HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-01 - Newport Harbor News PressCHAMPION HAUL FOR CHIP
Chip, 10, wh0te full .name II Bomer W. Alexander
Jr., 128 Abalone Ave .• Thursday landed hi.a f1nJt al·
bacore in vicinity of 14 KUe Bank off San Clemente.
He bro\lgbt in the.e two beautia, weighing ap·
proximateJy 20lbe., • ~ line. Got up at 3
a.m. to ro fiahinr. bat wberfhe retnrned. Chip could
hardly watt to reach Newport Ha.rbc>r Youth Centtt
WMtt. he plays 14Mlret League bueball.
8 7 J.EONABD 8A.R.O&ANT j the COf'Ml' from the post omce
Rn S-7, .uperl.ftwndent of at 807 IC. Bay Ave. and tbJ• wu
U.. JlaAo& ome. ot the Newport ro a.cddent. Durlnf the black·
outa ot World War II 1t wu al· 1leadl Of11ct. completf'd 16 moat a r.qulttment tl\&t t.bty be
Jean with th• postal 9CrTtc:e that available.
City )l&n&Cft ~
v.amtd Newport Be&ch ~t.tr
u.er1 lod&Y ':that UM WO ..
>el lo c·oaw.. lnumucll u Al&·
gual 11 lradltiol.\&UT lbe
month tor wat.t-r ~pUoa.
Th• ''Waler atlllt.lrtty orc.r:a.ni
mu>'l ronunoe oe u ·~
1eatP he decl&red. althou
pr<>(~ of the YOIWStary pro-,
gram "bu been ueouraitnc
date ...
SheltoA potnl" out Ul&t •• .,..
ag~ dally ccmaumptlon durqs
th<! put wttk alnce dally ...co*
wert 1tarted hu Wen •,7°',371
&"&llon•. Thia com~ t.o u
awrag• dally conaumpUon dlolP.
tng thP whole of July Wt "1 r
uf 4.!'>80.000. June t.bla y•r. lw
111nttnued. was 20 pal' ~nt blfb·
tr than JtJne, 1965.
With thee. wand. Jlp.ij 1D
mind. Sbt-lteft Uq.d a conllAu·
~ and more .n.ctfv• Pl'Ol'J"&Dl
of voluntary ratJulal.
Ht rembld9d -.ta men lbat
a11tomatk •prtUWI for Jv4
.. ater1n1 ahould IM ~nued.
Yard wat.rtnr l9 rontlned to two
dl\'I a wttk from I ._ m.. to t
p. m. Even .i,.t. ~-...
tu Saturday and 'l'Unday &ad
odd lllrffl numbers on &WM1ay
and Wednada7.
He at.o puaed ~loq addltlon-
al llU&'S"UOD.I p~ aty the
... at.er uwn. ttwmMI..., u
rnean1 lo av• water. lome ol
lbHe a~: Avotd ~ lbower
bath.I and tura ett fauc«. while
\having and brua~ ~
Jn lOllPl n~, place a
(C'oeU.-4 ...... I )'
yesttrd&7 aAd M•tral ecore mn-
c:bant.a. t.U.W pollt etflc:e work·
us and tri..S. met for rottff
a.ad doupAIJU \J\ .... honor,
Re-Arrest Pair
on Narco Chsge I
K.nny, who waa P*Jlm..t.r
et u .. aaar..a o:rto. tu -..
m"IUU.IQCI wt N~
CID Oct. 1. 11M. a,.,ota lfb
tht <'Ith tn f~t. Vf0'1d .. )11
to ll'l•t tor tti. ,. 1 ln &ant.a
Kia wlle, )f t., for U
Jftrl anUJ lhr c--'JdlaUon wu
a familiar t11ur. U"OUn41 Balboa
rtdiD6 a J1041t ottto. bicycle u
~delivery ._nser. She
.UU heJpe out occutonalJy dunnr
Ct:mtmu mi1 pert0d8.
Kenny will n u tn a ff'w
~ I.ht ua.ct dale la not
known. Ht wUJ -. IUCCeeded oaa
INpelintendtnt b1 I!:. W. Olllea-p.
old E~en• Dlckmeon. 20, and
~ 1•year-old wtft, O.Orp LH.
were re-arnlted Man~ attv·
1100t1. ahortly atUr M111ttdp&l
COW'\ JU() Howard Oamelw
... ~CMT(ff 1,. one J)ft90n apaa.at u.em.
ltatt Who wu The ~~• were dl.arreJ I
Ule,.. a be C&tn• on. 1'1~ aarcotlca . addiction In a
Ndlit A. 8 , 0&Jthoug'b ~ a«W comp.la.Int l.llU.cl by Santa
PIUJUMr of l'I~ Jkub .U. pollct.
Otfke '"'-a11o one ct hi3 orlai· aaa.r.-apln11l th" Oran&'•
nil at.after.a PoAaJ receipt. couple wtn dllmlllMd Uts
ha" lncreu«I 200 per ttnl in Jud19 Cameron found lh.y bad
the 15 y..,.., he aya. And the bMn .tctlm1 of lllepl -rch
deliV•f7 sone boundary which aAd Mtsure by pollcl'. The Jur11l
wu Ninth SL In lHl. lncreaaed btld the couple'• arrl'11t wa1
lt' llith SL tn 1• and i.. now &.,al, but ottlcv1 had no auth-
up to 191 h St. I orlty to brMk Into their houllf
.rt.er their a.rreal Aller the
But In addlUon trom hla postal I Weak-\J\ pol.lee aelMd zt up-
aervlce, Kenn7 le widely known •I" of· herotn.
(('......_. ...... ,
pve lee o(l"CJl8*a:lq:f~
m bow) or booked &i>cl hmnr t.heir par-
ent.a notified. 7he younnteriJ ided .erubbiac
waa bettt-r than ddlance and Offtcer MuRIOrl
1tood over them while they did 1L
Urge Local Resi~e1b to Do
So During Annivenary Fete
City Resenoir Plans Set .
for Councilmen Next Week
Engt~rlnr detalll and plan.I and lh• Jn·ine Cornp&.ny taa ,,..-
tor conatrucUon of a htp k"1 t atudlH on th• r~rT.tr
water rue"olr will '1ie ,_., •H aY&Jlable t. the Ctly from
tor aabmileloo to the city ..a t.b9 compa.n,.
week arcordl~ to Robt'l"t TPntatl•e It p..-pared by
ton, city mana1e1. Shelton ~ Monl,omt ry'1 1 t a r r 1nd1c:ai.
C'!elvtd telephonic lnlonuAUon that a 1200-tl<'rt fool ~~
from C'On11Ulllng en,Snttr Jama could b,. •Imply and ch•ply ti\.ult
Montromery today reettlnr cM· in lht IUUa 1ni.nd or Corona
talla H to th• Puad"1lan'a rn-del Mar on pNJperty ownPd by
pttrlnr dl'lalla •nd atudlt'a. lht 11 vine Conipi&l\J.
Montromery waa blNd Jobltly l MO"fOn\PrV hU lndlr•l~ a
by the Ot7 of Newport Beach U-..trnrnl plant will nttd to
bt built at U.. dam ut• tor U&•101 w·· ..... ER Ntrauon and h nallon of nll'A ~•n Met.ropolltan W1t1Sr af•
Tt111peraturw for the WMJc. I ThP rr,,.,.,.,1r would p~ ------------tf't It 110 1~..t. l
~ bl Ult Newport Me' .,... watf't for Ille Oty of NtwpoC't
-"Mr. Pa.tmMter" Herbert Kenny. periDltndtnt
of the Balboa Po.t Offitt, ii•~ special delivery letten to Mn. Kenny, who for
12 ~ara rod bacycle abe ia on u a l'pec1aJ dt-li\'t-ry mf"Nlt"nrer for the Balboa
are.a. Kenny. who y~tcrday completed 15 yean in otr1ce, ii ret.ir1nr eoon.
-St&ff Photo
..,.. ~at h for U\ etar. Mam mer if
..... Lew M.W.D. --. wt otf.
Ttturtlday. JuJy M •• 1t 12 Cfty Man..., abeitoa aava ht l'rtda~. Jul7 27 --'70 fl h•a ..,.._dy ~ ln C'9nlact. "1th 1
.. turd&)". July U -';} 14 a ftl"m nf m bo•ctln, al-
~unday July 211 _ 72 to tot nru 11n•1 lhtv ha,·e a11•urf'd
Mon•1.n. J 1h· ~O ..• 72 14 him • bon'1 l"u• <"&II ('ould ~
1\tf'lld">· July 31, __ il '3 I pe1fttted tor •UbJ'l:Ula).9n en I.M l
WtdMsday, .Au1. l, ft ti N~...., .U t. ,
Father Shoots D .. ter
Before Taking Own Life
.A erdal r l..U lft IO fHt et wa •
bo9t :J aank at 7 p. Ill. t~ lo -.IT... ....
M I ll'IU• off the Kuo -lM Beach pier ahortly alter t.be ,....,..,
Cout Goard rftCUf'<I the tour-to Coe.at Ovard hcadqwuura In
man crew and ont ~. Nrwport HarbOr, UM> IS-Ct. Cout
Skipper Emanuel Colt.a, of ' Gu&.rd boat rtturn"1 10 tn.
121, IC. 20th Bl .. Coeta Me-.. Jackie ~. Only lhe ~ and
1t Id lht cratt t.aan to take on I ca•ln we•• vllltble a.y Ulle time. water aft.er lb• bin oo.rda aepe.~
raUng 11 lona of flah the Crt!W The craft waa own.d by th•
had C'flU t ttt.l day call&paed Delaney Brot~r1 I a Fooda Co.
cauai"-UM !Mad lo 1hltl ~ aM h&rch for lM
aldt cnai.er Six k&a w
AIAO on board wt>~ crew mem-at 10:30 a m.; yeal• 1
tH>ra Pete A.ndVMn, Emit Leon-w.. reported headln• for
ard, and an unld.,Utttd puern-home pent In Jif4M.P0rl
rrr. all r.t4enta ot Ooat.& Kua. Eltbl ,.MIO&I lndudln&'
and Hareld Orubbe of N..,ort chlldrc.n wtt• r4~ a
B~ac-h. ll wu rPpo1lf'<1 ovwdu• al
Tht Coeat Guard a&Jd the bo9t a. m yettt'rday.
TO AILED -Recently elected offioera of eo.ta Mea Chamber of O> -
me~ Will ~ in"talleod at 11 :45 a .m. Friday in HudlOn Houw RNtaunnt Colt.a
Mea. From left Lloyd Suguki, l~uurer. Paul Dunlap, ettond \'1Ct--prea1dent i
R. i'. (Pele) Gf'Clde-a, prea.ldent. C. J. Allan. !int \'ice·pttai~nt, and Vernon Peck.
eecttta.ry. Robert Unctr ia l o be pnac1palapeaker. -Sta.ff Phot.o
' ,
" .
llOIJCAL DIBIX)TOB -Howard Kay ol New-
port a.ch hand.le9 the mualcal portion of "South
Pacific" which will be eeen Friday and Saturday
qbta in Oran1• Cout CoUec-Auditorium.-OCC
"lout.b hdtlc" wUJ be (tvtn lAadJnC rolH will be pl&f94
tree J'rt4')' and Saturday n1Jhta. by Joyce A u,.er u Ntll1t and A.us. 1-4, at Oraqo Oout Col· Grant Bertoltt u Emlle. Co-
..,._ 11tarrtna u. It.an ThrontberTJ u
~ "7 the collep mUlllc LL CUle and Btlt7 ltromqut.t
and dn.ma ~ta. UM u B*»d7 Mary.
~ &Dd ~ colOI"-Producer of UM abow la Lud.a
f\tl mllllcal wt1l -d9dlcat.cl to lcoll. ~ ot ~ Oouc.'•
U. ~ aulftl'a'1 el UM Oly t.healre • arta dep&rtm•t. kott.
-N...-t ~ ..... profftllloaal llacq'rowld ,,. ..., wtu 11t&rt pNmllt.IJ bu carrled 111.m rraa rent to
at •:11. l>eor9 wW .,.. &t f :l& ~. baa ptmd a ~
,... 1'• Uclll8ta or ........U.U U.. ter tU ~ r«onl rwaJta .,.. w. taken. leat8 Ww -~ amateur ~t .._._,.,..
it .... -• tlnt ... ftl"lt las u. eelllp IUt ,.,.
...... ...... DlndW ot "6ce la n. J"lt;a..
TM -... Muta a cut ot TO. rer&Jc&. actlas a...s el tbe l'llle
U ..._ ..ta. ud u muda • aad Appltet AN a'JlllGa. J"lt:.
.... ..-& ... f.&dliti• .. prald jobMd CDut ~ lut
,.. .. .., ~ ~ ,_, after t ... hl. 'f'OCal ....
.... la N....,.t a.da tor ftft ,_,...
Dlnctol' of mUlllc la HOW'&rld
KAJ, wbo aJao JolM4 UM colltp
Jut ,...,. aft.tr ~ tM
Ian MatAo lli•'I ha ~ on:....,_
.... flneUq ot.bff opentt.a ....
d.uctloM ..... Mat.
Tbe .atow wiU M lf"9 la tW
MW a• de B audltodum al
0,.... Oout ~. ITtl
FaJniew Av... In 0c>etA Mna.
P'eal'\.IJinc rnoMar ......
•• ...... and .... lllllckitpt· ...._ tnc and 11~W etfec:ta tqulp-
u._........, U a.MM mtnl. Ute audstol'11lm le at.o
~lly ~ 80 Ulal ~ftry
om ot lb• UOO .au ta s"OOd.
~ 9ucril --
Hancl Packed
Pinh --·-·-3()c
CHOO~lli 1/2 Gallon ntOM • • • • • • • 79c
WAX PAPER ·::.::2 ... 39c
SANDWICH BAGS ·2 '"' 1 §c
I fLEANSEh~2 ... 1,=
iMEii1CAN.i.iGllTS 6 ... 6 7
AUG. 2, 3 & 4
FA.\IOUI ... 0: ·A-n:AIU
~./ For a
Umlted nme
MAllD M>An "••er ..... 1 ... c.,.., ..... ( looa el a ) •• ,,, t .,
-1 ..
11 ... c,.,.. •• , .... c. ...... , ..
( ..... e( 3) ,...... ... , uo .. .
.... 2 ..
£1 ..... A.rdd't C..-u Raa•
ud I&~ So.pt en olftrtd 11ow
11 a traordiDuy 1n1np n. ...
c1Htom·m•d1 .oape hnt 1 lu1
unout eo14 n-b .. • •.. ert
ptr!~ l.O ~ auu~1h
•1th ,..,.. ftt11cb -nru 1nol
•re .,,ut<J t•alilt tun• to J i\r
tb~m 101111 lu11nc inanl' .. en
nch t•n llthtr.
,,.., -..,, £tlHM1' ""'"' ~ h Mrlct..4 -411' I•-'••
CREAM ftiAMPOO fl.1~100
.1 ..
s100 .w,.
C'/l.lJTI C> ~'I ~
City w.tls ere pumpin9q to c..,,.city, but this
source is not guerentHd beceuie ground
weter level is dropping end sett water
intrusion is pouible .
August js the ~·k consumption month ,end
the current 1horh9• c•n be e-xpected to
continue into September.
It i1 impouible to predict from day to day
whet the water sup~y will be, beceuse
eon1iltent flow either from City wells or from
the MWD line cennot be wur.d.
It is easentiel thet effective rationing take
pl•c•. W • hop• end. entici,,.te that
voluntary rationing will wffice. Won't
11.A.UU<ll ITA.o'n.&Y .____ OlllJ ..... ~"'' au &. o.ut lllP"wa7 o-... ... llM .
Doctor's Orders Followed Precisely
Into every prescription we com-
pound 90 two ''unsee n" ingredi-
ents: professional skill and pains-
taking accuracy. You can depend
on ua!
~r. &Jo Roll 2 ,.,95~ --·
SPONGE.:-..... 3~
iiFEBUOY SOAP "~· 4 ... 25c
POf CLEANERS ....... ] ... 15c you help?
iiffiliiES .... U.·-·---DOG_tldPPJ_FOO_D -~-110 ,-,-r.,-~-·PAPER PLA TES ....... 2 ... 2r
iURt~r··clOCKs -· llM ---~ "~ibo~ .. , K:.:..:.M.::;!.;AT~CH.:.:.:ES~.=:.:..-.. tr· .:::..::;H• •ow~:r~EC~O.:.::iD~s =~:;::: ..... ;;;;:;2~ .... t::!!w~
EARLY Silver
TIMES Ripple ........ Gin .. ,.,...
& Tn..OW
6 12--. CANS 17c
arm • • •
H rly moming twfft com encl c:ritp frnh 9'"°' .a c:om-
bin• tO 9ive TOP SUMMER QUALITY, the b.Jt of the · . ,._,.._.,,
Yuc1 Montaln G ro" .. Butlett 2 Lho.25c PEARS
....-~~rJ..nf 2 for ISc ROMAINE
... ~ ...... ta .... ~ 2~·29c PLUMS -11114-Plannt, Crist IADoa 2Lb..25· CUllES -----" a..ut.. wwt ltaliaJl Red 2Lho. l9c ·ONIONS
• • • ckoic• l/"a~l'I m ea/6
8Uee It Cold or Mr\ e U wtU. ~· 6fte
PATMAN'S CORNED. IEEF ··-·-·············-.. ····· u.. 7-
KiiGAN'S ·s,MOKED roaK. cHor ·--· i... 7tc
v .•. a..-79c BONELESS SWISS STEAKS .......... ·--···--u..
lll4-\Veek Treat I J'or tllie Bea& Balllblll'(era la Towa t
&erTe ~· 39' GIOUND IEEF ......... Jb.
.,,..,.,.,.. Ud Goood I ..... 59'
Ma.rlaate .... ~, Kern11'9 Prtdl Fuq
·-~ 59' STEW IEEF ···--······· .. Ja.. Wceo IACON ... A 4r
-·-----114Ce•Uy New! w..-r.
tl&ll.7 oma..u rtav-r
Mra"a: Ne --••• -. ptt,..,..<fo• . . . !lu.t
.,...aJp aacl JOG un It ...
fOUI' favertte cllocolat41
er ltraW'WrTJ flaYOr. 8"-
' ti• W.-t WaU-Ol'Wf'f'17.
DartroW P•re AA Qua.lltr 59'
--FlliSH lunER '" Mn. WelMn 19' SPAGHmlNl 11-o-.
Hi'Ho CRAX ·-·-"'· 33' sAuc£'-3/19' ...... -· 1-oa.
jlit;10iH11MP 53' F'iiiitt1n __ ~ 33'
PIMt.u'a a.I ... Oeddall 37' PIA NUTS ...... 1y,-oa. •
RaJ1toa -·~-2/35' RICECHIX _
a.au a.tea -1 ..... 21·~' IAKED IEANS H
H'oiSiMIAt _ 2/ 43'
• • •
CH ... COOKIU 2 ·43' -·-·····--··· ··-··• .,L
.... r"4 .. SUt7 ........... . sr A,PLE PIE ............................................. .-di
lkn'• a HM1t7 BnUtut 6 M '
µYD ~K~.,...: ... ~_f" __ ,__ ___ ~ 94'
• • •
. ~...,., 69' lrD SKIN' CHEDDAR ......................... A ,....,... ...... (),...... 49'
M,-f fM ..,..., ...... _.-.., •511
CANNID HAMS .. -··_...·'UM
)~,.. ,,,., Qua1tt7 49'
Olba ~ 15' DITERGENT· --·-II~
DwP•• . 29' SPONGES --·-·-I C
lk>7991d'• 25' AWM. FOIL ____ u..n.
FACi•L' nm,, 2129•
fOii.n TISSUE · aou 4/ ~' '
U1bt wt'labt Grub ud Good 1 .. 1
~·· Kamp ~k. laat U.. dlM wt.ea ,_.,. out &.e ftala.
s_,. .....................
CMNo • hw -~ ,...,
,.y.,u.t ~ ... own
0-.~~ ....... ... .........................
',_.,_. D lfltl
CrM a.ti! A ...-a femu11a el ............................ ............... ..., ..... u ..
,., ......... ,,.._,. &eeU.. ..
11M1tat7 Napadu .,
KOTIX .-. '1il
.,.._T • .,.........._ 2135' GARDEN PEA~ .. ~
..,..,. Ii,.,... t ·roU'tl 4/•' MF.NCH RIES • OL I. I.ti
.,.._, •• F,..._ Fr.ua 29'
~ ,,_ Froua ,.,
FfSH sncKs ···---·-•a&. '10
• lllaat. llaMI 45'
111mEAKS . ······-··1. OL
MJaultJ MaMI lamtHr
Dftak 2/25' UMEADI _ .... -.......
a.&. tu «It lted oa tanble Hnl9
' .
.... ..
iiii D BE~F
=~·49c 1-lla. S..lect Pkg.
1-Lb. c.110 2 #9c Roll
I • ••
'°' COflR•• 2nc PREAM I-OZ.Ml 7
• •••• 'fwllt
CCMM tAICI ••• 3f •
.... .J
~~~~~ ............. ._ . ............... c:-......
PKG. OF 200I I PKG. OF 400t 2For25C: 2For49C
Cuilif El.2UT. 22c
• • • . TOiEii ,.2 ~i: 35c
c,mpbell's Soup Sale
e IMf e Cteam of Mushroom e Onion e Cream of Chldcen e 1ou111on e Consomm•
• C2llcbn Gumbo • a.m Chowder
• Chlcbn Noodle • ..., Noodle
• Chicken • Veg • ..., • Scoldl Broth
Your CJIOlc:e In Any Ca ... Ntlonl
. .
Shining with sweet peach nectar -
. serve with cottage cheese or ice creem I
-.,, Prtce Includes
Deal on Package
Plump a · scoop of
rlcla. cl1lcl1us
AlliAnilrtcm le!• er.am In +he center! .
c I . I .
Delicatessen UOUORS
I I FIRST QUAUTY t FRANKS I I ::=::s=-,,..::;..-:-·-1 IALLMEAT • I I
I FRANKS . . 5 -·· $179 7-YI. OlD S1IAIGH1'. IOUllON 3 99 PiPt .SllRCH =: 21c: L_ ----------- --~~~ __ J = CHA-TER .OAl5th . ·
~i11En aE11s 2 ~ 29c ! Pi1iiNN~D ~~~ •2~9 ~ ~;.········r
. . .
STATZ REPUllbICAN <;entral Committee member, Mra. Robert Man1W1 of
thia city ncelv• not.tee of appolntntent from Bruce Sumner, Republican A.Jllem·
bty nomln,e from tbi 7ftb Dillrict, will attend the coming conveotioa at
1ac ......... to .•
Will Attend State ~
Republican Co~fab
Bruoe Sumner, Ropotl!Ucu "-mbly -In the
14th ~t, annouoced today that be llool ••jti'llll.rlliojQ
Mra Robert Marshall of N.,.port lleadl, Jin. Dow!
Cl!eney Md Lee lluenjaeg.r of Santa Alla to th• ft' .P.1111:• ~ State Oeatnl Committee.
Thi. Cl'Ollp Will travf!I to the , _.,._""1 ..,c.lo.s ol·R.publlc1n •m\loft ..,. ',U UM •19CW ...
1tate c.n•-• ,,..__ lll . noaalal.t .. a.ubHcaa c' ... ""°" ...... .....,...,m -an In tltrt ftatt:. ·-
S.C:ramento Aq, &. Oa S.turd.ly Mra. K.t.rabaJ.1 bu Ml'"#lld Oil
Bwnmer WW attend ~ RAlpubJl· the lltAW Jn.I u ~ OI.
ob State C-.nntloft la Sacra· th• touq: Jtepubllc.a.u ot ~ ;
menw. Th• dtl•r•t• to lh1 «in· nla and locally u 11epui.ue.a... ·:.;...
• Jll'ednet ebainnan ta u.. tW.l .~ .. whn blue delphintum .. Th• c1k1 Ol9trttt. .,..
WI.I CUl .by lht c room'11 •liter-Mrf.0 Cbeftey haa Mniad ia _._
'8-1aw, JiJra. Robert AndrewL nW1Mroua admlnlitn.Un and
Ttie bride .. cou.tna, Mra. Jam"
rntt ot Alhambrt.. Mra. Jait precinct oM«a tor \ha ~
1tou1 Of Bffkeley, lhe J.ti•AH County Republ.IC&Q Omtr&I Com•
9liubeth Mpe of SllJ'I Martno t0lltee and wu recftltl7 appoiAt..
In<! tAUU& ~Id ot Lo"' Beach. ed ch.airman et UI• Madquarter9
aullted in M:rvln1. lllu Lynne and edmlnl•tn.Uve . commltlff
McColloch ol Uin1 Beach wu tor lh• C 1 n t 1' & I OommlttM. -
Ill ('_h&rs• ol the (\Ifft book. HIMnJ&e11r wu reeenUy teaP'" -:
For the honeymoon at Ron -pointed treaaurer ot U.. Republ.. : ;
rlto Beach the new Mn. An· can County Central Oollunlt~• • •
drewe wore a pl'inee9a dre .. cf a po9'Uon he hu hdt Mnct \: •
blue eotton print with white 19a3. a
du•l•r llnd w hite acce•aorlu . -;:;;;:;;;:;;;::;.;===;;.;::;
lb• atlt11ded UCLA w~re 1he I"
wu llfftliated with Slrma Kap-
pa aororily, Her hu•b.llnd attend-
ad Oran1e Cout Colle1e.
On thetr return from Baja
CalUornla• the newly-wed• wHI
rellde ten1por1rUy In Corona del
. C'pholAterlal' • 1na,...,
~rty MTll
ZUO NwpL 1Mv4 .. Clo9ta .....
,, -i'HREE FOR YOUR MONEY," Aug. 8 and 7 pr:odactiop by Junior members
ot Lido hie Players, will" feature thla novel chorua t!!llett trio. Tii tlifte
m1.st.rea&e1 of ceremoniea will 'l.nnounce the tllree abort comediet, "Sweet~,.
AD:drews-McColloch Rites
Mu ;:1 : .
. . -
Solemnized at St. Andrews • ~-Chosta a la Mode" and "Progreasive Education," in which over 40 Lido younc ..
people are participatine:· under direction of Bill Fucik. , Left to r ight are; JOf,D It was on Saturday eventog. ln a atlting of all-white' San Oleao ueiaW hi.I bro~
Waggqner, Sue Showalter and Jane Enright. Diane Waggoner ia in charge ~ ndWera and candlelicbt at St Andttw'i Presbyterian u but man and Ulh.., ..,.
ti k I S all Pb " · RlchVd H&1Un(1 ot Loe Aal• -__ ,_._,_•_•_ .. _· --'~--o-'°-·--''-.,.--~----~-__________ r1 <;llureh, that Mial Nan KcColloch eubanpd .rinp and 1... John Latf•rty or TWen-
Tell 'About
Fund Fair
p'romitee with Ted D. Andrtw&, ~ Rev. Ja..o. Seth ty Nhle Palma and MlchMI !--------------------Stewart officiated at the ceremony whkh united the BmJUl et Bal~ i.tuu1, , •
H • R B O R da.uatskr of Mr and Kn. i.. ' For her daustiter'• auptiall "" ' leqth, nil and the bridaf')Miu. Kn. KcCOlloch wu IOWM4 ln
IU4 J'~ M~ tot er,tlU quet WU Of WlM of the 'fl.ll97, llm• ~n lln• with 1ae4I £nm.. •~ .-d lM .ori 9t .U, and II" A2TENDANT white linen aboM, bat a.ad puna,
Mn. Donetd J. A.ndrww. 'IHI Mrw. Job.ft !Aronartt Mucip ot ILnd a s:raen orchid coraap. Mn.
OOnt.IMnt.al ..... Cotta x.,.. SOUUl Pa·•· ""1111 u m•-Andrew. WO"' ..... blu. Hnot
• Priiifila~=r tr
TM Hide, Wlllo WU st"" m troa ot honor, .:..Ora a ~ hlu• with pMri. Md rhinMtone• at
ti'MPlnl by bw father, wu wdftt ptqutt print, tM .teallopad lh• 8COOp neckkn•. wblt. ~
11>Wfled In what. Clf'S&DfJI wtUl hem •ftd nerek lJned la dark blu• .-irle• and • rardala conaca. G
Mr•. John Dodit. 1J Rudder ruffle on rutn. *Vt ta billltrina to match Ule nower print. Hu OUMTS R.r.cEl\'l:D IN VAN'S IQWUN
Road, wa1 holtll!lll Frlda.y mom-MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, \Vomen's Editor len1th and 9QU&n •tckM bod:tc4I hudN.nd ud nc>M(ay were ot Th• recepUon wu bald at Ir-170S SUPERIOR AVE.
ln1 J uly 27, lo the Hunten ot trimmed with •Ua J"09attM. A. tilua dalphlnluma and whit• oar· \'in1 Cout Club wbara thl
. .
. . ...
" • !.---------------------J ullett. e&A, ~ le inatcll nauon.. brld•'• table wu laid with wtui. COSTA 1118.A. I.IBUTY S-S29% ==~~~~~~6-~Hl-~~H~~~~rn J •~~··~-~~~~:·:~~~~-:·:-:~~=-=~H=-=•~M=d~-;·~=-~-~·=-=~•:•:•~~=-~-~~·=~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~O fllt•ll. Each mqnber ot UM WEDNESDAY, AUGUST I, 1956 fl
Hunter• had be41n u ked lo 19------------------------·11 :~';.:.:";:,:::::."";..!·~DONNA GAYLE BALt SETS
;;:;:•,•h:,~·:.~.;.!!.:.:~ OCTOBER WEDDIN.G DATE
room to raiN l undl tor UM ...., • •
11.'1111 ot tM hoejjital. Jliin__,. -r APd >.1r1. Roy i:arr Ban, caru--r1s~.11''"l.Y• .. --u.--1 • of the H11n .eN 1roup Ulo a.naouadllS th1 enr11em1nt and ep~ .ntarrtaae-•t·
brou1ht ritll to be uMd for the
b ..
• l ,,_ r-•-· UMft 4M11"h"-", Donna G9ylt, ·'° J:verttt lleru;;y Carps era • T • .,.., .... ,I • • t.. .. ·-' JI',. 90D of Mr. 1Lnd Mre. ll:feratt H. C&rl"~ ot_~\U .•• ..-. AMl1Un1 MrS, Dod11 'wu. T
Mmta. Goor1e McL.aupHA, IJita.M.
Cbarle1 Ooodinl", J ack Cbnn ln1 · The brlde·elect wu 1radua.tlld Crom Glendale HJ«ll
ham, ThUMllon Jamtt, EYtn , --.on•-' .. 8 pf&l"Ut , H. B. Ban1n(t0n and School and Unlv1r1lly Of Ca.l.llornia at ~ • ......,.s.i.,. W re
W11Ua m T. Bauer. ahe wu vice preaident of Ult -enlor cla .. 1n 11~1. Iha w u
l peclal ,u..ui atteDdlnl weni a ~di.bu .i Kappa. Delta, Hiii' ft&De41 wu paduated trom.
Mma . Dould OOll"'ff, • preat-Ma ... ehueMMI ln.Utut. .r TfdlnOlosY~ '.
d41n_t ot t.bri A.01"'7: Ch&rl11 -.._ -id y hu MG..._ tW-Oct. 13. L&.ilb, £&ti' kwyar, Donald .... " • • a
Hwnmell, J-.-. ~rou1tt,l----.--------"""-,-':'"'--~--!I
Br1C-Oen. aDd • Kn. WllU&m So f Wi! _.... JI. p,U..., rrandparen.t. iar.
Bl&lrtlock of bn Clf.ll'IGl.le. Gen. Q Or COX~ Mr and Mra. Man-In Wilcox of
BlalteJock brou1bt tor th• eel• Mr. iLnd Mre . .Ed ward Wllcoa., • A. M1d Kr Md lrlr brl.U. Moth al lM talr, a _,... 1H W. Vkt«I& ~ COllta x ... On.n,e n. • ..
venlr tro7it. tM baltW'leldt .r an the proud pt.ntnta of • bab1 -Cati L. 'l'belnN cf 1"111• Av...,
OlrinawL boy bom al Ho.r Ho1plt&I J\llY both Colla MeM.
•• STARTS THURS., AU~.· 2 THRU AUG .. II . I •
Spolt\hlrts .
81tn 11 -!t
.1.11 te ....
. D•,.JM111 Our
h!'ecsln Taw.-
.,.. 9tc
' . , . Girts' DresHS
· Slimmer Plmyclotlies ~ ....... rff
LedieJ and · Girls i to i OFF •
{ ' ,
D~ue1 Reduced 35 .to 50°/o .t...r""t( ~ ..
Swii!>suih Mei*O'd Down i
. sw .. ten 2.99 and 4.99
a.e.k·T.&"-1 -1/l
Pf'dal Putllw,...._;,..
1/l to 1/2
. !\.,Off
Yordage · ~
Aft First 91111l!'l .. ._,-.
• AU
1111 • ~K August 2, l, & 4
TW• •-For The Oran«Je
FIRST WEEK-END'. & lladc Lido Days Banner In
EACH ·~ONTH.. The Windaws
b Vart.o. Ooetumel
........ NOW l"9
bl-...,.er _.,
• &UY U~ o~_; ..
• INC· UI -.NOW UI '
\\'era !.N -6.18
:N,:=fj-·~---·· ...... ~r ., ..... -.... '2"
COTl'ON POPLlN PAl'fft .............. .
Ddrothy Gray
S.loa Cold Cream
Dl"J' 8kla QNaeet
Her. IM~-1.1a -Rq" . ...,, Nff'Pll!J
~eg. 79c-Now 2Sc
BEACH BALLS or ' ts•' IQUARE 8WDI JUNO ~ . Moat~.. "!: •• J-,
O.r 11c:· .:..~ .... -....... WO'fll' ~.
Ta)•k>r Bud l'ubJoned
" . ' MOCC "
' Bnn•·• A \\' .. lt41 -·~ 1.J
"4'1. Ill.JS -NOW ....
Reduc~d for Cleerence
t Price
Bladr Wr.uclls llVll '
\'UW-au,_ •• , ma. for hde
la 8-b Dalt••'• Kellt .
'5k CllKI $1.00
I C-tert. l9 Lacctuer -.X
IVOtJ" A BIM'k or All Bladl l.aclilurr
TllSU°-OUT THE 8T0Jll:
Yarda,ce .ua._ Appanl
'l"""eta to Teen•
THl8 WEEK,. v-to '25-'8.96
O. E.
ai:o . ..,., ...
NOW $14.95
ChrfstlllGs l'r9Ylew
CAlifNON" ll08E. Rel[. II.II •• MOW ..
Kq.1.16·4.N •
""I"' IRlllTa ---·-······-----1/1 OW
OOWBW A PAlrr"TO:S 1/1 Palql
IUY'I. Rea"· t.N -II.ta ····-·· 1/1 Pit.JOE
o.-...... a..... ....
.. ~ .... 0.
'1/J-1/2 OFF
·~· MJ:&CllAJio'Dl.U
1/2 OFF
SEE OUR '5 .
la "I" 1-~ Nl--L.-
l:verf· 5t.ll ewt1 tWa r= '••
wtl be half .. 111 Pal
, ..
. ...
.. .
~· ..
• J • . ..
' . •
llto· 511°'5-fNtUNCE to i1Po 1si1
' .
• •
• . -.
' .
. ~ . . ·-~--·' --..-.
.. .. ::
JU!!.(, KURBARGER, for five ~ editor the
: Newpcri-a.lbo& Pre. (now the N1W1-Preu) pre-
: • 1enta to ita founder, William Maxwell, a copy of.
: her tint book, GhOllU of the Glory Trail. Mra.
; Murb&rpr hu achieved fame u an authority on Girls Club Membership
ni.n-, a n"* "Walt.ah"
year, the board la pl&nn1n• two Clarke down at 20ll Bluebird
CaayClli Drtve. I.quAa Beach. money-ra11tn1 project.I for th• wbo f.ni•ed at Hoq HCNSPlta1
Intimate -glimpses into the past encl
preaent of 275 Western 6ho1ttown1
by NELL MUllA18.EI
Rovin9 lte~er of the o.Mrt • hiatory ol. the Southwest, reaides tn. Coat.a Meea
• with her parent.I, Mr. and Mn. H. C. Lounsberry.
: -Staff Photo
near tuture. A rumm•1• Ml• July •. weichl• tn at a lk, 11
G th I 0 tst d• wu tentaUvely echeduled for oz. HU nam. Sa Walter V~rl\Oll row s U an 1ng AUf. SO and S1 anG a apapetU Clarke Jr., be la t1rwl cblld for
dinner for 90m1Ume tn :ate the Clal'b9 and wUl la the bOt
J -Staruni lhe lhlrd year of the by L. B. Rat wl!o a1jo donated a.pt.ember ol\ October. too cUataal futuN be m•Un1 Inquire •t your bookstore
Glrl11 Club of Ule Harbor Area. new tubes tor the tel•VlalOn ML Mn. swart.a announced ~t =--= d=be':,'b for "Wal· or ord•r direct from th• =-Former Editor boa11.l membe.-. met a.t. th• clu.boo Mra. .Ray tea.chee the cirla MW• anyone llavtnc donatlona for the -~-..,._______ publisher,
bo e Monday avmtn1 lo plaa tn1 on WednMday attemooa. rumm•I• aala may leaw them ALL EDUCATION ahould con·
:: t :: Authors Book for the comlnr year. Mn. J'or· AnUdp1ttnr t.h• ntceialt7 of at b•r home, 2tO JD. llth St. trtb\lta to moral and pbyfie&l DESERT MAGAZINE PRESS
reat Foaler wu unanl.lnouaJy mov11J1 th• Glrla Club from pre-Loc&Uon oC the aale wtu be ·~ and ire.oom. -M.ar7 P•fm Desert, C.fifomi•
electe<J to board m«mbcrahlp. Mnt qearters by the end of th• announced later. _____ ...:..::Ba=ker=._:Edd7:=;:_ _ _.._ ___ _..:.;~=================~:::!
Kra. Arlle Swart&. DrNly ln.etall.-
on Ghost .ff"'owns ld pruldent, prulded. It wu
announctd that 97 new club
menibt!.-.hlpa had 'been 1au*1
etnce July l . Mrs. Nell Murbarger R.,ceipl ot 1everal needed
donaUora tor the clubbOUle wu Adds to Achievements announced by Mra. Ne.lion Lund·
• wall. execuuve dt.r.ctor of th•
First book by Mn. Nell Murbar(er of Costa Mesa, club. An electric lron ud a •t
Ghost.a of the Glory Trail, ia off the press and today goes ol encyclop.dlu wu received
on a&le 1n book 1tore1. It wu 12 yeara aio that Mrl. from M?-ICveHlt L. lpeaard,
Murbarcer reaigned u editor of the Newport-Balboa: oUlce l'!cretary ot th• Coat•
"D-.-• . Meaa Chamber ot Commerce. Ula c ,._, preaently the Newa.-Preu, to go into the field ~f Coat.a Meaa Klwanle Club donA·
frMJanc:e wrtUnc and since tbat ca.mplnf baJde crumbling adobe tld a Lypewrtter, and lha pbono-
Ume, u "rovtnc nporter of the wait. and r&Jh&hackle buUdlnc•. craph and playt r wue repalred
Bout.bw•t." bu won national ah• vtaioned the drama Of Ult ----------1
• recop!Ucm and awardJI tor put. .. .. JU.ato&al artlclu Aa a reporter ahe aought to Uu tlon. Hi.h Society, & reYl.at
lpedJnr ab04.lt. three monlh1 learn lbe alorlea' or ttaoae towna of "th• PhlladeJphl& atory, t.b• it each year ln d ... rt a.ru1. and tlle people who lived In 1eene. Ne \•port, R. I. -end Wllh
Mra. MW'barl• ,... been eJ.sht tbtm, eearchln• pegt1 01 old ff mayor. acblduled ~ attend. ,..,.. oon.cu.q nlatel"lal ft'om Wftpel*' intmq reool'da ID Conv1nt1on t~ -J.tr.. Jean
ITI po.i i.wu f6 lftvad&. Utab eourt hOUllM &04 4\IMU.ln ker, pnal~ oC OtJUarnia
and CalJtomi& which ahe des-~ prospect.on ot their d~ IAaru• Secre Inc. and <1't"-wtth uo.ooo worda ancl cdd&nt.a. Ulllan '!mlach. MUon&l exec•
:tt photosnph&. Most or lh• rrom cop'°WI nolee ahe hal UY• M'J\f:&?· attllldlnJ UM
11S&tarfa.J la trom onfln&l IOUJ'C&a t to llte the aa.lnll and naUOC1al cOQveot OA of Ltfil
ud publJahld tor lbe first Ume. IUuwra, huoea and V11Jalnl ud 8ecnl&rtu over ~ at
DLUIA OP PAST •vtn Ult dOWM of 50 to 100 Lone lkaCh .•• Tbe OllarW
··1'lpn M-. y.Taqo nd hu pM:wrtill Ule Arya and Larry Karen.a. at a ••t Df the BU'bOr for ai thUi CluaJ bOOk of b\un u tJer HoLel confab, with and $~ left an U¥ w11r ... LDterut\ lhqrtly be n for t.be w ¥lt1, a tea at O~pu reportU' Pd eclltor the Newport Publlc Ulnry M HUU"f\Oll.ahei'atoa HAltel, P ... fl" bepn t.boet trtpe wlMre, a 11n copy. actena: Mn. :Jttr)' John.loo (Eva Lee)
= Splicing the
-ct.lrmaru1tnc a publJc card pan1
IS)' W. 8.
· Splicinr, apart from "the mainbrace'' angle, meana
~'to unite by interweaving" and there!ore we are no"
1pUcing two inchet of type which have been the just t"Oo
lODf bit of th1a column for lo theae many weclca~ eo that
~turda1" meana "Some 8al· 1 l :ao, TV Channel 11, when Cole
'1rfal." I Port.er la honored with a drama-
: If.in• -Johnny Wellmull~.
fNalua Laine and wtte Nan
,,..,, kaT It.arr and Harold ""tll Jr. ca.no> dtnlnr at Dal·
..... • • • And lt .... latu.rd&y
dltlat that t.b• Tod Jobbon.a
~ hCl9t to J.be Bob Daltooa
&M rrtAk Ca.rltona at Balbo&
Jlll7 CIUt.. It wu a birthday
~Uoa tor 41.uplttl ~dy
J~ (16) and Shella D&Jton
~t), wtlb two tiac ~ for
~ l'athen apent evenlns
..... wttb 41.upt.1'9.
AUJ. 10 at ta Ana Maaonlc
Temple and ln t.be .am. place.
a pubUc b ut. I a. m.. lwa·
: A.II JOOd new1.-per men come
a.t11 tn t.btt 1Ummer. L&tt week,
0.. lam Portar fU\J.lJ', lam
..... flt Uld .... Tb.la ....
~ 8nck O&lu tamU1. Bttcll M
.. out .. ,...... W1Dd. ...
ct• CIOUJ4 mUI' blm. Rtaded .... e ,
for a d1uer with Jila.Ma anc1 IT Pa.. ~ cueata ot th• MUfJINS ••••• 4 •
• <ah TA 11 at KCAllea., ,._... back ..... 4 .. llcJ
1tt ~ (wMa attdl bad •
th• •wn.-. u tbeJ rejorW .;.~.::..:..11...i; ~t-ti. 11••.lly on their ani .. I 11oma). Swwuan ,..,,.,., ~
Jlced1Ar out of Lowa -Kn. conn CAkl ..... .. ~ Robert T&~ Pd Ml Gait-Uc tlJ
dallil'tar, Xrti. a.rt J, ~ t/_-_ ....t-V..-. • ~ c~ CNI&>, -~ lleN WR UC nampS to...wrotr, .alli.DI Aue 4 trvm
New Tork • 1A Ubert•, · the a.u11111·<•rfU ••~•
..,._ lhlp oe wNch Mr,. n11w OORUNA DEL MA.a f n~ from Dlrope IMt ,...., .. (.)Mitt &•J·
•. ~will ~aft trln41 lll J'l'uce .t.OOaD'll IA UN.& BUC..'8 !· Md llol&Ull pt "j 1>:1alJ J'rt•cb ... ~
:• tu ud to9r ........ llr. Ta1kw llA,L,80.t. ISIAJfD
: JoJ .. UMm 1" ""'•1tfr. 1tO 11a1tM A-.;
! 'l'lle Oeert'1 B aacl tbttr 5&"'f'U&'I UACJll
'• • tftitii ddNreft hav• btfll tour-110 O.Ut llw)'.
'inatllt ~ Ropped at -.:;!~~;;;:~:;;;~:!!~~~;;;,;;::;~~==:;;;;==~~ ,. J~ Pu1l ~ oa Lac a.u. p
~ta tM IMalf If U. <>er•sa
Jt--.-:AH .......... Mm ,.._.. Mr ... Ilia. hrc Jtq·
~ ('W18mir, o.tarto. nd
lwr ~ .... Ml'. _. Kn. WU·
Uaaa loYMr "' lelea; <>rep.; ,,.. ...... ,. aauua, Um•
..... .. bauMl\Mlllb of » .......
)I"-l'r.d loJMI', 40I tot.la It.
ucl lilr. &Dd MrL Alf~ Jo7f*
No Fo~tt New Grau Shack
on la/boa I sloncJ
ol IUta AM. fte t-. -.tw llAWADA.Jf A10P
-....... ot tM WW.. -IUU.'\ ..... , ... I~
Aluminum COokware
Mn. c.dc..-R. wu ,.,,._... Plenty Fr.. Perking in De 6r•nd c.MI u.r -lffWJICt t.otl&l't at .. __ ............. _______ ..;...;;;.;:o.. _ _. ____ ....., ___ ..... ~ ~------,,;..A-;.......~~~~~
... -
E""S M-AA 41• UUI c..-o-a. ..,
FROZEN PEAS wou•==M ...
IAYONIAISE ...... llllA---FLEET BISCUIT MIX scomssuE Toi• ,..,. ....
I a Wif'I •Mn ..,,.
#911 --fU,9 ..,,. MINTS
llYW.T,_ .... ::.
Wtl -::-
·:.--2tC -::-33•
T' 2=29'
--~ 3ftlllt IRL&Sfil -~
....... ....
.... s·
, .......
._ ...... .,~,,.., .... _...... ........................ ,. ......... ..., ,.... .................................. ...
............... -. ................ !I .. .
.......,.., Jlf aPluo .. ......,.:......, • ..._.,...
. • . . . .. •
• -·
11 ..
l !
.. , I
' ..
I 1
fA&E a·. PAAT I -NEWl'O~ T HAllOll NFNs.l'llESS
WIDtlfS"AY, AU&U$T I, ,,..
, __ .;_.;,.~:"'!l:!!~:'"'-iT-- -.. - -la IHL •II mr:la:A _. ._ ;.._11 ~~!!'-. .......... ... ... -....... _, ...
... 7 ..... ~ ... --t.&.L.1.-•
.... .. ~a. .... ; u.. --•'-. ~ "'"'-____ -......... -f',.,,._)J,L __ .... _,,_,
• •7 CI-. ...... • Al_,, IL.,_..., W&A:.., -Ml W..... 'l'hlt ...j:; ...... ........ ...... Ill._ ......... ..:I ot~._.UCIJOb91f.al ........ .......... ,
.............. ,... •• [Jt• fMll. or.cu; ~ .............. ....., _,,.... .
.. ........ t-' ' Mn. ...... ,,..m .... Of .... --De Yid.Ila ol a :
•nnt1 flllt..Jm'' ........ Dldil.UtdM,.,~ ~ ............... : a... _. " IM DllM• of ...._ ol .......... 1W&&. --. t'WO psi.rs Of ~ ia:·
~--lat.tmMt ... -I.a Ht.nor ..... ud • c&Dtwe., .. ~ ..... & lit.&. fO C If st -1•1Mt1tilt .,...a. U at MW"t'• .. .. WWW ti... • ... RMl ~ Pv11;, Orillrllb. Jl4M, poHcie. :
,... QIN 'ftpt.oa, 1'"1:1 I 19 ll9btld, M wW AMt and twe -. 'n c Md •
.... ,_ fll ..._ Oleta 011111119 at le ~ ..... i1i1M1 ,... ~ llOth II. on.ta »:-; _. • :
a-• t '1t wu _, ••I .... ...,. daqbter, MA .a.-I~ oltr, llllE YOU , MOIEY . " 0 • Colt& X...· .... lbi ~· ~ \It..._ at Ip.-. JI... . dhll.; t.wo i.:&n. ,..._ aao ~
.................... kllite ~-.1-.__ N y Thomu, tw ........ ,.,., C*'ll WOii YOU to ..... ~ ..,. "' o1 ,.,..._ .i uuaY a • • RMai: ucs ... ...,. w...,.t:a. fOI · .. ~.
,._ tut~ • ia OMla au ot Mtn..-ta.. •·· ,._ Stock Report ...., _.,. ..... _,,,. ,., "
-..... ,. r t•c .1"....,_ ntlbt -.t ..,. •'dolli: at' It. : : • ... ,_, ... ""'°" ... Md Ja.daam <>tt Ir ~ wtlh
,...... ., ,._ 11. JIWW 1'oaK "'°°". ftOCK ..,.._ llW ol' t st_, ._-.
0 llr1a a.rt ,...._. RllPOftT-BJ'M°'*"d IAltbold. r... •t. I a. on. wtUL tM Rn.
ltobart au.. ...... Publ&e ........ llunmW 0.. n.o.as. 1. " .. oftldadq'.
..Dtf'todtt Mcie K.,-.r'r motion DOW~NU A.YDAGU lnl•nnt.al wUt M In Holy
fw a MW trs1L S.JKl)ctlN ~. B<a )lor-
Meyw coot4'Dded tbe j G r 1 It ~ ---011.17 llP .H tuary ot Costa )I,_ la~eti&fp
sMuid not bsve ~Nd t.be to Rsllil ,. __ 171.U . Up ·"7 of. &n"SAIUl•tA.
ell.:\ o1 a nts --.no1 AM 11 uwtu.a ··---11~ up .N
M.1d the fa.ct. ,,,to. mipt M J .. & V..._ UM.Ml
ertc:llbie fOI' ~e tn 9n'U )'H.ra AJurtcab lmelUrw _ .. _ ... _ M""
abould not M.V. beetL uMd to Americ-.a ,-.lephone -.-.. --114 ~
\Ql1uence Uul Juey" Anaconda ..................... -.... -•.• 711'
'1'he •tuatloa 19 Yfdowl to Cbryalff ... --~· .. ···-·-·-.. ·--t3
Tipton", cried the lMJbUc d*t'eOd-Du.POt!t,,.-............ -............ _ .. ua ~
er, "H• la bftns 11"11 t.ba 4-UI 0..n.J.'Electrlc ·--·--· .. ---6"~
unlence becaUM he 141 •llrlble Genera.I Noto,..,. .. _, .......... : '7'4
tor parole la · M'ien yesra." Gl.m.bfl Bt'OI ......... _ ............... 27"
Meyer ·•dded. "There wa• def· Or.•t. Northnn R.R. __ .. _ "" 1.4
tb!te ev:ldee• ot tntoxic•tlon No. Amerlc-.n.AvlaUon __ 1114
and the fury should hav• been N. Y. Central ...... ~ ............ -... 311\
J Uked to conaldtt Ud.... May Co .... -.............. --....... fl 'Ji
-~ splmt. t.ba motion, Monter.1 Oil ... ___ , 81
Dlatrlct Attome1 'Rollert Knee-atnclalr OU ...... _ .. _·-.. -: ...... 11%
J&n4 Mid, "U lit• lmpri9GlllMDt 8o. Cal mdllODl .... __ ... ,_ ....... P 'Ai
Kn. Eather Nton. 1121 Fld·
enl A ... ., o.la )( .... died hi·
day, Jul7 J7, at J p. m. of a
heart. •ttack. lh• waa UM wife
Of Theodor• C. hit.on. well
known sdv•rUalnl inan of New
Yor~ Ctty, who wu wttb the
Hean:t newapaper and Thia
Week Mapalna tor 12 yeara.
Mr. J\llton. now mtr.d la th•
author of Lh• Florid& noYel "Bun·
abine lt&mp.de" and at.o of lht
aUN on lb., sdverlhllnl' p.rne.
a novel "They Couldn't lay No."
YOUf money Is champinf tt the
bit to 10 to work. But, it's up to
YOll to put it to ''bi1 pty'' emptoy-
m1nt for yuu,
Why bl satisfied wlth I%-
2 % or 3%. Put your money
whert It enjoys bi1 4% earnlnp
(peyab/e quirterty) with inmed
. . .. •'• -.. .. •:
. .
. .
7 •
. •
·' " .•
•• • doQn't mean ut• lm,prilonme.n.t •~ 01.1 of catlt ....... , 61'4
1n C&llfomi&. UM Jury ou(ht to Ao. PacWc. ........... _ ......... _ 60114
Sh• wa• a naUv• of Penn111I·
vanls and bad II ffd here Ulm
1ean. In t.lwl .tat. tor JO yea.n.
Bffldff her huaband ahe 19 Mil'·
v:lved by three dilldr.n, ni..odon
C. Jr~ Alb9rt A. a"" Mn. JO&n .,.._ ....
Anet whit could be more ld-
v1nUa:toU1 than to han it work
buildi• MW homts, remodelinc
e1istiftc ones or to tlelp 1ood folks
buy tJomts kl the fastest 1rowi111
section of Southern Cllifomit.
Open In ICCOUl'lt today-by
m1~ or In ptrson, Funds deposJ·
ted by the 10th ,, the -tll
earn from tht t st.
"\ ·:
know iL I lhlllk the jury imaat Tru.aamertc.. --··--·· .. ·--11%
be conipletely flllil'bta.n.ed slM1 Ullioa. OU ol. CalU. -·-·-11
educat.s oa tbe coueq~ of SUICIDE Vl<JTDI -Corooer and Deputy ahertff'1 men check body of Joeeph a aentel¥:9." Annilal ,I uau Set
bf Elb A.., 25
Pr1.•ate aentcea were held Sun·
day at 1 p. m. In Bait.& Coeta
M-Chapel. with Interment tn
W~l.ut4-r Kemori&1 Park.
.... ' Vigil ~ of ro .. -J~-Grove who repo rtedly shot a.nd killed his daughter, ~ ::;.~~ytnc the mouon. J\ldp
• ;Jll', ~ • ~ Aid, "l don't ... how Thlt'a 11t1etfy 'fl'hlt )'Otlt money
does at Newport Balboa Slvina:s .
Pea,lt lo Iii parts ol the world
111 biinc their idle funds «it of
the dolchms -llnd transferrina
t~e m from "tow p1y'' to bl(
ea r1l1111.
~z1ppo· 28, and then took his own llte with the same gun at the heel of man at 1ett. ~ can QP9Ct an taww.-t llnd
Kneeling over the body ii Deputy Coroner Roger Burnham. -OCNS Photo etilgbt.entd JIUJ ot !2 ptt90M e1 .. ,.,.. u.•,.. FREE
when you optft with, Of ldcl to IA
.-int It -$2!0. Ori! ,..
"Zippo" to a custnmer. MURDER . to ,.,_.. Jud&'WMnt wttbout st•" Grua aldrta. H&wal&U ahJ.lU,
ban.qued meat anid drum)' i..
lalld muate wt1I Ml tM -. tar u... .a.D.DuaJ Luau Aue. ta ol. u..
N-poc:e. Harbor au at t.b4i
-..W,enJ aerriCM for Mra.
Juanita r. DtJt.on, ae, or lal
W-. Wllaoa It., Coata Meaa.
wtU be bald J'riday st. J :IO p. m.
st Parku -Ridley llortuarJ
Chapel with the Rev. Joeeph W.
Mc&..n•. put.or ot Costa M' ....
Com.munltf Kethodllt Church,
(,.M f (Nm hp ) )
munlUon lor hi.I n:.olver. R•·
' ' aon for l'WNdlftl' the weapon,
however, eould not lM deter-
There .. .,.. .no wltnusea to
elth•r .thootJas. depuUa atated.
Nt\1.'porl Buch mermaid Und& Pre•lOD caplUNcl lhe
hlCh point troph y In the Junior Women'• Cbamplon.hlp
at La Habra over the "'"kend. Miu Pre11t.on collecUd 24
point.a agaln11t runner-up Annie McReynolcle' 19.
although a hunt 11 beln,s ~
ducted at th. pre11ent Ume.
l fra. VlJ:ll wu overcom• tiy
hy1ter1a rouowtns th• d•tM
a nd could not be queal(pntd.
Thi' N1N1porl Beach mW nprt11enls th• Hunlh1~n
Beach g..,,1n1 Club while rlvel wa1 from l'ala490a AthltUe
drputlea ••kl
On her way to victory, Undi:i 1pla1hed out i'ft9t plaett
Jn the 100 and 2!KI rr.Mtyi. event.a, lleCOftds In tlle JOO
butUrlly lLJ\d 200 Individual medley and ancl'.IOred the
• relay to first placf'. Lut yu.r, Unda took all .eeonda.
Ttu• weekend, MIM f'NMnon le t:nlPred ln the Junior
OlymplC'll at Sa.nla Monica.
co-u.uN ,,.... Pap l ) IWGAL SEARCH RULE tM hi• -m~lty "tlYitlu, H• , _____________ ,
I• • ta.mu-.. per.on •t Newport I -
Harbor Ktwant. rneettn.p. ... J d Free Dickensons :.~ ... ~~:.'.7 ::: ~.~o::::.~ u ge s
sovemor In 1963. ~. =..:: ... .::.;::;.~ of Narcotics Rap Monday
tuia• Ol::Mmty CommWIJt7 Ch•l SANTA ANA (OCNSJ -An
pra:hS.nt ID 1~. H• waa &llo 0 le rreett of ~rm&ll Of the hlehway com-ran&:e coup were
mitt" Gil lbs AMOClated Cham-narootl.o:t dlat'l'H J.fonda,y attn
hers or Commerc• or or-.ns• Santa AM-Orange M: u n t c I pa 1
C')Unty tor three fe&n. p,... Court Judge Jioward Cameron
dtltt of the BMboa lmprovemut rui.tt the duo were the YkUma
~Uon 1, ltGl and th• ot Illegal aeatch and Mlzwoe by
lritwport Harbor Ctwnber ot Orange and Sa'nta Ana ·Polle£
Oommew. In •boul 1941. Harold Eurena Dlt!keftAOn. 20,
(0eatil 1• t,... Pq• I}
MBTO. ~Illa la Takaroo. .. "' .....
and 1ti.. JS.year-old wife, Oeorsio
LH Dlcken90n, had been ll ITC'•t •
ed on chsrre• of poueuhm of
heroin tn their orance home.
The coople wen picked up
a.tl•r they wen ldenUfllkt by a
sroup ot youtha u M.llfon or
huoln.. Ttw ·fOUth.,. tneludlng-ene .AtiGut-400 bolt. la a.JI an •· juve~. bad ~n picked up on ~ to oompetA tn tbe ft• 8&n1.a Ana al.t9eU. allqedly un-
ptt&r .ui.,. It the WJHl dar tbt 1at1ueoce ol narcoti<:a. ,.adlllAf 11\f'aftt ...,.,. bekl la. Wlltle D. Dw'bln, 18, of Sant.a
IOUtbam cantorala. An&. plea.died pllty to nan:ollca
WbUe pn.atlly a -1lln1 addlcUOb Jul week and wu .._.t. Jndli1ted lot ~ will M aentenc.d to 90 11.ays Ln the
hlld fVr UM poww Grl.li9ffL 'n.. e>ra.nse Oomlty Jail.
ot the cbarfe• on Ula (l'OUl'lda
that llWgeal .earcb. metboda had
been u8C!d by poll~.
Jud&e Cameron agreed thf
couple'• home had been Invaded
Wit.bout a March warra.nt and
wtthout due procaa ot law.
'United Fund Gets
New Headquarters
A naw c:ampalp boM44uartera ror the Newport BMck United
F'undi i. bietng •tahli.hed In Ula
orrtcee ot 'Lb• Newport Harbor
Chamber of Conunuce, 1800 W,
Cout Hl1hway, N.wport Bea.ch,
aoc:ordlJ\s to l:dwhod Mllum..
campaip cbs.irmaa..
Th• aftf ... MJactld by th•
boud of dirtelo1'9 t.fter ncel•-1n,. UM1 lnv:lt&Uon of the cbam-
bal' of COlllllMrQ. Prttioualy
campalp actlYfUa WW• c:arrt.S
on In Lbe otnc. ot On1.D w.
Wri1ht Jr.. 211 M.arln• ....
Beca.UM of tta mor. central )o.
caUon and tha ••silablllty CJ(
mora puklns 1pae•, th• new
locaUon wa. cho.en.
The United Fund, formerly the
Newport H & r b or Comm1,1nlty
Che•t. haa lfchedii.led Ila $6T.OIH
drive for October.
J.nib&pl. T'ropbJ ta 11._ nch Ml"L Dlckeuon -who la ex-
,..... to UM boat Wlt.b UM beat pecting a baby llhortly -WU
JOc on UM ~ to UM Raptta. re-...S on 11000 bond l&at
• ,.... er01Ml'9 from Ban weelr.. wt&U. her hu.band wu
Dl.,o wW m..t. bOata from Los bel4 In ~ County Jail.
.An&"elu ind Nawport Hal'bor11 The youtha were al'H8led ln
ott Dana, Pbtnt J'riday for • Santa Ana while parked at the
3 p. in. ftrUsh at the bel1 olt Orance-B&nta Ana h" 11 p o r t.
tM .. traftce to Nftport Harbor. Lat.er UI• ra1d on the Dickenaon
Tha ioeal )'&dlto wtU at.art -I.heir hom•' netted 29 U.P!Ule• ot hero-rae. at Buntlqton U.Ch Pier In and UU'ff narcotlca tnjecUon I------------
and m .. l lho 8an .,,..,, ... ,. outtlto. Th• =Pl• wu book .. WORSE AHEAD tor a Joint tlnLah.. on· charge11 ot Ale. pouenk>n and
oa ~ ...... 8unda)' they addlcUon to narcoUca. .
wtU bt alMln&' tor a DOOa ti.Diab iudp ca:mtron ruled on the (Oonlln• tron hp JI
at the ..._ Phir owr a eouna Uon or defelUll .attom•y• couple or bricka In the tank to
trwn UM Balboe. Nil lo Anaheim ~ WUll&ma and M • r le 11 ra1-the water ~I thereb7 re-laftdtfts Md ~ tor th• Donald-Tbompaoa, who muaht dl.m-.1 qutrln&" )Na walv to tut the
-\toJIPll-Dr. a B . a.-. l&llk. and bend the float down·
BYC. II tn Gbsrre-ward aci tank 11top1 fUHns at -D-.-.. ,TH-N_O_TI_C_E_1Negligence in • ~~ .. ~';.." .. ~"~ ........
~ ment ao It WIH leu water, Mpe------icrash Char•ed """' '" _,,,,.,,. ............ HA.UT 87, l)Cl'lt.IO'll It meta. 1'ura oft autotnaUc
ON..-ck funeral Mnlcea wUJ urinal fh.iahlnJ' devi<:ft In planla SANTA ANA. (0CN81 -and fiuah manually lnale&d.
'o. Mid l'rkrt.)' at. 2:10 P. m. In Loa.mqa tot&lllnr moN than Manually althn oft awlmJD.tftl'
Ban O.brl•I C.O•ler)'. llmea •T0.000 have bffn aak•d ln a poola lnatead or uatq the auto-
Road, San O.b1'19l, tor Han:r 8. ma.Uc rutmnr dn!OM. Contrae--·~·• 14 o< -, M '"' 1uperior Court dam•r• ... 11t re--...--. , • • om ton a.ad bulldera can uae -.Jt ~ RM4. 'WM eted lut •ulunr from a. traffic amuhup watar for tome conat.rucuon pur·
l'lJ1'1t at llOf.S iw.pltal otter Ul Lapna. Beach. ~ Mich u tNDCb OoodlDI'.
h u:t.ended Uln.... Pl&inwta .,. John W. Cooper &belt.on W'Jed bomeownen to
A """-" Nald«lt -vt llOU:Lb ail "Jem.---i......,.OOOper, h~d bave paUence with bomeov.raus ~ Jlr, o.t.rlck had ,...._ and '!Vire, -Qd their daufhtar wilb new lawn1 #Nth require
od ...... for fciW ,,..,.... He .U Val@ria G. Ooopet-, 2. Thay specl&I watertns. It la not tbe
IWIMrtJ' Y'°1 )tnAiOent or u.. named Marl9 L. Trnino -ot La· df.Y"a o..lrf. M .S4, for naw J~Pad.nc Co., Loi An.Jtkin: pna Bescb. u detendanL and upenalve landaca.~ to bt
-4lnd.G!r .~a.net. Aeeot'dl.fts to th9 eornp&alrit. mt lNlcau. ot llMMleq'ua.te _..
lteel OD.. •-IMr ol Utt SU.•• Robert O. 'l"rnino, lbe mtaor t..rkts ....... u.... .. ... Mol;tatld l"oeM -ot the defmdu.t. ..... opel"-• •
and .C "'-. .,...... 'l(uontc •line a C&l' wlltch collided With
J..odp. on• dri..a h1 Jameis a. Clem
R• .. IW"t1T9d hf Ma wile, on March 17. lei, on eo...t ~ A.: a -. WarT'l!I r. a1pwa7 at Paliliadea Road.
Md a~ AJa.n F. lilelrtck. Pl&tftt1ffa Wt!N pa..engtl'9 wttlli ~ and Cmnalnp Mor-Qnn. N~tli&'mc. 111 chal'l'Jd l~ o/ ra.d~ 121 l.n. cb8l"(f! ap.IDl'l the defendant bJ the
ot 'a.rrar.1trMnta. pla1'1tttra.
I '
• •
Newport Y..tet,
y~ ..... lt 9TOIUI:
1\'o Olva ar..tbl .....
O.C.. rNM NMt ftw
nwro&T· a.a.m .. ---------
IJ\I' Ur.em all t.ba ,_..btltU.. ln u.e QM,'"
~·· dubrooma. · M.mbln Uld su-ta wfll be
~ b&z'Mcued l'IN. ham &nd
pork from T to 10 p. m. Sit on
t.11• noor tt JOU Wl11L
, payt cfitridHd1 ev.ry 3 months • , . . , , /() :!.i.
'"nlfti WU a p&rUculariJ dread-
tuJ crime," aaJd t.ba Judp. "It
la about U bontbH a Crime u
ont ll plnc to ftDd, ncept per-
h&pa when fO\Zlll' cbUdren 11.te
lnftHffld. U there la to b9 a
dKth pnatly. W. la t.bt clualc
cue where It abould have Men
lev:l*1 ••. "
'npton la to be taken to 8aJl
Quentin where ba will await •n
Prfu• WW M awarded for the
Met };lawaltu ooaume. IUld Tld
Trae.1'• •"uam·•t.ci ordleatra
will fl.lnilsh i8snce mualC from
1 p. ra. unUJ r a. m.
Mr9. Dalton died Tuuday
momlns ln Bt. JOMph Ho.pttal
aft.er an ut.nded lllnu&. 8b111
wu a natlv• of Pralrl.Vtlle,
f'. A. PoltMr, Pre~ 40/
"' 211 J11R in UWPllT RICI, CAUJ. '''"""' i1•1 VIA LIDO • TILIPHONI HAllOI 4200
C oron• del Mor Office• 2'07 foil Coo1t ff i9ltwoy
Flo or • Rich.,d'•
Lido Market • Au9• 2-3-4
SAND SETS --...... 5~ ...... tor ... ,.. ... Pt:.. .__. fl1hlM--u-.... lie ..a-
~~~:: __ ,~
CAPS & HATS • ~~::50%'
PATIO FUii. .. -....... 50%· _....... o-
...... t.n.H ... Ol zaw _ ;
Summer • • •
·::;· ........ ·50o/c ............ 0 -·-Ktw ........ _
' 111 Cream Scoops --.. -5~ -,._
JceO..-~ -.
---N•·4~ ....... ,,, .....
• • in Home and Gift Shop •
Wiiie Tliey Lost
IATTAN l'KTS ASS'T TOYS 7 . ........ -... -~ ~ Dheolitlallllts ... u.,.. .......... -... %
:::..: .!:.:. 50% ...... ,.UHee! 50 ....a..,.. ·0 ........... 0 ..t.N..,dh1ss ... ,N.., a.e.ntec..
24" IAl-1-QUE ' TV, H'SS CARTS
................ t;ne. ......... -. 50% ..... -...... ,95 -ot T,V 0 ... Jt.N H .. • l'MI _ ........... Tl'a.1lt .. -te.
&r .......... _ OUta. IMuN-tet
1-1 ASH TIAYI WHALE l'GAIN --·-w .......... ~ ..,...,. ,... ,.. ......... ......... C9ta ....... r:.o -...... · .. -& deftr sift.
8pedal ..._ N.w lier~ ....... -
,----:;;;; ~· kl'J!l lllVES --
SALAD IOWLS WALL SllELVU .......... _w -:"':' '1".:-; .. 50o/c ...... ---w ---................... -.Atrrrr11tiw...a..
-----0 ......aec.1• ....... ........ ,......,_I w .. _a1 s •-N-11/lM '
• .• •' •
.. ·:
•' • '
. • • • • .
' • • • .
' '·
' > '
........... ·--~-·-··
• Ecrly $tock ~9'1
lnHu~ Ga
In tht. cue, H•rolO Caldwell made It home from thl"1 on
a IQUM.le attempt, but to no avaU, Tb. ball went fOUl..
Thla acuoA Ott'Ul-Md In ui. Glant.earOlnal Major ~
fray at 0.t.a " ... Park recull7. -Dkk KMbkr Pboto
• •
~tice ~ the 1.956 football ae-at
orange Cout Collego in Coeta Mesa wW •tar\ •
Sept. 3, the eoac ee anno today. '
Unckr ~ COnf~ rules practice can
at.&rt any Ume after ¥ l ·
Phylileal\ will lie Jiven to proopecllv. candl·
dat .. TbllOday azMlFrlaay,.Aua. ao and 31.
The Pirate. open the JleU(IJl three weeU
later on Friclq nlrn; Sept. 21, againat Glendale
at the new Or&nge COut ~act;,wn.
Can't Drink ·it. But Can
Still Soak ilJ the Stuff
,\1.mott a tlw>\i-.od wat..r lo.-Decau.e ot the I~ e!l-
t • 1 have llped up tor Ult two rollaent tor 4utnactioa.al swlm.-5,...sou of the Lam to 8wtm rnbtf', the recre&tklnal IWlm.mtnr
I roSram at ~ OClut OOt. bo\lf'I b&ve Ma wt '° ftolD 2
]Pp , Mid Bever'))' ~ U4 to 5 1>.m. dally DO from I Lm.
J .,. KroU, iulrltqtori, to noon· and l JO II p,DL on. .. t.
~~~~~~~~~~~·l\UdaY~ ;
Ht N The pool la being' u9t'd by 4M Name nes ew "' 600 "'"'=·~ "'"" '""' hundred and .even people have Commissioner In reri.ured m the tir•l -ion
ewfm in.tradloa and * In the
'1Jt.LllRTO:", (OC'NSJ -I Y>hlch geta unt.ltn1·ay ID eu Junior LeCJIOn 9eCOlld .... °""
'l'llrnll\I In a fanta.tlc, yrt We<'k· Joee Satur<l&y. There are 18i non awlntmer1
IY coma-from-bf'h1n!I er ro rt In !he tou~·· o~na satur-F'ULLERTON. tOCNSi -Re-who wlll le.unlO fto&l On Tu,•!r
,..__ ,111.•· rt1orrun1. An.i11e1Jn handed , , ntly appointed a• the new fU"th rront and back. Be<iNler• nWll·
..,.....b Don Beqi:e1 • AJ\ll~1u1 j Oi!t&rW U• 11.nl aelba~ ol UM I aree. Junior .A.Jn<trkaa ~
P oet 12 Junior Amf'rtcan T..ot"lon .\<"II.I 2.Q. Bob S· h•il& "11' the '•·•·-"-'I ,_.,,-·-"---• -u C••· btt !4'T who can altt11dy f1011!
.. "-11 --• '" "h I .......... "" ,......,....,._ .. and vd10 will learn lO crawl M'un I.earn 1aplu.1~ ... e ri.. v.1ntu.r. Ji:l\"ln.g up six hill!. fan-,1,.-Cro•e'o Eddle H'--• •-t tl>I s ,._ " """'-•lroke, jump and dt\'e lnlo the _..,., ourney •· • iin ..... y. . n1ng-t wo 11nd \lulk1nr ju11t l\\'O Horn 111 Atl11.nt11, Ga., HUle• deep pool.
Comp«1.nr in th•• lll("{'Onfl an-!;atur!.lay aftrrnoon. San Dleco 1 ha• be•·n ,. rellldcnt Jn Garden &xty-eig}lt IJltl!nl)edlat.e swuu-
11u1l three-l:f1n1 l~n11n11n1~nl he,ll .unit.> fi·orq belUnd with B. fift· GIO\"e •in<..e J IM~. Ourin&: the men1 will t1pe1ld Unie worlling 011 1.n Fullerton. lh1· ~1'•U1er Colony run Uflrlllng ln \lie S<'Yenth pllst two year•. he h•• llC'rved u the CfllWI it~. ba(:k.troke
Dine pulll!'ct out 11 11 \ht' 1111rpr1~s r111n1c to ckfl'i!.l On tanu. ~-3. uo·•""' ,· .. 0->y J,,-,0, Ao••"-.. ,. u " " " •lde11troke, and brea•troke. for an enllre .tl:lbun 1n Anu:n~·· '1'lJ!£l lo~ knocketJ then1 vut or c.a Le-rioo baMball cotllDl1alMln-More ••J19n.nc.d a&'Udent
P•rk llUftday afttmoon, In ~P"" lh~ totn'ftey". er. sWimmert Include· 17 who ""'lil
turtnl" the i.:•own. Anll00n1 now Sunda> n1orn1n, An .. hehn 1 -~" ~•k '""' r J-loci 11uc:~• ~ I o work on cnduni.nce 1 ft er adv&nct's to thf' •lnte toilrn<'Y· (!a&ht'!I \\'Ith O<ul Diegv and Anahetrn. He 11 to accompany •trenfthi:.-aing lhe1r ba11lc atrWc.:~
Uie 111e11. ~ '-•-mp ona P <-l"&m. t."> junior ll!e •v.,.. Who 11re
Ji. 8t.a.dluR 11'
H.amn,t.oll A.l,IC. RJf 'kao-tnr ICaN al 2:30 p.m.. tlllle
"""~·l':'O:. -"' -~-WW be the ~ tune
tace fl1.~ r, U1e Ntur.. Any
tu ~ ~ beCON tba
.-v•nt ltarl.1 tor the 1JUm ot pa.
"na9 main •vent will be 30·1&pa.
More than 50 entrie1 Will be on
band to put op tll• ahow.
Proceedi frona thl• •J*l•t Tue
card will "' UllfCl ta the promo-
tion or .1\lnior Amerie&l). z..epon
butball, an evat wortl:y o!
your 1upport. Tbe admluton ta
the 1MU11e u that ot the j&lople1
which ruo ev..,. Baturdlly mpt
at tlle •tadiwn. Parktzi& Lt free.
Plenty or co_..,.tuW Will be oa
1 he ground.I.
Swimmer Cut
awtmmu We.Sey Raaen,
.1l90 Patlr: Ave., OOllta Meaa. cut
h1I loot pai,nfulJy Sunday noon
.,.,-ben he NppM un aome 1tau
Ill ht walked out or the water
Qlll.to the bM.c.b at the Ora.i:ise
County Dock. He wu lruted at
Hot.g Hoepll•I.
l3rd 6 N..-port Blvd.
lQ,. the Shearson, Hammill
"Priv•t• Wire"
KABC-0:30 P.M .
Da.ily Mon. thru Fri.
~tarket Quotations
Financial News
Business Commentary
pre.e.nted by
.... ·on 6-.\ John Haker ""u I.he .. _ 1 hi •
111·11U1er. r1\ln1 up four ruu, .ui.ahe1111 to lhe 11t.ate tourney, 12·yelU"8 or older, and 12 .enlur
.._,ven h!\11. fanning le\'l'n &nd wh ich "<l$ underw•y In Slln I.lie 111.vent who are 1e or older.
111alk1ng n.ne. J()Jle. Aug. 4. Tbue ..,., &Jao 32 adult& In
Tbui ~1Utf ii~ ~
1lf'ternbon. Sin DI~ Jum
ovk Bob BW'lll, scoring C.
ruu ott ot th·e h1:~ In the lint .......
'Mle bordfor nlnc addo.•J a p1fr
of run.1 Jn thl!' fourth 11mlng. to
t&lU! a t:Of\\Di&ndJrlg 8-2 lead.
Xe\·e1 duNn. but n•1ly uot,
Berger'11 boya got up oil Uw d&a-
J]'lond. """ went t.o "'fork. n.t
'll•orH'' \,.1~1~,\1eclf.r~•~••""'"'*"'
f'"~"fAI 5t«4 •Ml ,_,_oJ,11 L".MI"
3J31 v ... Lido Har. 4~
Newport Beach
150 Laps
T,e Serv• Yn•
• MONM'f-H, YMffn$,
JU OceM Av ..
601 11. B C."'"" h•I
PHONE HY.einth t.1195 '
w HY.a.tt. Z.1194
hitve ~d lo do. •o 'JU"Y t.._
tht~ ye.al
I Anabeun &ol a run ln the filth
11n.1 11nothl'r In the 111:..:tll m&klng
I ll ~-1. J;<itni: tnlo the e1gh1h. in-
ning. UCsp1lP a do•ble 11111.7,
AnRne1n1 roLl«:t:lfd "two hi\.e, but
1nu1t.> lrnpv1tant. scored five bll
run.~. ,
K<")' blow "''" a double le
rill"hl by J ol\n Bakeri llCOtln(
br."O'".nna. Bill £Ma. *rt totlow·
~ 11.Jth a. 1111ncie to ~er, .cor-lfll lhl' lying and go-Cliead run..
Ba.Ck Into contention In
~ Ana~l'll f'1:1.1'71er prep
~a I k ~ l 111 a11 lol,ln1nment,
ColM:h Btlcit Bun'• IUchard'•
M.11.rket flv• Lll.k.el on SIUlt.a
Ana at It pm. ton1Ktrt \ft -
WUl•"I ~·' HI'" ' .... Ancr dt6p')llc a 'Cfdk 1(.f.ine
te ANM'llelt'4n..<Jflnt. :PW.I~,'
of the tounM)', U"' .Newport•
trs rf!turned I to r wlnninl"
.... ·ayW Mond-.y with a 39-16
triumph over La H1bra.
,,.. Jlftlil bad • talln
to.1n, b1ott.,Ne .... ·port Mod BM.>a
talent. and thal jlllt 11bout
summed up the frll.,)". Rich.·
ant 1 chu"ged Into • 18·3 Adult Softball lead tn tl\.r flr11l quarter and
·1 mnoz ru"· 11l 8:30 p . n1. on we.re never headM. H11.lf·
Horale E:n~1gn dlamonil. Hl!'l1pot tlml tally tavonod lhl!' locall
facea: ClaV&i. Ul N....-ptlrt S-C0 M•I.
Reqwt1on o.pUun.tt .ottball . 3.rry l(emJl('r. ~ ~ action under ''alOW" pU.dl" wtMtrl N'"'POrti dropped °'\'W
~.. lone l'MIM of tlll!' •uoa lD
In , .. nlell latt week. UI• mu-tAeti touney openl'T, dunktd
Llon11 a nd Junior Q ambu di&.-In I point.a MDnday. othitt'
mon·l 11qt.tad• buUt u p b!c" rit .corer. for U. Bl!'an ~
ll!'•J•. only tu ate tile rtvai., ..nre Eddie Pope 8. Bob YU·
Cla.Val aod lil!'llpot, come from 'iagr.na 9. John Le.,.,irl 2,
t.eh1nd lo bag the conteiit Cl•· Tom Hou1ton 2. Kon Pal·
V11J deft-;1 ~ Elk1-Uon1 11-9 ind \aftrr1 l , Gary Gn-en 8.
l.J e\Lpot took care of the Ju.nLor l------------Ch111nbc:r lG-8.
Expect More Than 150 Boats
Long Beach · on August 12 • ID
... QPI Ol'IJ>t,'tl
, 1iaJaln cloth ~.
1'/lght \\'<>hnM!n
-~llllthj~•t po 'ici
Boa protection p~ltrol
li0tgta ., l\<Jllbllt
alarm .. fi·lcio .
-Klmbe~f 2-7027
For Le•" :\luntt1t)' Kai~
, Addrl!'~1'1 Inquiry lo Hom! Olnc.
llO ~ MMn SI,
, ... ta ..... Calll.
19 37.:.it CNo Fords>
SUN.,. ~UG. 5
American Legiol\
Stadium --
Huntington; 89C1C~
2:39 f.M.
Admllal .. SL!IS PAJlll' nu'
'"I Blltrll ·'-1 LECTA ICA LL Y
Electrical Contrac:ton
110 Rlienlde Ave. Llbuty S-!2'6
°°" of the sr-t..t ..-Sbo&l
l'tfall.U of U.1 UfJf ~ WW
l&k• place:-ll Lon( ~·dl Ma.riM
St&dlurn on Aus; 12 W'bif'n more
tlla.n lbO rBccn crank up thelr
moton and lliklm ovtr the ftle'nl
al ~ qtec1' for the
benefit or the Catholic Youth Or-
bo&rd Uaoc!e.tloai cAampiWWllpa 1 ~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=""""""""""""0: to be blW beN 111. kptember, 1:
lt \\111 be the \\'eslft"n Div\·
.ional Ch11mpionahlp. an out·
~ rt'fatl• In llldf, but In
1ddltlon. under American Po\o•cr
Boal ASMX1a Uon rulu. the fir1l
three p\11Pc-' in e11ch cta11 .... ·111
qualify ror the N1t10Dal Out-
Ji.~ to Conunodon Jtiek 0...W..nM, u many a.a 16 bmUI
wtll t&ld pa.rt In E"leh r&el!'.
Ctaft are dpected to entl!'r ftom
11 ,..... ltatff. Hawall ud
wclltcm Canada.
Intel"Hl wUl <:9ll•r around U\f!
F·hydro, r ·run&bout. C-rac1ng
h y d r o and B·hydro cluee1,
which offer the fut•l and tn09l
1~ula.r neea.
The roe.ring put-pul1 .,.;11
chum up ttMI 1urtace al 11~
l!'Xc:ffdlflC 7?1 m.p.h.
ue Seth St.. New,..t ---AP
am. W\19 rot the 6.ttinp.
bardwar. ud ~~you
Med for )'OUI' bolt , •• but
•V41n tirett.r, -W tot n....
hard to Ind itlllM ricbt W.
lft town for you. Owdr in 9000
aQd ~ u.p oa m.t JOUnelf.
* * * *
•• •
Racing champions of the 19~
for 19:>6 honors during the Southe
1atta tbu1 wrekend at Newport Ha
Hoel club for thi1 33rd annual
R.ace Comnultee Chairman Willi
large boat, small boat and dinghy
More th&n fOO boat& are expected ' I
Making hla third def en.e of th
.., ~nner m the Rhode. fleet durin
NHYC, in hla yellow-bu.lied Witc
Diero he edged out H. F. Beardsltt,
lo rtt&ln ownenhip of the .larJe t.ro
Eoriibt can expect competitidb~ John Pearcy in Whim, NHYC; J o
li.rul in Jc.pblne VII, NHYC . and
BYC, who will ~ taking tune out f
man of the Reptta to race dunni t
l&K. WBl'l'S ~ YSLU>W • ~r:.li-:z ~ s37'° nallAOE ... J:ARUNG.1 "'. w wWa • ~ ,...... .... ... w .... 1
••• , Gift .. .. a.c.a.r sntM ---··· .. ~OW &esWllM .... ---;--·NOW ' ........... --·---·--~"OW
14 ll WHITE er YELLOW s22r ~1~:: M s45Js ?\"EC&IACE • lllt.ACEU:r • EAa•moa s2•
~ wit.la 11 l>' .. •dr -~. tt. • .urt.-~ Wat. ._.tut Gift BoH
ft4cular f&TIM --··-···· . .. ;sow ...... "1M -·-·-·-··--·-NOW a.pm ...... --·-··-·----·-·-·-NOW
AUOltecl co1on 50'' L&DIEr .,, •arr& ft nu.ow ·s43'°
HaftVV 10K Gold...._. /,! • ,, ... °" < ..... --·1 ""'P. ,._.., ........... NOW
11..f'C. aft ULVDWAU ssr
tia I a Preel a..& ,.,_ ...,.._ .,.... --s ow
DTLt. BJ:.t.VY 50'' L&J>u:a• 171. WBl'di•-! nu.ow s45JS rAllOOI IUD ~4·
:.:,_: llTGI. /0 Mat '>s =xv 'rr.... M'1111 ,
Te Olileeee ,.._ ·--.. ·--...... -.... -Oft' .. ., fTl.11 lfOW· ...... .., ... --··--· .. -· NOW
LU>O:W ... OlllLDUN'a
l.Alllr.r 11 I . YELLOW ~
.-XoW6.7· ,".' ;;; ___ ,. ..... 58625
__ ,. ______ _
r ... ~··._· , • i
... .t. .I. -... A. .... 2J
SGHICI ''25° speJdel
Watch Bands
40cro ...
Re9. $6.95
Elecl1 lc Rmor
Alligator Grain
Plastic Case
Reg. $2.95
· J8c
Picture Preview of
Racing championa of the 19M SCY A Regatta will be out fighting
for 1956 honora during the Southern Califonua Yachting Aaaociat1on Re-
ptta tb11 weekend at Newport Harbor.
HOit club for thia 33rd annual SCY A Regatta ia Balboa Yacht Club.
~ce Committee Chairman William Campbell expect.a 35 cluaea in the
J.arse 00.t, amall boat and dinghy divlaions to compete for top honors.
More than 4-00 ~ta are expected to compete.
MakJng bi.a thJrd defenme of the Bob Allen Perpetual Trophy for the
,..,inner in the Rhodea fleet durinr SCY A will be Stratford En~ht,
NHYC, in hla yellow-bulled Witch. During the 1965 Regatta at ~
Diego he edged out H. F . Beardslee, NHYC, in Sea Bee by only one point
to retain owntr'Jhtp of the larJe trophy for another year, , \
EDrifbt can expect competiticil not only from Bearda)ee, but from
John Pearcy in Whim, NHYC ; John Kewell tn Ftrtfly, BYC; Bob Col-
lins in Joeepbine VU, NHYC. and Convene Wu.rdemann in Midahip,
BYC, wbo will ~ taking time out from bis act.avitif"S u general cl-·1 ...
man of the Reptta to race dunnc the three daya of competition.
1956 SCY A Regatta
Competition la alwa.ya keen in t.hoee 22 ft. raclnr roachinea, the
Stara, and Malin Burnham, SDYC, ia expected to have a hard fight in
hia Chatterbox to retain the No. 1 apot be earned lut year. Don Edler
in hia brand new Star DK'N, Bill Ficker, Dick Hahn, and Art Mitchell
will be out fighting for honol"I.
Thia annual summer n.ctnr event la alwaya the high point of the
year'• n.cing eeaaon and the tu.ale thia year at Newport Harbor ia ex-pec:ted to attract the largest anreption of yacht.amen ever uaembled
m Southern Caltfornia..
Fred Lyona' PCC No. 6, Kitten,~ Howard Lt.W9C:lll'1 No. 1', Dlune,
pictured in Andy Gram photo, lower left, are expected to be in contention
•tor the champiooahip ot their clul dwinf the reptta.
................ 1y .. 111iflh .......... 11 ..... : tho_.,. ....... .Jilor ·~ porllo/• ... ·"~·· .. ....,, ............. "'"Aw.I
• •
A , 8d II Being TOiied ;
To F.ager, Waiting Hands
-·-... -·~01 ... ll ....... ...,.. •• ..u, •• ..,.. ..... ,.,
cadl ....... o1 ........ ,,. ..... ~i
lllo -· hl'pt .. la --... to loo ....., -. J'Oll. """ 11 ., .........
h&a4 ID llud bl --ol io.tq llu'I tul -eh_.,,..._ ... ~_ ... _
Jotwa ._. f .. ''Olup C..ty c-o11 r. -..i <
Opj,omudty• IDcl tho llWluflCturw la lllo ---
of "-'ll•Uoe.
Owtwlblw ol>joet of the pmo lo to -a
_. -opot wbere N-an lhMll"I dlttlealty
la olthlr -u., or purchulDr proporty II "wlllle --· ' Tllat tho OOCI)() bu -.,...-by tho
l'ellowllllp al -lll1tlon lo I fr.et wlaidl llu -
kept ..a hlddon by lhe poop, Modod by a Gonla
Grove •In...,., ln Jta lnt.ulvt outreach tw ...,.. -pUlldty. -r.r -_!, cou!der \hat ftnt -·llltloa
opaker -llolad u w-Rllol, "b-..S ..,....
llOlllaU... of lht Loo Anlelwl Cowl!,)' Coundl ... Com·
mwllty Jlel&tl-" AD tm~ve • --41nc tltlw
wlalelt .., tho llU'f ... ml(bt won bl an oftlclll ,_,
cf L. A. Cowity ,.,..,,,_t. No -u... of lht,fut
that W\loOR ~ lo tho N"'° ,..._i ~ of
the l'e!IO'IJOIUp at ~ll&UOil, a poup dedicated le
tndoctrtuUnr 10Ulh of tho cov.Dtry wllh padllsm, and .
tied In wllh a dom1 olhtr Wt boat ...--
8-d pro-orpnilatlon --WU W. KJ111r
Borl>our, ..._ ncloalli -of lht NatloMl
Urbf.!l 1-, -at lllo -bor ,..,... of lllo
Scottlboro Def-~ citod II I CommWllwt
fn>at by: 1) Bpecl&I Oommlttoo on Un • Amarlcan
Act!vitlow, Jleports, Ju. a, 1a, p. 12 and IW<h 29,
19", p. in: 2) Olllfonla Committee ... Ua•
Amerieu Aethltlow, llapon,,lNa, p. M; 1Dc1 ll A
"United boat -lllo pit?-ti lllo Oommunllt
Party.• (M••cb-8-Ooiulltteo on Ull·
-AotMts., •• , ... im. .. 211.)
Note t.bat Mlt'• 11 U.. • ,._. ""' an.-·-fol' a ....... • I ... ~-~·:. rt: CIOI Won
tta ~ ,,,.. s nh• t<> ,,01.. <bl puhUo
wu 1'ftlod wU \hat at 1-U at Onlll< A"'
auiiitlaa Chureh, Santa Alla. At that time It WU
ropdlted that Rn.. had ttllphoned blo conrratuto-
ua..."l.Ac.lottor -road Barbour, augeotlq
~· Oranre ~Councll for Equal Oppcr-tuitty -In operation, ~ht It not be more effec-
tive If It joined an already.....,..i.eci croup with more
than 1-1 llandlal! S-Od meotiar wu ab.led tor
u AWFla Clloqoali, lhlnl for a J'ullertoa t:burd>.
1'111& • fllr dial ti-..~ wJto an auppoaod
ID ...,,, lllo t'I 6hp al ~ Co dlnctly aialaot
Bia --ed . .,..... ...... ea-.. tho thtnp that an 0...-a"~ o., ~ Iha l&wa or the country
.. ~,... ... .,. .• ~ ............... to
...... _,. -JIWl'll7! ~ th-of such leaden
. II...,. =r· 11a ........ Alloa A. Hunter, E.
II ?IFf 1-. B1btoM llWWir, Kirby Pqe, John
Nooll ..,... * JllllliaJ Loiter, all or wbom an er
... zrr'11a fll tM J'O~ and 10 mentioned
.. 1'e ll"WU SO. -.w:. ll'nata lnvOltlptb>J Com·
W rw flla ;t d1tllC the laWI ot w. sreat
lurl ftldl -fo•rfed Oii --Iha l'OR adv~ -..... .an.~ -other ....,.i.at1ons ll l!M ~ tho CommlltN OD AIMrlcantlli!
.. P 1 JM Mr lho ""''"""1 o.-A,.-Oonacrip-U. .. OlirU' ..... Kl•loa, ...... ot.borL
(..., 1' ... fw .... -A lllotA>ry ol tho l'tllow·
-., ., ,s --1914-111114). •
Uri --tho N1tlonal ll:ucuu .. Commlt!N
M ... lrOll haft to MY for the l'OR and paacof
la "Tllo P-111..-t 1Dc1 United l'n>nll"
(19) ~ •• ' . Putldpetloa In 'UDtted l'ronto'
.. -~ to .. clarl)' to Involve people In
1 I 7"1 IW Communllt party to carry out ltl
.... • • .,..,_ tJuourb th ... 'frimto' to ltre"llh·
• -ud ID pin 1 foot.bold !or ltl total p-
.. Urll -.,. and tJuourbout tho world."
.... -pbllMr ~ It ... saldf
Uri wbat -Commualwa tlllral< of Pad!lsmf
. . •
• .,...,..,u..01 ......... ..
-1-far .. ,,,,,,." SlllFF° ' .... .-
... -la -.ca. It '11111 a mzs ....... ~ ...... ,, ......... ....
., Alls.1 ..... iL?laJs•.Ctzl ... ., ..
..,,.,. 1n .-WI lllt -a a u 1, ..
Ila H'W. It • "'Whllw. lllll'l:N8 W Olarl Ni b· ~II No,1'10 • TOLDA'IWD DC 811• Jll·
Ill,!' <;>LTriiiGa. •.. la Drt ou llf ar tlll ~
WW.: dicl&tonblp h la -· -..,.'. ''(lonseq-llJ, h la llOl ......... lw ...
find over 1000 national pa-"!!" t 'tr11i11J Iba
United Stateo. without a .... -.. 6o lotlot
Uatoo. It Is not stranp -to flM ?11at -ef
Ua..e pacifiat movement. le tll!I U.... ltetlM an
bound up Into united t.-*'--- -oatlonals with headquart.w abl""4 ~ _ ...,
,_... their iaoplratloa ud ..,b ~" • .:. i"
(l'ourteenth Report, ......... ---
on EduC&tioq).
And thu0.""' our ch poopla, la alifMMI rat
hllbmlnded lponnce, ... wllla ...
"dedicated pew". o1. C••tJ Cl er
for Equal Opportunity, • • I 7 T
Uon and ita lai.t spawu, tM •i1ds11 C t "'*•
Africa, andl tho. National Ui1oaa Ls .... • a.I
Liberties Union, th• Reli,;lwa ... LUw ~ 'sll•
ad Infinitum, all. In • • •• w lit ..
downfall of the United ataa. et •s 1 I
Our Illegal ~rch Laws
Also Protect The Guilty
Something Is Indeed wronc with th• narcoUc
lan ot this aatlon when lta Concrea can be 1.tttept ..
lDI to draw up legistatkm to give the death penalty
to known narcotlct puahera, andfother Ian covvtns
tllqsl ...... b and selsura permit m-of bown
pusherw. Oraare Couaty dei..Uv• an today abak·
lq their heads and wonderlnf bow they cu.conrict
puaberw who are selltnr their warea to• ~-•P•••
lnsldtou.tly 1&unch1nr their -· f' rotoctad dUpM
on the road to utter desr-d&Uoa. V a • · \
Our llardtforldnr olflcerw b°.!'"leNly ~ their
handa and tell ua, "U we have to ~at the door
for permiaalon to enter a oanotl~ tuap1Ct11 be&d--
quartar. while thty wasb tie stllfr down the drslA,
what ii the use of our effortaT Yet ii we enter wttli-
out permission and catch them with lhe cOodi; thef"
are meued."
The judge who releue9 known nan:oUcs puahera
UDdeJ' the IUeral M&rCh law is doinf oo more than
~dut,y In carrylDa out tJio l&wa ht lo r1-tc' work
wtlli. The lawa an mado by tho l ..... turo slwoted
to np<-t the people. It Is o~ up ID die
people to do .....thtnr •bout l&ws whleb, la -
tactlas tho -~ an also protactlas tho· pllty.
The l&w of Wepl MUeb should be ISl ~ wba
rullt la pl'llYOll for crlmlaal · aetlvltlwl aplut tho·
baslth and w.lfll'S of tho peopi..
Undtr ths ~ lhe j1'dp -blw
dut,y; Wt Iha polloe sllo do their duty bl ........,
clowa a aupply of 11&R01ics. Yet th-""° M4,u.
narcotlwl .,.. qulokly mado rn. to ~lhar aaothC'
aupj>lY, to coctlnuo their Ulipl operatlolll. •
Wlthoat lhe oppoltlullt7 6> rrurpfloa -plllh·
en at .tho ~la oo otur n1 our pollcs
ott1oe .. can perform their duty. •-nw. .oano a
puiiben In the couaty," -.. tell UL ''Tbo7
lmow UI all. '!'bey _.,jbls In lll1Jas to """""'4n.
Ws an oldor men 1Dc1 -lmpaliOll&ta a bQyV
In-· tab tho~ In tho aet of ..wa, lhelr ...,.... . , . ,. . . .
Tb.00 .b&rdworJdas olfJceJo add: "U tho psopls
want th-. Iowa which pal'lntt puohtrw to cocttn ..
peddlin1 odrup to OW' clllldna, -. II llOt •lleh wa
ean do. Bllt wo btllwft tbe affect at ti.a laws an
unkDown to tho pnusl pollllc and will -y bl
cbanpl If the people ... I.air? -tho.alt ..........
Tb1 N ..... r... Is taWas tho people. lt'1 up
to th• peoplo to toll the Jlactod 1a .... ..u.n. •
I --tM w 1M a ,-. I'll -•loc to lldi
e'9 ......... 1 euat•ld wWll mcrh1., ..... --4 •-11111 .. nlllol ,_at 111o Nowpwt-TMllt
CIU I ttr ..... ID llilllt at lllo -Illa&
-~ .. _....,.. --i.w. -.,.._, ......... ... --u. ........................ ---... f'6inaWt. tu. ..._ tMI.: tnc I taU. to pt.-.. ...,..
.. ,_.,. • •mt-"' um to tM .......
~..,. B te II 111 tie~ TMlt. ea.. fll UM...,. 111.tt:llW
• yMM .......... ,. ....... toe, x-,.,....
4 '"W.U. St 11' 10 It tltll to NatCb. tM C\t1S Md UM6r flt'9 .__.a........... ...... WI ..... U.., tMrMli 11P
., WAlfta L. MPMJU.
1111111 fNa lllatl 0.1 • s 11 I
"But r. ........... \Mt a. Amil¥ ~ to nt w ...
.. ,_ ti It ....... .laiw.teC ia ,.U. Motu. " U.. tot., ......,.
lM ftM *II ti fk)ltJac. 4lld UM prt trM« too11: ..., wtlUe
It ti a *1ll.,. lM "°1 tn.d eftd ._. OI
"It it. ~ u4 .. do baM dAd t. tM b9ltot 11i011. ,..thUt...
that akWM ....... \ Of )'aCbt,.. Jun _. dn.Wbt.ck to tM
en." · w~ w.a. ,.._. ..,..nm .. t
..,,.. U.S.., ... --of OW' "°"" tM lpOMDr' ...,.. ....
,acllt dubtl an ,.ttJnc u. too whU. UM kldil ~ to IM
...., ,........ wtU. rwwi., Mata. NI' ........ •t7 ., .... ud
1'IM7 WoQs. bi.&t tMy d't a .uft1d•nt n\U'l'lW of ...... 111119
yatllL 'l"M1'd rather p .ftlbln1." ~--• ....,,.. ...... , U., -
'"Th.,. a. that ~m. 7"o • don'I bad the prioe o( a c&lP'
'To',--., It'• Uk• people i. ol-,...U.e. n.l1' lpOOIOl' Md
IOqtlla to a CIO'UlU, thl'-But to foot tM •qiae jwet bWl
~ tM)' ~ t.hq .,_,t VAlftAO& POIN'Tt
tnt..ntted Ja pHSac. tMJ'd nth-From ftt1 .,...t.aa-polo\ aM&rd
u '9 ~J'll t.nd ro,. Md WllltM Olbeolll't «tklal patrol
..-aaci ti.n. IO ... 6'p u.., Mat. l mun a4mtt U.. Jltt ........ -to ... _.,. .......... , ..... _
... u. Jdm .. u.. la ttt. .... •· ..... ., ,.. .... ---
.. ill .......... ,.. *"' ..... ~ P1aWlpt .... ..... 1;~:=~==~3~~~!~~=~~!~::1-a.-... u... .... -........... ~-i. f!leelfl ltCWt'mfto. <U.P.) -1ta111 tnua• aw .. aart_.roptq .,.. '"8dAa1 u..ir c•~d'11 .. ,. ·-........ ~ --~ Cl (~ J ) 11 ... ,,.lll'E' "-.. __. -& MW ID-• pa... or • ......... ..,.__.. • ._, 92 --.--Ulle Ulla ......_ GI th. Poor wlapd _.,., I WU ,....,.t,
; :)11:•• • ..... tta1•111 otl "1 'UIW•• of OoY. Man'• Y-.cbt Qu'1 Mt aoled. th• 1q the Pw> 11 .. ·, Yt.CM aub.
01 ·--L &'cM ftnl 1* a ,...t tMrt. Atttr ell,.· tM NBYC a.ad •YC
-... .. .._ ... II ~~--·~ .._ ~ ..... ,_, U-0 WOU ud LITO ... aD ... -_.. ~ i •¥ !.---. -~ .,_ .,.-. ...--n•1 a1wQ1 .ac. i. rua •mto out ta f\lU fQroe ..-.,, not tll•
lllWI...... • ..... -l:M& Ille .... ~ a l\l7 eo _.... ...... t tM t.nt NllPllYC? Wt JU)' aot M"
el. ..... • 0 2 f' .. ... ... 1~ A .. UIM ,__ .... ot wcc1t M't ... be j'w9t CIM't the .-t pcbta, bU:t w. p t
0•111• .... 4tps rt MO .._., ..... te .., llt, t 11 Wp ta1kiaf t..llht ttr-.Q no.it UM klllptt nam ..
"-ti tM .... LcllPIW"' NOi UMkl .. IOV'I _. ,_.. tbt ..... ~ luc~ a 1'11 la I WU dolal a anat Job UMIN:, 'nle..,,.. ~ '9111'" Illa ~......... ome..»-_..._ et~~ m.,.pbane In Mad. ~
wtdl whttl lht. ~ttee btad a 2, n.&t be Md a ,-port Beacb Pollot Depllrtment. othu type craft to '"be~ tor
bearlq' lo a.Ir tarller clAlma IOO P9r.nal loan from. a 8ac· What Don la uclt\'d about It the thort.llne, lhc anowblrdt tr.
mads by John-lb.at, lh• ao•er-ram.nto bank. which did bualnMt hi• police advttonhlp po9t for comlnr!" It wq real nice, Ju•t
nor Proml... tavor•bl• treat-with tb9 ttat. lhn1u1b hit offlc•, local youth C.r Ctubt. 1uch •• •taJJdln& t.Mre, out ln th• cool
men&. to c•rt&ln J;&J\kt It thq whkb .. .,,, had --~ npaW. th• KooHn and Timers.' H• bU'bor, roddnr to and fro, fro
would contri'llilUtt to hit 1964 Burkett ....n.~ UM M.n.ll had thlnlul therw are Wlllmlttd Pf»• and to. Wbtn 1uddtnly the
rubem&torll.I camp&lp. r-tdu<:ed th• 1o&n to $1 and aUll albllltlet tor th• community, and wlna:1 of the mowblrd.I •t.art\'d
Johntoll failed to put I.ft an •P-carried It on ltt booka. the naUon. thrOu:(h proper ch&n· tumlnr a peculiar rreenl•h llnfe. ,_f'&Me al tile hM.rtq, ~ J. Thlit JohfttOll. u pr"Mldtnt 11ell111 ot U.. man1 and 'f&ri«I At lhlt polnl, I tdt a conawnln1
ln( U1Met. "'-it Kn!Pt ma.de aa ot U.. Kirkpatrick MtnlrlC 00.. talmtt of tb-. YOUllllW'L And dlitlr• to alt down and then, to
wiu..J ptnOnal ap,...,..nct Mo a Ne•ada corporation. obtained tor a dub wtth the mech&nlcal i...n. O'ler th1 atde.
tor• tAa ilrwl&altert to ay: lf not• tot.t.lln1 about $30,000 conlrivance1 ilk• myaf:lt, any-I recall aeeln1 an anchONd
.. I .,.... under an1 cir-from f'r&naameria Col'p. duriftJ Mdy wtlo caa do U.. ~ln11 craft in p ... n,, lalttltd De&d·
cu.mttaftce9 •"r bad any dlK~ a 10.yar period tl&l'Unl ln lHJ. u. ... younplert do wtlla moton Un&. l tboucht It pK1lltar al
II• -.ttll any bmu.n M.ins abcMat Hane of the not.-. Mt been ,... aad much la vUJ1na oa U.. the Ume. lJnl.lln• a reUnd
)laGlq ~~ of ttate rnone1 paid, Burkett d&lmed. aheer rrnit.Y catepry. newspapermaa ba'ftllf a boat. I
ift a,., Mak iA Uwi 1861 c.m• Tnnaunerica, durlnr UM pe r"-You take tl'llt experiment tried only lmoW UllL When J ff.Un,
pU.cn or at any othv lime or iOd th9 notu of illerccD1 nn ln L.oe Antal• Cowt1J" lut I.lee-l will rt1naln a member 1n &:ood
pae., stttn to the mlafnl' com11U1o Yo"· Ju1t to thow otf what thue ttandlna wit.b th• NHPM'YC.
I '"Sftr)' ehar&t OW tnuurer Mid a controWnJ' Ultar .. t in It~ eoWd do and att1:mpt to Why do you think thlt editor
hM .a.de l ddy eatapr1ce.ll)', Bull: ot Amerlc:L TM Bank ot 'et r!d of that •itot rodde~ hat a porlllola f
unpbaucau, t.nd cOtnpk\ely and JJnarSO&. oil"• ot U.. .,,..Iii'• '9.rr-
1 dany th•r• It Ol\I iota of truth ut banl(a, .i.o lilltae d•,-
ln anj ot them." • tor mllllbnt of doll•l't ot ttate>
When Knl1ht retired from the mone1 which. wu, d:l1ptllllld
Wltneat •land. on• ol hit .up-thl'OUP Joh~t drfiot.
port.en In tha 8ttta ~mblJ, The •red trl!uurer, hu tie.n
Cu"r W. Wdnbtrpr IR·Btn mlaalnc from lllt ottlca and home
1 •Sa·cramento Sidelight
J'rancleco) leveled new charJe. .inc• JuM 2l •t when he nnt SACR.AlQ:NTO, (CNS) -One of Uie more '¥1cioua
at O!• 76-yMr-old t~rer, who. leveled hi, charre• at the coyer· th ,_ l De OC ti onvernm.ent la the growing tend-
wtth J~ ,.,.,.. In ottlqo, rank1 •• nor. Ht made no Immediate rea.. 0 m ra c eo-
thc dun of Ca.llfomla'1 con1lltU· tt.ternent about the Burkett t•lt. ency Of bureaucracy to adminiater law "by interpretation."
liont.i officer.. But Burkett admlll.ed that ht Under thi• mbterture. tha which pl"OYldu that no "opera·
Welnberyrr told the commltteoc had conternd wtth Governor b!JrH.ucntt can and do clrcum· tor'•" UcenM ahtU bt lawed to
he had Information "~ Kni.,tat MfON bl dwnped hlt a· YMt tba wW ol lll• J*'PI• of aay ,. .... wwJer the &c• of 11
documert.i" w h I ch contain ,..,_.,. Wonmlloft In th• la,. Callloml• u upl'MMd UlrOU1b y..,.., aeept tann boy• or reli-
"crave chtrr•• reflec:U111 '!:" tale of file ll,UlaUv. commltte.. u.. law adOpted by Ulalr el.ctad dent. ol rural aNU.
conduct of lh• treuurer aM h1' MW.. a vetenn ot 14 yean n1u·••ntaUv-. and 11 a clUaen Th• • d•partmait of motor
relaUonlhlp with M>DM O! lhe ot tervte. I" th• IAltal&tw. and doM nof. happen to .,.... wltl'I nhlclM. hOwwer, .. lntarpntt"
banU and oraanl&tUone he dMla ~t pro tempon ot th• tM tu -.ipportad oMcta1 ol a.uon 26T u M1pel'Md.ln1 Ste·
wtth. n 8-natao, protn'-t a U'loroufh &lid ~t.. he la mwely told Uoa IU. and NMt that detplta
The ~mblymaa ~ 9PffCly ln..USallon ot tht ntw to "Jtil youtHll u attom•T" What Ute law ..,,.. It WW not
photottaUc coplM of ...,.. IO charre• .,...m.t JohnlOft. t.nd talc• th• matter to c:ourL latut tutnacuon parmJtt unW
documentt whkh he aa&d he rot Ht Atd th• tornmlttff"• own Thu&. a dlct&tonhlp worM Ula appUc:&nt ft 11~ yean of
from 8upertnlendant ot a&ilk8 •1-tt. prillctpall1 IAJi,tiMSft Ulan QDmmuni..m or rut.Lim It ap.
Wllll&m A. BurketL llurl&•tt. a Auditor A. Alan Po« ead i..,t.. ptntna ,,hMdWay 11\ a cowatry MUOll •Jt he la .,tacked up In
former Treuury .,.., who "tt" eo\a,...a ft.afph N. IOepa. where the wW ot lh• ,..,,M la Ulla "tt.lerpnt.aU. by .the of·
touch\'d oft lll• ln•uUp-U.. ot ~ eooeuct u.. tn'lffUptlon. aupfOl'ld to '°"m th ,.op.le. ftC4I ot \be attonMI)', renenl. but
internal revenue ~nd&la la tM n... U.. commltt.aa will bOkl • O.n.n.D,y, th• pubHC Mt b<Ma la h18 llluck-JIU8lna to another
8an 1Tancltco om~. Wat apo Marilla to ffctde whaUlar fW"' putuna up wttb law liy Inter-ataUi ~. h• it unable to
pointed to h't 1tate po9l bJ lbar •ctkln 9bould be tliktft. pNtalJon tor qUlta 80m• Ume, profuea U y wrltt.111. optnion of
Knl.-ht. • Welablrpr, ttrMllnl that lb• tiut IMt&nCM k.., c...,,mr up the attor.•Y ran•~ wboee duty
Weinberrer and Sea. •n Bllr'ltett dlal'l'et baft not bHO ol Ult p1M lt la m&klaa In Ute It I• to write oplfliont wblch
Huliie lR·EI Centro). dl&lnull prowd1 Mid that II turUt.-ao-pN:mm•t. • MrW .. a plda to departmentl
of the joint bl.tdget committee, Uoa It lndlce.ted u wotdd t;a the aUC&·PAU.UAt tn ~ tt&l• law.
refuted to dl.tdoee the natun ot "llm t.o Mer u.. matter to u.. On• ot UI• ltt.Ml tncLdtnte ift,. PVBU(J D&N1SD Acat88
Burkett'• Information. Attomay Oenenl, I>Yltr1ct Al-volwu Pa~ M&llOft. eonndul• Thu. Ja t.M aMeoce of writ.-
But Burkett later lold uw .. tomay or ..,...ad Jw:f" ol Oo.e.mor Goodwta. J. ltftlltlt. \ta opJAion, Ute puWlc la denied
• ud et.ate. direetol' o1. motol' tec41tt to tl'le r.melq ot th• 1----------------------• l'tdlLclee wben M 1t not wortd.nl' <omeJ pnual ud cunot flnd t. the oo..Mr"t otttc.. Ku. °"t '#bJ & l&w Mopted by Olia AFFAIRS OF · STATE atsflt ... 8lid to ba.d. ~ lflll'lal&Wn ... ...,,.. by th• .,.,.,.,...._ult_..,_,_,. .. ~m..nd
._ Jt.&lf a doileft ttlapMM dl1t Ut • U.. ttnnct.b ""OI ..-rt• burau-
By BUSI' (). llac.lRTHUB u rnM7 dlttimnt people to ... crauc fuc1, etpeeit.lly wtten 1----------------------I tabU6 UI• fact tut tM dapart.· botb 1eeUOAt wen am«nd9CI dur-... t ot a\otor ..... dial t9 ~ lDI tM et.me ~Un .... ion. SACRAMENTO, (CNS) ~ Governor Goodwin J. Inc to tawe tnet.Nc:Uoft ,...ta Muon .. ,. hartb.. a wrttlm
Knight'• concern over th• tracu of the Paclf.le Cout. t.o 14.,......... and ..,. ""'8tnf asKaloe woWd tab a 7tar to 1 ___ ,..,_ ________ _;;;;;._..., ______ IConterenct which ii "Kr Football" in the We1t Ind.la to acctpt appucaUoM for~ obt&Ja from UN •ttome1fl'Ml"&I.
' • ' pertDlt8 u pro¥1ded for ln a.o-Aft.v thet. 11 a cHJaen wanted
•1 mw .uo r. alli'IOl(
catea he can still talk u a ctti&en, d•ptte the fact th&t UIM ., Of tile cauton.I& Vlhkle to tUt U'9 rnattw to .court. lh9
he ii No. 1 citisen bl this atat.. OOM. appUeut wwl.il be old eoourti
The pwmor wrott a Motter ball playera. who now aN auaw-. Ao iMtnK:lkm p1na.lt lndderll-to oi.t,t.Sa a Nplar open.ton
to a Loll Anc•1et 9J»OrU wrtl1t, H to aecept up to 170 ,.r aJl7, provkt-M the kpl J11bt tor U.C....
Lo much lh1 M1111• •tlll, ha MS4. •ooUI u Uli8tallice tor thair a J'O'lln&:•td 14 to i.ara to drl" ftf danl'• to t>emoc:ncy, of u b• hall written many other ooll• ea....,., la ''Un.Nllllltk.'' a ear. Uatn1 It, JM etAMt -"" oouree, 18 Ute altitude at th•
letltn to friend•, that ha nanr J.n no etnM of the word, how• wtthOut MIJl6 .aocompulild ~1 & Drtpartnl•l of Motor V~hlclet , ___________ ...;,_ ________ ~j upected to be publlU«'I But ewr ctoet he ta.or th• "'bu)'lnl" lleanted cha\lft.ur, ,or & llC!!!'ftMd •ftd UM •tlomaJ 1eneral1 of.
I ' f' ball ta ... 'rill operator • ' tlct t. tntormtac clt.taen• thry 8evtn )'llllU9 a.n Mr H-1ha'1tt ...... ., ... _ publbbed It WU. and It Mrl Of OOl P 1•t'9 or ..., •• rt I ·............ •-a• .. A•-• .., ... ba to to .......... f ruU r I ... tM •cw .. WMIM ..... ~ ........................ -~· ' -' -daWn th• e•ec:uUn wralll '* UM of •tnordln&J'y rtf't8 to Urid\ICll M&n1 ,.._,..... ...... _ ft P . -~ or • n.r
Uoa: WW doUart •ft the 1mflclf Jtrow a peel ... ,. WJa Padtlc Cout COnler...oti u UMm to attend cart&ln ~-partmaftt ol motor veh&dea. .,.. ea a~., law which an)'
Uo dolla.n poorv Hulitt' lltLai ' la a.rw br! rt doWD UM cot• B• made It dear that coU.p pMr' to Da" mbctd Wt 8tCUoft {...,.....41d. "°'>' Ct.II dltcover
A ec ten ..., I 121u1111 fW 0... rwtr lwe u..!t-Ull ''-h.._C:, ~ qu . ....,. a :~ ...... wn::a :,1 a aOOd put ot t1nt if for 111."hOlMUe adY&ftC ... u1 wtu. a.cuoa llT of U.. ~ (Ud IUd),u W..U u undentand!
I .... I act ........ &.NPllt...mo.iDN ................ " ~-1 l&pe .~ ... ~,--l.h•othernew•paper1latMttat.elMftl. ·------------------~:----051 · w., Mt el...,. I. &.ltl. It ii dou ... "t.r if WI, ~ ..,. eyer d'e)JMd t..nd 'e.peclally the prw cOrpe Bui. Oil the other h&JMI. he •ldl'
11tore ~ '>' .. .,.. ,_,1 • ..,. Ropldaa ,_,.-. "~ at th• 11ttt• C8ipitol. ror aot ,. the .mew. W'llo lhtetmlM the
• s· 7 a -• I ••• a 04 ... ftMltr .. .. .. "'°" --trW &Ma .... .,. &Id" t.w \lie .. el t ••• f1ll leiUlnC th• letter lo ... ,,,... "'*' .,..t ~ -..., FARMER M CABE ww1..rw FL.9 n•s..._ c.111*1'.uft • ., tt 111--. t'• eled...,..... w ...._. ... ·,..~ •t u.e Mm• ume. u.e ,. ..... , ,aJlll 0iiw w u.q C
.............. ELI w,m. CAUi'; .... __. ..... 1M6 la .......... ......,...,.. , ti.I -.rteU ~ \liM... Once Ula tat wu la the ftN. ...-t ...... a n,... -•
. . ~ ftM __.. .... Wtlw UOA roU4MI .,...._,_ -' ~r. lM pvernor Jl'IUtd • ...,.. """'-' tM tTI ....
...... ttftilM, 1.:-0 ..-,.. .Wea • ., AEl Ultl ..., ., ,. ... wt~ u.. si.n.. worW-.Mvt., ,_.. .. poll· pWKIMs coutCtf'l'llnr hie •Wblde. moatll .. allond. _. *''° • 1 WRl'f't::'C!
--·-· I _ ._...,.....,. Oi. • ~ .... Wl ::a: ................ tiff: -btil U... ..... pt Olla'-~ ta Un toward the nl'kit ot U. _ ... u.. e ·e ~ e e
TE 17 • :••1c~r '•sµ,i;.;= m-t11s ..,.~W:S::~anl :_a....ruc:= =.'-.:; ~rm.i<:·~~-_:;~.= .. ~ .. ~ ':.:':~-=
..,. •• ~ ..., .... ll!lll( ... , mt. ... stJd. UM .,.._ or ....., wMdl .... !'*~•:•:-w,..1----------------..:;;::::..:==
T" ._. -..... -r 21 •1 _. •• •*c • ...._ u ,....uM• '4be wt... tlllll .. N tttUI abollt, ot'ftdallt·
-•-... 11\e -~ ..... ...... ,..urs I ,,... p1111lls 1n u.:. '1'eiit .,_I. lft sltaek .. U.. -..i ..-.. sent. W: t11111 .. ...._ tll. all....W J"Nr+i t9 not to •'l•M a~•• -u.a ·• ,..... ,......, .....,.......... ., .. not '• ell• tradition ol ln&• ot th• Pactnc <*•t Con· let forelcnen kl.le em on the hands at oftlda1 blow
IA'm SL uner .......... Dli IE ... "-t ... .,,., ......, ........ -tfOlt ........ ., .... " Americatl ~ •IMte winner ferenc., indicating they IH.d ~ out. •..••. Henceforth 1 reckon they'll have to
(119"• Ii. ~ Mt 2 I 11 ""tnsl I¢ l are ... W W9 ,..,U. '*91 .. ..ca .t ..._, s :::F.ir-m.et. wtnlMI'. (lladrlr th• niJe:I. eonfUtlon ot the public, and .. pucker-up if(tn t.bev're to -any of them ''Couafn .--• ,..,..., ... • *1 llC ~ 4 ...... P"' (-.. Clla pltl.y la Uic Roee thfy wer. a fine uamp~ ol J .~ .. ...... M ..., " taisllr polMiolll ........ --.,.;J •la Ma_,,. ,_...). bow It .,_,. to "do itutlou. in Greetinp".
• R r=• -.. ••• .... :No~ . ~' · t9 ... 'lQI ., ... aeco.d, u.. p_._.r IM:kt tba\ a d~t 1tor. wtndoW."
II OIMp CltiMb', ... ""' .-r1 ..... .U --.1 tt:Mi ~ --. m1 doll'l lt1t ft "1.ftY Ul4I attitude ol tl'le 00.fuenc:e whlcb ha dallnt hta admlnltlr&• ~ ... o...e 0....1.J ., •• pv ,._ than the ~blleane Ulled Har-WM\ Udall. ••llb.bor? toward U.. tubtJdiMUon ot t_., ..:'a doM.
Farmer lllcCabe
{all ri&bt8 reeernd)
Restaurateur Bob Dalton of N;...,..,rt Beach &e· on West CouL Kodet S. two door hardtop with four
cepta by1 lrom j.mporter Charla Bonalnug Jr. of .,..senger aeaUnc. It' ia reported tbe car will re-
the firlt model of French built Facel Vep delivered tail for S7500.
Seotember's Time ii you'd U.ke to ala.rt eome
German bearded Im ln J'OUl' pr·
den. Saplembtr la UM tine ·t.o do
e>Elhit l(JAft or aaeft:M
P\etltJ.-,,,. N... 'i
keby certify that he ta eon·
4uc:Un1 a Garden equipment and !
11t1pPlLu ~n.. at 1790 New· I
pttrt Bl"'1. Cott.a Mua Callfor·
aUa. unctu lbe ncuuoua firm
name of COA8T MOWER and
that 1a Id nnn ta aompoeed of
the followinl ptHOlll, wbCJM
nam• and addttMt• are u fo'-
Jowa. to-wit:
Leonard A ll'Ha
419 E 11th Plact,
Cott.a Mna. Calif.
W1TNU8 my hand UUI Dr4
day di JW;F. 1951.
/1/ Ll:O?U.RD A. J' Ail
t Hl(Ml' coa.. ~ ap-
p&NDUJ are bavtna an et·
feet on local thievery, ac·
cordinc t.o police.
l:.lsht cue• of toffee
valued at •W were stolen
&om the warehouae of a
llUper market at 3S4T E.
Co&at Bl&bw&y b e t w e e n
4:80 and 6:80 p. m. Bun.day,
Ma,nqe:r BOlller onia. •SI
Pirate Ro&d. told ottLcera.
Little Mike
Ditto Nee~s
Fire · Ladder
OOUNTT Or OR.A.NGE ,._ lltUe boy'a ... n:b for hl&'h ad·
On July 23, 196' ~fore aw, HERE'S A RARE OLD VINTAGE! venture Monday att.emoon re-
U.. unMnlped. • Notary Public 'nle Ttil~e ot th1.1 Modei_ A ta pull7 l\!atabJW!td bf the aulted ln an ellperlence he hadn't
fn and for -.Id Countf and State. -. It 112& that Al Smith "'•-1ned for. Anahetm J'ltt ,....UY appeared Leon&J'd A.. lip carried on the n&ul. u ,.... ~ •-
Fa.u mown to me lo be the ma4e hla bld for l.lle prwidene}'. Tu. car ca.rri• a pod Chief ltd St.rtnpr, reported to-
' __ ... ~ -·-e la eubecrlbed -•at ""-~ mu.t be ln (ood ah.ape olherwiM for ll day. .. ---·-....... -r--Micb&tl Ditto, are '· decldel to Ole wtUUn tnatrummt and broU1ht Men1.11 Berman and Okk Herman out from ao.ton _..._ _ __._. .. ~ '"'-t he --·t-.. di b th w:.-...... to cllmba t1" u am.all chll· __...,...,.._... .... ~u "" In n&nP daya. Ttley are apen D( t • aununer 1n e oa<vvr ....... --e.. drcn IV' lncl1ned lo do. Oolq up .-_... vlclnlly and plan to rPturn home In Ume for achool. takldJ in WITNUB D\Y band &lid of· wu apparently -..Y for np ftdaJ Mal the northern route. •> .. lo circle the United lt&t.u.-ume at all. J>e wu about 30 to
(leal) ROBERT r . wn.uo:a Staff Photo 33 tMl up ln the tall U.'•
Notary Pubhc ln and ------------bruchta. Tbm hie mot.her CS.
for uJd Couaty and LEGAl NOTICE le D ·11 ma.nded be com• down. lmmedl• :;~oo exptr.. -ore r1 ·~ hJa IUSh perch. qht
N0ttmbcr lT. 11~. CUTIFWATS or BtJ8NESS ol lhe JTOund and mama ao (ar
No. 112 Hew•Pf'eaa Fk:UUoua P\rm Name o· eel b btlow cb&n&Pd Mlc:bt.el'a nclt·
• TIU. 1/1. a. lS. 195' THE UNDERSIG:-IED ... oes ISCUSS y lq adventure tnt.o one of friJhl
hereby cutlly lh&t he la cOnJuc· and he (TUlltd the brancbel
Ncn"IC'E Unr a food ronculion bustnu s s • Uplly and ~fuaed to mon.
OP INT'ICNDZD SA.LE al 1010 Short Drln. C.orona de1 uperv1sors In dHperatlon. bla molbtr
MOTJCS 18 HEREBY orvEN: Mar. Ca llfornla. undf'r the flc· called the A.nahdm ftre ckpart·
Tbat PAUUNS HER.IUlANN. Ullow Cum name of HARBOR ment for a.utatance. WIUI lM
Vudor, wboee addraa t. t3' l..JGHTS CAFE a.nd tlY.lt ~1d SANTA ANA.. tOCNSI A lald of a lol\( )&ddtr and the
Zvwr11•n. ln the Cltf of Collta firm 1.a compe>M'<I ot the follow· propoMd county ordtn&nce to trH-<llmbln& ablllty of one of
Kea. County of Of'\111•. Bt&l• Inc pereona. WbOH ruuna In fun I ~l• core drlllinr came up th• firemen. J.Ut.hael wu eoon
• ot Callfoml&. lnt•nda to .ell to and plaeta of rnldence are u tor dlacUPlon al lbe meeUnc of returned to the 1round &nd the
J1INNm TOON. Vendee. WbOM follOW9. te>-w'lt: tHe Board of Suptrvl.90111 yea-a.rm• of hi• mother.
addnM ia mo Channel Road. In RICHARD J . CALHOUN ttrdaY and wu taken under 11Ub-
tba City of N_,,ort Beach. ,29 ~, l.Ark.lpur. mluloa. Tba principal polnt of
County of Orar1&'4!, St.I.le of Call· Corona de! Mar. Calif. diecusaion waa poalblllty ot
El Toro To1r
for Sco1ten
in on R8sc1e
Toro Marin• welcomed 11 Ana·
htllm Sea Boout. and lhl'ff a.dUlt
a4vt.tor1 today llboard lhe Air
St.aUon to ~preaa lhelr rraU·
tude to Ute boy• for the racue
of a M.ar1n• pUot la1t week.
81'1'? A.ND POUSll -'ftley aaD f'uttt when they a.re cle .. and dry io Danny
Green. liett., baila the lul few drops out of bis Snowbird Sam Soucl whlle
brother Steve makes with the sponge u they get. ready for a practice race ott
the NHYC Non-Calm dock. ,
Accomp&nyin1 t.htff ICOUll
wu Mayor Charlu PtarlOn of
Anaheim. The mayor and th•
ICOUtl WI... met by Lt. Col.
D. L. Cummlnp, commandlnl
officer ot th• rucued Oyer,
Muter 8er,unt 0eot-1e V.
pla.ula "bl.It we took can .t tM
problem by re~ tM MM
on the vuuum ci.n.r, ~
1t into • blower, ud dnad "'¥
halt w1lh It."
It · Mom a·· heart e&a ~
It. J1mi~ expect.a to win znor'9
honor• in the futW'I. She -.ye
her h.art la ln t1na abape 9fta
the .. complete overhaul". Durinr Ute tour Ute 1COut.1
v11lt.ed Marine Alrcra!t Oroup
33, Marine Win£ S.rvtce Group
37. and al9 frled clUcken ln tht
M1r1n1 Oorpl meu hall.
Janice JohMOfl Wins at Fair
3 Weeks After Heart Sur«Jery
EVERY D UTY that G b&ddD
l(J wait comu back W1~ ....a
!rel!lb dullU at Ila back.-<:bal'Ma
Klncalty On• of the hlJhllfhta of the
tour WU ,a vi8ll with M/S&l. It WU almMt thtte yean &&O
MlkkelllOll ln the 1t.atlon ln.firm· lh&t tM tamUy doctor told
ary It wu Ulen thel younr blonde active Janice Jotuuon eM
Jtm Ne1Le0ft. H. Ule .c!out who couidn•t Uve anot~r )'Mr al
pulled Mlk.ket.on out of the MT curttnt pace wtth uw heart
watef' ea.14. "Serttanl. you •he condition which had caUHd I.be
are heavy.'' • enla.r1e111ent of her heerl. Windln( up the lour. ~
ICO\lta a.eeom~led Mejor Cm· Tbla week, blonde. blue~yecl
ertl Marlon L.. Daweon, com-I and 1Ull acUve. Janirt Johnlaon. mandl~ r.neral Third Marine at 11 yu.n of al"· t. the ft'ICJI·
Aircraft Wlnr. to a re(lmt'ntal Ing queen of the Onanre County
panade and puatd In revtew. l'alr.
niere the M:OUll wltneaMll Tbe Garden Grove HiJh S<'hool
honora tor nve Marln11 rellr1nf Jlrl, who 11 the daur;hr.r of Mr.
from the Manne Corpe and }fr1. R. C. Jobn.t10n. of 12291
Pine S\ Gatden Grove, won thp
Ulle ol q 11ttn o( .uic 01 a.n1 ...
County Fair In t. t"Unt.-t which
oalled for a wide variety of
special appearancH throU('hout
the coun ty. half a dozen Inter·
'View• and plctur~t.aklnir wulona
with repl"Ul'ntaUvff of the pn-,..
Crom lbroupoul the county And
culminated Tuellday la a Jude\n&
Period at · OCC
Aug. 1-Sept. 5
A minimum ot Ta atudenta MUlon wblcb U,l t.be 11.tla on
b&Tt bee'n 11thedulecl tor 20-dlal>laY IA ~ bot llUI\ at U..
ra1nute l'<>WLMlinc and N(il~· &CQblt.heater OD the (&1~
lion appo4ntment1 dall1 etarUnc for atmo.t Ila.If a da)'.
Au« l al On.n,. Cout. CoUere. B.t.D OPBR~TION
Between Au1 15 and Sept. 1 It ,,.,... a lme>1t •·otd h&t" to the
at in.t 150 JWOPI• dalty ha•• one-Um• heart TlcUm who rot
already bffn acbeduled. aid Dr. up from the eurs1caJ tab~ 1~
Donald PPl\lke, dun of atudtnl lh&n thrft week.I qo. complet.-
peraonnel. ly recovered and went out to
Student.a pl&nrUAJ to attend take 1.ht Utlt In every beauty
Oranre Cot.at Coll•r• th1a fall oontut aht b.u entettd aince
ahould call for an appointment then.
now It I.My h&vt not already don• 90, the dtu ll&lcl. ~ peri<y blonde ha.a ~ntly
on I.he Stat.e FaJrgrounda. Sa<'·
ramentn a1 Oranie Countr •
rPpre.t'ntallvt la lh&t 1tate·w1de
Jul, II lUv Awl\IU U
BAIL Pl.A YER o.11,.,t1.1 C.--41
Al11.a\I! an avid sport.I en· A.II S-ta it-. 11.-
l.hua1µl am.I beatball pla.)t'• ,......, lt..I ._.,.,
JanlcP ··t1llrh d.ro\'t me n\4<1 ':=:soo::::;;;;;;'•;;;;;;;"'C;;M~s;;'•;;;;T;;-;;;;ia;;;~
•Id M n• John,.on. commenllng ,;.
on hfr a tlllU~ toward taking 11
ta11v "h•·n her heart condillon
had b.."en •U9C'O\'U~ I
Uhl Eatablaahed J.n.aur~
All llnu written.
~ ~-pt Blvd., Colla .W...
l"ltO~I': LIREBTY •uu
.. I" d It 1 \ ... her permlalun to go I
walch a b11ll itamt>,'' recall.I Mra .
John.on, an<l Cmd out later that
l ht' had bt'l'n pl.ayln&' the a a.mf' .•
Shi.' la111thM. ··'fhe &'Irle "ould J==~=~====~=~
take 1& b1t'ak In the i ame lo
11\•e hci a L:h.tU\U lO t ell up and
t!atch hei b~alh once 1n a
... hilt ..
Tht hf&rt contlltlon La a tl\inf
ot tb .. pa.wt, hOWt'\'U , a.nd Ja.nlca
nv... 11-lJI ht'r ID~IULA .. In·
cludln1 "all aporu avail&ble ·\O
Jlrla " 8be likH motorcyc11nc.
buebal.l, ll'tftm.m1nc, water akilAS
and t.m.. asp It.Uy.
Her tutut11 pl&na lDcluda &
pouJblllty of more acboolinl a.ad
a }ob u a court reporter. AIOfW'
~ way, bowner, sh• pl&na to
toll-a tarffr la• modirllns aad
to k.ftp ente~ ~uty ~
Al for epec1al plannlJ'I. d1at-
tn1. •'traJnJnc" or an)'thlAC
1pectal to pt Nady tor a bMuty
cont•t -aha aaya they are
non~lllatenL "Mom ~· aJI the
worrylnr:· abe aay1.
11/Q PROllLEll fomla.. the toUowln• dMcrlbed WITNESS my hand thla l7lh day atrenrtnenlnc eecUon two of the
penona1 property. to-wit: of July, 19545. propoaed ordinance to prevent
AU atocll ln traek. rtxt.urea, I /•/RICHARD J. CALHOUN any kind of proepe<:lin1.
equipment and sood will of a cer· 11TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 'nil• proTlalon le the prop<>NJ
tai11 !MaulJ ~p bu*tn-. k.nowtl COUNTY OF OR.ANGE 1 u. oC the SouUI Ooul&J Prot~Uve
u 1.JDOI' AA.LON OJ' BEA.UTT. Of thia l7lh day of July, A. D. Lee.cue. repruenled at the ee•·
and Jocac.d at Mlt Newport llM. before me. R.OBJCRT F. slon by th• preaidenL Viet.or An·
Sh'd •. in U.. City of Newport vJn.LMES, a Notary P\abllc lD drewa. and by lA Roy Lyon.a.
BeMh. c.unty of OraDI' Slate and for the aid County and Chairman Willia Warner of the
.t C&.11fonda and tbat a ale. State. ruidlnc lberetn. duly com· board eu~led their recuJallon
R.e(letrallon period la from been named )(I• Garden Grove
Aur 1 to Sept. o. c I a 1 1 P • ln her loc&I hometowu oontul.
•tart Sept. 11 but no one will wu named queen of the NaUon·
Cl b be re~atered kpl. t to 10. a1 Oraqa Show ln 8&n Btrnar· Irvine Cout Country u •· dlno, won the beauty conteat at
Results of Fem
Golf Tournament There wu a near dl .. t«
connecLecl wUll l.h• Ora.nc-
County FaJr Queen Contat. The
youna qUMD cudidatA ab&mpoo-
ed and pin.Md up her l\a.lr Ju.al
the morntns of the cant.Ht. A.a
conte1t Ume approa.cbed. aha
found that her hair W..n't dry.
held a T and P' bolea t.ourna· th.la ,_,.a ~ County Home
mtnt for the ladita Ulla weekend ChHd Alclecl Aftw 3how, _. .. M.Lu Cinderella ln Ute
with Clua com}>ftlUon endinJ tn Loa Aqel• Home Show a.nd
a two-way Ut tor top 1pol lreafhlnt Stops juat la.et Tue~ took t.be
bet"ffD Ma. Mary K. Brown• quffNhip at the 01"&1\1« C.,unty
and Mra. Tom Henderaon with Medical aJd waa (lven by ti\• Falt'.
lr&olltr and ~l of the mtaiontd and sworn. peraonallY would prevml a.n.y kind of drill·
..,.. will M sn.ade, and t.laa con-appeared RICHARD J CAL-10~ wllhout a .. n.nce. even ..._..Uon ._....,.,.. will bt paid HOUM known to me to bt the drU lln( for ••ttr. Paul Ottoaon,
at 10:ot o'clodl L m~ on the llh penoo wtioat name la aabacrtbed apeakln& tor lhe Wutern Oil
day ot A~t. 1-.. a t ow to Ule wtuun inatnnatnl. and and Ou Aaaoct.U!>D.. did not
eacrvw •par\Oleftt ·ot SA y acknowl~ed to mt' tat ht a•· thmk the nstrtcUon net.ea.'Al'y.
DCROW co.. INC.. al 1"2 cuted tbe a&mt'. TN WITNESS The propa.ed ordinance tt sult·
Bartlor Bl'ld.. ln UM City 0( WKERl!X>F. I ha~ btteunln al ed from oppo11IUon to a core
Ooeta w-. Coualy of Ol:&Ap. my hand and atfuted my oU\d al drilllnJ job bY t.ha Union Oii
341 each.. ~bind them 1troked nn Department pmet'l'flK'Y W\Jt She will compete Aur. H al
Mn. Walter R.Hve• with 31 to • 2•,.y..,.-old rtrl. Joan tbe "Wald of CaWont.1&" conteet
Pacln1 th• FlMa B (f'OUP were Crook. at • p ~ S~nday, attar ;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;
Mmu. Alu DeFe.o. S7. Jay Lons· the tot'• mother, M.ra. John
ley, 311". and Bart McHufh. Crook. llt Marine An. reported
39"t. Mn. Lawrence Ett> won ah• had at.op~ brutbln.1. A
the Claae C with 37. followed by private pbysk tan wu aummoned
lhe Mm-. O. V. Haye.. 31. and afterward.a and he •Id I.be ctlUd
Arthur Alkinuon. 3811. wH IUlfertna from a tonaWU.
"'Thal wu whtn Mom wtnt
lnto her WOITJlnC ~" she ••
aYt.e of Calit0'111,a. ' Mal I.ht day and year In t.bia Co. at San JU&n CrMk. Just
l>ATl:I> Jilly ti, ltol. C.rtitlcate flrat a~ WTllttn. eouUI of Da.na Point. At that Auto Hits loy
P>.ULl'.NS HJl:IUUUNN. /a/ROBERT F. WUJ.XU Urne a Cl&bt wu made to, atop th• d:rillln1. but aupervtaore J'lve-ya&r-old Billy Sapp. 200 V~ ' My CommJNion &x:pUa No-voted, 3 to 2. to let the drlilln( Pearl Ave., appl:renlly WU un·
MINMD TOOM. ftlD.ber 17, 1969. procf'tld. Thia -11 wu declared injured when he waa hlt by a v.-No. 179 · lo be ocluaively for the pur-car Sunday mornlnr driven by
No. 11$-Netn-Pl'am 1/1/M New11-Ptua 7/lA. ~ 1/1. I. ltM poea of delermlnlnc the 1eologl· Stanley C. Guyot. 56, Loe An·
Nonce or nnzNTION TO OHA1Tr:.L MORTGAGE caJ atn.acture of the land at l.be ''*· accordlnr to police, be-
attack. accor~ l() the police
Harbor Reat
,Memorial Park ... _..__lai.r-,
Ou"1W. C• 1ttrJ ..,.., -*ow.
lHl 8upe.rtor Avenue
Cotta' Meu. Calli.
3620 IC. Oout Blvd
Col'Ona del Mar, Caut.
Phone H&rbor .S
Kl 2-0754
Pl111J.aLO(a OOJUA.ln -................... ...
PUllOm -oorDJ:a &ND OOJfOllm ROCK• uaaoam:so an:a. ... avnua 'l'O WROll lT llAT CONCERN: potnt and not under any condl· cauae Billy nn home after th•
NOTICll DI Bl:JlEBT GIVICN punuanl to lha pro~ona of Uou to be planned u a pro-~acc~ld~a~l·:_ ________ ~~~~~~============~=====~~==============~====~======~
lieclloa MtO cl the Qftl Cott. of th.a Stall of Calltomla, that OD dudn1 ,.,.ll,
Phone Liberty 1-2121
UM lt.b d&1 ot A ...... 1936. Ule ownu ot the bttttn.atur deacrtbed -----------
natw. a.nd equipment of that certain beauty ~p .. tualld and
looat.s at Hll N....,wt BlY'CL, Newport Baach, County ol Oraqe.
8tata ot C&lifornla. Intend& to plaea a Chattel Mortp,.. upon tht
Parked ..w nxtuna and equipment.
MIJfl'fm TOON la the mo~or ot thP aald pTOpert.7 and
..... edd1'Ma ta nTO awiAei Road. B-1.boa. CalttomJ&.
P AULIN8 llSIUUIANH la the m~ of Ute aJd
pteperty and ~ adclrW 18 tS4 1£1rtipffn, Coala Meaa. California.
'!1le prepert7, tbrtW'W and equipment upon whlch the aald
Chattel M~ t.a lo Ille pa.et<!. co.wlall ot Ole foUowtng:
I~· DrJen
T IUWq D'1ft'W
6 Paclalr Sb&mpoo Obalre. Kydrollc
T ~ Deyw-awn
l McCubJ OUll Jtec'laler
1 Alie Wala& A.ddins K&dllna. BenaJ No. 77-,,21T•
l eia.MUc C.... t ft. wtdtJi. MeacMd
1 o.11. m •ebM OU
I Mantoml TaMm
• llDoUtil lllMcMd OU
1 t Dnww tOa ca.-
I a.1ra. Rat.tan
1 ,.... eon .. &at1D
1~ C'6ai l eta. M4I ~ GUii
1 o-i.t LouftC'e OUllt
1 Qlofte ....
1 Botpeh\1 Daelrie ~rator .......................
ftat ..W a.att.el Ill~ \a to M aecuted ud uaa C!CIUIOH'a·
ti.-U...,_. wtD M ,aN Aupat &. ltot. a t BAY aa\OW CO.,
INC., 11'1 ~ IU..S... eo.t. w-. Oou1't7 ot Oran&'• State
ol trnla, al 11:01 o•c>odt A. M.
Police here ~ftd a com·
plaint from Donald hlltrt. Low·
ell. Ind. that J4S4 eub 'bad bffn
takt'll from hi• car ,)l'bUe It wu
parkt'CS ln lhe BalbOe Municipal
parklnr lot Sunday afternoon
Similar complal,.. wert re-
ported by Earl Ed•lbf'Ook. La
Verna. wbo •Id bla ...Utt wHb
lliKh&rl• pepera but no money
wu t.ak.en from under lhe froot
.. l of bl.a car while It wu
parked on w .. t S., An .. and
Vern. Dt Zara. Altadcn&-who
•Id walkt and money tot&Wn•
Q3 )c)9 ....,.. taan trom h.la
car while ll ..._ la American
Lqlon p&rkillS Jot.
leal Estat9,...
Jolla la ......
Mr. and Ille. J . II. Weolcm,
wbo b&ft ... ac\Jft la ..-1
•tata •'-ta lM N.-port
Buch aJ"I&. anaOGDN \Mt I.bay
tuive joln~ fOl'('U wltJI J'red
StrA·art. who ha.a rte«TIU,. mond
DaleCI J lily 13. HM
to 21' Manl'Qld Ave. from Paa&·
PA\Ju.N~ R£RRllANN tltn.L
MOflTOAOOA and!•
)(ORTOAOU I The WOCl'lCIDa.,.. old~ ot
IT'S A HIT •• ~
•· ... Are JOU aw• that veterinarian ha the
Want Ad.a flxa cucto0 clockt!"
You~ Re1U-A-Ci1or
n rrtnlt-. • 1'l!pttce
...... WU.. -ftlltl .....
•Datt..-. ...
uta-a. IN GU> ..... '"'OM_lllCll_ .......
_ __... __ ...._____ IAlt ... I'~ Onq'lta •hcUcm of W ...... t b'oll ~ -----------~.,...;..-;;;;.._ __ __. __________ __,..._.._........,._ ...,._YWOOD .. •Miii-.._ ·
LOIT _ .AU -.tan. .._~ uca••• _. .-. •' , • .,, ......._ ad Bniden, tan 8w1np. OV.S.
Au.o A Jn1M Aft. °""*' er ........ .._.. '*91 .... .... ... and 8t&ch tJiD.bnDu.
ill ....... u ...,... ~ u. WI ·---..... Q. mon:r nunuuPa I K 0 BAl(AOO DRAW DRAPltS and TROPICAL an.-al nu~~ XA.rraaaD port Beaeb. _., TWta .. blD .._ l'loor Onerblp.
Beacon l'erlonnel Bee. tu• Now SIT GO BASJCF:ts of all 'kinda It Unumal Gift Item&.
"A's" SWIMMING t001't emploJ'er Ntatned Costa Mesa Goodw1E Canvas and Aluminum Awnings.
VENETIAN BLIND acmq ~·i ~. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. Private lnttructions "• .... Miler& .. ir-'lflllk'Mt AA.l'ILl:'Y popcorn mN' .. IM. tn LAUNDRY 120 'hltta _..,.,. N...,,ort .,_. .._ ., ciladlU.. ear. na. 1ae & Main, Santa Ana KI ~ rre. Deilftl'Y
--------------------uutbod. " .. -·ba. pd.c:e9. Up5J oemo . AY...,.• 2 tape r9dential l'or MW: BA.%.AAJt • toy • a_ OUT • · Wm ....... IO-!:-:AP.Jt"=ncer
C I ii s s i f ·i e cl
Every Monday, Wednesday and fTlclay ·
Ooeatal Sbftppa &,di naa .. CM Wecloeedaf N..-.P ....
4 Unee 1 tmerUH •t.oo add'L llaea .J6 -.
4 Unee z lmertlo• l.!iO add'l Uael .26 ..
' U1tee 3 lmerUo• Z.00 add'L U... .26 ea.
'Ua• ' lllMrtlou uo add'l 0.. .%5 ..
llt-tioa WIUMd A48 wUJ remln 111-~&. 0... .. edft808 ..q
D&ADUNU for pla.ciJW or canceWn« a4I are: '°" KoocSQ PubUoauoD -i'rtdaf I p.m..
ror Wedn-41;7 PubUcat~'fu.say l p.m.
rfll l'rida7 P\al>UcaUOD -Tbund&7 1 p.m.
M&WPO&r B•IYQa rtJBLl81DNO 00.
IJll kllMle BIY ... N..,_. a.cJa. Oallfe.nala.
..U Olatt'ftef .t.M •• lie .... f• OUlll la ..rv-ce of pab"cadG&.
TM ,.bD&cw wtD DOt lM r-.paulbM toe mon thua one anoon.ct
~ fll ... ad, ...... tbe rtltal to OGl'1'9CU7 oJusUJ U7 &Pd
all adlt aad to ~ an1 ad DOt ooafomlJDI' lo rule9 &Del ncUlaUoaa.
bli.od. -23-81tmtio• Waated ~· ...... ~-~ ~~ 4ll -"i...... y~ 11tmr1 Only $1.00 -i· ..,.. --... ....... -,..... ---· Ne&tty ... W1ZAlU> J:Ll)C'l'ft.s
811Ddl repUred &Del rebuilt. Ro , ...... ·nten "°" =: ~~.~.~ : =:c. doo~ 0i;: REFRIGERATORS
VNe Pick up an4 deUTery YI Mui aftC8 llXPEIUllNCJ:D woman, 10k room ....._ ' x I ft. a.ad Oood Jawn mower, oombtn&Uoe t1aED • ALL U.Tll KODllJA
Work don• bJ -.ppol.atmmt C I t p f ' I I ~. pod pey. KlJIUr'• ~ eud caMMt 6 cardL ..... 6 mower Bar lTTlJ. UM new oondftloa. ~ Pbon• l..Jb9'tJ MToi omp e e ro •11 one Quality a.nu.. LI 1s41a1. BIT 6 mrrt. 111 ic. .BaDlo& l\W'lllMd!
or JUmberty ....... ppt.fo Hou1eele•nin9 "°" BITd. tt ~ KZLVINATOJ\, bis 11 cu. n.
Land1cop• Gardening
Lawn 6 G&rdm
model. UMd te. tbU I
noor wumr and butting woKJ:N u.o.n. boo~ HAND BRAIDED RUSS DRASTIC REDUC"nONS -· Npl.u "" Window QMntnr deft t7PUta. ~ ud raa UISl'IUIC'ftalt All •mpa-aeooodl ts Wl7 now oni, . ·-··--... __ .ft•
Uphol..t....u Qeentns NCll operatoa. ~ 08.._8 TAm ... W r.d.Y t.o --.r. l'or OOLDIPOT 10 au. ft.. 1q .,... --1 pnfe:rnd. Appl.J Bmk of DOW u4 Jlds. t.op tre.Mr, almost MW fllt,
Patao. Color waad Amimca NTSA. 012 w• IM ~ =='=' ~.... lift DOAlU APP.illl!L nuam.um:, 1 cu. n,, m191 ,
211ef ~!11~ v~ 8'0::~.. LuatnMl9 Raulta SL, eo.ta w.... LI W40I~ i..-8cL nett._.._ mte ~ °:: i:;d. K~~~~~ .!. ~ .
LI)() r. DRl.800U.. REASONABLE · CIU.Qf a'·nrr t.• a.... IMrJt ~ c::roM tep treaer, -. u.a 1
LIBJ:RTr 1-7170 UoM Phone liberty 8-1332 llXPl:R1ll!MCa> Wdtrem. ..,. ·-.-.. ...._ .. , roe.m .....,. ,...,.. old • ·· ·····-·-·-' ..
UID 20 t.o 15. LEKAC'a eon. ~ dlaJr, lup •~"' ...... ' .. &:..A!I! ES-WZllTINGBOUIS 7 eo. rt.,
----------llbop. JIOI W. Jl.wpmt...... c:.bab-, I ..... .._ ti.a. A ;::;_;;,ti ;;; cleaa 6 aSe. u HW', llde
Sympson & Nollar
a.at ICXpea1ancsd Wcn1ane
U&r. R4>' a. UlT
Painting, Decorating
Paper Raoatnl
LI 1-t612 U1*t7 a-1121
REJHBl.ll: mu _.,. like K9Wp(llt 8-0.. lle66 1J R. 8 DalCBAft ftW.-.i TAJIPAlf &up. The CP aD fr'MMI' -·-.. ··-·--II.
-"'r9 Bar. ITU '2'" aai_,'k, _.only,..... .+.ND Ol1ISNI • low u U0.
work nm.lnp -CI....a. ot-DOCTOR'• AMlltant • ~ u.o 1111.t eJock. lamp, piddle, JAKE'S APPLIANCES ::. ~ ~ = ,::'."; = ID~.llCa~rt:-:! DRAPERIES .._ .,... Pd. dn. t.o SUI.ti. lllf BarWr BJ\ld., eo.ta K.-
&.m. to 1 p.m.. ~P'I O-H can tbJa .,.I*'· lldc end SUP COVERS N~~zi°!~ iw:'. rol\ SALll: au n.DI"& Ky 'N
llnDd new. I'd.. dn. t.o flt.I& Wedpwood ckluxe model 1 KATUU unlverlity 1tudmt
wanta IWlllDV work t.o S.pt.
16.~ln~ .....
oeptJomlt., Mokllo.ptns or
typtua. Wrtta Box 1-11. Ulll
..... to Ql'dar
r.tmai.--p\aa .
UMd tt just • WU. ... • ~ d'IL pymt., pay only ..... dl.rome mu . broil•. aatD.. •
,... month. bUnien with built2ln OIDt.'
BAUOBN'8 J'ul1Uture J'act.ory ~ Aleo baa clock u4
~c Warebome • 1016 &. J'1nt It., lamp. I owe '147.ta. Pymta.
, ----------l&nt& 'Ana. Kl TsMIT 81.on SIM mo. Would l'k• a ltArY9
CA.PA.BL& nune.. boallekeeper, Salemnan or Broken WATCH & CLOCK Houn. K~y Ulna ~ I could uae tor ,, , equtty, or •
drive. Good pOlllUon deallnd lD Wanted repairing 1:00 to t:4o 8&turday t :OO to lllJ. 8ee wh•re I Hnt ll to
paper. ' 4.lp'6
.__ __ .. ,,. WW n --t :OO Sunday 11:00 lo 5 :00. be mlid, 408 lo. Kaln In -.. ... ty. travel _..,. OU~ .. 11 ~ -... ......._,.. Oranp, 4 blocltl lo. ot Ch•p,
llV • "..,.....,._ -..-W Al..ICl:R Ii LIC& .INC~ etfer l"ftD l:8TDlA TD. HOTPOINT Automatic wuber. mu Ave. ua
~ 8-.1 m.tate oppGI'-NEWPORT JEWELERS Uad oal7 I moG1bL Pd. 4a. ----------
twdtl• l.ll OIU..NOJI OOUN'IT. 1no ICewport Bl..t. to ...... No caa 4a. ~on-BUILT-IN RANGE =~! ~ ,.!~ ec.t.a M.. LI Mill 17 $7.&2 PH month. W!l1rtpool TAPPAN -beauutu.I coppt'r • WHY WAIT
Glenn Johnston CARPETSA:UPHOt..Bl'ERY
tare. ~-~ t.op Autamatk Imperia.1 model. Pd. brQnM cw.. broUer a.nd four
J"Oft BENT ROOK dn. to fl.II.IL No cub dOtra. bumel' top Ollatraetori order ~ 6 pnimot.._., pro-Haq .,.ce ~ ta .._ U i>ay only 87 At Jlft mDltt.h. uncalled tor. OM only at build:
,,..... OU'R atBl&K ~ ~ ltx1*t to~_. BAUGBK'B runuture h.ctory W"• prtee ot Jn4. Cuti or
DOCD BIO 00lOC1JSTOK&. pa.uay and occupy ... 1' w~ 2 1015 E. 11\nt lft.., IMn.ll tM'm.I. JA.lm'a APPLI-
~J.!~Bo0c!~~tn~·~ .. ~·~loe8~--llQlslJ It It. )f~ 8-da a..n.s la d90dol't.md la
-----------BMlor 111' tttte YOUR HOME
Cokmlal llOl'tll&l7
fl01 9o1111 •JUM 9clatJa 7" W-·
-·~ ... Aa Orup Olllllrt7 r..ta.dlia
Inr..i--d&Qy. AM for IOON. lf JOU am't .-cla a.. l&nt& Ana. JO 7-6UT SU.. ANCll CO., 1117 llaa'bor Blvd..
Kn. 8hlpMrd. ..... ot&e. at --., na al .. lift.-~ Soun, Koeday UU"u J'rtd&J' CG«& at-. Gener:JaS°~•ctor REPAIR WORK M::S ~~ci:
New Work -R.emo<Jehng CEMENT BRICK LI 1-uu UcO.S BeDOow• A CU-.t.ft.., Laac Harbor ITU. '8etl 1:00 to 1:00 S&turday 1:00 to ---------
Beach GA..B.nll:LD &W• AL11KJNUK aqv.are b.iaMa~
ilc4T Aff p 0 J t :OO Sunday u :eo t.o &:00. tac wuber. Qood eoadJUoa. n: roperty wner 102 .... at.. ..._u .. --.. _c ..
J . MILTON McKENZIE Trub &ullnc EXPl:IUZKCED 1 .. -ct.-Cl..n-Up )'OW\&' -1 Harbor 8399-W MUe PT ... ~ a_ PLTnrD~G *-bCIU9e wortl b7 d&1 or
-L.IAD&.ll.An • V.-a.M'll -hour. referencN furn. U M114 ALM08T mw tul1 ala O'Kede wwa n••n ... -. ucw. n
An JOU ~ J'Cli'I' .. t• Ii Merritt .... ,... with -&n.. La t-1111 U Pamtiq a Papertl&Dr1na Liberty 1-uu '4c.e
'3lfc -----------
11.at.T ·-••• SIJ6. LJ M>Olt. ~ ntlQIDAJJlE. la.rs•..._ VEKT
W• do tbe work om.lftL
IO y-.n tarpertmca
IA.om_, la luun4.
8at111racUc'a paranteed. maumai. tno. oau Jobnnk.
LI 8-2e87 It U ~289
• AddiUora • a.pah11 e Cabinet. e LouTl'S Wtndowl
• Doon
• GoMnJ carpenter work e VERY REASONABLE
LIMITED OFFER $2150 0000 coadJtton 11a. LI Wiiied
BABY IITTm A u.ttt bo1J8e-a.a. dn1D and ed,._ JOlll' BOl'POINT DIBBW A.4HllR. '65 Mc .. won. mper1enc:.d. not ancrer wawr i..i-. pump model. pnfed oond!Uon ----------
44p 17 yn. old. Thru Labor n.,. OtJl DAY 6 HIGBT $I'm. Har. 4111 between II la O'Klml'll A KlllUUTI' -i.t.o ---~--~--~---Jl&bT czperMnce pr9femid. .t.~ D&ALl:R I p.m. ~ model •O'' .......... wit.b aeps ~~"'-'&WJ Bar 1'59 J . "2e44 • an.t.e bM1roller, dodt. ,...., •.
European Cook It Waiter K.UJC OR n:MUJ!l JOE BJ!£B'ruLD Refrigerator Clearance dJo. ltc2lt. llte. nu. ,,..i w
wanta permanent position 11&1rd.re9Mr. Good ... .,....tee. Phmlblnl $100 -...,llU\ ID. aoedl !!lM~ up. Yeur1 ·--a.r uao •~ tor oml7 m. UJCll'a APPU-on yacht. Hemlock 2...s3M LI 1-6750 nanlnp uttc ------~---TradHI! allowaDOo tor )'OU.I' old ANCS oo .. tm &nor 111.... !
Mr F w '....... 4'fnd WATCH REPAI refl'i19rator cturm.i ow aprtq eo.ta x... , OOMPLE'l'E PAINTING · · • ..._.... .,.. llOMZ l'l\D, _,,. t... · R a.ara.nce ot '65 medel&. I.up ---------
It hper Han,gtng Service KATUJUll b&b7 l&ttcr, a...u.Jm AppUcuu n..s.d. muy amee A NEW Service Added. stock. nam. brud.I. aD tn.Dd Oma:IU1. ~ ...._, ..
WG&Hm o. &AUKDJCRa all boun.. Owa trauportatiGft. Jot. Aleo rwtaannt ad We will C&ll at J'fN7 IMlme MW. Bot.b top and boUom 11.ft. •ut-•tle N. a ..
IOO l1at au.t_ Newpal't 9ea.dl LI 1-IML ~ =ca. 'IMIL ~ .:::. tor 1"'1tD -"m•t• and rr.Rr moddl. :::":. =t. ~..::
....._ lf'fl U. EXPmRilllJtCED June l'arrar. DDfl. Ar:7· wtll pkll ap ud dslfT.r. WE81'1NOHOUl._NOIWll ,_. ~ ............
W&Dtl bou. 90 I 0 red strt •OJ% llDd et.. Npt. 8eacl BARBOR H03 n:avm-KllLVIMATOR ll•ft. autms'k.' ji& -. .. ~-Prw If ... MW'I ud Kade. ,.snd or Nftnt.,.... FOR RENT Bcla rafenrncft. W'OT'A.OwnN= (~ tram aty Sall) 'nM ,..,., Boa CROSLSY-.-r'C. 8111..ft. ,._.,_ ,,_. ,_7-tF
• p1c&an ~· ot t.M 11a.rbor C. EVERm SMITH D:W aan. a.c. DrWa. PoUabera. portattoe Kt 2 ~ Jluby TechnJclan 2TJ1 z. eoa.at. ODroM deJ Mar oP&N svi:aT wm NITll sua ,.. ...a.. 1• .......
Oiatinc:UTely de9igned
.,.. ~ Um• a week.. t.11. ltU. a. Newport.._. all t7pea ot Buden, WMelllU Ud5 ---------~-TILL t P.11. ,..,... .. .,._ .,_ "7ltUlll,. -. 1 aw a 8lODU... Bu . .ue ..,.. or nminp D.Uo nm, tc.c.. ----------BJCD.DIV AN po; 2 cbrome to, clL to a&n. M• a ,,.a.
.... ,.. )")t00
...u,..114 .. · .......... ____ ... _ .......... ,_ ... _
BOYD'S HDWE. "FIX-IT" YOUNG KAN TO LEARN ta.we. ST..llO -..; canMT Jaq, CLOn:D SUMDA.Y8 ..,. ~tut ... ...a.
-w. OOdT HIQBW.AT ~~1:'~ ·-STM; na.t Dk 16; JU J Es s EE aAU<DDn ......... ......., r .,_._ • .... ,.. ..._.. --.. ....,hank=al &lad a.ctrical ._.,......, -i W ......... ·1111 & -a. __ ._,, -nwpt. -__ ., ~~W"!m! w W"'nw o.n.non, Apt. D, Corona 4111 ·-Ma!ntmanoe e-YSee ...---.-. & ~ ._. AM. ICI ,_..., ._.
A.LL WORK OUAR.4N'I'UD. Kar. ~ APPLIANCE co. Boan. x--, tin ft*7 GENERAL
No job too ....U. BMt Of Nf·
er.DCM. LJ MTTt ITtfe
Complete Lawn Care
nu:& &a'lUl.ATD
OT LI 1-3222
Alco.bolkw ADonymoua
Wrttlt P. 0. Boa Ill
Newport 8oaea, Ol1ll.
l'baM aanar ,,.. ...
Ba.r1lor MM °" MN APPLY I -& WUKDA.Ya BOID: 80LD. t-<rm. turnltan>. ' 101> 8. M.AlN ICI l.aMI t:OO te l:tt ......., 1:90 te
eotfc l s lJ U.TURDAYB pcSeT dbl bed and ~. BANTA ANA . t :• hadq 11:90 .. 1:00.
----------KJl. Pl!NNSLL tnmcPo bed mt. ch9l. '°" «di GARDENING 1a GUAIU.MTmD
LAWNS INSTAJ.IED Cadlllac-Oac• Co.. ::!: ~ ;r ... : Rm'IUGJCRATOlt. Pb1lco • iu AUTOMATIC
6'4 Tennln&I Way, ea.ta II.-tabie., KaJtal' nnp. 8n'ftl cu. n.. Ulled I WU. 6: lib AND RENOVA.TED BOOJCmP1CR mnc~ G. &. auto. ........... brand new. Bal Jars• IOslb. w ASHERS
Pnminl' Ii cleanup. -bour, _._,.._ -•-~top fr9dar cbMt.. 1e-. day or month. LJ ~. Oieck bookl ne17 moflth ~ ........ ~ dlalr, dlMtt.e eet. ....-.. ,.-A.a LOW il .. preps.re mo. balance aheeltl 6 plctunm. 1ampe. etc. Barp1na. rate Ws't meat lltOft&'e &Del
SSP't forma tor amall buatn ... Can LI l-1J5l. ~ nsetatU criqer. I pa.Id °"" "60 tor It new. Yoa can haft Thor • JJ1ac:.bt4m • ABC
P'l"lptai.r9 • Apa ·Dater
Ka,tai • WbJJtpool GARDENING u ~7179
l lJ>'•
Houri I a.m. t.o • , ...
1156 ~ ea.tax...
LDat7 ls4IJI
be done 8undaye If de9ln4. A ~ BA.RGADf ll foe Wbat'1 ldt on contract
LI 1-Ull. '3ttc Two beaUW\ll Na-njo nip for Sita..17 or take .,.)'ll*lta at
OVER JO, pa.rt time. _,,, up Ak. One 19 a coDec'\Onl' llAm. 110..llO mo. ... ct..,. or ..,.
lo 126 dally. CalliJll' on l..'IUS-M'" • '14'" and ~1'" • II"· Tota.I al 409 a. Main bl On.np. ' n.. .,.. ~-ud now
WELL PR&'DICTI. TV IMda. pric. for ltotJa 1150. PboDe Har bloctt. 8o. ot Chapman Ave. -plM. 'ftainl7 ,_...~
Kl 2~1. ~ '110-M.. Me4t ue Ucl parant.-.s. O.U"17 anc1
w ANTm> strl for 8&t. and 8ua. ··7 FORD coaftrtlble. cxceDmt NORGS 'M A.Ulo. w.-.r. I .. IJMtaUaUon ... L
d&J' work. nm·. Drtve Inn. La-U.... motor. ,.sat. uoo. 16--R. ~! :.~ ... "11":;1~~ Opens....,. Week Mite Wl t p..aa.
pna. Uc44 row baa&. lO bp Jolmlioe. h.J5. .... tat.or. loeda from top, .__ 0... .....,,. Harber,.,...,,. ~ -· ,_ .. puah bott.oo W&llbla. rtMM •
..,tna drf. A·l cond. BaJace
11•-M. ... day « ..... al APPLIANCE CO.
408 IOUth )(ain. Oraqe. ' 101, •. KADf JCI ....,..
blocu South ol Ol&pmu An LUITA ANA
.. c
u ~------~---
. . . •• :::: :::-
• • • -· -~ ~. ~. ....._ .., :::-
~ .. •• ~ " ,.
::: ... . .. . .. . . ···-..
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!!! -!h''S:! , ~~l! :?..'•-~ ••"·'"'' . ~ ! · !i,.,...rv'":'. te 'fnlullilv s"':' ·11 i• llil!!1«1--:;NIWfoRT~~Alftt.l'A6ll
Tooalalo!l'W --1 ..,......, . ..,. ..... ..., ..,. ••MI ~ *' *' •. Speciak• .' _ ~'ISOAY •. AU&UST l.,'.'ltl4 , ...... ....., ... ---an .. ,., .. _.. ao.n for s.1. - -,...-,-,~ ... -3 Star ~ Watssa .... JI'-. ~UM Cr-., Jl ft. tL ... CU.. ~fir i&I ...... ... d -811ci..t.M. -...x.w1111u.iai., l'flh Roipolnt~U...,._ T•k a..dr....,..,.. 1111 -...._-Ilic : !f!t a· .... ~~-,-• H -&oas,l ·k,..._. ........ -I ~ -F .~. ru.ndtl.IN • ~ r·: ~ o:: 11 .... _,tii& flOttoa .... pp' ·-K•COW Dl'f10!f raJ T ~ lJC5G lh.nac ROA~ .. JU\IIl:U: ooun M~ av.haul LIDO am.us
.,.,....,_.1111 &. Finl a. Urine ftoom. °""""' _,._. rtcfla&. ~ ....._,,,... ...... ,,_ tTLIO • r•• Orw Ud -"~. , two tcee. ~........ NO lllONn boWN "'""*' 1 ...... 1 '-Ul.
9ilaita AM. &t f-NIT ..._ ao t• Group. Jt'• .. x.... ~ uu.r, .a i-.11 .... ..._ ... ._, .-.. • ~, ~ iiw.t1 ,._ TV WW _,.-.
--......, PD.Dl<.to.-1<•-_.,.. -I. ... -.,...,.,_....._ __ ·-lnbo,ndlo,lloa1«,wllllo...a-Upt.lll_IAI,,_, ·--owl·--
1:00 w .. ...: ·-to ...... lt )'OU ,., ~ .... t& 00...., -..... --.. Q=' ...... ~ LoeU ear. Low.,,,.,..,.. EXQP"'HOMAL vrn I Oya GA•_... • ,..rQ' --
•:• ._., U:OI to l :M. ... ~ ~::. -::"etorJ 11' AUX. Uoop.....,. t,.',.. JH J1'&'°i*Y· -1953 OlltTSLllR WDfl>80R a..uB. LiPt pwa. 41 8trsfcbt
2.-::..r:::;:-'.:"' ::C:'"· .... =-•w~•
W......._ -1011 &. rtr.t pllfJ, I 9lidU -.111. "'7 Ki.ft & MW &• g d __. Power-... .._.._. -deu -S108G llclrta -eB..88 llA&. ar..t. ea.ta Ana ,tnn1 JO de&ll -----_.. la,.... ~ CW _,,. pa. a --....... ·-J ------····· ~ .._.. LUer • hrt& THE VOGEL op. ,...., '""" a-_,._, -. --- -'"° 1ll63 PONTlAC Cub "--•'•bl bl... 1lldlo • "" -...,. -..,.. V1o TOP "'°" paW tor tbna Prld&f t :OO to t :OI Bat· a ~Ol'I' .... .... _,..... l:tM ., u.. ,...... .... .--. sr-. aw.p ....... U4 rod Udt ~ l6H u..
..... , t :oo to t :oo auni.t.7 lHI. 11tept t. ... ua1....a f\11. 0r:pu 11t. .,... ...., heat. W~/W -Loc!a1 or, iow mllel.I• --$1088 -.,... mir,.t ..._ um. 11&r dl1 u~oo io 1:00. 4...i6, 8109 pti., 1 f'.111 ._,. .._ or '8R lllll• ,.....
• 1-----------ISeTerd MJ le=-... fna ... 111..SC'nWklO OJtQA.M8 -l&al DODGE' door SEDAN. ..... ~ W'illttl' a..UJm Oil OOOCll. cbalr. ~ taWe. W . to P.600 all • .... _..._ _. -"' ...... -._., U,bt ._ JMCh•nlcaJly ---'ect. _______ .$ $1$ cuaDl"I 6 on. DTllA. ft-"·--r-~ .. -6 • ••-•-~
lroa. flDff*'• ... &Ju•J•'&m. 1111 TIMtJa A"-o CO.ta,.... witlt. tnboerli ..... • I .ee'"\ ..... MW .... -•"-;"" r".. ft1:8tJDJt 1:NGQOCS OU--. ..UV -.~ :'° ::'°a_
:._ .... i. ffMt RICJl••DIOQ -' M.1=+·11 0rpa OftiJt'f&TI 19(9 BUICK strPEJ\ 2 door. Green. 1t1t.a .. t 8UJl.T ut _, ... ___, ~ lm&JI ~ "': -.-:::: ..,...
l&ctT I ROOXll bMuUtul MW ID04trn •YACHT A..NCBOltAQ9 Oft OJ'CLT -\I.led Ua•moAd cooditioll. -----.. ··--····------·-.. .$ 280 llldW •·•tHn 0.'t ...
-----------1 nu·nltur., wtUa X.lvtnator tt-tTlt Bayside Dr. Bu:. JOit CbOr'd .,... n.. ~ , t-4 wWl U.. ~ mu. .. VOGEL\ CO. ~I• IUt f'rls., Wtds_.ood ruce wtUa Hu. 4UI , 11\te tutrw;.1ent tb&t •• _,._ eu 19'8 PLYMOUTH t dr. 8edaa. Sf*:ial dehm... l1q ~ aLOCK
=::::::::==:::.;;::..:=--· ~ 1 pe. •fOUl'ht tron uCRD1CJ: ti n. ....._ nia.-=· ..,blf••tta.1 •Wll' on . Blaa. Llk1 !le#. MUST SEE TO APPRJX::'IATE roAD tlJD.41> ..l ~
COlll'LS'nl ~ °' mAP.., dlMlte -. I pc. unnc l"OOl'll •bcN.t. tut C2!.rJliMr. J'all1 . OU QC ~ • •• ~ .a ..... """*' Mid ~ :.:=n '::". ::;: rluM<1. K~ Qbol· SJIDQDT • PllILUP8 ma l REED & 'rr llUJall ,,,. .. ncll. tllYaa • cb&tr• tMi.. rnant. 104 wwlu to paJ. •tery. ca.nvu OO"ten. t.rau.r, PU.NO Ud oaa.AN rrou, "'->.) • PA.CK.A.JU> (I 01L> .._.am.oo -----------
....,., .... f1atac. proup &ad vt'..
W. Cmc..r .t..llUelm top con41tlocl. O.U Tam. LI llloca 1t14. .UWll,Jt 100 pt&BOll f't1m.. Dodp • ,... I -'1'*-00 n..,.,_._ OUpleX "" --... ......._ -"~ . ..,,., "''" ""· ,.. "''"' '" ...._ ......_ •10 11a ""'" CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH DEALER cmtn. a "" eoro _.uo.oo ~-.-
hee0aud. mattn. A Ma 4"c~ s.. at 2037 Cout HwJ .. K--..... ._. U:OO 'W ...... _ _.. • ...__ mn>n•m ---llJO.ot ~
....,., i1.,-r. ,...,...., -.. ' ftoon of rurmtww. u....--. ..:'°_" __ ....., __ _,_. ___ ...,._, . ~ mpw.y LI -OU>& • PON'l'l.A.C • -IUD.00 Va.can.L Wall '° . 0MP4l. l
bl9 ....... wt~. U'• &ll trudernd back tG c:;;: 1t" BOl'J'IU.l( tabk model. • NA.&B ---l...-.-SUO-OI HdlOIW .Ad ...
" Mtb.I.
.... P4. da. to Ukk CU1l Bn.ncb .. 91.n. Jut -··bt 11.rr. CLINKER built •Dbget, u..a. .. .16. <Ju&nnt.eed. 1101 .... • ...._I IUJ8ZR -JlJO,OI rorotd • i..c. ptftWl..t~ ..., ... --D&cron Mil. rOOd CODd!UOO.. No. X.-. llMta .......... "°'6 --•-_.... .............._I•.... BUDBON (IJ ti llaaa91 -ll.0.00 paUo ud ........-. _.--
or Jl&J" eal1 -,_week. LbiN9 too. 7·plec9 dl.iiJac room, s11a. Har. 2an. Mo&t =:u · PLUa DfftALLA.TlOlf wtDdow9 ~ ...._ Ma.YU·
liUOlilM'• hn!Uu.N. hctcN'y 10-paec. ll't1n.f nKW a cocn· atoo ..,.,. ~ 1pm.t tw o,.. D&U7 t i. 1 na1 ...,, ~''"""*" ..., N
w.,.....-1011 .. ~It.. pl-. bedroom SJ'OUP· allo 'M is· AU'XJU.AJ\T .. IMblrd .. ,...,., ... ~·-airo .... ta.~-Theodore Rob'1ns GMC ' ~"Ill T ..... meua lo.-t.b. ... Mornlnc 8ut& ....._ kl· T4'11 Ilse Pllllco 10~ cu. R. retrtr. ·~ A-l condition. 11 hp ~ plot. ..._ for 161~ lllDlta7 11 \Ct I ~ "-'-ow-&,._ K&r.
Haun,. ~ thnl. ftid&J Wedpwood sriddle ranc .. All moklr .. ...u.. both .... ..... .... • jlutl thl W\UI--TRIPLE CHECKED IUoelr. IDUl -Giit llUd&rdl Bu. dM-W llo&4
1:00 t. 1:00 l&turm.7 t:OO to Uiat la OWUI&' 1-flll.41. No Priced tor quick l&la,,-»Mt. It.er orpa la, ,.... bome -Plw ~ ,..... ud cill
l :OO ~ ll:ot '° l:Oe. :'-..:1~~. ~1:,::, ,'!.," ~ ~.•rcoH;;'~y~p=-: :::.~ ~1= . f o Ro USED TRUCKS BELLES 'EN61NE RENTAL ,
SPECIALISTS llOUll:l't1L ot. J'uralture, C-: 1t.ond. ERB. ff.ttc Munc. LAmMrt &-42~1. · ·11'"oxc i,i T. Pl.GJnlp. REBUILDERS ~ Mdroom. ~'!°111C ~ B.A.UGHM'I Fumlture J'actory I---------"""'--I , 'tT J'Olt.D % T. Plckllp. 110 a. lrd IL JO I.Wt CA.IL mm.A. ca.ua !'!'.'°r.r=· .. :,.:." .. """ :_,~'~' ~ .. •L. CRUISER '55 Plym. VI d. MCI. fl49~ • ., CHS"fltOLlrl' i; T....... LO.,. CAU-nt1111TOW1Na DORIS BRAY, Reeltor
-PQ ~ •1n per week. Houn, M.Ollda}' tbru ..:, CUSTOM BUILT. U' • u · dbl. RADIO '51 Ford v~ dry "'· $ 1495 ::: ~~:. Paael. ft'ATll 80NDtD t1I KutDL B&ao. bl&n4 liw~~-.runJ1011t'!.re -~"'o"L. 1:00 to 1:00 Baturday t:eo to bottom. M'.OGtl ftllt•tld. .ti*-ADJ tul9 medtl ....-i.-.d '55 Ford Reh.. W9n. $l945 'A DODO• '4 T. Pkbp. ~R?,:CTITIWGllJlllO _ oni·-'!.,..w ___ au_:.·-'°-'--"--"---
---,..,_ 1:00 lundl.y lJ :OO to 5:00. e la two -••·· Top -•• "N --cu T ., .. ~-..... .., -wu rnr Al!JT\ 9u1a ...... m t-&dT ltcft uon. CbryWr--;.. ..... ';)O $2,50 · !50 Plym: cl. cpe. _$195 ,54 roRl> 711 % 'T. "Pkbp, f'Ordo-. POWJ:AGllD• LIDO ~..,..,
&oun. X.CS:! •. ~ l'ridll.J ROUND nltl.a dla. tatwe. SS--Jnqu!r• Jl.AlllOA. 4.l'fOLDfQ ladwW _... ud '9.klr 'SJ ford Curl. 4-cfr. _$995 .matte trana. OOMPLm'S$ 19......,..50 UL htmabed • ~
t:tl i. t:OO __..._,, 1 :00 to &op W" • • dMiJn. EucuUn CLUB. upeT • F'L 'i:i#ut •• 'S] ,..__ •1195 'IO CBmVJ\Ot.m'I'" T. Plclnlp. I • ByMqr Miil ..,. or tw• ..,....
t :ot lluadl.J u;00 to 0;00. d.._ bleached walnut, aoxtO. .l.CXI: TV RA.DI ""'9'1. conv. --4' ·:w. QKC ~ T. rtckup. ll)'dia-lDdOdm &II~ • labor _.. apuaamc..
llO·-...,,, --. -~--,,ur!"'!._~ •• ,.,~ ... ""•, "'..,"' sw,...o~rt.~~. -"""", ...... ~ ua --at. " --o-'54 DL. a.tv ., H.T: _$1495 ..uc truia. A.U.o wuu: .uu.NTmm .,.LIDO_":~~-·"""'••, .;;;,,__ m-:'1 ft. _:;:::;:: ~. -· •• • 1 •---, --• -· '55 ~•d llJ: T P:U •1296 "M CllJIYllOLlft' .. T. PIUuPo TERMS ADD&IJGED _., ~---_...... llhore Dr., N""JIO"f. &each. ltl(I, 6 9COOp b< tallU CICl9&: PORT.A.Bl.II ZenlU& ~ '"'t" J ., • • _.. ff7dn.--m&UO t:rana. rvv"", MOO vaa Udo ll&lllliW ""'
....,., p1.ao. Bar n•:_:.6, 1 __________ .... __ 11 1 $.8:i only 1u Har Jl60J. """" a.nte. 411 ,... .. :r&dlo. Uk• ..... •5 i Fore& VI P.U. __ ::$695 •a1 rottD vs. J T., ao o.w.. LO.AN ~
-------=----In.A-A• 2t n J.LBAOOU •P9d&l. all ...., ll&tWJ. Pmatt JIUtJ. '46 Stude PU $195 ·ao OKc t T. eo.. l'' •t&M. t = ~.:~c:!1~ IRVINE TERRACE
FLAT TOP pa ~ ....u.nt ~tlqoe! equiped r-.dJ to p Bar f71.0CI. CU h -. at IUI • • ~ -~ l:tl U..-. ...au..• bunnw. •...., • •"w Bfft oaa tUM w. ODut m..,...,, Newport '51 f.ord l/J T. P1nel $695 ·ao ooooz. • T. D\Ullp, •.,..... La W.NI d
llm&rt:. --........ ~ .............. t llatM. WMJ ...... ~~..ate ..
el1*d p&Uo. K&bac ~
ldtebm. buUWD. 0... • nap.
• .. puqu.t Oocn,. ... ,..
... 1 Tl ...... LU.a orru:s
oppetlit. DlYIMW COAIT
OOUll"l'RT CLU..
~ uu; d>L -ANTIQUES ''°" ...._ -· '37 C'-.. P -" •125 1
'• u.... ---------pa. LI......_ UcU ,,..., •ne1 ~ ... _if' 'Bl CBSVJlOLST, I T., CO&.
• BOUGHT• aoLI> 17' • S." Otn'BOAJU> wt. 11• 0. E. U.111• mOd.i-1. 1JRd. '52 Chev p U $795 17t'' WB., I 9Jl'M(I, 1 :15 u... 0-........
I AOOJU ., hm!tun. Tbla W E&rtJ patt.ern. colonel Md c:ut .teennr. WW throw tn Iv· "4. OVA.AA.H'l'llllD. llOI No. • ' ' --I =:.;.;z=====------
...,.uatac J'OU DiM4. Ills f·pc. stul· J'la• cblna .. ftcurtne•. comtnr .nstfte. -..n-Wbeel Mala. 8aaia ........ '4c4ll ... u ftnt WON baJ1AS ..,,. * PORT o• .. ..,GE * ·-··· • •r ~ -Theod Rob. .,... ....... .,... .. •• .... . .... , .. wrouctlt tr... din1lll' pvup, '!ii Yietori&Q marbl• top, ptJle. ... .... r •0 &#VOCI• • ~a Orsa. ~ ..... ore ins
er-&.,-11.ft. ....tJ1i"., 116t CP anaplti • eh'"J" tuni.ltun. Old Harbor •lt1. 4fP'I aMI. Tnm&. 61.IO dowll, 1,0 ~ ~tt:'ud"':'"' ~ '1"'R.All..ZR J9ALES
automau... Odfen 6 lattkr (WI&. ll'oll toy., P'DDJ ll&nkll. per m..th. 0 Coun..... aad 8appU.
wtUl piddle, t"n oomptew A?n'TllINO UNUIUA.L It u .rr. CARVER er..n. 10 b ' aR.AftR8 (llftot tto7l f R D ., 2200 Vf. Oout Hlny
..._. l'f"UPI • 1~ ».-w1ll "'-our pleU\&hl to pt_... M..auy moter, -.i trlr.Ulr. Ul-4.n H I lantl. W W WOODS
0.-BW7 101, N...,.,an: &anor.
Ot.11 Har. 6'U .. .,.
.... ,... ,,.,.,. H. dn. i.. ,OU •l UM ••RC) B.AJ\N"', LI l-1400. Uc6' ~ ~ s-6111 Ana • • . Newport se.ell u 8-4(20
..._"-H• c.-........ hJ 1J111 H1.r1»or Bl..S.., o.o. KI 14 rr. LTK.UI evtbcard *1.tf. er-.p OOuatJ'• Orn* ~ GMC DEALER •UGC'ft ·~ pl:NIN8lJLA NICE A.B.U oal7 N.M ,.. ....._ l..ntl <1 blJL N. ot w...._ o.t 0.,.. rroo. •e•"•t oondl-Our ]5th YMr of Service 110-11 a. 4Ua It. a..ni. An& Jiles. lptcl&I •
JSAUOllN'I hnlltun hct.orJ mtuter Blvd., O.G.) 4Jel1 Uon, 1'UlllWIC upta. W1lJ ---c t H' f' I Th ,..__ Truck ~ tor Ml 60' I br. ha .... f.l.Url ffltG u~ a.pt&. wtUi ......... w~ -1011 It. J'tnt It.. rtnce, PH. Owmr Har ldtW, us om I· I n 11 "-'VITIMunity Onul6• Couty .. llO" 1 Ill'.......... Tm MIO 1 8 ... -"° • I .. A. -111•
..-. .AM. m t-uaT It.on Tall Gablt Country Boue MU• 11 w 1 •· ... Aa. ma 111& Pb. a.r. 1114 -..-. aa.r. 1W
-_,...., ,.._, ANTIQUES ---------1 """° nn111&1 3100W.CoestHwy. .. ... , ... ,..,_,..,. '"" " • .............. ''°".. 11· cATAMORAN Plaaood .. ,.... ........... -u ,_3411 McCarthy's .......... • ........ ~·. !~ -.... l"OR L&AU t:tl ._..,. 11:00 te a:eo.. !nee ~ autlleaUe aautv-, 1... -·-•'-ror Mme A .__ ~ -----------1 .aor.s p.. .._ .,,,,..., a.uboat A and dollJ'. Fut • ;..,;:::,--Mc4I 11111' 1 W. hnallt UN aMO CORONA DEL lilAR
IUlS>G. 6 ,.._ '* W. JtCllC ,...i., l&m,.. tunl&tun. ftom roomy, Pt6. Har. 1130-ll. R&A.ll • OOKPAD u.tJMiiU. -----------I 1420 s M Ill tr,......._ l W. UN ... 1 MnUtuL t Bl\ ~
..... .... ..a:tl"lm • ma.bot· ~·· stft n..m to OM Uptl hJ&fl. tidellty •t our compl.U YOU WILL GET 0 a'1n .... 'l'lln7 ...... -1111 sT'OUJld floor ..... .,c.a. a t 110 ._ -_ • ..,....,...,_. OPEN TO OFFER ., ..... at"-.....,,. , • .. ,.. "-""'""" '"' "'" LuUpou. ,....,..,. -· to1'4 11M1..u.a. Ku-. ~W IL+..Tllant A.NII JOllNI ti IO' •r-Hll i.U1 tit& D00 "°" ltm Banor Bl'fd., 8&.ata Au Trade or MU 11-n. eenter bou'd HARBOR Hl·f I MORE .... """ n (60) s-•·t • door Ml 18" 1'w17 ll&Ul llH 1116 I krnl7 turtiabtd .,u. •t 112 Ttttc ncUlll" .iq, sood. -.ii. e.l\d. • iJIU \.o:.uJ ,..,...-.. II 11' cardtMl. ~ 116 lllG CU...U-&ft1l&blli lept. 4
CIOOO r ,,,._•I nu-md ----------1 tnller. Al.o 'OO bl&ck J'onl AIR CONDITIONING NW rs...ttNOd !llr' 4116 "'° lllld hpt.
......., .._. ..-b. ....n,.. Sl-Boata, SannU. uoon~e. M1'"'7 ·v·~~~ •Plt.c.. UP NlfW'JIOrt fllYd. Bar. 4811 FOR YOUR CAR ruu powu equipment 4000 mo. IMI 11' JOt twUi ..._ IOlll rrtO Allot u...e apU. ..,.. P'!CJIUOO· '1llf I • .-.. _,. Oc-.. H -u• · l u a-., p,.p $549S '· &I 11' Trua twla llld t<lllS llOO r.117 ...see and 111wit ....... to rr.t. HWJGl't. ,..;d&)' or Coeta Jl-. 4.lptl When ~ .ell to U 16' ,.... ...... awa. 11111 2111 -.ppnal•te. Mo pet.a. .... or ~-44p46 JO~-~:-;-!:t11'1::'. BAAND A-lWl. C'OJtT-mxcm1.arr plda C&m buqa--Ill 11' J1MtwDOd 1415 UM -11 OW'Dft' at &pt. D SU ca,...
• aoQMll. ., ftmlbln JUat ti4 •TUI. litre au.rr. oompMt.11 ~ loW ...... "' .,...., •u I*" Anchor Mt Co 61 ft' Ctpr. toilet. •I• 1IN 1• aaUOn. HartJior lMI.. Qo!lll1:., w ... '"'™'" eomplet. ieoe Bcott-Atwat.r 11 h. p. moaUL r '.M PONTIAC Chidt&in VS 11 II' O.tfll'l I br. 1111 1• to ~ ttUc
u.tq ._ Ql'oup,
pteiM n-rr. CBRIS EXPRUa. iao •kctric .ta.rtlnc'. new Teenee 8llAl'l!R8 (111Ae9 llOTl • • l-4oor, waw-Twot.oa. . .ie.. 01 w Kt~ ~ 11to 11111 -
..._ ~ ~i.t. .,.. bp., nd&o, b&J.t taaJc, na,.,. top, tnu.,., wtnd9hl•kl ... u. eu.-u1..us K. 9f0&1110n, 1aata .1.na lT' E. 11tb t.1 .. utt $1695 0P11N 1 L ..... •,. .. ..,.~ d&7 Newport Island ~,,..... an..s M-N-.. oonr, cle&n. rut. PlllO. Own· hloM, 1J pl. lank, control&, Phone XImber1}' l:Oe11 c<Wl'A. llEl..A 1 hctroom. turUibed bOUN. Ml ....... 1JOl,... ltllfl'., ud •Har. I""-ITt:te blltt.f, •itae. 4t 600 x.... ir· MOO"OIWI..4 om.ole. 11-1.1 _________ _:.·_n_u_c -PAN AllJ:ltlCAN
an.& x ... w.....,_. Ruae. ru-1~ Corona cW Mar attv •n.tcS. oun.u.&. n02 No.. J'MMW)U.Ta Dm.lVSRT • 'M CHEVROLET Bell . A.Jr ...,.._..t-«.,...,11 /
_,, ...., N. dL tlO ....... FQR S L I p.m.. or call H&r. 1881 after Main, Bult& ...._ «et& n...,._.Tftr7 4lmoet J bdrm.., ttNpl&ee. K• .... dL h7 -.... A E I p.m. Ucf.t ·-~ JWd. 40 llLiMil Y-1 IT4TJON W.A.OON ••t. __ ..... -fl!: plkie 11•. . m.Uc [)rhoe. ll.adlo, BMW, CIUP9\ ~ trnced p&Uo •
.... .... Be&utlft&.I w aux .cboo.n•r, ro BKOWBIRD 112, MW •• ,, .. ~ n...... ........ ' KA.1181t8H .. WA.DON twoton•. -· __________ .... __ .. _, "° mo, tor 9Ptal«' ,__ .._.,... ....._. •••torr :_:::::::::::1:~-~-=-:!.;'~-=---·I tot" JIU& I t. -w..acA _ lOll &. J'tnt ..,.when. bffl. tor c:h&rt.er trailer. OOftl". Wlnnrr of I 1111 llano,. Co.tall~ $2395 roa UNT or tor _.._,,-~ 111.000. OCIDlllder tr.a 1220 cupe.. l:"f•rythlns In sood eosi.· .11.A.llUJ: Klll&HL t1G eiM:h. ....,. --·--.__., __ ... ~,_ .. __,, __ _ =:::::::.. Jt:;,~ W. IWM& 81"-. Newport. diUon Har llNW Lrbn'tJ' .. WT -MO It. Jun• -:;;; :.:-'" ~--;:;;-~ ON 841,804 mL&NI)
" 8&rtlor IOU tt Uo&6 Jl4., N-iiort BMcll. ... BT o~ 'II ·~ VI, au UI ---... t.a.n .._,. t:GO to t :OO kt-1-----------Mir,. O'drtft, R 6 R, NbuUt 4 IAte Model ~ T. plckup1 ...._ u: NTllO lttfc _,,. 1 ~
.,._,. t:tO t. l:GO lund&J' MAHQOONT pty half deck .ti ..,... a. u ~T T ll:OI i.. l!OI. ~on Nswport Bay In • boaL lt n. with OB motor ,,a.A.lo, ~n.L motor, " 6.. '11 Poatiaw .. ... .aoc and Up lt ,_ tnfliW ~ 4.. PIUCSD NELDA <JIB80N. ReUtor
_,1 1 -·• lpod•lw -• door, l{Jdn.mat1c. Jlt 6 B. • TT~ J'Oll QUICK IA.La. OW... IOI-·-..... --~ .. • S d 1210. ...... to 10 Lin.Of' p.m. ..--..... ---....,. -m.teb.ud-1"'" -ll16. tu ---ui~ w ~-....... --..._._.
>O"•K - -_....,, 1-. t. en piper "" """"-DOG CLIPPING _, ~ .. ---· -~ u•ao.t. ..........,
..... _ .... , c. ••• MJl F&&ce. Ooet& JriCw.. M C rfh '
---..... MllboaL .... laclud. ..... LI ....... ..... c a y s " ..... '?!!.u.... .. T::i'_ .... -~--... Tio.:. Summer b-ntals W (lild ••tt W • 9P'daPJ dacnm. -11. J'or tntonn.aucm.1---~--=------1 WorU lzi Jout borM. _....... ft.9 ---·~-tUW.,1 ;,_!"'. .top tn at 2:dl w. Cout Hip-10-rr. BOAT, Juet nerbauled 164t TwlUa An .. c.K. JMt 1'0ftD Ml'. etd.u. ta••· --..... _..,., Newport Be&eh or call with •% .nstn• or 1~ ...,tM Bartor IUI ...neat~ ear, Jlll. ... USED CADS LI.._.. 6WI Bay l'roDt • <>c.n J'Tont
·-· Harbor loot. .......... ..... " • -u--r -· . 39ctlJ _. an. a p.a. .n11 HaAor 111.. lilO So ll&ln Kl 2--3501 ~uu.-.
S>i VE SAVE SAVE •rr. nmINo ... L • i. 1 N---Maolaal. -T v RZGJaT. "°"""PUP• ror.,., """° ,,_ N•. .... , ... , 'S..ta Ana '1-Waatod '° .._. , Eari W. Stanley
ALWAD i..w PdClil at )(-bait lank. Gray m.artne eqi.l:M.1 :;:::::=:=::::.=='-=..:...--1 f, wka. ~ C&U ltM-J telp.& 'M Ford -by owner Rental• w ........ d , A&ALTQR w..-..n. , __ ~ ol 11460. Ru. 4IH.. t1c'8 -4fta I c.n Har. SIM. rnte G W M • k m• --..;;;;:;;; .. 111o•---------TV Antennas a .. ....._ ..._.u, . ...,... rant . USIC wo --... -"oa aw.,..._ .... ,.,."""" Bullar .,.., .on. A hard JO-rt. tl60 CKRlS CR.AFT --.&atoe Wuted wttta reel ,. n1c.. lntaior. wit._. t• MClt ...... ... _...tall
~ •. -"'• -· f, c~ •.Prta. T .•. 14~·. Ell-$7.95 Pert. la • out. Priced rilbt. Your Hudson 0 •• 1., ,..,... --l'Un.•-"-' .. _ ~-SELL lf&l'bor 1411-R UCUi u .......... -lmoa:B a.taa ................
...... a la. a..t PDDditroM ceu.nt ctll'ldiUon. Fully equJp-IN!TAILl:D 1----------SAl,J!'!S and SERVICE JVU CA!d&J ..,., ut. eau... .a.e11i11 '-OOttap
..... ..,....,, .aaded Pel ped tncL rad&o, auto. pilot. balt 1961 VOLJDIW.AGmN UmourlM .. "· Loli A.ap&ell D •7271 Th -v I Co ..,. J, C&U at m" . ..,,,, .
..-47 \o nas.a. -'17 Ill.II.. · taak. ma.rlltl eh&J...., nary top. Anl•nnM Jt.16 And up YQUR CAR unda' 4 monUY old. PbMW Anew• UUe e. oge • 0.... de1 !hr. 8-1' OIM M. a ....... 11"81. 11.Jl Barbor 110,960. Owner Har. 3Zlt-J, Rar JOJJ or call at Mn C. · 3201 W. OK. -. H--._ 11~·
1 ACME T v PAID rem °" KOT _ ... , --· -..._CK. U •Itta. 4ltlt . · · u .......... -Cout hip...,, Cdm. .,._,. LIMrt;J t-Ml1 1-----------
426 311t. BL ---u-v Pa,. MOf9 •tc4f '°".&.-nr.a rutl IOI Nat1U, a.nte&..,... SD ME·TA NILSON
Ha 5JO.I. IUO I . lla1n ID l..uaT -------------PboM llMtlol" .U .. , ._Cot. ay. ""-.,. aru OORON.A. Dll:L II.A.I\
Kaowltoo Electron.kl
TV REPAIR BT OWNl:R-'MI hrd Vleto'{19.
WW Ur., ndio, bMWr, eat'el)'
Interior, etc. 11 da1'f old. 980
M!tU&I mtlN. kft •TOO .... et
1111 W. Balboe. Bml., N...-pert
Aft9r I p.m. 4-4e46
itM-undtt IOOO mt. J'ordmauc
R. 6 H. T-OLut .ALL IAFE·
TY W. 19. W. Wiit.& W, C.
1·1'0~. SAClt-U P LT&.
POWER l'l'llNO. rI"C. 1.11~.
Pll. LL .. 1111 aft.tr 1:00 p.m ·-~~---~~--· 111 CHEVROLET con'f'lltilll\11, '!IS l'Ol\D coawrtlllk. SU.Unt
Mby blu. wttll wtlit. loll. W eondltlOA. Hu. "1"1 .....,_ l1J aw UrH. a ,. R. auo. u s.conia. COl'OM •1 w.r.
1-Mll. 44e41 ttoe4
PtM1M 11u11or 1ft1 roa cac.w:m &mft'AL&.
LJdO OMN. Mll vi. Ullo UA9UlfAL A n&.L&Lr:
Ranim' "11 2IOI m. C.ut ffw7, .... l6tO
1702 N~ 111\1'11.. 0wta M.. ti
u~ .. a..'61'7 WDfTSft ftmftA.l.A. ~
8-Hour ---.,,.,~=-,.,.---ti :::'· io, 1 wrm. .,._ paU..
Recappin9 Service FREE ! ! tn<UWuAU.r CH.UtX. 1...,..
Complete (fOf' .,., ..,..aq bl Onaa"t Ce.} t-.e. ar. 'f'l1Jap. ,.u.. 1111.
Bra.Ir:• 8e"'°9 QUl~Y AMI> &ABILT 11_:*J:inn. 2 MmL tvra. .._
A1fD StllPLY CA.LL H:UICT 1'1.TT. aJ.ce 1'9Uo. •100 mo. lhfttr
Front End Allpment Kl 7.,]506 lt'll. ....,
Let RlOB 8elp YOU. ltO.u> BD.VJCll flOO 01f L&AD _ ,_ 1ttr• "
........., .....-S ~ Bwtc9t PIU BY OWNER
........ ~-I -· __ .,,.....,,_.
'Ill BtudeMlter, l&.&rUpt cpe., NEW 11 USED CAltS Yourw tor Ute .uartar ;;g; • •I• I • m.d rw.. C ~I•••• 0....
.ui.om.tran.att.loa.V-tmetor. TA.UA..DVA.JftAOll.,l*m&n.J HOWARD ruazaaa:m> _ rQk • ltiap 'f"...ua& ...... O&n.
Perwonal CU'. ••Tl. u 1-6111 ,."' ot opwl.-e• .. a top R y A N K..., ............. ~ a.. .......... r O&np.
•vM. Mi-6 dd •. "°411 not.ell ---.Ms. tW'O t ...,_ t li&UI • ~ 1 a W '-.t.ddi Jh 'Pe&&. ·
05"4. •UJCK Ruper t.4r. DJn. R. RIOH HAHN'S 801 •809 w. bt ST. 1 'llillfOfllt .,ca. wWI .... na -CIMt.ts. • r eoi.a --
lttfc IL p, a. P.a.. 11.IOI raL VWJ 40t A arB IT, IA.lft'A. AHA Utiltt* ..... ~ .. • l -•9flt llutler _. ~
clean. One _..r. Clar. llllM tl&l'tlw=~~·TJl~_..:."~"':! ... ~"~.:.·~'"~"''.l·-;:-i<;-IQ-l-_lll-;pl;----1·1 ..... ..-,, ,... aM led&. 4'U.
, .. p
21 '....U.Vl:ftTONt: COMOle. UMd
113. Ouarutffd. 2102 Ne.
Main. Banta An•. 44riJI
• .... ..... ._ ><11w ,.. ro1t1> ooUMTRr Tubeless Tire and ~ , .... ~ '!!! · Balboa -
"111111 emcx S,.cltl NTiwL Low ltQUIR.I: (O.Uon ..,..nl. d oo.ur ~ lb .,,
mu ... ,. ,i fl""*, Med .. Ind ruu ~. .urttk'e. will Rec•peing H qtrs. ................. ff.not IUU .... -· tm.LrMd -.,t'•
c:&r. Phan• LI I-ITU. Uct4 t rade H ••-4JU< MU er H.&nor ffOQ. ti °" llouM9 a..ua.Me t• A'-1° · ar . ....._. Hf'Y\e• cm ""1ftl'ftf!r rtnt.&a.. f,U Wk.
l IM ENGLIIR POftD Zepber I.
4dr. Mdu.. I\ 6 K. 1660 -
071 ~"'Illa ~. Mar lt or
Hlfh.le.nd# U 1Ut7
llTUD&&.ua:R eoupt. wbltt J'tM Pkk \.IP A dell•ff'J Ulfrt1IUf1UIED .-IMdnrl. afJl. ud itp.
Powu Hawk. Alrnoet new. C rfn & L t N ... ......_ wit.ii or Wttllwt Y&AJlLT rlarth'I( UM lit el
IOOO m.ll• ~·· -.!ud· OU ev es ., ...... Ud ntrtr. .. .. rn a.,t. ..., t:. ...-. ........
ed. Prlc.• ftTJ' talr, HM'bor llM New)IO'rl lfl•d., eo.t& Meu .....U.. t.oc&lfld I•.,,..., Jlf-· Kar. NOi . ....-. Har. ma. .......w an. 1:.IO p.& &ld.1 PBQNS UBSllTT 1-Utl PU port. U l-0411 f2Ut •4,.1
• PA&E6 ,PARTl~T~-I08N}'1S-ltlESS 111-~te~ aa.1----· D-lleol -
. -~-~ESC?A • A\ieUsf • ,..,, tiOME LOANS ·lineous · IALIOA ISLAND · · mE GREAT ·
tl<-Apl!La ••un fll-A .... •li1 • --' '~ •~".::"~"'" OPSH :'~.W...~AT, We'vi &ot '•m '. ORANGE COAST
. . Cabanas· Marinas. . . lM._,... -... •. ...J, 114,..... •Ut.. put.I..... " B&Ac:H ~-.. . i 'fVJ ............. , ....
• , Prt•at9 Mun•)' fll..MO C\li. ) S.R.. -~I llOll. kl't,. ....,.._ Cle •U' • _..
I. 'I Trult Deedi Bou.ilat • Sold , • 0 0
• l 8 , $. pld ~ ~I • .. low U flOOO ~ ......-
!, _, • J I Cllll ..,,.. n.. Ol:liAUIUtlDlal tlOt Ottle f"u.ndltMd--#1.IOO. ~ i ,.......
do Bcb DON L HUODl.Jl:STON ' ....... .W.. s-t• ""'1u • Ll Peninlul&, Eatlt 31.s St., Npt. . . . "'"' to ,.,.. _,, ..,.. • ft¥ ioUNo 1<o'.111:i Of'rl:R8 . . , u '6M1 ':"&& X-1Brow.ftll 4Nlped 1 pt,DOO ChaneLnc · pronndaJ toe-;.... _ 171 &. 171.11 L ~• v . • rwM ·~t _ NnL I
DoUabUul 11.m,. Aj.t..c.li.nu. Utilltleo ,,.id. WAJ<I ro BUILD, "°*>V& BACK 8A 1 • JI.ft. ........ • : ·
wtth • .IWI MOOERNIZ9. Oft t tktrm .. dita. BS4UT1' .. TOOm • ' ft.U'~..\..trill.S tor pool' Pl.000 Tradtl.JCfi~.I linuty, an4 eom.rort
. Tacllt .Up ~
N y, weellly, m ... thlJ. yearly.
W•· SUJ Tl'Ullt u.eM I 8.R., I k oa ~· la1IM
NEWPORT B.A.1.BOA uvmoa • Open HoUM Weekend.I Pt,500• · • 1 • UJAN >.a&oCl.ATIOH .. ,,. &. 21nd IL NMI' bay -t.om1. l .. ft...
IJOll:Dl.A.Tll PO.iaa:11•0"tl -
New '3 bdrm. I tile b&t.h ~
IJ•ln;r room r~• .,. uo Ulr\11 al1dbia' p... doora. .Attraet.lff
~n, lnt•!i~· 9)'1\em.
\Vkl:!t, lot. Doub!• rare..s"' Tou
INl&Ut down and _.. wt1l try
to. wort&; It 'lllUL llJ.600 tun
prka. •
J'or ,a~pt. or .....,..tlon. cau !IAr. 211112. '* va Udo Ph. il&r, uuo a ~. tamll.1 f90m., U:t(!UU .. ' 2 1la IU.IKIO
----------"-ol' hom• .. Jot a 100: Prfced atlh\ I' l • -TH'R.&E LOTe. Ka4;b 61 ' 116.
...... _ ..
$23,000. Vfrf aUr. 2 Jt,R. apt. owr -°"
twl Ille lot. Buid ,..... -... -oa t11e
front. But !>WT)'. No phone 1nt0rmatlon.
i.o..ly 1podous 3 8.R. 2 ha. home -very • ..,.
• beautlrul Bay be&cb. Priced rlsbt and tarms If.
detiftd. Out of town owner who .. ,. UStlla."'
$6000. dowu &iid mOv;""into this: btautltW ahnollt
cew 3 B.R. 2 bl.th home. Seeing-ill .,..,.µnc, lt
ia not often that we can give you 10 mUcb tot ao
little. A horqe we are truly proud to offer you.
Full price $21,000 with payments -than r<nt. @=~for S.t ~ ' ~B:--ROUM11 for.._._,, , CHU.PI&.·' ~~.lot~ woo 2 .. U::. "'FBA-If'~ Br1 :_ ~~ ~-:S·
JfOW uet wk. Ktw s tdrm. a abJUCB., s batu, ·tllrlW!hk I at & 2nd T • D. lo•n• · -( · ·. t»ifOl!i . "' f ,._ t 1
c°"1t. aoe-12nd IL Hu. 1.m CbOl.c• Jocatlon IOULh ot HW)"..' a.rv1111 au Orlllli• eovn\7 Clai're Van H'otn _,,..,...,_, >ovt•v --••c .Al.IGU8T J\&NTAL& OPCN I eoro-· del Mar. AUJUA '600, , v ~ Ue September J400 or will k!&M Trust Deed.I Bought 6 Sold PU.t'IOJt . ~ BJL. J Ba.. •FIL l\ln.
00~,=:,~·~.:;?::;:\,;.~ BLANCHE A: GATES, Realtor
..naturat wooa cabinet.I. ll'ba,.P. MEMBER n li" MULTIPLE USTtN'G
~.-...,,.,..==:-untu-,,-~-, ... -,-. -.. -~u~.~, I tor• t\Jlf yf&r at '"° ptt 'l'o. 1711 W. 0..1. Hwy. Lt M277
wtui ..,. ..ww. 1121 on 1...._ l(o Jl'll. Phone qtn~ '. l"Ord Royal Mortgage 'Co. --------'--''-.-lutue lilancl'I B."ft., t BL ~~
rndy for lrrunedl•l• occ:vpan· ,.::.... cy, Patio. 8hn.1M, Jawu tn. 311 A-iarine Ave •• Balboa lal&.nd. Ph. ~· 1111 or 1672
Bani to find morti tor th• -. ' Bu. w. M. uuc v~r. Har. 428&. 4.JC'-' .... • • ~ ~·• .-neal \i I ' .. pllYI J B.R., apL t~ t ST,600 Newport SJv..,, • .._ '" !Y/J &,.leS · 7 • . •
t9-&ooms for Beat Harbor IS 9 ~ 1 ... , RM.I taaaur i.om. f BA, I bl.
·OCEAN FRONT '. , 24 hr ... pnon• ••rTice , ~ BUllIN&88 fRONT~m .. 102 ~fuaua!.:~.<'ou. 8:'000.~ tlirn.'
Hcpe with Infill beautiful view ROOM wtlh kltchln prMJ.... ori N.w;port Bl'f'd. wti.111traUv 1 •
'"""'"'' ... .-...... ,.., "'' a.... ••·· N..._ lOANS fo Homes ..,. '" ,.., °' -'"'-•~ ......... """""' ....... .,,, ... "''" tor H11t. Prtn.te rl"OW'lde. 8 •1,.u. Har 28,'-,30.., r t-nu.1 tnoom·• u·oo .-r mo.
l lMPI tour .. Nr•n nut ta ------·------! 84'f -20 yr. Loau OWNJ:R IATI IUBMJT AU.. •xceymt rental btatorJ ......
""'" eo~ ... ""' ........ • •i. ... ~ 001eoo Construction loans DEAUI. '"·'°° Ol>Pfflt• j9tty. 37'9 Oceen ~ .-___._ 1 S.1 J'ront -..,J'racUc&UJ MW J
la\'d. Har. fftl or Har. 4111. 8Eli BOB llATI'LD. TRIPLl!X ll'f NEWPORT BOTS B.R. pb.al t B.R.. ~ta ML
-11ttc Office• fo r Rent 2416 EAST COAST BLY.D. s yean1o14. 1 bdrm.a.· each. ta-ww -pe.y tor ttaa '4l.M ====-===:-..,...,.,.--I ())ro.na del M1.r Barbor 1111 com• UM per llto. • PNCllO
•-RJlNTAI. ' bdrm. NEW .... "'"""" MoRTGAa11 ou. maHT. Merinon··i.10 Ri .. ., tun: apt., alHPI' '· prtvall M •-... , •---·-da -w••• 'l" i ... v ..... .,.., ...... _,, ~ Ill .... _ _. __ • .,. .,,_,_ ......
~Uo. 105 J'1niluf AVL, Col'• dtta ATI'ENTION BUJLD&Ra -Ntet --... _, -.. ...._ ...... , ""· . ,,. .. Two Story Building ---------1 -· " ...... , .. """' ... ......., '"' C.2 for bu.tlMU. 1------------1 ~Monez Wanted Balboa I.land
Wiater or Yearly from 8fpt. I.
u ,.ta1n, r ... r. 1 bdrm. J'U.m.
A pt. Airy, llsht. Comfortable. 11• Coral. ••ll
CU.tamer Parking
Janltor Servlc:o
Oppoolte City Hall
3345 Newport Blvd.
A HA.Lr LOA.J' 18 BrrrER
T)LUf NONE 110 --R.-
duftd ·my •ummtr rent&la JU ,
Ill 6 If& pet 1'1'Hk. 81eepiftl'
~I.ff 1-4, san&"ff.1-----------N•• bay. ,,,. ... , ,..... OFFICE FOR RENT
.A.V.A.Il... NOW! U l-1&011. •M> PEI\ MO., 4f1 Sl.1t 4-Kd Phone Hllrbor 100
One Bednn tum apt, 1 or 2
adult.a. No pt!ts. Ut111Ufl paid.
Conaider )'MJ'l1 -.... Harbor u n-w. 44ptO
TWO BEDROOM untum1ahecl
apt. po. JnODth lnclu~
w.t.r. MAX W, POPE. Real-
tor 1908 H a rbor LIMrt.7
.. lll1. 44eo&t
"' • Ground Floor
For Leue ill -
Harbor lnvutment Co. Bldf.
!0th a. Newport Blvd.
. Har .. 1800
Invtttmrnt well MCUred
by RN.I Elit.at.
Up to 1270 Yield
Harbor l!'ltt
Royal Mo rt gage Co.
WA.NT TO BUY hOme from
own~r. Vicinity BaJboe.. Wrtt.
Box # Q·l& thl• paper.
60-lncome P roperty
$40,0 00
BT OWNDt, 11 unlt.. • ownen
ltU Newport B!Yd., OMla Meaa
L!bo"7 1-1112 -u wou But Buy. on Lido lale
___ L!bo __ "'..:...:'"'..::.:"'.::.. ___ 1 t is.drOoms. t baU... plu. bunk room. r.,... tn1r1.r f't'GID wto
B /B
Newport Heights
Open House
~.l JU••nddit Drt••
Own.u Ukinc U0,000
(RAMlll fW eeiU1a(, Md w ....,..
out of *141
Don't fall to ... Ulla!
Exclua!ve wt~
-1\utwn, CorDer ~IMe. Ea•
Cfllea.t r • • m. a~t.
Mee paUo, BUWt to l tnlt.
A.ak1q f2'·"°· Cl.•'I. LMt.
T ou Will ftnd -W. I Md.room. S
b&th hOUM WU.bout apot ct
• bietah IUld lt JOU .,.. pU'Ue-
ulu do ... It. Hu ki&da of
eh.um and axt.ru of 1004
•1.l&llty. Aek1q' f2:t,T&O.
Nord Bevfront
Plor and Slip
5 Badrooru. J1M9l loeaUon,
eonipktelJ tun1aMd. ei .. ator,
DIO't'e la and .lt&rt lt'f'in&'. POii·
libl• ......m.~ • Ba f t A t New o.fftee 1Jxl4. Udo lhoppiq apt. w1U oouider lot or hOUN
Y ron P u ... STD mo. on Jr& J--. in. N•1"port Ot' CO.ta M..,. u B & B h Rlt I • Ur • 8&4CB REALTY INC. pvt payment.. 2831 w. OM.It, ay 1ec Y nc. SqmJHr 6 Wint.er Rentai.
(A ) Jl&A.LTORB Htr hwt.7, Newport Beach. RtiLTOU uaust aw t.ot"'''" ""' ,. .. ,...._ ,,,_.,.. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc.
... tltul .. F., t A rtrn t Har. IUI, Har. :HIN '°'ta. I------------'-CoMa x .... Cralitornla au 1 n pa an 'JU.C. to tll.9 rtstl;t t Udo 811d1 e' HURRY! llACRirlCli LI 1-1111 ~ LI .. IOlD R&ALTOM .t.nU&llol• tor AUIU9l lhfOUP 0 'tt, 1112 ....... ,, 81 Chrner. Duplex, tun.., rffuc· l------------1 -' Labor O..y' SllM>. ed trom Slt,300 ta Ul,IOD. Hu . l l•I Ku'. DH ZvM
<Nea.r Udo Ctl'lter) FOR RZNT Trtplu tuna. 111,eoo to '11,600 COSTA MESA 'Jwit to lM rtpt of Lido Brtq.•
Harbor Inv .. tment Co. UO -Z· n. ot oft\~ •p&Ce on Ttnu. LI 1-lo&Ot. •4eUI N_,ort Blvd., near QlJ' Hall
IOt.h 6 N~~. Har. 1800 QRU?fl..ZAJ', H&r. W!sc..
'"" n>1' L&.Ull 00J lt1t 8b'fft. 5S-A-8mlaf!91 Butala
N.wport BMCh. lllt.trt11Uq l B/ B bdrm., Wlt\lrn. apL, pltUI pr"-BALBOA I.au.NO--bldf , 2& bJ
..,... NO mo. WW p&lllt int•-40 tor prap "pail or -T
kw t.o IUSt t-.nt. Call Hu. Hu. 802 lltU'e C • I I d • I 1011.,.... Bar. 8Sat. uuel-----------1 ;:,:-nm erc1e • n ustr1 a Mariners Mile Department
COBT.A. Kl&\
ornai llPACll FOR J\.ENT
Well tquipJ*L Vel')' r...on-
able to rtP\ "pvt.J. Would
M d.ctll.nt tor iNutanoa
JOI McJ'adckn Pl., at N'pt. pt.r
Phone Har. JtO a.ny um.
Mee ~ I ' lM!tm hom•t' larp: !,f-Bu1lDW OJ?portnntt1e9
rocima. &mJ!le cioMUI and cup-,
R-4 sone -uch&nge tor con'I·
me rc\al Income -clear -
a5 ac. now aoned M·l -cl.u
$510.000 -nchanr• tor Im·
pt!rW Vall<ty aa.q., ..
Ranch In be•uUf'ul Rainbow Vt.I·
ley. ~ mil• tronta1• on Hwy.
•• 1-•ly 2.000 911· tt. n.nch
home. Qear -Jlll0,000 !JC.-
cti.n1a tor coau:M:rcl&l inoom!.
Bay & Beacli Rlty Inc .
1871J Harbor Boulevard
Coata M..a. Calllomi.,_
R. ,., o.cldn
R. w. GooMen
Wol'thln.atan lA9
Day or nl(ht phone U 1·771t
..... coloNd bath ~ WIDOW MUST AEJ..L 1'1,0W -
OoM to marMta. JlOO mo on weU e1tab411J'led C42 fyean) 61-BeaJ Eatate Exchue -oo-00 AtrI'O AGENCY. (Dodi• -1" ....... ..~ v -· Pl k Good I FORCED TO SELL JM7 II. Cout. o:sm ilar' t'fl l ym.-truc ) au. on
_. Oflf, • ~· bulldln.f available. Loca ted In OR TRADE.
choice., tut powin,r 0011•1• lm&ll ma.nUfaelurlnl b1.11ln-
J"tJ1lNIU[mD HOUU -W•lt tcnm. OtJJ Jiln. C.H. Clem. tn B&tlta Ana. Permanent dlA-
8-;( •.A.'t'a. B&¥ view. llHpa up R.9dlands, P .Y. S•-408. •ltlc b!llty lore• own1r to MU or
~ '1. A~. 6 lhnl .. pt. UO FOR ONE °" two mecba.nka _ tr1de for mquit7 tn born .. Veey
p.-... 11. Pl& a rnonth.. Har. ,rarar• and tUM-up •hOf', aaleablt, attracUve new Un.,
ll(M.J. •o&c '5000, CalJ 1iu:morrt1, Harbor •trJ profitable. Fl.Illy equip-
_, .. __.... U 21~1 ••c•I ped with all n.w machinery.
OOROM.A BIO~·---un-.See thl• plant daily 10 a.m. to
tumLlhed. ye&r'• lM.M Mrtn· 12 p.m. V2t s.anuqo St., San-
IWll Bept. 111· Immacut.t• Ideal Location For t• An•. · S•trc b0m4,. 3 bdnna., 1 \ti NI.hi
1107 llu.rl.I Lane
f l l ,500.
J bdm1. wtlh iota of cloMt ~
• lD.000 .. Ull.h ft. kK. tul.17
f enc.d 6 oom~ liudK&p-
ed with fruit ltMI, Palm u..._
lawn, nowen, pond, 6 ah.rube
• drqlac• • dbl. ~·
...tred tor JJO • urpe~.
drape• 6 -~ lt:llndli • eh_,. JdlciYn with pr~
d1apOal • '°ta ~ ·~
q.ce e CO't'•red 1.anU • terma.
8hofm b7 appotnt:m.nt on1J
bll .W. lltlh IL, eo-ta M ...
L1 W -ttJ ot LI M2IJ ....... -Uppor lomon Hoightr
An older I bdrm., J bath. 1 lff•I
horn.._ llltu.ated cm an &CH f1f
land, planted to OtMI'•, U -
mrted fruit and &Md• U.U.
ni.. knoll Mte a.ttord9 eM «
$9750 Two Bdrm .
F.H.A. &oe.L One of tM ~
bomq -~ abow. Hard-
wood noon, PaUo, F•nced
rear )'ai'd 6 nJcal1 ~ptd.
V •ry q\litt 1trfft. SH Olia
o.ly $2400 '[)o't'.rn.
Trailer Court Sit••
112' X MO' CklM in on Nrwport
B!•~ on -en -Pn~ lo
•ll at s:s2,aoo wtth ~ Dn.
I~ 'AGrH -M-1 -level. rMdy
,for ~L All uUUU..
.... a.a.bi.. J'\lU Pr\c. 121.000
W\t.h '8.DOO l)otrrn..
.. you'll Uk• our trt.ndly •"1.ett" '°° m. 11Ut at.. eo.ta w ...
LibertJ 1-lllt
lbe mo.t masntOceat pano-:':~.,. ""i!:':1.1;~'!:· b~= On Highway 101
JoveJy 1had«I. and ttow1r bor· _20 &a'!I ot dt.ru.a at 1•200
dered drlYt. rtnn price ot J"!f act'. On• mU• trom
$31,600 l"p!U. q_uick acUon. 1Jmall town
C&ll J'RED CROIIER. wtth .
Vernon L. ValenlJ,ne. R-.It.or, Varill1 ltor. In Coutal d~ do-
Tu.tbl oltlce lstOI Tu.t.bi lJIC pod b~ a.lll.n1
Ave., Kl T·M7t. R•1denc1 lCl prlOI tncludinl' lftftlllory about
l ·l&•l . 6k-tfl 11'1.600.
Mov ing to East Coast Fitzmorris Rltv. Co.
Muat Mll J bedrm. moden:i rieu BU8INESS BROKER
echool, Co.ta Kea. Priced to llSli E. Cmat lllsh'"1
.. u,t11.m . Corona Gel Mar -Har. 2192
' ottlc.. on '7 t•to Newport
Blvd., Newport Beach. Inoom•
t slOO-leU u1.500.
------------!DUNCAN HARDE8TT. Realtor
Har. •711 :MOI Newpori BIYd.,
Newport S.t.eh. J4Uc
Ralph P. Maskoy
Stll Newport Bl•d.
REDUCED ~i.d, .icwea.ndl~box.11.I" SNACK SHOP l!:XC'-HANOE F"OR HARBOR 7arG. dbl. prqt, •I_. \ot BARBER SHOP AREA PROPERTY. INCOME Duplex. one 2 bednn. 6 on• on•·
eeaa front )Jtchan, dlnln,r mt. GirI' SHOP OR \VHA T RA VJC YOU! Cor-AcroN from new alM>pplnr arta bdrm. dbl. 1ara1•. f'\lrn. Cloat
235' R-3
mon•y. · s11.~ wtth •UOO
down and ITI mo.
Oooo 111ZED ~ x tlO n. ~
n·er iot' on ltlden .Av•. 1 block
to ahoppln.,r and bUL Good ~
· and pod b\.11 1 tor Jwit Q&OO.
U$T BUT In Newport Beach, J
D.. bornM, both tumllbed.
tlled hea.t«l 11&u mclOMd
bm.tha. J\repla.ou, pn.(f>I. Np--
a.rat. hou-. Live fn ona.
rant lf'Om other ahould ft\,llkl
paymtnt.L % bloek lo beach.
N.,.. •trttl. all lmprov•m.nu:
pa1d.. ~ dowri.
'50,DOO Mojave river bottom
altl.lta rancb • \rad• tor in.·
eome, moti.I, vr tloaL &quipped
tracton, lrr1pUon sprtnkler
plpM. I wi lls, J...room. boula.
1157 NIW'pOl't Bl't'd., C:O.ta M ...
LI .. 1131 EY9L LI .. !COO
Larr• J bdrm, home, tull •lse
din. room, 1p&elou.t mut1Jr
Mdroom, built around paUo
with built-in. b&rbec:1.I•. nr.
pl.ae•. w to " carpat throua'h-
out. O't'en:la dbl. prap, nlMly --... t lt,aoo -Terma
Costa Mesa-The Best Town on E~rth • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -WeU ..U.bliahed
care (with beer license) complete with Ill eqUlp..
ment. Good loca.tlon A reuon1b~ Not.
$3300. CASH. •
3 Br. home, large den, Hwd. floona, 1~4 batha,
Patio, extra large garage, fenced yard. corner
location. $15.500 with term.a.
Large 3 Br. older home (well built) dining room,
Hwd. floon, 1114. batha, 2 car ra.ran "AND" a
very nice 1 Br. apt. $16,!WO with (ood tum.I.
R-4 ilffidential lot (can buUd 8 unltfl) --··--·---·' i ,000
RA Realdential lot (can build 3 unit.I) ----· $3,3~
C-2 Zone Bu1lneu 100' x 140' ·············-·-·-···-·..$12,00C
G. N. WELLS, Realtor
1810 Newport Blvd. Coata MN& LI 3.7729
Three and four bdrms., 2 baths
r orcld A.Ir heat, Garbage dl•poa&la. txhawit tan&. J'Ol'-
mlca cou.nt.u topi and 1enulna Alh CabitLtta. .,..u
C1trbll, t!lldewalk1, Sewer lint• and v.·a~r Ln ind paid
THREE BEDRJ,{8. Al LOW All lll,,00 ........ l&t:s DOWN
FOllft BEOR.M.11. AB LOW Al su ... ao -······'''~ DOWN
i-00 E .
W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor
"Y0u·u Like Our i'rlendly Service"
17th St Coot& Id,.. Llbo!rty S.1139
Good ..W. in W. I bedroom, I
bath home In nclml ve 8la.coa
Ba7. re-. h•. ""°"' wtlh nr.-
plac•. Mr l1J19 ldlthtn, 60 n. lot. i.-. -ncloeed patio PLUS l------------------------
one bedl'Oom. l b&Ut apt.
Betnl.Uf'\ll ls the word w1th an
unobfiruct.ed view ot ba.7 a.nd
oc1&11. J bedrooru, den, llx22 u .... room. daluae 1~ heated
aAd tut.rid -1mmin,r pool,
"-baauUtully landKaped-8hOW1'
by appolntmmt-Alltlfll'
We tb1nk there 11 no substitute for the EAST
BAY FRONT ot Llttle Llland. Sheltered, un·
WJua.lly quiet location with fine beach, private
pier, tarre patio, uaabte p.rage (!acee the lltreet
inatead o! a narrow a.Hey), F A heat. BBQ, din·
ing room, cuut •11t. -in abort a l"fl&.I home.
R·I lot oa CUtt Drl•.-48,500 SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD
224 w. Cout Hl1h1"f u l-&ll27
N.wport Bach
Tbla channtfll" abak, root rult.lc
I bedroom. 1 "1 bath home
bullt around a cfment psUo
tn CUN Ra••n'e bell loeaUon
.. , Tbe built.Jn rans• a..nd -
O\'!n. atpar&ta d1nlns" room
and bar k.llchu. add to the
ru1t1e ch•rrn ot the l•r&• uMd
br1ck tlr!plac. and wood
paMlln1. Bfttnr 11 btllevi,.,-
tind we hawe lhe key! Jl'\J.11
price t 2•,lt00 with jllll ~.000
Countrv Living
Park .A~. at Marine, Balboa l.al&nd Harbor 2482
$1000 DOWN
3 bedrm. home in nice Eut aide Cotta MN&
location. Out of state owner anxiotll to eell.
Immediate poueuion. Full price $11,000.
FHA loan.
$3500 DOWN
3 bed.rm., 2 balb ranch houae. Shiny new, with
beautitu1 kitchen. ExcellentJy located In Eut
Side Costa Mu:a. Price at $19~.
Immediate po.1aeuion.
1799 Newport. Blvd.
LI 8-MOll
Coat& K -
Evee LI S..7237
318 Snug Harbor Road
Firtt tlme offered, 2 bedrooDll, den, 1 bath, patio,
all tor $16.500. Euy financing.
This is an excluaive.
You 1hould -Wa All Rtdwood
htavy Sllak• Roof RusUc
Rancb home on la.Tgt, ~auU·
t11lly lan<bcaped lot with room
tor pool. 3 Jarr• ~"'11. l ...
blllh• and extra.a g a Io r !.
15th and Irvin~ -LI 8·2664
Evf!! Fred Bark~r LI 8·8621.-Stan LeLievre LI S.7056 ' aad tt't'1na: room. l llO per mo. lnthlan Island home In San on S, Bt11tol. MklnJ prtN-1 to 00f9.n. Full price f13,7~0
l\et...neti1 r9qll&red. POlt OC'· Nt•l lo 8hopptns e.nt•. Larae FTanclaco Bf..y. superb view, 11~ per front IL 1208 Glen· Term.I. ~07 E. Ba.Ibo& Blvd. 8 & 8 h Rlt I
fie. Boa &OS, Balbo&'Jaland. lot U x 137 and buildinl"•· clo•e lo water ... bllrma . •l'p-wood Pl., 8an\.a Ana. ••ttc Hu. Seol 44c•I ay ea t y nc, ADOBE tOc•5 LI 1-5161 a.rtu 0 or Wttlt end1. arate etudlo • bath, pl .. nly REALTORS JUllT COMPLETED. Two beau-t! t 181> u bo Bo t ··•<d Uful c~tom buUt 3 l:fedroom, o •Un Har. 2341·R. 4 lpo&8 61 n -1 ••-tate ••-h al ~-tale -·• I' 11.r r u •~ FNttur!(I In n1a111•ln• 1ect1mu1 . -RT ~·JGHTS 3 bd -~--La LAC an ge 61-~ c;ot 11:,:1,....an ..... _ ••• '' "-lifo nlo famu1 room homu S.Ui and • ,.., .... .-... n-• nw. \\'ltLi.. E.t•blllil'ted 8"cil Ra.--......,...., r ... ""' r · Jka.Utltully dNl(nM. an:ttltec:•
boUH. unturn.. Ill& month on taurant. V•""' food,, .... , M1.11t g• u --1 ••tate Daf or nt&ht phone LI 1-1714 lhrH q_uert.en. built-In .... tural17 honHt. Radiant bea•
--·•• 4•~1 'J -·-.c.19 REAL •'ONEY • 'AKER 1'111"•· forced air bHtl~. U.rd-.. IAit ..... -· _, adl a\ 11art of ru.h aea.on be-rv1 IVl WOOd noon. Two block• from hand made Ule tloon. all 1a,...
wurra ca\IM of lll n.Jth. Prlomd to BY OWNER 2 bdrm home d!n B Ibo 11 d Co.ta M•a •hopptnr. and niter room., lmely •1 '1.... .....
--1·" • POINT •Ill rut JMOO :itt• Ocon MUI 6 u,. t.rp llVU11 rm, ~9 room motor hotel l~a•--' In Bl·,.he, California. a a s an , ..... rk. 1773 Kfnwood Pl. ture lrd b :rm. alr'Mdy plul· P-.~ .... , u...... rr0nt, h"ewport BM.ch. a1uc n~pl•~ dtntna mom, brHk· ~ ;r-' L!e Jon-· •71 It. 1eu. llt. n«I.. 2 bl.Ow. Hu1• ,.,.,..
1 bdrm., J '-UI. endoeed pav.tl f1t•l ar-. Arvie. porch. F. A. 4 mile. from Colorado River. Beautifully fur· u: t-toOI~ Jlptl li acr• prot.elncmany plant.
pal.._ Pn.ra. W..U.w. dryer. ABllOClATI: btat. built In atove, carpeted, ni1hed, all private-batha, all rtfriger&tion eooled, 3 BDRM. f\lrn. home v.1th pr-itd.. ~teaffy ·no upknp.
dtahwadtw. dltlpoul Belbo& Oround noor opport_unlty to be. drape•. paUo, t~Cfll. lan<b· 61 i are. Nur Nortb Bay By $32,&oo turnWwd. EXCLU-
p 0. -· ''' ST·--~ ot u I new twimmlng pool 18 x .f-4, Potentiru ncome Owner. H1ubor t9st 43ttc 1.---• ~ or ""•., tOl'IW r--• a -ona tor-captd. dbl pn.se. \Viti tract<! !!I .. ., AQJ!i:,,. •· f'OftD .. ...._.
,...,..., Slttc pon.UOn that could s1ve 1ou ~ult)' for wt. Atter 7 pm or $86.000 per year. Full price $27~.000. Owner I p r+y IUNDER. S•O ~n .. tua. Cdrn.
a ht. time lneome. Our pn:iio.. •·ee• IJndll, lA •1107& -119 wants inoome property In Orange, or Loi An· By Own er, Cu1tom Built ncome rope Har. OU c v ... H&rbof' S..11. ON WATER. 41 JMdnn, unfum. iu:t t• •nM.llon&t, our JMll'90n· 4k4t or pe.rually l\lrTL Pm' a noat. .,1 .,,,..,0 tral-ucl our meU!· P lumrM:r. geles County. Plctuf'f':1 a.nd Information with s t11''TH IM rAMOUI CL1rr ------------• __ It-ltCO Ha-.., t4f'~i J· BR~ 1'\ bettw. toU of Ult. ....... I ·--p th .._... ~-mo. ,.... od of m~rchandtlins a )n"OVtn d HA"""' "1 ,.....,....., ..-nt LOTS B t TN or LI l ·HTJ. 12tlc l1 1C< ....... Will 1tand I.ht! moel BY O\VNER 2 bdrm home. \V MULTIPLE LISTING BROKER • frpl., dtn. rm. FA hNlt, h"' . lnconlt 53000t D c•llf'nl "'-ntal on e IJV ·::::.
fh'll · •ni('e Vor<"h, Jae dble r<!lldenUal •~•. l t:WO down, ,.. TO t•tY P'RONTAOI:. 1•6a
• WINTERl'ftnt.al, rurn. 2 bdrm. r I a-1 d ln\'•IUl"aUun. i 1 ,000 to W c1.~l1, nice .-lu kitchen. G H LATHROP , R It · i;-ar, ftn""'· on ('0M!f'r. nf'AT f 1 ~ -t "-.. _ .• _ •1•. Sllh llL.. Nf'wpot·t CAlh \l\\'#Almt'nt rtoqui('l'(I. \\'ill ,c-11rb&J'f! dl•pM&l twn JAMI(... ea or M'hool. Sii.MM.i \\'1ll r1n11nc•-I p•y oft o-111nct roll nc tn• and up pf_r "ont OOl lo qus-....-..... d " b · nl Pb. WW • • ,.._. Good flnenclnJ 'A. rt.al ~y tiM bupn. Piere perm1tll'd -Beacb.. 110. OwMr !912 Ron· (lW ela1 .. y appt o y. tandlcaped. fn11t '""'· 3535 E. Cout ffichway Coroo& del .Mar 2303 San~ Ana A 1·t~ ......,ta SlO.too. &SE rt 1'°1 Hav•n G«l. McN•ma.n.. c.ow.u J.a1and -=-~-•~vW9ldei .ca_•1_ :•_;_~_,._:_;__"_' _'_ .. _'_"_·_•_· _._,._~ __ ''_'_ ... _'"_,_~_;__'""' __ "" __ A_,_ .... __ ,._..,,. __ "_,_:':_,_:_,_ ____ H_ar_bo_r_M_il ______ Ev_ .. _H_ar._ 6680_ :_ ___ _:._"_ .... __ Lllk __ "_'_'"_'_"°_· _,._ .. _•_;__ .. _""'.:_· ________ •eu_'..;. Rub ' nu. JT.U
--· --
--· -
·: . • " ,• .•
. . . . • . . . . . . . :· . • . .
. :· .
.. . .
• •.
'.· . .
. . .
: ........ . • •
• ••
... ..,_; _ _!!!;!;::!1!!9J!l!.!•!!!!t !!I ':_._::;!__!lil!::;:!•!!!ot!!..! ... !!!!!"'!!• •.. __ ~Wl'OllT HAAIOll NEWS-l'R~Ss:;...i.Akl 11 ·~Abt I ' "" WEDNESDAY, AUGUST I, 1956
• -----~ ...... -----------·:
~ . l T.HE VO ·GEL COMPAMY REALTORS . . . • • . " ... ..
. . . . . .
. .
. . . .
. . . . . . .. • . ..
. .. .
• . . .. •. ..
. .
J'Unliltpl 5 bdrm 3 b&tla, pier .. !!rigor .Up.
Moot ldeo1 Jocau.n '"' Lido. Price $7~,2:!0 .
2 bdrm each; uu OCMD, lower ·furn. Price
'17,llOO .. aml¥ NOOO cloWJI.
2 bdrm 2 b&th. 11'11nll111Mc1, BUD deck. Low Juw
prlce$18,llOO '
' . COllTA llEBA -MODERN HOME a bdrm .. den 11!! b&tbl on jrreg. lot witb room
tor pool. Slldinr riuO doon from LR a. maot,er
bdnn to patio. Dinlnr room, utility room. Rlnp,
refrig., A WUbf!r incl @ ss:s,roo.
D bdrm ' b&tb, ocean view, ..,.dy belch. ld<!al
tamlly bome. Full price SS7,llOO. Leue witb op. ·
tion 1t S.00 per mo. $200 to apply to purchue .
I'm:: the above proPertJes,
3fl8 Via Lido
Evea: Harbor 5142 or 3630J
cute 2 bedroom cottare. Patio and lovely big
yard In tronl Ju.I nmocleled and redeconted
Jut year. See it while you &re here.
8 bedroom, llrp livlnr room, nur N. Bayfront
with back of lot clear fOr prace apartment or
A llClrCO !um -8 bdrm 2 b&tb homo and com·
plete 1 bdrm apL unit. now avail. to qualitied
bay.,., Bar ldtcbeno, good beatJnr, low of We,
and dbl pnce. \:ompkte !um. Price $38,000
with cood terma.
For the above propertlea,
VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Offic .)
(Nm Door to Pnot Office)
208 llarine Ave.
Eveo: Har. 3329, Har. 1229-R
You cu DOW own. a home with your own private
1o11e rr...t. 2 lledn>Olnll and Den Beth a. %, 111
_. llllcbm pluo Dl8hwuher, Wuher and
Dryor. J'ully. draped and w /w carpetJnr. Sliding
01--to patio wltb View of lake, Bick Bay
ud UIL Oae of tho tnily ,....1 bu,JI today .
Ope BollM Bit a. SlmdOJ. 4U 23rd SL
a Bedroom b&tb .. % located on Iarre Corner
lot and protected by beoutltul alwle tr.el. Uv·
IDS room a. Dlnlnr room tully carpeted. Very
llne encl-polio for tbe children pl .. 1 very
IJftblo home. Priced to aell and terJDa you CID•
not beat. Call \ll we have the key.
W. E. FISHER & Associates • 802' Cout H!ihW&Y. Corona de! Mar Harbor 0032
Eno. Harbor 2'20-W
lmart. Roo,.y, Dl8tinctive, tbil :>-bdrm ' b&th
naotlc type home la ju.I tbe thine for family tun
or could Ullly bt converted Into two unit.I. Ez.
celleDt lacatioll nev So. Bey. O)VNER READY _.... -· -uow ABOUT YOU! $39,:JOO,
NELDA GIBSON, Realtor , aoe Marina ....... Belboe lllond
Har 002 ---Har '623 .•
5 Joto. oot or all. CUrl>I. sutten • 1ewen. 50 x
lM. Saerifice for quick .. te, $3750 eldl.
Exdu.1 ... Wltb
2323 W. Cooet llllbwa.y at Port Oranp
tl . *
Tbil 2 bod.-n bome In Newport HeJtbtB 18 bnmaculate. Hal Jja 'dwood !loon, 1il'•l•
-. ..... Intl Jot, ·lo,_~ ult well londl<&pecl. Full price onl,y $1.2,:IOO.
' I -BALBOA ~2VES -.
U·)'OU are lDokinf tor 1 wataMilt~e wltb pier privllea<o. be 1ure to -tbil 3 bed· ,_ a. den home. FA beat, 1tiun4ant clooeto and cupbolrda, natural wood In kitchen,
dbl ,......, Ju.t' yi'I. old: Prioed rlgbt @ iau:io. cau today! . ' .-
Incomt '8;200. -l'rtee SM.000. In 1trate(ic r<ntal location. 14 block to Bly, 2 lhort
bloclul to lhop~. . .
For tbe above properiie.t. 1 ·"
• .....,.., PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481
VOGE['tO. •
"' I 7J. r Wt1t~Hi1hway
Eveo: LI S.77811._. U:. 11-1942, LI 11-1*21 and Har. 3630-J
Owner of two.•tory view home in CDMar wan.ta 3 bdrm one atory home with 1arte yard
in Newport HeJghta, Balboa, or Corona del Mar.
Owner of ' bdnn 2 l>ltll llo!na ln ~ ""'to held> home or duplex up to $20,000.
Owner of i unlto (lncolllf $3!50.) for '32$0. WW tal<• home up to $1',llOO In exchanp.
:**•** .
Owner of Collta M-.creop .iu tnMle ta< Income property, ··r • . . . .._ .... .
Owner ot 800 •ere Al-1-ranch at ~.OOQ will trade up tor commercial Income.
\. • ' • ' t ~ · 1.U "
For the above propertlea,
8201 W. Cout Hwy.
Costa Me~ Offic-VOGEL VALUE~
DllUnctlve S bdim or 2 bdrm a. elm b'""e In
cholae CllU Haven location. Ptnnanont Ylew ot
b&y and ocean. 3 yn. old. 2 patloe p1 .. endooed •
• b&clc Y&f'll. with ample room for pool Fully lllMI· •
1<&pod, cupeled tbnaout a. clrapeo kid. An .,..
ceptional buy @ $2'50().
Very J'OOll\Y. Will to Will carpe~, clralJOl'lol.
•tove and ftfri6. Included. Attractive, neu New·
port HeJtbt.L Full price $8.9:50 •
FOR Sl0,000. YR. GROSS INCOlllll
Owner of 11 unit motel on Cout Hiwy. will ac-
cept 3 bdrm home in Newport, Costa Mesa or
near Santa Ana for bua)r motel W.ildnf dietance
to Ocean Ir. bay. Restaurant and beer bar on
good leue, good financing, witb low monthly
payment. and spendable income •
For the above propertiea, .
VOGEL CO.-Costa. Mesa Office
1700 Newport Bl\'d.
Eveo. Har. 34M, Har. D71'
Corona del Mar Office-Vogel Values .
-tr · * *
Priced Right!
•1 -:S BRI & rumpua rm. Lovely home, built.
Ina. View. Sf? ,376.
•2 -2 BR home le apt. on 2 corner lob. BtauL
poUo • iroundB. $26,7ro.
•a -3 BRa " den. 2400 eq. ft. livinl' ara on
2 Iotl. Comer. Patio. $28,l500.
•t -3 BRI. So. at Hwy.-f.5' loL Newly dee.
lnaide I: out. Low down pym•t. $26,8:i0.
. •5 -3 BR.II A den. Rutt.le. 27' rumpu.. rm. 2
flrepil. Low down pym'l SM,000.
•s -3 BRI. Permanent ocean view. GI
Loan. $22,MO.
•7 - 2 BR.I "den. Rudlc. View. w;w cpt., etc.
Fine home. $29,MO.
•s -' BRI -2\1 b&tbl. Lg. corner lol
Bullt-ina. P1tio. BBQ. i28. 7ro.
For tbe 1bove propertlel.
. •
PHONE HARBOR 0757 or HA 1741
VOGEL CO • .....Corona del Mar Office -
2681 E. Cout Highway "
Ev .. : Har. 1796-W LI 8-:1457 Har. 2892 i288
0~~=~-E ~ Y' 'Best Buys Corona del Mar
2 Y1'8 otd. CompL fenc.d.
Terrtnc Yi.w of Back Bay .... , ,....,__ I f Hi b •-2 bdrm troan r..u yard.. A beaut patio L f' JUST &..L0·.1-1!41) lo. O g way, cu... •
•te. ruu p. 112.IOO with nooo home. Larp eovered paUo, double gv. Carpet.
Dn. Don't ib1u thla one. and drapee, iaome furniture tnelwled. Full price
DUPLEX -W ALKG. DIST. E. $11,llOO. $3ll(JO clown. BETTER HURRY •
11111c1e. Exe. ftfttal area. 2 Bdr. Excluaive wttlt ua.
... G&r. bet-n.. Jll'ina' pt1· :., 't !,,~Lot":;',~ 2. ",t SHORJFCL!ITS. fil't. time otWed. ltll>cb \)'po,
....,.. 11',IOO wllh uooo o.. lhal<e root, 2 bdnD. and den boine. 2 flrei>lacel . .
EY .. Pho. ert.weu LI 147'5. $87,!500 Eul\llh'e with ua. Open houte, 1 -5
A REAL BARGA.IN, cbotce UJil d&Uy. 239 Kornlnt Canyon Road.
sldt> ot Colt& Kea& near Irvine
• ..,... ' Mnn., 2 batN. nr.-3. · r DUPLEX, turnlahed. complete, 2 bdrm. home, ~1:..~~b~-=· ~~~ n:!: 1eparate patio! hardwood fln., plua 1 bdrm. apt.
flt.IOO tuJl ~ '3000 I?n.. Both unltl dehiu. Ready for occupancy. $24,M>O.
IA.rs• a Bdr. home. Corner 1ot. Only ttM00 down, EXCLUSIVE WITH US.
otnce qt.rt A: bl& bobby work· ,
ahop. OUldoor B.'B.Q. A plumb-f.. ( VALUE PLUS 2 bdrm. home plut guest ropm ~.::.r ii': !!~r 1 otBlk~ pll.UI 1% ~.bard.wood tloon, FA he&t. cl~
Only $3000 Dn. Eve, ph. to ahopping area and only 21,) block to ocean &Do
Pllllt. LI s-.MaT. beach. A best buy at $18.~. •
Ch°'c. Blv. loo. 2 Apt. Bldr. :J. y BAROAJN _ Thi.I 2 bedroom home, large liv· •
Neart:r n ...... Best nnt&J Joe.. 2 in fi la dual floor tumace (thermo Bdr • i Bdr. •pU. I>Wun., r room, uep ce, ,
dYp., all uie x. • 8&tha. Hwd controlled)' pl~-l&tte double pnge 9treued for
nra. 8\ln deck, fully tum. 2 apl above. Better a.ct fut on thl..s one. ONLY
Bdr Apt. •val.I &.pt l . Room $1f 750 EXQ..USIVE WITH US. to build a.not.her 2 Bdr. unit on ' '
tront of tot. 8hM.rn by appt. MlCllBER 07 J4l.1LTIPUI: LISTINGS
only. 121,:KIO with I.emu. Eve. • - -. ~
.... ..,.....,_HA•mw. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO.
Mesa-Harbor Rlty. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor a. Auoclatea
0 . 0. !eym&ur -Rftltor
IOt CentM st.. C.O.ta MM&
J.I ... u • u 1-7714
-Four Units
ru.11y turn., 2-2 Br., 2-1 Br.,
• carport.a. slnt. R•tal Are&. ,
0.. to 9Cho6L. A cburcha
Vert ~I• prorerlJ'. Good
lncom• -Juat 7 )'TL old. A
sn:..u. at saa.aoo lel'lN.
SU7 E. Ooli1t Hwy. Corona de! Mar Har. i 'I
(Offico -ted aen dOOl'.to Newport lilrbor Bank. CdXI
.. C-1 & M-1
Acraege end Lots .
' . . MAX W. POPE, Realtor
B/ B
In Corona Highlands
I bdrm.. den, 2 betM. 1 •t.orJ
hom1 wtlh charm and llv·
abWty. lbak• mot, Clrepl.,
patso. Und&t $30,000,
You Will Like
Now FurnishoCl "Homos by Mocco"
. ..
To mOVI in to lhla lfPOUMI 2
bednn. hom1 on 2 MauutuJ
lota, with • bachelor apt. and
room to buUd m01"1. Tb• tlou.it
attord.9 out.door • Indoor Uvtnr
an'-IL..prlc.d rtrht. 111,&00.
Bltown by appt. onlf.
UNTIL 9 :00 P .M. " ..
You CUI keep your O'tVD •PL on
Cat&lln• and let the other lwo
IUJ:urloue I bed.rm. aplL buUd
your oequlty. 110,000 wUI b&ndJe
or owner w'lll tnd1 for ma.in-
land. What do you bav1 to
trAde for thle well loc&ted
Interiors by Martin & Von Hemert
Beauutul homel ta the fiuelt locatJon
Pricoo from $28,000 to '3i.000
Your lmpect.ion ii rupectlully aollclted
EARL W. S"{ANLEY, Realtor
triplex? COm• 1n Mid U.lk It O Hi l01, N rt u ... _..__ ..-... '"-'--over. n way ewpo ~-uw-, op~-new u-vuw
Lovely Peninsule Home
~ x 70 lot, I bedim., flffpl&c1.
Cout Country Club. Harbor U48.
bwd. fir&_ -carpellJll', cn.b· ----------~-------wuhtt, ~r11 ,-Uo. J'\lmttu_n,
included. Full prtce 127,600.
well financed.
I Bey & Beech Rlty Inc.
corona de! Mar Otllcti
~ IC. Oout H"'1·· Hu. 6663
Cliff Haven Home
By Owner
: wna., l. ba\h, new cupetlftr,
n1wl7 decorated ....,WUJ
drapq. Call attemooDI LI
... 1707
Calif.'s Newest Boom!
VIEW 11 ACRF.8 a. ACRES S'l'ART AT $1190
PAY&l>-IT., WAT&R 6 &&..llCl'ft.ICllT 'tO &-Yl:l\Y -l"AJICSL
1 ~ llOUftl~M: ORANGB 00tJHTT
BUT DU\.ECT J'JllOlf atiaDJVll)C(: 'lllRb Cl. 0. OWJC9
For yoll and your k.lda by atat.Jon wapn
. .
. .
__ . LI S.'/W Eveo. Har. $1M. ~1 11. Balboa Blvd. Har. J60I lllOS lfarOOr LI !Hill!
$17,950 OAJlDEH CRov·g
, even. Har. OU~. 44p41
. .
' .. J
WD,IESOAJ, AUGUST I, 1956 ---------"--. ..........
• •B&"-t'"W"'DM-•
s.nt1 AM . & Orange ·
$995 On. MOVE IN NOW
3 ·Be(.,;;. -l J/4 Baths '
LArp Le9el Loto -Ora.np ~
l!hUe or R<>Clt Roofl
Hardwood J'looro
Concnto Drmo It Walka
I.co-Dining ... Den Area
SUdlq Glul Doo"'
"-tlc:al Cetlinp
l'oroecl Air Heal . • Na~ Cabinet.I
Dla-'9lt8ewero •
Brick Planu"'
Stucco &: Redwood
PluUred WaJJ.o
Central i-Uon near new BULLOCKS, new Tele,
phone Bulldin1, Market., School.a, ete.
ONLY $13,750-$14,500
DIRECTIONS-North on Main to La Veta St., West
to l'lower St. -l'l'om FrooWay ; Eut on Chaps
mu to Flower, South to IA Veta. Open Noon On.
FRED C. McADAMS, Tract Mgr., KE 9,9420
Newport Heights
Charminr Rultic Ranch -2 Bedrooms
Drum Kitchen, lovely y&rd, jlut 3 yeanr: new.
Thia lo tops In Newport Height&. Allking $23,000
COSTA YESA a Bedrooms -2 Baths -$2300 Down
G~g hardwood noon, disposal, breakfast
bar with abutten., forud air beat, double garage
and tully fenced yard, cloee In location makea
thia fin• home the beat buy in town at $13,260.
Just a block to Jr High School. Let u• 1h.ow you
tblo one, :you'll lilte It. •
2 Bedroom Oil a Corner lot. Hu double garage
and ii only a hop, •kip and a jump to fabulous
Udo ahopplnr Center. Payment. may be ar-
l'Ulged u low u $8:5.00 per month. EJxcluaive
with ua. See tt now.
C. ED · JONES, Realtor
1999 Harbor Blvd. LI 8-3333
B/ B
• • •
-!•!!:::•!·~•!£~1!1!1~~~~~·!:!,~1~'~!!!!!!!67;!1 ...... ~~·=st=·· : ..... -. ...... ~ff.i•!:!n!!!.::·'11 ~ ....... 1!•!::!,~l~ ...... =:~~~~....:IS-!!:= ... !!'~l'Jolo~~~!...~-•~·.=
p . a. palmer incorporated . -S2.sao down-Ne~ Hgtm. \. __ .._8'1boaltalllju.S-;
I develop en
House .
of I r...L. Isle 11 Neo,_t llolPte. t.up -, ,_ with ~
-la ...... It wl -olt• ...... , 41t.IOO-:
.... llA'f AVDOW -.I.I II 1M ...,. ~ P'JJIO 2 --and,_.-. 114 -~ :;! . 110 Via 'I' '•r, U :IO t8 l:JI ...,.
Fumiahecl-2 --6 ._ I Wiii I,.._,
olldin( st-.... ---• .._ -carpeted -i1.-.pec1 -SIT ,IJOO tua rl+ 14 «
.,. "' --• ,,.,,.>{ t · •s • _... ~~ •8 ---~ 11\ mtha _ -•--•IMl'1t-oad•luw.,..., _,.__,._ 2 uotha
,_1Ira1•1 • tM 1111 ftoer -' Mtll 1 a -• '20,GOO 2 bedrooru. 2 be.tf.e. Pu.millbed
"'"olltel .... -11ftrtr -» a 11 -I ' ll:xcollet>t Floanetnr It,._ may be purd)uecl 1lllflrnlilllo4 ' ~ 111 '1.''-~"';:.·=-.-:r 4 UNITS-BAI-BOA PENINSUL)
),2 bedroom, 8-1 bod,__ Pol&tlal lnomno over . Brend New
Lovely home OD VJa ()n1oto. I aloe --
and 2 baths. SIJdiDC C1uo to ,.UO. Jlallt.ln
Therm. oven and .,..... 8epanto dliilos -.
Oversiu double pnp. Built by Viii 'w wl
land.ICaped by B111nia. aa,ooo.
· ' -Large Shor.cliff Hom•-
'Dllo -Jiu .....,ihllls a hmll7 _.. ....
--' -..Cm•, ' botho, -IMqrm.. hll .......... llaUI, ----....,_ • Ill..,, ••• bdtJer'1 pantry. fOroia ... Milt. Jwd4
--9-udhlly planled yard and of
1 com• loe&ted. la oae of CalttontJa'• oatlt•~
los ouhsdl.woa.-mlORECLIFI'. Ptb "8,000 •
6 unit. on 80 feet BAYJ'RONTAGJ!: at DI Via
Udo Nord. Built to ...U 111 ,_... ap that
when It WU modernlled 1ut ,....., u. 't..rmlte
and dry rot man juat charpl fot IWpoel!aa
You juat can't beat thla for nlut al ODlJ '1GCl.OOO -Best Buy-
turnlohed. ,. ....... Jror a a 'bodroom 11114 den hoUle, thla one lo ij,e
bolt a..y..,. ban -In a lour time. No ....;
.mtllls •fir/ much about thla ... -If )'OU -looldl>J tor S l>ocln>omo 1114 .a den, thla lo It I I I .
For theee aod other Lido Property -Como to
HEADQUARTERS -our :n.t year al Lido.
p. a. palmer incorporated
ole hen1on co. man19ement
3333 "1a lido, harbor 1llOO
p. · a. palmer incorporated
ole h1n1on co. m1n19ement
1700 "· -hfP-y -llbe'lty l-6C57a
Under $~.000, sood t.erma. u-
cellent condlUoQ. Pleue ~
for appotntmanl. It will bit our
pleuure lo abow th1I -OM to
you and your pie&.ur. to ll••
In it.
IT AIN'T NO CUTill and It
ain't no HoneJ but ~
lb• ~Uon It's worU thil
money. 3 bed:rooru. Om bop,
11dp and Jump t.o cb&lulie1 A
aandy !H'acll and *7-ftbll w..
ter1 ot the P&cU'lo. Pl'loed un-
der $9,000.
1U&l ! ! ! Qme to the dW!.·
nel and bndL Prioad under
OCEAN VIEW lot 90 ckm to
the ocean you coWd &1rna.t
throw a •I.one Into it. lhl.CK
JU.It 54,000.
' Open Hoµses
482 E. 2oth St;
ANl11'HER. beautiful ...;, "1811i:u ., built home
ot2-2bolhaudd&" ~tlllrcJwms
IDJ,-nbdhlolcm, ~ ot 10 Oclutn
homealtar. Thia lo tnJ1J a ~ of charm and
dfotbletloa and otf-tbo "VICRT KOS'r'
for mider Pl.000
400 Viste Bay• (2200 'lock off Tustin)
l.arw• comforlablo Rancl1.1111lo _, of a
'bodrooml, 2 baths and a lup famll1 ....... -
Shake roof, ----a ear -pluo a hobbJ lhop. Tha lmlly -bame lo ldot.I foe tha tamny that w&11til ...!pie-,__ ,
lluhmlt yoia "!"' -I .
Je02 Newport MW., New...,rt Jlolck · Har. 'TU
(1) Pfft1•-.ila ham9 ••• uwl)'
f\mUb9d. J bedroamt pJQil
cu.ta ,.... room wti. -.~
UDlt Mat. can to ... tl
'11.600, Jow mm..
(I ) ~ I Wrm. bca9 witll
2 ........ y eat l'OWld bomiit. _...._ .........
A~ klc9.UO. <d la me.
eoadltion. Ul.000. i..&.
(I) B_...• a roG1117 I ..,._
bome, well f'lmllaMd plm,a
"'7 aunc:u... s..t roca
wtUL MtJa 111 nu. Patio .............. ..,....and.
mp·Jot. 'll,600, t.en:l:I-.
(4) ap.. tnot dUpla U.t 18
& Jip. NUTOW put fJt tbil
...,.,,. ...... do. to My.
Tc1flo arc.. '""'· waD f'lmdlbld Ud ....,.. Up to
u ,.opJil. 1'"11 nater. -, ....... ..._
(5) Owa11r want. t.. 10 to &ur-op. ud -.1d .. ..n my Mmlt
1-~ for '11.000
f1000 alliaually. AU1nc $35.000 -tahm..tt on
prioo and dowu .-ymeat. wm conolder -,
deed or ·trade on amal1 home u down payment.
N...U.-. OOSTA MESA, ueellent neighbor-
hood. eu.tom built Rustle 2 bedroom aod ruest
l"OODJ. Huge muter bf!drm. Large bath, separate
lt:all' ohowtt. lWoecl hearth tlttplace in large
livlns room. Shake roof. oii.IY 2 )'<&"" old. Priced
at $14,l500. $2,500 down will buy It!
A home bf quality and charm. Extn. !arr• liv-
ing .-with fireplace, Nloe bedroom plu. 2
aleeplnJ alco-. Roomy ltitcheo and oervice
porch. 30 feet of beautiful beach, In beat loca,
Uon. ~klnr $211,7:!0.
3320 W. Cot.It Hwy.
• 2 large bedroon11 •
• 2 be.tbs •
• La,.. pot!O •
• Lot.a of eloaell •
• Built-in stove and, onn •
e Built 19!11 e
• POUH.lion Sepl 30th •
• Full price $27,500 •
• $7500 handles •
lJ 8-7773
Lido Realty Associates
3400 Via Lido H&rbor .U«
An Oceutrool lot -10 fMt
wide for JU.C. it.500. W• f\Jr-
nl.sb trM eryln& tow.la to
thoee wba eom. too lat&. .. ten.." Re 9m'9 ... tt 1 ------,..,..,--~--------axed up mo., AD ..., W. -
ftooltac'. Alndabld. .. .,...1) BALBOA
:: ·: • -:
·' .
• . • . ,•
. • . .
• ..
Shown by appolntmmt only. 3 BR - 2 Bath-
J'lreplau -Patio.
from JM to '600 ptt ~ LIDO ISLE &ad ndeoonUd. l>oe."t watt
too lone for a kloll. CifANNEL..Read-~-.te .. .of. llay. __ --1
Balboa Peninsula Point
Modem. 2 BR. -Den -2 bath -Fireplace
Oompletoly furnished
$21.~ down
~ BR. UDlta ·-·--·······--$27,500
from MO to PM per IDOlll.tb.
i'ROM 1 TO 30 ACR.1:8. l'fom
J5000 to 110,000 l*' llCn.. O.t
In on tbl pound floor A make
youraelt a HtU. fortune qu1clL
A veat ,.ny ,,.apl• art1 do1D&'
3-2 BR UDitl ------·-------·-··-···-$32,500 OWNER SAYS SELL!
----·-·-·--·-·-··--·-S32,500 • bdrm., i ~ i.tM. 1arr• Urinr ~BR. UDitl . <.>c.n J'ront 8 unit.a --· .... $32,:soQ room. fiaplorw: paUo 6 bube·
Bal..__ Blvd. 4. -1 cue. Ju.It J month& old. OnlJ -• -ta __________ .... $315,500 ...........
Balboa Blvd., 7 un1ta ---·-·········--··-·-· $:12.000
t unit apt. -·-·----·-·····$90,000
Peninsula Point ·
1 and 2 BR unfurnished apta.
Y...ty leuo.,;... $90 to $110
J'OR. 11,000 TT f
CHARKING lpaaioua 2 bedroom and Jarse
~ WW f.aclnr OOHl'Od paUO 1% batha, ISO
ft lot (an:h-plan fer ---.. cl&
Included) -ln aceUml ---illnM>at. Owner lea'flilr llale. Ptb '31,llOI) for fut.-.
DO SEE THl8 ONll. We tblalt Ito a buy.
2 bodrm. frame ho.-plus ..SjolnlnJ cornw Jot,
18th pd Newport Mvd. -In hurt of Coot&
)!:-. 84 n. frontace. 9:1 cloep oo 18th. Ei«l·
let 1oc&tion tot 1lft' ltof9 bal14bc cwnn•ndlnr
~ reotaL Prito SM;llOO
MYRTLE DAVY, Reeltor Ii Auoc.
Helen Baam BUei Coadm
8d2 Via Oporto . Barbor -
-lJ l.Q97 lJ 8-1709 'llill.1017-1
{I) P.,lnauJa polnt dupla: tha.t
aiboukl •11 fram th1-OM ad.
.... •ttncttntr tundabed.
A "-UtltUI lltUooo Piopiill;J
wU.b kundr7 room. doub•
pn.p ud CID!J' I J'9US o~ --(T) WOD't tell J'W mueb lMn
UOut .. ' b9drJlCllll ~
wit!l ..... ~ cww.
I-car .......... •t ll&.000
• • • mithl .ouJld too pod
to ti. t"nHI. cau ua.
Balboa Realty Co. ·
OppolllU9 Bulk al Amtrlea
ft.Ms ar.lt7 J:d lAI
lo.pMM WIM
TOO a. ...... SIT&. Balboe. ..__UTT •
' $17,500 -
DUPLEX 2 bednn. 6 1 bedrm., near bay.
Good rent..-$21,500
2 BEDROOMS plus lanai on treo eovend lot,
ee x !Oft. R-4 zone. $18.000. Term&.
OOlOlERCIAL oorner ltll~ x 150 ft. N-Har-
bor Blvd. Preoent lmprovementa should ...,,,.
till property developed. Beat buy on W. 19th St.
RUTH JAYRED, ll<alt.or
Klldred Rlns and Sylvie ThomP""', A MOdatar.
301 I!:. Balboa Blvd, Balboa Hu. 28118 or 6eocl
BAY & BEACH R~L TY Inc., Rltrs.
Nie. hll'lJhbol'bood. Good I Md·
room family ~. larp Uvtq
room. dlJliq and llnaldUt
.,_, hantwood ~ B~
Room. 0&rqe A PaUo. U J'llU 1------------------Forced to Leave
Southern Calif.
1tl!O W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Harbor 1264
Eno. Har. 4ll2:1
On comer lot, completely furnished. Income
$3000 yr. Full prtoe only $21, 750.
Excellent term&.
Pier and float. 3 BR., 1 If..: bath.I, many extru.
Full price '26,500. Term.r.
1 a comer. Owner will eell ol.'I unbelievable tenne.
J. M. MILLER co.
202:i W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 4091
are a •klw buyer, don't exert
1QUJ'M1t on Ud1 on• McauM ll
will M S-befor. you ~
up your mlnd .•• and you'll
Seven Islands Realty
& lnvertment Co.
:'JOS·32nd Bl, Newport Bch. Calif
Har. &SIS, alter 5 p.m. Hu. &$$7
Near Ocean & Bay
l!IO ft. to Ot'dft, block to bay.
nic. c:ottAse tu.rm.btd. alHP9
I , room for anotht'I' unll OnlJ'
111,600 tenu.
Home & Income
A.nolher ona cloM to Mach uid
bay, Home plwi 4 rttt.al unlb&.
plu. •ac..nt lot. I TISO wW
and 111111 ban a lino -t. -•f Wt ban
the maklnp of the clell -A. 2 B. It. home, car.
pot.ed, to.oly flrepl., p1ao an apt. .....-P!·
Ideal spot for oammer --t&lo· -.., a coiii'1-
60 x 118 (thata TWO loU) 8ollth of Hlway.
Buy It -build OD Iha aln lot (h'U ..U· ft) 6
you'll ha" homo and -. at a barpln price.
Just phone -we'll mak\ tha appt.
• R. B. HODGE, AuoclalO .
3622 E . Cout Hwy., Corona clel Kar. Har. 2774
~ ..zl modern I bedrOom aictl7 tunlilhed. t.rs-comer
lot. !f-.rport ~ti ......
Prioed. to ..u 111,eoo. Terma ..... ....-.
-Ralph P. Maskey
aw Newport at.d. Bat . .oi
315 Merine Ave.
Kabopny Snaclt Bar -Lot.a of Stotap -
Dltry Hall, aloely .-perec1 -DJalns,hmlJy
room, beam ceiling. Larp laundcy room with
pa and eleo. Exterior entrance to % bath for
bathero and .-tlo ru...ta. Larp ........i .-tlo
-Flapt.one table on patio. 1292 lq. ft. In h .....
1533 IC!· ft. In -· 90 lq. It. In ldry area. 2112
IC!· ft. oovered porch and .-11o. Newly cleeonUd
lnalde and out. l'enoed -bautlful ~ -Con·
crete drtveway -Loun-e room divider ol ma-
hopny. Some dnp<o Included. Brlclc veneer on
front for effect. If :you thlnJc tlWI lo enough for
the rtJLL PRICE of $13,9C§0.00, call u1 -we're
not hl~r-• Belboe Island
Herbor 1560
MULTIPLE-l.ISTING.QF.fHE-MONTH c ~ Uv" MAX W. POPE, Realtor , . ou 1na 1908 Harbor 1;.1 s.1142
11:nio:-...,..., ""'• ...,_r""' ------------------hnorama B~t&. Ollly It
N-tha Newport Pitt Use our Largo Parking Lot CARAVAN SPECIAL :":.':..'° .!::."-..::u;.::: CORQNA HIGHLANDS
MEMBER MULTIPLE Ll8TINO • · Ca.b ua tor det.aila. bAN A.. 1 A.OOBllEM, Jtea1 J:.tat. Marine rieW ff'Ot'D thil attractive newer home. 3
. •
• . . -: . • • . .. • . " •
·: ..
. • •
. INDUSTRIAL M-1 , HOMER SHAFER ML No. 7557 _Two Dupl .... on 60L'l30 Lot--2 BR Hu. Nil LI M317 KI 1-1111 fine bedroom&, 1% baths, rumpus rvom. 68X150 · REALTOR ea. fenced lot. Lo.Ada of '1atru" in thle qu1llty··---~·I
"" ,.,,....., PL. a< NpL pie• Tiled Bath Room with Tub In eocll Uait-2 Yean MUL TJPLE home, Allklnr $32.500.
Acre an.. -200 It. • = n. -New otreet and
curbl will be inat&lled. Close.in -on HWer.
PtlotM Har. I~ an1 Um• ,.
Ola -1iioome $315 Konth --.. $31,llOO ZONED LOTS ON CHANNEL FRONT _ . Two IWidard loJ'&" 2 bedroom apt.I. 11 with fir.. Retire with Income PJ,OOOTtrma. . c I la ctnltr ONta MHL BuUd C-2 ZONED INCOME • ..,.,.. .. ...,,. n. '°'· a-ontact Your Re•ltor .,..., ....... un1to.. ,.,...., : 1D Eut akt. eo.4.& MOIL MeCW. Top th:IUclnl I.II u.la
• ot tht DloMt l'Midtnti&l unite on one of the On.17 •11.000 t.,,,..._ MULTIPLE LISTING SERy:ICE ....-.
be.t 1Ja1tf-ea comera In Coe:ta Ilea. Haa a DAN A. JACOB8EN. Reel Eat.at. l"4N >... JAOOBSSN Rea.I katt
place) dining -modem kitchens, dlo-1o,
patl9 In front. Scbedul<d er-Income .$5500 yr. AMfus H2,llOO, excellent tenns.
terrillc Pot.nilal AND Ir netting 10~ now. Hu. ,.., LI .... 11 Kl M llT N-Hu . ..,, u .... ,; KI .. un Eftnlnp call Edith Marooo, HYatt M:l22 or
Lou lloynlon Harbor 2878
PHIL suµ.iv AN & GEo. EVERsoN ·~LL ,::, .. ·..:.:: ~:.: ewport Harbor Board of Realtors BT O~Eft -............ .
ISM Newport Blvd., Coota Meea """'-7°' ""-''" lntonna-.. ,.,,_, • ....,., d<•.
81 -EARL W STANLEY R I --ne LI • .• -,51 -Evee. Har. 4366 I UOll c•ll H•r. ~-M. 401 N. Newport Blvd . Newport Beach nM', "'°"' to build. Ill.HO • ' I ea tor
42c4T "'
___ ,_~ ___ ~ _______ . ____ :_. ______ _::_':'U:•:_ __________________ !.._'_"_'_""' __ ·_l_"·_·_·_M_•·~·~!_-=22:):::..:M:ann::::::· c_A_ .. _._._ea_11>oa __ 1o1_aod~--"-"'_bo_r_1_11_·~
• '
l •
. ,
A 11 • 8 l a r tu.ma from the
Amerteu A.Mocl&Uon and 1Al4r· aau-· ......... cl.ult .. tmday
as,M tn aie ot I.be hi~
.t tM MllDJMr butb&ll Pf'Ol[Jalllkt
J'lnt pit.Ch wtU follow the ._
~ cl:laJnplouhlpe alated
tor • p.a. Oft lM Cotta M.a
Pl.r1l J'Seld. l.ouMdiatAly follow·
lllC the ....... duh. the Major
Mesa Distiiet
Still Dickers
"1 BILL l'SILUl'1' ,,.... .. 110 Mary Martin.
Dllld9 J'\Ma tn th• ..-.n of 4
.. ao.i~ ~ at J\
<>nap o-a ~--~t N ... ....,.., .. nltht. bllt Ml of
4l'.-~ lul ~t tn I
tM .... ud~u.rn f\llly -... •
.... Uiat ,.. wtU not mi. •
ta.a f« the d.ltttnae• ln ~
Jde&· ' Jl 19 a ~ So'T...., .,
......., .,11111k17 1.!Pted. well °" ~ .... ···---~tit ft .. ~ •t.ertalDta• ud at
• t1M ~ to u.. OOld• ,.
J ., Cl~ ol Nnrpol't
~ b\f
AM. ~ am tor • nne pJ
rtldU.. "' uM tamed ftolfWll ..,
... Bro&ctway wl
..... lllllloa to the mu. Jo
tc&1 .. ,,..., T'lai. W&a.. Broad· ..
._,,. ,,.,-'7 tM dUtance from
UllJn t• h.,... eo Jet th• Martin an
.., P8na peJr look to their "t
&avl'tlllL llCI o.taaftdtnr ~ 11, the loc&l
~ aa tut et Orul tN \ ----1
MACHINE SHOP -Besides turning out all kinds
of optical• gadgets the Penn Opllral & Instrument
Co. manufacturers machmca which it has develop-
ed for optical work and sells them to other com-
panies. The machine shop, 1bown above is kept
busy turning out the1e precllion instrument.8.
Staff Photo
A ll-yMr-old Juvenile boy,
NllS!din• tn Corona del Mar, bH
been U'"9t«i by local -pollu on
a burclary warrant troll\ th•
Lu v~ police depar1Jnent,
otncera here reported yeaterday.
Thr auapttt wH lod1rd 1n
Orange County Juvenile Home
~nd1ng arrival of Lia Vto1aa
otflctora. No details or the bur·
glary the youlh waa aunpected
of were 11vtn. Lu v., .. polJ\:e
ttrrtfto htat tn Vlhich tt I.a melt· aald lhey were al.lo lo6k1n1 tor ed. Edward Let.Prater, 11. no ad·
TJ:l,.E»()Ofll BEFUC'fO& drele rtvdf' 1n coMecUon with
tb• aame burflary. Tb• 1&rc-t plec• ot 11ua th• Ttl• local youth at first waa
PtllA plant bu tumed out w.. bCllovtd to have drlvm Pra&.er'•
a at-11\ch dlall\tltl' reflector tor car lrom Lu Vepa to Newport
a teleKO~ ~t.ed In Italy. a-ch wnb a con.lderabl• nwn·
P.ntold ,,...tChed tbe work on btr Of tools !Aside. The Juvenile
the 200 lncb nftectm (OJ' th• Palo .... _t d told Joe&l police, howev.r, that
Lic.Jht Gauge
Wave Len9ths of
Fineness of Lenses,
founder of the company flnd.a,
u much of hi• work II Uled
In the modern elect.ronlca equip-
ment and In jet plane and rock·
tt contn>la.
!llA Y ~O 8 MAltll
mar o-•• otY an ~ he cam• home on th• train. H•
velltd at Ule way th• leNle bent •14 Prater did not accompany u It WU Mhl( bandied. Qlua !JI ordlllarll.1 conlldered brittle. _blm. __________ _
wt th• bJs 4ttc bent llk• a J&!'·
cake. Penfold Doted.
By BERT BRl:-.·T, \l,L
How clO!lt 1~ l' Is II
but &t thl' Penn OpUcal 4' In· H .w tht.M tollera.ocu woill
trun1t"11t C mp•nY'• plant out out 1s shown ln prlAms where
Jr.. machine Penfold dulped
dC1 111acS. lD 1131 tor rrtndtns
DaUCJhlir Requests
Estate Letten
it. tor RCA. tatevt.adon ex-ptl1menL8 IJ lllJW WA• UM1 tA> 8.U."l'A AN• -cOCNSI qu..Uon lhe a 18\Vf'I of "t ll h
'll&rlta ~·1U1 lhf' ~hop \ 011 art'
ukln~ It In in the :'\'""pm t H1•I •
bor lndusttlal 1h•trict
•. n Bn tol • t they inl'u111• In r.ne atcond of arc arror In •
waH lt11gtlll' Qf llaht, whlch Id h 1 ll tt 1rin4 tlltera tor pl&ft• IPQtllnJ Dauchter Beve'rl)' Ann McO&n·
e41u1f;rn1nt. Thia (rindlnr talcee ,,.,_ ot 310~ AMrado St . Bal-
a'*&t 10 bou.ra. the work 1tart· bOA. ?.lay H raqu .. ttd letters
lq with a fairly coan. eom· ot admlJ\iltratlon In the utat•
pound and endlnl wttb a fairly ot htr father, Robert E. Mt.run
fin• one. It pobably llbould be of Coat& Mua. wlw dlrd May
espl&ined that a "falrly coar .. " l!S.
t Ill l"'· p11i;m. wou t row a m •• e o
1 un 111 o 1n1 on "'' a te 'I ht•c d•J!I•' tollf'1 ,1ncu a.re I '"'~1 tb•11n af qtu r 1r 1"' lanh lnch
bl the avl'I• '" l"'.l81 l'tnt• l!hop
they meuure 1n lhuu :Jn•llh~.
fl in a in e o ravr . n • c&M
k " v p nt Id oi a roe e rave n1 ~ m ea nr.ru"'" y Cur It nP re tctor I k t t ll .. 0 11
nnt1 pn•m w 01 • \-.. • t o • h d •-t ld or morf', auc a ev .. ion cou
REALLY DEUCATt:-lnlcrftromc:tcr is the long
name for a ma~hmc that measur<'s m millionths of
an inch at the Penn Optical & Instrument company
plant. Tbl8 machine t heck' the fiatnea and
angles of prism 1urfaceli by mean1 ot TOtlect.ed
light waves. So delicate ue macblnca 1uied for
thia purpose that just laying a finger on the table
on which they arc based will alter the re1Ulta.
)IAGIC ROOM -'l his 1s one of thoao laboratories
where things happen that amaze the untutored and
aometunca ama~c the opcr.\l<n & U1cm£.Cl\.'Ci. Put-
ting the reflcctJon ooattng 011 lcn~• and utb<:r glus
objects Is one of \hell!~. The glua 11 put under a
run Into feel and poaslbly cauae
th1 mlaatle to mlu Its mark.
Many of the prt1m1 are made
In more than one piece and to
put them togethn the boring
a.urfacn are rr:ound ae fiat that
they adhrre without glue ao
Ugbt that the faces caa bt
ground without the pieces 11lp·
ping apart
crtDdln• compound will probably The e.ttale lJl\.s • l\:aldente
rffl u amooth aa eoap l<' a at 2•M Sanl& Ana Av~ . Coala
novice. Th• final polJahlnr lJ Me.. and 12000 p«1<1n11 prop·
done with rou1c. whlcla allo cr~y.
COnlH in J"&df.I Of flnenell. Two aol\ll, lWO btolht'I 14 lln•1
The plant now employ• 14 another dauahter are included In
men and womea and operates tbe 11.tt ot helra.
with lh .. " and f1mlllar1ty ot -----
Penfold at.arled lo thfl opUcal
1l&sl bua.meaa more lh&n 20
yeara ago in P ... den1 and ea-
t.a bU!!hed his !int pl.ai\t l.bere.
He had more buslne&a than ht
could handle durin1 tM MCOnd
World Wu. ~l retu.eed to ex·
,.od hi.I plant Wiler \Jlan hla
eon.servattve nwthoda W&J ranted
A 1ur &So he fowid h1AI plant
cramped for apace ao In April
be mo"lled Int. h1a pre1ent. place.
• bll family. Th• output 1ot11 Drunk DrivlnCJ Rap a.II over the United Stale1' and
often th• company cet• o•dcr• for Santa Ana Man
frotn at>1oe.d. 0 EMBLY U OrvUle OleM Mac:Alptne of
...._'lbUe,__4~ b no -17, lln pro-laAt& A.na will not drive for
ducUOil In tbe Pttm pl&Jlt &i1d tbr9I yean &.Dd wtn ata)' IJI Or-•"'1thlhf 1 a. Ula tlOO&I at· anp county jaU tor the next
Tht Penn plant nol only
maxea a.II kinda ot opllcal &I•~,.
It alao makn equlpm~t tor the
local plant end for aall' M1>11t
of the m1chlnea ln the local
pl•nl ar~ Prntold'a dea1g-n and
PrM:llcaUy all optical glau
v,.ed In this r.ountl'y 11 alllO
made here now. Penfold ital ..
Before the tlrat World War al-
moat no optical 11ua waa made
hl re and Amtri<•na have not
yet reach,cl the acope ot Oer·
man planta 1n cuUng atau.
Amrrlcan planlt moetly mt'lt
opUcal 11ua In cruclblta. but
the bll O.rman plant• cut
&l&U by lht ton In fum11cea
similar to lhoae uMJ In caallnl
at eel.
Whrrt tbe OtrmaM makr
lenM! glaa1 tn hu~t block• and
rut 1t up to aJse and lo rrmove
lmpuritlu, the Aml'rlcan 1tasa
maktra extrude 1lu.a In round
bats u4 cut It off for len.N
bl1nll.L There 111 two thlnf• to
watch t• ln buytn1 aiu.. bub-
blu j.nd ·Smpurltl.. whlcb may
com• Into the b&tcll troin con·
taet with lb• c lbl at the
tcnUoa. of or employaea IO qya folJowinr a .... ion with
aod iA tt -7 PWold hl.n'I• J 0, J, Dodi'• 1'1unday
•It. nat aad UMi Ptnn dM.lan· momln1. XacAlpln• WU at·
td and bUlll .. ulpment acc:ounh rwtad dolnr bettar than Ill m1J ..
for tb• torm•l1 vnheard or an hour IA Coal& McaA.
at&adafidl qt f1Atnul. Mac.\lpttle ,.u drlvln1 aner a
, tt.a owa enill'lrt>rilll' prevtoia 4ndlk drtvi.n1 conv1c-
depart.menl Ula P.nn company tlon for Which hi. llcen.H to drlvt
worlte wtUi the lclmUtlc dtopart· had bem I pended.
mmt.I of Lot An1tln tchnola
of bl&bet educ:aUon and hit bulll
up a tin• staff of conaultan~
Aa r .. utt ot dimandl of lu
client•, UI• compiny ha• recent·
IY •tai.llshtd another dlvlalotl
lfnown a11 "ruearch and develop-
ment." Thia department provtdta
.xperl Information en the hun·
d.reda ot technical problem• that
are conatanlly com1n1 up l4 the
tu1h-claaa lndualrlal dtatrlcl. of
which Coat& Mcaa la fut bo-
comln1 an tnte~I part.
County .Tax
Rate Could
Be, Trimmed
County Auditor Lu Eck411 bu
blnlr.d the Oran&e County bulc
tax rate for l.be 111~&-~7 n.c&l
Tot I Car T anCJI• I \'Car may be trlmmf'd .even
A :S·vear-old child rldln,; a ltnt.L
tn<"vcle eufferl'd minor auakhf'I The lut fltcal )'•&r • S1 H wh~n 1he coll11.led with a car levy may ~ reducl'd to ~I 34,
driven by Ro1er A. KVUledy, 18. accordlnc to the auditor.
Compton. at T:lO p. m. &tur· Tb• potential reduction 11 ~n
day. Th• vtcllm. Su.aan J. Kirby on tbt bula of an tallmatt'd
ot a.it La.Xe Cltr. Utah. hu Sl'OM eva lw.Uon ot $783 1114,0bO
been 1t-.ytn1 at lit Coral Ave. Ml qalnat lhe prupoaed tteord·
tor tht 1ununer. Tbe acc1deal llU J2S.1&0,H2 burJaet.
CK'ctlrted nt4lr her home ed INDICATSB INCRli:A.SB
Notth lpeedwav. Coul\ty·•Umal~ tol.&I arrou
evaJuauon. 1neludtn1 pubUc uUI·
lllH. ln41ca~• an lncre ... of
1131,322,030 uve1· laal year •
total actual evaluation. Tfie p10,
poJied all-purpoM rounty bud·
J'Cl 11 up U .2il,lll8 over the
budget of the Jut rtecal year.
F.ckel Hid th• 1roH evalua·
Uon ftrure la la.rfely dependant
on whether tho county• uumate
an the worth of atate·auc11M'<1
pubUr. utlllties hold.I up. Tiit
t\nal publlc UUIJll• r11u.re will
not be ddlnlte unUI Au1. 20.
~t at 1&0 092 811-0. tbt wc:ur-
f'd tax role ahowa an lncruae
ol. 1107,890,llO ovt'r !&al yur.
En.luallon of unaec:urtd pro-
pert)•, tncludlna tumllure and
L1~m.a<wnt• or homH and wart·
hGUM and atort 1t0< k• ta r1xtd
at ~•.703.HO. Thia 11 a 1aln of
Tbo propoaed county harbor
dl1t.rtct bud et ot $120.UO. an
lnCt9UI ot ••<>1.100 th.al wtJI
nearly doubl41 U\O &td fll"ure
for lut )'tat. w6uld mean an
31, cent ra~. The I'~ ccotl are
llffded lo mlrt> harbor dllU1ct
bond.I Molt ot tbt whoppln~
budget lnr11 a"" 111 rnt·marked
for wurk on th~ nf'\\' l>ana Point
Harbor an•I for '11 \'tloprn<'nl of
lb,. UpJ)"r B y ~1011.
bell, a drop of alumnlum ii turned lo vapor by an
electric arc and preato, the vapor coat.I e~erything
m ran(e wath a 11hmey &beet of aluminum. -Staff
M:ajutlty of rount)· dC!p11rl·
m"nt.11 \\Ill o~rat1• on hljtlll'r
b1111rt.1 thl• yfll'r. ntd ,;ck,,L
Ht ad•ieJ th:ll a ie ... cnt k:vy
1 ~111 be l'kWN to csillbliah a rt'·
unm1 nt Cund tur IU 1120 too -
bond• \ot~d n!l:f'ftliv Cur
c<r..inty floud l'Ofllrol pro.rail\
with a Up by & U..year-old Nwport Beacb
olticen Wednetday Digtlt UOuehed In
of buahea on Riverside Drive and Avon
post office and att.u a 3 • hour stanout
Lee Hendrix, 31, of 2451 Elden An.,
on a charge of ~ion of narcotaca.
E'paU!n and TM otttoen uJd lhey crouched
\My wt~ ap-In UM buabee for onr th,...
p. m. by t.M houn until Hendrix drove up.
l .. n.~r who puked a nd turned ott UM t11bta
bad found a of h1I car.
t.M buabel wtlh 'nwoy claJmed Hendrix picked
la lt.. Police con· up the box prlor to Ep.tein '
4. new. •. ISlUCIO;
~pe.lr ••• P0.300;
ordering Hendrix to atop. Ji:p-
•t.9n and Carter oonvef'1'9<1 on
the 1Uap9Ct from dilfel"ft\t dlr«·
Uom. Tb_, Mid Hendrix lhl'f'W
the can to th• &'l"Ound When hit •w t!em.
Hendr\x, a bod carrtu by oc·
CUQ&U0n. dmied he had plcQd
up the box or ... n kJMW wh&t
lnarijo&na wu. He a.i.o dedaNd
he dtd not kDow ~Midy who
UMd martjuan&. Ball wu lllt al
I~ Re wu U"Nlped ~
an.twon In N..,..rt J.Uoe
Court CID UM eh.up ad Na
... f« A lit:•,,.• ball ,._ 'Xii L&I:
M111cer lew ...
CIAMA Director
)e took pl.ue on N"'"PQrt Blvd. below H~
. • -Bill Dorn Photo
~HIEF SUR.VEYS DEMON Ari\lcaeuae. eo.ta Meea chief of police.
•• • ooup'9 of u.tea Ulat
lltJ \WO ,...,._ -.0· He t. p&annlJ\a' to uae
llChOol he JtoP-t.o hold alOOC" wtth other
,..ee otftcen ln October. Bulnr hll pld
tn.inln1 In Wutl~on. D. C., McKenzie l'f
ftJ*'\ F .B.L olftcen for lnftruct.ore. -8W~
A 11 -I t a r tttm• from llw IAa~ All
.A.IDerteD ..u.octatJon and lni.r"· Major
Mtiael LMpee c!Uh aatvrday t.Ut .....,_, ..
mpt ln ene of tht bi~ thrtl1I and
.t ta.a IWIUMr bueball Prorr&m-Coachae
J'tnt pit.ch wUJ follow the bul Don K
~ cbamplonahlJMI 1lated t.ernaUoaa.I
tow t p.a. oft th• Coat& W.-. U.. to
Partl 1'1«ld. lmroediately follow-Cube -
lllS Ula ....... cluh. the Major ~
Mesa District
Stlll Dickers
8J BILL PUILUP" Bertolet,
TMre .. DO Mery Marlln, no
~ ha 1ft th• vert6o• of •·-.u~ ,._'--' at ~ a.a OoUes• Lootpt
lllld ~ nlpt. but f\JD
.... ~ lut rupl tn
U.. Dd ..Stiothun tully •tP-Betty :1
Deed u.t 7'Ml will not mtM SJood7
ti.a fOf' U}e dlftennce tn male i.d.
prtce.. a btt Jt ii a ~ &'Or1eoulY acousticl o --4. .,._dhfl7 upt.d. well overcome
.ct.s. ., ... -s ....... ~ t.oD•
n 1e -T -~ aad att&lned bl a ~ trQiU to U>e Oold• f.-Onal
Jw.u. el Cll7 of Newport l:n,Joyab
9Mc!I. hi pup ta.
A.D4, a.mulnr tor a. f1M p7 Tallt." ,.._.tka fll ~ tamed ft.O ..... acct, t
... Bqun....Wtn Brc.dwa7 wttb 8
...., dmtaill• to the mlJ8-1oeeph
1ca1 ta ~ ~ W.u Broad· .. Llat,
.._, pd.cu ~, the d~• fTOm
t.bere t• II.,.. ., let th• Martin
Md Ptlla palJ' look • to their
laVl"tlll. •
()utJltandlnl voice In the local Th• M
ti t.bal ot Oranl thuaiUU
Robert Unser, rtpt. eo.ta M
eated by City M~JU C.Orp
alter two daya of nmninf a
city to which be bopee to brinl
The USS Mt. McK.la.ley ACQ 7 recenUy took mem: , Leader Ralph Duke led local Shipa and Poat.a durlnr
bera of the Oranie Empire Explorera tor a fiv~ . the outing.
day training cru1le out of San Diego. C.Ontinrent ·
Mlu Lealle rrtltat', (abon), who ha.a ope.ratad ~ switch-
board for the put ftve yta,.. at tha dty b.a.11. Mcldacl ahe
would rather be receptlonl.lt In a doet.or'a. ottlce, ao wta.en
you call Barbor 1131 the OUlcet I.ob• :rou h•r wtll be thoee
ot Joni Bo7d CWlowl.
The big beauty contest ii om and the queen ot the
Orange County Fair In Costa Meaa Aug. 10-19 hu
altt-ady been &elected but ll'• nfoe to run all of the
conte11tants' pictuN>S, anyway. Standing. left to
right. are Mary Lou Apalatecu•. Mias Placentia ;
Joyct' Hokanson, Miu Wm.minster. Carol HodfH.
Miaa Hunllncton Beach; Beverly Joy~. Misa Ful-
lerton, ch09en a pnncUI: Queen of the Fair, Janice .. •
The I0.000 ruldenl..I of New-celebraUon that will bt'fln hett whu.•h wlJI t>. hl'ld Satuiday,
port Blada. Wfr• lnvi~ today SepL H . • Stpt l~.
to beoome b09tl and hoetu... City of1\d&1' Chamber of Yuht ract~. both lnaide and
to the t.bol.IMJ\d.I of vtllltora wbo Commel'C41 Presid@nt Jame. T. out.aide of the harbor. w111 .,_
will pour lnto thla city to pa,.. Van Dyke. aJKf Mia Nt>wport I t.eld Sept U. HI 22 and 21 .
Udp&te b\ the IW>th an.nlvtraary Beach. 8andra Maclntyrt'. tx· 'nltJ ,will be condult~ by lhe
l •""'!'_,,~---------1 unded lnvlt&Uona to dUun1 N_.port Harbor Yacht Club,
A lhop~r with a pen-
chut for baJl-poU\t pena man.aced Lo ret away wttb
111.M worth ot Uwm from
the pharmacy of FNd
Powen, 40, at 11311 Newport
Bl•d.. eo.ta Keaa. kturday
Powen aid be •• a man looklni" at nwrc:handl.le ln
tbe vtc111lt7 of the pena prior
t.o tbeir dlappeara.nc41. A
to~ of four doun ot Ole
pen.t were ~Ulted. Pov.:era
DOOft, poU.C. le&J"TI~
Cl1aes for •
Ad1lb) liven
01t al Fair
A preUmJnary fall ecbeduJe for
free adult education d a.uea at
Ora.nee Cout Oo~ ha.I juat
bwn printed and wiU be avaJl-
ab~ at lb• Oran.re COUDty F•lr.
Tbe echtduJu ara aJ.o avail-
able at t.M coue.-• and will be
mal~ to former aOUlt 1tudenl..I
tn 8eptamber, •ccordlns to Dr.
Norman Wat.eon . ...i1tant euper-
lnUndeal In cbars• of aduJt
and vocational tduc&Uoa.
Adult educatJon c~ for
the fall term wUI be from Sept.
17 to O.C: l~. fWJ!atratlon will
be In the claaaroom.
ClueH wm be helC ID Hunt·
tn,rton Beaclt, M.ldway City,
Newport 8-ch. Seal BMch.
W~at.mJ~r. and eo.ta M ... u
well H on the eo.ta Mt-a
here to particlpau tn tht l•r&· Balboa Yat'ht Club and Udo Jal•
ell celeb&"IUon ever held m ttua Yacht Club with Urban &-h of
city. tht> dtamber'a Yachting ('omm1t.
'nit Golden Jubt~e 111 betn& J let u <·halrman
conducted under au.splcta of t.bt NaUon-wlde a\l.enuon v.111 al-
Newport H&J'bor Chamber of ao focu. on tllia cl\y v.htn the
Oommerce aad the feaUvlUn National Inboard Powu Boet
wW beJln "1th a pa boat pa-R.ac• art ht>ld In th,. North
ride S.pL u. 2 p. m .• aceordJns Lido Channel ~pl 16 with Kent
to Ray L&zl&eabdm, Jn&N&er HJtchcock of the American Pow-
of the chamber and pnera.1 I er Boat -'-oc:laUon. wl\o alao
chalnnu of the celebreUon. headl a speclaJ commlttl'e of
Selection of a queen to relg"n the Newport Harbor chamber,
over the pa,.eantry that wW In chars•.
l.ul ~bout Sept. 28 will be nsffl~G IN ACT
undert.Uen by the Junior Cham· Ft•hlnr t nthutlaau will ret
ber Of Commerce beaded by Into the act with a fl1hln1 tour-
Robert Bel'lcJey, prnldcnt and niamvit echeduled from Sept. tD-
a comm.Jtt• yet to be rwntd. n . which wtJI be under direction
It wu ctacloeed. Gf tht chamber'• 8port.sflllhtn1
a&.EK lll8S ll'lllLEK Commlll" with J . B McNally
Mll9 Newport Bea h b It aa chairman
will ...Wt ln the •~tto:"or McNally reportfd 10 prl"9
M.lu Golden Jubilee Berkley re-wtn be awarded at tht Balboa
potted. ' J.funJdpa.I Parlr.1111 Lot 1t noon
quMD of lhe Goldm Jubilee ~pt 23, durtn• l«Ond day M
will be crvwned dW'tJtC tht Lob-tM n.11 rry. •ter BIJre at OoTona dtl Kar Vlncmt CUnmano. Pr91dent
------------· ot tbe N...-port Harbor Veterana
Amons the ttttul'ff of the
kMdW. are two tranl lecture
"Africa An ~
Ol&nt." a lecture •lie• w1Ua
color 1lldea and mo~. v.111 be
(lven oa Tueaday nl&'hta 1tart.1n,r
Sept. 26 at\d ending" Dec 11.
Lec:tul"ff will be Dr. OUea
Brown. chairman of the aoclal
tclenct divudon at Oran.re Coaat.
Dr. Brown la prHenUy In
"Italy ln a-O," 11 the UUe of a
rour-11*Ulll eerlea .. -tlh 8Loneall
O'Brien. Thia eenea will at.art
WecbMeday. kpL 2t. and end
Oct. 17.
A vari«ty of literature, (tMral
l nt.t,..t, art.I a.nd crat\JL homt>
and faJnily Uvtq, and bmnneu
ind rommel'C'e d•~• ~111 alao
oe offered.
OrcanluUoa.1 Inc.. annouD<.'ed
t:iat there wtU bt Fllh Fl1e9
both ~t. 22 and 23 al lht
Balboa Municipal Parkins Lot.
Aaother hJJbll&bl of the Gold-
tn Annlveraary Ctlt>braUon will
tie a .ympbony concfrt at Or-
anr• Coatt Colltlf on Sept 22
at I p. m , accordln1 to More-
lant1 Uttbold, prn1dmt of th• •
01 an1• County PhllhannonJc So· :
Frieda Btllnf.nl• wUI condut'l :
tht otthffl1' with Karen Mar-•
r~ta Bruntnr acUn,r u chair-
man Of lti. tVt'nt, Llithold at&t•
Tht Golden JubllN Boet Pa-
radt' on Sf-pl. t t . that will opeo
tht (&la tnnt.a. wUI be conduct-
t>d by US Powtr BquadroM
~Ith J1mt'a Edward.a. comman~
t'I . Al Rylt'lt, 1...1 Comdr. Blllbof ·
Squadron and the l,' S Couc.
Quard Auxiliary comm1odfd b'1 .
Capt. Cynui Tu<:kt>r. .
Thi' paradt •Ill lncludt lh~ ·
I Go Id t' n Annlvtraary 8ll'thdaY
'1oat, ll WU dbdOMd by Lane·
M"' chanta ,,, lhu1 city v.-UI
pa1 tlclpatf' m the tullvtll•
from 81'pl J.4·23 with a tiemtn-
dou• Mlt't pro,...am llJOl180~ by
OWi Ch•mbtr'a. Mef'(h~ Com·
mltttt headed by Mllo Lacy.
Mesa Tr1stees
to Discaa New
Specia I School
A contract for lbt conatrucUoa
of tht J P. Creeley School tor
mentally ~t..a~ cJ\Udren wtu
be •'Onl6dl-l?d by the board of
tnulttte of Uw Coeta Ke.a Uni
8cJM)ol Dtftrict Wtdneed.ay ne-
ninJ In Room 16. ~r 8cJM>ol
Alao &lated for dl.ltu.uton en
u •J"M'fl'Wnl with ComiruuutJ
N•tbodlllt Church t• ua Of
9Cbool property for .-rldn,r clur-
lna Sunday and t VniJ\&" church
M rvlca. publl~ hH.rtnr un thiP
echool bud19l. and tJi# bu1ld.lq
propm lnYolvtn,r a prtm&ry
.cbool neat On.n,w Oout Col·
• and addlllON to Back S.y,
Mont. Vista and Uarper pri-
mary achoola.
City to Hold Ezmt
for Pait olwOlllClll
John.IOn. Garden Gnrn: J U\el ~. Milll Brea.
Kneeling, I to r., Nancy Feil, MJaa Anaheim: Mar-
lene Hfolnna.n. 2687 Riverside Dri•e, Costa Mesa.
Miu Santa Ana ; Loma Re.. Mi88 Orange: Mar-
jorie. Di~I. Mia San Clemente. choeen a ptmcesa:
t FIHI flUna •tat. IOI ao U•
amtnallon fo1 f)&ln>lwoman ter
thf' Nf'Wport Baacb Polk• 0.-
j rertmtnl will ~ AUJ. t tll•
Cit y Ch'11 ~tcf> ao.nt 11n-
Arrhcant.e mu11t bf' ~t .. ·.,.n
lh~ act• of U and • , .. 1'11
of .,,. and mu•t haw eomt u-
J'4'1"'Wnrt In lnvf'tH&•tt-work
wllll women a.nd ju...U..
Sandn. Maclnt~. ~l S1pal Road. Mia Newport
Beach. and Jeannie McQuttn. 229 Avocado St..
eo.t.a MeM, M• Coeta Ma&. -Staff Photo
s Trial Set · for
,on · PoUession.
tip by a 13-year-olcl Newport Beacb
cena Wedne9day aJcht CrOuched In
1tahea on Riverside Drive and Avon
knee uid aft.er a 3 • hour ltalteout
• Hendrix, 31, of 24!51 Elden Ave.,
targe of poue89lon or nucottai.
~In and Thi otflcera aa.ld tht'V ('J'OUCbcd
'N•~ ap-in t.M buabff for ov~r three
by U:le I boura until fftndr1x drove up,
~r who parkfd a nd tum.CS otf Uw ll1bt.a
found a of bl.a car.
lbe. with I 'I'My cl&lmfd Hendrix p&cked
t llc.» con-up t.M box pTlor to Epet«tn '
that the or<krtng" HendJ1x to atop. Ep-
Jla. tt•n and Carter oonvef"l9d on
box a.ad the suspect from dilftrTDl db-«-
plaoe a.nd uona. ns., •Id Hendrtx th'"""
stakeouL lhe can lo the C'J'OUnd Wht>n be
----aw~ n
Ht'ftdr\x, a hod carr1tr bv oc•
CUQ&U011. dmled he had picked
up the boJt or eftn Ir.new wb.t.t
lll&l'l.Jua.na waa. Ht Ult> dec1and
ht did not know u7Mdy who
Wied marij\&&llL BaJJ wu 8lt at
•2'00. ff• .... ~ tbla a..n.neon In N.....,.rt J..UO.
Court. -the ahup .... hill b1M. .. , ......... ~ ...u-..s r a
M111rer. lew
persaA• ... ~ CNAMA Director
A t the flr9l MUOD&1 mMUD&"
Of Ult <.:a.lllontla Nnnpaptr
Adnrtia1n1 Ma.Dal' ... A•ocla·
• Uon, held In Loe ~· la.at n1pt. Don I:. Huttar. Lon&"
Beach. prMldent ol the eout.b.em
dtvtelon, annouaced appnuit.met
of Newa-""9 Adftl'Ualn&' Dint'·
tor J im Matheny u mf'ft'l~r of
thl' boa.rd of direct.on.
11,,.,._ P1&rul wu .. laid tor lht' n.-
lh to 11tM-57 MUOI\ alldd. )l(atUny
.1~-wu appolnlH chalrman of
ta monthly panel ~· fftr I wwkl1 .........,... pd:IUlibed
Ult Ulal porUoa ot UI• N.ta fro
now San La.la OMalpe l4 kn Dl•p
, I It wu ~ U. '-..octa•
th I uan· • aanuaJ c:emienuon will be
,iOO; held M111 ln JQN la U>e Ba7
ea-..,._ 'n.t ..-odiUbn le tadll&'
ud a aaajM prob'9m • tn plft&"
1mdlr' mt.er.st IA ~atJonal and traln-
ovw lJlc pc"OIT&DUI tn and co&.
pl'-)qH for advert1..tA1 ~
pool.a. l:tt01'1.1 on local. ~ Ud
nattoaaJ ~ wUJ W W to
f ,160; combat ~t ladr Of
.300; tnmSnl' tor the adnrt1Aln1 flf'ld.
a.ocot«n&" i. M.alhe1',y.
pl.ace on N"'port Blvd. below Haas
Dorn Photo