HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-25 - Newport Harbor News PressHARBOR PRESS ~EWPOllT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 19116 PHO~ HARBOR 191' 5 CENTS FAIR 'hoNE DECORATeo BY -· 'BEAUTY FROM G,t, •. 6~0VE , .... J~ .... 18-yet.r-old ~ .. ~,.,. ,... O&~ onw-. yeet.erdt.)o ~ wu d\(leliil q-en of tM llM Orutp o..t, ..,., .... 0.-in co.ta ... Manie ~oordinator; 1 ,_ • Aur. io. · • &e4teled by the paad .r ,..... .. ,. •• ,. ...,. ~ IMvtM, lT, of .. n and., ... ......., ..,.. JT, fl/ l'uU.rtoa. llJM Jotanmo, • JW1iOr ... r-r: .. Q&Mlll On>wi Wl'I .._. wtMir. Ille w* ._ ptAIC 0. 'W'lll M 1111 U.. Nf1i t &111.Uve ot Onnp o..tJ .a.is. • at Ute ''MlrH C1 pl II hrCrPl11 Cala•1a W.•• I ·water · Crisis " ,,.._ ..... t, --...... --" AKA. 1oow•1 -... Prtt;..a;. Force lillua...._ ' W ..,... ~ _,... •n Al~ ·---------~---------1-.-....... .., ..... Co ·1 I AT no• 9'WTll .... :-: ... :;-:: .. ~ IHI etnat Laguna Beach Engineer to -Deal with Troubles • - --... -· • .... "'~--%1..cent Tax Pop1r1r , .... llt•lla' ..... ~~-= ... ~ •• City M&flager Robert Shelton B&id today he had not .._.. I' la llM ,.,_,. ot. owtililtldnln&' used mandatory powen to evoke water ratlonin( and I t..,._ s t fir .....,.. "I )J a ftlhblJ boat l)l'Oteltt, from. l~&I ~yer., rlw5 pee I 7:18 Ulla .---i. ... a.tter IOON Newport ~ Ot7 Qouncll does not plan to use them unless it i• abeotutely neca. u ~t;.-r.;: ftlM, wu Moftdt,y ntpt ltlcJlca~ It would qry. 1 8y NEAL a&OKJ\'11:& --the q~ ~ &tt .. ~al. a.1•Y•nee ){ikke)lloD. reduce the propotted %l~nt taa nie atatement wu ft'Mdoi after , emerceneie' ln t.M w_•ter • •~':!: Th• vei-y popUlar 1tM edlUon I [oUows: I.he rather of two cblldren. lnc~ue by approximately hail, reault.a ~re made public of an ed South Cout cltlu. TwlllSb\ thrtll9 oc--0 Mat i...,.,. lbe fttkt frofl lhe *1H ttperted ml.efns la Mlk· and then lea11e It up to • ctUr.enl' emf!r,ency meellns lut n11ht Shelton, reptteenUnr Newpor' races _.,.._. _, ~ ~l ot aumW Of puUcl· et.an•, Cip·pllqt, whole name la commi.ltff to detel"mloe a u.pltaJ or niembui of the Coutal Mu· f BuCh at the. 9"111on. Mid th• JfSW PDlATZ QUl:EN -VJt11I itatlatlc.. on Otevn by the K...,.n. Jl&rboi' Y~bt ..,a.IA an.the lnOWblrdl. wllb a with-held peadlnl" noUfl· outlay Pf'Ol"t•m • Y•IAI Mme.. niclp!il W•ler Dlatrlct In Laguna rruu.p agreed to work out a for-~· JobNOn, left,• ~ ol ! tie Orure ~ hit, Chilt llM ;...-.. ~ ~lf.U'-n.et o( 11 •trt-. Dul in trotit UOa of aat ol ltla. BomNtdlng t.he councilmen Be•eh in wtr.lah Art Slead. La· I mula ba.wd on pnvloua uu.ce not lmrnedlate!Y &'fall.ablt' but you CU ... fw "'1"' t.er ..a la Gt met fTOUP of In 'tld. dr a. J\.MMb' HID (N'o. 'Klkkel9on WU ptlotlng IJl Wt'f'e M letters pnHuUnc Ole tax (Una &each County Water Dis-or mt'fllbo-r, of the Coutal D\e- ,l!lt •With Mr la Prine-. "ll"r ior\e D1vej at rfeld--atalt' coni.ta. -Jltt ~ foiow9d '1 .Tom 8il:yra.Jder on • routJn• lncruae aa e>:.~uiva. Tht' lt'ltere tni:t en(l1tfff', ,.,,.., named ("(l(lrdl-l trirt to .erve .._ a rulM to di._. ~ Scb.W ~ t~10 ~nu,.. 0.-( .... llO) • .11-1 W&rjoR• raWq mlNioa. Ha kft El Toro boN 2IO llrnaturu. All .MUert n•lor t.o dM.I wtlh day-tO-diiy 1rfbutlon ot: watt"r to ht" r.ttl•-";~:=-=!--------------------~-I da:" ................ U.. monU. f .,..,, hf JJm WarminJton ....,,. ,...ien1a.y at l :fl ara on tile at Ula. City C~rk'a ed from Metropolitan Wat# ~ or JW ... Aurua<. UU. "wn· (No. 3JT}. ~ •· Ha wu ad\«luk!d to rel.Um oUW:e. , Dl.atrfct in lhe crftlea.l ..-ac. fm,.. --ES BOYS' CA'MP, do•n Jteptta" ltrinr• forth u ni. J..ebman _ 10 Interc.lub kt the b&M at 4:1.I P-m. and Councilman atamey Ri~erhoff Defense Tc:*.es ahMd. MWD df!Uwrw the wat• -many apect.aton °" tba cJub dlnftd,ea am on\ wtth an ••er· Farrlad only enourta fHl for an· made a .tatmkl'lt ""l.l tac-end ot bu\ doe& not rule on the clialri• :. , • 1 • 1. deck u tMra .,... *1~ a.iw1 ..-blnlOU:t .,_ 11 '°9.ta led •lh•r hour In tba •Ir., I.he council ..ton. alt.ff m•· Over Trautwein bu!Uon, Bh.dton vr.:plained. -, c~a bualns &rOWKf on. tbe b1 ~ Wilrd'• At 'ZJQ with • 'I'll• plau. WU presumed dowtl jorlt.7 of the aucllenee ))ad left.. TB.OUll.Ut SUOO'l'E& I ~UVE~.ILE DREAM' J w ... ,. WI ..... ..,..._ .. _,. -.... ,1~ l<o•I ••• """"""' ......... .,. ...... ff• .... the-·· .......... Case Testimony ..... wlU ·--·moot ot ... . ix-t. In fOfV dltfermt cl-.-ln w,,...... 111 ~ U...Wroolle bokla at T p. m. of policy in ll\e tax ... matter, time from now until the end of = .. compaUUoa tor the ttnc. OU-aeeond 9J!OC ·beUy pwwued by HUG& 01.L 8LIQ( !adopted aa .. mimlle N9Dlutiol1 SANTA ANA, (OCNSl --Jt the Wrrency .. ttle COOt'dln&- • • nuu*2aya of July, U.. ....,._ -~-, a .... , In -· 13 ,-.. N•.,. and Cout. Qual"(j aureb for Uie r.cotd, would be d'9Cl1• wu Lhe defenMf• day yHterdtiy ... _ IU •.--.u • ...., ..,._ '"' • · jor tOr lhe vark>u• mam...,r c u. • ' .. ." ' ' ' ' "'\. nice-.,.m-. to M .,, .. llrln• ---·-v--•---,_ No. 43, plan• from Ban Di•""' and Loa ed at the Aur. 13 ac1alon of tha In Jud11 Ronald Crookahank"a 1 ha ' ............. ....,,..""" • "' ·r -... •-aaJd Shelton. Ha w II not va ... -• R r+ •• 1•es '2 a.nd ..u.r;i ' A.lamtt.oa Naval Air Btatkm council. BanLH. Ana 4 <>ranee Municipal wrrr•• .Bftl ., .... I ~ .sad .. .ii. t-....... Stpt *'la u.. --the found &. h•J• oU allck tlva mllel Rh.klerhot made lt clear drOp-Courtroom. Court ric::onvPned al abeoluta power but will act ... -· • -t··--·•• ...._ U.. l&t.cl.al more u •n lnformaUon hu.d or __ Site 1tartiq ott Ula .Non.Clam par a,..,.,. ---. •ur off t.b• mutheut. tip of Cata.Una plnj' of the 21-t;"'1l tax lncraue 10 a. m. tod•y. Ii-. ·--~ion of Y UUJW' 1 ta front ot the club, wttl'I a Mort dinpiM Wbt C. at ""!"'t ~e;! ju•t belOC'a nlfht.-tall la.at ntpt. would a1ao mean dropplnr o( the Attorney Robert Hurwitz, t~~e ::~:;r·m•jor thlnl'• the ll"lilJ ·~·· Ume oat tw a quick "cok1" be-lty hta ll"roat In ~o. iJ "l' .• ta A fiare wu reported Mm at Paclflc l:l«trlc t.ra.ck rf'MO't'al counael for 18·Ye&t-old John ' ' ' o< .... _ lw•:.T.:' With 1111ch • ltls Otblrl)' "' .. Ho. SO~ 8:81t p. m. abOut 12 mlle. off effort.a by the city -a bone ot ,Trautweln, 1769 Banta. Ana Ave., IJT'O'iP agreed upon wu to pu9h -• •n ••n O""OMNT l1rt County on tha ltttcla ....., t~ h the campa1rn for voluntary -._,!If~ ,..... 1 •tUTdY iure-rooled ~ owa.d n .. t &bti nwra~ lnte~ The Mftl1 kl.t Q~-~~1 · Iha laland'a north end, ~ul res-contenuon froo1 tu:pe.yere due I Colita Meu, yNterday, caUe(J a ratlonlnr in all communlUte. TIM~ t.raln a.topped . a , camp. U.....Wtan aiptietaton. 'It la ""'4Uy a_,Ppardt maa-12--'«Ty_ ~-n IN9 boe.ta could aot flno turvt-t.o pravlou..I u&f. tor ou.er pur-at!'lng of w!tnhll8 lnclucUnr Water dlat.ricta In batter Wpe, trCJM..,Of ':ip Mal._,...,_. b~;... BO)'I d laCI 1 rt ft llM""" lll1Z1g1 an ,..Uy lilllmat~ do9s No. llt 9Ul WI fWIAt U. l\'en:ion Y'Oft,. poaes, of tunda •nnarked for Peter P1ndar1a. ICft hJcllba~eoaill..rli...... wded &n doek·•ldia ~ a~,Jba ,.. &dlarlaNo.1)1,adols--. ~Scout al'llp Ro~Leo re-U'larem<Wal. Jt la allered that dnnn1 a ;~hga~~:~~~l:~~ .a ,.,..,,..1,. ~ ....... v • wrnt Y.J.SIO.N commttl• alalad "Ill &a. ....... It I.a 1.u., U~• II) polUd al(httn1 Mikkelllon rloat· The eou.ncll Mtmnent directed 11CUrflt betwet"n Pend.a.ri• and or h•ve al!"f!dy volunteered to ti. C9l"P Of IMU'•pt~ sroaplnl' MA..._-.... pnpara fGr the _.....,, 6-almolt ~ C:tut w1UI lnr In tha w•ter •t T:JO L m. City Miitacer Robert Shelton to Newport Beach Police Officer .Ud leu rortumt.e. dlitricta. b~ fl'aifhL The dlJeptJ<la Th•y Je&mad .. ,tba.t , P1'-• --·t.e 1-t.rftl ...t.11......• .uch 11.._~U-. ... &l'll&ll Loiiay, I'!. mu. we11l of Cata· reconuMnd Ute 1rnount or u p-Ba J 20 _ ,_, ~ --...,. KW°W'!" • BUI unrk'ra unr . YOWIC !.helton aid UUrt voluntary ot adl.llt.a '-,.,...~~ m&a -....,.• ,. .. I r• on.. tm1 •two ,_ In tbt .._..._,"")"CM ., • IOC. ol lbia. Tha eeou(ers had ukPJd wa.rd lJlX adjuatment ""fUI~ to .....__ k ... off'··-la r-· , I . ·r J.....L.l ,_ c.o&. .... ut-in llruc .... ...._ ra.tkalnc may onJy i!:'dwce.,JV•j.ar lllCtioll at -'a.D.7 ·~ ~ • .._,.. ~·--di lt9 wm.-.-.~·. -.C. ~~ .....,_. • .or UMr t G~ Let me« C111ftnt yemr reca•lnmf'nt.a, the Nclrr.. Police cba.q"ed l.M ...-.mpUon. by oa.ly lt per~ enl* fott\ a ..a..1 ef C$MO,_, tv.t I~ ,..,. ~· ~ ~ ta" Jf'e · ... ~l...~!" ntpt. "TM atac.nant uld "lll•t, ·1r no dm"endallt waa lbterterif& wf~ *t.>t Ulat. ""'>' ba ... to ._ t( eit1a at \be. ~ "'t1w DI" el'"Der" -• #...:. O*l"d h_.,.....,... 1Jl ·11tcrea• Mr.-'"1 pu.rpcme reve-&_. --.,.-, ... • • .i.. • ...... • _ lod tll ··~~-no.£_. _ .... T inc ...... .,. -aC'T't*'' "-' of ..-Wftdenl--.,.. ..., -.. M e '"""'"""_,... .,. · &ea.!olt aUd· lOclay. """' "' nue I.a p1-1Md and the budKt"t9$1 '~ ___ • ._ fO!"" ldbe ee t ?Si ... ...,,.,. Pendar11 ba.cked up Traal-RCLIEI Allf!AD .,.,_ ......,......... ~ 11 · M:OU "'' ieport ·~,.~ £~ ouuy Pforttm 11 cal'T'f~ Wein .. e111 r,..r tutln:ion,y lba.t be'I· "'On.a IOdlea.Um:a or tV.ief,'" •'w ...._U.ittnt-Qe rnnu> to die ebiif,"'W _,. '1n "IM the W,, flt l'"' '\he .... ~ -purpw rund ......._ "'" NM'Cl\JDdlnp Ulild. f MW eod; :Kata Ill ~ )lbort UbM *1-er AMtMr jUmpe4 Mla&cH on Ju~ lO, 1157 wlll had not f'nl1~ lb, tncu bit· Shellon, "'It thi:t ~ m9.a&. a new 1la)t llLI Ula to i..t• • wo~ tw-o ._.. ln to pllll llrlm out, CoMt Guard be tft9Ulfid.tont apd u"bu41eted tween. ,,_.ndarl.a and th• patrol· UM Or&na-County (ea.def. line ~ of"tJl;e lttt,.unpU!nf....,. litlfll 4'elllpated •Upper OUnp A med' · b CltJ' aul~ -'4. MttU. thrr bUt ~ry ~Uune.. lo-,.an. (Co•tl•UMI 911 rare fl Jtaft JINMd ~h UM camp ad, U.V. C..p ""Ud a. ')'ar 5S11 y • youtha wu-tdl!nUfted. ltanin&-al lf'ut flot,000, cannot 'WU .Bolt Pyi.. ~. • lone· later a t.hll'd-9t.· knaWa • HOA<> IJ( CHAAOE be finuoed. , It'll Be T T A • ttrtt-x>r'Ci"a Corlmtl' re•ldei:!-1 and Camp Uoyd 14e9dowa. • Tb~ i1cout troop I• unde'r 'l.lle The 1Uiten1ent contll'l\J~ that ry ry gain pnenil wpMn't.detit er 8oulA· They heard lbe tor.y"'4tf" 0-~.,. t• n.Uon water ._,..I lb81toa 1941qitted \Ocal d~ cci111ma.nd1 of Tom HO.g. Aqa· the city ('()llncll harl rNched the . • I weet_. &xpJoraUoll ca., H.Wltinr· -all~ 'fOtwtteec-....,ken. lfV9' ctty Ma.n&car Robert Shel-rnlsbl -M liMed to •pport hetm. _,...,r lo the Anahet;n conclusion It ahodld tn..tte ·•t1te ton BMch. . IC. ....... -.... e ., ton tJuwt'I ainerpncy o~lnance a bond lw fOf' • major··~ croup. RldSO tel@pbone contact &Nlisl.ance of a dUaeu' oom-for' Mes" a . c· ounc1·1 on Hall Tha twliof a. ...... UOn •u ~ 1 1 b)' ff~rt Bei.ctr. City Council l'MIU'\"8tr hate to ott~ a .... bttw"" I.be-f&cbt •nd OCNS mltttt" to •tudy the ,,..,.,. Clllll- eompoMd flt at.aM ~,Jolla t "MoM&y nlfht. At th• Mme Ume, peet ot thl9 mme.r1r water could oot be made before noon ta.I Improvement nee<11 facing the Mtmi "Orruirp ~ ..... ECKE RST tb"at etep wu t.kan to appro'I"• llho~ ~to a critbl at&&"•· today city" · and ~ 1 Jllllrgt ii j,,Mt • t an ordinance boolttnr minimum He Mid tr wch • bolld tuue 1tt...fo..o .Mal1ne ea .. nJ11tie ar· A~ a public eervlce, Tha Nrw11-Costa Meg City Council in • ~!~~."~~-· ... ' ... """-u.c;.. w~ss IN city water n.te• l1.2f>. the monlH proved neeeaiary, cltl&ilm~ mlrht ran,.,.nu .• lo. raC'e the pllot lo Ptea toG.y carriea the complete _ -· l"I I,.;:! ~ fOf' ,,. t\lnd to take ai.o be u!Jd to . pro•lde Mdn-El 1'oro di.pe.n111ry fo1· treat· City CoundJ •t&tement or policy ~pedal meetJnc-Mon.day njg-bt In the l:rnlthl' Mortuary: ftU91 . can1ot weter •)'Mem derlclenctea. (0.n# Nd .. hi• t ) , meaL . ,. on the property tu. rata on IU threw out tht' dual bldlr ror lhe H. Grftn.. vke-ptfflida.nl or 811· JURY QUERY! editorial page. MW Coat.a. Mt'S& city hall •• nil.:OU ::ud' OU Co.. and Ptr.U • ARBOR AREA EXPtORER SCOUTS belq "too high."' The bld.. iub-0. MqN<I•. -·-t ot UNI'-' AN.«."~-H . """"' by th• "°"'" """" <»•· GeM8'1 Pstroail\lm CotP>t both Audl.Wj. LU 1~ej· wu tha HARl09' WEATHER .tnK'tlon Co. ("'Ill for an option of i... AnplM. manbsa ot th• nret .. ma. eal*1 toda7... to purcha.111 ••t the t'nd of flYe ~..,.,~~~~ =!: ~y =~i,°:;!t ~ FlND T·HRILLS OH 5 ·;DAY CRUISE en!ei:~:~~~.:-rtlol'":: n;;~2:. renUnr+ of .. hl(h u ti.,.. Vi ~~1• al th!ld •r'\'I~ qulJ'1 lnt.o the operailona.of were Low Councilmen. 'll'IK'n they atudl.0 tn.-Mns~naa, Loa Angalea eountt it,nuurw HarftJ A. Rlifl probable co.tA of the •tructure·• Oli9t)' BhiafUt'• ~t: Gardn.r ' U\11 ' courtboule Thur!Ki•y, July 19 -70 13 ' tPN montha ago. \ndluled they Ca)ll. B. Jamee.· ou....,. co1n-here A thrill of a llfeUtnt waa the Cllrist Oluretr. by t.be• Sea, Pwt S-Cb llllp tOT : Santa Ana &'lip Friday, July 20 ·· ·• a8 flO Wllnl.ed to hold do.,.,-n the co.i of m&ncfrlr.JU-Ua ~ Loa An-A . 1onr uat of wltn-.a lot of 48 Ora.n1a Emptre Ell-~-Md ca.ta Ml#& Kiwanis Club, 2t; Seal Beach Sh!p 211 ; C~ Saturday, July 21 -It M SM,000. City 'M•nager Georg-e Sf'i¥. POUc& ~rtri\ent; Ir• hh been called ·ro · t.ppea.r pJ0r. Scout..''lf'ho m.ada a ftv• slitp aoe.. Orov. a.ip 71; Bt.nt.a Ana 8blp SUnday, July 22 ··~Tl 113 81 Coltey aaid tht' city woold pr~ f-l --"-''' """'* Air· ,_ ... _ 1 w~ _ ... _. Mondey, July 13 .... 72: ... ... ...,....,. j -.. ....... Mw cn1-on ..,_ amoua ........ otW Oren-COunt7 l:JL:-'--r 61; O&nkn Grove r-t Ill; Tu• ba.bly re..dvertiee ror bl ..... -• .. ~·-Ml df'nartmenl. before the Ur)". .. ,.. ,_, =..-r hl U8 M ---· -,; Tuud&y. Jul)·. 24 TS 84 .,_, •-~ •--~ It'• _, •• I L rn. War II ,command • p, !!I t. r,..¥rwUIUws ett the cntl.at. ID-Un Poet a ·, and Sant& Ana Ship w-,.. J 1 , -•• -· 11 1 m-··• •-and the wrtt•r. a teporlar for t""'~ -..0..::-.·,,1_,~·-ACO 7, Ut. w.e.k. .... a.ine )'. U )' 2 ov .. ,.., couac •so ..... a. -L. n--. oi.t.!.tct A.ttomay~ Robert ~ eluded membere •or uruna "6-ttr.a N~..,.,.. H•rDUr New1-..-,._ .. _ Am-·' tlv boy• 'l\.'ft"e ts fh!lm .~· • ' ..,. icnttl•nd w .. liUJl'lmoned ---... l~!'Jl"11r'"'~""~'l'-"'ll •"!'-"llJl!l'oi!,..., .. -"":9------~~ ....... ----<::-:.~r'i!~"r,<"1'.:"'.' 0"61 and Magnider •o ,..__ H•rtlor arH. •·• 8 t "-hind tha clOlil!ld door rneetln1 ..,,.. up .-ol>e, ol ooul'M. u ivr thider cont11enl leeder R•lph I. al t :l0. AJ\otbtr '"Wl\ne• the ,..l Ute trip wu • rev• · .u1.. Duka of Sea Explorer Ship 210. •• u ,. I k Yl&ltl"'-' l.O t•uv atur.lldlel tJoa. ""°'11 ... 11 mt .,,r • ee ,.., t ..N4fll'--' llMeh. and three other "-..1.....::Jo~ priftle plene• owned by· &Imel ... , Mr.. M. A-i&nta.d {O d 1b ~tha l:lcplor.nr left San on kt' • tha nmwa.y or Lona Santa. Ana. ~:,0 , a wff.k aro Sunday •n<I I I ... 'tll th F'rank Ma.rlno, reportedly ~ Munk: Pa.I, A rpo, • e , retilrned 1'11d1y •IJht. PuJ?OH I 1 ..._ -.. In on · the way out u a 6fand time ht pe • .., ente._. camp of the trip wu to rive Erp&orenr the Kish llerra country of Tu· juror. N\ •It-lha JurOra. ao act:l.-e tralnlnc cruise 10 ac• quaint Uaem wlU. whal tht' Navy ta dolq and to provide an ex· ~rletioa for acouunr wblch wow~ nol IM avall1ble to boy• be LU\)" other bUla. kouUnr '-def1r vr.:pr"t'll1 lh" hope thl• type or Lhlng will pro-I a 11u.17 of th& ldtu.U•. vtde lnterfftlnr. excitlna evenU ·InVGlvtd !Iii the, ci.eng, ii UI· wblcll wtll' •ttrecl more of lha lariement ot tha county •lrport. older teen -a'P "1toyl lilto 'tht .. TM· county bu eu-d1 JIU'-wnklr ecouun1 pT'O(rarn. Mar.Arthur Blvd. Realig~ment leferrod '. to State for Study ~ . ~Pmt!nlor Ms c Arthur Bl"f'd. ,( IOIM' f\IWT'e tljn' ... ~ ' dy In a rnoluUoft ~ b;\iounty superrilore at tht~~ of .,._.. Ko,ctl, 1"09d au,ptfylaor, the: at.at• HJgtaw.1 DI ft¥il ~ m&a.e chUaO land • i.croea M.c.Arthur Wllh the A.CO 7 repo1"tld to &om t.be airport lo l;JClmd. the poMelll ml.If'& elaoctronlc equ:p- nlnWllJI one-h~ a mile. Tfll• nMDt Ul&a &n)' llhlp al'loat. Ute l""' llMn dofle wtU\ rnatchlN i:Jtflorve ltd ewrythlnc ,,... fllftle from Ole Ovil Aeronautic. eteertnr the ahlp Oh down. Vu· A'ilitMrttl' an4I with U.•t 1tiUree.u'1 iou. o~rs CODdYCt.ecl l.nat.ruc-...neu-,r • ttoll COUf"'IH In na..t1•tk>n Md ft W ICoch'a paa. to reloc•l• _.,. or naval eqUlpawnt. lncl..opd In Coor+mde llM.t..rUiur Bl•d. ,oil , Newport tn th• c.e.ctltel operation• ·wa• Ill• 81~ M far M P~ Ro9d. ~tal'IM.t)'. • 1 • ....,. <4 ~. ur.mtnc It eut. there to !ta .,,..._ AU tbl ,crui.. C<* tha bore $9DIOR TUll:zay •t Jt.n1tUon -~ 1,t h ~llwtM w maaw of ataadl.rd 'N•Y.Y fto.d Ud Ulen · ~ntl•l&inr Ir c:how. tJ•rbor ·~ boy. parti& Ctl•'rme11i " Of. C!MilaJtt.11 lft ....-.t p..-enl 1.0 ~ cit.I IUr. ,.u.: . . " adopt • ttvlalon or bulldl.nr con- tractor•'• buslneaa llcenae. ffff, uJIVln.f Wm from IJO ptt Jot to SM!. Tha $40 lncreue wW be given lndlrecUy to the element· ary school dietril1. to ftmnea coat. tor .choolrooma to aervtce 11maller eubdtvt.l.oN. The m•l.U'a 1oea Int.a eU.ct In 30 ~ An appllc&Uon ot Joeepl& Mal· 1u. tor ... orr-.Je. beer and wtoe IJ«n. for a rutaurant at JN E. I 7Lli SL WU accepted and nled art.er no protnu were ,.. celvf'd. The council aleo renewed en •(T'ttfllent with the account- lQI" tlnn of Pyle. Lanee and SchUn~r tor the IMual audit ., u.. dt)"• boob, _mm ~ 14 fM.;ior aven\lr Koch took la plan up wtUt nlfi 110..;....-itlCMtlf Aum... --pl....ed tor ~l.Ma clt)l'e ~n th• hl1liway ~L . ~ OW<.&; 8~ JublM il>ratlM wtU meet ._,eell• •So e.•d Ote&t ~ for aw Phllltpe. Expk>rer PG.l m. J\IMdQ ~ ~n.t.e pla.NI for a riieoiUUOcl )11 rU.. -~ 'ff .. pPt', 8Mch-Bill Wolft, o.ri I~ JOih enDIYei"llYJ •ytnt ~· la &n lndicauon. .JCocb.. Waka. StOI. Eaptor.r Poet 6. ~ AJ .r-.. MW1,f •pPOtn~ ~ tbat tM plan will Ultilllefely lte 9-c.b-Wa.JM WaUon. 0oUW lk:ll)i 4rfttorJ. epprond ~ J«*ll OK-k. ~ Dl:plor- ~ WbG wa' pu'1k!ll)' di· Koch blllnu, too; th! t!rft'& ir.r_ 8~p IOC o.t.a tv..-kfk9- Mltt' fV the ... ~ If" a pOUlltillly Ul\t Ball Dlap Ran1Acton. )olul Ott, J&obt,rt , BM«J' r.l'Mftt In ;i.-. 8eecll ,.._...Y m~k routM on Pall--"-· WllJlam Btlote. ._ tnd..C Pfi•4kn•·• ~ent 9Ma.. putlin• In a bir tratnc Lncal ' •JIOf'IOr& .,.. N".wport tr~ ..._.med hi• ••W dullee cloYl!.rlttf al!U..•N..,.,n....81\'d. BMcb Klwanl.a Clv.b. AftJp 211; 119"\.Ulil week. Jwac.U... ' huU.·Oout OU. CJult,.-PwLID; . . ORANGE EllPlllE EXPWR£R8 -Oatberod on deck..'ot.the -USS;.Mt.,..McKID1ey -AGC ·~·&n1 Ora.np County ICOut.irt•who made 5-d1y cruiH with Na.,,. lMt week. • . I PAGE 2 -PAil i -NEWPORT HAllOll NE~ESS oc \4'El>N~S•JAY, .•ULY 25, 1'56 ;:G<>INGS ON AT THE BALB<>A S-AY· CLUB . BJ DAii BA Yl.llll 4 CHIC.KS OCC Sheet ~ ........ M'efil Pupils Draw Awards rour ot.fldat. of u.. oranr• County .aiffl metal Joint 1pprH· BEACH BLAZES UP TO PUBLIC? , nw piaUc WUl hqt " '" chance• to be.Ip deiddt t.h4I qU911Uoo ot how mur picnic flre1 are to bi aUolftd on Newport Harbor beachd the Park.I. Bncha and ft«:. M&Uon Commiuion decided Jill 17 ln c&llinl" a publ.IG bearln&' tor Aug. 1. Bu11 .. uon1 by the com· m.laioa that the: number of th'ff be timited 11rOupt pro- teall from the audience that. more nre1 are needed, ln· 1t.ead ot. f.,..1r. · tloeahlp commltt.M pve cbecJu to four ~nuen at Ol"Ul.r Cout C:OU.p tla\1 wffk. TM Coul Co&a'.9 •tud~U each n• cdved • $2G award fot" ahOWUll the inott. •kJll In m&ktns plant•r box• · 'nl• compedtlon wu •poa,ored JolnU)' by Oranw•l ---------,- O>Mt con .... and th• apprentice· Afttt th• j\ld.sq m.pec~ the ahlp commltlM. 0~1' Cout Colle,.e •hut Wi'nMn ware Bryan Hayes Jr., m•tal 1bop and .._udmt work, 2041 -Prtald•nt Mace, c:::Nta lh1y preMftled lh• cbecka to a M--.; Gordon Wat.on, ftl N. eolles• offtdal and Lh•n poeed Bhaftr, Oran11: Dtclt Kopp, tor a picture. Capitlr&no; and Jack Perk.tu. .u part of the tra1nlq pro- Tba four JUdta 'llJIH l t&nfey &TIU?\, atudmU &NI plae«l In th•, Gr.~on. bu9ineu reptffltnta• varioue lhett. metal abope diiri~ live: WUUam r . Van Loonen J r., th• awnm•r. n.. 'llJtl'lilinl' •P- fleldnprMentaUn; :Ralph MOIM'f, prenUca wenn't on band to ,.... .cr,tarJ of lhe Oran ... Cowlt7 eel•• lbrir check9 ud poeie for JA~ 9bd Reuben Tkht, commit-th• plcturu. bowevtt. Th•Y had \ff lftember. lo WrJl'k. • by J1dge, Alterc1tion Peinting1 b'y. . -Charles ·H. Davis of U do 1119 :How -s1,-owi11'"g·--- •• Selbo• Public Librery lilinrd-St. l -81111>011 Blv·-'d.~- Mr. O..'tb ts Opentnr an Art Student. Leap• ln Bepl.O'lber. a.ctat.n.tkJne Now Bein& Takm at TlMI Booke&M, 1111 Vla Udo. . " IATHROOM SC.ALIS .,.,. ... omR ::.:.MT~=-=-~=-l iCiiA'bios .:~f25°/t) o iii¥ FOOD 12 . ! i5: ;::~·.1 ..__ BOmE BRO ...... o.r-1 . PABLUM ·._ ·-·~ foes~: 2 r~ 3 ~!)NAPllNS=·2 -• 1 'P4YLESS ·ABC BEEL:· ·- ft ~ - $12.95 • 6 Ft. UMIRELLA ,..., 1/2G•a .... fl.19 ... 10C Ste 30C Mk •tJ• • • • • ...... _, ---[flll _, .. • • • ar.mm rllTJI 79 •• SPECIALS FOl . NI. SAT .. JULY ~-27·28 TM long ye1n of IX· perience of the phtrm1· . cist in our prescription d1,,.rtrnent ii aho your 1uur1nc1 of fine service. Ho knows tM lift.I drug bronc!J , , , is up-to-tho minute on the MWMf phfirtrMCeut~li Md gives you tho utmost itt cle~doblo sortico. lo sure • -1lw1y1 '9t us fil your doctor's prescription, ....,., ·AEROSOt • watt 141 """ -..... lh .. . ERICAN . LIGHTS.6· .. 67c iii& FOOD ~ .. 16·:., .. ,oo COSMETICS ~orar-BMW.U. COLOGNES ::i. ----·-· 0.loolol -........ .,.. -$400 COLOGNE .......... __________ I -· .. -·...... $459 HOSIERY ----·· -·----·· __ 1 Perfumes by Chanel -Lanvin -Guorlelll • • • I I I . • • • . • • • • • • • 'WITH SALLIE ftlo lo a jule7 oori of • tl!lllr . . . • ·-_, lllmp:e be&:l•nlllg or ead &o ... , meal ... Kratra l'nllt 8aJadl are sta•dlllc ou t.belr fruit)' launia u be- la& lb• -ti Ia tho lllce- to-hav1'""9·1Lud--..p ... Net CllUed. aet ~n. but !IMh piak ud whit• Cfrult ud freth plne· • ne•Ulll packed. 1n a c jar . , , ()lllquo tbat =will k .. p IDdellDltely dellclo.. ju1I • bee• peeW Oavor if the vac- em. lflll lt •ot brokea, for _..,.woebunderre- f>ll:eratlon ••• You can •pot Kra.ft'1 J'ruit Salad in 'our Produce Depart.mmt . : . the pint and quart. jart chilling them- lelves in a bed of cracktd ice . , . Belt waker-upper I can recommend, of the no· -1, no-oqu.... type . . . Combinti them with cocoa· nut or marahm.&llowa for a UOt and ... y cieuut . . . lfM to round out your awn· mer fruit bowla . . . Betit way to fill the bole in a can· taloup I know of ... What Orange Jello dOM enfolding Kraft'• Fruit Salad la a parched throat 1topper ! J'rW1: of aaother color • watmrmelom , , • PerfMt flavor mat.el' are. Do&e'• r-b 1 ...... t!'u':""" w1 wa&;ermeloa • • • or C1\l>OO II JO,..., o footlq laay ••. The flt.vor of tlll8 plneappl9 yh•... the --kn\ to ....... It mon .•• ~y •.• l'erfoot ,_ bowl to ..... op to UJ -""'· ._ Oat a wat.ermeloa tide •off, about a quarla dOW1I ••• ~~ ie· ... _ oi.i.'. "" •Da If ,.~ •.. llltch -tho "'4• to look fanq ud. me the meloa 1t.llell for your 1 .. bowt" .•• nu wttlt. mek>n, Dole'• 'freeb tror.ee plne- :.&!.' ~=~ .. : , ...... I i.>id 7oa It roted • do tell ••• ,, Peacb:f •'911 new ,w&y to Creeze p •a ch• 1 &om the Peach Adyt.ory Board of th• Univenity ot Call1orni& .•. Wub tll'lt, then place Iha wbola poaeb, akin, aeed and &ll riPt on the quick freeain& unit , . . W· h e n fror.en .olldly cover tightly bl fteu.er "bl.p . . . When you wuat to UH them next wlDt•r, wuh under cold water tap .. , fte •kin will ntb ri&bt oU in tour hand• ••. Euy tJ> a1lce while still trosen ••. ·-, d.... tho Bay to Riehard'• rotn1 . . . y .. pt oft at Bob Doi- .... private pier ••• bop. oldp ... jwnp -lh• -1, ~· , .... oh•ppia,, tMa ._. to Bob Daito• 1 le be pldlod ap ••• You cU ba•e a stop-over up to a1x hoon .. , Of ooune _,...p&backtollob Daltom't, you'I ... t to llAl'k; the ~ 1ad laave a eooler • Qffer or -.rbo:.U-r If U.. time • after ftve •.. Tiu. a. • -M<>ppblg d..i ...... -.ii "' with tho Uppor ...,. ... t ... ,... ..u 1larbor 81 ud 1&y where 7ft -to be plcko4 up ... ..,.-*-~"' ...... ,_ tl,odl. u you ilo•'I -a }llwato pier .of-~ .. , Klad of •a dllf.._ -. to do wbe• es I •1 oontee to -· .. ' I 1" "1kJd JuR llU lo ~VO a boot rldo, • .......,...._.ud•o ...,,.. ...... ---~-. -· 5181 ............ -blo S11rro1 -with -tlle bl-• ... after you ... ' . IUdlird'• &ad ~ vu. toa11 are only two of th• Udo Sbopl. at the entrance to Lido Iil<o, Newport Beach, Clllfornla. , I NOW, ~ , R l • • • • • • ·-' • , • '• ••••• COOKING\ wnH ••• • MtcR ·a ·WA VE.J! • ' • -• • -.-' . ;. .,.. I . n q _E • • • " ,. HEATS FOOD IN SECONDS e 'COOKS 5 TO 10 TIMES FASTER -4t IOILS WATER IN 20 SECONDS ' 'e IAKES POTATOES IN l MINUTES •• ' • • ' ' ...... ,...,.. .......... H.. 0 . e a& = ts,.,., 0. .. sa THIS NIW COOKINCJ MllACUI ...... ,. ..... no...11mp;.. ............. ..,..rr'rl r. , ............. -..-....." •••'he· nil ---t .. ef 'ilM:V°Ml ... 1'11 ... f .... fula> ..... ftW before. Now, Ja die..., ,_...1 .... la&ft ...._Uy lllaW d·'n ... le add to OU nit nlWJ el......,.,....,... f ..... ' . Open TW 8:00 p.m. Eu.ept l!!lidliaf '1111 1:tt , ... • '''•ltf!f ..... .ww 35' Bl&Cl 'IT FIVU !8-01. •-• s• "0 "' 2/ 15' CAT FOOT 1-eL Goodw:l.11'• 22' AMMO:\'IA. -·-··· 411uart O' Cedar hl"lllture 43• POUIU __ _,11-os. THt::RSDAT ONLY • =:. ~iJI!~,. 2127' AD-ADI .... , ... ............. ..., TINDDIZll__ ....._ 'N r...,+--,., ........ _ 75' OUYI OIL~,.., ' . Cllt-llhas Cllltllme . 23' NOODUS _,_ HciT 'DO'G sA"N.V.V1cH ....... ._. 28' ftIDAYONLl'! ........ C.OkM? S.t, lloelitu --..,.. . 75' PASTllAMfSANDWICH .. ....,.., IJATljaDAY ONLY ! Kadar C.Oked: H ... g.-, 75' CORNED IEEF SANDWICH._. BJU Bnuid • All Jhal; s-CANNED HAMS .............. s-1>. ,,. , •• ~c vlNEGAR 39' -·········-Cruet OUNGE JUICE 2/35' ~1'• Klu4 Oar•• 2/ff' VJGITAIW .. ;., ~ LM,-. c ..... ,,,-hi 2/33' GOLDIN COltN !Mnl9er• .., ., 2/49' CHICKEN PIES 79' TllUUDAT r.-..... .,._,2 47' COOKIES ...... .,,. --25' FlllNCH IREAD ._. nrDAY 8el"'• WU .. I"' nr- i-iE~=--·---56' DINNER ltOW 6 ... 15' 114 Tt11U>A Y coFF'ii CAKI 3 ... 2r LAfii CAii _ 14' ~ ....... --fl' TOMATO JUICI .. .. , ..... 11 ................... ... N'i'CTAI _ u-2/21' Oleridta t• ..,._ ... D1111rte ..... ... COCKTAIL .... ,. .. iil 11£ .. .., .. , 27' l'ltUIT PUNCH. ,... .... ,.... 21c APPLE IU 11 El_ u-. coFFH ~ __ ._ .... _ .. _. __ .. _ nc ~ s.., 'b... ')'te IROWNIE MIX_ ....... ~1.- .. ...... .._.. 'Ille WHEAT THINS _-1.J- c°iiiNAMON WAFERS25c C"Hm. srwD __ nc . 2-4fc .... o.-..... IAKID ~NS .... 'tk IROWN . WAD _ ,._ l."I - ;AiiR ... tWtaNS2 -19c !' ..... ..,.._,,..hi'..........., 65 .HEN TURKEYS ... :.c__.... c c.t1CK.1Nii0iLERs .... s«Jc FUSHY~NG L.UllTS ___ ,.Ste Gi0uND'' a··· __ .... _._1 -----~-.... 25c .... 63c M··tcU..• ..._,. ._... a.at. 8lirll.ak EM .,. WHOLE TENDER HAM ----- suciDWN IACON---t.Sfc IPJIXJUL8 roa 'ULY .. n, ud ta, 1111 l'OOD un or DD UDO lllOPll I ~. I ·, • -.. .. t - {: ,. -.. .. • • . , • • • • ' • . -~3 SILE I nu •••r~..,....,sa1w•., •. -&YJl.17,a - , • I ' I . ' -• OU "AU COIDlt' I y IN~ TO AN ANNUAL COllAtUNITY !VINTI • f -ITH ANNUAL AMERICAN LEGION : • • I' • • • . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · SPONSOIED IY THE AMERICAN LiGloN AND . ALL·.AMIRICAN tt_EWPORT BEACH , SAT. From 7 A.M. TO 11 A.M." j _In All;American Newport IMch p.,king Lot . DOM~Tl_ON Wmt AU. NOCUDI POI nnu.tll' WUAU Pf.IND All You Can Eat! Aw al M ... A ... .... • •••• .... . ,, c-. ...., __ FINEST 9UALITY SWEET NORTHERN SEEDLESS CQOI & RefreslllnCJ - Perfect Hot Weather Nourishment! --~~~-------------~·----- Finest Full· Flavored Northern SDclnCJ Yufltty! •.. Delicatessen • IATH llUF, l'OllK. Ca VEAL -Pkg. of 3 CHOPETIES -45c SWIFrS PllEMIUM AU MEAT . FRANKS • 36C RATH l~CK~WIC--- SALAMI . 4 lllSHEIMEN -a.oz. PKG. FISHSTICKS -OR - BRAUNSCHW'G'R MINUTI MAID / LEMONADE ltlllMfTll MilllB llOWN POTATOES ~~.10· YOUR CHOICE! RATH'S -3 VARlmES LUNCH MEATS PARTY -PAK ~~-___, __ GRAND TASTE SLICED ' c lb. BOLOGNA . 2 6-0i. Pkgi. 1 r -... - - - -; ..,. ...... I 4-=.;ht : WHisKEY '"'" s549 I IOURBON I ou MICIOIY m....., SAVE I ~.Fifth I BOURBON $5"' I • 79 , ...., ... ,,_.,,..__ . L _ ----J ~~~~~~~E -s1 ·91 • -OR - LUNCH LOAF All-AMERICAN MILD CHEDDAR . .;..;;....;;.;.___ SWIFT'S PRIMIUM • IROWN 'N' SERVE $A USA OE 8-0L Pkg. 39' 45~ c • • . We (you'll parcloft'lhe orite dellclous lllCH·, ~· of' v1nill1, nNpdllt.Oi ~ for your ...... ,. tool I I '"':t ' I 5~ • I·· PREAtll 4-0z. 29c J .. I :-==n . ·15· l e IUnu:SCOTCH ! I • ITIAWIRIT • • ' I SWANsDoWN . ; l CAKE . I ew•m ·2· 7 I YIUOW e HYIL'I POOD I 20.0I. PKG. I : r I JAN-U-WINE I CHINESE FOODS 1 Chicken Chop 49c I Suoy & Veg. Combin•tion I Jan-U-Wino . 25C I NOODl.ES I No. 21'.i Can I ' , - (Those it•m• not effective II Downey &tori) FINE QUALITY -FULL SIZE ·PILLOW CASES ReCJ. 69c Each! For Rag. $1 .SO Velue Annlverstry Offer HALO Spec. $1.19 Dool Pock Red uced SHAMPOO 1° .••. -. ·-~--·· ' • • • • . . • • • ; . . 'ession..-SCOOPED them oil -with yo.ur f .. . ' ho' ·i:ro••1L~f reom ot •price like THISI Yo .. -c ice ol~. f'P ~ 1tro•berry -you 'll wont Mverol I' • ~ . !;.GALLON ·cAltTON! I Mt 'dQw Gold Grade AA Creamery I -. : ~ I 1-Lb. Ctn. Lau a Scudder's Farm-Fresh ••• -- 'CAIP.! BRAND -PURE -12-0Z. CAN 5-Lb. 47c ll•g 111-LB. llAG VERMONT MAID SYRUP · 12-61. lottle pt -· g. Of -r11 U.S~ GRADE 'CHOICE' VEAL SALE! c I BARBECUE-PERFECT cull of the finest U.S. 'Choice' Northem Veol -with oil the tObull beef flovor of quolity boby beefl ldeol for indoor or OUTDOOR cooking! Every cut GUARANTEED to pl.., .. -ond LOOK or the 1peclol PRICESll • I SUNSHINE KRISPY • I CRACKERS I U.S. GRAD,E-'CHOICE' I 27c I GENUINE NORTHERN c I ~i.~: : VEAL I CA•NATION INSTANT I ' BEST CUTS 7-llONE & CHUCK : CHOC. DRINK • ; L;~ 35c : U.S. GRADE 'CHOICE' GENUINE NORTHERN ROUND BONE VEAL ROAST .. • U.S. Grade 'Choic,· Fully-Trimmed Veal .White King Gran.~ • ,I SOAP • ·: ::a: Giant -!!f! I ~Pkg. c • ·u.s:_Grade ·c;hoic•' Veal -· : I C1 I I CHASE & SANllORN • INSTANT I COFFEE s123 C I 6-0 •. I Jar • • • I I I cl I I I Cl I PIXIE. FLUFFY I I .MARSH-I MALLOWS I . I 2 10-0 .. 25c I Pkg1. • • l The<:AT~llocofpetfood1I • c: !~!! -·! : 2 ~~: 23c : Au.AMERICAN'S FAMOUS FRESHLY..CJROUND VEAL & PORK LOAF MIX MORRELL'$ PRIDE SMOKED, Center Cull PORK CHOPS Roth lllockhawk Smoked Pork Cottoge ROLLS I V• TO ·l.U. A ...... 11 NlfllCT llOI tAaJN•, NYllle 01 IUCD" COU -OW' IAMIWICHDI . A\L.AMERIAN 'S FAMOUS FRESH, LEAN GROUN~ BEEF I Oscar Mayer First Quolity Yell..W -rand SLICED BACON ' c I>. c lb. c lb. c lb. Cl I I BANQUET BRAND- I IONED • • I I I Frosh Troll-Caught S1Hk1 of I SALMON FRESH FILLET OF SOLE c:. CHICKEN l 5t;~ 29c • • • c lb. I e DOWNIY • NORWALK COIN• .... TO• I DOU.II COINH --· I PIO- .._ 'Tl ti P.M. ~ M. & a............ OPEN DA&Y "Ta. MIDNl'n tu•ATS t A.W. TO 7 ,.... ....Aft "nl 11 P.1111. c lb. • GARDEN GROYI • CORONA DEL MAR Hll •••• ..... ltwl. c~ 5'-> JCMt COAST HIGHWAY At JASMMtl DAtLY t :OI A.M. TO 10100 r .M. DAILY t :• A.M. TO 10IOI , ... , SUM0&'1 t A.M. tO I t P.M.. SUMIAT'I ,, A.W. TO Y '-""· ~~~ • 29i.· ... ---- .. ·. ..... !::!;: •, .... ..•. .·•· ~~! :~ '·· .. , f~ ~' .. .i I -~I ~~ 'l , .. ' . . • . ·: • ~1 .,,.~ I ~ .• ·: ·: J t ./ s AOVMfCI Sll.IC1'IOH DAY ·only o lew ol our mony · iinsofiottol Aug"•t Sale ifem1/ -• •1•H lll S111I• All<I, MW Wh .. 1:" • h•11ill1••• c. .. t1 .... ,1 n.~., ..... 1 ""••'"• "' t11,. .... , ,,,,i .... 1ty1 ... .,...ttri ••" •••Y rlliolo•lll 1~lrt, IO .. JO, $S1 • St.IS \•al. 22.00 •••l. w•'1i1liol• ••H•• llr11N1 I• whit• witll ,111k, liolve. lllec, ., ••M Jfl•t. •• ,..,, ... ••it••· .. "ltyle1, ••t· 1i1t1 10·20: ll•lf thet•IJ'll t. JJV.. ,... u.11.n'.. . 5.95 .• -· . ...-, ... ..... ... ,a.. .. -4 *" ....... tlf1t.itt1. .. ,,.... ... ,i ... .,., .. II.it 1M ,._,. !.¥tly. ftl.lllM • tN'I:_ ..... 4h'4111. • 1.99 ,, ..... ·~ ••• rt1ltf1llt ;..,.,. lit •"'-• •' . ,_,._ ~.. ,,..... •..4f..., fJ .. J w..li 4.0.. ....,.1 .... a.w. i. 11 ...... ............ ·s.99 ,.. ..tW ••* .i..,. '" , ................ ..., w.ith+ .. lltf1fltl' tlMI •hiwr..'1 ..... _ .. ,.,; .. ......... 1.39•139 ...... ..tt. ...... ftk • ., ...... ,N .,... 6 '''' """" " •• ,. f1kk. .. , .. .-.. ......,. -·· ,.ti ... ......... 21 .. 1.88 , _ .... "-........... • ~ ,_,,, ,. ,.,,. ~·~ ...... ,.u... •"''· -wt.It. .,... 111.-ttkM41, ~.,. ........ _ ... 11s111198'1bl..3.59 Ne•••..,.._ ......... iMitlffH .a..... 1 ..... it t Ill-,., _ .. I"' 14-1-t11I. ......... ~ NI· I.II 1.39 .... 3 .. 4.rti I ,, ...... '811t••tlitwea N,....,...,, .... ,_._.., .......... ,,_ ....... .. ., ........ ".... .ttt·~ ........... '*" ... .,., n.1t•..i. 4.99 ,...,__,. ,.w ,.,., ..... ~...-......... •ltt., ... c••l•n. ,.,tlf'••ffoo• t.r •11' 4,.ui., l1W.. l~f, t ift ........ apeclal value 5.95 ·PaulS-.Ht*'- •• auert.4 ., • .,, •' 111"'1' •*" 1tyl•I llrt11•1 I• cette11, "tlt1, '"" r1y•11 ,.,,h, ... 11"'-t ... st•I'•&. r19vl1r t11cl lltlf di.&. .... ~ .. 15.00 ....,.. •-' • ,, .. ,.1 .......... -Hri llttl... t1rl.,-.4, ... trt.. .... ., '••• tfl ...... t11 .... .. .. 11 ...... , .. ,h.1.4 .. ,... ..... 1., l.Jf. l .Nnhoe 2 ; ... 6.00 M .. .. I•. wi4tlu 11 fl1.., ••11, .,.a • .,, 1114 w1ef 1J11tl .. 1, tw1..i1, w1r1t..i .. .....tk11Hi, .,,,., 11114 llllk, wHI llll1M1. ...., ... 11 .. ..... ....... , .... ••n....t ...... ....__ w .. 1 f., Nit.el .... ,l1y w-. wW.. 11114 --.11 ... ....... , .. .... 1-.. ... 1. 19-119 . .............. - WI 11•'t teM f4tt ••-, flo.t \"'•'II ,_,.;.. .... lt••llty. "'""' .f ""'" ... ;. •• ,,,, ,1114 ...... "" .w.. ..ty. JJ .. 41. Tiii. lo I.II 2.00 • .,... .; ... ,. ..... 111 .. t.r.1• ,.,, ........ --, ..... ,. ...... ,._..,. ,. .. e1 .. , ....... , ..... .......... , ........ 4-.. 199 ..... •11•••11 1rirt .,..,;,1 ............. 1 •• ,. ..._., lr11ill11 Mo... (llkkM .iii... ... •• tlhl.., .,a.,.., 1 .. .w. •"' .... L..eh """'· .., __ Hly. 11.11...i.. 2'.95 "" t 11 &.ae•---······ ~·' ,.,.rr.... ef -"'*• ktf, .... , ........ r...,...., .. ............ '"" ,.., ........ . ...... ..• .,.. -....... .-==:i=..--79c 1.29 •i at Syumore, la1t1 All' f AT.ANNIVJ:RSAliY PARTY -Eighth for 1lollloa Bay Qub, the Mark Piercu and Al Tiffanys ch&t durinf codct&il hour. Mr. and Mn!. lllyford Irvin• and llr. _and Kn. Lyman Farwell were boot couplea. Vari-hued b&lloona hunc In clu.ten over the dinJnr room, pink and white atoek centered tableo covered with pink clolha and dinen danced to ewee\ Dlxieland muaic. -Terry Boria Photo Lido Isle Plans 3rd Round-Up NE\VPORT HARBOR 01.hel'S '")to all voluol.Ml'9 of the Ground. ObNner Corpe of which RON la Joeal -.ipe:"l.IOI'. They, 1at nauon..,,1$ •'-rt at 1 :1~ a.m., wet oft at.10:10 p.m., received compliment.. t,rom J'llter C1nter few eiu:allent eoverac•. Kudoe to chl•f ob9trv•n Mra. Joe Beelt u4 Mn. CS&nnce Tumham. A T 1.0NTA PA.Bf'Y 'Little Sheba' ,__for Kn. S. R&Jpb ~. UU L Bay l'roa.t. and ber bouae ~ Tb1ti 19 DOt the ftf'9t Tl.llt bl. tM ll&Aot •re& ror Kr:. Tbonla9 JllJIM9 Ryu ot Toronto, Ofttu'IOI CUada. mot.her ot Vn. khWer. but It ii au new f« the Lt.t.H'a alec:e, MIN . Carolyn Gl"MMlde-and all lM uaua! •Pt....,,1ns trlpa are pl&nned, lncludiftC the Futlval ol ArU . Thlil depta. moMlt lltlJe rray car, wbtcb UMllllly 4rOOJ» )Lt bood kl. .name O'N'r lta •PPftl'· &nee, now flau.a.ta lh&t chronic coat ot duat--..apray-smQI' u an honor b&dp of dvlc eo- ~raUon N UM water llhol't.&Je. TM· Leltft C.llaM,N Jr. have de!M!rted Loft&' Beach for a pent- hou.e apartment at Lldo vu1..,. • . ~ TM' Roeer Wardl home alter a vacation trip nortll which tnclu~ a w.ek at Portland Hlthllrhts, troMD lakee and con- t.rot roe.di at Mt. i..-.tn. - Uon cave• on the Otesi>n Cout. Tht Rux Scbuba and Mq-(le Price a $9.95 To AU:W Presiden • Addresses· Local Women -•• kn. L. :E. Mon1.oa 19( ... ;:.:, Marino, prfftdent ol U.. C&llfOl'o n.la .A.~iaUon ot tntJ.v...W· Women, wu JUHt ol honor al I.he *=al A. u. w. plG:D1c JlillJ ll l.Q eo.ta )(ff& Pane. 8be urpd mf!mben to 1upport Jorda.a H°'IM and th• C1&ra Ba.rtea DlabeUc. C.mp. Memt>en enjoye<I a pot luck luncbeon after which M.-., A. 'J, Taylor, local preal.dent. pv. hllhllshta of Mr vacau,e trt,p to Yellow1tone Park •11;4 Wt t...ke Qty. · ' h•s your ofuau :J.~kion6 C,..tom Made 3837 Newport Blvd. . ,. -~ ~ :· $19.95 Acrou From City Hall Weekend · Guests at Taylor tt·ome Kr. and Mn. .A. l . Ta1'or an.d dilldna. m :m.. 1 tua •t.. CoM:a ......_ ntarta1Md Mn. Tayk)r'a eoulllna. Kr. &ad Kn. Vinet lnl'flli•n.akl. and clilldNB of. Now Showing at THE IOOKCASE • Portrelh by MARJORIE ADAMS ~ Lendsc:pea by WILLIAM DARLING * Boob * Antique• *Old Prints * Rental Library 3416 Vie Udo JAN DAVIS Ia1~ for tM wn.ktnd.. Sal· 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ urday aa al f~ iWICbeoD lM m.• -n.t aurf n.Mlnj" at Balboa wti.1• otMn oL tM party _.,. in lM bay. h. ~ n'tolGftC UMn wu a bat'~ dinnu at tM Taylor patio.. Sunday the Taylor• wtor1 aur- prlMd "Y a YI.it from. former Gltndak fr141nda. Mr. and. Mra. E. .. PlinnUlJton., with ..,. Mkl'IMI an4 a iwwly adopt.I t MOnU..-Old 41.ua:httor. PAlKu.tlDLIY MOlTUAlY COCKTAILS • FINI FOOD IN VAN'S IOWUNG THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL! ' IN VAN'S IOWLIN& 11'1 svn:uoa A VE. OOftA JD;SA um:arr .- ITAIT UVINO ''NOW'' ADD A ROOM IUILI l PATii •1MIDIL A llTIMU AH l lllll ua· COMPlETE INSTALLATION lly One hllable Company HAVW. IT fNSTAUID DO· IT• YOUISBI Phone Klmwly 3-8231 Phone Harbor tle86 • PINAHCINO AVAii.Aili THllOUOH .. ,.,.. lvtlpt "" • NO DOWN PA,_,, ·---------------· .. --.. -··· ... • I • ' •ENGA~ -Mn. R. L. Bacon, :!.:16 Ocean View, ~hu 1.~ced the engaie.ment of her daughtfr " ~Betty to.l'redt:rick ~emmerer Cleai;on ot Brea, IOll of the Walter F. Gleanlou of )'um&, Ariz. Mm ,.. ~~"i:,'l.~d<d .1.agilila 'lle&c h High Schoo~ _ ·UC'f.n:P Cout, San Joee State. and Oregon State ~"!\'al graduated from QSC. Her flance WU pa.d'u&tt.d from Pomona Hieb School and USC where be wu &ffiliated with Theta Xi. ·He eerved. itw(\~ 'the Nan.I. Supply Corp• with rank of ilieuteunt •(j.g.), Newa wu 'revealed SatUJiay ,wh..i•v..., J!acon entertained in!onn&lly for .20 ·frl;/.~nr-. • fl''$"THE autiful BUY ·. FOR • • • • • • YOIJNG etz' •,,...bf t/l artlalll Wllllom ~ allll Ma.l'jode t-vtnt °"" -...,,.. at Jan (-Clmirlool DaVia' Book-, . ' • Notable Artist Trio ' ' EXhibiting . ·Locally B• wu art dlnctor,. for tOtb Ctalar)'-l'ox for JbU1' 1ean. t. ' .., .nomlnaled. ttw Un:.-for !~· - .1 di•,,.... 1.m .......... SPONOI CAKI •• 19' .. °"""'..J ..... ·.~~KIS6•29' Gllf-' .. ., JM 111 ci-lal9 Nut • COOKIU., .... 33',.. °"""'""1 ~?.~:..~~~ ~ QOaOJIA DCL au.& I·---.. AOOSD'a WGIJSA. auaa ' --••• M.& 191..Un;>, ............. R~BQUI ... """"" .... ' .. ,1.. _____ 'i I s,..1o1 s. ... , am Clitclt Tliue /. S Tl Qeei-1 ........ ._ .. .t.1k I ... ..., C I 11ot tog Rois ,..:: ~ 20'. I -I IDecue a. W:::....i ·:-.21c ·~~· '· lllln~ 1.-c: 12c .:. 23c I I Mln~Tlatws ™'+"' ......... . ) ~ MUI 0 I ....._ ,_.. ... i2 ... -'t<- .. - - - - -~ iiAilij Wtflle Miii: .... GIVEH , AW:AY! You get these wonderful new, gifts with SARWAY'S "SAVE·A·TAPt" PLAN ~HOW1 , Al,..• 11 -,_..,_.,PINK CMll ,.... -iff ..... N ..... '_., • iA.,...TAft _....-"' f'lll .... t11.w _.. ....L 'nil.-• l ...... ...................................... -,.. .......... . .......... , ..... ..,, • f MAICO Dll.UXI WATULISS Aluminum Cookware i ......._ ....... DlU-NIAVY ...... .. ,.. ....... , w.a-...... " ......... All,.._ .. ..a ... ..... ............................... ............... ._ ........ WATDLISI ............ ,.. ....... .--.1111 ..... -~ ... ---... ~ ...... ~ .· ........ , ... a ........ •I Tl'&• Qtl'r I ....... .,.. ......... , .................... 0c1:W1 ·- ........ l'& ................... ····:: ..,._. ... ,,,...,__. .......... ...,....c. tt · ,_ • ... .. . . .... . ........... ''h1-t11.s•• ........ . ~ -PAll11D DU poGWOOO DINNERWARE °'\ __ ~ ,..,.. ,._ ...... " ...... _, ....... ~ DOGWOOD'" DGINUWAU .i* _, ...................... { .. .,...,,.-..-...... ~ ..... ,.., ........... ..... flll ... •-·A SJ.M VAWll • CEL!RJ HEARJS CUCUllERS ., . W altah .Say i . ' Ne> Fe>rget N•w G, ... Sheck ' , on Sq/boa lslond WAL TAH cu1ars < ' . . , BAWA.DAN 8110P Jet MA&lN& AV& • -"' . ,Plenty Freo Po.ting in 0. Grand C.~ ,. ~. • • • s..n~ ...... totnlllikl • ...W • ...... .. ,,.. ....... °' ..... f'k'M" .. s.trl(• • lltftdl. ,o. '-d .. I f'f ~ ew ,_ ~= ... "'GIW , ..... ~: We. '°' 4iwwr! It'• • t..a, hat ... •*' ... ,.. ... it! bpMffl- ..... _, mt'l4 Ea-. p.-.fccf poctt. ol C011nrl MorNR 'P.W. or latli ll1cld••"" ~ ............... ... Morw S./n#J Jltd v.r.. .... . f.RANK URlDS = ' , •• CHICkEN tfGS . I -y ....... CHICKEN WINGS .,..~..,.. ' ... f ... -· . . -3~ ... • .... 6fc ... ~.1 .. Sli1lilp ~ ... ~·~.59c . Cid Rlets ·=, ·~·~ . . n;, Wt1.l'1 . ' 011t1t•11Ji•t B111t u Sfftwjl '•' .. ' . . TIDE GIANT IOX' NUCOA PO TIED • --........ 2]c. . .MEAT;·.'"~..;..= s~ 'Ii.A' EGGS ~-49 • MM . 43 ' ..:.: c . . • • ... 1 ............ --~ . -·~" . ''· PllATW GOLD 35' GRAHAMS,._ el/Arif CAU INCllAU ' . OlllY AMII. ,_ ~ -39C . -· -~· ...._. ... ~ lb • 15• , • • ~ ,\ • • • ' \ ' • • • "· • • • ' I I • • • • ) • , ' , _I ' hd-. I • ANNIVERSARY I • •• " • t ' . • • ~ A ' ' 'an 'okl ~~shloned S~L ·E ' with "a· YC>~ viewpoint " .. .;'... ....'·~ .... , ... , ' • . , luly 2~th througli .. ~ug~st ·~ 1 +Ii·! -~ ~ ....... 6 • ' . t , •• • : .... -• • . ' I ' . • Storts tomorrow 1118 soi. thot will moke yoU feel yeors younger os BuffUf!IS' turns becl: the 'clod on prO:es'. bringing • ..._ ' ·~ . you buys sUdi es you haven't -n in yeors ••• old-foshioned prices oo new, up-to-the-minute mer~he-;,dilel Hero ore · I 1 1 ~ -t just • low of the huiidred. of values lo be found throughout out two fine slor~s -in every deporlmenf, oo ov•'l' • ' ' . . . floor! Volues for men, for wolJIOn,·for kiddies, for the homel It's our 52nd Annivorsory ••• come ond colobrotel • ....... first 69.95-89.95 Luxurious Wool Cools, new feU s,fyles • in me9nificent Stroock ond Forstmonn wools. . Lush cOlors. Misses' ond petites $11 • 25.95-29.95 Hondmoci,;,r Woothervono Suits, boxy end dressmaker sfytes, 1wonderful ·colors in Misses', JuniQr end· proportioned si~es.__11.IO , ' 49.95 Young C.Jilomion Coots, pure wool tweeds, plush fobrics, ,in smart stylos with push-up s~t Morvolous colOn. Sizes, 5' lo 13 $31 ' 14.95-17.95 New luxury Skirts, luscious pure wool tweeds, flennols, worsteds in sr.m or lloro styles. 9 ¢orious colors. 810 18 9.U 10.95 Wonder Jersey Or.sses, cool, woshoble oD • occo1ion styles! Stripes, prinh, solid colors. Sizes 12-20, 14'f2·241h '·" • 7o9S.9.95 OrloQ . Bemwdo Sweoters,' coshmere-solt, full foshion,d, lllseious cblonl 34-146, C.rdi- 911111, 3 styles, jS.11 Slipons; 2 stylos, 4.11 ,• ' . . 2.98-5.95 Fomed Moler Blouses, milocle pongees, ~loths, nylons in tho seoson 's smorhltt aiyt9s, colors. Sizes 32 lo 38 1 .99 • For Men Only , 79.SQ.89.50' Now Foll Stein B!Jh Suits, superb selectiOC'!-s, new weaves end patterns. Distinctive_Jy sly~d lo-l~test foshion tron~s. G111ot buys! $69 ' 18.95 8uffums' Own Sl~·cls.,lmportocl ltolion flon. . nols, 2-ply wonted gobordine~ 'Meticulously toilored. 29-42 -' 2.95, 2/$25 $5 Buffums' Own While Dross' Shirts. Premium quolity, she,n luster. Sp111od collor, f111nch cuff or somi·sprood, button cuff ,.19, 3/fl 1 , -2.S0.$5 Silk Nocl:w .. r, n~ nanrow widths in fine imported end clomestic silks)--lest pettems ond colors; Outstonding voluosl 1.79, 213.SO ' 4.95-6.95' Sport S/>irls, •short sleeve, ltolion ,;,r , • spread c;o!lor styles in cottons, rayons or long sleeve flonnoh. S..M-L-~ 2.H 19.95-25.95 British ·Wolker Shoes-Onco-o-"feor Sole of our entire stock! Oxfords, ties, f'assels, slipons in coif, suedo;cordovor> 16,90 to 22.90 . ' . 22-.95'$25 Fomed Moke 'Jockets.' light, worm, woshoble zip-front jockon, ')Ylon lined. Choice-"! populor solid colon. 36 to 46 I 3.H ' • .. ror 'Small ,.fry • 4.S0-10.50 Pioq Piper Shoes for boys end girls. Terrific ·;.loction of ..8ock-to-School style1 ord , colors •Io ·big 15% soving[ No,., 3.12 to 9,31 5.95 Boys' fine Orlon ~r ·lomb;s Wool Sweaters. Long deovo, V-neck ond novelty styles in 8 pop.,. lor colors for school.Sizes 8 to 18 3.H ' . ' '°"the Home I ' . 69.95 Fino Chino Service for 12, exquislte ' 1Pinehur1t" or "Melody" pot+em on superb white t~onslucent chine. Marvelous values! _4·7.77 • 6.98 Lozybeck Moulded Foom Rubb.r Decore or Pillows. ~ stylesin wosheble Tonkin silk/r•yon tip covers. 9 decor.ator cok>rs ~ LH -. ' • • • I Boys' Fomed Mole Ny.Ion Joclots. Nylon sh.II, 4.95-14.95 Imported Hond Hemmed 0.-slt nylon fleoco 'linod. Woshoblo, good colors. DinMr Sen. Roso P.ttom, royon/cotton with 13.95 sizes l>-12, l.H 15.95 size, 14-20 9.H noplcins. Ivory, pink, wJd, giMn 3.H .. t1.99 . .. ) . • F T M I ,__ "-'·LI Le-'2.99-7.95 Slovens MohawE, r-180 COUii= s · ""'°"' •••>-• 0 .... ns, """"o-..-, le L.~ R le fitted ' ~., ' 12V2-oz. Senforized white.bod clenim. Grey "" co s ..... s. ogu r or ' on ·~n, , blue. 2.~5 sizes +(2 J,H 3.50 sizes 14-16 2.29 emo long, queen, ling sites 2.69 .. 6.79 . . . 5.98-8.98 Cotton School Dro~s. greet selection Kenwood "Lynn" luxurio.us 1003· wool bl.Men, of discontinued styles in fine fobrics by o fomed solin bound. Lovely colors I 15.95 Twin 12.91 mo~er. tetfoct f?t school. 3_ lo 6X '. .3.~9 I ~-9~ Double ~ 1,4.91 29.~5 Ki~9 _M.91 2.98-4.98 Girls' Fomed Cotton Flon,,,.I Pojomo;, 26.50' Fiold~ros\ ~CO.cord:' Colonie! ~reocls. • Dainty or toilorod styles, good selodi6n of prinlt' l\nliq~ or blooched white, twin or double for ond solid colon. 4 lo 14 .2.59, 2/$1 . • lroditionol; provinciol,. coloniol roornt...-19.91 ~ . ' . . $25-$.35 Gins' Wool Coon, ~icle choice of .,;,; 72.30.154:50 Custom R:eupholstery, finest worlc· loff stylos, colors in fine ·woolens by o fom.d ' monship, s;.hoose from 3 groups of luln'(y f.bricl. mokor. Milium fined. 7 to I~ 17.H lnc~udo _to61?r, mot.oriel 'll0.11 hi IN, 1.25-1.50 Cotton Broodcloth Shorts. Boxer or • Savo Custom-"1ocle · Dropeciosl Choice of, 5 12.95-15.95 N.w Foll Hots, lush velours, beovers gripper. White, ploins, foni_y pettoms. Sonfor-39.95 AU.Hordwood Crib. Cutout ond boltrim, 'popuiar •fobrics, mode with delu•I pinch pl.ob. in o•citin9 new styles end color.. Thribi/lg buys et izod. 30-42 19c 4-side teelhing rojls ond · od\' ustobfe sprin~s,, q. lnc1Ud8" lobar ond mo to rials 2.9' .,.i. this special pur<:hese price! ' , I.II · , coplionolly fine f.or beby. Vo uel · n.n - $I Fomous Moke Cotton Knit T-Shirts, '1ylon ,.. · ' $175 10temetionol, 7-P.ieco Silver Piot.d TM Sot . 20.95-22.95 Andrew Goller St-., b.outiful high inlorcod tipod neck, cop sleeves. White in sizes ..,..,..,.3.75 Chix Gouie Oiopers, sli9ht i~ of Footed trey, lettle, coffee, croom, sugw .end end medium hoe! styles in iuode, coif ond potent. S.M·L·XL, extro k>n9. Stock upL-69c, 3/S2 these softer, more obsorbent diopors, 20..40" woslo bowl. Mognificenl voluel -"·"" Fell shedos, broken sins. Buys! • 14,H ' · ' size. Thrilfin'g volues •I . ll.69 doa. . ' i , , $5-5.95 Fomed Nome Cotton Broodcloth Po· ' $160 lntemotionol Sterling Fletworo, L.mb.lh 8.9S Col'lan Quilt Dusters, fomed make, com-jemos. Full-cut coot or middy .tyle, Senlorizod. 4.98 to 8.98 Gins' Qtlon Sweote,.. sli9ht lr,.,,s., Monor qr Moy Melody, 32-piece service for 8 1'I fort.bl. button bt style with hendy pockets. Wide choice of potterns.' Sim A, B, C, D ,3.79 terned ·mole, monY. decorolod, good colors. · tomish proof thest· A r.foti'I'" buy! ~"·91• II.Ii, pink, <JN9n check. 10.18 S.H ' • · C.rdigons, 7-14-~.19 Pullovers, 7·14~.19 ' $1 Now AGILON St111tch So •• One-size onklols • ·' · · ' Lomps, Two for tho Prl"' of One! 39.95 viluol. '6-10.95 Silf Skin Girdlef end P.nfy,Girdles. in Zx4 rib ~<l.% nyloti,.403 cotton for obsoib-• 5.98·10.?8 Girls' Dlosses, now Ion school end Chine end Bristol .gless-*t.~OVO!'*"' lell " s-iiloa. fwll.feshion.d.Jor comfortoble..cont enoy-and-comfurtr Good cl)k,;:69c pr~ 3/$2'-.,...,....porfy itylet-by o-1""'9<1 mokor:-Wide-voriety of Brighten-your 1'omo ond-sivel =-::2 lw a,9,-SC.. S.M-L Slitht l~r$ · , · 3.50 . ·' • • oosy taro cottons, chiomspuns. 7-12---3.H . • _,, ' • . 5.95..S.95.Hi,bull: Orlon S,..;te11, wosheble, fon · . • . SP.coal . Pureh<ise ·1m~ Crystal, •"'!uisite 10.95-14.95 8rushod N-ilon'Gowns, fhrM oppool· ' coloo:\ Sleovoleu V-neck. S.M·l 39.'1.51.!,ionel Di...l Electric FroiQht Irtin, ~ ~.af...6...most desiroblo .fypos.JJI herld Ing Ieng • ..,. sly!M to cud<k you"in eoiy com-----:--~ · , rans armer, 4 roigr f'cors, 94 inches of trod, finished. Beeytiful qua~tyl fpc:h 99 fort. 0.-. from dainty pestels, 1~20.__7... Lon9 Sleove V..neckSli~, 38-46 6.H hom cOfitr'ol. You le~ $101 ·-•, •• 29.9S 'f'us I•• ' • ~ -' ' , . , SHOPPl ... "S IASY WITH ' 11,IFFUWS' CONVENltNf...UYOLYIN& CIEDIT ACCOUNT! , '. • . ' ' . , ................ lh-9ifo A. M. te li30 P. M.'frWqat 12 N-te 9 P. M.-l'aritfr_,_ .... ~Twr--lnje7 pelhi1.,. Meal•"' lloe T .... 11181. . ' . • \ , .. • , ' ~. I j • • • • • • • • \ .- ,, • '• . . NEWPORT HARBOR ~RESS-'ART 1-PA6E 9 WEDNESDAY. JUl:.'V 251 ltl6 AlbaCore Are Runnin'! bor to CataUPa aboard the "lalud Lady". Left to rlght Cynthia coon, her California couina, Gene Hebmnan at :.llasa; and Mn. C.•W. Hellmnt.n of C'Vlyle, Ill and Mr. Conn. The Heinzman'• are the family of Mr.. Conn. • IN THE BUCKET -On the aky ride h igh over the wonderland of the tabwoua play pi.rk, the Dllnote vlaiton got to see much of the Orange County countey- 1ide u they aoared over Disneyland. ... - , I I • NEWPORT ' ' . -RONOBINO ABE -The "Land of Lincolli'"wu unfolded in a'thriltinc for the Newport Beach Explorer Scoutl'wito made the "Golden Yean' lut year. One of the principal host.a of the bop wu Robert Conn, Jr., dent of the Rotary Club of Springfield, DUndil and clerk of the Stat.em' late Court. ijom.e of the Explorers aiid their hq.u are pictured, back to at lower )eft in th~ picture above in front of the beautitul LlnColn Mem SpringfiOld. ' •• . . . . ' ~ . Nl;W ·-TJIJUU, ~A.trip on the Santa Fe f""" the plee•nt the entranCe of. Disneyland .wu a n~w t~rill· for many of tho. vrho the party whlcli feted the Conn tanil!Y."l'he Santa Fe made the com around the West and into TomorroWlidd .la --commemoratin1 the· the Sant& Fe and DUineylQ>d ·Rallniad,,.hli. the Conn family and .. ' PAGE 10. P~T ).,.NEWPORT HARIOlt N£WS.l'ltESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1"6 KIBITZERS AS WELL AS PETS ON HAND FOR A WARDS Dii.n<> Davis, rette.ation director at 38lh St. Play· ground, gives ribbons to Lorelei Albritton, 9, of 3706 \V. Balboa Blvd., whose cat· Teeka won first place for "prettiest cat" in recent pet show at the playground, and to Linda Lee (Winkie) Neufeld, 8 1},:, of 211 -38th St., whoee dog Ch ips won first for "'best behaved dog" in Ql.e ahow. CbiJ* lived up to h1I t!Ue, didn't bother Teeka at all while pie· ture wu being t&ken.-Staff Photo '. -. 'I In our atmoaph•r., thetr makt· up &1\fl Ult. a TYPES Thr uuce1·1, b• .. Id. com• 111 five , 11 Le1or1-. <>Jr. of UleH UU1urie. !ti -.ld to be "CP." .ta.nd1nl" for "CN~•pol"' reporta. However, th• 1°' Jour cat~· ~ •re -'d to 1Ue1ed •,.tiuap wrlkb ~' Air Force e&tmot upla..ln. v~ •Id Ute Air Fon:e la• ~ 11 re11rd· 'I.ii.a-nytn.-·~a. A recent re- •ytnl' Uliit oaky tbree per· • t et .. ~ ~bttftp checkt'd th• Air l'mtil tOOllt IMI con· 'J •-"1 WS.blllr, 1d not h upl11ned, V.,.,..Dton •kl. di• ftOt tell the wtlola etory. •-ca. ..4.lr Fore., • U1 report." be M&ted, '"did Ml eal U.t the ti.ree percmt amount. to more' thl'.n MO MWaJ .t1ht· lap whkh appmAd i. N Jertt· lm&te.'' NOT lllAK ! ne lec:tunr'• i. that th•· •ucen arti "'t lft&.Med by any hwnan or ~ belftl". He bellew!e Ult ob$Kt.t an lim- IJl.r. but tar mort 'Mv&Dced la delllp.· of the -.rUtJ~ propoeed "lnOOll'' •teJ.Ht.. ink lh•J are radar .t11,., Id to ol>- ller'ft our planet .., form1 or life." he 'U)d. "1. AcMi'l belle•• they mUA WI an ' I don't Mlle-they. me.&. inlpmd- lnl' ln...tan. We, vee are Ob tM _.,.. o1 n1pt. Before •• ,o. ?J•'ll probab(T .end out un·mlllMd rotiot ilhlP' SO LONG, )10!\-I, DAD ! -Leaving Port Orange Accompanyinf the gtrll for a nine-day camping Then ••'II take Ott our-i.-.. aboard F1yer for Catalina lBland Monday morning trip at Pebbly Beach were tbe Mmes. Walt Miller, u .,. 1aiad on a pluet. then le no reUon to belie.. that -were membera of Costa Mesa Girl ,Scout Troop 11. Grand Goddick.en and On;. 'Funk -Staff Photo would be tnftdi~ It, eftft lf It ---------------------'----------------------------were populated." • . LA VOLPE SHOWS A MERRY CREW Charles Lamb's La Volpe carried .a deckload when thia picture wu taken al the craft'8 Avalon mooring recently. Standing ie Lamb and Keith Cordrey. Seated are Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Ralph 1'andowsky, 1'-tra. Cordrey, R&lpb Tandowsky and their son Ralph. -George Sherrill Photo ' Confinn UFO 'Shoot Down' ' Ol'ders of AF Says o..n 1949 VermUUon bell... that WI may ahortly set a .t.tt from btlnp from outer IPfoCI, bitt Utetr intereet bi qw-earth. be Mid, would be •• 5 In ~truclure •• It -. ·for lh9 moon oured.va '• M ~ In. the we~ to think t.hl"t U.. people a1'1 MJttartq trom d;-tila' planeta, lac1t of at• mo.phere or u,y o1f Ute other hurMlrede ot ...:NWI eonjured up by tktlon WT\,l.tt'a. •• • Vermlllioa d6m ~ W1ew mlllllty pi)Ot. WW be ~ tul In tbelr altn:liJta tAt llllNMt dlNrn the l&\IC:9'9. "'ThlJ' lnvd aw1'Ull7 tut." M ..id. SANTA ~A. 10CNI) -A et.ti Aerouuuca admuu.tn.Uoa CMlcl Clltl Feot ttlrhl eu.mlner and tonner Air A tournlquet wu applied to .rorc. bomber pilot hU conttrm-the rl1ht iec ol An41ra .Martin, Id an <>CNS r,1tcll.&ltYe atory 10, ctaupt.tt ot Mn. N-.1 whk:b ~d ot military CM'd~ to M 7304 W. Oout Kish· .,, lumtay an.noon "'*" tbe d cut her toot • a lhllrp Jeet whne Mnunlfls ta the ""'°"' 1pl)Mranca on the .ub-,,.. ot lha Santa. Ana rt..,. Jecl 'ot waklenUHed ny1n.-o1>-Bhe wu lakf'll to Ho.1 ff.., j9clll .told OCNI! orlJlUI mlU· pita! Iller em...,..cy. treatmnt tal)' ortt.n to "ehoot. to kill" at the ~ aeeordins to po- uy urUdentltlflll nyirlf" object. nc.-report.I, WW. tMued In JH.I. 1--~-~-,------ v..ntlHklfl.-wllo ""' In Sant.I et.. •-tc!..-'°""lulr --Ana. •Id "tt II UnperiUve that ..... lftifl "'-U , - tt1e · air tof't'e ,n· • llntfbk The ftre depal'tJrH!nt MMrf"' rrarmerit ot ii. fi1iltt .. ~r. ency. unil ilppi'-d _,, ... to aa trqm wbith to det.el It. poWble Jl·IP<latN-old .... ftul A.t\hur °"'"" •nd ~." • .~ The tall C.A.A. rn,tit inatruc-Weetbrook IIl. , luacliey nlsM w •Id hi nrat iqbled • nr-atter the chlkht ..wther .. MrL In( -tn KanM1 llill ,,_... Paul A. We.t~ U. Of IOI ap. llacie: tbm. be aid, he"s S2nd IL. caUed ~ and teld W"Of'tl:ell e11ttf'uUy .wtU\ Air 1'on:e them. HMy blby ii ~·.. TM 9uthor1Uu In an f!ffM'l to • j fart1Ll1 pb)'1Pdln lMk OTfl' care termlae U\e r..-1 fM •uctn ot the W.nl from tlttmen.. \ ---• ' l I I I I I ' • • HONORING ABE -The "Land of Lincrlla' wu unfolded in a thrll~ tableau for the Newport Beach Explorer Scout11who made the "Golden , Yean" tour lut year. One Of the' principal boete of the bo)'I WU Robert Conn, Jr., pr'Ni- dent of the Rotary Club or Springfield, 1111ooi, and clerk of the 'Stat.' Appel· la,te Court. ~e of the Exploren and their b.qnl are pictw-ed, back to camera, at lower.left io th~ pktun above <in.f~nt,of the be&utitul LinColn llemori&l in Springfield.. · . · · • . . . . ,. . •NEW ·~ ftYUU· .:.._A.trip Oil the Santa Fe ft-the p!eo•nt otadoa at . the entrance of,~eyland'.wu an• t~· lor· ~ ~ t!io.e 'f!'ho joineid.' ln the porty which feted the Coon fanill)'.·Tbe Sit.ilia ... -the .completo tour around the Weot and into Tomor1-d la .....,,._oiM!ns the• blrtladay of the Santa h 'and Dllllley!Obd 'Railraod'""°" the Coan family and friend& rode. . . . • .\u!AOOU: OUT -In llllnolo, ftGWot o..a.p.., dM to each -ber of the J!xplonlr cleloPlion a omall ---of AlftUm Unooln. Wben Coon vlolt· ed the N....,..t -Rotary Clill>ll'u~ he wu piwted ·with a can of albac:oft, 1poc!ally. prtpued and laj>I~ by , the Weotern Cannero for the Rotary. Ccon•lo1pictllted·recoivinl•theAlblcore from Morpil.Nobl!, Rotary Pft9idenL • IKOW ll'!ArE ._ Good hooto were the boya l • Pf Newport' ·8e&Ch'1 ~~klen YMr" Explorei" Post when they had a ·-to allow off their Stole whm the llllnolO booio · vlaltecf here thia moo th. A happy -a bepn with a trip from Newport Har· • PART TWO, PAGE ONE bor to eawioa aboard .lb• ''hlan!I Lady". Left to right Cynthia boon, her California couiins, Gene Heim:man of. A.aull& ;· and Krs. C. \V. Heinzman o! Carlyle, Ill ~ Mr. Conn. The Heinzman'• are the family of :111'1. Conn. Show Off State . Calitonda'• wonderland aurrounding Newport Beach wu 1bown oft with pride by a couple of Explorer Scout.II and their advilor to a fa.mlly from Dli- noW. Tbe people fr6m the "Land of Lincoln" were very 1pecl&l people thOU&'h. It WU Robert L. Conn, Jr., pre1ident of the Rotary Club of Spring· field, ID., who saw to it that membf-t"I of hil club aerved u guides and h<>1t.a to the members of Newport Beach'• Golden Annivenary trip of Exp\oren. ~es. it wu Robert. L. Conn. Jr., clerk ot the Appellate Court of Dllnoia, third diatrlct. Spdngfidd, who arnng· ed for the young men of Es.plorer Poet 10 to tour the vault of the State of ID· inoi1 and penonally· handle a million . dolla.rl cub. It WU Conn who ai.o &r- -rec1 fdr the yo--ot J:xplorer Poet 10 to meet. the Go""1or of Illinois In the Stall Capital Bulldlng'. So It followed (luite lo line. for the young men ·or Newpclrt ~ to be moot deollOUI of properl,y dlaplaying their commwllty and it.I IUfTGllDdiagl to Robert L. Conn , Jr., and hie famUy who came to California to Me Newport Harbor, Ce.t&lina, and Dianeyland. Mr. and Kn. Corm, their daurbter Cynthia; and Mn. Conn'•. parents, Mr. ·and Mn. 0. W. Hel~n of Carlyle, Ill., wen joined for a ~Y portion of their vildt by other ·family members: Mr. and Mn. Gene Heinzman of Bald- win Park and lln. Robert Spivey uf MuM with both COUJ!loo chD~. Cm hand from Newport Beach wett Mr. and Jira. Lyn Barton, Exploren John VanDyke and Douglu Reddick and Boy Scout Randy Reddick. A. whole two days ·of tun sta.rt.ed from Port Orange abo&td .the llland r..a7 with a trip to the ia1and wonder· Ian of Catalina. Th• eecond day wu •pent,at DU:neyland for benefit of !he ·~cbJJdrenMof the party." ~ LIIJll OZ -TbO )(atfe Jale ot Catalina wu a 90W'Ce of wonderment to chlklttn and adult. alike who joufhf:yed to the oft.tlore recreational a.ru aboard the laland Lady ·from Newport Har- bor. IN THE BUCIQ.."T -On tbe 1ky ride high over the wonderland of the tabuloua play park, Ute llllnot. viliton got to aee much of the Orange C;ounty conflitry· 1ide u they IO&red ove r Disneyland. .. TOUll IN'IO PAllT -LuncMOll at~ "Red Wac- on lrul", ID the dialng l'OOllL tran.iplanted.b'oaL.aA. old manalon on Loe AngelN St. J&me1 Place, wu a .pecial treat for the viltt.on. Wt.to ri&:ht, Mn. Conn and Cynthia, Randy Reddick, Robert Conn and Lyn Barton, advixr to lhe EXploren on tbelr trip •en. the counl.ry. • • '. ·":Jl.e (}owrnmenl :J./a.s PA&E 2-PAlTll-NEWPOaT ~dOI NEWU11BS WBlllfSDAY, JULY Ill 1"6 "God 9ront Ill tile Mt90ity to acnpl tho~ we.-..... : tile_,.. to d>enp ....... "" ..-... to ._. Ille cliff........t' IA. Awt.l • EDITORIALS My! How High Those ' Councihnen Can Kick! . ' ' One ot lllo -._)cal -. ca' the rood wu performed -lllo baerdl la tlie city COll1ldl cJwn. bml of Newport _., Moaday allbL It ,.... tltJod "l'olllee of .-J _ .. .Aa ..... _,,. tbt~ WU wdi p..,.....i ud eanflllly laUioeci -iflW lll&y· ed for.tho epllopo ...-w wltli felpod dramatleo by the ruard 'll'lthout armor. AlthOllP tbt maqup wom would coor-moot lato thlllldnf thot .n INda ...... adult, tbt pout u ••. the ev0111n1 wore on nveo1ed tbt juvenile tralto of 'theacton. ••• ·-· The playen. with warped movemeat rocked ud .. .rollecl am. the council boarda with frequent unkind famlndmo ftom tho audience who dubhecl them.oel ... •• ~ .. and tupayen. ,.,, Prompter for the mloplaced lead from "Call Me ~llad•m'.•··wu a tired attorney who intoned the 1eadl ~· .. of IO called .. ordlnancta" unread, undralted, and :J>robably preparod u usual by uperto -mtaun<J<r- ;,ljood. ··-Uildertytnr the·eyer-praent comic aituaUona wu ~•note of melodrama. Constantly wu the audience . i<mladed of the mt.placed $100,000 of each year Jaet ·,.at. While one member of the cut bemoaned the :net. "Where can my poor dog GO 1f we rule them off ·· tile porb and beacheo !" Othero moootououaly in· · ~ tbl tune .. Water· Water Everywhere," and .• .oome -ftom tho winp occuionally remarked, · ~·· sot • drink?" : ". The melodnun&Uc lftuatlono were c:onatanUy · · itbon .. a performer at 1. !<* for line. would mut.. ter, "Wa'll ha" no $100,000 to fritter if we don't set :;zll-· • AlthouP each -t la tho amall auditorium wu • ~pW 'tl'llea the curtain ralaias WU lipalled with . .-oa1vto and a prayar, befOlO tho f1rot ln~on ....... than half tha poytnr gua1o }lad deputed. _!'_Iden, mootly Oil tho . payroll of the houoo, • tlllallY pvo "9 and WfDt hqmp before the acUcm of tho play p to ordlaanCM and varJantea. l'?om the flret pancnph of the prolorue, ·th& ·polltJ toaoc ot th& perfOl'llWloo wu noted. It wu Cl(tped; Al!.o1~t-ot ertUdlula and whlstloa -tho awllence, (Only ono .U,ht moment ot appla ... wu not.od) by the delivery ot a well re- llw.rood OJ!Uosue lntooed with h!Jh d~ In et. feet, ..,. ah "'blap, tho eplloslie WO.: "SiaOe you don't wut to lfn uo 22 ,ento .nr. on our aJ. lpwuoo, -ara Solnl to drop the P.E. -and ao tlaen -too!N And u tbt amlrtt,,. audleac:e filed forth without erowd °' mhlhap "°""' aald, '1t ain't the !Int Umo," &nd the answer wu, "Wow -what a IJ'OUch!" Add To Famous Dates Famqu.e d&tea include: The curfew must not rinc tonight. Paul Revere rides t.onlght. And due to three Wephone inqulrieo today, add tl11I one to the collection : . • The cnmJon tun tottlrht. ·~· At 1eut they • .,. ouppooed, to run and-if they did not three people havo probably joined -who cJa1m "there ain't DO euch thing!" , Up To Council To Stem Taxpayers' Suspicions c-.... -of mrltT. la -., tllo \:Newport -Qty Oaadl'o ·-el ,..., .......... a ..... .,._ .. thlo - .-.--., .l'rldo¥. l~ ... Nflllatod.) • Seldom hu t.hor9'evv beea oucll an undercurrent lit 0110pleton, .U.tnaot and queoUoood Intent b.f' th& ~le ot Newport lleo<h dlrected at one .,.,_ or "'°"p u thO people now apparenUy feel toward their ~\¥ Council. ••• N .... before have'" -nldcnoed by oo many ·'· . "' ··-........ ~-· JiE-WS l(ADB()R PRess • .•. ,........, Ult ,. ..... ~tft''1ua lf•<T SS .· . . ... u.. """ ........... .._ 4 DlfA 0 th ...... 1 177 ·p I .. 0.. .. .., ~­ Cll\tlrtd u ..,_...a.., Malt.-at U. P ,...,... Ill IC_.,.n ..._. . <>'?•-....,. .. •ct ... IU.rdli .. tm. • ) liar 'd p,or.l,o/• ., .......... t int ii lhrou;k Dear Ike: I It'o basinDfnl to lool< lift .,, otod)" throwed '°" a rtnri' -thoy rot )'Oii II> _l .. la Paul Hot1· man to tho United Natlono. n ain't thot Paal'• not ' qualified -facto lo, be'• prollably more .. .,..... .... at &ivtnir away -people'• moaey thaa ...,_ oloo e&eept lluold (ltupm, lt'a that PaaJ jlolafn't 1111 Enoueh-for tbt job. You-, !kt, -I , . _,......... ... ... _,....-Col!I~ and °'""" JIMlle'• ,...... tho wool cmr your eyes r --wlNa .., ·-•d -~to u thlL 11*' ... ~ to ... ~-.~ ... A-. Oolllt:8-. • la.., tho ,.. IOllJ ....... old 0-• p: lll:dOo .... llley 't """" llO ....., • ~ llllL .. • f .....,.. .. -• .._ W"''ID Ull LIADS -.. ., ... ... --. .;..;..;."-...,....,...-~-:--~ .......... ---~ ! •• ·-•. !'!I .... • ..,.,.,..,..~ .. '* ... ," * ••. , , ... -IJnidi; 4 Olla ~ ~ s.1,..,..." !lto40~ " il ... wrlt .... &OWADW.~U .... "~ -.. doota -l'll01t .....art a-uu Area Lasses Tap SwlnlS CARPENTER 'Repair Work $1000 Mo. Oolr-"""-to ..... alotol-- td. °'!"l't °"""'7'• --........... doa). tr II~ -t -1-ID ll&ndlo ID- 1'boroagbl7 Ooaa ••• INSIDE ud OIJTI I e MO!l'OR CLEANING e 1JPllOL8T.EBl' CLEA.NINO e POUSHING •WAXING e TD.E ~ FLOOR llAT PAINTING MAIN STREIT AUTO LAUNDlY ... -9' ......... . "'How come~ bru.tb •• &ot in U-t Wint Ad• •on't UU:lt aJ171BDNf• O..Y_._.,._.....,.. -.,. ,. >11 a.a ....... b ...... .......... 2 •• , .. Palntl119, O.cor•tln9 Plflr' B•nf&IMS GEO.' BURKHARDT ......... COJmU.OIOll u ...... t.n.t;r' ..... ---aad ~ 1etdtor7. . . . NO EXl'EllIENCI: NJlCIMARJ" EilN WHlLl!l YOU I.BARN GUARAN'l'El!lD 00VJl!8l!ION NO BOUSE DEAU! PAJD VACATIONS PAID HOLIDAYS <Xlld'ANY INSUllANCll: • • OJI.ANGE OOUNTY'S l..lRGl!lST ADVERTIS!lll' DJ!:kONSTRATOR .PL.l:N EXP£RIENCED MEN WELooKl!l •• • • Apply In ptnlOD IQ Frank Wlllon °" Gartud Jordan a..i-.t1n1 Olll "" -_.., GEORGE DUNTON ,,,_,Oil A &XILRlOltl 810 NO. XAIN BANTA ANA: ~ ooklr up9rt. Com------------,----------~ pMte Mioonlttnr ~ t.. a. McKEN'ZIJ: au. «W ~taat.luu Wuted H-BelJ? w ..... u no -.n.. Call Bar. 47 ---"'"""-~"-'~...;.;---1 ""-'=""-===---- FOR RENT llcW la ... E1ec. OrU.llr, ~en. a.LI t)'pM ol aude~ Wlr.-.IO&r _, ... BOYD'S HDWE. Roy's Maintenance Complete Profouional Housecleaning PAJtT TIMll ...,..Wy, one strt oftke. Jtxpe.rianoed pntM'ftd b•vy dlc~tkn. ~ °""' a~ 21 to SS. I to t bn. rr day, 11 ... 4a)'ll ,... ..... ~ C I a s s i f .i e d ~~~~~~~~~IDEADEYES .. ll30 W. COAST RJQBW 4 T t.lbert.7 &.M.16 Nwpt.. Sch. title Floor wuing and buffing Wllldow Cleanl!Jg Upbolotery Cleaning Patioa Color waxed Lu.troua Reaulto ply Cambra 1U1. 00. 11.....U. BL, ff\«. lkath. Ll::ldqtOn 1-4.MJ. lk'l SOME rR.1111, ~ r-.: ._,911 •• ,, •• ILICTRICALLY • LET US HELP YOU • $TAFFORD & SON .Eloclrloal CoatroctMI 110 -Aft. Ullerty 15-ft'll I ~ ... I .. -. .... -...OJ ptaated ,-.nt aM ,_u.. ....... ft. !"lo .... ~,,...,.. -4 e&rpetL SU,.GOO wttt. uceDeat tum• Ezclualve with Clinter f. Salisbury· Realtor CUAT 00&8_ Al\"D ClAUNCE LA.llE ASIJOCIA Tr:;S 116 llAUNE AVL, BALBOA. lSLAND, B.All N11 N•I• Mo l'nJi8r17 0-..n t.. llM1Mlr A1'M U you want a picture or your ho\IN ln th.i. •pot e&l.I ut at Harbor 61'71 FRI DENS Ca•~lllllJ Wiii! . •••• hlr SIPHJ .... . Small Bore J11.1ion Win NRA Places NEWPO&T llABBOR NEWS.PRESS Ivery .....,, w ..... ., .... Frldsy GENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR ODD JON No Job too pnall. h9' Of rtf· •"""*-LI 1-11'JC t1tlc REASONABLE Phone Liberty 8-1332 "' AppUoa.nt.a neect.d. ~ aflJpl job.. Alao ~ f!4 dom•UCL lib.DJ Jobi ~ quaJltled men. ~ .,.. June flanv. DnyL ~. - 402~ lhd SL, Npt. a.a t •cro.. trom aty Jl&U) , • COASTAL SHOPPER-Wedn~y1 Completa L•wn .C..re Th• Junior amall bon tum el. A.LL POWER EQUIPMENT U:OAL UlCRETARY. Experl- the South Cout OUZI. Club e&m• ----------------------1 4..L80 TR.ASH HAUUNO enoect. capable ahorthand, ref .. DE8IRJI: l'Ull Ume ~ ...tth conatntCUon ~ preferred. Job With a tuttlft. one 11rl ornoe. tilt W. ~ Blvd., Cost• Mua. · CUC3 home ,irllh one tlnt and two MC-0-.W •;fa Aa. na Ill• W .. t I..., ...... ,_ FRO U'nMATE8 Phone after I . U 8·2129 ond8 IJt the Nf"l9lered MIU. l .,_..:..u:~ ., ""' ROWF. 4: BARJrrfltS, Ll S-11131 40c42 mat.ch• al Brea Ol.ln Ctu• IWI· ' 1.-e. ---~ add'L l1aee .!.5 e&. or LI J...3222 I ::::-::==:--::-c=c:-:c-c---::""c::- day, They WOil llrwt. la the 100 ' U.. I i..rtio• J..60 add't U.. .!$ & 39p.12 WANTED bu\ldlnl" or maint~ yard u7 •!pt matcb Ud plactld nant"a work or what ! Harbor MCond In th• 100 m•t•r ur ' U.111 I luertloaa 1.00 add'L llDta .%6 ea. 4Mfi·JN, 40c47 CAPABLE WOMAN to care ror. 7 mo"• old baby and do ti,ht hou.Mwork dally tor adtOOI ye11r. U &-.!710. tJc..a 14-Penoo.aJa 11111\f. match and lha JOO yard ' U.H9 ' luertkHu Z..50 add'L lloet1 .!4 ea. nwtalllc match. Mtmbere of lh• team an David XlmH, Kart 8lal, t.nd Bob B&lllnaar, all ot N-port. .BMch, .nd Hury M~ of Lone Beach. Th• 100 meter match wu ..-on by the lo-Ca.I p.11 fompoNd ol membere et lh• a,,_ and loulh Cout ehlbe. HOME LOANS LAGUNA l'IOilAI. SA VIN•S l LOAN ASSOCIATION rwo 0PP1c11 T• S..e Y1111 LA6UNAUACH AND SAN CLIMINTI DL\Dl.IND tor p1aeJ.q or ouc.ut.nr am are: l"or Kood.17 PublicaU.On -l'rtda.7 I p.m. J'or Wldn-4&7 Publlcalloll.--T\&..clay 1 pm. l'W' 1'114.e-y PubUcaUoo -Thwwda.y 1 p m. DWPO&r a41aoa PUBUllDNG 00. nu ..._ ...4&, N..,ort ....-. OtJUorala. A.lcobolk:a ADo.nymou.1 Wni. f· 0 S.. Ml N twt10r1 Buell. caut. Pboea Harbor fiTH COLD WAVE COMPLETE $6.!50 to $10 ... Ralr cut 11 8h&ITIJ'IUO •••t II 60 Ct,ll:O i'J.Kl:'B BmAUTY BllUP Lt36 Olottb at. Flrwt •trMt Eut ot Newport Blvd. between 11th .&JI Qt4'fte4 ... __. M ,.W 't• Ol4 .. M ..... el puM.lce...... and 20th. C:O.ta MeM. LI 1·8M9 n. publlab.,. WW DOt M ~bl• for D\Oftl UWa on• lnc:orr.ct U ~ ot U ad. r_.,. th• ri,pt to cornctlJ' clualt1 an1 andLAD ---ID--W-,.-0-w-,.-B-TO--T-AKJ:- all __ -_ ... __ .. ____ -__ ,._ ... __ -_' ____ .. _"""' __ -_...,_""_ ...... _ 1 Swedish Massage . Classified Index LICENSED General Contractor a.mocs.U:q -Addlt1ona 1'Tff EIJtlmatu T.nrw c:aa be &nUpd F. N. JOHNSON FURNITURE oi.tlnctlv<ly delllped MU., ~red or "'"""'...,. C. EVERETT SMITH IA tbe «111Tftimee ot om hom-. pl-WJ tor appoint· -L Harbol" CTH. Superfluous Hair P..,,..atq ~ trcm face arm.a, Mp. 27•lu ... &Ml ba1r U...~om-.~. E.LmM L. Bft YANT ft. &. --·------ Call Your Relex·A-Ciior opN•ULT A.NT Dm1muJtr.Uou. oo· obUpUon GARDENING and CLEAN-UP JOBS W.ANTED LIBERTY 8-6139 02lfc WHY WAIT CA~PETS&UPHOLSTERY CleaNld • deodorited ln YOUR HOME OIMI d•Y Hrvice ROY'S MAINTENANCE LI 8-1332 3te~2' "FIX-IT" Mrb•plq! &114 J:19ctrlca1 ............. -. ALL WORK GU.a.JU..NTSED. Barbor MM or Hn '"" HOUSECLEANING Window•. -noore. machln• dun.a and wued. Call Kl &-n.11, alter I p. m. a&c•3 GARDENING LAWNS INSTAI.l.F!O AND RENOVATED SALESJ.lAN. To ae!I Uncoln• and MercW')''I Ell<'ellen1 commla.llon plan. . Automobtlt1 and suoJ.ln• tu.r- ntshed P'*'lbUtti• vc.c.U.nt for rtg:hl 1nan. ltltp. not n.._ aary bul p1 elernid. S.. Dick John.on. DOO W, COul Hlway :\"~·rorl Belleh. filc4 ll \.\"ELDER for wn>ucht Iron , f.irnilure. tll2 IOth St. N..,,.. PQrt Beach. AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN '" EXPERIENCED QR lNEXPERIENCED For Orw.ns• County"• J'utut Orowt.nc hrd .DM.Jer -HJ1h· ett comml.ulon pl&n on NEW 6 U81CD car., A.mount ot mOOt"y 700 can Kl'II llmlt.4 only by bow bud you an wUUq lo -rk. U you ha.-t no e•prrience -we wtU lralll you. No Sunday Milin(. An• ewer aa Hwy 101 aad Hwy :ti 4ak tor s.1..-nv. YARK DOWNING J'ORD c1cta Prunlnf • cleanup. By hour, 1----------- aay or month. U 1-coe<I. AUG. 1-UI, 1100, Baby llttl.nC". tapes tt. tt.wk. Co1J1u at.. Balboa fil, • 2tth ft.. Newport a.cb H..-. .a&a c1a71 or eTenblrp llt1c Bomnl• WU.On -BY•tt ....n !&-Hele Wu.W or HTatl 6--llH - laland. J chl.Jdrm, ~ 1 • a. 10 .a.in. • 1 p.m. 8tt aomo •v ... nlnp. ~ply !NT 0l'Mll. IL, &an S'ranc.'-0, ltat.o .... ... perie.noo, ref-DCM. atc•l E R d I. talto RELIABLE Woman to h. I p xpert •mo • 1n_g ----------·! op..-•l• laundromat, wubln&'. Window Problema ft.-Lollt u4 l"oaad etc. 2117 vml Way, Newport BA.BY •ilter, mature woman Ge .. _, ,..-..•--&ach. lk41 1ai. -Y"-~ pre:ferttd. From I p. m. to t work • repairs. BLUE P.t.RAJ<Erl', '°9t, ~an! Cl.DU< • TYPIST n -Balary •. m .• ..,.. a ••k. ... pu VERY REASONA.Bl.JC LDMrt:r M..111 40efil ru.&"• U21 • 521B. Apply ai,y nit•. ttO r.ut knte 1-be.1. Y Nrwportllarl>or B. P. 0 . Ill. 1787 Har NOl·W -=-.,...-...,....,.---,...-H --IH-Pailltiq A Paperl!.all&!Ds 11..U •Mr7 Tlaund.&7 I p.a. Via Opc,s\e -OIDtnl Aft. ,...._ - Dick Newman.. llDlUd Auler We do the worlt ounelv-. IO J'....,.. GJ*1.met 1Aoeue4 6 tuured. lat16etiaD. awraatMd. s.timatu ,,.._ c..n J~ LI S.2M7 A U 8-11289 SJ.In MOTTELL'S H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plum.bins ,Q.IO PEEK ,. Pnompt SWIMMING Private Instructions LI 8-1065 llpllt RJ:G. NUR.81: wUI (tft pril'&l• irwlm lffeona C.Uclraa a n d adult., OallU 1-1 n1 momlqa. Clcfl Colonlal Mortuary Rep&ir a.me. Malntatnecl TI01 Bo....-.J\al't. lkNtlr. of West· ·Phone; 8&rttor '6JC ~tuatlo• W .. ted Kemort&I. Parll.. 2101 B&Jboa Blvd., Ntwp0rt Bch. -----------~ p6p L J C II N 8 E D KXPEJUSNCED ..t.a Olu.l"tl Oounf;J luUtutloa 1-----------SKIPPl:R 4V•D . .t..JILll. Har. ..-.ms ha1lle9 « all taJtU "A'a1• i1n-w. tlotJ ~ (TQrU ,.,., IZll.I~ m1 NO an. ..,. turned • ...,. beet.UN °' ladr ol flmdA WILLING youn1 family man wut. poottiocl lamlnr trade VENETIAN BL!ND LA UNO RY \ or b\J.ltn-. Har. Hb1 ·M. THI! NEW madllne proc:-41p -----------1 m•thod. Rea.anabl• pl1CM. -----------4•-• I .... ..... .... ,,, GARDENING CARPENTRY lo!INOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SM•l,£, II. 0. ---1016 & &a.Ibo& ~ ~ 8ar1lor l4lt Utte Lendscepe Gerdening Lawn a Garden Main t.enance By Jo• -or By Mo.1th 111 & Maet. v .. t.a. eo.ta M..., L110 r . DIUIQOU., umtt •trrt - llllnd. Only $1.00 Blln~ "pa1....S and "bUUt. Fr .. Pick up and dellnfT Work done bJ appointment Phone UMrt1 W101 Of Klmbuly ........ 'Pptlc f>AINTING PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar ... llapd10:21 ... ~ .B&t. 9I06 • Alf PAINTING INTllUOJ\ -D'l'ENOA COMPLICTE PAINTING •t..IO KAJUN&.PAJHJ'!Na • Paper B.anctnr Sen1ce LICCN8ED -lN'&IJRJ:I) iruo11N11 o. UUHDCRa Glenn Johnston LI a.-TSTI ...... PAINTING By Hour. Im.all or la.rt• Jobe ok. Reuonabl• nt-. LnMrtJ' l-27Jt SEAMSTRESS DftUG'AIDHQ aad AL Tl::llA. TIO NW Hout. t a.m. to I p.m . 1160 M....ma, CO.ta W-..,_, .._ Oerk'• otflct, CllJ Hall, Ne"llll'· C. M. ltofl port Bee.ch. H•~ S131. 3k4.1 ALL AJll:OUND beavty opere.tar w1i.on. Beauty Balon. 2SlD 11. EXPJCRIENCED Wa1lrtu, as• Cou\ e11tt-1, corona fe-1 10 to sa. LEKAC'I coa.. M.a.r. -..1 Shop. 2I06 ~-N.wport Bl'ld., 1----------- Newport BM.ch. ltc46 l"IUlll 1'ZN'T DOCTOR'I AMl•tant 6 l't«tp- Oonat. Pl-•lal• quallll· e&UoM In I.toter. Writ. Box 0-16 care tbt. papeor. • llll• Girls MORE THAN !500 GIRLS WUI et.art 10Ca1 Telqibofte Company car"ni lMI montll. Will You Be Ont ot Tbem.1 rtrLl. PAT A8 YOU LEA.R.H. rr..u•t pertodJe lDCI' I 1-. -OpeDlnp for - Telephone Operatof'9 -Apply - l :JO to 6:30 112 w.i Third """" .... PACIFIC TELEPHONE • lo publlc 9tmoppfter Ill ex· ch&np tor~~-· can H&r. l'°. 61MI UNIOI\ Clft'lc It~. Shorthand rtqlllh4. 8tl&r7 r&nl'"• IJIO -NOS. APllb" Clt1 >hn&C"•,.• otflctl, CJt.7 Hall. N.wport BMcb.. Har 1111. Hott: PART TIJOI nnploymitnt f.et ~ In RarlKlr UM. TH Oft. C!O DIT\IMn ol A..k1oa Wlll la• ~ m" who woukl Mllit lo earn SDl pa wed: woridllS even.ltlp bet.._n I It I ps. Appl)" at 1001 N. Broadway, Banta Ana at I ,._, 11batJi 'nlundt.1 JU!7 ... "'= HELP W~W-;!I.":. .. _,,..,...._.. ...... "' .. hours WHl!-nall UIM, art... 4 p. m .• fWPlr in permn.. Cll\fi 2tt.b It .. N.wport. 61~ KALm Oft n;vat.a ~. Qood ~ U: WTIO rNldal'S tll:to Leo's Shoe Rep•irin9 rorr oPll:ldD • ~' llJO Newport BIY4., 0. K. 8Ptt.'CAl4 frff tape With ~ WOM.A.N' lo rue. plllfJ oa apart •pair of ._ .. nipt.l.Nd. ~ lllot.L Oa.ll U ...aul--~~-..,-,"""'°'""'=-JA"'1-'-­&fter I P.. IL 41,U llOVDfO J'ROll COUlftJlT, 11111 Beacon Personnel 100~ employer ~ed .. _, ... mod«a .... ~ ... IOI U.. Stn.c. M...,..-t ._. llOl·llst. 8L ft...,art a.di ll:::========::.11....... .... .. ...,..,,.. .,. ..u.1 ..... Mo l'M «11......., tJ"Om tlJPlkmlt 1JO 'l"DICili A-.. K..,., -..di 0.. rw.,..-. wttti °"" wtndow, I ,.,... oW. '50. fJ ft. • f ft. Ttlp. deth IL t.arp aw ieomprc990r llOO. J ,...... uu. Wlt.h po* 120 tall& rtoor Junp SO. JN Poppp, CDX. Bu • .....: 40od • • • " • • • WE GOT IT Rebuilt le Repwed it • At. Tired Keeping it Theodore Robins Sle1hed Our Prices On it • FORD • You Come & .Get it <X>MPLll:l'E HOUSEHOLD ruRNisHINGS a.oTBING FOR THE ENT1llJ!: l'A¥JLY TOVJ\ CHOicm 8$.AHD NSW Dltl'Dol ..... 00 ...... tee\ Wlalr\pool. w..,..,... Norp ''SUY WHAT TD 80fl aatJlU)"' Open lion., Wed., l'rl, S&L Dlt<o 'tll, S _B ...... -. ...ala..,... U>e1 _Vlll'ERAN ____ s_1ND_u_STR1ES _______ ,02 __ E._,_TH __ 1 84~:0-"'""'""' .....,.,. ' Reff••· Wrought Iron, Petio Furniture ·Cbnpiet. ltleotloll of WfOlllht lzon Furniture. -apd Bruieno. Lawn Swtnp, Garden and Beach Umbr•llu. WllNbou9e ... l010 I:. l'tr.t•8l, lute .\.nL Kl f-6m 8ton Houra, konda7 lll.r\I VriM.7 t :oo to t~OO kh&rday 9:00 to t :OO BU.II.day 11 :00 to 1:00. BAKB00 DRAW DRAPES a.ad TROPICAL :noor CoVerinp. BA8K1iJTS of all kinda &: Unul'Ua.1 Gift lt~m!I. ·Cenves end Aluminum Awnings. SPL>l;"ET l'hLllO taeautU'UI -- ancl tone, MV• ovv '16(1, Oii th!1. AnolhCr ba.rp.ln DaN lilirro-type Spinet 1196. M&D.J other rre•t buya. Theodore Robins FORD SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 1Ge II. lf&in, Sa.ala Ana Kl 2-35(5 Fr<e [)Wvery OPEN lfONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 ollcU SAILBOAT (OZ fl. 11•tUe) Bau. A lln1 ill VX>d cond.. A tll'M:U .,.. 1ppHnt.n.ee.. -E:..c1I. for 1 lldult or 2 younpt.e..._ S 126. 331 Cryst.fll, B t. Har. 1487-J. R.JCNT Hammond Bpi.Mt ~ 116 a n1onlh, wtth trM l..:>na. HAND BRAIDED RUGS ftD amTllUC'l"lON OADalAT~ All IMW m&t*1att a....U.bl .. Jil:&r7 hnldD. UIO L a.t.. e:IYd. Uc'llDa 9ctL. Bl'att .. TIN. t7tfc DlUB'l'IC REDUCTIONS A.11 ~pjm, MCOAda • narlJ MW ~ -117 to Wut". For rw:r.t' -4 lat•r, UTT l>O.ANJ: APPAUL JT11 a. OoNt Blvd. Corona dtl MM lift OIUJft) pi&Ao, llaln• • C..: dbiltl' tul41; TV A !'1l· dio eombtnauon: prcnlndal ~: "°""" 9belf; email J'NMlli 11ooa ... : IAWMn da-- ._port. BujMrr WL 6(tpll SAVE UP TO 701. J.-l1"f, ~ --. stfU, ----·le. WHOt.pl4I,& WJJUlllOU•ll. NEW G00DWILL INDUSTRY COSTA MESA 117 E. 18th St IN QW> POST OFFICE BUILDING SPECl.AL FRIDAY -SATURDAY Ma.ny BARGA.INS In CLOTH· ING &nd SHOi:S for the en· Ure t•mily --evll!nl oth.u pie«• ol. fumlturll!. Pillows 100'"~ Fe.athll!r• R.11!1. Sl.39 Now $1.00 Pt..AITIC CRIB M.A 'J'TREB8E8 R.11!1. I ll.~ Now JS.96 HOLL YWOOO FRAMES --•d- ju.Al.bl• R .... U .8!'1 Now J:i.93 REBUILT JNNJ:RSPRJNO KA 1TR..ESSES Twin or full Ill.- 41p41 TAPPAN R.anp. Th• CP a.1l autornaUc, Wied only 4 mc:ntbl, LAWSON .ala. ~ dllliftl" ta· iWo bu clock, l&mp, rrlddle, ble • ' e.beJ.ra, bed4lff.ll. two SCHM..IDT -PHILLl'P8 BIO Pl.A.NO lo ORGAN STORK. 020 N. Main St., Santa Alla. EllL 1114. Optn rrf,d&y RJ.tbta. Our )5th Y ••r of Strvice in This Community blf oven. Pd. dD.. to Sl28.i2. ovenitutfed chain, 2 wrou,-bt No dn. pymt. hy only Q.1G per Ire& bar atool&. Hu. atto. SNOWBIJ\D b:c:ellent oondltMln. 229 Lido Sood. Har. llM-M. 411:4.3 moat.h.. NOf'l'e Elect.ric ftan&•, I -----------'-''-'-' t>Nnd n-. Pd. dD. to $88.U . No. dn. pymL, pay onJy '3.68 ~r monlh. " ROOKa ot Fvnltun j\at ccm1 in, lndudllie t'OO"ipleta ONE USED tull ke)'board 8p4,Dlt piano $37~. 3100 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-3471 BAUGHN'& lf'um.lturw Factory Wareboo• • lOlA i:. Finl Bt., Banta Ana. Kl 7-M87 Btor. Hoon, Monday thru Fn<lay t :OO to 8:00 Saturday i :OO to 1:00 Bunday 11:00 to &:00. HOTPOmT Autom&Uc wulM-;. U.ted only I ntOllt.ha. Pd. dll. to 1115.18. No cub dn.. Pay on- ly S7 .82 per month. Whlrlpool AutornaUc Imperial mock!. Pd. dn. lo SIU.IL No cuh down. Pay only 17·'' per month.. BAUGHN'B rumlturw J'act.ory Wa~houM • 101:1 JC. rtr1t St.., knta An&. Kl T-6U7 Slol"I Houn, Monday tllru rrtday 1:00 to 9 .00 Baturday 1 :00 to &:00 Sunday 11:00 to 6 :00. .5 ROOMS ot J'urn!l.urw. Tbll bat Urinl Room Group, 7 piece TE.AK LAUNCH "NADA" Gny ~nr you need. Bli 7·pc. 0tn1nr Group. oomptetAi Bed· motor $896 Corllider part WOOD\VOH.TH PIA.NO CO., 2f10 E. CoMt Hwy, Corona del Jt&r, Har. 33&:l. 4lril wroucbt ll'Oll dln1q" Sf'OUJ, 'N room Group. Brand N--Nors-• trade Bee l:d Rlchardlan 1-739 GMC cro.lly 11-tL n.rrl&"., 1951 CP WUIM.r, Ilt:'>e Philco Rdr., and S.yalde Drive Har 381 21" SILVERTON.E couoM, DMd, p r.. Kl 2-1M1 or KI a-noo. ollcil automa.Uc O&tt1n 6 8&ttler Brand NIW Wedcewood Ranr1. 41e'3 TRIPLE CHECKED • USED TRUCKS w:llb f?iddle. two compleW on.I)' stond. Pd. dn. to Hfl.08-I ,-,,--,,.-,,.,-=o-o--=~---~ bedrocJm l'f'OUPI 6 10-pi-U•-No cub dn.. Pay only S8.8t lJ tL BAlLBOA T. haa m&Jn.-11 lng-room Sf'OUP. Pd. dn. to per ....... and Jib MIL lol" HOFFMAN LUM model. "31.'8. No cub~ Pay Baurbn'• P'u.mltur• l'ao\ory SACRIFICE $55 UHd. 13'19.5. KI 2-lW or KI only '8.24 per weea.~ Wl.NllOUM -101& E . nr.t • l·TlOO. u-~· '47 FORD \io T. PICKUP Har. 2343-W tlc,3 .,.... ' ~· n• -BAUGHH'll Jl'W'D11ure F&Ct.ol')' Stntt. But.a A.na-pbolM KI ' 2 .... n.c...-R.._._. 11' T . P~EL Wan~. 1016 Ill. J'1nt SL, 7-M87 Stow-. HOUM -Mooda1 :U rr. CHRIS CRAFT moecb. ONll completely rebuilt KilQN '62 FORD V4 1lio T. PICICVP Banla Ana. Kl T-6417 St.on lhnt J'rtday t :OO to 8 :00 S&t-pert. but need.I p1.tnt. SllOO. 6 HAlf.LIN (rud. pt.no. '51 DODGE '1' T. PICICUP Houn. Mond&y thru Friday urd&y i :OO to t :OO Sunday Bel.I or tract• for c:ar, pror-rty, WOODWORTH PI.ANO co .. WO 'M owe "' T. p[CJCVP 9:00 to 9 :00 Saturday 1:00 to I-'-'-'"'-'°--'-'"'-·------am.ii boat or! ! F'UJJarton. E. COUt Hwy, Coron& ctel Ji[U. 'M FORD \ii T. l"ICKOP 1 :00 Sunday 11:00 to &:00. LA.mbtrt &-lOOI. 19ptl Har, 3382. •lMI '&O CHll'VROLCT Iii T. PICKUP S2-A Ail l-===~::_::::_ __ _::_:.:_:1 ~;;;;:;-;-;;;c;;-c;;::::::--;;:,-:-;:=l'M GMC ~ T. PlCJC\IP SAVE SAVE SAVE ALWAYS Low ~ at K- WoodCT&tL r...rrnt .tock or unp&lntad turultun lni lb• Harbor area, .oft 6 hard woodlr. Thia W'lell'• IJPC1al 4 drawer 2t In. c:belt Pond•l'Oll. I '-;.;;;'---""="':;i;;-=-----12' CARV!:R Cnft boat 6 PORTABLll Zlilitb ~ BTDR.A...JU.TJ:C TJUNI. t.quaplanll!. Ex«llf'nt condition ante. All .,...,.. radio. Llk• MW, '6J l'ORD V-t l T. C • C 1 T&ll Gable Country Houae 1400 w. Ocean rront, New-nN batt.ry. Prt.-. prut7. '60 CBEVRQLft 1 T. 181M y;u ANTIQUES port Beach. • S9p41 '76.00. Can be MID at MU '60 GKC J T. COS, l'' IJTAh:R: W. Cout HlchW't.7, N...,.-t J spM4. 12:11 Urn Nk:9 nrtaty &UthllDUC aouqu-. 1• rr. LYM.Al\ GUt~ akltf. BM.ch. -lltle '60 ooocm 2 T. DUKP oolDr'9d 1l&M. brul, OJppet, Colt n-w 1700, acllll.mt condl-..-. :IS ~. t.mp&. turnltura, from Uo11, rwut.1q llJ1!;ta, wtll .. e. Hill RA.DrO G&Al\ ~ I : Une tnupm8v• rtn. lt•JU to u.. rtnce. '311. OW.ft Har 2oll4W. RRO-IO RCYJt 11115. 'U Ot.mT IT. pon 111 nn.. a r&f'lllt tw u.. eol.l..:tor. Sette 1000 w. XM"rft '115. " WB. J ~ l \.15 tn. KATHRYN .LNN JQBNS ------------IContacl Jim Counter at B&rt.U'1 O'ta:Ent A-Ml:RRITI', Late plne. amoothly anded and USED RANGES model 40" s-1 ranre wtlb r'lllCIJ t.o tlDLah. only SU.II., & drawv 114..88. 1W Harbor aep1.rale hi· broiler, &T"ddl•, Blvd. C)(, Ll J-lf4,5. clock. U(llla. etc., l'\lll c.P. ------------- »& -..,., " -MIUt.b ., ....... avna --.e11 at;, RaD. Rq. 119 8~ Now 111.to t4771 Bart>or Blvd., 8aota Ana SA VE $$$ Marine Ra.dlo, Newport Beach f2tfc r1ct.ory dlrlct l""'tL outboard1, 10 ___ ------·-•~pU- 819 Ulol 1aJ'Seat •olume trvck dl&ln tn On.ap Qoun1;1 tc r but lll!lec:Uo"m ot uNd tzuc.ka. RARJIOI.D IKPORTl!IR • °"" ta ,. ...... , ...,....., Costa Mesa Goodwill n~ clanin1 UJI, youn tOI' wbol..U. prke OC onlJ 181.00. Cuh only. OOUCH, cbatr, maple dln.t.ta, small t&l>l1 6 2 rup, 1619 Tult..ln A Vt., ea.ta MflllL. 40C42 Sltl e.nd 'Up. ROBllRT VAU• 11" 1ofOTOROL.A blond OOnllOI&. W. W, WOODS Gt.AC DEALER ~ 1 ,. .... to • p. ID.. 41-c 42 SJ-Boclta. 8upeliN GHN Ii Co., 426 30th !t., Ntw-19~ mod.II. 1161. KI 2-lMI cw -port lkada. ~l Kl J-7100. ..~. :zo rr. N . a e1ua ir...a SlOap: -=-'=-=-:c:-::-:::-:::-:-=-:-:::= I-.:.::__:_:_::::_ ___ ___::-:::' -· ------------1 DELUXS rnpsalr. Electrk: ru.p. mapi. cn-t.. url:J' A..rnt.ric&m nap 6 J'&d-Jax.13 6 U.10. Ml.pl• drople&t tabla A t cbalr.. 2 pillir lonly ti.11• drape&. 2 M&mti ch•t.. lot rm. CdY. au. 3796-W. cJiOISl.ZT 40'' J9.l\l"I with .epa· rate hl(b broil.Ir, Umer, .U:. J'or quick .. le, only S~9 TAPPAN, C.ntar ovan, cbrom• l\zltd "1lb Umu. etc. Lat• modal, real nice set. tt.u.ll rettniahed 1 mOPth •P. SAU.BOAT CLEARANCE SPECIALB FOR JULY! tt.6--18 .I:. 'Ui St... ll&Dta .l.JtA Truck. Hqtrl.. tor Ora ... C--ly DRAPERIES ind SUP COVERS .._ .. a... ""'1meW -il&mpJ• LUCIJJ.11 DRAPERIES Bu1liar llM °"MN ,.._..,....., IGUc -----~----. WATCH l CLOCK repairing OU......,.._. .... llll'm<ATl:I. NEWJ'ORT JICWELICR8 tnt M.wport al1'd. c::i.ta X-LI .... 11 CAJf"f'.U ,.._.. Cucw for f tt.. t ta. Md. ~k. SDO. LI IOITI. ...,. KNITTERS ,CLOCJl'Q OVT ...U. -IO"' 11 &l -1111 bittial' WI>' ,.._ ltraw lllep ud lr.aJ'Nr' _......_UT• KNIT. ma.._BmL t.lc43 IO->O M.ARLUf RIFLJ: • kddle Bcabbaro • Slli.00 I MM. lcl.l-a.uto 6 ammunt- tlora • JM.00. 20 p.. Itha.a dbl1. barrel ....... U IL Model 17 Wlnche1ter -110.00 12 RU(ll!r Auto. Pistol 6: hol- lttr -s:n.llO Pb. lk. fflT·W 41c43 LA.ROI: FDll: 8CR.l:EN' "' by u 116. Twttl ()&kl blmtn.dl PO. 2 o&1r: nite lt.l..nM $1ti. Or- namental m:i?TOr $8, dttatng t.bl• '5 o.Jt tram• mrnir 1.10 QuMn Anne cbatr S12. <>n-.tal ru19 Har 4m K!:NM"ORIC, standard modf.l. plain and 1tmple, better Ulan cooklnf ori • bon-ttre:, anly S29 JAKE'S APPLIANCES 1837 Hubor Blvd. COit.. Mua GENER.AL Eltclrio retrtr. Big 11-tL automatic. Pd. dn. to 1188.97 from ort,mal Sol&i.00. No 4n. pymL Pay only $1.53 per month. Br&nd naw Norp 11.n.. automauc, pd. dn. to '188. 72. No dn. pymL Pay only $7.13 ptt month. 19341 Pbllco retrtr.. 1J)"c1 for bottln. pd. dn. to SJ23.lll. No dn. pymL Pay only Sl.18 per month. BAUOHN'IS Jl'umlture F'l.ctOI')' Warebou9e -1015 IC. P"l.rwt BL, 8anta Ana. Kl 7-M87 Ston Ac.un. Monday thru Trtday i 00 to 8:00 Saturday 9 :00 to 11:00 8\lftd&y 11.00 to 6:00. ~ Rane"•. ln f ood con- dJUon.. Bt.rlow French Wilton nir. aun-hooked rur • blue wool rur. Har 1001 J . 31c:41 WASHER, Sl.6 ; rlfrl&" .• Siii; A 11ncle 1prtn1 • mattrtm:. ~: aldPf&lk bike, S:t: elec. miller, '6. Har 6027 J. lllc:41 " ROOMS ot J'\lrn1ture. Belnl" t..ranf:terred Mck. to Eut.tm Branch ap.tn. Ju..t bourht tbHI too. 7-plece dtnlnr room, 10.plece llvtnc room • com- plat.11 bedroom fl'OUP· •I.lo '$t Pb1Jco lO'ii cu. tL ttfrta. '6f Wedpw"ood Jrlddle J"alll"& AU uia.t ll awtnc a '881.41. No dn. pt'mL Pay only ff.TT ptt WMk. lt'• 111 new. jullt been ....... BA UGHN'B Furniture i'aclory Wartbotal • 1016 E. J'\nl BL, Ba.nla Al'IL Kl 7-64.17 Store Houn. Monday thru Friday lit :OO to 9 :00 Saturday t :OO t.o 1 :00 Sunday 11 :00 to &:00. LI ... 7~2. lltfc rLTtNO DUTCHMAN. uM'd and I-ti~ tor new plane.. Nll!w elac. new CNDU.N BCOUTB • F'INN organ. only J.599, S"-96 • wk. 23·rT. CHR.15 EXPRESS. 130 KlTS -ROBERT VAUGHN "-puta a Wurlluer Ora'&n tn hp .. l'Miio, bait tarrk, n.a.vy top, Co., W SOtb SL. N8W'p0rt your home.. FR.El: LESSON• covu, CIMn, tut. 139&0, OWtl-Beach. l9c41 LnchJded. 8anta Al\a Mu.te, er Har. MM. 37tfe 314 W. 17lh: Fullerton Mui'°, I'\"'"EW. Never bffn Ulll!d. 10 hp. 110 N. 5~ \\'a buy pl&nOI FOR SALE E'VINRUDE MOtor. W Ul ac· LAmbert 3--02&1. SlC'Q B-.uutu.J II' aux .ecbooner, ro anywbul-CxceL for chartu •t7.600. Conalder trad.. 1220 W. B&lbOa Blvd., Newport. H.ubor J032 u WANTll:D kl rent: molo!' Launch or ruu-a-bout to u.. ln bay now thru A"ucu-L call liubor '1N. 31o41 to-rt. CABm CRUISER. pri•· ed rlrbt. Blffpl four, 1hlp to ahor•. ~. Ice box. bait tank. vuy cle&n.. Ha.r. 2!3t.. lOo42 cll!pt. Ulld•r c:Olt price. 302ol w. Boats DRY STORAGE ooe PER FOOT. CTane • way11 avall•ble. Dilly A wffk111ita. 2633 W, Coaat Hi(hWly. LI l--1141. 3iUc: 54--Mosksl. Radio, 'I' V TY Antennas BAIL 011. Nrwport Bay In a $7.95 N"""' INSTALLED 14 ft. Sandpiper AA-.U 12.to ... up claa• 1&llbo9L St.ltl t.ncl.14.. Knowlt:OD ElectroniCI TY ANTENNAS (Clev Beam -Bl OIJDJ ln1talled «1mpl1l.I to your 1et. $9.95 LI 8-MOI. .. ~. 21" CBI CON80Lll ~ "$f modf.!L f l71. Kl 2·1661 or Kl S-1100. 4lc4S JULY ORGAN SP!lCI.AL.S! On• ruu 2 m1.11ua.L blond• e*· t.ronlc orpo wtth 20 pedal· board. aa.. s•oo. on. llns'a m-ua.I .i.ectroruc orp.n rec· 1l1U 11086. l.Jb ·.,.... tor '616. One ~ elecb"OAlc .pla• et orpn.. Aft POO. OM S... llT OWNER. '.52 itudeMk...-VI, 4~r .. O'drlva, R • H , rebuUt mot.or, M78. '61 PontlM: I, t.· door, HydrunaUC:. R 6 H. mecban.lcally perttrt. '8:a&. tts .Eft.rrr-n Pl.aol, Co.ta. .M-.. LI 8-:UOO. 4Jc4l '.O J'ORD J door. Good ooedlU-. 1115. 8" BURD. at N-.. Pr-2211 Ba.100. Bmt. N-- port ,,_... " - - DK W 'lbe German wmldW" cu. Stop In \Oda)'. orln on• &Dd ~ wUl buy Olll. ' JJOC.llDIA Tll omi..rvmn- AL B~ TTY MO'l'Oft8 lUO Newport Bl"t'CL, o.t& Meu Ll a..1211 flKJ 1061 rorO:> coo...rtiblol_ ii ----1 Har. HJl·J. 4 ------------1 ALUKINUK llQU&N tub M•Y- GUARANTEED AUTOMATIC WASHERS ROUND rattan dlnln&' table, tl"- ln., , ..... top • 4 chair., ll.26, EaecuU•• deU, b~9d wal· nut, ao bJ eo, 1160 • uprt&ht detp trMU. IU.b .UC. 21 cu. fL, 1280. Har 4427. 3k41 dacron l&ll For tntorma.tlon A.CME T. V . .top ln at 2'31 W , COUt Hi(b-'" 31.at BL mond cptn9t orpn. • .,. pa I·----------- See our NmW BplMt OrpA 'N BIU.MAJf, 4 dr. aed&A. pri.- tor only 1"6. S&f.80 deltrWL n.ta putJ 11000 -611 ~ WA fCH REPAIR ... wuhv. Oood '''"'""•" A OW 8lrYicl Added. J02 · 11.h SL, Bunttnc{on Beach way, Nirwport Bead\ or uli Ha 630ol Har •a71. 39<162 ------------1 LI b 1 r I I tn.daa. COl'l'f'mi-1 pid, Oar.-dal ,..,., llv. term• at ,..._W UoA ::: .t.Uia:w!181> DA4'aft. .::. .IOI! llllCB!'OU> 1'111mllio& -. -- IRON "1'al: A i.nm.DW "*llNO- ~ maul& • 'lt •• • ... .. ~..,, ......... ._ .. ... T-41 Siii'PiM tt ILUUlfft' UIS .._ 11 _.... : . ., ......_ .... t• axca.. _.1.iaft _.Ula Har. 6603-IL -. 4.1,.. ----. ..-. ... ; .................. • •· ta ao _..,....... 01Wo11a = ... Mar. Bar • ......,, UC i:cu. rr. DLVINA TOil Nf'11.c. ......... ""'°" AM ... ~ -:_.,.... • llliawL ldldlU W&l"I. :0 • --- 11&.r. 4t.&1 . ol1c42 Lu 1-2191 ll AM Low Al $69 THOR·BLACKSTONE ABC Frtgldaire-A pex-O.xter Maytag -Whirlpool ni.. are trade-In• and floor ..mplu. Thoroty r1c:ondltlont.d and g-uarantMd. Dtlh•ery and huita.JJ&Uon optk>nal. Ooeed Sunday Open l:'t'IT}' Week tlll I p.m. JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. 1013 8. MaJn St. Kl 3-13ta BANTA ANA 'tc:,3 MAPLE dbl. W---"11.h mlr111r, twin bead bHrda 6 miall rocker. Al-a painted dbl. b«1 head board A ch11t 4111 Morn- lnr Canyon Road, Coron• Hlpiandl. Hett HARD ROCK MAPLE -I pc. llvtns room, 2 lovel1 brua table l&mp. S pc. dillll!tt., .5 pc:. rock m.apla bclnn. aet.. box IJ>rlng-1 "-lnneniprln( mat· tre•. Kelrinator rerrtpnt.or, Wedgewood ra.q1 With &'riddle HUB, 600 W. Center, Anahelrn $89&. 41-c o-~ ... ~ .=;~ !:.~ KELVINATOR s><ALL , •• ,.., "" c~u•~ OVIHI umer. Ulll!d only a mo. 12 cu. tt. r•n1t"trator. Bnnd vth•et) tuned 10V11 -t. Lr1- Knowlton Elect.nmlca 12-rr. BOAT, outbo&rd motor <Martin '°'· "'"'" J:IOJJ, Hy TV REPAIR ,.3321, x...runa BMch. •Geil 18 rr. Bl.RCBCIUJT. J mercury 71,io h.p. moton oom•te 'With «iulpment a trailer. $t2b or maka ort-r. Call R.r, '024-W .iwr I p. m. or Bat. • Bun. &k4l 26-rf. J"l.BHINO bol.t, I to 11 bait tank. Gray martne engtne. $1"60. Har. #8M. ollc,9 • RllNT.l.Lll FAST SJ:.RVlCBl, RllASONABLEI 8erriCI calla WI 9 p.m. LI 1-62()1) RADIO Any tabla model repairtd $2.50 ORA Y ~ ..,.tftll!, 100 boura lnclud• part.I .nd Labor on It, S100. May bt _.. 1t 25 yn. Dpaieci. M • M sn-rior. 2101 Cout ACME TV le RADIO Highway. LI l-!31L 'lc43 a:i • llat SL H•r. 630t. 1&-P'T. SPEIC'D boat and tn.I'". HarbOr 46'ol·W. Look1 like _..... Aleo l'wU (rill naw 11161 modtl wlUI free:if'r I velv'"l oonrtd chaJ.M loungt. broiler A Ul&t llft up tqp, Take c~t. Mlf-defro.Ung. 1lld1 out Pair Ire. mah ~lr1 COf\IOJe JO-PT. 1960 CllRIS CRAFT It to• my -·--bol••-ah•IVll!I, buttar kH .. ,. c.h"a. l1'blff. 2140 W. 17th Santa Williams & Son Radio • Televialon Sales & Service lOtS W. lat -Kl 2-7020 ......... ... _. .... -~ -"·"'· c:nillirr ...,,......., T. B. t~'• l!:x- 1111 .. No .... - .. kH .... r, ah1l•11 ln door and Ana. 41c41 --.-, · Y .. -ttllant coNtiUOn. Fully -uip- 8HA.n:RS (8inCI 1to7) 421428 N. Sycamon, Banta Ana Pbon• Kimberly l-OfT2 ONllll Count7'1 OtyUI Hdqtn. 18" MOTOROLA -$391.i!i Color T.V. KI 2·1M8 or Kl 1·7l00. 41coll SPINET SPECXAIA! Rental ~turn. l~y in.pie !lpi.net -on.11 ' monthl oicl. Save $100. BM.uutul K.1mb&l1 mapl1 UU nrir, ..... Pd. • SiiAFCIUI (81..nec I801) 421·423 N. 3ycu:i°", S&nta .AM Phon• KlmMrly 1-tffl 9 MONTH old ftll!a'lltered r ... ma lt. Box•r. AKC. P'a.wn "1Ul W'l\ita markinp. LlbertJ I-""'· ...., _., ... f,_ ... -mall.a pay oU\ll!f' dll!IUX• f"-ture1. THIB M • -----.. ~ • .. _, • ""'" .... £ ~·· d111l, box .-tncL radio. auto. pUot., bal~ --· -..... P'' mo. 1M WEEK ONLY S299 and Y~' -• r• p • p JEAN HENRI ....... -lfP 1 • rnattn• Sllti 1.Jv. lank. marJJn chaira, m.,.,. top. YOU WILL GET MORE I JI\< I FOR YOUR C/,R r I When yoa JIO!I to ~I Anchor Mtr. Co. 1Tt &. lT~ LI f.119 ' OOlrTA KUA tNT CADILLA.0. •M"•t ..... fttlaa LI a..1111. , -.i. lHf OIDftOL&T .-. ....... Jt • R. w • w, .. ,.r .,,, a... ........ .-.uMnl. -dAJ9 or ..... at fOI a. Kain. old no.trtrerator. Low blnk Rm Mt s100. 12 x ta rur 'sll!J s10.1r.o. OWMr Hu. 12TIJ. F s~ ot t ~ ltNUa of Otapaia.n ln tarma. Liv rm tabln SIA. sto.1 and •t~fe c t H• f• renc.b _..aull oocm>U.U Dm.nDl"J..tll "'"'-01-6117. UC .~~\~.~~:~!'!.Ll~ .. c:~ wuh" s ..... LI ........ ". LU<ll .... ,,_ us om I-I DOG CLIPPING ;:;' .:::""..:"' ... ROPD RAJfOS. olO-ia., '50; rully equ!J*l lt n.. nw ,1... MU8IC BYSTEMS WorU Ill 10Uf' ~ llAUSKD • WA'l'mlt~1= cab&alt radio. '30; cablnet ~c--MAPLll DROP LllA1' dd ~11 15Kr-BIR.D.. (2 ttM:lcplta. 11e1.t. Plannllct to J0Ur JndJvkh..:I lllltn-1At9 Tu.tbl Aft., 0.M. 1NJ &ltlMI' Ollta) t.rola, ..ot .i.ct:rtic. 16: ~ ~Wanttd to !'9'. • Slf.60. Mapla rotf11 table 8) 20 hp. IMnrude eomplel* mc requlnomet1ta for hom• a Bubor 6"I ~ .... ~ u:!:r.S::o W. eo:: TOP ~ s-Jd tor leobbin'I batlcb) llf.60. Har. with lllart.er a oooll'Ola taboUtJ buainff.I. foPll 1911 CADILLAC CID ~ J N K 3001 41cQ 20 IU'& Ull oo w tnJ.ier, DAR 6 OOMPARlli aulhenUc HANDBOL:JI bladr. kiti., whit.I .... 6 ..._, ... '191 lfQft.QJ: •uto. .,,..,., V-S u HOUSEFVL ot l'vrftlt\U"lo com· llc:el\AKJ•OOONAd)' to JO. SC~ hlSh fl.S.Uty at o"" e6mplitta 179brow1. wbid--. i-wa, ball m.o..p. OrlcVi&I .....,, lb ..... · unr • .fO'ln tor 1........ "ltudlo ot ll•lnc .,und ·· -I only. WfflU. 0.IUD wt .... pttu bedroon\, ll...U.C ""°"' • Cub.. Dliy1 Har. 4'4"-JCvN. PHIM:9. ... '-...... _. .._JJ. -""1 -............. , ... -............. II'•... ..... HARBOR HI Fl .-.... ·--.-butt-. w.-... rt.-A sptm lion. eoppw, -...., &Jumblum, 1-. Pd. dll. to utl.00 CUh U .,..,., 41e41 Oall Har. l'flt.J• 11U lllJtGa 90.ADft'a _. ate. A117 quaaU~. bllmediata • ..u-t •• fttltrl. -¥!". dl'f. ~ SUT.Q t1t tUt pick up. can L1 1-t'J'OL or PQ only '2-N per WMIL lt1M'lnL~"-='-~-~.:i ft.l)QIIT. BCrc-POPI ft11t.. W. OOMa rn.t_ i.:JttK °"'" tM ,,_ymaai.; ol p ,0'7 3~1 BAUORN'IS FurnituN ~tory -... .. '°"" ....... _,.,...., , .. 3UI NIWJ)Orl 8Jvd. Jl•r. 4MI ol ... Old. oa1I 1Jll..J Wf.... ....... .-..1 ptt mo. No ce.ah n.wdt-4, my Wal'tboull -1013 E. nr.i Mt. Chrys~r powel"ld. newl)' J*lnl-PAP .Lntt I c..it Har. UM.. JTtta CJ tqull)' n-5" any\ll'IM' day WANT!:O TO BUY -Lal• S&nta AnL Kl 7-3411 itton td $4&0, la watt.r rNdy to ao -u:.2 CADJu...4.C. u. '4r ........ or .... e at toe •. Ma.In II . modal , .. ra.nr .. a nd el..CL Jlours. Monttay ui.ru F~ 4110e Rlv•r Av•' Newport Sch. .JOHNSON BA.HY GRAXLI 1'1--Ori U!.o.. In UM ...-ay4 out Of P'.xctl ~ [.(IW" fltl...;... 4 bill• IOUt.h ol CNpmu ll'I n~atora. Jd.1'1 j\ppU-1 .00 to I 00 ~alurd&.1 II 00 t~ liar loot \\' Ao°'lO 6 Bench. u.ce!knt con-the way 'Ai th • Ntw1t-Prlu I ..M~ •IL Bat ottt1'. LlkrtT Onn1.-. Kil: 1-.\817. 41C 1.nt • Co, U ~tt. t 00 Sunday II 00 lO I'> 00 f lc:tl l d1lion. $• J. W 1-7861 40C42 1 \V•nt Ad. Call H1rbclr 1111. 1-~-, 19p41 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~-- -· • -·{ • • -. . • • . • -. . . ' • 1 • • • • -., ~ -• •• • • • . -' ' • • • -' . . .. -• - • • • Ip .. .,, , .. ~-... 'II-. I 3 Star * * * Speciak· t PORT ORANGE 1' 'l'.1140 D 141 '8 ud 8UPPUlll 111114 WDDlllOll CIONV. CPa. ""1Jy eq..ippod -• 2200 W. ~ mw.,. Jla&, -· ---.. -Ink& Newport -U MUG ~lie truo. W/l/'ff. white top, 2 Iona ·~~ • te " "- nd, 1lollr p.. ....... P4J(.Ul00HT ......_ -.. totlLJA I .. 19114 Qll!lYllbER N~ Db. Dork blue. ---··-~ beats. Power tq_ue. power at.et.rinf. W• ....a oMu __. Udilra. U. I. RoJOI -Tino -New -t..,..,.. l'AN AJU:IUCAN ............. Ybanas Marinas Lido Penlnlula, Eut 31.lt St., Npt. Bch. orn:u . DdfC\tflll -.. .t.pt..ca-Ulllltlm pol4. wlllt 'loobt ellp ·---, DollJ, .-i,. moathly, ,_,.,., _· ror __ ... :.:pt._""_-......... T_-_,.;•_c.n __ a._.,._._zw._2. __ u_ii_._1 ~'" '- Only . . .. -···------$20"5 • ~~.,::u l9M PL!XOUTH 4-door Ndu, V-8 2 tan• W /8/W -------"",_I ~ 1 B••• , .. -t fi.B-.11-!or a..t . HOME ' LOANS ~ mn.ase, .W. f ldory equipment ..... _ . ..$1711C! '1-Waallod to ... , IRVINE TERRACE PIMtN~ POINT -.,. -,,. ...... "'""' "'"" ~-a lm&li, .... moOenl ~ • • ,,. 195.1 nm·.1.:A.AC Club Cpe .. Li&bt blue. Radio Ir ~ Sbdrm. 1 e.tba. i.. 1 bdnli,. 1 1*t.b. <11\dMM pa~ tu. l'lmdll -mcia. • t..ou -Mater W/8/W _Local car, low mileage -.$1090 Rentel1, Want•d wtui a1Wof .-.. ...u w., p&Uo, -~ WuM:r, dryw, Pri"i. Muoey ~~ W? n.t apt.a. and ~ la ..U cludld ~ ~ D&MJPI dlabwubtr, ~. H&l1lor Trust Deeda Boupt • Sokl 1949 \.illl\YSLER 4 door tiedaJt -Runa good --·-$1~ MCUON tw DOUI .naw U4 ld.tena. 11'!.dli-.Jn oN9 11 tallC6-'7U.W or ITATll 4-4.IK. Otte Call hr ..,.._ comodtm.,., >t > 1•"• *"-rum. or unturo. Hwd .-zqi.M ODors. UIO per WATDlnUJHT on N~ DON L HUDDUCSTON Lou REED & ASSOC 11 JOU haM • 'IMMCJ', ,mo. 1 j+ .._ SA.L.£8 Ol'J'JCZ la.ad. I Mdrm. boUM., f'1fruah-U ... Mf.1 ONla M- • pboDa ~ ~t. IRVINm COAST ed. pltr ._ n091. MonUa oI 17:1 m. tltb BL The 1Vogel Co. OOUNTR1' a.us. . •~t. LB. Hwilock. t-M.17. C?H'RYSLER . PLYMOUTH DEALER t:IOO W. Cout lligh1ny LI 8-3486 'f) llltafor 8Ue Let R.IOB Help You. Per80DallJ NleC:ted NEW & U~ED CARS TAU A.OVANTAGEoflmrnan)' ,..r• ot u:perienc• u a top nolch .11ecban1c. RIOH HAHN'S cout Hwy 101, .Nnrport Harbor. Sk41 :1201 w c.L Hwy ... .N~ Bcb. can Har. '"' I~·'""'===-,----'-'-Phoae Uba'l7 l-Ml1 IJttc ON WAT&R. .. bedrm. unture.. IOI Martne. B&Jboa ~ or partlally turn. Pier • fkMaL PboM Barbot> 644 Choice Winter R.entaU OD l.AUe. Rel. 11'8 ..._ BIU'tlof' Hfl I:. CAL Hy., Oorvu. dti Mar ,Balboa IAland A: Udo laJe 4TH or LI l-60TS. nuc Prione Harbor 11•1 Udo ortlce, Ult Vta Udo !rn.ll • OOCl or l•ra• A deJwi;e 3 Bl:DfUIS.., 3 bat.hroofnl.. tur- Karbor •111 Jll to POO Cu. ni.tled. Cho.le. location so. or l~M Newport Bl•d.. ea.ta Meu VOGEL O Hwy., Corona dti Mar, AUCU-C, WbortJ ..... , . • '"'°· 8opl_ .. , ftOO o• wUl u 2hl M.arlne A•e.. il&.lbua Wl&Ad teue ror tu.II yeu •t $160 per ------------Pb. Harbor ••• or Hartlor 101.0 mo. l"t:lon9 acat. l"ord Verrtn-Rell. Har. UJt.R or Har. lDt-R der, Har 4263. • 3tc41 MUo FREE!! 4&-Boomoforlloat LO.A.NS TO BUILD, IM.PRUV&. BUT, MUl>.l:R.NIZI:,, OR JU:FUIA..Nl."11: w. eu, Tru9t ~ .NEWPORT BAl..BcJA SAVINO. 6 WA.N AB80ClA Tl01'1 SHCI Via Lido Pb. Har. t 200 '" LOANS for Homes &5 -IO yr. Loam Construction Loans SEil 808 8A T'n...ER • a , ...... • • uo0 ISLE ,.,,... ............... ... a l ' I" I .1.,. ... ...... ... .,. ............. ~ ...... ..,,,....._ . wtt)l ............... .... _,, ___ .. _ NEWPORT IEACH tr .AJM'T HO CVTD ... tt •-i .. a..,•,., 'Mdac Ute lfw:etlo9 It'• WOftlll tile mGOIJf'• I INtL r s o..-. ikip Pd .... to ...... ~bMch ead ~~ ten ol Ulil Padtte. Pri6ad ua- dt'f' ... too. FOREVER AND EVER A\.MOIT NmW DUPLD. .A. Thi• plctu~i'... 't\aW ot the en-kMJ I I ! C'IOH to ilMi t:b&ft-. Un Harbor -and lwyood: nal and tle&dl.. Prlc9d under " hdnna. a dt:ft. ...,., dln-rm.. uo..ooo. over 2700 ... ft. of old-world ocmA.M VIEW lol ao cloM "° Ute cbarm. &O' .R·-1 kit. Room tor ...., J'VU could almo.t: throW pool Aaklnr '4&,000. Mall.II' • .IUln• Into It. IOsl.Ot j u t ottu. 1•.000. PENINSULA SPECIAL For tile VALUE criNBClOUS. 3 bdmui, l % ltth, Spotlal hon1e on l '; kit.a, PrnUeet l*tlo Ill town. 0nl1 Q7,b00. Boy & Beach Rlty Inc." REALTORS Corvna dal liar omoe aoso It eo..t HWJ.. Har. .... OCEAN FRONT lot tu11 pric• Jut -·-·· ... -...... -... -...... n ,llOI INDUSTRIAL l<~OM l TO to Aata. 1"rOtl' M009 to $10,000 ,.. IMlh. o.t ln on u.. fnlWMI ooor A mall• 10WM1t • 11tU. tOltJIM quJdr.. A p-.t IPM1' peop&.e ara doto&' ll. Seven lslends Reelty .rt{OTICE! tlS~D CAR .,BUYERS You May Win '$2,000.00 t OV £. 29TH ST. 8arbor•t72& Nawport 8e&ch ltl2 FORD model A, pickup'. (for any vacaney th Oranre CCI.) QUICKLY AND EASILY SIMPLY CALL AllLECT RLTY. Kl 7-3506 ON BALBOA ISLAND SD UB tor yearly and HUUn&1 rent&J.m. NELDA GIBSON, Realtar SOI M&rina AYL Barbor aol BALBOA ISLAND FOR RENT--8lnJf41 oomtortable turn.Ldle4 bedroom tor worldnc woman or clrl· W per month. Writ. JO&. J' mllln. P.O. ltOX. 2:M Claremont.. Ca.lltornla.. OJ' try Har. O&U-J. •tc 2416 llABT COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 1111 Rep. PUIRlCR MURTOAGll OU. Metro Llf• In.a. J'unda Kl Mll6 Real Values EXCLUSJVI! LIVING -Good Back :eay ..,., ....,, a BdR..rn. 2 bll.Ut home, Bdwd, TUe, J"ire.. plaot, Dbl prare. BEE THI!I TODAY. & Investment Co. &O:S-321Ml ~ Mewpoet acb. Ol1lf • _.; Har. &IA. aft.er II p.~ Bar. Alf at Johnson & Son Clean l l1&. Har. '676-W 40pU 40-A-Tlres '1 Pa.r1a New and U.ed TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hou r Reca pping Se rvi ce Compi..,, tll-Apt.. "u..-tor Bent Summer Rentals YEARLY RENTAL. Nawport 19· 50--Beat, Mlecellaneoua liil.nd, 2 bdrm.., untum. apt. 1:11-Bay Front &t Ocean Front ''°"" ,.... ........ laua"'1 Locotiaoo. 0-2 WI' ... ,_ Cool& ..... room, water paid. AV&l.labl• E I W S I &O bJ 2:00 plU. drlYP'•Y· En· '"'' "· A•"'"· .. """ ar . tan ey '"'"' ........,, Bl-.!. • o.u1o Alao 2 bdrm. hou9a, untum. 603 REALTOR llL rood tor Mnioa, wanbouM, Sith St. Enck»ed 7ud, water 3111 Newport .Blvd Npt BHdl, 1".rltral h'Ullln-. LI 1-3012. p&ld. A vallabl.9 SepL 1. Adu1t9, Hartlor ttlll &3tfc no pat.. Owner GOl ·31th Bt.1----------~-OARAOI!: FOR RJCNT. CUtt Ba· C •• , ,... • Ho •••• R. St.DOCER Rental&. A •all. Aur. .., • ...,. p.m. r . .._. ven am.. LI 1-&Stl alter a 3tpf.l l.t, Hou., alee,. '6. COtta.ra ...,, I st & 2n d T. D. Loans Sttvlnf all Orang• CountJ Truot Deeda Bought & Sold Royal Mortga ge Co. 2t02 .N""P0'1 Blvd., NprL 8cll. Harbor 1549 2• br. phone Mrv;ca llJ.UTirUL NEW HOKE - eloM In eo.ta M'.ua. all the flrw ret.tun. Mn, WW trade tfW olckr Newport Baad1 2 BedRm bome. IUBllIT ON TH18. CHAR.KJMQ I 8MJtm kome, HdWd. 'nl9r. Dbl ptal"•· Lot 80 ll 1.0 fimced. PRICED RIGHT. WHY RENT? $495 Down IMME 0 l A Tl: OCCUP.AlfCT ~ I bec1nu 1~ t.au.., Drea.m Jdtc!MD bM .....e t_.. m1c.. oouac..r r.o,.. .., •L. t.Jl Ud ..,, NJ ""°' 110,4.• wftb paytQmt.11 0( Ml ,.., -. KOV. Ilf TOD.LT With The Purche 1e of Any u .. d Cer From Us During the Ed Sulliva n ContHt GET DETAILS AT Brake Service om 1-----------'-· 1 al•t"Jl9 2. C.U at 111 ~ PoppJ. or Ru 111, (I to• •eUda:r•>. 6'1-BMI Eltate Wanted Coron• de! "lUr, Har 0855 M. !9eU I"-'--"'=-"'==---==~-· I B RENTAL SPECIALISTS !1Uc ----------WANT VACANT M-1 Jot or • A. NERESON c ED JONES, Rltr. eOll It 900 W. CllL lliwy. NEWPORT BEACH '54 Ford Viet ....... $1795 Only ll.000 actual mile&. Front End Alignment ROAD 8ERV1Cl!: F1re•ton• Blldret Plan Your. tor Ult AUlllr H OWARD RYAN 801 . 809 W. !st ST. CALL l:t>l'IA CR.AlQ DORI S BRAY, Realto r 2111 J.larlne. Balboa lal&nd Hu. 10 Ol' Ni LIDU ISLAND SEE ME· TA NELSON CORONA DEL MAR FOR CHOl<:m R.JCN'l'AL&. BCA.80MA.L 6 Yll.A.RLY. JtOl 11. Cout Hwy. Bar, 6600 .. Oflicu fo r Rent NEW Two Storv Building a.creage. Write Boz: M-12 New•Preu. 39pil. RJULTOR lllU N~ B1\'d.. 0Mt.a Mea l..lber1.J 1-1112 ..... Ll 1-Ml.J Llberty 1-$981 BY OWNER NEWPORT HEIGHTS Ul-IW J'ordomallc tranamlMion l>O'Nf' bnkff. etc. IANTA A.NA Kl 1·1363 Furnlmheo or lmhlndabed Bacl'l.ior ud Or1o1 or two !Md-~A-Apta. f or Beat Customer P&rlr.lnr B/ B Modem lluceo. I b.r. Se-para~ IS· runt nn. 6 beth over g:ar&J'• on alley. ildaa.l for In· ~~) OOIUl'ITHLLH llL.'.ND llame ln Saa n-anai.teO ...,-. 8upertt .ww .... to ........ wnn.., MpV&t. aludio A: ba.1' pMncy of wn. 2 car pa.rkinc LfM. $"1,000 . .A.ttractl•• i.rm&. Ooa- sldr.r achaJ'lr-. Har. ~ UpU '53 Lincoln Cap $1695 ruu power, ltirtra cJMll: U-Auto~ ""'"'._..... ... 87 mummer, monthJ7 or 1-.rt1. LIDO Realty A..aociata '52 Olds Super _$1195 -or Holldar ...,., Motor Overhaul 1-iOO Vt.. UOO Harbor U'6t '51 Chev. wagon $695 NO MONEY DOWN Bungalow Duplez FURNISHED Radio, ~:mauc Up to 15 Mootb.8 to Pay Vacant. Wall to wall carpet. :i bedroom. and den, 1 % bat.ha. lo~d •Ir heat, privat.t brick patio and barbecut, plctura wlndow1 faclnr oce&n. beaut!· ful Yltw, attractive L~M or month to month. tit Morning: '52 Ford Viet. $99 5 8 Cyb. -. ____ !'>8.88 ft.&t!lo, ~Ur, J'Ofdom&Uc All Straight tnlUn'll•on Elghtl --··-------68.88 '54 Pac ~. 4-dr. $1695 Hu power .t.Mrtni and brakn. •utol6aUC tran• mi.aoa. l owner, Llk• ·-· '56 Plymouth ...... $2595 atlftden bardtap cpe, auton\. It A R. TOO mllee or1JlnaL 1 '55 Chrysler _ .... -$2795 NSWP6RT HAJt0 TOP ooun ftd!O, i..t.r. autom. power .t.eertnr and brak.N, ........ ...-.... '52 Cadillac ___ $1795 FlMtWOOd. run power. Qood '"'""""" 11:11 TllED A.ND MORJSl At O\lr K-UMd Car Lot Johnson & Son Lineotn-lhrcury-Oont11Mnt&1 800 w. Cout lllwy. NEWPORT BEACH INCLUDES boUl Labor A: Part&. .N aw r111... 'fn"Ull plna. valYe irnn11. tltUnc• ot main aM rod bearln,p. Espert motor tune- up. 90-d&J • tOOO mil• ruar· ~·­OASKll'TB 6 OlL EXTRA REBUILT ENGINES BUO.. T 1N our own factory b7 1kllled machln.Uta. Don't con· tend wttb the mJddl• man. Buy dlrecL UIORT BLOCK l'ORO {11124) ----·$ 9-i.&O CHEVROLln' I W 60 BUICK -·----... --1126.00 PACK.A.RD (I eyLJ --11~ 00 Plym., Dodi"• • Ford e _11oe oo CHRY&I 6 0£ SOTO -1120 00 STUDEBAKER .... -·--5120 00 DI.DB. 6 PONTlAC I _ll:ZO 00 NABB ·---·----1120.00 K...US.J:R ----1120.00 HUDSON 11 1 (3 Malntl' .. 1140.00 Canyon Road, Coron• del Mu, tlar. 486-i·W lie-ii WATERl'RON r APT., turn. I bdrm., fireplace Barbe<:ue.. Summer rental. t09 Clubhou.e. IOCl2 2 BDRM". duplll'll, gara.-e. walled In patio, chlld okay. U5 mo., yearly ~ta!. '630\1, Heliotrope. Corona del Mar. tlt: BAYSHORES Winter rent.al, 2 bdrm. fumlahed encloHd patio, dbl. ararag-1, tor 10 montlu from Septll'mber l. Call LI 8-221~. tlcU Cl.ITF HA VEN --unf\lrn. 2 btdrm In T'rlplea Near High &:hool, Jr. High. Hthpot. Har 2063-W t 1<'43 PLUS lNSTALLATION LIDO RENTALS Opal Daily 8 to I Monday 'Ul T ,p. m. J'urn1ahed 3 Mdrm 2 balh, 8UlldaJ 1.2 to 2 lovely patio, TV ww carpet. Block mu.t meet our •ta.ndard.I Waler and l"ardener fur. Win- Pim tu-. ptlketa &nd oU ler OI' ~a.rly leaae. BELLES ENGINE 2 BR tuml>hod ape Provlndal Liberty lh')42) tumlohlop. To •••"m""' REBUILDERS '"\·m: VOGEL co. roR LEAB!l l502 31at street, N..-port Beach. Intere1Unr 1 bdrm., unturn, •pt., pJu. rar· ~ llO rn.o, WUI palnt Interior to irult ~t OtJl ~bor iou t"V• Har 5361. ~ seuc J&nitor Service Elevator Opposite City Hall WILLA!! D KILLlON 334.~ Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 Lrn'LE BALBOA l8Llt. -at· traeUve tum. 2 bdrm. apt. I-----------'-°""- e Ground Floor Comm erci~ 1-1 nd us t ri al DEPARTM ENT C·t ~ -ExttUll'nt co~r lo- cation on 17th 8L 132.~00. M> Ae~• -Level -on -.rL PotenUal M·l. ».000/ac. Coft- •der ex:change on comnM"n:lal lncome. Only 2Y, yn. old. I..,-. kJT.dlen A bld..t. .,... Bot.b no • ,ru le· 1tYinC rm 4 dlniq area. Beeut.1t111 C!OlldlUon thruou.L Grs.pt atAka fenced beckyard. 8prmkler .-y~. Nicely land· .cale<L Small view 4 bi.rM>cula.1'11 ,.......,, Now$10,&00 t bdmt., alueoo, l&r1JI J\.I lot.. ea.ta x-. a... Mk. ... , or U...tra... tt1 now.. Open, Har. Mlla-R. ~ aleepa I lncio-d patio, blk. to tie.y-avall. Jul7 Jt to Aug. 11-~pt. Ith on. Har 19CM~R. """ e OFFlCES OR STORES C-2 lot PlacentJa Ave la PQOO. down. BAI $14. mo. Con· CIU..NNJ:L FRONT 4 unlta cholca locetion wtUI MMIUIW v$ew or Balboa eo...... 111.toO Call 10 T·'"4 attmao.-and ~ ..... NOW StO wk. New 2 bdrm. court. 308 -12nd llL Bu. 1221 AUGUST ftENTAL8 OPEN '" F o r Leue 1n - Harbor lnvestme.nt Co. Bld1. 30th 6 Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 BUMMER RENTAL l60 wnk. turn apt al flay Front born•, FOR RENT elet'J* I. Jl"roin Aur 11 on. N-otttae l:i:x.2t. wao aboppln1 ~ River Ave., Newport Bch.. area. 110 mo. on yra. Jea.ae. • 41c43 SA 'J A BEAt..:H REALTY INC. -----------1 RlllALTOfUI ~'ORONA DJ:L MAR 209 C&ma· 311.2 Latayette Uon 2 bdmr. apL Avillllable U.ar. Sf'63. Har. ~ Eve&. Aug. 21 till Oc::t. On blutf OW:f-'Ju.t to the ri(ht of U<io Brtd,e' looklllr bay. Call July 27-29 uc Har. 106"-M. tlp42 Coeta M!!Aa 13 7~ Bay & Beach Rlty Inc. llF.ALTOitS 187~ Harbor Blvd. ('<H1ta Meaa. California R, JI". Cedde9 R.\V.~ w. Ltt . Day or night phone LI 9-771-i 61-Real !!_tate Excha.ng!_ FORCED TO SELL OR TRADE . $75 ALMOST NEW 2 bdnn un· fur •pt., nrepl.a~. ba.r kitchen A !fats. ... fllS Victoria. eo.t.a Mesa LI 9 3221 or Har 3041 J Small manufacturing bu.lne.. M-A-8 0lllbe99 ~~ !n Santa Anll. Pennanent di.a· llC-4.1 ---------~ SUlOt'.E.R RENTAL, :I Mrm. rum. apt. dlapoM-1. rarage • .. undry room. Q111!eL •tiNI mo. U 9-1813 41~"3 1 BDRM.. untum. apt. on Udo wltb Ba.}' vlew. 1126 on 1 ..... Har. &23-4. M. Mlle OCEAN FRONT PRIV A Tit orflc• w1lb p.bon• &n· . irw•rtnr "rrlce. S.Cret&ry A DOU-r)' ••aila.bk. Gl"ll'Wld rtoor. N.,.. Trl4ent Bid.a~ 2200 New• pgrt BlYcl., Newport Bea.ch. t Adjac.nt Bout.ti Cout CO. I H•r 502!. Oourt.MJ' to Broker•. Uc-ii --------- blllly fON:ff own~r to .. u or tr...cl• for equity In home. Very aa.Je:1ble, atl,n.cUve new line. very profitable. J'ully equlp- pl"d Wltb Lil new macl'l..lnery. See thU. pla.nt dally 10 a .m. to 12 p.m. t2t s..nua.-o St., Ban· ta Ana. S-itfe BALBOA 181..ARD -bid&". :U. b1 62-BeaJ f'Atat.e 40 for prat:a ~p&lr or -f 1--=-'--"-------- H&r. ~ lltto Mariners Mile INVEST Choice l.Aguna INCOME adtt 'M OT 'N boulle n.1lff lo $3000. u part dn. PRINC1- PA.L8 ONLT. LI g-&Uf, or U l.O:M)-4.. •lc43 lh.ve You SMl1 110 MM!ton•1 Country Living LocaUd at the NM Of Lunon H.i,titt tn Ua. T\lM.ln «lhOO' dlalricL An o~r S bedrm. 2 bath, 2 •tory comfort.able horn•. plu. a 1 badrm •PL oYe1 a 5 car !Pftl"•• larl"• J'tlU"M.- Uon room with ftrt"P1-ce a.nd pool table. A 1&r1e bobb7 ahop bulldlnl and bedmlnton court. all on a %, acre alt., •ha.ded and ~uutUlly pUted to matun tred. llhrubll and family orch&rd. Room too ror a llt&bla. Lota al .acitl.lrilHI and privacy. Prl« nu ju.t Mu rtductd to 113,MIO for a quick NEWPORT H&lHTI, bt awner. 3 bdrm. bouM, 1 tu1I lliaUi, hWd. tloot'I( 1&rp 2.-r ,..,..,.. and ...u.d JUd. f lt,fllO. M7 JC1 JI.,.,.. Aye,. -iOcU Altadena Escrow (Omta a&.. at.nee) 112·A &.. llta IL. LI ..... - Income Property I UlOT9 IN P.A.lllOUI CLlrr JIAVZK • .A.11 ....-,,,_.t lno:irne aaooo. 111Lc1111-.t r-.1&1 ~4anU&I u-. ......... payol1~ft'09 ~ Good tluaelas· A !'WI tN7 120.to0. ID rr 1601 .. .,.. P\aoe. lttf• deal. o.ner ..w CONt• .. _. • t E ~ C t -•..,...'" -pona1•1a..,.. mo v1n9 o an oa1 Ku.st ..u J biedrm. m°"'1t ..... , .cbool. OcWta ac.... ,,..... t• llell $11,.500. Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR -----.:..------1110 Ill. Sn1 BL Kl S·92G• M C h , LOAN CA.RB -FREE TOWING Lido ornce. at lf VI• Udo. C art Y s 8TATll BONDED Har 4171 H ome w llh moat boulllul view on cout, hU g:ue.9l hoUM apt. ror renL Print• pundi>. Sleep& four. Right nut to Jilli• Corona deJ Mar beach, oppoelte Jttty. 3129 ac-n Blvd. Har. tillill or Har. 4137. OFl'lef: A: Shop Space for rent or leue. $20 per mo. A up. u 1-tttl. 311tre ~r. Adjolnlnf" acra ol cllrull available for ffOOO. HURRY Oii U.111 -· call nt&D CRoe.u:R. .U.OC\ai..<I with VJ:IUfON L. VAUi:NTINli:. 13909 Tu.Un A•t. Phone Kl 7-6'611 ltTee Kl S-1'41 -ilcfl Owner -elllnr fln••t modem 161 ------------IMl 1 N.wport ~· ..,_ ... 37tfc A-trrv--IU--Tl-C~TIU~~N-.-.. -,-•• -,-0-N-8 BAYFRONT APT. Sl71S mo. B J I (',.I HYDRAMATlC • L>YNA.J'WW NOW. Pl•r and •Up utn. If ig u y ja e COMP~""g;'~UL -~· r ( $119•50 F OR AUCUST RENTALS. SM .. c.u> (ID) 8ptdal -i door AIR d>NOITIONING Fl.aD JIO'"I' 9qulpmt!nl -4..odo mllH $5495 "1$ PONTIAC Qlldt.aln - J door. WllW'..-Two\OM $1695 V-S .... w cmrv t door KMtM> -2 .,..._WIW'• O.IUM trllD etc. On Sale $1475 McCarthy's US ED CARS 1420 Bo. Kain KI .2-8G0'7 .. l!&utaAn& p. a. J*lmar, Inc I------------ Include-&D part.I A labor har 1600, JI 8-~l)7S 43-B--Hoo8M tor Beat AU.. WVR.K. GUARANTEED TERMS ARRANGED LOAN CARS 84.B AUTUK<.mv& 8ERVlCS Wll NELSON ST. AT A.CA.Cl.A LS t-111:! " DISCOUNT TO CLEAR -• $2000 IRVINE lw.auUruJ 3 BDRM. untum. honW, Newport new unturn. S bdnn .. l bath Hllt1"bta. hY.'d. Ora.. F A hff.t. hoo... MOIJt attractive yard. dbl. ,-.rqe, exr.eL locaUOn. Ttarty or lo~rer •t SUO J>U AdulU prt'f. OpUon to buy. mo. 1110 per mo. Call Har. 1711·M. Earl Stanley 220 Marlnt Av•· •let! Balboa. Jala.nd. Hu. 1776 Ma· ----,--~-...,-...,--- roon or Boynt.on. 4lc4S For Rent-Fumi.ah«l THIS•OLD HOUSE Uvl.nr nn. dln.-rm.. bedmi. A kttt.htn. Shara th• balb $&2.~ Motl Newport Blvd, A ... U&bl• Aur. lat. Ca.II Barbor •Tll. 41c-i3 1BOR.M HOUSE ul\f\lm, 2 car rara.re ~ mo. u 17423 •tc43 GROUND n.c>OR OFFICE.8 OR STORES, Idea.I locaUon for op. tom•tr1•L accountant, attorney tn..ura.nce, rTLi ••tate. 11':. Al· ao 1torag• roomi to rent. BAL- BOA BAY PROPERTIES, 150!! W. Balboa Bl•d. Har. :5198. unit bot.el on O:iut Blt"d. Near ahope--Maln BN.c". Take .um. mer lnt'Om• too I Ruale prorlt Jl'O"lhle. Takea $4&,000 cuh. Bii" pot.e.nU&l, aimpk to operate. Pr\n._!pa.t. only. Ttl 8. COIUl 8]Yd. ariowu by ap· point. HYatt 4..ft71 3ipt1 NEW 8TOR.I: buildln1 IC-1' OPEN BOUSE. 110 Ml!NTON"m 1220 aq. ft. 2 ur.t.ranc"• •i------------1 nrl!'place. ri-01 &ut Bay - ' Balboa. Phone CUnlon 6-3728. 39ptl -~-----~-1 M-Busla-2!'Poriwilties SMALL CA.Fil for aalll'. Ftne locaUon • Flrtlt Um• olfer'ed • Doi"&" uc.llenl b u e I n • • • • Qwnrer retlrlnf". W rite • Boll Pl~ New• Prua -ilc41 WIDOW MUllT BELL NOW - -11 eat.al>Uah«l t•2 yee.n) AUTO AOl!:NCY. fDod&e - PJ.1m..-truck) Good .... Oft bUlldlnl aYailabla. LocalN In dlolc•, t1•l _ ~nl" coll.,,. town.. Ca.II Kn. CB. Clem. ftedlanda. P .T. lf..40I. 41p43 LOTS on the Bay H' TO 140' FRONTAGE.. $400 and up per frc.tt foot to quall- Q.rd bu,.,.. Plen permitted - Geo. Mc.Natnara, CoUl.nl laland Hartl • 2M2. 2TcOI CONTEMPORARY Cliff Ha ven ....... ... !.l 2U Ktnp Place 1-7107 ' 21Uo CURT DOSH , Rltr. C-1 BARGAIN • ortich on "7 t•t, Newport BIYd., N..-.port Beach. lncOID• IS800-8eU $31,&00. DUNCAN HAROJC8TY, RH.I tor Har. '6 7tl JIOI Nf!WPOrt. Bl.cl" N"'port &Meb. 3-iUC • BT OWNs:Jl.4 MnD..---41 ~ G.L loul.......$til mo. 11-to 'ftl· __., tncludM larl" kl>t. ta- tw•t and uur.-. b&tdwood noon. W•lenl Hol.11 AMp. ~ lauodt'Omat. ........ .... di9p.. teftC!ed -.ck Jard. tllfDdl., toob .ic.. hJJ Prtca llG,lbO. 11.000 OOWl:I. 1528 w.-m1Ntt«, eo.ta ~ .... Extra Good Home IN N-.ort 8-lpta, I bdrm.. I 1Mtb fGf' pa.rUcGlU ~ l>rtT• by 604. Redlandla. u.. Mll us for J*rt$cul&N end •pfJOillt- ment to atww. DA.Jf A. JA0088P, ll-.I &Mate Har •t LI 1-GlT ICI Nlll Modera ... uUhl 110 -t.. • •••· P?·•!l MODERN DUPLEX . .. ... • • Grent W. Musick Ha rbor Tra ilec Supply Your ~udson Dealer t111 H•l'bor Bll'd. u i .2 .. 11 S Ai.JCS llDd SERVICE POR R.&:NT or IM-Ml•-:ar FOR LEASE CORONA DEL MAR 2 beauW\al. 2 bdrm., pound ooor •Pi.. al 110 .lArk.tpur. No J*a, ha or caJ.I ~.,., I 1J c..ru.. uon. Apt. 1>. H&l'. l&A. Cwf'> 1-.y lo broken. Ultc 31 5 Mar ine Ave • Ba lboa l1lend Harbo r 1560 3 hUts. ta Lido ohoppl!!J ccta', $22l!O -t Income. IArr• 2 tidrm. eo<h. 2400 "'I· fl. $22.&M. on rood WDlo. WUI poy for ltMlf. CL YOE MEYER, 312 "lhrin• ...... = • • ~ -- lti lt 1.ol ..l.llfel• o 5-lJTI H ou .. tralkr tumlmhM. Three .,_._.,,. dtlt ~• uut toil""-. Veey ~------.J -•hM. Ll 9--'l:MJ 2ttfc --- • • ' . ' I r • ! •!!' ..... ......... ,. WORJ( WHERE YOU LIVE " ~ !option la .. lleolt ot 114"-WWI'• ....,,. .. -.11.0MAIUMl:·.t.yg, Bueo rfll IMlll II -ldtlwll .. s --aft. EXCEUENT OPPORTUNITY :mxa.U8IVJ: WlTll WM. W. SANFORD & hi1I: Aft. at ll&r!ne, J!a-Ial&nd ' Lido. Bayfront Associates Har.:IW 115 It. lot. Pllr and Ill~ privilq,.. CLYDE IO:Y!lR, Realtor , 112 Karin• Ave., Balboa Wa.nd Harbor ~ 40cil . FOR SALE AND -LEASE BACK . a .•u A ltoN 11.Dd ottlce buildinc located oe mOlt important corner ln Puadena. Pricl S'I00,000. WW pay 7jlo net oet &Dd will depoolt Sll00,000 u -oecurity. I.Arie depreciatJon factor. ~ OWNER. T. D. Rosen, Ry&n 11187 or Harbor 3121 'C' TBOILUI 'C' THOILUI BAYSHORES JVft LUTllD • rood 2 ~. belM, iiulll IU'CIUDd • pt.Uo wtt) blt. lA ~. ha. Is-. ll'f', rcian with rinpl&c•, Nll a.. d1a. room, is-. muter btlS- room. l bath ,,iu. Wed bathlq atiuw.r, w to • c&rp11ti.DI" UlrouSboUl, Oftl'9t .. dbL JV· .... rtlcMy '\pd.caped -Call hr appoUlt.mdt to ... thi.IJ OM at Ill.MIO. a wnn. l '11 be.th compi.tAll)' rtTJlNIIHE>, LOW down paJ· mlftt, .. uii.nt t.~. 111.800 t ~ bunk room. ldMI Mae" horn•. 111' ,&CIO ru.rnbih-4. Beauutul I MdroOln pf\UI ·~ "" JU'-•l room, 2 ~ blltlw, bUUt-• klteMn.. r . A.. h•t.. eML patio wtUl bu'beeue - sn,ooo. VIEW -VIEW IT'I A 8UUTY wtUi \lDOtllllnlO.- ted "'"' ol M¥ and oce.an. ct.. Jux• i1 • st M&t.ed • rut•rwd .-t.mmlD1 pool, lld2 u •. niom. 2 bedroonw, den, beautl- 1'\l111 \&ndlcaped pound• - .Uktnc" Ml.l'klO. "C" THOMAS REALTOR and AllllOCIA TES ltt W, Cout. HIJhW&J U 1·6627 , H_.port Beacl!. HARBOR BLVD. business frontage fi locaUon11 3 BR HOME I bOO sq. ft. $I 000 dn. ·• .....i buy •t aio.too. $6500 1 BR Good Hou1•-See It LIDO ISLE a BR fUrniaMd Cbolc• property . 10 ac S70,tm · caa " IOMd x .1 IU,000 WW lla.n4le 4 B. R. 1 >/4 baths A buy at 111,NO lft Ila .,_, ~ '-dow11 Low Down Poyment WI: h&V• I nl<:I bcmi• that WI can •U wttA down pe.ymenta u kr# u MM. T•ll U11 J1Nr MtiU and -. _...y be abi. to pn:wid• UM a.MWlr. MAX W. POPE 'C' THOILUI 'C' THOMAS REALTOR ----------tMI Kubor 81'.-d. Ool'ta. Me1a OCEAN FRONT lfLUl N..,_.. Pim'. You will UM UU. modml.1-1 I bdrm. 1'omol wtUa bat). and ball, a.leo ,..,.,,.. di.poMl and torced &tr Mallq. double 1u., lar1• lot. wllh ~ tor anolher ualL J:..Z. doW1I. paym•t ud .. _ BALBOA ISLAND HUIU\T1 S.. t.IUa ll Ju..t r ... ~ to 121,noo. 2 bdrm. .. 2 MU.. ph11 l&nl'• 1pt. tur- alaMd. T.riN. LI 1-11"2 11.AYBHORES 4 B..r., Mn bMuL paUo. play Yf"l. ldM.I t--. born•. Brow· MU ~ Good t..nna. ~ $2',&00 I b.r., l'l bath. Jc't. Uv, rm., put. tum. 121.~00 BACK BAY 4 b.r .. rool'll for pool. VIEW s12.~ I b.r., l" balh, Jce. lot - MOVE IN TODAY ,.,_ "'·"'° BQT wu.t a e«kcr of a trlplU! \, &en, 1 b.r., kn. pint Int. &&ch· unJt bu I Mrm.. an4 JttM Mth. :I untll turnlah.cl and OCEAN l'l'l.ONT 1ummtr rental, 1....... I • car ,..,....., uc.t 2 b.r. loc&UOll. Qul of town OWDH MJ'll MU Uld stv• Unm9Cllate aHORZICUJ'n, J b.r .• den. lanal ,_.....ton. W• h••• the kay. vi-$41,600 TRADING -TODAY7 Claire Van· Horn BUILDING. wtlh a tature. I .. _ & •ro• -.,,.. ph1o1 6 lar11 1lo,....• ~ room.t. c.ntu uf Ba.lboe. bua-2711 W. CM.Ill Hwy. Ll 1-4217 ·-dWrid.. Bell or trad• at or.H ROUI&. 110 KENTONW pa,ooo. Ubtr'al Anna.. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1101 W, a.Jbo9. BIYd. Har llU Choice Nwpt. Hts. OW I ~A ctu. 1"-bath. COSTA MESA 21&7 1lural !Ant Jll,&00 a bdr.. w1u. 1oi.. o1 ei-.t epa~ e 10.000 IMIU&r• n. lot.. tull7 fUICtd II eompkt.ely ~P- 1141 -SUI trull ire., Pelm tr.M, Jawa, nowerw. pond, II ahrubt ' Now Open! COLLEGE PARK HARBOR Bl.VD. • Jud South of Or•nge C°'d College _. COSTA MESA - . CUSTOM Q~AUTY 3 & 4 Bdnn. Homes JIE'ITEll HOMES -cleell"ecl for famlli., of • cllocrlmlnathlc buola-Ir PNfmolonal poople See-Them Now Open 10 Daily & Sunday a.m. 'Til Dark ll'E.t.TURING -All Electric G. E. Kitch ... with all the modern conven1encee • 3 6 4 BEDROOMS FIREPLACES FA.MILY ROOM • • TILE BATHS 6 "ITCHENS Door Chim.ea, tront A rear Extra Large Cloeet Space ' - A WONDERFUL HOME FOR ANY FAMILY la a perfect home eettinJ clooe to beach J>!&YCn>unda. cJooe to major r,_ ways, IChoola. cburchea A modern 1bopptni oenten. PRICE $15,950 TO $16,950 Monthly -Payment.a $105 to $115 V.A. & F.H.A. TERMS MURRAY SANDERS DEVELOPERS & BUILDERS WALKER & LEE, Sales Agents Phone Kl 5-4341 1 ~ ANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY For Quick RHulh KISS IT GOODBYE WHEN LISTED BY ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors C.or. 29th a.nd Newport Blvd. or Phone Har. 5226 OPENING FOR LOCAL UVEWIRE SALESMAN OR BROKER Weil B/ B LIDO ISLE DlMACUUTI: I BDRM. Home Lov-1y co.itempor..,,.... Mod•m. 94ul~ w1th tM lalPl ap- pointment.I. Charmine Muter Bedroom. 2 bath.I Carpel.I and DTaper1ea. BM.uUtully land- 1caped. • .A.eklns 12'.TMI. Poulblt 15 bedroom born• with l WANT TO MAKE A BUCK- and 1till have a fine home & income? We have the ma1cing• of the deal -A 2 B. R. home, car· peted. lovely flrepl., plu. an apt. O\>er gar. Idea.l •pot for aummer rentala --.-on a comer 60 x 118 (that. TWO lot.) South of Hiway. Buy it -build on the extra lol {we'll Kll it) & you'll have home and income at a bargain price. Ju1t phone -we'll ma.ke lhe appt. Realtor batha. Plumbln1 for poo.I. 87 ' OGE A ' t CoM\4!r. compl•tely wallfti. R . B . HO • NOCI& ~ R. L. STRICKLER, bullt for a ••rs• family. Near 3622 E. Coa•t Hwy., Corona de! ~ar. rood .wlmmln&' bet.eh. Don't l-------------------- Har, 2774. fall to -- Would you like a well planned ! bedroom, 2 Mth home! Built around a lovaly walled paUo. W• hav• It and It bu Formica klteMn W1lh bar and many ut.ru lncludin1 F'.A. Heat. NORD BA YFRONT A O.ll1hllul home with 41 bed· doom.I • )(alda. I BaUa.. P\•r II overelM'd •Up. Elevator. BPet klc:atlon. near far •nd of Itil.alld. TM Ideal place for a !am.Uy. Prtc:H r11hL NEWPORT BEACH Now yo1,1 can have a l&ke front home in Newport Beach with your own private l&ke. 2 bedrm1. and den, bath Ir. ~~ lg,e. liv. room and eepara.te din . rm. Fully carpeted &. draped with an all electric kitchen. Sliding glau doora opening onto the patio. A noal family home.. and pri~ to aell. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 Cout. Highway, Corona de! Mar Eves. Harbor 2t20-W Harbor 5032 SO NI.CE TO COME HOME TO! 200 Cryat.al Ave .• "Utllt Balboa llll&nd." A Yery UV ABLE a nd Wl\lSUal a bedroom. s bath home, CL0.81: TO THI: B.A. Y. Won- derful llvlnl nn. that ••Y• "WELCOME'• -wood panel.it wa\11, hi.II'• •lone' fLrtpla.c41. o p , n bM.mtd cellln11. A FAMILY ROOM tor Informal t!ntertalnlnl or th• ehlldr1n'1 fun, and a OR.A.ND KITCHEN for mother -with d.labwalh- er. dltpoMI, fonnlca counlar1. Carpetf!d wall to wall, forced air heat, colored bath flxtarea. -And for lh• man of the hOUN NO YARD WORK to worry about? For INFORMAL LIVING •l It• btlt--aff thla. OPf!N DAILY l -?I p. m . Mariners Isle Rlty. 111 litarl.n• A.vl, Balboa llLand Harbor 4711 For Sele By Owner • ....,,._ • "'" ..,.,. Boy & Boech Rlty Inc. wlt'ld tor no • ce.rpettna. R.&.A.LTOR& ' V.ey attracUvt 3 bdrnui., 2 bath 1pllt kvel 'ritw home. 1n a qulet -.c:Uon of Newport He•1ht.t.. 11\1 wall-t.o-w•I ca,.._ pet. and th• dr•pM are lnt:hMl- td. 1b,en Is a built-In BBQ In U\1 kitchen. Forc.d air heat • IALIOA' ISLAND 8-6-• Olntlll:STBUYI a..i.oio. tloa, or. \'lllop -Uld No. Bay -Letoob' • bocl·-. dllllDc --1" -.u... -.ir be&t. aw... potlO. Piiie - ....---~pt. -bath aa4 dt1 lug -. Both llDila funlllbed. ftlo ill o wsr to -1t,... nat to -... th• l'olan4. • COSTA MESA 0 S11:1:1NG m BELIEVING. MOOO don buys W. Wluouall1 artltltle S B. R. (or 2 Ir dm) 'lullt7 • home. If :iou want the ~ lo coaotructloo, choice I-lion. thia ta IT. Plftecl H. W. !IN., F/.t. h .. t, 1% bath.I, panelled ...U.. tlec. ldtcheo, (lllcludinr built.la Ofttl and nnp, wall -...trir. and treser. diehwubor, fan and hood, dla-1,.....her I< dryor,I lovely drapoo throush· cut. 3 car pn.ge with elec. door, and rroundl beaut. iaDd-ped. Moothly payment& art $107.47. You can BUY It cbe&per t!lan you con RENT lt! Thia ta YOUR opportunity. It ta & home yota will be proud to own. Winter &nd yearly renlala. BLANCHE A GATES, Realtor ' ME!1BER OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa l11and. Pb. Har. 1871 or 1812 TOO LOVELY FOR WORDS A.re you looking for a luxuriou. 2 bedroom ·Ranch St)rle home in NEWPORT HEIGHTS! It'• truly diffiC111t to find worda that will ju1Uy deecrtbe thia exceptional home, the mo.t tut&o • tul tnt.esior decoration, the flne cupeUng &nd dn.pet., the beautiful and expertly laodecaped. grounct., the ma.t attractive NEWPORT HEIGHTS location. We •Uggfllt that you drt\19 by 809 Aldean Place, then call ua fof an appoint- ment to 1ee it younelf. Priced at $23,000 BACK BAY New 3 bedroom and family room plus. Thia lovely contemporary Ranch Style bu juat been completed &nd 19 read~fo immediate occupancy. Hu everything i.ocludin built in Range & oven, lnteY<em 1ystem, u brick fireplace, larce family or dining room, break:fut room and bar. Large breezeway to garage, fenced. Excellent Terna Priced at $26,250 C. ED JONES, Realtor ,\ ASSOCIATES 1999 Harbor Blvd. LI 8-3333 COSTA MESA-The Best Town on Earth C.2 Bu.in.ea zone -66 x 300 with a good S lb-. home, Hwd. noora, 1ervice porch It p.n.g1!. A very rood buy at $12,llOO. 3 Br. home, l lh bath, Hwd. floon , WJW carpet, fireplace, dining room, double garage, A-1 loca· tion $13,000. with terma. R-4 Loll 64. x 168 {suitable for 3 Unit.) • . . $3325 . Ocean A bay vie.w lot 70 x 140 . _ . $13,000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -One of the be•t for ocean & bay vie.wa. 3 Br. home. 2 baths, W(W cupeting, forced air heatin;, l.a.rp lm'Vice porch, double. garage "AND'. swimming pool. ,.6.llOO. • G. N. WELL~. Realtor 1810 Ne.wport Blvd., Coat.a Meaa LI 8-7729 BUY OF THE WEEK Practica.lly new 3 Bd. Rm. (except all the work ~done.) Hd. Wd. Floors -F.A... heat - 2 bl.th. -Nat. Cabinet. -Dbl. Gan.re -Patio - All Thili For Only $13,llOO OPEN HOUSE SAT. AND SUN. JULY 2&-.10 11 :00 A.ll. to 5:00 P.M. '67 Wutminater. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -A lovely older home with !irepl&ct -Hd. \Yd. Floors -P'.A. bMt - Se:p. Dining Rm. 11,4 BatM -Fenced yard - Beautiful Land.eea.ped petio. $19,500 Terms. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. ~VERSON 1856 Newport Itlvd., ea.ta Meea Phone LI 8-6761 -Evet. Har. ~ M-1 FACTORY SITES 5 acrem in Coat& M~, cla.e in. Low price. ALSO Subdivision of 3 acre. for R·l homee. MULTIPLE USTING BROKER G. H. LAtHROP, Realtor 3635 E. Cout Highway Harbor MU Corona dcl Mar Eva. Har. 661!() • OU: nra.. Mtw.! call, nr.p1. .• .,_. *&. a.tra tre wa.rdro'" A ...,.... •P*Cf!· lh&Jle roof, ........ lldlnf II twe. S7IOO ..... .,,. Uli,IOO. 0-.-u ... Tt. &lt "'1ltir\oa, Hplt drapn "' V'tft.ti&n bltnc» • ch'"')' lllt.e:i'lt.n with p rti.p a112 Lafayette BALBOA ISLAND 2 alldlnJ" 11ue doo,. optnlnc -------------------- It's ~ ~ 110 M•toM fM+IL ~ on rMr 6f ft,.I aot.. u.t Mcle.UOD fl.I06. ......... fCl9 .(riL ..... tnfOl1M- U• ..U Kar. oga..x, 11Uo Rare View Lot Glepoeal A lot. ot eto,.... Har. IMI 2H9 E\•••· •JIM:I e '°"* J.,,.l. 'Just. to the ri1ht of Udo Brtd&'•' llhown bJ., a,.,.tntment onl7 I---~~-~=== OPJUN HOU.81:, 110 M'SNTONll Howard a. i...w-Ce. ttlt W. ttUli It... C-ta Mt• 1.J W4U or u 1-120 IYIL ..... &.A.aT 1m1: Co«• ,.... hom .. ' BT OWl'fEI\ -I bdrm. bou... larJ"9 ft'1QI' rm. II dlninf nn, HWd, noon, llrep&&ce. Cboiet n.tpborhood. It,-a 1J6-.n. kK.. a..uutull7 landlC&ped, t•need Tud. dbl.. l&ra&'• on .Uey. Shi"1"l• l'QOf. G. I. i...o.n, .mall doWn ,,_ym.nt. MO rtower It. eo.c.. M"-. LI 1-410f, lkd THIS IS NOT ORDINARY "GOSSIP" ITS "CHOICE;" Smart, Roomy, Di•tinctive, this 5-bdrm • bath ruatic type home Ui ju•l t.he thing for family fun or could ea.ally be converted Into two unit&. Ex· cellent iocation near So. Ba)*. OWNER READY TO TALK -HOW ABOUT YOU! '39,llOO. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 M.&rine Ave., Balboa Har !502 Island Har '623 to th• patio and mal\1 othtr modern and attractlv• fta- turee. The prlee I• $24 .T~ 6 thert: I.I a &""' loan on th• property. 8ff U1l1 at -r.11-La Jolla Dr1v1 t AJJey mtranoe., Or c&U U I -'JNt . t0c"2 Largo Bu1ine11 Lot For keen lnve.ton. CIOM to new C'1t7 H•ll •II• In Ccetl MeN.. Onl.1 $180 ~ frGfll fOOL $1,000 DOWN 3 bedroom bou11e in beautiful 2 year olJ. tract. Ownera ieavlna, MUST SELL. See th.ia to0n. WEST NEWPORT Duplex. 1 year old. bait block to beech. l'llrtl- iehecl, offorecl below ~laoemtat COii, price. St•,950-Good re.nt&l area. N.B.C. REAL TY CO., - 32nd 6 Jl!ewport lloulev&rd -Mae or HOii I wma .. ata• ffn, patio, fll"l- plac:e. ee.rpell II clrapn. 1£r11 lot. l&Qd9ca.,..S. ten«d. dbl ,...,,..... 111.000. SU!lmlt d_.-ri. Ow..-LI M717 tOo4J DAN A..JA.OOB8EN, RMl~la Hu 1111...:.....U t-4117-ltl 1-1117 -~-=--~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~-'-"f'-::r~ • ' ·1 l I j ' I I: l j ' • • • , -• • • • • IlfCOllJI: ; ~-of Hlp.'*ay-'. ulllll Oii 2 fUll 1"llL (1) "-Bil. 1 belll !2) 1 Bil ..uuo. ) I BR uall. 8prtUlor' Nleo J>llllO 6 _,..__.. Diop<alo. 1av· I Vpiir--- Ill-.. ...i. To91 'prico ae11 W,l!Oi)," . " . ' , conier duplex.' 0-oq. tl. ot llY.bis • . hrQuet 11oon. bolne to uvi IK. pu.; llldo to ......,, •11••11 2 BBi ...... Below r. ~t -at '24.000. , . : Proftadal Duplez °" S ~ and den, Z fiath JlclloL Jut liA .... J:x<el.. unity f<li p..-1 oinp family -lllil eully convertible' to • ii-~property. Clwm.1.DJ exterior~ ~~in· 1 • p..oci_ ~lion., SU,000. • PHONE HARJIOR 0757 • VOGa·co.~orona . de! Mar' Office 2(1 2667 lit Co.C Hlghw&y • ~: . 1798-W 'LI ~7 Har.~ '288 " ... ' ' ' tk',•r . B~bA. ISLAND-VOGEL v ALUES- • • . ''It' * -ti ' • ; Vl'rHE lfOS'l'Ji;BTJ'OR TIU: MCll'tEY -BK -two Bathe -$26,000. qoocl ~ • -1*r South Bayti<mt lieaeh. Spaced pe<fe<tly for • • bal'& cktllrln1..,to build a.cl unit. Good tenm lllil ' pt I 7 'h>ll can be arranpd. CBOOl!Y ABOUT LOCATION • - -~·S BR JUl''l'OUlld home with two bot!W Ad ~ well -Should really ~ 'I' ·r~ .. 11.ep to belt South Bayfronl -ell &l!d _ ~to -An. Full pri~,$)0. .. ..:ux>N 11.lY HOKE .. µ;coia: -.. i 'dpodouo l!O foot lot wtUi priV&te b01ch. tre, ~ to OW1IUI 6 gueoUI 3 BR ljome 'With l la'1JI ~-~ J>lltlo It yard '"""!' ~ , unit -1 BR tompletl Apt. well aepo.n.ted-for' privacy. Lot.I of wardrobe It slor&ge apace with VOQ~ple bathrilOa> fac111U... Lota of .we, Two Dlc9,Jlu ll:ltcM¥ Con be bad furnilhed ready tO /16' .• "'t sood t.erma It total price $38,!!00. ibowa bY appoin-t. • 1 _, n PHO,NE HARBOR .°I 014 ¥QG.~,L ~O. Balboa Island Offic~ ~ (Not Door.to Poot'~) 0 20IMarineAYl. . r-: H'ar. 1429, Har. J.t29.R '"'flll',.. r.·-t ,..... '.• • 1 • PR OPE R l.Y OWNERS . • ' -NON-VETS!' ' ·• , , • • • • .. ' , COMPARY .. MAIN OF FrCE • • ' * * JUST LISTED I I HARBOR HIGHLANDS . ' ""*-oft-: Tllo-· --bulltiJn the lid 111111: , .' !Mp --lot, ...n ......... -191Uf,raJI f....U.,c;A •l'Ol*t•D. llardwaod flood. , 1" l!otlaa. Bailt-la.-ml4 '"*'*' Lup !Mnr -wltk maloopo,. poptl•nr 'lo a.... plaoa. • AND -of all :rou may -tho ll.8.SOO G.L loan wlthA~-lat.rat. ~ to aoll qukkly at m:rao. ' • ';THE LQW~ PRICED HOME IN HARIQR HIGHtANDS • . ; l . • u ~ ar&lookillf for ... hmilaelilato a biclr, 1~ bath home in' Newport ileach. bo ·- to .... ~ thla ODO with &•~1 l&rulBQpea yard, ~or<ed air baot._ bard~oocl floora, Wit!> wau . W.U,CUJle\IJ>J, dl'apea,.tOrmlca ,Jdtdlen, alidlnr p. dooN to J>lltlo, d¥>Je pr&p. •, • r 'I ;. • -J/tBT ~,3156. DOWN ' 1 FULL PltiCE ONLY ,17,8711. • " , . ' • • , , . EXa'~ANGES .; .. ' . $32,::.00 ... ~ ·• I .,. ' • <>Wiier, of two1tory view hoalo'ln Corona d'I liar. WOAta 3 baclrooni one 1torf home ' with Iaqe yard ...,.'NWport Heishta, Balboa. or Corona \IOI Vu, ' • Owner of • bedr, 2 bath home la ~ wanta belcll ~cl.. '°" duplex U.P to . ~000. ' • • • • • OTmtt of 4 Unita (income $300.) for $32~. "111 tako. home up to fU:SOO la .,.. change. • ' I • Owz1er ·or Colla lf..,. ~JO will trade { .. Income Property. I ' , r ~or of 8liO acr: Arp~ iit $166,000 will, t,..ie u~for commerdal ~e. . I, • .. I"' ' ' l'or the above pn,--i--. r .~ '·, ~-... ' • • 7 ' PHONE LIBERTY,. 8-3481 .. ·-.. , . ' V 0 G. f L C 0. M A· l N ·O E f l·C E' ·· 1 • ~ ~ • 3201 W5oot c-i IJl&bway ' . • • -•• U 8-1421 and Har. 363G-I . • • -• ~ • • • .. WHO WANT· TO SELL LIST T ' • Of FER • • ' . . ' • . ' , JISd crrr C&ifiA Ola _ ... I."""-••• Ulfao4 lo&. YaN k·t 111 IDCI ~ 1oloct '° larp ........ -and .............. _ \o eo.ta ll• e111 -'""· .NJoo attnctl!'& -ac Jll.'ll!O full,.... ... -............ ~· • '1l!q0clowa - Sllll!!'l'IWI~ •n l'l:R K°'"1J • / Tllo -"11 ,.,_t ·--and - &DCI Oil tbil .... ...,.. ' lladr-J --WaDlowall~~-.W -and oat. Complel.oly" 11~ Lup Piiio abcl ,...po atalte.t-. Olio of tllo .- in tho a.reo. SUbmlt OD down~ $i,µoo:rt. -. -~~ .A.CllE8 <>'It HARBOR ~ Colla ~ Strataclc comer location With '40 feet'..., JW- hol' !llvd. All utlllll• In. lf·l IOllinJ. ~...,. th1e -·tluU , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY , • SNACK sHOP -bua1eot Ba-_.,Jflmt, ...... tlOIC ~celleat.......r-. fllOO~prlce... ' • PHONE ' LIBERTY .a.5596 ~ ' I VOGEL ·co.-Cost •. Me•• Office 1700 Newjiort lllid. , ' Eveo. J3r, ~ !far, li1li .. LIDO OFflCE . VOGa VAi:US LIDO NORD c , Attncllw 2-bedroom home'"' 91+ ·~ lt"3 Lot on Lido ,NorcL -to ball4 ·z adilltlooal " ' unit.a for tncome. • ' , J'ULL PRlCE P'l ,l!OO • BALBO.t. OOVE8 ' With Pier It ellp. Lovely mcider!l 2 -and den h-. fUll dining .rvoai. ~ ~· • FA heat, opta and dr&ptti.. llld. at -"6.000, • .LIDO · EXCHANGES • '. J ~ bedna S bath baytront homo wltll pler4 noaf will '"take cm•"er bome in utha.np in thli ana or Palm 8pr1zlP. ' • J OwnOt of S bdrm. 8 b&th Coft>ul'clll lfar h°""' at '31!.000 Tnldt up 'for Peunlnaula B&rfn>Dt homo l!&y front lrlpla o'1frlt!lo wlll -....,. • i • buBdlac lota 1a a:~" .: •· ~ · PHONE HA-iteOR 4971 '.· J'OI\ u.. &boft pro..-0.:.. !,_ I •I ' 1~ i ' .. .-~ ~, I • VOGEL CO. -. UDO OFFICE . .~VlaUdo , z-:· ,1836.J, Har. out, Bar. nu ' --------~·--. -· , • -."t •• I ,,,f .~ .. • WI TH, ~ ' . . .. THE ; VO~GE·L .. CO. tlOO ISLAND . . su:.A~BO~S~~ · ' BILL'S BfSr.~·BlJ. YS7 : • Hamb, 8~ 6 ,Apta.. NMI' • • J'OU ha.. 3 bdrm., C Ba. pier allp ;utl,000 Y C bdrm. I B&. 17' Bayfrvnt 182,MO V Best Buys' Cor na ~~I Mar • • • 1, ••, 1 ... "' lot ........... ,.,,..., 1., y SHOllECLlFFS. Firat time offered. Rinch type, r.,.,.,,. 8hcJyJ; av-. •1~000 In· • t •· ~',;,,. c..=~ '= * BACK BAY DRW.,. HO~S * ._ or -....... Doo't mi.. * TwO'lt DEN ~ "" ba"' 11.W ., Price S10,8'Jlj. · ,~ Full · ' r 3 BeClroom1 ...._ 2 B•th1 -2·C•r Gera'g• > ' . Costa Mesa -' . SlJNSH'INE ·• • BEACH HO~S ( KOm'llLY PA~ LESS THAN JlE!'IT WIL80N It PLA~ ~~ . ~ , -··• . Furnished Models -..;,,·:," · . OpJn Daily ..., .' ' . 02 .R3 5 Minutes ·from the Oce•n . Ne•r Schools le Work ' •• :-COSTA lfl!:U .SUNSHINB le&•CH BblfEB OITER .•. • .., I • ~ ...... llvlDs -e Plenty of~ l>bllDI ap•o la' ltltchtqo e tO 'pl water haaten. &tlliaJ £iirch .. -e c.ar.til Illa in llltch· -e lla-flo<>n e Wood alldinr win- doft • t,000 "'I• rt.' Iota -Rook 'root• A.lumlallm ...-. .l~ . J.NOl'{lll:R & V. llUNIAKER. ALEX S'l'EY1' iotl• • llZVELOPKDl'l' .. ' .. : · CLIFF HA VEN SPECIAL . .-SOO don lluya \hlo a bodnn. 2 bath cuatom . b-611 nlca -'*I' lot wltl! -• for pool. flO,llllO NJ ~ ,.,.. _. _,.. T • SACRIFICE -~ Sollldt f8liO .,_ .. uu. a badrlll.. '2 !latll bom• a1oo.-lot. llu bwd. f1ro. foroed ~ -and clblo. ......... OWMt llu'lllond • and Olluat .U. a bdrm .• t BL bl1 cohler ahake roof, 2 bdrm. &nd den home. 2 firep,lacel. etrada l.t --···---·--;··121·&00 $37,MO z.ciuatve with \ta. Open boUJe, 1 -5 -;-• -dally. 239 lfommg Cuyon Road. llot OQ, _., I Mdn>om . u4 --~ .. ----~•uoo 2. y DUPLEX, furnlehed complete, 2 bdrm. l>olDe, UI IL .111111• J\OA4 IDr. 11•.IOO lep&rate patio, bard.wood flra., plUs 1 bdrm. apt. IOO It. ~ I ti,. corner - lOllW.~' BJKJbr.117,500 -·- Both unlta doluu. Ready !•r qc<upancy. $2U()O. Only $MOO down. EXCLUSIVE• WITH US. . 8. y VA.LUE PLU!I 2 bdrm. home pluo gue1t room 8 lb I I d pluo 1% bathe. hardwood floor&, FA haat, cloae ii Oil s an t<> ahopplnr am. and only 2~ block to ocun pd IOO oan&. t Wnll. and.Jnooroe unti Onr suw.p-BMuurw. beach. A bMt buy ~t $18.&M}. cor. ~ ~ ~t rtJhL 1 I * ~ ' bdrm. p1u.e 1 bdrm. '· r BARGAIN . -Tb1a 2 bedroooi borne, 'large liv- wdt. OoM: tr.come proptrt7. m, room, flreplace:, dual floor furnace, (thermo ' Maka °''"· controlled) plua Iatse iJouble J&f'tol" ~ fQr .-.-•-, apt. aboVe. Better ac:t fut on thi. one. ONLY • IOI ..... 1 ,.l'wn.., Dtn • $14,760, EXCLUSIVE WlTll U& ~llll'llli room _ .... -·-·······•33.500 · ·' 6110 ...... , ...... -·..... 5.(.BA.RGAIN. Summer e1>tta10 IOUl!>'Of HWy._ "'1' ---·-···--~•1•,TOO Built on-rear ot lot, room to bulld. &Dpther unit \ f07\i Oold!ro,. !'-. 6 in tront. $7000 full price, CASH. ExclUlive p.raae •JL -·-···-P o,Ooo with ua. '-·- Jl:IO W'&lnray Drt,.., I bdrm. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS ,,. ~ JilJ.000 CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. ' ·, PRICE 'l:.. McCUlSTION, Realtor A:,•wvd,ata Duncan Hardesty a«T E. eoaat Hwy. Corona de! Vu Hai'. n • U&LTOft _:..._ ""u) . -N_,... ....._ . !Office locat.s -door to N.,..,..,,. Jlalobor ~ ~ Newport ...... 11&111« •Tll OWNER. SA.VS .SELL! 6 Mdrm., 1'6. Mthe. &Arp Urinl .aka. ~ paUo A Mrlle-::0 ~. inontU oi4. o.,J7 Seven lslands Re•lty llnvesfment Co. IOI -IL, Nwport Bdl, Collt. !iw .... .a.et I p.a. Ha.r. i5IT -orY-~Wllt -1-'---~-...:...·v __ _ ~--"-~~~~~---~~~--,.- , FAMOUS eLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE 7 dap a week 212 Klnp Rold ~ thla Coo.temporuy bosh• with 3 bclrma., 2 full batha, dlnlnf ..... and hr!ol<faat ..... .t.t- tnctift douhlo filoeplaee, Jl'ltio IDCI .....,. otljer exclu91w appointment<: Wall to wall cupetlilf -anil ll>oft i.11 A VIl!lW HOKE. thlll opportu:a1(1. l::llo. term&. a 7:. ......,,. ...,.. . . , floora, W!O!I """" flnplace,• for<ec\ air heat. COSTA MESA bullt·in oven aAc1 ranee. J'. P $25,l!OO EXCEPTIONAL DUPLmX Oil TD , t'IUWV'I down. .. ~ lot. 2 bdmL, Mdl .s.. ...,.,._ PRI'• -,..... L&rrt rma.. dt...w.d )'ahi '"on.IJ' ,J ~ o&d.' ::*~ :.·~"!::-..:1: __ " ...... .. I. R&AL &U\04.IH, cboke .. Ii&! Of Colt.a M.-ft ..... 1"tall An, I bdml, I ...... -pi.o., dW. ranp, h.Wd. noon. .... um ltrlfPl4. '"'"' io.. f14.900 f\lU pie.. ~~to!.'~:: th• ti.t b&U"•. W11'v• bd In m&A7. • IQOOla, • ~. b#d. an., flnpl., ~ covered patio, oo &.1st aid• nr. tcboOll. ~ •ttor• CHOICB 00RNJa: lpt~ dNI lq. ft-4. -lt)x.lllt ...,.,.. plq' la now. C.C. Dutil• or Trlpta loL ~ ..... .,... YOU CA.N'T Bl:AT T8D MW' a bdrm. l'ii balhl, '"" .. 1..,., ...... ~ ,..... llhoppilt&. OnlJ' $2t00 411. ... mo. MANUFACTURERS I ACIUCI CBOJCZ. ...... pod dntn.,. Wat. in. ...... aad Pl bf Ntn, tTIOO .... Mn. 11-.. Mesa-Harbor' Rlty. ·--Q , c. lk)'1DOUr -a..Jt.w IOI 0.ter at., eo.ta --LI .... u or Lt t-nM * THREE It DEN -coinor lot, ..,_ .bulll, Dice citzy ball, ae'at u new. 'l1iia ,..'t Jut ~, -Let'• bdt· fln•ncfn1 CD W. ai& J. ,. f27,Vl!O -f4l!OO 4owa._ . . I -' • * THREE BEDROOM -F. ..-, ptUE4 11.W. a-.,· tlrtpl&!'",'fon.d alr'lloai,..,.. peted, dnpel !Deluded, baaulilbl J>lltlo .. lanai. r .P. oDi1 '2'7,l!OO .:. fl!OOO -.~, -* T1IREE BEDROOlf It r.um.Y ROOK - New nry -1ualw, -. l1Ylfl6 -, - place, foroed .air l>tat, balll.-in ,...,.,_, i. cludlns cllahwuller, 111-. a7l!loa • a many o~ flne t.&tw. l'.P"$28,MO ~ ! down.".·~~·· w. A: ·l'OBIAS, ' RHltor-;: • and ASSOCIATES ' ''You'll Uke OUr J'riilDdly a.~ .00 E. 17.lh SL Colla -Libort7 1-l.Utc • ATIENTION .. • . , ' • • • • , • • •• J I I I' • • • • , • r • ' . • OlC' BLUft',,, .wa' .-... ol ••s •¥-•' ••I'• Cal•MM 1*, ... -. J'JLt. I Meir-home. wUl ...... ---' ff, ..... peel. .. .-.:: a,p.Vatuelrler'e-~ tal)'. Imprvr•mmt# .. la 6 1'Ul Qukk P'* I 1 TllJID Jll:DROOll • .. taad.17 ,..,.. I ..., •. 'M, , a.ck Bay • -n.. • JhPbUI laudw'OOd floort. bUllt.:.r. ldt.- cbm. 2 MtAr1" Wltll au ..,._ wr. tor paee,..·t ....,. . .,..,..... ...,. .. ....... pt,llOO -Tft"ID&o ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 11111 N•port :m.d ~ - Ul>erty &-tm • -LI J.UOO ' FISHEKS .BEST . BUYSf 1. BAlllOA l PRAcrICALLY UY J'RONT, , ~-1 ...... ana-1Ba1.V1eW. • a II.JI. B-, p1qa 2 a-lncomo Ulllta to II~ ,.... ""1 It'. OPll1 ps,zro ao4 '8000 down. 'l1III W61M' LU'l'f • I I. 8AIJ!04 n:NilfllllL.l. Cliarmlnl 2 bdrm, p1ao .--. 2 BATJlll, ........ pa11o ... a -On!)' • -""". icxa.tlBIVJ: WlTll VI. A W-flll. Valllo at N,1!00. On!)' ftOOO 'DowL • • ·I. T tlMml BALBOA -Onl)' Slt.l!OO • $8llOO Don. lie_ ... ar... --. '82!fO p1 .. °"""'' .Liit-1-,,,,_ <»"-t --m.d. <lorn*. llllily Wf-Co wttll It. • Ta1:a ......... ~ tlw hip -"""' -- ... ~· }~HER ·and · COMP.ANY • You.Wm Like • • Br...d New """" ....... Yla °""'*' • -,, .,. ... , ........................ --~ Shorecliff Home- ftla -.. O'l&JW.. • _.., - - --' ' llOlleo, f..-1 ...,.,,; fbll .. C' W. l1a15. la I kfvt ioom., clWa& :e, IT --.................... _ 0Nka--~""TI "woad Jez1•.,.c1 by B1e1• SD.80I. • A I 8 -• ID foil 11.lYnOlf'llGIC·at UO Via Udo -. Bait .. -111 ,..... .... tllat la ~-·=· laluller'• .,..ay, ~air baat,-. -- B a .....iJy plan.,. J'N'd aa4 of. _... located. Ill one o1 ·c.ittoillla'1 outatu4· -· --1•+1 Jut-· ll>a loawlla .... dry nit ... jult ...,... for ........... IDs -·-SBORJ'C!JFI'. Price fe,llOO . T•io--.<t -WI tw ... ,. at _.,IJllll.000 · ..;.. Best Buy - fldlJPlohocl '?m. r ,.,. -.... other Lido Pl~ -c-(o RllWJQUARTICRS -out 21lt ,_.. at U4o: 11or a a ........,. w1 c1en -. tblo -11a t1>o -1"17-uft-malongt.lme. No- w•ltbc _,, ......,,_ W. --It ,.... are .,,..,_tar a -and a a..; W, Ila tt I 1 I f ~.. ~ p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanaon c:o. me,..gemant am v1a lido, -llSOO · p. ·a. ~aimer incorporated ole henaon c:o. mana9ement ' • 1100 •• CC!Mt blcJ>.wr.7 ..l> liberty 8..'5578 . ' ~ • r J BILL'S *ST BUYS • $9750 Two Bdrm. r.R.A.. 1ou. o.. or ttat dNJ\Mt. bolDN .. CllA tlboW. Hanl- wood no... . Patkt, ~ J"need ...... yard • *-l7 ltndemp*\ • V91r7 qw.t ".tntt. ... W. """ ..... - · OJ>en Houses EVERT AJ'l'ICllNOON EXCEPT WEDNESDAY . . , 48~ E. 20th St. ANOOm:a lleoutltul -Bl88E!'· leouilt home .,ot 2 -2 batluo &"'\ -. Seo tblo ....,,.., ..,.._-......, OA M1t1c of 10 - • -.. '1'llila Ila tJ:al1 a "-of chum 1111d dlitllllCtlqn and oflen tbo ''VERY Keer' . . f .. ..,_ '21,000 • 400 ~ta Bey•' ( 22o0 Bloc:k off T ~still) Lars• •otto111o RaDci. styJa cou11t1ng of a · ~ 2 ballMI and ·a llrp family l'OOldl - Shab.raof, -.. tiled "*"~· s .--pm. a hobllJ ttltop. Thila laftly -"-la Ideal for' Ille family that;nnt#amplo -~--8Ullmlt,.....""" -1 · . -. . What ·is a Reahor? , ., ' • • • The term REALTOR Ila not; a ~ for .._._apnt" , --. ~ II la Ille exchWve deolpaUon for ~ plodp to traDllOCi all ..... Ollata ----~ to Ui• lligh ldWlda1'da .,._;bed by u.. Code of Ethlca of the National •-=t1Uon of Real Eeetata ljo&rdo and the California lleal ~ta A"80Cla· l:lon, and ,......_. by -• • BAl:BOA REALTY CO. • Forced fo ·Leave · So\ithem Catif:' ~. "'" , Ku.t 9111 _... I .. _ .. __ J __ .__ Jot,~ ...... "' ..... Pdelit to ..n $1µoo. -r..... ..... ..._... .. ·"'-~ -.. -Two -2 batllo, .... p1e1e1y fni;nW>ed, :: ~~ ~ -patio and -. cape Cod .,... $28.000. Ralph P.. Maske'( ft ,..,;,,, ......,..,., . ..-EXCEil.ENT TERll8 ON BOm. REALTOR u1utJ ,_rtr,. Haft eHntt HU ~t..;c.t ...._ Bar. Md _..,... MYRTJ.E DA VY, Realtor &. Auoc:. A BETTER HO. ME 'IRVINE TERRACE ""'--~ · R~ u.-. 11aam 11ue1 Omdcm , ~~s ; ~ M32 Via Opo<to Hall>or -·3 bedrm., 2 betii. -----u 8-62111 u S.1709 JWU017.J $13,500-...$2,060 down • • New Furnlahe<I "Homea 'by Mec:c:o" ' • . 0PJ:N ICVllll!Nq8 , I • UNm. t:OO P.M. . lllt9rlon by Mertln l Von Hemen .. .-........ 111-tteo.-... dOD ,..._~oooto~ y_ ....,_...Ila ·-tfllQ)r JIO[lldtad EARL W. ST~LEYiTeaftor - """VJllVll ~ oa ..... -. *4o,.t -· ...... -lnlW Omot' ..,.~ ... ~ -- ' • • ----· - • • UJI' &. OMii ~ W• _.. ........ 19 .... tMll at,.. OOtoM ................ : l1U 1-----------------1 tr-.ctiW ........ ' Wrm. ..... no-••C'OU8 I ...... ...It' lliMll .-. • ...., ..... JIM . km.... CMI& ~ ... ___ ... _ 6 w't.S. • ......_ ....._ war • 'llU.CI' wc::ae 111.• .... u a..a&-..-.. ..... , I CORONA-DEL MAR ~~ ·..::=.: ' RAY REAtTY CO. -& Ooul HWJ, 0oroaa dll-Bar. 2281 (.L..,. --la (DI() KEll!IER or lllJLTIPLB LISTING SERVICll: -. '· • noon.. etn:uW a.. ..... , ... IMiM. ....... " Oll'mle -dbl.p.r-...>ot .. ~Uf.Wtll -.... --. llillra. to ~ 1 ... ~ dlool. OMd _.,,.borlla«ll -~· .... )l!oflq. --:=l'Mtlf_~ llUI:ln" 1111 &..-~ OliltaX.. <>ab LI •11Tt ..._ U l-ta8 ..... . Altadena &crow • (a-ta..._ ... , ut-.a. .. -UQ, .. u .... >zt I I I _ _. ..... lk;z' I .-.-* ttOl'. $14,00 IUf $12,500 • kCWJCJill ••cu ~==~--........ -• -,. • ..,,,_tho_ . T---' ilt tiO-i $23,500 IUf $19,500 ·- • • • ' s••• icn COSTA. KlllA. NGGllJICWHQOO ,~. -~-~;;:.11a.:...,· etXIOOIWlol °"" .,., ol4 -1800 -feet --·· • • "'* NO $25,0Q«>..iDT ·$]3,500 UDO~, S•M-lbatl>a -.. ?(,_ .... mt club ..,.,.. • ' ' LOrp patio, ~-dnt ,. ' • . . . '* -HOT ~25,sOO' .IUT $23,950 NEWPORTlDl:IGH!'I 21*1ro 2 5 -2 !-t!le ,, ' Glota .......... '""' declt O;a.,,,... b&J', beach-and ocean i Wo -Iii with ,..., --· l . . ll.00 ISLAND ' 2 ..,.,. bodroomll • • • •.2ballMI • .,,-LUw'!.Jl&ll8 • ' """" cf. -• --. ·---........ • • ··-1111 . • • • Pilla~ 11b:a s.,l, aotll 'e • • ' , e ~ prloo P'f,300 e .t L r • • • fllSO!l ........ • • • I• • • ~i.do ~ealty· Associa B/ 8 ,. ·LIDO . . I BR aa4 Dm GD Udo Ncri ..,._ tot.' Nloa -ot tbo 1!&1· BALBOA • ' CUlo --oa.Jl..2Lot_llq_ mine -. Roam for adtlltlmtal -'111.000 -,Termo • t • ' PENINSULA POINT . ' ilia-· Dm-1 Batleo-2 ~ea.. ', Ptei.r7 fltmlllled. -.m --" . •i and 2 BR 11lPfum!Uo4' .._ Y~ 1-'80 to.sno. ' . • BAY & BEACH R&ALTY, lnc.,.Rltrs 1'50 w. iklboo amt.. Ba!hoa, -1IM' ---. BALBOA • Clf.LNNJ;J, -lot, ........... -"' --• ' ,f17,500 - DUl'LZX. 2 -. a l> llodnL, -11it7. CloCl4 .... i.r p!,IMJO COSTA MESA 2 Jll:DROOllB ...... ,_, .. -.......... es s 806., 1W ...., , $18,000. 'll'lla-a. OOKlilERCIAL -~4111\ slllO ft. -S--• bor a.d. Plamt ...,...,...... -.t ...., WI jllVPilt1 dorlloped. -..., •'If. -llt. COAST -PR~TIES . . at11'B '•Jllll>· •••11 ~Jit:DdN4 R.ilP u4 8JtN ft.wJ I I 1 ,_..., I01Z.Balboa~Ba-Hor.-.... -• • • • I AJthouib one co -·.-r"~"'··-. stated that u. project WU "dead beo ~any tuee for the project are .UU p' J.ul a majority of cou~ wW come up wfth a t>rf I.Mt. th• proJ«l be undQ wt lb a J t lt I m))l"Offmft trlct. Act. 1'tle COUACll, wbkla bu at raodom fund.I ac~ for t.1111 project. a. a trylJ:IS .. find • lepl ~ the pro)«t af enUre ~ ol tM ·~ roundlllf Ule drpot. aite tradQap. aol. a new plant Ame~ bi.I .... '~ by,............... •"' bec&ua of lack of detern by -._. l.betr a atraUve ...i.atanr:... nu.&. PSNDtNO St.Ill peadbls • t.M p\ • Elec:tnc R&UwaJ' l'CIJllOf"aJ are t.be .utMSs oo ~ rlrht o1 .,,.., Mtweca Street &n41 Hnd It.net on 8eul>ore Drive. Borne ar. It.Ill to be Ironed out~ the enctneertqo 1Wf1 o Oty ot N"""'°rt BHch an4 lt&IJ*-¥ ~DJ, Ttw elty'a ec>Jldi&>mnallon t ..... nm pao • before PublC Ut:UIU. o.irum-a p c6Nultut. L&lty 'A 1111LL P L' lon.f1111 to Mn. .1. C. f r the tint time th Mve been choeen for doP,--St&t'f Pboto ... . WJ!L()() ABOABD, AL-Hay L&npnbelm, rtlbt; eecretary-manarer ot the Newport Harbor ber of Commerce, lneta Al John.I, publicity direc- tor ot the recent Miu Ulllv Beauty Paceant, who thil week UIUJlled duty NO'l'lC~ 01' ALE u publlchy chief of Newpprt ht' Golden JubUei Celibration. Finrt job Al Will tackle ia Flight of the Snowbird• which t&k• ptace· at l :SO p. m. Sunday. NOTIC!I IS HEREBY GIVEN: That DA VlD HAftORA VE, Ven- dor, whoM addreu I• 333 Cata- llna Drive, It\ th• Ctty or N•w--St.aft Photo SOUTHPAW FLIPPER -Being a aouthpaw does not Interfere with Joe Cowan'• ruppmg hot cakea, but be admits 1t does nothing for bi1 cabinet work. He would rather deaign a menu for Newport Beach elementary school pupils than drive nails -Staff Photo THIS IS THE PLACE! Search for Salubrious Clime Ends in Newpori port Beach, County ot On.nee. .. ~ and he 1&w J'lortda. State of Call!omla, hu aold to When Joe Cot b4lck to bJa de-JOHN A: DOROTIIY SYLVES· tect1nr 1 he found he had a cold TER, VendMI. whoae addrua I.I moat ot lb• Ume. Att.er th• 2927 Banta Roaa A venue, ln the eecond ~ atonn o1. the wU'lter City of Altadeoa, County of LcMI he told hla wife they did not Anrele., Stat• ot C&llComla, the have to live l • web a climate folloWU11 de9Crlbed peraon&l pro- a!ld he w;. 1otn1 to a better peTty, to-wit: one. She a,.,.ed and he choH All atock ln trade, fixlurea. C&ll!oml&. where be le.nded 'Wl\.b equipment and rood will of a •to in bla ~et certain bu 1Ine11, known u • I""'-' MARY AND DAVID'S TOYS, Jl1a tint job wu ln an air· and located at 3101 JI:. Cout plan. plant but he did not like rurhway In the City of Corona lt. He had done a lot Of cook.Inc del Mar, County of Oranl'e. around home, cetUnr all ot th• St.alt ot C&lltomla and that a Sunday dinners and when be •w aaJe. tnnatt r and aulcnmtmt of a ldp "Fry Cook Wanted" In a the aame waa made l~th day of wtndow he wot ln and told the June. UI~. In the City ot Corona mu be wu a fry cook. del Mar, County ut Orange. Joe'• hours were 8 a.m. to 4 Stale of California. at ntpt. Up to 10:&0, he did not DATED July 23. 19M bav• much to do. Thea be l •I DAVID HARGRAVE, ooUced th• other man wu piling Venl'lor up an&l, pile.a of b&lhed brown No. 181 pota.loea, aauaa1e and the like and Newa-Prtaa 7 2!i M be wondered why the man wanted to wut.. ao much food At 11 a.m. th• ntarby Douclas alrpl&.ne plant let out An avalanche of hunsry human.a hit tbe place. Joe toamed hi.a mon•Y tor lb• ntxt two houra but, after three nlsbta. be decided be didn't know enouch abOut It and quit. At hla next job of cooklns a lltUe elderty lady, who really wu a cook. uurht him the 1lel1bt· of-hand of the profeaaion. F imll:V he (Ot hll Own place OVt'r In Oran,. where be inatltuted a ""' type of menu, an enttt. bake-d potato and aalad on a plate, and It t.csme popular. lffN8 Ll'NCll SYSTEM Lattt he at&tted nmnlnc lht' achool lunch 1y1ttom for Ora.nr;t From there he fTaduat.ed to tht Newport Beach to I e m e n t a r y 11ehool lunch rooma.. Jn b•tween h• wu a t El Toro poat exch&nre lunchroom. :\OTICE Ot' l!'iTE.,Tl 0' TO ESOA(;t; I" Tll~ ~ALI: Ot" ALCOHOLIC' Hl.~1.UAO.t;l; J ULY 12th. 19~ TO WHOM lT MAY CONCER~: NoUce 11 hereby 1tlven that fifteen day1 after lhe above date, the undtrllK"cd propoee.. to ~II alcoholic bevna11to• at theM pr,.ml1et, duc1tbl'd u followl: 07 No. Newport Blvd., New- port Stach, CIN I Pursuant ti) auch lntenUon. the underalped la apply111c to Ule Department of Alluhollc Bf'\ler- are Control for IN!Uanre of an alc-ohohc bt'vl'rajll' htenu for the•to pttmtatt •11 followe. ON·SALE BEER ONLY ''M" Anyone deslr1n~ lo proltet the luuancl' of aurh llrt'TlM' may tile a vf'rtfled protf'9l w1 th the DepiArtmtnl of Alcobohc Bcvtt· ast Control, •t Sacramenlo, Call fomla, 1ta llnr; JTOUnd.t ror dtnlal u pt(lvtdl'<I by htw. No. 183 RECREATIONAL MANAGEMENT 1:-\C. New11-Pre11 7 26 M AD\'EKTlSEllE!\"T FOR 8ID Notice 11 hereby 11vcn that the Board or Trustees or the New- port Beach School D11trlct of the City or Newport Bt•ach. County of 01ange, Stale of Callfornla, will rl!Celve up to 7 '.00 P. lot AU&'· ust 7, 19M, aealcd bid• for tn1Lal· I-Allon of a sprinkler 1y1tem at the Newport Height• School, l!)lh and Santa Ana Avenue, Cost.a Mesa. C•lltornla, In com· pl1ance with 1p<-<:1flcallon1 on file at the office-of lllid School 011· tnct, 2000 Cllfr Drive, Newport Bea1..i1 Ca.hfomla. Each bid 1hal1 be accompmlcd by a certified ~1-k: cashier'• check, or b1dder'1 bond tor an amount of not le11 than ten J>f'r· rPnt 1 10~) of thl! bid, made pay- 11 ble to the Boa1d of Tru1ttt1 of 11&1t1 Schnot Dlstr1ct. Tht check or bid bond 1hall be riven •• a ,;uarantee that the bidder wall cxecutto the t·ontracl If It 11 awarded to tum in conrorm1ty with the contttct d~unienu and will pro\·lde the eurety bond or bomu u ept>c1f1f'<.I there· In within five daye after nolltl· cation of the award of the con- trad lo tht bldde1. B1d.e sba.11 be 1t·aaled and ma1 k- t'<! "SPRINKLING SYSTEM AU of thla jumpln1 around la not too 1tran1e for a man who 1tt.l tf'd bu1lnto11 life by runnln1 away with a clrcua when he wH 14 and taking care of hl~I! ror two yeal'll btfore he got back home. NOTlCE ()I•" J!\"TESO£D SALE BID" tlnJ flied with the o!fice or NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thl't Sl.hool Dlatrict on or beCore Thill ORVIS H THOMA~. Vin· 7:30P.1'1. AUIUlt 7. 19:J6. B1 BUT BIUNTSALL from thtre bl' wtnt on the de· "I alway• wanttod to go homf', but t wanted lo go home ·on the velvet,' with m o ne y In my pockei.. and I could Mver gf't any ahead," he recalls. At home his fathf'r wu one of the f1r1t movie ren.an and made 1uch a name for himself lhty oncto of- ff!'ect h.im tha Hayn Jub In H olly- wood J oe \ded to go to 1how1 with h11 father and i Ol wrll ac- quainted with many o! the act.ors dor, v.:hOlf' addr,.•ll 11, 660l w. The ~nrd of T1 U•ll'l'll reacrvn sruhore Drlvf', In 'hf' Clly of the rtfht to &lccpt anrl/or rf'jrct Newport Bf'&l·h, < •ounty of Or· I any or all bide. or any part of ingf', State-of California. lntrnd'I a1.y bid. lo waJve any lntormahly to M'll to RON A LI> SANCHF..Z or 11 re1U1ar1ty, and to Ill and ind JEASNP: R RANCHF.Z , arl as 11ole JUdi;e of the nH!rll \'endl'I'~. whose· a i1<1r1 11 I" 409 and qual1flcet1ona of the material Walnut t'lllce. 1n lhe C'lly uf or l'qu1pmenl offered Llke to many other young men tec.-tiv•• force dur1J11 the lalt World War, Tmfrlc reS"Ulallon wu a ntw J oeeph Cowan got a t&ate of a art tn lhON day1 and lhert we~ aalubno111 cnmate and loved It. nu atop and 10 llJhtll. Joe h11cl Tbal I.I how come ht l• In New-to wave his •MTill tight houri ~ Beach l.utMd ot Provtdenct. a d11) and It wu hard Trame J\J. pilf'<I up aa l>rovldtnu atre,.la B• ht came lo be a cook 1,n.. a1e '·"rraw, lhf' main atreet be- st..d ot a police detl'CUve la &.D· Inf 28 fut y.·lde, ot.bW lOQ'.' • Thf'n the r1ty metalled 1178 Ulte a lot of other men In parktnlt' melera and Joe bad to 1NO Joe wu out ot a JO~ Ria run them, colltct th• money. !a.U.. •u a nl'!n.a pollc• of-m .. 1r,. n:palra and write out tlcu IYt1l t.ha In Prov'ldence and Urkrl• In 111t months hf' cavf' ~ot pt Oil Ule force. He worked 410ft < 1tallon1 ffe wu 1lad to up from lh• waterfront. novtUate I bf'Mme a detec:llve. WI 1Ml tratt1c cop a.ad Th"" raml' the war and th,. of that day. Joe did not tnjoy pollcto wo1 k. "I haled 11 v I n I' peopl.e bad news.'' he aaya. One of h1a moat exciting Umea wu durlnr the hurr1cane of 1938 whton thf!re wu nine feet ot waler In lhio main 1treet.t of Provldencto Propl,. thought that lOO·mlle-w nd waa LOOKS LIKE 'A GOOD ONE, DOC! Dr. R. PeteNOD, eDt of Oran C0Ut Colle,e. namintt Helipot PreClS!On PotentlometU, 119rt of $:5000 lift of inttrument.a to colle1e from &-ck· man Instruments. Inc., Fullerton. With Dr. Petenon are (1 • r) Roy Holm, HeUpot DivisJon ; Dr. Wilbur Kaye:!, 1. reaeuch director for Beckman '1 Sclenltf1c lnatrument.s Division; and BC?cllman Vice President J . L. Fahey. F.qwpmt'nt lncl a q\Ufrtz apect.rophotomete.r, a modern electromc wtrument for analyUng cbe:mtcalL · Collt.a M,.lltl, C<umty of t lrani:r. 'By ordt r of the BoArd of Tna· State of Cal 1forn111. t hr folio\\ Inf( t "f'" ot the Newport Beach School d,.~tlb.-;I pE>reon•I p1 up1!1 ly, to-District wit : I By: MEL\.\'000 A. DERRY All el"< k in tradt•, 1111ppllt.•. Cink f'qu1pmtnl an•I 1tood \\Ill of a DateJ July 16, 1956. «rtAln urvlce 11tat1on hll!'llOl'!l'I I Publish Datu: July 18, 2!'\, 1!156 knu\l.n a" THOMA~' SEHVWli: No. llO-Nrv.:11·Pre111 STATION. 11ntl l0<:al,.•l ul 1:,&0 -------- W Ballxlit Blvd .. In lhP Clly of CERTTFJl'ATE OF B t:l'U:-a; NPwport Rrarh. Count\' nf Or-Fictitious Flmt :\ame angl', St11te nf Cahforn1a and TtiE U!\-OERSJGNED dcie1 that a ialr. tian•fl'r i•nd anlgn· he1rby certify th11t he 11 rnn· mtnl uf lhto 11ami• wlll ht' madr. dut:l1nr a !<811'1 an<! dl1tnbut1on anti the ccmio1tJerAl1on thl'rt'r fmP of valves bualne"s at 481 .:-.orth will bP Jlll ltl al l(J.00 o'cloc:k Ntwpo1 t Boulevard, Post O!flc• a. m , vn th,. 6t h dav 11f Aurrust Box :'il8 Nrwport Bf'ach, ra.JI· lll56. at th" t'st·ro\o\. .ti P"rtrnent fomla, unner the flcUtloua rtrm Of BAY Ei:;c1ww co. l:"\C at name or AUTOMATIC VALVE l 892 Hai bor Blvd lil thl' Clly SALES CO .. which may be ab- of Co•Lll Mr!l..a cuunh uf or-brevl11lrl1 lo 1 e1t1t llll "A VSCO". anp· gt11tr or call fl•• ruR end lh~t AAld firrn 11 l'Ompoaed DATF.Tl .lulv IR, 1P'fl or lht followinit namt'd person. onv1g s THOMAS. whO!'lt' n&mt' in full and plart of Vrnilni re1idenre Is •~ follows. to wit: RUN.\Lll i:;A;'\CHEZ. 0 . E. Gn~wold Vrnckt 4200 Se•~hort! Or1ve n :A:'\:\'E B SANCH!':Z :N'twport Beach, Callfnml11 No 181 Jl:f'Wll·Prr1111 7 2:1 ~>4' ('ERTIFJ( .\TE OF Bl ... ,~r;ss FlcllllOUI Firm Name TH& \JNL>ERSlG!'o:ED dt>H I hriPb)' l't'I t1fy that hl' 11 con Juc- llnJ " fn<KI 1 .. nl'f' Mn hu11lnr1U al 1010 Shor• I>nvt C.:uwn., dt'I )far, Call!orn111. undrr lhf' f1r- t1tiou11 firm n.-me of HARBOR LJOHTS CAl<'E llntl tmtt Mid firm 11 rompo!M'cl of thf' tollow· Inf f)f!r..OnR, Whlllle name11 In full and ph1c:e11 of 1 •·1tltl. nr t 11 rt' 11~ follow•. to-wit: RfC"llARO J . C"Al.tlOt•!'i ) 42fl r, l.11rk11p111, C(\f\ml\ d,.I Mar C'allf. WlT=-:ESs my hand thla tilh llay of Julv, lt~ 1 RH"HARO J ,.Al.HOHN l!ITATI: OF CAl.l .. 'OR~IA 1 COUNTY OF OHAN~I-: 1 't1 Of thll :~th <lay OI July A (I l\l:r.11 bt'fore nw HOBERT 1-·. WILL.MES, » Notary Pubhr In anti for Ule "11d Countv and 8tatt, ru1dm1 lh~nl.n, duiy ~-om· WITXE..~S mv l'llM thl1 28th d11y or Junf'. 19~ D. F-GRIS\\ Ol..D STATF. OF CALlFORNJA/l COUXTY OF ORANGll: 1n. On thl1 23tb 1111y or June. 19~. bf'fote mt. BERNICE C MA YER. • NotAry Public In and tor the eald County and Stale. .-..a1dinir Ull'l't'ln, duly cornmluloned and ewom. !>fl'· aon&lly appeared D E. ORIS· WOLD known lo me to be the pf'rton who~ namto ta 1ubecrlbed to the within lnatrument. and al'knowl•dged to mt tl\llt he ex· truttd lhe umf'. JN WITNESS WHEREOF. l have he-reunto llt't mv hand and aftlxf'd my ott1ctal ···al the d11y and vea.r ln thta Cn-Uflcalt not abOve wrttttn. BER~ICE C' MA Y'ER ~OTARY PUBI.Jc; Jn a.nt'I for the County of Ol'llni:;e Stat. of Cahforn1a .My Cumma&loa Explru Oct. 22 1953 No. 173 Nno1 Pl'UI i 1.&. 11. 11, 23 ~.-~- le .Eounty rer Post? Jury Considers Combine of Office with Auditor PAlllLJAJI, J11JH ! -At Inst ailon, Um -hull with th• ' Gerantum aDd the attraet.ive b certainly well-known and uaU&lly their competition. Ruth Hu.kell ot. Yacht Club did It agaln in th• fi Clwnplonehlp oerleo whkh ...u....i. -Beclmer Photo emt s •1' .. JIED Although one councilman, opoalilil 1r;:,.. ... --tod-that-t.bo..Padtic Bloctric project wu "dead becauee th9 peopl pay any tues ror-the capital impr the project are •till prOceeding. It ia )M8t • majority of councllmna will come up with a propoeal that tll• projttt N urldet'tallan of lll'ftt.9 w1Ur. a 1911 lrllpn>Wmft!l DI• coDMClli triet. AcL tll the P 1'lw council. which hu 1pent central N at random h.inrt. ai::cumW.l.ed lw tM pro)ect. ii apparent.Jr lr)'IAS to tlnd a lep.I route to ~ Ute pro)eCl •l UM •ntlre ~ ol UM ale. IJUl'- roundblS tbe •pot .ite and Inc._. Tha. i. not a new plan. TM -.me Jft'l'TUD llu -.rt propoMd by p&ll. counef• and l'lu dltd becaum of 1-ck of del.f!rmlnaUOn by ~ Mil tbclr &dm1ni· 1traUv1 ...-.tantL ITU.L PSN"DtNO lltW pendlnc • U. Paclfk ':Electric RaUway ~al pl&na aH the 11\ibdnMl!Oll deta!Je ol U. rll"ht of wa1 ~n 32nd Street and 62nd IJtre« h-ontlftl' on &Ma&w>re Drive. Some polnta are IUll to be Ironed out betW.en tM e~nee.rlq 1tart1 of the City ot Newport B@ach and the ~,..,.~•r­ TM cllJ"• eoodemnallon 1ut1.1 are .un pendlftC . Mton the Pubic t.n:Ultkil OOmnUMlon. The plaruU&' COftMl.ltant. I.Air)' wet ... could be ... _ l,njtl&J WO eYen tM plat!°' of .......... ..... dty ,...<atlon to '"" meut fund cloll&n It 'A HUU. PASSEL' OF PUPS - lonsina: to llra. J. C. Swarts. 224 fpr the tint time lhia week. Sin have been cboeen for the PUP' bu dop, -Staff Pboto N~P RT~RS BREEZE THROUGH PREP LOOP ''It was just likt· quintets in the Anaht· had to 11ay about way t ket cagers swept ttnricf F inale i.f the Rll<,(ou ,\londa.v nlght in Wf'Stt'l r> H igh School gym v.·ht'n flut·k ~1n'9 !Of'e! bo\ ~ t breeze.'' That's wbal other 1 :;ummor prep basketball league 1· Ne\vport Beach Richard's Mar- ti'd through a 10-game schedule. '"''' poi!'• p. eftl'l niark wa9 to 10 ·''1 Hid the window. F11Herto11 j ump- 'h .. d 1n\il 1t 10·3 f1r.11t quart.et lead 111'' 11nd l"f\ the floor at haltUme '11" I wnti 11 rorntorOt.ble 18·1-t mlr· 1" gin. Thlii hPld 11l 28·23 •t end GRAY DAY FOR LINKS RIVALS · A.t UI• Match v .. Par tour- nament at , lrYfn4 1Countr7 Club Friday, Mn. Ra. Ort.7 w ... tint 111 C"'-A wlUI all eve11 1eor;e, MrL TOfn Ilea· deraon eecoad, ~ ...,. •1KI ROlllilte Vane• and MU)' K. Browne lied tot lblrd with ft)'• down. ln cl.&U B M.rs. Jay Lons- ky and Mn. l\oblrt Nllko&.- IOll were U~ 1t two clown for nr•l followed by ... ,... Art Adk!Mon &M :W:r1. R. B, K. WUlla. • luu ~Lug p£-U-n11:ll fro1i1 I tu ~v.·an1p F'tlllt'rton '42'·3 lll1•l quart•·r. or th' lhUd qu•tler, l•-------------·1 .. The Hoy:1 played th• hail Br11n c·ompllmtnl1<I 'Tht>v wurk .. 11 th@ bell J 1 ..... n And. niu•I lrnpnrl•n' •luln-l \\'&Ill lo lose It ' TI1,. \klory gave Ne"'/'"' 1f!.o;p1,lt1I ~on of tup in th" 1·1rrull for thl' ,o;. .o;Uf<t'"! ~ .. a.iOn, •nd left ~ l<tf1 111 ll<'t:Dn•I 1pol "''Ith l'l'(flf11 .,~.,r 11wh1Je It 1ppt:'ll~•I But fron1 there oo. the i•ut w11.11 ne-Yer iu ,1oubl. Led by euy 11 t:ddlt Pvpt''.'I plunklnc:. Nt"WpOrl !Mn IWllV •nd hid P'1n•t tuurname11t 1•n1e. for the un· locll lad• ocTur• In \\!t-ate!'n ~1"1C1t High ~Om 10.l 7 p. m. tomon-ow. •lld ~r .. r111f(' ru11dow11 Monct.y nlJbt: l<'I· Popt I~ 8o)b VUl1gr1n 3 . ~ l 1;,.ry U1•·1>n 8. Jeny Kanper 8. ·1,,n1 ll"uHton r1. J ohn Henrotln NO-HITTER NO GOOD WHE N INGENIOUS Channel· ·Not Anything to Robins Win Halt Ne-rsboy 1 • Lose in There •~ no mon lnpnlOUI I bu1lneume 1 In Uta country thl.n L Fr the nt"W•boy•, and there ..... eague ay Umu whoo tho N-• -.,_ new1boy1 pro~ .lhetnM.I"• ex· GAME ANYHOW rtptkinal Single run1 In Ole third and RIVALS WIN of~~r~~~ ::::!~ ::e:::~!~:: :~ .. ~;c;o;:e. 1;_~ =:~::~ . Eddl.e, 10n o.. Mr. and Mrs. ... _ KNOW YE not th•t ht whe u:ercl11e1 lhe l1rge11t charity, ind wall.JI on Cod. renew• hi.I •trength. 111d I• oalled ! Mary Biker Eddy N•wport Vari9ty YOVR 6 UNI 10 8TURE It didn't do Paul 1\nthony and Jun Butler much good Robert MeMrw, N.llt week round """tor)' over the El Toro Marlnee to make the Hall of J·~:>!·ne bv lol"ain~ a no-hit ter at the 11.lrn.wlf •tranded 1t Newport al ec.t& MM& Park Saturday, Pacific Coast League ('ubs,. :,fonc!a.y. because the Cube I Harbor Yacht Club •t prec'-el7 but lM Loa Aft&'9le.t Braves I ? the liml he WU Nppo.ed to be pro* too \oUsb foir the loc:a.J \\'• Oh·1 Crow .. lllanlpa "'on the game from th<' Dodgf'rs anyhov.· &--. ~ost of tbe d uvenng hit copl" ot UN Newa-Thto Rob~ tam In ~ ,.._, N.,. ~r runl:l came acrou \\-tH'n th(' bap \\·ere bulgmg due lo f>T'eu around lh1 far md 1J& Udo Loi ~lft Sunday, 1-1. I NEWPORT .._..., CH_ , walk1 .and a aacriflce nr IPl<tPr • , We. l:":::::::::::::::::::::::f;"::: -,,.,,,,,,,,~ choict wtrr ~ur.111 .. nt t" •l<> the by Je.r Smith, Bab Arxhcy •r\d Without time to wute. TAdle n,. Robllui made It ck>M - damage. J(lhn )~r~H:'.m wuted no tlmt. AL"comp&aled qaln.1t the Bravee, leavinl' lt I LISTEN ""'''"< t•.,-''~" ''·'"" '" 1. County HM•l~et' by a J)lllr of vUIUl\i' Pam.Mn• runner1 atranded: when rt""'I '-"' • ,,n, ., L•:d.): ,, , urnpeUll<>n. ,......, ... knuck• of th.-bllll 1~11.t wf1f Cl buddie., )'Ol.lng MIMrvl -am all ,pltchorr Ted Neal bore dow·n In h Sh . lkl\.• ub 1.1t:r1tt'd Huntington the wiy bome. nme II.le molMr , .. _ ,,.,, ••• , •• I°' ,., ... 1 to t e e&reon. Hammill Dodgttll But. T"'·td·ll· an~I An· ~,1,·h 11-·0 'Pel" IO"e.lhrraton .. ..., ~ ,.., " lh1tn~ tw 11 i..,1 " no·hill•·r aglllnl'l IJle rot to the Y1cht Club lO pkJt out. Nnl uwd to whffl and de1l 11 Privete Wire" 'l"ht A1ntrl<'!HI \•iOfltllJnn 011,.r, \\f,111' hi, 1ea1n1nstf'I rol· him up, Eddlt wu amon1 tile .for 81.llO&I in tbe C.llfornla 0ot1g .. 1'll •ll'ftauJ Lh,. C1n11 ltttP<l 1~. p ,.1"" t•M"'() nlnt bal· mlMlng. She round hJm •t hom•.,LA&gue. Ttu-tt erron •rter two KABC-6:~(T 1.M. ';-I ~1r,. 1l "°"' Huma rpr~ ""'' J;Ol two h ils. l.nrludlnJ hi.rd •l work rold.J.ng paptra. ~,.. Ollt proved undoing' Of the D 'I , 1h1nJ v.•n .,r 1h~ nn ,.nJ ,, • 1pl•· -.·•1th nnl.v rour 1:aml'I "There were a raft or com-Robtn1 lJ'I the fourtn tnninc when &I Y Mon. tbru .i"n. thl',-d•·wnttl It·•· "' JJlil·~ , r• ""ire ~,n.uolf' t.ht ,.1 r~1 t~· pl11nt•."' Ml'I. Meaerve 1dmltted. th1 Brave. l&llled four tlmea. Market Quota.lions 1·11nl". •ll .,.,11.!1 hHf•!'' n ~h1J•·lll•• 1w ~h•·11 I b)· three i.;•n1e11. "11. wu after meven when h1 ttn-Bii' Bill Wei.Ml pitcMd l"ooc:I Financial New• 1t1;11nll.•H, .,• v.J.•<L ,. ·y t111t Thi> HBl' Jtinlor var11ity drop· l11hed dellv1rill1" hi• paper1. But ball a1aJn.t the winners. 11<>1<.Ung Buainea l"Llpu:aeDlary Th,. 1'1•Cu1n-~ ·1 .. ,,. 1nd r~ 1 11 1·1 tu"~le tn Octan View. he dellvered lhern!" them to atx hit.a while hl.t lt"•m· Intervtew;r :\f1<'kt"y. fu•111~1,..1 it· tnz J:Un~ lhP 1><~11111t·ort"d in the tlr~t 011 The Me1ervN havi lived here matN coUectld t'iChL pruanled by (or the vkt.,ry 11!11 h.1 KPnt Hodpon and Dick one yf!>lr. moving to Udo rrom A,glin.l the El Toro nl th Heh1niJ Gd ~l'H11 < 'hreP-lul Uull••"'·orth 1·a1I Cotton tripled Pa!Mldena. Eddie bu been de-RobllUI ecored In the thlrdn;~am: SHEARSON,HAMMllli-(O, 1w1rl1nx. th,. ~l~J"! Lra gut,1n lt•I' ... eoniJ 11nd llCOt'ed on llver1ng lhe New•PHQ •Inca on four 1tralrht walk• to St~ •01,Dt•• .. ntJ Pirate~ <l1•fi>al1«t !. • i)<,.,ljl'l'rl Hr\11n l.t"'·1P ~atnric ... anll Cot-September. RamRy, Roy D&nlel. Bob White '"'"'"""1·,.1.,1·5Mrt£., ... ,.w.,.,, ;1.;: Th•• Aurs •·1111" !•·d unly tun 11n~!l'd •nd ~\'.orfit llll Wayne ''Thank goodneM liddle had Md DeNlll lllt9'natr1 k. 81 •-- JUI• n••---' hil .,,.,lor llr1 MY• .... _ -..-e """"" """'<,.I S1Mi -4 C-•-'i•) £,rA•,a thi"e hit" roff H1,v 11.11r.,n \111\'f,Pl•I'" bu111 1n tht 11evcnlh., ~ 1-· by ...-.mM)' and Carl Be.rs-eron, ('l"R);i.,. J:Ilfltr. """' Hut !hilt wa.,n l .. nuugh Inc: ~~ree before making lh•t a walk and nelder'• choice 13331 ~. "'' ~ trr.111 ~1111u•11 plavt"d swim. Mra. Meeerv1 •Id. l<.'ored the 11.nal ~-. ~.~!r1n L•·u~U•· '~ r "fl~ "'""'~ l'lrllt•· ~"ti:1.111v A<>1t-1 t•·.•n A"l'O<"illt•on i..r.. Fl.llher and Gii Sh.arp 1----'-'-"'C..::..:_::..::..::_ __ \ht <"uh• •··IO:'I 12-1ri e·:d 11 ... ;:,,,., "'·~r \h,. ~·~r·l1n•I l~ ·,,11011 Th" l l().t~P.t~ •tmr~t11 II 9·8 J • Rt"fle I.hared hurling duUe1 tor the f11t1 ,. '" t"'e ,,1 .. nt~ 1ht Gl11nL• un1or ...... t El ' l>t'nn1•1J;air. .. 1<'<.I on11'· lh1-.. .. h1~ but ,.....,,. .. •I"' Ml Toro, holdlnl' \\',.gntr hi. t,\ .. h"' Wll1n<'rl " ,i,. ''" ru1 th" . , tMm lo tv.•o }\ii.JI, 1111• I.· !)'""' '"int. 1.r.,g < errn•k T s t 2 1l1d thl' "''"·'' ,., ,. ~v.·f1.r•l1 ' eam e s ~··n• In tu1n111,•· !'ol 11 h<•n1,.r. F rt? Rich I . a '"''' "" ~··r 11n'1 Bill Fltnung th.-Cul>-l'uxlP "1!1: G"OTlfl" J•·nktn" ~· k .. tl II 101:ntl l11p)'~r r" 1'•· 1 .. 11\·f1 tn <!f\VI' In !hr" I ~In• r .. m l-111"- lttl" hnnu·• "-,.. t ,, "lll?h for ·n~i.~~~. 1..1 1 ,,. 11111mtl'' b11at • National Marks hi. to:·.,kr " l.t -.lit• h•nd the TM South Coul Gun C1ub Bi .. , .... 11 ... ~ Pt'I. vi<'lOry ov"r thl" l\od1ftr1 junior. Rl two naUonaJ JWUor ('~llrornl1t r.,..,.~11t' &1'01 tlll J.,rl· 30 c:allbtr l'l('()rds ll the ~Ona.I lht <l•y Th" C•r·J1 beat tht Glant11.1 matche• [Ired It Camp Pendle· In tht \\,.,,t,.111 t'ub.• •·lnbt>t·.•'•I tt·· \\'hllt' ,,,,. j'l\!•l- Blll\'•!< ! 'I· 1:! Lo ••j:UP, f ,, ....... !' I ,. 27-7 16·3 whllr the Dodi:rl'!I !""lgl" the ton S•lurday. lh,. Cul»o 8· ~ Dwight Tli>pini;:, Stev" The Juniors' 4-man te1m fired J!11•"'·1tr. 11n•I ~"1n Oowni1<~ 1111 a &•t with 81 V out of a poulble "' rto· J!"I th~,.I' hil~ fl'r thl' i..·ant!n•I•. 1000 over the naUon1.I match '.n suw Jn thr f>o<1grrll·C'l>h go, Dick couree. The hll'h lndlvtdUoll Of !he Cub" l\,j\ th• ! ""1''" It·\ Stunt llH 11 t1\ple w1lh the bneu the jUnlor team was Harry Me. an.I tn.-r'«uL• 1 11f' 'h" 1lr1ve1 1o .. r11'Xl anti lho'nrrnrkl'd adoublr. ~an, Lone Beach, with the l.f-l(J David l'Pli·' ,,,.,.,.,. In l••·o Jn thf' PCL S11.turda.v, the acore ot 243 out of 280. Another '1111 ~ f,,,-lhh<· C'ul'• L 'n Aaku~ Cullll tnpp"d !ht Bnn't'!!I g.,., anrl record wa• madl whtn Middleton 11"'1 t1"1.:ht !"'"' v·•·i• \ht ti\'• c:111n!" <'<iilr<l th<' P\ralt~ Totopkln.1 In the o•llonal lndl· hty -.11n~ 1 \''" ,. \\'ilh .1·2 l;lrnn r.•nlt"' and J im vldual met• new Junior off.hand Csl1rorn1,• !!ult.,• !r"ttl I'"'•'', , .. tht···· h!tlll. ~· t1 .. C'utll• p1l1 ht' I onf'·hl\ h:<ll tn1 or •Landini' rtton1 of out or I T~ .. lnlt'rn°1ll•·1' 1 · , ,nt Pl· lht' l."'110. po111-ible 100. I ralt>11 ov,.1<11n1~ th1• 4·,11·1 i-7 111d Othtr Satur.18 ,. ll('()r••JI E1111l· The other junior membtr• orl tJi., t'llttl• l"•·k ~ of \hi' tin L1>11111t Cub" 10 Oo<tgtr! the &o1111l Cout 30 caliber team Bi av·• lJ·1 ~'11 I l>U•'· It 9. C•rdl1111l11 ll Giant.! O \Vt-,rt-are Bill M11rtln and 8lepllen w1u1 lhPir flr•t vu I•••. ·1>11nk" to ,.rn [)o!lir!!ri 'I_ Cuba o, tarrl· Grah&lll. Georre 8\mpeon. coach· • ninP·run lnn1ni.: I' RIJl<'Y 11111 1. !Cl, Oia.nlll JO 401'!1, lnltr· ed thl tMm. 11n<I KPn J\' ....... 1.,,.J h111 b.1t· .,•llfl'llRI. Do01t,r• j Cuh:t 2;1 -------- ting th.ti n1t1nl th" , • r. ' ~l -· r11ri1• .111 nt11 •' • .....,..It'· GREAT ACTION8spe&Jt fl"&l ( \111 .'0'-ll•1T et~ 7. C•rdlnMll ~ l mlncla.~ohn netclltt SlPVe l·11L""n l>J<f ·Lr C1r<l In lhl B.lbe Ruth pl1yoff •l 1tllck "'1th !hr"" '''' 1hrff ln· G11rl'ltn Grovt'. the Harbor Boyl' -- ~ludlnr 11 lrlplP •1:!r• 1rlplefl Club ninr IOJ1l to G•l"d~ Orove MISA ror lht "'·1nnl'1-• "''" -•maMtd 74. UPHOLSTD.Y MORE KIDS MOISTURE IN TO OC SWIM SURROUND THAN °'"'' ·-• -~MTIJ THEM l ~ .... ;;s;:; .. ,..;;.,;:; ... ;:;;.,,... - Thr rt "''A~. ••nm1gh v.·11t'r to go 111VUnd a.t Orang@ C'O•lll Collt"K'" l'r, n1 bly the ht11\'lt"!!ll 1lpup lll the col- J,.g.-:·1 hl1lory look place hu•t W<'tk ror the ehlldren'• three Wt"ek swimming IP~,.-,IUI. CIUl!et had tn bt lllXpilnl.h«l. Md a<SdlUun•I cl&4&E'll added, •tt"On:linl( In 8'vflrly <;111npbci.il, lnatruetor. li:Kllct fo~1r•~· "\Ii.ho h11' l>nl" lo ('.1)Unt hHdll!" 11ald tht Mlllr"'h' \I· .. r .. n,Ph"ll. 11.t:u h11 .. • f'rt'lly PJt•et fiJ'.I"' hl'l'Wll ••"'' ar" 111111 ltv.ni:: tu l;ok.-'"'" "' l',·eryon" 11.nt111.·ltl conit up "''\lh !hr, "'•l'l n11111b,.., nr \t"Ople y,•t h•ve rrgl~· fp~ In 11 d11~ "t •·• '" Ho"'·e\'t1 11·• • r~t101111I •·• 11111 .. in..-•• ~ti.II 11.•·•ilable l \'tr)· •fltmnnn '" 1 on ~11\u11la) 1111rnu1ga. MUINI INSURANCE 01b1..=..~o.. smw . .-..:g- ~ ~ SOUTH COAST 00. 231'1i 4: N•wport Blvd. I Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL SECURITY COMMERCIAL PATllOL 2-7"27 Kl RESICIENTIAL-INOUSTRIAL-COMMtRciAL NO JOB Too LARGE .QR $1UIJ. Qe SOtll St., N_.t lleodl -UU L ...... -·-· €ounty Post? ders Combine ce with Auditor· rt.a.in recommendation• of the Grand ty thio yeor 1rill be that th• ottlce r be eltmln•ted and that all tunctJon• •la.tutory officer be conaoUdated lato AudJtor. ccompllllh· 1 •nd hi.I COlltinu.l •~ from lion i• the hl• ottlee. • Harvty A. Mo.tt. ot UM oruwt ,..,. i... .. the peopk rernarkl'd th&l ah ol t.ba acba.al be ellml-•·orJt on C'OUnty n-1 alldttlltf "P"'°· J a.nd ~ ire done by the to ~rv• ottlc1 ot LH Ecktl, aJao an elt'C• four year 1 Uv1 official Cckel w .. before CWnty , do9eted """d""" , dUU. and " otne. o< 11 lhe Grand Jury yut1<rd1 y an4 dehvered to lbl juron a num• l>C'r of booka ~ h11 otnce. The Orud JUrJ le prqentlJ' at a I~ for an7 lamMdtatti ~tJoe lo t.beir mucwn. ot O&rdner'1 otflce. Mone ol. lb• ftQlranllUl have Mid wtlethtr they bav1 In• formatk>o upon "Nhlch to pllc1 a tnla WU ot ..oc:UMUoe 1 wtilcll. nupt ee.u.e ~ ru.aovaJ. from hla wu q.,.. aaic.; or an ~t wtuell. tha tr. would toru ldm to et.ud tr1&L n ia a.o.t Ubq tMt U.. Ju:>'• ... ubd -wUJ reoommmd tM da.&- .... t IUld ~ ot ~ omc. &ad .. th• .a.;u... ..... • .... .... , le fl'lt U. 9"1· ilQdt; a lllN I $ -tM l&IJet fOr ~ the -t7 tllc:tMa -,.. .... a.-. ... _ ftn&lly AaloDC" tMM ~ wiUi lba ....... TM-Qrud ~ ... ,.. .... 7 • add!· ..... ,. U.. to Tr .. CliuilDw, Awll- '4t Bck-S. ....... rrdpr, -" __. ............ S100.000 More e Projec;t WOil . around 'IN wtdartahn, aeoonllJtc' to City 1i100.00I Maftaa'lr Geo~ Cottq. -citf' la tG Thill project. which 11 to 91.art at wu...i. at. and H&rbol' a:iw .• and eonUn'\HI .-to atiout Pia· cent.. Bt. -d' than llOlihWUt· in thl 11117 to tha Tallto9rt ltttdl. --lo ,__ CllNC. .....,_ ha,IOO and f7 ol 20QI a.apt. 20 ....,. ..... baYI 1:'~:t INlle -.ct la paJtac' for lt. ~. a ........ t.ba dtJ' hM Juat da 11 ... plet.licl .. --" tlllt bole• .-. u.. ._ .... lau t9UDd Ut.at moUMr a.der •, tOp lJ teat of IOU le • ........ ,..,. "' lo-. -.nd. 'Dlbl hll-. "' wUl HC..elt&ta er1bbln.r th• en-1 tin dtteb, Coftit7 .tat.M. at • .--· -I tetaJ. 009t ot &boat iaoo.ooo. OtJJl'lq «W lllopM to ti. lob'-to .. &bMd ,.tth u.. dnlla&'• '" a. be r .. i. t.tt.at tht dty -ts nm~ nhla' ma IM t ..... tiflM .. ,.._ ptda a Wiit wlntW Whicll coukl M.• euU)' put mwcll ot the noru. .nd ot his dl,J Wldtt 1"tlr. , .................. t.., ol Ibo new Lido ProtMOloaal &lid- A oftloe ballcllq, located oe Via hoort-llalboo Saviap.and Lean ud '1•tdale -S.Ck'* ~ ' '