HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-18 - Newport Harbor News Press• • STREET THAT SINKS DRAWS MESA WRATH Pinkley Says City 8°'"' Untll Puente Trautwein Will Hold Standard CHEVALIER DEGREE , AWAAD FOR THOMAS 'red 1'1111. left, and Tom Cox. right, try Gl<an Tboniu' award oa hi.r at tp<dal lnatallatlon of Ille Orani< Cout, Chapter, Onl..-of ~ Do Mol&y ill new Sear.,.. ~ ,,._ .. Lodp here "-""· -&Wf~ • • • ; I , . . . . --~ -~-- r • •• ' . ' ;:.:. • Emergency Conserv ~ares tor Newport~ .. . STRuci'URE QUICKLY RISING HERE I I Pt • P"• • ~.Illa• Paciflc Telel'I>-bail41Di. -l!tdt l'llolo • ... I • PAGE 2. PART 1-NEWPORT HAlllOR NEWs-PRESS HA _ WEONESllAY, JULY 11, 1956 -. ~ G<>INGS ON AT THE :'. BALBOA. BAY CLUB ' UDO DRUGS~ ._ ......... ~. SC8l Via Ucle, Now - TISSUE ...... -·-·--2 ... • I Town &ll -iO Bcur -OuanaLMd _ twlOR DRUGt ALARM CLOCKS--~- COSMETICS BEACH UMBRELLAS ~,-.. :C~. . . . 7 Ft. UMBRELLA R119. $12.95 ·····-····-·-· • 6 Ft. UMBRELLA Reg. $9.95 .U.Ortecl Colen · ····-·--srs PAYLESS Complete Line of Liquon & Wines Drobny SilVlf ._. Yoclia Gil """ r r1 · ....... SHADY ·--l&DP J'lnil ffl'S001 .. ftlfm1118 ...................... ..... .-... ......... ,...~ --- .. \. .. . . •· ' ... :.. . . .. IAKID llANS _____ .... aa11-..,-...rs· IROWN PEAD ·-·--1 .... •m1dr ._ • ..._.,._ SPAGHIT11 ____ _ . , e DEU<JATE88EN e . . ' ' y .,.. • $1 .00 VALUE Chriitmas CARDS ' . STOKELY'S ~ 9~J»PUSA .. -GllEEN PEAS 9 "e GRAPEFRUI • f 1.ua .. "'•· I ,.~~·· .$1 C.ns . HOFFMAN EASTERN HICKORY ·SMOKED, TENDERIZED Ful Shank Half! UOUORS s3n I I J I • • ' ' ' • • ' .. • . I - • • PAllCIS-llDLIY MOITUAIY Aug. 3 and ~. are "1,0M of the dinct'o,... Luk• Scott (left) · 'JWiU, Sa.moan Ru· • ·=~==~I "!Om'&,PACV"lV'\-' • for \Jl"Ol*1leo and acenic et(ecta lor t:Jle ~ar,~ical, "South ,P&cific," to.be P~1at Oran11 Coaat College dent at OCC',•rtcht-may •till be made LISTEN" by 1tud<rit. llJld -· t&-,..u.ipat1on In tlio i. Ibo s.._, Hammill worbbop. l.llltlwain~' _...,, and 1ttp- ''Priv•te Wire'' craft atudenu may wt. ",.:rt. --Pboto by· W&ltao Fath KABC-6:30 P.M.1------:-----.---- ~ --thn& J'ri. Market Qoiot&tlotto • Plundal News Businta Commentary lnterview1 prumttd by SHEAlSON. HAMMILL 5-CO. Both Mesa City 11111 Bids Receiv~d From Same Rnn . t Two 1>149 tor the •trvc:Uon 10 t•sn; Ut,JSO at lhe1 end .i ot the ne'* Colita Me.. City 11 y•n;l l'l•.500 at the Md of re111••• n• "'' Hall •~ ,..d_bJ the cl~ coua-o Jt ye&r., and. '41.'°° al the 911.d .,, • ..,,N,.r.-.•5.w.ti ....... ~-'•'"" ell Monday nlpt, both atlMllft. of JJ yean. '•IM•,.t.S.•..JC:--'ilrl~c•...,• ltd by UI• South Clout Con-No otller cernpuiy·hu .ublnll-•trucUon Co. '1111 btdl were l&k-led a bkl. 3331 Via Lido Har. ~ en under •dvlM'ment t~ one !----------- Newport Beacli w~~'" '"""" ... -, "'Today's N. Y . ;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~----=;I SOutJt. Coe.at. Pl"Of>OM9 11111Mr one MrJM'£ ~~. ~-;.::~ ':~ .. '.'; :: Stock Report pllJ"Cb&M the buUd1n1 at tile end I---.--------or tlve yeaiw I.I tlfiT.9>0; at tM - -end of ll) yean1. ll l~.fi10; t!nd Nl:W TOl\IC NOOM ~·......_ _ REPORT bf :iroN.laftd LflUrrllllld, of 15 ye1n1, $14,200: e11d of JO llhMnOn•HunmtU Co. I I .1 _ _ -::..::,~•~t~:· i~ bid. JO_ ::a .&=O~Dp...l~j--J=-7'' "--flf-'.l . Q~M~ ,.."" '"·~ .nit •nd of the CI09l of r.ompl1Un1 llite wo.tt .._ IO R.a.lla -·--11tAt---.p M • tAGUNA FEDIAM.1111.-S A LOAN ASSOCIATION JWO ,Ol'l'ICIS Te Sane YM LA•UNA llACH AND • '.QUICK 14 HOUI IMVICI lOW • LOW. •lD,JQNS• ~l~lATU . EASY • • M0NTHL Y PA YMfHTS • .. FRllNDI,. Y .. SYMl'ATHlllC SU,VICI ' FUE ·., · CUSTOMUS' PAAJ()NQ • • ' UCROW ' . • .. savtQ. r • llflClllfll.Y ~Tio ' 1::416UNA 18'CH U2 0....'A,.. PHONE HY. ~lln SAi'! CLEMENTE 611 IC..~ .... ~-i.11,._ iiliill~ll .. . ' . Umai.d at 120.Mt. 11 Ulllllt• ,.-·-•• wp .1.1 TIMI e t'ond l;lld, Inc..,_. I,.-..,.._. J.M'tM ll~~T'~'.for lite won.. p"°'4clii American a...iu..S" -·--14~ .eral-annu&.l rent.LI tee AtMrlc&n Tel~ ---110li; " .,._) o~ to pu nc1a -"'---A -ll.. '"" ' ~~m •t u.. md of .._ -., }'t:an; '1116.UO at UM __. • ::.. : l "."°fly• --Oeaf:nl J:lectric U • CHILIREN -....... -----···-'71' Gimbel 8ro9. -······ ... ····--·-··-· -~ lO...._. ,,_ __ 11 G1'9at Northem it.. R.. ···--tl1' ·-· No. Amerk:aa. AYl.l.Uola __ 111'. ... direction of Colli.. Meaa. N. T. Central ..................... _ 11"9 The lhlrd youth told l'Ollcoe he May Co. ----· .. ··-··--....'.'.~ f.11.4 llW out In a drain pipe before Monterey Oil ........ --......... 33 UM two boy1 l.i't lh• Mltne ot Sinclair Oil ..... ,_ ............ _ "" UI• .... wt. He A.id ~ did not So. C&l. E4l.llon ................ -.• 11 % bann u... &1rl• or m•ke threaLI Blanda.rd otl ot Calif ... _ .. _ 61 'ii other than to tell the f lrl• to So. Pactnc ............................ 61" do .... the •ther 7out.ha told lhem Tran-.merlca ..... ·-·-·-----It" u he fJiand they would be lf'r. Unkm OU of Oa.llf, -·-.. --111' ~ bum~ if they rua.ted. U. I . llMI ._ ........ ·---·-t1" t1K Pl!CllD'O&K He told police they approaeMd 111111"' .. ... ... ~)'ial wtlla u 11-JW.f'-Old boy. Be Mid llle7 Md a pftchtoe1c bl tbelr ~ *-.,Jlkb.-u.a,-u.ed to , toru 1'1-. t.e aocom,,_,. t1Mln. n..,. lat. a"·t ""l4ll the pfld!J'ork. .. &aid be didn't know either .., ~ly. lluau..,ton lle&Ch pollc:e \atM .....,.autoa&~r~; lhe ct..cttpUcft ot tll• wapecu· "ffhlcle but th• le4d proved ...... . One ol the rtr1 vlclbne w"' lh• ~t.er of a. COllta M ... , ..... aln.I eommtu1oner, ptllce Ill.Id. • I I I I I -• T • , : . ... . .. · i . - : ' ,. \ )!,.-. • , ' •• . ,1 " . • • • ' • •• • " I ' ' • • . ' - • . . . ~ ~ .. ~. •• ' , l ' , .. -- ", . .,.~ •.• ,,, ILICTalCA • m .us HILP 'IF.l,OllDfl "n , , '•ll' , w•••• 1111~... ' . IAortr ... .-.. , ' • ,., .,-.-.1 . • • • 0 I ' . \ ' 1sff .Aut·ericaa .'8Ptlll.'.. •1f" ASSOClATlON ' - ·- • • ~ ' . '.'.' • Mil#' I •11" Ultll..,..&t 111•11•0e1 . ' { '.1 , • • '"' .. • ' ' • • • • ' • • ••• HARBOR Womtn.'1 FA.it.or 11R8. JAKES H. BROWN' -nee•Kifo Th.,_ J....0., "• Bernie Alden Phot.0 HAVE YOUR FURS ' AT.~~~ ·y-l'vr •C.. c:.. .. ••itJl1d ........... '1:1• ~ ---...... ,.. ... ..,. a.. c..tl l~~ .... .;...v_; I ·_ ~ .. "' ti - " ' ' . ·-·----· . -. I • ._ ..... ·--...... _ .. .... ... ,~ .... tMIMI • • ....... o,lis ............ ... - Herbor Relt Memoriel Perk II 5 -11111 ... 'kP [• Oes MJ -.. - ......... ,. .•. ,. ........ ..... ,. •.••. ta•••··· -----..... flMINM .-t .. ----.. . ' ' ·~ lqoJ f'/f<t to. livt - • A '"°" ""'' ,. i#Vt ll I BUPc&u. IAI.D ow oA&DJ:lf eaon Ullt &UCLID AviJc:D& &.&.___.... ............................... ----. -------"'------..... -----~----- --_ .. • • ll1n'IN PL.t.TmS .,.., 11 llln .. • "OOllE-Llftl.S ........ ( " .......... .... .. ... "'(7" ... T..-. THE RE D CROSS • ... BLOODMOBILE . WW Be la Costa M~ .. . ··--· .. - , • . ANTICIPATE ll't1N -A lmlling fo\u'80me arriva at Newport Harbor Y a.cht Qub for the Summer Cndl9 Dinner Dance. .From left. Mr. and Mn.· Dean Bradford, Kr. 'and Ml"I. Donald Andel'lon. - All Plaotal by lUai• Price no:NDLY l'OtraOllE -Kn. H. J. ~ .,..,.. a anetinc to f.riezict. u the Lunneya and ~IM. ol tM •venfnl wu the d&.Dce caatat for whleh cupe ._.. awarded to the ll&rihall Niedecan for . the ~ Uae 0. G. ~for eoaplli m0tt lriClful ID the ftb, .. and Cbar- le9ton honors ahared by KrL Harold Schenck and D. V. Hayes. Kn. Allen Crilell wu general chair- man and wu ...a.t.d"by )J.me9. Arthur ae.t, Robert Gardner, f>. V. Hayes, Wil- lard Killion, &y l.anpnbeim. Art.bur Letria, Roy Lymu. Lawraee ~. JOMph Stawicki, B. E. Stkkler, Jo.bA Web9ter and Roland Wri1bt. , .. I i . , th• Barry Kelaoe arrive at Yacht Club for Cili1Der dance . .. ) . , • i r • . . . ... 'J . , : t ' , . .. : OOr RarkS Eumish A H1Dllall Need For All • la u.e. ~ of Metlo u....,; wbsa then ii .8'-1 80 ._. to cS0 u.-1 NCl'l&tiGul linel It ~ _. • doWli, Jt Jil a.Ice to ban a retreat ot Ua4) U..,....... tM l*da 80aDd ott and the wiDd rutlel ~•w. cmmbeld. It'• .iota mental retum.ms tO tldl snat. wftdsrss1 land u It wu in the day. of oar p1cm_. fanf&tber., and u we walk beneath u..ilt tree. OI' U. ta a sra-J JLOOk, there are ttm.. .._ .,,_ the mut.d ..-ie of aut09 along tbe ...... tr ..... , tadel out of mind. ~ W. ~ It ii to the credit of the lrvtne 0am,_, tUt th.II snat laMhoJder la taking It.pa w prowtc1e ...,..te para to the cit.lea in which tbef IUdltllle aiad to ti.. oounty In which their holdlnp an loait.ted. ~ thJa recop.it.ion ot city and lmmaa Med II tM tat.attn plan.I tor a U-&cre park, 1lp '-cmMt .. Uon by the Cfty Plannning CommJa. moo 'nt111'11d&J. Tbe park 1.e intended to be part of a.a IT.ken mbdhilikm of the Irvine Co. Myford lntner tGld 'the N..,...Prele the Irvine Co. will fill fD tbil p19mt 1UDJ-lite of the park, tully develop it and clcmate Jt to the city. '1'1IJI DeW pa.rt wfD be the city' a f Ourth and will oame 11Dder ad.mhmtration of the park and recreation d.eputment. Great u la the app.t and natural beauty of our flne beach• in the Harbor area, there remains the call of b-eee and sraa and bird.I and quiet nooks that lbr'fl9 local folll to the park areu. Our local pub. Dall u. thq are, are well u.ed. eo.ta K .. Part la regularly crowded and there ia a defin.ite need for more part mpace there. Irvine Park. amid the inland hilla, keepa New- port Bhd. Jnunmfn.r with p&rtiea beaded for an out. tnr to attain a ~ .tua tm wortd wlW:ll ooce..,. ally ..... BarbOr .,. Nldeata ta tbllr ftpki' actlVW. ....... thin ... dlftnitt DiM4 u; "pt away friili tt aD" by waJJdnt aJOn, a moamta.1D ~ The hJpet and more lanely you set. ttit ID.on tM every-day world .._. to fall away and UM ral8ecl J>Ual*tift tlattw oat lean and troublm &ad lie~ eu work-a-day burdeu. Th-llW. OUM of acape are a human nted ID all communJU.. ·we Now Have 'Do It Yourself' Philosophy Peoplt who t&Jre tbe tun• to look beQk at the phllo.ophy of tbe earl.1 'IOI, when ttme. wen touch, must be lurprtaed or even lhocked at conditions to- day. At that time covernment otftdall were tellin1 the people in effect that there wu not much to hope fw and that the ,onrn.ment would talte care of every- one. So, 1lt back and take euy and vote for theee in office and all would be well, wu the 10porific advice. A Clance at cbangea in human life since that time civea 10me idea of how wrong thla do-nothing pbilo- 80phy wu. Fortunately men have been created with a divine apark, which ligbta up a force that drivea civil- ltation on. Th.la force ii con.ttanUy creat.inJ ch&nge for the better m human Uv..~ wiaJdl oo.me _, •Qaral.. 11 tMt ,.. lcoept u.a wtthoat fufan and **for- ... to tM Mzt IUp. 4Ad ,C lt a perllOA trMe t0 add -~time ot tM put,_, or two, be II Ut.om¥'ed ~ tlM.,.. ot u.. ~ w bee tM lwsad far~ ~ta .A. f .. ,... aao ri .. OODt.d tlaidJoo ltddeDtil in tJae h1111idred9 aod u.ft .... pieDtJ of ING C lf\al IDlll Who bad learned ... ... ... ,... wt1UD1 to --education. Today, WM ...._t.I comated by the tbouaanda, ~ an "Rl'NI 1Uile of 1-IUltrtalJD and 8Chool board.a IOok· 11111 t. -. and women wtt.h cSesnee. ~ cbaap. an ...s.r to undel"ltand., OOD· . ...,..., U.. larp-laboratorite maintained by modena ,Uta. TIMle laboratorile employ 8dentl.etl Jut to .. Uill dnam up new produca and lmprovementa of Wi II I?ll 4ai clnlcM. The Nfriprator ii a Sood G• _-. of tbJ9 1,WOP•: one mmplil out ot mOl'oU, ... boqbt tee and put tt In a boz. then '" To Keep A Man At Work The Amertca.n •)"Item at mua production .i.1 cele- brated, admired and imitated the world around. The American l)'8tem of mua retail diatribution may not be 10 well-publicized -but it ia equally importa.nt. In fact, mua production couldn't ext.t without it. For instance, to keep one man at work in the IO&p indu.etry people must take e mJl1bi b&tha in th~ coune of a year. To keep one man at work in the refrlprator buaine.u, eo m&chJnee mu.t be aold . To keep ant DWl a t 1'0rk bl at«>rtn1 production, 12 thoUl&lld pain mUlt move into the band.I of couu.men. So it goea, down the endJe19 lilt of thinp we all u.ee. It take. a tremendously etticlent and vital retail industry to 1ell the ware1 our factorie1 produce . It Le an induatry which works on an amazincJy anall unit profit. too -one to three or tour cent.a on each doll&r of l&lea, depend.lng on the kind o! Sood.I Jn· volved. And ft ta an ~ In whJch tlMr't ti room for all lcin.dt and llilll '14 mtONll to J>l'09plt - all the way from little fUDlt1 ent.vpn.. to tM '* national chaina. ' · In diatribution, u In produc:Uioa, ~ill tatr Ucl acgreaatve competttlan all aJoar tU llDe. 'lkt II what m&kea for JOOcl ..me.. a ,... ftrletj ot Of· ferinp, and a fair pie.. 'AFFAIRS OF ST A TE 117 amy n .. ,••mos . f .. OOtJNBY CUJB LIVING-That J9 the type hGIDe offend r..tde.tlta of Ba.lecrMt Campua Eltatea, Coeta Ilea. with the IUbclfmian iDc.ludiq & four- KN NCl'Mt.Jon put. In the p&ft will be a Wp STARTED WITH COMPANY HERE lJolt I et ~ Ounpua &.em wblcb la built incoupi,cuou.1- Eatat.H, In Colt.a Kda, opeMd ty Into UM bcllm. Buyen have lo lbl pullUc a&C.urda)'. TM U» @otoe of cedar tb&Jl• or amullll'IY fut lala ol U.. flJ'llll beayY rock l'Oef.I, ~ or iufte- two unit.I ot Ol.mpt.11t Dlat. stone firepW.. in.. •dewallr• have been atl7iboted to UM d1a-and l'anilY cumn,s street.I have tln.cUve dlndp and .olld eon-been ~ f«' afety. 1trucllon ot U... Halilc'resl bomea, ~ c.n...,. &tat.et 11 ptua tM ats ct •• .t ~ __.,. nedli9d * u.. ~,.. club IMq bt ht.a.u.rlou8, __.._. It la located opslOltta Oralll'e priced J1omea. Oout ColWa'• at Ha.rbor Bl•d. HOllJW ~ la UHt new unit &Ad Ba.llft' AYe., la beauUfUJ wtll dlllpt la the ,.,... rec:r.-eo.ta X-, dclM lo a ll con- tlon park, buUt .-dUldftlf foe .,..'-eet ad ObJ1 JDl9UtM away 1149 by ruf'mta Indudld la UM f:nml .Ule-nmmt beN:,,,_ &ala park are inrbnm.lns and •&dins -.at.t art Walker 6 LM, wUb poota, uw. IMcue tiaMb&ll omc. on u. ate. field, tam. and bandb&ll COW'la, a Lars"• d~. d\lldnmi' playcround &ad atenlllve pcmc ~rouad.t la bea.a.WWJ7-l1ndecap-I Mesa11. Hirt A1to Crash ed ~ • TM three aad tour-bedroom II homu, wtUa two-cu pncu, are located on ove:r-alae lot.a to ln-SANTA AJfA, t0CN8)-Tbree Costa Kea ~ta recei~ 11Ddeterm1ned lnJuriu Saturday nJrbt ln a two car c~ a l Cypnu &Dd Ana.lrunlt 81..1. btrL wtt pmaey. St.artiq at J15.- ~ lbe bomu are avauai.a. to veteran.I u low u POO down. plUI normal co.ta and lmpou.ndiL ror non-nu \hi clown payment 1.1 onJ7 PM. with low euy monthly p&y mnt.a on J"llA term.a. 'Tm atn.ld l*>J>~ WJIO plan lo amn too DMr ta. a :ta p.m. curtaJa tllM ~ ftDd Uttm· ..iv. wit.bout a eeat." Scott warned. "We rully expect a crowd and ot COU!'H there wUI be reauved Matt for tto one. ThAt lncludff .. ,_. CODMCW willl tJle eol· lep, city, the preM, or cut. U '• Aric:tly t1nt CGlll.e tint .,.ed. .. o.tUq Mck to UM precJw:Uoa rtpta, 8cott l&Jd, "We are vtty fortunata to be able to pt Uw r«ctstL We are UM tut lo th9 country 'Wbo can put lt °" lllnee DolU Day boul'ht It for ber own mon. Yehle.le." '1'1111 cut ot 10 ~.,... danc· en. mqetcta•, ud ad.on 'lt'tll contlmla to re.r... mpu,y on the sUt -... ud ~n the va.rtow lltuclioll ..sjl.cent to lb• audU.ortwa. Tbe m\llllc and drama dep&rt- .-ata of Oraftl9 Coul Collet• are produdfts tM tl'M a,how ln recosnitlon of the OOt.h a.imlver- .,,. ot the city ot NewpOrt 8-dl. NOl'ICS OF IN'l'&NDSD lfOllTOAOfl NOTICll 18 II.DDT QJVl:N: That Uncoln Oitndle, M. D . M011p&or. whme ~ la S32 lilaJ'IUcrll• A .,.,ae. Corona del Kar, lJl Ule Ctt7 ot Ne~rt Beacb, Cou.DtJ ot Oraap. at.ate ot C&Jl/ornla, lntmda to mo1 t-p.. to N-.ort B&r-.r 811..nk, MortPI'". wboM addrue la 106 Ill. Cout Wsttway, ln Ute City nt Newport Bttcb, CouDlJ ot Or- ang'I, Stale o( catlromla. A II tlxturea ~d cqulpment tocatr d l\ecentl,J appointed m.anaaer of th• Ward UMl 11.&rrinaton Lumber Oo., aaoo w. Oout Hlshway, la Robat ll Lovell. who at.art.d work with the comp&ny ln the local branch 10 7ean .... LoYtU ~ Dick 8wank. who become. man- •sv fill the Warrtniten Lumber Co .. Gardm Grove, liatu Orm lo Ward and ll_a,rrtnJt.on. 1'ht Newport lu.mb«r yard qedal!-ln Ji I mta for home buUden u welJ u water- proof mariDe ,&,....._ OtMr W • H branc.h8 are la t.flUUl Beach, aant.a A.Ga, l'\llW'ton, Bru and L& Ikbr&.-Stalt Photo New, dllUactl•• floor plan.a and utarlor lll.yllap are &•aU- abl• la Un.It I ot Kakc:rat C&mpua r.t.at., plu. tM fa- Th• Sula A.a& poUc:.a M!d 4r1"1 CUUord &. Webb, 18, M.a110D r . Webb, 25, &nd Inn• Barber, 13. a.11 of au 0onrr- 8t., were tramported lo ll&ola .,n& ComJnunlt7 B09plt&l. RT AT& OJ' C4LDOUJA ) COUNTY or QBANQ. )a 1 turee re,.oDl'Me for lb.e ta.It al• of lblt tint two unlta. ln- cluded a.re bullt..U Wutem·Bol- 1 ly l"bl'9 Mid ~ ba.lll-ln Wut· Drivu of UHt ot.ber e&{ w &1 WUllam M. DoplOa, 153, of 131 S. SL A.ndre"ln, IS&nt.a AU. McC~ llrtll Oa tnlt 2$Ui -ot ,,.._ lMI, b«fore me. 8 IC & HI CIC C. MA YER. 1 Not&ry .. Wie tn and tor th• aW ODu8*J ue State. tlMnla, dill'· -------- School Co11ti11es All Year for Some Orange -Coist Instructor .. Few ~' ~ ~lr &lu-Tban Ui.a Coaat p~ awn· tau t.o u.. ~ ..... IWIUDn' martald tbCr flndmp and °"" vuatSoa ll&rt&. In tact we don't pn1aed t.M pall &Ad m.uiocta 1.J1rt-a-~ In color, and unn,s rocm p&.mled wllb uh and A.mc'Woed. A MW C-.t:un i. the llt.ep- 1a vtns Inter-com •rid ndlo •ve- Kr. and Mn1. Robert McClua- ky, to3T·A Pomcma St~ Coeta M-. art lbe pan.nta Of a baby stlt born Ju.De I ln H091' Hoe- pit. l. MANUF .CTURER BLAMES TEACHERS FOR TECH ANPOWER SHORTAGE know ot any who do. lblty will emploJ Wbeo they r.. PemleJou11 aotttnlftr ot t h • • there bu bffn a mark~ decJJ11• l"er example. ..,.eral lntruo-tuna to UM PQ'CboloCY dauroom acMcll MUrtwlum and Uae lacom· In th• number of at.udeata re-eclence and DWOL't. T.lON or p.AJ\·J.·;~i:lt ?\OjJm OP .\.O\JUr.11SU•Mr Soa &ID~ DIU0&.'1'I.ION l'-:ol.lce Sa harellly l lftll Ui.at "'11 or •.t.&'l'D811DP aod ot TNate .. o1 u.. N•v.· TO WBOK ft' II.AT OOKCllNl1 ,.t 8Mdl ..._. IXmtlt fll tM MOHCll 18 RWD'I' Q1VIDf QtJ' ot N..,..t ....... 0.-f th• pert ...... lp Jl~ore ft• ot oruc-. ltatA •f OllUtonaa. wUl ~·· up t.o 1:00 P. K. Aus- torw at Onqe Oout CoUep ,... tN.e fa.II. ,.a.inc. ol teuMrll ta tM pub-qu1rc1 t.o tab aabjecta IUCb u ma.Im<: on campue between TM IMtlvctob dedded It wu Uc ectuoaUon .,.i.m .,. prtsnar. ma~ pb,.ac. &Dd diem· pe.rt-.Ume buLt -~ of 1q 11ua1n .. sprln,s &Ad .UJIUD9 aem&oaa to Important that ·u.y belp atu-tty rapcmalbM for lb• ~ wtry, which dem&Jld ud dnelop th• kind needed now -taada.,. --- pertlc1»&l• t.n worll.lalop pro-dent.a undenta:ad than.wlvrs, to of t.chAlcal mtnl)OWW, puUcu-clear thtAklllr and anel7tlcaJ who can tn1plre aludmt.a to en-r-aau. I.bow llwm bow to adJulll for &.uly 111 th• Utid1 o! eleeuoruu. • -nlnJ. Th• ruult, he •Id. I.er tecbnJcaJ ttllda ~tl.M they 'n... lMcben ..,.,.. l:nt...-ect co11..,. and 90Clallv. They ei.o pby9k:!I ud metb~mau.a. Ow-. 11 I.bat our hip 11ebOOl1 bave cen •P'ffk from tint-band ex-1 In protllnJ the purpoeea and want to p,..,_,. th« atudeat for At'DOW O B•ckmu , toWKS.1-bttn t~ out t.bOUUnda or pwience of the r hal.I•&• and C1011lat of the COUl'Mll ~ M• YOCatSOA, rnarriar•. and prerdcnl of Beckman lulrtJ· atudeota woetuUy \lnqulil1ed to opportunlU• ot their pro!Mllon, NIWPOIT HAUOI IANK .LOOA'l'ICD A..T ()Q&ONA D&L KA.a. ClUD'O&NU. tndl.. '?'My al.o bad protea&oa· dnelDp hla responalbUlly to h1a meta, lM.. told U.. Common-undertake eoUece lffel awcliu "TM 11.te Dr. BoMrt A.. MW.l-a)....,_ ta~ UM Jo' tam1t:J ... ' .u:,. ....aD Clluat ol kD J'l"Mdleo ta tech'-! IWd& ltaa toustit thla MW. al tll• tMy did. a-• I.be lntNcton t..t ,_Uy. 0'Toda1:· Dr. e.climan dedar-U•lnnity of Obleap muy il OW m.9 Cl.o&9 OW at1&lllDa ON !ma _.. UT 0. aV1m, UM rrt'O I lill 1111rt .. wt11a a_._.. ..... -t tr e ' el ..... rtaaJ ~ on UHt ~'°"1 &boot IU~ &l'OW1d ~r .. ll 11 oee of the major prob-ed. "many ad«noe l•ctMn are Y•l'8 .,.a. If• ln.IUhcl that •um wOritalliop bu ju.et been ...-.. llC.bool 11 •l f 8ald one lnatruc-1eml COllfl'OftUnr our naUon." be llOt int.ere.te4 ln admce noc are teadlen ol ~ now eome-Cub. ~ w it.Al otJIM' Maka, l.nc:.ludiq "91l"Te bal- ed. Tiiie purpoae oC Ulla ....&on tor. "I aPllft'date tUopportwlitJ ..W, "and It may w.U become ttt.y eom,.._t to t.eada -.len.ct. thlA&' abcKlt phyalcm and not Ha, &ad eaa tt ... ta J'l'K-of eollectSoa _ ..... -...... .. waa to lltudy tbe peyt:bol<JSY to keep oe tn~ lOe9 pntHllllol\&J-a dedltve faclM la our naUoaa.l .A ..--i n,.n-.ce d.mlre mer.ly hue t&k• COUr'M9 ln u. a. 0.T~mt obUptlou. d irect aad tuJJY suaruteect eounM a.w be{q taus bt a l ly aad be~ to -lnletT&led eeeurity." bom• UU. (Ml to IN a number the metboU ot teadalal'. Dr. atate. oouotT, mllllk:ip&l &ad llChool dilltrkt oblts-tloea _ e>ruap Oout. lMlructore ,.... P'0'4P worklas toselbeT toward Dr. 8-clmian polat..cs out lhal of ,...,.. &C'O wtiea a eompeUtJn WaD&c. A. at.erUn1" p~t of newed a.ad dlJICUUtd t.Mtr OW1' a (.OCDmOft ,..1... RUMla baa c:aupt up w:ttA tJi• ..,...,tnalloo. with W'.llnnlty at.antord. 1leo ftcrW u.. fa.ct Other boftda. notAll and ~tu..---.. -.. -··--·-----l~ m1lboda too. Pl&nll are to ban more work-tJolted at.ala In UI• traln.ln• of tcbolanlbipe u pna., wu apon· that many of our ta .. t .. lodoy Loa.u aad d1eeou•l• .. .. ..... .., .............. ---·- .ut.r .. aluauns what bad ahope &Ad evtn poulbly lo ba ve __...,.. and 8Clenti.ta and I• eored by. a local MCUOn of th• .... rnore concemed wltll OM r ur111ture, fbrtune a.nd equJpm•t .... -~-· .. ···--·--·--- -., doM the l"'OUP a!M look-a puwon out.a.let. of <>raere •tM4.llJ' forrln1 e!M&d. "Over Amerie.n Cb•mlcaJ Society. J met.bode ot l•cllln1 lUa with Otb• U..U ·-.... -.... .. . -··-.. ·-·-.. ··----.. -- od to the tutUJ"L New education-, c-.c. lo proride oulalde In-Ult laat five yeara," ho .. Id, wu &ll'l&U!d by the number of teacbtna.,·· Tot•l .... u . . ......... -................................... .. al film.a. 1'9C:Ordl, textbooka, and tonn&Uon aad ltlmulaUq IHd· "we hue turned out ooJy 142.-blllt llChool tacbva wbo atkf'd ffOPIC roa rl"l'tJ&C I J.JAaJLmU otbff materlalt were reviewed. er9hlp. I 000 enrlnHl'll. compared ,t.o an tGf' aele of lh~ correct uawtra 1 Standiggs in Junior .fiU Tourney Has Carpenter 1st c-Um1led 211.000 la R.nNI• ., that lhty rould di.cu. the °"· Beckman .. hopeful, h• Commercial depo.iu demand ( lndlvlduai.. part11ermJpe. ''Ttlt Sovleh. tor 0 lhe decade tllatnlnallon later with t.balr etu-.. Id, for ll'llprov-eate la UI• corpe.) .. .. ........ .. • . .-.......... -..... .. I It~. wlll 11aduate J.S00.000 cknt& All lnveaUa•Uoo nowed educational eltueUoG. "Jt "' ob-C>Qw '4ilaud d.,..Sta (certlfl., .... o(Uc9"&' dlodla, ytoue that m«o et ..ar ~ ID th• .clencea. wh•I• the U.I . that IO per ..at ot Ute Jtlp mut Moolnt tJlt.._. 18 asJ. ate. l -.............. -......... .... .. .. .. . ............. , ... _ .. ___ ,, __ will ..,.aduate 900.000. and there achool clwmtlltry t.adler9 bid me. and __.,,......._. ud muot l&Yiq• ...,_.LI .. . ..... ..... . . . ............... -- ll no comfort to be 1atned from taken no 1111Jverwlty COUMIN In be provtded wlUl educ&Uonal op-u. a. o.vernnMnt and poelal eav1,.... depollti .................. .. Ule hope lhat the quality of Sov-cheml•Lry. There hi Jillie reuon l llJ for rt State COW1t nd uni 1-• de 1•-. ··---.. --.. tel trafnlnf 19 lnfertor t.o oura. lo btlleve lhl t the alluaUon lt por un .. pn.,.-IOl"OUA ' 7 a m c .,_. poe ... •· R.uUlan et11dent 1 t larl out with much d.Jttertnt today." t.rtlnJns in theR .ftelde. Tiie Re.rvu for t.axM, lnteNet. etc. accrued but wipa.ld -- more lat~-• ... __ 0 _, 1,......,. .. --.--,..-........ nrwl •ltp I• to lnterut the ttu-OtMr UabUIU• .. . .. . ..... ·-·--....... vt ma ........... """' """_.. ... ~._,,.. __._ dent. Jn.e lraUOn can come only ~-· • •-..... 11u .. a.nd •d•tlrtc prtparatJon at the Or. Beckman dul"fed lb.el th• t P thu.llUUc tent I • .._. .... _ ......... ·-·-............ - atandlnll ta U\t Junior l'Wl· 111 over there wlll be a trophy hla1I ~ te"I Ttl•y atudy alarmJns .p~ Of teochoer In· l~::;,.., •;eacber1 ~n=..':t ln OAPnAL ACOOl'NTI tns Tourn&lt'l&ftt, OP*ll t.o aJJ aw&rda and outbo&rd motor Pf"98-~r and lewis« tn coUer rompecence lhroupout our pub-eubJec:t" mhoul4 not be permit-CapU.-J pcucl-ln: -.11 and .&tr JI y ean and un-~t.aUoa du:rlq a dJaaer Au1. TM!r profu11ona1 (1'&du•lt9 are Uc 11Cbool •Ylllftn renecu the • -. compeledL" pow•rful lnfiuence or ~chu•· 1 led lo ttach Ulat 1Ubjed.. ,.. ~ Oominoa -.ck 2.100 eharu, Par N0.00 -.-.... ·- dv. were &ADou.nced today by DeclaMJ lhel our edvcall<lfl collecu aad certain t1>acher or· pnflue Of th• number of coun-8urplue ·-· · · ... _, .... _ ...... _.. . .... ---.. ----~ kbotleld, publklt7 chair· DEATH NOTICE ayatem baa faJled to prorido lh• pnlsoUona wbkh have auc:ceed· u be or Ille may ban take ta U..U°rided pnll1t.a -M l ....... -..... -.............. -·-·· .... -.--... -.. maa for tbe .,OMOrl.ftf Balboa 1 naUon w1U. th• numbt'f' of tf'Ch· ed ottr Ute yura ln Mlabllablnir .o-c:~lod pedafoc. Jncompetamt , RAMrT• . • ..... . -..... _ ..................... - .Anl'llns Club. l\'11.UAM lUIAlla.P&All.E I nJt•l ,-raduatu It rwquln• Dr. r.rt.daUona and pracllc•a which t~ .,.. mullt be wMded Wl. 'Tot.al Capttal Acco11nt.1 . ,_ ......... -··-·-·- HJp boy la o.nitla ea.,.,,ttr PYtY&lt funeral ..ntcn for Bt<kman flral Cll N thf' faJlure may b« to I.Mir lnttrntl t>ut 'TM currkulunl ol ~ry j 1'olal U.blllUu and Capital Accot1nta . -·-···-·-··-- WU.Jam •.. _ .. __ ... 1. ol d>A ol educalor1 lo tnllcfnate and are not n«aurily ~n~flclal to •nd elementory Kboola ahouJd be 1 wllh 11 var1eUu of ruh 1nd ,_•-r--• .. ...,., ..-d Jd K.EJIOSUfDA .:a.t UJld 8 Colla ,,_ wen prepare for lh• 111.Hdlly lncrua.-f'du<'allon. 11n er conltanl e tudy end etlou 1 hlfh alri la JH.n Van Dome Mid to&..r :;:, 1 h .._ Ln1 n"°"' I He uld that rlaid ,..,.lrlctlon" be revl-1 When nec:uury to~ Plqed a...u l and NCur1llu lo&ned1 l'*>lil ... 11.,: wltb Jf ftlllllta. -n..y are ltld-Rt4Je Mort p.;;_ a ~ roaM•AWT Sl:SIN' J"C>Vet'Dln1 lHchln& c~nlltla, Oect rurrffll neecla. 'Mii' lrf'men-1 a. U 8 . Oov~l'ftmtnt obflpllone pledred t. MGW'I 4a- .... f«>f Ult a.<:c>nd atralrht ~J The ::;1 Jome:'~ 8\ew .. An .-nlial function In •n~· which p11rpot1.tdh• cu .. ntet • doua •tlvanr .. In acltnc• In re-po9lt.a and otlltr IJablllll.. .. ........ •··-··---.. ·-- ... k. rour ,.. .. iu of Ult lour-rt ; SL. A~ . Pr b,. rl · bl( "'111.neae," bt •Id. '"ii to meuu,.,. of ('Oft'lpet91'K'~. actually cf'nl Y"rt h•v• cr•Ud. and wlll TOW , .... ·-··-··--.. ·--·-.. -...... a 0 w a .. > • an forerut future nttde fM It.a do nolbinl' of U.e kind. dedartnir rot1tlnue to crMlt. Y&ll amount.II 1 • "a.ment rf'm1tln, ldM)lltlO •· Churcl alftd&ted. pt"Oducll end to enllclpal1> and thol ltt-rutricllona. baa• d or n"' 1'oowh1d1• which mu•t 1 Slate ot Calttomla. County ol Onilre. •· plained. , Mr. $balt•peore died Sunday be prepef'M to mfft tlM rh•na-larply on Hpoeuft ~ cuteln !><" t•u1rhL How can U1l1 new In-1 J . 1'. Van Dylle, Prea6dent . ...,, ....... t.••• -..u. 10. ... 1..,. ..... ... ,..,. 1,lft.ft ........ ,..,._, ... a «,J.llM i.llQaTl ,,...... ....... 14.l'IU'f .. ,,,, .. • . .,...m.11 1 ...... 1•oeuo ..... .. J.l1l.tl ••• UI l,J .......... tu_tft.ot tlUTl.02 0... winnett .,... ~rbhui. •t Hoas 'KGepltal alt•r an ex-Lns needs of Ult llmH. Wt ClOU"fll!IN In melhoda of t~chl"~· formation be work.cl Into a cur· H. l. Hetrick, Cubler Dan.n!_?IU, a~ 1 1'•7° lb. boln; lellded lllneaa. He wu born In attould not forr-t lh•t f'dU<'otlon have Ultla lO do witb a penon'a rtctllum which t. COl'l.lld&Nd to of N-t Harbor Jlu\k be6ns dub'~ .ea few lllmeelt --a.. Jliu a ·-1 lu1111w••., Ila, r ••l\k i.o..-.... at , , ., r _,. A.As"•IH wtwtre IM UvM bl ............... Ot t.. 1 1 bll -'f ti 1 ..., d .. _ o A-...1 ........ _ T ~ .. --r-· ' ' ' #• r----. .__ .,_ ... __. ., ..._ t 1~ ~ ,,,..___ 11 I --••• · · .., tt v-• u on n.IJI" '"ll an ""' vercrow .. .,.. ...... y -\te" th mattt111 contained In U\t f.-.-.J .. , report of CIClftdtlleft '"' llCMd\IJel -....... ~ .... tW ca., -""'..-u ... o-. • _._.... eom.tns i. ....,_..._ .. In uoo c:toll&r t~~ Callfomlo •ff~U" ltecl\u. • 1ubjf'<'l matt.Pr flt today'• et.· • ~ .... ~. ....-~~· I oL; whJle ... baM. Oeftn\1 HH. Ht wu a ~mber 0! the 8lale ~ot. U?-• or '7'4 mil· "[)of', ft not atrtk• you .. m1>nlnv and blah ecbool corri· en~ allesaUon. atattmtonL matter -d thins the,...o ooeWMd .. true lo UM bell of lat. lutGWJ.q. C.rptnltr, t Ibo.: epot fln croak· N .. nlo onMt', Monet• t:.odp lion dollan. b fOf' tduntlon. •l,.np.'' Or. S.CkWllfl •Id. ~•la M111d M eJJmlna.ted od••n· and W ld . .,., llrvc:. l\~ll. t la, I -.. tOI ot i..a. ~elff. wu a a11u-nia .,.1 lllwllltea; aM we u "'that &ftMl&nJ prot~ 1" .rt-f ••af'OU9t.v Tttf're 11 • ,-rMt d .. I ._.. ..... ,. .uMcri.._. a.-4 .-.rn \.o t.etON "'' 8ar.-Nda, Oar1 Cord.alt, I lat.. maA by tra.do &Ad • v.i.eran ot t~re .._..,.a rtpt to Ul'Wl ~ ol famoua uatvenu. .... euch of cw.tuntJon.al niWMeb ud ecbol· b)' Nth OtpoMAtt t•te ttat 4-.:t et July, HM. 1 OL; Paclllie mackettl, Wo ltu World War 1. He l8 evrvi"6 by lt\al our publlc fdUCAlktn b\I ..... lM Un.Jftnlty of OlllfC)"'I• aaUc trivia.'' I .Ul&lll •• rotey Pellrott. I Iba.. t oa.; Jack hla "lte, ~Me. ot. the horn.; n-. wiU bl OPf'Rled a.a di-and auinfot"d. •N not ..-rtttf'd Dr. S.Cltman cltff u a ... 11. Not&J')· PuMlc ia and t« •Id County o1 ~·· madl•rel. Jn11' Vu Dame, 1 j lW9 IOfW. Wiiiiam C ot t.kewood clenll7 aa otlwr lluafn.-. tc; tMoth t.bt'lr llU•J«ta In our 11na or th• public whoot. l)'Wl4'n at.al• .c Olllforaia. JIM . 3 oa.: )lllOw ftft crooer. a.nd .11.ck R. of UM home. at.o Meet.Ins th. nffd for lralDf'd llli• -~ )'~ a hip llChool Uit •ll~mpt to l'Oftftne atucknta M CGM .i-... ICJrpt Aul 4 ltM Daru\7 O.U, 1 lb, I 0&.; fl&llwt. th mot.her, Mra. Loui• &. etUdfl\t.t ll aa -nuat pert of cha.ma or 111Utk t•attwf' wtUI no of Yaryl"I •Mlltlee and ob.t-t-1 m r• ' ' 0-.ta Carpenter. lf Iba., 11 oa. Bytni of CCMll Me• and one lht bu.alnt9 of fdU«~ ~ tralntn1 bi _.._~ -~· do •! 'tH• ti! llM ea.me cllurnom ' At Ute ptt.Mnl Um• lM" .,.. JT&Adda\ICftter jotJ bu not ~n wf'IJ don~• "ff un~ '"tl1clkll\JI ''Tbue II no ,.,_t.er l11iequallt7." 111 •ntrtH In th• toumamf'nl. lntf'~l wu ln Harbor RHt Dr. B«km•A 1tateod that cmor I"" tN rti.r qumUn<atlOfte """I h" •111. "'th•n U\e ~I tr91t· lc'hoflf'ld .. Id Af\f•r tM touml') Mf'mortal Park. I the put two M Ul!"M ~ .. ,_ 1>llmlnatf'd. bundrf'da of C"nmP'"" m""t or unequal• 'No 171 J'fewa·,..,._-i'/Jl/M • ; J .T.VAMDTO ~t H.·t.. Hrr'IUCK Oorrwc:t Alt-': Dtr«ton ~ t.b.a• UM .m..n etplaS IM..,.,_ a a IUDDGUIO~ OllOllOI: J . DA Ttsa B. Z. Mdtll'O'f'WT 8aall No IM, I -· ~. ' -. o. r n ~. ~ .. ~' . ··• ·1•· .. •.· -...•. I ·t · .·. ··~. ". ~ .·,·~r ... ·.. . . ... .,~~ ·5,.c. Ir.I. l" e '" ... :I I . • f t .. i . '. ~ I t ~c :~-~ ~ E . '.' • ii . • ' ' ,., .• -,, ·• P ! ~ . .. I ~ , :a '"ft ... ~ • • 1 • I Iii < :J: : I -·-. ., . ~ E:ill' ti ~t l!.g:~. I ~ Ji~ ir • .: r f -~ .. -r1.:. ~ J ~ ··h it I r ·; 1:1,it 11 !i ~r ;1 1 11IG>li~~ i ~b 'Jld!r~lf=: ;~~ H ~:1t~i ·11 'i.! Jli Zl I~ li~u~ Ill ~ l1r 11 ~1,1 ~s~r rr~1rr . I 'li~·!i~~ 1:~~g1 t., JuLI !h~ I 1 _ .. c=_Lr!I J_f If lur~u~ ~l ... ?-~JI ln~n~ln~~lf I ;1;~~ 8 n;[i I[ ~ s!:ifgi r ~;~ r I ._~ir1 .. 911! ~ -t ~~.· · '. Ug.-~0 rn-·~ ris f~lfa-g f Eoi~ f H~I i~~~~ii~I :n~i:z J~H~;ft~f !i,1 !~1~1~!~-~ i!~:lr~·rr·1 · .iiiii nn11 i~i!f~~~ ~~f ~i ;~?!f~ Hiiit f i!t ~ ii;&1~.liliili!i~i:1!1:, E _ > .-. .,. a. I! " I r: -. -· • _ • E • -l 1 a--,. ---~ ~ II _ r..."'" ,.,. ' _ 1: i Ci i ~ .. c m < II :: ~ ~ ~ i ~ 0 ~ 2 a e s; • -I I m ·~o -' -· fpiil1;2: ... & l ll!l!i'° -11~1-~11~1°0 Ii~ .~ .. l ;_~II ~ ~ I I Jle li r-:n 11 ;: -. ,-t1~ilfilif,il L,iiri~ 'Jg~ 6 Iii• ! 1B"l1r~ ::1. ,, •r: I --~Ji_J~.'$f, dl ~r ii1illit!iUi!iHHt!!f!f ?~iil!iH!ii~:,f·'1 !!~1 : ~i~ !ililPif~~·~ltrt!J!!; ui~!i 1 ! ~~!ii!l .dI1 ~,i![ ·: .1.·~,f ·I.·~-·· !~ .... ,_ r ~ ~ ~ a ~ s-I ... ·~ z --t <: -· ~ :c ~: R&' ~ 4' w -· . -=~ ~ 2 . -:ID '"1G· '1 . -' ..... :-' i ••.. I ra ... · · ---· -· · ----1; sf sr;-!11 ni : g 11 .. · ... · .. ·~ i•:i · ~ ~ .. I f . • I f-J r. ' ;~ ·· • I p j 1, at~J . ~ II ~ ·.~ .... t .. ~.··~. ·.'~·'(·If . P iii I ~ Q ~ :n ~ -, -.. I .. · i: t fil k l; l~ II !~u· 11nn11~~l 1Pli 'hUlGV11fUhHlif':11:1ihlOt1~Ulii~I~ 2a · ~le .. ~-~ In'. -!?I 1d 11 ,IE! 11s,;il i1!il1·1aru1~I n•~;: u1n1·h 1tul !t;~I ill~ 1ij1ll '~ : !'~!~ H!ai t1 •ui1~ nu~ ~1·11 I (J ~EUU!f ln§i ,!,~. 11 111,:~le i ia!11 ,1 ~:'ii l!th ·h~;-.·11r· Ji 11r~2 :!n~ OH!·; !Jii!l 111·~~ r" !Jt! 1,1!1=~alit!~ 'whf. 1,1!1~ 11l1i 1111~5 1dl busl n fi1 .f bhU 1lr1hh t~-..~h JfiJ I ii Jk n. "'Ji iH!n~n!~l !> '. 1 ~:!d .:tr H;!!lnrp!lli!! :natf !i!itlJ1 j. ~PH Im !~ :•!f hl!:t>. !!iUil!!Ui!dl !~ irir•Hd ~ ~ . I• ~ ,, i.~·1:&v ·a:~~;• ~!; ~Jf 1 i•' ~ 1 i•; d11:ulle i d~r J 1fbl dhi;f' ; a!;hilht.l,, ,U~= =: 1ii .. ldat~ ~1h11 i d lnh ... ~ . fa iJii~~lfJ?i~'i 111£ l~.J . :it: e11 11 1~Ufipia !. i ~ul"' ~I · · Hi UiiftJi~f If! flJ~:Jrf 1 jUfiJlf•Uf 'fi:Ji!'lf!1i(f,Al'lfUl 11 l ~i :~-1 f. • iii iJ ., I~ ~!I-......• 1· 1.,~ l_lit:!J fg _t:; • a=•fft!E~M ..... ~ ~ ...... -~ f•·1tf l ... g sl•I'•• ! ._. ' f•la.tt J .. rt · e.l&e:... ~. -~· _ __,... I Ja~IJ Ii~ i•. c ;! ·i1· c:::;:] I··1ljs.1lf '-09fii..l I 11~~· 8. ~ !'.J. C f ~;_ ~ ~-i! wiftfJ{ ~ _ z ;:: ,. 11il !iU1S i!iiJ~il I lhll .. IJ · .. 1 r ~:Hii!H~i I i ~ if(.~~ . · ·11rn li!~1riHlilll::t:uv11 lj!~i!"U•d;1r1:1iin:·rrr :1it;t!Jit1t ... it~ :f. :·~ ~. i'1~ . ii!JHI ;: ' !!~l;illilif1 ?•f !fiili ii~i p•o1t1:1!J!U!i i~~·; ;r!d !~:!'!!~i !!~~111n:111i:•ii ~!illU~§ .·.n~t:!.:~GP:t~ - f .t .... ~ ~ t) a ~ .:!,a. i~; i~2i, 1 ~~.~=,~ =·· ~ia!I! -.. 1d *~!!r I 1 ~2H!U ,& th:~r ;!1~? :1!J~,t:1 i!;!' 1 l!!~t!,11?,; ~~~'rt!~ !J!is~~ !!i1'1·m~3f;;:: ·1( . I ' ' . • • . ?9 ' ' ...... -, l ··1~'~~·,:1 -~~I '. l~. ~1· I-!-'"ti~l·f_,_1.f ,, "J~il~ If.:~~~l"~t ~;u~~ -!-.. '-~!"l~tll . ;~'ii J' '"f IJJHl~Uti'.·~·f }!'~,~,.1ar1,r:"'I. .._11,!~i:i ~·1 ·i1~.~~-'1·1 :1:,~,w!•I· ~·· • . . : -·< ... -··< .1 .. 1!d Ii . rdt f;J.. :lf1ii:. t!f?JlJ -.J h.h 1.bd ld~t~.df ttilh1hili l-ifil -Ul , ~lil.~it '1 Ii~}, il.ihl!" i-:1tl1 :fitl11111iu11.!lJ~ ... ~· ""•. -... -. \, 'I .. '-............ -...... ............. UCBAll**I Tl.aft ~cm · JTll .. ,..... Dr. ... .. ..,.... .,. • SELL YOUR· CAR PAID !POil 08 NM r CHRYSLER.PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout RJibwa.y LI 8-3486 w~ ra,. M°" ._&a.t.-tor a.It t f.2('1 8. Matn JO t-aaof ... '56 FORD V8 GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS P t. "·-· n---"-W ''1 ~ '6 T, ~ ara ..,... A9UWl &SOD ''1 eTtJDmBAIOIR ~ 1'. Ptekup. Fordoinatlc, a.dlo, S.t.r •152 CBJMtOUDr ~ T. Pa.n•L "-'* ....,_ • Cl• r« ..... u..i ... ,,, hi 1 -- Power Steeriq', Pow• '152 CIMO ~ T .... b .. Brak•. Local low MilMJ• '61 DODOS "' T. ptctsup. • .. SO'JOK Qmy. DJU. With an ~A,e • a .... ,_ ~ 'M l'ORD ~ T. Ptcltup, r ordo-~L ~. 11Xc• ~ matlc tran.L i-t oondltiOL KU.It ... w IRVtNE TERRACE Knowlton ~Diel 84~ '6' GMO .. T. P!Pup. ~ LDll't)' Wff6. Smart. MW~~ ---~ 'U GKC " T. I~ Upd bome. ..... t 1M11M, lA.-1 TV REPAIR Sl,lOJ 'ISO CBJPNROLl:T" T. f'lclalp. _ .. _..., __ .....,._ ..n lo 'M CIQVJlOLa'l'"' T. Plcku,, lJlll Kl:RCU&Y K.oaUire7 ~ W&U& -·--BOAT: 11' ,_..... wt~ _. clodM~ Ma.bGil b&r-type ID&ll tra1Jer ..,.. Ill & "9J,. ~Uc tl'UJ. Qplape. Qe9D. MW pa1nt. .. Ta. ki~ W1t41 .._ la ~-- mer, Q.11. ... • UMT.U.S '62 J'ORD VS, 1-T, CAC, &adSo IA t.1•. llc40 Bwd parqult flocn, -~ I* r·-&J:Rv1~ •••• ,_. .. DT. M c rth'I "u.ter. -1-...... a.u.09W'ICll a•nW>AT .....__ fUS, antpe ,..... ..._ .......av4"~ c a s 'ISO ~,. I T OO·., l'' _.__ -,. la __. =::;-__ ...,__ a.ntc:. calla tW. p.m. .. _ • -.. _., ... ...._Tlrw..... .. ...... avurm OOA•T _,...-. -4'1....,.. ~ r, .._._ I....,, 1 :26 .U-. _..,,_. ,. .ua -0. • a.., ~ ta .., --'1IO DOl)01i I T. !)amp, I IPMCf, _,v-••n .....,_ 8honL Ree...,We i.m... USED CARS l:tl t&M. New aad UMd 0.-Hwy 111.. ~ a.rtlor. T ,ldo Penineula, Eut 31st St., NpL BtlC onaa DtlfPltuJ U..1 . .lpt.~bnu.. UttWea pelt. wtth Yadat &Up ..,_.tiool. o..ly • .-.,, mcatblr. ,..,t7. '• affl. or r• 1 vtattoa. CaU HU. ml. Mlle Harbor Aph & Motel looms '°' &. ..,., .......... Bu. .... Kc» ATl'IUCTtYll ,..._ I Wnll... bv ~ lars• .-.io. On• 11i111t. t. pini. Madl. BAY· NiJ()IUCS 112:) a weM.. A...U. luly • ...,t. Bu. oou. LOVELY turnlabed apt. oo ~ beautif\11 BaJboa PeD!Dn-TWO bedl'OOm boUM, Newport la Peat 2 dooa to Bay Beach. l"umlahed or Wlt'l.lrn... ' 17G ~. year ai-...d. U.Mrty 11/:: Mocb to oee&Jl. Only M9TT. HpSt S7!S week. 1009 B&Jboe Bl NEWPORT KEICHT8. ' w--;;: Phone Har. UH. a7c39 born«. untllrn., t.-t. dbl ~arq•, patio. ban.cu-. Cloee BALBOA ULA1m APT'8.-Dey t.o 8dlioola. SlOO 1*Mlth. 2809 wee& ,. ..U.. r&Mpl 2 to I Broe.d 8t. LL 8-llGl. 17c39 peopt._ Completely tum. tnd. ----------- llnen. anO ~keta. J'"'8 fUll• 41-0-Tnller Space lJIC. 1!50 f•t to ~ JM --____ ...__ __ Mutne 4n. Bu. 6086. 38c88 WlU.R Blvd .. 1t.eru A IJl'bool.I, Q t.o 60 tt. tp&Cd. No atn FOR LL\.llC I02 11111 8tnet. cbaree for chlldrt>n on per• Nnrport Beach. In~ 1 maneet b&al• F.Jad 1pace avail. bdrm.. uab&nl. apt.. plU9 p.r-Sunny Acre., 111 JC. WU.eon. ac• ... JN. WW .... lat.eriar C. lt. 17clt te Mlk ..-..L Call Bart>cl' ----- 1013 .... 8&t .... &elk &A 11..t U-L.. •1• ----------81_""-' .. -lil~:mll., nJllMlt,.· ... Y&Afta I,l!•M --.. 1 i.:sma.. duple ....... •Y Is lMi&d1 C-2 LOT tor l.IMI, C..ta K-. 170. -~... St. 6 lt&lboa 00 by 200 pha driveway. En- 81,cL. Jfewport BdL llatt>or tra.ec. HarOot' BIY'd It ai.rt. IT02-M. Uc3I 8t. g'OOd for -.v1ce, warelM>uee. CeMftl butneu. Ll l-•T2 . x.ut MD. ean u M• aa.er RADIO 1uo So. Main 10 2.3507 •51 amrvaoizr J T. ooa 11,.. TRUCK AND o.a a. . ..., • p. .. ..,.o Ally table model res-Jred Santa Ana ,... I tpMd, • :IO Ura. '1•111R•"l·s' A mum> ,,.. ITA.NDAJU> -$2.50 s.. .. llm ~tor, bll1in&' any ON BALBOA ISLAND ----------AV.AIL NOW t\&rn. a~ .,t. U\lo .uulOW DIR.90'n0H J'IND-k tn-et ued t.nacll u we haH .. '11 ,_ ,..,. ...S • wm,....,...-... tne lncJudee paN ud &abor Gran·t W Must,. th•··-and deaneet 1toc1c ...... 1e11tala. 7&d1t • "'°'911lonal •tra SO yn. Experience • _, 1n O::,.f. c.. I-Hout pl\Jr, Cd .._.... -~ ACME TV Ir RADIO Your Hudson Dealer R • S. . NU.DA O!BSON, a.Jtor °"" .~0 dwt .... opo m-ain st. sar. 6806 SALF.S and SERVICE W. W. WOODS ecepp1n9_ ~ rv1c• aoe ~~ ~b<wtoi npea..... •• " .... 10 ,_ w N. Lee ~ n .. .,2'7. r-.l "c or. •tER Complete eban., ~tratol' . .b SllOO. IJI.. AOOORDION SPllCLU.11 AJlabeta• Utfo VM ~ Jh'ak• Savice r<>R 1.1\AQ •trum•t • lllO. Kr. llDWl. Two 4IGl7 120 .,._ aocord!ona _____ ...._____ t15 -1J ~. tth It. ll&et& Ana AlQ) at Bayt:r91 ......_ fl50 "'* uaW J.i, JI. .Allto opm from 1 CAR.AGES, 2 .ingle, adJolntnc • .Aue. aai. -. Blialpl a. 4008 ~:as=· ~c~.u11:','· ;:;: :;;:;w., Newport Ba. :::i, Drive, Coat& Maa. Uc40 il"r. • llllJSl BOORKmP· 5S-8tol"flfl ij otflces ING ROOKS anll. JlOW. WMld7 ,._ "t"ODaNe. Vlk· tnr HoUL Bar. llClll. Sic{() Offices for -Rent CUntoa T·1'09 or P.O. llOll wtlb utra lhitta. In perfect , l BUICK True~ BMdquan..r. Ali COROKA DEL MAR .oi ao. PuMeM. llptO cond1Uon. Tour ch•toe f100. 5 for Oranr• County l'ront &Id gnment 1 -.uw. t bd.rmy.,..... acior -Oo9nnl•t t.rma ct ,._ •---IU>AD BIXRVICJll apt&. at 110 La.rl£spur. No~ MOW Mt ft. M.., 2 Wrm. NEW IO rr. UU.iUk ....... ...... ·~ (ltace 1901) Dyn&-•"11' --• lle&tn n....c.one Budl'•t Plan ... • e&Jl W', Ill Oen.a. OMart Ml -111Ml 9t. Ru. tm ~:S-Ps. ...._ •n ~ •11-0a N. aycamOH, a.nta Ana $449 '60 BUICK ,...,. c.r UY A.dd.,. t1ic111 • .Aft. o. aur. un. eou.r-Auaun SUDM'AI.a on:N··· Two Story Bu1°ld.1ng ..... o. ~ ~. Owa• ft«!• Kimberly 2-0ITJ MARK l>)-na.fto -Radio -JIMter H 0 W A I D t.My to ~ '6tte ._ 8Ml'Ulce ~ JIU. 0111-J( ~-------------~~ ---------~ • ftWtT .._ .... IPPf9T Orpn. aJmo.t naw. ~' RYAN BUJOOIR Rtnta.ta. An.11. .A.q. B..U.-OA -1 -..ion -:u.ru. Customer Partdoi Need euh. wt1l ~ COit MARK 801 -800 W. lat ST. 1lt. -. .....,. t. c.tt.ce Modem apt. O&re&'•· tto mo. Janitor Semce fl,IOO, w1ll Wr.e ""· Bar DOWNING li.HTA Ale.A. tltep 2. Cell at. 121~ ...,,,. On Jriy. ...... Adult.a. lMI Elevatcr ure. aecu a .,... o..-on. de.1 Kar. Bv oe.aa K Mlr'MW'. a.r. MH·1 ~ Opposite City Hall W 'll & S DOWNING __ ;;...· --------------•-1tt_• BALBOA Dn..AMD tum. apt. WILLARD KILLION o~.1:·i_am_ T',-•-J-'oonn FORD --•·-· • ~ eu::vuu .u.-a-. ,..,. Summer Rentals !~.A:;;~!. ~2~ 3345 Newport Blvd. l t rr. T.u Lnnoaa.. -N41).A•. Salee 6 a--:--l -'ot 0 _..J.. I Da -t &. ,,.____ -tllnl --LI 1-'reM. ~ HartK>r 5505 On7 motor. Wm J'alaoa ~ ~ vu;c F-ORD M Or Vern8U pw.y •.-uu • ~ ~nvDt -,-IOc6t _....... ----~ ....... _._ 1043 w. i.t -KI ·-ra"o a-n -· -...-.-........... -L t'--..-------.. 4> ~ _,. -..----__ ,. • !Ct1" M'OM1E't DOWN ciCIC8 _., OC'&4.W nam'. swt:1 n -• ---------1,. ..,.44t Dine. Bar.... a.at.a A.na _11UNTIMOTOH _____ •_•_cs__ Ea I W St I a ~ -upper. 11ar. CORONA DEL MAR _________ .,._on ___________ P_lt_p 'N PLTKOUTll BmLVl:Dl:Rm. Hwy al at ...-.. COUit BW)'. Up to 16 Monthl to Pay r ~ 4J1 ey IS,U.W. Owur at UOI W. For Ra!L &bop oa c.rnu, 2 • I 90.A.'J'll U~ tt. Oathu'O "H l,. • C ., V-1 , ctr. ~~top , montU HUNTJNOTON BllACH 8 Cylt. ---··· ·-·---..M.88 tUJ WSWJ191l ...._ •ft ~ OctM trt. 9at. 31pat rooma, t1o1it Is pa(jo eotranr~ wtUa..,., HMdl pa1au.a, . ..,. ermony mu11e o. old. ~ ..sea , .. ,., '" CHllVftOL&T ctul> _,._ All l!ltnipt &utlrs' IOU 1 m>aX. an1llnL a,c. 00 Ud• nnut location, Oc>ldenrod • 11 ft. ..U'bea&., opm •Mft. M •t(K oUcs. ,__Ye BtYd. equipm-. 1.-w IDolJ mne.c-, -.....--IN.--ao 88 ----------wjda Bq "'91r. llJI OQ 1-.... COUit ltW)'. fJI. A1" ainall . . rtatq. 8ound. K-.ci9 80llM '-" iow drwa pq.-&. •• ecm-Ma 00• ..... ..,..a.& -.u. .. --········ ... -.uo· 8IZ d ·TA lfJCUJON Mar. 62.M x. aaue abop ift paUo, l&xll, f36. W01tt. PT6. MOO Ka.rcue Cup-Llllhtp t-17151 tn.c\. 0-•MMa.&. illl6de u4 condlUon. Hu. lltl·W. INCLUDh both J.Abor la Part.a. Bar 81&0 W. Hcl8 stain), Newport. • .,,.. NEW AND USED out. ~ ,.rtJ ..... "" itc'O N .... r1np, wNt pln.a, n!Ye OOBON4 Dr..L AU.a J'URN. A.PT. CORONA DllL ----------... srUld,. Gt*P ot mah! and rod roa Cll01al Ul'ft'A.La. MA&. P-1M _.,. f*1I01I • Gr d R MUSICAL JN8TIUJ){ENTS ---------'51 HUDSON be&rtnp. kpert mot.or tun. SJllA80N.A.L A nu.JU.T. OJI y-.rl7 .... Cholc.. Bar. oun oor roa YOU WILL GET Borut. O'drtv• • lt&dlo . Heater up. ll().4q or .000 .. f\IU'-nol ll. Cout 81')'. Bar. 60eo lU..l.fl. lfc:SI • Ol'ftCa OR 8TOR.ES SALE OR RENT $449 ~~. 6 ou. ICXTlU. ti J'or Lea111 ID - SEE US MORE REBUll.T ENGINES PENINSULA. NICE A.REA OCEAN FRONT Bart>or l.nveatmea.t Co. BSdg. J'w "°"" mwdcal need.a MARI{ llUIL'I' Of our owe l&ttor7 ~ u~ apt& ..ua. ..,.... Mom. wwa lllflrt ai.uw.i ri"' 30th Ir lWwport Blvd. 21" ~ $160 a.-.. fOr ..... on FOR YOUR CAR I\ llc:W..t .. dlmi.ta. Don't coo-1 a.a.-po. J a.a.-fW> -.-. ............... apt. Bu. 1'00 1• T~ MQOllL all ~ tJuitnmMata. DOWNING tml wftJa th• ...... i:mn. ~ 11&.r. ~ -El'• Bar. dlM tor rwil. rm.s. poUDda. ---------- : n·• Motorola S1" IVLT OROAK BPrn1 WhlD you tell to BlA1 ~wr rn tt 819tPI tour. B.&Pt Aat ~ FOR RENT i• OOKaOLa OH tu11 2 manual blcGde dee-roRO (lfD.41) a N.l50 i"URNIB.llEI> -l'Oll LaAa UW. Corooa d&l Mar blacb. n" W..un,Jl. ~ --Sl• ~ :~ uwtthoo. ,!!.. ~.-Anchor Mtr. Co. ~ '•1••.00.00 •-17 1 IWIW _, .-..sq .,, •• ,. JltV· If» ~" ... .alee 12d&. ...... rlMp(Jlll• ~-_.... -·· ~ .,_ -... FORD __ ___ l1" 1 111 1 • 1 ~ 11 two BlYd. Bar. Ntl or Bar. 4.lJ7. ar-. 17' rao. • ~ -... mamW tilectl'mk ors-n rq ·~ ce CJ1.) ---IUIOO 1 , .. , .... "° *"'· 2'Tttc B•Y It Im.A.CB &ailll'T INC. n" Tra.... .-w ...,. SIM. ta. MW ~ SP~ lT• I:. 1TO u a..1211 P1J'm.. Dodi'• • '°". -IJAOO uwm. ..... a.n.p m. UDO ,... R&ALTOM KAPUI c.&.mPfST 0.. ....... y ~ sptn-COSTA MEBA Rwy. at •l Pactao ~ 81')'. cmara.. D9 llO'l'O __,...... ~ .....,. ,_ &Dd u .......... ...,... • bat.hi. 3uJ ~,.u. et orsu. ... '200. OM Ram· nu. HUNTJMOTOK BZACR ITUDCB• ICJ!R SU0.00 au.• ,.... MdrlM. IJISO ........ -..... or -.le a.. ..... ear. Utt ~ mOIMI lplallt ors--~ pea. OLD8. la JIOlf'l'lAO t --$120.00 .., -1 ....._ JUI mo. •ltb .-w pu,.._ 'Ju.t lo the 11fbl of !Mo artdce' ..... 1f1IW ~t ~ ·w JAOU.ul 110 RoadrW?, UP MAROON .twbttOwtnfOW NilR SH0.00 oo.n ntOl"aftD. JOl &. Ya.cut. &I• .. REPOSSESSED RRIANCE TV : ... 11-• •. MAIM to. eal;r .... ~ dllinra. naoo. ll&r. IT~l-ll an. II. Fwd coup. c:Mnael .. r BOll9 KA.J8llR -flJ0.00 ...._ ~ ...... ~ OlllOJUQ.roaTOW, a.altJ' Co., IC -.noo LI •• u I tnd.., COQftftlent aecu a.,tbeud .... .... • lt61 BUD80N (t) (I ..... ) _fU0.00 -or ---... ti 1123 w. Cout ~ .. ( •l Port U.A. • 2 .. 8-tala IT• '-' at Jl7toa11 ~ Ne. dtirry. 8rud n..ua JlfSTAI I ATlOtl Orup.1 LI .. 7Ml. .EYu call ----------tllLU'1l:ft8 l ltnot ttOT> •cw MllRCtTllY Mooc..er.7 hard-a.., tnnantutoa and ,...,.ed. 0,.. DaJl7 I w I Clloioe Wiater Rmtalit on Har. am 11c40 Pa!VATll ottlou wttb phone a.a- Ul9'Q Ill'. l,..non. lant& Alla top. Mtw' WIW, I\ 6 B and 110-Jt Monte Vi.ta, ao.t& M"4ia7 'ttJ T p.a. n-•boa ,_. __ d a.. r •do •-•-.......... ....W.. ........., 6 TV~enn•s $7.96 .bit , 1Nft'A11Co ....... "P ;ACVJI "· v. •a.& It. ..... ' P-.e ~ l-Ot72 CODtlnental tut. I0,000 mll• _ Ke-.. llSKO 8u.nd&7 lJ to t ,,_. &.a&a11 • a.a ._ Wint.er Rmta.a not&ry avallabJ.a. Orot.Ullll ra.or. Oran.p Oount1'• cfrpn Bdqtn. Very rood condlUon. 151• M&1'--Bloc;k ml.IA en.-our atMd&rdr SaWl It Ola7 or l&TI• A cleJuu PtUM\lle Polnt Nw ntdal 81q .. DOG,...,. IPDf1rl' sncIA.Lal rwtte. C«oo& dtl Mar. flllO '52 DODGE PU ~ ,..UC. and o0 fTI '-POO ~ I bedm:1.. 2 b&lb, encloeed paved port &IYCL. M.awport s.cb. KMtal ntum. lovely maple ITeH r~ ~wpped BELLES ENGINE VOGEL· CO. pe.tto. ,.,...... W'Uher, dry•, lA.dJac:ent loUtb Cout oo,, •.LAJ9 4i.abwub«, ct\11~. HUbor llar son. Cou~ tb 8,,..,..,, rplMt -ODl7 ' IDDllUlr old. 196t FORD Victoria with a1J ac-~ REIUILOERS IOI M&rtM ••e. .... .._ .laland Tff-W . att:fc lk'• .... flOO. s.uww lllmball ~'*· ont1 tlOO tdae. ARK m 1 _ ..... -.~ Pb. Sa.-r "" w lllMrW>r 1016 --------------------...,i. mt. ........ nu. at Ownw mua Mii. Call Banor M 310 . "' -..... ----llu ....... Bar. Ult-& UHrl11Uf, 1 a.csr-bolllMt aALBOA uu .. um-tlllds .• ~ .._.,... {alae. lt01) 1116. .,... LOAN CAJlS -nulE TOWING 14tf~ with ft.re~. ~ t4 ff for pr_,.• ~ or -f Ul.ul N. l7c:uion, l&Dta Ana ----------ft.ATS llOli'DllD ----------~ It t.rulporlatbl. M5 Bar. l501 19tf.o PboDe J!Clmblrly t-0t12 JJOdDUTll 01111..lVDY Oii DOWNING AUTOMATIC ftUHSMJSBJoNa ~ rao•'l al.IKK&R Call u •un or u f.1'282 f'Olft'Am..m z.iua ~ 11-SarUA Ford. •o •ll• HYDRA.MATlC -OTN.Al'LOW UNTAL. K.., -..S-11e>t. enu1ap. ""'o FOR LEASE ..... .AD -~ l'IMMo. Uke llW, Custom H. Fi per Sailoa uno. J>UWQOUDS &leepe .. Oe.n.se. aicel . .WW Tot ~ or J'OR l.\UI Ito~ • WOI~ nJce lecatjon. -_. i.u.,-. Prt-..&I ~· I• UuaQN -WA'!'llOJt FORD OOltPl..ftC ovauutJL ~-'!.,.~:.~ ~-....otTV., .~ uat-.. I~ •I• oupet· Juatott t.11• bJJtswa1Co111NdeJ ---,.,._ --... .. int Barbor Oollta Mea _,_, .. -,_. --·-· · ~...., Mu. 20 ft. -.. ft. r.o... C4 ••-- - -.. $ I 19 50 Modera kit.chm. P'h. Sanor Ins S86 mo. OD 1-. Would ~, W. Orut ~. !f.rport MOalC 8Jtrn:MI ---------fU-c . oooakr twn'*1is-Ooeta Oood s>&r11dnr· Apnt Pord ..... UUo ..._..to7QUrtadMdu&I u.ten-JtM BUICK S lat RlYi 1ncJudt9 all s-N Is labor 123t K . ..,... MeM w•t .,,,._ E:n& CaU Vurlnckr. Har. 4.213. llcCO .. ~ t• .._. 6 pee era cpe. Bw7. 31 at P&dOc Cout Hwy. Al..L WOIUC OUAJLUfTJCa> ----------• ~aml80H ILUJT OJUJm Pt· llWdn.... Hd• ~Mu. la wb.lte Bt.TNTnfOTOK BEACH RENT Al Har. 0881-1. llc40 .AJr06..a. •...,..t ...-. BLUl la COMPAU aotJlenUc De!wca lntaJ1or. tlJILed Jlua. TERMS ARRANGED SPECIALISTS CHOICE 2 -1 bedrm. 2 bath M ••-~!~3 ! ?.= U.. MfO. U. •Tua. 11'cll 1aifJt W\J' .i wr oompMW ,..._. U..... Dfnallow. b•t-'51 CHRTSLD tf.w Totbr 4· LOAN CAM v.at11m. bM1aee. Soutll of Rip-WELL r..Y.bUebed ~ a.. _ ... _ ot tA-<--·-·-..... ., • ndtO. A dtaa ear. low door Mdq witJa -• .._..... ....., CALL IVJf.A Cl\.AIO ...... u--y-.. """"""'"' ......... .......-. y 1<11•ff ..----·•-. ... .AUTOMUTIV8 a~VlCK war. ("'«Ona ~ -.... ~·1 taurant. v_, ~ ....._ MWll ...aAU lal JVLTI ~-= :--:. ~ HARBOR HI-Fl ... ~Oma• -,_ .......... tM'IOJG Ula Nnrport BtYd. Bar. '681 lrtt 0 ,_,,ta 4a ..... PAP au •· a'ft.111; ,..... -..c. lit N. ......... -...... !! !!e! Oda, ...... ........ ~ &MU -~ - fCllilr --• GUI) ....... I &Qhtl '91'fl9r "'- $9.95 ,........ •ped•lllt ot 006 CUPPING mil...,.. ,.., Cnap • ...., powtteteertnr• power bl'akea. 11111 HSLIO• IT. AT 4 CAClA DORIS BRAY, Realtor !eaae. uent Ford VerrtncSer. ..u a.t 11tart ot nMlh.....,. ..,._ Haven, U MTM. MpSI Jl:llcdlent condition. '271l down 1-s .. llla 111 Kartftir. ~ 1a1u41 Kar. ,m, 38c40 C&UM ot w DeaJth. Prteld to OORvwrn:. 1"4. blue, t.onn•U la Mtt t>.lta. .,_uutul, lllOO. HI Poppy, CDM. Har 218-1. Mell •49 HUDSON Radio -Htiatw $219 MARK DOWNING '48.JI monthly If c~t ok. tJ llar, to or M ..u Wt 1QOO 2Uf <>c.n P.._. a. C. aaw U ...CM ----------l'UaJ'IURm> 1 Bedrool1l bouee Front. lf..-pwt 8eec1L Mtte ----------LIDO ISLAND m.--OoNaa c1e1 IW'-.AAlmlta U--rn.llen N. Pet. -pe.1'11MUM1lt i-it• FOR SA.UC -Small cate ~I '49 OLDS Hf'dra. • lt..u. -a..ter o.od.~ $2~9 MARK DOWNING ~ ., ~ only. ln!Own by appointment excellent buatnca Wrlt• Bos k PORT ORANGE -A ~o~ .;:;sz:;,,:,.•o Md-l.lb«rty •7127. 38P No. L-11, c.n Of ,....,..';: TflAJLllm 841.D By 1WDm•r, monW1 or 7•rlJ. and SUPPLIES LIDO Rea.tty A.lllociau. 2200 W. Cout Hlway. MU0 V\a Udo ll.rltlor .... Newport Beach LI 8-4420 BuDpJow Dupla PAN-AIU:JUOAN 16 ~ M fl. l'UJUflMSD l la 2 II&. V &GUIL W &U Lo wraJ1 carpet. 2 PAMMUUNT CU.tom bU.Ut. bec1room1 aod .... ni Nth-. LIDO ISLE r\lrwl•bed I bdrm .• 2 biatb. love-115 ---•-o_8!J __ t.o_Lou ___ ~-- 1. hmn•, aaom th• llt.rMt. '""'1 Ch•~ .... batiat~ bM.Ch I st & 2nd T. D. Loan• BlMpe I. Hl50 trom now to A-.c lltJl. Or fl-fl ,w ..-~tvllll al.I Oru1• Count)' ~..!m~ ~~ Trut Defda BcM11ht • 8o&d I IO to 00 ft.. 1 A 2 Bil. tol'ttd a.tr aai.t. priftf.e brick Bllb..t trad..-ln aUowuea. ,.Uo ud ......... p6dure ~ 1T iL ~ ta* M.Alf1*>K8 ltJ4ldl ldttm. wtllt• FORD FORD W• need cleao llNd• t.rau.n. wtodowa t.adJll' oce&n. INaMI-_.. "°" 4Jao ,.,.. .... .,.ow, ~ ~ balf PAN .u&ERJCA!t Oil .WW, auraccJH i..• or •• ipapla" a.PM. phoao-............ lseod Mme. • I ~l-~111 --"'to mofl0L ... "'°"*'' llt., •....-rt Beech. Bar. ~ R I l-' rt C ....._ 1 au. INT. Mat oye mo gage o. UNFURN a wrm. ho\.IM ln Cor· ,..,.. ~H b IAYd • te.,n. •~ ... .,. Mar. 1 11&. Har un ar or 1549 ...... Tl ftPM .. ta.k• .U. .,.., old.~~~ Jf11P7. at at P~Lnc Olul KW)'.,H"f. Jt""el Padt\c Cout H•J Trav..._.T9TJ I CUtyOfl a-4. eoron. dd ~r. I.I._.. sae ean "•r . .,...,, HUWTlWOTON a&ACR HUNTINGTON a&A.CH ~ Wa.r • ._....w aacu -\ ~--- J1~ 2t br pbOflt •rv.'9 / • ' -I ~ P~6 -PARTl~THAJtlOl~ e 8rd!" 1 WBJNESDAY. JULY II, 1916 .. •. e z 2 ¢ • .ll!t,;:~:!P'~-~t~!•~-----··L"!.!!:::~!!pl!!!!!!J~!!!!!!!~----••l!"!!::•~·~!~'J~!!!!!!!!!..-----~•!:::!!•~=!!.'!•!!!·!'!'!....---·~· • • ~~ ~ v v Best 8uvs cororia det Ms UDO ISLE _._ .. r-G-1181-....... ,._ .... __ .. ::;::::t..::.=::----j:::;:::;:;::.;:::;:::::..----· i • I W a-. l~ '-UL ....... HOME LOANS. s 0 L D ~~ ':. ':.."!; ~ -..,,.. •• " •• ,,. • wWI ,... 6 -w. will,,... ••• ,,.... . •• ty .... ~ to ,_. 1-... -91da .• Lou -, .......... ...... Truat Deedo Bou&ht • Sold call ... Free QommJtm.mt DON L HUDDLESTON u a.6Ml au.ta .. _ lTI &. 1Tlb BL LOA.NI TO BUILD. OlPfWVm. BUT, MOO&lt.HIZ&, Oft RD'UIAHCS • -w. lkl1 TNait o.tda NEWPORT BA.LBOA U. VINGS • LDAN A,y<>Ct4TION 1311 Yla Udo Pb. ll&r. dOU ... LOANS for Homes '"' -10 ~· Louul Construction Loans SD BOB BA.'M'LER 1111 &Al!IT 00.Al!IT BLVD. OCwon• del lfar Ral'Dor 1181 Rep. POIRIER MURTO.A.0111 CO. K eth Ute JM. runda Kl S-5115 •IUc WE SOLO the hoUM 'nlunaday noon. You may uk wl!,y ! AlM ' bow come! Jt WU • Vttf Diet hOm• tn a l'OOd \ocatloa and th• priee wu fair. Both ttt. buyer • .eller are v117 blpp,. May We Suggest Ynu call w to Kil your Pl'Op&l'tJ, Y.'• alao 1pecLaliM la .in.cs.. NEWl'ORT BEACH~ n ..a..DM' NO 01J'l1S ..... i1 atft't IM-.,. IMlt. ~ lll• locaUon tr• wwtk t.M money. a ~ on. a.op, .it.Ip Md jump to Channel 4 MndJ btiKh &nd UQl..bJ.IM Wll• ten of lh• Paclf\C, Pl'lced un- der 11.000. A.LK08T N'SW DUPLllX. A lteal ! ! ~ CIDH to lbe Cl'lan· nel l.dd bMcl:a. Prloed u.nd.r fto,ooe. OC&AN VIEW k>t 10 clOM to lb• OOMft JOU eoWd ~t UlroW a alone \ftlo It. ao..104. jualt .... ooo. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1Ml6 \\'. Balboa Blvd., Har &111 OCEAN l'RONT lot tu.II price Balboa jut . -. -·----··-,,,500 INDUSTRIAL 10 % NET RETURN Oceen front mu!Uple un!la. Two ------------1 bdrm. h.ouae on Mach. Ona bdrDl. •PL rear loWer, 5 bdrm. apt. uppu rear. Doe.Uenl ~ cation, nea.r .c:hoola. IJ.l}urthu, ahopa • t~rt.IUOft. Al· waya rented. FROM 1 TO 20 ACRES. Fn:nn 56000 lo tll,OCMl pn acre. Get In on Ute round Ooor • make yow'Mlt • llUle tortune quick, A irreat m&nJ' people a..n doln( TWO t Bl:DRK. duplR. l year cild. J'ireptace, .un deck, 160 ft. to c:.&n&I. other ntru. Income 1176 pu mo. I ll~. t .. sm. W146lh !t., N_.port Beach. DO NOT dl1turb occup&nta, phone LEh!rh. t -9tlS or HE 4.-3262. !7c39 I 60-A-Com'cl&l. lndustrla.I Price $3f.,000, gro11 return $GO(I() CALL JEAN SMITH Duncan Hardesty ,.,,, RJ:ALTOR Harbor f.711 Newport Blvd., N-port " Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 60l-32nd Ill., N9WP(rl Bch, c.llt H11.r ~8118, after & p.rn. Har. &M7 or Liberty 8-31Sf. ---~~~~~~~ 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS ' t«lN-YETS! SJ1j Fun Price S18,8C1j 3 Bedrooms:.... 2 Bath• -2-Car 6araga ' . _, CosJa Mesa SU-NSHl.N E BEACH HOMES ' KONTHL Y PA nu:NTS LESS THAN , RENT . WILSoN It PLACENTIA Furnished Models Open Daily 5 Minutes from the Ocean Near Schools le Work OOSTA MESA SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES OFFER ... l'ront or rear Uvinc ro0m11 • Plenty -0f cloee:U. Dining apace ln kitchen• • 40 gal water fteaten. Natural bln:h cabinet. • Confetti tile in kitch· enll • Matlcork tloon • wOod .Udlng win- dow• • 8,000 aq. ft. lot. • Rock roofs, Aluminum ICl"eeDI. ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKER. ALEX STEPT DEVELOPMENT ...... .... ...... ,. w.:r •• ,,_. _, 84Clt UY ~ 1. { BBORlllCLIWS. J'int -orr-;i, llqelP t,.,.. & ioiuL -4. "" ·~ .-..toot.. 2bdrm.u4 .. boma.211111''• • • • • sn;400 -w1t11 ... o..., -1 -a J Wf:IY PAY REHT7 dall7. ~ llon:lag ~ aa.d. I ~ ~~=,·~ 2. ( DIJPLU, fUrn]Ohed _,pleU. 2 b4rm. home, ........... "' -. ....... oej:uua patlo, --· plu. 1 l:drm. opt. nooo -·· ,..,,, ..,. -............ •·•·-· ~-"-r -·--•••""" r.P. ~"'· ....-,..,.....-~ _, or--~,·.....,.. . • • • 0a1y $MOC> -... mxCLUszyE wrrs us. A REAL STEAL s. v' yAJ:uj-PLOs 2 l:clrm. home plwi cu..t room .. MlN to ... thla eh&ral&ns ' , ' el mow. hotnt 00' iota& Wt plUI 1 ~ b&tha. hardwood tloorW. "'"'beat, OM acrti. tdMI Tu.mttn ••Uoa. to &bopping.,.. and only 2"' block to ocean &od ...... fin.. 11<0,i., I ...... beach. Ji. boot bu7 &t $18,ISOO. 1MunM. ceum,, ·~kl tu-. , •ni~ po«h, dblil. rv· •ltb ... { liR.OAIN -Tb.la 2 bed.room bome. la.rp Uv- . ..so. · ~. bath.· CNlt u.-m, --r..~iace dual ftoor furnace (thermo TllULT underprtced at UI,-•-. ..-... r • ' TIO .. ,,_rtac twma. o-u controlled) p1ua larp double prace .treued for .. ,., .ejl. apt. ·above. Better act. fut OD t.ble one. ONLY Fr L J Rltr $H, 7:50. EXCLUSIVE wml us. an~ ames, . 111 i 17th St., OOBTA MDA 15 . .,' BARGAIN. Summer cot.tap IOUth ol Hwy. u 1-no15 Built on rear at lot. room to bllild uother unit (Ju.l . Ea•t or ThrtftJ Drop) in front $7000 full price, CASH. Exclualft e Terrif ic Location to tt. rrom Bay .. ...,. puhllc beach. 21 bedmi. plUll d• bom• oe. I -lob. ae.t. MMb ~y ln ........ 'Y'\lu priee 111,f&O, '"°° ...... • Got a Boat? with WI. I MEMBER OF MULTIPLE 1.JS'nNGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICJ: T. Kc:CUll!TION, .Realt<:r A A-1at. 3447 E. Coaat Hwy. Corona del llar Har. t7 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, CclM) n.en lhl• 3 bedrm. and den'. home on '111rge walWtront lol. ------------------------ prift.la pier IUlll tnp pd'riJtt; .. LI tor JOU. ruu price pf,IOO. dcellalt tema. e E. Side Costa Mase You Will Like B /B BT OWNER -I hdrm. hOUM, IJl'I'• livlnl' rm. • dlnlq mt. Hwd. nnon. nr~1ac.. O.Otce nel&bborhood. 53 x UO.-tt. lot. BeauutUlly land.uped, fl'nced yard, dbl r~ on &lley. Shlo«le root. G. L Loan. miall down pa.ymenL f.&0 nower llt. Coata Meaa. U 8-t90t. UctS CRESTLINE MOUNTAIN RESORT OWnu mut Mill n•t I beclnn. ------------------------[ born• nnr &tlpppbl.r, bwd. fin. IRVINE TERRACE Commercial -I ndustriol Department Ol.frST J..~'DING I N C 0 M & Comnie.rclAI Bl41'. -ea1bo. l• land on 2 lotA, nearly new -•r ... shop -r•tauranl -or- n ce plWI 3 apla. lncom• 18000 I A•klnf $87,&00. -3 BEDRM., l % bath. "49?' lant.a -Ana Country Club. Any offer down or trade con•ldltNd. la· VA.LUE -6 eompletely ftrr. nlahed apartll'*'l.ta. •.w!Y dee· orated, year round r.1tala. terraced paUO, niom tor addi- tional uolUl-Prleed at ON- LY 116,000 with term•. C-2 lot -Coeta Meaa on PL•-quire l31 Knox Plac.. Calta eenUa. &3' x liQ', \\'on't lut Meta. lk40 THOMAS lonf at 18750. REALTOR I Acru -R~f. aone • uchana;e tor commercial Income or 1-. only? l~.000. Bay le Beach Rlty, Inc , REALTOIU! 11711 IUl'bot Blvd. By Owner, Cullom Built S B.R., 1 S balha. lol.9 ot Ula, trpl., dLn. rm., )'A beat. bw<l. tin., .ervtce porch, 11.. dble. ru., tw~. on comer, n.aa.r echool. 111,600. "'Ill t'tnaz!c .. 1SOS Sa.tit& Ana Ave., CO.ta M.aa. l1lbcrt7 S-76~. SSpf.I a.nd ASSOCIATES 224 V•. Clout Hil'h•&J LI 1-6327 Newport BMcb 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS 80 NICE TO COME HOME TO! eo.ta M-. Calllomla R. J'. o.ddM R.W.~ w. Loe fley or ntaht phone 1..1 ~.111 • 1 200 Ctyal.&l AvL, "U\Ua Ba.lboa l lale.nd." A \'ll"Y LIVABLlt RM unuaual 1 rn1e CI.08& TO TH.It BAY. Won· CONTEMPORARY Cliff Hoven . ~.OOC' ) 11 Z Kin&• Place Ph. L1 1-1507 5 Acru I 3 bedroom. 3 bath home., ------------derlUI l!vt111 r:ID. th•l aey1 1Ad1,11trlal on RR epur. Coeta n;sT COKPLl:'TED. Tv.·o Mi ii· i "\VELCOMI:" -'<\'ood p&neled Jhu. All utUtt! .... i~.\f~I p .. r \Lhtl cuatom bulll S Mdrr.o1n. 'ol.a\11, )1 111• elon• flreplaC1>, I 1cre. T~ru11. f'l.~Jlj r-oom l:O!l!t.•. 131.th •rul O 11,.., ~cP..,..l\(t cel.!U:i1. .• \\1~!.r. 600 f .. f.01..la;1 Ou !l.1.QO! BJ"1, $1000 pa acre. RUSS FORD, Rltr. lfOO W. Cout Bwy., L1 l_.141 I ti..te ql:&•~e..•, bci!~-L:I '''I 1'-Ulll.Y r.oolI !01· tu:'o1 ui.•I ra.n:e, fcr:ctd t lr Q!f.Unr, JI• d-•1:t::aln!:l; o.-I'·• f'htldrt ·, 1.000 t !o01a. '£\.Q bl~ lie.' I il, L"lfl. CR..\.:iO t:J .. ·cu.&:~ t:o1ta U::a.a 1h11!j)plr.::. L"ld r.!1:· !or rr..0U1e..." -\;lt;J datw•~· Ulo park. 1171 Kenwood Pi. er, dlapoKI, tormka oounterw. Lie Jone., ol'fl S. lit.II St. C&rpatad wall to waJL forced LI 1-9608. 3lp411 air heal. colOHd bath lb.tutu. -And tor the man of the 11 Biiil 9'&1e Exdlaae • The Right lnv .. t.rnent hoUH NO TARD WORK to worT)' abou t ! Manufacturtnc Buatneu COKMERClAL LOT UU3'/ nn bluy PlacenUa nur llth St., For INJl'ORMA.L LIVING at ltA ao.t.a Keaa. Ideal for •nack be•l--tht11. OP!:N DAILY ahop, •tor?, barber ahop, el~. 1-:1 P· "'· Hnu•e • eome buildlnr• nn lot • I RI \\'Ill take c•btn on l•k• or Mer1ner1 11 I ty. •tream u part. Ll l ·tl7H •!t•r 311 Menn• A\'t , Btlbo• i.land 5 or wuk...nda. tf I Harbor f.711 Horbor Highlands ADOBE Will cx.oh&n&• tor equity IA hom1, ha"' bu.mlneaa \•alued at auoo. lo'ew Une bdnit patented iftelndltl( about 14.000 In atock, SlOOO ln parU, all tooled up with late.et n-inachlnery ln· cludlnS lat• model f'ord pick· up. Owner compelled lo trede -account or health. Open daUJ, 10 a.m. to J2 noon. J . Y . Koup. M11. 121 Santlaco St., Satll.a AnL 34.llc I J'aatured In marulne aecUona. BY OWNER. only II month• oh!. s .. utlf'ully dHll(1led, arcblt.c- lMMEDUTlt OOCUPANCT. tur.Jly honMt. ~•ant heat, I BDRM. - 1 'n ~th -i., etr• noa. tf"9rt -$21.!)()(). $9000 911u1ty. WMt.--hom-lru:Omit on 'A'lll,.r· tron~l':I. owa .. -6111 To~ka Or. T&rs&n•. Dick~• ~·11298 38p:Sll 8%-Real J'.Atate Re&l Valu~ I bdrm .. larr• kitchen. dlninc room, utra l•rge 11ervtrl'. Nlcely decorated, 2 yr11. nld, only 110.600. Owner. 1123 OoJ- wood, UMrty 1·2'90. 3:.<'1~ \ C-1 LOT t:I' on Coall HI W'y. Coron• del 3 bdm1. 1 ~ bath•, t lrtpla1:11. + hand made tile noore. a ll lure f a heat, dbl. jt&f9fe, fenced T'OO!lla, IO\'~ly bey YI-. f'u· yard. JandM:aped. SACRlnC!: ture Srd bedrm. •lr•tl)' p lan· for StS.600 1ncluden dr•J>e•. nett 2 balN. Hur• 1•r&1•· rurta!n11 6 cerpeta Wiil 1 1 ~ e c re proteMlonallJ' plant- nriance. !\8.~ 8flryl IAn,., N-- 1 ed. Practlcally flO upkeep. port s.1,h. 29C'4t $32.IKIO f11rntahed. E.XCLU- ':!;_ S IVl!: AGE?'.'T. FORD V!:R· RINOl!:R. 340 Potl\9f'tlla, Cdm. ll11r 4283. l!:vea. H1r 3471. 2538 FAIRWAY DRIVE COSTA MESA 38c40 OJ'f\:N llOUSK. 110 Ml:NTONK: 2 bdrm. houee. Le•· Joi . dbl ----_ ------- pt~ n.w dl1trlct near rult couree. Lerg• l!llinK rc101u I&• LIDO ISLE k.ltclwn 6 dinette c:omb. Attic Jo~or 8al• by 0.,.tncr ln1ulatton. hdwd. tloor11. r••r 2 BDRM .. 2 O.th home, on wld,. yard fencffl. Larr• do'4·n. Uv. n· •trecl v.••11 Joc•led to Club ' tr. E. 0 Saundrr1 "'tll,. ~'"" •nd ~arhn 126.600 '4·\th 3111t or tall He.r. 2971 27c4:t t .. rm11 . Call H11r 1•17-R or con· ll1lt your ·R"altor. :lk40 "" "' _,., m oy •"'" '" B Ibo 11 d w .n totn&11 L l:1tcluah•t with 8.alleb!Jry Rt•lty. 311'1 Meront a a s an &171. SOC40 J BDRM. F'URN. HOME .,.l•h TOPS • '" LOTS R-4 702307 Can build 7 unllJI ··············--~ M 70x3Ul' Can build 7 unlto ·---~ R-4 MxI25 W..t aide . . ..................... -_$22!50 R_. 50:ll22 Beat E . •Ide corner _____ -$U5() R-4 liOxl22 Adjoining above ·······-·-··-·-·$t000 R·l ~x80 R..trlci.d .. ···············-··-·····-$4:500 R·l l!&cl< Boy, Reatricl<>d ··········-·-······--$6500 R·l l!&cl< Boy, Reotrlcted ··········-·-·-··-····$87l!O ALSO The belt location on E. 17th for a major Store 188 z 300 AND the bellt Ml lot in the very heart of ea.ta Meu. 22,000 aq . tt. with sewen ln and pd. for Call wt for detaila PHIL.SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON 1858 Newport Blvd., C09t& Keea Pbon• LI ~e1 -Ev ... Har. OM -carpet, ii-t10, pn.p and fenced y&rd. Aaktnl flMI0- 19Ubm"tt all oft-. •For Rent Wllb option to buJ, I Mdrnl. I b&tb home wtUI i.&rfw90d noorw. 1100 per mo. on 1 .... wtth option to buy e t ns.aoo. Newport-MHa Realty 11" Newport BlYd., Coat& K ... LI I-l6QI, &YM. LI l-TD7 B/ B BACK BAY LOTS £xclual.Ye Buk B&J .ub-dlYlaion "Jeiltala LolA." HichlJ H&trlCl· ed. AU utlllti• la. Tour choke only 11150. New Furnished "Homer by OPEN EVENlNGS UNTIL 9 o00 P.M. " .. M8C.CO Interiors by Martin le Von Hamort Be&utitul homa in the fine1t location Pr!CM from $2e,OOO to $34,000 Your lnapectlol> lo ,...pectluUy oollcil<>d EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS On Hiway 101, Newport Harbor, oppo1ite new lrvinl Cout Country Club. Barbor '448. CORONA HIGHLANDS WHAT AVIEW! or ~ ... 11c1.trom th• 11'•.l ---------------------- KXCELLENT V1EW 4. bdrml .. 1~ .. bath11, oak floor•, F. A. beat, fi~e tilace., 1epa.ra.te dining room, aen·ice poKb, nice pa'Jo, (enced )'&1d. O\\U~r lea.via: ci .• :", 1n...Jou~ to 1ell JU-1.·IJCDIA'I'ELY. li"ull uk.W; p.1.ice $:'.:9,800 i'OR A..'iYTJING lli P.E.U. EST.'.'i:E, g,. MULTIPLE LISTING BROKER G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 3635 E. Cout Hlgb,.ay Corona ckt Mat Hubor 54.4.2 F.ve.i. Har. 5680 Corona del Mer BILL'S BEST BUYS J 11 rilll" room plct.un w\ndoW of t.ht. lJDJn.aul&te. complet.el1 rtld«:0r&tad ' ~room, 1,_ D&lh home. built ~ound an f:ft- f'IOHd J>&UO wrtJ:i out.Ide bu- bt•Ut. Bl•ll!·ln 1'0&• £: CIV.,1 l>'H e!mpl• lot Ill ont:r 117,000 Ba y,; Beach Rlty., Inc. A&AL'l'OJU . im aanor Bl~. CO.ta w.... Clalltoniila Dayoriqbt phon• Ll•l-77lf. $1750 Down J bdrm., nearly !MW. Completely f,.nced. IaadK&ptld, nlc• lawn front e nd ~'-AU lmpro\•e· n1w:ita In and pdd, Only $8 •. MI per month Jncllldl.ft&' l&JIM. J'UU pdu l lo,IGO. HOUM aad ,_,_.. apt. A top Y&lUe at 120,000. l bedreom home plua 21 hdrm. ep&rUnet OYer 1ara1e. OoH to eyetJ'· Ollnl and alway. tully ,..ttd. SH It now. HERE'S A GOOD ONE -noo:DIA'l'E POSSESSION lklow nplacement ~ l:l50 .q. New a bdrm.• ............ lf.15 dowrl ft., s bdnu.. · onp&aoe, .eptr· • nau,pnce 11o:t11 ale "~" pordl. and a p&Uo ·~ t,h.tl'• th• irr-atut. Ctlok.e New 3 bdrm. • 111H down ... lllilki locaUon-JUllt 111,600 P'\.111 price 111,tOO Evenlllf• Cell lltQCkdlll HA &411 -·-·-Balboa Ocean Front 10'1i> NET RETURN wllb u.cellent tarma. SEE TIIlS rot.Ir hdrmm.. two beth, quiet belljo •treet. L&r1• cov.ftd paUo, nk:a lawn. near ecbool. trllJUlportallon a.nd abUpplDJ. Juat the place to rt.IN your ramlly. ru11 prlc. l12.900""' low u 11500 dn. W. A. TOBl'AS · Charmine 1 bedroom hom• Ol'I front ot loL 1 bedroom ept.. I lower r-.r, I 1-dl'OOt'll 1,1pper ,_... Bait location to •l1of)-'. REALTOR ec:hoola • traruiportallon. Will ")•ou'll Ilk• our frl•ndly eerviee" (ro .. ov•r IGOOO per yur. 400 Jt. JTO!. I L, Qollla MMe Price i 3t,&00 Ll~rt1 1·1131 E"•"'"'' i:".,~;"" •m•<h BACK BAY Duncan Hardesty lc:.'U•tom hora•. s ~ .. dhun& RICALToR roon1. ll't'ln( room, 11,.place, built-ln R • 0, 1" beotha. hwd fir•, ahake roof, 1700 ~ ft. Phone Har f.711 . ' New f. bdrm. 11aoo d...wn run prlt.a s11.ta0 I bdrm., I yre. old 11600 down. Full price $1'1.000 C.2 $0 ll. IOO ~l 171)1 St. j MottMt •pot Jn town 1 $16,000 Tble won't 1 ... t. eo ,1:1Un7 c ED JO.NES, Rltr. 1"9 Karbol' Blvd. Ul·WI South of Hiway In Corona del Mar-:t bdrm. ttome on 4$-ft, lot $12.MIO. B/B ' BAY FRONT EXCLUSIVE Bay Avt. " bedroonu, 8 batha. 5 ycano old. .~79.500 -Tenno. LIDO lo'l::Uhed. 4 Bedroom home on ~ foot lot. Carpeted. Built-In Range. South ~tlo. Wind for 220-'V. $37.500 -T.,.,,... BALBOA 200 feel to tine t.y beach. 2 bedroom boUH on R-2' Jot. ROo.m tor additional unit. ns.ooo -T..- We have a 1 Bedroom and a 2 Bedroom un- unturniahed apartment on the point for 1ea.e·to qualified tenant&. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc., Rltrs. 1'50 "'· Balboa Blvd.. Balbo& ' Harbor 1264o Evea. Harbor t92:S CLIFF . HA VEN OPEN HOUSE 7 d&J9 a "Mk 21.2 Kinp Bood See tbi• Contemporary home wtth a bdnJll., 2 full bath•. din.inc area •nd break.fut area. At· tn.ctiv~ double fU.place. pat.W and many other exclu9've appointment.a. Wall to wall ca.rpeUnr and above a.U A VIEW HOME. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th aAd l.rvlne -LI S.- Eve1. Fred Barke.r U 8-8521, St.an LeUe.vre U ~ 7008 A.Ye .. Balbo• laland Harbor l it•r•l{e. Nnr north Bey By I BY O\\'NltR. 3 bdrm., I'\ Wlh """'ner Har 1989 'l~C'l8 OIL HOT SPOT N I!:. eom•r I l~th • 1 Ohv,., Huntington Beach All mtn,.rll.I right• Incl New•al v.·ell I blk Price r••• 0v.'n!'r 40• 9th Sl . H. B 31p40 ; _____ ---Sn to epprecla te Comer On IA.Ill Rd• of Ooet• M-- Mira Loma Pl•~ • Tu•tln ' bdrma.. dlnlnr rm_ larc•1------------------------- Ave, CmtA MN&. llY. rn1., family room, badmln· l ~ L ! hol'M!. Ytreplace, dlapo11al, dbl. I - - pr•r• In ff'nt'ed yard l':a11t ,,.. cM" MH•. ,,,_llOO. LOTS on the Bay 11,500 dn. U 8·1113 38<:38 ---I f16' Tu 140· ~-Ro:-.'TACF: •~•IQ Large Busine st Lot 111u1 up P"r front f()Ol to q11aJ1. For kttn lnveslort. Cl(>JI• !o f!W buyc.-ra. Pltr• permitted - n-City Ha.II •ll• In COllt11. Gt(I McN•1n11r11 . Colllna l•lan<\ M.-.a. ·Only ll80 pt:r rront Hel'b · 21162. 27clll r~L DAN A. JA(..'088FJN, Rt'al ..-..late Bar Mtl-LI 1·83J7~KI ;.1·2137 Altadena Escrow 1Colota M .. A ofllt"• 112·A E . 18th !'.I, Ll 11-3.~t;!I 'l~3t' APPLE VALLEY TRADE BAYSHORES fin \\'1\l trac:t• for '4'•ttr front 3 B R .. I ". bath. lAll· !tit. h•1111~ or OO•t , llrt furn ........ . Rll ll.JlF.R EUGE\\'OOD 6·4663 p ' 3&c39 BACK BAY ---• 8 R.., den, V llCW, rm. C·I ZOXE .... liv, 1111 .. 121,:'>00 Elegont View Homo OPll:N ON "'J!a1;KJ:!'IDS ton court, •pece ror -tmtl'llnlJ Here' a a Money-Matter SPECIAL! LEhlJh 1.1t1113 HE t-32&1. I pool. &J2.~ a-FOUR ROOM .APTS. 's B.ll twu .. tnewlyNdac:o"tedl 37c:ll 80 ecreti nrar Cullle Mf'H. P•rl PRl:&ENT Income llOOO. ic.~h j A aln•ltt apL Oft oceea .i.i:Je of l• Mmt>d M-1, pi1rt \1 acrlC'Ul·j lparllll&Dl tlft ,..rly i....e. In HW'J .. Cd.M. llT,600. tin:.•·'· H•v•n ..-t; • orris Rl:tv...._CQ..__ on 1 etr•et L•vel• tn bea11Uh1I Fi . .._morris RI~ Co. rreat. FOR SALJ: dire-ct by RSALTOR ~ ~J.~lUru..Ncs Corona H.l(hland•. brtve by TL owner who w•nte otter. Good 1114 a ~ Hl,.,.,.f . •ti Cebdllo T1r1•r•, t )H•n f'all REALTOR JN URANCE terma. MIUll MU, Tbus apart• Corvt1• Ml M•f' -Har. 21111 u• rur d•talla. 'UPEN HOURI!: 313~ It, CMflt Hlgllwe,v to1· I y 1 e O>rona d,.I )(ar Her. 21&1 matti. "'"' p&tloe. P"'I• OPD KOUI&. ltt M&N'l'Ol'f9 132 .'>Oil ~1 ·NOA • . _.__ Mtba. .tora1e roocn. dl9pQMla. (17 l'7 on Nrv.•po1t Rll'tl . 100 DAN A. JAGQB81!:N'. Rul F.atal .. OPEN' HOU'I&. JlO MENTONE bMulll'\llly l.ud.tcaptld. 19rlll1l- 3 BR., Meu~. )'&rd, HY.' H•r Mtt-LI 1-6317-Kl 1·2117 1tn1 •J'•tfml, 2 yra. YOWll· OW~ER SELLS CURT DOSH , Rltr.1· 315 Merino Ave . Belboe Irland Harbor 1560 lira. . .. 11&.l-.0 j -00!,Af at l.aa8 than oc»t. 8ff o rEN ttouait. 110 MEKTON& Cho'ice Nwpt. Hts. 110l lbna Pi.et. 1ttrt! Nmw • ~ woua&. I Challenge i!HOR&CWIJ'I 1 b r., d .. n. \-_ ---------------! Ooloftd MUI tld.\lne. WaU wo lenet l•l..WO I 11 BSOftM. HOK&. bdwd. nra., wall carpel. rlfllffd • &uld· Al.I. t:uMrARJSON !or IH•r•. R r• Vi·w Lot NEW I bedna." .... 1\. ba.th. K&ptd. 110.-.. MOftUi.11 pay. fl. de!!:p lncluthnJ II nice f)f· f1£'r11 Prl".t i~t M'O. Cell IJl.XCAN ilAftlJE~TY . Re1tl · tor H•r 4711 3•tfc ter1rie. ltiealion, conrtlll11n an<l "\\ A;~·:-~~GG;1;y.:n'ft OCJl:AN t'RONT 9lln1n1t1r rfnt•l,' a 'V g Oak lira., nai,ural celt. nrepl.. MW 'fA'/W carpttlDI UU'UOUl. ~la Hf. lnetudea .,...,.tbt.1- tncom• 2 b r. Not ll&Hhold. Juat rirducl'd to J'A he.at., vrua ~e wardl'Ube ~Pf" eod curt.atna. YeMtla.tl CUI u ,..... Of' H'TKlllUI 23 1 ·s-rr~ IN BAI.HOA. P•rl t.."fJRONA l'El1 MAR. rn v•'"[ 1 r b Tht • atoras• 1paeir. Stleke rouf. ttllDM lnf;lu<kd. TIJecl ballll • t"'*2-... •t ttOC«dar P\aff. trad• rnns!drr.O Cell for •P" R .. •ch Bav •nd o..· .. •n bath c1-·1re V•n Ho·•n 16360 lor ut tl)'tl • ... ...... 411 17&00 ......... I ur JU"&I .. Corner ...__._ .. lok4t J bKroofl1 beach' hoUJOe. II~ tllth poln,m1>nt H•r ~344 'l6<J9 1n1 l!:Jl'J>flntl lh1• ~lutl<"'d 2 u u ~ uirludPJ Nt of bulkllnr plaM. :!,:;.~r:P.°"iiJ.~~~•r-kit. 1004 HuntlnflO't A n.,-.._. -· - SL. J":!-0. , .. 11 LI l -tfl6l or BR h<'om .. 1" you1 11ptt.U1c•·\ REALTOR OAN' A JAOOB!!Y.N: ~alE.lt•ltt LI l-M'l'I. illll Fullerton. :ztp3t HU.tbcto"' a..ci.. tkll \ llodent Bd\IUt\d JIO Maftt.Me HY•rlnth 2~2 l:)tt00-~H~o~•:•~Y~o:":..:':••:•~l~>O~>l~•:"~'°~":•:!_!__"":"":':....'"~'~'~"°:'~J:<2~'~-"~·~--~1'~p~•:•~2~'~3~>~'~'·:_· :a.~u~<~H~w:1~--~L:_'.<~l~<Z~':T~i~H~u~M~l~'=U'.:'.._~l~-<J:'_l'~-::_:K:l~J~··~·~·:'.'...:::...:_::::::_:.::.:_::::~::::_:_.::_.:, ___ ~---------_, - OWNER SELLS ' • ' f i . ._. YOOVE . SEEN , THE REST UDO . OFFICE .YOGEL VALUES * * :fl LDlO ISLlll llOOM JOB. POOL a bclnn. 2 batbo, 1ot as " 98 -p11ce _.135.000 2 bdrm. 2 bathl, lot 411" .. -price --'31'.liOO t bdrm. a batbo, 1ot llO " 88 -prico P9.llOO t bdnn. 2\IJ batbo, 1ot eo " 11 -price _.$42.liOO a bclnn. " c1en. a batho. lot er " 88 -price .-$t8.li00 LDlO llENTAUI 2 bdrm. apt. • Provtndal flun. July 15 to sOpt.,.111 2 bdrm. apl -1 \IJ batbo for AlqUlt -$850. Fum. a bdrm., 2 bath -avail Sept. 5th. Lov .. '1 patio, TV, w to ·w carpet.. Wl.nlA!r le-. $225. per mo. YeariJ' $250. l.nc. prdener. EllEllALD BAY 5 bclnn., t bath, °'*"' -· ADdy beach. Ideal family home. l'ull price $57.500 or will leue with option at U00 Per mop.th. $200. to apply to pun:l!Ue price. BAYSHORES Aq. rental, 4 bclrma., 4 bath, 1fe. enclooed patio. $1200. PENINBULA t bclrma., S batba, Ip. enclooed patio. $'150. month ot Aug. For the abcwe propertiea - PHONE HARBOR 497 I VOGEL CO. -UDO OFFICE Sile Via Lido -: Har. lllS().J, Har. 5179, Har. 5U2 Vogel Co. Business Opportunities . * -tr * Bla'hway Cate --to 45. Right on Hlwy 101. $8(5()() full prlco and $3250 handlee. Bakery ..tahliabed 43 yeuw pme location. High -$8100 handlea. VuieQr lloro-ilav IUll1mOr llOUOn ahead. Good -T., ,_!Ion. Boo w. today. J'or -and otbar --opportunitlee call THE VOGEL CO., MAIN OFFICE 3201 W. Cout Bla'bway Newport Beach LIBERTY. 8-3481 • -. --• Ttf~BEST OOW SEE • a.Ibo. W.lld Office Vogel V•ktes . .. tr * * * * • • --• ANOTHEll "II& WEEK''. FOR BUYERS AT IALIOA .ISLAND ·-·-. ........._ ~,llOO ~000 -- w. ban ~ or un1llnlla1Md. with t"" batbl. l.n m:ellent bMell loeotlnM Kuot lie -to llo appntlat.od. ~ la liOday. I SPLllNDID BlllA.OON BAY, TWO UNIT BUY • ·A -.:.. ._ -a bdnn., 2 bath Jiome. and ~ 1 bdrm. apt. 111111, _..\a. - •nll&blo to qaallf!ed ~ Bu kitcll<DI, rood heatln(. lot. ol tllo, and dbl ....... CoDiplete fUnl. Pr1et $38.l!OO with rood "'"""· J'or the above dMeribed properti• - ' PHONE HARBOR 1014 VOGEL CO .BALBOA ISLAND OFFICE 208 ll&rine Ave. Eveo: Har. 3829, Har. 1229-R MAIN Off ICE VOGEL VALUES PANORAMIC VIEW Ot harbor and ocean from thlo out.otandlng buy in Newport Height.I. ,.._lllrea 3 lup airy btdroo,.., and cosy den with built-in Bar-B-Q, convenient .. panto din. ml. br1cllt chewy kitchen with all the built-Im, 1 ~ well located batha, 1Joami•1 oak floor&, and the moat deoiri.hle forctd air heatlnf-Now here'• the puneh IJDe, ''you ean buy all tldo for only $22.500 tf you call ua today tor an appoilltmenL HERE'S A GOOD ONE IN NEWPORT Nev new Jar(e modern 3 bedroom home on M z 1Z P...P. ~e fenoed ~ atn Iers• 2-<&r garaae. You'll enjoy the out.otandlng tea lulu ouch u: 2 b&tba, forctd air baaL oat floon, airy lldtclia> wltb prh. '"'-1. exbauot fan at $18,9!!0 It'• prioad to ..U quickly. Will tan low dawn paymenl ' HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG? On a home lilte lhlo in Newport Height. -heildea havln1 a $9400 • t~jl. 1ou pay. ablt $78 per mo., incl. tuea. It'• a real cutie wttb heavy llb..U:e root, planty ot uMd brick, ,_,. living room with l&rp fireplace, hardwood fl.non, W to W carpet It clrapao, a.od beautltul large kttehen With corner link. You'll love thla one. Better Me it today. Total price $14, ml For the above propertiet - PHONE LIB ERTY 8-3481 VOGEL CO. MAIN Off ICE 3201 Weot Cout Highway Ev'": LI S.77S9, LE 9-7942, LI 8·1421 and Har. M30-J .. • ' VOGEL VAlUtS 1u1! .. Corona del Mw Offic• Vogel Valufl * * 1t Open Houae Sat. & Sun. from I 0 e.m. to 5 p.m. et 515 Ali10 St.~ pott Hel91rh ~ 2 -at .......... prloo of llT.900. Hwd. n-.. flNplaoe, --~. Ip. mutor bdrm. -to patio. .._ awalap. 220 wlrla&'· -ldtehe. Iota "' ... Dn,. aa4~-"'llncluda4.B~­ ced yud. Diil pr. 50' z 127' lot{ . ._ - Newport . Height• Home with Oceen View r:e•ac mJCSE n&TUR.D: · 3 bclrlqo .. 1\IJ batbo, bwiL tloora, lot. of bullt·lnl. l'ull cilntnc room, Ip. --flreplaee, halldy -with built-In lllqn ........ opod· _____ ., __ Ip. dbl. prap with rOom for worbhop. U-, -with fireplace, 1Z " 1Z laundry -orhob n>Of, alum. awnlnp, nlct yard. Ownw mmt """ -Only $22.500. For the above propertieti - PHONE HARBOR 0757 VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2887 E. Cout H!pway Eveo: Har. lTi&-W LI 1-6t57 Har. Zll82 U8I Costa Mesa Offie-VOGEL VALUES * * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bdrm. In choice .-oe -U. •tnet. H " 11 Uv. rm. bwd. floon, Ip. oovered patio, f- yard and nletly lorul-ped. Only 7 yra. old. run.. $18,000 fuD p'1oa. Untum. 112,llOO. LIDO CHARM J bclnn., 2 bath, Ice. patio, aero. trom - courta and ..., clubllouaa. i...,. lot. s.. lhlo for $211,000 ULTRA • KODICRN 3 bdrm., 2 bath, a patsoo, -. flreplaM, built· in Mtchen featun11 (llM to floor in bdrm.. 6: ll•· Inc room, beaaL lendocapod. Price $19.500. For tha abow propartloa - PHONE LIBERTY 8-5596 VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 Newpc:vt Bml. r:.ea. Har.-. Har. 5Mt-B. PROPERTY OWNERS WHO WAN-l TO S·E L l -LIST WITH THE VOGEL CO. TRAD~.fN -TRADE-IN Try our trade in plan. Wt can cet you from when you an to where you want to be. Let US llbow you how It eu be done. Propertiel listed below an UDODJ those we have Uot.od for tndt. CLIPT HAVEN -Homey 3 BR-hwd. fin. red~ -attractive -aecutive neighbor- hood at everyday prleeo. You too ean OWN GOOD INCX>ME. We have duplex= trtp1-and a quad. Ali prleed riglit It hri"llns rood income, Let u.o ahow you. Herbor Blvd-Busineu Frontage ur ....,. 75• from 1lltb -i. pavocf alley. Boot . buoln-locatlOll left l.n town. 100' frontop farther out. 2 other rood locatlono on Harbor. IJuta Ana Hsta. a ·s. R., dbl. pr. -top condltloa na,eoo. Bee Ulla and make otter. l8G!lO will buy a abarp modern 1 B. R. $8811dolmwWb!Q'arood3 B.R. COSTA MESA MUST U:U. DUS TO 1LLNUS BIU'S BEST BUYS Baell 111.y locaUon. I bdrrn., f H.A hwd. fln.,, tlNpl~ dbl p.rq-1, fenced 7ant BOUM II lnun&c:. • • RESALES lnlid1 6 out. f. ~" kl&rt. .A. rar1 buy •t Ill.GOO. Shown by • •Pf0lntm111t. UcmrTION.A.L DUPt.mX OD 75 x 120 Jot. 3 bdrm. Hdl l1de, sane• t>etw-. I..&rs• nU., dlTid.td Jard. only I Jrl, old. ltoCIO dn. or 1ubm.IL Wlllk.ln&" e diltaMI. l:ut 1tde. S.WW9 ID.. 1 apt. Yaeanl. Ready lo nlG't'I ·~ IJOOO DOWN ! ! It price reduc· ed to 110,too. nm » on• ot. th• ti.t buy1 wt''t'e had In many a moon. I bdrm., hwd. • Ora., nrepl., loY9'.1' COY...-.d paUo, on Eut 1tde nr. llChooll tr.up, A: 1toru rov CAN'T BEAT TH18 n•W I bednn. l ~ batha, dblrt. p.r .. w /w carp9t&, n-.r 9hoppinf. Only 12800 dn. A $It mo. CARPETED 3 bdrm. home l.n fully • Improved neighborhood. Cloee to ocboole aod &bopping. Only $9,450 wltb $2,100 down. Balaoce at $84 per month includinr principal, interest, taxe. and insurance. FOUR BDRVS., 2 bath.I, fenced yard, patio and barl>eeue. Ali Improvement.I l.n and paid for. Full price $11,960 with $3,000 down. Balance at $70.85 per month includes principal, intereet, taxes and inaurance. THREE BDRMS., hardwood flooni, fireplace. Complietely redecorated in and out. Choice eut- oide location, fenced yard and iarp double pr- age. Full price $12,960 with ONLY $1500 down. Balance at $69.M per month includ• principal, l.ntereet, tu.. and Lnounnce. Pluo ....U _.,.d Truat Deed at :l % per month. MANUFACTURERS C&ll 118 for detaill -We lh&ll be ple&eed I .A.CJU:8 CHOICE, !rte.I, (OOd to amtrer &II)' queltiom. • dr&Ln. Water In. hwlr9 and W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES SU b7 No•. 17llOO J_. acre. "You'll Like Our Friendly Service" MAX W. POPE, Realtor ·" -.. <00 E . 11th st. eoato .,_ Liberty s-1139 1i08 Harbor LI 8-Ut2 • J LI b RI ----~.~-------i lVle~~°!. ty. WANTED TWO LARGE FAMILIES THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Cal.IJina Dit"" N.wport Rt.. R·I kit. .A.blolut.117 beet lot bu.1 tn helshta. S&IOO MA till• IL I\~ -a...n. chMrtu1 . hca... I bedrml. till baUl wtlb puUm&n. w. ldt.cbaa. p...nt dl.D.lll&' an&. l\am&ol. len'lce porch. c-iemt troDI. Md ..., pon:hel.. l£rp lot wt~ llOftl,. oement b&odt ..n.. J1111t "3JI W1 recornm.md UiY borne '*1· ru.rm.bed boml and t\arnWMd natal. J MW bom• .. )Ot. % b1oU. to MIJ'f. TMM two Wdta bave S'--tneloled. tu.d, la•ted bl.tu, Onplaoll. ...... ...-. patloL Oa new #lr.t all -~ paid. Plvp--1rt7 dlar. &Iller wW carry ftnt \nJ9C. deed with ~­ di.I down. Rent t'rotll OCll tbauW mU:1 p&J1UBCL S&nl& .A.Aa AY• kit., OQmll'. 8ult- abM mi. tor home or dupiu.. Counl7 loc&tscn la &.ell Bay ar-. NOOO..._ Two 1.r1 aw 011 tb• Mutt "''"" JooklllC hdlk:. TbnHut I bMr-., baUa ~ U'f'bl.r room Wall to ....U carpetJna'. CU.- tom ~ °" ....... doub&e .................. PatJo. nu. ooutructed. .u lmPf'O"*mUta la IUld paid._ llujo ........ CORONA DEL MAR ln Corona del M&r, 4 beclrooma and aun porch. •11.ooo tenna. BALBOA ISLAND SPECIALS Our .... ezclualft lolUld dupla Two 2 bedroom a~t.o ,. ,_,. of Wen lo- calA!d lot elm. to North Bay Bead!. llocim to build a flne home In front tor Iha low prica of $18,500. A .. ca,. trople.I .. homo on tha Bay J'roclt. Illa· tn W... living room with bar lrlteMn. llropla<e, Jorge alldinf sJaa doon opm to patio wltla cleor view ot beach and bo&ta And a two - •mall hOUle to rent for income. ON CHANNEL FRONT Two ot.andard l&rp 2 badn>\Jm apta. Cl wltla lln- plece) dlnln1 roomo, -lrltcben, d ...... k, patio In front. Scheduled --'5l!OO '1'· Aakl.,. U2,sl0, u:ceUent ..,.. BAY SHORES . A tine hll)' In a 3 -lloon ccmploleb' furnlahed. 2 patloo and pie•_, fer - Urine. 1 abort bloclt to flna baach. -- IA!rms on uldng ~ of $21.000. OPEN 1-4 SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS 2951 Wa..rty Way Eveninp call Ec11tb im-, BYatt um w Lou Boynton Harbor 21178 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine A ... , Balboa lolUld Bali>oiP i7711 Good 2 --and dblo. pr. on Orcllld Aw. -than 2 bloclao from PO. Lp. rear flag- otme patio and BBQ. l'ull price only $18,000, baa ti' J'HA 1ou. monthly p&ymeuto. $81..35 lncludlJIS-It lno. DON'T SAY WE DIDN'T ADV!lB.'I't9ll: IT. O. C. hymour -ReaJtor IOt Clint.I-St, Ooeta u- LI Mill or LI 1-'fTU 1 '1) bat.ha, 60 ft. comer, just ste~ to China Cove. I &er'9 oe P\&olr!Ua, RA -ins. -------------,,,------- -......t J6000 .. acre. Another 2 badrm. hov,lo, top location on Mf.raaer!IA! . Aw., hw. fire., ftrwpl., dual floor fum&ee, bath· ~ bu tub and lllaJJ abowv. 1afge kll<ben with ~ patio. dooblo -. ·f- '111.000 with paymeato $75 or more monthly. 1'llJM l'llnlllbed h.._ on 2 Iota pluo 1 vacant R-2 lot. llO-ft. fr'!'!!Ara.-th of Hwy. Con add 3 $39,500 with ·-"'"""· REAL VALUES I unlla wtlll .....,. o< l200 mo. BACK BA.Y BEAVTT HOME-Shon. Cliff&, 3 bedrooma, 3 bathl, flDlily room, A I bldml.. I MUI Uld 1 bdrm. 1 Wrm.. t" bl.IA. U't'lna nn. gueat room, swimmins pool, new. Ju.t ltapl to ,dupia. MOOG k&ndla JO r n . Hwd. w1, dbl. pr. private beach. $49,.roo, with rood terma. MM& Drift oomer lot. Jl..1. OWN!:.R 8.A. Y8 U::LL! Mou.t&&ll A w;ater ,.._., Ve17 R. L STRICKLER, Realtor --,., ,_ BVaINEBI nt.oNTAQJ: COR-borne. Only f1100. a ttrmL NJ:R -lOJ n.. on Newport R . B. HODGE, Auoci&te Bl.... With """" ..... .. 3622 E. Cout Hwy .. Corooa del Var. Har. mt . ORANGE COAST ~:' dMp 1ot. PJUCSD J-----------------J PROPERTIES ROOM l'OR 11NrI'9 -Ont UJ.f Kn doM In, btc' bou., ..... ll: ct..::oratect, bwd. noon, tlle. PiilClm TO U:U.1 CORONA DEL MAR 1137 N""JIOf\ Jltl'd., Ooet.a Mee. U 1-ltu a.. LI 1-lfOO HARBOR Hl6HlANDS ' PRICE SLASHED 158t-l>lana Lallo OPEN DAILY UNTIL llOLD t badroomo. 2\IJ bath.I, carpote aa4 ...,... 1 ._ -'Dlll la ...-ably priced at $25.000 - -ML No. 14111 B. A. NERESON Two Npm.r&te untu a.nd two extra cueC rooma. One unit rent. for $85.00 other owner occupied. A fl.no property in pleu&nt ourroundl.np. 2 car garaae, aeparate patloo. S..t bay In lncom• A'l,llOO,Buyw caa _ • .., i~~0.1cJ. ·--· ...... ::--cc-I Dupla. l'Dllle 11..tp. 1 bedrm. aod 2 bednn. apt.I. { Jn. Old. 2 prq;ii, lli'tlll; lbate roof. 1 apt. leued. A rood ftlue at $19,850 tonne. ' . JOHN E. SAOLEIR, Realtor IVAN W. ERBAJWJ', ~te • aa3S J:. Oo01t Hwy., Olll Har. 2t22 . -- 1111 lffwpot'\ JMM., o..ta Kw 1.n.ty 1-1172 &..... LI 1-1111 .......,.._ ax.u.i. cottq.e Oil ...... ot R.-1 kit. Ideal loO&doa .. .aoo. unna. 70C lrta. hr tAtorma- U011 call Har. OU&-M. llllc ' -~ --... ~ ... -...... property on today'• market. $21,:SOO tmna. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Cout Hwy., Corooa de! Vu Har. 2288 (Ac.-from Bank 1.n .CDV) MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ' j CHANNEL FRONT OPEN HOUSE DAILY ftOWJfU Pier, no.t 6 MtlrWd, 2 lldrm.. I ll&tll. 11111 &h'tr A"' . - ... . ... . ·-. ·-· DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2802 Newport Blvd., Newj!Ol'!"lliitli-Har. Ull • --...... . " 2262 Tustin (County) Rambliq Ruell home. aba.ke roof. a bdrma., ~ l'OOlll, 3-car CtnP and a hobby shop. 2700 1q. ft. in an. only $29,9:50. NEW 482 East 20th St., Just Off Irvine BI88J:LL ba.Ut 2 bdnna. and a den. Hardwood tlfton, electric p.rap door, bullt-ln ltove 4 oven and la.d9 ot W.. ThJ. one ta price at $28,000 or you nu.y chooee a homesite in th.la exclU8ive wub- d!.w. 11 --.a wm build to your pJ.a.na. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Bar. t718 BEACH HOME Attra.etlv1 with am&ll a.partment attached. Both location on lU'f• M lot dou to 9th St. Bay bcb. run price only '1'-500 with tenn.a. * * * OCEAN FRONT J'urniahed beach bou.11, fireplace and patio. Good Urma. s1e.s>o tun prt.ce. * * * VACANT DUPLEX LOTS Two tosether M\&lt be llOld topther awn. uklns $eoc>o ea.ch. Mak• otter. OCEAN FRONT DUPi.EX J'iD• location,, ~mer lot. Hard to 1how 'cause lt'1 full of tenant.a for au.mm.er . Fine lncome. A.tkhlr '23.~. * * * DUPLEX Completely furn.labed, cloee to beach and bay. s12,eoo -Good term.a. * * * Open Brana New Lovely home Oil Via Orvleto. 3 n.ICe bedroom ud 2 bathl. Slidhlr Jtu.a tO ~o. BW.lt.in Therm. oven an'~ ~te ~ area. Overlir.e double 1ara,p. Built by Vl81cher and landlcaped by Bee80n. $33,000. 8 uniU on 80 feet BAYFRONTAGE at 320 Via Lido Nord. Built 10 well US yean a.co that when it wu modernized 1ut year, the tennite and di-y rot man juat charged for lnapection. You juat can't beat th.ii for value at only $1~,000 turniahed. , Term.. For these ,.M other Ude Property -Come to HEADQUARTERS -our 2i.t year at Lido. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 3333 via lido, harbor ~ incorporated Isle Quick s.1. O~ House -•11 Walnut Pia.cl - TbW Iii a fint Ott•rinl on a lovely family home -~for p~ ~ &Dd better famlly lite -Larr• Uvtni room, dhiln1 room with one wall completely done in & reattul palnte<t scene, beauttrul ldt.cheo, 3 excellent bedroom.a, 2 bath.a, and a ~· den. In &ddlt.lon, a vecy costly and Important 1tem -fully ca.rpeted. Thit la not not Ale. talk when wt tell you that thi.a 2 year old home 19 priced for immediate aale. Price P7 .'500 A Bargain Location: Costa Meaa Siae: 3 bedroom 1 bath Price: $12,9t50 Reasonable Owner The o•ner of t.hia triplex aay1 he wants to eell because be bu another use for hb inve.atment money. ReuoMble term.I will be accepted, and a reuonable price ta uked. $250 income, approx. $20/mo. leue·hold expenae. Sellin• price $21,500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 1700 w. cout highway-liberty 8-5573 BALBOA REALTY CO. LIDO ISLE ·c THOMAS ·c· THOMAS SPECIALS NEW LISTING-Delightful 2 BR. and panelled den, W..to W. carpets and drapa, large patio. Differ· ent enouch to be lntereltiDI. Priced ri1ht. Exclusln with ua. ~REATHTAKING VIEW OF BAY & OCEAN J then sot out my OONFJDJ;NTIAI.. J'IL& &Od bad lh• t)oqht that unleM a QUEllN FOR It. DAY ill bntnr TROUJll.11 WlTll I" A. TH· ER, that 4 bedroom home with extra rumpu.a rooui oo a 66 x SOC, lot. only a year old with 1800 aquare feet of living area and with all th• built-ina one could think of for $19,950 lan't the BIG PAYOFF, then l 1hould co back to DING DONG SCHOOL! And -here an eome HANDY HINTS ror a tam.Uy of two. old or young, to P'EA THER YOUR NEST wtth thll wonderful, nearly new, 2 bedroom near two 1hopping cent.era in eut Costa Me.a. Im· ma.culate and fully landscaped for an on• believable $10,500. Then I cot to t.hlnklli' and watchln' the c:11 • 10 by -would a CLAMOUR GIRL wtlh a pebchant tor a view ro for tld1 honey ln Newport Heights, and on a fee lot too, 2 bedrooID.9, 2 baths, with a hab, glua en- cloeed sundeck overlook.inc Bay, BeKh and Ocean! What a view! IT COULD BE YOU &nd yours for only $23,950 with the be9t of terms. You don't need lo craduate from the HAILS OP' IVY or ~ a MR. GENU18 to BEAT THE CLOCK on thla 3 It Den, 2 bath, LIDO ISLE home Dear be&chta and club hoUM and with a Luse. large patio too. $23,:500 with f!nanclns. (1) FOR A IPACIOUB, ROOKY 2 bedroOm bom• wilb wi-• Urilll room. W.U bUllt, eloel te th• b&)' ..... .u ~ beat ... lh1I property to- day. J~l a llep to beat b&y bffch. l lUOO, tennL BAYSHORES Enjoy living in th.la qwet. reatrlcted, friendly community with it.a own private beach and cute, arti.ltic homea. BJCAUTIP'UL luxury home wtth So BE OUR G~T and tune in on Liberty 8·7773. YOU (2) 4·UNIT lNCOKJ: BUILD- ING . . aame aJ"I&. ()wnu ca.lled Ea.al and w.nta to 1tll Ntwty redecorated and nk e- Jy turnlahed. Terrtttc rental locatlon. $111.000. tct'1:U. (I) I BEDROOM. 2 bath home on West Bay Av•. A &Tl•l value. Well f\lmil~d ud nice condition. Bar1aln at.- S18.000. terma. (0 Hl:Jll:'I A UAL VA.LUil. 2 BEDROOM rlJR.NlSHED HOMIC with a modem • cute bachelor apartment In rear. Situated on Jar,-e loL Patio and 2 alngte pr&&•· Ul.600 end tenna. 1. CAPE 000 1tyle, 2 b<lrml., 2 bat.hi. All elec. comp. furn., nice patio with BBQ. Lota of cha.rm. $28,000, term• 2. CHOICE LARGE LOT -30 ft. patio. 3 bdrma., also comp. furn. for euy living. Room to expand or have 1wimming pool. Only $23,~. Submit down payment. MYRTLE DAVY. Realtor & Anoe. Helen Baum . Huel Condon M32 Via Oporto H&rbor ~ E'Yel. LI 8-5297 LI 8-1709 Har. 1017·J (&)TWO UNIT ••. 2 MdroOm home 1a front plwi a 1 bed· ------------------ room apartment onr a S..c:ar prq9. Jt.ited 8WIUDft' and wtnt.r, ahow'I sw.U ,.tum on 1n<tt1tmcnt. Sl6,000 t.-ma. (tJ BALBOA P~'tNIULA DU· Pl.EX. Hu a bedroom.I up A 2 down. A -u t\&.mi.bed What is a Realtor? unobetructed VIEW, 1 bed· ARE THERE • h SO THERE YOU "-uw:-1 rooma • de.n, lllx22 uv room, ' we re en, ~· d1n. room, ch&rm1n1 Interior, beauutul patio, 111x341 heated • filtered .wtmmlnr pool. H6,000. BAYSHORES NEW J:XCLUSlVE LIBTING - J'tnt Ume o!fered -Lovely a bedroom plua JUNl room, 2 ~ bathe, .,._. llv. room, din room, bullt.-ln kllchen, F.A. heat. encl. patlo with barbequt. $29,000. ALSO a BEDROOM, Jl11 bath, com- pletely fumWled. Lee U•. room with fireplace -!acel- lant tenna. LOW down pay- mt. ASKING Slt,600. "C" THOMAS JACK BRENNAN, REAL TOR ''AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8·7773 B/ B LIDO ISLE A BeauUtul la.rs• muter bedroom and bath, aao an- other bedroom and bMh. Larr• 11..tnf 1'00m a.nd din· tn1 area Carpeted. Step- a& vtn• kltchcri. '1alaton• fireplace. 127.&00. Bayshores Special 1! ru.Uy ch&nntnr bdmu., l '-' batba. Well cho.en col· or11 Dulped for enlert.ain· inf. 'nit Whole family will love It C&rpeu and drap- ertu. UUOO. BALBOA PENI.NaULA 2 bedrooml. 2 balha on the point Not many at any time for Sll.600. Furn. ' , property. only a yn.. old. n- C9nUy repainted .ut.IWS. ud In. Wondvtul for bome with Income or for rent.ala. - Ul.500-tenna. The term REALTOR la not a syno.nym for "real eatl.te agent" REALTOR and ASSOCIATES 22t W. Cout Hlpway LI 11·6627 Newport BMdl Move ln today. brtnr your boat and •tart ll~ bl th1I dulrable Nord' Ba:rfronl. & bdrma .. 3 bath&. Private pter 6: alJp. c.holc• location. Juat lialed. Completely tur- nlellled. C&n you fl.llCY J bdmu., 1 '1 b&Ula on Lldo for U3,llOO T T W • have It and UJ'l'I you to come and ... what la ln 1tor1 tor you. lAfl'• patio. BALBOA COVl:B Watmront wtt.h charm. 2 bdrma.. 2 bat.ha, private pier and .Up available NOW We have key. •&klnr H1,600 IT I ONI: OJ' TIU: nNJ:R BUILDINGS 1n «ntlre New- port-.B&lboe. area. B...utl!ul and ap&CIOUI •-unit bulldln1. OnJ)' J )'UZI old wttb Hpar· at• conrwd ~laundry room and locken. Modem • vp to d&t•. lhow1 larr-po- ten Ual tncome. SM t.h11 property before bl.I.yin• • • . SM.000 and pod tsnna- BJUNO TOUR UllTINOI TO UI J'OJ\ QUICK ACTION. It is the e.xcluaive deaignation tor those pledge t-0 tranaact all real estate buaineu according to the lligh 1tanda.rda prescribed by the Code of Ethica of the National A.asociation of Real Eltate Board.a and the California Real Eat.ate Alaocia · tion, and governed by Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ·c THOMAS ·c THOMAS Bl B CORONA lilGHLANDS WHERI: CAN YOU find a 4 br I bath l atory hoUM wtth ocean Ti..,, brtck ftnptace. patio, modem kitchen under no.ooo. WJC HA vz IT! BAY AND BEACH REAL TY Inc., Rltrs. 3112 Latayette -Har. 3&43, 2999 Evea "Juat to the right of Lido Bridie" BALBOA CHANNEL Road lot. unobstnlcted view ot Bay. $17.~ term.a. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 w. 'Balboa Blvd. Har. t091 Balboa Realty Co. PLllNTY OJ' l'RD PARKING -Near Newport Pier iOl N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach CORONA DEL MAR Smor tree Uv1.nr ln lhi. cheery 2 bedroom home and bachelor apt. on I lot.. The beautltUI lawn, t1awer1 and patio are Ju.t what the Dr. ol'"tlered. DUPLEX 2 bedrm. • 1 bed.rm., near bay. Good renter $21,600 Oppolll te Bank of America --------------------fto• °"9eJ,ly rod Lft -------------------- Costa Mesa-The Best Town on Earth C.2 BU.lin .. ~ne. Mx.300 with good 3 Br. older bomt, hardwood ftoon. garage. $12,500 ' with convwent terma. a Br. home, 1 ~ bat.ha, hwd. t}oon, fireplace, W /W cupetlnr. a very good location. W .500 with tenm. .2 Br. older home, dininc room. eervlce porch, tarp kitchen. Clouble rarace. corner lot It room Joeepllln• Webb TOO S. Balboa BlTd.. Balboa Pbone R&rbor 1211 NEWPORT HTS. SPECIAL UO BOUCWOOD DIUVm i"URNJSHllD. nry attracUvt 2 bdrm.. bome Lari• corner lot Backyard ftnced Willi "area paved. to build I more unlta. $92M . • · with terma. OP&N FOR INBPl:CTlON Tu• ---···--··· .. _each $3.'W nura. and aat. atternooM -----·-----...S°""t-000 PIUCED TO aCLL -n:JUll can be arr~ed. Excellent Buy ---........ "'!"'!"!'~-------------uuoo. -4N Eut 11th lt..C:O. P .u«:>a.AMIC VIEW of t.be ~.._,,. and Pacinc. 8IUGG8 a bdrm., 2 batU. livtnr room 18 Jr 18 ~ bMut1tul Palo Verda atone wall .... ft~ Lot 70 ft. wide. Utt DolphlD Terrace "2,800 ~--OPEN E.Vil.Y AE.TERNOON ilOE l'IBGUBON, Broker 87c:39 SALE AND LEASE BACK Q..A M A 9tOft ud otftcl build.Ina located on mOlll lmportaDt corner la i-..adenL Priot fT00,000. wm pay 7" net net and will ~pa.lt •• 000 .. --lllCW'tty. Lup depndatlon ractor. , CALL O~ T. D. Rosera, Ryu 18187 or Harbor 3828 ta W11&. I bclrra. O.L IO&D h,ymcta M1.N mo. lncl. .,. lnt.er.t and lmprNAda. OPSN FOR IN Pl:C'l'lON Wed. rn. Ud lwa. atl~ Ralph P. Maskey IULUJ1"0ll HU Newport BJYd. OPllN ROUDI. l IO llllRTONI: JIUMTINOToN DACH For tale By Ownu Cba.rmt-r ~~kl. I Wrm. hom• on ~· comer lot. Be&uutulJJ ludlle:aped. rur yard ccloeed with t-tt. red· wuod feftt'e. Knot\)' JM• kJt- cll•, bu0l-4JI elec.trio ~· A onn, prb. dtq.. lse. u ... ll\f rm. wtUI nrwpl&n. pull· """ W• baUa. ,.u.. Priel 11 uoo. tllc!Udee ea,.,.e.a &ft.d drapert• 1001 Hunt.iq'lon An 1.CJiinpn MO&O. S7c:3t I EXCLUSIVE Bay Shores Three bedroom.a, 2 bathl, larp livinc room and dining room PLUS a very nice enclosed paUo located on a large comer lot surrounded by beautiful 1hady tree.. Priced for IMMEDIATE aale. CORONA DEL MAR ANOTHER FISHER built house south of the Highway, 2 bedrooma, 2 bath.a, large living room and kitchen plus a very nice encloted patio. Ex- tra large garage with 1 & bath. PRICED TO SELL TWO BDRM. SO. OF HWY. Over 1000 aq. ft. in houae. Generoua tropical landacaping, modern 1tylin1. Extra.a: built-in electric range, wuber, dryer. 2 car prap, 13 z 22 llvtnc room with finplace. 1 wall cork paneled. ToW price $18,500. W. E. FISHER & Associates 302t Cout lllgbw&y, Corona del Mar Harbor 5032 Evea. Hubor U20-W M-1 & POTENTIAL M-1 ACREAGE Several parcela of thia scarce type acrea1e are available in aiu varying from 2J,~ to 83 aetta, including tome with tracka.se. For example, CHOICE 7~ ACRE LEVEL PARCEL Ooee ln, water already in, aewen no' being la.id priced at lea than $6475 per a.ere. Let ua abow you what we have a.nd help you work out your problem.a. LOUIS W. BRIGGS. Re•ltor 7U E. Balboa l!lvd., Balboa Harbor 80 By appointment only. PANOR.AlfiC OCEAN -VIEW tn>m lb• Laq. Uvtni room of t.hJ1 2 •t.ory home. It hu 2 bednnl. and ll completely tumlahed. 15000 handles. Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc. REALTORS Corona del Mu OftJce m o 1:. Cout. Hwy., Har. Mea LIDO ISLE ACT QUICK! ExdUllve w1tb UL 2 bedrma., a b&lha on a M ft corner lot lnclud~ atove A ~ .. ~Unf and wtn.dow aha.dea. a rn. old. ST .aoo down. l'u11 price IM,000 Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 2902 Newport Blvd., Npl. Bch Harbol' 4.7111 COSTA MESA 2 BEDROOMS plua lanaJ on tree covend lot, e6 x 305. M aone. $18,000. Terma. COMMERCIAL corner 1~ ~ z 160 ft. NIU' Jiu.. bor Blvd. Preeent improvement.a ahoutd carry till property developed. Bat buy on W. 19th St. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JAYRED, Realtor Mildred Riggs and Sylvia Thompeon. Mloclata. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Bar. 2eM ot .eoo Lido Luxury Home Near new• bedrooms, carpeted &Dd draped. Many built.in extru. The $22.500 s•;. Loan reveal.a tbe true appra.lal value .et on th1I outata.nding Lido Hawailan modern. Full price $4:5.000 For Appointment Call, OPEN BOUBJ:, 110 lmNTONE ~i1;e~~~i.!~ J:; Lido Realty Associates rm. 6 kitchen, a txtnn... con· nn:Jble den. 1" bath.I, patJo, _ _:_S.OO=:_V.:._ia~Udo=:_ _ _:::...::........::=:__Bai..:.::::::bo=r=""~=-:;.. an.aoo. ()wne,. Har. JMt. aecu Altadena Escrow (Co.ta MLU otnc:el 112-A. & llUl st. L1 ....... Bac:k Bay Lot By Owner 8tvra VI.st.a St.net ... ~ Mc.19 $1,00~ DOWN 3 bedroom bou.ee in bel.utltul 2 y.ear e>ad trt.ct. Owners le&Yin.g, MUST SELL. Set t.h1a IOOn. WEST NEWPORT Duplex, l year old, halt block to beuh, furn· iabed, offered below replacement c09t. price $14.~ rental area. N.B.C. REALTY CO. LL I-THI ll7p39 j 32nd A: Newport BouleYa.rd Harbor "5636 or 1'°5 ' '