HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-24 - Newport Harbor News Press' REPLAC ING MESA EYE-STRAINERS Olllck Kunsman, leachd&a of lbe Colt.a Kn& 8tl"ltltl De- p&lt!Uat, lnst.a.111 new ftnt't mm at Harbor Blvd. and Cenwr It.. one of the nrtt of •~ ol the nf'W ltrHt rnarllere wblch wU1 be placed on local thorourllfa~•. TM qm ~ lliqft)le marker1, Jone an eye atn..ln to molon.t.a,, -at.ti Photo OLYMPICS Tickets for BIC D.inner Goi1g Fall! UNITED . FUND GIVING NOW Newport S-cb foUoWet9 of alhl.UO •PQl'U a.re rwpondille rap1dJ7 to thll ch&nce to dine With mambtn of lh• ~l),,.jptc ON INCREASE. MILUM SAYS '~ : ~~ 01:~.~b :: :o~:rdth~ ~= b~re ar!:~ ~~I (itll. Mthm1 expre9-S sr&Ulude the wee.k, accordlnl' to M111. lha.t ln the put 1everal da)'I dt-Gf!Orl• H . Yardley o! lhe Bay l&CJl.I have been "more real1-Uc Clllb woo hu bMn one of the 1n lhelr ~vln( " ent hu1lutlc backer• of lhe plan Becau.te 1l la aull aarly In tb.e to htilp i.n. Olympic tund. campatan. conlributlonl from , , bullln .. dlltrtcta have not ~ AalllVE 8ATl RDA\ copipJ.t.ly tallied. Ollt• trom A• now echeduled. the 90 UNITED STATES DA y·. OBSERVED ON MESA The Coroner'• olflce ye1terd&y orde~ an lnqUMt Into &eath of wealthy Lido lale remd.ent Georre Edwvd Silver, 61, who.e body wu found floatinc beeide hls yacht, Ja-J~Bo Sunday nlgbt. The inquest hu been Mt tor 2 :30 p.m. J'riday .. Artlon came 1ho.sJy after Lil VI& Udo Boud. 8Uver reportedly , autopay report from County h&d been wilh Mre. J'lnd.lay u I autop1y 1ur1eon Ra y'm on d a party and ottered to lhow her Brandl ahowt'd Silver b&d died hi• two-muted VHffl, docked Ln u ruull of drownln&" The Coro-front ot bi.I p&latl&l N-port llfl''• otrlre 1f'port lho-d the Be.ch home. w•allhy bollllnr ex.ecuUve did Brandl aatd h11 au top• y autter from • t....art diae&M but •bowed a lmoal no tracu of evl- hla df'&t h "u due only lo ~nee that 911vu may h&ve ~ft drov. runs. dnnkiDf. 'nie Coronu'1 office al- 8ah·er a bodv wu round float-ao ll&ld the vicum wu an up.rt tnr In the bay &hortly -after the .wtmmer . ._lthy '""1<knt bqall ueort.1111 rt:NUAL 81:&°''1CU l(n. Gordon Jl'\ndLay of Udo ale Tbe coronu·a ll\4U .. t wtll be on a m1•tn1,;ht tour of hla M·foOt lwld at Balta Corona del Mar ' Mt.ch a t Illa bomt, Mt VI& Udo 1 MortlJ&l)'. Sol.Ad .M:eanwhJI•, It wu a.nnounced : bE,(jAS IC'Rl':Al\UXO funeral WrvlCH (J)r auver will I Mra ~·indlay said 1h• aat down ~ held at 11 a.m. tomorTOW ln 1 to r••t tor a mom~nt and l>f>1an Chu~b of the R~mlonaJ J'or- ICrltl&Jllln& tor h.c!lp when hu f'I· ut lAwn Memonal Park, G~­ ro1 t di.appeared The body "u I dale, wtth c~m•Uon to folio~. round b\ Robert H. Sllvn. the Rev. Jamt• Stewart. p&•tor of victim 1 . aon, who anav.ued th" 8 t And r • w • l'r1'tb)"tertan I woman a Kr~ma and ran from Qlurch. V{IU offll·tate. John L&m• lh• nearby Sliver bome at fl39 I but of Fore.t 1Aw11 wtU be aolcUt, Ex-Polioe He1~ United J'und sivtn( 1A Nnr- port BMcla 11.&e bMn on a trteady lnc~ aince Ult wMkend, ac· cordlnl' to Edward W . Milum. cam~p ch&inn.an. Between J'Ttday and Monday t.h• total eol- JecUon.e jumped frc1m $9,7&2 to $U,731. Tbe tot.al today noGll atood at $18,078. a percent&&'• In· creu• from 18 2 per ;·enl to ,i112 per c•ut of the l :'>i,O<X (O&I In addJllon to t1111 tot.al. M ra. b"81n.amen thia tar bave bffn Jet~• will arrive al th• B&y club encoura('ln&. Milum MJd The Saturday momin1 and alay .Balbo& bialnMI d11lrtcl I• t~ lh.r• UU'OU(h th• day ell~pl first to complete rt. tohC1l&t1on. whfn lJ'\ &&nla Ana for an .X· Oood report.a are made by Mn l\lll*Uoll mMt. a..10. lh• ~am J\.. ~ tielllpaat. ~ "'pt.sin. -.b Mat!du. UICI 8uu 1-. both Navy a.nd M&rlne recru1ter1 oonduct ~'\.ce"¥Uon.ie• dediaatinc DJW ,~ 1•1 MC_ ·-' fll J.>Ole and ~&t CoM&Me9a American u;tt.n 'P0116 )sterday arm. Valt*t ..._~ LH SchoMk.. a.&111t.anl C&mp&l(ll ctuurman ln cbarl• of r-1den- U-.l eolkltataona. at.at.-! that on -ru.CS&y ~t nlidenu..J cap- tasav -••u.&.t."'-ii.01t. ndt. nt 1nr.lU6ed ln VW tttlllfU.r_.. total. -rid dllml*m• and former Ol)'S\ple • t.eua .,....... .. &.o Su.tu Day. B.e~t.tiv•.Jrom llWl)' pt.trioUc -q-oup. a~ -~ ~-f8fJ L:&. • Phdto • • • f!·\ .f:d~' . •WV ••I __ __..,;~~~:.......i,~..:a::l~---=-=...;;..:a.~:;,_--_.....~~~~L..d~iliiii~1j ll H~ reu.-"-4- :A~ amoun 19 ~ lats l.a dlloa w .. ,..,.....n rt.tda- U&J IOl&cftora wtlllit q \heh' wor1l. • "9 prunt. swtdlll'lilt~ '""'6'1-..talb1- ttona wm aUrt ·it lh6 ~ Club , at 1 p.m .• at th• .am• tiln• Uwt (Cutia• .. n Pace I ) .t Uct .BetldJ, • ;.,t.d CUit ln Loa""' ... -•"'. • Hoctfklnton. * •a MEET I n.ey JtmmeU D• ia.rty .... wUIC' to ,._over f~.OCIO In Laconw t&xn he pa.14 UA.r protnt I« f the ) un ltU to 19!13. JIJdi- Thurmond Clar ... I• prnidbla. MJ,lum allted l'll'O b•raln.-pn9. 'lllM an very aJud0t.. for Uw United Fund drive lo 1uc~ MA>nday cam• voluntartly to UI" )Ml.ClquartaTW &nd inr.rea.Md th~ Harbor 'Area Masons. Hold Annual Meet orw annauUon received ap-Superlo. Avt. annu proc.eedl~•, A.aeoclat1.an1 dedarf'd ''W• w\Jlh ~Core H~klnaon'• t.Uft. proval and ... lh•r waa com-wait ncomm•nded by th• City in no 1uy lO aid or oprn lh• door menl trona the police M~«llt rnenc~ durtn1 }(..-port BeM:h Plannlnr CommJaAon afl« re-rnr offllhore l1land dri.l.llnf for 1 lwtt uwl rovenunn.t ha4 ~ Cit\" Council m"Uq Monday vtl'W Of an annexation J>f'tlt m1 I "'I In Ihle araa. th~ bulpayrr• 1 tall lleM apJIUl th• Udo Ia1e n1r;t t from ~ldenUI and vote11 tn lh• 1u• pay111g tor I.he pier anil It JHup<-rty ot N.r. and MrL HoCSs· A pp roved wu the Tu.alln Ave a.rJa. 1 •h11uhJ h" ~·~ tor t.betr en-lon•on , end 22nd Sl. A nnu.atlon foUow· Th• <"ounrll 11Pnled requul of Joyn1 .. nl · P'oll()l.\l\nc hta rett~mHlt. lnr; ~a.nV&N of ''nt., (l9at In lhf' Tldtl11nd1 TrllMportaUon Co. fnr T11leland1 Tranll'jM)rlatton 1'0 tor mf'r police cbl•t wu ....-r"ltd All Ma90n• of tht Harbor a•H ,i-· t A~lll 1rnneio.al 1on _ .. en 0 Ulf' ,,( :'\ '" Jl<>rl Pl•r to fac1llt ate r~ueated Uff of Newport Plr1 to In a pl&.nl pl"Ol~lloo capadly at a ... twin( lnvltf'd lo attrnd a I ..,. (>.-t 16 Cnmm•n~•d were annf'X· otr~h"'" nil .,,,.rat1ona tranaport mtn an<! equipm•nt to Ank&Ja .• urkey and •IMWIWN -111 mttlln& tnntjlhl Al S1'8 t I t r •·--r·. •I·"" procecdmc•,., approx m• ... TI\o' •• ~ ... n WI.I b•· k1t<1 t.·. let pt np<•ll#d o(f,.llore np;ra t1on11 nf In th• ar -· fartns M&t0dnir Tf>Tnrt pl,. lt:>thhlSth. Iv"" •«I•• of land known a• th" t•r• rru111 t'"-Woman• ·t·1,·' 1'I riterr\ <)ti t"o •· and St An rf'w• ,, ,. 11 "' r -h ch 1 • ... • ft or the put y l'ar the eoup .. .a)oumen1 or aaona "· a ,.., I 1 --""-d II ·-. • .M 'fill t .. !4u1~r1or A' f' Annex w 1 0 ·' L••i: "' of N ... ·port Hru bui aml I f'lr M rra11in&; -.1 flven an ur ha• *n ltvtn• In Guadalajara, ...t. 1 h '1 dud,., th.. mu tunuuun _ o ar 1th. v•r;ue of ('rvl<' A-><·,..11ona dmance amenurn1 Ulf Mun11 •1·•' .l(exlco. Hodfklnaon told ftien .. A drutJc rf'Vt!Mn ln Co.la :!!t :,.~ h:~~r:.; ~·:,·~~ ~rllonJ 1 Heltrnt pl&nl, n,,... IG pro<"98 of I Th• \\'roma n" l 'lvtr (A'&~''" d"· I l"'Xle to add af't:llon• provllltf\I: tn Sf'wport Bf'ach lhta week )r(eaa'• wlla1cla parkln1 ordlnan~ • { ••••tru-rnon c-r1ed c l•anicons: t ~, 1,1.,r tr om "a Cot a <"nr t rnll~r1 manutac-turtnt "'hllti ,·111tln1' hen that be !Jl- t.o bnnr the requlr.cl n1m1~r ot Herman Toedtf'r 11 J'IM•' mu Otrlct•I tallr of vo•r• ra•t In recreat10111 1 Clahlnit I'"~ tu a dtstrl•~ 1l .. •1i:r.al••I •• M l·A t"nd• lo make bi• per111arwot Mesa Studies .. Pace-Setting Parking Plan perktn1 apace1 on • Pl\' ·~U:a ter of ~farina l .. o<IJP' :-;n 70" lhf' l'J~lm 'Y" anl1 2Zn•1 Bl comme11·111 fundton • Th,. C"l\IL 1C'nntlnuf'd .. Pa,;11 JI homr In M~Xlco. UlOM Ill Oran1• Coonl\' ... hue• .... A. M . i.. lf'nl'f•l lhAlrman .. .,. ,., .. , .. 3fl w\lh :?7 11pprovtn1 I ___ _ departmltl'll ito,_. 111pn market ot the mf'<'tlni Hr aflnnunrf'd th" A'.,~ •c ""wporl J\f'arh and deHlopme11l• hd Mf'n propoeed ti hat more tban 100 '"'"'n lltlon• 1 ! in. lu.tini '"'o abMnt.,,. bal· by the city'• ptannlD& ron111lt.nt, bav• t>Mn ma.,.. tor 01" o!inn"r I<>'• , utlnR' aratn"t ttw m<>ve. I V.'elton a.cl<et ~nd AUOC\alU. 1 at 11 30 pr~1n1 th" tn•· .. lin~ c ,,,. ).J•U'l<lJr"r Robrrt Sh .. 1to11 Carl •uah. a mem~r of the sch~ul~ an bour U.tl'r •111d •PT• "Xtm11t•lv 31 &C'r"• \\II i.o. An(&lif• dty and county BF.~ £.)'i(l 8o)our'Mn ntrht I• a n Ann••AI ln\•"IH<:I.. mclur1rn1t 40 lo !IO• _,_. f n m t;ratMI T1lre4l \\' .. l n•nt wpon80r-.<I by ~"A'A •Hl£ I horn,. Ht aa'd JG dav1 altf'r the ptann.inr comn ...... on or a 11 -J bltr of )'-.re. told C\ly c..,unc1I s k I K • Lodi;• and I• optn to any l'>fR !Ion .,., •111•1 rf'•d1n1 ot tht prdinance ln an a~~ re1111Ar meeun1 ee ea In . rH1d1n1 In th• .. ,_ or v•<"•ltnn 1 •J rro\ 11'1: th .. annf'1Llll1Nl-Nov. )r(ond&y nSJht M would ...com-0 In« bf'tt. It 11 a1ilO n~n lo 111 end <"ertJfl.caUon of the meJld ll:W dty ado1t • revlaton on s CLa·r·• frtf'ndl of .M.uona by lnvllalloo, .. 1 ... lion retrultm ... ofnclal by "'• of U>il parkiq ordinance to re-JI & only. ~rr•lary of St.ate, the area •ID qllln "OM parkin( ipace tor • Th ft Prtnct~ llpeakf'r will bf' C:1l1'1 otflc1ally become a part of N-· Mdl 171l aq~ ft of nom-lp&U of ~rand e T BroW11 of Oral\(• Coul t'Ol· i r rt Borh. I •-a coJIUTM'rclal ll\r.Udillf." 11 'l#1•. who wtll rel.ate 1ome of h11 Allnpllnn nr tflf' rf'.solut ton ron-1 ... 1 •x,,.fienc• and oh•rr v11tlnn• 1.,.ntln0' lo rommenrernf'nl of tilt Tbll ll to#\ce u m\IC!h v•hlu • Frlony warrant• chara-illl five ... lny l"ll\' In rounta ot a-rand th•ft are In durtnr hll recent lwo anrl 11. half --_ ~ parkln( 1p&Cf! a• · , ' •· month trlp thn>u1h A tr 11 11 Hf Cc-tba ...... l"a1• !) I poueealo~t~r Loa ~nre~ C~~Y wlll aleo •hl>W colnr"d ~Hctr• 700 Affencl ht A ... alm Voten Pass $6 Miiiion 1onc1 for AUHS 1 Otllt.rict omey or n n1. takf'n durlnr tt1f' trtp I formf'r rneta M•-bullde• Ball Dinner will be prtp11rd by 1CookinCJ Class 9l't la 1260<l. I mf'mbrr1 of H11 tx>r Star <'hap· L A<:<'ordln& to lnfotl?\aUon Crom ter. Ot'der of £a1lf'm ~lar ••ndf'r I At idO 11leatre lhf' ro1te Mesa Polk'e Depart· the cllttctton of 11 f'ne Wll1nn mPnl two 1nve1t11aton Crom •UO<"late conductrua. Appmxirnat•IY 700 Jlf'Ople at• Loa An1elH callrd on Chkl of tend...t the f1not of four plan~ Pou~-Art McJ<en.r:l• -kin( 'ncketa t or th., dlnN"r &rt' bl>· WH'kly cookmo cl&Mf'• at Udo ANAKJCDl I <>CNS I -Pu. ~ I.LA .. help In lht app~heruSon of K.1n1 Inf hand..,. by Oac:•r Hul1trom, Th,..alr" ynt .. rd•Y. Tltl1 11 the .. by an ovtrwbelmtn1 ma1ortly Ulla "'""-The formtr Kl~ "91· •nlor •w~ard of Srafannr. firth innual rreoo l'OOkln1t auaton tJe almoet llX•lO-OM. tM ~ OOO.-... __ at 20301 8. W. Orchid Loc1«f' and m-.y allO bP obtained lll"'tnM>red bv tbf' adult lt(luC'aUon o0o bond ~ tor Alt&helm Un· uw.m .. • lb h lod •.. . Strt<et wu •acanL ac:cordlnr to rou1 ••Y I• membrr ' 1 dl\'t111lon of Orange Coaat. Colllte•· S-H llh lld\001 Dtatr1ct became McKeA&lt. O. I:. Wrute. Jr • Won1h1pful The othv t hr.,. eu11on• • Ul a ~~ ~J?a >'• &.o oaly llO KJ~ at one tun• WM l!ai.d u M • 1 t • r ot &afar1n1 Lodi•. be JiHn Oct 30, No\'. e, and 90 far 0 .....,. uw l~Wrdl pruiden.l of Me• JiWlden a.ad ur&ed ~t .... ~ny Muoi n in the I NOY. 13 at 9·30 a.m. In Udo , ~-p;qw l lnc. Tllial concarn ..,_ "''"' .... not a ttady bttn Tl\e tr.. majoriQ' :ieHUlf7 tor •PP.VY· Jlllltn :........ •• --.. _ ....... c:oatKi.d and Who dffaru to .. .. -' U.,._. folded ao --t.as --R«!pea v.111 ranp troni ,.,. al 1D .. .,~ ia..t t1&m..outa a mu1Upl1dl1 o& laWdta to cal· ~:::u:7 ~;• f~ ln· IC&lt.m m.bN lo Am•l'kan t.ra· al \.he Ji1111 ._ ~ .JoT a Wt vanou 8\l:IM, ICiltr UMtl ' ""1 of t..bt dlUon ~Yin( lVfk9)'. ~· llOlld ..... i ·~ u.. tit)', prorDIUt a l9I .U. auWlri.o ..... tlftcotre °' IMC\.,._ -"' qukkly )>"pared ~11 Ul4 9Dm• 1211 ....... .,.... c..1t °"' Ilion lft OMltA W... w1Lldl ,.. low calorl• 41.t• wt11 allO ltt of about· 1UIO •Ul't~ wt_.. tu....ct • model st•..,. u • pr\Jlre • HAlloR WIATHD P"'Pattd. ln the dlMlict la Ult' 11 polllnl ln a natlOllWlde contnt. C"o-11pon10rt1 Richard'• Udo1 ~ The eubdtvi•lon WU .. t.er ,_ Markl'I. Soulh~1'11 eou110 .. GU p~ for ~ e.x1>9nalon pt'O-cloeed and llOld out by aaot!»r 'hmperatW"M tor the paat Company. Lido llboplr. ud l...Alo rm w1lhll\ tM 1d&llrkt are weU rn.lty ttnn. .,..k Ill Uw Newport Harbor Thf'atrf', w111 rt-pJUll for cftu• LL BODOUNION a-bt.U. ... under ~. ltt\"O"'lnJ to dlltrlct Kln1 ba.1 ~ mo.t ~Uy ..,... were: 4nlt work. ottlclall. employ~ locally In effo..U to ~ Low lAllnlclon are 'Ml• Anita All of Ult tvnda Will b4' 11911d wll and make leue, arn.nrr-h'lday, Oct. Jt • ll5 RAwchudr, Ora.new CO&at ~olltt~ for constl"\Ktlon And tll\1-raement nU"nta tor •hopptnr t'.nl•n. It Saturday, °''! 20 70 M bomernaklrla' ~trud.c>T: Mra. of 1ehool plan•• and purchaae of la undeutood he deperUd ttw lunda.y, Ocl. i1 .. 7• M Gury Gecken and l.'ila X&ren additional equJpm .. t u t>erom.. Hubor aru two ~·t'ft.a aao for Monet.,.. Ort. 12 -TO at MOr'WDllm. ~ lt<'OA01Dl9U W1U. MCl-"7 wMa auadance ln Plloen1X.. ,ArtJL, before the 'WU" 1'Nl9da.J, Oct. 21. -·M CU lbrt 8outheni CounU• Gu Com· xD AT OOOKJ.NO IKDIOOL -Dick RJciiant. left, ot Richard'• Lido Market, and Lou J . Ca- nar, rflht, of Newport Beach, auoanccr for Gaffers and Sattler, welcomed men tn attmd- a.nce at Cook.lni School in Lido Theatrt and pre- MDted them with chef'a' hat.. "0ook'' JaUt to Richard didn't give hi.a name but ot.bttt, Jdt to ri1bt, are Cal Knl1hl a.nd S. F. l\ood of N""° port Beach. -St.atf Photo ta. clillt.rtct ~ rant. w ... i.t-1 ta Lo9 A.qtie& w~. Oat-t4 u II puy. . . . . . . ~ -,,.. ... .. ... ... .. :: . . ·-. .. IC ! .• CMIY CORN i !! ~ JB1 Y BEANS I llliiiif• e .ra:::: .. · -~ CSLZA>l'On IC SUCKERS § & IO COUWT-IOX -i G;J c:&U.OJllAJQ IAQ ! ~ SUClfRS I . ~ ~~-r-ACE-, o-1--2SC ~ • SnCi .CAiY § '8UITS IS HEADQUARTERS • FOR All YOUR IW.1.0WEEN t&DS • CANDY • MASKS · COSTUMES . : t :; 1-SA-YIE--ON-S_OA_P -PRODUCT--S-. · .. WHITE KING D K"u ~•u 51 29 • c . : I CHEER;;; ·! .. :l ; ' LIQUID :; . ~ ~ LUX . 65C f ---------~ . 1' 9 I LUX -:a~· 5:. ~ . • SOAP LllUT • . 1 ·-~ = SAE ON DJIU6S AND ViTAMINS ~ ~ ~~ti°fWrs oonu ]]c : I ~:!'!..OttoL COMP. 1~ : t. VITAMIN 111• COMP.Lii 1~ : :'~ ~AMIN "C" ...... ••.,..... 1e : ·--·-••llO ·"'---~ CrJu'l'.I of MAGNISIA 11 • 1 .. ~ . . YIT AMIN 1-12 ...... ., 1• · 11 11e.11 • 129 "' r I ; rl~I MUNunc FORMULA 27' i . ~ ' i DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE 4ne - -· ~ 1IOf'TU oP 111 anou1 7---') YOO PAT LUI AT vmawn -TOO PAT LUI AT i>.; . PIRATE CLOWN KITTEN ; § v I . SP AMISH GIRL RED RIDING HOOD "( 0 ' aoWN·DML . c 't > -< BUCK CAT ~ WITCH • SKELETON ~ RED RIDIH6 HOOD ~ MONKEY • MOUSE & E GYPSY 61RI. )I ... .:.".lti. 51 s• ~ ------·LA.as-~ ' Hal,owMh NciY.,.._ , 3.;lt ~ :t 5c ... S "' I HallowHn Nut Ca.ps BLACK DERBIES 3fc S ==-_;____ PAP11· .~2 ..... 19c ! • NAPKINS ~ '9h • , .. ' 115 Foota.11-c.trttie a v,v . WAX PAPER 2 -ssc I SARAN WRAP 29' ~ ~~!~t.:.11,..1r ' 11tt1MUS FOIL 57c S ,. , . PArfR TOWfi.s 2 ..... 35c ! ~ iimix-400' s-s1 oo a ~--"""••Cd•... I ~ JOICET TISSUE 10:. I VINCENTS ICE CREAM 8 .. 111'GLE CORES .. ·····r----le ~ DOOBLE cons ------·-··--10e 5; .::. BARD PACK PlXTI ---30e I -·1-l"l"l'I-ILUfD PACK QOA•TS -.. ~ ~ CAL. BU'LK . -·--··-· "' I Cl.AU cowu. Sox ef u -.. To Tab a... --Uc VINCENTS BEVERAGE CORNER I iOOK MA'TCHIS . fc '~ KING EDWARD CIGARS -52'! i ~I!!..~~. -• .{;;-$~ = 010INY vooKA • ::::: sp R A.8.C. IEER 6 ,.. 87~ ~ . . I 1'0V •AT tm AT ftllc:&lfTI -YOV PAT LEIS AT-VIWCUIJ - <}~nJ . Openin~ I RELIAl~E HRPEJ .CO. r Q f,Ef . :: DISCOUNT HOUSE 0.-. fOf' a.a.1aa aad OfferfBCJ ~~ _ c~rt llnlcletm LARGE ·DISCOUNTS 'Special ff' ifiON ·~~-~311 •. Vl~COSE 53~ llOl.UTIQ!lf ORD s3ts VISCOSE· ~JWEEo __ .__ ::: ·itfi:iAIONnftED . s5~ iisCOsE :.!~ 541: ..., aL&ND -SL 95 llr~ WILTON --r·····-----~:t ' 89'WJI -J6 M0t1ths To Pay . .... . ,_ ...... 80W ... M'11 It 1.-talW ..... ~ ............. t.,r ... ..--. ...... .,.,, ~ • =··-· : 1st St .. -s· -•• n 1f:Mtf · ,!-0!14 • DIATH NOTICE aJ'.1lf OAOll UDOl(ll( J'lai.-1 aMc• tor ho Gee• Aeddtclt' 7'. uncl• .r ._ OUa Redd1c1t. pub1Wh9r er u.. !f_.. port Han,or Nr.r1·PreM. Wtl! fie OOlld~ laa.-c.tQ' rnem&na' at 10 •t ,,.'ftSI.,. 1a u~. 0own_, ~lllllUdty Olln.t.lry. De&Ui OQeUrnd ta Lu v....._ Nev , ~ momtna" art.er a ltncerl~ lllo-. R.ddidt bad r?U~ lo N.-ra.d6 11 ,_,.. .... Born Ill Dowmy July .. tllO, Ben 0.,. Reddlell had ..-t FM'tielUJ an "' Ida Ute .. aad- fonU& .ucl A..r1mna tn ..... an'1 ~na. """""" are a daUl!da', Mr• RAr1'14 O'C.Onnor or Cl...,._ land. OIUo. and M ra A rt.bur 8Utort. H ollywood ; • CTand· daapt.r and .,--t • ............ dauclater, thne nl .... ut4 lW9 ~ an ., Caltfwa1&. ~ L JU..UOI ,... ~rt Kl&mll1, "" of nT L&rbpur A·u, dl~ Oct. n At HOllC' Ho9pta1 aft4r -..., tad4ld mn... Be ,.... a nattft fll Olndale ... Md ll'YM ...... lbr ---.. '9 ...... by au wlf' J.,.. 'ne C. ol the ---~ Jillll,......., ~. Ud JD-. hllll a.~ ., 0........: -~. ww..m r. Klanu. ot GltDd&lit and ~ pncllnotMr, Kr&. Jlllaua ~ flt Olnidak &-m e.-will be i..w tomorrow al 2: IO p.m. Lia U. Chapel et a.end M....we. L. 0 . IJc-oirem J'uMral ..... Olendala. wttb In· UrrMnt .. fellow Ill J'orMt LaWl'I )(_.... Park. N ATAU:9 W. 'f' A&LU ru....a ........ --.... ~ 'l'...sa1. OC!t. :ai &t J p.m. tn flU1c. Mortuary ~ o.ta M-.· fw Natalie W. ,..,.. lee. M. ot 2'3U Pactlla ~ .... Coeta x-. -n. ...... a.uw r. Hand otftdated. Mn.. ftrlM died XOlldaJ aftM' an ext.-cled W... ID t.M ~ .... -.nU.uiUIL .... WU a Jla.- t.lft ot x.. T-11.aG and.._. a..4 tn a.ta ~ fC'//f 11 ,..,... lhe la e1&tttHd "'Mr~. Jin. Ham P. ~ ot Wood- land WU.; a brot.Mr, WIDJ&in B. WlldilJ et N-Todt and two ..._ Wll. Jllft. atDa W. Wtlt)' et ...... ,._, ......... JllDflr9 w:-.r:-:. .. ....., Ollaa ...... PAllD llDLIY MOl'IUAIY Ut .. '9'-0..--- N. Y. SWIM WIAR All 113 to 2/3 Off . . Famoua Brandi -Cote or Calif. • Cat&lin& p ro-O&Qtner"ll 4k B&lbo• . , ob-1 .. _ sut -~· ....... #•9.up . Bop ....,.... tic ap -_._ . • (~llold -..... •> 0trta· Dakt 1111ene L ··-· , $3.69 -Cut to $2.00 com._, .. ) traclt \ad ~d .. .,i. WU1 ... held at D&'148on 1'1el4 at Pf.w- port Harbor Union tti.h. Thne wlll be lelev1.Nd u U:le rerul&r Sunday prosrarn ot W ide, W tde. World and WW lut unW 1:.10 ...... n. hlth llCbool buid wW tab part In the cerernoni• at Da't1dmn J'\ald ........ ·-,__ ~) -.. __.l .• ---------!"~--~ ... ------------~ •u6 NA \'Y wtNDBUAUa s2•• &ail Cuf,. • Jfottom 8~ OeOar -- STEVEN'S .. GJFT & TOY· BAZAA• ~ St. -.. u,,o. -Neu Pefllon r~ DSLA l' DINNQ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1iliwiuiiiortii~inialliiyiipl&zmiiiediiiil~.,..~~-;;~;;;ji;jijiiiijiiii;:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiij!iiiiiiiiliiiiii • SOLYINf OIANGE COUNTY'S GOVERNMENT GROWTH • • IS SIMPtE AS --, .. COUNT¥· BOND !R • A " .................. .,. ............ ._ ........ .. tur"; efJ ,_.,...... ... ...... ~ ............ .... ., ... ..... .... I ............................. Nf ......... , .... ....... 1 ...................... .... .......... , •• 9 - - c 11.-SI ........... I Ii ....... .. e ,., .... .w. ,...,.... ......... t7 ..., __ _,,.,... ..... ... ,, ' '· ........... ~ _.,.._.~....., ........ I 1'HOSI WHO KNOW THE NEED RECOMMEND YES ON . . ,,.. 10 ' ·- " ;. .. ,., ·'· • rf' I . o•--.. • . ' • . . }y.s. "CHOier VIAL -IONRISS, nNDERIZID . . U "CHOICF' VIAL -PROPIRL Y AGID T-.BOlE & t PORTERHOUSE . • IOECRE • M!ADOW OOUI GIADI AA BUTTER Fl•ST QUALITY c c 1 1-0.. Carton a,; CHEEZ WHIZ ICIAFT'S FAMOUS c lb. •o•29··~L49· JAR JAR c •• HEINZ TOMATO :r. --;;;.-;;;.;--..;;..~ ---, I T U R K E.Y S · : ,----------...., : oiOuioliEiF i KETCHUP ~~· I ~ . .. .. ..,. ..ua I ::~. --c :::!' " _, ... , •· I ~ . ...., ....... _ ~----------_J ·=- I I :::: ~"llOWMAN'S l'Utl J[°l~i KS RATH llACKHAWK EASTEllN c SLICED •. BACON ;. : ;':· r-... ~-;.~~f-, AU.-AMmlCAN DIWO PUU ~ · Whlt•fish I' Pork Sausage . 29~. 5 wo•S1 ins. c' •• Delicatessen · 11A TH'S AU-MIA T i ..... : HALIBUT ss~. FiiN1s 2 FllEE RANKS A TT ACHEO TO EACH 1.U. PICO.I .. WHIP · ... :~~ ' . ' ' ~ ... . •.""-L OllNDS • .. 1.U. CAN HOUAND DUTCH 11.0AL . tHlaCIN 'Of THI SIA TU .NA CHUNK-mll. GlllN LAii&. NO. l12 l'l.AT CAN fUU. l'INT c IOIDIN'S "NONI-SUCH" 1 MINCEMEA 21-0Z. JAR j;J LIPTON 1·ouP MIX --·=-~ ' -Ir a5c --• -• 2-• 27c • SYRUP I -- 1-1.1. C1N. . l :':! 1W1 ~ . Gll.NI' r_J.-CHEER ,,, ~1 wohAlll COCXTAll ·-~~V-8 --· -·-· -·-··- . SCUDDllt'S l'IANUT -11-0l. .:. IUTJE.R. l'IAV ..... AC _.,.. COii ltOCICIOtl MO .... CAN TONATOIJ ---l'IAV_AC_ ,: P.EAS YOU'D THINK All~-.. INVENTED IWlOWt'JN • • . THE WAY WE'VE GATHERm ALL THESE ''TRICK or TREAT" ' GOOPIES TOGETIIRI YOU'LL BE "IATS" ABOUT OUR PRla51 SWANSON . '., CfflCKIN, ·llEF or TURKIY DINNERS ·· 11.0Z. PKG. -. -•.. c::; ii; . -r~ .. -t.ilNUTE MAID SALE!-~ 1 1 • PINEAPPll JUICE • TANGERINE JUICE j e ORANGE JUICE e GRAPE JUICE I I • OlANGE-GliPIFRUIT ILEND I : YOUR CHOICE IN . . 6-0Z. ' 00 . I I ANY Cl>MllNATIONI . CANS ! L------~--------~ FREicii FRIES 2i4.5c ' CRISP JUICY MEDIUM-LARGE IDAHO JON.ATHAN For "Trick or Treat" LBS. PINIST LAKE COUNTY BARTLETT ... .,.., ""' ""' ........ R#tUn • ... _._ '° 1• l'A. .. I I I I ~ I• , • O&rbiT&I tun &M t.ti1lt1 will '°"P at ~ ED- .Sp playground.I w. Saturday fJ'Plll 1 to $ pa. ,.h_ Newport Elementary and Harac6 EnmJ!l parenta join t~ces to stage a Halloween party to tbe graDd tn&DMt for Harbor are& children. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women '1 F.ditor PA6E 6. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 1956 Tounpap ~ U "6lch· rrand pru. doe&'*' by Rieb- .... eobltla ... ~di CIODl-ud'• Marke('° b4 awar~ ln a ,_. tor pri-. tn ...iume .--alx 'eJock ~ ~·· ~ ,..du dlrectt'd by ltra. L1oyd nlUon wU1 .. llftll tl"9 m09t J'i.mtnr and Judr.S by Jack ~. ~ and mc.t Pradbury and lC:9a I: d 1 • r be&atMIJ ~ tlnery l.n Witmer and Gerald llcLaurhJJn. each of ~ ... pupe: pre- Tbe ever-popular mad hatter, Kbool. JT1lde9 t to 3, rradu • rn&k•up. and eoAuin• beol.ba to I. &ad Jwaioc ~ Splicing the Mainbrace 117 w. a. ' • ~ .,.aill be well atocked tor Food &nd enacka wiU be .wrv-~ wltlllns to ~ tbllr t'd thi-ourhout the day, apecl.al- .,.. wllile attuc:UJar tbe uea belr\J ~. c.bil1, bea.na, lnterat.J.ng ~pie at two Saturday eventa. Fred W. carnfial cudled ap..... lliot q., ~ 1 00.f'UllE! con. 109 cram. 90Ct drinka. llDd C ......... pl1aes will be stn11 coft•. AA old-fullloned country ln cont.ellt.a held e&c,11 hour, with 1to~ w1D offtt cook~ !oodl. akea, plu, Jam•, &n.d jeUica. -----------. FUN BHOPB HOME . LQANS ., QUICK 24 HOUa saVICI Indtvldual rrade ucf room molhen .... ••tune up .nope f•turtnc white elepll9Dt.I. u-. ,._..lry, beuu~tllled i.1oona &lld a • qook hou.w." Ga.me. .W lllclud.-~pitch. nabbowl tou, baloon dart, nahbowl, ptn1-pODC run. &nd otheT t•ta ot •klU. Booth ch&lnnen lnclu&a 111-. BNnna.n..Hart. John MaclillDla. lY. L Hl&&en.c>n. Robert~ JamH Illln&"WOT'lh. J'Qan e.e.. Mranc. I:. r. 81)Jn}(, Bernard Bell. and Art K!aUtr. .l'&thwll undu the lndcrahlp of r.-NoU, ,,... ~ &M &. r. JanaJt an don&drtf ~.....,... .. ~nl•r•. elec:trld&na, a a d bandy m•n. • Ntlaon Guest OplJUon al Ule pabUc. bo~ur u to life heni hu bMrl dictated by our motion plctura wh.lch J11'91Mn&. to them, & J*>p .. llV'lnl{ Im IWCl.ll)' aad tmm6ralty but wtdeh a.lie ... p lO cr.te envy .... ,...~ ne'W'I editor <tf ~ ...... flllW'llP&Pf'MI, WU prn-rram eM1rmatl &nd Vivian WU Uta. NP'PW regional lllreetor. WU chairman. Our (Uelll. Thel- ma h4doc:lt <Mrs. J"reclrM) Boi- Ladl• ol tb• Pre. bre&Jltut at e.verty Hille Hot.el WU 'ftaMa Blsm& ft1 honor atta.lr, C'"NT' A ma.naier John Loq&' re- \'lewtnir "Pr1nl•r • flfovtl" award Jira. ... llt.rtma.n ot AndfoT-1 and A <1,.la Rorere ~l. John th• .... ln4.,, t~r Harbor ~ "Woman or A c h I e v e m • 11 t ' ' .... hM -... a hou..-(Ulllt at award. Two ye&l'll &RO llba reod'Y· De a.on. f/I )(f. &nd Mr9. A. II. eel et.II <"AltfomJa Pr.-WOIDMl'I -....n. IOO Waetmlnatn ·~· Qo&den P11lmP award Theta a1, Mn. Jfartmaa camf' well! fol' the ,,,.....,.nl W&nda PhlWpe, (L "', •• of her IK'ft Ray'*-" to A Charter I pt'91ded, mbo~ed Jlllm OBda Lae P'oeter nf ~ all """''e n__,,.J*' ~ Wiii • CKL 111 &lld ~twmd our h<><1tu• wae Mn. J.,.pb ho• (kit. a. Gauthier, who at&,.. la .it7 ,. Free Lecture Entitled CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: -i'he Way of-True Freedom Now" MVeral da)"I. !:vent we were ~rry to mlH wu Auiat.ul~ Cry1tal Cove. ''BUS Ppr.MnM1f Newport H.,bor Con.un Orange ~ Collep Chapel ..... ~ curtain &t t~ .-"' • W~ • '11lur9d&7 • &turda.J -O<-t. Hdi • Ut• • nt• ""' ..., • Pltllay • Saturday -N•~. ht • ... a .... 4 +.' dn •t.H (lad. tas) -At Ba Ot&9 er 'l'GmlBT• T..,.._ .....__ ..... •TN . . There i. •Ull time to Joln tll9 ... ..,,, ~ Comnumlt.y Playera. A $6 00 Membendllp .U~ -.. :,;, ~·· adm!Mton tJcbt tor II p1_,., Cf' .... WlJdli", ~ ..... f ········-----~ OOIWNA D&L 11.u& •<-..BW7. AOO&D'a UOUJllA 8&.Ulll _ .. ...,w U.UIOA w...um • .......... #-... ···~ ..... ,. -~""1· • :t. Ella B. Ra,., o: I. :/ bd ......... lndiua M...U. el U.. 8oalt flt hoc eah!p OC T1-Mother Olurdlt The .... a,~ ~ ClllMt. ~ta ...... )la.uachU..U.~ l...on~, low, JoveUer than ever-with dramadc new Quadra-Ute design· .. ...,.,,,,,.. EASY ··.ESCR'OW SllMCI. sstcmm.Y OfllATID ~LAGUNA IEACH mO.....A ... PHONt HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE '°' .... it '~ ..., l"HONI HVednftt f.fttl ot HY_.. 2·119' Oetober U, nnin. 8 P. IL Olllnh Nft- ... Vla IMo AU8PICE8 rIR8T CHURCH Of' ~~~· N1CWPOJtT BEACH, ~RNU THANK. YOU for the prom.pl rupome to IQY BROE CLEA..&Alroll ML& ~ .....,, pair i. rooe. lf .. 0.:... lU Ilda !IL Cl..a ......,.,... N.wport a.di J' • LINCOLN 'ROR 1957 PcnrerfUly new, too, la a .. . CU' ,...,rmance-wttla. new dN1 or power 1wn1Jiel to make .W. the moet •ort.1 ... drinag &ae car nu Dadt TO. a Jong. lone IOoi .ca... IOiii to .. Uaooha--.... ,.,,.. ....... ll .. brigbteat oe,,, •tar ID the &a. au leld. . From ~ MW' Qlledn-Qel Crillt to th.a C-. 11'!'-.f o( cmMll rW 11\.d~ Pia .. the loapll. ..... mOll tlUtittdiw ............ NIWPOIT llACH -G<lJNGS ON AT THE • • BALBOA BAY CLUB ' OrfctiWly, the ~ -to 'llO Wot -ti1C by demoootratlou Ill tloo=i d Iii/' jlic llt&rw. Now the proc..ive lo ... _,.. .• '!llll lholr thdT .....iaerable -· -~ . ' IO thi.t NBC can lf:l in ita electronic Ucb momettme be-l and 2,30_ .,., =vf~ at lhe Bay Club will be lhe awlmmlnc. ' and ..... w., -Traci< and nald ta will e place &t Newport Harbor HIP, and d catch the action a.t both apot.a. Before tbe law. tbe area, NBC"a all-Reina eye will -.p Balboa Bay '° that resident.I in other pa.rt.I ot t try cu tum C1"MTl wttb jealouey. • "'111.e athletn will have to be fut and fa.ncy in the id:Rl:IWN'bl iCCBlllPl'S at the Cluiatmu Pre.-to lio llap4 Doc. 7 aild 8 •t the -...U. Ballroom are being unnpd by .,... .. hooded by thlo .senenJ committee which tncludea ti to r) Kmea. Donald Dunpn, D&WS L. 8W&Q80D, J. R. Palen, Dono'f'a.D Southworth and Kim Jean Howell -Don --BUSINESS WOMEN PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS PREVIEW • room, too, for they rq,utt ,et dre.ed and into UM • Main Dining Room by 3 o'clock, the time eet for The Tenth AnnuaJ Cbri9t.m.u PreVleW pre.en~ by I Oruce eo..t Co~. laaeheoo progn.m. They'll ait at tables with thoee . Prof . al Women'a YOUTH WORK o who are ittmdinc and answer questiona fr'Om the Newport Harbor Businta and eaaioo 0onauon.1 ~,.,. &!..:> ma~ to a ~, micropbone-eqalpped muter of cerem~ Club will be held Friday a.nd Saturday, Dee. 7 and 8, at I Harbor """" Youth Cent~r al ~c stan Bob M.athiu and Dr. Sammy Lee will the Randf!P'OWI Ballroom. Theme of Uua yea.r's two-day Corona ~l Mar, • Girl Scoot &Ille be bl. attendance, and the whole crowd will munch -L. •-... _..._, W kab ., Troop sporwo~ by tM club, to Oil Cbef Gabriel'• famous chicken -ow • ._... ... • oc op. PTA to ..cat lo u.. tuc11. .ct\ool * · A.~ ~UM lot" Ulc I raa. mofWY tor m.ny local ''Jl'Md ow. rooti.U Playirrt" pro- .c 11cbt.s tor the d&y'a actlviUea here are $&.M, in· ~ lmduclM: Mn. Darid L ca~ All\Ofl& donatioM made ~; <>r&qir Oounty Sympboity cludbta tbe Olymplc fund donaUon, and are availahMI at 9.__, cbai,,_,.; Jin. C>onald tron'I ~ of the 1865 ah-On-beet..... Mueh ot Dlmea, t.be a1&b. Oa&mber of Commeree Richard'• Lido Marlr:et w•JT Colla w.-Olrl &quta, and to ··•••· W·--Sbo D ..... -.. ' Ouill'Jl, ~. Mr&. J . R To H-c Hoti.-t&J »00, llOO naUonaJ pt'OC1'&tNI aponar1D,C" ~-•.u.n:: P· ... _...-.... tor the ducat.a a.re com..blc P&Wn. Kim JM.ti 8.,.......iJ &Ad to Forfll:n 'loul..b &.-rv10N. Ulofi U-educaUon ot Cb.I.II-and in at a rapid rat., eo it la ad.VlN.bM to pt youn wtthJn Mn. OoDO'n.111 Bout.bw'Drt.h. orp.n.J•u-.pouon"I' two tO?"-PbJ.l1ppUw nlll'llM. the Dal Clay or two lf you plan to attend. The BBC 11rlf.C1tAN't WA.Jr•• rip irxch&ng-e .iu<Wnt. at Nf"W- • th , ll•r• a ram.11y Nlcht 1how on meeUfll' waa M.~ rox. Twelv11 · Private POiin lflcbl -~ • UUfonned Pla19 cloth-. 11.erdlant podoe Bo&t proteetSorl patrol Ba:rglu. a hold up alarm aervkle c..n SEcURITY POLICE Kl"'be,ly 2-7027 11enl aarda t.o It.I memberehtp a.nnoundnc Olymplo Day, ~ ~. a cAartty .-..eat port Harbor Jllch lkhool uua Th4I ~· wtll *la.In f-· 1 an , ....a.y of oee who ani not able to attend replled, ot ttw Wltlt..r --. com.btnft va.r a.net .-K&rbor tU,;b rMda.y nicht Lnd a ll"uhlon 1 "Cbit.rse my club account for a doa&Uon to the fund." an mth.lbillt ot kx:al mercll&nt.' lk'twlol •ll•dol>nt. Via. M~ Aft· stww with • t~,... on Saturday • It"r jaat: u wt've alwa)"I lr:.nown--t.he. BBC'en are a wara WIUI Mc-ftlkor\&bl.rnmlt dr?W9 tM Li. paat au.mmer 111 rllcbl. both ahow1I to ba tallow. fJte l'f'OUP· and d&ncea ciftll I.be 811!!!1 I C.rmany IJ200 Kl'.k>lanhlp to ed by a d&ncf' wiUi mu.ale t ur· t'1t,. lAw MMW, he. Add.._ ..,..U-, te H_._ • • • and J"rof-1onal W-n ot U. a-1rl &ndua\11 or NHHS and JlOO Dla/W'd by OOC Ritt.a . <'NnmUNly an opportunity to ~i.rwhtp lo a atucknt at n.Jl>PJNG THROUGH THE CALENDAR : Ev~ry------------Ma.ny prt&e11 will boo awaro.-d "'1lh a IJ100 •r&J>d pn• 111\l'irn OT\ Salurda\I' nl&hl 'n<'llirt• pun:Nu I'd tram any 8 • PW 1"4'rnbolr ma y ti. WIMS bolb. Nirlll.I. PLAN PARTY SECURITY POLICE · V•MO• PROPOSITION 12 MARILYN'S MOVING! YM, Ur.• ~A DIN RA UTT BA.LOH', i. - In( to brt,.IH n..-~ •hen •• W'lll bl btltt. equlp,.ci to --,.. wit.II Coc19lete hollty A1dl New Location After Nov . 1st 113 E. BALIOA ILVI. s.-l'hoee -~ .. 117 Bolboo Inn Beouly Solon I ln Ul1 A read. l UNTIL NOVEMIEJt 1 ST ~· a ward h~ler tomorrow nfl'ht at the "Polltica.l Party," Clu~wide event for October. Ed<m Skn.vmUt'• DldtlaM Band alternate. with the Penthowie Four ... Tb• tpOOli:in.c lleUOll opera Friday rtla"bt when the tttn· ara. hold their Hallowttn dance from 8 to 11 . And the BBC'• junior gho.U flap their 8.heet. at a party on Harbor Faculty Wives IPOLITlC A l. A /•\ l!:HT!S&MmfT) =' .. "~k~ «~m..=, '.i"~~·i':!,'a.. Welcome New Members ~&1·-~.it.:-~~~ 'Y...~ ___ ,, ..... .., • ..,. -... --arvtv.';it;;;;;: -.. ~. .;i~;ti:: .... -:;:-.::: ~ ... ··~:"-." ... •tJb¢~'Mit ~ OIPtk, . '~ :, Ji&t.. ~ ._ ·r:)ni;. ...... .... oillt..-w.n. • _,.... JoritJW:IAaibO.in. ~fit..,.,.... bi ... eblJrmM.MW•I 1•n WT"' fltQf/ Uld dlalrwtl-... School d MO\mmtltf:. .. ~ -UlnN al tutare Wl"&. CUU.r OIPJ*l. ..-tal a9d -----• Mr& a..rm ru..uwu.. pubbclly_ ! ff-~ rc-ted Wf'" .!Jntroducing • • • Homer M. Smith ll•t hu ""'ed Balboa t.nd lhir .u~ ar-"1th th• •. ,.lnui f'or>d otttatnabl• A co.pl-.. f'OOd 8hopp1n1 tat x-. ~ e.drstt. t..... l&Jld ~ .. ~ Oonw&J. 0.r-... ,...,._ -n-t H,uTW. Don- ald ICa...... 8.oMf't Matb .. ,., lll)"f'Oll PtoW...-and Jobo Pr1t- ch.ar4. H.-to Ow rrou' bul nnt ..,--. -..... W 11llam Bvrna, W8iAG Cllirk•. D'or!Sf!t ~ Geors• H11.11tirr. Jo.ell KIJ\I ..t l>uillis7 a.wUI P\&u _,...ct. tor lh• C:h~at · .... pu1.J. te ... bl!l4 09<' 11 a..t ~ ~ tor OM rom. mlt~ • "1ch tM-y ww..d to •rw ofMn alcned ti. tM J&11- p.ry Marf'h and May IM'etlnp Aa a .... on:11..., prt>V'&m WU sx-t.i ay C.ll M-r 'M' l'l•r ...,. ttop marll•lln& •Ith oot W"'"•"" van•u ..... TM r-...:111 tue~k We of the BA.i..aoA MARKET know that Mre in Balboa.. ~ have the flnMt climate (IMO( t~>. ~have a rroup of Friendly Werchanta ~ to pleue yoa_ . and ~ want to teU you, n.ch wet.Ir: 90methlq: of wbat ~·re dotna' Mn in CNr community. FOR INSTANCE • • • PLAN TO ATTEND THE BUFFET DINNER DANCE .. IDAY IYI, NOY. 16TH AT TR& UNDIZYOUS U'' 'OOM P.-for tlol a-rw.d \y w1 ..... pr-nll"d ""'t With • ,..._ alld w.._ "·1111~ !ltn w I _. ~p .. nt nf a qutlted babv Maall..t... A l"&..mol' .,... p1ay""'1 lmdPT nir.....U·.a or w"-J..-ph U..-IY<1nf'v r•• 1rtann Hunbko1 LA'91i. Mll•r and Rub--- •rl Mapu-. holl f'••~• ........cl rirf"'9hmimt. l'rom • labl.I! d«:o......., lTl lM Halkrwttn I UWme.. l'lnt 1•-"1 mttUJ\1 wUI Ille J&ft. • Winston Daughter Capt. arw:t Mn1. Bnp Winaton I of i..a.,i...na Beach "" parent• of 1 a da.uplat, lloonl 0cL JO In I c;.,..-NaY&I HOfPll&J. --• PROPOSITION 4 GIVES CA LIFORNIA ... e A 1:2 billion dollar 1ncre•• tn ICODOmM= ,...Jth . e N.., job. and 2 billion dollars in new payclMclr:a. e A new •upply of 4 bUlioG barrel.a of oO -for OQI"' cara. OU1' planea, our iodua~ mtchiNa. e A ~ IMMlJ'Ce ot oil fol' our Na*-1 cleEsa11 ' - don't run out of gas! c..a+.r.iol• ..... , ,,,. ••• d... ... .. .... -..tr ... •-.... .,_ ttr ......, tt. ~""----ftw ._..-' ....,..........,, ...................... We are numla• .at of •••t Wby? Bec.auee t.oday ..u;.a opera~ wtt.b no ~ (or th. public welfarw aR blockillc lllOdian 00&- 1MrrV1tioa methoda that th• end.re ell laitLtrt know• will doa.bl• Calllornla'a aO ,..,.,.,. A ..imi. minority lo '"bota,U., YOUR c .....,., . k-s>inc the Staee ol Califond9 from o w·t a billion• ol dollan in Stata oil """"* tM:l coaM ,., -ta:o: tr. u ra.r u 1'0U'r. cwwwwd-torr ov __. ••t.er Prosr&m and..., otbar naacledpaalleM t1k1 • ,: ' . . .. -.. · .... ' ' . .-. . ~. , ., For more oil ... more gas .•• tMre l4x bmejih ..• #lort johs ••. """' -ilJ ' . Balboa Market "The Finest Food ·Obtainable" '°' I. I I •• llwcl. Pllo1n Ha• ~r 616 & SOJO IALIOA , vote YES on 4 CITIZINI CON~llVATION COMMIT,11 POI PIOPOllTION " --t• ., ...... A. C. 6 , -.,._A. W.U. ._ ..,_., _. .......... U.&. .... L & alllnlUTA90. 099 __, ' •• , • I l~-~·ui.t•. ;:::· ~ ... ... 4-••c-...... ·~ _ .. , ..... ·ls'l&- ·r ,.., .. •••••• • -!;L:•L-.,..~~ --·---..................... -If .. ----.... .n., rtpt .. ... ..... 111te; ...... ..... ..•. ,, ........... . Wiil __..... df'dta + ====.z~ ,.fiat ... ale•• .... .,..~ ....... -i ~.. ...-... . -.. ..... ..... ,,......,. to .. ................. •to C:: ~OU"':..": ...... ..w .. ~··· cluJL I , f1oolrl'-. 1Chooi9 briq out ~ OuiotAlphor Columbwo In mak: of. u . • • the yen to ~ ..U ti>to ,tllo wild blu• )onder of -IUld opl ... •.. ID-&oodoldtn-llltioaal titud-bya ID tho ,,._ ud ooneoct madden-haatY" dift'erent ltt1n u4 l"""l•p ... perba .. tit tar aldq .. . l..Mt T' I 7' 1'• ()eektq; _ ... _,_ ............ WA)'- ..... te rraaee ... .&na.I .... --" • to ---·--···-" .._ .... .. .it.we "" .. •lltal- -wlLlda ..... p-e9i • _ ....... ..q .. !t.•=--•ott.•· t.tt ................... ... , ........ " by tlMI ,.... ··hh .,.tom .,, anh.I ... ol -truthl& ....,_ ..... oortol •weetfJ ...,. ...... u.. art ., eeoidq-19 CI a'dr-. , Tt.:...-: .:·: ~MW!' ....... _.,._Joo'-.. ............... -. ~ ................ WWW rr7 I a ..,t.odT• ... .... _. Twtcahl from J a p a • ! • , • QJ&k.he Loraine ... Haa ud eep to yoa and me, but ..... J'rwh with their ........ -al balance ~ ...... W'OaSd ftnwe ·-to U.. table Yia a pi• .....t . • . lltrlctl)' Y..U. matt WU Blaebmy !.Jqmp ... u yoa ..-lutn-- da.7 yoG CUI haft &DY of ._ ••IP i.,. Just Midnc for ~ aat Tu.day ... Qalel< 1-ta, J.ny Gerken and An.Jta Rawe.buck call it •.• An 18 mlnvte me&l Ioe.t ... a bn&ttut cooked the a.l&bt bdon •. , a miniature weiDer rout a.U done in a c:abt..p npt Oil your tabl• Galfer'• a a • kider 0. llll!IP ........ , ... Alloa......, _W. Door =!f"f~ ·.=r-~ "',.,,.. -all .r -Udo ....... Tmet:• • • • -Udo n.atn ...... -...... , ... Eat -J::at -Eat -•. TaCOI Cbllle.a.. ... bomo....00 pie1 &Del cakeo •.. PTA Car- nlnl at the Horace Ene1p Sdlool thla comhil' Satur- day, the 27th . ·, . Come at -&Del .. ,. 'till ......... haft d!1DDer' . . • WbJte ele- pMJit -.. '. - body ..... -tlopi'M< .. r::. t:!'iJ."" and a:: u..;.; ba7 tMlf ......... wbDe ~ lllO -of tho ........ ' . n.r.. will 1>o • ~ -11, kMI Ha ... ~~---.... _.. ___ _ ........ at•o'-... b' , ..... ~ _ .... Udo~ ... -.. ... __ .. __ ... ····-.,.. ...... . Mw,_.-... .. . GAAND l'llZE 1N1 ...o..r Dalaae IN- ...,. .. FYel 0.. a.tn.,r- ..__ TM ref'lf.cer-Wf' eVef]'• .. ~me.'-fln. ••• . l'BOZEN c..t Fame Fr.Ill P'row:• '.MC': --... 2/31' --"1' MDl'll> FltUIT ""-L ,._... Con ... , 57' SAMDWICH ....._ ~ PMt'"-'l DI~ 47' SANnWteH •~· SANDWJCHrn 1~ 39' 0..-1 .. PO'TATO "/25' l'Amf" _ ,,_L -~ --·· 63' DRUtAUICKS __ "· r.... sa.rtt.t .,. 19' ICI CRIAM ,,. .. , . GIVE lllWllUllY • 9:30 A.M. LIDO THEATRE CLASS NO. 2 Oct. so -Quick Tr-eata Nov. 1-11t u a P\ddle Nov.1.3-Hollday Fufan Grab a front rvw llat C011ter for Tueoday'1 Oraup Clout O>D.,... Cnokt111 l!cbool. Boo. daoopp u.. '"Quick ,.,.,...... 4Dlta IUld Gerry ba" propared for 70V ""1""••1. looldq and educatloaal enJoYment. There'• ltW time to ~join tbt dam .. and rqilt:er for 01111 of. the mu.y '"'oderful sit"' w 1>o st-awq. Piao w attend next Tueoday . GRAND l'lm Bl'U4 "-°"' .... o.tten. ... .. tu-a-..... ... tllft-.& 113'• ~ °""'9 .. ""' ............ Blcbanl'• Quality -Formula ..Fed-T-Bone S T E A K S lb. I 09 Rlchard'• Qu&Uty -Formula. Fed -PortubouM ST E A K S lb.109 IUchard'• Qu&Jlty -Fonuula Ftid -Club STEAKS lb.109 ........ ...... e-M TNU 53' SLICED IACON ,._ IUdl&nl'• ca-att7 ,. • ......,. r.. 19' llll ROAST _._ . .• hnnrr..h ~ ., 'l'r.at", A'..Ns-3 ... 35· .......... Faaq, V.U 1)'pe 11' C:ELDY ________ _. V .&. Ne. l oNIONs 3 ... 11' Nut WMkl Antliony'• Grond Opening ............... -~ 51' IUTTD ______ ,._ ·-._... •r HYD&OX _,...._• ,.. __ - COFFEJ __ ...., ~ ,_,. . nun -"~ -2/43' COCKTAIL-. u..,.. PIN........ •145· JUICE _ ......_L ~~':... 2/45' JUICE __ .._ ~ 0.-. l!ltyl. GOLoCOlN2127' ' DELWATEB8EN .. ...,.... '"lleart •• ... -· c.&.'<l<ED '4'' HAM_..._.., M......,tl, ............ 51' CHIDDAI _.._ ,_,_ ."""""° 25' • LOAF ·-···-·-...._ ...... il 1llliM 45' RANKS ___ ._ Visit Our Perty Department • 8ee the Pampldno, Gourds. lndlu Corn tor Ba.l.lowe'eD DrecoraUon.. In Our Produae Department. =· ..,.. 0 /55' HASH ,.._L _ Costumes e nd P~rty F"vors OM nc..tm Her. for • , •• Or-.. C.at7 ...-........-... HIGH soc1m U..n..t.r-Od..U.. --- . ...., FruJt 8-r • 38' COOKllE" L ... ftlDA.T CUSTARD 1'11_52' ... _ ROUS & rw 16' 8ATUILDAT ---n cm 3·H25' ----25' COOKIES __ ·-..... -""' a.a... a...... .... P=" ........... a.ad .............. . __ ._ o~,..,...., N._.,.__ ... Dhtlw St,,, • ....... OIL• ., 1'1ll1 ll&aturdey -t..k1 ,--, k1"1 f,, Ro,_. !:.up Scihoel FOK TD I'. T. A.. HAUOWE'EN CARNIVAL Oh·• "f':m....., BIG DAT .. um...,. .. 0-. Fu. ... Food,.,, AU • • ..._tu "'""'*I• tan ... "'- I " • • nIGBTY MAN -Parry O'Briell. bolfkr ot the workl'a abotput record at 62 ft. a in.,11 but one of the ttl.ck athleta ot tbe United State. Olympic 9Quad who will dine at Balboa Bay Cub 'Sunday afternoon. TlckeU to lbe event are available at the BBC, Richard'• Market, Vincent'• Drue Storet, Ch.a.mbrtr or CormMrce, [rvine Coaat Country Club a.nd Newport Hubor Yacht Club. - H. Lee Hansen Photo \ Deem SEAFLEAS HEAVY j;RID FAVORITES Bill etraw'a N_,ort H..,._ '"-IJl&'tl c-wlU a... ltee"J' .ta+orit• to O'Yeroomt IA • Bfbrw. tom°""7W .n..rnooa ln a sun..t t.aru• ram• at ltubor Hlrh. itravr •P-=ta to bl _,. tu.I.I •t.rMJU!. with r1turn of Tall! lluber to tullba.ck ror th• HLflllan<Mr ·pzn•. J•r!')' H•hr:i will IM at quart•rbock. Pet• .... lhJ.toii •nd Bob H•rbi.on 1t halvq and Hlf-bar at run. LI. Habra dwnJ*I SUt.a •n• but lost t& Anl.h•lm and Oran11 ln I-CU-play. MODERN PIANO SJcht RH.ding aftd lmprovt.lnc BqiAAen OI' Ad\'IUM)lfl Children • Tineuten • AdWt. P••• Rl'TH PllAL£S -l..lkt11 a..lt Gary ~ wu f<lleaff<l from Ho.c H ... pitll Mon<tay The Newporl Harbor H!1th 8chOQI f&olball~r broke hi• •nn ln Ole Monle~!ln &•me and hh been In lr acllon •Lllce lh<ln, HllJh\ ""-'""'"-dam•I'• complicated the ';:::;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;::;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;::::::;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;( Ir.Jury :; Frasier in Japan A'MI UOI, J1pan I niTN<". &>rvl"I'" In J•pan with tM l.t FRANK KATNIK ttl:I W. Oo-;-t Hwy. Ubwl7 3·&0ll .... I 8. •'71 llS muANT 'REC()li 1>mlDg lour ~ In Saer-lo m Omare Count(1 S.n-Jobn' JL Murdr waa aucczs'NI in cw11iuv all mafor ...... 1,at1oa nquOllld by Ormigo Cowlty'1 coliclal lamlJr. . A low of lb-accompllitb,,,onll In· du<M ·-cmc• In Ibo lollowlng: J, Obt«inld '20.000.000 -tho Sten. Alloc:atiQp Board tor OOllllruc:lion al Or- -Cowitr ldioola. 2. B=atbt Into Orm.go County SZ.000.000 • lor improT-•Dt of boachM and --• 3. Obtalnld proloctlon lor Soulhrn Or· ango Co>1Dt(1 -1ino ir-ofllltoro oil drilling. . 4. C..-thcnd cz bW 1ncr-.og Wort. mon"1 ~po-n lien.fill by 15 pe< . wook. anil doczth bonolitl to SIZ.000. 5. Obtalnld lanondmonll to l<IDltatlon lawl to permit contlnu.a growth ol Cl grocrtor Oran119 County. _ &. llrougllt dumgM cmd 1m....,,_11 ln m~nt and ln•-.nt ol the eow.. ty Empioyoo BoliNmont FundL , 7. ,Ol>Winod important amendmonll to the Or-County Wcrtor l>lltzlc:t Act. bo,.... 611in9 all dtbo111. I. Canlld mcrjor loglolation loo the Metro- pol!!CI!! W crtor p!e!rlct. STATE SEN.1''{Qf --~----------------------~-------'Mar1M Alrrrafl \\'!njl ••an air-, , r..rt •tnl<'lural mK.hanl<: I• Ma- lowfer Tar of Wffk COM:h Don BurM in.~ t M M· [ On Novembft" I ~t tbl"M nn<e Cpl Larry o P'rasl~r. "" ,.,__ ---......,===";'==========;"'=~';:==========::=;i':"======="' ()aQs Bowt.r wy ~ out· llN;Uoa an..-ort.win.c Jl'l.0¥1" g1 JOUf' rlrht. yovr prlvil-s•. your ot M'r. and Mn It. M l"raNr I ...,..,._._.,, of tt19 tp.me .f&lr _tjM: pme,, wt.kh pl'OYff Bowler pow• ni.. vole~ , l .r 211 &. lJ'Ua~ C-.. M~ N..,,ak' UM-bor q..uwil Hunt· a.n ou~a OdftWq •nd ..cl lnl't<* S.(;b f'rldmy nlchL l\ard run•r. '"'"' .. ,, .• ILICTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e STAFFORD Ir. SON !2eetrlc::aJ eo.traeto,.. UOBlvenld<Ave. UbortyS-ml -Victoria Terrace Homes IETWEEN VICTORIA and HAMILTON 3 llodrs West of Harbor Blvd. '495Down s12, 950 Full Price ' s89.SO Per Month To-Eweryllocly -Vets lo .N-Vm lfO llllPOUND8-EllCKOW CRAJIGr.:8 ONL1' . . • • 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths • • Plus Family Room or 4 BedroOms · arxt 2 Saths ' , •••@ TRESE llANY ru.TUJtES • ,..-t.hral Bltt.b Cabla•t• .,,_ ........ Atr n.&t , ....... --. •••t• •. ft~ ,..... ·~'*"*'' Llllloll La -- • OJM. Stiow.r 0.- e ru1lma• C.MMt. -ta .... . ·~ ~ _, ra• -·-• llatt>N Malt.n: 'No ...... • ....,,.. lnaadhid rw A MAN YOU CAN TRUST U. S. SE~. THOMAS H. KUCHEL hos earned a ,-.putation for integrity. lev.1-heoded courage, sound judg· meni. He is o man you con TR:UST in office! A MAN OF ACHIEVEMENTS IN ALMOST 21 YEARS of seNiat to his County, State and Nation, his occompli1hment1 h a v e been of benefit to All '\he people! THEllE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXl'EllENCEI * * * ff• Al-Y• Ha• !1 • "'KW)"' ,,, "' Work For THE llST INTIRESTS oF HIS -COUNTY -STA~ -NATION * * * KUP Your U.S. Sen. TOMMY KUCH.EL OIANGI c;ouNTY'S FA VOllTI SONI YOUI ICIV ~ 0000 GOVBNMENT KUP KUCHEL . COMMI I flE lrtuUt m.., ,.,. .. tNve~ •• +. I" •• 1h.-i • tf..-.. -by laM Of ••a I I An announcement of decisive importance to anyone shout ~ buy a new automobile The mcnt edrawtive en~unlK'tl tett ever Jiven an autotn0bile has just been completed by tw& 1toclc 'ST Fords-identical In et"ery re1pect with ~•r• now bein1 offerad by Ford Dealers. tTndtt the 1uperYiri!J'n of the United St•le1 Auto Club an4 th. Feder ... tio.1Jnternatlonale de Aut.-obil•. e•chDf thue two '57 For .. traveled 50,000 mile1 In les1 than 20 day1. Ford No. I avera1ed 108.18 mph for the entire run ... Ford No. !, over 107 mph. The1e average• include time for aD pit stop•. In •U. the 'S7 Ford smashed 458 national a.ad lntematlOMil recor ... 1lif1 test ..-a1 nan on U.. Bonneville Salt Flan In Utah , , • ft wu ~. ....... loft ..... In w....,.. . A. mr, like 1 men, ii known by ftJ a.#1, ... _.... That II wbv, w1 at Ford. delplte our COG· Adence in our ·57 cmrt. let their deedt ol ~plW11n•1t 1peak fcrr 1h"'1R!lv•. Therolon, -en•rrd an lndq>end"1t tnl(inetrinl OfJIOIU!ion to lett our '57 cal1,, more thnmuJhlv than •ny other can have. ever been tested before -· In this rourrtry or •l:woad. \\'t provkleo1! them with 'S7 P~ kJenllcal "'Ith tht:.e now off~ by Ford De.kn. 11"9 rett -ld't up to thrr9. Her• U u;haf they JMJ., They took the-e C'&ll to tha ....... Bonneville, Uta&. Hae. hn'M -.I tha wudd'1 ......... dnYa"I took ...... , In nhY' !hoy~ thooe -~ day fm I ~ .,.. .... twb UOUDd th. ...w ... & dilcaam-...,Z • to 5 y-ol DCICIM.l mMn,. Not bl aJJ hatory hu I ~ ... chine travel..:! IO f.r k'l IO sliiort • .llfrle-- by land or te11I But this wu not a tell t4 ~-but ol endun.nce ol th. inner Ford. -A ~ to take the mn.rure ol TIN.ndttblrd y. blodr V-1 ~ wtthout ~don ol •11y kJmd.. A IM ol ruaniflC par-of br1ket, cf nut.mat. tn body and cbaNit. Of rteerin1 •M road•bOity, ,._ and comfort. toot A test, Indeed, IOOh u "° other cm bava ~ uncl«sone. kt ...... IUCC nm' .n, """"""'" Sw.ty tb.r lu.ve toW )'Vil. t. ...._ tenm, that tMy an IOM" 9*e wMa ,- you bu~ . _ . 1rtd •• yoa ..m Your Pord Det.\er 'lfd! ~ 'pl.ee flt '°"' d._i llo<o -i;..i <j Fc..i .... llM!&DI a MW kiM fl n'°9 fGr J"l'S _.., ... ,....doJloW..d.o_ .... __ -- • • " . ;FORD goes First THEODORE ROBINS •• • rova fVllD DLu.aa 80lm tn1-cox.ILl&D'U'9'MIUtl 1100 W. Coast Hlgli-y-Newport INdi -!Aerty .a.3471 ' • " • l • • • I l ( • 1 • J ., ., ' " ' c 0 c • • • b N • ~ • "' •• .. " ~ w H w w .. • " w ~ .. !J .. .. r ~ y .. • I ; W~'U.. '""!'<"' Ntwpelft ~dll . "1lo .... lloo flmd Jlri>el -ti -n I Ip -too Iota! :" rr-•u.. ·--~ ....... "'~It~ j · -u.. ....-, to tlilt portlad qi>'"4kw ~ ... I ,.._ W.lllo Ille UoJled . ..W ~ J1iot -ti.. -polp ........... Edward w. 11111!m. lllreo4y n..i. people reluctant to give ln amouota that will put t..hitl drive <wer. 0nly on~ raaon can be siven foe ~lack of f&ith ln the ability o(, bu.tinea men to rutrict drtvet throucbout the year. The lnilial reuon for the CommwUty Cheft wu to elunin.ate cootinuou• fund campaisna that drained the pocketbook: and took all too mucb tbne of the : clt.iMarJ. Jn addition the multiplicity of !UJ¥1-pyra· ! m1ded coeU of collection. When bwdbeu_men becam~ ~ cooYinoed of thUI danger lbey dee~ to back Com-• '"·mv.n:.tty Cbe9ta. However, Community Chm pla.na ~ and too muy 1eekeni alter pubtic support tpund. they could make m°" money outaide the Cheot. 'rt.ere bave hem occMonal natJonaJ 11ul"fty• on .mlicltptioM and what they are cc.tin& the public; ' ;the picture bu not ~ a pretty one. Io many cues Jt wu found tho bu.llt ot fund.I wu beinc fun· ne1ed lnto the lap. ol promoten and, in at.hen, that too --..11 a percmtAge or mcmey collected flna.lly founl 'lb way into llMi cbarlt}r for which It wu col· .... due to UDlt'&rTUled overhead . ~ ~ 'fOo JUDY peqple ~ in Newport BNcb have 11em looee me of money they bave helped lo collecL There haw been too Pl&ny bad report.a on a.etJvlU. ol even 90me of the most popular orguis.atiom .. t are pabliely aapported.. All ot the.!! tklap havt mowba.Ued until the dme bu come wtrm the-'putdte jut llit• back on !ti ~--11 and refu9M to \e bled. N"'}>Oft !Wach need not !ttl that it ~ al~ Jn lbla condltion or givln1 lu- Jitude. The-re la a.t1ot.ht-r reuon for the public'• distcu9t bl aolx:lt.tion a.t1d rcfuu.l to contribute. Dutin&" the j)bt few Yf!l&n lunt't! Jlaye been JOOd. ~ hu l:ltver been a ume whee tbe perc9t.&l'I or unip:nploy· ioent bu betn 90 low, w al&r:le.\o IU&h. . ln 91rite or th.La. bbdgt"t. or ditt'.ent 1 o c l a I &.l'f2\clM have grown and grown. On top of that the pumber ot web orp.niution1 hu inc.rea.aed until there are agencits ror nearly ~t-ry di.t.. the-nesh " heir lo and • aenning duplication or ~very !onn of charity. There WU a character in a ""Wf'9tern" wbo ual!'d to •Y· "You can puah me jun 90 tar." Thia ia char· a.ctertatic of the public al large &nd it ia entl~ly j Dk tbe public hu betn puah~ to tht end or it.a ~ tn the donation bW!lnea.. It LI to bf. hopM tJai. W aot true becauw ma.ny worthy e&t19M wall .mer wtt.h th09ll which a.re not worth their 111.lt_ It t6e pubUre ls through' g1ving it wtU take a. long time for worthy e&Wtet to prove th1·y de.erve to be npport..i. Perh&Jl9 It 1.11 a good thing lht• C"ond1Uon hu tome about at a time lli'hen the nat111n i.e pr0Apcrou1. It lt' bad come at a lime when therr wu N>.&1 nero to' support a largt number or jM..'Ople out or work 1t ll!JP.t haft naiJted bl real AJ!erinc. .b tt t. there • may be a ttadju.e:tmf'nt "'1thout anyoM getl1ng badly ..... In uy .,... it woold 11ee:rn 90mt afft'lcy 1n ...-hicb \-¥ people bu faith a.houkl makt' a survey or au thf' ~ uJdn1 money from thr people and N'port JUM what W·bein1 done with the mont')' How much ot·lt t. ...U, JQim.I '-ck to the people tn 9en'icn that Utom people REAIJ.V NEED, bow much or it ~-bltns ued In prOmotion ed how much i.11 ~ing pGd to npPOrt the o r r• n Is at I on• that art ~ the money. Suen a survey rould bf> <'ll- i;btaJoc. : : Needl111 t.o •Y the apnctet included in the ~ UnllAd hnd driYH an-worthwhile agen<'letl ~ aft ooe have been proven ln lht" long lf'Bl of ~-.0..and..iuau.. I 'Ille 11lllttd J\IDd Drift .. __, .. ,_ lit. most ettott to..,m to can fOI' all a11 II ••' ,....._ llA ....,. ~ Wiii "" --,.. """ a eo14.--1o uy oddltlaGal *"" ol aay ldllcL-aWB • Calif omia Last Week The Gow.mor\cootinucd ru. t.nNebi on beh&lt o! the Republican party in the -..tan st&t.M, retu.mtni to Ca.lt!oruia dwi.nJ latttt part ot th• week to amume apln a.dmlnJstn.Ucm Or Stat& Gowemment. ID • •pee c b at the lmt.J.t:ut.e ot Government, A11- -bl.1m&11 c..ap.r Welnboo1-r•r U... 1t&t1. ol kn ""llciac ouw.n.d What manv poeoopl• blU•v• .au bl • mov" for cvmpl1"t• "'o'T"nLuU!"ln o( •t•I• l<J~•m!n1"11\ •t ti\• 1167 l"J1•l•ll~• .... on ... -1 th •mnnir olt>f'r tlllnp •n •rfort to •bol1ah ~blyman rrw.n... .J Con- i-ad. or Hollywood, A.Id h• "'111 •po"-Or • blll to •t'qULA J•ll MrilelV"ft for •II drunk drl'"t"', •"'"" on ntwt ottenw M>m,. or th,. •lal•• r ol\atlluliol'la.I ornceo of Atlonwy tAncn.I ltd· otf1N-1 Ill. l•var-ot a d.o-pe.rtment mund G Brown L• con.tdertnc- of n1v-a~. ILod lo ....,li&b aorn• •"1Mnc• ee<:ur.d 11.n.., tn""'""IJ•-°' lll• tt.1.i.•1 bo-.nM W com-Uon l.n n.orth-lo:rn CILUfnmia miw n n notAl)lv th• l!lt.11.t~ ffl(ll-of 0"1'erloe.dlnr of lot:irtn« lrUck• '"'"Y Co1nml•h>n •nd m11.1 NoC'Olflm"nll •o:klHlon•I ln l.o. A.Ac-_._, "-1nblymaa oourt re..e1.11u.. lo t.&Jr• c•"' or Pe.tNlll Mt'Gee e.anowi.Nd ,_ wtll tM -• rau.d l)y •lllo:l\lllve "Jl'O,_,r lq11le.Llon to aboU1b tho: te.r"cir\r by ti\• C.Ul oml• Klrh· Sl•l• "-rk ("",ommi-°" &11d rub-w•y l'•lrol •tLt ut• • ~•nt ot ftet're--A Iota.I of 24 M4 P1'9C'lnrt. In •Uon. Talk lll •I"" no..unc C•hrornL• wtU han.dl4' th• Nov 15 1.l'OU-o4 ln r11.vw of ·~ u.e •-=uoa. lkocret&rJ o1 st.at. St.ltt n..11 ~ ~ ~ Fr-..nk X. Jordu u~M Thi 11on u w•ll M ot.... u.i..... •tat. la.i'h...., ~on e.11• tM.rdl and commlalrloN whidl nounoe4 u ""•"" -udc.t of ~lat.,. hold e.se •bln9 &I'd MM ra1ruon tor ttw lMT-M n•- M-)"ond cootrol ~ ti... '""" et oal ,.-..r. .. ' f, ' I ~ ' • READERS AFFAIRS OF STATE lly Rl!:NllY C. lbcARTlrUB SACRA.MENTO, ICNSI -The UM mWJoo doll&r9 budget of tbe State Highway Comnuaiori for 1957-58 oa th• 1urlace Mem1 like a lot or money, wtuch it 111, but broken down to per cspll.a (igures, it readily can be eeeia that C&U!orttla t. developlng a auper-h1ghv.•ay 11ystem at trhal amou.u lo • mlJllmum Wna d.v.loped into lllA and co-L lltfbt l&ne rvutn. N'-roul• ror on a JW' t:Apit.a ~. Uw lflUll'l l>ol' ~v•lop!'d •n"IWld earn. QCM1t n'""'"'' out to .-bout P' pe:r 11tun.IUl!'1 lo 1IWlne..ll!' bottll!'n«)q )'_,., or p porr month. wh.lch 11 Uu"C>1.1C"h bua-NCUons •II of • snaJJ en~ a111ount lo pay which. eo-i.. m-1 tor a n.d aylltcfn wh&c.b l'V'nltU• f>L"Tl!ITA/liDUO'O tT.ATI KP: 1U1 wt/I pn-1Nt peopll to tr1V1'l Th• 1ma.s1nr Iner-in U.. rrom nne -.i ot Ow .late lo tM ~oat ot rtc-bt-'--.y probabl)' 1.1 ~ and aero. tu it.at• on U.... O\Jlat&n<:Unir fNIUl""I! of the tt:JU!" um. mi i&M hlfbwsyt o.-IWl7·M turlnte.7 b~ The. dpd to .. .., UnM, trouhle •nd COJmmlulon pl•n.. •~ndlt.n-.,. of roo., to ~ point. _, 11.nd te&r mllllor11 ur rloll•r1 for •rqul11lUoa oo U.. n11"1'8 wh~ d MvL nlj: ot r11tht1 of WI)' o n ma)'>r roule9 Oe~nJ.1' ..,.k'nc, u. At.ate lhroua:hOY l lht-•I.Ille U\111 ~•e.r, Hl(tl-1' O:mv-HOll ,_. di-. P'"'P-."-lory le mrvtrut't!Qn .. ·orll ui c u.•U•Mlt jlllllo u.i. ,_.... ln It.I Wbnl the 19'\8 '\~ budf;i!'l I• con· P"J19.nt.Uoa ot LM 11G'J..Ot tN&-~ 1"'1.. parUcuariy lll dlvldlnc u, "nua. H <"•n boo -n that th<t UW •ffii.t.b• tund.I be-tween ..U Pl""Oa'q of buUdlnir Mth-71 !JI COWlltiM. lt la the ftnlt Umt la • OOllll/IUlnJ p~•. Wt prob- hl.tory, _..,.. ot UM ~ •WJ nft...,. wtlt be oau.a:lrt up to Roa pol.nl out. U..t ..,.17 eounty Ula point wbl"' 1v.ry mat.ortat In lM llt.u.I he.a a.t -.t 00. and rltry ~U.DltJ la MU. ~Q ""°)Id to be cotnplllecl fl.cl. It L• not too ridleulou• to or at '--~ d.urtns ow •7 that ......, l'ft9l« '"'-•It.I· n1:1Cl n-J ,........ ..._.., 111(1'1-:r-than lhe-pnownt -------------------------! Offl.I' 90 MUCH apt !11.-wUI bor ~ry la Ii t Ii Ii ~ .... ,. conua.ui:U-U1e DO( toe. dUttnl flllurf'. •U f • , t f ll"9 "'111 8"t .uptM wt.a u., el wtueh .nll f'llllulre more ell• t '!, l:D~~ r .• .,'.!'.o!' t2 ~ =.:.'":;~ -~ =t~~.;: ~ "'i. ·";:r: n ii ~ Ma Mb' .. •ucb moM'J" er U,.n ~ ot corwtnJCtj°" J •------------------------· J le flMBd. _, \ft U.. I II M'W hw J>e<ltl• e-.o """t'Y t.,. trl1"m• •• Nqldnd ~ ~ ...,... (tf lhl hlrtrw&y llOl'llinlaliOlll of twoer-.i runm, lo ar.. (lCl9oo tMlt" ,.lobs. P'M m-.lnt.a1n1nc ow slrucU• ot lM _,.,.. ~ cs.tlca!.e blJ&not brtW'Pim Call· lll> UM .Ut.11 It hu bwn u. fOrni• '• counUM. dU(':ll and • poUey' ot lAe eomnu.ion ID build o1 nffd. •lldJI~ ~e f1f Uwra. ~· la u... u.u ot v-t· and proni.t.tnr UM! ,...L """'"'"" Ml ~... aBd U.l policy .... • TVa COlll.blaalkm ""' dlplomaq -.. COlltlnued thl• Yft". lt'r# and bue,,_ •btllty llllOI tbe war, PMI ........ Ml'Wet. thert hal aot --lllltndMl ~ytop~MdW.t. • ract lhat ..... -~ .. u.. ....... v ••• ,, ...... way OllMlt'rlllt... Uwuw._tn Ill u. -WhltMr Ole Mlbw.,-~ ·-...... caJt e-.ldl "" t.o u.e. o.llaq~ .. .. q""'9bon, ff111 ... Npfdty .. OQI bolu.n.cJI; la b"'*--u..a..r -...1op111 _. n-an u..~ u... .-1u w u.. ... .. klnl ... Calllorwta Cllllbni... w ...... ,.,..... u ... uul ........ to ,...... rr-. ..,.._ ln.~Uon - ltl ....... 7' ,.... ..... '°" ......--""" rlft!C:7 ta llw la-. ~ye J..t. .. ,_ J"N'"• ... -.,.. , '"' JIC ·,1.1. .. ~ .,..,.. .... , .... ,~ --·-... -... ..,..,.rt ..... -t. ....... , CAPITOL NEWS AnUr1ri-uns ti.. 11.ppnee.uon of the H ul• bllll. lM bo&rd u~ the d«pe.rtmeftl <>f Mnanr-e fQI" tt addlUon.,I .__....,,.. lo ti. u..:I u .Ucll!'1 to county ...._ --lA n:.s..s u.. ........ •lldcb mu.rt IM -.C. llll!':ICl ,_, la ...- U.. ~,.. ~ to perm!t lM HulM bill lo rv lnlc err.et. TM ~~t ot ~ooe. how.Ter. cut Wt n.qt-i to n ..... wlalch wtt.h ltw 30 •1.--a,. - ftkt)'<l'd. will mak' 20 to _...ie1 M counU• ot llll! .tat.. tn e.ddlUon. ...,.,_..,. 0... c»- pu1.meonl ·~ to the lnell9i0tl of ~ ..odlUon&I ......_,,,. to 1" u.d In Uw .,,.pa. ,.......m tM '--rd l• coMuctlnc-throul'MUt U.. lllate In IU •ttorl le eq\llllJ.t• ~nt. ot pr1nt.t propt'rty In Ow W'WrlolM counue.. Public 11UUUM M 1t11 t 111 d lllzwlhy '*2'1J*la'U wt.th u.. board or f!!Qwt.lt-.tlon . 111..t.Unc tl'wrir propertJ-tiave bMn vv.r- •nd Uwr county • 1.-oww -- lftlttrM,. 1quall.&a.Uon ~ hav1 ~ lo ~ty Q1t nt- pe..Una: <1r ~ tM Hui.. ll&ll e.rt:r la u. ... ., ...-..a .... -~ aowww. tt .. .,. • .,. u.. educ&Uoll ~ -y t.u. •• hand I.JI the ~tte', ... ~."' 0.. CallfOf'lda T ........ ~- •U. •ll I .. ~ tht HulM lillll ~--.-..fiw'~ . -1~ -Ulow ,..._.. ITIOft _, far ...... a.nee.. WIUIGS ~ U.. llp,I bl· tt. ot ... N.19 ,.. .......... ,.._. ' .,,.._ : ••• .-.i ... ta. -""Mlal'9Kt•·~ c. ................ ~. .. Liie be.rd ol .............. 9lllltJ' ~ .cllilol ......,,... ... lotltl)'t.ta tor ~ ...... u. .... allMted,. ... ~ -r. a--. -.utMr ., .. lGI, -- urM a.ad out. -u.. ,...... FARMER McCAB ···WRITES • • s-n. !bat BuJpntn 1a do1n1 hlo bit to help - ~d Adla1. He wrot.e Ute a letter ata1Jn.I that ._ cer1.alaly wu for Adi..J's ban oo 'H' Bambi .••. ud. It thla country would ban tho 'H• -bo "7 - could oi-1 up lta U-table on t&ldlllf ._ um country. Polit.kt! •hon-mak~ •trance Bed reno.. 90metimn. P'arme:r McCabe (aU ric'hts Jeatl ted) If ... ~,· ' -"-NEED ~ :HEl:P. \UOY07 ' I l'arnst Paull. leftt put preiddent a1. u.. Caltforma State How'• Mmo- daUon a.ad board member ad put. pi..-s..t of tt.e Boot. aail•.aei Club of Cc.ta M-, bolda bead of Blacll Star, • Uoyd Shearer, center, ta -... .a.tecl'' OD iJi. hone by J'r&nk Coz durtnc Unltell Fund Dme BalOt GJJD· khiU 8ad&J at Buffalo Ranch. Shearer, member ot El RodeO Clab al. Bree. woo by bole' and onnge races on Bl&ck Star. Cox ot Carefree Riden. Alf-. la. won riDr speutna coot.est. wu state chunpion Jut year. -ittatt Pboto . . ANYWAY,. ORANGE COAST IS ·TOP JC GRID TEAM IN COUNTY, AREA. 0,.. COut CoU.,• tucked a way om. cb&mplcmaaalp for ldepl .. thq ~ hUeltoo Saturday mpt at OOC. Tbe Pt· ratea -.u.d umr Uall'd <>nnce Couaty ~ by VU'l!MI °' wtna over a.nta A.a.a and the Honwta. Ray ~ na'bbfod U\e aame hoDOl"I ln 1161 and 1932.. ll&Jlla Ana ...,... tdq ta 1Ma. 'tt, and 'toO and l'ullert.on domlnaltod tn ·~3, 'M, IL&d ·~. In nln• year• of coni~Utlon. Heb Junior col· lqe bu th1" wlna. Wtlb the Oran1e Co\IJ\ly champlonablp ln UM fold, Ora~• Coe.at .-t lo wor'k 111 ee&rdl of tht1 r nrwt a II out l'ALllt em Conference top apot. TM Ptrat.. t.cMill Lato ~ ch&mptonablp u Ian BernardlDO had to JorlPlt all pmu in 19112 but hu nn~r N&Dy M.rned the top run1. Neeme's Bees Rate over La Habra. 3 TDs Emil NMnw'a Newport H&r· ~r Bee foolbe.llere lnnd4> LA B&lllra l'rtda7 &tt.amoon fo:r a ~ i....,.. ro ...... .,.., fa-wn.. .,.... tM loop'• IWW'Ht .traat. . ' la outlllp thua tar. La Habra bu tailed to &how much often.a but bu a detenlU!Md 0.ff'nM pMled t.y b&rd ~ Al >Jhby l'U..a&AAO~"FAVO&IT'Ea Mt. San AJltonlo lnvadee Pt· rai. 9tadlum lh1I ll'rid&J llipt wtt.b 1qt11 hOpe8 ot upendlq the loc:ala. Tbe MounU• ww. p&clled u '"' .. .on fa•ortt.n but ha•• bHa 1'«:Ud by lnt.ernaJ .UU• wtUda .. laUll IOme al U. ftn out of a poup ot alblet.el w1Ucb coukl be eully tum~ ·lo>. MounUW Bat." Word from Po-mona bu it U..t only one thtn1 b&n ML &AC from the chain· ptcmahip-t.bat 11 lMmwlv-. A united &ffort could •Prlaf an upwt a t OCC Friday nJ&"hC Coach Al Irwtn bu prepp.d hl• club tor tM 1n-ale&t a.ert&I Iler~ of tbe ~n. The MounUe1 have MVtr talleod to throw 2.'\ pe.8eS In a same U\1• •a.on and U~lr rumplttlon rec· Ord 11 nrar !'!() prr rtnt. TOP TO°"'Ca Larry Mann d<W"a Ulf! toU1nJ wllJI all·~ l.F. Ou.an~ Allrn of Alhambra and Ana.Mlm'1 l.#Roy W•ftr u ~ Lary.ta. If cen· esntnlioft •• tt11tel"t'd on tM Mounty puanc alt.ark. lh~y loee 205 poond ToQ1' Loaco •l f\l.ll. bacll. Loqo WU a llMIDb9r e( the Alhambra KIP ~ 1-. whicll went to t.be a.ta flM.11 lul yeu . ..._ LMIUilr .... t. t.M rround attadt ...,_ ea1W llpOft. L&mtft' rm:iJ*I u. 6'0 In 416. ll'"'lri.n reported all band& ln food coDd1Uoa attu U. J'Wler· ton 1am~ wilh Tom Proctor. the faat.ut man OD U.. ieam. lookmc lnlpr .. t.e la b1a ftnt ~rform,a,_ llnce t.be GlacliaU o~ner. Ray Aderm&a m.a7 Ila" urnd h.1.a •tartJni job be.ck wtlh hi• i-t Job of ·ae ap1Dat J'uJ. lerton. It It lan't Adttm&a, lt w1U lie Al O&ttla al fullback wtth Don J_. and BlU Hurtaoe at b&lf. be.cu and &b Cl'ock..tl at qua.r· ler Biil .Browa aJld 4J 8tory will ~ at eftda; Ted Dlalller and Jack Ae!\baqh at t&c111Je9; Ed Chambna aod Gary J&cobmon a l ruarda and K• Woodl at cen· ler. Oame um. 1'l1da7 nil.bl •IU N lp.m. RESOLUTION OF SUPERVISORS URGES ALL COUNTY TO VOTE SANTA A1'A. IOCNll --TM Or.nee County Boud f'f lu~r-rteor-., "not unmindful of lM demand.a rnadt upon It In the admlnJ.atratlOCl •.. of a rapidly (1'0Wift1 county ... hU Ul"'(t'd all rq'!Urt'd YOtt"TS to nerciM Ulelr r11bl, prtvt~ IUl.d duty to vote Nov. &. ln a rNOluUon .. th• l'O\Jnly'• top IUJ)emaonal body llt~ the lmport&nei! of votlQC. " ••. Many rn&tt.erw Yit&l to U.. welfare of the pubUc arw decided by a ""'1 nurvw ~ ot TotH," atatt'd tN ~uUon. '"Any per· -•ll&1bM lo vote who ~· not 10 to th• rntll I• wanlOnJy loulna: Ul•tf> hi• rtirht and duty u a cltl"11 and Lt opcnm. Ui.t door lo 10' trnmtnl by orranLU'd mlnor1tl"• rat.Mr than 1overnm•nt by I h• ~•t of ~ J"OVemed." MMDW" a chaob Ni• a.a a lhrff toudadow1I ta'l'OC1t.e l&rltly bf'· ~ ol a ..,..... fo,,..,.d \nil wtlJdl np,.. to ~ Uw I l'ltl!SENT l!C PROGRAM RI~ toul.#d def~nalve ~~~,:~ Supervised Playgrounds Set ~~f'.:_~1;:E for School Year Youngsters IP and dill-. ltaa Lrtri.8 look The .cht>ol ,_r recnatlon pro-It a. m • ,__ 1"l&I' f ootb&ll pro- l"T'M tor 'UI .,..de bo Y• and up bee&n today Wltb ll pnM"tlr. pme. cr.tt U. ~Id ipOl pl"ft101i.-iram irponaored and c.nduc-led ty occvpled Ir)' Jtacwe!l by ttM C:ty A..c-reauon Dlv1.110o NHnW ha. 1nded Illa ex~rl· In cooperation •·Ith tM N.wport ment whld1 calWd for «nter a..ca Elem.at&ry School 01•· Mllre Oeorse to abltl lO taUb&ck ll1ct bec"&n Oct. 8 TlW i>roirr•m --0eo...,. M.a sona be.clt to cen· la d•lf?Md for the boy. and (1rl• nth Blnlet Pl&yrround • Mnn- tSay I.Aro~ Fnd&)·, J-1 pm Saturday, 10 &.m. to l')nt)ft. t..~ but NMlalt ha.a come up ln ~ on• and up. Corona de1 Mar Bcllool: The pr<>ITVft at l.b.la ..,.. w1ll bertn Monday, Od. 11. TM a r. wtn be OP"' Monday thl'OUfh P'r1da7 troni 2 :JCM :IO p.m. wtth a ....,~ Ullla w•k-The followifll ..,_.an avall· Dick McDall.ald. able ta the children for 1'9("1'M· ftoA Koran .nu tMt et ~uart•r· Uon and playpm.1n d aC'tlTtll•• w.ok, ~ ~bu taJru durtn1 th• 8C~ ,_r Th• O\'W ~ lw\llfOe'd"I MJftlacJil (1"0Unda ,,..tll be •Uperv~ IU alot. !)an Hammond wtll be at follows: Pyaypound acUvtll• will In· teft M1f a.ad lt.ao r...wit at tuJl. C'nnnel.laltJ' Ccnw: _Karbnr• elude • Y&Mety o1 1am• and -.Ck. VI-*"°°1 ~. Corona d~I sport&. Cf'llfla. l~nt.a and TM art.one wall wtD be C'nm. poetd ~ IUc..._,.. kbll~nma~r _. JOba a..-. u _.. •~ ""-" •• place °' Ra&Jltl Oii *' ... ) : l:d ftot!WftberJtr and M!i. Ha,_ at l&ckJn (01ck 'Relu -d Pt\JWp MalllouJI on det.uea. ...-.u and Dkllt Rem M ~ ud 0.0C.,.. at Ulltlw. . m ...... •-.......... ..... ..,. • Mar, Mood&7 lhroueb P'riday, cont.rt.a. Thn>u1hnut th• year, 2·30-&:IO p.-.. B&tut'day. 10 a.m . llJ)eC'l•I 9V•nta wtll be planned to noon. Bo71' 8por'U Pl'Ovam· tnr tba varion• ...-. ""1d&y, l:~·so p.m. 8aturdav. Pa~t• are encou~ lo 9 a m.·12 aoon. ' 11end ch.Ddren to UM ar.a near· Newport ffel1h~ 8chonl MQn• •l th• tlom•. '"'9 department day ~b FrldaJ, 3-6 p.m. Sat· wekom• p&rdll to Yllllt lb- w-day, 10 a.m. to nooo. u.u u they wtah. Anyone 4• a..ci. -..itp lldlool: Open ltrtn• tnformatk>n may caJJ lM tor older llay9: lpol'U pl'Ofnm ~Oort omc.. Harbor :mu. """-• a.fS.IS:ao p.a. 1atvctay. 1:rt.. u Tiiley -~t Proc~. Go far JoplR . Boys Randm . Newpirt ~ ID~ CMt w1U at.ace a t11r llt1!'7 thoot Bun· tv," Oct. II ,,._ t .... to I P.Jll-• ptOC!ftdl to M Ullilld fOT equtpmat and acUTtU.. al Or- .,... ~ , .. ..,,. Raid .. ~ ~ e( wtlklll ..,. atrlpe la .nae.. ,,.. llleot wtll lie al a.ldlt OllUt Rln. ft.&"SW -Mac.A.rta.s Bh"d. Mf'll. ~ and d&Udl"ftl are lftTltect to compt't• and ltotb nftes and acattrr su• "trill .,. mu ol c. owmtttt-la Twl~ Tholllpeoll. Jack Cunn.lftlbam will M ID cbarp of ~ aad O..t Twttdwll H d Jadl NelllOa wUI lWlclW ~ Pa~ wtlJ .. ~ -0.. ~­paltktl ~ U.. Wp el UM a- ~rn Troop. AaotMr turbJ abeot wW M twld at the ~ Na... 4. .,aa· 110red by eo.ta Me. J u a I o r C'hunber of Oommeru. J!1'0Cffd9 to p to uW ·olymptc r\ind. VOTI November 6 VOTE Literature on AM Republican CenClidate1, Bumper Strip1 end Butt~n•, May be Obtained at 3-t I I Ne~port Blvd., Newport Beech. Thi 1 i1 f or ·the Convenience of Voters in Th is Area. NO JOB ~ LARGE OR SMUJ. -Jla. IM.. Newpld a.ea. Barbol' !SSS RALPH P. MASKEY. \. ~r:,~I $105 ~E~AIR ,........ ..._ ...... 39c CllAGMONT IEVERAGU 6 1:,:-49c 2 '::.' 39c ...... ~ .... ..., .. 11-. o.-.o. t• ......... ,.......,., ., 0....., •:· ·~ °'-'• HAWAIIAN PUNCH t;:~ ... ,,... =.._ 53c ' = 98c SNOWQOUD MAlSHMALl.OWS ~:i,: ,:;:::;,;"1oc• :;-1 Oc ~Bo66ii~ ~APPCES CANDY BARS ................ MINTS, DROPS ....................... Roxlnlry Candy T~ats IL.ACK • OIAMCI JILLY llANS :..--:-21¢ OUT TODAY ...... .., FAMILY CIRCLE ~~-2u..25c .... ..,._UIAILI 1Y nMS ...... ~ ...... -r. 7' TOKAY GRAPES Ff_ ............... 4-Acete.~ s• WIAPPID I HAlVIST 11 POPS fl••• Y" ;..t H•'t relkt......,-' .. e..C..AHO...-,t n1An MIX :::-, "- ·~ ,,, ·:: ·~ :::-47• lg_AJ!ttJ!.CK 3~19'1 PARTY AN6B. FOOD CAKE ... 3~ ROMAINE LEnUCI .. 71 Red Yams·~~ J .... 29' ._ ________________________ ~ 2 --~Sim FAMOUS IRAte . NYLONS P!lFECT QUALITY FULL FASitlONID "0-.. ., 0-. . .........., ..... ........... ._,u.. .... .. Pal ,..._ ! M.llltW ,_, la ..... ,_ ,_ --t •a ...._, .,... ,., ,.... f.r ftf, k,.. _,I At 5alt'WSy't -· ,.,.., '°"' ~ ......, ,., ,_ a.n-t Goh utt. tool . Matched ,,;,. .... $100 MA YOllNAISE HST H>OOS 4ftc NU MADI ...,.. ...-.-..-45' MARGARINE NVCOA 23C SUNNY IAMI 1ftc 1~...... . ............... - FRESH EGGS LAl61 .AA.. 53c MIDIUM "A.. 43c c.... O" c,. ... .. .... ._ ... WHITE KING ''D'' -:=5~ toUU '°" ..,...,. ,.,.,... ........... ..... SftAWIERRY JAM :.:-..:.-2 ~ 49' SMOKED PORK PICNICS ..... llCldc HaWlc .. Morr~~... c ......................... .. , ..... .......... ~ ............ MIL .............. ,..., .......... . =._.. ..... .., .. ~ ....... = lb. SLICEI .BACON =.-.A. :.~ 45~ • I ..... ...... flAMIS == :: 3'c OllCIER .. GROUND BEEF :-.= .. Ge 1MIS .w lE6S ll!f UVER .::-'.:.=:. 35« -... ......... Ma.A. ... .. --....................... .... ..... c.,te1it•• a.k• s.. .... , ... w.m MAIS •:; 4tc ..... S(lf fl.lf1S . !:'J~OSI SNAPS :.. ...... 2 ~ 49' PANCAKE MIX -.: 32« PANCAKE SYRUP ...,,....... 1i-25c ............ -- PROZIN PEAS == 2:=-27c FIODN PllS ,.__.,..,.... ... 18.f ...,,...... .., .. 7--..• ...... .., . ....... ._,, ~---···-· ___ .,. _______ ...... a... $ANWAY .,...,..., ,,,,.,_,,,, ,._...._ ........ /11,M --. g.1r:J,rti ----· ~.JI~?.! =."·~ =·1 ii,i•:a::s~ --~· ~~.r-n: ....... """' ~ =· .... ~ ... -~ ...... ........ ~-- ' ,.._ •I ·-~ , ......... a. ..... ." ,.or ftpni • wllr •• n .. d ...... ,. rdrl...,.. tor-leoh:l oartld: o•• tod.,-with• W&a& Adi .. Classlf·i.ed NEWPORT llABBOB NEWs.PRESS -_, .._.,, W••••d.., ..i "'*' OOASTAL SHOPPER -\Vecbuiedays O..f&I 11111111 ... rm1a ... Wt 11t4• ., ..... w ' U.. 1 •ws<oo fUI ell'L .._ .II-. 4U... ·-1M ...,,_ ..... 4 UMo I 111 .... SM olft -.II -. ' ,..._ 'I r11t'•• SM llM'\ lw .15-. .......................... ~,· •t.OllllllMw..a, lllWIUWK AO lli 6 Ulla ' &II a t'W ... ......,. ,... ,. Ollll Ill illl'lt ••• ., "*"' • n. pubWlb9w ..W DOt IJ9 • • • •t'e • _.. ... w 'II aaat m.utloa ol. .............. u.. rfPf-~ ~ .., ...., &U ad9 and t.o rQtot. U7 Ml aot .......... "" ~IDd ~ ul:Oll>U.lf'D tw pta.ctAC • ... ..._n;r &N: ror M.cxldaJ' Publluuoa -f'rida.7 I p.m.. 5'« Wecln.cl&T Pub~ J pm. Ft# l'r1da1 Publ*m.UClll -Tb\11'9deJ 1 p ..._ N.:wron u••aua •u•uamxa oo. 1111 &UMa ....... N9wpwt a.da. OaltenM.. FURNITURE ~de'tpod M ...... npathd or t'l!On'•bel C. EVERffi SMITH NewWaft-,Swa,.._, J. KIL.TOK l(el CN&il --w 411 • Jftil k.. M..,,.n ..._ tlt·!;:~P~·!!!~~·!..------1 Bar. ~ ..,. or ......mp lltlfl .;. CARl'ENTER Repair Work 0... .... ~,. .. ft.Me. er P nrt1lrcf C.U rr.aar. ~ MIN .. ~· --·-~··~·~-~atJ!!..;*!!!*!!'..---- PAINTING Paper Haaclnc L. B. ~cKENZIE UCJ:NSED HAROlll INOURllD HAR <1 PAINTING lNTSftJORa -mrl"SAJOU """' --.................... Haynie ~ Harbor - 7lt1• ,. ,_,.. ~·o· Uo.a... • lnlun4. a.naf:Mt\orl l\l&l'&At"'- C.11 Your R1f1x-A-Cizor 001GVl.TA.HT .__.._ .. _ llGule WU.. -JIJ'ut ....... •B'l.it ....... -SupertluOWI Bair p'!'. t~·-·· .. rr... .... .,... ..... ., .......... .., ........ •• -.w '• ......... L •TAMTL& lMo'• ... flt .. .,. Bar •• ,.. ... H-Laot ........... ic.tlmat.t tr-. C&l.I Jobakr. LOST -BOT'I NZW IBOU. U a..2687 6 U 8-62SD IUll ha bml. Ne•w W'Ol'u. .._ llllINO 1'0UJl l'llDIND8 aaoWTB .um PftOMO'J'IOS• JU.ft caa&.rm OPmnKOI ""' TELEPHONE OPERATORS nn.t. P~T .U TOU' l&4A.N J'ltaQUlmft IJl('R••n• ~Ol71m -APPLY - •M TO •:it m ...-TllDlD IANT4 AJfA P.l.Cil'IC"Tl:LJ:PHONE filii1iiNi IOUCITOR tor ..u-..... .,.., pWop-a· plMr. 1\111 _. pu1. tlJu. WorlL tnai. J'OVf .._ ham.. Ra.t Int. TlolO ~ ••l••l•d¥. Jt.ood:1 \e W.or. IUu'J ond -. . ., ........... ... L 1J111Ut•1 DopL ...._ c.J>.X. ,.... ecnllt ,._ 80ldl .... JQIW ..... M&l;J', .moo. ... m.tkl U4 oc.ii-. A.I.AO au.NT JOU FOR J.IZ?' JUN• J'AJlll.A.A, lll:lqll)'. A.scJ. .a 'iii PM IL. lf'pt... BMclt lloCf"OM ,,._ Clty HaJL nM The NEWS.PRESS 11~ tw-Colt& w-&ad Cor-11 1----------Ona de.I Mar Pbon• llAJ' WOlUJ'f 1.0 cl.an 1 dQ' • _,. • 1 ~ da7a. With Cll' wlUt- Olilt ~u.. flelO Monday, Wedne~day, Friday Delivered to Your Hoino Throo TimH • Wook SOc-PER MONTH-50c Nawport a..- 8. P.O. Ii:. 1717 MMC.a •"'7 'nur-11.J • , 91.. Via OpA'to -o.traJ A ff. N...__ 01ca N-mu. l:d.lt~ ftW-·--PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER .._,. ~11.('ll&ICrlpU. • Ocirr.pond•nr • ILUIJOIUJC LYONS QT I. 00Ut Bml. La.cwso ._. R~t t-¥1U ' • 1let4 MOVING? ~xperi•noed. Ln1u.nd. tut m.,_n ph111 ~ v-.n °"Jy IP :lO bour ~,.. w1thln JO m1i... TLm• Nrt.1 at your ""°"· Low•t n.U.. IVld ~ allt.lme.U-1 on Qt• U\d n&Uon· wide 11u:i"1nf •n.d on .to,.... No ••In. choi-s• for &at..nt.11 11r ttolldaJI. NEWMAN PAINTING I ;~~o.7-° ~ Interior & Exterior · ,., .. ,. ......._ """' ~cm> ••m.•• lor d.rt.1*1 "°"" .,,. ftlPliOt. ..... ,. pod wurhr . .....,,.,. la ,..._. ND Z. ~ m,. W&J, ConiM ... Kar. ,...1 Wwk GUAl'lli...d I.. O &ll'. ~ ,,.,.u..t. aw ... 1 totfc ~·· J9L ... a. k:r ,...._ CA.A 'llOP. Ko .,-. ... ~ W).-...-.-~~ ....~~-fMI. HEAT FOR SALE BUY IT WHlLE rrs HOT Be Proi-re<I for Fall Weather C.l.LL STANLEY ACKEIUIA.N HEATING To c.Wu &nd •l'Tic<I your lwoat • lllC .,.,i.u., biiCON lM n.IAll GI' to~•llMWOM. CALL fia.rbot' l.M7 NOW n..u.oa ~ Kai'. 111'1'. -.... llalliJIM, ... M loarn Modom P"tano 1-.. "'Pl ....... ...,._..., ,., ltJ ..... , •• ..,...... to ~ -.m i.dt. JOO .. rr111d1 Of' u MtUO M ,_ ~ -R trm PlliLl:M Ll l-«ITO TOo&I REAL ESTATE SALESMEN N .. p,.. Coot& ---·~­poopla. u a.-. - 213 ltt:b 8ufft N'pl. Bob. IOU!! l 11 T-.n LA Uw-~ ~ I :f.8-:;:;:;..81::-::=:tlo::;-:;-:;:..W=U;::.::W~--I·---------- Pl&IU\.ln( • Eatlmat .. REMODEL NOW ALL your noedl ln one o:ontr•~t . room a<kUUona, .,_,...,. _ • .,... •k>n.a, klt.ctMon .. bathroom ,.. mod-'.1111. lneom• u.ruu A1.L WORJl 00A.1U.1fTUl> 100"'-1'\n&nclfll" 20 T ••n Conotn.:U"'1 .,...... ""' KUOH C M4JlS'fl.AU. CO 8U1LDICM 1:111 So Ma.Jn, 8antl. An• Kl 1-Mll """ H. H. HOLBROOK JJeptadabl• l'tumbtn& A ........ Rapo.11' .. "10. M&l•tah;.d ~: e..rw..a. MOt BeJtio. tu.d .• N9WJ1Urt Bcb. i>Al> WAREHOUSE STORAGE Pb. Hor lllU -LI 1-Mt'T -· "FIX-IT" M..en.ftle&.I aad l:l«tl'lcal --A.LL woaa ou~. Ha.rltor .... ., .... Com~~~ Lewn C•r• All .... _., AU!KJ 'nU.ml R.A.Ut.tNO nu:& --S:OW'S 4 A.UUfU U MD2. LI f...IN:l .. rn•· ••• U..OID DtA.K0HD llIJl'Q, o ..... lecliftOe .... A»o J OUDoeO ..... -...... U"f-1 &.. .. ,. ........ ~ IOet2 ..-oTO'I ....,, -tt ,...., It« M6. U,..,. 9d u..tr. "-bt9-. '°'°" ~­ tlioa •a. l ()lnmb.I ,,_ 10 ..... 1 Pt..-. .-.-.. .., f'rpW ,_, l1L ~ ...... _.... .... .......i. .. ~ •1L ~ l.&* Jtlf ll • rM t.op, cari-a.co. I .atahlaf: 'I.UC dliOl.n tll -Hyatt '"*'°· ... LA Wtf .ti OAJ\D&N WOllK lll I ~=c,--,-::-;:-,:::;;;;;::;~--;;u.:; OMt. v-or-. U 1-TtQ.. lmt.L A.T uaunca. Olotof' 10e lit--. .......... rw1rtS-. WMll. ,,..a., I ....... .C.. ,.._.. WOULD UXJ: cvt ol .... lJ port. dl&lr, .......... 10 to 4. &.lllbWot«l' \047 Ill. m, ._..., Oet.. 11, 11, d'T .......... M~ -prtTOW ....._ ltll:.0-l C.D.Jl. IOpll ~ ud fOOd. LI 1-T...._ 10et1 w. OOIU>UJ.L1' INVlTS YOU ----------1 TO .&.'1'1'9RP '11111 QIU.ND SEAMSTRESS Of'&HlHO Mm'WW 1IT or TRANBrlllR 6 8TORAGE 1--0-00--J-Q-...,~- 1Nt BUtiGr ~ eo.t.o .. -~ ()9"1 M AlEJW0 UC1 ........_.TIO,.. BounllL& telJ.m.. 17M> M•"""9. u.ota W-.._. ...... CH.U1L1111 DA Vl8 .l.NTIQUEI! A.NI> DlllOOll.l.TINO CllNl'lllll AT mt A'l'L.l.N!'JC MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Cotaolol M-.,. 1*11 •a•• Jwc *"'1tia el W..t· --M OJl'W f'arlL. -rar • ~ l.-.1 car . .,.. your k-.J diMJoU ,.,bo Will "'° ...... TOMOkH.OW to b&ci up what No ..i .. TOlM T t 0.Ck tao U.-S ran "' IM t laMLnf'd ~n to-.., ,.,,,.~ 'i::i ';;: t.~ CARPENTRY SEWING MACHINE RENTALS AND UP AmA fl'Oll ..... i"UN .l.ND l'il!UCll 177._A N.wport lll...Ooot.11 ._ u..- atto JS ! !#s .. flB&• PAINTINl9 · mrawa--.uAO MAanr9 PA.il'i lneG Llf.mlraD -ncamtm AND PAINTING H.,. 1284-W WEATHERSTRIPPING SCllEENS • A WN1NG8 ,..,... aiu..t .. THE A Wlf!NG VAN -Paper Hanging I PAINTIN6 OIWUt.M wiWlt ~ Jodi W ....... -LI ...-1 -Gfonn Johnston ............. _. .... B&ttlGr 11ft 9th\----------- PAINTING PAPERHANGING Svm1>son & Noller lf.t i:q..r,_. Wo'11m• BM. 1'°6 or Ul'I EXPERT REMODEUN6 • ....,... • ftdf,119 .c. ....... !AuYn~ . ,,_.. e O.!Wr&I eorpent« WClttl I ltEASON IJ3LE u~ Kar. MM·W •L£X •l:Wl.Uf , ... ,.. Roy's Melntenanc1 Complete Profeulenal J-lou1ecf11nln9 ,,_......, .... _, ~a-.... U.,..._,. CIMn!nt .-o.w-i..aa••--- llEASONAILE Phone liberty 1-1112 ... PAINTING ., ............... ,.... ........ I-.,...,.. """' OANlAK .i.""-t wa.att par1 U111• __.., &itM 1 p 1111. Ott~ Ill.Of'•. tactM"J oor ~ worll. Kor I TIO -'l« J p "'-TlpfO .l. VK., LONG BLl.CH ..... WATCH REPAIR .l. IUW -Adiled. .,, • ..m ciaD • ,.. ..... .. ,.....,_ ... .................. a••P">R 1AOI ,..., ...... tT1I .. °"4t. ow-.. .... ... Custcrn lft-fi "'""""-rs.-t1.e,..~ K01-btl' .......... IS tell" holM ....... ....... oc.a-.... ..U.tlio fldll' ,....,. at _,... I Pl]dt ··bdit ., r.tltJl.r ....... HARBOR Hl·fl SHAUTA'S .. , ·aaso..·ms. LJ 1-1'11 Barbor 4.821 . -WATCH l CLOCK repetrtn9 .u...........,. .... mTDUTa. NllW-ro-M.-J'SW11L1:U lnt •..,,aft .... c.cax-u ..... u SAVE UP TO 701. I~ • .._ td'lt ...._ .-., --,., ., = ... .......... ..., . ...................... ,_ .... att ... lUMOLD UIPORTEll 0.-............ tlaN Mt. l ... .... JISSEE'S 1W L MUil JCJ l-a.u IUUA.U ALL .._... 11.UD(OND OJ\. . BUICK SUPER RIVIERA ---···-·········=$1845 6 Door, lladlo. Bats, DynaOow 2-TolM~ uctmu. FORD RANCti WASON ~--·············$1795 Rad.k>, Beater, ~tie, Power St.erlnJ, ' 2-Toae Gt.- BUICK SPECIAL 4.DOOR -· . RadJo, Ratel', Dyn.atlow, WSW, $1795 2-'hae White and Blue ' Cl.Ufl ....... Mnl Try tM B-•• lplMt la pur ~ wm. 1 fw. ,_..., on1y na. '60 ON DISPLAY Trade your ol4 ,cu.. RADIO rNITAU.CO Antennu n ti llM up MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM ~SY 6MAC TERMS 1957 • p AN illER.ICAN PAR.AMOUNT BOLES-AERO D:N~J. M &O ft. P&D AIL .... __,,._ STANSBURY BUICK • !16 11 ft. IClt., Tw ..... _:_ - 111 11 ft. ~ ...... IC· - YOUR BUICK DEALER 23• Eut 17th et.net. e:i.ta w... -u a.-9611 'M '1 ft. PNlJ's. ---llitl 'W n ft. K«WdlJ. ~ _ ~ 1 .6' .. ft.,...~_ .... ·51 IO ft. ICU .. '9.t:Ja --HM 00 II ft. Pu Al!Wr1ea -t• C. McCARTHY B I G H A R V ES T S A L-E 'Sb CADILLAC HARDTOPS •• low •• $4395 '55 CADILLAC HARDTOPS as low •• $3795 '53 CADILLAC 62 4-Dr. or Cpe. . . . $1995 Pow-er 8t.esrinl. etc. SEVERAL IUICKS, OLDS, FORDS, CHEVS., MERCS, Ete-. Extn. nice. loW billeap cian. Po1t'et' •t.eutna. automfUc d.rUea, ate. I -'56, '65 end 5-f FORD V-8 RANCH WAGONS I COUNlRY SEDANS it.al low m.lJ.eac'I bf..autie9 plua loM!JI of equlp- ~t. ALSO SO EXCELLENT LOW PRICED MODELS '4911 THRU 163'1 • TERMS TO SUIT EVERYONE 6MC $3'5 $795 $195 $195 • PORT ORAN6E • 1'RA.n&R fUl.nl and stTRLIDI noo w . 011Ut mp .. , ?<f.wport ._. LI *"'" OPSN t a.m..f f.Jft. .._, '1q 1'61 PAN .AXlllUCAH Wii9 IMlm4 ae· 4Waa. ua ... IMrtAoe "' ..... ll80I. ~ ~An.. ... Pr•? n..-. IMllT. '911181 1"11 01Cl'f'D8AL Tr'llDll' -• ft.. t Wnu. '9l.a e. • ~.wm..-........, t.o. wt.Ill WW 6 ...... lw 1117 ......, " p,eoe. ... Ma ~ .an. t:le , .... ~ ...... ,........ ...... ,~-. COMt •"7· Mew........ neo ,ONLY HARBOR Trailer Supply 2187 BartlGI' .BlT4. c-.~- . . BAMAINI LI.DJ ~ KOOL-SEAL For trall« roab r .u.L 8P'?DCULI : 1 pllan cu ---·· l'4plar..... .. 2 pDon kit •.• ~·11• .. 3 plloe ldt __ _. .. ~ft.IM Join OW' praat alaarinC .toll and pt .. 1956 END OF YEAR 1 CLEARANCE SALEll I 1 1~ AUSTIN HEALEY 1964 VOLKSWAGEN TRIPLE CHECKED Additional IOY. Off Don't be Kiiied' Git -USED TRUCKS RIGHT .WOaDI . - 'W O)CC .. T. P. o. rot 1owM priolm ALW.4U 'D6 o•o ~ T. VI t>u&M 'N ~. "' T. P.u 2 16 7 He~r llvd.:..· ACM!: T. V. il& ntrt I t. SEDAN Ila NeK li66 MG KAGNJC'I'TE LOVllL 1' MINSHALL Jmectron!G 1956 FORD ANGLIA Orpn. Uk• 11-Wta.00 Ub-ig~l MOM18 ._DR. SEO. eral trMM, oon....-t t..nn• &t 1na<» ·u ,onnTa .,..A WON SR.lrB'I (llnce 1J0'71 -• .ruw.a "~ • / • 42140 K . lt)-camaR. a&ala A n.I KI ....,.n Sport Car Center Oraa ... Oount1'1 Orpn Bqt.r1 RAU.KJn'lt • WAT901f Knowlton !:leet:roCl1cll ltH llAJUIOI\ 9LVD. Coll1.& M-LI 1-1 tH TV REPAIR ,. I·-TBOl'IDllRBDU> l'Wdoma- UCI 1\ • R. T-Glu9 ALL , aA.J"llTT wsw. WDtJS w. ·c POW'llll ft'RKO. Sl'C ....... PH. U l-1"1 ~ .l:to p.m. ... KTDU-IUTIC Tll..Uil ea.ta K- Oii ..-... truoar. w. Whoa-JI ud RMal. 'DI a-.. C.0.IL rr • . 'M OMC ~ T. PaMI 'l'RAlLllft •.ACll 15'81 ... ''1 OMC \ii T. P.U. Prl,,... l.oa.t • ....... ~ ''T J:M'TL IT. I 8p. tNll& ~ ...... ..... ·u ~ •JW'-1 Dr. au•uJfD PAD. 1 ... 'N JWd VI .. T. P.U. .......... o.ta M-. I Mi. ·5a ~ ~ 'I'. fl.u. .,.. ., ... ,.., -... .. 'N GMC 1L T. Duai. -__ ..-- • ....... ,.. ....... -· -... µ. ._.... nlWM trudl LI~ .... ...... Orsap Oa. ,_ ... ------~--­..-a. ., _. tr.Ja 0-.,_ ........... ,n.-.... .... .. Mt -______ _... ____ _.. ____ _ .... t. ' t .. L00Jt roR _)'IMS_.. '-ti ud bat. DUo ~ Md laamdromata -DI OO'J\ c .... ,,... ..... °' sQOd ~- RENTAi: SPECIALISTS C.\.U. JIDi.A CB.A.(Q DORJS BRAY, Realtor JU MariM. ll&lbo& 1al&Dd a... .• "' .. ON BA I WM ISLA.ND u:ll U8 Cur ~tJ &Dd ··-'~la& ' NELDA GIBSON,8-JW aoe M&nn. A..... earw aoi 8.ALBOA IJSLAHD PENINSUl..A.. MICE A.RU UDJ~ apt& wttJa ...,... 1 B. R. -PO 6 I a. L -SUO Pb. &a.r. UM -&... aar. laoit tt ~ hra.. ..... bednm. ~ u..m. Mal. dlap... bWd. noan. IDek>eed &bower. '100 tW June 16th. .A..1-o l bedlra. t\1m. apt.. Uaer- mo !Mal, dWp .. ecJmlld ahow- er. Ml -. UA JUM Ulb. H&r. •TM. 'fldlO • T!aACT'Ift t beltna. duplex, • lal\I,.__ prtnt• ~tao, d»- poml. ... &. 10th 8t.. Co.ta K-. 7~ 4 v An.. ... W1btw. • '-drm. .. J ...... Ude w. Um•, 1113 pg month. Al.lo a-...11. rum. 1 1IWr1n. llPla. Ito per mont b tftlllqd. WU!. LIJ)() R&A.L TT. ,.... ...., ll02I. a JilWltOOM. 1 ~ 11auw. 190 me. QUI Ll M7'1. l!Oclll WINTJCft RENT AL Dupi.a. VU'J mod.ru 6 eltllUI. tum. 2 bedrm. Oci-.A tr'Gnl a.ut. et;Jl!lp. f\lnL. ,_ t ~ yra.. old. ~. dean i-dl. Bar mt M 80cA2 ~~~~~~~~~-DU'f't..ICX UNFU'l\N.; l·BR nr. P'an. ~ & D d traiwp A~ DO J*a; MO. IM Parlt Dr. CM. Ll ~. 80p OOROMA om. MA.ft. Dlla.u , a.era. ~ e.pt. ~ti ,aUo, ~ block to oc.-,,..,t. S160 mo. YJ'9. 1...-Or ,..nt SU& mo, llllW Jun. 1. A4ulta ee!1· o-aw ear. n , r.u. Ha.r. Dl1. 7'tf0 ~ J'ftONT .Aftlaable: l ....... 1 double 11pL Oam~ tulel-'*1 !)&QJ maid ...net. A'*> room wttll prt.at. MUI. J1CN W.t OO-ftatt.N~~ Bar'-1117. lltfc TIIARL'I' u:.+u:a0at m Manne ........... 1*1111.,l ... ..,.._ &Dd 1 Ol apt. fVL utll. ~mil '60 to"°'* -tlL A t'&J1. .,.,. c::aii .,enw Pr..-r .,-. lilu. >Ul or I~ at wu.1n1. Uttc IQCXLT' ...... & rm.. 1 bedrm. .. ~ bllL to Coata )(-llusl· ..-diltrid· Ackdt8. No ,.u LI M'N1 aft• I pm. or .._ .... ' ..... • Ttcl1 O(M()JfA om. MAil l ~ ,...._ ..,C... AO tftdud. UUI 1 11tudlo apl., 186 turn .. bH'lod. vtlt llaT. ,.._, 19Uc t NC1l"lllL A.PTS. 8 l a S 1 e • 6 ~. Children • pet. .... ~ rum. • util pd. .. to ST6 ,_ mo. a 111 8&1bolt BlYd. B&Jbo&. npeO ON BAY FRONT APTS. BAMll!l.oft. f\ln,. '10411 per ..... llX(ZI.l.8ft7 • bedrma. tum.. tln_plaoe. ~ ..,... ud&, • vt... ... .,... -Us. liar ll06. fldt NEW I IMdrm. dupla apt.a. Quiet ~\. no ~t.rd wortl. watu pd. A....U. now. J1'7 Bl!atrlce 1n. Inqulre m -iot.ti 8t., C.M '71c83 BAl...BOA. L&rsa. 1'0012\J, I IMdrm.., I bath apt. thi"I ,...,. )ti t.chee. tum. ... aDl1J\I ctt.t.aJaCll to ~ N .. r bay. •too rno. aoc. utwtka. T11&r a.round will "'.... ..... Call tot appL Har 1109 a.fttt JO &m. Tlc80 ---------BA y Jl"RI >NT. rum J b..itm. a pt. 171'> lnO 7Mrly lflC. utll- 1 ti H W "tlllnS WVITlll.ll pi. t11rl"t'<i I .I 1-1202. 79<-lll WINTER RA TES ~t.L l'TTI .. PAlP . .-Urn. bar.h• 1or apt UIS manth AllO • "" turn.. • pL J!\O mo 102 Ea.t <>c.&n Ymt1l. 7kflb BAL.ROA r"LAND F'lJm 2 b<'lrm •rt . .-~rate o..,...ire 1-Wint er ..-tat le Ad111ta 200 Olamond C"..&n be •""" 1'Ullda y 7tf'80 --------UNYl'R!'l T•rlJ ... J)4!r mo l.tcht ~ atry 2 bedr'm apt. Jr:ntlr<oly Mpa.f&le Wiit Aut11 S.nl\111 wuholr, ai..o p.rap J~ W Dal~ H~ ~lU 8')t-~2 n.mN .-tr& c.Wa11 S rm •rt ICl«l. rttf"-f'&Ae.11'}' hMt '46 inonUI tn JUM J~ 11tll p&i<i. Har Jt:-,JJ. 301 Jt. Bay An . BalbO&-I AAc&2 MODERN BACHELOR APT. ~ blk from bey. 1 bill from N~·- port ·~· A•&ilahl@ 8 monthe P6 mo H&I' 81~ 221 200I St., N9Wpe>l'l ~.h. IOp&1 CORON A DCL Joi.Alt. Bptr: • ~n. 1 Bl\. turnlabed apt. n11 11.it('h. • batA Vflf'Y nlOI turn.I· tu". N..,-..,.._ 6 t.n.n.po,.. taUOf\. ()a.If 188;p.r rao. on yn. leue. VOOCL CO.. 2"1 IC. Ca&.. Hwy. HA: 11'1. ~2 tTclab OCEAN FRONT n.TRN. D<IC. trrlt.ITIJ:ll AND OAJ\AOE. UNTIL JUNE lOTH •Ta MO. C.U.. ff.AR. MIS. BETWEEN I ANO 10 p M . 7kAO J'OR R.J:NT -WhU• th1y lut.. m pv mo. Cblldren waloom•. N .. I bdrm. honie1 .._cty tor oorupancy. Fancfod yard, ,,_,,. ed 1tnet... dtWN to llC.hoola 110.... a.nd ''"'""''•}'9. XIDW A Y HOM P.:S 81111 Bolaa Ava MiflWAY rrTY 19c-"2 NEW J bdrm~ JllN'lly rum ho-;_., ~ ~I furna,.. .. i,e.t l btll to ooe&n, quiet •t,...t ' 4~ Riv"' An Har b0t\4.\\' lllOt !c' CORONA. Dltf, MA ft t"'·n l ho1rm h-,.'1th rlr•pl•,...,. and ir.,._..•. On• r11mt.•hf"i 1.J 11·4111; ~11<'112 I BM.ALL houee.. t rrl"h"<t, I wo bed.MT!•, on. 'Ir twn nh1Pr 11!U.ltJI. No p.t• Cn,..-,na ~ .. 1 Mu. Har. iA99·M "l)t' ------ A.tnrtlatnf la NlCWfl' N"EW" &bout l.c>dAT' bellt bu)l'a' For I food NICWB • . • Buy &l\d .. u I In our C'lantfl"'1 J'"ll'•· NEWPORT ~GHTS P'r1vat• room. full u~ balh. prhatf' ttn· tranc. •Ill Santa Ana Avf' 80dl2 CLICAJ'f l B4room "'"'-A.pt. on Bu.I llM. UUlU.iill pa.id. .Adulta 61-Stonia & Ofne. ooly. tl&4 Newport 8t"'1. ----------- C.ll. IOc&J COROJfA Da. MAR. AtlnctJ.., rum. 1tucUo apt. tor l , PO mo .tnetu4. utl1 240 Hello- ~ Ru. MfO.-" an ... a « ...a....._ tOt-a BllAl'f'D IWW epl ~Wl•ly tum. uUI pd. ,_,.,.. 6 TV 1 cblld 1~M l3f)'T 8-a~ [)T1w. N~ 8-C'h. Hu ISA7. ~OrA2 • Ground Floor e OP"Jl'1CE8 OR STORES l'or l.Ale.M ta - ~-~-~--~~ ro1' Jllmc'i': anian lltOA ar of· nc. ~ $13. per month 0 . l'f. W-1111 -1&10 Nnrpt>rt Bl°f'd-, ee.ta .. ..._ l.J J-T72t llOclt es& a h111 °'I 'h!!'! ! lde•I ~etion For ••mlmal A1U> • SNACK SHOP DNva.m L1QUOlt l'IORm " -~ $1QP .. . N.at to lboppDa ...-. l..,..i Int ... 117 &Dd ~ For .,,,...bGat. oa.o ·Obarla9 a ~. ~. oa,.: Ba.r. 1811 -s.-. u M'Ttl. VI'S PA~RY 6 . H. LATHROP. RJtr Kaltflllil LMtllf aow -.. Clout JIW7, ODrom. dial Kar Ba.r NU ..,.., Ba.r MIO 18dl B/B Fresh As A Daisy. Alm 01'1LY U.000 -.. wU1 bu)' t.bia &Jll bs I W... f- -,r. okt i.-. ~ ,... JNWltad ... ~ ..... aacl out. Bow.I. no..., wall t. wall c:pt&., ~ psfl9-.... ,_., beaUIStUJJ7 .... eca119d Jard wt~ ,..., wd lanai Mid JMS• -a Ude tbe top bu)' &a eo-.. w.a. l'ULL PRJCJI ,_., fll,'5CIO wt~ ,,. O.L Loa.IL 12 UNITS ooaoNA. Dl:L )(AJl l'unWlbwd -... wtilL OCMJt ... 'bay .WW. bnel'e-t nnl· ala. WU1 -.bow 10"' Nt l"lltUnL '1'.600. Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc. R&ALTORJI 1171 H.artlor Blvd, o-tA )(~ O.y or nlpt phone L1 a-nu Bey & Buch RJtY., Inc. J\&A.L'l'O&a Caro.& dial Kar l5IO .. Olt. ..,. .. llA - HOMES MAX W. POPE BUILDER-REALTOR WILLIS B. JONES, RetJtor-AmocJ&t.e 81Cll 808 ~ ' ~ !.U:.,00A~VDU.. 4 UNIT INCOME MESA -HARBOR VALUES M•Dlben N--s-t Hanor Boa.rd ot "-ltora )!fl&ltlpie u..tlns Rip. PUllUl:R MORTUAO. 00. lP' TOU WANT Cbolce Property Metro Ute Ina.. l'lmda IQ 1-6116 with a two beclJ'oom unit ,0 ; i.; ACR.11 WITH I BOR. Ji"txer upper ln 8 .A. Het(bll. 8ton ... barn.I, lbed.I. corral. 0 n l y $.211()(1 Dft. 1908 HArbor BIY4. Co.ta W... U 1-UU .Stto yourMlt plua I rmt.&la and ~ -----------C4ted OA!7 1 block to I.he BAYSHORES . rIRBT TRUST DEED K ONET a vailable on S.J Share i-.. bold all\atM e.,... Oa1l Joi. At>.11. HARBOR JNVE~'T CO. Hu. 1800, n• LI l-63M 7kU I 1t and 2nd T.D. loans Truat Deed.I Bou1ht ~ Sold 24-h<>ur pbon1 -.rvtc• Herbor 1549 0 NL Y HARBOR Trailer Supply :!167 Harbor Blvd . Cot1ta Mesa, hu 80Uc LOANS ON HOMES IJ(>:-; T. Hl •tmLF.-.'ITON U~l Par ttc b&y OT' oc-.a, pi.... let me ahoW' 70u tlll• attraelh'e plKe on a l.ot a.rad ball, Pnc.d at SM.&00 Own..,-wUI eaeslder bouM tn tz~. T.nn. 10 qualifted buyer. ror tu1.I do- t.&Jla ""' G.ora• •tawwrt.. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W, b&Jboa lllYd. Har 11&8 IOcl2 $950 DOWN :-0f'W 3 bedroaf1'l -1 "-b&tJl -J t'.&r f&l"lll[I -C!e»e to id\l)p- p1n1 Centtr -Payment.I Ilk• r1nl. FuU prtce. 110,700 21/2 ACRES DUPLEX -CSOM ln E. tilde i6000 On. Extra nle». WW CONllder ~ on $10·1%.000 Home la f\illarton or .Ana· b"lm. I BDR. HOM.ll E. lllD!ll. •near town. Hwd. ui. Bat.h. • lit~. Owne1' tran.t. Mu..t atll UIOO Dn.. TRIPLEX LOTa -~ kx:•· Uoae. 13llOO with UNO Of\. CHOICE B.ALBOA BLVD, Dt1· PLl:X. Exe. Inoocne. Will eon· lllCS.r 30 1L C'TUlwr oa trade. Mesa Harbor Realty • A l'480CI.ATL.a opp<l9lte u. ... Baak r. <' ~our -~tor Can be N'&Onf'd lo M·I LA ~·a ~(Iii <'•nt•r 81. 1.1 A·&Sill vary· nl<'aly. Htrt 1 a rul In r,...ta Ml"aa '1eatminit Thi• prn,,.rry l F.:ve LJ II 3'7&~ LI 8 ·~H3 •hCNLd doubl1 In ntuft. Prlr•d HA 11191-W •' P 000 an arr• I i PH IL s u LL v AN ' The Best Ocean I~ N•-... port Bh·d. CbAla M.-11 and 1\111 ''ll'w• on• rould ult. tor Phone Llhl"rtv 11-«i&l I !k>lldlv bullt hom• for th• Why Pay Rent? HERE'S -of lboM opportunl· u. t.laa.t a.re ,.n7 Cllcafl(torw I and mtpt7 bard to ftad. O'Wn• v mo?tq ud bu Juat blbd llJe I Mdmt p!IUI dee CN' t bednn taame. WIUda la on}J t m ontb.8 oi4'. for Iii» ( MJaw ('11)91 prtoe J of J12,350, be b.u to Mil t.b.11 -a a.od ha.I &Ula«• I.Md ~ to take • t 000 down aA4 tenn1 nf Pl a '"""th. WHT WAIT'! 8" It nmr. Ell dUlll,,.. wtt.h Frank James, Rltr. %7& E. 17lh ~t. C-ta M- U" nu 1Juat !tut nt Thrttty Dru111 Call »'rtt. U M81T EXCHANGE 2 \'ac&Jlt Lota CD M PIUI Cub f<W EV1t, Lt 1·2111~ lllrR'" 0 farnll'I' II i-lt<"•nu :-.1 I bo><lrt>Om• 1u1• ru1•r• •nd 111 J or a Bedroom Hom• BA YFRONT! LOWEST BUT NOT LEAST C.DW.. JHlllO. l>t u• •how thl• hom• to 1 I you. (21 2 nT I ~ Homa I W• have • J 'b<trm Mrn• nn an Hr.Tbor Are. R·2 lot w~,.. an apoart..m.nl , may~ bullt <nn th• 1t,..,._, f31 Vat'anl R·:S, R·4, M 1 J>rop- J'&r&C•· .,,.ty. ror U11" woman ""'"' llkt-• to Cb .. tn 8alla!il&r7 -1'.e&llor knll We hive • 11p~ndld ehop U& lUriM A••. for nl•. Ban.oa 1dand R&.rtlinl' M"Jl Fitzmorris Rltv Co. 70cQ I Iota Wt la _,-VWw llllta&9 ..--.... ...!..~~ ()lltft .... UJ)() • "' ~ IO' lot., --~not-...& f'UOO .......,.. I lu. 90dlr9 -J.otr ......... OOI. Claire Van Horn a&AL'l'Oft 1111 W. o.u& llWJ. LI I-UTT ca.a ...-. LI ._... HA. 16.lW Coro~a del Mar 509 DeANZA a llWDllOOMa. I 1llllll. and a ..,.... ~ ,..., ftia ~ -. ..-. -..... a..-ta. <>wa- • wUl ..u '"' -a .... .. ~t or W11l 1-1r1UI op- Uoe le ~. Haa & fl0.000 .._ ,.,.._ au.a .,., mciath a.dudtntr ."' 111\.-t. Duncan Hardesty lt&A.LTOR •• t th• Br1~• to Udo i.1 .. l..a.ta7etw al Dad SL, Har •711 BALBOA ISLAND VOTE YES! Pw UU cM.ralac I Mr1B ~; s.s-1 locatlioD Jllllt a bop. Gip and JUmp ,,_ Bay. OWNER WA.NTI ACT10N' H1Pre'1 7011r c:bance to dllal ~ ._~-~--­ HURRY! NELDA GIBSON, Realtor IOI Ka.rtne Aft.. ~ &M B.ALBOJt.. m..um BAYSHORES 'tll!:RE lB a l"Mll1 i...11 home Ln Ula Har~ A,...·e popular aa,...aor-ni1.1 ..._. h.u t wn 'us• bedroonwi. tW'O ti.Ula, f\SalltlC ~ pt.Uo, ,dlaUl,f rQOl9 • all U.. •tru that 8\&ll• a bome. 111• la· tlri(>f la bnuWully and unlqutoly dA<"'ral.cf to stv1 thl.a horn• U1 &l.mOSpt..fl ol IUW'J A comfort. Prtc.S •t th• k>w price of only Pt.JOO W1UI 12oe0imt tcnna. ~:. Duncan Harde~· R.E.A.LTM ' -At U.. ~Lo U0. Ial••. l.Ala,..tte at l2nd Bl. IW fnl BT OWNICR. I ~ ~·;_ -...~lottn..a.'t~ Mm. .,..._ lA'I" ltYtllal '9Clla with tplace.. HWD t1em1. pr-........ ,...... ... ,.,.c. tnvf'•t menl ••II eK:ured !ly Rt1AI •:.state We have th• lowH't pri<'e<l b&ytront home and lncome on S.lboa lalalld and It le \'CRY A. TTRACTIVJI:. r1- ~&ll tor apJ'Olntm,.nt Fl#allnr lf\9\1nn<'• . d'u.tn- 313:1 IC. Cout Hla'hway Corona del Mar QM. .....,.... Mllllll 'n.t& al NEWPORT HEIGHTS hlrwq Dr .. ~ w-i. = lip to 12% Y~ld Hart.or 8\23 ~oyal Mortgage Co. ATTN. CONTRACTORS U1t your n~ a ~ In~ ~ 'IO'lt.h 11•. W• havtt buvf'r• waltlnr. A1k for Mr Ad~IT\JI. MORTCJAfllt LOAN DEPT. VOGEL c;o 3201 W c·nourt Hwy. l.1 11·34111 711ltc BY OWNICR. t MW 2 bedrm. unit.a, 110.000. Oaab ctown. - 1-5700 J'M~ly l9com• All MW •1" C",oaita Me.a. LI a-711\t Tl'>Uc Marinen Isle RltY.. Slll M&rlrw> A.,,. , &Ibo& Ia and Harbor •Tiil BALBOA ISLAND THE CUTEST PLAY- HOUSE AND INCOME TOO! . A.. C. Pl::t'l I I Ii. "'-1tt'f' 2121 Rarbor Bl....S~ L1 a.«\12 OrP 8tahr01 MrllL U l-&417 Hart»or n:i2 REAL VALUES I Br. 2 y-r old stucco lnt•nor plutrr A.T. noora •PP noo 911. fHI, carport.. Muat ~ .old. 11~ 4n. 2 I~ Wmu. ~ bllln ... __________ ......... J l~ yn. old. LI f. rm. M9 btP ~ OldL. ~ llbatt.sa. KJtdMll baa Md!tAD w. Holly IJ(O'ft, -y ~ a.... nn.. 1r •ii' amdeck. •ta.ooe 0wnn-U4 caltLU:Da nn-. tOpU UPPER BACK IA Y ~ ACRE V1EW LOT 8/8 ..... ... HARVEST TIME-' · ·- RUSTIC! • .._.. roon . ........, ..... ............. • ,I llR •Dal • e ~lb, ... , ·~ ...... . • ..,. ii-...t • ,,...._. 2 Jiii • a.--.. -.-....i • a.,.11111 -...-. Only $11,IOO .. •! •• \' - •• • .. . ...... . . '" ' 520 De .bl& 2 bedrooma, 11,2 be.the, 1&rp Jot. permanent and ·..,-•aobttnaetAd 'riaw. rdy TailLMlbed. OPl:H ' SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. , .... ,. ... CLIFF HAVEN ~ J •• 3 IJOrm. &ltnetlwe lwmw, 1 bOU91 ott Clltt Drive .... Ni~ly landp.ped. Ext.rat: Tile klt.cben, prb. ~ •• dlsp .. wired for 220. bunt-in deU 6 bookahel•eti. •••. drape.a. F. P. $US.TSO. ll'luible term&. ... ... W. E. FISHER & ASsociates 3024 Cout Hwy .. Corona d~l Wu Harbor~ • •. Ev• Harbor 2'20-W . RETIRE WITH INCOME 1n heart ot beautiful Corona del Mar. 3 illcome .• anJta; 2 are oiet"ly furn., 2 .-tloe. Cloee to aboppln11~ blkl. from OCHn. '32.7~ ... STANLEY -A. SMITH, Realtor -.. 2M7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del M.ar Hu. 882 BALBOA BA TJ'RONT DUPLEX. plr-r and float. Private ·Mch~. ON PJ:NINBULA cute 2 bedrm. turnlahed. 2 car . prw.p. fmced $2:W>O down. _:DUPLEX 2 b.iroom.1 each. Ooee ln. $25()() dn. COAST PROPERTIES RUTii J A YRED, Realtor .. t!c Exduaiv• Beecon Bey Twq Qut•ndlac Valw A Tl"IUanvll I ~ home wit.la ._. 4 twwl. .,.. ~,..,...~ ~ ..... delJP*ll ... do. ni.. plaoe. 1~ w-. ~ Ooor'I. PLUI .U knotty plJ\e apu1mmt OllW tM \rtple ~ ap..,.... tuna'O 1 SU,000. llt,ON doW1l. roPl Ji. l>IllCIUMINATING t&m· Uy, a bMUutW 6 Wrm., I b&t.11 bonl9. ,.... wall to patso, buUWA ........ Ud tw9", tlaa'· lltorl• nrep&aee. 1Dcll'ridua1 ...... t.on. Ill Mdrw M.S.m In ••fl7 ......,.atl ""'111Ued -PUtO. JCACB doM to print. ea11dy beM.111 wtua __.. t• 1111&U ~ aad ... fl( tam. OOW"t. ~wtah. Marinen .tale Rlty. Sll KutDe •w.. a.1lliO& lal&nd ~ •Tal Tk.80 NlCICl!IT lilolM ta tM bloelr I ~ I0&.1J ft. ltriftS ~ -· ..,,.ti. • n. ., cwt.oo 4r..-. iarse _,.... • (latq ..,_, IO "7 I tt...t porch. Ma 11 rt. pMio. IOd& ft. ,..,...... Cotll~7 ~ ti'U.m. 11"800 -'6.ll'O 41l. OWNltR I Jllt Oarltm.ital ..... c. M.. Ll 1-41'1. 7ScA6 Mildred RJgw Uld Sylvia Tb<>mpmon, A.uociate9 801 E.. Balboa Bl•d., B&lboa Har. 2'&M or~ CHOICW tum. b1pla .tlll pr1· l!c ••t. b&.r beacA, pier • allp NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bdrm, tile kitchtn &nd be.th, compJ~tely tmoed.. Guap with worluhop. Thim hoUM ln · ·....,, condition and a low price ot $10,~. BALBOA INCOME e Wl.lta n-.r oettn la bay. Only ~ yn. old &.Dd lll A-1 ocindit:ioc. Live ln lovely owner'• apL a.od Daft !nCOU>t of onr ~.000. ~-Pr' by,n.ntq all e. tncome uettde ~.!'JOO. Full prioe corn• pi.tely tuna.. ~000. • p.,tn-ula Ocean Front .O' lot HARBOR '4971 VOGEL CO. UDO OFFICE 3416 Via Udo ----------------- SOMEBODY GOOFED '!'bey built ju.t 1 bedroom, lht' lt.ll<'hf'n bu ba~­ ly mOUlh room to irwin. & cat t.nd lh~re·a a lin· slit ,..,.... BUT -lt 18 u .... b&e. It IS on a '° fL ·. ,M klil. eloM to abopptnr a.nd ~n LS Jot.a of • J'OCllD for &DOth~r hOOM and ~· Th~y DfD a« the prtct rlcbt -$10.8:50 Y.ith only $3 ~· • dOW1l. Yoo SHOULD hurry. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor · -.r.z E. Cout Hwy .. Corona d~l Mar Har 2774 I -----I N~wport Heights I Newport Heights 1 IClGA. L.UUJZ s ti.drm~ mou 1 Special $15,000 t:J:iaa 1l90 "' ~ et 1.-tnc'. l& al\ldtnS a tull &ft-room. Modwn 1 bed.room.. tomcT loL ~ p&UmU ~ltd1m w1UI qukt etniat. oc:can '1-rrom .,...,,,._ .,._, 1, baU!oa. floont yarct llCCCLUaIVE. - tAdl ~ room, ftr•plau TWUM -.ii be~ 9"111 .. tolatar. I ..,....., pa.ISO. ~ow o.n. T e11.t00 .an TERM• Ralph P. Maskey .... Another REALTOR rvr/O lledrOOlll W'ltll ~ I •f'Jlt 1411 N...-port lllYd. ;.o. ... ~ -~ o-nr ~blot ~ Ill ,._. a,_ of N"'· ~ .......... ~ TI.-trOftl ... "'°"'. llt.IOlt TICRIQ C-1 ACREAGE I COllDOCRClA.L ·-· ad· Ja&a1q ... ~ ccit• "' AM...., .,., niacty for ART ADAIR, Rltr. :'~L ean • tor cs .. , .. Jii8WP<llft' aLVD DA• A .1.AOOBS&N. "-1-.Ut• OM(& x.. llartlor Mil LJ t4Tll 11ft9 Ll ,..._ U ~1 -IC S.-11.11 • Ll .._..17 , .. OPEN SUNDAY 1-6 2535 VISTA. IAYSHORES JUST $9,lOO RJRN. Duplex Bargain Near Udo 8boJ19 a.. .. 0.-. .... -.:r MEW -S ~ -* -ftU"' ..-0..---..... I·-!-0 ,, flo.t. t 11"1. Oki. "9,600, I NltW I ~rm, 1 '4 bath rram• boUM wttb lalMl .w.ll·ln ll.ltcll· I •n equlpinuit Ofl L&.tf• r-.twl'.>tld ten~ lot. i:a.t .Sd• Coata M-. l lt,IOO \lllf\lm. lDS:AL Summer borne on B&lboa P..rilMUI&-• b4drma~ I 'b&tha, n,..plac-. 111~ mci.o..d paU" • pla.r J'l"d m .ooo tvrll 8hown by appt. Louia W. Briqq1 , Rltr. 7U IC. Balboa ef..J, Balboa H&l1ler IO BUILDING LOTS I~ coeT .A MEIA. buJld tn.Mm• unJIJt now, r-l&U .,.. need~ nA?>f A JAC.."OB8BN, Real Y...cau H&.rMf 6'81 I.I l ·t TIH·Kl J·llli ·U 84':117 HEALTHFUL HEMET l~ ACRT.a or i.vel tllla bl• la1111 I acnoe of apn.-.ote. enm• -• nut•. family or'C'.h&r .1 J h4-'lrTT1 r..CwO<>t1 ranch haul•, tlrPplar• A d"n .-u ... t ""UH, larr• tu•m •w1mmtns pool. '"'::><1 ,. •II cnmpl•I• ln1fa Uon 1V1IPrT' tr•<"IOr All 11-811holl»loln" ~btlltl.a Yutna main Ulor oUlflfar-f!ud<lm d,.•lh ot ov-'J>•r put• Ulla Uf•llm• ranrh on th• market a l rar und•r Ile r-.J _,l.. f"'ull (Jr.I"• s,o,n""" Wllh about on•·f(>Urlh () V.1'11: R 'l! A 0 E'l'lT Sam Emmes l.J t-TIOO f\)dl -~ -, 84 T '1\0NT BU&L"'tESa LOT A llAAll pportur1Jt7 for ~­ n•l \n'f'Mllaenl ao.ated Ind lot _. o6 FWTJ 1A.ndln1 Oii 8&1 ... , 1....... ~l oJd« b&q. O(OjpMd .. Dr'.. otnci. .._..... -replaeed with rnM• Mft atAln bade• trllb &p{a Of oMNe ...,_ Cl -inc IJI thl• UM 19 "'"1 Hllltted. Hurry u UU1 i. a ... ISattnl' &nd qu It• ct.I~ at '22,llOO. !'k>mt t.nna. FRED J. CROSIER Jll:ALTOR • TNSllltOR Kl I-JIU lJ l-6004 Or -,..,ar MulUp&e 8.,.,k•r u.un. No.. 1181. HEART ATTACK ..,..... pOOO. do-"11 ""'9 sMd ' t .... --,au. • l ~ ,.... --u.t ..wd -n. .. .., ft\ti a 11'1 fl. W u..t .,.... '1 entta. l.ACl&Uoa ...., ~ ......... It. Ca.a Mow an,u-, MOTHER "DOING VERY NICB.. Y0 ADd dt.ildl8 too in w. 1-Dtihl a.Cc. ., bome ! The younpten haft their OWD pla)'• yud; their bedrooma haft ballt.-'ln la..atorita. c:upboarclll, dab, le ahelw. for toy9. ,,.. me, andy priftte beaeh ii jamt. a balt-b&oct away with moortq for a mnaI1 •Dboal HuMwork la a cinch In th.la modem, quality-built. • bed- room, 3 be.th home. 'l'hen•e a lllWl den 'for Dad and TerJ llW. yard work. 'l'tvo amny, aheltered pat.lol for outdoor livinr! Th1ll • a wonderful family home for )'9U' 'rpand Uvtng, with • pre9Up &ddreM ! Offered turnlahed. $39,9M. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Martu An. Ba.Ibo& laland Har f 781 WHAT A BUY! C-2 ON MAIN BLVD. N.-,ort ~ doM to Af'dl.o .... '9dra ..... i• ---)ldw tloal'9. ,..,... -.t. ..... n.n t!nplaoe _. pa.aw. M'Ud new u4 priced ta ..n. • U'f,IOO. TOW' tenue .-7 M wor'*1 out. 8Mlt ·..., ~ du ..... 1 Mdnn .... .,.. ~tA c...-.t ,.U09 ud .......... •toOO ...... r-oed UMt .... ... !tat aboWd cany ~- tJM:am• pl'OpWty r1sf\t doW9 towll. N.wly llWlt and ,.ya off u expected. I Wllta. • p • ,._,_, I J.aundry 1"00n\L .All t\lU and nry. NHOG&bllt Hilla. Inoom• U40 montb. Pl,000 balldl-. a r, ~ eloil to """"'' .. a.tmt: .. locatk!lt. 1 Wrm. taC111, toaW. .,,a .6. BAlUWN ·'1B,l500-~ ... ..... f r noUCULATS 2 ~ ......... IU" ..,. ata •II far apt. abaft. Bw4 ftoan. ftreplaee. Priced at $1...,_ OJ Jou. ~ v VU:W HOME. Inine '1'ern-. 2 WnD and -. tlallt lu ... u4 ..,.. ~ dJlp., oteh loca~ • ~ '1'414 • Out ~ town owner wt-. to ..a qwldd). Priced to $30,000, eupG and bapM tacl. SD 'nD8 HOKE TODAY. We lilaft ti. key. M IDIBER OJ' WULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUUft'lON, R.itDr Is 4-oelt.t. M47 E. Coast Hwy. Corona dill Mar Bar. 'T (Office locat.d nm door to Nwport Bublr-.U, Odll) NIN11 PLUI ac,..., M-Drtn, ,ell• 1'0Wnf ~ Ulat mak• ..,.., Jot • ...., kit. OalGllt;J .. ,..,.s ~ttft map ~ 11 bmD• •ta ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~---llbolaM--­.. your tnTWta•t. BM r. Swimming Pool 1eUe e1a&IM. ta.600 WUMI. ORANGE COAST PROPERT1ES Cliff Haven Good 2 Bdrm. HOUM and .Dbl. Garace -lot ~ tt. x HO tt. Real cloee into heart of town. ONLY -~ DOWN and the bllance lib N>nt. PRICED TO SELL DOW at • 1157 N.-port Bt'fd, Oolrla M .. Ll 1·1'32 m... LI 1·1'00 Open House ~.1'50 1NOUSTRIAL INCOME 4.800 Sq. Ft. -Blocll. Bldr. I Nearly New I Sound leue -R11ht iD th• center of town - Nru lO~ir now and hu a t.remt'ndou.e po~tial. GEO. EVERSON REALTY 1767-A Newport BJ'fd., Costa MN& LI S-~ 11 -Eve.. HA ~ Acroee Blvd. from S&teway Ma.rk~t "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C' THOMAS View Home of Distinction Jkauty and chann predominalf! 1n tht. beautllul VIEW homt onrlooktng the ent1~ Newport Har- hor. 2600 8Q. ft. ol elepnl Jiving •~. diatlncUvt detailing ..00 lnt~nor ~rating·-2 lge. bf-d. rooaur, 2 tiled be.t.hA, fuU dirunr room. Ja'e. den ,,,.,lh ftrf'pla~. lge. hvinr room with flrTpla~ and d~tailN! wood 1aan~llng .. Uving room, dt'n anti muter bt-dmom have unaurpaged \'IJ.:W of bay and ocean. llffp pil"' f'Xf~n111ve c•u1~ting lhroua:hout, aundry room, worll ahop tor the r~ t1rt'd or hnbbf11l and 1t11l &nether room !or vaned u~. IAvely grounda, r.omp~t,.ly (f'n('f'd A RARfo: FINI• at $4 9,500. ~hown by appointment "C" THOMAS. Realtor and ASROCIATES ::'.!• W. Cout H1~h-.y, Nf'wport Buch ' r·· TIWMA~ '1-· THOMAR "C" LI 8·~2i THOMAS OWNER ANXIOUS HrvJuc•1' I rl"" ~l(IOO 3 t.)('(froom, 2 hAlh 11hAk• roof. brnlt U\ nin(P. anrl oven , ...,,.ely f)atJO I >ou blt' 5t"&r1l gro On pa ,.M &llf'y On I y 1 yr oli! FuU pnc,. :'\()\\'ONLY S18.000 Call for appotnl m"nt to lltt' today. H not BOid befor1', wall hr OfK'n ~unday 1 to 4 31'1 3i8 Walnut. Colita MMlB "C" ED JONES, Realtor Ir A&qOCIATJo;s 1999 flarbor Blvd. LI 8·9301 OCEAN FRONT 1-:Xcell~nt location on the aidewalk We•t of Nf'W])Ort Pi~r,-Only • yra. old. 2 Bedroom, patio. tumace hHl, cove liooi.um, dlnin1 room. doubll' praire. ahln1le roof. A•klnr only S22,000. PAUL JONES REALTY 2001 W. BaJboa Blvd .• Ha.r 2313 or 5920 80c8.2 COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth INOOllE PROPERTY -OM fUll aCft 112 s aoo with a n!Dta.i. ubr. 2br 2br> • ptam a: j:,enmt fOI' 8 mon unit.a GD hoat ot. lot. Preemt tDacme S219. per m.ont.h. Price $22,MO. Bulin-bddhtl n,ht ln town -sood ~ with f'()O. monthly lncome. Pricie $40,000, with t.erma. 3 Br. Ii den, patio, ntn l&f'J\" prase with ~·l bath. Fenced ~er Jot wtlh nice 1hrube 4' tl"M9. $1~.MO. Ttrms. Lido Isle FOR SALE D BllDftOOM. I b&th wa.1. ... troo l bom•. Bia' doubM pter 6 allp I T0,000 with Good temw. WATERFRONT Dusflu, Com· pletely tumlahed 147,f)O(). \ BEDROOM. I bath, l 7ur I n-modern IUJlllr}' home I L&rc• aotlc patio. n1. •• truly a btiauty at only $45.000 Owner W1ll tradfl for 1mallf'r a Mdroom l.Jdo boua&. tsEAUTITUL S a-Jroom, 2 t>.th wtlh ~· •l•l • nr•plaC'4'. modf'm kllchf'n, C'&TJMI• 6 drapM. Pr1<'ft.1 tor quick u Je al onl1 '31.rioo nx rr t'P &nd mike IQmt monf)' ' '*lroorna, 1 ktba, beam !°eflln•• Tbl.t bOUM ha. a real rot .. nllal Pr1ced ortl)' I ?!'> &00. FOR LEASE \\"CJNl>f;RJo'l'l. 3 t,...lroum lu•· ury watttffY•nt !'>om• Gnm· plf't•IV rurnlllt1N'I an.1 h .. 1a.rr• r,1,.r 6 •llr Slfl(IC1 monttl on yearly 14>••• c B1tDR0<1M ll t>ath •varklhia 1 nt"' hon1• ''" rom•r lot. l"'ur-1 nl•ll.,.I 1ir 11nl'\lrnl•h,.•I 141lll I mtmth l RP:f>Rnf_,M, :I hath A Jn~f'IV h•,h1• tor aulv a:n~. l"llh'llh Duncan Hardesty ltf:AI T•>H "Al lhf' Rrlill'.• ln T..l lo hlP' l.aho\PI'• al 3:?n•1 I"' Har 471'! EXCHANGE r••ll••I 1,ro,.,'ln& P•rt ,., <".:.-111 M,...a ror $22,500 Cash or •11bmlt t•f"TNI rrnpert)' a l,_<1y rwnl.lld and wnan ta w111 l• k • a IH.lle. for appc:rlntm,.nt. eall I C"11AR.L£8 B. Rl:TM.lP.:I\. OW~ 11ay1 Har. let& ~ .. 1.1 S-6TM (IMI(' 11111-VIRntNU. Pl.AC-IC. Qoelnl llltl• ~ hOUM. Lou ot !'l»N. As,. old tr-2 M<1· f1)0l'TI• l..ars• s1tttnir "'°""' ur.oo S4&4Wl io..n R«iu ST& LI 1-'l:lOT 71p81 2 YEAR OLD, I b<!drm, 11• bath•. ••T !Ur• fenoed 1ot. ,.._. to Cost.a w,_ IUloppina Cent~. r.P. 11.aoo . 1,,,,. "°""'· OWTI ~r' • A SW"l. 1N on m tO TO 10 ACRES, M<!ellf tlnr bolt.om liUld. -t.r av .U.bl• POO per Ml"9 • SAM EMMES LI .. ,_ Tiell Aft.emoona El:eept Wtd:Mtday U you a.re lnterwted lu a rutlc bolDe JW lboald eee tbJ.a. S bedroom, 2 bath8. patio wttla ~. lit'&ted and nltend pool Priced wW1 adiw' ... placement C09t tor quick .._ DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "At the Bridie to l.J.d.o Iale" Lafayette at !Ind St.. Bar. 'na BALBOA ISLAND Home la Income: MOlll attr. dupla. 2 B.R. -.oh. Comp. tu.m. 5 be.th.a. PaUc9 and sun decb. Tap income. $4.0,000. Llltle Iala.nd. Nearly Bay l'ronl nnrt tJme otfef'· f!d. 4 B.R. 21~ bat.M. Maida rm. le apadaal 1 8 .R. apt. All beaut. tum. 3 ca.r ...,...._ ~ lot. Harry !or thia. Priced riebl NEWPORT HEIGHTS <.."harm. 2 BR. ·on Clift Dr. VW.. $U~.~. Thia l• a BUY. Wt' han the ny. C&D U& SHORE CL.lFF8 96 tt. View Lot. BLANCHE A GA TES, Realtor MF..MB~ OF MULTIPLE lJsTING 3 11 \farint Av~, Balboa laJMld Ph. H&r. 187l OI' 1112 N. B. C. SPECUL.A TORS: I 1uut:1'P. cumer, n~r Ov:lc Cenur, bu.lid 2 du.· plrJtea, good ~ntal dt.trict. Lut chance to pt ln lhlR ftn~ &~& Full prke -$12,000 BF..ACH HOME ~ f .&f"'.6:,. bf>ffroom hou.ee with oce&n \"lew, OD Sr1111hnr1' Dnv~ Only $1~.~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS :--;,.at 2 bedroom ht>me. Good t\n.an~. Only $10.9C50 ~ u1 for 'oUi~ra. N. B. C. REAL TY CO. 32ni1 & Newport Blvd., Newport S.Ch Har MM 01' 1608 VOGEL VALUES , B/B , OORON.A DICL Mil SEF. US to'OR YOUR v.y a~ I ...-arr • l1l· REAL ESTATE NEEDS ~ =...:: .:..~ lN LIDO ISLE. BALBOA Be&oam wt~ sot-'• • .AND ALL or NEWPORT i.tL 1A1U ., t111t.. ca c ' P&Uo. Ulla1 ,_ -M I ..,_. AJUtA.. ,... .... ~at-- Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc.' Nl!WPOJtT BiilUBJI IUl:AL~ .,,_...at I M*'r , 1'6 ......,; t•DO W. a.lboa BIM. ~ -.u.. ....... ... Ku. MCI Ru .... ~ ...... JMllS ..... 6rllilf ,_, .. $'8 I ,.. ........ ... .................... _... FOR· SALE • • ~,•:.:" .,. BY OWNER .......... , ..._ n o'WlCER 008TA II.a.A I ~t t7 • 101 .... _.. Ba • ,.._ 2 BJ!:Dl\oOM Uf 4-a lll:ne llllt Ille MW. I • ......... 1\11'- -.......... J .. wtlb fUDJ' eMeu1e ldlcti., "1at»d bolfte -.., 10t. wan. Corner 81rc.b • Ord1&r.s. di.hWUber. --'*' and drt· to-~I ~ h.amMe Mal. Ut00 Bar. DOM\ Teplll •r. w.11 to wall aar,.cb1c and l.&rp Jhi"S roon. 6 ldtdea. --R-EAL EST ATE t11117 draped. Located °" prt.. c-~.....s ,.u, e.--lltul1t nte tallce lil M..,.,.,t ._. JmQ. Pnced at •.f'ft.on -SALESMEN PriH Nd\a(!M tor • .,,1,-)1 ai.. i'Oed t•nn•. Ll a..u.t. IOclZ • THE VOGEL CO. N~w liw Costa M~• oftice ~WMUft .I '**""• .. _ ... != It A.-. W. LYTL.Jt. • n~-3 hard blttJns saJea. CUrTRAV'Elf -N..-~..,,. -.. --tt'f1llr ..-. ...... . ._. G N WELLS REALTOR ~ . Pon'1 1 Mdmie.. 2 tvn Mtha.. -· -Oil. Rw1 .. ftm ........ Ooirta ..... s.412 Via O,Ort• -Ra.r. .... Ma.tlipM LI.tine .....,,,,.. • • I J*>ple. u S.8993 • ll1,1M. ,,, IC"'P ~-u Cerw ... Mar MYRTLE DA VY, Rttr. ~~ MD ; Via ~ r. .. ~ -u • ..,.,.-TWO ~~Ma.:;,..1 1U_••_·_Oll9t_:1.1=-·.:..:..::.: __ 2 .:_~_1_a_1_o_N_~_WJ>O_._rt_BJ_vd_ •• _ea. __ t.a_w_aa __ · _1.._1 _s._;_1_2fl ____________ ~_, __ .. _TW1_. ______ aoca_2_1 __ "_•_-_,_,._, ___ H_A_1r_.&_r_ -=:...::...:..:..:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I 1 I I ~ • OPEN DAILY 1-1 '5 ft. ltteet-to-st.reet lot on Onteto -$11.500. other '8 tt. fropt on Eboll at Centi'<> Strada -$18.'T&o. .. - I bedl'OCllDI and clea. t baJU. Onlr traadtlftd, ..,. "8e11 ~ a.ome e · llOIM aloe peopa. co VJCRY ..., tenm". a.. Baell Bay JcatSOe:. with many 4Mlrable fatu.re11 ma.t.. th.la u oGtltand· tlDO 'REAL TY ASSOCIATES p. a. palmer mcorporited ole h.nten co. m.negement • ~ TI& lldo, harbor 1508 p. a. palmer incorp<>reted ole han1on co. management 1700 •· cout hf1hway-hbl:rty a.M'11 . l600 VIA LIDO ILUBOR :5023 BALBOA 1\EALTY 00. You Will Like IRV·INE TERRACE l'liNL&Y KZYJ:B. ftm OUENSLER vmGINU. MANSON JACK MOORE GENE VRDLA.ND ' ANNOUNCING BONDED HOMES ta eo.ta M-. OD WDloo, ~ Bloeb !'.&It of Harbor Blvd 0,.. Dally from ~•SO • Thnl Bpadou Bedroom.a • 1" Bat.ha -GluMd in lhower • M.atloork rt«ri' • Attnct.n. paps In Bclrma. D.R. 6 Batha • Fo"*' A.Ir Heat • Aab Cabl:Deta -J'orm.ica Counter Topa • Oubl,. ~ a.hau.st fan • Braldut Bu in Kitchen • Larst Double Gara.r- • Cu.rt.. Guttera, ud public aidew&l.u • Beweu In and p&id for S495 DOWN Full Price Only -$12,350 W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES '"Yoa'U U.ke Ou l"Nodly ~ice". .00 E. 17tb St. Co.ta Mesa Liberty 8-1139 Evm.lnp ea1l LI 8-7021 -LI 8-8566 NEWPORT-MESA EXCLUSIVES OCEAN FRONT SPECIAL • J'tnrt time ottued • a.1ltlful .a Bedroora 2 bath• • Hup Vn UYinr room • Bar Klteha -Natur&l Wood • BaDt In Ra.np Ir oven -&11 Ext.cu • Comp1*tely carpeted -Nlcely d~orat..O .ALL THIS PLUS • 2 bedroom Rental unit with e n.re11laee -Bar Kitch•n e ~ VMw -Good Income • ran Price Oft Both $39.~ -Tenn• $1000 DOWN • La.rs-a bedroom homt • Nlce ArM -Fully Improvoo • J'HA 4 ~i ~ loan • Low Moothly Paym.-nl& e J"all Priee $10,:500. NEWPORT-MESA REAL TY 1791 Newport Blvd. LI ~ Lors oF 'Co.ta Men Evea. LI 8-7237 LAND! , ;OM and GD9 ibtb ac:ni1 with 12 foot !rontare • &Ood ~to Back Bay. Small bouee on ~ U.t eoal4 ... aeparat.d from main piect. $9750. ~ DUPLEX NEAR OCEAN BE~CH ~a aoath laoome Oil naular moot.hly buia WtUi llll'Mtlitlal ~ tt Oil wmmef'-wint.er · r.tal l:atra lot Oil Which to bo.Dd 2 more Waltl. .l~•ta an l"OOlllY and nicely tor- m 't Jil , . -~Tfd "'°" ~JSO a ~Ul OD 1.t. T.D. .. ttdoon.w. . ' : M 'LIOA FURNISHED UNITS . ~ SlQ.000 a ~ID.-. • StlJOC) ID...-e.pltal. I ..;, MW tm 's'ad t.ttA Ideal loc&Uall for C1C11U _. llay. Ahtaja rated wlDw'and INID· ... THE VOGEL COMPANY tTOO N.wport Bmt., eo.ta 'Mesa. IJ g..we OFFERS FOR SALE (l l NEW Pl:NlNIULA POINT 'T&clO BOK&. BMuW\llly appointed Tn()(Mm home. 8Wlt..la t•t· - ....,._, 8Udlll• 11&4 door• to patio and mut.r tMd.n)om, S bedrooma and ti. I.NI. Ut,500. t.-ru. 111 PENINIULA CU I TOM· BUILT HOMID • • . 2 bed· rooma, 2 be.Ui.. Controlled b•t. nrq~. hebt>y room. tJnu.u&Uy attrsetm an4 cut• bom .. Jl2.llOO. t.arma. 1 JI WUT BAY A V1ID'<t1m • 1 BICDROOM HOMJC wtlh 1>9r· m&11enl vtew of M y. N .. r I NHYC. L&r1• livinl room wU.h n,..plac•. J'ull dlnln&' rvo111. $27,000. term•. (•1 NE1t08 80MI: rIX'lN I MOSTLY PAINT> b\Jl .-relll value ~ block to bay Mat'h New Furnished 11Mom•1 by Macco" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 :00 P .lrL . lnteriort by Martin & Von Hemert Beautltul homes 1n the lineal locaUon Pricea from $26,000 to $3.t,000 Your ~pection U. reapecl.!ully IOUcited EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 3 b9dToom•. out•td• •""w"r r·oom, laundry room. J'urnl8h· .J, too S 14 000, SM>OO duwn. , On Hiway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite new Irvine " (~1 JR:l\E ll'I AN UN'lJSl1.U.LY ATIRACTIVIC and b<taulltul 3 t..droom born• In lhr UP· PER BAY AREA l \. baU1• bulll·ln /hl'rmador oven 6 ra ntt•. I 1 2•· II v1n1 11'00m .. 1th tt~plar•. w to w ra1 p•l· Inf. Dt•p«8 and curtain• In· rlUtl••I Ouut.andln1 pa tio a nt1 room tor •~1mmlnf pool 'T'ru- ly • ~onderrul home 128 .">00 tenn• re I Ttll 90m" Cr1tn•I I hat w&nt• a •mall bea•·h hom4' about lhll I I ._.!room an•t df'n furnl•he,t propo!r1Y ;u•t F'.ut of a.11-1 Ptl'r, On •m•ll l<>l but •,, bk>(•k t11 O•·f'an Th.-pale• I• onl) $10 700 ... lth s:mw down Balboa Realty_Co. 1 OppNOll• Ran~ ot A mtrt<'a R•n GrHlf'y Et1 l-'t Joa.phln• Wtbh I TOO It Balboa Rlvd Balboa Phone Harh<ir 317~ C" THOMA!'! "C' TH<>MA~ LOOK! BEFORE YOU BUY OPEN HOUSES I :o ~I a.Iv 2Ml \\ aHrly llrtu • I RA YSHUf~ES 3 Sf'dnr' f·um S23 1)()(1 I Rat A~••fi I ... 21\62 \'1ala l•ll•f BA YSHOtU·:S 3 a~Jrme Famll•' Room 12~• ~l(I r Cout Country Club. Harbor 44.S. • Bayshore~ • 3 -Cholco Excluah·e Llltinp 2 bedroom.a, 1 balb ·----··-----$18,7~ 2 bedroom1, 11 4 batha -· .. ·-···-·--·-1~7~ :! tM!droom, l bath, furn. . -· _____ ..... !1,000 2 bedroom•. 2 bath•. immaculate (aold) _ 24,:IOO SHOWN RY A PPOU-.."TMF.NT ONLY ALSO Bay Front l'1er & Sup. \\'inlt'r Rental, ~uahfied Clienta Only HARBOR Hart>or 1600 LET'S BALBOA INVESTMENT CO. J::,'ea Ll S-~ 78c80 TALK INCOME ISLAND INCOME 'fhf'rf' 111 an t'X<'f'll1•s;it tiuy llJ'J>Ortun1ty here in a ruml&hf'cl, Wf·ll loestrd, mull1plf' Unit proprrty that "bears up" under careful ll('nJtiny. WPIJ ccm11trut·t('d and well laid nut A f,.w 1mpr11ve- mentA to ,.nhancc an1t M'l up tht-natur&I advant· 11.g,.9 will satl11fy a 1h.Acrim1nating buyer. \\'p ran offrr th~ d1•11t>ndahtl1ty of u11r e.xrw-nl'nr- rd Ralh1Ja !eland J)('f'9onnf'I to tM"l up lhe profit p<.nu11h1ht1P11 anci rrntal chPntele to warrant your• ronfu!rnrr A pprox1m11 lf'I\• ~ l ~J 000 caflh dnv. n piwmt'nl B11y£'r rim lt\'f' on property ur not u di'· lllrMf Bilr s Best Buys Har:bor Highlands 1tTt ITL VIA LAMll ~q~ty~Wnn., I batla home. FiNplae-. (o"*5 air Me.t. 100~ wool ~ Mid raw •Ilk dra~, all addl up to malt• Ulla an acep- lloa&l home. TIM over• II• l&r ., aprtal&.Jorr 9)'9· tem. t•llCMtd yard &nd 1aAUcap~ "camplatM a -.uutuJ picture. PTtc.d to •II at SU.3110. wtth 6 h ~ ftna.nClJ\6. Back Bay HI L.A CAN ADA A. bMuUtul hoJN .. wtlb a very 109\1 ,,,_, Tb1" bdnN., 2 bat"8, over 1700 ..q n. ot choice hardwood !loona Bullt In O'KHI• and )hrr11t oven • ran1r. hOl>dtod fan and rar1>a1• di•· po1&I. A M tr8T TO 8EP.: Priced at ue.t~ ··1th M.000 dn..,,.n. Lido Isle 217 VIA FIRENZE Tlll.8 hom• Ui top va lu• n ft 1..ldc!, Pnrf'd at Ul,O(IO, 11nturnJahtJ '" '32.~ turnlall....S. The k ltch•o I• •p•rkhnJ "''\th bulll In uvtn A rana:t>, dl•PQ&&l dl•h· m&alU and fllha!Ul fan. Uvnal&<Pd dlnln&' a...,.. and IJ\ lnr roon1 \l.'llh 11-.d br1cll '· P. and pl<"luni wtndow to at• tracUn •nclowd palLo. Hu 3 bdma 4' l bat.ha 111·1111 I a r • I 4! •lr~ tor u tra rm. Sit OOo lo.n avaUabla, 0.11 l.'1 tor an a ppo&nl· m•nt to a!\ow. W. A.Tobias, Rltr. ASl> A880CIATl:S \'•)U II Ilic"' our fl1f'ndly ltf'r.,.lc• · 400 p; Jith. Coal• Mua L.lberty I · 1139 !';vu Ca ll Har. 6179 1.J •·~~ i--LO~;[_ Y - DESIGNED I ELLERBROCK BA YrRO:'\'T, I tHl<:lrm • baUu I 3 car rarace. pier It •lip. MYRTLE DAVY, Rltr. It A.MOC 3432 \/~a Upor\Q -Har 64U l:VJtS -W I 5270 18<'80 flat • fl•1n l 0 IH 1<1n1a Road CLIFF HAVE.."l I Call for appnintrnenl tn tJhow I WM W S . d . M-1 CORNER . . ANFORD. an Associates HO Jo"E.ET rron .... Cf'Tlli't Vlll:W HOME --l tifl<trm , n,..,.. .. ly d4'corat.rt. E11<'fllf'nt buy al UI 000 "C" THOMAS 1 REALTOR I and ASSOClA TF~ , 12• W. CouL llYJ W ll·M27 N-1>0rt R .. rh 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS NEW DUPLEX $34,SOO COltONA Ht&hlan<t.e at 4t7 Momlnf Canyon Rd. Mod"m 2 b«1rm ... ch, ""°' ,,,...,..., On IO tt. lot. 8utll In llJtch•n., ~ 4,..,_. ROllle A n· ~U-\ llncem9. DA VT 00 . ~ vi. o,.n.. Har a... fk8() W .lTERJ'RONT PIM 6 f'lioat. I bedrmi:. 1 plU9 bat.bl. put f\•m, "°9t Ir all llo"\111 pnM PUOO Oeod tema. NEAR NEWPORT PIER 01.DD • .....,,,._ borM, .... ftajq, ' ..... ..... Full pn~• sio:-.. JltoMTt V. BroN, A 11 r. tHO 1". llali.o& Blwd N-pan a..dl, Kar .072 Tk30 l..eP Rolin • Charlotte Fauola c·oeta M-with irood 2 Hub Powen • Nona Hyer Park A ... ,.. at Marin''. Balboa lAJa.nd Har. 2462 i..drm, born•. ld4'al 'tor •m•ll manutactur.r. DAN A . JACOaa&N, RMI £8t.ale Hart.or lltl 1 ---------l.l •·t701-JCJ 1·U.1'7 ·LI 1-Ul'T Bl B EXCLUSIVES RAY A VF.. INCOM F:. A l:>Mnte. owner uyw 11,ll, Hom~ and apL Nicely furn. Good financlnr. Aikin' $29 500. BA YFRON1 -Pll!:R AND SLIP. ROOM FOR LARGE !'\'\\ IMMJNG POOL. 3 b r., Lanai dtn, dinmgroom, Largtt livtn( room, fireplace. THIS IS TOP VALUE -$~9,750. $1000 dov.'l\ ! ar Move into 2 bedroom fumlah· eel bou.M on 40' lot near ocean. Full prt. ' $10.800. OWNER TRANSFERRED TO San Ber1W'dlno. very anxioua to 11tll ~ yr. old 2 B.R. 2 bath home near ~tty. Hdwd noors. Lota of tilt.• fully 1n:. sulated. Nlcdy la.Dd.aca~. Patio, Ownet' wdl consldtor low down payment ed will redaoe uklnr price t or quick we. Bay and Beach Realtv Inc. Realtors 2025 W. Balboa Blvd .. r/ewiport Beach Harbor 12e4 -Ew. Har 1&."16 C -2 r 00 x 300 ft. E. 17th St. ( 841 .,.._ 'l'UIUn A lntne l Co.ta lieu'• Finetlt Area PJUC'll m.ooo C&ll Ow'Mr, Rarbor I008 fOcU NaAI\ aHORllCl..D'n 2 BIOIU(, bome plua ~ lnoome ualt.1 oe IO' lo\ tor only PT.100 ... '10.000 d<"Q. ias CA.UT orncz mt&.Qolat ,~ c..M ... iMu oil 1lctO 8T OWND o.J I be1nn. 11oa-. en " &fft. .... UNI .rant • f'n11l .,,._ IM4 8uta Ana A.,..., C. X. 7tdl I ftlll 1 -0.... ... 1181' Mt&. 'T .... _, '--IO n. ._. -•• __. "1f ...... ~ Jlldtoe. a...t~ 9&Jia"1'y • Jlt•tt« Ill M.al'tM Ave ... .,.. 1.al•nd Hanor "11 , ~VEIS - 'l'OULDOWN 3 bdrooma - 2 laths -2.Car '6•N• Costa ~ ·~ , SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES FULL PJUCll $10,89G flt.GO PER KONTB WJLSON 6 PLACl:NTIA Furniihed Models Open O.ily 5 Minutes from the Ocean N•er Sdtool1 & Worlc COSTA KESA SUNSBJNJD BEACH HOMl:S OITER ••. Front or rear livinc rooma • Plenty of cloMta. Dinin1 •p&ee in kitchen.a e 40 1a.l wate:z' beaten. Natural birch cabinet. • Confetti tile In kltch· ma • Maticork floora • Wood aUdlDa'. wbl· don e &,000 aq. ft. lot.a • Rock roota. Aluminum 11ereena. ANOTHER s. v. HUNSJJCER. ALEX STEPr DEVELOPMENT • DEMOCRAT? • • • REPUBLICAN? That'1 YOUR bu.inem. OURS m Real E.t.atr We pruent lht .. to you; HOMES ...•• 3 bed . 13 x 18 liv. r., larse ltitcben, bath with 1hower over tub, atucco exterior; pla.Etcr within: comp. rfK>t, etc. Loan on It at '~ .. r, int., only $9~. On. Price $9950. 1 3·bed .. Cptg. In hv. r an<i hall, bath with sh(•Wtr over tub, 1&r1e kit.chrn l.•1an at 4 • '. 11.·. ~i~10 Dn Price $~ . OPEN HOUSE ..... At U3 Sif'rn \'Lil& ..• Back Bay Area Now annexf'd to Newport Beach. Distinctively 1tyled 3·bdrm .• 2 batb1, 11h yeara old. lt.&ban Tile, alid- inJ glua doon into v~ry lo\'ely patio, built·m ra.n~ ••• fol°Cf'd air heaUnJ, numuoUI clowta and atorage 1pa<'M ••• Priced B~LOW ttpto· duction at ... $U.MO INCOME ....• 8-unfum. UNITS Xclnt. arn .. good mcome at s.&2.~. IJt;PLEX'S ~ We have 'em all over Harbor Area TRIPLKX'S ! In ~ewport Ht. .... ju.1t 2 left ... at $21,500. LO~ . • OCEAN VIEW .•. 51 x 8.'5 !t. ONL y s22.eoo 30 ft fronl&g-e fot $9,9~ Many, many more from .... __ • ··-·· $3000. up JACK BRENNAN, REAL TOR ''AT THE ARCHES" 3320 \\'. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BEDRM. HOUSE plu1 2 bed.rm. apL near E. Ray. Pnoed ri1ht. 2 u.nit• on «ood 1trttt. 2 bedrm. hoUM plUI l br. apt Attractive clean property - .'..;r, l'o. Bay. 3 hfdrms., l ''2 bat.ha, 2 ca.r pr., 1 bdr. apt. 9mall do1''D. Own.er ea1er to .ell. S26.9M ~mall hou.e. corner lot. Good locaUoo $U,9CM> 3 bedrm. 2 bath, Little ~d ---· __ $31.500 Duplex 1 bed.rm. nch, rood .trttt. ·-n.MM> • Evenlnp e&.11 Ed.Ith Maroon, HYa Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 .: or · EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor · = Marl.ne Ave., Balboa I.aland Barbor 1175 .. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -DUPLEX -3 yn.. old. 2 bdnn9 ~ llide. Cormr lot wen : located ntt.r Khoo la. $18. 7:50. with N.280. down. ~ WW trade for residence CM 01" N~ or ' unJt Ir add. cub. · ' CUFF HAVEN SPECIAL . - ~ .,.,. okl a bdrm home. lk20 u.m, room. : .. Hdwd floors. tie. breakfut ...._ m kit., well ~ landtceped • fenced Jot eox1• Dbl ~ ~ Only $1~.TC50. wttll $3.000. 40W1l. l>Oa't ..... w. ~ Ulla OMJ!I "'"· .. ,. ... . NEWPORT HB6HTS SPARKLER '-l>Ola't mllr eeetn1 UU. ouutaneDq 2~ yr. Old • 3 bdnn 1 ~~ bath beaaty., V•twins lee-air')' :: rooma wtt.h barn ciellinr u.m, room. ftnplace. ,,oak floor9. drasa. ~ new wool C&f1'1'tinr. : &ad Jp. nlody laO'lecaJ>fd lot. Price Slt.D>. • with '3.000. down. . Vogel Co. 3201 w. Cout Hwy .. NP•port Beach . . :.