HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-03 - Newport Harbor News Press• ., CH1EF SUR.VEYS DEMONSTRATORS . ~ M~ co.ta x .. chief ot pouoe.-" ...,. pm., ...,.~ et • coupi. ot .tu that "'"" biown m hta ei1¥ t .. ,...... lfll'O· Ht 1-plannl11C' to u.. Ul.m at a utme Kbool hrt ...,,:.. to hold Uonc wtt.b• otMr Qranp C:-tJ ,....,.. .fna.n la Odober. Buln1 hie pl&M ea hi• recent lftlnlq In Wuhtncton. D. C., McKaaa!e hope. ta brlq lll upWL '.B.J. offlnrw for LMtruelOni. -IJt&tf Pboto. --- MIDGETS -HOLD BIG BALL ON SATURDAY J.11-l tar lnna trom the AJIDlrleaa ..u.oetation and Inte-· neUoul ~ cl&M eatwWiy afCt1t ill -of the hi(~ et i-. aw'IUMf buet.11 ptopam. rtnt pU.c:b. will follow UM ..... n.analtlc' cb&mp1onahii:a-•lated ,. •· , ... Oft the ea.ta w.. Parll: ntld. tmm.dialel'f follow· i., U.. ...._,. cluh. tM Major Mesa Still Dlstrid Dicken 1111l111R1 a ms .,, ..... 56 ~·~~· ,, ..... TJ, .... ·tuA••dly Seivke' . • • MESA S~HOOL BOARD ADOPTS 1956-5i BUDGET OF $1,319,878 , Colt* ,,_,. ...... ti.dpt. ........ at u.. bol.1"11 m..un1 w......,. ' wUl total n .111.111. Ot WI .......... ~raUon wUI COit '41.toek iruill'UCtioa 1741.tlf, ~ ot thli acboo1 plant SJlt.N.1 and maintellaAce ol U.,, «itool plant IJt,800. ( ~rtaUoll OI ~ e01t I.he dilltnct Mt,IM4i. Of thla WI! *Inn' ~ n.i.n to 121,000 and euo&ln• ft,700. 1n I.he MlNy tincket the supu1atedent ~ au.ooo. ~ Jll.221, princtpala $60,111 and t...chen $t61.lil!O. • VARIED VACATIONS 3 _ffJrbor ·schocil Leaders Refiim to Loca~ Chores Newport Har1>or'• tbtM 9Ch00l leaders "" b&cll UIY -11: trom Yae&UOM, takea ID ..-uiouil put.a of Uw ~try. mp 8dlool DI-. SANTA ANA. IOCN'S) -A. Mother'• pl• to her 11011 ntum· ed htm to Or&np County .Jail Wedneeday sftet" a 1hott·UY'8d VOii Gordon J"ruer, IS. a ~•· 14krtt of 500 a..t& ~ A. Va., Newport Blkb. brok1 •-Y from lant. An. Munlclps.J Court K.....tlall Pit Stuck altar ha had 'ettn •ntenred to 90 day1 In J-11 tor nafcotlc• addlcUon. ! • TIM! boy wa1 followld out ot lh1 rourtroom by hi.I mother - who tearfully plodded aft1r bet lbac!Ued bo)' •• ,.. -l@d ~ wlll'd tM Onap Ctlunty Jail. llowettr, .. lJN7 nf!lll.Ad tl'll tnltltutldrt. lh• boy 111.lddenly )IJrokt ... , and d•ahed up th• ........ Dl:PVTIU P1'1Un'I: A ~ o( 8tlat1tt'1 ckpuU• ·t .. k olf att.. U.S. youth. .cat· (0-..... -..... t ) HARIOR WEATHER Tm1pwat11hl for th• ,._.. _, ta i.e " ..... t Ban. ~ ORIENTATION FOR ROBERT UNGER Hip ,_ 8aturo.y. 1uly U . lJ e. SWtday, July 2t _ -· 72 to Robert' Ulll'lf, rl(bt, Cotta Me.a'• new lnduat.rial relalkmt director. "Ceta or1· eated by Qty ~er Georp Correy on a map oC the ciiy. Uncer thinks thAl aft.tr two dayw of nm.nine arwnd be it bfcinnin1 t&--lmow his way about the city to which he hope. to briq" m&lly aew lnduat:riea. -State Photo• MOJWl8>·· J ut)· 30, 11 84 ~y. Inly SI, ..• 71 4l "'~>· A ur . 1 . 10 .'it nu.11"1day, A1c . J -· 11 83 r nmy. Aue . a __ 10 '4 • • • • ... > • T p Brings A est ".-.on Narco Rap ~ Suspect' s Trial Set · fpt August 9 .oo · PosSissron. Suppllod witll • tli> by a 13-yoar-old Newpo.t a-:la boy, two narcotlco officero Wedneoday nicbt ....,._ In an overgl'owth ot buabea on Riverside Drive and Avon Ave. near the pmt offiC9 and afttr a 3 .. hour lta.keout arrested Robert la Hendrix, 31, of 24!51 Elden A...-e., Coat.a Mea.a. on a charge ot pos.eeeaion of narcotics. Offtosni JUldn l:p.Uln and TtM attic." Kid I.My ('roucbed Robert Carl.ft' aid Uwy wtn •p-In I.be buabea ror ovtr thrM pro&etM-d. at I p. m. by tM houn until H1ndti1t drove up. mother of U1.e t"n-a~r who parkl'd and turned off ttw llJbC.. atatad Mr aoa bad found • ot hil ear. Bud-Aid bolt la UMt Dua• wtlh Tlwy clalml'd Hendrill ptck'4 Jour Gpntt.-ln tL Polios eon-up the box prior to E'pateto ' Armed lhe'r ~ that the ordertnr Hendri" lo •top. ICp- ~t.M -re marijuana. lt•n and Carter oonverpd on ~ft NlW'Md lM bolt and tM -,.et trom dllfermt dlree- dpntt.M to tha ~ J>1-11.nd l&on.. TMy -.Id Hendrb: th,._- OC'deNd an lmm.e'1&U: ~uL the can la tti. (TOUnd wben M 1------------l•w ~. ' Neorfy $3M•¥ TaU Ill My Is lthtorlCllll ..,.., He-ndnx. a hod carntr by oc- curp.t.lon. cimied ha had p6cked up UW boa w ... ,. knew what 11\&rijuan. •aa. H• a1-o ded&r:ed ht did not know M7'9od.J Wbo ~ IDllriju&n&.. BUI ,... ..t at IZfiDO,, He .,,... ~ nu. ~ In N'...,..-t J.UO. CGl.ut -..... eh&rp ... Ma trtaA M 41111' ... I al. a a. • 11111-... _ - TYPICAL WEEKEND . TRAFFIC -JAM HERE ·. You can see why Newport Beach polke depart.ment lo otudylac th• locol' ...Umd traffic jam oa u.. pen1noul& ill effort to ..,.,. up with ,,_ pl-. Thia acene took place on Newport Blvd. below Hoac H011pll&J. • -BiU Dorn Photo , ' ___,.,. --· -.. -. ~--. = • tn'l tt lD~reiitlal to eee ow a;u~ and "troU.ble .. teDiS to Waite oclJbborsf For an.t.anee, tut Sunday a. m... brisbt and early, ownen and occu~ntt ot ''odd numbered" b~ were on hand doizll a bit of ~ling &lid gnetl.DJ'. Oll)l •t1ce tM wrtw 'atU....T PlaJ'llll'& You m!pt M tnterett- Btti .. ~ pt.,c.. • OJ ~Jamu. ~f pla.iuQs • ~cldy JMlt'tJ ~.., ~ Jknml~ • • IL UN'O•t Jaa..,... ~ *· &ad etc. An1on• ror tacoa, tamalec. en• • ......, ~ OV' ,.tJtoti• u4 • chltadu or trtjol• T 1-o.. a •eom· ~ ~ c:'lt.ia <>rdddt -.~ '"to the atr al1d takH to tM9I W!lo cooperate _ wlll· ~ ~t cbolee ot two .well .i,ota -RM'J'I on Oout R ieb• • 1 iq'J1r way oc La ,._la out on New· , ' ac.ntDna t.o tbc9e ~ wdb porl Bm1.. tn Ooeta t.r.-a. You • ca.a bOat. &Dd IUdl la an un· JU8l can't ro W?"On( our tntonn· ~ ~ T~Y COtJE BY HIGHWAYS AND WATERWAYS! All"l'o4ck ...: and ocean wa•s .-. t~ad to Bob Dalton'• In the Harbor area. Don't won-y if you find your1elt on the end of a pier, pal. Carouael will pick you up and convty you to Dalton's. -Terry Boris Photo . . -------ft :f?AIR ,EXHIBITS THICKLY PGPUI:iTED :sy HARBOR ENTRANTS Plumer St, Ann PaYJW, Ma and Marte DuMouchel. 1Ml Hu· Wut Wilson St . Uvtlne B. Zill· bor Blvd., coat.a; Ruben l'rrea, (tlt. ~9 Magnolia Sl.. El&lne 2ovt PlaoenUa Ave., Kl.cb7 matertall at Ole Ora.nae county Marcbb&nk, ,~ Bay Bt .• Kn. Queen, m La.Perle Ll.M, and fair 111.hlch opens for 10 day1 o. R., M.11.botf, 398 El.It Flower David Huttman. ~.O Sant& AA& Au1. 10. art u lollow1: St .• a.n.d Mr. and Mu Paul Hulf· Ave., cattle; Jobn Kael. lt3J Ron Jeaett 111 27lh BL. tlori· mu, 2318 Santa Ana Ave, home Mapi. at.. ati.p; Woo1.forcl econom1ca. '> Royce Jr .. lTU -.nta Ana Ave., Don Oe.nlrell 627 Wut 9.,-. and Mic:by Queal. .,.rleu}tu.r&J n&rd: R.J. Petm. 318 Kolltevilta mKhu.1ca. . NIGHT OUT COSTS l!lt., Lucia A. Sanford. 311 Wa.1-------------nut P~. ){re. M. J Neptune, RESIDENTS $209 ! coopenllvti m&l\Mrl ant.a tell ua. ' OB the o~r UM. then A• two •al• wue talktnK -I ~ to be ao llmJt t.o the run natch. aboUt tood. ona aa.td to • 1 ~ '9Jt Mft ...,........, ai.out the other. "I ju1t adore ~oln• to ~ .,.. ·-~ nu ('luUUalt'• llat tor the.atmoe- 1 ~~potables fl!. CJ~ ma· pbere alld that vi" ot the bn." • Hd 1~ Not lo be outt'one, th. ~ond l(Adtl\ Newmu' ~ . _,1"4 l1ny plpee up '"Ith, .. Yeio. It bl fr'Olll ror..t UJUi'a l:I .,._.. _, .outh-aea·llJandy. but w. jwit .., that our lTUl strut ru· love lh• fl>o1 thett, ~vm better taurant la p~ to lNi a blJ lttan the atmoaphere." attricUon tor both JocaJa and Take a bo•v Art, AJ;,·&e and IWJ\IMl' vi.ttC»'9. JC.SO. point.a M11rahall! LOLLOBRfGIDA PROVES COMFORT Burt Laneutu Lt comforted by Cina heraelt &Cler dan1erou1 encounler with neaped lion dunnr "TrapeM," now ahowin• at the Mea 'lbe&t.er. Co-1tar for pair la Tony CUrtJ.a. out that our ''PeiacY' featur.. Hany Yff Pn4 hla cohorll t.h• amt type ef ~l fOod warmly welcome you to at..y that h&a tn•d• 8m1Ut'a Duck an<! eat their ChlntM tor Amen------------------------- PHH and Ntkabob, bl L. A., unl food at etti.-Oaat.o, FIL.._' SHOWS NATION'S GROWTH l\&U~U)' tamoua 9))0Yo In B&lbo&, but they AllO reallA JVI • we are told tb&t ~l9" that many an .,., you would like I TQ NEWPORT dUNIQR CHAMBER Jim Real)'. 0.... A«nnu and to 1tay In the patio or on your • Bob Kellt7 dledl ta a t:.l ..,.. beach tront 11nt.1 tat lylly So Dcnlupmenl ot lht Unlltd Statu tron\ plunur Um~ CIMlor frequent.17. -Clhio.ee C».a.lno 11 1lad to lo today'• aclenWlc m1Lhod1 of tarm1n1 and rorutry wu roa GOODLY TIME prtpare bArbecued rtb1 and other tl tplcltd for membeNI of lhe Ne°" port Beach Junior Cham· ,_ _ A•• fior IWlc:h and dlah.. for YoU to take home c· .... ~..-··-1 ~ b!or of Commtrce recently al the Park Avenue ... .,, dlnnft' wtOt Jtem\Jt l\irp 1t Remember that when your bont>• th• piano l>u El ~ wel· Jual won't INJ>port too much In a tUm tcr1pted by Donald and LoUl.M P .. tUe. famou. comea loLI of localll who join welpt at • table. n1luraJlat1 with eut«-toWut. for a (OOd-Dancln1 t. In .iore each and Tbe rum lhowed lb• country u It wu ortrtn&lly 11 Um&. nery Saturday ~t tor tht and lh~ ~• of •cl'l&n(ff wrouchL by Ila development D')'a Dow what 1 A 1ounr br&ve and bearty at VU1a MAI'· wutetul farmlnr ud "cut and cet out" lumberlnr whJch l.ady t.old ua t 'ot.ber ... that .... on UM bay a t tbe imt:rance l'MUlled In no.cs. ttom llrtpped -teraheda It went on BOS .,.,._.. hmlDded Mr flJt to Bal 111•· A k>t of people to Ulustrau modem tonn1 of f1rmln1 and rdorutlnl' and ''tl• la Nft' Tork d TM CGmmll'lt to ua they ... ao many finally treated unit operation of oil dnlllnr L. A. Dyaert. -, •-,_ -·-p. p. of their frtenda there It lffm• b r..... ..,,.,.,,.. ... _.._ I''" -director of the Richfield 011 Company'• 1peaken ureau, ft.lltller ,a&nte4 °"' U,.t ~ .... • party. at Jack and C'U.l1k'1 .,a la PEEL l EYE lnLroduc:ed lhe fUm. o.u.&m &n4 P9D at' U.. IUDi Woody Holder ta readyhir ex------------~------------#D'--dor r.aat m..U., pS.ce Colonl•I ~ataurant for your al Ulla eoulh-ot-~ GHQ atre And lher•'• 1lao '°The B1rda ta thi '"windy clly'' h&4 noUlmt plMllUre. KMp an eye on It 1 for "OperaUon run ln the Sun." a.nd The Beea" u & companion oa our Jocal Kea7 at . ..,.,...._ Tom *'ton hH •l&l>llahed .. Jn'8R·Bl'8H 8TlTFP' piece --~~l all enviable rep tor aea foods, Shhhhllh _ d'ya kn6w what Remember -auto manut&e· 24 Houn a Day Don 't Wa1h Di1he1 Treat Your Fam ily to Sunday Dinner at SEASPORT nsmxo 11\TORMATION BOX Ll'NCHES FRi:E PARllL'\Q FAST URVJCI: To ruerve our Priva te Dlnlnr Room for Oroupi of 15 to 60 Call U1-ty 1--•11• SEASPORT COFFEE SHOP Hl'7 w. Ooau e...,.. ~..,.." a.cti No A lcoM>Uc Btverogre rulturc; John Arnold. lU Via L'ndlnt, TQlll A.ndrew1, '32 Eut tilth St. and J'nd Knowlton. l.'>23 Irvin• Ave.. beef cattle, Nick Carret, 30 Beacon Bay, 1rncuJlure meehinlce; Mn. Do" othy Toombl, 1128 Ocean Front. Mra. 0. Ill. Blan.Dnballv, 619 Lark1pur Ave , and M r1. Elol.te Dcnnl1tom, 222 Narcluua .lw .. home economJCI. BorrhJ1ld L. 8ttphen1, 320 Narcl.aeqa >"1'• andRo~~Qt. Colla W.1& •xhlbttora Include W. R. M&rchbanlc, '60 Bay Bl. ,.nd Mary Johuon, 11201 Tburtn Ave .. a(l1c:ullun: Mra, A. Payne, Ma Wut Wll.aon St, J'r.c1 W Opp, 2"50 O~e. florlculture: 120 Albert Place, Richie P. BlA· cl&lr, 2661 Rlver11de Drtn. and Dick B&nnlater, HamJDOIMI Bo- land, JuJ.l&n Ernut, Ron Mont· romery, John Balleow, Bob KJtcb- rr. Paul P'alr, Frank Soui., Har- old S..mb,.... Jotm Jona, &Un lYtrlOfl, l)&YI Tu('ner, B~ NI· '1Uw&ld and St~ Johuon. all or Box M>T. a.rt. C. W. 0oa. ~2 WIUow Lane, and Joyce Ledbetter, hobbtea; Tommy Stolt.a, 181 Mua Drive. and Bruce Hatenlleld, Ul Mea Drtn, r&bblta; Gay Mont.a.cue. I09lt Pia«, F'r&nk C. Royce. 1168 Santa Ana Avt and R. J . An ev~lns out proved •Uy to Mr. and Mn1. <Jeorr• W. OIUuple, Ill~ l2nd SL a total of Stoe. to be aact. They repo~ to pollce recently th.at 111.•hen l.b.9)' retumtd urly In the mondnr they to~ the ll(llta on and clolJUn& acal · ltt9d out. Ken11.7 Cawtbra; · ~ lmOw, S. to you can Jot down 'a paJr of U P'.O. ~an.t? H u 1 h, hush. turer1 can 1pend bllllona on d .. 11\&n&l'U of the uao lowl.-alld dat .. for nah dlnnara. One at wlllt .... don ouhr cloak and velopln1 Nftty equipment In c:ulaltioe Ulat i.a ~ become • Cape Oooil Hee. on e.J Ille, d•ri-er. You'll find oul a& 'l1M! new ca111, but there'1 a.lwaya uit--notdler w1tk ~. the other at Oape Co4I out near Surf In HunUn(ton Beach at.art· l'Ot' u the rnar(tn of error. T..,. and '" ~f ICaJ Garden Gron. ln( nut Wed.nnday. Womm andp :.:la~y=lt=aa.l=t=. ~b~u~t~do~=b:a":=:tu:n:!==========::;~ D9Yl~ Partr' 1a 411\ W ~ Lyle TaJbot. veteran •tar ot rhlldttn ttret.. Men, &nb )'OW' ;. moon now. Wt lllabt to .. 1'ar 1LA1f', acreen and TV. i. 1t.ar-blunderbuuea Lnd char('tl M.l"L MaQ J'Uak. 1715 J"V.Uerton An . June Payne, 643 Wul WU· IOA BL, l!llabtth M. Dutro, 825 ofa Ca~lina ofllj"or BLOODY MARY TBS JIOJUQliiQ APTE1l J 1ner Smtmott Vodtm, J en. Be&Y)' Tomato Jwce. '~ oa.. Fruh Lemon Jutee, ' Oropi .. Worculerahlre Sauct. 1 duh Salt, 1 Duh Pipper. Shake Wdl with Cracked Ice and Btrve. Fl.NF.ST OF DIPOJlU::D Wl!\F.S A BEE& COKE \'181T OUR OOIULETE WL"E Cl:LIAR <WI RA&BOB In For Fut, Free D«Uverr -No Ol'ftr Too Small <>PM a Lm. t• 11 p.a. -aai. tw 1:00 It« E . Oo.tt ftw7.-<lotoaa del Mu MJa1q wue a watch, pl4 ""11 w1 Ul two l'\lblee, 1"dd1DJ l>&Ad. pl4 b~-­lranl clock, woman'• jacket. mm'1 ~ .... .,..t Jadlet. TM7 ..w .. appannUy lrnored valuable 11lverware and a movie pro- jector. New Citizens I Th• tollowln.r t h r e • eo,ta I .Mtaan1 were amonr 12 ~reon1 I who were liven the oath of al· ltK••nct u American cltlune at 1 santa Am hl&h achoo) July 25: Guadalu~ P. Sliva. "'"~"'"· Ceor1• Paul Krelblcb, 1t&te· leu, Edith Fowler, Canada. i.. .. b• pGlft Ill ~·· blat rtnr lo and dlreeUnr "Separate The "I~( Untype" 11c:ht!dule -oertatnlJ are stad tor Ole Room•" down at tap.. Sum-for loc&l cinema hou.le9 la up MWIJWOl Good lucll! DMlr Play--., to par thll wffk ... Trapue" hu FOa Jl17 ClU Jfl08'1'1 lhown1 throup Au;. G. "~p-Lollobrt(tda fpronounced wow') Dldt &ad ll 1'CH'llftth arate ftooml" baa t>.m e&Ded and BUrt t.ancutfr and TOny &DDOUDC9 to ODe 1.11i4 all that "OM ol th.e ftf)' best ... A llOUrc. CUrU. and UONI and llt\lft. It'a mWdc D!ltata at ...._ IM Oat• wb!ch we COl\9tdtr mo.t rellablt at lhe MNA alont with "&mer· ... 'nsm.S.7. n'lda.y ad aatuzo. &d.t.1 th• enttn cut p«form1 rea~ Hocpltal" J'nnJt 8lnal.1' qy. Dn't be ptn' ta a.a i.. Uke a wti1 eo.elMod team mnd u •'f'otmny Concho" 11 number tor BuddJ Jtohaet'1 ud Raul an le&da a.nd wpporU pitch 1n one boy al Liie plu• • .,,.. Anl· Oon.&a.la' mullc any other ••· lo rtve a "bMuWul perform· mal world .. Oftr at Corona d.el But on tboM J Wffhnd nl•btl ance." Mar'• Port you·u 1ee "Mohawk" vou can 1Jt and ll1ten or •Ip Comllll allracllou at Lacuna and 'The w~ Lov• of Hild• and dance to your little heart'• are "Hamlet" with John Carra· Crane .. "Rock Around the Clock daalre. dtne, AUCU-l T·ll, followed by la the (tnunlck a& BllMa UI .. lherwood Pnc.'1 eommunlque ''The lleYen Tear Ilcb." ''Th• ------------ from 'had.ft P-,."41, tella u.a ntth Seuon" and "Solid Gold "The ~r Trap" la currently Cadillac." HENRY'S ap~allng to lhealrtgoera who l!l~akJnr ot Lacuna. have you llJ<e l•u•h&ble, lovable comedy. ateen ~ 8-tu. Loci ... Ml4 a-n.:o!r::::,..n.!' .~~ Price, Brad Trumbull, Martel· taurut laldy 1 Danclnr la In or· NEWPORT Ir •CH ta ffayu and Lynn Alden an dtr nJrhUy. Coc:kt.a.Ue and din· Ii.I' 1t.ar In lbe P1.aybox feature oer are moat popular &1¥1 Bun· * OOCl&TAILS * wlUc.h .,..,ed • twe WMk l'Wl clay 11 a day ot play-and·•ta.>' l6M. o.ut •"7· n. LI ....... lut. ~· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; We ~ lhat "Oh Meal 0'1 TONY OALl:NTO, prtzenJht· er tumf'd act.at. Hollywood-"! '555=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;=;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~ waa always a n act.or In 'the box· ii In' 1amt. and •nee I quit tht Women'" i. tMrln• cut now for A\11'. 1' opcnln •. "All Bab& and lhe J'ortJ TbJnea" la to be the la.I\ aim· mtt abow ttw children at or.Ila • DINNER 15:00 P. M. -9 P. 14. Open Sundays 12 Noon • 9 p.m. ( doMd M.ondqe) 2G81 NEWPOllT BLVD., OOSTA MESA (1'1111 ..................... 0.2*1 09) l'boilei i.n.tJ a.MOS ............ 0..,. .9~16 · ... AHOYI · RESTAURANT NIW~9'T 814CH, CALtl' --.._J e11 tlle &•J' H Lit• a11-"I <:.4tt ... rtn1 I le&.rDt a Iott.a woida. I aln 't no dummy no ~ore." When In the World AU YOU GOING Dome.Uo and l'orelp --.,....,. Ball, ShJp. Air, etc. ~ CDM TRAVEL SERVICE OO&ND COAST Bnf AY a OBCJllD Aaoee trcm P..a Offb -OOISONA DEL llAB JIAUOR we afar bancing Every Night _.. .• .. &oW41. L&ll'ISD8 DINNER SDVi:P Op. m. 'tll mkfnl&ht' OOCKT.uLB -' p. m. •w 2 a. m. 12 Noon Saturday 6 Sunday Special Sunday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. Cloee4 Welsesfa7 Im& 8ouUt of Lapm BYatt '-tM8 DINNER DANCING hery Satwclay Nlthf 111 ... AQUARIUM ROOM I ' lMI..,..... Dr. -N....,t ~ -llarti.r •M • Jn•_L ~ F._,,,1 (J/# ~~ ' BALBOA INN CAFE e COCKTAILS e MUSIC e PIANO BAR e DANCING Buddy Rohner Duo with Raul Gonzalez Entertains Thursday-Friday & S1turday ON THE OCEAN fRON T AT MAIN IN BALBOA 'A U N I ( ii' ol l ; A P O • P, • f, T L' d I. l . ;. FEATURING •Complete Dinner M•nu •nd Servin• the P'lneat Foo~ In th• Harbor Ar•• Open Everv fut1 from 11 :00 AM ti> 1:00 AM llOtt mavATNNla PllM• LWi t NM.l YfNll Jdty LMAlbber H..e: Kela! fM••• lerWll It IN 8er: ,.._._ ..... ---.. th• ' . ' {', p .,.,.,,,,,, .. {••·· ,.,,, ,.,,,,(, 401East17111 StrMt, c.staMaa ,. A B4ttlr ~wl &.ut It'• aFOf'flC SMit.\ ~,.,- I 1st Place $600.00 1st ,._. $400.00 ZND S&D IND • l&D $400.00 $250.00 $300.00 $1 so.oo GtJ AllAN'l'EE ,WJ'l'll ~'DIOAP Q11~ IClaA2al -• vtatn. ------------------ For C«lrtaQI VAN'S 703 Soperlor, Coda lie.a .. ....... .-........ 1llliillhire•a It flfitj,.. ..... ,.. ......... ............... -........................ ........ ,...a.. .... ........... , .... • • • • -, , r .............. ~ ........... ,, ... ,.. ..... ,_ ...... .. ................. -bU'dtDW ......... .. ...... ,.Clllli* ·-... d9llClr ... a.t ,... ... , I • SNOWBIRDS, FROM HORIZON TO HO IZON ~ tu.oo,... ~ ----~rt Hutor boy paU., Sunday, ltlotcllod tit. ......,,._ -\llOeb•r Pllatb so ·PRAMS '" U .~· Complet• 205.00 I~. Comfllete Complete 215.00 L1U &. ·HOSKIN & SON .... CWil. .._,_"-*"""...,.-u ~1m , Qe1ler for Alcott S.ilfi1h IOAT TOPS -CANVAS COYllS ~y THOMAS -o..t llltra)' -x-purt .__ -l..DNtJ ....., ~:s::s:s:ss:s Newpcirt Hcabor loat Rentals . O••oe·CnilMn-Uvelalt Jlllo. .._,,.u __ _ Clall .11.uhr 1111 For .... mun· IOAT SUPPUIS PAINT , I) -.~ ~~-- -- ~ .. ,;_ .q~1 . . . . . , •• ,. {:, ,-_, t 7 ('r1t/ I -.-. • TIPI ._l'w 0 1 n --· r.-1 --._ ...... ""---....... ,. .. _ ........ -·· ....... -.. -.. ...... -' T!IT L-. •:at .. ...... t:11 ..... . '"• ·~.-. t :lfLDl. u ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• a LMICIWA "MW IS-ML& tt:• ,. .. 1;•1 '* .., .. 1,:21 ..... .. S•ll•Wll Stoia• l.t .......... "' t, lflt 0- ~-.. --.... _ 1 ,. .. ........ l :M,.a. l:tO ... .. l :Sf .. .. f:'ML& l :ft ..... -U .... _. .. LI ... ... Lt Boy Sells Customer! .,....., ..... a•,•• .... ---.. .............. . ____ ... ... ft.~~"' .. ... ......... ,.... ........ ,.... . ...... . -········ •..•.. a.-.0111111 Diiier .......... .. S11hl• , ... .,, C.-1·'7 ~ a.& ..... OrW ~·-······ .... •.•..•. ...... *' '!'· c.. •wr. M'...,... -a-..,_.,. t -9 ___ .. ._ ... _... ,.. ..... ,_ .......... .................. --..... __ _ .......... a.-.. _ --·----• • * * . - a to~ deal .on your old . ~ . trUCk. ~ rlca' • • • • l~,•est-selllng V·S , •, • L I 1 ... ,.., ...... ..... _, ........... ........ .,,,. -,.. """" ' pJCkup.~. FORD I • \ . THIOD-0 .11 r!0'4:""" • • • , ' . . . • 1 • • . ' . . ' . . . . . • . . • • 1•-----·- .. Divi11 . S111 Made wit~ HARDWARE· NURSERY 410 Eut 17tt. St. Cod• M... ' PAY-LESS Jack B. Quiunberry ,..,,, .... . .. A,.., I ...... ,. ........ Cit lo-.. rat• --...,. to-pay .... There Is Gracious Living In College P•rk • • its a heavenly experience/ • • . ; • ~'GOING! ! -0-allDI'• Jftn.k Wood ot the ~ Yodlt Cllib ud hlo flnt mato, llollol, tako limo out from ~ tlaelr PC olllop 8h4I\" -tor the 8CY:A. ~t& llilo WMll....S to cJoet ID ..other ruo boot out r ... a !rial nm. Deopile the ,,,.,,:; lliiu. of tho commodoro and bll lady of the boot club for tbJa S8rd UDllOI ptbednf of fllem from 'an over the SOuthland, -W-..,..-not about, to be done out of the flnl of the three cloy com~a tor top honon ln the PC cl••.._Bec& .. Ila' Photo I \ Upholstery Draperies " l ' • • Tllo -crattuaaDoblp ·-Plu hbrial u Omt OUt Prio.l:D•-U.toGm Your Olol hnilture Tbat Nl:W LOOK at Alta •Nna ... Dmilll tho "off-· CALL US D.lY OR NIGHT LlblN um .. ......_., __ ., ........ -.,..us .u. ....... ,... It .,.. ""*" • • • .... , ' r • .. ,Nli:WPORT • SA.a;.1-. OF LADIES' flNE • f·OOTWEAR . Stm Is Friday; ~ ~ -'k AlrSin:.-ln-Sum1m1r-Colors, lut Not Eve.ry Siz• In All Golors. • All Sales Fln•I ••• •No Re.turriJ or ExCh•n9eJ.. . I I~ lM Udo Shopping Center . 3410 Vi• ~ N .... orl Beech . ' ,Herbor 035~ ' I • • . ' . \ . ~Hut ,4;1 .......... .. C••t~ll"4 He11 ••k11 --c:.till•• .,__ -~•tir-6.s~ ·~ ·~·-.lllai&.ol fPt .... -~-.... . . ·~~ ,.._. ·-... IP p ..... t ........ : tooe••. ·1·':c ' ·" '. . . • -=~;r t. ' . • 1767 A Newport Ave. Coat• ... .._ """-• , 3.95 SPECIAL 8e•utifully Colored • 5x7 Portr•lt '· -• • KAYEI ii PHOTOS:. -': ~ -&.~...., 41 0.-M-··-1111 ' I ..... TJ''IJ OJI ? ..... ,..... ~ • • UC.....}iyfhJl.,teof C.llfomla ~ C.pl~ ., .. s.. s..lteriuni ., • .w.. "' _,_,, of WWiUt. emor .... .r .,... tWttal ... ....... "wwl ............ .--~~~~~-.,~~__;_~ o,,, -H..i.o. Alff office ......,.., .. • • -· 3424 Via o,.m. NeWport 1Nc1i. ~ ·"'-' Hert;e; 2122 • • ~ ;. . 3· " , I .. i ' .. •cactu.t PapPY" of AaeMtm, W'bO ... .,.....114 bl cact¥ and aaoc:Wmt caltun; :wm 'be s1Mlll .,... .. at IMlltlq f4, x-=-B&y au .. ~ OaH· fOl'IM Nau.al J'adMlt& ~. Aus. f, •t •:10 p. JD. la tbe .:...tt A. ... lcMol &QditOft. -R••moq at.. aad x.,.. PJ&oe. eo.ta Kea ' A. pot.:.lack dlJIMI' will pnc.k UM JMetins. TIM p1aDt t.abM ~ -w. ocCuioe will be fe}eeted fl'om donatfcm9 b)' DlCD• 1*a. Th puhlSo LI welcome to attad. \,i .. . OLIVE I. llLlll. FIJRS· I SHADDOCK'5 · ~nual End of -Summer Cle.lance . / / • St.ls . current 1umm•r ~m•rdtandiae. 34 12 Via UCfo • - • • SUNDAY SERVICES of the Epi-1 Mi.>alon pt St. ~obn the Divine at Colla ~ Mei& !iad the Rev. Chandler C. Jackaon U, vicar With Jbi. Jackson and Cbeir children\ Pa.ul, Ellu.belh, Alice &lld Chandler ill, iR .attendance al both Sunday .... -.... ..-.. .. ,_ ' WAS AT DUKE U. . . -I Chicago Man ·Preaches Here .. The Rev. Eutwood At,,.ter 'wlll be ruOllt -1<er ti Obrlot Chun:b b,Y the ~bi Newport llelcb All(. II. lie will opeali at both the" 9:30 and 11 o'clOclt ...i-. lh. Atwater ta a.n ordained Metbod!K Dllniater and MrVed pdtoratn in the North Carolina. Ccmf~ct tor MYeral Y"71. Ht h&A al.o aerved u & '-tethodlM: chaplain at Duit. Uni· ti. uaW hllowUlp dlnntt I• \•erfllt)'. A.t preaent ht I• wortdnc' Ooo61U H&ll. al T p.a. ~· ... ' t school ~ wonhip. -Stall Photo , ; l6orW wW "*'" la •udJ' ,...... for hLa Pb. D. a l UM! Unlvtnll\J' at-_. a !OO u.. Gl.ftd&I _,. ot Chlcqo -and ii doing llptdal work thll 9\Unmer at the atate I ·wlll-. ____ ,. _____ n_11o11. ____ 11 Ho.pit.al ln lforwalk. Ht. ..,_ topic v.ill be "Momeni.. Wt Un I a11J By ... The 111.nctua1y cholr will 11ft1 tor bolh mOm.lfll MrTica.. n.. anthvn will be, "PMct I 1-vt WltlL You" By .llobf:rU. The,.. wtU alto M .. or&rtory IQ'an: '"lw• H0\11' or Prayet"-' -,. aruiaury • ..tal1ft accomp&nttn• by K!u Alflt:a Cr&!t-Qolr Trinity Baptist Services ----------------------director i.. M'ra.. A. J . '.ftuttar ~ N Mra. Omer Jacob9 lt orprdtt.: The ob_,,ance ot the EWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I · PAGE 9 Th• mint"'" .... Roy A. t.orc1·0 )li..J>~~ !>f..l!eld FRIDAY, AUGUST J. 1956 cu•~~ ""' "'~ """"" .,.. " aurin~-U. l Wtfttup;i • ...,,-_,._ ___________________ ,llhe Luy-W llUJl'UTler camp lo- cat..t ln Ban Jua11 C..pl.tra..no. .. ~ r . Hart>or Tloln· YOUNG MESA BAPTISTS mo~w... H• .... ~tom to lh• ft.y Baptiat Church, which · pulpi t nAt Sunda,J. ineete\in .the ebo~I ot _the st.ATE RALL y BANQUET Wodnuday " • ·-~ "'" .. South"f'll Calllornl& 81ble CoUegd 1 in Costa Mesa. Tbe The )'l)Urll people of lht Flr•t. BapU.t Churc11. ot COit.a mem&tt for the ll a, m . Mea wt.II •ponaor a public banquet AU(. 1 at 8:30 p.m. In •ryioe ~ utilled. '"Wh•l 1, God OW lduc.atloa.al bulld1n1 of lh• chun:b. corn•r 11f sut.a t.ook1q l't<f, and w1U bt gl\len Ana and Xarnolla Ave•. · •Y DOI' ~ TM chotr. under Thl• It a n.Hy avent for Yowtl peoplt of the ('hurch •nd ~ f.irec:u.n~of Gary Mann. wlll i their fr1endt. and hu lht,lht me, ••Aml>Ua.adoni tor Chnst." 'Spirit', Lesson Subject at Science Church *'rtn& lbf .. J.l!\kn ·or tJw morn-· Tbef'411 will be a •w-priH •pe•k•r and enteralnmtnL after lit,. auna.:J khoOI c'-el for dinner. 'ncket. may be °"1.alned from Ann Pinkley, \\'ally "God lt a tplrtt: .nd they "1J .,.e JTOUpi wtU bq\n at 9:•~ Plnkliry, Gn1 P&rllln &Ad Eddy Rolbenberier, or &t tM lhat woritup hi"' mutt *°n.hlp &m. \... ~. Prieu an nomln.al. him ln •plrit and IA tn1lh.~ Tiii• : T?w n"enlnr .enolc• at .even i<ecla.ratlon of Ju11• •• J"lvtin tclock w1U be c<N:lducted by lhe ln John'a Golpe1 (4:24 ) b tht WOMEN AID G@ldm Tut of tht IAMOn·Set- reana, th• adult Sund a Y mon °" ~Ap1J1t" In all Cbrt.tlan ~boot claa& Members of the Sclanc• cbureb• Sunday. dull wtll parllcipal• In the pro-St And Cl A Bcripti&n.1 account from ..... Mn. a...,. Goodoon .. • rews oses Luk• ,.,,, ... , nlal• Wol u.,e ~. ''Ttler-9 wu • mu, which had 1 V • s h l a •plr'lt ol 1..r1 unclean devil. .nd no. w-Bib~ "... st acat1on c 00 orlO<I ool wll> ..... ~·'"· •• ,. Utt pNltlfl ~ will be(l.1111 lnf, Let us alonr; what M•• 7.. ~ •---•u "'' to dn wtlh th .. , thou Jd\lt Sunday Topi~ at Costa Mesa First Baptist Thi• oom t111" lunda7 at th• nnt ea.pu.t Chur'dl of eo.t.a M... th• Jltey, P. G. Neumua wtu ha•• u hia e11 .... u o'clock wol"llhlp Hnica loplc. ·-ni• R&- dtant Certa.lntl ... " Thi• la a contlllu.atlon of a MritL The tw- dln.anc• ot 'I'll• Lard·• SupJl'lr wW M obaer"4, &lid tbo ..ipt hl.Jld ot fellowahlp ptendtd to ntw member&. Tbt Ollanoe.I Choir under th• dlrtctlClft of TOIJI N.wman "'"' S"tv• a ~ number. 8u.n4'&Y Schoo.I eoann• at 1:•0 L m. with ci.a-for aJJ l.(tL l :IO p. m. 'J'r&lalq UJUm cl.,..., will mett. A.t 1:10 p. m. lh•r• will bt a .oq actnb led by Newman. lo pl'9C41dt lM ...., mon by Mr. Neumann. Th<I Mr- mon toplo wlll M "Dolia God LoY• 8omt P.opl• and Hate Other ? .. Tllert w1ll bt; ap«iaJ. mulic In tlll• 1ttvl.ce. Monda7 a t T :JO p. io. tM Womtn'• Ml-1onary Union W'lll hold 11.e mOF1lhly m•tlnr wf.~ 1pecial muatc, a t.eJk , &Ad ,.._ f~m•nl.e. ,,\II womtn of th• ehu.rcb and cornmWUt7 an wll· com• to attand. W.clnffda.y, Aus. I at T:SO p. m. ii PralM and 8tb1-&tudy Hour, followed by tb• dtpart- mantal pr.yer mMtll'lp AU are wtlcom• to coma. f. : · ~ .,_ .-n "' brt The n.nt VacaUon Oiurcl! tblnp they had learned durtnr ot Naureth' ... t -know thet eA pffn~U.. ao.p9i of John. School ot St.' A.Adrew'I Cllun:h lh• two Wffk period. who thou art: tbt Holy Ont of Friday if91111.!nr ll.lfYU ovu to drew tp a ,ucceutµI conclu11on Ont hundred nineteen children God. Ai:ul JM\.111 re;bu.kld him." Saint James ~~ You.lb rellow~p. wit!!. a tamlly l'l""'l picnic ff. partlclp&t_, In a prov.in ot and th• de..U "cam• oul of him, ~ cenU7 1n the ch~ paUo, AJtM Hudy, woralllp, c""ta, mu.~ and I.ad hurt him not. .. Th• effect ot E . a}• • the pknlc the d:IUdttn M.ared recreation. Uda ltMILnr arl the by•t.anden plSCOp . !At. Cedar Glen with lhelr pa~rent. aomt 'at UM Th• touow1nr people ,.Orkld wu Tf!rf ,.,._t. t11r UM Bibi• f ln tht IC.bool: Mme•. Warf'l!n puaare con.Unu ... "And they S • H F l Anaquilt. .kiln 'Ihomu, CUI wtr. all amytd and llpakt ervtces outh Cawip I arbor '0 k C\ltllnrer, Albeft. Kelly. Paul amonl' lhemtal ..... •>1~. What --'" ~.1. Caldwell, )(.. Cont&nt. Janu11 a 1"ll'd i. tMll tor W'llb autllor1ty , 'I'hel"ll • .., M ll'll'M NrmM 'I"llt'MI QUI --"· chll4n t t Bah t• Penney, Robert Errut. Clark• and power h• commandtt.h th• ot Hol1 c.ommunlon lllllday at ~ Balboa ~ Cornm:nl~ a a J MUSMr, Dou1lu MacLM.n, Cb•-unclean .plr1ll, and Ule7 com• St. Jam• ~1...Cll~~ e tu RoweU. Geo~ Barnett. Al-L.. . 1:15 and 11 1-. a,. Dft 1(- thod&at CJ:nlrcb haw bffa at• S . S h l fttd W~r. Let Rlnra. Gordon ou Mary Bak.. J:oMy nplaina at T:15 a. m. thtr'9 , wtU N lnJ lll• ChrtiUan Adventure ummer C 00 Andrew, Willlam Stabler. John -·~h ---•1n1• In "8de.1'ce and 9pecia1 ConununkalaobMrnl'Ce p at Camp Cedar Olen near ..... ,,... ot lb Tri.nit'! r&U aa t1lJtl wMk. n..7 are Ro-A number ot Harbor area Penney, Kenneth Bell, John HM.It!!. wit.ti. Kty to th• lcrtp-• PJ OD. • =a.rt NMJy, Cbrtatin1 ca.-1, and Baha"il are atte.ndlnr thll wee)l"a Wood. \\'el»ter J onea. Paul turea·• w11er• lb• N 71, .. Je9ut Th• Altar Ou.lid Midi It. tiil1 Ba.melt. aelSlon of the Balla.I. Nmmer Holmea, N. L. Jone•. Lr.vi• Kid· caet out evil 1plrtt., or lr.lM MOn°'-17 .m•tlnr ud ~t. l Th• camp I• omi of 11 belnr IChool at O)rlervilla. n.1 Leo der, Dwl1ht Mayfield, Sherman beliet1. Th• A.po1U• Paul bad• °"!"'unkm Tu-.,7 at t :IO \conducltd thl.a wmmer f<Jr 1blth-RDYin fam\17 of 20H Feden.I A. Guild, Robert Gln(Tich and men hav• UM lllnd that wu ... in. W.clnnda7 at I P• m. ii §• da )'O\lllplen by lhl MU... Aw,. Ooet.a MM&. lett "7" auto Cheryl Joa• la Ult ChrWL .,..... did hla owa llMI A®lt lllq\llrww Cla.N - callfomla-Arian\a ~ lut rrt•1. A.ccompan7'q Uiem Dr. l!'win( HudlOll It'd U.. prt. work bytthe .. 8plrlt. Ho .W: "on.. ..-· . c. of tho XethodWt ~ w&t ._. Mac.Donald. duahttr mal"J' &NI "JWrior ~onb,lp and 'KY J'aOMr wwkath hi~ .L.. ~u,..._,., Aut. tat t :l~ a.m. eddltkm.al 16 C9.IJI,,. an ....,_ of lib'. and Kn.. John Matl>ouJd th• Rn. Jam .. · s . Stewart W11f'k.' H• lllf\'t!r d~ ... Pra,. OWkt: aeota. followed "I' ~ by Ult Cqot.,._. ot Ootvna del Mar. Mn. SdWaJd workM wtU.. Ula Junlon wtlb ...... so tar M cu. M ~ al lO:lt L In. '1 Holy 0..- r youtha of older acea. MlrltoYSch. ot 1t• Roch•ar at., tun 111l(1nr. M'ra." Van A. l'ranc. fWlwri th• OOtpelst tlut M Jt..a.d mun.Joa =.si~;'!f -;"!«. v I ·--· ·--. ' Mesans· Spend ·Vacation at Religious Conference ··-----·----.. ---··· - BE SUR~ INSURE wit• JIAUKICE STA?\'LJ:Y I.Ma...-Only Pbene Harbor !416 lSlO £. C-.i HJ.r11"-..,. c.Jlona ~ lfa.r -----·--.--·--------- &.. d...e tMir ............... -I..-.,..l -a.. c111...-dtelr dotbbcl A-.. J"et. their t;plrit. tWr ...,... .. ......, ,_, 111, tMlr OM ••• ... -la • ..,.... .,.... .. dlil .,.. pralri., er hi a ....._.. CU' .. a _,_ tkl.a• lliabw'V, Oo4 11 •hh W• PIOfle. 1111 -eh111111t11111on striae tha& atr•Jllda. Bia c:a.rda I.I ncUllli ... tM. for It t.naht dM .._. tnthl, 08ldl prol'trod the Mm• comfort1 to tboM ploee.w ... ud 1P01D• u lt dOff todQ, T•. God I• ..O.aclac. TIM Qsdt I• achlnc- bs-Oal7 p.ople, tbt. bl.Uta of p.oplt, ar• locoo.-,_ H .. •IMNt ,.,., Don't 7" Med I ,.. .... •ti'~ f.u ar•tar daall ,.own.tf P ood. S. w9ft. iac, ~ <:mrdll I.I walti11111, o..· peoplt an ,,.lth'I'. Wia 1'" add J"OGr m.nrtl to t!Min u4 IMJp tM ~ l9fft Ute dlallltlC• of toda71 ---· ------------·-·---~­---·····- -· --·--·----·---· -------·----··-· . ,. ·-,. --.:.. ---•.. --· --· -·-· -- THE c::RV9al ro1 All •• - AU roa y._ CHU&CH no.~ ...... _ .. ... __ .............. .. ----' ........ -..... .. II• -•a-.,''*""""'""'-· w-.-.--.a-._....._ t =r w _._ -.......... ,,__ _ ._ ....... -· ... 1ri, ... ..., PM'IM .Jtould ••ll'M ..... -..... 1ar1, ....... P' -' u.. ai ... cto nw, _, 01 ,_ ... ..... .... 121 ,_ Iola dlUdt-•'• OGk•, rll r. """ ..... el Im -•,.tlJ on.d -· UI r ....... ol IN Oiwdl -~. ...... .._..w._... ... _ • --.. -'· ,.,.., ... 9" ... n...-.-1' ...,..i...., ........ .,_ 9lbloo dalJ ' • ,o., • ...., o..-•-,_,. .... Pul-• t" ..... , ..• 1 .. 1... •• ,, ~ ..... ·-l •.•• W ....... '5=~ I IWI .~,.. .. UoM Pr!MT . .. II l·lt . ........... --'' , .. 1llh Chwch Feat-Spoii.-.1 by IMH Local lnlness Firms Grnclalfo '1 au E. BolbM Blvd. Harbor 4851 HOMEI E. SHAFER ROW.TOR 108Kchdda~ (al Iba Pier) Harbor 140 'Y1acHt"1 lual DnMJ Slwes Tw ~tlom lo a... rou Udo Ille a 0..-del ~ POP'S F!i-Steak H- ... Ina& &Dd Jolla • • .. . ......., ................ - 811 E. -Blvd. -6M8 S. E. HIGGS • El•tncal COoLnctor "Good wtrlnr douzl'\ eo11t ••• lt PQS" .u . Sl•I SL Harbor a1a AIT C. IUSTLll CO., Realton i;.:._::_ ____ _: ____ lco4it.4. Meea, left Saturday t'ff-wu tl11 co -director ~rklnr dl"6UI." (p. Tt). Bil'!::. .and Ju4llll. ~ ~ T . niJlc with )(ni. M.abt.I Pe"'Y of with Miu Helen !.. H11rT. will M Mltm!..t tomorrow at 11----------------~1 I-----------------· rm.on op1c Santa Au. Tbey will bti Joined T ..6mk D ht t I I d Ch h In San rtancltc:o 8undly mom · ~ e aug er T:JO P. m. 8 an urc 1111 by Chllrlff Wolfort Of Santa PalO Alto Baby lflllin• •rL 4lld x .... Dhidl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::=::=-=•11 -- : "Bebo&d, a Slumberini Giant!" Alla for tl!t Wit part of Ult B t ' d H LIM IAmkt Of OoM.a M-"" Gllelt ... for lewl .. th• 11U1'1\0n topic which ha• trip. _ap tze ere pm.rem.. or. d&uS"hltf', bom Ju.11 ............... ..... ~n 11.ltcted b)" tht Rev. Don-Ec1uator1 •ntl Jectu.rtte from Ro~rt EdwUd Lee Bonaparte. al In Cof<ona Naftl Ho.pltal.· ~·W•T ftPE8 j ld 0. thpp ror lhe t :JO and llU part. or lha Unltld lt.al.d etgtl.t·month-old oon ·o1 Mt. and Oii 1•1 tJ 1-8'61 11 &. m. •r.\c:M Sunday, Aur. conduct c ....... .nd dlacUM\on M,.._ Robert L. Bonapart• ot' DEFEAT nner comt1 lo Y7 ...,.0 .. """" ... , •• I. at Uta Ba.lboa I•land Com-rroupt dUr\n.r tho f·Wffll period Palo A.Ito rec.ived CtuiaUan man u.nttl ht admit. It. -111 ~ ....,. Olllla .._ -~unity Mttbodlat Churdl. Sen--or lht annual Nmmer tJ:bool M,pUan July 29. •t th• Balboa JOMpllu1 Daniel.I • tla ... ~•,tor tlle ~ 9"111on• at G)'Mn11Jt each )'Hr, llload ():wnmunily Methodlltl;:;"";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; JI be JUchud ~lb.rt Md Jafln wtuch ll Ol'M of tht four (ODdg(t. ~ 'nM! Mf'Y1ol. COMuctld • • od tn th• United !ta.t.oa uad.r IT· tlili ... nev. DoMld o._ S.pp. • ' c tho a\YJ!lcni ot lll• N•Uoall wu •t ll!l'ldl'd by . Ill• vand·• ' ftUT CHt:Jam a. cm:mr Sp Irr tu a I AMtmbly or tho '1'11td~ta. Mn. H. Boft•part•. : ... IM'.llCNTlft Ba.h•·le of lM Unltf!d atatM and Old Of't'J!ll'lwtch. Conn. and Mr. ~ ,.. ¥1• u., ~~ C..nad.a with beadquatttn at .nd Mra. Edward J . ._.r, 110 =": ~.''~....,7'-n..~ Wllmf'tt•. n1. OpaJ. AM. ~ \ ...... .... ttlf a.-.. ....... ..,..,. ,, .. .. -·-~· ,...,_, ....... .......,.,. Of:· .... ... ........................... n .._..._. .. u,1-.uw . ~ :.~ .r.:..: ..:.·* ~ ftoe ~k If 1-leHf ........ 19 •"• ... -----~ ....... _. --.. '"" .. - BALTZ MORTUARIES CR.APEL BY THE S&A. ~20 E. C:O..t Bl•d. bot'Ofla del Mar. Calif. Phon• H•rbor 4.J ' ENRICH YO!JR SUMMER! WORBHJP t :OO A.M. ~~-~----------Pre.-Scbool • Klndft'prt.eft ll't&DdaJ ~ • :00 A.K. ................. ~ ........ --It;JIA.X. fMtneUoa "111111 Ute ~ .._... U:ll .A.K. No 11 :U hnte. Unr.U hU ~ JIA&BC)A LtJTBD.&N mt7am t.SOI Olll Dltft Jlf...,.. .... kt1 -O.·«iookiJIC Bmltl.hil H...,..t ..,.._.. RO!ISR'!" ll GA0MLUJm Put« Ulle."7 ...... 1 er .. ts. • STAFFOID A SON Eleclric.a1 Ocmtr&cton 110 llhvolde An. N-rl - Ubw17MS1t CHINESE CASINO ..... c...-.-hed to Tak• OVt OJ*ll J:nry O.y l,11Mola81., ~ -ftOI NIWPOIT RllNITUIE CO. OOmJllot' Bol11• ~ zaow. c-1R..,.. ' !'ICK MACKEi Drapm. -C&1pet. -Upboi.terJ Oompkt• .rr.. Deeoratlq a.nic. lf.tG Vlo Udo IW1>or '8%11 -Cntom A1•1 w-n &oi. .._Jost_••• J . c. MOSldt !W Avoa SL NEWPOIT HAUOI NtWl-l'lDS IWMrllll ·- , • ..... ! Whet~er it be WATER, a neea sorely preuing us now, or whether it be a street improvement, park expansion, or dignity in public office, YOU can't close your eye1 to the needs of YOUR community. It is money out of YOUR pocket when YOU do refuse to face the facts. It is YOU who can aid in 9ettin9 this community through this summer happily~ pleasantly, and with water enough lor all to tend their needs and none for anyone, particularly YOU to waste. The same is true of our city streets. YOU can't afford to turn your beck on the problems that·face YOUI city. It is YOUI property value, YOUR· tax dollar that is effected when YOU fail to take an interest. YOU can't afford to let an area deteriorate within the confines of YOUR city or in ih environs. Depression affects us end particularly YOU. YOU can't afford to neglect the needs of YOUI school system -whether that rteed is for buildings, more or be+,er teachers, or just YOUR close scrutiny. It is YOUR property velue and tax dollen, and more important the future of YOUI children with which YOU toy when YOU fail to take en avid local interest in every- thing that is our town -particularly YOUR town. . . T eke this water problem for instance -tf YOU (and of course me) had been more attentive to the feets of life · th.t small reservoir ~ould never had been permitted to sit • • . _, lHE/ , , IN '· • . -, -... . idle and unused for.· qu rter ntJary. City e ws wevW Vi lined it•with tar or gunife or a CCMlt of something aufbar to •••I it ud prot~t it for all theu years, and YOU would have • little more water in reserve toda~ YOU can't afford to let areas of t~wn become dep,..U· ed, whether it is a residential area, bu1ine11 aNa, or indus- trial aree, because it coats YOU money. A bustling com- munity, whether with residential activity, business activity, industri•I activity or a pleasant combination of ell is a heal- thy community, and that i1 good for YOU. Our probf•ms in 'Newport Beach ere YOURS end they are mine. Together we can build a reservoir to permit YOU to raise posies or fill • private swimmin9 pool. Together we can clean our beack- es, our streets, and extend our city perks to whatever extent YOU went them. · Together YOU and YOUR businessmen ce~ provide every convenience however trivial th.it YOU desire. It is YOUR patronag.e of YOUI hometown busineu com- munity that permits YOUI town to 9row and prosper in the wey thet YOU de1H-e. Everytfdng YOU need cah .be fovftd ri9ht here at home. Together we cen make YOUR ahoppipg experiences more enjoyable, YOUI investment mor-e sound in YOUl commu- nity ••. and be•ide1 all that we. like YOU anCI hope to see YOUoken. • THE FINEST -MOST COMPLITI STORE TO. • FOUND ANYWHERE . . , Hardware ••• Paints .••• Wallpaper ••• Appliances A eooll • • .. TV ••• Radio . lo Shop OPlil SUliDaYI & MLIDAYi · ... ,. . I .. 2205 W. Balboa .Blvcl. Harbor· 116 NewPorl B8clch . . • I • • • WlllOOllE TO TD w.u.i> WEST -Summu boet Dtck Reddick of Tu Kappa Ep9ilon of USC welcomes tint arrival.a of l&rP'P'OUP who pther- - DIAT'8 THE QUdTION -Clear air and the aroma of barbecued hamburg- .. brinp a stady str.m of huncrY party roen uking, "When do we eat!" SWDJO. 1W Y WA.1' -.Hup Beckmaan'• \!..t.m Comblne pi.y. for IOID• enjoyabS. dandn( followiac the bert»ecue. Old and new fuor1tee lured the younc crowd to swine and sway on the sm()()th cemf'nt daMe noor • . ' • . 1. ... . , . • THEBE'8 PLENTY OF CHUCK -At the caJ..l. "Come and get it." the table. till and the menu of hamburien. baked beans, cote ala•. rolls and butter, plus beveracee. ~ t6 stave off the panp of hunger. •, . .. -. SC 'Tekes' Go West The Newport $tyle! It eeema everyone want.a to come to Newport Harbor, especially the members of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity of USC. M one of the summer boeta for the monthly partiea, Dick Recldick made arrang~ menta to bold the gathering at the Newport Harbor Buffalo Ranclt, where suTpriaangly fine facllitieti exist. With tables. a large barbecue pit, chuck house for supplies, refrige- ration, an lndwt pit in the-center of the fifty foot eliffs surrounding it, and a smooth cpncrete floor for dancing, it wu an ideal spot for the party. Telegrams and phone calls from membera and their girla unable ' to attend due to Armed Services commitmenta, summer jobs or jW!t too much distance away from the party apot slimmed dow. the crowd. The echeduled. hour of 7 p.m. deprived the group of enjoying many other Newport Harbor act1v1tlea and a hearty concensus waa that another party to be held here next year at a time and· date wben the majority group could attend. A rouaing vqte ot tbanJ<1 to the committf'e for the partY, wu echoing down the highway. leading from Newport Beach when the evening'• fun ended and.-tired group beaded homeward. Attendinc were the following ''Tekea'' and their dates: Jam Frank- en berger, Alhambra; Jerry Ellingbouae, Redondo Beach : J oe Jebbia, Ar- cadia; Frank Fielding. Loa Angeles; Dlck Reddick, Corona del Mar: Jack Dudley. Para.mount; Nell Bowman. Loa Angeles; Keith Henderson, Los ~;Tom Engel, West Covina; and Dick Nolan, Fullerton. SOME CABVER !-Someone always forgeta 1ome- thing, but Keith Henderson of L. A. finda a chefs knife in the chuck boll.Be to serve u butter knife. Dll'ltl:'S NO'.DllNG LIKE Ji"RO"..NDLY Fl&E - AltJlt ntumtnc from an old f'uhlcmed bayr1d~ the rroup pthen about the fire la the Indian ptt to warm th~IT~ and prepare (O?' more MnclllS under the stara In the crlsp su:m1ntt alt. • - • :· Oil ii oaoe .... tM babbDlaa IDterelt ill Call- f ornJa. oa 11 &lwQij °' ft1i illt.ertlt to an peop&. who tblnk. It II tM Yitai tw4 tlaat .U.. UM m~ ment ot all ..,,....., pcmlble In W. mobile ace ot oun. It ~ UM ~-of on that turnJaba the pM)iDe to ~ oar een, and .._ UM Jwr rra.cS. !uela too. It JI oil ttiat heat. the water to lteam. to produc. a JOOdly lban Ot the electrldty that llPtl our b<JllM9, powen ou.r ra.dJ09 and home appliancel. 00. 111 producUcm an.4 QOG.8e'.rfttlon. la of the ut:nu.t Smportanc. 1o all of ua .!.. particularly of Callf ornla. on, ft.a wealth, and 1ta rl&'ht and wron,.. ful production. uould be well recoplsed by the peoplia f# Newport Beach and Ora.np County. That brtnp u. up to Propoaitlon '- 'J'here 11 a sttat flurry about Propoeition' beins a pJ"OP09l of the m&jon to throttle the independentL Tb.ii ·--• a llD1i. of derillon. Ti.. ...wn OD iM ballot la de.lped to do what ~ tddM of the fmce h&ve been taWnr about. Specl&ally, c:ciue:rn ou.r natui-al re90urcea by prop- erly ccntrolllo1 the production trom the earth ot oil &Ad JU ao u to bring about the gi-eateat poaaible recovery of all oil or gu that may be 1n a given pool Thi8 can only be done by ba.rd.flated control.a of the production of oll and gu before the puncturing of the earth'• IUrlace atarts. Opponent.a of Propoaition ' point out the a.me meuur. LI preKDtly in the lawa o! the State o! California. Were that true w. woald cheer. win t.b&t t?• the fluco of the reopt ~tinston Beach bJJibt and aw.8 could not have happened. One hgn,. cSr,.s and My wella were drilled. all of the JU from the IUblmfac. wu uaed by a few quick produ~ra and oU ill the newly dl8covered atrata la ltlll '75~ left and unproduceablt. Wen th• opponent.a of Propoaition ' honat they would adm.lt that. became of lack of en!o~ able coutroi.. ONE PRODUCER in Lon1 Beach baa ~y ahault.ed the preMurt of the ao ~JIM ah'· port fteJd and c09t that dty and lta tupayera DW11 milllODI of dollan. Under ~t control meuun s Jt II DeCHaJ')' for 100 ~t of the operatora in · an are.. pool. or tW4 to iibmlt voluntarily U> "unfU. tat!on" or control in anl.r for cont.rola to be ef.fect- tvely llnplG*ited. Thll la pract1callf an 1mpnalbJ. -lituatlan. • ~ . . . • ... 4 Propo.ttlon 4 la not a me:uure of the majon -_ilalut tM mcs.pendGlt.1, far from it. Propo.ttion • • would accompllab what the entire tnduatry hu known must be done. The only trouble la that the rneuure sot ont-0 the ballot by the etforta of largely one producer, n.ther than the entire lndUltry.~ The _. pc'Oducer conducted a 1tate wide ca.mp&Jp of education OA Coll.lervat.lon. Apparently be bellewd "•, ·hla-own l&lea talk 80 thorourhly that he tnaplred h1I own lfpl department and they came up with a pod bill. The biaplred company president wu Charlu Joneti of JUchtteld Oil Company. We ncommend your Yea Vote on ~tlon • •he.nit comea ballot time in November. It la one of ~· tht !enc. n.ilt that wW f\W'&lllee the City of New- -port Beach can continue to control the production of '. oU within thla clty rep.rd.lea of the extent to which • mw di.lcovma lDJfbt extend. Propoeit.ion ' will en- act into 8\ata law another m~uure of guarantee that • uncontrolled oil "EXPLOITATION" will not happen hen u it bu 1n Huntioston Buch and elaewbue. It WU & lincenly pteful family who aid their foodbye to Newport "Beach Wedne.day. It ii certain th•y will never tb1nk of the Harbor area u a re90rt or center o! wealth, but u a community with hart. Many of WI have been aUrred by the ejectment ot the Ind.Ian.a ~ land.a in the V~y of Temecula Immor- talized ln th9 aovel Ramona. And it still remain.a oM of the mo.t m.Jaundentood chapten ln South.em Call· !2!'.D'• llilt llfY. N~ &ll .... ~ la UU vleL tan.tie drUa ....,. 1Uft'"4 eltblr J'or narty IOO :r-n after pbyll~ ftNlld911y or mora>· O..brtllo'1 U.. tn... I ad I a D • !)-. Tbl flllDl"-UoNI ot t.hlt were left und1M.rubed. nw pU... h l 1 to r lo a I blt.. nm.I itl web trinI of food and watar wu aa throi.IJM>Ul Bou~ O..utornia lnt.ersral and mo.t lmporu.a& and coul41\a.rn1ah a factual ~ part ot their lite. 'l"llro\ISb UMU Vollllcl ror a DO'lal u .untns u cuem.oni&J chant.a and llt.odM Mn. JadulOQ'-"Ramona." After food and u.Un& la ....,. u.,,...,. 1111&1'1,y fbuf yean of punu.l.q moet; ltl"aV&Uon mult Mft bem Uds mnt-ry trem the Dlltrlct a ~l ~ ~ tk9t. · Cout la kn l'ranclKOo Ule Baa· They ~ aad Afln4 wblD onft IAratJ, BWl~ Ll• toocl WU plcn~1 ud "ti6hl-- • lraiy, kna Muaw¥l. Vall Com· ed tMit belt.a" when the ftdde aj ma~ Q; .MM•emua p&ny neordl, to -·~spot ln· Soullwm C&Utornl& ..... Ulu ... ----.... ~--..-.!llill~...,.,...--~~ioim-~-~--~ w1Ul lndl&u and non-trayed them. b the mlld lou~ 14(3 AMNIO (CN8)....:W111Ae .. ~ ar ·eov· ~-:''' -~ ., tM ~ ... ~ ~s.t- p , ......... _ -to tall ta PLM:t al· and........... ... ------------------ent.mm mNtlptee to~ Wiier. uw ttata'• filh u.oup tMre.,. .ws -.y-.. tM ~ • £ ,.. • ta • and .... IDODIJ Sa '*" another tepent plaDa to keep lQS pa.rt&. Aad ll eaa 1"11 Mm one ~ or a.nothn _,... SACRAMENTO SCENE on apea ... lt, If 90 a~ by the state lestalature. u • buU for•,...... WMkr. ln lieu of rnocs.ra a.lNXmdi~ 1lll.t la u.. aomewttat c:onM-Ulrff mlluon 8boWd be earned ltudl.nl' ot lb• l&n4 P.l"Oblem.I ~· - ----------------------t.nr attuat.loe tllat «IU.ttl ~ lo Nrplua u a..,. marslA. and lnvolvtns lbe Indi&AI, the mla· Th'Y were a aimple people; n.o u.. le.n&te IAt.utm Coma!t-alona, t.bl rancberoa and the doubt climate and pocnphy SACRAMENTO, _ (CNS) The legialative bud t :. under 8tn&t01' ICd C. J~ Ulu.a ccmaldel"I U..t lbt time ha.I lat.er Americana, tor all are 1"" had much lo do w1th lt; t.bdr . 1e 1a.n.t a Mft• of bear OD arrived for a deciillon 1.0 meet volved. nu. la a layma.n'1 view Y.'&J\\.I were ample, t.Mtr rood committee bearmr concern.1n1 the conduct of buaJneu 1n !.pendltw., and UM d~enl th• fS;Cl ,, year from now that and .not. a prof...Sona.I ha· wu 1lmple, their clothu and the atate treuurer'• office took the spot-light J.n Sac· ot tlah llllu 1u 1e 1.•l u lelb onJy thrH mlll1on will be left t.orlan •· •h,lt'r at tlm111 al.moat nonexill-Gordoft director lana a tNdl•l ln lb tu d lo 1M2 when two 1mall e&r· 'nt, their wHpol\I and lmple-- r&mento lut week, when aenatora and aaemblym.e'n on tor ltSr·5I wb1'cl will coet.lau• • ruerve n b-.d avela anchored off the Santa menta were of the i t.one a1e and the joint committee, gathered to bear Governor Goodwin th• pre1ent lnel of ~. bl:!:. ~ pm'~ ~ C:::~~-~ u ~ ~"!-wu atmple. They J and poutbly 1ncr-.. IL Jn& ""' ~ .-m• • or ..,. no wd ffW a more · K¢1ht deny charJH that I nammable1 ln la rs• &mount.I •ah.I• ot \be doU&r u .. Of tac oYet' t.bl 100,000.000 ac,.. ot complex u.lttmot. Sta~• Tr«Uut"l!r Cbarl111 C. John· will not be permitted on lbe lntha 110mewb&t iena;hy ft'POl'l the prime C&Ull9 Of tu ettu,a. Wb&l la now the ltate of 0&11-In t.bl 1Tto'. a ·Ip a In wu aon made con«rnlnr depoalt.a of 1tructun. Tbw wu decldAld by ~ • h~ bud ~ln&l ~ ttoo la wbidl u,. ~t tom1a. There wen probably M-arouaed from her let.bar&Y u re- •tal• monq. F rank B. Durk .. , R&te dJrector lh:n. d~=·• budJ•l ~on nnd.I lt.aelt. VndoubteOl,y, ~ twMn 201000 and I0,000 within prdl Alta CallJomla by the Th• treuurer lnterrfd ln a nt b public worfia, followtq a lt ruch.. lhl tat.t dep&rtment bu ..._. beUtAf \lpOft 0. .&tu&.· the bounda Of whlll we !IOW e.all threat of J\\.&Ml&.D and BrlU1h 1taltment lut J une that th• :1uc h~a:!t t = ':' Pl'" of lmance aor!on itatu· Uon., aiut 1.00, tba'9 &rt ta. ~ 8oulhem Cal1tom1&. OUr llout.b· tatrut ln the ,-.neral area whlcb GoYernor h&d romlMd d •um n ry P or uee ' · td Mt'ftcee \he de~•' .bu Ull Calltornl.a Indi&n wu net wu couidel'ed a lpanteh pro- t •ruu P epo911.1 of tht br1dJe tor oil ud paoJlae ''Th• d1nctor at Ulla Um• can· found w,..,,_ llDoe Qotdca me.de up ot trtbu la tM ._.. YlDce. &be felt colODla&Uon wu r:von ~ ~~d!::.J'°li!!:! trud1•. Th• •tat• bolda IMUh.noe not ln Iood COOld~ recom-took O¥V. • we lh1llJt ot \Mir ..-..n rel· Imperative lt Alta Califorrua v.u char d I 1ac.. on lhl brldre WUI a.. too mend major INl'pry on the bo47 m:rnotJLr COTS auvu. Nor ..... re lheJ prtmartl7 t.o rtm.t.ln under Uie Spa.ru1h lnr . ~~i:,.,11~:":,:'.! -:=:: tt~~J lhe blJ trucka are per-ot Caltto .. rnla'1 1'\lb &.Dd Oam• QalUal U.... MNtc.a 11 ~ IUIDt.tn; nw avall&ble pme wu llac· Her method of oolonlullon ..-rioul enoup to W'ananl lert...' ma. R Ch ........ Ital prornm. ta. '° )e d.lmcu.lt, tor u.. ._. ..U a.ad ml.nor In co"1IUt t.o lh• felt wu tried and true In l&Uve lnYlltlption of u.. whole urctiuin cyney, --.. e DM'I QUE8TIO?f p&. l'a80ll the,. wW M 4-..: Ull !Jdana wtto pum»d ~ i.m,.. brtet. they ruted on lhrH nwn ecope ot ha.ndltns II.ate money. ro the .~a-::.;.;:; a~l~ UoHe ..rlnl.I out Ulat t.be .,_. M atnOq' U. ~ g 1.0 m.-bullalo Mrd&. Tlw)' JS ... premt.I: nnt. lbl naUve popul· Prior to JC.n1Pl'• t~. Stal• DlNctor of ~ John n : • tn&t ..me. ~ M *-*" a ...,.U 1-Adl.. c:&u or t.&mSJ.1 &Uon be "ctvW.d" and chrul· A. AJ&a fGet. lqtal&Uve U41tOr M. Peirce. fo~ a ct't'U ..,._ "1>o roa wut t.o cootiftM U.. .A. ,,... ••• lbtclot*', ,_ bWtftit\ emd·DCllU.410 la Datun l.ludad; leCOCMI, Iba m U1t have who worka for Ult eommttt.te, vie. aamln&Uon in wbkb ~-MnMet. JOU .,.. aow ..-.*C. wtlJ ~ r111l' 6owa \M UIM w1.t.bln 4ieJrta1n p....a1W ~ lhl mlltt.ary for ~on: and pruented 1n uh&wrUw nport 0 ,1 plac9d t\nt on a Ult of 13 alld Ute wUcW.ta parvat.loo &o-8lr JD&Sa~ ot U.. Jt"ttllt Mill .t a., tAt1r t~ la th1rd. a nucltua of Sp&nl•h on the flnucl&J compllc..aUon.1 of He sucCMdl Lawrtnc• Hoban: UYiU. In Gd.lt.«nca wtth p1aM ~ pt'OITUll. wtuM • ft*. the d1a NOOtf1 of tMl.t 11s.t.orJ eo1onau mu.at p&rtl•t.e In the tile tru.urer'1 otfl.ce. Ol•t ot wbo re.l.JDed from the job fOI· to lftfft the problcrM oC lh• tu· enn.an who 1.-'l tnt.e.NIWd tn wtWn tM nata. ~· "*1 aetUnr up of towaa. lnduatry th• r~port wu that niore money lowlnr a lertal&Uve lnvMUp• ture, or cut ~lt our P~ lboollnI pbeu&ata. ... UtUI m.aQJ ot Git JQOdenl ln41a.ne a.a and aptcultura. TlaWI wt have could be ~uted to U\e .Ute Uon. and eemca T \1.81 ln wdl a prornm. a.nd ft¥91fN tM boundu7 LtAdlnarla the p,._dio or ..Wtary, the r;enera l fund throurh Ja.r~r d•· Oovemor Goodwin J KnJsbt Oordoa at leut hu put the wa.nu th.e money IJ)Mt Oii ttout. ot th. wmt.oty Wb1ch wu tn the pueblo or tOW1l far U.. 11ttUen. po1i~ ln l~Uve. tnt•r•t M&r· continued hi.a comment on the IMU• equarely balore hia .own Tb• controwJ"I)' \be wtU 9pbert ot lDflu.noe ot t.belr pa.rU· aad the m1aaloa tor lbl clv\Uainr 1n1 ac:C'ount., a prem111 that hu Padnc Oout Conference toot· conunl.ulon IAd th• 11.au..i.1t. pro1*bly boU down to evetual ewu de or f&m1l1 f"OUP· and chrt.IU&n.111QI ol \he naUve ~en In controver1y tor aome b&JJ eltuatlon ln which Hveral lature. Alld M t.b• depatmul r«!omme.ndaUOOI tor lnc,..... 1Mr IUe and C\ll\UN wu populaUon.I. time. con.,. )\&\'I been penall&fd for of tlalL and I~• ill not a ,,_,. lat.be price of ~and In.mt-1ar,..1y *l•tllnt upon ,.,... nm. an4 1peM wu not a Poet'• report 1i.o cen.1Ur~ tbt eube6dtain• pla,yeni. Dect&rlaJ tra.1 tllftd UabUll)', lt appam b» la&' llcltUIU. alonr with lcna> raphy, c~ aAd fooCI wppq. primary part oC tM i,anl•h "3- •late departm•nt of flnenc. tor that blind achoo! loyalty cannot be more or lw up to the .,.,.... .. ln th• olhar r-.ve.niM ta.ken lo lt i. Mtlwrprtalftf that ft P" pl&a ot oO»al•fP -prelid· nvt talllnr action Ion& before lt be a auballtute for "Ju•U~. de-mill at C&llforn.la u to Jue\ !low ln by th• d•rtment. plua. per· bad t.be c h-an e I pup wtio to, pu.tllt •nd ...... hr nearly llld on th• pracll~ of Oeor&• cency and nonor,.. th• pernor tar tlw7 w&bt to ro atoac Dae h&pe. eome economtu u P o n we.re IMlutdJ, 11vecl alOftl tk 200 ,_,. tile pl&ll, ~b trial John*>l'I':' IOn of the tlat' trea-re-11tate<1 the f1cl ht ha1 had o.rdoa ependln.a prorram roqte, •hkh "'ryon• can aJT'". oout a.nd on Cb• channel l.aJ&nde and enor, bad ,.....S ltl worth rurtt, who ru1rned rtttnlly, nf itoriu from former Bt&ntOTil ,_,.. ,ueatlon ta.olv .. alto the For f1lh and 1am1 la ln th• IUbel•UftJ CIA foodt troftl lbe' ln MttllQI 1&t(9 • .._.. oC South caahtnr bad check• in the lru-tnolbell playerw rerardtna 9\lb-IUb~t ot lhe nah a.nd pm• 1Ame caterory u •ny other 'The nu\ Jl"OUP were t.be Amtrlca and x.xtco ud dc>DMI· iunr'1 ortlc,, an4 plcklnr them aldlta. m\lled to ldf'nuty the wrptua, which at the clOM oi •peci&llsed 1overnment Hrvlce--hlll peo ~ wl\o Uved In lb• ticaunc th& Indla.n populaUoa. up 11~r. Audlton tor the de-pla71rs, and .. Id lt LI now Wn• Ult curnnt fi.ca.l year w 111 lf the •partamen want to pay bill• u.! !'aii.11 ot the coutal AltAr a n\Ullbe'r oi falluna a.nd p1rtm,nt. Po1t pointed OOL knew to ..... what UI• preatd•t• a " UllOWll to dl(lltly leM than for the aervtce, there le no rea-r&n(H i ubalaUnc on vtptablea, DNr fa!Juru a baM wu ftn&lly of thl' rrartlce lon1 before It The rolieru will m .. t IA Ag.. aa,.. a1Won doll&r1. Th• WT· 80n why lhey lhould ~ d'nl~ Medi. and Uar to the e.tabli1Md Ill Ian Dleco ln 1Ttl wu d1acloeed to the public. to Jllll to ,0 oHr UM atuauoa. plua ha• ~ •ten lnto a t the wch IU'Vicfll. But on lh• othe.r And ~ ~ th& fro Which th& ml.llian l9ttJe. ruult In youn1 Johnton'i rul&· lteta otftcla.1.1 ~ that rate of about a million dolla1'9 baA4 u lb• Nl"f'cl IC.art.a lO M-:.r:-rt daunna ~ ;::: Ud ..:'1.a cau14 est.ead UMll:r ... n1llon an unp~tnt.ed -.plOJllltnl & ,.at for the put 1everal come a c.b.,... ca t.bt pn~ • lloiW11 .-,U.war'9 ...... 1 ltllit Appointment.I to the 1late wa-peak ln Callfornl& wu r•checl y•r.. Oonlon advlted the com· pl.&Wle, tbe It llbou14 M t09Md M.letd&W f:rolD tM ~ audl All& CtJlfonda. ter board. which la the former In June. when 6,421,0GO p«>pl• mltalon that be fMla at In.et oul \he wtlldow la a llmTJ. 911'\ ~ aM lbl ..,::::. 0: M ..u.-1) •late v.·atl'r r e• our c 11 boerd Wfl'I In salntul occupaUone, an INN:DlalU lormlDI ill \e taken over lnto lbf new it.ala tncrM.M ot t t,000 ovtt Kay of t1'partm•nt of water ruourCN, thla year. and 4~.000 above the Newport Beach Is Also were announced by Governor aJl-tlme hlJh In Septemti.r. l,M. Knl&ht. who had thr~ openlnr1. Unemployment drop~ qaln. C ThoM n8'Yltd are John Ptllur accorC1J111 to the departmtnt of A Omm • f-u W'th H t Bunker, CuaUne: Kenneth Q. employmmL Every major ln· Ulll .. , 1 ear Volk, Loa Aqt!I... and Everett duatcy ln the' atat. ahowed em- • L. Onabb, &lah\ore. 'l"bJt bOard ployment p&u nnn, ui.e ..-tl ~ In iDcllDed to tepid Newport Beech lhould nof M contlMtd wlt.b lbt aM UI,. •tate 1aWr force._. ilicl tM Harbor triCtl at.ate water rll'bt.a bMrd, Wl\Jcb al uw,ooo. pu1IODI. • area U • Y a ...on, a ft.C&· alre&ct;r hu beien appotnt.ad by T•• -.uau-Uoe app&rea~ HdODil",,_. ... ,,.~, whae they can buk 06 the beach• the rovemor and la opir&uq, pNMnll no problem Ulla .. ,.,. iii nb ~ tQ tome atent, with the immedlat. Mparate from lb• department for \be ~tt ....,.. of ~ )l'h OI Gt t.be wealtlly, retired and pchtinl ..t. ::,,,:-~•tcJ!.' .. -::: ~i:.hl::o: ;:1 ~lbt~= 8llt Ntw'pOl't Beach la alto a commualty and adJl.lctlcaUon of water n1bt.1. to 1' C&lltornla oowrti.. to a. t.1~1.-1MiM1*9 an made by people, &ncl whtftftl' there aan J\afael .-.dr• opena. la· .-.. Uwtr • • 1 ,.._.._ jijiil, tJMrt .. heart. 'J1ijt N.,.,,.rt Be&ch bu heart wu demon.at.rat- .llARBOll t/..inl ii l~roug~ PRes~s BJ EDWABD P. BOHON a~ MOaTDOS=-AJ.90 iDet&i...llk1 natillln1 UIU where d.-rt Jndjana JfOUDd their f~ bl thla inltance, mainly baked zueca1 and P,lDCJll DQtll, in Am& atai. Part. -Photoe by BoNOe Parker .... I.'. ·' . $ ~ • '~ .l; .. ,~~· . .. . . ,,., ... ' •.!~~.--~ <::>-- " . .... ... ~ . -~ ' ~. ,,_ ... "~ I . . ' . I . : -' u .. • -r. I • ' ';ll~n~e W !f <~!i!J ~ · °'n• &o ~'< i 6' 8 ... • !?':i• !. .. ~9 .. ir:ra-~~ .. ~°'s.z r ~ r -=. ! f ii~ ~ ~ ii !'I 3 111 .l ~.i!ts-ic• 'i1$liJ•( NmAR YOUl\'W-ORK Wt Med ~Ced lieuan Weld . CLOsm'O Otrr Y .A..ftM BALE AD ya.ma, ~ drea. •tnws, maw tote Mp, 20 to JS,_ ~~dlepl•y ,.. dl\'Mllr I x • ft, Dd ~ cud cUtnet • unta. ~Lathe K•cblollt Sbeet Metal Worker s~ VE UP. TO 70Y. N1.,port Suppl)' Oo., 1'30 J.,..lry, ..,uiw.., aboa. IU\.I. 8 -..IA· ,,___._ u a&adala. ~. ~ •le. Ur-..... , ~~ .eea WHQ1 A~J.S WAJtDIOUll:, LI a.:5815 Ud7 * • IH. ~ Wk eouUl of IA-----------l\U1& heh .:lly Ball. LUDWOllUlf, ..-ziallty -HARROLD IMPORTER IO-B-A~tuee. ..,..,... ..... eapen.nc. no.-KJ '""'°'°-t.mJ0'1UL ll~R&INICAll ..... _..to publie Mon. tMu Bat. TAPPAN ~. TM CP all ---------- aT.A..TIOMDT a lton, m 1 to 1 P. m. lkaJ autom.atte. _... only ' mcmtha, hrut Aft., lApaa -.ch. a1IO bu clock, l&Dlp, Jriddle, HYatt '"°'' ~ WATCH t: CLOCK b~ ovu. P4. dL i._J.121.12. -------~--· • No dn. pyat. Pay m17.:'a.u per repairinn moath.. Hors• m.«:t.no Ra.nee. 111 brand new. Pd. dL to NI IL OVAftAN'l"EED. No. 4n. pymt., pay ~ ... ntD DTDUTl:I.. per moiat.b. 102 ltll It.. ~ ~ NEWPORT JEWELERS aAOOBN'I l'w'alture rutol1'. i.u •un . r • u Personable Woman 1no N~ Bh'd. Wan.hou. • 1015 &. J'int It., -,., ~ .,,... ......... a.ta K.. Ll MW Banta .AJI&. KI T-5UT St.GH nuOIDADlll, 1arp .._ VDT a.t.U~ ~ hd.Ol'7 r~ ._ =: !=: = ---J'OR--JLENT---~-oow---Houn. Monctay ~ 1'rtd*Y cooo CCJDd•uo. na.; u ..... "..,....._ -1ns a ..._ a. r-t :OO to t :OO laturda7 t :OO to fCMI ...._ .\mo 1t1 . 7~ a-. a,-.t•Ot MC9"'7· Write to Ba" •P"• &n.Uable bl liM U 1.00 8unc1&7 U.:00 to 1 :00. ...... X-..1 t11n1 rrf,day ... T·lt We ..wqaper atat· m-... ~ t. ft4le com-----------o·mn • MJtRaJTr -lat. l:te te •:M ..._..7 t:et t. la.f •-1WC&Uou and eape.rt-P""17 M>4 oecup7 m. u . HOTPOINT Am.mane wa&Mr. model w· ,.... nace w1-. ... l:OI ._..,. .ua te •• -la OWN lliuldwrtttq. SOON .. U .1Y'U. ~·t rMdl mt UMd only a IDOlltlw. Pd. dL ante hl-koUer, dock. · · at • home. r. at atauttU'a. to tt&.11. No cuh 4n. Pay oa- llubor 11'1. .acu 11 •1.12 per mcmU.. Wblrip.ol OQKKEEP.ER Aulom&Uc lm"'rlal mcidel. Pd. ruu. ca.iae> &XPl:!ll· Attn: Pro9erty 0wnerl dA. to UU.t1. No cub down. PCSD. OOOJ) "'1't1JUa. A.re JOO ·~ JOG:r wat• Pay onl1 fr .tt per month. T&ltT' PtaJ4A.NT OITJCS. beata>T • BAUOBN'll Fum1lure l'aCto'7 RAJt ltK 21~ &: Oout Hw,. LOOTED On'Eft $2.!50 Warehou.M • 1016 m. J'tnt St., Ke. t . 'CDK; ~T a.a.. dr&JA1 and tAJUa\ your :::::. ~ndax;. · ~ .::::; ...W II.tater. t .00 to t :OO kturday t:OO to Call 7Wl' DA.Y fl NIOUT 1:00 SUJl.da)-U !OO to 5:00. AUTllOJUZED DEAIAJl JOE B!Ol'l'OLD PlumbJn1 ·Har mo O~PERIES and SUP COVERS I ~to0..- Eat.lmate9 -kmpJ• Lucu.1.g DRAPERIES ~ ..... .., Tcma u deidted. ~ Ji:. UAL BAftOAIM ..;;;;;;;;;,;;;;__,;;.:..;;--......;;..;.;....;;_.... ___ TWo •uut\11 Nanjo ~· for as.. OM la a con.cton' ttem. M .. x t•" alld 111" x 11". Total price t~ kth noo. P'JMloe Har llfO.JI. ~· ··1 l'ORD ... "terUw. • ...U..t Unil. "*°"· pa.l.nt. ... 1&.ft. ""' 1-L 10 .. JobmOA, UJ5. Banar: MD-J. '"'· .... lU..:. ~ ~ aao.oo 12 R.&a1'er' &lit.. ~I le bot· -. • w .ao ft: fflT•W u COii a.UBS. ht 9(, a matt-ti~ lnl' ...... 2.a AJO. ... •1 ,..,.., tcdlr Q1rta ... H&r uw. . ALMOST MSW tull a1M O'Jceele • M#rttt JUI'• wtUl p14d1e. '111. LI a.it. ~ HOTPOINT DIPW ASHER. 'N pump modd, ~rfect cond.IUon U7'. Bu. •• between a " t p.m. •k'8 NORGE Refrlpn.tor Clearance $100-$160 Trada-lil allow&llc• tor J'OUI' old ~rat.or d\lrt.n1 our 8prt~ a.ranee ot '50 modtia. t.rs• 1tock. ~ bruda. all lln.ftd ,.....,, Bot.I\ tol) and bottom treaer lbock WESTINOBOUl.r.-NOROS 8DV'Elr-ULV1NA TOA CAOal.l:r-&TC. OPEN EVERT WEEK NITZ TILL t P.M. CLOea> 8Ul'fOA Ta JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. 1011 •. MADf Kl a.aau IAH't.A. AN.t. .~ In, ftW oaly •Tt. Jl.Jm'I APft.I. A.NCI: oo .. ltft4aa.r ........ Coet& x .... 8JCRVEL Jt&FIUO. apt. 11b1i M- Uvend 6 sqarut.-.,_.... ITROOTI liArb:JwAA& UOil N~ 81..,_ ea.ta If-. GUARANTEED AUTOMATIC WASHERS il LOW A.I ... Thor -Blacbtoae -ABC J'rigida1re • Apex • .O.ar Maytac • Whliltaiiinl 17' CATAMORAN laJ.llaiM.t • ..act c1o117. r.,t • roam.t .. PM. Hu, 1930-R. 43p4.I RADIO Any table model npt..lrM $2.50 Includ.. part.a &nd la tier %6 yn.. &xped4ince ACME TV 6 RADIO W • 3t..t St. JJar, UM EXCELLENT pl&ln CUI 1ow p1.ano, m dowa. ' mont.b. BRAJ'JCRS (ltaee 1 4.21-t23 N. Syc&m.an, Phone~ 1 r· MOT<>N>LA: eicm110MJ $11.'5. Ouaruc..M; M.a1n.. lant& An&. TV Antenn $7.95 IN8TAUJCO Gable °'"1Jrti')' Hcntlit --------------·-~-------------.--~ AN'l'IQUES KA.HOOONY ply halt dclt .a Me.t. 11 ft. wtlh OB motor Uto. Call T to 10 a.ra.or p.m. Hu lTOIA. lNI OwmNI 1' tt. OVER· NlOllTl:R. f771. Ll 1-nTI. .ICY•. ffal' nto-J, &ktf • rr. CROWN CllUT cna!Mr, dD&l llM Ja"11nl. IO BP. la· ud• T>. com..... t.lt ~ tn.U... Pract. _,, cond. a J"l'iiida •ptC"•et "" DOG CLIPPING Worb la 10flZ 16'1~ ......... c.M. ~ .... 1't1eed to Mil.; ... 'lbUnd•rbtrcl Whli.. J'ordOmatlc. a.dlo. 'M JAG 140 JIC CPE., Lib new .. . .. 1 B.... 11.uut DOWNINO W1i'e whee'•· WICl/W Ti.rea m IUtb at. H""Unl'ton ..., , ... a.cb '!Se VW · Like new -Radio --··-········ . • noo:r>UT• Da.tnlll"I' • ..., -~. J'orct. •o mn.. ,.. pPOD f1Jll. . llAUGme • WATSOM 1llJ aan. . . ·u VW Sun roof -Radio ·-- llan7 Tra.mponaUon Bars Both Location• -::-8:30 e.m. to -... Cloeed Sundaya LYLE .TalbOt fa...,_ ..... i.tt - ''SEPARATE ROOMS'' , ORT OllUflllA . t. "-'A• ,..,. • '"· _,,__ "MOHAWK .. STARTS WEDNESDAY ' Our JSth Y Mr Of 5ervice • lft This ComMunity . 3100 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-3471 ''"1 'CSCS FORD CU 'R.·R, Priced to ..u. •u ~ckrbtrd- . White. J'OrdOmaUc. Radio '641 JAG HO J(C Het.t81'. JilAJU( DOWNING Wire m nna It. BunUnston Beacb 'M VW FOR YOUR CAR When you tell to DQlEDUT• DmuvmtY • dw-KDl1l&h J'onL 40 mf1et ,.. ..... hJll, BA-twemf • WATION 1112 a.nor Co.ta M .. tu• '53 vw Both Location McCarth 1420 So. ' • -. a .. • . . . . .. • • . . . . t.reBean1 lfll..lll. to • HL D.117 tlaada7 11 Nooe te . '""· Pe~·m 0.Pange CJountr ~act aJot Of :it;tterest with ~~~,savings, to0 ! . llunk of Auterica NATION..\.t nw.rcn ASSOCL\UON ...... 'UIUl K"IJf ......... :-s ..... ~lff • Comm•rciel-lnduat ·el. Department .... :s •CR.ES ' ·- --4 llODa -~ lor ... m«rd&1 lJlcOme -eS.U -sao.ooo. ~ J 80 ACRES ac." ~ 90ned M-1 -e1'1.r, 1610,000 -excb1ftae lw • perla1 Valle7 •C1'91P· 688 ACRES , • R.a.ndl la ~WW RainboW Val• Jey. ~ mil• tron~• on BWJ. ael. Lovely 2,000 *l· ft taacl bome. Clear -~ueo,ooo, ea ~tot~~ Bay I Beach 'Rtty tnc:. REALTORS ~u11 &ar'* ~ard c-. Meaa, Callfomia ft., I'. a.... I \ R. vi. Ooos*ta. W~Lfe "' Day or Jll~t.P~ 4 a-r~'. ' m l'UUl It. BuntlnjtoD B..ch ' •cs& VW Like n::. -Radio ____ ............ :--.$1795 , . ' . . . fOl YOUR CAR ~you.Uto DDCllDfATJI Dm.t'YDT • aw &U-b . J'ord. •O mJlet ... ~.i.. llAUSlmlf • WATSON uu a.nor CDlta .... ttt• •u VW Sun root -Radio ---···--·-··---'1201 Mu1 Tranaport.aUon Barplm Both LocetiQn• -:--8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. .. ClOMd Sundays ' MCCarthy's 14~ SO. Main GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 'U CJKC ~ T. Pickup. A Ml':RCURY. l4r IJUR.P. •:se CAD (60) SPeclal 4 door .. T 1'01\D ~ T. Pkkllp. Pl1oed to MIL M.AJ\K DOWJf· CONDITIONING '47 CBJIVROLST ~ T . PantL A NON PROFIT .. .A.UQUIT a..&.UUNCll UL& TOUJ\ sa1»-41T LOU. la Uld ci-k u... fUQ• New ancl Ulld TRUCK AND Pau•nv•r TIRES PAN AMERICAN PanlmOUAl·Kenaklll 'J.')avelese-Terry JIOlu.Atro Wlah ple&allt private nom la b&tll ln print•~ tor elder--n-'111'11111 .... ~----T-... -~---e,,.-v lY Wttnd man. Keala ln .,.._ ~ -~ • ,,~, or Wlt.ll tuniJ¥. Pb01a r A1rtu • CORONA DEL Mil .. . Commercial-lnduatri•I. Department . 5 ACRES · . •· e88 ACRES., , lt&ncll lJl ~Wu.I Rainbow Val• ::;:.-::===~~~-117. '4 mn. troat.ap on BWJ' • ... Lov•l.Y 1,000 14· tti had 11ome. ci.., -11eo,ooo, • ~tor corntnitrCal ~ Bay & Beach Rttytn~ REALTORS · 1111 Ra.ibor JlqWeYard . . . Ooilt.& ,. ... , Calltorni& ft. ... a.ddt• I R. W. Gooe*a' • • ' • . Reel Va1ues IA'I04 ISUIND' w.·.,.e.t·-• B&y rtoet -PncUfd¥ ....,.. I B.Jt.. pbM J BA ..,...._ -. WUl }laJ for ltaelt 14.t.ee9 ·....,,.a. JrllQl<'l'AO• • 1°' Merinen Ille Rlty • K...,..-t Bhd. wttll tra1kt • peJ1r • ,.... ot dMp lot, P&-111 MariM Aft., ~ 111uc1 \IDUal ...._ $IOI P« mo. Barbor •Tit . OWMl:R"UTa llUIDOT A.LL -------'--! ,,....... 8/8 • B, A. NERESON ' ' 118 Kerlllo Ave. c !7,.Liv'• · oun ma Lowil1 I INdsOWt -'-wtlh You *-Id ... AU a.&.od tneome unit ..... U. ,.,..,,., bta"1' &bake Jto61 R~ Look.I OOOD ' Jtalldl ba1M oa l&rp, ~ A1lo f\1llJ' 11.ndM»ped Jot wtu. room 300 Conl tor pool I ~ bed!"~ 1 iw. • Mdroorn ltOaM oe lo'lllf bt.tbl and utl"U I • I o r • ' • ' • - .. • • • -5 COSTA MESl s.r.m Beach tbnes NON-VETS VETS S395 ,,, C.1h Move1 You Jn Monthly Peyments Less . Then Rent · 3 Bedrooms • 2 FuY.Beths • 2 Cer Garage • ' FRONT OR REAR LIVING. ROOMS. . . PLENTY OF CLqSETS. DINING SPACE IN KITCHENS. "40 GAL WATER HEATERS. NATURAL BIRCH CAlJ~ETS. · , . CONFETil TILE IN KITCHENS. • MATTICORK -FLOORS., ' .WOOD SLIDING WINDOWS. 6,ooo· SQ. FT. LOTS. ' ROCK ROOFS. ·ALUMINUM SCREENS. • • SEE THE ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED MODEls TODAY! ' WllSON & Pl:ACENTiA • Costa Mesa ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKER • ALEX ~TEPT DEVELOPMENT • • • • I • • • - • ' .. AUIO LUXIJIUOUS Ba, Jl'roat, Pier uct Dp (Sbowa "1 ·~ OlllJ>"" j HARBOR INVESTM9(T CO. llu1lar 1800 -LI..._ Bl!ll'ORJ: YOU BUY • • • Tl'IY FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor , -tG& -LI S.Tt& -LI N101 ' • NEWPORT Bl:'<ll 8 BR. furnlohecl Oil 2 Iola, 1\-J J10,2llO - N-Beach. B&7 &lld Pan. • • • Commerelal oMce bide. with lovely 2 BR. llome °"' 2114 fir. Ott hwy. Ill &oocl loc. --i-t Qfflct. lOClll oq. it. In oftlot, llO In apt. 2780 oq. ft. Ill ~gar--111llta. Alao lot tor ott It. puldac. Ku.t bo -to--ad-~ COSTA MESA 10 z 140 NtwjMlrt BITd. C ...._, Jt>r lot. Con· ' older all ottero Ullder Pl.l500. - Shop r0ntal $38.80 FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor • ~ W. Billlor. Blvd. 2218 Now poet. 111'1\1.; Ji\rllof 1'28 Eveo Har. 1MG Liberty UW. BALBOA ISLAND $2:1,000. Very .attr. 2 11.11. apt. .,_. -'* tuU .mo lot. BuDd 1_. -... 11amo ... the front. Bat hurry. No pllone hlfon11&tlaa. BALBOA l'ENINllULA r.-c>vtl.Y llpl&ciou.I 3 B.R. 2 ba. home -,. ieey peer boeullflll Bey beoch. Prtee4 r1Pt Md tAlhna If ~ O..t ot town ...._ who ee19 "8elll. • C\lSTA KESA BACK BAY AREA • comer With .tacom• Wllt 121,l(M). '---------,.--------------------------0.w.....,.. · ,~ $8000. dowll &lld move lllto tllla .._utlflll ehnoel ne. a BA 2 both home. 8eelDs 1a waatms.~n Bey &1each Rlty Inc .. 'C THOMAS oC TBOKAS 1m ;;!:!;.~ , BAYSHORES (,_ .• Ke-. c::&lttonU 8· /8 Newport Heights · O~n House 1>&1 or .aPt plic-LI 1-m' BAYSBORES • OPl!N HOUIS • IUlfD.i. T --·-·-............. $21,lfll REAL . MONEY MAKER • 1111 --w "*'"" lll_eqtbe, Collf:onala ' -tl!!!!l~ iu-. Jloa•tlfaQy --. Ill pm.u Wllo, Ill nbjliiat!no ~ -_...., "pOOI 'll1< f4, ~tlol -.... 000 per ,..... J'uD ,.. S271.000. 0.- 'l!Ule -propo"1 "' o-;.. .. la All· .-Ooan17. Plotmw wl fllt.,_tlml with KULTIPLI: LlllTINO BROD:R · G. H. LATHROP, Realtor aeaa i:. c..ot Biehn,-°"""'-dd Ker HarWMU -Bu.MIO ' , BEACON BAY --'·-~..:I -~ BILL'S BEST BUYS I ANNOUNCING 5 STAR HOMES ' Three and four bclrms., 2 baths -....... ~.,...,,.. .._,, ....... ---... ~ tope ... paut.. .... <> .. ..., ... .,.. ~ 8l4npriaJb. ..... a.. ... .,...... ta and paid tor. 't ,' • - ·• ~-ll'IE GREAT OAANGE COAST 1 "'*'7 ......... S.Clr: .. , kit left. f&IOO. cu. ..u Oii l.enM • klw u ·flOOO dalrJI. baiaMt lo not one tll&t ...... ,,..-.,... ........ tot .. lltlle. A home we aro lhll)I procacl to clfer you. Full pict '21.000 with po,,,_te ... thaa -L BLANCHE. A G~. · Reeltor I '· 11Q18':R or ilur.TIPLE Lll!TING ncvmv•n POIDll!ON -311 llarb:ae AYL Bilbo& hhnct 1'h. Bar 1IT1 or tm I,_.., Kew I bdmL I tile -.U. !tome ' ' J.l'rlltc l'OClm i.oe. patlO tbN ' =.":;"~A'= Costa Mes~The Best Town on Eerth Wkllf Sot. Double sans•. T ou ....... &o.rn ud ... wW lr7 t. work It CMIL IUMO NI ....... J BUSINESS OPPOR'ruNIT'f -Well oot1b!flW cate (with beer_,....,.,... rill oil..,... 'mt11l Good loo1t!no I< ,.._,.,._ rat. $8300. CAIB. C-1 & M-1 · Acreage ond Lota CALLUS • - LI .. 11'1 " I . .. Costa Mesa Offic~VOGEL VAt.UES . ,•. .LIDO omee VOGEL VALUES ~ . . . ~ VIEW HOME -CLil'f JU.VEN Dllltiaetlft a '4rtn • 2 bdftli II den ~ In choice Clltt ~ IOC&tion. Pemwaeot;view of bay and ocma. a )'I'& old. 2 pati09 plua endoeed back yard with am.plil room for pool Fully land~·· acaped; carpeted thruout A drjpea incl An ~­ ceptional buy @ '2'.500. ... .~ ' ,. .. •• · NEWPORT DUPLEX .. .. 2 bdrm each, neu oceu. lower furn. Price f17,GOO, olily $3000 down: .-BALBOA 2 bdrm 2 bi&tb. Fumlahed, sun deck. Low low price SU,!500 cdJrA MESA -MODERN HOME 3 bdrm A dil!il 13h batha on trrtg. lot with room for pool 8lJdJDt clul <loora from LR le muter ~ bdrm to patio. Dlllln1 room. utOJty room. Range, relrig., le wulaer lncl @ '36.(500. EMERALD BAY l5 bdrm 4 bath, ocean .few, 1&11dy beach. Ide&l family home. Full price SST ,l500. Leue with op- tlan at $400 per mo. $200 to apply to purchue. ror tU above propertia, • Thia a bedroom hom• tn Newport Helaht.a i. tmmawlat.. Baa hardwood tJoon, llnP prap, Wrt levtl lOt; II tuced and well land.lea~ N price oDl1 '1JJM>O. .. . BALBOA COVES u you are lookin1 for a waterflocm\ home with pm ~ bl .,. to ... t!JJI a bed- room II ~n home. J' A. bee.t, amnchnt doeet.I and cup~ natv-1 wood In kitchen. dbl pra19, jUt • yn. old. Prtoed rlaht@ $34,s:iO. ~ t.oday! BALBOA OCEAN FRONT APTS. lncom~ $8,200. -Pri99 $35,000. Ill mateg~~tal location. ~ block to Bay, 2 abort blocka to lhopplq. · 1 For the above propertlel, · PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 I oozy 1 BEDROOM COTTAGE Very roomy. Wall to Wall carpetiq, cln~ atove and retri1. inclu.cled. Attracti", near Ntw· port Hellhta. J'ull F.iCe $8,~. TRADE YOUR 3 BEDROOM HOME l'OR $10,000. YR. GROSS INCOME Owner of 11 wilt mot.el on Cout Blwy. will ac- cept I bdrm borne in Newport. ca.ta )(na or near Sant& Ana for bUI)' motel. Walking diltance to bceu 6 bay. ~urant and ~ bar on cood leue, good tma!dn~. with low monthly paymenta and •pend.able income. For the above propertiea, PHONE. LIBERTY 8-5596 VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1100 Newport Blvd. E•ea. H&r. MM, Ha.r. 671-i • , PHONE HARBOR 49j I VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE MlS VlalJdo Evea: Barbor C51'2 or 8880J VOGEL CO .. , M A I N 0 f 'F I C E Corona del Mar Office-Vogel Values * * * BALBOA ISLAND-VOGEL VALUES * * * $19,500 Cute 2 bedroom cottage. Patio and lovely big y&rd lb front. Juat remodeled and redecorated lut year. See it while you are here. $22,000 3 bed.room. larp livin1 room, near N. Bayf ront with back of' lot clear for p.rage ap&rt..ment or houae addition. • BEACON BAY -TWO UNIT BUY A IC&J'Ce lmn - 3 bdrm 2 bath home and com· pltte 1 bdrm apt. unit. now avail to qualified buyen. Bar kit.chem, food heatluJ, lot.a ~ tile, and dbl prace. Complete turn. Price $38,500 with .good terms.. l'or the above propertiea, . PHONE HARBOR I 014 ~~ VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office (Next Door to P09t Office) . 208 Marine ·A ~e. Eva: Har. 3629, H&r. 1229-R Ev•: U 8-7139, LE ~T9i2. , LI S..H21 and Bar.~ • • VOGEL CO. EXCHANGES $32 ,500 Owner of two-ltory view home in CDMar want.a 3 bdrm one 1tory home with larp yard ln Newport Height., Balboa, or Corona dd Mar. $14,500 Owber of• bdrm 2 bath home 111 Fullerton wantl beach home or dup~ up to $20,000. Owner of' uni.ts {income~.) for $32.~. WW take home up to $1'.~ bl acha.n,e. * * * * Owner of Coat& Mela aaeap will trade f« Income property. Owner of ~ acre Ar1zona ran~ at Sl&\OOQ_ will tnAe Ju> far ~ m~e. For the t..bove propertie., I PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 . \ • THE VOGEL co~ MAIN , OFFICE 3201 W. Cout Hwy. • CHOICE PROPERTIES Priced Right! CORONA DEL MAR •1 -l5 BRa & rumpus rm. Lovely home, built- W.. View. $'7,375. •2 -2 BR home & apt. on 2 comer lots. Bea\.\,l. patio 6 rrounda. $28,7~. •3 -3 BRa at den. 2'00 1q. ft. living area on 2 lot.a. Comer. Patio. $23,500. ., -3 BR.a. So. of Hwy. ~· lot. Newly dee. irulide le out. Low down pym't. ,26,800. CORONA lilGHLANDS •fS -8 BRa It den. Rtl.ltic. 27' rumpua rm. 2 flrepla. Low down pym't. ~.ooo. . . •a -3 BR.a. Permanent ocean view. GI Loan. $22,500. •7 -2 BR.a le den..,Ruatic. Vlew. w/w cpt., et.c. Fine home. $29,8:50. I sllORECLIJTS •s -'BRa -21/2 bath.a. Le. comer lot. Built-ina. Patio. BBQ. $28,750. For the above propertlel. PHONE HARBOR 0757 or HA 1741 VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2667 E. Cout Hfsbway Eves: Har. 1796-W LI 8-M.~7 Har. 2892 •288 OWNERS WHO WANT TO SELL -LIST WI TH THE VOGEL CO. EXCLUSIVE BACK BAY OWNER TIU.NSF!!RIU:D M"-lt Mll, Imm. poa. a Bdr. Hwd n n , w /W c&rp. Dbl pr. Only 2 yrt old. Compl. fenced, Tenitlc View of Back Bay v v' Best Buys Corona del Mar ' You can DOW own a .home with your own private lake tnml 2 "Bed.room.I and Den Bath le ~i, all electi1o Kitchen plu.a Dlahwuher, Wuher and Dryer. i'ully d.raped and w /w carpet..lng. Sliding GLIM door to patio with View ot lake, Back Bay ud h11la. OM of the truly sreat buya today. Open Hoae Sat * Sunday. 41' 23rd St. from rMr yard. A beaut paUo 1 . / JUST LISTED. So. of Highway cute 2 bdrm. •Il e. Full p. $12,tOO wttb '3000 · I' ' on. Don 't 1111u th.La one. home. Large covered patio, double p!'. Carpeta and drapu, aome turnJl\ln included. Full price $.U,500. $3000 down. BlITl'ER HURRY. Excluaive with ua. Dl.'PLEX -WALKC. DIST. E. "> 111dt!. Exe. rental area. 2 Bdr. er.. Oar. bttwMn, stvlq pr\· vacy of I. holaet. Ru r ydl B YSHORES t r.need • dlvldecl. Lot 76 x 120 2. y sHORECLIFFS. Fint time offered. Ranch type, . A ~:_inJh~5~;:1~ ~~3~: shake roof, 2 bdrm. and den home. 2 ttrtpW.. th · l ted la Co $37,tsOO Excluaive with ua. Open hoUM, 1 -6 3 Wroam ba 11 % oca on rse mer A REAL BARGAIN. chot~ eut lot &114 protect;d by beautiful 1hade tree1. Liv· 1lde of COlta Mna near l rvlnt daily • .239 Momlng Canyon Road. ins room • Dlninl room fully carpeted. Very Ave. 3 bdrm., 2 bath•. fire· •1--_, _ __. t1 f th chil..1--1 pll\cc, dbl. gl\J'llgt, hwd. !loora. 3. uu. en~ pa 0 Or e ~ p UI a very \\N~lher 1lrlpped. 41i<;, loan. livabM hom .. Priced to aell and terma you can· '14,tOO full price. $3000 Dn. not Mt. Call ua we have the key. Large 3 Bdr. hornt. Corner lot. ~ ' . omce qtn1 .t. btr hobby work-W. E. FISHER & Associates · •hop. outdoor as Q. • plumb-!!~ ., td ror 2nd ball\. 1 Blk ott 4. ~ Cout Highway, Corona de.1 Mar Harbor 60.,2 • Newp. Blv center of town Evea. Harbor 2'20-W Onlv 13000 On. Eve. ph. Pctlllt U 8·~487. BALBOA ISLAND BALBOA INCOM!l • I THIS IS NOT OJU>INARY "GOSSIP'' ITS "Cllv "'c;" v' VALUE PLUS 2 bdrm. home plua gueet room plus 184 bathe, hardwood noo~, FA heat, clOM to shopping a.rta and only 2'1i block to ocean and beach. A beat buy at $18,e<>o. • ' y BARGAIN -ThJa 2 bedroom home, large liv- ing room, fireplace, dual noor furnace, (thermo controlled) plua Jarre double prare st.reued tor apt. above. Better act tut on this one. ONLY $1~,7~, EXCLU!IVE wmf US. • MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McetnSTION, Ra1tor 6 .Auocla~ B/ B BEST BUY In Corona Highlands • bdrm., dm. 2 bath.I. 1 •tocy home wtUI charm and UV· ability. lb&ke rvof, flMpL. peuo. Under ':'0·000· NOW IS THE TIME Tt move tnto tht. IJIOU._ 2 bednn. home on 2 beauutul lot.a. wtt.h a bachelor apt. and room to build more. The hO\l.11 a!totda out.door • lndoor llvtn1 and ll priced rtlht. 119.500. lhown by eppt. only. ATTENTION YACHTSMENI You ca.n kMp your own apL on Ca.t.allna a.nd l•l th• other lwo hmurloua S Wdrm. apt.I. build your equity. $10.000 will handle or own.-r wlll trade tot-main· land. Whal do you heve to trade for thle well loca ted You Will Like . IRVINE TERRACE New Furnished "Hom•• Dy Mecco" OPEN EVENlNOS UNTIL 9:00 .P.M. Interiors Dy Martin & Von Hemert Bea\ltiful home. in the flnut location .Pricea from pa,ooo to ~ooo Your in.lpection ll reapect.fully aollclted ' EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS =~' Com• la and talk It On mway 101, ~Barbor, ~ Dl'W lniDt Lovely P~ninsula Home Cout Country Club. Barbor "'8. M\ x TO lot. a a,.csrm .. nre~ bwd. nra .. WW carpeUns. ell.as· -------------------- 1Vlt.1Mr. lafTt peUo. J'UmJturt tnclud-4. run price UT.600. well ftnaaced. f IRST TIME SHOWING smart, Roomy, Diltlnctive, this 5-bdrm ' bath ru.t.lc type home ll just the thing for family fun or coulcl eul.ly be converted into two unita. Ex· cellcnt l0e&ti0o near So. Bay. OWNER READY ro TALK -HOW ABOUT you! $39,MO. · NELDA GIBSON, Realtor Cholct Blv. loc. 2 Ap\. Bldg Nf'arly new. ~at l'f'ntal toe-., 2 Bdr la 1 Bdr. apt.a. Di.stun., dJap., all UI• IC.. It B&Uu. Hwd fira. S un dotek. Cully furn. 2 Bdr Apt. &\'all Sept 1. Room to build 'anoU'Mr 2 Bdr. 1uut on front of lot. Shown by appt. only. ua.~ wlt.h term .. £vt pbu. Seymour -BA 0291W. Mesa-Harbor Rlty. 3447 E. Coa1t Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. •7 CQffice 10e&ttd nest door to Ntwport Harbor B&U. Cd)() Bay & Beech Rlty Inc. 1\11.ALTOU El ' Moderne 9oe Marino A vt., Balboa laland Bu Ci02 Har 4623 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 6 >ota:: one or all. CUrba. guttera A Rwen. ISO x 13$. Sacri11c:e tor quick aale, $3150 each. Exclualve With OSBORNE. FORTON REALTY CO. !~ ~ zas W. Cout HJ hway at Port On.nae • Lt 8-7M2 ET-. Har. 61M , A ASSOCl.A TE& o. c. Seymour -Rultor Wt Center 8\.. COit.a Meaa U 8.ftll Ol' Lt 8-7714 Four Units · 11\allf tum., 2-2 lh'n 2-1 Rr • carport.I Jtlnt. Rental A rn Cloat ~o IC'hools A cburt'hH V ery d rablt pro~J OoQ.1 lncom• -Ju.wt 1 yn. old. A STE.Al. at W .000 temw, IWIT £. 8a.lbo. Blvd. Har. 3~ nen. Kar. OUl. Corcma dc1 l(&r om~ --------~---------1510 11. Oout HW)' .. Har. All Shore Cliffs REDUCED $5000 FOR QUICK SALE Quality a bednna., 2 ·~ batha, m&(nlficent view of ocean and bay. Open a.ttemoona until eold. 215 Driftwood. Our exclualve, courteay to brokera. FOR EXCHANGE, be&utttul 3 bednn. vil'W home Eutrldc-Driw, Whlttlu tor lncome property. STEWART REALTY 3707 E. Cout Hifhway, Corona de1 Mar Har. ~15 '5c•1 • · Cliff Haven Home By Owner I bdrm., 1 ball\. MW carpeUnf, n e w I y ~orated bffuUtul drapa. caJJ an.tmooM LI 8-1701 $17,950 GO 'OODAY AND SEE 2 wonderful new bomea. Boquet caDyoD stone overtlu f~plaCN. Hwd. noortnc-Forced tbmno heat. 8 tarae cheerful bdrma. Home maJcera DREA.M KITCHEN - Lot.a of uh natural wood cabinet.a. Be curlo\19 and .. a boma t.bal APPEAJ,.S. Com~ out Sunday 1 to ~ p. m. for a pleulng tra.t. 2618 Weatmlnater oU Del Mar ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES ~1 N~rt Blvd. Colla Id.. LI &-1832 r ... • LA VETA WOODS I l.iisi IAVtl Lot. -Oran'ge Treea Shalt or Rock Roo/1 Fol'<*l Air Heat Hardwood J'1oora Natural Cabinet.a Conc:rwte Drift9 A Walka Dilpoula It Sewera Lee-Dininl or Den Area Brick Planters Slldtnr GlaM Doon Stucco It R«lwood ACCPUtieal OeWnp Plutered W..U. Central location near new BULLOCKS, new Tele- pbolte Building, Marketa, ~lioola, etc. ONbY .$13,750-S14,500 DIRECTIONS.-.North on Vain to La Veta St.,•We.t to J'1oww SL -From treeway; Euton Chap- man to 1'1ower, South to lA Veta. Open Noon On. FRED C. McADAMS. Tract Mgr., KE 8 .. 8420 Newport Heights ' ' Charmine Ru.tic Ranch -2 Bedrooms Dream Kitchen, lovely yard, j\Yt 3 years new. '!Ml II toJ)9 In Newport Height.a. Asking $23,000 COSTA MESA 3 Bedroom. -2 Baths -$2300 Down Gleam.ins hardwood floors, disposal, breakfast Mr with llhutten, forced a1r heat, double gan.ge and fUlly fenced yard, cloee in location make. th.la tlne home the belt buy in town at $13.2!50. , JU.It a block to Jr }fig~ School Let \LI show you th.la .ale. you'll like it CLOSE TO LIDO SHOPPING CEl'Q'tER $2960 DOWN ~ on a Corner lot Hu double garage &Dd · a hop, akip and a jump to fabulo\1.1 abopptn1 Center. Paymente may be ar- ran u low u $8l5.00 per month. Exclutlve with ua. S.. It now. C. ED JONES, Realtor 6 MSOCIATES 1999 Harbor BlYd. LI 8-3333 B/B • OCEAN FRONT Shown by appointment only. 3 BR --~ n ... , ~ - nrBplace -Patio. $28,500-Tenna Balboa Peninsula Point Modem. 2 BR. -Oen -2 bath -Fireplace O>mpletely furnished S21. nsc>-$5000 down .. . . home tiU everything a f&mlly could ever ..-ant -• bedrooma, • batbi, formal uvtnsnn.. tun dbllnsrm, 13xl4, 'breakfatt room, dlabwuher IA kitd:aeD; buUer'a putty, forced air heat, hard- wood t:loon. Bf.t.utitully planted yard and of COUJM-locaiect In one of Calitcma.ia'a oui.tand- tn1 sub-divtaiou.-SBORECLIFF. Price ~.ooo . . . • Only 19 remaJning Lido Iale 1ott for We. U JOU wish to build, better hurry. • eold thil put week. -'Best Buy -. l'or a 3 bedroom aDd den hou.ae, thia one la the beat buy we have eeen in a long time. No 1eue writinl very much about thia one -lf you are looJdnl for 3 bedroo1111 &nd a den, thit la ett ! ! ! For these and other Lido Property -Come to HEADQUARTERS -our 21st year at Lido. p. a. palmer incorporated .. ole han1on co: management 3333 via Udo, harbor 11500 .P· a. p~lmer incorporated ole .hanson co . management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 BEST BUY ON LIDO ISLE! Under $~.000. rood Lenna. ex· cellenl condlUon. Pleue pbolw tfW •ppolntment. It wtll'be our pl.uutt lo ahow UU. one to you and your pleuun to llve • In lt. NEWPORT BEACH IT AIN'T NO CUTIE and It aJn't no Honey but comldertq th• location lt'a wortll the money. 3 bedroom.I. OM bop, 11dp and jump to channel • ancty beach and akY.·blue wa· t.n ot the Pac1.t\c. i\nced wa~ der u .poo. ALMOST NEW DUPI.JtX. A IW&l ! ! ! Cloee to th• cban· . nel and bffCh. Priced under 11~.000. OCEAN VIEW lot ao cloM to UW ocean you could atmo.t • throw a atOM lnto It. SOx.10. jU.t. '4.000 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY An Oceanfront lot -30 feet wide for JU.It Ill.~. W• tur· nLlh ,,... cryin&' towela to ~ who come too late. SUMMER RENTALS Crom JM to 5600 per week. WINTER RENTALS trom $40 to 1260 per month.. fNDUSTRIAL FROM 1 TO 20 ACRES. From J6000 to 110,000 per acre. Gtl In on the rround floor 61 ma.ke : CPen· HOuses EVERY An'ERNOON EXCEPT WEDNEsDAY .. 482 e'. 20th St. ANO'l'HEll beautiful new ~ blailt home of 2 bedroama 2 bat.bl and den. See th1I charm· inf .,.., .W.CU~ con.tedftr of 10 acluatve homeait-. Tb.la ia tnaly a home of charm and distinction and offwa the "VERY KOST' for under $28,000 - 400 Vista Bay a ( 2200 I lock off T uatin) Lin• comfortable Ranch Style conatstmc of .3 bedroom.1, 2 batha and a 1&rp family room - Shake roof, modem tiled Jdtcben, 3 car p.raae plua a bobby abop. Tb.la love.Ly corner home I.a ideal for the family that wanta ample elbow room. Submit your own terms! . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2601 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. •718 LIDO ISLE • BALBOA REALTY CO. OFFERINGS rt I P•ntn.lu.la hom• . , . newly fum.lahad. 2 bedrooma plue cute ~at room w1t.b b&lh.. Unit heat. Call to eH ll $111.~. low l.tmu. 1 2 J Balboa, 3 bdnn. home wtlh 2 b&U\a. Year round ho~. nJcely turn.labed, Welt Bay A venue JocaUon and In nice condiUon. sie.ooo, tenna. 131 Hue•1 a roomy 2 bedroom home, well fumilhed plue a vety attracttff runt room with be.th In rear. Pauo area, 2 11n1t• pn.,.e• a.nd • larre loL •11.MO, term•. (4J <kun front duplu that ll a pip. Narrow part ot lhe ~nlnluta ... cloee to b&y. TerrUSc Ocean vi.w, well fumlfbed and aJHpi up to 12 people, Swell renter. -•ti.600. tenna. (5) Owaer want.a to ro to Eur· ope ~ l&id .... u my •·unit hlcome IMl1l4111.ns for '11,000 wtUI terma." He ~ bu tt fiDd up 11.Lee. All MW W• Oooftna, tuml.aMd properly aM re6tcon.ted. Don•t wait too loaf for a look. INCOME yourMI! a UtU• fortune quick. A &"1'9tl many peoplt art dolng 2-i llJl wUU -----··r··-····-··· .. ··-··· ...... $27,5()(} ll. CHARMING tpe.clout 2 bedroom and large gla.ued lanaJ facins covered patio 1% bat.ha, 60 ft Jot (arc!Utecte pl&D !pr extra bedroom or dbi included) Home In aoellent condition tb.ru-out. Owner leavUic state. Price $81,lW)O for fut aa.Je. DO SEE TlllS ONE. Wt think Ila a buy. ft) Penl.naula point duplex lhal lbould Mii from thl.I on• ad. Hu 3 bedn>c>ma up and 2 dwn. AttracUvely tumiahed A beaut1tul •tucco property with laundry room. double cara&"• &nd only 8 yMn old. 121.600, tenna. (7 I Won't i.u you much h•tt about a 2 bedroom boUM wtlh ut.ra ap&A.mcnt over a 2-car ruar• . . . at $16,000 •.• ml(bl IOUDd t.oo ~ to tM true. Call UI. • $2~ CIOwn -NewpOtt H~ °'"*' ....... 8ilalt aD .... 3 Bell-a lla N~ IJ_eipta. J.arp ll'Piq rCMm wD ~ See tt ud ma.ft otter. Aeldnl SJ.•,800. UDO BARGAINS 2 bedrOoma and ~ roam. 1 ''. ~u. '3 be4roOmi and de 1 batU , 3 bedrooma. 2 batha 2 bedrooma; 2 batb.a. FunlilMd . ExceDent ~ctnr a Tenn. 4. UNITS -BALBOA PENINSULA 1-2 bedroom. S.1 ~Potential income over $7000 annually. A.ald.n1 SM.000 -1W11nJt. on price and down pt.YD).ent. WW con1ider trut deed or trade on small home .. down pa~eat FIRST TIME OFFERED North-eat COSTA MESA. excellent ~hbor· hood. Custom built Ruat:ic 2 bed.room a.Dd suat room. Huge muter bed:rm. Luse ba~.~~te stall abawtt. Rai8ed hearth tirepla.ce in w-,. • li'rinc room. Shake roof. Only 2 ya.rs '*1. Prictl at $U,l500. $2.500 down will buy tt! OCEAN FROm A home o! quality and charm. Extra la.r&e h. ~ roam with f.ireplact, Nice bedroom plua 2 ~ 1leeping alcoves. Roomy kitchen and.. ll8l'Ylce P_Orch. 30 feet of beaut\ful beach. in beat loca· tion. A.aking $25,7:50. JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 \\'. Cout HWy. I.J S..1773 LIDO ISLAND · • 2 large bedroom.a • • 2 bat.M • • La.rie patio • • Lot.a of cloaeta • • Built-in 1tove and oven • • Built 1951 • Poueaalon Sept 30tb • • Full price $27,600 • • $7:500 handle.a • .. Lido Realty Associates ' :WOO~ Lido Harbor~ BALBOA CHANNEL Road lot. u.nobetructed view of Bay. . $17 ,600 tl:rml. ~ DUPLEX 2 bedrm. It 1 bedrm., near bay. Good renttt $21.600 COSTA MESA 2 BEDROOMS plua 1anat on tne covered lot, 66 x 305. R_.. zone. $18,000. 1'vml. COMMERCIAL corner 1~~ x 160 fti Near au.. bor Blvd. Praent.. lmpro.vementa lhouJd can)' till property developed. Bat buy OD W. lOth St. 3-2 BR un.tta -----··-····-····-··-··-··-····-$32 500 OWNER SAYS SELL ' 4-1 BR. UD.it.I -·-···-·-·--.. ··--· .. ···-.. ·-····· .. ····-··· .. $32:500 • bdrm.. 1" b&Ut.a. 1arJ9 u~ Oolan l'i'ont 3 unite ····-· ---········-·····-···--··----'32 500 room, fl&&'ltone paUo • b&rbe- Balboa Blvd., • unJta ---·······-····-··---·---·-··$3!5:500 ::O ~I monlhl old. Only Balbo& Blvd., 7 unit.a -·-----···-····--·-······--··-·· $52.000 . . BUSINESS PROPERTY ON NEWPORT BLVD. 2 bedrm. tram. boUH plut adjoining corner Jot, 18th and Newport Blvd. -In heart of Costa Mesa. 84 ft. trontqe, 9:5 deep on 18th. Exce1· lent location for new store buildlnc commanding top rental. Price $34,600 Balboa Realty Co. I COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JA YRED, Realtor 9 untt apt. --········ --·-------·-········ ··-----············-··$90,ooo WHAT DO YOU Peninsula Point ~~~£1~ ! MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor & Auoc. Helen Baum Ruel Condon 1 and 2 BR unturniabed apta. Yearly leue -$90 to $110 3432 Via Oporto Harbor~ Eve.. I.J M297 I.J 8-1709 HAR.10174 BAY & BEACH REAL TY Inc., Rltrs. Ni« ne1bbortw>od. Good 2 bed· room family borne, Jarre llvln, room, dtnblr and breakfut a,_, h&rdWOOd noorw, Hobby Room, Guqe • PfUo. U you -----------------!__- 1'10 .. W. Ba.Ibo& BlYd., Balboa, Harbor 1264 INDUSTRIAL M-1 Acre Site. -200 ft. x 225 ft -New street and clli-be will be lnatalled. ClOH-in -on sewer. $20.000 Terms. . · C-2 ZONED INCOME 4 of tbe niceat raldential unite on one of the be9t tM11fn... comera ln Co.ta Mesa. Haa a ·terrific Potmtlal AND ia netting 10", now. are a aJow buyer, cloJl't oat younelt on lh1I on• bec:&uM It will be rone before you make up your mind •.. and you'IJ be 90rry!!! Seven Islands Realty & lnvedment Co. ~3-32nd Sl., Newport B'ch, Call! Har. 0868. afler ~ p.m. Har. 55e7 Near Ocean & Bay 150 fl. lo ocean. block to bay, nit • collar• tumlahed. alef'P9 8, room tor another unit. Only $11.500 ltrtnl Home & Income WANT TO MAKE A BUCK- and artlll have a fine bom.t It uicome! We have the makinga of the deal -A 2 B. R. home, car- peted, lovely flnpl., ..plua an apt. over pr. ~ Ideal spot for .ummer rentabl -on a comer 60 x 118 (thata TWO lot.I) South ol Hiway. Buy it -build on the extra lot (we'll aelt it) It you'll have home and income at a bargain pri~. Jflat phone -we'll make the appL R. L STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, Auoclate 3622 E. Cout H"X_ .. Corona del Mar. Har. 2774 Oppomtc Bank of Amf'nca Rou OreeJ.ey Ed 1- JOllPJ)hine Wtbb 700 E. Ba.Ibo& Blvd., &Ibo& I Phon• Harbor 1277 ,. • Forced to ~eave Southern Car.f. Mi.it KU ntodtm 2 bedroom nlffiy tum.lahecl. L&rr• corn.r lot. Newport. H•ilhll area. Priced to HIJ 118,600. T•rme I can ti. arran_--'1. Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR 13411 Newport Slvd. Har. 402 CURT DOSH, Rltr .. 3 15 Marine Ave. I Balboa l1land Harbor 1560 Mildttd RitP and Sylvia Thomi:-a. •;.,....tel. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Ba.r. 21161 or MOO 3 ·BEDROOMS • 1%.BATH PLUS "Mahogany Snack Bar -Lota of St.orap Entry Hall, nicely papered -~Family room, beam ceilJna'. Larp laundry r09IB with pa J.Dd elec. Exterior entrance to % bath for bathe:n and patio gu~. Large wvenid patio -Flaptone table on patio. 12921q. ft. tn. hOUllf. 533 aq. tt. in pn.ge. 90 eq. ft. ln ldry area. 252 I aq. fl covered pon:b and patio. N.wly decorat.d wide t.nd out. Fenced -beautify! yard -Con· cret.e driveway -LouVTe room divider of ~ hogany. Some drape. included. Brick ftDMI' oa front for ettecL U you think th.ii ia mouth for the FULL PRICE of $13.950.00, call ua -we're not bluffing. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON MULTIPLE-LISTING-OF-THE-MONTH BY OWNER 2 bdrm born• den bath 6 1'%. ~~ llvio1 rm. MAX W. POPE, Realtor 1908 Harbor Ll S..11'2 1858 Newport Bl-Yd., Costa Meea Phone LI M'Tel -Eve.. Har. 4366 A nolhf'r onf' cloH lo beach and bay Homt plua 4 rental units. plu11 vacant lot. $79~ wtlJ hand If'. ME>~B:":·::::::T~:fNG CARA VAN SPECIAL t\rf"J>lace dlnin, room, bra.k- f&ll arm. tte...U:. porch. F .•A.. -----------~-------......:......: ::1~111~~:. ·~~~= CORONA HIGHLANDS CORONA DEL MAR GOOD TWO BEDJUI. hoUM and dble. garage on OJ"Cb.1d lea than 2 bloca froth P. o. Large ...r IJiiitoM pil.to ana BBQ. Full price only SJ.1,000. Hae'% FHA loan, monthly pa.yment.a Mt.SO Incl tue.. int. I bdrm. ~ dble. pr. tee. enc.la.td patio 6 ,ard. 50 ft. lot, choice loe&tion, includa all atmcwt mw. 6 CClltly maple turniture. Room tor t.a.rp bOIM or unlta ln front. $16.000. Terms. $15 mo. pymta JOHN E. SADLEIR, Realtor Ivan W. Erhardt. .U.OC1att UPS.. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 2t22 t I HOMER SHAFER ML Nn. 7557 -Two Oup~xea on 60x330 Lot-2 BR ea. REAL~ lot M chdden P1.. at Npt. pler Phon• Har. HO aey ume Large Lido Lot 5<' It. piu. a. Utlll txtra ntce cm-- nu lot on Pl&Da Udo. UU.00 a.aJtlnC prl~ S\lbmlt tenu. Tt1ed Bath Room with Tub In each Unft-2 Yean I Old -Income $3.15 Mootb -Price $31,500 Contact Your Realtor KULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE DAN A JA.00881CN. Ree.I i:.t.8te Har. 6tlll l.I l-'317 Kl 2·2117 ·~ ..... ::. .. ·..:.=; ~~ Newport Harbor Board of Realtors • t.nna. TOI Jrla. J'or lntorma· Uoe csll Har. 06SJ.x.. lllta fOl N. Newport at.d. ' caped. dbl ....,....e. Will trad!P equity for lot. Aft.tor 7 pm or wwk tndl. U 83071 • 811 P1wnma. Hein Modem Livjng Cloaa tn .:a. ltde OOeilll M.-. a bedmt. 2 119tb. t>eautltul l&r· den. or1 .. b7 1112 ruu.~ Aft. °*' call WI for tur\MI' ct.Wll DAN A. JACOBSEN. R-.J l:stAt. Har. Mtl u: 1-4117 Kl 2·%187 BY OWl'l'Eft -Bcact. ~OUM, ' bdrTT\ , UJl9l&lra df'.n. ltJ l'Or• nn, room to bull4 $11 IOO :?!4 • Ulb 8 L Har. 601·1\ Ud7 Marino~ from tba attnetlve newer bome, 3 fine bedrooms, l ~, batha, nunpua room. l8x160 fenced lot. Loeda of "atru" in thJa qUa.Utt home A•lrfnc J3Z6(JO. ~---- ON CHANNEL FRONT Two ttaDdard larp 2 bodroom apte. (1 with n.r. plaoe> dJldn6 l'OOllUI, modern ktt4bena. dWpolilhi. patio In fftmt. Scheduled gro.e tncom. ~yr. AUinl ${2,600, ncellent .... - Eveninp call F.dJth K.aroon. BYatt f..Ql2 or Lou-Boynton Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Marbur Ave.. BaJbo& llland HarbW 1175 ~-.•.. '-"'--. ~