HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-10 - Newport Harbor News PressREADY FOR JUBllEE BOAT PARADE
.fobn B.. JQnPey lll chalrm.an of BalOO. Power Squadron'•
PUotblrC l»W'M. Hen he • abown 011 etllf'n of hill crulMr
~ BOl:ija holdln( ltw United 8~ Power 8quad-
1'911. ....... li.uly ot t.beW wtll bf--wlleo. .qo.aclron r.o.ta taM part J.n N~'• Golden Jubllff 00.l p&r&dto
kbardq. -Beciknu Ptiot.
llood DOlllltlooi
Oil n.ld eml*i;.. of th•
Bl,,....lla.ock 1-. Hunt1n1-
ton 8-dl, todaJ .W donate I~
too P'bta ot blood to l1'e Red
~ ~ Y111tlln( u.. -·-
8&lboa ..... -•• --~ Od m.uben ,.. ........ .....,,
deooraUns Ulm' 0\7 for 0.
Ooklen JllW'M ~u.
and expect. to.do morto u ~·
dlvt!W 1112rchMt. pt l.Mlr
bulJdinp fut.oomd.
CroM .tr.K bWlUq: ~
bMn ~at~ ot tlae • ter.cU--. two Ma..t. Oft
•ch •MM ol lM pldm Ma-
ner 1"claladal" tbt ju.bOM.
Men Madill( the worll .,..
Homer Smtt.11.. dlaJnnU of
lh• bunUJI&" oommtUae .....
d11"9Ctor: Coy Watt.. d.lr.o-..
tor: Monte ortm-. _..,...
tary: Orvtll• 8hh..-t.r, dub .,-c
Arrest of
PILOTDfO sm.1. SAVES ·~N•¥M -Pilot Elmer A. Riley cot thia
plane down cm the ~b In' Gnl" ;t 1t17)&¥tn.r hlmleit &nd three ot.ben, but
th• craft. u can be 91!eD ht' the .......... lmel:qe, is considered. a~tal loa.
-Tom -.. l'llolo
Lat.en draft .r f1'"ISIO'Md ne..
-ord~ re.-U. City Oil
N .. port S.dl. .,.. a.tnbut.cl
to IDnllMn ot clt7 caullCl! .-
the .,..eNL tt .. ~ .. , tlllll
wtll co'11• bdon u .. COWld1 m
\betr -•on tornorn>W aipL
Aocordlnf lO' CU7' Mana.pt'
Robert 8h.ttCM>. It le ...-,.. to -Ironed out baton Ila ._._
U.. Int.rnaUonal CllJ Ma....,.n
CCla9'ftltioll at Bult, Alberta c..-ill mid .-lb. .
llltfldJ mMt1np baft '-....
wllll a Chamber ol. Comrnerw
-tttee on the llc.l\M' ontln-
~ ~ aad It UI ltk•IJ'.
&t'<"O"tlllf to l!PMlton. thet &
chamber of eom-commlu..t ...m 1iMM 1t1tfl ttw ~ ~ ••k.
Pilot Hu to
Crash-Land on
Crowded Beach
Shelton to Ask Rnance •
Study TOlllOITOW 'Night
Water. lbl stor&p, diatrlbu:Uon. and n.t.M to be
ebarpd u.en: for th• municipal ervte1 qency will be
oo• of the principal toplt1 to aom.e before Newport
Beach City Coundl wh•n tt meets in' regular-tk'Wm
tomorrow night.
Pl&rul tor .cl"H.Uoll of lh9 hill-
top water ruen'otl' 1• Ow City
ot Newport Be&eh wtll be lmpMt-
nwn~ when aty ~ Rob-
ert &hellon will -k au.lhorla-
Uon tor a nnancw · irtudy ot
ava.lla.bl<t mun. of creaunr the
Cty councilmen wtll be aaked
to a utho1iu the manaa:e.r to
negotiate a C'Onlract ror such
a atudy or financial m~ avail·
able to U.. munlelpallty, Recezi.t..
ly th• rlly CQllACll bu been In
•ulon wltll Sl4My ~· Rook of
tbe ttrm o< BtoDt llli>d YOWll·
berf. TM oonsult&nt hu 1Ddl-
cat'11 Uiat M¥R&I p!aM are '
a val~ dlnid bcm.d!JIS, N'ftfllM ,
bondinr. or a combfna.Uon of tbl
klw lntcorut rate. of ~ obJl-
rauon ~ wtt.b. tM fundblc'
prtnclp&a or rev~ue bondl.11(.
AccordtJlf: to lM eom\lh.a:t la.
tu• pnlimlnary alll"Vt!)', the Qty
or Nr.vport Be&eh Y 111 a moat
(0-U.-. -rap •)
booptal ,... In no 4an..,-but, i-t of the •
fire ..iw "' hlab t.mrnture .,. tho """' wan. made thinp a tittle uncomfortable for ftf'f'
fightel"'I. -BWf Pboto -------~
• I
O&OWINO UP -Coutruction work oa Pacitic Telepbou.. cmtnl ottlol
bulldlnc at 311 E. Balbo9 Blvd. ii nearing b&ll-way m&B. Wbm cotapleted
earlJ Dat year the lltNltllre will bou• ~ lau.t ln dJ&l 1wt&ehlq equl~
meot tar oanwnloa -of Barbor telephonea to 4W operat!oa. Co.\ ol U.. pro.
ject will run dOM to • q1arler m1Won dlllan, a~cOl"dtla to tt),tph~• ·
ma.naav Ted Rambrook.
Lc>uJ bMrlnC• to Inquire tnlo
t.be necHalty of add1t1011&l ,14.
eral ltJlalatlon to kttp pl .uurt
• bo&tlna ...t• wtll bt held at r ort
KaeArtnur TemorTOW and IA
U.. Port of l&a Dl•10 .Ac1nunt ..
• tnlMID auU41-a Thli.reday, th•
11th C4Ul G!iar'CS 0 Uilr1tt &.II•
Mllnced t~.
ft.ep. Htrbtrt C. Bonntr ID · -----·----
N . C.1, cha1nna11 of the cnmmlt·
t u on Men:hanl Mal m a a.nd
J'\Mim.. of lhe Hou,.. or Re·
p,_nl&Uvu. w1U be 111 charK~
Spolt.-nt•n tor th• local 8albo&
Powtt lqudron. yacht clllbl.
bo&t UYeM-. tperttla&l1nr .._.
lellou, •IJJna aroua-CM1lbo1u'CS
motorboat euoctatlona county
rep,.....nt.aUvu and ot.her per.one
who may ba•e cOMtrwtl'n •t.ew•
on pleHll,.. boat eatety have
bffn urfed to attend. Th• .. n
recs.ro 11ear111r LI from t a m. to I,. m.
'l'h4 llMJ"lnft were o~ned Our•'i
~ ~ tlrlt Uirtt weelu In J uly
-Ill Wuhlnp on I
-The National AMO<'l&llon or
l:nr1ne and &al M.a nulacturtr1 I
Tht ltatl Hlf bwa)' Of'·
p11rtmtnt ha• uliltd Coi t&
~ ... to ~dtr a rPvlalon
of pl•n• c:a lllnf for .,, ovtr·
P•'"• a l Falrvl-l\oad and
the r,..~ ._... Dt.iro
f"rU\\'I Y and II prOJ>O-'IJIC an
Jn L4'n:ha n,. lAJha4.
lncr .. affd ha!tl~ In that
U H of ea.ta MIH II f lVtl\
•• th .. rnt10n tor tht chanr •
Of plan&
The City Counr1J TUuday
nlf ht r1ftrr"1 th• n11 ttt r tn
thf' Plann1n1 Commlu lon for
leally loean't
Pay to Collile
with Cop's Car and the Outb09rd Bo&t1 nf Club ----------ot Amertca lu t May JMn tly '"
It J1&at Ooelll'\ pay U h.lt & quf'lled Bonner'• commllt" to
pollM car l.oc'al .m~rw almoat undertake thla atudy.
ttlrl'lf Ult !M>Oll at Clinton 0 f'a· Commandn Ja mn McJntoah
klna. ... nt SM Alv•r.do A v•. UICO, chit( ot the M.1rth&nl
follo•lnl a tolllll&c>n A\lf. It ot M&rtnt 1at1ty Dlvt.aton, l llh
0.•klna" lf'\lek alld lM f>alrol Cout Ouud Dt•lrlct, 7ot Tlll\N
car d r1Ha by Oftlct r Gnald 9uild.lnJ, Lnnr Beach, 11 In
Br .. .._ -• ch&tfil of local Information on
Dnklne wu d ttd for hutna the "9&rlnst
no "JWra lor"• UceriM In h t. re»-_
.... ion. tallur• to )'ltld lhe rlchl· '
,., ••• 7. nO( Wffrll\f • .._. c k
...,hlle dri•ln• and, In addition. ran s
had t. notation on 'lht llr'ln t h• I
a u ampl.td to drhe &WI)' from I c ii th~r= .. claim Ml h• ... sotni I ounc
w•t • B&Jboa Blv•'· wht n Lht
!Nell IUddenly pull~ arf'Ojll th• I 'nit dll\atte and
""-hwa)'. '?'tit patrol car aklddf'd 1":hlrh t~ 0 and I
t..64 U.t t.ack •nd 1wun1 arc>und lk>U•hl \(I l>uUd on the 1 de ot
'Not Guilty' Is
Susp1d'1 Plea
on Marlluana ·
Bob Morari, ot B\lr'l•nr•m•
wl\o wu er,..•t~ IJy CO.ta Mt H
pel\ot IUl WNll, WU arrtlp~
~ IA JIMIS'e D. J. Dod,. •
N\Ut .. & cM,... of • Dlltll'm
al awtJlla.n&. He P'-it.d not
fUlh.1' and hi.I pre.11ai-.r, U."9
1'11 wu •l for . WllllMldaJ 1a
..... AA&.
Ulelr home a l 83• o .. v•rnor 8 1 •
flflh• ,.,.,,.
Th• 11t v nrdwanct calla r,,, a
1\dl yar1t 'MLbU~ u( fl\·t f .. l
UI• p lal\n•n pol.llted "ul
~00 ,.OOR'
Harbor Demos
Only Able to
...... WM ar'Nil~ WMn ble
ear WM ... lbUow\af u ern.Uo
...,... &M ,.atee ~ tM7
t...e wiartj\l&M la U.. car aftd
.. Mil dOtJMe .,,. a1ao .... .,
....,. amUar to u.at •Mda JIU
.._ aoMll from lM 8tl"r o.&-a.r catt a .-wt U.. MfO"-
Aa.. lil4l'U WU ~ .. --......... .....-.ldp ol tM tar M
l11pect'1 Jury Trial in Car
Clout Case Set I or Nov I n
;--;;~"";;;:*';;;;;'; ...... =;;; .. ;::;;;;;;;;;ii Jury trial fi. flonai4 Ja.mH ai,_, aliM l\oM.14 J. WtU.. JI,
., Loe Aq't1M, c~ w1UI
,.t\7 th.ti e,nd car tun~.
... Mn Mt tor No•. to.
.At 9'lme t.rralpmtnt IA !of-·
,..C Ju.eUee Court Wed.nMda)',
~ ~d J . Doq'9 •t Mil
at flOOt. .AttonMJ .Jiai.ua Monl'M
wW "Pr...-l the det...s&at.
Bum• allu Well• ,.., trnitted
by police tund&)' after thty .id
U11y et.• him bl"Mk lnt.o ~·
rtove c:om,.rtmant Ill • ou _. I
1onsui. to a local poUct etflet~
&lld take etO lft nuu1red lnOMJ •
TU car bad Mell plan \.cl u
a dtcoJ to bf'*&ll \IJ •t.nelft
e&r c:louUn1 Ol'f"UGM tn tN
Cel"Oll• dtl Ji:Ctr .,... ., the city.
Ane lteslclentWil Palnt;1t9 & O.C0tatin9
~NIU mJ w. 0... ..,., -· a 111'
6eneral Contrec & lullder
I~• lic~ar~ leeso1 Com,11y
t.thcape o..a. ..ii c,.,,.,.,.
()()&ONA D&L llA& llA..oa UI
bO(>l lln J
Ytn•·• ar. bellf'r than av,.r'
Thf' nt(bl lo 1\lburbla hU ma.I• h""'" "wnf're m"r•
dllh 11m1aaL1ns abcM!l t.o .. lhry •ntlou lhr'r proprr'" ma p1clun w1ndow1, 0111door ll•·1n1 ant1 tt1• oth"• lr•·l•·
,..,.,.,. ol aultulb&A lltr h&\'t cr•at.wl •n 1111111•• ,.d•nl•"I
Clama n(! ,.., fetlt .. lhH •r• ., ... Ille flJ N'llnnal u 1<>f'll
u <,,.cU~ 9'&Jw&tt but not fur blllt11n1
'rt>dl 'V't ~tln...i,.1 m1111 bl ff'Ued \o tht fa m111 •
l~•u ,...·llmt atllYIU,.. end In •'"P -.1\h 'h• la lr•' lrrn la
111 h!!m• dfon~ ~•u., M lh•lr f't!(Jnom) •nd ••rH lll·
II\' """od tencd ha,.,. 1'11>1-nme tl\e flut ch•11c• •1t1ona
eubi.rbar.lt... reporh th• ~J&Uo~ L.umtMr Manu1acto.1r·
en A tMciaUOn.
A.JI un,orunt far1or In thl• rholct u that 'W'O()(I
fflltH 111..t more af lh• r~ulttm,.nt• of m~rn llvtl\f
and ofrft' • w14tt ehl)I~ ot 1tyln than nUl•r f1>nr.-
Two Different Lectures
., weo., SEPT. 12
Sta"'9yA. 1~"1. 11LIT'I aw .... i..n..r,
.Awtller • ~ LIVI IT''
Giving ft,e Key to • Vibrant Heelth
A8~ofhin II'' w t»\l ~ . * NUTllnbN •
Wuce,htmM .. t&.tn .thnl m.a.-1o1 EIELL CLUB
~ -~M.
AT8:0tP.M. .. • ..Appllca tJ~
• NO <111Aao1: nus ~r-' e •O OOLL&Cl'IO.S
Plastics Coune
Offered at OC
by Researcher
An adult .ctuC"aUon cl ... on
P lullrR, Thr1r <:hemlatry, t:aH
anJ M&nldacture, wtU t.. ftYen
nn t 11ad• let.ti.er, Harry Tro•
bl"'· ti.alll<'llan •nd Kalhl"n
l.A1lnrr, ..:hoc.1 <11'1 k anO .-1 .. <'\('d
Clarita Kine. u .. niv J ~anr•I
and Llr•m• t:1>ulter In lh•lr
I ~"f•ternber 11 •n 1'1••1 ml'lnth
for I•"' n plant Inf .
2 A zal••• ant1 l\hO.lrKlt n rl r on•
0tn iW f lVt n lhflr fall t .. J.
ll'lf tr ""'°'"''
3 If anta ar• • prnlll•m apray
lh• ""llf1ir jl'l<lllllll "'Ith I
( hlnr<'l•n• u.r I •1,.lr!r in.
• A.ro•lllUCl• Ha1iu1. ul•• e n1I I
r'r,•M11 bulb• can be fJt&ntt!l
!I i..ta.t lu•n~ "'111 henertt by
• pr9·wlntH a ppl1re 11on of
rertlllu r
SatUf action
POUi ft
THl~Y •
,·11,(·1'" f ~·· ' .. 11
•I' . '
• Ha•• -... plll)' ~ ....... _,....tu. • ..... ,, ..... ...a ..
.......... ,.,.,... te
JIU ..... U a •fta&.
UIMrty 1-2213
711 w. 17"9 St. OOft4 IOI.A.
Serving T/Je Harbor Area • roa 'l'Ot1a CO!llYDIOCE
Auto Accessories
M.,,, BA~l~~u~~ ·~"
Auto Parts & Accessories Used
Johntton•• Mesa . Auto Wreckers
We 8~ Ca1'9 A 8rrap lt,.tal
• .,,. Pl.ACF.NT IA A\"'&. I • l'"'f~TT 11•1111 A
Brake -Service
Lenrs Gora e • -~dJHtl•r • tt .. 1~r ·Motor Tun•·rr
H'tl HARBOR ftl.\'Tl, '• •
I nsurance
Bruce Morfin Local Agent
,....,_,,.. luwrlMle>e Orwu'
1711 l'"l:Wl'O&T BLVD. u ...... -au. u I-Mil
CrowlorcJ's Rx Pharmacy
<ntr H""'eart 1tmc. te U.o ........,., _.,.. ''°"' lll-Z"'PO"T aL VT>. 1..1nan 1.n.u
le 'owl wlH' end visit Tieman'• MW ettlarte4
STUD!NT'S CORNU where a 51>ecial offer 11 CPaR·
able to tt.'1 year'1 thtdents.
_ 7850
°" al TI...n'a
Mac It ....
...t .. .,..
JO Doy Full lxchant• l'mllep
CORo'NA PORT ABLE ··-···-····-""'_ .. ..:J6.IO
CORONA PORTABLE ... " .. _ ............. _12.10
Underwood nolHltu office Mod. Jt.IO
Unct.rwood noiHle11 office· Mod: n .IO
n.. an ... , NW& Qp:AJ ...... at
low, low priea Yota'I llM tM 1•6.-t'a
0... a. roar bl.tflkM ...... aa4
........... ,.r.
T er1111 902 ,.... Mei .. ,.,... -1e .... -. -o.11ettv 1-nt1
it.edy to enln'' Junior outing coo ... u at Loo Anrdeo t:oUAly ;Fair , Sep~
19 and SO are membe" of the Sea.bone Spinflahtnr Ju.alorl, from Jett,
Standing: Drew Neeb, Jerry Adama, Bip. F1etcber, Jack 11etdler~"'Joha Neeb,
1An-f ln9kuchl and ftc?nnio Jenk.I. Sitting, Ropr Bt'OMI,, ~ ~ and
loat Parade,1
lobster lake
Next. Weekend·
ut 8t*'9 Faetcber.
flew-Costa Mesa Street Signs . .
"'°""er S&. Jtld WMbll!Dlt.'1'
A.ff ... ll!Uf It. Ud lV..t·
Not Expected for Mon.th More Children Insured
The · iOO or more ntW alreet nu:mth• •.t:o pl.It up 13 new
lllU that Co.ta M-n.1 hive 1lgn1 In loc11.Ur;11 .. whJch had no
....._. ibt'Htllll.I ror the put 1lx lltgna at t.ll but lhb bu bttn
...U. .; 80 to repiac. lb• Ill• the only lmyruwment ln Ute M·
m• Wflt~ 91.rMl .,..... that 11oytn1 .ituauoa. -.id Hdlu.
now pt.Ce -or <lllJrllcr -The aims are lcx:ated at
U.. conllllliuaity, an alW a mOllth Cotnmerclal Way and 8uptrlOlf
away, att111rdln1 to Street F'or. Ave., COmnierclal aAd N.wport
1nU Chudl H.Urr. Blvd., Industrial Way llnd New-
S e 11• r aJd "-nlly the port. J\amona Way and ru.Un
ltlftll, pn"'1dl'ld tor In thr ~ A\·e. lll\d !l•thar St .. AlllO Ave. eet1t1J approved bud1<!t, have and F.•lher, AlllO and Walnut
been on order tor a month but Rt.. RrM:hemU•r St. I.lid 8&.nta
ti• aa.ld they taQ about 60 An• Av~. Rocll-.it..r ud T"6-
day• to 1et here. I Un. l'&rk Orin u d !Ith 8L.
Tb.a •lreel depulml'nl • few Park JJr1v" •nd Anahelm Av• ..
O:SCI: I 1-'0:" A TIMI: tMrl' lh'NI a kin&' IUUD<e4 Mklail. HI' had a rend
wtf..-, a llllll' "-•'l'hlPr v.MM'n h" l<1\'t'd ol..-ar1y. and ..-nourh noon..-y lo hll,11'
anythtar ....... aiot.-d. A..S y..-1 thl• f-lkll kl•I •-11101 hapt1y. He,._ a ml-• -h..-lo\f'd moftf'y
for It• 1>w• ......... .,.d llkfld lt91hlftC ~t. .. th .. • .......i Mrl(&ln.
0..... ...,,, a •al~ ....ici I& him: MN...., I ""'"' .. _ froni llMo I°"' aad h.a\I' lh"' .~ovo .. r to
1 ra.n1 fMI wll•l•"'"'" , . ., ... i.i. '"' moat. 6111 ~""'•· y1111 "'•1 ,._, . ., .,.,,, ,,_ .. 1.11
"\Pr)' ..,,.11,M MJd Mldiu.. "I ... -ta.II IMI "'"'Ylhilll I towll "Ml.Id tun 11.to a lllkklli .......
ult •hall boor d<>fM'," .a.Id Ibo-\Olf'I'.
~lilortly Uw~r .... _.,..1 for • 'll'&lk i... Ho~ A Oard<-• and •''"rythlnr Mo toa..lleol ......
ltftm.e<dlaWIY ,..,.~ 11.l J.eaat U"'1;.; .,., .. ,. tbrn> .,.. lh• ••kPt rhaln tllat ,....,.. ~!Har •P I•
••1.1~ r'"'h•~ to Q ....
"F~!w .. ~ llfw.&, "f •-I ... ,a a ff11.e1. far mJ' ~." (All hut l'O}'alty .,.
llmllN 10 two.) W...,rlq i.i.o ....... , ~ IN> ~ 11,_ -tllirN al...ad. prf't-1 rat·
1-arm ...._." tllrlM ..,,.,,. allh•s al •. M ....i wlU. • to11"h ... ~ lhf'm ta Ut.N. tM9
h1rlm1Nt lllit etHtff.e .t taltrl.-.
''Odd• heclkJa .. w .-Ad 1JMo kla1t .. hr •pied tlw-Y--8r&114 outdGOr htnllu"' that llM •
flnw..11 ir-....,u.4 fof' ttv" ,_..._ w1 tlttall I .-U _..., Uth a terrtftco IKly. ,.... rh~ aloltf'
... 11. lltf' •1•'J.OO. I th!ak 111 ,....,_ ..... to ,, •. ee. ;Ii-., --•Mt I f'aft 6o I• thP ..
rllalN tr.at ...ii tor ....... .,...h -Jil makr ,.....,, ht.M "'NI . ...,.,.,. l.l"f' "°""' 1tundk-fl lhal look
Ilk" Iffy h.avt'9'1 ..td, ~ ... i..w... U..t puD ""'' o f l...,..r -• ...WDf'la, and they -111 1111 lo
f'laht po"OPI•; t1W11e P"'°""' 111 f'lll hi i..lf,"
Blddno aa_, la -dark ('9,._r, • ........ ...., ot odd ...U llunpa cau1bl hit! •Y"· "S-If ••>·-can -·~, ,,I J'IYOll ,.._ • _, ........ 111 "'"""'" I~ 15~ •• and tt.P"' .,.,. ......
or ,,ru-. aM Clll,.._. tllat I wtU .. • N.lflf' t11. And M"' 1 .. a '"'""" pltte •·m111ht lroa ~ we. -.t u.e ....... -,._ ir.a ~ ll••t 11& ~ SM..N. I -a Mr-
s••• •tlll he"' rr.-"'" .,.. ..,.., •-. 1t•• t111a1 bnoelr.-,...,, .. ,, hot -l'VI that JI ....... a.
M1dn. I• jWll lakl ... tM ....... 11f _, \lal-bhi "i>M"e for hi• •t..l'J', .. ro• ........ , inlwd If
Wf' j(at ffot -........ -. will yo-. llall t
H~ .. """' f'tuYn ... ,.f' ..-re ... ,. m_....,,., .. , .• looklac:,
...-. ,._.., t.k• ..... _.,. , .. .,.ty . , , .. ~ ...... ,.. ................. _ ...... ..-.....
..... ~ ........... ., -:" ....... llnM, H•• -_..xow
'45 ..
'65 .. ....... -....... ................ -... -_. .......... ,._ ... """"" ........... -,_ ..... -.
,, 7IMI ···•~M .......... I ............... Mvt!d M""7 -aftt!t wit.II .... e-a o.Nem ~ ..... wl8 , ...
Llnd&trom ~
•dare, "It you
join 'em." Hlf
.tn& fu.lbiw;:k al
!Mt fall v.·l:lo run hf-1.d or
or&" lk:hullt at
LDlma&"lf &nd WU
neld wttb. • brok •
,.. Llndatrom ap-
•h.ade In front of
WU aJ..l le ... ~
da for UlrM
t&Uy. at UM Km•
WW JOirUllJ t.ht
tt lllcMd up for
h pracUcaUy rulH
t.ch of U.. famou.a
oil on tM '° 1""1
a Hish't Ru Ader·
• both boy• In llM
_ nab .\.be •l.l.IUn(
. Gl.tn~ .,(lrne
a.pt. JI.
A '11W TNANaMIS810N 8~,
"'or• •ffor•W., driuin1 &bat,. ...
dme wt __,.. No4b11t 0 H •
power lna•M .. W• "" ...... tU-. _ ... __ _
DriY11111 •mm ~t-~UDI
OOldl 10 down I
8T••11ttNO -Eosit!r, lfl/t!r OOllb'olkd
11nr'V41. Wti.I in .n:t out el. til;hl
IPC)t. in -thne with ... eftort. On
the l'Olld JOU .... wf&h lbe f..unt
of po1itiv• cvntrol. Jatriq. Urine
rc.d lbodie _. bu.q --.t>MI
... AK•e-l'uw, pmitlios •fol" dwt
.,. ...-and ..... Yaai ,_ .-.
brakln1 pow•r with far 1 .. root
~poDtiw straJPt-llm ,qe
witlt, .... DO slort,
--' • ......
.....~ .. ................ ----
......... .,.., ....... ... _ ... -..-...........
c..lo--.... w .i• all tat
1'1rt: Ml ..t. ta 1' I .... ___ ....... Ida-
_, U.t ... ,.. .. lllO -· tbe •• .....,.._,.,.. operatlq and
.. t' ... ,
ComolaWa, ... -.IM .,., ................. .. ..,..,q ____ J _ ........... -----&Ir .. lllOW 1'0U, 'IOMTI
. ., ·-
............ _,_ •. ,. .. ,, ..
RilD 6. UIOCIATll ' '·
---· -r. "l r -!it.&flBO CIUJOiS baoWZ'tm -Bud
[I..odi' leadln1 knijht. awarded battinC ch
·tn th• top four ~agu~ ot the summer butb&ll
· 8e11U trophie• to Tom McGuire 1Dod1ers -
~AUit.in (Brav•-lntaw.tional Leacue>; Don
:Let.sue>. and Carl Bergeron (Bravea-M&jor
Sailors Show . . ,
~ Speed
tri Scrimmage
Fem Wi1ne
lest 8111 T
In th• best ball th
t J •
Aft.er they had rested enough to ti.: able to pie!< up their paddle board-,
winners ol the race held Saturday n<'ar Newport Pier lined up u follows:
Jeft to.,. right. Rick Othmer, Brut..: f.>aird, wm.ner; and Crah&m Gibbolla. -
Staff Photo '
. Building on
!Mesa Again
.• • ~ 1 Tops Million
~ p -~ Co1ta Mua bulldin( permit.a 1 ~-. di!._ tor Au,u.t totalled Sl.132 9111. I •~~ --~tlf II :~;or~~~~ Ad:~~~:n~ .. ~~
C: t!U . b ~ comparn with Sl.868.979 of Au-Ul V1-I ' • si•at, Ill">&, and bnn11 th• total
tnr 'h• y•ar to 110. HI 9!111 u
J m -l't1ffiJ>1H~•t W1lh $4.~9.:\MI tori
Jut yf'ar. I
P"nn:ints. rPprl"Sf'nlmg a winning ~1n~lf' family unlta with ~3
po11itlon in individu:ll ral'es throu~ho11l th1> bu~y 1111mnH•r sailing 11eunn (or unit• •t a coat ot sa71112. 1• th• l&rff'll llf'm Mult1pl,. 1lwf'll1n11:
the younger set at :-:r wpo:-t Hn,.bnr Y;H'h! Club, ind1('ate that the~ four unita, li, brou&hl s20• :.ill, '""'
youngtitens were \\rlt lip 111 tl1 • ,,., : • ,11 ', •• t thr.t, thf'y arc only four of a cnmmn c1al unlla toL•ll•d $HI·
large roster of aktp111 1 :i \\ h11 w1trd thtfl a most aurcc11~iul !!wnmer. J.'rop\ left. 114 and 811 lndustr'al an•I ml,.,...,_
I lanl't)tJa p.rm1t.. 1208 017
al.a dispiayutl tbc1r iwn ·s \•.:n t'ul ; h~ • Tom :-'rh<>rk. Virginia an<l Charlttn Vnlr: •ntl hta ~P•rtm•nt ltA''"
Coffe<-. &nd S&noy Eustman. -Hrck111 r l'hol11 I mu•·eu acr•lu :"if"" port Rlvd
!rnn1 thf' City Hall whue they 1
Plaiu cloth!">,
Ni~ht \Ulrhmto
• Mf'rc.M.Dt po'ice
Boa& proieetloa patrol
Bur~lu '1 hbld up
alann 11enice
h•n .. rn11r• n>om •nd Rav Hu t.
1 Ef'I a nd h~ r1.cal dtputm,.nt
ha'• e~pan<l•d into th" 1pacr
V1Jlr: rnrmerly octuplfld.
Jet Plan•. llast 1
Th• poll<"" departmrnt waa
flood~ "'1U1 phone calh ahorlly h~rvr .. " 311 11 m Thur1<111r "lwn I
" 1utit1l'O bla•t WU • l'.•·al!I
Lhrourhout tht city 'T htr• wrr,.
nn rPpotll of any plane rra~h•·~
or bo11.t axploatona ao police a111
m1lo9d lh• aoun<1 wu 1 jet plant
••pHA t•BLm cooi.•ni"• conccat,..., ~ A pow~ nttr, of tho
amazll'I ¥itaa.ln aed mi.11enl rida•ALF,U .FA rlant
plu1 f1..c wor~nlJ s-in rclioana aamt• otf~r t'fftttivo
,.,,.. day ttlicf frC>111 1he •aoniz.ina s-i•u ol anhm1-.
rhntm.atiua. newntu, and nnralaia. ALPHA TAB·
LCTI an aoJd oe a moe.,. heck ivannttt.
100 JJ-Tat.I"" t11.•9 -JOO Tabka $S.9S
2542 W. Coaat Hwy. Llbforty ~1 1 "3 l
tao IOttr I&.. Ne.por'$ a.m ..., 2W
man Baalc Robut M. Wad·
drll, aon of Robert O. Wad-
del, 121 24th et .. bu atart•
ed bulc tra1nin1t with the
Air Force al Parka AFB,
Calif. Hr IA a membv of
J'Ufht 29}, Squadron U76.
Before rnllltm•nt be attend·
ed O •111~ Cout CoU..-.
rwo OFl'ICIS
To Serve Y•
24 HOUll SElVlCi
222 0c.. A"'e.
__lH~-.... ................. u-__.~
~IN. 8 C....-lMI
,HONE HY.dntfi 2-lltl
w HYeciltftti 2-119'
,__ ., ... ...... , ..
SU..._ ... I ....
ln a-rt.~ • .......-
V1161a Gib. Amill wJ• • tat .. _.. ,..,,... .... ...
~"°" ....... ..... ttw.t ... J"O'l .. BIO ...,,
o••·&.b•1 .. u operatlaa and ...... _....,.
om• 1a &ode1 ... et.ec1s UM ~blll&. ............. t.
1 12 ........... ~.
to bQY, -will -..... .......
1 -
t-- -• • .-,-•••rnwt
OCIATll ...
8 no: WAI' -On.np Cout Colltp ::S1edrfteld mentor Jim Btanpland demonstrate.
.. ,·: ~IA> Bnco Knipp, OCC lettennan, u Gil
~:::-p,.,,... (16); aw Murphy (68} and Bob
. ---r."., r tL.o...;;llili;j~~~J'ili. .. 1111·'•· ... ...:·:...;.;
-~~CILulP!'OaowNED -Bud ~ninr, Newport Harbor Elk.I
~LodP r Qijbt. awarded b&tttnr ehampion.ahip trophies to the leaden
_•in the to four leagues ot the •ummer bueba.11 procn.m recently. I...nning pre-
.tents trophies to Tom McGuire (Doditn · America.n Association); Georre
·Allllin (Bravee-.lnt.ernational Leape); Don ~aWerTi (Pitatea.-Paclflc Cout
:Learu-), and Cart Bergeron IBravea-Ma.jor League). -Staff Photo -----------
For bettu buy1. to meet
lnd!riduaJ n..U. ~ our
NU ol Clautllld edvertl•· m,.IL
............ -0 .... ............... ..,. ......
• w. ~ -c.ca --
joltn 111Nfl
'1'ill Pllon, O~t COUt ~
I... llflt coub. 111&de a .tale·
D1<1nt In irttUnl" potenllal OC'C
·(11d•ltr1 la1t wHk that de-
.,..," tbou11ht.
Said Pool"I', "I att.tn<Md •
tourh un!,,......tly -tOll.1'11 -.c·
adenilcally that i.... I fwl tb&t
U.. IUb}Klt tha.t dl.d ml UM
(l"l'&l.el\ i'ood WU footb&JJ -.I\
~ mt mort than &ny one
n.. ell'Ntlcanc. ot UW.,
Thf'rl An! ~ bo)'S ~i&)illf
footb&J.J at ttlher N•wpott. Hu-
'-or Hifh or Oranp Oo&9t. Ool-
1.,. Oil• tall. "nlOH ,...ho -rk.
~ who put fortlr. 100"' ud
tboM wbe .c:MrLce will nlld tti.t
roottt.ll \1 orw ot lM •o.-. ""--'
neta.I tXperln!C. of lWf J;ho9I
u C-Cl\ !llU P~~~
l'tnponslbllty, ~lfly,
1ppreclatlon of your fflklw ma.n.
1ttf conlldenef!, abltlty ·to t.11•
• jolt u wtU u ('Iva. •iid fl.Jr
play ar• amonr tl\e many attrl-
bu.tt-• r•l~ UlNu•l\ th• hard
r•m• of fOQLl:la.ll But th-
cbar-.ct.erUUe. .... Otlly plrwd
by lhoee Wbo -• t1'em and lho9e wlto -Ill t:Mm art the
roa •.t.IUIO• Ml ... ~u IL HI
·vtfh -fhe ~mooMe~-drlvtng
AU 1 vi"11t,:11~ T"AN»MISatON S#JtOOlMr,
mor• •fforlU.11 dr1111n1 th.at M"9 u-ud monQ'. NHhil't., ., ....
power lncr1a·p1 W1 ol ..,me. t:lr-.
tranmtiiadon md odwr" mnbll pub.
Drivlrc ii mor. ~t -opsaUQs
cone 10 do.n I
v•" •T••"•NO -EfUi", •fer controlled
1anrUlf. Wblel: in •nd out ol tifht
spotm Jn -tima with ... eftM. On
t.IM r09d you "-' with &be fellJnc
of po11iti..-• conttol .lurin,. tirlq
·~·, . ~ . '
roed .t-:b an t.1'111.1 .OC..bMI
~OW.fl •flAK••-,..,W, pollUil» 1to111 ht
.,.. .... and _,.., You p& edh
braklnc pow•r •Ith tar 1., foot
wit.b almal& .........
-·---.. .................... .................. ,_ ___ _
:-== ... ~-----••• ;umt .... f .............. ,.,,.,. ...--. ........... ............... ............... ear .. ,... ...... ............
--· .............. ----
pickup anywf.cre !
................. ...... ............. ....,..~
c-io.~ ..... --· .. C91frm1; Jt9 ~ fl.•ofrr·t ..., -----.·-OIQ' thlr.t .... JO&J tm ato --..
the o ...... , .. ,.. GPerati.aC ud
•I' ....,,
Co••WW.1U.11tec1&tlllit __ .,.....,._ ..
tawal!J_ .. __ , _ .......... -----UT .. 1N011r YOU. lOM'fl
, -
.._,,.. .... n•f
CICI w:·c-t<HNl1 .. 1rw .. wrr1-iNNea••••"'••l .... lll1111 .. 1••
• .,
' .
~ ~ "" ... ' .. .,. :t:
--. ·Mts. William o~/
Fall Events
'l'bt tint meettn&' wtU be Mid
tomorrow at U noon In the Lido
lale du~ When Jw.ncb410n
will ~ followed l>Y a alloWJpr ot
fall fuhJOIUI ft-om 8haddock'1,
wttll ICarah-1l llbadcsock u -o.im.
st&tt Photo
Jo-~en-Young Ceremony
at Sou~~~m Baptist Church
Golde~ Wedding
~ .
Marine Corps Couple tor the recepUon. helod &m·
medluely a~r lh1 o.~mony.
H . N rth OR/UN LA.C• oneymoons. 10 Q Mr1. Davlu &JllllatH In ....,
.,. ce1vln1. wearlll,( avoca•o IJ'Ml'I
Lookin1 lik& a story book ~ wu MiM Shirley lace with a rolden orebld cq,..
Young, ~millg daughter 'ot Mr.. ArtJe L Davies of :r· JOld and oel.llta.I aoceuar-
'27 Mo~ Canyon Road, wben w repeat.ed nuptial The uw Mn. JorpnMI( cbOel
Promlses b\ Firllt Southern, U.ntlri Church wlth Lt tar the w~dlnr tr1p lo Y~qta .....,--artjf San Franch1co a bt&ck~.A Cerald J. JorgcmMn, .on of S. D. Jorpiuen ot San Fran-.Untunr 1hcau1 d~u.
( ~('U. and w hJ l.e acou.orl• &N Ule
Dr Richard K. .._,. ~·form· 1ft'rJ P'roel'ftlll.l.ria-. cybltiluma from her brl~ ~u.
, )t doub Mn, PO.I WU both Olltlnilt qutt. 8hl 111 an honor rra4luate ed lbe Cll'hl 0 clo<' •• nnc and ~ and 1&"6 . St-1·rniw" I Of Ntwport -.Harbor Union Hl(b ~nrmony ln whidl Shirley wu "'ThrouCb the Yea.ra" and "TM• School. Rtr hu.band i. a Manne
Kiven ln keepUl&' ti)' & l~lly Lord'a Pray•". Corpe Ututenant at El Toro ba,m,
fnl'nd, CJ.are~ ~ Bbl 8ton&e &Dd yell~ chryaan-WU rradu&t('d trom Naval
waa l(OW'Md In ObCllOll~ laa ~· W1&.ll lemon ie.v~. and J111tht khool at Pen.ucol& ud
and tulk! ovu atm aftd carnl"d ~!low candlel Ued ...,,lb bTOQze at OoJ'l)UI Chri.all, Texaa.
whit. epl<kr chryaantht'mllftU •un bowe .decar&l.ed lb.. churcb TM couple hu establlehed
and cymbtdhun on:hlda. A but-and a1eo p""1ded backfTOWlct f'elll~ al 71711 Irvine A\.e,
llrlly ·~ ot 0.Wara Mid In
plac9 bff' veil of .tlk Wu.k>L ---------------------------------------------PR•c•DB llltID•
Jl'tom K.eatuelry ttti. a attur
and niece ril Mn. BlaaJlmbaktt,
Kra. B. J . J"rederick and ){1m
l:lbel Bakaa', while another ti.-
Ai.o lfJD-. ft.. K., Mlchtlaen,
brtdp ...,,_, .1.-. IUeland,
...ins ~ partJ•: John a
1.J.b.10b. ~; Jotm Olua.
ellarm: Jobn W. WU.On. deco-
ratJolu: Leon Ware, blat.Orian;
RaJpb Holden, holpltallty. Vln-
C!Jllt\,l&Jm&Cia. b<>UM and 1arden:
Ken~ Snoke. bWll comtnltt.el
L. I. C. A. tepl' .... t.ativ1; Joe E.
PretniDcer, lunchecm: Ral~ M., Ta.ndowaky, ~u; W 1111 am
Cbrttenan. pubUcatton.a: WllUam
Mo 1' r 1 a, ~aucnu. o.ne
w. iw.. apeclal ewnta: John I
Car90D, 8und.ay 1venJnt buffet:
Jutwtt1 M.IWUD. alluUAlr • l>u( I
Travelen; Ketlh Oordtt)', wal·
rare and chlld care.
AU ~
Mra. S&bn&cl&, who la In llU· Mr&. Jeny Froecnml\IJs, JQ&lron
ot Jaenor, ~ore mint p..a ch.If·
to ... Tw~ridMmal.dl wq,e dlllt1
row chUfon ana ~ · wu tn
ll\Nrlp plnk. Tht U1o lnclud.ct
th• M.INH ..M•n!Tn lnsmund· .., Balbara F_,-and Jo)~
Splicing the
rope, wu repnemted by ber oo-burr. t.U•., ownlU'll ot the Vk:kll· chatnnan; Mn r.a.r1 O. laW'Jfl'·
burr Pre111. out here to rup.r· r__,;.;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;-.-;;;-;;;;;-.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; __ ___
41M1q. 11WY ..m.a ron. and.~ dwy~ Wt~
enUn -'"'r · ffiioid ,~ .. ~ ~r
of uM':•"'-•~ waalllelllt ..-and rw ~ • U . Jlorman
Wrta ~ ~ Ow'll\ ud
vice for aulllenUclty a TV
87 w. B. progn.m or ow vr~l•burl( tor·
nado which i. In the making and
-droppln« down 'for a vlall wllh
I..ldo Park, which hu had many 1oc1al evenUI rang-I old fnenda. the Ram MeyPre.
tng front hmcM<>na to exhibit. of varioua tort11• 1,. thil! LS Aln' \VO&LD
fall branchini out into aomethlni more glamorous and How t~ Ha:r1M>r hu rrown In
bu e&lendutd an authentic Hawaiian luau w1'th I art co1U1Clouan._ pvar lbe yeau I · P g 111nc-e the Oranlf"' Dot achoo! w•• 1 .roaating in a ,Ph on the beach. There will be poi, IO<"alfd over 1n the Villa Wav
cl'llc:_k•n cook«! ''"lth •pinacll · dli.tn~t: Now ~• ..,.. to h&vt
and raw tlah factually •·cooked" 8-ch before that In "The Ten-I an Art Student ~al(Uf. lo opH I
W1tll ll~ Jule.• ~hapa &lO"'f du Trap" with Juk HarrU1, In ik'pL 24 wlUI Cb&rlu O.\·Le In·
wtUl a.U Ule tn.dlUonal acroutr?· "H.&lnlet' will\ John Carrad1ne 1 ~lnr 1n oft and P'rartk Kam·
1118'1t.a, all ln tb&rTe of ao e'· and In ''Tl\f' S#ven Year Itch" 1 ut.oo In water color , .. And
~rt. wtlb Mary ~lh Hutrhn. 8tw> ftola the Ro ~dt Summu
Jllla A. B . I Su Uy 1 Sullivan hu ap~M"d In l\Jch playa u 6cllool. a -w O . minute aound
la aupttvtllne anancamenla, a.nd 'PbJladelphla Stol")',-"lf'ebound." color moftl p~ Ulte year
l'llpOlU t'WfYODe l• expected to "Ount In the Houae ·• and atar· 111 coU&boratlon w\th Allt>~r
•-bl naUv-e OOlll.ume Park Ad In both '"Thr Pl1nceu" &JJd Jlf'C)4tuctloaa ..-1 ...,wed tor
...... dienta may brtag f\IMta and "Snow White and the &ovftl lllYel'a1 ~.._ Will nott
". l'l&y obt&ttl Udleta for the affair, Dwarfl", A lAlentl'd slnett and datea and placft latar &l\d more
Lo, be bdd S.pL 22, from Mmea. daN'tt, ahe hH appearf'd bf.fore about Olma.
Ktnnelh OornU. Oeorre S~art Elka and :7.onla clubA. and al Now at &uita Barbara. Theim&
&nd AlelC&lldtt Moua.m. And Balboa s.,y Club. Rope wUl be doW1\ for the optn·
d..re wUl M !Gt.I ot prUea. A WF.OOfNO lnr luocheon of Zonta Tburlday.
NO l'llUST! · A wtddln• of recent lnte"'111. Notee that 80ft Ftad won Ult
CA8B a9d Cil&Y
• an 0ry o..-••r ... 1..ama4r7,
so ~ CllAAGJ;
..... 08.EEN
1100 Welll Vou* 11Jsba7
ACnlN from Ole B&lboe Bay Cllu!J
The~ Ci&r9ace and Ina, -wtwn Mn Wllll&m H. Bendrr outrigger ca.llOI ncee at Kan·
wbo o~ a.ch otbtr In ~ wu ma.n1ed In Corona dal Mar hattan Bffoh wltb h1a wtt1
city councll l'Mlt, ue ec1*du.IM Communtty Chu~h to llllllott DW.n& c""'1q for U.. tint Ume
to I'<> on TV'1 "Do You Trull Wtnlam Wy11.-, board m!!'mber ot u1d that a bCrtbday party ..
'YOllr Wlt•" 1'~ -iJI It lo-Fullerton Union Hl(h School and elated S&t~y for 80n 8~.
Dtlht or tomonow IU(bt f • . , Junior Col~ diltnct. Btan14'y And nfe1ma •speda to spend
)lllt'e lalaa4 ne..., lhe Jolla 1AU1Y1"1 p•e the brltt. In kwp-th• winter on her ranch at Ian ~~~~~ln~-~-~~~~~ri0i·i~~~~~~~~i~~~~~i~~;;~;~i~;~~;~~i ,. two ,.an ... mow bomt. '1tual performed by I.be Rn. N.
Mary eau..1ne Andrews. M<ll L. llrowD, Kn. Moryan FU•·
9t Bartlor BJc)t ~I LclDloftOtlll water and A.adl'-AUdn.eoa
after u ecttYe .._ UI Ulit w.r. att.endaDl& 'nie coupi. i.
)Dc:aJ tbeatl'loal world. 8.lle plaJ'--Uvf.n« at UI Ptne RJd19
M w1Ul 0omUe WeDa lA •-n. 1CaoU, rw»rtan.
8ol1d Ool4 Old1liM" at IAluu ftte LaWa OeiManrne ~ Vlcb-SALE 'NOIMA MOsill
t..die1' ~pparel
• I
llA "AJIAllf • .,,.
-ltAllDnl .& va.
. '
Plenty For.. PIMt lit 0. Graftd C.nal
-NO:W ~.'1'5
........... ~-4-419'
mentalor. •
' ... ... . .. .
·~· v
; .. • .. . ..
8aM .t A-* NT a 84 W. O. BVCI\. ~O.
NH \'la I.We -Bar~r 1616 NW Via Ude -llartlor Ut4
BABBF..B 880P8
UDO &RAVING MVO la....., • ...,. f• Mea
..... V1a ........ -ll<lff -
NII Np&. .,,._ -au. U'JI
80016. CARE
U11 VI.& Ude -~r HH
o.uuca.u • &uppU•
U.l \•ta U6e -aan.r JIOI
CM\Pm'S A D&Af'E&l.D
UIO \'\a t...ldc.--Buhr 6ltl
&l<.a.L&D'a LIDO MA••sr
Clot.1Wa1-Clalldrm & lafuta
n:ara or ....mo.
.... !\ ... pen ......
CL(ll'lllNCJ-lla'a Beta.U
BIDW&U.'8 SIWP J'u& ~
HllVal.Me-...._ .....
Vlotbbag-Womm"a lktall
LA Kl:.l.N&
MtVa ........ -llartiorUH
UDU W'illllONI
.... Npt.; BIYL -ff&..._ »TI
Mtl Vt& Ude -Bartlor •l'I
Jmport.ecl •portawar
... Via l.M9 -..... ""
DBIJU 8'1'U&E8
,., Vial .... _...__
Det!bte Clwta .....
....... l.M9 -~ ,.,., rwWDS .
a.wrlor Decorators
...... r.Dl.,_ ... .., •..
Mii Via UM -~ NII
010& 11.&UlD
Htt Y1a &Me -....,_, dM
au,,.rr• WlLIOll · • ... Malara Jm.,ort1 •
... v1a~llJt
" KABU."l'8
IU<,'ll&Jll>'S LIDO H.utllt:i'
Mii Via Lklo -......, ....
r . A. p41.11ca I.No.
llA '1a Udo -Mtt1or J ...
\'OOJ:L 00111' AN}'
Hll \'I& Ude -li&rtlff tnJ
a&v Alfo auce a&A.Lri
Via Ude llltdp om.
llJI lAFa,.U. -Bar. 1141
UDO &&Al.ft •UOCll4m
Udo aai. • ReotaJa
.... V1a Ude -.u.. M6il
DCNCA.'l llA.SDUTY, au..:
Al die .Brtdc'• .. Ude ...... • Slit ........,.ette _....._,•rt•
MIMI VI& Oporte -ll&rttiet 11U ,
A.880CIATION8 n:w~~"
84 VINOS a WAlf AA1QQ.
A. 8&"4p U.dtu•oo , •.
~ Terna BDme &.Dua .• ; •• .... VI& ..... _...,.,.
SUUES-Jlea•a • .....
alDWl:IA/8 aTCNla r., ION
"11VaU..-....._ ..
SBUD,W..._. ••
&t1UC'a or VAUIVlllRA· •
111e VIA U.. -.........
·--. . ..
Mexican -American
Art Exhibit Slated--I
Ray Huft Photo
Favorite Cookie Recipes
of Republican Women
1' cup bultM fts\'o...cl
. ,Jt>on.emnc
" cup eucar
2 ena /"
::A:Pel ~Bowles
fVow Exchange
l at St. Andrew's
French Chantilly Lace
Fashions Wedding Gown
AraerlUD arll•te of Mexlcall I
de ... vit hn• bffn invited to aub-
mlt up to l.hre• pa111Un,. and
dr9wLnr• t~he Mexican-Amer-
ican Art Exhibit to be held In the 2!)th noor Towrr Q&ll1ry ot I ___ ..._ ________ .._ __ ...,.ii.. ______ _
tht Loa Anarlu C"lty He.II be--
11nn1nr SepL 17. They muat be
rramM a nd wtr.d tor hanf1n&. -
and dellVP~ by no later Olan
1\m-lday artemoon. Stpt. 11, to
1 tbsp. dark or blacuu.p I t.ap. yanlJJ&
. "a cup IOJ, ,_,.\11 or
wbn.t ,... n01Jr
• .. C1iP powdered m.llk
\9 tap. ba.lll.q powlkr
the CouM 1l of Mf'Xlcan-Amer1·
.~ c..ndlelllbt rte~ on white chryunthernuma and L&11 Arralra l.l tht Cua deJ Mu-
atock in St. Andnw'I Pru....,.ertan church on the,evenmg lcano. 11211 l:\lr lld Square, Loa 'II" An1elH 2:1
ot·'&pt. 1 when.. Mila Mary Ann Bowles, daucbter ot -----
: Mr. and Mn. Mernt.1 A. Bowlee, 510 N. Newport Blvd.
: and Kurt Alvin Apel, IOD ot Kr. and Mrs. Kurt E . Apel
: or Laruna •ea<'l'I uoh&rlJed I f\lt.ll• Mni Bowle. wtar nr
: r n~ antl vow11 ~fnre ~ Rl'V, mau~,· Ill• trimmed with wine
, J au1ea S Sttwar l I vel~•l. m auv• bat and cluvea and
: A• the prtludt mu•1c chiui~ a wlr.t colo"*cr iu·oehld coru.ce.
Creative Living
Lectures Slated
Two un111ual lert 11r .. are to be
lflnn by st11nl•y A . Burroufha
\\'t.Jneada.y and Thur!Ml&J' at
• to lhl' wed•hnir maicll the br1d• • i M A I n d UI J ht • attrnd•nLe 1uwncd 1n r old &lid ra pe w•• row ' 11 San la Ana E~ll Club, 126 1
: l•Jrquol~ 1'affe ta palrt1 dnWI\ the ,.IH wn:ft matrhrnw ac~nr• I French St. Santa Ana. Wllh I
• · an•\ w Ott' a whJt,. orchid tot91C•· "C tlv LI •1 • hi bj t. 1 . ,,,1, b~l\lttll l>lll t·an<ICl•hrll ,. • I l~I • 'nc ll't • au K I
• \.e .. .c.• uf pla.n.i n11: bad ccne Burmurn. writ df'mnnatrata bOw
• 1•ln1 n~ w1lb rloweni an .. un 1 111 d,.• ti f th fl . I : b .• . nto w" ' ni; 1 " "n· t '' \<1 rtll" • pain lhruu"h the r• "•· Pr tct-.. ed b\ lwr rln« UNed cakt> and m 1; ta bail b""" I . ~ t .. artr and nowtr Jitl tht btld• d d n.,. ... bov. l<J 1:1 .. nee lh• body
'. ent~n·d 11nol waa tltCOl'l,.11 lo tht made &D !!<Orated by lhf nf toxin.I lhroujth nutrttlOO and bth1• • molhtr :'oh~ \lb•rl altar h)' h••r rather. 8h• wore an Sl~k lon cut lh• , ake "h\I" MY'I I ho" to ~ lhr prtnc1plu of
eX'}Ullllle rown of J•rn<'h C-han. H H Hlllh<.>1t•e of San B• roar· C'olor. Theme lec:~ur u ar• frff t.o
• uuy lac• and lull) The r.tt ... 1 '1111" aunt of th~ hntl .. A~r\'1'<1 the public.
; ~ce. IOnJ: 11l~ve and Wlll\ pun.-h w1lh the 111-•t•l•n• f' rr ------------
: Q\Jetn Annr .-nllar wea of hi.-,. a" 'Mmra Ethel IC<:boL• Ruby <:••l<I I
: w~a lhe peplum f'fCttl which Inc an I <;f'OT(C lt'ox calendar' • lbpped the 1klrt B<-low lht ~-
• plum -r. two w ld an<.! full l..OSO PLANNSO
: flo\BlCell o! lull Ult :.,, .. hand I An Mnored p•l wu Mra • ~ ... ppllqued with 'iaca .callop~ an<.! Etha Junl'I of LOck'NOOd. Mo.. of E t ~ med&Wona. Her veil fall from a ' dH1j(nn who m &de lhl weddlll( ven s
: C., of lace ~fed With lf'qUlnll 1 drtfl8 and trl)US-U at'Cordlnlf lo
: aM a..is pearl• In . a 1 rtm whJch
a pronil!lf' made lo Mary A.nn
: maldU1d the bodice neckline Her when lht -• ~l rour yet.rw old. TlJICSDA \'. "l'lrT. I I
cMO!Ual beuqutt wu of white For th• honeymoon trip to LIDO Women'• Club -U nnon
ordUda. prdanlu . ettphanotl• YOMmltt the MW Mra. Apel c:lubhouae
and Wl•I ol the vallty I wo.-.o a aplre brown box Ill.Ill with 80ROPTIM1~1 bruktut tanf ulne hat and acart, brr>wn l'ALL COLOU irlovea. alUptor ac:oeNOr1Pt1 a.nd WW::DNE"DAY. IP:~. 11
• ~•I u matron of honor th• white orchid from her bridal D..A R . Bl:NltF'JT • f' • • 1' 1 0 n
: WU Wra. Joe Caln Of Whittler. I bouquet l!lh• ,... vadUated from Luncheon -N H y c
. ~ !loll t.aff1la In •mplre Ml. Vernon, Mo. b.lfh acbool. RARBOR DEMO:! I r "'
: ~IA, with wold velvet a t the 1 Oranwe Cbut CoU ... e and lhe Banta Ana Community Crnt"t ~t a.nd andin( In a bow al th• Mar)ortt Hal,. ac:hool nr model· Tfft'ftl"t>A T. ~P:l'T. 11 I
: ti,.ck. Her -n vrl\•tt ha t WU In« Hu husband ...... c raduated ZONTA Ll:;>iCHlt0:-1
: fn'(Old .U all• carraf'd a colonial frnm Lai:un .. Rea.ch Hirh lcboot 1 nuuA Y. "r.t•T 14
; ~ of bl'bnae rhryaantbf'· and atended OrMlJ" Coul Col-OR.A.NOE DtST. 1'.-i•r-allun .\ll't'l
, 111uma. 81mll&r i ov. na. but In lur· l•r• I -8e&l Be.ch
: ..,o&ae tatf1la, w1te "'·om by th• The rouple wtll be at horn• al REPU BLICAN DINNER -: 30
: b,.dmlasda. Mra. Hurh Tyh•r of 1421 Weal Bay An. p.m. Balboa. Bay <,1ub : JOdWQ Ctly, Mrs. J ohn K•lly of I ____ __; __________________ _
• O&tdea Oro•e and MIN Pamela
: kUlipn or Hollywood. Their I
: ftmNN -rt pldeo c:91ry.&alh•
: lllum&
: Ronald Apel l1nl b .. t m&11 aid
• to Illa brother &r1d lllh•ra went
: J'rtta ICldcle of Lasuna Brach,
: Hq>i Tyter of Midway Cl~11d
: IUehard C&ab of IAIUn& ·
: ~ Wllbou• Jr. er' kn
• llltn&rdlno, cau.in or Ole tltide.
IARIER SHPP ~ OUTted the nnaa °" • Ma.rt : •JMld pillow tA aaun. ~ llAUIOA
: wlUl Ol\OUU7 laot The ncrN9r MUM>~ TB&4'1'Ut llLDO.
• lirl. ~-Bmlth., wo... floor Barbor '8'71 0.-'helda,J nu. ..__, ! ~ wbit• tulle ov.r t.atteta. ;;;;:;::;:=:;:;::;:::;::;::;::;;;::;~;:===:;:=::;:S:=; • •l· btiUMnd and antta and i , . Mn. J.Aw\a Kidder Mnt l Orlel'• "I Lo•• Thee" and Bur-
( Wsb'• ''() Perfect Love".
: •. 'ascs.rvs A.% CHVM:ll l · 1\; recepllon line formed In
: the cln1rch lounw• wbare the
: IDOtlwn ~ad lD peeUnJ
~ HarbOr Rest
_: Memotlel Park
: ··~MUI
Di oua PLANT C)B L"'f YOt:• BOU
... fte ..... a· a lbC Ollltw"
a.a.rt:t ... '!II ldt !la U1it ..._ ma
OR.ANGE COUNTY MODELS ASSN. held ft.I flrtt dinner event for the
11~uon, welcomed four Df'W memben t.nd dl9cwi.d pl&nl for two fuhion
11howa to be coordl.n.&W by Mn. Jack Burkhardt, owner of the Marjorie
Hale Studio Ldt to right a.re Mn. Burkh&rdt, Miu Leone Baroldi, Mra.
Jo&e"ph Whitacre, Mra. F.dwm Pitted. Mn Jamee Rich&rdaon (guest), Mia
. Reve Coelry M.ra. William Shepherdaen. Mn Jan Pearsol, Mi..ases Dorene
Steven·aon. Judy Her9h1~r. Chn.e Holiday and Adele Kukpatrick. Not in the
p1rture were Mi.u Sheilah Hendericlcaen t.nd Mrs. Dona.Id .McCoy. -Kayette
. ··~~
f •
....,, ............... ., ... :'*"'~ ctt.ctt -• .. ...
1•-POaD -•lllJ' "'e4el, •1tY year -wlth•vt
ce1t •r e~lleetl•1t fr•"' y•vr fORD Deel er I
s.ptember 10 to 20 ia check-up time at your
Ford Ouler'1 ... lime to have hie factory
tnined mf'chanic• cherk over every pu( or
your Ford to •Hurt you m•ny more mil4'1-of
aafe. troa.ble-free hiving ..
1NJ h • ,.II MrYk• for 111 ford ownen
who come in durin1 1hi1 1ptti1I inapection
~· There'• nothin1 to buy, no oblip·
,.., t• have any nttded repair wOl'k or
. wmee done by Ford ~aln1.
But rftnflnber, .. ooe know• Ford1
like the man whe ... elh •9d envicea _
F~ He'll pwe your Ford thJ1 F~EE
• t'OID PBYSICA.L wtUJe ,_ wait •••
• ,.. • wria.ta repott·c.Yeri .. ~ii Lui·
! ap. T• nei4 w•aecetaafl del•)' ..
-~ .•• 1p~at nw for ...
~"" .... 10-~ ...
THEOIOIE 1011111
ltOO W. COA~ Hl&HWAY LI S..34!1
• \( ~p. all '•
~ cup walnut.I or pe~
ftloM &I Ml4U W.tt butler. Add mol&.lle&,
IUJ'&r, •Jr•. vanilla 8tlr welt
81/l In flour, powdered milk,
baklnr powcS.r. aalt. Add 1"tor.
1Urrl'tl1 walnut.a or pecan1. IUr
only tnoup to blend. or no
more than 20 alrokn. Spread ln
bl Inch pan coinptet.ly c:ovtteO
w1lh wa.x paptr. Bake ln mod-
enu oven a t a&O dqTtta tor
30 mlnut.e1.
I Tun1 out of pan: rwm<Wt P&P..-
1.mmedlatfl.Y. Cul whli. hoL I · llr•. Hrrbm lire-a.
U.Ne..W..,.....UI n.w.wa,.....,.._ .. ...... er..
V'lf• "' rh~ .tttonw-r Ch_, ora.N FUDA T JflG•
. . • . . . ,
• . . ; • . . • • • . . • • . • . • t . . • . . • . • . . • . • .
Now! Canned Pork 'n' Bearis
pipini hot in 2112 'minutes •• ~
.when you cook. electrically! •
Toon ffOTll1"0 coon •ana Gu a ..-..
t!actnc f'lftll· Fl'Olll a wM .._ wllll a #II_~
rudy-to-MrVe foode lib'°" ... ~ .. ......,...,
bot .. 2"' .. uca. ... '"' ... 61 ......
8acc. _. .... l~ ....._ FIJ, Iii.ti. .... ••
l'Ol9t -etecutdty .,. ........
'J'nu'I MOU~ r:-~la,. ...... A.lit
0--. PCllll ~ ,_ _,. .. , ........ t....
~loot·~-....... ...,. An~ TB •aabJtn •,... ... ....-1Wfloa ...... ii f* .. _..., .. _i ,............... . .
I• YOU'H mLL «lOOtnte ilf ill "9J1 itt liapty ...... .,.0. .... 't _ ... _ .....
T'~.tt,.ar.,.e· 7 ....... • ..
Vnnllbll-S Uw .... -•• • ,.., r.
semui uuFt111a
• •
• I • • • • • s
i . . . • • ....... , .................................................... : -
• l
r .
-XOVDf() KUST U:U. -11 pup~ iv. ..._ euc-.
'1oard, tmwaw...-...u.rw,
Jll&7 pm. .... tatll brclO.r.
~ Tery ru1q bM
Kl~tllll. etcee
._..__for 8llit
' ftOC*I "1IUOTU1ul -'* 1*111.. Diil. ONl a..-.,.,..
Ui. century, JCddie !\uaell waa I of lht USS Martha Waahin&·
dNUJie4 lo dnota hie ilfe and ton dur1n1 hea· tn acherou.
t.llata lo 1tullp~ out dlMMe Bre•t-8 t. Nualrre run1.
and maldnr Ida .,.uon •troftf. · Il wu alter the war." re·
Aft.er a ye9r'• back-bruklnr
lf\ll'T'D.lhJp a l Allerhmy Omeral
Ho11plt&I In P1llabur1h. th• de""
voted yo.U.. ph)'slctan m umed
to hl1 bOokl. look two yean
-~ .. -.~y
... Jt16ta. '8ll ... aaple
... 7 J cM1n ..,. Twta _mur-.........
.. -~--taWm. ....... . ,, .....
ll*e1 dlwlllat, Wiie• ......
'1.IO .. M°""9 ......... Law· .. da.-pan _.,_..Nd
111. .,,.._ IT. RUiii sit JD( '!t o == =·-:~-.-~.--,,--~-f.-_0---~1 -0-'11.: an.... p.m. ~l'
.cif. tte!A•
R&ilOKABI..& t rr. eor >.
8oft., ........ ml.a IUm.I. 00::
GoklellrM. oea, Bar. 00..R
I le&:':
A'l'VU nu:NCll f'OODU
~•KC,......, ...
me.I.-; 1J.i wlla. oM tllO a.n• ~ ..... Jl1at1 • .ma. • ttr4J"
.. Aatlet•e.le
... amva<>IMI' OOO'PID.. Qoo.
amditJoa SUD -C 1' a r I • 11 1Awlil. kbooMr '"'-1-tta. .. Udo......,... •1pa
~JLLAC ·ao °"°P9 • vui.. u.--·A.a,.,..... ~t. ..... ,,..-.. 0... will ........
... at., u.• ..... tJia -..
..,, ......... Har tTJI. tlpel
1&-~i-~ . rvu. T l't1MllBSI> 81Na.Lll A.,_ 1111 -· Near ooeaa. UW. tu. paid. .... ... "'1. hallt
'llllDlo&. •tall
•• •aa n f•s.t
d 1 -r:-:=-~ . -. . -,.,.,e, i-uollle, In my merry
---~ =r--.-
!fowe tite ~Im•"*° ~rade ~a
.._.. .. tM ~ .. U.. rn tt•U1 In l•P4 .. 1l!. lh•
1&..I la'• 014-.a.11e·. i..d,~1Jritt4 R ... k" t:n,1,.. N11rt
b1J M --... le ,_ Mn. I-W .... Y•• llJ-Yet ~ 1laJI tllll ¥' ....._, KtulJy ,.....1
.. ..................... I• ..... 1eer a H .. ,._.·.
,,.. dae/ New yM1l .,.....,. ell lN 1-Mollt el th .. f'all
.. tee -C--.. . . •~ •st ••••r••" •ppral .. t " ,_ ~ en. IA4 e• 6.w ,... '-•• wey II u ......... ~ rll/M _,
1 I
-... LLER -~ciiEVliOi.~i j.'".Co.
1000 West C1•t HJglnwrr NIWPOIT llACH
---------------------------uCAUn1 .. , ... v11A1aua--------------------------------
Hot Rocl'n ·RMI? 0pa1 a. ~ bl&nd. ~
Wlllla.m M&rtiA, proprietor al WU bllt'IL tn ladlpendlnce. Kaft. ~ and had Uwd la um .,... l lot
a bait bou. on Newport Pier, II ~ a .. la 9Ul'"ltn4 b)'
noUtled police t.ctay a bby wtio lier bUlbucl. Oeorp 1>. .JODM
helPJI out at ~ bait ltalld pur-ot tM bom•: a IOI\. Jay J).
<'hued an app&r9ntly atolen pole BMUl 6t Ontatto: a ilOll.
from a nolhu boy and plac~ lhe Marion J . Heatb of Lo9 A.nplee;
pole ill Martin'• ball llou" ftve Nlera, Mm•. H&Ml M&bol·
1tand. l&nd ot Fallbrook, Llllla.n Meerw MESA
The U :i rod and J'ffl, reported 1 of Oral\&'•. Jl)ule Pltll and Nell
taken front a 1ummer homl' Surface or tndepend.enoe, 'Kan. UPHOLS'l'llY
rent.ed by Ralph E . M<"Bride, waa lj'\d Mabel Cravee ot COffeeville, 1] .......... a ~'7 • •
llllqedly purcll&Md by tbe boy Kan. LaertJ MTll
for $1. Mn. McBrldt'1 aon rff· ~rvlcu will be held tomorTOw U60 JhrpL Blft.. O.ta llllale ~ the pole wbile wanuac ---~~~~~~~!'!!!
on the pler. ~ abow. ...._..
DEATH NOTICI "evervbod11 on CA.
s. P.
u so frW7tdl'IJ. Ma.kt.a
HR8. DOROTHY -gft:wil"I'
Service. ,.,..,.. held at 11 a. m .
l oday m BaJu Mortuary, eo.ta
Meaa chapel, for Mra. Dorotlly
8 tnrarl. 24. of 630 a. OrlandO.
YQU Jul right at h.o1M. ;,
@outhem ~fie '
New S.Undard plant foods help the West
_pro-duce -better meals at less cost
Br~ftf of !flat1""4'• NW wai/#fa ~ W..W ,,_,,_ ~ ... ,..,,,.,.,. •• 1-qatW ~' eme ill#I rWo\ ,....,. J-....._..
RICHER SOIL meant bett« ~ yet the WM& 'bu
nevtt q.s tnOUib iOIJ-bo.Ddlq (IRIJW. To bltP amt
ftnna'I' ne.!a. Standsrd opeaa a $1• m1Iliolt.plant next
month which will prod.ce ~triveCI plaat
food' In pelltit form '°" w~ .. ~~ .
Tiu. unilotm 6aend ot ementiaJ plant aro-th ..._ta
ia ., e«fe'tl,.. that 400 pound.I on an llCl'I ol .,...,,ea
oft.en ea\I• it to teed I to 6 W.. moN liv..tOck. On·
other crope. ~ it incteUll Pf'QGta .-aa.. With UU.
more n0uriahia1 mu toe· .. .,.,.... dolllr.
-0..t., •••f ORTHO Pt.ANf' ro<JDI, ... _. ~ ..
B._,_,..•...,,_..,=l '#tfll.~.,, .. Cl Sn'~.
~ •TANDARD 01L co• .. ~•Y oir caL1aio•••a .....-,.,,. ,,.,,.,,,.., ~,.,,,... .. ..,. ,., ~ .
1tot w. Balboa Bht CLAY-TON THOMJ-SON
.. '
• ""It f ,... ~ ... ... tlii. ... -# ,, #' ....
PU .U YOO ()AN SEE -Part of Ute tine,
110metlmu ttro blOck9 loG1; ldid.ti 1 up'ot people
waitlq to board the Hornet. ii ahown above.
For•tbe ID()et part thtee people were cheerfQ], . . . '· . ' '
: wt· when. eome of 1tb.Qle· .wi youq, c.b.tktnll ~ :
flnally found out , ~Y eould not tab them •
aboard they were cUappointed and rerrettail
at&ndlnJ iA. the sun.
·nm Dl'.LQD TOU& "T Capt. Willlam w. Hol-
.... ' Ot the Hornet, eecocd from left, and hia
ueeutlw officer. CQmmander W. W, Bemia, left. ' .. can a· tfpk:al Na'f')' welcome to channlns Miu
GOiden Jubilee Nancy Ktmberlln. centet, New-
port Beach Mayor Dora Hill and Howard Law-
.on. ~live of the Otanp C9unty Navy
I.ague, dW'inf Hornet'• recent vi.lit .here hol\ol"·
mi Newport'• Golden Annivel'Ul')'.
-l'SOUD nGBnNG MAU -The proad ncord of Hornet dwinr World War n !a llbown above. The JJat ah01" 688 plarw!ia abot down, 742 planes de.tro~
on the sf'ound. ooe cruieer aunk. one carrieT sunk. 10 de.troyen aunk, 42 cargo
ablps iunk and aaist.ant:e m the ainJdnr of the larre-f. • Jai-neae battle8hip.
the Yamato. The llhip a.lllo wu awarded the Preaidentlal Citation.
TELL HER ALL -1lid,.e Wilaon, report.er,
went looking for ln!ormatiQn on the &irplane
carrier Hornet Friday afternoon Thal the ...U-
ora were more than willina to tell a blonde any-
thing ahe wan led to know about their ahip ca.n
eaaily be IM111· Her two matructora a~ Raymond
Calhoun. Airman, and Richard Hmt>s, Boat-
11wam'11 Mate.
Reporter ·
Tells All
on Hornet
By llF.llT ft&L'li"TNltLL
Fr1dlly ianemoon wu another
of th°" ualpm.nu when a
phO'°l'·reporttr taktt what ha
can &'tl ancl lrl• t.o i. M'PY
aboUt lt
Tht editor •ltf t_, 'l>e on th"
Cout Guard do<'k at l 30 p . m.
aharp. with &ctfllt on the sharp,
•.or, he nld. t ba chanc. of our
weiR&' th• de&. of the alrcre.ft
carrier Homet would ro &'ltm-
Havtn&' ~ «t numerous alr-
flane carrier• t.1111 wa• a tvr1bl'.
au.at. but -••re the.,., even
ft•t mtnut•a ahead of time u
_..,.. 13 other nportrr a and
QOB8 TO LOO& AT -Sailon on the Hornet took sreat mter.t in the fleet
of lllD&1l boata that rmhed out from N~rt Be&ch to greet them. Thet lined
the raila for hours to watch the boat. bobbing by. Many were ainaud at the
youth of eome of the crewa u amall bo79 in outboard motor craft atrutted
thesr lfulf.
. .
MaSter Plans For· Cities
Would Seem A Necesaity
,A.a ~Muter ~ t• OClllducUq multi-
m.Uliaa dollar buiall II ,.,.Jd .a to lie I Dtcel-
lit1 -~ 11W17 ~ JOftftllDIDU ltagv OD tor
)'tlll'8 \Ind.Ir chanCSA1 cJt7 ottlda.11 wi~t one.
It ta llD&ll wondu ltrup oootndictlGm n1nut.
for, llok•n1 ,wduloe, ~ ottw&all &cl thelt left
band dolq t.hJllp at»ovt wblch their rilht band ii
Hftl' awan.
LamriM, Jt 111 eaeeectinrty dltt1cult tor tht
"ftrioua oomml•lon• U> coo.rdJData their 1tudy and
1"otk \UlJeel tlf ortl art t.ra ¥tlltn1 Ln t.ba l&ml
A houM 4l~ cannot lt&.Dd, but IOIDtbow
oommwliU.. Dl&DAl9 to ldep rtpt cm rrowtna.
bOW't'ftr awkwardl1 o' lmprobabty, tmi wbn lack
of ovtn.ll plannt.nr penaita t.ba public ltl'TUU to
IOlvt probleml by wb&tner c.ateh-aHat.cb~
mttAod whidl ....u bMt at the ti.mt.
It would appear t.bat OM ..Wble ft1 wwJd bl
to llt up that Muta Plaa M quJ.U.11 M poMtb•.
-Tht:ll, of COW"ll, OOIMI t.b.t prob&mn of &bidtn1 by
_ lt i but perb&pe when t.bt tupa,_.. know when
they U't htl.de4 and can pretty W.U ca.lculai. tM
-COit tor tbem.l@mt. that problem wut M JK)!vf'd
:. "-'tthout t.bt councJ.tman worryiAf about It.
· Citizenship Duties Are
Simple: Register, Vote
BJ IAMD 1'· DOVl'llil -
W A.SHINQTON -A eontlnuatioll ot the ltienlunver
AdminiatraUon'1 ,enenJ attitude toward bwdne.-~ it the
AdmlniltraUon la returned -to power tn ·November -la
l.ndicac.l b1 &he decl&rationa and promiles pt the b
pubUoaa platform.
Tiie Jla,tMm·~ bOMtad ton OoafTWlll, It ta ~ that
tMt , Ula , ~Uo11. Ml many mtmben -and spok ...
adoJIUd "80UU IOOMl!\10 JOU• men tor hi.du.try -would d ..
ottl'' --Md U.. etttct of ma.ad stNnftbMlnr oC lb• law ...... _ e81llM...... • that &Ml wot.lid oppaM &Jl)' propoeala wem.. •eaa plaa t.t '"""' W to ..Um It.
Expert Gives Planning
~nsight For Community
onat. MW JO• Ofpan""Jt1• fbr n. AlpvWioan platform 1e11· Mil' ....,., ,.,W.Uoft." .,.~ •• IWCl anamdment. (COllUnut4 trom Frtday)
ftll WU ~tad '1 WUb· :i=.. ~ thf lft9INIOW• J1U1a ~tftt.I tor olt1 u tht MtmJJ\latratJon of 11\IUd-
ia,toe •Me: ••• u • ~,. te A Hon ta Ult llllt Ulree li•lnf C&A oalJ bl ..--PIY pq.. 1-ud be<h !a.., •n' Ula tnOGUl"llp ~ et 11rtnLt y~tndm•tl whJ~ haft r·-..-, ._
tndustl')', t.e opptilt rM!leal ,... faU.s ta a ftepu~ican OoftS"M Id lt ou l\U a cl...,. under-like. !hlthtr l\avt l Mid any·
lll&U.. ud t.e tono. •conaena· aild apla ta a ~oenuo Con· 1tud.lq ot th' n..U ot hwnan tbinf 1'9Q1at fin~• . .AU ot UI ...
un poll..., 11\ a4miASttAl't1\f ,,...._ Mint• wb111 tht7 art lo b4 col· u.. ot cO\.lret. an Important part
,.vemment &ffalrt. llptftc.t1ce .... attadltd io aoUvtl.J Mrvtd. rouow1111 .,., of our ever)'da7 re1pon1JbW\IM, '1*tfte&U7, the ,aa~rm d.. IM a~ tn lh• ftepubllc&n c.tuM: (1) tor a ~ ~· pla\lorm et a ptOpeuJ te amend Uloee aeedl u l ... t.htrn. n.ol to t.. lJshUy a.ee«pl.cl. ,.t and~ la.a•; (I I .,..um lM Tan-Kattlty law • lbat Aa ........... ,,., of'°..... It II •U1 •noutb to f Ubly
WIA .... 11. ~ oGaU'Oll: 11\&lae "'°"Id lie hrrbtdden to ........ tot &U ~Umlll tnumtrai. Ult b&tlo rupon.elbll·
(I) tor cnatUftf dOWll tM Mt be.JI or ,...,W.tt oompullory un-coMwnpUOI\, trr1ptlon. f Ir• IUt1 of loeal rovemmant. '-ut It
crntl9J 10 ... t'NJ\llftt Uld la.,..... lonllm -a propoeal repon.dly ft1h~ &nd ~al uat1: the 11 not ., l hl'IPI• to naluate la& alft.d.e7, And Ct ) hrr MU• f'lvoNd ~ -..r.t&ry of L&bor In• '""'° tn.....,, a ~tr Nit.WI. Ap,..,_~ II• bad tall· l\lppl7 to IMt not onlr 1utncJ•11t thtm. Obvlouaty, \ll•rt a,.. v•rY·
Ill ~• ~eet. ' ed le ''•11" Ula Whli. Hou• tor p..-.t. ""'"' but adequat.. tn1 d•I"" of ttflolenU, and
8l1DOft, TA&M 011 1Ua ..,.SUo6 to ''rlpt..io--ly In ~.. foe an7 addlUona.l eoonomloaU7 pl"Ovldint e ad ..
TM ,...tlaina ~ tw tlioUl worll" !awe. n.-.S. •llld nit>' artte. 1 bavt •ual• 1upply of water a.ad tJw a ~ ~ .. t anct aow.r .. ttMlll•t ., Ult ltetl 1trik•
taat1 ...,.,ledl7 am,itutMd "1 wtllltul White Bou.. lntentn· k11own aomt amallv communl· m&na.rU'l\tnt of lhlt facllit7
Mu.&I _._U. .,.uen -lion -11\4 a ,.....od of NJ&Un UM th&t lolt Ult oppottlltl1ly to thereafler. •nd the aunt ll tni•
mabl Udl aa ..,.sally Im· IOor ,.... -,.vt ~'-llCAA ttcure eiuth nMded lnd\lSlrtal d the olJltr lia IJufe aMda
jl011&at .a,Jeltl't'&. p1&thmMnak"'9 a cUll.. to danlopm.at d1a1 lo u lnadt-
lt _.. ...._" U\at "-Jt'lbll· dMlart aplMl t•dt,..I lntar· 11uat1 wat.r 1uppl)'. Ttlt hMltA. manuontd. I am no\ roinf to .. •ttwm• .... lllllPl to .utiiea Ill b1-ltJ'lllt1 at It oan arow-U\ and ''°'peift) ot u1 dJltuee U..\ phut ol lobe PIO._
mah lt 1,,..,. I.Ml Ult Ile-be aYG!decl. comnnUlll7 ta pretli much. har-ltm elmpl)' beo&wit I ui not P\I~ wt1J prows. llNnf ft· T1lvt wh &11 IYldtnt eftort ntlMd to U.1 11.1pp 1 °1 'lftLlr. competaat. What l do fMl ~lJ·
l\anelal ......,.nl aNt that tt •t wt a corill'Ut \Al prtYiouil A ..... '-~ ....ettea. fled to 1111, hownu, 11 th&t
Ult ~te will nol al'm.ln.llt.raUont. when nu rly ,,,. L&olltaf thttt, \be h .. llh ol u.. lhourb t&t h bUlc n-.d la ,r0-AFFAIRS OF STA~TE
Ttle Jlt ... Wc&" pla~rm ~-, .,.., 1111,.rtut 1t.nk1 ..... Mtu.d people II Ill eoMlanl Jeopardy. nded tor ID ~ 11\0lt •fflclll\l td a.ope tor laJI redUCUon, .... a Ult White Hou.a or wiUI l t ii not oni, lltcteUry that a
pedally tor "low and ml&il~". Whitt Ho\lllt &nltl'ftf!Uon on lht ~unity hne • complete '"'' manner, there It lliU Ult rt• SA"'9 "~. (CN•) _ , *~ ..._ ... a~ nAf .. *IW .
lnoumt ta"'w .. --tiut lec.rtlu\ .Sdt ot IO or W1I0111 tl'IS• 1yetern. Mil modem -· •uJnmlftt that Unre be PM>IHI' "'~" "v g .....," .,.._. w -uar-
et U\9 T~ Hu.nip11re1 .,.,,, P0"'1:a l'OUC\' a,. dl1pM&l u wtll. Any dl.-pot· coord~Uon ot all of Ul.m ln aomewhat <lf a 1plrlt ot levity, then WU dllCZ'tbld
ht hop,.d for reduction for ''•II I The tmphaUc Jlatlorm Ill· al plaat to M Mllll lhould han ot1ter lh&l Ult colltcUn total "The C&.M of the Belled Coyote," dtpictbll & folble of ()Ur 80 mllllon tu~rt. l'ICrMmt11t of Ult l:IHnhowet ad~te capa«Ut)' tor poMlbl• n a. Ohfttt-ui. with Dtm0<-r~. A41ntn.1Mr&ti,A'• ,.rtn•tlll.lp tut1.1re loaela.. It lt hr ws .. r to of all nMC11 may bt ln IW'mony. the 8tate Department of Ft.ah and Gt.me which adm.lttad
Ur f'mphhla "" reducU11 l.hf' Po•er poUc7 -&lid the I~ IJlywt .. u-.. moft.lal Oft tar1er I To &tttct lii.ta rtqUlnl le&m· t.rapptn1 el.fbt coyote., banfinr beU. &1'011Dd t.beJr ntcb,
P"r•ooal .,.,.mptlon hv UOO ano1 1 ot Democ:raU1 "ft\'M .. )'" ch1rs· plull th&ft actually nted.S a t work 1114 pl&IUllAf . T!lert I.I • and lumlnf them IOOllt u an Jenn lht miner wM tOUlld ~ ralllr·~ ror • rra<tuatel'I C'nrpor•-ea -1ttr1ctad Wullln i ton at· Ult Umt th.an lt la to ptnch t.tncl1ne17, aa liU• pow and at· uperllntnt tn mJ1ratton• •lUdy. wn1clated &Nmal laa4 -.e
11no n<"<•m" 1u: tl'nllcm btreuH of pol1!ical Im-~nnt"• an•I 1•t nu1ht •hort l&Jn fl't&l•r ,:,pulaUon, for UI• Me11Uon w &1 m•de Of the tact sympathy for Ult °""U&N. ..
'"'llt>f'r l"l•ly ph•lform a l· rttraL,oN la ter. I he_.. &)IO lmown lnl tanr• tl\al tvtn CO)'OtH have to M t WU quoted U M)'iilf:
I lrn1pl•J \o m,.1 th• 1Mue or II mMnt that 111e Aclm1rtl1tra· H wht re 1ndialr1.. had U> hV· n rloua ac-t'CIM ol loc:al f1>_n m· and that lht H ll would MtW "lt wu Utt molt Mdi.ltle
hll'h dlecrtmln•tory Income ta.a ! loon h r olna 1>ero1, lh• country P11 .. i:ommuntttn b•t•U•t lhf'or mtnl to drift aparl, H eh l'flOrl· 11 a we.nunr lo the na ture.I t.hll\I 1"1• noer IMft,"
.Ut.er t.od&y, yo1.1 have lhree day• to repltr ao
that JOU wtU bt •lictblt to vote 1n tht Novtmbtr
preaidentJ&J tltotJ.cm. U you have not nrt•~r.d a.nd
tnted to t\aMlll your dutJ• u a ctUlen of Ult Unltfd
lt&t.M -and there ll no prouder tlUa -, you do
aot b&" Um• to put tt ott a.ny lonrv.
r•t.. and lhu1 lhla IMU1 I.I •ndontnr • rollcy or prlv•I~ l!l•p<>•l tlrllltt" w•r• nnt '"1"' lnl more and more lo l:\d1pen· prey ot the 1m1ma l. 1etulUn1 In Undoul>Wdly, it the _,..,
,, Ifft open tot Con11-lOllaJ at· 1'•111< IJ"l&llnr• tn mah\' llvt1 rorlf'c· quilt lo t•ll• 111• •d<ltlional 1.1~nl adlon 1thmbe11 u. c Lhe urfl· the C'O)'ol•. 1n1lu<1 of prov1dtn1 lr1pper1 look hard t noufh, llltJ
lion I'"" pro1en a. u opo~ lo t it· toed ""'' Canul>. 11 it wtll, b9gLll I f>f'rtlnl'nl tntCJrm1ttnn on Ill rnl· "111 rind lh• otMr MYea OO)'OIAll
T4P"r·RAJlTL.Jt1' , l1t•lv• r9d1fal d•velop111•1ll. J;4u~tl,,11ai ,,..,1u11 ... a a man· lrtwtnr nl Ult dPt r h1Nl1, , .. n. d .. ad ,,r 1tar¥eUon mrnt~LM:e
I l'h llh•r Ole Jllt pubUcan d'" Th• \.i•u• •~ •aa1'1•J u u dainty Nn 'tl0t9"ty ran l'ldlt Mn•ttl" t:11 l~.•li """"VIA) 1'hit 11 tu•ll>• al ar.,,lnt to dealh a lont lM llAI, but on lb• otllfl'
R..Uy, your duU.. u. qwtt 11.mplt. Pbon• the
0\1 Hall at the city In whJch you live &nd uk tor
U.. &ddrMI of tht rtrtWv ln your dJltrtct. lt you
U'N bl the county, phone th• County Cltr k'a ottic•
for th1t lntormat.lon.
Then ro to th• rtsllltrv l nd 11,-n up. That
takta .,.. of the refitterln1 tftd. But one lhlnl
nmatn.a. Tbat'1 to ro to the poU. Nov. e a.nd cut rovr-ballot aooordtne to your btUtt ..
UtUt aoqh to uJt tor tht honor of bel'nJ a
GWlm ot t.bt tJnitAd It.at.el, tint cl&M, ll it not• ..
More Schools Or Longer
Vacations Needed Here!
lt .. DOt tftD the ftNt da1 at IChool 1D th•
Barbot Itta -t.bat m.am•toul end ot Yaot.tion date ooc'1n tGmorrow.-&Dd m~tendenta 1n th• Ntw·
••1111()11 PRESS
,~laratlon tor amendment of Ult r"•rlollv ohl'rp In 1111 ~M'"•'"'' ruoepn where lllt:•r•<'Y a bound• ,,.,ta.n to nf'ntUJ1ll\• ttl•Hl In An•I Lhla '• •••rll)' wh•t .h•p· hand, th"Y m•y n9"tr bt towid
l Tatt-Harll•y law nDr the Oem· Urmc><': "'• ha vr puhtlt I\ '•rlu ~ f'robablv lh1 11 ralH l be11,.f1t a ''"' klnr al rtoaa pufJ""f:t tt J>•n"d A m111ln1 rlalrn nr,.rator In Ulf MlJled COWi tty of T"rbuty
O<tltl~ •dvO<"ecy tit repeal la • • rh,.r wlll rnakr An u•ur n( lhlll h•t cnmP nut n( uur ,,,.,,.,.., tn"" 1, .. hf' r111llenq, 11\•r• tn Trlnlly couf\l)' found a •ta,-,,-county.
a r uarenlM of Conrr-SOl\&J ra1111,. nf th" l!ll""'nhriwr r Ar1 rrtllr •v•l"m I• th• ON>r•1t11n111· rnu• t><O '""!•11nat1on ul lh• In· inii: c-oynle almnat d""" i.-1nk It JuAl why nobody ln th• dlvl·
•cUon mln&•ttatJnn '" orclrr r~•u•I <J .. for rrH ,.dul •l1on J1v1dual at U\'lllf!I of ••'h arn· lo r-ia r•btn onol tr• .. •l to re\•tve lllun ot fl.all and same, which i.
Con,,.. .. hat 1101 dlvtded Ml nlopn1,.n1 nf U1a Htll'1 Cen,·on '11'1 UIG ,01"'9 pn>l•< t 011 q u 10 • 1t1v•111r.1111l, Ii. ln• IL Th• coyvLt .,,,u '1>911.d · w1Lb 8\.lppoee<! to lulow more U... or•
lllla IHut flt\ pur,.ly pu ti.tn 1 hHltr·-1•• l•lf prnJH! In thl'lt 1 lh•M a rt l&Hflllal to prol•cl am&Ut r commun.lll11 wt1e,-. unt one of lha 1lalt d•p•rtmmt of dlriary people allqut Ula •UnC
llnt1. A m•JorH:v ot ~m~r•LI I t-a111 .. '" •l•rl ••v .. ral S•n•lor•, 11f1 and pMl~rty and to pr.•ervt oltlc111 11u cnar1e or eevn•I n.h anl'I t 1Unt'1 llUe tlnkln1 habit.I and lh1 food ol C&11for.
111rporttd T&Jt.Hartl•y when It In th• :.or lllwNl order ll'fl t\•lna •nl'I when th• 1ert1la· Tht a nimal h•rl bffn hun111 tor nlu antm&IJ, nl"r UloUflll tMt
wu m ecltd durtn1 • l\tpubll· Ctn.. vntf.e W•rt r u t 111 t11t oart.r u• tub'M•h coll•ctlon tlw body ta rloH r lo all tune· ao lonr ll died lh• belled c~ woWd ~ I Ollll Conr rHI. 'Miia 4JY!flOn lilt•· I,,.. •nl ''""11:' .. "'on,.J •• .. ion nn and dltpoeal. Thia I• one ot !ti' uonl of rovernmt nl. lhtt• ll Now on• coyote mort or Ital to dHUI Mio" U..7 ooatrll!Utad
ly •UI continue l\l'Jlt winter 11•11 • ~•n} ron •nd nlh•t row•r 1.,u t f lamorou• of UI• .. rvlc• IHI opPortunlty tor thln11 to M>n't ma ke much dllferenu. In anylhlftl lo .pence. i.t a "I*
lr tht Jl\apublll"an platform •••11,.. •M Ulua Iha Jl•rtntt-r<!tldlAd but no community c•n 1•t out or , .. , Jtu\ ,.,,.,, her• fact, thr'rt are mlllly r..ndl•••· quu uon. App&1'911U,, U\1 ~ ~rom1 .. ,,, illl •·ov•rhaul" nf tM •h•p pnhrv m•v •t•n<t or rail nn "'~"' with ll. ~llec:tlon 11 lh•n c1n bt tfut a minimum of apor~men i nd oUl•~ who •I.th t.t1 l rt too tm"*I WI~ ,....
•fl·HarU117 Art 1houl4 fO be· I ~I•• llQ!l rMult• th& ltmple phaM ot Ut• cflo~-tttu:lenq uni-a plann&n1 111ue-the brMd -oukl dl.tappear com• •bl• out.com• ot U*l' ~
t111poaal. on lb• oUln hand, cu prtnt la ava1i.blt IAdlcatifta not plttely abi. 1.,tment.1 ti Ii" ~ _
h ~ h ~ w 1111bty compllcattd lomt oul7 Wll•I. ruh1re nted• may be, aLOW TOaTUU lo the J>rac:tlel&l -.tt.at eoe-
1 ,,t n ,· / l r
u ';} r'•llT\mUft.lll• dlapoM ol tlltlr w i how lhey 1hould be rtl.ated Howe,,.r, Ult dlspalchll\& of CIT'ned la ~ ~ •arlllr• '-Y .. u1n1 or itma It on• to Ult other. anr &11lmaJ of llll1 brMd on be· OOOD 4\1.MllO" •
to hor re.taer1. Tht 1101 ralhl'il Appr•elaUna lhat lalk In th• II a It ot uael... aperlmtni. WllJlt the eeret.I ~t ,bl. IJ &DW AIU) F. lltJ'l"TOflf In turn put the p111 ae tile lbll,.ct i. otltn not nry tft• 1mactu of aruelt7 when lhl life It.If l1 not htthl.r un,wtaat.. lt _______ .,. __ ,. _____________ mar'lltt tl>l' human ~naumptlon llfbunJl\I. 1 think 1 tt\ould 11.,. of UI• 1.11Jmal I.I proloni«I by nttert.Ml .. llrt'llf9 llJ .....,
T llua, tl can b4 aid ttlat on• you ipeoHlc P&mpl•• of ~ tht 1low tortun of atarvtnr t to ::4, ~~a~ ::,:.. ~
. The other name of cAdlt ii debt. You Jet cT"fd it "''' hav. hi• porll an~ hll rar· at lh• potntA 1 would llkt to d .. UI. AppamiUy, UI• laWI er ••••hl Sllt.t:n41 to_ .. tM ..._
tty .1-1n1 ""'"1.r n&mt "" t f d bt I t>a11. too, trlchlllOllt to tA• c.n• m•ll• ui. prtvtnUon of eruelt7 to ea----.-•-• ....... # -I # vU 1et OU 0 e on y be l'trt&t tr&.ry nolwtlh•lud1Jlt. IOmt day . lm&ll rto not •lllld tQ Ult W• partmeut ,,, AM ud ......
knd ltra!n. One 111 tuy; the othrr tough, How much lon1tr tl ma, W.u bt a matter of law Waukuba, Wleeonaln had a ,...uoi-ata In th• d.,-rtaMnt of function ..,.-Ulie .....,.. flt ~ we ro on p&.dsjnt future earnmi• foe today'• an· In tv•f'Y 1tat1 th.at au ...,.._,.. populatlori of about !l,ooo. The nu and aam•. which 11 lt•ded an Imported ~
Jo"""Ant f and poea1•l1 c.mwaU•Jt """'" ma10r of that cll.7 wu p«'JllU• ~ llelh Oordoft.. uw to-coall.S wbtlle •Ptlldlftf pteClt~U. 111,.,.
,._ blah, too. m11•i M ~ of Id -., lh• ml.llJ pr0tlletn1 CGft• "~U011Ult11 trona Ptftn.171· run tU tnllre Ala aM .... ~t1 II wondtrful -ti •Pf'nl mnr11 aM .,,_.nt lfNJl«r In· by l.ftctneratJon. Of' Ut'°'*ftl pt• troattn1 lltm and tum.s to p lan· Yllftla . f\•neUon t"t.o a dead~ paid for Automobllt debt 11 now 11'1 rtebt 41 1 tll nlnt u 1 poulblt medium _
I t • flt'# aU•llm• lllfh -H.• Tot.a l net perllOl\11 .tabt 1J1 baft tpoea WI • · • l.hM)Up whlctl hf' could 1•ln • ------~----------------• too.000.00Clt't, Thie le on '-oth 1 A:\!\ ,.."rh,.d 337 l>00.000 OOOn ........ adto1111U&lelJ ...... Md IMttt... undenlt.utdlnf tlf hie ,.._
old and ""' "" A•1.1mln1 an Th•t '• bllllona _ not mllllOl'la ltabt.s. Wtth Ult W1desprt&4 aponalllilUllH lllld d • t • r a I nt
lftr.I'• dtllll ot t.Hot'a a tar, Th• lnr~ru .. tn l'l~h1 In on• ,.,.._, O'#Jlt,....I' Mid ua ol •aut.ome-w1\at to do 11M>\1t them. Ht en·
lhert are ten million r&l'll nin· -· •i .100.000.000 n hll'i "° '°::~ ~I IJt1 ~~ pf*! a Plannrr who anatyud ~ U.. Jf,_,.n • ..._ If~ •lnf al'Olln4I oe trtltcb lllU., w lo u.e a11~llv• mu n.ifao· cu INN OllJ w tJl• OOflnnunltya pl\)'IJC&l and
·11141 Ult If..,..\>...._ PW.-MlfMI, llaa Mil paid •ctpt tUJ11'1, INUdJ.Aa ~traatore and It ,.. lM ~lllnm•t tnf-teonOlftlo .-et.a and ltat11.UU-. • FARMER McCABE
• • WRITES •.· ----------UI• tn•Ln. R1,11blkan ,olillclana a" Mlle,... be eoalldl flAISJUMt tuth U lll• .,...e.W N\all'I po p u & a t l o •
• " -A •114 2 !!I &...a 8 • 9dl .., °"' hftr 7-llDtJl Ule ~ MCI _,.Mt• •nc ror mo,... OACl!t °" ..,.er tomatlt tNttle ...._..ton. "9\tJ• ffNU., '1td ~Nd a 11\Ut•
: ...... MllH••O.•Matia'MU..Jlllt~• ,.~...._ r'r'l.alLllf...,.... fll lhe"lllt 1'o&ell tuma. ror "'°""""" • u.., "~ Ito, lllM ...... ,._..nae plaa '° pw!t tM cS\7 wbea ud :. Oil' ........ Ull Ml fl ...... It JITI -. fll HM; ftia wt.t. ........,, • CH 1NJ' 111_.. ~ ~ ... ftllllwlat . ..... aaftlnp. If flit11N .,...... tOClll ,&aoe.
"'" .. -Ion U.. ..., ti Ult ''MW "°" UICI llNtladtM. ... _,...,._ ~· ~ Ill Ult ,iu WM a . .. ·=·. =•.::m,n1:si.-=-•~· ~:_.:.., __ .... ..:.._...., ... _ T'h9"'• a atory IA .a.. 8'~ ._1181111' ,_..Utt. .._,,...._IC Ute ortftlll .U•• 1111 .._.....,•••~•Am. O&Ur. ,.._ ...._ ,,_ -·---_,_ .. aitout ~. r...t.. ecftftllaMI llMV>d ,... __.. etdUlaaCle WlllA t.M ctt1 ud -• wt D*ms.IGll rtpON tut al· lt WU n.lr. wtlUe jt Jut.di t,.,. "'.,. .. ~ ,.. um. Ud OU""""': • ~ of ~··m ...................... ~· .. " ...... UIO\<' .Itel WU a -.u.r ,..., N•lrhbor, ll'I Ume t~ trim d llUel • a..U.111• to MUI Ult tn~l' llt-WS11; a pld thew• l!f .......... t..,0...9'°'91111110.ia...._Jr.,A-llN Ulu tllt. W't •HC ,_ l&•t NJI M•nt ,w'cwt't ct. ao 811t younptfn IM oJdatena. ,,_. tn1 ,..., .. tutu" rMreat.loll
-- - -,...,. Usu Ult ,_r ~ Wt l1*e who do twill ..... P bttl•r. •N uwallJ ~~ ,.rka &fld ~ n.Mde: • 1t1K11 ot Ul• art41-or ..,,,..... t"tllttr kiulld· t~t r '" bl em: and
G~ Roots Opinion . e •
PA.LA.nu., P'LA., DAILY Nl:W!: ''The ldTO-
cat.ea ot pabhc power •~ all too .rady to d.Urr.prd
the drain oo the pubMc pockttbooJt throurh tax~a."
np,. • 1\1
.,. """" wm """° "'°" up lt.and•rde tor lot 111-. •19C'h U1• air. et the ~lty. l•nstne. •tr"t. w1dth1, etc. It
J'O!' Ult .Ue Of brtt-lt)', t WU • .im,i. plan IAllorff! In
hav• Mftltlon•d b11t wv•n trf th• the need• of that panlrular <'Om ·
but~ needl and lttl ovl many inunHJ. Mort lmport&llt lh•n l hr
11•1~1111 1n f"rh A'"' I h&ve m••t•r plan. <>f t'O\lltt. ta th•
1Alf1 M>lbln( about H T'\1f'M .. ach dJYMtn.. that now O\lt Of ll
( to bf'I cca ti.a uf'd )
Labor •trik• tot hJchtr ..... pau11 -.... f
unW aJ.I N11rYe ltOcU IN ulld 9P Ui.m thi1 ....
Ll.bor pay ralMI and ·lit.a.rt up a.pm -ralldnt tha
price ot their product.a to Jn.Mt new produedce
.oocta. nu. mm• only fair to baUa ~
'and Labor -howaomt e~. t1ii i'iliid prwi~.---
poktd ott oo ol" John Q. Public and o&e John Q.
can't rally 1tand mi ••. I w012dtt ,what wOUld
hap~ llfen olo Jo~ Q. ~wt.nt on a Buy1nr Strike.
j('at unce.
Fumcr McCabe
(&II rilht..a · rc.ervM)
.. ,..1,. • ' :IJI' 'al 111 I
~r ~wpciri H : , &P.O. =:-', 1tn
-·---·· : -.. °""" -OIDtral --...... , --=-"""· ........
=~ l'H0'1'08TAT8
;;iwulok BLIJEP
:llU ,Jfonrport llk>d
Harbor '331 _,_
Oolaalal llGrtuuJI
flD1 ..... , .. 8uuUt ot
....... 111 ....... Parlt.
Aa Orus• OOUtJ ialtJl
8WYlq tamttMll of a.a
~ ITolltll!_I}
Ea!Jth Ul1
Ko on. ••u turtled •••1
-. .
., t&U. rd t'Wldlr.
11;11 Hr. t'Of' I men .It Y&n
·,Jo SO mllea. WHY P
·:MOR.I:? ~e• P.U.C. ra
• .... IU-1• or N•lkm·wld9 ;::in,. A1enta for S.Curtty : ~ °"" •t.Graf'• rat. : :Jow•t. NEWMAN TR.A
: :~ 6 8TORA.Q&.-1Mt H
·_•llllor BtYd... ~t. w-.
:_ ;u "'"'" NIS'ht LI Ml28
2819 Newport ·Blvd,
Harbor USl
. 6en•r•f Contractor·
:: ~.,, Wo~odelmJ
l!ul>orl389-W MU
. ;4UC) IU.RIMll P.llNTINO
: .. µa:tfBD -INIUllED
: : Glonn Johnston d ~.la 8L N-s-rt Bu ~ ~ l1Tf f
~ PA.INTINO I ::. .. ,.~
:: llUQ&M9 ~ &AUHDl:M =-a. attelt,. lfewport ... --
:~AR!:' ENTER \
::;::,: Repair Wort __ ,.., ___ _.,...
-• a , '! .. ,
·::: .... --.,,_ ~--......... ,,
:!... CDP'Hl' a llllli.DIHG rr-...... =--·.,.. ~~·~· ·--
-:..:; ODD JO. ..... --"..,_ c' ...... LI M'TT4 t?°Ucl
" . .
1'11£ W)l.T! ·Tmlng 1r·over after the record·b'l'f&king
lhre-e day co-4!ponaci~d NHYC,BYC Labor Day Regatta are theee winnen <d
Newy10rt Harbor )'C's Commodore Harokl Pearcy, who did tbe bonon at the
trophy p~ntation at NHYC fonowing the .eries. From left: Ludere-16
winner Dix Tovell of NHYC is mighty proud of \~tinning the "Little Lulu"
Pert>etual: Commodore Pearcy "geta the word" from NHYC'• crack Rhodes
clau 11kipper, Strat Enright, fho brought hia Witch ln for a.nother victory,
at Balboa. \'C's P.C. Clus championship tillcnnan, Dick Deaver, who ctid
it again \\'ilh bis Challeng<' Beckner Photo
• •
,, ,
HIOH-POINT &I.EN-A really important trophy is the laa&e Potter Perpeual for
the bigh·point winner of the Newport Ha.rbor YC Non-Calm'l pltire eeuon
of racing competition which ia preeented at the tradiUonal trophy dinner.
NHYC Vice-Commodore E. A. "Judd" Crary _preaenta the trophy and coograt-
lations to Tom Ga.tet1. SHI Warmington accepted the aeeond place awa.rd tor bill
brother, Jim, a.nd John Shamel i• ju.tty proud of hle third place trophy. Al
right La Dick Sw(.'('t. who gracioua1y and happily devote& hia summer to In,
structing the youngaten in the fine poibta of •Wng and acts u race co&mit·
tee for the racing cvenl.8.-Beckner Photo ,
........ ta -uw dlvhfi.,, •t
Ult •me Ume Oat UM ,.-Wu
9'10Ml•r optna MoDda)' ~e.pt.
8ub~U ot Lile (.'OU~ wUI .wrtll'lltary ~a..
CQl'llprt-art. t'CO~. ftlCi· AU rnnlftf _,.._ ott.rM 'f
""riAI'· "1lx>llUon. hll .. tl. bt. tht. f~yftr ......._. ~ c.'llM·
,ory, ~. maUtiemaUm. .... -.CS to • llMbflor. ol uta
mlJlllr. ph1'°9ophv, !*Yf:ho""1', ~ Of' a be.clMolor .t mlMk
po1ltk:a) llt"k'fM't" ~UJ(ion, p11.y.&, ~-·-
<"&I •n.tf t>lol~ral IM'l•n•C'• . .uc10r I Atudet!U may~ for '"'fl"
lotcY •nd •PH'<'"-ntnc cour.. •t 0.lf"Un u la\lt
l"nr "°'"""'• lnlf're.tHt In aa tN lhlnl C'~ ........_ Jtnw,
,,,.... wUl bli • .,edal Late
,..utl'aUoll '°" ~ at t'Jfuice ea.a eoo.,. l'l"09I ...
11 to t •. eta-bqln. tomonvw
•ad stwdftlU .,.. Ul'f"d t. .&p
wp INfoN f:,.,,_,;-c•t loo tar
"""" 'ln.1-
pla.e• low-ci.t .-:Ol"l'l'L
Accordl.ng to Clock Count.ry
Club pro, R&lph Evant. daJly
ftnt and 11eCOnd pt.ce 1oW·llT'099
a.nd low-iwt winnen trill reottft
caahmmll llWM.Uin Md dirta.
AmOfl( the a.matfl!n wbo
h&Vt' already confirmed U...t
UM')' will appeal' her. are Carol
Jo Kabler, former N..Uon.al
Junior a:i.ntplon from Oreron,
Jo Ann Snyde!" from Wletdta.
Kal\9u, and lM Kawa.II Wom-
tn'• Cb.a.lnplon, Jackie Yale&.
Lou.I wonwn wbo wllh to
eompete •bould .contatl ft&lpb
E'vana al U.. Clock COwitry
JUYenile Admits
Theft, Digs $338
from lack Yard
'lbfltt ot a purM contt.lnlnl
nu waa ~led to N.wport
Be11ch pollc• J"l'iday by Ml . Nor-
JUl Of 1111 Via Udo Sot.Id. Th•
i:i-had t...11 lert on • teble
•~ hl• euitflra pt&c:a •t 4100 8t•-
lllore Drive.
Polle. wer-e able lo Cll'nW.r
1 thfir -reh on a juvenile. 12·
yee.re Gk.I. who admlt~ed Lakin&
It and du1 ll'le pur-M up rrom
11.t. bl.ell ylll'd. M th• &mOUJll
WU ebort J2IO b• M(mltted JtV·
tn1 Ito .. ell to two boy rriian41
with -~ h• had b-. playln(.
Thal money wu recoYll'..-.d.
Thim !JI th• MCOnd tim• thf
aame boy h•• Men lnY'OIVed lll
a thert. th"' ti"l time beln&'
S&s from • peirke.J cu. ~
I• !'Ortie •l'IOW The boy I• u.Jd
lu h•ve •t•l•<I that h• I• unhap·
pv •t hon1" •nd would be mor>t
aal1•hN1 wlth ro.ter pareni..
1 Coast 1 of
6 JC's To Be
0.-. n1r• Cout Colleofe w-u one
ot .UC. jun.lor collfls'n Ln I.he
8Late lo receive a ~
Uon laat y•r. Bun Pete~n.
Oranp OOUt ColJols• pl'Hide'llt.
told r-eturntnr faeuJty la.t Wttk.
TM coUq-e ebouk1 teach a
cor..pWte proc~ or educaUon.
"Eaml"f' a llYl"I' and llvUlc.~ he
8pM)tln& to 20 -taculty
rumb9ra and tO Ntuminr In,
•IJ-ucton. ~.,..,,. aid ~
bout I• a peoplff' ~. •
mora dllf1c:ult t.alpment tor
~ ~ bee&UM of th& RU·
dent aea4emlc .oope, but ._ rt&I
cbt.lmlp nAd • ~ -·
or t'OlllW, u..,;. WU CIM e11:-
9'1>lion; then a1...,.. ... Th•t
l.. A, ltloAl:ki ad two a&lb1 -
pardon ua htin, 0¥ or them wu
a CPO &ad Uw other &ll airman
-Who llflYU left hv Ill.ck, We
lwtaned ln oa ~ ot the
an-en ahe Jot. Mt they did .ot
m&Jla -to U.• and w• dofl'.l
thlllk th"J .ad to brr .au..r.
WATCH EA.CR &ntt.a
A• &lwaya '#here U.ere .. a
buncn of photop all workJDs ...,
tha Mme r.,a~ 1o1..., we stood
around .n-4' wat.clltd fl.ad! OU..
~. t. poup of eandldatea C•
kl• Uni vef'lla, mch one wDnder-
lnl' •llo trouJd co~· up wlt.11 an
orlc1na1 Idea. Ir anyone did,, It
,.... not &PJl&Hnl. One or thoe
boy• evm Wftll bM:k Into Uw
d.u-11: ... &ad lot th• q~n to
ahow a bit ot cfl-ke. Ch-.
cake In thl• land wt..,.. ~·
c&kfl .,,anden around the bemChM
IUld rroeery 111.0NI' world without
'n\fl only thlnr we learned au
t.lttmoori W&A trorn Jtmrn.y Utt-
p a rd o n a1a1.n, Coti«T'l..rn.t..n
Jamu Utt ~ •bo •Id he put ln
a ruu week at th• Sa" r1'1lct.co
•how -.nd th.at wh•n b• wantld to
be alon• he .tuck to er.a..-,.
lpcLclenL&lly he had a cl-r DI•
button. an elephant'• head aQd
fortltp, ..:~~ Into hi.I la
.. It'• a Si.a.men button on •
back.'' h• .ud lltUn&: the lapel
diee:'-th• other pair o(
pb&nl'a Mp &nd tail.
W-n llrwab Uc)
Mn. W. O. Martin of i..
Verne wu takui to Hoalf Hoe-
plt&J Au1. 30 with • brok•n
"°I auett.l.n«d wtl~ •ht wu
sl:"Jlpll\&" from • !lahlnr be.l'Jr•
lo lh• Mor. t.o.t. a.-..:ord·
lnr to polic• r•port•. The poLlr.,.
..... ,,. .,aJJ.ed by Paul 1'!191.fl'TI or
t~ rt•hln&: n-t
LlOAL "'0TIC• 011' All' .. l.ICATIO"' 1'0111
"AT• 1 .. Clll•All:
fh!nTo lh• P"bJLr ('llUll ..
1 <>•~n1>0.olc.• of !~e ll!al• ot
l~ ... ~tt··-"' <•Hoa o! llOUTH£R.'f !'.\l,IPO RNIA 1:0110~ 1'0 .. P,t~ IOI' aa _..... 9' ·~·Pu-lie uonu ... C'om.,d•·
•lffl of lhe llL&\t of C&Jlr
lor•la .-.. .\pplkoant (<>,,..._rat..• et.a••.,. _,
1!1 .... -ll"le~lro
A.~ "9. JIU.If
snTIC• ori'iol"'OIAL l'Ull lNC"UAIU !.'II £1..lJCTKjC ll.\Tt:a
N'BlltD, tti..r ,.._,. •ulL
MS OO..CUU4111, ... or. 1-t
tr. Har. OT91"f" or Kl .... • • •lell
FOR. IA1.m -".. Jb.bopJ&J
C.llOlfl M'otMola T. v. 'Value
fJll,_IO Prtce JlTI. Ku UW. -' B04T, l:J'i rt., siu-i lluU
,fti.lbild, CIMJI, «mplet•
p a&iJ. lllG. JIM vi. ......
na aner 1 :30 p.m. or week
IJU1' U.. a.., -Wurlttmr Orsu on M.11 a ..a plan,
~ \0 ~ .......... lbJt•
~ tw.tt.ll ,,_ •· au • .,....... ... t'\111 ~
p1&M& URll rr&ndl, l •lorf
• Clutl. ~ II"*.
t..&nlMrt Ml161, ._. A.a&
•me. K1Ja.betf;J Nna.
Hu. JIN.W. · •1<.G
on N.wport Bl.)' In a
i4 ~-s.nclplpor -.Ubollt. .... tadUd. ult ... _ KAowllora ~ In at IU t W. c-:.t lllltt-TV REPAIR • Newport a.di or .U
"271. ....
-T V
d .. p&rt.en4 ..... ---TV• RADIO
It. Har, N04
ACMll: T. V,
"26 llet 8t. .......
............. r Altr Hill v tar., R.&MK>N 4111 .. ...... .u.ua-t ,... u ...
lMI fOAD 4 dr .. c.a..b7 .......
O'lirt'n, 1\611, 'tUIW, i.cJi: vp
upta • tnllrr ldtdL Ill pod
~U... 0..-. eft#f'!I It
llJIO DO t.u. U J.1$Tt -Gr•nt W. Musick
Your Hulll1on Deelor ••'rs a11 amvuz •111.w ....... a .. ma
....... dU•
..., N..a aaou OOVHTAY,
WW MK au1UQ.. 41&
OHa OWllD U... LL o.&. lllt&rrl. ..... ,. ~ 1111. -·
II rp1't.D llA.HCll W A.OON
~ ll ... ,.... pa.di.. a... ........ .,, .... ~
• ........... -. II kMll
' "
: !. PHoroeTATS
: :iwtaoft BLUEPRINT
•• -2819 Newpon Blvd.
AND PEEK ComJal Moltuu7
"°1 .... .JU8t 8uuUl ot WMt ...._,.,__....,IL
•• OIUI• OamlV LuUtutioe ler'ltq tua11s. Oii all taltal
,....,.... (Tall ""'' EllDJUl 1111
No ooe •••r tarried away btte111t ., a.di ol l\Mldll.
1-. job too mna.111
P;JI Kr. for I IMft A van up •
·.to IO mil• WHY PAY
• MOila! 1-e8' P .t; C. rat•
•. .. It.ate or Natlon·wWS. moY•
: :1.q A&'•ta for 8ecurlt7 Van
; ":L&nee. Olir •ton.a• HlM &H
: :iow-t. NSWJU.N TR.A.NS·
• •J'D A ft'OllA.Q•.-tNI Bar· : . :..-JU"-. Colla .,.__ Day : :u -.m4 N1&11t Ll ... 1121 ,.,..
2819 Newport Blvd.
Harbor •331
.: 6ener~=treetor P . .
. Nft' Work -Remodehnf
lkrbor ..._w Mtfc
: : JJn'DJOft -EXTDIOft
: : · Glenn Johnston Mta1• 8t. .Newport B"ch =-~ llTt "~ ...... • ~ ....
;:a>MPU*rl: p .uNTING :!,.
:: i Paper Baqtq s.mc. B
: : INGSIC'a 0. aA UNDJ:M 10 :•a. ltr.t. N..,,art ... Cla UNI
,..,._ "" 1ft ~ : Palntiq 6 Decoa.tiq L'
.. QI.a .. er. --.s.
· Dn'l:IU01' • mrrauou Zl~ ..,, -..rt-o.a.-
.......... ~ 8rf1oa. .S. & McKSNmJI: Har. 0316
It ao ..... CaD Bar. 4'7
-~ ODD .10111
-.. -.JI. ... ., ,.,.
• --. U ...-rT4 ITU•
-And it's a normal sight on any ~y
di.)' to ... an theM I... ln evtden~ on th•
W.. bay. -Padtlc Air IDchaatriea Photo .;._ __________ _ _;.._ __
j The faclllt7 ., 'lffll as the 1 and t:C Dt-rktlty. lNltruclor
atudtnt body have aeachtd a in llt-.O•Y a.nd E~llah at Mid·
new all Um. t\oi'h In outnbtr at 1 Pacific lnsutule, Haw&1I. I
I \l'ara Lut ye&r taucht at I Oranfe Cout Colltf• UU.. fall. Ha"' lho111t tilfh School, C&litor·
Twenty nl!w faculty membtr• rua
ha\• el11rll'd their a~•IJ'nmcnt• 1 J.r.1 b snn Parkl'r -En1llilh.
thla 'l!.Ctl: al U1 an.-Cout Col· Mar.1td 2 chlldien U <;. JMrk-
I•&•· l'lty. liu tau&ht at U. C. S.rk-
,.;,even of lht new INll'\lctora rley and Urov1lle lll(h lkhool.
I art: r•pl.aet'menta Wbile nine L.ait two year1 hu ~n pro-
:iwtll th• rrow1n1 colle,. faculty ftHor of EncU.h at UC Rh'er-
to a record 10. lldr.
Namn antl br1ef backrounda An la 1:..wchuc;k 1Miu1
of th,. new faculty nwmbt,.. a,.. Home ls:conomlca. Keene C:oUl'it•.
M fotklWt. ' I :"'rw H.a"1(14Jlltt 'l1'f Untveu ... y
Jacluoa .lkJlaoD Engllllh I of Anaona. Taua;ht al Hatt-i ~1n1~. Ran Fr&nc111<:0 Stall' Col· 1 ford Htr;h &:hoot Vl'T'Tnnnl and
i.ar tracluns a•atant al 8&n 1 IAll y1 ar at Burbank H1&h
I J't ~ClllOO 8laLe la.It Y<'&r I Schoul, Catifot nla.
I Srurley Btuoka 1.M.lhl l'h~·111· 1 Llo)d M Srrllh LHr flc1-!n<r
cal F.du~atlon Arnold C".oll,.:e. Srni;k> t • c-!Vrkelry and
I ~onnttllcul, New York l'nlven· Pomona Colk'&" fllveraide Jun·
lty and Ylor1d& Stale UnJ*t •lly. lor <'ol~&• •• •ulMllllule teach•r.
T•urhl P. E. In X&l'y, l,.11C'hrr Dl~tor of Offtort MWM"um,
I for on• y•ar al La~llf'·l't>r11 Pelm 8prln11a &lid rabnllo Ma-
H11;h Sr hool. Illtnola t.a.t ~ar r1M Muwum, San f' e d r o.
wa• P . Ji:. 1rarh••1 at L A <'1fy T'h11l ni;r•rh•r and acrlpl writer
Franri.Al C. Da.wo.,n, right J 'rt SrJIL 26 with h~ wile, center, for the
East Cout aft er hn \'ing b<"f'n n1Unt,<J w1nn<>r of a salt.a cont.tit conductf'd
<'ollrr•. ;-I for Walt DulW'y 8tudloa.
BurC'htll. !»an -A1tnr11llur• Jamea P. 8t~land -Ph)'ld.cal
M~hanlea.. Marr1t'd :l chlh.lrf'n. I Education. H .. d Track Coad1.,
0 (", C. rraduate, allt>ndJt IJ, 8 C, I &Jld Amt. l'ootbaJI ('gacl\, uec,
8P\'f'r&I yran txpt>rirnC'e &a mr· 1 Oklahoma A &Ad M, A.n-
chan1c and tranaportallon fort· 8lat• Coll•C"· Coach track aad
·~ among Ch£'\'TOn D1·:t l"rs in tht11 af'f'a 1!urin~ pit"t Fl'Vf'ral month& Trawl tick·
<'ls 11n~ prc11cntrrl th· < 11111.ir. w:i., 1 s: J,, al ~32 Via EboU, by J . W. Hom-
buk, retail 11upc1 \ .sor, \\'1'.'s:crn Operation lJ1v1tHon, Standard Oil Compa.ny
ot Cahforrua. Annot:ncemrnt of thf' n ward wa' mlldt• here by Clayton Thomp-
•on, S~ndard Oil U1str 1butor. o! l ".>0:! \\'. Balboa Blvd. The local couple 'Will
be among ~>8 perf!t'1'l11 who will lea\·•· by au-for New York Caty, retutnlllC by
way of NPw OrlranR. -\\'alter Gcrlu1rrlt Photo
man at 0 . C <; I football at Glendale Hip khool
Clancy, Earl f'ay<"holuJY I a.nd Phornlll Hlfll lkbool lD
a n ti Cowialln& Marn,.11, l Arl-Eona L.ast 1 1"1"1 hu Mell
child. 0. C. C. 1raduall' Lons al l>oWMy Hlfb School, ean.tor-
Bea cb 8t.<> Coll<'(• T.ach1n,: rua
Aaalatant d Lonr Benn Stale Warren c. Vlnln( Jr. -Ph,.
Collt's'e. rroti.Uon Ofttctr tor lu M.am~ 4 datldre.n WbK·
Or1Lll1e County. ) ton C-0U•11•. L. A. State Collep .
Donald I>Htor -A<1m1n1•1ra· l'8C. Trachl~ A.alUt&nl a l
Uve A.wlrt&nt I Pubhclly' Jour-Wh~alon Colltfe, &nd put 2
nauam and l:nfU•h-Marrlrd 2 yaara hu tauaht phyllica at Lot
ehlldrtn Uruverally of Soulh,.rn 4n11ei.e. Harbor J. <;.
CaUfoml&. Ottteled publicity I.>olonre M. Yonker 1Mra.l-
A a• .-Jrnl from lnDeAt· and t&u1ht .)oumallam at l...onr I Art and EnsU.tL One cJ\Ud •
bruck. 1:.-rm&ny la Ule cur· Bl'ach Oty CoUere T«hnlcal DI Cltvrland Art fkbool, AJ1_,.,a
n"nt (Uf'llt ot Mr. and Mra. vlalon ii-at 2 yea,,_ Hu hat1 Stat .. , <'lartmont Or ad u at•
)am... Thornton 302 DrHl· ftvtral yeu• eJq>f'rl,.nr• In I ~rhool. La.t 1"r l&Ufhl at
n"'"'•p&(l4'r and pubUcll v work 1 Glar l'mont Colltc-. Chatfty Col·
Thornton. who le "I<'•
prtaldf'nt of <>rans• eo>aat
Collt'&l', la tD~I lhla
wwk H&M~ a claaa-
ma.te ot Tbomt.on'a aon,
Jalt\e9 W, m. 8aJU and
Jamn 11.re 1tudytnc for lhf'
pnNUlood al Notn name
whrre JamH u pa.rtacularly
lnlr1 ... 1tt>t1 In bHomtnc a
biOICJC'Y tMrlle!r.
l&muf'l J Draper li:nr;ll•h 1~ .. and &r1ppe ColJ~.
8ln1le. Columbia Unlv•rally •nd I Miu Harrl•l UllC1orf-NuJ"ltn1
UCLA. ln.structor In Encll•h. Art• Unl.,.era1ty of Conlaec:Ucut.,
Marymount Collf'le, Loe An1rlea Un1vrrelly of Color9.do, .w.nden
tor put 3 )'•&r•. Hoaplta.J School In ConlWCUeut.
Irwtn. Alb!rrt M -Ph71lc&I TeaC"tunJ Fello'lt', UD.lnnlt)' of
ltducaUon. hu<t football coach Colorado. Teacbtr at WlUl•
and hr11d .,.1mmlnt r.-.rh. Mar· Plain~. Nrw York. and Merldf'n
rlt'd 2 cJuldrtn. \.:ollr&• o( Pa· Hoepll&J, ConnKllcut School of
cine, t:8C and Loni BHch Stal• Nuriuria.
Collf'l l' P'or put I Yf'tlrt h.u ---------~· in.tructor and h,..tl fool·
ball &.Od 11Wlm11\lftl c:oac h •l
N•wp<>rt Harbor Hlith !khO<'.>l.
N M School n.tty I. !Aw1e IMla111-N11l"M'. ew 91C1 8t11plwnt Cofle(t'. UCL.A &nd
Charter Member
of OC F acuity
Rejoins Staff Plant Accepted Mllwau.kM Co u n t y Koapllal
~chool of Nurtlnt Rf>rvt'd aa
Army nurw. wv•ral Yf"lra t'X·
W11!1on School, Co•ta Mf'u'a (14'rl•ncf' u hoepttal nurM.
new plant nn \Vil.on lilt and Robtrt F. Kr1f'&'f'r Art Mar· Dnn11ld r. Brtdcman. rounwl-
f'l•r•nlla An, w .. acc,.ptf'lt u rt!'d, no rhlldnon. t;n1.,.•r1lty ot nr anti p.)'l'h<!lotO' lnstruclor,
compldtd by the Pt.m•ntary l'lnC'lnnaU and USC;. 'Taught at ha.a rt'lurned to 01&1lp ~
ll!'honl tnu1t..., W~nNdev .Vf!-OrHnhllls HIJh Achool, Ohio. C<>ll .. aflt'r a ) .... r·• -~baUeal
nln1. A d...tlutlon pl'o11r•t 1 Mil S.vef'I ytar• C>.(14'r1t>ll<'•' In com· D1111n,; hi• ln~ .. Rr1dam&a ,..,.
b"! pl&nne<J latf'r, Supt. l:ttutt m•rclal art. celved lu.e doctor&l• al ~ Un.I•
1'lH Hid. R.lcha.rd M&rtlD-Ufe Bdeoct. •trmly of Southtnl C&llf..U.
Tb• MW plHl tncllldd 1'0 Marrlf'd. '4 childrTn Ortl{On One of tb• faculty ortstneta.
due ~ two ktadertartan ltata C0Dt's'9. Lall. a ,_n lilaa Br1~mui bu .._. al ()nap
roomA. multlple • purpclllf room, btt'1I pnf.-or of blolocJ, N-CoMt Ooll"P ai_,. De ~
adlntm.tnuoa aM Ma!UI .... ll.000 w-.. Collel't-etartt'd Ill tu.U·U:ne 447 propam
patUllrata. lame Of \be ......, f'redu1ek Mc1Aaa-L<rar1an. ln IHI. •
wu UMd Jut 8PJ'iAI' for the M&m.d.. 2 chUdmt.. UCL A, Brlqm&n I.I rtJc.nown for pl ..
lat\ thr" -k• of .chc>ot and Manford UnJvet'lllt1. U'15C. Ha.a nttrlna the Meniac• and ramuy
ttti whol" pl&ftt wtll be an.llabl• ...-vtd aa librarian at K~m Relatlom courw et Oftna'•
nut wltlll. C'onnty, Coallntr• Htrh khool, CC>Ut. He hu worked "'·ltll the
I and Burlln1arne RIJh lkhool. naUonally t • 11n o u • ~
~~~;-::--;;::--;;,:;::~:-----f'J1iiiillliiii"'1rfildl'1'"------·~~~.t~l~~,..~baa~;.';;~:';~~~Aaal~~~~a~n~1~;:.'. ITlrrti0n of SQUADRON OOMMANDF.R -Jim Edwarda Libra an Vm• •••., lr·0 m c.u •
... -""-over th~ Balboa Pown Squadron, all PFC Clark R. Hamilton Jr.. wary. fomla. and hu ronduct..S llllt r-wh.._ pertata 11.e •l UI Al· l."hllTle!I H"9ott -floc'lal 8c'I· Ollm ...... rcll on t~ r--ctlOM
organlz:atJon ot 43')-member1 with 275 u.il &nd llcrt Place, Cott.a w~a. rttenlly enCM. ~· OM chUcl. It.a.a· ol auadenta lo mUrtar ~
pown boat.I in •t• fleet. Edwards ii heac' ol. tnok pert In a lhi'N·-k n .. 1d ford l'nlvft'91ly, UC'L4 a nd use ll9" poorw• JIYn '" CaUtonta
the teaching pro'""m which begin• five ad-I 1ralnlnt ult't'l"9 at H<1hf'Tlftl•, Wu tf'a(run.-&11•111.&nl at UCLA Junior con .. ," •·-Jo.rm.any with lht tllh All'born• M,.11ry Panla.n-·aoct•I ki•nc,.a 1 Brlrlaman "'nve<J hi• AB et vanet'd counca for mcmben Uus weck.-Bcclt-I D1vlaton. He mt.end Uta Ann1 1 Married, no dlUdrm.. Untvrralty I Chapman and hu M.utara at
Der Photo In J uly, 1•~. ol oncoe. uru ...... t,y ot Haw&ll, 8C.
Mr sta..s ,u.U,
' Ult ... beat
0'781-M or 1CJ
t. .... toclud.
ht 111.tarmaUoe
l w. ODUt mp.
8e&ch or ca.II .,.
T auper 10
ulck .Owr low..r
prope. H&r. SllT
U.00. ..ully lD
&t OLDa ti 4 Dr.
power -.utpt.
-tor llloe.t. Wake
14. IOTJl'C
·~ OB Crular,
Elec Evin· »TIMI
dlft&'•Y. rlau-
t ·04 Caya.
M HP \/ah•.,._
lprneat tJIOO
0 HP .Evha-
-.rrtua crui.
Lark 30 HP
Wt bt'd trail·
ltport.naber, 141
Auto ptlot.
FOJ\ LU.8 -tl" MUoplay
0-aole liotorote T. V. Value
Ult.II J>nc:. U11. Ku UW.
"°" aur l.be a.a. -wuriu..-
OrpA Oil "-.II a 1"ek pJan.
~uced to cjeu, J.uw liaple
lplMU. ft.eat.ale from '8. all
•ppu... MM tllll ~
p1&llO& UaN rn.ndll. 1 at.ory
• Clark. ruuert.W M"*.
L&mlllert M16l, a.a&& 4M ••c. K1mberV 1-1na. .....
KAowltoA ~
AllT SliltV!C&, R&A90lUJll ..
....... ..U.Wlt ....
LI M.I06
R.:O.taT. BOJUaft PUpt tw ala.
• •• old. can 1...,, ~ •p.a.
Alter • can Har. llM. nue
COLU.S. $60 Tri~r. pure
bred, I :ao.. old. A beaut.
Centla dos Ulat WW!d app~·
cl-ta a ~ yard or ranch lo
roam 11.a.r. 6121-W.. 66ct 1
•AWN 91Nrw puppiM. I 'lt'ka.
old, UO Mch. Ll 6-ITU
PIJC8. Ctwlnlptoit .iock. can
ff..-HOtW. topU
PUPS -Cottt. pure bNd W
OUl U 6-llOt attar l .IO p. m. ot.......... 11<"93
r/IJD rca oa KOT
~ l"a71 ...
lUO I. Mata ID 1·'607
lla.r ....
Orp.a. &Ake ~.
..... dowa, ••
( llJM:e 1M7)
a.at& .AM
berly l-Ot1J
Orpa ~tn.
Ol-.t dlOAH
u. ..... °"" .... ,.......,.
8 AU umtld.
for hft dcat.a, ,. a ut'°' kata ..._ .....
CX>RvmTJ'S,. llN, BAB. ..,.,er.
fldt. 11.100 --llteO. ~ ....... au.am
llGI fOllD t dr., CoDUJ ........
0'4rtn, ft.All, 'flalr, ~ up
q!lt.1 • tra1)tt lldtdL Ia ,....
cCNMllU... Ow-.er ettns lt
llJIO -t.u. w t4ITt ...
Gr•nt W. Musick
Your Haa .. 1on Deafer
841 ra ad aDVIOI
Ill IC. &.-......... D 6-1111
........ U&t•
TWO '09 ~ ft.a 6 WllJi.
lt&Uoa w.,_ c.twy ft.In·
.,.. Harfttlp, 8eGI ,. • w • r
·~ • aru-. o,.aow. ud aA utru. WW ...S ...,
111•&.&e f!M'\y, JIA -·,.. ...
llM under IOOO JG.l. ,... ' 1M
It A 8. T • 01... AU. ..,._ tt WIJW. Willa W. C.
J..TON& a.\Ok • t1P LTI.
POWICll ftlUfO. 911; PH.
I.I 1-lfll aft.tlr .... -•. ....
Ole&a.one..-... w.11-. .............. Ill&.-.
'M OU>a ...... , .. ...._
~~ ...........
WSW. ~ .. ft7.~ _,, 1111.w. an. ' ., •· _.. ---------
~ .1.
PBoroe'l' ATS
:· :iw\aoft BLUEPRINT
2811 Mewport Blvd
Harbor '331
-.. -. MOVING?
1 no Job too am&lJ 1
U21 Hr. rcw I m111 A wan ur
.to ao mil• \'VH Y PA Y
·MOU! ~ .. t P .U C. rat ..
• ·-at.ate Of' Ne.Uon·wlde mov· : :11q. 1t.1mta tor S.Curlty Van : :u-. Ow at.orqe r at. a.re
: :WWML N'JCWKAN TIU.NS· • •f'D 6 STORAQS.-1 ... Har·
: : ..... Bl"-. CO.ta M-. Day : :u ._127t Nlpt Ll l ·tl!I
2819 Newport Blvd. .. . Harbor <l!.11
Su. M06• Ul'1
MO Joa toe> UUU.
.. 0. .+.ad ..... sou a ..,.._ •.c. a&Jboe
lllltl« MM a&tt
1114 Al ~ Jt.t@I .... lc1'ool u now at 1111 a. Mata at .•
Santa Ana. XI. l-tt11. Start-
ln&' tb1 atpith ~ ot MIC•
eMdW.11 ............. ...
..... Uwtatata ........ ...
learn Modern Piano
Ltam LO ~l·read. lmprovl.M,
pl&y l>Y .,.. 'l'~ra to
olcs.t.n -wUl tKcb )'OG M
much or u little u 70u wWt.
l\U'nl PllALEN
Ba.rtlor G4T2·W
CL.AA tor proput,. .,n.,.. It
U.O-1\ud~ for oew .tall
eama. Al Oomnll&Dlly Ctlunb.
tu Htl1~ COM. 1'61'Unf
Tb\U'W atp\. U , 7 '4 p.m.
W AJfTSI>: W°"*' \0 c:llLNI for
~ ., , .... .ado ~ Ol.ilJ .n.r ecbopl In i.r rOW'ft ttome. eor...a ... Mar ..,. ~
blaod _,..., Bar. •111. to(l62
w A.NTeD 11ti.1e OoUe;rt w Or-
Miit C.0.. l{trl .t~L· .. rd
ud room urt1Up4 for babt
&llUnc and · Ulflt hOUweWC>rk. Bar: tU.,_M fOcC1
Niis• Tuud&ya UIN J'nd&y&
'!'No 9Cbool ... ~111ldlleQ. Neu
ltul St. N"'JICll'\ llMda. Call
He IOlt-M IOpOl
MOVl!:KlillCPE.ft.,JQ:l..PllR -t 9'011ll•• ~ i.2.11 nr. cau
Har. ..1.6 IOC:fl
ULIABLS won\.UI tor Jenera!
hoWaework G boun. t dt.Y• a
Wed Mull hav• reftttnCH A
OWn traiaportaUoll. Har 4'749
6 fry cook waai.d t« perma·
n•nl employment. Apply 22G
M&rlM Ave.. Ba1111oa lalan4.
• e-Ot.-G2
Beacon Personnel
100'1 employu retained
!'lo FH eollectld rn>m &ppUcant
11() TulUA Avt~ N-port Beat h CEMENT BRICK
Tnab Raullil6 ORGAN, PUNO Real Estate Seleamen Cll&ft•Up And Voice Leuona
.PLASTER It PLtJlOlING_ 1n ywr laorn• t>y coll~c• train~ WJC han ui otnc4 that I• la1ft,
mod.m and cleen, ... ·hue you Llbtrt7 1-4161 I~ 80c:72 wlll not be tile ottlce bo)' or O tte Ll 8-0317 ~~ .. loe• your phoM calla or your
pruep.cr.a t..<:&UH Ul• of!lce i.
cloelCI. We'U IDOW you \lnder
With C&lla WIUUn a Wttk, A.nd ,.,.·u advanc. y011 wn kly on
your comml.laiona while your
cieai. an In u crow All In·
qu1nea Wlll bl held •lrlc.ly
contld~nUal. Wrtte Bo:11 No o.n thJ.a paper. G'7tt
N P.:W 6 RrPAm
';t"\r.\~Free ''" &lH
ft"'IJOfla ble Prlca
P'ully In.urtd
4 l·~TU u~
REMODELING e A.del1Uon1 e 1Wpalf11 e Cabl.Mta e Louv re Modowt
•Doon e Gerwral e&rptflltt wdrk
l.Jctnaffl Har. ~l·W
A.La I ll.MAN
Pa.l:ntln& It Paperbanc1n1
We do the work oorv!v~.
l .l•nlld 6 \A.l"'9d.
Sau.da.UO. ~t-4.
ll:aUmat11 tn.. <:au J ollnnl' w 8-2e87 .. u 8·5289
11 lfc
A Stitch in Time
MecllantcaJ and EllClrlcaJ
• Matntmanc• 8et\o\el
• Bub« .... Ill" Mn
t<c,90y roft YAJW WORK 2 1111: __ G_A_R_D_E-.._-,.N-G___ Moaday It Tr1da)' J ter .cMol.
l'tl No lawn&. Muat have l.r&rul·
porta U°" Har. U 411 toc-eJ
PA.RT TlME ~I t•late &&Ir.a,
P NnlnS 6 clunup By hour, man. rut. mov1n1 tr act work.
dav or MOAUI. LI l_.OIO att., Uberty l ·lll113 61c63
4 io pm. 47pl0 ----• T YPIST lo du occu uin&I work
EXPERIENCltO prdfontr winla In ""'n home. Rt-sM•nc• on P•·
work by hour, day or month ntnauJa prefera ble. Jhply &"
U 1-12!11 lltpll Qtl, c/o NtWl·Pr~•. l lctl -------------
rlothu a specialty L&ytlln
and ha l\d cf'Oehf'ted j1<"••1 •"'la
on orcs.r. Wl"ll. Ptd1man
Ha 4MIJ Gtdll
ln<"a l • a n n • c t Io n, Yack·
1round In mfll , r1Ld1o at.Alloll
1.et&uru 1l, fO()(I and liquor
c-.ontrol, r-.1 "tat.e 6 account·
In~ Rel. R .... ly c10 t:e11o 1
T'r .. -. Box P_.1 lll~J 1
-WOllC.AN ••Ui tr'11•pc.rtation tor
116hl bou..work, 'I Jaya $1
~r hour. l..l 1-$367, 6tr63
6enerel ContTactor : • uc:malllD Prepue tor Fall W•ther
DR.£.SIMA.:ClNO and
Houre t Lm to t p m.
li~ Mmirovta. Coal& .Mua
L~rty l·k04
CU'!ftK8 6 s~:SJUR l'l.ERk'.~
r erm&nl'nl •mploymf'nl •vall·
able In Coeta MPH 1rf'A. i-:qu1.
val,.nt to hlf h 1thool ft•d•l•·
tlon IC1erlc 1 and one yur
rltll<'l l f'll,....r1f'nr" 1 ~··nlor
l'l•rk I requlr~I S:tzl • S1T3
&ml $269 • $318 rNioeclhf'I)'
Th•H w~ka pa111 ,-acatlOll,
holld&ya, &J1d 11ck Juve, AJlply
Ot anr e Cnuntr Pl'rllonnel Of pt.
SH NorUl J 1o&Cl,..1y, Santa
Ane. Kl '7·3311, !:lllcnllon 3ll
11.6:t . 'if ... Work -Remodelms CALL
Babor aw-w Mtfc HEATING
• • To cl•an and •n'I<"• vour hH t· : • PAINTING in, •v•t~rn bttOl"i' t!M n11h Of
to lnala ll a rww .,M
CAl.L Harbc>r lMT NOW
2U :.th 8trtel HpL Bch
11 Tuf'll In Utt Herbor A .-..a
Roy' 5 Maintenance
Complete Professional
Jioor wu.tnr and buffln1
Window Oll&lliq
Uphoi.tery Cleaninc
Patiol Color wued
Phone Liberty 1·1332 .,.
Complete L.wn Care
ALIO '!'ft.UH RAULil'fCJ
'1lS.8 U1UU,...
w l.J MJl2
--f -U-RN_l_TU_R_E __ ~e w~w
W ANT&D Wl..Urdl A tounla&A ot.Unctlveq delilMd MIJ. Jlm'1 t>rift-ln. LquM.
~ ~ ., r-11•1•~ toctJ
l& .... •
~ ... ~
.,..... P.O. ...
EXCl:u..P.:NT I 1PP1lrtTUNITV,
furn apL otft r""1 rtll&bJe
rnupl• lll takt care of prop·
erty c1ur1n1 fall • winter tta·
aon R~ttrtn<'f'I Hu , 6&9!
111~ -WANTECJ aleno1 raph•r tu v.Mk
occaalonally on hourly bu ll
for prtYa l• party Writ• Bu•
RO . ..,..,.,. thl• ri-Pf'r Ill~
SAt.IJILADT -A.r n ln Jl6
Mu1t han knowlf'd .. or • ._ ••
In,. Har UU ror a pp't ~nip
'N !Utrh C'orona .:t.I Mar
WANT la.dy '"'Ith < ar to IAk•
r hlM tn 1<'11001 and ll•lp
Molhn wltll lll'hl ht>u.lework.
I hnur• • day r1,,.. d&y1 a
WMk. $1 00 pu hr. 216 Or·
c.h!cl Ave. CDM Har t117.
APP LY lN Pl:R80N : ff•nry'•,
2a30 W. Cnut Hlrtiw.y, Nl!W·
port a..KJa., Ca.111< N Uo
W .A.NT oolond or ontntal m1I.d
tor l or t rroomln11 1 "'ttk.
from t •· m , lo 12 -Two In
family. Har. ~77. tort2
Waitre. wanted for moni·
ta1 abltL UNlQUS CAJ"&
flO l2Dd St, Newport
8*edL &etfC
LADT fer dr7' c......._ -,
W'llft. _M'liml Mft 111fWtnf to
ettk ftllllbhlr Hperitncl!. ,...,
._.,_ 6 f\111 llm&. ApplJ In
N rt 0-n~ lOI
for ow-Bra.._ otno.. .U
~l loc&Uoa tor '4om•-
.a. wbo WIU WOl"IL.
... I\. C. Oretr
11&1 " s.ac1l-Jllt7.. ll1c.
UGO W. Brill~ Bl\'d.
J'lllU IJflrfttUC1J'fON
AJI l\tw tttaten.:.,. nalt.ble.
Ma&'1 rannta. Ull~ a Olt ·lllvd.
LAa\lJta 8'-11. llYatt •·T'ltl. 11tto
Ctowd fot ~ratl!\f
In our plant cw )'Ololr llom•
LI t-Tell Harbor tW
In tbe Udo IJM>ppllll Ctnt~r eouc
SAVE UP TO 70'/,
Jewelry, eapadrlll•, •hon . i 'tl"
Hnc1•1•, •l••W&rl, r Ul(I, •le.
a.tb .... lac. IMdei.-..., Dr#.
hft .._. NOMlll Pl ........
.ua c..w.t -. JMl]Hlll
bro!ltt, slMI owa _,,, •·
A.ND. a f C:IL f\. PIDl..00
Atn,enw wtua Cl"Ol9 "°'
'"'-'· ..,.,. ............ tuU ~ crilpw. aorw tor oaly
'14t. Lo~ '-1\Jr tanne or ave
lt'ii for C&lla. J A. K JC • I
A.PPLI4NCU, lQ7 Harbor,
C09ta .....
l(ELVINATOR-25~;, on!
Bt& 11 cu.. tt. retnsttator -
brand "-w 1"' ~l wttll
Mlf-detrwuns. ta flt. trener
cbNt. butt.r It cbeele keeper.
Wlvee In 4oot t~. ReJW&r
tsll. reduced to S2.3t nus
WEEK ONLY. Pay orey 111
doWa. au..ao monu. ll&.nlt
tenna.. JAKE'S A.PPLU.Ncrl
193'7 Harbor, Coata 1111 ...
Wartbou1t cloee-out. 8 C1L tL
Brand new ln o~J ca.rton..
Buy on t.cnna 16-14 dowa ff.11
JI.If mo
\ Uetd 11'
31'9 Pttty Way, Cotta )(-
LI 1·'7'6~
Ht -3rd, '( blk. aoutll of J...a. 18KRVW:L RE t'IUO. -FrMMr
runa Beach City ff.all lop, t'Xctllenl wndlUon. IJIO
HARROLD IMPORTER ~~~~ ~1~'!1' ~~
Open to pubUc Mon. tllru Sal, 1ne Ac•~ . .B&Jboa l•l.a.nd.
1 lo O p.m. IOpe2
~ coacb. C<>od condition er. upr1f bl. $125 J:•c•Uent
WELL8·1'~ARGO f:rlithl • p&H I ZS cu. }.~· AMA.NA food fl'ftJ:·
6 complrlt , Har. 11>7' tGctt condltlon. u 1-.SIO toc62
J. c. MIOOIN8 MOD•:L 30. 12. -SAVE $150 ··~ alaol;:un. 1l I CHtUrf'I '
.... Short pump action, Hn· Orf" br11.nd ~-11~ ,modltl 11
Ulat~ rib ai•ht. Cho~ ana cu. CL K1:1.VINA.T01\ re/111 ..
kirk J>al1 Ju .. t llkt ll<"W. Only rartor wtUI ~ant 100 Jb. BOT·
$ill. Af~r 6 p. m 11& ROM TOM FREtZl:!t _ RtJ\ll&r
Lane 1 bt't .-f'\?n 2l•l ~ 22nd 1409. One only on ale at Utt
St.J C<IAL.& Mua Up No c.uh down. t.'p to H
12' CURTITJON. C't>pptr Cellini:
tlaluru Pair of mod!'f11 end
t&ble• 4 nUque b,... lptU.oon
t.mpa '~ Cabrlllo, Coat.&
Me•A. fl9cGI
2819 Newport Blvd
Harbor 4331
~IK•)N SJ Can1f'r1 wll .4 Jena,
Nlkkor ll:lmm ti:\ 0, ~m
f 7.. and 36mm C/1 6 l•nlf'•
VIC'Wrtnder11. ltalhtr , •• 1r:~l
b•r: purrh-1 Aur 'M T.ll
rontl J.."100. 11!1 \'11 OtJon-
H• r 6012 ~9c81
montba banl! terma JA.D'I
APPLIA.NC.ES, 1837 Hubor,
0-t.& ......
8&\lf' '101
·~ crotl•y. Bir •·• cu. tt.
81\91Yn oa door, ~ f1"Mr,
•le. Sold n.w tor f2Tt 16
Unpaid be.le.nee J111t $1 'Ta.'3
or b1.1y on paycr"nla of Juat
$8 &3 p~r mo.
1013 f'. MA.IN Kl J•S3U
BANTA. A.}l A.
WHIR.1.POOL. larp 111• -M...cl
but fully r.con41Uoned a.nd WI·
condJUonally r u•re.fttHd Ouly
U ot on low inonlhly urma or
u ve 10"~ tor cUh J AKE I
A.PPUAHC•ll. 191'7 H&tbOT,
Caa~ M.-,.
repairing RANOF -O'KMt• • w.mt~
GUA.RA.NTE&D. I aut.om.t.Uc Um•r clock. VU·
rRU ESTIMA.Tr.S l•h1na &he.ii, chrome tt>p,
N EWPORT JEWELERS JTtdd!r. s way brot~r. .ic.
A. Im~ Ot'W $1" Sa Vt $JOO
can ownu Ha 1112t·W OTttc 1710 "'""°" 81~ Coeta Mela U 1-4111
Attn: Property Owner! 1n-Furn.ltGtt. for au.
Are 70\I nlfltcUnr 1 ouJ water l!:LIX; 81VW &. Kerunon. &11lo
blltuf wuh.-. 1-pteH ~tonal, di.1
S\attr-. dav•'°rt. HarbQr
l\ftODdlUODt' upnpt ....,..
..... ,.,, ........ from ...
,_. -~ WtU IWllL U..C
pu4 --""~ ....... """ ai. ~ te PA¥·
I I~ )l.aM9. CUI tllptq
~ la ~,ptq. IU\. OD. ,.,. ............... ,..
can N ll&laAOI • • -.,
~ . .
to rail )'Hrl7, ~ ellp or ~ fW M ft. Cllrta. AIM
will tliq ~ laddlu, cu-ncuoa ftnder • auto plkle. •
PIA.NO A Orp.a ltcn. lllt.
1t1t. Alw-.,. 100 ptuo. te
~ ....... t• Me."K&tn.
knla AM. •
Ba1'or OUl·K '7Uc -----------
8NOW1UJU>, tlllft l'lauecl llull,
fw4 oonctt~. PIO •· ._t
elftr. Hu. 0111~ or Kl
t..-aG. tlc!ll
IA.ILBOA.T, 121i ft .• JlUMd hull
re.ttatahe4, c...,., umplelt
wttll Mi.I. $160. 306 VJa is.~
celona after t :IO p.m. or w .. lt
eAdll. Har. llN·W, lleta
aA.ll. on Newport 81.1 lA a
14 ~. Sendplper
clua .Uboat. .... W:lud.
d&Cl"Oft a.IL t'vr tntormaUoa
at.op lD at Hit W . OoMt KSJ1l-
way, Newport Be&cA or c&ll
ffarboT U73. IJctl
FOi\ 141.S -t1" lbhopa)'
00Uol111 M'otl>tol& T. V. Valu.
Ptl tO Prtce 1116. Bar daW.
aUT UM fl..-t -WurlSUlr
Or1an oa u.N • WMk pWi. ~uced i. dear. i. MW Maple
ltplDKI. R.a\&11 rrwn •· au
&Pfl.IM. t&IO full lttJNud
,W-Uaed l'l'ndl. 1 8tory
A Clartl. FulltrtGa Mwitc.
L&mlliert M161, kM& AM
•~c. Klmbtf'l1 1-1n1. ....
KDowltoA ~ rv· REPAIR
11.1 h.p. Am cooled o~ • IUIHT~
$t6. HAA. lTOf.«.. llktl ....,_ ..aa. W1 t .....
11 b. p. MZRCURT aupv 10 LI UJOI
HurrlcaM, quick .Uv~r lowu
unit 2 radna' Pl'IJIA. Hu. Jtl T
A rttr ~ Gtcel
WILL TJ\AD& U.00. equity ID
low mlle&p Gt OL.Da H t Dr.
R£G18T 80JOC2\ P'UPt tor a l._
• •k&. old. Call 1...., t.o • p.a.
A.It.tr • can Kar . ..._ ntto
Hard Top FuJJ power .. utpL -----------
lnc &Ir cond-tor i.o&t. Mak• co~ too T?1..($)or, put•
ottu. H&r. UH. IO'ITC bnd. • :aoa. ol4. A. b .. ut. Gentle do• U\al would appr•·
cl-&.. a bl.6 yard or Tancb lo
J'IO&Gl, Bu. 112'-W. &6c:61
18' 8collle Crs.I\ '66 OB Cr\&Wr,
tratlu , 30 KP JC.lac Evin·
Ndt '31'50
tr ~n Tu dtnslly, fla#·
9d UM
16' Cbn• Crf.!t ·~ C&ya .
lier $1100
ll"t u ha IJltfr, IO llP VJUYer-
M I, Otlu.n ,.u1pmat 1noo
14' N -ak1t1 10 KP JCV'la·
rude ~M
lt" M1tchtU 'If ,,lllU fl&M ~rul.1-
t r 2 EvtN'\ICSe Lark 10 HP
'Eleca. P~ Wt btd trail·
«r UT•
12· A.rky S~ltoe lllporll'llhlf, lU
HP Cbryaler, Auto pilot.
Cle&n 11100
190 W. Oout m.hway
FAWN Buer puppta I wk•.
old. 116 ~ U t-1721
P$I Qwllpkut 9lelelt. C.11
~ lllOtW. toptl
PUP1 -ODtllt pu,. bNd 1S3
(llll LI WJot at\er l :IO p .. m .
., •111110!1& llcA
P JJD roa oa Kor M.cCarth7 ,..,. ...
1UO I. Mata ID 1·'607
M-JJ9r1. a-.c:JI ' n-UMrt3 t-1611 '° ..... ,_ ....
• Otcel
A nJ ~ mOCW ,.,...,...
lncJud• p&aU ud ••
• ~ lbrputaDol
l2S • ttlt It. Jiu. AM
TV Antennas
INST AU..l:t>
Anlennaa P..M .nit up
ACM!: T. V.
'26 UM Bl.
11a1 roll!>' dr .• Ooa&l7 ..-..
O'd.rtn, MJI. 'ftl!W, Mdl 1tp
n,tlta • tnJ)tr lldtdL hi pcMI
ca.iltU... Ow-.r ettsra 1t
$1 lt6 ao tu. LI t-Uft ...
Grant W. Musick
Your Hudson Dealer
141 EB ud aDVlCS
.. If. 1-~ .... .,.,..\ ADlbtf= ttue
TWO 'If .aUJC&I ft-.& It tnilt.e
8t&tioll w..-CenturJ IUri·
•ra Hardtop, 9ota P • w • r
·~ ........ o,.tloW. Uld al emtru. WW 1111 .... LWJTED OFFER $2.00 1101. t 1cf3
CltU, drain and adJu.t J'OUI • m.&C"raOMC er,... ~ ....,, ,mate JU't)t. tu ... ..,.
watu beater. • S!-A-A•tkJOf:!. • . • • . ... !!~-~~ MN~ Pt
CAii yuar DA r • NlQBT r--
JOE BECHTOLD Ht°"'U N. 1,__-.. ea.'6 AM DOtJOJn' IOLD Pboat lmDMlly ._..,,
PhuobtDr 1Carl1 pa\t1rn. color.i &Ad cul, 0nnp CcnmtJ'• orpa Hdttn.
lil&r GUO 1 lua. ~ chin.& A n1Ut1nu.
Madi ta Order
S.Umat• -S.mpi.
LUCJ.LlJll DRA.Pi:R.ll:S
Vlct.orlan m&rbt. top, plat,
maple. & ch4't'ty ttrraltun. Old
pn1, Iron toya. pellll1 baaJU.
wW be our ple&Mll'e to pa...,.
)'IN at 0i. "l\l:I) BAAN'".
laltl lfar-alvd.. GO. JO a-uo ll WK N. of w-..
m.lut• Blvd., 0 0.1 Uoll NUc-----------
Morse IO pl. ..... IMd. le ,... ..,...,., .... tlkll
8plda1 ,..,, -,... ·'9Uft
1011 .. JU.DJ Ill a.au
w vnaxo .ioop • ....,,. 1 • .-c-
1.q C!Ofld. " ... Clu'olM tnd
CO\W. ~ ... u ... uora. 11ca
, Bo•ts
80o-PD 9001'. C1rue 6 ~
av&lldllle. 0&Qr It ... ....._
ltU "'· Oou& ~.
PORTl:A DA.N ~~Alf
CONCllltT tw tM JIOIM «·
,.,.ut. l&nta .A-. T..-,
11lf1lt. lept. H . AU Untt.11.
wrtu, PMee tor tree acata.
ScJuNdt·Ph.111.. IC'.I WHO,
630 No. KAI-. 9&aLa AM. ' ....
'M NAa caoet OOVMTaT,
WW MB llD'1UQ. -Al&
ODl'fD. Aun> JOOM10N.
Ol'fll OWJCD tstM; Lt. 0..
IU1ft. eo II .... J&attlar •U.. ..... ,
lHI under IOOl ,ml. 1Wt11• ..
Jtlll. T •O'l ... AU.~
1'I ""'· ~ w. c:. J.IJ'ON& JU.Cit• UP LTL
J'OWD ITIUfO. &TC. PB. u 1-1"1 a.ft.S ........ . ...
61 l"OllD LUICK W AOOl'f "°'•m.ti.e. 1t a •. '°""' 1M*-Clt&D4 .... ,,.,... ., ..... ... ......... ., .. ...... Bar-INU •
~WM'l'M~ ~.o . ~ .....
2319 Newport Bll'd.
OlltL .-.1-&Uoa ~k .. plt'
..... -.u .,,~ C.Ctllelll
wur1'.l.cll ~'°"9. ....,.,
.,.a. Bar toa •Hu llt1W an. • p.. .. IOd1
••Uy, oftke,' do-
m ot,...,
J U NS J' A ft ft A It, bply
A.sq, 402 ~ U:Dd It, Npt.
a.rt\ ~ frona City f{alt
Gaft.,.....tUH Fllll CP .,.-.
wttb (riddll. dndl. ""' urnrr.
lk.. R4po. parotf •11 '"' t4 °' "'-iy on term&. 011f7 II t1
per mo. )'(otl'llnl' cbim.
u au•• JMCc
a..at.ttul W aua ~. p IA,,,..,.. cae.. fer cllal'WT
llT..MO °'9110. \.nee.. 1119
W. lllllboa •Yd.. Mewpor\ ..,..,,., aon u
bowttcia Iii :tr.a
(a.at ... -Ill GDlla'
en.ta.lied ...;,.... -1fNW ..
11.AUl&D • WAftOll
tm --Cmla .... . ...
... oU>e ...... , .. ....,
br&ll& ,..,...... .. .,.. ~ ooo Joa JESSEE'S ............. ., ,.,_
....... u ....,.,, lht•
101J &. lL\.Uf KI 14!U
AA.lM' A A.'f A. Harbor mt $9.95
wew. PmU.e .. ttr. lbncw
llft.W, at\.lr ' .. a. ....
. , ..
' "
I ff...,.l't 81¥:4 al 22nd •l.,
. lfewport 8ef.dl. Jiatbol' "411 -JAOUAR "&,! convertible. MUST
8.U. l'tOW. Very clMQ.. 20.·
. 000 at! ... Private ,.,.rty. But
, otttt tall.-Hu. 1S:U·l'l.
' -I '9ll PORO e\Wtom. I dr. RotiL
Mt,Mard. tnna.. IClcoeUrnl t~
• out. •TOI,,...... It. ~
8-da. HY •-Gl7 80e'2
Did You Know:
F'11r Ye.rly ,_ \\"111ter Rental
p. a. p•lm~ Im:. "1RN •pl., Oll Oc-.n Front.
Be YovrOwn Bou
•100.00 WRk.17 e,_,.. in-
n,..t 'nm• ott..-..t
B/ B
!tel POH'l'IAO t. f door, hydro-
-Uo. R • H.-~ A m9e-
eMnie-'lf ~ec:t.. N-re-
~-llH. LI 8-lf.OO. l!Oce2
thet thore i1 a Dandy
Brand Now Modern
T reiler Park t mile
from the Freeway in
t~e heart of Tustin ,
that is t;onvenient to
everything in end
about Senta Ana . I
ol• han.uri comp.any, 1n1mt.
33.3:1 VI• Ullo • Har. 1GOO
1700 \V. Cout HJgbway
Ubuty 8-&67a
Winter MO, year round •11<>.
Utt!. ~ 4810 W. Ocean Tl"ont.
N~·pon Beach. tlpe:I
------flltlr I --CLEA..N MODERN
B4LlifOA PENN. 4 bdrm., S
~UY. l&rt't lnelowd pauo.
l!'lun deck. AvaJJ.ablP Oct. I
RetWJnc t.nd oolleclln6 l'DOrle)'
fr'Oln OW' mactu.n.. tn Ult.
aru.. No Bellina ~ To quality
tor W01't YoU mu.t hav• a ear.
mt~ U10 Ca.1111 to MC!Urt
territory a.nd lnvwntory. no..
vol.Ina' I bou1'I! • wHk to bual-
n-your ftMI on ptorcen...,..
ot ooUitctiaQ ooWd n•l up to
••OO moaWy wtlh .,...,, pod
,,_itMJUy ot taklns o.-... tuU
ume. lneom• l.ncreutnc" ae-
co~r-ll'Qr in~ tn·
f'JUdt pbOM \ti &pplk&Uori.
Box N-31, Ney, ... J>rt.. &odl
·~ ACRJI:: wUJ!i trees. I tllk.
olcier boUM wtth Ip.. batty
pine L.. R. a Urepl Buna,
oorr.la. All fefte9d. Aallm,(
priee JJl,000. Submlt on dn.
Show by •PPl alt..-3 p.m..
Telephone K.lmberly T·3107
t!lr::t '
ot S.y .no Oceui trom D&n.
OWNERS F'unilahed apta. UUtl.Un lnclud-U 8-8.592 or Ha lit7-W. 69c81
115.'\ PLTJIOUTH • door, PlaA. ---------\Ve 1111.., away ten11nt• tor yoor
8-ter MN1 OYerdriv•. lnt•rklr H' COTTAGE. butane, clNn 1 M•tl!.11 eveiy Jay. Lel'e all
ll!lltertor, 91lfbi• and tlru, ptor· 1lup!I '· $7llO tncJud1n1 t:•· get LOpU1er
tect eondt~ ce.JI ow~er. ~L ANCHOR TR.All.ER o. H. LATHROP
after 0 p, m.. Harbor t024-)L Port, Co.t... M.-I;, ml. lu ::IJJ~ E. Qoe.Rl Hwy .. c. D. r.1.
1 eoetJ Bay. ~2~ lla1·. 644.2 !:Yea. HAI'. IWIBO
eel G•ra1• avaJl&bht. Laundry
with •utomatltl w•ahcr .,.,d ID&AL tOI' ehlldre:n, uftJ'umlah-
dl')'t'r. A few •tep• to Bay. ed l30 mo. Ne•t claan, 2 'i
oce.n, .t.Ol"H, bua anci library. bdl"l'.l'I home. Larae ya.rd, ne•r
Rale11 unUl JW'le UI. Sln,cle• c~ter of Coli. M•M. O.race.
$~ to le mo. 1 bednn ·e.r 31M. tre
JM-ID mo Weekly r&let t.nd NEW :a BDRM. 2 Mill born•,
li11'V!Ce •V•ll•ble. I • dn !?.=~~-~-~! _____ t\"JNTB:R RENTAL. Fumia.hedl 1IARBOR APAATNENTS =~""-~· ::: :~ 41-Aoto 8er'nce
Point to C&t&lina fl-am three
•ldM ol UU. modern borne of
many wtn*'wl -• lar&e bed-
roomt, 2 kt.bl. l•fT• l.1lniria
room. bu, completely C&rJ>9l&d
and drs.ptd AND It alta on OTl<I
of the v•ry rew fe-t Iola wU.h
a flew compan.bJe to none!!!
A re..i home tor a tar,.., .UC·
t••_,W l1U11Uy •. • _ ... 14t,7GO
BACK BA t" -202AJ Ba~'-·
LoYely .S bdr. hwd., w;w carp.,
dbl ........ •.U faoeed. \/Mw of
.,,,..ter. &>hoot fOll'lll: In ~.
V1cant. Imm. poM. ~ dn.
or autunlt. • It. 8IDil. W A.Lk DIST. TOWN,
Top n.itll! foe 3 b<lr. hwd. w;vt
c•l'JI. k oot¥11Uon. You·u like
thl•. Call tu -lll.2ti0. 1..o.,..
dCM"ll. I
2 be11rm. Lido ltle. 2. 3. and 10' lo.:. &y, llaltK., Hu. &3t4 Jtq, Adu.lU Ha.r 630:.!WK. Rental1 Wanted 4 bdrm1. ~n rront, s. .. ~. i . ~' r.~1
Wt 11ted •Pla. 1.nd h~ In al' Z beclm> \'f'arly b~~1'."1lng l.iTrLEBAJ:BoA ISLA.ND 2 1-------------
!I Cyla. (D\Ollt) --··-···U .88 1oe<"Uon1 tor t>r>U! wtntar 111d So·pt<!mbe'r I.\ tiedrm. apt.. winter re;it.a;I. ,8.., UNTU'RN. 2 bdrm. hou11t, dn~
Ei-t.s lmOlt) _____ .,68.88 )'•t.r'a ldH. rum or u,,: , , ''-~O m1nv olhera lncludl.11g ul!IUL1'9 .,. __ '"' ~ ~-~L la !_"-2_,"!:'._tr leue. T.V •" u rOAST PHOPER1 L~~s . ".... . ... e... • ~-.. ,_,,,.,, .... 1'1\&CI' NO MONEY DOWN )'t1u "'"'' a vaca"~). .. -· etttc ~ ~ phon• lMay ::n1 Ii: liJ.lb<Ht e1 .. 1.1.. Bal!!"" Prefer couple. 6111 Boin 8t
Up to t~Month• U> Pay,_ • The Vogel Co. Hl\r 26. .. 8. or 4500 1fr FURN-1~;:-~P'· 8lffJllll •. H~l1. s-dl. 119p6l
INCLlJDl'tS bulb t...bor A Pat"tl. l'UIH!e.ii paid. W!nt•r renl•l WINT"" ""N ' J~Jl W i..:.t. Uwy . N•WJ'lirl fl, Ii r..n • ~ TA.L, bdrm NfW r1n ... ..-riat pj"" .. ,••I' Ylf ..._ t.8-__ A_-=-~~l> __ • fo·'--~-----'1!111 !\'"•port lfllanu Harbor tu horn r h < N r ,en;;.-.. '"""' Uberty fl-a<181 _____ _____ 6207. 61 .... m. •· ... ea. e•• &Tfnd, lttlnaa ot mi~n '"" JDS MIU"ln•. tsaJbiua 11•11.nd ._...., North Blly. Baltio. laland. Call
be1rlnp Expert mQ.tor Ull"I•-Pli.on• Hait>ur ,4, Z BDRM Al"T furn . w•t•r f'll BALBOA ISLAND _ Wuater I Lakeview 8-1212. rioct3
Motor Overhaul
OA9Klt"T9 A OrL IJXTRA Pi...n• l:larbor Jttl lti-Oxtor,1 f.·!122• 6tr6t •U.Lr• On 1>ay b'ollL l.J l•,1£1h. Bay1~ore1
In • pn:>llta.b.le crowlnc \>\wt·
ru~1111o~ Thill ·amount wlll brin•
you 2' 1', per month on yot1r
ORIGINAL lnvnlJflant. C • JI
&tter 7 P .M. U 8-1120 ~i.: d•y or tOOO mll• &"'Jlr-~JG7 E C.L H1 .. Coruna •!11 Alo , 1,.;~1 ·~v:i;•b~:: · 1~·~':"'Ju',."~I r••ntal I b .. drm (um. apt. up· I'------------
Lldo·Ofr!ce. :ltllf VI• Udo 4Stf RF.:BlJILT ENGINES Harbor t't7l ---e Winter rtnta.l, B•pt. ~-Jun• so. M--1\IOlley to i..,..
1:111LT IN uur ~ factu17 by 170l .Newport Blvd.,Cnata t.fn1 CANAL FRONTAGE Lara:" J.:Z WIN'CER nll'NTAt. BALBOA Or Y"••IY IPuf'. Charmine .21'
akll!'!d mirh•nl.,tJI. 0on·t ovn· Liberty 8 .~')117 • -' bellrm tum. duplea •r>l11 ISi.AND. 1 IMdmom fUm!ahad bt!druom, flreplace, eiitLc.ed
t•nd wHh tha mtddla man. 11 ! Bm•ll bll•t d°"'k, •uto wa•her 1 carace ipt JM per monlh.. p&~o, Obi. l"'"'I""· fUmlahed I st & 2nd T. D. Loans I
Ouy ,1Jrac:L.. A K•l'lllf'I. $7~. 116 • $100 inciUdf's utUIUM, li•r 0871-\1.'. C1 JAMES, LI 8·22UI. tr
· 11 HOR'r BLOCK FREE I .. I month. 'nl·I utl!llle<1 Um.11 ~:ltl• -Stirvl"I" a.JI Ort.111"• Ooun~1 I
Eight mont)m olll, .S bdnn , I 'ii
~lll. bduty with carpet.I and
dr•pu. K"arbaP d!apo91ll. 111«:
t~ --e:i<tn.1 l"foloni. lllld lt'1
In 1. re&J Sood nelt"hbortiood.
FOR J UST S~ do••n
~"ULL PRICH: $11.000
Bay & Beech Reolly ,
187!1 H•rbor Boulevard
Coat.a M-. Ca.lltom1a
Day or niaht pbona U. 8-77Jf.
2 Bdr. P'UR.N. HOME. !:. 1!dt0 cl~ to town. Spic A •pa.n,
Owner lrlJlal $3000 dn. l11('1. rum. A pl.paur• to 1how.
Mesct-Harbor Rlty.
OJIPl*le U. B. Bank
G. C. SEYMOUR-Rea.It.er
,">09 Center Coat& Me.ea
LI 8-fill li:Ye Ll 8-3760
tlr H• l!litl-W
Corona del Mar
FORO tlW:iZ Uil -----S 04!10 July I II. H~r ~7-\"." •tl"r ---\\'INTER Rl!:NTAL. 3 bJrni T-••t ~-•-Bon•ht 6 Sol~I-' -S 11 6 ao p m :wiuc' tum. hnu"" 223 He.UollVpe. • ..... ~ _ u
""clCK -.0---·--!lltiOO Qll fCl\.LY AND l-.;A~ll.Y STUDIO Al'T W1nt••r 1 ... n1~1 Balboo r .. Jand ~·el Royel Mortgage c,.,, DRJVE BY M4 Cotta J.leM. 81..
PA KA (6 cyl) .-12000 811""1-Y CA'• 8EL"<-p· ., " II•\ Y \\" I ' I 0
l doll houam on woocWcJ lot. So.
of Ht&hway. O>mpkottly twn-
lahfod arid c:1rpetotd. Knotty
ptne lnterlort and p ..... uy
~tlo• Uve In on• a.nu ~nt
tJw-C>thet I •nd :l bednn.,.
ED, J2J.7!10, Exr111.11ve wtlb,
t'HEVRQ....,., ----M!OO c.r •"1 Y•e&ncy In Or•l'll" Co I C'oron.i Ori Mir Call Har 1~ E. SIDE COSTA MESA I
-...._. r.. • • R<'aae>nablt Hir 40(~ 6-0o;~:l ... '"r ur "' .• ltJm ~I' ~ 2 ~ hr phOflt •eiv:r• 2 b(lnn and dttl, ftreplace, tlUI·
PIJ"lll.,. Dodf• A P'ord I -110600 ' Kl 7 3~1\L l'rut••rR r'"~' :i, bdrn1 •urn LIDO ISLE H b 'I 2) •tUdl.111: charm. lovely pt.Uo ~J ' I I RI CHRYB ... DE SOTO -·1~00 • ~ \\"fNTP::I~ RENTAL 1 .. q~e t111·n ApL A•r)'. ll 1bt.. Comtor\abt"" er or Q prl("fd rlJhl. THXN CALL · 1 mar1ner1 'e ty.
STVlJCHAKD --rl•oo b1y \'(f'W llp\ 51 ~ mu tn-Jl4 L'<inil 41 ll w,,11~r ~nt..11 CQl:Y 2 bl' I, >Ill 2to2 NeWpl)fl w .. d... N'prt. Sch 318 ll(&rlnp A""· &lbioa. ll&and
OLD&. 6 PONTJ..AC I -1120 00 t8--Anta.. A , h.d~• utll • J>l'F"l.ltf' 100,:, flU'f1. ho.•""-Jo~1rep1.t.t .. , p&U!!, Cl • V H ·H.um JIOJ)I ,t.=-2!.~~ ~~~!I \".' Bay ill'f" Ne1<pc.rt ~•ch NEW l'NFllR."118HED dnpk-11 db.le.. ta.rllt'f' $126 mo. LOANS TO BUJl.J), (a(p'RUVE. a1re an orn
KA..USma 1'4>0& 00c:fl2 apt&. Qul•t 1lre-tt So ya.rd OPES. A"•1!at>Je Sept It BUT, MOUERNLZZ, OR REALTOR
WDllOll (t) II ~1-•14000 QN BAL.BOA tST.ANO --work. W1l"r furn.. 221 U..a-21! \'I• Dijon Har 3t114-W RJCrlNA.Hl!Z Z73'1 w. eout Hwy. LI M277
PLUS lNftA.LLATJON ~E\V 2 BURM. ruRN APT $80 Lrlt" 8L. C011t• Al.,u. lnqidra I or ~•U M•d!K>n fl·i281 ext. ~ Wa Bu1 Trulll o-ia c.iJ eveL U t-32Gtl HA :W!a..J
()psi 0.U, I tot IE.ll, US ft>J )'Urly and per month lJ"UlltlN lni•!ue\rd. f'arly *"'t'nlnga at 2l2 ~-20th tik72 N'EWl't.!RT BAl.BuA 8AVIN09 HA Sfl8
Jilo9da.J' 'W f p.m, ~nal l'allall 1i~ JrHrMn anft btoth f•llJlet-St !l'T<"«i3 I A WAN AISU(..1A'MUN
Buodq' a to 2 NEl.DA ClBSON, Rewltor ny h"'•' TV •nttnn• Win· Sl:E THIS. Corona del Mar ..,.. Vlm Lido Ph. Ill.I. f.IUD
Bloell must r,..i, O&Jr at.an4ar.·la toe M•rtn• A~ 11a.rbor M trr l"f'nlsl 31(1 Al•·arad<"> PL. ~1UNG i,...,.1n .... wom•n wou; I vcarly rental 2 bdrm unturn tte "-r.u. ... ~eb &Dd 0t1 BAL.8UA ISLAND I li..lt>o• Ha l7lll-).t !>'Otf1.' lik" a:>mtron,. 1,, ah•rP •rt •I houw. elOl<e ta mkta. A be~h-
--r:o>~tlle•. tt,.1 MO 50ct2 "'·' AdultJI, no pO!tJI. Gf~' F'ern-I 11 ond 2nd T.D. Loon•
UDO ISL&. quallty built 2 bdrm.
home. Many plu• f.,.\l.u'M and
Harbor 4781
Balboa Island
2 BDRK. f\lrJl. horna wlUI fU-.
•rt-Near North Be.7. 8)'
Own.a. H&l'bor ltu. 43Uc
JIO &. :Srd BL Kl 342fl4
Alfl•l"l. onr moik'rn unlurn•~h,.,t
bom<l. abdnn, 2 b&.tha. i... n11 •
Wlt.n •Udh1c 1ta. w•ll 10 ..,.
fludl!d J*Uo. .\lat'lo& b&1 ·L)~
kltl:'.rwn bullt•ln o>l'n • rt.lllrP
HUl'd perqt1d Ooora, 5211() po-1
mo, l yr~-SAL£8 u Jo·r-·11 ·~:
op~t.. !RVINE CO.t.Sf
OOUN'rft"( CLUB,
CORONA DEL f\.1.AI~ -----I leat H1r. 6Zjj ri1ce1
On l Year Lea.1H's
r \'0 bt-<!T<>on1 lll>flllll l(tU\lnll
floor lf'I "' ~Jf)•, Lol•l<Rf>1Jr
I:~ · :r 1~»111!1"\ p~1 .. , 11••po~·
-IK-R-l-lou9H for Rrnt
2 Bi:Ofil( furn hUUal! Jj~ mo
\\'attr pa 1<l No l"'ll< 111
30l'h 13l. Nt'wport Bl!•rh !>9p61
1'1·11•t Deed• &u.gbt It SQld
2l-hour phon• ~"
Horbor I 549
l'QQm l.o expand Loc:atf!d on Fnr C-2 llOned ~ prope:rt1 3,~ ft l.ldo .Nord oorne:r lot I ln Cotta Ml!P with rent&J, be.t
•cro1.1 f'rom balhlnf ~h buy tor lnYut.ment, unm.dlata
l'rlearl 1.l J2tl 16&. Good ~rm• poU•e•looft. Ille t\JiYa I.hi Uy
"""""-I Work ~tit.Md
roUR S'IVDDAm na•1 l'R
MM HeWpOrt Bhod. Kar. 1110
°"""" RIO HAHJ:'j' S
A\lf'O R.A..010 lUIPA.IR
tot &. 29\ll" IL
H.anol' f'l'll5 W....-pcwt Beaab
Clll!•\ Hwy 101. Newport llarbor
C..U Uar. 4448
'P.'l!\'TE.R Rl!!NTA.L rrom Sl'pt A
~rn I Br 4 den, 2 S.thl up-
per dupl._ On Canal A 11
uUI pe.ld, A canrr $711 mo
· SJ"pe 8 .unrort.bly. :Wll
Marcu1 Wewpo1'l J•lal"ltl. H•r
lUJ~ fl0rl2
Unhlm!abecr apt.a. W1th pr•&"•
l 8 It. PO • 2 8 R -fl IU
f'b. H•r IJM -C"• liar Jll)t,
CA.U. llVf'lfA CR.A.JU
Jlt lb.rln.. Balboa Ialan4
Rar. 20 rw ...
... _ ...
3 bf'droom fum , 1v•llable n>urLI• 60tf<· 1 DAN A JACOMEN Real r.~te
ur Sepltmh-1 2 BDkM f\.Tf~:O-: horn.. n~1r Ltdo Rea.Jly Aaocialeti I Hubot Yiu
AN[> 2 beolroun1 rum n~wr,· df'rot•l~ tlllv a orr•n l10 ~r mo 2111 > 00 v u I LOANS for Homes ._4 lt. ® ___ !arbor _622l U 8-ITlll Kl 2·1117 Ll 8-4317 On• L ,,,1 bo••u. fllr 11 •pl 11 1·e111-. '"'.w $I :>0 ~&lh St .'\~p<:irl B"•ch _
H '~ 2 beodnJOm •nrl lif'n r .. rn \l'lnl•r f)!Jc;fll • <111»1l1nn IOar~lt'"· Bii\' &':lli -20 yr. Z.-n1 I 4 UNIT APT. HOUSE
,,,." l•un•Jr' U1•pou.I. 8Pf' rorntal, Ji:?.'.I. I BALBOA ISLANO \\'Inter Rent· 7 \'u.1• Old
Mn \\01r .. 111 'M <'111n1.Uon I '"C" Thoma.a. Re11.Jtor / •1 2 bdrm rum. •PL s6:i ~· Construction loans 2 _ 2 Ar>! ~'· li11 1 i'l~. Courteay I~ 22t W ("'oA.al HIW•I' l.J ll .,,,z7 n10. U_.,t• 6 W•ter ""Id C•ll I bedrm •pt.a .• ! l ·bdrm 8nJ "•· .--SD BOB &A TTLllR •pt•. t car port• Thie very
kf'rll 63ll 1 Newport Bl!&c.h Ha ti HI ll9'ctll UH~ ICAilT C0A8T BL\'D ik'atr•blf' property b r In 1 •
UNFl"RI'\ MlJl•~:H!'I ! BDRM. BALBOA lBLANO haneymoon C.Orona dtl Mar H1rtioT 3111 ha.ndaomP Inc om•, PH~
dupL<·"· i:a1 1> <1.1111<> ..... I • .... ater l'otlas• b<'•utlhllly rum. AYaJI-49-Roomt for Rent Rtp. f"Uutll:R MORTUAGI: OU 133.!l-OO tttrma. )07 Eut BaJ .
J>Akl. Yt••r\\ '"ntnt Avall•ble •ble (or w111t,r rt1nt1I P41rlact llll•tro Ut• I.a.a. ltunde IU i-.~116 00. Blvd. Har, 3608 1Wk:8~
~pl 17 \\,.•t N"""f'O•l S.nrh for 1 nr 2 " 1 lit~l .. ane LARGE ROOM .u1d bl.th. private fltf<il!
LI 8-0478 66t!I' H•r Z810J 60cl2 ""11.nlnc:•. ,000 twin beda. pr-
--------.,.-., ln~ely quiet n"l&"hborh00<1 56--Monev WM&ed SHORECUFF
LOT BAT VIJ:W 2 b<Lnn 1.pt Yflf"Y TWO Bi:DRMS unrurn '"e•rl1· LI. 8·1'>121>. l"l'ik:el I ~::.._:::::::::J.L~O::::::::. ____ '
nll"f'l)' rum. TV n•bbtr Ult Lea.II! Av•ll•bi.. Ol't I. Lo-Larae. '1ttW •nd In~. 121.&00
nrt .. IK" wardro~. g00tt h'"at fated 48 .I< RlYPr Avp H111 ROOMS In ~ hon1e. ol'le twtn MONEY NEEDED FOR Te:rmt. ..._
1 •1 111k to IM"h<lol. rloeo> 10 *'ll-~-W IOllc bdrm with beth A t0n" wl1h JST It 2N0 E«lua"° W1th
r .. llcnt brh Ullllllf'• lnch.1!1ed. - ------prlv•le l!l'llrt.ncor cano,.e •vall TRUST DEEDS O.borne--Fortoo Re<y
$12ti. 11Lff \\" Bay AVf. ruRN 3 bdrtn or 2 bdrm A w 8'9H4 69cill H•r ll~ 07Uc. dfon. J l:V, vftr 11!1.M' A uto. lnv•t.nktlt Well .ecuttd 2!U W . Cot.at Hwy LI 1-7062
waah@r dbl. prq-._ AvUI. l by Rll&J 1:9tate i:::. .. H•r. Ill~ etlcf.2
P'urn •lngl" A d<JUble aptio. tM
lo HO 811.rbtlor •pl.I. UO. 2
bdrm•. $1 00 Ut\UUt.ll paid.
lfl"'i• a1·all11bl0!. Ha.r. 3308
BAL804 ISLANIJ, Lovt•ly No.
Bay :I bedrrn. Winter rental.
rood hPal. lar1!! 11 .. lnc room
with n •TJ1• r•••.P 1100 mo
pl111 utllllh~·• lnq. 2~4 O•nwt
Avp 119"11 ,.., MO FURN
1011'° N. Ba.)o
1•nc&. ~"lfliltr.
bMch •rt.
P'ront. Slilboa
S.pt. 10. Sant• An.I. H~lftllll * • • • Up lo 12~ Yield
Ll 8-.119Jl &k-l!ll ENJOY LJvtNO on t~ Ol'l!fl.n
unturn. ri.-u.w. Of\a l>lk . lo
new r-am-r 1elwlol. nkla r•rtt. ca~\a and dnpe1 tn
11Ylnr rrn. Har 11374 &tldl
"''ll'lTER ltEl'fTAL -3 ~
rum hOWJe 1111 Bar ll02t ~1
front Co1r1plettly furnlll~I
kltebtnett• •pt.a. and "'°"''
wtth prlnle bath Maid lll!r·
vice. V.... TV. 2l06 W. O<'ean
F'ronl, Nawpc>rt n.Ach.
H.nor :11&7
* * * •
---------4B-B-Rown • Board WA~ nlc• family tar ne:ar ::C~--'-'"""-''-'"''----· I
nf'W. l bdrm f\lm bou111. iM WANT ROOM A BOA.RO
per mo. 304 Stn• SL Newport
&:PnU•m•n tl9 yn. okl In rlf'an.
l'MIN'C'l•b'" llo!M' Non .moker
•nd t1rln)teT, C'an Rar n.l-M ",,..
Harbor 1123
Royal Mortgage Co.
Money W"t.nt.fd tot tlnit tnm.
ttetdt on loac tnm 1euf'ho-14L
W\JI pay ·~ lnterf'9l. 10 :yr.
a.mortt•Uon. Can Mr.. Voetl.
V"'t(orl C"..o, 32(11 W. Ooa.t
Htrhwa¥. N-port l&et.el'I, u 1·3481 Moel
Close to Lido
Het'll"'a .n okWr 2 bl'drm. tlo\iae
tor $13.l&O wit.JI oaJy $2'M
dooWn. Tlw rod lh.lnc about
Ull• pa...:. Lt 1t. ~Uon.
•bout • block to Richard• Lido
markfl. and H ft. to 9Wlm-
min• "-eb.
Bob RJqway can lllO'W you.
H•rbor ~18' eoet2
Level R-4 , Lot
Forced to Leave
Southern Calif.
Ioli.et aelJ modPrn 2 Mdl'oatQ
hirot.11 turni.bed.. L&r1a comer
lot, X.wport Rot.ipt. ..,...._
PriciPd lo ..U lll.~. Ttnna
e 10 be •~l"!d
Ralph P. Maskey
QUICK l'OSl!E8810N
$1~ down: 3 bdmt.. J'i bt.t.L
I yr, old ltnt:l!d J.rd. """'""'·
p!lllO. llllo. pt.ym-la 111 ,&()
l"ULI prh:a $a600 1114 11.att.of'
BlYd .. co.ta MMa. LI 1-lltl en. LJ .. SU6 HprJ
UCRIJ'I(:m -M•t ..n U.1<1
wnk. Allf'fdl"' 2 bdrm, iind
dl"n-F'Ully t'"lced u.cl ~
~peel,. Lars• pauo.. w tw
car,et A df'fped9 llmlOUl.
Jnch~dad.-•10.eao. M5 par me),
lnel~ taxa 6 tnMtt.nce.
Call owner II.ft• • f!· ~ u S-Mll'f Okfl
-tr *"~ ~yfront on ~~aide Drive • ..
IC etJllt be ltl , • ,... ..... ,..~ ....
• Aid ., .,... .._,
~ly f\,lflWMG ... _,.,,,..,
• ......,.., IJJ J.U. CluUtler. "nai.. '-di...... MCh wtt1I lill&tlL.
lad. t&mU1 ,_ or tt.h lltdrocc.
hUk ~ nllae wit.II ~ Mth.
Bay, oll&nall\ &JUl ece&l\ \'MWI
ftOe UM a!Wll)' llYIAf roona
ud e.u., .,..na;
Built·l• HJ.n ud TV Cloeet.
8ec!Udld PaUo w1th
~--t 1i&ntln1• ,.
Th• kJt.cbtn 11 a drnrn
mau walnut ~WDrll
Modern co~ matcbld appU&nctl.
TllU ex.c1118&ve bonlt, tnclu41nl complflt cua ·
Lim Curnllun a.nd appU&ne• dN11n9d tu1 orac:b
&rM, la ot the cal.lltr• •ldotn uttered for .a.le
S.C.UM of a c'h.t.nr• tn tami1:v plans. th• "
bull• atlen lhll Oelux• home to ow wlfct
buyer .mo can afford tht beat.
We ar• lmmtnMI)' proud of thl1 llomr and v."
ple&lld to IMW It t.o you lty 1ppo\ntrt1f'nl.
You won't wan"\ to l•vel
Lido Isle Perfection!
.._., to IJld belttr thal'I
ltuler Mdroora w1Ul b&th
Two olh~r lledMoml 1.l'ld
J'l~pla.ct -Forced I.Ir furnare
W&ll·to·Wall ca,,,.Unf Ult'ol.ICbO"l
't'allot'Td drapta
l.J1&hwuhcr -[>lapoaal
l..&l!lldry ll'f'I
IAvtly PaUo
Exclu•I\• •nd a pl~ure lo •h'.l••!
l.J•k> 1 ~•t buy al U• :.oo'
Ocean View Duplex
1!111111'\.ttt ont·l\Ory la ltlt ai-.a:
Earh unlL ha.• -
2 nlrt b.-rl10<1m1 flllll <"nrlM~ll UnA
u1&blt a. third bedrt1<•m
I.Ari'• llvlnic '""m v. 11 h 1t1r11ni arr•
'1,..plart -tc.rrf'rt 111 fur111> ~
J l...au,ndr)' r(1<1m. cu•r•
L•w•IY lan•1•<"•fllnl
(Jue un1l hu t•rrifll" r><.••n vh·w •awl tr~ll•1l 1'
v.aO·to·"'•ll carpt't,11.: and <1r•r~• Tl.r ••ther
unll h&• l\ardWood Cloon t.11rou1ho\Jl.
i.;;n• 1 ornu lcA In ~oron• Hl&tllllml.o Tl.II
11 a '""I home .. lit) Lnrom--,nm11lthnl •
J• 1 :WO. 1.:ood term.•
Willard L. Killion, Realtor
Lehv Murdoc.k, Auoc.iate
334 l ~f'WpOrt f"VO N""'(l<)rl S.-arl;
Harbor ~VO
Opposlll> the Cltv Ha.II
lO x 80 f"f'...lldentlal 1,.,t, P"..atrt Balboa Bh·d w.th
~rmanc:nt Bay vt•w. tenna can be arrangt•ol
BALBOA DUPLEX -P'uml.shed 2 ~rtrm ""d l
bdrm. All on rround floor $2MO will h11nd!c-
<1000 BUtUNE.!8 COHNEJt. 3 uni t. -beauty
ahop lt'&'letl -2 two brdrm unfurni11hrd h111J!l111
S 18,000 with tf'rmll,
OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX. un" 4 hr. 2 bath honir
It 3 BR. ~r: apt. 2 (Ar gar. & laundry nn. All
tunuahed, $2i ,500 tennl!
rRIPLEX o .• S..l~ Bl\'d r·um 2 BR . 1 HH k
aturi lo apta. S1!5.:'100 t<'rm11
Rtmi JA YIU!:D ,Realtor
Mild~I Rig1s and ~ylv1a T'homp!lon. Allam ,.
301 !:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Hu ~or <l&OO
:,,..$~~~~ . ..I
1\nom f'Qr wul• . . 1•n1• · l
t. r ~·'Rllim a 1*b1D i.e... • • ,.., ~
ltoM ftref&. .,,..w. dml ftooei l\1hul tMnDo \ccdloDld ,-~ cnm .-P lb•••il tor KINGS · •Pt' abaft. Tl1&l1 a BARGAJK at· SH.180. mx..
CI.UllVS wt~ 1111. • KOMl1 or C1IAJUiC wt~ 1&n• atruct~d vte# ot a.y &ad
oeeaa. I belll1Dll. .. .... 1ldl
Ji•. room, M91UltuU1 iuo.a~
..., frow>Cla. la.M tt. lleac.I
.. ntt•rtd nnlMl.lftl pool-A.
MUST 8£111 .uJUa1 .'8,00I
s. r nn.tA~T.I' 2 bed.rm. 1ao1u. 4ble. pnce.
Immedlat9 pa1111 ''"'• OPJ!:N HOUB 1-8 p. m..
~7 ~. Price4 at $14,000. 1 .... tu
ctowu ~ McmthlJ pe.,._t. ol ff8 ..
BAYSHORES vp•ma or KVL'l'U'LS UftlJ'QI .
·coRONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. I Ont or the mOlt altraotlve
homr-• IA Olw cholee pri•att
colony, 3 btdrooma, plua ~·
rate ruHt toOm, I~ MUia.
1tu1l1-1n ltltcllen, din. room. J'.
A hc•t. rncl. patio w1tb bU·
i,.,. u..,-U8.000.
PIUCID T. MaCUIS'l'lON, R•lor 6 +.,,,.tatAlll
a«1 &. cast BwJ. 0orona aa v... Bar.''
Cottfre loeated nest door to Newport SaltMlr ..U, QIM)
2 ~ J uet lh• llom• tor a ~
family-I Mdroolna, II f1u11Uy
room. If'· 11\'IAI ream, din.
r<>Qrn, 2 nreplac:>el, n~ .,, to w
1·ar~U~. n-A./r In kltch41n.
H:XCEl..LENT VAJ.11!'; at
JU W COUl Hl(hW•Y l.l 1·~21
.!"twp<irl Bff.ch
B/ B
,.,.,, llnlv $">(100 11nwn, }'1'U ran
11111~ .. r ght 1nll) thll nlr~ly f•H•
n.tih .. 1 ~ b911rlu horn• with ~r·
11 tin•nl Y••"" uf ul t•n Ov.·n~r
' I••• 1el'l11r"'I th• prl1;t lo 1111.11-00
fu1 qut~k ... 1 ••
Corona del Mar
T11Ur 1"1 rfl'l\fflt hom• I lt<lrm.
nu .• v. Y<KI noo• Cnc>d IDC•tton
Oarli~ ,.,. Iv :or an addH1onal
•partrtt«n' :-:,,. p!lr"d uncln u:. 000 s... traa anti oUI• no
Bay & Beach Rlty . Inc. 1
•U:At.TUl\S I
rt'lrnna 11•1 Mat Otttr,.
J~JO E 1 t nl 11 ... y Har~
I l'h•
·u1 l'IT~!T'' B1111n"•• i.;><•t
In lht
J-l\~t1•._t l~IUY-•rli l1al\
I'! t:n~• a t.lrM
$22 ,500 Cash
uf ~ •Jru l l•l ,,,.., r1 "I ~11 y • ru 1h r t•n\"<1 •nil
1.,11ant1 v 'll lakr a f PAAf'
fu1 • l'l><untmr:it 1 all I
MHPl ;:R fl Rr.TMIEI'\ o,..rrr
I••"~ H•r lfllll l:•·u LI 1-67~1
Exclus ive Beacon Bay 1
I\\,..,,, 'ti I l • ', .. , ''uA n1•t::
r. tir .. m • 1 .. •l•m 1 t.th !arr
I 1·v h l1 m t Bf:A l 'Tlr'l:U. T
B\ U.1 Lc.-elv pauo.
titO< )( lo 1>1 IYa t.-IM'IH"ll. p,., I
• fnr •m•ll oo .. t •M Ul\ll li
rouru Attra.rtlV•ly tw l\llhNI
/\ wuniif1ful 11a lu• at •U •~o
F:11c1u.ive ""'th
Meriner1 lilt Rlty.
318 Mann,. A\•' l\A1t•ol hltind
lbrli"r •1111
Bl B
2 BJt. home-UJO feet from Ba1.
A.lk1ll1 su.eoo -Twma
3 -1 BR. turn1ahed unlt.a -Heut of. Balbot.'1
bt•t rental area.
$11,600 -$MOO doWD
NEWPORT ' rwniabed l>\lplex -Pot.tnU&l
per yeu.
lnrolT'.. ~20~0
Bay &
$U.~ tu.ll price
Beach Realty, Inc., Realtors
2025 W. BaJboa Blvd., Newport Buch. Har. 12M
Ev .. Hub9r 18M
Up1ide Down-View
Tbe hoUR la up1ide down, lhe vttw la on tbe
levtl from an upat&ir. livin1 room. Your view
a the country-aidt and milts of blue Pacific. nu. cuatom built. houM bu 2 bednna a.nd den,
l tlrepluee. a.nd unuau&l privacy. Would Lakt
many lhou&And.a more to duplicate -only
p ,ooo -tuy term•.
R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor
R. 8 , HODGE. Aaitoclat•
3622 E . C<ie.tt Hwy., CQrona del Nu.
Har. 27H
4 79 MOR:-; ING CANYON ROAD, Corona Hlg~
landL Deluxe duplex with VIEW. New. amart,
dialmcllvt ilode-rn with unutual chum. 2 bed·
room• f'&rh. thermo kstchtn. eo ft. lol. $34.500
Large ~ hl'<lnn. 21-: bath11, "all to wall raqv.·t11.
drapta l.Arft lot, rxcf'llent condn.100 anrt 11
BL' Y at U I ,!',(I()
:? dandy homP11, 8 btdrm.-'23.600 and 2 betlrm.
2 b&th, s~.000. Both cornpl•~ly f\Lrnl.ahed.
:~ Wrm. home. t>nutif\&Uy l&nd•ollf'd.
MYRTLE DAVEY, Reeltor & Auoc.
Helen Baum Bot> gmtth Haul Condon
M32 V ia Oporto Hubot' M4e
B:vta LI 8-~297 LI 8-1700 Har. 1017.J
• Pt•tty v.•11 built Noar •<'IV1t1I Wat•rtront lot with 1'>1111.l•f'••I
•nc'I dOM to m•rtl•l. l'l .. lly, cio. to ctv10 e<tntrr l.A:<IT
lt'• a darn Jf.od b\17 II nnly C.HANt:ll tu &•l nnt foir LOTS * LOTS 'I\' 1.0TR *
RL'tUi y(lllr own 1r 1;11M 1
for '"' prl,.,. "' nn• 16.ftO<I
JIOOO Sl 7.~
Move In locla.y Th,..• ~ll")Om Clnae &n hmne. f1.,·1nJ; p<Hk n~r
hnm. -1..:0 1 ar 1•race • I'•, !17th •tr~l S2000 f'lo"' n '•'")<!
i.&lh• -hra.nd ""'"" VI!~ ttntal --onl.v S!l~OO
l'OO<I atrffl n••r ahnppinc
• cent., Paym•nla only H9 COST A MESA
~r month f'Ull rrlo 1.a ol\Jy $l0 700 Ntw I b<tnn llomt 2:.1 1•11mrll•
' L&ftf'_ s 12~ dowri
PHIL SULLIVAN & ' "-u• for 10"'' """
llM Newport Bl¥d .. OMU Mua
• fllane U MTU ~RN ·~
N. B. C. Realty
J2nd antt Newport Rl vd ..
AN ~~CLllBlV!!;
'3 Wun humP on Rlvrnihl• fir
v.-s:h Hai btlr View. ltar .. llf'flt
t•rm• It lmm,.,1 .,o-• Har••·
\\"OO<j n!'Klfll food }lu t1n1 ..
flrf'plarr , 1111100 r.11 l'.1 for
apJI I,
In ht-art o! bf>&uUtul Coron& dtl Mu. 3 income
uni ta. 2 &re nicely furn.. 2 patio&. Clow to
ahoppin& 1 1 ~ bike. trom oct&n . $32.750
2647 E. CoMt HWJ., Coroa& del Mar Har. 882
ClUC.trrl:~ f'A LCftlll 'ft T
lll )(1rtnt Ave , Bal~ taiand
Har &971 • H!U': 1MO
Curt DoaJ\ • ctarenr• Lake
~t ..
F« happy lnlormal Uv\~! I
bc'drma, a ll&Ula, ca~ and
draped. hup ~. FA
hc9l. diall11'ul'lrr, ........ JtllCI
ol Ula. Attneunty cteeerata
A ~ ~111 lilOCM.
' I C,... In ell) ot Onui ... ldi'al
chllt"<'h ot ft!OWI ltt~ Only
t to.000 -"'* '°wn. Dan A. Jacoob-. l\e&l IU\&l•
J 16 · Ma;ine Ave.
Balboa l1land
Harbor I 560
Ronchy Ort1m Home Morinen hie Rlty.
A ftdMlp. I bldl'oom ae ... ~ · wttJa ...
Ina and rocm to baM aa mn alt ·au o. L
loen at "3 per,_.Ua l•h"''"I ._ 6 tuu:r-
abce. oWali-out ~ to... wsaa olhr. ~ , . (I, TWO UK11' llALllOA Df·
COD. lud1~
J\&mt&Mt ol eoww. ,..0
~ •U.C-W1U. bt·
daridu.l ' a t 1 o a. 120.000,
( ') OCllA.H J"RON'l' DUPL&lL
Uboa P.run.ula loc&UOL
Comar locaUon wt lb iu,..
walW petio. 81•pe up to
JI people • • • T up and I
d9WJL Tsrrtrtc tor home at
tDcom.. $22,DOO, tarma.
3 Mdroom, 2 bat.b ba7 f;;;t witk .... la .u, -/IDO.
3 bldroorn. 2 bath ..... ~ ud ··~ tlft;.o.
3 bedroom, 2 bat.b apartmeat In Lido Dop an& f2T8/nao.
Cf) DANDY a 1.1 II M ID R Ok
"-'nftlCR BOIO: In BaJtlo&.
I bedroclnl, I tMatha. One
block trom Bay Stach. rur-
alMM. Owll•r Jl< ca.Ii.ct and
reduced prtce t.o Sl6,000 tor
l(Uloll aetlon.. Tenn.1. CaU
todq Wore 10me othet
lucky t>uy.r ~ tt nr1t.
3 lot.I 00 u.. ,.tnlnault.
point. llde l>y ..... 111'
cs..p. llwll<I T \Wte, tM,000.
Balboa Realty Co.
Oppoelt• Bank ot A.mertra
l\oal Oneler lld IM J-pMn• ..,ebb "'° •. Balboa !bd. Ila.Ibo. Phone HarbOr nn
£ut1t4t C. V . Cb•ck Ulue fta·
tures. S bdrm. 1 \.t bat.ha bN•k·
tut apace, d1nln1 area, la.r1•
llvlJ\f rm, blrch cabtnru. la.rr•
•·ardrobea. lt• than 2 yeu1
old llO lo\, ftnced yard, •w·
au, curl>e. 11\'tlan..
l year nld t bdrm. '" b&lhs:
k tt. tan, dllpt\UI, 1tw~11
cur"-. 1utlen. peun, d1ap11 UI•
cl1AchlO. A wondntul family
home, priced rl1ht.
$6500 Complete
A. clun, aharr 4 yur old, nn~
Mdroom homt • MUil be "an
CaJ1 IA.a tor ltrma.
A. nnr. Juirury, 2 ~rm hom•.
clow In lo <10wntown C M
hlly carpet..S T1la floor Ill
bath lll• .. ·&111 111 ILltol'ltn
Lars• doubt. .:aro.gt Pallo-
outa1de tlreplan • kf1HI. A
wondtrtu.I hum• fl)r r.tlrtd C~t I
H,000 down 3 Mrm bnma pay·
m•nl• l.ke r.nt.
l l aoo Gown, (QUI' ~ll'OOIO llomt I
SH thl•. • I
Realtor I 1eo1 Ha1hor LJ a.11u I
Sale or Trade Tustin
~""' rt•nch type hume, ""'er <K.
cuplf'd nn c·or r.t•r lot l 10\ I Z.'\
F:xrlumv• 'l'uaLln R«tn111 .,....a
Thi• 3 l>drni 1 I w1U! tlr~pl •
a.._ baUH born• COM1-ll or If .
Lv1 rm. wllh ri...-tone f ll•·
pl • pla.nlerw. Blc Una . rm
l'ull ·•flfUI lllldl~ JLU9 doOrs
le> pauo A dream kltU\tn
bit In el~ o•an lhd n nr•
tabinata 1aJore, plua I& bl<
UH Servi<:• purell for laundry
•n<I fr-~''· Loi.JI o f wood pan
,uni:: xt llnd l11l Hw"'td
noor., fl)f'l",.,.,.alr rur. lnlrr'('()m
a.nd nlltlO 1)'11 DtJ Gar. rronl
yd. L&M<' Wllh lprtnkm' I)'•
9-t ot all lhll c lMn, "'1Jht,
l'httrflll hflm• M• Jul\ ~n
f'i!'dll<'~ f r o m P&.000 to
J:lt.MM>. lPnna nr ~•'1• tor
lrTTl&llPr home or lnl.a. Call
Jl'RED Cl\O!UER A..,,.., -..Ith
V•mon Vuntine, ll9Qtl T1ui· un A\rt, l"hon• K.l ·1-1H7t
llve. KI ~1141.
I vnlll -compltl•I)' t\u'1111h'4
f"ull prtca IU.000 I
Wm. W. Sanford
Bal'bo9 T&land, Bar. UU
All tvUbecl.
A hl&h potential, li llJ&oe ~ CCMltt iD Ua•
l>Nt cloee in location. WitlUa GDe block of
Newport Blvd. near ~ buamt. dlltrict of
Coeta Mtu. Deapit. poor ~t. lbowa $4~ monthly Income. All IJl&Cll9 an modVD
lncludJnc 11() and 220 eleotrtc&l eauectiou.
Includee a two bedroom boat• tht cu be pv·
cb&Hd with or witboul trailer COW'l. Jp>apu-
tion CIA make th1a a ftl')' profitable
bualuM nntve.
3320 w. Cout liwy.
LI a..7773
Full Price · $10,895
3 B1droom1 -2 l1th1 -2-Car Gua99
Costa Mesa
WIL80N • PLACl:NTlA. .
Furnished Models
Open Daily
S Minutes from the Ocean
Near Schools I Work
Front or rear llvtn1 rooma • Ptlnty Oil clC*ta.
OlnlDI apace in kitchtna • .0 pl w&ttl' be&bre.
N1ttuu.l birch cabloeta • Cont.W tile bl ltltch·
f'n• • Matlcork floors • Woqd el.Id.I.Di will·
tluw• • e,ooo eq. tt. iota • Book root•.
Aluminum IC~nl.
~L A Sun., Sept. Ith 6 9th
1 • 6 p. m.
1001 Clift Drtft
Cuatom bit. home. 3 bdrm.a 21h l».t.hs, 2 tlre-
placea, FA beat, 1l'L li'f'iDc room. eep. d.iJllq
room, W /W ~ta thruout. u,..ar. de 1la.I
aepuata batha, f1Nflfee • uobltlRlicClld ba1
& ocean vie'\\'. Not ~. ftll Iii a quallty
bomt It worth ewry peDDJ of UM uldDI
price ot $!J,!SOO
Coron• Del Mar
S bdrm. " lanai -1~. view &ot.. HW noon.
FA beat, ftreptao.. I fUJl ~ l"""ck. Bll.ut.
l&ndlaaped yard arouad attrut1" .. do. ....
by &ppt Priol .. T&O.
Herbor 0757
· Vogel Co. Corona Del Mar
28&7 E. Cout HJwa1 •
Spacioua S btdma. dwma' ta' ..... ~ •
hood tor far 111111 tbu npr;.letlolt COILJ ft.me
UI fOt' appoata• • ... • • •
. BAJ '°A l5&JAND
bland daJ CD eona' lot. Qm 2 a.Ina.
• bou.. fOP JMt & Jitt»re_.. tm tM Mil flf U. '°' aloDI.
.... ------W..-..-1•119-IN....----·!-:-,...,_ M + P90H -IUC.W. -
I.I a-97l'll KI 2·11~T l.J I-~~ SHOO turnlah<'•I
01ll Jar&• Jot In vnion HI•. •r•a
llJLIL.d«WM dt1\'f'W " 2100
"I fl. J llfodrma,, 2 batl\1 llf\
i.nal J u•( 1 )"K•ll old. w11t1
l'&l"pt!(. dr'llf!f'I &lld lbUtt""
IN"hl~ A Mnntt• lftlllt -., nnly no ono 11.1111 .. .,
~ 11 M&rlM .A...... 8&.lllaa lal&nd
Harb« Hill PAUL JONES,
Rea~ '_.... -. ·-... ............ -()1 ... 1 tl:Me It .. _, --~-i-=--...-. ..... mi-~--
215 ' R-l
.Ac!"019 rro111 n-ahoppt111 &rtta
on El. Rrt1tOI Aakllll pnot 1 •lb ,_, r1o11t ft uot c>'-· I ~ Pl., aanta Ana Utfc
I bdne. rtr•pl•I'" ~, UH R~landa f'l
lltfr ------F'INE ,.abln Ille ktl• nrar Hiii:
Bear ~llt, UN $ 111 a mnnt h
,..yn1et1UI "'rH• Rnt• l'lullivan,
Boll I 61.111.rJo<af. Ca lif. lor in·
tr.nn•ll<>n ~ ld\,1
tl'fTl\I , or ltett.
U.11 .A Ja• ori-.n. RH.I E•talt
Harbt>r Mllll
Moving to Eest Coast
Mun .. n a bfodr• moo.n1 .. .,.
~hoot, Cmta .. ,.~ ~ ~
.,11 Sll.500
Ralph P. Ma1kay
t..T 3·"7~\ Kl l·11~1 LI 1"'3\l 3411 N"'·J)CW't Bl•t\. Har. 40I
IOOl W. ~ l!ITd.
Jl"711ot bsi lf•f'W Yto
MUIT •II c'-" I ~. ~,.
Clod. hflc..S. APIJroll. ~ &er9.
Kl T-ITN. • &1~
Bach•lor apt. ln NU reted
at 141 a"'°"~ l)Wtlle pre,..
lllNMed fflf' I •pt. ..... ta
yard, • ~JI.I t« 11t1all
cJllht,_ ."1U. r1UCll PUO<I
Opell tw '~ CS.Uy •· ctpt 1uad&1 i te e. au ,....,,.
p&d. Cm-. del Mat. tkt1
ldeal tor Jarp tu:nn, or eoUl IUllJ 111 coo-
vtrted lato 2 unit& Neu bay Ir llMltJ"I omt.r.
NELDA ·GIBSON, lle~ltor
• 30e JU.rlnt. An. Battb-*
B'aJJt oo a lot abd a b<, beaatitully laodlca~.
tb1li ftll bpt home incl'ad.iq carpetins, draJ>e9, ranc-and Nfrtpntor ill priced at just S2•.~
Ka1 we llbow · tht. unu.au&l bomt to you! Ob
Y•. tbe .,..Uo w extr. larre t.nd th~ 2 '"" P.,..,. II lu..ed for 2 story conetruction.
A..-been received by the ownen on tJua flnr
4 'bedroom, 1* bath home, 2 car prage plu.a
' bealrtitul na,atOol Patio 6 barbecue on a befuU-
fully land.8Caped . eosrlo ft. lot • . . only 10
month.a old. Can the aovtnr van and move in
... JUl $1100 down. .ioothly paymenb !He
than renl It will be our pleuure to abo11o· it to
you and your pleuu.re to live Ill it.
Seven Islands Realty & Investment C c.
603-32Dd St Ot.nce Phonr Harbor 5808
Newport ee..ch, C&llt. A.Nr ~ p. m. Hu. M67
8 be-droom beauty wft.b Dew iiylon vtaeo.e carpel.
lari~ d.ininJ area A: beautiful patio. Paymrnlli
$61 ~r m<-nt.b inclddtn& t.axe., lnaura.nct and
lntA!retit at 4 ri
3 bedroom. 2 bath home on beautiful comer 1n
excJuain Cliff Haven. Can be purchued '"· h
cm.Jy $11!50 down. P'ull price $19,950
Excellent dup)U comer n-..r down tOYr'll Costa v-. &wv, cun.. a: sutt.en all 1n and paid
for. Surrounded by ~ bomee. Full pnr1•
$48&0 C&1J u. tor p&rtJculan
1199 NewpOrt Bl'fd.
Coeta Mc-sa
Evee LI 8-7237
• * * * * *
4 bd.nn.. 2 bat.ha, W W carpet thruout. pal10,
nJ~ land.k»pm.f. on beaut. 80 ft. com,.r lot
~ $12.950
Ttn> am.all bhU8e9 on 6h.307 lot. Room to
build or rent for Income. On.Jy $7,9!'>0 Full pnce
Liberty 8-5596
l ?00 Newport Blvd.
.. .. ·~ China Coves
Now__. amtructioD by, Qeorp D. 8'.\ecola.
TUn ~ .,.. beta&' tl'Uled DCJW' wb,le.\ • •
thi ~ tJ.c• to boy u they can be cwt•-*' tor you., Theee bomm aro ptanned tor fQ.U ·
,-~ Ol theU'. ~rarn&Uc marine SocAtlcio.
~to ct.or and. appOtntmieAta. . DriGn
ldtctieu wtUl G. Z. ranp ~I cmntt. clllhwubei',
wall hWll refrlcerator, C!iapoNJ. a.nd m&D)' JIUlft
featurea. a ep&dou.I ~ 3 terrific bat!Ja.
<>n. la pr\ced at $70,000 • the other m~ ...
See them today! Then compate with any·~
bein1 otfeud at Utouaand.9 more. Exclu.liYe
with UI Ir we a.re proUd tO offer the11e to our
frlend.t and clienb. • ' Lido Re,,tals
We 'have winter renW. troni 11~ a month
turniahed. Al8o a 2 bed.rm., .2 ht.th funUahecl m~rn home tor $250 a mo. on Y1''• liue. -
p. a. · palmer incorporot,~
ole ehan1on co. managem•nt
3333 vta hdo, harbor 1000
p .. a. palmer incorporated
ole hanson co. management
1700 w. cout hJ&hway -liberty S-6573
0 aero.a •L from Coall 1 HARBOR HIGHLANDS
Nua <.'1ty limit•, pnce-d •l Before achool etaru -you abould ·get eetUed
farm acrt'act. ~ 1100n a t aub· . • . . .
c1Jvtlllon prk... '3600 am~ m ~ru. heart-wanrung, rye-thrilling, 3 bedroom.
~1th .m&ll down and 10 )11 2 bath home. Only 11 ~ yn old. In the Newport
on balance. School diat.rict. C1oee to 1bopplng. Abllolutely
VI.SU AL v A.LUE. Commandtni; the cleanest home you will find. Cal' ua fr.r
.-ornn N•w-port Blvd. &>al an appointm,.nt
aultf'd for office, doctor, df'n·
llal or r•lall ouUet, an4 horn,., UC:) ISLE
t;xc,.llent 3 ~rm., dlnin~
1 oom. br~akta~t room, t 11.. Ho.:ne l onronment thnt Ct'i•l'.J::~ht3 the idea l
pullman ti.Ur lll• ltlkhen • ft· Three b~Jroorna, 2 aparl:.lini batba. A bright
atrf't't park1n1>. SZ0.000 t" HI) h ( l k · b
Nf.:F.C> AC'RE "''llh 3 b<'<lrm
oldf'r hum~. doubl1: Aarak"
la11mJ1·v room and WxtO 1hl'J
Wtth Poulble r~nin~ lo M J
A loud buy al p!Ut•nl Zomq;
$14 ~·00 trrrna.
HO\flt \\'ITH 3 ~rm&, l •
balti& on rumn', all 1111pro\..,
mtnla 111 and paid. Built tll••
\rar rauc, lanJKa~. , lo~
lo 1ehoola $1612 down mak•·•
) .,u 11omt: "" nt'r. Tola I pnl r
cul al90.
HARIJ TO Fl:-.'Tl a rrr sonf'd A·I
c r~ u 1tchcn with uilt·in ovtn ranges.
Ma.ssh·1• F. P. and a dinmg area that givea t1}.l&c1•
lvvcrs rovm to move around with ea.se. ·Thia 3
~ r. uld home u1 on a large lot. ••hlch aUowa for
the oversize j>Elllo. See thia. It'a imced right al
q1 .000 or S32.500 fu\01shed.
W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor
"You'll I.1 kc Our Friendly SerVJC'C'"
4U0 I-:. lith SI . C~ Mesa Llbe1ty 8-113fl
acruea at from 1lurr 8houhl j ---
ruorw for trallf'r park Ol 1••r I
dw,111n1 and all~tia. J'n~rd ..t
R·2 lot. Catahna dnvr !'Jt'>•pllrl
Jfetstic. ~soo
Comer lul on P:lolf'n I 1,1~ tu
N-pvrl 81\·4. 53.:>0<1
60 x HO dblr lo\, l!•><.11! 1w1gh
borbQod $3MO
("A 1..-\: l!:"J'S $7M 0 1>\Ul \\'p ''"'l I
h•~•· Onf' lf'fl. Mo\O• 1'1 rmw
1·1~ I•• ahopp1ni:
18:17 Nf',..p<>•t Bl"d, C0t0!a Min ~32_ -i,.; .. ,... I.I I\ I 10• I
.\1 L !\o 7841 -Brand New thn!c bNlro<11n -
Onr anct a h1tlf b11th~-Harciwood floot"-Fl11j:-
11to11" fm•p!ace --CE forcrd air h1·aL -Uoublr
~ar>· Natural w111xl k1tchrn-Ga1 11agt• d1~
I nsr Ht111J<1 flt. Jn Costa Mea. Immedthlt> poss
l'rn·e $17,500 •
Contact Your Realtor •
tl 1 NS:WPOHT BEACH, Nice·
1y furni.hed Duplex. near
Bay Ir <>c.an, Schedulad
~ON lnco~ nMTly 200,:.1
A 8TJC.A.L at SlS,500. '"'-l'1 npt -,11,300. Terma.
121 BAL.BOA. Pl&NlNSULA. ll
Bt.'t.lrooma. 2 b&Uu. Dt'ucht·
ful .home for year-rwnd llv·
l~. l tarxe JU.drm. A bath
1&dJOIM tht ho11M Wll.h <V\ •
trl-t1 pauo. Ideal tor an oldf'r
r11rm~r or the tan11lv 01
'""n·&$ll' 11on $111.~tlO arid
vnly $4 000 lk>" n, I
3 • 1·osTA M.ti::l:IA. Bt•flullf•ll 31
Uec1l'm. homr Unly i y111
ulJ 1..nv~ ly l~rrac·•'ll ba• k
)•rd, compl .. telv fencl!IJ "'rth 1 p1nl< fln<lt'r bloc·k Will•
X 1r .. lfU-&~~ W to \\', • ar
pel!OI: 1..ow pr1c f'<l IH $10,
ll.,IJ, Tl'r1111.
1 4 I RA I.BOA l:"-;1'0 .\H;. J.·u 111
l "nll• com111t•lely !111ni1h,.ll
l l'l 1mmacull11.. • ondlllun
ll1111oul, Sc het1 1ilf'•I &:lf•MI 1n-
' rnr $Jtaa. vr:l:Y AT·
TFtA•:"f(Vlo;, • H~al Rental
lo<"ltlwn A Bt'Y al I I~ 011()
4 i J (M) lJo" '1,
P<\ \' SI 000
I J{ >\\'N 9 s.... •111r llpt'<lal
l1And·p r kt'd 11~1 or c ·0 .. 1•
\lrNA Honwa that <•n ~I
h<11 i;1,1 ror SIOOO f>H\.\ll
Halnn<f' Ukr rt'nt. :"'on." "'"'I 2 V•'R I I fJltl, :i • • HrcJrrn•
1 .... r,;e lul a. *'·"·r v «N' a
:lffOll :--.;,.,., P"rl Hh«l..
NPv. port ll<'n1 h
ll11ho1 H2\I I Dav or N11ht 1
~Sl<·fl t
B/B I Newport Harbor Board of Realtors little Balboa Island
i\'t111tt1 .. • i br•trm horn• "Ith
"" "pt i '•"'•pl1u•.,1 \'l'n
••nt••t li·•atlon 1110 F"T T11
llA \ <001T1p1 .. 1 .. 1v h1rntahf"i
"11•1 i'IU1 "F:l • H It HIT J'hon"' ll"" (• r ap~Y•lnlrn,.111
BRANO NEW LAll!,.fullv l"N I·
a tf'<t with ..oft <"•lt>1 • rl••1 n n
(!or! ovf'n .. 1..,•1 rl• ran;,. "n•I
ma.nv built 1n f•at111,.a 1 t>f'<I
rr'""11: 2 t•th-. •11rr11un1h''' h\
a larKf' p1<1l1t1 \4l!h ..,,.,.ut1r11
J>lanllni:a ~IP'rl f., "llf•.-t I~
lt1t anti ONl.Y Jl,'l 11\.Ml
10 tJNITS ON 7 .... FRONTAi.~:
KXCEI.1..E."T r. 0 c A r I (J ~
rro)eClf'd llll'OlllP h( J 12 11(.lll I
~r yNr C 0 MP I.•: T (I; L \
J"URN ISHF.0 • • •
2 8..troom1, 2 b8tha YtlRNISIT
EU. Lovely arc.a ror only 1 Ul.000. Si:.oo l>uwn
1 Bey & Reach Realty,
14!\0 W Balboa BlvJ
..! twdrm & rlen, hst h & 1, \\' \\' 1 a.rp< t 111g
d1shwash1 r ~ash"r & dn·1•r, built tn f.'l1•r 'rll''
l'llo\'1 l.1iu1.lNl 1in lnrgc Int with \I•'' of tl1t
Ba k H,,~ A HEAL BL1Y . ltrr"· "'' 414
:.!3n1 St.
J hulr111 , 2 baths on large cumrr lut \\' \\
• ar1~ting, living room and dining room. Close
tn hrarhet1 and in a very fine neigh>: ,, '1•lfKI
2751 Vi11ta
CORONA HIGHtANDS SPECIAL .. A \'l~W or the °'-"•n undt>r $20,000 2 bedrm.
bnmr on hrgr Int llncl room for rxpans1on.
Call 1111, we havr thr key.
W. E. FISHER & Associates
Mariners hie Rlty .
~J.-, M1<11n•' Av,.. B11lt>ua l~l~nct
ti ar toor H 81
Hf'.A IJTIYl'I. 2 At RE l".STATF.
I l ~rrn v 4 h!lrm, 2•1 bath"· 4 ri11 I
I b.\ .. m r nt horn~ PLLIS .3 rm
.. ., ... , h•JU"f' lo l r-ar lfl'ra.:•
I i11 .. a..rr II\ J,..m'""""' pa•lUtr 1
Nrar ro .. th1lbt UT,:'\()11
K t;YKKNUALL REALTY I 211 N Mcl 'LA ,., ~•n Fernendo
l:nirtre I i'IOOI l:mp1no l-37111
53p&t -------
II NO;';n '?r~rn~~.~ER
,\I 191 a•ll I hla w~k tor I 17:\0
clown Thi~ ,1111nny • bdrm 1 •. I h•l h hu1n e, l vni ult! l'e1quf'l
I I lrxir11 frnc ... 1 yar•1. nrar J.hop-
111n1 6 IW'hoola, Prtc·I! $ 11.9!1'1
SR.AND NEW d"l*s onl1 $6000 c:aab -o-.-ner
will cafn' bekMt 16 Je&r loe.a. 1100 plua eq~
teet. Wood l!dnP roof, 32 1', U.iq roam, fire-
place. parquet oek.•tloon, Jot.a of. We. ~ patiOll.
2 car carpal't. 8oatb of Jtipway. ff•r SS.S Har. N99 Evett 3024 C<iut Highway, Corona drl Mar. Har. :J03::! GORDON SEVERTS
G. H. LATHROP, Realtor
l830 S. OoMt lltPWa1 o.aa. cftl Mar
_ BU-bor 5A2 ~Evee. Har. MIO
JUI W. Cout Rwy. (at Port On.n~t
Liberty .. 7* Ew. Harbor 6154
Jo~ve-". Harbor 242(). W •
-LIBERTY 8-9338 I 'F:v,.11. I.I 11·:11114 or LI 8·6•0.'I
1..nt fl7 ll 201 &C'k 8aY At'f'a,
Comf'r Blreb A Ol'f'hard. JiMO
Ra.r. 601.R 17pa
Upper S.ck Bay
&ll:JOO n. ''~ Hat.156-R
---Lot .
I La-. one avll.IJ.ab!P 111 B&)'mhorw.
By ~r LI ....,,. Nttc
• I to 5
. 566 Pian• Lan•
Three la~ bedrooma, H~ bath.a, Jarse llvinr
room with fireplace, b.a.rdwood noora, fol'Cfd
air heat. wired for 220 V. an• u over.be 2
car pra.ie. It'a beautifUlly land.caped .tt.b
fence and patio and it'• only 18 month.I new
ao come on In and 11ee tt or call ua before
Ju too lat.e l
Cute-Tidy-Compact. Excellmt location. Tv.·"
bedroom•. 1 tile ~. nJce patio, prd~. and
yard. Call to aee now. Price only $13,750.
''At the BIUOOE to UDO ISLE"
L&!ayett• at 32nd Harbor 4718
4 l 'rm. l 1 ~ plua bath.a. corner lot. So. Ba)
': inl"t :st in pier. Home in good C"l!l1ht1on
:! unlla on gooJ atreel. 2 bedrm. house Jilua
br. apt. Attractive clean property -
Sma.ll hou9e, cornrr lot. liood locatJon $19,950
IH\'lNE TERRACE n~w 3 bedrm. 2 bath homt>.
f(nced. l&ndscaped $31.500
3 bcdrm 2 ba.th home. ~wp<rning pool $35.000
f.'or rxchange -"' 3 bed rm , bath I.:: 3 1 tiomt on
good str~t tn Santa Ana for comparablr ftt
propt'rty in thi.a area.
Ew ninga call Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-6222 or
Lou Boynton Harbor 2878
2~ Manne Ave . Ba.lboa l.aland Harbor 1775
t unit.a un 2 ruU alud Job.
Completely fumiahfld.
Htaut1!ul patjo with BBQ a.nd
nect'U&J'}' for outdoor livinr at
Reuonable down payment
(Jutatandmg return and a M'IUnd inve.tment.
Appointment only.' pleue.
WM. W. SANFORD, an'd Associates
I~ Bolin • Ch&rlotte Futol&
Marge. Hadfield
Park A\'f'. at MarUlf',
• Nona Hyer
Balboa IAland Har. 2462
\\'e'n• Jllat hatrd thw rare nriy Amcne&11
1 a.nch hou11e. It ii loaded 11o•th charm and
unuauaJ feature• 11Uch u pe-cky cypt'NI paneling,
huge tirepla~. dramatic mantel, real family
eiud bedrooms. 2 tJ.k.d bat.ha and gen"'°u.t weU
deaignrd k1tclK-n .. ·ith a· roomy nook ovuloo~
tht lovely fen~ backyard. There la a hea~
ahakr root and driftwood finiah <W~r wood on
the ~xtenor. You,.. for $23.~ IO bW'T)".
Shown by appointment only. No phone info
on tb1.1.
• "C"
ED. JONES, Realtor
1999 Harbor Blvd. Ll S.Sll01
301 .A.Jnetb,a ~ . -.
Friday, Satvd&y anc1 Bwldiy 11 • ,a nat 8hm••rc pink boUllt With tbe tJlaek trtm! 1
Lerp liTiDf room. new npenc!W'I c:vpeq a.ild
draperim. FA ~. double prap. Mt11t
be eecn to appreciate ita detau quUty.
It. 2 "'1llllt obed W,. 01t tlle U'1!1'1..£,.....,...,..llU.l..__-.:,_.
2 bedrm.. apt. fmnblbtd. with a bednn. homt.
dble. pra~. Bis nlH I« ~.000
DORIS BRAY, -Realtor
.i1r A,·~ .. 8alboa bland Har. 20 or _.