HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-01 - Newport Harbor News PressCOME ON, LET'S PLAY A bit ll'r for lb.I• aort of ro~b q>ort, Great Dane Hlc.hael, • owned by Mr. and )(r.. Jame. Hoyt. a y1 "Hl" a.n.,yway to 1111 Lido lale nt'lpbor, M.lnlatura Pwklll&' ... Toto& y, ,.t al'ld pride and Joy of Joyce 08tnlt.h. Totoa doMD't • ...,. worried. thouan. merely our1oua wbo that bts fUY • .. 1a. -Pbot.o by Edward LMter lmllh NEW SCHOOL Mesa School to Okay l1y COUNTY COASRINE HOLDS !!! .. ~.!.~,,,. tr1ct Wednuday will acqulre It.a WATER ~ MEET HERE FRIDAY i ~~~~~~~~ ;:~:;~1 ,RepreaentaUvM oC the vartl'lua ranau ae1·••ln1 there u well .. , away P'nday when a ttorney• tor ~r companlt1 and rtlatncta the 11-vrne company •l'ld encl· A.oven· Splerel Conatrucuon Co. .u.uir th• oraoa• County n~r Jamra Montcomery who or Coe Ancelu notllled Supt. I!:\'· c:ioe..tUne wlU meet tn :-ltY.-"">rl pa q1arrd pl1n1 Cor both Ne,.. 1retl Re& the board"• offer or ~.- ,.. port Burn 1.11d the Irvin• com· 000 tor U\e II U acre alt• had Befch Ctty Ji•ll P'rtday at 9 30 pany. been a ccept.ert. • a . With Robert Diemer e>( the --- Metropolitan Watrr f111trll t 8ubje<"t1 or •ll!IC1W11on w111 be Call Hftiflft to Pay It.a meeUn« uua week will aut.o· a"AilablUty vr M•lrop•illlan wa· ~ , ma llrall)' approve lht purc-.C ' Victim Reports SUSPftf · Claimed He Was ·ReSe"e ' Costa Kea and Newport Beach Polioe department.I today are IJ\.vetltigatinc thdr own personnel to •e' lt'they can turn up a man •'1Spected of the attempted .._ult of a 1'ewport Buch waitr.L The 22-year-old victim reported abe wu followed home early Thunday momlfll' When Jibe rwiated hla &dTaacel ' by a man who told her he "u he P~ • knlfe aM. tb.Nata6ld I her a m1mbeT" ot the eo.t.a Meaa The wom&ll ~ wbeD.,. -.io PoUca Department rtwrvH. h1m llhe would ecream tor belp, Sha uld w ltfl Van'a Bowl-tie.put down the lmlf• an4 ~ inr about t :IO a"'-and drove ed t.alkin&" to blr. home a10llt. Tb• tuap•d <lrvY• When the IDll.D ftMlJy ~..;. up 1Mh1nd bcr u AN wu pa.ik.-cat.i.d poUu. x .. pollOe .ca i nc her car and. cwm1n1 be wu they had no r ... r"fa Illy tbl a&ine 111 oft duty policeman. told her the suapKt rave al'ld lbe l.ln'..u· lh• wu. 1peedi.nJ. Sha Mld h• rauon 1prMd to the N~ \.I.Md tha U a n e"CUM to rat Pollet Department, pe~I \.otormatlon about her· TM victim told )(.-pol.Ice ur to •lock an•I lll81nlaln lrvela $1500 Per Month Th• U4.000 pnce had been ar• 1n th 1 I 'ZOO r rt'Nd at bv 1l•U appralHra and ' e p ro po&l'< II rr f' oC>! I ruervmr hl11:h In th• tivlnl' Hlll•t ~llJlulellnr.a entered Into the money alloted bv lha Slate •lt. early yut.erd&y Ah• bad ... U. I H• )et\, aha UJd, but. mW'Md ~ :JA • Coat& ~-· a C•• m&aut.aa i.ai.r and forced t.a1l Mr but ha ~ * bla-.way lnto lier apartm•nt. for• an1val of otflcen. 1t a n•I wh•n lh1tl rrt<'rvoir aa • •{0td ot the Supeiior Court l'!chool R111ldlnr DepartmenL built Th• M w D. "'111 .. 1,.., tlf' Th• a11perlntl'nr1f'nt A id taerow a1kf!<1 to •1111< uu Ill poa1t1on 1n or Orange <"ounly clJJ for the 1n1trurllon1 anl\ 11 Ulla -r<'h art l'f'h•llnn to the dta1r1hulletn .. r I'll) ml'nl I Y ,;NH£& Grant Hoar belnr drawn up t0<1ay tor 1ubmla· 't"lllf'r l1t th" 1flaln,1a 11 or $1~>U pe1 monlh lo hl.t r1· 1lon to the County rounael. At one Urnr th• MW I• hart lra11~f'<t v.1.~ and thrl'a rhUdren He uld conatrucllon of the lT· ll~c11trt1 that It mli:;hl hllllrl • (ior their fUprorl. ~room acboolhou.. localt'd off a11l'r t f' .. '"'"'' at the <'t>AalAI hJ I A 1 th Ct.nde~ll& tMmln1a •t 1,11 or tbal J>lan It Ht-cent ly Mr a. Hoa• ot Liilo I rv aw ve. n • · Hom u a4bd.lvllllon ""Ill .AOt •tart I &111• •Ill bf' "l'lored 1coc•ntlnirj1'1~ tll~ a au1t for d1\"0~•1 11 .. 1 .__ ........... _ rov_.. R . unt ,..an• ... va .,..., •PP '"" t•> ob«t St1elton, l'lty ria4•11'luut ~ Uu1nr 1entt&I bv th• flltal• Dt~ et ~' I'' rhuiru ur cruelt) Prn,1tn1 trial t~\U"'-The .d\(;ol'w'lit"aleo -~ lnvll,.1 to the 1rtu1tv ffdJllnn c>f u~., <b"on·r ~I:• Hoai ,... rt ti I are thr otfl<"ll•I• o . 1 •c:..11a •f~ Ji• Alll.f'J • eaw.>nlbl• •l•ilallon Lain two ktndM&a tn room• a.n ' a.ad thr .. ate1 .:01111111ruu M'I\. I' \"llf'J;U with hll rhll1rl'n and m111l1.1>I• pu1poee. adnunlltraUOn iDi: that cit~. rep· •"lllAl1\'M or u rrr <"u•lody over l llt '"'"'k· and health n)Qfn• Ul:l.nA Urat h a 11•1 th1 re < orn· .. ,. la Rr• uld thf' .c:hool .. 111 be badh· nt>C'ded "hen II toe• lnll'I oP"'r•llon about 111'\8 l"..nrnllmf'nl nn'"'' la 422t end lhtiuld bi! well above ~ by VI• time lh• In· 1t1tullon 1..1 Clnl..lhed Rea lllld l'n· rollm,.nt 1n Mua achool wu onh 7.'>0 "'hl'n he ri me tD the 1y11lr m Trautwein Fac es New Charges After Mesa Woma n Complains John C'harlr1 Tnut•H•ln JCI l\nd Trautwtln wu pld~ up a 1 1~ )'f'Arl •ro The., wer• onl)' of 17611 8a.nla Ana Avr . <'olhl I ftw hour• later. Al flut. a .• two echoola In the dlJltr1rl th,.n Meu. rac<-1.l tiaal "" <h•ri:•·• <JC 1011l1ng to lhe police rrpo1t. h• radc.lcaa d11v111g an•t t1i.tu1 t11n11 c1 .... ,.~ havtnr been 111 that part 11 P•t ProtKton S•t 11t the nty, bill 1hov. n lhf' lll'nt the J"lf!IOCP f1'1·1tJJay aHn a war· I t I ... _ -A M i Tomorrow r1 1" ur hf' a ..... un""' th• llf· eet nt rant W&I laa11r<I for hi• J\I IC'll fair but d atrnNI h• had lhu11a;hl I on thl\lle r hari;e11 Th" v.airant he rtrognl~.('>rt Mr1 Johnal'ln aa A meelln1 nt lha Oranr• C'oun waa luurd by Jud~• (' (' l.:ra· An nld rrtend and wl•hed to talk ty Pet Protf'Clor1 wUl D. held at Yath. "'1th luor. TrautwPtn told the I th• hl'lm• nt Mre HarnM W Bax· Trautwl'tn'1 arrPat IC'""" nut police the cruh had ~n a n I tar, 37t !:. 10th St. Cn•ta M'..,." ot the complaint or "111. A 11 .. n A<'<.."1ent, h1a car Vffrin« "'hl>n al 8 p m tomorrow night. Thl' Jol'l.Mon . .2160 l'11f'nt• St . Coat• hl' wu lowennc hi.a window. I pubh" ~ 1nv1t"'1 jland ~IH'chase Portends 1 t Highway Wldenjjlg UNFURLING EMBLEM . FOR UNITED FUND DRIVE High onto cTON arm.a of the City H&ll Flac Pole bu been hoi..ated emblem o! the l:nited Fund, 11gnltying atart of the fund drive for cbt.ritie• of the New- port Harbor area. P1ctu~ u the fl&( wu unfurled on the City HaU polt are committtt mt'mbera headed by Edward Milum, campaign chairman. -Staff Photo GRAND' JURY I SUPERVISORS SET FOR SECOND SESSION WEDNESDAY Discussiom Expected Jail . Honor Farm, on Narcotic Addicts I ~u .. ot the huvy nar~lca tratttc llUJde th• llwtltuUon. at.a ti.Ml and t.lw l.1Dprovm1tnt of Ulf' lnt•r~n of Kt1"hway JO "''II A th• Ce>aat Hlp••ay la an agrttmenl for purch&M of !Ive acru nf I.and at Ule north••~ corner of Ule l'llt o hlrllwaya. A('"('ordlftC to Marcua M.. )le· Ca ll•n Sr. or Hunt1114rton Beach. lhc 8t.al• or Callfom1a hu tf'n· ta Unly ar~ to pay JU0,960 HAllOI WEATHER Tamperatur• for th• wMk· and tn t.b• Newport Harbor araa were HICh Low T11e9'tay, Sept 26 H ll9 Wedn•d&y, Sept 26 611 •.... IO Thu .... d&y, Sept. 27 71 61 P'r1d&y, Sept. 28. 711 ... 61 Saturday, Sept. 211, 77 ___ 61 Runc1ay, S.pt. a-0, 73 -·· 6• Monday, Oc:t. l, 69 . 16 faT UM I odMo~ mt •• MtCallen R.ri.~ ~~ Tht' propetty ...... purcllUed from th• Crty el HUlltlq\08 JHacb In 1961 ror Ml to6. llaoa that Ume. accordlfl( to MeOa.1-wn. more than P0.000 au ..... spent on tllllfll' and Lm~ema! ot tbl' property. , MrCaU.n at one t1nM b&d -.1.. oral• pl&.na pttpa.rad tor a tU9b mot•I, hotel, r~ a.ad .Mr facility .t. U. cotWr, It. la under.tood Ul&t 30 acrn of J&nd, adjMdt t. tM __,....., parcel, l:lal ai.o M.a ..... 1t1 th• St.ale tor J.nell.lallMa 6a U. Improvement pl.an. In addlUon to Ula~ et Cout Hi(lnM)' at t.be l..u. and apa.ndln( t.M width af tM hi1llway from Hun~ -.cit to Ult Ardlff ln Newport ...,_.., I.ha 8ta.t.e Divtalon of Hif1R"&Y• plana to create m&&liT& ~ turu to pt>rm.lt f'ntr&nN ~ HunUncton Baacb ltet. Pvk Crom tbrt hJ1"bwaJ'. M..a. that Trautwf'ln had fol· Trautwein WU turned O\'l'r to "Th• mfftlnJ." Mn na~l .. r lowl"J her along Harbor Hlv<I , th• c.uatody ot hia rather 11\11 ..alt.! '"la r"llfl<I to f'ttll&htl'n tt•" f rom N•wport Hlvd. to \'lrtona n11ht, police reeorda .aho'w. but many pt>l ownen ttC llr•nlf' 8l , v.hrr• •he turn<'d •.A•t to· the nf'JCt n1cht hf' wu again Counlv of the fa('t that'""' am ward hrr homtt and th"t <m found out aOpr mldnlrht brPak· male Knl to th• pound ere a<>ld 1 Vlctona he hal'I run hu1 <"&r 1n ms: hl1 curfew a nd prob&Uon In· 1n1n h0'1nr1 or humanrlv dl1po""d f:.A~TA A ~A. 10C;llS1 Tht' Jttl hOV.l'Hr, cannot bcs;ln unW front o! hl'r • bnngm&: the t"O stn1ct1onl! 80 h,. "'a• again or. but 1natnd art 1<.>ld to lh" n1,.n~• Counl\' Grand Jurv "''II the !\'oHnabf'r ell'<'llon, 11l "''hlch c:.ra torrthn I pt<:lct'd up and tumad over to 1 'CLA Medi" al CollrJ;.t to be 11A"d meet Wf'dn ... d:y ,.1th the Oranr• lime thf' \'Olf'll ..,. 111 dtclde on a l.tr1. Johnaon lmm~lalelv ff'· lhe probatJoQ cMf>artmrnt ..,..here by atudenta tor tortuout op<Jrl C ~ q1Jartn-milllon dollar bond pro- pdrted the atra1r to thl> pohcf' ht "u wnt•~ lo lll day1 ln nu•nta • ountv Board or • u~rvtaoni for poaltton tor the conalnicllon or I tht •"cond time in two ~ona thto honor tarm • f MESA CHAMBER OPENS TO PUBLIC . TOD~Y The new office of the Costa Mesa Chambtr ot Commerce open• to tha. publlc today at 1891 Harbor Blvd. In ea.ta Mm PJua. Club Pl9ident R. F. (Pete) Oeddte, lt'atfd, la siVl'n keys to ~ new offlce by Howard Laweon Jr .. auo- ciated with hll rather Howard LawllOD Sr. ln the ahoppln1 Cfllttr. Chamber oltb la on sround level apln after a year in an "inacceaible" 11ttond-floor location. -Staff Pboto • J ury Fnr,.n11n Juk S&rf,'f'nt I Th• du~rat" nrf'<I tor aepa· .. 1atrl'I rupen1..-i1a au to report ratin1< minor orrendere from lh1t "rf'k <>n aval10tbl" land for I hardf'ned <"rimlnal1 v.-u pointed the lnalall.ot1on of 11n 0 ran IP out lhl• pUl w..,k, l\arr•nt aald, County Jilli hol\Or !arm. Sarr•nl •• Jail otf1clal1 rev•aJf'd that nar· aald the euparvlatln are t>.lievad rotlca were b@ln( WTIUJ(led to la· to have purrhuad th• property n•alea and that 1hertlt'1 offlcV9 lhll pul week 1.11d will ~port on could not cope with tba altuaUon. future acllon• which lhould re· Jail 1pokMmen pointed out that 1ull In lnatalla.tlon or the rM:Ulty. I •ven non·narc:ollca u.Mr1 wen• Actual conatructlon on lh• pro· comtnr addicted while Ill tha jail, Teen-Age Marine AtTeSted As Result of Cop Stakeopt A 17 ·year-old Martne from Camp Lo• Pulp&. part or Camp port 8".ch pohce at 4 a m . to- day In a et.akMUt of tM Balboa Ialaad bnq•. four mlnut.a alt.er UMt wrv1~m.an w a a reported atea.11~ an automobile. TM car owwr wu able to re- rort U. cv·a lbaf\ prvmptly be-- ca \l&lt he heard It ~lnl' at.arWd 1n th• tnlddla of th-nl1ht and look..t out or hUI bfodr:oom win· dow ln Um• to -tt diaappear around a corrwr. T'h• .tcUm, ret•r c;. Trapba«•n. 110 Dt&mond An, wu calw-4 to l~nUfy t.M 1111pKl wMn the Ma.rtn. proldl· ad to poUca ha luww Trapba(en and had ,.nn11aion to drt•• .bJa ear. Wlwa Tnphac"ea ~ ~­ IRS lM ~ atnc.n ..W. llW youU\ ~.,.... an4 W'NU & -~ llat..,...nt hl&U.S ... Nffl\t troublM. Tbe llU..,.el a1d ha bad tat ·n l1' tM M&nnee tor a v•r. "IM ft'd up" a.ad 4ecidad lo ro AWOL. Ra aid M tool lM <'111' on Bao-Im.ad but <"bans" bla mind a_bout atn.Jtnr It when he I ' aaw UM pollre car etalltld out Ha Mid ha tumed a.round • a.nd wu ~turn.Ins It wbat appn blft4ed. HEY, HEY! ALL THE WAY FOR COJ\ST :yeedbumt'r Bill Har. i1on 1bot rtcht th1·oqh the mJddle ot three white ab.1rtecl .\mertca.n River crldicra J'rldfty night aa he raced 85 yarda to his ft.nit~~· He nturned a punt M yard• fur a Kore and wmt 30 for hJ9 third TD of the d'.igbt. Jn fong1"und i.a QB Col> C1ockttl •7 la center Ken Wood. OOC ~ -Stall P.boto 0 ,• . . -~..... . .. ~ ~ -~ bl bcartcaed by the pro- areime poUay of l&a dty manaiu. Robat Shelton. :irtdch bU·br9q&bt &boot fonnatioa ~.,department , ot p°Ublle ~:~'th.I~__. U4 waw d~t--~ under tho ~ and ree~bWty oi the ctty engineer, Bert W~bb. While theee ~partment. have been under ~ ~nt tbere still bu been & net"d to Cllllt.er the authority for their man.semeiit eo lbal all ettorta m the cJty'1 denJopment could be co- ordlna~. .One way in wb.ich the new depiutJnenl will be ab)e so help all of lta branchet t.. in preparation of tba budpt. 'At budgt-t time lt lt the WR.IA.I procedure t~ each department to put in I.or. money needed to · ~ lbl actJV'ttin ~p to aa near perfection u pos- lllble. Then comt's \he need for cutting here and there Lo get the budget in1111dti limit.a of available fund.I and 1t l.B more than likely that 11<>me depart- ment will 1ufter. Th.LI h&s bet-n the cue of the aewer deJ*rl· ment. Sewage Is not a pleuant topic, nor a.re 1ewer llnM or pumping ala.lions evidPnt to the public e~ Only when there i11 a breakdown In ciisposa.J does the- problem ~me acute from an olfactory at&ndpolnt &nd the public 11tarts to take notjce. Official a ction foUowa, it there ia money to do the work, but when, u ih lbe cue of thla department. it 18 one of the orpha.nl and bu taken what it Muld get, money I• u.au.a.lly IC&TCe. ln this certain c&M Nt•Wf.>Ort B<>ach ~ fortunate apin Wbe.n It.I came to a show dOWll t.nd some· thins had to be done thert' wu a man on th1• dty council, J . 8 . Stoddard, who I.a a chem1ckl eltPf'l1 and bu bad a grut deal of experience in u.rutatlon. He not only i.a in a poa1t10n lo help oP the council, but h~ repnlol'nl11 the <"lty on lhr d1•ll'W 11&nilelion b<1ard. National Newspaper \Veek Pays Tribute To Freedom Thia ia Nation&! Nt>w11paper Wttk, a lYttk not in honor of the men and womrn who produc:I:' the news- papers o! tba nation, but a week m which tnbut«> i!I r&Jd to the f'BPnce of frttdom. Th&l ~nee 11 the right lo •pt'ak freely ~d the nght to record for the public what bu been 11&.ld, ao tllat au may know Freedom ua what hu made thi. nation of oun unlque a.nd ~at. Fref'dom of •~>eh, freed.om of lhe preu.. freedom of worahlp: and the living hatone&l record ot thla frt"Cdom ia the nglllar appearance of our neWBpape1"1'. Newapapeni a.nd th1y1r puhli'."h"r~ 11n1f N11tora and reportera arP proud that tlll'ir 1ir•Jfc-ss111n has fig· ured ln aJI th~ battles for frt>f'll11m that have taken pla.ce in this nation frCJlll Hrvulut111narv day" until the present Anet 1t UI the h"li"f of t hf' prof Pllllion th.at IO long a.s n•·wspapcrl', both 1 n tht lol'al a.nd national level, r•an lf't the l"'upk kno" l'u lonR w1U f~dom's bright hghl burn &n lhf'~· l 'n1t1'<i ~lAlf"!I No Need For Conflict Between Local Schools It la a ahame the community'• t .... o gnat educa· t.1onal tn.titutiona cannot 1ct to&"'thPr and schedule acUvitiea In cooperation with onf' another P.mphua- tna' · th.1a llitutioa at the preeent ll! the f ootb&ll echedule of Orange Cout Cotleg1? wb.Jch confiict1 wftb that of Newport Harbor Union High School in IPeftl instanON th!a-teuon. Aa a community' Mr'Vice to tht-publlc which the ldloc* jotntly Mrvt. posit.in a.ction 11hould bf. taken by tbe beadla of both the junior college and high llGbool dl8trlctl to correct this. Many local ~dent.a f'orlMrV tbe Nl'W'port·lla.lboa N_...Tlm• ------and th Nwp•HleJboa p,_ A DIJ I ............. IMlll ...... -0.. .,-~--T-M -...... . Sacrame1:1to Sidelight SA CR AK E N T 0 , -(CNS) -lnvmt.lp.tion of chargu th.at maltreatment of i-tieat. at Mod•to State Hoapit.a.l uitted bepn to take on the upMta of a Re- pubUcan·Democratic eat and dor fla'ht u ~blyman Stuce Allen, <R), San Joee. branded the report of At- torney Genera.I ICdmund G Brown St.ocltt.on. 8lcuinr ol oonlr&<:Ui bl 1D1, u ahno1t enUrely W1JU1U• aacramento and Loe An,relee 11 I lied. .xpected econ. A cJlnlc la Ope1'l· Th• poJIUcaJ.miJ.lt.ery maneuv· e-rln11 o! Lb• Mwe&J\&, CaJUor- IU.lana. •nd tile Amertca.na have Tben St.ate &nat.or A.Jan Short l.ns In 8&o l'l'&ncllco. Tl:le com· 101, !a.n J~um county rot Into mi.Ion baa a total of PIS.200 .lh• act and cl.auntd All.ii'• ... to tln&Dce oltniQ. w1llo.h 'fill. u takt>n on I.be aura or dlvlne 1Umpllon• .....,.,.. d&mastn. lo the bopee, pol.Dt ~ way to new d~lny, no doubt bec&UH lh•Y t t ·----t t alooboU Ed•t . I c· •t R'd wtre conducted by non-lndia.na. lnVHllf'&Uon that h•, Short, med• )'1>M 0 .. _...._, or ca. 1 er 1ut week at th• bOllpll&J. Return o1 loe&l l&l• I.AX run41 I Ona lrCUl ;~~ :;1 U:.~~~,°." .::. t:t..!; MMnwl\lle, t.hrM employ-collected. by the et.ate of Call· ... •vac-ldlllnl•· Left lh• "°9pll.a.I, two of them tom.la for cJU• and counU. 11 By UNl7ED P&ESS ti.i.n, d.11cl\aried lllld another re-under way aAd St.at. Controller BA& Wl..AO UVOLT ,. • ; llJ111nJ, u the brut.a.l.lty chariM l\obert C. Klrlrwood e.nnowioed Jn Ula )'•r of t14e we have A.1 an uample or the con· Ua that '2.MO,ITO bu i-n Mnt to Lut week Callforni& edit.on once ~l.Jl turned their the Beu Flar R•.,,.t IA the tUMd at.&te or att.tra. Lufo ... appea.Ad to r•t IOm• iubet.a.n • uvim cowiU.. and 11 elU... Tl:le norU1, •IJIOUMd at 1 ... t unotn-1l8ted o.Mral rtoru •l di. lion at th• Short lnv .. upuon monev repr..ented amount.a col· thouihta to the Jntemationkl .cene and conaldered the L'lelly by the Anierle&n•. wltb Battie 01 Oomtnpes R&Jic:lfl:> .• Allen 1a.1d In bluunr th• t.cted for 11&1 .. wt May. KJrk-Suez problem. Frr11.011t finally lak1n1 tlVPl II.JI which I• 6e&.r tll• pr-nl Lu• Brown report that he doe11 not wood l&ld tt.e n~t alloc:aUon de•llnll'1 end ma1chln1 eouth-An&•IN atockyaida. Jiiat prior t.hlnk lhere 11 any cl"9dlbUtty In would amount lo approximately The Antelope Valley Le~r • Gu.ettP: We hav~ ward tow 1 rd • Lo• A•Jtlee. to lhla en1a11ml't'll be had w c- lhe cb&rf• t.l\lll ''brutality I• 122 mUUon. Of the addlUonal bMn t&Jlly well pleaffd wllh ., .. attempttna to aulde ihlpa Commodore !loet h11d r&leed th•tcfflltully defMttd th• AlllWtc:aa- prevalent." Kowev1r, It IJI polnl.S penny tu, counu .. pt about 11 lh• part Uncle Sam w .. playlnl Lhrourb tt.t ,,an., p 1 eilt1ent A ml'rlc•n Flal' ovtr Monte~y at th• Citino R.and'lo A few out t.het even 11 not 'prevalent.' per ~l. while clU• lake lbe lJ\ the "SUH Canal CIUI .. Thal ~Uffr ha• t>-'f'n 11ruvl<1~ wlt.h o.i July 2 ant1 rt>UnqullhPd ha day• latu, alter the BatU• uf a11y brut&llty a.d1Unr IJI tutfl· a.lndcr imme<hat" IHlal•nre by th" vm11111n I to rommodo1e Stock· I D<'mlnc-uu In which he bad U · c-lent to call down tbe wrath of rem · 1J1 until we ree..lta.d lhat he hu Ruealant In lhfl form or peMIOn· tun ""'' 1IUJtt1 away Blockton sJ1tt>d Tlo11rt1. he h•d Ml ott lh• people on the edmtnJ.atrato;ii Ca.lllornta'• property tu bill bffn exerUna a puah!n1 In.al•· 1 Ml to auiit hi• own omcer9 In with J'remonl'• halp, ...nd Ul• 11.n puro1ult ol S•rura. a cohorl or In cl\a.rr• of ...in.-that ment.al for the 19t>ll-~ tl.lc:al year tar~ ln la.klD( a leadin1 part pllollnit thlpplll( In the c•nal. l*r P'ta1trer a eztf'ndl'd the eon-Flo1 u. who ll wu nld wu patient.I are re<:lpJenl.t ot bu-a RI o u n t • d t O $l,HO.I08.T112. tn.t.ead of betnc the friendly Puelde:it Nuur M• al110 made qUUl ot C&Jl1omla t.o 8oulhe.m Cleetn1 with mont>y ~olle(hd mane and enllrht.en.S treatment.. KiJ'kWOOd reported after com· m..:11.ator There are eomt> bald ll ci .. r . that hf' will tum <'alltornla. IMvln1 l'remont to fnm1 the Call!ornialla tor U•• wttMut Lb• U.M of brut.al fOffe pillnr 1'9porta h'om Lh• 1lal1'1 facll t.h•l m111t be appr•ctalAd. th• countn· Into an arml'<1 c.,np n1ar. h 10uthwar<1 with hl• fo1 •e detena• of Call!uml.&. at the h&ndll of unqualttled at· &I county t.&JC eoUectora. u ot no matter bow much we d111llk1 ,1 tn• -Wulem row•,.. anempt 1 ot etim• 30«! votunl~1'9 whUP It wa• lhuuahl Seaura tlr<I t.end&nUi wbo &re d•lrn&led u JUN IO, 111,64M,ll9l o( UWJ Nuaer'I acUOn.. Tbe lues Can.al to empl<l)" tor'f! 111 their rltorll !ltO< kton enlt>red Loe An1tl• I Wllh Lhr monty ll) Mal~o lly "peychlat.rlc t~hnlclant." amount remained unpaid. repre-'-lac.toed ln Jacn>t. Tb•,.. -.n• l<J re1a111 • onlrol ot L1 aff1c t>n A u1 13 lunnr Otlluple In arranrtment with Jl'klr" They Undoubtedly, report.I will be MnUnc a dellnqueru:y ol. 1.ltT nn rood ,__,, to think th•l I thruuch tt • , ,.ntJ \In lhlll c<u'rutt'lnd and then H1l~d •OYlh· tunif'd ~It anJ k•ve up t.h• I (Iv~ to the •late leptature per cent on a it.at.wide a.ve,..,.e. wll.hdrawtnr all the plloll Will t h1 ""' · h~ h•• 1.Ak"n adr11Uon•I "'""1 lu San Dle-11:0 ru1•ull et San "•llPf! V•ll•v, I wll..lch may re•ult In 1ame law• IA.at yea.r, the detl.nqu111cy on th• pre•.iit UH of the .:a.n~I Ntw I ~··~n11raae-ni~n1 fT•J111 thr en· l1"1om lhe "ut wa1 comtns I n•r Werner 1 Rancho. wht'n It prov1dtJ\c for more atflc:ient ad-1un1 dale wu 1.28:11 .f>roputy ptlota cen bt trained rhe act I nnu.r1r•trnf'nt hy g..,.r,.!11rv ol J<•·• mv 11.nd hie ht [>t1111•>0lll. to wcam• knt)wn 8P&ur• ha<I tar mlnlllratlon of the holl¢t.&la. Dr t.ll .. thia year wer-9 eboul Sl23 ot puUtnc out aJI the WNt.em ~tat" John 1-"l'let,.r [>1111,.~ that ),., follc.wf'd bv C:-oolt,. and hla outdllt.anced them Al S-ql#o I Walter N . Rapaport. d1nclor of mllUan onr Jut, the l'l'POf'Ui know•how provwd ettectlve In! th,. Unll"J !'4t1tf'11 will not Mor111nn Batt.aJJnn l:vf'n HtPven· YH1>411 Lu10 t aptu1-S and h-1d - Lhe depe.rtmenl ot mental by· lodle&ted. comlJ\1 lo a r-..on.tble IOluUon •hl)Ol II• WI\ throul'h th,. ,.,,. aun • \ c•lunt ... r. "''" ~ un their • prt1<1n1n eome Mt1Jtlc:an1 flpf'lnJ «Jan•. holdll that maJt,_lment Ull.GE Lt:CU.ILATIO~ or the nallonalliJaUon of lrantan I "al Th• 1Anl10<1 ~1nr It hf'M' "'"> b)' •h•p to Join 111 th .. tun ' to Me-,,11·0 w1lh • at>&Jlaria hu no plare I., the admintalr&Uon AJl"pOrt les!alaUOn WU urred oil a flW' y.&r1I aao. It took In Lhe hope lhlt IOrn" plan mA)' Crom 1\tw York 1 hOrlf' hf'fd I l ot a ho.pit.al, and hu trutlcat.S at a h-.rtnr before th• men&t• W•lara know-how to op.nte ;h~ fonnuletf'<1 th11t wlll rhanirl' OTHER T1tOl'8UtlS g"('a TO P"WRU he ltl dolnf hla beet to elbnlnate -" -1 a n comm ul. Oood llOllft.d ... men that °"""•"'' rrantlr .,rtnrl• t~ et In arhJlt1on to lh• Amertcen H .. lhf'n rtotuml'd to o.tierl.I 4 bl vtaUO It.> lh• ft•lda. But Ull• ta · • • dltter-th• IMUf In our fllvor but I employ-who ml(M be (Ullty t .. •. to provtO. Ul&t cltJ• al\d love lhlJMI tll.ll learn tu run t.be • •·1•J1f11a1rm or Htar F'l••ltr•. oa-F'lor,.. In Loe Anaelea whe11 tn• of •11rh ad• countl• ca.nnot IOne airport.a out au .. u eullv •• 110me uf thfl u ... '"nal "r"1 "llni °" hi• own \al 1111Uur.1 1·tvll aulhortllee. nfM·• nf the Pauma M...ac.,.. Otflclal• or th" etAte trff•· ot bwrln-Jol\n Swanner. P~ trk'kv t1vrra ·anrl harb<•rm lh•v 1'"1"'• ""'1. hia irp,.at• 1 ••J"" ,..., 11111!'"" i:ovfinntPnl Ult> anti thr kllllnc of the 11 Call· urt'r • o(fh r 11111!,. pt1hllr " lf'l• lrlrnl I)( the Pr1vale Atrport ()wn-now . eall ll lookl to U• aa If lttin• ut \.\r.l!lnn 1•r•,j.><•1>•I" u\u, M1 "''lln• an I l'alltunullnl were I !oml1no1 "Ill bn>U(ht rt,.,r,.• t•r wr1llln b• \\'1lll&m A Hur-•I'll A.a~laU1>t1 •air! buatneu 'Uncl,. M~dr1IMOm• ha lak•n an tt.r vr• .. pt'<'I "1 our lllKl ..... The "'~" ltavlni: llH•lr truublu Mr:rU· onJ<'t•rl him to pul"'IN9 Ull' Jn· ketl, atatr IH(>Pnnl,.nr1rnt n m11 ar• pun u ng .... ,.. equivocal ,.......,1uun 1 ,..,.n ur. tua , • 11n <"':rner~ O~.I wu l.ryU\J tlllM for lhll outraae. and on . t 'tl 'h I -•....,lanu l • nr.ly formula tlUit •PP"Hfll tu 1 F'I 1, --u ......... &ftd r--. ,. ,bfltl'&•Jnablt!llUl'ol•• ,\ ... tun h l I "'lf I hank•, In which Burkttl uk•t1 I or lran•J><h ... l)n l>U· ...--•· -· nl'•itr•llt ,. and hlla euba<"rlk><-<1 1,, f ~ l If• e1•arl t ., ,,.... ,.a I nm ant hi• way ti) Tfmec:ul.& he WU l•, Ht"" ·rn1a111rn Chllrl..,. 11. then tlndlnlf Lh•l't \a no plllNI to 1 rlek,·.plnt b••f"I un,. loluri•1bv)·~~t~;,'ll~~;'1l&~~;).:'\YJ.J<'T lr1t11 11 half·htartNI attempt Mn•I ~. tie.C fl"om l&n Jac:1n· Johm•on lul March to 1 erno• e t>.rth the plane• Soma :\00 &lr· challl'll"e ro 1 prourl p_..,1,,,. F I F' r b 1 a1111n.t Ult Amt1ncan conqueA. to to no,_ for Cood tor hill r r llf 1 " • Th" '°""'" 1,. re,.. rt 11ne 1 t •• ...... an .,.,.,,11111 111t•lln1 abnut uoo . 1 porta ere l()('al"'1 lrt &. nma,I 11 •. H(>I(~ Tl' .. '\I"" 1 1 whll,. the Cal om .. na. l'rn1<·ern ...... _..tdlere -lhla Lu10 did. · It -. ., .-.. ,,, , Hh111 ply ninnl•·lln1 nallonal 11 d 1 d (100 '"' thfl h"nklnir department and Swann•r tolc1 th• romm · "'"' lhf'lt own aUn" un er Lu10'1 •Umate Off '1«• t• from"" 1ri1 .. rrl'!I t,,.ttnnl( ar..-uL.int t~• thttt lll•Y "II f•HP "'<Unr-.Th" \l>"v1•11" Men-ur)' •i·ni t •·•••UI are t>e<urnina,•n lnr-rt10•·1~11hn Mf'J:lclln or.Amerloan 1100 an lnte .... Uns p•r•on•I whit h tf'turna nt••n"" tn tht atall' I lion unlea. atepe art' llllcl'n to I :-\au .. r "f l::jt> J•I lhu• hr ti~e I lnl(I}' tmpurtanl far nr In lh•, ruh•, wu-e cariylnc on 1 dia· · I hN'n thriving rin flnt'llr• H• ha• Hl•"it dtapult" Th., prr,Pnl lf'n· J 1 1 t both \'ltwpotnt of a mllll "who wu to""• ai'tll " 1lrpn•1l" .,.,..,. .. ll In prot,.ct 111Pir lor.al• S<•nlf• oppoal· I · r olfll~ re\'o I aca nl •U· then·• ''The )hx~ aaSd thet I th,. W1ll1 F"' i::o IJ&nk In 1'an lion to th,. ala II c-1ntmlllni:: IOC'&l i-rc.Yt>4 h lni~lf a eucauful rab-d<'nc Y In '"·urld poUUc.e 11 0 1 1 th•1r!llH1 with P"'rhapa thf' n,.b--thf! Calllom.ln.I, would not -ble rou .. r now with lh• l.:'"'•ft• of t ounlr11'1 tn •r l n 1 f 1 d .. l Frnnrr~o Jnhn""" refueed lh" alrporu .,.... voke<t, 1.1n•1 th• ! . T w 8 Tll ulmui ldra 0 •n n "P"n.,en amount to anythlnr ln an emer· d th h c• r.11 1011•a •K••nat him h• 11c ... 1 h t>t ~ he Mll'm tr r,.,. f'llI 1 fie Em pt rt rrl'•P~t . ~Arher In lhe we~k. etatement ...,... ma • at ••••· not titre b•u k 11nwn ~ 1111•• lh" .111" t '1111 ... 1 :iutw r.r .... t Hrit· g.ncy, be(alllle we W<Nld aot BurkPll , luu i;rd lh1<f J11hn•10. pr .. r..-ture would lnt,.rfcr" with rahblt ha tou..,.J •·itp• ta M> win ""'' F"rnnt,. \·IPW th,. <1\a Throu1h lhe klnJnu. of th• lrouble ounelvu anoqb. My who la re<'UJlflrlllln« from an Ill· lor·"I autonomv I mu<"h of U.tir t,,.,.. hln••,.if , put" from •llv,.qc•nl nitJon•I 0 • M•ll of Helen Pruitt 0-tlJ•. on• prompUlud• ln c•rrylnr out lb• nu• al 'h t• hnme, (">ll the al.al• llMT!np;• on the La lll••• nl.a There I• no wev f•·r .Na.,....r 10 I'""' Ril lain •n•I Yrani,. ,..111 ,.1 ot SouthPrn Calltornl&'• bltru~ or1ltu 1 th•l lh<' ··poestdo" of • A•>l'll• •"v"n "1U1ori c1olltll"ll In \\ rtpr Plan are ~p.rletl to "'"r1 !Ulve far P H• 1><·,"11" a111·h a trlldy ln r111h war tr> ta~t dr .. •·I tint hlatorlan.-. I "',a~I ak" J'lorPI 1av• me at alJ U.... lnll'tl'!OI rWf'r 11 1,..•111<! of l•n •h••rt1v 1n F"t,.~nn "nl1 1'"k"'" t>..,u• ll••t t .. • ,..11111 ,.11, r-r,I ,..1 th Mrllttll •i•m•l F:ioJ>l wh~n nbla ln a copy of tht II.• nown 1tl.,,.. them lhe Ue. (I call It~ f I • • , •. j '\'Ida d• un "·-rh,.ro, tranal•t· .... h lntrt-~ YP"" ti\' ,,.jt ... "~ ,,, po1H'\' ti• Ctr-l•t Lh~ r.r .. t •• n1nt n .Mt cci:1 t•ll ''•t ll!l tna t un•ha\·..-J 11, •• J 1.--.ulr al "•"Ii••' All'!;~) ........ ,r oe-1.......,, uwc•Ur.lif-t ,.,.. a...n •--· ~ r\"1nn11 In '"',.~ting; ~••II' mnnr-~ ''''' 1 .. 11 thro11ghnut ll1f' at~lt' Th• 1 of hi• J!Apec:ially b.-t tnr •°""~· II •r•I 1,, _ .. ,,, 1 ne Sut>r. , •n•I .,I li) Mra 'R<-attlr In,. 1~ a lMef who ktpl ua OU\ un<Mr:- nrt1dal• ln th• trl'a1ur?r" nffh,. put.II• .... at .. r """'r• •nrl nL""" •• r '" ''1" n,..., pl1tn ,,1 111., In. .. t "rut•M :il llll'• " ... nut. •net Thi• t ra1Utla llon WU marl t JtOln( ttllSUc.1 wh11e he WU ta r•ml' '••• k "'"' 11'1" IPllr-r an•I v.111 .,,., .• an Of'J'"r\11n1t y lo f'X· l \• "•l In •vn••1 •ll hrrni. • a11rl ""''I "" r111ph1<lt• llllv an·I put.II<'· I an lntervl_. Wl,..l'ft'I Thomu Lue Anrel• wtlh the Am~ th• •latemanl lhlll ev•n la.a 1n·] •11nln• the plAn. 1t11l1 nffl'I •Ull"Ct'tt· alnw 1'111wn 1 "" t,.,.f(lr 111 1 ti .. " Th~ hll( Writtrrn llllles ar• I Sav•ir• and [)on J,_ l1el Car· .-1111 \" :: lerul woulrl have btoen ret'elvtlld II'•"" ,. ... 1• rr1t1r1•n•• J h., ''"It· !"11,., '"' ~1. '•~v1nr: it • f111•r11 '"I ta• tr"'" """'"lo'.' •ye 111 t!}' In mf'fl Lill(') In 1877 rou~lned 1; bf' C'CJll~). on a $62 million a ... ncy truat ac· I furn•" w .. 1 .. r l'llu1 1a • """t ton habll11y 11>1 ;;,. .... ,.< ,.,1,1 ht•, ti,. µr,..•rnt f.11n.lon 1·on!ennc1• t:IO !OOIM'ap P4'1" of lonJh•• · 11" count II 811rltttt'1 t''IQUMt had rppll••ll of lhf' 11rv•lnpnHml• ntM· F:J>pl 1.ra .l11.11lh ~.uarr 1'1 111 Tht Ar&h nallon• ha'"" p<Jbllc-ly !>Mn IT&1't~1 HI 1n ronaerv.. &n•I dl•lnhult ..... F:1n·r1 .;nlnr hrokr, ~rlttnJt ~~prl'.,.•"J 1J1r1r •upi>nrl of :-\LI· Governor 1:<J0<1·A1n J KnlCht wain Ir. thl• •t•t l' 1<ltiln1t 1thn11I <lrflc-11• ralhrr than prnfll11 from "~ Prh·at,.I\· th,., ar" plalnl)" made a IJ>f'f'•ll el the llalf' bar f\Q l'l'llllnn arr1> f .... I lo U\f' uaahlf' lhf' ("Oal lh•ra l• V"f\ ltlll~ IJ<'"•ltlln£ <1\<lk!I' lh"l "II Lntl,, c:onventl,,n 1n t.,.,. AnlPI•, In ral'"' !• Rnt! 1th1trlb11U~ lhl' ;o:,.,..,.t ~"" fl in ~u• h • •tlLa .r,rr h"l'P' rour"" 1a <Moflll'"rr"I" whkh he Mid that bllnd all•r· ""11tr-r frntn ,.n., ""<1 of I h., •llll" 11 .. n In ltl•-ur I rt"" In 1 ~· l• u, .. ,., rt11• 1• n<>•,.hh lru,. "' f&nee ''' a eln(le party panma-In thl' nll·,.r l•~v.,lnl""'" r,f lh,. (fdlv., b• \''"'' ·t,• Arkh• "'Ill ~•tt•11 Ar<11'tl• •nd IMlq, t\rQof thP alon ta r ... t (1vlnJ ""ay to llJlOlh•l' I pllln ,.,,. "nr<o,.na In It•" •Ul11 ,.,... 1 h.. '"~rt ... t1••11•·•• •f 11,,. ~·"•' (•II prO'lurlnr countrl•a torce, the loylllly to f'9&110n end ,,.,.,,atlm.,nt nf ,..,.lf'r '""''urre'! 1 man th11t M"Ui11' '" 1,. " •Ir tA l\lng F°f'l&•I of lr•Q.. 1.8 111tpeollld ti.tler knov.·l..iir~ In hla adtlr-. Ft la ullmo.l"rl that fln11I r nm 1.-.r flf thl' A1&t•• . An<1 will l<> vhrit Kin.: Saud Of Saudi the SoYlnY>r .. 111 II•• p,,_nl pl,.tt11n pf tht rl•n If .. , . .,, ,., bl' u •n>tl""'• iu e n\""" lo hrlJl Arabia wlU\ln lb• nut few poUUcal camp&ll'n wtll have u r .. l&<1. wl)uld take H Yl'nl ..,,..._ l"I r1t1 of lhl' lnl'tff'('llv,. ""'" •la y1 Undoubtedly Oley wlll dt.- lta underlytnr motive a move to ado, b11t th• en,;lnHl"'ll rontend Th• B•k•r•n"ld <"allfnrnlan r·u111t mtta.nt of alawtnf N_, i:.ptun th• •11ppnrt nf the ln6--that the economic bene-nta .,,,'111 Whll• Wl'..§1 f'm <11rlnm"t~ ront .. r tlnwn. A dl.Stur~ pt.rt ot Lbe pend4trtl thtnklntt votert1 ot I.be .-.-•"UY ovenhiu1ow the m ils In IJintlnn on plan• 11rttl1fnN1 tn tr1tuaU011 I.I UI• dl'rll1on be~ naUon. •·ho h• •lated. repre.-nt <'nuntv clMk.9 l1'(1Lll\ mav I r"tot«>A the et1tu11 qun In th" th• United lllat. on oaa• a1de lh• ma~n of victory or def•al •~nd i-•PI" from r1oor to d,,..,r tn 1 ~Utt l'anllJ l\l"f'Utt', prl'11lt1l'nt 11n!1 Bnlaln and J'nUlee Qll the /Or the nomln""' of U;e mejor r"l{lltl'r vnl•T• ,.,.,.,,,.,llnit to 11 :"ait4'f'r of P':irvpt I• pr•Mlnir for· other In a ~ Dlll'DW ft6 pe.rtl• The rovernor a.1¥1 ll&ld rulll\f mad" by A ttomPV c .rn-j w11r<I <m 1 wn frOfll.JI "' m10k1 lnternationaJ 1111•1 ti on•· At nn pollllral pt.rtv C'HI cla.tm t or fnol tcdmund r., Hro"n Th• aood hi• threat l-0 •nd Wut.ern teut, In the laa llltuatlClll, UM 1lMll the aole ~on of all I opinion aalt1 n ... ,.,. 111 nn •P"<'tnr lnOuanc• In I.ha mlddl• lt&at. •pJll In pcllc7 hU DOl "91 C!Oa• the Y1rtu• that ronaUtut• the 111w nn rbe llllbjec-l. but I hat th• I Ecypllan and Ru.,.l•n pllnh flrted to the w--. Alli• woof &11d warp of the pollllr.al inlanl ot lh• law 11 that r"'1atnl· ra1n1c. I ''"n ehould be ma.se ..... .,. ror I ---------------------------A report l'tom th• It.ate aJcohol· th" vo~r •• poMlbl,. le f'WulbUlt.atlon commJaaion lndt-California rmp and llvnt~k c:at• that ptlot ~bablllt.eUon reporunr ... rvtr• •"d lnat on th• I FARMER McCABE cltnloe ror alcohollC8 hav. ~ event the lllM r1r• harv•t. 10m1 •tabl~ In nlne major popula-11129.000 b•r er• In t!loni.jl"lt I lion .,...., or an marldns Um• throu•)lout the it.et• 841J'll"'7'1ti.r unt.U k><'al f"l•trnmenlal ..,..,,c1 .. I nnrmaily -the Io w • • t WRITES ap ~t.racltl w1th th• t>C:1mmltt-11mo11nt of r1re In •lo,_.. durlf\I: • • • • ldon. ThoN l'M.dy to beJ1n opera· rhe v-r and Jut year, the lltol" UOft8 an ltl Ban Diep. HJp.l&nd •II:" on I.hat d•l• wH only 317 Roe,ttal tn Alameda county, and 000 twii-. BOONE. JOW A., NEWS-REPUBlJCAN: and mor1 ot America'• cook.Ins t.. betnr done. not In the family kite.hen, but by food proce..ort. Even on tho farm, where good home cooking ii traditional, eaay-t..o-p~pare food11 from the 1upermarketa and iroccry atorea are makmr ~b9tantlal lnro.d• ... Mu~b bu bttn made of thr do-lt-yourwelf ~~ in thia rountry But the• trt•nd In tbl' nat1onia k1trhf'n" "' .-xarUy the-op~lr." Jn the.e day. of high employmeDt when tncre folb a~ workial t.ba.n ever before 1n all «ri ~· wllf Ad.JaJ and m.t. al"9 tu.in' about &ls Ballnrm l1IJ1lllq thlt COtJ1ltry -Rerna that they want the rovum:nent to do everth.inc fer everbody. Th.ii 110rta let me to thinkin' about 110me of my tolka the Indi&na -and what a aorry job th• JOvt'mment hu done taking can of them . .. l wondt>r If Adlai and F.Altea lrnow any lndlan• ' Farm•r McCahf" l&ll r1(tlt.. lf'M,.,,f'd) a&HTA Gil&i&tJDll llPllDJG -Important and alm.t fCAIOtlaa wat.ertnc irpot tn 8oatberD c..utorn.Ja ht..tory. It t.. north of the bJabway runntna t.twwa TawuJa -.ad WlDchelter, aa prin.t8 l:an4 dQel to ~ publ.lo, OWDecl bJ Ala Borel at Jlart let.. n WU l.D lnlpGrtat Jldla "rilt.p atte, wtll lrnow1l ln eufJ Vh+= a.,.. and In later yeen It la ald 1i ee"9d u a .tap atatJon wtdi the name~ cba.npd to Adobe Sprinp. Wt have clrcled the h1Aot1c aldrta of Palom11.r Mountain. wttb the lta&'e beiDa' 11et at Lhl'lll' lu•tor1c 1prlnp tor Ui.t bertrullnr of t.he l1ttl.-kno",.' Tt'mt'i·uL& MIU!Nlcre 10 t..te ~mher 18Ht .... --... .. BIG CATCH OF 'NEWPORT'S RED TIDE _ _:Robert E.1 Stevenson, USC expert, nght, watche. J. L. MUD.IOn ot the En- -chanter Ill bring in a sample of plankton th.at caused l.be "Red Tl"de" in New- ' port Beach walen la.at wttk. Steveruson h.u been working on plankton in ).beee water. and their connection with diacharge of 11ewage into the ocean u 1or the put year for the Hancock foundation -Staff Photo . . . • Qlange . Coast Y Breakfast Aftracts 600 to Mesa Park OfllDfti Cout You.nr Mt'n'1 around proi;ram or the Y. Duke ChrWUu A.Modal.ion •La.gm tl• Cox. 1enenll HC~tary, helped .-ct'ltld &JU!U&l ~ b1'~ak-coo1dl.nale the work uf pu\tinf on the brt-akfaal all ot which tut 'Saturday momlnf ln Coftlll y;u tlone by ml'mbcta, particu- MQa City Park, more than 600 l11rly by "'"n on t.h• bolU'd. htmF:V peor1le ti.l.111 Kt ,.,'1 Milri Newporter Is Chairman ·of Barber Confab I I 8AMPLZ STUDY -Ki. lob•nne ~ ...._ tant to Robert E.. Stevertaon ln plankton raearclt, loob at a l&JJ1Ple of "Red Tide," which I.I cauaed by plankton. With her la Lee Nelaon, head of the aanitation d.iatricta which cover Orange County and who ii intet.ted In the effect plankt9n may have on bacteria in .ewage from the Santa Ana river outtaD. -SJa.ft Photo FEELING HOT? CHRISTMAS CRAFT WORKSHOP PLANNED -. >fewport 8".cb Rec .... uon DJvt.taa today announced , pllLNI tor • "Chrlatmu C ratt Workchtp" to be atarted In lht near tuture at the Newport Hartlor Community Toutb Ctonl..-. ThJ• cratt prorram ll dnil"ned to wtruct women to ma.U m&ny uaeful ,int appropriate tor the CbrUtmu M&llOll. Mn. G. G. John.Ion, lnalructor, will demonstr&t. typea ot articla to bo made c1W1.ft1 the c._, Thunday at 1· ta P.M.. '" the Commlillity Youth Center bulldl~. ln· l•rat.ed lndlvlduai. are lnvttod to au.end. R•l"Ular cl.... worluhop will bo held Wedneeday •venlnc1 and are tentatively acheduled to •ta.rt Oct. 12. T.OLateToae Cl•.••lfled .l UTO W A.mU:lt. sai i pa lltfte, ua: ta'"' JRGWW, Q ; port- abl• tJ'1)4rWTiter, UO. Hu 6533. 70c'J2 'APT 8IZE Plano. Wiil ,_t for r 110 per mont.b.. For Sale I BlRD8Jl!YE ){APLJ: ANTIQUE BUR&At18, 12& •ch. U 1- 1272. 70c71 LA Tll Model 18611, O'K .. te It Lacy wu l"geral chAlrm.111 Observers to Meet Oran•• County chapter A.Moel-• atod Muter B&rbeni and BeauU-I rlana of Calltomta wW play ha.l I to the annual •Lal• convention or th~ group at Olmeyland Hotel fur lhrtt daya, begm""1,( Oct. 21. lt•n• A. Mt.rteletle.. propnetor or lh• Shannr Mui of Newporl Bf'a• h. wlll be ("neraJ chairman oC the 28th annual convention. I Merritt IM ranee. Hlf'h vtcw autonr. oven, minute burner. -------------------------Sr11lavator b~ler. Uaod I month•. 1114 . ..:...\..Ehlrn 9-4910 1!•11ldu au I pl; I nit bllb.\' •1l lrt a I.be "y hAd a eont1nu .. ua pro· 11'.,,m to e.ntvrl~ln th~ •llra~•K. among It.I' ll ... , ... t>f'lnir; •l1tmrr11 trvri. lt•e lt0rutt.y Ju .tuu c: •lU- dio. Mn .... k I.,,. tJlt<'•'l•1t of pie'. work, wu In chari" ol " dlepl•v whJc.ll ahuwed tht' yrar Chlnc:hma Meetinq Appr""""'telv loo 111en1be11 of the HiHl><•r 1Ht'll C r111m1J Oblo111·ve1 Co11>9 "tll '"' rl•e truplhf'a anol ••rvto;e •er 11rn .. tf'• •l lhe flnl Cll)'·Wi1Ja ftl""llnlt Of U\f' corp! -: '10 r rn 1' n•lin· 1n to;..,. port H•••h (Hy II.di '"''wll dam· t)f'f'1! Observe \VeddinCJ M r Hl'll Mr• J~'""'nl' A Chlnchlllft ,•.,putn1t'l'l l•! lhr II o v. ·• 1 J ••·~• nt11 • ru•tJ1>tl,.•I orance C.1\U!l) Farin Bur~.,\J lt1e.JJ , .. , nt\ ••'\ \"' \\'fdd1ri:.: •O· wtll m .. t Fn•l~v al ~ pm, IJl n""""" '·•'• 11·.ir •·'i.I ren UI• rann Jtvruu t11.-,11J101: a• Ian.I It• IUAlhliUI""' ~l 111.-11 t ..... llHI WM!! C'hapn1n11 !\•·•· <>1 ''"' ,. .1•211 A• n ,,, :-1 :-.111.la ant' Mt'ntberl ~111 take animal~ ""'' Jlr,.:111~ I ti~ II •w1>1•la tor dlacu~alon ReCr t:'ehmenlJI wlll 11111\ • d t" 1 •11tf11rn1 ... (1 1 lvwa be aervN.I I Jf'\ • 111 I ~ ,. 11 • aJr,o' se rving greater ~ orange (OlJfllV I SECOND IN HORTICUlTURE ~·Pature or the rontertnce wUI be the Uranie l'ounly Barber and Ek!aury ~:.111. atinnaJ Forum ('on- e1alln11: of "'h1b1l1 a.nd demon· 1tratlnn.s. Harbor High Ff A Place High in Los Angeles County Fair (.'ftm•'· of the pv,.nl will be a FutuN' l'annert of Anwrtca banq1.1t't at 7 pm 1 >«l. 2l. s.n. from N~ Harbor Union Thom• )I. Kurhel w11l be fl.l•l H1ch !khool participated In Ulot' 'l"'•~«'r Blair J !'\h,.rp, cen!'r&I annual Camp Con~ pl"Oj'T&l'll 11t.-c1f't1uy-trt'u11rl'r of the nation-on l~ Loe An&'•lea County fair· al u1•oclaU()n, who will alll'nd r round• Saturday, entertnr th• .... nv•nt 1an, "111 Alt<l t>-,. Judclnr uam. ln llveetock. hortl- wnn,.,. ltl•<'•I I cult11rf', poultry, and dairy. Orllrtlt" t'o1111l \'a Sta It' i4t'natnr \.\'tth •pprox1mat•ly 2.5 hlJh J ahn ~unly 1( •• t., ~l\'I! the 1 •c h o o I I r•P"• .. ntln1 all of "rl<'umtnc "'"'' """ nn up .. nlnl Suuthf'T n Calllonlla In f'ach con- 0,.,. teat. Harbor Hl(h F'YA plac•d t.:l .. rtk1n an'1 ln•tallatlnn or of· MCond hlfb i.am In HorUcultu,.. fh .,.. la e18' .. 1 tnr doalng rlav. w1lh Woodlord Royce third hll'b H,.u11n1t: J>r«'•ldt'nt I• Ed Cu~r a~d Juli ,wood ninth hl&b tndl- r.r Van Nuy11 .Mnrna Hnv•y. vlre vi ual• o lbe conleat. rt!111r1,.nt. 1• •lated to become the L tvutock lt'am placed third P Id 1 hl&h ot lbe oont,.ot. In dairy the """" !',...• "n i l«"am placed tenlb 1o1-h wtth \'h•tmir larlll'• Yolll tM' honort'<I •,.._ JI .. _ ,_ -..,."' •n-raon p ... <'tn1 ninth •I " 1 .. 11 Sund&\' AtlPrnoon I hi h 1 ....... d 1 Th • It n ..... v. Ila . ,. poultl')' M11rtl'lf'lll' tour ye&ra ago ""11 l•am plar.-J nlnlh hll[h In tta Jl'nPral rh1tlnnan of th• national conlut. rnnv .. ntlfln In Plll.lbur&h, Pa. Llvutock ~am m•mben wer. N•-. -PT..a riwa n-1 and picture conrtir• of the Harbor a.r .. a thr" Umta a wff.k.. ~Of a month. John Ha.u. Ronnie J-a.nd Mtrkf'y (oluffn a ll or Nf'wport 1 ~ach Tbe H ort1rull uno tNm ml'ml><'ra wer" Mtk• John110n, I JaclL Wood and W04'1d!ord Royce from Coot.a J.1ua. Poultrv L,.am mrmt>.r ,..."., 1 ;,.rth Ca.rdner. Tom Andrew• a nd Y.,''<il&C"e Ptftk· I ll'V or l 'Qtlta M l'll&, lJ&J.ry team I mem~r111 were l >on Hf'ndt>raon, , Dan < ·arroll and I-rH.S Knowltoa I or «nata ,_....., Ronald Mill•• a nl ry In UI• IA\'lllli: h,.n cont .. •t of :ht' ptmllry dlvlston wu at 111 l..IJ'I na for fl1~ DANGEROUS FIRING WARNING ISSUED Th• I' !I Nllv ann••unr- u th• followlnr <l•nK•• fir- lnr ar .... nn Slln 1·1,.m .. n!o l1l11nd : pl&c:e with North Hollywood with lhf'll' m chlckene f'ach layt.nc 79 ~&• In U daya. Ten rilture Farmer ..-haplt"rl a~ t n\f'l'f'd Jn thl• cont"1. wllb • top pnr.a or l30 for th• wtnnl nr hena. Thia I• Ha.rbo1 '• t1rat y.rar lo enler lh1a oonli-aL CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR rT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVEe • • • Rave a.a abapllf1 :roar l'Clft<'l"f'to work wit.It a load of prad ' a mbO'I """410t .•• ,,..pared to 1<>ur order •' a MYUaf. Liberty 8-2283 BAY JlJ:A01' MIX INU 711 W. 17th St. COSTA Kl:SA 01' Llthlfh t -M03. 4.8-A-Afia.. for Bent FURNISHltD ocean tront lov•IY apt. for couple. Pr1val• en- trance. sea 00 or year • leaa•. 5108 s ... nore Dnvt, N•Wl>Ort Beach. 70p72 ------r u RN. Apt. y .. rty, uUI, pd .. I auto. waah,.,. Har -40&8. %07 I!:. JS&lboa BJ\'d., Balboa. 70<-12 1 BDRM tum. booM. Utll. pd .. Yeerly $76 mo Wlntn '611. 20.~ I th Sl •• Balboa 70p72 I --- 148-S-BoueM for Rene COZY furnlahed C'Ollaf• on I I l'ro1md floor Suitable ror 2 adult.a No ~la R....anablt' • r•nt Apply Harbor 1322-R. or I 123 Afate Av•. Balboa llS.nrl 70c72 ~6 RM Furn Ho~ s46. p•r m-; l 120-Mth Rt, Nf'Wport BMch. Lou lo Jun~ 1. TOp72 • -------- 49--Room.I for Rent R~t':.~c•wl~~ !:!!1 ~~m~lv~~~ I •rhoola • mark•ta. rarare It breakfaat If d•rred Call aftn 2 p m. Ll A-H&4. 70<-72 EXCHANGE 2 Vacant Loll C 0 M P111• Cuh ror 111 J or a 8--1 f"OOl'tl Homo. rn M I J ) :I or I Bedroom Rnme. Harbor A re& • tll VM'ant R·l . R·•. M·l Prop- erty ChNtPr Rah•bury • Realtor 31~ Marine A·ve. Balhna b land Harbor 111171 70cU t ' . •ME . LOANS ADM..~·IAV1N$S I LOAN ~IATION rwo OPPICIS T.-Serwe Y• l>.GUNA llACH ANO IAN CLEMENTI .· QUICK t4 HOU. SPVIC& LOW LOW "'REOUCIN&" INTEUST lA ns EASY MONllfl Y ,AYM&m FRIENDLY SYt.6ATHmc SERYICi FREE CUSTOMW' PAR.KfN(i ESCROW SHVICE, iff!Cl&NTLY oruATID LAGUNA l!ACH Jll 0.... An. ~ONI HY. 4-1177 SAN Cl.IMINTI .01 N. • ~ lteel f'HONE HY ..... 2-llH « HY.-.... 1-11'6 ...... :iv . . .• ...-~,....t .,~...._-....... ~la-fll......t Oftq9~tJ me ,....._l ln tM and .. 119 'ra M the • and ..... Kmtu- ari• orpNadQD, which h&I 1'9Cently 4'dloai.! ''-... ClbalMI and ot.bs flaeWtlel at lt• Colomlal ru.nJ RolM ·at TIOl Bo1-ln MNw&y Ctt7. 8trtcld1D ..,,.... N-1 the pl•nnlq and ~ UOa of UMt MW' = County ~. and tnunedl.a~r to Ud9 deftlopmet, ooa- .v.ctiola ot Mot • &ll4 r.k Cbapel of the Palma IMC Com· Jmllity H091)(taJ In Lo1W 8-cll. P-. ltrtdc.Un C.me to llundns- tmi Beach from Dllnoa WStll Illa pa.NDta &rld family ID ltn. Be ,rr&du&t.ed tr om BunUll,rton 8-cb .tem.t&ry and hip ac.llooll and d.laUftS\llahed b1MMlt bimuy &eti~ He waa a eow--19r football letterman. ~t ot Hl-Y, Tica prealdent oi' tllutu-._t bocty, and on tbe bubt.M.11. tNcll ~ bueball t.e&ma. He WU promlnent In ecbool drama- Uo pn>duc:Uou, and wu later ~ tn many pl"OduclJon• of th• Hunttnstoa Beach Community Pla,..ra. J'oUowtns four yean of ap- SU-UcmllP tra.tntnc wtlh the Dtzoe lif«tuary he WU ~U· at.ed rrom tti. c.J1tomi. Colles• ot MorlUa17 klenc:. He bece.Jn• ....._t.4 wtlbo NoU411l111 ~ Peek tJI ltst, &n4 la now the l:Xecull't'9 Vlc. Pr91dent of t.ll..la "lJcmally-kllcnm ots'aaiaUon. Ht. tat.Iler, o..r at.rtcklla, wu tormer conatructson •uper- lnt.endent tor the 8l&nd&rd OU Comp&l\J' fOtt man)' ,...,... and la now baadth\a' U. 1aDd ~ .. uaa pnsnm for the HuDUns- toa a..cti eom.-1 Ii&. aDd Kn. Striclllln and Uwltr dill4nn lane tonr beeil tdenWled with the llf• of th'-' a,_, and Mr. Strkklln recenUy ..,.,.ed aa Prw- ldent of Ui. WutmJ:nsttt-KJd- way City Rotary Club. Pete 8tr1cklln uid b1a wtt•. Dolo,..•, have two eona, Randy and T ony. HI• broth91" Carl, ta with th• 8outhweat Exploration Company, and hla brother Oecar, Jr . '8 famtlftl ta tMt ..,._. One lllate1' Mn Tbeo Wood.a, Uft:I in C-Oet& M..a. and another .t.ter Mni. Lennie B&?'demor9, u,,.. kl Hunllnsto11 S..ch. Btr1dtltn bu l&Ji• JMLrt In community atfaJra. Be~ u ltllan.d ftuler ot Elka Lodn .Ito • 888 ln Loq lkoub l.n 1tcle41, th• abrth ~Mt l:llu ~· In th• nation wtth over f200 rnlM- b.ra. H• WU elected to a fl,,._ Y"" t•nn u aa l:llu ~ and i. a memti.r of th• Butldmc CommltlM Wiii~--le pla.nJl1n .• the c:onatnacUon ot .,.. ot th• n..t lodg'e bulldlnp bl tho W•l .. a t·•nl•• acn llfte In the 1-a Boa.ch -Lakewood arM ad,....t to th• Sepulnda -s.n Dleso fN14"1n1 ke hu ai.o Ml'Yed U ttnit vtce pTeaident ot the Leins ae.ch Uo1U1 Club, and u a m~~r ot th• B.:lard of Dtrec· toni at lh• Lons Beech Bo7w' Ctub (AdY.) r. a• l I • R0t k , Mnnr1•y lhrouirh Yrtday. " a. m 10 mldnl1rht, Satu~y a a d Bu.nd&y. da)'llpt ·boun. Pyramid ea... Monday, 4 t.o 11 pm~ Tu-1ay 7 a m . lo 11 p .m: Wedlleoday &1ld Thul'llday, I a.m. t.o 10 p m : Jl'liday, I a..m. t.o Ii pm. Ell~· .4-~------1-~ ____ ,_._· 1_1_9___, Today's·N. Y. Stock Report ey a. r. Foley. n..n Wltt.1' Oo. DOW..,,OP.'VJ A VDA.oa IO Ind\Ultrlale • 461.11 doW1l 1.02 JO R&llo ·---.lUM dOW1l 2.11 115 UUllUs -·--eG. H dowt) •S 1 p.m. v ...... 1 ........ Amerkan B.-lUftl ......... _ 41% Ammaui T•~Jlbon• -·-·'7°"' Anaconda -------TT~ Cllr)'aler --·-TO~ I>uPQQ1 •• ·--1'° 04m.ral ll:lodnc .. % ~Motor. fO~ Gimllel lllrol. ------1'1~ Ol'llal MOl'tllrma IUl. _ ___aa1' No. AJDerteu Amtlon --·'°" N. T. o.itnl ____ .JT I May OI>. --·------·-·-Hill K•toNJ 00 --··-·-·-··-··-· lll ~ laf-ay 8tofta ____ .. __ ........ 81"' l1nclalr Oil 6114 Bo. Cal. ....... _., ----"' 8tandanl Oll at. caut. -. ·-44' Bo. PKlnc ----·--.. •7 Tnna.m.,.l~ _ -·-__ l4 ~ Union Oii ot Calif. ... ,_M U. 8. 81~1 ·-~---.. ·-· _,_,,_CM Wlilla to ADDouace U.. Merger •f The Stanley Insurance Agency with the ftrm " Anderson anti Anich Eff eetive October. 1, 1956, Our Offices Will Be Combined at 337 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, fhe Present Address of Anderson and Anich. 'Ille MW firm wlD .. tmow.· U Anderson, Anich a!Jtl 'Stanley Alf of Our Personnel will be Located at Our· New Office Please Call Harbor 2474 or Harbor 4n5 If W• 0.. a. .t 8eatb Earl W . Stanley \ • ELEGANT WHITE SATIN lilleath, embl'OideNd In a~ of blue and llilnr. bu an int.erecting new cowl ne<:kllne and the intricate hip drape aeoenta the figure, alao acta u a foil for unusual back t.ttatment. Oeelgned by a custom couturi- ere, It will be modeled by Marilyn Piersol in a pre- miflre showing at th4' Wedne.day lune.bean m Balboa Bay Club. Maggi~ Price Photo to rlpt Ire tM b~ Kr•.' Lee; ~ John Reed, Kn. lliltoo Stall.IW'd and. pou.rtnc, Mn. Edpr B. Witmer. -Statt Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WIN1J'RED BARBRE. Women'• F.ditor PAGE -4 ·PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NE~-PRESS MONDAY, OCT. I, 1956 LUNCHEON TOMORROW FOR THETAS COUNTY Tbt Kappa Alpha Tlwl& Alumna.r Club of Or&J11• County w111 hold a lu~n mttUni at 11 30 am. to- morrow at the homt ot Mn. ?.f'. L El.ua, 1~8l Sul!Mx Pl&'•· S&nl& An&. Co bOll~• v.-111 be Mr•. l't.obert Wll- rox. Mra. 1..-M.&llory, Mn. Ralph Penoyar Mr11 Kellar Wal.Alon, Mra. Wiiiiam Hlppard.. All Theta.a are wtlcome and •hould c&ll the hoete ... KI T-27M Mwtln11 will bt' b«ld the tirtl Tuud&y ot U11.• month. allHnallnir betwMn lunch~n and eveninir mttt- lnp. Theta. nf'W In On.nee C'ou11ty are Invited lo rail the mrm~rahlp chatnnan, Mra. fl.ft-d Haruion. HY •·7i41. FASHION SHOW Corona del Mar PT A Silver Benefit Tea A (aal\lon lhO\o\ a nd 111\'er l~a are plannf'd by Corona del Mar PTA tor J pm., Monday, Oct. S, at Uw Corerna Ml at&t lkbool auditorium I t<1n&Uone from the affair ""Ill gu !or waltar• work. A• lhl• la one of the moat In· ttre.uni mttUn«• or the year, the publk la lnvttf'd and a larr• crowd la 11 .. lred •late• Ml'll f'alrida Oi;ll'. prnldl'nt Mn 8ul' Martin pa~l prr•I '4"111 model chlldr~n·• clothH . Pl&na tor lh1a event were m&de Sept. ~ at th,. homt ot Mra. David Perry by PT A boa.rd mtmber• Mr1. Patrlcta Orie. prealdel\l, appolnlM Mno Perry aa rood c-halnnan Mr• Douctu But'll "'ho I• In t hargl' of or- (&nl.zlnr lhl! ahow, iav• a rf'· port. Millsap Daughter -dent. w111 l(l't• thl' rommentarv l'lar a11d M:r1. L&ul't'n<"I! Mtll Will Organize PT A for Newport Heights School Pa.rftlt.I of the rwv. Newport Hf'frtita 8<'hool w1ll m-.t Tu- day at 9 a.m In lht lcllool catetonum to dlacuae orf&bl..I&· UOft of a pannt·lMCMr croup, accordlnr to Mrs. raul R. !iolmH. pl"f111dt>nl nf th., Harbor View PTA rf'p<>rtlnc at th .. 1'1'· 1·cuUve board mHtlni hrlJ lut •·•k al g1 An•lr""'" Pa•h\ t .. r. .an Churt'h Amunr th•MM' plan· ntn1t to alt•nd thP m...,tln( are Jamf'• Tllom~n p1lnrlpal of the llChOOI Mmf'• H 0 Boy· vry. 4th Dlatnrt PT A pr.ldenl: t"Y Flnley dlatrl<"l pullalll.t'n· ta nan. L>ona Id Fru.lar, dlatrlct uteru1ion chairman and Caae Hottman. Harbor Count:ll PTA p..-ldenl. Mni. Jf'lllW Hiun.-,. 11N·un<I vlr e p'"1dfont and ml'mber11hlp ,.hair· man. anno•mced that a ml'm~r- 1hlp drive wlll ~ launch~ Oc:t. i tor ~ Harbor Vlt•w Srhool PTA. Tilof Newport • Hl'llhll 3<-bool will announN' a stmJlar drtve a.flf'T lhf' ntW panrll- teactM'r orsanlullon 11 tonJWd. oompowd ot Mmr-a. Lyell But· ~nnol't'. cbalrman; Frank Cieri. derll'n. Job.a B. ~lby, Nonnaa eom-u. Kenneth Jl'owi.r. Doutf• lu Hoekln, 81.ewart KJll1u. W. 0 . :Srwman. William 0 . !>aYTie. and lC'& W Smith Jr lo handle df'ta1la or lhia cvenL An "'"rn1nr C'Otf~ and df'llwrl wlll mark lhe f1nl rneelrnl[ or Uw Harbor View J>T A wht'n the achool hold.I llJI annual ··Back to 6,.hool Night . <kt 10 at i 30 pm 1n th• .-a!etorium Af· ter a ahort bu4U.nf' .. mtttln.r the 1 parent.a wlll have an opportun· lly to v1!Ut the cla.urooma wbere lhPy ra.n mMt Uie tea.chPrf and ~ tit. yf'ar·• currirul11m ex- plaln,..d. Meyer Family Fete Mra Paul One.,.r 312 Victoria I St CO.ta Mf'u. •tlended a hulch• t"On frrida y aw en by h« IJUI· lf'r, Mra. a:m.t Unulm&n al Or&11~e. In booor of lht' '5th weddlnr a.nnlveraary ot Uletr peNDl.a. Mr and Mn. 1.. J . Mey· Plana were dl..-uawd ror UM er, alao of Orance. Othtr ,ue.ta •rmual rund-nll•tnr rrtnt to ti. were Kr. and Kn. Meyer'• ot.Mr "leaded by Mn Jack QW.en· dau(btan, Mn Robt'rt Ca.rpe· ~rT)'. way• and meana chair-lv-and .Mra Stephen Killer. a man. A dinner perty on 0<-t. :m dau(tltar-ln-law, Ml'1 Matprel to honor lM tHchfor• of t~ two I Meyer and two (1"&11d-dau(htrra .IChoole waa approved. Jilra. I 8ylvla M•yer and Melitta Un&l'l- l:IOi-appolntf'd a l'ommltt" ~ . ~ Rne ReMdenti .. Paittffftg I Decor~ 'UNI UTN• ... •. OeMt .RwJr. llft: II. ..,., JAMES D. RAY Generel Contractor & Builder MIO-.\ BtY'- OOllONA Dl:L llA.& •• the mo<ll'la 1h•play thP ht.l,.•l Mp, 214 Salmon Cl11''"· C'o1na faahlon• Crum local 1hopa. They Mell&, 111e J)&Anta of a daul{hler will Include Mmu. John BroU1"h0 born ~pt l7 In gt Jr-ph tf'n Jade Htllyu and Beth HNOpltal flh• """lfh .. t ~ n .. , !!'I Nethf'r)'. Al90 achool atudent.. oL -,. the Richard Beeson Company Landscape DeskJn and Comtntction ooaoNA DEL llAJI Wallah Say LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is IARIER SHOP a.u.ao• BALBOA Tll&Al'llE Bl.DO. o,.-,......,, t1ant f'aw...., No Forget New Grau Shack on Balboa Island WALTAH CLARKE'S RAWAllA~ 8ROP t• .. AJUSI: A\F- Pfenty Free Par~in9 in 0. Grand Can•I LAGUNA B&ACH reildent, Mn. Carol Powen, ad.dr--1 Newport Harbor area Soropdmiltl at a recent breakfast eeuion. Above are (L to R) lira. Ken- neth Brandt, M1a Ferrell Walker, Mr&. P-0wer1, Mn. Doone L&WIOD, preai· dent. and Mra. Jack Burkhardt. -Terry Boria Photo MRS .. R. L. BACON FETED BY ZONTA CLUB MEMBERS MIS.A UPH0"5TllY u,.,, ........ .......,, : ~Htll .............. a.. .... Mn. It. L. (Winifred) Bacon wu honored by mem- ben of the Newport Harbor Zonta Club with a aurpriae bou.-e-warminr when (3 members and rueat.a of the club gathered at her qew home on Circle Drive, SepL 27 for the monthly eveninr meeting which wu preceded by a luau. Mn. Bacon wu 1NrJ>rUed ettatt'd a colorfully decorative wtlh pr-laUon or a t>eauUful background for Uw Hawaiian noor lamp and baakel cba.lr. dinner which wu wrvt'd by th• ON PROGRA.11 U1thl.lld pool Ml.• Betty Bacon. 11\t" dinner committee, "Ith daughter ot the hooo~. enur- Mra. Jark fUhwrt u ch&!nna.n. Wned during tti. diruler hour Fall Rushing of Mu Epsilon Mu ICpsilon chapter of Beta Strma Phi hf'ld lu flrat tall me.tine St'pl 12, at the home or Mr• John Nea-ua. U02 Jtaat Bal· bOa Blvd , undl'r the direction of Ila n-pr•idenl. Miu Loulae Oliphant, J6M <>cea.n Blvd. Mn. John Bt'aaba, 60 I Cit rt Drive. waa placl'<I In cll&r1• or fall ruahlng. and tht l'omln( year'• artlvlllu wl'rl' dl11"11..ed. The aecond meeting .,. ... held Stpl. ~6. In thr. home nf Mra Robf-rt S.·nnrtl, llM DeAnu with Hawaiian d&net'I and Mn. L. E. St.ephe:naon ahowt'd color- t'd aUd• or U\e lll&nd.a. &-rv1ns with Mra. Reinert on the dinner c:omtnltttt werT Mmee Georse &nx. Jol'ul' GrHn, Ka~n Mar· -------- Neumann at S.U. Paul Neumann, wn of tht' Rev. and Mra. P. G Nf'um&nn. Orangt Ave, Cost.a Meaa !"flum- ed to hla 11tudJem at Stanford University Jul week Paul wlll b.-rr•membt.>rt'd ae one ot Har· bor Htgh • brll[htt>at biukPtball atara and v.•u on the I-rnah t.,am at Stanford la•t )'f'&r • Girl for Moores Ttrract. ""htre final ru1hlnr Capt. I USAF Rel I 11nd Mra. plana wart d.lacU&Hd. Th tat Carl T "'Moore u( Coata Mesa al"f plan• lnrl11d .. a pol lul·k dinner, P9-rrnt.• or • da•ll(ht .. r horn a luncheon, • modf'I mttUnr. 8f'pl. 21) rn Corona Naval H <> .. 1<nd a praterenU&l tea. pltaL I -~----------------------------------------------;.- HAVE YOUR FURS RESTYLED NOW AT ltEOUCED P9ttCES Your Fur Coat Ca" le RMtyled '"te e ........... 1111e l'ediet C•~ -Stele N Jed.et •t ioli17f!.lnt1 Lew CHtl • • • Sou• Shoumi ,\", u• F,,// 5 t ~Io OLIV.E M. DULING FURS 2 I I I. lt'OICIWIJ Salta 111 II Z· I 221 ORANGE COUNTY'S FORE.MOST PURR/ER Jfllf ·-• Mr ,.. ..-. ""' rW, NII .,_ _..., ,.. ,,_ ...... TIRED ••• NERYOUS ••• 1ur nn ro MllOI ~ ................................... ,_....._ ...... ~ ............. ....., ... .., ... ... 1 ..... , ..... _lei .. ,_, e .... ,,. ~_,, .......... .... .................. ,.. ........ ....... ... ,.. .... ,......., .. .... ,_..-' .... ....... sncw. fOlllUU VtTAMm unaa TURNER DRUG CO. I I (nit& Bruntnc. Malcolm .Anpll. Frederic !Tbalma P addock) l~5555:55:55i;51a;~ Hope, Carl.ton Mea.r•, Jobn L. UpeQn, S.lty Wauoa an4 Joe!!pb Hamblet. . . Dunnr lht bualnH• MuloD Mra. Shffly, precldent, reported on the lnlernaUonal Ooaterentt 't Sun V &lley. JCS&ho and abow.d colo~ •lldee which were ta.Un wbJlt •ht wu alltndiAf the con- ftnoncc. SENIOR CLUB Mra. Jamu Aaptn, wrvtc• chairman. ~ported lb&t a club for 114.'nlor l'ltlzena ot the Harbor are• la aoon to be a re&llty. TM wnwe rommltt.H, ln coaju.nctton with th<' Newport Bach ~rtt.­ llonal dJ~tor. 11 Wl)rldng ouf ~talla and a lt'ntatlv• date ot Tund.ay dt..rnoon, OcL 23 bu been eel tor lht lnlU&J mHUn&. Thl11 cornmltltt ha.a gathered ln!ormatlun from m&ny cltlt'a and clul.IA r••itarl.llng the form&· llon 11f "llr h a t• lub and teela that II 11 .. •rvll:'f' which wtU t..• • dJaUnr t a~lt('I to the rom- la aplt. et ai. o..-a .._.., aa• w. ...... Maldas hW7 P-8* Etten t. kuat'J tile niu111ty. ~eedaofOu~ Ooau1uudt7. For OMlont. -0.0 Va. WELCH'S READY MIXID CONCRm JU 0 ertlliM Wa.J Gue.I.JI pr-.nl al the JTlet!Uftf wr,. MmN. Chuter Welty, H111h J>ar r). K. L. Pickard, MIUN He~n Col09tmo and Betty OOllT.& llll:aA u ...... Bacon. Q-...,Aa.,•Ja Ht111t.lastDll ..... a.-, WI• NEW· IN NEWPORT e Complete lody l•Udlnq • Fit.. ContoslacJ Mau.g• -HOWARD CASINET Pleuaat RNUuJ Sanouidllap Dally S-5 -1-:,eainp b7 Appotntment Ubforty ~M74 115 N..,,,.. Bhd. STUDENT'S ~coRNER I .. '..t .............. n--.............. , .. .. ITUD8Cn cc:mm ...... . .-dell.,,._ h ......... .. lhll "99"! ..... ...... n-. .. .._., .. ._.,tF•c ... 1• ........ ,...... YM'I fl•• tll• , ...... c.-.. ,.., ..... ....... ........... .......... ~· 1 YEAR GUARANTll On h•rythlnl at~S SMmt.cOIONA curro • ........ .,.. ....... - .. ,... Ul t02 NOtrTM MAIN ST. 2542 W. Coast Hwy. Liberty 8-115] !..__ _____________ .... --.6 Mas. CLYDE LESTER MaoGOW .AN -Bernie Alden Photo .. xa.; '.AND MRS. EDWARD D. HANJ.ON, ncent ' ~ t.t the Santa Barbara ~llbnore after their w.ddfng at All Saint.a Epllco~ Church tn Puadeoa. The bride, the (ormer Edith D. l<ul. 11 the daqbter of Mr. and Mn. WlllaZ'd Karl of 'Pu&dena ~ward " the IOD of the Rarold K Hulon. of Newpart Beach. Bou~er Photo,. • Gala Event Opens Season f dr Ebell Club Lido isle Scout Troop's Fall Program Under Way ' UdQ hie' a Boy Seoul T1wipl-Lo&n AMc>claUon, repreMnteJ by I ., ott\clally O!K'nctl IU Cali ·---s. lt. "Spud" t:utman . .tllOll at T p. m. 8epl. 17 •t the 1 RatlroacMti by unana.moua ap- Udo Comm1mlty Anoclallon 1 proval oC tba troop coaunJlt.e.. ctui. HouM w:th C. M. "Mac'' Horn ~n &C09f>t.ed t.Ae JIC*Uon Hont qi.in tn cb•rr• u Scout of Scout Mut.-r for lNT &lld la Muter. ~1n1 aulated by C. H. ''SCOtty•• It, WA• point~ <Jul that. In Scott Troop Comm l!Atl Chair· only tu .-nd year. Boy 8t·out 1 man M. A "Andy" Anderftll'I ano ll'r'oop IT b&I t'njoye•1 alm()lll un-nounced cvmmltlee appolntmena., llltli.~le popularity under lhl' u follow•: aofh• and energeUc fllld&nce of j R.obut "Bob" Orunln,r, and Heim. Benlor P11trol ~11.der Tt>rry Her"'rl ll. "Hub·' l\lle7, C&mp. ~ a:nd lbt' wondrrtu1 cooprr-1 lni' Co-c:t\alrmrn, C. !l "Van" • ..tkln o1 Ill aponaorlnc 1nsUtutlon Vaadervort, pro1ram and acU- tri. Newport Balboa Sa.vlnp &nd vltlee, Soott, adva.ncemtol; Ar- Balboa Bridge nold ff. Broylea, tr&NPOrtaUon, D. L. "0.ve Cummln1h&m. n- nanee; M. J . "Marty" Loclmey. lnlormaUon IUld Ual.eon; Harold Pol• flt Wt• fl ners 1tJ1p. taelUUa and equipment; Bunletl l"ol'J•Y trocfp IVTSIOn, I ~alth . W tnntr• •1r Mutr-t Point• In lcout Muter H om atated that tt)I' rH"Pnt ~v .. 111n.. ''\'11 ~ 11 111..c to the rapid vvw.h of lb• ·1 held IJI BlU>Oa WIPI'@ )tr. antJ Mrm Lroop, patrola &It-in the pro«• H. M. Walllnrror,: '1•t • Har 1: of btlnt{ rc--or1an•ird and wll· Cleld and MN. Roy S .rolL , <'urned &11V newl·om~, • b Lldo Yoacea ... , .. ..._ Ne 1-M -N• '"'*1Jcit FREE HOME TRIAL Phone Ill Wt40 ... our oompt9c. "-or He1111nond o,...... 'I'_, rta.. Ac 11pW a.1:1....,. Schmlclt-Phmlps Co. .. 1.w11111k' ,.,. 5IO No. llaJn. Sa.at. Au TIM "'-"'• .,_, ra- a. ..._. fn•• ORN nro.-Y ti. lllltT l·_.,RunMl'9-111> ,..,.1.w,.•l "'"rt aa well .~ all Liiio b<l,>s now ol • • )(JW, Hele G1 ltt"• 11.rt MrA. A koul are. A.ntic.lpated colilpletiOA of & ntw . clubbouae euly a . DoMburs· Mr8 <'..rt een•on ~;.~;.~-~~------;;.,;-;;;;-;;•;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;:;:-;;;;;;~:;;-:;­nul yur, rapidly incre&ain& membership, new s::.1on1 a nd Hni .. P..<ultnr Savr.~. Mra..J MacGowa~-McClellan Vow Exchange at St. forming utd many •pect.l eventJI planned p~aage & bul'y Grove }.{Intl!! and Mr,. 1•aulln• • Dubol•. R•m=1l!·t1p ririrlh-"'ulh leUOO for tht Zbell Club. President M,rs. WlllWn B. lwere Mr•. Cherh·a Hnudman and Trilt announced that all committees have been appointed Mrs. Joe W1ko,., M111 Edythe Llld many tu~Uoned durtn1 the' I d l!:rlanJ'tr ""'' Mr" Ra.lly The SepL 29 m&niaae ln St. Aodre'fl."I Pre1bytenan '"¥ hat v.twn the 1-..rl'• llon line l'Umnwr. The year book arid tlr.t ~~w. rarw•ll. Frttman 1'1-hl!T Brown: Charin Tonv """ L.. v. Church of M.1aa Maurffn McClellan to Clyde Lest.er Mac-'" "'"'I "' 11 .. horr r ot fl.It! and Nrwaetl• a.rt' n-ady tor mf'mbera. Roarr 11&.nnaford. K. I. Harl· Brnwn. Mr" ll11•.o.t"ll Lund, 811 ·vn I lpearhradlnr; • 11er1r• of n-man. Robert Hauk, R1cluud !':orlh·•,·•ulh wtur,ri• 111 Mun-Gowan brourht topt.her tnenda of the couple from such B•n clW>houM fund ,..1uns llft.lrw, Hodg•. Edward Kelly &tty K day dtl'rnt••m'~ i:an•l' .,...,.r .. M ra. widely .eparated ·cltle9 U Sac~ento, S&n Frt.ncisrn. TO Tl\.'lA.O. a "Fu hlorut of Yut.er·Yf'&r" Rt'ynolda, Jamt'• WhHe. A L. 1.\rch M<-AllU•t~r Holl ;\lu C'h•rl"• Paadena a.nd Wlam.l, Fla. The brlde i• the daupU>r or ~ ur th. wtddlnic )ourn..-y ~ IMW card• a.nd lunrhtM>n party Webb and Jamea Nfwlln Othu• I Boardman .... ),lie" lt1~h it<'Ot nt"w Mre MacCowan wo1e a wa• 1 1111& ev~nt vf ~pt. lZO U•latlna Mi•. ttopr and 1,.,. •Ut·w,.11 wrr•· Mr .. J,,.,nnP M.ra. Oeorte C. Mca.tll&n. 1S ATT•}fD BRID• 1·1w<>& allHlh drl'aa with Import· I al U-.,ton H&ll. 1-·abulou•ly Gemi.M Y>IPr1' Mmtll Joh.JI B R.alpha aflcl M"' II M W\llhn¥ ~aeon Bay, and Ul• latAP Mr. >Mr'-Merrtll Bo tfrtl of 8•• 111 .. d A 1111lrall&11 wunl lwHd j&ckrl belluttful old ('Ollumu dattnc Colby, I!. H "',n•lei, Dean ford. McO..llaJI whl.le Ule brld~ uiuito ..,. ... matron of honor a111I tn •·ot• a, black anr1 whit•. AC· buk to llllO v.-.~ modfolt'd by Gorton, O«>ri:• c urr Jr,.,m,. Runn,.,..up "''flh·• 1uth wer11 '' U. IOll of Ml"I.' Cly<W a <'-bridnm&ld8 wertt Ml• Shit It•)'' trr ~lnpplna at 1.ak«' Tahoe thr Junior and M"Dlor l'lub mrmb1Pr9. North Rut:i.rl \'. allac·• and )lra. • arl Powrll •n.f f'trTY ~~ J'ranflllOO Ulll th• kian.tder of Tampa, Fla , Jr1111 ~ullJ>lt' ""ulct .onllnt•f' to T•ll&I Hat• wrre upttl&lly notable. Co· Ru~n Whllt' •r.-n .. ·IPV Mri1. B M. Wllaon and n ~ tir i f=~·clC)('k (•ndl•· Vl~t llm&le ot Pa•<Maa s.nd I "hn~ I h..v wuultJ mak• lhplr <'halnntn M.ra. JI!. A R4cer• and A RT/Sr Dl '() Robe' rt· Lu111c . "1 u Arpold ou - lisbl C9l'&GMll\1 perfol'llMd by lbt Mr.. Rlcbard McClell&n of lhla hr.mr al lhr Lubbock Air Foret Mn WIWam O&mblt wue In· CJn r)f"\. • art1at• Sally 1111%-Hr an•l Mr&• r,,.rald Mc-Q4mw. RiPv. H111ta o..w BUrdl&m. pa.-c:ll)' ~, werw aowtwd &like In ilaar lroduc-f'd, ........ Wra Carl 11111! lUlr<1, aoprllno and H&rpet Mr-RunnC'fl•lllr t'U:-wut 'lllll'f'll' Mra. BANKS tor of La c.ud& ~u1&n aqua Wfal&.. prlnc-atyle with Tl••' lurdP "u traduatf'd In who arrant~ lhe fuhion •how-Kay, ptanl•l·(Qtllpollt't, ""111 be A. O fl<>~•huric •nd Mra. C. It. ~et.,_,..<'& NT I; llA church. U.t OW t"OUple u • c "0 P neockUnu and AA.cirt I Fc•IJt 11ar' rrom t:n1ven11ty of lfll. f114'Mnl("(f by procram chairman. lrvln.-I"" \.'. A Stembe11•: 1664 \'la I.Me -llarttor 164l c~ rtnc-&ad v--.. Mau-•lttvtiL °" Ul!tir head.a "'"'' (.'alltn1 n '" ll<'t l<eley campua. Rfi:SPONSIBLIJ M1' Grorc• Hoop..r al l p m .1 Mn f!f'•>ri:'! 1•11rrolJ and Otto ,_A. who wu J1"1l ID kMl)lnC a.qu.a band.I v.'lth abort eye 'ellm 1 v.·h"•l' •h" "U P"'Acknl of Au.o.t1n1 the cl\al~n In th• In ~l!IOfl Hall. M1u Huaard H&rtr1r1rl BARBE& 8BOP8 by ber twta brot.bn. wore • &.nd lhe-y earned aqu.a and •tut~ Ll.-lla l.,..ll• lX'll" Htr huab&Dd un .. t"\&kln,i wen MmM. Thom.a. ~ apprared an optira and con... ------ bol.lt!aAl fOW1l of whit. nylOll Oov.t>ra y,u i:n111"al~ frr..om U<' In Jww Bml\h, H S Mc-GfeC01', Roy «-r'UI on lllr weal ~ and on o~ wtlb abort lnlJ.n. H••1 i.uK•ne t.l&<"G<.M'U of San or 1t-:.."I 11 " r.f'i:und lleuuna.nt Babin, Karl ~Ollar, M.arton Dodd, Bro-d"'ay. McKay ha.a apJMPred lace t.naa-d lb• low round rranrl.IK"O waa betll nan. Uahna ¥1th lh" l HAI-" and 111 pllot Nlcholo RmtMt , Cla yton on TV, work.ct In moUon pk· N'Ckl1ne and a.ddf'd 11661 lntft'e« _.,... R.ll• KJr1nen ol Sa.a f rs.n-t1alntn1t. Tho1111•1<Jn W. B Trill, Ruth hi,... aod with nwnuou1 or· Lo the aldrt. .A. l&Ot cap .i,.)d claco, Don Gnont or Oakland and • \'eddn t-: L. MIU\My, A. A. cn..tru at\lr MYeral )"'11'9 W\lh her ~p ffll pd 1t1e c:eried Ja(k .M:ac:Gowt'n ot San Fl'an-F • C t . Hon·alh H C Ahrt"ndt. H . P. U.. U. 8. Army Air C.Oriie. a ODkndaJ bouquet ot wlllt.e ..... d.:o. rom on nee ICU t &<'lz. r· JI'. lk!D<'•. ~ Barna, Altrnclin&' thr rtrl l Oru~ P ARKES-ltlDLEY MORTUARY c~ IUn'OUDded with rttrva.n-Mre. M..C"lt-llan IU!lllat.IP<1. -t· M 1.u Y.!lltt' ~llQn of frl\rndni:· llo"'"' lknJ11mm. I~. A 81Alr, fllfttiid mHtlnt or the ye&t t.bitml&llW ud llllea vf th• v;..U•y. 1na M lni1>n 1•hHfon wit.tt matc:I\· •IAll' Conn hal arr1vc"l ti•, rlAne Jo'lo\11 Uu»ll, C' I•. C'1111nin11hAm, ,..., c•nt I;.' ,.1 liMll l.k'adi were tvr 11 mon!h 11 Vl~lt v.1lh hn Hr1ht"-1t ll<'ftnn W Harold Mmca fhron \\'fll,, (' M 1i.•11-1111 f\r"adw.f _ Ooll&a .. _ allltr Kr• Marlo1) Jolu111on HAV 1·''"'"" 1;01<1,.11 i.-;rnl!h. <' tr:. kin•.\\'. II Tntt anti H111c .. Mt'.'· 81de 01'. Mn. Jotlriaon 111 ltoplrf\: r•owrl~. I. H Sllrtlrr, F.llz.a~th Britlf'. Mi• Writ• ta dl•lrl<'t thAI thr lo.-.. 1 rllln,.!r "111 r·r1t1 N"bl• anrl R. L H.•am11n P'lnanc lal H•'('l'f'larv .. n•I Mr11 Tells About Influence of l'hnntt v1nc'r Mt><• Allt11on \1• 11111kc• h..r TH k<'la v.1·r.• han1lll'd hv M r. llt'•kina .uatnrt Junior Mrmber· .. r.1 a..uu Women on Sea Motors homr h••rr llHvn \\'di• anll •k'< <ff&\lonll b)' •hip Cuttt<.llnAtur. Mra. C M l-kll\a, S..ruor mem- Bolivian Bride IJ('ra \lihtl moelel4'11 w~r• Mmt'a .!•1hn Llnaon. R.aymonrl Htnn. II 1 •rir•rf'nl lilat Am•ll• An '""'' atr •Jnlf outboard n1olor h.,. Nt"' ly-.. ... a Mr """ M'r" ,\1 .. 1 1~ ,....,,n YAlf' &,.1t Prtf'r•on, H '"Trn•n &11<1 lhl'lr r•1111!1-ea "'1~1.i pa........ ~·r a.JU dal "'• ;-.: ''" H "'" p ,,, Holtv•. Srnrl Ii ,, 111"r>< ll I \' \\'v<><ln• ct. li'>l'll"' l'ar ltt>r c;ona\d1Pn&bl11 lnlluru, .. 1111 n•llun .,. h• n lh<nji:• lff'l no111v arnun.J "tlll rnllklni: thrir hon"e "" IU\h 1 Ptllll R••11:rft, La"' rrn~ Tiiton al lttnda, 1&.>• \\'alll'r 1-t,.nz: nf th" l'lou ... all n1nlhl'r h11a In •lo Ht., c"nata \1rQ tloy,r ,.., .. tJ,.,111 V<t11 MiA•' Jon<'ll, 1-;,1 Zllm 1-: .,; Soulh Coaat t'ompanv •ftrr ••· It pll,. lht' ki.la .. n.i • pll n1<" in th .. 1 nllMl lll•t,,_ l>u! luu 1 Hartrn1tn, J i. floi;tRI" F ~ «Jvlnr lnCotTitallon 11hrn1! John· hft~~ .. 1 1n lhf' hoal puah lhr llv,.•I in llohVlll r•Jr nilln\ \rtH• Birlc'h•'r o\n•I g Jo;. UrlJ;J?k llC>lo Molnn 11>!\'i lln~ "' s ..... lllllfl••r hutlun. •hi(! E~"' and "lw'r .. h I ~--·f'nt~ krr 1111""'""' Junior 1-:~11 l..'l•Jb llU?rnl>t'r• Ho~ outboard, which h• h•n-y,t>lak off •<-rou the la.l<t u 1n HI~ tir1•l, 1a ,. Jl<1lhr1tn mcx1ellng "'"re Mm~" V 1rr,.11l tl dJtPa !tln1f1lr ·~ OPf'n&tlnt: an llUtumo-lfltl AlhndPr, l"f"Ald.--nt, r1 \\' t.:t..r)I "'The 1>Arao1.. or c•rlt:•ll• t.1:~ which lhe l1&clif'a ln•111t•d lo f .. 1nli) Lo.Aline FT11nz 111.,,._ make oulbt••r•a ualer to ~" 111omp: ... 1 John ... >n Motor• lo ,,,_ •l• C'OT!llllU•.ll 'aa11i Fr11na "()vrr I<"'""•"' th~ pow•r of thetr b111 the paal M!Yer•I """'" ••rt ·' rral ""''"" for a 1«ond llni~ I ,,..,.. n.vr i:tven ua U•• J••U In 11 many yearm All morf' tam ahlft, puah·bllllon atarun1 quit! 11\H lak• to the W&lf'f, l&rs;•r OJWraUon anJ r•mote •onlrola 1 ... ,.a.. h•ve c<•m.e 1nlti popular1tv I Thia y.r lhey'r,. r 1,•1n1 u.~ a anri they •r• carrying beaYll'r lftltr&tor ta OP"r•le •larll'T'& lhatb, C"Onlf'(j\t•nUy more ~IO\li· Ucht.e and l'lec-trtraJ 11r11ll•nC'ea, rtful •nJ1n ... &rf' requlrfl<l. Jol\J1- and a .Up clutr h whlf'I\ put1 an M>n hu dl.&carded lut ye.a:r't M 9nd tu Ole &hear Jlln rh•nclnc In revnr nl a 36 and an 18 H P d>cR'e en.c'ne In plAct of Ute US "It'• evident l hue lhlnp came lo be wht'n nur wtvH and llW~thr&rt.. decld•d lhcy wtre Und or &1llln1 home en- tntatntns a hc>u#ful or chlJdl"ftl While thetr spo\18e wwit ruihln(," li'rana ayw · "'The ctay ot the iamoky, G!Uy, •rbor Re•t Memori•I Perk .......... Olaa. •• I ......... a.... Ol••W7 --Dl8.__ COLUCTIONI A~t.a • flf etn . 0ta&im el uq klll4 ef ...... ~ ... la~ *N• ee1a..a11 Iii• fflO.· "e ..._ .. -.. CK EotT -8lllC.&A V ef "•tlPni °'1lal'9 C.:-ly f•nnPrtT c,...,. ......... "' s-..n 8-dl. &.-c-~ ... o-1-.. _ ... ah ........ AY.P.O."-• ~'PORT ll&ACB, OALIP'. ALFALFA H1 llTlllRIS? fl•ASONS TO R•DUC• t. YOU RI LAX. !\krr•.kri111'1( "'ch \Ht• i rmly pk:i,mg,m)oy- ablc c-.;pcncnc<". a. COMPLETF.. 8E.AUTY StAulfcr 111pplra w1:111hr lnu.. incl> IQl.1. lovelier p<>UUI~. a. MUSCLE IS PIRMFO Your aha 6ts rruoochly ottr ~OW' DCW propornoni. 4. RESULTS ASSURED. You'TI adi1cn 1peabc raulo ui 1 ipCCi6c pcnod of amc. B. INDIVIDUAL ATTEN- TION. YC1U're onda !ht (.are of lughly WllcJ l"1rJ'CIU 21 all 11,,_. Fiii HIAl VlSIT. Call for ~r I ' flll,~ll. • ,,., :So. lllam "4t~Al'fTA A.~A-IU 1-Mn AN.41 ~-Ud A\r'7'"ANAREllll-A.f: l-lt17 e OPfN K\.'J:SS!\"08 • HERE'S THE MOYE YOUR SAYINGS -ifs the smart moYt-mt winr11na m.;r;e Do n hunc!rt6' o1 t.rs1itit•d folks do. Jump to b1a s.fe 11minrs f0t )'OU' SIY· inas. l"ut them to wOft with us. Wt invest principally in prime first mortratts on home$ in fabulous Ora,.. County -the Man.'• kiJlltut S,.t Population and industml arowth is ncttdina national recora It is~_,,.. "°"' tht tlMt of lllturll .... tips fol bullMU, kif lndul1rJ ...S for u.tn;. DESERVE DINtn'I ••nrno DP YO OC1'0ID 10nl ua• MOM Tiii in . Tour OOllari t11n 1!1We in th11 nttlthy, vraorous 1etiv1 '1t1. Why be satisfttcl with ~% or Im wh!n • PfY you much more? Mowe your. funds anr to us-stut en 1ccount tod1y. Call in persan or by mail I s.w.,.. ... t10.000 ,..,. ~ ,,, .,. fl9'JM1 el 1tli. Ul'l#ed ~ C..a1.......,f, lllWPORT •ALBOA IAYINGI AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ,AUL A. P ALMBR., p,,tiJHJ for }n Yt11r1 ;,, NIWPOlf l1A'c11, (AL,.OINIA 3366 VIA LIDO. JIU,HONI HAllOI 4200 Coro"" Jtl M11r 0/1•" • :!407 £,m Co1111 Hi1hw117 , • LIPO .._."111'0 Ml'O la~ More,_ .. _ NU "* I.Me -Barbor HM BEAtrri' P AllLOB8 LIDO IALOK or a&AUTT Nl4 Np&. IUM. -Bar. SM• 800"8 aoe>K cum Mlt Vt& 1..w. -f .. mor '*' c.un:aas II Suppll" VllCOl!NT uno l>Rt we Itel V'8 LI ... -Harbor IOOI ('ARPt;TS ll DRAPt:Rlt.:S DICK ~IM'KF.ll M" \'la Udo -11 • .....,, UU CATt;RJNG KKHA&JYI\ UDo MA&Kr:T ••" \.la IJlfn -Karbot !WU ("lothln&..('blldftn a lnluta IF.ftr"' OP' UDO HOS~.....,..,.... IJhd Clm'HING-M,.0'1 Rfota.ll •lDWELL .. SHOP roa MEN' ,. ti! \ · 1a l.W. -...,._ ONA Clothln«-Wom.ra'• !Wtall LA &l:t~r. MO VI.a •&Jiac-H.art.or 461t UDO P'AliJIUON8 Ult Npt. BITill. -Har!Mw JUI 10 tA DDO<"K '" U 11 Vla I .W.. -tlar9">r N1 T VAOABON'D HOU!Q'; Imported 8port.wf.a.r HM VIII U4o -11.aAor t*' DRUG STORES VINCENT~ UDO D&l'Of4 Mii Vla S.W.. -ff•rMr "93 tleetric Coutrwton LIDO !El.ECl"UC ltr• V1a LWe -Harbor & 791 nA>WERS afC'lfll&D'8 UDO MA&llr:r Cormc--Tabl• A~la MU Vlll W. -~ llU FOUNTAIN, Oltll.L \.'IN~I LIDO llRl'GM t.Cl Via UM -U........ ... , i'RAllm • ALBtJlf.8 GDR•&DI' fttTD'I08 ..., ... I.Me_ ......... rvaNlTUU Dim MAtwD ... 'Via U.. -llaltN•r '61U GllT 8BOP ll&U.T THOllPll: tta. Via 0,.rk Harhee UOI RICHAllO'A LfOO MAllKF.T ltlll V,la Ud• -Hartlor ~ • Convenient Complete .ShoppiaCJ c ....... • IN8Uli.NC.E AO.ENn; W, 0. 8VCk. JM'. s• Via IMie -H&IMr 44U lllterlot-IJM.onton ....... hllnr-A .LO. Sill Via U6. -Harbw NM I Dla&~ Hit Via Udo -ll.ar9">r Otl 90Hn'A WUM>~· Ka.lap Import.I Ott Via llalac-HarMr 1127 MAUE'l"8 &IOHAal>'" LIDO MAJUU:T MN Vla Ud. -Har~ JUI REAL Jo:STATY. r. A. l'AUUEa IN('. Ull Via Udo -H&IMr IMI VO<JltL (,'QMJ'Al'•l1' s.4111 \'I• 1...1i11o -~ .. "11 BA\' AND BEACH ILEA.LT\' \.'la Ude &rwp Ofn. 1111....,.a7"tw-Kar. *J UDO aEA.LTT AIJ-.OC: I.ATE" Udo Sal• Renl&la I Hto Vla Ude -Harbor '"' RESTAURANTS ft08 OALTOS-. UM Vla o,.no · RariM>r ISAS 8A VINOR & WAN A880CIATION8 Jll&f&OllT BAUIOA SA\'INOlJ A LOAN Al80('. A e.Yl.n&' .lnaUtuUofl Lon« Tum Home t.o.J.a 1M1 Via Udo -......,_,•tee 8HOE8-Hea'• BtDWF..LL'ft llTO&& fer llfZN l'llVla LNo-HarllertlU 8BOE8-WOllW'.9 .&'Ct.rll OI' C.&.Ut'O&JiflA MltVlaLMe-............. THE&TBEB LIDO Tll&A.Tll8 CoNrult uua paper for P"'OS'*Zll Vla IMe a& N_,.,. IDTill. 11.ut1w n1• TOYS LD>O TOYLAllfD _..IVlaUdo-u..ti.llN TJlA \'EL A.OENCD.:8 RA&llO& TaA VD. .l.GDOI' ..... l'fpL mh'&. -a-Jll;U tJPllOUJIT.lllMO ..... ,.. ....... .,,.._ ....... . . . WA.Tai •r..AIB VD1'*1'tT'8 WA'J'Cll 111:1'.US a..mooavoa ..... 1"la I.Me WINDOW OOVF~G ntr. MADE auor ~~ta.r.it~ .... I , • .. m.dom and responsibit.ty are irueparable. To the run erlent th.t we ere fre• to choose for ourselYM, we must taie th• responsibility for th. choices we make. Your MWlp.tper e•ista to bri'") you the accurate information -. you need to choose always in the best interests of your- self, your family, your country. . ": • ' . K""""-l,,. of iM lndA provida ch. ""'"' on ~ AllMN"ico mova forever forward! American youth Hrfy finds "freedom's key to better livin9" in ~e Ja9es of its newspapers. Our unpualleled opportunities for achievement ... our priceless rights to think, speak and choose for ours•lves ... can be main- tained onty '° long 11 our newspapers keep forever open our ch4nnels to the facts that concern u1. . ~ . ' ( FrHdom of choice is the foundation of America's free way of life. Your ability to choose wisely depends on your knowied9• of the truth. Look to your newspaper for the authentic facts that are your indispenwble 9ui• .l posh to better living. If You are Not a Reg ular Subscriber to Your LOCAL HOMETOWN NIWSPAPEI PHONI HAllOI 161 i to Place Your Order for a Yea r's Sub scriptio n ' Delivered Monday, Wednesday & Friday By Carrier • • ;NEWPORT ' NE-WS HARBOR PRE:ss· .. 2211 w .... llvtL Phone H•bor 1616 · , • • . . . .. . SPCCIAL LIMITED OPPORTUNIT Y ! PORTABLE TV In your home or office for the World Series HERE'S ALL YOU DO: Com.e 'n get it! You Pick Up! You Return! Just bring · driuer'• license/ You must ma1u? arrangement by not lakr than I --. ~ ....,, No ,... c.111 c.w Ill 10 OILlllTIOI TO 1111 10 Ill TIPll STARR TV & APPLIANCES 2305 w ..... llYcl. Hcabor 5074 SIXTH LAND GIAI -~~· 8ro1e Co1ti1~es to Grow; A~~ 411-~re Parcel ·.,SECURITY P.OUCI . ............... ........ Call. CALL US FOi ANY PWMllN• .. PIOILIM 111 'I r.1 -()-dal Tnet ...... e Wtr. Btn. SOUIH COAST · --"· ~ -o.ea ... '"\". Ii ·~I' ~ •• S.-V• •,M, .... U. ,....,. -.nity tat. lMtr ~ ,_r ol. IE f '••• nmnlQC la d-1~--"­ W&I ~ Lan7 s... ~ MJcM7 8.-.o ftftll; Doe 8t.af- rorct ~ 1Dtta .....U.. Weal .....-.. udO.--. ..... UHTA AJU, (OC1f9) -The '°'" u.ri to conform." I LI c T •• c a L Ly ~ O..ty &ounars.. Com-"l'cl at leut fin the appUca-• • 1 1 n US • H•. •·• t6;,QU • GarOen GroYW'I ~th Jand rrab form It ,_tblt." tb...w In Coun- .......... Mir ~ approved Uon ba.ek and uk tbt.m to oon I W. I ...... 1' S-U.. dty wu Sneorporat.ed ty Auditor Lea l:c:lcel. "Un,_. FFO•D •L 9AN i-t.haa four monUl.I qo. we cany lh• b&ll and do 110mt-.. --- ADM'Md t.o the npldly u-thin&' about Uu.1 aort ot lhtnJ. ,, ._ ... p&ndlq -unity wW Ille a '00--·re wuttna our Um• her•" ~ ~--1 a.en pare.! ~ lrrqul&rly •1'() CHOICE' 110 Bk' ..... ,.. LlberiJ 1~8 n.. Tan nm JlllUmt AvMm -ua ot Cbapman AYe. Mtw-Road Comml.Mloner Al Koch ~~~~~~:!!::=~~~~~~~~~~.,,~~~~ ~~ btft W...__7. Kllott at. aad U.. loul.Mrn Cali· ac?"Md with Warner th.It th• :: Flag Football Id Protect of fond.a ~ J1Sbl-of·way. oommmiOn "hu no chol<'f!" but ClJTI W!'fD to appn>ve t.b• cUy'.1 applie&UOn rurrv 'rUlr llrrr I I la au~ the annexaUOn wit.hout dalay "But," offered \,lll:'\.ft / UI-' ~ a a t.ba -mtetoa-complained Koch. .. ,.. .• mlJht mak• aome •UC· _ I ·~t.a.: ll wtU ~t rc•rtr s-tleel lo the proper J*IPI• wbo <"" -, '\ i. '1i/r ': V · U.-OuOm Oro.. Jllvd. C11J1 write Into th• law llO",__. &ad -Cha,.......... thst •1ll p,..venl th.LI -~DOES YOUR CAR HAYE: • .. '"We aaa C'aJJ t.betr aLt.enllon to UliftC once and for all" uu. and Mk U>9nl to c:oofonn to Tb• land own(TI v.·l'loee 'P"'P" property tm.," ...W Cemmi. erty Jinn Will ~ eut have ... F-ulaUml ot • N_.,ort ..._ a..lnnan Willi. Wanaer. ~ unanlmoU.1 appr'O'fal fll Manor AUU.UC A-'1~ .,.,.. -tiut •• uv. ao auUlerity to the anncxllltlqn. la-aM ,.,......,. .... •l Har-- ------ ?7.~ ~~--,:::OPERATING POLICY ADOPTED Uoa a.nd eporta -u. a*&.lt '"* ~:E:::.~:: AS OFFERED. BY REX BRANDT •Ject.ed a.rt weell wtUl .1i.rt ot UM ftra ma.)cw pn>)art a flac naa.c1a N.-,iort Beach t.bt rids 1-t.ba development o.f the .-.c- foot.b&ll ~ al CoAa ,..._ ctly that ll la ..,.,.. ooWned by reaUonal field lh~ UI• em- ParlL TMm8 •laleod tor "'lry Ra 'Jc. Brandt In a at&ttment loymml of & ea-"'• director, ln Uw football IOOI> <"Oma from In the Parlul, ~b• and Rec-p _...... ' lndu.lt.ry. buann.1 and rlub nehon C'ornmlaaon. of which he! •ucb U. be aaya. R.oMrt Olnl'· r;rn•1pc T-m• ... 111 be f1,.ldPd bv 18 a member, 8•pt. 11 and rtch t.1 l'"'vtn1 hlm•ll lA> be. ttw N"""l'C>rt 8-C'b Joni« the 1tal1m.nl "'u adopted by 1 Brandt •19 th.I city c:IU\bot a!-~bf-r ot Commern-P.lrl\ard • lhf' romml.Uion u an opuaunc ford lb• q~bl• luxury nf Mark•L N~rt ~l~ 0.,.rt-p•lt('y p&ru lb.al do not offer re<, r ... m"1l. H•hpot. (.la-\ al and Har-Rrandt 9ffa ne.-n8it)' t'>r con-tlon. nor rec:-t'9&Uon In a,-.u tKM-eo:r-· n u b. Unufld .tfort t,., romptonaa.te tor ,..!\kb a,. not attractive l,., Ul• faulty Head • TaB LJ9n7·---D lad W..1 -·D Smootlt Tlre1? _. __ ... ____ ~·-D Poor Acceleratloe7 ------0 LOUSY Gen M1••7 -0 .i Mlsslnt ~·l•p ---·-D ' Hltltway W~e? ·-··-.. ·-·D A• ~·"· for 017 _ ...................... -·-··D ln9tne Knock & Clatt9r7 -···-··--.. ·:-····-D Any one ot the99 can give you .erioWI trouble in the commg fall t.nd winter d.rlving period. &nd we ~sest that vou have our f&ctory tra.ined mech&nica aave you time: trouble, and m-o-n-e-y, by correctin1 them •ow!t FolJMo'1~ football. ltw s::roup allrlt10<1 It> lh• n al 11 r a I ,.._ t •ye Md the netchbnrhood, nr will irwlftC into be•l<Ptball ..... m 1•,urc ... <1u• to the cllv·a 1T01ttth i-ch• faillnt to add In the (Call for an Appointment.) ~nl:up •• the .--at1on •• OJW'1' Th-effort.a. hf' ""' •. •hould ~uty ot the commwut v. or to any JTOUP Ullf'.....t...t In •port.I take lhrH tl1r«ll0n.1, lo pr-n• taillnJ to C\vt lb• ctll.Nna • Chrysler-Plymouth partkJpaUon antt ~n 1 tit" natural rl\arm.1 alr-lly o -fair return tor UI• recnaUona..I o. band far Uw op.nlnte -· t.anl. aa "'h•n the .1t.al" bnur;ht dollan ln••l,l!d. a<>n rQftdurlPd b.-N~rt IN),. "-"h lantl, to supplement 1----------:::!I ~U.";n"u:;;-wo:n. :::. ~::~;:_bv w";;a:I:" ..:~I HENRY'S I s • D t Juruor C.."bambf'r. R. (" Crarw. ri.lt.a9 Md, third. to make poeai-'l1lla....................... erv1ce ep • Rlrhard·a M.ubt. 8(t. John I bit tull•r UH o( lht natural re-........ n.. 1..ai. moom. N.-port Po11"' o.part-.,,..rr" that "'main I ~IT 1 • .a.CH O W ,. &.n. N ort •-h ~nt: Frank Ban.la, Hf'llpot Al I TM ner.-tly tor protertlnJ Nsnrv IU' 120 . '-"'' n.-way -ewp ....... Bra~ Cla-VaJ aad Rod .....,.. natural ~"'-•hlcb haH I • OOOKT&D.a • I ......... a 3486 ~~~~~~ ~~t~~='°:n~~=:d:t~1~1~•~o:w:~:~•=·~r~-~~~~u~•='='="~-------~---~'--·--------- c IT'S A HIT""~ GREATER EAlllllC.S • .. • .. ... ... . • . . • ;. , N .. ~baud" nmiden.lll at Bob Dalton'• dock .. -llr. am! Km. Ralph McCuldlooa o£ Van 'N""' nowVta&" op fcw pormanent Uri>s aboard tlooir ~-.,"Fwy." '!'be HeOlltcl>eoruo. R.ESIOINTIAL· INDUSTR.IA~-~tlCIAL NO JOI; 'l'OO 1.ARQI! Oft SM•IJ. 1!11 -Ill. ff_. - liveatoc.k t.n.inens tor motion pictures, are best· kn.own tor their blaek stallion pupil, "l"ury," equine 1t&r of televiai.on. Football Scores .IUN101t. cpt,LWOll Orallf"' Cout ~2. Ameriea.n River 11 ~ BMca Jl. kata Ma I f\illotrton .. 8.atl M'•t• 1 BALTZ MOR.l\IARIES John Cock, bu.ky Jll year old Tu footb&U p&nt, unc»rwent auflel'Y at HC191' Ho.'plW P'rlday &ftantOOA lo CIOrT.cl l.DJW"J' to Ill• -... ltr w.lalned durln&: toot· '-ll pncUe. on U1.1 bJlb achoo! fteld ..,-1y Jut week. Attbou&"b be I• Npc-fW4b' do- lq -U &tter lhe otde&1. Johnny, th 190 pound 1111pbomore 110n or Mr. Md Mr.. Louill Ooell,, 124 17th Bt.<. Nswport Beac:h, wtll nu,... IU• pinned and Wired kt\ W... ta the bosplt&J for an lndd· l.D1t.e perlocl. Thill will be toll0'¥0'ed by a l"llrther Wldltftmlned oon- vale«.ient ....... at ~ n.. mlahap to Jomuty'• lee put. on lbe la&C!l.IY• l1't for th.I.. wuon • purportedly promildq Tar (lard Wbo, it 1-azpeeted, W!.U bt lllack ln ftM r.t.ua t'* aiut ,_..... (l1dlron eotnpeUllmi.. Ed Chambers Top Lineman in Bue Game Deem Lost to for Year Tan WO'ftell: OJI' INT&!ftlOl'f 1'0 EKOAO& IN Tllll tA1.& or Al.OOUOUO U\'DADQ ......... 111&1 TO WHOM IT KAT CONcr,:ll)ro': 81.1bject to lawaaoe at Ui.• Ucentie applied tor, ~ 19 bereby stvim. lh&t the di~r­ "'«1*1 propoew lo •ll alcobOUo ~ at Ow P"'lrlleM, dft.. Cribed U fo1Jow11 ; SPORT rlSBlNO BO). T "SANTA BAR.BAR.A 8J>llCLU." 1111 -Si.t lu-t. Newpor\ Jle&eh.. PunuAnt te 9UCh lt1.tenUoQ. Uw underwlped 11 •PPU'UW to Uw ~l of AlcohoDe .,,_,r. ...,. OOntrol t'or '-•-oe ·by traAdw of an &Jeobo.Uc ~Hap Ueeswe for th-prwni.. u fol- IOW9: TR.A.N&l'ER ON l!IALll BEER A.Ayon. 4-lrtnc lo prolaolt' in. BILL BUC FOR HARRISON EASY TAB 'PLAYER OF WEEK' LABEL iaw..noe "' _.. l&om.. ~y-ni. • ft'l'Uhd ~"'WtUa UM ~ ~rtmiant ot AJooboUc en.r&p Con.t.rol at 8M:l'Ul)Cllo, o..Ul•r- 111&. ~ ~ ror cWh.1....1 u. provided by "'"'· ni. tonn ot Yt:ri.tkaUarn ID&J' be ~ from ll.D1' aimo. or ow Depcrt- -L The pNralliM &N - u.oe..d ,_ tbe ..... "' ~(I .... _... BUI Harr1-WU QAJ:aed "Player o( \ha WMk" for Or&nf'e cout. Ool'-c'I by u..t 0CC ~ .rt.er vlewinl' tunu ot J'r\dl.y nlpt'• p.tn• Wllh Amtttcan Rlver Col· ~ Of! P!:r.t..e ,.,~ld. H&rrlM>n top~ tbt tM.m m ruahlnc •nd tackling. He ru1h~ tor 1111 yardll ud made ff'Ve't'I lM'klff. EVERrl'T J . WINSLER AND RUTH C. Wl.N8UCR. H.arrt10n ha• •ho,... snod ~ 1M9y ill botb Plnt. p.me• lhl• t1.!l, HI• alltJtty to punue Uwi play u cotudder- ell lhe na.ln reallOn tott ~ k&<tl.Df' UY t..m ln LM:IUN 1nadf!. No. m Newa Pr.. 10/l/M Oll:ln'lrlOATID 011' IJtJIRHEM . P'ldtu... nr. N'--., He pla~ on lut year'• rroup und .. r lay R-and P""'pped al Hunungtoa Be•ctl Jilgh. He plaYI' ~ he.It for 11\e 111~ Buea and "lfla In •t 170 pounde and ftve r"t 10 lndaff. 'l'HE UNOEIUllON'l:D do n.,.._ by cerU()' t.hal UWJ an conduel· lni-• ~ and •ppll•f}C• .alN and repair b1udnnm at lSOll W. Ban.o. Blvd., N~rt Beech, C&lU'ornia, Undet' I.he f1ctlU0u.. nnn n&nw or STAR T,V. ANO APPLIANCES aMI lhat .. Id nrna loll oom~ of tbs rorQ>W. inc perwma_ "'"'-n&mel, In tuU and pl-.-ol ""'Oence •re ... follow•, i.wtt: TOl'S OHINSE, DEFENSE Harrison Hep Both W1ys As He Rolls, Rattles Rivals HaTry A. ht..er•, 1717 C!1rf Drivll', Niewport Beac:h. (:aw : ~rite A. Ptt.n, 17\7 dirr on ... H-port 8eM:.b, Ciur Fl~t tool~! h•lr?M.ck Bill H•1r1aon n•b°"'1 ortf!n••v111 1.nd (!~ffn•lve tlonor1 In io"'r1day nlRhl I Q,..np Co•A Collet:!!. ll:'•me wlt,P Am1rh.·an River. H•r- ru•nn rolled ta ltl yant1 Oii the t roun<I ln 13 r11.1'TiM for a 14 .') I.lid n1a.de Ml'eD tackl• the deferal"' ff!part· h,.11.dlf'r Sunday &fUrnoon art.er .., .. te•Unc Kf'n Mo.Lii' s...nta A.na nl rME 6--3 Sunday ~ n.U:wr (lmv~ In two nm• to ~ the IO<'a.l blltln& 1.U.a.<:lr -.ad ~ ('(iUtU c:oll..::ted three hltll In rour lns-lncludl.as • double. 0.ob W•llwl Wl!nt two tor tour with • doub~ a.nd Bob Bloell •ot OM' tor two Lo l'OUlld oot th• t.tunc au.ck. Bolb WUllama ptlcMd t.be nnt thr.e llllllnp a..nd .... t.ouebPd for two hit.: JClfTJ Rkle fl!pped thl! ntld thrM, IJIOVf1nC' DO bl.LI •nd Phll WL111am. "'flit the last thr.e Lo. which 8•nla Ana plck- 11'<1 up tour hit. and th~ run1. L&rrJ Vmomt did a pod ~ on U. l'l11J tw 8-ta An&. The 11P"(ty npt haDdH' .. l.il..tlid ,_ l'knt.a ~·· pltdll.rw ~ oed llJlriJ\I ln the 9l.IDIMll ~ l"ll(f'. After 44th Victwy Nl!wport Jfal"tlol' Hlxh'1 l·rou C'Ountry fore. iro aft..r thelr 44th atr1.l1ht du.al meet wm We4n-31ly al~ u they hotot Anaheim on th• klcal y1rd run ... he took In 1 tol•I ot e~ y•NI• I• four cerrie• tor a 11.l! ..... r,..._ Al Oarci• car- rl9d lh., baU nve um-. took In 21 yam. tor a ::i 8 •Yilr&c"• ind DaYe Ta.mu,. c..rned U. b&.11 t2 yard9 In four lrl• for • t'..!I l"'rap. Jobn Rapld.aa, CllJ'ry- lfts U.. MD for Ui• nrtt tJmr tb.J.e ~ romped 34 y..U to tt:lr:h ptoyt1lrt Wht11 }larrUon knock..:! down HVf:tl on doti.t-TllJT)' .WcGu\ni .... m.akJnl' U 9lopil ln 1- th.an one quartrr or play at tatkle. Alao cr.-111.ed with .i.. l•t·~-Wt"9 It(! Cham.hen, T.-n Hsrmon and Ken Wood Hop. k1ruo m&d• nve it.ope •• did o.r- c11 ll.lld Bob CrocketL Je.ck Mahlat•M! and O•ry Jacot-. m&da tour tackle. udl. Heat. Clock Costs Local Bees Contest WITMJ:l.8 our bll.tldm th.I• 2&th 4-1 ot a.pt.mt.r, 11M)6. 1•/ HAR:llT A. P~ 1/ MAftGVERJTI: A. PrT'SR.8 STAT& OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY or OR.ANCIC I or THia 28Ui dl.y ot S.ptem- i.r. A.. D. lllM, bl-Ion ~ ROBERT 1'. WD...l.M'Z8, ' •• ~ Not&ry Public In •nd tor -ttw• .Jd County aAd State, ..... '11.U ~n, duty corrunl..1111-.ed .ttd • w o r n, pe1'80n&!ly appe9ftd HARRT A.. P.f;TU.8 -d MD,. OUEl't.l'n: A. PICTZM knmtn tometobethe~~ namn an ~lloKliti.d to w W!UUn l~t. and ~­ ledpd to me that they n.eeutM lbe --· IN WITNICaa W'HZR.l:Or. I have lMN\ulto •t my hand a1'd atnnd •y oftkial -1 UM dll.y &lld ,._.. tn U.11 Certinc.t• nm •"°" Writt.n. ,_; ROBERT '" WO .1 M'ftl )(y O:irmmJ.ilon icxpu.. l'fCIY• l'ltlber 17, 1'61 No. 731 ,.,..,.. ,.,._ ro11. a. 1~. n. l.8M CEaTIP'ICl.t.n: or au81J'fa8 Emil NMR'lof'1 Newport Rf.r. neuu... .,,_ N...,_ • bor R11'h !kbool &1!1 .tqwd a Tim UNOll:RBION'mD do lwTel>J' ~ra~ fourth quarll!r rally ortlf'J that U.., an condGc:tlnc wllk'h ., ... .topped tt1 t.hll clock • m.anutacwn., and ~ u Lbey rMChed UM 10 )'&rd llM -11 and c:an ... ~ "'-- Friday &tt.rnon •t MDl'lt-.Uo.. Ill Cll>o~ at 1e07 ~ WMt Tbity 1-i. lhldr race -C-lul the Coat. ~. N.wport BMdl., clock l&+l.2 after rtvtnc up U&rwo Cal1ttiraia. wader t.hll flottUou early toucbdow!t.11 and u..i. cam-ftrm n&aM ot N'Il:L8&N A Ha... inc b&cll Wltll 12 polnU In U.. 90N, &.UL XAX&ft8 and tb.l.t nnaJ It&....., _., nrm • -~ ot the fol· N_.• ladli •t U. ftUi ln a ~ ,.._., """'-n&m•-1•. ~ 100 ~ ...... whkh tulJ .... pill.-of ,....._ .,. .. ~ 41.a.&M UMm.. After ron.:-.. to-wtt: Neal.nus u.e. ~ uw -rv. WILLI.AX a. NIELU:N, ~' • -..S to tM 40 ~ they ~t ~ P1aee. eo.ta M-. . bacJI: lo punL Phil JU.111011:1'1 CaJlttwnl&. kick wu b~k!"d and U,. ball RODNEY lflC:UKlN, J~l 1!:'1- rulled to the Tllr I~ IJott P\&ce. B&nt. An.a. C.Uf OJI,&R8 IOOIUI WJT!rfa8 UMilr lllle.lldJi ttu. 1% Montf!br.llo 9COl'ed th,._ pLA}'I day of a.pt..mbu', lt!MI. l•ter, Shortly tlwr.ttn Rot! WILLlA.M R. NIJ:L8mN' Koron f\lmb!N a punt in II.I. .ud ft.OON"ET NJ:LIK>N 11>ne 1.nd Moatet.IJo •-•••Hi STA.TS OJ' CA.LD'OJUa.A t *- for .-lit po.Int. and • 12...0 tint COUNTY OF Oft.A.NOi: ) period 1.-.d. A. pua tMt IMuld or nna UUi _,. at ~bar. have bffn IA~ ~ A...D. ltOI, ti.tr.. -. ~ C. thl! third OlloW ~ bl ti. QaJ"W. a Notary PU& ln md third pef'1od. ff#' U. add Ooanf.7 and at.&li. aTART IWLIJNO ~ tbc'ala. duly coisun• Harbor llarted romn. Ill U.. --.:I _. ---. Pll 11)7 • Lut ~ .. u. Ma.& .... ...,... ............ _. and ,,. ~ "--m,,.. ~ ,.._ .,..,. to ..,. e. • 40 YMI ~to Mrn:.ctr Dlln bl t.1119 ,.._ ......... Aft Hammond "11.o ,... 10 ,. .... te • t .... to tilJ; wttlda ....,.,. .,..._.,_Tan~ Off ud mant, W .c• •'11J.S t4l - El'lc Rot1-lbefS nclll¥..-.d • tut tt..y aMeUtad • -. Df fwn.ble kl Ml up U.. ---1 T•r WITNW W"m80r. I ..... U.11)'. hereunto • JIU' MDII .,... aftb::, Thi! loea!a moved rlftll upt\elO ed my offtdal .... tM ...,. sad trorn Uw ~ ll*1 aeon. 1-i.ollll ,_r ln Uilllll OiwUftmt. tint -"""-.. JW\11 eout """ • •bov9 wrill9. qua!Ut'back ....... Monl.eMIJo lC7 Olln•• ...... Dplrel ac-tn wal hit hard end tumbi.d_ Octotltir n, 1Jtll H a r It o r r900Ytt'td lad .... 9.ERHICll C. MA TD. "'Out .... '*' prollllltll7 w1U Np&am O... on .,_ but - aret1'l ....,.. "'llelh<tr II wl!L "I Berc•ron !Ir Dav• P"tlit\ on of· I i:i-1~11 of fen1Nt," Rurn.m •laled. m"ot.t. ror Miier bu11. to mffl your lnd.lvldual n-1:1 r-.d CMIJ' C11.111.lrlr<'l 1dvertlae-,.,.rdUnc for ttie '"""" tJl"I' N11 T~ ICOA u llM cloc'k ru out. N_...p,_ J.17, t•, 10.1, I, 'N • • ' l . . . ::NJMl'O~ DABBO• Nm..('U:M ~ ~ ~ ....... t""" ,.~ M~ay, W••11+,it illi_Ftt ... r.. .?ASTAL ~~·'!.. Wedn.,.19 'j.:; lt -"lP"' • . • -r ..... • ...... QIM&al •"r ..._ na .. U."WJ. t '"' .._..,,._ , •• •·t-;·'1 -flAIO od4'L -.II Mo . .~ ' • ....;u.. 1.ao ....,. -.II .. •1a.o I-'MO """--Ji5• " '_f lA.~. • t = U0 add'L D-.!.& ... .~.,....,.. .,..m..-n~ ... :assLC.....t..,,,__~ . • · 111.NkMlllt 'AD ~ • t.DIU ' . -OIBA.OLU.b tor placLn1 or c&IKMllliq' acs. a.re: ror MoadaJ PubUeau..i..o -· l'rlda;J 6 p.111- <:· ' l'"w W~J PubilcaUOa.9-~7 l ptzt. '-ftlU.7 Publ\C&t&Q:l -Tbufltda7 1 p.&». ·Jllll;~ HAKBOI& PllJU.18111NO 00. 111 l ~ lll~tf.. N""~ 8-da. O.UtN..._ .... u Clulllfled Ab • .,. ... pa1il ,... o.M laMlt'ue. of puWkaU-. ~ pulilw'ler. wiD aot M rupoNib!• tot rnor• than one lncornct bilierUun of U ad, reMrY• lb• rlftlt to CO•rec.iUy c;:luelt1 1.J!,f and 'l:lfadl alMI to re~ rn1 ad hot CQl!J'om'llnl to rulu and rqul&tiom.. ~lasslfled Index .. Qui .. 'DiUilcll ......... ~, . Ill n...a& Dlddot9 ,. ........ Otikle Jl ...... Ma\erlU .u 'd''' .. ~ ··-16...,.. w .... Ou u Traaa,eit•Uoa lf a.ona..-11 _..,. _ .. _... ..... ........... .....,, .U~._uocUoo # •t.111• WuCed It...,. ........ .. w ,,,.,,. ..... _ •B A,P'n'ttt ll Wucelll te 114tJ a ,...,...,. t•r Sn.I• ......... , ... ............ pfl.JM Mii--' ~T\' ... Poer. t...ta, J"et.11 at Poult17 11 U••&uc.11 Ii.a.. w..w &O &aw. tor hie .._A 'Dn9 .t J>ara. '1 Aole 8errloe .. 1'nllon ~ ::=-io Kf9t 0 ApU. • H-tor H~•• '3-A .t.pt,.. for a.t U.B 8-for._t &Ml TnUer lpaot .. Boocm ,_Ra• ............. q..9 ....... ~ ............ ......... omo.. ft·A II b a.-&ell ... BualMM Opporhnltlt• 'A Monc1te LllN M MoQeJ W..W 61 R-.1 r..tat.e ~·nnt.ed Oii' RMI ~te &nice eo 1-Pmpet1J ~A C-'CIM. ladutrlal ii JI-.! ....... El'....,. ·-- Y Newport Rarbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 ~"Ui "911"1 Tbunda.)t I p m. VIA 0pono -Oantral A Ya. •. N-purt ~ Didi. NCl"1n&ll, £:.•Hid Rul1r 1-8~~ :"'nouncem~­ PHOTOST ATS ~ BLUEPRL'IT ·2819 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4331 General Contractor LICDfSCD New Work -Remodeling J. AIILTON lolckENzrE Harbor 8J99.. W ' OStfc PAINTING , INTERJUR -l:XTICRIOR ALSO lot.ARIN.Ill PAlNTINO UL!JtNSED -1NtltJREO Glenn Johnston G01·3l•t 8L N~ BKdi Harbor at'l't t9Uc: COMPLETE I' AJNTING A Pap<r Hanging Service EUOE.N'IC O. 8.AUNDJCRS !jQO li.t Street. N.wport S...d:I Hal"boT 1878 tfG FURNITURE Distinctively designed Made, r•palrCld or r.tl.n1&bed C. EVERETT SMITH 4.13 , ztth SL. N1wport 8-ch Hu. •&a 4ay. or e•eni.na. lltlc PAINTING _ ' PAPERHANGING sx.r;nr.~~~! ~~!r H&r. ttO. OP 6.117 GENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR ODD JUBS No job loo vn111J f4f-•l ot rct· pr~nc-u. Ll ¥·677~ ".!ILlc CEMENT & EUlLLJli"iG All ""'"' FREE ESTllolA TES Liberty 8-610V REPAIR WORK CEMENT BRICK Tn..~ Haullnr Clean-Up Pl.ASTER & PLL1MBlNG •31 re: Painting & Decorali.ng Call tor tr ff eatlmale1 rNTDUOR .. EXTitfUOR.S i:xp<!rlenced color u:perL Com· plete de«1rat1nc aerl·Lc;:e. t.. B J.lcKENZlE Hu. OlU Jt no t.nL Call Har. 41 CARPENTER Repair Work ~ Direct.on DoM YOIU Hl;ilQ Need R.patrlns ---=~----~--·I or R•nw>dellnc f MOTTELL'S AND PEEK • • Ooloaial lo! ortuary flll';Boltr Jut SouUI of WMl ~ ~ lf9IDOl"lal Pu&. ...... OrMICe Oowity IJWtitutJoe ..,._ r.mtll• of r.U rr.ltla ···~In.ti t"He) .•. ....u. 6Jll • till;Clllt .... ~ .... , -.u.e ol laGlr of nuidL ,~~------l..,__._ o_ • BLUEPIUN'rn ii:.uuioR .fu.UEPRINT 2819 Newport Blvd. Harbor '331 CaJI Fl"&ll, Ubl!r\1 H064 All Worll Ou&1'11l.-d 7tUc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICX:N!:tED t'ONTltlll.."l'VR LlbeT'ty 1--8621 FOR RENT 611.iU Sawa, D111. OrtUa. Pollallcra, all tn-0( s.ndera, WhMlb&.r ruw-. etc. BOYD'S HOWE. 2QO W. t.'OAST HJOHW A. T Uberty 1--3•30 Nwpt. 8ch. 2llfc CARPENTRY ldlNOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO &MAU.. ----------. 8. 0.. And ..... ~WING MACHINE ~ALI AND REPA!Rtl 1-01• &. Balboa Bfy~ Balboa Ba:bor l&:M> IJUr . , FROM SiMI ' \ .,imt AND F .t.BIUCS l~.L ~ Bl.. O::iM.-M ... .•. u.-1 EXPERT REMODELING • --· ; MOVING? ~-(• Jolt LOO llMJI) 110.. "'""'· ...,. Later. ·-no ..C?QJb•l" ...... Hr. tCll' t -• Yan lip ... 10 --. WHY PAY J(Ol\ST Lo'WU& P .V.C. rat .. ~ State or Nrfi<Ml•W'41 mo"• 1n,1. A19Lll for ~;tJ' V4fl Ufl9. Our .it.~• n1• Al"I ~ JrfllW'MAN TRAM~ rJ:ft 6 rt'()R.AGJC.-INI llar- bOt' mft1... 0:-t. Me9&.. Day Ll ll·J27• Nlrbl w s-9t2Si • ... .,... • ""'*1.n • ~ • a...m. Wlitdow• • Doon_ \ • ~ c:&fllClltirr WOl'I& • REAJ!ONABLE U~ ll&r. 6509-W ALEX IJl.IUN ROOFS NEW 6' R.IC.PAlR OUARAH'l'ESD--.,,_ fft.llJ'll.t6- ru..tan•bl• Pr1ma J'\1lty IMUA'd NATIONAL ROOF CO 1..1 11-~ ·Paper Hanging_ • & PAIMJ1.tl6 ' Ou.nuitM ..... 'ac--1 sadl.w.,.....--u~ LMtroaiflt2:1M• REASONAILE . Pa-1 6 PaperlWIClac Phon• Ub.rty 8-1332 We do the work ound,_ tft ::,,';:: r= · IROMNO dw Ii& ~ t.om.. s.uaocuc:. l'*'M\Mld. U.00 1* hour. ...... brbia' ic.s••at•• ti.. Ql.Q '~ • ~ .,. .. ..,, o:wo-. ' Jll 2 I 7 ' 2 $1NG - ¥0VIID 8Tll HOOS~ 124-Yia l.ido NOrd wc10 1.i. • SALVAGE . .FOR SALE LI 11-2087· f< LI 8-628t "" Mar. ,..,. , __________ .. _ ... _,WBITll woma.11 WU1 do" bou.. Lwnber -Doon 0 ~~ • HEAT FOR SALE :;:_"r,~~~; Ca-· Hardwood 1'oor- BUY IT WHILE IT'S Ina-• Eloc. Water Haur . HOT ~!,~ ~ :::: .Bath tab9 • Toilet.t. etc. Be Pref>&l"t!d for Fall Hu. ms-.JK. 18c70 SEEJ'O~AT 726 VlA LlDo NORD Lido Isle CLEVJ:LAND WRECKING Oo. Weo!Aor 8JCCl\E'l'.t.RT or ..-U:Pft', Literary, medical bumiiMU. Col· llTe and. JI.AR MJ.-..J. 19pT1 CALL STANLEY ACKERJUN HEATING To c1".n and •"1oe J'OUt ~t-l~~!::.::!al!el!'fp_;W!!,'!M~""1~---- lllC ~em ktON u. l'1Mdl cw to tn.t&U a _. one. CALL tunor 1.M7 NOW 211 ltt.b atn.t NpL Bch. 18 Y ttn ta lM Harbor AIM 6to72ll ... BUSINESS CARDS HARBOR BLUEPRINT 2819 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4331 Call Your Relax-A-Cizor CONSULTANT Demon1tnt1one,, oe obU,.Uo11 O.C..111• WU.OU -HYatt ~ ~ .l{'latt ....... ..... Superfluous Hair CONSTRUCTION HELPERS Loo~ ... ,. SAVE UP TO 70'/. J.-lf.7, ..-.,.4ri.llM. ehoM, fitt.t. aadala. ci--wu~ nip, •te. WB01.E&A.I..m W ARICBOUSI:, ltt • &rd, '». blk.. itOUlb o! [.a, I'll"& BeKh ctty Hall. HARROLD IMPORTER ()pan. to public Kon. lhru Sat. l Lo I p.a. &-Day w .. lr. Pak'! BWELINE VacaUOlul ud hollda:r-. medical HARBOR BLUEPRINT _,...,,. •.....U.ble to .npkl,._ •nd 2819 Ne-wport mvd. deJ*ldenU. eo. Harbor 4.331 pa.td J*lllbn •nd ---,,-------- dab!lit1 ,...._ WATCH & • CLOCK APPLY repairing I 030 Eo1t Fir1I St. ao.o.!lAJ<Td:D. SANTA ANA rRU ESTIMATKS. NEWPORT JEWELERS Mon.. rrt... A..M'.. •• P.M". 1110 N.wpon Bl•d. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. Poe:l.I. M-. 1.J 8-t61 t DRAPERIES ond SLIP COVERS ~1!11.UJ' w-.t &om tw anna, Mp. --~· ud Mir , ----------"'~'c' IUi. .tlaped-.No niore lW9dlns. r · . Ka.de to Order z.t1mt.t. -8an1plM LUCILLE DRAPERlES H&rboc-&Mt ur NII Te.nut Jf doslr.d. ICl,,.L.ICN ls BR T .uIT R. £.. Udo'• 8&lon ot Beauty Hu. 2:t'l'I "' REDUCING Beacon Personnel 100~ employer retained qency No r .. collected trq?n applleut 120 Tumtin A.n... N~ s..eh 0 18HWUHER -Hurley Bel! R.ett&uranL Har. 171&. 3801 I!! Coul Hlway. 6k70 '°'" PER.81.AN RUGS EXPERTLY IU:PAIRJ:D al very low rat•. l!IUmatee fr91, 12 -ttu ru11 at tf9C'Uon ot on~ value E'at.ra lur• to U111U1U&l .a.. 1vaU•bl•. PU8KMAN'S. 27~ E . C-.t • KmNNOQ •uto wuMt with Ml.P A -te• •~r. flW Kl 1·1213: or Har. tt211 lt Qcll . BOTPunn' R.£1'11.IO • ....... W~ C~L I CV. tL Brand MW' tn on,iW carton&. Buy °" t.erma S:..2t down IT.17 ... ""' JESSEE'S 1011 a J.UlN Kl l ·aua t.Al'IT A AN A. A. UTOM.Ji. TJC W A8H£R BRA.ND NEW, TOP LOA.DrNG . •sit.at.or model. Factory li•t pnce $32t.9G. J-·t volu.m• dlscoUnt }rice 5ftt.t6. S.Y• SIG, N•Uonally know'1\ brand. A.t th.la ~ w• e&n't Mention nl.lnlS. Buy. or term• for Juat &10.Q per mo. No doWn pay. JESSEE'S 1011 S. J.tAlN Kl 3-83'1 iANTA ANA NORGE GAS DR1.ER BRANO NE\V 19~7 J.tODEJ. Spet"La.l Ut!a .,·eek onlr ll~9 1•.:io. m-.11ttl P'rw Jrut~"•~fon! JAKll:'S APPLIANCES, l !'.:7 Herl>or. C<>11t.a Jofoisot. &8r70 '57 2.DR. SERVEL Automatic Ice Maker $374.95 YU, lTtl TRVEI It'• U.. blr •11, t -.or mode.I ..-tth •v.to- maUe lc:e-mall•r. •utom&Uc defn»t.. .-he.I•• on deor, etc. onlJ n:asJ:S'tl b!IJ YOlv.rn• buylnl m&Un lh1a pric:. poe- llibl .. BUJ' tJWi bran4 MW, blc. Color.mk beaul)' for only 54 79 w"kly -No dow11 pay- ~~L SZ..A.-AnUquM Ai'.-fTIQUES BOVOHT 6' BOLO Early pettem. ·c:ok>nd llnd eut ,i.... ""• Clhln• • ftprilM&. VlctMl•n m&rt.i. top, pine. mapl.e • cberl')' rundtute. Old fUM lnJ11 to)'I. petlDJ' •banl!L ANYTHING UNUSUAL. tt will be our pJ ... ur. to pl- )'OU 1t lh4 "RED BARN" 138el 'H.a1·b0r Blvd., O.G. Kl l-3241 • ( l blk. N. ot W•l· mln.11ter B.Ll'd ~ G.G.) •1c8l ~-~-8ap"2°"'=..--- Boats DRY STORAGE 50c PER roar. Cran.i 'I w.,.. avallabla. Dilly .A wetkende. 2133 w. Cout K tch ... ay l.l lall.f.I, 39ttc: FOR SALE e-utltu.I W •u:11 .:-boon•r, Co 8&1• Orand ~ wonderful bnrs&1111. MuJ ta.-..-. ~&OM "" up. ....,. ln-w•r Pracrttce pt&ft09 trom 1tl!i or .W nnt to \IU.y. S&.00 up ,... 11111. SCHMIOT. PHlLt.IPI 810 pt. ANO and OROAN 8TOR&, ao 'N M&tn. knl.I. .... OJ)9ll Frtd•J nit•. Da111 to &:JO SEPl'EMBER SPINET SPECIALS! SPINE1'8 FROM $39~. 8orne rent.al ..,.lum.1 tn Map.le. blond• m1.hopny. e tc •virlp. N.,,.. splnet1 from $.f.t~ Convellien! term1 at 8KAFEft'S fllnc9 lto'Jl t2t,•:t.I N. 8V(!amortl, ll&llta Ana Kl 2.-0llt !0" EMERSON t..ble model T .V, R«o11dLUoned Sit.ti.I ftEUAN<:a HOME APPUANClll 2102 Z..:o. Main ti.A. Kl 1-1100 KI 2·16M """ uywhere ICJlc-L ror cht.rter --~-------- 517 ,600. Conltlckr tre1t1 1:1:10 RENT it band m.ln!m .. t f.5 per W. S..11><>1 Blvd., Newport merit.ti. ""ltn ..,t to apply oo llarbur ¥u:i2 u ruture purch..e at \\'A:\T 3:t TO 40' C-,nune1 cou.I b<>llt tn op.nut Sh•rt ba•La. With optt.on 14 pu~h•af Re· liable. R.ef•rml1p,a, Reply to Bo!IC Y·OO Newa-Pr~•• 8Sp10 23 f'T. CHR.IS CRAFT EX- PRESS l k8. Slttpe 2. Rad.lo . S MA F~:R S (Slnao 1907} 1:1-i'll N Sycamore. B&nt& All• kl ~.(1172 Knowltor. Gectnm1ca TV REPAIR Fully .,quipped ueoo. Owner. a a.mn'Jr.Lm Hartlor :Wit. Mtrc F.A.JttBERVICE, R&AJK>NABU 11' L TM.AN 18.t.A.NDJ:R 19:.• kn1oe can. till f P~ IO H.P. Chrla Cra.n. •D&· &i,., __ CC' __ u_ ....... _____ _ c:•llen~ COfld!Uon. Maily utraa. TV A sn:i.o, H&rbor s•&-R. 1ac11 ntennas 3 H.P. EVtNRVDIC. Exc:ell•nl $7.95 c;:ondlUon Molot' e&rrler and IN8'1'ALLIID It vour niure 11 not ~otn!n1 lo you. You ehould be c:om· lllj' to UI. CLA..lRI: 8n.t:ONDB R.ICAL ESTA.Tm 8.ALEBKAN Hwy.., Corona dll Mu. Har.12f..2. JESSEE'S .-u C&J1 I lla, U H 'l'K. 8k71 Anltn&AS u.te u4 up 6&73 1013 S. Main Kl 3'13-48 Pl:NIN8ULA. JlUIDl:HT •ants ACME T. V. U6 Ill& tit. 36..'\ Newport Blvd. LJ 8-~47t fiU7~ WANTICD ror our B&lboa Ottlee. An "'-XCCllltonl k>eaUOCI for .,:JM•· on• who ....Ui wocll. -----------S&nt.t. A.II• t o nnt, n-rby &llp or docll Al 'TO LUGGAGE cani•r. $10. t or :W tL Ort•. A.19o w\U buy Ho "°' With Tratk Tholler ranel·R.a.y be..tt-r. 110 boe.rdlnc l.iiddotr, dll"'lfM:tlon nnd· SA.XOP'RONU, Ki114r •Ito $13:.. •nd a Conn t..nor J l 'l'!I. 8olh 111 elt(ll!llel'\t cotldJUon. Har 16C3-R, lk71 22-Loat and found S.. R, C. Otttr CILll after (I 31. Hu. 11,8-1.\'. •r A, aulo)liloL Hal"bor -01~)[ 70p72 KELVINATQR or Tr1nlly eNJ •7Uc; Yt'(l{fL[I T Hiil l•dy whn rall<!"I lri "'~"nls lo th~ 1nlulnc B11y .A B~lr RJty .. lnc. 1400 \V. Br.JOO. Blvd .$tlfr ---- GIRLS mail~"" ,,....,.11~ f'l~l'l!lr rail a~11n LI 11-811!1 68.::-;"0l---- LA.!:>T 11m•l! ro-Muol\ hrnwn Oog In tile v1<·1n11y ot '>'1111,. ~hor· pll\I{ 1'""1l~r. C M Shr>rt hll.lr Iona curly tall •ht.ped Il k• 1 <lnughnut. At11wcr• to nam~ of SIK>rU. We.rtn1 b"""'11 r<illar IAri~ re"" arll. Ll I· 770 I ~ t""'Mn I and !). 6~71 LOST Collll!, male, brov.'11 &nd whll• \\'~. 11t Alpha Beu., C M.. Nam• 'Tip' Reward. J.l•rbor 1120.R. lJa~ .It. Balboa Blvd 70c:jJ 24-&bool&, JJUitJ"uctioD Learn Modern Piano Lo-1.m to 11ghlstt•d. 1mp1'1)V\M. pLt.y by ear YDUn(st•r• to ~<hlter11 -will t"-ch )'O\I u MUch or .. Uttle ... )'OU W'lth. Phone RlJTI{ PHALSN w 1-91170 TAKE ADVANTAGE or our tr•mendoua l rtl"th &ni1 nu.merout promoUona. • Full pay aa JOU lllAnl • Frlq1M11t l.ncrea- • Ad'l'Ulc;emttit actuaJ.iJ moo_.., -Op.nine• for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - 1 .30 to 4:30 1.:2:2 W•t '"11.t'd 81.Dt& An& PACIFIC TELEPHONE 801'£& FRJ:ll sm.n: 1'1CJ: NEW U..Ulp daily. otnce, do· m.ua and other.. WHJTI!: ~leph&.nt. for •alt •t P'und F'a...i !'111.t., Ort " •l R•ri· 1lnvo11• .q..Uroom., lla.J~. In~ anllq""'· furn. c:~ra.nuc:-•. arror. thun. noen~l~. 1 70c72 Property Owner Attn. IS YOl'R WATICR Jil:A.TJ:'R out or It.a irua.rutla41 per1od • t. ttler. any da.ngQ' or Lt tlood- tn1 your ti.run•? IT.!!I TIM'll TO CA.LL An u:pert about UI• condition or your wa ta ~i..r. CALL your a ut.horU:lld OA 'f • NrOHT J1t1lue Water H•ter o..w. Joe Becblold--Har. 5330 F'tlr l1'T'N 1 nl'pl!dJOn HAND BRAIDED RUGS l'R&ll lNBTRUcnON ORDERll T A.Jl%N" AD MW rnatari&la •~tile. 7()(:83 AL.SO MA.NY JOBS FOR ~ --o=a-oGccAN-co.-oP~IAN-~o~--1 J u N ll .. A R R A 1l, IC:lnply. Ace)'. t02~ J2nd tit... Np&.. M&ry l'llnlt1n.. UIO & c.t. 8JYd. ~ Bc.b.. R'Y•tt +.TIN. l"Jtfo 11 OA.. BROWNING •utom. \ol8ed ADd Voice Leuona a.ch •c:~ rnm1 City Hall 596. l 1 p. Ramlnp• •\Ito vanl t"lb $120. :SO.f)f 8porl•r $96. 1807 N•v,.port Avt~ COIU Ml!Ar tfCll 1n your home by c;:olJec'-trLlned lialr\Ktttu. Ll 81 0317 EvenLngt. "'" SEAMSTRESS OR£8SMA;UNO and ALTEIUT10N'S Houn 9 ... m. to 8 p.m. 17:.0. Moal'O"'-. c.t.& M ... ........, ..,_ CHILO CARE 8ALESLAOT or rn9n to ~II lo)'9 •nd (in..n. No del., eoll., or door lo door NHd cu. FUii nr 119rt ltl'be Kl ~-~to. 8&:71 TWO Rlrt.E8 -Rt-~ Sportam.11 •I,'\ U.8 . Rodi laland A.nenal Call .-venln1• or 8un4ay1 Hu 4-0711. ek71 ACCOUNT Q.l:RK. mu.t tMi ex· P"~ Aoeount.. 119,.ble lll"Oril. b\YOMfll: ?\IClfUJll Clt-ta• vo1ce1, and procumns tor 1197-~nL Must be accurate wit.II DR VG STORZ 1'IXTURE8, •blllty lo t)11ol' a1'd .,,,.rate • sil.M llhow ca-. wall ~ lll&rcil&nt caleu.lat.or, B \I ,.. •°' dlepla.J' n.rtu~ de:. rcNf"bs booklleeplns machlM Vl11cen~·· Drq'a. C.D.t.l ll•r --paJf'Oll O:p?li 'nfte9 dmr-11111. th? l able. ~t7 for ............ a WALT cut-off•• r......., muL, ~ ......,. ... ,... • \i B..P. llM. Bu MU-ft. MO. .. -.... I .. 7 ,..._ .-Jt A~ .ill,._. at ..... •l·---~----=:.:1 am.. ,., Olllllp la ....... I !!!:.!=.!!lll!!~!!.----:.10"'11'11' or ~ bJ "1l&ble ~ tT01 hlntill'lr A.ft., I ~An• ! !'!. WUll&n, Wbo 1oftoll cb1Jd1'91L ex. 0....-. .... lld1 09llml ...,__.Bar. 2068-J.';;;o;w•;;;;:-;;;;;;;;;;;;:-;;;;;;:lnu:aU>.illla T w. n. filab'l&'-11c:1ma I WOJiU.H for Jloueawodt, -.... Lor. Rti9I nb -a... crom 1~-====~-----I lnp. .otlMI dliDd ~ miore: \4>fl rr-. ON7 11&. ..._.. &XPl::RISNCED ekl.pper deld,.. olU'f. Har. JllW lk71 J.AJCl:'ll .A.PPLLUl'C&8. ltlT work on ylldat or ODllllllUd.al l:fvbor. Colts. Main. 8k'FO baaL ~Cllil9rlt nite~ tJt WOJllAl'f A:OE ti 1'0 40 -J*m· Htllotnrpe A"'., Coront. ~I &n.en.' poailUon inlemnlk11Wl7 K.11 NM 0 R II Ml)' ,ut.....UC Wu. Har. 1571·W. l&c'70. ~ etlmp&n.T ln bMut.)' bUno waaher -tarr-1'11.ull:• modall--___________ , COLOIU!ID orRL ...w.nt.. d&J lll"Ork cook.lnr 1U1d lr'QIUn1. R.f· •,....ftoCft. 0-.n l,..NpOrtahon h I 3 "\iJ.l &8p70 ' lM-to work In ~ ... kJok• llk• -and NU I.be MM. Qood tlctt"' ud ~--.at ~way -onI:r 111.•.l'llEc pe,._l.Pty. Jl"or apptlllnim.rtt-J]lifJTA~TlON. .J AK•' 8 and lntervi-. cllll KJ i..7t'.n0 APPl.lANCU, 113'1' Harbor. $8c70 Onllla w-. tk'70 $100 OFF! ern 11 cu. rr Rl:FRIGllR· ATOR -New 1151 mock! with Ali lb. tree&er, .. tf·d•tl'OIUn~. ahelve• In door, butt.er condl- ll0111r, Cb-eompe.rtmetlt, doubt. cri.pera ,•to. R•ruJu 1111.t.5. a only top •t u1•.1~. 110 doW'fl. 510.IO m 0 D t b. J.utlt'I APPWA.NCU. 1937 H1rbor, Colt& M-. 1Ac70 AUTOMA.TlC WASHl:R l3' H&.AVY DUTY 8PORT· TISHER Fl)'tnc br14«e, pilot. t•thom1ler. Chryillolr C'"1Wll 1000 mil• radlua $9600. Trada up or down proparty Lbll era. P. 0. Bo.te 276 COM. lk70 l:rr.18IDI: BOAT BTORAGll 60G tool ROBERT VAUG}{AN A CO. U~-30UI 8L H&r ~168 .. u. V.-d Wk1rlpool S..Uty D-ll•-T v BlO • LB. MODJ:l,, hM n-.1 :1::;'::::;=ll:;aoloal,=:::!.:--.==c:::..:...- t.n.ded In on n-w~r. 21" OU}(ONT blonde' ti.bl• model T.-.n .r trouble f!WI ~!ft 'IV. ft«:enditloMd J89 lhll °"" •l low )ow -t.-$" °" bu7 It on montll.ly ,.ym.nbi R.:LIANC'I: ot ju.t $&.7~ after .mill.I dawn HOMlll APPLlANCZ pe.pn.eriL 1lcr.I No. MAl.n S.A. JESSEE'S KI J -7100 Kl 2·1tf!.I t8c70 S9---Aato. w-ted SELL YOUR CAR P.AJD roR 01t NOT KcCarUl,J Par-Kon l uo .. K&ln Kl 2...&007 1~ OLD& 2-dr. •e&ln. oond!UOn. Good t11'9.. Hub« lTll. Good &196. llk-71 48 PL TMOUTH Speela.I deluxe club eoupe. R•H _.., rubbPr 6' br&kH. One __, car, t"•ry clean. Bar. 1171-J tk71 1011 fl( KAIN Kl l-U.f.8 1------------OORVE'l"Tll 1 ... 1\adio, bnet•r, 11.u<TA ANA RADIO ............. 1&000 mn... "''" OwJleT" Har. 1231 Nell RJU'(tlll -o·x.et• • x.mtt ... 11, tuM Dod4I npa.1.rec1 •atomllUG Umer cloclr. Vu· lt~ CHJtJRI-Cft. WU....Or Cub 111111.ns ebtlf. chrome top, $2.50 ....._ Coupe, ~ l'OOd 1111 .. J7t plddle, a way brolMr, tte. 1nohl4-parU e.Dd labor J'tllDcma Way '-U a.nu. .Allnolt new fl•. Ian f200 llS _ --""'' Cr.U OWMI' Ra 1.SM-W l'l'tt" 1 ·-ACKE TV A RADIO t'I' :amac am>AN. rood ttn1., USED AVTOK.ATIC8 A.BO ···-·-······--·-----.STI J'IUOlDA.Dlm --·-81 WJ(IRU'OOL ---·-Mi Bl.ACK8TONE -------·-· It Del1""4, INtalled .ad rue.rrn- t-9 t« juat Sq,50 .,... mo. JESSEE'S 1011 8. MAIN Kl S.Utl SANT.A. .A.NA d·li.t llL Ru. 6ICN .tety tu-. OOOd l"llfm1ns ORGAN SPl!lCIA.L! Et.ctronto oq•n, lik• MW. sa .... sOOO. OOn•imNftl t•nna at - trKAl"ZR'B (tlln~ 1907) m:Ul N. s1camore. 8&n.t.a An& IO 2--0871 ar.n,. County'• Orpta Rqtn. 1a.rr --Ill a.fa) • lN'taDld ~ to ~ .... $9.95 ..... oowllttm. NO 8ulta ....... ..._ N...wport lkh. tle1'0 196.5 OLD& n CONY. R.41, " W8W, Pwr. •I.Mr. • bnb4t elec, w1~ ud .-L &pot-· 11,t1ta Har. rraa.t: lkl• Gran+ W. Musick . BJ or\PMI ....... 'U "-tlM I t .... RJ'd.. "' ........ ..... 11\U... ... 1... WllHU., oo.ta M-. U ..... lt .,, • ' r • .. , " QUlST 11aiploy9d oouplit Wlll\t .-.km I « J MO.rm W1tw'n.. apt.. H&r1N>f -. No c~n or pet.a. Wnte P.O .... 6ll, aouUi Lq\l.na. ..-pt-i.e Ryatl 4-1116. 1 .. Tt ~fta. A Boow IOI' RMt ON 841.HOA 18L.AND am ua tor ,._..,, aM ---41-Aato t1en1oe NEl..DA GIB80N, Realtcr ----~-------· ll06 Mari89 "-"-Barbor &02 Moto~ Overhaul • eyi.. (moot) ___ .a.88 Eight. (m09t) _ M.88 NO llONJn' DOWN Up ta 15 Moath8 to Pay !Nt.!Ll1Dl:8 batil LabOr • Pvt& "-r1np. wn.t .... ........ ~ tttun.p ot. CM.Ill. ua roc1 i-rtbp. lbi-t 1DDllW ~ llP-to-day « «JOO mu11 ,,....... ~·­OASKET'a 6 On. EXTR.A REBUILT ENGINES 8UU..T pt 11t1r ow. faetul'J' bJ •llUJed l!l&dUAltll&. Doa't CIC9• t.eod •IOI ui.t mldd'9 m•n. l.IUJ' cllr9Ct. llBORT BLOCK rQRD tl .. S2·'9l ---l "-" Cl:U1Vft0~ • •.111 IL<LllO• WJ.ND IRVINE TERRACE lmart. ... modwa ~ ..... .,..., ' t.tbt. L&n.J wtt.11. abdl .... st-wall '° -cNMd patio. ,... '*"-VP. ldt.c-. tMdlt-tD -" nA('e.. Swd ~ ~ P80 per mo. l rr .._LU.El omcm ~ IllVIMI: COAIT OOUNTR r CLlJB. ~ H..., 101. N.-port 1:La.tt1or c.J.l Hu, •UJ "'" Cbola. Winter R.ent.&lt OD BaJboa laland • Udo i..11 lm&U 6 _, GT 1•1'1'• 6 d11lna• $7& to '300 tnoatb BUIO< --..... VOGEL co. PACK.AR.0 (t C)'LI ---1121.00 ...... NlllM&I u.m.. £pe.Cr' M tJ1111Mo pold. -· . YlrRN. API'8 4 doo,_ fron1 bell. 2 ti.drnaa. $IO mo. I bedrm. '6li MG,, bit.cll..io.. $46 month. UWiU• p&ld. UO IOlb 8t.. N~l'l S-.:b, ~Ord 8-otQ. 08<10 Jamaica Inn Corona del Mar Harbor M78 61c&Oll I ROOM APT. nlOllly f\ll'ftiahed. Tw1n Md&. A.19o, 2 room apU. tum. un J11111 10th in ti.rt ot s.111oa.. )(D4HraWr pr1old.. 110 Eut 8&100. Blvd. H&r. UM """'' A 'rl'RA<:l"IVEL T tu.m&.bld 2 !Mdnn. •pL PllUO .nt1 ~ UUllU• (A1d. •7!1 mo, 109 Pull "'"·~ Balboa 1.&land. Pl'loM Har. 01J8-R. 81cTO C:OftONA DEL KAR. winter "'ft!AlL J'ura.. l lledrm llpL. brKkt.._ bu. Alto J bedrm. tuni. apt. L&rf'l ~. ,.. 1----UD0---1-81.A--Nt>---- ~ to &!M)ppftl'. a.,...._ t.... yMrly, 1 Mdnn. Wlf'\I""' 121 M~te. Jk71 ntm.t. apt. Bay vt-, cau WlNTl:ft.. a..n twn. l ti.ct.rm. aftv a, H•J'tlot :i:U-M.. :S:Stte 11.pL MO. I bed.rm •pl. JtO. 1------------- UUI p&.ld. Auto . .,..u.l\er l•Ot CLE.AN MODERN w . ee-n r'MIL 0wti11r Pl'Kln• rumtahed •pU.. UWttlH lnclud- Hu. IUt:S-W. 68c:.70 •d. a.,.._,.. •v1111a-.i.e. L&Wldry wU.11 •uto:wnallo wubotr &.!Ml C08TA ME.!IA dr)-er, A f-lttpl lo B.y, Thf'M room tumla.heid •partmenL oc..n, 1toN1&. bua ..oo llbn.ry. Rea.:m-1al& C&1i Hyatt 4-43~7 R&lH \IDUI Jww " 81ftl'liel 87ttc $3& to JU m<1 l bednn.. rENrNllULA f"OlNT -~r ... I bdrm. turn •pt.. and l'•r- &IL JIOt It e..ibo& Blvd Har 1~14 eouc B1LANO NltW l bdrm 11nf\Jm. duplu., rental. W..t Newport LJ &.<MT!. LITn..C BA.LBOA 18LA.1'f1>, 2 bed!-m •pL, wttiter reiital. JM lac'lOCU.. u.UJIUff.. Har, 4'42. •1tte BALBOA BAY FRONT ruRN. 11Lnl'1M and dolltw• apU P6. Ucl '611 I"" rnonUi 81.dl- ti()f' apt_ f40 1 b«trm J715 mo. tlUltUM paid ~· •Vatl- •bk !Ur J.:W(I_ t.lit72 BALBOA UILAND. W1r>t1r rent· al. Nl1;1 •ln•I• blH'lrnom apt. S715 Ln< uUllU•. 214 Ga.mat. ~l•r 08~7.w 61tt~· LIOO ISLE \\'ATER FRONT APT8. 1 • 2 bdrm rum •pt. v.-1nttr or Y•rly Hubor Soeitl 83tf• J6()-eO ma. Wukly rate• 1.11d ~ •••il•bla. HARBOft AP A l\TMENTS lot E. Bay, l:S&lbcla. K&.r. t.34• t1f'74 CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdrm turn. apL WLDLtr or yM.tly 1-. Utwll• p&Jd c.u bef<1r• 10 a..m. or att11r ti p.m. Har. &a.\. Ullc Swimming Pool NEW I A.ND 2 8.COR00Mf5 unturn!ahed.. W &JJ lo wall ea.~t. pr'-C• d~l. Sl7 .~ and llP J11t ;Marth9 ~. !\ant.& Ana. Kt 8-498L U.C7Gb YEARLY RENTAL 1-b.dmotn rum. apt "'"-r l.lbl"&,.,.. In Sal- 00& $.~7.!IO Jl'I!• mQ No rhll• d~n Of p.tt., UUlillt• p&ld LI S !\:'>OT 19<'71 ~~O H,.!Jo~ro~-t' I'M 2 b·hni turn dupl•ll. K•r•1" a\llu v•uh•r. Ortplacir ye&.rly rent.al <I<*' to mkL • l~port.&Uon T I': Y.'llltl•n 1711 Dirn\atln l'Oft. La&q wtth ~ to buy a 1w. s a ~. ri.uutv.J ptd-and pM.Jo, cio. ta """" -DAN .A.. JACOBalllf, "-1 Malt Ha.rlMW' Mtl . u t-17&1 Kl 1-1111 u Ma17 UDO IBI..& bom•, ualllrn. a bdrm l~ b&lh. AV~ Oct. tat. Y.,-1.y. ·uoo moalh. 8.ALBOA PmNil'l8UL.L I bdrm. funi.. ftlMr --and blt.y AY&ll&tlk DO .. t Jlll moaU., llW)l. uUUU... TH.rly, THE VOOEL CO, Udo ottlc. Mll Vi.a Lldo, S.t f.971 WINTER RENT A.LS -Ckean ttonl ctup• J b r .. fun.. 590. 1100 Ind. uW. Oc.16&n tront 4 b.r. tum. SUit) 1 b.r. •pt. futn. YTly. llUl. IT:), CLAIR.II VAN HORN. Rt.itor J1:S1 W. Co&at tawy. LI S-427T C..11 irv.1 U a.l>Oll, "' Hu M llJ Nmw MODl!RN' untun. 2 b4rm boua. 1uiott1 pUw ldtdMn. uw bath 6 p.rap 5" Adulll. A.au t bdrm. unf\ara. ~ • ,....,...,.u~ etc11 BAT8HOR.ES WINTER r111tal. Jl'u m :s bed mi., 2 baUia. F'A. hnL nr.plac. Bunny feac.d patlb Lat.a ~ pr'l•-.ey. Lr•· lot JIJ:I month 2801 Waviarly Or U 8-111119 !18l/{' 1-'URN18HED un&ll hou .. Ont bo!droom. Double r • r • r" P-Pnc..i yan:I. $7~ mo W11rr ,aid •:SI RJverwlde Ave Newport H•l&l'll&. l'hOne • ..,,,. H.a.r. 2taTM. 8~11 TWO Rl:DROOM houw, tuUy furn Nfl'Vf and modirl"n. C't'n· lt&Jly loeat..:1, J"6 y11arly. A~"1J. now. '208 R!vt"1M Avt', N. B 81k11 LOVELY unfurn 2 bdrm nou.t, df'll.Pft, ca.rpeo 6 T V. a.tn•l 1n.et11d Y'l.r"f'plM» • r11ma= Jlln mo. Prefer <:'Ollpl• tilt BolM St. N........port lk'h. fltp71, WlNTr.R RENTAL tum, l'lot.Lae. r..-itn.ula P<1tn1 a bdrm. n,-. p~ r-U<1 1100 per mo. Har 2:10i W 11ar j I lN C<.CLUSCVE BEACON BA\' to qualtned ten1.11t• 3 bd.rm, 2 bath. tumlah.d home. With pat1n, h•l'dwood noon nr• pl•~" 1<><><1 h1at 12 -'tll ""' l f•dY on I-. (lr 11">0 p<!r mo. t<.1 Jun•' ll'. ~lARJ N ERS UH.IC RE A J, TY 114 M•t1n"' Avfl Jllllti.'>& lor\and -. -. I • •• • • ·~ ,... .. : '' ~-~~!!!.'!!!!~'~'~'~:::: 1: !•!!:"!. ::' .!1C*~'r!'!!LLJ!t!l!l!i!!!!!'!f!'!f:,f!! ••&1 ·· -OHm--·· ~' .... _ -• .....,. • 8 / 8 Ne........n H1[ ,ts .....,.. ,,. ~--,,...,.._ ~ .,. ----.. 'f',-&f... ~· -_ ..... , -. 43,. 11A•"' Ave, c-• -"""'Oo.> Commen:lel-lnclu.1tritl • 'nd-lt'Jft,.,.;.. otn. 0--I p"9Ui A.I .. ..,.,.Vflltl __ ..,.__ 0 ....:... t. . tpttnmtn .._,. u ,. .., .....,;...,. .,..,._" ...,. ___ ·---o!Elooll a --~,..-.,-·~-~.i1ac111 r-o1..... -~ ... tUMlilb ~ u • & .,.,,.. .. ft. .-.rd WI a.a. x.._ ...... lot wtdl .,.U. _, = , ,_ f'OC' ...... o'1 :p&Q V--...t _. ~ ll:ir ........ ..,.,... ~ a.ta"=-aq. First Time Offered BPA.UTDQ l'f9 IDJ..IHG ! NO READ· AOD:I! ~ Jl&'9 you • prolll Ml'Ul\I ft~ ca.,. Work me.a at --tMa flit )191" "-t rooc. • ~-.,&.a• chm,.. with UL hU ,... - eona.ta « Nlllllq And eol· 1-----------i.cu.c mo.ey ,,._ oar m&• cnt• ln th11 ..,...._ To qvall- CX:&AN VlllW LOT, 90::l.:l00. uW.. tn, oJub 6 Mac.la JN1~, uooo -$1000 dowit -tllO,... fy you mwit ba.,. 1 car, ~· lr'9DCM, IMO cul:!. ID HCUrt te"1t.o.-y aad l.nventoey. Dr- •oUAc • to 10 nour. • Wffk l<) bu.tnMe, your 1ru1 on porn::w· lace of coUeetlon llhoutd run tip tQ •100 werttily, w1th 'lery 2 JO<>d po.CbtUtla or takift.c over t11ll Ume. lnc<1me ln- cn...i.nr •ocordiqly. I"« ~w hai..m.w. tnellldt phool lD 11pllcatl<1n. Box Wd, N-.... Prea. lllpTtl ·~- blldma. hom.. sood l<lc'albi f7IOO, low down.. :s botdnn. home Pt60 -11260 dn. BUSINESll Bt.00 .. N•wport a.ch. On I Iota 111,DOO - •~ down. rtatur. • equip- ment tncludld. l:xchUl,.. f<1r home, lot or boat? Ideal Location For RCl.IDl:NCll ANO SNACK SHOP JOHN VOGEL, Rltr. ORlVIC-IN UQUOR 8TORW: H1 N. Newport Bl•d G-SHOP o-~ vuiq., <1ppoalU U' J. Hoar H<>q(tal. LI 8-1617, IVU Ne11t L<1 Shoppln( center. La.rr• LI t-tllMI or u 8-1811 tot aa a UT Ud bWldlq .. 1-------------For •ppolatmenl, caJ.l Chari .. !I R.etm.ltr, Q..._,., O.y.. Ha.r 1816 -ICve.. LI 8-6788. HA VII MON'rT 6 Ume lo ln· v•t In emall prontabi41 bual- n-ln H~r &l'l&. Ptopoel- Uon 111\lft it.and ~ tn· v•Uca.tlon. wni.. Dmt V-41 thL& P.Pft'· 8k10 BAYSHORES nRST TRUllT DEED MON'l:l' available Qn S.y Sh.or. 1~._. hold e1!.1.te1 8"\ C&IJ Juhn "'" HARBOR INVESTMENT ro. Hu, lf!OO, l'VM U 1-:13311 19"71 I 11 & 2nd T. D. Loan• s.r.<1nr at! On.1111 CoWltJ Trust Dereda Bought A Sold Royal Mort9a9e Co. $13,000 Only $2500 dn. Lee. fa.mily llvin.a', 4 bdnM., 1:i1 bat.ha dbl. plua pr. A ahop or NmJ>'d rm., On nower St, 'T'h1I la a "mll8t 9ee" Exclusive with A C. TONY PETI'ITE Ra.I tor 212.i Harbor Bl•d~ U •-~22 Opp Stahr'• Mltt.. LI 1-!Wll7 $4-450 &auliful R-t iot 75 x 300. On 9"/'f!rl, good loc. Build 7 Unit.a on tht.! '2 down! A C TONY PEill IE R.ultor tlH HutJor Bl•d.., U l-0622 Opp. Bt.aht'I _...L U I-M&T BACK BAY SITE . .. ............. ..__ .. ~ »Cia JllOlll,,.Uml .... ~ Ulli tl'MO t. --: • Dunc11~e#Y .. At UM a-. .. U.4tiw" Leta~ a.t U.. at.. lbA "'11 BALBOA ISLAND 0,.. a.. 14 p.a. dall)'. 1JI eown.. l::ltra --' IMdna. I batA Maw.._. t.... I a..uW'W wllt. oe IO r-t troatap. Oom~ .....,,. ed a.Qd dloont.ed, lecladnc tw.ltUrt.. t O.tipltul .,.u. a.d nSOI .W. GI '-1· I --and 2 bedtm. _ ... _. Ml,000 • : Phone Harbor I 014 VOGEL co. Balboe Island Office tNrxt ~ to P.-Oftllc»~ 1IMI M&riM Aft. IC¥ft . H•r. MJI, Ru. lllt-ft South of tho Highwey in Corona clel Mer Tw<1 cui. UlU. bouAM l~ 11.nd lWQ Mdrom& -.ch/ -~)' • •ttracll•tly ~ Wll.b wall to wall cupet. DottJ pin.I tilt.non, ud Pf'llltY p&UO.. ( tM.t D&tld • pwa t.bwnlt), ll )"OtJ wUll • cbal'm1nc uw. bome plua • moo.lh.ty Income, -qa Ca.r· naUm, OP&N IA.TVlU>AT 6 SUNOA T I to a.. J:xdulrhoe W1Ul, Mariners Isle Rftv. JI& W.artrW A•• .. Balboa f.iand HllLtbor 4Tll Newport Special Heights $15,000 KOOen:i 2 btdl-. ~ .. t. q11l11t •ctMt. ~ ..... ,,_. fl'Oelt yud. ~ - Tent111 ca.n b11 .,.,........ Harbor 6123 Ralph P, Maskey RIULTOR H02 N.-pon Bl•d. Nptl. &h.. Lit&:• oonwr lot-110 it 80 tL a•ll NtwpOl't ~ MOit dMll"&bi. -=Uon or a..c-WANS TO IJ'TJll.D, DIPRUV£, BUY, MOOGUflZE, OR R.l:rtN Al-11..:E 8ay •rte.. 18000 ML ... , Wa BuJ i'naei u..dl w w s nf d 'N'r\VPURT BAL8tJA SA. VINOS m. . a or • WAH A.&8U(..,ATION & ASSOCIATES 1361 VI• Udo Pb. Rat ~. lb.lb('& IM&Jid I 11 and 2nd T.D. Loan• I Tru11l IJtt.d.I Bought It. Solt'! lt-hour plwn1t Mrv1r• Balboa Island $ s s s a.run, •l \ow, kJw pric» -"""°° .,. ao'9. Wlt.l ~ et 1'° ft. Weill ~lad 40 _.. ba.L W•ter . .._... c.i ..._ a.lo city. S.t land -.tu. t. CouCAJ -=tion of ~ CowiitJ. "'T'cru ww pay eapu . .i p1M tf.lf on thla." Harbor 1549 3 RDR.M turn. home wltll I•"' ORANGE COAST '°''' •IL N.._r NortJI. S.J BJ PROPERTIES owner Harbor 1"9. 4lttc 1~7 ~rwpc>rt Bl•d .. Co.ta .MeM ~ Dode• 6 r'ord I -llot.00 lf\I Mvbw A•._. B&lbl:la Uil&.nd CHRf&. • 0.£ -lrro _l\IOOO Ph. Hubor 4-44 or R•rbior 10111 STUUll:HAK.&R .-l1200I R.e9. H&r :S112t·R or Hu 1129 Rj8At.80A lSl~A"'D:l ~ml tuni OU.16. 6 PONTI.AC I _JUO 00 Mlle 11.omt "n r;rand !'anal F'lr,,_ T~rn1ln•l J·!'llll.~ 4191 'I fiAJ.HIVti 1"11.A"l' '"•r l_v I! ·' tr•<llV• 1•1&1& apt f"l.ITI J t.drm Prl••l• f'ntrent'• Will irq11lp dnubl• or twin be-I&. 1.;.aJJ Har 3046-M b'f!w,...n 11 lO • 1"~11: t:i,::-iT •.•L 1 .... ,lrn' 4-b&Lh hutnf llnfurril.lhed J2!<60 L.ci'l' '.OJ,20Q S~•r 7:Std LI 1-1132 Ev• U t<J.tOO 6 Sant.A Ana. A'' IO nf'W I -------------h<1mtt lt>lnl" llp •tlJACf'nt "''11 LOANSfor Homes !.~ ""'~' 6'\ -211 t t..oan1 ''"•l•1f1u11t · )' NUH ·uo.Ot•I-------------pl-.c• p&UQ, 1 f'&r (&l"&l'f' K4••n •uo.oe LIDO ISLE I Adult• Tiii Jun• 1/lth Pti.on .. 1 "'" m""'" Construction Loans SU BOB IA T'f'liR liUD90M I•) (I lllatm) -'14000 F'or TM.rt)' A Wlnt.eT Rental liar Jtlt·M •"~• Kflll<llt'I! PHONE' HARBOR JOii VOGEL CO BAI.BOA ISLAND OFPJCE PLDI IJll'llTA.LL4TIOl"f SEE 1-1723 '1•yw l\At-10 Qi-i O.U, I to e liloed.y 'to 1 p. m.. •'*'1 ll to J !Dock-~ ...... .,ur ~ ..,_ t.-.. P*et. &.ad o6J 'i p •n. or Sund•' 89<'7 I Ullll ICA.!11' OOArT 111..\'D Coron• dorl Mar Harttor UU R..p. PUIR~ MORTUAOa OU Mel.Ta LU• In.&. rundlc IC &_.,la& BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS IJO&hd9t. lDMJl4 LOA.lf CA.U -,.,.,.. TOWINQ BT.1.TW BOHDm> AUTHORIZED STUDEBAKER SERVICE P11-IU"'t WOl'lt ou.r-le9d JOE NICKERTZ p • pm.lm~r tn(' ol• b.an.oa cm'llP911.)', mcmi JU.I, VI• Udo -H&r ll!(IO JTOO w. C.O..t Hlpway Ll1*t;y l-60TJ rental• n .. r bet,('h I bedroclm apt. JIM> lr>rl u\U t bidroom apt 1Ml lnl"l. uta C!all Hat'. IN Uc10 'N'ut Door to Pooit orn .... :.t08 Marine A'"• Ev•• H•r at~. Har J 2.29 R ""' 81llel-----------l---------I NF.:\Y 2 BDflM.. n.JR."I APT $110 pPr roonth. UU11ue1 lncl>Jdf<:I ni.. Id~ &nc1. bath. P&.na.1· •Y h•t. TV antenna. ~ av&.ll W\nt.r TW1tal S10 A.Jva.. NEW 2 8droom tum.. h<1m. (~n hunt. 15100 p.r mo lit! JUM 1110\. H.&r, 188-"> PENINSUU. • NICE AREA U9:f'andllbed apu.. wttb IPJ'tl'• t a 1t. -1t0 • J a R. -1110 Pll. Ru. 12'4 i;:.,-. Hu I&. .... u S ROOM "°""· nicely f11m . <:lean. all cnnv.nlancea.. l60 Wat.r pd JO 1-IU! or H•r U11-R, f,11 l:Mt Bay A"~ llalboa. TOc1! ~ ..,,,,,, .. A.•11.U.bN I llllns11. l dou..blt •pl. Complet.iy fUl'lll-'t\Ml flfl.lly m •kl wrvlrf' A.lao ronm with pnvalf' bath 131H w .. r I l<'Ml'l l"ront l'J~pcorl R••rll Harbor ~tl~7 &4tfr 2 SMALJ.. apte In dQwnt<1wn BaboL Teo1rty ,..,,l&ll '32 )0. \nrhldlnt \lllllll" Har, 2112l·R 10cT2 ta.ck! Pl~ BalbM. KA 1111·M. 117ttr BAY \.'IF'\\' 2 b<lnn •pl, VPfY nlNtly fUrTI T\' n1bbf'r Ulio flt• Jre w1rdrvbf'ol (OC>d l"&t Ii..,, blk IQ Kh.ool 'IOM to &JI.• ~•lltnt b<'h UlllLU•• included, s1i.-.. -· 1119 w a.,. Av• H&.r SIM 117Ut RALRl.lA l81..A."0 811.v f'1"1nl l/•vrl\t ,,_ m~m 1 1-lnTI hnme p•Uo UBI..! SIS."> p•r ""' tor "'·lnt"'r BLANMiE GAT&<I }l1Ltbor 1~71 1\81'10 49-R.ooim9 for !'S"--- Attn. lnv•stors F'!l"&t tn11t ~ YTI ft•r'bot &nlll propertl"• av•tl•bl1 at II to lj". lnUtf<'tl\ 2ntf t.rutt d_.ja Ill d1• rot>Un U llP l!> !W•, Sell le••t Dack lnv•tmt'!!I• paylnr 10'< net Bt'f' Martprv l.a&n 0.p• Th" Vore.I Co M•ln Ottlr•. 3201 W Coa1t H!wy 1"""1>CIM BoM:h. LJ 1-3481 fl,,tft 43-B--HOWM!9 for Keat ATTRACTIVE roe>m •nd bl.lb ----NE· EOED FOR BALBOA. tum. 1lnK1• 1pt IY'llll I ~c._;;:.._:;c:;::;:c_:.;;c_:::;::;.__ MONEY dKk.. bay •t-. JM! A\Jll'l o.-e•n B•' ....... IS' • ~ V I pt1.,._t, flnlr&IM'P, ld..,.t lllC9 2N0 ,....._,..,. .. "1.~ ,._r Y Han 31)7 J.. ark• p u r H&r lST 6 tronl 1J•-'1 apt lllO. P'lllHl:K -··\ .,,_ --jl• n• .... ·~...... '"-,.,.,.,..,_.. , ""'" 2nTRK •tl•r 4 11.nd -k-e-nd• TRUST DEEDS A CO. Har. 44:9 7g.,.72 mi• l'•"IW 112..~ n10 plu• lltp7 -uMlltl"" p,..nd-orJr•U 12 s _ _ _ 1 ln'1•1tmtnt well .-.ured NllW 2 W..... unfllrnlah~ UP. M11.rtnt At"• ff1r 1331 tk11 CHAR.Ml.NO fl'Oflt roo1!'1 In new by ftMI ltll•I• 111.•IT'll apt <1n My front Dotk· __ ----_ _ llotrle. Pfff•r man. Gar avail lfp to lZ"\ Yield •It'• epa<"ll. Built-In T'Al11'• 11.nd UNP'lJRNlfl:Hl:D :S bl<lroom, I 't H•r.._r 812!'t oven H&r. t197 70!'12 LJ l·M&4. 67cfl9 .,.. balh llOm._ V•ry qwet __ __ CLYDE l<EYER. Rite. Royal Mort9a90 Co. BALBOA Pll.N1N8ULA nl~ly rurn 3 nn •P' onJv 18~ P"r rnnnth lo J\lly 1 In Ill.et! ('nuplP IW Ea.9l BalOO. Blvd. flk.10 312 Jtfartne A•e . 81ltw>• r&1&11<! ~t.oree a Offklm ----·_., ________ ,\'VANT l.\:!-00 l'rl•alt ft1nda Harbor 2111!'> e.A.LBOA lSLA.Jt.'D Winter nr.nl-~-I ....... "'~ .... op"-LA On Ocean Blvd. On '1ay ff'Mll Har IOff Mtfc a blidrm a11d maidl rll(lfll ph.11 VJ'V8UAL JlUTPUL ln .-ni· ~ hoWll! Bolh f111"11Mbed • Ground Floor 10· ... Jnd TO. OTI P/1.000 '1 I •rtf property. 70' -1mmln1 pool C.Qfnplf>t, .-ctu11J Kl 3-0724 Mr10 -- IJndh<lr( School 0 w n" r LI 1-~4l A LI S-MIJ Mc:TO BY OV.'NER 4 8R-. 2 BA11i8 Tl!:AR 01.D C LUB£ TO t!CHOOL.8 I.? 1·~12 <1r HA l"1·W llk7J T"''O BEDROOM <1ld"'r ~ I hlorlf to Udo IUtopptq c.ni.. M tt. lo CMIA1 .wtmml•r bdl TIO) H.IOHDT. clTyMt. ~ tplt tn <'.'ORONA DEL ~ IAtlJI lot, bli&l'tnc onui.p t,--I bdrm&.. I'' b6tha. ,! •. t.00. "1th ·~ ..... 1 t•rm•. CLYDE MEYER, Rltr. 112 Mvtnl An~ B&lb!'.111 la&.nd H&rbor SMS P,leed •t Ofll7 J11,l60 w11.h ------------ SJl!!oO OOWit 1 m• )"b9 1-). Lo- r & lil'.!n aloof w\JI .ell I.hi• Mu"" 8-it lod•y C.11 Mr Rldcw•Y •l H•r ~Ill ftALBOA B.\T PRQPICRTIE8 J!'IOL'I W B&lboai B/t"d U.71 Nl':A" lU.ftBOR HJGH JMOO tuml9hed 2 bdrm f"tre>pl&l:lt UBQ ll!l2 Redlandl Pl llllc CLIFF HAVEN 4 bedroom&. 1 balbrQOSJie, lup 11"1n• nn .. kJt.u-and ~ POITh 2 t'&.r l•rarr. fllle*t .. • ....,..!\, 86 n.. )gt. All fQf lll,000. f'ORD Vl:RJUHDER. Ree.l l»talfl 81"1)kf!I', MO Pofn. ... tua. Oorvn• del M'.v. ~· H11.rbor 4~ Mo:TO Cl.ll'THAVEH -NEW Ci)ntf'nt- J>Clftl.I')". I ~..... I f\lll ll•lM. Ul.300 U f'TIOT tk71 LETTUCE lhow yo11 UU. attractive 2 ~. l>(><nft °" • ...u located ft..2 ltll. P\lnly of roem tM UI .0· itiUGD&I unlL Pnclld np.t at Sll,500. (k)c)cl WfmL • PAUL JONES, Rlty. 2t1101 w . ....-... mW'tt M~ Ull B•lboe Income : A "IOlll. &UnCIUve ...... 1" ('.bok'e Bl•d ....... 8-4lfC. ..,.._ AU U"' kltdl. 6 baUIL .I .. I S. R. lllftlt.I wttlt p ...... 8on\!I 009&fl ...... ~ - tro.ii ot i.t; for IUl8'Mr:'lr- unll. JM,000. 1-..... Ullu&DJ. OW,... 9111 I ;br -an --o"*9r -~ pqment. ..... ~ ~: • no -1 lltdm.. ~p1 ... C-plet.. t7 flarUllMcL Ymutr. H_,. "-7 ... -... Wat.w ,.W.. Har. ..,. TtcTt tropkal ~ .... rftO. f\11'1'. Ot"ulookl.af boU:l bllM:t.. .nd lttei. lltlllt:Mll • ...,........ lf.lf .ad\llh'll ,... ~ 1?000 a. ~ ....... K&r, MlJ..W ,.... IMK1l oa yn le&M, • OFFlt.1!'.8 OR STOR.ES For Leue In - Harbor lovmmeat Co. Bide. 30th It Newport Blvd. Har. 1900 MeH·Herbor Rea9v IOt o..teT llt. LI ~ c.a .... &'ft ...,., _..., FROM ow""" ,....,.., M Business Bldg, -------------1 eom.M«-ellJ bu.Udta1 to U6.000 Pl'loM Kut.or Nl8 tk'TO 111 Newport. llOO -., It. w1lll "' MODSltM uolra ft +n •,,. ..... M.Wll .. u. .,,.,..lei. JC-. JI • A.hdlM Trdw Pol1. 1627 l'fft'POl't •I.&. o.&a -70pTI 1iiit -• rt. n..&JGlfOO 0..- t.-1N11L 1 ~ ...... Ober-f0p11 ... ...,..... ...... o.lt., ...... u MIU attlt' 1 ... 48-~pa rw &eat -...,.um.. JW 1.,.nor. TW.UU.T 1s+1w11t m Mattn1 C )(. .. ,TO • .AVL ...... 1-.i. I 11nr11 ~ aM I Al •pt. Nm. uW. pdl .. rent '30 to tlO ,,...,.. mOl'lt.11 A••ll now C":•ll •tfW'IU Prf'n<:lf't ,...., fur 1:131 nr JU.Min 11 Har 1rt1 !Ultfr -11 l----~---~-1W. Ii:. nsm:R It .... Ui .... SX.u.L l BORK.. Apt. tao. 30H Cout Hwy. COl"Ofl.& df:I Kar UUll.U" ,..tel &nd alee up.ual'nl H&r 60U. .,... Bar S41Q.W l&r-P t Bdrm apt_ 1110. Ut06-u.. pi.Id. 8oUl KTNm llll'fft lfEWPOftT Nicely rum II r~ Udo •~n.c IOt-IQt"° room bomt 0..-..n vt-. fenc- Clfb Hl'.!'ll• A .. R.t.r. 121tW ed t-td. •• ,..... chfkllTfl 0 k --Tl M& mo. LI 8·"1f 8fc71 I &ORM tum •pt. ~'1of.n l'ftltlil. ttu JT7 or Har tt,. an"' • pm. .. ,,, DEL\TU 2 ~ f\l!'lllebld apt J>rtnte p.Ua \\ -.tock to -" tr-oat SI" pn mn \ttllltJe1 f'l'ltl 0-•l'\f'r H•r 47 r;..,. Har i\JAI Hr71 2 BDRM HOU9W: n)C91y turn~ 110 mo. 11UI pd W'lntw ,__ tAI. 104 Alnl"MID Pl-.cll, 891- bofa. ff•r 'fK.JI tk'TI turn 1'1<1iiae fLtTPl- Ont t>nu.,. lro1n ba)' H•r 2-.ot-W tTOfUt BVIJ..DINO FOR L&Aa1 tbll .. tNll.--0on eo.ta. •-•t 1 m ,. __ port B!t"'d. DAVT, 3432 H•r M49 Via Op•rlo ...,, IMAU. mndeni bid(' 14' ll 24 ', l~•tfl<I ., Ultl'I • Pl•ctnU• Ill Colrl• M-. ,,. mo l~I. Mtil!U- Oll) aa.. 8 R.aLml..-. <t&J• lt• 1•1._...,.,.. U M1aA ti O,.,.fCll an l'f. N'-poH Bl•cl nr Kftal' HOlplla.I Wiii ?Wit or '-unrum •l J8!\ mn '"' 11' ,,..r mo r1u11 LJ I t:ll4 nr LI • f772 70..7, WOULD UK& TO 8UT '80M OWNER 2 bedrm. tune. 11&1- boa <1r Newport. W111 Pl'1 ut;i to J1000 4n. and ITO mo. aub- mlt. ~tv Bo~ x..:t. Utlll plpt!'f ~70 Tr.ACHl!:R • P'AMlLY .-res nllkt t.ome \fl B&l'IM>a 1alaM - Coron• .,... 10 110.000. "'°' .-n•ll d-n paymt111l. Har 2411·M tk'TO I ~CO t.O'rW rar ._ 6 m• '1111m prtrM 1'1"'11H Wtl1 pa¥ c-..h 8"1·1 p1'1r~ lor&l\()ft and ,.,.., 111 W-ll•r <"1'9«" tl~ll W ) 7"')1 @\ ,,.... An.Piii 8~1f~ _ ........... '" .-. .,., 2 Hom" $13 nnn 11&.IOO ... di ~ ~ Will ~ 1-WIUt ..,.,,.. ~ W7 ta On a ...... llll , ..... , asca rt1bl J*f'l7, ,._ eio. .. t1;;0 .... .... __ _ DAS A J4COBlll!N. RM.1 l:lt&te H.a.rbW Mii LI 1-97:)1 Kl 1-Jll'f U M217 CORONA DEL MA.ft R-2 1.nt loutll <1t Hlpwa)'. Chotce ioc.uoia. U ~TDa - H&f. UM...... lk70 OOSTA ..,..,,, N-:S t>ldrm • 11,-\ ktb, 810. ....iic. -irr• MJl'bl JI I a.'\O Sl"OO rto•n 17!1 mffl!lh 2,_ p_,,_ IA~ I.I 11·713:1 M(11l ---DA.If A.. JACOaa&lf, "-1 aitaca --u a.11s1 ID a.:IJIT LI -..St OOftUWA Im. JIAA BT OWlUR.. 2 ..,._ ..... T.V. rooft'I. K.W. n.o.rt. --.,,. llltchrm. lalould W, ma..,._, "-bUwla. ~ e11...._IL 1i9ci. h-i.rubr.aped Ila.Mt Su. 111tJfC en.., 1 p.m. lttfl • GOU>E\t ANNIVERSARY .._ .$ ....... . ......... _NEWPORT-MESA REALTY 17911 liwport m.a. Caola- Eveo u (1.7237 LI uao& ' OVERLOOKING BACK BAY 95 Ft. X 110 It. Tb.iii beautiful restricted lot ~t reduced $000 for quick l&le 29% down. $68:;() Full Price. HOME and NEW DUPLEX Very nice two bdrm. home with patio and la.th bOWlt and new duplex now nnted at $130 per month. Located on 2 ~ut.iful adjoining lot.I with ~y fruit lree9. Cloee·in on Flower SL n.-St; ' Only $26~ witb $8:!00 Down PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON 1861 Newport Blvd., Co.ta M.eea Pbont Ll M781 Eves. Har. "366 . ' . SPEclALS -· * VIEW * BA'(SHORES * eretllmit Wge hu11ily hCClll In· eluding • bedroom" lip. llv· Ing roorn and bar·type klt-- cbvi, many bplll·lna, clOM \0 prlvale beach In choice r• 1trlced comrnunlty, J:ll.MIO. * CLIFF HAVEN * Cli• m1lnir llon'I .. on a Lu•e eor- per lot, be.ft.uUtuUy l&n~•P-­ t•t. 4 be<JroonlJI, la.t1ai. 21\tO bath•. a "'"' t\Jl.d at pr..ooo "C" THOMAS R"EALTOR 1.nd ASSOC1A TES W. CC:lut HJ.&hway U 8·~27 N IWp<>r\ Beath . ' • • • • W. A. TOBIAS ~ E. l7thJI~ (Conle< TuoiJA) PboriO U S.lt.39 • ·ST. · HUBERT WOOD TUSTIN'.S FINEST RESIDENTIAL AREA Thhl siled.room and den horn• will pleue Uie n'o.t d!Aertmtnauns buyer. 2000 9q. fL or Uvtnr area. NIOll 1aTp room a, 2. \I all Ult t.tha, ~t·ln Hb'tpotnt range, oven and dWI· waalltl'. 8h&Xe rOot. M&uUtul nreplac:9 wttn ral&ed het.rlh. Th1a u on • 117 1L fl'Ont.r• lot for on.Jy $31.500. e.. Ulla ct1ttom b\illt i.om.. a bedroom• and IHo. 2~ b&W. S...uutW Cl.tpllina: and d.r•p- m-. 2•00 aq. n. ""'" you large, at"' "'°~ DtMm • kllCben With tM.111'·1.n Hotpotnt ~ ovu anti dishwub4r, 2 ftrep&acu tot oom· fort&~ llvtnr. Patio Ud a nilly landllcaped yard with .prtn1tler qaUm. SIWt'.a roof, o•eratnd prar• oo a Jarca Jot. THEW ALTER H. l .. EIMERT CO., Land Develop@n, fSOft Crenahi:w Blvd., L. A. v' WALKER & LEE, Exclusive Sales 17982 Santa Clara, KI U792 v' Best Buys Corona del Mar ' Agent BIB 'C' THOMAS 'C" THOMAS I. y' ~HORECLJFFS, Modern spa.clous 3 bedrm., 2 bath home, with aepuate din. room plua breakfaat room, enclosed a.nd covered patio, di1hwa.aher, garbage diapoaal, wired for 220V, service porch. Car~ted complete and drtf)f;S included. Bargain at $41,MO. 238 E•ening Canyon road. LIDO ISLE Lido Waterfront COSTA MESA Dbl. Pier & Slip a lledroom-2 Ba!U C bednae.. J batlw on ••con d S-1. z.ai.ld• loo&Uon. Lovely noor, l bed.room IUld ball! ori (Meed ~Uo. bullt-in r&a«e A UMi ttrst. TbU Home tt on a ovet1., nr.tpla.,.e, dhl. ,..,....e on SPARKLING -FISHER- VALUES nn• UDO NORD lol. lt haa an I p&-9 •lley Bha.ke roof nak ... 9Ct.J1C elnator tool tA.f'fl• floors and vnly l yuir old I '" llYillC rooin. d ln In J room, A•ldns Clil,000 •·tlh IMOO dov•n bru..ldaat bar, modern kJlclle.n. BALBOA PEN!NSULA. 3 bdnn1 , 2 bll.Uia. on U1·ean Blvd EnJoy bcaeh h1·m1 '> OPEN HOUSF: 1 · 5 p. m. until sold. 11 A RARITY. Li'S8 than 1 block to ocean tronl 2 ,bedrms., 2 batha, hardwood flra., FA heat, nice patio. On 40 ft. lot, Com· plete!y furnished -only 2 yr•. old. $27 ,000. l'.:xclusive with us. A blU'p1n at STll,000. A LIDO LOVELY Duncan Hardesty REALTOR ~A.t th• Bride"• tn Udo l.Ut'' L&tayetU at &2nd BL. H .. r 4711 I BILL'S Best Buys LIDO ISLE Hom• envlronmtnl U1•t •P pro&.CMll Utt ld-l ThrM' U.-11 TQGlna, 2 ~lt!lnll bath.• A bri(bt ,......,rlul klU:l'lE'fl ..,.llh built·IA O"ttn nui1e1 M11.1111l"'" JI' P . and a dl.nLnr are& th1tt civ.. SJ*c. lov .. .-. rooni to rnoT• around ''''Lb -Th 11 ll yr. old Ji,oine I• on a hoq~P k>L Wllleh &lloWll tar th-. """' al&ll paUo &ea th.la lt • pnc~l rlcht at $31,00Q or '3'1 :o,o)(I hn ntllhlld. W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor ANO ASSOClA TE.fl "You'll Ukt our CrknlllY •rvi~ fOO g I Tlh SL, 0r::mta M- t,.(Mrt)' J..1118 ltvta. U 8·86M Excellent lnveotment ON BALBOA. 18LAND BHOULD Nrf II,. QR KOU 8W.ART modf!rO lrlpl•x 1'1-t 1"&rll an4 Topq. on •:irtra .t..c! loL 'nvo 1 bdrm 11plJI . and. a 1 bdn'n. apL HUJI! ll&i'I ru• r'OCMTl & ba.th. TV ~l'kll, )lalllien thowl!r & dr-l'IJ room '#IUl auto. -Ill• and "prs.-. sxct.. RENTAL Hl.t.ory. Bel· i.r h1'fTY on I.hi.I' Ottered f\I~ ...... ~ hill pric .. Merinen ·Ille Rlty. JU ~ A-.. Ba!tma l.ian4 Ba.l1:Mn' ,181 A CUTIE ~ .. a ,c.n. ~ u a ldltm. tlill CM ...... MMll I bdrm& .............. ,... ............ ta ..U at 113,760 or ndrht u.61 ((Ir l&rpr hQl'ft•. llolUp}e u.llhJ RO(!«,ltor G. B.. L.A.TRROP. fWA]tor MIS &. 0-•t H1i•wa7 CJilJlrGB& dotl Mar u..r. IMO K-. Har. 51.:t $13,!IOO 3 bedl"OOm&, top E.a..ULde localinn I on CO.la MMA •t.nel near Ir vlne nn:oplai:e, dbl•. J•nLltl:' ' w..U to wall e&rJ*. A drapon Included. Th.I• hom• ,... cham1 ED JONES, Rltr . 1.nd A8&0Clil t<'ll ll1911 Harbor Blvd .• ro•t11 ).\,.11n Now! Move . '" U"«•l\I fl mon1ht <•l•l hr1m" 1r1 H•rb<lr Ht,rhlan'I• -• U••n "' "'t'"'f>''rt Br•• h Al! "'" n1111! work n11a ~n donf' ftor ,\fl•• I ·unipll't,.)y l•nd11t Kpf'd A r .. nrf'<1 l.Avf'IV ~MlfW'M,.. 11nd m•nV .,(Iler .... t..-.. fV.11r J1,·1n~ ,,~,,.,., OP"'nll'\lt to P•Uo w11n "' ~t ~.000 brl• k• Thi• hnm•· h,.• h11rrf,.:""'1 ri.~·r• 11n.1 I """'" "" 111r h11alln1t ""d 11 !1>r~·· Ma•tl'r l>tu,lr<><lm -.·1111 p11\'11t. i:Mo.tn fh•tllf'r tr11Me1tr•I 1., I Buriiank. f\<in 1 w11.11 ,.,,., ca.n nirw1> lrl now $24 '11(1 •"t•-I mlt <fo'WTI pAYmenl THE VOGEL CO. 3201 \\' C<.ut Hlghwft\' Ubtrty l,~IJI l':ve U R.77311 VACATION HIDEAWAY TWo bedroom h.ouM:, l '1 blo.-11• I~ OC:.,.n. N~•r ~tOn"ll $.tl'lM) LOWEST PRJCEO In 1'1\\' UmLtll Good n!nl•I"' · OCEAN FRONT Two 'l·~m unit.a, tll1'nlllhrd Good llK'o~. Only s:i,!KlO Cood t\nanclq. N.8.C. Realty 32nd • Newpor\ Blvd. ltar M .... 1406. al lt1 bf-1t ltl covened pat.Jo which JOln,. houtM! 1uul l lar1e bdrm . .t. ti.th In ,.,,.,. lileat tor ro~Bl~-older mt1n- b.!r or lh" !~11uly. or tttn· 11ger S\9.!IOO "Ith .. nl\-,3~,1¥1 <Jn 3 11 BA i' FRONT JiOME. with pier arul float and ;! 11lipB. Firet tlme offered. 4 bedrm1., 3 hath11. Carpeting and drapes included. Located 1n Bay Shores Need J say more! Call for appt to ~. J>rice<l at $89,~. \Viii consider trade? '' ' BAL Bf/ A F'.t:;NlNSPLA . MIRA.MAit I •H l l'Mlrma_. 6 yeu1 old, -"1<-e tir .. pl••" llllchen b11r •un11y 1u1Uo Jwit S\8,•00 r.irn. 3 l'NITS 0'\l.UOA. l•ne l bdrm Ont• 2 Wrn1 (Ir\~ 1tudJI). Ntt<la llOrfl.f!. flxln1r •. I' up. bUl gOCMI lnturnr rro- OUPLF'..X Bl':ST BUY. So. of llighway, 2 bednn. borne. 2 baths in front plua 1 bedrm. houae 1n rear. Sho'>l.'l!I gQ(\(f 1nromt-. Better 1-iURRY on this onr J>riced at $1/;,750 Both un1la furnished. <lu1·er u I,., l'J<>-t.o .t•·•JOJ •wtmm\ng tlf'arhe11 ,,.,.M,, A ~y. Jld,~I rosTA ME~A. c bdnll. 2 bAlh C'on1plet~11· ln1•1Jal ed ll'!'ar Y•n1 f••J\(',.•I Bli: dbl ic•r•~·· F"\11! pn~·., c.nly $11 ltM "Ith $~1!1iJ dn <;' f'08TA MESA pnrr thl' wt'l"k. <>fll}' $\U 7:.o rur 3 b<.lrm. 1 •, b>tlh• h"n\,._, Y,,'irl'd ((Jr e.Jf'( 1tov ... Univ $2000 down, Dal 1"•• ll\lln rPnt 11l '6" l>O I"'' "'"· l I" n rr ••Y• ll flllJ•I hf' ""l.t 1.hl• -~· FISHER & co. 2!J-03 !'.°f'"'f"'r1 RI''" Nr"·port Be•rh HA• bor 44111 I <icly ur nlj:'tot i fllloo •1 PRICE REDUCED !'!lilii:-." 11l:L /.t.\h 011rn,.r 11r1•1ou• I" ... 11 1h•• •n•"li ""' ver" 11 ...... r.nl~ J 1 .... 1,,, "'"' flf 1 "" ' ot 1· -~ "'""n,.•: ""'! n«,fl\ ~···,.cht ,.ft"' 1tr .... t~ 11·• on!v • ~hr,r! 1\I• t11rre lro tn .. t.-•-h l"'' "''' ,·an ••••1n1 ~ th• 4 , 1: r J,,~,, nr f"'fln11nre to •uH \'nil ('1111 n .. w '""•pp! t.; - Duncan Hardesty lti:ALTOll "Al the Bridge tn LiOO llllf' l.ilravttte. 111 :12n<J ~l, H11-r •7111 Little Balboa Island rr It 11 a 1r'"clo11•, 1unn,· "'"11 built J bedroom homf' "'Hh • rood lrif'otne •fMlrtment '1 fir~ plae91, Pffk vl"w ot th• Hay 1only 100 fMt aw•y 1, rom· pletel)' and rilc.<'ly furnl•h..:I un 1i.11l"'bk! L.lttk l•land. U\111 uo II' 1And you'd bfott~r hurr\•t Only •33.SOO. PhoM now fur 11.n appolnt~nl Marintra Isle Rltv. 318 Marine A.••·· Balbo& I.la/\4 Karbur •T81 BACK B.A T. aouua ol Ji(-Dr. o.ii.. a bedrm. hom•, pn.p. r.nced Utd 1-ttac.pad. 1- ~ pafmeftla Gil G.L a.:L nJ,TllO ... SS UlUui Pl-. o.tA .v.... u a.t'Tll. l6e'r7 a.DTBA VllN. I a rs• 1MJtC rvocn, dhWll" room, tptaca, HW noon. t Jktrooma. tilt kltc.htn and ti.th. paUo, 2 csr prag~. f~ Ownt'r 1 .. 1 !·M:IO • ' 8ip71 MEMBER OF t.rUl.TIPLE r.I STING8 CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. !'RICE T . McClnSTION, Rf'a.ltor & A111oclates 3147 E. Co:iat Hwy. Coron1. del t.1ar H&r. 41 !Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, Cdb1J .LIDO ISLE Q\VNF:R ANXIOl1S 1'0 SELi., a bt'drm 2 bath \O'>l.'f'l!lt pr1C'.-d bay front .... -1th pi.-.r and float. -1 4 bedroom. 2 bath df'ilght!ul hur•\t''. wide insid" lot r:"tlt'!Jll111ud trrms, $4.3,500. BAY SHORES J H It. 2 bath rum. \'Cry euy ti-m1a Onlv $,l~_.'10'"1 3 BR 1 bath furn. largest lot. 123,500 :.! Ii P. 2 hath furn. very attrneti\'l' ~28.000 4 B It. 3 bath dC'llghtful bomc nr b,:a.:b ~3;) 500 COSTA MESA :? L~ It xlnt ron·l l~aut. gruund11 $1000 tin l. S1dP Bus1nl'88 tJrop 1801 Nl'WpCir1Rl\•d,1 buy $36,500 10 .000 aq ft. romn1crr1al blrlg, lr·a.'lf'rl SR.'"'11 mri MYRTLE DAVY , I IC'lrn Baum 8-0b Realtor Smith & Assoc. .. 111.zel Condon Harbor 5«6 HA.r. 1017.J 3432 Via Oporto ~Vet!. LI 8-5297 LI 8-1700 BF.ST BUY8 Tt ,p VALUE HOMES Oil 1'.I HU~INESS J_,()T l 1-1rm .. 2 bath paved SL 1111cl ~hll'w"lk, oul•l~nitlnlE valur at .$.1l.,4'YI $17~ cl<'lwn 'II~ mn Xlnl 3 ho!>drm hwd fl.,. fl"'· plll<''I', Baf'k BllV 111·c11 $11.V~. • 1,1i ?b io.n -S7 l n10. C 1 lot. BOx:.:.O. 11r 8hoppln1r rentrr. Couicl bullr1 2-0 nn~ 111ut11 or buslnn1 SI0,7~. l be<\m1. It def\. hw. nr11, rle-n 11.1 • pin, •~i. loa.n -A rul 1te11J Frank Janies, Rltr. 271 ll, 11th St.. Cotrl.a M .. u ...... (J1#i muc. of TllrtltJ Ol'upl can...,. uf.4811 CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 M•rine Ave. Balboa Island H•rbor ISbO ----- Half Acre \\'Hll old'' 3 bJnn. home N•it<I• p•lnl and tom• tlllin1E up H•• hu·&e 11ora1e t>am• anti C•nll('ll-SJMIOf. All foUK'~ dl1'r"l, lf""•· 11, bl()('k t•ff fl11.11l• Anli AVI' In N'\tlnty l\ll<'m tor chlck•nt A ruu<I it<.'11 for r11r<lenln(C A good billly at only 12r;oo (\O'Wn A g:<>l'"I tr1ple;11 bids toL rlOM In flf'Wer¥ Only S2000 1twn l BPltM E Side Hwd. \Valk· lnii dlat towo. Only t yMMI old. SllOO dwn. or take ntWtr •O to 46·ft, tn.ll•r on trade. Mesa.Harbor Rlty. Oppealte U. I. 8'llk Q C, .-n'MO~lm OOf Ont.ft' 0-U ... LI Mill tw. L.1 l-l'JI& wHH.~W C -2 100 ",300 ft. E. 17th St. TKE NEXT TO GO ON LIDO 3> adorabl• btdroomt and J bt.Olll. TutefuUy deoont.d wtth the addMl •llraeUOa ot • ~ paUO, alldlns ,...... ~ bff.u· Utul carptUfl& and dr&periea. A. Formica kJt.c.hen WIUI to many v;tn.a. THE R Jr' 8 NOTI-IlNO BllTl'TltR. RJl:.ALL y ror 331,70,0, Ele..:. Gar. Door WEi ALSO H.A VE A REAL fl' A.SC INA TING • bedroom. 3 bllth rambler. 2 dreulnr room. &nd ahoweni &nd a hu,ra pa.Uo. Thlt 1' a well arran1ed bouae Juat w&JUns tor tomton• wtth kl'ell deeoraUnr 9ef\M and a HtUa ambition, Bl!:AUTIFUL NORD BAY· J.'RONT R.EN'1' AL 1350 mo FURN. S Bedroom•. 2 bath• ).lll•t bll right party tor thla prLe" ALSO lNSlDl!I '2!1() yr. 'round .-URNISHEb 3 bedroom. 2 ti.th aeptir.te home Mlg118'nnl unrurntthM. BALBOA PP!;-.(l"'st'.LA FURNISHED 119.000, Good Fl- n11J1.clnl'. COMJC 1N AND SEY. THE PICTURE or YOUR FUTURE HOME -Jf yuu art l"l!llr'lnr and w1111l lo bll l'(lm· tur1.ablt with rn!nlmum upke.ep Wt h.a Vt lhll k"v to your dneam hou..e 11.·ith l large bedroom• 2 "11tna •n•J v•ry nl1:'1'ly furn IJlhe(l_ Bay & Beach Rlty , Inc. HEAl~TORS IC.'>O \\'. Ba!boA RlloJ ll11r ~64 ~ Har. 21l1W Evt• BA. YStlORES 1 l1Jrt11 '1 b11\h. 1'1'r 1!1· ronrn \\' ""'' ""'l""f REST Jlf'Y J.'\j HA \':•u1r>RE$ $:!l ";(IOI ~ h•lnn~, 111.rp T••<Hllll lnvf'ly p~tlo - 1 Mrm~. ftm!lv humt l'Lt:S <1f'n '2 b<lrm• \'l.1 '!'> gar uni\ var'lnl 121 ·.011 11r>F:N Hflt'!'IP: \\li:ICK·F..'\D~ •Z4 E 22n<1 St 13ArK RA y I 1 l><trm~ f .. mll\' room. r1rrul111' •ltivl', 2 flr,.11l11ce•. r<Y>m t" """' BEST BAr~ BAY BL.DO. LO'?'S CORONA nEt. MAR 2 bdrm home .t. ~11r apt •. i:ompletely r-.1~-c,ra.ted A landacape<1 l23,fl60 Claire Van Horn RP:ALTOR 2'131 W. Cout Hwy. W IJ·41T7 Call ev••· W IJ-3109 HA a• lJ-.J East Costa Mesa BARGAIN 1-lere'1 one w• can whMJ l.lld l'-1 with Owne.r anxious to tell thla larp J bt(lrm. ~me. C::Ompa.1' tb ... taaturota Lhtn ruah to ~ phona for •ppt. to .. IL ID tvot. llVU\s room, twl diJlJq IOOll\, r.lly lat'p klt.ehen. wttb .... c lnltlt In tPJe. l&un*J' room. ,.., ,_, ... &up •' ~ patio. ft. flltN .. tlrM. tt•u.- 7llO but )'GU .:an name JOUI' own tarmfi, Don't Ill Ui-. - c:all l'lf)W 1"-tora ll'• too late!! .Duncan Hardesty JUCALTOR J'Oll BAL& OR TR.A.DI: by OWft· ,.. • tor J"IPl!f'\Y In thl• ar.a. ,, ... ,., aw-1111 ,_,, bull· M9I bktf on rmot nr lo1 I r.t.alt.l~ uph<> ... t•nn• b.W• Mii 111 Y~• Vah·v S\J.000 ·anna. H•r 314\.J M<-71 J A"M Al CA., alUTl8H Wmm' l'.Nl>Dl&. 10 llCfS. ~ -- n•U. dt.rua. ...,.., .. c. OTw- kN>iun., bl&Qttnd lldbor anti b.Nc.h. Elll'Yallon 800 n, Sult· ablt l or & b)dr. tli.. Pncot M 000. OWNER. l)c).11 s.-tt thit NSWPOftT KrlOtn'8 -N- 1 bednD.. boma. a bat.ha. tten. p~ W1th radio door. bulltl -------------1 S bedl'Tn. hoUM. NffW larie mom and pukll1r ar-ea for bi.._,__ A~ fl'OSl'I Heti• pot. SUL,000. T11111111. LI 8--32:111 (Bl!lwMn 'T'l .. Un ,. Jl'Vlnt~ eo.ta Mna'• Finnit Arca l'RIC'I': $S&.lll'IO ••At Ula Bffdp to Lido ...... 1..Af•yett.a al 12ftd !It.. Ru. •TIP: .. ,.., ""'" In lto'n Ind <'1"'1, btlwd. fkiort, nrapl&l.;ft, •l\aka rnt>f r A he.L patio •nd many t111tru C:IMt! In . ..SI C.i.lln• Or, .S.17.&00 "'" 6'<"17 C.11 Ov.·n.r. Harbor t(Mllll i"O<'!l BY OWNER Lot 87 x 201 l'!.ack U•v ArH Comar R4r>Jh ,. Orc.hlln1 SlWiO liar. M>l·R ~p71 . ... NON-VETS! ~ full Price Sl0,81 l Bedrooms - 2 Be!hs -2-Cer Garage Costa Mesa . ' SUNSHINE · BEACH HOMES FULL PRICE $10,8915 $79.M PER MONTH WILSON 6 PLACENTIA Furnished Models Open Daily 5 ~inutes from the Ocean Near Schools & Work COSTA MESA SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES OFFER ... Front or rear living room. • Plenty of cloeeta. Dining •pace lo kltchena • ~ gl..I wat:er beaten. Natural birch cabinet. •,Confetti tile in ldtcb· ena • Maticork noon • Wood allding win· dews • 6,000 eq. ft. loU • Rock roofa .A.Juminum ICreerut. ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKER. ALEX STEPT DEVELOPllENT BILL'S BEST BUYS Commercial Property Bargain REDUCED TO SEU. -97' x lM' On Weat 19th juat oft Huber Blvd., with two ne&rly new 2 bdrm. homee euily converted to .Wt your bu. ine.as needs. THIS CAN'T LA.ST -Call u1 NO\V Full Price $25.000 with t;. down. w. ·'A. TOBIAS, Realtor AND ASSOC'1ATES •·you'll like our !riendly service" Llberty S.1139 iOO E. 17th St., Coeta Meu EVENINGS CALL LIBE!lTY 8-8666 C-2 BOULEVARD FRONT AGE 2 BR. bou1e on 50 x 100 foot lot f1.clng on Nl'wport Blvd. In •hopping 1.nd buaineu center. Room on rront tor atore building. Room on back for more unit.II. Only $2500 00\VN WHERE? Can yuu ltvt· on ll down payment of only $3000! F'ive income unill bringing in $33:S per month. \Ye have 1. number of good building loll D09o' availablf>. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd , COit.a Mesa, LI S-5090 Work & Live in Newport Harbor Where Natur& Smiles and Industry Prospers land, eea low roet po'>l.·er .• , tni.nsportaUon by and a.ir ... happy employen living m1nutea 1.way .. , center of expandlng market.a . • . no freeway Ue-upe. See 1. member of Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach CLIFF DRIVE VIEW HOME Lcwot!J a J9U' eld 1"UCh ~ -.... tuU tlbaM roof abd cor- mr kl&. A hill OC111LA <rs-ftWll u.. • ,.. u...., ,_ .. ~ """ __ ... _ hMrlb ftftptac.. ~ dlalna room. 8'd1l la --... ft'*P kttcben. I .,._IJ' bcdaOMBa aDd a H~by room With t\repl&ca. Hanhl·-9 no.r. uu•oul'Mut. '?Mt la pnoad f~ a QUICK M.k •t Of\}f Jn.600. Good ...,.._ THE VOGEL CO. :J20t W, Co&.1l H11'hwa1 i' Uhrrtv l·M&I ICYt t..EH .. l"] EVERYTHING YOU NEED ' Ont ot Ult bMt.et buUt hom• lrrttb ~ -Balllol. WucL. • bed:'aaii-. I liatbil, oom,..... tr ~ ,_...,. prtll-.. a J 'bldr009\ J ..... .,.., .,.. lts.M • . """' Enchant.cl ooltap, ..,,..,. meiu&. ed patk>, pti. J '~. I bath ~-... ~,.,...... Bolb prope'"-......, _,. Rh -Jrt.MIO. Mariners Isle Rltv. a,11 M.a:iN A...._ RaJtio. hf.nd Hartlot' tTll J'or etstT£R BU1'8! u .. roUR nu• In Our CLA.8817'0::0' • 8/8 --Cll'-... ~ .......... """ --a_.-·-Ullls -W s a I Wl!a., I-, . .., ID -lid, .,.._ID -.-, -"1,111111.-. M'U&'•••Y • , a' w-. dea. a..,...., -ldtdloa. roto ct --JJ2,GOO.--. .lLllO Ntill l.D!B •IY. Wltll "'"" r11o1. Qoalnt 2 bdna. klory -lilotlJ-W. ..... f-1&rd-fl4,llf)O ,__ --Oood- m:wPOllT Bmi.Ou --. $UOO down, (-yerd, -ooacrate f<o'""•tlOD, ~ 0...f.,.._ 1'lu'lllobad. hi! Pri<e -no,ooo. ' S.y & Beach Realty, Inc., Realtors 20Z W. Ba11>oo Blvd., Newport Beach H&r. ~ EoM.ll&rl>orlBM SHORECUFFS rnurr TllOl OITEllBD. Tblo .4e11Jhllul -. 8 hoclnna., a b&tU. fully oarpetod and eh-Tutotully decorated fu -and wood, 'lrith -brick flroplM:e, larp al:tn..otlq patio and atru too many to mmtbt.. Tbe 5Wfce ii uDller replacanent vahae at '58i600 ~ CUFf HAVEN I ()a. a llicely land8caped lot if tu m..t attractive I~ 2 bath home. Wood po.ndJnc """paper -up th• IJIWior decor. l.&rp , ........... ,. lent 1ocaUoa.. TM payment.I an ie. than rent BALBOA ISLAND Th1e WOll't lut! Beautiful corner lot with cute cottap ca. r.r-So you may build your dream bom• on thti front. TWO UNn'S ju.t. 3 yean old on the water. frtm.t llhowins over $5000 income. Alway1 rented. Furniabed beauutu.uy. Excelltn.t tin.ancl-r.,.. fil,l!OO. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30e llartn.1 Ave. Hubor M2 BALBOA ISLAND BALBOA .2 bdnu. ocun front cottage on R..J lot. Thi.I IS HOT! At $16,000. BRING YOUR CHECKBOOK FOR THIS Three bdrm. &.od den. 2 ht.th cottap near the bay. A Jood buy at $17,500. FIRST TlKE OFFERED Nearly new duplex 2 bdrm. each, firepl&ce, pr· ''"· bfft rental area. SEE THIS -Ocea.n front duplex, 4' bdrm., 2 bath, 2 bdrm., 1 bf.th, double praie. Alway11 rented. Only $Z7,500. ONE Oi' THE LAST PENINSULA VIEW LOTS ' available, .0 x 80. Term.. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JAYRED, Rea.It.or Mlldnd Rlgp and Sylvia ThomJl80n, AUO("i&te• 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 2M8 or 4600 WEEK-END HIDEAWAY Or year-round home. Juat , ~ block to Ocean Blvd.. 6 Little Corona Beach, 19 thla 2 bedroom. 2 bath home. ll'• COMPLETELY fumiahed, ha.a elee. kitchen. The hie llvfn&' room loolu into a 1onJy 1>la' yard which haa an automatic, clock· coa.trolled aprin.kling ayst.em. An amu.ing amount of atorap apace will delight you, Priced RIGHT at $20,000, 'lrith only~down. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, -t.e 11122 g Cout B"7., Coroaa de! Ku Har. m4 CORONA DEL MAR J"OR 8ALll OR TRADE J'OllJ oq1lli>l*I prap on ~ tt. of hi.hway and -for S.9000 per ,..ar .rtth option for ' mon ,_.... Priced to "11. C&ll ua for detaill ......... . ' CORONA HIGHLANDS • I -·.,. -, 1% Balllo '"' !up lo& "'4 ---· Jllll7 ,..,._, H.W, -· ... •. : Biel ... -otlllr -r.-Prlold at pe,aoo, • ~-..2boclroomhomocmlll!tt. lot, hllY -· and """" for anotlMr Ulllt In -\..a-to ...... and ochool. Call .. to - JJ.t,71!0. W. E. FISHER & Associates aD2t Clout HJpny, Coro~ do! Ku. Har. :5032 En& Harbor 2420-W •' lm er I rte o r po rated I ~ of Udo lile • Uruauil On Uclo OM __, I """'"" I batll ~·Or*M' 'ne- .._ I.up 112 foOI fol. a..r..i.r --- llo( -Jarp -Bou.th patio. !hp llYtos -~ ~-IJlll ~Well piul· ned utlotic -0... -.... -"' lllod etall ··-.,... tub. Tbla --not ... duplk:ai.4 ~ f .. -cloM to the prioe o« -w .aoo, and th• ~ .,.. JOOd. °"""" """- acUoo. 90 wt can abow lt at your convenience. f .. A FuG Loed Of ~ pn LidO L It llD't a tr1c1oJ -: --00 ........ ,..._ .-; "..,_'t_ ... ____ tamlbin to lllak•'lt 11...rito. • • 2. Ira a · dellcbtllll, hloadly "-,AD a !up · -l!tnda lot. Tolo ---~ for the am•d"CIT Jow price or PJ,llOO. Call Joe.Klacal4 foi oppo111-ta - =.;....;;-..:....::!=• I .. Ll)c) '$ •tf':IU'f'• I ~tl r;flM ..._ ..... .._.. .. IJ' .... , ... ..._, ............. -,,.... ........... ,. ,..,._ ' Ai..MoST ON THE 8'ACH OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX t.o.e1J !W,ol:w 6 ft:; .. •. I I 'p I • .,.,t.. -1o •.. -..-. ........ Qutllp • . ~ " cloalllo .... fto -lo UdO ft. ud tM ..... ...---..... Hobby -or lilaJ. ,,__ 1'1111 "'°' tu.-EZ -Let,_taaat,..,._._ oad -for y.... Bo -'t ...-Bo .. - -. tllat ,. blo -fol • " -Let .. -)'<Ml how' to ... tM ludklo'dl BALBOA ISLE'S BJ:ST BUY•lll Trede-50 Ft, Udo Lot Nktelyt\U'llllllod8~-..,.1-• VersatUity Plus ww trade f°' Lido i-. or-~pt. 8% b&tlao. l -~ ~ ~ Call ew -...u.. Thhl lo a NOi ba7 at !* J2Udo. M.800 don. IF -You need...& bedroomll -or -I bed.rooma and 4--or 3 bedrooma ud a full elsed dln1q roomi u wtll u a. bqe uVtn, room and l.a.naJ room -You must Me thia beeuttful Ltdo home ·on a '5 tt. loL 'Ibo pliice ot $'0,000 lncludea car· petlnc and dnpee. E>toellont ....... to qualllled · · · · ' submit .a.r. 1'>la 1o -. la.tanoo -,.. ·we b .. e THREE VIEW HOMES a..U..ble on can otter j>ou ,,._ b""""'-c1oM to ti.. Bay. Klnp Roed. qpFllA VEN. a bedrmo. 1% baui. ia1.ooo. C.1 ·BUSINESS CORNER 3 bodrma.1% betllo sie.600. 13!1 tt. cor. on Newport Blvd. '18,llOO, p,ooo dn. t bedrmL 1% batllo plus po~ rm. fil,000. Call Jack Crlotleld for further lnformallon, and WINTER RENTALS buyer. Shown by appo1ntZQent. appolntmeata. From $60 to $300 per month. p. a. palmer incorporated p. a. palmer incorporated ~~1:~~1Y 1~ ~-... m'!:'i:ome 011 hen1on co. ma,,agement # I 011 h•n1on co. management ma v1a lido, bubor lllOO 1100 "· cout bl1h,,.y -llhorty 1s1111n Seven Islands Realtv & Investment Co. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,.-~~-MULTIPLELIBTJNGS-llEALTOR Balboa Realty Co. orrsft.9 roR Lt.Lii $950 Dow N THE GREAT ll03·32nd BL Office Phone Harbor 11888 ORANGE COAST. Newport Beach, Calif. After ~ P· m. H&r. 5:507 (I) JQ:W P&HIN81JL.A. POJN.J' HOKE. WtU appointed mod-- em hqmt. BW•1n featurH. 8lldln&' dooni to patio al\d ma.tu bl-droom. s bedroom.I, 2 baU... J2t,600, ltt1n. (2) Pll'N'JNSULA HOMll ••• CURom built.. I Ndroinn., J bath&. Controlled ~t. nre-- piaoe. hobby room. Uniaial· ly attn.c:Uvt llnd c1.11.t home. 122.600, terma. (3) ftXCLU8IVll: WlTH US Weit S.)' Avenu• S be-droom home wtth ~nru.nent view of H)'. Near NHYC. l...art• 11¥tnr room, t lr•platt. t1.1U cllnh•ir room. Sll.000 temu I \t ) BUILDER"S NOTICE. \\'Ill .... n both tit wparatf'I)'. 'l\o..u R·l loll on hnln1ula poLnt 121 ' c»ep. $13.000 u eh. \Of 2UNIT BAL.BOA lNCOME I 2 8D'AR.ATJ: UNTT8. 2 AND l BEDROOMS. Jndl· Yldu.J Jl9tiOll •nd bb'q• P'um. 120.000, Wrmt, tf ) NEl!:OS 80M:IC FIX lN b1.1t --.:ood valu.. 0,,, bloc.It to b.y l'n year old 3 bedroom home. Neat -Cle&n. Bala.nee like rent. $6500 BUYS 1 bedtoom home on R'"4: tot. ClOle in. EXTRA SPECIAL S&nta An& He!JbLI h..... Nice lar1• 3 bed· room.1, 2 oar (&rage. Well kept yard. Hardwood t1oon, patio and barbeque. FHA loan. SEE THIS. RANCH TYPE HorM. Corner lot. Above averare. Lovely view. lhia ia a MUST l! you want the beat Ul quality and location. 3 bedroom•, 1·'• bath. 2 car garage. Fenc~. ALSO Dupla -Triplex and 4 PLEX at Rr' '\' COST price today. Ml and Ml Leue.1 available C.2 BUSINESS property, 117 fl. on fl 11 1,.,r Blvd and othera ava.ilablf'. SEE US. MAX W. ·POPE, Realtor bf'•ch.. 3 bedroom•. Oul.111<k 1908 Harbor Blvd., C:O.t..a. loteu., LI S.1142 abo.,..t.r, laundry, al.le pr---------------__ •1• Fln=plac•. too. 514 000. »000 do>.o.·n. i7) PENINStn...A POINT DU· f'L&X. 3 t>.droom1 up. 2 down. l'/lce!y turnlatwd D a n d y •lucto bullchnc Laundry room, ape<:lal Uled bMe.b mhow•r. 2 car praa-• C..11 to -today 1.l $21,300 With ttrm• Balboa Realty Co. OpJtMit• B.an.lit ot Am•rlu ROii c,_wy Ed Lf'e Jo.ephlnf.! W•bb 100 E. Balboa Bl¥d , Balboa Phon• Harbvr 3277 WATERFRONT t...oealf"I ·n lt@'<'llidl!'d B•lbo.to ('0¥11. mnd•rn 3 bdrm .. 2 bath I ht>m1 l':•lra I~ l1v1nr rnoin IO'llh attr•rllv• 'l\Ttpla c:t 1•1 jt:11ntn1 ,nnin.-~m dutch I typ• 1na.rk bar llllth"n .... uh b11llt-tn r•nr,. .It nvf'n F'on ... 1 &Jr hf'&t L!bl. C•T&(" &)JOO laun<'Jry ro<;im °""""r anxLt>u• lo Mii t:1r lr•d• Can 111• 3 Of 4 bdrrn 2 bath hon11 In BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1!11)6 W, Balbm. B>vd. Kar 0111 B/ B PRIDE or OWlQ:R.8Hl.P ln Oda lovet)' con:r. hnrnt Wtlh rp plu. rent&! 1.1nlt over J car pr .• 2 BR ea. pe.Uo and imn· df'ck. hrf, corwt 124.MIO. Appt OC!ly. Bay & Beach Rlty. Inc. REALTOIUI Corona dLtl M&r Otflc. U30 S. Co&.lt H1')', Har 6&U .. ,, Luxury View Home 1101 ... n.. • a 9l"9l ...,... ta .... tttld Oat--. ........... 2 llli"4• ,..... ,.. ....... to .......... ..i.t.n~ • DAN 4.. J1t.COB8&N, ft.a! lllt&t.e Harben-Ola I U MT51 JU :t.1117 U M21 I BALBOA ISLAND t bcdrm. 11 2 plua beth.a, corner lot. So. Bay 1, interut in pie-r. Good condition $:;7,500. 2 unit.a on good st.rett. 2 bed.rm, houte plua 1 br. apt. Attractive cle-an property - Nr. No. Bay. 3 bedrm&, ii~ b&tha, 2 car gar, 1 bdr. a1il Small down. Owner eager lo 11ell. $26,950 Small howie-, corner lot Good locaUon $19,900 3 bednn. 2 balh, Little l•land . Duplex 1 ~rm . each, good atrtK'l $31 ,!500 $22,!500 BA YSHORES 3 bra. 1 bath, GOOD BUY $21,500 AND OTHERS. F"or exchange ~ 3 bed rm., 1 ·', bath home on good •treet m Sa.nta Ana for comparable ftt property in thl.111 area. E,·enlnga call F.d1th Maroon HYatt 4-6222 or Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 M&ri.ne Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 1775 BALBOA ISLAND A FEELING OF PRfV ACY AU the appointment.a for enjoyable yur 'round living on Balboa laland. Soundly conatruct«I, Jarre living room. fireplace, forced air heat and an unusually nice paUo with BBQ uid beauti- fully l&r149e&ptd.. A few doon to the Bay. Members of Multiple u.t.tnc apprau.ed th.111 property at over $!8.000. We now have lt priced at $26,500. WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates Ltt Bolin • Charlotte Ful.ola Hub Powers e · Nona Hyer Park Ave. at Marine, Ba.lboa Ul&Jld Har. 2462 BALBOA VOGEL VALUES UNEXCEIJED VIEW t0 tt. 0ooan front lot. Neu the J<tty. Pri<e PUIOO. READY TO MOVE IN A.CR& PLOT oa W. lltb. Good oltkr I bdrm. hom1. We •ink, ~trlo atov" 11"pla.ce, l&rJ"a llv. rm.. brkttt. rm., OVU'llM double ca.r..,.a. la1.1ndl')' tray ... Bis aMd. Build w.nl!JI -..U ott k>U • .._1, many cood ro-ibUIU. bare. l&le pric. lutt l1f.,IOO, t«nw nuT TH I. OUTST4ND1NO COR.NSR. J\411.p tha ti.n.!JIJI ot f'rw 1Mh'•rtl911J.1r. J b •& v I I y tra 1'.i.d artane. OJ\ N-porl 1llvd. ~.it I roorn homt, : bedrma. UY. room and dln1nl" room wllJI to wall C&.f"P9linc" TI.I• pullm&n bath, Uled kll· chan F'or th• m•rcb&nll, tr&de9men, proflN&on&l men wbo nMC19 homt µd bualn- locaUon, thill wtll nt your nMda. ~uctld lfl pr1ca ft>r qutck •I•. DOUBU rRONTAGE. llrMt to 1treet. 2 ho..-or dupla R-2 lot. I~ 1n N-port Ht... B.\!111: DOLLAR INCO)O':-Tbia on• ,.Uy flcurei1. fll,000 full pr""toc.. "3000 dinnl. Ool141Ct 'llO • monlb ~ lncornt. Room to build 3 more unit&. ,3000 EXCELU:NT CORNEI\ LOT l block off Nawport - n!ee au. tor l1U1'111)' ctwMILllr or t ... o unll&. I PLAC'"£NT1A !IT, .naU facto!"}' blllldlnl'. and tar,. &tea for etorara r.t\d pe.rkJns:. Thi.I mwt ba .old. OP'TERS JaEDED. CORONA DEL. MAR'! bMt - Ha.Hl Dr!¥._ YI-~ bednn. hon\•. UnP.e<1olltd. can yon, oc.-n. aurl view. La.re• rumpue room. 2 t11"1p~. N-11 b\llJL BE !IT or EVl:RYTHINO. f'J0,000 down. E:xchnive Beacon Bay \.l.•t ·~ proud to off<!'r \hi• t>M."llful 4 bf'droom l bath Mm" 10 a Ol..:-rlmlnal!n1 f•mlly 11o·ho wanl1 qul•t and prlvaev Thi• bom1 11 Vf'rv ..... u n1.11ll and onl)' s ytt.r• old with m1Xh rl&N &l"ld n a1r1Jt.On ... a 'ov1ty paUo. 1m•l1 Mn t or Dad. eompleC..ly mod· f'rn ''bullt·ln.a" tor Motber and .. ,,. playtnl'. tl"f'" for l~ t-hlldrtn... OrL.17 on ... h.&U ~ to U.1 prln.te N.11dJ beadl. with pWr prlrlJeoc• ror boat., and ~ eo1.1rt.. ~ ..,,.. tor •ppotntm•nt. Marinara lslo Rltv. 111 Mann. Att., llelboa f.t&.Qd ll&rttot' f.Tll EXCHANGE '"'-"HVI tar"' BUit...., llpot ...... ....... -""" "'"'"'"-IM $22,500 Cash DC'-1-..ut.~ Prop.rty ~ NM.ad and tenant. wm taM a ......_ tor anolntmnt. eau Cl:UJU.D .. Jlml'MIEll ...... 1>q9: Jiu. illl ll'N9 LI 1-ffM ' - $18,950 -only $5,000 Down NEWPORT HEIGHTS -DESUIED LOCATION Extra la.rp living room with fireplace, famlly· room kit.chen wfth Iarce 111&ck bt.r, 2 kins med bedroom.a. Beautifully decorated. carpetl u4 drapea included. Brlck patio, well land1C1ped, variety of fruit t.reel, fenoed yard. LIDO ISLE 3 bedroom Ir: den, 2 b&tba, near clubboUM and bta.cbea. Will trade on mnaller Newport or Colt& Meaa. holl.le or lot. 8 Separate 2 Bedroom l,Jnits $7,800 per year income ---··""'--·-··--· Price, $621600 Ddtrably located 1n the Back Bay area -on .ewer -all interior. plutered -two with fireplace. -all rt.nted to choice tenant.a at reuonable rat.ff -th.ia property la 001 year old -and priced at leu than replacement COllt -doh •t wait -11ee ua today. Re110aabll larma. CHOICE ACREAGE t 1, ~ acrt:•, i.ontd R--t . .SC.t Costa Meu location. $211,000 AU!() One acre, toned R-i. Near Junior ffich. W,000. Small home on lhe rear. SEE US FOR A COllPLETE COVERAGE 01' LlS'IlNGS ON COST A KESA INDUSTIUAL PROPERTIES. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 w. eo..1 Hwy. u s.ma VOGEL VALUES Corona del Mar Ocean •1de or Hlghway -l I 2 blka. Lo Main Beach Charming 2 bedroom home A ruest room It bath on larger tban avera.g-e , nicely la.ndK&.ped lot. Separate dining room. Expenaive wall·to-wall carpeting. Fireplace. Luse room• and more tha.D ample cloeea le •torap. Patio and Sundec•. \\'t' att proud to offt'r thia lovely residence at $22.:SOO "N1th good financing. Pa.noramk Ocean Vit'w Lot Street-to--atreet. Hlg-h In Corona Hichlancb. Priced at only $11.'°° -timm, THE VOGEL CO. 211&7 E. Cot. Hwy., Corona de! Mu HA: 1741 BA: 07157 • Bayshores • • 8 -Chotoo -Llotlnp 2 bedrooma, 1 bath -18. T90 2 bedroom., 114 batluo 11,750 2 bed-2 bathe, lmmoculoto (-) • M,500 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ALBO. Bay Jl'ronl Pier .. Slip. Wllltor Ra>lal, Quali(lod ~ Only • HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. • -.LlNlle IMl. RETIRE WITH INCOME 1n hart ct boaut1tu1 eor.aa c1e1 llAr. s - unJta; 2 are nlcely tun., 2 patloe. a-to ehoppln1 1~ bib. ft'om ...-.. m,150 STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 294.7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Hu. 882