HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-12 - Newport Harbor News Press~ 918 DEAL...:.. RM"a locatioa of i8000 a«e:Dtunoad Bar Ra.Deb •llch wu
•8G14,t.y.Wllllam Butholomae Jr. of Newport Bach tor $10 mlWoD aum. • -----------
authortll• that lh• flump llt.f
would not tNI ob~bh! to
0mt& M-. ~ It Ml lo-
1.ai.d alljac.nt to a pl'CllpMed 19().
&e:N. 7!U-borne 8U~ pro-
poeed by Dudley lmith aad
~ A. Bjorkluad.
Duna Mid Costa M-·• mo..
to •n.oa the dl¥'\p ...... &d•
fUltlllc. 'fte Oounty ...... ....
, (GMC .1._~_ .... II
lherttr• depaU• ._..,..,.. -.11-
•uitlpUnr lhf' a~t attl.' ere
Mt1tal 11t1ootlllc or 1:1 Tof'9 Ma.rtae
Jam• RoMrt DtxDD ol J012l
Ac:a.<'la. Banta. Ana He£a:h~
DlllOll la rMli"C at 11-c Hoe.
pit.a.I attar unduyotac mi•rs-cy
nrc .. ,.., Monday .u.tst. • •.•
caltbt'e, O.nn.an-ma&. ,._.. Illa).
let ' ~pon.dly -red U1roup
lbe Y1c Un1'1 a!ldom411'1
DtXCM WU ~ bJ b£a wile
tn t1'elr a.d.rdaa at • : to ... ..
Monday, Th.• I 1ied i.l)tt ...
t.-i In the Wroom no..
Netaia*-l.ad ........ U.,
iw.t'll ......... ---.i ...
lbe Db.on· rwt._. ~ the
lllllot .... l\rM.
~ WRIT -Bob Marpa. who r••e bJs
••• add,_ u Burlinpllle. had him bee.rlnr
la flaperlor Cotirt. bl. Santa Ana today on a
&lau'p ot J>OU!•ion ol m&rlJua.n1. Ht wu
Ul'Mted iD a truck whlch oh• t.o1d polkw be had
~. Tbty reportfd findinr a pacJl:are
ot. m&rijuant. In lhe car along with money tn '
amouat.s ,....,,bliq loot ta.kn frorn lb«! Silver
DoUat ca.te a 1bort time hf!fort. -Sta.ff Photo
. l•1t•at oa Real Estate Course
by Feldm11 Starts Tomorrow
cKAl'llL ar "' u..
-•. O&Mt BtYd. o.-a det Mu, Ot.llf. ,,..... ..............
-· ...... .,. ....... ,,,,,
1 ; • • .............. ~~·:t
• ·-------J..;:1 ··----
.. ~ ........ _ -.
~ ~. sf on' ., ,...,_ ..,_ y.,. . 1f
BABY SKUNK~~~.~"."'* .. 1
fEWELRf BOXES ... I U 7'f
M1lt la. -t. .... ,~ru MAYJ' TerTJ Cetll ~
BEACH TOWELS .... OM -.. £
llOW ls flle ~
19 shirt y-
SANDWICH BAGS .. ,... ...
PUREX . .....
~ ... ~ SJ.ft $..,_., ,...,..,,., ............ -' ...... ::_ .. 1._:a::-. -.... .........
SEPT. 13, 14, 15
AH'T 1!111.811 a
Lunch lox
with VICY.
um bottt..
..... ...,. .. ,.., _., -11 ....
pt.Wit Nn&rtJJ bilierN -
• bl( ~Ir. i. ... ooi .. v1.,.
~ .. _ .. ~ .. -
.... -....,.. "'· ., ' ......... -. 1.6f
U11uer De ... rl•enl lpeca. .. 1
-.... .oa -· RODID
Pride .. ...... --_,,.
- -... -
, .....
...., .... •'
Scatm :=,r;; CY•• ....... _,,.
""" •s4t '4"
. ,
Lo the .
i. a ,..r, It "''U ,..port.ct bv
I ~ W . An~.-.on. v1c .. p...-ldent I 111 cha~ ot tM 8o11t~n Ota· i 'tric:l.( Ca pl lol °' j "wt a.-. ~-lo <Wvelop our own "'1Lt•r .-ripanv and -'tt
•yatem. altboUKh murh of t~
wa-r for t~ n.w city "'111 com•
frem~ Metropolitan Wa~r Dlll·
~ ol wtUch th• land alrnd?'
I• • part." Andf!l"llOn Mid.
llOAD l'YMTl:M
ar..r.r. 1~11 ...........
ft IEPT. 15-11 .....,_o,.. .. All
8EPTEllBEll ti ,.._.,,y...,,,....
~ 8EPT'F.M&D 18 ...._ ... ..,..,.,......
SKPTJr.llllU St u.1• -r .... ~ AD
un. n-n x--Eveq ... <J.-.!
.,..,mw Pa••-
• ,.. . ,,
Iba. 2Sc
'• ...
IPmaD ·-...... 'It, lt-
lbHeck lteida
Top BOP Jvent . .
of Year Here
TIM prornm.t, to lM diatrtbut«I tr., tac;ludlt comp~e
llclledulell of U. poww ·~l 1'&Cff MN 8undAy.
Add&llon• lo th• Ca.le Mt ..
ec::bool teeehlnf ti..ft wer• •p·
r~td by the tru•ltfll wwne•-
tl.ly nl1h1 ta follow•
Jn. L 111•nklnthlp, Johenne
culltn1h•m. Mr•. Phyn11 H1r·
m•f1'lt•. MN Ploffmary Mc·
Vlrktr. John O. Pf!lrtol. Mra.
Alfce M. J\Jeh•rd, Mra Olady1
Achwiltr, Mrl Myra J . lmllh.
w;,.. Cl•lrt I~ and Mn
Bf.rnlce Tllrntr.
Church lur9larlud
A pt"OJtct.or and tpf'•kt.r
~11lpmtnt were •lolen ftOll'I
Cbrlet Churell tly Ult IN. Tb11ra-
d"f. accordlftf te UI• ftev. R.oy
A Carl-. put.or. Ht .ald Ult
m•tllrl.al wu In ca.H n•tdy to
rtt11"' te IL Jam,1 Cplacopal
cliur.:.h whui It dlM.ppt>ared.
MtiH Tniclt W•llHd
N-port e.t.I\ POft Office la
In lM market to t#lt a hall
ton tnc:k ftM" mail Mll11ery. -
cordlq lo H. Peyne TbaJ"f', ,.. ..... ,. aw rorm1 _,. M
o-laiotd at ~ i.c.1 ,o.tomce..
( I''· I • ._ ..... .............
Th,re U -•iwwu le Ule
probWm many more llt'W M19pt-
layt A.u,.11, ''Wt ftftd Owm
bedly, and -need l.Mrii. -·"
• u Jdf""""" Plolllcloth-.
lll•rdwit ..... -.-..-·::.:::.,
Kimberly 2-7027
r ... i.-• • ., ..... -= .. sacuam ·
IP --......... ••--.111--111•111.!1• 11••'1 ~·••r' .. ______ Jlll_ .. ____ _
l'.." .. -=:'u!"'....... . -..ii.•
-C11•11IOIWlY IU-... t -···yo:;;. I~·
tot II -lo I-HU
~r :s l!f :1 i! · -~ -. · ...... , ,.,. -.... a• .. , •.. , ..
: i• I ! ,· I i ... • i • l ..,...., f"I• . I
! -: l I ! : I : j i a
~ ------
. I ~ .
, '
i f.
~ : .
' ' • • • • • •
' "'
,.· f • ·. · ''I. Club Women to Op~rate
Under New Bylaws Setup
.. tr
• The Callforuaa Fefttation of Women'•· CJu~ will
beSill operat.tn1 t.h1a tall ader the new bylaww Voted
UiJMlll at the .1965 convention held in Coronado and the
reorplliDUon .plan puled at tlte 1904 COll\lltlltkln beld
&.~1YJ.Olay Club
uwal the
Sw.dlsh Cbf ner,
front or isfona ...
... .
,.,\. ft, \
ADULTS Do you wtah you couW play
even • little pieno -iuat for your
family and friends? t' ' , ' ~ ',,, . , "'.
4JCNSJaS" end "WlmS"· -:-~!u O'uld you lilce 'tO '!.~ iW to'~~ fOr
I rour 9an9 and1 ... ,,.,. ... , 0 'lf<i r '>•• J ll ' • •11'f nftt IJ
-¥'0UNG·STllS" ~tWould · you ..... to
learn fund•m•rit•I i r.tano, elid d~
Tun••'' in 1implifieCf for,...? mi. •• • I .,. ...
Girts'' ;SCltool . Dresw
S11mmer and Fall
Girls' Corduroy ..
Girl a'
.. I.,
Phone-, ...
Ruth ~left . ..,
Lt 8-9i7°Q,
' ~ . . .
' :NRA ·.on; 'llits. RODNEY B. LAtiTzR
:~Lau ter-Randa11 -
:·~Y, o.w Exchange
• • ' •
• • ,. :
Sunset Beach Couple
Married at BJ. Church
How at boaM ill Sunaiet Beach &ff Mr. a.Gd M:ra.
• i.odney B. Lauter, who were recently marrit'd ln s.l·
'lol COlllm.unlty Methoditt 'Cburcll and are DOW &t
heme 1n Sv.utt Beach. 'nl• brldt W the !ormtt Miu
htrida Aon Randall., dau1bt.e:r of the Lloyd 8-,t.c.hna.na
'tit lM .0,.1 A.-t'e. Ind Mt brWM-l'f'UOM• l.J'ld a rGMtlud .eora, ..
.-ni 19 the -ot Mr Ind Mra. Laut.r chOM a Mil• prlnt-MN. )II. F . C..UIM of l!IWlMt 9d allk ahnUI wlU1 m&lcl'lln11
8-A:h. .~...._ ~ yellow r°"Wd
TM R.n. DonU4 kpp otCI· cweall'
di.Led Ill U\t •r1Y 1tt..mlloll /< rttcpllon ror over 100
foublt rtnr rit1'al wlak:h -bad ·a ru-u .,... lletd a.i. ~. chw'dl
fMN'll ..tuna al 7.UOW ..U *b•ra a u1red c••• de.cor.Uoil
•bl~ chryMA~UMI utiC P· U-wll!~ and y•llow c•tand
IUolua, dlla ea.did aM •Ua UM We ecrnr..i. t.allol._. Tb•
, bowl! • ,.... ..,..,.. 1nual1 ca•• wa• cut by M.1M PatJ1da
; lntt\Mkod "l Love n .. ~ utd Cl.Irk •n4 111 .... J\Mlllb Moot-9
I "111 ,.._.., l!llop Lo'rlq You," (who u.urht Ula bl1d1"1 "°-
lll"S ... Mi. a..r tMl.r• Ja~ qu.l t r.1,-1•l•nod pMU.. H-r-
·--...Onn:uo Oll8.&HDY .. 1vMt. !,..J~«l Mn. l'rlM•
•' .. .,. fttrtiaiilo ..... Willi.. .m1M'Old• JM'll90fl. l9f J'\lllvtQn •n4 Ml'"9. l • or1Ud7 ovw i...tt•I.&. A. ~rriet "8"'9U fl/. ())roM Ml
.. Ill.. :1lt ---........ 841 ...... ~--at tMi \ortdiL , , ~ ~,; il'-4~ Li'"~ ~ ~ ~ .w.. Y~llol> \"'• ....,..,. .llU. J -..t.M IQ.a~· Aand•U _,.. a bolf,. llrM9.od• t .. .-~M 9ti4Jll' ••t• .-tth c:--. a-.. -dllltar,
' • • ,.,...._ ....... on.tll' ph:llU"l ll•l aad pu,...,
orcan conaool•.
OllESTll &SCJ¥'1VD
•A r.J,uon tor SOO .,etlta wu
•J..ll:rlna. ~Olli .tH!tt
fall _rlftlnC' wu.' ~ out
wtu. _. and pompon ,i.rr ....
uu..n&iria. MlM ~ Atvey
)!qt tM SUMI booll.. -----~~-· : Jtllw ..._.,.. U.fteta an' a.n4 IJ'MI whJt. Mehld .... it•pll· : ~ • .,_t aJlr9J ot aJ>oUa fre• IMor llndal ~t. Dra.m& Cle.JI! Play
: 7ftkrw" ...mauona Mr• 8 . A rih• •tU.,,ci..t )'uU.rloft Hl,-b tT': Be 'B St • • -r..e.tt.,, ... ~ ._,.. lkllMI IAd Orut• c...t Ool· .a. 0 UB op
: • llailu f'1Wa ._... eanied • l•lt, will atu4)' a\ '--1 ... ell · ' ....,_ .,.., .,, now.re. lllat• Coller• lo.-btt l.-Chtr'a Harbol" Conum.ulily I'll.Jen. i ~ o.tr-ta.D ot !an OI· rtM"'l.IM& H•r ~ att-d• adult ~•lion drun• rJMa a.l
....., ...U hat ln&ll Ud Eu1en1 ~ 8el.J lllJ"h lcbooi and OTUl Or.... CO..t 0:.U.ft, ...W -.
()a &M J.....,, f\•fteaUa ot en.at QiUere. Mr"Y'td Willi. lM rtn ..,t. 11. 1.ao P· ra. ~ ~ ..... &a u&Mra.. U A. Alt Fvn:a ..... It p .... 11.U)' Otll... Oiapel TMatra..... ~ Ulll WW• --tWG with .. Sult& Aft& nnn. i Marjorie, WIUl&rnaon.. ... ,.. 11 ..
' new.t rtr.., Palll•l• f\&JMY.ll A-1 ,,_urtMll -"-Mii• '-"1 .,__ eonnttl"4 •:.:. ~
' ud V&!Wa .. ...,.... ~ la -r• NHlwV"ll II..._~ -,. w,.. I SU"• ri.ybOuM. wlll di
_,.....,.. orranltJ •tld e&rryinf v. A Randall ar ~llert&n aual tlrtt play. ··aw ltiip," ~ wu-
w1aU• -..U w:illl. r.tlow a.nd ot uw bnd•, M.rnM Lfod.bau.ar )lam In,. J'\J"lt n....,,, It ,. ...
wtua. ~ and KllP'I ot f'ull•rton. )11'"9 r•porled. l• • M:t.rHyn "'-...,....
• •
J'or ttw dau1bt..ira "'9dcllnf ~d.UI 9.-d Mi.& kl.lt R..•da.11 1;.':._'"_: .. _'_' --------1
M...._ .. l.dllnu wu JOWTl9d ~ or WhltUar 'M l.... .._rbe.r'll
":.'Wldla .... ..;., plllk Wfata Ja~lo.aon t.Ad Pat Ctt.rk or thla
wtca Jr11lellll•1 duat•r. p4U ao-r\ly
LOOK IN CLA81!11rillD
' -Water and Recreation . ' Topics for Civic League
\WI •i(,mpl ..
.............. j ..., __ ................
,_., ........ ---.,...._
._.. .... --.... -, .• , ..... , .. ,., ..., .... ... ............ ,. ......... ..
,... fl/I T•Plli II! ....... .,.
Waltiih Say
NQ Fo'9•t New Grau Sheck
on Balboa J,lattd .
. B.A.W.UUXllllOI'
.. kAAOfS •vs..
Plenty Free P..Wn1 in 0. 6rond C.nal . .
lll39t .;:.::::::-.:-:: ..... .. ._ .... __ _ -----...---LAMB CHOP -LAl! LEGS ..., .,_ fllJ•· . 1• Clll ._ W.l Clllrtl..-i ..... ~c::. .. 631 ' ' . Small ~n Large Loin Rib Cut ..... , ..........
lAMI BREAST ... 98• ... 79-... 73• .............. 7• __ , ..........
'.W.aNn : .. s..www. c..... -,..J;.-
CMcelolOr lelol.. .!;'.:=,.
CelUI ...... c ......
C1•11 111 ... MUlr. -
--· -'i l
.... .....
11&..:"'"c: 17<
": 49<
3 --
TUNA :-:: : . 21<
CAKE MIX "' "--" ... 2Sc Q1:ll4......... ....
Pll.UIUIT AllHL -CAD Mii. ,..._ "'• 45c
FLOUR _...,,
••c•-.. .... ... 4Sc
EGGS '!!:~-... 53<
WHEATIES -:.."' 2 :; 29<
.._ .•. --
SODA CRACKERS .... ._ "'-
, .... ...
, .... ,..
..... ...
25< -~~------. MD TISSUE :
.---.E#PRBSS JELLIES and PRESERVES-""' ....... ,,,,~ ...
0 ••
¥1trM j£' ........ -
~..,~=tti-......... :}! ' -,.... .. ,.... p....p o.9l
~· ~tl&I , ......... t
J,.Mor , DfY•, lrwln CMJtJlMct
.,.... pTocMun and talro-
duffd UM eoM:nt111 ..a
traialrlf IJt&ff to ...........
-+ .:.._ im Nenht ·Off Bile Nine! ., 0 ~' eonln.n-·to ~f report.I ot Weta! u duet cos-UI Ml tun.inc..~ Jim lfewldrk wW Oranr• ' Oout ll'IM:l'l!M -.
. I ' . • be' c;in the mouM; ffatt ot. ~ l ·---·-------~-
oout eon.,. ..i IPrtn&'· 'ni. · -' •·
1i1111k1 J';lnl• twtrl• ...... Ull'I~ LISTEN . Pt&E"t • P~RT f -NEWPQ'!:!,tl1Jt80R NEW~PRESS lo Mollywood ~''l1""1 -· uf , . J ' r WE°'*9DAY. Scr1 •. 12, 1956 lo worlr. on ~ ~ at GU· to the 8llea1'90tl, H•m"T' -IOl.l•f fl ilto' ' . . _,.. '~" •"" ...,.., -· "P " t . W' " If• pol.nlerl by lntel"ffted KOUU.. rlV8 f lrt
, ..a. ·n n.~ NEWPORT BOWLeRs HOST COAST °' "'"rn ....... "~""• ... Pini.I .ri•.i LAWN. sow· · "'..:s BY COPPING 2 '"" ... '""' " WU ... ,, .. , '" I•> •• ..: ; Lt:I< ao ln<o p~ ball """' bo fW•I>-O&lly Mon. lhnl 1'.11. • ..-.mmagtr ~ -...itt. ~ bo9t lo \be c-t J..awn " at 01'd&'t1 eoUt. Wben &aked KatWt; Quot:MJoU
• " I u • "'"'"' ot <Ub woo4 -·"' Financi&l N.,.. · ~ Mnl' ••TON _ iOCNSl _ ~ t.lllf ~,::; Jhnlctpa.l O~ Saturday with .. , ..__,_. N kl k u-B"•'•-· ~----.,..,..._. ' .. ~ wbUe IO aptt'lttol'I watc~ °""" ,.,, ...,., ... on ew r ttp ...., _.,...... .....vuuuc.,tlty ap.n..d b.J t.b• rwutlns and ,.tonlL ''It wov.ld bl\.. -to 1>1 a bl• lnterriewi -tackling or Roeat~ _ruJlno. rw-fa\IOrl.~ WU.~ , INnclle." __ .,. ~
-··Matt~. '.
KABC-6:30 P ,.M.
WOWl:E--WBAT,A llE88 O' MEDAIS--Siu --.-"•"'And
tropbiea wb..lch were aw&rded the variout champlomb.IP leanal lD the recMUy
completed~ bueball program. New1 .ort Harbor EID Lodp 1787 p ve
nearly 250 &W&l'd.s while Newport &!boa 8avinp aad Loan gave 1000 red,
wh.ite &nd blue emblmn.e to the regular•. who tlniabed Ute aeaaon.-Sta.tt Photo
Lytan HIP'• bl!'*" .crirnrnac-e Pl'e&ldelll -llU1'9t welcomMI the &"rOUJI to Newport ~ih Windell Picken• 111 .---""
ot pi. yeu .... ~, ·ttnnfd a mild a.n<1, with U.. aid qi..._. h erb Wllttk'r •nd Akou. P'u.l'er· UnC" on N..wkltk arid BUI I,· SHE'"SON, H'"MILL'(O, ft to.. pi..y .... 1¥9"1 ~ eolllt' •nd donut. •t lunch time 1\1' ""' r
lhlct 1 In ruuu;ton St.adium a.nd cokl drtnai. dm1ltc tM atte ... noon. 10~~~•· ·~tot•
l&LUnll.T &n."'°"'-Lhe lAdt&Ni' )f~ ~ pll.ytta won two oul or lh~ &"•mes Scr1'mmage lt'•• ... ,Mo..r .. t"'--'•~ ... ,.MI .... otterudv• man•~ really 1.n. hi >' ,.,_,-•s...-A...ic--..1-t1c-• and wcond p 1.11 .eon pr1sr. The l.H.m or "'&.It --,
Ui. r.tlbil'd• qoc. With quar-Pnnon. W1i1tn WQOd liftd Akxa Fullerton detnt.ed •
t.tbllck and l4oam. captain J'u. G 'd T .fu1t> calllnc the plqi. lh• nrit 811.nta An& ll':&lll I0-17; AJ Oxlalld, Mr1. Brtm1 and Lew on r1 ap
untt marad down th• fltld to PIU.ltt cletealell l\e:c~Uon Park 22-1 7, Lloyd Stee•n,
3331 Via Lido Hu. 4850
Newport Bea.ch
joint silreri
IE SURE INSURE -.. _....,.,.,... ,.._.....,..,, ..... .__, .a.-......
Fans Invited to hhlbiff4'n _
Demonstration Friday NICJht
Coach Don Bum• will put hil 1956 Newport Harbor
Hieb Vanity footballers on exh.lbJtion Friday Di1bt for
the bent/it of parenta and other lnJ.ereated fan• in a fOrm-
aJ .::rimmage under t~ light. ot DavidmOD ne.Jd &t ft p:m.
, A preliminary demonatratiaa. ·or the defe.n.eet an4
~:; OQ th• U1lrd Uam Jn II :;: ::. Kn. hu'IOO k>at. ci.:-cam• to t..aruna for · Tar Cees
Halo.ck 0oa aeu aot t.hel---·.#.1.,...,, ___________________ _
TriM ott to a 10Qd it.rt, wttb JI~ I Flnit 11ertmma1e aeUon t« "" •In•••" -· "'' ""'' SPECIAL CONSIDERATION lh• roo<b«ll °"' wu "" '"' "'-ladde. Halni.<:k Bob Hum&I· d.ly •t N.-port H&nor HIP
· halch mad• lhrM, then nine •N"Drdil\( lo Cc.ch Bill 8tn.w, '"""" BlocL.. Hol--Patterns },'Lne -pt.y.-9 clMc•M «It I""" ~· ,... WU •HOmp... ~ '"~ ,.., Mondor """ ~ .......... ~~·.:u;~drt~~O'rhl! ProJects' · ·o·f Week for OC ·1 :::n~~r:.: t~·~:u= (!.,..)'tori! fa.ll'r. Ttl& blf l'fJl\a at &nd St.Y'I HMroUn l1eMed tb4 °"' dl1n 'wu th• tlnal 12 )'• lat or 1ateeotne .... Pera mlrpled
arOwid lief\ &Ddl 1tJ' Ft-IJlno. up tor. t.M:kla •nd Renrotln t.....
BJO OAJNR -~.f~~ockl~ ta. openinc hote., precillion dic•tM Pill 1• a.a tnd. Al-o bl ~ ~ :=:° io ~~J~: b&U b1ndliq Uld well d:ect.itcd pua pattern.1 wr the ~~ t~ow~ r1: •• :::; :nr:
snotllw 1144 ......,,. ~ l•l· project. U ted for •pedal consideration UU.. week by Tom Brannon: l'litni..ciu Cl'lartem
•· ~jAOo, -. bi8 rou._t. .print· ON..nge Cout College (rld•ten u they reached the ~-RJpy and Bill C&.111•: tullMcll: "° 11 ,.re around latt end. way point in preparation for their opener wll.h Glenda.le Dick Smith: end Robert Hu.on,
F'llino wound "P tn. day'• JwalO"r eouq. on the local turf "---...,J and cu&rd Jim. Pi:.ttf'r.
1 t•I lw •UI do '• nna Job., ..._. wtttl •total or II yardll • WMk tram. f'rldaJ nlt'hL tl'l&l. BaJ.n ts a •ood block•.1 ~;;;;;:::;;;;;;;~1 1 playcallt'r." p.iJl.:I on lilt calft". row a neat tou•b d('ofen*'!'m,.n Lnd • ftne 11
ftlli REl"lAC:EMl:l'to"'T 11 .1 ave"&"' per c•,.,..y. Bell. tn It "-•ppe.Nlll rrom ce.rva· ''T'' p1 .. ol man but the tortner Old Eatabllllbed .IMUrann
'lbt a.Jot of rTplael.D,f Chart.y 12 eo(rriN, mid& 6t )'a.rd•. tot" Uona lbal lM .f'ln.t. WW M o ... Matra o.-t Al Parochial and A.I.I ASftC1
&ertJ' wai start.td l.aM. _,rVI&' • 4A, 1¥'9l"al" of lb• amalt.r 1-.ma at the C.LboUc no"1i.nN ~ Uvub» All 11.nea wrtlten..
when Bur1U1 ahln..d Bowier rr-mn !------------· !lola&'Uf. 'I"--.,,._ only thrN IRll.PPln&° lbe b&.11 back for punt. HOW A.Bl> W , GEBIUB.U
UM! elMI \pot to tu.llbaek. »vrn• MYll on. the eqia&d toppt.nc tM •nd ,-"""'"la. H• p1ayed .._ aasi.nld Bowl<W ta.e taak _or HDC ROBINS GO Toledoea at mon tbu 200 tttnal•• end al Mat,. o.t a nd llOI Npt. Blvd., Cott& M-·-., '( -·-.o. PllONE LDJz:aTI' l-1611 pl"'l'pU'auon ror tr.. Mavy ioad SOUTH·, DISBAND .........-. mevtd °"'r to &"tl.Ud on ott-
•nd &pp.a renuy the boy wo"rkl!'d ftlUJ..& CJATCBY ...tin1 Ult pl•y ealle:d to"r a •nap
durtp1 the •ummt"r. Bowloer w.. Harbor Boy•' Club Robtr11 Clayborn Nlilbla • 166 RO\lnd to s dwp b&ek. BaJn l.1 •o"rll:lnc
r.n end on lht Junior "•ratty la.It <ilsbandtd tO"r Ult Wlnt .. r end c.u,bt the _,_. eye& on ht• p&N ll'lld may cut I.he
9H.llOn. v.·tth the openina ot Khool. thia _._ 1'rlbble Ca.rM to OCC tnUlltard.
Th~ Robl.11~ m.t Carl B~r-
C~a,a O.....,
....-a.n unMnlded ~r ll"Om
ll\dlo Htch.. Ur\Mrt.ldld to the
~ that the wQri't touted
a• -nU.I to the Pln!.e frld
But Tribble may develop Into
the .pa.rkpluc of UW OCC at-
1.ac.k and he C•rtalnlJ Wiii IM
tou(1t. to -1.ntd wllb OG de·
fe..--in ... ~uon JTtt<d
Tri~ ...a ..._a o~ the AU
8o!Jt.bem ~ C .LP' . .mall
Kbool ~ u aa .m. Be Ml an
aploWH ,...,.... ..... Wltb a
true dellftl &ad M a to pky th&
tl'NI stair of Ne ... -p.>~ Harbor I~:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;;;;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;
Union Hl&"h 8el'lool al 'ftaeday'• Ii
mHUn1 of tnJ1t.-. u fallow9:
_Fine R ... enti•I P•intin9 I: 0.COf"•tiftt • FU~ .KATNlll •
'LAe.1J ..... 11 ~ ' "";'I Rwy. ...; & 16n
llOilOtllSL.N...,..._ .
8M4''· r --
Anno11ncing ·
Fw Wkr 8ei ..... v ..
ti rftl ... ·~ to •~ ,. ..
C..-.. ..._ 117' 8°1 •eiiiirF 'IS ,._ ..........
f • ' SOUTH . COAST·:
I '
.U.lltult a 11 r '' a.niti"
Nlmmo: Mn. C&.lvtn ~I.
part Um. ...U.ry and Olu1e-1 Ze.llrnatt. C'UltodlaA.. AU Hv• In
ea.ta M-...
... ,,,_. Variety
l'OUJl 6 _. II ITOU:
w. at-0ro-•ta.fN
Homo Medo
m..i. ...
24 Hours
Every Dey From
Our Own lekery COCllTAILS • FINI FOOD
I • •
• • '
Hl>lltAL IA-I
rwo OJIP.ICll
IYMl'AIHlllC ~ ) -,
·Fiii ' CUStct.aS' PAlllll 11 ',
l'HONIHY ... 1111
''" .N.. ~, ..... . .
PH9Nf HY ... J.llfl ., 'HY-J.11,.
. .
Mlm Carolyn Jl\nJl, ckUl'b·
ter of Mr. 8.lld Mn. JohA c.
J'l.nn, 1912 Beryl Lan., a
rr.tunu at 8terllll.a' ~
In $terllnc. Kan.u, pw the
rflf)>OflM to prNldent of the
colkp at • facu.lly·ncw atu·
<Mrnt banquet SepL 6. Pur-
J>099 of the b&nqwet WU lO
aoqU&lnt •-atudcnla wU.h
the faculty memben and u
Maynard P.eti M C. stated,
''To rerun tile favor of the
atu6enta alter 3 daya oC
dn.adrery takmr t•U ...
8r11t Hil~took
Prob1tion · for
Orange· ~ob~ery
Oran1• eo..t Oolles• ctudent
HaroM K HolWoelc. IJ, ot tu
2Jrd St . Newport ~ ft.cent·
ly wu rrantAd ttir.e y•n
atratcht probat1on aft.fl' II• ad·
mlt led tlle MCODd dqTee rob-
bf>ry of .., C>nul&"e man.
Holb~k. eon or a IOlll' time
liatbOr area resident family, ad·
rnlttec:I etriklnt Harry N.wtiurn
of 328 N. Pl.ne St., ~ ti» left
,., mp&. an.J l&kl.n1 I Ul6 caah and
llG PARADE 1:'..S!) In t'hecka on JuJy 6.
car... Newburn had drtven to hi•
She WU ld«lll!IN .. Mrs. v I o ... ni. l'!Qme altf'r clo.Lnc hla
U1llan ft C&rtv • .O, Of 111 ~· 318 esse r , l'oet& Meaa IM'nnCe nation
C'hutnul. l!IL Slit wu ....,.ctll-'
0A rondttlOI\ of lhfl probaUOn
('a}J' ch•l'ltd with •nmk driV· Set to· Tour ani.ot.ed by l!lu~rior Court Jud&• ln& bill a cllUS• of IW'l"audln( K.r1A.th E Moniaon. wu lb.at
..,. lll.allell,_ rn&y be added, po-Holbrook not IMV. hit lllome
Uof' ~ / B s I d <tt 10 pm OttlON' ... Wlarq r NbOtt. on a y a U f a y The defendut told the 1'Mlltl ----------
1\uly -. C-. dt1v•lll at M&C'~ he ptan. lo Co CD\ to law 8Ctlool •
' • thllr llvd. and ~ Hlfhw•y, Bo.l ownf'r• ud o~l'1ltOra attf'r hu 1hldlee are completed Local Pair of
ordfncl ~mot.Gnat L..eRoy B•la.r· 'llltt• Utvlled to become part of at Ora.nee eo&.t. The probaUot1
-d-. ~ WbtlUer to ch&M the the moet lavtati boat parade In d_,,artnltn& had ~dild SoldJers tfn-sf ~:;&..llJ~~t"Uml; .. ~ wUd rid! Ulf' hlllory ot Newport &-•Ch p1ob9Uon ltor Holbrook laacs ·eo .. • • ,..._..
"' of.'~ • ai..ruir Wf'f'lc-1 <'elrbratlon of had o,..... Polle• Chief Eart for ,.-n--y
bout. •ta A.M.•JOUce aid lht 1olden aruuversary or N .. w. Pu~ll VWI" .._.,
U. ~. port S.U.h
I is, Ii ·llret Trio
el'hllets Monday
-Thfl para.le I.a ellpe< led to In·
• clud• aomf' 300 bc>At.a of llll I DRIVER TRAINING 111u. and dMtiJU!. a11•t Wiii •tart
Saturday noon In tht Ha.rbor QV~RTIME NEEDED
ar ...
li"Ul.l.PTON 10 C N 81 JamP,a IEdwarda. COflunandcr. nn. buDe\a were tU'ed rrom Balb<MI Pc>wer .,9qll.adron. -.nd
a ,....., ciar !Jtlo a dtnllllt'• Capt&ul Cy Tucker. c•J>l&ln. Dl-
otnce la a rnedlcal buJldlnt al vitlon 2. Unlt..1 St.at... Cuut
IM w. Cormnon...-JUa Ave. Gui.rd. are ro-chatnnen or th•
JuM IMtore n-MOhd&y. parade. •om-Mel W!)Olhrard repor\· They MJd ll wouJd 1 .. 1 al>out
9' a.. OI U.. elleUa ~ two hour• an,1 woultl be ron-
lla.roup a wood ahldd above a eluded ' by a boel <"•rn 1n1 a
wlDdow al( c:oa:idltloruo1 unit. huar blrt.hltay r"k• and Mill•
~ a ~ lnlo an offlCf'. Golden Jubll.. and hn tour
Uaroqh an llullde wall. and bur· 1 prlnceAM&, a• w•ll u MfMi ;-.;,..,_
Md lteall In the ctl11n( port S...acl\ nt 19!\e.
One shell crutltd lhrouJtl an -- --
So many atudalu are 8'1n·
tnr up for drtver ~ at
Newport Harbor Union Hil'h
8cbool that cia-wtll be
ctven tor m houn 8atur-
daya. acool'd11\6 to Supt.
Sldn<'y 0a net.on •
TUf'ild&J Uw t~f'f• ron·
tlnued th• echool'a conlraf'l
w1th Tti.o Robbin.a by wlllcb
lhf' company fumiahee two
<'•ta, '"'"· tor dr1•er tra"1·
lnr; Both AutomaUr and
manual trel\llmlNton will ~
taul'hL opiui w1ndOw f ud •platt .. 1.-d Pl . B I
aplnlll tM ftGnt outlfde ••11·1 easure oat
The ~ !::i llllbeddl!d lt.ael/ 1 -----------:ii:. -:00=~ ~:~I Forced Ashore sAiL GOES
entJ, ........ tarpt. j Afl•r attf'mpUnt lllMl\l<'<I'••· 01•n•h1•es~ to n. 1.,.PtSollDt. whoee d~ f\•11)' In obtain llld from <>11\Pr f)
.... ~'1 ~ tt. WU In• aklµpPl'll, 1';u,f'nl" Cn1mlf)' nr I( "'s Race llllot.IMT' room. at U.. Umt Rlvf'rSldf' IA.&a torr-<! lo run hu ...,.
8rnnl JMrwc>ne we1,. m the emall plruul"f' boet r.nt<> th<" .
1 •dJellaln.-· Wll1U111 roain Only l"O<'k• In front o( Buc:k Oully September .. '"' ldlote w_.. liteard with a S.pt 3 and hta n1..-e. Joan Ch1 I•-~
tJm41 tap. INlw•n thtm. tin" SobOl 2<l. "'1rre.....t rut• r.n
Woodward reporter! lht un-hrr toot ,. h••· •h" trlf'd to pt
koown marlu101an may ti.v• cir· I uhore.
ded l1'e !>*It 1-t•een 1hot.a Thf' lnjurf'd ttrl wu t&kPn to
ffo.1 ~ HoepHal fnr ll"f'atmf'nt
after 1UpplnJ on lhf' n>c"ka.
Aillo on t.M boat Clln't Afford It
,. ... Patricia J•n Crumley. 10.
The boat \ICU later mauuvf'reid
beck to EWa Boet LandlJ1C.
Crumley aid ~ en.ft WU
ancbo'l"9d l>ul UMt aacbOr rope
broke c.uU-C: U.. Mat adrttl Ht>
nld hf' callt'd t• o~r -.0..ta IM
a t~ but tbf'y lsnorecl 1\111 plea-.
in New
Oftlc• for llntt.i eer.bftl
P&l8y ot OraDp CoWJt.y an In a
n-Joca.tson today, aecordiftS to
WlDlam hmniorUI.. ~dmt ol
Uw eow1ty-wtde orp.ntuUoB.
Han'11r•r r•<t" to .. aallbnal• lA
C'la.aaea rrom dlft&'hll'tt up to ud '
lndudlnf K·!ll'a will bt" r .. tunMI:
u part ol th. Golden Jubl&.. Aa·
nlveraary Celebratloo hne aD
hpt. U It -. dl11rl~d ll)d&Y •
by Urbe.11 ~)' <'tMlirm1n.
Spoia.-d by the YacbUnS 1
Oomm.lt"'9 M Ulr Ne-wport H.,..1
bor C11.sinbeT oc Commen:e, tJiej
tioata trill 11e dJv~ mt.o nro'J
poupe: Ke.I lli«Jat.a and C-.~
boe.rd be-au
Bey u&8c~ lh&l !>oa,la tl:a
•ach dtyl.GOft wW be ctn11 U...
~,. and will 1lart at ttw de......., UJlle lnc.vaa. with
the flret boAt.a to c..-t.ht ttlll.tft
Une te "'* 4tecl&red wtNMa
"Ail lllLlppen are Lo"1t-.t to 1
001D,..a. Pd DO ,J1idl\ dUb al· nliaUGii 18 Nllldl'ed.", .., U•
n~ Re aid eaUy W&nM
anG ...... aheett #Ith lt8r~
um. .... ... *-•.... Id BU--. Udo ble uad N..,,._ 8M'o .,.,.._a&... a.atA .U.. be ..W. _. YNfll ~-llllUT'**-
Alq OOhWJ I '• • -ua.tmrw ..... -... ~·w ... ..... N-ontce la locat.t at I01
FORT CAR SON, Colo. -1
~ U-acbeclu.Md to IMve
til• unJted star.. &atarda1 ,.,,.
1 &:urope u part of OperaUon
Uyroecope. the Arm.t"• UNl rota·
lion plu.. an PvL DltAald R.
Rumsey, aon ot Elmw fl. Rum·
"'" %441 kn la Ana Ave .• Coeta
M-. and Pvt. Jobn K. P~wall.
whoee wile Marilyn Uv• et TN 1 W. Ba~ Plare, La1u na
Boll\ men .. ,.. m•m~n of Ute I
Ith Inlantrv OtY1aton. wlllcb bu
bMn alation.S al l"ort Caraon.
<-'>lo~ and i. replaciq UM 9tll I
Wantrv 01-t1111on In Gennany.
RumMy, 111, w a truck dnnr •
with Companv A nf the dlYWlon'1
6th Rep.nl. Powell. 22. i. a
peraoonel dark In HMdquarten
Ra.tterv of I.ht Mth Field ArtU·
I'"")' B.t.tl&llon. Bolh men antered
l.he Army laal Matth. j
dA,fl!lllbHD -4lmlan
81a1k l'lobert W. WardeJJ.
-of Mr. aJMS.Jilre. Robert
W&rckIL W Utb It... baa
-· ~ lo Jet )(e-c:baftlc. lkbool at A.martllo
Att ror~ Baa. l'ormttly
a at1.1dGlt at N-tc>rt ffar-
llor ~h khool WardeU '
rl()lfwd hla bulc l.ralJl.lnc
at PaJ'lla A.J'B. H• tnt.ried UM.. Alr .Fora .lllM ~. .. •.
~DI al U. 8u&& Au
~Una"' &taUCllL nlMJ¥e '° ri:rlllN1 ,us,. cu .. Iii to ... ., ta•• pidkt .... ...
---Co ·WI amc., ,..,_. '-U1aa ........, ..... IJl10r' ... ----------_._,. ~ laid. llUt "' Ul4I ,.... 'n.' .....,uaaUon. made .. ot ,,.
YOlunt..r county ...... u. '* 89' . "' '° ...... •Uru o1 cenbra1 G.-t Pou ...
p&laJ tn .u.. ClllW'lt7. O..n-.&J:J
UCP or .. ~ Ooullty •• at-
t.npttnc to .......... C11114 0..,
c-n ~m tor~ olUJ.. ..... ,..... ...... ..,,...,,t 'of
w. cet.r .. ,,. .._ dll•b"W
... ....Wt ol a OCNnt1W* ....
peal fOJ' llUPl)Ort I.Mt ilpl'trw.
~ o..,..._Uoa'• t....,,._.
•11mwr. Kl S.tTlll. remalna UM
S.C.ut lhrni .,.. ., ma~
fO"ernmit.at 911\P'°Y*I Ill tbt ....
trtet N....,,.,n Ha1'w o.-
R\ftl 8cboOJ .., ..cure • p9lll
hit' '41.JllO .to t/U1 ~ ....
IDlftt. tlllr ....... ot ttwt.. ....
,._., ...... a.,.t· •.
' .. 11$.-••
. .
lM .. ......,.-0..-.._
~ ...... u ..... .
Whtin a woman la tn a ~·
lft( modi1, you're ._. apt t.e
thf' l«al men have wh.at work
Uler. la." hf conttnue<I. ••
Dralriq • Pal8ttac -a.staata& II Alvucrd
81lEroB CIA.88m-rBOFE8810N.lL MODELS
I Fall Seslion Stam Septetnber 24
roC'JtA-:;:i;'nON CALL iyuo• UN R. DA VIS, Dbector
OttlcLaa. of Uw Ctty Park and
R.t'crt•Uon De~t ald the
Job woud be better •1>~
and IOft(er 1utt.q· , If fiay
me_lh_odAl_w_•_r• ~-----~ -~· ===~:;;;;;;;=;;;:;;;;;~;;;;;!!;;;;=~;;;;;;:;:==~
It gives us re~I plea·sure to advise you that
our sales and service falinties are now open for
your convenience •.. at our new locat~on with
all new and modem equipment ... and highly
efficient Buick-experienced personnel.
We are loo,ing forward to your visit.
~·le• ti.partmerii Open Mond•y Throu9h S•+urday--. . .
S.rvitt 0.pertment Open Mondey Tlirou9h Frida~
• 234 East 17th Street COSTA MESA liberty 1-7765
, .
. eame, ,..,,.._rt.II Mid.
wom... ~-Le1Me ¥Dim' ot Ule Kllool lllatt ..... .....
"°"1ft( oe t.hta tt.m.. .....,
otbln. &ad llroPM to ban Ji --
nnM4 shortly .•
.._ __________________________ ...... .._ ________ _. __________________________ ...
t;i •
<•? ~2..~Do; 11 JSI •I ot . tlait ••tn Olt*1'd -. -~ '919' t IJI M fuearfr .. U.. aiW:Jat .. I
ii ........ ti '• •. ....,, . ,.,..... "'
Git WrW ~ ••.•• ~ n.. ,, ...
1·, .,. ,-.t lfil a bd& diek • 1-t.t lll*al ID &ad
, .. -...... die jltU.. durtq ...........
tMt CM 11•w .,... fNm 11:11 la 1• to n,m
I •791• • '
. • Ill .... ... .... ...... --ot laboat4 . .,..td Chft ... the ..,., .,.... drappld
"I oil frUD •.ta a tteo t. 28,. ID llifU ud 19
, · "9dr w 71.IN um ~ ... ._ o1 .... t.ban aooo.
'1'1r lf Dot a'~ fll•...,_ W'beHtl you
. mq ~ ~ .. lalld yoa Will ftnd
.,., .. WIWtlls tnMitn wttl outboard motor boat.a, . .. a.ea. Dr; ....... t ., uundal lak• bllaiDd
.._ ,..., ... 1trWltJoa dama ta one J'tUOft for
&Mm, but only a alllor· ,_.. u the power ~t.t
tuna up OD ffttJ nttJe '10• and ltftdl wbeft lMrt
are a. ti .W.. cw 6lclul to al:loot. Ka.ny famlliet
~·u.• ~ in theM '°9ta ••ldDf -· trti-WW. ti.-lad .-pin,. &dore at 11.iPt, either
tn *"··--.,......,... · iD the moton t.bemeelva is one
. ,_ I• tMflr ~· 'n.. uya when lt wu --............ '* U.t tlleJ tt'Otlld break dotna ._.. • na a,, fUl and owaere ta.lit to open
W8Ur _.. tM --..an.nee U..1 lt.&vt' with t.btJ.r
ear1 &Ad t.ht ume aJ*t.AUoa ol tMir OCJGtlnu.d
perf ormancc.
Register By Tomorrow!
Have you "'~ ! . Tb~ burry. !or tomor·
''""' • the .._ day fw all 10Cld ci&tiaena to come to
the &!d or tM.\r' eoutry. ADd Dot only their country,
their St.au and t.htir cormnunJty. P'or unleu you
' have rept.ere4 bet~ rrtd&y, you will be unable
to vote tn the Nov. 6 pre.idential election and on
the Stat. ud county propoattion.a which lnvolve
millk>u or doUart ot tupeyen' •oMJ.
Tup&)'ttl' money meant YOUR money. If you
81 IA.IOa W. DOO'l'ILU'
W MHINGTON -TM Dmocratie nat.J()n&l plat·
lorm -vttwed ln the liJbt o1 potentia.1 rtiault.a -a ,...
fardtd by \¥uhloston polltJcl.u.t u ~I eontider&bly
to the l~t o! the palt!orm .nuen by t.M RepubUcau.
Thi• HUlnat• I.I mlkl1 ln \he , I &.t I• r m 1111r.ty ~plsod
lllhl or llM tut that ~ "lloaut 4JNtrwir11" a.a 141 Ule
pl• lform• -eofttormlns l.O eia-tnae IOC'atlon of U1t rorwUtullon·
lum-m<• .. traordlnar7 pr-al line betw.. fOl!WaJ a.nd
l"9 l.O U\t voter1. Tl\e plat(-· •l&t.H' rt1ht..
wrlltte •VIJenlly were cocac~ Ad.c>e&l• ot adopt I• ll of
ot preaure 1r ... upa wllidi ... k Hoover CommlM•Oll pro,-U
(on.tlantly lo tap t.b1 federal fl>W\4 C'9111lort In u en4o~t
lt'fUUry. In th• lhp\lbltcan platform. llm-
•1 IAO& 80.fift'ttD
,.,.. p...,,....i •1 I.bl Orua'e
OOWlly Otu4 Jury taat aa
lllooor farftl f.,-~ lam&"1o tie
lllt&tJUM.4 u ... &I 11 , ..... It
bM .. t wtUl A4Y•,_ ~
from ._ ,uart.en. l.A.cll of ta·
tonnllUon/ ... 141 ~l tha c&lllp
wouWI b. aJMI w.-b.14 '9 for Ila
poreoanel 11 ~ ~uu11e for aoma
ot llllll ob~Uou, Ute wnter M·
He••L ' ..,..,.i ,_,.. .. ,.. a or .. d
Jury .-.eom.,cndecl the bMrd flt
IUplrTl .. rl looll llllO t.1\.1 M lUl\I
u' of a lnlnUllum aecunty _..,
In llUa county. Hot~I hu ..._.
dolW •lliov\ It, at 1 ... l for w
HtUf cu .. , tam••-*•
W•llly OOV.t 11rl p&aa&ar, ""°n•
"'' th• othtt day le •1. "f like it Mre, r.n Piii Le aay."
MayM bo _,,l an .,.,., ctf ....
of oc.i.t Joc&l t~aare. ~7,
Henry U.lend• lo do a Mt of
lutorln.r lllmMll, pl&Ulnf to
tak1 Ln a tew prlntt ,_,,.a._
and Mlp dt¥'8Jop Lal... bl art
Ad mu ludy Kaal!toe ea.mt
up wt th tbo puncll line W1laft ,
a lad7 pbofted dUrlAI Ulo i..w
Day vtelt of l.M Hom« ud
uktd. "What Umt I.I Ula JIOflo
net comtn1 •1 8&.lboa lal•Ml •
I nn ... It tr-om llatre !"'
OOm.ment.ct .. n4)', "Tell ""
the Homet ca.n't come I• ba·
C'&u•t ~ewport lk&ch la -."1nl
a water ~I•·"
'don't ttp.ur l9d dGm't •ot.e on Nn. 6, don't blame
your Mifhbort for what happen• to your pocket·
book. It'• •P lO you to taltt caN ot tbat for your·
ael!. Ju.at u It'• up to you and you and YOU to
Lake cart ol your cowstry by backinS It with ballot.a.
With Ult jail conf.1Uon1 mo,..
n.,.Md to6l)' than n.t M-
for•. the --4 tor Ill("." a •pot ~ .,,.,_l. A OOlt\mJttM •t the
lt!\t Onnd Jury, lH lty Ot'Otl•
l~Jrord, Oftc'• a1atn ta ll&mmtt·
101 011 lllt •upervi.or1' door -
Bul lht fttpublkan platform· 1Larly. ll u4 kind w•rda for
mak11r1 1ppfJlrtd to be ... lt1n1 the "•ll\IMuM 0om1111..-r ..
l" bultrtM their dOC'um.nt °" port on ftdtral•atate rel+t.._..
Ui .. rock o( prlvau rotnptlltlft e.nl"Prl.H (l•ral ruj)(lflllblllty TIM IUpultllean plattoma In· -1un1 ,,.oml)t action on autll a
Most Expensive Type of
Government Is Federal
. ••• Ta cent.a of every tax doll&r you will p&)' to
· tb• federal covernment m the coming year will co
• tor inte,_t on the national debt. Only one cent
·.will ro tor tttittment o( that dtbt.
Tb.Lt U. like bavms $110 monthly paymf'nt.. on
, ,. a home, of 11fllicb $100 WO\lld ro for lntel"Ut and.
· $10 for principal
Thi. ia the kind of condition financu Jf't Into
when they cet u rar away u the federal levf'I,
where the cilatance from the taxrayer mak~ bunau·
eracy rrowth euy.
For coot.rut, compa,.. thf' 11 cMita or l"A<'h tax
doli&r the fedend 1ottrnm..nt applltt to fllul
matters with the 1 9 cPnta the atate of Cahfomia
appliN to fi«al matlen.
• Some govt'rnmenl fund1on1 arf', of courM',
, necee1&ry at the ff'd.-ral lnPI, but ff'dtral ftO\'P'm·
meet U. nonna.lly quit~ a bit more f"XJ>f"Dllvt than
.U.te or local rovernmf'nL
Think on tht. when caJMlidatee in the comm1
dection promi.e leplatton for "giH•away" projN·t11
at the fed~ral ~el. rather than lf'tting the •tat~ or
local eov~mment finance and control the proj«t.
Alice Would Have Field
Day In Tax Wonderland!
Tben is an A.lice-In-Wonderland quanty about
our federal income ta.a law., with t.helr extrGDtly
birb upper-bn.c.ket ratH. U. a. News It Worid
d • t• 1 IV1lte ....; <'IUCfod a ,.-the '9cla,.Uol\ forf farm. Wiii U..7 "'"' ,_,1u1 tall· an moto •la I.II pr d1wonllnuanu ot 1Nstn-t9,. ur. tMf
•mnpU• of lrelflra ctutl• adlvlllr1 ol lll1 1ovrmm1nl .
I l l l ... 11.o. ti Coria. A. Souaa, •htntr-coro-n ton 1 •• • • "1 rdT\0< ra c "hll'.h com,..te w\UI prav•l• •n· I tt 1 Id bl r-nn ot S.11 J094W. Clou.aty, W P" orm, 0 a C'On& •ra ~. ••· tHpllH On Ua other hln<l. tl1t llnl NJ>Hl.a th1 Truman Wtl· l'HrrlOC'r1l1r platform did nnt '<Im• 1ate1-e•UnJ dop. nn Illa
rar• •t•I• p•ovani o! 11148 • t 1 h ( t honor farm. TM la11 Jot.4uln ron • n •1.1r a •r. •n prom1•t )all ut ruu a round 111 -0 t'1 n111l'h •f wauc" ...,..._ rej• t..i. 117 1-wllll'll m"y lllf tretf'<i to tllf .• ,,.
a UtmoNaUr. c-OnlNlllld l 00-rart tJlat N Y•••• mambf'rt "' ••PU:r Nf!M' than Ora"'•
Jf•--•ntl 9'Jb1111..i"•I~ •ct~la lh• l•' tona ,. nUl\llttf' whll• Oo11ftty·1 The honor farm pop·
tlltc dl<l•llOft of 111• 111tor uni• I P 0 ulaUon u •t•. "bNIH , • In Cvn1i>1tU. oppc>Md lt11~lal1nn BIMl(!Jlf IN 11 ..
ftl 'l"l1'f'..1'4~ POI.JC:\" I 1 tll•pf'llH with b1111nua :~ P• ont. lall Joaquin (:,.0.1ntv
•• tlvlll•~ The Rf'pubhun pl1lfvrm aa11I I hoftOf farnt wu W,1111 ID 1941
lh1&t th" '~llll\I •«>Q.OS\lr pull· 1 IU \ \ y lllf'I:' OJ' r; 111 ord« of Ute b•r• •t ,,,,.,.
, 1•1" flt II• fCia~o•ur ArJrnln1. r.oth platro11,,1 ,.11 ''JI "'in· vlao1&. It -· 'Piil undf'r ton~I
• •lrl!U\111 Ir rattd •n 11moepll•rt ""·'' !llldalal •rll¥1ll"• .. nirh j"' lJllo lhlntt aorn .. a'Da~
u( C'011f1<],. ,, .• In bu•onMI• 'l\hlrh "r.111d .iltall IW'nvy •1•f'n'11nr,IA R. A. bulldln1o:1 "'Nf a cU\·et•
cont1 1n11t~d to 1tc:or.t P"'~p•l1ly ••Hit"" fe..l•lll ll•l I~ ••lllfatlon •4.
• rr<"n1n1u11u that a I• at· hi;Uilat n fnr '""'•11•·1 rl"Jl'""-'·1 l!tveral )'•r• l•f .. r. a perm&•
1111 udr lny, at ol bu~""'-1• a • I ar•a• •i.~nd• 1 h-lth a•r· Mnl l>'.lllCS1n1 rrotram "'U
I ror1m .. nr•'""'~Y fnr lht 1>•>o•I or '" •• anJ the ltk• lauR<"lled. At lh• a\•rt. accordln•
.h rounln In liu-, ... ~•eo \ u, .. t>f'mo• uta 1 lv 80UM.. pr1a01nt'll ••,. ~ro~
I Th" Rrpuhll ftll• Ion pra1tf'd nulpruml.,.1 th• H•pllbllr•n• fr.m tt1• .)all to II•• far n1, 'tlwy
ltu•nial'IVI'• f•r l h• al1tn1n•l1<>n 'ihr flllh pla!Corm \\f'nl far were 111~1d lo M hlrM out at
of ronlrnlt n:lt l'f"•lllllablV II 11 "Na rd I " 'W•1'81 • al air'" t oll•
prom1.. lo ••old lhf'ln .. ur· "pt1on • • •Mn,.•lJo •dvnrll"'1
• 1n~ ~·· ,..11m•
Th• I~""'-"'"' p!olh•m ''"
lh• ttthrr han I clla11H lh•l Ir,.
l\f'publltln~ bHamf' th• tc>nl nf pruorwr
•nd oporallnnAI pnx~<111rf' to1 rrrj
lhe ~.otlll•U&llC't Of the pro-
OrllllJt County Cl•U Alt PaltOI
An lnl•n•1"• t111nlnf pro1nm
for .. vrr,1•11e uuic•,.-•I Ill h11v~ .. 111 ""' 11nd•r "'""by RoWrl A
an t"'l>rhlf' <>Ill In thfo OPf'O < a111µbf'll 111 ho "111 l•al'h ,all
"orklns; I»" 11111 )'Ii rf'h•bl'l'a phawa 1n tl"l11n1nir to prof•Nlonal
11011 lhan • 'llnt "1.1t l l• Umr p1lvl• "'1• •'amp~ll II • w•ll
b~hlnJ J11I bAra~ kno.-n ln•lrurtr.r and ll'Chn1cal
<Jr ~o.or..-vn" "' th" h.1u•f'•t •·ntrr for tn,. t 'owlpr Af'ronaull·
h111dlr• la lo tln•I an adNj•ta lr ral fi.r\lr • 111 Burb&nk •
l()C"atlnn. Thtr• mu•I be \\ atrr 'l"he 1..i•·ll Air Petrol I• th•
bf'-< 8\IN lhf' b11na:lnt In of l nfnc1al ctvtlll. n aU:&lll•ry Of lJMt
M,.tropo111an Water horn ally t·n1t.td llt•U'• Air Forre h)' Ml
dl11IAIW'I '"''''" thmw up • lrt· of t;,,.,rua ot th• 1Jnl~ a\.l.t••·
mendou• flnan<'1al a!umlll'"I lt alAe I• , l\&r1arPd by the Con·
blnc II ....... "' lh• Unlt~ SIAIH lo
P:trnrl1 In nn11 a111 h 11 •II" I act .. • nunpl'ortl corporauon
•hould ~ ·~ up IAt'• not 1 ~lraC..S 10 tht a6vtu\C)f'l!W'nl ol
"alt until lnr.allnna hn• ~n
sobbt~ 11p by 111bdlvld•r1 avl11Uen.
thint il through • 0 \ATRl~ES '. ·
C A.P. h .. mcu·e the" tl.000
'"oluntttr mtrnber1 tn<"ludlDf ap-
proll.linat.ilv .~I 000 C'edtt.e -
youn1 men •nd women 16 ,...,..
ot ap • olMr wbe ar. ...-.•
In an IDl•n.I"• ana.Unn educ»•
ll_!>n p"1tJram -a.n4. mo,. than
•0.000 adult memkt• wtlo an
plkita, ~rv•rs. rtClo epera~.
tint atd ll'f'Cl&lltla. lnatructon
and technical ~lallal.a.
87 mw ilD F. BlJ'ITON . ..w.om A llA .. OR ' ucws· -PRE-SS What about 'lboM "built-in f'COnomic •tabUlun" ti'&;, , that are suppo9ed to iuara.ntee ''full anploymeol" and
Talktd With a teller the olhtr day that wu up to hla
ntclr ln what he called "Bad Luck''. 8ttm.I like Ml
"a..d Luck" 1tarted out htre f'apt or wn yean 'co
when be bousht 20 actt8 and .it.ltd 40'!.-n to the
bap1>7 Ute or rarmlnl'-Tht'll alonr come 110me 1Ub-
divldere AA' pUd b.b6 U,000 &.D atrt profit Oil hla
farm. Tllm he went to another etat.e aa• bau.abt b»-
•lf a qu.a.rtn aecUoa an' ap.1n eeltled down to th•
happy lift ot rucblng. But, Lo an' Behold lf aome
The Clvtl A.Jr !'at1111 (U
muat., to total at aomt 1.000
piano In an envraney. Th..-
1nl"l•1de Hsht pl.a~ owrwd by
CAP mem1>1r1 and 1 1 m 11 • r
planH OWMJ by CAP U1\lta .,, ••
mmtfd lty mo,... ltla.n 000 Jla1-
pl&M9 on toe.n tl"Ofll UI• Air
Fw...ty ~ !f.wport·Balboa Newt·Ttm• ........... ~-~~
••• 0 ........... Dialb. d• ,., C)ww--hf\y--... +.-.. -... ---
a pe~tu&l joy ride! We do have eome new sadret..a to
aoften Lh• peab and valleys or bu.aineu. Thete atab1·
ll•nw aH not Hltft&Ue. .,.... ,,.,_rily "JOO"° for MM!ln-
Mtna• nau•t ~,.Lt th~. But .up,_ th• mon•Y man•·
._... •• 11 •.av J&artsatt•~~.• .. ~..,.nlkKll. A.cdOdl e&al!UlMn ,,. ""1ll ,.,. ~llk Utcre 1a d&A•~r .-.d ~ _.. lM .. fl -.. -•• lat. aulOIMWS..; br • ,,,_.., S. Utt)' ,.... IJU-t nt•
• • 'I) I .... :.==:.:.:'·......,.-· IM'&Jte• IW~ rtw: _,.~ alipUy. W'llal happtn1? A bowl WWWfWI --· CIC*l'A..'fY I '9f&sl ete. ,_ 11p le Moe•m. "Ooft't put ........... iiAW»ear••m,.C&.LIP ...... ...._ lUe Unl-tM 4t1"1' ot Ole car on the bf'U•! .. 1'11en vou u•• ·r::.:::i.:':i,:z:a = =~~ .::. ~~.::= ~ ~=. an:.i:mi;:~. w::; 't..s;v:~::.m· pollll<'• btin1 what
lilit•n• ,. Jr 11111 publk """''' "JM'rmlt th•
'Ml• IK'Onomk: IJ\ab'11&er1 are 1tab4llwr1 to ~ork. what then!
., btttf'r lha11 UI• .,.. .. who op-Whll• •• inay -"'-it H'll'Pr
• ,.ta !.Mm. WW th.,. wwk ahould -ha._ &noUl1r lt2t «
whM we want UW'll to! Wiii JU'7. lboUM.nu or ~depT"f'Mtcm."
we let llMn ! No. tt ttlle Jal• -tlu91ft-. falluru ,..... take pl•ee
l\llpflJ' fHllJlf llwpe lfpl fV.r)' Jear.
•• an aampl•, th• l"09t ell •A loc •t t!Miftl Mpp.n Jua1
m1111•1 -lnter"l ralN "II• ~auw ~·· fHI •ure nnlhlna
tn• Into •••ry bu.-i-d«l•IAll. tan Mp~n.
"Ch .. , .... , .• lnchlN9 peeJle Nl&p~r. u. .... la no WMll·
to ..., 1nt1t cM>bt. wtlkll 18 l•m· b•t• rnr rnmmon -.n•
' oil cotl\p&D)' didn't di.-cover oil all over hia ranch
.. , Sa ., •• 10 dlqu~ at t.rytDJ to aettJ. down t.o
a peaceabi. lite that he doeao't Ir.now •bat to· do.
Wdl, thal'I the n.y it w tor IOme fol.U •.. "Bad
Luck'' tvtt
I tbM Ulty turn around -dum thrir
Farmtr McCa~
(aU n1ht.a reauved>
CAP ma.111t.al.u a aaUOn·~
n.diO MtW'Ork el _.. thaa
1UOO n-S. IDtllne Ud &Jr-
....., Brttl.Ue&. no c.u All' P9tro1 .......
dt«z1-. .,, omctale "' -!M
UMl.a ,.._ Air 0'9ftil'I Atr
~ ~ .. Ila ~tlPt
arm" tn Oontllllll' urtal 9"ftlll
&1ld rtlC\W ~llocl&. CAP aa·
nually pertonn1 ,..,.. lll&n IO
perotftt f>f Uw tol&l -~" ~n tlctwft llY all ,.r'tlC'lpatlrtf .....
cM• Oft ·-~.n.. W1lht11 Uw con-
U-t.al ltmlta at . OW Unlt.ood
lltacn ~olltll lty Air "-:ue
Tl\f' C1'f"ll Air P1lrul WU «·
1al\lllMI on l,._..emltPr I, JMl to •'"" ••n«• to Iha nauona ct•ll
f'tfort• u an ai•nry of lht of·
n. of d•lll&A dda.N. It _,..
a. h4orotc tole I• aau.utunan•
,.ln»I .tt tM MU&aUo aM 0&.r·
lbblan c:outa ta ...,11 Mi• .t
World War IL >J a re9UJt U.
Civil A.Ir Patnl wu t..nmferrM
to tllt War ~ e&l'l7 lla-
lh• "'ar. •
CAP today, u It w&.t la tM
.,.,,1nn1~. la dWM!llM Y ~
th•rll\I air power b7 act.I•• ,....
motion ot llloUI ,.UUt&ry aM Cll1l'll
nlaUotl Jta ..,...._,. ue ~
all walk1 or Ult, &11 er..-aa9
all rf'llJl•u 1 Mt11•tv~ •
ba~ lOl'fllwr '>' Ole ...._ .i
country and nlll\IO&uM tar aYls
au on.
II~ 19t'a. ut.aU011 .......
peol)lt of Or~• C9uat1 ,... U.
CAP, )'OU l1 llljoy ll
u..r,.. HaMl-.t
Publlci Worm.au• OtDcw
'41uadroft Tl C.A.P.
o~ C04lnt1 A.I~
_..,temW t. HM
Mr an M11111pe
N-J>Ort H1r1lor He._. ,_.....
Utt WMt 8a1Ma
)II-pert .. llC!I. C&J1ton1&
Dear Mr l'tlllll,.·
On ti.(lalf I)( Ula ,_....,_
Ollf1om1& Yaeblhll A~
f WI.ti le th&aJt JOU fer fM ...
dorlul publJdlJ aM ......,,_
your Ntw..-p.r P" W t.M llN
Annual Ch&mp&QIMlfllp lteptt.a
h•ld durln1 l.M """ fart ti Aa. pat It the ....,.. 1'Mbt a...
Wt llU t.ti. la,.__.._ ti
llOjlt.I eom,.u., .... r y IU'ld,... •t• ....... lMnt Cl?lhl"Ms ,..
r•lla. "-9 i. a '-lfl ,.n " uie
oceJlMc. ~t ,~ '-It."' CM,,_...
JJ\te~ 11\ ......... ~ .. lllclWN,. ............. ,...
,...-uatJon flt um ...._ • au 1&.dl~ u..a,.. llr.Mlll
llOo9t .. tM tut.-............
Utlput 8POf't ..... • .,,. ,
We at Utt ...... Y .... cillt
W'OUld .. "tr7 ~ It ...
wouk5a..~19'1t-.... ,.u """' t. ,... ......... .,.,
the C'IU' AM llli. "'7 ,......,,..
.... •,oft .. "' ..
Tha.nll,.. .........
.,.,, t1'dJ ~
c. WW»•••• a.lltla..ll'IMI
o.u Mn. ..... : .,.......,.,. ~ u.r ...,. .............
fte .... ,......, ...... ..
•"' IJI• ,,. ...... .,.... .... -ll &Jw•,.. tn.U. ....
Wo a~\e tM ,...._
the 9"1UJ ~ flt .,... ..... JOU'~-·
Ill.aft)' llWlU• WbdtNlll. ,_
a ll yoa dO to •"* 9W
thurctl uu.iu-.
DM lap,_
WU.1 ....,__ J
ta-W ...
dry, I ... tt cu••• tt m
u, nu.ct. "' Pl1 $1UI mo.
... at oett .. ·a
I . Mahl lt.. 0
• ,. m. -.21
i!i t..u -=-~ c~ aen.."' eldpper. oi N~ Barbor uc1 Udo Yacht ·.
<lube. ""Pf wt week'• teria at ftnt .A.nnual l,.ehmtn 10 Juaior CJi.a.mi*a·
llb.Jp.° Dick Dalton la ahcntn ~U. c&.e1I hie ftnt~award, whUe Dick
SWeet, aWng lnat.nictor and rue committee cJWrdwl loob oea. bOlcllQt the
Bob E>a.Jton PerpetuaJ plaque, now on display a.t Dalton'• Ratau.ranl-Gme
DUj YOU knovr.
that W.Miit e lf.~dy
ltetld New. MUem
Tra ' ~ark : •-•ii•
from the Fr .. way in
the heert of Tustin,
th•t l• convenient te ~·~hl~ r lft •nd
er..o..+5anteAna •
....... ltlnl'*1J f'41.lt
FREE 1 l
(t• u7 .aoaaer 111 Oran&• 0o >
IIKPLY c.lLL ...... 'T JU.TY.
Kl 7.3506
! !e··~f-l&ellt
ON au .804 IBLAND au u1 ,_ r-.rl7 ... ·
~ J'ttl\&ll,. ~
1M Ma.rtn• A •a. BartlOr IOI
BAL80.4 tau.ftD
BLtJEPJU!ftS . ..
'28U ~ewport BlYd.
Harbor '381
&e"eral Contr•ctor: Ltc:ILMll:D
New Work -RtmodelinS
flart»or ... " Uttt
Paintinl 6 t-aperbadc\DI
w~ do the wop o'1nelvn.
~7'¥•~ ~-·~ l&WDttJoa ...,..i.td.
oV'DftVf'l .........
CMllt. 1111
PAINTING Sattaatef f~. ~· JNaalt. Ll 1-2"7 6 Ll 8-6289 au.
'A Stitch tn Tim•
OOMPU:TIC PAINTING Prep&.rt for ra.ll Weat.htt
·6!-=.8:.ir:.::.-STANLEY &CKJ!BMAN
eoo 11.1t lu..t. N.wport aa.a BEA TING
aani. lt'TI at. To dnn and M"tce your beat-l~ ayllt.Ua ~.,...the rub or
to tnatall a new on..
Trub Haullnl
LDerty Ml.. dlt~
P•lntlng. D~~oreting
Paper llaqlq
LllSNUD OON'l'l\A<1l'OR
L&Mlll ~ .....
wlMn you &d'f'U'tlM
bl ua. CluBltled
Colwnn• of th9
N ... Pnaa.
CA.LL Karbot 1.-1 NOW
111 ltth ltftet ffpt. Bch.
11 Y ta.n lll UMt HaAot AIU li9c72h
-· t I ti -
---· .,,,_ ... "' . ... .,.,,_,..,.
Mtf'llanka& a.M eleetl1cal
lilalat.nanu .. mtt
• U. WUllK OU A.RAHT&a>.
Ral'bOI' llM or ... 15th
Dft.Ull' AJOMO &11d
I ,
tun.. FkEE 11
par-(for AA'I ¥UllM7 bt 0...,. ()o)
IIMPL1' CALL ..... 'TN.TY.
"' Kl 7.3906 t ceD-• a.a. 01'11 er I ....,.. tUm · .,t· o; ..... ,.,. ...... ~ .....
bo& M"M. Mlddle &IM C.Oupl ..
Mo dilldl"O or ,..ta. Dtalre o.··
•1&97 not '6.tAlit \halt Oct l•L
• Ptalie• Bal' nn an. .• ,. m. aou
!"! ~-·-·· ... '
ON W, .BOA. mu.ND
-11tt NELDA OIBIOlt. ftl<or
ma IOI M&r\ne A•.. aarw IOI
aAL90A uu,..un)
ama.rt. °"' ..... ~
bame. lbdrm. • Whl. WMJ wua attcstq jt&al Nit t. •
chMlld ,.uo. Ma.11111 ~
ldteMn. 8'\allt.-Ut ... • raqe..
H•d ,.,.uac fteon, PtJ0 Pl" mo. i yr....._ u...-orncm .,,..i. ravura c 0 A IT
«IQUJf'l'llY-CLl18. -•
ea-t llW)' 101. Mc•,.t 8&$or.
a.JI aar .....
1 ·
11119 ••
Otl't YdUJ\ POWh 8QtJ.A;b-
RON 8\JPPUa lA lM .~~
---------S\1nf, 0ptn WIW t ,.-. MU)'.
120 2tUa It., M..,.rt a.di
sa rr. CHJUa CllArr .,.....
........ J, rtao. tull1 ~Jt. ».•ao. Olmer Har. MM.
. DPt88a
ORGAN liimc!&tA ! 14J S. MAIN
(ActaM J"rom Btf aat..a7 Ito ... )
Kl 2-3807 ()pa Nlt.u Santa Ana
Ofla »rdlap 6 .A.ll Day lunday
t Old.T -.... KAJfUAL
m.ctrcmM or...,.:.., ....
DOW MN. ~ .. \.41 doWa
... Sli.11 · ....... , --------------------
lllLU'9ll'• _..lift> IF YOU DON'T .KNOW USED CARS
TV Antennas
DUT .A.t..Um
Antenaaa 12.M and up
ACld T. V.
•• IUt It.
But& Ana
Ba ll04 PAID J'Oll 01\ NO'r
USEO TRUCKS - -l . . MeCarUl7 .Pt.7• ... .,.. IU:NT • tnun~t. t.nftl90llt, vio-UIO a. 1U.1.a ID 1-aoot .,. OMC ,. T pickup
ll.n. ttut.e or otMP amtrum•t ---------'U 00001: ·~ T. pickup
" ~······ , ..... ,
ON l".PC)l 1BL4ND -· u:a ua .., ,_.., ... · ,., ....... ~
110 .. IJ'lll.. IQ I-UM Nl:LDA OIBIOM. a.attar
LOA}( CAM -J"aSm TOWIKQ .. Mat1ae A.-.. ....._IOI
fer .. t. a...tll. Au. Hat pUd ~ W IAle 'G.a OMC ~ T puf'I
~ 7..,. .,,.... • nmiM ---------'&t rol\D '>41 T. pickup, r ordo-AUTHORIZED · IRVIN& T~R8 ""CE purdl .... • ......_, **-· CORVm'M'lt 116'. JUaH. power• mauc trana. s: l'U'\ ~ -~-.. ~• •'t-t~ ..... 1~000 mlloo lltao. ·ms OMC .. T . ...,, STUDQAKER SEllVICJ: ......_ ~--.., .. _ .. _ "' --Orl-'nal Har uaa 64 CHJCV \, T. pickup. hydra ...._ I lliaM, Lilaaa
19 f'Md, wtt.K ""' to •t&rt •• OWMt. · IOcH tra.na. Ptic• l\J1bt -.ta alldUIC .tit t. •
wb• JM~ 'M OMC " T. pickup, h>dra Work outant.etd cl\Mlld ,.U.. MM.n-
'I o·.m.. n.or. lac& 11p ·u ~';.~ ._,. T. pickup hydra JOE NICKERTZ ~-,,::: :..iu::
npu. t.rs1i.t 11.tt.ch. fft so.d U'aN. YOUR BTUI>SBAICD D11Al.D .... , .,, iMM. a.u..a o.rncm
cM&UoL C>wlwr oft~rm ll '•I OMC 1 T. pickup SUt Htwport B&vd. ll&r. 110 op•t.t atVIKJI 00 A'I T
'1215 aw tu. LI 1-~12 'M OMC 2 T. ltt" WB. 61ot' OOUll"J'KY Cl.VII, ,
tcktl '60 OMC 1 T. 001: u · •t.Ut, 1 N "'aU'. HUDSON a.. llWJ 101, Jf~ llatlor.
---------sJ1'1M, l ;ll UrN AaU Od lfar. Md Gr•nt W. Musick ·.51 ~= :l:i ~ in"
Yout Muaa•n Dtaftt ·ao 00001: '"' T. •ump a ePffd
RAT ---.a •-Vl1-t :OO U,_
----11.1.N u~ ~ San Ume &Dd ~ b7 Mtln1 .. ,.. ............ ._ .. ,IT
",,, tult ..... Nfll.lrtd $2.IO .
....... ,aftt .......
tmAlll'OR ~ U. I. Bull mt W. 0... Jrwy. LI Mm 0, O. UYKO~tcir Co. N. B. C. Reatty
Jhd &nd Newport avcL
Hu HOG, or 6511
C&ll ~ LI a.not H4 M1W 5(11 Olmlft eo.ta ._.
----------Lt Mtll W:.. LI t-a1t1
1'011NQ llwia.e WO!Ma wouJd
lib .-.... tO --.. apt It apaa,._ Bar MO. IOctJ SD ·. 'l'BUI, Col'oaa dtl M&T
HOI W. OCSAl'I J'ST. Winter-yearly 1"9Ctal J bdnn. uotura.
t\&N. UW pd. l8drm. UpJ*' llou.M, clme t.o mkta. • ~
UUIOA UlLARD ......_ llPI*' I Bdml lowwr Owner 09 Jll'9'> -. Adult.I. no peta. I06 ......
~ J 1M1rm A ma JOldt, aiM1 lat • I• IM ltft. 1-f..,JIU. en, ad4 • ~~~d r...:.__f ,_..., '™' ~ l110. JI&. 61U..W. apea \';J'T'vvn JiK1V LOWD t MftD. w1.Dtiw ... ---BALBOA. I&LA.ND boaeymeoe
A...il eept. t a., 1a1W Coran& cl.el Mu BACHELOR cottap ~:r tllnL .A~ • ornc:a OR 8l'OtlE8
, , , etrr. APT. MO mo. BU.Cle iMA pn-•bi• tor .tnt.T rQtal. Pwitct For .._.. m..-
t.....S. ·Call •¥'19. Bu Wt.. fOr J Qt 2 • a little oa.. a._..___. T----Co. Bids. a.uac>~ ~ .,.._ natal. : QOa Bu-ll1tl tooe.J DAl·uv.c un--.
fWa. I hdnl.. • IJaUl -... ---~ I& Ht•part BlYd. '1nplMe. A.119 1 ~ tum. WDftm\ rental. tum. apt. .... IUWAIIA.Jf MODBN, l Mnn. Hu 1800
apartmct, ,.._.,.... Ad\IHIL ~. \lUJIU.. .. Mml-• Bunk "*" · JfiUolU7 kJt------·-~-· _. --LI 1-ftM. nae. '""1lc prdm. OWMr 1111 &. ca., ca.pc..l. ~,. _.... . · BaJ-. Blvd. Bar. Ml•W &ivpkal ~ Wtntar U0 mo. ProteallOMI =-~ l..-a
l'iSWl"Oli'I' BmmrN -1np. ad( ._ aa.turday 6: 8und&J U17 N x 16 aop.. ~ Bl-fd. ~ S ... -. qt ta '!'rt-Mew .. llllllll:room apt.: Wtnter W. BaJ1tOa BJvd. '2CI Newpart ......
)Ila ...... -...... '1IO Ill&
I bdan. bomt OD llt•eJ'lllde Dr.
with ~~· i:Hellml
t.rm• .. ~ lla.rd-
wood IJoora, l'OOd ~ •
~ llf,IOO, °'11 WI tor "':" OiiWl1tB 8A.LJUURY m Kanne ••a.. Balboa lal&Ad
Har ... 'fl 6 lbr. IMO
C\&rt Dolll • ci-oe !Ake ~t-
Cd a. •n& llOK :-: ~ ~:~= ';t'.: BA YSHOIU!JI lUX POPE, Be<or
ATTBA.C'DV11 tum 1 bednll • Newport S.Ch or· BJ .. 2•n a bedrvot1I f'IJrD., uaflal* m011tb lMI llubor, C.X. U 6-11'2 A~ 1 bd1'l2l bcx.-dlll.
111111 d9ck .. ..._ AMI ~ t G'l'J"C of 8eptamber. Gc6' ..,.,.. • .. x W ft. comer
b9drm Jao-. --. C.'"1 2 bedroom f'Unl., newly decorated lot, .. llut Wt.b, ca.ta x ....
Comer lot,
near Baek Bay
Must Be Sold
This Weelc
AU.inc $6000
Be.t Offer T&kee
Har. 3381 . . ,
Vogel Value
R.fghland..._. Br. 2y, Batha
a DlOL old. Comw tlrepla.ce. llwd noo..., r. A. 11ea.t W•U land·
--~ ~ with spilt ..-JI cec.: t.c--brick patio. Room
for pool. S24,llOO wtt.b .-00
location,. m a. ~ Bl¥d. BAY nwNT APT .• BALBOA 'f..nl 1--. •1oa. NEW! MODERN! Pnce. et tu.no 111c1-.. ww
ltpll ~Oct.'56 mo. 1 bdrm. 2 bedroom and den, tum. Winter •600 9q. tl. ot min. om.. or eupeW ........ and d1niq LIBERTY 8-3481 Fr·-L J•mes, .nlL.
-----------1. 101~ N. Bay rat.al, $123.. ~7 space at U. WIMarll nn.. c1r9,_, V-.tl.an bl1nda. urR. u l'\.1TT
or 11& lm-11
Bl B
Luxurious Udo
A 1ov.i, • ....,_ Ud o.. ,.ue
I MU... ftOOllll Md pbmabtJlll
for pool.. 0. l'lh f\JD klt.e _,
• Udo -Nord COl'1ll:r J«!
.... 000 CHOICI: BALBOA ULAMD .-r-t. •2d4 .. ,... '"-~--n-t.-v I c llJI • off· • ~ .. ~ nauw.-al. ,nee of a~, per t• per ~ ...... -4 automauc OCJe O., mOln 1ce %71 &. 17Ul It.. COSTA. ME8A
a1m09t -. I bdrm. l lillalh CORONA DllL MAR -2 bdrm~ 22• w. Cout H11ray LI I-MIT ~ ~ It.bout October wuldq m.achl.,. Lou CODI· 1201 w. Otlut Hwy Ll a..™6 Bey & Be•ch Rt•lty botne. ~ turn. ~-_,.___. -~ .. u .... -tto. ,._, __ ,. __ him. •Jl. Wtaw or Y•rtJ 1"9WJ!Orl .8e&cb l, oa UM ..,__.way oppomte .. u...._, -.eoo -uu Pfo, 7Mf. (Juat l:ul of 'lbrttt)r D~•I I :.
r-.... ..,,_,. •---l--. UUllU• pal.d. Call before -----------HCMaC Ha.pttal. OPllM llOUUI &AT. A llm-n.,.. 1133 '*' mo to 1-. 1&. .Aleo RltALTOM
attracUv• t lldb1l • com-:.,~ Ol' an.r 6 p.m. :;~~ BAYSHORES p .• ~ lne. l .. I p.m. Costa Mesa Lido Vogel Values J8TIJ R&rtJor BoWrnld
s>lftal)' ru"'-• pnp t.o JUDe i Bed.ro9m • den. din. room, ole bauoa "" rqmt. Louis W. Bri991 ao.ta M--. ~
\SUI ... Oall ~ 0-r,.r. • akm7 fUJ'llWled. Wl.D&e ,..t,. 3311 • lldo. Mnor ll!Ot Rl!ALTOR D I BAYSRORES BAYJ'RONT Dt.y Of' n,tpt pbotle LL 1-TTH
aietW:ourt "161 coUect. lfta) Swimming Pool 2 ~~~-~-~ , Tu a !Wbo& BJ•d., Balboa up exes • bdrm.. a MUI. ~ ws-
wtN'J'l:ft JtZN'TAL -BallMI& N1IW 1 A.ND I Bl:J>ROOM.8 o$ed, . ,.., ....__.t. --SS-A IB a -...... H&!'tlor ao rulDS* roe.a WStb ar.,1.acc. n•r bay, J Wrm. tum. bo!IM. unt -=-r ,,-. 112cti Two vwry ~ d~ tCour BBQ. pier 6: fJmc'er lllp. PTtc•
• n •• 1 ...... ~ ura1ablld. WalJ to wLll ,__ -·-·--·-.._~-'160 BAUK>A YL.UrP--bldr II ~ rml.a.I ua!t.a} ll1 a w.PV ..-.... _.. 4., mo.~. --· tJcllt CIU'pllC, ,_,....di.lpo9al. ll'T.60 A ~ .1 • ' T Diil ~··-,..._·-t.o·' 1~ ....,.....,. :: and '"' uu Wartba ., ~~ "C'' THOMAS a.ltor .o tw ...,..... rwpa.ir 0" --...,_ -..-; , :w I lll:r>llM.. mdUnl. we ..... ._.., , B&r. IOt ll!Ct• JUST LISTEOI ~ etc . ..uwa,.. tull &all LIDO NORD BAYJ"RONT -.u-ud lcitci.-. Luce llY-8a&t4I A-. Kl MN1 112c'TMI 22t W. Cout BJway LI 1-6511 • ebows a rood rttUl"ll. Two bed-rum. 6 bdrm I ..... 1 A
•·-,._ -----------l'fewport Bat* Df NSWPORT B&ACH. u:tra ~---·'" • .. _..,__ --• ..._ P tt ..... reocn. ·~-... ~. panau.t --l '·r·ane••s l J1•1le t ......_ • ..,.,,. ... ~ • ..... ,__, -· nncer 1111P· Price f1&.ae. tloorw. COii. Call mom1Qp OI' CLEAN FURN APTt. Mllill tJI M -l .. dou. -..-. boml. vtre pcrc-. ...,....,.. cau .,,. • ~. z bdm home, n-rr dilooc'ated. near lbop~·. •-~rt&Uon u-.. 0" 'or -......... •ftd NEWPORT-~ .. a ....... ~ ""-...I-Ila.°" Hu. a.~. . •Love A "1111' tn. rencecs ~ OrFJCJ: Ao llbop I~ ror l'dt Cl _:::~ ---.,.. ... ., •' --· _.._ .. -~"'~
Uo6' UTILITIES INCLUDED « ....... per mo .• up. aM ty n.IM6. ~approx!-•ppt. to --bd llath ----------adwt.8 no pet.a. p.nace •work LI .. tm. ntte .. ai.ly ll ll 2?, •ire.Md tor I rm .• I him. Pi9" and ITUDIO .A.PT8. '10 AND SU ahop SIOO U 9029' •3CM apartmet. .Up. Prk• SU.NO.
a ..... a1lo 2 W:rm. apt. N•r ----. PR.IV£.Tll ao. W1tA pbon. Im• Dune an Hardesty I DALBO ~-o..r.len Oourt.. H:J WINTER RENTALS -e11nl' _,.toe, hcretary a HURRY FOR THJS St'Y A COVES
ll llDRX. A.PT. f\lm., water pd. Eaa B&Jbo&. Har 0423 t2c76 no•·-ava!IUM. OrcNlld l'\oor. Ol'fLT Jti.?IO REALTOR • I bdrm. 6 ct-. J MtJail. comer -IO'f•-< fta-.. a ....... _ i. · ' Octan fr<1nt duplex. turn. S90-100 -1 •·At the brl..__ to Udo I.ale" ,._,.,_c:e. Pri~ ...... .IGO • .,., ., .. ..., -N-Trident Bldr .• 2200 New-..... , .. w,._ _..
lt.Dd. .Antl. 8ept. 14 t.o J1m• CORON.A DJ:L M.cR tum. bacla-BAYSHORES port Bl~. N-rort Beaeb. Newport-M.1e Rltv. Lafayette at lbd Jl.utloto •1U
16-0Xfot'd ~ Dtc6' ·~apt.. atJl paS4 .Adult. only, 3 b.r .. turn., Incl. ~ nm I AdJ..._t llDuU-0.Ul Oo.) 17tt N9WJJOTt BJvd., Co.lA J.t .... ,
CAHAL ·nol'fTAO'lt. lAr•• 1 no pet.8. ,_,,,. 1-· Har. I b r , furn., -winter « y•rly Har. JOSI. Oourt*'7 to Bl"oltW& LJ a..MOI SV.. LI ~7287
" I Md.rm tum. duJlla apt.L Mr sm-w. 821"&4 O<'nn lmnt ' b r. furn. n~o •.Uc ---INCOME STEAL
Small t.o.t docll, auto waaber HllWPORT HJlllOHTS -NJi:W Cl • SHORECLJFF I
aM pra.-, $71\, • 1100 2 Wna. untun. apt. $A'7,l)(l No a1re Van Horn I M-...... "9t ~tantt:IM LOT TWO rornpletely Hp&nat• furn I moa~. lnt'I. ut.llltl• VnUI
mm.all ddld:Nn. no d<>ra 2000 REALTOR !'.Arr•. '1.-.-. and wvrl ,21 :JOO unit.a plua l'l••t nn. With baUl.
For Rent
BAt..804. PSNINBUU.. -J
bdrme~ tu...i.IMd. Trt, 1110
The Vogel Co.
!t lt fta Udo -Har. •9'1 Jlll:Y 1 4't. U&r IM1·W aft. Cera! Place. LI 8-033-4. 62dW 27:11 w l"oaat Hwy. 1..1 A-4277 Id I l t• F I Tel'TIUI. Both unit. have fine OCelUI
-l:aG p m ltlf~ Ji,-MONTH --NEW-2-bdnn I C.11 """" u 113209 HA 3H3·J I •e oca ion or Ex.cluelvf Wllh I vi-and an Ju.t 8& ft. from I
SNACK SHOP I.he OCM.n fl"Ollt. l:xtra tars• $1250 DQW .. .a. 8TVD10 APT. -Winter rti!l&l. 1111f'11m apt. F'lr.,pla• '" pr"«" WINTER RP'..NT.Al 2 bd 0.bomf'-Forton Rt'alty "1l, dbl. rar.,-.. flreplaoo! Thll ,,.-
Ra.ilodble. Har. •t7CJ ~2 l~t. of nlraa 111 ·, Vl<'lorla. I ,;,m hou.,.. wat .. ~ rd •~ .: BARBKR SHOP U2., W. Cout Hwy. LI 1·7.'!112 I• not a "rome on·• but a 1'9"'U· • Vtrv but loc-atlon
<a.ta M-. LI A·322 I or Har No ~l.I 71 ~ w. Ba.Ibo&. S.lb<Nl G!n SHOP JCvH "•r IUM AO. 112 Inf' btt\' rnrom" or more thall • 3 ........... __ HEW J BDRX n.ll\N. APT '30 :S0.1.J 112 ~4 I I ~·~-per ... ua. UUUUem tncludf.d. • ' 11,.r 279.J 112.-Not lo 8hopptn1 eoenttr. Larr• --~ 13()()() ror th., Jut y.r • 1 ~ baUul wtlh oeram.lc Ill•
'nJa ~ aJld ~lh. Pa.MJ-YltAJU.T rurn 1 R,.•lrm •pl. HTi~ BJi:ACH 1~ 2 bdnn I ~ ,:r.: ~~;d .. ~.<\.~11~::: I Close to Lido ll2.000. 1 • Bullt-ln n.np, ov•n and
...., blat. TV anteNUL Win· larre llvtns nn. bedrm, bath., • , · p UL QN d1spoeaJ tao ra&al. UO A!Ya.Clldo Pt. ~. laundry rm. Utll paid ho\194', rlow-in. turr"8h9d or un· tt H~ 1 an older I be4nn hn1llf! A J ES,
. Yormk:a ln ~
........ Ba lTll-Jl 67ttc 1580 Mlf'alllar Bal~. Apt 6 tumWMd. Alan l bdrm. furn· for IU.860 'With onl) J~O • J'lnplace wsUa S-Mied wall
Bar n11 •1f:'&3 t.hed apt. n-1y ~. dl.8JIMILI. CAN YOU INVEST down. The rood thl•r •boot Realty • I..&rp dlnlnc v. CORONA DEL MAR ____ ~ _ 1 f'lt• ~ Mn>. 1~,..... 1117 OU. P*" 11 11..o locaUou. • • ~a.Ill b&r
Til:ARLY 1 .. u. -Nl~ly tum I M~lla Htir. e.ac-h or 428 $2500 &bo\Jt a blork '" RJr.l\.ardll Udo 2001 W. Balboa Blvd. • ~-&lr lt•t 1'
On l Ye&r la-... 1 Bdrm Apt It pras• 12th St.' Hts. S..rh. 82C'4.1 marWt. ll1'd Ml ft. to •w1m-Harbor 2113 Harbor otio • run pr\« $12.1500 to $13.T60
Two MdrOlal lmf\inL pound Nrwl1 dec:oral9d on tHoaut. _ In a protlt&ble rro,.•lnit bwd mtq bffoch. eoct2 naor ~ at 110 ~ LarUp\ar. f'Wln. Potnt. 11U Cllftf>n A nl.8 I UN FUR.NJ ""m 2 bdrma. u'1 n-~ Th1I amount wtll br1~
ClU'qw. lauadry, s-uo. dUpC»-tl08 I: Balboa Blvd Har 115H den. Sl2li per mo YOU 2\6,'.f. P11' moalh on )'0111' Bob Rl.dfw'&J' <".aJ'I Clow Y"" 4 UNIT APT. HOUSE
aJ. eo'J'P'C UNrURNJBHED 2 bdrma. SI 10 OJUOINA.L ~ C a 11 R&rl>n• llU ~2 7 Tean Old
AND __ • ----·---per month. Attar 7 P.l(. LI M130 2 2 ~ apta. It 2 l-bdrm.
Open S•t. I Sun .
12-5 P·!"I •
·•y ou11 Ub _,. fJtl9dt1 ........_.
I •• &. 1rua .._ OifU ._
LI a.1111, It.-cau Bar 111' -.
ua&. Jsle-.
Just listed -HOT~l
............. oem ...... l'\ma. .... at WDIT1CR ... lo Jwie l!Jlh. Lee 3 BURM8. fully f\lrnllhed $12!\ eopt3 Level R A Lot apt• .. 4 car J'Ort• nu. verv ._ --I Bdnn Apt. It prate. Nnrly onlh ...., . 1 Dun 1-;i d~ ...... ,._ __ ti_ n..--... , per m . dHln.ble pro-rty b r I " '. ART ADAIR RI c•n .. . -~ ---. ... Q9 dttoftlled Oft beaut. Penn. All t.-FOR R'l:N'I' 76 X IOO. on -•. Room for 7 .~ t fr. 11111 • .. .
"""-· ......,, ~ ... .Poln ·-CJlf &<II on J'ul I __. ......_It bl ... '°" h&ndlome 1 DC' 0 me. PnOf' ~ l. ...,. ton Apta • 1 Ca.II LeLlevT'e, W 8-264M f 2l'6.' ly equ p,_.. ,.,..,.. on ...,.,. uni -~ ' $3.\,600, tenJ\a. 607 llut Ba.I· 1 ... l'CliWPORT BLVD. Iii ........ at IOI C&IMUoa. I:. Balbo4l Bl9d: Hai. UIU. _ _ Rwy. ~ .u..t f"'l11 Vln· °ha7 PwUtU. n.Jtoc boa Btvd. Har ••• ,.. ___ .....__ ~ .. -"'At Ulit ~ t. 1-* ... APL I. Bar .... Oo\lftMJ' t.o eotrc COROMA DEL MAR -Yearly C'eN.I Dnc Store. OaU U9 tw 11111 Bubcw 8hd. ,._... ..,..... .......,_ -~II& .......... 4TU
......._ Old. ..._ •110 urlf\ml. J bedrm... dct&1l:I _ LI.~ ar I-Ml? -----------LI 1-ntt .:... LI a..6UI -----------
9-'T VJS'lt' 1 w... .._ ""Y See Shell Apts. ~~ ~.,m.~ w. :,.~e:,~ · • · ~-UDO ISLE ~
..._., fWL n, mw. W. 1 • I Wnrl. WlU-b&U\8, lllmaD child ok. Aftll. <>et. 6. Bar &03t .,_ Bar UJO..W EXChfANGE RRST TIM• E' OFFERED ftra.. ... .,........_ .... IMat. rtJRM, l>ILUD APT8. Alllo H&r. itTt t1CM ltc6'
t .. Wit i. ~a. te -a..r.1a • .-...._ uu1 1ne1. ~--'_ _ ----------Tbe "JIO'ttur• sua-Si»t Thia VJ,.11 Sell~. 'ICK LIDO ISut. ~Mtt•Nrna. eali..t. ~ Utllit:IM tec.ludad, &11.ae Wint.er reatab to pttfer-VO NO A TTR.A.CT1Vll tuntlltl-In the 1" Y\J borne. ltan.)' pl• f..W.-and
SI& -wt w . .., Aft. Nol ~ IJIO Wt« Be.I-"" doll bGIMle c:iott&J•. 0... M--11, t. }.taa ~ ~ Part rooal ~...-cs. LMatild Clll
liar. ..... 6Ttto "llf' ..._ lftwperS S.dl.. larf• room uid batb. L&rse ' of Ooft& Me• Vflr'Y dlearable two ~ 2 15 n.. Udl> Nord CIDl'IMI' Jot
IALIOA &AYFRONT au . ._ eocTm ~~':. ~-fl<rnra. O>aa.
11': LOANS for Homes ,... =:: .. -= ~~u~ ::;=::.!a;.~~ =
--• .................. .... '111Uf. apt.. -o-.n l"tot!L l)l,.. $22 CN\ Cash lude8 !It.av ----* v ' ....... ...,... --.... -~, ... ,., "1'*'1 QO. COSTA Mila.A.. ullfth'n: l~""-'" -to,.,, IAe.u ~ c e, ·-· ... ~ .... -Lid D-t.u ... A ... •etid w ..... ftO, I tr .-.at~ Bllnda. Owner laftq -.te 0 ~•3 aaodet. . '*'--.. -tJ'UIMtM • ........ Utlt. ,., .-io w. 0-,, J'rolit. hOUR MUO month. a....uable Construction Loans l'i.,,;.ty ~I ..... and &nd bu It pa1ce4 to •D HOWi HOO yia Udo Bar. I02a
....... •wpdle. Bar.,_ H~ ~ ltpG Bept. 15. Can aft•r • p. a. ~ ~ ....... & .......
1 .. .,, ;1 U a..-r.a tOfG IJICll ll09 U'l"ft.-t J IW cppohSt.ml!lt. ea.11 •
;;;=;;-~.;;~ .... ;:::;-~:;: .. • • .. .... • •• llAft co.Aft &YD. I WIRIM ~AL ltpt.. att'1111 ~.:t"" ~A.Ga O.W. 411t ltw • ....,.. -QWU.D B. lt&Tlm:lt. owD.r
... i •· • ,..... "" ... TWO __. at\.a. TeMtT • • . .... l"UllUa ~ oo. o.,a; ar. HU z.... u w111 Duncan .. ~' erdes-hl -i.~~lll!i\1-.~ ....., -~.Od. 1. a.o-~-~~ .. w-..VU1tt11t~ .. ..-.Ut.a..,.....aHUll Mttc , ''•J
• f JO ..... ' ......... JlldM, ..... HU. nar, -<1 -. ,.. .... •i ,H ' ,.ri ' t UAlJl'Olt -• -t!~' ~ _.._ ---i -.. •&_..,,,_. ".A.t Ulit ...._ to '* w • LIDO . m;&MD ~ l -lnltAL tcit •lldldlla, .. ..,._ -~ -__ .. ~ ~. 1 ........ 1IAfVo ~ Riift•i;; • ~ .ct ... mo. M..t ~ I~ LO A · ... •s ~ ' a .... ~,,,,.,. ~ ......... Lid~ •t biO • ~ fTll
allllill a;l.. BliJ *"'· c.11 ,.,..:; ....-.. tml' BeliDU'Ope. 111.trm 1lom-. Larp ~ _,. l"\I~ '' • -.ut. Tl a ~ · Joe. '1 ~ • • ~ .na: L ~ ~ Dt1cr co... ._ xar. oaD a ... a:: :.,~i:, o.ta ~ ~ ON HOMES ::--.:..-:.: SU.000 -Balboa l .. l~J
l"UU.1' rtlM1l8llD UNGLa • 1 1lfl A.PT.AL. l ..,,,. ........ '",., '" T"'1 ..we -fte&1t.or DICll IU ~ --· ~ ..... 8tll-!UIWPOkT llSAC!J, oc ... 0.t.. w trrra. ~-. t..a. •beat. Jf-.r OON l RUDDT ~N .~ ~ ~T .......... -~ ..... PrL rn.t 1 Ir I Mn9. fara. --. -.._...,_...v .... ---iiil;,eu ... -. 'K lol a Bl1 1nlW .-al. Ph. Bar 'mNl ~ 1k7. '*1baa lalU4, Call U a.au MP ti• -----------.... --.ica ._.. J.UeYliew 1-llU. '°"' --.LOl'I
------------------------__.. •• ,
_ ... ,...., ..,, ... ... .... .,. ...... Lit .. , I I f i t DA< ffiiriiiiif. 1 Wrm. LOYf:LT -"'"' a llr9' ~ 0--ai i• f• llMt • 79CU **1....-..-wtll M 1-ft C.... Hl&M•llltlkl M a MO nJnl _.,4t41 Ml 1*I' .,._ *Cliil. ~ •....-•. TV ....... carpttJ1 • T. V, .-1a1 ·---' 1'0llOllROW &a llMk 9P 9M& bt WltJl ~ ~ Clayoa ud ...... LaM. .... 00 & mom.JI ~ w.a.r ,.W. -.i-\MW. ~' 6 ha,,..._ ROOM • Newport ff4lctda. ... ..n. TODA 1'1 a..dl ti. uMd ociean. PR.ICED TO &ELL ...,_.. Wrtt.e ac.. 8ldltna.
'IMll UMI •Y· W• N.....,.ol"t ..... fw ~ 611 Bola tt. Ule MU\. Prf-1.e ftltnuice. tien ln the cllt..llllln.d 111ettoa to-~II Rar "'°"" ~ Boll I,.........,, Oa.lll. f.r-19•
a.ctl.. U ,.....,... Mtfr M~ 8tl. 121* m Mata~ A.ft. aot4 *7• ac.. fomlalla. llcG
. . .
. ...
. .. ..
.......... ·"" .... " a..t. ........ ~..a
'Mii"' !a! ....... .
,,. 1111 ...... ta ....... !
-.ck wablW\ ....... ..-
....... eolwed niatc .... ..,...lk: ..
................ 1, pro\ld ol Ul1a llcme .... wtn •
,...... t. .... tt t9 )'OU .., ........ ~
T .. ,...., ..,.. t. ~ .. 1
Uclo Isle Perfeetionl
"., t.e .... ...., tMa
Brud M..,. Mutar-.... _ wtua ~
UllltMr lll&tL
~ -J'wced ur ""'-
w~ ~ tuou.IW>\&t
'hlloNd ~
.DUb_._ -D.,.al
1A•"'7 u. . .. ~ Patle -
&9clalltY• .a. a ~ t.e mow! .. Lld9'• .... 11\11' at JM."''
Ocean View °"plex
........ -.«ory la u.. .,..,
Sada .. , .... _
• --Mdroomn plu.t C'DC~ l&J\&.I
w.1111 .. Wnl .,....~
L&rre tl'1a1' room wWi dlalftl' ar-..
f'lrep&aee -,....,.. nJr f\.ll'D&ce
!Aftl7 JudRapl ....
O.. wart hu t.rrUlo ~ "'"" and be&uutul
W"Fll·\O'Wall CllU'peUAI ...... ,... n. ....
wilt .... b&rdweoll noo... ~
.,.. cerDer lot la eo.... H1-IUudL 1'b1a
IJI a ....i IMlln• w1i. teeeme -unJn&t.cUd at
JU,500. O..cl t«1DF..
Willard L Killion·, Realtor ·
le~ Murdock, Auoclate U4l -k.-,ort BJTd. Mnrpc>rt Bet.cb
HatMr 6000
• Oppo.ate the Clt.7 Hall
, .... BALBOA PENINSULA " 40 x IO residmtlal lot, Eut B&lboa Blvd. with
p8'1D&nmt Bay vleW. 1Wma CU be &fftD(ed. ... .
BAI.BOA DUPLEX -J'umiahed 2 bed.rm. and 1
bdrm. All on pouAd floor. $2600 will budl,.
GOOD BU!INl:S8 CX>RNER. S unit.a -beauty
.abop Jeued -2 two bedrm. un!urnlahed bou.N.
·: . W,000 with t.tnu.
·: 0CZAN J'RONT DUPL~. one 4 br. 2 b&th bomt,
Is 2 BR. pr. apt. 2 car pr. A laundry rm. All
tvtiwied, ~ ,:500 terms.
. rRlPLEX Oil B&Ii.o. Blvd. Jo"\lrn. 2 BR., 1 BR. 6
IWio apta. $18.SOO tuma,
Mildred RJip and Sylvia Thompson, Auoc"t('S.
301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 2M8 or 4&00 • ..... ~---------~-------~-----------------
A ._UW\11 .....
40 a.·---_.,. ' ........ ud • llaUMt
Diii ... IA...a
11 ••ft. U• • ..-UU.000 r.nu
IU W. Ooul BlPwa7 LI •.an ~ ....
' B/ B
A ~ ~9\lllt' I Md-,_ l~llolM...mt.M
ftMlt fJl a,,.Utanta ~ ....ll:*bte ~ ~ ............... ,.u.,, ..,,.
• ..., ldU-. ....... ....
,.... ... flw Pt.TIO. •
2 Out.stand"" i.W.
I .... ooma. I MlM. UM.I.
L&rJ9 Jot • p&UO. PID AND
FLOAT .... uut\tUy ~
De .,. tt fw ,..., 'rowwl Net·
&1 •••
ALI() •aao.oo Yur 'l\OUDd.. 1 ~
~ t b&tM. eo.plituly
hnlUlbH. Cu't Jul J9nt at
We pnce.
Completely J'u.miil!Md
t NIN ~ I .. UY.. Jov.ty
al"M., Ut.ooo 11* Down.
Bey & Beech Realty,
1 the> w. 11&1M& aa.c.
ftar. at.a Har .... i:.-.
NMt two Wdroom tn clN.n, corn· ,.._b' lapN'\'M M~.._,rtMlod.
Ctlolce K. w. nGOn. 1arr
d6ulll• ~ .. p&Uo a.nd ttnc·
tod yard adda to lM c-fort
ot thi• S year old bOme. C&U
u• f'Or appotntmmt to •how
Pric.cl at $10.'60 w1ta SoOd
t\Jl&Mtllr .. au.-..._
T1lrH Mdroo111 1" llath ho~
ln E&llU14• Colt& M-. Ru
Y • r ,. attn.ctlvt ~Ill Ill ~lk ... n. forctd &Ir 111Ht.. COr·
""' r . P .. l"t.llo •t.t.b a~ 1u,..
'°'-'bl• JM'aft. Jt'1 n.w wlUI
I m m • d I a t,. ~Oii. A
MU!l'T TO KEIC Pri<'~ et
All.&00 WI~ foed t~
C d I ~ ~ Real v .lues and ASSOCIATE8 -Orona 8 rvtar llJC U'Nl'f U.QOMll PAOP· "You'll llke our frtuidly wrvlre"
l '"'4nn ead .... 80UUt o( KlsS.-El\TT, e"-'lft, Dnrly new. •OO &. lTlh Bt., Coat.a W.M .. :..._,. II&,... fteofn &114 ..,._ lot 10t X U6. "-• JO"-n -LI l ·lllt. b.n rail Har tllTt
• ...t. .... TM. t~ -h11 ,..tc-e tt0.000. -------------a Tiil.i 1'004 T.
· """'-• '*-lll6d ft ::C: ••ex •AT _•~.,, u.. Corona del Mar . . '6*9 _... .... ..._ to Int: .-, I llalM .• ,..,., 014.
· -· 0..... Ml Mn.r. UJ Mt _ ,,...· ~ tt you waat a co., den wttJI
' fll"f'pll~ plu.n t -..rma.. lu••
Oa¥*ft ..... ACJ\9 OM 1:1.DDC wtUl • Bft. Uma room wit.a t~pla.c• anrt
""-I .. tll ti~. ON'LT ecua trlfW. Ulet\ t&ll fWJr ap-
nJLL PIUCS $10,8t5
Wll..SON' 6 PI.iACl:NTli.
Fumishecl Moclela .
Open Daily .
1 L'11n roR CALD'OllMU
..:_------------~~~~.....,-'Y"'9 atancl .... Brand new S ..... ...,. 'c&lltiMtn bl ..,.
5 MinvtH from the Ocaen ·
N~•r Schoola I Work
OOIONA DSL"lilll 2 ~,..,.. Oii GI ft. tot
with pleDty ot room to 1N1J4 uother mul Com·
pletdy nfhuabed · ~ la ttp (op ahape. poee to
st.or. an4 UOJll UMI ~ ,__.. Pdeed t<*
quick ...._ Wll HA VII 'ftllJ UY.'
LIDO IBLE. J'Wly tunWaed J Wrm. heme, nJcely
looated .._ to '-0.. WW ~ a.ncl MW
clrap-. Rudy to IDO.,. into.
COllOMA BIGRLAND8. l>rtY• by MO De Ania,
a cosy 2 bdrm. home, bath and ~-1. Pully furn-
lahed IAd with permanent new of ocea.n. Priced
to 'lldl
BACK BAY. 2 bdrm and den, bath t.nd % tu.Uy
c:arpes.ed &n.4 draped. All tlectt1o kJt.abtn. wuber
and.,,..... View at Back Bay plu.a a prtvat. Jab
!or your pleuure. OPEN SA'I'URDAY AND
SUND4'l. fl"-23rd SL
with all tht 1'linementa for ~OUI U~. Lot
70 x 80, 3 bdrm., be.th and %, llw tloora, .,A,
p.rbare di.poa.l, lota o! tile. Now yoa can chOQM
your OWll colon. call U fot aD djtaJla.
OPEN DAILY, 27~1 V'9ta, Biy.8borea. 2 bdrm.,
bath Uld ~ •• on Jup comer lot. carpetAd '"' UY·
I~ and dininc room. Prl~ to -.1l. !retma are
W. E. FISHER & Associates
3024 Cout ff.Jabway, Corona del Mar. Har. ~2
:t:ve.. Harbor 2'20-W
C-1 Coast Hiway Building
M-Coot front.are hiway 101. Top location for
bar, cafe or neirhborbood deUcateuen, etc.
Buildinc only 3 1-.n old. Move ri(bt ln.
$17.~ full prioe
East 17th Street Frontage
C.2 Zonlns -vacant lot -16000 tq. tt.
Mc* dHirablt front.are.
P'uU p~ $Ul,OOO. Down payment t7000 '
1700 Newport Boult.va.rd Coeta MeN.
Pbone Liberty 8-609e
Eveninp: Phone Harbor a.us -Harbor 6714
Uoside Down-View
Th• hoUM i.' upside dawn, the vi•• Iii on the
lnel from a.n upst.&Uw Uvtn1 room. Your view
ill the country-side and miles of bhle Pacific.
Thi9 cuatom built hol&le ha.I t bednu and den,
2 tlreplacea, and unuaual privacy. Would take
many thouaanda more to duplicate -only
$~.000 -tuy term.a.
' . . R. L STRICKLER,. Realtor
R. B. HODGE, 4moeiai. ~22 lt. Cout H1\'y., Col'OQ& c!el MA/. Hat. 171'
~~ ...... Mat.Pd
a..., .... ~rbood. JTllO ......
paee ACIUL .. n.c,... ""1 .. o..an,. ~. tO n.cMe
~ .. mer-la ftlue.
~ llCl"Ml0 ntnet from
_,. Umlta . ., c..i. Ji--.
....... ~ land, Unlilnited
fr ... Uta tvir pnaderit ~
PROPERTIES 1m·ic~-.... en.ta K.-u •1m .,._LI a..HOO
$1500 Down
Older J lledroola ...,_. -cio.
lft -tl:llcellmt kllatiotl -
Guap -Ba1&ncn UM rut.
FuU pnc. aauo.
13•;. Net
Vflr1 auracuve llulldl.ac la UM
N•wpor\ Hal'bor ~ l.A&ned.
C6a M baMJe4 for &Wl'Oll.
Sl.000. W.U kept aad AO up-
lrMp. run price Ollly uo,ooo.
BJ';A.CB BOlil!:S O""'* ••.
Front or rti&I' ttvtnr room.a • Plezaty ol daltta,
Din1D1 .,._ ta kit.chem • '° rat water beaten.
Natural btrch cablMta •·Confetti ts19 m ~
ena • KatJeork tloon • Wood· .ad1Af wfa.
don • e,ooo 911• tt. lota • Roe& roota.
ANCTl'BJtlt 's. V. BUNSA.Km, ALEX 81Vt
You Will Like
New Furnlsh'eC:I "Homea i»'y Mecco"
UNTIL 9 :00 P.M.
lnteriot1 by Martin I Von Hemart
Be&utitul bomM ID tht nn.t ~tlon
Price9 from '2$,000 to ~000
;lour Wpec:Uoo 11 r.pecUully eollcit.ed
EXCLUat\'I: AGENT8 Ovtr four &ert9 ot top commtr·
cl&J property. ~ i-uon.
Hu UK»m. at ,......t. "-41 On Hiway 101, NnfPOl't Harbor, oppo.it.e new lntne tcw denlopaitat. No phone In·
fonnaUon oa UU. property. Cout Country Club. Harbor "'8.
C4nLe I.It a.ad'talk It OYtr. ------------------
S e.dnn G. I. Rftale -HL 1'.d
noorn -... t I:. 81de -mo ~1· only Mt 00 !Ml. T. 6 t'
>.. ,..al boy at 110,&00. •
1181 l'f...,ort. 81¥4., ODnta ~
Phoae Ll &..-?11 ... Bu .....
Coste Mesa Bargains
w. 11an "'""'' ,_uy foo4
i..119 'lt1UI low do*1' pa,......U
h1 C'laoloe SA.et en.&& M-
~Uona. On. of \Ma la a
very niee J ...,-:uia honw
With • Mrd•ood n..n. n,..
place, liarp WAa)', kltrtoen,
dldMMcl,. a.-. c-.....4 paUo, •
srepe ltak• ffDC!q and II
lra~t. IN&dt aa4 9tlt.
Prlc:.d at only fU.TM ~ )'O
('&fl ea.\U'Dt UM 6" ~ lOf-w
hopt yo" wtll <'all o• u. to
belp you With youi llowdnr
Duncan Hardesty
ft EAL TOft
"At the llr1dl't to Udo t.J••
lAta,.Cte &t lbd H&nlor 4T11
Vogel Value .
4 79 MORNING CANYON ROAD, Corona Hl(h·
landa. Deluxe duplex with VIEW. New, an.art.
di8t.inctin modern with unumal charm. 2 bed·
room.a each, thermo kitchen, &o tt.. lot. $34,800
L&rfe 4 bed.rm. 2 ~ b&tfil. "11 to wall carpet.,
draJ>N. Larp .lot. uoellent oon4tuon ·and a
BUY at $UJIO()
2 dandy homea, ~ ~nn.-t23.~ t.nd 2 bedrm.
2 bath, $28,000. Both comple~ly furnlabed..
3 bfdnn. home, beautifully lan4-aped.
transt erred.
MYRTLE DAVEY, R•altor & Auoc.
Helen Baum Bob Smith H.a.r.el Con.doo
3432 Vt& Oporto Harbor 5"e
Eve• LI s.em LI S.1709 H&r. 10114
Spadoua 3 bedrm. c:h&nntt, m '°"11 netrhbor-
hood tor tu 1-than reproduction COit. Pbooe
UI tor appoiDtmei:at to ett.
BALBOA ISLAND ~ .... ....,,...,t.
• lArSe ....... 7.M R"1" IU,&00. potn\ID•nL We tan Mow you -
UI• .,._t wi '11' OoNlla d•I
Wat.rf'ront-Pmate Beach
3 Bclrma. la Den ltla.nd lte&l on corner lot. Cute 2 bedna
houae tor ju.at • little more tJwa the tolt of tM
lot alone .
lll&U.. -.....
. nlonorris Rfty. Co.
....... ' IF J.wrU01 aua &. OIUl """1~ c. D. ·x.
• ~1'141
1111 Ntwport INYC, Coeu MH9
Al.WA Ye OPllK
PllinM LI t-H7'
Mar. KJtchen aiae door t4 pa·
U. for eut..tde ent1rUJ"mcnl
lu•l ca11 M U9lod a. namput
..-m ln4'0ml unit ~an be lluUl
ntr l~ar ,.,..... All lhS. fW
Open House
J"riday, latuAl&J and 8Qnday 11 • ~ ·
at IOl .A.a~
Pitt A nllp ripU. n. ~t
f<1r your rnone1 tn an o<'lu· ... --~ ,...., .. ,,,.._
pl,aen. • • ...u... ()My ' pw.
e1ld. You'll low It. 1k1ow du·
ptkaU.. cott at Q4.IOO
lullfrdl )"9\11' ~··
· LIBERTY 1·1411
Vogel Co., Mafn Office
• lltl w. OGll.lt ...,..
' $1250
eut.e :I ~ ..u.,.. n,.,._
~e.tak.flMei&.. ....
tl'I tftl Ma 100. Mild on fraftt.
'hft7 P9tttt.e -llea.ltor ,, .............. ..
·Upper leek lay
auJOO n. ··-Hu.Ila-It
Com!ottatde 6 roomy home 6 bdrm&. 6 • bat.hi.
Ideal !Of' larp famii, or eould .. 01 M,..,.
•erted mto 2 \UUta. K19! bay 6 aboppbla wmta'.
30e ~ An. Harbor M au.aoA. 181.AMD
122.soo -S&OOO down. .
AUractlve t\arni.hed duplu. ftfinOdtled.
On tun l1Je lot.
ru MariJw. AYe., B&Jbo& la1and ·Pb.. Har. 1m .. 1m
Nioely tunUabild 3 bedroom b.QIDe and -1 bedrocml
apt. 31,<, batba, .. 2 car p.n.p, newly painted.·
'nlJa I.I a real buy at just $2e,9C50, ~ down.
Submit otter. This I.I. anotba lmtance when
w. can offer you tree houatns cloee to th• a.,-.
7 1ear old 2-tttory ·:v-r UOWld ·e.cb Home
$22.lM>O -seooo down. Good ninuninr ad
fiahJna'. Completely turn1.ahed. Tmtfic VleW.
~even lsl4_nds Realty' & Investment Co.
MS -32nd St. Office Phone Ha.rbor 5868
Newport a.ch, Calif. ~ 5 p. In. Har. Me7
Corona del Mar Vogel Values
OPEN HOUsE SAT. It SUN. 1 to ~
313 Poppy
Charmine colonial home in be8t location, oo ol5'
lot ooean aide of Hiwy., near be&ch. .B bdnn.
.1~ bath. BW f'1o9n. FA beat, fireplace, corner
·tile .m.k, Elect. d..labwuber, l&UD.d. room •
pantry, cov~ patio, c~ roof, ahutt.en.
tally feDC*i + play yard. Lee. pr. It pukiDr
apron. nice laocUct.ped ya.rd. The only home in
tllia area for only $26)5(>. Good term.a.
Don't mm tht. Corm& del Mar me~ oppor·
tan1ty. ' turn. uniu c 1 > 4 bdrm. 2 bath w /tirew
plaee (1) 2 bdrm. w/ftn:place (2) 1 bdrm .. on
2 tun Iota. So. of laiwy. All hav• dl8poala.
lpriDkle1' system, Brinp $4il() mo. OD yrly.
..._ Could be incnued by 1RUDD1er rent.ala.
Full price only $(2,500
Vogel Co. Corona D~ Mar
Harbor 0757
2ee7 E. CoAft lfiway.
LOT -~ x 200. HiP and ~ on Santa Ana A..... neer 23rd. $2960.
TWO bOWIN OD eo x 180 lot. 3 bedrm a.nd 1 be-drm
ltUcco. Only ! yra. old. At 22nd and Sota Ana
A1"e.' Uve ln one and coUect $100 mo. rel Be9t
Income buy in Co.ta MN& at $14.,500. $ol900
down &.Dd $86 per mo. does it.
DELUXE HOME 3 yn. old with hwd flool"9, ritt-
pla.ce,· covered patio, ~tc . on cbanninc Colleen
Plaae. $14,200. 4 ~~ 7• loan. $70 mo .
F. W. LYTLE, Realtor
1788 N...-pot't Blvd., eo.ta :W..
"llultfple u.tJ.nr Service"
1.J l-N93 LI 8-~
Ne~~ Heights · . . . tta.900 ..
~ . ' . . .· .. p. 'a. palmer inc~rat'd A quiet,' '°1Dty • atm~ llW'l'OUD4I ,.a .•
thia ..,actoa, ~ decorated 2 bedroaaa
and~ room ~e. ~~ l&rp ~ l'OOID,
ttrep~. eupetlnr. bar ~tch.. t~ yard ole han1on co. mene91m•nt
, \ . noo "" oout iup,r.y -~, a.sc573
BALBOA R~LTY ·~~-MUL1'1Pl£.UST4N&-O~TME~ONTH . . SPECIALS! ... . . . . t : I • • •
' .
t 1 J TllUI COULD Bii W11A T
YOU hsYe bMll looldq fOJ'
Metdl IUllM atUndoD a. tlie
___, ot pailltinc but a ..,..i
..tu.. Bu I' bedlOOIM plQll
bllll1C rocim. J'UmlllMd.· ......
ap ud wit.Ida block frolll
lbe &a:r .. WW .U. ..,...,,
~ ..... f\4,300, low
121 TWO trlll'nl, tNOOMil OPt
IMOlXll. rumllla.d, c:klle
.to bay a.od ooeaa. llepM'at.e
paUOll and atll&'Je ...,._,..
1 Nice propert7 a.ad not h&rd
: · =·CARAVAN'. SfirelAl ;:
ML No. 7M1 -BnD4 Kw ·thl'M bi4room -'
One and • ball baU.-Hardwood•1locn-'f'laJ·
st.one ftreplace -GE torcied air• heat-Dou~
pnp -Natural wood ·~ dJ8..
Pi-J-Bujo st. in 9qlta *--Immediate ~· Prioe $1T ,GOO ' •
Contact Your ltealtor
m ~:: :~::: NeWport Harbor Board of Realtors
HIS 4 UNIT t.ncome bu1 ldln.I
OD ,It. Bay A. Yelll.le 1Jl BaJbea.
Hu Mfll Ndeconted, well
401 N. Ntwport Blvd. Newport Be&ch
furaiahld an4 ta s'OOd con·
dtt.100. 4 .tn&"k &putmeftlt I
and priced to ..U at Jlt.000, OPEN HOUSE
lnm& .
('1 ABK ro U:Z THU I BED·
8.ATHI on W• Bay
Aftllue. Wiil make Sood
)'Hf U'OWld IM>nM. W.U f1J¥·
nlaMd. paMlray beat and
actuall7 • -.u ••lue at
110. 000 wt th t.nma.
TllA CT1VI: and well •J>-
poblted borne Oii the PH·
lMula Po1nt With I ti.ct·
r001n11 a.nd I tlatha. N-
I property . . . and a homr
ten t.bOM Who 'llnUll a r.&Uy
ale• home. us.500 wllb
ti ) ONJ: OF no: MOST AV·
Il'f08 IN BALBOA. 2 Bed-
room each. I uaita are tur-
lllabld. OoYwed carparu t~
-.eh mt. i..rp 1&uadrf
room. lodr.-r ~ for ~ ~ ant&. Thi property ta lioc&teod
on 2 tol.8 &nd aaly J ytoan
old Pr\~ at fM.000 and ,ooc1 lM'lna. I
Balboa Realty Co.
()ppc*te Bank of Ameri<'a
Rou On.W, ll:d l..H
J019pbine Wf'bb
TOO E. Batboa Blvd.·Balboa
Phone Harbor ~777
Newport Heights
A R.l:.A.LL y (",OMJ>t..rn:
T'Wo larp ~. i.ar.• UY·
.1929 Pr~flla Lane
Harl>Or Highlands
Thi.I ~~ 3 •. ~ \% bath bome
will be apm M11.Y ~ W..,_,,ty) &om 1-5
p. m. for your l.upeetjoo p~. Tbe 1arp rluaed in ll~ room loQlr.I into • wonderfully
cool covered piltlo. Y cu w1ll i,. proud to e&ll
Uu.1 your bom1 Now iD Newport Beach, ICbool
blw pick up A deliver the klddlee Cloee to
the finM aboppJnc centsL It la In the nnveat,
and 1'1bat la rapidly btoo1nln1 t.bA! thlest area
m On.op County. You can afford It too at
only $17,SIM
L&.fayette at 32nd Harbor 4718
COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth'
Buaineu lncom• Property -Good leue1 with
UOO monthly income Price $4-0.000 with t~rma.
A-1 Location.
3 Br. Home, Hwd. F1oon,, Luse Dttl... patJo,
F..xtra la~ Z car prage with 34 bath. Corner lot,
f1>nced yard, a ftry nJce home $15.~.
C-2 Bu.aUlf'a lot &6 x 300 . ··-........ -·-· . . Sl5,000.
M-1 Industrial 63 x 290 on Plaomtia -··· ·----... $10,000.
R-4 Re.identi&l (can build 8 unit.I) ·~···· --.•• -U,000
R-4 RHldential near Alpha Beta ................ , .. _._,. ... $3,000.
G. N. WELLS, Realtor
1~ room. run di~ room, 1810 N~ amt. C.o.ta Jilea wpante bl"ellokfut room, a.nd • • u 8-7729
lJIUM.Me den. The ldtdlen bu ~ --------------..----• &8poea.I, dlabwubt'r, Ule a.od
rfY• you plirnty of f'lbow
room Thia botM la tltauWllUy
~ bu a -i>rlllki.r
ay•tem, •nd p'"1ty ol nice
a1\a df> t.1'11N. Al.lo It ·tit on a
t•h1Mc IO x DO ~· lot.
Two ~. pTap and t"'o
aho~ T ou ean b&Y9 all or
part ol lbe rumtturt. Owner
Anldoua. °t11 now to -·
Duncan Hardesty
' Al lbe brldc't t6 Udo tale"
L&fa)'t't le at Hiid ll&rtlor tTU
2 -G.I. RESALES -2
No. l -3 bdrm, 2 batb:t with flrePa.cit, parquet
hardwood' aod doubM pnp. $22M d_o'll'1l leavea
payment. ~ m.ao includinc tan1 Pd tnauran~
and •'h~ lnttt.t. Foll prioe sµ.eoo.
No. 2 ~ 3 bdrm with beaidital nyJoo~vi.lccH
carpet.a. bdwd tloora and fpOt,lem inteior. Nice
patio with l11d1q rlua cloors. 'Ntcely fenced and '
land.acaped. Payment. '81 per mo. iDclud.Jni
· t.uea, lnauranc:e interest at ·~· .
1799 N~Jlmi.
LI l"'5CfGI
I •
I ~ 1 :a.ua.,.~,DfW •
J:aeellent ...utde loc&UoA.
IMJt tn Eiectno rup• and
OYeft, COl"lljH' ft~. 'lavtl)'
paUo. Prlc»d at flt,MO.
Only • few montba o1d and ot·
cupled lily owner hilder. Ell·
cepti.-ally well lilutJt.. Hu
wood floorw and entire houM
la carpet.cl with ftne wall to
wall carpet over Nbw pM1.
L&rp mcio.ecs p&Uo, on MW·
eta a.a.d a.u Lmprovementa in
and pUl .ultlJll' 114,&do: e&ll
for appt. to .. UU. today.
$1~ DOWN
BtM14 aew I Bldroom. Located
JUll outade city limit. on. a
re&l COWllry .u.d lot. approld·
mat.ely •• acre. JmmH!at.e
~OD C&Jl be &lft.l:IPd.
y oQ wt1l like uu. aceUmt
-...Sdt locaUon. l'lil.I prtci
only 110, T&O.
AnoUler •JtCellent location on
a:.t& ,.._ _,..... Ju.t otf lr·
YlDt.. I ~ or 2 and
Den. Ku ftlowpll.c.. Dble pr·
.... -pand alley. "'60.GO
'"'• So&n at 1n ~r JllODtb lncludln&' tu-. &l.LbmU on
Down p&.1111Ct. crtrDW , "11
eany ..Mu 2nd.
Ed Jones, Realtor
19" Barbor Bt.d., LI 1-1101
with brkk patio aDd frillt· tnill.
Newpo.rt" ·Beach!s '. L.~p lot
In belt ooeaii 'front · area, 51 x M. A.ak.lnr
$22.000. • Thill won~ ··Jut.
• •• t'
S320 W. Cout Bw'i. LI S-7773
• 4 bed.rm. llh phw bat.hi. comer lot. So. Bay
~ interest in pier. Home ln rood cooditioll
, $57,000 _.
, 2 unit.I on rood lt.reet. 2 btdrm. bowie plua
1 br. apt. Attractive clean property -.
Small bau8e, comer lot. Good location $19,960
IRVINE TERR.ACE new 3 bed.rm. 2 bath home.
fenced, laod9e1ped $31J500
3 bedrm. 2 bath home. Swimminr pool $30,000
For exc.ban~ -3 bednn., bath A % home on
rood ltreet tD Banta Ana for comparable fe. l
property tn t.bJa ara..
Evtninp call Edith Maroon, HYatt •·8222 or
Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 .
EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor .
~ Marine Ave.. Balboa lala64 HJrbor 177~
• unlt.. OD 2 full abed Jot•
Completely turnJahed..
Beautiful J>atio wtth BBQ and eTerJt.hios
neceaeary for outdoor llrinr at It.I ~
ReallOD&ble down payment
Out.tt.a.ndlnc return and a 80UD4 .tn.Yestmmt
RANCH STYLE Appointment only, pleue.
2 a.Ad den. or I 1*trm wtllli
~~tit!:~°'~·1:.: WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates
brtck pe.Uo, t" b&thm. OYtt· • Lee Bolin • Cbadotte .,.,,._
11taec1 dl>W ,..,.... •. CoMW!T o.tr· Marge Badfie1d e Ncma• a,..-lookiJI&' ,.OU courw flD.000.
lS&' C·1 N_,,ort 81Yd.. soo
tr-ont tMt.
11 r C·2. Bl:!M' 8Ul!N'E88 l~
caUon ldt on Harbor Blvd.
4 Bedrm 114 bath. 112.000..
3 bf!dMn l ·~ bath, EuU!de -
Park Av. at Ma.rine, 8alboe Ialalad Bar. 2442
Bl B
Realtor Cla. to Jetty, ~ year old a BB.. 2 batll bamt. '
l llOI HaAor Ll l ·llU
Vogel Value
Motel • Trailer Pk.
Inoome $12,000 -
Price $l59,900
i111.ooo caa wm bandle w.. ou~ Ntwp0rt S-Cb m60., mu•. 01l b11 lot wtth
aood motel ap&nlk>n po911bU·
IU•-Let U9 abow you lbl1
One toclay.
LIBERTY 8·1-481
Vogel Co., Mein Offke
l201 w. Oout sw,. .
hardwood parquet ftOOl"I. ~. newt, ..
rated. fully lnlu.lated. niee patio, $24,llllO. <>waer
mlabt comSckr low down payment. "
BALBOA 3 -1 Bil turniabed untta -heart ot
B&lboa~a-1-t ie.tal a.re&. PoteDUal tDoome ..
'3000 pJu.t per ,.... $18.500 ..... clawa. ' ; . -OCEANJ'RON'l' a ea. -2 bath. ;l'Ol'bel ~ ·
only 5 J'Mrl o&d, 2-ear. pnp. ~~ ~ i ·l
Bav and Beach Real+v lncf4 Realtors
202'5 W. Balboa ...... ~c~ch ~ Jaf
EWll. Bu-t>qr 18M . • •
• y