Und Street. OUMPI..ln"S OVER.JIAUL NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30& Xartu A... Ba.r1-or 602 8.U.SOA. JBLANO . - GAFF&R.8 6 SAT"n..ll:R. n-.r p_. chrome top C. P. pa ranp with clock. Jriddl• chrome broller, etc:. -Cotll '280. new. youni for only 198. at JAD'S. J.937 Harbor, Coeta Mea. O'KJl!EFE • MmRR.I'M' ,.. ran&" .. ebrome top wtt.h i"rtd· dl•, cro.lt7 r«trt~rator with tr.aar. 641 lkryJ X....0.. New· port Beach. Liberty a-ens. 30cl2 KITCHEN n'OVIC. 31 inch, sood COlldlUon. UO. lUI W . Bay An. or Bu. '511&-M. . Slp3J G. II. ~tor Ir a PR.08- PJ:JUTT ttat top ...... ran,-._ ntllld a Jot ot cl-.nmr up but are paranteed to be O.K.. m~y 549 FOR BOTH ~ JAKE'S, 1937 Har- bor BlYd., Coeta W.... See BAUGHNS FURNITURE J' A CTOR Y WA.REHOUSE 1011> B:. J'trat St., Santa Ana M daily. Kl 7-MtT Tt>ak La.dy aJoop built In Ho11g Kon.-, G h p X.rmalh lnbo&rd ,.ng1ne, colt.on ..U.. atalnJep rigg1nf, 1tove. barometer, rarved Wier, all teak con- atructlon. lleep 2, tu1I new coveT . ... .. S2.200 111' AUX. aloop, alffpa 2. nice iralley, 2 aulta aalla, very clean .. : ..•.. ·-··-······-· .. ... U .200 HOU8EJ'UL or funljtun. In· 23' HJCRMCBOrl' aJoop. built cludtt JO piecee u,ui,. room I la.8, aJ.epe 4, new Universal iroup. 5 piece dining-room 4•23• nice p!Jey · ······ ·· .$4,500 croup. complete bedroom s-roup Several ~ launc:h• from JMO only bffn stored.,. Bal Due only t.o $3,600 all In Cood condition '291.08. Cuh or pay the pay· With I.aboard motor-. mmta of $4.01 ~ week See BAUOHNS ruRNITURl: Ji' A CT 0 RY WA.RJ:BOUSE 1015 E. Flrat St.. Santa Ana 9·9 dally. KI 1-6487 A HOUDl'UL For 121 a mo. RJCBAJ\DSONS YACHT ANCHORAGE 1739 Bayalde Dr. Har. SO.II Kar. 4923 29ttc LIGHTNING et.Ass, ..U boat. BRAND new Wedpwood rans• 1958 om Retl'1J.. 1961 tuU alu th• blr C.P. automatic vant.ab· automacuc tall&"•· 7 pc. L1Y. Good condition " r ood nylon Mila, $97&. Har. 33157 or OX· ford C-7242. 28c33 1n1 ahelt, 9"1')'thtna ~ Rm. IP· e pc. bedrm. comp. down to SlU..00. No down 5 pc. dtnlnr aet. FOR SALE DAVIS-BROWN 1880 B&rbor Blvd. Coeta Meaa -U 8-3437 Knowlton Electronica TV ANTENNAS (Clear Sam -HI Gain 1 In1talled oompl1l41 to your eet. $9.95 39ttc MOVING, would Uke lo aell WurUt.ur Splnf't Plano, lea lb&n 1 year old, can be eeen In Santa Ana For dela.lla, write M,.. Hubert Bloom• quiat. 205 KlnKa Road, Roae- v11Je, Calif. 32c34 "Harmony Music Co." HM o.rden Grove Blvd LEhlp It· 77S3 Gu1tara In 1tock. payment. Pay onl1 U.M per All brand new. JI.' dn. wtu ort(ln&J. price wu '380. TECO FURN1TURJ: a111o our ltM Wblrlpool Ope> Mon.. w~ • .Fri. Tm It Be&uutill tl9' aux ecbooner, (O Q=~ -Chet Atkins anywhere. mxce.1. for cb.art.e.r . AutomaUc wuher Btc Deluxe 2608 W lat. Santa Ana Harbor I llc!3 1JO N. Spadra. We buy planoe Let JUOB Help You. LAmbert 15--02151. 3lc43 PV'80Da11J Mltcted NOW FOR THE FIRST TDOl NEW Ir USED CARS Anywhere, a beauWu1 2 man-TAKll ADVANTAOID ot b1a m&n7 ual electronic ~lnet organ for yean ot experience u a top only f993. I Not a chord orranJ no\.ch rMChanlc. JM.80 deliver•. Come In for. RIOH HAHN'S , .... lea.eon now a t '°' &. JtTB ft. SRAFJCRS (Blnoe 1907) Barbo!' 6720 N~ Baadl Ul·t23 N. Sycamore. a.nu Ana------------ Phone Klmbuly 2--0872 Oranr• County's Orcan Hdqtn. SPINET SPEC1AL8, TRAD!l IN AND RENT AL RETURNS! '65 STUDEBAKER v .. hardtop, two-tone blue. pttfect condJ· Uon. clean, '800. Cub It take onr contract. -'61 per mo. $1100 baJ. LI l-6013. SlcU SOlall Oulbral\Mn 1pln1t 1396. ------------ Uaed Maple Auoeonlc epl.Dtll 'Cit FORD l'&Jr&an .. b1&9UIUUJ by B&ldwtn '69~ GW.bru.aai equipped. PM equity tar S275 blonde oak 6 months old. •n ca.ah. Take over J)4aYlntnta. A. $100. Kimball Salem maple K. Martin. Lllxtqton f..a2S2. aav1 1243.. Other fln. bu¥9 t&I (ICJDINj}. 31c3.I ma.bopn1. 8pt'clal conYenl•nt tenn• at SHAl'ERS ( Slnce 1907) "21·423 N. Sycamore, Sa.at.a Ana Phone Klmberly 2--0871 BEST BUYS IN HARBOR AREA , DOOmU. Tll Dm,JVZRY Oii MW ft.enauJt Ndi.n_ IM) mil• per pllOI) Sut6. BA.Uax:mN • WA.T80N 1912 llatbol' Coeta ..... tttc 'M Pl.TMOUTB BJCLVJ:DllRll. $119.50 lllchadea &11 pa.rta Is tabor A1.L WORK OUA.llA.,N'H:W TERMS ARRANGED LOAN CARS BltB A.tJTOM<mW u:RVJCI: 12411 Nlm.aON ST. AT A.CACI.A Lii fo.1"6 Choice Winter Renta.i. on Balboa bJud ls Lido la!• 3mall Is ~ or la.rs• It delwc1 f71 to POO month VOGEL CO. lfll Ma.tt.n9 A.... a.Jboa 1ala.nd Ph. B&rw "' • a&rbor 1011 a. ear. IUIJ..R OT Bu. m~lt 6't1o NEWPORT- CBA.NliEL FRONT 2 B. R. nandlb44 ,....rl1 notal SllO IDc. ut11tl• If PORT ORANGE .. Ph. au. UN -J:vea. aar. iw TR.A 0 JtR SA I.~ t1 and SUPPL.JES NmW t beol'OOm Cl\lpla untuhl. 2200 ,W. Cout 8.iway. Aft.lta.ble J uJ.Y 115. -MO mo. Newport Beach Ll 8-4420 _u_w_i_oo_. __ __,;;, __ aocn_ P AN-.uu:NCAN 13 to ISO ft. 1 6 I &R. PA.RAMOU'NT 029t.om bullt. aot.oOOtL.l ls2 &R. B.l&bast ~ln &lklwanca. We o..ct clM.D UMd trauen. PAN AMDUCAN .Pa.runouaW(.cald.U Tnv.i.w.TVl'J AV A.1LABLE NOW ON LllA.8ll COR01fA DEL Mil JlO LAJUtSPVR Btaut11'11 2 bdnn. hom., " to w carptt.. dra.pa. bu1e ftnpl&ol. L&nat paUo, d\lpoeal, pra.., uUL $190 per mo. No pet.a. . ... "' -.. pald down t4 SlffM. No down l Otfc .,.,ment needed lf JOU pay Ule pllJJl!lftte Of $1.H ~ week. MAPLE END t•bl•. 1 platform rocker, .A.SH M.r. &nd M,.. Dreaeen, wtt.h mlrrora. deek It tw1n ba&dboa.rda. 15« Beryl Lane. Newport Bee.ch. Lib- erty U188. 30c32 $17.500. Conalder trl.de. 1220 GIBSON -Lf~ Paul-Brydl&nd w. Bal~ Blvd., Newport. FENDltR -Slral-Oc&ater-Tele-ca.ater Harbor 1082 tt .MARTIN -D·2·S Dreadnaurht Cuh la Term. or Trade ln New RCA Portable Radio New RCA 2t" T.V. V-1 6 dr. hard·top 6 montll.e old. Loa4IG Wlt.b p 0 ... r _._,_w_ .. _w __ to_Bent ____ _ equtpm.ot. Low local mll~ low down JMa~t. '" coo-tract. Imma.culate tn.Cd.I and AV A.ILA.BLll NOW by weak or n:aonth. Oloee to buobea. Ill c.m.tton, Corona del war. Beauutul turn. apta., ..,..... laundl'J', patlo. flOO J*' ....._ No JMata. S.1 or call owner at 311 CamaUon Apt. D. Ha.r. 1M3 or Wblt.m&n ftc&Jty ll&r. lMJ or Bar. 4il.I. latte • • SM BA.UOHNB l'URN1'l'URE r A. 0 T 0 A Y WA.ftDOUD 101G C. J'lnt st .• Santa Ana .. . - N d&117. KJ T-6tl7 20 FT. N. ff. ciao keel Sloop, hull reflntahe<I 1 monl.b &CO· LI l-7W. 111Uc 3t FT. CHRISCRAF'T 6: UcenMd •kipper a va1J. toT week end&. only Sleepa I . Har ll~·W. after ti p m 31ca3 V. M. fipe Reconh!r,. -phono· gn.pha PIANOS -New and nffd. for rent ud for ealt' 16" Motorola T.V. Ueed $47.50 Granoo A.M·FM R~vtt ~mo $29 60. ACME T.V. out. PrlYat. paiV. Bar. •Ml Dt1o 42~ 3 lat St. Phone HArbor 5306 1tGO PONTIAC 4-dr. Mdall Knowlton Electronic.a bydromaUc. R6.B. sood UrM. excl cond. Own•r. LI a-M43. -QIB90Zf, I cu. It.. NIMJerator LET US HELP you ftx up your with crom top ~ llMlf-put apartment. Old BuUel"a 1oo11:.t fib 11 ... and nm11 the 4eak. cb&1n. lllt·top table. ------------ llUl• -., _ onJ7 119. at na s c out BJ~. LaJUM A.OOORDION 8PllClA.L81 a only tull 120 bull •CQOrdiona Extra ah1tl.. all tn perfect condition. Tenn.a $20 down and f:l.23 per mo. at TV REPAIR 31clll ·-... .. .1.uara. ttn Ha.rtior BlYd... _Beach _____ ~ ____ a_0c_a_2 ODllta ....._ BOUBl:P'UL ot Maple &1J l:aat· ,, .... ---..11 n-A.w to ern Hard ftock Maple Got ·~· &UU _..;era r everytlltnr. Completa ' Uv1n1 ONLY $21 9 ,QOI. Room. Divan, CM.Ir, RocJcer, TUlu. L&mpa, CompI.te Bfod· B?'IU\4 ... TAPPAN h.11 llap room. lncl\ldea 10 y-.r ouarr. pa ranre wiU. pt~ dMd· Xattrua • Boa SpJi.Ga, Double ed -~ out brollft', ate. Dl"U8tf with Kirrol', 01n1nr AND a,,_,, late model J'IUO-Group. w1th ata.e$oD Laat. UtAJJt.11 t cu. ft; ~tor hid do'firn to '417.N. CUb -a. !MW -~ tor otUJ or ~ Jf,IO pa< .fte:k. ~MO. '10.00 ~ aimo.t a.. aAOOBNS ruRNlTt1U _.. NOltOll • time ltne r A OTP RY WA.R&BOU&m autohlaUo .....,. tor only 1010 I:. rsnt St.. Santa Ana tuUO OI 41.00 _. .. ,_,... M ~. IQ 7-1611 IDlat& IA.d'I APl"LlANCU -111T ~. 0.... K-. , Unpa.lnted It Juftldle tnmitun. 1'N WBDU.POOlo Meae Woodcraft ...... \met _., :u= Biq Clearance Sele o.lue wiUl ba. tub wubee, li VI AS JCUCB AB 60,. ON 11Ue9 A ~ d17 ....... Jl8T.· IOlm lTCM'S. ~ ~uced It, ~ take OT«I' U.. P'Jftllftla on c.besta, wardrobes 6 llutcb- ot $1.07 a IDOClt.b. No ~ Come M.rl)', pnee t. tubJect &weded, ~1\1 tt.. 8" &n1 lo atock on hud. llme da1 or e'fCbal. 609 a. Wt Harbor Bhod.. eo.t.a M.a JVtn In O~ • 81ll& ! Ll l-1MG of '>*P"'*• or call KS W1'7. 4croee trom 8tabre Martl9l WANTED AuxUlary •H wllb head room. Will tnt.de 18 rt. natU1 aloop 8HA.l'E.R8 ( Binee 1907 ) ffi..U N. 87camon, Santa Ana Pbone Klmberly 2--0672 and Santa Bart>&na lot. Some ------------ caab. Har 3734. LI ~1207. 3lc33 12 rr. SNOWBIRD. pod con- dition. m Udo Soud. Har. T. ¥. Rental 21~M. JIM)(). 32c!4 1250 So. Main a rr. BOAT It trailer In rOOc1 KI 7-66" oondtUan. Mall• offer tor quick SUt& AH nuc -11. Party lea.tJls. 109 Park------------ ....... Balboa talancl. l2e Custom H1· .f ·1 la' DA. Y &A.lLll:R. Star hull It -0.. Ip. oodlptt. • ...., Ale. 17IO Int'-traller, outboard KUSIC aYITSM" It RENTA.UI FAST SERVlCll, R.&.UONABLID 81rvtce caU.o WJ t p..m. Ll 1-15206 RADIO Any table moc1.a npalnd $2.50 lncludee p ... i. anc! tabor ~ yra. ll;lpenence ACME TV & RADIO U t • llet 8t. Bar. GaN bntcket A motor. Bay moor-Planned to your llldJYld\l.aJ U.ten• ~ tor boet to 31' • Ptnl.n· tq tequlrtmcnt.I for home A S6--Dop-Oata, Pda llUJa abore ~ t.leo an.U. bullbl..._ . ______ ..._ ____ _ AO L St, Balboa. Har ln3. HaU A OOKPAJOI aut.b.mUc JEAN HENRI . IJpD hJih ftdellty at our complete -.. ri I-'"'""~ ot ------------"SW4io of Uvlnl' Bound." r ,,..n~ ..--~ l&c~ ~~"'w~:r: HARBOR HI-fl DOG CLIPPING 'M IC Mtt'CW')' motor aU 1961S Wnrka tn your bom Muat eell. Bar. 142t·R. alter lMD T\lat.in A'FI., C.ll. 8 30 p. m. or Sat. It Sun 3W N~wport flhYlt. Har. •Mt HarboT "41 SOcU Plt.P 'IM> X. G. T. L. 4 .,._. lOUNI' completel.J NStof"ed -l:l\111>e Martt n le b&l.allced. Han $MOO In It -but maJt1 otttr J...ll>my W'JM • l tpM YOU WILL GET . MORE FOR YOUR CAR When JOU ..U to Anchor Mtr. Co. Grant W. Musick Your Hudson Dealer $Al.ES ud SERVICE tu ~. La 4.Ql..s. D ).-71'TI ....... Utt• B 'f RUPONtllBLI: .Paeadella f&m1l1 t> chlld.J Wut I bdrm. bOIM Wlt\U'a. or part'.11 IU..nl. Viciott)' 8lP School b)' Sept. lat. Ulna wint. monu. oaJ1. Up to l7t pe:r mo.. Pbone 8Y. 1-l'f• or wrtta c. v. Luau. m6 Loma v~ at~ Pua· ---LIDO---,o-.r -... -""' __ _ d-, Ol.111. 2lel.a ~U.1 W A.NTlm TO RJ:HT on 1early b&tU 1 •·~Nm. bou.M- Have doJ It cat.. ••U behaved. Hu. Ill l2c WE JQZo IO OI' men ,_t.ala. ,,.,.. .. to $140. KUlft ---.~or~ nllbl4 IA.-.. muat atut Sept. lat.. llM. Tenuta wtll .. ,. ... ..,.,. ....... ttl1W. P •· pabD« hwponted oi. l'l&.Mon co ma.nacftl"ail I 1TOO .... cout lalfhwa7 U ';:!! 'Deluxe Duplex FURNISHED J 'f1C.I Jl OLD. I badroom and de. 1. llataw.. forced &1r bat. ..... ....,__ aftd pet.to. HeauutW "'-· ~ W1n· ..... ~ the oc.a. Very aU,.U•e &lld _.., ,._ • tailed kine. NkielJ ftlrtli.bed. AduJCa. Ube 7*8J' lealii .. :Aornant C...)'Oft RoM. ()on,na del Mu. Harbor ffttW. '1~4 • - ConuMrcial-lnd~stri I .. . ' • ~ i. wrft.e ....... *' .s.: ~~~....::~-_...""""' • .,MW I ~t~1 tw~U~~lll!~I .. at.ndl trl19 ....... & ,... ...... ..._,.,,, ............ LidO Pentnaola, FA8t Slat St., Npt. Bch .. ~:. o--· -. . . ··~ ' Depertment 80 ACRD ~ It.; ttoOtq'e • & llU1a blvd. 15 &C!. '"9dU7 9llDtd JIM. Exc.ll&nl'e fW n.~ Valley ~ w.e2-m:w tncome. 1-un1 -allild ..,.. ,.....,.._ -bu.Dlta ........ ~. ui. '-U.W. .._,..._ n.cm.. 11\'tas: rOoat ind U1I c.,,.tM. l•oed. COftnd ~Uo. Only 11T,OOO \ rma. OellPttul Uli.DJ. Apt...cabU.U. UtlllUel peld. wttJa Yacht .Up accomodattma. l>&lly, weekly, mQDthlJ, ~. For appt. or reeervatlon, Call Har. a2. · • '8-Aeta. a Roaw tor Bent u Itel• a om RENTAL . SPECIALISTS CA.LL l!D.ZU, CllAIO DORIS BRAY, R-altor 111 ){&rlne, Dalbo& Ial&nd Bar. 10 or N 48-A-Apta. for Rent Vacation ~entals BEST locallon for bay, beach. 1lor1?•. Day, WHI.., monlh Harbor Aph & Motel Rooms lOt E. Bay. Bl\bo&. Har. U H 26c311 APTS . ON BAY FRONT Bln&'le, double • 2 bedrm. Bal· boa area. 8.-.c>n&!. by "ttk or menth. Court11y to broker•. Har. 3308 21C3J CORONA" DJ:L MAR -Octan vil!w, New 1 bdrm It 2 lldm1. unlum. apt1. carpt't.. It drapu A built ln lutc:h1?n1. 30~ J•ern· leal Har. 370. 30<:32 Select Properties Available for 1umgltr 1t'nlal1. 1 bdrm. apt.I. to O bdrm. hornu. PHO="E - Art C. Kistler Co. Cor 291.h It N!!wport Rlvd. Harbor 0228 day or nlll' I J2l37 l.MMEDlATE OCCUPANCY for July 2 bedrm. tum Near ocnn Corona df'I Mar C1 tru.1 1·78lll or Har. ~H·W 32c H UNTINGTON BEACH 2 bdrm. furn. aplJI., large fenced .vard. l'ara1• A tralltr irpar P avail . ne.ir beach $80. LEx.ln~on 6-7086. 32c BEAUTIFUL 8 bdrm furn 1pt. over lookln( bay. l1r1e pallo le B-B·Que Jftll) 21 lo Aug. 18th 100 Park Avt Balboa laland. Har. 0123·R 32c '3-1\-Bousee for Bent FOR RENT N .. oUlce 1.llCM. Udo ahopptn1 ...... na mo. Oft yn. leue. li Y 6 B&A,CB ft&.u.TY INO. 81:.Al.TOU Jlll ~te Ba-. IMS, Bar. 2999 Evee. 'Ju.t to the rlPt ot Udo Bridie' Uc • Ground Floor • OFFlCES OR STORES For Leue ln -. Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th &t Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 STORE or off1cu, also atorare apace tor re.ot. Balboa Bay Propertltt t:I~ W. Batb<>a B!vd., Har. 6188 OFFIClo;S to rent In new profee- 11on•I bulld1nr ln cl!ntt>r of Cu.ta Me11a. With or w11.hout u cre· ur1a1 urv1ce Good p1rk1n1 tac1ltUea LI 8·3320 30i:3:! Office1 for Rent NEW Two Story Building Customer Parking Janitor Service Elevator Oppoaite City Hall WILLARD KILLION 334:5 Newport Blvd. Harbor M05 30c06 53--A-BUai!AeU PRlV A TE oUlcu with phone an· 1wer1n1 eervice. Secrelar) A: notary avaUatile.. Cround fo'lour New Trident Bld1~ 2200 New· port Blvd., Newport Buch.. I Adjacent Soutb Coul 1 ·o I Har 3028. CourtHy to Brok •rll 33c18 BALBOA 181.Al'lDL bldc. 25 bJ 40 for pr&S'e ttpalr or -T Har. 002 llltto BALBOA LOCATION. Office&, COMMERCIAL BLQG. .BaJllM Jaland. lf •.rb' _,, on J coma Iota. lt...aurut. ebopl and ap&rtrMDta. I"-l for n• l1r.cl or Nml•ttUred couple. lncom.t NOOO. WW eonstdtr excha.nc• tor ln'l&lt home Ol' trlplu. Pnc. ieT,600. ' COMMERCIAL CORNER 1 Tlh at. Lil CoM.a Mea SXcet- lcnt bUlinul .ite. Good ttont.. ap on both .t.rMta. u2.&00. Bay & Beech Rlty. Inc. REALTORS 1171> Harbor Boulevard C<111La Mua, C&lltornla R. J'. Gedda R. W. Oooue.n Day or hl1bt pbone LI 8-77U GJ-Beal FAtate Exchange MODERN 1o, cott.ac• on an ac:re o( Sacramtnlo River li'ronta1 a 1ood r..ort IOC&• lion. Ph • U &·8221. 30c32 LACUNA BEACH 2 very al· lrac:Uve unlta. Newly rt'decor- ated Choice location. 12~.~­ Trade up to 132.~ for 3 bdr. home ln or nea.r Corona de.1 Mar. RIM CONRAD A AUOclalH 815 N. Coa•t Blvd. HYatt 4·7013, 30c32 I Challenge ALL COMPARJBON for p11ce, term-. locallon, c:ond1llon and lncome 23 llNIT8 lN .BAL.BOA Part trade con.1lde.red. Call for ap- pointment, Har. 6344.. 26c39 Harbor Hi9hland1 BY OWNi:R. only 8 muntha old, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 3 bdrm. 1 ~ ba th1, firt'place, t ll ht'al. dbl. 1ar11e. fl!nCed y111d, land11eapt'd SACRIFICE for Sl8.Ui0. Wiii flnance r>M BPryl Lane, Jl:ewport Beach. Hc42 LOTS on the Bay le' TO H O' FRONTAGE U OO and up per frOrlt foot to q uali- fied buyera. Ptcr. ~nnittl!d - O~ McNamara. Collln.1 uland Harb • 2912. 27c53 Select Properties •t.oru. or stora~• •p&c• tor ------------ rent. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1 bdrm. apt&. to 5 bdrm. hom•. 1006 Balboa Blvd. Har. 151&& Avall&bll! for aummu rent.ala. Balboa Island 'PHONE ---- View Lot CUtt H&v•n -TO' a llf' One of Uua few vt9" loU available. $Tf6o. Cliff Haven Chum.Ing-.~, roof 3 bedroom ud 1 \, bath bulJt around a p&Uo In Cliff Haven , be1t lo· e&Uon. The built-In range a.nd OVf'I'\. aepuatl! clirun1 1 oom A ti.r kitchen add to lhl! ru.1llc cbann of I.he le.rte Ullf'd·br1ck nreptac" a11d wood pant'llnc. Juat 12t.9f>O with $:.000 down Bay & Beach Rlty . Inc. REALTORS 1875 Harbor Blvd. Cost.a. Me1a. Calttomla Day or night phone LI 1·771f NEWPORT BE,(CH Dupla : 2 bdmu. op 6 :t down. 1-e.ar prare • J'uU prtce - '17,IOO, vary low down pymt. • LOVELY CHANNEL FRONT I bldroom hom• completely tur- D.labed. iMr • aUP. •2uoo. SHORECLIFFS M.apjttcent 4 bdnn. A: :S bath home. Hu h~e UvinA' room and den. OcM.n view, 187 fool fronta~e and jual 1 year old. Haa everythJna. P~ phon" for appolntmtnl lo aee It. Rea· aonably priced al 152.000 LIDO ISLE Price• raniie ft·osn $22.~ tor a 3 bedroom. • •, bnth modeat. newly painted honw to $139.· 000 for a Bay front with plel' A: 1Up manaion Wt will ~lad· ly lhow them to you. Seven Is lands Realty & Investment Co. Buy and own t.bl• corn• '°'- Build duplex or boa\•, Back Bay area. •.OOO ca.ah. Multiple No. 7276 Tab clear Jot or lot.a u down payment oa new a b4Mlrm. 2 RAY REALTY CO MU\ home. Louvu.d wlodowa. • "Modern dtslp. upoeed ba&m 34-.u E. Cout Hwy. O>rona del Mv callinp, alldlnc wall to ~ent (Acr<>N from Bank in C.D.M.) Har. 2288 ~t.to. att.&Cbed double raraca. M~ER OF UYn wtdc lot. Mov• In ~. will ________ -_v~_1_'1P_LE_..__us_TIN __ G_!_ER_VI_CE __ a.ccept low dOwn ~enl. MM& DrtH, cornt r, B&clt Bay water -n...,. Hard to loeat• BALBOA ISLAND cllotc-e location In lh1I pnc• 1 THIS WEEK'S LE A DER -. OPPORTUNITY ""''· 111 ft. front. nooo KNOCKS AGAIN and right t th h i ht f th You name thr terJN. 1 a e e g o e eeuon. 3 plus ~rm. ~auty, very near Bay. Mode.me 1 bedtnus., hudwoo;.t Larve Iv. rm. -shell ~ t ' AND t 1-Cloonna. fumact hut, bar • • e pa 10 cu e fireplace. Jll.750 full prlct' bdrm. apt. to help pay the way. Th11 you will Cood. nelshborhood wtlh bu• love -S31.:500 with xlnt tt'nns. 11nct 1tore1 •, bk>c:k away Brand new, poeRlll&IOn now Ouan. IUrf, view 3 bedrnla , l'Br· peted thl'U-OUl, cuatom dr•p<'•. fenced and landaca~d. 2 car (INJI, banjo street, 1•11(1' lol Onlv S12.M>O term1. Idol tu1 1f'll1ed or g111ttnera. NELDA GIBSON, 306 M&rine Ave. Phone Har. 502 Realtor BaJboa I11land ~ar. 4623 Extra Special FIRST TIME OFFERED :\03-32nd St., Ne" port &h. Calif BILL'S BEST BUYS H~r 5868. alt~5 P~ Har. 5~71 Very camrortahle 1 b'drnH!Un· 1 rm·&ewlng rm !'Otlage. Among a vlkado. rig It a prlc:ot t 1 ""II. grapes bird aviary do.111• 1n $79:10 fUIJ prlt:t' Wllh 11.ny ltlll· onable tlown 2 bedrm. view home, beautiful grounds, in Corona Highlands. Full price under $20,000. Owner leaving thus area and wtshea to sell immediately. PERFECT for CHILDRE la lhll lovt'ly S bedroom homl! on wide lot completl!ly fl!nc:ed, a ahort walk to fine 1rade Khoo!. Qutel dead-t"nd 1ll'fft In exclumn nelchborhood St. Au~1tlne lawn front A: rear. PRICED AT $11.950 WITH $2000 DOWN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Well-ktpt 4 bdrm .. 2 bath hnm~. Flrepla~. forced air haat and dbl .• ar. i'tnced In front and rear. Con~nlent to achoolll It altopplng. Lfol u1 ahow you lhl• home FULL PRICE $15. 750 WITH $4900 DOWN W. A. TOBIAS I REALTOR .. you II llk.I! our frll!ndly .,,., 'l<'e> • 400 E . 17lb St Coa..a J11 • Llberty 1-1139 EXCLUSIVE BA YSHORES 4 bdrm., den, lovely paUo and play yard, nr. pov. beach. A•k1n&' . . • . -. Slt,600 3 bdrm.. &llr Mach boule. ltn. pint l11t . 2 paUoa. A.it In( . UJ,500 3 bdrm . 2 bat.h. II•· llv. room. COSTA MESA NEW ~-BEDROOM $12,950 2 bath1, comer lot. double pr· "'''· exct'U,.nl Eaat.a1dt' loca· lion Jmmt'd1al• occupancy HOW ABOUT THIS? 3 Mdrooma, 2 batt\JI hardwood noorl, Corct'd air heat, break· rut bar. ceramic tilt. double r-rare. cloae In, and only 12300 11ow11 w1th full prier-ot Jl:S.2:10 Just fJneo ytat Olli fl'11 l'Om plttl'IV (i n('t'IJ 10<1 WHY RENT? ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Nrwpo1 t Blvd. Coala M• 111 LI 8·1632 Eve11. LI 8·HOIJ Art C. Kistler Co. Realtors O<'EAN FRONT LOT 011 .. ind I <inly Stuhore Orin Mu•l hun y. SIO ~,oo BALBOA PENINSLLA l'OlNT I Low•ly 2 t>etlrm furn11hed I horn" only S:JOOO down. Full l':tw 3 b1•lrocm1 'l bath• onl)' J'rl'" 11 1600 $19:\ d1nvn ttnd '78 per 0111nlh Av•tl11bl4! f nr JMMEUlATI!: Of'C\ PA~t'\ 1, .... , .• '1\tllllV 111u<J JolA Br1111t1f11l 1 oved Form1r" alnk and coulltf'1 wps T\\ II Ul'.A C.:H HUUHES TO I C.:HOOSI!: FROM ~tone'• th1ow to ocl!an Cronl l!:ac:h 12000 down Full p1 ce Slo.000 Clrblltt' •I itfl(>'l&I~ l'Xh11111t f11na. "'"h' JP'.• ~'Iii• 11 1t·r \ "T .• f:.· lt'J~.T • l'li:ft A:H1 \IO.O:, Jt ST 3 AVA rLA.BL!;. r • u .. • muJ . ...i .11111 • -1 "C" ED JONES UAL TOR 1999 HA.JUIOR BLVD. Ll I 3333 ----·----• REAL VALUES l Ulf, only $ 19 :100. )fov .. ll&hl ln ALMOST BAT FRONT! Pt'r· manent YI"" of bay. Sandy beach dlrtctly acrou •tr-.l. 3 bt'drm. lowtr plu1 1 bednn upper, plua atud10 •Pl above rar AU fum. '7600 handlu . full pr1c• $28 500 LOOK NOW INSTEAD OF BEING SORRY LATER MULUTIPLE LISTING BROKER G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 3635 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Evea Har. 5680 Har. 5442 • INCOME PROPERTY 4 unit.a. Excellent rental district. Near beach. Scheduled income $3000 ONLY $3000 DOWN Pay off balance out of income. EARL W. STANLEY, 3113 Newpor:t Bl\'d .. Newport Beacb Realtor Har. 1013 24 BEAUTIFUL Lb TS With practically no ocean front lot.a available In the Harbor Area, we are happy to be ageni. tor Orange Cout'1 newest ''View" Subdlvia.aon. All bis loi., aeveral ocean front and most with ocean Vltw. Highly reetricted -all lwcury hom• planned. 24 b&rgaimt at.arting a t $10,000. Let ua ahow you. 3 BDRM.. FUR.~. HOMJ: wltb rara1e. N!!ar north Bay. By '>tmtr. Har. lHt. BcU M-BualDe. pPportuAIU. : .. Art C. Kistler Co. ACTIVE BEAUTY PAA.LOR. 1 : : Cor. 29th .t: Newport Blvd. operator ahop. Dou rul wall. ------------ nr. Bay Club $21,000 BACK BAY $2~00 On. 3 bdrm., bwd. floor1. tlreplace. N~ar ec:hoola. atorea .. tr&Np. Lr•· Jot. Lovl!ly COY· •~d patl.o. E. Sidi!. R-4. BAY FRONT PIJCR ANO 8LJP, Sandy bee.ch, 6 bdmus • 3 bat.hJI, 3 car p.n.re. AU fUmllhM . J'.P. S5t,&OO. SlJ.600 down, bal&nrt S300 month R. L. STRICKLER. Realtor R. B. HODGE, Auoc.iate 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. mt ' Ha.rbor 15228 day or ruu Sell cub or terma. Altadena Escrow !2c37 OR.A.NOE COAST PROPERTIES _C_O_R_O_N_A_D_E_~_KA_1\_3_be_d-rm-. 1807 Newport Blvd .. Coat.a Maa&. (Co•ta M ... omc:e) Art C. Kistler Co. 3 bdrm., beauU. yard, bw, nn, vi~. A1klnJ Ul,9~ 3 bdrm.. Cam.Uy nn., choice loca· Uon .. , .. '28.~ Check These Buys unturn. bOuae. Yaarly leuc. Ll 3·1832. .Eva. LL 1-UOO lll·A JC. 18th Bt., U 8-36M S90 mo. Har. 07e6-W. 32c37 -----C-il'E--S-----__________ nat __ Cholu Lot.a -'6000·M82a·SISOO DUPLEX -E. SIDE. walk.in( dl•t. lo town. 2 bdrm. H . Wide Jot. Olv1d.CS raragu .tr lawna. 2 yra. old. Only ~00 down. Realtors Harbor Btvd. -C2 -l>iXHO to paved alJey -U l .000 B/ B ON WATER 4 bed.rm. tum. Hwy. location, &'ood mo n • y maker for worktnc couple. a A 4 BDRM .. 2 bath homea, 111. clbl. rar•r•. Cholctat JocaUon WATERFRONTS • Oc:a&n A Bay CHOICE CORNER LOT 80x136. Cloee In. Thia 11 a CoodY at LIDO ISLE J\ouae, pier fr float. 11 month laue. Ref. • depo9it. 1180 month. H&r. f 7H or LI 8-6613. l!:uy terma. Bu1y Coat.a Mtaa blvd. location. ln C..ll. La.re• Iota, f.a. beat, CI all lmp 1n • paid for. Only aire Van Horn 13"° cub. May l'O M·l. 2901 Nt'wport Blvd. N•pt. Sch. HAR. 5226 DAY OR NITE 2 Duplue• -Jll,000 -Weat aide near park -Income '315 an.aoo :s bedrooma. l ~ -lha. Lcrf•l7 Trlplex-Eut aide C. M. Sl&,&00 paUo, nea.r club and be&chu. 32Uc Over $1000 wffkly ll'ON anJ rrowln1. Plenty of parkinr . Mod. 1?qulp. F..al unna to 111.700 lo 112.700, term.. Call RJCALTOR OatPI With Dike • Colef'l"OVe. 2731 w. Cout H""'· LI ...... 7 MANUFACTURERS -Income l2S& NEWPORT BJ:ACH. 6 bdrm tum bou.w. Pter A Float by w"k or ...on. Av&UatMe now. Pho~ Har f Tte. ~lfc U 8-2002 or' LJ &-11159 30C32 -------~----"•_• ATrENTION' M·l ACREAOE. 1. Wat.er ln, aewu1 A 1u avail-A STEAL AT S9750 I Du5Men• -SH.950 ea. New- Oc:cupled a t $1IO per mo. tJlp. ope.ra tor. BALBOA BAY PROPl:RTll:S 150CI Balboa Blvd. Har. 5111 NEWPORT HEIGHTS a bdrm. untum. bOUM, 2 bat.ha. thcr-M--Molle)' to Loan modor tlton, r1!r11.. I W ---------. ----- *'LOTS * Newport Htllh\&. 60x.12T . '5500 Newport H1ht1.. comer .. '6900 Newport R-2. comer ... 111>00 dn. month, yearly leue. Ll MtU. LOANS for Homes 30cJ.2 0~ _ t \J Tt· Loan.I Ml:M:BltR MULTIPLE LISTING ~~UM °:~:r;.~~:~ Construction Loans HOMER SHAFER, k&H with opt.loo to buy on SJ:lll SOB 8ATTLl:lt REALTOR attra.ctJve t.ann.1. 2016 EA.ST COAST BLVD. tOI .McFadden Pl .. at Npt. pier Ba.lboa .B&y Pro~ruu C4rona del Ma.r ll&rb« JUI PboM Har. 140 any Ume 1608 W Balboa Blvd., Har, 51&& Rep. POIJU!lR KORTGAOll 00. Metro Life tu. l'unda IC &~5116 LIVll YEAR ROUND In UU. •lttc newly decorated 2 bdrm. un- turn. houee. 1s block to Bay I st & 2nd T. D. Loans or Buch, carpeUnc • drape1, ~ervma all oranr• County furn.tahed, •100 mo. 11!&.M. Har TtUlt ~ Bought A Sold 4079-J. b.Core noon or alt.er S Bm>RM. HOM.JC, hdwd. ftn .. new W /W carpeunc t.hruout. Dr&JM9 and curtalna, vtneU&n bUnda lncludl!d. TUed bath A ahowu, 2 car raract. Comer lot. 1004 Hunt~n Avt .• - Hunt1n&'ton Beacb.. 20c88 •· 30cS2 Royal Mortgage Co. .-OR LJCASt, Corona del Mar 2802 N.wport Blvd.. Nprt. Sch. OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX. on unlum. 2 bedrm. bowie newly Harbor 1549 comer lot. One 1 bdrm .. rtre- ckcorated. newly carpeted. 2' hr. phone Hl'VjC• place Ule, paUo, 1ara1e. One Nice yard. Obie. rarap 1100 Htfo 2 bdrm. both compll!tely tum. mo. Har. 4949 31caa ------------Summl!r ttntal 175 per wffk. Prict' $24,000. Owner on SCHOOL TJ:.ACHERS! have HOME LO ANS wondert\1.1 hom• 3 bdrm . 3 Construction -tlettnanca 8•1• batha on Peninsula. Sept 15 5~ -b'i""• . 6"' to June 11> at very rMaonabla Lil&. l'Undl -Bld&. ti Loan - rental. Har. ~~. 31c:J3 Prtvai. Money prtm'-!!1 S.t. p m • Sun. a.. m. 2410 Weal Oc:e&n Front. Har Olll-M.. After Sunday Yukon 2-4821, Uplanda. 30C32 ltmlJCR FOR J\ENT OR BALE: Trust Deeds Bou1ht 6 Sold NEWPORT HEIGHTS I bed.rm, lll"ft tene«t yard. Ca.II f'or rr._ Com.mltmant at~ Pirate road. Clltt Haven. DON L HUDDLESTON LI l4IO& IOcU U ~ 1 Coat.a M .. '9-Hooms for 8'nt 113 E. 11tb St. LOANS TO BUJLD. CMPROVll. Bl1r. MOD.llllNIZZ. OR fll:J'UIA.NCJ: BY OWNER. Sparklinc claan. 2 bedrm., furnace bta t. hdw. noon, oedar roof, attracUv• yard • ~uo. plua 1aras• with l'\JHt room • balll. •IS.960. ~ El Modena.. Ll I-73" Up39 REAL VALUES WANT TO RETIRE! Here la your homt. clo.e to bul and atore1. 2 bdrm . ltMnno heat, 1 ~ gara1e Lot eo x 120, fanct'd. ONLY $11100 dOWll. HOME • GUEST ROOM-on Catalina St., Npt. Htl .• 2 bed· room A '1en, hwd .. fireplace. dbl. gu age, lot 00 x 136 fen- cl!d. Va.canL PRJCED RIGHT. EAST SIDE LOTS clOM Jn. C ua tor C·2 property, A ~ acru. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd.; Coat.a Mtaa I.n>.rty 8· 1872 Evu. LI &-8513 Llbfrty 8·31189 CHANNEL FRONT OPEN HOUSE DAILY BY OWNICR Pier. noat It bulkhead. 2 bdrm., 2 bath. 3808 ft.Iver Ave. 30ct2 Laguna Beach Beauty 2 Bf>RMS. Ul\l\U'pl.IMd view, aun deck, 11bl cara1e, paneled Uvln& room, fireplace. Jmmad· able by DK. lhl1 yr. 8 a cre choice lenl. rood drainase. Wick al. S7&90 ~r acrt. 11 dn 2. 12 x etO wtl.b ama.11 hou.ee on. 13000 dn. ruu price $5000. S. O 2 x 135 with l bdrm. bouae. Wtll track for lar1er bomt. Sant.a Ana Ht.IJtlta -I B. R. Lou ot Jtatru-tenced $13,900 BnuWUl a 8 . R. It Den-Shake root-Fireplace-I'. A Heat -Built· In ran1• fr oven - 8ervlce porch -clln1nc area - t>i.akfu t area -tnt.ercomm radio -new -121.900 Mesa-Harbor Rlty. 6' A880CITES O. C. Seymour -R.taltol' !109 Ctnt.er St. Coata Mua Nl:VltR BEFORE Ll8Tl:D, lh1a lmmaculal• 2 bed r o o m With hardwood noor1, dlnin&' room, 1UMy·brl1ht kltcht'n w1lh lola ot tile A cupboard.I. cervlce porch. Lonly yard all tl!nced In. Thia home I• only O .Y•rt • 8 . R. -I moa. old -2 baUul old and ii 1lucoo out.aide fr plaa· -double pr.-eha.rp-$U,tc!O tend wa.l.la tnalde. Adjolna homu priced much blj'her. Truly a Multiple unit acte-ll. aide. Ta.kt dandy end you'll love It. 11 u111ta -S8000 LI 8·8911 or LI 8·778t EVH. .. Sun. phonu: PETITI'E LI 8-6487 Ml acre••• -call UI L YTL.IC LI 8·25·'2 CRISWELL LI 8·3760 ThrH bdrm. hwd tloo~. near 2000 eq. tt. comm. bl~. ?or lta.aa S.C'k Bay $12 90-0 Hu 4 ~ ri- EXCELLENT BUY. · --f/I! loan MAX W . POPE REALTOR 2538 FAIRWAY DRIVE COSTA MESA 2 bdnn. bouae. -t.1e. lot, dbl. Four bdrm. l ~ balh. near Naw· ltOI Harbor Blvd., Coal& Mua pnrt Harbor Hi.th School. $12,900. Liberty l ·llU Tums SWJ.. new dlatrict near eolt courH. Larp llvln& room. lge. kltcMn ~ dln•tte comb. Altic ln9Ul&Uon. hdwd rJoon, ttar TWO bdrm , 1 bath SHOO fUJI yy-d tenc.d. Lara• down. Own· price. Cloe~ to Po•l Oftlt'• and •r. £. O. S&undera. Wrtte ~00-market.a. Betlrr H\iRRY on thla ll11t or call Har. 297• 27c42 one. I N rt H ht LOTS of LOTS u 1011. u ~. n ewpo 9 s B;ettu '" lhem no .... J11.1t llattd uu. modern S bdrm. 2 bath ho~. only 2'' yean F k J Rltr old. drtve by 60. Rl!dlanda, ran ameS , • lhl!n caJJ ua for appolnlml!nt 271 E. 17lh St., COST A J.fESA lo •how. U 8·2245 DAN A. JACOBSEN. Real i;.. tal• -Harbor 11601 (JU.It E11t of Tht1fly Dru11J M-1 and AJ?icUlt.ural Acrta In Or- anr-County for aale. BU8IN&aa.U tor 8ala -Pet. 1hop. Variety •to~. Both do- ~ well. J'OR EXCHANG&: Baauutul bl&' home In O&rden Grove, 1.1 acrta. swtmmln&' pool. Obit. ,........ Work ahop. Elrc;han&'t for N-port Beach, Corona d-1 Mar. Lido. RICDUCED TO IS2.T60 Evtry room of Sood al•. One can have a ww'4 .ol ch&na with a little decor&t11'a. 2 bed· rooma, 2 bat.ha, CODY, deft. la-. paUo. &O' frontq'e. Kove lA for 1ummer. t Lowly bedrooma OI' I and ckD I bath.I and a p&Uo out cC U\.l.a world. Wondtrtw rm. a...· ra.,,..mant. Carpet.a and dtap. arie&. MUIT 81:LL. Bey & Beach Rlty. Inc. REA.LTOU at 12 Lata7eti. Har. 1141 2ttt Jtvca. 'J u.lt to lbe rta'bl of Udo Br1d&e' COM -$15,750 "Just right for MOM end POP" KUT S bdrm. BO~t.ral LOCATION OCIU.Jf eldil eC BWJ. -H. W. ft..ooM - J::nc.loeed yard. pr. -"~ ING DIBTANCll to liJQt - Q.ROCEJ\1' -ll'V'D'l"nlJNQ Aeu.W ..n lll a Bun,t-l'w appt. to INSPl:OT~ Bar. 10.0. F. C. Andre1en, Rltr. 3HI ll. Cout HWJ., at ll&rtplcl . late occupancy. OWNER HYatt •·22&0. .27C:Sl Liberty 8·'317 Klmberly 2·2117 The Right Investment F R• Co aocaa c o'M.MERClAL LOT ux1a1 on itxmorris ity. • CURT DOSH Rltr . **** Vlattonl Yacatlont.tall &njoy ll•inr on lb• Ocu.n tront. CompktetJ tumtlhed ll1tchui· am a11ta. and l"001M wtth prl• ftl• b9tb. Maid H rnce, tree w • .., Tnmt o..s. NJ:WPORT BAL80A SA VlNOI A LOAN A.ISOCIAnON Ute Vt& Udo Pb. Bat. UOO tto ONE OF THE LAST vie• lota lo Cllff ltal'to. Per-· 60-lncome Proe!!J.. ___ 60-lll ___ eo_me __ Property__,_,__ ~,,_ bulY Plactnll& ntar 19tb BL. REALTOR -~URA.NCI* • • eo.ia M.... Ideal tor anack &uam.. aroUr acu1up1e t..t•t.na J 15 Marine Ave. ahop, 1tore. barbtr &hop, etc. JUG s coat. Hlpway 8 Ibo I I d TV. acJt We.t Oc.aJ\ Front. ----------- Hu. llOT. **** LAGUNA SPECI.A.L! • lov.ly unit.a. well !Um. on &O' lot. beat loca.. ~ced r(Jhl Rc-uy for ~ INlftmtt rent.a. Call Mta Koblaledt, H&r. '620 manent view of B.a.rbor la Ocean. M x 110. $7,9:w:l Harbor 5971. 28tfc CONTEMPORARY Cliff Haven '35.000 WILL llolrd A l'OOm one woman. ambulatory. no ptf\11oner Call nta!np. U •71A. 30C!I llc3J Pb llJ ~· Pl&ce U t-780T nuc MODERN DUPLEX 3 bike to Lido ebop]>inf centtr, $2,280 preaent inc:ome. Larr• 2 bdrm•. ~. 24.00 aq. ft. $22,500 on good term.. Will pay for it.a a.ell. CL YOE MEYER, Realtor 312 Ma..rtne Har. 25~ Howie ti .om• 11uua1nra on loL Corvna c1e1 ·Mat ..,... 1162 • • I en Will t.ak• cablD on lake or ----------Harbor 1560 atrea.nt u p&rt. U 1·51N aft• TRllm& R.J LOft In eo.ta ------------ 'or waek-enda. lf X.... a.."° llt.b It.~ OPEN HOUSE plq oenter, lwtwaee Tl.Lftln Set. ._ Bun. CORONA Dll:L MAR home com- 1 plttfly tu.mlllht'd. t bdmui • l1t1 r• Jh•. r m.. flrl'pll"ce, I arr• I kllC'hl'n c11n1n• an·•· Ith! rar Call MUii Kohlatedt. Har. t520 llpJI &nd Banta AA& at.Net.a. Pa..S - et,_ and ...., ..... Prlc• '2,.-IJJCOl'Dt ~J'. 9y OWMT. i 1'7!1 fOf' tact! lot. I lo~ avail· 1tparal# MW I bdrm.. able Mrt Al\ttna. 11!1 Vla 8al'I on two !16-11$ ft.. k>LI. 1-- R«mo. H&r. 01'1 Ol' LI •2302 POO P"' month. ... al 1&2t l2d& WaJW.. 0Mta MML IOcl2 • . YOU'VE SEEN THE REST B•lboe Island Office -Vogel Values ~O ct.AUiraoPHOBa DRE Tbe laqeat 8 bdrm.. home OD 8&Iboe. Ialand. I bl.t.U. 11e. livtq &Dd dinlDs room. OWDer 1&18 tell qulokly 10 now 1• the tJme to buy. Sett ot tenna with low down of $SO()O. Call for ah~ anytime. BliT TBlC COMPETITION Mr. & Mn~C&reful Buyer will like th1a delightful 8 bdrm., 2 bath home with complete Mpar&te 1 bdrm. apl over the double 1arap. Near North Baytront. Thi.I clean lncome property ii 1un to pleue. ruu price ss1,1SOO. Good tmna. For the above property PHONE HARBOR t 014 VOGEL CO. -Balboa Island Office 208 Marine Evea: Hu. 8829, Har. 1229·R LIDO OFFICE VOSEL VALUES LIDO P'um. 2 bdrm., 2 bath home. ,,aptone fireplace, w /W carpet.I throuchout. Price $29.~ 2 bdrm. 1 bath, fireplace plua aleeping room Is ~ bath 1tparat. from hOUM. Low, low price of S22,l500 BALBOA ltENINSULA Penilaula Ocean Front -outlta.Ddinr 5 bdrm. • bath home. 'Near jetty IE 8Wimming beach. Thia property hu everythin1. Call for appt. to aee yourtelf. ' NEW • BDRM. 6 FAKILY ROOM 3 batha, 14.x.20 muter bdrm. plua 11e. 1undeck with ocean vl~ Blt-in ra.na• A oven, di.lb· wuher, dbl. prage Ir extra.parking area $48,000 -RUSTIC New 2 bdrm. It den, 2 bath, din.lnc room. Fire- place A FA heat. SS000 wW handle. For the above propertie. PHONE HARBOR '497 f VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFPICE Ml8 Vi& Lido Evea.: Har. 3630-J, Har. 5179, Har. 5142 PRO.PERTY Q·WNERS Have You Considered the Exclusive North Tustin Area? • When v&luea are bich and investment ia moderate. • When budy eecluaion mu11 for comf oiUblt Unn1. • Wh~ t.reet, fertile aoil and 10,000 sq. ft. home lttea rin you that "estate" fee.liq. • Whtn $20,67G 1&tWiea your deairu for a com.pltte modern home. • Where 20 new cuatom homes by 0 . Z. Rob- ertaon await your inspection at WHISPERING WOODS Willard T. Jordon, A. I. A. Barbara Verrinder, · Deeorator • 3 bedroomt family room, aunken living room • Dolble f=cea, uaed brick, Paloe Verdea atone • Built-in 11, ovena, b&rbe<:uea • Alderwood cabinet.a, rai.ed panel doon • Hardwood floon, rubber tile bat.ha, coved Jcitchen linoleum • .,1 • Delup kitchen and dilhwuher • Approx. 1700 1q. ft. llvinl aru • Bouaee imulated, forced air heat • Plutu t:hru-out, acouatlc type cellinr pla.aUr • Extra heavy 1hake roof1 • Olevv interiors and exterion • Good financJ01 program Prospect Ave. Between ht and 17th Sh. NORTH TUSTIN AREA !Dc32 YOU CAN'T GO WRONG With Ul• 1*t. buy in CDll. 2 bedrooma, \-4 brick firepl., bwd. noora, tlbor furnace thermo controlled. Oarb. dlip., ahlncle roof, dble. pr. All on level lot near aho1>9,, theater and atoru. The price ii RIGHT A tmn1 Uberal. Let'• deal! R. L STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE. Auoclat.e 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Coron.a del Mar. Bar. 2i7• • NOW SEE MAIN OFFICE LOW COST LUXURY 1. Top Location on Qiff Haven'• fine.rt atreeta 2. Beautiful aterior dalp wi~ low, aweepinJ Unea A heavy 1hab roof I. Three lfe. bedroom., 2 batba A ~ . '-All electric built-in kitchen 5. 8epa.rate dJ..ninf room e. Thia la important! The price ta under S2a,OOO with 15000 down. Boneltly, th.ii 11 th• best buy we have had in the &ru m mtt a year. CORONA HIGHLANDS Lovely Ocean View. New 2 bdrm. • den home. Heavy •hake roof. Built-in oven • ranp. U.S brick ra1aed hearth fireplau. WMS. lot with over 100 tbot-tronta,.. Th1a t. the l>Mt buy in the Hlghlanda at $29,MO. Good term.a. MUST BE SOLD ! ! I Owner hu purchued a la.rcer home and needl a. quick a&le on th1a property to com- plete the down payment. 3 bdnu. home in Newport Helrhta. Hdwd. tloon with carpeted liviq room. L1e. covered patio, fenced ya.rd. Aakinr fH,900. ror th• above propertle.a PHONE LIBERTY S.3~1 V 0 G E L C 0 . M A I N 0 F .f I C E 8201 West Cout Highway Ev•: LI S-1739, LI 8-MSO, LE 9-7H2, LI 8-lt21 and Har. ae30-J, VOGEL COMPANY OPEN HOUSE • * BALBOA ISLAND NEW REDUCED PRICE & LOW DOWN PAYMENT 222 APOLENA OPEN SAT. A SUN. l • !S La.rs• 3 bdrm. 3 bath home. Includca priva.te moorinJ. Im.med. po....aion. B'or the above properties PHONE HARBOR 497 f VOGEL CO. -LIDO ISLE ·OFFICE 3US VIA LIDO EVES: Hu 3630-J, Har. Sl79, Har. 5H2 • • • t Costa Mesa Offic-VOGEL VALUES Price juat reduced $1000. ~ bdrm. la dm oo corner Jot. $2800 don. Paymenta ~ daAD rent. J'ul1 ptk:e '11,&00 D' YOU NED> '1'BE ROOM · 1900 1q. ft. in 3 bdrm. A den, 2 bath Jaome. J flal; atone firepla.ca, d.iahwuber &Dd cllapoeal. cUchon• dra lawn. Bea~t. land.caped. 121.aoo • LOW PRICED ' BJ:I>ROOK l ~ 2 yn. old home on beaut. Ip. corner lot. W /W carpeta 1n every room. 2 bath.I, ndecorat.ecl ill• aide It out. complete. landlcaf"CL Lp. patio. Full price $12,MO. $'HOO incl tau. la IMu.rucl. For th. aboYe propertlf. PHONE LIBERTY 8-5596 VOGEL CO.-Costa Men Office 1700 Newport Blvd. ' Evea: Har. US39-K. Key MU2 ' Corona del Mar Offio-Vogtl Values * * * VACANT PROPERTY BARGMN8 CORONA IDGHLANDS -Street to atreet, beaut.. view lot Permanent, unobstnlc:ted pano- ramic view. S11,9M CORONA H1GHLA.NDS -·Corner lot with view including compi.te Mt of plau for I be4rm. & fa.mlly room. 2~ bath home -aJao room f01 pool Total pN. $9,950. COST A MESA -2 acra -adjacent to Babcock Electronlca property, clo.e to Hellpot Oorpon.· tion.. Ca.eh price only '21,'5()(). (no tzi.d•), GARDEN GROVE SPECIAL G. I. RESALE -TIE'l'Z BUILT HOME 3 bdrms. It den, 2 bath.a, completely all elect. Hotpoint kitchen, Home 1a complet. carpeted and the draperiea are inelQQd.. J aUd1q doon to ''outdoor livin.c.'' Lr· fenc«l lot. Dead• tnd sln!et. Owner tranaterred to N. Oali.f. Total price $21,~. Ice. G. L loan. Will couldar amall d0W11 to qu.alltlld ~· For the above proputiea PHONE HAR.OR 0757 VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mir Office 2681 E. Cout HJrhway Ev~: Har. 179&-W, •SM5--M, LI~. 11&.r. 2192, ~ WHO WANT TO SELL -LIST WI TH THE VOGEL •c THOMAS 'C THOM.AS COSTA MESA .. $10,750 Very alt1'CU" I bdt"IL home In lop condJUon. b9auUtul land· tc:aplftf. ten~ .prinkltr •Y•· I.em tn>nl 6 rear. near abop- plnc. draJ>M lncluded -LOW DOWN ,_yment -EXCEL- L.ENT ~I BAYSHORES $17,500 BUT •UT TO-DA Tl I bdnna., plu.1 b~ room. complet.tly tum1lhld. Mar prtvat.t tWlm· mtnc beaeb -Let u. abow YOU th1a OM. . You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE New Furni1h1cl "Homes by Macco" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 0 :00 P .K. Interiors by M•rtin l Von Hemer+ Beautiful home• ln the finest location Prica from $28,000 to SM,000 Your ln.lpect1on ii re9J>8Cttully aollcited EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor: B/ B THESE ARE SLEEPERS! Not To Be Snoozed et. BDCCLUIIVWI • JUIT UaTm> I Near Jetty -Ocean vs.-. • bd.nna., a balha, 2 Uviq una.. 2 tlrefl&~a, lll\&ll dJnlng rm. and tum1abed too. 121.T!SO. Ex· cluaive Ua~. Oce&n Froat -B&lbO& Ptnln.ula. 3 bdrm., l~ b&Ull. dbl. nra&'• Ntedl tlJda• • fU,IOO Ml prtee. !lxch,l.llve ~· WHY PA 'f JlENT T l6000 down movte you IJlto a ~. nearly MW mod«n I Mnn. • den home cloM lo Jelly, Full prtu U1.TllO. BALBOA CHANNEL Road lot, unobltNcted ~ of Bay. St 1.!SOO ttrma. DUPLEX 2 bedrm. • i bed.rm., near bay. Go04 rentar '21,800 COSTA MESA 2 BEDROOMS .ptua lanai on tl'M coftl'ed Jot, ee x 305. M sone. Sll,000. TvlDa. OOMMERCU.L oonm 14.0t,; a U50 ft. Ne&r Baro bor Blvd. Preeent improvement. abould CU'l'J. till property developed. Betit buy on W. 19th St. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JAYRED, Realtor Mildred Rigp and Sylvia Thomp.on, Aaoclat-.. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 26M or teoo EXCLUSIVE AGENTS IU'MMl!!ft AND T'CARLY JllmN• TAI..8. -)'fJ'ollt·Oc.antront --------~-------------------------LIDO ISLE OWNER WANTS TO SELL Million Dollar View OUTST ,\NDINO VIEW from n.ry l'OOfl\ -J bedrooma • d4I\, J kt.ha, v.ry attracUve llUllde • O\lt., COPJ)V plpl.Jis, mere. .wttdlee. cuatOl'I\ drape. a a.J1J1Uq', WiuUfuJ rrounda, J abeltn'ed pat.to. -$37,~. "C" THOMAS On HiW&y 101, Newport Harbor, -oppol.lte n"' lrv1nt Cout Country Club. Harbor "'8. COST A MESA-The Best Town on Earth VERY NICE S Br. bom• in rood Eut akl. neiJhborbood with hardwood tloora. PJ.uttr A atucco. .ewer ta ln. The lot eo x 127 la fenced. A double ft.rare Ii paved alley add to the uUllt1 of thla bari&in . . . $12$0 with $~ down. Call for an appolntment to Me thia one NOW! Larp 3 Br. home, diniq room. eenic. porch, l~ bath, double ga.rap, Plua a very nice 1 Br. apartment. Hardwood floors. Lot 70 x HO with fru.lt • ahado tttea. $10,:500 with tenm. andln~n. Bay and Beech Rlty Inc REALTORS 1660 w. Balboa klvd. Balboa, Calli. Harbor l~ -EveL lSM LIDO ISLE Trade, ..U 01' 1...... lwrurloUI 2 bedrm. 2 baUl bomt. 1 'Ii lot.. at,. to at. tocaUon. l"ull prtc• $31.500. Submit Beverly HUll propt:r\7· BALBOA BUILDING A·l c:onttrucUon. J'U1l pr. 123.000 wtU trade equl1.7. Submtt aoi.. houae or d\lpltx. Balboa Bay Propcrtiea 1&06 B&lboa Blvd. Kar. 11'1 Avoc•do Grove Special Income property: l'our unlta -1 Br. each, five yean old, near Blvd. It market, monthly In· come $230. Price $17.~. · wtth $7950 down. 12' W. eo..lt HlC'*way LI 1-5821 Just reduced '6300 to 133.600. MftVPI'\ ~ C-2 Bualneu rone lot 100 lt HO --·---···-·· .. ·--··· $12,000 owner uan.t9"'M to ~" ·c TffOMAS ·c THOMAS R-t ~de.ntlal-Four lot.a each &UJ.68 All for --$18,300 = = -:1rod':;j~ ~ IMALL cot~•• Oii r•r of A·2 aot. JdMl locatJon M.IOO. ternu. T11 ~ Popp7, C.D.M Har. ~M. 11Uc (Can build 3 unita On each lot) ta al:NIOJvte troeur. &rM e«npS.te eprlrtkltt l)'NM, '5300 )'Ul'lY tncome. DAN A. 1AQOB81:N. R-1 Ee- t&te -Ru\or Nil Lll>er\1 ...St T JClmbw\7 1·2117 G. N. WEUS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Colt& Meaa Ll 8-7729 YOU Should W •nt To BUY Lovely yr, old home, 1D&de bett.r thu new, with ownen improvement.a. 80 ft. llvlq room Provtnda1 style, wall to wall cup«a, OlltGCI dn.pel, dlUwuher, prt». dllp., buD.tAD ktt&hm. larp patio, • bedrma., 2 •th.I, Kuta bedroam (with tnmendoU8 cJoelt Sp&OI) I OptDI to ~ with 11Ma doo.n. .__It'• truly one of Lido'• moet attrUtive hOtniet for ~.ooo · MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor I A11oc. Ht!lm Baum · Buel Ooadoo M32 Via O~ Bar. MM Ev• Lt a.62V1 Ll S.ltOQ .Bu-. 1017.J CcntONA DEL MAR 225 trla Ocean •n. Only block trom beach. Brud new 3 bdrm., 2 be.th bowie. 8.bake roat.. larp Uv. room, family nn. with ftttplace, built-in own . • a.nd rup. M little u f7000 dowu -Vtq ~ 90D&hle p&11nenta. IOcJ2 ~~~----~~~--~~~--~--------------- ----~ --· . -,. --• • • ----... 1. .... a_,_ ' ' . rA&e 16.PAIT I~•~~ NIWSft£SS IG!::!!!l.0!!!!,!'!!!'!!'"!!...---~·!::-:!._~,!..!'!*!!!!_!1!.,• ---....!·~· ;!1~•!!',!ll~I ~t~---...!•!::!•!•~1 'WEONE:SDAYtJULY4,1"6 ~.,.· ~ -----..,_ . 'r ' 1 ' ,,. ii!:; • ._;;:,--· . ---~ -p. -a. -p a I m e r i n c o r po r a.t ed , • Best Buys Corona del Mar _., " casttes· to Cabits I ' •I If · .-0009 v~ Aµ.-'' ~I Y\a Lido ~ f Br. 3 Ba. New m.G00 · J'umlobed on 'l'f ·feet of 'Udo W~t .. • . p 0 f • • 11-300 ' Coral 11. 'J. • Br, home ""4 ~ ~.ooo _.Lovely ~?'"~ ~ lllllt ~r p.nle · 0 0 *21e Via Mm141>e Lido ' BdJ1IL 3 Ba. '42.llOO Ol<!tr. roomy 'home on • eo ft. lot. f ... ... ~ ~ *ro. Collma, II. t, • bdrm .. with reD1a1 UDit, $M,l!OO Older but0 1mma<iilate -load -- 0 0 ' * 12• :Via Mentone J Br. 2 Be. on Lido $33Jloo · Sunny South ~tJo .'--good -lot. <>----<l . .,.,.308 Poppy, Corona c1e1 Mars Br. • c1.n ps,l!OO Love1y·00ean View" -oWtmmJnc beach. 0>---0 ~ Viii& 11eJa s Br. • family room $29,llCIO 3 car ~hllnr 2700 ft. Roch hOUM Ill lj'e 2200 blotlr Oii Tustin Ill the County. *482 -l 20tb St .• New 2 Br. • Den $28,000 B~IJ built ln new rnt.rlcted aubdivialon. O>---~o *~199 Clt.y, 2 Br •• big d.n J2e,llOI) Lowly yard, blr lot -~I-to town *:!el Diana Lane, • Sr. & 2% Ba. G. L $23,9:50 Good value In Harbor Higblan~. 0 0 .,.,..01 Kinp Place, 3 Br. 1 % Ba. 523,llOI) A garden apot Ill CUtt Bava. O>---~· *73:! SL Jamea, 3 Br .. 2 bo. W.AOO New. Small down payment. 0 0 • .,.,.707 Goldairod, C. D. M. Dupla $20,000 2 Bedrooms eacb wlit -Reuonably priced. O>---O .,.,.,33 Twrtin, s bdrm .. 1 •• bothe $19,llOO .,.,.1038 Weet Be-Blvd., 2 Br. $1i,GOO Try aa otter on thlo one. O>---<>O *ilOO SL Andrew• 8 Br., 2 bo. Ut,200 Bl( yard -SOOcl COftltr, fM 1lmple. O>---o i!r~..£mmlfii l Br .. 1\-> ba. $17,llOO. Ra.I good viWI ~ abalr.e roof ranchy otyle. .. o----<O .,.,.333 Sigul ~ 2 Br.; 1 ba. $}6,llOI) Sweet uWe bomo (o< a couple. o---<O .,.,.2n M-Drlye, :i Br., 2 bo.. S",9:50 Nice corner -faclllr Country Clqb 0---<0 ~ Hamilton -Block Bou.tit, 1 acre $13.500 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., !!_""'°rt peaeb ... " , .. ./l Har. •718 . Multiple-Uatin9°of0 th•-Month CARA VAN SPECIAL ML No. 7365-~}' UNUSUAL Uiree bedroom bom1 Ill Coote M-Only -yan old -Oort • Walla Ill µv1ng Room ""4 Dlnlnr Ro0m. l.&rp s..lt Porch -Put J'mcod on M&UO Lot - Prito $10,allO. Multiple listing Servic• ' Newport H~rbor Board of Realtors - CORONA QEl MAR . -..i.w fn>m thla a-""'!"'home, s llae·--1% batha,"""""" .-, 118>1CIO -lol Loado of .. _., In thla qualll7 -AatlDs $12,llOO with $10,000 clown. • . SO. 'Of.-HIGHWAY . Ocean -... Poppy -2 and d.n ""4 a nimpua or S--. 30 ft. Jot weir clenlopod. Drap- lri•~ In tho loW uJdnc prtce•ot pe,llQO. .. • • IAY SHORES -. ---n ul!EN:11A.'l'ORD&fl~ AND SUNDkYS 14 • 2IG1 W&Vll:BLY DIUVI: A f\1111-do.!~ Jot with -po11cf. BBQ. and ab.Ide tr-. a nloo-..-, 1-u.lar room &lld d1Dlll&' ---t --. All rm---no4J to -In. .. ...... $23,000. J'or ...mn. appolntm.ut, call l!ldlth Manion, Hy Mm, or 1-Boyn141>, Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, 2211 Morine Ave., Balboa llland Realtor Bar. 1n~ • dmlOpers ·Open T'dl.1" a r.-+t ).,2:'W to 5:tll .Njpta by "fll'OlatmelJt - Your Dream 1:-fome on Lido Isle? Could be -and what a beautlful dream! ()Eie of the mblt exciting homes in )'Mn~ tt'm ·• fabuloualy clellsned and bulh home, with two ' bed-. aad_dtn and Uiree baths, oo a 1afae lot . with -..Uth patioo! s~ tunllahed by a decorator. . Tbe muter bedroop:1 optnt onto a private patio with a llldlng window wall tbat maket it a p.r· den room. Roof ia finest Uncoln inlerlockin1 lhake tile. It'e a spacious home, fully carpeted, completely modern, outatanding kitchen with birth cabi- neta in driftwood finish and formlca counten in matchiDI' wood '"' tone.. Double aink, built. in ranp and ""l'lfAte oven, dj>pooal. Papen and paint are !"'ftlhllled with 1trlldng lllterlot llf!ecL Kuter bedroom. hu a chalins alcove, and the home bu wortda of cloeeta and aton.ge. Two-car p.rap baa laundry and freelel' apace; The 1and8caplng ia beautltul. It la a home your family will love. The price - $37,l!OO furnlobed, or may be purchued unfum. EXCLUSIVE with U• 25 beautiful Udo Iota. 4. on the Bay Front with pier prlvilegee. of° Li(jo• Isle • Costa· Mesa • 3 BMrOain-t . f •• ~1 Bath , - • l!'enced • Beautlful yard • Low down payment • Price $12,91!(1 • • Call Joe Kincaid Cliff H,sven Specie!· 'A lo•elY home Ill aut Haven, cooalltlns of 8 -""4 den, 1 % b&lha; wall·to-wall carpet. drapea. All landacaped and fenCO\!, Shown by appointment only. Call Jaclr: Crisfl~ld for ap- appolntment. Priced richL -Bayshores Stop and think! Where can you Ilnd a barpln llUCh u th.ii 3 bedroom modern home that bu · everything to be deolred, oucb .. carpetA!d nooro, foroocl air beat. garbage dlopooal ""4 dllbwuber, nice tropieal planted patio, juat a llhort way to , a nice bathlns beach. For $21.l500. TenM av&ilable. Call Lou Breer. Cliff Haven Thia one ia a real cu~ 2 bedroom home;. The owner'a excellent taate renect. ltaelf throughout the bouae. Blending colon and wallpaper. make it unuaually attractive -and remember, it'• in CllU Haven, where bomea are in great demand. Prito $16,llOI). Call BiU FU'UIWorth. , p. a. palmer incorporat6d p. a. palmer in,corporated ale henson co. management 3338 via lido, harbor llK>O I 019 han1on co. mena9em•nt • 1700 w. cout blgbway -liberty s.61173 ---------------~-~---~----------~-- SELECTED VALUES! BALBOA REALTY CO. (1) BALBOA PSlrfINSULA DU- PLEX BMuUf\.11and1.ttn.cUve 8 year old stucco property, All nicely ~ I bed:rooml' up atM1 2 down. i.w.dry, double pr· Ill'• and p&Uo. Bee tb.l1 •p.dowl 4upiu belon buylq. 121.aoo wtth terma. • . BILL'S BEST BUYS BACK BAY HOMES '('r TWO & DEN -NEW, !"\ batha, H. W. noon, u.ed brick F. P., F/A heat, built.in oven & range, ~. P. $2:5,ilOO. $8,000 down. tr F 0 UR BEDROOMS - FAMILY ROOM -NEW, HW floon, 2 bath• F. P., F/A beat. bunu... large dbl. (Ulll', F. P. $22.liO(), $7000 down. • . BIB Reel Estet• Deffynitions SLEEPER The quality buyer who hun't j -II this J bdrm .. 2 'Oii.lb &nd I tamUy rm. modtto YI-ho.Int at only 128, 750. I REMO (A Goodie!) An att.n.eU•ely umadt.led 2 bdrm. 1tucco watertront with .... f ... ' L · v SBOll!lCl.IJTS. Fi rot time orr....i. Ran,ai t!l'"I ob.ate f(IOf, 2 bedrm. an4 dt11, home. .,. flrePia-, 1 M bath with ..P.,.te aWJ aboWer plJ!I 2 oeparate ~ bothl. Suvl<e porch, forced air beat, wired for ~I~ range. (lari>eting and drapee Included. BeautlfuD:t landlcaped. Home i> Immaculate thru-<>ut . OPltN BOUSE EVERY AFTF.:llNOON 1 • 5 p. m. unW oold. Prk>ed riryn at $3'7.llO(). Should acll qWckly. 2311 Horning Conyon Road EXCLUSIVE WITH US. Oourteoy to hrokero. 2. · v VALUE PLUS 2 bednn. bome plua rueot room plua I% bathe, bud'Wood flooro, FA beat. clooe to 1bopplllg area and only 2~ blocb lo ocean and , . ~ach. A best buy at $18~.,. 3. V BARGAIN JUST LISTED -Tbio 2 bedroom home, large living t'OOm, fireplace, dual Ooor fUr. na.ce. (thermo controlled) plus large double pr- are atreued for apt. above. Better act fut on this one! ONLY $1.f.,750 EXCLUSIVE WITH US. 4. ( CORONA lfiGHLANDS. Flrot time oUered. VIEW • VIEW • VIEW ot blue Pacific. 3 bdrml .. 2 boths, bwd. fin., forced air belt. Ideal loca· tlon for twimming pool. Bou.e only 2 yn. old. Priced at $32,500 -euy terma.. Shown by appointment, listed EXCLUSIVELY with ua. MEMBER OF :MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor ' 34-47 E. Coaat Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, QiM) LIDO ISLE 3 bdrma., 1 ~2 b&tba near Lido Clubhouw, older with over 2000 eq. ft. living area. Tba beat buy on Lldo l.Ala.nd, at $23,500. .Ocean Front Home Lovely 2 bedroom pl111. Large living room with fireplace, 11/1 batha, nicely furnished. Two car garage. 30 ft. lot located in belJt beacb area . A true value $25, 750 4 Bedroom -Back Bay the dilcriminatinli buyer that hu unable to find tbe perfect home. been (1) JUIT Ll8TEO ... on WM Bl.7 .A.•mue. LoveJy J bed· room bolne, well turnaMd, wtUI. 1.ttrac:tJ.q put room wt~ full 1l&UI. &tt&ched. A 1'ttf 1ood Talue et 111.000 wtta pod tnma. (II • UNIT JNCOM:J: BUILD- DfO Oii. r.ut Bay AY1nue. OW:Der belDc tnn.r:erred . , . wUl ..n W. newly decorated a.nd llicel)' turnt.hed property tw 111,000, tenne. fr THREE BEDROOM -good view, pegged H. W. tloora. F. P., F/A heat, carpeted. drapes in· eluded, beautiful patio A lanai. F. P. only $27,l!OO -Sli.000 down. I pi.er It float. J'um. Ready ror happy IUllUMf"I « lne. J.23.· -· -·~ """ rood I. 2. 4 l&e. bednno., large clooeto 2 balM, 2 ahowet11, beat lamp (f) NICI: TW 0 BEDROOM HOME and eute be.cbelor •putment in NU. Larp lot. iJP&dOWI p&Uo. 2 aln&'le pt· ..... All tumiahed • bf' wn aDd -W. nn• a t tlf,IOO, tenna.. on OCllAN FRONT DUPLEX on tbe Pentn.ula &ad only tliO ft to bay swirnmta&". 8~ up to l• people. "1Tptace1, larJt! walled p&Uo. A r"1 value 1.t JU.GOO • (I) ANOTHER OOOD INOOME ••• .zui.ct Bwnmtr 4Gd Wt.n· t«. J bedroom btm9 and l IMdnlcml. &pu'b:Ql.nt ewer a J \.r THREE BEDROOM and FAMILY ROOM -NEW very. exclusive, rear L.. R., F. P., F/A1 heat, built-in ki~en, including diahwuher, Inter. com aystem. and many other fine reatuns F. P. S26,500 -$6000 down W. A. l0BIAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES "You'll Like Our Friendly Service" 400 E. 17th St. Coota Mesa Liberty 8-1138 ear prap. ~ Nt&r -------------------'1ay a.ad ocean. 116,000, ....... (I) $DOOO doWn ••• bU)'11 a )O\'• el)', MW, Pml.n.aula polnt home WIU!i I bedrooma and J balhll, . flftplaai, •lidin&' , ... 0ool'9 to patlo a.nd double r a r a 1 •. UJ,600 le the price. Balboa Realty Co. Oppomt.e BaDll: of America 8-. Or.aley ~ Ed LH .J09tPhlne Webb 100 a Balboa Bl'fd., Balboa n.. llar1tor 1177 NEWPORT HTS. SPECIAL ffO BOUlWOOD OR1'Vll l'UBMDBSD, ....,. &Un.cU•• ' ldrm. 1-H. Lap eomer ioL ~ flDOld wtlb % .,... ...... OPSN l'OR DfU'.icTJON 1'1• Tinn. and a.L aftemooft&. PIUCl:D TO ULL -TJ:RMS ..... ....__ CORONA DEL MAR YOUR FAMILY D&SERVES THE BEST Come see this 2000 aq. Ct . home! 3 bedroom1 -2 baths -AND a beautiful LARGE DEN wilh built-in televiaion combination. All wool wall to wall carpet and lovely fiber glue drape1 included in aellin1 price. Compare! See for yourt1elf. BALBOA PENINSULA. Charming and apacioua 3 B. R. home 1 ~~ baths. Near Bay bathing beach . Lovely patio and be&Ut. landscaped grounds Priced right. Terms. 422 BelVue !Ane. BACK BAY LOTS in excluaive reetrlcted area. $500 down. BROKER OR SALESMAN WANTED. Permanent. ahould know loCal area. (Confidential) BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave .. Balbo& Island. Pb. Bar. 1871 or 1672 FOR SALE . AND 1.EASE BACK .. CLASS A atcre and ottlte bulldlng located on moat important corner In Puadeo• Price ~cellent Buy $700,000. wm pay 7% net net and will depoolt ... ~· ·~ ~--$300,000 u leue llOCUrity. f...ar&• ---11u.. •t..ec.-\a. K-. a Mrm.. 0.1. Joan. depreciation factor. ....,_tli ta.II mo. JncL '* CHEAP IE ·The ti.appy .one a wlM buyer w111 c:hlTp mer lhl1 2 bdrm. on ,,. R·2 k>t w1th nn. to build •lrtra unit. Exel. locaUon. Ill,· &00 ; 13700 doWn'. ,.'I'-D. T. No Tnat Deed Trouble• on UU.. one! Subinlt 011 dn. SlttlJlC p~tty 011 l&r&•. vlew loL 2 bdrma .. turn.. fU.000. F. M. VALUE You'll lw.\•e no probM!-1n t l1unn1 lhe Jl'al:r M&rkrt Value of uu. lovely • bl.rm It derl home on 11 IW>' lot, acroea from tlne1l beach. .hnn. H&1':lor Vkw, C11ll f11r appL to -"lhe twit" Bay & Beech Realty Inc REALTORS c oro.na del Mu omc:c ~30 E. Cout H.lwy Har. Mt13 RANCH HOMES 3 Br. A tlen 90 x lM fL lot, .ew- el'9 ill and paid tor. Deeded land. Only • to chOOM from. lmmedlate occupancy. Cloe. to .c.hoo18 and marlfet&. llh&Jce rout, bardwOOd on., concrete drlv-ay. buOt·ID .n..ol'• and oven. dUpoa.I, r. A. b .. L 122.~JOOO dA,. Open 7 da)'1 I. Week 9 ·I On C.brUlo betw. -ru.ttn 6: Ir· vine, 1 blk No. ot 17UI BL , Ole Hanaon Co. Ph. Ll 6-2363 lnc9me Unit Lots Ea.aide Coete W.-. all utillUa In, ek»e to aitbooU and abop-ptnc. top n.nancta.c In lh11 &~L DAN A. JAOOB81CN. RH.I &.· tate -H&tbor 5e91 µberty &-q] 7 Kllllberly 2·2117 Newport Beach HOHi! and bu.in-property lc>- cated at U24Llt Bt. Exc:el- lenL 3 bdrm. hOUM •nd 20 x JO..n.. ebop., Zone 0-J. Prlc:1 f12 .000 and a pnulDe bl.rJ'ain .._ _, _... CALL OWNER. .:r. D .• Ropro, Ryan 181117 .,..,.. ,..,.. .......,...°" w... · or Barllor 8828 Greenleaf.Severt~ .Jd.._...,. &llll. .,........,., ~1--------------------1 RJWJl'Y,·~ .... lll2 .Nfti,.~ ll'W-.... Ralph P. Maskey IUl.Wnlft Bar."" Choice Nwpt. Hts. OW I '9dml. A elm. l. ~ OM: °'"' a&l.anJ cab. ........... rAMU..•tralp....,..._ • ..... epMIL 8hPe "*'· • .......,_. midlns A r-.ca. 17IOO 4ow9. I' .P. SD.l<IO. Ownv- Ll tafl. Ill ruu.rt-. ltpll *Slim DOWN* Six montba old, 4 bdnn, atuooo with 1 ')I. bothe, 2..ar •ttached -All In ...., fine ccndltlon. Immediate P1011 'oo-TOTAL PRICE $11,800 GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC. 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 25112 Evea. call LI S-3186, Ll 8-6405, Har. 3921-W Har':. nM. U Wtll 1.1a-._-11R.1111-W. Altad'ena EScrow co-ta .._. offtet'J 112·.A. & 11Ua St. LI 1-1111 -BY OWNCft. n .. ruc.b ~ 1 Wrm.. 1 '6. -.u.. C1bk sana... built ta 09m. ~ diabWutl· ft', l-.:1 brick ~ rup I A 4rai-. S*>.600 ... 1 E. ltc.h Place, Colt& MH&. U t-2000. llU• 3 . Large paneled living room . aJI bwd. tloa'r1. 4. Family room with ued brick firep~ . 5. Bar kit..cben with diaposal &: ~lectric fan 6. Shake root 1. Lot llR 60 x 150 (Room for riding bone) 8. "Belif'Ve it or not" only $22,500 JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 W. Coast Hwy. ·LI s-n73 KINGS ROAD Property Is Getting Scarc;er Then Hen1· T•etli But we have found a real buy. It'a brand new 3 bedrm11., 2 full bathJ, dining area and bre&kfut area, attractive double fittplace, lot. of l:DdJnct lighting featurea, patio and ma.ny other very excluaive appointment. Wall to wall carpetln& and above all thi• is a view home . U you are looking for property In th1a 1 very • exclusive area, by all mean• call u... . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th It Irvine, LI 8·2664 EVES Fred Barker, LI 8-8621 Stan Le Llevro LI S. 70M • BALBOA ISLAND Owner will EXCHANGE Beautiful 5 hedpn., 4 b&tb home on Little Llland For Small O:>ttage On the llland Or near the Bay , WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. al Marine, Balboa la.land Harbor 2ola2 -Waterfront NOT FANCY, ""4, NOT LIDO ISLAND, but where .... )'Oil beat lhlo 2·bdrm., 2 both with pier • and noot 1 Fumiabed, but bring your """ boat. A reuctnable down payment and it'• youn for . ooly $23.l!OO. Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4{44 - •