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1956-10-31 - Newport Harbor News Press
\ · 6000 DAY FOR UNrTED FUND • ft ........ -,_ ~ f'UDd eoltdt&tilil\ wlwft the , !lltll •o•uM•'-1 ...wnd ot Bandy F. MacKay and W1l· '-0. llucll lllttecl a trto of check.I for Newport 8Ht'h VIMilll J'\aad Clam~ T!Mr. wu a e.becJt oa each of Ulle •n•urta fll die forwwr1)' Individual In.un.n~ Al'~nu .... U.. a ..._..... ... A U.. -ly nanu~d accOWlt ut tM -i•ed blMIAM• "W. 0 . Buck &nd Cu&npany.' • -.a~ CoatA ~t'-M~ ~ Nu. 14.'.>7 v. 111 huld a Hallo. ween party for UM' chlldnn from I lo " p m tonJ(hl In th& MOON H•ll at 06 t; 17th 8l , <'00tla M .. sa. A II th«' • Car Strikes. 1 Kiiis Mesan · I • 1 in Accident I t OIJbert B. B!VWB, ~1. r.o.ta Me-a awn:hant. 112 lle.t ...... I 80ba 8L. ea.ta x-. Gld. • H ... 11_,n.aJ IUl nf.llll ._... two bow'I at\Ar lw waa -~ by a oar dr1•-b' ~ C. O'Arna.U. fll m Dall V. !11 at. ..... -~-' • NEwPoR'TER . • ably be .aeoempw...,·~~·eitber . ..,._-;; ta.t.ber Mr. and ~ ... a...~4 ~·~ It. Pa" Boero'..,...-bis abaft at~ tor everyone la, tii. Harbor u. JD~ ~ ..._ . be WU ~ propi1itor'of•OIM'• Bllilry, ~e aid Rtwt.aurant wbWl oecaped the •JWhere a.Ir. Inn now iL -8tf.f.f Photo . . l••rt:"'l~ft l1ri1,.; lirel ... ,. . . ' l"U lllWOllll •. ~. runntnr male 1111l· rool..t tn lbe room. 'nlal'I U.. line OOP polity In a "nut.IMll.'" kind ol a 1n&11 -. Miall." • 1 IM awftS.eilt ~at.vw j-i Ha lubed '"It at .. "WDMm'I 19n'l Ill the mma -,_~ wtUI ~ CM tr .... a. ..... .. I.be '"'-lderlt on the taue of ~...,. ._"°"' U U.. ...... ..--.-... Crolll 1911 beM .. w1J1 w at A.JMricell .,.,... Rall Fneay tro1D I to f ra. MMIOC... t.o M,. C-.t Za'ill'lldl. ~ Off tM NM!'· ,-t-ODllta Jlfta lllftnch. A,.. ................. ma.de .. Al I ....... ~~· ._ ..... -. .... , ... \ t I . : 'I, ... . . ~ :: : ... - \ ...... ___ _ • CAit!AnoN MILK .... a-2-1 . ,.. DOG FOOD ________ ~--~-- a , ... _ ..... ___ _ . LUNCH llT. ,. ft. YAOUlJll -.......... ___ _ SA' AD IOWLS .-. • ... ----·WHISIUNG 1IA DnLI ·-ILJI -- POL YETHELINI PITCHll .... UI -·--·-...... ·-_ ........ .. Coirii t.tUGs _ 3 ... 'JJ.c ~CiiiiL io'WU_]; 22C w.u-aa:&, • . 1st TURKEY ROASTER _____ _ Jtici· ~(S:TAINER -. ,.. ___ 3fC Af'IMAIL STATIONERY-.. .... M 1fC m&li I OdC HOUSE •OOMS .... u. -·--~ - catk' &IFT PAPIRS .... u. .Gtf.r.1t110N-... t17 . . . VINCENTS ICE CREAM HAND PACK Pints •• 30c .,,, ,,... 'IL1 GIPT WRAP ..... UJ. 9u• Is • Ste "llhll -~ M•••efl w.....-· CANDY DIQPS_ J9c .. Style • 9 'h Gal. 79c ru.orN .Ice· CN1111 Cqnes • • 2Jc ....... . KING IDWAli C.AU_·_ ..... IAYLUll MOTOR Ol __ L _ ._... 6-tloa _.. .._.. ... t•" ~ e.&la ...... TM ........ -el U. 1'w. '1* 1•11• COlllNI ~ 0"'1 I ··- $29'5 TICK TINKERTOY--·-··-·-·······-·-149 iNn1c011M -ntirHON.E SET -399 ~ w1.-1~alteAM60'1--0oaductor \\lre • ltea47 for Op. ...._ GGc: HORSESHOE SET .·-·····-·---JG- ....._GlllF-KNee.,... 125 OIMONI HAND CREAMue11-re-a ....... ,,. .._,.....,... ~-wtaa 8u"9r Ttpa 98c • OllN HOOD · ARCHERY SIT --·----- Tnsy 1.00 Sin 'hlt1 "',.. ... w..._ . 100 HAND CREAM .... aa. -··-__ ___ . nM~ 4" ENE AUTRY WESTERN OUTFIT -··----··· ~, ..... ~ ar Doll.,...,._. la -.auhLI Tuu. ~ a.u. 4" IRtDE DOLL 1..ece aaeev .. • 8odic.&.c.J.H • ..,.., .AJJ atee1 eo .. t,._tMti 7" JAILE AND CHAIR sn_ .... t~ . AJmMt w .. Uka m. -u.• 2" MONKEY PLUSH TOY ....... ···--···- CONT0UR .. i:1FT TREATMENT __ 500 .,__ ______________ _ --~~ • OCTOR AND NURSE KITS ................ ··-... ···-·····---198 ~ ... ,.. A.1er 100 HAND CREAM~~-----·~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sliver llpple Gin .leery Ded1 USICAL CLOCKbai •~uoa -·-··--·· -·--·-···--149 -a.IP& Out of U.. Qreq ~99 LOWN ....... ~J I ~ ......... ..., ONLY ·9.95 TOY PIANO cw...-.,. __ _ U11uer De.mtat••I lpedalal UDO n.-Qlll.1' .......... . ... . ...... . ..,. ·. ~.,..,. •Tr. au Sll1top . ...... w..... CHAMPAGNE . . . r 6 PAI rec.mt -ai. u "delr1mental t.o ••Ntebed buaDNa ~by M.&yor NeJaon u ..,. ol U. "U'lorna In the ~h" ol tbt .tty council. home oc- caipalion Y&J1&nc• Will ~ llOWllll (0 cs ............ l) ~ 8""9 lbe cJdN a ~ to play, i. oouldn't fln4 ber. Ula -.rch WU concl~ aJ- mo.l lmmediat.ly WIMlll tie found Mr tloaUnc Wei_. ln tM water. PolSce aald th• Ume lapee -. ~ tM 11\d ol Ule PJ'OC?'&Dl and the Ume ... WU fOW\d In UM water wu elf 20 mtnuc... 'nae chllll'9 mother-wu tao onr--· '° lfY• -........ of u.. aocid«lt. TM body wu ~ to Balla Kal'\\aJ'Y. run-al ~ment.a .,..~ .... -. ' . In the face of po11ible • well timed World Wide ANTI COMMUNIST REVOLUTION Don't Gamble on an Unkftownl PLAY , IT SAFE. . VOTE .FORIKI Clyde Meyer •••YOU AT TH• POLLS POITID MIAI HIGHWAY CORN c..-~11 .... c.. ~ CURTSY CAKE OIA•I ~ a&TI LOU.,. ~ ~ . MEDIUM "A" EGGS ... ......srt•ll c..... .. , .... • U.S. r "'.CHOICE"~ mt 7 IC Ii CllUCK · .. · BEEF ROAST.·· -. - FUSH= 1 IAN GllOUND . ·. RIUID .. •••••••••••••••• U.S. Cr•~• "Cllllae•11a1llu. T•••• Md SWISS.STEAi . JO • .. . . . • i ' . ,, • AiMI M · Say . e To · You :.. .. VOTE I . . ~~ IOV •. 6111". ' - "'WRITl-IN" YOTl.GE I I IRS · liJ ~~1Sllrr~·. · t.11X~. ·29° 1x1 1~ ·rs i ~ .. M:.~:··19° . fl}-iEE·F~H~~~. ·~ 29~ ti] CRAcK~R·S ~: 15° . . (jJ COCf<TAIL = 19C! IXl APiiCors. ~ 17° Pictsweet Sale e ,._ e Leaf Spinach e c11app•d spinach e 1roc. Cu+. 9 Mixed Yeptable1 . . u flotco..a ~ PllAM .... 4'.AI ••••••••••• •• ·r---·-----, . I •AC:K TIA ,. : 'i TENDERl.£1! 1 · I •••1 59c I I . '~~"' · · I .. L , '• ... ~' ~ -; -~,.....-;_ ·r-. --~ ·~ I l ·W LIQUID • • , ... l APPLE 1 . I 2441.' 07c . .I ~ I I ....... I. I i~ I '-----~---~ r--....... ------- 1 HasHIY'S ... stANT : tCOCOA 1 I I 1-Lb. 39c I Tin ~ I I . ·----------' . • • . •t PICTSWEET POTATO PAnlES •• M9c . KNOTT'I IDIY. FAIM SUCED COUNTY Mii ... ~ ..... .,ft' .. .......... ...,le.tr STBAWIEIRIES PIES - .W.•ltt;a ... .......... ...... ..... .., ~.~~!!~ --~ ............ .,. AU. FLAVORS 1-l&.. CTNS. L-C~ID '- Q~D • I fill Ti S.OUP , 1 -All'...,. titma• IWWI IRES.S;ING . . . . . .fiiPjACf< lR~ILER FOIL"=' 39c ____ _ ....... "°.. I RATH I .. '~EREAL •~..oL ,... 29c I CANNED I SWI. FT'S PREMIUM -.•. "' (KICA INCIAlf) I AL I MIA T I HA'M· : FIANIS ·· =. . 35c I 73· I . · . I '""'· C Al80U Shi Slicecl Am MMt AYW. • .. , r .r MIX :35c l_ _____ J ~BOLOQIA . ' tlAle TAm 1oc BR'NSCHW~'R 49L COi.Uta eeAMT Im DINTM OKM 'MAY91 . ~~am 49c SMOKIES ~· GCA91CIAI I , .. PACICAR ,. .,, . · FACIAL TISSUES KLEENEX . •--'"' """' o nes. ., ... . ~ : I • ' 1· , • -. - NOllMT'-11 ...... HARD CIDER 59~ iiiGUNDY ..... AUAJ•C>JN A ... WHISKEY ... I I f I I • ' - --" ~·~ . ,..;;,,; .......,..._____._.., ~ •• 1 a • HOME LOANS LAGUNA W,\l.IA-5 a Lewi ...UOCU.TION rwo OPPICIS TeS.WY• LAeuNA llACH AND SAH CIAllNTI QUICK .. ltOIJll -IQ LOW LOW"~" INlll!ST RATfS EASY MONTHLY PAYMINTI FRIENDLY l'fWATHITIC •vtea PIEE CUSIOMllS° PAll(IHe ~llCIOW ... •II :19111.Y QNUTID LA6llNA IEACH ' __ ...... -HY ... lln " SAN CLEMENTE Ill N. I c..nlM l"' ~ HY-2-llfl ., HY_.. 2-11'6 " Pair of Squads Undefeated In· Adult ffag Grid League Tripp'• _. the OOat ma Jlra rut.er °" a IO-y&r'd u.u,. '91luadl9 ~ UIMlef.._, at• ~ added UM atra polnt • i« u. Wrd ..u. ., "*7 ta • .,. ~ •n t&c1Ut. TM ~. ..... .., tor U. ricton caate U. Adult 'nt.u ........ .a..p. la tbt l&ll l'fttnUU ot pta7 wllM. 951aw1.,, 111?-. a 7 a .. .e.IMek P2lU llMtw .-mpet'lld ..._ f/11/ Nt'Wpar\ ..... '6 ~ tw tbt TD. i. u.. ca-. .... I( .... ,.,.,,.. ..\lad .diled •notMr ....... a.t 81U ..._. ... ftctol'y to thetr total ., rowac Dour'• tAta 'tr ... It ......... ,.. Bel.pot bf • ~ ..... O.t Hill tal...,. Ol'll • e. at.ty Trtpp'• t.am.ti uu. ""'*' ti.eon .... lbtJ trapped Jto9. .... la a.tlpot ... •bk to pl ....., 1111 owa end -. ~· lltNcll u... llOOrt"C colwnn. 'M1it nnt TD back lbol'Uy atta \W oa a _,, .. • llMrt pe. hwa 11-JN'd ~ P'• bee ClwcJI: H&uon to Wally Wff.. IUIM to BUI W P ... h tr ....._ The nor.st t.QY w U ol u. pmt tOUl'lfl u.t *1D9 • ,... Of ftiM tam .. k ..... tndlDi' t.oucbdOWN throupwt. Krl lmlllley ~ to Woodt,, Jla McCall 900Nd tor 0oat wbo Lii tum ~ lo 'Pulll• ma • a t-.,ud -.-. -o-Mm 1a ......, to ....-.si. w ...,.. t. .... o..'• Ntd&Ui wltli • ftekl ~ ca.-. • ..,_. TO 1*7 ...... • a AD9e I .,.. ,.. no. ..... a.._. l)Mll. ....,, Twlflf ....... .... ......,. ............. ~Ult ,... .......... Wal. ...-M1f. Ule Goal ........ ,. ........ Wt ...... t.am.c -. 1 ~ · ..... ...,,. foUH B.ap« ,.......... &nd ,._ ~ ,._. to .._ a IWI Ntter, Md U., t'rcw Do. CantNll te R.. 91111 cMntRPI a q· 'We9a btft wlUt Uld u.. to .. "....... tw • \&11;1 ~ .. lwSall -•• U-TD. ,.,.... ,._ T'ttf9'• ...,.,.,_ ..... UNO& UU. _.. ,.ata Mt'M'e tll9 ... W1l 'n. potnl IJ'\a" ~ wu tM pa. • • TD ...,..,,.. '7 1Md9 Oii • l"\la ..,. &U. '!"lie CUtll ll&Mall. rOUOwed ..,. ... ..-M1uad add9d twv -. ..u. pe6at oa • run ..,. SM&ne7• potab w-. .... lllUld:a ...... ..... ....... ~ .... "" lbroup tbl u.,.. to McMk u at.. -~ ...,_. to p tarn••• ~ puat 1ty WU-. ..t at oo.&a ..._ P.rti. Al f :ll .con on • ..tlt,J'. 0-C. ....-0.-Ylll w1ll a11t Dou,s"., ~ Douc"• ea.t ~ to liNd la "-"""' Jr. CMMIN'I' ol 0... tM pme on 1.Mtber TD ,..._ .....,. .. v.d "111 ell.ah WIUI Ull1 UIM ptft(' ~ 1UMa t11 Jlfttll,.. at I II, · 'Allu.atDLIY MOITUAIY --- Proted Yo~r Right to Know! Do you si9n · blank checks? T1iell cloii't ••• tliil -the bif9tst "bllM dieck" of Ill . . • -. . VOTE RO PROPOSITION 12· NOV. 6 • ........... '' ..................... ,.. ..... ....... __ , ............ _....,._ ••ult:._ ..... ...._ ··--... 1NouoM ..... --....... ~ _.._ ___ YOU ___ ,._ ...... -..... ...,._., 5'l1ti.ywr1 tsefsw ..,. .......... , ' . ' . . . . .• .... ~.t ~--.•W•IJ!l•'P 'D &11 "'!* t •• , • .. pu11111A11c1 •1& 11 :n',.. it-••-.....-.-.. .........~ ... UNW-'• ~,., -.. _,. ...... a .... ..... •. IBP 'VOl&r ~Cf T~ IQIAIS VOTE "NO~ ON PROPOSITION 12 ·' .......... -··-- .. ~ ...... '+tal .......... No,.. doedM ., • "' --•• ,,,, .. , ... N•U.• Ull•• •win~t ......... ~. ~ .... .. ---.. ~~.. __ .... ........... _..w._ If ..... ....,.°'" ......., .. , 0 , ..... .................. M~i&. .... OPO.mON 4. ri 1u..,1,. ..... _, .w. --· -_ ........... ..,..._=c-t .... ,,,., .................. ., ... .... _. . -_ .... ' --~·:::·~··~-._,,, .... •e.&L· .. .... ................. . ............ __ .. . ..... -· .. ~. -· .;..; . ~~= .,,.. "".cl· ' ...:. ·"* . • • • ' • • . .. • • • . . • • • GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB ''Ill STOP'' ,.,,._,, Newport Hart-C:O-unlty l'leyen on. CoMt C011111 C11911 ftir .. __ ...__ Annual Fun Day at Costa Mesa Club Rno ltodclaritlol Poiftthlt i 0.-"'"'9 l'IANK KATNnt lfUw.o...aw,. J..A.lt1 a.Mn ..... 1111 \ lilinl Da-.... f1uffy and frily 5.95 !J/ '!ou .. teauu/uf Jlngerie .. you can fin d 'lovellN' et MARllYN'S elso Robes .• • Half slir •.. kcl lll<bta:" Pegnoir •nd 90WM -~ loby Doi nl9'ify .... SwHten ••. Hi biA Orio. and fur blencl , · • Jewol.d and pl.In Gia ... by HARMS lloct. WWfe ..... LGft9 ..... Shott 2.ft .. J.ft • Aloo " ... . ' -.. . •• . • •• Com Mou naa;;:;w 19tl..+~ar..t. lo Co.to l+.oa Uborty e.7.,1 " ~ Dakota Guest it,. M~sa Home • ~ 1.otta ,_ " -Qty, ...... -..11en a ..... ,.... "' ....... Kn. a., c. ....... .,. ... tMll" ......... Ida. ... -.--a; QolOo. --'-· -" w .... '1:* .. ,, ...... a. ~ 1"•'' . • --Kn. i..w'I "U ... ..... _ ....... "' ....................... : .. ·~--""°·-... ..., .. ., .............. .. .., ................ .. .............. " . .. .._....., __ .. "'"" c • W011J1N ol ~ NIWJIOl't ll&rbor Ana In 11· tndeftM at tM *"l'ullloa for r.mme." hmcbeon- .q.1e -It tM JNnolco Ian OcL ~ llW U.. ,.......... a-Klnk por1n1-- modoled by Pat 0..,., ot GN1lolt o-. • -i.er o1 U.. M-llln'• -lloo ot 0nnce County. TM 0Qf'at1Mln.a' fw'pllct ~ d"lfped "7 "Cbarlea" ot IM Buto A.. JV ~..,,. u4" llld for lppronl It 1M -· --- • A11istence League . ·Thrift Shop 'Wlac" mcQ~'I ti.. """'-,,.~ Ba/Loa mart.1. ;,/ ti.. a. I:. "llAC' lfoel~T, ltu -.8ed Food Ma.rketl in Southern Callforni& llince ld'.l. "MAC" iii an uperienced food buyer and bu been m the H&rbor an& for e ,..,... .i::lil pl9ulnf ptn<?n&llty imJc.ee abOIJllll6q" hwe a real pleuun. of tho World'• ~ Food Buylnf Organlu.tion, , . fi-r• in /Jal/,oa ... w. baq a J'RIENDLY ~unity. Fe>r ~ ~ have been a ''ncatJoa. spot" for t.bno•• wbo tajo7 boUt U.. a..y u ft!J, u 'l"' 0...... ftllo put of N_.t ~ lklOoa -to bl. -io....'.u Ito fML And ,... -liq "-t uytllbjs JOU ..or dpt ~ la tlilo OC>mm.,.. lty. • f S•p•n Tiie lllllMd '-ti wllll Y- C04'1• 11Ntto11 New • • • Your contribution to Ullo fwld jit1 1111; ~ n<Odlcl -,. for tho 12 .,-of u.. '"""" """•Dl!Jl7 Cboot, p1ue .,, oddltlocW e chorl· lll&WN .. 'IAr wllatJ1iecaalfford .. _ .. _.,. __ Balb Marlt~I '711• 'ffNst 6ill 1. Isl••""- FOf1I/ bld0lno61e1 ' •• • "11'1J tt..... 65' • iOJO l•llOJ( • •• f, ,....,,,..,, II ' f "$;&.'t • •. I ' .... ..../<lnnua . .... ' ' ·•"' 20% ort .: .: ~ . ' • • •• • • . EverJtbi,ig In Sfltk·· :~· V. 1. JO flft .... ·.~~; ~ .. ;'11, ~ , ' . ' . • • • I . . • . . ' \. .·... . ' . ·iACl~to:sltOol VALUES .1HAI lEACH YOUR 8* TO BEillYE : . ' t ~ • • , v I y·r , I ) I o "' ·otJDT 11UND 1'1'11111 v..._ PMbci . ,BAKERY ............. D1lr dmr.r-St•nl'lO..--.,. •• _. COFFIE tAl'ISWf.:LL V....... J:.aWtt• I . MA11G'NI .. ram.t.Y • .,,,.tr ... , ..... ,, .... 511: Pll ... ~ -'£·- iOUS--6 ·-11c UnraDAT . ...... ..... 0 1 6 21 ROU.S ·---· '-" . c ........ .......,, 25c PRESERVES ...... u .... IMP ,....,. • I i..ter . m.e.la .......... 9'k v ....... ..wa..a 27c ·MAPLE SYR"Pi,~ LAYIR CAD -i-PA'Ncill MIX ___ 33c •• ;~EATS • ~10VA&ANTl:E QUilll'Y,·FonDula .... 11111 •. ,~_. •• -..... 49 . ...._..,. OtJA&A.NTIZ QU.&U.n, l'....a .... a.t 0.-~·· ... ~ i..'.59· ~'1 GUA&A.NTEE QUAUTY. l'--.la l'el .... Short Ribs ~ 19·· Oeear ....,... utUe ...,._ UN& 51" SAUSACH ___ .._ .. ~~ ...... ·. IACON .. _ -· .... 51'- • -· • ~DE·l I CAT E S S EN a 11 • 01,11w-.. C'Je .MAWALADI .. • iN-. · Ms' ~EESI UC " ........ . ....... -·59' HAM _,_ • ........... . "-.. Djl II' HAMIUCB .... · . . . • ,, .. .t ••. ................ ·195 · GANNID HAM .. : ... ............ u. •. Jae )~YI•~-----····-"' •.z-:, . ·-~ .. . .' • 'r , , . TUUDAY ' • ~iiii ~---····". 5tc ....._ .... a' ~it)/ CIACQIS ___ ,_ .. /T. a.-..... ~.._.... PEANUTS ____ ,~ .... f/f. • ,.. Jk ••• I . .. .. • I . , . • • • r• • r ,'!\' w• I I ' ' . ' • .. :! .. f"' •• • t • I ' . . I . . . -• l . . . f ... . . . . . . . ' , I ~ . ' 1 ;, •• .. . . • • I' .. . " . ' . . . . ·-• L-• '• . ' . • j ,1 ••• (. ..._ . '. ' I • . '. It's great to see ol~ friends again! . · .. W • me.an all of you folb who have hibernated lot the summer. Or p!Jrh-ps you . and I were i'41+ '· ·~~bUSv. we didn't get a ~~ance to say Hello. ' · · :· ~yway Wft , are Jooking .forward to meeting y~.,g~in whetf.e.r it's at ~our pl•~ ... • or in that of e n.igttbOr. Th.re is surely no reason to make a date for any other place than here around our New- por-f-Harbor. ' It is an easy process now to get from store to store and browse around the shops, see the wares and chew the fat. ' . . · Even pa~ng is easier for you •nd me when we 90 calrmg. T1'ere is hardly ~ place in town where · parking can not be had right close at hand. In fact you can park It our curb most any time. If you want ~ stay longer than a few cents wor.th at the meter pUll arourid· in back on the big parking lot that we and our neighbors provide for your shopping convenience. we are glad to see those -parking meters work. They .help control the parki~9 for your convenience . rt.l;et . the. overnight ~·rs off. the streets •nd onto ·~ . .. IJ ' • . . . ,,. • T I J ' . . ... '· r. ... .. • .. ,. t ' : . .. "' , > J .. . . . ' J . .l .. .. . I • off-street lots, and ev~n permit. us to ~eep our city clea~er with easier access for the bi.g mobne 1~eepers. ' . . . · ·It is.tre11fy s~risi~g how fn,uch nicerJhO,gs ·~· now that it's "off season'~ W• .. don't have q'uiteso ma~y people crowded· in with car,s and trailers. It permits an easier and better maint.,,.nce of our town with local people at home with tf,eir c.s so that str~et crews can clean things up exp.Gmousty. \ ! Just in case you •re one that does ~t like park- ing meters -real strongly -you ~an park on our lot on the Ocean Front. In Balboa the city of New- port Beach maintains a big free lot seaward of the Rendezvous. The.Odo Shops have Richards lot and in Corona del Mar that big canyon parking lot south of Coast Hrghway between Larbpur and Marguerite is fr••· Yes sir on the Mariner's Mile there is a fr.ee lot too -iust inland of the stores , fronting on the Highway at'Riverside Avenue. , When that uniformed gendarme on the three wheeled motor passes by patroling the meters give him a wav.e and a smile. He is making your shopping easier. He is protecting your property and by his very presence and frequem P.atrols he is • deterrent to crime. Give him a cheery Hello and we 'II see you at. the Polls on T uesd~y. . c • . ~'I :I . . .. ....... . ··~ ..•. -· . .... ,..,,. •; .. ,. .. .. .. ... ... . .... .I<..> ... .. ,,,. '• .... , ; . .. . :·· ·:· .. . . ; , . : . . , . .. ,• .. , ... ~. .. .. .. , .. J' • .. ':-. .. ... .. . . . . , . .. . . . -. w LIDO. REALTY ASSOCIATES MOO VIA LIDO STA.NI.ET MEYER rB.ED GUENSLER VlRGINlA MANSON JACK JIOOftE GENE VREELAND BACK BAY -$23,Soo Really an oatatandln1 buy In tbJa area. priced be1o1f repkeement value. I:..arse Uvm, TOOm with . ralMd hearth f.trepl. LarP kitehell Yltb built-in at.oft and OTell, con~ble deD, plua 2 muter u bdnu, 2 bath.a. Heavy abake root, beautiful . . • JUd and paUo. But.nit your down payment NEWPORT. HGHTS. VIEW ~Down •~%Loan • OPEN DAILY -.00 TwltJn Ave. I BEDRM., large ll~ nn., fireplace. Ocean .tew. Luse d1ninc' rm., kitchen with diapou.1, Jre. tenice porch, 2 l;l&thJI -one with •t&.ll &bow- er. OYermed 2 car prqe. Best value in area. BACK BAY I Newport l Don't mJM 8eehiC th.la outstandln1 3 bdrm. pl1.111 .. . famllf rm. with bar kit., built-in oveh 6 r&nJt! 'and alldin( flau doorw to patio, 2 bath&, many other feat~. plenty of roe. for pool. AU!n& $28,&00. . ,. JACK BRENNAN, REAL TOR .. AT THE ARCHES" ' 3320 W. Cut Hwy. u 8-7773 VOGEL'S BEST_-VAL.UES CORONA Oil MAR . 1-Ru.stic home for a lup f~)'. VW1f ot Ocean 6 Hill.I a bedrooma, i •• bt. tha. 2 ftreplacn. tr 1'1:lm""' rm. Pqpi hardwood !loon. 1'4 ~t e. svery r00111. L~. kJtchen wired tor eJ. ~e. HlFi. Quality, ~uty. location. 811 x !:W fenced lot. Pri«d to 8tll and good t.erm1. . 2-Charm and Location I btdroom.e, 2 tull tile batha. 1'· Uvt.nr room, tittpla~. FA heal, hardwood fl«>n. Kitobtn wired for el •love. 12' x 18' ~-Beautif~ flowers • cnenhou.e. Fe11ced yard. IUBdeclk . with .,,..eepins view of ~a Ir ~. Gu.,. __ .built for apl Very nice -only Pt.760. I-Duplex -c.1 Zoo.ins. 2 bedroom• 6 den and 1 ~na apt. OOCld loe&- t.Jcm. Excellent for profetlica&l \Wt '"th lftl. denoe or re.Jde.nUal incoroe. Jam red.eoAtod- An opportunity at 522.000 -cood t.em\9. THE VOGEL CO. 2MT E. Qrt. Hwy., Coroqa ~I Mar HA: 1H7 HA . 07~7 .. . -· . Bl B -EXCLUSIVE BAY FRONT Pier and allp, Bay Aven~ a BR., Oct. lJinUll rocnn, larp llvinJ room, firepl.ac4, room for large awtmm.Jns pool Flrm price -'60.7eo .• OCEAN FRONT LOT Dalbo& PenlntWa 40' R-1 lot, $12.~. DUPLEX NEWPORT 2 l'urn1lhed unit.I. Good loeatton Income $2,000 I*' )W.I' $12.800 .,. ~ .. ~ P,000 4owL ,...,. 'R-2 LOTS -2 Bl\ llOVBE N ,,.. $23,000 -one-b.&11 down. • · ,... "' J • r BAY & BEACH lt!AL TV, tne:. R~~ori 20Z W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beacb. H&r. uef , .:...~.1868 THE GREAT ORANGE COAST A ,.GOOP b01bt -1-t ...W.· -'"~ QI loan, ,$6t.T6 maa-lbl7 ~ a bedrml. hcl nn. ICll'llllca ma, CU l&oYe NTL WW ~ ill ll'lhlc rm. .u. tadliecl ,.....,., Good ~ MiPborheod. AU lh1a t.or tM &ow pno. .t nuoo wtu. down pe~'worked out. I NJ:.AR PallaadM Road -acrou from lllon. an a.ere ot ea.rUa ~t It you acl today, tomor· row you wtll be slad. •~ tuu pr1ce -•Uf~ IJOOO dowL Ha.I oldrr tmp101 llDUlta. COJOO:.RCL\L 1" acre wtlll ' prollta~ lnlprov...U on lt. . BKAUTIJ"UL BACK BAY • e~/ B ·· ·Corona D~I Mar ' ~ OWND UYI lm..L ~ ........ IP, II~ wttl rp, ,. .......... 9"' .. decJ& .-. • ._. I Ml IU· ~ OifdTI ~,,_.. ' Doredftt .._ I Bl\. • dea· l&na& boale wl~ OCMA ...... Tbe ..,..,. paUo wtll deUpt you.. ait,000 b&ad.11&. C.a.11 Mur- iel Ptnonr. Don &be h& ve a t1a1r tor wood fl&M 6 iu,_ paUo t Tlwn Ulla ll BA. a. •6' lot ao. of Hl·way Uo\lld nu U.t blll. Sl T,900 1'Unl.1.lbec1. , I M1nu+.1 from the Ocean 1 Neer $chool1 & Work ' OOITA. Kr4A SUNSHJNm • BUCH HOMES orn::a ... , l'nmi or n&a" Uvtq rooms • Plenty ol cloeta Datai 1paoe,tn kltcheu • •o pl water batera. Natunl blrob cabtJieta • Contew tile tn Jdteh- ena • Maticork floors • Wood alldlni p- dow1 • 6,000 1q. tt.. lot.I • Rock root.a. Aluminum ecreena. ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKERf ALEX BTEPI' DEVELOPMENT RoGm tor Lal.rMdlalA ~allloo oa YM:allt a.rt'&. BHt N.wpwt Bl'Yd. tluy. lmproyemente are food and lDcome DOW f 1&5 lnO. J'ull J>rice only U1.llOO. Ttmu ,ma7 be a.n&aJ9d. 2 Br. and convertible den. I.up U.tn1 room, 2 bath.a. HW fioon. Built ID Jdtc:hm.. -,A beat, u.ed brick ftrepl&ce, pa&. Acom for ntmzn1ni pool Beauutul bom• ta~ ar-. Low flnancJq, 6~'° lit TD at $99 Mo. Pf,9C50 tull price. A.NOTHSR 8HOfUX::LIJ11' ----------------- l\UOOED but proftC..lllt oll W, n'* a. uo x NO, .x..a: ., .. ' I.JI«, Buy entire plot tor Juel flll,000 with about "' doY."11 Wat.ch the protll frOW. WIU 41Ttct.. ~Down COMPARE! Your p,_.t rental with tbia 1 Br. WW carpet, ~ ud fe(r., draped• and bllada, nJce Jot and beau~y land.-c&ped. Can be purchued at only '80 per month . 1 'l'ot&l Price $8:M>O • OOODI&. 8padoue 3 BR.. I MUI. Main C9t!1Jlc. lbab root. .As• J yre Pr1eed under own- trl "*'· Jt.lq. k>t.a .. '°""'' ta ..i111 Call Al Jturta l)N' ... t.atJ.t. ,, Bay & B11c.h Rlty •. In,. Jl&ALTOIUI CcllW\A del Mar ~ 1116 •· ~ M"J'., HA '611 ADV&RTWNO tor tree. I-way ......... ..,.........,.~··, l'OOIQ ~. Lift ud ..-'""' •w• rw IN"'-1. cleo. w, •111.1. .,.,..,.,., loan, ... . ~-~ ...... , .... . 1 llr. Farn.iahed Apartment. -$75 Mor:ttll lad 2 Br. untum.laMd apa.rtmmta. THE VOGEL COMPANY Balboa Realty Co. 1700 Newport Bl'f'd., eo.ta JI.a. y M90 OUTSTANDING VALUi;S bl.lain.. purpo" -live and ..... •t Wllt ~-lt7 ea., BQT BUT QI\ Newport Bt.d. .... • • ....u.. Pt111awa. p. a p t -----~-e_•._H_ar_. _-_M_. _H_a_r_. _67_1_•_____ home9 ;you ebould .. ~Ah ~ ...... CAIJ ato,000. CHVJl.CM ~ lllom1 ud "*• M• JoeatlH, Jte V wt.rt.,. aad lot\ In 1ara1•· Jwt re· p&!Dl.-d. Well planned 2 bfdrm. hwd n,... Aak.J~ i1e.~. OAANGE COAST .PROPERTIES INT •-J!Ort a1tt, OMta 11- l,.l NIU ~-U 1-UOO ON LIDO tSLf ""' I ll'tJt.L LO'f'S I O I OWNU 14TI UL&.!lt B/B LIDO ISLE A bR"4 ,._ s bedroom. 2 bet.h nne Homa. 8trwt to •llwt. 1M&il&.4 918('. kt~ lnl .... Ul'lf ""'2-br1ck fpl. ~uttl\.ll "otute wtndowe lo I' r I• ~Uo, Well -built IH.000. Balboe ptenin1ula Quality Thru-out '"or th~ ~rtmlnat1n1 buy•r A•..,..Ullll 1.Uf ar-. J Md· ~m• Ux~ )(ut.,. h.u n~ ..... ~w 2 lov•· ly btitha, bullt-ln kit 1ntn· eom. I p&U• A. JOY to •h.,.... ~,,Cl(l(l BALBOA COMPLJ:Tl:L T J'URNlllH • ICO BAYntONT to U-n.a and •herwa,.._ t ~ .)ed· room.a, t lo...., ll&U... &a· '"I' rocp. J lvp JSUOll w I built-In BBQ. .Jelflt ""· N· vate altp.. P&.000. Coate Mesa Inviting Area W .500 -tllOO n.n 91t lrv1M •lwd. I WTt11 '*'room1 J ft• ll&U\a. ""' llYtl\.i' room o""~"l Ill<'& Cvdml. Don't .il te ... Ull• charrnlnc i.i.., Your Ja1t op~unlly tn "ur a larse I eto17 ' bdrfn. It-beth &ll electric klt.Uwn llemt IO tar ltelow mal'ktt •aluf'. The lwlnr room AllCI mu~r ~ r"l')m ..... ~ h•n • teal n,.. ~dodra~~='hou~~:e:i BAY AND BEACH REALTY, Inc. tare• pauo. dellpUut plant. REALTORS '11p 1 nr P"'I" &M ti enm· 1'50 W. Balboa Blvd.., Ha. MU plf!tely "·•llffl '"' prtvat"~ R•· --~ ~- d\l('td tor • •llkllil u.I• M SS&.~ :F..uy Termt. • Bayshores • NEWPORT BEACH CLOS~ to oee-11 an• bt.y, U11u. wit 3 bfllroom, '' "-th home .,...,,,,._ "'"'· juat I '6 Y'* Nd. l'\lJ1 pn'. ll ..... ooo. r.z ' •"'1,. WATERFRONT DUPLEX I -Choice Exchwve u.t.inl'I 2 bedrooma, 1 bath $11,TtJO • bldroor.na. 1 ~' bath.a 11, ''° 2 bedrooni. l bath. fu.rn. -2~000 2 bedroom•. 2 batlw, tmmac:ulate <eold> _ tt.eoo Mo. l-1.~RY, 1-. aATMI, Larp U'lhlc room wit.ta •uu- n.I ~ OpM --... -114- ·~ fl&.9 door lo !&rs• paUo. Thi.a pro~rty bu dl.ltlncUon 11 )'OU want a bonM' lllllt a lit· Ue d1tferu1t tluu' moat. llt,· 000. food tema. Ho. 2 -a BSPROOM. 2 b & la& borne, llP&CIOUI ~ U• u. tplA&l ecMWlnloUoo, °"'- bo~y l'90m. A ftry attractlv~ IUld dluldy honw. IU,.1100, ~nu&. No. I -A NEW I ~droom. 2 ~lb born•. *uutully ap- """"~~----Built-lh ldtcll«I. fotoc"-&tr tleat Ud ~ .., ..... uuoo w1th unne. ~ a S14l'INIMl\l ¥\.w "' u.. ., '" w. ' ~ horoc e11 Wect .. ,, .A .... a.. D&M7 loc&UOG , , Qef.f m!YC. 1'\&rn· ~ L06. m .oeo. tenu.. . ur YOU AU ll4WI>T wrnr A 81\UBH .. I.hi. I tModroom ~ t Medi !*al Hd aw flx'lnl loo.tf'd 111 bhx k to My beach. Ou~dft ~ach &howtr room, -laundr)" and ran11. I 14 ooo. -~ d!M'l\. HER.E'S 4 GOOD v.u.ui: FOR SaACR KOMJD P.. ~ llt- r.orne. 2 Mdrootn bo~ J>Jue a tu""""" .... ~ In ~. ",,. tllGsk from lbc ...,,. OS-. ...... ,. ~ ccn tc. 113. 700. POOO clown. • REFRESHING LIVING AT BALBOA ISLAND (" EnJoy our unique community advantace-with thlt eound J btdrm., 2 bath home. Here you can do tblPCa with your furniahinp ln ama.rt sood fubtcm. Larre pta'f and ample brick patio. Jl"tnplace a.nd dfictlQt kitchen. WW ca.rpeta. Oood ~ fort~ with children. TO BE 8HOW1' °BY APPOINTMENT Un!uml.ahed $26,500 4 ICAJtal l1'8M -• -, ~ froPt b\ltip• pn>perty lervin&' iu.b YOJUIDI foQt thttlc 1fttb ap:!qu. Bay Front peMlbilltletl b th• n,wt•fatO, ~ 30 • M tt.. lot, C.1. . A stMI at $22.ro<> TWO UNlT8 • • - We a.lwaya haw the bNt eelectioa of two U!llt. home and income propert.i,.• at Balboa Ial&nd. .. WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates Lee Bolin • ' Charlotte Fuiola : Hub •~n • Nona Hyer ·~ Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa laland Har. 24G BAL.80A ISLAND a B.EDR.K.' BOUIJ!l plba 2 bedrm. apt. near E. 8-y. PJioed '11h~ . 2 wUta CIQ Jood jlltteet. 2 bed.rm.. hOUM plus 1 br. ajrt. >.ttNettn tlan property - Nr. No. Bay. I~-. l~ batlw, 2 ea.r pr., l bdr. apt. ~ down. Owner _,.. ' 1 fO .. n. $26,90(} I . Small hou.ee. com~ lol Good locatioo $10,SM50 3· tiednn. 2 batJt, if..lttJe I.aland ~ Duplex l bed.rm. each, rood etreet. $22,800 • EvtniDp call~ M.&roon. HYatt '"'222 or ~ Boynton Hait>or 2811 EARL W. ST~NLEY, Realtor • Marla• Aw., a.a. Il1&nd Barbor 1m Pfl:R al\d •llP pr1vllf'I'· rood condition. ~t')t)(I lnNWna and food prl~•. l2U100. 1:7. tAmn• SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY il.80 ~~~ ~0i:' c:.: l: COST A MESA the Best Town on Ear+ft INDUSTRIAL mruc I 1'0 IO A(llU. "'- lllCMll .. Pt.eoo psr ac:re.. o-t tn ca. .• ~ llolf• Ud make,......, ~-,:*'UJe ... ~ qu:1e1r. i& . PIM ~ ~ &l"I ~ tt. • • A TMOU&HT FOil TODAY ll .... W'llat J"OU'd Ult• to do. ~ do or wm df •t ftSt ' ~ ID tllllt cQICIDt.I. ' Seven l1fenda Realty -lnyestlftut Co. --•!a.JC~~ u., Front Pier t Blip. VDDP ~t.11. Q11•1tliil OMntlt M· r · HARIOR rrHart;i. ia"."" : Pt -~ . EXCHANGES co. • . . R·I Iota lclt, 121' dMp. Bide by ade, 1~.000. . ·. "' ..,. MIT \..;...;.ii.......-__ .._ ...................... ~- BLANCHE A • 'GA TES, Realtor MD'D OP MULTIPLE LJBTING 111 JIUtDI A.-:. IWlloa Illud Ph. Ba.r. 1811 ar 1812 . \ . BY· OWNER , . I BJCDROOM, S M.~ 1fW ... ta Ana, S ,.,.... old. WW carpet.I anct drap-. l!Md 1llir1dt n ... .... ru<b .,,,., e!Wl• root. .... oed fenr. ~ :JVd, aDd IPM raD rr-L DtdlolMln lawna. 1.ota ot lhnl• ,,,..., .tc. hr appl. p!aeoe to 1"'10T 1"14 Kmd&7 LaM, IA.NT A A.NA. ~ wm tn.da • Ra1'lor Ara lltfo I Bay & Beach Real+v, lnc •• Realtors CORONA. i))i; MAB 8530 Eut Oout 111Pwa1 Klrbclr MG I f'Oft 1 -0... del KAI -. Tw .. _.twt .. A --·-fotlMJI. total~ Cb,._. aaliebury -n.attor I JI Kartne A YW. Balbi». laland ll&rtlor NT1 G acre1 -$t4,!500. All utilltt., tracbp, .Dis '.t eewen available. 1 ·i n ·. RUSS FORD, Realtoe' \ 1600 W. Coat Hlpway lJ MH1 ' ... . W. E. ASHER I AUOc:iates 8026 c.o.at Hwy., Corona cW Mu Harbor 5()32 .:.... aut. U»W ~ RETIRE WITH INCOME la llllut at be&UitU Oonma dill Mar. I Income 11Db: 2 laN ..., 6-.,. 2 p&tiic& C1me to • 11 .... 1~ Wb. frca oo.a. $32,TBO STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor INT a ODut ..,., ec.-4'I Mar Bar. 112 ~ I I tf c 4 UNIT INCOME w rov w ANT a.oice Jl'ropert7, wtUt a t"9 Mdroora umt for ~ ,au • rtDtala U4 .. -*' 91d7 1 bloell to Ule • 1lia1 _. OMU, pleue Mt DM ...... "" w. t.tt.Nets" p&w • a ._ u4 half. Priced at Ill.loo. Oww wOJ owSder ...... • • tnda. Tsma to ~--· rwMlM-t&Ua .. o.rp 8WWwt. BALBOA BAY, PROPERTIES -----------------im w ........ ml"-llar. 1111 OCEAN FRONT CUT9 J bldrm. 2 bath cottap, •u.ooo. ftl9e 1*bm. A den. turn1ahed. -ir Bay, nice. UT.GOO. U JR wut Income, ... U...: ' mp utta fmallbed. pocf" Income t19,l500. Tripla-1 1-Wrm.. 1 l·bdrm. • studio, $21,C500 Al.lo niee ba.OdJnr lota, ch1nnel "fiew $17 ,!500. Modern up-to-date, ' two bedriiiL with 2 bath.I, I aee bldna. wttli 1 bath each. plua extra lleep- tq room. prl>. d.Ltp., • ,....,... J&u.ndry, ud campllteli ~ wm 8111-« otter trade. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JAYRl:D, Raltor . IOIG M-1 Comer uo rr. ntONT•<m Milter eo.. ta X.. wtUl sood I BR. Omie, '6le.l ... -an maauta.dmW, NI pnc. pt,000 wtth ...., t.ma. Du >. Jaooa-a. ft.-1 a.tato Banor !littl LI 1-t7111 Kl 1·2117 LI 1-alT FOR SALE BY OWNER Miidred ..... and 9yttia ThcmP9on, A.19od&U. IOl Z. Balboa lllYd., Balboa Bar. 2elS8 or .eoo I ~OOM and d9o Jaome wtta tuD:J elecitne klt.cMD. 4'8 ....... , wu.ber and ctrf· •• wall to wall ~ and tuJJy dra~. Located -pn- ttc Ya.te l&b ba Newport Jliw4. Pr\oe Ndueed Im a ~ .i.. LI MMt. ' llcll VOGEL VALUES NIU' Back BaJ ~ --------S •.~ Nwpwt a.tpta ~J t '5,800. ... , ......... ta a.1 ' 9,700. ' ~·rart (2) C.1 $18,800. Mowpwt (I) ~2 PlS,000. .... ~ Jt..1 $17,C500. ,_ • THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OJTICS, 8'18 Via Lido. Har •971 You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE New Furnished "Hom•• by Mecco'' OPl:N EVENIN08 UNTIL I :00 P .M. Interiors by Martin & Von Hemert I .. ~ hGIDl9 .. u. nn.t locatJoo Pm. trca Pl,000 to SN.000 1'cm lllllpeetlrm II a~ 80lidt.d . . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor DCUJllJVll AGJ:NTS 0a m__, 101. NlllfPOft BarW, appiwlte new lrvtne Olut Qwbj au. Barbar ""' ·N. B. C. REPUBLICANS ' Newport Heights Special · $15,000 Mo6wD I 1Mdroom. eonm' lot. ~ lllJ'Mt. 0098ll new fNm front yard. SXCLualVI:. - ,._. OUl be arrupd. Ralph P. Me1key REALTOR M11 Newport 8h·d. Ba.r. 40I NEWPORT HEIGHTS I la.rre bdnu .• aput·lenl bom' , ,,. )TL old. UY. rm. baa h1P beuned eeU.. Indoor llhuti.ra. Kttcban bu bwll·ID W. RoUy •to'f'e.. many ouJlboal'dll. Hwd ftra. lJ' • 11' NIMSeck. Ul.000 Qwnet-416 C&taUna Ortve. 70paa Cliff Haven UYr II. Tract u1a lnot 1 ...... .bold). Larw• M"81 corn• lot. acellet tNIJdlq llt.. r.n pr1ce 110,280. Call Joe o.J· &ant. HU'bclr 1111 or Llbert7 Mtll. Earl W. Stanley, Rlir. nl Jlll&ttM Aft, a..&6o& ~ ltoU BALBOA INCOME WI: Aii PROU'D TO ,,_t .,. ., u. mc."l9t "'1plclr• -~ Bhdo Be&uttt. fUnUah.. ... aD w. kltc. " ta.tU. bee.Ill '*Ip. ~ -&DOtlMr un.tt oa tn. ol lot. la ~ ana. Oal)' all.~ Xlnt. ftaaaclnf. wm .,.,.er• n. cal* crul9- • oa tndia. MUST 81:11 to ~te. Mesa-Harbor Realty IOt OllaW 8t. eo.ta M-.a LI ~ ltft. Bar. 1111-W C-2 100 x JOO ft. E. 17th St. .. Buut.fn Bi-I\ recor4 player u4 TV. Walmlt .. pueUa&. taTt.AO ..... JCDatili1l ~ ~ lq. Bud·pMnte4 ad.It cm aUdlq ~ lhmka lbower tn bath ot maa.-bedroom. Two ...,.. bedl'oom.t a.ad ~ bath. I,.arp cllnfna lanai and oeram.lc tile wan accentfnr th• prda room and patio. Olli larp oonw lot DIU' fine beach. Worda cannot cl.-c:rtbe -1011 mut .. ltl New One Story S.yfront No other nu su 3 ~ tamlly room. ·~ beth.I. 8eduded patio. Bay and ac.n .s.n from the loftlt ll'f'fnr rocmi a.nd d1n1ni room. Th.I.I e:xclu.alve home, fncludin1 complete cutom turnltun and applla.nca dM!ped for •ch area, ls of th• calibre teklom offered for ale. :0.. e&OM ol a cbanp ID family pla.u, tbe owner. builder often thla deluxe home to the Mlect buyer who can attord the bat. Best Buy \ No ot.ber iioch nlue on l.Jdo. a bedroom.I, 2 betha. FlJM cupetiq • drapes. Beautiful land.caplnc.' l~• just J*'(eet ! N ot.hl.ni comparable at Pt.~. ' Newport Heights On thia you must hurry 1 One of our mOlt promlnent citlzena, a trlend oC oura, bu mom lnto a larpr bOllMI ud -~ "SELL" thl.a one. It'a a bis Jot or better stat*1, a small e.t&t.a. ~ room. witll ~ hqe den with ti.replace. Two beclroo!M; dinin1 room, b~akfut room, larp aunny ldtcben, bli prare and •to~room .. &autitul treea, lawn.1 and !lowerw. Sprinkler ayttm. nu. I.I a truly floe cu.tom hom• at the unbe- UeY&ble price ct $23,:5()() . Just incidentally, t.hia 1ndude9 aboat $2000 worth ot turnlture and appliances. ', Bee thl.a ! You will want to mOYt a1Pt bl. R jut happen.1 that you may do ., toda7. Home and Income One of thole hard-to-flDd n.early DfW dlapla. a couple of blodm from U.. ooeaa an4 MU Udo abopplnf omter. 2 bedrooma •ch unit: -lower ha.I fireplace &Del 11 rented uW nm lpl'fnr; UPPl'f oomee com· pletely fUrnlahed, Nady for new owner to mcrf. into. OYeraiae pnp -lauqdrf. . \ Biil ., Ila tbe u.t .• ~-'8,700CloWa Willard L K~Uon, "ttealtor 1341 Newport Blvd., Newport leach o,,-. tbe Qty BAu • Har. rRS05 Eftnlap or 8andaya ceD Ranor Olll or Barbor 4083 C.2 Bu1fn111 Property 10 x 150-$7500 ......... wta. ,. ...... t:r. ---fw ... -.,. x .. ....__...._~. u... ... Frenk Jemes. Rttr. ma 1n.-... o.1a x-u ..... (1911. ... ., .,..., ~) aaa..-.u ... e1u..-r COSTA MESA Northeast .......... -..OIWap 'Ye17 Attnctln. Lua'tt Dbte aan,.. 'm=edlat• Pcwnld• wn ftTIO Dow-. ruu prtce _., '11.IOUO Westside I 8edr1n.. M-..V N ~y,. U600 Dowa .... ~ta of Md.00 taelude Tua Eastside a ....... BaMnod J'loan.. I Jlatu llullt bl R....-. u4 Ona. 1 y..,. Ol4. PH I ldOI la ,.... da7L Pt1cle4 ~ .. • "8clll7 at SlU00.00 "C" ED JONES, Rltr. l• Ban. SlYll. LI ... Nol OPPORTUNITY INVESTOR$--OR SPECUL). TORS • unlta lttuaW -.,... Oot'- --' ,_n el4. VWT ...0 IMllJt -' ........ rr-t a.-w -PIO ~ r.uy t.o mer... UU. to UOO month. ~1 UM Mil tNy tD tM ~ ru.u pnc_ie '21 .eoo. Meior Oil Station ~ Comer p&'f'8 O'Yft' 1~ Ml -tu11 ...... prt .. lhou.W ~ ~·y l!XCLJ,Tatvm AGENT. PHIL SULLIVAN 1IM N.wJiGrt BJY4., Coet.a II.Ma P1llone Uberty M'fll 11\'m. LI a.1101 8/ B OPEN HOUSE 2()08 ilm -eo.t.a Ke. New J1mtJo • Back Bay Area $28.nJO • .I ()pea Dalb' 1~ P.M. Bay I h•ch·Rl_fy., Inc. lUUlll'OU 1• N..,ert JDK Colt& M-. c:w.tOl'llM& u ... ua ..._ u t-ao10 .. NEAA . BAY.OCEAN N.l.C. Realty . Co. .......... ,.., ..... N..,_. .... llar.-.i- , CORO~A DEL MAR REAi.TY CO. PRICZ T. VcCUDmON. Rtaltol" A A.:Hdat. · \ '8"1 & Cout Hwy. Corona de! Mar Bar. '1 (ot&e locat.4 bat c!oot" to Newport~ S.U. ODO WHAT A BUY! C.2 ON KA.IN BLvti Good 2 Bdrm. Home &Del Dbl. av.,. -Joi 80 ft. • 1'0 ft. ltM1 ea. Into Mat " towa. ONLY -Sas> DOWN and tM belaJIOI lib rent. PIUCl!D TO SELL now at ' '15.Tao INDUSTRIAL INCOME ~ Sq. J't.. -Block Blq. (Nearly New) Sound Jeue -tupt ln the Olllltel' of town · - Neta 10" DOW' and bu a tJ"enmdou potatJaL GEO. EVERSON REALTY 17&7-A Nnport 81.-4., eo.ta 11._ LI 8-Mll -EYM. HA ~ Acr<lllt Bml from Safeway Market MOST OUTSTANDING HOME BUY IN NEWPORT <Mr 2700 eq. ft. ot livin&' a.fa m Ud8 I bdrm phul bis rumpaa room. new ~ tn idal N.,,. poli Heipb looatioll. llu all Ute MW anc*u f•buw plu.I --lb1np root ad plmtJ " ued brlct. Buy thll home wkile it'• under~ atroctloD and ban the prMlqw of cbocwtn1 your tU.. paper and p&Jnt colon. "-t $27 ,tiOO, ,. jalt c:aza 't do better • 'THE VOGEL CO. . - 8201 W. Cout BYrf ., Newport Ba.ell LI a.Mal . CLIFF HAVEN fa.cinl Balboa Jaland OD &D atft wide riew )ot ls a beauttt'111 bed.rm. 1 ~ bat.be home with nr.. piu., Jarsw um. room, d1n1.nc rm. &Ad elitetric - ldtcben, etc. Price $28.000. "Oet a Gr&nt Deed and be autt.'' Orin by 117 Sl Jamee Pla.ce. . . , ...... . .. ,. F. W. Lvtle MULTIPLE LISTINb 1.ERVICJD 1785 Ntwport Blvd., eo.ta M-. LI 8-H93 LI 8-25'2 VOTERS CHOICE • On Clltt DrtTe, l"U8tjo a bedr6om with' heat.ed -Slrimm1ni pool SM,800. On St. Andt.w., I bedrooai, corner at cm11 S17,8C50. On St. Jamet P!aoe, I bedrooam at only '1U500 • In Harbor Bflblandl ' bedromu. 2~ bat.U. at $23,000 Ina. carpeta u4 ctnpa la Ool'oDa clel Mar, a Dft' I bedl'OOID &Dd dla at .•• 000. wm tl'l4e or ..u t• llUll don. . . Newpdi't ocean frant, I bedrocm bll.all 1i.. .'". ':: Sll,%50. ~. Lido bland a btc1.room modarn, campllt.-with o&l'p8ta &D4 drape11, $11.BOO. Balbo9 laJand -Catie ~- • DUNCAN HARDESTY, RRltor • • • .. At .the ..._. to Ulilo ~ ~·· ~ lil.. 111t. ma C. D. M. Dt.RE<~15.SOO . Tbt'• dpt -'15.000. 2~ .... to ....... Ulid ~ "°'* to ~ .... 2 poabd ftoar, ~ dJW -u.. J'UBH11B12>, wtth 20 x ......... To,. tor JD..m*9t. or 111Gt.:N. AaotlNt....,. prill -9lfL'r PMO c1own. • ~ HUIUlY TO . R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 1122 S. Cout BWJ ~ C«oGa M Mar -Bu. mt :;;i; . . ,. -· llVUJI QI .. Oft I......, ., ...._. • 1tu JN. Dl94l .... ..-.n , ......... -. .., .... ..,. .......... ....... ......... ......., ... .. IBOllT Ill.oar ~· : :: m:LD4 ·a~ .• ..._. · aup -· flA.Ot * ...,._ ..... ....., • PACKAIU> 11 qra.., ---fl• 00 &.U.ll04 &at.4lm BELLES ENGINE ;· REIUILDERS . 110 & In a ID t-&216 LO.uf C4Aa -11\&a 'l"OWINO ft A '111 9C>lfl)llD ONLY HARBOR Trailer Supply 2181 Harbor !RYd. ~ w-. bu BARG.UNS URE THl8 KOOL~SEAL r AU. aPl:ClAL! l pilon can •... Jll...,a.tar " " 2 plJon kit -... ~rU1t6 8 pl1on kit---·-S3.QO ~JltlO HWWF<MI° DACll rtJM. I ......_ .,,.._ ud c.r felt. fTO -. ~· Cal Har .... J.IL . 1k110 LIDO J.8LE W.A TER FR.ONT A.PTS. ONJ: llldnn.. tw'1L apt. Al*> I Wla f\&1'D qt.. Wlllter or ~. BU' ll'ft. .sue NWW' I bednn. duple.ll apta Qldet .U.t. no yard worlt, wat.w pd.. .A. ft1L now H7 a..tr1ca at. !D4u:tn 122 • 20th •t.. c.x. 7kll WINTER RA TES ALL trnL. •.A.ID. "'"'-bacti. JoJn our profit ah&rlnc club I« apt. Pl "'°"UL Abo • rm. and ...i an I ,... ._ ... ... • kit Additionel IO,,. Off I Oo9aa ~ ThtDI Dca't be Klaled! Get UM ocm.ut JW>Jn' RIOHT ADDRl:88 Aft1JUlie;_. 1 111DCk 1 MabM a.pt. '-'l .. l.t.i, ~ For lowest price. ALWAYS 0.07 ..aN •rri~ ~,..,. . !J 67 Herbor Blvd. wttla prn.te ~ D04 W• Ooa9a ,.,_.. Nftport a-da- Ral'bor 1111. atte roe IUIMT -W1IDe ~ IMt. ........ ~ ........ l'f .. I WI& ...... "94J tw • J ........ ,.... ..... ...................... ........ ~ MJDW.&.Ym ll'n ......... JaDW 4.T Cl'l'1' IAYSHORES . ftlWI' ftCft' llmlD MONJl't ..... v. • ...,. ........ .... ---'"· o.n , .. ,... • i.;A, Buy cdl BUild· in ~iful , BA YCREST Newport Beach'• DitWeet and ftndt ratrieted reOlenti&l development. • Loeat-4 in the Back Bay • Lup Ham.It. ' UDdwjtOGDd U'WiU. -DO una&ptl1 polel • Pt.net. Curbed lbwta and Pabllo ~ • OrnuMDtal Btr.t upta , • , ~ bl VERY n:w AV~-R.D!:llVll YOUU NOW ~ . EXCLUSIVE AGENTS .. ' ......... A:i iAiftibN Mlae>A I '-* ,..._ -.t. .,.... • ..... IN¥•1K&NT 00. -.s-. ... u ..... TlaD CARL THOMAS m w. Cout mpway Phone LI 8-M27 W. A. TOBIAS '°' m. 11th It. (OC1191r~) ., MfM -. 111:7, AJla 1 ~ ·-OOIWR--4-tm--. -.-,-.-.--,_.,,-~. ,_ .... --. ...... 7'17· ...ii ,.. ......... ~ ---------. ----PboM Lt 1:1111 .. U'tmMM ...... LI .. M9. ........ = ,... -...... LOANS ~ ...,., ., .... -"1 -----------------------------~~~~~~~~--- ' For The FAINlv:; .. LUllOA, FluL ..... .AJit, y~ "" ... ..,-. 114111 DliUJD-., r.n.. aft. 1 ........ ...., ~ llU1.,...,.. ,.._,.,.., m w. llaJba .... 11• ·WISH BA YFRONT? 2 8dnn.. t\&nL, "'"-' ~ .,......'11_ .. ,.. .... Pu'l'r1', llt ,_ ~ 1..._,u.,...u,..--. Ku.·l:IOl. ..... T ursrui.LT f\u1IWMI& 1 W.- room -~ ...._ Wead; T-.r· ty *-Pn. •t.raDce. Ru ~ t ·IO-f:IO p.. m or .... "411Dda. • • • lkU OOaolf.A l)a., M.A.k, I _... f\ml VWw ""' ~ ...... LI.ts• llrtq rm. .. "°""' ~ UU )'rt7. --.. No -U childrft Ha.r •TH °" Bar lTITW. ~ 'd t•• BP cmw. l1t.M ON HOMES MESA, VALUES FISHER SPECIALS wtio .... Ge .... ;;7. t1JfrU'IUf I mDllllf BOUIDI. ... -·~" '" I m>A. a.oul 11'. S. ... like .... Oal. 'f«. '" ...._ AM ~··*-...... _ ~ ~ '1~ DON l HUDDLESTON Bar 4111 er Bar 11& ..,.. ___ u_...,. __ i ___ P_..-_u_o Ula wal4ll' la air-...... . ...i.& ......... ~ ..... ....... .,, I J'1IW I Mdrm. J ~ '-l1MI. ....... HOY. ti. m.. .... OMla M.._ Ooldac\ Jin. MMI', SUI W~ 'llllJMtc, a.ft« • p.a. Of fJ&D LI MUI ..,._ • &WI. .._.._,_._. QUIET SLEEPING ROOMS B.AL-PORT MOTEL uio w. 'cout Rwy U 1.Ht1 llcl4 ...... _,,_'!_~~ -- MONEY NEEDED FOR tST• 2ND TRUST DEEDS bantttmeat well MCUnd 1bJ R .. I "'9C. Up to 12~ Yield ft&rbor •tu BRIGHT, CREDrl1L I Wma. "'°""· a. •ct.. ..._ la. "'"· 1. PmNINSVLA PODn'. I IMld· nra.. W/W ca~ ONLY 11100 room&, ~ ·~ ~ dn. wtUl ~ u4 .., ld.Lallll-.. 8unn7 patio, BBQ. Ju..t t )TL old. Tou wU1 l:MJOT y.ar roGnd u.t,ns al Ill Nit tor Onl.J .11,400. ...... ~ ..... ., ·~ ........ .. DtTPLl:.X ON LGE. LOT. I bctr. --w a1k1nf di.It. to towt\, 9Cboot. uld ehon&al'. 11.oorn to buUd anoUaar Wlllt. Ol\17 »000 dn. Frtzmorris Rl+v Co.: 2 8&.4CH COTTACC. Near R.e&Jt.or B• ... e u 1 •• ~ l \.; 4CU wttll I bdr. olcWr bolnt. Newport P't•, 2 ~ 11136 JC. OMllt lftway Jlar DD Royal Mort9•~• Co. Hr. Cou/ltry out.. rut • ...,.... doubl• ~ J'umilltl· eoroe.a .. 1 Mu •• ~r ..,_, 8&J'U, Ill.oral" od. N~ -paliDtta( .... A'M'N. CONTRACTORS I :-anit torn.1. OnJJ U600 ~'!1 mau olfw. 0... &All· t BA YSHQRES u.t your tint • aecood truat I C08TA l(UA DUPLICX. t Wuit ll9 a.. bl ... t rt" .. ) . ...,. wttb ua. W• ban lliu7cn lbor.• ~.-...... 1mectl wa1•-·. An tOt'..., Adam• ..... , •• Harbor Realty • bedtooma Md!. Cl••• In • ~..-.-·~· · -.. M 'J 6,000. l tns at JOUr door. ~ I· MORTOAQ& LOAN .OE.PT. • .4POCU.TES t CO~A ME.~A & .,,..,..... l' Wra ~ 1mott)' ldM bl&s-:- .4d-...ti.t"' "' NSWa! 1'11nVI !\GI c .. nt~ St. Ooltta MMa ........... onl1 1 ..... Gael. N•r *· tr. pl .-cl a.at. I ... A about toc1.o:re .,.. _,.., ror vcxa:t. 00 LI a-.11 -.... , . b ALL TBD AlftJ food N'EWI •.. ., Uld ..i.J 1201 W, Coaat H••y 1.J I l •ll ""~e. ftL, U l4TS!I LI l-W'\ aboppll\J Nnt•. ...t el an. d l, ........ , .. 79tl ~· r11 -n be -•rc:hued for only MOU ltt.JOt. ln ou.-o.-n.s .~· c u 1.~1u ~ aM-W ·-.. - Co.ta Me.a TC.UU.T r_a41g at m M&l1IM THRm ....., I -...m wd'\lr1L NmwP<>RT HtlaBTa .Pl1n1A '1 11160 down .... W. lodaJ. --.: .. room, tull Ille MUI, smnt. ... ~ E.tate w .. w__ . ruu prtra '11·"° NELDA GIBSON We Wbolf!ale and Retail I A .......... JJllaa4. I ..... ,.. •,U. ~ • ....,... prtl ----------1 ........ l ~ qt.. rwr.. uw. .... llJullt-t" ,_..... ,. tw-t I pd..Nllt.-wMO,__t.11. ~ . ......-. 1f•ar •• ON DISPLAY . 1967 .4 "11. -· Clall ac-t. Pt-4• 8-clL. 3'14'1 a.one., Cdm, pit Har. JJh 01t 8taA&ey at Hu IMO. aac,a., l~. •M le.Itta A.aa • ... I w t H E . ty LIDO & co R ~ ---------Ilk~ an ome qui I Outatandlll( I b r . !WW ,., .,, (!al'• f ISHER . Mt ~ ~!.. or ..... ~, ru~. R.oom. prtnl• b. th. AND OR TD'a totahnr .. ~.000 p!'l, ?JOO ell n. 60' lol, J'.:lwr· I ~· m.AJID ·' Har. lTTI. Utfc pr1.alA nil~. itG.. month. to P2.~ In ocha.ns1 tor brook 6Ntsn -... 7.ec>O RF.ALTOM INIJUJtOM :, ~ <:o.t& Mna It.. C:. M.. ~ tnoom .. 16260 to '8600 , Yd. • PAN AllERICAN ~ PARAMOUNT BOLD-A.ERO KENSIULL 'M 60 ft. Pan Am. lac. _ _... .. 'le Sl ft. IOt .• Tw. '*ii ·-Jllll 'U 1t ft. Otllela. .i-. nt, -... u n. PrUna aci.oona ,... ... n ft. it.uw. bat.A ~-u .. •aru n. P'&JI Amerita.n _ IOl3 'llO •6 ft Pa l&C'e, 2 hr • 3 79~ '60 SI ft Pr.a .4mer1ca4 _ 1"6 • PORT ORANGE • .... TRAILER S.AI.ES and SUPPLIES 1200 W . Cout R]pway N~ Beach LI 1·'4IO OPEN t a.m.-4 p.m. ~ day COllT A MaA.. I roona • fll:r'll or uatani • l\1a••¥llll .. R.Jatt ~T. l4'1TC LIT"l'Lll LU..801.. Im-Uft>, I Wna. Qt.. wtllrUr rmt&1. fT6. lllcl\MSlaa uwau... ..... uu. tlt1c CORONA DEL MAR 1 Mdrm. furn. a pt.. UO lndlld. uUI. 1 lltudLo &JIL. M6 tum.. lnduc1. I uUI. Har. tN. TtUC' CORON A DEL MAR. D eh&u 2 b.dnn. f\l.mlatled •rt. Pnftt• p&Uo, h bloclt U> oc.ui rront. J 100 mo. 11"1. leu4. Or rmt 11J1 .,._ "9W Jun• 1. .4duJu oal7. 0wlW1' Har. '7. S.... Hu. Ult.. Htlc 4'1-WaaW to Rftlt I BA y vrrw. 2 ti.drm. apt .• lln· • R I tw'lliahed. 1 ood ~-1. 1arre · ente 1 Wanted uo.N. 1 n blod&a to .cliool. We need •JU and .__ In all aa.c.aMnt beach. uWJUH ln-..uoa. tor bOt.h W\Dts ud eluded. llU 7 .. r17. Call Har· 7'fll&I'• ....... """' ... llfd'UnL. bar ..... I lolta U ,VU baH a nC'&DC')', phl:IM toda7 \ and 2 BEDROOM Oabtaa. kttchNM«-. ~ llW- IU.. 110 wll. aad up. Wa• .. Kot.a. MOO CGeat lllW&7. 1'f S. • lloll I tmrtYNf. _... 1 Wna. chi- ....... T~ Ml aad fTO. LI l-U71. lloU yr. Harllor tHll 9 Lo 6 ~ wwlc 3 b r , model'1\ cor, at,..da -l.O 290:1 N-iiort SI da)'9. Ha.rbor 61~·J ovenlniw 1 down •• -$3'.0QO N.-port a-ti ,.. 11\0. W. M--siort -.ea. n.TllH. Room w1U. pr1Hto llalJI LI ..... Tl. ~ and '"t,..nco, &i.o carport. Day Of' olpt Har ... ,. '3Uc: S b r.. -wide lot, tropoal IDM· UdO NEW UNrt7'1Uf. I Mira. ...... apq_ Qw.t IC.Nat. N• J&l'd work. lAZs-. ,.,... .. Inq. t25 a.trice St. ar 121 E. JOtJI It.. Cc»ta M-. ._ Har IMM-J. lltfc • Ground Floor 1 BORK. •flam. ctup1-. eo . .a. e OPTlCl!:s OR STORES et Hi-7, °'"1fta dal Mu. I04 _ Ina. •.:_ _ · IWf For Leue In - COftOJU. DJCL. )(AR I ONW BllDRX. apt. ..,uall1 Harbor In..t.ment Co. Bld1 ...._ Har. S5T .. w. ~ Har. 1eoo ""' .. -1•1.600 40' llaytl"Mlt n.r:anl lot 10 .* ' hr. t-uly •Ill t"4h for 3 t-r '"' LTt>O Mll.000 RT OV."NJ:f\., I -2 t-.1rm i.QltA, IJ0.000. CUb dov. n. OPE."l HOU81: S\..,._"t>A T '5100 )'•rl)' income AU n~· HU kubore Or1v• N"-port llT'K eo.ta M-1..1 1-77~11 Cor An'O)'O • 1.aloma. vmon nuc Hu 04 Y.. :nnd st,.--t. Rack OCEAN FRONT MOTEL I Bay Bt'Y o r THE W&fo:K • t1t•rLltX -1 b r. -. Wol <: )(,_ Stl..:.CIO ~ o..n. dSap. Uld pr-I SOt.b A N~rt Blvd. 1 t...mJ ~ach t&-B-R.-, ... , 0000 HWWPOJllT 8114 r H RJ:AUTlruL NEW • un1la Claire van Horn JTOUlld floor )t)c&Uon nn N--1 I~ tor addition 1, birch Rl:ALTOJll . port Bl?d.. Ottk-.. .1., otor. llltch.na. sarb dlap . muc t 2731 w Caul Hwy t.r M277 i-tlon a•a.llallle. J'l.aher 6 IWll<'PI", hardwO<M'I, pulllnr ., <'all EvH HA 1411.J REAL VALUES F'lfRN 1 BR frw.1H floM t o bulllnf'B• lll'CUoa 461ll~ lot. y.·111 trad9 tw S5 fl tr-alWr •• dn paym•lll r.11 p.V. $'l'20C'I c~hannlr>I I Br. tic-8-' cla· I tn<"I. oell nooni, Uh1 ldt.Qtwin. dlspo&al. dlahmuWr, copptr , ,.nt ~ 2 • ui. batl\1, Iola nt r11p~NU and ~ I Frnud vard CO'Yf'N°d rauo. doubt# sara~ lo alWy Thie. I• onf' nf th# ~ b11yw ITI C<>el& M,.M • •, 'j. loan. Pr\~ a1uoo CORONA DEL MAI\. tumYlbM l 1liedml. ~ Mw.te paUo&. ~ OI\. yrty' .... PtN'9e ..... r..n.rty l-T1J'7. ....., OOJlOl'fA DSL ~ ,_..., -,.,.. . ""· ~ , ..... Mlll ... ~, I Mib1Da. ,a-. ()Mar da'*-.... 1110 mo. ....... U 1-TlJ'f. • tt,a Co. Mell N~ m.d.,. N-· all unlta. port Beaclil. Har. "21. Uc» kl• OT Tr•d• Own"' 19•• It, Or,.•n. l..on1 U.A-8 b-8-t&lil 8-C'h HEml~k 1·"21 PRJVATm ornca wiu. ~ ........,_...~. Tlptl BA YFRONT! 1 .~;N::Ji~~0~. ALW.4TI OPEN LOWEST -PhoN u 1-ltTI B A~J'ftONT Mm9. a.n.o. -------------lalaacl. J Mdta&. MWt1 aDd BAT VIJ:W. I Mdnn. apt .. YW'J "-atU\ID1 t\ir I t 111 W11tw aiotuy a...U.W.. OroaDt'I noor. "'"' Trldmt Bkls .. noo lf .... port mnt.. 1'.wport B•dl. MEICT Ml: at HO~ W. Balboa BJ.cl. and l.t m• ahow TOt: lhlil •tTY dMtrabk 4-unlt In- come. N•r cllUJ't'b-. w~la. -D and t.7. Or call Har. 1101 er "9. ffaT. OIU. Ile.A BUT NOT LEAST BALBOA ISLAND a~ tun.. T .V .. nablMr Ula aoo me. DA.ft 00., MU Via noorw. .... wanllOHI. rood ~ Bar. ..... ltClll bat. 11" bib. t. eUool. ims- ~-t beauc.b aUUU. IMJQid.. ed. 1111 JW117. 111 t W. .., ..... Har... l tcill tt TWO SDIUC. ~ "--Apt. ----------..,., "7 beM ... w ... .aa. ,. -~ .--. llaDloL Har 1fl1W. tlc:N TaAJU.Y or ._ ..,....,. I ..... ~ ..,.,... ~t. ,... ..... ·TA W. 1tdl M.. C. JI OIJI LI ~ or LI l-ll40 er LI 1-#r1. at41 OOltOJU. Dm.. MAR ...,.._ I ~ ............. Jif~ illkp;Lc. U 1-1m. llcill I .-X. "'"'-llGllle wb n... .................. ,1,..,..... flU..., ,...itJ. Jl&r MD-W --·..... II.Ill (ActJuml to laaD 0-. Oo..J om-b'Ola -.... ptwa.cie ~ .,._ NII Iler. -. Mariners Mile 11_._. 1:11tae. Ex~ ornm • .,, epaca tor rat TRADE BY OWNER • a... 121 per awa. 6 ap. JU 'ooo SlQUlTT l.n ' ul!Jl.I In U a.uu. ltCft N.-port a.tpte tor borne or 5t B , •Oft?~ lde•I location For QC&Dt JuMI. °"~up to p0,000. Call TOpu .. 1111 ( O.W..,.l, Mfor'& I p ie. 'TSUo UJn>1:I\ CO M11w:tkm • 'a.luff. ODii. I ~. 1% flllltlla. euJ!dM. \TNUrp&994 WWW. OP1:K •l :M l6 Oeeaa Bhtd. 0&.11 c. w. ~ Hu '"° -Re.r ... ~ Ucll6 W • Ila ve Uw &ow.- prteed ba)'fl"Oftl ~ and locom• Oii a.n.- laland and It l.e VDT ATJ'ft.ACTIV&. PMiaee eau tw· appolnt.IMsl Mariners Isle Rltv. 111 Marioe ...... Baille>& J.JU4 ~4Tl1 INCOME BARGAIN Du A JMOMD. "-I r.t.at. HaJ'bcw Mil LI a.ef ll ltl S-2111 LI a.GJ7 OK -YOU A.BRED 1'0R rr - 9()c)oo Ksaa IT DI ~ cau.-pM turmlb9d.. Ccllnlf 11' ud M\ ~ allow 1'11\l wui bap-. ,...s Oil It .... .-.r lft• ~ PIUCll •'1 Pl.IOO \VM1l 7ou ... 11 79'1'0 ~ "ll'1 A DOLL" • • A. c. ht.Itta, RaJtor 1121 Kanor DlYll. u ..-n Opp. llahrla lif rllt. LI a..wa1 ... Cll l•I C.O.M. ........ t:l l I or I 8edrvona Hanor _.,.._ . t3l Vara11t ft.I, lt-6, W·t PrOfr. trt7. Cb .. ttt W»llur)' • "-It.or 111 l&arllM ..... BeJMa i... .. H&r1Mw ll'T l OPEN 'TIL SOLO= e>--ntt Ma ~ ID~,_. wf> l'forOL f\u1Uc r&JWlt ~· Mary ma.a root. lot.a ., rtf• wood It u... MklL I burr bM!IOOINI and 1. "9UI& UWIJ room It t..t -,. ~t ••• '60 -1Ua 11.t. t.nu ,, ~ 1'uyw. 1-11 omunU· -t o1 ne.600. <X>im ~· ... ~ .. (.jlllt • J.a . ytm) ...... -· OCEAN FRONT·:: • llSD&Oml .......... Will% ·~_... .. ,,, ... . '*'-' .. -.. allftd ,.. at•,IOI.,....._ r: .. . \ ... ' • ~ . • I\ , •• . . ,.( : . \ \ . " ... .. ;.. • I 't • I' • • .' . r ;... ·,~ . # • , r; . •;~' f J. • I I I 1 \; }!;!> ~ ~·, ,. I . ~ .. 't • \ • . ,~,. ~'I ., WAD'ING TO Gm IN -While ~tor tb• puado, thil ltrinc of proetty milell wu Uned u'p waltlnf to iet into one of the eeveral ·shows ~ . , fOIOOalf '111111 CA.llT -Pop corn wu one ·el ~tM ~ tOOdl at the annual Ca.rnival. Mn. J.: C.· Wvd.uich bad a little wagon which .... putbe4 8nCuld the rrounda and found many n.tomen. . Hilarious Hubbub at Annual PT A Carnival •1 Mrs. . WUllMI S. LN Ball.t da.nc~. 1\obln Hood•. and Bpanlah Mnorftu io-.d MuAo ud laupter, flo&t.11\1 rtap a.nd d&rU at tarpltl wttli. b&UOOM. oolored tipta. and (ly-Chin ... ooollu. hula dancu•. I~ pennant.a ' l r a 11.• tor rt(• d and ralry prtnc-munch9d Hora~ .Enalp playpU11411 lnto popcorn and hol clop. an encha.nt..d "ttlDs tor U\• Wb\nen In the ,re-echoot tourth annuat l'T4 e&nUnl oa dlvlsloa were two y-.r-old JuH• BetwdaJ. -~ a mlDer '48-er; Pu.e Btapd Jo&nlly bf N.wport ud .:apne Prt"I''-· snowman: and JCMlp 8cJM1o1a. U.. atra1r .,,.. ,..,.._., an old tallllloaed a.a ouUtaacb.f ...,_ wttb ea ,UL .,.umated a&OO dllldrm ad iwanta fer ~ one, two, P91Wlta al~ dmtnc tM ..S three .,.t t.o Paley Ober. al'l.aDOa Mel ..-iq. a · ,,..-pl~ ~ 4iina nir-.. of ~ of all Ka,., tram•: Ud IJdae7 Jane as-llMd up t.o ~ ta BUI. Ja.-.-p"-. rourtJl. in. Sf'aad ~ .... ,.,..... ad fifth. mad .Uth pMI• ftaallat.a dill.a U u o'c:Mck. TM .-aal '"" Joet ~. •Ire u • aanow-po.ta. ~ _. tlUMI' ~ aa ~,. ttitit· eat.a '"" jollMd ll)' .....,... ecl -VI-I: ~dl•tallJ, did chanct.'a of -s Md ~ aJJ Ida .,... wtrt.111 for t.hl.a _, : ~ tame. ao,. Uld sVt8 NP-a..tn r-..u. Indl.an prt-. ~ua1 torelp iana. 111 a.s an ia Whit.; ~Manna Donley. • trom th4I mail.up beotll wtth IKOttc WN. black or broWn diaa. alaattns .Junior ldp pd.n9 ....,.,.. won .,,... or Indian -r pa!DL by 4.U• ~ rJl)9Y: 8ally Pink rabbtta ..,.4 dlplt\ed La-. •u.i.ton: and Cynthia mandar1u ltnlled up and doW1l Paine, an 014 faahJoned .rar doll the midway w1lh plrale9. mata· w1th a P Y sunbonnet and •~ dorw, and Yet.led Rlnctu beaut.Me. trically-Upt.ed ey-. . • • l ' \ . • - '. ... : . • We Must Learn To Live &\Tith Our Swift Growth '!" . "1ola ......... ~-plu ... -.. c.u. ..... ..wmllilu... "\ ~ -· ..-d...tar .111o put -· ... _ PRESS --' u..,. ... ~· , .... . "! .. ~ a.o.n ... -.,,,. .... . O.i--·~ JUtwt od11&1 ...... ......... __ ., ... ---ltlCiO,oddloft.lfl.000 .. Ille 'lnMlm' !!pre for a.,.,,... toto,llef • ,..,.,.... 'f ' ~.-.Jlaot do•ble tllat ~"' tM9 Ill •'1 ·U,. pp wbkh lo I.ti ,,... ,. '"' . . °' ....... """ tllat -wllll Oo ...,, J'•llo Ila o1 -..... hrinp with It 1M prollla' ~JfOl1P I~ ..... hoopiW., ochoole, = ,,.._.,..,,.._.,.n.._..y 1o.,, __ ,,, __ _ 7 ..... lt'h11i'i' 7 7 ~ ....... ii !llMI thU. lnvolveo caa bi ..-,. .... o!ilJ' "1 llGdlt:.dio hup State •-I U111 , , -' W .Jllllm fa 'IOhooU. &Dd other lllllllUll•o, ._ IM ......... d .Joe&J bond -.......... mallllJ .. "1Ille1*ib ~ch &re marketed ..., ~, M lllo l"od "" .... IJ'OWS, th• ....... ..., ilJlt'"""9t ...... t }*,DO ODgenLtioD to IO)' tllat ............ l!'nJc •vlnp ....,,.,.~ tar -Olm · t ·lt ~ adequate to meet the prodi .. .... t If .. llitt MW f;1e111tt. for our 8Welllns ... ~ ' '!nit Cllllftnlr. 11 vlrluall¥ cut&Jn to be the ~ e.&I II -to come, a 1ood many public · ~--.. VfadmJnu.tretore r ...... uy WU.h f .•-.W ......... , ultim&t.e J'O&l a little more ...,_ a.t ~ llll srowth U. not oomethlng ••-tva'• elil even 1f we wiabed to. It'• .... 19 II&)' ...... MYO to learn to 11 .. with It ... ii' .... ' COURTI16USE BEAT • ., IACS BOE!Tm:ll • Editorial Circuit Rider •1 mirrm !'II.DIS • 11J WAI.TA L MAWOU. 111111-4 .._ -°"''..,...., F&nner McCabe (all rfshlll rw1 •ed) • HARD AT WORK ON EN~USH BOOK Dietrich v.,..i. u. ,.. ot lill'. Uld -. ivop1 w11o ,_,.!IT art1vld u. Coot& It.a from Gennaey, IA ba"fiDc -Ille with~ EncJW. AtleraooM he .W. llio ~ ...... lo die ho-ot -Elae Loloor, 3ll01 La Perle st., c..ta ---~D.,...-!GenDau.and oho helpo him with b1o ruclinc and Dfloalooh ·-5-rper llolij>ol when h• lo ba the Ith erode: ...,.. _ .......... nl&bt ochooL -SWf-Pholo ~ ANA ONLY! •I 5 Days Oily "STAITSTODAY THUISDAY NOY. 1ST 9:30 A.M. • R. . , 1v1era s ........................... .......................... ... _____ ........ ,.._.., ..... _ ... ....................... ................ ,., $12.10 ,., ....... "' ...... - ~10DAY THUISDAY: NOY •• IST < 9:30 A.M. _ ............ -. .----::-l"D C• I 1956 CLOSI OUTS SOFA .IEIS V.._ lMM -U. ll~n Modern Love Soet ..... 119.91 v ... ..,Al -u., tu.nu Soclionol1 ...... _ ----··--------259.11 V .... tft..111-LLINT love Soet I Prov.) ........ 179.IO v.,_-... _, u.11.,.. Lovo Soot (Modern) _187.11 VU. nt.N-LL Ultl Full Si .. Modern _111.11 v111 ... ~a.a-u. maa Modern with Ottoman 241.U v.a.. ATM -LL 1111' Tuftod King Si .. Acodomy ---· _________ 337.61 v.-11.M -LL •t Normondy Full Si10 ....J41.71 CHAllS .v .... ,., ... _ U. tnTI Prov. Pillow Bock --v.._ t•M -LL leMfi Prov. Wing ·---·•··-·--------··-·-v .... 1•M-lL Je11f Motching King Size ...... 107.61 va1-1vw ... ,. ....... ..,... .... King Sire Ottoman ___ 137.50 CALI LOUHEIS · v.i..-...-u.•1• Celi Lounger I Swivol _161.64 l '.-. IM..ll-LL tlB Coli Lounger T63.1S IOLf~VA\ I v~ ..... Full Silo ·-·---·-·--·-·-·--29.95 v_ ...... King Slzo ··--·-·---. -···--·---·---109.81 TABLES~ SO°k Off LAMPS ~ SO°k Off ....... nOll .. FllDI FUii Fllllf .,,...... tMI; 0..,-..._ -.... ·-..... hirz ___ t. ... a•IA .__T .... -V.._ ... San~'! Ana Factory Showroom 407 E.· FOURTH ST. IALTt MORTUARIE$ CILU'lll. Sf TIDI UA ll:IO •. OoMt llh'd. eon-dial Ku. OIJl1. __ .. SANTA ANA FUE PARKING • ·1 ..... rty ie240 CORND FOURTH 'FRENCH! . SANTA ANA ONLY! SANTA AMA OHi. Y! . . Ot't •'• Ro.pit.al ol 1M ••'" .. o1ow ia...----~ "1 U. CWTWlt N""' ~ Beach Vn1t.d ruM 411...._ llllt )"al' cared toe &.111 ~ ' -~. cbtldna for & total ot .. _,, Dr Robert B. • '' CIUiia\ UY pr.t4eat bu n- t ~~ •• Ule am&ll p&U4DU • ~ Ill ltM. ....-.n '"'9 tt .... . .. ,,,, .. :1111 Hospital .. A~mi1illf1tor . _li1e1 Ho1on lew A1to11oti11 111-· 11ar1 Harbor Rest Memortal ' Peril ............. .. ,,. Ra .... .... , I I VOTE VOTE Literature on· All Repu\,Uce~ Candidates; . lumper Strips and Buttons, Mey be Obtein•d at 341 I Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Th Is is f Q r the Convenience of Voters in This Area. RALPH P. MASKEY M..,.Jt 118 11alef OommlU.. dlalrmell ol Ole ~-!ft.-oampalp 1a <>rs..-OrlaDt7 MY• a-. .... aov:llllM ..,. :rruk c. Dr--. reoollUD4tMS lnC•DtU. fll a aisp ...... to blelude Joba ..,.._ ...-un taaa ,. maac Uta -a ...,._, lilqOI' oan am. dlftft' .. \a W:llp at Km .. ,... ......m-. ....... ...., 8-cJI. Qammtsd._.. llta&.d St .-.My •mpe&p ............. WU not &4Yt8&MI ~ ~ a6d UM ft.ft. J..... 8t.dU't.t akln •-rtas &a &Mt.a.a. ~ruua oamm1u... HALLOWE'EN PARTY TONIGHT DANCIN~ TO JEllY KINT'S OICHISTIA BUFFET SNACKS DANCING. -ENTERTAINMENT "' NOISEMAKERS -HATS tr Your Drink Entitles You To Pertake of Buffet WEDNESDAY; EVE -OCT. 31ST 110 .......... c1. ... ....... 1114 u....,.. ..... ' SACR.UCll.NTQ,--tCN8~ - lhcrCar)' ol. It.at. ~ K. J,.._ dan hu announc.ci rut., ot die followlllf 0ran,. county co..,_.. atioo In llil atftoe: Udo IaJe ....,_. au-. - pront: Ncbard K. i...m.. Jiu. Ula S. Yerkee and Bryant B. WUt, &11 Newport ~ dAnc-~~ . ~· ~ l;..-d •1 1H. O. Bany OcnltM J ..... W~ M .. T62 Nt"W• h'Ue 10121. l011t1N ST A TE OP' CALrJ'()RNlA 1 ... COUNTY or OflA..NCll: or THUi Und day of Octo- ber. A 0 . 1*, blito,.. me. ROJU:AT P'. wu.1 VZA. a Ne>- t.uy PvbUc bl Mid tor the MM! Oouat7 and atate, re.Wnr i.n- tn. dul-7 00!!1"' ........... and 9W'Om., ,_ -"1 *"' • .,.., A.UCJC I:.. DJ\AD lllnown to UHi t.o be UI• No. itl ,,_.._,..,.... 10/11, 11/f, u. 21 AD,'UTIBDIKNT ro• ame ·-nM nt:D bW do1 f l!t .. ~Wu& A~ - I'll bet. woo't Ma f•malJt• • I ' The, tftSftfSS ' Monday, Wtdrte1d.y. · Friday I Delivered to; Your .Home Three Tima . Wt•k • I I . '). , ' I • 50c -PEI MOHIM -18c . . . c·• • •• 1:1.1. c1 · 1 • CARPENTER Bep&ir Work ~~ i. 111.-.b)' rtv., Ulal lb• Board at TrU8tHm of th• OraJll'• Cout Jwuor Coll&«• eutttct ol On.n,,e Oluat.J. law•ID&.tt.r ----------------------r.Cernd to u \.be "Owner", wUI NeeWt up to, but not lat. Ul.&4 1:00 P.M., Nonmber 8, 1Me. -led Mda tor UM award at ocmtneta for ..,....led bld9 for I.he comtnaqUOll of a ~ tredl to lnclude (A I dl"Llnal'•· and f B l C\U'be. luelll btda U&1l be ...-.. c1 ln lh• office of the OwMr. ln tl'Ht Admln.IAra.Uoa avtkUnc, o.....- Oout Coll..... 1101 J"aln1ew A vmu., eo.ta K-. Oraas9 Oowlty, OIJltonU.a, an.4 abaU 119 o,.n.ci ud publicly r-4 Uoed at t.M alloYe .U.ted tlme In the Board Room of the A.dm1.nl.-traUoa ~ JC&cb bid must conlorm and "1e rwponatY• to Ult. lnritaU., U.. J*na, spedftcalkla' ud a.U ot.MI' dlloumeata ~ tM pert.a.mt -trut doeuJnenta. Oop6M ot ua. O.tnct l>ooumimta NEWPORT BilBOB NEW8-PRE88 1.-, M••Y• W .. 11clay aftCI Frw., . OOAS'.UL 8BOPPEB -·Wedbeldaya ' ~ ................ -,, ...... _ • ....... 1 ...... fl.00 ......... .II .. ' ...... L60 add'\. ..... .II .. • u.. uo e6rL ... .II .. ,....._ UI eclll'I. ..... ... . L>&U>U.• -~ -...... If .. a.de .... : .._ .._, hDlloeu. -l'l1dl.J • p.m. ,."' "'' ., ~ J , .. ... ,,., f'ualScaU.. -ftunt7 l , lb. Nll1fli0a ~· PllautllDMQ 00. nu ..._ mw.. 11_,...--.... Oalll...._ Claulflecl l ... x I 0.... .t n.MI .......... ta:™' . ......... ....... ,. • I I ...... 11oc•1 .. ..,..... ursea~ ........ • ,...,. r .. au HT It ..... • ., ...... 1 • ......, ...... .. --M9 nlAl_,r_, ............ h-.. , ....... ............ •m e ....... ... ,.,.. ., ......... ..., •rw_. ... ._ ... ....... :::: :::.. 'I'\' . ..._, ........ . ...., It U.•'"* ..... ---.. .. & .......... ..... m.. • ...,.. ...... ~ .. ......... .. ......... ., ......... , ........ -...... ................ ........... _ teo<J~ .... . ._ ..... .......... ~ •e-···-····· ,.,..._ . ._. _ _.~ ....... AUllt.lNUll l.&ACl\18 THRIFT SHOP WW JM vpen ' .. Wld&y Lbrou•ll ; nday bec1&Alns Nov. ~lb J~ MOTTEU'S AND PEEK ()>Ion••• M.onuar7 ' lln Tal11 JYA ..... _, W-. ........ .....,,..,.. U ~· Clalo~ UUIUWU.. """'' l&allte9 al aJI raklil T~ t·aou ra•) MluU. 1111 ~O ea. e?tr lUfll«I •••7 beeau.- .. &ac• ell~ SEWING MACHINE ftllN'UIA ANL> ft.ID'AflUI l'ttUM .. IMI i''UN AND J'ABRIUJ t1 lu A H.,._,port •~co.ta M~• 1.1 I IOOl .. --· -............. ..,..,.., . PUILIC !) 1 ENOGRAPHElf ........ '( lr'ta am ... eatt ............. ,... ... e..idr,..• ·•• . WAREHOUSE STORAGE ft.. .., 1111 -Lt~ pAptte .. A.a" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THll N1JW "llMRIJM JC'OCW m • t Ill o 4. B•.oeOle prtOM. • .,...,. I ..,_ ..-..S.U&I bl1.cl. Only $1 .00 BUM1e ,...alnid uct reaot. "'-Plcll ., aad dellftr7 "•Ir ... ., ..,,..._, ...... ~ ...-r01 or~...., ppt.tc RJRNfTURE ~dlrlped ...._,~-·a ... C. EVRETT SMITH UI • 9'11 A. •.....n ._. liu' ....... • II I I llUa PAINTING J l'fTllKIQlla -llXTD.roftl l...uMi ~ ........ IA....S IM Jaaired Haynje ,-Barbor __, TJllc IO,..,. ... lft •t:aW 6.....,... .............. 1:1t1••• tr-. uau ~ LI ~*7 6 J.J M2ll "* ·---·~ ......... , ...... uen.. ...... I IE ...... Ma!'l\leCJ'tpta s Qlrr911J 01~ llARJORlE l.YONI H. H. HOUROOK N Iii t If Qc: .... u.. ....... ·-....... ... " ............ ...... ................ . ._,..,._ . .. ~,, . ........, ............ , .. ............ NwJotl llatbol' &•.o.& . lfl'l ..... ..., nw....,1,a , .. ~ -OllllhU .... .. ..... ~ .... HT I. ~ •"'-~11J:,;.•, fbu:n.!alD1 ' 111a:u -~ .,.tt • rttl. ...... ~ ~ ________ ,.11ca. , a.,elr ter'flOI IC1'htetlw -..... ! ....... MOVING?. •1 ---~·...-= .ttANSJ'Ell I. STORAGI' ~u Bat~ •hct... o..ta .._ ....,_.: '->'• U t ·DT• Mabt, Ra ~ .,. U I ... ,, ·.!!!!! ! Alw:!+h AACiiiiW ...... <>-__ ........ ..... OaJM. ftmellutiar '"' . ........ ..... I ' ''FIX-IT'' 111111•1 +,• ............. I Mitri ....... .,.&.,..._,~ .... ..... SEAMSTREss II" ..... X4l'O <d AU91Aftafta .............. , .. JIOI .._,...._ U... .._ ~ ...... P'IUv>.TJI DUTT ~O . u.. .. °" 9'lt.. ~ ·-tor'• ,.,_......, Har, ltlT2 W. .,. 1171.J. a,u ~ -·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.;&.-~- TELEPHONE ·OPERATORS -.trri.r -• -. --lilO TO ,.~ •• .,,. Ja war nam> - &Al'fTA Alf 4 = PACD'IC TmLEPBONli -= - 90ltllntDIOMa .. aw Ul&tllliP ..a, . .._ .... ~x.::r-= ~Mu 11nt• ••••••· A#,tlt\6 ... ~ ..... ..._ ~ Qtf HOtJIWWW-ltn ta. ""-.... MU. llll..c f\ke iht}. ~ f ttmllit ""''· "'~ lt•~~t .ia.ry, LI .. i..::· dd• -.: BABena ia Costa M.t• . 6ooClwtll nit I--'.. . . .,. a o... OlnD& ... ..., ____ __.. ....... ..._ __ _ ... ~!=!ft#? !! • WHIRLPOOL Add A Dryer ~ 41c au. oa '1'JlA1m .. ..,.. IQ- ~ .. --. . ...,,. ~T.tu.ft.toor • ----------£.att1' ,_ ......... "It' 0 I ) )1114' -~ ..., .......... ~1' J1a.tts. .... ~ ,, trdlr, .................. lut& ' Kaowlton~ TV ANTENNAS (Cllu --Bl a.ta) LI 1-lllOI. OBO&D oaa AN Uh .... ....... ~ ... .00 don, . MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM EASY GMAC TERMS STANSBURY BUI .CK YOUR BUICK DEALER 23-t Eut 17th Street, c.o.ta Kela -u S.8&11 • 54 Ford Custom Ranch W •!~~ Rtit, FORDOMATIC,W1W,~tCoo S1495 1950 Chevrolet Pickup S445 1954 Volkswagen Sedan Radio, S.t Coftrw, Brud New Motor wit'! Factory Warranty. COTTON GOFF THE VOLKSWA6EN DEALER NetrJ)C!lt...Bhod. .. t 22nd St. Newport Beacb. HR ... -. '• .. Boats DRY .STORAGB SELL YOUR CAR .. Apa. Boonr, 0.1:~ Royal. W..t!nsbouM. Du'eka, Llwyt. JESSEE'S 1011 S. MAIN ID 11141 8ANT.A. ARA 1Jee GmNl:RA.L EI.l)CJ'JUC ,._ trtc~ UI• i-. erGel top ~ J E s s E E ' s cb8t. color &at.riol', lb.II._ 1011 8. Kiln Kl I AU ---------- U.A. ... D ... •tDED Ru~s ta door, rrwytll.tq. Patd down Banta Alla Bl'!OROOM •t. Pro't1JlclS&l an- ... cmua ua. '1 a-a. Deot. :a. P. BIJt \a4lk. cJean boat. Mu.It "11 WI ..Urftd. SU00. • wm iaa JUL or ~ • IDd T.0.'a. IOll lllanDI a. X .B llar. IT11J. llpll CASH ~u.: Cl.l:AN '61 TO ·01 AlHu' PAID FOR OR NU'f ~, "" "1;11' to •tne.ae. Ne c&lb down. J*Y IUc:RVEL. lrl')&lJ -... ---t· Uque white hand rubbed a.nd _P_RIV_A._Tll_DOC_l.X __ tw_nn_t._Har_ .... nmnluarJ.01' _ .... ,1 ..... -k ·-·-· .. --derorat.ed PU'Cbmait rold. s -a. llttc LIBERTY ... 'OTORS • ·' ~· TAm ~ '" .._.. -. or. OM Co. lnsluanc-. LI II-...,_ M BAUCJHN'I ruJlN. ~ &JOI aft.r 2 30. 82f'M drawer ~ti..L Trtple m-r ------T-• ""'-----l638 Newport Blvd. U ... 1$111 All ... __..,. 1~ eeo w. lTUl St.., eo.ta M.-a. and min-or, niftit lt&ndll. Al· 1.1' LYMAN..._._,..,_,.,. IO ltp --------~ l'llmm. U. a. OIL lllYd. 1 llUt. W. ot Vu'1 Bowltq Oood Bu11 1a most n-. LI 1-69'1. l.'\<''4 l.nbo&rd. •OIL COCld, atru £ilj-. ... Jnatt ~ ITttc ADIJ. 8tere houn: M__,. USED R.ANOl:a, WA.BJD:RB, 5 ROOMS of f'u~lt;;re, t.nclud.; ,XbO. Bar. MIO-&. llpU WE PAY GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED -TRUCKS '61 CIWr. " T. ! 11p. P. U. '51 OJllC ....,_. ~ T. 'fl ('.Jw9. ~ T. I 91>-P . U. ''1 OJllC 1,i T. P . U. 'M PonUlo Bed. Dal 'U Oe'f. 'i T, C4ttC 'H lnl'l. I T. J'lat '&a ~ ... ~ T. P. U. 'M GMC I\ T. 4 9J>. Du&! 'M Che'f. C 0.111. 2 T. 1 1p. ·~ FO'l'd 1 T. P. U. . Look .. ...,.,. 'DI LINCOLN Rm top epe. 811.uUtul • tOM '""" 1-t.b&A IOOO mO., ,_.. ...... Ins ud brakll. JCl.ectrto ..... dow1' ' way JlO"'W .-t. .. nna t>ctore J'OU t1u;r. ~ low -$Ut5. Johnson & Son YAL LU.a -.... "" uma J'rtday t -11. Bal • to e. R.EJ'IUOERATORS ....... H ... 1,.,,., otpolJlt 11 cu. •... f'9.. ... ,..._'-' o-..at-,.. V •1' -Mtloe•l;Jt MY. •. 9un. l 1·11. LI 8-UH. ICuy Ten:na alld l'ree .O.Uvery f r1J 19~ O'K..re Uld >hn1l --~ __, .., $?.O. FOR OW Ult srs THJll ~ •olum• truck , _________ _ _.... to 71, ~. ltroot·1 Te"1n.llle Hardwar. nanp. th• btr CP, all auto-____ ,__ ___ _ ...... ••tni. .... etft.a. -RENT AN moNER 1802 Npwport Blvd matlc Urbtlnc. 1 btc complete ,_ X.. ...,_ Qlft llaau. . C:0.C.. M-U a-a.us . tMidrm. fTP9·· blC T pc. din. nn -..... ... ...... naM Sl.00 par ..... pats ta.. 1"1mtte w;t 11 «T'P· 11 pc. ll•. ml .. ITP-BaJ. ., •rcH • CLOCK .. JWr Daine. alt dawa to ltoe wmDOIDWOOD ... ,.. lta anc-e dUe only IMT.11. No cub ""' tron. l\Mt&l may M applied tbe btr 40 .. model auto clock down. pay only '3.IO ps -k. repairing to purchue later No obllp Jr1ddl, ovv-et. oYSl and bti BAUOHN'8 Jl'UJtN wanboUM. ~ UOo. We tMCb Y°". to ll'on. extra brollar. UMd Clllly ! mo·1. 8eO W. 17th It .. Cotta M-. TV Antennas $7.95 A ntenn.u P N ud I.II JUNK CARS FREE P l~'KUP w l-<)676 Kl 6 1862 10-Aatoe ror Sale ----- Save d.e&l•r In Ora.na'e Co. tor belt MlecUon ot. med truck.a. Our prlce1 and tn'ml ea.n not be beaL W .. W. WOODS SMC DEALER fl._11 &. dlti It.., lanta Ana Truck Beadqu&rt..W t• Oran~• Mc:C4RTBY'8 Fine Cara Since lau I~~ Cld1Uae C,.. Old)' blilff. ..... 1'20 8. Ma1n, Banta Au Buick . -. .... ftlD mrDl.£TD hid down to auaea. No cub l bill. w ot van .. Bawltnr Jfl:WP()aT JEWlll.l:RS J ES S EE 1 S down. Pay only Jl.lll par Aney. Blore houri Mnnd&y 1011 8. M&ln Jtl I IUI wMlt.. lhru F'rtday ..... lat. • to •. ACM& T. v. Mercury's County 'IMI IUPD IUY. ~ ....n ,.... ' lftl •..,art ...._ aaDta Ana BAUOHN'8 FURN. warellloua, Bun. ll-3 LI I-Ill&. 411 n.t at. WZ KAVll ..vwJ JIM Nero-----!..------.. e Ihm u MOU Wll HONOR all diMlOtmt cardlt--eeo w. lTth at.. Colt.a ,,.... FT .. l1N \UYI 1.n.-Koat.ny epea.' 1956 END OF YEAR ~· DRAPIRIES A.BC. r • D co. a ca o o L 1 bl)(. W. °' Va.n'• Bowltnr MESA WOODCRA Me111l41a.1r CpM. and etattom ·.ad SUP COVERS ~ MILlT.ART and ~·,.!:; M~t. 1:°':f. SOllE't'HING NEW Knowlton r tnmlal wacona. CLEARANCE SALEI I • UNION carda. JAKl:'8 AP--_. ... _ ---t ot .___..._ B-•-· ..,. ._ Ordll' PUANQliB. its~ Barbor, eun. u-&. u a..i111.. •"d:oc,;.:;;,, ... ';a ;i':""...,::...... TV REPAIR Johnson 1864 n.-uu _, ...._._ -....,._ Colt&"-LI~ TAPPAN RANGE plutena. sptc.1 cabinet-. JDal'" & S 19!50 Ford A.Qslla CAJICIL,l.Jt DRAPERIES G.J:.. Refricvat« um• raca. w.p11oee ltaD4I. 6 u:NT.u• On UGe M. G. -A ...,__ .... •.., now ample. .. .,. $1001 Baa ate. Ainutns n-BEVl:ft.· • tot w. Cout Hwy. 18M M.. 0 .v.-.tt .. _ •......... m:.oenat ccsullttcm, ideal for apt. olocll. ctirome 0<rm, rot1-..rre, ~ •tin .t.t.n ktta fbr nn-r•n•uvu.;a, IUUllORA.111 .. N~ 8eacb •LI 1-64.U • --. ........ _ .t•-_,. Dun TV,•ll&r ... -Uple eto. .9U7 for tmt P.11 I*' lmbtnc. Small depalllt wtll 81rfb .... UJl I.... l~·Jap&r Coupe P Ow .t. IUT'fAO Wl'blSW ......a.n. al· we& N• dowL hokS ant tt.m. 1111 BaAor U tlD McCARTHY'S 1961 A.attn Sedan 10P.9rty ner "'ttn. nioa ....,, t\1117 ~ nms .. ea.ta w-.. LI 1-1M1 . • • ~ •• ,... BJIA-nat ~ ...... J.uat'a A.PPLl· J Es s EE Is . HOU81rP'ULL of tumJt.ure. lft· --ocro--BER--SPINET----Fln• Cara Since 1934 Sport Car Center --., .. ;w..tae ,.WT ARCS8. arr Rarbo1', eo.t& 101S .. Ml1n IU 1 IUI a.cs. ... ~. B~ 11 pc. PIANO IPIX:IAJA! 'Mv~ -~ tulon}y ~.=.· BAUn::llN-WA.T80N fltl ... 97 ...,_ ot at Good-"--LI ~ 8ant.a Ana d!Jdn& room fl'P.. u po. UY. .., ,,,.,.,,. ---.. _... 1 ... II"._., nn. fl'P., an4 complet. bedrm S::1;..:' ::J:.r.14 = 1420 fl Ma.tn, Santa Ana 1111 BA!tBOft BLVD. "'· I ~ lllllMIJI ,. Wlllt.a. Tl* car ll llD .... ~ IJtN ,.., ... Johnson & Son Ford -TDtl8 '1'0 CALL USED R.EnUGl:RATOBS SAVE FOUP. .All -· Paid down to b&D. Oallil9 A Ion, £!..asc;, l~ Tl:IUH.LMl:K.llWW •oruuma-eo.ta Keila LI 1-11" ~ • '21.00 . ..t.12, no _... ~ P'1 n .. n--.. -W Dt.9 6 d .ta .... I~ tM ...... $1 ao• only A.a ,.. ...... ..---. llr • U• a • a. T.Oi.. .ALL ... •WK«IA ... a es I • .. ,_. --...... N"4 •lr• ll*Jlf. B ... •1'9 50 • UGBN'B l'UllN. ...,...,.., ....... ,,..... la .w.opay, Bil'llTY waw. WI.Ra w. (l. u CA.Dn..t.AC ~-N-top. t-. ............... ... ~ "'AT A krftl ~ IUent. ...,... On MO.RO• autom&Ua wull• • eeo W. lTUI at.. eo.t& K-. ~~!: lftltopll • .:.:.. ~i ~·uJtR•aTRN1 ... , ?;..~ ..... NlllO.. .Jet Muk. red 1-thlr. •HARP. 10.000 ....... ~ .. ... ' ~ We. 111• t k»il tlfW.UC.. U• pa er,. -·~ _ ..W 1- 1 bDI. W. ot Vaa'1 BoW~ -·--ap ' -· .. -. •.u ....... · •• oa. oww. Prtftt. ...V· tNm. $1m. • •· C ....... ........... la .-.-. ,... -...... fll' ............... _ cl-. -r; /Jtq. .... --= lilolMlaJ v--. ........ ~ ... •t • ..,. '1 ... u ...... IW6 .... tM& ......... ~ ... 111'7 MoWI. i......... tllN ~,,H. 9lt. ' to .. 1116 IPiD ~... Jot.won ,.. ..... ,.-r DH. ~· .J Es s E E • s O.Mlill .... ~."'....... ... ~ ... r.t NIA -...:-.... ,. ~. 'l'aM ----------\ • C!-..... 1 ~,._,• .. · im1.11a.a m•ata =~=-~ ·. :;:..~~= '54 M~ ... -.~91111' ... m. a •VIO. ...._ ••· • • ._.. •• -~ !J-A-h!P-n ~ "'0 ·~-.,. x-.;;,.-· u .... -7~ .......... ti• ...... 1111 P&D.00 Nb:tl ... tat, .... l'V"\Lli ---· :~ ... ,....._ .... u .... SAVE ll~ CV.. ft. .... .... ..... ANTIQUES .UJ taMI .... ..,.,.., McCARTHY'S ~ VTNlL '11UM, ~ # • .... :a.... fllll mt.a. .,...... ... 100 .. WWI &. Wft. ..., rft ,,_Can Since l8M ~ .... •~ ~ •• 1.=.t.:: ... =.: .. ::.!' ... =--...,;;,,,; . .1170 fr.-~ dmiq ....... ---..viii.-& ---~.._,.,, 1111 hrd Clclam7 a.em. Radio, ........ ' ..,. fO'WW ...... - .._._ -~ Pat• •"1 ,......, .._.. =.:: ~,.._._.a.-. ...._, I'll, ,.. .ooo .u. 1.-.1 low mo.. PIWd Jtsbt o.u-.n.~•er ......... '° Jltf.11 fnm .._. C,: .= •..,. -. .,. •z , f:2*.. ~ . __.._ -an...._ a.. _.., p. x. OU1b..,., _,,,_ • ....,. ew21•-. Old ACIOD TV 6 liDIO la> I. Ka.bl. Santa Ana --...t.s'I' llAn DOOM. Jlll7 ~ tU6 .. .... .... .... ""' ,_, ...... ....-. ......... w.u. u., aMJCJHlC"a l"URK • ..,..... Alfil&ilft> UH'U9UAS. n m-111t a *'-_. T.uca ova aALA.NCS. ·0t .... ...,. .,,. ... ..., ..., -w. l~ ... ODllta..... .al ... Gar ••• _.. to...... ..... ftbtua .iiu,... 8laek. --~ .... .... .. • 1 llOt. w. c( van .. 8ow1lnS ,... •t Ute "Rm ••ID'"'. s&A.anrut. lllack aic.y .,... e.ooo ma., ft • R. U:ated •••U•• .... 111. ~ .~. aton ...,._: Mendat 1mn aar11or • ...._ o.o. ID et Pt&ao · wtua MtxJL 6'00 SIMI. w.w . ..,_,. 111t. moo. at Johnson & Son .I~ ~ 1Jt7 taina rrtday M . taL t te e. 1· .. 1 CJ Mlt. M. I( w-.. Bar Ill or 6Ha. MrtL Netuu'IJ-Pnnte party. U 1-11M I IOO W. Oot..lt Hwy. ..,._, ClolCa ....... U....... .... 11.&, U N1ll. ....... Bl.cl.. 0 .0.t _... Ill&. Ilda a.m. t.o I p.nt. llCll6 Mewpirt a-4 LI a..M2I &IOB••-. ....... 4 I • . ~ . ..,.....,,. _ _..,..._ How _.,..,,.... WA.m " 0 ! 'J "•, wt&.l II ,_,. tQtli J F 11 llit ·• 'ODl'llJW .................. . lat.9 model 4 ...,..... l&l'NSl ~llo qict1M11• ta mi...,. W aD IDaJI& , ... \