HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-06 - Newport Harbor News PressKEAL J)UCXY-Elmira and her flock were taking the sun on the be9ch yesterday at VU1a Marin& a1oq Balboa la1a.Dd Cba.n.nel wben th.ii p~ wu taken. On the approach of the photographer the yO\Ulptera evinced the nenouaneu commonly popular with debutante. and started for the water, but Elmer and Elmira took lt all with a quack. One other duck out of picture ia one of Elmira 'a lady trienda, at leut lbe and Elm.er have not been leeJl polntinr up the comers of a triangle........Staff Photo A meeUns of conunlttea. fonDlld tor W. '/Wi.i'• Loi.tar Ba.kt. kickoff of t.be Golden Ju~ ~ ... m lb« tormallve •tap by NewJort B&rt»Or a-,mw ol. ODmnrce., wtll be held at I a. m. Xond&y at DOO I:. o.,a ~· Chairman ot U\e nu .. Bolt Xurph)', .-Id Ille oaDH Ow ...ion .. lo find out What II balq done and aet U. ~­ lon for the comD:lltte. to ro" u well u to ~ tM peopi. know wt-'re l'elllna' ltarted Qft It." Murpby l&ld 15 ,.,-.oNI have Indicated thfy ~ aitcnd the breaktut set·loJetbtt. ~.E1~v:::~;;;,n111; •• TqP-tM~ Pl.ANNING \ PHONE B ARBOR 1818 Judge Issues Resh'._lner · as Monday Hearing Set . Residents of Newport Be •• ZQNING MEET TODAY ----------------------Mr. and Mr11. Elmer and El-pol'tallt tn lb duck world wH A top•le'V'el -..Ion between city oU'ldala and Wllllam Superior Court J~dge Kenneth E. Moni.lon hu l8lued CDM PHARMACY HELD mlra Mallard have done It apln. about to happen -.:.u..e. bujCagney to dJlcu.u new indUltrial zonlnr mattera Involved a temporary rmtra1n.ing order a.ga.in.st Newport Beaeh in Ma)'tM lt w .. pttm1 Utetr been tendiq 9trictl7 t• her in a pro}>Oled ordinance wu to be held at 3 p.m. today in connection with the dJaputed "17th St. Annexation" with plctul'ff in the N .... l'reM 1..i knlt~. city hall Coeta Mea. The Judie aet a hearlnc on the luue for 1 UR. FOR $506, DOPE year that 1.nsp1red lhmi, Mcau. ~ = ~.':: = It follow. yesterday'• meetinr of 90me city plannlnc p.m. Monday. BlJLUl:'DN Utt. ~r Elmira Mtdlld out for fear t.b&t J:lm1ra &Ad hs 'lbJa &etJon followed twnc ln Ctt v ... •-1\obert. ... 1 nJne lltUe duckllnp and took Oocll aiPl pa ~ .-. com.m.lllionen. headed by Walter Loupoor, Cbairma.n. lupedor Court of a .,.Utka for ton !.us-.;-~ a~:~ otf • the wat.ta Of Balboa bet1"ID the mst aad ar.e watm-. th9 city Jn&Dl&V, ctty mp.eer and Larry Wlee. city plan-wrlt ol. mandate apJmt. New-wu MIDS CClllt.elnpiat.ed by llland Owmel W. _... With that ln mtnd ti. ... pt.. Diq COUllltmtt. at dty !laB. ProviJdam of the propoeed pt S-Cb over aimuatioa M..,ort s.ch tod&7 in th• De.rilll holdUp • ol t.bl eor.. 4'1 x.ar P1wmaq at am m. Cout ~,. In broad day- 1Jabt ~y bad Newport Jka.ch ~·-~ Mddftl two 8USpecta Wbo wallted out ot U.. ctnis aor. wttll arproximate- 11 $IW)I IA c:aM and a pa~ .l&dt t\&.D of DUCOtiL ~ G. H. Ptiraol of IOO A.cada Ave. noWled poli~ of lookiq." OM ot them aid. L&ttt, one of the mt-n. wu.r-lnc dark l'l&aaee wtth rold nm.. approached and uked for the mana1er. 'Tm th• ~." Petnol l&IC1. Tb• au.peel pulled a run fl'Om ~ Wal.al band of his lroUMrw, pointed It into the victim"• rlb9 &Dd demanded. .. Gin me all tbe money and au the dope." t.be boldl.lp lhorUy alter It ~ "You can't h&vt au the nar- curred at • :Ol5 p.m. ye.t.rd&y. cotil. '' Peinol told him. Nnol told lnn•Uptlq of-"I'm a lick man.·· JJie 1u.specl f\cen Git ....,, apparen1)y YCM.UW warned. men .. ....., au twuUu or Pelnol aid th.e IU t l&lbd earlJ Ull.l't* eaterwd ~ lltoN to him about 10 n whOe and tll&rta4 ladd.ftc at l""'Unc the maua•r wu puW.. ure carda anO 91111 pa-. He aalr..s monet and narcot:Sc.111l a. paptr ti be ecNld ._. ~ ,.. ... J\ltlt eack u U It were a ptUltb•• -----------Tbm tM suspec:t.a tAIOlt Ole Mck and W'lllhd out ~ ,_ .... dlappeertac. No ci6r ._ -. ,.,nee J'ffllNd. •tMr lhe wu ln • buny ttnr • lllp f<DtJa[ WA.Ur --'-.... ,_ . eff iro t rtpt.a. ~ ot the eo.t& Keu ac-aboat &'•ttlnr her tlodt Into UM ma~ to appn.. mot.orilta to ba new vnKU&DC9 were ~z'1 m an ort ~ n ou Ctty Attorney Donald Dun-uon. Re noted that the ctty water, or alx ot hu -SI• were carefUl. a. did not bow lb.at differeocea whleb have kept Cagney and hia brother, pn of eo.t& Mesa lod&'ed the waa "•tandln&' by" and City not fertlle ror i:lmlra left .ix when lb• ~P are h&tcMd El· Jamee, from annexm, their property to the city. papen. He c111m1 Newport .Attorney Karl Dane wu .,.._ ln tbe nett when lhe •tar~ mJra would be thro\1a1l with the Beach·a 11th St. A.nnaaUon Jl"paril\r tor the Monday ed her nine little balla of fluff nest for the --. .AppriMd of proftaOD.1 In the llhould ba declat ed mill and void court h-.rfn&'. an lhei?' mant1m• car.rs. Ta ... -"" ---._ .. --•-a COintj OU . new ol'dJlwlce. today Caan•Y bec&UM that clty'a councU acted ~• ,,_ ......,_ ...,_ JWJnu ery told lbe N..,.Prw that they .. UnUl •pe<'lftc•lly reetraln· Dmer ~nd Elmlra took up wer1 pareni. ot fOW' drak• and eeemed to. be WOC'XMle and that la PceM of II.I Jurt..siclJon. ed.·· BMJton Mid. -We an-bouelteept~ Mv.ral week8 aco one hen at F.d BnunJer• place they "make a lot t>f MNe " H D\ma'&.n cl&bn• Cotta Men tkip&L• baln& a vailable to wtthla a 1tep or the wallr Oil lb• laland ~ the chlAnel J ed -.id he hoped to be able to ~v: ll&d ll&rted proeeedtnp on a aerv• the 86--aae .,... lf the U"OUlld thf' Villa Marina pool fl'Om thla year'1 Uode, Two of um Down 260-acri! annexation before New· arff. want.a It. Thal bu be-- and only 8 reel rrom the ma.In the dr&ltu dlM.ppeared. but two ~ ~t =b ~~ port ... ch 1tepped tn wtth a 15-come a eol"\ •r ~mu·• drin b«wem the rfftamant uad drak• and ~ hen han been could 1 .cl Jlf'O-acre annexation in the am• land', but lo the .xtAnl we tbe moleL .From there llbnlra tumlnl' up OCC&llona.1J1 for dlow. Tbere wUJ a. no lmmecUai. m. ~y ti. annai lo the area. can cooperate &11d ba of help. went for ber d&lly dunklftf unUl The BrumJeyw .,.. bopfna' Jmmer Yt11UraUon by the State Bureau ty and denloped u a •t•p In Accordln« to the peUllon. city faclllU11 •re avallabl .. " a fflW day• al'o when •h• mu.\ and ElmJra wtll ~ tbalr n.w Of Holpltal• lnto operation ot th• cil:r'• powUt.. RaroJd F Cr11g brourhl a petl· ------------lltn Kiiied that 10melbinc Im· brood by tor tntrod\JcrtJons aoon. the OrfJl&'• CoW\l.)' H~lt&l, ac· The MW ordlnance provldn for tlon to the Co•ta Mesa City the onn..-County Boundariee cordlnJ to a Jetter frorn Gordon (0-tbnleid " ,.... •> Council on April 2. The pellUon-Commiuion on lb• 17lb St. a. Cummtnc. chief ot the bureau, '"' 90\.ll1lt 1nna:aUon to Costa annaallon wblch Included a to c. M. F•tbwl)', cla1rman pro Nov1·1 .. el Mar Kea under the Inhabited land pa.rt of the cltJ'a "llth It. An· tern ot lh9 board ot wpervt.ol"I. g act ot 1113. oeutlon." The lell• wu dat9d June 21 Tt19 property wu found to be >.. a rHult.. Liie eo.t.a Mee& and •YI, in part: "Att.tt ~-Oily ... =1es conttiuowi to eo.t.a M .. and a petition contend&, U\e lfth St. th o--.o ' ... petl~ tar uhd&t.lon eventu· tioll W"UD't ~coo· 1 New Patrolmen , Lie1te1i1t -· All~orize~ for Mesa Police ~ lupecl wt ~~ lD( • .....,. Ut7 report •· al!y ...._ tlled with the Ooet& tt ... .,,,l.LI t.9 Jf..,,,art a.ch. 121111 pa-wu doMd w1Ul ~ l.UC ud o\Mr ~ f T ~Hi ---u Wat ...,_new patrolmen report to rr.m U.. Jlllt or appltcanta n-lntonnat• ~ u. been_.. A I v-OoundL Nft'poct 8eaeb pt wrllld ta Ooet& ic._ Pone. o.,at1meflt Qmtiy tlllL ep b.1 aa.nttnatJoM. U&Uabk to ua. Lt 11 a.pparct V Oil .AprU t . Mrolll.lq te t troa Ute' Oomt7 ~- l&Gndlly tor a w .. et~ln an: .Jamn Cnunpton. A1'Cl'7 lbal ,1'0U tdD W\lh t.o fiye the • ~oria bu ~ pn. l"e11Jl)Ort. Be&ch.. ~ ... on Ap'11 JI ......... ••·•~ 1D ~ butc police worll. before r-.. smma. Oeorp Patrick 8akh~ ..uut. ~ coulduauon 111tJU.n 100 ml'-at 't&hlu and cht~Uon of ~ (Ole ..... • ~ •> on cl"1¥ etttetJ'Ye J'Uly 11, It wu WUUam lhwlin, William Weatb· te luuea wtlkb have bttll l 'x:pect.a to finlAh ~ world"• ~r' -~ and a 1nnounced today by PoUce Chief arwu. Eddie WUcox and WaUu raiMd rerardlnf ~ operatJots of ~ yacht rau from Lot Amon( thr narcotic• takm. Aft Xc:K«nate. Wlllcut. the county he»pltal Under thae A!l,.elff Sund&y, accordlJ\C to hlnol ~ ~ Unc:ture. or 81.x new J>9U'Olrn•n and a UeU· ctrcumatance1, I am eorry t h.al lat.ell radlo ttportl Aetlved In N.wport B •a ch J:lementary "Plum. aa and codein.e. papaver· t..n&nt were authorlMd th• poUc:-e D.._.n•t Reach ottier Khe<Jul~ •ctfflly dou not lbt> Harbor area yesterday. tne, dolophlae and ~ depe.rtment by city counctL Mc-V'S• permit complylnJ with your 1e-1 Jada 11 N<Ond tome <llllance J>i,atrlct kbool bo&l'd l"pa.l"ld Keiuje reported. The llVetith I quHt al thll u~. back with Queal cloee behind to act ln the purcbMe ot a new patrolman will replace Sgt. Da· County locwd .. ,... report.I to yo11r board by CelebH and Vlvek.a have not acbool lft. on Imne AYe., ~ •-n.as Rnv 1!.---v1d ~ wbo submitted ht.a ree-lhla department hn• lndlcated, ~n contacted. probably becauN tween llut lfth it. and J:ul VW1N -1 i"'UCfi lp&Uon trom the force efrecuve PeUUon1 bearlnl' oam.. or we believe your holpltal hu of radio tranamlulon,trouble, for 11th 8L, by ~ $15,000 Ha..lllCJ In c--6L July 2. more than eoo relldmt.a of NflW· made con1lderabl• lmprovement.a there ha• been no adnree Wl"alh· to th. unclilt.rt'buted 1"Nlrn ln ~ ruaR Xc:Kem:l.e aid the lieutenant port Be&cb and Coat& Maa we:re durln& ~ pul 1everal years In er reported. ~ ft9W' budlet at To• 1 day Jamn D. Ray, Mt Beaward uad two Mr&Mnt.I will 11. Mlect· recelnd by the bo&rd of ~ patient cart, operation, end All \.he yacht.a a~ ru1:1ntni ln ILIJtlt'a meetlJlS. Road, 11 to ba arralpled tn N .... -ed fTOm the r..utt.. of an exam-pby.lcal plant. From whal we I &ood wtnd1. a t 20 to 30 knot.a. The tlo&rd hopea to combine port J1.11llce Court J uJJ 20, at lnatlon of preMnt meml>.,.. or the vteon yesterday. Petition• refer know or your current pro~lem.e, .. -ka• f ....a..ty force 8aturd•V, to the offensive odor cla imed wa have AAme quullon &II to wtth th• city In purcha.M of • L m ., 00 • ..,,..,. 0 pr,,,._. ...., t le f th ~ """ C f D I p 1 &llMat ll •er-, pa.rt ot It to lie d&m&J9 in a car craah 1f JM 11 Tbe new patrolmen, choeen o ernanl rom e county whether thl9 depat lmfll~ can be ' • • G y asses bl to ..... -· at ..... Ume unltatlon d I • t r I c l '1 MW'&l'f of ilrnlflcanl aulat&nce on your _ _.. f-.. ..a. ... ...._. -. a e UW r•-~ UJa1o ' ••a tm t I l f th .... at LI RI&.-• -... --r-P"""---&IJ •cc.orcl1nc to ~ court ....cont ------------wd en pan or rom e currenl probkm.e which appear lo n ome·, .... ecbilol pla1la to '* beiw.n I ~ la preeenUy reported at MWer ttMJf. relate In conakSeral>I• pa.rt lo 1 l O and 10 ..,_, .Rc1wftw, echool bOm• with a brobn 'es and an HARIOlt WEA THa 81.pe.ra cl&lm they are plaru~ peraorlAl relaUonablpa. a.m. ~-.a-. llo&nl IDelnW f.it tu.t lMJ' tajUrtd cbeA. followtnc X-ra,ya with ottenaive odon ol pa con-"Ir you conaider It 11 df'fllr· I _,...,._ .._., lihlUM .. In a po9ltsoa to -.ct lt aDd U.bMnt at Hoa,' Ko.pll.al. Tanpenturu tor the wm-lalnlnr hydrc>g'en wlptudt, of· able lo explore further the poe· Funeral IM'rv1ce for Crea.My F. U\e dtJ councu 41d not mOft to Ray, a .ontractor and local end 1n the Newpon Barbor ..,... tensive lo the eenM ot 1111•11. libilltlu of our betnr or aaidat· Daly. 73, of 20li Flower SL .• eom ...... U.. ~ ICbool 1Ml&rd member, wu tn-were detrimental lo health and coo-ance to you. we 1ball be 1tad to Huntln(ton Park, wUJ be con~ n.. IMll.N lldopt.ed Ul• budpt wlftd In a tour~ ooDllk>n on Hip l&lnJq an add •ll'onr eneuJh iet toeether with you In the ducted Saturday at 10 a.m. al ~ u ....-~ a t th• Oout HlfhW'&7 ta ~ da1 Sunday, July 1 ··-· _ 72 to haw deetruclln acUon on early part of Allf\19t.. the Halvel"llOll·Luc• Mortuary, Kar .June 2'7 ..._ U.. car la Monday, J uly 2 __ 70 property. A letter trom Featherly to the HunU11.(1.on P • r k. Interment ~~· -.II e ' & II I e a wtdcll h WU rtdiq o:ubed Into Tueed&y, JUiy I --89 The odor. the peutloNI at.ale. bureau reqU•ted a detailed re-will .be tn ~Jewood Park Ceme--"!"e-. U. tlMI t.ocal to fl,108, _. drt.-by Ano Haapa. 8DDd Wedn...s&y, J uJy • 89 Ml llronf enough at thM:I to port on operation or ~t tery ar, aa ~II• et dOut •TOO ol l2IO waa pOlt.d law-., wtUl Tbunc!Q', J uly I et wake a perwn horn .ounct llwp. County K09pltal. That let~er Mr. Daly irurtered a ht>art. at· ... Uri ...........,., .....,_. U.. eoeri.. ~ Frtda.J, Juq I -. " SulJll"Uont took "° actJon. wu dated J\ane I. ta.ck Joly ' wtltJe worktq in ht.a ~ yard at Ule fa.m117 home. The Daly fam.U7 came lo Hunt· ln,Wn Park In lHl where Mr Daly wu •"Peed u a mould mal<er by the Latohford Glau Compeny. He retired from the position In 1960. M.r. Da.ly LI 1ur'Yived by bla widow. NeUe. ot Utt-tamJly home: thl"M daupten, Mra. Ben Red· dick of Newport 8-cb, Mn. x.riOD Vandel"pOOl of Encino and Kr1. John O.luler of Dow· H7; and 11v1n ,-randcb.Udrtn. AJ- ., 1urv1vtnr are two brothe.ra and three alsterl. Char1~ O.ly or Wlnc:1'ater. Indiana: Walter D. Daly of 8apulp&. Okla.; Mra •· c. Ndlltl of South Chari ton. Ohio: M.l"I. Homer Warman of Newa.rtt. Ohio: and Ml.II Estell• Daly of ~ Ca.Hf. City's Float . Sweepstakes Winner at H.B. A Ctty or Newport Beach noel 1l'Oll entry C'f9Dd llWM~U ln the &2nd Annual Orarc• Coun- Newport H&rbcw enjoyed a on Park Ave., Karil.Tl' Irene compar&tiftly "Mfe •nd .-ne'' Bock. 21 . Loil An,..i... wu Independence Day Wedntl9daJ lll&'btly bun and WM treal.ed with only nln• 1 eecu• of a ml· by private pb)"Dcian. She ..- nor nature alone belhl~ beacll-In a car driven by P'ra.ns D. u . Bock. 27, Loe Anl'el• Other Life Oua.rd Capt. Bob Moore motorlll WU Jon F. Banc'ert. uUmated 00,000 per'90DA were on P. 0 , Box 714. s.JbO&. ~ it.randl. about. the nwnber l"lve penoM incun.d mb>or predicted before the •tart ot th• tnJurl• u re8Ult of .J\llJ' ' boll• holJday. Th• aur1 wu u,tlt w1Ul ~ auto acddenta ln c.ta rew rtptldu and water tempera-M-. police reported. l111'9 waa ea de(TffL N'lnf' Joel 'nie accident.. included three. children wera ti.Id ror thtlr par-~urie8 ln a two-ear craab, ClllM / ml.a a.od 21 mtnor flral ald cuee Injury ln • th.r-...ear crlMlla aacS were niport.ed. I a.n Injured drlnr trom UM Coun- Pollce acUvlty wu al.lo of a 1 ty Falrsrouada' mtdl'et auto U.hl nature. r.cft. Orville Henatreet, 42, of 633 KESA OOu..mlO? San e.ma.rdlno Ave., complaln-Police akS can driYcn by Mll1 M that be and 10 olbeT per-Joy GaJle Hodia. lT. We.tm1n· IOl\I ..,.,.e lltttnr on th• bMcll Iler, Charla H. Cbamwlatn. t'f, al aui I t. and Ocun Front 680 Bay 8\.., ea.ta K-. Ud .U. watchinr tb• flHwork• wbet1 'bert Jl. Bheru.. 11. ltH Arnol4 11.lddtnly one of hi• companJOf\I Ave .• Cclata Mua. WCN Involved at.ruck him In t.M •Y• and on Ult ln • colllatcm a t H&Aot SJYd.. ..,. • race. Name of hll Ul&flant waa l~th SL 1-jured .,,... Cberl J:. wtUlheld pendlnl' flllnr of a ror· Chamber lain, I . Wtlo wu trut.ed mal complaint. polJce .. Id. Rem-bJ a doctor. nu. accldent wu 1tl'•t wu taken to Hoag Hoe· ~ported at 1.07 p.m. Wednud1t7. pltal tor treatment. .\t I :24. p.m.. autoe drtftn by J'our Newport otncen •~ Mt11. Ultb Laraine J'l'edcnbufS, eent at 2:80 a.m. Wed.neada.7 to 16, 10211 M&et& 'tt .. 8ant.a Atla a private bome on Jl.UanCS. Ave., HtJahU. and Albert Pa\IJ tca.- Sanla An& Hetrht.a. to llop a Jtowakl. 21, J:1 Toro'Martne, • .,.. t(lhl betwffn two rwl~t1 of lnYOJftd In en acdckftt at Mta the d'llt'elllnc. PoJtce eepent.ed Drift and Sa.nla Ana AYe. the partJclpanl.I and took one to Injured and tr.at.eel at ~ Hoar Hcwplt.al for treatment ol Rc-o>ltal Wel"t' Un Fredenburs, an Injured eye. John Verner Fred«lbu"I and Ml"I. Two auto accident• on Apo-Ap• J . Cook. Santa Ana. alJ ten& A, ... on Balboa X.land r .. palMl\Cet'W In the ~burs wltflt In minor lnJurta to two fthlcle. • ~nona. Orqoq Outll.. 17. ~ Jt.. ,.,_rt WU r-=-h•-4 from ltrtoa wu ta.km to Boar ff-. ~ Hcep&&aJ al 10 JO p.m. pllal foll~ a era.ab at •·30 Wecsn.S.y, otnc.. ~ pm at Balboa A .. tJltenectJon. that ftona.ld Grov• II. SWI Val-1 Ortve,.. wett Thomu J. C..lla. ley, 1Utr9"'d lo.. of on.·hall ot 18 Inclewood. and O.Orre A. , lht rlrat jotJlt 91 hll Index ffn- Porter. 1 t , Glendale. rer, tett hand. durlnr UMt miqet And at I p.m . one block away raca •t the fatrsroanda. ty J'ourth of JUiy Pare.d• In Hundltaton S.cb W.c!M9Clay.• on Tbe tloat wu created throtlf!I e!Rlrta or Newport RarMf' Chamber ot Commerce, worlllnf Coet.a X Poll Ohlg Art rtv«l' Of the tf'UlbUl\Y ol. a lour• · IWEEPftAJDS WINND -Qty of Newport 8eada fiftieth annlftrary coldm jubOee wu themt' of float abaft •b.tcb wu prapared. under direction ot Newport. Harbor Chamber of Commerce for HwaUnflon Beach July 4 paradft whe~ it took top honors. called a uenuon to city'• 1oldcA.. ynr. Sandra Macintyre. Milll Newport Beeeh Jn Ora.n6e County' Falr Plrate Queen contest alta on fioat "ttlront'." Her court of beautiea, all of Newport Jkach. included L&mour Jobn10n, Judy Eaton. Bar- bara Hughes, Lynn Bann~r. Girl ln atriped 1ult i• unideAt.il*1. to ptur lb• Golden .AJ\nlnl'l&l'7 Mc~• warned I.be city n'IUl'I-way •lop al&"a a l l.llh at. .,.. et Newport Bead\. ell Monday aplftlll tlM hapna. °"'81'9 An ., et ...-..i Tlte wtnnlnr float dt>plci.«1 lbe ard ntabU.t\ment Of tOUl'-waJ' 1«Jd9ta • thrmf' ?f the city'• 50t.b annl· llop alpa on th• cit.YI McOftd&rJ ~ Chief 1&l4 ~ boped te ..-.. ry. An dUmaled 100.000 bouteYal'dl wt\Jrb WOUid tend to ut.a•llah a atop 1\pl pattern p.noo.li-"1tn--S the ennt l\umel ~-t.r&tt\c onto hea•-lbroupou&. I.be ~fl)' ,,. throufl'l- Othtr local w\nMn tn the par· lly-tranlled N•W'J)Ort BtVd tnmc W'CKlld not M atowed dow1I ade _,.. no•elty eta.. O\ane ll would Cl"'Mte a dani•rou unn~. Abbott. %003 Anaheim An • Coe· 11tuellon. aid McKende. ·~· f.kl<cwe •Oded that he did la Mesa. nf'9l · and ridln&' fl'ftlla. UUM N~-pot'l Blvd •lfCIKt7 bu not M.11..,. t,_. HU. at . Oranp you~ ladl• WNt•rli ~· a bt1h r~u~nry accident ratt:• Av•. ln~Uon wartal\ted fou,... Do<-111• Lomu, Coat a Mna, McKen&le I trport WH In ana-F!• I DC• Utt t•O ond. • n lo a coun('U 1f'qucaf for a (0.~ ......... fl-- , , E D I T 0 R I A L S' ;city Beaches Ever-present . Cause for Cleanup, CostS Newport Beaeh la srowto1 up rap.J41y • a ~tJon center and city oftkiall an f.ae to face with the problem ot tooldq afte,r the beaches wblcb are the city's prlncipa.1 drawing card. A.a far u II viaible to the naked eye nothing bu beta done lD tlle way of cleaning the bachu here- . -"':' ab9'it. for a long time. U you cue to ltaDd around . =~ l*ches and u.ten to villtora you will M&r -.aJ compllinta and unfavorable compariM>n• of the con- dition of the local aand. There a.re machlnea on the market for cleaning beach .a.Del. They are expenaive, Uke moet modern equipment, but when you have aomelhing to sell you have to keep lt ln condition. ni. maehinea are apeuive, but eo would be a lawsuit for a cut foot with glus from one of the muy broken botUe-. or from a nail left when old lumber waa burned In o .. of the hun~ of beach flra. Damages from .ucb. a awt might conceivably pay for several machines to keep the beaches looking naUy, 1n1tffd of full of charco&l, old paper, raga and botUea. There UMd to be a man who ai!ted p&rta of tu be.ch for the change and jewela be recovered+ ~ he ha.a probably 1topped that because chanre lm't worth anything any more. Watch That Back-slapping Thia la not the b&ck-alapping time ot the year. Jf you have been ln the habit of patting your frlendl OD the 1houldeT -wtth more or te. violence -wait unW the 1ut ot September for your frivolity. Tber9 ta better th&n an tftD ehance that your victim bu aun burn. It ii not. a Lona tlme t>.tween one 1WJUDer to an· other, but memortea mutt be abort, fol' the l&Dlt people 10 out &Dd expoM t.haD.lelves to the buminr ray1 ot tbe aun year attar year. Plenty of docton have publiahed articles decrying the health value of reWnr the body tanned all over, but people lt1ll believe it. Then are ma.ny writmp on dUren ot IW1 bum, but a turn along the beach any day now will ahow you hundreda of people expoe. tnr tender whit. akina.to be tried. BunWir eno~b of the body can eully be fatal ud many people have run up bll be>1pital billa from a few houn at the beach. S.. you OD the OcMll Front. Do You Want Lower Taxes? It would be poalble to reduce Income t&xe1 by 2S per cent for everyon._without eliminatinr or weak- tnin1 any neceuary government aervice or activity. How could that be don.! The Town Journal ex• plain.I lt 1ucclnctly in theM worda: "Here are the fliutt•: the penonal Income tax takea from the _people't e&nllnp about~ btJ.lloaa... a yMt. The Ho- '. :Over propoula for ·~·out ui. ...-. &ad lnettid· , ::ancv would cut the coet ot Ooverwnent 'by $7.lS bll· :U0U. 'nlat amount, $1 .6 bil11on.a, ia 2G per eent of $30 ;:jailliona. Save that much and luea could come down ~per cent." = That '7 .3 blllJoua ~u14, tnatead,. be applied to ,.._ :au=r the •dona! debt. ~hich many thlllk abould :l>'~ tax reduction. OP put could be 1*d for debt reduction and put for tu reduction. Do Voters Favor Going In Hospital Business? Ju1t bow deep 1hould the county co into the bOlpttal bUllneu ! Lut year voten turned thumbt down on a blr boftd 1-ue, fund.I from which were to pay for a new oounty bospttal Did vat.era mean to tell 1Upervlaore they wen Ured ot havtnr th• hotpltal load lncrea.Md trom y-.r to year, or were they juat tired of bond .· llau•! ni. fact that the d.rainace bonda eot put BARBO II PRESS ......... ...,, ~. w.u 0 1 and ,.,.., laf ... ~ M& .... •UBUIMINtj tJOUUJ' au ..,_.. ....... DwtvllT •m•m. OA.LD'. ,.._ ...._ aae .. ,,,.. lie ..... IApl N•tlem aM Adnr'1 ta et AU llllldl ~ ....... U........, ~ .. C-.,. <>e. ta ....._ Ne. A-11"' "mbr ~ tl•w 1111r ,.....,,,. ~•n•Uo.a ..._. NMlwl M$NW 4.rilM'•tl• M •••• •f unatc-~ ............. UN AEDDJCK. rum.&8HllR war "M A. KO&a. E4llor JillD M. IUTHCNY. ~dfU'\.lal.q ~ QS•"&I ~ ~Q, M~ Superintendent IVJlllOIUftlQN M'IDa ........ ...,._ N ....... ,._.. trt·Weeld7 .. OfM&'t ~ ...... ,. f'mrl ................. ~ -a..... .. 0....,.. Oouty "· .. ,_ ,_, amwer. ln any cue, the ~ a.re t,ak1q it for sr_uted that hotpitU plant iboWd bt ~ a8ld the tu tnilden In~ to t&U ot.re Of~ One ol 11\Y favorite browaina •pot.I when ii\ the~ SprinplndJo area, II the Gallery in the De8ert ll.IMitn• buildin1 at Palm De8ert. In tbla cool. pleeaat atmoe- phere ot rood booka and rood art one can whlla aft)' many an hour ot oantcmplattve browltnr and readlQf. P'Uillt.a. Th18 pMt week they app1""4 plimi fw a aew plYchiat.ric bl.lllding which, equipped. !a eat.imated to COit about $11 :i 11\illion. Of t.bat, supervtmon hopt to a-t s:500.000 from ltate and flcSen.l ~ le&vint Orup Coutf ~ to ihouldl!r a •DloD ·4o11ar burdlD Ill MldltJon to othc ~ The oUiv csa, I pldlid up u ae "1'J Jillie 1UMc1 fl'Ota "9- unatlJ'UUve, UtUt pePI\' bound WA'l'l:a NCCDI voJunia la ~ O&llary wtth th• UWl.l!a UUret M:nat1oa.L JI.. One "' u. ~ ~ 11 un1mpre.ata1 tJU. ot. "Phftdo-lb t tat drtnldl)-1 of .... dur- • lo11 of Man tn th• 0.-rL" A In; a Jons hike or a.~ work ~ .• "'"' .... ' wt rtttl• throu1b tb• ~· In th• Mt.t. ot th• d_,, mu .. It II notable, too, tb&t thJa psyclilatrtc building WU deaiped by the architect to tit into a senertJ plan which C&.l1a for an i:mmeue hoplital bulld.lnr. In other worda, it would appear U..t tbe bo9p1.ta1 which vot.a turned down ti ltl1l IL thha~ sword, "'" to drop at 10tne future mlnut. ud rtp another pp lD tM taxpayer'• pune. WASHINGTON REPf>RT I lnveatigationitis &bowed It to be maae up (t'apbr. a perlOn thirsty FIO that he l&blu. upertmentA and c:ouclu· dnnJta aore 1.114 wW run lbOrt alone. Bomtt.hln• prompted me on walw. Tour bod7 IWtde and to buy It and now It i. pl.aced 4em&t\da a ~t&li\ a.mount of amon.1 the mo11t Yalued votumu ••t.v UAdtr cert.al• b011d1UOIU In my llbnry. et1d .ionoml&J~ by not d.rinkJg 87 Yoa.r Conrrwmu 1AM.!'.8 a. tJ'IT I tm•flJl• a famoua Germ.an ~v• no problem. Your 1urviva.I CeneraJ, by lbe Aam• of Erwln 'lme _ta probably the ram• lf you Rommel. 1klltertn1 over the dea-fr\Dk u Ult body detDandll, u eru of North Africa tn Ult early the teU9W wno acODomlsU. On 1940'• wllb hla AtrUta T¥~ the av1ra11e • 1a.1Jon ot water Korps really prompted tbe tx· 111 the minimum for 20 mllu pc1 tmenta and writing of U.11 ot ct11ut walktns. Tlluefore. llllle bOOk. Our Mojave a.nd Ool· carry all the water you po•lbly orado duerUI ti.came th• tral.n· can and forret the food. You tn1 around tor our duerl fllhl· can atort water for two or lnl tr~ ln World War 1L And three bout• hi th• bod)' tty we it.ill find U..lr aeMJUd tox-drloktnc It to cxo.1 baton you AFFAIR S 0 F ST ATE holes and abaodoned .qulpmtnt At.art. You can al., ttllnptrarll)' Th1. report miJht well be entitJ-1 "Politica in H-"'1 hen and thens a.mon1 th• deeert t conomlu on water by retrain· ~ "" a. DN&Y 0 Ha.cAR hill•. lnf fl'OCI) Lhe &n&Ulloo of -.It. ,.. ...... OD and What it Will C08t the Ameri ..... T~:ye-.. "'J • l'BUB n •A-~-and tooci. Alao 1t yo1& can .. t ~ _.. ~-·-"' .__ .... a.na your c:loltiu wtUI uonpot.ablt l reported J.D len(th On thia project 0Dit )'Ml' a&'O and It WH lmoWa th.at "hot" del-water fNCll Hout of the ra.d.lator felt that the matter WU & dead luue but po11•1-' --a111.... SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -The to-called "creepln1 trle are pl.acel of warm mt1 nst of a car It wllJ cut down oo u---.a .... ......._ 1_ 11_ ., 1_ t b ._... IWllifht, coo~ble wind, and sv.•taUn• acd wattr I09. aaJLa )la" revived It. tftn camp&!an Nnde tor a vot. °" IOC ....,,.m w pvennnen may get tome 1ertoua •t-ac-moat important of all, lhey a11 Another myth l• t.hat Ul.lrrt· thouc.h It wu tw1ce lnurAd by th• NaturaJ Ou bill !Nt fMla at the next MUlon of th• Calitocrnla lepla.ture whicb arcu of &lmoet no water. The erased men can kill ~va• former Democrauc Con('Ulel that ll ii perl9CUy moral to at.art.a in January, 19S7. ptobltm to the A rmy was to by o~rdrlnldn1. Th• edeiitlst.a and embalmed by the lUl It .. trade a $11141 mJWcm vot.a tor • ID r909al yeara, there hu ntse. provide adequate water !Ind tound, "U the man LI forctd to pu~c.aa Conpua. $600 D\llllon vote. ..~0 a ...-.... •--d to--_. m.akt It Jut aa lon1 as pos.s1ble. .,..,... •·--.... .._, _....,. Tbt truth of lb• miller ii There were many myth;> about dn nk tbe whole amount ot hi• To "1~ your mtmort.., t.bt Thue UUnp hav1 follow-4. th• ut.ala.lt.lunaat ot recul•toey that th• ortstnaJ tdu., Ilk• the man and waler on the d,.s,.rl.11, w11U>r deficit a ll al oocc, neither Htll'a C..1'0n bill profld• for hftator X.O..C wea NnOftd b'OID UcllLlins' bo&nl.t, anct more and board of cleaner1 and dyen. end a majorlly of thtm ire be· injury nor dlurHtl re1ult.a; foro- the ooutrucUcn of a hip dam the Jntartor ODrnmJttee In tat more ~ ot dUuna have v.u to clrcumnot lb• 1t.a~ and Ueved today. rd rlrlnktnr. hO\HVtr, i. unoom- on t.ba &n.a)(e IU~r btlWMll Or-Ben.alt and took I• n at or been Moupt odv a it.al• ll· federal lawr prohlbllinl' price tortable" econ &ad Jda1'o at • CC»t of Oeor,-e'a placa on the rorelp cenatns acenc1. c1x1n1 by havinc a 1tale board A team of •dtnuau. compoi.-Water hae beu the rre•t more tllaJl tt.e hundred mllllOb ftal.aUOU OOnunitite while • Special lfOUpe have conUnued do It for them. Thill worked tor td mainly of phyilolO(lR•ochl.t ~.rot~r lim1Un1 frclor In the uplora- dollat& Tbt ldaho Pow•r Com· Senator !&YOl'&blt lo lftll'1 Can-to puah tor law• brta(in1 t.btlr a while, bul the court.a took a ~~~~~n~~lneotand D~ll•~-Uon or our df'Serta ot th• Boutn· pany baa &on1 M«n a ttempUnf yon wu placed on th• Interior parUcrul.ar tttlda of eodeavor un-dim view of It and rultd a1aln1l ry were Miil with the troops wf'~t. Since World War n. and to build & Itri .. of thre. lcntr Commlttff p&ttn,-tbe way for dtr & rqulat.or)' ac-nc:y, and re-that activity Jn t.ht cue of the Into the deMrt. P'tnt they had wHh tht advent of the jttp. d&m1 oo t.hiJI reacb of the Snu• a favorabJa comm.JU" vote 00 qutrtnr llc1n.1tnr. cleanera. to etudy bOW man keep• cool th"'" hu bwn un'<lubbtdly more Rlvv and after MWral yeue of lb• bill. Th• repNMAt.aUOftl adV9.nced In recent ytara, t.ha more rld1· In th• dt•rt: cbltlly ll 11 by dtsl'rt t1tploraUon In the put he&rtnp. the l'edtral Power PRl\'Aft PllOIEOT are that rov•rntnr bouda and culou1 propoaala to or .. l• it.ate tin t h l h 1 dtrad,. than the tot.al lln\e m11n CommlMlon, which 11 bl·partl· Conrre.uma.n Chenoweth t\11· llcenalnr art ntc ... ry to •·pro-llcenalnl' board for watctun&k· evapora I ewu w c 1 hu bfotn tn contact With th• aan, decided 1m&11lrnoualy In fav-tlll~ 11i. part ot tht bar•a!Ji tact the pub!lc btalUl anct l&fe-.,..., ueed car ll&lumen, Mioe-mo.Uy wat.r. 8econdly. th• Y duert. or or the ld&bo Power company tut Tuuday mornJnr and voted ty." Unct.,. lhla b&nntt, lnaur· makere. end bartendua have mu.t. koow Ule watu need• of 'rAlllT '110Jrl'l:&a on the &1'0UftdE that It could but In tavor of R1U'1 Canyon. per-ance and real t1latA men wue cauaed .ome ltglelat.on to it.art man4 ln U1t .. ~\,.:hlrdt ~ Thie 11 °'" NWIC>f\ the dt"Rrl11 develop and uUll&e tN1 natural mltUnr It to come out ot our brourhl under .Uta llcena.. ao &lklnr thtmMlvta qu .. UOft.t aa tJ\ eavor 1'"' ma • &rt> the ia. trooUar ln SoutJaern reaource. In oon.Mq\lthCe, t.bef eommlltff l& to 11. Now, all too, were bal'IMl'I, beauty p&rlor to why M>me of the bOardl now ~nom!u the tM>d)"• UH of wa-Califon¥&. l ha\le pP>._&q bMO lllued a P't.deral permit to that part.I" concerned are w.U aware operatora. cleanna and dyen In exlatence 1hould not be abol· ltr. And Ctnall)t. what happear onr man d'-rt tell'U.o17 In lll• Company tor tht COD.llrUcU011 of ot the fa.ct Ulat tbt bill wtll and evu yacht brokan. labtd. to man when he 19 without wa· pe~t two y .. rw lh&n moet old thl• projtcl atvtr become l&w ewn thOUl'fl Mo~ rec.nUy, a (T'Oup of pr· What bu really cot the pot tsr T dtatrl prospector• and \ranllen Seven montM a10 con1t.rucllon It ahOUld pUI the Houae and die dentra IUceffdtd ln .. t.abllahln( boillns la the arbitrary it.and ot To th• tiret problem th•l wo\,lld cone In 10, WlU\ 1$ or wu •tarted &11d within two a.n&te. Thi• 1r tru. -.C.UM ot a it.ate bo&r4 ot lu~pe ar· the barber•' board ln•lallftl' t.hat tound the Obvlou1 whlt:.h le J JO p ~ •· _rour y•r. power will M available tn the Pnaldent'1 poatUon la cl•r chlt.ecll, which mea.na on. now bartMra mu.el " ht(h llChool bfle!, "acUvity lncnuee bee\ J~ a. wt a mltd'tnum that &re& where power abort&1• that tll1a project 1-proper17 a muat have a Ucen.tt bclor• ht indu.atee. An ac.adlll\Jc educ.a-and body water lou." Thl.e b.r.I of prlf&\lllonS: tr l ravellln1 LI wry acute. The ater rclea.r· print.a 11ftttrprtae project baaed c&n contract to put In a lawn. Uon. Je..-lalatore fttl, l.r no suar· a very practical apphcaUon, t! ovtr the hllla, WUl\a and bad· .ct from lbue dan\a 1n lbt 1um-on t.be f'lnd~• of the r.cter&l The actual tact i. that In entu that one wlll 1•t a rood you art In trouble on t.he duert. land1 at the dttert than )'OU mer ume will creaa more pow· ~r CommJ.Mloa. But It will most butancu. lbe public re--haireut. J'urthermore. Ulert la low on wa~r. Nf'k lhade. rl'-art In driYlnl' on clty 1treet1 er at th• BoMevilJe Dam below, make rr-t poUueal •riument ~v• tttU. or ao prolac:Uon u artou. reee:ntmtnl by lectala· maln Juat u Inactive u posalble and freeway• wblch will now tnto th• North· ot "rhl•way" to a private uUl• a ruult of Ult Ucen.11n1. Tb• tora to Ult provla!on1 tn vartou1 end do your work tn the cool A 1lmpl1 tel of deMrt travel w .. t Power Pool. I~ even lhouJh th• 0ovemOl'9 'protecUoe' conaifta of th• ..,.c• Ucen.rtnr lawr whereby a Ileen .. of the 1vtnin1. rulH la: Incidentally, the Idaho Power of Wuhmfton, Or11or1. Montana laJ llcenatd l'f'O\IP belnf abl• to ea rnuat t.ak• a btstnner'I ••· The wal.r needa ot the lndlvi· Tell aomtbody abOut wu. Compeny will pay $10 mJUlon a and Idaho •re all oppottd to tht t.llmln•l• a cert.aln amount of amlnauon If ht become. dtlln· duel can bt i tal«! quilt limply, you art rotnr and about Wben year In taxu on thla project J'edera.I project. that l• the hl1h compeUllon by t.ou(h1n1n1 up on -1Uent ln h11 lictnH fee. "••h•n you're thlraty you need you expect to return. Tak• plen- plua dlvldtnd1 to the lnvutors Federal dam. applicant• for llcen..1. At leut ont leplator I• 1er· wrter." l':xperimant.a were lntd ty of waler along. Jf tn trouble v;ho voluntarily rubecrlbt the Tiiey take thl1 potlUon I~ epltt lblacuy why & bal1>er mu•t louely con1ldertnr lntroducln1 to quell the t.hlret symptom•. rtay with tilt jeep and you1 captt.al and thtlr power rat• u ot the fact the norlbwnt 11 a be Uc.utd by t.b• it.au hu ntY• blll• to aboUlh a numbtr of and It wa1 found that only water waler 8\Apply. And n member moat reuonablt u 11\0wn by pubUc power rectlon and thtlr t:r IMen aatlafactorlly up&.ained. atal• boal'd1, lncludlns the bar-quell• thlnl MnUtlonr. Dru,-.. tree flr.r burnlnr on a hilltop the tUUmony of the larrt In· ~UOft tor t.btlr poeitlon 11 that Actually, for purpoua ot 1&111· bt1'9' bOard. the moutblnf of a pebble, and at nlcbt .J• • W\lvval d1et.r•• du1trl1l UNr1 In that .,.._ llftder Fed1ral con1trucllon 000 t&l7 control th• 1tat1 depart-The ax could fall wtlbout th• the UM are worth.It• 11 there 11..,w. CAMPAJGN IUU1C million ~Uqwatt. are iuarant.ead mtnl of public hea.llh bu INt~ public mlraln1 them on a nutn· Senator MotH 11\d a few ot.b· to Ida.ho and lf there w.re a clent aut.b.ortly to ... that tb• ber ot other 1tate boarda, th• tl' polJUc1an1 t re ttutroue of ehortac!. t.b!I ddlclltlt')' would public ia not aubject.ed lo una.anl· pr'lma.rf but llOt it.a.led purpoee maklq the matter a c.ampalp have to be fed ba.clt trt>m Bon· tar)' or unbtalt.htul condlUona. ot '1thlth ar. to cnat.e IM!f1ll· 1 .. ue. However. ln t.ht Senate neville. t.hua d1pr1vtn1 Wuhl.n&· not only ln b&J"Mr lhop1, but ln monopollu In th el r n.rioua Committee, Senator Loni <Dem· ton and Onion hom power pro-uy othar pl&ct ot public ~-fltld1 or endeavor. ocrat) rrom Loulal&na, rtru..d ductd at that point to vote In fa\IOr Of Ult bW la Furthermore. tl 11 rec:o,.ru&td ------------------------ cornmlllM and joined wlt.h tb• t.bat no Federal tundl will bl l\epubllcan• In holCSlq It there. avail.able tor UU. project for In l.ht HouN Commltt... two nine more years u there art Democrat. Joined wtt.h Ult R• over Stoe mllllon worth of In· READERS WRITE publican• in kteplnf lh• bUI lD completed projec:ta lll the Col· o.a.r &ditor: committee. umbi& Rlvv buln, and the It.ate ''dre&nl tund" IO v&(UtlJ daflned Then occurred one of th• mott of Idaho ca.n UI afford to watt Tuea bert could IM cut la· and ao unpTOtected from a amutnr lncldenta tn Je,Ul&Un nln• yur1 to rupply tu tndu.try It.ad ot ra.l.Md 11 city coUDCU apendlnc apree that It can be blatDt)'. Con-tttm.an °"tncrwtth wtth ""'"'ll'. The J'ederal project wu ha.It u economy-minded u dluipattd on a.lmOll any propo-•· r• ·· aomt of tbt mtmlMn lDdloated aUo0 bv ... _ co"--" _. .......... •-ftoca C o Io rad• (llepubllcan >. woukl .. t. Ule tup&ye.ra of 0&11· Mt°" tltictlon. ' ~ ......,.. ...... -~ -- v.-t\o la duperately trylnc to ,.t foml& '" mlW°" to rtv• olttap C.rt&lrl.l.q ta.. '#ti!\• of tile ,... tht Arkenaaa • J'rylnf Pan pro-power to Ult It.at.a of Idmbo. Hen 11 a ltmplt fO\lr--.., pie 91'1 lllON UL&a &a Ult ue... Jtcl out of Ule !lulu Committee Y°" mu.et allO t&llt under eon· way t.o l'tduo.e lba rate -C. nu.o, 1. &annark Ult tat Inc,... a.tdae not .vtl'JOU 91\area which 11 undtr the control of atderaUon th.at 1hould the f'td· ..•• • .. , --... ... _._. 1_ ... _ oo-· I k ln ann.... lnoremtnt .....aut .... _.... u._.._ ... ~ , .. , pea er Rayburn. mad• a dte.1 era> proJeet ro Into effect we from oU w.U.. be&Oh 1.,... U• mualtw ..Soh nm lnto LM hwa· with th• Speaker lhtt lt the would ti. r .. ponalblt tor all ot ., ~ Spealcn would 1et th• J'ry1n1 Ill• dam.,.. wttlNd by the Icla• otnM ,..., ,.. tu, water Mltl frtde ancl Nnt• from pJOjto\a Pao • Arkanaai project .,ut. of 1'o Po'fftr Clompe.nf ll their 11• and wb.at not to mMl Ut.e •• t.>t t.b• pod of au "-• & new th• !lulu Commltt .. 111 (Cban· oenae .,,... CIUOtllecL mal nlld tor more a.ad 1Mtt.t ~ ln th• lntn• hllla for a owe th I would chanp hi• vote Thele art _. of Ut.e Ullap Cit.J •rvtoel due to mo,. people ITMLlt W&ttl' ra.ftt1 IUPPl1 t.o In commltltt to pt.111 out tb• with wbSM wt haft '° coa\ed M4 ~ loc:aUq han. ... de&Ja wtlia help only & ffl'ft ln· Htll'r Canyon bill. ID OIOQINll. •• ti U.t IOet.l frOWU\ ud d.lftd\WI Wtt con..ttnr th • Now. the F'rylni Pan • Arkan· ~filftOU Ne la P"PlltJ ftl\* la U\e Atn~ a.JlroOm lnto a OIY.. •aa project calla for th• tru• L&lt weell .. ..,.. ""7 .._,. _. ffll# ,_,. UU. II a NJWU lo Opera ~ at pulllllt e. continent.el dlvenlon of Ule Col· py to ~ Ulll ~..awn m1llL Put oouacu. ,.,... ondo JUvt1' water from the vtilt.tle i... .. ~1 w.. ._ .. fOUoWM Udt ,.Uoy. f'ut'thtnnoN t.htrt1 ar. ftWl1 wutlrn dlvld• Into th• ...,tern llnd& ~ .t ........ ;. l(P, I. rraGUce -lllftM ID ~!~0:-ef P4'7in~U d~ di~• to flow·tnt.o th• .Arkauu and Kte. Clllltlel Olwwww"' ... ..,.ta.. tC ett1 .,_...ail down 81 eeerve oon • l\lver Thi. project wlU eot1t the Iona ti 1'a1Uftl Mt. l>elt & Ole UM. A ~ lllfelld• d• "'-Oltt'Cfv. ll-eet tu people tM million dOllan aad HehllJ aM )I.I', ... Kn. JMMI tlrlft trMd Ja ~ ~ t\Kll :a at tbe plt&Art ot UM ecMlft;> would dlvnt aome of the "•ter J. o.ttnll of ... ta Ad; Ml'9t '1ftlJ\Ome •• prMC.leall1 UlrOW• ltlf :m~. llbO\lld t. .,!;:' f,1to now now1nr into lo\llh•m catt-NI~ L. w.noe aad Jib9. 11.U• laf awa7 UOOO IUt to c.b&ftte ~ ...._..~u• ~ tomla. drtd J\tld of °'°"ftP Md Mr. Ole eit7 audlUDf ft,. ...,.._ °" ... .,,-wtdl 1* r .._ Th• public 11 •1hut when and Ml'a. J. r. WU-fl 1'\IJJ~ oftkl&l .. 1&UO.. Ud trtu.rfal ::di, d"":. or ~ !:; tom• one hie otttred 11500 Ill t.on.. •"7 NIOO oa a "l.._" U..U. etid~tt .. ~ .. •It.a t•-t wt (M IU,...., Wl\Jcll dtd mGn ..... -a & ,...,.,, ..,,. Grass Roots Opinio~ ... WASHINGTON, D. C .• AJ'L.ClO NIM'I: ".A.JiL. ClO Preeidenl Oeorp Me&ny ud.encort4 ,. •· phut1 on hlfh at&ndard• for wdoa offtelU. wllm ht ~ndoned ILQWU Preaident DavSd ~·· crlti.tllm'• of tbOlle fnv labor leaden wbo 8CllDdow combine tbrir union work with highly profitable pri- vate bualne.1 conn~tfon1 . . . 'Trade unions,' he pointed out, •weN ctt&Ud for one very simple pur- poe. -to build up the 1tandarda of life and work of the me.mbers.' Leaden Ht"Ve thlt purpoee best when they stick to that one very aimple objt'ctive.'' ... t.h&ft pocs. Our wq.t IU.1 OOb' wttlk Ult wt• ot the •· 1M ao.dtcl W1tll m-.1 ot.Mr INdl Jorsty llO tuH. '* ,..., fl\OM1 •tnv.paou. ni. la the pllot ..,ant.a tram county UMI elate. ... t\lt Ult tu. •to. t\o. -&1Way1 wtth the a. la .... et a pe\da• .. ~. thOl.lftlt la mind of dl1\rlbuUq ••-· -~.. ~· ~. coet on the ba.ll• ot Ot __ , -u .. . Mntfll • OClatr IMJOf llaal ' • Moet ot au th... mau.ra tM ~ OytNafta\.M pMl't1 lhouJ4 Dot ti. decld.i ln a biaC'lc• • ,_.. eu.r,l• Mlanoe ot •ao.. room ....._ °' _.. ~I• .. .... ft.II ' re 11 a 111 1 oontaiM matter !tow ,....t. lti.1r .u .. .-,eoo Of ''.wttlnf" wllkb Ult m W1lllom fOUM1I .. .,_. 91'1 .,_, ll Tltey ~ 1M brou1llt C*\ &a wtllllM "" aWI kw• • M'l8d U.. llpt ot d"1 eo t.h• ddlelllt ,_... ol ..._. f• • cttr know WM.t t• plan:nlld Q.d tu t.hl• atu. Thie Sll0.000 11 a va.ll· JMlrtlclpete In df'mOC'ratll' dlltC\19- 1blt tor capU.aJ ouU&.7 or a lAUI t.ton ot ~ matter voun1 on cut at.o. It after public and prf'll• debate ' Stop cllnstn1. Hait a b•l>Y to make the w111 ot the mt,Jort\.J lo a bttUe. t.o the Id• ltnown. Of a lta.t• ,.._,. f\&n4'' wt~ Otty counctJ atlll h.. ttme to It.a Ul-coutdiartd 11-a.t i.u reinembtr It.a pr"-#lecUon all.I· ralae htdt and rtver-. thl• dlctator111I Tl\trt I• lllUt ltOUndn.. ln a tu h\ttMff. f\rac1*9\ J'lndl 08.USLY EVIDENC&-Tbi1 wu found oo our 1ut tour o! the Borrqo Deaert and may be re.Wt of a "wat.tr tragedy." -Horac. Parker Photos I ' rn IOIAN Snu. wua tad Fe.tun 1T'8 IN THE ADI 8CUAIDNO BA~ 'IA PA~OE llG 1KNIFE ...,.,.. Oartoon tan• SllPCIA1 llt..'11.Pll&EY 800.utT DESPERATE HOURS . PO.~T JJ""<· ORCJNA 0£l MAR·llA/l/U>A/8l "NOW FOR 2 WEEKS =o:r~ A New High In Thrllnnt 9uepenee I ----~ ................. ..,OaW:e ...... -.... ~H~ -PLVS- "HELL'S HORIZON" W1tlt JOB?J un:L&l\"1> ~ENOU!B NOW! lat Perfonau~ 1:'6 P.11. l.8A ~: .. '~~ --n~ ~ By llM llATllEN"f TM ~ IA oat lOGa1 ......... ~la Olilile QoUll&1 .. ~ In Newport ~ lltiD•P.'J' tie ftiil& WC.. ~ khool Board at aa ~Uoe ~ tlldlllllt bl U.. bfatclr1 fl CM 0NmP 0Mallt7 ~. moeUq Tue9da7 eledlld )(rs. Tllla waJ Mt lie 04 ftnt Jt&r L. 1. Olenar u cb&1rmu .. ~ ...... ~ plac• of ~Y P .... u4 K.A.. ta u.. a...... thl.e Sa -----------------------Berry u aecret.ary, replac1n1 the tint year a apeciaJ depart.. That waa Independence Day that hurried by 80 Mn. eaena.r. Kllo I.Ary met SMl't bu Mell t!llt&b11Med to quica..h •• And, wunt' it a grand and glorious one, &t that! with the board tor Ult ti.rat recopillo t.M work of the coun· ~~ Ume. t.y• amat.llw' pbototrapbera. Be not ye dllm&J9d, tor the1e'11 Betcha eee 11<>me ot your neigh· ftero wW be no entry tee much more of & *'llar nature bora there, too. At lhe Tund.ay nlgtlt .... tor p.botop&phlc exhiblta tbJa awa.lUn( you tJdl aummer In SM&.re LodJe oteera dancl.nl a1on ot tbe board COCU.cu WW• ,..,-. accordJq to R.M.C. Jl\tll~ th .. pan... ~ the moat or every ntgbt wtth th• Royal lAnt· let for acouat.lcal tr•tment oC wider ~man.acer or the each neetlnl momat by putting ura p.rovldtnc the m11.1lc. Dinner Horac. Enetp Bchool l)'IXUl&· fair ' ·~ ,,,.,., Ill~ ~ 1 IA180A INN CAFE e COCKTAILS e MUSIC e PIANO BAR e DANCING Buddy Rohner Duo .with Raul Gonzalet EnterteiM Wedneadey-Fr1cley i S.turdty . . ON THE OCEA N FRON T AT M AI N IN BALB OA •.• •• t /, .. •. ' -.\ .._ I• t \, Continent ti Lunch Dinner all you can lnto tt and thualy de· la from 3 p.m. and the cocktail alum to Harold J:. 8huprt Oo.. 'Iiia year there are five lllC-- me 90 much rDOl'O from each hour a tart.a at t p.m The latter for $3614: for p&lntills N_.. Uon.1 under the department. 80 ..cond ~t ot tempua i. moved up to noon on Satur-port School to lt.D. Math.ewe IO!t Tb•M provide tor plct.orai.. that f\111la. day• and Sun~y• In order to U lHO. for •prtnklen at Newport portnJ\.I, .,on.a, .till lll• and ar~ni Uke muatc? 'Mien you'll be give 701.1 a nmnlng ~ for th• H•l1ht.a Sclw>ol to w-..n othen wllfch do not clautty ln For neuvationa -Barbor %'12:6 lnlerestod in Bob Daltoll'a lateat m•u ruah. Sprlnlder Co. for SllOl.30 and OW oUWr -.cUone. communique Play1n1 nightly at Fore.Ip fare wU.h a nare la It waa qrMd to Pa.J &lc:h&rd Accordlna to J'u.llenwtder all :::===================;;;.:;~ the Da.ltun-On·Tbe-8-T Reataur-youra for the orderl.nl' wben your BeMon UOO tor pl.au and w~ pl"lnta muat be I by 10 Inch• -• ant la one JulJua Klein. And to tut. calla tor euch. There'• vilion of l&Ac11C.apln1 the N-· or larpr &lld mounted on 1e JD&h 1t. even more mt.ereaUng Cantoneee atyle at Chi~ Ca-port H_.ibta ~ lftUDde. by JO Inch mount boUd.a. All Kt. X. a. a cym.,._ &l'Ult. "lno In Balboa. Mexican fooda work coa~rnod with the maldn1 '1W cldlwu, U.tct and ye at L&Poaa tn Coat.a Meaa. out DIA 1H NOTICE ot UM nepUw and prtnt mmt eh&JI bear. A. c~ la tbe near theCounlry Club. Renr7'a. be th• work. of the exhibttor. Ant lJP4 of p&uo ewr brfentt'<!, on Mariner'• ?ttllt1. oC!era wb&t Amataur Pbotocn.pbera wbo .. n are In~ It I• of 16th they call prldetully "the arl.lto-MRS. HAZEL 'CLAWSON wUh to nhtblt their work muet OialV7 'fbltap Pl&T..S with <'rat In Spanish Food" So, avoid FuneT&l ..mcea for Kra. b&•e tJMtr pbotocnphe on the th• C')"lnbaiotn le a com-the "ahou", throw away the via Hue! Harriet. Clawacm, 3-&, of talrcrounda by noon. Au1. 3. blnal.loo of harpalchord and and tear up the aall~ llChed· 2M7 Rlveralcle T~ Loe An· l'Wlalwtder -.ld. piano. ult!.11. Juat enjoy y9u:r world-w1de 1elu, will be beld tocky at 1 ---~------- .Ju:llua J:Oe1n m.. qwte .. bar k· rood ncht here at home 'twixt p. m. tn th• Alvarado Church ot Mesa PoUce loot rround lh•t should be of in~rut the Bay and the OH&n Chriat, Loe An,.ela with the t.o you before you partake of And do not forget abla-ka·bob Rn. Ben 11. Bdllllcr offtciatJni. Saftta Alla Co.pie Dalton'• ftnf' food and music• at &arama! In ta.ct. do not for· Mra. Clawaon dJed Monday of V.-non W. O'O:lcnor, 18. kft. wtth-vt-'4'. Twelve yean al the get Jlatam~ lnjunea aulfered In an auto-ta AA& eooU.Ct.or. and ht9 ..Ue, Biltmore Bowl and three year• No madam ... lhat LI not Art mobile accident nHr Ooea.n.ltde. June, were ~ by Coeta at l111ntJnaton Sheraton are more L&JMU• at.anding watch over She wu a natl•• Of Omaha. M~ poll~ on Newport Bhd. recent adrl1tlon11 to hla yeani with a..kt!ao'a But. That la Ramu, Neb. and came to Loo A.a19i at 2:U a. m. .. turda7. O'Oonnor Paul Whiteman when a lad Ta.h!Uan Cod Art i. bu.Uy en-In UM. ah• wu a meiber waa cba.r1eil wtth drlTlns wbUe n&med M(lrlon Downey was with ga.pd ln the TahltiaJI ft.-. 'ff-ot tbe Church of Cbriet and bu dl'Wlk and bil wtte with betna ''Po1>3 ·· In~ that Alyce and Mart1hall cet betn employed by the City of dnlnk ln an automobile. Xovfee, too. Including the mucho help ln maktn~ But din· Loll Angelu Wal41r and Power ----------- haunUn( melodlea of '"Golden era u <'omry u they can be. Who Co. for 21 yeara. Bunivon are HINllY'S ltan1nga'' are a part of Juliu.w wouJd'l be with that view and her huaband, U.Ue D. ot UM Kle.ln'a lntroductlon to our fine that Cood? home; he-r father, J<»epb E. Mc· ~ .&JMs•lr& ......... Harbor area mlllic-lovers. Rey, ever been up to Vlnaa Clellan and a brother, Joeepb ........ I"-.._... Producer Cdnrad Nolea geta Laird'• tor dining and d&.ncin1? N., both of Coeta ){-; another Nl!'l&l90IJ llACH word to ua from Laguna Beach We're told th«'e'a d.ancln( every brother, ICrneet McClellan, N.w· liiftr" DINNER ~:00 P.M. -9 P.M. Open Sundeya I 2 Noon • 9 p.m. ( cloeed KoDda,a I 2588 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA ME.U (lmt 1 ~ aoataa or..._ Alla Coaat:rJ 00) Pbone: Llbuty 8-UOS that Summer PlayhoUAe LI pre-night on the cornel' of Alamltoo port Beach. * OOC.'l'&D.4 * sentlng ''The Tender Trap", •tart-and Firat In Lona Beach. Smart Interment wW be tn Welt.min-UIO ~ lhf7. ft. U ...... ~;:=======::!============~ tnr nat Tumday through Sun-supper chtb. they aay ! ater Memorl&J Park. P&rkee • ------------ day (lllth ). Jack Harrl11 and Row about ruetchlng out your Ridley MortuU)" ln ch&r1'9 of Whitney Blake will be co-starred tired, achlnc feet. dipping a AJT&npmenta. with a hand-picked cut to give grimy fist Lnto a box of buttery ----------- you another sterling 11tage per-pop corn and eJ\joytnr a rood tOJ'm&DOe. movle ? Banker at Confab Our acoot. tella ua that M8ry Jllmet1 Stewart and Dorta Day Kenneth Fow1er of Martnera BtUl S. tn1l7 a doll-of· are al lhe Port ThMtN'. In Cor-Bank attended the annual In- dolt. In tile current Lagun8 at-ona del Mar, In Alfred Hitch· duatr1al conference of the ln- tractlon. "Ob. Men! Oh, Women"· ro<"k'w 'The Man Who Knew Too dependent BaAllen Amoci&Uon which la akedded through thia Mucb ·· The B&JbM la open tor ot aouu..rn CeJUonila tn Loe Sund&.J (8t.hJ. thle -.on ottmn_g "ArtUt• and ~· 'lbUftd&7. '!'be con-"Bom Y•tard.9.Y" Ls lhe TtH-Model•" and "Bii' Knlte'• In a ferena. waa daotad t4 .a atudy tttf · Ptaybo~ 1howlnr;-on-8tag-e p&lr o! goodlN. The M""6 gtvea oC the tele.tatoo lnduatry and now lo be followed by "'Come you Alan Ladd and RoMana Po-lncJUded a tour Of C'BS'a Tele- Beck UttJo 11'ebe" Blartlng July I deeta In ··s.anlla&'o ·· AL tht vlalon Center wti_.. tochn.lcaJ 17 • , Ullo you'll aee "Toy Tiger" with upecu Of t.hicaatinl'• aa well Nl<"e to know that on.. ran Jeff Cba.ndler. Laraine Day and a.a lht COllt.I ln~'ftd In the enJoy a bit of "IJve drama·· theoe nm Hovey. a WBITfO!t l!DA&S hery Mo.day Nltht h IEACHCOMIB NIGHT tit days. lan't 1t ~ .May we ,IJURl!illl Count youT bleulllCI, one by producl.lmT &Dd tllmlnr of com- mercial pCOIJ'&ID.' tpn preeent-early reaervatlona for your pa.r-one. and aee if you don't come up ed by tho CB8 etatt. Tba con- ty'a appearance at Tu•tln Play-with a lot of Cood reuona tor terence dolled with dbm• and box and i...cuna 8111111Mr Tb•tft. taking lt u.y, playt~ It aaf• entertatnmet a.t ~ Kou11n For dancing enttrtatnment and Urittg '°nt'U· Above all, Ill o--BYett .... ...., 10 Tin 15 LAGUNA~:U Serving Hot Dogs, Buns & ·Baked Beana-.05 • you'll find th• Buddy RohAaer drtve caretuUy. tor maybe aomo _Rou;;;";;;· --===--=----=-=-====; Duo with Paul OonuJes •t Ba). othera have blMIJlnp. they too, Iii boa Inn <'ale each Wednead&y. would like to keep on enjoylnl' Frida.)' and Saturday. You wallu1 tor a while. Have tun! In., ny "hello" to Dick and Kate ---- Oetlt and takes your choice of COCJttall.t, piano bar mualc, dance rnucc or dinner. or all of lbem! Ba" 70u bffn to \ awt' on a KondtJ ••• ! 'nlen you know all about that Beachcomber'• meal COT -well, It'• too commercial to me:nuon pncu In thla printed area. "1t juat Imagine getUnc chow for the price of a 3-renl etamp plua the fee or a 2-cent atamp! Honeat lnjun. 1t·11 a fact. Sub-Committee Meet I Auemblyman Earl W. Stanley, Balboa Laland, waa a member oC an UBembly •ub-commlttee on city and county retirement prob- lenu which met jolnUy with the 11ub-commilltt on city and coun· ty functional COM<>lldatlon In Loa Angeles recently to facilitate the taking of testimony rerard· In~ reUremenl problems. LODGI AHD llSTAUUMT 8BOWP&.ACJS °' %11& 00.&ft Dancing Every Night Ma.to b7 tllo 801' AL J..A..''TZJ:RS DlNNER SERVED b p. m. 'W mldnle'bt COCKTA.IlS -' p. m. ·w 2 L m. 12 Noon Saturday la Sunday Special Sunday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. Cloeed WeclDe9claJ' las& South of Lapa HYatt 4-"'508 ofu,uor MID8UIOD:B NJQBT8 D&EA.11 I SEAGRAM'S MINT JULEP ' aprlp ol tJ9lt .aat -1 teMpooabll ...., -~ mint leavee &ad ..-r la IS--. I'--I'm llMa wta t'MM'ked lee &ad ... 1% Jlqen ............ Vb. -8t1r qptU .... ,.... .. -Deeon.te wtD .,...... ., tnillt. Oall llAJIBOB ta For Sunday -Our Prime Rib Dinner Complete -Sl.50 Wo Rave DlllCOllltbnled OW' 11e 8&eak IMAM:r oa Wedoncla.7 Duble die 8-llomt:M. New A.....-S for Year Ps..re THE &OUNDEB8 wttla TAlllSY CALVIN Fut. FJW ~'7 -N• cmter Too lm&ll ()pm ...... lJ p.a. -le&. Ull IJtl 11"6 Z. o..t BWJ'-<lort9a ... ll&r Use the Classified -Phone Har. 1616 ~ \\lllD CB&D \!llNC ••• ""'~ \~ ' Sunclay Brunch Diff#~lNll, fr••' l'.M. HHTllU flt•••••• , ...... .................. ................ Fiii 1111•1 U&T Gwrt f.11 .. -' D«h •ob l\altsn'"!i WATERFROMT BmTAORAltt 0. ,., ..., "' u.u s .. ,,., Clld#r 3450 vtA OftOITO ••••••• NEWPOIT IEACH .. ,.,~ ,.,.. ,, _ _,,,., , • . · . -· ; 1'ueeCl a mo4,lira t. _.,. &a ..,._.eat WIU. the~ ..... ~t tw a.DOtMr • a;. t. complete .,.....,.....u f• u.. ln.uf .. of u.. ......... t. city CODt.rol OPPOeft'IQlf VOIOICD Tabled a Vuia.nea ap,uc&U. Of Uoyd 1'. Groover &Ad DoD&ld K. Davil to ..UIWl a traJler ll&dl in an a.. w '' • s a NpOrt on propoeed draiaq• f« tile "1UXU1"7" park. '"'• pa.di. located 01'1 wu.on Ill .... ., PAY-lESS • • •• ' • • '-Z· • ' •• t.'.:J .•u'''· Mll!M PtMJ P•y.leu S.ys THI FINUT WASH A~ SO°k . OFF! Harbor Blvd., rao into oonatder- able opposlUon tMm n.tj'bbora. A. motion by Councilman lml~ "'OPl:H SVDY DAY • MIOll'l' or TD Y&A.a· Too Late To Cla••lfy I '6-&atoe for 8ale ACCIDENT . KNOCKS MESAN UNCONSCIOUS L)'ins oo the pavement with minor lnjurte. la accident victim Cbarlel A. Mac- Neilledge, '8, ~75 Santa Ana Ave., Coat.a Mea. The 1tation wagon he wu driv- ing wu tnvotved in a colliaion yaterday morning at 19th St. and Newport Blvd., with du.mp t.n&ck drlven by Howard James Tu.rue, 40, of Santa Ana, police re- 1951 PLYMOUTH •ctr. Sed&n. pdited. Impact knocked MacN~ge to the pavement. He WU kept in Hoa.g If.-bra.Ilea. Sood pa.lat. poc1 Hospital avernJrbt for ob9ervation..-Statf Photo motor. SUI. Har •lTT. lie ~-~-~----~----~~----~·--~---------- IAD SURF MESA TRAFFIC M~'::™~t a1~:1~im.byKI~~ 54-Bualne. Opporiwaltietl TwlltM Serles at 0 •1· Uda oIFT aHoP for w• _ Balboa NHYC Hen 52 IAtrles i.1and. Wrtt.t Boit K·lO thlt Newport Harbor Y&eht Club'• ~Bell. Waated paper. 33dl a.ruwal twmpt ..ne. pt ott to 1.:.Al\N UO WEJ:KL Y COMM. & roe.ri.as tC.&rt lut ad.Jbt wit.b atwtn1 Ila~! No KOUM • Bet, IOleellaaeoa.s 112 dA1IP1-l.n llvt ditftnnt &tWql RUllb it.amped. ad· ciu.. parUd~ ln tM ftnl drtitMd tnnJtpel Bab,._..,, ~I LOT tor ....... COit& Me.a. Mrt-. Waraaw, Indiana. Uc:U to by iOO plua driveway. lln-The ..n. will contiaue at t :ao Life Guards Resc1e 31; War• Bathers (Oaeu.u.d ,,... .... 11 acctdH\t.t lh&l had oc:cu~ lhert could not have been &Yolded by add!Uona.J •lop •i.n-. OOYTl:Y aAJAED 1n oUltr action, th• councU: ap11roved a booat In .. lary of N1wport 8e&cb Uta l'U&Tda had to hu.tle around Ult k>cal 1Lranda ;;;;;;;;;========;;;;;;;. tranc. eanw BJyd It Charle p.m. every TbUl'llday ~b WOM.Uf to work la nisetable at. 1"oo4 for eervb, warehouee, July and AuJuel, st'Vtns work•· Et.ECl'IUO <a.a It.and. lllO TwlUn Ava. fOl"D• saenl WafJIW. Ll 8-3672. day adult.I opportunity to ~ lnp to I :JO J .IL Ad f• 3St.fc tlclpalt or al~ t.bt fatlt'tt:Ma. Manuel UpU ----------Any dtl\l'h7 lbat can makt a yuttrday to maltt U reecu• trom Ult turf u n.cauonen continued blttHnr rip tldea and Ja.rser tban normal wav•. UK. CHLU'U IN L°"° HACH OENmllA.L <>Mee Wartl, perman-5'7-Real Eatate Wanted clu.t ol uar.. °" IDClft CM Mn 91\t poeitUO.. Muat type It have ----------a ra~, It wu an.nwnced. "Thia wu not cloea to Ult rec- ALL MAKU • IUW 6 \JSD AUTOrrrJ: 8ALU aomt ottlct cx]>ftitnce. Rupon- t lblt potltlon. Apply to DA VI: MAJUUNJ:R, Marrtnen lt.a- U•era. 221 J'orta ._,, ... L&· I SUiia 8-Q. ucaa iowa leWtal Maehlne Oper- •tora. t,.. "'7'• II..._, wtU. Muat bt tut. aoi 'ii Jhrlnt Ava., Bala.. Ial&nd. Udl ~ .-. . .. EXPDUENCED WAITRE88E8 SNACK SHOP The State of Ca.lif ornia Department of Kot.or V ehlcle. Wishes to Lease -APPJtOXDlATELY 3,000 Square r .. t ol paund floor otflce •P"t and la,000 Square Feel ot ~ ~ on the fnnit ol Ult MmnHt ctatrict. ord number ol racu•," a 1poku· I ta& AMUICA.N • HJt l4M4 Today's N. Y. Stock Report man reported. ..Thal i.. more 1 -~-----~===~ than 100. But 31 Lt hl&'ber U1&11 fhe avtrqa." ~ Utt f'U&rda mutc:t a wamtnr ~ to ocean bat.ben that th• rSJ19 aad booln~ wav• u. ~ to ----------continue wtUl one of lbt hl&'hNl New York Noon Stock Report Udea ol Ult y-.r llCbtdw.d at -By B. J, Fol.,, Deen Wltt.tr 7 tt. 1 ln. t.ornorrow D.lcttL -~.J Co. DOW..JO~ •Vll:ILt.GD At T o'cloc>t l&al n.tibt, the IO lnduttrtal'-. ... DOI.JO up 1.71 Wt JU&1"da h.ad to apply OJtYJ•n 20 ftaJ.la _ ···--!ti.SO up 1.0I to lbrff pert0na wbo madt It lf UUllU• ·--·-... T. UJI .11 out of tbe au.rt at lltb et. and I p. -. V•'-~ Ocean Froftt • Amer1caA &mtltlq .. _ .. ·-fl~ T t 1 t er day afttm00n, Utt • 80 Ml!RCURY PHAETONS FREE IN ED auwvAN·• '421,000 MERCUIY CONTEST 1et fttllltZS llACH WISK M•lllCUlllY MONTCLAllll PHA•TON plue all~ pl.icl trip to N .. Y «k tor two via~~• -.at Waldorf· Aatoria • .,_t.,, Ed laDhm at w. ... e1UH8 11th-AU.UST ._ and • 10th ftRIZl!8 EACH W.EK 8 M•RCURY MONT8RllY ,.HA•TON8 ••• plua 25 G.I!. portable TV-.. u,bt, ~ to C&lTJ' ••• IOO QltD AIDll'icu ... automatic~ Iida-. _. ..._ 8P•CtAL •ONU8 AWARD• tl0,000 OA.aH te new Mercury buye,.e-Awardtd iiuC••cl of Hw PbutoD If JW ~ a DIW M~ darinc -.r.-ud ~,,,., Wnc -4.W o1 ...... .,, tM 10 top .-i, pril-. •a.ooo oaah to ueed carbuyere -A. warded ta oddua:o.. to ..., Pbutoa lf rou buy a mid car dmtns eoat.t and ~ blinc adv-.d of wlDDbas one ol tM 10 top nekly prir& 2306 EAST OOSA T OORONA DEL KAR 33tM for UH u a Dep&rtmtnt ot Motor VehJcl• branch otnce. Will eomikter .m.tln&' buUdln1 or ntw constructlon. For • tall• contact Anwrlc&n Ttltpbooe -·-···11114 Guard RJ.chud Fly trom Olen· Anaconda . _ ·······--·······--TS dale ain&'1--b&ndJedJy &.owtd &11 Chrytlrr ·······-···-····-·-··-·-14 '* outbo&rd runabout. eontal.nln&' DuPont . . ................ 211~ three tM.n·a~ert from the eurf Gtneral Electric ··············-11 'l until arrival of th• Cout Ouard YOU CAN •NTllll •V•lllY WOK ••• here'e all JOU do I I Go to your Mnu:ry ...._ today. 8 Comp'9tw mt tm. ol .libreuyY PhMton rbyme. • Piek ap Odldal Bui. ad Elltlf Blank. 4 Mall Omcial Eldrym.tt.o ~~. fUJtUO ADDJll:U anTD<. .. I 'lll • OUtloD or ..atllls ; .,_.... • nu.. 0-,.... .. ho • U IL .,.Utra, MW : ..-. •Ht. Har '177. Udl t..IQm" ~t .._.QA Qut. W. P. Sunland Dtput.me.nt. ot Motor Vehic1- llOO 9ouU. Rope ltnet Loe ~alee 1. Ca1Uona1& Rlehmond 1-Utl General Notora --···--'3% eUecled their rHCUe. Tbt1 took Dtll't pln.-e lato U.AL 1!8TATE Olm Ml Bl"OI. . -···--··--27 ~ pla~ off Oranp Ava. by lhe duh bll.ndly • • • Couutt Tiii: Oreat Northem R. R. -·-41% river jetty whtn tti. oulboard \'OOEL C.. ftrwt. ltll W. <>out No. Amerka.n Aviation .. tl apparently ran out of &'U. RW7. LrNrty 1.-1'81 GO TO YOUR MERCURY DEALER TOOA Y ~ N. Y. Central • _ ... 38 :::::;;;;:===============-==================::;::=====:::===== : ..,...... t.adudM. &ta1 t ---------- ~~E? ~'!::~;~-:~:~ E: , 1111 llll.ft t I IJlffflll 1"1 ll IU lllll 11' 1 IJI tllll ~I. So. Cal. Ed1eon -"··-·--6114 Standard OU of Calif, ..... 63~ ·~ 'lt eaa. u Mia ._ ...... .... • • • llcll ---------- aA.U.aO l)blcy, like new. s-. Werth m~ more.. Har 212alC. Ud6 TIU.D.ICR. T'at'. lloll 6 I' row •t. 8oUI nu or wUJ ..i1 Mparate. Harbor 1m J ev• 1llnp. 13.,al M-Haklal, ..... TV 0 . B. 12~ In. T.V, Compa.t.iy enma\lled, bloed• cabtnet. Ml. Har '1TT Udl ......... .... aotllll ... 0... .. 1 .... Dnfa7 ............. ., ..... ~ c.au. ..... .. THE SHADE· SHOP ................... ....... .... 0-.. ll-t L02' -Maple ..... Oolta ic... " ~ ltO. ...., ta ICftlt. QTIO. I.I 1-1111 llU• So. Pacific ··-······-~" 1'ranamtric& .... ·-·--·-19 ~ Uni• Oil of Call!. ___ 81 ~ u. &. 8ttel • .. ····--·--611' • OPEN SUNDAYS • Friday Nit•s 'ti/ Nine Shamel & White HARDWAU ·NURSERY 410 East 17th St. LI 1-1042 Tbat'a a food 4'MSUan.. and •• bave tb• antwer. Stat.a rann Mutual Automobile l.nauranct Comp&ny atrlvea to Jn.aure anJy caretuJ driven. CantUI drtnrw bav. fewer accidtnta. You pay th• Mil~ coet only-that'• t.bt kl.nd ot Jntunnce &tat• l'um i. ~ for. lo lt C'09tl Stat. h.nn le• CO dO .... nea, and -..... State hna la a mutu.., CIOmpU7, lb• peltey-boldera pt Ule ~ u ""' don't b& .. Cllla -COit ....,.bl. u.r ,,___ can u .. IN &Dd J-' 19Ur lt.IU r..na ..-i Ibo• ,... ._ ,.. cu set compl.i. fNlMtlo8 -1 low cei.t.. ~ LE. CAI~ W. I. "Bill" LANDIS ~ Ill E. 17tt(. Cost• MeH LI 1-1011 , '. ! f t ·,;, \' '•'LI l :.1 :,. ; 11 \'f1 w1[ ! 1 '-SIJ Rl~CE r 11Y.P.l10 I OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT OF $100 OR MORE AND RECEIVE FREE GIFT Your aavinp book reflect. the picture of yvur family'• future. You can make lt a picture of happlnea SurMt way ta to mlilt the cooperation ot ffdl member of tbt family in maJnta1nln1 a resular 1Chedu1t ot uv1np tor the ultimate benefit of all. Famru. that •w to- ~ther 1~t the best th1np that life hu to otter. Start your own family aavtnp account now! Tom Thrift Coin Banlc' • Startin9 July I, 1956, interest will be paid at the rate of -4e/o per annum on all investment-Savings accounts for the b-month period ending December 31, I 956. THE TOM THRIPT COtN IANK 15 CIYSTAL Cl!AR • Interest on all lnveatment-Sevin91 Ac. counts Paid Quarterly. e Each Account insured up to $I 0,000.00 • Accounts opened by July I 0 earn in- terest from July I fOM THltt'f IA Ylt .. ..., • , __ ~ ,_ ..,. tit~. _,., ... ·--b ....... ,. ... ,.... \ ! I EN"l'ICRTAINING abo&nS thlU' cnai8m' ~ Dutdun•a wue the Ed Kraft.a (bacqround) tor tbdr ~ Marioe and Jerry Sweetland <ncht) of Oaaid.. In kit forqround AN Mr. ad Mn. Tim Mct..qpltn -E. Le8ta- Smltll Photo SEALARKING 8J GIJQIY (IOI& EDWA&D LDl'E&) 8111'1'11 ABOARD TYPEE: Sailed back to Newport lut Sunday to a ctorioua IUD burwt1nJ day with the July Fourth Reptta su.rround- ln& 111 u we lllthered down the bay to our Udo .Up. NEWPORT BAY wu alive with Mila, awtmmer. and MISS JUDY BLUM of Balboa Ialt.nd modela a "Jumping Jack" beach hat by Daffy Domer. from a fuhion ahow aponaored by the Millinery Iutitut.e o1 America. The hat parade wa.is a feature of tht national convention of Zeta Tau Alpha 80rority lut happy) ••• waved to MUdr-4 u4 BUl Btn)' oa lhd.r aaJboa &t.11-t laaat • . . that alone cam• lhoee Mlllnc enthmtuta ~ a:lld Oeori• Rffd tn lh• codrplt of tltetr klffly aqua l'lulled Clytie IV ... a.ndy (Mn Pet.I JJurroucht out. watert.111 b~r 1X4t.Llalt. bay tront 1arden wbieb tU Burroupa are llOOn to i.tv1 for a n-Ba.ck s.y. f'Tont nnch ... hHr that Haak Valent.lat. their nat door nalp- bor tloupt Utefr home. , . llWUler1 .•• and tt IMD'l*' 90 Harbor! Good to eee bride and RARBOll ISLIC nnt came pod to bl Jlom1 .•. web a aroma Dorothy and Andy JC1r1I tnt.o new wtU. Ila k>vf'ly 1recn b•vl'llly combtnatlon for lJvlaJ •It~ • tJMitr Ba1boa pw u tr-. AM t:X.qulaita waurtront · • • C&t.&lln& lala.nd a.nd Newport ""' J>UNd (&My loox• mo.t a.om. •.. •cJa pertecUon ln •Muns;;..:-..~ee.:f?· . .......-;e~ .. ~. ._. Ila own way . . and wb&t a llUl'priM to nnd the Ahman.n w~k in Sprlnr La.ke, N. J. Judy attend.a the Uni- versity of California in Berkeley. -Lake Picture. NEWPORT HARBOR ,,_. houae alt h'"alNd ta Ul• tw. ~ ........ lal&ad.tnf •.• BALBOA BAT CLUB wu jumpinc too. with Red Nlckota and .aim coborU 8unday nlpt u R.oy Maple and hi• -ptt"tty flrwt -----·-------------------------- McDowell-Mason Engagement. Is Announced Wedding to obe in Texas at Methodist Church Nelson mate, Joan, romanced and dined while J<MUI eelebrac..d her blrt.lt· day. wttJl lht Ma11M>IU WIH h Skip McKH, Dldl 8orenffl\ and Daug. ter MRI. WINlJ'B.ED BAR.BRE, Women'• F.ctitor Kach& and Owen C&rter (wlilo mond lftto their Bu ft.silo NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 5 =~~~ti ,!!,.~~nd U:,:; Engaged FlfOA Y, JULY 6, 1956 and Mach& have decorated) ... ai.o Bay Clubbtnr . . J-nall• and Leonard l:lklna •ad Ult Kr. and Mn. IMM. H.i... ISLAND GROUP PLANNING =-,..=:._uni. amonr many. 1100 P!Ucillia IA.M, HMl!•ne. tJ11e :=;~t to°'v.': ~= FOR BACK ALLEY FAIR Do~~,.·~:~ :-~'= Wayne Fe~ll. and chat wtth the eon ot Mr. and Mn. A. C. 4 pla.aalq -...tltee for lht Laltor Day Bedl AIW,. hlr Joan Wlnctltll who wu vac&Uon- Alklnaon ot Oak.lud. TM Wiid-e( U.. llaJM& blead Oommunlty MeUtodl« Church wtU m..t lDs at UM BBC OHi' tM J'ow1JI dlnJ i. plann*' f« ••l hb-~t at f;10 •'clock ta D.arbol'1l Rall Th• JTOUp, which .. ran Into BIJI and Toby ra.ary. wtD Jndude reP1-i&Ufle from the m.ajor dsurch oryanlsa· WUcax and their -SW wbo M1m Neleon l.t a ...ior at ucaa, wtD draw "' t.mtaUva p1&NI tor the t&J.r &Ad INbm.lt were lea.t111 Uwlfr a]l&l'tJnftt atantord, m&jorlnJ In I 0 CI a I Ul.m to Ul.e offid&l boant. for a P'OU'rth at La Jolla ... eclence. Mr. AUdneoa wu J!1ld-Katt.en to.._ CCll'•clend wUJ be lh• nature ot l.N fair. com-Esta Jonu wu packlnc to uated from ltanford ln Jun. and IPav• tor Honolulu 8Unday and 1a now att.aodln1 Lbe Unl'Hr'9ity mJtt.w, coac.-oaa. pultlklly and Uw dlabUnmcnt °' pn>-the F'rerl Butt.on.a were 1pendJ~ of Calllomi& a t a.rtc-.Y t« CMda. the ballda19 at bmne on Udo fl"&du.al• work In Mia-. a6-lAlil J-.r t.bl cana.tnJ.-type l&ir made a Mt profit of MOO. when yeeterda7 a.tty bo9ted a mtnMtraUoa. S. la a member ot The pr1Nud9 w•rw Mlqut.ad for youth acUY1tin, d\urcb br1d1e-llUldleon for 1T femm11 UM Alpb& llpsa Pbo traterntty. llllproTmaetl and die JIU'llOMI• twad. wbo aJllO pttftrnld a N.wport Mlm Nellon hat been &ct1Y9 In Lbe ----------------------l'ourth. lipCllL901"iq prosram al ltan.lord CATALlNA'I IaTHMlJI u and ln oth•r clue actl'riU•. PATRIOTIC COLORS crowded lhl.t WffJt -end with Shows Painting Films Ut.eracy and CI a 1 llwnor chanct.ert&ed IIDot O'Hara'•....,. •nt.Uon of )au tllm.9 aalurd&7 Roche Patio Setting for July 4th Party as,tit. TM a mcm• cle&Jt wn 0.. "' tM JoD1 ,._,.. ot IOtlM Npeet ol aultJ~ ... &-. 1\111 ,.,.u. nldl ~ ..... ,. ldque tort.be wat.rcoloNt. .... ,_,.. t.t U. ......... .,.. wu _..... n ... eom1 1wt be.a ma.a. tM& ..._. "1 Xr .... Kn. Wal- ftw the &ncycloptdi& ll1Un11toa '-L. .....,. Jr, ... --ter F•tured ta ~CS... c..lla at UMlr ...._JOT VI& were O'll&n. ~ w_,, Milo K•l•e. wim... u.. ,.,._., o.ta. Red, -'it. ud Ww ~ and lAf'IDA'• .. , ..,,_,.. _..... a ....,, ..,.. tM ,.Uo Tb9 MW Walt 1>s.., ...... -.U. ~ wt.. let ciard UOD Sa ua1qoe for Ule pl*7 ~ ....... ,..-. _. .. ,_t.d ~ u ~~ f• D9 eu1T -.Ua 4SllMr of ot i.cbniquu and ekllla. Back.-turkey, alada and caku. atru.m• fl"OW\d and eo11UnuJty paJnUnp .. ud •nu• ll-. '"°"' th• are trvm aaeJl t•wr .. aa "Tti• lNM and t.&bl .. w1r1 deco,.ted Lad¥ and Lbe Tramp", '"1'111• la patriotic eolOt"I. ThrM Cab a I I 1ro1", 'Toot, Bldda to Ult affair wen Mr. Wht.cl.. Plunk. and Boom", aad Mn. Michael O'Brill\. 4au111- "Ma.ft A.faiDel lhe A r ti a", Ur Karen Of Puadena and their QOUll fQut. P'l'ed Bro1lo , the Clyde SUckuy1 and IOll Jerry, Coet& Mth; Mr. ud Mn. Don~ aid H.. Smith, Norwalk, Mr. and Mn. M. A. lttder and niece DeDe. Mr. and Kn. Jack Bof\e wtth Vicki and Rickie. Mra. Enl)'1l Vant, all e( a..._.ty Hll1I. "1th OtnJ\y Vant, H .. York: Morsu CutltlMrteoQ. Lquna Be&c1l. And f""'1 tll• Harbor ...... th• Mu "°'* wttti OonnJe. Dam and Michael; Altr.d 8ton1. lbt Donald 'n\ompaona and Barbara, Mre. F'rtd Cl-.JY (Chip w ae out aaJUq), Mr. and Mn. Walt.er Prtet.on, the Arnold Na~ell1 and Salvatore MonaOOll, and Gordon Kam lit.on. "Slam", and ''The Great ~ i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji moU.. Ch&M". Moel lnlrifUlnl are the Idea roup1 tor ''20,000 N.wport.erw . . . Adondl and Tommy Qulna abo&cO u.dr Un· oda wlU. pull Bobbie and WWJ1 Hunt • . . raiuUe and Al Cloud on their Queen M•rTY • . • Gibby aad Ed Kratt abOUd C.pktreno ly the S.. offers the finest ef 1,._,.ti1nt NrYlcet •• ,..tonable , ..... TH E 8 RI E F '" .,.., ,.,lckf BERMUDA SHORTS W11efe.., "'"' oo • ....,..., ~ cl•, •"leY the .... f0f1 oftd 9-"... tuppot1 that Oftly M&Mtlft .... ~ <• ei.e Pf· ~v ttytect to....,~ lerwl.de IMrts. Teu, .... wift f'OM .._ .. ,_. eftt.cl HOM?ONTAL..fllY eftd COWOll flOUCH.. Stvrdlly c..utrucMd .t ~· cOfttM4 co"°" with ft.. lon9......,i1111 .._. w.WM"4. TN V~ f.,sMft at $1..S "'obi • WOfldemA COMP"ftl°". In Sins 21 to 44 '1 I OPEN SUNOA YS t 0 TO 5 I .. -OCIAN F•ONT- Dep•rtment . ltON o.u..o...,,....•a..a i NIWPOIT IEACH Ou Dort lllodl ,,.._ N ..... fter ~~ 1.ic:.Mecl by tt. Stat. .t CeRfornle C.pistreine ly the S.. Senitarium 1pedelhes in the trMtmtnt ef n9'YOUI, emotional etMI mentel cti&0rders end •lcohollam. Mr. and MN. R . E. Muon ol Vernon. TeU.. have IAaiu-Under the ..._ .. Announcing -------------------- a.nnounced the enr•seinent and comtq m&rrlage of their duihtu Louise to WllI1am Wallace McDowell, 10n of Bobby Celebrates Mr. and Mra. Henry C1attn Davia of Corona del Mar. The R.oMrt Hain• boDM. 1 T71 lilonro'rt.a Aft., eo.t& w-. Nuptiala have ~n Rt for July 21 at the F1nt Metbo-wu UM 111tua1 for ttl• pm• di.It CburC'h tn Vfrnon ell. w.. (Taduated from Nev.•· and wiener b&Jle birthday part)' Tb• brlde .. ltcl. who .. t.M port Harbor Hip Scllool. at· la the back yard Friday ~ !!lee. of J.tr-. Amber w.u.ta cl lend~ Webb School at Clare-nl.Dr, Junt It. celebra~ UM Ud Ill -"aated t Motil and P1eptn1 American 10th btrlhda7 a.nnlvwrtary ot 0 e, Wat a·-rem School at PtJplng. China. He ~ HaiMa. PreMnt to eaJOY Venwn 11.la:b lkbool. au.did oompleted till education al lh• lht oceelkm wen Pat Im.I~ Chl'Yf Cbue lcboo1 for Oltta ln UnJverall)' ot Arisona where he l'ranlt Dura!!"-Dou11 .. Yam· w~ D. 0. l.Dd the Uni-WU a qaember of Pt\I Delta amt. ~ 9Pown. r.u. Toed• nl'llt7 a( ()kJ&llom&. Her J11Uld· TbetA tratemlly. His ff'&lldpar-ter, PhU Reid. Bobby o.as., pa.Net.I an Mr. Ud Mn. Harry ent. were the late Mr and Mra. Biiiy Batt and Kenny Dutro. M._ of Vwnon.. a od lllra. J. Jame• G)'llln of Loa Angelea and The feminine conlln11nt wu u.,,. Womac Of Waco Mr. the late Julire and Mrs. William al1t.er, Kathy Kaine• and Bar· Mc~ wbo la the ton of Wallace McDowell of Memphla, bara • 11adJsy, a coualn trom ~ lat.e n-anct1 lAnow McDow· Tfnn. Modlllt.o. LORRAINI JONES formerly owner of Lom-J wil be essoci•ted with HARRIETS BEAUTY SALON Specitlizint in ~ • TnrrtNO e ftTLIHO H•tlwt -Stewart Ryan -LorrwlM 11111~ ....._...... U-rty 1-lOlt 008TA~ "It 0-t. Na ll•n fer tile Bfet"' Be -Wise and ~Thrifty • • • Before You Invest /' f 0 ... new Herbor ArN office loc.eted et J424 Vie Oporto, Newport leach. Phone: Harbor 2122 y... .... OcmlWIJ lavtted to Vlllt ea,,1,1,.a,.. B, 1l. S •• Sa,.;1.,.;,,,,. ......... '* ... :r'Olt ~Uoe call Jt1Ur llllU' .. l offlc. a( Captatn.!lo By t.M ... la.11.U.utum DAJf>r PODfT, OT,.,. w n • an1t del Obt.po I t.. LUn A Alf A. IDmMrty 1-"'0 1euH.~ l j J • • . .,. rA6E 6. PART 1-NtWPORT HAAIOlt NEWs.flilS ~AY, .U.Y 6, t• OCC Students to eo·nstruct New Cottage .. tr •• ., ,... for ....... .. .., eotta.-at onnr• ~ OllOlpo ..... ...,, MlnC ..... " •-flliwttl ec..JttM. ..... ''" ... .., • Dr. _,.. ___ _ -· ..,... ... ICNeWN ....., be .... tor' ,.,..t ...... UOb--. ......,, ldllOo&. Md MlW .t.b'." Dr • ..__ ..... ..,_l ,..... an for u.e h+ t ot a eaw- room. ~ ............. p1aJ ....... • lftjec\ ..... 'ldW.., ,.. f'l)Ol:Q9. a -.. eutMor ~ an&. mid •t.ui ......... ;,\TrENDING ZONTA INTERNATIONAL con· V<ntlon ot Sun Valley, Idaho, we"' (I to r) MmH. Robert Jayred, altemato; Earl Stanley, Jameo lt la pnipa11d &Mt actual 000- .-n.cuo. ot ~ '*Ddlns wW " 0-,. .,. ~ Witlktiq con- MnlcUmi ~ u a palj ot Ul*~ ¥41•' ,. ,,.. build· bl.s' wUl be put. late ... ln St>p- llcnber ot l"" .... W1"e4. MRS. EARL I,. COOPER Nee Miu Jacqueline de IOI Rioa ., Methodist Rite '• :;Onites Couple ' " '\ Jacquelyn de los Rios Becomes Mrs. Earl Cooper ORCHID FANCIER TALKS TO SECRETARIES GROUP A loc:al, tnember, Mn. Pemel Qeorfe Bamett. 518 ruu.r-- ton Ave., pre1111ted th• provun at the monthJ7 dinner JMlll.q ot UM Oranae Emptre Qapter, NBA. 1ut nlrht at Ana.helm, Mn. Barnett and her bUlbal'.ld &r1 member of th1 Or~ Count7 Orchid Boclety and have been ord'lld tanclef9 ror nv1 )'i!UI. Their oollecUon co.W.ll ot approximately 100 catlleya bybrld, unonc which la a dlvtalon of the Miranda ChartNUae Queen. wlllner of .Entt&nd'• Roylll BorUcult.uNi award and • allver medal award. ''The Caltleya Hybrid Orchid," a talk by Mn. BameU on the cUltun and cbaracteNUC. ot tbe eattleya, wu -.. oompulled by color •lldea or the Bunett coUec:tJon.. FETES PLANNED Santa Rosa Relative To Be Langley Guest . HoUM ru•Ual' tor I WMk w1th 8&1 and Buchcomben Oubl, her &1-ler and brolher-ln·law, wtth other t..UYl.U• planned. Nan and Howard L&ncley, Kn. Hrw. KiJler, btr thrff 1an1 and Albert Lawrence Miller ot Banta Rou, ru .. down .ki.l1 11 to join hwiband, after MVeral ye&r11 Of them at their Udo 1111 re1ldence, ranchlnr la Oreron, have di.- Yellow Gate Cotta.re. poMd ot tnelr lntuuU and now Mr1, MU11r, the tonner Bar· rukle permanenUy In Banta l i l P . k d h·•· I d. I d ed th 8&.nCtuary o! bara Ptrott. • yMter-y•r Marl· Rau. Thi quick trip 11 a blrlh~ 1n an W 1...., g a 10 U a om e day rttt tf'Om h•r brothe,...ln·Iaw ed boroorh p-aduat1, number9 many Christ Church by the 'Sea and the center a.isle wu mark trlenda 111 the BouUlland. She '° that the Nter1 mlsht •peDd 1------------la week toselher. , with u.tin ribbon• and floweM1 for the candlelight cere- ( many in which Mia Jacquelyn Elaine de loa Rios and Eul ' ' .. •I L.;Cooper plighted troth. The Rev, Roy Carlson performed lh9 dtK&blt liftl' Mrvke which pea.rt. ornamented neckline or : ~ted ~ dMll!lttr or Mr. a.nd lh11 bodJC9 &ad enc:ru•t.ed lh• c.p Mn. Leo de IM Rio., 364. Flower of lac. wNdl eootlnfd t'UllbtN ot the w&at len(lh nll St., Colt.a JltiN. and the MJll 0( P"a&C&DE lllllDE Mr. and M'n. Bo.ace C. Cooper • or.,,Fumm,rtoe. ~ .·: P'Oa 8~NTIMJ:NT : cquelyn choee June 21 •• t.er : ~I <iate for lt .., .. on that : dq, Get year• aco. lhat har ~ mittru.I 1randparenl1, Walter t DteJte-and the late M.Ia. DrLlla, f ~te.l their \IOWL Bha &t.o fol• lillq Beverly Bft:be. maid ot honor, wore a dr,.sa of pink J11ce. a headdreu with pink VPIJ and carr!pd a bmiquet ol plnk rnllfl. BrldemaJ4-, Mr.1. Robert L. Boyd Ill 11U1d J.1 r1. Donald J1ck!IOn werp gown«! In blue lace v.·\th 1natch1ns v1U1 find carriPd pi11k rot111 with varl·colored I WHt .. ~ Robert Boyd m wu rroom•· man and 1ervln( •a u1her1 were Jack Z.. Boyd. Robl'rt Moody Jr, and Donald Jacbon, Harbor Riders Participate . Ill H, B. Parade . Harbor aru Riden or th• Ban Joaquin placed .econd ln th• l'ourth of July par•<k 1t Hunt· tngton BP•ch Wedneed1y aner- noon. Th• lll·mPm ber rldlns unit weiring whltP 1111tln ahlrt• with rambler•' 11tr1pt"1, gold nl!(:k 1earv11. bll ('k trou1111r1 Ind hall. wa• lllld by the club color suard tollowed by th• club mucot, Muter David R11on ln uniform. nm place went to th1 entry of El Rodeo riding club or the Plac1nUa·Brea area. Amonr ~t houae iu-t.1 or th• 1An&'ley1 wu Lt. Cmdr. Jeck Fulbeck, U .8.N.R.. her• fw MV• enl.! daya. Stow111r-aw17 fOf' th• vtalt. hi.I pet coon found IW1m· mlnr In local watel'll '° mueh to hl1 llklna". hla ambition b«!am. permanent resldenc1 on Udo'• 1wm.y aborM. H• rltlurned d ... Jectedly to m1tropolltan ll'nor cond1Uont, hi. owner aid, but not befor1, 11CUr1 In mlnlatuni h.ameu and leuh. he had made many friend• on th• Via \\'&Kien beach. Previou.1 rue1t and wh11e on Je1v1 from a tour ot duty •bcl&rd th• alr-pla.ne carrier Princeton, Pfc. Donald Miiler anjo7ed .... era.I WHkmda. wtlh hll 1unt and uncle. Le.t1r bouae su-ta are •· pectld tn AUJUlt by the lAnl· ley.1. t io..1 film.Uy tradition by carry• in&' a whtl.e l'nncb bible w!.lb a wh:ita orchid. Uliea of the valley ........ ttphaaotla, SMorled to th• r --and rt•m ln kffPlnl' by he!' , f tabi.r, she wa1 lovely In her bridal l'O"'D· Th• Jonr aLeeved bodlc• of OhuUUy la.ce wu Loi Companero1, Co.ta Mua Charla. Sparrna.n, w..nnr • junior rldlnr group, placed third A S J pink rrock and pink carnation. tll lh• Junior entr1e1, with Dock· t t. am.es ln hftf' hair, .ct.ltered plnk ro.e te Lomax of the club placln1 • dMiped wtth swMtheart neck· i UDt and the wall& lenl(th aklrt. ~. WM a troth of: 81Uity tuu. Uen E bdlJd wttl ~tWy 1ac-. .... petala from a whit.. bukel ... MCOnd In the Olrla' Fancy We,ll. E • a} she prec.ded the brid• and hPr ern dlvt1lon. A 11 0 wtnnlnr plSCOp father lB the proceamtooal. KIMu award& were th1 TSJ UIOdat.. karU7D Beabll aad Ba ad r • at thetr BuNalo Ranch arena, ! Cbamb4rla.Ln. W'Mrirl.s pl.Dk and with Homer Jl'olter tlrat tn pal Chl:z:rcb fer lund&J' .ar... a I n 7lump1"t Camp 1ll\al net l'llllplCtJ"11, ... candlti )(erul' 7anc1 W111ten:a dtvilllon, 1.m .. Holy C.ommunlon; t:l~ a.m •• V..-UC!lten. rkllnr Chief, hi• Ap&lllou. ital· Mominr Pra1•r. Buada1 8chool 18 tlOUft Uot1. and JeM P1len. drtrin& th• and 11 a.m., MomiAI' Pn.Jer, f. mm· g Events Weddl.q mute--tftcluded llOIM. atareeoach trom th• Buffalo Thur9day, July 11. at 1:15 a.m. · ''Blea.u.M" IDd ''The Lo1'11'a Pray· Ranch. who won ftnt pla.cti ln tb.1 Prayer Qu.Ud m"t.. at lO;IO .. Jl07 callndar 1r"', auna bJ K&r'rtiM Moody Jr., Ute bof'H--drawn vehicle dlvi9'on. a.m. I.a Hol:y CommwUon Md of ... (,,, CIM:aplt Camp tb9 .u..r M the bride. alld (t'OOm trtll be frtld both at the Balboa Heallns 8erTlcl. . Woinm'a 4Jndlla1!7, apultlb. -im.Jt at the altar to 1'9Celv1 th• • .A.m-1.cu War V.carana, m1t b~. J(~ ..,_.. at Ian.la Ana '!he reeel\'IJl.i' Un• formed ta ,A.merfcu LqSon Hall. OS1 July OoodelJ Kill, decorated with tall •• tM ...._ drde wm bold • bullet.a ot pink alld white r1ad1- ,at.Juck hmchlOft at 8&.tlUqo oil.a. Mn. n. 1Q9 Rloa ... rown· pu)L Mn. Edward Hall ta chair· Id lo nnger palntld 11Jk with jmaa tit. ill• tn..Uns plaMed lo pink throated creamy orchids at ...., and 1lnlM .curt!• and her lboultler. Her &cceMOrlff iobM w'l'lld wW bl tak:en to lhl were In powder hlµ1. Mn. Cooplr 'Lon&' BM.ch V1terau Adrnlnla--tratioa .. ...._1t&l. . won a turquot.N sheath wlt.ft • ~..-cor..p tit. 11.muar orchJda and i TM .,.war rneetlnr at Am1r1· ber acOMM>rt. -.n la. 1M1r1. ! ... Lf'l1oa hall July 18, T:SO ~ Jp. 111., wtll bl pnc!lded by a The • ~ bof9 th• )>OUucle dinner at I p. ro. ~ are Mn. Leon. Kh1a. t.radl.Uonal bride and poom )at Budla J\ftd and Mn. 1:1.. o&ku • ..-ved with f'roub pundl. I :Hunt. ec.ta 111-. Park wtU bll and with a backe'r'OUnd ol orpa J.be lltt1nc JU17 JI, ror. tba pot-mu&c. )(la CbamberlaiD and 'udt twlcheoa of the WldoWI MiN Beebl atl&red duty ot ti:~ Club. Bo.t.Ma wW bl Mra. tns the ~ book. I «obert C>Ut~ and Mr1. War-I.Aa.tnc for tb1 Santa Barban. 6-Qook. On Jul:y H u.. Put hon1ymoon. lh• new Mn. Cooper 1 "1•,_ta" ohdl wtll meet for a won a powder blu• Unen .utt. ~ Jwtebeoa a\ CdcJI r111taur-whit.I ~rlu and the orcMd .ftf ln Oudeft Of'Oft wttb Kt& h'om ber white b!ble bouqlMl. Roy Marsac Daughter Is Engaged Mr. and Mr1. Roy ){.a.l'llC, 515 CaranaUoa Ave., are aruurunc:lzlc the enp&"ement or tbf'olr csaup- ter. Jeanette Vlf'llnJa, lo Phillip ~non. USMC. llOft or Mr. and Mn. A. S.. RoJtnon ot Tacoma, Wuh. ~ tuture beftedlc:t ... ~· ucated 111 w~ ac:hoola. Th• brl~ ... sn.dUated tn June tram N.wport Hutlor Union Hish Bcbool aad wt11 con- tlnu• her educaUon at Ora"I'• .,....~ Tbe WeddlnJ' datl hu not ......... :stn.~H\Ult at tt<meea. 8"' waa J"dualed f1'0ln N.-w-1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; : Th• mtft at catwnplt camp port HU'kr Union Hip Bcbool I )Dd UN Women'• AuzUlary wW and attended t.onr Beacb Stat• l»N a pka.lo JUftdNol\ ·JUI)' U OoUep. Her buaband ,,.. psd- t Ian~ Parlt, Santa Al\' uated from Bftt Harte mp U. OUm...... IMhJ7 Huk:eU 8clWlol. Stoekton. ~ llaldrlllp .. tM 'be couple WUl be at ~ at • 1b dlltic'p. 1111 Jlapl• 8t.. Qoeta M-. · Ill-YOI lflOW 1111 till Alrlhm :H•• ..,.., .... _ ... ctloM -·,,.iii from Orange C111ii11f Al<l*t-Col,. for lnfor....tloo • • ........ 12'46 • ' ' · del Mer T revel Service C..-Otcllicl ..., c-t Hlgliwoy ELBERT C. SMITH FAMILY LEAVES FOR LONG ISLAND By WINlFlll:D ILUBRE ' a caaop Pwk ....._.. ot Nortlt A.m.-lcan A'f'latlOll OD. when be WU aft &dm11l11t.nU•• enFneer. Th• dlnn•r wu at 8porUm&.n'1 Lodr• wtth 1so attendlnr. .u a tar.well stn Smith WU pr .. attld wilh a .. Thl.t·Ia-Your Ufe" book ftlled wtth cartoon.11 car 1nd 20-ft lr!Lller for a n•w. Uk• to O<:upy th• mlln5on. Th• dn.wn 1»1 an artilL Th• car- but very o'4, borne on Loar new owner ln.herltld the proper-. toon. were aleo proJ.cled on the 1.llland. ty, which 1djoln• the Brookhaiv· .c.rMn u prosn.m by the "h1te- Thi1 week th1 family hu been ea N •tional IA.bon.tory (former· lo· -·Bert • leaft" oommlt ttt Y .. terday Elbert C. Smith, native · llOO, took hla young third generation Californians, Tom, Barbara, BW, Sylvia &nd ElUe, to Catalina llland. In true 1'home folk" ruhJon, it wu their tint trip there, &nd the 1ut for a long time for today the family le!t Corona del Mar by aleeplnr !Ji. the t.n.lM, fOf' b.-Jy Camp Upton). trom a 1MCOOd IN P'A&EWl:LL 10n&1nr1 kept h&Vil blen I.hipped cotu1ln. Miu Helen ~r 'The eo-. M TbomU Dixon and ahead. TM ho~ to wtlkh they Smith. Ill.I wife, and Samuel Hottm&11, will ro ti 17~ JMf9 old, con-The e11tate Lt a part ot the head ot R.ock•t.d)'n•, and hill taiu .om• 20 room. completely origtn&l land vant to WUllam wU• ...,.. il(lt pNMnt but 9ent tunlllhld with aaUqu.., bu a BldnPy T1ngier by Enrl&nd'1 m-r-lat.v entertained the btl' barn wtlh lllll&tl-and bus· nlgnlnc aovrel(NI, Wtwam and Smit.ha. )In. Smith wu honored (IM, and I.I surrouzuled by IOO Mary. when the rellrtnr ronr· bJ Mn. W111lam. UJUnen of AJ- acrM In luttalk COu:aly, ln the nor-general ot T&nsla-w decided tadena and Mn. .l)Cmald Gambl1 mlddl1 of Loni Iala.Dd.. to com• to .Amirlca. at La Cllnad&. wbUI youna lNUlUTEJ) ESTATE Before Smith Jett e&rlJ Ill tn.Dd9 o1 TOm. BmJU.. wen bid-. Th• Bm.ltb• 1pent a honey· June to RI the property be and 0. to a fuww.U.. party bOlttd moon week th1re. more nctntly h1a wile •ere Jtonored tiJ ht.a lrJ' BW o.llla. l'ol" •yl.nr "Qood... went back to '" tt they wvuld fellow 11mpw,y .. at Roek•tdfM, bye,. to IMr ~ dub trieadl ------------------------1KN. Smith ... bQlta. at. luncheon la VW& Karina. Born la ChiclcO. Kn. Bmltb know• .omethlas about .Eut.em wffth.,., WIUl aprtftl' ftoliven, 1Umme.r h&Jfl.ida, illetstuidN in wblil.G', tM Smith ebJldnn wW be b.lppU7 oecup~ w1th m.n,y !MW ecUY!UM. But corn1 aom• Saturday ... ,._ nlar ~th mowdrtna pUed out- .lid• 111d the winllr wind wbllt- llns c1ow11 lhe blr tlNplacl chlmaey, eomeon• wW raieaa- Mr ll'e altenlooft in Calitornt.- perbapl OM of tl'loM atn. WWlD' DlumMr days when tolb u .. donald bat.hlnc IUita and an llWUWls on Kain Beac.h -and one of lb• ~ ..,... "'Get. Mom, wtlh WI WV1 lben!" And rl&ht UM!n the B:m.IUi tamU7 bep pl.aJ:ui.Jns that hom.1 on Shore cwr1 beea-., Wt• prudent ·people. thq an 11:..,tns pcMllMllon of thBr' lot ..~ e Beauty CUT RATE Service •l'llil.aaqloo .... _ ..... • ....._,.. SLIO • rwm....i.. -rn-... ErperWKoed .,.,.tor• fo -.rw W°"· A.U worls ~rallll•c41 I]_ 'lAdla BEAUTY CORRAL 788 W..t ltt.h BlrMt COSTA MESA e t...ml:RTT 1-1151 • WE HAYE Dextrose 25c Lb. ...... com -Oil ()OU) ftWIP"D ""'...., ROCKEFEWR Diet * READQU~ :r'Oa VITAMINS_. R9clucl119 Aids Al.IZlUJr~ -DLlBS'DO DU:n . HAUOR Keallh Foods Ill N, NSWPOllT llLVD. (J mkl. Nort.b ot the ....... , UM&M Upholstery Draperies HONOR BRIDAL COUPLE -l<>n!rlng "proud u peacocb", Kr. and Mn. Hay Luiguhdm (left) preRilted their 90n, Ena. John Langenheim and hJI bride, the former Mary FOlttt of Wuhington, O.C., to friend.I at a reception in the new lltate roomo at Balbca Bay Club. Ju.It graduated from AnnapoU., Ena. Langenheim will later report for duty at San Diego. -L Mull Photo TOWN TOPICS from Bank of America NewpcHt leach Branch lolond A. Wright, - llLLIONI AT WOllKI .,,,."'""°'•" ,_ ... • -i _... " -a....li: • .,.. ...... .W.JW' ..... -· ot medition dated J-'.!O. n-.ptbo----... ... - • The Flneot eratt.nwiahlp Pt .. Fabrb ot 0....-0ut Prica Enab1-U1 to Give Your Old Fumltun That NEW LOOK at AotouDdlnji: Pm..DarlDc tho "off -· CALL .UB DAY OR NIGHT LllMriy U618 l'ott tiatiZMtM _. -Of CIQr ..._.._. wlU e&ll ~ ..... a& J'Ollr ~ DID YOU -TMAT ~"'''""_.lo 8oa.k o1 A M:w. • or '-':J:k:; will ... nu -.... u o1 J-1111 For.,.,. ... we ':net, -.h7 noc oplll ,.... ....... aa;:llllll8I: --at Bank al -'-ia.. I ] I • .. .. 'SACRAMENT' - Christian Scientist Communion Service On Sunday oommunJon MrV· lcu will be held In all Chrl1Uan Science churchee. Th• 1ubJecl ot th• Lu.aon • Sermon t. "&a .. r&ment.'' tur•." "1/ all who ever partook ol the 1&crament had r,aJJy com· memorated the •uftertnp ot J..at and drunk ot hl1 cup, t.bey would have revolutlonl&ed the world. It all who uek bl.I com· mdOr&UOn throu1h material PROMOTION SUNDAY at Chriat Church by the 8e& aw Rev1led Standard Veraion Blblea pre9ented to pupil.I in the new fourth"lf&de clue by Mn. Gay· lord To~ who had taught the clue the put year. Dlapla)'.ing their Bible., given by the WSCS, are (1 to r) Claudia Oaborne, Cheryl ~. Greg Stodd, Darrel Lloyd, Karen Wuhka, Art.bur Pt.N, Ellen Loelke. -::ut-:"-.. .. Clalre Dorton. Mra. Tohill ia at the left. The clua was promot«i into tht Junior ~partment. It ia cuatomary to pruent Biblea to pupil.a of thta pa.rt.icular claa each year when they becin more int.en.ive Bible atudy. First School for Girls in Korea Church nwd J A Ju.et TO ,.,.. qo • WOMUI a.11 ../Y"nnounc•m•nb m.1a11onaey opened th• flnt ICbool ~----------------------for strt.a 1n all Ko~·· bJatory. Tiie llChOol h.ad Oft• pupil That NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 1. PAGE 7 ecboot wa• th• toundauoc of th• FIJOAY, JULY 6. 1956 pre1ent Ewba Woman'• Unlv•r· -------~--;..;..;;.;.:...;.;..;;;;.._,;;,:...;.;;,;,;;;... ______ allJ 1n a.ow. It ll ltlll a plon.-: th• on17 Chrlati&n tutltution of MISSI0NARY EDUCATION hlJh•r 1Mrn1nc tor women ln Korea. And It hu 8tooc1 the ra· GROUP PLANS PROGRAM ~1:~ :/:: .. -:,.:"::~:: Mr• Micha.el Carl wu named ch&.lrman ot the Comm1.l- 11on ot Mlaliora of the BaJboa t.la.nd Method1et Church at a recent mMUnl' held at the home ot M.ra. Leonard Hars-rave, 314 The Grand Canal_ Mn. Oatl w cceeda Mra. Harirave, wbo wu elected HCret&ry. De commlulon, ruporuilble for the mlulonary educ•· tlon pn)f!'aa ot the church, LI pl&nnlnJ Ila third annua.1 School ot Mla!on• tor Sunday evenln1• next Ja.nua.ry. A mlMlon·lheme pro&T&m tor the churcb LI echedultd tor Oct. 17. FOR JUBILEE lo communist occup.iicyl. to be lh41 moet..ot!pt WUtutJao of Ila kind In all A.at.a. From that one room, one ieuc.her. and one pupU bqtJullnc "when m~n t&Ufbt lh&t stria could not lea.m," there hu a1ao froWI\ 1n Ko~ a nat tduca- Uon&J ,,..,.ram t!>r womee whkh even the dlltn&Me ot war could not 1lop. A Scriptural oJCAtlon (ftm Mark'a Oa.pel 11':12·2' l rtlat .. thal "JMU.1 took ~ead, and Weu- ed, and brake It, •nd rave '°" bla dteclplu ' Aftd be tool& the c:up, and when ht had rt'Piit thank.I, he pve It ~ t,Mm· .•. Anet he 1110 unto them, Thu la 17111'->11 Wtll ta.lee up U\e crou, ----------- In 1966 lb•~ we~ more than 1, 100,000 atria •nroUtd ln the na· lion'• elementary achoola. HO,· 000 (irla ln the MCondary IChooi.. 1,000 more In oolle1e.. and an· olher 1,000 In 1peclalJ&ed IChool.a. Glrla are 31 pet' cent of the IChool enrollment of the JWpubUo ot South Kora. hte.I th• •lck. cut oat evlla, and pl'tUh Chrlat, or Truth, to the poor, -the recepUve thou1tit. - lh~y wtll bnnc tn th• mUlennl· um" Ip. 34 l. • my bloe>d ot lhe new teatament, Th• Golden Text la trom Pulm• 119 U ), "Let t.be worda ot m7 mouth. and Ule ~talion or m7 heart. be accepl&ble In thy eight. 0 Lord, my •tnn(UI, and Church Council Plans E.eligious Pageant Church School at Island • which I.I abed for many:• Jn ~ferrin1 to thl.I Jilliky • Ba.krr Edl1y .. Y• ln "Selene& Md : Health w1UI Kty to Ult p-my redeemer " Plana for preacnLlnl' a relll10ua eraUon -(lven to m .. Un&' re- drama or ~e&nl Sept. 23 ID qulremem.., be et&lecl. The lo- conjuncUon wtUI Golden Jubl· cal COWlCll wtll contl.oue 1ludt Over 40 boy• and J1rla who lee week were made by Newport of the pl"OJT&lll and det.ennir;• have completed echool iraOu 1-f • M Karbor Council ot Churchea, Ila acUoo I.at.er. enrolled th.I.I wMk In Ute Vaca-e Sa Baptist Servi· ces 1mMUnc June 2t at St. Andrew'• Bernard J. OUver, Ph.D .. mem· Uon Church Bchool of Ule Balboa Preabyt.ert&n Church. b9' of Chapman CoUes• faculty llland Community Methodlat AJl churchea In the area will and mvnber of Ute 1l&tf of the Church. In lbe dally MM1ona, and vacation School be lnnted to participate In lb• Mental Health Society of 0r1U11'• from 9 unUl 11.ta a.m .• they.,.. • • production, to t>. dlrect.ed by County, wu iuat 1peaker. learnlnJ more about the Blble, • Al Lh• 11 a.m worahtp eerv-A acme mervlce precedt.1 the eve· Holl,y Laa.I\ VI.Ml and preffllt.ed He 1tated then i. preHnUy Ill orlp and ltlltory. • lee at ~• tlrat Baptlat Church ninl m-ie. ttther ln the afternoon al Or· under col\.lideraUon a Mmin•r on The echool, acoordlll&' to Ila di· of C<M1t.a K-. Ute Rev. p o. Wednuday at 7 JO p.m. la anp Cout Coller• 81.&dlum or ln clinical 1197cholOI')'. to be held rector, Mn. Donald G. Sapp, • Neumann wUI ha~ aa hla Ht· PralH and Bible Study hour th• evenln1 al the auditorium. A In th.la •ru &1¥1 with one work· will continue throu1b Friday, : mon topic "The ~ked Peril of followed at 8 :38 by the varlou.e m .. Un wlll be held lhl• month ahop for pu~i:_s.....E_~ leaden, an· July lS. Additional younl'aten • the Spiritual Ute", Tl\.,._ wtll prayel' fl'OUP mffUnp. S.0 o• delalla. other tor the S-public. both of the churd\ and communJty ! be •peclal mu.eJc by Lbe Chancel Monday, JuJJ P. at 9 a.m. and fti a... Roy Carl.on, chair-without cbarp. '.nM council tav· dtalrtn1 to a lt.end will be wel· : Choir, c:ontJnulnJ unt.tl ooon Da.tly Va· ii Commlalon on EdU· tNd .uth a -.ntnat an• Will come. : Sunday School conven.. a t a.lion Bible 8cbool WtlJ havt Ill t&Uon. reported a oonterenc• conlider It alter summer vaca· A prova.m for th• pannla la : 1 :411 a .m with cluaea for all tlr1t aeulon. &&ch day there WSlb membera of the Orant• ~ Re J plann~ for tht conoludlnf da.y, • •••· At e:ao p.m. Teacher•' will be a varied pro,-ram.. There Council and th• lnapecUon of • v. am .. a. St.wan.,.... -.·----------- : TralnlnJ Union, Youn1 Peoplu will .,. mn , BlbJ• 1tort~ b&Jl· Ule mobile unit and jMp u.ed 1n aldtd over th• Maalon, which ! Tratnln1 Union and th• Putor'• dlcrattl ud nthlhmenlA ThMt conduction claaeea In the R.-wu •U.end~ by J>Ut«w •Di! lay· ; Iruitrucllon Claa are held. ...a1orui wW coaUaut unW and lea.Md Tlm• edUcatlon procram. "'9ft from 91\feti c.h\lrdlea. Early Service Hour Changed at CdM Church • For the Mrvice at 7·30 pm. lncludln1 July • wtUl the a· Mr. Cari.on told deta.ll1 ot th• ' : :~~.;:. ~~v:f ~:~ ;=: :1/~.1~ .J!::;:;: ~!n1~, 0:;·~~~eedb: Communion · : ....... conttnuaUon of a Itri•. throufh bl1h echool ..-. mak• lt lmpe.raUve that coNfd· B I Ch h :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-at . . urc WELCOME ABOARD ! ! -Nearly halt a hundred sue-ta pthered on the "deck" of the Lido late home ot Newpoirt Harbor YO ltatt • Compiodore ud Mn. Thomu R. Rutter June 30 to peM tile arriY91 ta Mr home .Up of the Rutt.era' spark.lini new aloop, the Gundred.a. which had jlllt been launched in formal cerempnjee aoroa the bay. Commodore Rutter and Robert Vaughn take care of the mooring dutie. while the cue.ta await cloeer tn.pectlon of Gun- d.reda.-Beckner Photo Use the Classified -Phone Har. 1616 BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA ao:aA CIUPEL lT'1 ... ~ A ..... °"'* ..... Phone L.Derty t-nn IUD.&.r'llOW BY TBll 8&A auo s. 0out Bll'd. Conn.a dal Mar, Call1. PtloM Barbor u -;n>e $&Crament of Holy Oom· Early HrVlce and 8unday .-Joa wtU M Ci*' at t:ao iud lehool at eorooa 4t.I Mu Oo&· ll a. m. Sun~ to t.boae a tt.nd· mnnlty Cburch, OonJ"PUonal. ln1 .ervic11 at Ule B&Jboa Ialand l\aa bfftl cbanJtd to 1:30 a. m. Otnununlt:y lUtbodlat Cburcll. trom th• prrrioul hour of l :t 5 All CbrlaUan people, r~p.rdleaa a. m. wlth tll• MCOod eervtce of cb\&l'dt afflllaUon, wlU be In· remalain. at 11 a. m. .At bOtll ~led te participate tn the Mr-hOOl'I thl ~. mdwin C. Oomlrl vice.. will have u hl1 aennon tbcne 8ervtn1 •• communion attw· ''Ttl• CJlrlllt.aa Mlnl1try.'' ard• wm be Ml'I. He.rold l'\ftJt. l\ecet\otd u rnembera at th• Mn. 8teve Smith. and Mn. late Hrvice July 1 were .Kr. and .... th& Plnkh"1'1. Mre. Ira W. Smith. lb. a.ad ..lt D:IO p. m.. memben of Mt•. Charlea p . Hall')', M&rla m. \be Intermediate Youth J'ellow· Varady, Lorena Kell7 and Mn. #lllp wW ll\Ml a t UI• church. M•rraret A.na QOodman. .,,, Jeck I . Quisenberry Jack I. ,......,.,.., Tllllllt ._._....., .. t-.w . ....,....., ... ... _,. ' Carlson Colorado Di. J. D. VuBUlklrk will be pae.t epila.ker at~ Church by the Sea in Newport Beach Sunday morning, speaking at both the 8 :30 and 11 o"clock eervioea. Dr. Van Buakirk wu for many yean a medical misaionary _________ _.""" t.n &o,.... H• "rved 18 Ytal"I on Carl.Ion, an11 hll tamUy ·~ aw., Harbor Rest th• fuuJty ot tho Union Medical for aevetti W9tk1 vacaUon dul'o ~ ~emorial P.•rL coti.p in lllPUJ. la alao an or· lft& Jul)-. The.)' a.re vlutlni ta.mU,Y M a u.1_..L. MethOdlat mlniat.tT and ttlaUv• bl ColOtado and wW at.-•••I -1&•• • •• ~ putoratel In lolaUtern tend IOD\e -'Ona of the Kelli.. ......._ C 11 7 Calltorala tor ten Y••11. odlat Wutem ;JwUchcUon&l Coo· ...,.,.., at OW. IA lttS M became et.al! d.oclor 1 .:====E~=~===;;:;;:=;;;;;;;:;;;:::=;;;;; tor the dlnio at Chunh of All NaUona 1n Lo• An1elu where be la .Ull acUvely at work He re- ceived natJonal recocniuon a few ;yean q o In the pubhcaUon ot hll book, RellJ1on, Heahn1 and ENRICH YOUR SUMMER! \YORBHIP ·····-.... -···--· ····-··-·---··· .. ·-·--·-1 :00 .t....K. P,...8cbool a. Klndersarten Sunday lkbool --t ·oo A..M. 11t Orade Tbro1.1,-b Adult Sunday Scbool ---···· 10:11 A.II. Health. In1trucUon lll the Lutheran Faith -· .......... -... lO:ao ~ The 1anctuary choir will flln1 tor both momln1 ffrvttu durln1 thAI montll of July. Tht chO.lr la di1'eCted by Mr•. A. J . Ruller, and Mn. Omer Jacoba UI th• No 11 · 16 Service Until Fall ~'E\\.'l'f\RT HA.&BOB LUTHERAN cauace ~ :~1 CUft Drh-. Newport ...,. .. "'Overlooklnc BeauUt\11 Newport Barbor" J\O!J.ERT & GRONLtfND. Putor orpnJat. Th• mlnl1ler, lhe Rev. Roy A. UbertJ 84al or 1-1111 W • need fences. They serve a food purpo.e. They elve protection. But unless they have gates ln them. they stop being f encea and they be· come barriers. Without that f.ate for inatance, Mary Jane couldn t g~ acroaa to the garden next door, and pay with the little girl who lives there. And, just as we need physical f enc ea sometimes, we need mental and spiritual fences too. We need the privacy of our own thoughts, the sanctity of our own beliefs. Danger come1 only when we build barriers rather than fences around our inner selves. For none of us can live ln apiritual iaolation. We muat have ca tu• in our personal fence .. We mutt permit Paith to enter. We muat commune with others ... and, above all. with God. o.,. .... a.... .... ~........... . ... ~-.,. .. ,,....... . .. _ ..... ,. ... ..._ II '-11 ~~ J.ellit ll M r-···~ •: lN .. rw.:r .-.... u~ .. ,. •twltq. •• tit 'w 4 ...., ~ ... r... ... ...._......,, Vincent'• luau Drug Stores ' Two locaUom t.o ScrYe You Lido Ille a Coro.a dd Mar STAFFORD & SON 111tctrllal Contractor1 UO Blvenlcle Ave. Ne"'})Ort ~ UbertJ 8-%278 CHINUI CASINO ft.9111 C•Uonqt l'ood to Tak.t Qul Opta l:ftr7 Ot.1 .Wllalllt.B .. 11 ~llGI NEWPORT FURNnURE CO. Complete Home F~• %61() w. c.iR • .,.. tDerty 8·1111 Grandolfo's Ita.Uu D~ttlq a a. J'oodl .., ti oul 511 E. Balboa 81\'d. Barbor '81'7 HOMEI E. SHAFD UALTOR ......... ......lto , ....... ) S. E. ... G~S l:lect.ncaJ Contract.or "Oood wlrtn1 doean 't coet . . • tt ...,.,- U. • lht SL 11.ubor 1111 ART C. KISTLll CO., l1•1n Bay Front lpec:l.&U.lta 2901 Newport Bl•d. Newport lleMlll Harbor 6211 DICK MACKll Newport LhJllt Plawt lenlce Small Ena'tn• Repalr-Complet.e Pump ....._ , 2650 Ava ror•s "*'caw ... ..,,,. &a4 ,.., llrlcUJ llllal eoo 6 .._ • Ill ~ ........ , t . . . the rincip/e A FAIR TRADE PRICE ON A BRAND NAME PRODUCT IS ESTABLISHED BY THE MANUFACTURER A N D M A I N T A I N E D· B Y T H E D E A L E R FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE CUSTOMER Why does the manufacturer establish such a ''protected price?'' Why does he insist the dealer ''hold to that est ab Ifs he d price Ii n e·?'' First of all, a brand name product is one that has made • GOOD NAMI for itself • . . . • the consumer buys it with confidence from a local ' dealer because h'e knows that dealer has been selected by the manufacturer , to maintain the e1tebll1hed FAIR TRADE PRICE and likewise to beck-up the manufacturer's WARRANTY end GUARANTY to the fullest extent. Throughout our country -from M "n e to Celifornie -manufacturer's organizations, from Union Shops to Planning, from Advertising to Purchasing, every single step is planned to make, deliver, sell and guarantee each un it with one thought io mind . • . . . TO SATISFY THE CUSTOMER! ( That's why we -at FORGIT HARDWARE -offer BRAND NAMES et FAIR. TRADE PRICES with complete confide~e of gaining and holding your patronage. ' THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHlll ' Hardware • • • Paints ••• Wallpaper ••• Appliances • • • TV • • • Radio , A Good Friendly Place to Shop OPEN SUND YI 6. HOLIDA YI ' \ r / 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. . Harbor 116 Newport. Beach . ' ' , . . ' •• • Steve R~• doable and a twO-bUe error in the 10th inning allowed JlarbOro Bo)'81 Club Robina t~ COD• tinue their summer leDilpl'o win atre&k at Colt.a Meu Park Wtdn~ bf edl'AI ~ raciee. and lbm be heaved the tM Oollla Wea Plrai., N. ball p&.at lblrd bue. Rum.ey Wllb the ICOI • knou.d at H . dulled all lhe way home. SWAT KING Myron Davey Hi~ Perfect lat Average ~Telephone · ·Line Crews Mow Come from SherwoOd.forest l\uinaey. plaflnl nm ...... RumMy and Denn\9 J'ltsp&l· Oolns lnto July mid...-.on IW&tt.ed a ton1 n,' bat.o rlcbt rick tumlabed the bis Fourth ot play, the ~ ot swat ln Har- tJeld. Tb• ball 1ot aw.y from July bani" fOl' the Theo Robtn. bor .,_ MidJ•t Bueb&ll pla.J Out.Ile.Ider Bill I.amt. of tll• Pt-sponaored Robina, both blaatlnS wu Myron O.ve of the Pactftc A mondem-day Robin HooO I po,.tton. a pair ot hti. cturtnc the tracu. Cout lAa&"U• Brav .. with a per. )1onday came to lhe aid or Tb• project wa1 compUcat.ed R Its 'l'la.iA.u.I. Fitz sparked the Robin attack feet l .OOO bat mark. ln four p~lflc T•lephone Une crewa 1 by rattleenakea, poi.on oak and elU 1 ••,~ whlle they were recoverlnr Crom tripe to th.e platter t.hroua'I\ June, worklnJ In the remot.. re(ion.1 den.M Colla(• 1urroundln1" Ul• 111 rocky openlnr; quartet of Inn· Davey wu credited with Cour oC· or lhe Carbon Canyon area, ea1t area. J1191day in Afeci Inf• .,-hlct\ .. w them commit rid&! hJt.a. of Placenti1. Supervlalns conltrucllon ton-tour error1 and gift the Bue• Runner-up waa Jim Vermilya He'a B1ll McL&ln, Fullerton 1 man Bob Lethln toc>lc a look Dlamo d La-. I with a :>-O lead. ot the American A.Nocl&Uon Pl· re1ldent ot •03 South 8padr1 at the ltffp canyon Walla, ft 4"W'Jll~ In the al.Xlh, llfter mlacuu rat.ea with e!Sht btnslu L• 10 Road anakea and potaon oe.ll ln4 • The Major Ll'&cue'• wlnlMI pve lhe Robina a paJr ln th• etCoru for a nice round .800. Th• telephonf' rompany wu clded on an taaier and r-..r flCth, Fila cruhl"d a ba.,. but•· B-•~a ... cClalre oc ... e in•---. th 1 Cubit brok,. th• jln.x Tueaday •-• • -.-... .... .,. faced with the tuk of •ti ln~in1 1 way lo •tnnr e w re. ln• bln•le thal la.llled two more Uonal 1 ~--·• n..A..... top~ Th t'• when a rcher McLaln wi•" a &-t vlclvry over the Card· • • ....._... ..,..... ~ th1ee mUea of Wire acr<>1111 rue· a -!oUowln& Joe Avilla'• 1troU thal circuit wttb atx for •1-t _. 1 w•nt to work lha.•--A .... "' k>aded .i .. -. by ... s ecS hllly country to b .. nr lee· ~ ... ..... -... home. Avilla-wu hit by tba and a .7!50 aven.se. phone Mrrice to an tn..t.aUatlon HIJ at.op a cltrf overlooklns a Bob Trapp for two lUAI 1n lhe pitcher and adnncect aa W'&lD In the Major Laecu-, Carl of th• Aerojet -General Cor· deeply-rutted r&Vllle the spon. ftnrt. f~ and a fO\U"-run ou~ to Carl s.r--Budd• nu.np Be J 1oo .... 7 man took aim and nred al the b--'-In the CourUI on ..... lea by •----1 • raeroo eel the P wtth .vv • .....,. ..... eon and Bob White. t1x bue knocb tn nJ.ne al baa. b M neareat telephone pole over 400 Jtm Hehn. Tnpp and Steve Sim· Jim Newkirk'• double In the H11re la th• run-Oown on oth-Har Or ermal•d feet away. An arrow &hot out on.10n decldtd the i.ue r-m lht' 07 • pound • pull bow. tmrt tor lbe Plratee, plua two er top lllcker• by lope: • v • netttn-run explostona deler· b •~ .. _ ~1 M.ajo G Clark Ca-'• tra1Ung a lightweight nylon llnf' Ro m m._uea on .., .. p.,..,.. popti r -&rJ' . .._ Cops 2-Ml.le GO that uncoiled it the rate of 1!50 mined Tuel!Ooly fraye In the by ~ Flaher and Guy Grffn, eoo: Wayne Connell. Oodrera. Paclt1c Coaal Le11.r ue. American wu1·hed l"-fuM on the Bue'• .Ml ; Dean. Peaae, Ptratu; O.ve fttt per &eCOnd. The arrow and Over Weekend hnf' dropped wilbm auc feet of AUOClallon and Ea1tem loop. quick lead. Thf'y Sol lhrtt In Hammond, Cardi; IAl'T)' Schrad- lhe mark. Th• PCL Cuba tM-at Ule Dod~a the initlal st.an.sa and a.tngletolla er Brav• •• 600, Pancho RJoe, . The nylon line v.·u lltd to a JM and the AA Ptrstea ed'9d In the thtrd and fourth. aided In Cardi, '°°; Jerry Bell. Dodlera. Newport Beach'a m09t famowi rope whlrh In tum wu a ttached lhe Cubit 13.14, Ronnie Bate. each cue by Robin bobblea. one 373; Cary Ptcken1, Ood&"era. mannald. Unda Pre1ton. ind I to lhf' lt'lepbont' wire. The wire-paced the PCL Cuba wllh a by 1tarUng pitcher Bill Wetzel Tim Ten Eyck, Plratu, .333; Raymond Bray. !ht> Huntlnat'.on wu th4m pulled clear oC all ob-ilnsl• and homen.in. Thi AA 1 and . the other by Fltspalrick. Peta TonU, Giant.a, .300. S-ch prep Ouh. copped top i taclea on the grounct and itruna Pl l.ff Mtlltd thlnp on Alan W1nnios twirler wu Green. PaclClc Coaat -Ron PaJafer· 1pot1 In the Santa Barbera Bem· on lhf' polri1 Jo~:41• thrte-run homer and ; who took onr the mound from rl. Plratea. Steve Butterworth, 1na NauUca two-mllf' -Im over Coratruction c·r ,.wa it.arled the 1 1 Wetzel 1n the stxth. Stan Her· Olanta, .600. Norm Carlaon, the weekend. Both were thruh· unique project in May. Bull· David Rau·• lwo-run c rcu l plr k'e two baae blowA durlnr the Dodg'er1, .t 211; Ken Wallace, lnr lbe rourh watf'r for Hununr-dozel'• and jeepe look over where clout. cont.eat topped Plrat.. 1Uck· Carda, .378; Gene LaPerle, Pl· ton Beach Swim Club other vthlclell fllilf'd. Thirty-Cool Four-for.four rloulln« by Jim· work. ratea, Mtke Smith, Brave.a, .333; Linda plowed tht' dtat.tnce In telrphone polea Wf'te hauled on my Slunlck and Jtrry Brazil Bob Anderaon. Bravu. Bill Arm· warm water In 82 min. flat to the ahoulderi of bulily lineman I hell up •fOf' a HI • 1 • Ea11V1 n of lite Bra~ rrt.eked out a •lronc. Dodpra, .300. win the women'• a<"CUon for lhe and C'arrled to their proper lltt'I. Dodger win ovf'r lht' CUbe. For b&M'e-loaded ldngl, In the fiflh. Inlematlonal -Shep McCork, M"Cond ll1'1Jht year. The l t -year When the dual finally 1ellled the IO!Jtra, Paul Shavtr alM Wf'nl The p c L Carda bettered tht' 81 avea, .837. 0eo'Te Aiatln. -olcl N-port Harbor Hiib c-oed after neuly llf'ven Wf'ekl oC I four-for-four whllf' Tim Cermak I Giants 11·2. Wlnner pitcher Tom Olanta .. 637 : BILI Blaine, Cuba. beat mtn and women alJke Jut hnvy labor. htlllopa and valley• homered. I Gillman gave up one hll and year and flnl11hl'd ffCOnd the year had bttn 1pollf'd With more than I The WHtern Dodreni llQUttzed it.ruck out 10 m"n ~ron In the anuaJ evenL 40 poJea &et at intt'rval.I of 400 by the CUblt l2-ll as N'1Ult oc a A aqueeu play In lut or the Bray'• wtnnlnr Ume ln nab-to soo fttt. blJ tlve·run fifth Inning IM'venth by Gary Roblnaon acored bing' the mm'• dlvialon waa 50 Jrtnal phut' of tht' job moved A lhret·run homtr by John Prtf' Lombardo and handed the min. nat. abt"&d whtn McLain lotted ar· BurJf' .. i parkf'd an ll·n•n lnnlnir Oodft'l"ll a 1-0 Major Le•rue win Next Saturday, i.ti. Proton row• from poll' to pole. hlc-h h&ndf'd lh• Plonttr Bravu over the Ptratea. Both wtnlllJt« wlll mt«r the three-qu&rter-mUe Manager Bill MJ tchell esU· : 12_4 tr1umph over tht Clant.. hurll't Roy Dalton and loeer Oil Hunttnrton Beach plt'r swim matee It will b9 another 30 daya Tueaiday. With the •cka aaturat-Sharp chuck~ two-hittera and There will be mt'n, womtn and or more before the project u ed. Mark Blackwf'U itrurk out fanned a doun mf'n M Ch junior dlvt1lon• In that outing-completed I the lut batter to 11avf' a 8-4 win lntema t1onaJ Leacue: Bravea ----tor the PfoMer Pirate" over th~ 6. Ptrat~s "'· ';teve Roth and FTed· MANY YOUTH ACTIVITIES Card& dy Bandt'I b\lshed out a pair of Powered by tht batUn« punch Brave blowa apl~. Carda 13, or Larry Dart, Jim Sullivan, FrPd Giant!! 8 Ot'nni1 MacMHlan paced Boyd a.nd Eddie Starkty tht' lht Card attack at the plate. ON LOCAL PLAYGROUNDS CaJltomia State C\lbs !'lobbl'red Eutern: Bravu 11, Ptratu 10. lh• Dodp"' 18-13 Eddie-Noonan led th• BravM Monday reault1: The Amf'ru·an with • homer &nd a trlple, the Many typu of lnle,...tlnr ac-sraphl of the other children AaaoclatlOll Bravu tdgtd thl' I latter acortng the winning run. UviUea are ~In&' cooduct*1 •• prtaenL For lhl• week a check· Carda k cat.eher Mike Lange Jim Cnwford bu1ted a-two-run pert or thf' Wl'ekty playsrounc! er tourn&mf'nt will be held be· p;;.;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; prom.ma 1 p o n • o r e d by th• ~ka. &ache• a.nd Rec .... uon tween a and ~ each att.emoon Dep9rtment of the City of N--al the 31th St. Playl'round. port Beach and lhe Harbor Un-Al a ruull oC the Buddy ton Bifh Scbool Dtatrict. We.k prosram. at Horace En· Tournament. were conductt'd alp l50 new boya and &"irt. rer· a t the Community Youth Center latered In the prorram-Numer- play area and at tht ~Ith St ou• ramea and other a.ctlvtUea Pla7sround . .At Corona det Mar with two-man "Budd,Y Team.a·• 2* boya and (irla entered the wtre the fl'&tuna of Buddy Da7 c&ec:ker loumammt lut we-ek. al lhi1 atta. In th• fi.D&J• April ftlal play In the ellmlnaUon Tulaenberry. agt V, and Tf'ri conwt wUI ~ held th.11 wee.k. Hour1pn. a,e II were deft!aled Jl1n&llat.1 In the 1~••r ace ~ Janet Boetto, aa-e 10-Cha m- &'f'OUP are LortJa Bepl.hotf, as• a. pion. ud Mark Blackwell as• 10 At the :'\ewport Playrround Tb• cha.mplon.ahlp mat.ch ln th• area lht Buddy Week prolTftlll older •&• srovp wm be betwffn came to a cloae wtlh the chll~ ftos'er Jotuuon. as-l 1, and dren br11\f1nr reCreahmt'nt.a for ltff• Butterworth. •Sf' u a pl&y(1"0und party. Conleat.1 and Thia put WMk belns "Buddy pmu were played, Week" lhf' rhlldren were encour· Another hlghllJht of tht ~k asfld to brm. a Buddy to the wa. the beslftnlns oC tbe cratt J)layl""OWld wltb them. A cont.al prosnm al 111 areu. The was held to aee who could brtns you.nrer children made cat book- th• mOllt buddl•. 8ul&a '1,M'uh. marka and coJortul pln Wheel& ap a. wu deet.ar.d lM Y'lnntt. While lhe older rroup partlclpat· bJ enrolllns ltx of her trtenda ed In the making of toothpick tn the prosram of acttvtUe~. alphabet macaroni pin.ti and ma,... • At Th e Willowic k Golf Shop. Tt.. LarrNt & ~' Complete Stock of Golf Equi pment & Appa rel • Now We Have Both Single & Dou ble ELECTRIC CARTS Doubll' N .00 for 11 Hol--S~ $4.00 ror II Hole<I • -GOLF RA TES - ~t·•~ Hua'a. a BoUdaya !M prtele 4! ..... e ' p.an. 1.&0 • Week 0.,. 1.68 prt4'e dllure ' p..m. 1.11 Phone Kl mberly 3-8311 for Re servations • GOLF LESSON S - homer for the )Oeera. Cuda 27, Ola.nu 21. A pair oe el&"ht-run lnntns• ata.ndwicbed about two feou~era and a three-runner, aelUed Ulil bat bombardment. California State Carda 24. Olanta e Draft!! 11, Plratu 7. Weatern. Ptratl'• 14, Bravea 12. C&rdlnala 18. Olanta 8. Genaro Roa oC the C&rda hit a homer. Lut Friday In CaJ State com- peUUon, th• Dodi"•" qed Ule Ptratu M and the Carda topped lh• Cub41 11-7. Dwtstll Tlppblf. S.m Down.Ins and Kent KU1t.er had four hiu each tor the Ca.rd· lnaiL J IMrM .... eum..i llthedulecl for tbe ~ 1Chool on.r.: To 00.U: ~ _.... combmed nc:r..Uonal f&ciJW. of N~ ...,.Num=t=; J;;;°"-;;;;;;;;;;;OIUUa.:;iii:iiiii;;:;:::=:::;;;:;m;;f. Efatt. ~ -b ScbOol ~ the .._.tary ICbOol r diltrktl Of ~It Beeeb and Co.ta K-. Barbor Boyi' am Uid tb• NWpyn Beach Clty Rec·._tJon department I.a ....... Joq u. It waa an-fteame J.nd K&rllM lh'w'er. Jod nQllDCed by V•rn Allm, lll&'h lle&t. Mary Jean M00tt1 Caro- dool di.ltrlct recruUoe direct-lyn Moody; U• between Su.an or. Dore7 and Mary Ann MOON. rtnt ...rOll P'-7 day In the Bt71' lllt hut: Ataon Reeder, )IOOI wu bald f'rtday. K~r• are Bob llcudckr. LowTy Tbompeon. u.. ,.-t.nDww: tnd beat, Scott Kl&attr; Mike M~ I~ -Oh' t.O ycL L&l.n; Jinun7 S.ton. Srd h .. t. crawl: n. Mtwtea Kathy Rora Otinnia Waper; Mike Oree n ; uc ~ •rs; •uan BoJ· Jblull.7 WtdJott. mm; 8all4J' Mc Laln. Soya, hit • 8el1aDml -Olr1a. WINI race: heat. fll cnwt: Richard 8tomp; Jud)' Joluulon; J&ntce O&rnMr: Jam .. Crvwner: Marc MWar, tnc1 Juet hare&. lad bMt: ClMle heat., Todl Bury; Terry x..n.-aa: ~ au. ICut!a. Elaine Bmtth BID 19eJale. 8oj9, bit Mal: Tolly Boelto; Oltl9, • Jd. b&cbtroke: k&thj ...an Uctbut: Blny Tbnll 2nd Rona; C'hriltln• Bers; IC&W.. beat-: Pll.Wp 'nmberlake; Ken- CeaJtBey. Boyw. la heat~ fttdr Mth 8-rty; Huokl Buker. McNab; Ted WhJtenei:k, Mike Olrla, lube race 3rd heat. Jeri Henry. 2nd heat, Richard Stomp; Hou11.0n, Unda B°titon. Mary Tom Berry: M.uc MUler. Helmholl. 4th heat, Mal'Ut G~v- lntermediatea -Glrla, 2~ yd. ena; Ma1y Loua Amburaey; Deb- craw 1: Too! Seaforth, Mary orah Benton. Boy1, 3rd beat, Ju. Arnold; U. Wlween Denice Pick-ry Flnlter. Joe Horn. Don erlns and Barbara Plckerlns. Mobley. 4th heal, Miki' Roet1ch: Boyw, l.t heat: Ed Gallant, tit Danny Lacey. Charltt Pink"·. bd.ween Joe Wa,sner and Jim ton. C&rlaon; O.nny Metzger, 2nd heal, 8111 Rice; Kenny Bonner; Olrla, Pfnny dive: Nancy Buck, 1'4!rry Hourt1an: Judy Job.Non Boy1. lat heat: Herby Johruton; Daryl! Metzrer: Michael locct. 2nd heat. Philip Tlmbtrlake; Don Mobley; Kenneth HeJety. Jim Brownell. 3rd hl'al, Mike Hom: Richard Hl'loz; John Ktrk- patrtc:k. Flmla: Tie b • l w t1 en Jdlke Horn and Kenny Bonner; Ed G&ll&nt; BUI Riel'. Ure savera 73 yd. medlty: J ohn Owtons, Bill Keppen: Je!C , Olua. 2nd hNt., Ronnie Reamf'; 1 Katie Oeaenbers: Lynn Carll!On. Rent A Tele vision! Pbwt ... , .. el' F1rat 'IW9 M•U.. BeatO..llit Ap ...... Ule htt ..... ef aa7 T. \'. 8et er 11.-jor A,.U..- e "" Bau New & Used T.Y. Sets All Same 8...,.. at Gf'nt'ron.a Savla11. Ship In and -Ill beCoN )'OU bUJ an.r T.\'. or AppllaMe No RHSOMble Offer Refused • Opf'a 811911aya a f!\"M tll 1 :30 Reliance Glrla, 2!) yd. 1ld•tr"k" Toru Se&torth; Barbara Pickering. Kathy Sauce rm an. Boy1, ht heat: Mlke Hom; Ed Galliint; Bill Rice. 2nd beat: J immy Cart· llOJli Danny M.etqer: Ue between Jim Brownell and John Kirkpat- rick. Tired IWimmer cerry 1-im· 1 mf'r and victim I: John Owena • and Jim Anderaoo: Bill Keppm I and Eddi!' Meserve; Ronnie Re&me and Jeff Ola.all. Home a A.ppU..C-. lkn1ee Co. 1101 No. Mata. l!l&ata &.aa P1loae Kiat>ert,y 1-neo Advane«i be(innera -011 la, ballon race: ln heat, M11ilee I Ullllllllli_,_..._..,......,....,,_.._,......__.._,....,.._,_..._ ..... ....,.....,_.._,........,_.._,....._"' Brewer. Judy Randail. Sharon I Re&me. 2nd heat. Bonnlt' Trem- bly; Connie Pope, Mary Jant' Moore. Boy•. lit hetit Jtmoy Wldlotf; Paul Gallant. Don En· 1lgn. 2nd heat. Mike Orttn, Tt'ny Lomax; CaMy Ktnr. 3rd hut. Denn1a Wagnu. Sttve Slausrhltr: Ue betwttn Biii Scudllt r anti At.M>n Reedl'r. I Elementary Back.atrokt -Olrla,' ht heal: Bonnie Trembly Con-I rue Popt1 ; Ut betwffn Sharon I Certificates Ready? All Major , Leaiue player• must &how their b.lrth Ct'rtlfl· j catu to their coachea by July 16 In order to be ellrJble Cor I e BalA' Ruth cbamptonahlpe which st.art July 20. BueMll CommlMioner Rod MacMllllan announced 671; Gary Couch, Cube, .MS; Charles H~. Bravee. .000: Mike Murphy. Cube, .429 American-Fred Rich, Gt.ant.I, .818; Dave P&gf', Olanta, .671, Allen Jonea. Plratu. Richard Wllllama. C&rda. .000; Rod WU- IOn, Dod&'ua •. 487; Richard Bar-- ria, Dodcera. . •st; Richard RI· 10n. Cut.. .m : o..r,. FuaHJ .. man, Cuba, .UT; Biil Brock· m.an, Pirates, Allan Sance. Glanta, .SSS. SDYIH ORAllOI COUllTY 11 ., ,-. . ( SWIMMING 474 tlTM PLACl COSTA MESA • lllUTY I · 11 52 Al the Sith St. Playsround a ~Used palnUng of oranre Juice 9hulf1ebo&l'd conwt waa h.td cane for pencil contatnera. wtth 23 entrea. On Friday lhe Th" tbeme for thl1 wttk at aenl flnal1 w~ played wllh all the J)layrround area11 wu BDI Spurlack and Whit Hamed. Jl'amlly Sporu Wtt... Aa part Dave Root and Jack ~SU& com· of lht Pl'OfTSm. parent.a were pettfts. Reaultl of toumq -t ncourasecl to p&rUctpatt "1th Dew Root ttnl and Jack .....,... their cblldren ln the P'atnlly hd place wtnnere 8porta Olay beld on the ..,.. happy vacations begin Che vy • in a Wtst 5th Stred at Qodio Towers ---sANTA ~A PH.ICI ~Ull Tb• Buddy Wtek prop.m uon~J~u~ly~t~UL~=:;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..~;;;;;;;;;;;;5;;;;;;:======~~====5;=;;;;==~ ciam• to a clioee at Sllh 8t. Gil p Fftd&.7. at which llm• au ddl· dnn made colorful Cac• on wflJcb .a~ eollected auto- "C.., .. Says - .... .. .. ~ ..... adW~ t'-1 ht .... •••er ODIJ ..,,... tllMe • r'A'· ~ a.. "11&.r le\fl -... a ...... • co•TND 1r LISIR I aae s ...... rt ..,_..._ OOSA ..... u-.:ut1 * A FEW OPININGS LEFT FOR INDMDUAL LIAGUI IOWUNG. ' CONTACT GAIY FULLER • FtM llliltwctloll for TMll Agers B&GINNING ..1~ ~-EAml SATUBDAY OPEN PLAY AT ALL TIMES l'08 "WE~ TBBOWN 'l'RE UY AWA r· O,.M ...... ~-lacl1 ''c.....,_ • ...._,, NOW ••• 20 AUTOMATIC AWYS I Vlll•%M TllASUIE CHIST Pw .,._,.,I • Eat.&.t ov ..., .,....,..... ClMll BOWLING nos You'U I.ow to tro.fX'I m it, btta.tUt it lovu to trat•tl! W~ '°" gtt tAU c~ out on. IM road, 11°"'U toC11&t to u~p going- attd ao V1ill tM t0Jwle f amil11. Of coune. evea in a Ch"rolet the happiest vacauona may in\olve one or two minor problem&. Like fida'ety small fry who want pl- Iona of water and kff P aaking if you're almoet there. The bt&' thinp. thoup, are beautifully taken care of by this roomy Chev· rolet'• amooth and eu1 W'&Y of Soi~ That'a for sure. The faet ia, few can at any price bold the road with Chevy'• ance, with ibl 80lid feeli~ of 1tability. And with honepower op to 225, Chevrolet moves out like a whipluh., for 11.fcr puain&'. It's no w-onder that so man1 peo- ple who u3ed to buy hilher priced cars are cbangin1 tA> ChevroW.1 Stop by IOOll for a ride. MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West Ceint tflttew., NEWPOIT llACH .. , DIJ8TLE OIA88 TBOPHUS-Commodore Frank Wood of Balboa YC (aecond from ri1ht), host.a to the I&rrer ciu.e. in Fourth of July Regatta, preaentl the flnt place Thiltle clau award to Ralph Linhoff, who, with Dick Wittwer • (third) and Neal Allen (second). made it a clean aweep for BYC In thil 13-boat cla.u.-Beckner Photo ... ....... Mewport BarW Tac.lat r..s i.oe.ry, VYO.. '" GU ...,_ 111011t to 101 ..... Star (BTC) -lfft0 hv1e. IMck tiM --11 bode ta a ft .. ~ llalul. D X'a. 0..' lldlillr ud ~ • ~ cniA ...... WIDdl m. .. ....... all ~.....nee ~~ Wlllll.r 0. &1&9-KJITC. "°'9 o« Balboa Yedtt au t.o A.Ji.at.roe--Mur~ Mu"" .U. a pad total ot 111 •-ra:t Roberta. NHTC. Ut9 iA 1t cla.-tor tbe co-epon-M.reury (BYC) -Minnow, M. _... fwrth ot Jul.J Ml1ee IUt r . lt.o\llbC., aTC; rroeell JD; WMk..-d, )ten. 8Lll ~&14. VC.::; la .aeb divltdoa ooe dipper U>uettt, CMt Wlteeler, BYC. CU1kad \II • ca.an IWMJ> .ovp ThlaU• (BYC) -.Anclat Pell· bJa ri•W. Bob D9U•U. ot ln'C can, Ralpla Lll\Mtt, TIUll~ t.ook tlY9 tlnttl In the nv .. bo&t Neal A.Jlen. aM ........... Dick DlnldttMl da.-to wln OYV Ted Wltlwer, all rte. ICol'nwe:lbel. aJao ot 111'0, and Int. 1' (SYC!) -OaloouM1. A. a It a Martindale ot UTC. Pet.er Gal•, BYC; Black lh.ep, .\ptn.tt 15 det.rml.Md aldppen. John K&rtotla. aYO: Jet. Dtck Otck Deaver of STC tw....S ~ Jlo9'y, NHTC. Oballeqe to t.hl'M flnU la tM -----------PC clua corQPeUUoo to wta over Bob Lamar et H8YO ud Jack Toon of BYC. COmpl.te ttNta. follow; M.Y<m 4 Mn Lehman lJ (NRYC) -WUd. H~rJ Mackel, Dtpper IV, Phil O~ and No Name, ken Kin· ney, all NHYC. Ketcalt (NHYC) -Nut-Nut. Dlck Blatterman. BYC; Old Pm.wn (NHYC) -El Toro t w. o.a..r ~T• IOA1S ....u .... ...... 1 ............ •IJACK'S Ufl)UORS llM .......... oonA ........ , ........... . S ~arR1e ~1. ,, ,, ---------------------------------Plutlc. Pet.e ll'rcMlt, NHYC; Taco, Harbor Boyl' Club Juntor a.ad Mld ... t bueball tatriH Ill U.. Oran.r e County a.Jl.1111 captuNd p,._.,,uly •u. triumpha T\leedq. Tb• Ju.n1or1 Jolted oranse 1.0 while the Midl"ll made with the mUIClll 8.0 over 0cMn Vlew. Ask Administration of Delaney Estat. ----------------------U07'd John90n. BYa ll. Don Ada.m.1, MBYC: Whim, Jacob Karkh&m, CBYC; Spook, Monday the ll'BC Mldr•t a•1 WM Prtabrey, BYC. dropped a 11·2 deetalOh to Hunt• Snipe lNHYC) -No Name, lnrton Buch &tter lb• Kidr•t MARINE NEWS SANTA ANA, 10CNS) L•tt•r1 of admlnilt.raUon ln Ult ..tau ot B ruce A. Delaney, who ~ June 11, were uked In IUperlor court here Fnday by ha widow, Bernice Del&My, S2• Mqnolla 8t., Cotta Meaa Prr- IOD&l pro~rt)' lo the Mtale wu l1a.d at worth In ucu• ot •11.000. .. -~"'" :;,:;.r.;• ? Set your course for most fun afloat T IDE Oat. Tlate BJp Friday 8:2:1 L m. July 8 7 .2.& p. m. Saturday 9:09 L m. JuJy 7 8:13 p. m. Sunday 9:60 Lm. July 8 9:01 p. m. Monday 10:33 a. m. July 9 11·~0 p. m Tueeday 11 ·19 a. m July 10 10:41 p. m Wednuday 12.0:I p. m July 11 11.37 p. m. Thurld•y J uly 12 12:M p. m. J @ rutaT l'VU.. QVA!i1'1:8 MOON July 1• July 22 TAILE BL 39 70 u 7.1 '. 70 .. 88 'a 8 0 • 9 ~.3 a.o (f LUT QUAATU July 1 Time BL Lew 1:1511 •. in. -1.1 1:03 p. m. 1.9 2:'2 Lm. -1.6 1 :.N p. m. 1.1 3.3' L m. -1.9 2;'8 p. m. l .t •:OI L m. -1.a 3:'3 p. m. t .• •:110 a. m. -1 2 4 40 p m. 18 :1:33 a. m. ---0.7 6.U p.m. 18 1.11 a. m. ---0.1 l :ot p. m. 1.1 • NEW -;~. K OON July I L&nny COon, NHYC. A'• took the Olltl'I 1-1 lut Lehm.aa 10 CNHYC) -No week . Name, Lee Crt.Mw•U. LIYC; Sur-Clutch pllchln1 by porUy Petit prlH Twat, Jim Lewll, NKYC; Heiku and a eque ... bwit b7 No Name, Dolly Newport. NHYC; Oa.ry Pickena, Korln1 O.w Dlrty Thlrt7, BW Oullck, LA YC; Hammond with the wtnn1q tally Sand-Witch. Jane JCnr11ht, NH-In the third. toppled the Oranp-WHAM! l l -Mrs. Ned Rutter, daughter-in-law YC. men. Pele held the rt....i. to t h Th R R snowblnt CNHTC) _ WM I. uu ... blnfl... o t e omu . uttera ot Lido lale, does a bang- Cralr C&dawa.l&der, NBYC; 8&1-ror th• K!dr•t.t. TUeedsJ, up job ot chrUteninr the Venture Claaa aloop ty, Tom Gateil. NHYC; a.a-eur., Jerry LaW1'9Dce twtNd two bit Gundreda which wu launched lut Saturday for Burke Bawyu, LIYC; Cna Cate. ball and tanned 11 llatt ... Pete Newport Harbor Yacht Oub'1 Staff-commodore V1rrtnJ& Cott... NHTC; TuulJ, Feat.hereon'• 111.nfl• ln the fourth J im WarJone. NHYC. and an error meant the wtmilnr Rutter. The trim craft ia the tint of a new line Dlnldtten (NHYC> -Bob run. d11tributed locally. -Beckner Photo DaJ"rett, BYC: Ted Komwelbel, -----------------------------=------ BYC; Anita KarUnd&le, LIYC. OCEAN CLA88U Rhodu ( BTC) -Wilch, llrat Enrtrht. NHYC; Whlm, M. Pear- cy, NHYC; Manana, H W. Thome, BYC; Bea Bee, K. r . Burcblee, NHYC. PC (BYC) -Challenr•. Dick Deaver, BYC; 81nb&d, Bob La- mar, NHYC; Pally Ann, Jack Toon, BYC. Ludera (BTC) -Dark Star, Jeff Farwell, NHYC; Geranium. Rulb Haakell. NKYC: rrouc, LI JUNIOR YACHT CLUB NAMES NEW OFFICERS Novia del Mar Leading Quest as of Tuesday Burke Plans Sawyer Takes Helm as Made for Busy Semon Yachllnr e.nthu1lut.t altend· lnr Newport Harbor Yacbla-- ma.n'• Luncheon at 1 :ill p. m Tueeday were ln direct cuntacl 87 Kn. Matt Ober Pen:ola t.1111 plan.I J)Hdomlnat.- ed Udo I.ale Junior Yacht Club'• tint mttt1n1 ot Ole ee&.10n lhla wMk. l1adin1 ott with th• elec- tion of ot flcera. Monday momln,.. ud racH Fri· with Howard Murphy'• yacht day aflcrnoona. Qu .. t over hlJb MU radio phone R&clnl' u rtu lhroUJb July and KMl and th• latut poa1Uon re-port ~••ved at that time lndl- AUJUll w UI feature two r•cu cale<l Novaa drl Mar waa lead- u ch Frldlly, t1r11t race a t 1 Pm lnr In th• TahlU Race with lnowblnta wUI race a. two di-Quut next vtalOM. LehmaA lnt.rclub, Uh-Murphy e&JJi they were mall- Inc I to 8 klloi. In 1~ to 20- ma.n 12 • dlnk.lttena and any knot. eoulh ... t trade.. T b , JOHNSON'S NIW HO LI DAY l•ONll llA·HOllll They're •••rt/ Thtf 11u.1n • .., '"a.- Horse• 117ltd ill HolldaJ Bronn Hd SptaJ Wb.lte. Come to Hd ... them. Nioe sr-c atw modtla _,co 30 bpl , South Coast Co. Newport Blvd~ at 23rd St. Barbo~ HOO Johnson ... '\ ..... , .. , .. 111 P l -.i t Over 120 jWllor 1&Uon mu.C..r- ed at the Udo ClubbOWll to pipe aboard Burh S.wyer u their new commodo,... 1:11.&abelh Ware wu elected vice-commodore and Randy HW, 1e<,.t.ary.tnu1Jnr. Tb• Ulree n1et captatn.e wbo took oltlce weN J ohn Ha.all•U. Mnlor dlvlllon: Oeorye Vander- vort, JW\lor dlvllion: and Jimmy Adamt, dlnldllen. othet" cl&.11 wllb three or more ---------------------- entrtu w11J be •tarted. Troph1u will be aw&rded tor both th• July and A UC"Wt eerlu, aJonr wtth awudl (iven tor d•lly first, H<'Ond and third placu . An expended prorram of In-AwardJI wall alao be 11ven tor Marine & General Welcllng Autborbed Dealer &11d Manufacturer Swflide Traffers ! IHI HCllW llvd., 1 Costa Mesa ui.t, ...... OETJ'ING IN P RACTIVE-Some 29 o( the popular Snowbird catboata were on deck at Newport Harbor Yacht Club for the two-day Fourth o! July aeries with a.n eye to 10m.e rood l"&dnc and a little workout for the upcoming Flight of the Snowbirdl. Of the 29, ten were the new Schock-built plutic boat.I and ob- aerven noted they held no especial ad vantage over the older wooden hull&- win.ninr ltill dependlnr on experience and ability of •kipper and crew aa e&n be teen by the reaulta in thi.a race. Craig Cadwalder uiling No. 24'6, Tom Gaw in No. seo, a.nd Burke Sawyer in No. 23t5 (all wooden bulla) took the top bonora in the lerlea.-Beckner Photo 1truct1on l• belnr ottered U do Ult achievement ot Seaman. junlor11 thl• year. Dick ~wMt. Crew and Skipper A llnr1 ln th• 1aJ1tn1 ln•tructor announced. 1trucUon prosram. An Intermediate JTOUp, tor There a.re two new trophi .. thoH who can handle their bO&ll open lo Junlo1 1 lhl1 year. The but arr nol n ctnr "l"Jlarly, wtll Loyalty Award Trophy will be be held In UI, aflemoona under conferred upon lhe mrmbcr C llell- the eupervi•lon of John Huk•U. lor or junior 1 who 11118 hJ• boat 19118 winer of the Qold "8". In the moet racrt under I.he Udo lmtrucUoa Ttm. burre•. In•lrucllon will be ecbrduled Monday throu(h Friday morn- lnp. with Ult JunJor TC mMUnJ Girl• Only StrlcUy for th, &'Ir It It Ole COmmodore KlnJ1ley perpetual trophy lo be a-rded to the jun- ior JU'l wbo dl1t1n,.u1shu her-1 H it In yacbtlnl' duru11 the year. Cu1tome.r Trallen Built to l' our Ordu Trailer (lemodellng II Repair lurfslcle General Weldlng 2601 W. Oout Hwy., Newport Beach UbertJ 1-U'TI MARINE PAINTS DJ:RECTORY = IOAT TOPS -CANVAS COVERS BY THOMAS = Newport Harbor Boat Rentals Outboards· Cruiscn • Uve lait HI E . c .. t Bl"&J' at t:pper IS&T Brld~e Call llartlor Ull For Relen"&Uou ~~ '"' w. CeMa llJwQ IOAT SUPPLIES PAINT Marine Hardware 0. Tlle llartM Mlle ~1-Ull ~s~ GET OUT IN FRONT WITH A MERCURY SS OUTIOARD ROM DAVE SPIES UH W. Olal& B1""1 -X•-..n e.c.. -LIWTt7 1-Ull • ., TID8 IS A BOAT--SaJ.l1ni in8tructor Dlck Sweet (aecond from riJht) rtve. re-- fttther couree to officen of Udo Ia1e Junior Yacht Club, elected recently. Sweet will head an expanded proe.ram of lnatniction to be given th1a 8\llDJDer to U.e youthful yachting entbuaiuta. Front row, (1 to r). are Randy Rlll. aecret&ry- t.reuurcr: Johnny Haak~ll, fleet captaJn. 8ellior divilion. Back row, (l tor) are Jimmy Adama, fieet captain, dlnk.itteo.1; ~rge Vandervort, fleet captalb, junior diviaion; Sweet, and Elizabeth Ware, vice commodore. The era.ft. mcJ- dentally, ii a new Lehman 12.-St&tf Photo The Lido Nl(hl f'llghl, uncork- ed tut yur u a 11df'llne 1pec1al· ty. h.u advanced to full-time ff&· man raUnr. docketed for eveey Tueeday, Ip.Jn. Firal rupt fi1tbt taku ott nut Tuuday, follo•r I.be tW'le-up thta week. LIYC Jra. are &llO 1pon10rln1 tbr Sunday bl-monthly Parent Jtacu, the an~ 1Ummer .alllnf 1ubltanuauon t.bat t.he Jwilo.ra can aalla r1nr1 around the M'l\• tora. • To &Niet In th• pe..-nt pro- rram, lnltruclor SweeL conduota a WHkly adult chl .. on Monday•. La1t llUldaY'• op• n e r aaw Claude Scott t.ake t1r1t. followed by C. E . Vandervolt.. eecond, and Leon Ware, third. MARINI INSURANCE OIM~~O.. UU W. v.tit HIP"1 lAe ... .,.., ~ SOVTB OOAST 00. 23rd A Newport Blvd. States Gro11D1 Meet New York &nd l'few JuMy ltalM Socl•U•• wW ~ an all fa7 baaltat. p1cn1c JUl1 I at ,. 8l&b7 Park, lAftl Beach. Tbne iaoun of murtainm,ftt wtll llt&l't at 11:30 p. m. ,~· .. ,,.,, .\. ....... for ... .._...,.,.....r....,_ 8QU;..;A•WAW t"IPD <laU Liberty MW ._... a.rrk:al ..,,. U6 C..t•r tlL, 0neta II- Harold I. Johnson P\1:11•-..... ,. Oii ..... ... F....... ~ ..... ........ nu VUJa ft'a1. Npt. llftcJI ILICTRICALLY - e LET US HELP YOU e ITAFfOllD 4 HN Eleel:rlc:a.I Coa1ndon 110 8hen'1e Ave. UbertJ a.me • GOLD LABEL COPPER CO~tl"Ol"~'D BOTTOM PAJ:Vr Pacific Spar Vamfslt Pacific White ~~D COLORS Meta Boat & Hardware Co. HO Hlh St,. ~enport Bead\, CaUfomta DbtrllKICon of Atla f'atnt and Varn.hall for <>nare Oout7 A•k l'our Fa\•orite Dealer Ride Showboat to Laguna OD the &autlf uJ Paclflc Twice Daily -11.30 L m. aACI '7 :00 p. m. AdoJb Sl.50 -Cbllclrm M cent. AU8Y BUSINEM FOB PLEA8tJBF-.The docks or Newport Harbor Yacht Club raemble nothing eo much aa an extremely active bee-hive aa 3 New Mesa City Employees Hired: Mrs. Mmray Quits Three new employ.-at Cotta ){eaa City Hall h .. e been an· JIOunced lhla month along with the lm~ndlnr departure ot Sec· ret&ry Mra. Torn Murray. Buntlqton Bne)). Miaa Dlclcen· aon went on duty July 25 and Mn. ~on atartecl Koaday. Pollce Chier Art McKenzie an· nounced hiring of & third clerk· typist for the Coata M.eea Police Department, gi'f1Dg-the force a clerk·typlal on duty U-houra. T&klng over the momin~ ahl1t dinghies and small boat.a are readied for an after- noon of tun and 8tiff competition in tbe annual Fourth of July llerie1.-Beclmer Photo YOUNG FUGITIVE FINDS BEACH LIFE FINE. TAKES TO PIKE A 10-yee.r-okl ralcfeat ot t.he Leroy's Boy Home. La Verne, brought to th• JocaJ Mach with a group ot other boy1 tor an Independ~ce Da1 beach party, got the traveling •pint In eame1t 11.1 the ruult. When the youth poup'• chaperone gathered thf' boy• to- &"ether at 8:lli p.m. to return home, ~ boy wu m!aaing. Clad only in pl&ld bathing trunk.I, &nd with no money, the youngster W'84 found at 1 :4:i a .m. on the Lo~ Beach Plke. He Mid ha lert Newport Beach almott 12 houn. before. Mr11. Murray tod•y revealed ahe wu leaving her job "for 1ood'' aa or Aug. l. She hu been City Hall 1eeretary atnce December. 1963. except tor a four-month leave of ab8ence tram July to October lut year. from 1 a. m. to 9 a. m. July 18 ------------------------- Newcom.e1'8 already on duty are Mlu Mary Dlckenaon, clerk, ot 2207 Holly Lane. Costa Meaa, and Mre. Robert Payton, PBX operator, of lOH Cailtomla Bl., will be Mra. Claudine W. Broug· h&n of M4 Cong-re88 St., Colita Mesa. Currently, Mrs. John Nu.cum bandies the 1hlft from 9 a. m.. lo 5 p. m. and Miu Ruth MatUa the lhltt from O p. m. to 1 a. m. Scavenger Hunt First Week's Event of Sammer Playground The nnit week of the play· SheUt>y Ku.ter. I; Melinda ground program lp<>n.aored by Brock, 7 ; and Blll.y Wirth, 11. the City of Newport Beach Re-Horace Jtnaign-(Top team Mesa Youth 16 S·1gned As creation Department &ad the llCOred 406 point.II) Linda Har· f I Harbor Union High School DI&-grave. age 9; Connle Pope. 9 ; trlct. WU hlghllg'Jli.d wtth a Janet Boetto; 1<>; M&lcolm Math· 2000th Bo I Cl b M be 1e&venger hunt on Friday after· la. 8; and Jon Hetn. 8. Ys u em r noon at lb• V&rloWI ..,..... 38th St. Area-(Top t •• m The children. «'lcht yet.rs or ecored 146 point.) Capt. Ronald U Attanuio, Don Walker, Ernie Another mllutone of procreu trom 10:00 a. m. U 2 :00 p. m . age and up, were divided Into Bacon and Tony Renora. wu rea.ched June 21 by the The club ts closed on Sunclaya. eqmll lea.ma a t eac h of lbe Each week a specla.1 event will Boy•' Club of the Harbor Area Baldu the regular pmu areu. The captaJn ot each team highlight the prog'ram at the when for the flnt Ume a 2000th wu given a Ust or arUcle1 need· annual member wu enroUed. room, library, woodahop, gymna· ed In the aummer cnlt program var1oua playgn>und areu. Thia Honor of becominc the 200<>th alum and buebaJI actlviUe1, IJH!· s.nd to be collected In the •ur-wttk I• known aa "Buddy member ln the current Boy•' cla-handJcraft claae. •re held rounding neighborhoods. Week". futurlng & Buddy Day d for all participant• at the play· Club membenhip year went to daUy from 2·oo·4 :OO p. m. an Memt>eni ot lhe winnlnc teams grounda. G&mea, sport.a and tour· Ronald ThroOJIOn. 16, of 334 Del Saturday• from 11 :00 &. m.-1.00 were u toUows: Corona del Mar na.menlll _ iuch u chec:kl!n, Mar St., COila Mella. Ronald LI p. m. Th ... handkra!t.11 include ITop team scored 491 polnlll ahutnebo&rd and othen -wtU the IM>n fll Mr. and Ml'I. Art pluter o! paru moJ~ and Capt, Phillip Bonde, age 11; be emphNised. Tlu'OruJOn, C<Mtta :Meaa appliance paintlng, lealberen.tt, co pp e r -------------------------at.ore owner. , craft. art and drawb\4r gn>upe. "t'oung Tbro~ 1• a #enlor at Harbor Btp 8cbool and work.a In hie father'• •tore . ' On June 21, l~. tM Boy•' Club memben1hlp r eached 1686 membera. The memberahJp la now 315 more than the llll1M Ume Jut year. Tol&l member- ahJp for 19M wu 1916 mem- ber•. It Is eatlrnated that the 195e membenlhlp wtll be cloee to 2200 Newport Harbor and Coat.a Mua bo19 aruf )">UDI men. 8-18 yean of &l'e. Durlnr the .ummer month.I the Boys' Club l1 Opl!n dally from 1 :00-5:00 p. m. and 1 :30- • :30 p. m. Saturday boUt'I at'e HERVEY CHARTER MASONIC MEMBER WIUlam Rhodu Hervey Jr., 18U7 E. Bay Ave., la a C!W'· t.er member of the ~ WU· llam Rhodea Hervey Kuooto Lode• recenU7 tmtStut.d In th• W..tla.h Jilaaonlo Tem· pl• lD Loe Aq'elea. New Registration Procedures Slated by OCC for School Year New reglatration procedurH wtl1 go Into effect &t Orange Cout College ror the 1 9~·57 1Chool yea~ uUl~lng IBM equip· ment. It wu reported lod11y by Or. Dona.Id Pehlke, dean of atu· dent penonneL Six m&chlnea have been ship- ped to the college from Enolcott. N.Y., and will be inatalled dur- 1111"' JuJ11 'l'be.e l~hade a coUa- 1 lor, a key punch, 11nd lnlerpre-i ~~:·chi:e. :oc~~eenr~ a~~~~t~:~ 1 counting ma.chme. J ack Condon. torme1 ly 10 I h4' IBM d•partment with John Oeer4' tor two yt>ara. ha11 bePn tending •J>l!cl&l IBM claaei 1n acbool &ccounUng. All forms to be uaed have now been printed and approved by the Stale. according to Dr. Pehlke, The equipment will be Wied tor reglatratlon, attendance accounting, and gTade reporUng. Wlli..__.. .... ._.,....,,...._ ___ l!mpioyed as IBM technician for "We believe lhs lnstallaUon of the equipment will reault In greatly Increased ucuracy. fl'nl· blllty. and etrlclency." Pehlke uld. It I• belt•ved that the n- 11y1ttf'm will cut flown on the po!llllbollty of rlPrlc11I error and save Inst met Iona I lime hereto- fore USl'fl for dl!r1cat purposu, The lnslullalian Is being deSiSTI· ed lo handle the lncreuinc col· l~ge enrollment without an ad· ditJonal cost tor pereonnel RONALD THRONSON 2000th Member I.he ooUege. He ha.I been a l work tor the p&llt •Ix wew preparing form. and procedura &11d at· Btudenta will regiltu for • t rile MP 1 .. ne .. l1it 1e,1rb Iii• I -Jl'ICll C.. XAYD Only a tftt 4'1• rwM&n Ir) ""9'9'd• oplna 10,..n. el NfOn ~ fOf' ..,... Jto. HTO camp U.. Mari.DI ~ ot N.......,... ~ •· t;t. U , "M tM 16th Rifle C om p a n y, UBKCR, an puw.n, oa UM fta-N~ .. &Ua OI' 111!.&L llhlnl ~.to -.... atmOf7 ~ aT ftt::7Bfts b"&llWl,s. At tbe ,,__t Umt '1 ... .._. el "'-t empbulla la '*Ill JMcec1 on ~ ~ Jr-.. 1'1'1 lUn1.nal7 ~p ~· Wlll:ltlWt. ftANK xus- tloa. QI MAN ... ISVm..YK MUS- 2'bla phu9 la ·~ lnqMnt&nt h!r.MAH. h\ltlbU!d and wtte, b7 to the M.art.De ~ wbo DMd ot T1wt dated January e. l})eftda OM week o1 Ma two 1960, ........ .Jl.llllary 15, 11165 week• ot au.mmu ~ Ur-la ~~,.... -of Ottlcial tnr the. Kt rta. tor qua.lltlc&Uou. B.ecordla Of Ona&'• Oounty, Call- ... •• l .a""".. 1 t b ---~----... • foima, dlcl JftDl an4 convey the --" ...... ..........uamp ~ tlllrtto and ~ train.I.QC, Relentata rec e I• e d.cri~ t. Ula 0ranp County STATE 01' CALD"ORNIA. _ tra1.nlng in ma.ey other eaMntW Tlllt OomJU7 u Tnut-. t o NO'n<JE '° OON"llUOl'O&s i •ubJect.a euch u blvoua.c prob-MCUtt amons 'eui.r oblipU... SlllALED PROJl'OSAl.,,8 WOl be ~•ed at the ott)cu of tema. •mall unit tactica, combat tbe ~nnet ot one note dat.d CU;r Clerk, Clt1 Ball, Qty of N.wpon ne.ch, oautornJ&. untn IWipuning, bayonet lmtruction, Januarr t. 1166 i-,.able to La-o'clock PX on the Drd da.y et J\ll)', 19111 at 'whkh UJDe they .. lndlvidua.l protection, and 'p&I'-IUDa hden1 kWiqa and Loan be publicly opelMd and rw.d, for performJnc work .. fQJ.low• ::;: &dee ud c:eremOIDie.. AMocl&tklll. a corpon.Uon. tor For the lnllt.&llatlon of • - 8 ._,.,,.,_ -• Sprtn.IPer Systm\ in I.be ::: ummer --........ for the r.-the r-..-INlll of '11,000.00, City-owned Tl'&Uer Park eel'Viat i• a complete two week with IDc.r.t at th• rate of 1 No bid wUI be received unleu It 18 made on a propo,.J tomi excuraion into the round the per cent per annwu for ftrat '8 tun.I.abed by lb• City Enctneer. Each bid muat be accompanltd clock routine and rucpct tnln-moottw bc*n ate Qd thereafter Ins of h1a coun•·--~ ot the u •t. forth 111 aa14 note, prlnct-by (~. cerUt1ed or euhler'1 check, or bllider'• bond) made m · ·---~ able to the City of Nnrport Beach, tor an amount equal to a& Regu!&l' Manne Corp.. Summer pal 4QMS lnW.t due lD monthJ.J leut ten percet (10c;t,) ot the amount bld, aoch ,uara.nty to be tra1ning la tlw hlJb point of ea.ch lnl(allmnt.a cl $U'UO beainalns fortelted llhould the bidder to wbom the COAt:ract &a awarded faU year'• training u it rl.,... the Juu 1, 1tA 11D4 conUnulns unW to enter into lb• contracL ruervtat an opportuntty to &P-~'?l .. -:4, .. ...,_, .... _ oc-·-In accordance wtth the provl8loN1 ot SecUona 177() to 1781 ot ply lmowledce p1aed throusb-"~ .... -.... .... ... ... -lb• Labor Code of the City Council of the City of Newport~ out the year'• drlll period.I and red 1n tb&t the bl.ft•ll11M11t of bu ucertaloed tbe s......i prevalUns rate of wqu a-ppll~ lo 1.i.o providH an opportunity to prtnclpal and lnteftlt dua cm the 1rork to be don9 u foUow1: • • pick up new ideu and tech-Mid note Oil June 1, lt56 hu llowtr 119r °"9 niquu bei.nJ employ9d b7 the not bee paid; and \Yap sea19 w-.. regu1&r nt.&bllahment. WBIDUC.A8. Lac"un& Jl'edtral Laborer9 -o.nerai or con•trucUon __ 2.30 18.40 The 15th Rifle Compuy, the 8a'1np and Loan Auodatlon. Opwaton • Tenden ot Pneuma.Uc • only Marine ReMrve pund owner and holder ot Mid note, J:lectrlo Too1' VlbratinS Machl.ne9 Wlit ln Orange County, ta.lt• to llentolore de:m&nded that uld • 1lmilar mechanical toola not lhe field at Camp Pcdlet.on for ~ ..U aid property and ...,.,..t.eJ:r duaUl..S bereln --· . Ul lhelr annual two wMb of a.on-Oil March 11. ltM duly recordAld Tannan • Kortannan ···········-······-·-·· . · 2.36 mer camp from July T·2L Ju>.y ln tlMt otace ot the County R• ApprenUce ~. lncll1<llnc Ftn- YOWl&' man between lT·ll'i't la corder ol .aid Oowlty, In book man. Oiler, GN&aer ··············-·· ...... 2.M eligible to join the Jilarlne 0orp9 MM, pap 101 of Oftlcl&l Rec-Alr Compre.uor, Pump or Oenerat.or Raerve and further t.n.torm.atioa orda thereof, • notice of Aid Operator ··-··-·-· ... ·-······· ··---··-2.49 may be obta1ned by contacttns default and ot Ila election to Pump Oper.tor .. ....... ......... .. 2.M th• 15th fun. Oompany at tM cau.ee Mid Pf'Ol*t7 to be 110ld Skip Loader Operator -Wheel Type 2.es Naval AmmunJUon and Net De-and mon tb&n th1'ff rnontlw Tttnchlns Machine O~ralor ·····----S.90 pot ln 64t&J .8ftch. bave now elap89d ~ the Drtvera of Dump Truck.t of leu than recordation ot Aid nottc.. Tb• 4 yci.. water level ·----····· ·~·-U-00 Meyers Girt lorn The Marvin lleyen, 112 Dia- mond st.. are parent.a ot a baby Jlrl born July 1 in H~ Boa· pita!. awn of f16,000.00 principal and Driven of Dump Tnicka -4 yci.. but lnte~t theNOn trom March T, tea than 8 yci.. water level ··-·---2.43:i UM la DOW due, OWioI and un-Drtveni of Dump Truck• -8 yda. but paid on .aid note and then la Jeu lhaD ll ym. water level -·· ·~ 2.t86 &lao lle(!Ul'ed by ald Deed ot Plumber ·········--················-··-·-----·· 3~25 Trust the Tnmtee'a t .. and u-Plumber Fo~ -----··-3.17! pt.nMa of Mle eltlm&ted at Sprinkler Fltlel' ··········-···--·-·-----· 3.43 UU.60, tocWth•r wtlb any 11\llU Bprin.kler Fitter Foreman -· ·-··---······· l .'3 paid and actnaoed by the owner Any cluaiflcaUon omitted heHln, not iO.OI 18.80 1880 19.92 21.20 ; 21.20 • 23.20 lUf 19.tT . .. 19.88 2i.20 30.JO 2T.U til.44 ... cl&ues. uatoc the new IBM equipment, at&rtJns Aus. 1, Dr. Pl!hlke •id. of .aid note bl aocordance wtth le.u than -····-·---·····-······ ····-········· _ 2.ao 18.40 the prcm.sona ot Mid Deed of All blm an to be compared on th• bul9 of the Ctt7 Enslneei·:.. Truat, with tote.rut on Mid tut ..umate of the quanUUn of work t.o i.t dont. ~ mentioned imma. No bid wtll be a.ccepted from a Contract.or wbo bu not bffJl NOW THlll\DO~ NOTICJ.l llceDAled lD acc~rdanc• with the provtatona of ~ter 9, DIVl~T IS B:mUllBT ~ that the m ot Buato .. and Proteulona Code. • CllBTD'lOAft OF Bt11INUS l&id Oran&" County TIU. Com-Plan.e may be Men, and torma of propoula, bonci., contract. a11d LEGAL NOTICI THll UNDJl:RSIGNED do h.,.._ pe..ny, b7 \'lrtue of the authority specit'1catlo1U1 may be obt&lned at the office of the City Enstneer, by cerWy lh&t t.hey are con-vested lD It u trustee under Ctty Hall, Newport Beach, C&lltomia. ductlns an apartment houae and Kid Deed ot Trull. will Mll at The apecl&l &tt.enUon of prwpecUve bidden Is called to Ul• 1llp rental bualne.. at HOI Vla publtc aucuon to the hllbut bid-"Propoaal ~·llrement.a a.nd Cond!Uona·· ann.xed to the blDk Oporto, N8WJ10rt Be&c.b. C&Ufor-del' tor cuh, lawful money ot fonn ot propoaal, '°" tul1 dlrecUone u '-blddlnc, etc. ' nia, under tile tsct1UOU. ttrm the Ulltted 8t&ta or Ammtc&, on The Ctcy ot Newpon. Be&ch reeerv• th• rlCht to reject &n1 -or name ot THE JO.RIND\, and Us. 11th day ot J\Jly, 19ot at all blda. CITY OF NEWPORT BICACH, CALD"ORNlA HAROl:R Y SCHROUDBR, City Clerk that Rid firm i. compo9td ot th• hour of eleven o'clock L m. the toUowtn~ penona, who9e of uld da7 at the 8outh front names In lull and plac• of ~I· door ot the Oranse County Court Dated: June 21. 19Ge. dence an u fol&owa, to wlt: llouee to tbe Ot7 of 8Uta Ana, No. 1'711 -New1 Pre9a -l/21, 1/1, 195&. JOHN J AT JAKOBXT O&llfomla. all ot the tnw.t 10863 Cb.&lon Road, Loe An-conny..S to it b1 ll&l4 Deed ot ,.elee 24, Ca1Jt. Tn.lllt In and to all that c:vta1n KA TBJ:lUNJC JJ'. JAKOSKT Pl'Optrt)' llltnted 1n tM Count)' 106&3 CbaJon Road, Loe All~ ot Ol'&ft6e. State of C&lltorn1.a, re.Je.t u. CaUt. ducrlbed u follow8: WITNESS OU1' band.a thia Ulb 'lbat eerta1n l.euebold l.D- ci.y or June, lt5e. terst co ... ~ the r-.1 prop. J . JAY JAKOSKT to--erty ducribed u tollowa: KA THEllINJ:l r. J AKOSKY Lot Nloe ln Bloek "D" ot STATE or CALil'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) M On thl1 14th day of June. 19M. before me, BemJce C. Mayer, a Notary PubUc In and for the .. Id County and Slate, remdln~ there· In, duly corrunlmfoned and awom. personally appeared John Jay J1koaky and JUlber!ne F. J&k· olky, known• ·to me to be the peraona WhOM llamM U't pUf). ICribed to the within 1.mtruJ:Dent. and ac:know1edl9d to aw that Tract No. UU, u ahown on mep recorded ln Book at. pasea 21 and 27 ot Ml»cel- 1.aneoua Maps, record9 ot Or- anp County, Callforni&. Which aat.d lea.eehold 11 evt· denced by lhat cert.&IA leue dated November 15th, 19S2, by and between llarl W. Stanley and Ktldnd Stu.ley, b:uaband and wtte, u IAlmor, and Norman N. Wlllon ud Ida Jane Wlllon, humllud and WU.. u jobat ••ett- SOUTH LORS I . conSTRUCTIDn ~u ... RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COMMiRC~~ NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SVAU. %30 IOtla St., Newport 8-eb r f\~J I • , I The l&Le Wllilam Harvey Sr. wu .,.and muter of Ma- aona In California In 1917 and aoveretp .,.and lmpec- tor rener&I in• Callfomia of 8cotU.b Rtte Fl'ffln&IOmy fro~ 1H8 untU hill death ln 1863. GREATER EIRlll Three other memben ot tbe Hervey family an char- ter memben of the new .Ha- 9011lc lodse. Harcourt B. Hervey. reUJ'ed major sen· era1. and Harcourt H. He,.. ny Jr., Puadena, and Jtd- wud Henoey. Bevert7 Hill•. Seek Settlement In Mesan Clalm IANTA ANA, (0CNS) -Su- perior Court approval of a com· promlae S1200 11etUement lD a diapuled minor'• clia.lm wu aakad l'rlda.y by Ronald Buchan&n of 1578 Eldtn A••·· Coeta x--. on ~halt of Ma .an O.vtd L. ~chanan, 8. Tbe boy had claim aplnat 'lllomu Ii. Rinklt, Ule Electrt- cial Product.a Corp. S. K. JohMon a.n<l the Golden IJtate Daley tor b\Juriu he received ID an eccl· dent May 29 at lllden Aft. &lid Del t.far St., Cost.a MIA. 'nrt ~tmm:ni. ottered the eettlemenl, bul b&ve ac~pted no liability. Mot9I C .. ln Talcen hur chrome llltdle cbaJn ....,. taken horn the ~ of Mn. M&rlanne Waahko. 405 ll. 8aDM>a Blvd., '1\teaday, while the wu palntln« the rear •part· Dlf'nl of a mold ahe m&J\&l'M. ~ ...,.,. lnlol'!Md ~ men •~N lftn by nctsllbOn to load the cA&lra lnto a n old car I REMEMBER ••• SAVINGS received by th. TOlh of the month ••• EARN FROM the 1st. o~p , •. Pll AIHH•M CURRENT EARNINGS • .......... -.... .._..., tlnl• I st•• '•• that f"d '" sot la th• Wm A .. -lheJ lhow elf I" NEWPO~T HARBOR NEWS-PR~ ... , .... .,. w ..... ., ... c1 ....., OOASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesday• o..t&I ....,_ •t:e Nm la tM W.a11i117 N..,..Pnle PAINTING PAPERHANGING S~c!~' ...... M06 -lllT RJRNITURE Ds.tinathely ..,_ Made, ,.,.,,.. 01' ~ C. EVElm SMITH •11 • 11t11 at.. K"'PO" ~ H.v. _, da1I .., ..-tnp 11t10 Window Problems 1 ftepaJni, nplacamut, nmocs.l. He u.rdware -No run Pree •tlmatea . .,..,, ~., u ~ -X.XScan ytUWllu.d fUl'Ol DUMct 'Pand\o' l'lew from HS Xa.nt.he, Udo S.Je. Cont.act LM Adalr at Mlll1r1 CIM¥rolel, LI 1·1111 or Klm .... ....mp. llcll ~ .. •r rtn1 .JADI ITOHJI 0 8 HT m A IUR· IWUNDSD by DLUIONDS p&at.l.nwn clip. J..olt Co.rciaa deJ Mar area. Pan of u bttrloom Mt. ft.llW AJU> call coU9Ct Htr· mo.a JIMcb. Fr'OQUet 1-CNH or J'roeUer S-eo&O. UcS3 L09T -Tllnrao&-Penlraet 01\ I Lido la1e. Bar. lt'TI J. ~ward J3c t.On'-al> MUE KJ'TTEN, 10 I w .. Jw old. ChUd'e pet 2 whit. to. on left h1nd foot. '6 nward. Har aTil. (Udo IaJe). aae REAL ESTATE M Tt,.cl Keeping It Slashed Our Prict1 On If Y ov Com• I 6tt it omm.zm BOUIEOLD J'lJ1lHll8DIQI · OLOl'RJ?(O roa TD lllft'tU rAMILY llWJ Wll4T 'ID 9011 U9VJ1r Ope ~ Wll., 1'rL. Bat. D1t.9 'ti I VJ:'l'DANI INDtJ1tftJl8 '41 S. 'TB Rattan, Wrought lro.n, Petlo Fumlture CompWe ..-U0. of Wzvupt 1roa J'Qralmt.. ~ u4 ~. Lan lwtnp. a.rd& u4 .... UllabnUu. BASKETS of all kinda 6 Unuauat Clft Ital&. Canves end Aluminum Awnin91. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 1626 S. Main, Santa Ana Kl 2·3M~ Free o.llvtl')' OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS Tll.L 0 JIB DIWHllS •"4 ILIP~ COYaS ...... °'*" a , - I ·-·~--· .... ......... .,...., ... ""' " a. liWN 111 -,... .............. u.a-.. Slit ........ Olllll Jlillll, U.tD.oo ........... ... --.... .._ .. ...... .... ..., ........ .... ................. HAND IRAIDED aues :i ~ ~-.! ':: ":'~ ~::0,-:'~ AD w lltlWI • p .. FAC'J'OaT W.._,.NU -.,.,, ,..... .-a -..., ma a ""' at.. .... Ana. &..-. ... Biii.......... ..... Ill. ,...,,, . WATCH l CLOCK ~ .... ~ • ...:J,:._!! ov......=1rr,. .......... , ........... ,.... mm&AT-. IDVl:L u:r!UGDATOR N'-S""W~IOJtf.,..._ ca•w•,me TAPPAN GAi M.HGm lftt ... ,.., .... N,,."._• Dowa o.ta If.-U MIU °'ILu '!! !ll!Vill! WeeldJ aa.M1......,1uuw·t11..-W8DGJIWOCA>...,. _., W llptiaf, ......... ...._, q Ill au~UiD ~ TU• •ml Ml tr• • ,......., lah.tq lbelt. Harper Ute TUne Out of tOWB credlt el_,.. tJs ~ piddle, Sftlroa.red hJ 1 ~-o.11""7 ... lalt&IJ&- broll«, bts o.,.n wiUa J.ll'ht. Uon opt.tonal ()pea ~ ~ ud all •• plee. ci.rome top. UU I p.a. Ntyer \IM4. Pd. dn.. to Ut'J .M trom Plt.00. No dn. pyml C'l099d 8und.a71 Pay Olll1 Sl0.25 per month. ......... 9toftd. ---------------------lllll ll4UOIOf'I 1'tJftNm.m.m JESSEE APPLU.NCla CO. 1013 8. Main KJ I-IHI J W FACTORY WAJUIHOUSI: -2_9-___ H_e.,..e_ .... "'_ted _____ %9-lhlp Wuted 1011 a l'tnt at. a.nta Ana. ll&nt.a 4aa ct.Aas tor propert1 ownn-1 and Girls t.hoee 1tudytnf for new •t+te MORE THAN 500 GIRU llXJ>aullNC&D fountala niu, Pboa• ICL To141T. 21 or over for nit• work. WW Wnrht., 17Ua la Cout Bish-RANGE-REFRIGERATOR 82-Funltun for 1&11 uanu. At OOJOrUNJTY CHUJ\CH. en Belioll'Ope, CDK. : nltu w~ ITil'nNG July 11 • 11. T :•5 p. m. 2tp3~ way, Newport Beach. llcU AND WASHER wtll atart loct.l Telephone 80-Mbcelhaeoa. Compa.ny e&ntl"I t.hl.a month. Will You Be On• ot Them ? IRON $5 Down -$5 Weekly NOR.OJ: AUTO>UTIC W.UHER MAOlC CHZF RA.NOi: HOTPOINT l\l:TIUGl:RA TOR COMPLETELY RE-BUILT ~d divan, all new m.ateria.l it7.50 UP TABLE TOP ..... ranru "" p&Jrtd &nd tdled. to day IU&f· $37.50 'u.. 1 a..ru.a fl.OO add'L u... .!6... GENERAL Frequent periodic lncreuea. -OpaW\f• for - Telephone Operators -Apply - WrTH A LIKlls.NSW W'EITINO- HUHKll! llectt1tly onrhauled- only u buck.a to 01"D to llOOl V-'2 New•~ tf S5 DOWN O.Uwra All 'nlrH Oul of lt&te cr.dit cleared In on. day. O~n every nlrht till t p.m. 'u.. t llllartlo• 1.50 add'l u.. .ta-. CARPENTER REPAIR AL.SO Cio-d Sunday• Attn: Property Owner! ' U.. I IM1..UO.., l.00 add'L U.. .%6 ea. ODD JON Cloth1nr It: ahoea tor the entire family. VERT J\EABONULE. 4 U.. ' •r rffor SM add'L a.. .t6 -. No jo1t too llD&ll. a..t ot hf· ere<*. LI MT1' 11Uo GARDENING LAWNS INST AI .I ·ED e·ao to •:ao I.rt you ne1i.c:U111 your welet heat.r? JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. ....... ,, ..... a. wlll ........ ,_ ., .. _ .. OllM .......... , ----------lU Wut Third 1011 I . )lain Kl 3·13U Wt employ th• handicapped. Ka.DIVJI AD &a 6 LI.HD Dm.ADLDGI for P1aclAI or cancell1D1 a4e .,.., ror M-"1 hbUcaUon -rrtd"l • p.m. '°" wc111111PulllicaUon.-~1 p.m. For l'r*1 hbliceU• -TJl\lnda7 l p.m. NllW.,,_ ••IAOll •l1BUllDNO 00. 1111 ...................... c.at...sa. LICENSED General Contrector ~liq -.\dd!tlona J'ree m.tlmat.N 1'9rru eu be arranpd F. N. JOHNSON AND RENOVATED aanu Ana Pnintnr It clunup. By hour, day or month. LJ 1-4o&o PACIFIC TELEPHONE 33J>'8 MAN over io yn. old for &un· LADY WJ\I'rlm, veset.artan. 60, day an.moon work al Boal "ant.a Urht hakpf., or sardln· ramp. Har. 1100.w. aOc32 In(, I or 3 houni a day for ---------- LOOTED OFFER $2.60 CIMA. dra1J'I and adjuet )'OW' water beater. C&JI yuar DAT la NlOBT A UTHOJUU:O Dlil..ER , JOE BECHTOLD PlumbiD1 la.nt& Ana Goodwill lnduatries PHILCO IUIJ'IUO. -Bir 12•, '17 w. •th Bl., lanta A.n& cu. ft. I door with Dairy Bar Door porcelain crlape11 all 3 PC. FOAM rubbtr curvtd ttNI 1helv .. and 90 lb. frffMr •tttlonaJ, llpt ,-r .. n. LIKJ!: ch .. t. Pd. ctn. to 11'2 48. No N&liV. 'a prlct 1100. HubOr LJ:x1nston .. , 7.a All Cll """ ..._-* ...... '-o.1111 la......_ el pllllU.ttn. 10p41 · fte ,.......,.,. wtl1 Mil be ,.,_.bi. tor more Uau one latOrrect ___ ...._ ___ _ T"OOm, batll It yard tor dor Call Topu J·OUJ. 33p U C1CN81:D real ut+tt 1&le1man or broker wanted. ldul loc&· Uon and cond1Uona. Sff R. C. Oreer at 3112 L&Cayet~. New· port ~a.cl\. 30t.c! Har. o..~ dn. p)'Jl'lt. Pay only 110 per &311. ntlo mo. &uu'Ula ol ... ad. ,..... Ul• ""''to eorrectlJ clUIU')' UJ aad Lend1cape Gerden·1nn &II ...... te reject &r/ ad DOt ~. to rulea I.Ad r.-tiona. "IJ L&Wll 6 Garden WANTED TO CARE for Infant.a or am&ll chlldnn tn my home LI 1-&121. lkM OESKS-J'ILJC8-CBA1R8 HE BAUOHH'a ruP.NlTURI: Oran1• Ooual)"1 'ACTOR Y W AR.EHOUla ,.,. Larreet lelec:tlon 1016 E. J'lnit It .. Sant.a Ana. BEAUTIFU L HOUN run ot Fur- niture. eon.tat.a ot ultra mod· em bed divan. Chair, ottoman, I Nevamu tablu, 2 modem lampe. IN<lroom wllh •lldln.I bookcue headboard, double d,.._.r wtth mirror. 2 nlfht t.abl• It lampe. mattr-• box •Pr1~ with 10 yr ,uar. T pc. clln~ room Mt. 19&& deluq O'KMfe • Merrill rans.. ll6t 11 cu fl. Hol· poltlt retrtr. B&Jance du. on'>' SIM.'2. Pay only Sl.31 per wk. .. CJanlfled lnele1 • Que .en.Ma . ........ . ...,., ~.: -6 ,._. .. I a . JI. ' OIMe . -u••·•...._... UDC&J ... +lew l&. h .. ·. ta-w-a.. . . , :·· II n J tl1• '.' 1' Dr •1 . ·11-AMI ..... Alill ~v~E ....... .... • J ............ 1 • • M ....... MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Colon1a1 Mortuary TIO'l 81• .JUl't louU .e W_. ~M~Pan. Aa ClJUla Ola~ ........ .. ~:::· .. all ~ ('1'11 rr.) ....... . ............. ...., ....... .............. M.a!ntenance CLEANlNQ It lrontn1 by day IOME f'RU. .um• fM. By Joi. _ or By Month OT hour. Experienced. OWn J.ppUca.nta needed. many office n1 J:. Moata Vitt.a.. eo.ta Mt• lrana'portaUon. Bndt •~• jobl. A.lao rtat+urant and LSO r DRISCOLL preferred. KI 1-IOH. llk3~ cSomuUu. Many Jubs tor · • qualllled men. •-·tu now . LIBDTT 1-ltTO ~--aac" H O U a • C L m A N I N o June ranv. Dnyl l.fCY. ----------Wlndow1 -t1oor1 rna.chlne 402~ Und SL. Npl ... ell FOR RENT 8111.D ..... Cleo. DrUl.I, PoUaben, &U \Jpee ol la0 't ... WIMeAaiu ,.,... et& BOYD'S HDWE . ta0 w. co41t mmnr•T L.tk11 I-USO lfwpt. Ilda. Dttc c1-ned and wuad. Call Kl (acroee from Qt.J 8&11) l-29tt attar 6 p.m. llcU ----------BEAUTY operator, part or full PJ!JUlANENT dally baby alt- Unf Job wanted by u -yr.-01d coU-se sir!. Daily or evu. LI a.-2te1. a1paa SEAMSTRESS DRU8JIUKlNO and ALTERA.TION8 Roura t a.m. to 8 p.m. time. will ~ D.W f"&d• uate. Wiii train tor atyUn(, NJ.ary It commillllon. Liberty 1-Hoa. aicaa Leopold EaecuUn Phone Kl. T·5'8T, J'urnltUN I .tel Otfl" 11\trnltun rJUOlI>Alft.J!. I cu.. ft. nearly ANAHEJV ntw ntrt1uator -amaU and OmCE """'rn1'rTfl"TTD'll' CO. oom119c~ sea. etJA..Kra. 1 vn.i,1.1. v~ lllT Ha.rtM>r. Colt& Mu&. w .. hlm ~Min ---------- -----------ICllMKOR&. deLuu. f\ally aut.o- KNITTERS CLOCNO OUT LU.9 -'°" ct.t.cowst °" au lm!Wq aiup- .. u. ....... P~t con· d1UO.. loou Wu n~n11 lllt. at J.AJm"I. lNT Barbor. ODlta w.-. pu.. •tra• Nc'I &Dd JCa.,Mr ----------stret.cb bo.. llT • IDnT. o~ • LU"!'LD. near SD BAUOHN'I F'U1UOTU1U: au I:. a.J)oa S•d. new ..,.,.. top c. P . pl J'ACTOftY WA.JU:HO'USE - ran.. wttb clodt. ptddl• 1015 z. Jl'tm It.. Sant.a An.a. cllrome broiler, etc. -Coll Phone Kl. T·IHl7. '*· ....,, youn for only Pl . al l.um'I, 1HT 11.anor. A. HOUUJ'UL APRICOTS ........... : ••• 7 - CARPENTER Repair Work 1! !!!'!J!'l lantnr Doee T°: ':~::r~ 1 T5a Monrovta. Coet.a M .. a I..IbmT 19'12t PERSON ABLE aal.,l&dy for u - clualve woman• epedalty lhop, not over 1tu 11. 6~ day wwk. Experienced preltrnd. Apply Shaddock'• 302 Via Udo Newport Beach. 32c34 MEDICAL uat.atant. la reception· lat, Ntwport Beedl AreL Pleue et.ate experience. quall· flca Uona It any perUnmit ln• f onnaUon ln tlnt lettu. Wrtte 8oJt I.a. can t.h1a 119per . 12lfc Tree rtpe.ned ROJ&l aprtCOU. H lb. ·~ • I lb. buk.U. BrtnJ cont.aln.en Hillside Orchard Colla x... l'or SJt a mo . ----------itH om it.trtr .. 1131 fl.l1l .t.. UPOadUllD 4uto WUben. o.s. rotet J'1ow. Pd. dA. to 1111.M from Nll.00. No dn. nmt. Wll.ir'lpool ... Tub lu· preme, tull1 autom&Uc. Pd. dD. to SlTUO. Pymta. on11 san per mo. Mars• 'l'\meUJl• Ooo- b'ol. tull1 auto. Pel. dn. to Jl.IUO. No dn. Only ST.• per IM. Rotpotnt, tuDy auto. llef. '29.M . Pd. dA. to only SHl.U. Noda. P)'DlL We ban lot. ot otl\... lo c1'ooM from too aumerout to menuon. automacUo ran1e. T pc. Uv. n1.::::: REPAIR WORK '!:~...-.:,u, ________ 1_1P'_'. ana:HT BRICK --------betwMn %2nd 6 Urd on TUatta Ave., Co.ta Mau ftm. p. I pc. bednn.. comp. 6 pc. din1n( .. t. ·11 ........ _ , ..... Pl .. .. TB.ds llAUUNQ ~·UP PLA8'l'D • PLUllBJNQ ~· .. ~ .._. ... . .· "·--·= • # ". a •• ~· ~M.1•. ... ;,..J ..... ~.-.. _!··· .. ·~ General Contractor • 11 Uc I • . ._ ..... ........ .a. i -..n.. ...... 6lMtia ..... • 'ftp' CT • ...... , ., ........... ....... -,. ... ............... ... _, ..... .tt.(J~ ..... _____ , ........ .__ .............. ............. • -· OlllDe9 ............... " •• , Cl ~ w .. ..., .. c .. ...., ...... ,, ................ .................. ·-··•'1 .... 0 zt.a. ••• 11rW '1 ......... 2 .. .......... Ntw Work -Remode1tn1 J . MIIJroM KcKDfZDI Harbor QW..W Mtfc m::NJ:llU.L BUIU>D Expert Remodeling A4ditom • MW OOJl.8lrUCtioD &aq tenna can be ananpd Bar. MOl-W CARPENTRY MIMOll llEPAIR WORK lfO ICJa TOO IMAU. ao..ucsm ieu a ..._ BlYd.. Ba11>oe .._MIO Uttc .....tin, QI.I lw flr'9 ..ttmatu Dft'mlOll 6 DTEIUOJUI ~ 111 ...... expert. Com· .... I I I 'llS eernc._ I:..& WWWW Har. 03U Jt • -. Call Bar. •T Painting, Decorating Paper ffaal"ll 6EO. BURKHARDT UCSNam> OUN'MU~~"R Lll-ta2 ~MUI u . ~··· 8ervleee REPRODUCTION ••. 'l'Bll SIXlOND OB.JUTDT BUKAN ND:D! Aal .,., ....... .,... .... -' tr! !MB ..... tM .... ,_ fut .mei.t • .,. iiiJoctioa. ..,... -.. Print o.p.., ..._ at Jut a ~ -JlllflltJJ eqgSpped. QfGd) lltatted and eompU- ......, prbd w ftol to Newport B•ch For ,oar ~ n.S.. twcm •tu. printa to pboto-... . .. ,_ -. *tf ... Call ••• BAUO& llUJ& PllINr OOMPAHY Bart.tin COKPLE'rm P.uN'l'INO "FIX-IT" Mechanical u.4 El~cal Ma.l.at.enanc• -.r.tce ALL WORK OU>.lU.NTSl:D, Banor MM or MN HOUll:KEEPD Uve out. per· manent. mutt like chlldrtn. Har. HOT. Ud4 12" BAND 81. W, 1 ILp. motor. metal • weod, .-0. 10 ll.r . tl(hl feur Jhttluud•, •c.O.t. SlOO. Bar. lt'H an. l :IO p.m. Nell 411 brand n.-. SH dn. TJ:CO Jl'URNITURZ Open Mon~ Wed. • rrt. nn t 2609 W laL laaLa A.a& lOtfo Unpatnted It junn.Ue f\mlltun. • Paper Hancms ... ... llXPllJUSNCED NIMt 1arden• w A.NT blp ecbool or co~• lltJQlllQI o, 1.AUlfW wU1 can tor your ya.rd month~ rtrt to UY• tn. for awn.met'. CBAllUCI JmNKIN• Mesa Woodera# Biq Clearance Sele 100 n.t ~ Jf..,.-t a...dl 17 rat. JD MTN after I p.m Hue I ftrla, are I • 11. 11.&nor me u. JOpa& MUST be able to awtm. Prt· BhM dy~. eleutas &Dd "' palrtq'. Pick vp and detn'W7 HrTice. 112' Cout Hwy .. Nawport Beach. n .. r "Tbe Beac.hcomben", LI 1--UJt. IA~ A.a XUCB .U '°" ON aOKll 1TllMa. Pnc. reduced vale room .ts beth. Har. 5080. t&-PwWWll Roy' 1 Maintenance 11cn Beacon Personnel ID BAUOBN'8 ruJUl1TURI: FA.CTORT WA.R.mROUI& - lOU &. nnt It, Bulla Ana. ~KL T-4•1T. °" cbe9U, wardrobM. butci.- ... Come e&l'lJ, prlce la aallJec:t to AocJc OD band. AJeobollce ~ Complete Profeuion'81 "rtee •· a. -• Hou .. cleentng N...,.n ..._. Otar. l'loor wuing and ba.UIDI .._. 11.w "" • Window Oeu.Jn1 • Call Upholstery Cleaning Patios Color wu.ed Lu.atroaa Baulta REASONABLE Phone Uberty 8-I 332 Uc llpU 100~ emp1oyw retained LID'T OVl:M J'llOll UMOD- apDCJ' mmo ,cm AT au CAJUfA.-a. &. ~tor • a PROa- JU1 Harbor ams., eo.ta Kua ua.1N1 Aao9 tl'oftl •taar• Kalk.et N• r.. ooUKt.ld tr.. appUcut TION, CORON~ Dl:L KAA-PDn'T flat t.op pl nnp-UMIM N....-port B..a Maple _. ~anltJ, •II; msa1J 11-S a lot Of cl~ up but I ltOOK.8 Nlce J'umJtun. Con· t _, an puut.Md to be o.K. stat.a ot a pc. MCUonat eofa, EXPERIENCED ) H&1r St,u.t ormk:a top drvp taMe, mechaalc&ll7-only '4t J'OR comer table, 1t1p table, eock- W .,,. ~.. t --• • IUO; "9 for1111ie& top clarama -·• J•"-S 1911 Har U bl 2 u..c-.. •--a.n-...,e or e ...... e ..... p-t.ablt, ST.JO: Ila ..,_ ... -..aa --... • • ta t.a e. ..... room uuuJli', ply by phone attu 5 L.Ibfrty rnattnaa, ST.60; 1 ft.111 doll'U w al'td .. Coet& Mee&. bedroom wttb HolJ)'WOOCI Mad· l ·llTllO. 33o83 boe.rd wtth buill·ln comrnod•, comer lavatory 111.nk. na. ~ .• cu. tt. retrtprator double dzwer wtth mtrror. WOMAN COOK. Otneral, Uve In. COM:ll AND orr THl!M. wtt:ll ... top freaer ahelf-0 0 m b t 0 a l l 0 n ma&U.. • No h•vy cleanlnr. no Jaun-llcll loou lllle new and l'WUI t.h• •prinp. bouclcM.r lampe, and dry. 1200 mo. Har. 1817. 33lfc ----------_.. w.y -only SH. at d•-•R• room ... N ... -..1 WAIUCBOUD NOW OPmM TO '.AD'I. ltlT Harbor Blvd., ......_ ~ "'er _.. Your Relex-A·Cizor OON8ULTA.NT DemonatraUona, no obUpUon Boa:ulle Wlleon -BYatt M6ft or HYatt ~ .,. PART rn eu.tocti.n. cau tn .__ • TO oo-Pd. dn. to PIT .II wtill• ~ARDENING •nd ~ ... -c Dt7ll 'n• c.t.a x... ----. No ,,_ P'""L u -· V u pereon at lUO W. Balbo. Bld.. 81'llt1CTIOJ'f Df Ot11l WAJUI. • =--y ••.20 _._._._:-,_ CLEAN-UP JOBS Newport Beach. lldl B 0 U am. KDCllANl>JU GUARANTEED r--r- 1..ADID wuo wme TO TAD WANTED wANT1m -M&ld at Hamllton a.u CROWSD t1P 1a ws •UTOMATIC um BAuamra J'URNm1ftll S d• h .. J. H~ Kot.ell-Lo4p. HU N. HA.VII ~ rcaaa> TO A F•CTORT W.AJWHOUU: -we as massage LIBERTY 8_6139 0out Bid. 117att ._.. xoV11 TO M4D aoox. w•mu:RS 1011 •. nm i t.. 1aau .Ana. ·-.... -~-----------ALI() OUJl oocsa AU Pi.on. n T..uT . ... "'' conver.lmc. f1' -IJtfe LO • ..,, -..-v .... bomt, plMM call for appmat-WA.HT TO PL.A.Cl: H yr. old -ulCD WlTll '"'~ .• • A.I LOW A.I ment. D:PICIUID'fCll> baby llltt.er, boy wtth me. family tn llatar APPL. WW AU currDfQ $69 Harbor nea or HarbOr iat lllWdlie ..... excellent nter-.,.., WW enter Harbor m,ta Otnl PIUCU ~Y ICIUo eace.. Bar. IMO-R.. Uc:J6 tn a.pt. Wr1t. P.O. Bes 111., TO FAaTSJ\ MOV. OUK TBOft..JILA.CXITOIQ-ilC ----------llDCPl:RlDCm>, .md•t ..,. Newport Beach. Udl l~QBNS rtJR.NITlJJL8 nu:=~ Superfluous Hair t&IJ', .,. " Jn. l>elltn9 ~ llXPlllUJJKCZD wcr1r.t,,. ~ r • c Tolly w AJCSROOU ,.._ .,.. b'&dMm ud noor ~ w•• 0.. ,._ Ume -.plOJ._l LI. ...an. ll..,.r. A.l9o tull time maid 1013 J:. ftNt 8t,, llUt& AM • ..,_ ~ reeondi- anna. MP. ~ ... lla1r ..-.. tor new l.Apn& A.p&rtmeat .... dally. KI T-Ml7 ... -........ ...... -· .. -----0.UY· Un. etiaped-Ho _.. ~,. _________ -_ _. Bot41. Ryatt 6-1611. lie ._ -•--- m..a..mt L UTA.HT A. & aP1:1UEKC1CD ,n.cttc&J n\U'M R&DWOOD PaUo A~l1-..t" fll:J and IMtaUaU. option.al. Udo'• a.Jon ol ...., -· llTI fW uw lftfqta. hod of TRAII..SA ft.epalr Kan for all WU.18 on tronl ..... KA.ICIC Clo.cl •l.md&J9 ______ ..._ ___ • __ eldldru, ___ ..,. __ • UM-J..;.;. ...... • __ a_kM_ ~~ bandy mu wor~ Orn:ll. 11.a.r. 2111. l2cM Movie Proiecton APP~g co. Tall GU. CoallUJ ~ .6.H'l'IQUEI Mic. ftliety aui:a..u. .UC-. ...... p.a. ............ ....-. lampl. fanlltlln, ,,.... twqeet.,. sift u.w .. a. aa.t.,.,.. t• a. ........ ltAmBD 41'1' JOllll8 l6Tn Jlaftw ...... l&llta.U. ,.... ,Bilboe Tutoring & Summer School 18 nmwer med=. Dementu,. 6 ~ School nl>jleti.. Amtricu Lec'iOJl Ball, 215 • 10th St., Nwport 8-ch. Joly 2Dd to AQIUlt 10th, 19M HOUl'I I a. .. to 12 A001L ~ JUM IO. TOP WAGES FOR TOP MEN l'OR fC6JrT ltll a. MAia al MUI l-JOIBOD:-::-MODI& .W lluU 4.M II ...... !1'PfD- _.,__ .. ----lllcJI •or-. Joa W. JohMOQ, a> ~ ~ cW Kar. Bar. 111&-a --~-•"'.-.--JO rr. N. B. ci... keel 8loop. oa ..... ahttt 1'lrnl uuae Meara Camera Shop a. a asnuaau.'l'Oft. 8" bUD ..,,.,,.., 1 -~ ..., MachtnilQ, 11: n r I a• Lath• l'IU N...,,.aft ....... Olllta ..._ ll -. ft. Wit.II ._. t.tp fne1t-U .. '1112. Ude ::b:,,. Man1 M..-~.. Pi.a. UWty a.TOU. .-., • -... aaw ~. ac rr. CBJU8CftAJ'T 1a u.a..d ...,..... la ..... N. da. lo lllll..-r •.all fOf' week -419. PROl'IT SHA.RING Freeh Bearing Aid •1TU1. N• ... n"DL Pay onl7. m.,,. • Rar. 11.Jt..W. u11wum .._.. .. ... an.er • p. m. 11cia We Q&w ... ~..... a::s bUOJIJ'f'8 J'UllNJTORI: UGllTJm'fO a,AU.. ..U ~ Gundereon Drug~ ,..,CTOllY wAUIDJu: -Oood colldllkm •food "7kla ~ U1. Pr 1011 J:. P'l.rlt It.. lut.a Ana. aaila. 1971. H+r. UIT • OX- Maa at.. at Baaoa S2\'f.. 9an.oe PbOM ICI. T-M&T. ford '9 72U, Zle.aa Boan for Sele Tt.ic l.iMy tlOO.J buUt ln Boni KAN!f, I 1'. p ltcwsat.b lnbo&tel cnft.., OGtton ..0... ·~ rta'btl· 9\.owe. buOll\ur, ca(Yld UDl.r, a.JI kU COO· llN ctlon. sleep i. fll11 new OOWP ···~ ---·-----U.IOO ia• AUX. ldoop. •leqie t. moe 11.lley. 1 .WtJI 1&11-. WIT7 cl-... -IUOO 13' KEIUlSCROJ'F tlootl. IMIJtt l9t8, 1lttpe t . mw IJalverMJ •·i&. nice ralley ············· ... oou &ewraJ bay launch~ from JMO lo $3,600 all to lood COJldlUGll wllh Inboard molON. I' 1CMAHDal0~8 YACHT A.NCHOR~oe ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS USED TELEVISIONS & APP.l.JANCES 21" SYL V ANU. oon.ole model, 2 yn. 014. -.eel oood. Hu guarantee. ·--·-·· .. -·-·-'169.9C5 21'' WESTINGHOUSE. Mahogany couole with doo". Ub ne#. -··-··-· -"9.60 17" PACKARD BELL full door comole, AK/PM radio, 3 1peed phonograph. Very good eond.. $129.60 .REFRJG - 8 cu. ft. extra nice. Guaranteed .................. ----... U-9.M BLACKSTONE A UTOMATIC waaber, 2 yra. old. Not a ecntch on lt. Completely autcaatic and gut.ran teed ............ ·-···················~··--····$139.9:} . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY JAGUARS Hi9heat T recle-ln1 BANK TERMS WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS JACK HAUSKEN GUNNAR WATSON au FOR RJ:NT or ~ -~r Houe 'l'raUcr. turn. Tb,.. 1'00'1)11 • loU.t. VffT7 nuon&ble. U. 1-6760. lkJI CA-.,e••• CabnS MariMS". Lido PeniDlu1&. Eut Slit St., Npl BG1i. : OiiiDL& ~ DeUPttW n,.._ Apt.-0.M••• t1tilftltl ....._. . dla T ICht .Up 1ccomod.atinaa DIJl:t, ....., • .,. .. .,. ,...,.,, l'Gr appt. • rwnatfola. Call Bar. 31111. '8--Af!--~ BOW9 !or lt;Mt RENTAL . , "*'-· 1739 a.,~ Or. Hlu'. 3068 Har. 4923 29Uc WESTINGHOUSE 7 d . Re.trigerator. c.rou top Coet.a Meaa 1932 Barbor Blvd. 2'1·11"1'. ROADXA8TEJ\ Trailer, complet.ly m~rn. Uke new ln.aldt. Trall4d ..... th&n 128 rnu... Parbd on Iara• kt. \9 block t.o bu line and aoNt. AU uUlltiff COnnf!Cted. "'-d7 for occupancy. l~O Newport Blvd. u a,,uo2. 3Jc36 SPECIALISTS QAU. lll>ltA CllA!G f&.1-8~ ,., !!! I • Select Prop1~1 A~le fw 1111a1111r .,....a 1 W.rm. apta. to I lldta. ....... FOR SALE Beauttt\11 et' aua echooner, &'O &ayWM,. e:iu:ef tor Cbartet •t 7.DCIO COoalder tnae l~ W. 8&.looa BJv~ ~ewpurt H.arbvr 303% t.I WANTED Auxiliary sail with head room. Will trade JS fl. Cl&lUe •loop and Santa .Barllua lol Some cub. Har. 3TU. U 8-8207. 31c3! U FT. S.N"OWSU\D, f ood con· freezer. v~ry niee, only 3 yn. old -·-·--..1135. DAVIS · BROWN 188:5 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa LI 8·3437 29e31 34--l\luslcal. Radio, T V S<.:HMWT • Ji>WLWPS PIANO or OROA.N lllBOPPllJU drive w &th 4s B&Wl Street. Santa Ana. tor TREE V AUDA TED PARKlNO. M-Mutk&I, a.ctlo, TV BEST BtrY8 Df HARBOR ARB4 cash It Termt or Trade ln New RCA Portable R&dlo New RCA U " T .V. Liberty 8-llK '°-A..at. for a..11 ----- GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '41 CHJ:vl\OLl:T 'I T pickup •41 81VDICLUCZI\ 'I T pickup '02 FORD, % T ptckup 1952 CHEV. JCXCl:LLJ:NT MACKANl· CAL COMDmONAL . •1-'wante.s to Bent FREEJ I DORIS IRA Y. Re•ltor sie Marta•. Balboa Ialand Hu. IO or .. NSWPORT IBL.4KD New t 9 .R. llee,_ t . S80 wk. Smaller 2 a.ft. NO wk •ot 38UI Sl. ... DOW for wl.nler rcnlaJ. llp36 Select~-Ten.ant Cboioe Winter Rentala on n. liMat fut.Mt fne ..-vice to ludlor'da everywhere. Balboa llland 6 Lido lal• l'Al.L a&LL"I' ft£U.TT Small • co~ or lar1• • deluxe ra 1 ·ioot 171 t.o uoo moat.h VOGEL CO. PHONS - Art C. · Kistler Co. Cot 2tt.h " N'-port ~ KarW 1111 -• •lt• llelf CORON A. t>&L M.AA I MmL u"lun\. ttouee. Y•rl7 ...,._ '90 mo. Ka.r. 07 ... W. Udf ON W 4 TEI\ ' Mdm\. t\ll'L hOUM, pltr 6 fiO&L Jl ••lk 1 ..... a.t. 6 d•JIOltt. IMO month. Hu. 'TM or U •M'1. diUOll 229 Udo ~. Har. ~ USED plano1 wanl~. highest 21.~M. ll>OO. 32c:Jt l'lllowance In trade for ORCA~. 16 ' Motorola T .V. Used 147.~ Cranco AM·l-'M Receiver Demo 129.~0. '02 OMC \~ T pickup '&3 DODGI! ~ T. ptckup '61 l'OIU> V·I ~ T. pickup $395 MARK DOWNING FORD Hwy 39 at J'ai:lflc C0&1t Hwy Hun~ Beaeh 2<11 M&rtAe A•e.. IS&Jbua llland UUe Pb. BarboP '" 01" Jl&rbor 1016 ________ ...,. __ a-. au. 16»-Jl °" Hu. 1UN NaWPOBT A.+.CH. 1; Wra Rentela Wanttd 23' DA Y SAfL!m., 8 tar hull It H ll•. lge. cor-kpll le very a11fe. 1760 tnc. ti alter, outboal'd bracU.l A motor Bay moor· lnl' jor boat to 36' • P e1Un· •Ula. 1hore moor ang alao av all 330 L St, Balboa Har li~3. 3Jp:13 Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent A.mer\ca.n Le~on n~Uth St. Meetin' 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. PRt I-FT. SKIFF, $7.).. Ll 1-~7~ or Hu. •e~•. aa.ea& 19-rr. all t.e&.k Lawley Launch (Nadal Gray motor, fully found, Jt60. Conaider hlcon part trade. ... Ed IUc:hardiloo., R.lcb&rdeoo'a Yacht Ancbor&Je. 1739 Bay1lde Drtve, Har 3$9. 33c36 SPI..NrI' Pl.ANO or GRAND. AGME T.V. ELECTRO~IC Org&.n ltke new 42:§ Sltrt St Phone HArl>or llao. U96 Save $~10. KNABE Gra.nd jun like new, ri-pttS!lt'Sl4ffl; pay out balance $9~:; •Smt' 8!I rent. $.4TI). buye CHORD ORGAN, ~O. t.Iberty 8-~7~ or H&r. 4&4. Sk3.5 -eet wnl!d Grand. many S5--Dogs, Cat.., Peta otbera 11~ Jo 1schu, Wurlitzer, ____ ::;_...-______ _ t.luon It amlin, etc. All won· JEAN HEN1U derlul bargains. io. A MONTH rtnt• good prac• tlce pt.nu, apply term re.nt 01' purchaM• GOO•I used planoe sat.. $12~.. f l87., Steinway 12i~. lla•le•t l~l'Dl.I ln any piano. WL"RUTZER Ueclroruc: pianoe from $319 !ee ll at D11ney· land or htre. II AM M 0 N D 0 RC A N S 111 model•, wonderful cll&nce to buy a cooo uaed Hammond Organ allO, one only. • H&nunond t'hoid 01ia.n. hurry Freucil Speda.Jlat or DOG CLIPPING WOJ k• ln your botne. ~~ Tutun Ave .. C.M. H arbor &US r7p3t RECIST. BOXER PUPS tor .ate. 4 wk1. old. c.&11 lta-J to I p.m. After I Oall Bar. Wt.. 27t.tc 2 LARGZ Ta.IJd.nc Panama Par· rota. plu. ~·· '126. Har. •170 after I p.m. 33c36 'M l'OlU> 'ii T. P'dtup. J'ordo· m&UO tnna. ·ao CH.SV ... T. ptckup '64 QMC ~ T. pickup, 11ydra. ruUe trw..na. 'M CHEV '4 T. hydra.mallc lrall.I. '&1 l'OJU> V-1 1·T. dual ·~ GMC S T. COS H ' •lake 1 aJ)Md. I :la Urea. 'IO Dodi• J.T durop. :.p-4 1 :00 lir. '61 QKC 10 wbeel dwnp t ;OO Uru. YOU WILL GET MORE FOR YOUR CAR When you eell to Anchor Mtr. Co. W • nMd apt.a. and bou,.. ta all MCtlou tor both WU!ter &nd )'ear'• , ...... Furn. OT Wlf\u"D. 11 ¥OU b&v• a vacuc:y, pbone &Od~ The Vogel Co. 3201 W. <.:at. Hwy., NewPort Sch. PtMme Ubuty ~ll,11 20I M.u1ne, B&.lbua Ul&Dd PbOne Harbor "' 2817 I:. Oil. lfy .. Curun& del Mu Ptioae Harbor 17 U Udo Ottl"' Hl6 Via Udo Harbor tt71 It you u .. 1.e neecS ot u y type 11• E. tTth LI a.aet \Ten N.-port 8tvcL, Coat.a M.- Ubert)' ~06VT ot Uaed truck ~pm•nt, be COSTA la.aA aure to ... What w• have to otfltr, Al t7J1ee •nd alze•. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER Ui· 1 t It. 6th 8 t. 8an ta Ana Truc1' l:.lftdquart•~ tor C>raaa• Co. U ttc IXMEDlATm DllUVERT Ofl ..., Renault eed&A. 60 mil• pa p.llCNS $1116. IU UIKCM • W 4 T90N 1932 Harbor eo.ta Mt• ttfo tt COUPLE want t.o leue l bdrm. unturn. houM wit.I\ fireplace, 1n Harbor area. Harbor 3381. l3c36 MUc tW"ll hOl.I.& ~r 6 no&& by 4 V All...4.BL.ID NOW ON LEAH: COJtON 4 DEL MAR J10 L..UUC8PUll BuutlluJ 2 bdrm. llome. " to "' cafl>•l. drape9. hue• tlrepl&c• Lanai pat.lo. cliapou l, 1ara11 ulll. l lto p« mo. No p.ta. AV AlLA9LI: NOW by w"k or month. ao.. to beach-. 312 CamaUon, Corona del Ma.r Beaulltul turn. apta. prace laundry. p.Uo. 1100 per wedt. No peta. See or caU owner at 112 weell ar ..uoa. AftlJ&* aow. ,PhorMJ Ha.r tTN. ~ FOR LEASE, Corona del Ka.P uldVft. J 1"drm. Jlou.te atwlJ dfe<>raled, n-ly carp•~ Nice yard. Dbl•. pra1e. 1100 mo. Kar. 4H9. lleU SCHOOL TEACHERS! hue wonderful home 3 bdrni.. I IMltN Cft Pentnaula .... t. 11 lo J une HI at n ry rea.Mbla renl&l. Har. l~J&. llcU Ca m •Uon Apl. D, Kar. lH3 •D--&ooma for Bent or WhH.man ft.e&lty Kar. 1M2 ----------- or Har. 4'.53. UUc: FtJRN 1&H&D -J'OR LS.A.U: **** Vt.I t.o'cW l V ac&Uocl.IU JI Enjoy Uvtn1 cm the QQ9aa rn.L Com pletei, t\&nU&ed ldf.dlea. ett.e epta. dd rocdl:lt wtU. P"" ftte -~ Meld ....... fr'tll 'TV. llOt West 0ceaa ~t. Bar. IUT. ONJ:, NEW 6 b.p. outboard mo-and H e Oleae at. M et, bl& REG18TERED Bntta.ny apanlel Pl1pp..._ Pol.et A retrieve on land or waur. w . a. Bovee, hl1nd VltW Ttlr Park. lffO Whrlllt r, C-ta Mua. 33p3S 1954 Custom Ford lffO PO.NTIAC Mr. Ndall tl ydrosnallc. ~R. food UNS. exct. cond. Owner. U ~I. llc3J W A.NTSD to nnt -I bld:room bOUJlit. HuboT an&. 1eat11 leue OT leue wtt.11 optlor lo buy. Want 11.r~e. firepl., ftflced yd. Parmu.entJy employed loc:&1J7. EsceJl.eut ~ 1-.tuanca Wni. bull XJI, Ulla Oew8J>aper. laUo Newly decorated &nd clla.rmJ.nl two 2 bedroom J Ntb la two 1 bedroom apt.a. wttb n.w UUllUa paJ4. Oa.rbq1 4J,t- po-..i.a. 1&uDdr)' rwm ud 1ara1e.. Two bMtma. UIO mo. -1 lbednn. 1121 mo. 00.UT PROPDTU18. 101 E. **** tor. Wied JO boUn .lrlq. 314 u vlng. Anada, &lboa, or pllone Har· SPINET P 1&no beautl!u) l Me bor 2106 W. lllld6 PRIVATE PARTY mu1l nil 3 Inboard power boata. 19 rt . 21 tt .. " 412 fl. In water at 4006 Rlver Ave.. Newport Beach. Al.o nnr l t ft NII· bollL S&crm ee. IUr. ltoe w. llnd ton" Kave over $1M> on th111. Anolht1 b11rgaln Knabe M1rro·l) P• Spinet $19:1. Mllll)' other ~real buy.a. RENT ff11mmond 8J>inrt Orga.n JU a month. wtUl ft" les10ns. SCHMIDT • PH1LUP8 BIO PAIR or White R&bblt. It 2 nice but.c.b• fOf' u.Je. LI 1-0T&O a.Her 6 p.m. 33c3$ ltanch W.C'Oft. RAH, Fordoma, ti( 8bow·room et.an. M&u11- ru1 paint, plaatio tnlerlor ud 40-A.-'l'lree II Pane w .w. $1695 1955 Volkswagen New and Uffd TRUCK AND Pauen9er 0 r JlUPON11lB1..E P&a&dma Ba.Ibo& Bhd.. 8alboL H&rbOr ROOM wtth pr1vat.e entrt.Acl. i, 1151 or Har't»ot' tlOO. U bath. 1, block to COM, --.ch. LlDO ISLAND J'\lnltabecS er uatu.mtlhtd Becbdor a.nd on. or two bed- ~ aput.mcata. By •u111111er, moet.b.ly or yeatl1 LI.DO a..Jty A.eoclatea I~ w_.k. Har. 'o.&t alttr I p.m. Sk31 FOR RENT 33c.l6 12 IT. SAILBOAT lneludlng- ulls. $1 HI Har Z3•3 \\' :;Jc PlA:-\0 &. ORGAN SfORE. ----------- ~20 :'\ .M11n St . S•nl& Ana, S9--Au.&oe Wanted 1-;&t. 11114. Optn F'nJ•Y nlghle IVN IWOF, aedu.. St.ck.. beal)- llfuJ rtd pluU• Interior. A ,,..,u. ab1e for tmmedt•tt deU•ft'7.- Cua.ranteed. TIRES 8-Hour Rec•p&:9 Service plete family ll dilld.) W lllll I bdrm. home vnturn. or partly tun. Vk.1nlt7 J:ll~b Scbool by a.pt. tat. thrU W\nltr 11\0ftt.h.I Otll1. Up to lT~ p«r mo. Phone !Y. 1·17'9 or wnte C. V. Lucu, 2~14 Loma Va.it.& I t.. Pua- dtna, Ca.lit. 21 C33 1400 Via Lide II.arbor OU N_. o.mc. UXK. Udo ahopplnl a.re&. f l& mo. cm YT& I._ 111 F'r. F ALCO:-l No. 42. ntw salll!I, new pamt. S260 Har. 0771. 33c3:1 a rr. WJZARV BOAT, UKE NltW. $100. LI S·26M. !!3c35 SNOWBIRD, compli>te, m ~ood condlUon. Har. 1127 -.M. 33c3:1 12' 3" FIBERGLASS E.odura· SPECIALS FOR JULY! S-49~ tor new pianos. Ntw elfC:. 1 oriran. only $699. $~9:1 a wk puta & Wurlltur Orr an rn your home. FREE LJ:SSONS il1cluded Santa Alla Mualc. 3H W. 17th, Fullt>rton Muau:. l IO N . Spadra. We buy piano. LAmbert &-Miil. 3lc0 SELL YOUR CAR P AID l'OJl OR NOT McCarthy Pan More 1'%0 8. M&1rl Kl 2-l&Of $1595 1953 Ford Sunliner CON"~'\TIBLJC. fttd palJlt. •- Urea. R.eG and black !eat.bet l.etut«. lleauutul c:oaditlon lhrou1.taout. one owur. J'ordo- m.Ue. I\ 6 H. Brake~~ AN1) Front End Al ignment ROAD SERVICE ~ Bucleet f'lan Yount tor lb. Antn( EXJCCUTJv& • wue, 2 csauilltan ~· J bedrm. witw1l1ahad 11..ime tn beam .,. by &ept. i..t. Oarpe-Unc • ctr.pee d•t.r- 14. Yrly. ieue to •zoo per mo. U Mlll. 12llc BAY 6 a&ACH JU:A.1.Tl' 1:-:c BJU..1.:rou auJ ~ett• Har. u.a. Har. 21n J:vu. 'JU.It to lbe n,2al ott Udo ~·· tf• $1195 cnt.ft Lark , 1~6. Ullt'd 10 hra NOW FOR THE F IRST TIME -----------~ew, $499. Sell $3:19. HOWARD RYAN WE NJ:i:D 60 or more rant.at.. -" from $16 to 1160. Mint be hOU;Ma hanl.llbed or unfur· nlu.d. !AsMt m1.111t 1tart Sept. l•l~ 1115'. Tena.nt• wUI lllp one )'W.r i..... now. 2~ HP CR.AT Se.ucout '47. 4 cyt., tl cu. tn.. 122~. 600 Sl Jamts Pl&ce. 33p3:1 19 M'. MOTOR SKIFF. Atkln d a&l(ll, unlveraal blue Jackel l'W'ln motor. elec. 1t.&rler It l'f.llera lor, ba ll tuk with Buloo t.on pump It boat cover $600. LI 3-738•. U p CHAMPION Lehman dlqtt7 No '· 2 ault. aaua. traller, new cover. Immaculate condition. I...Jberty 3-72U evea. 3lcil6 PADDLXBOARDS -l l·ft. Joq •39.60 .• 110 Huntington Ave .. Hwitln&'t.on Bearh. IA.x a-cm 3lc33 WANT 11lp OT •Ide tie for 11' k"I Milboat. Phone Ontario, YUkon aa..1121 collect. a1paa Anywhere, a beautiful 2 man- ual electronic 1p!Jlet orian for only '99~. (Nol a chord organ) $M.80 dtllvera. Come In tor a free lellOTI now at SHA,l:R8 t8lnee 1907) t21·'42J N. Syc&more, S&11l& Ana Phone Klmberly 2--0672 Orange County'• Or~IUl H<lqlra. -----------~' SPINET SP Jl:Cl.ALS.. TIU.DE lN AliD RENTAL RETURN&! 8mall GulbrtJl.Nn eplnet $396. Ueed Maple Acro110nlc 1plnet by 84ld\Vin $695. Gulb"11.ffD blonde oak t montht old, a ve $100. K lmbail Salem maiil• •ve 11'1. Other Cine buy1 ID mahop.ny. Specla.1 convenient terma al SH.AJ"ERS l Stnco 1907) t21·123 N. Sycamore. 811.nta Ana Phone Klmberly 2--04572 ACOOROlON SP&Cl.AL8! 3 only 16 11"1'. WlZ.ARD with 26 h p fU1I 120 but 1.ccor<llon.. Extra l:vtnrudt plu. trailer C"om· •bUl, •·II 1n perfect condition. plete 9''7B. WW Mil 1eparately T~rm.1 120 down and S&.2& per Aleo 7\t hp Outtio.rd S40. Call mo. ai OVmand 1-1922 conect 31Uc SHAP"J!:RS (8lnc:e 1907) l ·PT. PLYWOOD l k.lft wtlh 421-428 N. Syoamore, a&ntA Ana Phone K.l..mberty ~72 oara, excellent condition. $i0 Call B&r. ~-31p33 U.-Muslcat. Radio, T'\" DO IT YOURSELF HI-Ff T. V. Rental 1250 So. Main Kl 7~ Santa Ana 2:.lt!c Knowlton Electronica TV REPAIR '54 BUICK Spedal 2 dr. Dyna.no, ft It H. many othf't' .-xtra.e. A R.JtAL BUT at $1495 TERRY'S BUICK 5th at WALNUT COTTON GOFF The Volluw•9en Dealer Newport Blvd. al l2nd It.net, ll&rlK>r I UcU Let RIOH Hetp You. Pmally -.et.a NEW 6 USED CABS T..t.U ADVANTAGaoltm m.&11¥ Te&n Of apenmee u & \Op DO\.Ch mechanic. RIOH HAHN1S "°' .. 1fTB ft. ~ ,,.. Jfewpert llMcJl 801 • 809 W. ht ST. &AMTA ANA. Kl l-IMJ Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN Up to ~ Mouths to--Pay & Cyla. M .88 All StnJtht p a. pelmer 1.ACOrporat.d ole h.an.aon co. m.anacem,nt 1700 w. COIUrt. hi&'JIW•)' LI 8~71 3kM IRVINE TERRACE HUNTINGTON BEACH --------- li'Jget. -----68..88 IKCLUDD bat.b LUcw A Part.a. N .. rtnp. wrt.al p&u. .. al .. pm4, OWQ1'1 ot ma1u a.ad rod Na.rtnp. &Qert motor wn• Up. to-day or .000 mile par- am.an. new modilnl unturm.abed bomt. »drm. 2 b&tb.I. 1.6IW WWt ~ ..... wall Co .. ducW pat.lo. M&laot' Mr-type kit.c:MD, tlUUWA OftD • rup. Hwd ))'rquet floor-. PAO per mo, 1 yr leUe. 8ALE8 OrJ'ICll CJl)po1Ue IA VIlC'8 0 0 A 8 T oouNTRr CLUB. FOR SALE -'&2 CAO. 62 Con· vcrt.l.ble with JIO"l'll' .t .. r1n1- l" exallent eondlUon. $1796. Can be financed. U berly &- •4 70. 33pJI ·~3 F'ORD ConverUble. Excellent condition.. IU50. Bar 4171. 33c31 19U BUICK &eda..n. ' door, or- ,_.9 HUDSON Look.a like n,., Nft' rubber. aotn1 at tbe low price of $195 MARK DOWNING FORD Cout R wy 101, N~rt Ha.rbor. &Dtft. C&.11 Kar ...... oA.a.ltl!T8 • oa. EXTllA REBUILT ENGINES BUILT LN our own factory by Summer Rentals akllltd m&dllal..lta. Don't con-Bay Front le Ocean J'ront U.nd wttJJ Lh• mlddJe ma.n. Buy 4iNet. Loc&tlona. SHOllT 8.LOCX igin&! owuer. A utomaUc •hlfl. Hwy 19 al Pa.etfle Oout Rwy. R, A H .. low mU.Ce. Har. ffwlti.. .. ft Beach :6~4> : ::: Earl '!f·. Stanley BU!CK lA.00 ~roa 4117. Make off~. 33cH --n PACKARD Cl cyl.) --llU.00 WI Nrwport BIYd. Npt Beach. Sl.ICKJC8T '53 MO T.D. on Ua Cout.. llSt!}. Alao Q.E. TV 21". 190. Har. t811J. 33p31 ·oa 8TUDICBAK&R v-a ll&l'dtop, two-tone blue. ~rfect condt· lion. clean. 1300. C&ah A t&k• over conlracL -S61 per mo a1'°° ba.J. LI 1·80U. ltcU rant W. Musick Plym.. Doct&• • l'ord s _,106.00 11.ut»or iou CHRY8. A 0 1: SOTO --1120.00 Your Hudson Dealer 8T'Ul>ca.ural ai10.oo HSWPORT B.ACB. • • • SALF.S and SERVICE OLDS. 6 PONTl4C t __.U0.00 bdrm. fum. apt. or room wtth NA.8B $120 00 private entrance. By week or m M. t.-..,.._ D 1-1171 ltA18D auo'.cao naont.L Ba.rt.or M71-W. J.nabet!m '2Uc llUDllON (tl (I Malm> -lH0.00 UcU '&I PLYMOUTH BJ:LVEDER&. PLUS CNBTALLATION V-t 6 .... b&rd-t.op 6 mooUla Open D&IJ., I t.o I SEE ME·TA NELSON CORONA DB:L MAR old. Lo&4ed W'\lh po.,, er Ko.n.41.1 'Ul T P. m. 'M FORD Fairlane, M&utU\&U.J eqwpaia.nL Low loc&J mll....... &UAda,y 1J t.o 1 l'08 OBCUC8 R&:MT..t.La. Va ca tion Rentals Lars• pnce rt.a~• a-rattabl.e for n rloua .ue frOUJ>a· laq, 304-OBTICE8 t.o rut In a• prof• Anti at.. Kewpon. Bar. UZI alonal buJ.ldiaC bl .-i. W o.t. pr Uc: Kua. MUI or wt~ ..er .. ---------a.an&J Mrvke. Good Jiarkinf ti-4-!lta. IOI' a.t tadBU.... U wne. IOcJe V ac•tion Rental a BJ:!T loe&Uon tor b&y, beach. ..... n.,, ..... meeUs. Herbor Aph & Motel Rooms 10\ ll. ll&y, 8alJaoa. Kar. aM• .,. APTS. ON BAY FRONT llq'le. doul>St • I Mdnn.. 8&1• 1-oa arw... 8eUlmaJ.. &y WMk or mOt1t.b. Oeurt-r to ""*'" 11.ar. not Jlc:U Select Properties A va..lla.b)~ for aummer rental&. 1 bdrm. apt.a. lo ~ bdrm. hom• PRON..: - Art C. Kistler Co. c.. llt..b • Jlf4'WP0rt BtTd. ~ tm day or me. 12cJT Off"tee1 for Rant NEW Two Stc>rv. Bullding Cu.tamer P~. .. Jultor 8eritcl Dnator Oppoaite City Hall WJJJ.AJID Kn.UON 33{~ N.-.vport Blvd. ~ 5:JOG 65-! !£ l'!! !!! "'' PIUV A Tll ottl4ll9 -'UI ..... &D- swerln& ..ntce. lilcn&&ty 6 •4UJ'J •wall.lie. Q~ no-. Mew Tnd.ent --~ 9IO ,...,.. SIOK altcL. .Hewpert _.., (A.CJacet 8o9Q • ODall o.,, eqvtpped. '"° equity for S2'TI Jow dowa 11'7"0...t. '" eoa-Blodl muat mMt. our .c.ccsans. aEA.lk.>NA.L 6 r&AJU.r. cub. Take o"r p&yment.a. A. tnc:t. ImmacuJ&t.e lllWllde and P!\la ~ P*•ta and oU l90I &. Cout .11W7. Bar. IMO lummer rmtal &a.r aoa ~ '-...._... ~ BUlLD YOlm ·OWN HJ • Fl pt\onopapb. ual.nl Newcomb a Harmoo-Kardoo Ut·rlit tunen. ampJlftera. .,..aw. • record pl~ Come m aod '" them. Wa wW Mlp you MMmble tt DAVIS-BROWN )(. IC&rUn. ~ w.iu. out. l'Ttft\e part.)'. Sar. 4Mot BELLES ENGINE u IW?\. 2 bdnna .• 2 bat.bl. apL ---- • IUl:NTALS (K.HHff(). '1c3J Dtk LDERS paUo. JuJy 21 Co AMa.. 11 - FAST BEKVJCE, IUC.ASONABLll --------------------REBUI PENINSUI..4. NICIC A.REA 170 per w .. k. LI 8-712.4. BALBOA I' '° c. .. S..IQf •-1114 • ., ,.,...., -' . Jai• 1116 Harbor 8Jvc1, ao.ta a&.-. -LJ W'-17 XAowU.00 Eleotronica TV ANTENNAS ,a., a.m -m Oaln) Ollt.alJed oomp1-t.e to 70VZ lfL $9.95 S9ttc llOVING. would Ukt to aell Wurlluer Spinet P\ano, 1,.,. than 1 yu.r old, can be U<'n in 14u>t.a Ana. 1''0r detA1l1, Write ~1111. Herbert Bh~111· qull"( 2<l6 K1np Road, ~ ... YIJM, Oa.Ut. 12c.W hrvtce ca.Ue lW I p.m. 'IO K. a. T. L. ' .,.... wurer 110 l l. lnl Bt. tu ,...... \Jnfurn1a!lecl apt& wWI ,.,.,. lkU LJ w.200 •53 BUICK eomplittel.J' reM4"d -DsiM LO..t..N CAU -l'Rm TOW.tNO 1 a. a.-ieo ••a. a -au• 1 ......... ··--. apL oa Udo RADIO Any table model ttp&.lr.4 $2.50 Indud .. pa.tU &Del labor 1$ rn.. l:llpcrlmce ACME TV It RADIO PORT ABLE Zenil.ll Trana·Oce- anic. All wa•e racUo. Like new, new battery. Pnvate patty $7!1 00. Ca.n be e11n 11.t 2623 W. l~OA.lt Rlpw..,,, N~wport 8-dl. llUc Mark n .tr bal&nc... H.a.. -.. ---.~ • ...... --~ .......... Con-·-n-...... -... ~ -~·-~ Pb. Bar. i.--.... B.ar. -_.. -....._, ··--.___ -~ ----·-•• -........ ..,~-......," w..n. J29GO ta It -wt m.-. etfar. u ........ ~ ·-&aS -1~~!!!!J!!!j-~t!~!!!!~ Muy otMr mn.a. t.lie.IV a-STA ~ ..t.trro11Anc 1'ltA..Mm'1UIOJra ------------Har. UM K. attoi.; BeauUIUl off-white wtth FOB ~ DI SCTaT black top. Only. HTD~~~Al'WW ON 8Al,JIOA l8LlND MOD~~ A.PT&. SPOT DI COROHA D& IWl '4'9 Lincoln QOMPI.9TJI on:R.B.AUL am ua ror 19mt7 _, 11_. w. 8&IMa Bhd. Hyatt~ aaeaa $1395 TERRY'S BUICK QCIOd ~ ltUOft&I ...... NICLDA OIBSON, a.ft«' Ml w.-Barliiw nn $175. MARY DOWNING FORD $119.50 ........ &ll pan.' .. &bor ALL WOJU[ OUA.ft.Ul'Dl£0 TERMS ARRANGED LO.AN CARS BAB A U"l'WlOTlQ &J:ftVICZ 12&11 HEIAON ST AT ACA(..."1.A LX i ·1"3 • Manna A•e. BU'tlcs 60ll --------------~~ .. )Ma BA I JJ!OA IBLAJCD J B A. fll.rtli&ed ,.....i, ret.al JllO me. •tDUa. ~ Har. 1"4 -eir.. Rar. 1S)t tt 1.0.A.N• 10 8UDA Dll'90Va auY. MODM"IR. Oil PS1CIN9ULA POl'NT ~.ulCll Aftllabk -to J11ty ll. 4 We 1111J 1'TWll o.da bedrm .. 1 tialh. ttum.) A H'IJW'PURT 8A1 •'A S.VIMCMI waaber, drytr. diallwuM-r, clW-• a..u.ut A8°AT10fl poM.l. ~ct. pa..-d paUo. lllO All Yta Udo PIL BM.~ p.r wwk. Harbor Ht W. J3llc tt. L • !!::'.:::~~!!!.:..~-....: ~~~~~~~ .............. OPEN H0.USE OCEAN FRONT ..... 'MIJltft 1C..,.-t ~ ltol8ae:A.._ ' ...... 1~ a.u.. ., 7llL Mt -... ~~u.... ~at Pl,IOO.. NEWPORT BEACH Dupln: I~ Q 6 I Oowu. s.car prap • run prloe - '1'UGO, "'7 low down pymt. . THE GREAT ORAN6E COAST Buy and o.a t.hlt corner Jot. BUlld duplex or home, Back Bay .,.... S•OOO cuh. Tak• clear lot or lOla u down JMlyment on MW I tl«lrm. 2 bath bome. LouYWNCI w1Ddow1, modem dHlp, ~ beam celllnp. -1i&bs wall to ecMDt COSTA MESA $10.750 BAYSHORES $17,500 View Lot LOVELY CHANNEL FRONT paUo, at.t&CMd doUMe pn.ce, · wide lot. Kon &n today. will BEST BUY TO·DA Y! 2 bdrml., accept low 4oWn payment. plUI bunk room. completely RJ:A.LTOR 11 at & 2nd T. D. Lo.na 2711 w. eout BwJ. \ ....._ all Orup ~ T"1St Deeds Bought • Sold Royal Mortgage Co. leo2 Nnrport Blvd., Nprt. BdL. Harbor 1549 N hr. pbcn.• Ml'Yjce CHANNEL FRONT OPEN HOUSE DAILY BY OWNJ:R Pia, float • '"111rbeed, 2 Wnn.. 2 bath. J80I RJwr A ft. Qltf Baftll -TO' • 1W OM ot t.be tftr 9Mw iot.I av&ll&bk. ITIM. Crrff Haven Charm1Jtc ....... root ·a timroam aad 1~ ~ built around a iiaUo ta Clltf Baftll'a bt.t Jo. caUoa. Tbe bul.Jl...U. ranee ud oven. ~ dlDlJIS room A bar ldtct.. add to u. ~ chann ot tlle li&rp uwMinclt ft,.,,.... and Wvod pe•Hq. J Wit $St.MO wltla $5000 down. LAGUNA SPECIAL! I Challenge Bay & Beach Rlty. Inc. ' loYelJ unlla, well fUrD. on IO' ALL COKPARlSON !M p1.ce. R.BA.L'l'Oll8 I bedloaaa ta. t:ompi.tdy tur- DilllMd. pier • .Up. uuoo. SHORECLIFFS ~•bdrm.• a bath bCme. Bu bup 11~ room aad deL Oceaa TWw, tlT foot trontap &Dd JU11t 1 y•r old. Ha.a~ • .,._phooe for ...,ointment to .. It. ~­ eonal>l)' pwicect at '-'2.600. LIDO ISLE Prtcee ~ frOCll 522..500 for a S bedroc8. 1 ~ ti.th modat, newt;y ~ home to $139,. 600 for a Bay front DL&.Micm w1Ua pi.er A allp. We will J'l&d· ty ma. tbaa to you. HeM Drive. corner, Back BaJ waler view. Hard to local• cbolce location lJI thla price rtLq•. 76 fl. front. '7600. You name tM terms. )fodemt a bedrma.. hardwood tloorinr. turnu. heat. bar, nrepl&c•. Sll..160 t\lll price. Good neJabborbood wttJa bua and 1toree ~ block away. Brand MW, ~Oil fiOW. Ocean. aurt. view a t.drml .. C&J'• pet..d t.bnl-<>ut, cuatom drapN. fenced a.nd landlCaped. 2 car 1arac•. banjo all'Ht, 11.rs• k>L Only ,12,ISOO terma. furnisM<!, ne&r private IWlJn. ming beach -I.Al u. &bow you Uua one. Million Dollar View lot. Milt loc&. Pri* rtchL t.wma, Soc:atson, condlUcm and 117' Bancw BmL Seven laland1 Realty & Jnvedment Co. ~ St., Neowport Bch, Ca.llf Har. 6868, a.fta 6 p.11\. H.ar. GMT Ideal for ntinld or p.rdenen. OUTSTANDING VIEW trom a-41 for blf 11UD11Der nntala. tncoDM. Ccet& X--. Calttornl& ~ K* Koblstedt, Bar. "5.10 21 UNrI'S IN BALBOA. Pa.rt O.y or DIPt pbaDe LI &-111• lldl trade consllkred. Can few q>------------ -----------pomtmeat. Ru. ~ 1ec3t 60.l~ llld.utll NEWPORT HEIGHTS BILL'S BEST BUYS 8/ B Commercial-ln'dustrial Department 80 ACRJr3 -'°fl. front&&'• on a mala bl't'4. ~ ac. preanUy ~ M ·L Exc.ll&Qp tor Imperl&l Va!Wy a.cre-c• or commuda1 tncome. COMMERCIAL BLDG. Balbo& laland. Ne&tty ... on 2 COl'llft' loll. ReltaW"&Dt. abo'(J9 and aput.mflll.A. ldlaJ ~r "'" tired or wm1·~Ured couple. Income $8000-WW couldirr exchanlt tor amall borne or triplex. Price 141.600. BT OW?a:R. Spukll.nc clean. z PERFECT for CBJI.I>REN bedrrn., turnac. beat, bdw. Lt um loftl)' I bectroom IMlmt Doon. cedar rool, at tnctlve on w1it. kit ~J fmced. yard • p&Uo. plua avac• wtt.b a abort walk to am rnde put room It ti.lb. $1.J.)OO. 9Cbool. Quiet ~ etnet di 1:1 lllodma LI l-7M4 2'Tp3t ln adultft ~ 8t. A~ .... traat • 19.r. • $2750 Down •• bednna. • 2 t.tha • forced alr heat • AU tleclric kJtch('n • DtllpomJ • Es.hauat fan • Double cva«• e ~ k>caUon • -ere. c:1lJ1>e and (Ult.en e $1 T ,to() tull price Newport-Mesa Realty 1119 NtwpOrt Blvd., Cost.a Mu& U 1-MOS. Eva. L1 I-7237 PRICED AT $11.950 WITH $2000 DOWN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Well-kept • bdrm... 2 bath borne. Ftreplaee. forced alr beal and dbl pr. rmatet tn trout uc1 ru.r. ~ to .cboola • lboppllla'. Let WI 9tliOW JOU t.b1a borne. FUIL PRICE $15.'l!SO wrm $4900 DOWN W. A TOBIAS REAL VALUES $2500 DL I bdrm., bwd. tloorl. ~· Near 8C.booJa. llloree 6 lr-.p. ~Jot. Loftly COV· tnd patio. IC. 8ldlt. Jl,.4. DUPLEX -JC. SIDE. wallUJIS dlat. to t.owu. 2 bdrm. e&. W\de k>t. Dt.1ded prqa It lawna. 2 Jr&. ok1 Only $fOOO down. CHOICE CORNER LOT IOJtlU. ~ 1D. 'I1l1a i. a gOOdy at J3t60 ca& May ro M· 1. MANUFACTURERS ATl'ENTIONI 111-1 ACRE.AG!!, 1. Watsr in.. -en It pa aV&ll· abw by Dee. thtl 'YT· 6 acre cholc. level, good draln&g'e. Wldr It. $1500 per aae. 111 dn Very comfortable 1 bednn...up· every room -J bedrooma It rm-eewtns rm. cotta,.. Amons den, 2 bath.a, very altracUve avocado, n~ 6 apricot ~ lnalde .t: out, copper plplnf, papea. b1rd aviary. cloee ln. mere 11w1tcbea, cu.tom dl"apea $7960 tull price. with any reu-• carpeting, ~uutul sround.I, onabi. down. 2 1heltered paUoe -531,600. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES ti.ST Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa u a.-1432 i:.... LI a.u oo A STEAL AT S9750 NEVl:R BEl'ORJD LISTED, thll lmmaculatt 2 b • d r o o m with hardwood noon, dJnlnr room. aunny·bril'ht kitchen with lot.a ot tile • cupboard•, aervtce porch. Lovely yard all fenced ln. Thia home LI only 6 )'Ur9 old and la 1tucoo out.aide • plu· t.ered walla INltde. Adjoln• bomee priced much hifbtr. Truly a dandy a1'd you'll love IL. EXCLUSIVE Beacon Bay HOME It INCOME 3 bedrm, 3 bath.a, plu.a 1 bed· rm apt. $38,500 R-2 LOT On CUit Drive fe600 "C" THOMAS )> COMMERCIAL CORNER 17th St. lJI Cc»t.a X-.. D.ul· tenl bl1Si.nH9 aU•. Good trout• a1e on both llreetL iaz.500. R-4 LOTS 2. 82 x MO with amall houw on. $3000 dA. Full prlce '8()00. REALTOR Three bdrm. hwd. floore, near "you'll like oo.r bWncDy ~.. S. U 2 x 1S5 with 1 bdrm. houae Back Ba.y. 112.960. Hu , 'to.,• REALTOR and ASSOCl.A TES 22• W. Cout HJJbway LI 3~6527 N•woprt BNeh 280' Fronta1• l( 118' ( Iota. •OO E. 11th 8t.. COllta Kaa Will trade tor tarru !J<>rM. IO&ll. EXCELLENT BUY. LibnV &-lut Bay & Beach Rlty. Inc. REALTORS 187~ Harbor Bou.lnard Coet.a M-. C&Htomta R. r . G.cSdH =· R W, eoo-n ~ or ru1ht pboM LI 8-1'71' Pa~ ~l. curbed. eewua. 8elJ all °" part SIS.JOO. IS • 1'8' -$332.$ E.F. GREEN, Broker U 8·2i91 33c 36 ---------~~ EXCLUSIVE Balboa Island -----------NEARLY ~ii;w one own~r home 127 foot Waterfront lot Nrnr 1>4'forp fnr eaJr J bdrm . 61-Rea.I Eatate Eschaage full hlath Japeneee 8"ch FULL PRICE no ru:J\ pa.ndeO liv\nr; room. uaed : NEW 2 8e4room atucco ,P<N brick fir~lace rwty tumiabed : • J"umt.bed Bunaalow N rt .. ~ R lty SU.500. suoo down. on 11,1 IAYel Acre comer 9Wp0 •mesa ea Room for llflCCIDd unit tn ~rtctM 8ubd1Ytstoa J 719 Newport BlVd. Near achool. Barstow Area. eo.ta If-. L'HES'I Dt SAUBBURT·Realt.or &ubmlt wbat 1ou ban. LI ~ Curt Dodi Clattnee L&.ke be.a LI 1-72S7 ~lat• Rup 1'. N~a.n UcM Ill W. 7UI. St. t.o. AflltJet 1' IU M&nnr Ave Balboa l.ll&Dd ----------------------H arbor :.$71 REAL VALUES WANT TO RrTIRI: 1 Here t. YG'.11' home, cla. to bua and ..... 2 bdrm., t.btnno bat. J ~ ,.,..... Lol to • uo. tenced. ONL T 51500 dow"D. BOQ A OtJEST ROOM -on Oataba M.. Nft. Ht.a.. J bed- room A mn. bwd., ftttplac:e, dbL ..,...._ lot ~ x l~ tn· Clld. Vac.nl. PRICED RlOBT. &AS'l' BIDIE LOTS cloee tn. C 1U tor C-2 pn>s»rty, A ~ acrea. B. ·A. NERESON Rll!ALTOR SIU NftP'POl"'l Btnl., c.o.ta M.. a.n.ert7 t-1m .E"9. LI a..a&U ~WNI Newport Beach u~~~=t~~Eic!t 10°/0 NET RETURN let J bdrm. bouM and 20 x Oce&.D tront mulUpt. \&DilL Two •n. ahop. ZODe C-2. Pr1oe bdrm. bo..a. on -.ell. o- IU.000 and a senutne ~ bdrm. apt.,._,. krwwT. o Wnn.. Greenleaf-Severts REALTY, INC. 3112 Newport Bl.. Nrwport 8cb Har. 2152. EY9. LI 8418' LI l-NQ6. Bar. IHl·W. apt. upper rar. lbic:eDnt lo- caUaa. -.r ecboola. drardan.. ..,. • trauport.atioL Al- .. ,.. rfllUd.. CORONA DEL KAR. 2~ Yftn old. penn. --n-. Uvlng Duncan Hardesty rm. • kJtchm. 3 bdrma.. COD-R.Jc.ALTOR vertibJe dfn. l" b&.Ul.a. pat.10, Harbor nia $21,IOO. OwMr Har. SM9. lll02 Newport IDTd.., N- S3c35 ... --·· ______ ......._ ____ JUSTCOMPLl:"J'ED. Two beaU- KOV. IN NOW UM cwt.om buUl I bedroom. Sl.600 Down. Full Prlc<e P .600 family rootn bomea. BaUa and Payment NT M month, ln· th..-quarters, buDt.·ID pa ch"'-lnt.e.rat. 3 bedrooms. ~e. forttd atr i.e.ttac. bard- 11.t bat.ha, car porl. fenced wood noan Two baodul rrom yard and on .ewen. B«ter C'oM.a M-eboppbac, and near hurry on thla one. 18&• Bar· the puti 1m Kenwood PL Mesa-Harbor Rlty. • ASSOCJTES O. C. 8eymou.r -Rallor :lot Cata St. eo.t.a Mesa LI .._..11 or LI 3-7784 Eva. 6' Sun. pho~a. PETI I IE LI l-M87 LYTLE U 3·~2 CRISWELL LI 8·376.~ COSTA MESA Four bdrm .. 1 % bath. near New· port Harbor BJfh Sdlool. $12.950 Tenn1. TWO bl1rm , l balh S&i-00 tull pnu. Cloee lo Poal Office and market.a. Betltr HURRY on t.ht1 one. LOTS or LOTS .. low u 13!)00. S.tter aee lbem now. 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS Bl B LIDO ISLE $23,500 3 bedroom.a, l •1 batha. Lovel,y patio, near club and beacbea. NEW 4-BEDROOM Frank James, Rltr. REDUCICD TO '32,750 Every room of good Ila. On~ can b.&V9 a world ot ch&rm wtth a little deeor&UDJ. 2 bed· rooma, 2 bath.a, conv. del\. ~· paUo. 50' tront&Je. Move In tor 11Ummer. $I 2, 950 211!:.17lhJ~.;:'!TA MESA 2 b&t.ba, comer Jot. double pr-(JUll Ea.et of Thrtlly Drura> ·~· excellent Eut&ld• loca.------------Uon. Immediate occupancy. HOW ABOUT THIS? 3 beclrooma. 2 bat.ha, bardwood noon, forced air h•t. break- fut bar, cenurdc tile, double .....,..... dOll9 in. and only nsoo down with tul1 price of IU,2:50. Ju.ll oat year old. Jl'• completely fmced too. Check These Buys Harbor Blvd. -C 2 -68xHO to paved alley -f2l,600 • Lovl'ly be<lrooma or 3 and den I 3 bat.ha and a patio oul ot 2 Duplutl -$31.ISOO -West thJ1 world. Woocs.rtul rm. at· aide M&T pa.rk -ln'°~ '316 rangement ~rpet.11 and drap- Triplex-Eut. aide C. H. $18.~ enea. MUST SELL. -1.Doom. $236 WHY RENT? • Duplau -s u ,960 -. New-Bay & ~~f ~filty • Inc. New I bedroom 1 betlw onl1 Occupied at $190 per mo. at 11 Lafayette J4M doW1l and '71 .,... moath. Har •••s ......... ·~ Ava1l&bJe for nOOmlATE Sa.nt& An& HelJbla -3 B. R. · """ _. • ..,._ OCCUPANCY.'4-aeft country Lot.a ot Extru-fenced $13.950 ' _J_ua_t_t_o_t.h_e_n_s_h_l_o_t_u_d_o_B_n_dJ"e_' a-s lou. Bautllul coYed ronntca ltnk and counter lope. Oarbace di.po.ala, exh&u.t tan.1, double prar. 1'\1ll price S10,tll6. JUST I AVAILABLll. "C" ED JONES REALTOR 19" BARBOR BLVD. LI 1-3333 M-1 BeauUtul 8 B. R . It: Den-Shake roof-FlreplAC6-F. A. Heat -BUlll· In ranre It own - Service porch -dlnln( area - brealdut AN• -lnten:omm radio -ncw -$21,900 • B. R. -a mo.. old -2 bat.ha -double sv.-eb&rp-'12.850 MulUple unit acre-&. aide. Takt 12 unit.a -'8000 Ml ac:-eare -call UI 2000 1q. fl. romrn. bldg. for leu- CIRCLE THIS For Udo Stop! Look! Compa~! 523.600 -3 bdrnu., -=Balboa Island I 80ILM. "11lN. ROMS with bor Bl"-.. Coeta M-. LI I-$18.000. tAP Jooe. 171 E. 11t.b 1"1· S3e36 _aL_R_.arbor __ •_m_. ___ ~_ end AJ'1'1c:ultu"'1 Aciu ln <>r-MAX W. POPE anp County for ule. J\SALTOR J ~ batha. 2 patloe, front It ~r. Thia la Ideal for a deco- rator. Have you priced L I d o I o t 1 lately! Wbew! Euy flnancin&' -e a I y taxes. lQ llft ln Ule top l]>Ot. REALTOR. IO 5-3112 .....-. Neu 1101U1 ~. a., Beautiful 7 i Aue MI ...... Bar. ~-JleA LOTS * )fewpott Jletlbla, GOxl rT ~$)500 Jf.wpclft lfPlL. c:ot"Mt -llMIOO Newport R·2. comer -· S1500 c1n. DM**ft MVLTIPLI: LDITINO Pot.Trailer Park Site Coo&.l IA N...,,ort ~ 4 bUta. to bta' ~ ~ler. 2 mlnutee to bHch. k'vd, A.LL UTILITIES BfU llnm«l. SIO, • 000. Sll.000 down. u 8-3211 Dc3:l Little Rancho Retreat 1n 1: JOO.. tucbewl •'"-Uoa m 8aata Ana H~ h9old borm. cofTIJ ud ban. cute b~ u. rancb bowie. fruit A alladt ll'ftll pJott ~ tor ~on and country a.m,. ae.ty ,_ mlnulel t.W. Maeft. ,14. 750 lenn.a. DAM A. JAOOBSEN, n...J S.- BUSINSSSa for 8Lle _Pel. 1908 Harbar Blvd., Colrt-. Meaa abop. Vart«.J 11ton. Both do-Uberty &-1142 l.q wen. FOR EXCRA.NOE: BHuUl'\ll bi&' home IA Oerden Grove, 1.1 a.a., swunm~ pool Dble. ~ Wettt ltlop. Exdlan,-r f~ Newport. Be&ch. Corona de! Mar, Lide>. Harbor Highlands BT OWNER. only I moot.ha old. If no anawn ca.U U &-2231 3kM Here'1 a Money-Make r 3-FOUR ROOM APTS. a...,,.... • .. -• • CORONA DB. MAR Need a lot ol room! Wut a rieW! Lib moclefn f We ha.-e a • bdrm home pbaa h.m.117 nn.. ~ A % and room for a pool UYb1I rm. • family rm.. .. dtflded by huse Ill.OM t!n- place with black iron hood. ()can flew from both rma. Modem kttcbm with built 1n 9tOTe • l'IJlP, dispoal. fan. lau.odry ~ lot.I ot tormlca.. Dbl pn.ce, landKaped. carpeted. foroed aJr heat. 1800 eq. ft. of DWir area. Xlnt S«J" lnsuraDoe Joan. $39,MP Multiple No. 7278 RAY REALTY CO. Sff4 E . Cout Hwy. Corona del Kar Har. 2281 (~ from Bank in CJ).)(.) MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CORONA DEL MAR A fuclna~ view of "1urf, rock and blue Pa.elf. le" from thia cute 2 bedrm home on a .0 tt. tot. fully land.leaped. SOUTH OF mGHW A Y. Extra lute rumpwi room with fireplace over garage aleo command.I a aweeptng ocean view. Fine patio, woruhop and laundry room all for the low price of $26,500. EXCLUSIVE IRVINE TERRACE On the.e broad level streeta with sidewalk• is this 3 bedrm 2 bath ranch home, quality built thru· out, carpeta and draperies included. A Mx.115 tt. lot fully land.leaped, Excellent financing on price of $35.000, to qualified buyen. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Har. 177~ YOU'RE INVITED TO SEE 114 Via Xanthe, LIDO ISLE Open Sat It Sun 1-~ For at.le or leue with option to purchue. Splendid S bedrm 1 ~ bath, ruatic type home. Large Living Room. pegged hardwood floora, huge fireplace, all three bedrm.s twin aize, large aunny patio ~red teniLce. A choice home near the 8'y and Club. Priced at $«.000. Or $250 per month on leaae with $50 per month to apply on purchase price, end of year. OSBORNE FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Highway at Port Orange Ll 8-7562, Evea Har ~lM LIDO ISLE Channing 2 bdrm. and den home designed for gracious living, wall to wall carpet, a1kUni glum doon to beautifully land.leaped patio. Large lot. $36,000. CHOICE 30-ft. lot on Zurich. $12,000. BAYSHORES New U.ting. Very attractively fu.rniahed 2 bdrm. 2 bath, large patio -oa Viata. $28,000. And 3 bdrm. with 30-ft. patio, extra large lot. al.lo turniahed. On Circle. $23,500. MYRTLE DA VY I Realtor & Anoe. Helen S.wn 3432 Via Oporto Eve.. LI 8-5297 Hae1 Condon Harbor M'6 LI 8-1709 Har. 1017-J BAY SHORES • Open House • SAT. Ir SUN., 1 to 4 :30 p.m. 264 I Bay Shore Drive 4 bdrm., 3 bath EXQUISITE Bay View Home. Qualified clienta only $48,000 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 EXCHANGES OUR SPECIALTY Beautiful home on the bank.I of Lake Henshaw for N~wport Hatbor or Ylctnily Nioe 2 bdrm. bl)IM, practlca1.ly new. Altadma. Excb&nge for Corona del Mar FOR ANYTHING IN REAL ESTATE, ~ .MULTIPLE LI.STING BROKER G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 3635 E. Cout Hwy. Harbor M42 Corona del Mar Ew.a. Har. 6680 HOMER SHAFER, By Owner, Custom Built ~~ i.~~1.u w:sn uc1 Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. R&ALTOR I 8..ft... 1~ balha. Iota ot W«. -----------l\&A.LTOR-Il'f8lSRA.NCI: JOI .Kd'a4du .Pl.., at Npt. pl.-frpl.. dm, "'°., FA llHt. hwd. BA.LBOA. JBLAND ~ Bn*a:r Jlhltlpl• Ulttnr J)(){EDU. TE OCCUPANCY. 3 bdrm. 1 ~ bath&. f~lace. t a he&t. dbl. garare. ft'n~ yard. l&ndae&ped. SACRIFICE for $18. 7~. wm finance. 6811 Beryl Lue. Newport Beach. 29c'42 PRESENT tn~m!' $3000. Eacft apartment on yearly leu. In attractlvl! Clift Haven l'ffi· denUal ana when demand la gnat. FOR SALE dln>ct by owner who want.a offer. Good term1. Mu1t Mil 'nldl! apart· 2638 FAIR WA y DRIVE TBR.D R.-1 LOTS tn c.o... ment.a have pauoa, gan.p1. OOSTA MESA M-. Cloee ton~ at. aboJ> bath3• st.orace room, dl.tpON.la. 2 bdrm. b~ i...., i.ot.. dbl ptq ccter, betweeo Tualh ~ landac&pe<l. sprtnk· sv.. new dbtr'lcl near roU ud a-ca A.ta .......u. rue6 .._. ID.I'.~• Ul7 um. nra., .mee porcb, lp. dble. s Bedrma~ 2 ti.lha.. larp 11vtn1 n33-&:-eout Blsf!wa1 pr . r~nt'f'd. cm comu MAJ" room and ~l&Rd tn Lanal Coroaa del M..-&arbor 2162 I Jll:DllK. HOM&, bdwd. flrl1 «.Dool Pt,500. Will flnanc.. QimpleUIJ ram.. carpeted. ,,..,, W /W ~ UID"llllJUL DOS 8anc. Ana Aft.. Ocat.a U7 JIOO f1 .IOO cklwa, Mlanoe DtQ9 aDd ~ .. ..u..-)( ... LDttty t-1'00. _.. lib rail. bll.ndll ~ TUecl t.Ull • -----------a..-~ . e-n... 115 ..... I_,.~ Caner BT OWN'EI\ -Lot t1 • 201. JlutDe A"-B&DJo. Ja1an4. Jot. 180& ~ Aft.,-l!aata ~ Bestit.. eonft' Butlar U7l. ~1 ~ 8-clL lkll 8hU • ~ SllCM). Bar. IOJ..ll. 11p11 I BICDROOJI BOUa&. l ~ baU.. _.. • .., I ... med CIU, .. iiaUo. fmtt. lladlacs)Nd. _, 7fl/4U .aJ....,.. wt. wtlJ tMt ""-SM.AU.. t'Oltap an rar ot R.-2 doW'nt.own ec.ta M-. Or take TQKOIUtO'ff to bads up ..... IM lot. ld.aJ locabon M.IOO. older N"')'Ort ~ ~ ta ~ ..U. TODAY! Oleck Uait l1lled tenna. 70I 11'1&. For LAforma• trats. 0tr late anod.a ~ cant t.a u.. ct••fted wUca to>-Uoe eaJJ Har. Cla$-M.. bo\.Yle tral.ltt. LDler\7 ~'! 4k)'.~ • l lUc -.- ' • BT 0 W N ll R. Olofc-. bame. comer lot. z bdrm., 1 ~ ti.th. ..,.. dolll ll*&' • dinlnS roam. ~ veetJan lliHDClll. aaadiseal*i. part. ty flllC'«l <"CJ'A'n'd pa Uo doer ln. NOT A TR.ACT Hou8C. sia.ooo LI M 726 l3<'38 LOTS on the Bay M' TO 1.o' J'RONTAOIC. s•oo alld up per lrmt foot to q~ ned buyen. Pien ptrmltt.ed - Geo. McNamara. Oolllna ltla.nd Harb• IH2. 27c63 Altadena Escrow teo.i. M-offlu\ Jl2•A &. llU\ 8L. U 8·36M iik3\' ling syetem. 2 )'1"1. younf. counia. L&rse umic room. .... eu.e a114 .......... Pr~ p,. Ooin« at Lll8S Ulan co.t. See ldt.chm Ir dtnette C!C!ftlb. Atuo no tor 111Cat Jot. I Jot.a ••aU· OWllf'r' al 606 St Andrww• lNlulaU-. bdwd. floOra. ~ .... Mn AA""" J11 Via..., Road, one bloc1r trom N.wport Jard t«IM*L LAIJe dowlL Own· it.mo. au. Oltt cw LI ~ Beach Hlp School. 2 blodm tt, s, 0 . kmidlr& Wrtta 000-Dc1a trom 'Rore.c. £utp llCbOOl. 11.lt or can Bu. 2t'TI ITcO ------------ ut.tc -~~-------­~----------BY OWNER. new rancb llOIM. I bedrm~ 1 ~ bath, dbk prap. built In OYtlD.. •W.e. dl.ahWub· er. UHd brick ftrtpiac•, fUP A drapee, '20.000 dl E. "'8UI Plaoa, ~ Maa. L1 a.JOOO llttc CONTEMPORARY Cliff Haven w .ooo UJ lttnp Place Pb u .. 710'1 27t1C' CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Marine Ave. Balboa laland Harbor 1560 .......... YOUJE SEEN THE RE$T Balboa Island Office -Vogel Values NO CLAUSTROPHOBIA BER.JC The largest 3 bdrm. bom. on Balboa lal&Dd. S betha, tr•. llvlng and dln1nr room. OwnlT' 1&ya lell quickly 10 now la tb• time to buy. Beet of term.a with low down ot St500(). cau tor ahowlnc anytime. BEAT THE COMPETITION Mr. & Mrs. Careful Buyer will like thil delightful I bdrm., 2 bath home with complete 1eparate 1 Mnn. apt. over the double pra.ge. Neu North Baytront. Thil clean income property la IUnl to pleue. Full price $31,'5()(). Good terma. For the above property PHONE HARBOR I 014 VOGEL CO. -Balboa Island Office 208 Marine Evea: H&r. 3629, Bar. 1229-R LIDO OFFICE VOGEL VALUES LIDO Fam. 2 bdrm .• 2 bath home. FJaratone fireplace, W /W carpet.a throughout. Price $29,500 2 bdrm. 1 bath, fireplace plut 1leepinr room A ~ bath aeparate from bouae. Low, low price of $22,~ BALBOA PENINSULA Peninsula Ocean Front -out.standinf ~ bdrm. • bath home. Near jetty Ir ewimminr beach. Thia property bu everything. Call tor appt. to aee yourself. NEW t BDRM. A FAMILY ROOM 3 baths, 14x20 muter bdrm. plut lge. aundeck with ocean view. Blt-ln ran1e le oven. d.lab- wuher, dbl. rarare Ir extra park.1J11 area us.ooo RUSTIC New 2 bdrm. & den, 2 bath, dininr room. Fire- place le FA heat. ~ will handle.. For the above propertJee PHONE HARBOR 4971 VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido Evea.: Har. 363()..J, Har. ~17g, Har. 5142 I • r MAIN Off ICE V 0 G ·E L V A L U E S LOW COST LUXURY / L Top LOcation on atU Ba•en'1 fineat atreeta 2. Be&uutul atmor de8lp wttb low, ft'etPlnr lln• A bavy thab roof 3. Three i,e. bed.room.t, 2 batha • ~ '· AJ1 electric built-in ldtch.ID 15. Separate dininr room ' 6. Th.ii la important! The price ls under $25,000 with i5000 down. Honeatly, thie ii th9 b..t buy we have had lu the area in '1Vflr a year. CORONA HIGHLANDS Lovely Ocean View. New 2 bdrm. A den home. Heavy 1hake roof. Built-in oven A ra.nse. Uled brick ra.laed hearth fireplace. Wide lot with owr 100 foot front.ace. Thia Ja the beat buy ln the Highlanda at $29,850. Good term.a. MUST BE SOLD I f I Own.tr hu pu.rch&Md a larpr home and need.a a quick sale on th.la property to com- pi..t. the down pa.yment. 3 bdrm.I. home in Newport Hei1ht.. Hdwd. floon with carpeted Uvi.D1 room. Lp. cove.red patio, fenced yard. Mkinl UUOO. J'or the above propert.lea PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 VOGEL CO. MAIN Off ICE UCl We.t Cout Highway E'rea: LI 8-7789, LI 8-WO, LE ~79'2, LI S.lill and Bar. 86SO-J. VOGEL COMPANY OPEN HOUSE BALBOA ISLAND NEW REDUCED PRICE & LOW DOWN PAYMENT 222 APOLENA OPEN SAT. le SUN. 1 -~ Larr• 3 bdrm. 3 bath home. Includea private moorinc. Immed. poueaalon. For the above properties PHONE HARBOR •97 I VOGEL CO. -LIDO ISLE OFFICE 3'1& VU LIDO ~: Har 3&30-J, Har. 6179, Hu. 5H.2 NIWPO~T HAUOlt N£WS..PltESS.4AAT. I 1 .. PAef t FltDAY, JULY 6, lt16 • V.O GEL VAtUES . . .. . .. Costa Mesa Off1c-VOGEL VALU&S • "I Price just redue«l $1000. 2 bdrm. • -- con:ier lot. ~down.. Pa,.._t. a. dau rent. l'ull price Sll,&00 II' YOU NEED THE ROOM 1900 eq. Ct. ln 3 bdrm. A den, 2 b&tb hoe:u. J flaa- lto~ firepiao.. dlahwuher ud dkpowl. &i.e. dra Jawn.. Beaut. land.ICaped. '21,000 LOW PRICED ' BEDllOOK 1 ~ yra. old home o.n beaut. 1,.. corn• lot. W /W ca~ tn neey 1"00m, 2 bath.a, N4900J'&t.d ta. aide A out. complltl. landacaped. I.c--patie. Full pric• $12,SOO. $7 •00 incl tu• a bMNrUoa. For the abaft propertiq PHONE LIBERTY 8-559' VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 Newport Blvd. Evea: Har. 1539-M, Key a.il.92 . .. Corona del Mar Offic-Vogel Values * * * VA.CANT PROPERTY BilGAINI CORONA lilGHLANDS -Street to .tn1t, beaut. view lot. Permanent. unob9tnlcttd pano- ramic view. $11.~ CORONA HIGHLANDS -Corner lot with view lncludln1 complete Mt of plan.a for 3 bldrm.. & family room. 2';) bath home -alto room tor pool. Total price $9,950. COST A MESA -2 acrea -&djacent to Babcock Electronic1 property, cloM to Helipot Corpon.- tlon.. Ca.ah price only $21,600. (no tn,cS.) GARDEN GROVE SPFCIAL G. I. RESALE -'IU'l'Z BUILT ROME 3 bdrms. & den, 2 batha, completely all elect. Hotpolnt kitchen, Home la complel ~ a.nd the drapenea are included. 3 •lidini doon to "outdoor livlng." Lr· fenced lot. Dead · end street. Owner tra.nafernd to N. Oillt. Total price $21,500. Lge. G. l loan. WW con.Ider small down to qualified buyer. For the above propertiu PHONE HARBOR 0757 VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2867 E . Cout H.icbtray Eves: Har. 1796-W, 495-M, LI 8-M!57, Har. 2892, UM PROPERTY OWNERS WHO WANT TO SELL -LIST WITH THE V 0 GE l c 0. Non· Vets S395 Cub Movea You in 3 81Cfroom1 - 2 Betha -2-Car Gara9e Costa Mesa SUNSHINE · BEACH HOMES MONTHLY PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT WlLSON cl PLACENTIA Furnished Models OPEN DAILY 1 lo 5 p.m. e ~ 1 Dta.na L&ne • 6 bdrm.I , In Harbor Hlchl&nda • •Ot KiJIC'I Place, a bdnn.a., tn CllU Ka ven. • 241 lika Dnve, 3 bd.rma . a.crQlll tTom r oll courae • 500 •t. A.ndnwa. a bdrm&.. comer lot lJI CUtf Haven. OOOD VALUES LIDO BAYFRONT Thia eparld1J\I new l!J\lle alory You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE New Furnished "Homes by Macco" OPEN EVENINCS UNTIL 9 :00 P .M. Interiors by Martin Ir Von Hemert Beautitul bomea tn t.M flneat location Price. from $26,000 to $34,000 Your lnapectlon ta re.apecttully aolicit«l ~bumeelt;:...~ ~·.: 1~1!:t~ EARL w. STANL~Y. Realtor B/ B THESE ARE SLEEPERS! Not To Be Snoo1ed at. EXCLU81VZ • JUST u.Tl:D' Near Jetl7 • <Xeall vt-. 4 bdrma.. I bat.hi. I llriq nna.. I ft.replacea. nn&1J dinin• rm. &lld tumlabitd too. $21. 7&0. J:x. clUlll•e tt..tlq. ~an Front -Balboa Pmn.ulL 3 bdnn., 1 ~ b&Uaa. dbl praf9 Needs tiJlin' • Sll.IOO tull price. J:ac.JUlltTe lilt.l.q. WHY PAY IUl:NT T aliOOO ~ mon11 you lnto a tum1aMd. nearly rww mockm 2 bdrm. Ir den borne cloell to Jelly. F ull price $ll,7MI. IUMMER AND TLUU. T REN· BALBOA CHANNEL Road lot. unobstructed vmr ot Bay. $17,500 tenna. DUPLEX 2 bed.rm. Ii 1 bedrm., near bay. Good renter $21,l500 COSTA MESA 2 BEDROOMS plut lanai on tree ~vend lot. 66 z S05. RA zone. $18,000. Tanna. OOMMmRClAL COl'Ul" 1'6~ z uro ft. Near Bar- bor Blvd. Present Improvement.a lhould C&rl'1 till property developed. ne.t buy OD W. 19th It. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH J4YR!:D, Realtor Mlldred RJip and Sylvia Thomp.oe. • encdata 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. W or '800 Open Daily ,.~door ancs ta rad llJ so. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS on 11 feel at Bllytl"olll. 0.-TA.LS. BaJfJ'ollt•OeunfroM ~~~------~----~----------------.. S Minute1 from the Ocean Neer School1 & Work OOSTA MESA SUNSHINE BEACH HOMF.S Oli'FER ... Front or rear Uvin' room.a • Plenty of cl08eta. DininJ apace in kitchens • fO gal water heaters. Natural bircb c'bincta • Confetti tile in kitcb- ena • Maticork floora • Wood alidlng win- dow• e 6,000 sq. !t. Iota e Rocll roo!1. Alum.in \l.m ICl'ttllil. ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKER, ALEX STEPT DEVELOPMENT llchlt\ally furniahed with cu.. On Hiway 101, N111"111T1nrt Harbor, oppoeite new lrvtne tom·made modern. -·• r- Corona del Mar Ruidence It G•rar• Apt. 2 bdrm. hOUM with Ule kll.chen It bath. 1'1rtp~e a.nd ruce pe.Uo. Garap apL ha.a 2 bed- roonu. compleuly rumta~ R.al rood I.Mona proputy. Nolh.lnf can compare at - 120,000 Duncan Hardesty RllALTOR Cout Country Club. Harbor «U. COSTA MESA-The Best Town on Earth VERY NlCE 3 Br. home in good Eut aide neighborhood with hardwood floors, Pluter It stucco, sewer ta in. The lot 80 x 127 la fenced. A double garage It paved alley add to the utility of this bargain ... $12,500 with $2.l500 down. Call for an appointment to tee thia one NOW ! and ln ~ B•y and Beech Rlty Inc REALTORS 1~ W. Balboe Blvd. B&Jboe.. caut. Barbor llt4 -JC... !IM Avocado Grove Speci•I Ju.t f9duClt!d ~ to '33 :\00. OWJWr uan.f~rT'9CS to Han Dl~•o• muet ..u aow. Th1I e ~ &crftl D109l prodlaetJ•• ~ ln a.beolut.e fnNlltree am. complete 1p~r syltADI, ~ )'Ml1y tnccnn.. DAN A. JACX>BSl!:N, Ro.I Ea- t.ate -Barbor Olll CORONA DEL MAR 3 FURNISHED HOUSES on 2 lot.a plua 1 vacpt R-2 lot, 90 ft. fr:ontare. So. °" HWJ • Near 9Chool. Can add 3 more unita. Tb1a ii •- ably priced at ~.000. T411"1U. 2 BR. home plu• 10 x 25 wort ahop, dbl. pr., 4iO ft. lot close to Big btacb. Hw. fln.; J'P.; din. rm. now bold.inc "OPEN HOUSE" at 211 lu- mine Ave. UUSOO, lowdown p&JJDIDL JOHN E. SADLEIR, Realtor IV AN W. ERHARIYr, AMOclate 3333 E. Cout Hwy., COM Bar. Jm ~ FAMOUS CLIFF HAVEN ll02 N.wport Blvd.. Npt.. Bch. a.nor tna Large 3 Br. home, din~ng room. aervice porch, 1 ~t bath, double garage, PIUA a very nice 1 Br. ap&rtment. Hardwood fioon. Lot 70 x HO with Lihu1.r 1-G17 Klml-.zly W1J7 --r---------------------- OPE.N HOUSE 7 daya a week 212 Kinp Road See thia Contemporary home with 3 bdrm.a., 2 full bath•. dining area and breaktut aru. At- tractive double flrepla«, patJo and ma.ny other exclusive appointment.a. Wall to wall carpet.tni and abow all A VIEW HOME. • $750 Down • s Mdnn. • wall to wall e&rpet • ncwty p&!nlecl e ll:ut aide. coet.a Mtu •Double prace •a.... • OoN In • ruu prtt"e 110 l\00 • 17&0 down. W per ml). EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Newport-Mesa Realty ~t.h and lrvme -Ll 8-21564 l 7H l\14!Wp0rt Blvd . Cc.>•l& Mt!IOI Eva. Fred Bark.er Ll 8-8621, Stan LcUevre Ll 8-7066 w a-6:M>I. Ewa. u a..1231 J fruit • shade tnes. $16,54» 1ritb W'mL Income property: Four unit.a -1 Br. each, five ye.an old, nnr Blvd. It market, monthly in- fhe Right lnv•stment COMKSRCLU. LOl" lb137 on lluay Pl&c«nUa i>.u 19Ua It.. eo.ta Naa. Jo.I for anack come $230. Price $17,900. with $7900 down.. llhop. stott, but-ahop • .ic lfOUM It IOme buJldtnp on lot. C-2 Buaineu zone lot 100 x 1'0 --··-----···---..Sl.2,000 WUl take cabin oa lake or et.ream u p.,.t. LI 1-67M alter R-4 R.Hidential-Four Jot.a each Mx.168 All for _$13,300 I or WMk-41Dd&. u (Can build 3 unit.a on a.ch lot) CORONA DEL MA.ft borne com· , G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Bl\rd., Cotta Meaa LI 8-7729 • plet.«ly f\l:milbed, 2 bdrml • lafTI UY. nn~ ftnpl&ce. tars• kllch-. dlnln• ••ta. dbl. pr c..ll Kia tlob.i.ta:!t.. Bat U20 a1pa.s 24 BEAUTIFUL LOTS With practically no ocean front Iota an.llable ID the Harbor Area. we a.re happy to be ..-ta tor Orange Cout' a neweat. ''View'• Sab4l.woa. .4Jl b•c Iota. .everal ocean front and mamt ._ -.. view. Highly restricted -all lmrurJ ~ planned . .2.t b&rp1ut ~at Jl0,000. Let U8 ahow ,au.. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE. A.moclate 3622 E. Cout Hwy .• Corona dd Mar. Har. mt . I • · FIHR'S BBT BUYS! L BilBOA -1'11.\CTICAU.Y BAY FllONT, /1Cd7 ~ .-P.....-.it Boy View: a R. Hoine, pluo 2 atlnctlve -· Uolla to t..ip you buy It. ONy ps,215Q and feOOll Down. THIS WON'T LAST! 2. s.WloA ~ <bumliic 2 BRM8 pr... Oo1ett -. 2 BATHS, .........i Patio aod Borbocu•. 0111y a '" olil -EXCUJBIVE wrre , US. A Woa_dertol Value at $19,l!OO. Only $4,000 Doom. 3. 1 -Unlta BALBOA -Only $29.l!OO • $8,!500 Down. Scheduled Gl'<* Income -$G21SO' pl,,. Owner'• Apt. Low Exponee. C-2-Zone on Main 81'4. ~-lilaoy ""'""tiono go with It. Taite over and coneit the high •ummer rent. now.- 4. S BRM -Home • a yn old. Reduced to $99l50 tor' quick ale. So that owner m&y rejoin her Marine bu.band, u-an.fem!d to Bewail. Only Sl.:w>O Dn. , beautitully l&ndacaped, completely feooed yard, and 1pic'n apan inside with, many extru. EXceptioul! ! ~-Boy Front RonW, 4 BDIWS Pier and rloet R<st or July $7li0. FISHER and COMPANY . 2603 Newport Blvd Npt !kb Hbr 4429 Realtors lnaurutce OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX Fine locat.ioo., corner loL Hard to ahow 'cau.e Jt'1 full ot. taut& for wmmer. Fine t.ncame. Aaldn& $23,!500. * * * OCEAN FRONT Furnlahod beacll bouae, fireplace and polio. Good termo. $18,500 tull price. * * * DUPLEX Completely tumlabed. cio. to beach and bay. $12,600 -Good terma. * * * VACANT DUPLEX LOTS Two topthtr Must be 90ld tocether Owner ultlnr '80llO each. Make otter. J. M. MILLER CO. 20~ w. Balboa Blvd. Har. 4091 PLENTY OF IJ'REE PA.llKING -Near Newport Pier Multiple-Listing-of-the-Month CARA VAN SPECIAL ML No. 7365-VERY UNUSUAL three bedroom home ln Costa Meu.. Only two yean old -Cork Walla In Llvin1 Room and Dinlnr Room. I.Arp Bacll Porch -Part Fenoed on 86zll0 Lot - Prloo $10,!500. Contact your Realtor! Multiple i listing Service • • \ developers of Lido Isle -~,--; .. \ O~e~t::8 •Costa Mesa • s~· 7 claye a "'"* U:IO to 6 :80 . • lBtlll N!Pt. br aPPo!ntmeat • -• Boautitlll yard • Low d'""' pa)'Jllel>t • Price SUMO • Call Joe Kincaid Your Dream Home on Lido lsle7 Could be -and what a beautlf'W. clnl&m ! One or the moe1 nctUnr b.,_ 1n ,....! lt'a • WJuJoualy deolp.ed and built home, with two bedroome end den and thne batha. on a l&rp lot Crrff Haven Special with two oolltb pe-! Smartly turmabed by a decorator, -- The muter bedroom opem onto a private patio with a llldlnJ win&w wall that makea it a JU· c1on ""'m. Root ;. flneot u.eo1n 1nter1oclr:inr A Jowb' homit ID aJtt Ham, coutattnr or a bedroom8 and den, 1% bt.tha, wall--.U carpel, drtpoa. All w.i-ptd and fenced. Shown by appolntmeat ooly, Call Jock Cr!afield tor a(>- appOIDtmeat. Priced right abate We. It'• a opacloua llome, tully carpeted, completely modem, outatanding kitchen with birch cabi- net.a In driftwood finish and formic& count.en in matching wood tonea. Double aink, built • in raqe and aepan.te oven, diepoN.l. Papen and paint are combined with atrilr:in1 interior effect. -badn>om bu • ru-tn.g alco\'o, and the home baa worlda of cloeetl and storage. Two-cu gara.ge hu laundry and freezer •pa~. The Bayshores 8top and think! Wheft CID YOU find a berpiD such u thia 3 bedroom modem home that bu everything to be dealred, ouch .. cupeted tJoon. tor<:ed u. beat. prb&ge dlapooai and dlahwuher. .UC. troplcal planted p&tlo. juat a ohort way to a a.Ice' batbln1 beach. For $21.500. 1ftlllll a•allable. Call Lou ar-. Cliff Haven landacaping ia beautiful. Thia one i.a a rul cute 2 bedroom home. 1be owner'a ucellent ta.ate re!lecta itae.lf throu1hout the houe. Blendiac colon and wallpapera make it unusually attractive -and remember, it'• ln Cliff Haven, where homff are in iru.t demand.. It i.1 a home your family will love. The price - $37,!500 furniabed, or may be pun:hued untum. EXCLUSIVE with Ua 2S beautiful Lido Iota. 4 on the Bay Front with pier prtvilegeo. Price $18,!500. Call Bill Farnawnrth. p. a. palmer incorporated ole lianson co. manegement 3333 l'ia Udo, harbor 1!500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole lianson co. m•n•g•m•nt 1700 w. -.t hl1hway -llberty 8-M'l3 SELECTED VALUES! BALBOA REALTY CO. t1 I BALBOA PENINSULA. DU- PL!:lt Bffutif'Ul a.nd Mtn.cUv• 8 year old stucco prvperty. All ni«ly furn1ahed. a bedroom• up and 2 down. Laundry, double rar- ... and 119Uo. S•• thl • •padoui dupm before buytnc. 121.000 With Wrma. (2) JUST LlBTEO , •• on Weat a..y Aftnue. Lov•ly 2 bM· room home. well fumiahed. wtlh •ltJ'actlve ruest room wn.b tull t.th alt&ched.. A v•ry food ?&lue at 119,000 with s'OOd tenna. (JI f UNIT INOOM:ll BUU.O· ING on !lut Bay A Tatw. Own.tr belq tranaterred ... will •U thU n.wly decorett-d and nl«ly fllnliabed property for 111,000, t.emu. (41 NICE T W 0 BEDROOM HOMI: and i:u.te a.cbtk>r a~nt In ru.r. l.&f'l9 lot, lfP9dollll pauo. 2 .tnrl• s•r- ..-All fu..rnialwd • • be IUN and -thla on• at llT.600. term&. (5) OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX cm tlle P•niMula ud only 160 ft. to bay nrtmmitlc· 81ftpe up to 14 peop1-. Flrepl&cH, laf"I" walled peUo. A rHl 't'a.IU• •t 122,500. It ) ANOTllER GOOD lNCOMI: •• , ftllt<td Bummer and Wln· tU". , bedroom bollle and 1 bodl:omn aputmmt cn"er a t BILL'S BEST BUYS BACK BAY HOMES -Ir TWO & DEN -NEW, 1% botho, H. W. tlooro, uaed brtclr F. P., F/A heat, built..in oven & range, F. P. S~,500. $8,000 down. -!:: F 0 UR BEDROOMS - FAMILY ROOM -NEW, HW noon, 2 botho F. P., I' I A bee~ builtino, large dbl garoge, F. P. $22.!500, $7000 down. -Ir THREE BEDROOM -good view, pened H. W. floora. F. P .. F/A heot, carpeted, drapea in· eluded, beoutiful patio " lana4 F. P. only' $2'1 ,liOO -$11,000 down. -tr THREE BEDROOM and FAMILY ROOM -NEW vecy e.x.cluaive, rear L. R., F. P ., F/A heat. built-in kitchen, including dabwaaber, inter· com ayatem, and many other rme featurea F . P. $26,liOO -$GOOO 9<>wn W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOClATES "You'll Uke Our Friendly Service" t OO E. 17th SL Coata M... Liberty 8-U39 a.r pn.ce. J"umlaMd. N.ar -------------------bay a n d ocean. 11:5,000, ........ (I I $6000 down •• , b uy1 a lov· •1Y, iww, hnlnaula point hom• wtU. i bedroom• Pd 2 bat.ha, nr.pl&ct>; .Udlnc , .... doon to CORONA DEL MAR YOUR FAMILY DESERVES THE BEST B/ B Real Estate Daffynitions REMO (A GoodJe ! I A.n •ltncttWly rwnod9'94 1 bd:nn.. .tucco ••t.rfroat ~ pltt _6 tloal rum. ~ tor happy ISUl'nl:1Mrt or lac. an,. 600. "'"-ble dn,, pod ., __ CHEAP IE The hepp7 IOftC a wtM buyer ..nu ~ -th1a 2 bdrm. an u J\.-1 iot. wtt.b. nn. to bidJd ntra wut. l:acL ioc..uon. lll.- 040; ll'IOO down. T.D.T . No Tru.t Deed ~-on UU. OM! llubmlt OD da. 8ltHq" pretty -luye, 'ri.w kit. 2 bdTme.. tum. SM.OGG. F. M. VALUE You11 hi.ft no prMJ.tm ttcurtq the ft1r Marat V&hal of W. loor•17 .. Mra ....... -.. "°' Jot. ---from ftlllelt: bMcb. ...... Barllor ~. Call for appt. to .,. ''tM a.t" Bay & Beach Realty Inc REALTORS Conina mt Xu omo. MIO E. 0aut Blwy Har. l3N RANCH HOMES L ·r SIJORllCLm'S. Jlnit tlmt ottered. Rench type. ...... """'· 2 bednn. and dm h-. 3 n...,.._ ~ fUll bath with _,ate lllall - Ill* 2 -te \<, batha. -porch. ,.,....,.. air heat, wind for tllctrlo ~ cari>etlDI Uld 4-IDc~ Beautll\llly laudaca.pod. H- i. lmmaclllate lhnl-<>Ut. OPEN HOUSF. EVERY AJ'TI!:RNOON l • 5 p. m. until oold. Prtood tl!a at $37,600, 8boald oell qaickly. 288 Mo~ Canyoa Roed EXCLUSIVE W1Tlf us. O>wUoy to broken. 2. y V ALUJ: PLUS 2 bednn. home pW. ,.-i rooa plual% batha. hardwood ttoor., i'A lloeal.~ to ahopptnr .-and only 21', blocJui to -and beach. A -buy at $18,!500. ' • S. y BARGAIN JUST LISTED -Thia 2 bedroom home, l&rp ll"flna room. llreplace, dual floor tw- ...., (thelmo controlled) pluo l&rp double pr- ap ab"! 11 rd for •pt. above. Better act fut on this one ! ONLY $14,7li0 EXCLUSIVE WITH US. 4. y CORONA HlGHLANDS. Firot time ottered. VIEW • VIEW • VIEW ot blue Pacltlc. 3 bdrma., 2 batha, hwd. tlrll., toroed air bttt. Ideal Inca· tJon for IJW'lmmfnc pool. Hoilae only 2 yra.. old. Priced at $32,500 -eaay terma. Shown by appointment, liated EXCLUSIVELY with ua. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LlSTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTlON, Realtor 3447 E. Cnut Hwy. Corona del Mer Har. 47 (Ot!lco locatad next door to Newport Harbor Bank, Cdll) LIDO ISLE 3 bdrm.. and den, 1 Y:i b&tha, nea.r clubhou.e and beach. Older borne with large. la.rge patio and the BEST BUY on Lido. Only $23.500. with good terma. BALBOA PENINSULA Abaent.ee owner aaya 'lell". -4-un.it apartment in beat dJ.trict. One 2 bdnn., three 1 bdrm. un.il.t. Showa hicheat return in area. Price ia leaa th.an 5 timea the crou income. Priced at $35,000. BE'rl ER SEE THIS. SPECULATOR'S DREAM \Ve believe thil baa more income potential than any property 1een for aome time. Lot la 120 x 100 ft, soned R-4.. Room to build 5 or more un.ita. There la an immaculate 2 bdrm. houe on the lot now. See if you can beat lhla at $13.000. JACK BRENNAN, REALTY "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 BALBOA ISLAND Owner will EXCHANGE Bea.utifW 5 bednn., 4 bath home on Little bland WM. W. SANFORD For Small Cottage On the laland Or near the Bay Realtors STANLEY HADFIELC> Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa bland Harbor 2482 Newport Harbor Board of Realtors :-~·:: .:-:~~·"·•· Balboa Realty Co. Come lee thie 2000 sq. rt. home! 3 bedroom• -2 b&th11 -AND a beautiful LARGE OEN with built·in televia.ion combination. All wool wall to wall carpet and lovely fiber glue drape• included in selling price. Compare! See for your.elf. I Br. 6 du IDalJI ft. Jot. MW--------------------•rt la &Dd pUd fer, DMdM Wld. ODq ' to cbome from. lm"'edl•te ocwpUICY. ac,.. to 9Cbool9 Ud mubt& IUlake roof, hudwood flrL. COGCAU drl.,....,, built..ln ........ Uld oven. ~ r .A. Me.l. 122.800-f300CI dn. Waterfront Special • • IAYSHORES • • CHOICE LOCATIONS 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath --------·-$19,!500 Oppoeate 8-.11: of America ftOM Oret1ley Ed Lff JoeepbiZM1 W ebb 700 II. B&lbo& BlTd., Bai~ Phone Harbor 3271 2 BEDROOM. 2 bath, carpot<d • draped ---$U.l500 NEWPORT HTS. 3 BEDROOM, 2 ba"tb -----$24,l!OO 2 BEDROOM, turnlobed _____ (Sold) $l9,l500 SPECIAL 2 BEDROOM. 2 bl.tb, Carpeted and 6ta HOLMWOOD DRIVI: draped. C.Omer lot __ $27.roQ "==~ ·~~:=·~~ 3 BEDBOO~, 2 bath ·------·-<Sold) $22.:SOO Back7&rd fenced wtth % aru a BEDROOM, 2 bath --------CSoldl _____ $2:1,7liO .. ,.._ BALBOA PENINSULA. Charming and apacloua 3 B. R. home 134, bat.hi. Near Bay bathing beach. Lovely patio and beaut. land.caped grounda Priced right. -4'ttm1. 422 BelVue Lane. BACK BAY LOTS in excha.ive restricted area. SSOO down.. BROKER OR SALESMAN WANTED. Permanent. •hould know 1ocal area. (ConfidentiaJ) Opt11 1 de.19 • week I -t On C..brtbo betw. 1'latbl 6 1"" YIM. 1 bU1 No. or l 1Ul It. OlellallOonCo. Ph.UWIU • $1750 Down BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor : : ::".,':" MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING • h-..rdwood tloot-• 311 Marine Ave .. Qa.Jboa laland. Pb. Har. 1871 or 1672 • r on:ec1 •lr hut NOT FANCY, and NOT LIDO ISLAND, but where can you beat thia 2 bdrm., 2 bl.th with pier and float! Furniahed, but brinr your own bo&t. A reuonabie down payment and it'• youn for only $23,500. Lido Realty Associates 3400 vi.. Lido Harbor.._... Z BEDROOM, 1 bath. cor. lot -------------------• Double l'UN'• OPEN f'OR DUIPl)CTJON Tuea. e COrnt1r Jot INCOME PROPERTY (Boyebo,.. cu-home) ················-----·-······---·--$2!,500 ALSO LUXURIOUS Boy Front, Pier ond Slip (Sb.own b'y appointment only) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harllor 1100 E'Yff LI 8-63116 TEXAS OIL MAN7 Not exaet17 in Tuu, but In HunUngton a..d> -JawJl..__~~-wltli tour r<nW. and on. WELLS. RJLL PRICE $37,500 1Cstw1a.t term. avall•ble. '11da II a ~te dee.I and °""""' have boni- tlclo -for ..Utnr. PJ,EAl!Jl do not phone nprdlnr tbJa liatlng. Howfl'9', do come in .aa tlUa may be your cha.nee of a Uf et:ime. W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor 2ll7 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport U...ch, Callt. Tbun. ... l•L an........ FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK ...... n . w•bo ... "'""' • Immediate ~on ' ' unit.a. Excellent re.nW diatrict. Near beach. PRJCED TO Ul.L -ttrulS ean'M~. Excellent Buy Ill.IOU. -'61 Eut llUI St.. CO. ta M.-. I bdrm, O..L loan. P•)'merite 142.&I mo. Incl. •S' lllw.t llJld lm~ OPEN FOR INaPllCl'ION Wed CLASS A atore and office buildinc localed oo moat important corner in Puadena. PMce $700,000. Will pay 7 % net net and will depoeit $300,000 .. 1 .... _.,,;ty. I.up depreciation f.a.ator. CALL OWNER. T. D. R<>pn, Ryan 18167 or Harbor 3828 rrt. and Bun. .n.~ !------------------- Ralph P. Maskey 11£.U.TOR HU N_,ort IUYd.. Har. 402 Choice Nwpt. Hts. N1tW I bednn. 6 den. l '!ii. bl.th. OU n"·· natural ~. ,,repj., I' A Mal, o.t.n. I&'• wardl'OM A -~ •J*c•. Bh•k• nxil. red.,.ood llldln.s • fence. 11600 daWn. r .P. IU.&00. ~r-­ Ll .-11. Ill V'uUert.on. Jtp.19 * Sllnl OOWN * Sb< montho old. i bdrm. otUCC<> with 1% batho, 2-<ar attochod range. AU In .. .., tine oondltloD. Immediate P-100-TOTAL PRICE $ll,SOO GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC . 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 2552 Eve.. call LI 8-3186, U 8-~00. Har. 3921· W • • I I l .&00 tu.II prl~• Newport-Mesa Realty t1tt N'...,,.-t BJ't'd.. Coltt& w ... Ll I· 560t. ......_ LI t-TUT ONE OF THE LA8l' Ylow Iota In aJtt Ht--P..-. manent new of llarl>or la Schedu~ income $3000 ONLY $3000 DOWN Pay off balance out of lDcome. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3ll3 Newport Blvd., Newport lleacb Har. 1013 Ocun. (!(! s 110. $7,91IOl----------------- llarbor IW7L 28tfc BALBOA ISLAND MEDICAL BLDG. THJS WEEK'S LE ADER -OPPORTUNITY fn N•~~t 1i,~~ KNoCJts AGAIN-..~~~ at the bef&lit of~ ._...._ -1 3 plua ~--•tr. Vf'r'/ _,. _,. WALKER 6 LEE, INC. I.up "'-rm. -ahe1tettd patio A.ND cute 1· an "'· ....._.. bdrm. apt. to help P'T the way; 'l'blo you -Wiii An&h.tin ~ ·-~ love -S31AOO with X:lnt terma. Altadena Escrow 100.ta ,._ otnc.1 I 1ll·A E. ilt.lt. It. U t-aMI n.u • I NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 MarlDt Ave. Balboe. llll&nd Phone Har~ 502 Har. 4$23 •