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1956-09-19 - Newport Harbor News Press
f ., '· . • Wife sUes HOGCJ II ' for Divorce IA.NTA. ANA. (OCHS) W11t.IUly O«irp OHnl i1Dt1' II ,.. Mn -.Md tlN' cll.voi\ot It,. lln. &llsabet.h J, Hoq of N-· port Be&ch. a~ for u. ~WU .-:tftrne Cf'K)l,y, ----~ .. •• • I - J ' • --·- IYmlNCI ' lar1t1~• :T1r1 ·01t To h T~ieves CASTING OPENS FOR 'KING LEAR' cuunc f or ·~·· ··~ Lear'' ~ Cout CoU.•' • nr11. U-trtcal pro- duoUon Ulil •IMlll.u, bec1NI today a.ad t.omorTOW. a.ocord- lq t.o Lucl&n acou. ooc ctnma l~tor "LM.r'" co.a Into produc· Uca Moaday and wW be iw-nlAd N~. U ·lT bl the occ t.Udit.ortum. TMte wW be no !Mlln'-lon charpd. CUT AND RT IN YOUR HOME CUS'IOll llADE .... : ::i . H~ Marl1" t!I "°" IN(). "The Chinti Shop" 145 N. COAST Bl VO., LAGUNA BEACH \. --- ..... ....... ,.. you'PAY LESS~ ... \ •1 ' -........_ .. STATiOiiRi~=-~98 ..-u...a LUNCH KIT DUsr PANS ~~ 3 Vet. FILLER p APER a;~ ~ FOOD.::; ... 7 -4 iiVIDERS ":t CLEANSER ~· 2-21 ALLER' p APER ~· fO'iELS~ 2 •n 31c I SCRATCH PADS ~· fOILET TISSUE 3-iiif'PffiNT PEN .~ ... • YOU 06.H &LW.A.D DSl'SND ON lLc•~ .. • TIDE Giant SID ,,, 1.,.11c __ ALL Detergent 1Mls. T .... 2..41 PUllX !...cw._45c . .,, s311 . FOi ASl=Vf XMAS LAY;•·WAY " PLAN .ii.DAY-fllDAY-SATUllAY . "IEPTEMIEl-!zl!-22 COSMETICS • • . '"' f ~NCY ~~~WINES Eleven Cellars .. r • . ~ ' .. \ . ,. . . . ' ' • NIW C••~e'y IHOW · a~•an . '\ . '• . . . ' . """', I ~. }. ' . . TIME TO "TURN TD" n>R 'QIIS WEEKS GOLDEN JUBIL1tl: GOlh ~T IJVl:NTS. H4 VE J'UN AT Tiii: l'ISH FRY· BAIL TO VICTORY IN THE JUBILEE R!XlATl'.A.--CATal THE I...AJlGl:S'l'WUDl-ANDDON'T J'OROl:T 1'0 8E1C THE LAT· . . EST ''NEWPORTER'', .W FT. FIBREGLASS A.N9 WOOD Ht.JU.ED ACKl:Rll.AN SCHOONER AND OT8ER LATE MODEL BOATS AND CARS, nUs WEEKEND, THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY ANDSUNDAYINTHEJ'RONTOFlpCRARD'SLIDOMARKJ:f -~~--~--~--~~-a..u.·. ~" 35' ":\USAGE ,._ ~ CJdJ ........ 1.-a o..r..,. ~ sue.., IACON -... _ a . iRI S.e the 4'-0 ft. "NEWPORH.R'' o n 01~play This Weekend o# .. • , r....-DllU L ~r. Y.aq ; 51' FllYIH IAlmJS ·--a. ..... .,... 11' SHOIT 1115 . :...!. a. · New! Ra11t 9'1•11tyl Dlxl~c111cl ~Jell Ft•~• o.~v, I' .. " nc CHICKEN FRYERS -·-· L -.. -.-L:.. cHlcKEN IREAST ____ .. .. _ 1 ~ 6fc aH.Ci~N DRUMSTICKS _ .. ___ ... _ 1 ~ 5fc ~ »rDdrrs 1 r8G ~HICKEN THIGHS ~ .... -_______ .. __ .... :. ·-~. '11- . CHiCiiN WIN~S -~-··-___ __ 1 ~ 25c S»J ....... "-' . 1 . 'Ire CHICKEN GIZZARDS .... ··-"-.. ~ ~. ~ ftJDAY l•t~~... 57' LEMON Pll.·-·-····--... .,. ............ ,...... 1/15' DIMND IOW ___ _ aATVaDAY .....,.... n.il . ,, ... OIANal IOLLS UJ . -- . . __ .._ aom.. ....... a. jff lnzf DIP ___ l'IMu. 1., W .............. ..., ·AMR. CHEESE ~ .-s.•I .· . '. "\ ....... 9ls-I v.. ...... ·sr r.1itll$E ....---...., ,q. . ~CK CHDSI ... 41' . .,............. $115 CANNID HAM ..,.. 111 . .. : , °""' .. ,...,. • ,r IKir Dp.&.l ___ u , • ,.. ... _ . • .. I , .............. ilnall 51' 1una _. .. Jf.&C. ·····" .., ClACUIS ___ • • ~...... '11' LAllGI SHRIMP 6ii.-. • a.et..,........ Z/Zl' SPAG. SAUCU..... , lllllMa'• ., MIAT TINDBRD, .,u u-•• lllcMeU -~ TlOPICAL PUNCH CJMl,.ear. -.. ~.... 4 Jea' TO~TO SOUP . •IU! o....t.'• 21'. AMMONIA ·-~--·····-..... . a • II Mew ...... 10.-a· I.AUD llANS .._ . . . .. .. •• ~ .. .. ... ·. ~ :: :· --~ ~ ' . ·-. . 1' ,. "= t E ·. ~· ,,. ~ • - ' ·. •' ,?' ~--- WHOLE OR PIECE! ~· ~ ~- ; ·iEEF LIVER .. -. ......... ------~~~ ~ FAMOUS FRESH. LIAN IC1ou10 BEEF :;.-. : Lean, Center Slicesl 1-ll. SEALED PKG .. ' . -.... ~. ~CANlTOE · = · ... .. . . ·~ :: 7'9; ;;,.-;-:. --:i r - --;;;;; ~-;-- , )~. · f.IAt. .. ~T li ~ E 4 N l 1:~ STEAKS I I p ER c H I Ir-~ . · I I ·1 ~ , 151;. I: 39e I 1 · ~ I I . lb. I .~~~~-----~-~-~~-~- :) 1ot1;/~ ,. 40-0%. ' PKG. -1AG • .. MEADOW GOLD GIADI AA DETERGEN'f .~SURF' • GIANT FOR SALADS AND COOKING-f\JLL QUAIT SIZE ' I . PRIORITY CHUNK THOl~O. 1 TAil ~S I TUNA i .. -·.DOW 00&.D DIUQOUS Delicatessen NO. t FLAT· CAN SHERBETS ~· 14-0Z; 39c PKO. • 12.oz. 47c PKG. · MolrM Atrf MMI &9c A P.nyi "'6...0AL. CAITON '1 , ,, . PACIPIC IUTTH WAPllS TREATS ~~ 29c ~ ~---- CiiCiEas 26~ ___ ........ \; 53~ ibTfi 1,9C. SMOll£S , GENUINE OlfGON TILLAMOOK CHEE:SE-~~~ II.ACK HAWK CANNED . i=-~wmt-;=..=1 I IN OOlD RH WITH TM I PICllCS . 1sANDW.cHI 4'4~ Mii • : CM•r. ~ ~'"°' : I. .... " ............ "91, I . I ~ ..... c ........ _.. . iWiw . &9' i .1. -~ 6fc · 1 CHEESE . "------ NISlll"S MOISIU • Chocolate CHIPS..oL • • - ... ' ··-· . --~- .. . . . . -. --· ~ . 1-LI. PKG. . . I-Liii. CARTON . e • e e FOR S & F .·COFFEE 1-LB. CAN . " r------1 DOLE I [ FRUIT 1 : Cocktail l I N~~ 29C : I '-----_:,_, _ __, .. -------, I CALO ·j l DOG 1 1 FOOD l I 6 TALL 59c I I CANS I , _______ , Oulu 1af, ..... """ Nut ... , .......... . .... Mo&n1111 25 COOKJll • . • . • ... .. ,. .... ) _....,... COOKlll •••• 29' ... ........ , a. ..... lc:etl ·Mi wwww-.. Mlple ..,_,, dtaa.lwlw Nut, ...... lox .... Dutch Olrl COOIClll • • •• 33' ... ......... } • ,....,_PUSH 79' oa.tNGI CAKI ... ... .,... ...... ~~~.~~~~ ···---·····--· at AU. Au...AMlllCAH'S IXCIPT SAN answm • • ......... IM.M DRESSING . l'OMIMlf C\IAlll Wl•IOW CLEANER ·ii"vii'A'G1 OLI T#I U... POI COl'fll EASTSIDE PREAM rTWAN IWJU COl.CHn Wlltl 67C YIN ROSE - .RHEiNGoLD ....... , $120 I OORTON'5 • FISH STICKS I-OZ. PKG. , 33c c EXTRA.fANCY, FtlM, CllSP, NOITHBN IEST QUALITY GOLDEN· YEUOW-lAKE COUNTY BARTLETT · e uowNIY o,I NORWALK · · e ltlwPolT" 11AcH com• W a-... I ilHI• t flll -GOAi!' 1•a11WAf At -_ .. ,.,...__Mal&'W-M&Y'ft.IKllilt .--~10 .. P .... UILY -.-n t A.M. ,. ' NL fl I~ ... """~M P.M. W• t A& • J 1& . e GARDIN GIOVE e ccMtotlA DIL M•R e SAN CUMINTE tua ..... -llool 1••-!14-I ..,. -1aa1 .. &Y AT ~AW In a 0--.0 -· CM'9I t&A.T -m M:JIJlllHTt 9AILY ,..,.,A.Ill. to 1W ..... _1 ..... "........ •• .... . ...... .,., AJll..,.' ..... • ..... ,. ........... 11, ........ , ..... \ • . . . • ·• Parliamentary Law 'J.'alk for c..... .. MACllllOOI• --.. ..... -.i -..... ....... ...... ...... , ..... . ..... ~-..... ... ...... .-.> • -·-· ---- • Home Mede ROLLS, DOUGHNUTS, PIES , CAKES •nd PASTRIES Aveilol.le 24 Ho.le Every D•y !'rom O•r Own Bakery ---a....-n--• • COCKTAILS •• PINI l'OOD It YAM'S IOWUNG IN YA)fS IO~ 1•Acr•1 ._.&W& COll'l'A -l.llllaTY .._ • feminine loveliness exquisitely enhanced • the magic f~ble .. In • of furs. • • by"\· Charfej • TI.o IUIU"f of fur ... IO • ..., fem ;nino · · · ok;Rfully stylod • •, by th. su btt. perceptiOft of • ........, ~ier · · · +o 9race your .i-Jden witlo b<e•lhtak109 parl.ctloft. • • Cliarfe3 ' exclusive designs reproduced identically .. in stoles and jackets o.f •.. ····· .-.- SAILE .... ....... .... . .. . .. -$11'5 SQUIRREL ,~-.. ..., .. , .................... C.. MUSKRAT ,_,........ .......... . . .. . .. - MARMOT ,_ ........... . . . ............. ..,. $12' $10. . HAYER JAClm ........ ··~··········-t"'. • FOXSTOUS '$1" ············· ......................... .._ . ~ ,• •• > o..-11t1 SANTA ANA F,UR lOI No. ~aY· S~ta AllCI ·~ · frea P .. llMJ Atross the • . ~ . • -' -' -, • • ' • .. ' ~ • • • . . .. . . •' '·-'• .... . ~ .. ·. • ..... -··· . • •••• -· .,. ·~-•• ·-· . -· ... . . . . _, ..• ---· ::i -I -• ·' TONIO BT IJGXA KAPPA -e ·llO pm. Ill s.&oon Bay rou'll Never ~ . \o Better · 0 'Ihan Now1 .. . . .., -..., "' • Tll YUi •"lllmlflurl'm _, -IA"""°TUI NM._ .............................. .... ... .. ,.,. .............. . ..... ~ ................ . _,.......,,.,..,.c .... .................. .. ::.,-., .................. ..... MAU DlllllCI Al.._ COOKWARE MARGARINE .... hM". MUCOA SUNMTIANI · .... w,..., •• 17' FRESH EGGS tllltet ·AA· 1 MElllM .. ,. c.....~c,... .............. ~ 45' ~ 43< Dlq)WAlll WASTE BASKET· Al ...... A1urte4 De ...... c:.lwt .... lt W ASlllM6TON JOMA T1IAMS Crisp and tangy; fresh from Washinc- ton State. Children low to f Ind 9k Aun.nn · r9d beauties In their lunch bc»ca.. . CORN=:':_.4~~11: . LAI,. JUICY l~AONS • • •. ~ : • .• -; 12• ~ . ' I I J .. ~ .... w .. Ir . • =. -.... ;:.· • ... • •, • I IPllOBDtJLUa.l'A&ADE OI' BOA'J'B -Fint .,., . .0· CM w.ekead 8Chedule waa the lto&t puacWat noca e.turday. HClDdrecb ot en.ft tell • Smith: 18. who ••bbe4 lobitai '"\h . bmttr; Bill Bl&cllbdrn, and c:o-cha!HDa of tu QM>ldq conmUttee Duncan lite'nrt and. RO)' IW'lac. -Staff' Photo / in line for the unuaual nautical dnplay, 80 typie&l ot the Harbor a.ru. -Beckner Photo • • ! • f ' • t ~ • t r I • Ja&ppy t.l Ka1n Beadl llit.e of tbe DOlll A..laniJa-· . 9ar7 YilU', wetkeDd Celebration. -Staff Pbot.o ( "I I .. " . I • ! . . . ' . UAL FAJQ.Y ftAlr1' ;-But ltart· of ·the Amdftl'W'Y celehn.tloa n.a at · 8 a.m. Saturday. TakiJll put in. the Treuurt Hunt on Main Beach an, from left, Patt)' O'BrWi ind Marcia Irwtn: Wbi.a""": wue·aaucUa· Itwtn.· u, ·of ··· 23CK Paciflo Drin, Karel&'• aieter, ud Bae Hanhbu.rpr, 12, ol '3'1 Aa,da · A \f,., both 7lh Jr&den at Horace ED.tip. PriM wu $60 Savtnp Bond buried 1n a cheet.-Dlck Koehler Photo . . f t • -. ) -., -· -.... • ,.,, . --•• -:· ~..... > ·' "' :f'>. ~-. ,;;--1. • I ~·. :( --• ; ' --.i.._ .... ~· HL.....I. ~ ~ • ._ ::zm:µ; •. t I 6 -i ~ - . LAGUNA AD8AL SAVJN8S & LOAH ASSOOATIOH r wo Of PICIS , .; . TeS...Y•' LA•UNA llACH NC> IAN ·CLIMINTI • QUICK ~ tibull SllV1CI .. ·a.ow LOW~1~~· IN11UST lATB EASY MONM.Y '"-YMIN1"S 1 FRIENDLY SYMPATHmC SBVICI . t . r NEW RED. CROSS FIRST. AID ~ ·... /' -COURSES Sl'ART N~ WEEK :.ti! Ae90QDO"mefl' la ma.de of two MW 'Red Q'Oel J'\~ A.Ml ........ ~ IMllt ...... ~ ·-W' ~ c:ioUne "wtu ttart Tu.day. e.,c. », 't• ~ •· Karper . hlMlol. horn 1:80 t.o t :JO JI. m. " lAsan ~ The CMarM wW run tro111 hpt. .S ~ Nov. A Jin. Venan Matblww wW ~l a t-llaur ft. t~r COW'M on Monday nlchta. a.pt, I' te Oct. 11. &t Kai.a 8cllodl cateterta. ~ lAltruc:ton cour111 le now ·~ ..i.o. J'\utMr ,tnform&Uon ma7 be obt&UMd by e&.0Uta lira. GaJ7 ~ LI M.6CM ' UD CIOSS IOAID Miii' l0"9ia1te O'lryoa, ~den to Or11ge .Co11ly lo1rd repNMnt&t,lon on tM lout.It Oranp OcNnty bo&rd. Mark 8o- Mll and WWlam O'Bl")'OJI __.. The ftnt board of dtnct.or1 mMtinc ot tbe Newport.co.ta M.. branch or UI• American ft*1 Crou tor Ule fall term wu R*d at Hudlon HouM 1'r1day noon. 8ept. U . Gu•t. at the lundleeft O\M~ _,_ Mra. i..un ft. Wunn, di1'eet.ol' Of UM Sou~ Oranp County chapter, Sdwanl MUum. eh&lrman flt tll• Newpwt Beacl\ United Fwida driff, and Robut Olander, co- CIWnn&n. Uominated. I )lra. J'roanlt Hruu. ------------ CcrroD M. 8ovde. board chaJ..r. man. prai4ed. Report. on th• Joi:nJnr ol the local chapter In u.i. UnJted Funda drive next month WIN &1VeJI by ~c~la.m O'Jlryoe. Mllum and der 8J10lte on tl\e .im1 and tuncuona fll l1'. drive.. J:arl P1ter.on'1 AltC -ter -.tely J>l'Ol'T'U" r• ~ IJt&led U\&t 22.1150 •wlm· 11\lnr 1-on• had beall rtven by l.Mlructon uu .. 1ND1mer and 33 mu.. acludinS ~rt Buch aad co.ta Mua. lllad bean rep- ~t...: WU named cb&lrmu of tlll BloodmotJUe P"Op'&l1l at the IU(· , .. uon ot Ml'& Keppan, pnMDt chaJm1an. Mayor Dora HJ1J of Newport 8-ch prwmt.d Mn. Warren, wbo ii 1-Yin&' IMr 41- rec:tor'• po9l nut month, with a l&rp plallter and upr1111d tbt appl'901atloll of UM )OcaJ bnnda for bu many yean' fer Red Cro.e endea~n tn th• .,.._ · CommlU.. a pp o ta t • d bJ Cbalnn&J\ 8ftde ,.....: nominat- tnr. OeM s.o-. 11ra. ... 1... ~ ley, Mn. Albert .. Joluuon and MnJ. C. K. Boardrun: procnzn. Mn. Robe.rt K•P'*" Miu Laura Port.er and Mn. S.ltm P'rankllll; arranpnata, Mm UD.laa J)ua.. \all, Mn. Clara Axt&~ aod Krw. P'nnk Hnaa.. Co11cil De11 Does Wilk 011 Mn. Gary f'redrtkMn reported aa u. A.RC tint aSd prorram at t.M ~ CIOUllt}' ta1r tut -u.. 81111 ~that UM ft*1 Oo. -.. ... .upplJtns &A.NT A. A.N4, (OCN8) -J. four nrwt A.Iden ,_ lund&J'• Osden )(artlel, Saata AA& a~ speed 1-at ....,... Kn. ~ CouncUmU. eta1ked out ot Mon• It~ .... ~ IDoodmobOe day'• OOqDdl metUAc la • blltt. ,...,n.. Mn. wan-~ TlM dean ot I.he c1ty'• 1c1a1~ can6taU. tNrD. Oda ebpter tor u.-body atapd hll abn.rpt walkout when nnal acuon wa.1 Harbor Rest Memorial Park ··-.. _ ··---· 0...... O• tier? taklD on th• annexation to the city ol a.,emrom An.nu No 2. Th• couaell aleo ...oned t.IM l&nd tor tnd1.11trial UH and ap- proncl a preliminary map of Standard Pre• 8tMI Corp. In· dlcaUn1 where the corponUon lntendll to 1.nelaJl public uWlti• to mMt UM etly'e r.quir41Mflta P • t' p 1• Wl\~n Oounctlman Mtltord nv a e 0 ace Del\J moved to approve the fnap, Markel Uiout.d. ·•1 dOll'l intend • Ulllformed Plahl elo&bee, Nlcbt watelnnea Mt1rabaat polilJe Boa& protecttoa patrol Barslar a bold ap ...,... .....,. C.I SECURITY ..POLICE Kim~ 2-7027 SECURITY _ M>UC~ .......... ..... .-.o.ai. to alt lhraua'h thla tnMUnl lf you're '°'1'1 to kick Ul\11 U\Jnl a.round • Councilman D&le R . Heinly then eeconded the Dahl mcllon and the rouncll prompUy votf'd •-o In favor ot approval. 1'hfl •nrrv Marktol wllo hu 1on1 fourl\t the 1ndu.str1all•t'on of Santa An•, IMped to hi• fttt and •lamped anlTllY O\Jl of lh• mHUnr. PAlllS-IUDL!Y MOITUAIY .. .,...,Oft ... u..,.a 111 .,._..,., -~ ·-\ .... RESIDENTIAL·· INDUS'rklAL .. c •tRCIAL NO JOB TOO UJlGB oa mu u . 1 -lltla et.. N..,.n ._. .. ... LOOllY BJDmf-If you Ulln)t the pl .. .., Oft th• eyea. 1VU ~ to dl8oover )low ..., the tNT .JoflNon Moton' o.tMard, l I 5 T Model. t. ta .ta11.. Juat Uke lll• familJ cu. Handl• ... y. lo«' no. "No pla.oe ln tht.11 city have we provided (U&l'da tor IO fnt stu· dent.a," a.id h .. MECHANICAL INNOVATIONS Fis~erm11, Family Benefit From New . Johnsoi Moton TM tlalMnnan ud hi.I f&mlly wUI benent mollt from m.cl\&nl· ral h\llO"raUon. Jo"-Motor1 ha• buJlt lnto It.I l llT JUI• of &ea·HOl'W out'boardl. accordlnc lo Walter J'TanS ol aouta ODut Company wbo reeenUy netind lnform&UOD from the factory about the M'llt' modli. he wtJJ bav• ln llock 9DOL St.nee mon and IDOft fa.nallia are ta1tlnr up bo&UJll' tor family rec..-Uon. .Jobnlo9 Ma boo9t,ed Ule Iii• of lta t..-o l&rlUl en-fl.Ma io proridie t.be power larpr t&mlly bo&1I .need for d· nclet1l ~OIL Lul yeu'a 30 h. p. e.n&'lM bU Mn iDcN&W4 to a JO h.p. Wl1t., and aa 11 1'.p. mot.or npiae. tM 16. 10/11. YOUTBS "We expfft UM lea·H~ JI to beeam• a popular motor amooc LM >'OWIS ,..,.., .. rrana l&ld. "ll'• npt w.Spt make9 tor .., portabilltJ, ancl ll f'GdOOM .-up ....... te paD water' akUnw' and .,.,,.,.,.. ..U Oil Uie a........ l'Wllt.1*rt. In 114- dltion to that, lt ooMa a100 .... tunU..u~-... "I Mhft all OUl~ ~ -. clad to IDIMr tat u.. -....... ............ _ .... ..,.., .. ....... ...... 1'M .... ...... e.u;,· ~ .. ,,...... ... ...,, ........ ...-.wu • ... dllA Lt .......... Jl'O....... . tHUJOJ#B OINBU1'0U ,.,... --.... Wat ........ "'" ...ioo.t.,,..... .... ~ __... ,...ns.r WlllC:S ta ~ ........... ~ ,_ all ~ • 1Lp. ~utaaW,.~.it Wk. tO ...,..,,. .,...UC'I cvr· "8nt for a ,...., el.ectdtlM ...,_L , ... ._ ........ ICAl\a!r. ru!S.111q and cabln IJ.i'lla, ncMoa. abavtte and olher eled.rle41 appU&11cet. "ThUI' modem o u t 'b o a r d motor1 with \Mir -of oper· atlon and dependability an al· moal unbeUeYable wben JOU cornpa.tt them I.A> lM Job.II.Ion e.-a-Horae outboerda l 1.lM to nee back around 1112'1.' ut• 1'rana. Rii!ii!tT:::-'II.UT -Tw ctOii't haft tO .. •• 1*17 .......u.r to •• a llMIClftn O\IUllOard: .. , prett7 pt will Clo. Ofl. 1~ rl\Ot•J '• the 18$1 "ra!on ot &M JobMOn ..._Kone a. - . ,... . HO'l'ICl8 OI' ··~ c: ~·..:i_·~ NqrtCJI IB ,lmltiia( QIV.mf: ------------------------Tlat ll•JIUlfAK Jt. • ., ..... CA.~ a T'A'l'lf'Uid HA ~BOR ~I LITES =··*~~ ,. J1 PA'r . 'n1'r1't.E 11._ 0ount7 t16 ~"':£ -. r ·~ oautOl'MI. ~~~~~ • ~ a tmmmare pme ft~ arta Ute abow Frida1 ,_.. to J&8U l)ICICJ'flON t'rllay ow vatlll~ *-ahowed nta~t. , LOUUID DI~. x.t- rr•t po19""11U. ot '*'I -l(at "Kt.hs" Col• and f'redd1 ~ wtloet ~ W. UOI of Ult top t..ma ln tM llllru• 'Martin .,.. currently l•tured -.t =·~1"11 ~ ta U.. ~ Ulla year lh• C o o o n • t Grove, reporta -Ana, _....t.)-., 0...,.. Coach Don Burns 1pok• on Nancy Bryant, wbo celebrated" Stat. or CaHtorna.. All ~ L'le' tlne prorrt• the boy• have her l Tth blitbday by btin1 en· and equipment, a \Ito In•.' l~ • rn&d• and what to apect trom ttrtained by them. H •I pt n 1 equipment, . n4m ..ct r,. d,1 o our team thll ..:.On. Tber• !':aney have a rreat ti.me were equ.lpment ol a Olrtalla ~ '-r, wu a ~ turnout tor th• prac-J ulia Hurodall and Mike 8chlleck and ot two 11) eertala _. eiin· tic• came anJ ~onr UIOIM at· 1c1aremount1, ~nn .Beck and ~ bualDam ._.. u T.UOW t1mdlng -. Dick Taylor, Bob Jack Owena <both ot BenrtJ Cab Company ot Nftl'l)Ol't pd Ric' Walt l_lowald, Martln J'roet Hila) and ~ancy and Clark OMta ){..., M-Ca.Ill Oolnpany. arul LlDda IM. Judy Corfman. Booth (8. C.1. anO Greyhound lll&cdr Bar 94 Marylyn Hammond, Pat Reaan. Van Pomeroy opcrwd hl1 borM 1ooated at UOO Welt oa< Mesans Get Fast Shuffle From Coundl "-ldenta ot Wallace Aw. ta a.ta M-iot a fut abuffte from Cllty Oowadl .lllGD4&J aJt1at after waltlftl almost • month tor a.n ~er to their petition prot•aUn1 aralnlt .ulllrtand&rd dW9lllnca overnowtn&' c.-poob and old lumber and truh 111 tMir •etfhborhood 'nle oouncll took ~ ectt- att.er City Attorney Don Ounran told the deteptl~ .. no .... or-- dlnanc:a ,..cu1au"I' u.e elm· ps.tnt.a an _...ry .. All a matt.er ot tact, tlM Coan· au dtd •ot lflll ban UM muter • ti.. acenda. Ottoe befon two 1"ekl aeo th• detecatlon had at· t..-.S a oouncU meettDS Mpta1 i. pt city .id ln • cf.eaD up cun· pa.Ip Dunpn eald Ill ll&d m.961 a r. pGrt u a rentt ot t.1'141 ,.tJUot\ .... by u Colt.a ......... •t. Uvm1 m tM ~ r· tiOn ot UM dty. n. 11utotae1 aid p..-t cnt.1 ~ .. j tab ca,.. ol ta.. problmt wtt9'11at new ..__ . . Hlsllwa7, tn tba Qty ot X.. port Beacl\. Count.)-~ Orup 8tatAI et Calltonda, and that a.a oecut.d mortc-ce ot the el.In• .. - , .. tOONJY ~AUDITOR ECKE~ MAKES PAINTING • echoob, •l M0,611,20S &ffl6ral ~•RIV __ .. _.._._, t -: t.UllTA AN'" (0CN8) -He'• Total ... ~.., ............... c ..,_. ~ma• -.-lr*W...i.I 1>udpt: Jt3,901,· ranta lu\Mld monthly. •······ LOutb aad Slot ..a11 40t. An aver.,• ot MOO .icbo.1 ~ nM7 call hlm tM bUll-l"L~~elA.L CENTIUl wartant.8 &r• audit.ed monthly. -.· ~· "' the OOWlt)"• The ~ He'• juat. U\&t-lAllll cOUJlly audlwr'a ottlce 11 HA.llE8 llLUfDATOaT ISOIDCi' mc.11. 6 thf' c:entn.I &CCOWltiAC and di.> The 1tate law 111ak• It m.an-~ty audlt.or .... i..rsn On.DI• buniq ottlee of lbe cUre fl· d&Wy th• auditor NM cMt.alled PAPERHANGING sl!"C~~~, au. nM cic.1111 CAltPENTRY *,,.. ~~ Eckel, now :'::it atrocture ot COUllly JOY• .-.port.a wtt.h the St.ate Ooati'ok la t11it .... mcetN of b18 Uth and politk:al aabdln· State Board ot ICqu&1JD. ~ Jll otnc.. ._. . th •k>u -llUCh ..., Khoo!, nood. Uon ot UI• county ud aU d1---=-:;:;::::::::::-:~-=:::"'~~~---=~~ ...... -------~ flt )alt olftc ;:: i:i..~ lw'bor, tire, U1htin1, Ubna.ry and lrkt1. lnCWcllilC 11UCb u a oom• A• a..lllllf ........... WOMll 11 .. , I elf 1*M ?Sr ~.....,..mlW'e ~ ~ ot aan.lt&Uon.· rl•te report or I.he fln&nclaJ l'IM pabllMIMn "1D DO& be....,,...._ e. _.. t11a1-. tDoonect paWi.t tund8 ta a public tn&.ll. 11'1 aucblor take• care ot tra.oaaction.s ot 1J1e eounty a.ad biiiilba °' U ad.'~ tM ~ to oornat.17 dUllf)' ...., &ad Jt .--be Kl'Ul11119td c&l'lll'UUJ tun&t from all diatrlcll required It• poUUc&J aubdlvtliou; .._... all Ma end to njed &ll7 Ml IIOt CICIGIDrmbll to ru-. ud z-tC'd&Uona. MINOR U.AIR WORK MO JOB TOO awiu. .. O.·~ 101• a 8a&b09 81"4... aan.oa _. te Ute a.sai1ty, aeeuncy a;CS by law to UM the tOW\ty trea-ad valuatlOM of the cowsty and mi.· ~ pro'f\llona. It wry u a depcMlltory. All d• ,adl clliltrict; a copy ot d4iput· c•-•1a-~ 1-~- ri.ivit .,. la 1c .. ptn1 wtth UM mand• on th-tund• muat ~ meat.al and dlatr1ct bUdl ... and ~ TISU nuwX ._ lnt.v..t.a of the tu.-,., paid Uiroug11. the auditor, In· compUaUon and .marmer ot N'lf· :.l all ""'*'" dudtnr 11ehool payrolll. enue and ~aUon: copiu 'ot I oar. of '11laUll Th .. ano't mer• word.I to All .chool bond8 are 1ts'*ll red9nlpUona and llx .talu, ln· ll'AUI. He 11•• by them. AN. by Eckel Th• 1rowlh of bl.• formation to financial hwUtu- •ftJ'Obt wbo bu don• l)ulDn ... opu1Uon I• refleeted. aomewhat Uon.1 who are pro.rpecU•• pur- wltb hlm. Ule Board of Super· ln the> nwnber of •lsnaturea rh&MTll of bond I.nu• of fl· "~ Included. Eckel l.t requlred to !au•. nancl&l .U.nd11\f and tax payll\f ''Lee" arrtv• Ill h11 offke. He looked up trom h.18 duk ability of lb• bond-luuln1 dla· 'tall oC RKOrda, .arty and et.ay• -.here he> wu ~ the mld.9t of l..r1cL ~tc. He hu o~ 1pac:e on llsntn1 $&00.000 ~rlh of. TwiUn Ecke>l, hl11 ha.Ir lhlnntn1 wllh 'wv floor9 ud a et.ora.a• room Sebool DiArle\ bond&. lh• Y•ni, •nd hl1 wlf• Ruby •.a ~ county -~ "1 remember wbc J u..i lo live al 1030 f'Twm.a.n ll, Banta l:ck•l. like moet ot.ber COWllY do lhla all by h&iid 11pui,;· Ana. ft.,. lost thtllr only d!.lld, t>lnct&ll, t. teelln1 UM COWltTI he remarked. "Now ft t.. ntt· a -. n.,.. :r-i'9 .,o.· I ,rowlll1 paiAa. ~ to u. two cbeck 8lpiDJ llc:k•l com• up tor ~ SPACE Cll011n>a> m&Uin• Lo keep up." ~ -u one of 10 COWlt)I "'We're allWnely crowded tocr llcltel .bu hY aD11 crnr brok· t'lctrn elected adll11A11Jtr&Un of· '-pece.• h• cxpla.1fted. "Jl actually en down tnto dl-n.ao08 _ pay--ln 193 . .am,_. our w«k. ·· roll &Ad cla1lll.I. «hool warn.at ----------- A\ldltor Bary Jerome ap-and llChOol ftnlmdal buan-, 'lOIJlt.ed ICeUJ to a ch!d d•J>UlY tax work. blJl1.-t and atat:au.l. i01t kll\r Wore h• btcaJne de>ltnquut t&a• and &.cCOWlUnl READY, SET, BUT TOO LA TE TO TOW uditor ln lHT. There ,.,.,.. 11 ADDED Dl'TV uU time .mployH• and e1rht He hat bHn stvm an added Attempted lhelt ol a I.al• lllC'UJar part U-employ .. ln dnty by lbe le(lllature thf' model aut.omobU• wu &.P- L.he dep&rt:DMlet at that uin .. audJUns ot all dlatncll,' bOt.h p&rC\tly lolled 8dllday by ::' !!!." ~ .. ~ tu.U Umen thoN rovemed by lb• Board of th• un~ed return of tM wo&1c -· ·--.-rt Um• SUperv\IOn and Uloae undtt th• OWMr or a paaerby. ea (!(lnlrol of local boarda. l..e• Own•r O R H"-' '""" 'ftl• toddJUon of IBM equip-JJOW .. In tlle p~-_. __ · · ... '"' "'"' S. "lolnt hu 'I 1U111.1t ·~ v• " BcY J'ront, t.oJd poUoe be &TM Y eel l:CJt•I crulttAc a.n adttlUout n~td audit •l&rted to •nter hi• <.'&I' ·~t·UI• :.~.!!1'C of bualnu.t. but dlvlalon. H • wlll work out of aboilt t pm when he ,.1 •• • .......... np1nalvt rear:' hia office. Aqoul 100 dlalrlcll c-cwentd a •tMI link cl\~n ~~a.dm.Ua-Jn compuUnr t&Jt• muat be audited. -,,__.... the IBM mt I'd the "ra.pped around lh• bumper • 11 _.._ ...... ~ An Ida of the masnltude of and u.-.. .... h the -n ----.... • .. ._.. .,.._I attn put cm 1G work dona by the auditor'• ot ---. •·-._... 1Xtra helpera. r . ......,,. Id •"--"-ft.eel U tee can be flffne<i from surh rvuC6 M .... l.,;nnlq\I• n 1 adopt.i ~ru p,... rtsuree u l.bae· Mo~ t~ lndtc:M.ed UM ear may M."• =~I b7 =. audJt.or tor th• 2t00 8&lary warn.nlA to c-ou.nty t>Mn "'made 1'6&dy" to be DI' 7 llhaw county to-empl~ appTOZimat.ltly 1200 towed &-7 by car strtp-- t&lil at PS.•M.IOI and dtalr1cta paymenta to ._.cs blind d 1>4'"· ' &O'Ml..il ~ 1-1 bo&rd.a. In~ OC'pbu\I LDd ID ~ of ~ _.....,~-------- Always the Winner! A Row • I 8,-.a A--..t'l'IM9' . ,....,... ~ It 8•'-Ouida Jl~ .......... JI ......... ~ H .... , ... JI Man r .. r Oar' ll~UO. J1 &loftac JI....,, .... so ........... 11 &.-Md r_, .......... ~ ....... u-w ..... 11 ........ :r • Mll ,,,. .. Al"8pl ......... ll Wardet t..., II._ ..... e.r llUe ··~ ............... Mll ............. TV N Des-. wta. •9b .. , ... "7 S'll..h ..... ........ w .. .......... .... n....~ 'l Aate lenlc6 0 Trallen U Alrplaeff n wuw &o a .. t •• Apt&. a ~ fer Reat ........... °' ... •• a ..... ,_ ._, q.() ma. .... "._. ·-a.t •t-A .... a-- U-!S ...... llGaN .. Re9.., --u -•om-N-A R • ..... Nat Oil ...a. .. ...., ....... .. ~" ..... 11a.a...-w...w ......... -.nb • 1..-Pre,.tJ 11-4 0 'T'lC!&I. IDdmtrW Ila.Ir.ta•~ a •..a ........ Newport Harbor 8. P. 0. It. 1187 ..-. ...., nmm.., • Pm. Via 0pirt.o -0-trai A- , 1'~ --DlC'lr• l'f.wmM. ltulted Rui. I !f!!'!! • ..,. wt PH(1f()STATS HARBOR BLUEPRINT 2819 N~ BmL Harbor '831 lt a < -Olllle MOVIH.G? ( ...... > .... Ht. tor • -· ...... "' lo 'to ..0-. WllY P4Y ~Hit a:nrc ROOFS 1'IEW It REP AIR Gu AR.ANTJCJ:D-Frff e-UmatH R.euonable Pr\ce1 l'Ully I.n.lu red NATIONAL ROOF CO. LI 8--6788 LI~ 67c70 WAREHOUS6· STORAGE Pb.. Har IUll -LI ~97 pltpttc H. H. HOLBROOK Depenaable Plumbtnc A Prompt ~ lkn'1t.1 loUfnllJntd Pbaot. Bartlor .e2• SIOl 8&lbo-. Bh'd.., ~.wport 8dl. p6'p MOftaT X....... P.U.C. ratM ... .A. ,111 •o 8tM9 c lf"'M ~ moY· "' -.. ~ '~ 8eem1t)' van VENETIAN BLIND :!:t. <>ut~. ~ LAUNDRY nm • ln'OltAO&-lNI 11ar-TBID nw 1D&c.1a1aA ~ bO'r Bhd., ec.t& X.... Day m • t b o d. ft.Mlonabl• prteea. U ~211' NIPt. LI S-tlJt A.•_.... 2 llpe r.l<HnU&I blind. BLUEPRINTS HARBOR BLUEPRINT Z.SlQ N~wport Blvd. Harbor mt SEWING MACHINE UNT.ALI AND Ur ADU! Fl\OM II.SO • FUN A.ND I' ABIUCS - 117 ... A lf ...-port Ill, ea.ta M- • LI 8-'801 Utlc General Contractor LICID'fHID New Worll -R.emodelm& J. MILTON MclDCNZIE Harbor Q99-W GStfc PAINTING INTDJ()R -llXTSRJOR AUK> NA fUNll P AIN1'1NO • U<..'l:NIJJCD -tN•~ Glenn John.ton 501-11.i at. H.wpon a.di RarbOr 1111 4tltc OOKPLBlTB: PAJNTING a Paper Banctnr Sentoe ·muo&NJI l>. uum>a. 800 llAlt 8tnet. H..,,.r\ ._. ~.'"' . .,. Only $1.00 81\ndl re>p&lred and r•bullt. r-r .. Pick up and dellv•ry Work dooe by appolntmerit P1loM Libert)' 1-4701 or KJm1>e1'ly ~. ppt!c LAWNMOWERS 8ALE8 -8ERVICS ~ A.LL MAKJ:8 Comps.ta ~ 8-.f'orlr. COAST MOWER Wllh KING 'O LAWN Power I.Awn l:qulpm•nt Term.1 A '?'rt.di-a 1780 Newport Blvd , ea.ta M- tltuc EXPERT REMODELING e ~ddttlon.a • ~pain e eabiiieu e Louw. Wlnclow• e Doon e General carpe~ work • REASON·A.BLE Uc~ H&r. C>llOS·W ALltX SILMAN HEAT FOR SA.LE BUY'IT WHILE IT'S HOT Be Prepared for Fall Weather CALL HARBOR . BLUEPRINT 2819 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4331 learn Modern Piano La&rs to ~ 1q1Nriae. 5*7 by ...,. T........ to oldlten -wW le&Cb you .. much or u UtUe u 7ou wiab. PbOM RUTll PJU.Ll;J'{ LI 1-9670 NcSt REAL ESTATE CLA88 for property OW1ln1I a U\OM •tudytna' tor new lltall exa.ina At Community Ch.un:b, 811 Hellot.rope, CDK. M•ta Thul'8dayw at T '6 p.m. '4ctll ORGAN, PIANO bd Voice LeMon11 In your bome by col!.p tn.t.1*S IQ.ltn.lctnM. U l-OllT EY~ SEAMSTRESS Ol'l.CHMAi<INO IUl4 ALTICIU TIONI Roun t &..m. to t p.m. 17MI Monrcma. Oolta Mua l.Jbert¥ a..HOe lROHINO OON-,0 tn my 11qma. ILOO P9' bo\U'.' Pt-11t1q hanpra, 202' &eavl-. Cor.na del Mar. e&ee7 ----- -HOUAl:CL&ANJNO by the hour. CaU after Ii p.m. KI 2·1124 Mce1 WORK on yacht wanted by 11· C'tn96d cl\utet ~t ownu. I lklpfWr. Bob Hodpn. Ha.t "00 ~ EX.PJCR.JltNCED Baby 91tl«r, con.,. S1rl. Balboa i-.. ~ t•rhd. Har 1111 6"1\111p . t&8T "FIX-IT" Wtc"h&nlca.I and Daetrlcel Malntea.ance k'nee AU. WORK OU A..RANTSJ:D, Harbor 11M .-Mii Roy's Maintenance Complete Prof•ufonal •lvert.181~ l• N1lWI' NEW! a-.t ~· '*" b1"7•! ro ioo<t ro:wa • . Boy and •I lft OUT C1aultl.c1 pe•p Mechanical or Aeronautical En9ra. Call Liberty S-~1 Qc&7 8.ALl:8lUN WANTED -it.I .t&te 8&1.znan.. Capeble, .ti reUaztl. lood worw, ._.. Un &Mlity. J.uBB C. HOW• ARD, 1118 N.wport Blvd., N.a. IMletT BABY llITI'lm tor ilcbool _,.. chll• Ill Y"F bome. MorniAP and·~ ~a. Tra.M~ ~ llar. 1708-R. lillD's. ar..na.n. t6pe7 ffkAL Dl'•Tm LU.ICllMAN- WA.N"IS> • f or 9W' ~ Otrtoa. 'An ~t. Joaa,aim ,.. ..... ... Wbo w0J wor&., • ,,_ a. IL C. Gr..- .. 7 ..... mtr .. "°' 1'60 w. ~ ~ 'Mtfe BOYS • I ) r t I I I • 1 asPC*''"S> B.4JC<m 'II 0-UISl'll • lll:IUllTI'. 'l'llol full er, .... wm. autam.uo ..... ---. ...... roll .......... .._ ...... .................. a.,tor ,.,.a only •uue. or bu.1 on ~ J\lllt • per ao. No down. JESSEE'S lOU 8. XAlN Kl S.U41 SANT A A.NA. $100 OFF THIS WEICK ONI,Y UL mt.um Nmw UM. Pl.ooA KODJ:La AUTOMATIC WA.SHERS 'W'RDU..ooL 1'01'm OllMl:IUL m..JllCT'fUC KJLVDfA. TOR RD'IUGRATORS IDCLVDU. TOR 0ENaAL E.llC!'ftlO NOl\OID liNOE8 TAPPA>f 'I' A.PP AN Bun. T-Il'4' Naw aftllable at IPU' .r.l!S"(' STUDIO tJPJltl'OBT ~ lliaO. TV . piano, lo perfect condtUon ,..rrM '45 daWn. $1~ per U_. ()rpm -UTG. 6 up. rnonlb at .. .,. .. TOO. on nea.r DINI Mta· Ho ea.-Down -Jlonthly bank terma. MESA WOOOC.RAFT 8 PUCCl!l8 ot IC&cbblo mb-lahed tumltu.re. Plan your own 15JfAJ'ER'l5. (1lnc• 1907) lJvtft6 room or doa wt• ..... _ Ul-t:ll ti. 8yc&1r1on. aanta ;.na .... ..._ Kl 2-0e72 ll1Jdlq --c:eblaot.I, ci-t.. ----------- IU.'l'"r.A.O -tuDy automaUc and bookc:um. ~ bt pur- ....uber -UMd llut nnu lib chued u a unit or eop&rat.ely. bra.Del n-. lMt&l.led &Dd un-Priced r,_ 110.40. t Kno'lfttoa ~ TV ANTENNAS oandtUOD&lly JU&ftft"9e4 tor Com• tn and ... It and let u. onl.Y n&.00 -Tenn• -llhow you how you can aave IClftJ' eo.m -R1 Ga.In) J A K.S' a A.PPLU.NCl:a -mon•1. lPatalled complota to JOQf Mt lNT 11.anor Blvd, Co-ta =.j 2121 ~r. C M. U 1-18'~ $9 .95 ---------teUc-re=:----------WDTJ:RN HOLLY CP _., .. lJ l ·UOS. 3ttto --1. ~VINA.TOR brand new Auto-·--------l!lmQICi JIO..r m£ -11 maUc Wubu and dJ')'er ,.u W1lb rrtddle. l1 C'U. fl. Ke.lYln· -SEPTEMBER ............ J1' ll.~ tut.-only »41.90 at JAK11:'8 AP· at.or ~ .• moOem dinn. · ..,..; •I +llC ..urw, Pl..IA.1'CIC8 1131 H 1 1 b 0 r. dla.lr and ottoman, 2 ne•&m61' 'lllf1 ,_. ..... ...._ -.a.. OD.ca i.-.. toot7 at-ii \&bl" 1 oocklall tabl•. 2 'II( ii 9 1: ~•ry ... "• ma~ iaa,.. mockrn book· -~M. • ....... CIRCULATING OIL HEAT· OAM lu~adbo&r4 wttb box ~ Llk• -... 0. 906 P'Gtn· 9PrinP elM1 lllMnp~ mat· SPINJi'l' SPIDCIALS ! IPINl:T! FROM llH. some reot&l Nluma In M.aplo, blond• mt.bopny. ~ aavm ... N- mplMll tram ttt~. Conwruent term• at ~~~6S :w.co?OG& de! xu.s'::7 =.:t=:o:::~.ite _ -~ ..-1 TA..llmf ----------aot, coxm and .OJI uu. en· , Vsm> AUTOKATICI u-_, .. -•. _...., ........t prl-8KAnR'8 (111"<'• 19CYT\ _ -.. Qt, mK .UC -·---··---· 179 HUB, 600 W. C-tn, AU.helm 421·•2S N, Bye&more.. kn1& Ana .u.u. Twrma. 8r&n4 MW ff .. m!!M!ad I~ Orp.D bl )'OUI' home -pa. foe' 5 ,,..a, ~u lncludOCL BM Ulo complete •• ot Bad· malld Ortina bl our --. On• u -<1 Hammond Cbocd Or- ran and OM 1.1.Wd Hammond Spinet, food •vtnp Oil U... P'\n• •lectioa of u.aad 120 .... .Aocordlana. Ptioed u low u 1'916. R~~ WurUtur 8plnet Plano, beauurul Maple •Y• U86. Cu be p6J4 111.U l*' month. • twcondiUoMd uprtibt p&llOI from $7,.r>O Ttrma fl"GID f6. ~r moctla. wtll rent. U...S rruad piano 11 vt"l'-room ._ Sflt. 2 ~ y-.ra lo pay. S Spinet pta.Aoe, oue lllieht.b' dam.aced 1D lblpplllc. R.R.. Oo. paya ~ dlsmal• cla11r1, JO\I $895. Theodore Robins f'ORD 'IS f'OIU> V\ct., Fot'do -· $1~ 'II J"ORD QQ Coupe --• 1°'6 'U 1 A.GU.lJl Maril IV lied. 695 ·u CBBY8. w~ • dr. TIO '51" roflD ~ J 41'. J'Ol'do Q6 '56 J'Ol\I> ftda Wac o'dr. l~ '50 MERCUJ\Y Clult Coupe M6 '51 CBllV'ltOl..r 00.•. --l l t6 'M J'OIU> MiJl Wac l'wdo. JtN '51 CA..DILl..A.C IS, & tr ... -Utl Our 3St1' Year of Service in Thit ·Community 3 I 00 W. Coast Hwy. · LI 8-1471 53 MERC. CPE. $1495 M•ltN)', ~ mtbei·, 'f1.s7l tr1aa. radloo, taw, ~ IUtk. K~ 'Wo Mte t.M .,... ... noord. 62 OLDS 18 $995 ••••-IJ'°ot -----.......1 .. Rlout lluy.utf (tl (I Mainal .IH0.00 'l'Wa IM8TA.U..A%10N '. Op. o.ll7 a to I M~ -W f_ p.m. euadaJ llt.t Block mwit moat OUl' titandard8 Pim tu.. ~ llad oU BELLES ENGINE 'REBUILDERS . no a ant a. . 1t1 w2U IP4l' CAJUI -ftlD TOWJ:Md ftATll 8CllN'DaD aQU ~Uc MW ·wbite a.ta . Jl • H. ------~----- ~A pod IN,1 .... Ua1a ~ todla1· ..;;;.;J,.._ --;.;:;;;:;.;. _____ _ 54 Uncoln Cpe·. $2396 * PORT ORANGE * a..pn. hD ,..._, a l! ~ TRAILER BAJ.ES ~. ,,... dee.Dollt a.roull4. 20,oee M!Wa1--. and SuwtJm IN TBS J.ONO llUN YOU'LL 2200 W. Cout llhn.1 Newport Beach LI '""20 SAVE ON Safe Buy Cars AT Johnson & Son Uneol.!t-Mcre\lry 800 LD4 IOO W. t:o..9l Rwy Newport Bea.ell Ope Z.aalnp GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USEQ TRUCKS •u axe ~ T. Ptdtup. '11 OllC ~ T. J"&Ml '68 000011 1* T:pjckup. 'II 0KC " T. PanlL 'M J'OJU> ~ T. Plckup, r :1 Jo• IUtkl Tr..na. N 00' J br. Pu Am. ~--= 6111' 'IWr1 ·---..11119 l .. 16 11· IDt twta bodl IOlll IT'ii $1 11' Tranl 'I'm ... _ ... NlJ'La~---NO M ll'Tra~ awa. 1110 ,__ " II' ~ _sne OOM N W .Paa. Am. J bl', -.._. u ...... ---1-1Tt& Gl II' Ooattn'I 2 br, blO I.Ml ~1 IO' J!Ut custom ltll 1aa OPJIN t L 111. • I p. IL O'MrJ -PAN AMERICAN Paramoun~Ken.kUJ TraYei-TwTJ ....... _ ~ _____ U-ST. 1MO ~ butlL 2 bdml., .. th. kJ~n A l•• •• U'l1lll rm. l:Xca.L&NT CON· Dn'ION. U 1-UU. ~ -~='T"·sd·'a ......... .. ··--.. -.. ·-J • .,...... •• -llJ• ...._ lft8I PIUQIDA.Dl.C -·--at ----ICl J-OeT2 WJDIU..ooL ·-M I R0010 "-uutuJ M" modem JOHNSON 6-tt. baby fT1U'd piano • bench, f'xcell•nt con- dlUon. Mall• otter. LI 8-78GI. 14ctt ~ hbDle y • ..__ llLACIUTO?Q -4 --It f\lrnhure with Ketrinator ~ C'&Jl pay •J&D~ -..., ----------· C 'Ill CJMC 9" T. Pano1. term.a.. '511 A.DILL.AC COUPJ:. °'1llMJ 'H <DIC ~ T. Ptclnlp. lf!K -JI tt. A.lJ°' t.oU.t, &bow- er, ~ .. IQped. A.·1 OONtlU-.. Can be ..... &. lltll IL. c:o.ta :W-.. LI ~ il::·:i: 11 ci.n ~ o.u.....i. u.c.an.ct ud CV&l9JI· trtr .. Wfdc't'Wood rans• wltll ~ ... .._.... atftll P. t.cl tor~ l6-60 JIW 111 "· • J11ddle. 6 pc. wroupt Iron • _ ~ • w.a t. JESSEE'S ,. d!Mlt• Mt, I pc. llvlnJ rooru .... .a I dCN at --1013 8. )(I.IN Kl l-&:WI rroup, 2• mockm bctrm. Hl.8 :iii9 ri , h...... IAHTA ANA All tol" MIO. BJnaJr dOW'll pay-KbowJton Electronlca SCHMIDT -PHILl..JPB BlG PIANO "' Orran St.o~. C•t. lilt. Alway1 100 pi&Aot to cboooe from. ll:llO No. Matn, &lit.a AD&. ... -::: W.AmDA.. ~ ro.nt. 10. ......a to pay. ::w OC*)llA ... )(AA 1 HUii, 900 w C.nt.r, .Aaa.helm TV REPAIR 1Qt* 01 .... .._ • Ub It. JtANQll .-O'-..re A M.mtl ----------Rl:NT a trumpet. trombone, Ti<>-: : !" WD llOftDA Ta autom&UCI um.r clock. \'A.II-HOUR Cull of tumltur• -In· I Un, flute ot oUl•r wtrumct ~ .iwtt, chrome top, cludM everythlnJ. c•omplel• • RENTAl..S tor U a monUI. ALL rmn p&ld . --. --~. a W'1 ltrolk-r. et.c. bdnn In beaullful mcl('ba On , fASTIE!<Vl~E. R..lilAt>ONABl...111 thi. ynr appll.-on futur• ow ao r. maoen.t condlU. Sl.150.., a.,, 11~. .. ... '14 QMC '-T. Duala. ~· OllO " T. Plckup, Hydrt.· O T ,,.,... m&Ue 'ftoaM, .....,.. ltJPl:llt aa oon....UW.. •41 CBSVJWIP 1 T. P\ckup. 'M. T\lrq.. _,..t. ostm Wp, •50 <JKO J T. 111" WB. ~ aad Wldt. ~. 'to 91"' ST. COS. U' Bed. 2 ~ bnt.kae. .oen.t ~ ~ f ;JI """"" tloa. 11.IOO. Har. 0388. Meet 'II c:Rrn\OLS?' 2 T. CO& 1 Tl" we.. 2 lpood. •. J6 T\r.. eaoea WE CAN SELL YOUR TRAILER A.lmOlll ~ $1". &ve UOO dbl. d,....,.r A mirror, book· liktYlce cal&• Ult II pm. purchu• Oii oot1nnluil l.-ma -WATCH REPAIR ~ _rwr 1 Ha l~U-W &Tlfc ~ h .. dboard ..-1th HoUy-1 L.1 M20I HaYe your lNttrumel laid 1 . ....._ wood mm.. 1 t ,,._ llttnlf ~d• now ,.hU• the wlecttan ·&-£'.WW &.•loe AddfiO. .AtJT()lilA'nC WAaHSJ\ room fTOUJI tnclud4tl ublet A IGOROJ!:Ol'S ~·Bell eon· la food. Will\ ""t to •tart • • ~ • ea.ll &l ,.-Male U-4 Wblrlpool S..uty lam!H' A nJct• rhmme ltln•ltl' •ol• oontainlnl 11" TV, S· when picked up Minimum 'llO DODOll f•a T. Dump. 2 ..... • .00 1\rw. 8" ua Mton buylnf uy type I AT NO 0081' TO YOU ol 1-4 tnidt U ... ha H °'"' 'N t can pt JOI.I lop cloUartl ! ....... a!)d cnn-l ltock 1n We need ~ta ho to •• ._ .._ .,...,,,,,.,. &Dd SJO t LB. MOD'l:l.. like -· Mt. Nev~,. u.-ct. bffn 1 to""1 •JM"f'<i auto. phClllOl'J'Ph. AM SHA..Tl:R'! • Down p t -~ m· 11 421 N. By--oro SL, S&J'll& •n'a •ym•o 1-~· ~ Uld ..as... traded tn Oii n-wuher-dryer. &.lance du~ U77 ;"· cash or "' FM red.lo Ult• new Rock ..._.., ,. • ·-__BOR 1t03 • y..,. oC i.ruutiie troe aanic. In ~'k• s-ym.nt.11 ot llS mo. 8ff 1 niapl• cabln~t autttnc F"T«'lch Kl 2-ot72 58 FOl'4 Viet. Power It. ... -· ~ ~.. um_. at low ,low ooet..-Ut. wMrl ator.d. 409 s. M&ln In ProvtnciaJ. Call!., or Early Ot'&n&'• CoWll)''t oldut ud mo9t 5t Huh 1'&mb. It. w.,. HJdr ITJt a. 0... 0..... dill Mar Or bu)' tt • mmtthly p&ym .... u Ol"&n..-. KIC 8-5817. Open 'tU MnM. 1175 Ru. 6'80. 6'<-M complete llfua1o B\ore. 5t Ford V-1 Co. led Loaded . '6P of Smt IU5 &ft# llDa.IJ dow1l I p.m 86c '*lo Cit Olda IUtt.. II HGJld&y Cpe. • paym•t. C H f " Oa4 12 au ~ ....... .:••"7 ,.. ... A.11111 & oo •--·~ la,... family ~ I· J 1100 or will t.n.d• for miallor 6& 8'aAck Jtdmllt7. Rn-.,..__ .._, : u. 11 ft._,,_ JESSEE' s ' Rooma of tu(niture, 19M Phil-ustom . . MUNTZ U -tn. TV. I lll.OllUlll old. 511 c..4. rttwd.' dr. hll Pow. :: -2 • • -U.-_,..,A-" lOU 8. JlAIN KI 1-154& '!16 'w~·;.... l"&nire. 11 .. t. LI 1-1200 attar I p..m. 50 J1ukk Ollllt. Rn-. o;:-~~ . -........ '11 ....._LI ...-r&f. 8.ANTA ANA pa.c. Ill~ room rroup, 5 .WUSTC 8YllTZM8 ~ ~ Pollt. V-1 at. Wac. Bydr .• M ...,.. ___ '6ct7 pl9C't ~ room Mtl &11d 1 Pl&nlled to :rour tnd.l...tdUal u.ten-----------DI ran V-1 R.c!L w... JlliJI ----------=--•57 2-DR. SER-V-El-nompl•t• bdrm. rroup la but· 1n1 ~mmw few .bcG'l• • 16--Don. 0.... Pet. O't>Y. ~ JtOO -t a 1J Ila· t«-nut m~. Dbl d..-r 6 b1111n... S..: 50 rons V4 Ctry. s.d ' Of, .... llR ... ..,,. Ill .. 1.. Automati~ Ice Maker minor. bpok.-... headboard • HIUA • OOta>AJUll allth~ REOtllT. BOJUl!ft PUPtl tor..... Acoee. Ilda $ 111 atdl.lnc ni&'ht llandll bo1I blfb fldeilt1 at our oomplWU ' "IU. olcl. Call 1nt-J te t p..m, 5' OkSa aup. Ho.II.day ep.. J'ow, • rU*_,...!'--riJ__,b,...-tl'CJ--.. --"'-7---174.95 sprtnc A mat~ W1tJa '10 p . "Studio ot U'1tnl llollM. • Aft•' Clall Har. "" 27tf• ... ~ .-. YJm. IT'B TltUJ:t n·• th• .,.. suaru*-a.. r ~due ----------60 More Great Buya -= -~'·~ :u! ~=-~~: :':t. .. m~~~--= HARBOR HI-fl ~~~~~~~ •r.w..a1·..arH1' .... '• ... ~~~ .,._ JI P. ~ ebehw on door, e'4:. ... deN .toNd. •Ot I. Matn 8el to .. pr..-a. suo.· RT... ·1a MONTH BANK -.:.m;;-i:;-.-. av........... Olll1 ,,...,._.. lq 'fOluJM hi cm.np. JaD l -llllT. Opet WJ Ntwp0rt 81..S. Har. '611 ctnt.h J..IM'. apM ·•- ... ~ ...... ..._.. te!laa ~ mak9e th!a pr1co pc19-'U 1 p.m.. Uc PAP -~----Sit 2 _......_ -.. -•-...__,,. w-• '-----ou7....., -nt'W, -· ---------------------• -.....,. __. COIU>l'DDK Oollwm.. -.uty for .. t7 •ABT CRIB &Del play pm. 2!11 SEPTEMBER ORGAN SPECIALS! : .-~mW-. h.19 ~ -No "°""9 ,..,. ttJt A ... Corona dtol Mar. a.II -.L &Oee7 ll ONLY -8tNGLm MANUAL lllect.ronlc Orran-, "C· "86, ----- now ... '6. Tw1U PLIO down ._Auto.I W..W and '1J..15 ,., moll~ •t nLU"'ICR"B ( .&.e. 1 IO'f) OH21 N. Syeamore. ..,U Ana Kls-o9'71 Oraftl'9 County'• 0rpn Rtlqt.ra. SELL . • YOUR CAR NBW DOVBLlll aa>. Box spr1np and matln!I J35. UdO TreOtr Ps$, Speee 11. A•lt ,., )(nr. 8cJwtt.r. ~p ---------- • 4D> POJt oa K'1f JUOutJl1 ~ ... tut a. llaJa ID 1-aM TV Antennas $7.95 J:NlrJ'Au.ar> ,,,._ .......... ACJIC ,.. V. "11 u.t 4'-...,, Ball06 ·• Of'&Dl9 County. b•Y')' Ml•. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 115-11 11:.. •UL tR.. aut.a ADA Truclll ~fol' OfUl9 Co Pr'-~ Wodl 011 ..... 11~ JOE NICKERTZ HA"RBOR TRAILER SUPPLY lllT ~ mwd... co.ta x.. LI 8-3'11 FR!Ell i <tor.._, ffCLN11 ta Oranc• Ce.fr QUICStLT AND E48IL Y t anaLY c.u£ un.a."'f &I.TY',; . Kl 7-3& .t r • . . . ----. -. -. .. .. -, . -. . -... ,. .. . .. ... .. ... .. .,. ~ ... -. . • . -.. . .. ... -.. -... --. . ---. . .. .. . .... -. . ) • "i liif' I ... i ... ~ "!l'O:-.'!'W· l ;:,,.: ;..i:. ...... ' '4s '? • ._.. ...... f • ' ,.._ CXJIUlm Ult _____ .. __ _ ]-----,., , •. .,...,......., tlVm Olt A CWITQir ~ v.. ......... ,.... .. .... .. ..................... ... ...... ...• ..... ...... . ftJ:N"I' -~ ~ p ., loot &. Ba1JM& JlhoC. qvs,e. .... tnint, ~ ----Want ~I puty, OWmr. llN. 8mal1. JU]. w-. ite.4. · WldttWr. OX T·-actl 6q BCDIUI.. .to-.., "611'· .... ct.JJ'J" KA."VBN SA.Lia OJ\ t&\U ... ,..... -.....-. • """''"'"' ,..... •Pl-• ,_ NmWt<lll'r llBA.CR -_._ MACHINE SHOP ~ "'-. :r-r17; <MJ 1-.... Immtd.. poe1111loa. rental. NMMb' f\l.m. l 'Nna.. c:..t. X.. It.. C.X. LI MITI. Hudesty M.&napJ:Dent Co. ..._ A.du.ttai tJd¥ -No pet& 1'\&lly 9qUlp.. tor mts .. Jolt ~ - me Oollrt. An. B&r. ITT·W. or tool Md ... ----------1112 Lat~ S..:: Gfllll xm. ....... TAC ptDdw _. J'OR WINTllft KCNTAL -Jr-----------------------;....11ot.~..at011& Mdrrn.. f'tl"'-11.pt. ITI mo. wtlh ' t..LROll ROOll.8. Dupaex apt. ' BA TB.\IOltU llOI ... tt. ~ 1lleek ~ pr..._ J0t lkll. et. M&7 b9 on Bay 11,D.. ao. UtqtU. pd. l.DVllLT furn. lllom .. J Wlma. ,._ 11.t. lfewpart .,_., JIU. .,-oa 8aturdq•UA luncky. 101...&. a ~ • ........, Wlftt• reltl. a.pt. lttlt. to 4TU. tlfi')' IRVINE-TERRACE ' -.,_. ....... -~-,..._ 1611 """-nr. ~ _., 11'1 ,.,~l·UlALL---APT--.-TliRL-C--r-.-11-UU--A )(l:SA,. unban. l lledma. IWli !5:::!!!'l te Lo.. ~ .... 1. mm., '-*I U. paid. "1f &. BafDo1t BIVf_, hot-. and 1. '-inn houR COJt.oN A. DEL MAR -I b4nla. • ., wtD ..... ..._ n1 co... Balboa. • ~ }If...,, deeonled. 0.. k ~ !::.,u!, ra;;::: 1:; I st I 2nd T·. D. Loen1 ~ ~-=-= = IDlectnclty and wat. paid. J'el'llle.&f. Har. '"'"" eaou ~ &D ~ 0ou.nt7 ... Mr ltol w. OcOIUl Fnlat, ... pcwt, u ....,., . 6&:.'t1 ~=~0.-'1~ Wiat., t\lm.. cleaa,, 11Ul. paid, FUR.1'. l BED!UC. q:>1"J'AG&. ~ JBLA.ND wlnl• rmtal TrQt Deed. Boqbt A Sold . m~ I bedTm. VPP41r, 1 beclnn. low· ., ___ .. ._. Do bl I Wrm. borne f\Jm., Carp9ttd. •;•, 1• r6f"I• COA.IT v. ro ..., caD owner. Ra.r. .. • ...,... Yan.. u 1 PTi L&nU, nlc1 yud. •126 1110. R I M C OOUN'l'ar CX.UB, ll,i&S-W. ._.,, l6ecT f!~. nio .. waler paid -1 .. Har. i:ietl. IOcl6 Oya Orf9a91 O. c ,.__ .. llWJ 101., Ntiwport B&?'bo!-. :t:_rstM av1., Npt. Bee.ch. Ph. =~~==-===-,---,-,-I Harbor 6 I 2J OIJ,i au.'"' LIDO 1SLE Har. 2431-ll. &Se97 s,110 MO ATTRACTrVlt turnlah· 2&0t N-port BIYd., Npr(. Ilda. DUe ed doll tlouM cottaf.. On4I -----------I Winter r-.nt.W co.y t bet1room BALBOA ISLA.ND TURLT ...... 1 .. ..-room ..nd bath. Le.rp -·-• .__ .... ~ -•-LOAN'& TO llOILD, DIPIW'l8, P~S'". -NI,._ -"D"'• turn.. hou.e. 11'1,..place, patio, ..... um. ...,u• -,,,.-10CI. 4 yard and nower-.. C:O.L& Mua ···-... ,,-.. .... -----..... dz .......... ~ ------... --~-........ ' A'l'l'N: YA~ Yw ...... JVUI' ..,.. ._ • a.&al• ,I-.. ud JM. u. -·-·-~ ..... ,. .. wty, •IO.OQO WUI ....... •...-WW U... tw ........ eom. .. ud talk u · ..... . Bey & Beech Rlty. Inc. MALTON ' ow.. .... liar Ottlol INO &. OllM& llW)t. Ru. UU NllWl'ORT 1DlOBT9 -N-• ....._ ....._ ...... dm. p.np 1PSO; na. ctoor, bWJt .............. Wwd. f)oorm, flraplaol, .a.a "°°'· J' A. U.t. p..Uo ... IUl\J' Mtru. Ooee la. di 0.'•"M Dr,. N'f,000. ..... REAL VALUES Corner ~ <>ranio and 18th LOT m. II :a 11&. wltk olditr t.o bclr. tr..M, ldlal k>ca.Uon tor .._ Ulll.t&. a-Lo Mopptnc .... w. lodlt.7. BACH; BAY Ttll'M Bdr. bo1M. M.UI i&nd % CO\'"'" paUo. fanc-4 ya.rd. Thi. ia • ral •&l-•t ot1.ly 'll.560. Tanna. • ~GEL V~UES ·8/'B . N•WPOrt He1ghh ~ .... -... ft. ..... I LUXURIOUS UDO .................. .,,..,. WW. J5u.>4. todl dlntft,s A ~ I """'-... :as ,.,.._, lldl .... J'Ollft wtUl I Miiia. ~ .... . ll"flaot. ,__ ~ wU.b loir pool ~ twe ..... ...... tu................ .. Lido Mord~ J'!ll . ... ..,.._,, WJlllt RW ~ fA,oot. ftoon, dllL ,.,..... WI~ 9Me:t. door wt. Mau.L ~ lot 100x11T. AMI> ...... tw.m.' ind. bl pnot of lu.800. ... A.ftt DOW, WORKING KAN'S HOTEL a ... '22.000 ~ CASH OUT • ,,,. ' llterJ' llirkll bkfs. ~ of 8T room.a, I .tonll, and a mm. apt. The i.t TD b.n y l'l't,000 .. ,.~. ff6() pef" lhl), Will trade tor wta.t Mn )'ou. Comer lo~ near Back Ba1 " . -•• 'HARBOR IUGHLANDS f BDl\KS., 3 BATHS Pt.J Ollly 1&160 doWn ud u- -lM 111,IOO 4 Wi"' k19A. ThJ8 b" an OU~ buy ta tM clly ol Newport 8-.ch. OnJJ I mo. oU-Ln ua 1bOW )'VU Uail OM today. LIBERTY 8-3481 Vogel Co., Mein'Offico UOl W. Ooul Hwy. J!AYSHORl;:S I Md.rm., 1· bath. la• Jl't', nn., t'l.Npl&oa. ·W /W cupet. Ip paUo, 'BEST BUT S11.600 2 s.csnn., 2 t.Lh, cu.tom l>uJ.ll 129.&00. Mu1t Bo Sold Thi1 Weel AaldnJ J8000 Hu. &'Ill . Littlo lalend .. • ONE or ILU.80.i. l8l.A.Ntrl moat lnt.t: -bciinMI, I btlt- rooriw., a Md.. .. ._,. tt't'lai' room wtthlla,.~uil wood pu.aliltd walJe, mod9r1l kltcb .. -r.t. IM&.t,..,..,.. \VW ancS ~ llllaco!'at•d. PbolM ~ t<w ~~ PRICED TO IELL -.,u,. ._......,. ..... ~ dbla. 111rq-.. ll2:'i mo. bedmul~ l"•ra se. Sallabury Har. IU&e. ttc BlJY, MOD.Dllf1-OR • Ullf\amUMd •pta. wtui Pr•I• 21, Via. Dijon. Bu. ll~l~W R..&lly, 3lll Manni A.Ye~ Bal-~uca l •. ll. -..... I a. L -SllO or e&ll Jita4leo11. MJll ext. llOll boa Waad. Har. &tTl. Uee'1 mm.u. for child.An, untun:t.la.h-Wa 8u7 ,.,_. o..tl ft. au. UM -CY-. Bar. 11.)t Ml "° mo. NNl claa.11.. 2'ii NEWPORT 84J.a0A BAVIHOA "r-------------I NIClll.T rt.JRN'IIJH&D, 1 ltdnn. W;np botba. IArfa Y•l'JS. nu.r a W414 ...... .JL,ATION IES U8 FOR 1UINT A.I.JI. WI: 4. bedrm~ !kn, paUo, modem ~~ & UVllR.A.L G 0 0 D ! Ut.600. Marinot'I hie Rlty. Sll M&r1M An., :e.JbO. IlllaDd ' Harbor 41Tl1 RENTAL SPECIAUSTS CAU.. SUKA C!&AJO DORIS BRAY, R•eltot 111 ~ a.J'bo& 1**1 au. JO• a. nw 1 B&DIUC. llDfllft.. tna Mlla Uld ltl.teb.n. IATJ'a ll't'• 1nc toam. Cftplaea, parquet noo,.. cox. cau Jl;)Of'l\inp " nM. Sl l-1116, dr Hu. MO. ..... '.".""'-:------ CLEAN MODERN ..... '°' -N-Lido _,,, .. °"'" ,._ au..., ....... Udo .... -· -B. A. NERESON rurn!Uiad apt&. tmuu. l9cfud.. a1'oppln1 cenu.r. AdWt. c1a.. Hu 0168. t.ft V. JtfULTOR •. -• "·--a-'IU'-, ~ •naA-J-tV. 2J$1.R. llSc-41 I -.. ..-. ..... -·-.. _..._.,, CORONA DEL MAR -A.lmo.t I d 2 d T D L 1112 N.wport Bh'd., Ool4a ic.. "'1U. aut-UO ............. a.ad trURNISHICD CtlanJ\$1 ff'DDt. 2 n ....... unfum. 2 bedrm. bou.N, st an n • • oan1 ! ALWAT8 OPEN ctryer. A '"' •• to Bay, •Plf~ 2 bedmi.. ..... llid. uUI-lari• livl.nr room, FA heia.L 1'11l'lt Deed.I Bought • Sold ~ Ll .. 1173 OOM.A. at.ona. Ina. ucS lilH'UJ'• ltin. Up~r C7~ lower 186 mo. Ynra 1 .... 1100 J)er month. 24·hoUI' p~ ..me. fta."-tmW .tww lb. 91.nc\M a.. sat ... Bun., MOO Karell), Adulta, rio pei... COO Farru.M H b 1549 p.6 to Uli mo, l tlednn. N.-port, &eM Har. e:nt. &:ld7 er Or ~ .in.o. W~k.17 n.t.a ud ------------·------------' ..,me• •ffllabl•, . ------------1 HAF.BOR. APART><l:NTS CLEAN FURN. APTS. 4.9-Roo1m for ~nt LOANS for Homes WA.TERl'RONT Lov.\7 d\lptn. -c.nal ill N....,. port. J\OOm fOI' pltt &n4 .Up.. cmiy m,ooo. ~ by .. ,. potntmalt onlJ'. C. ED JON£8, Rftlt.or LI J.11301. "'" ""'· .... ..._ ... '·,:;:: UTILITIES INCLUDED * * * * '"' -20 .,-r. t.oa.na ! . NEWPORT BEACH Construction Loans 2 =t:d ~r~nn..!.~ ':oU: 8TIJDIO .APTS. 110 AND 113 ENJOY UV1NO on lha ocrui 2 t..drm .. vacant, EZ TJ:RKS- SUbmlL CLTPT HAVl:!f I ~ riew W /W carpet Ill.~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 '*Inn .. provl.rid&l llT,IOO BACK BAT u:eeuUva hom• - PRJCIID RIGHT Ut Z. 22nd St:rMt OPEN WEEKDfP8 BE3T BA.CK BAT LOTI ....... I VIEW LOT Upper Beck Boy lb.IOO n.. .. .IDO Har.at.It ""'' Balboa Island · ··:;,t; ,._ -- 1 ... ,.... """" . ..,.. ';:; . Rartior lttl. "'* OH DALBO.lo. ISl..UfD Ym4llt. T ,... 1 bdrm. apt., -.w.-y tiar.., FA h.t, pr.p. ''°' ma. ·-----94 _.., ~ I b1tnn. Ll1TLll BALBOA ISLAND. I bednn, apt., wl!ltar nmt..L JM lnclUdl.na uwtu... Har. 4.342.. ""' a. week . .ao 2 bdnn. apL Na&r •varythinf'. Ganin Collft. t2:'i i:ut Ba.lboa. Har. 08ll.. t2c'1.:i TllARLT l1u.. -Nlc:1ly turn. lfa 1 Bdnn Apt. 6 fara1• fronl. Complattly furn11hed kttchenetta a.pt... and room.a w1th private bath. Ma1d att- •IClt, "'""' TV. 2308 w. Ocean rront. N...-port S..:!h. 81:11 BOB U.Tn.Dt ~ mon th&a aakinc ,noa 'IOl6 llAft COAST BLVD. of. 110,260.. hmu.. eorooa. del M•r Rarttof 1111 J'RANCIIJ J. HORVATH. fUtr. Rep. 1-'(ltftl&J\ MOftTIJAIJI: OU. 34IO :s.Jt.. Blvd., N.wport Bch. 301! OCEAN FRONT OP&N WSIXJ:ND8 Claire Van Hom INOT A ROUaa, 8rut a Rom.W - 2 Mdrm&., 2 baUla. T..... Ion l.b9 •a.rmua ~ ~ "' u. -·----dtx ........ aDll JocaUon. 1 bDI:. b!i a, 6: ~ llO. mo. WIMTa llPTAIA, 1·24-e Wnn. .,.... • ---.... up,_. mo.. ... 0-. at.wet. 8.4J.B()A B.A.1' Pfl0PJIRTllll UOI W. a.J-. JlhoiL UN. 11 .. - Harbor 6Ul7 ,...w_ 1 belkw. turtL •pt. up-N-ly d9COBtecl on beaut. at&irlt. Oil bay f'roftt. LI 1431L Penn. Point. s1;o. Clifton Alltll Utlc leot !:.. Balboa 81¥4. Har. ltt4 --~--------IPl:Ntt THE WlNTmR at Bal-llOTFC be-. at tM Bay A oc.ui. nt l w=t~Np:R==-,~,~-~,-.~,-"-"'~.,~ .. '"'. Ls• JC. B&lbm. IUbd. l·l bdrm. apt. I Bdrm. Apt. 4 prag1. N-ly fT6 mo .tum. 2 cabOul -~ decorw.t9d c.n buul. rerm 18LAND -Ill/lilt. * * * * - ROOMS. axc1U11nt bada and qui.t. Har. 1St{. daya -LI S.OM3 '"'"'· Mci!O Matro LU• 1-. l'wMla Kl Ml• Har. 14.21 -IM~ '''" LOANS ON HOMES ,,.,., NJC.U\ H.UUIOft KlGH CHOO turniahad 2 ltdrm. Flreplace. BBQ. 1011 Jtedl&.ncM PL II tie R.EALTOR 2731 \V. Cout Hwy. LI 8-f.%71 Call •vaa. LI .1-3209· H.A .1413--.t Forced to Lea\18 Southern· Calif. wood pa.nellq, U.. clMiwy nr.: pl.c .. °" -.UUtul Pro'riftcia] pa.per and abutt.n. Uaa. ~ rta-.d root lula!. tM .. OM'- nar lot. tM bcl Ula& ~ $ ,,..rk ,I ca.n. Tou'I ..-.at tld9 lal&nd born• 1t you -~L By a.ppolntment only, .._tum. C.U a!lll'TIOON LUd-Potrit UO Clifton .Apt.., !SOii lo..-1-taM. f'llD f>roq1Kt An.. E. Bait.a. 81Yd, Har. l:'ili. ~ Uc46 &Oltc: A frR.A.CTJVP: rumtahed room 6 bath. Pr1v1.ta crilr&nc•.· Excal- len~ loc:atln" S4:'i. «•rar• al'a.il· a.bla. 30T Larka'pur ,v.,unp or w.Uend. Peet! DON I. HUDDLESTON PiAP Uc OWNERI BAC!UrtCE Owner muat 14ava at once. Wiil aell UU.. w-111 onfy, lovely I bdrm I MUI home tn !Mell Ba)' tor 121,000. Pa~t.8 of C107 ,,_, monlh "'1tll 11000 dn.. C. EP JO!fll&, R-.ttor LI •-t!<lt. Mwt aell mooern , Mdroom Ma rinetl Iii• Rlty. nt.-ely t\IT'llilltMd. Lars-oonwr llS Marln41 A,,.., Balboa llJuMf lot, N_,.,n 8"'1!tl arM. I ____ R_ .... _'_11_11 ___ _ Plll'ftNIVL.A., I ~ apt.. nloa.ly ru.nu.twd MO mo.' until Jun• 15. PltoM Hu. 21111-JL 83dtli NSW UNr\Jtt.:il8."f&D dupln apt&. Qujlll R.rML No y&Jld WO..-. Wat.r tum. 221 Bf.a- UW. at., Co4ta M-. lnquln •rlJ .....nu.. a.I. m E . 20lll .._ - PRlVA T& room 6 ba.th. Prl•al8 anlra.n('a, 140 mo. LI S-60INI. """' ---·-------PTtOld to Mil JU,.000. TllnDI c:an bit unqe4. FURN. DJCLUX• APTe. .Al-1 ------------ bacbek>ra. Utll Incl. Rftl..90n· 5S-S&o'°" & Offloee able ,..1n~r ren\&14 to pl"i!fer· =-"-'-'---. ------ Attn. lnve,tor1 nm tru.t dMdll cm Harbor a..-1------------ Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR red tananu. 12:!0 w ... t &l- boa Bl•d., Newp$rt Bea.c.b. Hu. 30!2 IOcTIH 8l!8JN~ ofnct on N-port Bh·d. near Hoar Hospital, M6 P'T month. r1rit or leua. Ca.U Elton Barnett, LI 1-2712. "'°' BY OWN&R ~ R ... LOT 1Tx2!WI ntt N--Bl»'d. propert.lft •-llabla a.t I lo I r;, Mtw .. n 2 n-.iwm-on Can--" ,...,.. lnter11111t. J"d tn1.t def'<ll at dla· yun Dfiv• 13.600. 1.1 S-7138. count. up to 10~"· 8all 1-~7 b&ck 1n ...... tmimu paytril' io<r· 1 ---~~--~~-~-1 n-t. S..: Morlf .... Loan~ BACK 8.AT, 90Ulh of ..... Or. TUSTIN A,VE. ACREAGE • Ground Floor aJOt w. Cout ru.,. .. Newport ,. .. cad and lu61c9pad.. Low church or DtOtel alt.. Onl1 I Tha Vopl Oo. M&1n OMea. Cute 2 Mdnn. )tom' ~ • au.e tn d.lJ ol. Oruc-. ldHJ o Oi'Flt."ES OR STORES _._.._ ___ u_W" __ '· ____ ...,_o rnontllly pa)"m•t.. oa O.L JJ0,000 -Jf"' dowll.. 1ou.. l11,'1llO. 211 LOIJ.ua P!&cs. OU A.. J_.,.__ RMJ l:at&te For Leue In -MONEY NEEDED J'OR C-ta. x-LI MTll. Mcl'11 ~ Mt1 Rarbor lfl.veatment Co. Bld1 lST A 2ND LI &-tT51 Kl ·•211'1 L11-411T NmA.RLT NEW I Wrm. lt..-.d J11 30tll It Newport 81~ TROST DEEDS on1y ' monu.a. vactirt baa Har. 1eoo In•.-tni.nt ••ll -.eund •tw ea,..t. a.u 11Dp10•-ta by a.Al ICsta'-ID a..nd pd. With 11000 -- Up to 12% T.Jeld .-~ u. only 182. per Harbor 41121 rnolllb lftc. tA:ii:ea. FUJI pnce 116,MO. C. SO JONA. RMJ. Royol Mortgage Co. '°' u 1-no• FIRST TIME OFFERED LIDO 181£. qudty baDt, ...._ born .. Many plua t•tUNI .,ul: room t.o upu1d. ~ on u ft. Udo Nord corMr ktl ac:ro9 tram MUll:q tiacb.. Pnoall lllt '21.760. Good~ l!XCHANGE "HOT'l"'Ur ........ lpot .. ""' Fa.neat Grvwla6 Pvt ot eo.ta l(- '°' $22.500 Cash or .ubmlt t.n"Dll ,,,._, -......... UNUlts di ~ a ...._ tor ·~ 'Cllall CBAJU.U B. R.ft'XllJl, .._, 0&)'11: Hu. l61f ~ Ll ..... -l .4 MA IC A. BIUTtlll W9I' INDtl:8. JO ...,.., --.... nuU. dtni., 9Plca «e. O't'tro looklna' beauUfltl Mr'9r ... llaHh. ~Uon IOO n. .... ·~ t or f. 11141. alt-. PIWI M.000. OWNSR. ._ a-4' ti* ........ .-ra • . , • - ' • 1 ' \ CX)IONA . BIG1lUNDS, '37 .. S.ward &oacr: I .... ~ with a mw OD eo Jl 100 lot. nJcaly Je• s nrt iild fllllJ taoed. Priced below the · -Ml OPSN DAILY. .. OOBOMA DD. ¥4& 2 bdrQ\ home Oil 515 ft. lot • ,.U.. plenty Of toom to balld another unit Com· ~ ,......., reflnlebed. &D4 ID tip top shape. QOM to :.._ and ab.oJ19 and tally fenced. Priced for ~.-It .U. W1!S HAQ THll BEY. ,_; -;-.ocaoMA BIGBL4ND8. Drtw ~ 520 De An.la, ~. -., 2 bdrm. home, bath and 'A. Fully turn- Wtld ud with ~t new of ocean. Priced to..n. • JU.Cit BAY. 2 bdne and d£A. bath and ~4 fully .... eupeted u4 •P«t AD electric kitchen, wuher • u4 c1rJw. VW ot Back Bay plua a pJfnt.e lake for JOW pMuara. .· letll l'J,.AC&. ANCTI'HElt i'188ER BUILT Mme wWa all the .Nftuemeat. tor sradou llTinJ. Lot -'10 Jt 80, I bdrm., bath and %, hw tloora, FA, -prmp dilpcml. Iota of UJe.. Now you ean eh<><* .,_ "11 oolan. -11 u for .n dlta11a. -· W. E. FISHER & Associates ~ Cout mpway, Corona del Kar. Hanpo32 · ~~ .,_ Barbor 3'»W :VOGEL VAtUES MAIN OFFICE ~· .. ·. OPEN DAILY 1 to ~ )917 IRVINE AVE. a bedroocu -2 bath.I M-'1' ACREAGE UNDER THE MARKET Tm lne1 ac::r. oa .....-. In t.errt!lc location. Ju.at a.--Rnlt fJ'CllD a larte national corporation.. Vogel Co. D>l w. eo..t Hwy .. N.wport Beecll L.18-lf.81 BALBOA ISLAND a ~ aatta aooo don. : . ·I Wnn -.. cm ...,. ol. Jot all ready to build an .... utt. .•. ... ~~ ...... IMlml wtUa ma.ny .. f•turM CIOl :.·-ClOQfff'tad Wiil)' to a anlt. urd the T.O. ia a" -A Rl:AL BUY. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor •• M&rllil ......... Manor !502 • B•t.B()A. 1BLAND .... ~: SMAlf.· .. auvw :~RN~ WAmN6 ~ JllGBL:i.Jiml-vn i.o.n.. J ..._ " • .--.. 111 , ...... IOdoo ao.ooo l <DONA"D& ~ 2 lab, kn-pr. : .,. ...... ftNr' ·-. aooct buy -ft2.800 ··O>BONA m:L ~ front -6 bet, I betba '-:: 4pt. • ...,., Very dlo6ce $70,000 ~: Maltlp1I "'""' Ra.ltor .., ~ a LA.TBROP, ftaltor ...:. • .. II; 0..-Hwy., COt'ODa del Mar ::· • Hanot 'MU--l:YIL H.arboC' l5880 .... "C" THOMAS • BACK BAY! OUTST A~~NG1 vi..1 R. w. noon -~· ProYiBCLa1 -I BR -l ... I OPmf llOUDI Bat. It 8UJL. 1 to a p.a., '°' s 22Dd •t. ONLY $23,9C!O. OCEAN VIEW! $11>,9!Wl. N'pt. ReiPU -cu.t.om built! ){ w. nni. -ftnpi-. reo~: ....... ~Me. wtth tull bath'. I fT'L old -n.. ts•. kit - UOY. Dbl pr -W1llk to PO mktal BALBOA PENINSULA' NICEST LOCATION ON THE PENINSULA - Only .a few dOOl"I from beautttul and Exclualve Cha.nnel Road. A modern a Beet. ! Bath P'ur- nilhed H<>U.M, lovely nJaed brick fireplace, ap&cloua patlo. A harp.in at $24,000 Good Terma. ANOTHER GOOD BUY -Lovely year around home with 3 Bed. 2 Bath.a a.nd near beautiful ~ Bet.ch. Charming pat.lo with larre well l&nd.ecaped po1111d.&. Out ot town owner •Y• lleil. Priced llgbt. t22 Bel Vue 1...ane. BLANCHE A GATES. Realtor MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING OPEN HOUSE lll M.a.rine A~ .• Balboa bland Ph. Bar. 1671 or 1W72 t23 Tu.tin Ave. ht. .t llun. Bay & Beach Rlty , Inc. R&ALTOIUI ltM N.-port ~vvd eo.ta K-. Calltonili& LI 1-UU ...... Ll •SOlO RANCH STYLE , 2 ILnd &Ill. or I bedrm wHh evft')'tlWlc. Fo~ air. hwd noon. natural cabtn«a, !ovt'ly b11ck paUo. 1 ~ bat.ha, ovt>r· llAd dbl• prare Oomer O"rt-r· lookJnl' rolt courw. Ut.000. JM' C·J Newport Blvd. 111' C-:Z. Barr BU8IN£8S lo· callon At'n on Harbor Blvd. t .Bednn l~ Mtb, fl2.MO. I bt'dno l '1 blith. ltaal.11de -uuoo. N'lc• 1 bt'drm ho~ u.·.oo MAX W. POPE Realtor ltoe Hubor LI 1·114.2 ------- BALBOA PENINSULA 40 x 80 reaidenti&l lot, Eut Balboa Bl•d. with permanent Bay view. Terma can be arranpd . P /o ' BOA DUPLEX -Furuiah4"d 2 ~rm. and l bdrm. All OD ground fiOOT. $~ will h&nd.14". GOOD BUSINESS CORNER. 3 unit.I -beauty abop leued -2 two bedrm. unfurniahf'd hou.eea. $18,000 tnth term.a. OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX, ooe i br. 2 be.th home, It 2 ~R. gar apl 2 car pr & laundry rm. AU f\u-niahed, '27,500 tenna. rRIPLEX on Balboa BJvd. Furn. 2 BR . 1 RR. & atudio apta.. $18.500 t.enna. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JAYRED ,Ree.Jtor Mildred Rigp and Sytm Tbompeon. Anocfates. 301 E. B"lboa Blvd., B&.lboa Hu. 2M8 or~ BALBOA ISLAND Corona del Mer UNDER $30,000 -Choice l<>e&tlon near So Bay. a Wnn .. 2 b&th borne. L&ri-e lmng room. 4 TT'ft.ACTJVI: 2 bedrm. home ln excellent condJUon, Juat tar dining &lcove and completely turniahed. -up from bwy. '°' qu.iel· • • • • n--. )"lit .. -. waa to BEST RESIDF.NTIAL INCOME BUY 4 unJte com-.to?'& ~ &neu.. aun-I drr fac;WU. and t.bln 18 . ._ pletely furniahed. A 110und inYUtmenl and out- ror an~ llDit on ~ ot st.anding retum. lot. SH.nOo. RAY REALTY Co WM. W. SANFORD. and Associates .. -1 QIC. -.eta Jlouee • -Oolu· ftoot la llall>oL J ----1 ~ .aua room ~ _... ol1 pnp. Mdas ~~ , ·- I MESA VALUE~ 11100 DR.I! I JNr. JI. 8Wll ••Dt &t. R"4-, w /W earp.. I yn. old WUt eoealkr ....., 66 tt. traller tn trUe. -. ' . 2 Bdr. J'URN, BOJO:. &. aide. , cloee tO towa. 8pk: A llJllLll. Ow1M.r tranat.. pOOO dn. lncl. tu:rn. A. p-.un to Aow. •j .ACRll with U... J bdr. I oldu boUR wttb Jp. knotty pne L. R. A ftnpL BarN. furn.la. All teeed. '16.600 8ubmit 12500 On. Bbow by appt a.ft.er a p.. • :HOlCJI: CORNER LOT R·4 Jtlu:. rent.al loc. AJl utll. 6 , 8-en '38!50 wtlh UOOO Dn. '4'-1 on wide Bt. I &CN p&.rct'I I I Lrvel, ad dnt11, water 1n. Sew· I t'ra. ,_ Ir annex to C. M. In proc-l\OW, $7260 \CT'9. ~ On. 1 Mesa.Harbor Rlty. Oppc*t• u. 8. Bank 0. C. 8mYMOUR -~~f I :WW ~~r Cotta :w.- Ll 1~811 Eve LI 1-3796 or !h &tM-W BILL'S BEST BUYS Udo Isle Lh1nl' lhi.t app~ U.. ldul IA UU. thrw ~ home wttb two 8p&rltll as ba lb.a. a tmPt cbMrl'l.d ktt.chcn wtth bunt-In OV•D • ~. IQ&.Mive , .. P . end a dlnJ.nc &l'ft that FV" •J>a<'4.' lcwt'n room to move around wtth 4.'..-. oaly I yni old, larp Jot wbicl.r allow• tor the OYeni.M paU.O. 8111: THIS. It. prtced right at $31,000 or $32.500 tu.rntAld.. W. A TOBIAS REALTOR AND ASSOC1A TF.S "You'll 1ille our frlcdl:y MrVlce" 400 Ji:.. 17th BL eo.tA M-. Ll I-l l!t Ev4.'nlnp Ca.IL Ll I-IMC G.I. RESALE 3 ~-ll&rdwood noo ..... ne9d1 r.d«loraUn.. lA.rp lot. cloee to Hls!l 8cbool Monthly p&J· meat.a ONLY ~ lnclo~ tu• and trwuranee. 8A.CRI· ncw: now at 110.IOO. $1000 DOWN $60 PER MONTH !llli-e 2 b9dnlL horn• -double rual'., beauutw oomer lot. Ca.n put UlNe mote Uftll.I U600 FULL PRJCE. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON ISM H9WpOll't Blvcl. ONt& Me9a I . Front or rear IMna-roGm. • Pilot)' of' cloeeta. DininJ 1pue In kkd.ena • 40 pl watn beaters. Natural b1rcb cablaet. • Confetti tile In ldtcll· f'Da • Jf.at:Joork ftGora • Wood .udhar 1rib· . ' don • e,ooo llq. ft. Iota • Roa root., Alumtnum --· · --,. ANOTHER 8. V. HUNSAKER, ALEX STEM' DEVELOPMENT BILL'S BEST BUYS • COSTA MESA TOP EASTSIDE LOCATION IMVEDIA TE POSSESSION -~ Ud. tour bedrooma, 2 bathroom.I, forced ~ J¥at. -.prbqe dilpoeala, Exb.aut fan.e, :rorm1ca ~trer tops, cenulne uh cabinet. and M•tlcoflc tloor1. Curbl, Public ,. . Sid• ,,·,tlkt, Sewer lin• in and paid for. Thrff Bed.room.a. u low u $11.~ $6~ Down Four Bedrooma, u low aa $12,ifiO $'195 Dowll . "you'll like our friendly lel'Vioe" W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor Liberty 8-1139 fOO E. 17tb St. Colt.a Mea EVENINGS CALL LIBERTY M97lS VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR Cute II clean, cloee to post office, ahoppin~ etc. 2 bdrm. home, W /W carpet., nice patio 6 BBQ. wired tor 220. Weathentrtpped. Prloe jUlt reduced to ,18, 700. Hurry au t.bJa. Under con.atructioa. Lovely comer .o. of h.twy. 2 bdnn. A den 2 1*tha, FA !teat, ued bride fireplace. Prlced at S81.J500. Buy now and lelect your own colon.. etc. _ HARBOR 0757 Vogel Co. Corona del Mar 2ee7 E. Cout Hiway VOGEL VALUES LIDO PERMANENT BAY VIEW Lot Ip. enoush to build town home with swimmin1 pool and t..ut. pwod.L No other lot can compue! Price m.:soo NEWPORT HEIGHTS HOMESITE ~ , with alley in rear. lat aftil. lot. on HolmwOod Dr. AaJdns $8.000. • HARBOR 4971 VOGEL CO. JJDO OFACE . 3'18 Via Lido _, \ ·. .,. • . .. ·~ ~ ' . ----l • •I . ~ .. ... . .':· . '· .. ,• .. / . . . •• ..... it . ..... , . . ' J ! • '( -... ' .... '. Phone LI 1_.7&. J:V• Har. '888 ------------------·_, ! • Lee Bolin • Charlot~ Fuiola ... , a. Cout J11Pway H Ol'OllA c1e1 Mar _ J'lar. 2281 Hub Powers • Nona yer (A~ """" bank 1n a>M> Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa lal.a.nd Har. 2462 Exclusive Beacon Bay K9sber of Multlple ~ len1ce ON. LIDO ISLE tTN'DER J:ll,000-~ I Wnn. 1 ~ bstlal tu.ml .... lilaftie. ic.. ....... lll1cll l!Nplaoe. ...,....~ ,,_, ,..... ...... dryer bM:IU4ed. M1oely tuna. ~' ~,.,....~for I et--. J:u7 t.r-.a. ----------------- RETIRE WITH INCOME In heart of beautiful Corona dd Mar. 3 income unit.I; 2 are nicely furn., 2 pa ti<*. Cloee to · aboppbtg 1 ~ bib. from oce&o. $32, 7f50 STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 26'7 E. Cout Hwy., Conma del Mar Har. 882 w ..... pT'OUd to attc um ma.s· niftcent • lledrm. I ~ fua. U,1 b om •· BEAtJTirUU. T BUU.T! LoTaly paUo. ,. b&ocJc lo prtva.te lleac.h.. PMr '°" asmaJJ IMlat and tenni. court&. .A..lU- u...iy l\.lrn1alMd. A --.derful Y&Jue at Pl.600. • tJtdUll·n wt ta Merinen Isle Rlty. au Martae i.. ve.. aa.ttia. 1a1aM ~ •Tll S.'len l1land1 halty I Investment Co. ---------------------o-• _ sr °"",... "1W .. ,.._ -am a. •arwt .... Odf. I .,,._, Mme. "9w Ill.Ip ....... .,.. I .... lf&ll..., J1XER..UPPER f1 ,G00-$2.000 don -2 home. ,_ ... ,.,..., .... ,.. on rear of a~ x 307 ft. lot. Handy t.o achcJola · ••-A.~ ,.._. JN1.. Costa Mesa ,. con_. pot. n•.ooo. Tenna. u.1-n• -•-Mm Ntoe .._. and ~ rr.hly 000 Lf:X pdll.ed I i-ctl'l'I\. ,.tUl dbl•. $2.Sl&O D TRIP Ute DN.t" Lindberg NJCWPORT lll!IOBTll, • bdrm. pnp and addltiollal I bectrm. School i.ou., f.nc9d yard. Wwd. oe ~ ft. lot. Dr1" b1 noon. n..r «hoolil.. U Mt•1 ltn 1'ullUn .A .... tben ,~. F. w. LYTLE, Realtor or LI Wlot aner a·ao p.m.. UI. 1716 N.-port 8lvd., Cc.ta Meu. 542 lllvenilde • ..._ acM Meriner1 l11e Rlfy. "JifaltJple u.tin1 Service" CORONA RJ.GRLAJro• YIPr 111 M&r1ne A,,. , Baltic. 1*nd LI 8-DUS I.J 8-2M2 LO'I'. _.,. O'llPMr, LI 1-eHft or ~ 4711 Har. lTJe..J:,. • f4dM ,• LITTLE . BALBOA ISLAND . .IDl:R.E IT IS ! ! I *" ',,,• ·.~., Ju.at what )'OU'w bel;ll '°'*'"I for. I tied.rlli. •• t :•J , hOWle. ll~ n>OllJ, ...,.. kitchen wtth ~ tll plua family room. • . . And attncttw 2 bdrm. turn. apt. 1dth Joftly view.l!'!lccellentftn•~. • OUR dCWBlVE I , DORiS "illAY, Realtor ~ 2lt Karb Aft.;, •,' oa &kat .Bar • .IO O!° ~ Exel~ A.cent. Osbo.,,e -·Forton Realtv "Co. 2321 W. eo.11& lil;trny, at Port~ LI 8-7M2 ~ Hu. 516" ..• . . -.. • .... ,- ... . , • . ·---''~ • I .... ! ' ~~· DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor · . .. At the BlUDGE to uOO .ISLE" ' :... ~. Harbor 4'118 ·. . .- • • You Will l~ke IRVJNE TERRACE New Furntahtd "1-tomH by Mecco" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 :00 P JL Interiors by Martin. & Von Hemeri BeautifUl bama ln the &Mt loeation Pricea from $2e.OOO to ~000 Your inspection la r.pecttully IGlicited \ EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor. EXCLU8IVll: AQr.NTB On mway 101, Newport Harbor; oppodl new lrvm• Cout Country Club. Harbor "48. CORONA DEL MAR 479 MO~G CANYON ROAD, Coroa.a ffiab- l&nda. Deluxe duplex with VIEW. New, lllW't, distinctive modern witb unusual cbann. 2 bed- rooms each, thermo kit.cben, eo ft. lot~ iM.tSOO LIDO ISLE BAY FRONT 3 bdrm .. pier 6 .Up. North bay $69.~. Call for appointment to 9M. COSTA MESA t $1000 DOWN. MOYE RIGHT IN. Lovely 3 bed.no. home, beautifully landxaped. Owner tranaferred. - Fi.neat buainca corner, 18tll 6 Newport Blvd. plu 2 bdrm. bou.e.. ldeal for stott.e or other lnooma. Do ... t}iJa for $34,800 -It'• a bay. MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor I Auoc. Hen Baum Bob Smith Hue.I Condon 3m Via Oporto Harbor. 54.fe ::· Bn. u 84297 u &-1709 Hat. 1017-J : .. ' I ' (l l N&W. l'SlflN8ULA BOID. Well appotnted. me 4 • r n boa:a•/ 9'1ill·ia adtdlln, llUd-.......... ,.u. ...... leT ....,..._: A 111\11\ ... at Qt,IOI, ienn.. · . . , (J) A a14C1'a\ D' YOU Wn.L l>O 80XS J'IXJNO UP .•. mo.t17 pf.laU..,. I Mdtoom home la -.i-. wtWn II.all f)lock0 tAt 11&7. ~,.,.,... eaatakte lbe'fW 100-. laun· u,., ~ dUdal teOll'\. •1 •.000, NOOO &Iowa. 161 BAua<fA t ' •J:Dl\OOM HOID wtUa · ~ MOCMrll ~apt. la nar, I..,. ,.,..... )laUo ..... a.rs. Jot ' &11d dandy y&Jue at •11.IOO. l4nu, (II 2 UN17 liLBOA INCOME. I ..,crate watt.a. I &Ad l I bedroo~. turn!Med. P.Uoe and bll'tl for • Mdl .it. GoM reDtal proparty at •20.000. ttrma. . (I ) •AL.BOA DUPLEX ••• on• of tM tut a •allable. • ...,_ reome up lad J doWa. Ni.c.q I ~ Only ~ ,..,.. 8'd. I DotaW.,..,..... 1&wutr1;..- &nt• 1*.ell •bower. lU.IOO. unn& (7) B\TD..DD'S NO't.JCS OR TKC>e•• WA NT IN 0 TO BUILD INCOMIC. 2 adjotn·' ~ ft-I loU n Psniaaula.. 121· dHp. faa,000. Balboa Realty Co. Oppolllte ll&ak of Alntn<'& "-or..i.,. &d r..- Joeephln• Wtbb TOO I: Ba.lbo. Blvd., B&Jbo& Phone Harbor 12TT Corona del Mar . ., ""'"'" ~· .. . ~· . HARBOR ·Hl&AbANDS? . · • few $1'6ji00l?1 HO · . But-Jut ·~ the .,.., WW Ila" tllJa ••t1 wtth ~· • a ~ 2 batU. I'. A. heat. bdwd. ftrl. 1'lnplMe. ~doable ....... 6 breanf•Y OD bea..uftd '10' coftero .. t. Let u.e ah4W '°" w. for ONLY 11e.eoo-p:soo clown. _ Newport Beech? For $U,7t~O -y-. aDd ~y· elaa. too. Stucco 6 PlutU cOutnicUoe a 2 bedroolDi with 19' x 27' prap ~ for 1arp apart. ment oHrb.ed. Neu Rldw'd9 Market &ad . tnupo~ su:roo -P'lGO d~ East Costa Mesa? '% G. I. real&-Paymenta $81 per mo. lnclud-ms everythinf. Haa 3 '*lrooml, new W ;W nylon viscoee carpet, 1lidin1 11&11 doort and nice patio. Full price $12,l!OO 17~~~,?!!~ESA R~.:_ LI ~ Ev• U l-7':f1 B~LBOA ISLAND • bedrm. l ~ plua bat.ba, COnw' lot. So. Bay •;) interest in pier. Good coodiUcm $67,600. 2 unit.a OD rood street. 2 bed.rm. ho\l.18 plu.a 1 br. apt. Attractive cleUl proptttJ - Nr. No. Bay. 3 bedrm.a., l~i b&tba, 2 car rar .. 1 bdr. apt. Small down. Owner user to ..u. $26,960 Small home, corner lot. Good location $19,9C50 3 bedrm. 2 bath, Uttle l&l.and --· ....... -.$31,600 Duplex 1 bedrm. each, rood ltreet. -··-·'22.lSOO BAYSHORE8 3 bn. 1 bath, GOOD BUY UUOO AND OTHERS. For exch&np -3 bedp-. 1~ bath home Ol1 rood at.rfft in Sa.nta Arla for comparable fee property in th.la 'area. Eveninp call Ed.1th Maroon.. HYatt t-Q22 or Lou BoyntOD Harbor 2878 Tft.UTIC!I Tl\AITICll Netd ~ for ........ adv...U. a,.. 1 Doctot ... ta.&, mWl ,. INOUSTRIAt , From l to 20 acru. rroni $5,000 to $10,000 : •. per acre. G,i in on the Jf'O\IDd f1oqi-ud mu : y_oureelf a llftle fortune q\lkk. A rr-.t IM.nY people an dolns it. . i C 1 BUSINESS CORNER : 13:5 ft. cor. on Nc"J>Ol"t m.d. .JU-600, 'A,000 da...;. : WINTER RENTALS J'rom f'O to POO per month. . . , . . . . . . WI. MID• or om.. •r llto,., ~ ~~ ~-Seven Islands Reeltv & lnv"tment C.4 k>Yety reom.. 2 car prap. MULTIPLE LISTINGs -a&Allroft, _: BuaiD-WaUon. Oft.ly uo.ooo. 503 • 32nd St. otts.t ltaon• Barbar DIS8 • D.t'I'. LOCATION .. NewpGl't &.cb., Calif. AltAr Ip. a. liar. IM't : ~ aaa, W, 1 Tta at.. ne&r P1a· cell&. A.ll W.WU.. level, ate. -- *atscm or aav..ta•l. Low • Newport c~:!.! .. ~ . . pr1oM at ,U,llOO. PLACSNTU IT. M·l laM. UW· I IU•.164Jl.IU n~ ~I ... entranc:-. About Jut wn pl1ta pt~ IA ....... Purd>ue OU. at ma:Ut prlu a.nd pt I ~"8 pd ~ cl&lml. ExceU•t ~. Eld«\ .>.ve. C1Drner ~xuo n~ .....,. IL,,_,,., 6 cw1lecl Ueot N~ Hta. ,..t •t• . _., 16* liack .. , M • froet R·l Jll~OO ...... ati.D<>M FIND A 8UY Ub w.a. " ..,__ b&la.nce 1 t -.uaJ :y-.rly ~eola. Own acr. ace I.Mt you eaa buy tod&1 at f&nl\ pa1cee -only "* !M'n. 60 .c.rM. lewe.re, W&t... dl7 lUaita of Coet.a W.. ""*' 8L ORANGE CO~ST PROPERTIES I 1837 Jllewport Bh•d .• Coltt.& M ... u a.1w ~-u a.uoo I $750 Down Mc.t dMlrable IOc&UOD, . deCcnt.s, · : homey ~malphel'i, alt m_. room8, ·~ bar kt~ ~t. 9ervb ·~. beautltbl fcncM yut. Iota of ere.. ~ &.lld cliapee ~ Co.st• M~w R-4 .Acr• . In beet locat.io.ll aa"oet tte • Jmdor HIP . 8chool An tzctllent rtlide~ tncome .,... • $11,. Open House '302 Seubot. Drln, Newport . A channln1 ocean frolat ~ complltel1 fv-. : ru.w. tlttpW:e, 2 CV" ~ ao toot lot oa ~ ~ lpUklial deall bMeb. $23~-. .. . , .. ALSO -: • ' ft AdjolnlnJ 51 foot 0<mn lot. IUp,t tn . · · ·' ~ff'•. -: $22,000 ; • A.ND Nearly new I bedroom ocean bmt'homt plua 2 ·. bedroom aputment. Try $11.&00. T'tl·o doll "°"-on "''OOdee lot I "1ednn. ltome doee Ln. New· lo. of Htsbway. ComR'eteJY EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor port Hqlat.a 110,150. JACK BRENNAN, Re1Jtor titmi&bed Md carpeted.. Knotty I J1W mt.enon • P"tt1 "UoL ~ Marin• Ave., Balbe& .laland Harbor 177~ Costa ~ ,.esa Uve ln one and rent lhe ot.ller. M "AT THE ARCHES'' · 3320, W. Cout Hwy. Ll a.;ma .· 1 and I IMlnna. Mdl. ruc,r -------------------I bedrooma, tbenno bMt. pink TlXS OJTJU\EO ua.tao. "' ••Ct• ,.ftd ,.Uo. larp ---------------=----- J:xclumtve wtUt ->r lot, walled 8n. t.rneed )'V'4. Marin1ra tale Rlty. 111 M.arlM A"~ lt&Jlloa 1ldand Haner 6711 O'I ~ &. lTUl IL. MU n.tin. MULTIPLE-LISTING-OF-THE-MONTH ...uUN -..!Mft .. 11 llOO ft. ~ ..... 8bl ..n km tt. CARAVAN SPECIAL w... eMl"' ~ uo.MO. N.B.C. Realty Unct aM N...,.,rt •..S.. !lan.r UOI or NM VOGEL VALUES . . . GOOD EAST StDE LOCATIGN : Near new 3 Br., c1C* to ~ ~ ICMok : • L&l'I' U'Yinl &ma with fll'll hy .~ llooft. "; 'J' A beat. Natural wood la tM kilcbit' l % • :, · b&~ w;w ~I aad .lcml)' .......... :.: Luse lot, ~plctely lagfecaped u4 ....._ !!·: . ~ 7 ~ J'QJI --L:,,;. • ~ if . MllMO. a--., ........ a p. ,.... &f u.. iiar. "'-'1 "' ....,... for parlUll&' Md bmt· ... IMJflc'tq oa fl'otlt.• Meed llOW to ..n. ~11.11111. ,...., J'J\A,NQ8 I , BOJlV A TH. IUu. 1 MJO Bal'-llhd.. Ne~ Ach. ML No. 78'1 -Brand New three bedroom - One aod a half batb-H&rdwoOd floo,.._Flat- ·tton• fl.replace-GE forced air IM&t-Double prap -Natwal wood •ltitcbm--Gut..p en.. p-.1-Bt.njo st. in Co.ta Wea. lmmedllte p<*. I CRYSTAL COVE ; THU 6 ftOO-,. fun\, IMacla eot. , i..,. wtG OUT or· nn1 •• ' r-.. ~. ' DUPLEX NEAR" UDO . .' ;. ; . At.t.racttlt 2 year old t1llDJllbed claplies M!.1 J. : : block from Lido. NlcelJ loolted oa ccnll' lot. ': : Ha.r. ,.,. -1M5 .. . BACK BA y srre Luse comer 1ot-Ut x • ft. MOil ..... Wt lllCUe9 fl a" .. , ..... '8000 ML•:a I ........ Price i11 ,800 Cont.kt Your Realt.ol' . Newport Harbor Board of Realtors , 401 N. Newport BlTd.. LIDO ISLE ' bednn.. t baUt . modml !lame.. ~JA nap &Id OftD,' ......... a.,.•, ""'. evpete4. Loftl7 m ~ 61tail.' i'ul1 prict "5.000 with. 5~ ftmndn1. Will oonUffr mm•w • Udo lUe l home u put paJIDellt. or neut lot, Harbor area. Ezdutn wttla UDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES Moo Via Udo Harbor 9023 . WOftU> \'lllW el Daaa Pc*t ... C&t.alllla &. . JOU1'1I r- Sl;8DO--TERM8 Osborne -Forton · Realty ~o. sm·w. 0out HWJ. la& Pon~' L1-.rt7 a.Tiit S.. Har. llN Aclll BACK~Y AREA JiT ewM-. • I lililtf.L IAt ••H ............. ...... l•••··-• ....... S1.t.M ........ ... llnDW ........ ~-....-.u ....... ,. LOOKI Lovely 1p9cW.U. ~t. U.. 1n ODI W ~ : let the oUaer ,., It oft.. . l . ~ : •~5' J'DUll' T. D. AT 4'IJ5I MO>r!'B ~ -: TAXD AND I INS. INCL. ::, Ubert7 1-0Mt ' . . . • ' : .. J _,,.. • -: VOGEL CO. COSTA t;1~A i : . 1700 N.wpart a...s. ' • . . .