HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-12 - Newport Harbor News PressJane Powell In ::: .. ~ .. 1 Drtabl; 11\d Mtv&nl. Ron ai.n.. Jrd •rva.nt, Larry R.ob- IA.loJI; Mrvanl to Au.ny. Ray- mond HaJtbl: latliu l.n wtJtlJ\I, Drl,,. c&refWly, take It _.y, th• Hte you 1&Te wW be on hand to YOW MovemtleP tUll Have tun. File o...-c .. ,.., Drunk drt'llnr . ~r• _,.. fU-.d ~ ~ lbmnul a Adco .. 21; of 1611 ISM1a AM Ave., Co«& K-. aft9i. N~ •ucl\ pol&ce eJairMd tlwy·doc:Jc! td h1m ~ IO ~ per hour Ofll' lCeWpon .... They aid JM taiJH e. eobrMt)' tut. HC1Y91Dber t I.a deci.ton day. ParUctpat.. la that dtci.lon. Don't lave It to a.or,... 01-r. younel.J and your counlry a l>ooet. Vole on November l. HINllI'I .,... .............. ....... r ... ..,,,_,a.Ila NIWPOU llACH * CO<l&T.&IU * IUO o..t BWJ'. n. U 1-toM ON HH oc r:~N H?ONT Ar MAIN I N BALBOA . . . . /, \ ' .. ~ .. I Ytl'IS.,tr1 .. 1atlalE1W-n.T11DllNAt SIASPORT COFFIE SHOP ICl'f W. COAST BIW.&Y NEWPO&T asac:a -LI Hut ND'l' ATl'llACl'ION . 'A.ta JtAIAJr08 ' .. An ACK" .. -Al.80- WALfn:a au:NNAN "900DIYI ~ ~Y" -ALIO- ''TM HontOft Story" WI~ LID 0 7'':. ~-. Geae BarrJ • ..,_,. Balil ............ ArMY E\'L SHOW ft'.ut1'9 t:tl oon. snl. noic 11SO S'lilTI J'JUD4 Y ONE OF A HANDFUL ·OF VElff SPEaAl MEJf •• Ori OF A HMOFll (f VERY SPEaAL PEnlf.SI I atarta w ...... ,.. Od. n ' O&Am UU.T la 11JQD 80CIETr _._._ • ·uro."D A B&A90~dU: DOUBT" .. Principal Gordon Imler jolna pupU. in cl&Ml"OOm tot newly dedicated WU.On School in eo.ta Mesa Wedne.tay nigbl From kft to richt with him are Janice Barnes, 8, her brother Dick. 11, and Linda Lewia, 10. -Dick Koehler Photo ' - HUIE PLANT. (OcnlttJll.d tr-Pa1• 1) Inch. but that lh• pal la 6000 pounda, which ROH hopH to ap- proach tllUJMMly. MAIN 8llOI' Th main 9bop wtll baM I0.000 11q~ ft« of ftMr •°' anti In It th• oenpul1 ..... \o tlt pa.nd their ~ MM. to Include ~~--Wl~ poltnl1on· ometeiw Mil ec.it tl'lbllilla that enter tll• ftAlld OI ~ ma· chlMJ"y. The MW buU~ y;W be of modem ~ di Roa. ... ured natstibon w'bo ..,. Pr-nt at th• commliilkii bll.r1ll.-U\al they would be a a.u-t ~Uon to th• nalcbto'be04 wtth their .,. tra.cUft faCMlls and partUns. The company la ~ronllns TO 000 ~uare 1.-t epact for employte parktnl Mid In thtlr UM parmtt th• commlUl-in llUMlrtad &11 of Ute pro'rieloru reatncUna their ""OJlefttlone u to nolee. duat t.nd OU-tbJnp that rt1l(ht annoy an,._. 1D the netstiborhood. DEATH N011CI ______________ ..,. ____ __ MR!\. n.:Tl'A CAALTO:S Holy ROAZJ' wW be redttd l\llldaf &t f •p.ltl In ParkH XOl"tUar1 Claap.I, Ooata MH&, for M'ra Jet ta F.lta.nor Ca rllon. Ml. of 1011 O..~ Mar A't. ('011ta Mf'u. Requiem Mii.M "'111 be ul· tbratf'd Monday at t • m. in Rl. Jouh1m CatboUc Church The ~ Thom1"' J 1fevln w1U of· nrl•l" M r• C1rllun d•~ unf'XJ>f'Clt'd· l)' Tburadav •l htr nomf'. Sh• -.a a naLtv• or Ll!Won. Ohio altd <"&rn• t~ ('a lllorN.t in :ttt<i. •d Uved tn \ht• comaullMIV thf' p&Jlt 12 ypara. Rh .. -. f'mpl(l)'- f'd •~ a JtTO<"<'ry • lf'r k ~\lrYl\'Ofl are (Ollf brOthera, F..d.,.ard M Ktalln(, Lo• An- &f'l.,~. Paul of Stall!• \\'uh· lniton, John S.. of COtrta M,.a and Haymond J. of Lons S.a<'h. Intum~nt •111 ~ l.n Holy ~pul­ e hn c.m.t.ery. VOTERS FAVOR (C'cat'Z • ..._ .... 1) "-ud New)Mlft -..Ch mind Oft&' ~Ja 411 t5 &C"8 ol -----·-!iiiii~•ii"11t 1...-.UlllWd p,...,.rty ln Uw -lnlly ot M~a An .. M-!!:!=::!Jl!~~~~~~~ll1~ Wmt 1ltll -d 11th Sta. Kan.y of UM plOPlt ha Ule cta- aWIVICL ~.Y. Tabla. 16: ma.ho a. hMdboal'd, Sl, dHk 110; ch.ta. 51 ea : ma}q. paddl• bo4ll'd. am. u 1-4119. 7!k'T7 u-A.,eta= a Roaw for Beat S15-8.U.BOA.. I bedrm. bom., l\lm., t 1Mltba. fl,..Jll•n. lonty ~ BJ'f'Cl A.YaU lmmedtal•· ly. ~ lt2t. 'Tlk'T7 W!NTl!R IUl:NT AL B&AVTD'UL l bedrm. apt. nu.r No. a.,. SM IMll~ ~ utilt· u.. Call Bar 1na. Tkn t.ltct ll&cl Utt.le cJul6oe °"' wa!ch tltJ' *" jGUMd. but -k:cmltld u. ~ty te vote on Uw ~ and ao fa.vor-.d th• city Ulat ,.,.. them that cbanc• In th• opinion of A L. Plnkl•y. Co.ta M.,.a councilman. ''Thal i. Ju•t my ptraonal n.w or Uw mallf'r," a!d Phlk1e7. "l Ir.now I.hat I WO\Ull ftU for the <"1ty that P" -a cbol09, ral.brr thaa tM -tit.al wu tall.11\6 llM tn .... tM 11DiD- hablt«I ~ a.ct.• BOY FIGHTS ( o..ui.... '""" ..... l) port Buch city t.rub lr\K'k. TIM boy wa. uncon.etou• al I.he -and allendanta at the hosplt&I atat• that,... bu tnlar- nal b.aa4 lnjurl" and that 1111 coaaUon 1a crlUcal. B«.au.. of bi.I con.dl.tion tMy have no\ e...mn.s h1a Mel)' for t\lrt.Mr &11,fUrt-. a..'!;:!•:!•!!•!!•!!!•!;· !lw~,!8!!wt!!,..__ m. W,r ,,.. ftPOl'lf'd to ban .:: ~ bome bCl9 «boo! ~ UNJ"C'IUllf. a ---. boUM .. ill a,ODW. JUlt Wore Ute aoa- N....,,.rl .. ta. lhrd. tJoma; .. W.. ~ tm bllte and tlre~ ,. .A:.: IM&t. prbap ,,..... lllt.o tM ..,._,, apparent.-·•a ..a; dbl . ..,...... -~l lY to l?'llet .... ll'MDIM. loca~ •110 ,., 8lo.. Bar ____ ........ ..._ _____ _ en.¥ TleTT 118 OPERATOR Moaarchs in TD Romp for Win Over Tillers SANTA ANA, -10CN81 Ba.II ha'-ld na Maler Del Hl1h Sch()()I •lruclt for two tnuC".b· down1 In the tlret quarter heN Jut nlJht and UMn went on to rack up a r..iundlns U.O '1• tory OYV ti.wilclared Tu.ua a.,. School. It v. u the fourth OOl\MC\IUft win tor eo.cn 8teve Mu.au'• !lard-knocktns Mon&l'dlla a• 4 Uth out of th• laat 11 C'Oat.tAI. A&Ol'~D ENO P•t• A('lalrn .... u~ •round bl9 Jett tnd ror a four-yard TD nm for the M onar<'h• .. rly tn U. nrat period alter th• alert .Mu. ... u Warrton racovand a ~ Un tumble. A. t~ play• later l"UUba.elt Hank JCnrtqun craahad o t t tadde a.lMI romped Te yard.I tor a AlndaP TD. Tldlt pve Mater n.I. pla,.tns Mio" a ~­ tnt Cl"OWd of about JllOO, a U-0 Mlftlm• l!dl'•· In the third quarter Bill S.•· lN <>f Anaheim ptc:bad a 17· yard touabdown lllrtll• to Dad Ben llull\IT\'1\. Enr1qua c a m • back 1'ttJ\ an 11-yard oft tac)IJe eoorinC bunt a.r1'1 Ouard nm .. ,, .. ~ pbbe4 oU All aacW a-4 t4" .. ~ ......... TO PAY DOlT 'Ibe atatement ..., w~J 011t at ~Mlcaa part,y, clUet\a.lM lll OfUIP 0Mat7, •Y1111'· "We t..I dial mudl el \bl pl"Mtl\t ~ ---frolll u.. fat:t Ullat Onu\P County bu loq Men ~ a die-bard a,_, tall7 111 Ulie eamp ot UM oppama. U-party. ~ o.tftoc:ftUc ~ ta tlda ..,..._°"' Will· Dia '16 a o-oentSe pOlll tn tM TIUl A Ny oi..tnct.-bu •...C _,,,'Nie alann amona mmlMn ot UM °"'°"Uoft. W• l•l lhat mMt ot our ,,._.t dltftculU. · Item fl"Olll ll'O'trtJll 1 f"r and fr&nUe ac\Jon by Ul.e ~Uoa to eel Melt tAe ad· • ._ UM 0-rata ban -0. Ill Orsac• COUllt7." Aa for Cbar&'a a.p.tnat him· Mlf, made bJ Ute Vaa Tal#n· 1 haft t&dioa, Mc.Nulty decJ&red, "I .-J• Wle to ha" tt maM c.lMl' at Ud8 lime, that I am rutty •'11'lint1e1 -and UMr. hu ll...r ~ any doultt &bo\Jt 11 amon1 OW' a.ii~ tu nm fOlr the hlc"b•t ottl<"• In th~ land. The l•llUU "-va Men ~ clouded The fac lA are nol k"11own \l.'e uk Ole public It• watch rl~ly the &<"Ilona of th• aut ,_ w.elr.e •• " To4a1'• a.cuon wu Ula l•t~t la tM ....._ oi tuUon&l belll.., In th• fourUI period Quart.. wlakA Mp9 Mmld&Y' n1chl Mdt i..eu DUe 9mln,_... 11 wt.. ~ ...... eoucnt yar6I to p&1 dlrt on tbe optl9a Mclfl&lty'a ~ en th• a..-d ld8 natit eond. Lato bl Ule .... "' &A •l'•~ Jml·IA&rn. qmrt•, ~· IUsht H.a1:tbMk ed newd fit fllrlW7 ... ~-~ ~ ~. pltc-.Ut ......... •Mell lilcHull}' Mlallt.-1 roared ... yardl down u. ...... ......... Wen .. e.u.ld be IJnel to t.any tM p.m•'• ftnaJ .._... out « tae eantnl c:Gm· TDaJll•ptt.aro6te. 1111~ ~. Wllaon n .... u. Orn tOlfll!D lnNto-..,, ,, .... of lA• tMurrentm tnr; W.... tM 'nDWi el U.. -,..._ttns tll_, trom ha...tna onqe i....-... Katlr l>IA el ....P YOt• f« the m...-on the Pvocbial tirwlt. ftricft18 eharpl raqla1 "- P'or Ollae)l ~ Ollleme'• TO· malt-nc. to IMl'ab. Iara It wa.a UI• Udrd Jam bl four M~Nulty MM M t\a.d ulllld ouUnp U\1a -.on. Ula roqperaUon of a.nt.a Ana ponce In ht.a "lawtul cttort" to Today's N. Y. Stock Re~rt p\ th• E*:noeraU. tunOe and N<'OMe. TM omcen .,.. pr..ndad '° ,.., tM ..... durfq the ...... . Mowilh H• deelded l4 do eometblnr about It and adopted n1bt of t.M watl• ln addition ' to niatn· l.atninf hi. OW1l C&mUy ot elx. ll WU tbroui'h Holt that tht Sswyera .tarted trytns to adopt th• chlld b&ck Jn NoY'amber la.et ya&!' but htr pa.uport dlctn•t come lhn>Ufh until Aur. 11 thla yur. ltventa developed rapidly alter that. la addl.Uon to Kim, th• kw· Jeri pe.r 110 a monU\ aupport tor a boy erphaD .UU 1ll Ko...._ • !il " .. , .......... ,, ... Attn lo«q, .Amann c:sr1tdll,..,,.,6e tJw..,... .,.u... '°' llw .., ltf• •INI el In .. • trUUMI ,... ..,,.,,._,,.. ,_...,._,,.. .... .,.. ..... u.. 1o .. ,nc. •ur -~· .. _ _...,,,~-. 1151 T.NJ Tht'f'N .. Mee fonle of our J.lv-. Th J•••r ?a. •••-•'th Sftvw A1tn1•__, V.J'e to It rffl1 horw- power e...L ,.....,.. .. .,._. '"'°lutfonarr, .w,. llriQiaa•. ci.r~ ..... that will ...... cNC l• .,.... . n. ....... II ---a roc140Hd ,~1-..troad rilk. n..,....." ,......-•ilkz ..oetla "'-~ ... ..,.. -whoa. TM •ten'ins it upt aftd Inn. TWa ii a .-C a-.-..k. ri--•h• mwt ....... cUaJ ... -....... lt7W9irU ,._ ... die tCoftn loaf- illf -1 h cn-.. .................. "'1-""-'"J•MW~COIDet ,,_ ....... 6-.. ...,. ....... _,,. ..,_. .. 1"" ...-. AR .... dwlilft ... ~ ... "'flf!I ................. ,,,..., ' ~ a _, I •llll _.bf ' Jtf-tl~ rut...,.._............ tJt vane,. • ..,.. ....... ._,. ~., •ti • r .. 4 New DMsba S... Teu ' + It ,_.. ~.PlMGM9wiW.t ... a11 ......... J t .................. ,, ... ,, 0 i) . ~---·•rt .. ¢ .... , .... ..,_ ...... ,_ ... ',, . ..,., ... ~-.-pou ... ..., rl J • s,.ew .......... la,, • D' ., ....,. .......... ,... ·~ awt. ~· am., r-. u 1; , • .lllll s-&a Aettf.• ~ Plwk. -'-\. ......... ~ I .............. ,,.,,, ..... C_J...... a •• S111161 • C -......-"'-.. 'I· 119'..,,. _, ~..,.,. ,, . ., ......... ,.. ..... ... , ...... .,..., ..... ., ..... __ .. __ , p The Bfe &w End o6aa&. C~ In 19 Mie~la . . *JI' OOULD BE YOU" procram on NBC-TV fatured UU. week 1eVeral members of Newport Beach JunJo.r Eben Club. Partitjpanll not o~y recdnd gift.a but a carpet for t.be new clubhOUM. Left to Jiaht are Mm& Freeman Fi.6her, Don 1'R8.. Kl Y 10!:LL Y f'Di:D •tar Borla Karloff Ci9ca• 1lowen GQ NDQ.W• It Cou1d Bf. You ,.,,...,..m. Mn: Ke111 at~ u t. memlr.r uf ttw Nnpqs:t Beach J,unlor Ebella. . ·~~ ----------------:. Ii • .:... S E A L A R K I N ·G trw Ye.tr c .. ,~ .. J IHAWOllDI, w~rvua, ,, •• IP•Ulr Sotftt• Aft1 -U.(JUM a..cJ.-COf'ON c:f .. M.r 3007 E. Co..1t Highwey -Phon• Hubor 5507 Hayton, Edward Ke&ly, Bull Pet.w9an. Jamei. White; BW Ltyden1 emcee: Mmea. Donald Clark, George Gurr, WIWam McCook, Jamu Reynolc:t. and Rich&rd H~e. -Photoe by NBC NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's :Editor PAGE 4 ·PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OCT. 12, 195b Mn. Jun. WlalU, w m. lttA 8t .. COllta M-. wu ~ wbe.n LeydeA told tbe Vidllo •udi--t.bal .. .,.. • llW. ti. b1nd ln bn' troalq. AnDou8cer' W • n d e 1 l NUel rolled Mn. White'• ~I• ll'on, complete wttll bar la Ulldry, Oft ltlCe and eh• WU iJl'f'tted to c1'9 90!De ll"OB• l.n6 tor the !'9Jll.&inder ot lh• prosram. Arter a '" chuckla, I.Ayden NJ.met! and wtth a nice flt'l, aha Ntumed to Ul• aud· i.nce. One ot OW day' a' ble aurprt..a W1U1 ln tttore tor Mn. Edwvd Kelly, 1~ &. Ocft.11 Blvd. Mni. K•ll)' la a raJ enUn.t..lla.wt a bout nortculture &Dd .. I.Ayden talk· N w1tb .,_,, a curtain wu raleed to ,....,Kl a Jars• nwnber ot pl&nt.a a.nd a maa wlt.b hla back to UM audi~noe. ~ they ap- proadwd, he turned and It wu .i'ASHlOll the new ..... H B Nim Illar 'B&rlli IC&rlotf. TboU(h AR OR PANHELLENJC Karloff la tam~ tor bl• por· I t ra )'1119 ot horror rolf'11. he Le a HOW llat-teriJlc. t.a... alla-11-9 1p1wWlta.1-V~ tl&rMt an4 tapuina to.a' B-4J.U..l1 -thl.Jla ta....,., ~ ..... Hu It and lhe eatt.. aupple dtnr WILL WELCOME ALUMNAE m&n of Jrf'nlle ~mf'&llor, an11 &Ion~ with Mr1. Karlort, hu Ule F'1r~t rf'JtUIAr mHtln& nr th• H arbor J>anhl'llenlc "'tll boo ho-Id Wf°<1M9<1A\, °' L 17 In th• horn~ of Mra J, Richard \\'•nkf'r, :!7:lll !.>c·,.~n l•nvr, <'ur11na '11'1 Mar, a l 7111 pm A•t11t1n1e t~" h""''"'' \It• \\'o·nkrJ "Ill tw the (',.Iha, \\ llll&rn Liana. ~fl"Jlf'A \\' I~ !'khulz. Re.I"''' I. /I •th1ir 4 1101. lln•1 M"rtun ( 1sm1 ru11 Mr" f':r11tar fl \\'Jlmf'T prr•lolf'nt will P" •l<I•· 1tl tll<' fthorl b111<1n""" r'l"''lni 111hld1 \\ill I•" (ul•,,w1·1I I,,\ .1rflt'\f\n1t••l8 .n,s tllr1h. '1'4eiw te.ahh•nl• "'h" are 1rw111t ... 111 "f a rj111tauna.I (,frf"iit: '"' 0 r1ly arc 1nv1~d and ahvultl • 1&11 1 ht rr11•n11,.·1 sn1p 'hAlrman, Mr~ A11n~ I.I f!.4:zr,p fur tl'M'f\'llll<'ll• Upholstery Draperies The Finest CnttamanahJp P1u l'abrlc:a at Ooee-Out PriCa Enablea Ua to Gl'Ye Your Old Funiltun That NJ:W LOOK at .Aatounding Pdcea Dl2rtng ti. '4vtf llelUl<IU ". CALL OS DAY OR NlGHT Liberty 8-M18 Voe uUmMu ••a el OW' d_..,ou wlll r all ~ -it-t& J"llUI' NtUGL Ho·~ ·Ganlen ~-·~ -. . ., ••~ na m rAnt son w. c:. tntueaUnr bobby ot now!'r cul· [ tlvatlon. Mn. Kelly'• pr1u wu a Polaroid camera, WO" CARPET lot"· P'~mao Fi.ah•r, 2~ , Or 1fl wood Roacl. wu rurunded ol an 1Dclde11t when abe wu a.ri I Anny n ul'H IJ) Jai>a.ri and ac- cld~ntally led tO oua...-n~ I away trom the UM> &IT& m wl\Jch I lhey w ~r• au.ppoel'd tu atay, mu"h lo h~r cmlMl.rr ... mcnt. aihe won carpelJn~ tor th• new dub· hou" and a pel'80na.I ,.ut. o( the elaatieimd eoUar. Be lhe flnt l.o flaunt o. ... loHIJ Foot Flalra ehanun Blark & Brown Sul·<lP Black Patent, Navy Cal! $10.95 OPEN FRIDAY EVE-'Tll 9 P.M. COSTA MESA 225 E. 17th ST. This is TOP BURNER TEMPERATURE CONTROL -llM SNat new Qn r.se te.turel ~r~.­ ~~'" .,, ' Now rou can make arrr IMl or .-. ........... Top bu""r cnokinp; on tM MW C• rugea it now • automalif • baki.ng acl l'Hlting ..Ult mu T•p s.n..v ~r.,u• C0111rol. Tliia ~ f,..turT &t'ta yoa .. the ripa lrmpttatur" for fcw.d you pf'P'p9rf'-and never tn\l<"h t~ dial qatn until )Oii tum the Gat off. Thr bumt"r .d1utta _., wt~-~ 7our food 1lw1ye at U.. 14"~ ya. waM. Bot uw Top 8ul'ftt'r Tmiperalwn eo.rel .; jutt .,,. of "'°"1 new f•tun. on lodey'1 G• ,..n~ r or enmpk. you wm 6nd rotary bar· ~Uf'9 an ~ ff'ature iia broiler c.mpert- nwn1• anti of cnuTJ~ 1J.ry'r,. 1m~*J1 wil1t Ga, ' Vi,,it your rwia)ihorbood Cn rlJl4fC de.Jn or your c .. Compeny• lhowroona aooo. St. an that'• new about tbe -C• ,.,._.. ., ............... ~ lnl ttM Tett ...,_., y-.. peratw9C-Wt~ R.OllOICI. QAf1DI • tAf· TLUt. HAltOWIC«. MAGIC D4U. O'KIDt 6 ....-n. "O"-"· wtoarwooo. .--wc110tM-NDLLY. Only G !~ S' give;0:·;~··::::·~:·d·;~··:utomatic appliances ....,_ .. -• 'f • -.--'• .. r~BO'f AHO BWEJrr will be the mume for ~boa Bay Club's "Polldell ~ ~·bin caleadared for Oct. 25. In addition to the "Penthou.ee four", the club'• ~· ftlUlal'. dance bud, there will be the Dixieland Band of zadii Stdn.nek.: HO.t;. : mf t:M• emt wift be the Peter Hilla, left; in center, 1e&ted, Kr. &ad Mn. : !Ueharit Li>vtland and standing, Mr. and Mn. 8&m Barn•; alao Kr. and Mni. L Al Cox, not ID picture. -TelT}' Boria Photo ' -------~ ~------- GUEST ARTISTS Luncheon and Program ~·Opens Ebell Season • • ! The EbeU C..1ub or Newport Bt·al'h 011o•nf'd it• fall I SHb and Thomu Bau~. Holl· • I den ..,.on with a luncheon and mw11cal µrogril.In Oct. 4 ctav trult rah or v.t~ IAkl'n lC American Le11on Hall with a large attendance. Mrs. 1'' Mr• Ro~rt St&bl•r. ~iam Tritt. p""8ident, introdu<'t'd the rxl·cutlvc;_ board I .V1'W JtBllBliRS U1d cbainoen 11f committees. Lunch,on ff~){'aker wu N•·al Ni·w m•mberw w•lcomt"d an<I • 1ntrodu~ by Mta. Wllllam D. William.a ot Lon« Hfo&c'h "ho 1 C h11 rlt•& .''••rnn. ll H.. .11011 .. 1 I 1.#amblt>, _,i;;nd vie: .. tt11ldfont BRIDE -Mr. and Mn. Walter ll. Keene, No. t Beacon Bay, announce the ~ of their • dauchter Judith and H. llobert Dykea Jr. Oil Oct. G at the Firlt Methodist Church. 'l)tt. in t.bt pl"ellellCe of relatlvea. The Rev. W. G. Cuhrer of tbe First Methodilt Cllurch olfftclated. The brodepoom it the IOll ot the H. ft. Dykee Sr. of Watwood. The Keena a.re anembera of Bal- boa Bay\ FETED BY NDGW NaUve Daua-htere ot tbe Ool~n Parlor 2H, pv• a mtmbenihlp bruncla Oct. 9 at lht home of Kra. John Makomaoa, SOI Haul Dr., Corona del Kar. Tw.nty elfht womt-n atlaldect. lncludln1 IN'Vl'D iu-. ot ..,._, liihnllilt. Roblrt Oorf'lrwl. A.IUlur Ha~ •·iorwaoe Da.rUltS. CarolJ'll l:deiw, Robert oaru.. J .... u Welte and A.nlold Nutell Mn. Donald Mun.MY. ptffi~nt, wa1 tn cb&rr• of the attalr which wu hcNlteeRd an4 co-~teued b7 Mra. Jou M.alconueti and Mrs. CbeAer Pollard TIU.I wu OM of th• eV'Ul~ ecMduled dunnc tbe Ye&I' to 11"• tnfor· mauon rwprdlnr what lM o~tlon ol Malin Da~btera la. It. pUTJ>NM and what. It at&nd.I fOf". ~nteil lhe 1nd•·~nd1•nl 011 1 A1th11r :'\c·•·h and J A <,1tnl I 1 ,,_ .... .._1 p . lln1 mem.,...rarnp t"-nnan Wtrt I OOl1tp6D.1H" aide> o( the oil pro· I II''/!." 111'.MHbRS .. , _ t "I I a R I H ~ml'I. url •r • er Ina' " S ostess to Thty ara Mmu. Tlllot.ton. Van Pnar. Foote and Wiley Baldwbi·P&ttenon . 1.-.d Get. tt ........... WU A a.ma,.. a.-. '9 ft.a t.ewt. llaNwta J'r., n, . flt MM" lu~rior A.._,· Ct.ta X..., _. Ml• Kary VlrJUU& P,tt.aon, 11. °' mo oruse Aft:. o.ta w:-. pD9ttloia to M vui..<S upon In th.t I l>u1 in;,; Ult\ bu11neu n\f"C'\I',:. j I lelnl\ld. Thnmu Ba11mc> A rthur <"?Dmi"C elfoectlon. H,. wu Intro· I ~rs \' •: \\'h "" k parl11111, n 1 ;-.;..,.11 1111 r«ent Jihllora and • M • ya-•t dalced 'b'/ the Mr• Aruthr Lind· 11.Au1an plU~nl,.,I "" amt·n•trlld I Mn .... \Vllllam G1lmo~. Charlt·• Sewing Group With Grandparents artinez ml •Y· IactaJa,ti~ th&trman. who 1(1 lht' ··l11b. h·, 1 ...... ~ l•l rtu\Jdt• Hait. !iwu Rff<.I, ch a I I•· 1 Mr. and Mra. <>-r1• 8Mn1ll. •pl&lned Uaat .. llJ*lkf'r fl'"" I lur a•· ~J>tanc' of '100 1111' ""''"· !14,.lune, Harn· Black. li:u,ene Mn. O\arl.. 8Unlt-)', OS John Sa.llTan.lt, life twr year 40G . Jttb at.. ha'f'9 NtUnMd Glotbar <'Omf&Jly l""-ntNI lln· ht-r11h1f'" 8 11ni;-tr·r thP m •mt~·r-CJ , ~ y I 1, t Broad-y, ~la Mua. enttr-old .,_ <M Mr. a114I Mn. uctr.w __ a .,._t wit.Ill ~ .----otbft' ._.,....A, u~u . .__, ry ounit ovt. • rt-la! __. .... _ llf'Wt of .. ..,... -v .... ,,...... • ., I •h•p Uj• tn tWl•· "11 \tl" prOjl H .... eta M• LeLhll\n. H11ynioncl K irby ,._ .... nc STOUP saJll'lllllll ot Sul\land. ~ ntul'D· ter eh&ra.i.., ..... ~ t.M LAuarh.On t.lbM-11 "''"' r tl1••·nr· of th•• nf'w <'lull hulldlns;:'. ,,.,,.,,t · 1 .. nd Ml ,. Maude I 'hllcoal I Hoar Ho.pttal Auxn1111 y at a ed home after apendlnr a ,_ Jeck DillD.1'11 ot l&arUae&. T1W ~ In Oowt'°'. ol lh .. <.lulJ" ,.,, &• 1.-. \, li11.lb-•" lihd "'"~ Sal H d J M: luncbeGa la ber bOll1t ret't'nlly. 4-.T• w1Ul h1a (1'11.ftd,,,_u_ Mr Dllni;ll W.J'f JD..m.4 ncenU, <*on blue llJld •old TM P~· 1 tM-'"f>Oll of Mn. Rulh \"~d··• 1· Iv auar a nd Urp<·r C· Her ~lao«.-e -.. Ml"'I Napo-aJld Mn. Joh.a B&iifaa.ll.. 113' ud ba,.. .ta~ a .._,, 6t . ., · ,,q· &rttllla, f'nll'rt.iuned V."llh a 1-A Van P-•• Qut«.a ..,.,... dent wtth Mra ~·orn'9l Alllndt-r I b .. 1,d1ni.-; rt1•11rrna11 '• mpl•·l•••rl "'I _,,_ ·--· S&nta Ana AVI' Oaeta )I~ that d'-. · • muaic&l pniacra.m which wu ap-MmH l:lmer ........_ H B Jlar· ' ., JD1!or F.btU "nreal lf'nt MIJ C. tlil" l.J11ild1111: •~ """ l••d ''"•h· • .. J-·· . . ::;;::;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,_-;;-;;-;;,;;;;-;;;;-;.;~-;;;;;:;;...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;; , · .. • • • ,., .•• ,.,.11t 1 plaudf'd by ttw audlt>llC'f' M.t .. nniton S.rtha T!llot.on. 'llfa· r •· o.akla. a:D4 ·~ RVTOD • -Hn.u rc.1. ur T\' and conoert mll' l"n<>lt! Jo l"rletar and Rad1-,,Ct1•. ~ DiatM< t J11n1nr I• '' ,.. 1<1 r • l ·• •' n 11 • • ,.1,.J(,. 1:an• hoth optrau,• and Pl W IJry · 1f.4DJ'btnlhlp CO-Ol't1lrmtur """ '""1 ''a• •' "" 1 '''" f u. 11•·' pop111ar n\.l111l.>er&. She wu &<"· Mni. T\11ot.11on 11 lt>al11r of tllr ~cl&l ~ reapecthtl' ·~I 1H' '11111 • 1 • '' "" '•'h11r li".'OI .panifld a• tht puino lly Mr ~nup M\d four of Ule women ~~ WUb. c:orail'L ln -McKay wtw •• a wllk'ly kno ... n ha'l'e oveT r.oo boure ot wwtnr =-.•• ot tM ~01't1ona ,. • .,..., I rum•t tor th• hn.pltal to their cr9dll -··a~ JonMOn. l'hatman. Zonta GrOUJ) I ~ Matth~•. Thom.u Baum" 1-: May Jnr ..... E F ZUm at Conference Birthday C k I Rf'prt>untln;: th.. Nl'Wpu rt a es l!llrbur Z<1nt" Club ,.. ••·n rrwrn- ~r• ,,·jll a •t•·n•l th.-r1rn11 I , n -f9r President 14! Jo .. J 1•01t• ., H11tt1t 11, !---,u r>u·~u c I< I 1 'l I I I • ~ewr~or•..,dp.rlaape nf"<··I T li<••" 11ltf'n.tJn~, 1,. \Ir,. f'f':.,...i.n ..,1J,f to D1IUI)' wom.n IM 1; Shnl•~. J>rH1d,·r-l """ cir be-MldJ\a to many uk•, antl f11·11\l .1._ ... """" ~ •• Hc.•k t ·'·•) 1 al'(rcJ91 th• •m,. rf'ci~ u ,~_. l•-1 fh•' v1u· l""'"'"r' "'"' al <iaf'. An •""" UM <'OtlntrT lh,.v 11 .. rn11t•· ti• ~r11:• ,\I ·h• .vi.JI .,. bl'llllng .... ,.. •lftln~ l.1 u.. '""'""I ''" ... f\)TI CIOd• Aalt and Oour frillnwln.: ;-. .. ,1 .. n 1.nrl s•,,,,. I 1· M11rni. ~er. d11JCOlalt: I StqJhl'llll<ltl, ra~· .... ,, I• ,,, • lln , ... rffl~ All iM<·au .. l'r,.,.,. Jotra. K ... nn,.•h 1; I cw n •Iv cl.ut D1191'1h•,,.,•r will he obe•rv· j hu bf-t>n 1tp1-omt••I '" \•, \tr Inf h&a blrtlMS&v a nnlve t!Mll •)' &Ima ~:11•t11 1<. d1"' .~. 1 ;: , ., ""' !lwtday. to ""l'VP 1ta .rri.1 .. JI~• , • .,., Tb• cakf't wtll bf' , olif'Cled 11tn I• • t •· • onfl'r• r • Saturda.)', f1•en t.o var1ou• m.u. j -- tut1ona. Hftr lh• 8 nvt1 C.:lub w ill S t B k1' rf'CletVf' UMoonfectlnna.'A h1Chan, er oma rca ast ll\ bf' broupt to Dftnhowrr head aporuivrt•d b\' II • I ', ~''""' to ~ brouftrt to i:tlll'nho-r hrtl\n•11 Club, a ""'"ldH•I Wiii hl60quart,.na, ~ 1£. Co11 •t filvd. • F'rf!ll lh•r• Touac Rep\lbh• an.a hfl •rte'CI 8abirday '' "' ..,,r_, ..na lf'Ave at nOOft In • mhtar· j Oct. 27, In UM parlllnlf lot ar...,. ...,. tor lhl' .B<>y• c·1uh M"" IPtl\ and Placentte., Cotta M• •• Marshall Nle<le<'k••r la In • lllH):f' :-,.,111,. branda w111 t ... 1 ,1,11,1,,.,1 'lf!I bave acmll• nn "h1< h Ha1-~t":.Republlcan• ran ""'"" . Hap· fur lhc brrakh u1t t" t 1r r1111n11 $._.~:· The day wlll t;t fRrtm"ro anl1 A11nt .l•n111 '" "ii td with a TV pro111am In., ... u ••. ,,. lll I''"'~"" !"Pl t .. m. ~···· 1f!lldl tM Pnlltd•t. •la&• and I rtrla club ml'mbf're ar~ aell1na: ~ at.an will •JIJ>"AI t1rk,.t11 tor lhl' atf&.11'. 1'~ St>lllng nn a PT.Vlew • 6!Jll' ~hnw1na. Our 3rd Unit ~ Whot the happy professor soys about College Pork .. Cotta MMe Tlte '--'io•t• iMI /er • ""'" nntl hi1 Kilt T" .....,,, ""'" utl "!',,,,., o/ ntrrJ•r Ii/,, It'• ''"'" M ,,., "''"" '"'"/or f rm•t rlrt '11,. Ttt '"" .... H11.,, ,, , It ,,./C f,, <11rh II r•f) I Less than hours away/ The car that breaks the pat.term of the paat ... '57 CHEVROLET INTRODUCING OUR NEW MAPLE~ MONTH CLUB Join Now!! • NO OBUOA TIO:-f O:S l'Ot·a PAllT! emu: IN ~o REGISTER · NEI -\ad \OU Wiii ft# l':•t1tlf'od to 11111 -'fn•tt1ly "~lal• IJI<• Thi• .• , •• ... JM:tf~ .... t t:.a<'h 1"1>nth • JUST LOOK . AT · THIS . WQN~llFUL "IUY" ,.,, MAPLE ROWNG PIN LE 11 ER HOLDER :~y ........ 100 Watcll Tllls Space leU MoAa. Pw 'Ille ,_ II& MAPLI Oii THI MONTH CUii SMCIAL NEWPORT I .FURNITURE CO. MILLER CHEVIOLET CO. 2,20 w. c.... ,, .... , 1 1 COO W. Cwt Hwy. Uberty 1-2261 1 Newport hact. U. 1-111 J N!WPOIT llACH ----------------------------- of .10%.15% & 10% An OVWTOCXl!D C0H0m0N awf. M lty tf,e I,.._ 5eiwsf1mw hMt ••• promptt Charles te· effw .._. wt. •ftdint voluell Alf furs reduced throughout the stote. limited time only MINK ....... = ... .. , ....... r . 51IJUIRREL 8'.M· .... •111 ... Y•S...lft MUSKRAt~ I = •103 v ....... • e~ SAllfA ANA All COMPANY -....... ~ . .., . . . LINCOLN S<PANDS 1957 M0oa LINE The mew x Jnoobt Iii ftnt oar to fatur. Qaadr&-ut.-fov roed IJaht. ln 'f'U"tical pa1rL auptq ..,_.than lut ,_ra lltJtlas4wv4 winner, the new 1.1nmtn bu n, 1 ••• added po1"1" ...._ and ~ cha.npi. It .. ,pLblJo Oct. 18 at Jobmon 6 Sea, Oobtlwltal. t.l:Dloln lrri11 • lite ••halloa I • Still . Accepticl In occ ·c1m .. 'SMOGS' OUl LOCAL Q.OPS TO RESCUE! Dl-aperies Made Free! Ju.-t buy the fabric from ou..r fabalotu •Jectioo .•. Boo Marcbe iJ celebrating the Gn.od OP«ftma of our beautif ut otw store by G J V I N G rnE LABOR oa your draperies I All worlunanthi p guaranuied. AU fAllfCS OUAIANTllD NOT TO f ADIJ Custom M4'k ln Our W orirooms o,. tin Prtmists CLUB CHAIR HUMDlml Of ~ PAiia A.YA.LUU NC1111 .... '-,..._ s27~ NOW IN OUI NIW·LOCAnGNI Open h~lnga by Appolnln•nt ' ftr w1 •111 ., .-. ., un , "ua 6176 .. -........... ..,. It ....... ""- ~ a.aa •• (' ............ r.--.... .,. .. \' CPOLlTlCAL) VOTE November 6 YOTI ~ . ...... . . -_, .... -· ....... _.., ~ --· ,,., . ,_ ~·. ··-·· ....... ....... -· -,.,. ,,. ----·--.. --· ... Literature on All Republican CanC:lldetea, Bumper Strips and Buttons, May be Obtained at 341 I Newport Blvcl., : . i Newport Beach. This 11 f or the - Convenience of Voters in Thia Area. RALPH P. MA51CEY t ~------.... --------------.... .......... ·· a. nnt to ••«t Y.ar BOIN .611' in 0u1' lrd Uattl ~ 'What the happy profestOr soys about Coll~ Portt .. Ce1tw ,..._ n.. .,.._, •I .-l6 ....._ .-.. • ,,_ • Fi'1~,.,_,.-'111# lell1 ,,., s. ___ _. ,., ,,_ ... ,...... ,_ "'~ A..J o.I .. ~;, .,.J /wu·, rt --' M • 6WPy! M&T :Jed I. Qt It '" llTJ. ........... 1111 ................ .... .... ,. a111•h ,...,-·;· • ·'; .... ......................... ···~ .... ,_ ... .-... * uA t .. ...-- ... , ·:•1U a. ....... Jiii_.._ .... 11# ..... •• rt 0 9MlmNM~.._ ..... ._,.. .... ......, ...... ,_. IS• • ....... Fl ......... , ...... _. 11 .. ;. -.:i I ' .. JI' 1 •• ......... .... ~ .. ,.. .... , .,..... P,...eLMllarnS.dle ~t.~~ !'(_,.... ..... • ... .. . . .. .. ... _ _ THERE•s SOM~THING ... SLSE J~ LIFE .. i 0\. ........_ wM •perba,. eda't IDl8 tM ptotan ._ •"' or w» .,_.. '9 .._...,_Ill .-.J. Wedlleildq _...... llCJ'MD ot at ~ ~ maldlW tw9 .... SI i.t laq. But Ult nlprtt'• bl.Ddhnllll t.u.d to It.op ~ tradltloll ot ~ UMatar: '"Tbt no~ •• ,. OD." JllMqw Jolm Oxford. Ull ...... Lani, Coeta Kw. p&tebM tbe llCne1l with ....... u. ...... .-t-·--..t QD .. muaL. Odonl .U4 ~ au.pect dS4 ~ .... -.UIM ~ .,,,,,.,,.,,.. aad f p.m. ! Arehlteeta and. ICbool, board mea M*te theN ~~thiQlhe iD lite 1-.d, i .etlool ~ and they 1'ere ~kins after part of it when the above picture waa A Utue~voked city or&11&1Wl41 nre a t ta&e Wat110n An. ' • ..-Saturday noon at a m--:.pf; the twt> ·~ " Oraug• ODiUt .... \&Md by eo.t& M ... pollc• The ordlnuce for1>1dAI a11t09 •• : • ,....,...__ Prom left LI Georp Und. ~blte<:t: eottDtY !!fi.apt. I.lnton Sl.lhnion1. j Saturday n.lJht When a mot.onat _....... wu ciled for Uiurfe~nce wtUI to toll-fire ln•cka to a«nem lurglcn Enter Z LOcal Motels :· 8Q'p\. ~ond Elllott of Hnut.ingtoo Beach and Supt. Sidney Davidaon of New-nre -iwpment ot bla&e• w1Uiout a caUM. : ~Barbor Union BiP School -Staff Photo , I John JC. C\llalJlae•. 20. Wll-j A1 for the ftl"'f'. It tul"M'd out Two Newport J1Mcb m • t •I• Bf ... , ... ~·oft· Cf--:-LIQUOR--B'A--N---.-_L_Se_tt_le_m-.. --nt--:.~i:; ::~·: ~~,=I~ ~r::7n ~:c~v~~nt~: ;~~~ i r ~ M~"': ~ ~ t\rt tn.ick Uld parked :)() t.et td 01\. There wu no dam&Ke to lbe al'lenloon. pollee aid. In Mesa Mishap behUMS It at p.e .c.rn• or •_mlA« __ t~_1w1uae __ :_ :~Jack ~y~:· prt1!:; !:":'·m!.-:-:~1 ";: ' .. ·: 'iJ ., OD·l·,NGE r~t!JKrn'IT'l I' :~~,~~ .!:: Nol M1riju111 Bit Wheel Cot I =ed =· t:'!~ :!:! 8 l\A f1U)f11:f ,A£ ed tA>"appro\ie a cC1111~ ..t· H ~ . O ' f C J Cl • door 1Mtw1en t :ao .-10 a..,_ !!::.! !u: ~~uu =~ 81artl ~-~ Ir, I llm 1 ~:~ "°mm u.. ~,... In ~ta Heaa. 8ANT A AN A. 1 OCNl t -.4c· wmt •• ound to the r•r of hi• ranny E. Brown. 2640 j;. <::out Harold I:. Lthleldt 9Hka CO\lrt <"\l-1 nan:ouc .. po .. dltOr R.ol>-11110 vthlrle and llhooll. lhe Hlaiiway. aald tbe lb.let tntared 11&ncuon of the ~tl\Jon on ~-l erl Lee Hendrix. 31. ot 2461 El-rl(tlt whHI. He •Id ha WH 1et-bet a.,.n.inent al t..h• N'&r of ~r halt of h.11 dau(tlt.l'r Bnda i-I• M., Coet.t. M.-. t..uo-d on Un« becll int.Cl hill c.&r •hua I.hr I motel 1101n.Uma pnor to 1 p. m. whfektt., ~ ..,,. ewn Mb&.lt ln 8upilriar oftlctr9 d.-.nd.ed 011 him. Tbat 1 •nd 1ot away wll!I ~. She WU JAY and RENFRO Insurance 'Broken wish to announc• the removal of their mail\ office to 333 NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH, ~WA • -•t-:i ··.A ~ We are Sh1 Maintain "9 Out If_. Pffce at 1157 Harb. ~erd, Costa M~. C.1if. Telephone -Uberty 8-1188 .1 I ment. 8twrUf'1· depu~ wf'rt <'&lied to u. aao.pita&, accordlA( lo Bu pern.or IUtns K.abtr, w'-a ...,_ er&! YUl!ton ·were encol.IJlt.erM by .. s-t.e cu.a.rd for ~k.a&• check· lq. nwy had a clalm •&a.Ill.It ~rt ~putm.nt TbrM here wu belwttn • and 10 pm d euaJ.c a tronl wut. a.t lb• time. R~ ~~ ~ ~.~ M-.J~~da~ . H~d~ cl~~~ h~ ~ ~=~~=~~~~~2~====~~==~~=~~~~~~~~~~ Qorer an acc1ct.nt th•t b«urrtd PoUce ~ pounced oo knowled~ Of lb• box and 110 (POLITICAL~ TlwJ arped &Ad mu.-d to allow the lnvnttpU-A!\er wl'balty npuac It out with t~ auanl. UM cn.trnJntled naltorw rot In Uldr oar• and dT'Oft away. ~ r.dtly autlnrllt.ed to U.. cu&rd I ch«ll. On recommendation or lhf- Grand J1.1ry, the Board of Super· ~ baa adopted an ordinaN"l! ln lM l"ff..I' of no Santa lat>.I Handrbr. at Rh.rad• Drive and told the otf1ctta. It.. OoM.a Maa 8!w baa ottPNd TWtln An. ·on Aus. 1 an.r Aceorc1ln1 to Ole d«ftndanl U. •lUement but ~Nol llA· UHl:1 bad s\Ak-S out Mh1nd -II• bad left home to _.. another bUlt)'. tu bean bwlh-. Coeta Mua rwident about &Uq ArTU IM>X1 G.abtns t.M aat day. 11ley 1111.-cl Head!'Ur WU ---- U•lted Natloas Day UMr'I to p6cll 11p a llD&lJ un boa N Tl OHi Unit.ct Nation. Day wilt be c:oatuntnr marijuana dpnttaa. ew ce WedJNMlay. OC't. 14 mid Mayor The d•f•ndant. under uamiaa-Tiie ectueaUon&l otflca of Dora 0 . Hill ta ca.Utn1 aa the Uon of hill COUllMl. Mart-1 Toutmuten J.nt.emational Inc. la people of H.wport Bewh to ot>-ThompllOll of Oranp. aaid IM Mini moYtd to J3e Potn.Nttia ..,..,. Ulat day to demoutrate had been )Miytq trouble wtU-A..._, wbere c~tSon ot.,.,.. m&· Uidr fa.U!i Ja and 111.1pport ol the h1ll car -Ole brakl9 Uld s-· t.erttJ.a and metbodll u.d by U.N. To l.llat end M•TOI' HUI 11•-~rator m91'11*ra wUJ be ~ ... ...-of Ralph aued a p~ u ...... _,_ .A.a ha approe.ched ~ llt.p -•· • on ..... •-· •en at Rinndde and 1'\mt.la. C. 11m..a.y aad b.111 aecntarJ, Hendttt .... rt.ed, tb9 bralt• M* Grae. PhW.lpa. n-. u. (T'&bbed. He .topped and iot Diii Teutmaat.11 Cluba In the out to eheclr t..bem. UatW ei.t.ae an4 23 ot.bar c:oun- SXAJIDIED WIDZL b1eL n.. h<Jrla• omoe ll ID 8&.nt& Tt\e defendant teftttled he Ana. .. ' Do you siCJll blank checks? Then don't ·sip" this -die bit9est ,,, ... died" of all . • • " ¥OTERO PROP05ITl8N 12 NOY. 6r -.... ...... •. IEEP YOIERS* CON1ROl ti TAX IMWRS . - VOTE "NO'~ ON PROPOSITION 12 J ., .. I . .,. •• mna <M•MD -Pree! W1l8cm. ._ 4aabma o1 u.. o....,. Coali~ Olldal C.C-mlttM, prmdett" at ~ ~ 11 1m tn But& .4a& W. week.1'llen M reada a list Of c:harpm aplmt m ee:ntral committee • members who .aqpt to umeat Cbalrman William llcNuJ~ ,-()CNS Photo "' EXPANSION FOR LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES Jack Moore and Gene Vred.and announce purchue of Lido RM!ty A.uociatea and plan apuwion o( the 8COpe of tho ..W. a.nd rental department.a. With them u salamen wtll,be Virsi~ )(f.n9on; Fred Guenaler and St.an Meyer. Vreelud la well knowa ln realty and trat.enl.&1 clrae. and Moore ha.a bad ex· peritDoe u aa npetr, ntall menibalit aod hot.ft owner. ll•rrJ Peten Offen C.11plete TV Serflce 1t His lew Store . . 0..pM4ie TV _.... ia W.. ....., IMlUlbe HI-,, equip- ~ ~ Han)' A. ....... --. tor ~ ... .ua ... _.. ...,. .._., ll&r TV ... A>-II&" r..-ir ean1cla. A.a Uda Sii ...___.,._w.-........_ a .... -....~ .. 1a u. ,,. tllckailii llieO. bM'•DeHM.: --ftW ~ -.. .. -... ,....... ........ ltllY !If Ml lili9CJt "' ...... .... ftUtie .... ~ ............. ~·· • ., I.I .. .-.~----. _..._.lll&tpm __ ..,... ...._.Saa~ot.TV-t. .,,. m ta um ..,.._ ._.._, • ...-..m. ~ Uu-w ,_.. at .._ Mn .._ lMI oot Illa~ lnT Clan Drift. htftW' 1i1oMiJ lliDlil u. ant -.. \a. ....... a. .. tM Orulp OmmtJ a... ................... Ula ... co. • ,....., "' ...... ...... .,....,. .... "' tM '"31bs-.. • .... at&. ............... . It Ml -.. * .,atece tMl clml ot UM dub for Uu-w ,_... ooet...,.. n1&ui111 .,. !Ila 1-t.,., ii1Nt tM ._. ~J ~ .t ..C. ....._. tn UMt 8Mta Am& r.e.re ..,_...to .tock eca-J'arm .....,_u belldl&UNUn.. M- pllte ~ ti all -.tar qpll· l\lllllJIS al T:U p.a. .... m--. ol Calla ~·· ~ y fff$1al ta a.am- ... ,,, (! ?Tie llrrt=-Prwlidlat Pm a.. )'Uterday Uill a. ....,.. .a U. pu" ,., uaat eome Wan blm ea.n't ........... ,,, ta .. ~ hmdleea JV ...ua. ...... u. ...,.. ,,, .,....,.. wW tr)' .. atn ...... . -u._ ,_ ..aL on. ..,_.. ..-.. to &4jot&rn aw T :IO p.a. Oc:t. • Ill ta. -'""'"* ottloe at 1181 Ila~ •••d. PUTSY, PUISY rLAlfl' low Cemnt Mi1en Vie wit~ J1n1p Seeld11 Men lontion c-ta 11._ ,._. a ...,.. ed CO. ltat.et U. llQ ~ not tm•t lo tt.a p-.e. and 41\Mt .Wtal>M tor .,.rtculllln." J'he ----------------------- Moella7 ILl,cllt ... UM Pian· _"°, .. woWd 'M °" tM pr.. s ppD fi Fat Drl 111n, ()em .... .....,.. a ,,.. as.. .... u... would .. off· U es or e Yer ,_i ,,, Qa;neoltd.at.ed !tock Pl'O-ltrMt parklnJ. d\llCU Co. to ..tAbUllll a c:911ent Commluloner H . C. l&mpeon L p plul -u. ol .Adami St. cut led in oppcwtn( th• pl&nL He lcenses urchased Here' ot Saal& Ana RJftl'. t Mid "'by denytnr tt. It° would • 'na1I • u.. .-me r•neral .,.. certainly r..Wt In preeentaUon wlMn CO.ta M-ta OJ'hUns; ot better arsu,.•nl.I 11\ favor ot elf an alt.eropt to put In a cut It ... aJMI cio.er d-p. Plannera Bam•y P'nutcque and n.. C>raJll'9 County UM varl-Harlan WOOd oppo11d the mo- ance applied for b Conaolidat· tlon for denial dedartns; tht')' Y would fa 'IOr no ACOmm1nd1Uon ---------r--otJln than to ha.,. the county M Cha ber notlt)' property own•n aff9C'led. 1 1 esa • m But lhe otller plannera had vUloNI ot Claude ot duat dr1tt· , tnr-over the rMt ot Co.ta )haa 'Seeks Ch a>Uiouraa I.My •rr-1 "the plant I ange probebly would not ... .. • Jectlonabl• u th• C\l t a.nd cover 1 dump" A tlctlUowi cMclc JUMC1 t" a N.wport ._oh photo wpply Ill.Ore by a 9UIJ*:l llelined to be & fornlft' ooav1ct ,..y have 111&rUcl UW ~ of a 11.QI' o~ to ma.nufaclW"9 fake drtftl' ~ H--.nl Pol.eoa'l. propnet.-r o< UM Kart9or Poto La~ a\ lltl lL Cout mpway, ~ a ai&11 wtlo aJW awn.tl WUliua Jl. Alt.dra• &ad .. .,.. aa ....,._ at IN Oot'&I >. .,.. hpt. u had purc'ha.Md NI.JI wortb of pho- tesrapby equipment. in By-Laws I no p y w H I I rot.om maid u.. cbft• bounc.d, a 0 R I j marked "no &CC'ounl." I>Mcn,.. I Uon ot tb4 llUIJllCl WU.CS will! Meet Sc bed ale~ ~ 0s!.11':!m:'l4 "~er:.n: I lh~hout Calilornia "by nu· An old t.ahloned Town H-11 muoWI police dep&rtm..U ·• P'ol- mMtllls; la alatf'd fol' tbe fl.Vbor ~ ICS.nttfted Mtyer u lhe &rf'& <XL 11 at I p. D\, la N--..na maa w)lo laad purchued port Bee.ch City Hall. co-apon. lM photo equ1pm.aiL aored by Ule TCJW1C JWpcbUeana of Newport, and the NIW'pOJ't Karbor R.epubllcan Womftl'• Club. He -.Id the lt.em.1 b4 otK&lAld Included UI• 9all\• type of papu u.ed ln ma.Jctas CaUforrua. oper· ator'1 ~ TM ot.ber equl~ in.it, •• eled.rWllc na.ll, m.Ur, tray, mldc'et adapt.r. 1potll.D1 bruah and -ta. P'ollom aaM!, woull1 &Mio be W1ttul In malttnr • • • take ll--. Police Mid M•Y•r'• record ln· cated he ..-u drtv1q a .tolen e&r &ad /lha t he waa oa parole. It T•es ~IJ!I to Make Qfflce , ....... nt , Site To allow Ule Oo.ta ..... aaa..w or eo~·· .a'lcc Ill i..a 8artNn-""""-'" ''llem'ICI f'nt" or at hMt appean eo t.o the reneni! publ\e, Pr-e.ident Pete ----'-~-~-~-- 04ddee ,...i.uuy r-..ue.acS«S to the board th.at perm&n.9t """' t>. placid on lh. buUctJni with the lltmpl• notauon · ··auun. ~r or Commer<'• " aut t.be reat ot Uae -..... mlndlUI ol. the tact the charn.._ la In tta third loc:&tlon Ill lttU ov•r a )'lllJ', w&11ted UM ell"ftl, at i..at. to be moWJe. -r..y llld.leat· Id they w•rw Onic-d to Ule-.,, be In• pataled °" the etut-eo aid• ot th• IMilldlar. 'T1tey _..,... n•n otter-H a alp ltJ Allt))Qa7 P.tru.mMlllo. owner of a market a t ITt &. lTUJ I t .. who atunde4 the mMtln," u • repr .. entaU\lt ot °'' f'll-1 mernberahlp. Hie alp caa M 1110\"f'd As a reward for a job Will tlou~ What makes a gl@ss ~Ii:, beer so right? . . . lea J. the be•atpof modcndod-fl &. ;pc ... ·:: tha fdcndJy. infvnmJ c.&fomia .. , ""life."'--:. ..,. ... afttr • 4o-it-yOW'Mlf .... et Oft • picaic. .... . .. ii lirftt. tcndble rdrahmertt. .• .. 8Mr 1Mkmt6 to Cdll/ornla /Jmt U. I. llBWIRJ POUNDAJJON • ND! Al8o anebc>rtq and turllq -.U. at Ule flA1U line wtll 1111' 1"9qu1Nd betan ftuJ U.. 1a tall• lni1e Ranch Soo1I . 01ti11 for Weekend lkhmlt&. o( S&llC. .ua: .bud Of tb1 Harbor arq camp wW tM Art Remley, datrlc:t coaunl.laie- er. Harbor di.tnct Scout.a wUl ;:;;=-iiiiiii:iiiiii:=-:=-:iiiiiiii=;~*­ ha._ Ulelr own ••l-.y, whldl bu "1en INllt UDC1u 4irec:U0111 ol Don c. Qordon. Of Ule 1J troopl la tl:le Barbor at• tJl WU1 be at ~ camp WU.)!_ u.. ~ ol AMal Utt 807 llcOaUI, Jlx. Troop IT ot Lide, Wbich w U 1111' p~nr llltout.a and d1nctoril ,'WW •=t~UJO==:u..::..:cam=:P::_ ____ ~~~!:::~~~~~~!::!!!:!!lli! °'Omnl'd ,. God.. will ... lbeme of the camp and U11re wlll be repNMDl.atfv• ot all major ,, To Place ~-~ To Give tOCCll -.wl .. . . . . . At our .ri•w store in the It.art of Newpott>leach we ere In greet need of. TV trade-ins for our expandin9 rental a 1ale1 busineu. · • t:' ~- IL .. ..:.. • . ~ . ". Ode To The · Spendin~ Of Time In Wanton . Wa~te! 11me wbere6f the memory ot man nuuMth not to the contrary. la a quote ot Dote from. the Coria· maitarie9 of Blacbtone. Time wu the objttt of wanton wute and fritt-1D1 bl eodlea, meaninr- leu ha.rra-.t of tbe Newport Beac:la City Coundl Monday ni•bt. Spet cm tbl fripperies of ltn.t -.d plartt.lnp wu approxim&WJ ua hour ot ti1M wben i.Muee of iraver import bave been bruabed away by the cowi· cil In a matt. ot eecoadl. While one t.-tator in qu&Terinl voice t.htta~n .. the council with k 90Jution, which be retuMd to ~ veal unleu the council would !int yield to hla extort.ion. ot ~l.uion of an action previoualy talten, the bu9eU of the street.-end.a whined on. "Gather ye Roee-bud9 while ye may, Oki Time la still aflytn1: And Wa .... floww-that -ne. toda7. To-mCXTOW will be dytn •. " Tbua aid Herrick In hll ''To the Vlrl'tn.a•• and lt ltW i.t SoOd advice. WbUe planU., on the -.ndatn.nd at the street end.a • wtu.ena, U4 d)'ia.1 and problem.a or far men import ky amouldertn1. time of the Newport Beach 0ty COundJ WU lpent When timf' for &JI could haft befta •ftd. We aua-t that .lht en~ probliem fA ltreet cndl. their dlannce, plantlq. bealllt!lcatlon, l'fteptnl and UM should be referftd s to the wlvet ol all ol. tlloM wao belaboa:red tbe Ctt7 ~ Council'• t.bM lut Mnpjla, ~t. ., • f We .rt lllU"e tbt womu ha btf ee klatech ·could t work out a IOlvUm. Prob&bly they would ~ ll ~ ~ lluabanc:t.a cm Utt beach with lolls leuh• to did DOt onlJ ~ but IC"8t ... Ud thua aw the d~ mon.,. ' • ''B&clrtntd. turn backward, 0 'nme, in your • , OfPt. t Ma.kt me-. clllld apLm JMt tor t.Oilfbll" nu : aJd EJ.isalalth A1kft lA OM of her .... ~ : qao:ta traa .. Jt.ock Me to Sleep.11 i · It WU ~ mo.t 1ood for \he Qty ot • ! __________ ..... _....,.... __ ~----"'!""" __________ ..._ ____ _ • • • • I To U1e Edit« J "l lh• Community Youth Cfllter TM Zoata Club of Newport In Corona ~I MAr on Od. U Harbor IA •poneortn1 a proJ...-t trom ;i to • pm nwr. w!U IM whJcll ettm• Important •nough I •Dtf'rtainment r-.tr~u ud aAd ot w1de lplftd ln&er.,.t to a<><><J [l!llowahlp FARMER McCABE , ~ · WRITES · · mail Mlq pl&c.ed, not only on All ~nlor clUuru of Uw C'om- U.. eoclety ~ • wtucll UI• m\lnlly are cordially lnY1tM to pe,,.ra hav• bffn ..., (tne:rou1 att•nd and mftt n•w frlnd.a. WlUU IM!t aleo on th<-•111torl&I We would appr.clate your ..,. w2dcb r..-h .. • I d1rtcrent 1 tntue-i and co-opuaUon tn UU. ~ el tM pU*>l1c. needad eodl&YVr, &.. AelJ ui. ._.__,.. ... _._.;i...,.._ __ ... .,.. __ .,. ____ _ We all tao. that many lhl.q1 m&Jl7 a,. peop1t WM llw ..... a" belnc .,._ for lM Youtll ot Uld Ow D("W comen wbe amv1 a--1 ..... "•111.7 od I I I '-th• ramm1m1•• but ~•rv n .. ._ ...... 11 t oaw ooe "" M.19 new " m t can. t wu on1. -· "I• • --Y 0 MHt Mad rn&ke JOOd d fer Ult n.. 8enlor Clu.n., Di. frtf'n•l•. and plan for n&tun alttlt and purty. Tbe more I stood tbere and Jooke 1>t .-oPI• 60 ,_,. ot ace or onr. n.nunp. , It, UM. more I raJl-4 t.Ut the new car makere b9lr• We are .,_90rtn1. .,.,th UM Blnf'erery Yours. • lbore pb.ye4 hob with the Super Marbta cauae hereto-eo-opnatNa Cit lbe Parlu and Mrs. W. R.. Col9nlan , ~tlla Dtpartmwit. a 8atOI' P. a. Mn. JaJnM .upbt 11 fore they n barely bad l'oonl to RUk the cara ••. ud Otl.M'NI Ott~ to ~ baH chairman foT U1111 Pl'9~ now with theee Lone. Low "'"' modela why they'n -.. ~ b&'fi to pt a lot of parkmr Space Stretdltt11. . "" . Wb1D l ..a a tid, I a.I to UM to bl&r' the ScotUlh Bae Plpea. l thou1bt that mualc wu the purtletat f d ever heard. But aoW *°' rft irowed up and haCI a Chance to llaien to DY!. ~ey why them Seo~ Baa Pl~ fray my n~ like Sandpaper . . . Come t" WU abcn.tt tt. 1 'spect th main reuon they plaY*l the Bae Plpe9 in 'bJd tba b&ttle 11Vu to demorame • many -what e1le. Farmer M~be (ill ~bt.t reaernd) LAYMAN'S DAY Ralph c._ Sm~dley at CdM Church NEWPORlHAUO~ NEW$.PRESS -.•AllT 11 • PA6E J ~pb C. Smedley will be rueot OJ*br '"" IAymtll'• FRtoAY OCT 12 Im S1mdoy, Oct. 1', It tbe Corona del liar . Commwalty Mesa Woman Reports at Deanery Meeting ' • ' Cbwda. Bmed.ley ii the founder ot Toutmuterl inlem•· Uona1. Hi. IU'l'DOn toplcl are u tollon: 8;30 · wofeb:Jp boar, ·~ At ~ork" and at 11 o'clock. "Come and SERMON ON 'LOsT COIN' AT UPPER BAY CHURCH By ~ Nl'*l U.. Re't'. Fred Da.YM, ,.._, wtll brt~ the ~ .,_,. on a p&nbM ot Jewi ...Utiitd ··i..o.t. Ooin" to VPPIT Blly Bapt11t ~ •1 a. m. Pali.ladeoa Road Ud CJJINIM Ill. Youth ~-orou,_ wiU 9'"t at. the cburcl:I at •:ao p.lll. louac peopi. who Al'9 not ~ wttll - aeU•• Chl'UU&a ywtll OfTanl&&Uoa wtll bl w•kom.d. ''The Mlnd ol Cllu1..C." wtll -tht ~ Jll'O'Yoklnf ~ -B~y n-..Uq-. "I i.,.,. -.n a mnnMr ot my cl11JJ'Cb tor IO _,,..,..," .aid -.tderly OuVt1an. ··uwt when 1 ..,_. _,d up wtlh .. ckMM -.!)' OM W t-ea.me to -ma. l WU abame-f\1117 -S ... tald.'" "K)' tn.nd", Mid UW putor, ''I.II ..U U..-10 ,_,. bow maay .. ck ha" you YisltedT" "Ob", ha r.piMcl, ''tl ...,. ... .truck me lD t.b&t upt. I ~t on.11 ot tM rtla.UoA ol etMn to me, iUl4 not ot mJ rt&l.Uon le tum." Go". n Iii • reeoplMd tact u.at ChrUUaa laJIDln nnder a l'l\09t dfteUV. ~ to lhmr di.urea.. ... ud. WI MXt Sunday bU bMsa ....,_,led .. • day lbat U. laymen .-lll haw an oppor- tuaity to brlAI' their n:.pefllnoN Mfon thett r.pecUY't' Chllrchtm, ll.c<IOf'di:OI' to U. Jt.v. J:.dwtn C. Oornk•, pMtor. '!'bl pMT&I lhtme tor thl• luncl&J' wUI be: ''1'111 Truth WIU lilake You rree", TM 1eneral um or th.I• annual ~ I.I to haV• ehun:h ~. not lftlnlften., In the pulptU °" Bun· CS&)' lo otieerve the oceulon. Thlt tellowina: nwn wtU ta.Iii• an l.Ctlve part ln U. ..-rit'll: lta.lph c. Smtdk-y, u (\!Mt pee..k wlUI WU!iam HulYl.t.MOft, F'red 81\annoa and W.tmer &k- ltela' U.ku11 p&rt •l ~ t :30 won.l\lp hour a.nd Lbw•ll New- lon, Hari.n Hoy\ and Mttlcllt.b Harwood at 11 a.m. Amon1 eh&lrrnm r.portlna, )(re. Jamtll WhlU ol. Oo9la Mtu., Romt: add .SC.001 dl9.Jrman, .-$4. "hamfll• i. our beet weapoti.'" Sbt .UeNed Ula !I.Nd for f&rnllJ Mr& ri..n.ll .. , -tZ' ._I • llftlt)' and 1tated Utat "tht f\md. ed tUt U. ~ ....u.a" ...W •mftlt.al •plrltual n~u IUunenl b. held No't'. I, • o.ta X- comu from the famll7 JTOU p, • wllh St. Jot.chlm u bo9&: ~ OPEN TO ALL Baptist' Elects Mariner Class St. Joachim Women at Park Picnic Retreat- The annual Retreat for womm. o! st. J"09chtw pu1ah will bo coaducted lhio year l'rid&y tbl'OUSll .lluldQ. Oct. lt-21. ()pm to Cathol.b and non..C..thollce aHa the Jtr treat ii conducted under th• ampc. ol the CanMllte ~ at the Saued Hoart Retnat -HO Ill. AJham. -..... t ... , .. .'DID Y 0 U .KN 0 W ' 851. of •II ecciclenh ere •••••cl. by only 151. of the drivers In th• United 'Stm•. STA11 FAIM kMPJ ih Auto lnturen•• ~·h low by ehnl9g to ln1u,. only •the cereflil "leu •xp•n•lv•" drivers. ft' PA1'a m DOW roua eun,~ '"""" w.1. a... . , ·• CITY. OFFICIALS EXAMINE NEW ~ •"'l'ttJm II the valve fo:r end of the Line," •)fll waler deparbnelt • . 7oha. ¥<1Cf11an, riJbt, u he led .., expedltl<>n ol iupec:tloo aloog tlM -Up-!. _, 9Jr j!a'y walor line l.h&t lo exl<ndlnc city Mrvice two mlleo Inland. Loft to ! ~---"eMHlan • Rokrt Shelton, city manapr, and Coiinu:Oma.a J. B~ • • ~wt, The bqe ftlve f'lta onto end of 18--htcb water line that hu been -~ to lrrine Ave. and 20th St. to eerve 'Harbor Hi&:blandl annczaUoa. ~ U.. &nail 'Yal?e in fOl"8fP'OUPd Will &~tually be the cut off for the Harbor >-' "'Hlghtm.dl lllle at 20th Street. -Sta.ff Photo t.YOTfR rAPATHY ACROSS COUNTRY :fOR NATIONAL ELECTION ALARMS CostaW-COllple Sefl $5000 Damages SANTA ANA. rOCNRI --Al C:O.ta MeM couple baY• uk"1 Jl)QOO-plu.. danu11l'• lf'I • llVJ"'rl· j ~r Court ~pla.lnt n1«1 In UM wake o: a l,..n'lc crMh PlalnUN• In UM! •cUOtl t¥•ni I I .l•rn~ J btu.e •nd H@lim I... I IDltu•. N•m.d defenllant _, I Kate L. Tumey. no add~ 11"'"" Tbe plalnUf'f• claim th• 4e- . HARBO.R HI LIT~S SEXTON SUPPLY co. "'" arl'.I now la eur aew office . • Trttltat Bide. Formerly Raa.k of America %200 Newport Blvd.. N""Jl"8r1. BMeh AA 1'ni-Df Aluminum Windows· IAv• ,., '4'...._D -Adnr 0-r. -Att0rdkNI 0-" (.....,.,., °"" Priew a.to,. , . ..., lhr:r -r,_ b....,_ RA 1141• -w • ..._ .. tilt~ ra,r«te ~\"I BI 1' '•. ILICT•ICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e STAFFORD & SON --o..-.. 110 RIYenlde~ve. W•'tJ a.ms • - t9'1dallt dnWot Mf'lil'aUy Mill ....... .,. oaWled. heT c•r to 1lam Into one,,. __ •hloh Mr-a. ~t""' w .. openllnf. ' '<.I rr.. tbe et.art. make Jt!!UI' weddinc a.a ooca· -ot .... --rood tut.o and dio-·~ ID'ritatlclm Mt Ille tollf!I of formal perfection. Conwlt U11 on any problem you may bave. Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices Newpo11 Harbor News-Press 2211 Balboa llvd. Her. 1616 ,,_ coUlalon oceurred on 0.. .rt&• AYe., n.-r 11th BL, C-... M.-. t9l OcL °'· ltlll. Tll• n.,.. Departmet1l ... caJlo.. ed •l i ·11) a.m. OM. 4. montii Lrir to ldmlnl1ter oxyren • Jack Skolnick. 63, El Mon~ ! •llo ""''•~ a heart attack • hb1 aummrr h-at JOO'J Ila nc-.n P'T'ont rou..rtn1 hlli .,.. I um from • tbf!at.w h• had ... tftlded .,-u..,. ..... Mil WtfL YI wu pronounced Mad ..,. a m..,,.. bu Of tM County earMU1r'1 ofa n..-. •tld Ula body w•• rt-mo .... tn Bait• M~rtu•1 V I OflCd re·"'"'-t 1a -1«1- -------------------' llN'll. rtay ll 1mart -Vf>\'' RESIDENTIAL-INOUSTIUi\L-C~ttlCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR BMAU, Z30 sotb SL. N""'°" _. -Z5SS $alurdciy ••••• 4 ~The hoppy professor sdys •• In College Pork --Celt• Melle Brttll'·• .. 1' •tr toi~rH •11J rltilJrr• ~ ,Jay ,,. I/Hit ..... ,,.-.,. ... ,., •/ltr '-1! l Anli M-Jr-MT~ -_.,,.IM• dA ;.., Glatl •I ll1r M/dy /# Mr Jirf -' ":r·' Here's the Man of Tomorrow Of courH you know him. He's the •youngster who delivers you your newtpapor. And he's the one who's otudyin9 herd todey propeting for his role of tomorrow's butin .. aman. Th. work ho doH, the eccounla he keeps, the 1el••-•- 1hip he leernt ere ell leuona in hit book· of 1ucce11. Koep your eye ~ him encl watch how he grows end develops unti1 he reechet hi1 goel ~f indepehdonc• end tucce11. 2J11 ...... """ Hwltw •••• -·-- • lloa6-Alcohol Tests Foolproof· HOW JTlt DONE "\\'• u.se a a'-"l pn.,-at.or \0 c1rlve Lba alco1M>l from t.bt blood. .xplalrul Ce*nU.• '"'Ibe alcohol la then .enJbMI "'tO NrnOn tn- tu1errtn,r ~wana.. Wt em- ploy a .,.aaJ olddl&fnS apnl '° oonv.-t all the aJcobOI to acttc add. Then, by detu'ndalnl ·ttw amount of ox1d1Ane a,pnt UUrt la left, by meaJ\.I or • _prooem kn'lwn u 'titration.' •• are ~ to dett!rm1n• the pred• pere9lt- •I• of al<'ohol '11'1 Ule blood " Throuch th• UM of thU n..w 1evlce, ronalc1tred foolproof by moel authorlU•. th• num?'"" of <'Onvlrtlon1 to r drunk drlvtnc 1.1 certain to inounL False Alarm lri•P· -Arrest of Co1tr1ctor Bobby Fulton. :IO, of Ill Toro, r~lv~ <'OOCU.Uion. whlpluh of I he ypper cervl.i IJ>lne and brui• ed kn•-wbm h 1 car went out of rontrnl Wedn..iday n•ght and rnlltd.-d "'ltb onf' drlvf'n ljy John '; R' an • 8 .• ,( Inclf!'W<><•d Har- ry A Stupp&, rldin« with Fulton harl 1 rut leg. bfuieed forell,.•tl N-• UDO INIUJVJ(Cll A.Ol:NCT. INC. ,.. laJd ~ .. OorU Craon AutbonMd lipewn N9. 1'7-N_. .. ..,._ -10/3, I. a. 10, 12. 11, lT.1'. n , a.. N.1• Y ~.,... B. P. 0. & 1m """ ,..,..., . , .. •• o,.n. -u.uu .... . ""' .... Otc•bt ................. !I!!'!! &m1a11!' PHOTOSTAT! HARBOR BWEPRINT 2119 Nnport &ltd. Hatboc '331 MOTTEU'S AND PEEK Co'Oatal Mortuary 11U1 ...__,_ ......... Wellt· .......... _... ..... A" uran1• ODUDlJ &.ulUU&a ....,,., ,....._ .. us raiu. -rv.••• , ...... ,....., lmllNt lal Ho ... .,... Cllftlil9 aw., llMellU. ., ..... 111 ....... PUIUC· STEN06RAPHER IAp1 l! . . .... . &EHRAL CARPEN1EI UPAI~ 000 lom : Me,.tee...a. ........ -. u Mn• " ... cw:MJ:NT 6 8UJUllMQ I A.II .... ' "'-aTDUftB ~ ..... ' . ~ $49i:. FORD V-8 Custom 2-dr., R.. H. -···· $tta· lal S. MAIN SANTA ANA JO J-3&01 (Ac:roM from Bir !at.way at.en) Open~ an4 all day~,. ., ' ...... -' . HARBOR 8U.1EPBINT 2819 Newport Blvd. Barbol' '33.1 Movie Proiectors REPO'O WASHER Ji(Gllp -~·· top nMd ----------..... -*-.... a. Illa-· J"ully ·~ lold ,. n-!-::!!nu E :--.,:t_•~ ANTJQUES l"OJl IUCMT lllillllll ...... "' .., ~<111'1' Ja 10LD -11tte WATCH & CLOCK wm~•=XOD~tai JESSEFS -----------• • AlJD'l.A.M1I 8t1PPl..Jm lOU a. JIWJI Ja l-IMI aJPltpatll"fdl'Tl!t XALJI mmn .,....._ l:ftlll. reptunng M 11uta ._ , .ycann. ~·!~t. GU~ ears Camera Shop · 'I ,~ I. ;10 I • ~.-,..,..-. '1C71 nu1:11 amu.Tm. 11a Nft'pOlt m..s.. a.tax.. TmM eu111e n J'l1CldldN.. .Aleo -t~~[it-,.,., -~ .a.t.;. -NEWPORT JEWELERS ,._. ~ a.TOU. Jr ., 16 c:WM n. ._, ~ ta ,_.. ~ J.CEJi:aJQltl -.IV '-'Jllx. lHO .NtwpOr't BJ\'d. feet oooditioa. Bot.la -.DI!. , r...••~m~~f'IN·a -, ·I l'f!"t!:,~ = .~ Colla it... u M611 Fresh _~g Aid 11u aw 111c'11' :~J,E?'~~~ Roy;i MaintenHce DRAPERIES G:U.=~~ ...,.g Co Norge Automatic Knowtton Dlctroaka TV REPAIR .r.tl.f.IL.-.... D1J Now Com~f_,. Prof .. al~n•I end SUP COVERS ~Ha. .; $2.91 ... ~~ ICpt. .... I nl' .. ' Mad• to ~ MaJa llt. &l 8alM& Bll'd.., BIAoe hr Week II 'f'~ la tM Jlaa1>or .u.. 0411~-CI•• eng.! m.tlmat. -8ampl• A~~ A Dryer I.A.IL oca N.wport Bay Ill • • ·-··. . " • •• I~ ,,_ noot' ~and bal'ftDI LUCILLE Dlt&.PER.Ilm oo om,. Kew f' UT u:a~Rtiao:N ABL11 P.t.u.s Wlndiow Oeentns ~ MN or Mn -.a-Appn-~ 41 c 14 ft. San~.,_, 1en1oe oaJJa tW • ,..... i....... &M ....,_. Upbollrt8ry Qemtnc Tmm 1t declnd.. llHlc W4Tml 81\TllR -NOl\Qll, Per Week Kore da.-.UX-.L tnclud. 1.1 a.aDI WGJ'k ~ Paltoa Color wued '° p.1., st•-.Jtoed. io 19U Tbe tits • lb. kl&4. top ,.t.ed dacran -.u. ror tatonnaUoo Ku. Mf1 T6cn Lultroa9 Resulta Property Owner Attn. ~ ... an. oa1y, aoc.-Norse' w...., n--. ... =:.~ ~-~ ORO.AN SPECIAL! REASONABLE LI YOUR WATa HU'J'llR ="'~C:..-:..!..AD'I =~:.tom~~ IWllar U'71. mtc 111~Coa~~:.=·.~~ Paper : tffflg!t~· · & PAINTIN6 Ph • •t IL.-~ 8 I 332 oot ot It. par&Al• pec1odf M'Ofte ,.. dryer ncU1lu17 WiiU'NE SUPPLIES SJU.n:R'I (81noe 1tO't) one M119, '., -I8 u... any du.tw of It ftood. $100 OFF! IJlt.11. BU)' UM pa1r and .... T\q>hblos Ha.nd111oe.u dt-ill N. lycamore. But& Ana ---------*-tq 10W' bem.1 THIS WEEK ONLY -.oo. No trad9-lD 1'9Clul.ndl ~ Cor snaXI~ your OWll JO 1..on2 Qneree,_,-" .__, CfflI.J) CAR!J in in:r bOme. ITB TDa TO CA.LL Pay only m&lt9 tu dowlll ~ ropee. Ona.ni-t Couaty1 Orpn Hqtra. .i..a Waa--U1-4111 LI cu_u11 o. 7,._7,,. AA apert a.i.out t111t oondit.Jca ALL BlU.ND NEW ~ cklSffr1·and t.utallatlOl'l! ~ trom uo. lhl1 ~ -v "' fOUr water beat.I'. 1904 FLOOR MODELS ........ etrYlee --:rear Ory et.o,..,,.. ~ ,..r fool R.l:NT. bllM ~t $6 p.r- ----------on both applianc• MESA BOAT mont.b, witll ....,, to apply aa EXPERT ' SEAMSTRESS c~Jrou;~~t.r-0:!i.~ A~~~~:,r~c JESSE E'S AND HARDWARE tu~S:. item REt.fODEtJH& DB"-W•XJNQ &M De&JM. lOlJ I. Waln JO a.au UO Jltll It., N_..,ort Buch '21..U N. ltyQmOre. l&DtaA.na e A.ddlti-e ~ 41Jl'llB.ATIONI WlillU..POOL S-ta .u.' H&r. W5 -<>p.n a a m.-1 p.rn. KI 2~71 .. Ol: .. N , e Lown WlMoww -..._ Joe Bechtold-Bar. 5330 NOROI: TD ..... 1 • ~ • • ..._.1..-. rn1p.a. OENJCR.A.L .EI..ECI'IUC WA.SREA -ollYER ----------JOBNION 1 tt. Baby <lnlnd Pl· • a.a.J ..,,.._ wwk lTIJa ~ uo.ta J'or l'r"M mpection ICJ:LVINATOR SA.VII $11' W . Boats uo &l1d 8-cb. llzoelltrit con· e RJ:ASONABLE LDtwty 1-HOe ---A&1tator Kodet 8eDdlx -.aMr dtUoD.. Lo¥tty t.one.. KAD ~ Bar. lllOl-W SAVE UP TO 70•/. REFRIGERATORS ud ru .,._., Car ,..ui, DRY BTOR.AGE Orn:R. JI}' prin.te puty. U .A.LU mLMAlf Complete Lawn Care Jew.iry, MJ*drUI•. abo9. ctn.. o:LVINATOR •ut.omatie. J'Joor Mmp&ee. LI.at 00o Pl:R roor. er.n. • .... ,. ~ H.UOlOND 1~:Z u.nda1a, 1aa-ar.. Np, etc. NOROE price f'T&.N. Buy troCD Ja. an.lla\J., Dally A wNka4a. CARP.ENTRY All Power Equipment WHOlJCa.U.S WARJ:HOUU, Cl!NERAL ELl:CTIUC BU for Juft satiN. No down. IW W. eo-t Blpway. GANS, p.1-... plac. your order ™ . !rd, 1' bllt. IOUth of L&· J\dt UOI p« wwk. me ~I. lJ 1-11'1 nttc now: abort aupply oa aomt ~ Jl.O.AIR WORE ALSO TRASH RAULINO J'UllA BM<b City Hall. DRYERS hut.all. a.nd rear -mc-e. modela. Be an EAJU.Y BDW, dAu,. FRD U'l'DtATr.11 JESSEE'S PJCNINBUW.. AE8ll>ENT want. hurry. MO 109 TOO HOWE .. BARNES HARROLD JM'PORTER NORGE 101• •. ~-·-Kl 3-···· l t. _....... u dock &. 0. ABS WWW LI•·-0 to blJo ~ th Ba ~VIN.ATOR "0 __.... .,... 0 1"911 a ..... y a P or -., a ___ -.. _........_. --Lt I-all PtD pa -on. ru t. tl&nta Ana tor k n.. Quia. AUlo will buy ---~ -7U!c l to & PJllD. No Cull Down -Bllllk Ttrnu ~r .,.. llt.tc --------------------~ l&dcSc-. dlreet.loa t\Dd- · tA WNMOWERS l4Lllll -aaVIC11 ~ GIRLS TA.KE ADVANTAGE Uo XlUB TOY BA.UC l»cludlnt JAKE'S '5 7 2-DR. SERVEL tr la auto pllot. Harbol' 01~ "-price collector"• ao.t Mod· Automatic Ice ~ .4_. k1r or Trtnity IMI •rua I ... la U..__.y, .nth motor 1937 Harbor mYl1, Costa w-IYlv • • ... --· • ' $374.ns INaID• BOAT BTOR.AOIC now 11.M Wood epeed boat It Open Dally 'lll &.ao, rn. ·w a .., &Oc toot out.board-work.a Q..86. WJ:ln'INOHOUll: Auto. w..a. Y'U. ITS TJ\UJ:I It'• Utt b1-ROBJtll\T V4UOH.AN • co. Gm' BAZ.AA..R I hi • •--'IT, 2 door model wttb a uto-U5--IOUI IL Hu 11184 306 Ka.in 8L "' mac ne. -........-. nnr. 1160. maUe ..,._maker, a.utoln.&Uc t:aecl lplnet pta.oo pen.ct eondJ· tlol\, P2~ •u per mont.h. ALL model H.AlO<ONO Olt- OANI a.....U.ble btrt! Try tM Hammo.td lptnet In your bimla with II frat I~. only '15. Trade your old plano. . . . I• l~ COPELAND .. MOTORS __ 321 E. i.t 8l, But.a .Ana. • KI s.a12a • 51 OMO PlCKUP $495 M J'ORD PICKUP " Toa ....,. ,...._ $495 ,. . . -. ,. . .. ' .. .. ~l WJLLYS PICKUP .J T ' w...a l:>im9 • : • $745 I eo Ford Btatio.n Waacm $495 '1 Ford Station Wap $295 ... '2 l'ord Station w.,_ _ $141 40 CHEVROLET OOUP12 $95 JEEP ' METAL TOP N•~ $795 COPELAND KO'roRS On.up County'• Luplt J-.p n.ll:r '54 vw Kardtot -~ ~ • adlie Oood o..siu.. $1395 '56 Mercedes-Bena ::· 1.tO 8L $3995 '54 Ford --. ~&llCllWqon Radlo-R•~~.,...._tle-W1W Patl"WICT OO!mn'D:)N •. • ALL K.Utl:8 ~S-..."9tnic. oour ¥owP ' wwa· KJN6 'O LAWN ot our U.Z..dot» rrowt.11 and ll'UIMTOUa ~Oona. Balllo& Hu. 1177R. T6c71 detn»t. ~ Clll door, tt4 _________ ee_u_c ~per Hd J"rench Pnm.ncla..I Ttcl4 P'RJOIDAIRE -I cu. tt.. lllle OlaJy JDeD'I ~ ~ FOR SALE tllltn.l 11.llt n-..... 1210. '50 Chevrolet ---------, new, ueell«n\ cond1Uo1t 1000 ~ m&lre9 tJala .-toe si--Twm.a Wea r.nt. S ATUR.U. MINK CAP&: JOO Clay 8t. or LI &-1707. 76c7t Dbl&. .Buy th1I brand -· ~. Bea..aW\ll W Miii .cbool:ler, l'O ~ ._., Lawa 9q\ll.p1Dtrlt ....... ,....... 1,. ....... ~ o.ta .,_ lllt.tc .... ~-·. • ruu .,., aa yo\.I 1e&n1 • .rr.qu.nt ~ • Ad•a.noam•t aetua.Dy .,~ -Opcn1Qp far - TELICPBONE OPERATORS -A.pJlf>' -&:30 to 6:IO w w..i TNrc1 8&a\a Au PACIJ'IC 'l'JiD&PHONE - Lari• Stlwr 1'o1l 8tol• J.~ OoJonunie beauty for oaly Ul7"fben. Exoel. for ebarter USICD l:lect11c Orp.n.e-u Jew ..... 95 Exrelltnt condiUon. Har 4e9& USED AUTOKA TIC8 lt.'Tt WMkly _ No down P.Y· WW CoNJlct.r Trad4. lHO u ktT. Almost MW 8&.ldwtn flT'T ,. _ 7!k77 MA rr AO _ __ _ _ •1<>1 mciL W ~ BITd.. N~ lplMt Orran. P26. allpUy c r -------THOR ·----~--·-·----M JESSEE'S ea.nor aon tt UMd Ntnahall. •" noo. OTTON GO~.: Rug & Upholstery' rRIOIDA.IJlll --··----· Ill -THE vor~w•nn.~ or D CL&ANlNG BLACIC8TONJI ---···-·--Al 1011 It. M.a..tn KI 1-tW IDEAL eio<'rtlc wlndlaaa l2YolL. Modem atylt lpt.net pt.ano Bl.I-~ ...._,... -"- ABC ·····-·-····-·-···-··-····· 71 8&nta Ana IUltabM tor SO lo ~ t'l •-1. que Mah. R«lt.al "tum aan Newpart -.,._ a.t llM IL .1 • mxJ>ERT DYil.ING In our plant or your home SHALITA'S Penia.n Rug Clu.ninr. LI 8-7618 Ha.rbor 4328 7$tfc 0.UveJ"ed. lnltalled ud (WU'UJ• WIUl 'l'racl9 I: 11; c: e I It D t condition 11~. 111'1. Nf'W'POl'1 8-dl, ~ ... • t-.d tor JUlt 16..60 J*' mo. R.ANGI: _ O'Xawte 6 Men1U :U a.au e•·enlnp 73C76 ,...,., JESSEE'S autcllJl&Uc Umcr clock. Vu· B-A-LB0--4-ISLAND~orth eh°" Ha.rd to tlnd \-4 HAMMOND ---------- 1011 8. WAIN Kl 3-M41 ~ abtlt. dlrome top. mb011n1 A 14 rt. boat AlllO CHORD ORGAN. r-11l&r&&la-TRIUKPB Tft..2 fts4. Ila.,._ SANTA ~A ~. I Wa:J broOu, etc. white table top pa rt1111 A..l.ao ....S Bplnlt B.am.moDd met&We ....._ ~ ....... Almollt MW $1'0. e. .. POO dMep. H&r 2t27W , '1'e71 perfed. W ,.,mmta. 1-nt m••uprteel .;-. _ a.D OWMr Ra 1516-W &Tttc ftitlle Ora.nd PIA.-. ~ul '1•S.. I>&,_ Ba:r. ~ ~ ..f NP' apt·m. atOft •11 -Pr!-Slip & Rowboat MrJ&inl. Man7 taraoua mu.a Har. ION-J. TWI 11da1rt Ill rood -4tlon. ffJ. S f C) + Prtca9 from MIT up. B«lcll ta-aa •. 200I. Oollt& M-. pace or "en dQMd. U 1-40U &n.r I p m. '71C71 A.mlr1c&D Lqjon 116-l&th Bt. Good au,. In M.~ 2nd_.th Wed. 8 p.m.. ~ pt.anoe tnml pe or wm ,_, to bay. f5..4IO ap ,.. iu. Ua&I> J\ANOU. W>.aHmM. PIU RZFRJOIClU.TORa IUy T9rml ancl l"rtt DellHry 1•rr CENTURY 11Ullty. ltM llCHMJDT. PB1LL1P8 BIG Pl· Gray IO h.p. Top cond1Uqn. A.NO ud O'RQAR ft'Cl't1 DO tully equipped. Own,.r, U.•n. K. Kain, 8u'lta A.at.. BAR 5ta Hc:Tt 0,.. Frtda1 aste. o.tty te l:JO . ,.,.,, ..... SELL YOUR CAR PAID 4'(lll Oil lroT .McCartll7 Pa1J Kort t •20 .. Millin It.I 24007 &MC TRIPLE CHECKED . USED t.iUCKS __ W. W. WOODS ·-: .. GMC DEAl.H. ··: , 111-lt ............. i..l..~ TnK9r ...,.._ ror OnJ1ce o..t.r Room for ~nd ' ONLY HARBOR . Trailer Supply 2US7 Harbor Blvd., Cceta lleu.. bu J!ARGA.INS·LIKE THl8 KOOL-SEAL For trailer roofs title ftO. oa 1 .. -.. .Juat eompleted 2 '*lrm. D\I~ rtnJ>W.. V. Bltnda P&Uo Ollra,.e Ou. Dl.1p. Neu 8hOpplJ\I Ir bua. Mha1ta -17. Mo Jlet.1. lTlll a.weoct -llCl'OM from Wom- CUI OIUb. Cotta K-. '7fTl'C BliUTil'UL VYEW. ~ly cl•n beach. Comp. tum. 2 bfod. ---------------------room. Oarba1• 41-p, fplau, ALAKIT08 BAY l bedroom un-WINTl!lJl ft.KNTAL 1ar•1•· BM to app.-.etat.e. 01lly tunUlbed.. llf6,. I .,..ooao VD-:r Bm>ft.K. turo.. bo\8a. .Bal*- aas 8608 w. Oi:iMA Front. fUnllllbed. aa. Very .,.._ N9'r'. aq. "8 JaO. ....._ Har ntaJ. 74C71 wttb ~ N-. RJll $-lOlT leM-M. T4dt TWO bedrooOt triplex. ATallable ftp'JIS AVA!LABI.I) NOW I .......... now. e mo·· to ' year ,...... BEAUTIFUL APT ~ patl.o, ~ 'l"V Furniabed. DUNCUf HA.ft,[). • anc1 ....-. tJO. mo. lit <lar-ESTY .JR.. Hu 471&. 1'cT8 ON THll BAY. J bec:lr'ma. tum. Mt. BaJM& la1&ll4. • Ttcl'M ------· ----~· Ir trplc., ......... WIS IRVINE TERRACE _111G. __ Bu_U01_. ___ 7_U7_15 BAl.ac>A. ---....... I Mdnll.. Im.art. ... modaa allhnlSllbed tum. ~ ~ ......... home. lbdrm. • b&UIL L&naa ROOMS and APTS. <>n. ~ b'Om a.a,.. au mo.· w\Ul IUdlJlc .,.... wall to --Hu. tlOto-W. Tle'TI uckd ti M.a...._ ~-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY ----.------cl pa o. ..... •1r-UNJ'URN. 3 bdrm. olct.r bo\IM. llitcnan built-tn -Ir rr.np OFF SEASON RA TF.S. stow • natrts. bed. Lup ~ HMS parquet floer'a. P50 per N.-.port a.pta, ~ blk. -mo. 1 yr ieue. BALD OrrtC'I.: • Daily Maid Service Clitt Dr .. llC). x..r l4lk 'TUft ~~TtR~~ S'OA IT • 24.br. Telephone Coe.at Rwy 101, lffwpc>rt Barbor. • U-hr. Dea Service Call Har., ... KEW 2 Bdroom turu. tumi.. 0oM.n hDDL .100 })...-IDO.. till June 16th. Bar. 2116. TRADE -INS .~, OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN • Room Service Utlc -----------• Heated Pool BALBOA I.BLAND. I bedrm1, 'II' A h• t. fU~e dl.lp, fir· are. ~la.ed yard. Near bu11t· n-. $16 mo, winter. HAlr. 212'1-M.. Title • Re9ta.W"&Dt • Coclrtail Launp • Color Television ~· ll'OR LE.AU: wtUl option to bl.!:1· a ~ .. 2 b&Ua bo1ti., 11e&llti· tut pr41a ... pade. me..~ ln.~rc-. MILLER CHEVROLET LOOK FOR can and cau boat. and bat.a Jamaica Inn DAN A. JACOB8EN . .Real ltetete Ral'bo'r 11'91 LI W71H -Kl S.IU7 • LI 8-411 T 'J1lct7 ~t" CHEVROLET -OLDSMOBILE Corona del 1'ar • Booma rw ... , 700 W. Coast Highway Newport Beech Liberty 8-2258 Ht.rbor ro76 ROOM& UC.Uait bedl. 321' &7c&ob Broad Sl. Har 214(, 73c7~ .. OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL 9 SATURDAYS UNTIL 6 P.M. > • CLOSEO ON 1SUNDA YS STANSBURY BUICK Ottering, Always The Cleanest NEW, BUICK TRADE INS! Ol!LIGHTP'UL OCEAN VIJCW l bdrm. apL, partly lw-n.. tor 60--Reat, lfleeelle"4*18 rel °" ,_,.., J--. "6 mo. OAJlAQS for net a.t 116 Jtar- Country 1t~, c.lOM In. c1a.ua A.,.._ Corona dtl WAr, SATISf ACTION Theodore Robins -----t BDRM. trNFUR!ll. apt. ~ tnclud. uut, IOO SIUll.a Ana I Ave .. N-port Htlfll~. 7•c:TI ON DISPLAY PAN-AMERICANS GUARANTEED f 0 R D 1957'1 PENINSULA • NlCB: AREA I Untumt.lhl!'d apt.I. wttb ~· t s R. no 1r 1 B 1t. -•110 Pl\. Hu. UM -l:v-. H.ar. 1~ Adult&. no pet.a. 966 W ltt.h Rar. 20UJ. ?IGTI SL, eo.~ Xea&. Har. M w ---------~~~ U 8-l&U. 74tlc a.a "' -t.ereaaome. Af.L uur u~ c•r• a1• .old on • complete 3 1l11y 111un~y·baclc ,uarantM. You MUST b • a.1t1.lntd 154 MERCURY $1695 Monterey R A R. mf'T<:on1a· ti(', full vlny1 lnt4"1nr Sharp. ·o FORD •·dr. v.s odr. a u:i PARAMOUNTS ·M rolU> conv. Fordo .. 11193 BOLES-AERO ·:1:1 BUICK Rtv. hdtop -·· 2m KENSKILL RENTAL ''3 P'ORD r('h ,..._,, O'<l. 139.~ ~I· Special ·:.. rorto V'\ct,. For.to .•• 1e•a M 60' 1 br T'an Am '819l MOO SPECIALISTS 'll F'ORO Vitt., J"ordo ·-. lit& ~ 18' Ttiry 1"6 1116 CALL l:l.>l'tA CRAJQ It NEWPORT ISLAND. furn. 1 bdnn., .,...,. t, ms.a1J bcMlt prt•· u.,...,. laundry 6 ·~ nn, auto •·ubeT. -ur pd. M5 mo. wlDW nnl.al. Har. P01. 'Uc76 ·32 CHRYS. Wlnda. •-dr ... '1•6 M 11· Trt.vd M<: rer 196 DORIS BRAY Realtor '61 FOP.I> club cpe., Jl'tlnlo 03 63 •O' Pan Am 2 br HOO IOM 211 ~ s.i11oa blaad BAY V'DCW 1 bdrm. apt., "rt "!I!\ FORD tth w~, O'd. llMI &2 M' Sha.It& 199~ let!\ Kar 10 er k nicely tum. TV, ~ tile • Ground Aoor • omCES oa STOR!'B l'or LAlue ID - B.Ut>or 1Dve•u•1t Co.~ 30th Ir Ne"pott amt. Har. 1800 'M CH~LltT C.On•. I 196 1U 30' Kit custom I~ Hett lln... le• ~. J'OOd !Mat. 'M Jl'ORO rch Wllf , F'ordo 1496 j ON B.AJ..OOA ISLAND 1 !.; bill to llCAool, cklee to u-STORC • U IL D 1H0 1'0R •·Door, power •tN11n1 and __ , ..... ....._ 11.25. -1111 W. 8&7 A•e. Uoa Coll.-,. .. a& lTn ,.._.. .,,....... UJtnunaur. R. " H . Our 3 5th Y eor of TRAILER SALES NELDA GIBSON, Raltor Har. JIM. int. port•"- '54 PACKARD '1595 ·~1 r.a.rnu..AC e:i ~ 1tt. -1396 • PORT ORANGE • 1 SE.I: us tur y-.r11 .,,.. oaUent bch. uuuua lncludld. LllA.U. 2t\dl ID~ .... 12.000 M:tual mtl.-RE.Al. SUPPLIES DA VT, Mn V1a o, ... to . . '5! BUICK SUPER RIVIERA . . $895 l"RSTTY I Th" Servcice in 't I and 1308 M.artn~~ g~ 602 CANAL FRONT with ll<Mll dodt. Bar. Mft. eatfe I FO II ommun1 y 2200 w. Cout fflway • I L.ars• 1 bednn. tum. apt. with SM.A.LL modern I>~ .. 14' J( "" '-dr.,RadioAHeater,Dyna.flow. E-ZGlua '55 RO Vic. $2095 ! NeWl)Ort 9-.ch t.11·•~20 ••m declc a.rut allto. wuber, 1-ted at 19UI Ir PlacemU& 1 WllUll-4 Gnie., WSW. Low m11...,.., 1o·on:1omat.1c, btr 3100 W. Coost Hwy. OPD-f 1 am .• e p m ~ury day •8-A-Apta. for Beat 1711 mo. Loe. uUUU.. unUI July 111 Ooeta JI-. 1'11 mo. lne1. ) • B tK . etc. LI 8-347 I 7~77H j lat. Har 8347-W. Ttttc utWtl• 'Sl UI SUPER RIVIERA • • $1345 • 5 I CADILLAC $I 5 9 5 ,.,. AR oROP tr•ll~ ~ Sea Shell Apts. 1 ua: P'URN up~r dupla. Ip °*i~~ ~_:-7~ ~ 4-dr., 1tadJo A Beater, Dynaflow, E-Z Gllllf:I!, 112 , --Rleep" 2 JV..a.onablf' <'all l or 2 bdrm with 2 bath-. porch, prt ""tranr., o«&n ----------__ Lt lbl-·~ n~ Oun.ran> ,., ... D wsu·. rou~ cl ... n. )l! LfNI 'OLN ZICPHYR. L&tf' u g 4&0~ 7•,...77 . ,, Ont.. ulll. ...4 adult.I pet 0 k omcm on N N--m-• &aqll .... ~ .. -.... ~ .. .llU\o ~ " \' 12 •n«"lnf' IOood lrall.lmJ.e..' I P'URN. OELt.rXE APTS At.o ,~.. • • ..-,..... .. ... nr. •~' PACKARD A '"'R )0() ENG ~L.95 '56 LINCOLN $3795 .. ion ind rur end. (,ood tlrf"S.1-----bachelors. UUI 1ncl. R.eeaon· "10lf'r '60. leOO &ea•hor• Dr Ha.c Holiptt&l. WW r.t or °" ....u • . .,u (·aprl {~UP" ruil f"1'•1"r, low Malcll' offer. Har 407' 7:ki7 41-~anted to ~t able Wtnt .. r" }'Urly ~nt&l.I to Har. :ll'3-R. 7tp7t i-an.tum. at SM. mo. or rr~ Maroom le hary, Beater, Ultra Dr. 1 mu.., bk• """"" ---I prerened tennant.a. U:IO Wnl 2 DORMS rum. apt., lll• ktLch-pv mo. tum. LI l•·'21' •f U 1BT PRIVAT1': PARTY J962 C.<1 FREE I I Halboa Blvd , Newport &acb &-7772. TOcTI Oft OWNER CA.R, WSW • •n A !Mith. larJ• wardrobft. ----------1•54 LINCOLN $2395 1 C'..onv. power •t-.r DC'#ll•nt • • • Hir 3032· i3ttc panel r•y h .. t. Winter rental ·~~ CHEVROLET A "R $1 '1b5 !'ont1 '1395 00 Harbor UOUlX 'I tor lll1Y •ac&ney Ln Orane" Cci l H-0 utn pd 30I • Al'IO'Or&do ::J"T • '"f-LI • • • L 7 1 i;.pn oou~ tull l•uier full t>r' 6901 ~~~ flho,.. Dr 71\pT7 QtJICKLY AND EASILY CLEAN FURN APTS Radio, Heater, WSW, 2-toneo blue power, )ow mtl-. one ov.ner. -STMPLY CAl.L flltLIC<i RLTY. l • • r1ac,., Balboa Har 1711-W. '54 BU CK-SPECIAL 4-0R. . $1795 '54 NASH $1795 •I-Auto ~nioe s~~~Tl!~'~~L~EPis 1------oc-uN FRONT 71 k 71 •• fta.cBp; HMttr Dybaflow WSW White A.Blue Ambaaa.OOr t... Mai:u. r•dl'l, Kl 7-3506 ' a .,. .. k. al.lo 2 bdnn apL Near WTNTl:R UNTAL 2 bl!dnn ·~ OLDS a8 HO LIDA y CPE. $7495 ~=~~:;on Hydraa&llCI antJ •Ir Motor Overhaul ~~~~.o: ~.~2~ ~~::-:..,m;'.u~l~ 1;;'u.c-:~~ . _._ Pw B I 8 Cyls. (moet) ·--····-·48.88 Rental& Wanted 1-_----'116 mo PA u L JON'SI :·:Radk> a Beater, H.:r-··· r . rakes. Green '53 MERCURY ~ 1 '495 Eidit. (ma.t) M.88 We nwt •pt.a &Ni ho~ .. In •II I ·!) on i ....... JU.It .compl•t.eJ. I f\&ALTY, IOOt Balboa Blvd a lTCllfJ. ONE OWNER WSW. Mont.Ny co11pe. radio, beater, .... uon• ror l)<)UI winter and ~. Duplu \I Bl.nda Gar. ffar 2311. 7:k77 M.eromauc. S.. lL-ll'.1 ruee. NO MONEY DOWN J•r'• 1-. t'Um.. or unturn. I Dwp. r1t10-0arqe nt'ar iahop-__ ;;; MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Up to 15 Montha to Pay It 7ou have • Yllc-c7, Pinc Ai W.·Adu.u only · No I UNFURN'IBHl:D • 1 INclroom PfUVAn modem ottlc:e • .ireet enlran.ce • e.&.ll on .wutf pt.Uo. uc.oo Ai.o •ludio • QOrtla "Pt. C\llTWI\. c....m. In llulldllW :, ooaun..-dal ut1st..I. ~ pher, ardLlt ...... ~ ~ ulacl.UJWW NJI-~ mar- ine w,....,.r' aa4 ~ dlspl&J' ~· <JAAP8lC ARTB aun.t>JHO. .._., 9'a ltrwt • ~\.t. A.-i1.ie, N.....-t ...,._ Jllmol 8aitlOi' 11JOJI( • eoun.q t. ........ turt 11!!.A.SY ~ .. ~_.C TER .. ~S '56 MERCURY $2995 INC'LllDl:ll bclta lAbM" Pana J>bOn• ~ Peta 18lh,. Kenwood. ic:r011.1 Apartment JliM.1 Udo i.i-. o.r-~ V'"" M Monle1atr. tut! ~r. lib N.-rtnp. wn.t pUla, y&Jve from Womana Club C»sta lit .. , ace lndud.ed • Appl7 f.M·nnd ------------= 0~ecuU•• car. well l.l.ktll :=~:u::-::o~:. 1201 !~~t. ~~~~~Sch I___ ~T•: I ~::_~~.~-· _ T~TT &a-A ·-~-a.tall :• .::.~~SJANSBURY BUICK SEE THESE •P. ~or '080 nalJe par-Phuna Ubert7 1-~ll ,<.:HAl'fNl:L FRONT. la.-.~ tum , NICWLT ~led. HfVll 2 l"IUVATS ~ wtth ...... ant.-. 208 ,M.arlne.. Balbu4a I.eland l bdrm apt. With bu.uUfvJ I bdrm &Jll H•t.d &!M'loeed pa~ ........_ ~ 111 •""7 tl ·1rYIQUR BUICK DEALER AT ()ABKSt'll 6 OIL CXTl\A Pbone ~ '-44 vtew or !klboa Cova I bUt lo In, praire. llOI Ha..-n Plan n0lal'7 ~ Ql-4 floor. R!:BUU..T ENGCNES 2117 a OIL By~ Outvna Oel Mu l..ldo 8hoP9 l'6 winte:r, SM Newport K•l'!w. u lft2I New ~t mdt. noo J( .... JOHNSON BUll.T 1N our own faet.ury by Plilone Harbor 1741 Yaarly KJ 7-2194 Hf7f Tien pon 81•4., JlftlWJOlt • 8etlHi.: •killed machlDlat.1. Doll't con-UOo Office. lHlt v'-Udo --------t-lAdJ,a«nt t. aouu. 0.... Q.) l«Ml WIU. lb.I mtdclle man. RattJor •m W NTl:.R OR Y~RLY aUll U.8-Bw f amt otnoee trim Qt,.....,., .... 'l'Blm&llllUllJU> QIU.QDfAL OWNER '&J Pwlt.lac A 80N 8ll:J d1Net. lT02 N~ Bl"-. Coeta .... 1.-.11abl" Lovel)' l and :I -deM .,._ a&l Bu. ~ • ·~ .. l:il.-t 1Ttb atrtet. Coet& Mt.a -u 8-9~11 I "' ; 1 L..IMrtJ' l..oew7 Bdrm. turn. apta. A.tic tKt -llOI .i;J(-~' ..... tso I 4-dr. ff7dro-.. h•t•r. I0.000 IOO w. co.urr HWT. SHORT BLOCK ti them at llOT I:. Balboa Bh'd. M oc~•t..I FRONT R6 & T•OIM9 ALL ...,. mi. MIS. lC)6.. Ith at. BaJboa 'N9WJ1Qrt ~b l'ORD (l.ID-'8) I M.llO ----------H•r. Slot. 74071 s;l'V, •ft WSW. WDta W. C. att.r 4 p. m. Har ~I\ TJC'HI OPEN EVENINGS CHJ:VJtOLl!'I' I •l!O RllTIJUCD .l1lla1e middle. I.Pd ---P111tN. INC. l.JTJl.,,ttJQJ AND ~ U.CS 1l OP Lft. BUlCll -ll&OI mu d9GIW rooan 6 -.rd wttb N•W l bdrm unfurn dupl.a. pr-CARA.OJ:. UNTIL .TUNS aTH. -wM sram, 91e.}•pa oo&Vl:l"m 1964,, WllW. MK. 8AC'IUTICS -OOl~ln .. ,... P 4 C&AJU> (t C1\.) __ _.a.uaoo t•-n.. ln nJce hofM. Ph. Har. ~· dW,-1. pn,.._ T•rt7. 116 MO. CALL HA.ft. "'4 ,,_ ~ Dacfet • ~ • .... -1 N -.... BETWEEN t A.ND 10 P.K. u~ ~ •• ~ .. .~ ..iuoo au.. ~ tee. ·ao 1'ml ault Di-c:mtTa. 6 o• 90TO -iUieo ..... 11pT~ 111~.,..u. at.. ""'°" .-... T1cn A .. ' , _.. at. ..,..., aatT 01' raK stae .. x " f'laD. 1150G. .-ntDn+gwa S'IO.. Li .... 71 T417C TAm Bar mt. .. TIC7I .. .\!r-ml+ ~ :,,, -~"°'.! OLD& a POZn'l.l.C 1 -11.., WANTlll> ro 11\DT pn.p to -----------~ "= -. T. MA.BS f'• 11 ._.. .,. car. Bar. ftl1-J. or OAftml • ltOG llUICK Ointury N..wa. BJ.UR f'M.OI TliVfT llT T4TrC --:-o:--i-.r~~~~_,.~......,. DJ-. It A B. JIO'ftl' 1~ 6 • pod cmdttJclll. MTI.. I01 & lltTD80Jf Ct) (I MalmJ ..llt0.00 BYatt '"°' . ~ ,._..,. poww -t.. tlnt-aan.. llhd. c.oron..do A.,U. PW• OfftAu.ATIOll £&.-Aatia.. A BOCUIM for Bui BALBOA tu.AND Wlnter ,..nt- ed l2&A WaW u.... l:>c.oalkot Ho. • Tlpn 0,.. DaQJ a t.o I ~-= -· al. 1 bdna t\tni. apt \11111t&ln- CODditicn. ortssu> OWMr. w. SPECIAL Wlllu Hardtop eon-Molld&7 'U1 1 P. m. Cboice Wiater RalaJll cm on baJ, rront Har son. lltfc ...,,0 att.r I p.m. '1&p'1t ....UW.. ''9 Me~urr. Wack a&ec1& -~ 1!.: ~ Balboa laland le Udo lale PENINl!IULA POINT _ Larp , • ll!OdJ, MoM · 1 .,._,..., .Pl&ll u.u., ,..... Ud "' ....,. • ..., °" larl• 6 41o1Jm• l bdnn.. film. apt. ud. ~ IR1lt .. 'C:ml'ICI .,_ ~ -a. Oldi"M S2 am. ~ ~ ~ lllO-r "' .,. uoo .,.tJi .,.. 1eot a 8&1.--Bl"-au , OW. Ha. u..wa T&cn BELLES cN61NE VQ'-!.1:.L CO. 1~1'-eottc •-. • ...-..,. "' wuu poww. 11.ooo ..... 1txClll.I· REIUILDERS \i:7C • .... .. .... ~ ,.... ... t t-.il!Uofl. ICO(IO. Owner ltol l"OIU> o.unu,. ...,.._ Uk• ... a.Jr ....._ """ --... Kat. "4 or Rar. Ma. ..,. -· Tord-o-matJa. R A K. tifl.-t.e ,ut.y, Bu. l.IH. T•<"'Tt muy •lrM, 1.000 mttea, JUOO. IOUc Har. 69JI, 73p'711 llt ~ lnl M. IC ._... Piii. R&rW u• or llarlloT 1011 L.OAJof CAJUI -f'R.SJI TOWING Re& Hu 11129-R IT A T1I 80Nl>8D HllWPORT B&ACll TLUU.T RSl'fT AL J Bfdnn fun llotlM • I I • • •a,....._, • -,.. ... M NEWPORT BEACH <-IHloo-- • Cloooto~- • 1td'1~-ltl JI 'tor apt. • hll ~ m'11S41 ART ADAIR, Rltr. • ~ ~~ PTllO _. N~J':. m.vo. mwt"VRT-MESA a ......... REALTY ONLY $9l00 u ...,., __ !:'-= 1T88Newportllml. c.t&- -LI S.'12ST LI Mll08 ct7Tll attncuw J ~ f\U"• ~-------'----I------------------------...... bome, •·W ~ UY. ltt encl 2ncl T.D. Loan• '1"rmt ~ Boupt " 8old ,...._,._.--'"'* Harbor 1549 IAYSHORES ~ Tll1Jft ~ lml'fWt' .......... ..,. ........... Mad -.i.. '"· o.n John .._ HA.ft»OR ~co. ...... ltOO. ...... Ll I-PU ,..... .... 11&11. lltn a.dl&N&a PSut. ax. OaU -to .... IT'a qu!nl A llUT. MYRTUI: DAVY. Rltr. ,, ....... Hitl-.:i Ba.um -Bob Smith ...... """""" Uh VU. Oporto -Har. 1441 cva. U M211'-Ll 1-lTOf-H.v 1017-J OllOIC31 f\u'a. tr1plu w1Ui pri- nt. _, ~. plw a .Up rklat.. I TR. okl. 189.aoo. tDUL lt\lDUDef bonM on J!a.lbM ~ Mdrlm .. , batM, ~ .... -1ow1 ,.uo A ~ yard. IJl,IOO 1'W'a. &boWn "' appt. Louis W. Briqq1, Rltr. 1141 1:. B&Jbom. erv<T .• klbo& Harbor ao 7k71H Tk7711. ---~~--~~-=-~ Duplex 2 Br .Ea. New 'ffew9 • Pf'-. st-D-• and pklu:re oa•.,..I• Oil t.M Harbor ana U.r" Um• • -it. Mf a raoath. s:u.ooo •Tt MORNING CANYON, Cor· on. Hier.land•. Unu.uaJ ch•rm wlt.h view &O rt. lot. Bulll-tn EXCHANGE 1IOT'l'EllT"' ........ lpit "' ... Fut.nt 0"""1al' Part of Omta. W... '" $22,500 Cash or .ubml.t lenn.I Pr<>pe.rt,Y •b'wdy r.ated aad l ..... ta will take,• ...... tor•~t. call CU.ltl.£8 a. RrI'Ml&R. - e>&y.: H&r. 111' CY.. u t-1711 -· $6950 l BEDRM.. Cottq .. ftrepl. pr .. chatn·Unk teno., -.n Ln. ~UL 00..100 lot. BulJd Of'I front. Cime-lll. WOftTH MOR&, ftn• tum. W. sldto I MdnL, all..a..t. klL. blt.-t-. .. bU, ...... ...,,.uac. .A. t-..1 lluy, •1•,llllO. POOi dn. .A.. C. TONT PCtl"ITlt. Rltr. 2121 Harbor Blvd. LI ~ Opp. Stun Mkt. .ltfts.. U ._...7 TkT• OCEAN FRONT ite.ch Cotta.c• Thret bedroont.1 • l t., bath.II •1t.2~ wttb t•rma. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Rltr,, ""A.I the Brl~ to Udo tale"' t...i•)'ftl• •t Und SL !Ur. 4711 T4c78 kit , urpeu d"P'S. •tc. bcl.1------------ nome • lntome $SlO Off MYRTLE DAVY. Rltr PIGG -..... flld T ..D. -O\i. 4 ll Auoc. HEALTHFUL HEMET • CLIFF HAVEN On beoutlflli Bt. J....t Ploce, !adftc ~ i.. i.i.t. a bedrooma, 1 !l i.u.., ...i tlnplaeo, i-m- <d collb!c. 1-atltlll oolt !loon. dectric ldtdleo. etc. Dou.bit pn.ce. .A.II th1I OD extra wida view lot. Not a leuehold. AaliiDs '28.llOO. F. W. LYTLE, Realtor ltlliUpla Uotins Sem"' 17811 Newport Blvd .• Ccot.a -• LI S.IK93 • LI S.2M2 NOTICE 811 It. 0out' lfllllway tr..tqo -&tore " S nn. 2 bednn.. 2 i.t.b ....... ldaal r .... , 1ypo or bnslNM, Owner •vtnc ara, mmt .u... KXCLUBIVJ: WITH OSBORNE.fORTON REALTY co. 23Z3 W. <lout Hwy. (at Pert °'""l'l '&)Liberty S.Tl582 l!lno Harl>or 61114 INVESTORS ATIENTION Bay Front Balboa loland C-1 ZonJnc Full Prl .. $22.000 WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates i... Bolin • Charlotte Fuiola Hub Power-a • Non& Hyer Park Ave. al Mar-ine, 8&.lbo& lal&nd Har. 2~2 1"-S.UOnM. 1 yr. Good ,,_y. Hel,n Bautn -Bob lmllh lnl Pl..IO me on Olia a bedrni. IUael Condon lb ACRJtS <lt level Ulla blf, land A &<'t"• <lf aprl(O!Ji 10me ••I· nuta. ran1Uy oM"tlarll. 2 bf'<lrm redwOOC1 ranch~. rlr•pla~el------------------------ 11 yr. old lllom~l'fpt. th• 1tqtd· 11:s2 V~ Oporto -Har ~441 lJ' tUOO. l• T.0. ITIOO -u 1-b!Tt·l.l 11::~1~-Har lfll7·J .,.. C&1l Uberty ·~ 1111d l------------ • "°" '""' -'"" bom YOU CAN AFFORD REAL VALUES aw1mm1nc pool a:QOd -.ti rnPe otter. TtpTT Mmplete lrrtp tlnn a)'•l••n F H lACtor AU n-l'lubdlvulon This B•y ront om• Attn. lnve1tors J'1ftC \r\Yt 4"d8 on tl!U1k>r lll'M PftJpe.l"Ue8 awt.J..l&tat. at I to 1 ,.-. 1nt..L 2ad tnut e..d9 at di. COUDUI up to IO')f., Wi 1- Mdl; ~ll ,.,...,. 10,. ML ... : Mortpp 1.-.a Oept., 'ha Vopl 0.. JriWa om., UOl W. oout Hlwy., N_,ort 9-dL LI ~ • sttttc MONEY NU:DED FOR Acres WITH Or&J\I"• and awoc•d.,. "n T\ulUn .Ave north <lf Ora nc t Good •peculeUon el only 16600 p.r Mnll wttl'I 1entle term• DAN A JAC0881:.N. R-l !:et1t1 Harbor Mlfl u l-f761 • Kl 2-2117 • u !1-6317 7:1c77 BLDG. LOTS i-lblUUie•. V•clnl" m11.ln UIOr1 uua:'hfar• Sudden tk&th ,or o ... nf'r puU. tht. UfeUm• !"'&N'h on th• lflarkel •t fer und<rr It. rut value F\Jll pr1<'• JM,000 wi.t.11 rbout ,.,.,.,._rourth OOW'l'I U\\"?\"~:R S A•;l:l\"T Sam Em mes LI ll·ilOG TkTT lN Coet.a M... Build ln('()n1e BACK BA."Y, -.ilh ot M-OF untu, r.nt.ui i re n-1~ C\/t• 2 i-trm. home.. a:arar• DAN A JAOOBJ!llt"N Real l:tta lt F'enced 1nd l.,utacapMI. Lo-.. Harbor tlf91 monthly p11.yrn1nU on G J W l-17111 ·Kl 2-2187 · l.J !18317 loe.n. 1 11.7~ 'l\3 UUlan Plart IT HAS an Income A p. rtmen t with a view. An 11.p~ 2 bdml.. bl>me °" s...tboll IAland With aP1od(>lU 11v room. lars• "'1ndo"'1 to .. ,.,,.., ~ cl!llU!Ca. fir• p1-c., breakl'ut bar. tiled pu.11· m.en ti.th, n tn ~ r0<1m and bollJ\. double pract wl!h th• apartnwnt ower tt. 1:.Jtc1I· ,.,, loc.t.km wllJ'I wide -.ndy bee.t-h. &i.h nL<-ely f\l.rnW\ed Only ttlOOO MerinerJ Isle RJty. 111 Mann~ Avt S.lboa l•land Harbor 4711 18T "2ND TRUST DEEDS ia..unwt -U ...:vr.d ., "-1 ... t. 7!k77 Colt& M-.. U 1-9713 63<:171 --------------1 Up to 12')1. Yleld ....... ., ... Royol Mortv•v• Co. FOJlt &AL& -60 2nd Tru.lt DMda. All or aav pa.rt. Oui· erov. ctbcoUnL • I" tnL SIJI: ye&t du• date N~rt Bcl'I. ,.,...._ Kar 3ZOL 7Sc71!1 KA VE lrvJ:RAL cboice loc&I 2nd cS..cs. ot trod tor MM at ~8JfX'UnL Cll.ll _,_._ L.Iberty •ltlSI. Mr. Ro.. TkTI LIDO ISLE r o R THE M OST L>IB<"R IMIS A.TING, h1xurto111 Rtiv J."ront Udo Nord t bPrtrm• 4 bllll• pier and •Up 1124 000. THl'U:E BEOR.M . 2 ha.th L1•ln Nord. p1 .. r a.ad allJI S~ll lk.11• MYRTLE DA\..)., RI! r " "-"· H•l•n 0.11m -B<oh Srnuh H.u.<.I Cond<ln l4J2 Yta. ()pcirto • Har .:i441' EV1i:8 LI 8-:'1297 -U 1· 1709 !Ur HH: .J pooo l'f&EDIED 6-nd mort- 1..-•-Wiii pe.y 10"1--rio bc'lnllll Wrtte &• E--641. c o N..,._,,_._ 71c78 3 BR MOIJERN l-IOME I 1~21 \V. BALBOA BLVD SI-a.I -w .. w , Open Sal A ~un. 12..fi JI m. l.. MSm> LOT9 for tow • m• &um ,rte.Id l'lom.._ Will p&J euh. a. price:, )oeaUOn and ... t. W.Jt« crq,, 11• W ~ at.. IM A.Apia. title Comp. furll.. beau!Lful ba.y. VI-. larp f•nced .)'•rd Room UI bu.tld I mor .. urUL Utt le bdrm ll<lmt :t bath•. !11"\'pl&(~ torrf'd au hf'rl Pu:s 'l t>drn• f'Omplf'lttl1 tuin 1n~·om• apt lJ!I '>Oil £>o< f'il•11l l••·IT'• llwn e1 El<•• f"~,7 f <> th•• J>!J>f'T ...... 77 ( l\ON A !Jl!:l. \fA R s,,. <lf hi- way. 1tt1 ••·llvt 1 bdnTI it.nd &on. rpl•< e II\\ fl• o0r• b•• ment 'I~ Drhila i4 ri~ Woter Front Sl!:V.-Pl!RT IHl.A:"I' J•riva!t h<ea<h. •1,.re tnr ~o t>Q.L J: De<;1m11. f1repl4re. w w tV~I• Nlrk tlonn11 • forrf'd l lt h ... 1 flbl 1a"~ 11• .. -" for JIO(I Ml rt 1p!. JJ'l :w>o unrum U.O. 000 Lncludlnt rum A ll hQat • mQlor Shown by 1pJ'll Oflly Ha.r t 713. 74p78 -~------ BA y f'RT. HOMJC !"OR FREI!:- "~n 1lmc:wot ' ll>• "ntala rmm lhl• attn.c.. t btdnn.. • den hon•• plUI lh• o--bdnn ep! anould mt:or"' 'h•n m•k .. 1M ,.vmenta' OH YES PIEl'l AND ~-UJ AT TOO .lUl1 t t,.rm• U de11nlld. M6 000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 309 1'la n 1><1 A •·t H•rlxlr 602 841,.BOA 181-A~D Newport Special Heights $15,000 ).l<l<.krn J btldroom. comer lot, qul•l lltl"Ml, -.n vWw from f l'<lnt y1rd. 1CXCLU8~ - Terma c11.11 bot •rr•nred. LARGE 2 ll.R.. holM on N .lllll lot ,,_r..-CO.ta Ne• BU.Mu Mr:tlon. WUI IN Lncosne eonwr Ytty 900n. OwMt Ill OIUy ............ 3 UNIT J: 8 R. Modt.m Court JllU. Ba.eh 1pl e ll Wlll'I a:aracea 011 1oe x 16~ loL Th!1 la • I.lie tune tnve1tm1"nt tn.t w11! In<".._ In val11• l.n~ 1430. • mo Could bf mot'I. r"ull Pnce a.o.ooo B. A. NERESON RJCALTQR lff"Z Newpon Bl.,d. Co.la >Ce ... ALWAT& OPEN P'-w W 1·1172 Exclusive Beacon Bey Two Oul8tandinc Va.Jun A ITR.ACT!\'E I bedroom II.amt with lncoG"I• epartmmt. .,,.. clou• roc>rna. •unny b,..allfut nook. d•ll(!llfvl ii-Uo, tlr• pl.le•. l t.; be.UlJI. ha rdwood floor•. PLL'.8 culAI kno1ty pin• epe.rtment Ov•r lh• lr1p1• l"ar· ..,, ofttred t\uTllAhed--'36 ooo. 110.000 do'wn roll A Dl~RIWlNA.11 ..... G tam Oy. a beeuUfvl • bdrm. 2 ~u, home. ii:',._ •II.JI to J19llO, lxillt-111 ra.na• •nd O""•n. f1a1 •t.ori• tlreplae.e, lndl.,.ldual la'"•· tort• !n b..sroom• Mod•,. In f'Vllr)' reapeet! l"'umletred - 13•.JOO SA.CH cl.,... to prtv•t• aandy !>Mch wltb """" tor .,.11_.11 boat. a.ml u.e oC lentlla «iurt. EJl;clual'"' ... ·tth H•rbor Highl•nds a ..._..,, 1 ~ l&tlrrril. rJ. t..t. OU a.... -.U,. and ....... ,.u. U4I ,....,. #ta.II• r-. _,a·~" .._at tlT ..... nu. i.. • ll&ullout ~ ... t.be -51/2 Acres Heart of Cori• Mesa Zon.d ft....t. Ju.t ott Banor l!UviS. A.a .-.llut bu)' at JIT.IOO. cu '" boqtlt -rood t.nna. Why Pay Rent? $850.00 Down In U.. .w.t ~-p&rt ot ~irwport V'-tA. A ~ (lean 1 yr. cMd a Mnn. ~ W\lh w 'W epU, draP"'. V- blill48. 1•r .. di.qi., bM.uL IAlld· llCl.pln&", etc. The Prize View Lot 111 Carona. ffi•IL1aa4--A ti..ut. corMr wlU. fabu.tou8 IY!Ob- 8lruc:tell riew et ex:... .,..a Harbor. Price t i~.* t&r r .. t '""' THE VOGEL CO. UOl W. Oout HIP.way l.lbetty 1-.JUl £ ..... U .J-71h BEST BUYS 2 Top VaJue Homes C-1, W-1 and ft_. barf!.lt1 Wt. i bdrm., 2 MU&. 119..cl 8t. IUld R-.....tk. o.n..er .. Y• MU. - 112,4:!0. &17~ down. UJ. mo Xlnl. I bdn..., hwd. noo...., N,... place. Beck Bay u-... 11t.•oo 11\ rno. -4~"" '-n. C 1 Buaineu Lot Ml • 2M) nr. ahopptn1 mnler could build to \lfllle or buai· .. -. 11 0.t&O • 11'30 handl• M·l IDdu.strial Lot U IC J'IO. J bdnn ho\J-. \ntl\1d«\ All so. tor Juat 117.000 "'10! l •nn .. I...ot R-' • TripLe1t or Home ~ J19"'3 8 1 Eul•m owner w1r· ed 1.U1 to •II It at c0!9L UOM4 Frank James, Rltr. 2"71 S:. l 7U\ I L, C.0.t& M- U &-2145 c J1.111 &a.et o( nrtn.1 t>rup 1 Call~...-. LI t-1•11 B/B Lido Isle LIDO BAYfRONT 111· lot. pier lllld .Up pd"flllpL U.... -. CL YOE MEYER, Re•ltor • • 312 War1no A .... Balboa lalanLJI"""" jlllJD • • fk'rT SMART BUYS "TIK_..uppu'' dlljlloa eaq ----all,M 2 BR. -.. 2 Iota '1f,llO ' BONll'DIOON OOTl'AG• Cute u a hap ar, but a Utue too ..U for J1'1'918Dt owner'• fa.ally .... tJlll today. mno CORONA DEL MAR BO:IQI " IMODlm Dallpthl -.,.. ___ ,...,, - lllld II< i.u.., plu -flM 1 ........ -apt. lpadally prioad at P9,00G. G. H. LATHROP, RNltor ltUL TlPLE LISTINO BllOKBll MM E. Cout Hwy., eo.-Ml Xv Harbor ~ -i:-Rarl>or lMl80 ) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ ANOTHER! UNDER $20,000 A ootta,. will 2 bd.nna a.nd. plenty ot ro• te bu.lld aoolbu SICE THIS NOWl BEAUTIFUL BAY FRONT HOME 'bdrm.a and den plu. rent&.! Wllt! .All com.~7 tumiahed. Private pkT A: tloat. $15,000. - $l0,000. down. VOGEL Balboa co. lsl•nd f Nut Door to Post Ottkil) 20811&r1M.l ... E>ea ' Har.lM2t RETIRE WITH INCOME ln hurt ot beauutuJ c.oi-ona del Mar. J ..._. unit.I ; 2 a.re Qicely tva., 2 p&U... °'* te ahoppln1 1 ~ blb. from ooe&.n.. $U. 7IO ST AN LEY A. SMITH, Rffltor 21147 E. Cout Hwy., C...... del Mar B&r: 1U WATERFRONT DUPLEXES &t.yrtde Or·it l 1 Wma-"6.000- ~.-pott Ct.nal·~tl I Wntte- •14,000 tl..-port Canal·+2! 121'1.~ a.111oe. Oc•ntronl 1-1 Mrm ....... a.111oa OC•11tra.t Trtpi.a·J: plu., I .. 1 bdrm-122 600. UDO 19U: Rl:DUC&D PftlCJI: I •lory 4 bdM'l'I I kt,U. ..,_ di•· lflC" room . la•. ,.uo. St. to I t. lot. l:ac.1"8nt family bome. P'riet OCEAN FRONT Trtpltt ... older property .. hl a r...I ~ -.Jl.w, I ~---....-.... a !Minn.. ... J ......... .. u•lt Wp9talte. O... ta iaM let ........ ,..,, &M ~ worm.au-. ruu ,ne1 (JIU1.· ly tunUMMI only •11.IOO ·~ .A.Ml ,_ O.orp •i-.rt BALBOA IAY PROPERT'IES 1&06 w . ..,. m... Ha.I" llM '"" »•.600. 1------------....... ~·•artz Nu.r truuportat10r1. ~hurrh • .chool, *'-th.at1 bUt .. to -n A bay M1.eh R-3 UDO LOT. by owner On• nf lti. 1-t rema1n1nr. lnch1d!na: plan• /or lrtple._ 528 000. 11mall CSoY.·n. ~ terme. Har. 111&-J Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR NOT Jtt1l a ~ but a bMuU-•AT" l"ROl'f't' IPJ:CIAL! TNIJ" ........... HOWl:W\U.I ... · THE VOGEL co. u .... '""'' ...... -.... Mariners 1110 Rlty . a11 Nartn• Av•, Balboa hla.nd CJOllllldftClA. 'rii .. ,.. -N•· ~ BlYd. lm.JW"O"CS with cat• llnlll I l~bedrm. n>ftUW. 1111· -JlN • month -· J,Ulld _....owrtN•..or-. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1M1 Jrf...,.t ...._, r:o.c.a K- U 1-l&U ltff9. Ll .._ltoo BPJlO!.L 8T OW'MDt. t MW I MciZ"lll. pl,\&, '10,0IO. Cull *""'1\. - Ml90 r-rt1 ~ All MW ..... ONLa K-. 1J M'rllt. --, .... Full Pri<e $17. 7 00 Good Terms OONTA.CT JOHN or JUDY H1JNTE.R Wll.b W. STUART roan. 2117 W . lklbool Bl•d. H•r. 24 or Hu . ..._ ~n.-a. Tl'M: BY OWNER liandaome Mw ronternpor.ry, beamed c.tun,a-a. ...... pJon11 ylll FIYll(:Y r. protected. 3. lus• ~ W1th rnu~r otf paUo; ian..I; I We bathe, ~l\J' iotcben : built-In ""'l"9 • O'Nn. Lo....iy ear- l*-. .. pen..,. paUo. ~- ....... lupert, lrrtn• T .... a. ' p I .... JCr#p pp l'M9 ac&U... ...,. Lenna, - ---.... ud ._......,., a&c:rtlke.. &.. •ny- T~"l":'I ffirbor •Tll TkTT I.. cr.i.-....,_ ... +I I· ror>llU, den. I kl'+'llT U 2411 V\a Udo -Rar. 4.t'll .- 1------------1 Yl!:AR Ou:> I bdrm-. 2 bath hom1 MUia. ric1' ~fftl •ftd .tr..-Ev•-..-Ha.r. 1142 • Bar 1111WX *"' ...,...,_ ..... ta ..... perllol, ..,... Mlry ball. "fl' Har ~ •UOll U.... 1.9 a ... ..W.. CURT DOSH, Rltr. • •• ...-...,.... _,......_ 1ttracll.,.• rte"p-•ri"' kitcben Looking-lfll-llnl ftnp&a«. Ill alee• hml. ..u.p. IF II 0 0 W- 315 Merine Ave. with diepoml. Wow..-RootM p.UO, •J)8.e.'°"'9 lot prol-'on&I· ttte kJtchan wtl.b Mr. svod l------------1 ~,...,, ...,.......,.. ..... Belbo• l1l•nd 1,. 1uu.Waped.. o.ir•hk eut roR a "Mauutui ... ,_ mad. lari"• .1 ... dt.u,., ..... i.,.... ••II sATSHoRES NELDA ,,._18'SON, 111.ibstat1U&.I Mu .. ! w.: RA vz plenned pM... .A. HOllm to ~· rT .• Mdrnu.,. baU., ...... '"d•nd p . 'l'O\d'ld, "6,000 .• br , I baU.,, W/W ca'l"fl. J.re, R.J"'lto'r llU9fnUl. ~uo. ls•· 1.n-1•. ktt. ttt,lllO •• A. t-1tep. from UM MM. LIDO NORD WA.TDnlOHT -I b r. 2 be.tu, ~I 10t w...n.. Aft. 11i1rrner Mt J ; ¥ A. l CA, BRITISH WDT bath! .. ~ I badrooma. I •U... Poem bit IJt..llC» 9.AlaOA. -..um H•rbor 1560 ~lion. '11·"°· o...n;lrc?f DESERT RANCH uoo .,.,. ·-. lNDIES, M ~ 9()ftMI ~ ...... • ..... ~am• I ...... I paUot, i.e.. ot .......... ..-.. ~ hldm ., ~ roR JlllHT 1a 1>M1111 .... lhora-~ •" nut., cltrua. ~. etc. ..., • .,r--I02 A._..._ w 2 bed I JkdroorM, 1 llallla. IA,.,. Pa· roem a .... , ~l"I beauUful n.arllor .net Apple ValkY MC:Jude4 °" e.lltt. -0.arnihl.f rm. "'•· ru-. ., ··~tum. lt60 '-eh. 1:.1 ..... uon too n. Bult-mount.II.I" lide. • bedroom•. " •"d den home, 2 nrwp"Ia.c ... ,.. .... • .. -· abl• l or e, hldf. tlltaa. Prka bat.ha. I t'rplcee .• I U•tn1 roo-. Uo and laWl'I. IIIO rnonlll °" TT· '""'"4. CORONA DEL MAR 1&.000. owNER. eo:ii: M• w. bl& klt.c.Mn ud dlll. """"' 1MriJ' i ..... Adu.lt.e •'7. B•y I Be•ch Rlty., Inc. ,....... .,., pllll --.atll' ~ .... p. Jlt&.ALTOltA l'Oll !JA.1..1: OJlt TIU.D&. c,... : bdrm bofn•. ROOM to •u• 7 more aftlll ~ ,.._,... Owner U 11115 ftc'Jt "'"'"_ ............... F't • Rlty C "----~ •· loo an. MT.a ........., z:rnoms • o. 11111 • ---"" Id • --........ .... Ku. -s... 1'11 farm, or oou •"'-ft&A.LTQll. l---------::-::-'."- LIDO ISLE J.-1 •• _ ... ,. ,_,... ........ ....... --BACK BAY AREA t.11, or ,._ bolM. o..ir auo 11. eo.at llla1nn1 IU.000. Good tenN. J"or ti• Cloroli& chi K..-H.,..,_ llU BT OWN&R tall• ult f'arm ... lUCllN. o..r-. BY OWJO:lt. I ...._ Lit ..-,_ U.a. Ra UU. Tk'TT ...... _.....,, ol UM~ _:::::_::::_::::::__~~_:::.:.:__1~~~;;-;--;;:;;;;:;;;;;;--~- .,. UU. llm• a "!l'9llr.. H.IJ\BOft RJOHl..Al'fD!I ACREAGE Lol 17 • 201 Beck S.y Area-den QrvYe. l..Dltp ._Slll IO a 140. ,...,... .,..._ h.Uct. Comer Bll'Ch • <>rch•rd 1te.f& NJCCST home tn lM Woell. I Le.ndleapM • t..-.d.. •U.000 mrio Har. Mll·R T3pl0 ~===-,,===--:=c-bednM., lh.1J tt. ""1fll rm~ 1:11.#1 ,__. NCWPOftT HEIORTll -1'.. w-w nrpeta. ta rt. of oewrton JON wt"°" 1-. MonWt.r "' J '*""-'· "°"1a. J '-U.. 4'M.. drs,_, I.I'S• klldlen • (lntn1 ...-.Nae" LJ ~ NcTI .-~ wtth rMM> diloc', bu.Ut .,__ 10 by t r~t porcll, 11b ,,,....,_.,_,_,,_,_ "n. ,....,~..,.... UPPER BACK BAY :."t.!":, ~.:,. ":'"".!.,"' ~ ~ "" ... o~ ! ACRE VIEW LOT ta. ua Catan.a Dr~ m.ooo. 111• 0oinun.tai ............ c _ K. ~ MW1I hU ,ne. a•.uo Ku. NoT& U a...111. 71ocll ~~ f1eM .., ,a -UL TRltD Mdrma, f~• baU'la. COrn- tt. w.oa ~llfll" Dr1P19 .t11 T .. ·DE BY OWNER ........... TtopkaJ Jaadlr•p.. "" .... ,.u~ ""°' -"" JU.MO 9Q't1l'IT .. • .Ute la _ ..... ___ u.._ . TkTT M..,.n ~ ,.. ..... or 11.UWOfl .... _ocs. ______ l•••I 11 A.Ctl&ll ·-M-1 -ldM!ly wt...,., or hrh-. up to tot u x 110 f7,.00 Ouh. 8a1-localed pa,ooo ..... QaQ TOpu .... lfll ~ Jlt•lt)', 311 Mattnt Aee 11 ACflA OoM ln W .000. ~··...,.,,.I p..m. Tith BaJMe. l.w.d. ffarbo)r e.fTI DAVT CO, .J.112 Via Oporto 71k&l 1 Har kt&. Tk:T7 Cl•ir• ·van Hom ttl:.U.. TOlt fTll W. a...t ~. LI call ....... u .... KA. • ,,/L.tf• S-tlil9 ""to __ • .... 2 ...... l!l"P" th, • --...... . Qi • ft; 1111. Qiloo.. ~. -oel7 l .1'L Gill. '27A JR A t ~ • . ~· ,. .. ( ,,,,, ~fll). 1--1 blotk tO -, -. ._ "9t Clliw...., J ~ 1114 -........ -......... -~­~ • Ir ~ 'li;llOll. °"* "' ""'"' lllrmr -~"f!ltoil Pt.;Dl!l'1D"°°4r, . ' .. ,., DIJPloD• m'r JlllY. ""' ., lllaltw*Y; ·2 , '' n .~ a latiio 1n ri.t p1q1 i ......._ -................... In_ - llllllllT Oii WI -Ptk:td at $18.7CIO. --~ .. , ......... °" lllJLTIJlt.a Ll81'INGS _CORONA DEl MAR ReALTY CO • .'.:! ftlCS '" JlaCOl8Tl()!f, llotltor 6 A-l;eo IK1B.QutJtw1. °"""" ... _ Har.{7 IOll!P,.,. '" --le !lfWIJGlt 11ut1or Bu1r, OIMJ ' •;. . , BALBOA IS~ND ' . . ISIUl't TDD: Ol'J'!lllED. .\la>ool Boy Froa~ Ul:llo JalaDd home A Income. f b<., 21> bath pl11& makll rQOI& J.Dd t.tb and u.o~y &ttractive 1 br. ~ 8 .car pnp. Ema parking •pace. a-1114 apt. lloautltully fllmlohod. Lot o.nd \>. 81!1: 'ftllB AT ONCE! Priced riJhl. Bo.J' ~ It flol,I. • n. R. home $117,llOO Bo.y-~ A !loaL f B. R. Home - 1 B. a. •DI -____ ....... $6:1,000 Dupla-2 S. R. eub-:5 batb-patiOB and aun ~·income -··········------U0.000 :~ ... Looftly f B. R. h<><q_e with 1 B. R. opt $3!1,000 -Sm.. cottap on rear ot lot, room to bUild $19,900 Du~. attnctmo. $22,llOO $:IOOO dn. SHORE CLIFF VIEW HOM.E BeauL Colonial Style 4 B. R. 27:, b&th home lo- cated. in. most ucl!Wve part ot Shore Clltta. Stt U1 today u t.hU ill our EXCLUSIVE LISTING and It lo priced riJbt at ....... -"2,llOO -· :; : NEWPORT HEIGHTS OUR EXCLUSIVE $1&,CIOO. Unu.ually charming 2a11. home. t.....iy patio. A ma!. oo HURRY. BALBOA PENINSULA Nicmt location on Puiuul&. ott Ol.a.nnel Road, very near B&y~thinl ,beaah, KDdern 3 B. R. 2 bath furn. Mu.e. I'. A. heat, patio. '2',000 -Good tenna. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor VEVBER OF YUL TIP LE LISTING •·SU Ma.rtne A"-. Balboa 1aland Ph. Har.1071 or1672 .SOMETHING NEW A Brand New Office And New Listings HOME AND INCOME H~ ls tm nicest 2 bedrm home and oew<duplex on 2 adjoinin& lot. in Coata Meaa.. Nicely La.nd- ' aca.ped with Jou or t..reea. CIOR In on Flower SL • ~ KL No. 8130. Priced to M>ll at $28,500 with ~down. • LIDO ISLE ... t. • _-1 Our Own Home -Early American a.od ml'.Mlt ·-· c:harml:D&:. 2 bedrm, 2 bath, beautifuJ living -· •. room wt.th larp tlrepl&ce. Oveniu muter bedrm ... .. . , with twin ~ta. So ma.ny extra teaturu you -ieo. Only 21> Y<"" old. $81,!500. l DON"T HAVE A PHONE YET, but drop in U.. "t" or call Harbor '366. GEO. EVERSON, Realty ·~ . lflS.A Newport Blvd, Coot& Weaa Acrct-Blvd from St.ttw•y Store. :. . EXCHAtNGE SPECIALISTS _,,,"; ,.., _.,.._ CDM, for a 3 bdrm., 2 ~ CDW. •. a -CDll, 2 bath, BBQ rm., .,..ter land. -TW bdrm., 2 bath, Laguna for P-dena. . V: I bdrm., 2 ¥lh, family rm., . Corona Highlands forlacms& ,.._. WT WHAT YOU WANT WITH PROPERTY .... ..... ~ ~ •• ..... YOU NOW HAVE. ... We JMlld Uettnp for tale or trade. G. H. LATHROP, Realtor llUL'l'lPLB Lill1'ING BROJ!Jll& ' -Ill. Qout ;11"1 .. Corona do! Illar ___ .,..., __ • WEEK-END HOME Jaot ~ blk. to o-n Bl\Od. 6 Uttle Corona Bcb. ' It t111o 2 -home. OOKPLETELY fum· -----_ .. _ -The it'f. ...., -wllb bup wtndowa. loob Into a -·· _,, yard. The -It -~ tbe --(ll20.0001 lo rfcbt, the ~rm• 1$5,000 down) are ..... ·-· ... ... ··- iJ....i, SEE rr SOON. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODOlll. A...Vo.e asi2 E-Cout Hwy., Con>na del Illar -Har. mf • LARGE WATERFRONT HOM Ptu prt.u.p • A.1lnoli\ ....,. Vay • u_.-. .nQ. ~ ttnpi.c. ........ i• t.lbf, Lov•ly 1Kailt-tn. kit., «bl. pl'. CarJWt 6 .,.,_.tno. 411 out.- •tandfna ~ • llUBO. )9 I .. _ LIDO 151.E o .. Lovely bom• WUh ~ ~u_U­ tul patio and ~ ~., • JUlt f2•.500 • II r; wr.e. CORONA DEL M_.,R Lovely Modern Duplex Le .. IJv. ll'GL.• brief. Mrs. Dm. room ln ,....._ apt. OY...aa.d dbl. pr. ~Lat IT,IJOO down • Full prtai Jl.IR Pl,I~. i..,.-.. I bdrm. • nunpu.1 t"OOll\o 1" bal.U, 1,. .. 11•. Im.. dbl pr. Otl •ln. lp. ktl. eo-n v*'"' . .;i\lolt UT.&00. -l1.1brn.1t ....... NEWPORT BEACH eo.. to Ocean • lla,y, Vllw.U&I 3 bedruom, 1 '4 bath Mm• comp. tum., Ju.t 2 'li yn.. old. l"uU prlC4 11$,000, EZ tenn•. INDUSTRIAL RJRNISHEP BEACH HOUSE llW' new. <>ply 1 blod< ,,_.,... .... Nloo ~wlillbrealdutoroa.U;itU~­ ~ *-laholty pine."~ -"' bu1l4 au aaon ult.. • J!O,ll!lo J'ull Prloo ~ NEAR NEW INCOME UNITS , l •It~ ,..;ta and room to -I -~ on·eo .z $OQ toot lol AttractJve. neat v,a.lt.1 witll ~peel irtYew•)'11 to MCh Ulllt. Good - ~ )Leu. location.. PNieDt IDCOIDI fl.II per month. $:1()()() Down BUILD A UNIT Hoalo, a y..,.. Oi4. 11u 2 W-Plank~. --·· flnplaoo. 11,t1cjiof -.. patio. Lars• comor lot with --t. ~ fenced. Try '9500 -with Plll>O dow1I. RENTALS 1 " l Br. 1'lllurDlabod opartaenlll 1 bdrm fundahedho\1811 S~fllmlohodhOUN 3 "'f'i' #umlobod --THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Nowport Blvd., Coot& W-U a..-FROM l TO 20 ACRZ8. !l"rom a&OOO to ll0,000 pa ac1'. Get 1------------------- ln on I.No rround noor and mall• ynurMll • lltO. fortune quklli!. A rr.t inany J*)pl• are doinl' It. Seven lslanch Realty & lnve1tment Co. llOWJD<'I It., NpL BM., c.llt. Hu. NM aft. a p.IL H&.r. Ml!T G.I. RESALE $2000 DOWN J tNodroom home -near HI· Bcbool Built lltM> -Hardw()Qd f\oon -1an.1• -,.WT). n!r• location -1•1.yment..11 of fTl 6.~ lncludH n•.-ytPlinr Eao..~ Uonal buy •t flO.l'IOO. ()Ider Couple !nVHtment Very i:Uce 2 t.droom honui in in<· cdleat CloH In J'.uttldt loot.· lion plu.a 11-t11.1p1'fz on :z Work & live in Newport Harbor Where Nature Smilos end Industry Prospers Frelh alt ..• low coot powv ••• truoporiatlon by land, ... and air . • . bappy employeee llvlq minuta away ••• ctnter ot apanc11ns-marketl . . . no freeway tl•upa. See a member of NeWpdrf Harbor Board of Realtors 101 N. Newport Blvd., N....,,.rt Beaoh •pus.le! •djolnln1 loa. Tip ------------------lop C'OndJUon many food bl'arln( fruit tr~• -Be•t1tl· f\11 1>9U11 -fenced -Ml.IK - to •PPr.cl•l• -Own•r lea,.. Ina ('(>Will}' &rlrl prla.d to Mll lnunedlatrly l'lll_/)00. PHIL SULLIVAN l/U6 N•wpi;1t Bl"d, Coil.I. )IJU U 8-1!171!11 i:•'t' LI "·2103 Balboa Island PRICE REDUCED 0"'1"'t:R murt lf'll th!1 ~utlfbl two 1\m"J' r"rnorr hom4' You w\11 ha\e fll'low inom !l'I •p&rt ln \I'll.a 6 bed1o-om, l b.oilt\ l1nn1or Aao t~.f'l I 11 a n1r1 & Uf'tl •p•rl.lnant Uial you 'an rfnt or kHp fur lnen"l• Now prtc...-1 ,.\ dilly 1311 MlCl CAil u• qi.II.ck f« appt. lo 1rf'' You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE New Furni1hed ''Homes by Macco" OPEN EVENUIGS UNTIL 9 ,oo P .111. Interiors liy M•rtln l Vo_• Hemert Beauutul bomea in the finest location Prlcee from $28,000 to SM,000 Your ins~ ia ~ 10llcited ' EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Duncan Hardesty EXCLUSIVE AOICNTB REALTOR "At th• Brldr• to Udo Ul•" On Hiway 101, Newport Harbor, oppoette 1'ft lrYlne l..&t•y•tt. al Jhd l!lt., Mar. •Tit TWO BRAND NEW OFFERINSS! Tb• bat a bdrm. home ... 11Jr1 2 bedroom apt. for lhe priff on Balboa kland. Doub!• irvq:a . $27.600. ~ent fln&11clnr COl'\ONA DEL MAR. a little art.al'• jav.·el .oulh of UN HL· way. Low dQwlt pymt (hirner wlll calT)' will\ ,...,_bla montblJ p&¥ml'llta. Doris Bray,. Rltr. 211!1 Marin• A V-.. A&Jtioa l&W'ld H&rbor 20 or M Baysho'res &elusive! rr '• •ldoM ... c.1t or.t• • _,.. KlU t.b'-i Ill -.utlf\al Ba~ 'r. dlannin.11 .... ,.. ij • al'ld Mttia.. M1U ,..... f01"<'alCL. air h.-t. t11...,.WW. tile ldteb• ... "&17 ._,.. pat.lo. ,,. .. bllq'le bl Oil a Ms TGa110 Jot and U\1 1-tlOkt i. onl.J 110 per ya:ar, 11UI won't aut ~ •l onlJ 111,aoo, 1111 WI now to "" lt!I Duncan Hardesty UALTOA , "At lha Bride"• tD Udo lal•" L&t&y9tl• at l1nd It.. Mu. •Ttl Cout Country Cbtb. Barbor ..... CORONA DEL MAR Priced below JD&l'Ml and DMdl that penonal tbuch. A two bedroom homa with bachelor apt. Qn a t5 foot loL Thert: ~ a nice patio, Jarse kitchen, iu.iad:ry room, larse muter t.droom, nicely la.ric:r.caped end fenced. Prleed to llell at $17,500. • EXCLUBIVJ: WITH RAY REALTY CO. 3441 E. ~~ .. Corona dtl Mar--Har. 2258 Memberol=-~tt. ~oa BAL.BOA JIA1TRONT DUPLl:X. pier LDd lloaL Pltfato ..... b Sf9.!oo. ON PENINSULA cute 2 bldrm.. fUmMhtd, 2 u.r (Jntge, !eac<d i2:IOO dowo • DUPLEX 2 bedrooatl eae1a. 0-In. ~ 411. COAST PROPERTIES RVTll JA YRllD, ltea1t..-• Mlldtod Rina and Sytria Tbom-. Alooelatoo 301 E. -Balboa Bml., Balboa Har. 28M 0r MOO ( ) Ml "OA '9INSt..\A • ·-·--~llllli .......... 11-.-·l!> .u!IJ• 'Ddlr 11 a*-ot .._ .. flat ,,rt ............. '--. J.;;, l ' . ~r ~Ai· .... ~'::'=;_-~~ . ---#r'11t--.i.l" l "f .,11 • • .• NEWPGIT , ' .,', · a Bit u-_,....., ~illitrt.._.. ._..,~ up!'._110,000-x-.._~ . • ·" COSTA MESA .. s1.s0o oo~· • BAYSHORES ~to ;:-:~~·.=;;'~~111~ ... J•tt...,. . . . (. -"""""" BAY & BEACH RIW.TY. fnci., ~· , · 1 """"°"" -'21.,.. 202& W. llallloa BIVd., N-~ Jladlar a~ l'\TRH, __ n.ooo ......... ,,. s BDIDa.,. DDf -·----16,QOO Eva. Jlubar ~ , , -' a :IDft.11&. ou-n. Jtm. -~ 11,soe 'T THOU AS... BILL'S ' BES'f BUVS 1 Aa • ~ llBAL'l'o~I ; HARBOR HIGHLANDS ·-· LDd ASSOCIA:Tm 197' Sylvia lat. ~of '~~.,.... l""l can hope to !Incl. ~ lo -lllto. a..,. M B/ B CORONA DB:L MAR Home ... ilWIOfDe OQ ~ .. a.. I Mna. ..,._ Pwfect CIOAdltsoo a.ad ,...,.. to ..u. RELAX IN TBlll COi,.-:I bdrm. biome 1n cJLo)1,. in· oaUoa. Jlantwood tira.. ti,... ~ '" b.n. 'l!,TllO. THE YOUNG FOLKS ttW lov• th 1up rwnpwi room bl. tbMi J 1tory. J bd.r1n. vt•w hon)•, IOI.It.JI ol lh• bl&bway. "'·-INCOME UNITS w.u tocalM. J 1 bdrm. llJlail cash doWD. lru:om• 1160 mo. Pnet ILl,000. ACT NOW. a whieUe. Tb,_ Bdnnt, 2 Bollla,· J'lcllplace, l>tp. ..t quality 100\10 wool carpetlns, raw lllllt ~ large d.ininr area plum ee.Una area ID Jdtehen. Owner bad addltloaal footap added te tllll home, plua oventze prase and mprlUler .,.teat. You will onioJ' the ad<W -·---el jbll home. can WI! We wtn' abow ..,um.. Ji. P. ~ $23,llCIO -f\>% J'lnancblg. . .. BACK BAY. -COSTA MESA' 398 La Canada. A really beautiful home, with a very good vlelr. Comu I.-C> .... 6 ~ Three bllne. 2 bat!uo. !oroo4 &Ir lloat, ~ LDd choice hardwood fJooro. Over 17~. ft. BuDL In O'Kee!• 6 Mtrlt& 0.... a. J!Aio.'li . ~ Ian A Garbafl'I 4i._i. A Muil'rJ lit> • Priced to .ell at '26,950 with $0,000 DA. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor ' and ASSOCIATES • • "you'll like our trlelldly- Movin& to Rivenide 'r 400 E. 1 Ttb. St. c.o.ta Me. LDtrt,-~1111 Thea Mt. ~ t.U you -.bout a , bdnn. curtam bUUt horn• ~caDHA.6lV8 • Lola.e:5 • Ll ...... t WUJa ~ paUo. QwDU' --,,..:-;::--:::-----"""::-:::------:'~'-::-~-, =:;·::;:·· ~ ~ LDdl}! ~kll 1fl Ult.I nore Clltt hofn9. two with a hard to find Eut patla.. "•-· ud lldrme. llnd ._, laNLI., fl.ft. -,,.._ 11v. niom w1th OMan va.w. drapett included at $27,:SOO. · XlnL t.rma. ... l ,llOO. B•y & Beech Rlty., Inc. REALTOl\8 Cotfln• dt! Mar orne. UIO IL Coul Rwy. Hu. M8I Money Making Triplexos 1. eoUTH OJ' HIOHW A Y, COR· on DEL MAR. Brtad ar niodsrn-U1.ple• 1'•r b4oai:A. TWO "4room1 each w1lh tlr•· JU-, buUl.-ln r&n.l"M and o .. ana. allc1lq ~ door•, JU· Iii• and lalU'U1r7 room. A d•· lux• propertJ' t.&1.1Utu117 lo-- catad ! lkhadulad lncom• 14!\0 PS moaUL Tlll.I prt09, Jl.l.000. te""9. Open &aturd97 • 8und9y 1 -~ HlO Bea""1nr 2. 119:. N"rr ON BALBOA IS- LAND. nirM •mart furniAhe(I ap&l'Unant... 1 blodl: t.o bu.e.n with utn Ju.I. room and bath. TV Jacll.1, Mlhen allow· ., aJS4 ~ )'O(Ulll, ' ·•l•ll ,,,.,...... oa o:tra lars• lot. Ol"ON or aaeoo prt.11 pv 1u.r. A BUT .A. T H4,&00, termL Mariners Isle Rlty. 111 Martn-.A.-..... Balboa 111-nd Hatbor '711 NEWPORT I ti.dl'OW. tunWIW w.r .U. '4000 .w bandle. CHANNlU. l'RONT DUP'L&X fliV'''bM. pod ln- com.. A plaoe tor your boaL Pncad Wow" npl&oamd ooM.. N.B.C. REALTY C-2 I 00 a 300 ft • E. 17th St. , ....... TUIUll: • rr.tn.J eo.t.a X-'• J'inul Area nrca 111.000 CaU °""*"• Hanot IOOI , .... TWO bedrm.I and 1 bath oa IJ.!L comer lot. Room to expand AND ...-from Lidf''•] beo<b. PUii price $25.8Cf!J. UNDER ~u-ucL.o at tho OJld ot 'Via 0 on Udo Nard, Geors• D. 8clciacala 'r-.W tdidon to hU. ever rrowlns lilt ot ·-~t homes. Four bednm and family room. 4 bat.ha. Complete In detail and 'OltytlnJ. eo .... .tad,y 1llo ptan. and make tho.e cbanr-wtUch wllt p - the home your penooallty cow-while the. .b.ome ifll in the !run.ins •tq'e. For complete l.n!ormation OG theM and otaaer- exclu•i,•e Udo U.~ - UDO REALTY ASSOCIATES J.100 VIA LIDO -HARBOR liCm STANI.EY MEYER FRID 0~ VIRGINIA MANSON JACK MOORE GENE VREELAND OPEN HOUSE , • Home Run SJ>ecial! llOl CLtP'll' D!U\11 . •• ! •• ., ' DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor , ' 2647 E . Cout Hwy .. Con>aa cle1 llar liar. - I la the lut REALTOR LI 8-77'13 ; ... ::·~. 5 I STAR HOMES .fi~~S.IDE ·coSTA MESA Qa 2lrd k biltwten OraDp and S&nta Ana Aves. • ~-.,.M4iocma, 2 bathrooma . ' e ............ thepmo COGtJ'olled • ~ ~.~ m•111t fw • Iw11itld ..... madoodl tile • ~ rCll"lldca eomrter topl . 1,.•' ~ 8'dew&lb, S.... llne9 tn and ,paid for T'"9 ledroott11 •• low •1 $11,450 -$6t5 Down ~ri11.-m1 ea low•• $12,450 • $795 Down ·OP.EN DAILY 1-6 P.M. •· ' Drl'&k TILt.N TWO THIRD8 SOLD Otn' .. ONLY15LDT ·. ;. W. A.. TOBIA~ Realtor ... . .. ind ASSOCIATES ( • ..,_,. like oar fr1mdly •mce" ...... . . ~4ll0& 17tll 8t. CG.ta Meaa Liberty 8-1138 :¥' • ~f .... LIMl5ee·IU5119-LJM9'75 ·U~ .. 1':: . ,,,. .,. . ~:· · BALBOA ISLAND ..-.. ... J • ~/; 1iafta •.pod street. 2 bedrm. hoU8t plu.1 .:-:·:;1 Ir. apt. AttnctM clean property -.. . ~:·: Nr:NO. Bay, l bednna.. 1 ~2 bat.ha, 2 car pr., • ;:'..: • 1 Mr. apt. a-ll down. Owner eoarer ~~ "' t... ..n. $28,900 ,. .. . . ; : llltll ·JMJme. comer lot. Good location $19.960 ~.-.. •. • • bedrm.. 2 '-th, UtU. 111ud -------···$31,:SOO . .i,PllllllS 1 bedrm. each, SoOd street. -$22,000 ·~. ILt.DllOBlll 1 bra. 1 bat.b, GOOD BU'r '21.!500 • .tND «n'B:DUS. WE PROMISE YOU &.bat )'OU Wtu Dot ftlld a DON beaut.ltul. llnUJe --.. tM emu. Hartlor vea for t.:w moiaeyt We mean W... aad all we ulll 11 tU.t you I« WI abow 1ou. t.bf.8 llAllWl10Ull 2 ~. oaeftl't.lll&e. dlill Md ....._. --a... .. Ola& ,..., eaa r u.-MbllW. r' 2 lup t.lre11aw · r' clear Gall 0 lllardwood Ooorw t1 pl'09tDdtJ ~ wtUI uuu.a. dra&* • carpeU I of tlae t1Mlt .,l&]Sty r' 1~ batba r' a ~1 -.ckleed Mat· 4 ed latla.I that'• &loJ.W wol'U your t.r1p et' 04U111te l•Ntecaped troot AM.ck~~fora mlllUD\lll:l el pard WOrtl - aJld ~ -.muwra. too. We C9ll1d So om I« boun -l>ut I you'" rot lo ~ U! .l215.ot0 tull ~ wtU. ed:nt. t'laaDo&nc 4 tenna. Home Plus Income Not on.11 a,. •• fortunatf' 1 enouib to dM web an out· tta..adlq ~, ... Wa notp. tiona1 • ~ PtvnDcS&l home wWa a lalp prap a]IVtmalt wtdob .. .,. rent.eel ,~ '60 to le per mo. Y-. lt ha1 all UM eXUU -1 ~ b&lh, ftr9plMe. bdwd. noor... bul""'l.D ~ ..... •lectnc ldt.cb- -. bMuutul p&Uo • Ja.nd· ~ f.-d back yard _, &Dd jus& &I DMl U a pin. ruu prtce .fu.ll •11. 1&0. ancs tM r-.t&l wW ID&k• ow moathly ~~ It'• tn t.M Baell Bay J:uUild9 a.re& too! I Harbor Villa Lots I EXCLUSlVll • JtES'!iUcn:n I - -115" fl'Olltace Jl'O'Y• ~ in I eo.t.a M-'• tamoua BACK BAY AJ\&A. All uUHU• In plu. CUl'bl, (Utt.re and aic»· walka. l'uJJ Pnc• M. T50. Bay & Beech Rlty., tr;c. R&.U.TOR.8 1'715 H.arboT W.d., eo.t& MaM Day or nJc!lt phone U 1·17H ------- LIFE'S FIRST <JR&A TUT poa"Wion la our cbJJdrcl. Thia beauUtul 1'J>Ch t,-pe Ulree bedroom. ba.tll &nd one ball home la k>o&ted on 1 one ot N~ Bel&1lt. tlftwt 1 ~ 1'llte ba&uutul laq'9 t.c.111 1&1d la ..-pl«et,y feoeed 80 )'OW' kiddSel (*D play In -'•t7. Ttdl home 19 cloM t.o Ule ft.HR acboolil aQd ~ P'llC· Ptteltt UDdlr PG.ooo wtUa ..... wall to ....n cupeta ... era,... can oow to .. ! Duncan Hardesty IUL\14aL •At U. 1lrtdp to Udo laltt .. IA.t&~ at llftd llt.. Bar. 4111 EXCIUNGZ / I Vaciaa. 1..Aa C..D.X. PJUe ai.. ,_ (1) I • I »1 trna lloaM. C.l>X (I) 2 er I a.*'vla Rome. ll&"1ol' Ara (I) YMl8t M. lt-4, lf.1 ... -v. CllJilC.tf' "'" l&) ,. ~ '11 ........... .......... BUllll> 11'1 " HE ' I I . •If r I t I • who ill tralttnc fOft ~.top ~ wW watt a 1oia; time. Now W tie tmM'to 1Jatt -Tlill' _..t.. ::'°:a.::.~~~=· to the double patio. and • iltodln ~ 1lft.. • chm. TM mute!' WrOca a.lllo oP11» cmto the patio and h.u ~-6 ~·~.A ,~~ Priced now at only '3S.tJoo witll tmm. Oaa uw to ... it. • I • 'f I ' • ·WHO : ' .. U looldnr for three 'l1VIM IJZll) I Jd:I).. llOOllS, two batba! Wt jat liat.t WI~. lt Uo )au • larp ll'fbla room. laip ~~ plaatal patio, Dlce Jdtcbm W'ltll .brri"'vt .... ' &ad hu Nemtty beat 4~ llllildt -*1 out. Ot.rpeta and drapes included at SM..800. Let ui ahow you. SHE who waata the lUxury dd bea.aty ot a woodel'fu.l Lido waterfrollt luae mmt .. tblil ._Am-a, lta many woodafu1 fe&tu!W'lt'bu ftft ~ three bat.ha, electrtc ........ modera tttcbail.1 tn.Jdut t.r, formal ~ ~ and ol ooant a wonderful Bay Tiew lMDf room with ftrt~. · Aleo It bu & fine doubM pier • flDpr atip. Need . bu complete Uat1zap ud IDformat:tan ~ I..klo We property! Who 19 belt to -for uao Reatalll ! Who bu their ottlce jut at ~ rilbt ot ·tb• bridce to Udo IaJe f Wbo lint -· DUNCAN HARDESTY.,. Realtor ••At tht Jlirtdle to Udo i.o•• Lafayette at S2Dd St. -Barbor 4TU TEXAS STYLE Beach Cottage . NEW with VIEW 2164 Oce•n BALBOA PENINSULA LARGE UWlc Room LARGE Patio LARGE Parklq .U.. LARGE t bedroanui -I batba LARGE Oc..n to look at / / Dt.pca1 -Dlabwuber Radio CCllDUoDild door. Wall to wall~ Price $66,000 DEAN A. KEPHART 1601 Oeean -Harbor loet Or eee Your BrokR' • Bayshores • r J -Cbob E.:ldutfe Llntnp Tlc71H 2 .......... 1 batlt 111.TeO ., . ........ 1~.... .. -~-~ 2 ~ 2111.U... ....,. ..... , ... ) .. ,...., . . ' 8AG80~ RIW,,Tr CO. a.t lar V&Jaeii! I • ' a AmAO'i'xvE . Pl!NJN8t1LA POINT . llOJO:S:' ' . .. . ,... t l) CQdom , "1Mt I Mdroona ~~· .. t.1111.'boblJJ room~--~--~~.--~.._...~~--~~~ =-=~~ 'KILLION Reai Estate· . . ·~·· · · '·Friendly, in~ent ·Service•• Cl) 'TWO ami>ac>OM. u' kt.b We KNOW the area!.... \ ~·~·~room .., lt la •P'• fta 5 btt · ......... ~·--.... ... Jatp pat» 'arw.. Y• Wiil lb tlllle -at -tn.ooo. ........_ · fl) llPACIOtTll • SDJU(. ~ •. l Ura-UYIDC room. ftnpla.ce. *1• c:t ia .-» &NL ,cloe tor I 1afS'I' ~. Onal Y&lue at Slt.100. illOOI ..-n. I ~) YOA /!.. •VWll\T LOvm.T. · NmW. I BllDROOM HOM:& ,.,. ~ .. UlU ... autuJ ~ ........ aUdins rt.a-Ooera t.o pat.Jo fnlnl UY• ... ,_ and ~ bed.- room.. x.... ldtdtm a.ad tGftlld. m ._t. nuoo. tensla. (ti VACANT CORNSJ'l LOT .. u.e ·P-*wW&, 46 ll 100' I ft4 mnSJiaS. lf 70U ~t I pod lot W. 18 It. fl&,000. I 0TRmt D.AJ(DT -.u.&OA V .AL- 1 UD ro&• TOUlt PICllU&A.L· IDtCLUGV& wrre ua: w.- _,. A.,._ 6 1lidnn-home wtUI I ,......rt~ el tbe bey. Nr. NBTC. Larp ~ 1'90Clll. n,... ,.._, tuJl 4IJdnS roam. hni· lllbe4 .. .,... ln,..t.ory. U'f,000. tM1lla. N11ZD11 80KS ftX'IH I inoeU7 ,.mt> St1r QUA T VALUE. I ~ «Nbdde alloWer room. \alJDdr'7. a.t of all - Jta 'i ·.....U to bay a.ch Ut.000. S0000 do1nl. Luxurious Udo Uvtng! llxqWl.lt.e Oonttmpof&F7 .... We proudl,y pre.ant thhi cba.r1Dlnl" Udo Hom• ~ bJ ~f'broU. decon&ad lily H,.lm Pet.alt of Loe Ai\&elee, &ft4 landecaped by S-.On.. Q ,000.00 buUl·ln Hl-J't and record '*"~· 11\d TV. Walnut paneiin., tarr&aO ttoon, &qn.b WOOi ~rpeUq, ~ allk on alldlJal" pen•l.a. 8unk.n lhoww In i.LI\ off muter bedroom, 2 mo,... t>edrooma and a b&Lb, iars• 414blr ~ • and a Nr&nllc tile wall U01111t.tcs UM .· prdm room ud paUo.. LGcal*t neu pl1vat. beach. May we ahoW you the ttnnt T Lido Sparkler! •·o• bWliDeu rM.tOflll OWll" wtll .U I Cuatorn. lMl&l'-new bOlrM ThrM bedroonla. two NU\.e Fll:le carpettq and draS- llxq\1 .. lt.e bl nery ct.tau Jt'1 perf ecl I Distinctive Bayshoresl R.ead1 to move toto. C.'llannlnr t•o bedroom, oompleeel7 haftllaMd bom• that need& no ftldlW. Lo ... )' pMllu.p, .eluded pe.Uo. Unmatched bU¥ at Pl.000 • Willard L Killion. Reeltor Leftv Murdock, Auociate Hfl i-rnrport Bl"Yd., Newpwt 8Mcb Harbor 6006 ()ppo9il• the Cll7 BaU Evenlnp or llundaya call HarlloP OM1 ... .. I TWO UNIT INCOKr.. J bdnn. home with 1 'bdnn. apart.merit ________ ..,___ ___ _ ::n_a~s::.:;:-,: CORONA DEL MAR ----;- horn• wtUa tn«Jtne. v.,.., food VOGEL T9llta2 proper«.)'. 111.000. term.I V.ALUES Balboa Realty Co . ~t.. JlaaJr of A.Jn.rte• "-9 ~1 Ed LH Joeepb!D• W•bb TOO S. 19albo& arcl.. Balboa. PMne HWWr 1.217 THE 6REAT ORAN&E COAST UILDOK UU t.be WUl'd "1te&.1" tn ~ .ur oa.ncp. w.& -ti ....,._.,.. tU.000 MW '9IGO. X·l pliOt wtUl ..--. . ....... -l'\aeeotJa MU" tna.. 'tw won't lfO to j&U fOt' ltt&llllS \Ilia. LOVELY FAMILY HOME Sb&k• roof, ruatic, 2100 eq. ft. liYinc area -88' x • 22'' loL Peged hardwood floors, FA be&t to every room. Huge brick fireplace in ~ rm., lie. ftttplaoe in 18' x 27' rumpus room that Opell8 to ten~ yard. Sl.idiJl6 sJ.aM door from ~ room which opena to porch with \flew of ocean Ir hilla Lg. kitchen. birch cablMtl, breUfut bar, diap .• wired for t'l. stow. 1~6 tilt' bat!ML Built-in HIFl, radio Ii record player. Mlny nice features. antique lbutterw. etc. Price onlJ SD.500 -eood tenm. It'• Jure -nice -bor&wy! Be sure A 8N before you bay! • ..... .... .~. ... . .. lDc:ame unita with tronqp oa two •tntt.a a load -; • rit1anl Oil blvestmeaj of $60.000 wb --. r.:~ A wry Dice 1 bdrm. be)me, hardwood Go0n. ftn. pla:ot, pa~ feneecl yard "ANI1' & ~ .IWI retaJ. Qoee bl locat.laD.. $1f.'nl) Awta omrt', . term9. • .