HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-20 - Newport Harbor News PressNOW WllA'I 'l'O DOf -Guy ThOmi-n. •¥.z, thouiht he had really caught something when he landed UU. rainbow ti.ah off Newport Plier. Hit father, R. R. 'lbompeon of Whittier, inaUted tbat N ~-.. ff be wu to flab Gary had to bait b:ta 'OWD hook ews • ~rm and take the !iah off after it wu hauled in. _--S_tatt_Pb_oto _______ Asks Your lndullence KEY , CITY OFFICIALS TAlf PART IN CD ALERT TODl 't SEAFARING MASONIC LODGE · DEOIQATED PaitlCijittiij bi nlJbt'• OM"IP01ie9 ID the ..., 1a41"9 at Jlela k ud St:. Andnw' Road we~ from left. 0 . E. "B..;ti" Whtte Jr., W~ Muter; K09t WonbipN Edwvd B. St~rt Jr., Grand Muttt of Muona of Callt~ and Ralph P. Xukty, preti&ot of Su.fariDJ •11onio ~ 4MOC=iatlon. -Staff ftilto •I •, • l I • • r • ~ Seldom bu Uai~ eYeC' been aw:h an uarl • ••t ~ 1u.splcion, dJ.tt.nijt and queationed lnte:at by tM ~pie of Newport Beach directed at one pel"IOll or trc>up u the people now appareotlJ feel ~ Uleir ~ty Cowidl. . . Never before han we eeen evidenced bj eo a&ll7 people the fact that t.a.x:payen do have memoria! All of the dittrust, queatloning ot intent of coun· cilmen to do what they aay they will, bu heed sen~ ed by the city council itaelf. It all evolve1 arou4 the council'• intent to r&ile tuea 21 cent.a for the purpoM of creatins a capital outlay fund. To aubltantiate it.I effort the councll hu pM· pared a long u.t ot ao-called improvement.I it intends to make. To m&ke these improvement.I th~ c~uncil . eontendl that the 21 cent.I on the tax rate ia necee• Al'Y· At thia moment, or at leut at the lut council 111eetin1, the council members all indicated it wu their blunt to UM thae monies u indicated in the pro- po-1 budget on page '5. I>i9tru8t of the people la well founded! ft bu been thia city council, compoeed of cur- tent memben, whlch bu 1enerated the d..Wtrult. Let'• P,k at the record. On ~ -d of the City ot Newport Beach budget tor the tilcal year 1~-M la the caption "SPECIAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET." .\ccount 8801 abon that $99,3'1 wu cinied over from the 1~2--53 ~dJet for Relocation of the Pacltlc Electric ~d tb&t th• ea.me amount wu "budceted" to carry into th• n.ca1 budget of l~t. On pap 48 of the following ytlf• budret for ~. under the aame identification and account .aunber. la NVealed that th• $99,3'1 WU canUd over lbto th-9 budpt and that it wu propoaed to lncreaae • ac~t ·eecn to $107,,71.53 in the prop<>Hd budget of ~~ The propollld budltt of lBM-68 abowa on pas• ~th.It money prbiouaJy accumulated wu even more Oll'efully earmarked 'tfhen th• pnMDt city council tn- l'ieriw tb• belm. Here ta the verbiap from pap ~ ~ CAPITAL DIPROVEMENT FUND (Re- *'°tiqll of Paciflc Electric Terminal l'acllltie9 and 1-prc).emeat 'ot Balboa and Newport Boulevarda). tr.ttmat.d MJanee ~ .lt02;'GIJ!.95.,. Ttien that ttem wu Cam.cs int.o th.Ii propoMd budcet at th• aame amount and dubbed "Pure.hue of Pacific Elec- tric Property • • .$102,901.85." But herein tl>ele ta.nda become contuaed. d.lui- pat.ed and Joet. One city c:ouncllm&n, we are sure with toJ11U• in check, told u , "But, we pu.rchued Pa.clfic Dtctrtc Property with $100.000.'• That la plrtl&lly tiue. The lot.I ot the utnlty frontlnf on Balboa Blvd., ~ to the City Trailer Park were purchued 'flth tM 90-C&l.Md capttal lmprovem•t mon:iee. Hereltt too ta renerat.ed th«" cHatnat of the city ~ll. . Wb&t aaurance la there to the taxpayer that th1I dty council w1ll actually earmark and uae the 61.Ddl 1evSed for accumu.IAion in the capital outlay "a0coant for th• purpoeee inten~ed. The $102,901.~ thq fJiherlted WU not. Would not it be better tor the council to ac:eum- ~ the mcm.lee under a reeoluUon. or better yet an trnvocab&e ordinance ao at leut taxpayen whoee money la taken can set a heum.. in court when cu- todl&I fundl &re to be dlaipated. The 21 cent.a to be added on tlw sezien.1 tu rate la a mna.11 portion of fund8 to be accumulated. The cows.ell baa included ln their budset on pase 27 a wanW1f to citlsena that the bu.le water ratt la to • tnereued by one third or from $1.30 to $1.90 ilJnimum,. The budlet expendltuna &re baaed OD th1a (lcun. But th1a coW1ail which bu been ao tnvoloua with public money ca.n cb&n,. th.la Item of expend!· tu.re and a.pin there la no suan.ntee that monJ• will '1i .,_ far U.. l*.l'fMe for whida u.., a.re railed. ~ It la Wl•l'J to ...... tadt for tbe •••• Of a wata-a••"* la tllii dJ ot Newport DA ~n. Jever ban 1" eeen 1uch an undercurrent. of 'dllt:nailt amoq the J*>ple of a city council in ~ City .of Nft1>0d Beach. 'nlere a.re buea for dlacu. alon, ~ and apreMion• of fear, moet ot them well rroUA'aed and documented by tbe council itaelf. • Our Trickle at End of ' Line Calls for Action Newport Beach la not the ~y city in 01"&ll&e County facing a crlt.lcal water aborta.ce. The Metro- politan Water Diatrict baa aerved notice on all dtlel of the county and of the diatrict to conaerve water auppllee and curtail \lie wherever poull>Je. Newport Beach and the communiUe1 comprialnr the Coutal Kuniclpal Water rn.trict a.re in a more tenuoua situation than lnland cit.la however. The problem here la that we are the end of the line. W • can only draw from the Unea of the M. W. D. at the Coutal ruervolr in the Irvine Hilla above Corona del Kar what water tricklea through a.ft.er valvea at Brea, Sent.a Ana, Fullerton, Orange etcetera have 1pewn forth the vital llquld tor uae there. Many citlee are in better •hape than we becaUH they have more 'ltorage capacity. None however have a rruter pptential at.or& ... Th• Irvine .Company ia in proceu of prepa.rinc their propoul to citle1 of the Cout.al Municipal Water Diltrict for the creation in the Irvine W.U.1 juat inland ot Corona del Kar, a Ji.ant open at.orase lake. Thia propoll8d reeenoir would hold when tun 1200 acre feet of water. That la enouih water to aupply t.M city of Newport Beach for a.n entire awnmer. Still UU. propoeed reeervoir would not be too bi& althouih it would hold more water than the preeent county re. ervolr at Brea. nu. commu.nJty and the othen of the Coutal Dlatrict would It.ill be dependent upon the trick.le of water at tbe end of the line. Were th.la new ,reservoir completed now it probably could not be filled in a year. More than lllcely it will be well beyond next •um· mer before the propoeed new reeervolr could be built and made operable. Tbenfore the City of Newport Beach muat create aome other storage tlcllity for the interim. It bu now proven to be a poor economy to let the amaO reaervolr at 16th and Monrovia St. at&nd empty and in dlarepa.lr for the put ~ yean. It wu a1eo poor economy to abandon the !50,000 1&1- lon ~ h11h tank in the Monrovia Ave. water yard without replacln1 It.I capacity. All of th1a ii tnie in Ufht of time with hindalg'hl We muat however look ahead to the future. We muat take whatever reuonable meana are at hand now to augment th• .torap capacity of the city water •y.tem pendlq the creation of a new large ruervoir. Newport Beach .abould make it known now that thia city ia wlllins to "ro it alone" on the creation of the propoaed 1200 acre foot •torage ruervoir. U there la any queat.Jon -and none there baa been -on the part of th• Irvine Company u to the avallablllty of the 1tora1e reMrvoir aite, condemnation at the area aho\lld be undertaken at once .. No time abould be loet in an endeavor to work out or wra.nate throup an a,reement with other citlea of the Cout&l Munlclpel Water Diatrict tort.Mcrea- tion of the propoeed facWty. Newport Beach u a city will be called upon to pay the bill anyway u the Yaluation ot Newport Beach la approximately 50 per cent of total valuation ot th• ~ct. New- port Beach 1n tilM put baa alwaya beeri nelsb- bor and .1ta facilfUel in time of streu wo be avail- able to other dU. or the entire district. Tbere can be no qU.UOn, from any eource, u to th• adviablllty of p1n1q a 1tora1e area adequate for the futun. ACCOl"d1DI to ltudie. at hand, any 1Uch ltora.p mU8t M cm the aon.finea of th• lntn• Ra.ndl. TIM dty of Ntwp0rt Beach ahould today btsfn p,.....tlon of a bond call for creation ot th• f acWty -wait!n.r for no oae. • He Who Creates Beauty • Has Given Of His Best When a ·ID&Jl can dnote th• major porUan of hll ~ to brinlhll 801Dethlnl beaut.lfUl lnto the worM -be It a poem or a cla.alc book or a lovely melody or a pretty flower -, that ta a life well lptDt. 8ach a man ii W. C. MacDcmaM. Ntwpc:rl Beach park loreman, whom City Manager · Robut Shelton bu datrnated u being "peraonally reapou. ible tor many forward sttps in the beautification of thla community." Alter many yean ot bringing hi.a kind of beauty to local reaident.I and vlaltors, MacDonald la rettr- iDJ from city duty, effective July 31. We can only ay, "Thank you tor your contribution of beauty to Newport Beach, M.r. MacDonald," and add, "Well done.'' The Blood In Your Body . Can Save Other Lives It la bleued to pve, and when it is blood you give, that can be a bleuing to receive a lao. You have up until 1 p.m. today to viait the American Legion Hall in Co.ta Meaa and donate a pint of tbe ap- proximately dozen pinll you have ln your body. What you stve to the A.mtµ"ican Red Crou Blood- mobile today may ave a valuable human lite to- morrow. The roaJ of the A.naedcan Red Crou NaUon&ll blood prorram la to help provide blood and blood de.rlvativea for med!e&l Ule. without ~p for the product. to all the people ot the county who may need them, according to the Red CrOla booklet, ''The story of Blood." The only c09t to the s-tJent 1'I the fee charred by the hospital or physician in con- nection with adminiaterin1 the product.I. U you a.re healthy, Jive of your blood today; for aome other donor'• blood, ao reneroualy (iven, could be reaponaible for saving your lite tomorrow. . Grass Roots Opinion • • • PINE BLUFF, A.JU{., OQMMERClAL: "A.rou-1 and horrified at the Senate revelations of the black market In bt.bie., the A.meri~ public may be ex· pected to demand federal int.erwnUon. But the people •bould conaider well whether WuhiJllt.On blh.ucrat. can or abo\lld replace the devoted, loq· experienced workers Ot our religioua groups, local organiz.ationa and the •tat.e and local judiciary in thla 1peclally individuallz.ed field of human weltare.u TERRE HAUTE, IND., TRIBUNE STAR: "The great foundation on which free repreaent.atJve eov«nment rut.I w tree private enterpriae. Govern· ment ln buaineu eat.I away at that foundation." • SOU> CATA.UN.A. During h11 term of duU• Mc. J.1urrlfta eold Ca talina Ll1and fer 1200 000 al a aherttf a aale, a.nd later hf aoh'I the old Nad.au ; l TM~ budpt of 19M-M aho.,. on pa,. thst IDD!l.Y 'mJomly accumulatad wu IYi:D more tltetuJ11-.rmarbd ~ th• ~t dty comldl ln- Jier;t.td ~ be1DL Hen ta the verbla,. trom pap '5 ~ CAPIT~DIPR.OVDLENT nJND (Re-JjtaUon Pac1ftc !2ectric Tmainal r.c;ntt1-and ttlprcMmtat of Balbo& ud Newport Boalevvda). Wznjhct -~~fltntWtt5.'' T!ieil that nem ... Canie4 bato th.t propoeed bad&• at ttia ame amount and dubbed ·~ of Pac1fic Eleo- tric PtopertJ •• .$102,901..86." But benba &hw ~ becolU contueed. dl.ut- pt.ted and loet. One city eoaanctlman .... an sure wttla toque lD check, told ~ wt parchued Padftc J!1tcbtC Propertt With $10G; .. Tb&t .. p'1'tlaJly ~ 'ftl• Lota at utrutY fnmtlnr on Balboa BtJd.. l(djacent to the Qty Trailer Park. wert purchued ~ the ..caDld eaPb.:l tm~ mon1•. He:MlD tOo "aenuatect tbl dilb'Uat of the city ~IL • What auun.nee la then to the taxpayer that JI c:4J. councU wUl actuallf ·urmark and uae the ftmda leYJecl for a.ccumulatJoa iD th. capital outlay ... Mioout for iu purpow tn.taM;led n. $102,801.815 they tJiherttAM! ... not. WCM&lcl mot lt be better-for the COl1DCil to accwn, 1il&t.e t.be mMW under a n.oluUcm, or Wt.er ,..t u ~oC:al* ordJDUJCt IO at leut tu;p&Jll"I who9t 1aGDeJ la tabn C&A pt a Mariq JD court when cu. tod1al fUDda .... to ... dJ.ip&tAM!. Tb• 21 CIDt.I to bt &dcW oa the imenl tu rate t. a mmal1 ~ of fwuia to be aecumalat.d. Tb• cowicD bU included In their bu.diet CG pap %1 a W&nUat to cltllerui ihat the bale water ~ Iii to • W:aw.Md by one third or from $1.30 to $1.80 ii.bilmam.. Tb• bu<llet expadltuna an beMd m thil ~ But th1a ct>unctl wblch bu !teen 80 fi1volou.1 ;i;tth public money can chanp thla ftAm of apendi· tun a.n4 aplJs tha. .. no pan.nt. that monJ• wW tii .. hi' tM Pii! p •• t• wlddi ~ .,.. raiNc1. OilitalalY it la •11111 JJ to l'8lili f'8ifd9 for the :Mlllll• ot a WU. a• •n• la tali clj al Nftpolt ··-''tadf ......... . Iba..,. ..... " ... • a No...., .. Ollill9I ~ ..... ,... ..... -.. .......... .,... .. Clllllilflt ---.... ,. ,_ .. .. & • Our Trickle at End of Line Calls for Action N~ Beach la not the oOlY city in Oran&• Cou.ntJ tac1Df a critiea1 water abo~ Tbe ~ · polltan Water Dt.trlct hu eerv9Cl notb OJI all cltiea of th• county and of the dJltrict to comerve water a&ppllei and eurtail UM Whae'ftJ' poeCble Newport S.ch ud the commamlti• com~r the Coe.ltaJ Mu.D.icip&l Water D1atrict an lD a lll01'9 tenuoua aituation than Inland citiea however. The problem here la that w• an the end of the line. We cu oa.17 draw from. the lints of the IL. W. D. at th• CoUtal rue.rvolr in the Intne Hilla above Corona del Mar what water tricld• throuch after Yllve1 at Brea. 8&nta Ana. F\lllerton, Oran.re etcetera have spewn forth the vtta1 UquJd for UM there. Ma.DJ cltJa are in better ah.ape than Wt becauae they have mort'ltonie capacity. None however have • ~ ROtentlal •toraie. Tb Im.ne. Company ii in proceM ot preparinc their propoa1 to cities of the Couta1 Municipal Water Dlltrict for the creation In the Irvine Hiu., just Inland cl o.oaa clel Mar, a siant open storap la.le. Thia propoMld l'W'fYOir would hold when full 1200 acre feet otnter. Tbat Ia enoup waw to aupply tbe city bf Newport Beach for an enttr. aummer. Still th1a propoeed r.erYOir would not be too bl• althourb it would llold more water th&n the pl"Malt cowity rea- enoir at Bn&. Thia· community and the othel"I of th• Cout&l Diltrict would ltill bt dependent upon th• trickle of water at tbt end of the line. Were th1a new ,raervoir completed oow It probably could not be filled in a year. Kore than Ullely it will bt well beyond n~ 9\1.Dl• mer before the propomed nnr reeervoir could bt built and made operable. Therefore th• Qty of Newport Bet.ch mu.t crut. IOIDe other .torap f aclllty tor the bltaim. It hu now proven to bt a poor ecouomy to let tht 1mall rtMrVOtr at l&th and KOIU"O'\'ia St. lt&nd 11npty and In dlarepair for the put 2:5 years. It wu ablo poor economy to abandon tht :50,000 r&I- lon 1t4t1 h.lih tank in the Monrovia Ave. waUr yard without np1ac1q 1ta capacity. All of th1a la true in llsht of tJme wtth hlndaf&bt. We muat bowevu look ahead to the future. We muat ta.kt whatever reuonable mean.a are at hand DOW to &qmeJrt the ltoJ"&I' capacity of tht city water 8J'ltem ptndJDI the creation of a new larce re.rvolr. Newport Beach ahould make it known now that thJa city la wU.Uni to "ro it alone" on the creation of the propoeed 1200 acre foot 1torace reeervotr. If there la any qu.tion -and none the1'9 baa been -on the part of th• Irvin• Company .. to the ava.UabWty of the •torir• raervoir lite, coodemnation at the area •ho.id be undertaken at once. No time aboWd be la.t in an end.ea vor to work out or~~ aa .,....ment with other cltletl of the ~ Mumdpill Water Dl.atrict tor the cra.- tJon of the propoae4 fUlltt.y. Newport Beach u a dty will be calltcl upon to pay th• bill anyway u the' n.tuatloll ol Newport. BMe.b 1a approximat.ly :SO per cent of tOta1 fthlaticil of 0tht Coutal diatriet. Ntw- port BiMh l:n ttm. put bu alwa.Y'I been a sood nelJh- IMw ud tt. fadllUte tn time of ltrw would be avail- able to ~ CU-or th• entire di9trlct. Tbere can be no ~. from any 80\ll'ce, u to th• ach18ablllty ot p.l.n1Da a atorare are& adequate ffW tbe fvtlll'9. AcConl1q to .tudiea at hand. aay . llldl ..,...,. malt f>e • the oonttne. ot u;. lntn9 ..... Tiie dty al N~ Beach ahould todl.y btstn ~ of & baD:l Cllll for creation ot th• fadUty -nWaa for no ou. ' Wl8 a ·man cu dnot. the major portJGa cl hll Ute to brtnl!DI ~ bt&utlfuJ Into the worM -bt It a poem OI a clu.te book or a 10\'dy me1od1 or a prettJ t1oWft' --. that ii a life well lplDL ladl a aaa a W. C. KaeDresaM, Neaped Strange How The '1Jbcral" Mind Workl Beach park loreman. whom City Manager· Robert Shelton hu dealpated u being "pe~y re.pc>na- ible for many forward •~pa in the beautitication of th1a community." MW many years of bringinc h1I kind of be&uty to local reaidenta and viliton. MacDonald LI retlr- i.Dr from city duty, effective July Sl. We can only aay, "Thank you for your contribution of beauty to Newport Bea.ch. Mr. MacDonald," and add, "Well done." The Blood In Your Body . Can Save Other Lives It LI bleaed to pve, and wben ll la blood you live, that can be a bleail\I to reeelve alao. You have up until 7 p.m. today to vtait the American Lecfon Hall in Costa Meta and donate a pint of the ap- proximately dozen plnta you have in your body. What you lfw to tfie Amvfcan a.td Croa Blood- mobile tod&y may aa ve a valuable human life to- motTOW. The roa1 of the A.Dlfrican Red Croaa N&tionall blood prosram ii to belp JlrQvide blood and blood derlvative9 for medlca1 •, without chi.rs-for the product, to all the ~te o! tlle CGUnty who may need them. accordinr to the lled Cro9a booklet. ''The story of Blood." The only co« to the pat.lent la th• r .. charred by the h09pital or pbyaidan iD con- n.ctioa with adrninllterinl the product.a. If JOU a.re healthy, sfve of your blood today; for eome other donOr'I blood, IO JUler<>Ully pvcn, could be raponlible for avin1 your life tomorrow. • Grass Roots _Opinion • • • PINB BLUFF, AlUt. COMMERCIAL: ••A.roUIJed aDd horrified at the Senate reYelat.icm of the black ma.rbt ID behiea1 the Amttlc&i:l public ma1 be • pectecl cu 4tma.bd federal mterventJon. BUt uae people lbould conaider well whether WuhinstoD blhaucnta can or lhoo1d re~ th~ d~ tq- experialced worke1'9 ~ our relirtoua iroupe, Joc&l orpnilatlou and tlua ltate and local jw:liciary in thla 1pec1ally indlviduallud field of human weltare.N TERRE HAUTE, IND., TRIBUNE STAR: '-rhe anat foundation on which free repreHntative tovemment reatl LI free private euterprlae. Govun- mtnt in buainea eata away at that found.at.ion." • ' . . .. -..... . ' ... ... . : ... • • ... • .-. I • I \ f AVAZJ!D! rTI~ EASY, SO JNE)(. PtN"llVE. JO ~UQf JUN TO • Dl1"£JtAlN YOUR F1U IN A SKABT , SUPPER CLUB ~,,,.,.~cl'o!IM Dancing Every Night 11-. 1t1 .._ aur&L LA.N'J.ZESI DINNER SERVED ts p. m. ·w mi4afcbt OOCKTAILS -:-.-6 J>• m. 'til 2 a. m. 12 Noao Saturday I& Sunday Special Sunday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m • Oinaer Oinner " : t • <:. i . -•·.'. l .. '.1...a .... nJ M .z ' . " f ----• ~~1 ,;. .0": •' •"" •-c • (- ····I ..... ,.,. -~~11 :\~. . .... !' ~.,_ .. ~-~:·Li. c::::!li~ . ,~.;: ~ ..... ,; 0 ~ j r I I l1Jl'r ABBIVEDI I DO:I .... llllitllllN'r Oii ALnY"' I ------~ ...... ...., l!l!ok.o\f'"lr • • • __ ...,.. .> ~ ...... ""~"or; ... ..._ • .. . . -• • . --- •• ' . . • I~ by , ... iJJIJ ...... ·. I " • • ' t • ' ' . I· . • • • •• • .. ,~,. ' • I • I ••• ~ •• J 0 , , '. P~ ....... made ,_n.t. by P._it!Oft 4 wtll double Ciolf. forNU reca:Wn.W. oL &pet't ,.,~ .. ·--eMen oere:e Onlh& ""8 ... _...of ... "t' begMltiOllY --11oc1. .... ~... ~· ...ir.r .. CelllonilwP•-· . .... • ...... ~ • .. • "' ... • .r • e. .3 '• .. j, # ....... •I I I,~ I • I .• • • • ' 1, • ~-~ • . .:; ,, ' .t'" ·• I • j> r , I \ .-. i •1 (•' • . , I • •• • ~ '°" i" """'*"'r . ' I eAhuge--Oltox~farSloli,-...i .._. d4 lo ...... -,_ tox 1MordoA. • iMo .... lild .... "" ........ oR ..,,...,.._. lit..;;. dootl+ •. ~ ..... of:'""'°"°' ••i.,..cy. ' ' ' . . • .. • ... ¥" .... ............. • • ..._ a • , • .,. .. .. ~ \ .. l •• ..... ... ~ . . I . . . . . ! 6 '" ~ • .. • "' ~ • • •• --~~ ----·.--··-___ ,._ -----------:--- ----~ ... ... ilU. to ..... ftM&ol If ..... ., ---. .......,.....,._ . ., -~..-. . • • • .,_ •• d ,.U tlOI jell mt .. el~,,,...: ....... ..--"111-,.C.fll( SATU AY • ~ 1 ,;. 1 ~ ..... ..., ... , ,,.,... _ ... ..., ........ __ . _..._ ............ 1 .... ,.... ....... .... .......... ..-I • • • s, ........... J .. tl1: .! &YM 'SlT '5.99 ................. YWllHIDQI . '2.99 , • I YD .. COSTA MISA llt Pita Troctor Ttaller w/ateom lho¥tl 2nd Prize Pogo StJck; Stolhon 32 Gun; Copper Croft Kit; Stick Horse; Pfuto Pup; Cenvvlr PSone Kit. GllU ht Prtu Doll'• Strolllr; 2nd PriH Doll's Ironing Boa. rd; s.t ol Plaltic Tta Dilha; Nancy Ann Doll; Bot\k; Honct ~;Sand Toy Stt. I. I 1 • ~C\ve-±yrrell Weddmg Se.t . for December Harbor Girl to MSITy Son. of Pennsylvanians SEALARKING •· 87 olliN1I •(ID& J:DW.&&D UllTEB) SIDTB' C.piltrlllO ly tho S.. olf.n · · tloe fj011I of l"'!Ntilftt · · MfVicos at ...JOMble roteo. · • •• • , , ~ •I , 1• · CUT . ' r-·.:RATE • ' j I ,Jr.S:.: SIMI ANNUJCk ,..,_,,.,,. w .... et . Ree~ l!rlc• • • • F.ci.i. ... w_ .. •• C.price ·c.+o Tmtint 1MI .,;.r,.. ........ _,_, . .,. ·;: .. :·-·Al/CE .Of l • FilfE . GIFTS and 'PRIZES . ' <am DI' AJrD ..... ,,.... • • • JfO oai.te.lnollf. YOV DO MOT II.I.VS TO U ·~"!'O~.~ •• lit' PllZI L.A5t6E WING CHAIR z.41 Pim· · IOXWIN6 • ·MATTRESS 31'4 f'llZI . LA5t6E LAMP • • 4ttiltlttt Plrta ljAvnRlL PICTURE· 6 NIZU AS CONSOLATIONS NAUOAJllQS -·- HXVINS Ul4DD ----- • ·------. -; .. 1--''Wll Oool. ........ ft,.,•:• f .... -..... .,.. __ ., ... •11r,..11 -.......... ........_.,,....o?r\t. • > ' - ,, r . ' .. _ ":"' : ' 're. •• I 1901 lce .. ;MUl·Si.-Sense Mil .................... m.-......:. ~ • ............ ! ,.. ,,., ___ .. -... r,v'IUl"I ii ...... Jiii .... .,.,. I. ~ .. • ' • • ~ J ' , .. . .. • 1op Q11~(ify : f90tiC1 ... from · I .. ' . ' . ) au;.· I I Reg.11/ar · S#ocM . . ' ' v.1u .. to 7tc • yd.· _ . .._. __ I I ; I t • ·. . ·' . -• ·: •' .. ., :· .. '• .. : . .. .. ' i'. ' . • : .. " • e • t n . ~ tic .e , yl.• -.. ~~ .-Ll,..,_,lli v.iu ••.. to tt.4.t._a__yg, --·--·---= .... -:--. ls;~ni,1 . ' . . V. I B G I N J A '.S S IP ··~N.;STIT ...; ............. '-• • .... ~.,... .. ., • • M~ PAMPERED '5~ BLACK THUNDERBIRD MARGa 1 wrm. apt.. tu:ra.. wt~ ~ 1'..rq rMWil 181 mo. Newport H.tpta. LI 1-tMI. . _, I lPACIFIC ELiC1RIC u.B-H-1 .. - 1 1 • ~ UILWAT CO .. MIY I BllDltJ,d., I ..... J .... tuf. ' . -r:. . ' A$8WcL CbdWlie kac&U-lo. of IL W. GORDON · . .,.,...,,,.... ............ .,... • • · $800 · ~ ftOO or wtl! l ~ Local Arent le~ tor mu_,... at ltfe 1* • : ~ a.u.A0.4 BLVD. mo. P1toH l&*lt. FoN V.,.. l , no..: RAJUIOK C d•, Jl.v UN. • ~l , Cats · ·g · ·Kittens &aRjed . .. . ;. • ,,. t • ' ' . ' . • I . ~· ,\. ... .;· ."j ~u111 and i.a.. . -~ it ..... ' :' °"". EncloM4I ...... ' • • .... '·· ... • • . !"-•. . l KA THERINE SMITH ! 21052 l•gun• C<inyon Rood · 1 ., .. , :... . I • L•gu.,. S.•ch HY •It 4-1586 I Draperies \ ' .. '!. ' •• " ' . .. . -· . ' ... .. . . .. • .. : , ' , ' • ; • I?! '"' ~ ' . ~ 11.,J' .... ILIC IC.ALLY ' e Llf,US YOU *I n~ ... !.~• 111 ....... & g.11'71 e W& &\ft ~ WWIWI Nm IN TOWX e "Philco" . ~~=SIGN •189 95 •NOD -We'Wlll •s.-.&4• ~ J.illft._.. Ofter r_... .._. • AJq •ea• art • T.Y. i..: u. Pnw n. APPLIAICE CITY TO i ·. . . ;.:DO · YOU .. : .·KNOW . T~:r·· .. ~Jff .· ·,-: ~ · HIGH· RENT Rf SORT AREA · .. YOU CAN BUY A COSTA :.MESAf INE BEACH HOME for only. • • " I I • • .. 't• ~ • Rent the home~ to· 1'fiiints & p.otiet tit. profits lt or live there .yourself "& avoid bi!Jh rentals! ~ . \ ' . . . ' . • 1 ~ ~ ti'"' ST. -~r----H' r .......... -. - ......... • . .. ~ - Cash Moves You In Monthly payments •• low •• $79.50 .3· Bedrooms 2_ F-uH. ~ths • ,.:2 ('J .__. ~-Wli ~e . .,. we '&tend A Speeial Welcome ••• . . to Tour ,new-friend"' 1-·neighbon at Hellpot. Colllt fQ_ Olia.n Hou1t · . this weekend in the furnllhed · ·.· · moclel homes. - ' ANOTHER s. V. HUN'SAK.ER-At·ex STE-P~ DEVELOPMENT ' • ' • ... . The buildings on the cempus w~ll be started very soon. Plans are underway by the local architectural firm of Pleger, Blurock and Hougen. \ · When the school is completed it will b• paid for. No bonds hanging over to plague the next dozen generation•. . 1fhere will be a multitude of benefits easily discernable wh'en the new campus begins to take shape. Each cla11rodm or other facility will serve a double duty as it is built. Load will be taken off of the current school plant p,ermitting its bet- ter use. Each facility constructed at the school site in Cotta . Mesa will make it a more complete unit. It will permit the upgradinq of the entice secondary school system of • the Newport Harbor area. What better investment could the,. be theft the future of our children? What better investment coufef there be than . \ A • .. a -·· THE _12os w. aa11tOa ••• f • --- th·· utilization of this 70 •ere site which ltaa lain ICO• anCl:tu .. frM h\ Ftd ral Go~ernmeot hands • • tM ftCl1 W ~ War 117 • • -· • JI .,, -.... ' What gr•~•r progress can be 1hown y o rap ly hpandin9 Newport Harbor area than this 1re,t drive fi r encl into the future of.the community? 1 , . Newport Beech is a community t~t is enterjn9 its Gol~e.n Anniversary Year -but NeWP,ot.t~kKh ia • community with young ideas and young. co"ra9e to proiect its future into sound planning f~r the next half hundred years. Plans are being mad& for capital imprO¥ement by the City Council of Newport Beach and their budget will soon be finally adopted. You should fake part in your community by keeping informed on public ftappenin9s including not only schools but city council actions. Ordinarly the city councils of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa mMt on alternate Mondays. · Attend the meeting of your city council and' be amazed. You can also be amazed by the exceltent personnel and merchandise available in your local stores. All striving to serve you better and more completely so that your trip to your community merchant will continue to be • pleasure • Your business is the best buiine11 here •t home.· Your patronage of your local merchant permits him to a11ist you in • continuing coop• ative effort with you, your dub, schools anCI city for the growth and development or a.greeter Newport Harbor. er••· .Raio , Place 116 . , • --. rt ..... .. 't I \ ,, ' • • • • . ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-P~ FRIDAY, JULY 20, l996 • • ' ' •• ' f LOTS OF.ROOM -Burned out of home. this Me1dunf.;,.1y set up houielMping in /"°"nt•ins nert to stre•m nNr S.n ... C.rlol. • Mother •ntHether, witti ni .. 1ch;ld,..,,, slHp .O.benb of slrHm, w~sh .;,; ~·1 .weM ...d ~ .. ~ t. cl<y Oft bushes. RUSSIAN IMMIGRANT co.,,i. -Mr. end Mr1. 'Noliem S.beyoff of Russlen colony -r Gwd• lupo, pour IH from I 00.yHr-old S.mover wliicli bun stemp of Czensl royelty. llebeyoffs ume to Me1ico in 1905 wah I 04 other fomilies .. 1t.r fleeing Curilt 'Rus1i•. Only 22 femilies remain. I . .. t • ' -· ' READY TO IAKE -Adobe Oven of home in Ru11i•n oolooy -s...delupo ia.lot- spected. Oven Is used to heel entire house end cool mMh •nd is lit IT-. ..i••• . the house. Russiens hove eho built en eqpbe house for otMm betho. , QUINTAS PAPAGAYOS -Two miles norlhofEnwiocloisoneoftlieliMst.-io Meaico.. Known as the cotteg• colony, the "famity~· fMtures swin•1iug pool . Cler!., Melicen ..;..,..tor, wl ... for ..... $4000. "'~_,,., Olcl.....W. " HoMey l.llt ............ Old Mexlte eufGoo4, SUllOIVISION -Troe! of New Homes 90i119 up in e,;,.~. Mid modem touch to old Melico t-n. ..................... ~ ..... i.C. ....... • • ,. PART T.WO, PAGE 0 • • nada Trip Be olitan Flav-.. ................ --.a-.• .... -,, l"J • ,, • .. tM ........... -;::::~-........ a _.., ol ' I V I 'Pm ~ ... ... ......... , . ............... " __ _ -=~!-.::;:-~-r :r a u 11 -"""'""' ... " _...,_ ._ ...-.. tM --llaxmy no found Ill our tnu-pca-a Ulll O' -"98' Holiday oedan -Ille llilllr a .. -0.... el Newport Beodt. Tbla rm. auto, ..i111 lb,,,._.. -..a "'IPt, si ~.-to atm owr the laJPway. . .._... u. & tel u.c tbe -·th-ch s... ~ -a I tllo _. •to tbe llOioy , and colcirful tow. ..t • • • ni-., . • ' 'l'l)ooaa ........ lo the protot:rpe <I. f!Yf!r1 ..... .,... boiiler .__., __ ......... atanytlme. ~~ta~ at..._. wast •lac allollt. llt•i,. to the blare ot, mmie fl'Om ..,.. --,,. -• .,... .... the handmade huandleo. or ~ ., • .._ otfete4, at ODUDlm iltande. • ...._.. d l I a ..... • W. -.W M.•e at a-ditJui,. u- ....,, I ..-m ... tu11t Mn. 6er: tbe w prlmJttw ~· ,.. ..... ,.. ..... 1J u-. -clolh• wUlli.lq. fol Jill- ~ • ....... ..,_, i. doa• ln opu II:~ o-wn 7 • • a .. .-. ot aDd Ulen tlle l•l'lNflW .,.. WllOS nJ : ........... Mm--........ -but ~ .,..,. ~ ...... .... ., l .. .... lld ctwly rn..a,. , ..... • ... ... ... ..... One .... tried w oomtncl~ ..... lbat M wu ~ tbU. ua '8 m111 .,.,,. lllbi •Met.ion flf, a wtte. Be TMt .-., ..._ a .....,_.,.. me&ml'ld the vsJue lflll a womu, t..a. .a.. otztt" +4 ..,. .. ' be .-kl by whether .tMi wOIOd ...... ..,. -... ._. 40 out in tM ftaldli at fi ;30 In lllNllrsll ..-.:l&a 1teML tainou-lbe""momiJ\I' end wort!: wtth him u • ..._,. ......_,_ t• ..,.,. aw dark . .. ..... ... .... ........,. -1fe '-tit can'9 -......... ......................... t t. ., ... ~.It• a, .. bscela• *111111:..,. --· a.-.at ........... •l Qlillliaaij ..... ,,. e.. Jftii. --f/11 .... ,,, ....... ....,. ..-ta la .u lllldm. ~ .... .... MU' -..... I I • ftpap.J9"' .. SI ~•e' ._...,...,.._. n s. tM r-.. llOC-'I -ot Cz t ....... ~,-­ ... a r... ~t• -ua.i.1n1 --............. _ ......... .................. ~ ..... ., ...... Mmll. ..... .... -...... "' .,.. .... Be ...... _, .. ll&ria. ,._ ••r-.1 ---·· _......_at~eauen ....... uni.a ()O"\ .. --Lillie °""' ..... -3 q 0 ..... ta. -ti a.-,-.. -~. ... wt,. .......... ~ .... ,,. 0... -·-lnftl:UI ......... ......._.,..,ood --··" ..,. ...... ..... ~.-~., n ~· ear. TBK ,-C• ta lfO ... ac-.--.u.. ..._.-.,a paar•t• = h Wllat U.. Stcwll ctult is &es ..... T.-L &:arty u.. .... •1 .. _ -.:'• ---· - -...... tnp l• ...... ta. tt--. ~ at au~ -s.uw ...... "7 1• tamillu ....... ,...~~ u. .. _,...,"'. ................... kliealeot ...... ---,... ... ---•• --. ......... ,.nud .. .................. u.n.ctt ¥...._.._._,.ba$ut911 ·-.r._. ............. --Tm•• ffirtdln• ................ .._ ........ &.-.. a "'*-6e5' • ~ "'7 .. C'll ..... ....,. l'OCU. A, .... ~ ..... i.dm. aad uM ...... ._.. -'"' -°""" &a-cn9la d9llm el ..... D 9TILL I • o.1:7' 22 91 tllllt .......... ,. ... Olkio ,now It.~• &kNM _. & JltU. NDdl In • CM,Ja. Ha ..... .... -~ iu. borM. and 15 y_,. Un: ,..._, •nee he lut ~~nm-. u rnle aw.y . Arter •taylnc iwhlle at San c:ano,. •• he&dtd ~ whil• ~ teld lit ot ... l'.:n.aenadei WOlll&JI wbo died rfoC<nU,. •\ tb• ap of. 11&. Her "...,,. wu Da:i• Lina, and lhrouch her W• th• ...,warty '..uitld rele.UT<11 who H'l'lld _,. CQyamua l.A)l:e in Ian D&ero County. · WAI KEO ALL WAl' CTfr)' two ,..,.. W wou.ld 1-~ hn amaU adobti &lid walk &LI the .,.,. • kecpblc \.Cl tN bacll t.rau. and canyinc a Wank· el &Dd • un of food and coif•. .o-pi. ~ np1 of tMM ---~ lris-. ......... ,.. No fllMd otten ot ridM . .. r ,..,.. by u.. ••1."-. ~ ~.modern. S.., .&C. OUk. a CMln.et.or, It ~ • •uet w.inntlM'" "' Todo9 Sant.Oii Bay a.IMS a tract of 400 eaceilt!tll bomM wbkb wtll ~ for a.bout f4000 . TIUI., CDUpMd with I ~t p&aal to 1M cout:Neted MloW UM Mrder, will Mid .ia.t.ftiaDJ to Ute pro.perlty ol the towa. We Tlllllalll our old f'"'-d OU-. kla u.. Import.er, wt.o opent .. Lbe BUila BotaL N..ny LI tba lone" "*'Pr P'• .,,_ l.bOu· ...... ot 'Bouuw.-. ~ -liiNll tor UM ta-. ~ ta.II ft.lbtn&- -. "~-·~·-··· tt ..... Untt to beslD our ratun joYl'll.,., Rt i. ton we -.Id ~ t.o ftMNly .... O&llflDnl& _.. ,..._ •L A,t'Ua. caDentA: ttae. 'tnclr lO enjoy Ute ..,ort of kiap tram a~ la~ In UHi --::a ,....... llfcbUaJI-.. ' UM """"*'· wMre w• for a ~ tlUlpaellon by u. a. 1tcwder ruanlL ....... ... ~ our rwt. flfti II.Ip.. _,. l, to Mme. llOlHa-Of PANCHO .._ Hot .... S- H. 7 • .. """· of a.-.... ....... """ Chic. ..£1 11 ' ......... af tt. lete ~4nic.,. out. low , .... Vile. Oilco "'-......... ,_., liz -.. aJ.1-.. ..... L ... ~ •. .1 I . DREAM HOME CREATED FOR HALECREST . Perhape th1I IOrt of hou.e plan ,,ru capture J'OF f111CJ ID the MW eo.ta Kea . Campua r.tat& UFO'S; WON'T ~D~fiT : 'Shoot-to-Kiii' Saucers Toki e MUSIC u 1-1011 - • . ~ .. ., .. 11 ··l ~' lp¥nf:I! l ,,.~, F ·.v i '~v p ~'~ ' • ·OPEN SUNDAYS . • Friday Hites 'til Nine Shamel & White HARDWARE· NURSERY 410 !at 17th St: . Coda Mesa ··:::r.lc" ' '134 95 17 llill • TELEVlllOI · • ·. e NOlll -We -a.a-•·T y ....... ...,.., •• ' APPLIAllCE CITY Mrrr. Jack I. Quisenberry ................ .............. ~ ~.-. • ,,. "'hit It ..,,,, ,,,, .. ' ... ..., ... ,. ........ . ,..,. .• ---··------PAY-LESS .. THI FfNEST WASH LAmm&OIUT .. NSWl'O•'P BLVD. ( .............. S.pltal) THiODOR·E R'OBINS roua rom> ou.u:a UNCll tna -<ON IU.&IMD8 llDJI) • J100 V.". ~omt Hlthway-Newport a.di -Uberty a.3471 • DlllOOa.tt'Mll 'ftnlillNci.:..Left to rl(bt around Ille -of Iolond Lady: Beverly Joyce, Fullerton; -!flckm••, Calta -: Kary &polal4ful. • ~;J-• .MeQ9nn, C4o\& M-; Jlllfl. Dlf', .. : .A114 Lorna -. <>ran;.. Left to·r!Pt WITH CT.Nilf . . . . . . on the ...,.Pll':·Clarol Hod..-, Hunu.,toB llooeh; • Sandra Maclnt ynt, Newport Beaeh ; Joyw Holwt· IOD, w...-; Pal 811,yke, ud lf&rjorlo Dini, SU Cl.1m•t• . ~ .L~gb,ts; ~na(Je Get Shot · 1n . Ami • • T--r -~~ ' .. J ~....... ream.;, _,..__ =mi -···.:-....... ._ j ...::.......:...~ ...... ... .. .._::::.,: ........... ~ ... .. .. .. .. --.. ............ • • ............ d ,,,~ -. ... 1 a 1 ff~ M•l..1-l:t. ~ ... 7: Iii :; .. ~,.,..-.... ..... _ .. ~..:! .......... _:::;: =.~a'!:• 9.: --- C11i11 11 A._•1 . ~ au.. • te•·...,_ • . . J:C.XV.... I '~~!!~~~~~~!l~~~~~~~=..:~~~~~~~~~~r .... ·-·-It. . ~.•If a.mi , ,f J • I · POP'S • Ill --91!l?\ ... • A co i'ia JnQtion »ict will be GO~ 8'D~)' at 7: Cblirdl. t9Ul ana Weirt Bar Thll nua, taken bY Dr. Loul• Talbot on on• of ht1 mllstonary j011mey1, fl\/H the Jattet U • count of mlulonary wot1l tn Hons Kon1. UM only renYlninl territory on tb• m&lnland of Cb1n& whtre ChrtaUanlty may be Lesson-Sermon Stresses Truth and ·Its Power Tb; I.Aucn-Bennon on "Tnath" to M ~ In all CbrtlUan Bel- .nee cJwrel\e9 1ww1a1. polol.a °"t Mw UI• u.nd .. r9landinl of truUI h.. been U.. Jealr• tt au man- kind trom nrl,y BUil• t.lme•. Sol- omon coun.Mled In th• Old Tat- atMQt ( """'"'" n :aa). "Buy tb• truU\, and .tu It not; · aleo wt8dom. and lbultNctlon. &Dd un- dent.andinJ." • • oa~·~ JOYJJ to Ood, u f4v- •n ln the Oofden Tut from P-1ma (M :ll) • .,., •-r.ch m• thy W*)', 0 Lord; I wtU walk lJl thy tnith: unU. my hurt to r .. r Uly um ..... ' ' ~ BMu l'Adt 'dtcl&ttll " -acwic. and a.!~ with Kay to the ler1~" "A 1•nn ol lntlnlte Trwt1'. u.ap 'leul ta t1'e JrJ.a,.soa d ..-wn. l• t.M blfhtr ~ OD ~. wt It wQJ W be ~ an« ~id 1lllt.1l God 1\4 pre,.,., U.. eOti for the Mtd." Apia tht a.ya, -i"ruth hU Malltll •tfett. eveo w'ht1l ""'"~­M.17 uad~M.Oi:ld." (Pp. Sil, 1 ' ... pmisied in dti 1"'1)1 day. 6Jbtia1 trafti~ jhwa)'I unill hi 1~ j FmaJ11. be tried Metro ...,.owr. Maybe there's a Tomorrow. u. Metro aa'4 tbt Metro operator re~ drivi.q tcmiona and aonoy cOm!Oft&ble . • llW IDOOC'f ....... ... 11 ... ~ ... ,. il1.0WBU J'OB THE FAI& -A~ tlOwera crowlna la l>eda in front of the newly-returtUbeCJ tloWer J1!vlUon at the Oranp County Fairgrounda, frooi Jett, Jeannie McQueen. Costa Mesa; Ralph Mukey, fair director from Newport.Beach; Sandra ftlAL BUN -Ralph , llukey oc m' Channel Place, ooe of the directora of the OranJ9 C.ounty Fair, triee out the new 110,000 ent.ruice and turn- stile installation recently completed at the Colt.a Mesa fairgrounds. · ---- . With Young Methodists· EVANGELIST • • A s:ok>rei! pi~n picture entitled "Gateway to A.ala" will be aboWD hn~Y at 7 :80 p. m. at the Ftnt BaptUt To Start Church at Tent Meeting Series Mike Del\lhirtr wm !ttd • dl• ;-~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~;;;;;;:5:;=S~:5==;;;:;;=::;:;;;;;;;;;5;;;;;i;G cualon on "Wol"ld Pro~m.a" whtn the Mtthodt-1 Youth r.t- lowablp of Olrtat CllUrch by tht sea meet.a iuftday 1t e:ao p.m. . In tit• home· ot Jud~ Wall, 1'4Tl Church. l.Ni an.a Wat Balboa Boulevard. 'nllt f\lra, taken bY Dr. Lout. fT'Mly proclaunw. Wllh the c:on- • Talboi on one of ht• mt.Mtonary Unwed •dvancea of communiam J<~orerunner of the propoeed ~t.ral Bf.ptilt Church jourMy•. ,tvu tti. l&tfft ac-In th• Ortml. thi. c;entury-old at Anaheun will be a 1eriea of ev&ngeliatic meetinbe to be count of mia.lonary work tn BriUah colony bu ~me a etra-• Hons Kon1. the only rematnln1 te,.1c point II\ Par Eutern al· held nightly in a 3000-teat tent to be located at Gilbert territory on the ma.lnla.nd of fain. and Cresent Sta. Special use permit for the tent WU C'hlna Wbtre ChrtatianJt)' ma)' be The picture .bon crapblcally gT&Dled Monday by Anaheim City Council. Tbe church lhe pllfhl of the thouaandl of ...-.... t retu tt• who have fled t.o ~ w1U ~ C'onltn.i~ taler, at or paator for .nen.1 tm...,. -- Lesson·Sermon Stresses Truth and ·Its Power colo!y lo eacape communtat op-near tht tl'nl aite. church~, Dr. WeUa ent.red the pttulon aa well u that of the Dr Robert 0. Wella, ziaUonal· ev&nseaatic field and toured ex· to.000 tillttrate. P"•rty...tric1Ien ly famoua tv~u.t.; wttl ttrve ~naively In ma.nr ..Ueaa -' Uat boat peoplt who Inhabit the --u paalur-founder ot lh• new Vnlwcl ~ tel"I of Honr Kon1 Barbot'. At.a church and will be • cba.rp of He W1U ·~ lllC"hUy at 7•30 eeen u OrlV\taf ~tw• and ,... the MriH of meeUnc-a. ec.heduled durtnr the illll'Oduotory w f!JI 11(1on u portrayed la Uietr a1e-alfhtly At T:SO o'clOc:k. a.nd hla mlniatry I.ft An&Mlrn u4 old rMUioda tlldr Mtlonal 1'9--which wtll ~ ahortl7. be aaaiated by aolotat-eonil~ 'Iii; lANOO-Sermoe on ''Truth" ' • -..tat Ch lkl Uvata and lh .. tr LDclent art. Wt Ila "'111 rftll61 in Analwim Norman Nei.on and v• •-·· t~ M ..-At ln all r1aUan ~ Within lhu opm door of op. with hla wi fe Heltn and thl'ft accomp&nlst LN Barnett; enc• chur::= '°,!;'~~ portuntty, mlulo.-rl•. vi h o chJ1dnn "ho movtd hu e lhl• Tbe reneraJ public la lnvtlW how ::: ~ cl Ire J au m&11 tbtmaelvea were evacuated from week trom WM&ton. Ill.. whne to atlfmd the wrvtce1 tor whlch hu 1 n · l1 ~lbl• Ume• 8ol: ChJna. have not eaMd thelr work lh• evangeUat lid M&lnt.a.lned lhtr• la no admitt.anee ch&rJ•· :::!n ::~In~ THt· but have chc»en to ooaUnat their headquarttr• durl.q b.1a C&J'Hr ----------- 11'UQt. <f?'ft'Ua. ia:aa >. "Buy mlnlatry a monr the people of u an t vanieltat. uie truth, and ttll It not; . al.o Bonr Kone. Schook, ctn11die1, Oranttt county'• newest Jl&ftt>r W19d0m -.net lnattucUon. and un-dllnlca, are optraled to mMt the wu trained In Ult ~I pro-dentandtn~!' ' nee<S. of the thoUMnda ln the feulon but foraook a promian1 colony. aa well u an extemlve cal'ftr In nn&nce to a.ccept the Devt4'1t P"&~f to OOd, u f ftv· pro(Tlm for the dlstr1bullon of lua lucraUve catttr ot a mint-~ In the ,den Text rom Chrf1t1a.n UtnaluN! to counter· #\.tr Alt« ~vi.Ill •r.t4 Pl&lm.I (M :ll) •7., ''Teach me act widespread communlllt prop-· thy way. O JArd; I wt~ walk apnda. tn thy truth: untie my htart t.o --------__,,.-- t•r thy D.&me." Costa Mes'a First Baptist MU1' Babi' J:d4' • decl&rN In -.CUnq and BMlUl wU.h Ke,. to UM la'lpt ," ,. A ~.nn oi lnftblte ~. u.aata .... tJa t1'e kia,.SO. ot U&ven. l• UM On Swaday at the 11nt Bap- h!fhw·bc>P.t oo -.rtb, but It wflJ Ult Ch\U'd\ ~!1Col4•, the 1-~ 11114 "'11" VltD OOd J\ev. P. o. ~ will ban prep&ree lbe .oi1 for the IMC!." u 1\11 m~lnf sermGn top'.o Apia abe -..ya. -i'rulh hu a '°Th• tildd'n Perll of' lht Spirit-~ •ttet~ e¥eo Wl\n not ual" Speolal mu.-le by the Chan· ~1 Uhd,l"ltOdd.'' (Pp. Ml, J 52) eel Choir wlD • under the dt· m ttoti oC Ulla n-mln'atcr of nu4l OIVllCll 9P' QQUft mwrtc... Thomu N~a.n. ~ Sunday School connne1 at ~ ~~ ....,..,. Mell t :tl a.m. wtth ~ tor all ~ .... ,&;..,,~,:·(. "-~ qu. At l ;IO tM Baptilt Traln· .......,...._ ~ Vnlon m•ta. = ~ • t?JI :.:: The eVmillt' Mfflc9 wjll bef\n w::=;• ,_... ...., .... _ •• ,.,,._ at T:ao wtUl • ..aa ..rnce. tol· ~ .. --z 1:'91:! ~~· /::. ~ lowed by ~ mwdo and eer-....... te i'• ,. ... ..._'-..-mon. IW~ wpMI Will be "Pow· '~ :i~:.fll~ M!Mt,-' "'" "' ot Detknta" 'nil• 19 cont111-n... ,.._,.._ le ~"' """'" t. •tt•M uallon of a Mrt• on thll aut>-=:.,. °""" ..,.._. .... -... .......... ject. He ~isi.d in drivina his owa car tvciy day. ftabti.aa ~ed aueeta and bJabways until he ·~ pq top~. Fiaally, be tried Metro bwea. and his troubles ... owr. Mlyba thert•a a leuca here far you. Guest Pastor at B.I. Cliurch Th• Rev. Edpr J. Jl!vana. pu- t.or of retired mlnlatef'I for the Southern C&llfomJa -A.rtSW>na Coftference of ~ N•Ulodlat Chu~ wm be tD4 JU t ~­u at U. ll:IO and U a m. eervtc• 8u.9da~. at Ule Balboa Iala.nd Community C't.111rch. Kv&lll h .. aitr'fed U Q army cbapiaba. u CODL.-ct CY&llJ .. llat and baa held put.oral• tn Douctu. Ari& ; aan Dlqo. Baktrfleld, l:aJle Rock and Ecllo Park. Lf>-~· A»lalin& ln Ule lf't'Vtce will be Kn. Nora 'MlltA&IJy, orpAi.t.: Peter P'laJl.erty and ICetOl Soun. acolytes. Tb• putor of t.be clwrck. the Rn. Donald Q, Sapp. ia al camp Sky Ml9dowa. a ywlll camp near S.vm <>au • p~ del 8\lf. l'or Ju&t H . Ole meet inf ~ I been Ml tor OoodeU H-11 "'' w1ll te&t\ln a deb&t. Oil "JU:. vf'nlt. DellilqUtane)"' by lfeil Pu.r· 1 cell 11.nd Mlle• o.nllnJer. I Tbue aJld other comiAI' fVf'Dta , wtre p1&nned whM tM M. T . P. CountU met Joly 11. Wed"-1&Y ev9r\1JICll U. a- uaUy (iffl\ over by folll danclnf In a room of the thurcb educ. tlonaJ bufldtJ\J. T'b.J.a --the I rroup went, tnatad, to Norco for a ha)'ftde, accoml>&Jried "'1 I Wllda11 Tbomu and Mn& Bari Stoneback, CCJU]\Klor. Trinity Church Baptist Rites Tb• momlr\s worah.!p aerv(ct 1 ot Lb.e Uatbor Trinity B&ptlal 1 ChUTCh. held ID lbe tb~p ·I ot the Southern C&lllorn.:a Bible eo11e, •. will Main at 11 Lm. ,. '" I monl•s m ... &•. ef\UU•d "How Powtrtul la Ood." w\11 be J vtl\ by Bill A.ct.on. '"'9 choer. unckr th• dlrecUon of Gary M•nn. w1ll pre.at U.. ~them Sunday 8ch99l d.ueee tor all as• l'f'OUP9 wUI befta t.l t:•~ a.m.. ror lh• eval.lls Mr'Vlce. ti.. mu.a&f't by Mr. Acto&\ .W . '-· •How t.o C>tecem J'a.lM -r.dl· tnr .. It w1D &lao be a ~rtod ot qudllon and anawer Oft the Chrtatlan ute. ' n,,.. wUl k • prayer m .. t- lnr ~d · Blbl• 1tud1 eeaaSon Wtdnuday at T:SO p.m. Jl'rthy at 7 :30 p.m., the J'OWll ~Pl• wW b&ve . a ~ve dinner. · Tomouow. U11 Metro ICnic:e yourself. Let lbe Metro opentor rclin9 you of all thole driviq tem.ioas and a.n.ooyanca _,Ju ... be cOmfoitible . . save moacy .•. u\te your car .••• Mint Cht'f'rOlet taW ltrst, secomS and four of ttlt .Ja 11~ I a.ts itiOd stock car reterd by I run m1nuletCt Runnlna qalnat the hott.t competition ln the l&Dd, Cb~ won tbe Pilr• Peak climb. TJ'li1 ii unqlMltiouble proof of Ch•\t'tCNet'1 ~ rcrdobl~the ueura.ey of &JI-Rae. n.ria1, Ute IOli:ilty of ouiriaw ,.., ipriDp, the tnct.ioll ii bail••* ..itbt cl.Aibut.ion. There ii no sr-w t4ii1t of a ear'• ,_.. afwtJ qualitill th~ tM m. p k climb. Try it younelf, in UM car thit'awon the .. croWlt'' twice In a rowt r,tilleir Clleirro1e~ Co. NewportBe.dt • ~ 1000 W. Coast Hwy 1-1111 .. -~.. ~ •wcl" Mt ....... ..._. elf a 1t.,.. wi~ ,._ -+nll•. WMrillS ltMlf ~•tr ., · .'l'W'e ,,.-ue, cl ilCfllS Ula• _. • dllllt 19.a t.it •• ~ ... •W. ...... ,.. .....u.. .... lf dii .. , .. le4• • .Wt • .._.., ,.., -~ '1••" -lie i• t.lo• rlatrt eot .t ,._ ...,._ • !Im CU :a Pea au • • • aa. rw • • Cll ... ca... .......... ................ -..-......... a ··-'1 ....... • :.--·---~= -=•~ •· a ------... ........ ~ ......... - ::-i ... -:-... • 'As ·1 ,_ ............ 1';: ~ ........ ,. ....... , • I Hp--. -................ =---....... ...... -;::., '= .:r. .. ........ ... 11 LP Tllllf -George R. Autngbam, eo.ta lie.a, b:M to ret on the root of hil bouae to touch the top Of. hia 13-'ft. c&rd1naJ f\llchla, .reputed the lar(elt Jn tlle~BarbOr area. Can anyone ch~­ e11Jm1 -Stilft'l'bOto Noise Vol1me M1y E1~ F1ir li4get laci1g IP .. eov...-.1tt.ou. ~-wiua.u.-..._ It.am hbl• w1lb • l!wel'U 0.., J'rytr, WOU•,Jr. Ranp IOulb.hat~ J Couat&N. 1' 8t.oola. I Ta.bl .. ldmnl. Canon Veal l'u, • 81Jc!91:1ertric Toa.eter ·---•'l'>J --------------- add'I. llDe9 .J6 ea. f IJMe ...,_ U.. .!& -. ' ... ldd'I. liaee .IS .. SWIMMING f ...... lldd'L l1Dee .. .. ~1•1'-WUWA.tlawtU NOiin ii,, ••-LU... hi •d~ .... ..., Privete Instructions LI 8-106S llDIDH1K AD &a ' ~ ........... CARPENTRY KINO& u:P~-WOIUt 111Q J09 1'0C> IDU U. a.o..--.. 101• & .., .. ~ Jlal--........ our LICENBID Generel Contractor Rcmodelins -AddlUona .... ~ ,.._eana..~ F. N. JOHNSON u:x.lqtoD MTU Landte•P• 6erdenin9 L&wn • G&rden Xatnt:mulce RJRNITURE ~deltpd JC-.. ~ or ""fttfti.cl C. EVERm SMITH '11 ·' 1kJt Nt'llfllOl'l 8tildl ltll ... dlJt•ftCdlplldc Expert Remodeling Window Problem• Genenl~­work,, ~ VJCR~ ftl'.AIONABLI: HarllOl-W SEAMSTRESS DRICl'MUCJNQ &Dd .A.L'l'l:IU TJON8 ~ !:!!!!§ 8ervlcee 17~ ~x.a Com~lete Lawn Cere LIMV Mal UP" Girls ALL~=-~~ _G_A_R_D_EN1 __ N_6_•_nd- soW11 ~ ~~ WNi CLEAN-UP JOBS OJ' LI WW w ANTED ~2 LIBERTY 1-6139 PAINTING INTICIUOR -mxTllRJOll .u.&0 IU.IUNm P.u:N'l'INO LicmN&m> -IN8VR.l:D Glenn Johnston PAINTING nu. aol·l'llt It. NNport s-cb wt/U ll&rbor alTe fftto ---------- ----------LA.DY wa.nta d-., work. 11.U OOllPLETE PAINTING hr. Pbone ICl U011 att.r o 6 Paper Aeftlloa 811 tke p.m. Sip llUcmiQI o; U.OlfDm.a -alt.,.., a...,., ... llaftm ..,. tit PatiitlDc A ra~ We dO thit rirk oanel._ •. ,......,...oe 'lll It 6 ._..., .. ....,,.,. puut.Md. !Def•• 0.. Ot.D J.....S.. LI a..81 6 LI 8-6281 CAR~ENTER Repair: Work DoM Yom llome K ... ~ • ftemodeuqf oa.u rrui... &..rNrtJ MllM AU Worll Oaarantetct T4Ue FOFt RENT aw .. .._ .... onu.. PoUalMn. all t1'I* of ........ W'b..&ar """ .... BOYD'S HDWE. -W, 00.uT 8.JQBW._T ~ Nm Nwpt. 8cb. •ttc 6ENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR ODD IOD Ne jOb toe a. ot Nt· ...,. UMn6 ITU• GARDENING u a.1171 ... will •tart 1-1 Tlltsll•• Company CU'Mr9 tJdl ~ WW Yoo Be One of l"bem f r'UU P J. Y .U YOU L1l.Ut2't ~\~1Mr1ua -Opalap for - Telephone Open.fora ' -··-.:JO t.o • :IO 1J2 "• ftlrd But& AM P A.Cli'IC TELICPBOQ !!;=!!!S~!!J!l,t.A~W.~--.....:.'-Window•. -Floors. maeld.De __ .__--.... ___ __..__... __ cl MD~ and wu.ed. Call KI •R uwr• w..a tt It• Ip 6-lt4t. all• 5 p. m. lied ~t. laGDdlecMC. .......... Swedish Massage ta 1'e ......... Of tMCr' --,... eeJl ,. .,,.... ment. BatMr •TtCS. ~ COLD WAVE Nursery T reined etc. •11 VUla W. • M nrpeitt Beach. -.1 AUO. Mt. •SOO. Babf 8 • It. la"'1L .... Wao4. I claDdr-. 1 6 &. 10 a.na. • T p.pl. mt .... ..,._ a&ap. "-1 INT Or.-at:. llXPEJUZNCE.D NllabS. bUJ Ban J'raadMie. a&aW .... ... inter. cu ~ r.t~ •--pa1eDoe.---""......,;~..__ _ __;;;,..._*'1_ By hour. .. or •Mk. oou. TO ....ut wiua ~t LI .... lt. aao.o .._aw'll • _,. et *- tor ~ .t.~ llar. UH. -~ ,, ·-.-----·----· --·~ ·-· . -;~ ~ ·-·-• -··---· . . -.. . . . . .. ~ -· . •' ---. . . - • 0 ' ' - ' ~>6(jf ..,.. a .Replir:H 1t , ., .., t AM Tlre'cf Keeping It si.J.'..i Our .Price~ On it . ,i-;.~ c;.,,.. a &et Jt • lil~ . uBiltot.b"PUR!milmfc ·~ ~ TBZ ILNllU rbln.~ ,... .._,, WAAT m *>YI ._,ILD" • ()pm-"""" Wid., 1'11.. Sat; Dita 't8 t VJ:1'l1Ull8 .lllDUftllDli8 a m. 4TB . Rette11, Wrevght Iron, P•tlo Fumitllre Oompiete 11' c11iiil" of W.....,tit Inia hmlture.' BarbotUi~ -..ion, 1An _.., 04nl"" ~ ...,. u.i.r.a... l J &Ul}IQO DU,W ,PUPD and ~OPICAL '" i noor Covertn.p. BAS'Kl:Ts of ill lr:lud8 A Unomial Gilt It.•mo. . ._ .. , ~ Cenves end Aluminum .Awn_lngs. SANTA AN>.TENr I AwNiNG co. 18211 S. Main, Sonta Ana Kl ~ rre. Deliwry OPEN MONDAY 4llll J'IUD4Y NIGHTS TILL O • I , GU~ t.UTOilA'i!C WA.SHERS Bedroom 10 yr. • mal· HOUS&rin.. oi \«fJ'~-~ uu.. I.up t>fnln 0111Up, 11 •• plec• for uvmr Jtoara. It'• &U Hard !tock .._ 11&1t4i. Rubbed l1A1ah. All .... to. DN1. to $U1 .52. CUii or hf pal7 tl.31 pt.r weu. 8au1U.'• J"\lndture ·r • c ~or 1 We.n.llouM -1011 &. J'lnt llN*t, Bula .Aa ... f'bou (kl T-6411 8tOl't U.OU--Monday \bnt Friday t :et to 1100 S.t• unlay t :OO LO t :OO 8111'.Mlat 11:00 to 15:00: .. , ( .; .' • • • I ; " 1!f11*"* J:""IM'll• f ' JUI. llO, I • ---- e Got a Boat? -NEWllOlT BEACH rr .A.IM'T MO CU'ID u4 n. "n.. 6'9 I ....._ U4 .. /l -o.&a .... -..... •'t .. 8-q ..... , .... 1wJ ................ -:::.~ ...... m .... .... '" """""' l';o ::~ ........... -... . e&tif6t'.... 1 1.....,., ·1 ''f\Tl ..._C,,-''--'°" J"IM. NI fib trT~~ -*It Ud Juiip .. A t -.... :; ".l;i~~ 1:i.~if-....... e E. Side Coste Me~ , i • .. Ol'IJ.11 U0,000. dlt • . Owner mUM. ..U ... , I .Wnn:;; AJ.ilf.OllT ~~ p~ home nt&r .,,.,.., .. ". °'*~ Al • f ~ I ~I ... dr'ptiL ,.Uo. ....... ~: leectt ~ .• Inc. att and ~ :. u.b6W 1~ an,.nt. ____ A*Ula ~: _ UAlJl'Olt8 111,000. -lltlunu~ -·-.. ·-'$' c.it~ T ~ • '-1 ' e For Rent ::. It. ... Otdde9 OCMn J'O'I eo\akt a!molt throw . !• tt. W. Oo..-a atoot ba~t With opUoa to "'7. I btdftn;! w LM Jt,000. J bath home wtu1 ~; • floon.. 1100 per mo. .._ ...._ oraJclltpbaaeUa-.171• OC&AK ntONT tot full price wttb optto.n to...,. at 11a.aoo:· 1'llt ..... ·--·····-·-·-·-P,.500 . , • ..., ~ J¥!1ur , INOUSTRI •·:t.. Newport.Met• Reelty · I \ ~ r'\ ' 17" Newport Blwd .. eo.ta K• ltM.-lMi Mt.b-1i6; acn l"ROM 1 TO to ACRU. Front LI a.. 6'IOI. 1:¥ ... LI 1-7"7 i. tnft. .J.. au,ooo. tfOOO aeoae t.e tio.ooo ,... .,,., c.t ~~--•-· ' In CID tu ~ noor A make ~me oo ••t.er· ,_,..lf a ntU. bt.Gn• ~Id!:. B / B .... -· Dr +.-rs;-t ~ people an dola1 I -·-• -IL .-.na. Dldleu '42111. • '· · ______ .. _.., Sevtlf Islands Realty BACK BA y LOTS · llMI'...... a l••••tment Co. JCxcluolft Back ... , ............... ;:;;;;.;:==----·I •-~--~ lf...,..-t ~ oaw ~Lota."~ rwtnct COSTA MESA au:-:'=~~-...... llutllltl•la.Toa•dook; '~ · • -_, onl7MT&O, 115T Jt\ln.I Lane -ti.. With kit. of dcMt. •pact 0,000 -ruue tt.. lot. f\llly llld A eomplet.elJ' liuldK&p.. ftt>'"'1t ..... PalmU-, a, ncrnn. pond. A: lhnl.M ~ r• dbl. prwe If i-HO • earpellrll', ,,., A Ymetl&n bllnde • llf7 kltcben. with prbqe OMl • lote of ftOral'I }e • CO'ftred lanai. howll ~7 appobltmenl ~ jowud B. Law.on Oo. JI W. ltth BL, Colla Me9 l WUI OI' LI WJll .,,_ ' •om. 'C'· TllOlL\S 'C' TB0¥"8 · i CRESTUNE'l MOUNTAIN ' ~ESdltr ' . I -·oUTS'r'.ANbmo INCOMI: v~·-1 oampliet.ely tur- ni.hecfaput.mentl. • ..,,.iy dec:- Oftt4d. • ftAf rowtd rental' terraced Patio. room tor &ddl· Uoeal wait.I-PrkMd at ON· LT $11,000 wttlli terni.e. IN rAJLOUa CUJ'J' REA.L.TOR . All l....S.. Praent ...... ~·-'"' &ad t.BSOCU.TES enUal area.$;' down. 224 W. Co..ll HJ.c),.WQ' LI l-4627 ott beleDce trGm tDcom&. N'ewport BMch ananctna. A re&1 ""7 .,,,. rr 1001 ~ 'C' TllOlilS 'C' TllOlL\S I Mfe ,... • lph 'P,1_~a1key RBAµfOR ewport. B?Yd. Ha:r. 4.02 06od Home SO NICE TO COME HOME TO! • APPLE VALLEY TRADE WHAT AVIEW! ot Ocean and Bay from Ule lat. llYinl room picture Window o ' thie l.rnmM:Ulat.e, compMtely red.OONted • bedrwra, 1 \. be.th home, built around ILD .-n· clmed paUo wtlh outede bu· beq\le. Bul.Jt·ln r.nae A oven. v .. llimple iot A only PT ,000 Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc. R&ALTOR.8 117& Harbor Blvrd. Co.ta Meta. Callfomla Day or nlrbl pbone LI 1-7714 JUST LISTED A NJCIC I bdrm. home, ftnpl~ • Mrdwood floara, kwel7 bat..b, )OU of ldt.chen •pace, larsc Jot, beauutW17 l&odlceped. BUl'l'OUftded by equally nb borne. on quiet .trfflt, near Country C1ub. 4'4 ~ O.L Loan -Reuonable down • Won't tut at IU,TJO. I l I TRJPlE CHECKED USED TRUCKS. ,., 41 ca:svaot.ST ~ T. ,...i. Coupe.. 4t ST1.Jl)DAJ(l:R ~ 1'. Pkllup. U •1 u Cl(SVll()Lft' Vt T • .....a. u <DIC Mo T. Pkhp. o,s DODGI: !t T. Pickup. " roao ~ 1'. Pkkup. POf'do. . .-w.UG U.- 14 OMC !ii T. Pk:ku •• 41 GMC ,. T. It.Ht. 01 CllZVROLl:'J" 4 T. Pkkup. 04 CHZVl\OLl:T 4 T. P&dtup, Byctn-<-ma&.k trua. 61 roRD \.'.•. 1-T. C A O, Radio A-h•Ler. 60 OMC I T. COE. 14' alt.kl, 'I~ l :ZG tirH. DO 00001: 2 T. DWifji;T ~ 1:11 lirM.""""' Eigbta 53 CHJ:vROIZT IT. 00.S. tft·• 1NC!LU ,,. WB, I q>efld, 1:15 tu.. Hew SM u, flnt Hfore Miylnc' UJ l'J"UK( tyJN of, uMd truck u we have Marin the 'larf'Hl l.nd cleannt 1todc 1n Oranr• eo. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER hi • 11 It 4lh 8L S&llta Ana Truck Headquarten tor 0Rn1• Count7 '51 HUDSON Kornet • O'drt•• • Radio • B•t.er $449 MARK ~ DOWNING FORD - Hwy. n ., Pacltk co.at Hwy. HUNTIHOTON BEA.CH '55 Buick auper RiYi•ra Coupe Dyu.IJaw -Radio • Heater Pow• Bt.rin( • Brak• l:lectrle w~ -fi-Wa7 ••t Low Kil• -Llk• New SAVE $1400 TERRY'S BUICK 8lo<I< m Pl ..... BELLE REI 310 It 3rd LOA.NC STA Huntington Beach 5th at Walnut ,"'l I l,A,IJ9 qp ' U-!!:;'.~~ 1147 c~. '~l eon· ... ~-LI ·..,...,, -""" It POR ., ' . aw,.i• arJl!Mllle CllU\ a.,.. • ,, IS1N'ft1'(Q'l'Olf B&ACB ~ ""'""· Herbor 2117 Harbor . . ' • • ' SAIL oa Neffpor'\ S.y tn a Nevt - 14 ft. Sandpiper c\UI Nilboat. f6'$ inellld. d•cron Ail., .-01' ,blformauon 1top tn at 1431 W, Col.It Jlifh· way, Newport Beach or call Har 4271. , ~I STAR SAILBOAT UNDER f860 NO JOKE IT'S -OKE l'M BROKE SAVE$$$ f'•ctory mrect 14·tt. outl>Otrd1, $199 and up. ROBERT VAU· GHN • Co., 4.26 aotb IL, New- port Beach. atc•1 SAILBOAT CLEARANCE WUIU.JTZER &ltcitronJo planOI &om '311• hi It •t Di..q. l&lld or ker .. H A. .. M O ND O.R.OAN• all Modelt,, wondtJf~l chance to ~ .. -Sood Ued Hammond Orpn: &llo. • OD.._ onl,i, a ;tl&n¥nond Cord OtpA, hW"l'J' and ... J.lleM at one.. bl.a U Ylft&', SPIN17T Pl&no be&Uutw NM t Md ~ •ff ov.r1160. °" thlt. AMUwr barpln ICJ&&be Klrro-t,,. Spinet 1194. Kuf ~ ITMt buJL RENT Bammond lplaet <>rpa '10 a montb., wtt.h tr• i-na. SCHMIDT • PRILLlr'IJ ' idO P'U.NO~A.N 8TORJll, 520 N. "1ilain It., 8"'t& AA&. !:at. 1114, Open l'riday nJ,tlt& PORTA.Bl.II Zenith Tram-oc. llAlc. AU-wa•e radkt. Uk• new, new battery. Private pert,y. 171.00. CM be MeD at l&U W. Ooiut Jilahway., Newport Beach. AU$ • CHRYSLER.PLY 1200 W. Cout BJsltway UTH DEALER' LI WW ' OVER STOCKED The' A!llaiing AH New JA<iUAR r Hlgheot trado.lna available on all models lnclud· ing the new convertibles and coupea with automatle tn•111ill.ion. BANK TERMS WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS JACK HAUSKEN 1932 Harbor Blvd. GUNNA'R WATSON ea.ta we.a FL TINO DUTCIDCA.N, u-4 and new JNdIAN SCOUTS • nNN KtT8 • ROBERT VAUGHN 6 Co.. 42.) !Olb It., Newport Beach. 39Cfil Llberty 8-UIH 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOHN80N BA.BY GR.UfD Pl-SS-Do-C."'" Peta W-Auto. for Sale ANO A Beoch, uoallent CODdl· ::::=~~~~:!'"'~:.:::=----1 ;:::;:;:::~:;:.::;.:::;.:::: __ _ Boats DRY STORAGE uon. '"°· LL 1·7UI. a7c31 8Pl:ClAL.8 l'OR JULY! f f.to for new ptaam. New eke. orp..n., CW1 1611. f4,..N a •II. pull! a Wbl'IJU.r Orsu. ill 'JC4U hom&. J'ftU LElllONI lnchlded. 8a.n.ta Ana MU.SO,. Slt W. 17th; hOert.oa M\llU, 110 N. 8padra. We bU1° pl&nm LA..mbt:rt 6-026L Sldl.J .Knowlton Electronlca REG18T, BtUOtR.-PUPS tor M.le. 'wk& okt. CaU1.tlt-J tol p.m. Alt• I c.u Har. Ilk. tTtle - WE BUY Clean Cors Pa.Id For or Not 60c PER P'OOT. Crane II we.ye a vailable. Dally 6 WHken<b. 2t$I w. ~'Bllhw\J, LI 1-1141. lttlc TV ANTENNAS TOP DOlLARS • (C!-.r a.am -m OeJn) For '61a, '521, 'Mlt and 'M• lJ n-. uoo CARVZRCRAJT. Wtallld complete to 1our ..t: lt~ 16 h.Jlo. Mercury motor • .0.96 6 tn.lkr. All llke n.w, MA • -, 117 Diamond, 8. L Harttor LJ __ ._ •• _JOI_, --------' 1111-W. Stp 11 PT. BU\c:tlC!l\A.rl', 2 mercw:y, 7"% b.p. m.ton complete wtlb ..,1,.,eiit • t.rallet, ff21 ... ma>i.1 otter. call Har. 4024-W Kllowltoa. ElectroDica TV REPAlR after I p. m. or BaL II llbl. 6 PNTA.Ut Sk4J rA.STSERVJ.Cll._~ION4'8Lll -----------1 lkrrtCI ct.ill Ull I p.ID. 11 rr. THOMPSON, tlbt:rSl•ueci. "' ...., At.o trailer. Har. !40I or t05 -----------N. Ba7, Balboa lala.nd. atp Jfi IT, QIRJI CR..U'T medL pert. bul nM49 p&IJ'IL 11900. 8111 ter trade ror ear, property, aanllll boat °" T r J\lllet'lon. RADIO An7 \AW• modal npelnd $2.50 SMITH MOTORS LE 9.9333 102'1 Guden Gro .. .Bivd. , SEU YOUR CAA ""' PA.11>0 l'OR OR NOT KcCarUlJ Paya Moni lUO IL M.a1P Kl 2·S50'7 '56 FORD VB L..\mMr\ 5-206', Slpfil Inctudn ~ and labor 12· CARVER er_.tt ~.t " A~';.v ~iW>to Put Lane Ranch Wagon aquaplan•. Excenen.t condltioo 426 • ll8t. IL Bar. 6304 Fordomatlc, Radio, Hr:ater 1400 w. Ocee.n. J'ront. New· --------~7'"-Power Steering, Power pol'\ BMcb. Dp41 ACCORDION 8PECIAUI! Brakeo. Local tow Mile11se Two on11 120 Ma. accordlOlll A BAA.ND ,nt:\IV 8'l'ANl>ARD • wtth ealra •hlft.&. In perfect Car AR.ROW DlRECTJ.ON nNt>-condlUon. Tour choice flOO. a '.l VE ER wUl 1IYe )'OW' lart:l!I' type ConYenlMt temui at ~ 7M:bt .. prot...aout .. u.. IULU"l!:R8 (Bble• ll07) Sl tm "\>hM1. -.,id accurate riavt1at1oa tzl.fll N. Sycamore, B&nta Ana ..,.,. lofl&V dllt&Dcea. Gyro Pbon't Klmbcrlf ~7:! f rep.tar. O;impeualor, lD toot 1 _...:._...:._ ___ ...;_.._ __ .lbltt. Sl!ller&t.or. An fllOO. ill-JULY ORO.AN IPICIALI! M c rth I •tn&m•' tor UGO. Mr. 8mlth, On• tull 2 'mal'lual blOn.de elec· c a y s CJ.Anton T-llOI or P.O. BOil tronie Of'pn. wtth 21 Jl:edal• t O\, to. Puadena. ' llpf,O board. 8a'V9 lfiOO. Ocie lllnClt • 14 rr LYMAN ouliboard ikUt rnanu~ •IKtronlo orsan rea-' USED CARS • oil•a• -.01 UJ&r JlOfD LJ.ke 1).w (Of' J.580, l' -So ... I .I-Kl 2•3:507 Cort new J700, eao _.., ....._... On rnahoiany electronic nil#· ~ • -Uo•. runinlns Jtcht9. WW uo-• On H • S&nta Ana ~ PH. Owner Har 2fiMW. 1tt orsan. .. .,. f 200. • am -----------JIU:o mond •pl.net orsan. ••• 1116. -----------See our NSW Spinet orsaa lt rr. Teele Launch. "NADA". tor onl7 "90. J&f,.IO dt:ll.,.,.. Ort:J motor. Want f'alc:on part LI b • r a I lr&du. c:onvenlmt trade. ae. Ed RichardllOll, .term• at 1731 Bayside Drive. Har Mt. 88.AVJ:RS f&lnce 1'°') JTcSI 4.21·42! N. Sycamore:, Sabta Ana --------,--,.--1 Phone Kimberly 2--0872 2 BOATS. 1S% n . Outboera Onnr• County'• Orr•n Hdqtra. wttb ~ra. NMdA palnlln(. J36, ta n... e&llboat, open cabin. IW SPJNET SPECIA.Llf rt,.tna. Sound. Need8 .em• Rrntal retu1'n, lovel7 maple worlr.. 127~. 1400 Marcue (up-splntt -onJy 4 moot.Ni old. •t..lrll, Nwwport. • 37paH &lye JlOO. Beautltut Kimbdl 84-M .. lul, RodJo, T V REPOSSESSED maple like n"'°", Sa•• J2t3, at 8HAFER8 l8lnc. 1907) t21-423 N. Sycemore, Manta. Ana Phone KJmberly 2·ot'12 59 P.i".R.ROT tM .. ~ Very comical 21" Zenith ............. -.• .....$1 • tabulou• YOC1bul11.!Y 1200 1161 TABLE MODJr.L includee care. Ha.T, 0190. 3tc 21" Motorola ··-···-···-·$199 • t MO?\'TH oW1 Re.(11t1.red ,. e- ltH CONSOLE male lloi.:er. A.KC. F•WA with Grant W. Musick Y~ur Huclaon Dealer SALES and SERVIC)i: 268 H. -i... Anr•t. u Mt71 A.n&IMirn Utte '51 BUICK Dyna-no -Radio .. Beater $449 MARK · DOWNING FORD Hwy. It at Pactn. Cout Hwy. HUNTINGTON BEACH 21" WeaencboUM •.•. -.$l(ig whtte matitlnp. Liberty 1- .21" Trave~;"~':". ........ $159 _,.._._· ______ .... _,_,YOU WILL GET MAPLE CABINET JEAN HENRI MORE RELIANCE TV DoG"'·ruPiNG FOR YOUR CAR 2103 M. MAIN KJ 1-7100 17c3t Wnrk• In )"OQf' home. un.-vnu'"'-... n to J&tf T\leltli ... _..._, c.M. '1T11'5U ,,.,_ - ff-.... ,,. .. KA.Jf'DIOQ bla.c11 kitltn. Wh111 eyebrow., whi.kers. paWll, half Per9San, Wllnt.. 1ood homf>, I week• old, dl.IOWned bJ MOthl'r. C.U Har. 17at-J. Anchor Mtr. Co. lT• &. lTth L1 l-1.tlt COSTA MEI.A ""' 'H PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE. v-a • dr. llard·top 4 muntbli okt. Loaded with pow• r equlpme.nt. Low local lllilup, low do1fn p1~rm-t. •~ .... lrlH:t. lmm&C'UlU. inside and out. PrlYate partf, Har, ,'214il -IMMZDU Tll Dl:LIVDY ...._ n-Encllllh Ford. •o _.... per p1loo l lltO. ~ B.AUIK&H • WA.1'11QN •. ltSJ Barbor c:o.t& X.. J ...,, ';f9 HUDSON ' . Radio .. a..w $219 MARK DdWNING ' -· FORD . Hwy. at .. , Pactfte .CoMt HW')'. ,\ HUN'l'lNGTON BJ:A.CH &El.L w l,_. tOll' oldtt C&f,, "' '64 Metocury Monlf:HJ' har4top. ., New waw. RAH, COfttinutal .. k:IL 20,000 ml.... Very fG04 ~ ~no. 614 Mar(\M.r.tt.. CdM; Make otter. l'1clt, " 1941 CADILLAC CJub Coupe fL . RAdlo 6 heater, I MO. i..w: rnllu.p. Ol"lrtnaJ. OW!Mr. Odl • Har 2911 w, llptt '53 Bu ick CoaY. Buper Dynu'lo RAIL · . lUn7 otbv Gb'u, Beauutul ott-Wl'llte wlt.h blaek top. Only $1 ,395 TERRY'S · BUICK 5th at Walnut Huritincjton Beach lt~l Bl'.NOl:ft. MAl>8rm. eit: c:ellent CGDdlUon. NII -1400 W. Oceaa rr.t. NIWport Bach. ..,.1 1902 CA.I>I.LLA.C, t t. Ht ........ P:aeet. eeM. n..l ....... M\dt llell. a.t: •tt•. U"'"7 •~MOO. .... 1 'fit CHSVl\OLCI" .au• __. ft.AH. Cllllot ........ Dr11l•I condlUoa.. Jiu. U l.t•W. . - 'SO BUICK Dyna-Go • a.u. ...... $349 7 MARK DOWNING FORD dK· -... ,. ON· ,- • e Terrific LOcetioll 11 (1._.., __ ~ ....... ,... ....... ............. ..., .. .................... -. B/ B ., BACK BAY LOTS Exclmiln Back Bay a11M1t'"*'11 -.:.t&t.41 Lota." ~ ~ eel. All-utlUU. I&. Tour dloke only M71M>. WHAT AVIEW! ot Ocean and Ba1 tTOm U.. )St. llviDc f'OOm plctur. wtndow o · OU. lmmacuJate, eompleta.ly redeoonted ., bldrooftl. 1 \. b&UI. bome. bullt around an en- c~ paUo with outside bar- beque.. Bullt-ln ,_., A OYU. Fee •mple Jot II on1J PT,000 Bey & Beech Rlty., Inc. REALTORS 1171 Harbor BlYd. Coeta MM&. California Day or b.ICht ~·LI a.1714 JUST LISTED A NICE I bdrm.. horM, tlreplaoe, 27 hardwood floora, knr~J batb, lotll of ktt.c.Mn 1pac., Ja.rsc lot. beautuully Jam.ca.ped. Burro\lftded b7 equally nk>r homM oa quiet IU'Ml, n•r Country Club. fl \{ '>C. G.L Loan -Reuoaable down. Won't Jut at IU,700, "t _;. ~n Hardesty REALTOR ,.. Newport BlYd . = PhOft4I Bir( •TU Wn-~S,... ..... ... The Right Investment "-COllOIDCLU. LOI' 1bU7 on ~ lluy "'--U& ..., ltla It .. Oolta X-. u.J tor ..a . .......................... ..... °"" ..... ., ao.._ ~ ~ kUdiap on Jot.. WUl ~ ~ Oii IU:e or , .U.. M pbt.. LI M f M an.,- 1 or ........ u TRIPLE CHECKED • USED TRUCKS. W.W. WOODS SMC DEALER nl • 11 It 'U\ SL Santa An.a Truck He&dquarten for Oranc• County '55 Buick Super RJviara Coupe Dyn&flow -R.edio -H•ter Power Btftl'tne • Bra.ltu Electrie Wlndow1 -4--Way Seat Low MU• -Ltke Nsw SAVE $1400 TERRY'S BUICK B/ B Seven lslench Realty _ BACK BA y LOTS a laveatment Co. &Ol-Uacl It.. Mewport Bcb. Calif ICllcl\aalv. Back Bay 111.1MJri.lk>n Hi.r: -._, aftW • p.a. JW;AeT "'llatat. Loll." Blc"l1 ,_trlct- or Liberty WlU ed. AD utlliU• in. Your cbota · only 18750. -OUTST'ANDINO INC 0 M ll V AL\T&• -I CCDplietely f\lr• nlal\ed apartment&. newly dee· onted. J'9&f 1'0UDd rmtala, ~ pat.lo, room for add!· Uonal unit.-Pric'ed at ON- LY '16,000 wtt.b ~. '!€'' THOM~ REALTOR SO NICE TO OOME HOME TO! WHAT A VIEW! Of Oceu and &y from the llf' Uvtnc room picture window o th1-l.mmacu.late, compi.teJy rwdecont.ed • bedroom. 1 \. bath home. built around a.n en- cio.d patio wtt.b out.llick bar· beque. Bum-in rans• • o..., P'ee almple lot _'f onlY PT.000 Bey & Beach Rlty., Inc. Rlt'ALTOR8 1a1a Harbor Blvd. Coet& Meu. Califoml& Day or nlpt phone LI 1·7714 JUST LISTED A NICE S bdrm. hom .. flreplac., b&rdwood floora. lovely bat.JI. k>t9 of kitchen apace, tarsr lot. be&uutuUy landltUpe<I. Burrounded by equally nlor bomea on quiet lllnet, n .. r Country Club. • '4 'it O.L Loe.n -Rt-uonable down. Won't lut at 112.700. ,__ '°"AAf"· .... Fllr>\'r, JULY a, .. ' BAY ESCROW IS . , ... , t•I"'"'° ... •ff" EFFECTIVE MONDAY. ~LY1 ~--.• - WE Will ·BE IN oUR :ft\(mR.li.." ~··~I ~ ... • ' ....... f .. ..... .. -•• ~ t-"<• NEW OFFICES AT .1~~Yft ·~?~ '< HIC?HWA Y OPPOSITE. TH~ ..• Ali,BQA BAY CLUB. ·~· We ha" ouqro,ni our prtMbt1ocAtlon ln ~· del M&r, 80 ln order to lll"Ve the HartlOr ~ mor. e.ttlclenUy, we ar. movJ.as • to1 n,.....,mon •p&clou. quart.en 1n Newport r Beath. Jn. Une ' , with th.ii move we are Mt.dins to our atatf Mt. ' , ft · ·~ r '· /' I 'r ,. •• . .. . -·--t. • ,. . ' . • " ' ., • '. • " . ~·QP,en! mf&·p•~ . HARIOk BlW ... " 1 JU-., SW~tfl ef •Or~ul,. CM. c.1• '"''· ~ ·---.. · '"COSTA, :~~· ·: .. , • • l'I r, I \~• • .. • -.... _. • _,. .: l ,.) ... • 'r .II ...,,,•,, "4 )1 :-.J f i f t • I 1 • ,. ' cti~ . ~AIJTY' 1 , 3 3 .. , J;· ,~. ROmes . lif'ITllk l!Qld8 --,n.d•!O<'fuillloo I( . ~tmc lololb• 6 rf" I 1-,J ... ~Them Now Ope~ · D•ily & Sunday 1 o' a:m; 'Til Dirk , . . . J'E.U'UIUNll~ All J:loctrle G-1:. Kltebma with &ll:tlle ----3 ., c BEDRo<lx8 · FIRll!PU;CICS 1' .uat.Y llOOM .. . • • . ' --· I I • ' , .. .. .. . . .. Pat.rid< McGill u C:U.tomer Rel&tlono-Mu&rer-. :rat com• to u. with yean of .. e.-rf'ieAce in. th• roo1 ..tau. field U> help you' with your ·.:.en,,, and title prGbl11111. A.l8o oi:i hand to 1erve you l(on41¥ ""'"'111 will boa ' TILE Bll'Hll_. IClTCHll:NS Door Cl>-, r-t,A•._, lllxtn i.rfo·etooet Spaeo • \ A WONbl!RPUL .H'OME FOR ANY FAMILY ln·&.por!ect boaio Mulnc . .-to,boadi pl&)'ln>lllldo. elc,e·U> major 1- -. aclaoola, ~w;elioo ... modft ohopplq -i- ICd"'Cl>le!" Jordan, Euc:utlvt Vlco ~t Jaoquellno A. Block )Iara IluDlop Doo Doo MutMo BAY ESCROW CO., . INC. l~OO W. Coest Hiwey Liberty S..9311 ' OCEAN FRONT HZ.AR Newport Pier. Tou wW --------------------------------------! Wte um moden.IMd I bdra. llome <With litl&Ul an6 MU,-al8o rarb&p dllpoal and forced a.Ir hMtift&', ~b1411 ru .. ·lu'r• lot, Wi lli •J>&Ce for anotll1r W\lt. J:.Z.. dl7Wa Pl.J1Dlllt and t1rm .. ATIENTION Loftly larc• 2·bd.rm. home on e6 x 110 lot with portlal ....., A boy view. In l1neot Newport BeiPto ana. NOT A. LEASEHOLD. Owner muot lllOft out of f.own. M not preMed for cub. Will acceptcood. i.t 'mat Deed uall or put of down pt.pntJ1t. Excellent t~ finan.ctns . We have key &114 will obow by appointment. Price $19,llOO .. A DANDY BEACH HOUSE . 125 ftet: ifrom the •Pll'klinc blu• ocean, be&utiful beach. 2 bdrm. turn. home, 2-«r pnp. Lot 2:5 lty 90, ~2 aone. Paved patio: V&c&nt. We have • ay.,Drivt ~y ond -'at 108 • 3lot .• Newport Bch. Prlco $11,ij()O -Torma. Attractive 1'Ultic duplex. Lido .ection. $24,000. ROBERT V. BROSE, :REAL'l'.OR 1i20 W. Balboa Blvd., N-rt lie&<:h Harbor t072 or Harbor 4183 A.uoci&U. Ch&tlotU. B. Robinoon 39cil FAMOUS CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE 7 daya a week 212 Kiop Road lleo 1hil Contemporary llome with 3 bdnna., 2 "'11 liat.U, dlninf ...... and brfflt!ut area. At· tra.c:itre double fireplace, patio and many other exclwin appointmenta. Wall to wall carpetinr ud &bon all A VIEW HOME. EARL W. STANLEY, 'Realtor 15th end !nine -U 8-:zeM ~ J'nd B&rbr LI Me21, Stu LeLlevro LI g. 70M NON-VETS! SM Cuh move. you in Full Price Sl0,8'1.i 3 .B~d..,oms """.' .2 ,Betha -·2-Cer ,G!fr•g• " , Costa ; Mesa . .. .. ' . _, . ' ' ' -~:U-N:~tt.1-.N E.,. .~ BEACH HOMES : . . . ' -. MONTHLY' PATMENTS L1CSS .l'HAN RENT ' . ' ' WIJ..,Sq~. •J>UCEHTlA.1•) 1 Furl)islied !'viodJ~ Open Daily .. 5 Minut11 from the Ocean Near ·sche>ols &·Work CX>ST ~ MESA SUNSHINE Bl!JACH HOMES' orim .. ; J'ront or rear livtn1 room.. • Plenty ot cloeeta. DiniAI space in kitchen. • .(() pl water he&ten . NaturaI birch cahlnoto e Confetti tJle in Jdtch- ena • Maticork tloort • · Wood 1Udin1 win- dow• • 6,000 .q. tt. Iote • Roe&: roora. Aluminum 8Crlelll. ANOTllER•S. V .. HUNSAKER, ALEX STEPT DEVELOl'llJdtr . BALBOA ISLAND HUN\T! S.. Ulil!! J~ re- duced to UT,000, I bdrm-., 1 bath8 plWI JU' ... • apt. fUl'- aJ.th41d. hnM. $1750 'Down I bdrm:, nearly Mw. Completel.Y f.ncMI., ~~I alOI lawa t'rmll and nu. All lmpNYe- meftta in a1\d ,atd .. °"'7 sato per mentla · tDtlwdlnl t&XM. FUii prtce' •10,Me. l)()(EDIATE P08SESSION Nl'W t bdrm ..................... dow1' ru11-,~·ai-o,f.M New I bdrm.. ·······~-.fllll do'Wn run pm. 111.NO N-f. bdrm. •·-·····-·•:UOO .,.:.,,. ruu pnc. •u.HO ------------------------------,-~-------I bdm\., I )TL oV lllOt doW'a. OPEN Hol ISE BAYllHORES run ,.,,. 111.000 v BILL'S BEST BUYS ~100 ISLE e-2 1111 'IWUll -fOO V ... ...,.. ' .. r., .... IMa•t. ,..U.., ,pl_,-' ' 50 tl ltO l'.ut 1TUl 8t. ,., PRlCE S 11 ;950 TO ·$ 16,tSO ' Monthly PaymenU. $10!! U> SW V .A. l · F.H.A. TERMS MURRAY SANDERS ' . DEVELOPERS l BUILDERS WALKER · & LEE, Sales ·Agents Phone · Kl 5-4341 You Wflf Like IR.YINfi TERRACE N•w Fvrnish•d "Homel by Mecco" OPEN" EVENINGS . UNTIL 9 :00 p .M. lnt•rion by Martin l . Von H•m~it ·8..utitw ho;_ In tho ,u....tJ-.tloe ' . . . . ' . Pr!-!rOlii 'S21.000 to $it00)' . . . . I. . • . ' Your tnoi>ectJon It reopoottully llOllCHW EAAL W. STANLEY; Realtor ·EXCLIJ!ivi: AGENTI! • J. .. • OD Hl~7.101, New.port ·~r. 1oppoolt.' ..., ~ .. C<!o.11 !)ountl')' Clu11-~bor ...a. B/ 8 BAY. . FltP~ -EXCW$!VE - Bay· Ave. c bedroomo. a hatlw. Furiilallecl ll )'Mrs old. $79,500 -Torma. LIDO c Bedroom ·homo oa co toot lot. Ci.ipeted. Bllllt-in Rup. South Patio. ·Wind fo< ~v. m ,llOO -Tennl. BALBOA 200 !oet to -hay --2 -·h-on il-2 lot.. Room· tor addltlaa&i unit. Ull,oOo .:..,: Termo TOP QUALITY, ·LOW PRICE ' MdrmA ~ ,......, """ plMe, ...... ,.,... COia~ teelld. ~•ACK SA,. u'L 'l4i" · '-a.0 b c.r bu7 at IU ..... • • • WHY · PAY RENT7 .JUIT uaTJIO,. I ...atn. bom~ '4-1 ~ ........... •11'7. .-.-........... dotolL •1000 •.,,.,,.[ .. :fl ,. mo. .. . 1'.P . N'llO. • 3 • . . .• . . . -· I J I • . ' \ ·. ·-. oPEN HOl;IS.e: . ' SQl,lfh qf ·H,'iw1y : . " . . ()pea. ~ ,,..,... ~ tut. boee. 8'owMll HERE'S A GOOD ONE -NEW (Bott.it 1pot ta l.O'ft) &XCaP'I' .. ......., .llMtpld. Aaldnr .... &<IO Good ..., nplacemlftt 0-C.. UHacr,. ' BDRlU., I MU.. Oft Tr .... ,. $15,000 °"' ......... ,., o.ta1"-' - 10S ill OM o1 lite 91&1t!t tmna. ft,, 1 , Wrma .• flnplaol, •PM" frOrit Jot. OomPillll7 f'u:milh· Thie 1"Na't•lut. •·lilun)' . ,~ .........,;.,._•. • ....... iii:;-- la .a..... ... ',...._,~ ..... ...... ......,.. ............ V.... .. i.a.. W ' ·tor I a. It.. ll. Nth, J,p, U at.e •rtice porelrl and a p&Ue ed and ru.'7 for lmme<11ar1 We have a 1Bedroomfada28edroOra1ID----~ -w\liil. I • 1 lrooru,. I Mu.. ............ ,., . ,•,·,rm..,.. ..,..·tttat'• thl _:_hilt. a.oi.~ OOttU~ey. · PriCld to ..n C UD.funlilbed aputmeat oe the poblt for U•. ~ ~~~ ............. a ~ t...u7 ,..., I tat ..... -"' ... -··----·· ' ....tJHe )oeauc,;::juat lll.600 -!:'~ ! ... to quaUfild. taaota. ' ' *-CIMd't. '-r .......... --• _,. ..... ., BACK BAY _,,. 'U<Ollont torm• Lid C ED JONES Rltr -'-W-' •, -=·~ .... ":~.:.!!;...~..._....__..,_YI&_..,,......,... 11mTHrs ---...:_o orner _ --~ .'u~ Bay & Beach Re1lty, Inc,,_· Rffr, •.... ":..~";;~..,:::. ,..,. ........ ,_ ... \Ma poal. ------·-IU.500 HAJU>-t"O-OCT I '*"'-I Mth, 1'5o w Balboe. Bl'td s.iboa ~UM' Wr&J. • • • T -·- ........ _ 1 -.-bill.lit. --...t KW J'our bdnu.., two be.th. quiet °" a tar,.. bWde C01'1W!r Jet. SPEC · 0• ~ • ..---. J bcljo .U..t. ~· CO-red .Own.ft' leavtw area and want.ti IA-tr-. • I Eva J4r'Mr 4.125 F.itzm9frii· ~ :~ ~ H d ·sty nn. ••·----· .. ··--·-·-•-•at.• paU.. ftiel laWll, n.iCr IOltOoL ~ .. •*k 4.U &t-Ut.llOO. lft• • • I -' • • 'Q;O. _..,., If": I -------,----...... I 8 .PL hou• l"-ty~t.\1111 . . . . r , ~ .-...,_.' . 8HOAIDCLDT8 I Ill. r .. ffn. lral\lpOrtaHOa and llh<rpptq; dude• Timf. and lrtO'ft. • .t. llftr~ .apt. • oC1-a llMI• el ~ :Col ZQMS_ -: -8A'CI( . BiAY ~ *&il..TGll ~ • -~ Mau ·---ft-1,500 ~~."!"',,..,_ '° ......,._,_... 'O.Nl.T moo DOWN Hwy., CdlL l1TA06. , ,_!. -•T:.. rr._~.,,..~-... \ .Bl~ 1!'! J • .... .... ewt;•s'•., "..._ --4111 OCL\N noNT ......,., ,.,,... ..... """ ... • Duncan Hardesty. ittmorns R ;· 00'. "'°" ·•' .-. • '""· '""" · --~-' '· · ' · • ? ~ .. W"'!_ .. -....... -~-.._,, •• J'Ull .flidCt •11.tOO &\ r· . !!1.;.., . . ·':' _ -·y --. Olni$ .......... ...:. . ....._ -l1U --'-------1 ..... . ' . DUMCo\lf~,_,.c.oo--.. "'---· 'OWN""'S"'L .. •L..:..e Nwpt. Hts. W A. TOBIAS ft&ALTOR lt&ALTOR m l/IW''CS .... ..., 41•& ""' • -. -._ -• • -a:. ' • ..n-Cl . v H . 2tOI N""1'Qrt BZYd., Npt. ~ llSO &. Oeut. RJP-7 ~ I ~ft • 0. 1 'Ji lleO.. JfCW I ·~ ·ilKMl'U. ,.,, , .....,. ,. ..._ 191 iiat1r1. awe an om ,a.a.u.'l,'O•-HutNw "111 , 0oroaa ,., x., -·lllr.'tl6t ..., .. tbnNo .AJ..L nm .· ,..._ ...... ....._,-;-11• .... n. ~ ....... ,... -. wa1 w oa. "" llllbft& _., ,..,..... llltil'l'Oft ··1911·u llkl .ur trt_.,. •nice'' BO•ft oo .. sr ... · .._ t.. •PJlll' l ''t• ~ .,.. _,..._ ~ ..,...,.. ,. .. llilM.'•tra"" ...... rri 1 w. Oout: RWJ'. u MITT "°° •.• l~~c:-a..... ...... OIL HOT 1IPOT N ........... Altad......;. C:..:row ~ .. Did. 'MAil: ·, ...... te I llid:., IMM ....... t'.'Jlitlii ...................... ,.. 11.....,. ~·AU. NOi, ---~ ...._ 11Ur. A. OUn. ~ 'VII",.. l;M; a.ell. .., ud ..,.. ll&Ut--: ~,C.ta "-.. •eMe IN tic.t ·-~ r«IW ....... II ftM9. ITIOI lhrM:tl. All mlHnl 11Chte *1 1Caeta M-. oftkll) I .... ~ llU ~· t , "Qftl( ON ~"DA· call U ......... Jw K'IMIA&a .... r1, Pl,.iOO. ow...-NMin; ... llilful 110 Mtntone OPEN. HOU&&, UO, llUl'n'ONS N.-.t well 1 i.Ut. Pnff. reu. JU-A&. llUr. lk.. LI..... ..9\. ...... l• ,._ ~ • l.&ILIP ..... U 11.C ......... l-6111. ... aL l:20~ '1ac*. u.....,., ttt ~ ..,. 0w ... tOfi llh·•t.. a a. ,..... Jacft u.u.. Hartt.r 1a1~w. .....,... atat 1 ea.. >1.... • ... ' . ----• • --4• -----· ··--.. -· • • --·- ! YOtrVE SEEN THE iBt • • I µoo OFFICE VOGEL v ALUES LIDO ISLE ROOM ll'OR POOL 3 bdrm. 2 bath., lot ~ z 88 -price ~000 2 bdrm. 2 bath9, lot~ x 88 -pm. ____.Ja'l,GO() 4 bdrm. 3 batb9, Jot 50 x 88 -price PD.GOO • 4 bdrm. 2 1/z bat.ha, Jot 80 x $8-.priu-M2.!00 3 bdrm. & den, 3 bat.ha, lot 67 x 88 -. ptice -"8~ LIDO RENTALS 2 bdrm. apt. -ProvtncW furn. July '-5 to Sept 15 2 bdrm. apt. - 1 ~ bath.I for AuPJt -~. Furn. 31txlrm., 2 bath home avail..S.pt._ 5th. LoY..e- ly patio, TV, W to W carpeta. Winter Jeue, $22:S. per mo. Yearly $2M. inc. ~ardener. EMERAl..D BAY lS bdrm., • bath, Ocean view, sandy beach. ldtal .family home. Full price '57,500 or will leue with • option at $'°° per month: $200. to apply to purchue price. 'BAYSHORES Aug. renW, 4 bdrma., 4 bath, Jee. enelo.ed pat.lo. $1200. PENINSULA. 4 bdrm.a., 3 bath.I, lge. encloeed patio. $750. mon'th' o? AU,. · For the above propertlea - PHONE MARBOR ~97 1 · .. · . . VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFIC~ 3416 Via Lido Eves.: Har. 3630-J, Har. 5179, Har. 514..2 Vogel Co. Business Opportunities * "(( * Highway Cate -.eat.a ~. Right on HJWY 101. · $6500 full price a.nd "32:5() handles. Bakery eat.a.blf.ahed '3 yean ume location. Hirh gross. $9100 handle&. Variety 1tore-Buay 1ummer met:-0n &bud. G'ood leue. Top location. See t.hta today. For these and other buaineu opportunitiea call TH E VOGEL . CO., MA IN OFFICE .. 3201 W. Cout Jlighway Newport Be&ch UBERTY. 8-3481 .~ DWNERS TRADE-IN -TRADE-IN Try our trade in plan. We ca.n get you from where you are to where you want to be. Let US 1how you bow it can be done. · Propertlta ~1ted btlow a.re amonc thote n hue liated for trade. CLIFF HA VEN -Homey 3 BR-hwd. fin, redecorated -attractiw: -executive nei&bbor- hood at everyday price1: You t oo can OWN GOOD INCOME. We have duplexes-triplex~ and a quad. AU priced rl&ht le bringtn1 g~ income. Let U1 ahow you. Harbor Blvd ... Bu1ineu frontage 117' only '15' fn>m 19th 1~t. pavec:f alley. ~ buatneu location left in town. 100' frontap farther out. 2 other good locations on Harbor. Santa Ana Hgt.a. 3 B. R., dbl. pr. -top condi.Uon $13.500. See thil and make offer. $6CWlO will buy a ah&rp modern 1 B. R. • • $69'J dairn will buy a good 3 B. R. .. t::a.U ua !or aetall1 -We shall be pleued ' to answer-aay queatiooa.. .MAX W. POPE, Realt or ... -: Balboa Island Office Vogel Values * -ti * * -ti · ~THER "BIG WEEK"' FOR BUYERS ~T IALIO~ ISl.ANtJ 3 bedrooma S bedrooma I i..tn w 1 522..600 sz.ooo auoo We haft tun11lbed or~. with two bat.ha, In ncellmt beach )OcmtioM. llumt be Mf'll to be •pprecJ.ated. Come In today. SPLENDID BEACON BAY, TWO UNIT BUY A IC&l'Oe item -3 bdrm., 2 bath home, and complete 1 bdnn. apt. 1llllt. ~ MW available to qualified buyen, Bar kltchent, cood h•ttnc, .. ot tDe, ud dbl pnp. Complete tum. Price $38~ wi~ 1ood termt. F.or the above de11eribed properties - PHONE HARBOR '1014 VOGEL CO .BALBOA ISLAND OFFICE 208 Karine Ave. Evel: Har. 3629, Har. U&R MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES PANORAMIC VIEW ot harbar and ocean from thla outstanding buy in Newpcwt BelPta. reatww I 1u's9 airy bedrooma, and cozy den with built-in Ba.r-B~ CODftllimt ~ din. na. brfP1 cheery, Jdtthen with all the buJ.lt·ina, 1 ~ well located bat.ha. gl•mmc oak noon. ad the most desirable forced air heatfq-Now her.'1 the punch liDe, "'you can· bay all th1a for only f22,600 if you call ua today for an appointmmt. HERE'S A GOOD ONE IN NEWPORt N"-f' new Ja.rre modern 3 bedroom home on e5 x ~ snpe atake f.acect lot-with extra larr• 2-car garage. You'll enjoy th outsta.ttdtnr f•tu.r. lllCh u : 2 bdba, forced air heat, o&k !loon, a.lry kitchen with prb. cmpoeal, ah&u.t tu at SU.9Ci0 tt'a priced to tell quickly. WW t&lce tow down paymenL HOW CAN YOU GO WRON67 On a bom,e like thil ln Newport Hei&'ht. -beaida b.&vinc a $1.oo -·~"' Jol.n pay- abl• f78 per mo., incl. tua.. lt'1 a rul cuU. with h•YJ abab roof, p&estJ of a.Id brick, rear llviq room with lup fireplace, hardwood tloon, W to W c:arplt 6 drapes. and beautiful large kitchen with corner link. You'll me th.la oaa. Sett« .. It today. Total price $1t,700 For the above propert.ia - PHONE LIB ERTY 8-~1 VOGEL CO. MAIN OFF ICE 3201 West Cout BJcbway . . Eve.e : U 8-7739, LE 0-1M2, u &-tm and Bar. ~ . Corona del Mar Offace-Vogel Values -ti * * OORONA DEL MAR BEAtmJ'UL I bed.room 1" t.thl ho• with vieW of ocean and b.Jlll. J'orced a1J' beat, bi.rd. wood t1oon. 1i88CI brick fbeplace. lT K 19 ~ o~ to yard. Dras-and earJ*a. UTinJ room and muta-bedroom open to covered pordL OOt.tandlnc kltcben with BBQ. t.arp 2 car ~e. lovely yard. RU9ttc shake roof. 21GO aq, ft. o:f flM home. Price $4 7 ,m . Newport Heights Home with Ocean View CHECK THESE FEATURES: 3 bdrma., 1 !Aa bath.I, hwd. Ooon, lota of bUut·ln9. Full dining room. Ip. f\lMd hearth fireplace, bandy kitchen with buil~ln stove It oven, 11*1· oua muter bedroom with view of ocean, extra lp. dbl rarqe with room for worbhop. Bobby room with fireplace, 12' x 12' laundry room. ab.ab roof, alum. awninp, dice yard. Owner muat eelJ -Only $22,500. For the above properties - PHONE HARBOR 0757 VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2667 E. Cout Highway Eves: Har. 1796-W LI S..M57 Har. 2892 '288 Cosfa Mesa Office-VOGEL VALUES * * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bdrm. m choice area on excel!. 1treet, l • x 16 liY. rm. hwd. !loon, lge. cove~ patio, fenced yard and nicely land.le.aped. Only 7 yn. old. Furn. $13,000 tun price. Unturn. $12,500. LIDO CHA.RM 3 bdrm., 2 bath, lge. patio, urosa from tennil courta and near clubhou.ae. Large lot. Se. thia for $28,000 ULTRA -MODERN 3 bdrm., 2 ~th. 3 patto1, beaut. fireplace, built- ln kitchen featuree, glut to floor in bdrm. It liv- ing room, beaut. landK&ped. Price $lg,:5()0. For the above propertiea - PHONE LIBERTY 8-5596 VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 Newport BlYd.. Eve1. Har. MM, Har. 5346·R .WHO WA N"T TO SE LL -LIST WITH THE VOGEL c 0. COSTA MESA v' v Best Buys Corona del Mar r au CAN'T B JtAT nos new •·•I BARGAIN -Thia 2 bedroom home, latp liY· J bedml. l 'i bat.ha. dble. ear· inf room firepla,.. dual floor furn.ace (tbermo w/w carpeta, near 1hoppln1. • """' • 0n17 •zeoc> dl\. A: w mo. coo trolled) plua large double p.rap ltrt111 d for MANUFACTU RERS I ACR.ll8 CHOICE, level, 100<1 apt above. Better act fast on thil one. ONLY $14,750, EXCLUSIVE WITH US. draln.. Water In S.we~ and --~'-of H ru bT Nov. 17500 Jer acre. 5. v BARGAIN. Summer cotta.p -ua wy .. '• down. Built on rear of lot, room to build another unlt THE GREAT BILL'S BEST BUYS ' ORANGE COAST f H.A Ol,taliJa Drift, N.....,ort 814 R-2 • • lot. ..u.oilrtdy .... kit buJ RESALES 111 ~ PM1 a.a &aka tt. e C~PETED 3 bdrm. home in fully • lmproftd neighborhood. Close to achoola and ahoppinf. Only $9,450 with $2,100 down. Balance at $6' per month including principal, interest, taxes and 1111 c .-&Led -c..a. cherrt\IJ ..._,._ J bed:ral8. w. kUa wtlh pallrw• We ldtdaim. pi..nt ~ ar-. rurn.c.. Serrice pWCIL. CeDalt ir-st and nu ~ Lars-lot wtUl -e ~ Mock ..allill. Jut ll322J w. ~ d um bome lluJ. ~ bome and t\u1lialbed ,..tat. 2 ...., bom9 oa lot. inaurance. • FOUR BDRMS., 2 bath., f enoed yard, patio and barbecue. All improvement.I in and paid for. Full price $11,950 with $3,000 down. Bala.nee at $70.85 per month includel princlpal. interest. tun '1ld iuun.nce. ~ w.cit lo fNl'f, 'l1la. l WO UlliU ..... pm ed 1. Wecl. ..... a.ta.. n.npae.. ,.,... • ...... fl&tica 0. ...., lllrttt THREE BDRMS., hudwood tloon, ' fireplace. Completely redf'Corat.ed in and out. Choice ..t- side location, fenced yard and Jarce do11ble pre age. Full price f12,950 1rith ONLY $1.aOO clown.. Bala.nee at $69.55 per month include.a prlndpal, interut., tax.ea and in.IUraACe. P"'8 am.all 8eCOlld Truat Deed at 1 % per month. aD tape•• rte pUd. Pros>- .rty dar. 8eUa' will carry tint ...... Med .tUl r-..on- able ..... Rat f.rom OU lllouM make paymala. ' kata Ana .A ni lot. conaer. Sutt.- allle .u. for llome -dupla. ~..=::a. 111 Bldt Sq W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor ,..,., ,..,.. old• u. Wnti nu· and ASSOCIATES loolidllC r.dOc.. '11uu-oul I ---._ MDa Uld lt'riq roam "You:u Lite Our Friend!)' Sentce:' ..a to wall c:arptlllac. ~ .00 E. 17th St. Colt& Mesa Liberty S-1139 __ 1D08 __ Hatbo_;,...r.:...-_____ ___..u_s-_u_'2_ Mesa-Harbor Rlty. .ts A.BSOCIAT!:B in front. $7000 full pri~. CA.SH. Exclusive with us. tea ...,... <>nm. cloub.l.e --------------------------..----------------------~ ~ ........ PaUo. J'B.A ~All Smpeou1m1nta la &DIS ...... Baajo .u.L Sl.1.111 ...-. ' Wanted -Two Large Families COR0 NA DEL MAR Good 2 bedroom boijie 1~d dble. pr. on Oreb.id Ave. leu than 2 blockl from PO. Lee. rear flag- stQne patio a.ncf BBQ. ·Full prloe o&lly $13,000. bu 4';0 FHA loan, monthly payment.a. $61.36 lllcludlng1.&xts Ir in.a. DON'T .SAY WE DIDN'T ADVERn8E IT. ' Another 2 t>eWm. bouae. top location on M.&r(uerite Ave:, hw. fln .. firepl., dual floor fumace, bath- ' 'room bu tub and 1tall llhower, larc9 kitchen Wltb dtnett., patio, double prap, !euced. $15J)OO with pa.)'lnenta ~ or more monthly. 'I'hfte rurnilhed hoU3eS an 2 lot.I plua 1 vacant R-2 lol. 90 "° f rol\t.p aoutlr of Hwy. Can. add 3 more~<&. Tb.la ll reuooabl.y priced at ~000 Tmm. , ML No. 1493 . . Duplex, rmUc deltgn, 1 bedrm. •nd 2 bedrm.. apta. ' yrs. old. 2 P,..,.., patio, lb¥e root. 1 apt. ~ A coocl value at $l9,8GO term.a. . ' JOHN ~ SADLEJR, Realtor tVAN vf. ER.HARM', Aalocfate 3.1.13 E. Cout Hwy .• COM Hat. 2422 llc38 0 . C. Seymour -Re&ll()r 60I Center 8t., Ooata MtM LI ..Ult or LI 8-71U REAL VALUES BACK BAY Bl:AUTY HOME- 3 bdrm.. 1 \I bath. Uv1nr rm. 20 ll 22. Hwd lll~. dbl 1 ar. OWNER BA TS SELL! BUSINESS FRONTAOI!: COR· NEft -102 tt. 'on Newport Blvd. W1lb tralla rark "" ba~ of dttp lot. PRICED RIGHT. ROOlil l'OI\ tJNITS -One halt acn c.loee ln. bi« hoUM. new. J.Y d~ora"ted, hwd. noora, Ul•. PRICED TO 81i:LL! B. A. NERESON UAlll'OR ltll Neyport BIYd .. Cott a M.aA ui.rt7 1-1111 l!Yn. LI a.&&13 Ll'Nrt7 ....UH a:MALL oetta,. on ....,. or R-2 lot. ld-.1 locaUon M.600. t.erma. 10& Ina. tor IACorma· U• eaU Bar. ~M. auto MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, BM!tor • A"Odat. • S.H7 E. Coast Hwy. Corona dd Mu Bar. •7 (Ot!ice located next door to Newport Barbor 8aDk. CcDl) BAY SHORES • Open House • SAT. It SUN., 1 :30 to 5 p.m. 264 I Bay Shore Drive e ' bd.tm-, I bath EXQtnmE Bay VMw Home.. Quall&d climta only S'S,000 HARBOR INvESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1800 I_....• ~tia, ll-' ~. ..,.. _Mn. a amt.a wtua f:nic-. at PllO mo. A I ......._ 2 ~ Uld 1 ll4nD.. ....... J5000 ........ II.-Drf.. --lot. lt~l. M--t•lll .ft wai. .WW. Very .... .... i.c.tMa f• 1WUI' ....._ 0at7 snoo a w... ORANGE COASt PROPERTIES 181 1'_,..-t ...... c.&a ... u-.u:n .. u-.1a. -CHANNEl FRONT OPEN HOUS E DAILY STOWKER .... na..t .. ll!lla.1Mld. , Mnn.. J .a. .... a;.... "" ..... aocu ~ In Corona de1 Mar, • be4roolu and AD pordl, 1 •2 bat.hi, eo ft. corner, ju.at ltepa to Cb1Da Co.-.. $39,500 with cood terma. Shore Clift~ 3 bedrooma. 3 bat.ha, famlly room. peat room. mm.mJns flool, view. Juat •i-to private beach. $(9.~, with good tuma. R. L STRICKLER, Rea~or R. B. BOOOE, .u.odate 3622 E. Cout. Hwy.: Corona del Mar. Har. 277• CORONA DEL MAR Two wparate unit.I and two utra cu-t rooma. Ooe unit rmta for $85.00 other owna-occupiec!. A fine property ID pleuailt IW1'0Ul1dJ.Dp. 2 car rara1e. w.-rat.e paU... a.t buy bl Income property on today'• martret. $21.00CI tmu. RAY REALTY CO~ 3H4 E. Cout Hwy., Corona~ Mar Har. 2288 (Acroaa from Ball lo CDK) MEMBER OF WL TIPLE LlSTlNG SERVICE ----------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------~-~----~------~~~------------------- . . .. • A "cute tro~11 home on the Bay Front. Ex· tra 1arp ll•tnr room with btr kitchen.' fiftpJa.ce.. Jarre llldinr p.. doon open to ~ With ~ mw of bt&ch &D.d boat.I. And a two bedroom mWl hOU8e to rent for an'come. ON . CHANNEL FRONT Two at&Dd&rd 1arp 2 bedroom apt.I. (1 with fire. plaee) clin1Qc rOoma. modern ldtcbena, 'dispoeall, patio in trorit.. Scheduled poas income $5500 yr. AMinl "2,800, excellent terma. BAY SHORES A ftne buy In a S bed.room home completely tunllahed. 2 patios and planned for outdoor living. 1 abort block to tine beach. Excellent t.enm on ukinr price of $23,000. OPEN 1-4 SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS 2651 Waverly Way Even.inp call Edith Maroon, BYatt 4--6222 or Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Karine Ave., Balboa Ialand · Harbor 1775 f ISHER'S BEST BUY St 1. JU,J .BOA • PRACTICALLY BAY FRON'f, with Sandy Beach and Permanent Bay View. 3 B.R. Home, plWI 2 attractive Inoome Units to help y0u buy it. Only $26,250 and $6000 down. TmS WON'T LAST! Brand New Lovely home 011 Vla Orvteto. a mo. bed1oo1Da and 2 bat.ht. Slk1..,,. pm to patio. BWl~lil Therm. oveu and ~ Sepan.te ~ area. Overilte double prace. Built by vi.cber and landltcapecl by Beeeon. $38.000. & unlta on 80 feet BAYFRONTAGE at 320 Vi.a Lido Nord. Built ., well 15 yean qo that when lt wu modemtsed lut year, the termite and dry rot man ju.t charged tor ~ You Jut can't beat th.la for value at only SlOCS,000 furniahed. Term.a. • For the. and other Udo Property -Como to: HEADQUARTERS -our 21at year &t Lido. \ p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. managament 3338 vi& Udo, harbor 1500 BALBOA REAL TY CO. . SPECIALS What is a <Wick Sale ()pen House -•'fl Walnut Place -.. ThW le & f1rilt otfertng oo a lovely family~ -n.apect tor pnet.iW living and better family llfe -Larp·nvtns room. dining room with one Wall compleW)' done to a retttul painted ICllDe, beautiful kitchen, 8 acellent bedrocn:nl, 2 batlw, ud • lup den. ha addition, a very costly &Dd important item -fully carpeted. Tbll la Dot not l&Jel talk when we W.U you that thll 2 year old home ii ~ for immediata ale. Loc&Uon: SiM: Price: Price m.~ A Bargain ea.ta Kea 8 bedroom 1 bath $12,9'50 Reasonable Owner The owner of th1a triplex aay. he want. to tell becauae he hu another use for hia inv'9tment money. ReMOnahle term.a will be accepted., and • reuonable price la uked. $250 income, approx. $.20/mo. leue-hold expenae. Selling price $21,tW>O p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanaon co. management 1700 w. cout highway-liberty 8--5573 I • 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS , BREATHTAKING Realtor? VIEW OF BAY &. OCEAN You couJcl u... tU Lii'& or JULEY aa thla &Dd aay one of five limllar IWJnp ft la&• to otter. I tMa rot out 11"1 COl'l"J'DlZMT!AL WU.. and had U. \MUlbt &Mt, Ullleme a~ J'Oll A DAY 19 ba'1.nc TROOBUI Wft'll J'A,.._ ER, Ula& • bedroom bG:ne wit.ti ~ rumpua room on & ee z aoo lot, oJab' a ,..,. old wtth 1800 llCJlW'e feet of Bvi:D• area &Dd with all the built4na one could thln.k of tor S19.8GO JllD't the BIG PAYOJ'I', then I ahould eo 1-e'k to DING DONG SCHOOL! And -b.-. are~ BANDY~ tor a fan»Jy of two, old or JOU.DC, to ~TRltR TOUJt 1'm9T wttb lhla wonderful, nearly new, 2 bedroom near two • shopping' centen ID eut Costa Kea. Im· m.aculate &lld fully land8caped tor an un- bellenhle $10,500 . Then I pt to tblnkiA' Uld wa:tdlln' the can 10 by -~ a OLA.KOUJl aDU. .nut • pcttcllaat tor a vi.w p tor Ude ..._, ta Newport Height.I, and on a fee lot too, I bedroom.1, 2 baths, with a lWlh, stus ell• cloeed IUDd.eck overlooking Bay, Beach and Ocean! What a view! IT COULD BE YOU and yours tor only ,23,~ with the be.t of terma. You don't need to sractuale from the HALLI Of' IVY or -a MR. O&NUl8 to DAT THll CLOCK on thJa 3 A: Den.-' bath. LIDO ISLE home near ... thee UJd dub boUM and with & Iarse. tarse patio too. $23.500 with rmanclnc. 2. BALBOA PENINSULA. Channing 2 bdrm. pla pe9t room. 2 BATHS, covered patio and Barbeeue. Only 3 yn. otd ·EXCLUSIVE WITH U8. >..Wonderful Value at $19,500. Only $4000 (1) J'OR A SP.ACIOUS, ftOOMY 2 bedroom home with lal'J9 llvtn~ room, well bUJ.lt. clOM lo the b9y and all etectrlc hdl ... lb1a propert7 t.o- day. Juat a •lep lo beat MJ beach. $19.600, term-. The term REALTOR 11 not a 1ynonym for "real •tate agent'' BEAtrrIFUL h&X\11"1 bome wtUl unobetructed vmw. s beet-So BE OUR GUEST and tune in on I...lberty 8-TT73. YOU Down. - (2l 4-UNIT INCOME BUILD- ING ••• ame aru.. Owner called l!!ut and wanta to ..U. NeWly redecorated and nice- ly t'UrnWI~. Terrltlc rent.al locaUon. $18.000. terma. (3) I B&DROO){, 1 bath home on Wfft Bay Ave. A rr-at value. Well turru.bed and nice condlUon. Bargaln a t-- . It ia the exc.hwve designation for thOMI pledge to t.ranAct all real elt&te buaineu according to the hJgh •t&ndarda prescribed by the Code of Ethics ot the Nation.al A.uocl&tion of Real Drtate Boarda and the California Real ~te Aalocit· tion. and coverned by l. T UNlT8 BALBOA -Only $29,~ • $8:500 ~ Scheduled Gron Income • $62!>0 plus Owber'1 Apt. Low Expenae. C-2-Zooe on Main Blvd. Cor11er. Many reeervatione go with 1l. Taa over and collect the high summer rent.a DOW-(~) ;;:~..:~ Newport Harbor BOard of Realtors f ISHER and COMPANY 218()3 Newport Blvd. RM.ltor Npt. Bch. Har. 4429 Inatirance HOME with a modtm It cute bacbdor apartment ln ,..,.. Sltuattd on l&TJ• lot. PaUo and 2 elntl• raras-. $11,600 and U.m'UI. t 5) TWO UNIT ••• 2 bedroom home tn tront plue a 1 bed· room apartment over a 2-car .. ....,..... Ret.ed llWnm~ and Costa Me5a-7The Best Town on Earth I ;;:n:~~.~= C2 Bnrjz-Z>Da. 6ex3()() with good 3 "Br. 18) BALBOA PENINSULA DU-, _, .... _ a.-.. fl PL.EX. Hu a bed.roolU up It _. _, Mrctwood oors, garage. $12,500 2 down. A wtU tunmhed with convenient terms. property, only 8 yn. old, r .. I a-. bome, ll;i bat.ha, hwd. r.oon, fireplace, W /W ca.rpet.fni, a very good location. $12,!500 with t.enna. 2 Br. older home. dining room. service porch, Jarp kitchen, double ca.rage, corner lot & room to build a mo ... unit.I. ·~ • • . with tenna. • Lari M :ir 188 -·-··-·-··-··---·············each $3325 RA Lot 82~ x 34Y1 --·-··---··················-··-· ... $4-000 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1110 Newport Bl•d., Costa Heu. LI 8-7729 • • BAYSHORES • • ~nUy repainted out.slde and In. Wonderful few home wttb income or tor not.ala. - $28,600-tenna. r 7 J ONE OF 'Miil J'JNER BUlLDINGS ln entire New· port·B&lboa a.r-. Beautiful ltnd lp&CIOWI 8-unit buildlnr. nnly 3 y...,.. old with Hp&r· ate cover-1 ranr• laundry room and lock.ere. Modern It up lo date. Bbow1 Iara• po· tA>nUaJ income. Ste this property before buylns • • . • 184.000 and J'OOd Luma. BRING T OUR LI8TING8 TO US P'OR QUlCK ACTION • Balboa Realty Co. CHOICE LOCATIONS 2 ~e""u 1 -lb Oppolil• Ba.nlt oC Amer1ca ~~-. a. ·--·······-·$19,500 Ro .. O~lo · ltd IM 2 BEDllOOK. 2 bath. c:a.rpeted Ii dnped ____ $24.500 Joeephln• Webb 3 Bl:DBOOM, 2 batb $2(,500 700 E. Batix,. BJvd.. Baltx>a Phone Harbor 3277 2 Bl'DJl()Oll, turDlahed (Sold>----$19,500 -------- J BEDllOOK, 2 bath. Carpeted and OPEN HOUSE d.rapect. Corner lot ·-··-···----·$27 ,500 Buy " Buy S BEDROOM. 2 bath ___ (Sold) ____ .$22,500 I l to ~ Except Wedneeday a BEDROOK. 2 bath CSold) ______ $25,750 Cliff Haven 2 BEDROOM, 1 ba.th, cor. lot 829 st. Jam• Road (BaJ"lhol'te cut.It bome) -·-·-·-·--·-·····-····•···$24,500 HJCRE'E a 3 b(trm. home, 6 yeara • old, hardwood noora. forced · ALSO &Jr beat and a n:n. lot. Will LnvtruYOUS Rau Fro • p • d Sli ti. worth '18,600 next year -u.n.un.a ~ &.., 1er an P bul you can r•t tt for much (Shon by appolntment only) leu today. Hurey! Hurry! I HARBOR INVEsMNT CO. ·Barbor HOO Tht. won't lut. Duncan Hardesty RJl!ALTOR 2802 N"'J>Ort Blvd N«wporl ~ach Har 4718 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport. Beach . EXCLUSIVE Bay Shores Three bedrooma, 2 bath.I, tarre U~g room and dloing room PLUS a very nice enclbeed patio , loe&ted on a large corner lot 1WTOunded by beautJful ah&dy treel. Priced tor IMMEDIATE ale. CORONA DEL MAR ANOTHER FISHER buJlt bOUM llOUth of the Highway, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathl, large living room and kitchen plWI & very oioe encloeed patio. Ex· tra larp prare with 1>4 bath. PRICED TO SELL TWO BDRM. SO. OF HWY. Over 1000 IQ. tt. in hOUM. GeneroWI tropical laodlapin.1. modern 1tylln1. Exttu: built-in electric ranre, wuher, dryer. 2 car gar&1e. · 13 x 22 living room with fJrepl&ce. 1 wt.ll cork paneled. Tot&l price $16,600. W. E. FISHER & Associates 302t Cout Hlchway, corona del Mar Harbor 5032 Eva Harbor 2(20.. W TOPS in LOTS R-4 70x307 Can build 7 unit.I ··-··--··········$3950 R-' 70x307 Can build 7 unit.I ·······-·-·······$4350 R-4 56xl25 West lide .. ·-. ···-.......... $22!>0 R-' 50%122 Be9t E . 11de corner --·-·$4..250 R-4 50x122 Adjoining above -···············-··$4000 R-1 75 x 80 Restricted ........ ·······-··-·········-S4500 R·l Back Bay, Reltricted ···--·····-······-····$6600 R-1 Back Bay, Restricted ............................ $67~ ALSO The be:lt location on E . 17th for a major Store t86 x 300 AND the best Ml lot in the very heart of Costa Meu 22,000 eq. tt. with aewen 1n and pd. for Call a.a for details PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd., ~ Meu Phone LI 8~761 -Eve9. Har. 4366 roorN •den, 1b:22 UY. room. ARE THERE, we're hen SO THERE YOU ARE' dto. room, cl\&rmlnl 1.Dtct.or, • • beauWul patio, lax.M b•led 6: tutu-.d •wtJnmiJll pocai. $46,000. BAYSHORES JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR "At THE ARCHES'" 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8·77TS NEW EXCLU8IVll uaTINO -------------------- Fint lime ottered -t.o.ely a bedroom plu. ru-t room. 2 \W bath.I, tee. llv. room. din room. built.-ln klU:ben, r .A. heal. encl patio with be.rbeque. $29,000. ALSO 3 BEDROOM, 1 1~ b9lh. eozn. "pleWy rurnJabed. Le• U•. room wtlh tlrTpiu. -ExC!ll· lent tarma. LOW down Jl&Y• mt!nL ASKING llt,&00. "C" THOMAS REALTOa • and ASSOCIATES 224 W. Cout HltbwaJ LI 1·6621 Newport Beech 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS B/ B CORONA HIGHLANDS ~ BIB LIDO ISLE A S-uUtul la.rs• muter bedroom and llaUt. a.lilo an- other bedroom and bath. L&rs• lJ.tq l'OOtll and diD-tns .,..._ ~ lltes>- •Ytnc kJt.cben. ~ ttreplace. m .aoo. Move tn t.oda.J', b~ yoUt boat and At.rt UY1DC ill lbUi cle*a.ble Nord ~L 6 ~ I kt.ba. Prtftle pin .. allp. ~ .JoeatloA Joo u.ted. Completely tul'- nt.htd. Ca.n you fUJCJ I bdnna .. 1 't -~ OD U4o tor "3,IOO ! ! , We have It and u.rr-e you to come and eee wbat • ln lto1'9 for JOU. Ll.rl'e pAtlo. Bayshores Special a rdlly ~ bdrnw. 1 i.., b&U\&. Well c.boeea col· ora. Dea&ped t,. eai.t.Aln· tq. The wboM f&m.lt7 wtD .. It. OU'peta ud dnJ>' eri.e. m .IOO. BA.LBOA PENINSULA 2 MdroOl:Da. , batba Oft lbe poUit. Not many at an7 um. f OC' Ill.JOO. l'un. 841.80.A oova Wa.t.frant wtt.b cb&rm. S bdrm.a., s batM. prtftte pt.ar and aUp •Yall&bh NOW. w.u ... by.~ MT.IOO BAY AND BEACH REAL TY Inc., Rltrs. 1112 Lafayette -Har. 3M!. 2990 Ev. "Ju.t to the ritht of Lido Bridp" WB.ERl!l CAN YOU tlnd a• br 2 .,. tll 1 •torJ bCN.11 wt th ocean Yiew, brick tlreplace. ~Uo. modem klt.c.ben under ----------------- BALBOA $30,000. Wll HA VJ: lT! CORONA DEL MAR smor tree u~ m thl.I ctieeey 2 bedroom hons. and blcbelor apL OD 2 Iota. TIM beaaW\ll lawn, nowere and patio an Joa wtlat Ute Dr. ordend. By appolnbMnl only. P ANoitAMJC OCEAN VIEW from the l&rp llVln&' room ot thJa 2 atnry home. It b.U 2 bednna. and Is compl•tMJ rumllh~. ll!OOO handle•. Bay & Beech Rlty., Inc. REALTORS Corona del Mar Office 13630 E. Cout Hwy~ Har. Mt1 OPEN HOUSE, 110 Mll.NTONI: Forced to Leave Southern Carrf. CHANNEL Road lot, ~ 'fiew of Bay. $17,500 tenm. DUPLEX 2 bed.rm. --A 1 bedrm., near bay. Good renter $2UOO COSTA MESA 2 BEDROOMS plua la.nal Oll tree coqnd lot, 88 x 305. M soue. $1&000. Terml. COMMERCIAL corner 1'5~ x 150 ft. Ntlll" Bar-- bor Bl"-PreMnt tm.piove:meota lboaJ4 carry tW property developed. sc-buy on w\ 18tb St. , COAST PROPERTIES RUTH Jl.YIUCD, 8-Jtor Klld.recl R1ep and SyiYI& Tbampmcm, •..Vta '°1 & 8aJboa Bhd.. Balboe Bar. 2ICJI or 4800 LIDO ISLAND IRVINE TERRACE BLUFF OPEN ROUS~ 110 M.ENTONI: ------------------ Mu.at ...U modern 2 bedrOom nicel7 tum11111td. LarJ• comer lot. Newport Belfht.8 &NL Prtced w ...U 11•.MO. Tenu can be~. • 1arp bedroom.1 • lob of cloeetl • bu.Ut·ln It.ow P ANOJUJOC VIEW ot the Harbor and Pacific. BRIOG8 de91p., 3 bdrm., 2 bath1, living room • z 11 with beautiful Palo Verde. 1tone wall and fireplace. J,.ot 70 ft. wide. 1119 Dolphin 'terrace $t2,500 OPEN EVERY AfTERNOON 37c39 FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK -048S A ltm'9 and otftce bulld.Jni located on • --laaportut .... 1D Pl•dai• Pztcl sroo.ooo. wm .,., .,,. •net ud will deposit · '300.000 ....... lleCW'tty. Large depredation factor. ,, CALL OWNER, T. D. Ropra, Ryan 18167 HUNTINGTON BEACH For Sale )Jy Owner Charmin( 4-y•r-oJd, 2 bdrm home on Iara'• comer loL BeauUtully landecap«i. r•r yard ent'IOMd with 8·ft. red- .,'OOd fel'l('e. Knotty plne kit· I Chen. bulll·ln electrtc ran,-e 6 ov•n. p rb, dtsp., lp II\>'· lng m\. With rtnpi.ce., putJ. man we b&QI, patio. Price JH,GOO, lncludes ca,~ and drapertea. 1001 Runttnrt.on AYe. Ll!x1n,wn MOIO. ITcSI 2538°1'AlRWAY DRIVE COSTA. MESA I ~ hOUlil. ~ Jot. dbl. IV.. DW dtatrict MU' plt courw. lArfe JIJtftl' 1'00& tp lfllctwn It dlMtt• comb. AtUc tn.ulallon. hd.rd. t!oota. reer LIDO ISLE CHARMING 1pacloua 2 bedroom and large glaued lanai facing covered patio 1:\4 bat.ha, 50 ft lot (architect.I plan for extra bedroom or dm included) Home in excellent condition thru-out. Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR 3411 Newport m.d. 0wner leaving state. Price sa1.500 for tut w e. Altadena Escrow DO SEE THIS ONE. We lhillk ltl a buy. • (Coat.a )(.a otftcl) • tarse bedroom •·iota of c1oeN • bullt-m 1ton and oven • built 1961 • P1llil 1'on Sept. 30th • full price $27 .SOO • S1DOO bandies. Lido Realty Associates MOO Via Udo BA YSHORES -2 Excellent HomH W-A m. lb ac. u ,.... , 3 bedrm., 1 bath. Completely turn.lahed, large lot, .,. $ 1,000 DOWN ao tt patio. Only $23,600. Bae• it.7 Lot a bedroom bouM 1n ~ 2 YftfA! 01d tnct. Two bedrooms 2 batha, completely fumlahed, , a1.,!' v:r::tntt OW"aen a..m,.-MlJ8T 81:1..L. 8ee tb.• --.. i-Uo and barbecue, Caj>I Cod .tyte_ $28,800. LL~d WEST NEWP.E>RT EXCELLENT TERll8 ON BOTH. ..,,.. Dupla. 1 ,.er old. ba1f talOclt to belcJI.. fara. .... YRTLE J BlCDRK, 1\t ~ w 911et.a ilbecl. ott-.d below ftJ~ .... t C09t, "" DA VY 1 Re•ltor & Auoc. prb 114...Mft......r-' rent&l .,.._ Helm Baum Haul Condon Ana 01Nn1ry au• Ally oft« -r--~ down or' t,..de tonaidend In· N BC R~a& I ·yy CO J.i32 Vi& Oporto Harbor 54t6 quire u1 K,iOlll P'l&~e. ca.ta • • • Cr\L • • EWll. U U2Sr1 U 1-1709 HAR.1017-J 11.-. , lk4t 12bd A Newport Bou.Wnrd Barbor OG3t or 140I ... ---:------:------------___;------~-----=-----------~----------___..!_==~-----==2.....::=-=:..:;.:.:.=.:=.:.===.:.-===-==~=-or Harbor 8828 yanl tenced~ lA.fp dowa. Ow11· er, E. 0 . ~ Writ. 000.. IJ.at OJ' e&ll Bai, 117• J1dl •