HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-31 - Newport Harbor News PressI -" -• • y,.--U ... f4'.lllJ ......... ...... Jlet "If '11"1 ..... ,.., drle1 · e <stir.-......: ... . ~ . • • -.• ,..; ... -.......... ~-;~...o . .. • • --• SP ........ 'It • -..... _ .... ......,, ..... JT -TJ ts • "'-ilaJ, Aqc. a -• &a WeclMldlP.J. Aq . Jt 7f d ,,......,. hrs· M · '' u .....,. ....... 11 -.... • • ' -• I ONLY WAlU uxui -·lloll&ft .~ tho ,,._ ...... ,.......,. ..m. hie b"'ctdr•lloJ ~ ...... old bQJlillq u 105 -It. -...... ....... tM -Tbt !loon of.~·-.... 111., _ ... iatW awq Ulll ealJ tM-d111o ......... I I olo .;;;.. lloft.1'botM . ' I Red Nottces Pded~ ff9'f Step . In · C1ean-Up ' ' ' ' , • Enjoy Yo~r Holidays By / Not Adding To Th~ Toi[ . .Newpott H&rbar'• traffic p~ ~ • k ..... OM• UY luitahl!rf weekend; It WUI M teJ*i&D1 ·bW Ut.11 wMa.d wWa the c:omb!Jl& of a Ions Lt.bor Day holiday a.n4 pl'Wlellc. ot 'u.. a.lftratt earrier Hornet. Thou1&nda of people • 1'1ll bt at.- tempt.liar t4 .t1n4_ a parkm1 plan In ttdalty ot the c..t Guard clock Sundq . .ad iloodaJ ii ordu to boud the bup .... t • · ...... ~ ,_ ' A.a hom to W. iD!lux of can th1I nebnd. tt beboovet ~~ ud e9eJ')'ODe ot UI to aielit tu situ• aUoo u much u poalb&e, and tab aoa1. of the ~ of.I our h&rdYlwktnf poUce force. J'orm cu poola for )'OW' Hornet ~ti dQ oot atUmpt to pan -on S.ymd• Dttv• ~t. W::ioity of ~ Cout · Ga.a.rd dock -'tt so. with• •Jtnr u.&t a1 th• t i outl$4tt8 will be •tt.t:mptizil to dO that. Wear 7Dgr walkia1 aboet -you will Med t\tm oo the ~ anyhow -a.ad tisun oe a~ hike bet .. antnJ at the dock when you 1[111 aUin for tlie Hornet. Abow all. !or any clrtrial JW plaa to do clu.r-· lns t he holJday, talt• .,.aat ,. Dartnf Lt.bar • Day weekend 1ut year, m ~ "" killed tn traffic mlabapa ln th18 eowa.try,· It la e.tlmaqd '5 million motor vehlclea wm. ~ to ur. ~waya • the United State. durtni_~ ~· ~y boll .. · day. • •. ~-. ... ... . Be IUJ't to check your' ~.!~ore bad; but. above all, ~e to ebeck your •'*4 &&id yoar drivinl habita whm you take to U.. hicla•.,._ ·· .. ---.-~ - ' I ' I ; ) ........ • ....... • • • • • • __ ..,._ .... ~, ..... ................ _"" ........ . ..... -_. .. ... o:iaPM.-.. •••• ... .,,1 ..... r Yo. Too, C... 0.,. a HotNI • COrnplet. ....-vou..OW.. Kii. s.. Ifie · Mod.Up Model ;A_...,-5 ......... 1 • "'94& A. .-SW It.A.VI' lllDDY ~ .... -.... IRJSDAY a MONDAJ'. a:P'.r.u a • ' • : . . ~ . ................... , ... aor, .. -• """"'7 - . I __ .......,,.. ~.,.,.,,.... __ _ if, ----,-, .... """" -~ -,. -· --· -...... Wrh' ta7 . --· nw•r ........ --...... 1;11 .. .. , ... .. 1:11 ,. .. f:;ll .... ' 1':11 .. .. t:ll ... .. ,.., ,. .. ...... .,, l :•t .. 9::11 ... .. t;.ll .. ... ....... 11:!' .... TllS FOR THIS_ --· "'--"'-..... ., .... ,.. .. .... a ... ... ..... ---· ...... .......... ., ... .. ~ ............. .. ., ............ --"'-.!.. .. ,.,,~ ..... . ,... GuQCMt11d UsH Molon s.3500 . tll' ... ... .. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ll•L .. , U:lla. ..-..a 11:1.t ..... !! J :lT .... -. l :tlp.. ~ l~a.a---e.T Utp.a. U 1:11 a.M. -u 1:11,... • .. • :of a. .. _.,. , .,...~ ri' <S:U-._,..-.. u &:11 p..a. u I . ........ ·-··•l' ••.••• ·--................ ,.....,,.._ . o.t1ner ~ hUl ti. Yeur-Ordet --.. .-, ...... lsufsl•• Gea1r•I W -w. i-. • ..,. ...... , -u..;t,. "471 Newport Ha bOr loat ~e11tuls • o ...... e...i-s. u....,, • lft IL 0...0 ...... l'J~:: "':.::::"" Oll. ...... UUFw ~1 .. 0ww~\...:I p1raM't t I ,,,,..,,....... Jw ... .,..,..,._ ........... hll U.. 9' ...... 't .... 4 I •iM I Dllft011'8 ll.UINlll II.UT ......... .,_ ..... .__u.__ "' Our W'tlldow wawwww nn -!ICJIVSl.DD -cu.cw ~ ....... -.aw.- =~. _ ·5411 ca.Va alFT -...-------.6;' tMHllL•llM. ' 11•...., ... ·GIFT l•ZAA.R .. --. + 4 ---• . I • * *LIFELINE * * AUTO 8AJ'!1l'Y BELT SERVIClll DISTIUBtJ'roRS smoN SUPPLY co. "·---........ --r..-v -of •--:noo Newpott lllYd.. !rn11q:.... · -.......... Ah .. 11111;11 Whiclows -~ _.,.., ... -··-=· '::'·::. ... ::::·": .-._ ...... T _ _._.._ 11.t.NN-w ... a rs ...... _... lJ1li t:L'.' ''. • '• .".· > 'i t'~l.r f.l,1 \',~V ' ............... ..,.,-. ............. ",.._ TMa-.. .. , ,.,-. COUITN -.. ,~· •. ,, •• ILICT•tCALLY e LIT US LP YOU e STAF.FO•D 6 ION SAVE llAll SPICIAL .............. ,... Pz t.il 1111111' (l)H 1 iOIWQ $ f 'Ski• ............. ... -·----. . ' . 17t7 ...... • • .. CARR CAPIURES bAWN BOWL GO TayloT CUT captund \ht Awitrali&D 81ni* to~ mast Oil the • K\u!Jcl.,a Bowllnf Oreem IMre Tu.- day "wit.la 11 potnta. . l:d MW'Mt ran up 11 polnta to COTTl4 In ACCDd. BW Brlma won a pla.Jolf fol' third ptac... -l,.&WD Bowllnl A.llOd&Uon m•m-- btrt welcomed John Lamar b&Ck ftom a two-manthl tour ot the natlon. aununer to tncludt more tndiYl· duOla &lld i.ma; l/~ 'dii.U I • rTHE EO~'auc A 6teat · Co.,,.ct;· · . . ' T lte Solid ·GoJCI ~ . €0dillac · · . ,.,......._n*--..1 I 0-..•......, .......... ..., .... "My BOLEX Is wo~der;ful .... easy to handle, easy to operate" Wiilf .,...,.. ............ ............ ,.,.._ Ceatala ....... -I•-· ,.,.~ ... -....... .,,, .. r • .,.,,,.,._....., ........ , ......... ,.. ,. • -~ I l .11 ,/ • ' / ' . . . . • ..> ____ ..__..,._ --·-·---...:""'----·· . ____ .... -... ·-• -' I • ' . • ·•' I, ' .J' ~ .... ,.,, ....... ... , ... ..... mu llCK' AILEY 'WA•P An a.nnu)J Labor 0.y -Ot .. the•Balboa llland Coipn\..;uty Church, Apte Ave. Above, baay with pnparationa, are . ' , r J ·' Island You th . · --Re~dying for ·~l\~v. J9HN H. PAl\KE, ........ rst.J..,..EptocopaJCh ... b,i-ovor ~abor Day_ F~ir ~~ .Atb·'61eetrldan Robert Trusty and ~rpenter Clifford Schulze (I to,r) tor What 1~ 'out' to ~· &··l&at·~inu~ ende&vor to }be new 1f'Hion to St. J&ma The cOnttructton will add 75 seat.a to the church ea.m a few extra doll&r• for the church and to provide • .. • ~ 6~1~ ',~oir room. Completion la let for the ~d of September -St&ff & fl'OUP oi lUdl with & good time bu developed into a .._.!:l!j~~:I-·--~· ---,--------------·-··_..:·-----lbil' enterpn.e for the youtha of the B&lbo& ·lal&nd Com· : ----... ------------------·lmunity Jlethodiat Church. attr1ct1on1 were added. nwi -.. out ln pr•ctlcally ,.,...,. conc:u. .:.Z!....l<:~Scheu. a If" Their third unual Ba.ck Al· ca!eterie. ope.rated by th" wo-W: U n men, re1111lnN open for the en· Ii 1•1 Ft.tr, alattd for L&bor O.y, Ur• day. Betore thtl 7:30 clom· ' eads Laguna .. u ,.,· 'C~ . . , 11 .... '~t becomlD& u X.land tra· lng" Um• there llad been ... 11. .Art ti -d ew.' ...c: 'nlrM Je&l'W ii.Co 'the J'OUnf · lion. Over $&()() wu clt&red. ' .puar · ;,.J •tin cNctded U..y wanted • ·~ &q st. c111r, youlll c:halrman • _ ... , .... • :[i , .A. cl&! spot •t the chutth they of the !1lr, Lan't certaln that the t.:O. • 'lb• '4aU' "eubmllt!' b7 U. r--J • · l. could can Lhftr own. "W)7 can't prottla will aratn double, but <1:iJ. nom.1aattn1 commlltWOl 1Aauna ,,all nntJUnt:•mmc.o we· ha'I'• • Joulb pt.Uo!" thf'y he le optlmi1Uc about th• fair :;;: ot:rec"t::I:.:-' for ·_ -~EWPORT h... RBOR N~WC-PRESS-l'ART I· ~AGE 9 ~~ • ."?':-~ ..• :r·~:·nct~~· ::~~e: f'Vtn rr..ier IUCCUI ,. 'Ju.ailnoU61y .at l,b.I~~ .. ,. , {1"' . ~. ?":"' , • and f'umilh1np. P . F. S.lnee, ....... inc Aue. 11.. Tb~· ~9'1. , FAIDAY AUGUST 31 1956 dlurcb lay llljiadw' wbo hu a.I· 0~8 HA\\'A.llAN < -COIJWl& )'NJ' W1U N 1 1• way1 been lnt~ and ldentl• Mon<lay•a IVtnl, to b,. btld •t .:. • cornP.QMd ot ~ • ----ftec1 willl youtll. au11"utlld a 111 Apte Avt .• Balboa llland. 0 ,prtlildt_qt; Jo¥ ~ s· .. I s h d 1 f lAbor Day l'a{r. That partk\I• W6)l hstft 'at, J2 noon and C'On• -~-•\.; '"""'""·· . ..:•",}"n • erv1ce ' c e u e or la• ..... ,. wbt(h &IW&Y' ...... U.U& """''"'·Th• t&I• th•m• , t c n, eecond vlct . ~~) a Ml c:rowd to th• blu4. •ff W H&wallul. • Work•ra Will M H 0 .,, • rd Pi&N.rp, ~: c· . M . < B . . onlJ' t'rf'o wffltJ oU. But al\ .. &fund '" lal&nd J&rb. BooUui "'•)'k• '"' ~-..,,;-'~ osta esa 1st apt1st '" """' ",...."'"' ....... , .... ""' ... "' ............... Sol~. Jal'IC P oyer, "t.ouiMi . · It. w-. wwtJi, ,a t.17. ~"" ~ ts.It pond, balloon. d&r1-, ~ I •ZWI lAyJStl and Adolph.-Kl'oeh. : • "X"l Wf.t to M Mid lA their dartt. IPO'll• to•. eurt ~c. I ~1 , M,l. I. I. ·~ ~int 'Jbl_t -~IN: ~·· D&y a~ toUowitd at I :~ bl' U.. ~ ,.uo.,.pot .iu.~ ltordt:rt t.M toMllt roll and mo•1e1. ltudJi • • ~far hi • oulMrot .... ftlii .ti~lnr w ,,...,,.., n1'1ttna& Aft ah W.t• &ntef,' ~W. Yof4d ·to, J"•k• It a ~ ~ hot dop, H&-wa.li&a , ~ ;,..~ ~ ~ hilt BapUA tom• to attend .a, Of U... '"8acJl An.7 hfr.• puaCh, Cf.lldy and popcona. J , •-" Mniell.,... -••""on ll&keup art1et1,r11 be Qp; m4 • ~ ot .. ~ ~ ~f!!' tit• W9men'a MJ.utnary ua-' ---r" lo p.tnt k~ tM:t• to loOlr. I dlA frltlra.4~ .ln& A.,..._, IOn wW no"mMt unUI Moftd.l.J fte.flnt t&if ~a bll tUe• likt clOW'nl. Indiana, or ....,. ..... 1 &.• ww .. "414 Oll ....... of UM tll• J RAY. P .. a •. ]flUD'l.,U WW tttntnc kpt. 10. at ';IO p. IL --p~':..~2:..~.'"'.w~ tMns or thlt cboolJnl': Th• .. callary and OT•rflow Into H.t. It. will MC:au. ol Lebor Da -_ .... _ ..... ACIY wW bl bu& in lh ~ --•• ler"'Put.',,.. Hatfteld dbibltlon OCCUJJ tb• pulp Then • ''* 1' donated food aM Jriau. l:'l'tp ,...,. · 1 1 be epeel&J mii.lc by the Qluc.9 . , ~ '"' ,....,.ti not al· nr th• hundNU of bom• .. ~~ ........ ~ .. ~·w-,.f !,.'!,8~ ~'f ••' • PJDTER COOK.. JlL Rto VIit.a ""ll ... "''" tM ci1uircb came cooJi:ld bot' dlthll!., Mladl and --._ ra -......... , 4'I • 1 • •. _t.t---. .1~,-·-' ¥" • d..eerll rn'll.de by· parl1hlontre Oluckmuul. Mlllant 11bwta aDd lundaJ khool c:onriftM at n.nairr; noml from tour of R .... lO 'fOhmteier tMir ..-Wice .. Con· ud frienda. D&a lAlt&. .! t :tD L 1n. wlU\ c:laaMa for .n ma-.'"J'belr .at.t.e, tum• ..,.. a Mq~U)'. U.. ~'"' c1..,.. ,~-~'----~"_..;;·-;----· [ "T" comblU.Uob'OC' UM obt aad MW, .. POD -11M1n Uaf.A enoUVL to nil 7ear'1 phcetdl wUI be , "\.. • •ru. At f :&o ~ P. "'· U.e TouLh You'U ... • rooderm eomblM ltuMd a kn1th7 tedwdod feiact UMd tor )'OU.Lii -.c:UT1Ue•. par· ,...rated~eeting Tr&Jnlnr .,, Union. w!U m•t. &n4 ha..-.tar at work la the tkJ41 to wSoM iM paUa and Q,imiC ~· tund. ud thl re-.decora· .... ~ I'~ ol aao at U.. &amt '-ar \he and bahllld It, plddn1 up Ula It wttb p4Cllkl taW., MMil um· OD of DM.ttlom RaJI, 110C!al ( J!:=;;• ~....,.,. • .,,01 at ha! T•iibtn( ~Tl'f.Slrt1 ~p will Jllodl.Mt. a~ 01t ~I" Wtl~ ~ aad dl&t~ room u.-d ~Y all Ct'OUP' of 'tbe ~ -.;t. 'Jil..'WW Ml4 ~ bOld It. t"lul. . lM\ ,....,. more ......_ Md eh'V'Ch. ... ).0 ...,. ....... ,. Lm. At l ! .. p. m. f~ UM T. COLEMAN A.Nouwa. ~ uOOWOfd,, T'Mrt W uaual -• Mntc. ~ "1 tokner Internal ReYfnut Com• ,aa.. • ~,..Uoll t• nqulred Tonl Newmu. Putor Neumann mluloner, In Cl.llf. addrt1o1 - o1 • ... , ¥ > ...W ,..,. .the. evuinc m .... ,.. • Federal Gonnunent • ' lpecial &ua!c. '' enormo~1 eotUJ In actlriU• ll ~ N4Wi-Pi.. O•Wfl94 AcJa W~y a t 1':10 P• ~· th• hu no b!.Wnw 1ett1a1 ln't.o, and Pn.lM and Bible ltudy hOu.r It II uabtU•vably w:utetul la wtU M led lty Mr. Neum&M,. 4"fYt.blal It dOM." --------~- Trinity . Baptist:S Return to Gem .Show Building I • ~ TM •Barbor TtWlJ ' · 1 :~ ~oton will brinf 1• Chlitth of Ooeta 111 .. ..U.:. •c:W cornmuNon mtNAp, tn· tum to Lhll Gem lbow butldtnr titled "When an Honeat t.;&n or I.he -or..,.e ~ Fair Come• to 011.~'Ch." for th9 rnom• On>IU\da. Th• flrit M ce JQ in1 wo~p. eervlce. The choir th• new loca.iion wtll , thl• .. -u1 · ttrtnr th• anthem df. Lhe comtn1 ~Sunday. The .ch~ule of rnom\IJI· ·· Ute tervlctl I• U follow•: Sun· Th• evinlrJJ Mrvlc• will ft.a· l -Uy School, t :•!i L m.; mom· ture a 1peclal Labor O..j mu- inJ worehlp, 11 L m.: evenlnf .. j'~. enUU~d 'The Ooa~I of worahip, 1 p. m.; Wednetday Work." which will bt Jiv'!.n by tv,nlllJ'. Bible .•tudy and praytr Mr. Acton. An lneplratlonal IOnl mHtlnJ at 7:3b o'cloek. / 1trt"lce and ~i•I muetc w111 • -:J. .. ~_.:.. -~ .... ~~ --~ ADVENTIS'I' SCHOOL n.ea.r,, .:ompletion. Pa.inter put. finishing touches on ='",., P...Ulde trim of new cbarcb ac.bool ~~ P-1 Avocado, ~ta Mesa, being 'Conatruct· 5 e4 for the So11tMutern C&llfornia Conferenoe of Seventh.day AdvtntU!ta. The · · 11ebool will b&vt two cluaroom unita ln the hilti&l buildinr. On the alab ln the foreground wiU be cwotnl<$od a 11fttoaalum. Tbe. ~It. rear ¥•nl o(, tho 'b. ;acllool aite pei'mlil addlUooal ciuliarooma and pl&nround ,,area. -Sta.tr Pho~ , l·'.\1 .. 1 .. ~1·1~1111 • • ' BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA. CHA.PEL 174.l luperl~ Avenu• Colt.a Jic.M, Callt. Phone UbertJ 1-2121 CHAPEL BY THli:i BA 3520 E. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar, Ce.lit-. "Phone Hartlor '-1. MEET Jock B. Qulsonborry r.mJJ11 lrrt llit1 .,..,.., ......... _ .. _ ....... ,.... .. ..,.. ---· .a.ti en. • . ~· ...... ,;of 1t11IK ,.., •• ¥i ...... ~ ...... ~ ... ,. .......... ,.... ~ --... ,1 1wlf-;.., ..... wut 1r .. .-... ~ ......... .,.... • t .__..,., ... ~ ....................... .... .. a c11ftl 1 I Al8RMI PATWT ,._ .. ,.. ....... ,.. ............ ~---· • ...... : •• , ........ _.,ilrl'..,•Lceen .. .., _. .• , ........ :.... ,, •t ,, ....... .. .. ., -;;;,.... ' .. • Uhltl Ill •• ,... ........ IEF•lt ...... "°""'loci! a.i •• ·s.MM Jacli I. 991....,_, .~,,....... ................ _ r· ............ .... ,,~ ~ q .. ·u lf--.-~~4 ) ' • 'Christ Iesu's' ; Sermon '.f opic "We .,_" -aad do tMUty the.\ ,U'9 .._Ute( eent lh• aea tu ¥bit .. riour of O.• workl." Tlltfl; ...,,U frola I Jotul l'""1''i;-' --jl a~ t~ 0o1a.... Tut of 1 • J.,reaon ·Sermon •'Qu1at .T..u"° (( to r) George Hauaer: Sharon W&tdelich,-Jim Bridgmll?f"J.nd Bettejean Guenther. --Stalt _Photo ln Ml O.Ul'CMll of C!lrY' ···°"' "-lillt. 8u,nday. . . ··an. -uon of tile .. 1 .. u>n Ill buUt on lht a.,pllnl' ·of .• , - man Whim llMI a llll'h1t ot--LA· nr""ltJ 9'1;bteen )'..,.., end wu bo'lffd to,..u.er, an4 could In RI~ WfM llft up "enelf :• The llCCOWlt b1 -tllt Apo1Ue LP.Illa tori\lftuel w1lll J.aua' worGI. "Women. Utou art IOOMd trom · thine hJOr9'1ty." aJ1d I.lie recori •t•tn. "And "'mtien.tely lhe ,...,.., made 1tral1l1t., and prtned God." f'J;l l·ISI, _ ljllkk Senlce ..... Roller Sha'es . llt&ndard abade Ootba ud C\ultom lpeetdl• • Drapal'7 Bardwue • v .. u.. ..... CAI.I. llARBO& IN . prPCffde the evwilnr meuil&•· qo.p11 or John. Friday .1venln1 THE 5u • "'E SHOP Th• lcuon ror the \Vedne.ld•Y the Jot.1nr pf'Ople wtll have a """'"" tVl'nlii1 .Bible •Ludy and pra.y• Yo.uUI i'tUow1hlp me•Unr a\ m , ... IL. .fl~ _,. mfflinJ will be taken tr"OJll tht 7:30 o'clo(k. ' --·· ~ . ~ • .. .. Hav• 7011 looktd at a churcn lately 1 To almott ever,one, the sic.ht of a "slender ateepJe rai1ed to tli.e aky · evokes cma1n emotions -awe, 1Mr· haps. nosta11ia. rmrt.-the aanse that b,. not eoh•r to church lately, rou·.,.. bMft ralaMnc 10ttWtblac I Ntzt t ime ,ou 1ec a church. t•lr• a cood look ••• and let yourae)( really fMI wNt you "e. If that makH you decide not onl7 to loo1r; at the out1ide but al.a to ro lnaide. t~t •ill be all to •the 1ood. For no matter ho• lo•ely a home you may liY• in. It can't com~r• with God'1 Houu. Jf you open th• door, you11 find tMI, no matt« how Jone 1ou've been awa1. the welcome i• winner and more wonderful than you·11 find"&nywhf'r.e el1e. CHINESE CASINO ltl:&I C&ntoJMet J'ood to TU• Out ' Open EYery Day Ill Main tit., Bal..... -· nQI -· • I THI C1IU9Cll FOi c&u. •• '. AU POI ~ annK:lf n..0. ..... -..-.... ... -* ............ ., ....__ ... ...., ti ··-···--................... ~~-=-::::.. ;s n.... -...... __ .,,_.., __ ... ___ ,.,....." ......... -' .. 0..... ftiet -. 111 , ...... _ ..... ft), .... ................ m, .. -....,. .i111oe1 ••••r -..I ..... M• , .... -· "' .. a-.111 .... . -~ ..... _... ... -.... •11~ ,,_ .... .. r11._a ........, ........ pw ........ , . ........ O..-•--. ...,. ...... ..... • ....,. .. 1o.i.ao -...._ .,......,., . ..,. =:.·rr- Hl-n au. • laae•n..uoa l . c. llU8lCX '? NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. POP'S F1"1• 11!1• ttr11,. zs:o w. Cout Hwy. I Uberty 8-llll Cinllldolfo' I • Jmllaa~• ... roo41 J'ood to taJW out 611 E._llh ... --7 HOMEl E. SHAFO RE.Ull'Olt IOI llehdd .. Place · Barbor 1'4 ... Inna ... lolUI , ltrktlJ bOmt eooldal • ~ 811E.Bal .... lh1L -- AlT C. IUSTLll C:O., R1•lf•1 ..,. ,.,..,., lpedal.l.N nlll Ne"'°" 111..S. NtwpO<t ---... (a& Ula l'ler) , Vincent'• R•••• o,.. ·stores DICK MAc:Ka ...._ ___ .,,.__, Qimpletti ..... q111 ...,, ...... IUOVlaUdo -1Jdoblo411Joroaadtl- STAFFORD & SON NEWl'OIT HAlllOI . -.ieo.ln<l4no 110 Rh-..t.ve. Newpor1 llell<h • NIWUllUS UMriJ a.D71 ml~ .... • • I • • • ~- •• • Summer - I • ,• For sure tlr, W~rlcl h~s just b99un. ... ' The Worlcl .that is Newport Beech is what we mean. Labor Dey cu1tom 6 ariJy m '' nd of the season" for we Newport Har orot11. • • _. 0 ' --: This is the time when we say thanks to all of tho visitors and seasonal rasidents who have mad• this past three months 4 wonderful vecotion time. · .' ' . : This is also the time when we say thanks to ell of the y~ar .round residents who make us happy' all year long and pfrticularly when they are oxtre potie0t when we ore extra busy -·Thanks. . We've heel e wonderful "season" around Newport Harber this . summer. Balmy 1ki11, warm clear weather, 9oocl fi1hin9, fun, and relaxation, and tho nicest crop of people we've ..... ,. met. i 4J Now i1 the time to 91t ''our 11e1on" underway. The tiiM the youngsters go back to school to renew old friend- 1hlp1;9ein new ones and a _world of now oxporionces. It's time to put away all of th\, HHonal accoutrement, after careful cleaning, painting, end co·nditioning. The next" couple of weeks ore timas when tho junior cJtinn• should be pertlculerly certful of mother end decl ..... ••• them through this delicate chenge of 1oa1on1. _It wo'l't be harcl•if all pitch in to get thing• going quickly, tend from uncl~r the ru91 encl out of tko •'1.'nors. B_eoch bells encl _ blankets washed end ·folded end stored awe{ -yeah be sure to pick up the flip11•rs, -nd face mesks and spears, and fins, encl rafts and put them ell ·away carefully. · ' :Y as sir this ls the time to go end rap• on thl next door encl meet your neighbors. This is the time to call up Jane ·~~ Cheili• encl get tho1e neighborhood houH parties going ecjain. Tl;tlS IS THE l"IME FOR REAL NEWPORT LIVING. For afi the thing• you're going to put ewey wa have the treatment. ' For all the things you need; we either have them, or we can Clir..t you to •.om• .other mercha(t in the area who hos. This is the time to watch your paper carefully for nows of Y,OU and m• and everyone who hot come homo , gone owoy, ··~\l!lt a liouse, or had• baby. ~ • C.uH like us, your paper end noighbo,.\11 are inter· :'*tecl in you and your community. · We'd better make 1ur1 w1 lcnow our neighbors beceu11 •••cy Y•.•r mo~• _of ou! 1~11onel v!•itor.s ''like the t!f•,tment.'' encl decode to 101n us on Our Calrforn1e Woy of Life\ Th11 summer Heson hes Chown how nice people con be. It has shown how great an edvantoge the now perking fociHties can be. We have most of the things everyone would like to hove in a community. Together we can create ell of the things we clo not now h_eve. Together we can grow and build. The residents with better homos and perks end schools, tho mer- • chanh with batter 1t.ock1 and personnel to servo ell better, right here et home in your Newport Harbor Township. '· ' - ' . . ,,,, . .·' FOR -GIT r .. • '\ . . • ••••• , I .,, I " ·z:. I ., ···: ' , . / ' • • ' • .' J • ' .-. -' ' • • • --• ., ... • ... - THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE -.STOU 10 IE FOUNI> ANYWHIU . ' . Hardw~ . • • Paints ..• Wallpaper •• ·• Appliances ••• TV .•• ·Radio . : -- Place • A .Goocl to Shop Friendly OPIN SUNDAYI A ·HOLIDAY• ~ ·-. ' .. • • 't-} . ·-·22os w; Balboa .Blvcl. Harbor 116 ' .. Newport Beacl4_ 1 • • • \ • • • • • J ~ '• • t ~ ' • ( " • r .. " @ . a~ !i. nn l;.~ r; a i1 i_ ~a f if I ; :: ~ ~li ~ . ;1~ ~ii i~i g:..,,. ~I[ 4= 3 5 19 • 0 11 er "41 ~of ii g: .. J 111 . ) ... I--.~ .. I (t : : ~ - ,) f ~i . ti i• :z l ~I • 1 "1 . ., l· ~ ~·· -" ' a:- . ~ . • .. ~ ~ ~·: "' \ .. I r ""l_ ' ... r ! •. .. . " ' . • . '. . • • • M -a ,ait' ti U. ~,..... S' ........ . ?·=··., 0-0 • -----......... ,.,.. ...... wrfflln la I 1111• W. ......... ... • • ..... : . ~NSHUN; 'MEN!.,· SAY TENSHU . '1 --~---..... T-H-_E-.N---i"-~S-·...;...,"''' Milo x...,, rtpt. e11¢man of t11e Kemlwit'• 'I ~ D-of Newport Hanor O.....loor of Com· meree, oxplali!I _newly..otar\el Iii~ ~teot, MEAM·DERING a feature of tho Goldell Yeera Oelebratlon, 'to .L', otber merehallt memben, but tlM!:Y'n .liavins oo part of him for the mome11t u dlllreetlon ill prorided by KlM Newport Beat!!; eddra Kao-- lntyre. Dleturbed: main, I to~., U. Jtopr1 Ha.n- n&ford, ·Leon Williama. Braden riu)t and John Boyd. Tl"" ll1opn ccntest, el..U.C !lej>t. a, """"'"'• of completing Ill. 23 w..:.i. or leo1: · ·~-rt ~h la a solden placO to ehop he- cau.. •.• " Entry bWtb may he obtained Jn· 411y loeal lltcn or the Chamber ·office. -.9taff Photo · e COCKTAILS • e MUSIC e PIANO BAR e DANCING ' ' Buddy Rohn1r Duo with Raul Gon1ale1 E.ntortoin1 Thundoy-fricl.y & S.turdoy - ' "~ !Hi Or fA N fkO Nl AT MA IN IN llAt0,0 A ' •, ' • • A ' STATE FAIR "' ... ,., ... , ... • V-1 MOLL tit, ".11-. • • .we "•Hrt.' • THI JACK CAHOll lflOW ......... .._ ... ........ ""'··---......... '-. • ""· ... THI DINNll DAY ' IHOW .. ----- OUTDOOR TMUTU •c1o ..... _. .. FVft ·Me9i• Mvt.ic . ,....., . .__ -..... ,--. 12 Nlthtfr . HORSE SHOWS Mort tlwn. S00 Mtr;.1 in 111 tM1fillcehefl1 fr-.... ....,.._ tht W11t, • ----· • • • OXTaaoo&a Jlqer La Can.ti,... t 1'_,. OW lt.Nll\t ~a Over °"• cube of U. 19 OW J"ubtoned GIMll ' BuyltByTlteC...-......... com ,·1~1T oca OOllPLSn wot& m• r " LODll .A.ND lllTAUIANT IHOWPIACJll <W ftd W~ Every Night l(!Jlfe bf th AOl'AL J,ANTZt::ll IJINNER SERVED b p. m. 'til midnight COCKTAILl!-:-•J>.,m. 'W 2 a.m. 12 Noon 8&~ 6 Sunday Special Sunday Buffot · ;·ntp.m . a... tfedr1111l7 . ...... ., ""-"- IAUOA ' • OINING AND DANCING NIGHTLY TUUDAY, ~ 4 ·~ SUN SPECIAL • COMPLETE ARTHUR WALSH & CO. A Limited Engagement AU NEW SHOWS For Re&en'&tkma -Call Hart,or lSlt ------· PllME Rll QINNU s1so ( Soorport ·Sorvn · .. Cornploto Mools Ashoto or Allo.t or Just • Snock ruaoro DO'Omlil!Olf · ... trlfom n&s Pil&INO F.A.ft IUVICS To ruer'f'• O'Ur Private Dl nlfl!' lloom for Oroupe of 16 lo 50 Call Ll:Mrt7 MlH SEASPORT COFFEE SHOP 1117 W. 0-.t a·wy. N'•wpon .&wil • • • Brine Your eamua rAA& PiO'l'UU:S OF SEA.U A.T ltllJ'.JlAl.D BA • LAOIJNA. !IF.A.Oii Lra\·es ~HJ 11 :SO ..... 1:90 ,... ... AduJt• 1.lt -011.Udf'f'• ~ Fua Zoae Boat Dock I ~.HA.B.I For rNUV&ttou · -Harbor !118 ::=: -ANITA O'DAY ''Stan'' ' CONCERT . n (,) &-DANCE \Ji{ V'etMft'------" "MOIDllN AMllJCA'I MAH Of MUii(" -' Sat. It S... Sept. ht It 2nd .RENDEZVOUS IAWOOM IALIOA - DINNER DANCIN~ Every Saturday Ni9ht 1 in the ' AQUARIUM ROOM ' .Gourmet's Landing • at .Bob Dtl•'• Bayf.ront It-. tauraat! Ji»t caU Har• .. for our alt ••I.-tUl"NIJ'. ft. "~I" .W pfdl uo ,.,.,_ at I~ or more hi the local 8v •*· Dall)' hn • J.m • ..,_ ' d•1 Bn1Mft froftl ll a.m. •• •aiton'.11 . ' let )'OW' «OmpaM fw M ... W'lltlln in .... tlMns ., • • • , t "ON ' THI ... Y" t-450 vtA OrolTO, Hlwro ar UAQ4 ••• AliolD OJt .... TAUllllAllllT llllOW IN 1lv 1•n .. v ... u.u • • • .. -.--........ ---~-·--• , Jwy Trio! Set for Newportw Oct. 10 l IAHTA AMA. tOCMI) -R.oo bttt 1-. Hendtla ot l'f~ Beech NC1ntl7 pl<IMStcl W. c:mt OQ • matlJ\aUl&·po111•'0ft dlarp when be ... Uft.lpild -·c:oort -XtinmUt S. JOn1IDa. ..... ,......1.o .,.,.. ..... tor 81Mrtil • Od. IL t'M. ... f'INS&ftt ..... 111.tel _,-Altoniq Kart.1 Thampeoo. .. n. -'*11. B•--~AU,.t. ~ • &AN'J'A. AMA. (0CK8)-ftia U.t ot,.,... uaca. ~ .. ,...... tnbo&4 cam.. • on.a,. ONatJ ll"tW to ..... 8-IUt. ~l ~ c:oa. <Orntnut1_....dot11 '1ft thrir at.. tempt '° .... lf u.. ~ ,.,.. ..... lftt.ct.d ..,. ,..... ...... J'our • ,....... •lilo .it.ended • Churcb ot. God eoa--.u. in Kooan:b lptUlp, limtwt. ....... WMWl°"'I 1-bOrat.ory. t..c... M '"" mem..,. of UM ._., Cam. Uf, wtttch •ttended Ult: ~ COMJ.aM when at l.ut 11 ,,...._ • _. became Infected WIQ. U. diaeue. Two ~ are lmewa dead tollowtn1 lhtlr Wl'Ctillia •t tM con ..... u-. ## # •• '# # • • L ~k ·f ,.-' 00 . fl :' 1 .,_,........, ........... ,,.,.. .............. ~ .. I r.-.11 .. u.. .... -.... . ..... n,. .............. .. : , ......................... ,. • • I •• ' . • • ,, ' " .~ 3 .... ,. ·,:...... , ............... , ·1111' __ ........... ,' --~--·, --·•""'/ ......... , ..... , ---;c . " . -. , , I 1 J "'""'- ,,, ' ' .. _..-.. ' . .. . ' ,. s~·,,.,_, ,_.., ,,....~ ..... ~ ... , . :a p·g,; e.111•.ril"•b ''co · i .. __ o.. ....... . ... .... ·--· ...... ' F r•z..._ I) 4ill · ' ~·•'riff~ . · ~¥1 r'it.._...,.._°'9'-:,C.:f'..::t:r,;~'r,i'i. .. tto& ..... ~-...,.~ ........ .,.,. IQ ..._..,....Gliccs s ..., .... ............... -....; YCMI CM WIN A 'RM'I "''""' Clf --· _....... -. ~ ---- 'gives you such mDd~ ~Utbmatic appliances! Qn1y'OA ( .. hac'9DIG:... i...,..;.. llotloo-· Jlolri.t ot -Ana, tbe aaw: 8'110W, ltT ... t!ltl'r "*k all .w ... __ wtia a., .t .._ c:lutt~ lilt .... 111 ........ ' •..• ,, : : ... lMU.llaU.. " .,,... ,. wUl ,.,....., .. --,.. ~ Mat ,..,,, ix-. • • • elalm ~ ottldalo ot Scbwarta-Yedor dewl- ....... fttm. ..._ ta ~ln~t.Pd to v'•w the --- • ' I A n1i0uncing ' ._9., Preview Showing to . Sa~ta Ana Reside~ts of their fine/l~ fle.~idin_t~l. s~~·wn -. . LentOll @ghtS 'v.v-e6t · ·I .A~··-­".,,,.~--.,. C.Ju t _, ,....._ ~'1Ndlt«< """' c. u..., . .I.I.A. ' 1ie1.~11•• '4UI "~'""' "•'ff ao/JU au4rr cd •'rJ.r • 1e•""•"· ~· 1n111.011lt COi'!' Jr01r l'O ., '"" --......... ...,. .. ,,...,.., ... 11#1 ~.. .. .. ,.... ....... ,,.. t t , ~ .,., ' • • • • Murdy Holds· Hearing on D ertlons _,.._....._-J~~ <ftpistrano By the See offers th. finest of in-petient s.mc.s at ru10nable rates. ' Drivln& your own car is suppc>Kd lO be a pleas- ~n!, not a nl&fltmare. When cbobd freeways and &beet.I, and the con;. st.tnt threat °' f.Ollision • o.,, nw Harbc)', Area offlee louted et 1424 VN oporto, Newpon le.dt. Phone: Harbor 2122 ~ • ol Scbn.F·Yed.or devel· enta aft lnvitrd to '~·w the , OUT Harbor Girl Aaisb ,1 Troy Camp ·~ .. ; .J • .J are Engll1b -Kia LouiM Dowlen, acUn& cbalrman, cllvia&on of Ule:.lun and languSJU. b. p,y. ch lo~ -Ja:ie ta~ C:::lWl· Mlor • .2. Current ~n jp H1.fh· Jn Educ-ntlon -Peul"llOn. 3. PoliUral 'i.uu ot llCM. a.; Panel DI c1mmon -Eaton, chaJrma.n, •flT. l!)'CClt Grleaeer, Kat, mmec;, llcNe&I and Brid eman. b. 5Un:im&t7 -){11~1 Ealbn, economic and pollttO&l 11e~nce Instructor. 'but l'IOW «=ell two •t.iM tbe N~ ltelcll ,.no. 1t.&t10\ lor ebowhll a.ddltiC>U to the~ ame: Mn. 'I. I). Tudor aacl Kri. Ronald ll&rtow, JOT Ud %32 ~le A•e.. ~ cart la tbelt blOck all b&4 t.belr &eftall l:Miftt d\lrtnC U'le 8'1ht. Ud N~ HUllor Y&Cllt Ch.lb ln«rDben yellect f« belp ~ a.... a( U... • fowid tu-Oil tMlr can ta tbe du1I ~ns let .._.. all flat. 1 :30 p.m. -1. Coun.MUJlS rc- aponalbllilia of. a Junior C.OUeze -J). Welty !Atevar, profuaor ot educalioo, Univeni&ty of Soul.hem California. 2. Panel Dlncuuton -Topic: The Coun· aellng Program -The Admlnl•· tr at o r, The Counselor, the Fat'UJly ~mt>-:r and ~ Stu· dint --Pehlke. cha1mwl. Va· . __ .._,,.._....,,.,....._.._~~..pi...,_- ltll. ,.)(iu Cam9beU. KnKhwl, J.lr1 • .Pallas and Ko;an.. I Sttgieat~ iasuea or probt~m1: CounMlinf va Spoon Fwdlnr, WorlON: db llllb Sqbot~ Our H.upon;JblUUee to Stu nll, Jen. l'OU~ Wlle Chol~ ot Voc:a· tlonal Ob}ectlve. ::. Swnmary Md ConclUSiona · -Pehlke. 1'1UDAY A 'ftlA.H'nO J1.a:l' (nrnlC) -Actlna u dtred« of an uu- alrcratt pa •~ u. M&Y7 cnil_. 'UU Newport N ... la M1411lJpawa J411m I\, WoOdblaD. aon of Mn. Lou* BOtlteUa o1 • 12' ~ -'"·•Newport J l'I ... -• Beacb. B w a et.M.t at t.be U'nnWlitJ of OolOndo. OUT Hartior Girl Assists at Troy Camp I I • I ... .... .... Frt11 Liii Y11r· . 4 lnfwecl In 4Caf Smashup Allto Hits loy, 4 KIDOr ta.tunes -.. recel•lld '1 a Ibid boy When b• wu bJt q a ear •t 10 p.m. lat\U'dt:r oa bl;w:J Caut HlJliway at Ju- mln• Ave .. ~ to poUce. 'he 'rietlm. PhWp T. Moor._ i, el IU I~ A."" ... t.ak@ to J!otc "Rolpltal Drl•ar WU Kobvt. C. M-., 2'· l\aat.oa. ... . ... - r. • • • ' .... ...... --·-...... .,, 7 ··-· ,... __ -,:·, .. --- ' • -&OODWILL 'nmU&ttt • ~ ...,,····~ RA .... &1JllPIUl'iT mtMcwpt--:._ -'311 - .. ' • •, • .. • • • •Ba~ ~·· ..... J~_MQ .... TllO ~~~~~~_.. .. ,,. '36,llOO • • ~ . • • 'i' • ·~ .-. ... "' lllloli -I •:a ........ ' ' • ' . ' ' .. !"I, n,. ., ,.,,. .;l.. ··-· , ' . ' .. .w .,, .._ ....... .. .. .. .... : .. .. .., . ·" ....... •· . ... •• • • .-t"' , •• ... , .. . . rorr DOWN . , : -.. ·Full rice· Sl0.i895 I ' · osta · Mesa · · · . ' .SlfNSHIN E ' BEACH HO~ES '-FULL PRICE $10,893 $79Bl PJi!R MONTH :WU.SON lo PLACENTIA 1 Furnished ·Models Open Daily 5 Minutes from the Ocean Near Schools & .Work COSTA MESA SUNSHINE BEACH ROMES OFFER ... ! i'ront. or n~ uV101 rooms .e. Plenty of cloaell. Dhlins apace in Jdtcbenl • 40 1&1 water ~eaten. Natural birch cabinet. • Confetti Ule in Jdtch- eoa • Ma.t.icorlc fioor1 • Wood llidinr wtn.. dDwo e 6,000 lq. fl. loll e Rod< roofL Alwrlin um 1ttreena. · ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKER, ALEX STEM' • DEVELOl!llENT LIDO BAYFRONT 35· lot. Pier 6. alip P~J"· Probnbly ~our LAST CE. HOME & INCOME Lge. 2 bdrm., newer duplex, bl& dbl. garage,. wide allay. Only 2 1bort bloeq to Lido'• complete ahoppio( center. locom• $1UO moot.la on yearly hula. 1,1: block to water. Will-make ita on pa.y- menta ar give you a bo~ and $100 ~r month . Income. t:i900 down , euy terma. Priced at les1 than COit of the building &lone at $22,500. ... Act Mow! CHILDREN'S SHOP Eatlblllhed 18 yean. fineA c!fenll In Oranre County.' 1 owner. Several exclutive linea. Sub- 1tantial bet income. Only $15,000 down Ir $275 month for a 11.tttime ann~t.y. PLUS a little fml ' o! a 2 bdrm. home. -U.ii.JlST/.TJ;: SALESM'.AN : il'at opportunity for bonest. live wire man or woman. Friendly, pleaaant, ••ettuful, old .. ~blllhe9 office, "Loll o(tlO.r Uple, beavy f"°' traflic, loll of roatel In· • qul.riet. Red hot leadl, fumiahed with tull coop- eration. ' . · CL YOE MEYER, Realtor !12 Marine, Balboa laland '' ~ . .,,,,. .. .~ .1 You Will Like IRVINf · TERRACE . ' . New furni1li1CI "HomH by Macco" • OPEN EVENlkGS UNTIL 9 :00 P .ll. Interiors by Martin &·Von Hemort Boauliful bomee In tile tlnoot locatton . ' ~ ..... Pric:oo from $28,000 to JM,000 1-f!'f •• . . . .,.. - """" ' ' . ' I . .Y ~ lnopeetton lo ,..peetfull;y IOllclted . , EAAL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor llixCLUSIVE AGENTS :-• On HIWay• 101, N.wp:>rt Harbor, opposite new Irvine .... ,, .. ' . . .. · .COUt Country Club. ll&r'bot ".a. . ' iNDUSTRIAL INCOME ' ' Finl cl6oa concrete block buildin1, '800 oq. fl In very heart of. downtown Coetl. Meu. New 1treet-aewcn in Ir p&id tor. Sound leue to reliable WWito. Nell lO'J', $Sll,000 llrmL . . ' ; ·-PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON .· ' • • • ....J. -------~:· -~ • .."I-••!;:·~~· IS!!!!.!!h!.... ___ ..J!!!!::!•!!!!'!t!s!!!s!!...~-·..!•!!::!!·~'!!•!!'.!•!!•!!!!!' t_.::_~...J!l!::•!lll!:l.' !.,!!!!*!-.----1 '-'1IPOIT ~ ~AlT 1 l#Mll t .,;; • ' fM>A Y. ,.U$USf JI, "" . ' LIDO ISLE BAY · AND oCEAN VIEW. ' OOBTA KESA Uke new~ yr. old flome on 1'of lot wltll princy, It aJoo hao HW n-._ FA 1-1.-llnp~ fol- mlca ldtcll0t1; 1 % baU.., 2 tidl'ma., cloublo pr- op, rg0. IUD deck, ·Priced to 1111 It pa,QClO with only $0000 down. Al nlce a b9JD8 u ~ find - Nleoly 1-ndKapod coner lot. 2 lledJooomt ~ deil, 1% llatba, bWwood floon, ... wall-to- ...n -~"""--"1r<plaot. Lotl o! tile In· ldteh<a. !Ill! batll • " IJatll w\th !uJ1 otal1 You'll 111o, your ou" at IM lldo at tM rood •' and pap in awe and woader at what •_.. hath wrouibt f..--. bott.oa --oDd ,...'U nod your bad .In '"l'.''Ftamt •• , Olld JOll'U make a wlah • , • a -tllat 100 qbt - day .own. a bome on Lido Ialo • , • A"4 mayba• you'U romember to caD llarbo< 11118 aa4 .,,..._. your wW! ••• and 111&ybo yow: wlolh )'!!l~m• -""'~true aooner Ulen you dared to bopo . . • We have aoV.rai oulltandin& ..i ... ~ U,l.-Priol from $22.600 to $33,000. 0.. 'or diem II brand .... : -<' . HARBOR BLVD. FRONTAGE a11....... Briel<' pall4, , .. ~ yan1. Dbl .....,.. · Balboa Island See tJWo lovely bomt bet-you buy -price , Excellent eomer locaUoo wltj> 160 ft. frontap. • $:j(l,000 wltll termo. .• '18,llOO. "" 1o&n ft $M.OO ·tnc1udJnr tueL-u ~ou .,. yOuiir 1n mind ~-your oplrtt 1a ' • roetlooo and you lovt tile tiimMlil and ..,,it.., BA.LBOA. , ment of indomitable youtJa ..... Prutns the atreeta YOR REN't • C~mplelely tum. and carpeted 2 bdrm. aP4J1,- menl Very cleal>. $1.20 ~ mo. oo ply buiL" I ---8 nicely fllnllahed 1 bedroom and belchq In all tllelf rlorJ -I.bell Ulla lo .u.. unlU -Very clelll It ·aeot. Owoer "'"1 In.de llf• for you ••. Hert too ,.. ,JU (IYO you !uot - For the above proptrtle9 - eqlllt;y for amall !JoUle or duplu.. Sbom $10,100 wbat you ~t •• , Say tile word and loOX up . :(ell'ly _ 1n-.. Full price $87.llOO -very euy your movlaf compuy'o t.elephone awablr. • • • PRONE LIBERTY J·'348 I term.o. For tile cbovo properlj<o ' You'll bo Uvillr on e.,tboa llland In ao time flat. PHONE HARBOR' 0757 or HA 1741 Our Uatiap of bomeo on Balboa Ialaa4 lllP. tHE VOG~L MAIN OFFICf . •t $19,911(). VOGEL CO • ....(:orona del Mar Office · · . . · w1 .E. Cout HJchway · Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. Eno: Har. 1796-W • U &6t.57 Har. 2892 '288 MULTIPLE LlllTING -R&ALTOR 3201 W. Cout Hwy. Evea : LI '8-77311, Leb. 9-79t2, Ba 3e30-J • \ . ' i503 32nd St. Offlu Phone Harbor iMl6S Cott• Mesa* O~c4r~O~ELVALUES BALBOA tS~D-VOGEL V,ALUES Newpo<t Belch, Callt. A!tlr _rs P· m. ll&r. ~ . DUPLEX NEAR LlDO * * * * FERN DELL AttracUvt near new furn. dupln only l 11ock LOT J'O(I. BALE Newport He"bll nil8T 01TE1l!NG at t chana• from Udo. Nicely located oo COtna', llovely $l9,llOO Ing 2 b!lrm. plua sueet cottap bom. wllll tile 1pacloua 1pll. ·Low •l>I" flna.nclnr at $113.M 30d:S ft. lot cl-to 8• Bly and Villlp bust· following: • ' ne. dimt. One . ot the fetl 1e!L You may pe,t mo. Including taxoo It lnaunnce. need our help to tully appreclall ·11fe ....u· 2 • View of, tile Bey • hi! price $2t,OOO bdrm. cott.p which la cu\" enoo1h tJbe mited Carpeted llvlnr· rm. It dlnloi ""· • , for nothing bat money. Laree 1unny kitchen with bruktNt apace . . -$1,800 DOWN e ·\ Belutiful fenad yard ' • • BDrutS. 2 BATHS, V( /W carpell tllruout, BIG VALUE -ADAPT ABLE INCOllE . -' Patlo covered and z<\Clr barbecue redeooral<ct" Mlalde A out, yard ltndacaped J. 2 otory, 3 b<lrm., 2 bltll home. Dbl. prop, \ Gu..f cottace with batll fenced, "'-paUo. A lo,t of houae (or a llttla fireplace, lovely ~rd. cloee to Soutll Bly. Double prop and work lboP mnoey.-Only 1 \0 yn. old, •I>~ !la••el!IJ with : Full prlct $2•.~ An Immaculate home In choice locatlon • $7(.00 por mo. i.u .. It lnwrance Included. CHOOSY ! 1 ! PLEABE.LET US TELL YOU MO~ Only $21,000, i.rm.o. - Full· price $:12,llOO. 3 utn' l(e. bdr1no. Cl KING and QUEEN olao) · • OSBORNE~ FORTON REAL TY .• .2 boll"'-W/V( .<;arpell,.fUU dilllnr room, netural = w. Cbaal Rwy. (at Port <>Nnp) . COMPARE! ' 3 bdrm~ 'paved patio, fenced, beauL l&ndtcaped, wood abutteiw, beaul VIEW of IJay !n>m ¥oater Liberty 8-71!82 ,,... ·, -&nor 61M bdrm., fireplace, ,-porch, Fl, beal lmnlaculate, delflhttul home. Full pilco only front _6 rear llilled entrances, drapea le val- ancea, papered ' waU.. clean u a whlatle. Only $10,9~. $33,600, wltll $12,000 down. For the above pi-ope~ For the above propertiel PHONE HARBOR I 014 or <>«+--- PHONE LIBERTY 8·55'6 VOGEL CQ.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 Newport Blvd. VOGEL co: Balboa lsla'nd Office • (Nm Door to Poet Otfb) I 208 Marine Ave. . Evee. Har. 3Ull, 8¥· ~n' . Evei: BU. 3e29, ll&r. 1229-R . FOR QUICK ~ESULTS -·usr . WITH THE VOGEL co. BIB v' V' Best Buys CQrona del Mar i . DELUXE 1. OCEAN VO:W DUPLEX r' V AL'UE PLUS, 2 b••lm"2 bltll home· ptuo guest rm, bwd ftoon, rA heat, ck>M to llhopt>li!.g •re& an·d only 21J1 blocka ocean. A BEST BUY at $18,600. UPSTAIRS~ S bednn-.. ckn, 1 ~ bath. rlr•pl•~•· beamed e«Uni. bulf•t be.r, aun-deck. buutilW ocean vtsw. Btdlt·ln appll~•. d'*Pffl.M, w..11 to 2 ( SHORECLIFFS · offered. Ra.nch type, • r ~~U ~N~J..~~ , lbaJce roof, 2 ~ den home. 2 t1replaeM. bulfel kr. patio, I car ra,... $37,000 EaclualN' wt '111. Open bouM. 1 -5 •r•-Nle41 l•W'll. as2.1&0. T1rm.1. daDy. 239 Morn.inr Canyon Road. LlVlC ON A. CANYON TOP .,,_ ' ·m CD>< ~ r' DUPLEX So. or Hwy .. :r bedrm. home pluo 1 BDRM. hom• With piQlur• win· 1 bedrm. pragt" apt. Both unit.I fum.llhed. dow .-. ot OCl&JI and h\U. Priced at $2',950. Exclusive. trom uJMiui1n1 &n4 doWn. Spe· clou. rutl\pua rm., Incl. pantl· i .I BARGAIN 3 bednn home, l,e Uv room, "flal· eel . bar (with 1lnk, r1frl1. • · I' tto••l . 1 nrepl .. 1un~k. dbl1. atone firtpt, carpeted. dual Ooar tum&ce thermo r~. in.ooo .. Ter1M. controlled plus 1ar,p dble pnae «re11ect.tor CAMPAIGN' SPECIAL ' apt above. TrWJr a BARGAIN at $14,750. ~· KA VE YOU SEEN CLUAivlt "1th ua. THE WHYTJC HOUSE? 8&l• Open to ~p. or n.m. 5, { DOIAC'ULA TE 2 bedrm. home, dble. p.n.p. 00WN8TADUI : muter btidnn., linn!.edlate -~on. OPEN HOUSE 1~ p. m., wtth adj. bath, caucu. rm.. ....--- 1m&ll Nd.ml-with ', bath, 607 Larklpur. Prioed at $1,iOOI). Reuonabte workahop A. •n11t r•r. Co'f'· down paJmenL Moathly payment.I of $70. r.red pt.Uo. UPSTAIR8: Con· venUon 11• LR with 0c1an MEMBER or KU'tTIPLIC LISTINGS =.:"~f. =-.. .': .. ~':'.; CORONA DEl MAR REALTY CO. buy Lb11 tt1m . born• 1t 111.000. PRlCE T. ,.~.:.-~N,~.,_..__ ._ • -~•~•-c.n an1 B/B delirt"•"-• 1t Har acw"J.OJ.&"'1" ~u.n • ~ Slim .on. . $1250 On. $1500 to $2500 On. A pod dlloic. ot bomel to __ .....,. 'EXTRA SPECIAL Lua• I lMdND. home on Bro.d· way. TlliY JUft' CAN'T BE B&AT tor ptic&. It. )(UST, MAX W. POPE Realtor llO<I - Two Choic•Duplexes Costa'Mesa V&l\T~ A&ln'.A.L lOCATIOJ'f WI. • 3"7 & Cout HWJ. Ooroua del Mar Har. &1 roar llftltl ia: au -taclll wttlli (Office locale11 nut doof to Newport Barbor Bonk.. Cdlol) ._ -.. 1 "'''' -Bay lr Beach Riiy. inc. Rl:AJ..TOR8 Corona "~ Mar ortk:• M30 £. Co.at Hwy, Rar 6&U ' P,.p11. uw ldkhlft, ~ pottb9 AU alt.I .... 1'9fttad. · GtNI incom• ft.000.\ "\ ' CORONA -DEL MAR fltit11 alde, a bdrm 1o.... p1u ruoet room. ll&lt bloek from tile Oeean frallt. -n<JJh• • borbood. See It and you l'i1l ..-. A tine bome. .. c very little y&ldwork. 0-.. View . . -$26,600 Commercial Cout B!rbway .0 ft lot $10,000. Ba~k Bey lot comer L&01Dad1 It Tuatln $8,llOO. . RAY: RWTY co ... 3"4 E. .oo.ot l(l.,., ~ del Mar 0 Har. 2288 ,A..--from buk In CDltl, llEMBER OF MULTIPLI!: LlllTING SERVICE EXCHANGE SPECIALISTS . · Puadeua owner ~t.8 Piii.den• property few oocan .i.w homo In 8o. [,qua&. Llrp income In 111,ytM' for ..-n-t ~ ID Oranp County to $300,000. Belutllul new bouM la °"""" Hilblandl for beach..._, A few choice hool• ~ In C-0 do! Kar. . MULTIPLE LIS'IDIG RULTOK G: H. LATHl{OP, Rea,ltor . 36M E. Cout ~bwa;y , Co<oa& del Mar Harbor M42 -ll&r. lleao Costa Mesa -The Best Town On Eartb "Bualn .. &wt.u.r-· rlpt In lotnf -Goad '- -$f00.00 monthl,y lacome. 1'i%t U(),000, On.-bait-... ~ ·~ ., .. . 3 Br. home (3 yro,) 2 bttllo; flrrplaot, f•ced potlo It yard, double -· A·l loea--in. $13,lM. wltll $1200.00 Down. . . -NEWPORT HEIGJ!Tll -KINGS JIQAll: 0.. at the -locatlono for 0.... It.liq -r A 1arp a Br. h-. 2 batllo, tarp w wi.. parr,11. double prop PLUS m&nJ' _... .I.ND a SWIMMING POOL. '",600. , G. N. WELLS, Realtor Corona del Mar 'OPEN . HOUSE H•rbor Hi9hl•ild1 Duncan Hardesty 1 __ 18_1.P_N_.~ __ 81_..i._. eooe. ____ ~ __ ._u_. a._m. __ ft&ALTO" Two doll ~ 00. woodH k>l &o. ot Wcti..,.y. Comp.ff:t.ly tW"nilbed &Dd c&rpeled. KJao\ty ~ • ~-----------------pliW! tnt•rlon Ir: pntty pattoa. ... ~,, ' E Un wl OM and ttal tbt of.Mr. 18116 Newport Blvcl.. Cool& 14- Ppone LI a-.6761 -Eves Har. '366 I 9i9 Priscilla Lano DRIVE" OUT myiNE to llltll and follow tile CIJlTOM to U liicii a thlw ....._ 1 % botll heme u you'll ever -.,S.:.utllull,. ltndacaped, It baa a privall co...W potlo, fenelns m. Aleo very n1ce c1rt,... aor loan carpetlnJ. Prbil to ..n-... mO¥lt. "at U.. bt1dp &o Udo MM,. 111J Lat&,..tt. llu1Mw .t.111 LITTLE ISLAND B~ YFRONT ; Beautiful lpodoul 6 -, ' bollll, yr. toQlld bome 1111 Balhoe !eland'• acJmtn liq J'nmt. Private pier oDCI ~t,,lup pello, naay utru. • ' • • • 40 ACR s I •• ~ ' .............. FD\IT ~ • • 4etWt:eD .. • TrMs orrD.ED, s2s.1~. ~-:· ' ' COSTA M:EsA AND SANTA ANA · Exc1tu1h•• w1lh ·\ 1 .• • · .... ' . 8EST ACREAG.E BUY $3300 an-.eo Ttfm• ORANGE COAST 1Jli7 N_.-t Blvd. · ( LI 8-11132 PROPERTIES Colt& Mela EYa LI 8-HOO .. Mariners Isle Rlty. J ll M'ar1M A"-811.J.bol JJllAM H&rlKlr 471J A.dT•rtJslftS .. HSWal 1'-'l:W8 abOUl \OCM,y• "9L buya! For Sood HZW8 •• , Jl\u'. aftd ..U ln our Claalli.d pq-. WJ: HAVE <mlERS TOOi • DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor. •At tho brldp -to Udo Joie". 3ll2 Lafayette,'Newport Beach liar. •711 • BALBOA ISLAND Cbo4ce katlon ....,. Ao. 11&7. I tMt4rm. 2 ... UI home, IM'I' ----alc:oft a6d ~y ...,,.,._ 'PriCt $tl.50t lam'IL W. W. SANFORD & Auoe. .... WaM -:> ' Hu, JjU --1-l ~ EXCUJSIVll WITH '· . . ·- • ,WV. w. SANFORD Realtors -' .. ,. f - · l:JDO. ISLE LA8T c~ ------·-· '23,l500 Two .xort: 3 ~and den. 11 , )Jalha, net.r elubhoule '°" beachel. Older,~ decorating. Good tfn•nd!f, A t.ttU. paJntJ,Ud paper and it will be .•.ortll '80()0 ~-• COST A MESA TRAILER COURT .. ··"° One of the' bellt tl'l.Der COUIU top ~ teatial In- • CO!Jle that we Uft nw 1J8ted. Hip located within on• blotlr 111 Newport BJ ., ctc.e in. n.ptte poor ma,n.l.pment ahows ~.00 moathq on 14 ~ AD 1pace. modern in- elad.lnf 110 ftJH1 220 eJlctrical CODBtctiona. In· " ehadee 2 bedroom hotnr~i.°t can be purcbued with or withou.t trallef' court. lmaJination 'can · m&b thi8. a nal money snaku. PARDON US We &re proud to MDOUDce that in U..' first ~t moatba of 19C58 wt ha"' 110ld 98 ~ ol our !lltllp phMI many of 0\11' fellow Re&lton Uat- bap. We haft a ..u.tn.ined. experienced la.lea ltaU. U 1G!ll want your property eold in the ~ llMau.t P991lble time Md at the right price, 1tt aa for t.r. appraial and ACI'ION. JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR . - • s 71450 '\ • N!a.RLY NEW c-,.. Bl!dfoom.' ~ IYIDa • ~ roGm.~ °'ama ~a.Ito KMoill anct ••IDr· - Do YouW,anta Builder'•Own Home? aya. UW roy 2 br. 6 Dell ham• witb . thl, full llilCtl'tc· kfldMn, w /W carpet, · ped, It taoed." Belt of eomtruction. Call CriatWd lot appointment. nly Sllso Down 3 bdr., 1 yr. old. ~ f\l1l price. Laree 70' lot, near llCbool&. Dcn't delay -Sa today. p. •· p~lm;} Uicorporated ol• hanson co. m'aneg•ment · 1700 w. cout b!Pway-llberty ~73 ' NEWPORT HEJ6HTS · 2 Bedroalu -R&ucb Style. Located CID Aldean JHE GREAT ORANGE COAST Newport H'eights! Best Buys! New !Jstings place. th.W 11 Oil• of the nne.t 2 bedl'oam bamee in th•, lleirhta. It. spotJea mu beautltuJly landlcaped and cared for. AMiq $28,000. Call tor &ppd.n'bnct to .e. ~STA MESA --EASTSIDE 3 Bedrooma on ea.ta Kea Streit near Inine. lH X IOO (acre) OD W. llUl , 8t. now ~ may be ,._,ned. Good a b9dnu boaM. 2 ear ~ 20 x .0 corrqated 1raD llu1Jdlac, a BA.ROAJN at t.edaT'• prtc& flt,llOO wtt.b '8000 down. s 9,500 • • Two 1*lroclma. hardwood tlocin. ac..tn loca· . t.iCIL GI "!'h )~llll ael1. [ . s 9,950 t. . Three Bdrma ca.rpet.a • drapem thnl-oal. OD.11. .2 yn old-$1!500 Dn -Balance a.. tbu raat. $10,800 ; Three Bedroom.a. 1 ~~ l».ths. 1llapcml • tan. Undacaped 6 srapestakt fenced. Sto'le 6 nfrtr- erator available. $11,900 Four bedrooma, 2 bath.I. well-Mslt b.ame, Blee patio and fenoed yud. Low down. nu ftnano- iD1. balance Seim than rent. $12,000 Sant.a An& Hdchta, clean 3--bedroom, loftly patio, double prace, block wall fence. $2,600 dbwn. . W. A. TOSIAS REALTOR end ASSOCIATES "You•u Like Our Friendly Service" tOO E. 17th St. Coat& lrfea _ Liberty 1-1139 / B/ B ~ BALBOA' QCEAN FRONT Just lilted, SS,olM> down. Newly 4ecorated and nlcely furuiabed. S BR 2 Bath._ { ., BALBOA PENJNSULA 0 A.T THE ilCHEs" ll20 W. Cout Hwy. J '*IJ'oom wtu.· .. ,._iba u s.. m3 J'lrwpiacel d!alq rm~ hwd. Wall to wan Carpet a.nc1 Drapeia included. Full price $13,500~ SM60.00 ~o lo&n at $73 pu month Jncludea Tuel. 1NJ)U8TIUAL LOCATION on • 17th St. lev«l Sood UUJ· iUa. COl1UMl'Ci&J 1-, acre. n2.500 ~nna. ln•at.mtnl poe- lllbWU. be,.... Near Jetty -3 BR -2 Bath -bdwd floore FI A heat -Patio -A-1 coad.ition Owner --------------noon. AL IV· v., ci.n: tranmrred. $24,DeO -Tenm.. BALBOA ISLAND 6 bedrlL 1~ 1llba batlaa. COnMA' lot So. Bay ~ IDt.r• ti' pS. Home in rood condition $51)500 • . . 2 aifli • l004 ltreet. 2 btiCl.rm. hOUM plUI 1 .... &tt&Mth• clan property -..a...,_, Ocner-lot. Good location $19,S>M DlVDm !aBACB new 3 be4nn. 2 bath hamt, 19ad. 1andlC'ped '31~ • I WnD. J bat.b home. Swimminc pool $M,OOO ·J'cr achenp -3 bed.rm., bath It ~4 home on pad llbwt ID Sant& Ana for comparable f~ ji0ji9 tJ in t.hla area. J>elnp call J:d.lth Maroon, HYatt t-6222 or LOO Boytit• Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY: Realtor Harbor l T7r, .OPENING SPECIALS • $72lSO f ac..a 1 bdnn., pi., tltepl. ftahpond. Beaul 1IMI c•'*-'I· °'-link fendnr alone worth $800 Boaill b' blq. CID front of 60zleQ 1ot. SUbmlt •4on! NIWl:B UEN BE'l"l'&R! -na:DOK TRACI'..- I bdrm.., Db11 tanmhed. fmced. Ja.Ddlcaped, ".&.11 -. Wt..Jn kltcben w ;w carpettnr. F\irn'd. ..-'10,llO """' '2400 dn? ·~ ~o 1olJl at see. mo. Owwi -,...aim -Wt haYe key. Thia .. & ftill ......... l Ou.·buJ ¥d. f J'ORNtSHED RENTALS SU.s>O 01 I ia. nr. Npt. Blvd., Groe1 $2:50. mo Lot 80 'S 1M. DWI drlweway! Seelnf la believinJ on • . \Ml dlalt CORONA HIGHLANDS ftW .-. tM market &Dd maat .ell: 2 bed-- ,._ ai-wltJa a .n. TenDI ua fteldble. Call ......... by. . BACK BAY I Two bilb'a m ._ baUa and • all electric lllteMt, ........... wuber and dryer Plua WW ..,.... u4-c1Japeirie& All t.hla OD your private ........... to ... . U6 -23rd SL, • -OPiif SAT la SUNDAY. W. E. ASHER & Associatef .. a.It IUP"n11 Corcma del Kar Barbor ~2 • Ev :-a. Barbor 2(20.. \V Dk:cmdra 'Aawn. etc.. $17.SOO OCLUf vu:w Ramtiltns • wtth iou •t room. DmlDI nom. two pat· io.. llO •• Dbl ~· Lot 'fl' x 1n•,· cor. ataM ....... 1'00dl le ~ pool; ete. Al.le. a l&IS• '-lf•••l! $19,600 ~· AN01'RER OCXAN VIEW Ru ...-yU\ins, Hri ooore nrwp&.aca. no -. • ~ ,.._ ..,.. JIJ&dl-. Al. .• Plva larT• SU-l boat wttll ND ll&U.: COSTA MESA -WESTSIDE $ll500.00 Down 8 Bedrooma, ne&J11 New. Op. cupled od.ly 2 montlla. FUl1 prb '10,MO wtth payment.a of 185 mdudln1 Tua. $1~ Down New 3 Bedroom.1, L&rp lot. Full ' price $10, TM. 'nl1I la juat ootlldt the Oty UmitL "C" ED. JONES, Realtor ltlOVE IN one 8'de of thla BR.AND NEW duplex. Collect rttll fDr Jnd U.Dit. .. noor plan. 'Lota and Iota of Ct"ment, I MUG. wide drive. Owrslu I dOO.bla ,..,..... f.nced and lGdac~..,S on.11 $1700 down. 1 HO rr. c:::oftKEJ\ on Newport I lllYd. ReUJ· tor warellouw, I ..,,.,. buUcll:Qc tJr •oru. OU st pu1ISq' ...... Bait prlc• ua.ooo t.rrma. ALSo PENINSULA ' / Price reduced! - 2 BR A convertible Den 2 Bath -Modern -Patio -!W"Diahed $20JM)O. NEWPORT BEACH Ocean Front -Seubore ColoQy 3 Bil -2 Bath -Built by one of Newport'• belt Builll- era $29.~ • --~ Ybrly and winter rent.all furnilhed a.net UDfur. niabed. CLOSE IN '' acre with oldtt For further lnformatiOJt, or appointment to•· utplia. All nnt.H rcw uao call fl"09I per m011tJL fll.000 I• , 1990 Harbor ~ASSOCIATES u s.333.1 ~ ~ Prucm wiu. tet'DUI 1 BAY & BEACH REAL TY, INC., Rltrs. $19,950 -----------------WIQ..L LA.JD OUT I Bll borne. at tP 1. wut COIMlid• 1tcio LralJtr bu 1~ ~ tonn1ca a1nk. 202:S W. BaJt>O& Blwd., Newport Bea.ch. Harbor at 10-ft. up to POGO>. nalura1 wood ldtcben c:&btnel&. We Planned It That Way =~~~:.:::: BUT HICIOHTa LOCA TJON a bedrOOm. J baLb&. Hwd. tin. I Jowl7 unn,-roem, ar.p1.ace. dlll pr., pat.lo. t\ne homt' $25,000 - THll BUT! T~ will h&v. Lo ... thia ~I • OPEN HOUllll S&L It IWl. Oor. Cla7 It JU~ J bdnna. It dt'D .. IW:lpu8 • 2 •Ut.a It M.17 c.alJleled. a.au. tLt\al kltdwn • ~ de- lwtel $40,000 • The lndominable •plnt of over 300 Kemben worldq together to eel! oi'er Sl,000,000 worth of real tlltate per month hu ~ aoeompliabed the !lm six moot.ha of 19'56. Property owner'• confidence in our Board of Realtora, plUI a concerted effort by every mem· ber made it poufble. To Lilt or Buy Property Call a Member of ar-. Milt you.ntlf a S'ood 1-uy. Low down payment. CORNER LOT 1 lllock Eut. ot Newport Blvd. 66 x UO. Bar- p1D at $3600 cub. NEWPORT HEIOllTS deluxe new a bdrm wtlh 1~ b&tba. clor. to Hoq' HospJt&J and A«ba. 8ft what f-11, T50 will IN)'. T9rma. SM.ALL FAcrc>llY BLDG, PW· ~nUa fi &oeation. Parkiq ~ $1UOO.' Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 0~Ji.~R~~tsr B ~ B h RI ) 11151 N.wport B!Yd., CCMlt& Mna •Y • ••c ty, nc. u a.11u ev. u 1-1400 1 .. H~ eo.L& x.. Multiple Listing Service LI •1111 :Iha LI WOlO IACK BAY. 'nW 1lame ,oo've been look!~ fof', I lldf,. hwd. flra. WfW CIU'peta. ...... Wed Jdtcb. • 1*U\. Dbl. pr, J"ully ft.need. Blaut -n-Of 1:1&7 It bllll of 1ntDI Jltandl.. ~ i=oo da. A tbt r. P. of '12.100. <>wna bu '--tn.mt. Tou c:aa mon I• I.mm. la tJme for ecbool Dltft lty IOm Ba,.new A.._, la L A. Betpt.a It call ua for a,.t. to .-.. Mesa-Harbor Rlty. Oppolllte U. L -.0 G. C. UTMOUR -R-..ltol' DOI o.ta eo.ta K..a LI ... 11 Evt U W'TP N' Ha 11M-W Costa Mesa 2 GOODIES FOR 2 SMARTIES. A lovely 2 BR home, carpeted, comer F . P .. Blt. in Ba.r-B-Q • 1 BR. apt., over dbl. pr. PLUS &It ·XV.-lot:' Thia ii Oil a eo ft. corn.er. Room for 2 more unita -Barp.1n at ue.7~ 2 BR. home, carpeted, fenced yard. p&tio Ii Ba.r-B-Q started. Needa a little ftm.r but it'• euy it you're bandy with a c.heckbook.. Hu G. L lol.n. Eaclumve with R. L STRICKLER. Realtor R. B. HODGE. A.19odat.e 3622 E. Cout ll'ry., Corona del Mar. Har. 277• . BALBOA $17,500 nii. i. a very nice I bedroom home. Il bu J paU09, brick fireplace and bu excellent flnanc1A1 • ALSO I 2 bedroor'M, 1 bath, beauUt'Ul patio, rtdwOOd cxtc1or and a bu1Jl-IA kltcb~n. Onty $4500 dowft.. Both °' lb... ..,.. oNr 111 blk. to Ba7 • 1 blk. to oc.,.,.. Duncan Hardesty 1\£.ALTOR "at tbt bl'idp Lo Udo tu.•• 3-112 Lafayette Harbor 4 711 On Exclusive "Little Balboa Island" A wooderfut Hemet J bedrnla. and I ba1ba, c:arpe4.4d and dra.,.S. Hup llnplace. At· or H60 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa, Harbor UM Evea. Harbor 1856 BAYSHORES 2 dandy homu, 3 ~. -$23,600 ud 2 bednn. 2 bath -$281000. Both completely turnilhed. COSTA MESA 480 Flotrer, 3 bdrm. in Rcellnt Jocatice and condition. Beautifully land~ Only $2tWM> down. · I~ acre Back Bay --------~,_.,N 1 acre Back Bay _________ .....,..w, Wt have more qualified bQyms for Bay Front homes than we have property. U you havt ~t tor ale. PLEASE contact our offtct. MYRTLE DA VY, Ree ltor & Auoc. Helen Baum Bob Smith Buel Condon 3432 Via Oporto Harbor 6"8 Evee. LI l-~297 LI 8-1709 Har. 1017..J PRICE REDUCTION Owner must eel1 thia 2 bedroom home with hdwd. tJoon, w to w carpet. paUo, prap and other nice featuft8 u they haft been trau- Cerred to Santa Clara. Price wu $10.000 - NOW ~. owner •ya SUBMIT ALL OJTl:R& RESTRICTE 0 HOME • SITE . Chanp of pla.n.I by owner mak• th» toll102 tot tn choice restrict«l area aoen.t b1:J al $37&0. Call u. for det•O.. NEWPORT-MESA . REAL TY ' 1799 Newport Blvd. LI 8-MOS Nl~ hOIM and tncome. rr.hl7 pablt.d I "9dnn. wUb A19 . ...,..,. and additl--1 2 Wna. OD IOd40 ft. lot. Dlt.. by :," Twittn Aw~ t.ben pboM IT'S AN"OTHER . FINE HOME tnctJftlJ d«orated. P'orced ----------------- Marin•ra Isle Rltv. Id Marini A....... lt&lboa ~ ~4Tll VIEW LOT Upper Beck Bay AslOO n. st.JIO Har. IA-ll • .. BY COURTNEY C. PLA'M", ~11enl Contractor 3 bdrm., 2 bath, Cully carpeted. exccllent view. A really DELUXE CUSTOM hom• tor th• dlacrlm· ina\ing Wyer, in the up and com1nJ Back Bay area. Specla.I featu:rea : central TaCUWD c)elntnr. t1nd1N1ped. cpimtler ~ built.ID OftD and ruie. radio uct Int.er-com., Shell lltoM ftrepW:e wrth cantileYa" hearth. s.autaDy cdot COOl'dJ. nattd. Price 500--t May be .een al •O'f SterTa Vi 1 block No. 22nd t., ju.It ofJ TuJt1J:l /.~ .• Ca Llbtrty 8-84M for appoint.m nt.. ~7 atr !Mat. Dtalnr&llMr. ~. lornUc& &114 kM of Ule. Mo.t Wlu.ual It dlAlnet.I••. P7.600 Mariners tale Rlty. 111 MAl'lDe A,.... 8aD1ioa 1ill&Dd B&r1Mll> 4Tll CURT DOSH. Rltr. 315 Meri Ave. Balboa lend Harbor 1560 TRAILER PARK for Balboa (sland -Modern ~ space park. Harbor ana. wm ~ s bdrm.. bome Oil Balboe laland .. put N-t. , OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY 2323 W. c.out. Hwy. Cat Port on.> Llbcrty S-7582 Ena. Bador IJM