HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-13 - Newport Harbor News Press'
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19 .+ $6
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I PHONE R 1818
HIGHWAY NOW RE, a .. siness .Eee
Hartlal' Department pfJ.rOI
elftc:«'9 Cr9ieked doWa ...
'tiOlaton w. W'Htcend and wrote • M clt&tJoM. \ha
~lfiltl numMr la a 9tftlle
week.ad ln R&rbOr Depa{t-
mettt lr.Ytor7, ~ to
avtior Ma•l•r ~
Face Couftcil ·Fa
Pkmeer ~ loltt to the Giants 11-14 In TlluMKl.ay
nlc'flt play at Corona del Mar Youth ~nter u ~ec-ond
Sacker lohnny Franklin had trouble wlth doUble play ball
durine ... of GJanta' bllJ m.nlnr•. -Bt.afr Photo
""''' erur .atd theN .,.,.. 1 t
ettatiou for ~ ftrlat
tor ~Utr t.n the Upper' •
Bay before ll L m.., ftM
for UirowlnJ" dead bl.It ln.
ttt. My, "1 oulbo&rU With
no re(bt,..Uon numben and
on• Ulepl rnoort.nr. IPla Ana POlh!e today arr.t-
td t.awranee Toomey, 11. ot
IOI l'f, Van '.N-A", Santa
Ana. and held blm for Newport
a.ch poUoe on Wllplclon of
&ttackial' a lf-yMl"-OW. _Newport
ab)' litter.
Score High
Bl8 lllVlo 'WOii& -Tiie .,... who !au been
.... ~ for ,plurtinc 1137 -to booatlty the
• s.nio. -""'t Mont. Grim., Joou admlriJ>&ly at
ono of the llWIJ tnN he hu at out to help make
bJa city -·---Staff Flloto
Y~,·--· ~
Mont. Gr'-s lntenctl to See
lemntifie·d; Wotb at It
Toomey wu picked up at bYI
tiome after h• aller9dly :r.a
..... _ .....
TU-S..7, Aur. T .... 72 ...
WedaMday. AUi'· I 71 A
Tb~. Aq. t , -71 eo
Friday, JulC. ID .···-70 IO
ktant.)', Aq. 11 --70 fl
~. AUJ. 12 -70 II
M..-y, AUi'. 11 --ti ll
D _ £ k_-filfj)UL, TO TITLE
~ . " _,,, Kbi. SIX:&ll.T.ll 11-t'oot ._,,. tm..d ., u.. er brotMr Pete u er-. Anolher
A .... 9lar1. udl OJtns,,.... onekMtrti•r• ,.._ .... tkiet. HllTC ..,. ~ In Jltlt
~ ft-. dap~ lilam·~ all D\'ff UM lhlthd llMN •Uflll P*"' WU COQ!po.ed of IA.tl91 .. ..ru,..1 ,.... \ft t..o. ~ thtir ftiit 0.,. dlntMlkN tac. 0.0. Md ~· Tounc:tow'L Al· ..,._., .a AJuait.09 -., {lut lUl. ..,_., eM ~ wl~ ~ f"tli.ttftiy ..... to the
W'IMk .._..t tbr1 Na.t.to9:t1 U.. '°' Jf .-tttt.en ~tit •ip. ..._ ~ U. -.. en'lt-Cbul~p ot lM an.,. a.91 c:c I ... • ........... dee: ebUt• aMe -·"· teal l'lidDs l'COf'4
Mff. ,....io a.~ Xlnc.1~·" "' pt•·• ..... tfWch ...................... ......, 'tict.y .. ua. ... uu. • revs ...., w -.... ., w. .,... tM 1111 ~t "' tlif a;.o..
Ublill-tltll nM ct ttlit ~ .......,. .... t WM ffarr7 Al-Mrd9. Clluek KlllMI', .,_ ot NB· ~ • ._., htpe a... ~ t.... 11 w..,_;. Oona.. ~t ~ TC ud wtll .bow'a t• ,..
*-t.toa. u.,._ JaraMl one 11·• ., ffl -..1'~ Clw.ll.piaMMp. prow.-tn. U.. latenlaUDMl-1• ~ ._,,. Llii• wortd .,. wM wiiii ~ 0.1. llf -ttw. .... •u.c ror u.. A.Ja.
tM ~tors tn thll Juel --~ f1f Ilia uu.. 1n -.. ..iw ea, ne.t to °"" ....-.
.......... t an U.. diam,... .,-· ... ,_.. h"7 1' •.-Wltb CMr0. M.ntl u Ml
OI ~ ,..,.U" .,_ tw. ol ta. .... ~ IQ a.t .,..., tllilJ' P"W •t IQ ,_..
and ~t lMt fleet ............................ cl the lwdor tlOn .. the ~~p fleet.
Jw ol ,.mt dlb .tftUatJillm. N ....... O'•·,...•~P jU9l t1" n.. "tat.HM Chlirtl_.. ol lM-
.A.U .... h allbl.f for the 1.. A. ...... ... .-utft-S .... ftftlltltftf ID
NA • L CJR.UIPIONS -J.. fUJI -k of "'ugh, tough-Alling qaltu1t tb•
-Sillpe a&llon In the United Stat& precod<d thbi >{lnal ,,,_.., of Ille
&1111 Uno by O&rk Klng'a Ghoul to rqain the national title wbi<:b be fonnerly
-UIH11110.'.-Bocl<ner !'boll>
)f•r1Mlr .n..t, Klar t. •n •dlw Nnrport Hubor T•c:ht Clulfl I llth pl.De:•. '"'re Qsrll KJn1 h•
rat._, •tpptr nt""Mr •f Ulie ..,-n Snlpa •c:e. Tommy P'ruDt.. Gboul -the •me boat In wtlk'll.
}r(..,.n. fkrllor Tac-ht C!Ub ..S who wMI both Junior and knktr 1 M won lM lt60 Ct11mplon•hlp
hi• flmow Snlpll'. GhoUl. I• ... I national lllln In lt."'3 •nd th• -with 06c:k LAwtD of Ullo l•le.
~ I" ••I watef"I. -.iM -...•i• In ttM q~11ne11 • ..u. •bl,. tlAW
'11lk17-two ot UMeo tut UtU• la nt.i.U. .-uori •'UI h8 70un1·4 (Q191 .. •el • hc• I) . ;,
. lnstrudions on Ll<me
Indicate · Flat $25 ,Cost
of Mac1nn Ralthers . ,, . m. t.otal .Loot :
Two ot Uw pttfonnon at u.. t:lrcue Mkt •l lltll Ill. Pllly·
1ro1.1nd 'nnrndl.y went the AroftC men twomen 1 Olndy •l'ld
Bai:ti.n Clln,man who ai'e --., dof"I' UMtr lltllllt. 8onMI
of IM bay 1ptoctaton -re lkUipk\oUI or uw wetrht laklll
1it1nwn on tllll" "Wt'l1ht..~ 1.nd ID.let' tried to Mow tl'lrir -com
by 11n1nr IMn'I °" their Uttle flfl«ll"tD, but It all ffntrlbutDd
to ttw tlllarity of a ..plendld an.r-. \IN ,,. ...
Ptrt ll. f's(t L -SlMf Photo --
'Olf IUllP8 -Jon McCollilter leaped high to
8pm.r a line drive in TuHday'• Card.inaJ-Pirate
pim tn the Eutern League at Monte Vista School
Umpire Chuck Ra.od1U watchee play in 1-ck-
P'OUDd.. -Sta.tt Photo
MONDAY, AUGUST 13, · 1956
Th• P1o,_.. maau upeet u.. Car4i-aa 11-1' to Pl•
a U• W1th t.M Ptratee tor MCOftd pW.C. Th~ nf$bl
at the Youill Center. Tbe manta went 1n fr'Oal J.6.j t...
fore 01e Cards lt.artU.. H.Mup wu 11mt ln tti. pJM aad
Kored 12 runs In the l&al two lnninp u IC1m 0'1&U !dt
a double with two on and Jimmy 'l'llruMrm&A ~
with two on.
Klk• Green'• buu Joa4-d t.rtp1' pve U.. Pini.. u
11.. win •Yer tht BR,,_,
J1aaJ lta4dlnp -C&rdln&la 11 .... ; GlaAta and Pb'&tm
1-T; BN..a a-ii
Mia Helm~ol~ Sm11hes .. W.1y
to Girls' Rec Ten1i1 litle
Sue HelmholJI, wllb a Y&ri•tY JSa11t.e •·O. t-o la lh• lllCOfld
ot forehand and b&ckb&nd drtv•. round. Jl&.UD'• oppoaeot bl Ole
lmaalMd ht'I' way to the diam· ftnala. IUcht• rene. ltarW oft
plonahlp ln ,tri.• nr1l dlviaion ln tha tint round wttb & •·1
alnJ1ea of th• hip 11ehool'1 rec-fiNt •t det.t or UtUe Tlm
ruUon p r o r r a m t.oumament. .Brown bl wb&t a pp• a r • d •
K* Btlmbols, tret.b oft a tlrat· breese.
round ~ry ln the Banta An.a l:inen year old TtrA. who
!Oil TED 01'1' -Tommy Hulett'• bJi bt.t ii
cm. ~ the O&rd.male are leading the Eutem
l.a111& Tom wu caught teeing off In Mpn.4&y'•
Cardmal-Pirate came. Result, a lingle to right cen-
ter field. -Staff Photo
tournament. won without loelnl' MIU t.enn1a ocly UV-llU.mJner, ----------
a ael. The 13-year-old champion came llack in t1'e RCOn4 Ml GIL' defeat.ct Jillie Jordon t-0. s-1: bowner, and dnW ..._ Wit.II
overume a MCOnd Ml 2-& deficit Parke al H . nn&lly P&tk•'•
to tu'1l b&ck 811Mll Tc.9deau W , eiq>ertmce and control OTeftSlllt
-ded Dia.De Key• •-1, M . tMll defe&t.d Du Keno. pi..,tq
Second pla~ Dl&ne Meyer. ID UM a"'91nee at Mike PbMDJa. •
'nle ehamploruhlp k.fttth
couree. whkb t. loealed cm the
outakirt. Of Yorb& Lind&, bu
captured lhe taney ol iotteni
trom all over ~ naUOn, and
reporta from PGA ape.rt.I who
hav. M«O blue pr9t.e of 01•
lay-out, hue au been utnmeJy
·:..we hope lo have the tlnlt
nine hOlea complet.d ~ lat• fall
at which Ume w.'11 be able to
llt&rt play. Then, In another five
or llx montha, we hope lo have
I l'I• la.It nine completed. and
work on the clubhouse and other
buildlnp which al'lould be nnlal'I·
ed al •bOul th• aame time,"
Horn ltat.a.
7-~: and th• rt down eecond-th• 9Ctap7 Brvw1I at ...... Parke 3 0
who played brtllluUy even ln K ._1.
BRAVES FINISH 2ND. loaln1 lo K lu Helmbols, bad 81X>OND DIVJ.lll01' , Th• club. which la belnc built
an uphill batUe all lbe way. Ber Olrl•' lllCODd dJ.t.ion aliChl by mJlllona.lre ruta.urant m&n
nnt 1"0Wld opponent. Johtln.n&h la aUD tnoomplete a.19o. Tep-f'ott1t lmlUI, El PelC&dor own·
Oqut.t.. det'-1 bu ..venth...-.S Meded )( • r l d • t b XUJ• ._. er, will abo ..... ala blu and
raunc and wtth flM play, forced l'MChed the tln&1I and will pla.y bridle pat.ha for Ult club mem-
M:Lu Meyer lo make exc.U.nt ~winner oft.be Bet9y laDden-Mre Q.119. It a. pl&JSbed for t)m
lhota to wtn .. ch point before Comll• Klller mateh. In .U.• pb&• ot Ult liuiJdU\c procnm
finally locln&' T-6, M . matd\ee ln U'1a dt~ OIP't.I to be complet.d at approxl.mate-
.;::-... 'lllll.llAT'CNS unrr Phoenix dafeated Valerie Pope· the Card1nala 3-0 with a no-hit pW:h.inr pertonn.ance ty ~ 11&JTM1 t.tm• t.be tlM ntn• ,. -clJ h i:: T Spot •th In ~ MCODd round, Abbi• Joy T ..... Sharon Jtldluu 4ct•t· 'l"bunday n.Jiht. The Pirate. took over und.iltput.ed lead Ml• ot lb• pU -dub .,.. rc&4,J' '--" 1N1 1p: Op WI 0qu1.at t.oo11 over where her ec1 Ctu1a P'bot'n1x ._i. x.rectlll'I in ... 1~ • tor p1ay · ... 1tater Jett' ott and. wtth nne M.W•r det-..-K..,.. l'ollter Major Leacue r:Y'. Ft f~ the tough Dod.iert and. · . · , 14 Vidor. ies, 6 Loop Losses control anct anrMllve net ptey,' w . M . and a.u, aanw. de-Bnva In their f1n&l two game.a nut week, M I Br
threatened lo ~ ott an upML teated L•ll• A.Ty. 8hup Mat out & bunt and a or aves A combination ot a Brave win over the Pirate. ..... d Mi. Meyer wu bebtnd au t.be Boyr acond dJ..t.kla ltn&1• Pete •eaUt..tOll ltnfled ta u.. NOW Po1' •Vlf• ... way u KLu Oqw.t won the provided 10m• tlne matcll11. -.vftl.Ua lob~ up a doubl4 ao-Pitattt eeventh: Soudtf wu
a C&rdJnalt win over the Giant.a gave the Brans 8eCOlld nnt .. t t-a. Dt&n• cam• back Leich and Da'rid Jobn9cm cam• bltt., l&.f.4t °" ail •nw at WJ'd: ah&rp SI GI :
place in F.utern Learue play Thanday and Friday. lo take a cloM MCCJnd eel T·I, ott -.rllll 1-S 11aDOre "1 def•t.IDI' ~ nn&.: l\oD .J-1*..t out a bunt tor t.M tlta bit ug · ants
""--~~-took top h wi ud down I"" Ill t.be ftnal .. c. th• tavortt.. DID &Od Art ...a srouncled out. Jary Rulllert lo of U. Mil pme; J"•tbefttDn
U.M9 ~ onora th a lf-6 record. tiAally OOD.quend Klm Oqu.llt Eaton. The c ~amp Ion. lAISb Dave lfa.lamend at tlrlt· Dean thlcled lo ~lat field aaci con·
Tlae BraYea and Pirate. fought tor nine innlnp be-t-7 to win 3-t. T--3, t -T, In a John.Ion, mowd eull7 lhrou1b Peue iraua4ec1 out flj. c.m· Unu.d fo JltCOnd when M ran l •5 Jrkla, y
fore the winner wu doldded. U-llbeU <•·5) hllhllchted t.brir mat.ch lb.at could ...Uy haw t.be toww.mmt ta ~t ..U. ~ ~ ~ ~ doWJl 11\U'p. na_ t,11.i ~ ~
22. TM BraYta mOTed wt In atlack. K.atk 8c:hJey homend '°"' etUaer way. d.C.UJlC Alaa Gordon M. M . NcU.rd ~ &t ad~ "p(eJds i(Jdlpin h tiAi celW
trcml 104 after nr. tnntnc• bat f• Ullt a.. and Rank Wood.I Boys' tint dJ¥WSon alnrl• la Lyme ae&tllQchr T-1, ~ .. A.rt ...._ • "~0a·•
t.be Pirate• Ued the ecore at u.e a.n4 Dfamia Feater -.C) wet lncomp&.t• but ttnde match• YU J:at.oa ._1. ._I, aa4 lllrotMr C&rdioal ftntr Jl.al$IO cafdweH ~ _t:>J ~ ~
end of thJ'ff. 'The Bruu went lW11 tor two. nmnlnl' lnie to form. Klll• Daftd Joma-W ._L • W.O...· ~ ~ lllNcJt ut· to eblftiit,i').1.._.,. • .,
tn treat 11·10 ln the ntui ud SPA&ll CASDS Phoenix. ~taf'Orite, ran Into ~ pl&ce DPW Jolm9oe auy ~ ,..,,.. to 0
: lllttlq u. baJJ (hat w1dJe out ., to M!COUDl for Uu"M
stntched It lo ap apparmt 1 ... 10 John Mar1lell, Conners, Wayne sood oppoeiUon ln Dan Kerr wt put ~ AIYtn OoTdan M 1-0. Wally OeteMD ~ Of UM box; Ten Eyck wu e&lled ftnt lnn1nl tuiw t.o It.art U\e
w1Ji In top of the slxth, only tA» Steck and Tom H.a&liett sparked ftnally came ort with a .. s. In UMt ftnt l"OUD4 lliut Nn lnlo Go~ JeeM FOUD4ed out 00 ltftkel• Jerry Quftner Brave1 on lhJir way t.o a 12-6
ban t.be Plratee boune. b&ck t.be Carda to a 16-11 wtn Friday M Yictory betore havtnl to t.op-aeeded Dan YU l:atoo tn · pinch hlltinc ioc Sandoval had l of the Oil.A.la In Ma.JOr
wtt.b et.pt run.a lo knot the O'ler lhe Gla.Dl.L Phillip RI ... withdraw from the tournament the MCon.d round. In a IT'lt~· HOW roa ~l\"D two 11\rtk• °" him when Coa.ch Leafu• play J'rtd&y a.lpt.
count .,.Un. went ror the clrcuit for lM la.-lo fO 00 • family ncaUoa. three-bow' match. wbkh Jl&d to Pl.rate eec:eac: Steve Boulder Jack H .. •nt 8barp down lo Carl Ber~ l r 1 PI• d a.nd
Bo(Jt lam.I KOM thrM runl en; Mar1l Reade, Gary Bbert· Eric Han•n. lut year'• wtn· be In~ for lunch. Da'fid l1Md lo th.lnS; llbarp ITOUBMd lhJrd. Sharp knocked o •er l'rank RJvua sinfled for th•
in the _..enlb; bolb one ln the •r. t3'-ll D&nnJ JobNlon. Bill net' and tl'll1 )"Mr't co-fuortte, ftnally O?WCaJM doedy-matcJMd to th.lrd; Pete l'•thef'lloll .uuc..k Fe&UlerlnfUl and came home u only other 8(av• hJll. l'tve 01-
etpUl &Ad the BraYel r ot two Palmer and Robert Norton 12-S). moved u.11ly Into the final•. Den t-4, 1-t, 7-~. Younr John.Ion out. t.he ball went to left neld· RJo. ant erTOn aftd 10 wallu added
In top ot t.he ninth and btld lhe Tbt Cube ta,aed the Dodf•n B&nlea won ~ atralpt Ml.I, tben ddeat.d lltUe Seott Smith Cardin&l aecond: H u J be rt l.ben ~ wild lo ~nd bue to the ecore.
Ptr&la acorl«• In i.ut of the wtth a 24-7 def•t u Bob Beck· MtUnr down J im Hick• IM. t--0 l-0, ._, flj m•l ~ brother ln It.ruck out; Ken Wallace fanned; to .. et J'eatheraton and u came Arlla1 K.Uo .. 1 iot th• only
tnal.fts. . er homered. Frank B ryan went In tbe nnt round and Rlch&rd the nnall. Hammond wu hit by ptt.ched all the way 1n for lh• third run. hit for the Olant.I ot1 Bravu'
I ROlll: &UNS ball. atole MCond and wu Shrader and Berl'•ron. threoe for th,,_ and JohA Cu-thrown out by P ..... ,...,.,.. to Cardlnala •venth: O.lchtll
TM Bnv• bad flve hom«n chalra and RJck1ry Bl&lr went GARDENER POPE THROW ONE ateaJ third. _,,",. bunted two foul and took an Sn· Major •t.and.lqw; Piratea '""; wit.b lldp K&ndle eonneetlnc fol' two for three tor the loeen. I Ptrate ........... ••-... b•---n 111.S. comer tor Sharp'• ntteenth Bravu 9·&: Cud1nall W ; 1>9dl'· two; K•M7 Swanaon, lld Noo-Cuba we paced b David ....... a ....... .n.v .,_, .irlk t vt u H It>. VI t-7; Cube ""4 Olanta f-10.
Mn. Cd Gary Pa.mue one u.ch. Kon"i.1 wbo"' bomeM ~d Sot HIT BALL AT PC BRAVES ~ ~ !oan:::P~ ed ~s:rp'•c ;'~~""rt;:!~;-----------,,_ Plratee bad four homera four tor five; Donia Wacna-a l er. Wallace bunted and Sharp UlreW
WIUt CUq ID.Qs. Mike Tu .. Jlm homer and lhrft for nve and Cardinal third: J'•tbertn&11l Hulbert ovl at eecond; Hammond
Crawford. and Da.n.ny Ball ctr· Mark Schley, horner a.nd three and Jack JI& fanned· C'aJd.. b~ and lhe Ara• won on
a.alti.ftl and Jett Bk" ... tllq tor tour John G&rrich and Glenn Oudner and M1ke Pope Qu...sff and Tom Ollbut com· well and Noe 1:ant14 and ~ ll)&aq'• no-hitter.
feur for five. Ora.mu FeuLer wenl tour for combined lo throw one hlta ball blned lo throw no-bit ball tor tanned.
11111 Oar~ wen bot u lhly four. at the Brana Wedn..aay nl&'ht the Pt.tate9. Ai. Oran .. , Cout Colle1"9 11.te ~ \.be Cubl 29-7. Hiw.t,. Final r.utena IJlandln,.1: Car-u th• cube upenoeo thnn M PCL .tandlnp: Olanta n~t ; Nor BIO rLt.HS Admirals, Ge..,.I aclm ce IUt.nJct« ha1 been ~Y Jon McCo!Uate (M ): G&ey dln&la lM; Brav• 12-1. Giuta In Pacific Oout Learu• play. ~ 10-T; Bnne. CUM Ptrate follrl.b: Jewe ,-rounded 1 ·-.-L.---G awarded a~ pant i7 UM Wr1lld (M): Jolaa C:.. n U-t: CUbe t-11; Pt.rai.. •u· Pope rn• up the only hit. a and Ptratu 7-t; Doqwa t-10. aecond; Peue walked and ~...,.. MSt'I United It.ate. Pub.Uc B •a 1 U1
(IM)! ...._ Jlla.rtt.eU Ud ~ &aid l>oclpn •H. ' 1ln&1• by Larry Holmu ln the went flj lh1rd u ~ n.... N&TY ~ and u llen1oe.
' • tlft.h lnnlnr. Law Puh M thnw Queenu'• J?'OU.DCler wtct. 4lr. rare. ..i. all OD t.Jae H• i. Jam• &; Vce.ulq. a •:.lit · Stat L C 'I'll• Cube rot nve run.I ln the esans lo t\nlt.. Souder bWlt.td Ule ball reUred •a.t. c::.. '° be CU-ti spedalt.lt in puultoloQ. u. .. tnll e e1•1e lbs-fourth .. Richard Rlaon •lnJ"led on ,__._.IHI Honor back to HulMrt who trapped ot Amlpe Vlejoe au~ a ,... ceptance ot t.be irut "'=
• with Gc\t Shafer a.nd Glenn ~ ··~ Pit.-between th.lrd and borM ~~ al U :IO a. m.. wecsa.-McCauley to 1•" on._.
To Serve Y•
, II , • f u Jo 2 Miller on !both hit by pltclwd and Jtloe threw hlm out lo lborl· day ln Newport 11.UbOr Tadlt to, do hla reMal'Ch In 0rqGL
I .Ir 0 ftUb r ... bait.); Gardnar WU ea.te on a nnt readlnc-Of an ordinance It.op Clark. Wllh Queener on Q~ 'I have enjoy.d my aperl..ee pwv • neldn'• ehotce and Jed HOUiton lllabllllhlnl' l ·boUJ' parklnl' umtt ..eODd and Souder on tJnt aba.rp ' at Oranr• Oiut eou.,.. I .,. ~ u.r_,. wt~ two upeet pla'9 w'nday with a n-1 truune-and Tom AU.n btt .uOC.-ve and poeUn.r flj that effect on fanned. Am.llQI Vl4jo9 DINCt.or 1'111· Down ot ao otber .-.i le 1
.... to au aec.d pS.C. Ill Sq. lfftll nuu Ill tbe third 1tnrlea to brtnc In lhe otMr off..trwl par1dn .. Iota WU pu9-Card1nala fou~: Wally 0.t· = ~~a:.~:: ~~~ ":!.~~ :.: a..itl.. Ni the -... ......
'Gui ...... .CUd!np Tll~ Woke up the pme. Tbund&y lhrM nJN. eel by Comta Miia at7 Council chtll and Hulbert tuned; Wal· Air J'Orce· Vice Adm. KUo p ,. .,.. _.... ... fttd&,J al Rora.c:. J:nalp the an ... Wound "P th• -..on Doul' Trapp and Ken Wallace July 18. lace waJlced and wu thrown out wu-. ~ Adm. Jack Peanon lolkal tra.1niJl&', Kc09ul., ead. eat Ulif ~~ ..mn,. metbod.
with a 10-10 record u they rot the only hit.. u the Cardl· First marked on tlle al'enda lteallJIC eeeond. and "'Rear Adm.., aUJ R&Mteur, = The Oalli9 u_peoded the llMt.ed Ua9 Ptrat• 12-1. They nal• be•l th• Dodrer• J'rlday a1 an "urcericy" ordinance bUt P1.ratn fl ft h : l'ealbft'wlon Na.-y UM hfAI l"*'tL 'Iba mm;
ft ~~:.... OlldSJWa IS-13 Wtrl boll*' H atta thrM evvUDf. Trapr'1 tlnJ1e came In later chanpd, Ute ctt.y law would (l"OWl.ded out t.o the pltdfer; lar7 'mea an now otnclal.I et.
--aa Mealt oocmec~ lnn1AP ot play. ll'le flrwt wllh Nell McMillan ald th• ~rktn,. di.triet commi. RoblNOn .truck out; Ten Jb'ck o. aircraft tnd\WtJ1• tn th•
.. ftlr tar ._...... ft\al Cal ltata ~: (walk l and Tom Kodl cneld•r'• lion wtlMl tile n-dty parkiq walked a.ad went lo MCOact oa a Loe AnpJee ..,_, nw, lAct lilt a bOIMl' tor C ardlnala IT-I; CU .... lW; cbolce) on baM. Wallace'• hll dlatrict pea tnlo CJP9NUcm dur-balk. a&ndoYal atruck out.
U.. a.lq du~ Ucl t•mmate t>oqerw H-t; Bra"9 10-10; Ol-came tn tl'le fltUI lo ecore Trapp tnr Ute Cl:uiltmu abopptnl' ... Oardlnal f 1 ft b: Hammond. Dwtllit 'i'tpplef rot tour tor anta •·11; Ptrat.9 l·lt. (walk). J'tnal tally WU &·I. llOf\. reaU..r1nftU and Hay .. 1trUck
lls. ftlda7 U.. °'"' Ml.t the Paul Anlboney, Bob Tweddell, 'n• conunJNlon admtta tl bu out.
.owai. .... wtua lten Hurwtta. 1 ~al c....-.. T'-11-em Karr•. Marfin TaykM-and no money lo pey anyone to Plratea llbth: JeuM popped to D.-~ ~ Ud Jett ~ -..a Steve Wlnelow l\lt for the Dodi· enforce the rerulatlon. Parkera aeeond· p-rrounded lo Ihm·
• .._ ....._ tM ...a.ten. 21 Per Cellt Gala •"' but couldn't put their hlta would be mo" or J-oe their ~ sroundld to .econd. '
'1111 Ol.'9 tlrOll.e a dee4Jocll tot'el.Mr for eounten. llloMr. OardlDala ~· caldwaU, Jtloe trt~ a. ~ tw ~ A. p1a ot JI .,_. CC'll ln In the 9KOnd pm• P\'1day &M Oark lt.l'Udl. eut. i====-=------~reel ..... ~ "Y tb• nll'ht. the lequ. IMd.inl' Olaata u.a•tu• =:;~~~~~~=--=~~~~;=:;;;:;;:;;;~ Newport Balboa .. Ylnp and were knOUed oft •·1 ., lh• llllUUU"5
o,, ............. .
.t 1M & Mala Sts.
S I fa Alta
'l'a1k •Mui r .4.ftt Drt.,,..
JOW" d\l.lt.)', roaO.--.ry nr SD
hen. Tit,.. mlnut• i.t.er,
.... It 9Ul ltp&rkltf\I' CIMA.
CAil WAIH TODAY I I I •w...-.• ..........
Loan A90datlon d'lu'lns tb• JI· lowly Ptrat•. The wtnnen ec<>r-n.1••-•NCE
month pertoct endln& .Ima• ao, ed t.b.ne Nl'l.I In the thbd lnntnr ~
NeW Da'ria, tacuU.a ~ u Robby Arthur 1ftllrecl, Carl Oii --=-............ dent ot the c.Dfcnla 8&~ Cotton and Ren Pa.latent alnl'l· •. a.Jt7 ,._
&ml Lmn 1Aqo1; ...,_, .. to-~td=·~T-.~~G~U!Mn~~~walk~~-~~and~!~-~~W=.io..ti!~·===~'"=S/=~ da,y. Jfln'/ Qu.-u llnc1ed. JWf7
~ °' the local lDllUwUoa
... ..,.. US.W.llC> wMdl Np,.
-le a fain of 18.11 .. UO for
U.. Jl.IM SO, 19:1&-M .,.,.._.
• 'l'ot&1 l'WOUJ'cta ot C&Jlfoml•
•'1.np .->ctat10119 now are
-.... bilUcm. Da'ril 000•
duded. --•.• .._ ...... ,
COLUCnOlll ac.-ata • .N-.. • a..-.. .., ....... ~ . ..,......
1a • -. -Ne ..taa r •t-.•w • ....._ ... .....,
caa>rr 8Ull&.l0 .. w..-. Onulc'e O...tf
,~ a..lt ...,.. et
s-...... 8-c--'. &...-a ..... ... c..ta ....
tM&h·• ..... A•.P.O.ks .. 1'"n'l'On auca. CA.Ur.
118 IOtb St.. Newport BtwJt 11..t. 1511
-,_.._ S1 ........ a.,., .. c.....,...., ..
AOOEPn TllOPllY-Mn. Harokt Sayre ot. Intne
accepta .her buaband'1 trophy with hi.I partner
Car.ten Woll o! Riviera C. C.-Magp Price Photo
p r • m I a• d a pcQl.N
..... came) of &.b&t
· adOrabla" Dnpn99 DI·
.at wtuch won ftnt prtae
Je (M'l-9. Ralpb) Qu1na at
' puty. ll WU • ...,.._,
wt.a (Mn. Homer) MWcr
rueted ot a 1-y-.r..old
(real> aAd t.riamld
ch• of avocado peen
wtUl little pink orc~d
.. .... amolll U\ca.
,.., -th• pan.cake bMS
ceoked for a man wbo
OD17 01110 ll WU , ...
uoUMr .... wlao ,..
; tt pt atuhed •w&7
WI. WMl t.hroqt\ a ftn
OoocS ( tboM Uttas:• ca.a
ta lft< dopa) and
it• ..... dellplf\a.117
It. tGlW'e critp. Jt M-
U.... of a local woman
~I madl1M8 at
O&Jl!&U a 1.,1121
VDlm.N'l' UDO mOGa 18MlVlaLNit-..... _
aWllAJ&D'I a.mo lfAIMST
a.t-··-·-·· ..... LA IUWfa _Via....,._ ...... ,.
UDO ff .uMWlfa .... ,...,...._...,._1111
aMA•MlllJC* ..
"'' va. ....._ -a.a. sn
~W.~ta ............ _ ...... ' . ruun , UIUU. .
VIN~rl UDU DtltlGI .... , ......... _..,.._
u..-.a:llOI' atJDIW .... .,. ..... --.;w ....
a.&&&& \>19 ,. _....,.. Ull
lfr II(
............ ,. .. ~'IA t(I ....
• c----
•:u1........,-c-ta . . .._ .
Uwt:JWUI •
-· -
. .
I ..
. • . here's the quickNt, surest way
to Item what
Growing families will OUTGROW 'most anything you cen think of : •• from
houses to clothes ••• from furniture to &hoes. Add 'them all together and
you heve just about the biggest, most responsive market in town. GI•• •
thought to-their buying habits, and you · can start a weve of new bu1h't•i•
coming your way.·-Here'• the wey it is. Because they need so MUCH, they
must buy WISELY. To make every budgetary dollar do full duty, they st&idy
the eds in this newspaper carefully before they buy. To make your adver·
tisin9 dollars do full duty, put them to work where 9roWl"41 famlUes stert
shopping: HERE! .
\ r l 11 ( I
N11Vla()p91W ..... ...a
~UDOIU.UIC'f NII Via I.Me -..,._ _
a aA INSvuNCE AGEND 1111 w. o. aum. mo.
.... v ........ -.........
a.tat. Deooraton ..
81UcM hlllll'Ma A.IA
MltVlaU..-..,._ ...
MJI Vie l.M9 -...,._ ..a
Ka.lap Lmpol'ta •
.. Via •hp ....... IDT
aJ<llA&D'a LIDO w••m
MllVlal.Me-........ 1111
•• £. ........ me. ......... _..,.....,.
Mlt ..... -...... Mn
\'la&Mt .......... .... ...,..,.. -..,, ..,
1111 UDO u.u.ft &WJCUna
Udo8&Ji19 a aat.u. ... Viau..-.......
fpftwta m'U.VUND
MltVlao,.te•~ ...
a.taB 14YIN08 A LO~
tlCI HWl"Ulrl Ml.WO&
.. VUIG9 a LO.Uf. AllOO
A8&Nipo.m.U. ,., Tm-. .... LeiAili
1m aaom-lllr• ......................
1111 .. Yla ..... -lllllllw ... smoa.•-· 11111.&"S -~ .............. _ ...... _
'IBl!Aft• a.llM>sma&m
... -ODuWt Uda ,.,.,..,,.... Vial.Mt ............... .........
., .... ~ . '·
, idft ·Luncheon
Deco ed
tdng Affiliate
-icing the
ainbrace .,. w ...
.. ca..,.wo ltat. Hollplt..a.
One di.)' ... pt IOcktd All ttood
0.-. tor lM'M -.;. ~
M ,... aot a ,.u.t.. won
-..-. w aloni" wM NOOS·
ataed. ..... Ud t(ttctad. hit "" ......
_, ..... ~~~~~~~~~~·--~~~~~~~ Kt.tt1Ja BW, da\llflta' Of UW. f -....1 ... -.u lam~ BW. ot w .. t J1a7 A"'-,. Thi.I week, over on ~ 1 Iale of Skye, the at ......, ..._. ta \1Dlft1111t7 ~Leod clan hu pthered ai Du.nu.epn C..U. and amon1 ot 11&...._ Dr& M.U.O w OL.ol
tiOM preaent are the John McLeod. and dausbter Janet ., VIC on wmm• atatt , •• ff. Harbor laland. 'J'he local man ~ wettern vice prai· and Tom KW. aon. ot -u.. Sdf&r
ent of the McLeod Society and three ye&n ago wu ho.t. IL RW.. pti:w arowaill ~ world
UM chtrf, Dain• nora JllclAod, .,ho b&w ,,..,_ ln I:~ tor Oft • .. NaYJ enai99. ta U.. Md-
• chief -~ta. Jolul Me. two ,..,.. TM bo)'8, .lob.n and t:M'l'&&Mn tor * inonLlLI. ~
and bi. brother Patrick. Michael. ba.,. Men at a board• .,... tba .UUO aide. 40ft to
, Bot). Q\Men ma.MU. &lid Prla· ins Khool onr then a'nd haY• JUo. ud. WOUJd ral.M' IN la
ceu Marpttt wen to atu.4 Lb.• bMra mLb.u•utie •bout Lb.elf Newport ••• ,._ Rolla all
celebrt.UOll.. A. Al.aa.ndw HamU-acU"riUea. TM family will be ..... Dat'Opt .,. down lnto
ton. ot Balboa ta a dNCftldaat ot haifn• about lqt. 1 . . • nat Ponv,p.t. Mdl to h'uc. aocl
tM Kc:lAOda and hM lft bit ,_. rowtl" Newport lawyu Who U.. up to Korway to ftllt W.
• , • ,,. NMlon on• of th• old ramlly opmed an otttc in A Y&lan Mo ll&rtanl cl•wa•tt. ln hrla ba RESERVATION AND ~G commJ:ttee9 for IQD,. Mn. \Valter B. OU.tin. chairman. Mn. Paul i Bible• printed tn. <H•lle. d\Ult u.a r.'• umpty hwtdtad wW RlMl la1I)' Torn, wbOMi
the Seatartnr Vaeoalo ~mple BuOdtnc f1md' bene--Rosen, KrL Frank D. K~er, chairman M'.rt. Thua youc uUM.I who •-people tiler. and 10meona mlrht ~ ::.S ':.~ :! •,.:
w11 .. ...,. ,... .. .,., •
fllllll' ••t•m •tf1 ..._.... ... ......................
ia-M..-. 1IWW ..... n.n.• .. ,... .. a , ... ~·~=; C..11 tie tiOll•7 fw I ~
.... ..... "'"" trlat ,.. .. ... "' .... "• .......... . fit luncheon and fuhlon abow it the Balboa Bay Ray'Nlellen, &bd Mn. Lee Barne1. Fundl from th hibttad at eout eou.s..-.. sood rt.ad ..me. at • COUMeJm--_..,., •
Club on Aug. 28', la made up of thete memben of event wU1 10 to the .interior decoration of ...... lbow. M•ur1c• Morai..• .. ,,..i. and commut.ea •var Monday vta\;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ ..... 1AI" 0ocr· .... ,..uy nn.. Vk aipaedboat. · Harbor Re1t the Ea.stern Star, ahown u final arrangement.a reoenUy dedicated. Muonlc Teinple. Becknf lmlQL'• "Bridesroom" wu amv.a-aupart.or Court Judp GordOn
1et underway. From left: Mra. C. Gordon Hud-~-Plroto ~. • 1 tns. Many otllar pkturu wen A. Fleur)' of lacram1nto cror-Memorial Parle lfl lit<'
-Uwtrl-Mal U~ •
:~:::::1=;::;::=::'.:;:::=:;::::::;::;::;,::;:::;:::;:~;:=1notable. On•~aru.t 11 evtdenUy mu ueemblyman rrom t.bat ••-••-111..,_, --r-"".,...-~r..., , . .uu. uptrtmeatms. and oa. • diatrict), hil wlf• and thrft a..-111' c1•1t•rt
• 1... lus• llC<. naa eboilt" u a wbo&a da\llbtan ar. vacaUontn.c Mr. &an.r .. Clw.
r ., • wu tnten1stln1 aDd wortb .eet~. tw tha month of J.upl. U.v• 1:;::::;;::;; N S W P 0 R T H A R B 0 R "°" auuna Phi a.tu _·or-La.ken a bou.ta ln Ba&coQ s.a,.. I
&111• COWll)' Ahlmnaa "'-'da-Wu pr• m I• ad a pktun 1l
lion will hold It.a annual picnic: (whkb ...,... cam•I ot that
tomorrow, II a. m., at tha horn• "atmply adOnbll" l:mprea. 1:\1:-
or Mn. Mu""-J Rabbitt, 110 pnt. hat wh.lc:h won ant pn.. au.. VI.eta 8t.. AU a1ua1.o an ror KaU. {JiCn. Aalpll) Quina at
weJconte. Ml-J-c:aJI Mr al Har.; a 8PW ,.rt)". ll wu ClaalJMd
tgr tffllrvauona.. by AlbUt& (M.n. Homer) KW.r
..iwa-baea tnt-r.ed t.n4 eonatn&etad or a 1-y...,....., "~ pane&ll:• (re&!) a.ad trtmmld
1A ty achooM art dap&rt• wttb bunch• ot a\'Oe&do l(1'ffn
----------------... --..,.--• l"'9f!.{ at th• lAp.n.a FMUval f th -th lltU lftO 0-.. ld· ~ ,,_., ... ll 8Mmll not nearl)' .. •ra .... • P '"""
NEWi'ORT HARBOR NE'NS.PRESS-P.ART 1-PAGE 5 u ~ ., 1n "'"" -... :' •=--~ -::;:::.,°'::; . MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1956 mlldtc •llnl)' ...,.. enlftff ... .... • .. to • ... • .. bcN'a,fllliW> --l'1'adei of N--COO r II
Five Year Contract
~ .._.. KlloolL or th• ordered onl7 ona; It wu pr.
10 dwfllll aec.ptld a A. Raa Mft lid lo another man wbo re-
lc:bool had ala hWI Hartlor t\IMd. It; It pt •tubed &W&.1
Hlrh llcbool !Lad 11! In UMo on a lhalt', w..-it tbrou,b a ftra , lat~ pktur• _,.. bJ lilarpl and • flood fthoaa th1nr1 can
llalt11t.i Dona Bant.my ....,. Mppen. lJI malt ahopl) and a.~ Malinda lmlt.b. ~ Tod fln.l.ll7, It.I .cir• d.ilatit.tully
Von Hamart. From ""-kbool. evrled, Ila tu:lura criap. It ba-
Je..-ry Butler, .Jllrr)' Nolaad. cama a hat.
J'09tu lilft, Leip JohnNn, Th• brotlier of a )ocaJ woman
J•rTJ Noland, lln• Holll.tt.ar. HnicH dil~ rnadlln• al
P&rU -Dea.1.--aer.1e11
MU Via tu. -...... ,. t?tT
Bll:AV'l'Y l'ABIAIB8
NII .Nil. &lff. -Bat. 1111
C..-llHt c..,...
MNV .. OparW --&IOllA&D'a UDO MA..ll&ft
INSUMN'Oll: &011:11'1'11
W. 0. BUe&. INC.
.... die ..... _ .&.LD.
"'' Via Ude -...........
DJCli. IU<lll&&
au.~ru WD..IOH
lilaJap lmporta . ... v ......... ..,..,..,
S W-llaiili Stjle -Offend for Pint 'l\mo. •
Alllloc SZS.000. ...... de W --r·t.
1111 "• v..t ...,._ ru11111n1u: WINDOW oovawre
1811tllarllorllh<d. -•rt•itr .... OICll. •a••c• TD ••• WW ..,. va. 1.w. -......._, ._ kutl9...,..or-.--. •
... . .
. .
· ..
Benl1e Alden Photo
H ugh~s-Tohill
Vow Exchange
in St. Andrew's
At Home in Costa Mesa·
After Honeymoon Trip
Federation Junior Board,
Compiles 'P's and Cues'
Hawoiian To r •••••
1'w .. p1a,u.
Chord Orgcm
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Hamburgers "deliciously done"
in 2112 minutes-
when you cook electrically!
Toon MOTBINO coocs PAST~• than a modern
~ ~ From a c:old 1tart witb a cold pu.
..... .--....,. an readJ to e.t in l~ mmu&a. Hot
eoaip t.a. 61~ lacon and •IP 3 ~ mi.outa.
Pry • ......_ bfoG ot rc.t -doctricaty doa it betw.
Tuu.a'a M~I : ;/Our kitcben 11 cooler. And
deuer. Pou aod pam keep that mirror-bri&bt
••ioe.. licbCa walls loot fruJ, ud acw •~
laqrr •
Arra WAUAJlfn' Oii Y'O'll' ranp «Qirm.Ed*-
liMCti 'l /ne -cbartll oaJy for perta, if eeeded.
I• '°'1aa mu. COO&DfO the o&d ... ,. it'• limply ---JOU ..... , ...... '56 cledrk ,.. ..
• J'Olll' ~ dlallr'a.
VWT lllM ad LIN .,ta-~/
• • • • ... , ..........•.................•.•.••••.••••
who's on first?
""' ... _.,.., ...... ....................
"'1•0..... ..... •a.. ....... .. .. ,.... .. ,., .. .......
- 7 ,.._ .. . ............... ............. "-........... ,, .... •as .... ._. _., ..... _ ...
•.• .. •
. ; _,....... _ _. .... t
..... ·"11 • __ ,. -•
~ ....... ·~--
• '
··--,-~ ; &ine ~.Garden FUCHSIA . CULTIVATES'
~.-==-:s,~~~Tl ·.'A6E 7 POPULAftlTY OF ROSE iJ·P~'!\ . .-HPridblDCJ CrMte1 Typ• to
RE :ff.' EU' Will FOi IEW _ Drive 111 YcsylDCJ Cllmal• . · I . EllOUl.ITY IN HM -~· ........ _ ....... u .... "" k'• -..., • ., .... " " .... u.. lucha.. rl .... \Mt-ol ~ ......... ICatW .. _.
Ute "*"' hr U.1-' ~t&I ~ W ,.. llltti k __.. .. • the -Qt J.,. ..... bu lncnuecl -Ja allnlb Ch be ~ prwn •et .. Ult ~ .......... -t ~ tM .------la the .. -·-" di-... Wiii ctw --"" -.. --,.,_ ..... __ -more &'"''le. To --1-lllroqbout \ht .tat~ u.. p&u..t w •• ··-~· rvu--···---..... -·~ n. tvcha&4. narq,iid tor "-"' P'laa&ll ta ea.niaa... ·-... ~ storaP, ~ many improvemen~ a.rd l'UeU who wu U.. tint tu., out .,...,. otW-:r-r aM .. ·-:.;;;ar,.tununc to wood built· ,. """".,.......,., ............. '"'...,. -...,.. 41 • bo-, l-'.,,.i.. _ __:_ .M.1.1.1-\II ..Un \o Oaitnl Pd~t). llnnl.nf ot Ut. ,,..... -*"' ..,. _ ._,_.., America. Mukio, the Weet Ill lb au.maat. ,..,.. _..,. .ti ~§~~P: ..,. a~ Ma.nutactureni A..oc-di• .,., N-Zealand. n.r U\41 top bM:ll. o; -n. ..,. ftM ~-1 .Jlillplta that home ownen conaider in-· couat.n.. ....-lhe cllm&Uc root. and Nplac. ll'lUr. Ute ~
C06dilioM that bMt MJ.lt the com .... nd..t IOI.I nalsture. ()On• ... j " 1"'ood paneled wall ~t the &a.me time f'\acMla.-humJd117, parUaJ. Madia, UJner·"'°""" J"ucbaM m•l b4
• cabinet.I and thelvin(, to give their moe.tv. and a .,._, dM..I C>I watend &nd fertUlHd ..,. 9ft>-
bole --· "t -n .. rood. Byt rcent b.J1nidlalna hM an I.ban Ulo9e la tile ~ fOQIDa a W nt-w Dt.-~ Y U w~ u lf'tl.v dnelopid \Oii.ti.ti• that wtU Kalnt.ata -..,.. mcdature oOD·
q Utilft.y, thrfff evm IJI. the bot, dry cit-!M!.t; evokl w•terinc wbM!. tht
I,_,..,..~ .. ..,,...,...,.....,,...,...,...,...,...,...-:',...,... _______ I mat.ft of the C.Jifoml• tnta1or IWI 1-dtr.cUy oa tlMi pl&al. 0.
· nlltyl, If properly .-had.cl. ••nn da)'11 an O't'erM&d ~ .00: .9UIET ·A HOME? _N.:,,n::i<:;. :~:. ::'..,': ..... -mm ... ~od.-
Acoustical Treatment to ; =~~;.'~~~~!: s:!o~"1t8~1::. UtM to -In _;;t -• R ST eully creal• Uui damp ,,.,.owin.1 bull» for •JM'ial' bloom. .......U.
' CUVNi r EALTORS HoNo -.Gue Exces· s Must Be· Avo"1ded ;; •• Uon~::.~,··:.Nt.·~E.~;~~-· :::..i ... tr'!.-'" ;'m_~_· ... :.."·:~
' <>r..,.. CoU!ltY real\Oro boaor ~ ~ Oxe<U· of the Oninpi Clounty Reol"'ra' CoUDcil: Co....-. -· ·-., ... " ,_ ---
tlYt vle.prei'fdeat .of the Na~nal ~tion o( Fa.rel Walker, eecretary of the county cottncil, 411U UnbelleYable u It ,Ay Mem. f.cUftly controUlnr Mt• h•v•llalner culUvauon i.-aullnil bulb• wt.en top11 have tun'Mtd ,..~
1teU Estate Boarda, Cblca~, Ill,. at tbdt reguJ&r Roy M~rdJt ol Cotta Mea, pre1ident of lh(' It 1, pQMlb._ to mab • bonlt Min ~ by the pluterinj: for f\ichal.u: they can bl hun3. low. Dual lrith DDT of' Jlllll&M
•lnOnthly meeting, July 26 in Ditn~lt;D(t. Li!ft to Newport Ha.rbor Board. too quiet. ueordtnt to the South· 1.ndu.tln'. 1'1r.t., 800Ad bwuJaUoti In Mady P1*«• on }"Ollr Jlft"'-· aM ftoN hi aha.now ~ u.W "'° '"' ~ ..... ....,. Pliat.artnr• lllati-hfuden' tbe conduct of 90\lftd \ 1.nal. pt.Uo or terrace. Uprlpt late winter or aprt.n1. fl&• Rov Roberuon ot ' ....... Beach chiirman ~ n.11ett" are rodUy irown bl ~ i: ..._........ , tut.e. t:.«'lllve acoldtlcal trut-'ribraUOfUI from one part of • tutNI on the Uo noor. ,
mmt c&n arou.a a t"llnJ 0( buUdtnr to a n o th 1 r thl"OUJ'b P" MESA
UPHOLSTDY "'oler1nt,' tut · ILLEGAL PAPER . HAN. GIHG Plan Smog :.:·.c:::.":'..,,~ ~.::.~,.=~:::·:.:"' .. '.'.":::;.~"I~-::..':"~~ Tl>• n~.:n;: --i·· I. · . Developm~t of acou1tleml plu-and plut.er 11 the moet fffectlve P'Uc_halu In conlalnert b to --
Not"" for . fiie ,· KEEPS DETECTIVES .BUSY Research at :::..'::'':".:.:t:· :;-n ...::::<:: ::::~!.'.··.~ .. ~.!;" ;! -:.-::,~.,.,"~.;,~· ::.~·~.::i~ ·-...= :.::.-:-' the-polnl wM" It 11 na Jonpr conducted by the N•Uonal Bu· hanrtnr huk•t.. portabla pluler UN N'~ ••4.. o.• ._ S "" F• dtlturbtftr n.Uter than allmtnat· l'MU ot' Stal'ld&rd.a. Il -a. ott boxatl Ind lubt. Th• U.t of tnil· 1 ~===========; Peeder. IRdS St ' Pl t 1nl' It .. t1re1y. 80Und more errecuv.i1 than any Lnc' nr1ell•1 ill • lone on., but
B7 BftT llll~TNA.LL Thi merchant cuh*I th1 check, eam an AllhouP, -ndprooltar wu other coiutnictlon m&terlal t.C.· aoma of t.hli outatandinr u.m11 IANTA. ANA, (0CN8) -A Piper banrtor 11 a lectUmate which, of courM, wu not eood· toemvly ona ot °'' moet dim-ed. 1r1 Anna. mariant.a and carmln1
driver'• 32 mile &D bour •ined bu.lnUI but, 11 th• term ts uatd 8toru ar. .iow ln nporttnr cult problm;t.1 of home coriit~ Dltfertnl" rrom 90\lnd lnllUI&-with frff-fiawerlnJ. hu11 dotlble
in a I~ mile an Jlour Sant.a Ana In tha underworld, lh• profu-~. lo pol.le• and Ult. J''f'• &outh•rn Callfomla Edleo• Uon, m•n)I Y"'r• of teMUCh Uon, lh• Heond method le to bloom•: marinka wtth brl1bt
.. olon .. flourlahlnr today Ilk• th• ............ • chanc. to men on, ComP.AJly'• nsw mulU -mljUon '"-d •-olop-•ot .... __ -· ••• 11 .. -·•II ••d ••Uior ·-• 0 .. ,, red, profUM elnJI• blool'a: uAd
llDrle lut J un•' dio not warrant .--l ,_ ......... dollar HunUn ....... n Buch St\am .... .... .,. ,..,_ .... -.. --.. .... ..., aurora euperl>a tn orina-e. SIYlnf a ticket. Tl'lat'e what a Green Bay ~. •ccordln1 to Bloom Ila ea. Pro .,,.., """""' •-di.iced 1cou1Ucal plaat•" wlllch .urt1ce. to et.orb end nduee
Ba.nla Ana trLfflc officer told OetecUv1 81t. John J. Bloom of pa-r1 mov• froft, one plac• Stalijon will be equipped with the will aW:Mlu. unwanted not• and th• 90und within a room. Acou•t-vartety that haa proven fin• tor
t. moat modem and effective com· the hot (IMt Interior n.lleyo I• Bob Grvel In Jodee Ronald the N-port Beach Police 0.-to ano tr an • -o em •Ull ma.tet.aln the hll(h fire, !eel pla.tler9 hav• bMn d•velo... ' ·' ' ~ 11 I t th bu bu1Uon devtcea knO'W'n to eclena. amapo\a ln on:hld·roM and piok, Crookahank'1 Suporior courtroom ....,,.._tnl, who 1ponda m<Mt ol hla mtke a •"""' "ns a e ._ .. ......., rallnr ot 1tandard lath whl~h not only •boo•b unwanted ..-~.. accord1nJ to C. D. Bbedenhrim, ,..~ .. w1th Ja-1, Hmi-doublt flOWVI
Safuf action
nctnU time trylns to check bad check lneu. But lht chan.c• Oley t&lill and pluter 80Wl.d but whk:h tn °'' aound ·• y. ( u t Edl.IOft dUltrict mana1er. · • P •nd • v1ruroue h•bit ol lf'OWUI. GIV'lt w•a cltld for dotns SJ writer-. •r• •r1t, u • • P can pu TWO lftleJ"al methodll ot et-,...,.. and control tb4I amount fllew wntern f\lchelu for
1161 mllea an hour 1n the radar-con-Thia bual.ne .. of OoaUn1 no them ln a penitent.Lary. ~ l.atfft adtnUflc and en· ------and anal• or l"!fiectlon, lmprov
account c.htcka 1Nect1 every on• IN A RUall'Y rtneerlfll' knowled11 avallable lo -Include ll'f'tn.I tn.JU11a-vari•U•:
trolled &Ofttt on Cyprtt1 St. nee.r ' -··-tho •l-tno•i induatry •• beinc Trop1'cal Type ln&" tudi•nce rec:epUon. Col'lllplCUOU•. llShl and dal'lt !'OM MyrUe. He dec:ldt'd to take the becauae moet o I.hem .,., ...,..,_, A bad check writer 11 usually -c tro1 r 90t1nd trall#mL 1 i h th I
.mpl.y .. lo tho deal~ ot lhl'r-on ° .. on en.dee; 1ununer enow, aJI white; _c._ to courL n etorta w ere • oea 1 1UU talkf!'r ind in a hurry, .... Uirou h noore hi h ua ally WAY AND SAVI•
I I th ~ d h ·-mo! -"pmont to pl'O'f'i"'-the I • • c u Mayflower, lipt and dark plnk: L.EADISO QUERY no e ove ... u c ar1• ...... Bloom 1t&te1. Merchant. eh011Jd ""t... ......, meane .....,,"din h-11 or other I
ood moot -pl•t• combuatlon -.. Pl ts 'A t· f ..----I' and rnonetf!'ra, masenla and Afll'l' uklnr 1'n.ttic Offktr evtnually nto COil 0 • .. rea.l.Jae that., when °"'IY ca.ah a •Ible. Si:denheJm claimed. r-an p or tepplnl' not .... le accomplllhtd crtmeon.
ftoOert Plllabury 11v1raJ quM· The terrific al.&e ot thl• opera-check. U..y are cnuittn1 crtidlt Jn addlUon to c:alllng on all N H wl-th ~~ U9en~~.plul.v9d cell· ...... ~o,'!?;.!?'..,NT .. .t.INE&tod ... ,.. Uorui In Cn>M-uamlnauon ,. Uon la ehown by the r~rt ol and lll'lould demand Ula aame _ -·· .... ,.~ _,. ••
1ardln1" lht worklna-e of the tht Lqp Anfel.a clearlnc houM kind ot ldenWbtion from the date 1va.Uabl1 to tht lndu1try U ewport oma. rleU• 7ou lftllt to ttJ In bani'• ueoclallon wlllch handlu an check wrlter theJ would fl'Qm a whole,· the Edleon Company ._. C radar co n t r o I, Gtvet Uked. wtU uUli&e preliminary tMU!t.e fr t I -& ~ conl&inen. the neat ttq la
.. What 1, I.he poUoe depertment'• averace of etx milllon chec.k1 a .a cr.dll l.CCOW!t. The merchant from lU $1,700.000 •Ir polluUOn Man1 Ca!lfomla bamu toda1 OfFGC, ~ , to chooee the rt(bt eontalner-poll•y lo ~-"·r U·k•" •." Ov••-wttk. rlJN'-ntln1 $MO mtlllon .tloul4 ... lhal the ell.eek t. pro-'"' •• ••• mod 1,_._ wbethf!'r It bo wtra ._.. m011 " •'""' .. ... reeeerch pro(Tam which 11 be· ltil IJI-..... ns tt'ft ...,.. ff--.rt Beach Elementary .._
• ru.tlnr •lrl!nuoua ob~Uone from •nd flnda t»it 20,000 lt1nne .=;: perly flhtd out, not written In Inc carried on. 1n cooperat.iotl et. ..chk..Wf'I.. To complete the ~~..-balkete. red·woocl boll:ee or ttl"lo-
U.. ~utor, .l.ba J~ lftdk:at. retumlod euh week •Ith pencU, If air..., mdor9ed he wll.Ji t.Llt L.ot Anl•I• COwltr ll)'I• ot IWlllrn, prden11 C&Jt. b. lchool Boe.rd laal week let mlc pota.. The boaea or poU are
eel Ula ol!lcer mJlbl &J\IWer Ult rMJtallon• •• "N~ l.C<lOWll," "N~ •hould rn.U• Ute pueer "P hll Al< Poliutloo Control Dlal.l'1ct, pltntM wtU\ tropical p" Im 1, contract. u followll : more popular now, l&ftd juttln· euttlclent tu:hilli.' On top ot th1• nun• .,aln, th• ..,eer'e drivlnr bl t ... --• ., -•1
...... -... ,.,, ,..,
.......... wttai •
quMUon. •nd other Southenl C<fomla b&J'nbe>M wtd ,.,...,. thtt tit To complet.41 lh• 1prin.liller ey._ & Y '°• or UHi _.. P ..,. "\V Ii lilU tol a oheck protecUn1 company llttnM number Mould be written _,._ b -1 Jn warm•• •llmate.e while • a ow can a • er-utilltlee. the man•rer eek!. wlill Into a m .......... all'l'H:lep ""· tem et Newport H~lAI achooJ. ......... ..
.... ., •. I., .... ..
-1 •.• , ..... ..
an.ce," •~•™ Plll1bv7. etatl!ll I.hit only l:lne·U\lrd of the down on tha check and lht two l:dleon hae l"!talned the -ervlcee Two bamboo ~ espedaJJy to W•t.em lprbtkJer Co., lltTI. U.. pot& (tha un1lased clay on ..
"How much'!" prf!'effd Olvet. bad checka takf!'n by merchant.e elpaturee and ~r'e d~1-of A. J . H••cen . Smit, •mog eult.abl• for a modera. ;ian1en Ra>p&lrlnr roof ot Newport provtde ucellent dralMse.
,,_ .......... ......
R~ TOLl:.KA.'"T are ever reported. cripUOa compared. reeeerch eulhority, lo h"d Ill are the variety Golden QoddeN Khool. lo Cra.tlll: Broll., $190. Into U\1 con.UJner put et Jeur
An1Wer«! the traffic officer· STOKE PRECAUTIONS When \JI.• ~ *•• the l'ffiNreh procr•m and Mlpdevel· and th• dwarf bamboo ,_ Trt.. tor N.-port H.t,tita l/I IN! mold, •bout l /:11 ••II·
Liberty .. nu
"Tolerance on that partlculer Where •toree ere caNM ll 19 l't.onl, th• m.en:he.n\ lhoUld note op deVlce• tor further control pypU&.) varl1Uu. na QOddeM abool, 5590 rotted cow muure •nd 1/1
day wu anylhlnl' over :112 mllee." poa9ible to ll"P )offe at a mln· If ti. SOM bi a car and ch.ck ot air contamln&nta. I• very plclurnque with el~ • ea.ndy loam. You may m01: eom• BAY ··nen t.oleranc• wu 1 T mllu !mum, .accon:llnc lo O. \\', Rich· tna U«nae numbl'r, Bloom utl'"· y1ll0w c-.e and Wf!'ll ~-th.,.., peat ma. lnto this combtneUon
,,. or Rlch1rd'1 Market. Hts Me~hante , ....... Id DOt ecctpt Shedenhl!lm "1d 1 Pe c I al -'don •t.tme. Thi ctwart ..... It you •~ aur. )'OU ctn keep an hour!\o Interjected I.he judco. ·~ i"'·" ~ It tolo•l•lon •m••U •-•lore caahed II mUUon In check.I l • daled che<:kl or rubbfir c ........., ... ,n;u c to 10 lnchee in a fMUl.ffy, deHr JOU.~ tuehllae -tered property. ~~~~'!t n~~ lael yeu, wtUI., a lo. or onl.J rta.m.ped checkll and penonal wtll be truit&Jled '° atatlon opera-ca.le manner. ..._t mou., howner, rn"'9l bl 711 w. 17 .. St. -·-wllh trtvelllnc one bl! charcet'I HOO. h• •)'II. but at that the t,.,...rttten checlU require more t,o,.. can contlnuoullly watch th• Pam Pa• Grue (cort.&dert& 11:.,t molaC. ccw..tanU7 tor onee mile In ex-__ 1_ _ tho t•••-tloo ldenWlc&Uon lhaa others. Bloom furnace flree J:rom e centrtl con· aelloe.n.t) 1, cluelfied ae an /
ceu of the speed limit.'' th• ..... • "'' trol room
defmdent told tbe becau.ee the banlil• charl'• U\•m aaya. He add• that cbe<:lu with · '""fT'lt" lhp.ib but It I• rtlllli)' judce. Hie "" Cftlt. for handttnr ee.cll Kr., Mra, °" Mlm·&re dan~ The TV monltorlnr cemer11 a rlaanl Ol'fltlmenlal sn-. It honor dl .. crffd. le wtll be 11upjilemented by an
G1vtt ha.oded over tba •11 c.beell:. Ill.one "" l'•lUnc to-belal.* f-P¥'P. ever •in ultr•·modem 1y1tem of alarm• srow. with .. w·t.ootbed ~
fine. 1elher on pl&n.11 t.o char1• for lhlft tt.amM tbat . ...,, u la U\e t~ warn oporatore lnetantly It lee.Vu ecce.ntuated .JYy one to
------------· l chldi. cuhtnc. cde~ wur. ntcknemM iare sip-thr8 foot hlfh plum• ot whfta How caret ... atotM can be ts ed. • the opac-lty of 1teck eml•1don• or plnk.
Hort T i I r.port.ed by Bloom In th• ea.ee TQ at.abllaJI "lntmt to de· reachts • perc•ntare con•lder-, Another ornament.&!~ 11.1lt-on r a of a maa ~ rou.r ch~k• ~ pob 1"lll M9d the check tbly lua even than mtnlmui: eble tor modem 1•rdwui t. th•
ta...W.wpai l 8e4M:h ~ 140 -.ch ltatr,· •tW ot tndonlna-, do-APCD requirement., Shedi!nh• pennlaetum villoeum or feat.her
on check& on which wu printed crl.Uo'a OI lba -i*:t. d-=rlp-reportf!'d. crua. A n•U•e ot AbyM.IAla. It I P t eel ... _,,_ t "N t t u f Id 0 ... 0 0 lhown d ne Edi!IOn ornclal eald Hunt· ............. , wt'" Tonr narrow Jeavee S OS pon tor ·i:,~:di... ... 0 l'OOd ucep de~: off!rl ~~r:..t?on at~ tnrton Bf!'ach Steam Station 11 :~d~eptku"he.uec1 by Ions. fe&lb·
Another ~Cbecll paaMr Ukld I& Um• ot eaatUn1 the cbec.k. Run btin1 dH.lfMd ~o bum natural •f'J' brlaUu. 11\ll'Ch~ Jf' he had • Bank of the check throu1h the ba.nk a pa whf'ft avail• e. but Wiii ha'f'e Two .m.all planta Ulat m&ke
LOB ANOl:LJC8, (OCN'B) -A"tf!'rlM' ~ ~ when told a.cond tbne end. If lt •Wl t. a •t•ndby fUel oil •Y•tem tor handllOme modem plentlnp .,.
The echldUled tJ1aJ. ot Wwtain '"-t .. , m•-•-·•-,.. t ...... lak it d oll the UN when fU 11 unobtainable. lho dWert umbrella plant <-•· I:. Horton end two otlw!r mem-..,,. ..., ·~.. o .. .,,. no c.... 1 an Ht nott'd 1uch t\Jl!I oll ee 111 ... olto,.,,ltoil"" •••"•) .. -,,~th• Marina Bank lliheclil• he replied. l.ntormaUon to th• police Im-.... .... -
bere of U\e Horton Wln1leM ''Well, that. WW do juet u •ell." mldlala.ly, Bloom at.ai.. ~ ~1 -bl!1 putch~ u~~; dwert p&Jl..,.rHd fcyP,eTUe pepy-
Alrentt nrm hu been poetpoo. ----~---------~---------~-OOS·~"'''" ~n nc • mH na-•• ~ nenua). Th• umbrella plant
ff. \ epectflc.Uon11 u to type end '""'°" two feat tall, topped wtl.h ~\ ':h.'· ~~ u~ United Fund Names 11 General qu~~~tn, ts now underw•y on :~~~)r;·pu~ud~t 1!::u;:
"t owr for lriaJ to Oct. t:S. ' , the HunUnl'lon Beach Stetlon ,.now....,... ta.II• et the end
Onfiaoliy. ... -hod -c p ° Comm'ttee M be" ..... ,_ ... w"" .. , ....... of ...,, ..... . echeduled lo be&ln on Friday. •m. ••. gn I em I. Ana Jlf.ver and north of the A.AoUter paper-reed plenl, th•
Dunn .. Id the Hunttnsllon Pactnc O>a.et HLchw1y. within J:cypUaa peper-reed lc)']M:nd
1$Ueh Inventor had apP41al-1 to EJt'f'l.n dUMllll have bean Oonakl G. S.pp, publlolt7, the city llmlta of Hunlin(tOT\ papyrutl rMCbee •Ix fML It.
th• court for a new trial date named members or the ceneral Robert Olander, pl'Mld~nt ot &ach. •lenul ..,.. headed w1th fee.Ulery
blcall9e he had bffn un•tll• to campeJan commltte. '°" the the board ot dlreclor1; M.rt. Ke,.. Formal groundbree.king cert-f•N•s• ud the leawe .,. etaJk-hlre an attorney. Horton wu neth Coollfll'. cha1nnaa ot lut monlu are belnJ #Cheduled for like and dark ,.......
npruented at the hMr1nf ~ tl66-&T Newport 8MCh Unltf!'d year'• drlve and Obarlee J'oGUua Septt:mbl!r, end the fll'llt of two
Ctl&nd&ll Condra, 8&ft °'''° law-J'und wtllcb. hu acbedulecl It. ere Hn<ins the comrnJtlH 1n an 200.000-kllowett reneraUnc unll..I
7"" who Mkt be had "°' eulft• 187,0CM. drt'f'• toir ~r. · l&d'ri9or7 cap&dey. • la"91ated ror compleUOft tn the
dent Ume to .t.Udy the ~ R•dlnc lM ~ la Ed· TIM U'h.lted Fund. fonTlf!'rly eummer ot 19:'!1, Shf!'denhelm
•calMt Horton. war<I lfijtum . ...-~ \lbiatnMn uld. Tbe eecond unit Ulen would
Horton and th• two ...-ibv9 are R.alph )(19rs. Ji;. ud M,._ ~ -t'ewport K.,bor Cort1manU.7 be reedy tor commerclel ope.ta·
.' h ... ---(a"'·'·• bJ o 1.M Schonek. O"\t..__ =)\Mh Jira. a..t, Npl'Hf!'lll.a 11 IOd&1, 'Wli-d f ,_ .... --· ....,.._ ......,__.l"' t&N, a.d c-....ct.r-b~llllt•I' tJon by the en o ... ,.t ye•r or
.J'ederaJ. f,.d jVry °" ...,..... BulJ htenctn, put 1'1111-q"IDdft. J'oUr MW l"'OUP9 belas MrlJ' 1"9, hi Mltmaled, I
ot uatnl' Ula m-11 lo ftlN.~. dint." eolidlaO.; Mrt. J'ohn &MU.lid wtlb the fund 1 Uae When both lhtH unll..I a rt "on l i-i:;:;:;;:;:;~~i:iii~iii;=ii:iiiii; Horton aUllldl)' told •leek la Job&Gn, ..,._: Kn.. Hl.n'IJ "! "fM ltne,n th•y will hl'ff enoul(h
hie "'WlnJlfW' it.lrfUn• t.hf'OUf" 8omttl and lllrL E'nl)'ll Qard.. tint 'l-m• lbla 1•r are the Bal-rn•rat1111 c:epa_pt1 to ~pply
the mallL • nu, •d'vaace sut.-ua \hi it... ya\Jola ,Army, U!e Amert•<¥ •ttbl ~~~r • -=br tbt.:=p ~:!CJ..: ";,~~:; E ~ Oouat)-; ..... U.. N..,.oft "
_ H&t* Youth ouca.
b .... "' ... 0..-t hef't.-
..... W• U9 llaldel bar)'
....... Dr.rt .. 111&*'7 ti.
H .... et OW Onwt-.'
0-... tf.
..... 011 .... -()Ill (Je.
of lastenl Conferelile Its
Dr. Bull h\e ............. 1 lflt.-edllestat.t ''°" d II r 11' I or On.Gp Cout ~ hM lbf!'ir flnt :rear of &Unidanc4!.
lailitt'a u.eted ,....deal fll. u. Tbl coat.,... ~ orp..i..e4
llUl.em Conftf'l!noit for ona ,..,.. I.a 111.l u U.. Oru• S1nftn
~,_ r9111&0M o..r H. lld-Confer.ace. n 'wu ctiienpd to mpr Ir .. ,,....,.nt or ML Ban It. ,...... u.me ln llU .. part
.Aaloalo eontp. ot lhe ~ Cal&lopd& J'unlor
Junlor eo11.,... la the Eu~ra eouq.. ~oa.
Coat ...... ,. o....q. oa..t, 1 -~-.;,;.-------:!~~c.:~=~:::. An••'-'• · c•0 1Cd · n&rdiM .... 8anta ...... ...... e( 1:41 .. ,.., ~ ... 6 .....
Q\NI WU Juet l'Mdmltlf!'d l4 ,..,... 1'\oJ'd J. lA Bo\ad. 4S, Cl(
,Clle ....,-.,.._..019 :pa.r •nd wtU Ill I. PMlil&OttpW. It., Ae1 .... m,
._. • ~ti t. &"1' coef•r-....._dlarpill,, bl.a wtUll 4nWt.
nee .o.a.o. .-peituon Ulldl /llldmc. otl'klln ..W 1A ~
1167. WU ltOfipl'd ,,,. at tM Via
The ICutitrn C:Onfer.nce ll one Udo-Jlft*port BJ...C.. lntlll'WCUon
Of Olll'1 tW<I jwuor t"Olltl(I! C'Oft-t.ut 4nn-1 a'lll"ll)' ..-Ja wbl'.n of-
fel'ltlcee ln lha •lat• ot Calltor-ftN.rs rot out ot their car. Hit
nla whk:b' doea ftol allow O\lt-1>t• waa etoppN a eecoGd UJDe •
UtAI .tudtnlll to parUclpalf!' I.ft f-bloc.ta turtMr,
,, ..... • l90n •••M>R•t• •
-OHM .,,,.,& I I
BANDY ()LUllll'llCD u:n:alli'OJ: TO
Serving The Harbor Area
• ro• nu, OUHY&.NlSNm
A 1to Accessories fl ~1 A~!o .J.uee!J.
11n••-..m.ft. ~1 ..... 11
1to lep1in .& Towi11
Newport Auto Wo;ks ·
Awt1 nu-e-'F ~ •
lit DCD~ W.t.1' • 'D"Bft .. ,.,..
A:o P1rb & Ac1111oriel ....
Jolo•t-Mesa AUto Wiecketi w • ..,a.. • ...,...., . .
l'LMSlftU .&ft. UWi 1-1111
·9r•ke senice ·
·_Len's Ga::z:
-.. ~ft. ...-.......v,UMll
Preacriptio11 .
Cf awlord' J R• Pharmacy ..... _..._ ...............
LIM ••Wl'Olm ...... . I' •• ...-
Skipper &I Evana' .Agnee K from the 19th St. landing struck oeea.n gold &p.
proximately 12 m,D.ea off the eut end of Catalina ls.land la.st week. Bait Boy
Dennt.a Ovpeoter proudly ahow1 off haul by 13 anglen aboard. -Beck:ne(
Girl S•r• M1rines Chased Her,
One Booked on Weapons Count
Diaper Set Doings
The tolloWin&' babtea were
born t() N-iiort Harbor par~ •rt.a tn Hoer BoepttaJ recently:
Fune•I ee.rvtce9 fol' Arthur
Martln Ebey, 64, of 821 ~Ju ..
bird Canyon Drive. Leauu
Beach. will be heJd w~
at 1 l a. m. ln Par~Ridley
Mort1.1&ry Chapel, Cotta Kea
with the Rev. J&JU1 8. Stewart,
putor of St. Andrew'• Pra;by-
terlan Church, aaslaUn&' th• M.a-
aonle Lodr• mcnbere or La,runa
Three M&rlne. from 21 Toro
were '"'-t..t l"rida.1 ntrh\ l>y
N twPQrt S.acb police • alter a
wlJd chue doW'Jl :Newport and
Balboa Bfvdl. Tiley were John
Ma.ncUIO, Chane. 1. ~n &J>d
Ernie M. RJckm&n. All wtr.
C"harged wfth poaea.ton of al·
1."0l'tol and Ryckman wtth carry-
t.nr coneee.ltd weapcma..
Montromtry ot Lo• An,-elea.
presen,tly 1t.aymr al 12M Eut
Balboa Blvd., &nd ln the 1econd
car were the Marines.
Ml111 Montromery claimed she
had been tn a 1tore and when
she rot lnlo her car lht Ma-
rine• drew alongalde.. Wllm they
•fd somethin~ to her Which •he
did not hear, she became frt(hl-
ene<i and drove away as fut
u •he could lo avoid them.
Mr. and Mr•. Arthur Atter-
bury, 1436 8ettnade -r.,rrace,
Newport Beach, Jlrl, Aur. 9. • • •
)fr. and Mn. Albert Hll·
bert, 2136 RepubUc Avt., Colla
Meaa, girl, Aur. 9. , • • •
Th• po.lice saw two can &01n1
aouth on Newport B1v4. at •
hlsll ,. ... ot 9peed. ....... Yb\r hi
ud oul. Finally lbe eu ahMd
pulled In lo Ute curb In a sudd~n
movement and the aecond car
made a U-tum and cam• back
lo the first ca.r. In the fl m
car offlcer1 u.ld they filund Rita
Loot OverlOokecl
In Mesa Burglary
W<rna Byvilla B.. Cella, 62,
of 238 MapoU& Bt.. eo.ta Mua,
reported to police .. Ul&t city
a bU'J'lar M4 tllolto ll1to heT
home a.nd Jf from & jewelery
box storap pllact.
She d111COvel'td the robbery
wbtn •be ntuJ'Drd born. early
8unda.y mom.tnc. Nlee Mlined
Ult t.bett wu cwt. bl( a t.nex~
pertanced t>urs1&.r, pro)UlJ a
juvenile, mnce ~ lo bl& Jo ..
enve»pe. two IMll'a wat.cho, a
metal plc17 bank wtUI $20 IJi
colna, alld a qU&nU"7 of cl.othinf
were undllturtled.
Today's N. Y.
Stock Report
RllPORT-81 a. J. J"o~y. •0ean
Witter Co.
SO n.dmtdall 01Uf down Ul
20 IWll -...... _ t tT..60 dOwn 1.0'7
16 tJUUU• -TO.eo down .M
l .. m. VOiume NO.too
American SmelUn• -···· 56
A.m"ertcan Telephone -·-JM
Anaconda ---·· .. -·-···-·-·-11 Obrylltr ............... ·-·-···-·-68
J)uPont . .. . . ... -·-····-· . 214
Ocera.I Electric ----·-83"-
0ener&J MOtofll ·-·-·----47
Olm!* Broe. . . . -·-··· .... 21
0...t. Narthem RA ........ 41"
No. American Avlatlon .... 93
N. T. Central .................. U"
May Oo. ·····"--·--··-·········· 41"
Monterey OU ···-·--·····-31~
.._feway Stor• -·····--···-· DT
Btncl&lr OU • •... .•. ........... lf'4
.... Cal. J';dltoQ .................... 61~
)tf.a.ndard OU of Callt. -· IH ~
lo. Pactnc -··-·------····· OJ ~
Tnuiaamertc. .. -·---·--al'ti 1Jhlon OU ,,1 O&Jlt. _..... M ~
u. a. ..... --------·-"~ .. "
J..08T maW ...... cat e mo.'e
old, ........ v-..~ 001
•L&rbpur. Corona drl J.far.
~Har. 6"1 &flC't' I -l\ewafd,
(C'onUnued from Pare 1)
tor crablipple1 and flrat and ~c
ond for other applea.
In 4-H rabblta, Danny Brown,
Co11t& Men. won third tor sen-
ior doe, over elthl montti.. CaU-
tom1an, 1in("le and tur anJmaJ1
. . .
Mr. and :.tr,. John Wataon.
'26 VIJJt.a B&ya, Coeta Meaa,
boy, Aug. 12.
Cop Dilemma:
Concert or
Harbor In FF' A floncullure, phlloden·
dron.I d.lvtalon, tot.c!m pole, Wood·
ford Royce, Cotta )IN&, third.
Ornament&! pta.nta. coleua. Ron
Je.Mee, Newport, nrat: Dieffen·
bacbla, Royce, fint. and Fred
Knowlton, Ne w po r t, HCOnd.
Hanflnr bu.keta, John Cook.
Newport, third. SuccuJenta, MJc-
key Queen, coaa Meaa, aecond
&nd third. 8hrub11, l ·pJ. eon-
talnen1. Royce. NCOnd; 5-rat.
C'Ontalnen1, Mickey queen, t\nt,
&lid Jrred ltnowlton, third.
F"..aneral .mce. for J&111u
Were they 41.lturblnJ the Ball. 16, ot 330 Del Mar 8 l,
peace or not t That waa the bll ea.ta JoreM. will be held Wed-
quesUon that f•ced NewPC?rt a.d&y at 2 p. m. tn Park ...
Buell poUce otflcera when tbty Ridel)' Mortuary Cbapel, eo.t.a
wue c&II_, al 8:30 J>. m. y..ter-x.-., the Rev. Robert Gron·
day to lnveaUp&.e rfl]>OIU t.b&t )WMl f H&tbor Lut.buan Cllurch
& dol4ft boy• weN Jllaytng bo o!tld 0 Un
drum• near Ametlry1t Ave. and M a k di~ Saturd& t South Bay Jrront, r. Y n
ne boye _.._,.. theN an ri . 0...,. County Hwtt&J attn
In tact UM youtha, aru 16 to &n ext.ended Wneaa. He wu a Jn junior ff'alure t!Xhlblt.1. 21, were gtvtnr a cone.rt to an native ot Willt .. Barr., Pa. and
FFA Dlviaion project bOothl. orderly .....,.,P of 126 Balboa i. hlld Uved Mr9 tor nine yn.n. N.wporl Harbor FFA. Costa ••Y-a. be ot th Co K M&., won tlnt place. la.nd cltlzen.a, lncludtns par.nt.1 wu a mem r e n-
and entire famllle•. lftlationM chul'Cb or Wllkn
In lndu1lrl&J education, arch!· The adult.a told Ortic~ the)' Bane. Sum.on &re • d.aulb-
t.-:lural drawing dlvtalon. Paul had even tnvlU<t the boy• to w, Mn. Chari.. E. Tnl.ltr or
V&1r, eo.t& Meu, won out.et.and· play In front ot their homes tf the home; tbn!e brothers. Davld ~ in working drawtn11: Jlm tl'ley deat.red. But a compl&lnt of Mldlf&'an. Ernm and Ed'wtn
lveraon, COila MtN, won •~l&I ~ a complaint and PQllce ad· of Pennlytvanla; four at.ten,
&ward tor prt~nl&tlon drew-vt-.cs U,e muatcia.n.I Of • city or. Mn. Gwendaolyn Lew1a, Mn. ~ and ror atthJt..ectural mod· diri.anc• proh.iblttnr the ptayin~ Hann.ah Reck, M11.te1 JCdn& and
ela, Bob Kulc-hn, Roland Ram-0( lnuak&J lnalrwhents wttbout l!Jllsabeth Ball, all ot hnnayl-
mond Md Dick Bannlstn. all prQper aulhortaUon. vania; alao Uuft crandchlldnn.
ea.ta Men. Wf'f'e mst, eecond Flnal comment. of PQlice wu lnumu~nt WUJ be In Harbor
and Ullrd. rupecUvtly. they ftll the Parks and Recrea-RM ~mortal Park Cenet.ery.
In be,11nnJn, draftin~ of uon O.parl.ment ahotJlcs find •
mecbanlcal 4 r a r t I n r dlvillon. place tor the bonl'O drum pla.r-
n.ve OoodMJI, C011ta Mesa. wu er• to let ott steam without
tll"lt. De.tau and auembly draw· dlaturbt.D6 the JM&C• &nd quiet
tnp. BW Pin. Balboa J1lttnd. or tboM without a IOIJd beat. wu tlral. and Ron Zwlt~I. Bal·
boa Ialand, eecond. Advanced
detall and ~mbly. tl1'11l. Davtd
Tamura. Cotta MtH.
In the National Horu Show.
WUllam HadJey'1 Rarfyn, New·
port Be&eb, Loli Hawlcu, rider,
won tilth for Ulree g•w Ara·
blana. Road8tA1n. mftl driven.
The ChaJleqer. Bonnie O.Orge,
OD.ta M._: Paul L. Geyer,
driver. won ~ond. "
Anaheim Youth
Becomes 56th
Polio -Victim
County ANG Crash
Hurts Local Man
A 3-car t:rUh Sunday nlght at
Newport and MacA.rthvr BJvdL
aenl five penon1 lo the hoepltal
Including a Newport Beach man,
Callfomia Hirbwa,y Patrol re·
portf'd. Hurt were JONpt\ X.. My-
ham, •O, of •.tO'T FernJ•f Avt.,
and hla J)U9ell&'tra, Ca.mp Pendle-
ton Marl:nt• Robert Gan-ell, 19,
amt Biiiy 0 . Looper, 20; driver
Bill Joe Norrill, 18, Arcadia. and
puaengna John A. K.1atne1. 17,
and Charlf'IJ D Writ. 19, Mon·
rovta. William H. Teter. 18,
S&nla Ana, wu lhe olhu drlveT.
SANTA ANA. «>cNs> -A Cops Book Driver
16-monlh-.old Anabettn boy to-Robert C. Forre1\, 46, Bellflower
• WU booked by Newport Qee.cb 4-7 ti.came OfUIP Oo\lnt1 1 PQlk» ror dru.nlt drlvlng alter ~
Glt.h poUo viCtltn for th• 7ear. California Jlil,bw., Pat.rol at 6 m. I... lluuell. county bealUl of· a.m. 8aturc1&y balled J"orrt.i'1
tlcv. aald FreddJe Boton>.e. eon car Oil Cout HIJbway nur The
of Kr. and Mn. Donald ft. lolo-Archea O'VGJ)UI. A woman cnm-
mu. la undersoui. treatment. JI\ panion ot l'ortat'a waa ftlel.led
Oranae Oounty ilc»pttal &tter lti'te wu ~ a .obrlety
Th• t.ol waa admitted t.o the i.st. the police lllld. ~'"91 &ate Friday. HJa on.tel
FuntraJ eervlcu for WWlam
Jamee RuttecSre. 78, of 30392
South Wut Cypl"UI Abe., Santa
Ana Belg-hta, wtll be held to-
morrow at 2:30 p. m. in the
Seventh-day Advent11t Church.
BoJa St, Cotta Meu. with Eld-
er Donald B. Spauldlnr otncial-tnr. auat.ed by Elder Jorui
Mr. Rutledge died P'rtd&y ln Hoar Boepltal after an extend-
ed Illneu. He wu a native ot
Ontar1do, Canada and moved
to San Franclaco In 1907, ln 1910
came wtlh hla ramuy to Orange
county. He wu a plutenn.g con-
tratcor by trade. He moved to
COila I.tea& In 19:ll and wu a
charter member of the S.Venlh-
day AdvenUal church and an
honorary elder.
Survtvon are bia son, 8yl,..et-
tr, ot Coeta M-; NVen d&up·
ten, Mr9. EldUi I>arllnpr, Santa
ADA Retl'htl; Kn. Eleanora
R&m.eey, <>neon.; Kn. l'l•renot
llivoov, Olive; Kn. JtlU't.ba .._
""" of t.be home; Mrs. Kennett&
Hlllboule, 8&n LWa Rey: Kn.
C&tl'lertne Hyden ot Ttnnie-.
and Mn. Leona H&rper of &an
Dle,o: a b~. A1Wrt N. of
Loe ~Ju; ai.o 23 ~
dmt aad 21 IJ'Ml•Jl'&ft.dchlldren.
or u.e dlaeul wun't ds.cloMd.
Nel\.btr wu I.he polio l.Jpe.
'in the w•k• or the i..t ellmb-
tnc toU of th~ dlttu R~ll
COLoftl:D OT~ WHtl tlouae lilted two aC'Uons by p&J'llllUI
U. $. Oout Guard an-
mmm:a -practttt b o lTI 11n r
thie weelt on 8&n C!«nenle
11ttild In ui. ro 11 ow In r
l.ntel'lhent wUI be ln H&rt>or
Rat ~orlaJ Park. Parkea-
Ridley Mortuary In cbars-e ot
C ... veatde aervlcee fOl' JIJTIH
Wtnkff'beJC"fl. rormvty or mr
P&a.eeTIU& A tt., Colt.a )f~ wfU
t» he14 tomorrow at 10 a. m.
In Harbor Rat Kemor1&1 Park.
The ~v. OMr-i.. .-. Ham! wtJI
~ ~Mh may~~ M~
f9c61 the drff.4 ti'letnY of mankind:
:.;...;. ___ _..;._..-~-~---vaccination and not allowt~ th•
child to become overly .{lMld or
Wllbumed. C..Ue Rock. f o a 4ay
through Friday, I a. "tn. to
mJdnlchl: Saturday and Sun·
~. dlJllfhl hOUl'I.
Pyramkt Oow: A!r/~
ftrlJlr •from f p. m. Xoaday
to mldnilf't Wed n • • 4 a 7:
ahol'9 t»mbardment. nun·
~1 &.nd Friday, 8 L m to
4 p. m.
Mr. Win.kltback dted Aq. I
lo Ora.Daw County Hospit&l
Wbeft bt ba4 beea for t.brw
yan and 1 eettn moat.hi. He
WU & U.Uvt ol MlteOOrt and
bad lJved bere. for 8"'era.l ,...,....
Tbtre an no law"'1l IW'Yt'¥'0n.
Pan-1Udl•v Xol"tUU7 . a. tn
------------dlaip ot ~
1 Hl Supt'rior Avenue
Coeta Mf'aa. Callf.
Ptlon• 1.Jbertf 1·2121
20 E. Cola\ Blvd
eoro.ra de! )Car. Callf.
PllaOfta Ba.l19or •l
~ ··--Sii• .... ~
PRf" <;.r NT <-:A U c;.HC>V\llNG Ul 0 ..
-> You oan ~oy the thrill or new oar oamerllhip
and Rocket En.etne aoUoa now r
m "· 4tt. St.
> l You O&D know the ••tiafaotlon or clrlvi.DC • nyJAa le .... • that rid-and handle• like die MC oar St lit apt DdW f
I > You oan oongratulate youraelr Oil m•>dna • trade
while ~ur pre-nt oarw.value ta b•O' ... !~ r!fbt now f > And you oan ezpeot m.on when you ..U·beoause
your in'V9•Un.ent holda ... when you p o..-.r to Old.a f
C> Los IVl.C> El I LE
1000 w. c.ut u.-,
--------------------U CAH JUL ••• •M IAMTI ----------
\ if
AND HEBE'S THE SHOW -Children uaing 38th
St. Playcround put in long hours under dire<:tidn
of Mi.la Dianne Davia preparing for the circus and
carnival la1t Wf1tk. They made all kinds of decor&·
tlona, 90me of which are ahown above, even puttinc
CALL HEB CUDDLES -Being the fat woman
tor the circus wu the part handed Sue Hatcbtr
and she enJoyed it in spite of the laugh.I she got
when the barker told of her 1trusr&e1 to ftl
around carrying her more than 300 pound• of
weir ht.
winp on the awing ropet1 ao that they fluttered
when the children awung. -Stal! Photos by Bert
A.Np LOTS OP CLOWNS -The two circua clowna, Richard Cllnpwa and
Rcmny° Emenon. 8tapd a battle royal, the 1eeond round endinr abruptly
when Ronny todk the count. He revived suddenly, however, when the referu
ran r0ut of count.en.
~ MAN -s.idM beinl ri.npwlter. Bernie Lehmann al.lo •ct.-
eel u electrtclan at tM clrc ud c::arftiva.l atapd at 38th SL park Tbunday
aftt.l'Doon. He la abown abo-.e tryinl to book ur a loudspeaker for announce-
ti. H• bad a hoet of ad vi.ten for the operation.
BEAL UGUT CHARGE -1'be horse brigade is ju.at ready to at.art at the
38th St. Playground circus. The hones we~ made in craft cla.ue9 u part of
the sum.mer recreation program. Mia' Davia ta 1hown trying to keep ahead of
the enthuaiutic riders.
THAT BOAR -A.a part of .the lion tam·
inr stunt at the 38th St. park circua the tn.fner,
Kent Rianda, wu IUPl}Oefd to put his ~d in the
hon'a mouth. TM tiona included Bob Tbompeon,
Bob Sb~nnan and Marla Mbricton. In the back-
ground la Bernie Lehmann with Utt mike and Mi.
Dav .. in the checkered blo . Two mterest.td
mothen are leaninJ apm.t ~ buildlnc. P.S. '11\e
lion tamer cot bil bead back.
' .
COuncil Handwashing Act
All Sold Out For Tonight
Tonllht la a n.tiht when City Council OwDber9
at the City H&l1 llloWd be t1lled and ovtrflowiDS. Up
tor couadl actioG la the eett.inl' of a tu-rat.e in·
CftUI for Newport dtlun.a and a boOlt in minimum
city water rat. at $1.25.
Both actJou ate nee esw ry to take care ot com·
mun.tty ddtdlndM, tbanlr.I to ahortatpted think·
tnr and lnadequat. p1ann.tn1 come from the put to
haunt ua. Our pNMDt city councilmen have otmou.
ly b-.rd tbat l.bc9t walktns tn their own foot.tepe.
For, aft.tr 'ittempUnr to ruah throush a hqe 21-
cent tu men&. intended to quickly cover up t.heM
put erron and bein1 headed ott by overwhelm1n1
publlo proteat, the city truateea have now turned to
a cltllml committee u an acape b&teh for their
dilemma. I Lett up to City M&napr Robert Shelton 1n the
council'• h&n.dwuhlq performance wu recommen·
dat.ioe of tht &mount ot upward tu adjuatment re-
qu.Jnd to meet current year bud,et require.menu.
It b.u beml lndlcated the "adjuatmmt" requ!Nd will
be 10 to 12 cent.a.
'111d to c1r)' ott the councll'a damp pal.ma wu a
atatemat of tba dty fathera' property tu policy,
mostly 4evof.ed to r9Vel&Uon th.at the council policy
ia to have no policy. It revealed the city council had
reached the concluaton It abould invite "the uat.
ta.nee ot a cltiuna committee to study the many
capital haprovemmt Meda taclnr the city," an Ind!·
cation of what the•cguncllmeft aaw when they looked
into the mirror.
The publics' reaction lo the council puiic bu been
made perfectly clear. Our citiuna are atill trying to
figure out What happened to the huge aum ot money
previoualy earmarked for removal ot the P.E. track
eynore, only to be aaked to aubmit to the 21-cent t.t.&
booet which tncluded the aame fund need apln..
Bombardinl the councllmen were M lett.ra prote.t.-
lnJ the tu lncnue u a.ceulve. Tbe letten bore
280 alpaturee. oo .. ha~• aln.ce been added to the
file at the CltY ae:t1t•1 attlce.
AJld DOW that the public hu bad Umt to thlnk
over the lncreue minimum water n.tel to take
care of waw l)'8tem detlclenciea, there wtll prob-
ably be another aploelon of proteata in the cou.ocil'a
tau tonJiht
Cndlt the current council with one thJnr: lt
bu dttWJl doee 1urvelllance ot ita act.Iona from
Newport ~yen ; interest in city IOTel"DDleDt la
now at a fner ... pttch. Could thla continue, it will pay
oft in lmprov9d covernment due to more ~
tlnanci&l man.ac1nr for yean to come. Perhaps we
could eYen hope for bandlln& of money taken from
Newport tupt.yen with the ume e!flclency the in-
dividual councilmen could be expected to ctve their
own prlftt. bu.11.n.eMea. Th1a pouibWty abould iuar-
antee coundl chamben will be at 1tandlng room only
Delinquency . Publicity Can
Protect Nation's Future
'l'here la a rrowins feeling among law enforce-
ment offlcen e.uywhere that the time bu come to
put to an end the p&mperin1 of tha.e juveniles who
comm.lt crimes of felony. The latest comment on thia
matt,er came Saturday tMc no Jae an authority on
crbDt Jn the United Sta~ than J. Edpr Hoover,
dJnctor ot tile hderal Bureau of lnveatiptJon.
11J ua hllhlJ in tav~ of newapapera pubUabinr
t.U mmea of juYenllea wbo commit feloniee," Hoover
IUcl. IU aclded: ''Tb• apoW1ht new.papen c&n throw
an &DJ wroq-4oln1 la a fine thlni. The new.paper
11 OW' Jut burier 1n keeplnl America wbolMOme,
... and fret."
It ii the policy of the New.Prae to print all
tltie IMWL Th• only dmation fJ'Qm thla rule S. 1n
np.r4 to mtnon or f1nrt otfenden where adwne
p&Wiclly to & pc-.l~ .,-w GG their Jl;al't woWd do
It ii the job ot the Qty of Newport Beach to
m&intaln our chief recniatloc.al commodity, the
beachea, Y.'ith a portion of OW' tax·money. i'or th.la
reuon, It ii obviou.a location of fire rinp hu to be
controlled. Otherwile coal.I an 1nadvertenUr rUed
throuch the aand, to~1 •'bl.ack be&eh&"
So the City Planninf Commfuton la dolnr a
neceuary job in aeUlnr clarification of the tlN ana
ordinance and practical mearut ot en!orcinr it.
However, we hope the idea of collectinr tees tor UM
ot approved fire ring• d.1ea aborning.
The public beacbea abould belong to all ot ua,
local J'Mlclenta and vialton alike ; but it la only
natural tbat we Newport .. n.&tJff8" abould keep our
ewn ~ dean alter the su..t.a have ron• home.
What la needed ii deftatt. tire ring location.a at
clearly dt.flned tnWTala al~. our various atranda.
Ccrt&1nly, the nmln1 and 'nlabt.-time blaua on our
beaChea offer. added "cha.racW" to our ttt10rt eom-
munJty. A walk alone the Corona del Mar jetty wall
while f&m1ly IJ"OUP' a.re pt.bend around the atring
ot tine fot the eveninr meal la a vacation treat in
And the flN rinp an an attraction from which
-the entire city, &Jbtit 1nd.lrectly, will alwaya benefit.
wboie..i. revoc&Uon ol c.ertaJn
UcenMe, and ln ll• conclualona,
1&14 t.bal st box:inc and WNIWn&
•~ anowtd to conUnue u at
U\e pr'IMtlt Umt, the choice
lhould be 1n favor of b&nnlnc
th• •port&.
tor f•• 1Url\Uy over M,000, to
the f ollowln,. couAu..: Loe
An11le1, 2,211; X.ro.t U ;
Ora.n1e. Jlt: Rivertlck, 11: ~
Bernardino, 11.8; San Ote10, J7e:
S&Jl Mateo, 30; 8anta au.., 128;
St.an11JaUI, 23; Ventura. 11.
Mtinro u.ld the dtpartnwnt WU1
prepare a priority u.t ot appU-
canl.8 bdon l.uuelnf the ti"n-
Hard hit WU "Babe McCoy,''
operator of the Olympic Boxlnc
a.nd Wl'Wllln&' Club ln Loe An-
rtlH, &nd hla u.oclatA, C&1
kton, a relaUve by marr1ac'• wa. It wu the nnt time the
of Governor Knl&'ht. McCoy wu departaw\t hu authori»d la-~rred witb flxine J\pt.I u4 1\1&.DCt of 1tltW ~ pem;Ut.e ----------------------
wtWloldlJ\s f\mdl troaa .,..,.., llDce the -l.'
td -J 1, i• The report u.ld, howner, tMt atat.e u...u.,. ~-Q.
box1n1 C&Jl be ..Uy re~ J.a-wu Artdlta wttb "an
and that the people appron ol attaell" wbile unut,e from bJa
the •port and want to ... lt mou:n.&&111 .._ neu Downa.-
Pn>ptrly cc-ducted. YiUe to ...,......,. to bold • SAC'llAMENTO, -(CNS) -One of the important
HOW'e'ffr, th• roou ot ~. .,..... CIOOI~ eci.c~ ft't• llll>jecta which wtD confront the 1~7 leplature will be
aid the INl'Dmary, are .un diMp-::::U:ed ~-~ J=:: tbe matt.. ot "'ln lieu" taxu. Thia, rmerally apeaJdng,
ly In Ule •uat!onable e~ement.e boft'owtd tome 6'0.000 trom an unlnttreat1nr aubject, but on (he oVter ba.nd, it ia
o~ ~pnistd IOciety, and many-bub 'WiUt which tbe •tat.e ~ tiqjnntn1 to be ot creat importance to the small property
o o• connect.eel With ~ bUllniMI &Dd MVU .,.ict tt ~ and
-----------------------a.nd ln control of boxl~ are Johnllon'• attom.ye ..Sd 1.he Tl l'W'fter, Ule sn&ll bll.ll.D,__ dl.ltr1ct'1 own lln•1 mile• from
"part of the underworld". Tbe year ol4 trtuuNr wu nt.un tnao. th1 ecen1 of ort11n. thua, the Editor, Newa·Prt11
Dear llr:
and did everylblnr tor m1
and within a ult hour. 1port requitt1 "Jtnuln• 8Uptt-In a 8&ctamen~ to r.! ~blyman lba'idan He1· lint a!• not taxabl1.
vl1lon and control by l'OVjll'D-lt&11 a _. ~ cl, of San Dlqo county, plana Now the qu..Uon of who P'V'9
To help co1\.1ern water, per-My hu1b&n<1 wH al Hoar HOI· ment under Ill police pow1r .. ot ~ Nlllt.h. -.;:.; ...,,,4 Jobew to btti\1 up UI• .ubJect., and at tor the added coete f Htrlund
haPI you could uk tor IU((H-pltal with a fine doctor .•. the report deolarea. ' eoa•e --d&n"'-:~ tliat tbe pruent lime. la llvlrll It Aya It'• th1 am&ll property own-Uon.1. Thll en• tor itn.lde the and all the comfort.-that cou\d 1_,. __ ~-, much 1tudy and tbou1ht. In an er and the small bu.tlneaman.
bOUM occurred to me. be liven him. In th1 confualon. 66Clt•T TRl.l.L R UL6 ,..._ 1IOt ... uyoa.e, aot 1ff0l't to work out 10me lepl&-wboee tax ntu an lncttued
lnatUd ot rtnaln1 otf dllhH I dld not ftl th• ottlcer11' na.rn•• The third dillrict court of ~p-no tMm. Uon ..mtch wtU ta.Ir• IOJJle ot becau.e of tb1 added coat.a.
under the faucet, cle&ntnc th1m or t.dfl numben and I want pul up~ld the action of a 611.l.U •O.t1' ••..a• the tu burden Off the ••U"&I• Thie alt.uaUon atN not only
wtth a piper napkin would d to thank thvn 1<>m1 w•y. Sonoma county 1uperior court A property owner bd b\Mlln.._...-nan. In one 81-rra Nevada county,
ju.l u wtll and wo1dd 1&ve Too ofltn, I think we t.ake our jud1e who barred the public and aa: ~ r-pOrt • ,a.na tor and relate th.8t buJ'den to tu· Wl\Jcb wu ti.Md N a.n example;
inwr. pollce department and tire d.. the prt• from th• courtnons :.no1::'1::,.:': :..~and~ p&yere ae a WIM>le. but ln rn&ftJ' ,.n. ot the ttalt.
ConMrvlnr a mue tn each of partment tor rnnt~ The~ men whll1 lbe d•tenda.nt In a mu.rdtr ln1alld waten wu prtMnt.ed i. Here It the altuatfon .M Kq-and It a. a altuaUOn tu.1n1 lb•
Ule homn In thl1 aru would work and ke.p all ot WI •f• lr1al wu tHU{yin(. But tbe a •nate Interim cCmmlU. lan4 aplaln.8 lt: ln&'«ftlllly of ......,,... board.I al
be worthwhile. and tree to tnJoy our11lv• with court ruled that the ju~ erred ~ bT Art.bur H. BNed ot In & lmall Siem Nnada aa~ lle&da of ICbool dl.8-
Slnettely youn, very lltll• thankL In prohlbtUftl the publ14 and Oakland....,, Col. ftutua Putnam, count1. an lrrlpUon cllllrict 11 trtct.e. ancl otMra. parUcul&rl7
Vlr(lnla Weber I kttp wa.nUnr lo u y mo,. new1 Alporten from th• ttat ot exec:uu" offtcer of the nate formed lo aapply water Lo a th• ~ere. who aN concem-
and frankly I don't know how-the trt&l. The rullni wu mp.de ~ comml.aton, wlllch wu certatn area. ni. lrrlpUon di.I-ed &bout the tnnd ot t.axu la
but I would take It Jch1dly If on a cue In which Judie Donlld dul&'1laled by the llM lqilla· trict 11 a pul>Uc eaterprtM, and t.bJ.e Ntl. • DHr Mr P hllllp1. you know ~ho thtM two of· Geary Lul May cloetd h1a court• tun to draw up a· et.ate mutA>r thvetore. It.I propertlea ar. re.. TNll partJcu!u lrrlpUoa cti.-
AAI per our conwnaUon J'r1· tlcen are to pl.... tell them room for the duraUon of the plan tor the harbor1, l&ld U moftd fn>m the t&Jt rolll when lrtc.'l will beMtlt only a small
day. Au1. t. 10 a. m , w1 are I am nmbertn1 UWn ln my trial ot Mn. Charlotte Bladt u It it.art.a tuncUontn1. .,... CQ.mpered to the cnUr. wt1''·-In UI ho aun~ Mua. • coun 11 have 1ubmltt.ed county N t 1 -.. you • pee we lln 1 who wu accu.d of murder1n1 plan.I on which the it.ate plan aw wben Ule Irrigation di• coun y. IO It wou d appe&r that
e&11 ln eome way than.k our N.::;9 !M.ra. Arlbur) Turner ht r bu1band.. The court'• oplAlon will be bued. Putnam l&ld at.ate lrtcl trecl.8 dama, power houau the d lltr1ct holdln1 propei'Ud
pollee department Of Newport; 111 Vl• '"'do ...... · lald In part: ftArUclpaUon In the P..........,"' i nd other t1clllUu , u d removea ahould pay Ill fair ehan of
In particular the two offlcen • &a -'""' ,,_. • -··-·· la t t l d t tax•• aJ lt.h th I "We are AU.fled UIAt an probably wUI be focuRd on con-a rr1 amoun o an or a __, on~ w • pr Yale
wbo ~Ired our ~all for help ... •tor· ordtt ot Ule court. t.h&t the •lrucUon of hubor• ot -tur• ruervolr •It• from the tAX roll•. power com~ny and whoever el" Juat -ore m.ldn11ht, Au1. I. ...., .,. •" ... ty •-d ll In ol .... I _ .. • pubUc be excluded duriQI the aloJ\I the cout. He atated that "'" coun ,., .. , revmue, an v v...... ncru-..... ......_
)(J buaband ftll . on UI• float We en.JOY the si-per tborourb-Ume dtfend.a.nt. Mra. Bl&Ck. wu local harbor• will be con.1tructed lh• potenUal tor more revenue menlA on the partlcui.r uea
• In &onl of Ule hou .. and brok1 lyl Tour real A.merle&n edltor1~1 teatltytn,. would have been with-prtnclpally w1th k>cal fundl iup-becau• ot lncr.aRd bu.lnea 'bene!ilted by the addition ot
hl1 11,tlt lee tn two pltie• and pollcy le mOllt eneouractnt. In the inMre:nt power of the plament.ed lly it.ate aid. lpoka-and lnc.....S proputy valuet &I wall• will ln no wta. mak1 up
hi• I.Ct arm. I needed an Ml'9. Ray hrtner, triaJ court under lta dUty ... ac-.am for v&r1ou.-counUM and deetroyed. the t~ee loet and unaYAStabl•
ambulaAc-. boepltal and -& pod UH a.,aaat.a ANta .be., cord a tall' tr1&J to the ... 'bci&UJW P'O'QMI auattltAtd lltAta TM. loee cto.n't lftd U.., _..,.. ot Ula lnlUll&Uon.
doctor. Tb-. oftl~ cam. ta Arca4i&, C&Uf. ant. However. wt do not Mu.ft bial tw ud fWllOltne taw to boftftl', u the 00\ID.lJ lmOlfed n;-,_..bll.I,, qt. pnvtdlq
-----------------------th.at the lrtal court ahould Jaayt ,..,,. N\'en~ fOf' the .,_t.-~ ~ ...--ta ,.. tat '"'Mke tc ~ti ot th1I u ctudld lbt public clW'tftf u. "* frojlct. ~ Mrric• tor lb• eew tm le ...., ~ by the
tnUre trial or tor any ,.rt ot Tlait Nt.8 dlpartlM!lt ol ~ ,.os>I• broqbt In "1 the con-8&ft DWp ,.....~ aa well
lh• lrlal otbu than dUl"UW .. Makwe 'albd .a.ooo Cal llNeUOe aeU\'t&J. KON ldloola .. ~ ....... tl'tittl mtpt
lttUmony of the dti........_" •U. ~ Uoml& are Mc • r/. moN et.nlfat7 be •pplled '9 ,,..._. more 6-ey cio.d t.be trial • ,..._. ud nna.n! UWJ' wut '-fllctUUes; mora qpeaditu.ra on ,..,..ue for u.a couatJ. ror 1t
l'1"0UDdl th.8 tlRimoll1 ., CW: • 11.a,~ 1*lf ~ •t q 1rJ Ille eoutruc.-no &OIUUO. ta a..U.bl.e, th• d9-o
dMendant ~rnlftC &""1li&I oiliUIMS) ... .._to promote UN f>f Md Uori work. Ud mar. law en-ftelt.1 mtillt bi Ole ... run " _.& product.I ~ aut.borUIM ~t:nt ._...,... retblt. me.Oe up. ~ Aa&e -ubsldl•
-----.... -----------------:Xsti~~,.7,eul~ ~ ~ b1' tM 1161 a.stal&iure.. .A.ctlt'lt· Meu•hU.. ~ SrT&pUon di.a-wtl.ldl mea.n. tla&t te lt'fect. ltl• -.:---..--... et tbit ~uoe WOl.lld t»e t'1ct ~ Of t.e ~r to ot UM •llN atat.e are
81 EDWA&D r. BrtroN
"u. .,_t ap of tnJ.llbtmmcot and aodl.I prOIJ't9' late co~';:' :i:!a Ua. ~II flMOiold '1 u a 11 •t ot 10 a ~i. -~ ~. 1n PQ'!.DI rot a ....i~ent te
l\cwlJ u.. H~-~ Hew...nm. -tlM prwmt -would. aeept fOI' 'W'll';""ta:KW a.nd :C~ &ad tbal. thttd ™ °: .._ ~MM Ill ...., ._. W'nert .. ,.. .. • U.. MMIJ& a wll"41...,..__-~--
... tae H~ ...._ rect.taj)I, look µn A pfttt7 ate harbor after JO yean of q\MfifOft 1.1 moot. °"• = W/0,000~. •acZ: J&4: ...,.1111!1~--J~~-.--~----lillll!'I""~------
& .,, a 22 &..Ma .............. CJ-. ~ y.,. roui~ ~-. lllU COMT'ROL ~ '"'9\'&I ol • leul •• •
.._.. • 1111: lo .. Mau. at""~ ill Newport~ 1n • .i:ta ot0~':! ~~~lei w~~~ 0w '"':r1:".;; ~ ~ =: ::;., ': ~ produoua a. FARMER McCABE
~ __. tae Act GI M&t'Clll I. J.ITt. .,.... II.ave lle«tl llDIMWJ\at di.a-St&lln la Hitkr• ~ lharp crtucr.m ot da.lrymP freat OalJ -. Callfol'1'1& eouat.t
• Q • '11 .._, .....,, Wi •1 t:oJ _. ,..-, ll7 ta. pellecl b7 Wt ap of en.U1ht.e,,.. Dcql for UM Oomnnanlel c.nlral an.d aortMra cautorma WU .,..... '7 tbt aat.I Mud
IJf'SWl"OaT M•••Ha l'UlaUllllllO OOllPAQ ~t. eoup&r&ton. Ula whole wor1d coun~ Tbe m11Jc producerw. bl o1 ~ to tne,_.. It.a WRITES
llU .... ~ lf'SWl'UllT UACJm. C.U...W. ,..._. ..... llll ~UflOWI ..,.. an a Wn1 ot wOUkl 'be b&.tktJIS lll paCll W'lttl ct.manm..,. th.8t lM lllat.e l&o Pl'Ol*(J Ill t 1 ZNftt.I. MAl;1,._ • • • • • -~ ...... -~~------·-----------the put Ut:19pt ta th• Mlddl9 irowt1'I' plcn~. cm.. lb• pr1,.. tMy ,....,. OOU'lltJ ,.... ordend to up tu q ¥18 ....... Wpl N ......... A'1wtlwtll •AD a..... llalt.. lildla a.n4 ~n. Ood Tbe detllp ot the llaft 1lWlt· trom dlM.ributon by apprwi• atPUfnllllt. lilf. ,_ c.nt.. Lut
• •--•aa.I lfJMw~eito.._. o.. ill Mt&m ., .. A-llMI and poUtJc.1ane doft't mb aJ\Y .,.. -tM nui. clique flt t;rrut-matel,y one ttnl a quart. ~ ,_,. tbl ~ ordeN4 u coun-> 1n0re tbu W"&t.er and p.9011M. l.'4IJ*d nia.. brute-. ambUJou.t Uoned co.t f\prn pr.partd "1 U... to ..,... Uwlr .......
..... U.W.• Ii .. I ,_ n-S' • A•1 ' t\m Aut.onalio rule, wtua m11llou ot to enalan m&aJllAd -s. to na .. Mate bureau ot mllll t'Olllnll mnt .taada.rdl and ~ t..be
M I I H...._, Mttdll f 11 ' •s.w hu pawu to puab around. the lloM. an.a.lye.. upon wblcb owtr mlllt __,.. llUcJr. \
Mt tar el UriMlp OlmC1 N ... ...._ Ui ~ In tile W..t.n Tlwy .,. now lillU.up a tly Pl1Cft are kM4. Tbt dtm&Ada UUllt}' ~ti t\..ct by
B&l'f R.EDD'JCK. PURIJ•IJCR World. d!Pc!oy, u-4 tty dl:mapp fM am crtud.am came durlrW • the bO&rd of tqU&llzaUon tor &ht
Wtt.U.A.ll a. P1ULLl.PI. Editor G,...t t.dVaJKoft tn 8Cltntt. I&-omturlee. a ba.lt wheftWIUt to bet.nq cooducWd by UM-staw l~T QIC&1 ~ t 0 ta1 e d
J.t.MES M. MATIUCN1', AdVV'Umta DtNctar vtnlloa ud "ucaUon haw ~ paraiJW th• tr--rid lalo de))art.mcnl of .,..ncuttuft. $2..IM.IOT.-0, aa tac ol
CJ1AJU.a A. AIUil.ln'RUNO. Kedt&Aical au.,.nntudellt made dur1ft1 U~ ,ut 60 ynna. btlp)eet;nrr• On--.. ltqum-lior>n..a were 11 • per ttat ott:r &aflt ynr. 'l"hf>
IUBIOIUPl'lUN IATaa The l'"&l "'an of our LUM MftfJl~r. ln'1 not put UM. mact. uaJlab for lUu&Dce tn I ~rd aid the 170 companJ•
,....,_. ~ N...,._....._ rwt-\\'-*lJ f ,...S UM world from 'hutomc tboupta aaide &Ad p.nn!t ~ l•n coonu to mtet "uCftilt~ 9Ubjttt tr.lat• ~nt wrn
.. OtMise 0.-\7 ..... ,_., r-r: ...... al~ ...,.,, ttM Uuw --lyrantt. and abould ha" a.It u..1 bol)e t.>T pea~ to lull UI te 11 demand· In fut fTOWiftl a.mu.. baft two wwlU tn Whkll to rro-o..-. .. Otaqw 0.-t7 n .1t ,_ .,.. a l"l'M'TaUon ot P""· but that &IHp from wll!cll we mJpt nn~r RU..11 I Munro. A&t• Gnctor I lM\ btfort Uw board vaJu.Uou
---------:...::~:..:.:.::~:.;,:,,;:...::::....::..::::_ ____ did DO& com1 about. ~! &.-lawaltft\. of alcoholie ~ CID9t.rel,-.. an made t1naJ.
Wow! W1iiat 1.aD~ 19 ~ • Ila tJi.
natlou.J politJcal plcbare. Kehunr tbl"Oft la wilb
Adlai In a move to atop Ha.niman on· the Demo-
cratic tide whlltt siueen (wttb Ike'• bl e •ni•> ha•
rolled up hia a1ena and la t&kfn& on Nixon in a
.. no bokla barred'' over the G.O.P. Vice Preaklenc:y
... this la tbe kind of' 1tutf that m.Ue1 pqlitJca.l
to~ra 10 nut.a COJM tlccUon Um .
l&ll "Jbta ,. .. ,.,,ed>
Farmer McCabe
. ,
. . ...... . . . ;
~. t • I , )
t I t II
,' I • I •"' • I ,. I • •
. "
.. ' '. . ,,. ' . .. ' ..... "•·· .. • • f' ! • • I
f.. • ••• • t • • i I
, ..
. . ·-· .....
: .. ~
' . ' ..
~y -Wied Hammond ~you Mil to
orpa. Ttw~A h M C :t!.:-.:... ... =-: nc or. tr. o. * PORT ORANGE * TRA.ll.ER SALES
and Supplies
1n m. itua L1 1-11t1 2200 W. Cout Htway
• PIULlJP8 BIG 008'1'>. Mu>. Newport Beach LI M.u0
and OllOAN l'roftll, tu.re AUGUST BP!lCIAJ,.8
tH. Alwara 100 pWIOe ta1
from. 820 No. X&ln '6J CHJ:VROLl:T ooovertlble, ...,. ..,. ... b p .. _ ~ .. l.:. ·~-• Mby blue w:ltb white top, W .,.. -• r. an _.... -.-aw tiNI. a 6 H. Pl50 LI 61 50' 1 br. Pu Am. Tm Mf5
•NII (,ctl 61 •O' 1 br. Pu Am. tm ~ · H •o· 1 br. Paramnt «H 4otl
(811loe 1101) Grant W. Musick
¥our Hudson Dealer
61 30' 1 br. Panmnt alt5 MIO
61 11' Travelue 1 br. a• mN
61 26' Ttiny at.udlo soeo 17&0
M 13' Humml.ftCblrd IN ltS • aycamore, Ian\& AM
ltimberty 2-MT2 SALES and SERVICE 6111' Terry bath 1m 1111
tnun,.t. trombone n~ 211 H 1M A.apl.. u •T2'7I 58 16' Card1na.l. brakea 9" t~
t• ~ 9lber tnttru'.m.nt ~etm uuo ~ ll' Kit twin Mda aoll tm
a month. ALL rent paid M 19' Trama t1'lb bC ION ltoO
ea.r applJM on tuture Let RlUB Help You. M U ' Travelue awn. ~ _.
Oft couenlent term.I. M 37' Spe.rta.n ~ ITN
)'OW' lnltnnnent laid ~ Mlected H 1 r KenUill
MW ftll• th• ..a.cuon NEW I& USED CARS Beauty 1193 tota
:Id. With re& t.o •tart TAU A.DVANTAOll ot bta many 51 as· ConUn'l 2 br. 2190 19"
picked up. ,_,. ot upertence u a top 81 IO' Kit cuatom tm 1711
IHAFD'I JlO\cll IMCh&Dlc.
JJCIUf\Ore It., 8aDt& Ana
KI 1.oen
Count)''• oldeat and most
opltte Mualc at.oN.
409 IL 2l'I'll ft.
lla.tt»or 4nl · Newport Beacb
OPEN t a. Ill. • t p. m. evef1 ~
wltcm Electro!lb
UNOOLN CONVDTIBLll 'M J::aoellut coodlUon. Private _________ uoeo_
ce calla WI t p.a.
partJ, $26N. Har. U'6·W.
J'OI\ SALE by prlvate pa.rty.
lt~l MG Mark II WtJW. Qood
condtUoft. $160. Goln• {IOrth
to ecbOOl. Bar. ant. •ldO
Ll NJOI TIU.DIC wlt)l c&lh '61 J'ord Con· a:... ~ RAH. waw. rood 11 tn. x.Jlos.,""' condition. For aport. car uk ~ ..... .,_. ___ .... -...... n • ~-T-land u-•
Profit Sharing Cl,ub
To membere
On parta • aupplla
O.t partlculare NOW!
lT" ,.__,_ •a11. •Of -'"• or M.rL ....... , • nao•
l2%~~Nii--0111 -• a. m. to 6 p. m. . LI a.uu
No ¥01. tlcGO
...... ~.t;i;~t .. t;· .. 11~-iaa DOO:DIJ.T.11 Da..IVD\t 00 Harbor Trailer Suptly
........... ---~ .... .,....-.. -.~.flt a..w Elfslilb Ford. to mn.. 2187 Ha.nor BlYd., Ooet.a aa
11~" ·with n< .. -.. .fU pu pDo1l •lite. llM PAN· .uu:aICA.N '6' I
Un• Of !\CA Victor BA.U&KSN • WATBON bedrma. All modem conven·
'&T model.I frosn $129 UH ll&rtlor COit& M.. tenoa a.&aWUI lllterior and
Vlctor color TV tttc man7 utru. Priced to Mll
-· .. ·--···-···"" ---------QUI~ reepout_.•
1'1:1.iEVUION Llke New party. xitJiiow, &\Udo VWa1•
•1 Mar Har. IHtl Beautftul tllue Tr-Ir. Park, TOO 11.A It. Bu.
trom Port Tbeat..r 2127~. tTc'9
'1c'9 '65 .Dodp Hardtop ~------u--o.:7aW 22' COTI'AOE, Jood bedroom. RADIO Call Clara ~. ~ .-butane, cleU, altep9 '· STN
1"8 l'OIU> convertible 8unllnn. lncludlnl' cabana. ANCHOR
ble lllOdl1 ,.,.Sred rorda.Diatlc. MR. WaW, P50 TJ\.AlLE1\ Port. Oolta x ... $2.50 print. party. Ll MT~ __ ~_m_1,_t_o_Ba_Y_· ___ •T_ct_•
19'2 TuaUn. eo.ta w .... p6rta ud Jalaor · tlc80 t'f-W..Wto8e9' JN.~
a TV I& ~OUCN te-A-t'tne If Parta
Piuo-4'.e'' arcauta.n Nn and UNd
&auutul CoDdWon--uCK A.NO Ll ~ 4Tptt u~
ltt.fc .
Ree1ppin9 Service
Brake Semce . A.Kr>
J'ront EDC! Alipment
atJ.u> URYlCll ~ auctret Plu'
Youn tort.lie~
801 ·809 W. i.t ST.
aAJft' A »f A 1aa..aa
Motor Overhaul
(fot' &AY ncuey 1Jl ~Co.)
. Kt 7-3506
Rentals Wented
We need apt.I. a.ad llOU8M la all
MCt.IGG• for ~Ul "'4.W ...
,...,.. --r.u.ra. -""""' " '°" ._.. ... ~. pbOne tod&7
The Vogel CO.
U01 W. Cit. BWJ .. l'f..,..-t M.
~Ubert1~ .. ............. '*" ~aanar ... .,.
IM7 & Cat. Jl1 .. Cul-. dea 11&r 1 hoe• Hanoi' lfU
Udo pa-. lilt \'I& '*
Barlaor mt
l 702 Newport BlYd.. Ooeta M.a
1JIMrt7 l-IU7
Mao. to ores.
.:.ttmat• -tl&Jnpl•
B&rW*'"' .... Ttl'llD.I tt ~ ~Uc
SAVE UP TO 70'/.
JwrelrJ, ·~· *>el. ,Ull. .. adala pusware. ru11, el.C.
'" • IJd, " bUt 90\ltll of I.a-• l\Lfta Beath :.;tty Hall.
Open to publlo Kon. Uiru • lat. 1011 S.
1 to I P· &.
All yar"U, DeedJa, Mae ltrawa. :::.::. .. .va• tote ..... 20 to 26~ -1016
•dWcOunt& ~ dlaplay •··~ ·room di.WU • 1: a ft. and --• ~ cvd cablMt • e&rda. Roura:
: i.rr'•A~ KNIT. Ila E. Balbcle. 1:00 lO --~ u_•:_oo_s
Cft1LD Craft Mt of boOU $20.
•OU beater M. Ll f.OS&l, ~ •T«I '05
1130 1'0RI> ecmnrUlft co~
Good concSUJoQ.-•76. O'K..C•
A Merritt apl Ilse nnp
UM uw. t15, PJ>on• LI 1-:nu. ddO
2 Or.
in&' 8
wk. No
O~AL RlJOI ..ur-m--r-LY repalnd al very
: low .uuuner rat. 1:aUmate9 APP
: tr-. .._... Kalter rvp al !Oll &;
: friaclloll of oriliaal val\Je1, •u
• • up. PUIHKAN'I, 2705 E.
: ~l HJ&'hWay, Corona dd
*"liar. Har 1H2. ~
WSDOCWOOD apt. ranc•. ean\I
:ullDmaUo W&.llalAI mM.blM
: : llbl.ll Uke n....,. Coldapot N.frt1,. 12 CU.
.. dbl. bOJ: epr. I& mattreee .x· 1belvu.
celJent condition. AllO Plat.. 1n OW'
4'f0rm rocker 6 ottoma.a. •31 tor ftl
• Acacia, CD.JI. • 4tc6l claime4
oo.ly fl
t•r all arvWad UWt1. ~·
ence la lqdn.\&llc work MIP-
t\ll. Call In pa'IOll lkyroe'
Corp. •24 Tennlnal W•7,
Ca.ta Keu, or phOnl Liberty
MSO:S evenlAc• for appo1Dl.·
ment. 47ctt
Ia UM mail lh'elnu recel*
aa open ~ einftlope Wblda
had a tac lD UM oonMI' ~ n.MWw'• Ottlc9, C.1.1 H_,. -------!!~--...._------~---~....;..;~~
~ Blda'· IOOO P ~ N.W.
IAl'de wu a dl9Ck and ael"09
tft top wu Uie Mme aotatlola
WlOl two ~ptlOM. lht m&mMr
wu wt oot et ta. "*'"-U4
t.reumw'• ... lpllled "'Ti-· .... "
You are most
~to fJDd
a Miyer tlu'ol.llb u......,..-
wbicb ,.ople
re&d tor cJaMl,,...
Tbe Nn .. ~
Banor 1111 •
R•BBOR 1818
Most Real~ •
Claa1fled Ada
• Up:52
LADY for seneral ottlce clerk, tna.n. cxpertooe MOllU&l'7· I
day weiak. Local firm. LUt ex·
pertmce. Write BoJt z..21 UWi
paper. dc60 .,.. u:tm ~ ~'°!: -X-~-RA-Y--TE __ C_H_N-IC_l_A_N_
...._ _____ .:,._....._...;..._ adult&. caD Ll 1-llU mom· WJUTll 8oz IY·tt. N..-port
EXPERT lDp. Ucd N..,._Pna 47c41
e A.ddlUou • ~
• C&blneta • Louvn Wlndowl
• Doon
• OcienJ cupmtar work e VERY REASON.ABLE
LICOMd Har. llOl-W
Ko J°' too .mall. Beet or nr.
~ LI M'JH 17Uo
Paintin1 A Decorat.ln,g
CaJl to~ ,.... ..umat.ee
FURNITURE Dl.t.lDct1vel1 ~ •
..... ~ -NftailMe C. EVERm SMITH
PrwWas .. de&Dup. 87 boar,
dq or mont.b. u l-6080.
11oan1 .... c.1-,...
1 'JR MGDl'O'flao a.t. Ima
TSACHl:R ~ • llMllb.et'•
......... ._A Mar4 plum
.-la17. Bar U»-W. • 4lclO
CABPl:T86tJl9)Lftl:RY au~ ISrDUTU.
a-.. a tu• ti • Ill ldiWPOaT IEWELICRS
YOUJl BOMB int ~ ...,._
~ 4laJ ~ Clilla 111.. U Mill
ltOT'S llADftlDl'AJfCZ
W • ~ at.. K.wpgrt a.dl Gltfe Har. UM dQi or uuo
l"OIUdll TIMCllD U4 ~ WlTll A UllCaJRW warDf0-
1....s 81itlk MattJ .. aMJa ~ ~
........ 11&.-r .,..,,, ..., .. to ... -.. .,.,.. ·~ x ..... .,.. d
le ~.l,.aal W :it ~· I br. Pu Am ... 1 .....
LI N 110' 1 br. Pu A.Ill. Tm ...
M 40' 1 br. Pan A.m. Im 5llO 4t M 40' 1 br. Par.mDt UM '*
61IO'1 br. Pvamnt am MIO
M 17' Trawl .. 1 br. a• 95
61 :&&' Tvey 1tudio 10eO 1'7SO
M 13' H1.unmlalblrd ltl ...
N ir 'l'•JTJ b&Ut lttO 1'111
M 16' C&rdlllal. bralct.1 tl5 ICIO
1'7: ~ 11' KJt twln ~ ION ITM
116 lt' Traua tWbi ~ IOtlS 1100
M 16' Trav.leu awn. SIN _.
M l'l~ &put.an aMI JTN
M 11' K.ukUl .
lkauly 11" 10t5
61 II' CollUn'l 2 br. 2190 lMO
top 61 10' Kil cwt.em 1tl5 1711
OPEN t a.~· I p. m. .._'7 ~
Bo .... Aero
Profit Sharing Club
0a put.a 4k 1UppU..
Ll Will
Harbor Trailer Supoly ~..n-.-+""!A1.0.-•H&rbor= _ Blvd., Cott.a M ..
ltM PAN· .uo:JUCAJlf W I
"4nna. AU modern coann· , ......... WUJ lnl .......
lllQJ •tl'U. PrkM to ....
Qt11CK. Tw:nu to ~w·
p&rtJ. Lltqow, al Udo VW.,•
Trir. ParlE. TOO llA at. Har.
1121.J. '"°''
U' 001T AO&, Jood bed.rvom.
butane, ca.a. ....,. '· ,.,..
lnclud~ Cabana. A.NCROK
TR.AlLl:R P..-t. Ool'ta ....
~ mi. to Bay. 4Tc4t ,,_ ...........
FREE l !
(for aft7 Tac&DC'J la Ol'anp 0.. J
. Kl 7.3506
Rentals Wanted
.... to<>l"W
Dtbn&t• -9&1nplta
SAVE tJP TO 70°!.
J.,.,., ~ ..... ,ui..
~. pi.MW&re. rup. t lC.
1013 s. ~ Kl 3-Ad
ALUMlNUM «t;a.re tub MAJ·
'ta&' .,uh•. ~ cooditlon
802 Stb St., H1•nttnstoo Baicb
i.u e.nu u
'" • lnlt \i blk eouth ot L&-cuna Beach ~ty Hall. • J E S S E E HARROLD IMPORTER
Opeo to public Mon. thru. Sat. APPLIANCE CO.
l. '° • p. an. 1011 s. KA.IN Kl a-tUI Uea2 UlC';U AJ:f_A. 111UNI> NSW I pl_;. U'1af
-.-----------.-l '. room .. , wtU. diYU •. dWt AtJTOMATIO WA..8Bl:RS JH. A otJOD\U. Beea Sa~
1130 FOIU) COJ)VV'\1bJ9 00~
Good condiUon. S71. 01KMfe
la K t rrlU apt. af.ae ranp.
Uh new, $tl5, !?Ion. LI 8-
• t1 lJ. •lcOO
WBILll THZT L.UT. JkDd1x. MMl w..U. Dlvu ~ AL
Hotpolnt. WhJ.rJpool, B~•· Md. s... paid doWa to SH•.-a.upJ»a J'\l.nttun W&ftboute
-1016 J:,. J'\nt ·~ Ana-PboM Jd. 1-6411. MOft
Boan: Monday Uln.I J'riday
t :OO tb t !OO ~ 9:00 to
e:oo Sunday 11:00 to $:00.
OM _., operation. VllN ODl,J
eort t.lme oa our floor u
tkmo~tol'. Tr o u -1 .. ir.
wUll Cle.J• t.r y.ue wtt.ll tl\la
bMut.)'. No Down P&yme11t.
Oft))' •1u1 ,.,. mo.
K.Dow1toa ~
TV Antenn•i
DfftAll l!D
I A..a-p.11_.,. ...
.lCMS T. V.
RIOH HAHN'S • s.. man.
Bar'* •ftl · New,ort 8eacll
J:Kotllen\ condJUoft. Pit.ate
l&l°t1• JJ8H. Bar. •Hl-W. ·~
Tl\.AJ)J: wt"' Ulla '$1 Ford Ooo·
....Ubk J\ AB. W 8 W, pod
oondlt.IOD.. l'OI' qort. car uk
for Mr. or Mn. lrd&Dd. H&r.
ml -t a. II). to I p. m.
BeaUtlful Blu•
'255.Dodp Hardtop
Call Qara Bar, 3579-W
1161 JOJU> con...rtl1)1.e lunllner.
J'Ol'd&l'Datlo. M.R, WaW, St50
Rec•ppin9 .Service
Brak• 8en'lcl • • AJfD .
J'raat l:.d llpiit.eJ:it
Jtb.u> lllRVJC9
rtnlCoDI 8'adPt l1aD.
Youn .. UM ......
801·809 W. lit ST.
JOIN ot1Jl
Profit Sharing Clul:i
To m..u.n
Oil put.I • auppl*
Get pe.rt1eu1&n NOW! . ....
U COTTAGE. ~ bedroom.
but.AM, dean, altilpl ••••
lllcludlnc C&bu&. A.NCBOft
TRJ.lLJCR P..C. OU.ta K.-
~ m1 to Bq. '1clt
'· ..
235' R·l
Furnished Models 1
0pen OaDy
5 Minutes from the Oeean
Neer Schools I Work
Jlrclot or rear Uvinl l'OOIU • Plenty of cloMta.
Dtmaa 81*9 in kitchens • '° pl water ._..._
Natural btreh cabinet. e Confetti tile in Jdtdl.
em • Katicork floora • Wood .Udlng wm-
don • 8,000 8Cl· ft. lot.a • Rock roota.
Alamlmam Knena.
~ J Wed batM. natuna
)dtcMD wtt.b ~ut ••
Nnlce pordl. nu Uv. room
openlJC Ollto 1-ut.ltU11)' ~
...,.... all fence4 7ard Pel
patio wlt.b bll. ln ~.
vreni1ae dbl. ...,...., r .>.. h•l.
bdwd.. Goora -nu.,tn. aD
th1a lD an oui.tancttn1 upper
ba7 lot$U. for ODl7 P'l .oot
and LOW ·.own pe71Derit -
Immediate pa •••on.
••• • -----· • • ' !'.llMlr•• • > 1 • ...... ' ·-·---!" !el ..... NiWPORT HAltlOA ~AltT 11 ··PAM.1
MONDAY, AU8UST IJ, 1916' '
•· ..
' .
' '
-· •
. .
. ':
' ..
T He v 0 G E L c· 0 M p AN y., . R £:( LT 0 Rs •
5 Star V099I VeluH * Ove; 1/10 of an acre on IJdo * 2 bdrm h..,.. ....U conotniet.d
* A.vt,ll&ble 1pace for addlUon¥ bodrooml • * Still more room left for pool * Price sh ,IJOO :_ W)>ot more cr.n YO\I uk.
• 11'.0R THE PERJ'ECT!ONIST * P'unilltied 2 bdrm 2 bath hou.oe , * J'ln..t Cllltoin qualify * Full eaJ<>ymeut ot oouth patio
1r Jl'leld.stoAe fireplace
* Full price $29,500 '
J'or the abo'\re properties
3418Vla U® •
Eves: Harbor 514'2'0r3630J
Corona del Mar Office-Vogel Values
*' * *
NEW 2 BDRM PROVINC!A.L HOME • Brick front, excellent loc&Uon, uaed brick fire-
place, H/W fioor1, uh paneled living room, IJt!!.
family kitchen, prage atreued !or apl R·2 )oL
Be 1ure lo ate for $1? ,500.
3 bdrm. It den So. ot Highway. Fireplace, HW
floon, FA beat, cio.e to IChool, market. &nd.
beach, 16x28 living room, lge. bdrm.a., lge. cor·
ner lot, 2400 IQ. fL Priced at $23,500 with $5()00
No, l Lge. corner lot -upper locaUon $7,115()
No. 2 Street to .ueet -Permanent • view
No. 3
Very cholce -view -1treet to
For the above prope.rt.ial
• PHONE HARBOR -0757 or HA 1741 -
VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office
21167 E. Cout HJ1hway
Eves: Har. 179e-W LI S-5457 Har. 2892 f288 •
,, ) ~ :I: •
• •. .a,. I .f : I \l..r ' ~j •
Firrest L:il:fo· ~ckhu · • ~
' . • . . ~
• ' -• I.
2 Offic:e1 rilll •v•ll11bl,. C.n be comli1"4, 700 •Cl•' ft. nch. f75. •ncl
~· • • i r -... ~ ~··~00 .. monthly. • . · : ,, . . . -~·· ·, · ' -. . VOG1:t' CO. excl11a":ve .,.nta
J<tl6 Via Udo .. • • ar .... , '• .
I • ' f'lewport_lle•cfi
' . , •. ~hone Herb~~ ~97}'.
" ' ... ' ••f''' . .. • NEWPORT ·HEl&HTS -• . 'l'Ty.it,ooo. Down on thll z Bedroom & Den Homt. Blr4'""'4 ·l'Jootl· 11114 l'lnpiooe.
Lovely laJtdlcaped yard. Seller la viry IUIX!oui for a Quick Ille. $1t,850. . . '
Duplex -3 yean old. 2 lledlOpllUI eech aide. Comer LoL Full price SH,IJOO.
• $3,l!OO Down.
~ Rlghlan41-3~ boa!<· 1~ bath& "-.....s !loon. For<oed alr hllt. i
q...Uty home. Nothlnr like It lo thl Hi&blo"41 for thl pr!ce of $17,8llO. Terml.
3 lledroom1 and Den with wat.. frontap. Pier priYiledpo. Price jUlt llUhed tc
'3',8!50. 4 yean old. Thill la your opportunity lo bUy a tine hOID8 lo a l<mly lllC!udad
area..~. Don't wait Oil W.!!
w .. t to build lnCC1De property oa Lidq tiJam ! tl.tm lo thll; 2 llednJom homo ll
yean o}d on & ft...3 lot 82d0z70, with room to build two !Dore unit.I tllat could h&vt &
B&y view. The lot alone ta worth the utlnJ'Priu at SZJ.,IJOO • )' ~ .. , ;
Corona Ji1ihl&nch; 3 Bedroom., bardwood noon: $8,300. 4 ~ loan now on property.
Pernwte11t Ocean View. Tbla la the loweot price home.woo will ever buy lo tho High·
1andl $22,500. t..ml.
A.lao In the.Corona HIJhlandl; Lovely ranch type ljmne .. Full lhlk• root. 1% batha.
Built-in oven and ranee. Larp brtaldut roOm u .weµ ,u Dininr room. J'lreplaoe, ·wall
to wall corpeUng. 2 Bedroorm and Dm or throo bedrootr; r:ouldn~ be replaced for the
ulcJDs prloe ot $29,850. goo1I !<nu. "·
ror the above propertiea, •
• PHONE LIBERTY S.~1 .. . . . THE VOGEL CO .. "MAIN , OFFICE -• 3201 W, Cout Hwy . ' Evenlnp: LI 8-7739 HA. 3830-J ~ U.71K2 LI S.1'21 . '
Coste Mesa Office-VOGEL VALl,IES
Near -1p&dauo bomo with llOO ...,. foot
In U'flns area. 18 x JO U'flns ,_, Ice-dJalnl
..... Tiled kitchen wJlh --..... 2 -8". pcb. ILW. tlDon. l'..A. -t. Potlo. Tani
laDdaoped and fenced. A.ttraetln' redwood and
ltuceo esterlGr lo excJUll .. Jl.1 areo. j •
' Pl. 7!50 tull prioo
A.ttractlft, ....u built, loeated In rood ..... -
Eut Oool& -..... One block to ~
tloD. u .. 1n -2 br. 11114 1et tho a 1 1r.
•...-.Otl pay It off. l!lxael!M>t tlnanalq, thl
lit T.D. roduclnJ down lo 41,i~. Nicely laltd·
11<aped f0< a ..-... of upkeep.
$21,500 tull p-
2 bedr'OOll1 In one of our moot deolrable uou.
14 x lS LR. Dlnln& area. ILW. tloon. Lufo
covem patio with fenced yard. A. rood bu7 for
thla location. Priced tor quick Nia.
$U,l500'1ull price
J'or the above propertle.
VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office
1700 N1wput-t llhd.
-Har. MM, Har. 57H
* * *
Cloee to S, B&y lllld lhopplnJ. 2 hdnn. home
with room lo bid. add!Uooal unJL -buy on
"laland" tor low price ot $19,500,
·Neer N. B&y. Extn. Ip. UWig room with UMd
brlck fireplace. 3 bdrma, 2 bathl, l'A. .... t,
Separate dlnlnf ntom. Tbla ii hard to beat foe
$22,l!OO -"'""'
Beaut. 4 bdrm 6 deD 2 ltory cololllal home °" 2
beauL landecaped Iota. ' bathl, 2 tire~
aeparate dlnlq room, outltondinJ patio d..ip.
eel tor outdoor llvinJ. TutefuUy dlllgDed for
cractouo ~ and the moot dlacrlmlnaUn( bu7·
en. AmuatMt.
For tho aboVI proparu..
VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office
(Nut Door to POI! Oftlce)
20S Warine.A.n.
Evel: Har. 1829, Har. 12211-ll
~ FULL PRI<:;E tor neat 2, bednn. home· with
lard.wood ftoon. Subm.Jt low down payment,
,, u owner tnnaferred and muat lell.
U7,950 .iiJLL PRICE tor 3 bedrm. 2 bath Ran<h
bome. Sb.a.kt root. b\lilt in nnp and oven an4
~ alt llaa1 are amoo1 the atru In thll
terrific buy. Submit $1500 down. , ·,
• • .
1199 Newiiort .Siva • • eoe1a Mela
Ll 8"5ll08 'Eve1 LI 8·7237 t
·N. 8. C.
B /B v v Best Buys Corona del Mar
Ocoen Front 1, ,t JUST LISTED. So. of H11hway, cute 2 bdrm ..
S111hora Drive home. lArce coverod l!"liD. double pr. C&rpete
1 Je&n old _ 1 Bft _ 2 Batt. . and ~pa. mome furnitu.r;e lnduded. FW1 price
Pauo -t car ~ 121,aoo SU.500. '3:500 dbwn. BEt1'ER BUllRY. ·
-Terms ; Euluaive with wa.
Penniri1ula Modo.rn 2, ,t SHORECLIFFS. Fint Ume otf~ Ranch typt,
2 BR -Doft -, ,.,.,. .. ll>r-lhaU rvof. 2 bdrm. ""4 cjen httme. 2 flrepW*.
'.,.. .. UO,OOO -11.000 ....... '37,500 n..:Jmive with UL Open h .... , 1 -6
P1nin1ula -Exclu1iv1 dally. 239 :U:ommg Canyon Road.
I Bit -a Bath -Pauo --, · :
l!ff.uutu11y 1and•caped -3. r' THREE bedrm..home. (Old bOme.but In rood ::.\let r'°°'9 '"'"° -condition) PLUS leVtl Jt..2 ftCIJlt lot. Cboi99
Bay & Beach Rlty, Inc .
location, north of Hwy . .Jn Corooa del liar. Full
, prb $18,950. BE'ITER HURRY I E<clualvo
with us.
Open Houses
482 'E. 20th St.
Sparl<Ung new 2 bedrm., 2
bl.th home -Hu every·
thin&: Built by Billell -
Drive by I Our ali11men
will diocuu prl<el ... d
' ' . 400 Vista B•y•
2200 Blocl< on Tuotln
1. 1760 DOWN-3 bdrm., onl7 t -. old. t.ario
lot. Full price $U,500, $88 month.
2. TRY $1000 OOWN-3 bdrm., Ollly 2 11'0. old.
Eut Side Cool& W-. Price $11,000, S89 mo.
~lcely landlcaped. fenced, tine ne!pborhoocl.
Thia one won't 1ut !
3. 11000 DOWN-3 hdnn. 2 yun old, lot le x
110, -llde Coeto "'-Maa1 atru, tull priee $9800, 182 per mo. Inc. ~ 6 lnl.
'-$1000 DOWN-Dupla, 1 bdrm. ea., older but
rmtl ....U and many ~bllltleo, p-OD11
ft.EAL~ (
.. 1&60 W, Balboa BMt., 8&1bo& • 924.~ Arbor, larg'e home --·-·--·-·--·-····$ 9,800 H&rtior UM Ewa. HarW UM
y ~ down on thil: 1arp :> bed.rm. bOl!le,
3 car pn.re -located' on eo tf. corner !ot.
Room tor additional unit. FOii price $17,000.
Paymeuta only $100 per mo. Troly a BARGAIN.
No telepbOne infonnatbi <pie..!. ·Come to
of!ic:f!, we are ready to tJloW' yod. Ex.clualve
with ui..
5. $950 DOWN-S bdrm,, 7 Jn. old, _, H.,..
port B1>c1. Lot so " 1211, ....u,. ""911. ran
prll:Tll0,900. sat per month. 251 Clm1Qla Lfne, new home ______ ..... $11,7!50 ------~-1
2077 Oranca, cMoice home __ _. .... _ ....... ------$13,500 CURT DOSH, Rltr.
SM thla S bedroom home
With big family ntom -s
car prlfl and work lhop,
It. roomy -Like new! 303 Ramt>na Place, Xtn qe --------SH.850
-5H San Bernifillllo, r'OOllly ____ .... $10,956
119 Hth St. dupla -=-------· $1',96(1
Good value, p>d flUndng, food aetvlce
. N.B,c. ~J~WTY CO;' .
Harl>or 51136 or HOO
cl1fr. HAVEN
318 Silug Hait>or Road
Fin( Ume ottered, t bed-. deD, 1 bath, paUo,
all for 116,500. Eaay flnaDclnJ.
Thie 1o .. •m..i ...
l1Mb and lrvtne -LI g..28&i
315 Marine Av1.
Balboa Island
Harbor 1560
PRICE T. WcCUISTJON, llaltor 6 A._tate.
Duncan Hardesty
no! M..,art ...._
Newport ~ ~~ •Tia
S. 4950 DOWN-4 bdrm., nloe po.Uo, 01117 8 -.
old, 1% batho, }Vetri Sidi Coltt MMe, $11,GOO, •
$95 month.
T. TRY UOOO DOWN-4 bdlm...1~ h&lli, _,.
Santa A.a and ~·St., Colla"'--
SU.ICM!, sat per mooth.
Lovo'1, ...,_,II .... wlUO 3H7E.Cout&..,.. Corooadolll&r Bar.tr Income Property REALTORS INSUR.UCE
11e&m ceu.Lnsa. tar.kt.at ¥r · • .,,.,,,. N port B'-' N. •--• ""d au ~ comfort. .tound tn (0fflct: located nezt door to N"'POf1. Harbor Bank, CdM) I tnttl'I IN l'AlllOVI 'CLln -ft .... _, iWport _.
.. pdllltw .....,, °'"*' ,,,.... KAVllH. A.11 ......, ~ Hartaor "28 (day or JIJchtl
lnJ. lqt ..U. Uu.l act quldr • llW:oaMi llOOI. lliiNDtat ,.at&I --;----,-------------
'° ... "I"' NOTICE ~-==..:::: $70 l>ER FRONT FT. D H d ty Oooa ftftllndq. A n&I buy C., pr0ptl1.1 I• 0Nta lika. IOf.. uncan ar es ""·-10 1T ''°' ...... ""' n. • ...,..., ,., .. ,.. -
kli.LTOft • n.c.. ltt1c lo ... .... PdJ ftmL, ..... .... 1-1 ...
2t02 Hnoport Dhi. Har~ fT11 Sewnl uceUent 3 ... bedroom hometa DAH .... JAOOMSK, a.I Dlta.t.e • -....... ... now available. MOVE IN HarlMW Ntt U Mnt ......,
lllOO OOWM. I Mrm., 1,. b&Ut., Kl J..2117 U ....-r&t a... \e aboo&a A 0 h•
1 yr. oW. (enetd 7M'd. ........ 6lclO v.,. ................... °""'
pt&at .... nj~ )'a.rd. ,.u •. tloM ...... --' ,.... .... &. to ...new. at.IOI. Me. ,.,.. BT OWHQ
m.nt. HT.IO. 1... Ha.rbGr M-'. ttll m7 ... J Mdrm.. ITILU. at SU .... ur...
Four Units
. EnO Fr,.i Barl<<r LI 8-l!621 Sten LeLlemi 1J 11-7008
"W•tch.tnc' an u.. bo.t. ro ~
~ed I btdN>Om home
built -ll01kl rod!:. O.rqe
~ tor cqllt.Nlen. Clllna
Con. Owner Harbor MIT0W, ·-lll08 Harl>or
Realtor 1_
u a.nu ~ .. eo.ta N-. U l -1Ml. -., Ull• MW. 11&1'. tTn. MT &. 8&fMa ...._ llM' ... *"'--Loi a.UM. fl:""' . "'!!' ...,. Har. OAa. f f ...
' i'otced Air H~t
1 Natural Cabinet.I
OU.pod le Sewers
Brick Pla.nWI
• Stucco Ir Redwood
• Pl.utered vya11s
Ceotnl JOcatJOn near"lleW BULLOCKS. Pac. Tele-
phone BuDdhlf. Marketa, Schooll, etc.
ONL y. $13,750 -$14,500
DrRECl'IONS-North on Main to La Veta St., West
to Flower St.:· -From .Freeway~ Eut on Chap-
man tA> iiower. South to La VetL-Open Noon On.
FRED C. McADAMS, Tract Mgr •• KE 8-8420
Corona Del Mar · ·
ffow you can live l Y.: block• from Uttle Corona
in a newly decorated 3 bedroom house with 1 1 ::
bat.ha. H.W. tloon, FA beat on a t.5 ft. lot with .
room for ~alon. Drive by thil beeutiful home
and .ee. OPEN DAILY ~cej>t Monday -1 ·5.
313 Poppy.
• • I · Bay Shores . Special
3 Bedroom 1 J l Balbi, located on a comer lot,
la--ie encloeed patio and cloee to the Beaches.
Mu.st .ee to appl'eciate. OPEN Sat. le Sun. 1-5.
~71 Vltta.
Back Bay .
2 Bedroo1m A Den located on your own private
la.ke. vnth an all electric ldtcben fully carpeted
le draped. plua w'i.aber le dryer. Thia la a dream
home with all of the exohwve !eatua:a you a.re
looldnr for. OPEN Sat. It Sun. 1-.5. . U._,23.rd
W. E. ·ASHER & Associates
I024 Cout Highway, ~ del Mar
. Eftl. Harbor 2.f.20-W
Harbor 5032
. .
Choice come'r toea&n
3 bednn.. home, ~e llvlnl: ~.·inviting lanai
and OD9 of th Jala.nd•• prettitat gardens;
WM. w.
. ,
'$27.600 •
Low down payment
Barbor 2462
' ·Value For Your $$$
RanCh type home with 1900 eq. ft. of fine quality
comtn.actlon. 3 bedrooma and den. WaU-to~wall
cupeta and drapee. ~udes built-in oven a.ad
ranee. A.read.la door1 to lovely patio, and
tw.ly fenced yard. One and ~ ~ batbt. If you
want the beat, call jack Criaf'ield for appointment.
• · A Prestige Home
In bick bay &re&. Larp llvba& room with brick ~
firepl&ee. 1~ Mtlla: 2 ~ old. Beautit\&1 )'t.rd . -~
and patio. Lot.I of tree. ud maximWR privacy.
\Vall to wall earpetbig. New stove and refri,er-
ator. See thil ~ home today. Priold at
$23,950. Beet of tmna. OPEN SUNDAY 1 to !S.
450 'E. 20th Sl, Col\& Ma&.
· · Neweort Ocean Ffont
A. charming 'feel at' home'' ocean front. 2 beo
rooma with ,.. e d:in lleepinr alcove. aaee.-Qlne
penon& Extra large living room with fireplace.
1% bathl. 30 ,feet of beautiful beach. $25,7M.
See it and you•u buy it.
Udo Isle
· $22,500 2 bedrooma plua pest room 11 ~ bath.I
$23,&M> 3 bedrooma and den 11 , bathl
p. a. palmer · incorp~rated
ole hanson co. m•fl'g•ment ' ·
3333 vta Udo, harbor 1500 • ;.
p. a: ··palmer incorporated
ole hanson co. management
1100 w. coot highway -liberty 8-6573
$24,950 2 bedrooma and guest room 2 bathl
$39,500 3 bedroom• &.Dd·den 2 bath.I
$42,500 3 bedrooms and den plUI apartment
over garage. 4 baths. ~iabed and beauWully.
Open Houses Sunday 1 to 5
211 Tustin, Newport Helgbta. Be.t view home .
2 bedroqma, 2 baths, Iarce gla.ued-in 11UJ1deck.
I '
A\lUlll)' l he OUtAandtnl
bay front v&lue In anllN
ar .a :is bedrooma bp, fur-
nlahfii, and 2. bedrrn. de>W'n.
S car ,., .,, lauDdty .nd A •
utility rooma. ~ rtrtill and
only ~ y•a.n old. Exclwdve
with u1 at SM,000, 1ood
APARTau:N'rs at• toe -.le., a unit.a ptu.1 man&l'•r'• apart·
menl. TarrtflC c>«an tront I locauon. A d&ndy bu1)dln1
remodeled In 1953. Laundry
and uUUty room.. Y•r
around cUenlde. 146,000, 1 '
ING. Situated on 2 lot.I.
StrlcU)' modern. One Of th• I
..-elly tlne apartment buUd· 1 1n,. ln the Balbe»-Newport
&l'fL fet,000, term&.
See Ttieae ·Exclu1iv11
f • • ' * 3861.&Cen•da -New, two!& d~ 1~· ba~,
hardwood ftoora, UMd brick rt.replace, forced air
heat. bulJ1..flJ onn A ruse. · Full price · $U.960
with ~.000 down.
• • • • • , ' • • f
. ·. ~
* , 407 Vista Bay& -:I'hree bedrooma, good
view, pegftd hardwood 11oor1, fireplace, f~
air heat. Carpet.a and drapt1 lnclUded. Beautiful ' · '
patio and ian&i. Fireplace. Only $27,~. -
$(,500 down.
* 389 Mira LOma -NEW Top Back Bay
value. larp-re.r llvin&' room, '1rep1ace, forced
a.ir heat, built-in <YKede & Merritt oven a.rid
range, beauttfpl alder wood cabinet.a, dispca1,
hooded tan and l'r1gida.ln d.Jahwuber. Inter-
com syatern A many other fine f eatu.rea. Priced · .
to tell at $2:S, 7M with only ~.000 down.
W.'" A TOBIAS, Realtor
IN RIC.AR. 2 bed.rOocn tur-
nl.&Md home a"'4 bAchtlor lD
ttu la modem and Yfll7 at-
tncbvt. 1..ar,. Jot. p&U.
&nd 2 .tnile pna& fll,-
600, term.a. "You'll Like Our Ftlimdly Servlc."
C61 YOU COUU> Bl: A LUCKY 400 ,E. 17th St.' eo-ta M.a . ~ 8-1~9
BlJTER by ..-ns Lbia 800A. __
Owner aYt "ldl uua 4 uzi!t
Income bulldlnr fol' UA.000
and J1v'em Sood ~rm-." JU
LI JO~ out ot the stat• ror
Lovely 3 ,~ home lo dellrbtfl!l ndgbborhood.
BeautJfuHy land.leaped. Owner tra.n.aferred.
$15,750 -$2:500 down.
a while and want.I lO ..U.
Hu 4 atn1ie unit.I. nicely '
turnlabed and redecOl"at.d
uuoupout. LoHted on EaM
Bay Avenue and cloe. \0
THGSm proJIOl:lnl to build
'Income property. Twct R..i
lot.I, ea.ch 120' deep. 'nit
only two remalnlnr Jl .. lob
on ~ninlUla polllt. ltd• ~
aide. •~.ooo.
Balboa Realty Co.
2 bed.rm. traine hou.e pl~ adjolninr comer lot,
:18th and Newport Blvd. -in heart of Coeta
Meta. M ft. frontap, ~ deep on 18th. Excel-
lent location for new store building commMdlng
top rental. Prlce $36,&K>
·Bl B'
Only $24.950
Thi1 hoe• hu•them all beat for
Room Arransement
$23,~~· .
Usl Elden, Costa Mesa. Larre 4 bedroom and
family roam. 2 baths plUJ unfinilhed ~4 bath.
2 fireplace.. Wall to wall carpeting on 80 x 300
lot. Jqst rig~t. for a l;&rge family .• 0.nl? one year
oJd. $19,«5(). . .
~~/11:00~~m ~U: JACK BRENNAN, . REALTOR -
rdom. ~d -work out beauU-"AT THE ARCHES" tu.tty tor • family of G. L&..,.t 3320 ,... __
livf:nc'room w ahullen afford.I W. ~t Hwy. LI 8-7773
many poaable CfOUplnp. Cor· ---------=----
ner l&Jy• tlrcplac:e and lovely
planlinp tn p&llo add lo thJI
room. C&.rpet.a and drapertea.
Many other nn. ext.ru.
EVERT ho'1H hu Ila out.at.and~
llt&' teaauna,. but Ulla place 11
diltinct In uery way, and al-
ter aee~ lhll you will hi.Ya
tD "CTH OU1' 1tatemenl la cor•
.,ct. a bedroom1 of chann wtlh
J Jovtly bath.room1. Patio of
•UT tine pl.anUn... All t.hll
can be bad for '29,780.
CHANNEL Road lot. unobetructed view ot Bay.
$17,500 ttnm.
DUPLEX 2 bedrm. Ir 1 bedrm., near bay.
Good ttnter f21,500
2 BEDROOKS plUI lanai OD tree covered lot.
66 x ~. R~ zone. $18,000. Terma.
OOMKERCIAL corner l~'h x UC> ft. Neu ffu.
bo' you' )lave a bll' tamUy and bor 81"1. Preeent tmprovanenta ahould --n..ca 4 Sood •'-bedroom1 'I' ...,_ •'
Sea lhll •tJJ-bullt 2 1tory till property developed. Beat buy on W. 19th St.
home. Hu,. patio w/bUill-ln
BBQ. EquaJ tD 60' loL P4.780. COAST PROPERTIES
DON'T be U>e one to HY .. 1 MlJdred Rifp and Sylvia ThomplOll. •-oci1ta
waited too..1001." No4Unr ta 301 E. Bal. boa Blvd.. Bal~ Har. ~ or 60 more qsnva~. There'• aJ· ____ ....._ ______ ...__ _ __,_....__..._ __
••.Y• t.be r11bt J>uyer for ucb '
ptec:• of property, howe\'tr, •• CORONA HIGHLAN, OS
once In a while 90methlq '
cora• on the marlte~ that wa
feel many more than juat one
would 1"0 tor. G bedroom.I ot
livable charm. Pier and cffer-
. •l&ed allp ww deu,1\l lh• tam•
lly. An elevator for the one
who mlJhl need IL Nothtn1 I•
left ou~ tn tll1I home .. Ftnut,
Marine view from tht. attr&cdve uewer bome_ 3
fine bedl'Oom, 1 '>& bath.I. na.mpua room. 11¥1 M
fenced lot. . Loada of "extru" in tb1a 'qu&Uty
hom~. A.Hing $32,~ .
'{Wo 1••ndard J.a.rae 2 bedroom apt.I. (1 wW. &.-
place) dlnlng roonm, ID.Odem Jdtc.bena, d..,_k
patio in ftoftt. Scheduled I"* llico1De s:s&OO yr.
A1Jc.inc $42,:500, excellent t.ermL •
-... ....... .--~..._--..;.;...;;.....;..._...,._,-....-__ __,;..J..--~-Oppc>llltA Suk ot Amttica Spacloua . comfortable nicely decorated home, 2
bedrml. 1% bath. Large flueed lanaJ OD ~
FAR end ot Lido Iale. Pier and
Slip. Completely turnllhed, tx·
tra Jarie Jot.. $1,000 Month
Year ROW>d.
. . ' ' ' . .
E'Teninp call Dlith ·Maroon, HYatt Mm or
See W. beautiful 2 It.OJ')' provincial today. All
" you could ner want in a home, plut a lecluded
2 tiecir. home in rear for Income. $32,000
For appointment to eee call
ADA CROW, with
Ben J. Whitman, Realtor
3M2 E. Cout Hwy Har 1862
Roel O~J Sci LM
Joetphln. W9blt
'TOO I:.. Balboa BJ•d., Ba.Ibo&
Pbone Harbor 1277 .
I ft. lot. Extra bedroom could be added.
Only .$31,500 and a v~ GOOD BUY • MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor & Assoc.
TERRIFIC · · BU~ Helm Baum Hue! Condon
3'32 Via Oporto Harbor MM
tNCOME Eva· LI 8-6297 LI 8-1709 HAR,1011·J
A. real nice I '*1rm. home that -
11 wt.ll la.Id out. <J&race. Part.IJ =~tru~~1!i. 2v?;·ru:.i~ MUL TIPL:E£1STl"'G.:OF-THE.MONTH
land1c&pe4. A ~ DI~ beck
yard that ti tanced. PLUS a
v~ry Jood rental on t.be ru.r of
lot. Tenant.I a.re •tll ple&Md
and have been there for 2
• yra. Good k>c&UOn. Ownu
Bay & Beach Rlty. Inc.
S112 W~lU
Har M'3 Har mt Ev•,
'Ju« to Ule rlpt et Udo lft14•'
6 IM:bm., chm. l'f'Uttsl do11&t
value ·tn tarre tamUy hom.,_
Brcnniell dffl,.ned. N •a r
~acb -.. -.... .. S2t.600 a bdrm., 2 ball>. ~rt narn $21,009
• bdrm .• den, BJlAUTt' -room
tor pool .. .. . ........ '32,GOO
424 ll. %2nd. St.
Eftl Har «SS f7c.f9 mu.at ..U Immediately . • . •
•vmr•tate a.nd ww •crtflce. ML No 7651t -Two Duplexe1 on eo.x330 Lot-2 BR "U.
3 bedrm.. famUJ room. hOm• ot
dJIUncUon. 108 x 160 Ope.ft
ffOUAt Wffkend.a.
Jl'\W prlte ONLY l lUOO. '
1151 Newport 81"4.. Oalta 1119
Pb. LI 1-4711 -r:.. Har. tMI
Tiled.Bath Room with Tub in each Unit-2 Years
Old -Income $315 Month -Price $31,500
Contact Your Reeltor .
840 C. Moot• Vlal•
2 BR. Cl'mA.Pta lart• lot $llOO
Claire Van Horn
2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI M277
Call eve. LI 14209 HA atu..J
HA Mll
J\.Wt..• .... '° bat.b.lnf ~ N por.t H rbor Board f R It Co.17 fu:mW\ed I bellboom. CU Ot\um~~ bo1ae on a
add Income unit. Low doWD ew 1 a 0 ea ors • loft!)' comer. Bu OM b91l-
~L an-. lbe rboM: room l.llcom. or ..-~t
C.all u1 -401 li~ Newport Blvd. New.port Beeb o .. r the '*S 2 cat ian11 'Ibia la a be&l.lt.Hw ,_.. rvund 1'om•
Duncan Hardesty and OWMr'• &nxlowi to ~11.
Lou Bo~n H&rbol' 2878
EARL W. STANLEY; R•eltor .
225 Marine A.ve.. Balboa lll&nd Harbcli' 1m
By doi.Ja1 90me cleaninf and interior ~liDI ln
t.hia 1..,-p • bdrm.,. v ' a.th home. 2-! •• yn.; old.:
Hwd. hrquet floon,' IUDDy, ldtChe ..-ttli·bnak·
fut space, llbenl ~ bediooaia. Corlter· )Ot;
tenced. Sood la,,.. Welt Coet& M..a M&I'
~ echoola and abop~. ' -
stOI N..-,ort ~ • Bar. tTll MAKE NO MIST AKE NUFV UJDI
CALL Vil 1908 Harbor -·
.. a bdrm.. 1 , be.th home located vtry near Back ._,, aw ~ ftreptue. on a lol 130 x 14-0 with
tatn ftt.Ult lot 'to Jl ieo· an fenced. Hu a barn
ind~ You cu p horeea. A place that
wD1 loc:nue tn value. Only $28,MO.
G. H. LATHROP, Realtor
~ E. Cout Rflbwa.y Corona del Mar
Hart.or MU Evel. Har. 5680 .
Att.Ndln I bedJ"OOm. 1 ~ t.th
horM. Lars-u~ room. cor-
M'I' nttpl . hwct noon. abakt
l"QOf' b ("91 pill(), f.u-ed ~
Dbl . ...,.,.. Lot 60' • HO'.
6lt Ri•f'f'lll'-A•e u,51
We made no mlalake wbm we u.t.ed thl.t prop-
erty and YOU wW make }JO miltake in ~ying It
TODAY. Two bedrm.L, dblt. pr., fenced yard.
on level lot on KarJcold Ave. You can UIU.lll~
a GI loen. OnlJ $12.000.
R. B, HODGE. AlllOCiat.
3622• E.. Coast Hwy •• Corona dd Mar. Kar. 27i4
Duncan Hardesty
Har. •111
BT OWNER a 1M!rm lloaW dm . '*°' A ~. Jarp IS9iDs rm. lltt~ dlnJlw room. bl'ftk·
fut .,., eemee pord.\. r. A.
beaL ttuilt ti\ ~. ~.
drapes. paUo, fftkll'd. JuU.
capcod. db( ~· WIU tra•
ectl.iil1 tor )ol, Aft..-'7 pm or
··--en& u asor• • tlt P!ummtt.
Home and an lDcome CJt $100 per mo. for ONLY
$5000 down.. Duplex, 2'2S eq. ft. 2 beclroOme ...
-modern At 1 , Ut.9C50.
312 Marin~. Balboa l.wtd Har. ~·